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DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES 1941 and Index to Electric Statistics Currently Published by Federal Power Commission * • e * * © FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Published by the Federal Power Commission as a Report on Official Project Number 165–2–97–84 conducted under the auspices of the Work Projects Administration F. P. C. S.–19 For sale only by the Federal Power Commission sº º ºs & º º º sº. Price $2.00 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION LELAND OLDs, Chairman. BASIL MANLY, Vice Chairman. CLAUDE L. DRAPER JoBN W. SCOTT CLYDE L. SEAVEY LEoN M. FUQUAY, Secretary. # ---- rº, 3 *::: * * * * , *- * * t DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES - FOREWORD The 1941 Directory of Electric Utilities in the United States is issued as a result of the continuing widespread demand for a complete and authoritative list of electric utilities operating in the United States with certain of the more essential facts relating to each. The supply of the first edition, published in 1940, was completely exhausted shortly after the announcement of its issuance. The new edition is completely revised and is based on the latest information available. The following items of information are included in the Directory: NAME OF ELECTRIC UTILITY AND PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OFFICE ADDRESS. CoRPoRATE CONTROL Over UTILITY (top controlling company and extent of voting interest if control is direct rather than through subsidiaries). OFFICERS AND DIRECTORs. CoMPANIES CONTROLLED BY THE UTILITY. ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT. ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUEs. NUMBER OF ELECTRIC CUSTOMERs. GENERATING CAPACITY. KILOWATT-Hours GENERATED AND PURCHASED. CoMMUNITIES SERVED AT RETAIL. UTILITIES SERVED AT WHOLESALE. OTHER SERVICES RENDERED. The information shown for each utility has been abstracted from reports filed with the Commission. Subsequent to their compilation, the abstracts were verified, and in some instances supplemented, by the utilities. The Directory represents, therefore, an authoritative, accurate compendium of facts concerning the electric utility industry of the United States. The Directory was prepared under the direction and supervision of the Commission's staff with clerical personnel furnished by the Work Projects Administration in New York City as a work relief project. The Commission appreciates the cooperation extended by the Work Projects Administration and the participating utilities in assembling and reviewing the data shown in this volume. Utilities included. Every utility rendering electric service to ultimate consumers in the United States is listed in the Directory, as well as establishments III IV FOREWORD which furnish energy to others. In addition, there are included a number of cooperatively owned utilities, most of which have loans from the Rural Electrification Administration." These several categories make up a total of 4,457 utilities in this Directory, as follows: 1,150 privately-owned utilities; 452 industrial organizations furnishing energy to others as an incidental part of their operations; 2,130 municipal, county, State, and Federal-owned utilities; and 725 cooperatively owned utilities. Arrangement. Utilities are listed alphabetically within States by class of ownership in the following order: (a) Privately owned utilities, (b) industrial establishments rendering incidental electric service, (c) publicly owned utilities, (d) mutually owned and cooperative utilities. Listing in this manner arranges the utilities according to reference numbers employed in the State indexes in this volume.” A utility operating in more than one State is listed in each State in which it operates. Data for all operations are shown in the State in which its principal operations are conducted and reference made to operations in other States. Data shown for the utility in such other States are confined to individual State operations. 1 Data shown for utilities having loans from the Rural Electrification Administration have in almost all instances been reported by that organization. Because of the expansion of the new systems financed by the Rural Electrification Administration during the year and the volume of work under construction, the data for these utilities are not comparable to those reported by established operating utilities. The data reported as “Electric Utility Plant” are based on amounts advanced by the Rural Electrification Administration and include amounts for facilities under construction as well as those in operation. Over 60 percent of the customers were connected during the period July 1, 1939, to December 31, 1940, and in some cases as much as 50 percent of the miles of line of a cooperative may have been under construction. . * Reference Number.—The five-digit numbers preceding the name of each utility are those employed by the Federal Power Commission for administrative purposes in compiling information from the entire electric utility industry, regardless of class of ownership or character of operations. The inclusion of a utility in this Directory, therefore, has no relation to the status of the company as a “public utility” as defined by the Federal Power Act. - The first two digits of the reference number denote the State in which the utility operates, based on alpha- betical listing of the States, including the District of Columbia. Thus “01” denotes the State of Alabama, and “49” the State of Wyoming. - º The last three digits of the reference number have been assigned to the individual utility according to its alphabetical listing within one of the four classes of ownership, as follows: 001 to 199—Privately owned utilities. 201 to 499–Industrial establishments rendering incidental electric service. 501 to 799—Publicly owned utilities, including agencies of the Federal Government and State govern- ments, such as irrigation and power districts. 801 to 999—Mutually owned and cooperative utilities. The reference numbers thus indicate the class of ownership of a given utility and the State in which it Operates. - - The gaps which occur between consecutive numbers within a class of ownership are occasioned by the cancellation of intervening numbers, brought about by mergers, consolidations, cessation of operations, o changes in class of ownership of the utilities to which such numbers were originally assigned. - DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES HNDEX (*) Denotes Publicly Owned Utility A Operates In Page No. *Abbeville Water and Electric Plant-------------- South Carolina-------- 715 *Abbeville Water & Light Plant----------------- Louisiana------------- 289 Abbott Younglove Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 594 *Aberdeen Electric Department----------------- Mississippi------------ 408 Abington Electric Company-------------------- Pennsylvania- - - ------ 668 *Acequia Mutual Electric Company------------- Idaho---------------- 126 *Ackley Municipal Light and Power------------- Iowa----------------- 206 *Acworth Water & Light Commission------------ Georgia.-------------- 105 *Adams County Cooperative Electric Company--- Iowa----------------- 227 *Adams Electrical Cooperative------------------ Illinois--------------- 153 Adams Electric Light Company----------------- New York------------ 526 *Adams-Marquette Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 889 *Ada Water & Light Department, City of -------- Minnesota.------------ 379 *Adel Light & Water Department--------------- Georgia.-------------- 106 *Adrian Light and Water Commission- - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 379 *Advance Municipal Light & Power Utility------- Indiana-------------- 171 *Afton Electric Light System------------------- Iowa----------------- 206 *Agricultural and Mechanical College Power Plant- Texas---------------- 771 *Aiken Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------- South Carolina-------- 718 *Aitkin Light and Water Commission------------ Minnesota.------------ 379 Ajo Improvement Company-------------------- Arizona-------------- 15 *Akron Light and Water Works----------------- Iowa----------------- 206 *Akron Water, Light, and Sewer Commission----- New York------------ 549 *Alabama Electric Cooperative------------------ Alabama------------- 12 Alabama Marble Company--------------------- Alabama------------- 5 Alabama Power Company---------------------- Alabama------------- 1 Alabama Water Service Company--------------- Alabama------------- 4 *Alachua, City of—----------------------------- Florida--------------- 91 *Alameda Bureau of Electricity, Department of Public Utilities------------------------------ California------------ 50 *Albany, City of ------------------------------ Georgia.-------------- 106 Albany Lighting Co--------------------------- Illinois--------------- 130 *Albany Municipal Power Plant----------------- Missouri------------- 432 *Albany, Village of ---------------------------- Illinois--------------- 144 *Albemarle Municipal Light Department--------- North Carolina-------- 569 Alberine Stone Corporation of Virginia----------- Virginia-------------- 818 Albemarle Paper Company---------------------- Virginia-------------- 818 *Albertville, Electric Department, City of -------- Alabama------------- 7 Albia Light and Railway Company-------------- Iowa----------------- 193 Albion Light & Water Co----------------------- Rhode Island--------- 705 *Albion Municipal Lighting Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Idaho---------------- 123 *Albion Water and Light Department------------ Indiana-------------- 171 Albuquerque Gas and Electric Company--------- New Mexico.---------- 519 *Alcorn County Electric Power Association------- Mississippi----------- 413 Alden Mills, The------------------------------ Mississippi----------- 407 *Alder Mutual Light Company------------------ Washington.----------- 839 *Alexander City Electric Light Plant- - - - -------- Alabama------------- 7 Alexander Manufacturing Co------------------- North Carolina-------- 567 W 322184—42—1 VI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Alexandria Board of Public Works--------------- Minnesota------------ 380 *Alexandria Electric Light & Water Works------- Louisiana------------- 290 *Alexandria Light Department------------------ Nebraska------------- 465 *Alfalfa Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Oklahoma------------ 651 *Alger-Delta Cooperative Electric Association---- Michigan------------- 364 *Algoma Utility Commission-------------------- Wisconsin------------ 875 *Algona Light and Water Plant----------------- Iowa----------------- 206 *Aline Electric Light System-------------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 *Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- Iowa----------------- 227 *Allegan Board of Public Works----------------- Michigan------------- 355 Allegheny Pittsburgh Coal Co------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 694 Allegheny River Mining Company--------------- Pennsylvania--------- 694 Allen County Supply Company----------------- Kansas--------------- 243 *Allen-Wells County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 184 *Alliance Municipal Utilities-------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 Alliance Public Service Company, The----------- Ohio----------------- 594 Allied Power and Light Company--------------- Vermont------------- 801 *Alma, City of—-------------- ----------------- Kansas--------------- 244 *Alma Municipal Light Plant------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 Alpena Power Company------------------------ Michigan------------- 344 Alpha Portland Cement Co--------------------- West Virginia--------- 851 *Alpha, Village of ----------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 380 Al's Service Electric Station-------------------- Michigan------------- 353 *Altamaha Electric Membership Corporation, The Georgia.-------------- 113 *Altamont, City of ---------------------------- Illinois--------------- 144 *Altamont, City of ---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 244 *Alta Municipal Electric System---------------- Iowa----------------- 206 *Alta Vista Lighting System-------------------- Iowa----------------- 206 *Alton, City of—------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 244 Altoona & Logan Valley Electric Railway Co------ Pennsylvania--------- 668 *Altus Electric Light Department--------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 Aluminum Company of America----------------- Tennessee------------ 739 *Alvarado Municipal Electric Department-------- Minnesota.------------ 380 *Amana Society Service Company--------------- Iowa----------------- 227 *Amelia Village Light Plant-------------------- Ohio----------------- 610 American Coal Co. of Allegheny County---------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 851 American Hardwear Company------------------ Virginia-------------- 818 American Potash & Chemical Corporation-------- California------------ 48 American Rolling Mill Co., The ----------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 851 American Tobacco Company-------------------- Virginia-------------- 818 American Utilities Corporation------------------ Iowa----------------- 193 *Americus, City of—--------------------------- Kansas--------------- 244 Amesbury Electric Light Company-------------- Massachusetts-------- 320 *Ames, Municipal Light and Power Plant, City of— Iowa----------------- 206 *Amherst Electric Light Plant------------------ Ohio----------------- 610 *Amherst, Village of L------------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 *Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation----- Georgia.-------------- 113 *Amorita, Town of---------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 *Amory Water & Light Plant------------------- Mississippi----------- 408 Anaconda Copper Mining Co - - - - - - ------------- Idaho---------------- 123 *Anadarko Municipal Water and Light----------- Oklahoma------------ 641 *Anaheim Light and Water Department---------- California------------ 50 Anderson and Middleton----------------------- Washington.----------- 832 *Anderson Municipal Light and Power------------ Indiana-------------- 171 Andover Power Co., Inc.------------------------- Maine--------------- 297 *Andover, Village of ---------------------------- New York------------ 549 Androscoggin Water Power Company------------- Maine--------------- 297 *Angelica Electric Light and Power Board--------- New York------------ 549 *Anita Municipal Utilities----------------------- Iowa----------------- 207 *Anna Municipal Light & Power Plant------------ Ohio----------------- 610 *Anoka County Cooperative Light & Power Asso- ciation-------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 399 *Anoka-Water & Light Dep’t., City of ----------- Minnesota.------------ 380 *Ansley Municipal Light Plant------------------ Nebraska------------- 465 *Anthon Municipal System --------------------- Iowa----------------- 207 INDEX VII Operates In Page No. *Anthony, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 245 *Apex, Town of------------------------------- North Carolina-------- 569 *Aplington Municipal Light System------------- Iowa----------------- 207 *Appalachian Electric Cooperative--------------- Tennessee------------ 750 Appalachian Electric Power Company------------ Tennessee------------ 736 Virginia-------------- 811 West Virginia.--------- 843 Appleton Company---------------------------- South Carolina-------- 713 Appleton Woolen Mills------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 872 *Arapahoe, City of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 *Arcade Municipal Electric Plant--------------- New York------------ 549 *Arcadia Board of Public Affairs---------------- Ohio----------------- 610 *Arcadia, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 245 *Arcadia Electric and Water Plant-------------- Wisconsin ------------ 875 *Arcanum Water and Electric Light Plant-------- Ohio----------------- 610 Arco Electric Company------------------------ Minnesota.------------ 368 *Arco Municipal Light Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Idaho---------------- 123 *Argos Municipal Electric Light Plant----------- Indiana-------------- 171 *Argusville, Village of.------------------------- North Dakota.-------- 589 *Argyle Electric and Water Utility-------------- Wisconsin ------------ 875 Arizona Edison Company, Inc.------------------ Arizona-------------- 15 Arizona Electric Power Company---------------- Arizona-------------- 16 Arizona General Utilities Company-------------- Arizona-------------- 16 Arizona Power Corporation, The---------------- Arizona-------------- 16 Arkansas General Utilities Company------------- Arkansas------------- 25 Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation------------ Arkansas------------- 25 Missouri------------- 420 Arkansas Power & Light Company-------------- Arkansas------------- 26 Louisiana------------- 283 Arkansas Utilities Company-------------------- Arkansas------------- 27 *Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Corporation- Arkansas------------- 34 *Ark. Valley Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The---------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 265 *Arlington, City of ---------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 *Arlington Municipal Light & Power System-- - - - Minnesota.------------ 380 *Arlington Municipal Plant, The---------------- Ohio----------------- 611 *Arma, City of—------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 245 *Armington Municipal Lighting System---------- Illinois--------------- 144 *Armstrong Electric Department---------------- Missouri------------- 433 *Arnold, Village of.---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 466 Arrowhead Lake Corporation------------------- California------------ 48 Arrowhead Light & Power Co------------------- Minnesota------------ 368 Arvada Electric Company, The----------------- Colorado------------- 57 *Ashburnham Municipal Light Department------- Massachusetts-------- 336 *Asheville, City of—---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 569 *Ashland, City of.----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 245 *Ashland Electric Department------------------ Oregon--------------- 662 *Ashland Municipal Electric Light Department---- New Hampshire------- 506 Aspinook Corporation-------------------------- Connecticut.---------- 76 *Aspinwall Borough Water and Light Plant-------- Pennsylvania--------- 697 Associated Maryland Electric Power Corporation--- Maryland_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 309 *Atchison-Holt Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 443 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, The---------------------------------------- Arizona-------------- 21 *Athens Board of Public Utilities, City of --------- Tennessee------------ 739 *Athens Light Department, City of—------------- Alabama------------- 7 Athol Gas and Electric Company---------------- Massachusetts-------- 320 Atlanta Power Company----------------------- Idaho---------------- 119 Atlantic City Electric Company----------------- New Jersey----------- 509 *Atlantic Municipal Light & Water Plant-------- Iowa----------------- 207 *Attica, City of ------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 245 Attleboro Steam and Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - Massachusetts-------- 320 *Auburn, City of—----------------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 *Auburn Electric Light and Water Department - - - - Indiana-------------- 171 Auburn Shank Company----------------------- New York------------ 547 *Auburn, Town of----------------------------- Iowa----------------- 207 VIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Augusta City Light and Water Plant----------- Arkansas------------- 32 *Augusta, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 245 *Aurora, Town of----------------------------- North Carolina-------- 570 *Austin Board of Water, Electric, Gas and Power Commissioners------------------------------ Minnesota.------------ 380 Austin Garage & Machine Shop.----------------- Nevada-------------- 497 *Austin Water, Light, and Power Department - - - - - Texas---------------- 771 *Avalon-Utility Department, City of ------------ California------------ 50 *Avilla Electric Light Plant--------------------- Indiana-------------- 172 Avondale Mills-------------------------------- Alabama------------- 5 *Axtell Municipal Electric Department----------- Kansas--------------- 246 *Ayden Water and Light Department------------ North Carolina-------- 570 *Azusa Light, Power and Water Department - - - - - California------------ 50 B *B. A. R. C. Electric Cooperative--------------- Virginia-------------- 822 *Badger, Town of----------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 Bagley and Sewall----------------------------- New York------------ 547 *Bagley Water & Light Commission------------- Minnesota------------ 381 Bailey, C. C---------------------------------- West Virginia--------- 845 *Bailey County Electric Cooperative Association--- Texas---------------- 779 Baileyville Light & Power Co------------------- Kansas--------------- 236 *Bainbridge Board of Public Affairs-------------- Ohio----------------- 611 *Bainbridge Municipal Electric Department - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 172 *Baird, Electric Light & Power Plant, City of ------ Texas---------------- 771 *Baker Electric Cooperative, Inc ---------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 591 *Baker Municipal Power and Light System------- Oregon--------------- 662 Baker Utilities Company, Earl W - - - - ----------- Oklahoma------------ 634 Baldon & Sons, C. H--------------------------- Colorado.------------- 57 *Baldwin City Light & Water Department - - - - - - - Ransas--------------- 246 *Baldwin County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Alabama------------- 12 Baldwin County Power Company--------------- Alabama------------- 4 *Bamberg Board of Public Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - South Carolina-------- 715 *Bancroft Municipal Electric Plant-------------- Iowa----------------- 207 *Bandera Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Texas---------------- 780 *Bandon, Hydroelectric Department, City of - - - - - Oregon--------------- 662 Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company-------- Maine--------------- 305 *Bangor Electric Department, City of—----------- Maine--------------- 306 Bangor Hydro-Electric Company---------------- Maine--------------- 297 *Bangor Municipal Electric & Water Department-- Wisconsin------------ 875 *Banning Electrical Department----------------- California------------ 50 Baraga County Light and Power Company------- Michigan------------- 344 *Baraga, Village of.---------------------------- Michigan------------- 355 *Barbourville Electric Department-------------- Kentucky------------ 277 *Bardstown, City of --------------------------- Kentucky------------ 277 *Bargersville Heat, Light & Power Company -- - - - Indiana-------------- 172 *Barnesville, City of—-------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 106 *Barnesville, City of—-------------------------- Minnesota.-----...------ 381 Barre Wool Combing Co., Ltd., The------------- Massachusetts-------- 335 *Barron County Electric Cooperative------------ Wisconsin------------ 889 *Barron Light and Water Commission-- - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 875 *Bartholomew County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation---------------------------- Indiana-------------- 184 *Bartlett Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Texas---------------- 780 *Bartlett Municipal Light Plant----------------- Texas---------------- 771 *Bartley, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 466 *Barton County Electric Cooperative------------ Missouri------------- 443 *Barton Village, Inc.--------------------------- Vermont------------- 807 *Bartow, City of—----------------------------- Florida--------------- 91 Basin Gold Mines, Inc.------------------------- Montana------------- 453 *Basin Municipal Light & Water Plant----------- Wyoming------------- 900 Bassetts Furniture Company-------------------- Virginia-------------- 818 *Batavia, City of—----------------------------- Illinois--------------- 144 Bates Manufacturing Company----------------- Maine--------------- 305 *Bath Electric, Gas, and Water System---------- New York------------ 549 INDEX IX Operates In Page No. Battle Creek Power Company, Inc.---------------- South Dakota.--------- 721 *Baudette Light & Water Department------------ Minnesota.------------ 381 *Bayard, City of ------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 466 *Bay City Electric Light Department------------- Michigan------------- 355 Bay De Noguet Company----------------------- Michigan------------- 353 Bay Point Light & Power Co-------------------- California------------ 37 Bayer Light Company-------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 721 *Bayport Municipal Light Plant----------------- Minnesota.------------ 381 *Beach City Board of Public Service-------------- Ohio----------------- 611 *Beartooth Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Montana------------- 454 *Beatrice, City of ------------------------------ Nebraska------------- 466 *Beauregard Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------ Louisiana------------- 294 *Beaver City, City of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 466 *Beaver City Corporation----------------------- Utah----------------- 793 *Bedford Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _-__ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 703 *Bedford, Town of----------------------------- Virginia-------------- 819 Beebee Island Corporation----------------------- New York------------ 547 Beech Bottom Power Company, Inc -------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 845 *Belden Municipal Power Plant------------------ Nebraska------------- 466 Belding Hemingway Co------------------------- Connecticut---------- 76 *Belfalls Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------- Texas---------------- 780 *Belhaven, Town of---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 570 *Bellaire, Village of.---------------------------- Michigan------------- 355 *Bellefontaine Department of Public Utilities------ Ohio----------------- 611 *Belleville, City of ----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 246 *Bellevue Municipal Light Department----------- Iowa----------------- 207 *Bellevue, Village of ----- ----------------------- Michigan------------- 355 Bell Light Company, F. O----------------------- South Dakota.--------- 721 Bell, Mr. Frank-------------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 634. Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corporation---------- New Hampshire------- 501 Vermont------------- 801 Bells Light and Water Company---------------- Tennessee------------ 736 *Belmont Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Ohio----------------- 627 Belmont Hosiery Co--------------------------- New Hampshire------- 506 *Belmont Light, Power, and Water Plant--------- Wisconsin------------ 875 *Belmont Municipal Light Department----------- Massachusetts-------- 336 *Beloit Light and Water Department------------ Kansas--------------- 246 Belton Light & Power-------------------------- South Carolina-------- 709 Belvidere Light and Power Company------------ South Dakota.--------- 721 *Belvidere Light System - - - -------------------- Nebraska------------- 466 *Belzoni Water & Light Plant------------------- Mississippi----------- 408 *Benkelman Light and Water Department-------- Nebraska------------- 466 *Bennettsville Electric and Water Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 715 *Benson Light, Heat and Power Plant- - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota------------ 381 *Benson, Town of----------------------------- North Carolina-------- 570 *Benton City Light & Water Company - - - - - - - - - - Kentucky------------ 277 *Benton County, Board of Public Utilities___ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 739 *Benton County Electric Cooperative Association- Iowa----------------- 227 Benton County Utilities Corporation------------- Arkansas------------- 28 *Benton Electric Light and Power District No. 1.-- Arkansas__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 *Benton Electric and Water Public Utility-------- Wisconsin------------ 876 *Benton Heights Municipal Light System_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Carolina-------- 570 *Benton-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc._-_ _ _ _ _ _ Oregon--------------- 665 *Benton Rural Electric Association-------------- Washington----------- 839 Benton Utility Company----------------------- Oregon--------------- 655 *Bentonville Light and Water System------------ Arkansas------------- 32 Berea College Heat & Power Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kentucky------------ 269 *Berea Light and Water Department------------ Ohio----------------- 611 *Beresford, City of—--------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 *Bergen Municipal Electric Department, Village of----------------------------------------- ew York------------ 550 *Berkeley Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- South Carolina-------- 718 *Berlin Borough Municipal Electric Light System-- Pennsylvania--------- 697 *Berlin Electric Department-------------------- Maryland------------ 315 Berrien Gas & Electric Company---------------- Michigan------------- 344 *Bertrand Municipal Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 467 X FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Berwind-White Coal Mining Company----------- Pennsylvania--------- 694 Bessemer Coal, Iron & Land Co----------------- Alabama------------- 5 *Bessemer Electric Service---------------------- Alabama------------- 7 *Bessemer Light Utility------------------------ Michigan------------- 355 *Bethany Municipal Light Plant---------------- Illinois--------------- 144 *Bethany Water and Light Plant---------------- Missouri------------- 433 *Bethel Municipal Light Plant------------------ Ohio----------------- 611 Bethlehem Steel Company---------------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 694 Bever Electric Company----------------------- South Dakota.--------- 721 Beverly Gas and Electric Company-------------- Massachusetts-------- 320 Bibb Manufacturing Co------------------------ Georgia.-------------- 104 *Big Bend Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------- Washington - - - - ------ 839 *Bigelow, Village of --------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 381 Big Fork Valley Electric Service Co-------------- Minnesota.------------ 369 *Biggs Municipal Utilities---------------------- California------------ 51 *Big Horn Rural Electric Company-------------- Wyoming------------- 904 *Big Rapids Hydro-Electric Plant. -------------- Michigan------------- 356 Big Springs Power Co-------------------------- Utah----------------- 789 *Big Stone City Muncipal Light & Power_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 727 Billhimer Light Plant-------------------------- Ohio----------------- 595 Biltmore Company, The------------------------ North Carolina-------- 567 Birchton Coal Co------------------------------ West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 851 Birmingham Electric Company------------------ Alabama------------- 4 Bishop, Mrs. Eva------------------------------ Virginia-------------- 812 Bison Electric Company------------------------ South Dakota.--------- 721 *Biwabik, Village of.-------------------------- Minnesota------------ 382 *Blachly-Lane County Cooperative Electric Asso- ciation------------------------------------- Oregon.--------------- 665 Black Band Corporation------------------------ West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 851 *Black Creek, Town of ------------------------ North Carolina-------- 570 Black Diamond Coal Mining Co----------------- Kentucky------------ 275 Black Diamond Power Co---------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 845 *Black Earth Municipal Electric Utility---------- Wisconsin------------ 876 Blackmon and Son---------------------------- Wyoming------------- 895 *Black River Electric Cooperative--------------- Missouri------------- 443 *Black River Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- South Carolina--- - - - - - 718 *Black River Falls Electric Utility_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 876 *Blackstone Light and Power Plant-------------- Virginia.-------------- 820 Blackstone Valley Gas and Electric Company----- Rhode Island.--------- 705 *Black Warrior Electric Membership Corporation-- Alabama------------- 12 *Blackwell, City of ---------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 641 *Blaine Municipal Light Plant------------------ Washington.----------- 834 *Blair Electric Light Company------------------ Kansas--------------- 265 *Blair Light Dept., City of --------------------- Nebraska------------- 467 Blair Veneer Co------------------------------- Vermont------------- 806 *Blakely Borough Municipal Light Plant--------- Pennsylvania--------- 697 *Blakely Water & Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - - Georgia.-------------- 106 *Blanchester Municipal Light System------------ Ohio----------------- 612 *Blandford Electric Light Department----------- Massachusetts-------- 336 *Blanding Light and Power Department--------- Utah----------------- 793 Blandin Paper Co----------------------------- Minnesota------------ 378 *Blissfield Electric Light and Water Works------- Michigan------------- 356 Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills----------------- Washington.----------- 832 Bloom Co., Edward---------------------------- Connecticut---------- 76 *Bloomdale Municipal Light and Power---------- Ohio----------------- 612 *Bloomer Electric and Water Co---------------- Wisconsin------------ 876 *Bloomfield Light & Power Plant---------------- Nebraska------------- 467 *Bloomfield Light and Water Department-------- Iowa----------------- 208 *Blooming Prairie Light & Power Plant---------- Minnesota------------ 382 *Bloomington, Commercial Light & Power De- partment, City of—--------------------------- Illinois--------------- 145 *Blountstown, City of—------------------------- Florida--------------- 91 *Blountsville Municipal Light Company---------- Indiana-------------- 172 *Blue Earth Light & Water Department--------- Minnesota------------ 382 *Blue Earth-Nicollet Cooperative Electric Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 399 INDEX XI Operates In Page No. *Blue Grass Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 279 *Blue Hill Electric Plant----------------------- Nebraska------------- 467 *Blue Mound Light Plant---------------------- Kansas--------------- 246 *Blue Ridge Electric Association, Inc.------------ Georgia.-------------- 114 North Carolina-------- 581 *Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation.---- North Carolina-------- 581 Blue River Light Company--------------------- Wisconsin------------ 858 Blue River Power Company, The---------------- Kansas--------------- 236 Blue Valley Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 458 *Bluffton Electric Energy and Water Works Plant- Ohio_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 612 *Bluffton Municipal Electric Department_____ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 382 *Bluffton Municipal Light and Water Works------ Indiana-------------- 172 *Boardman, City of—--------------------------- Oregon--------------- 663 Boca Grande Light & Power Co----------------- Florida--------------- 85 Boehmer Electric Co--------------------------- Indiana-------------- 158 *Bogue, The City of --------------------------- Kansas--------------- 246 Boiling Springs Electric Light and Water Company- Pennsylvania- - - ------ 668 Boise Payette Lumber Company---------------- Idaho---------------- 123 *Bolivar Electric Department------------------- Tennessee------------ 739 Bolton Electric Light & Power Co--------------- Missouri------------- 420 *Bonanza Electric Light System----------------- Colorado------------- 64 Bonaparte Light & Water Company------------- New York------------ 526 *Bondurant Electric Company, The------------- Iowa----------------- 208 *Bonners Ferry Municipal Water and Light De- partment----------------------------------- Idaho---------------- 123 Bonneyville Power & Elec. Co., Inc.-------------- Indiana-------------- 158 *Boone County Cooperative Electric Association -- Missouri------------- 444 *Boone County Rural Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 184 *Boone-Nance Rural Public Power District------- Nebraska------------- 467 *Boone Valley Electric Cooperative-------------- Iowa----------------- 228 *Boonville Board of Light Commissioners-------- New York------------ 550 *Boonville, City of—--------------------------- Indiana-------------- 172 Booth Kelly Lumber Company, The------------- Oregon--------------- 660 *Boscobel Electric Light and Water Utility_______ Wisconsin------------ 876 *Bossier Rural Electric Membership Corporation-- Louisiana------------- 294 *Bostic, Town of------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 570 Boston Consolidated Gas Company-------------- Massachusetts-------- 321 Boston Edison Company----------------------- Massachusetts-------- 321 *Bountiful City Electric Department------------ Utah----------------- 793 Bowersock Mills & Power Co------------------- Kansas--------------- 243 *Bowie-Cass Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- Texas---------------- 780 *Bowie Municipal Light Plant------------------ Texas---------------- 771 *Boyce Power Plant, Town of ------------------ Louisiana------------- 290 *Boylston Lighting Department----------------- Massachusetts-------- 336 Bozrah Electric Co., The----------------------- Connecticut----------- 71 Bracha Light & Power------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 722 *Brackenridge Borough Electric Department------ Pennsylvania.--------- 697 Braddock Light & Power Company, Incorporated - Virginia-------------- 812 Bradford & Gettysburg Electric Light and Power Company, The------------------------------ Ohio----------------- 595 Bradford Electric Company--------------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 668 Bradley Ice & Light Company------------------ Arkansas------------- 28 Bradley Light, Heating and Power Company----- Ohio----------------- 595 Bradley Lumber Company of Arkansas-L--------- Arkansas------------- 31 *Bradner Board of Public Affairs---------------- Ohio----------------- 612 *Bradshaw, Village of.------------------------- Nebraska------------- 467 *Brady, Village of ----------------------------- Nebraska------------- 468 *Brady Water and Light Works----------------- Texas---------------- 772 *Brainard, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 468 *Brainerd, Water & Light Board, City of -------- Minnesota.------------ 382 *Braintree Electric Light Department------------ Massachusetts-------- 336 *Braman, City of—----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 641 XII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Breckenridge Water & Light Commission--______ Minnesota.------------ 382 *Breda Electrical System-l--------------------- Iowa----------------- 208 Bree Electric Co------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 459 *Breese Water and Light Department, City of --- Illinois.--------------- 145 *Bremen Electric Light and Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 172 *Brewster, Village of.-------------------------- Minnesota------------ 382 *Brewster, Village of.-------------------------- Ohio----------------- 612 Bridal Weil Power & Light Co------------------- Oregon--------------- 660 *Bridger Walley Electric Association, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wyoming------------- 904 *Brigham City Corporation--------------------- Utah----------------- 794 *Brimson, Water & Light Department, Town of --- Georgia.-------------- 106 Brockton Edison Company--------------------- Massachusetts-------- 322 Brockway Light, Heat & Power Co-------------- Pennsylvania--------- 669 *Brocton, Village of.--------------------------- New York------------ 550 *Brodhead Water and Lighting Commission------ Wisconsin------------ 876 Brodie Light and Power Company--------------- South Carolina-------- 709 *Broken Bow, City of—------------------------- Nebraska------------- 468 *Bronson, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 246 *Brookings, City of.--------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 Brookings Light & Power----------------------- Oregon--------------- 655 *Brookline, Town of--------------------------- Massachusetts-------- 336 Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc.----------------- New York------------ 526 *Brooklyn Municipal Electric Plant-------------- Iowa----------------- 208 *Brooklyn Utility Service Board----------------- Indiana-------------- 172 Brooks-Scanlon Corporation-------------------- Florida--------------- 90 Brooks Scanlon Lumber Company, Inc.----------- Oregon--------------- 661 *Brookston Municipal Light Company----------- Indiana-------------- 172 Brookville Electric Company-------------------- Indiana-------------- 158 Brookville and Lewisburg Lighting Company, The Ohio----------------- 595 *Broussard Water Works Plant----------------- Louisiana------------- 290 *Brown-Atchison Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The----------------------------------- Ransas--------------- 265 Brown Co------------------------------------ New Hampshire------- 506 *Brown County Rural Electrical Association------ Minnesota.------------ 399 Brown Electric Plant, Alex--------------------- California------------ 37 Brown Shoe Company------------------------- Missouri------------- 432 Brownell & Co., Inc.--------------------------- Connecticut---------- 76 *Brownfield Power and Ilight Plant-------------- Texas---------------- 772 *Brownsville, Department of Electricity, City of—-- Tennessee------------ 740 *Brownsville Water and Light Department_------ Texas---------------- 772 *Brownton Municipal Light Plant--------------- Minnesota.------------ 383 Brownwood Public Service Co------------------- Texas---------------- 756 *Bruning, Village of --------------------------- Nebraska------------- 468 *Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation----- North Carolina-------- 582 Brunswick Pulp & Paper Company-------------- Georgia.-------------- 104 *Bryan Board of Public Affairs------------------ Ohio----------------- 612 *Bryan Municipality, The City of --------------- Texas---------------- 772 *Bryant Light and Power Department----------- South Dakota.--------- 728 Bryant Pond Electric Light Co------------------ Maine--------------- 298 Bryant Power & Light Co., R. B.---------------- Texas---------------- 756 *Buchanan County Rural Electric Cooperative---- Iowa----------------- 228 Buckallew, Ray------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 459 Buckeye Light & Power Company, The---------- Ohio----------------- 595 *Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- Ohio----------------- 628 *Buena Vista County Rural Electric Cooperative-- Iowa----------------- 228 Buffalo & Susquehanna Coal & Coke Coll-------- Pennsylvania--------- 694 *Buffalo County Public Power District----------- Nebraska------------- 468 *Buffalo Electric Cooperative------------------- Wisconsin------------ 889 *Buffalo Light & Power Department------------- Kansas--------------- 247 *Buffalo Lighting Plant------------------------ Iowa----------------- 208 *Buffalo Municipal Service Department---------- Minnesota.------------ 383 Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation------------ New York------------ 526 *Buford, City of.------------------------------ Georgia.-------------- 106 *Buhl Water, Light, Heat, Power & Building Com- mission------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 383 INDEX XIII Operates In Page No Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Co----------------------------------------- Idaho---------------- 123 *Burbank Public Service Department------------ California------------ 51 Burd's Light & Ice Plant------------ - - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 722 Burger Light Plant---------------------------- Indiana-------------- 159 *Burke Power and Light Plant------------------ South Dakota.--------- 728 *Burley Municipal Distribution System---------- Idaho---------------- 124 *Burlingame Light & Power Plant--------------- Kansas--------------- 247 *Burlington Electric Light Department, City of—- Vermont------------- 807 Burlington Light and Power Company----------- Oklahoma------------ 634 *Burlington Light & Power Plant---------------- Kansas--------------- 247 *Burlington Municipal Light, Power, and Water System------------------------------------- Colorado------------- 64 Burlington Railway & Light Co----------------- OWa.----------------- 193 *Burt County Rural Public Power District_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 468 *Burt, Town of------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 208 *Burt Township Light & Water Department------ Michigan------------- 356 *Burwell Municipal Utilities-------------------- Nebraska------------- 469 *Bushnell Electric Light, Water & Power Com- Parly--------------------------------------- Florida--------------- 91 *Bushnell Municipal Electric Light and Power Utility------------------------------------- Illinois--------------- 145 *Butler, Borough of.--------------------------- New Jersey----------- 516 Butler Brothers------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 378 *Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative------- Iowa----------------- 228 *Butler County Rural Public Power District------ Nebraska------------- 468 *Butler Municipal Light & Water Service- - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 433 *Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- Ohio----------------- 628 *Butler Rural Electric Cooperative Association, D.C.---------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 265 Butte Light and Power Company---------------- Oregon--------------- 655 *Byron Municipal Power Plant------------------ Illinois--------------- 145 *Byron, Town of------------------------------ Oklahoma------------ 641 C Cache Telephone & Electric Co----------------- Oklahoma------------ 634 *Caddo Electric Cooperative-------------------- Oklahoma------------ 651 Caddo River Lumber Company----------------- Arkansas------------- 31 *Cadott Light and Water Department----------- Wisconsin------------ 877 *Cairo Light & Water Department-------------- Georgia.-------------- 106 *Caldwell, City of—---------------------------- Texas---------------- 773 *Caldwell Electric Light and Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 612 *Caldwell Mutual Corporation.------------------ North Carolina-------- 582 *Caledonia Light & Water Department----------- Minnesota.------------ 383 *Calhoun, City of—---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 106 *Calhoun County Electric Cooperative Associa- tion, The----------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 228 Calico Rock Ice & Electric Company, Inc.-------- Arkansas------------- 28 *Caliente Public Utilities----------------------- Nevada.-------------- 498 *California Board of Public Works--------------- Missouri------------- 433 California Electric Power Company-------------- Arizona-------------- 17 California------------ 38 Nevada.-------------- 495 California Liquidating Company---------------- California------------ 48 California Oregon Power Company, The_--------- California------------ 38 Oregon--------------- 655 California-Pacific Utilities Company------------- California------------ 38 Nevada.-------------- 495 California Public Service Company-------------- California------------ 38 Oregon--------------- 656 *Callaway County Electrical Cooperative Asso- °iation------------------------------------- Missouri------------- 444 Callaway Electric Co-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 459 Callaway Mills-------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 104 *Calender, Town of---------------------------- Iowa----------------- 209 Calumet Fuel Company, The------------------- Colorado------------- 64 IXIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Company- Michigan------------- 353 Cambridge Electric Light Company-------------- Massachusetts-------- 322 *Cambridge Light and Water Works------------- Nebraska------------- 469 *Camden, Municipal Utilities, City of—----------- South Carolina-------- 715 *Cameron Light & Water Department, City of—---- Missouri------------- 433 *Camilla Water and Light Department----------- Georgia.-------------- 107 *Campbell Light and Power Plant--------------- Missouri------------- 433 *Campbell Municipal Electric Department------- Nebraska------------- 469 Canadea Power Corporation-------------------- New York------------ 527 *Canadian Light & Power Plant, City of ---------- Texas---------------- 773 *Canby Light and Water Department------------ Oregon--------------- 663 *C & L Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation-- Arkansas------------- 34 *C. & W. Rural Electrification Cooperative As- sociation, Inc., The-------------------------- Kansas--------------- 265 Caney Electric Company, The------------------ Kansas--------------- 236 Cannon Mills Co------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 567 South Carolina-------- 713 *Canoochee Electric Membership Corporation----- Georgia.-------------- 114 Canton Electric Light & Power Co- - - ----------- New York------------ 527 *Canton Light and Water Department----------- Missouri------------- 434 *Canton Municipal Utilities-------------------- Mississippi----------- 408 *Canyonville, City of -------------------------- Oregon--------------- 663 Cape & Vineyard Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 322 *Capital Electric Power Association-------------- Mississippi----------- 413 *Cap Rock Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- Texas---------------- 780 Carbondale Light & Power Company, The-------- Colorado------------- 57 Carbon Fuel Co., The-------------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 851 *Carey Board of Trustees of Public Affairs ------- Ohio----------------- 612 Caribou Water, Light and Power Company-- - - - - - Maine--------------- 298 *Carlin Municipal Light & Power Department----- Nevada-------------- 498 *Carlisle Electric Plant------------------------- Iowa----------------- 209 Carlisle Lumber Co---------------------------- Washington.----------- 832 *Carlsbad Caverns National Park-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - New Mexico.---------- 523 *Carlton County Cooperative Power Association-- Minnesota.------------ 399 *Carlyle Electric and Water Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 145 *Carmen Light and Water Plant---------------- Oklahoma------------ 641 *Carmi Water, Light, and Power---------------- Illinois--------------- 145 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation--------------- Illinois--------------- 143 Indiana-------------- 170 Ohio----------------- 609 Pennsylvania--------- 694 Carolina Aluminum Company------------------- North Carolina-------- 567 Carolina Mountain Power Corporation----------- North Carolina-------- 560 Carolina Power & Light Company--------------- North Carolina-------- 560 South Carolina-------- 709 Carpenter, Harley D--------------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 669 *Carpenter, Town of -------------------------- Iowa----------------- 209 Carrabassett Light & Power Co----------------- Maine--------------- 298 *Carroll County Electrical Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 740 *Carroll County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 184 *Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc --------------- Ohio----------------- 628 *Carroll Electric Cooperative Corporation--- - - - - - Arkansas------------- 34 *Carroll Electric Membership Corporation, The Georgia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 114 Carroll, J. C---------------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 634 *Carrollton Municipal Utilities------------------ Missouri------------- 434 *Carroll, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 469 *Cartersville, City of -------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 107 *Carthage Water and Electric Plant------------- Missouri------------- 434 *Cascade Locks, City of.----------------------- Oregon--------------- 663 *Cascade Municipal Electric Plant--------------- Iowa----------------- 209 Cascade Power Company----------------------- North Carolina-------- 561 Cascade Utilities, Inc.-------------------------- Oregon--------------- 656 Casco Bay Light & Water Company------------- Maine--------------- 299 *Casey Light and Water Dept.------------------ Illinois--------------- 145 *Cashion, Town of----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 641 INDEX XV Operates In Page No. *Cashmere Water & Light Department----------- Washington.----------- 834 *Cashton Light & Water Plant------------------ Wisconsin------------ 877 *Cass County Electric Cooperative, Inc ---------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 591 *Cassville Electric Light & Water Department---- Wisconsin – ----------- 877 *Castile Municipal Electric Light System--------- New York------------ 550 *Catawissa Municipal Light Plant--------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 697 *Cavalier Light and Power Plant---------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 *Cave in Rock Municipal Light Plant------------ Illinois--------------- 146 *Cawker City Electric & Water Department------ Kansas--------------- 247 *Cayuga Municipal---------------------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 589 Cazenovia Electric Company, The--------------- New York------------ 527 *Cedarburg Light & Water Commission---------- Wisconsin ------------ 877 *Cedar Falls, City of—-------------------------- Iowa----------------- 209 *Cedar-Knox County Rural Public Power District-- Nebraska - - - - - - - - - - - - 469 Cedar Point Light and Water Company---------- Illinois--------------- 130 Cedar Point Utilities Company------------------ Ohio----------------- 595 Cedar Valley Roller Mill Light & Power____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 464 *Celeryville Mutual Light & Power Company----- Ohio----------------- 628 *Celina, Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of the Village of ---------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 613 *Centerton Mutual Light and Power Company---- Ohio----------------- 628 *Centerville Municipal Electric Lighting & Power Plant-------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 173 *Central Alabama Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - Alabama------------- 12 Central Arizona Light and Power Company------- Arizona-------------- 17 *Central City Light Department---------------- Nebraska------------- 469 Central Electric & Telephone Co- - - ------------- Minnesota.------------ 369 North Carolina-------- 561 North Dakota - - - - - - - - 585 South Dakota.--------- 722 *Central Electric Company--------------------- Idaho---------------- 126 *Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Oregon--------------- 665 *Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Pennsylvania--------- 703 *Central Electric Federated Cooperative Associa- tion---------------------------------------- OWa.----------------- 228 *Central Electric Power Association - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mississippi----------- 414 *Central Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Florida--------------- 96 *Central Georgia Electric Membership Corpora- tion, The----------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 114 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation- - - - - - New York------------ 527 *Centralia Hydro-Electric Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washington.----------- 834 *Centralia Municipal Light System-------------- Kansas--------------- 247 *Centralia Water and Light Department--------- Missouri------------- 434 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Co------------- Illinois--------------- 130 Central Illinois Light Company----------------- Illinois--------------- 130 Central Illinois Public Service Company---------- Illinois--------------- 131 Central Illinois Telephone Company------------- Illinois--------------- 133 Central Indiana Power Company---------------- Indiana-------------- 159 Central Iowa Power Co - - - --------------------- Iowa----------------- 193 Central Kansas Power Company, The------------ Kansas--------------- 237 Central Light & Power Company---------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 585 Central Maine Power Company----------------- Maine--------------- 299 Central Massachusetts Electric Company--------- Massachusetts-------- 323 Central Mendocino County Power Company------ California------------ 39 *Central Minnesota Cooperative Power Association Redwood County---------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 400 *Central Missouri Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- Missouri------------- 444 *Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, The-------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 470 Central New York Power Corporation----------- New York------------ 528 Central Ohio Light & Power Company----------- Ohio----------------- 595 Central Plant Company------------------------ Michigan------------- 353 Central Power and Light Company-------------- Texas---------------- 756 Central Power Company----------------------- Nebraska------------- 459 *Central Rural Electric Cooperative------------- Oklahoma------------ 651 XVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Central Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The----------------------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 703 Central States Electric Company---------------- Iowa----------------- 193 Nebraska------------- 459 Central States Power & Light Corporation-------- Iowa----------------- 194 Kentucky------------ 269 Minnesota------------ 369 Central States Power & Light Corporation of Okla- homa-------------------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 634 *Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- New Mexico.---------- 523 Central Vermont Public Service Corporation------ New Hampshire------- 501 New York------------ 530 Vermont------------- 802 *Central Virginia Electric Cooperative----------- Virginia-------------- 822 *Centreville Electric Plant---------------------- Maryland------------ 315 *Centreville Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _----------- Mississippi----------- 408 *Ceresco Municipal Light & Power Plant--------- Nebraska------------- 469 *Ceylon, Village of.---------------------------- Minnesota------------ 383 *Challis Municipal Power Plant, Village of ------ Idaho---------------- 124 *Chalmers, Town of --------------------------- Indiana-------------- 173 *Chambersburg, The Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of.----------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 698 Champion Paper & Fibre Company, The--------- Ohio----------------- 609 *Chanute, City of ----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 247 *Chapman Municipal Light Department--------- Kansas--------------- 247 Chapman Power and Light Company------------ Texas---------------- 770 *Chappell, City of—---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 470 *Charlevoix Municipal Utilities----------------- Michigan------------- 356 *Chaska, City of ------------------------------ Minnesota.------------ 383 *Chattanooga, Electric Power Board of- - - - - - - - - - Georgia.-------------- 107 Tennessee------------ 740 *Chelsea Electric and Water Department--------- Michigan------------- 356 *Chelsea Municipal Plant---------------------- Oklahoma------------ 641 *Cheney Light Department--------------------- Washington----------- 834 *Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association- Texas---------------- 780 *Cherokee County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Alabama------------- 12 *Cherokee County Rural Electric Cooperative- - - - Iowa----------------- 228 *Cherokee Light & Water, City of -------------- Oklahoma------------ 642 *Cherryland Rural Electric Co-operative Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Michigan------------- 364 Cherry River Boom & Lumber Co.--------- - - - - - West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 852 *Cherryville Light Department------------------ North Carolina-------- 570 Chesapeake Light and Water Company---------- West Virginia.--------- S46 Chester County Light and Power Company------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 669 *Chester Municipal Light Department----------- Massachusetts-------- 337 Chestertown Electric Light & Power Co. of Kent County, The-------------------------------- Maryland------------ 309 *Chester, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 470 *Chetopa, The City of—------------------------ Kansas--------------- 248 *Chewelah, City of—--------------------------- Washington.----------- 834 Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company------- Wyoming------------- 895 Chicago District Electric Generating Corporation-- Indiana-------------- 1.59 *Chicago, The Sanitary District of -------------- Illinois--------------- 146 *Chicopee Electric Light Department------------ Massachusetts-------- 337 *Chillicothe Municipal Utilities----------------- Missouri------------- 434 *Chimney Rock Public Power District----------- Nebraska------------- 471 *Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative----------- Wisconsin------------ 889 *Choctawhatchee Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Florida--------------- 96 *Choptank Cooperative, Inc.-------------------- Maryland------------ 317 *Chugwater, Town of-------------------------- Wyoming------------- 900 *Churchville Electric Department, Village of ----- New York------------ 550 *Cimarron, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 248 *Cimarron Electric Cooperative----------------- Oklahoma------------ 651 Cimarron Utilities Company-------------------- Qklahoma------------- 634 Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, The--------- Ohio----------------- 596 INDEX XVII Operates In Page No Cinclare Central Factory----------------------- Louisiana------------- 288 *Circle Light & Power Plant-------------------- Montana------------- 453 Cities Power Co., The-------------------------- Kansas--------------- 237 Citizens Electric Company---------------------- Arkansas------------- 28 Citizens Electric Company of Lewisburg, Pa------ Pennsylvania.--------- 669 Citizens Electric Company of Missouri----------- Missouri------------- 420 Citizens Heat, Light and Power Company-------- Indiana-------------- I 59 Citizens Light & Power Company--------------- Arkansas------------- 28 Citizens Utilities Company--------------------- Arizona-------------- 17 Idaho---------------- 119 Vermont------------- 802 Washington.----------- 826 City Electric Company, The-------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 585 City Light & Traction Co---------------------- Missouri------------- 421 City Light Company--------------------------- Montana------------- 449 *Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc.--- - - - - - - - - - - Louisiana------------- 294 Clallam Bay Light & Power-------------------- Washington.----------- 826 *Claremore Light and Water Department - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 642 Clarion River Power Company, The- - - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania--------- 669 Clark, Charles B.------------------------------ Maine--------------- 300 *Clark Electric Cooperative--------------------- Wisconsin------------ 890 *Clark County Rural Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 184 *Clarke Washington Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Alabama------------- 12 *Clark Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation---- Kentucky - - - - - - - - - - - - 279 Clark Sawmill, W. T--------------------------- Oregon--------------- 661 *Clarksdale Water and Light Department-------- Mississippi----------- 409 *Clarkson, Village of.-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 470 *Clarksville Consolidated Water & Light District-- Arkansas-- - - - - - - - - - - - 32 *Clarksville Department of Electricity - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee------------ 740 *Clarksville Light and Power- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 434 *Claverack Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 703 *Clay Center Municipal Light & Water Plant----- Kansas--------------- 248 *Clay County Electric Cooperative Corporation--- Arkansas-- - - - - - - - - - - - 35 *Clay Electric Cooperative Association, Inc.------- Florida--------------- 96 *Clayton Municipal Electric System ------------- New Mexico.---------- 523 *Clayton Municipal Light & Power Plant- - - - - - - - Delaware------------- 80 *Clayton Municipal Lighting Company- - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 173 *Clayton, Town of----------------------------- North Carolina-------- 571 *Clay-Union Electric Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 732 Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 694 Clearwater Manufacturing Company----- - - - - - - - - South Carolina. ------- 713 *Clearwater Valley Light & Power Association, Inc - Idaho---------------- 126 *Cleveland, Department of Public Utilities, Divi- sion of Light & Power, City of—---------------- Ohio----------------- 613 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The--- Ohio----------------- 596 *Cleveland Electric System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee------------ 74.1 Cleveland Light and Power Company------------ Ohio----------------- 597 Cleveland Mill & Power Co--------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 Cliffside Mills--------------------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 Cliffs Power & Light Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 344 Clifton Manufacturing Company---------------- South Carolina-------- 713 Clinton Cotton Mills--------------------------- South Carolina-------- 714 *Clinton County Electric Cooperative, Inc --- - - - - Illinois--------------- 153 Clinton Electric Light & Power Company, The_ _ _ Connecticut - - - - - - - - - - 71 Clinton Light & Ice Company, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Arkansas------------- 28 *Clinton Light and Water Plant----------------- Michigan------------- 356 *Clinton Light and Water Plant----------------- South Carolina-- - - - - - - 715 *Clinton Power Commission-------------------- Tennessee------------ 74.1 *Clintonville Water and Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ 877 *Cloverland Electric Cooperative---------------- Michigan------------- 364 *Clyde Municipal Light Plant------------------- Ohio----------------- 613 *Coahoma Electric Power Association--- - - - - - - - - - Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 414 *Coastal Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- South Carolina-- - - - - - - 719 Coastal Public Service Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Georgia.-------------- 100 322184—42—2 XVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company -- - - - - - California------------ 39 *Coast Electric Power Association_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 414 *Coatesville, Municipal Light Department, City of Indianall------------ 173 *Coats, City of—------------------------------- Ransas--------------- 248 *Cobb County Rural Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Georgia--------------- 114 Cochranton Borough Electric Service Co- - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania.--------- 670 *Cody Electric Department--------------------- Nebraska------------- 471 *Cody Municipal Light Plant------------------- Wyoming------------- 900 *Coffey County Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation, Inc., The---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 265 *Coffeyville Municipal Water & Light Department- Kansas______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 248 *Coggon Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 209 *Colby Electric Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 877 *Colby Water and Light Plant---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 248 *Coldwater, Board of Public Works of the City of — Michigan_____________ 356 *Coleman, City of—---------------------------- Texas---------------- 773 *Coleman County Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - Texas---------------- 780 Coleman Garage------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 Coleman Pound Light & Power Company - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 858 *Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 153 *College Park Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Georgia.-------------- 107 Collins Company, The------------------------- Connecticut---------- 76 *Collins Municipal Light & Power Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 409 *Collinsville Water and Light Department---- - - - - Oklahoma------------ 642 Colorado Central Power Company--------------- Colorado------------- 58 Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, The - - - - - - - - Colorado------------- 64 Wyoming------------- 899 Colorado Portland Cement Co------------------- Colorado------------- 64 *Colorado Springs, Dept. of Public Utilities, City of------------------------------------------ Colorado------------- 64 Colorado Utilities Corporation-------------- - - - - - Colorado------------- 58 *Colquitt County Rural Electric Company, The_-- Georgia.-------------- 114 *Colton, City of—------------------------------ California------------- 51 *Columbia City Electric Light Department-- - - - - - Indiana-------------- 173 *Columbia County Rural Electric Association, Inc - Washington.----------- 839 *Columbiana Board of Trustees of Public Affairs - – Ohio__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 613 *Columbia Power System----------------------- Tennessee------------- 74.1 Columbia Steel Company----------------------- Utah----------------- 793 *Columbia Water and Light Department, City of - - Missouri-------------- 434 Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company - - Ohio----------------- 597 *Columbus, City of ---------------------------- Indiana-------------- 173 *Columbus, Division of Electricity of the City of - Ohio----------------- 613 *Columbus Grove Light and Water Plant______ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 614 *Columbus Light and Power Department, City of Mississippi------------ 409 *Columbus Rural Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 890 *Columbus Water & Light Department----------- Wisconsin------------- 877 Colver Electric Co----------------------------- Pennsylvania---------- 670 *Comanche County Electric Cooperative Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Texas---------------- 780 *Comanche Light and Water System--____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oklahoma------------ 642 Combined Locks Paper Company---------------- Wisconsin------------ 873 *Commerce, City of ---------------------------- Texas---------------- 773 *Commerce Water and Light Commission--------- Georgia.-------------- 107 Commonwealth Edison Company---------------- Illinois--------------- 133 Commonwealth Utilities Corporation------------- Colorado------------- 58 *Commonwealth Water & Light Commission______ Wisconsin------------- 878 *Community Electric Cooperative--------------- Virginia-------------- 823 Community Light & Power Company------------ Vermont-------------- 803 Community Power Co-------------------------- West Virginia--------- 846 Community Public Service Company------------- Kentucky------------- 270 Louisiana------------- 283 New Mexico.-- - - - - - - - - 519 Texas---------------- 757 *Co-Mo Electric Cooperative, Inc --------------- Missouri-------------- 444 *Concord Board of Light and Water Commissioners- North Carolina-------- 57.1 INDEX DXIX Operates In Concord Electric Company---------------------- New Hampshire *Concord Municipal Light Plant---------------- Massachusetts----- *Conemaugh Municipal Electric Light Plant------ Pennsylvania------ Conneaut Lake Borough Electric Service Co- - - - - - Pennsylvania------ Conneaut Lake Electric Light & Power Company of Sadsbury Township------------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - Connecticut Light and Power Company, The- - - - - Connecticut------- Connecticut Power Company, The--------- - - - - - - Connecticut------- Connecticut River Power Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - New Hampshire Vermont---------- Connor Lumber and Land Company------------- Wisconsin--------- Conowingo Power Company--------------------- Maryland--------- Consolidated Coal Company, The----------- - - - - - Illinois----------- Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. - New York-- - - - - - - *Consolidated Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri---------- Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Com- pany of Baltimore--------------------------- Maryland--------- Consolidated Water Power Company------------- Wisconsin--------- Consolidation Coal Co-------------------------- Kentucky--------- - Maryland--------- Pennsylvania------ West Virginia- - - - - Consol Power Co------------------------------ Illinois----------- *Constantine Electric Plant--------------------- Michigan--------- Consumers Electric Co. of Brownfield------------ Maine----------- *Consumers’ Lite and Power Association-- - - - - - - - Wyoming--------- Consumers Power Company-------------------- Michigan--------- *Consumers Public Power District--------------- Nebraska--------- Consumers Public Service Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri--------- *Consumers Rural Electric Company------------ Oklahoma- - - - - - - - *Conway Corporation-------------------------- Arkansas--------- *Cooke County Electric Cooperative Assn.-------- Texas------------ *Cook Electric Light System-------------------- Nebraska--------- *Cookeville Water & Light Plant---------------- Tennessee- - - - - - - - Cooks Falls Electric Co., Inc.-------------------- New York_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *Coon Rapids Municipal Electric & Water Plant_ _ Iowa------------- *Co-op. Electric Company of Osage-------------- Iowa------------- *Cooperative Light & Power Association of Lake County, The-------------------------------- Minnesota.-------- *Cooperative Power & Light Company, Inc., The Kansas----------- *Cooper Light and Power Plant----------------- Texas------------ *Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- Alabama--------- Coos Bay Lumber Company-------------------- California-------- Oregon----------- *Coos Electric Cooperative, Inc ----------------- Oregon.----------- *Copan Light and Power System---------------- Oklahoma- - - - - - - - Copper District Power Company---------------- Michigan--------- *Corbin, City of—------------------------------ Kentucky-------- *Cordell Light and Water Department----------- Oklahoma-------- Corinth Electric Light and Power Company------ New York-- - - - - - - *Corn Belt Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- Illinois.----------- *Cornelius Electric Membership Corporation------ North Carolina---- *Cornelius, Town of--------------------------- North Carolina-...-- *Cornell Lighting Department------------------ Wisconsin- - - - - - - - Cornell University----------------------------- New York-- - - - - - - Corning Electric Light Co---------------------- Missouri--------- *Corning Municipal Utilities_ _ _ _ _ _ _------------ Iowa------------- Cornish & Kezar Falls Light & Power Company--- Maine----------- *Corwith, Town of.---------------------------- Iowa------------- *Cotesfield Electric Light----------------------- Nebraska--------- *Cotton Electric Cooperative------------------- Oklahoma-------- *Cottonwood, Town of ------------------------ South Dakota.----- Courtenay Manufacturing Company------------- South Carolina---- *Courtland Electric Department, Town of -------- Alabama--------- *Covington, Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of------------------------------------ Tennessee- - - - - - - - Page No. - - - - 501 ---- 337 __ _ _ 698 -- - - 694 XX FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Covington, City of—--------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 107 *Covington Light and Water Works------------- Indiana-------------- 173 Covington Mills------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 104 *Cowden Municipal Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 146 *Cozad, City of—------------------------------ Nebraska------------- 471 *Crab Orchard, Village of --------------------- Nebraska------------- 471 *Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative----------- Virginia-------------- 823 Craig Electric Lines---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 561 *Craighead Electric Cooperative Corporation_ _ _ _ _ Arkansas------------- 35 Cranberry Manufacturing Co------------------- Virginia-------------- 818 Crawford Electric Co-------------------------- Maine--------------- 301 *Crawford Electric Cooperative----------------- Wisconsin------------ 890 *Crawford, Mr. Newt-------------------------- Idaho---------------- 126 *Crawfordsville Electric Light & Power Plant------ Indiana-------------- 174 *Creede Electric Service & Supply Department, City of—------------------------------------ Colorado------------- 64 *Crescent Light and Water--------------------- Oklahoma------------ 643 Cresson Electric Light Company---------------- Pennsylvania--------- 670 *Crested Butte Light and Water Department------ Colorado------------- 64 Crete Mills, The------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 464 *Crete, Water & Light Dept., City of ------------- Nebraska------------- 471 *Crisp County Power Commission--------------- Georgia.-------------- 107 *Crisp Farmers Cooperative Corporation--------- Georgia.-------------- 114 Crisp Power Co., Inc.--------------------------- North Carolina-------- 561 *Crook Municipal Plant, Town of- -------------- Colorado------------- 65 *Crookston Municipal Electric Department--- - - - - Nebraska------------- 472 Crosby Lumber & Manufacturing Co------------ Mississippi----------- 407 *Crosbyton, City of—--------------------------- Texas---------------- 773 Crossett Lumber Company--------------------- Arkansas------------- 31 Cross Plains Electric Company------------------ Wisconsin------------ 859 *Croswell, City of ----------------------------- Michigan------------- 357 Croswell Light & Power------------------------ Minnesota------------ 369 *Crothersville Water & Electric Department------ Indiana-------------- 174 *Crown Point Water Works, The_--------------- Indiana-------------- 174 *Crow Wing Cooperative Power & Light Company- Minnesota.------------ 400 Crozer Coal & Coke Company------------------ West Virginia--------- 852. Crucible Fuel Company------------------------ Pennsylvania--------- 694 *Cruso Electric Membership Corporation--------- North Carolina-------- 582 *Crystal Falls, Light and Water Department, City of—------------------------------------ Michigan------------- 357 *Cuba City Light and Water Plant-------------- Wisconsin------------ 878 *Cullman Electric Cooperative------------------ Alabama------------- 13 *Cullman Light and Water Plant---------------- Alabama------------- 8 *Culpeper Light & Power Plant----------------- Virginia-------------- 820. Cumberland County Power and Light Company -- Maine--------------- 301 *Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation. -- Tennessee------------ 750 *Cumberland Municipal Utility----------------- Wisconsin------------ 878 Cumberland Public Utilities Co------------------ Kentucky------------ 270 *Cuming County Rural Public Power District______ Nebraska------------- 472 Cupples Station Light, Heat and Power Company-- Missouri------------- 421 *Curtis, City of ------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 472. Curtis Leather Co., J. G------------------------ Pennsylvania--------- 695 *Cushing, City of—----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 643 *Custar Board of Public Affairs- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 614 *Cuyahoga Falls Department of Public Service---- Ohio----------------- 614 *Cygnet Municipal Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 614 D *Dacoma Municipal Light Department----------- Oklahoma------------ 643 *Dacono, Town of----------------------------- Colorado------------- 65 *Daggett, Village of—-------------------------- Michigan------------- 357 Dahlberg Light & Power Company-------------- Wisconsin------------ 859. *Dairyland Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------ Minnesota.------------ 400 *Dakota City Municipal Electric Department----- Nebraska------------- 472 *Dakota County Electric Cooperative, The------- Minnesota.------------ 400, INDEX XXI Operates In Page No Dakota Power Company, The------------------- South Dakota.--------- 722 Dakota Public Service Company----------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 586 South Dakota--------- 723 Dallas Power & Light Company----------------- Texas---------------- 758 *Dallas, Town of------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 571 *Dalton Water, Light and Sinking Fund Com- mission------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 108 Danbury & Bethel Gas & Electric Light Co., The--- Connecticut---------- 73 Danbury Light & Power Co-------------------- New Hampshire------- 502 *Danbury Light Department------------------- Nebraska------------- 472 Danforth Electric Company-------------------- Maine---------------- 301 *Danvers-Municipal Light Plant, Town of -------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 337 *Danville Borough Light Department------------ Pennsylvania--------- 698 *Danville Electric Light Company--------------- Iowa----------------- 210 Danville Knitting Mills, Inc.-------------------- Alabama------------- 6 *Danville Water, Gas, & Electric Departments_-_ _ _ Virginia-------------- 820 *Darke Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 628 *Darlington Electric Light & Power Plant--------- Indiana-------------- 174 *Darwin, Village of.--------------------------- Minnesota------------ 383 *Davenport Water & Light Department---------- Nebraska------------- 472 *David City Light & Water Department, City of—- Nebraska------------- 472 *Davidson Electric Membership Corporation------ North Carolina-------- 582 Davidson, R. M------------------------------- Oregon--------------- 656 *Davidson, Town of--------------------------- North Carolina-------- 571 *Davie Electric Membership Corporation--------- North Carolina-------- 582 *Daviess-Martin County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation---------------------------- Indiana-------------- 184 Davis Coal and Coke Co., The------------------ West Virginia.--------- 852 Davis Company, J. W------------------------- Indiana-------------- 170 Davis Power and Milling Company-------------- Wisconsin------------ 859 Davis, S. S.----------------------------------- Illinois--------------- 134 *Dawson County Public Power Dist_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 472 *Dayton Electric Light Plant------------------- Tennessee------------ 74.1 Dayton Power and Light Company, The--------- Ohio----------------- 598 *Dayton, Town of.---------------------------- Iowa----------------- 210 *Deaf Smith County Electric Cooperative, Inc.---- Texas---------------- 781 *Deaver, Town of----------------------------- Wyoming------------- 901 *Decatur County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 185 *Decatur Electric Department, City of.----------- Alabama------------- *Decatur Electric Utility, City of --------------- Indiana-------------- 174 *Decatur Light and Water Department, Village of Nebraska------------- 473 *Decatur Water and Light Plant, City of --- - - - - - Illinois--------------- 146 *Declo Light and Power Company--------------- Idaho---------------- 126 *Declo Municipal Electric Department----------- Idaho---------------- 124 *Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 781 Deepwater Light and Power Company -- - - - - - - - - - New Jersey--- - - - - - - - - 510 *Deerfield Electric, Light and Water Department -- Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 878 Deer River Power Coll------------------------ New York------------ 531 *D. E. K. Rural Electric Cooperative------------ Iowa----------------- 229 *Delano Municipal Power Plant----------------- Minnesota--------- - - - 383 Delaware Power & Light Company-------------- Delaware------------- 79 *Delaware Rural Electric Association, The-------- Delaware------------- 81 *Delaware Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 628 *Delevan Electric Light Department------------- New York------------ 550 Delmarva Power Company, The----------------- Maryland------------ 310 *Delta, City of—------------------------------- Colorado------------- 65 *Delta Electric Power Association--------------- Mississippi- - - - ------- 414 *Delta-Montrose Rural Power Lines Association--- Colorado - - - - - - - - - - - - - 69 Deming Ice and Electric Company-------------- New Mexico.---- - - - - - - 519 *Denison Municipal Light and Power------------ Iowa----------------- 210 Denmark Light and Telephone Corporation------- Iowa----------------- 194 *Dennison Project----------------------------- Texas---------------- 773 *Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- Texas---------------- 781 *Denton Municipal Water & Light- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 773 Denton Sleeping Garment Mills, Inc -- - - - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 354 XXII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Denver, Lighting System, Town of- - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 210 Derby Gas and Electric Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Connecticut---------- 74 *Dering Harbor, Village of --------------------- New York------------ 550 Derry Electric Company, The------------------- New Hampshire------- 502 *Deshler Light and Water Works---------------- Ohio----------------- 614 *Deshler Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 473 Des Moines & Central Iowa R. R.--------------- Iowa----------------- 205 Des Moines Electric Light Company------------- Iowa----------------- 194 *De Soto, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 249 Detroit Edison Company, The - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 347 *Detroit Lakes Municipal Light Plant----------- Minnesota.------------ 384 *Detroit, Public Lighting Commission, City of ---- Michigan------------- 357 Deweese Power Co---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 460 Dewey Brothers------------------------------- Idaho---------------- 119 Dewey Portland Cement Company-------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 *De Witt County Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 781 *De Witt Municipal Light & Power Plant, Willage of----------------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 473 Dexter Sulphite Pulp & Paper Company--------- New York------------ 547 Diamond Alkali Company---------------------- Ohio----------------- 609 Diamond Coal and Coke Company-------------- Wyoming------------- 899 Dickey & Sons, Inc., W. J.----------------------- Maryland------------ 315 *Dickson, Town of---------------------------- Tennessee------------ 74.1 Dierks Lumber & Coal Company---------------- Arkansas------------- 31 *Dighton, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 249 *Dike, Incorporated Town of- - - - - - - - - ---------- Iowa----------------- 210 Dillsboro and Sylva Electric Light Company------ North Carolina-------- 562 *Dixie Electric Cooperative--------------------- Alabama------------- 13 *Dixie Electric Membership Corporation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Louisiana------------- 294 Dixie Power and Light Company---------------- Tennessee------------ 736 *Dixon, Town of------------------------------ Wyoming------------- 901 *Dix, Village of.------------------------------ Nebraska------------- 473 Doe Run De Lassus Light & Power Co----------- Missouri------------- 422 *Doerun Water & Light Plant, City of ---------- Georgia.-------------- 108 Domestic Electric Service, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _------------ North Carolina-------- 562 Doniphan County Light & Power Co- - - --------- Kansas--------------- 237 *Doniphan Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The---------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 266 *Dorchester, Village of ------------------------ Nebraska------------- 473 *Dothan Water & Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama------------- 8 *Douglas, City of—----------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 108 *Douglas County Co-op. Light & Power Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 400 *Douglas County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- Washington.----------- 839 *Douglas County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 114 *Douglas Municipal System-------------------- Nebraska------------- 473 *Dover Electric Light & Power Plant------------ Ohio----------------- 614 *Dover Light & Water Department, City of - - - - - - Delaware------------- 80 *Dowagiac Board of Public Works--------------- Michigan------------- 357 *Drain, City of—------------------------------- Oregon--------------- 664 *Drexel, Town of------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 57.1 *D. S. & O. Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The----------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 266 *Dublin Municipal Electric Light Plant---------- Indiana-------------- 174 Dubois Public Service Co----------------------- Wyoming------------- 896 *Dubois, Village of ---------------------------- Idaho---------------- 124 *Dubois, Village of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 473 *Duck River Electric Membership Corporation____ Tennessee------------ 750 Ducktown Citizens Light & Power Coll---------- Tennessee------------ 736 *Dudley, Town of----------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 108 *Due West Commission of Public Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 716 Duke Power Company------------------------- North Carolina-------- 562 South Carolina-------- 710 *Duncan, City of.----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 643 *Duncan Municipal Light & Power-------------- Nebraska------------- 474 INDEX IXXIII Operates In Page No *Duncannon Borough Light and Power Plant----- Pennsylvania--------- 698 Duncan Utilities Co--------------------------- Arizona-------------- 17 New Mexico.---------- 520 *Dundee Light and Power Department----------- Minnesota.------------ 384 *Dunkerton Municipal Electric System----------- Iowa----------------- 210 *Dunkirk Board of Water Commissioners--------- New York------------ 551 Dunn & McCarthy Shoe Company-------------- New York------------ 548 *Dunn County Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 890 *Dunnell, Village of.--------------------------- Minnesota------------ 384 *Dunreith, Electric Light Department, Town of- - Indiana-------------- 175 du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I.---------------- Colorado------------- 64 Washington.---------- 833 *Dupree Light & Power Plant------------------- South Dakota.--------- 728 Duquesne Light Company---------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 670 *Durant Light & Water Plant------------------- Mississippi----------- 409 Durham Public Service Company---------------- North Carolina-------- 563 *Durham Water Department------------------- North Carolina-------- 57.1 Dutchess Bleachery, Inc.------------------------ New York--------- - - - 548 *Dyersburg Water & Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 742 *Dysart Electric System------------------------ Iowa----------------- 211 E Eagle Butte Light and Power Co---------------- South Dakota.--------- 723 Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 Eagle River Electric Co------------------------ Colorado------------- 58 *Eagle River Light & Water Commission--------- Wisconsin ------------ 878 *Earlville Municipal Plant---------------------- Iowa----------------- 211 Earp Power, Light & Telephone Co-------------- North Carolina-------- 564 *Easley City Water & Light Plant--------------- South Carolina-------- 716 *East Bay Municipal Utility District - - - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 51 *East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, D.C.---------------------------------------- klahoma------------ 651 East, Charles L------------------------------- California------------ 39 East Dubuque Flectric Company---------------- Illinois--------------- 134 *East End Mutual Electric Company, Ltd-------- Idaho---------------- 126 Eastern Coal Corporation, Inc.------------------ Kentucky------------ 276 *Eastern Illinois Power Cooperative------------- Illinois--------------- 154 Eastern Iowa Electric Company----------------- Iowa----------------- 195 *Eastern Iowa Light & Power Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 229 Eastern Iowa Power Company------------------ Iowa----------------- 195 Eastern Massachusetts Electric Company-------- Massachusetts-------- 323 Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation----------- Minnesota.------------ 369 *Eastern Nebraska Public Power District____-_ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 474 Eastern Oregon Light and Power Company------- Oregon--------------- 656 Eastern Shore Public Service Company----------- Delaware------------- 79 Eastern Shore Public Service Company of Mary- land, The----------------------------------- Maryland------------ 310 Eastern Shore Public Service Company of Virginia - Virginia-------------- 812 East Fairfield Township Crawford Public Service Company----------------------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 671 East Fallowfield, Light and Power Company------ Pennsylvania.--------- 671 *East Grand Forks, City of -------------------- Minnesota------------ 384 Eastman Kodak Company---------------------- New York------------ 548 *East Mississippi Electric Power Association------ Mississippi----------- 414 East Missouri Power Company------------------ Missouri-------------- 422 *Easton, Town of----------------------------- Missouri------------- 435 *Easton Utilities Commission------------------- Maryland------------ 316 *East Palestine, City of ------------------------ Ohio----------------- 614 *East Point, Light and Water Department, City of Georgia.-------------- 108 *East Rutland Electric Cooperative-------------- Wisconsin ------------ 890 East Side Electric Light Company--------------- North Carolina-------- 564 East Tennessee Light & Power Company--------- North Carolina- - - - - - - 564 Tennessee------------ 736 Virginia-------------- 812 Eaton Lighting Company, The------------------ Ohio----------------- 599 *Eaton Rapids, City of.------------------------ Michigan------------- 358 XXIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Eatonville Light and Power Co----------------- Washington.---------- 835 Eau Claire Dells Improvement Company--------- Wisconsin------------ 859 *Eau Claire Electric Cooperative---------------- Wisconsin------------ 890 Ebensburg Coal Company---------------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 695 *Eckley, Town of------------------------------ Colorado------------- 65 *Eddyville, Electric Account, Village of ---------- Nebraska------------- 474 *Edenton Electric and Water Department-------- North Carolina-------- 572 *Edgar Electric Cooperative Association---------- Illinois--------------- 154 *Edgar Light & Water Department, City of ------ Nebraska------------- 474 Edgar Tufts Memorial Association, Inc.----------- North Carolina-------- 564 *Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Member- ship Corporation---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 582 *Edgerton Municipal Electric Distribution System - Ohio----------------- 615 *Edinburg Water and Light Plant--------------- Indiana-------------- 175 Edison Light and Power Company--------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 672 Edison Sault Electric Company----------------- Michigan------ * * * * * *m, as sºme 348 *Edisto Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------- South Carolina-------- 719 *Edmond Light and Water Department---------- Oklahoma ------------ 643 Edwards Electric Light & Power Co------------- New York------------ 531 Edwards Mfg. Co----------------------------- Maine--------------- 305 Edwards Power Company, The------------------ Ohio----------------- 599 E. G. Light Company-------------------------- Illinois--------------- 138 *Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association------- Illinois--------------- 154 Ekalaka Light and Power Company------------- Montana------------- 449 Elaine Utilities Company----------------------- Arkansas------------- 29 *Elberton Water & Light Department----------- Georgia.-------------- 108 El Bethel Electric Company-------------------- North Carolina-------- 564 *Eldon, City of ------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 211 *Eldorado Light and Water System-------------- Oklahoma------------ 643 *Eldorado Municipal Light Co------------------ Ohio----------------- 615 *Eldorado Springs Light and Water Plant-------- Missouri------------- 435 *Eldridge, Town of---------------------------- Iowa----------------- 211 *Electra, City of ------------------------------ Texas---------------- 774 Electrical Inspection and Servicing Company----- Michigan------------- 354 Electric Co., The------------------------------- South Carolina-------- 711 Electric Distributing Company, The------------- South Dakota.--------- 723 Electric Light & Power Company---------------- Iowa----------------- 195 Electric Service Company---------------------- Indiana-------------- 159 Electro Metallurgical Company----------------- New York------------ 548 Virginia-------------- 818 West Virginia_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 852 Elida Light Plant------------------------------ New Mexico.---------- 520 *Elizabeth City, Public Utility Commission of the City of—------------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 572 Elizabeth Light and Power Company, The-------- Illinois--------------- 134 Elk Creek Power Company--------------------- Wisconsin – - - - - - - - - - - - 859 *Elk Creek, Town of.-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 474 *Elkhart, Town of.---------------------------- Iowa----------------- 211 Elkhorn Coal Corporation---------------------- Kentucky------------ 276 *Elkhorn Light & Water Commission------------ Wisconsin ------------ 878 Elkland Electric Company, Inc ----------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - --- 672 Elkland Leather Co., Inc. ---------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 695 Elko Lamoille Power Company------------------ Nevada.-------------- 495 *Elk Point Municipal Light Plant--------------- South Dakota.--------- 728 Elk Power Co--------------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 846 Elk River Coal and Lumber Co----------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 852. Elk River Power & Light Company-------------- Minnesota------------ 370 *Elk River, Village of.------------------------- Idaho---------------- 124 *Elkton, Town of ----------------------------- Virginia-------------- 820 *Ellaville Electric & Water Works__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Georgia.-------------- 109 *Ellensburg Light Department, City of ---------- Washington.----------- 835. Ellenville Electric Company-------------------- New York------------ 531 Ellicottville Electric Light Co------------------- New York------------- 531 *Ellinwood Light and Water Department--------- Kansas--------------- 249 *Ellis Light and Water Plant--I---------------- Kansas--------------- 249 INDEX XXV Operates In Page No *Ellsworth Municipal Light Plant, Town of------- Iowa----------------- 211 *Ellwood City Borough Electric Department------ Pennsylvania--------- 698 *Elm City Electric Light Department------------ North Carolina------- 572 *Elmhurst Mutual Company-------------------- Washington.----------- 839 *Elmore Electric Light Plant ------------------- Ohio----------------- 615 Eloy Light, Power & Utility Company----------- Arizona-------------- 18 El Paso Electric Company (Texas) -------------- New Mexico.---------- 520 Texas---------------- 7.59 *Elroy Municipal Light Plant------------------- Wisconsin------------ 879 *Elsmore, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 249 *Elwood, City of ------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 249 Ely Light & Power Company------------------- Nevada-------------- 495 Elyria Milling and Power Company-------------- Ohio----------------- 609 *Ely Water & Light Department---------------- Minnesota.------------ 384 *Emerson Municipal Light & Power Plant___ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 474 Emmons County Light & Power Co- - - - --------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 586 Empire District Electric Co., The - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 237 Missouri------------- 422 Oklahoma------------ 634 *Empire Electric Association, Inc.---------------- Colorado------------- 69 *Empire Electric Company, Ltd----------------- Idaho---------------- 126 Empire Service Co----------------------------- Florida--------------- 85 Empire Southern Service Co-------------------- Texas---------------- 7.59 *Endicott Municipal Light Plant---------------- New York------------ 551 *Endicott, Village of.-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 474 *Enfield, Town of----------------------------- North Carolina----- - - - 572 *Enosburg Falls, Village of --------------------- Vermont------------- 807 Ensign-Bickford Co., The----------------------- Connecticut.---------- 76 *Enterprise, City of—--------------------------- Kansas--------------- 249 Entwistle Manufacturing Co-------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 *Ephraim Electric Light & Power Plant---------- Utah----------------- 794 *Ephrata, Borough of.------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 698 Equinox Mill--------------------------------- South Carolina-------- 714. *Erath County Electric Cooperative Association-- Texas---------------- 781 *Erath, Town of------------------------------ Louisiana------------- 290 Erie County Electric Company------------------ Pennsylvania.--------- 672 Erie Lighting Company------------------------ Pennsylvania- - - ------ 672 *Erie Municipal Lighting System---------------- Colorado------------- 65 *Erie Water and Light Department-------------- Kansas--------------- 250 Escalante Light & Power Co-------------------- Utah----------------- 789 *Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Florida--------------- 96 *Escanaba Municipal Utilities------------------- Michigan------------- 358 *Escondido Mutual Water Company------------- California------------ 56 *Esmond Municipal Electric Light and Water Department-------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 728 *Estelline Municipal Light & Power Plant-------- South Dakota.--------- 728 *Estherville, City of --------------------------- Iowa----------------- 211 *Etna, Boro of—------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 698 *Etna Green Electric Light Department, Town of- Indiana-------------- 175 *Etowah, Utilities Department, Town of --------- Tennessee------------ 742 Euclid Doan Power Company------------------- Ohio----------------- 599 *Eudora Light Department--------------------- Kansas--------------- 250 *Eugene Water Board-------------------------- Oregon--------------- 664 Eureka Light and Power Co-------------------- Kansas--------------- 237 Evansville & Ohio Valley Railway Company, Inc.-- Indiana-------------- 170 *Evansville Water and Light Department-ll----- Wisconsin ------------ 879 Everglades Railway Light & Power Co----------- Florida--------------- 85 *Evergreen Cooperative Light and Power Asso- ciation------------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 229 *Evergreen Electric System--------------------- Alabama------------- 8 Evergreen Public Service Co-------------------- Colorado------------- 58 Ewauna Box Co------------------------------- Oregon--------------- 661 IXXVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Excelsior Electric Membership Corporation------ Georgia.-------------- 115 Exeter & Hampton Electric Company------------ New Hampshire------- 502 Exposition Cotton Mills Co--------------------- Georgia.-------------- 104 F *Fairbank Municipal Light Plant---------------- Iowa----------------- 212 *Fairburn Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Georgia.-------------- 109 *Fairburn Light Plant, Town of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 728 *Fairbury Light & Water Department -- - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 474 Fairfax Electric Co---------------------------- Maryland------------ 311 West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 846 *Fairfax Electric Light Department, Village of - - - - Minnesota.------------ 384 *Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 719 *Fairfield Light and Power Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 146 *Fairfield Township Light & Power Corporation---- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 673 *Fairhope, Town of --------------------------- Alabama------------- 8 *Fairmont Municipal Light & Water Works------ Nebraska------------- 475 *Fairmont Water and Light Commission - - - - - - - - - Minnesota------------ 384 *Fairport Municipal Electric Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 551 *Fairview Light and Water Department---------- Oklahoma------------ 643 *Fairview Municipal Electric Plant-------------- Utah----------------- 794 *Faith Municipal Light & Power Plant----------- South Dakota.--------- 728 *Fallon, City of ------------------------------- Nevada.-------------- 498 Fall River Electric Light Company-------------- Massachusetts - – - - - - - - 323 *Fall River Rural Electric Coop., Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - Idaho---------------- 126 *Falls City Water & Light Dept.------------------ Nebraska------------- 475 *Falmouth Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kentucky------------- 277 *Fannin County Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- Texas---------------- 781 *Faribault County Cooperative Electric Associa- ion---------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 400 *Farmer City Water and Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 146 Farmers Electric Company--------------------- Idaho---------------- 119 *Farmers Electric Company-------------------- Iowa-------- -: * * * * * * * * 229 *Farmers Electric Company--------------------- Maine--------------- 308 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative------------------ Missouri----------- - - - 444 *Farmers Electric Cooperative Corporation_-_ _ _ _ _ Arkansas------------- 35 *Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Iowa----------------- 229 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- New Mexico -- - - - - - - - - 524 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Texas---------------- 782 Farmers Elevator Company, The---------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 588 *Farmer's Light and Power Company------------ Kansas--------------- 266 *Farmers Light and Power Company------------ Wisconsin ------------ 890 *Farmers Mutual Electric Company------------- Illinois--------------- 154 *Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation, Inc.---------------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 279 *Farmersville Municipal Light Plant------------- Texas---------------- 774 *Farm-Home Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- Maine--------------- 308 *Farmington Light & Water Department--------- Missouri------------- 435 Farmington River Power Company, The_ _ _ _----- Connecticut---------- 74 *Farm Light & Power Co----------------------- Wyoming------------- 904 Farm Light Company-------------------------- North Carolina-------- 564 *Farm Security Administration, Greendale Project-- Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 879 *Farm Security Administration, Greenhills Project - Ohio_--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 615 *Farmville, Water and Light Dept., Town of ----- North Carolina-------- 572 *Farnam Municipal Electric Plant--------------- Nebraska------------- 475 *Farnhamville, Town of------------------------ Iowa----------------- 212 *Fayette Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Texas---------------- 782 *Fayette Light & Water Plant------------------ Mississippi------------ 409 *Fayette-Union County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation---------------------------- Indiana-------------- 185 *Fayetteville Electric Distribution System, City of Tennessee------------ 742 *Fayetteville, Public Works Commission, City of - North Carolina-------- 572 *Fayette Water and Light Department----------- Missouri------------- 435 *Federated Cooperative Power Association________ Iowa----------------- 229 *Federated Rural Electric Association------------ Minnesota------------ 400 INDEX XXVII Operates In Page No. *Fennimore Water and Light Plant-------------- Wisconsin------------ 879 *Ferdinand Municipal Light Plant--------------- Indiana-------------- 175 *Fergus Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Montana------------- 454 *Fergus Falls Water and Light Department------- Minnesota.------------ 384. Ferry, J. N.----------------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 *Ferry Light and Power Company--------------- Idaho---------------- 126 Fife Lake Light Company---------------------- Michigan------------- 349 *Filley, Village of ----------------------------- Nebraska------------- 475 *Fillmore City Corporation--------------------- Utah----------------- 794 *Fircrest, Town of----------------------------- Washington.----------- 835 *Firelands Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------- Ohio----------------- 628 Firesteel Electric Company--------------------- South Dakota.--------- 723 *First Electric Cooperative Corporation---------- Arkansas------------- 35 First Trust Company of St. Paul, Trustee for Wann 1905 Trust---------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 370 *Firth Municipal Electric Department----------- Nebraska------------- 475 Fisher Electric Co----------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 370 Fishers Island Electric Corporation, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 531 Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 324 *Fithian Electric Light Co---------------------- Illinois--------------- 146 *Fitzgerald Water, Light & Bond Commission- - - - Georgia.-------------- 109 *Flagler Municipal Power Plant----------------- Colorado------------- 65 Flagstaff Electric Light Company--------------- Arizona-------------- 18 Flambeau Paper Company---------------------- Wisconsin------------ 873 *Flandreau Municipal Electric Plant________ _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 729 Flasher Electric Co., The----------------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 586 *Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Montana------------- 454 Flat Top Power Company---------------------- West Virginia.--------- 846 *Fleming-Mason Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 279 *Fleming Municipal Plant---------------------- Colorado------------- 65 Fletcher Light & Power------------------------ Oklahoma------------ 635 *Flint Electric Membership Corporation---------- Georgia.-------------- 115 *Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inº---------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 266 *Flora, City of—------------------------------- Illinois--------------- 147 *Florence, Electricity Department, City of - - - - - - - Alabama------------- 8 *Florence Water & Light Commission------------ Wisconsin------------ 879 Florida Power & Light Company---------------- Florida--------------- 86 Florida Power Corporation---------------------- Florida--------------- 87 Florida Public Service Company----------------- Florida--------------- 88 Florida Public Utilities Company---------------- Florida--------------- 88 *Floydada, City of ---------------------------- Texas---------------- 774 *Floyd County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc --- Texas---------------- 782 *Fonda, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 212 Fontana Power Company----------------------- California------------ 39 *Fontanelle Electric Light System---------------- Iowa----------------- 212 *Footville Water & Electric Commission - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 879 *Ford City Borough Light Plant---------------- Pennsylvania--------- 699 Ford Motor Co-------------------------------- Michigan------------- 354 *Forest City Municipal Utilities----------------- Iowa----------------- 212 *Forest City, Town of------------------------- orth Carolina-------- 572 *Forest Grove, City of ------------------------- Oregon--------------- 664 *Forrest City Water & Light Plant-------------- Arkansas------------- 32 *Forsyth, City of.----------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 109 *Forsyth County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- eorgia.-------------- 115 *Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative, Inc. -------- Texas---------------- 782 Fort Bend Utilities Company------------------- Texas---------------- 7.59 *Fort Collins Light and Power Department------- Colorado----- -- * - - - - - * 66 Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern R. R. Co---- Iowa----------------- 205 Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Company---------- Iowa----------------- 195 *Fort Dodge Water & Light Department, City of—- Iowa----------------- 212 Fort Fairfield Light and Power Company--------- Maine--------------- 301 *Fort Laramie, Town of ----------------------- Wyoming------------- 901 *Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative-------------- Tennessee------------ 750 XXVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Fort Meade Electric Department--------------- Florida--------------- 91 *Fort Morgan, The City of --------------------- Colorado------------- 66 *Fort Payne, Improvement Authority, City of—--- Alabama------------- 9 *Fort Pierce, City of—-------------------------- Florida--------------- 92 *Fort Pierre Light & Power Plant--------------- South Dakota.--------- 729 *Fort Valley Board of Water & Light Commission-- Georgia.-------------- 109 *Fort Wayne Municipal Electric Light & Power Works------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 175 Foss Electric Co------------------------------- OWa.----------------- 196 *Fountain Light Department-------------------- Colorado------------- 66 *Fountain Municipal Electric Department--- - - - - - North Carolina-------- 573 *Four-County Electric Membership Corporation-- North Carolina-------- 582 *4-County Electric Power Association------------ Mississippi----------- 414 *Fox Creek Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 279 *Frankfort City Light and Power Plant---------- Indiana-------------- 175 *Frankfort Municipal Electric Light Plant-------- New York------------ 551 *Franklin Borough Electric Department---------- New Jersey----------- 516 *Franklin Electric Light and Water Plant-------- Virginia-------------- 820 Franklin Electric Light Company, Inc.----------- Vermont------------- 803 *Franklin Electric Light Plant------------------ Nebraska------------- 475 *Franklin Municipal Plant---------------------- Louisiana------------- 290 Franklin Power & Light Company--------------- Tennessee------------ 737 *Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative------------ Iowa----------------- 229 Franklin Transmission Company---------------- Pennsylvania--------- 673 *Frankton Water & Light Plant----------------- Indiana-------------- 175 *Frederick, City of—--------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 644 *Frederick, Corporation of---------------------- Maryland.------------ 316 *Frederick Municipal Electric Department------- Colorado------------- 66 *Fredericksburg Light & Power Co-------------- Iowa----------------- 212 *Fredonia, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 250 Fredonia Power & Light Company--------------- Arizona-------------- 18 *Freeborn-Mower Co-operative Light & Power Association--------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 401 *Freeburg Municipal Light Plant---------------- Illinois--------------- 147 Freedom Utilities Co--------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 635 Freeport Sulphur Company--------------------- Louisiana------------- 288 Freeport Sulphur Company--------------------- Texas---------------- 770 *Freeport, Village of.--------------------------- New York------------ 551 *Fremont, Department of Utilities of the City of - Nebraska------------- 475 *Fremont Light and Water Department---------- North Carolina-------- 573 *French Broad Electric Membership Corporation-- North Carolina-------- 582 Friday Harbor Light & Power Co--------------- Washington.----------- 826 Friend, Walter-------------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 586 *Friend Water and Light Department------------ Nebraska------------- 476 *Front Royal, Town of ------------------------ Virginia-------------- 820 *Fruit Belt Electric Cooperative----------------- Michigan------------- 365 Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills----------------- ---- Georgia.-------------- 104 *Fulton County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 185 Fulton Electric Light, Heat & Power Company --- Pennsylvania--------- 673 *Fulton Municipal Water, Light and Power Plant- Missouri------------- 435 *Funk, Village of.----------------------------- Nebraska------------ 476 G *Gaffney Board of Public Works---------------- South Carolina-------- 716 Gage County Electric Company, The First Trust Co., Trustee, The---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 460 *Gainesville Municipal Water, Light and Power Plant-------------------------------------- Florida--------------- 92 Galbreath, John W---------------------------- Ohio----------------- 599 *Galesburg, City of—--------------------------- Kansas--------------- 250 *Galion Municipal Light & Power Plant---------- Ohio----------------- 615 *Gallatin Department of Electricity------------- Tennessee------------ 742 *Gallatin Light and Water Works--------------- Missouri------------- 435 INDEX XXIX Operates In Page Nos Gallitzin Electric Light Company---------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 673 Gallup American Coal Co---------------------- New Mexico.---------- 522 *Gallup Electric Light & Power System, Town of -- New Mexico.---------- 523 *Galt Municipal Light Plant-------------------- Missouri------------- 435 *Galva Electric Department-------------------- Kansas--------------- 250 *Garden City, City of—------------------------- Kansas--------------- 250 Garden City Co., The-------------------------- Kansas-------------- 244 Garden City Irrigation Power Company, The------ Kansas--------------- 238 Gardiner Electric Light & Water Company-------- Montana------------- 449 Gardner Electric Light Company---------------- Massachusetts-------- 324 *Gardner Municipal Electric Plant-------------- Kansas--------------- 250 *Garkane Power Association, Incorporated_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Utah----------------- 799 *Garland Light & Power Company-------------- Wyoming------------ 904 *Garland Municipal Utilities-------------------- Texas---------------- 774 *Garnett, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 251 *Garrett Municipal Utilities-------------------- Indiana-------------- 176 Gary Heat, Light & Water Company------------ Indiana-------------- 160 *Gas City Light Department------------------- Indiana-------------- 176 Gasconade Power Company--------------------- Missouri------------- 423 Gaskill, E. L.---------------------------------- Ransas--------------- 238 *Gastonia, City of—---------------------------- North Carolina - - - - - - - 573 *Gate City Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ Texas---------------- 782 Gaylord Container Corporation----------------- Louisiana------------- 280 *Geary Light and Water Department------------ Oklahoma------------ 644 General Minnesota Utilities Company------------ Minnesota------------ 370 General Public Utilities, Inc.-------------------- South Dakota.--------- 723 Texas---------------- 7.59 General Utilities Company, The----------------- Ohio----------------- 509 *Geneseo Municipal Electric Light and Power Utility------------------------------------- Illinois--------------- | 47 *Geneva, City of ------------------------------ Illinois--------------- 147 *Genoa Board of Public Affairs------------------ Ohio----------------- 615 *Georgetown, City of -------------------------- South Carolina-------- 716 *Georgetown Light Department----------------- Massachusetts-------- 337 *Georgetown Municipal Light Plant------------- Ohio----------------- 615 *Georgetown Water & Light Plant--------------- Texas---------------- 774 Georgia Marble Co---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 Georgia Power and Light Company-------------- Georgia.-------------- 103 Georgia Power Company----------------------- Georgia.-------------- 100 *Gering, City of—------------------------------ Nebraska------------- 476 *Gering Valley Rural Public Power District-------- Nebraska------------- 476 *Gibson County Electric Membership Corporation - Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 750 Gideon Anderson Lumber Company------------- Missouri-------------- 432 *Gila Valley Power District--------------------- Arizona-------------- 22 *Gilbert Water, Light, Power & Building Com- mission, Village of.--------------------------- Minnesota------------ 385 Gildersleeve, Mr. J. R.-------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 846 *Gillette, City of—----------------------------- Wyoming------------- 901 Gilman Electric Light & Power Co-------------- Vermont------------- 803 Gilman Paper Company------------------------ Vermont------------- 807 *Gilman Power and Light Plant----------------- Missouri------------- 436 Gilmanton Roller Mills------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 873 *Giltner Light & Water Department------------- Nebraska------------- 476 *Girard Borough Municipal Light Plant---------- Pennsylvania--------- 699 *Girard Light & Power Plant-l----------------- Kansas--------------- 251 Glades Power and Light Company--------------- Florida--------------- 89 *Gladstone, City of --------------------------- Michigan------------- 358 *Glasco Light Department---------------------- Kansas--------------- 251 Glen Alden Coal Company, The----------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 695 *Glencoe Municipal Electric Plant--------------- Minnesota------------ 385 *Glendale Public Service Department------------ California------------ 51 *Glen Elder, City of—-------------------------- Kansas--------------- 251 Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Company---- Pennsylvania--------- 673 *Glenvil, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 476 Glenwood Light & Power Co-------------------- Missouri------------- 423 Glenwood Light and Water Co., The_------------ Colorado------------- 59 XXX FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Glidden Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant - Iowa----------------- 213 *Glidden Rural Electric Cooperative------------- Iowa----------------- 229 Glogora Coal Co------------------------------ West Virginia--------- 852 *Gloster Light and Water Works-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mississippi----------- 409 Gloucester Electric Company------------------- Massachusetts-------- 324 *Glouster Board of Public Affairs---------------- Ohio----------------- 615 *Goff, City of—-------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 251 Gold Beach Cooperative Utilities---------------- Oregon--------------- 657 Gold Beach Electric Co------------------------ Oregon--------------- 657 *Goldsboro Borough Council-------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 699 *Goltry Municipal Lighting System-------------- Oklahoma------------ 644 *Goodhue County Cooperative Electric Association- Minnesota------------ 401 *Goodland, City of ---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 251 Goodman Light & Power Company-------------- Wisconsin ------------ 859 Goodman Lumber Co-------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 873 Goodrich Company, B. F----------------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 Ohio----------------- 609 Goodyear Lumber Company-------------------- Mississippi----------- 407 Goshen Electric Company---------------------- Utah----------------- 789 *Goshen Light and Water Works---------------- Indiana-------------- 176 Gossett Mills--------------------------------- South Carolina-------- 71.4 Gothenburg Light and Power Company - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 460 Gould Electric Light Plant, H. P.------ - - - - - - - - - - New York------------ 531 *Gouverneur, Village of ------------------------ New York------------ 551 *Gowrie Light and Water Plant----------------- Iowa----------------- 213 *Gowrie Rural Electric Cooperative Association--- Iowa----------------- 229 *Grady County Electric Membership Corporation- Georgia.-------------- 115 *Grafton Board of Trustees of Public Affairs — - - - - - Ohio----------------- 616 *Grafton, City of.----------------------------- West Virginia--------- 856 *Grafton Light and Water Department — - - - - - - - - North Dakota - - - - - - - - 589 *Grafton Trans. & Distrib. Line----------------- Iowa----------------- 213 Graham Brothers Company--------------------- Arkansas------------- 29 Graham Power Company----------------------- Utah----------------- 790 *Granada Light, Power & Water Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colorado------------- 66 *Granbury Municipal Utilities------------------ Texas---------------- 774 *Grand Coulee, City of - - - - -------------------- Washington - - - - ------ 835 Grand County Light, Heat & Power Co---------- Colorado------------- 59 Grande Ronde Pine Company, The-------------- Oregon--------------- 661 *Grand Haven, Board of Public Works, City of — — — Michigan------------- 358 *Grand Island Electric Department-------------- Nebraska------------- 476 *Grand Junction Municipal Light Plant---------- Iowa----------------- 213 Grand Lake Light Company-------------------- Colorado------------- 59 Grand Marais Light & Power Co---------------- Minnesota.------------ 370 *Grand Rapids Municipal Water & Light Station-- Michigan------------- 358 *Grand Rapids Water, Light, Power and Building Commission--------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 385 *Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colorado------------- 69 *Granger Municipal Electric Distributing Com- Parſly--------------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 213 Granite City Generating Company-------------- Illinois--------------- 134 *Granite Falls Light & Water Department--------- Minnesota.------------ 385 *Granite Falls, Town of ----------------------- North Carolina-------- 573 Granite State Electric Company----------------- New Hampshire------- 503 *Granite, Town of----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 644 Grant County Power Co----------------------- Washington - - - - - - - - - - 826 *Grant Electric Cooperative-------------------- Wisconsin------------ 890 Grant Utilities, Inc.---------------------------- Louisiana------------- 283 *Grantville Water and Light Commission--------- Georgia.-------------- 109 Granville Electric Company-------------------- Vermont------------- 803 Grass Range Light and Power Company--------- Montana------------- 450 *Grayling Municipal Electric Planti-- - - - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 358 *Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 782 Great Northern Power Co---------------------- Washington----------- 826 Great Northern Utilities Company--------------- Montana------------- 450 *Greenbelt Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- Texas---------------- 782 Greencastle Light, Heat, Fuel & Power Company-- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 674 INDEX XXXI Operates In Page No *Green, City of - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 251 *Green Cove Springs Electric Plant-------------- Florida--------------- 92 *Greendale Water and Electric Department------- Indiana-------------- 176 *Greene County Rural Electric Cooperative------- Iowa----------------- 230 *Greene Electric Department------------------- New York------------ 551 *Greenfield Municipal Light Department--------- Indiana-------------- 176 *Greenfield Municipal Utilities------------------ Iowa----------------- 213 *Greenfield Water and Light Department - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 616 *Green Island Electric Light Commission--------- New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 552 Green Lake Electric Light & Power Plant - - - - - - - - Minnesota------------ 370 *Green Mountain Electric Service Company------ Iowa----------------- 229 Green Mountain Power Corporation------------- Vermont------------- 803 *Greenport Electric Light Department----------- New York------------ 552 *Green River Rural Electric Cooperative Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 279 *Greensburg Light & Power System-------------- Kansas--------------- 252 Greensburg Utilities, Inc.----------------------- Louisiana------------- 284 Green Settlement Electric Light and Power Com- Parly--------------------------------------- New York------------ 532 *Greenup, Village of --------------------------- Illinois--------------- 147 Greenville Electric Light and Power Company, The---------------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 599 Greenville Electric Lighting Co------------------ New Hampshire--- - - - - 503 *Greenville Municipal Utilities Dept.------------- Texas---------------- 775 *Greenville Utilities Comm. -------------------- North Carolina-------- 573 *Greenwich Municipal Water & Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 616 Greenwood Coal Co---------------------------- West Virginia__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 852 *Greenwood Commissioners of Public Works------ South Carolina-------- 71.6 *Greenwood County--------------------------- South Carolina-------- 719 *Greenwood Electric Light and Water Department- Mississippi------------ 409 *Greenwood Light Department, Village of ------- Nebraska------------- 477 *Greer Commission of Public Works------------- South Carolina-------- 716 Greggton Power & Light Co-------------------- Texas---------------- 760 *Gresham Water, Power and Electric Plant___ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 879 *Gridley Municipal Utilities-------------------- California------------ 51 *Griffin Light, Water and Sewerage Department-- Georgia.-------------- 109 Griggs Power and Light Company--------------- Wyoming------------- 896 *Grimesland Municipal Electric Department------ North Carolina-------- 573 Grimes Pass Power Company------------------- Idaho---------------- 119 *Grimes, Town of.----------------------------- Iowa----------------- 213 Grimh Power Company------------------------ Wisconsin------------ 860 Grosbach and Williams------------------------- Nebraska------------- 460 *Groton Electric Department------------------- New York------------ 552 *Groton Electric Light Department-------------- Massachusetts-------- 337 *Groton Light Department--------------------- South Dakota.--------- 729 *Groton Water and Electric Department, Borough of----------------------------------------- Connecticut----------- 77 *Grove City Borough.-------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 699 *Grove City, Village of ------------------------ Minnesota.------------ 385 *Groveland Light Commission------------------ Massachusetts-------- 337 *Grundy Center Municipal Light & Power Depart- nent--------------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 214 *Grundy County Rural Electric Cooperative------ Iowa----------------- 230 *Grundy Electric Cooperative, Inc.__l.----------- Missouri-------------- 444 *Grygla Municipal Plant----------------------- Minnesota.------------ 385 *Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.---- Texas---------------- 782 *Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- Ohio----------------- 629 *Guernsey, Town of--------------------------- Wyoming------------- 901 *Gueydan Municipal Plant--------------------- Louisiana------------- 290 Guinsler Electric Company--------------------- Ohio----------------- 600 Gulf Power Company-------------------------- Florida--------------- 89 Gulf Public Service Company------------------- Louisiana------------- 284 Texas---------------- 760 Gulf States Utilities Company------------------- Louisiana----------- — — 284 Texas---------------- 760 *Gunnison, Town of--------------------------- Colorado------------- 66 XXXII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Guntersville Municipal System-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alabama------------- 9 *Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 230 *Guttenberg, Town of ------------------------- Iowa----------------- 214 Guyan Utilities Company----------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 846 Gwynne Building Power Plant, Walter S. Schmidt, Lessee-------------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 609 H *Habersham Electric Membership Corporation---- Georgia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 115 *Hagerstown Light Department----------------- Indiana-------------- 176 *Hagerstown Municipal Electric Light Plant------ Maryland------------ 316 *Haigler Electric Department, Village of - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 477 *Halifax Electric Membership Corporation-------- North Carolina-------- 582 *Hall County Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 782 *Hallettsville Municipal Utilities---------------- Texas---------------- 775 *Halstad Municipal Utilities-------------------- Minnesota.------------ 386 *Hamersville Muncipal Electric Department------ Ohio----------------- 616 *Hamilton, Board of Water, Light & Sewer Com- missioners, Village of.------------------------- New York------------ 552 *Hamilton County Electric Cooperative Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Texas---------------- 783 *Hamilton Municipal Electric Department -- - - - - - North Carolina-------- 573 *Hamilton Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 616 Hamilton Service Company, The---------------- Ohio----------------- 600 Hammond Light & Power Co., Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York------------ 532 Hammond Redwood Company------------------ California------------ 48 Hampden–Newburg Light & Power Co----------- Maine--------------- 302 *Hampton, City of ---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 109 *Hampton, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 477 *Hancock County Rural Electric Cooperative__ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 230 *Hancock County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 185 *Hancock Electric Department------------------ New Hampshire_--_ _ _ _ 506 *Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- Ohio----------------- 629 Hanerville Transmission Line------------------- Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 860 *Hannibal Board of Public Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 436 *Hanover Municipal Light, Power & Water Service- Illinois.--------------- 147 Hanson Electric Light & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 860 *Harbor Springs, City of ----------------------- Michigan------------- 359 *Hardin County Rural Electric Cooperative- - - - - - Iowa----------------- 230 *Hardin Municipal Light Plant------------------ Texas---------------- 772 *Hardwick Electric Light & Power Works-------- Minnesota.------------ 386 *Hardwick, Village of.------------------------- Vermont------------- 808 Hardy & Company, C. L.----------------------- North Carolina-------- 564 *Hardy County Light & Power Association, Inc.--- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 856 *Harkers Island Electric Membership Corporation- North Carolina-------- 583 *Harlan, City of—------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 214 *Harmon Electric Association, Inc.--------------- Oklahoma------------ 651 Harmony Electric Company-------------------- Michigan------------- 349 *Harmony, Village of.------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 386 Harney Sawmill------------------------------- Oregon--------------- 661 *Harriman Power Department------------------ Tennessee------------ 742 Harris Milling Company------------------------ Michigan------------- 354 *Harrisonburg Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Virginia-------------- 821 *Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative__ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 230 *Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 280 *Harrison County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 185 Harrison Electric & Water Company, The_------- Indiana-------------- 160 Ohio----------------- 600 *Harrison Light, Water & Power Department----- Nebraska------------- 477 *Harrison Light Works------------------------- Idaho---------------- 124 *Harrison Rural Electrification Association, Inc.--- West Virginia------- - - 856 INDEX XXXIII Operates In Page No. *Harrisonville Water and Light Department------ Missouri------------- 436 *Hart County Electric Membership Corporation-- Georgia.-------------- 115 Hartford Electric Light Company, The----------- Connecticut---------- 74 *Hartford Utilities Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 880 *Hartford Water & Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alabama------------- 9 *Hart Hydro Electric-------------------------- Michigan------------- 359 *Hartley Municipal Plant---------------------- Iowa----------------- 214 *Hartselle, City of—---------------------------- Alabama------------- 9 *Hartville, City of—---------------------------- Missouri------------- 436 *Hartville, Town of---------------------------- Wyoming------------- 901 Harvey, Mr. J. W----------------------------- Wyoming------------- 900 Harvey’s Lake Light Company------------------ Pennsylvania--------- 674 *Haskins Municipal Electric Light & Power Dis- tributing System---------------------------- Ohio----------------- 616 Hastings Electrical Co------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 674 *Hastings Water and Light Department - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 477 *Haswell Light Plant-------------------------- Colorado------------- 67 *Hatfield Borough Electric Light Department---- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 699 *Haven Light & Power Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 252 Haverhill Electric Company-------------------- Massachusetts-------- 325 *Hawarden, City of—--------------------------- Iowa----------------- 214 *Hawley Water, Light, Power and Building Com- mission------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 386 *Haxtun Light & Power Department------------ Colorado------------- 67 Hayden Fuel and Supply Company-------------- Michigan------------- 354 Hayes Center Light & Power Co - - - ------------- Nebraska------------- 460 *Hazel Green Municipal Utility - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 880 *Head of the Lakes Cooperative Electric Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Wisconsin.------------ 890 *Healdsburg Municipal Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _ California- - - - - - - - - - - - 52 *Hearne Municipal Plant----------------------- Texas---------------- 775 Heath Springs Light and Power Co-------------- South Carolina-------- 711 *Heber Light & Power Plant-------------------- Utah----------------- 794 *Hebron, Light & Water Department, City of ---- Nebraska------------- 477 *Hecla Municipal Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 729 *Helper Electrical Light Department--- - - - - - - - - - Utah----------------- 794 Henderson Coal Company---------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 695 *Henderson Electric Light Station--------'------ Kentucky------------ 277 *Henderson-Union Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation--------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 280 *Hendricks County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 185 *Hendrum Municipal Electric Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 386 *Henning, Village of --------------------------- Minnesota------------ 386 *Henry County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 185 *Henry, Village of—---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 478 Henryville Electric Light & Heat Co--------- - - - - Indiana-------------- 160 Hercules Cement Corporation------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 695 Hercules Powder Company--------------------- California------------ 48 Hercules Powder Company--------------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 Mississippi----------- 407 *Herington Municipal Water & Electric Depart- ment--------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 252 *Herkimer Municipal Commission--------------- New York------------ 552 *Herndon Municipal Electric System-- - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 252 Hershey Chocolate Corporation.----------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 695 Hershey Electric Company--------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 674 Hershey Lumber Company--------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 695 *Hertford, Town of---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 573 *Heyburn, Village of.-------------------------- Idaho---------------- 124 *Heyworth Municipal Electric Light & Power Public Utilities------------------------------ Illinois--------------- 147 *Hibbing Water, Light, Power and Building Com- mission------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 386 322184—42—3 XXXIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Hickman-Fulton Counties Rural Electric Coop- erative Corporation-------------------------- Kentucky------------ 280 *Hickman, Village of ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 478 *Higginsville Municipal Utilities--------- - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 436 *Highland Electric Light Plant-------- - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 148 *Highlands, Town of--------------------------- North Carolina-------- 574 Highland Utilities Company-------------------- Colorado------------- 59 Kansas--------------- 238 *Highline Electric Association------------------- Colorado------------- 69 *High Point Dept. of Public Utilities, City of - - - - North Carolina-------- 574 *Hildreth, Village of --------------------------- Nebraska------------- 478 *Hill City Water & Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 252 *Hill County Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 783 Hillman Light & Power Co--------------------- Michigan------------- 349 Hill Manufacturing Company------------------- Maine--------------- 305 *Hillsboro, City of—---------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 *Hillsdale Board of Public Works_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 359 Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards, Inc.------------------- Louisiana------------- 289 Hines Lumber Company, Edward - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oregon--------------- 661 *Hingham Municipal Light Department------ - - - - Massachusetts-- - - - - - - 338 *Hinsdale, Village of.-------------------------- Illinois--------------- 148 *Hinton Electric Light & Power Service_--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 214 *Hiram Municipal Light Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 616 Hitt, F. G------------------------------------ Virginia-------------- 818 Hobart Light & Water Company---------------- Indiana -------------- 160 Hobbs Wall Company-------------------------- California------------ 48 *Hobgood Municipal Electric Department-------- North Carolina-------- 574 *Hogansville, City of -------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 110 *Hoisington Municipal Electric Utility___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 252 Holbrook Light and Power Company-- - - - - - - - - - - Arizona-------------- 18 *Holbrook Municipal Light, Power & Ice Plant_ _ _ Nebraska------------- 478 *Holden, Municipal Light Department, Town of - - Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 338 *Holden Town Corporation-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Utah----------------- 794 *Holdrege Municipal Light & Power_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 478 *Holland, Board of Public Works of the City of -- Michigan--- - - - - - - - - - - 359 *Hollenberg Electric Association-------- - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 266 *Holley Municipal Light Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 552 Holleys Service Station------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 *Holly Springs, City of ------------------------ Mississippi----------- 410 *Holmes Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 629 *Holston Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 751 Holston River Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Virginia-------------- 813 *Holton Light Department -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 253 *Holyoke Gas and Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 338 *Holyoke Municipal Power Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colorado------------- 67 Holyoke Power and Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 325 Holyoke Water Power Company_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 325 *Holyrood Light & Water Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 253 Home Electric Light & Steam Heating Company. - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 674 Home Electric Light Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 238 Home Gas and Electric Company, The----------- Colorado------------- 59 Home Light & Power Co----------------------- Minnesota------------ 3.71 *Homer Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Louisiana------------- 290 *Homestead Power and Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Florida--------------- 92 Homestead Utilities Co------------------------- Rhode Island- - - - - - - - - 705 *Hominy Municipal System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 644 *Hookerton, Town of- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Carolina_____ _ _ _ 574 Hoosier Public Utility Co----------------------- Indiana-------------- 160 *Hooversville Borough Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 699 *Hopedale Municipal Iighting System ----------- Illinois--------------- 148 *Hope Light and Power Company--------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 *Hope Water and Light Plant------------------- Arkansas------------- 32 *Hopkinton Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---- Iowa----------------- 214 *Horton Water & Electric Department----------- Kansas--------------- 253 INDEX XXXV Operates In Page No Houghton County Electric Light Company - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 349 *Houlton Water Company---------------------- Maine---------------- 307 *Houma Light and Water Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisiana------------- 291 *Houston County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- Texas---------------- 783 Houston Lighting & Power Company- - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 761 *Howard, City of—----------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 729 *Howard County Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 230 *Howard County Electric Cooperative Association - Missouri-- - - - - - - - - - - – 444 *Howard County Rural Public Power District- - - Nebraska------------- 478 *Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 445 *Howells Municipal Electric Distribution System -- Nebraska----- - - - - - - - - 479 Howser, R. D.--------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 103 Hualapai Trading Post------------------------- Arizona-------------- 18 *Hubbard Light and Power System__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 617 *Hubbell, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska ------------- 479 *Hudson Board of Public Affairs— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 617 *Hudson Electric Light System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 215 *Hudson Light and Power Department------- - - - - Massachusetts-- - - - - - - 338 Hudson Light and Power Co------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 896 Hudson River Power Corporation--------- - - - - - - - New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 532 *Hugoton Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 253 *Hull Electric Light Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 338 Humble Oil & Refining Company------ - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 770 *Humboldt County Rural Electric Cooperative_--- Iowa------ - - - - - - - - - - - 230 *Humboldt Electric Utility--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 743 *Hunnewell Light Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 436 *Hunt-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 783 Hunter Power Co., The- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Dakota- - - - - - - - 586 *Huntersville Light and Power Company---- - - - - - North Carolina-------- 583 *Huntersville Light & Water Dept.------ - - - - - - - - - North Carolina-------- 574 *Huntingburg Light and Water Plant---- - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 177 *Huntington County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 185 *Huntington, Electric Department, City of -- - - - - - Indiana-------------- 177 Huntington Electric Light Co------------------- Massachusetts-------- 325 *Huntsville, City of—--------------------------- Alabama------------- 9 *Huntsville Electric Light Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 617 Huntsville Utilities, Inc.------------------------ Arkansas------------- 29 *Huron Light and Water--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 617 Huron Service Company----------------------- Ohio----------------- 600 *Hustisford Electric Utility__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ 880 Hutchinson Coal Co--------------------------- West Virginia--------- 852 *Hutchinson Municipal Electric Plant------------ Minnesota------------ 386 *Hyannis Municipal Light Plant---------------- Nebraska------------- 479 *Hyde Park, Village of ------------------------ Vermont------------- 808 Hydro-Electric Company----------------------- Michigan------------- 354 Hydro-Electric Corporation of Virginia----------- Virginia-------------- 813 Hydro-Electric Light & Power------------------ Michigan------------- 349 *Hyrum Electric Light Plant-------------------- Utah----------------- 795 I *Ida County Rural Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 231 *Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Asso- ciation, Inc.--------------------------------- Idaho---------------- 126 *Idaho Falls, City of -------------------------- Idaho---------------- 125 Idaho Power Company------------------------- Idaho---------------- 120 Nevada.-------------- 495 Oregon--------------- 657 *Idana Light Association----------------------- Kansas--------------- 253 Idanha Power Corporation---------------------- Oregon--------------- 657 *Ilion Board of Light Commissioners------------- New York------------ 553 *Illini Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------------- Illinois--------------- 154 Illinois Iowa Power Company------------------- Illinois--------------- 135 Illinois Northern Utilities Company-------------- Illinois--------------- 137 *Illinois Rural Electric Company---------------- Illinois--------------- 154 XXXVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Illinois Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- Illinois--------------- 154 *Imogene Municipal Light Plant---------------- Iowa-------. * * * * * * * * * * * 215 *Imperial Irrigation District-------------------- California------------ 52 *Imperial Municipal Light & Water Plant-------- Nebraska------------- 479 Imperial Sugar Company----------------------- Texas---------------- 770 Imperial Valley Electric Power Co--------------- California------------ 39 *Independence, City of.------------------------ Iowa----------------- 215 *Independence Light Department--------------- Missouri------------- 436 Independent Coal & Coke Company------------- Utah----------------- 793 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company----------- Indiana-------------- 161 Michigan------------- 350 Indiana General Service Company--------------- Indiana-------------- 161 Indiana Hydro-Electric Power Company--------- Indiana-------------- 161 Indianapolis Power & Light Company------------ Indiana-------------- 162 Indiana Service Corporation-------------------- Indiana-------------- 162 Indian Lake Power and Light Corporation-------- New York------------ 532 *Indianola, City of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 479 *Indianola, Department of Municipal Utilities, City of—------------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 215 Indiantown Development Company-------------- Florida--------------- 90 Indian Valley Light & Power Co---------------- California------------ 40 Industrial Collieries Corporation----------------- Pennsylvania--------- 695 Industrial Cotton Mills Co., Inc.----------------- South Carolina-------- 714 Industrial Lumber Company, Inc.----------- ----- Louisiana------------- 289 *Ingersoll, City of ----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 644 Ingomar Service Garage------------------------ Montana------------- 450 *Inland Empire Rural Electrification, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washington.----------- 840 Inland Portland Cement Company-------------- Washington.----------- 833 Inland Power & Light Company----------------- Oregon--------------- 657 Washington.----------- 826 Inland Steel Co------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 276 Inland Utilities Company, The------------------ Colorado------------- 60 Kansas--------------- 238 New Mexico.---------- 520 Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company------- Arizona-------------- 21 *Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association.----- Missouri------------- 445 *Inter-County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 280 *Inter-County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- Ohio----------------- 629 Interlake Iron Corporation--------------------- Ohio----------------- 609 *Intermountain Rural Electric Association-------- Colorado------------- 69 International Electric Company----------------- Vermont------------- 804 International Paper Company------------------- Maine--------------- 306 New York------------ 548 International Paper Company Southern Kraft Pivision------------------------------------ Alabama------------- 6 Florida--------------- 91 Mississippi----------- 407 International Power Co------------------------ Maine--------------- 302 Interstate Light & Power Co-------------------- Illinois--------------- 137 Interstate Light and Power Company (Wisconsin) -- Wisconsin------------ 860 Interstate Power & Light Co-------------------- Washington.----------- 826 Interstate Power Company--------------------- Iowa----------------- 196 Minnesota.------------ 371 South Dakota.--------- 724 Interstate Power Company of North Dakota______ North Dakota - - - - - - - - 586 Interstate Power Company of Wisconsin--------- Wisconsin------------ 860 Interstate Utilities Coll------------------------ Alabama------------- 4 Mississippi----------- 405 *Iola, City of—-------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 253 *Ione, Town of-------------------------------- Washington.----------- 835 Iowa City Light & Power Company------------- Iowa----------------- 196 Iowa Electric Company------------------------ Iowa----------------- 197 Iowa Electric Light and Power Company--------- Iowa----------------- 197 Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company------- Iowa----------------- 198 INDEX XXXVII . Operates In Page No Iowa Power and Light Company---------------- Iowa----------------- 199 Iowa Public Service Company------------------- Iowa----------------- 199 Iowa Southern Utilities Company of Delaware- - - - Iowa----------------- 200 Iowa Union Electric Company------------------ Illinois--------------- 138 Iowa----------------- 201 Iowa Utilities Company------------------------ Iowa----------------- 201 Missouri------------- 423 *Ipswich Water & Light Department------------ Massachusetts-------- 338 *Iron City, Town of--------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 110 *Iron Gate, Town of--------------------------- Virginia-------------- 821 Iron Range Light and Power Company----------- Michigan------------- 350 Iron River Electric Transmission Co------------- Wisconsin------------ 861 Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Co--------- Wisconsin------------ 861 Iroquois Light and Power Company, Inc.--------- Vermont------------- 804 Irvine Company, The-------------------------- California------------ 48 *Irwin County Electric Membership Corporation-- Georgia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 115 *Isabel, City of ------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 253 *Isabel Municipal Light Plant ------------------ South Dakota.--------- 729 Island Light and Power Co--------------------- Rhode Island--------- 705 Island Woolen Company----------------------- Wisconsin------------ 873 *Itasca Mantrap Cooperative Electric Association- Minnesota.------------ 401 *Itta Bena Water & Light Plant - - - - ------------ Mississippi----------- 410 *Iuka Light, Power and Distribution System------ Kansas--------------- 254 J *J. A. C. Electric Cooperative Association-- - - - - - - Texas---------------- 783 *Jackson Center Board of Public Affairs---------- Ohio----------------- 617 *Jackson, City of—----------------------------- Ohio----------------- 617 *Jackson County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 280 *Jackson County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 186 *Jackson Electric Cooperative------------------- Wisconsin------------ 891 *Jackson Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Texas---------------- 783 *Jackson Electric Department------------------ Tennessee------------ 743 *Jackson Electric Membership Corporation------- Georgia.-------------- 115 Jackson Hole Light & Power Company----------- Wyoming------------- 896 Jackson Mills--------------------------------- South Carolina-------- 714. *Jackson Municipal Light Plant----------------- Minnesota.------------ 387 *Jackson Municipal Water & Light Dept.--------- Missouri------------- 437 *Jackson Purchase Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------- 280 *Jacksonville Beach, City of -------------------- Florida--------------- 93 *Jacksonville Light and Power Department------- Illinois--------------- 148 *Jacksonville Municipal Electric Plant----------- Florida.--------------- 92 *Jacksonville, Village of ----------------------- Vermont------------- 808 *Jackson Water & Light Department------------ Georgia.-------------- 110 *Jamesport Municipal Light Plant--------------- Missouri------------- 437 *Jamestown Light & Water Department - - - - - - - - - Kansas.--------------- 254 *Jamestown Municipal Electric System - - - - - - - - - - New York------------ 553 *Jamestown Municipal Light & Power Service- - - - Indiana-------------- 177 *Janesville Municipal Utilities------------------ Minnesota.------------ 387 Jarbee Company------------------------------ Texas---------------- 761 *Jasper County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 186 *Jasper Municipal Electric Department---------- Indiana -------------- 177 *Java Municipal Light and Power Company------ South Dakota.--------- 729 *Jay County Rural Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Indiana -------------- 186 *Jefferson County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 116 *Jefferson Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 703 *Jefferson Water and Light Department---------- Wisconsin ------------ 880 Jenkinsville Light and Power Company---------- South Carolina-------- 711 Jensen Brothers------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 724 322184—42——3 XXXVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Jerry City Municipal Electric System----------- Ohio----------------- 617 Jersey Central Power & Light Company---------- New Jersey----------- 510 *Jetmore Power & Light Department-l---------- Kansas--------------- 254 *Jewell Mitchell Cooperative Electric Company, Inc., The----------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 266 Jewell Ridge Coal Corporation------------------- Virginia-------------- 818 *Jewett City Electric Light Plant--------------- Connecticut---------- 77 *Jo-Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- Illinois--------------- 154 *Johnson County Electric Cooperative Association- Texas---------------- 783 *Johnson County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 186 *Johnson Electric Department, Village of ------- Vermont------------- 808 Johnson, Lawrence E-------------------------- Vermont------------- 804 Johnson Lumber Corporation, C. D-------------- Oregon--------------- 661 Joint Power Operation------------------------- Washington----------- 833 *Jonesboro, City Water and Light Plant of the City of—------------------------------------ Arkansas------------- 33 *Jonesboro Power and Light Department--------- Louisiana------------- 291 *Jones County Electric Power Association-------- Mississippi----------- 415 Jones, George H------------------------------- New Hampshire------- 503 *Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation-- North Carolina-------- 583 *Jonesville, Town of--------------------------- Louisiana------------- 291 *Jordan Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oregon--------------- 665 Juengst & Son, George------------------------- New York------------ 532 *Julesburg Municipal Light, Water, Power & Ice Plant-------------------------------------- Colorado------------- 67 Juliette Milling Co---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 *Jump River Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ 891 *Juneau Commission on Public Works- - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 880 EC *Kahoka Water & Light Department-- - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 437 *Kalamazoo, City Light of --------------------- Michigan------------- 359 Kanawha Valley Power Company--------------- West Virginia.--------- 846 *Kandiyohi Co-operative Electric Power Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 401 *Kandiyohi, Village of ------------------------ Minnesota.------------ 387 *Kankakee Valley Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 186 Kanona Electric Company---------------------- Kansas--------------- 238 *Kanopolis Municipal Water & Light Plant------- Kansas--------------- 254 *Kanosh Town Corporation--------------------- Utah----------------- 795 *Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities of - Kansas--------------- 254 Kansas City Power & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 202 Kansas--------------- 238 Missouri------------- 423 Kansas Electric Power Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 239 Kansas Gas and Electric Company-------------- Kansas--------------- 239 Missouri------------- 424 Kansas Power and Light Company, The --------- Kansas--------------- 241 Kansas Power Company, The------------------- Kansas--------------- 240 Kansas Power Transmission Company, Inc - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 242 Kansas Utilities Company, The----------------- Kansas--------------- 242 Missouri------------- 424 *Kaplan Municipal Light & Water Plant--------- Louisiana------------- 291 *Karnes Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Texas---------------- 783 *Kasota Electric Light Department-------------- Minnesota.------------ 387 *Kasson Department of Light and Water--------- Minnesota.------------ 387 *Kaufman County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ Texas---------------- 784 *Kaukauna Electrical & Water Depts., City of—--- Wisconsin------------ 880 *Kaw City, City of—--------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 644 *Kaw Valley Electric Cooperative Company, Inc., The---------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 266 *Kay Electric Cooperative---------------------- Oklahoma------------ 651 *Kaysville Electric Department -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Utah---------------- 795 INDEX YXXIX - Operates In Page No. *Keewatin Water, Light, Power & Building Commission--------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 387 KegonSa Electric Line Co----------------------- Wisconsin------------ 861 *Kelley, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 215 *Kelliher Municipal Light & Water Department - - Minnesota.------------ 388 Kelly & Rebaleati----------------------------- Nevada.-------------- 496 Kelly Springfield Tire Company, The------------ Maryland------------ 315 *Kendallville Light and Water Department------- Indiana-------------- 177 *Kennebunk Electric Light Department---------- Maine--------------- 307 Kennecott Copper Corporation------------------ Arizona-------------- 21 Kenton Mercantile Company------------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 Kentucky and West Virginia Power Company, Inc.- Kentucky------------ 273 Kentucky Edison Co--------------------------- Kentucky------------ 270 Kentucky Electric Power Co-------------------- Kentucky------------ 270 Kentucky Power & Light Company-------------- Kentucky------------ 270 Kentucky Rural Electrification Company--------- Kentucky------------ 271 Kentucky-Tennessee Light and Power Company -- Kentucky------------ 271 Tennessee------------ 737 Kentucky Utilities Company-------------------- Kentucky------------ 271 Tennessee------------ 737 Kentucky-West Virginia Utilities Co------------- Kentucky------------ 273 Kenwood Electric Light Co--------------------- New York------------ 532 *Kenyon Municipal Utilities-------------------- Minnesota.------------ 388 Kershaw Oil Mill ----------------------------- South Carolina-------- 714 Keuka Lake Power Corporation----------------- New York------------ 532 *Kewanee, City of—---------------------------- Illinois--------------- 148 Kewanee Public Service Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 138 *Kewaunee Municipal Water and Light Plant----- Wisconsin ------------ 88.1 Keystone Coal Company----------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 695 Keystone Consolidated Felspar Company--------- South Dakota.--------- 727 Keystone Consolidated Mines, Inc.--------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 Keystone Public Service Company--------------- Pennsylvania--------- 675 Key West Electric Company, The--------------- Florida.--------------- 89 *Kiel Water and Light Utility------------------ Wisconsin------------ 881 *Kilgore, Village of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 479 Kimball Light & Water Co--------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 847 *Kimball Municipal Utilities-------------------- Nebraska------------- 479 *Kimballton Municipal Light Plant-------------- Iowa----------------- 215 Kimberly Clark Corporation-------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 873 Kim Light and Power Company----------------- Colorado------------- 60 *Kingfisher Light and Power Department — — — — — — — — Oklahoma------------ 644 *Kingman, City of ---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 254 *Kingman Electric Company------------------- Maine--------------- 308 *Kings Mountain, Town of --------------------- North Carolina------- 574 Kingsport Utilities, Incorporated.---------------- Tennessee------------ 737 Kingston-Pocahontas Coal Co., Inc.-------------- West Virginia.--------- 852 *Kinston Light and Water Dept.----------------- North Carolina-------- 574 Kinzua Pine Mills Company-------------------- Oregon--------------- 661 Kirby Lumber Company----------------------- Texas---------------- 770 *Kirkwood, City of ---------------------------- Missouri------------- 437 *Kissimmee Utility Department----------------- Florida--------------- 93 Kit Carson Light and Power Company------------ Colorado------------- 60 Kittery Electric Light Company----------------- Maine---------------- 302 *Kiwash Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Oklahoma------------ 652 Klamath Water, Light & Power Co--------------- California------------- 40 *Knightstown Water and Light Plant------------- Indiana-------------- 177 *Knox County Rural Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 186 *Knoxville Electric Power and Water Board_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 743 Knoxville Power Company---------------------- Tennessee------------ 737 Kootenai Light & Power Company--------------- Montana------------- 450 *Kootenai Rural Electrification Association, Inc.---- Idaho---------------- 127 Koppers Coal Co., The------------------------- Kentucky------------ 276 West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 853 *Kosciusko County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 186 XL FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Kosciusko Water and Light Plant--------------- Mississippi- - - - ------- 410 Kremmling Light and Power Company------------ Colorado------------- 60 Krotter Electric Co---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 461 Kunkle Light and Power Co--------------------- Ohio----------------- 600 *Kutztown Borough Light and Power Co---------- Pennsylvania--------- 699 L Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Power Company- Pennsylvania--------- 695 *Laclede Electric Cooperative------------------- Missouri------------- 445 Laclede Power & Light Company----------------- Illinois--------------- 138 Missouri------------- 424 *La Crosse, City of ---------------------------- Ransas--------------- 254 *Ladd Electric Light System-------------------- Illinois--------------- 148 *Ladoga Municipal Light Plant------------------ Indiana-------------- 177 La Fargeville Electric Light Co------------------ New York------------ 532 *La Fayette, City of.--------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 110 *Lafayette Electric Cooperative----------------- Wisconsin------------ 891 *Lafayette Light and Water Plant---------------- Alabama------------- 9 *Lafayette Water & Light Plant----------------- Louisiana------------- 291 *La Follette Electric Department, City of --------- Tennessee------------ 743 *La Grange, City of—--------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 110 *Lagrange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 186 *La Grange Water & Light Department----------- North Carolina-------- 575 *La Harpe Municipal Plant--------------------- Kansas--------------- 255 *La Junta Municipal Utilities-------------------- Colorado------------- 67 *Lake City Electric Light Plant------------------ Minnesota------------ 388 *Lake Crystal Municipal Light Plant------------- Minnesota------------ 388 Lake Electric Corporation----------------------- Vermont------------- 804 *Lakefield Light & Water Works----------------- Minnesota------------ 388 Lake Garage and Light Company---------------- Colorado------------- 60 *Lake Helen Municipal Plant-------------------- Florida--------------- 93 *Lakeland Light & Water Department------------ Florida--------------- 93 Lake May Power Company--------------------- Massachusetts-------- 335 *Lake Mills Light and Water Department--------- Wisconsin------------- 881 *Lake Mills Municipal Light Plant--------------- Iowa----------------- 216 *Lake Park Water & Light Department----------- Minnesota------------ 388 *Lake Placid Village Municipal Electric Plant------ New York------------ 553 *Lake Providence Electric Light and Water Plant -- Louisiana------------- 291 *Lake Region Co-op. Electrical Association-------- Minnesota------------ 401 Lakeside Light and Power Company-------------- Arizona-------------- 18 Lake Superior Coal Co-------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 853 Lake Superior District Power Company----------- Michigan------------- 350 Wisconsin------------ 861 *Lake View Electric Department, Town of -------- Iowa----------------- 215 *Lakeview Light & Water Company, Inc.---------- Washington.----------- 840 *Lakeview Municipal System-------------------- Ohio----------------- 617 *Lake Worth, City of.-------------------------- Florida--------------- 93 *Lakin, City of—------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 255 *Lakota Municipal Light Plant------------------ North Dakota.--------- 589 *Lamar County Electric Cooperative Association--- Texas---------------- 784 *Lamar Electric Membership Corporation--------- Georgia.-------------- 116 *Lamar Light and Power Plant------------------ Colorado------------- 67 *Lamar Water and Electric Plant---------------- Missouri------------- 437 *Lamb County Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- Texas---------------- 784 *Lamoni Municipal Utilities--------------------- Iowa----------------- 216 Lamprey River Improvement Company, The------ New Hampshire- - - - - - - 503 *Landis, Town of------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 575 Lane Company, The--------------------------- Virginia-------------- 818 *Lane County Electric Co-operative, Inc.---------- Oregon--------------- 665 *Lanesboro Light & Power Commission---------- Minnesota------------ 389 *Lanett, City of—------------------------------ Alabama------------- 10 *Langford, Town of.--------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 729 *Lansdale Borough Electric Department--------- Pennsylvania.--------- 700 *L’Anse Municipal Hydro & Diesel Plant--------- Michigan------------- 359 INDEX XLI Operates In Page No. *Lansing Board of Water and Electric Light Com- missioners---------------------------------- Michigan------------- 360 Laona Public Service Co----------------------- Wisconsin------------ 862 *La Plata, City of—---------------------------- Missouri------------- 437 *La Plata Electric Association, Inc -------------- Colorado------------- 70 *La Porte City Utilities------------------------ Iowa----------------- 216 La Porte Gas & Electric Company--------------- Indiana-------------- 163 La Porte Light & Power Company--------------- Minnesota------------ 371 *Larchwood Municipal Light Plant-------------- Iowa----------------- 216 *Larned Water and Electric Department--------- Kansas--------------- 255 Larus & Brother Company, Inc. ---------------- Virginia-------------- 819 Las Vegas Light and Power Company, The------- New Mexico.---------- 520 *Laughery Township Farmers Electric Light and Power Company----------------------------- Indiana-------------- 187 Laurel Hill Electric Company------------------- North Carolina-------- 564 *Laurel Municipal Power Plant----------------- Nebraska------------- 480 *Laurens Commissioners of Public Works--------- South Carolina-------- 716 *Laurens Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- South Carolina-------- 719 *Laurinburg, Town of.------------------------- North Carolina-------- 575 La Valle Electric Light & Power Company------- Wisconsin ------------ 862 *Lavallette, Borough of.----------------------- New Jersey----------- 516 *Laverne Municipal Electric Light Plant--------- Oklahoma------------ 645 La Veta Light, Heat & Power Co---------------- Colorado------------- 60 *Lawler Lighting System----------------------- Iowa----------------- 216 *Lawrenceburg Electric System, City of --------- Tennessee------------ 743 *Lawrenceburg Municipal Light & Water Plant--- Indiana-------------- 178 Lawrence County Water, Light and Cold Storage 9----------------------------------------- Missouri------------- 424 Lawrence Gas and Electric Company------------ Massachusetts-------- 325 Lawrence Park Heat, Light and Power Company, The---------------------------------------- New York------------ 533 *Lawrenceville, City of—------------------------ Georgia.-------------- 110 Lea Milling Co., Inc.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 464 *Lebanon, City of ----------------------------- Tennessee------------ 744 *Lebanon Municipal Light & Water Plant-------- Missouri------------- 437 *Lebanon Trustees of Public Affairs------------- Ohio----------------- 618 *Lebanon, Village of.-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 480 Leckie Fire Creek Coal Co---------------------- West Virginia--------- 853 Lee Mutual Electric Company------------------ Maine--------------- 302 *Leesburg, Municipal Plant, City of—------------ Florida--------------- 93 *Lehigh, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 216 *Lehi Electric Light & Power System, The------- Utah-------- — — — — — — — — — 795 *Leigh Light & Power Department-------------- Nebraska------------- 480 *Leland Water & Light Plant------------------- Mississippi----------- 410 Leng, Mr. William----------------------------- Michigan------------- 350 *Lenoir City Water and Light Department------- Tennessee------------ 744 *Lenox Municipal Light Plant------------------ Iowa----------------- 216 Lentner Transmission Line--------------------- Missouri------------- 424 Leominister Electric Light and Power Company-- Massachusetts-------- 326 Leona Electric Light Co------------------------ Kansas--------------- 242 Leonard, James H----------------------------- New York------------ 533 *Leonard, Village of --------------------------- Minnesota------------ 389 *Le Roy Village------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 618 Leslie Electric Company------------------------ Arkansas------------- 29 *Le Sueur Water and Light Department--------- Minnesota------------ 389 *Levan Electric System------------------------ Utah----------------- 795 Leward Cotton Mills, Inc.----------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 *Lewes Board of Public Works------------------ Delaware------------- 80 Lewis & Co., J. B.----------------------------- Texas---------------- 762 *Lewisberry Borough Council------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 700 *Lewisburg Light & Power Dept.---------------- Tennessee------------ 744 *Lewis County Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- ion---------------------------------------- Missouri------------- 445 *Lewiston Distributing System------------------ Nebraska------------- 480 *Lewiston Municipal Electric Plant-------------- Maine--------------- 307 *Lewisville Light Plant------------------------- Indiana-------------- 178 XLII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Lexington Electric System--------------------- Tennessee------------ 744 *Lexington Municipal Plant-------------------- Texas---------------- 775 *Lexington, Town of--------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 645 *Lexington Water, Light and Power Department-- North Carolina-------- 575 Lexington Water Power Company--------------- South Carolina-------- 711 *Liberal Municipal Electric Department---------- Missouri------------- 437 *Liberty Center Municipal Light Plant----------- Ohio----------------- 618 *Liberty, City of ------------------------------ Texas---------------- 775 *Licking Rural Electrification, Inc.--------------- Ohio----------------- 629 Liddell Power Company------------------------ Alabama------------- 5 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 Lillybrook Coal Co---------------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 853 Lime Springs Milling Co------------------------ Iowa----------------- 205 *Limestone County Electric Cooperative, Inc ----- Texas---------------- 784 Limestone Electric Co-------------------------- Maine--------------- 302 Lincoln & Ellendale Electric Co----------------- Delaware------------- 80 *Lincoln, Commercial Light Department, City of—- Nebraska------------- 480 *Lincoln County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Tennessee------------ 751 *Lincoln County Power District No. 1.----------- Nevada-------------- 498 Lincoln County Utilities Company--------------- New Mexico.---------- 520 *Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Washington.----------- 840 *Lincoln Light Department--------------------- Kansas--------------- 255 Lincoln Power and Light Co-------------------- New Mexico.---------- 520 Lincoln Power Corporation--------------------- Oklahoma------------ 635 Lincoln Service Corporation-------------------- Wyoming------------- 896 *Lincolnton, Town of-------------------------- North Carolina-------- 575 *Lincoln-Union Electric Company--------------- South Dakota.--------- 732 *Lindsay Light and Power Department---------- Oklahoma------------ 645 *Lindsborg Light and Water Plant-------------- Kansas--------------- 255 *Lingle, Town of------------------------------ Wyoming------------- 901 *Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 231 *Linneus Municipal Electric Plant-------------- Missouri------------- 438 *Linton Electric Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana-------------- 178 Linville Creek Light and Power Co., Inc.--------- Virginia-------------- 813 Linville Valley Power Company----------------- North Carolina-------- 564 Litchfield Electric Light and Power Company, The---------------------------------------- Connecticut----------- 75 *Litchfield Light and Power Plant--------------- Minnesota------------ 389 *Litchfield, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 480 Little Cahaba Coal Company------------------- Alabama------------- 6 *Littlefork Light Commission------------------- Minnesota.------------ 389 Little Goose Distributing Company-------------- Wyoming------------- 896 *Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation, °---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 116 *Little Sioux, Town of------------------------- Iowa----------------- 217 *Little Valley Electric Light Department--------- New York------------ 553 *Littleton Electric Light Department------------ Massachusetts-------- 339 *Littleton Water & Light Department----------- New Hampshire------- 506 *Livermore, Town of--------------------------- Iowa----------------- 217 *Livingston, City of --------------------------- Texas---------------- 775 *Lizton, Municipal Lighting Department--------- Indiana-------------- 178 *Lockhart, City of—---------------------------- Texas---------------- 775 Lockhart Power Company---------------------- South Carolina-------- 711 Lockport and Newfane Power and Water Supply Company, The------------------------------ New York------------ 533 Lockwood Company--------------------------- Maine--------------- 306 *Lodge Grass Municipal Light & Power Plant---- Montana------------- 453 *Lodgepole Municipal Light & Water Plant------- Nebraska------------- 480 *Lodi, City of—-------------------------------- California------------ 52 *Lodi Light and Water Plant------------------- Wisconsin------------ 881 *Logan City Municipal Electric Light Plant------ Utah----------------- 795 Logan County Coal Corporation----------------- West Virginia.--------- 853 *Logan County Cooperative Power & Light Asso- °iation, Inc.--------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 629 INDEX YLIII Operates In Page No. *Logansport Electric Light and Power Plant------ Indiana-------------- 178 *Lompoc Light and Water Department---------- California------------ 52 *Lone Wolf Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ Texas---------------- 784 Long Bell Lumber Company, The--------------- Louisiana------------- 289 Long Creek Memorial Baptist Church------------ North Carolina-------- 568 *Long Grove Municipal Light Company---------- Iowa----------------- 217 Long Island Lighting Company----------------- New York------------ 533 *Longmont, City of—--------------------------- Colorado------------- 67 *Loomis, Village of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 480 *Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc - - Ohio----------------- 629 Loray Light and Power Company--------------- North Carolina-------- 568 Lorraine Electric Light Co---------------------- New York------------ 534 *Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Bureau of Power and Light, City of—----------- California------------ 52 *Lost River Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ Idaho---------------- 127 *Loudon Power and Light Company------------- Tennessee------------ 744 Louisiana Ice & Electric Company, Inc.----------- Louisiana------------- 285 Louisiana Long Leaf Lumber Co- - - ------------- Louisiana------------- 289 Louisiana Power & Light Company-------------- Louisiana------------- 285 Louisiana Public Service Corporation------------ Louisiana------------- 286 Louisiana Public Utilities Co., Inc.--------------- Louisiana------------- 287 *Louisburg Light & Water Department---------- North Carolina-------- 575 Louisville Cement Company-------------------- Indiana-------------- 170 Louisville Cement Corporation------------------ Indiana-------------- 170 *Louisville Electric System--------------------- Mississippi----------- 410 Louisville Gas and Electric Company------------ Kentucky------------ 274 *Loup River Public Power District – - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 480 *Loveland Electrical Department---------------- Colorado------------- 68 Loveland Light & Water Company, The--------- Ohio----------------- 600 *Loveland Mutual Company-------------------- Washington.----------- 840 Low Volatile Coal Co-------------------------- West Virginia.--------- 853 Lowell Electric Light Corporation, The_---------- Massachusetts-------- 326 *Lowellville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs--- Ohio----------------- 618 *Lowell Water, Light, and Power Plant---------- Michigan------------- 360 *Lower Colorado River Authority--------------- Texas---------------- 775 *Lower Colorado River Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Texas---------------- 784 *Lower Elwha Company----------------------- Washington.----------- 840 *Lower Valley Power & Light, Inc.--------------- Wyoming------------- 904 *Lower Yellowstone Rural Electric Association, Inc.---------------------------------------- Montana------------- 454 Lowndesville Light and Power Company--------- South Carolina-------- 711 Loyal Hanna Coal and Coke Company----------- Pennsylvania--------- 695 *Lubbock, City of—---------------------------- Texas---------------- 776 *Lubec Water and Electric Department---------- Maine--------------- 307 *Lucama Light Plant, Town of ----------------- North Carolina-------- 575 *Lucan, Village of ----------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 389 *Lucas Light Department---------------------- Kansas--------------- 255 *Lucas Village Municipal----------------------- Ohio----------------- 618 Lucerne Water, Light, and Power Company------- California------------ 40 *Ludden, Village of.--------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 590 *Ludlow Electric Light Department------------- Vermont------------- 808 Ludlow Gas and Electric Co-------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - _ _ 675 *Luling Utilities Division, City of - - - - ----------- Texas---------------- 776 *Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation - North Carolina-------- 583 *Lumberton, Town of-------------------------- North Carolina-------- 576 *Luray Municipal Water & Light Plant---------- Kansas--------------- 255 *Lusk Department of Light and Power----------- Wyoming------------- 901 *Luverne, City of ----------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 389 *Luverne, Town of---------------------------- Alabama------------- 10 Luzerne County Gas and Electric Corporation---- Pennsylvania--------- 675 *Lyman, Village of --------------------------- Nebraska------------- 481 *Lynches River Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- South Carolina-------- 719 *Lyndonville Electric Plant--------------------- Vermont------------- 808 Lynn Gas and Electric Company---------------- Massachusetts-------- 326 Lynnville Mill & Power Plant------------------- Iowa----------------- 205 *Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------- Texas---------------- 784 XLIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Lyon County Electric Cooperative, Inc., The_ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 266 *Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc.__________ Minnesota.------------ 401 *Lyon Rural Electric Cooperative--------------- Iowa----------------- 231 *Lyons Electric Department-------------------- Colorado------------- 68 *Lyons Municipal Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _---- Nebraska------------- 481 M *Mabel Municipal Electric Department---------- Minnesota.------------ 390 MacAlpin Coal Company----------------------- West Virginia.--------- 853 Macatawa Park Company---------------------- Michigan------------- 354 *Macclesfield Municipal Electric Department----- North Carolina-------- 576 *Macedon Light and Power Commission---------- New York------------ 553 Mace-Linnsburg Electric Light & Power Co------- Indiana-------------- 163 Mackay Light & Power Company, Ltd----------- Idaho---------------- 120 *Macon Electric Cooperative------------------- Missouri------------- 445 *Macon Electric Department------------------- Mississippi----------- 410 *Macon Light and Water Department - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 438 *Maddock Municipal Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Dakota.-------- 590 *Madelia Municipal Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota------------ 390 *Madison Borough Water & Light Department- - - New Jersey----------- 516 *Madison, City of ----------------------------- Minnesota------------ 390 Madison County Country Club.----------------- Mississippi----------- 405 *Madison County Rural Public Power District---- Nebraska------------- 481 *Madison Electric Works Department - - - - - - - - - - - Maine--------------- 307 Madison Gas and Electric Company------------- Wisconsin------------ 862 Madison Light and Power Company------------- Indiana-------------- 163 *Madison Light and Power Department---------- South Dakota--------- 720 *Madison Municipal Light & Power Plant-------- Nebraska------------- 481 Madison Power Company---------------------- Virginia-------------- 813 Madisonville Ice, Light & Power Co., Inc.--------- Louisiana------------- 287 *Madisonville Light and Water Plant------------ Kentucky------------ 278 *Magic Valley Electric Cooperatives, Inc.---------- Texas---------------- 785 *Magnolia Electric Power Association------------- Mississippi----------- 415 *Mahaska, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 256 Mahoning Ore & Steel Company----------------- Minnesota------------ 378 *Maiden, Town of------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 576 Main Bros. Box & Lumber Co------------------- Illinois--------------- 143 Maine Consolidated Power Co------------------- Maine--------------- 302 Maine Public Service Company------------------ Maine--------------- 303 Majestic Collieries Co--------------------------- Kentucky------------ 276 *Malden, City of—------------------------------ Missouri------------- 438 Malden Electric Company----------------------- Massachusetts-------- 327 *Malheur Cooperative Electric Association-------- Oregon--------------- 665 Mammoth Light and Power Company------------ Arizona-------------- 18 *Manassas Light Department-------------------- Virginia-------------- 821 Manchester Electric Company------------------- Massachusetts-------- 327 *Manchester Light and Power Department-------- Oklahoma------------ 645 *Mangum Light and Power Plant---------------- Oklahoma------------ 645 *Manilla Municipal Service Department----------- Iowa----------------- 217 Manistique Light and Power Company, The------- Michigan------------- 350 Manistique Pulp and Paper Company------------- Michigan------------- 354 *Manitou Light Department--------------------- Oklahoma------------ 645 Manitowoc Portland Cement Company----------- Wisconsin ------------ 873 *Manitowoc Public Utilities Commission---------- Wisconsin------------ 881 *Manning Municipal Light Plant----------------- Iowa----------------- 217 *Mansfield Light & Water Works----------------- Texas---------------- 776 Mansfield Mills, Inc.---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 *Mansfield Municipal Lighting Plant------------- Massachusetts-------- 339 *Mansfield, Town of---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 110 *Manti City Light and Power Department-------- Utah----------------- 795 *Manton Water and Light Department----------- Michigan------------- 360 *Mantua Electric Light Department-------------- Utah----------------- 795 *Maplelake Rural Cooperative Power Association--- Minnesota.------------ 401 *Mapleton Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _------ Iowa----------------- 217 *Maquoketa-Elec. Department, City of ----------- Iowa----------------- 217 INDEX XLV Operates In Page No *Maquoketa Valley Rural Electric Cooperative---- Iowa----------------- 231 *Marathon Lighting Plant---------------------- New York------------ 553 Marathon Paper Mills Co---------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 873 *Marathon, Town of--------------------------- Iowa----------------- 218 *Marble Cooperative Electric Association--------- Minnesota.------------ 401 *Marblehead Municipal Light Department - - - - - - - Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 339 *Marceline, City of ---------------------------- Missouri------------- 438 Margarette Coal Corporation------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 853 *Marietta Board of Lights and Water Works - - - - - Georgia.-------------- 110 Marietta Electric Company, The- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 601 *Marion Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- South Carolina-------- 719 Marion Electric Company---------------------- Iowa----------------- 202 Marion-Reserve Power Company, The ----------- Ohio----------------- 601 *Marion Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 629 *Marion Water and ſlight Plant----------------- Kansas--------------- 256 *Marlboro Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- South Carolina-------- 719 *Marlow Water and Light Department----------- Oklahoma------------ 645 *Marquette, Department of Light & Power, City of Michigan------------- 360 *Marshall City Water & Electric Works---------- Michigan------------- 360 *Marshall County Rural Electric Cooperative----- Iowa----------------- 231 *Marshall County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 187 Marshall Ice & Electric Company- - - - ----------- Arkansas------------- 29 *Marshall Municipal Light Plant, City of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 149 *Marshall Municipal Utilities------------------- Minnesota.------------ 390 *Marshall Municipal Utilities------------------- Missouri------------- 4.38 *Marshallville Municipal Light Department - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 618 *Marshfield Electric & Water Department--- - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 882 Mars Hill Electric Co-------------------------- Maine--------------- 303 Martin County Electric Co--------------------- Minnesota.------------ 371 Martin Electric Light and Power Service--------- Ohio----------------- 602 *Martins Ferry Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 618 *Martinsville Electric Department, City of - - - - - - - Virginia-------------- 821 *Martinsville Water & Light Plant-------------- Indiana-------------- 178 *Marvin Municipal Light Plant----------------- South Dakota.--------- 730 Maryland Light and Power Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Maryland------------ 3.11 Maryland New River Coal Co- - - - -------------- West Virginia--------- 854 Maryville Electric Light and Power Company----- Missouri------------- 424 *Maryville Electric System--------------------- Tennessee------------ 745 *Mascoutah Light and Power Plant-------------- Illinois--------------- 149 *Mason City Municipal Electric & Water Plant--- Nebraska------------- 481 *Mason City Water & Light Co----------------- Illinois--------------- 149 Mason Water, Light & Power Co---------------- Nevada.-------------- 496 Massanutten Power Corporation---------------- Virginia-------------- 813 Masterson, H. C.------------------------------ Washington.----------- 827 Mauch Chunk Heat, Power & Electric Light Co., The---------------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 676 Maupin Power Co----------------------------- Oregon--------------- 657 *Maxwell, Village of --------------------------- Nebraska------------- 482 Mayfield Electric Light Plant------------------- Michigan------------- 350 *May, Town of------------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 646 *Maynard Municipal Light & Power Company---- Minnesota.------------ 390 *Mayville Light Department-------------------- New York------------ 554 *Mazeppa Water, Light, Power & Building Com- mission, The-------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 390 *Mazomanie Light & Water Department--------- Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 882 McCall Coal Company------------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 853 McCleary Timber Company-------------------- Washington.----------- 833 McCleary Utilities Company-------------------- Washington.----------- 827 McCloud River Lumber Company, The_--------- California------------ 48 *McCormick Commissioners of Public Works - - - - - South Carolina-------- 717 McCoy & Lynn.------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 676 *McCulloch County Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- Texas---------------- 785 *McDonough Power Cooperativel--------------- Illinois---------- — — — — - 155 McGowin Lumber Co., Inc. W. M--------------- Alabama------------- 6 *McKenzie River Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- Oregon--------------- 665 XLVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *McKinley Water & Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota------------ 390 *McLeansboro, City of—------------------------ Illinois--------------- 149 *McLennan County Electric Cooperative, Inc._____ Texas---------------- 785 *McLeod Cooperative Power Association_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 401 *McMinnville Electric System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee------------ 744 *McMinnville Water & Light Department---- - - - - Oregon--------------- 664 *McPherson Water and Electric Department - - - - - Kansas--------------- 256 *Meade, City of—------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 256 *Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 280 *Mead Electric Light Plant--------------------- Nebraska------------- 482 *Meadow Electric System ---------------------- Utah----------------- 796 Meadow River Lumber Co., The -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - West Virginia.--------- 854 Meadows Light & Power Company-------------- Idaho---------------- 120 *Meadville Electric Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 438 * Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative-------------- Virginia-------------- 823 Medicine Bow Electric Co---------------------- Wyoming------------- 896 *Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Texas---------------- 785 *Medora Township Light Plant----------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 590 Medusa Portland Cement Company------------- Illinois--------------- 143 Ohio----------------- 610 Wisconsin ------------ 873 *Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association - Minnesota------------ 402 * Meeker, Town of----------------------------- Colorado------------- 68 Melrose Farmers Public Service Company -- - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 372 Melrose Power Company----------------------- New Mexico.---------- 521 *Melrose Water, Light, Power & Bldg. Commission- Minnesota------------ 391 *Melville Municipal Electric Department____ _ _ _ _ _ Louisiana------------- 292 Memphis Generating Company------------------ Tennessee------------ 738 *Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division---------- Tennessee------------ 745 *Memphis Municipal Light & Water Plants.------- Missouri------------- 439 *Menard Electric Cooperative------------------- Illinois--------------- 155 *Menasha Electric and Water Utilities__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin – ----------- 882 *Mendenhall, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mississippi----------- 410 *Mendon Board of Public Affairs-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 619 Mendota Electric Company--------------------- Minnesota------------ 372 *Menlo Electric Light and Transmission System -- Kansas--------------- 256 Menominee and Marinette Light and Traction Company----------------------------------- Michigan------------- 351 Wisconsin ------------ 862 *Menominee Indian Mills - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 882 *Merced Irrigation District- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 53 Mercersburg, Lehmasters & Markes Electric Com- pany--------------------------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 676 Merchants Power & Light Company------------- Wisconsin – ----------- 863 Meriden Electric Light & Power Co-------------- New Hampshire------- 503 *Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 751 Merrill and Ring Lumber Company------ - - - - - - - - Washington.----------- 883 *Merrillan Municipal Light & Water Department, Village of ---------------------------------- Wisconsin – ----------- 882 *Merrimac Light Department------------------- Massachusetts-------- 339 *Mesa-Utilities Dept., City of ------------------ Arizona-------------- 22 Metaline Falls Light & Water Co---------------- Washington.----------- 827 *Metropolis Water and Light Department--- - - - - - Illinois--------------- 149 *Metropolitan District Commission, Water Divi- sion----------------------------------------- Massachusetts-------- 339 Metropolitan Edison Company------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 676 *Metropolitan Water District of Southern Cali- fornia, The---------------------------------- California------------ 53 *Miami-Cass County Rural Electric Membership Corporation---------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 187 *Miami-Department of Public Utilities, City of ---- Oklahoma------------ 646 Miami Light & Power Co------------------------ Missouri-------------- 4.25 Miami Power Corporation----------------------- Indiana-------------- 163 Kentucky------------ 274 *Miamisburg, City of --------------------------- Ohio----------------- 619 INDEX. - XLVII Operates In Page No. Michigan Alkali Company---------------------- Michigan------------- 354 Michigan Gas and Electric Company------------ Michigan------------- 351 Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company------- Michigan------------- 354 Michigan Northern Power Company------------- Michigan------------- 351 Michigan Public Service Company--------------- Michigan------------- 351 *Middleborough Gas and Electric Department---- Massachusetts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 339 *Middle Georgia Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 116 Middlesex County Electric Company------------ Massachusetts--------- 327 *Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corpora- tion, The----------------------------------- Tennessee------------ 751 *Middleton Electric Light Department----------- Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 340 *Middletown Borough Light Plant--------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 700 *Middletown Electric Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana-------------- 178 *Middletown Light and Water Department-------- Delaware------------- 80 Midland Light and Power---------------------- South Dakota.--------- 724 Midland Public Service Company---------------- Wisconsin------------ 863 *Midwest Electric Cooperative, Inc -------------- Texas---------------- 785 *Midwest Electric, Inc.------------------------- Ohio----------------- 630 *Mid-Yellowstone Electric Cooperative, Inc._______ Montana------------- 454 *Mifflinburg, Borough of ----------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 700 *Milan, Electricity Department, City of --------- Tennessee------------ 745 *Milan Electric Light Plant--------------------- Ohio----------------- 619 *Milan Municipal Light Plant------------------ Missouri------------- 439 Milburn By-Products Coal Company------------ West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 854 *Milford, City of—----------------------------- Delaware------------- 81 Milford Electric Light and Power Company-------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 327 *Milford Municipal Light Plant----------------- Iowa----------------- 218 *Milford, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 482 Mill City Light and Water Co------------------ Oregon--------------- 657 *Mille Lacs Region Co-operative Power & Light Association--------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 402 Miller, Mrs. L. G------------------------------ Wisconsin------------ 874 *Miller Municipal Light & Power Plant -- - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 730 Miller Mill Co., Inc., T. R.---------------------- Alabama------------- 6 *Milltown Borough Electric Department - - - - - - - - - New Jersey----------- 516 Millville Electric Light Company---------------- New Jersey----------- 511 Millville Manuafcturing Co--------------------- New Jersey----------- 515 *Milo, Town of------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 218 *Milton Municipal Electric Utility--------------- Oregon--------------- 664 *Milton, Town of------------------------------ Washington.----------- 836 *Milwaukee Bureau of Electric Service, Depart- ment of Public Works------------------------ Wisconsin------------ 882 *Minden Light & Water Department------------ Louisiana------------- 292 *Minden Light Department--------------------- Nebraska------------- 482 *Mindenmines Municipal Light System---------- Missouri------------- 439 *Mineral County Power System----------------- Nevada-------------- 498 *Minerva Board of Public Affairs---------------- Ohio----------------- 619 Mineville Light, Heat & Power Co--------------- New York------------ 535 *Minidoka, Village of.------------------------- Idaho---------------- 125 *Minidoka North Side Power Company---------- Idaho---------------- 127 *Minier Light & Power Department----------. -- Illinois--------------- 149 *Minneapolis, City of ------------------------- Kansas--------------- 256 Minneapolis General Electric Company, The------ Minnesota.------------ 372 Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co------------------ Minnesota------------ 379 Minnesota Power & Light Company------------- Minnesota------------ 372 Minnesota Utilities Company------------------- Minnesota------------ 373 *Minnesota Valley Cooperative Light & Power Association--------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 402 *Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative, The----- Minnesota------------ 402 *Minster Light Plant-------------------------- Ohio----------------- 619 *Mishawaka City Water and Electric Plant_______ Indiana-------------- 179 *Mississippi County Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- Arkansas------------- 35 Mississippi Power & Light Company------------- Mississippi----------- 406 Mississippi Power Company-------------------- Mississippi- - - - ------- 405 XLVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Mississippi River Power Company--------------- Illinois--------------- 132 OW8-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 202 Missouri------------- 425 *Miss. State College Power Plant---------------- Mississippi----------- 411 Mississippi Valley Public Service Company------- Minnesota------------ 374 Wisconsin------------ 863 *Missoula Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- Montana------------- 454 Missouri Edison Company---------------------- Missouri------------- 425 Missouri Electric Power Company--------------- Missouri------------- 425 Missouri Gas & Electric Service Company-------- Missouri------------- 426 Missouri General Utilities Company------------- Missouri------------- 426 Missouri Power & Light Company--------------- Missouri------------- 427 Missouri Public Service Corporation------------- Missouri----- -- - - - - - - - 427 *Missouri Rural Electric Cooperative Association-- Missouri------------- 445 Missouri Service Company---------------------- Iowa----------------- 202 Missouri 428 Missouri Southern Public Service Company------- Missouri------------- 428 Missouri Utilities Company--------------------- Missouri------------- 428 *Mitchell County Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 116 *Mitchell Electric Department------------------ Nebraska------------- 482 *M. J. M. Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- Illinois--------------- 155 *Modaway-Worth Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - Missouri------------- 445 Modern Electric Water Co---------------------- Washington.----------- 827 *Modesto Irrigation District-------------------- California------------ 53 *Mohawk Municipal Commission---------------- New York------------ 554 Moline-Rock Island Manufacturing Company----- Illinois--------------- 138 Iowa----------------- 202 Molson Light Company------------------------ Washington.----------- 827 Monarch Cement Company, The---------------- Kansas--------------- 244 Monarch Mills-------------------------------- South Carolina-------- 714 *Monett, City of ------------------------------ Missouri------------- 439 *Monona County Rural Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 231 Monongahela Light and Power Company--------- Pennsylvania--------- 677 Monongahela West Penn Public Service Company- West Virginia.--------- 847 *Monroe City Light and Power Department------ Missouri-------------- 439 *Monroe, City of—----------------------------- Louisiana------------- 292 *Monroe, City of—----------------------------- North Carolina-------- 576 Monroe Coal Mining Company------------------ Pennsylvania--------- 696 *Monroe County Electric Cooperative, Inc ------- Illinois--------------- 155 *Monroe County Electric Power Association------ Mississippi------------ 415 *Monroe Light Department, Town of------------ Indiana-------------- 179 Monroe Power & Light Company---------------- Ohio----------------- 602 *Monroe Power and Light Department---------- Utah----------------- 796 *Monroeville, Village of ------------------------ Ohio----------------- 619 *Monroe Water & Light Commission------------ Georgia.-------------- 111 Monson Light & Power Co--------------------- Maine--------------- 303 *Mont Alto, Borough of.----------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 700 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co------------------- Montana------------- 450 North Dakota.--------- 587 South Dakota.--------- 724 Montana Light & Power Company, The---------- Montana------------- 450 Montana Power Company, The----------------- Idaho---------------- 121 Montana------------- 451 Montaup Electric Company--------------------- Massachusetts-------- 328 Monterey Utilities Corporation------------------ Virginia-------------- 814 *Montezuma, City of -------------------------- Kansas-------------- 257 *Montezuma Municipal Utilities---------------- Indiana-------------- 179 Montgomery Company, The-------------------- Connecticut.---------- 76 Montgomery Light & Power Co----------------- Indiana-------------- 163 *Monticello, City of --------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 111 Monticello Electric Co------------------------- Maine--------------- 303 *Monticello Electric Department---------------- Wisconsin------------ 883 *Monticello, Town of-------------------------- Utah----------------- 796 *Montpelier Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 619 *Montreat Electric Light Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Carolina-------- 576 INDEX XLIX Operates In Page No. Monument Mills------------------------------ Massachusetts-------- 335 *Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc.------------ Utah----------------- 799 Moorcroft Light & Power---------------------- Wyoming------------- 896 Moore Corporation, Walton N------------------ California------------ 40 *Moorefield, Village of ------------------------- Nebraska------------- 482 *Moore Haven Light & Water Department------- Florida--------------- 93 *Mooreland City Light Department------------- Oklahoma------------ 646 Mooresville Public Service Co------------------- Indiana-------------- 164 *Moorhead Water and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 391 *Moose Lake, Water & Light Commission of Vil- lage of ------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 391 *Mora Light and Power Plant------------------ Minnesota------------ 391 *Moran Municipal Light Plant------------------ Kansas--------------- 257 Mora Public Service Company------------------ New Mexico.---------- 521 Moreau Manufacturing Corporation-------------- New York------------ 548 Morenci Water & Electric Company, The- - - - - - - - Arizona-------------- 19 *Morgan City Corporation---------------------- Utah----------------- 796 *Morgan City Municipal Water, Electric Light and Power Plant---------------------------- Louisiana------------- 292 *Morgan County Rural Electric Assn.------------ Colorado------------- 70 *Morgan County Rural Electric Membership Corporation-------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 187 Morgan, Guy R------------------------------- Missouri------------- 429 *Morganton Electric Department - - - - - - - -------- North Carolina-------- 576 *Morrill Municipal Electric Department---------- Nebraska------------- 482 *Morrill Municipal Light System---------------- Kansas--------------- 257 *Morristown Water & Electric Light Plant- - - - - - - - Tennessee------------ 745. *Morrisville, Village of.------------------------ Vermont------------- 809 *Morrow Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- Ohio----------------- 630 Morton Power and Light----------------------- Texas---------------- 762 Mosinee Paper Mills Co------------------------ Wisconsin------------ 874. *Moultrie Light & Power Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Georgia.-------------- 111 *Moundridge Water & Light Dept., City of ------ Kansas--------------- 257 *Mountain Empire Electric Cooperative, Inc ------ California------------ 56 *Mountain Iron Water, Light, Power and Building Commission---------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 391 *Mountain Lake Municipal Plant--------------- Minnesota.--- - - - - - - - - - 391 Mountain States Power Company--------------- Idaho---------------- 121 Montana------------- 452 Oregon.--------------- 657 South Dakota.-------- 724 Washington.----------- 827 Wyoming.---...-- - - - - - - - 897 Mountain Utilities Corporation, The...------------ Colorado------------- 60 Mount Carmel Public Utility & Service Company, - The---------------------------------------- Illinois.--------------- 139 *Mount Cory Board of Public Affairs------------ Ohio----------------- 620 *Mount Dora, Town of ------------------------ Florida--------------- 94 *Mount Hope Electric Dept.-------------------- Kansas--------------- 257 Mount Hope Finishing Co---------------------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 335 *Mount Horeb Electric Utility------------------ Wisconsin ------------ 883 *Mount Olive Municipal Light Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 149 *Mount Pleasant Electric Light and Water Works_ Iowa----------------- 218 *Mount Pleasant Electric Light Department------ Utah----------------- 796 *Mount Pleasant Power System----------------- Tennessee------------ 746 *Mount Vernon Municipal Light Plant----------- Missouri------------- 439 Mount Vernon-Woodberry Mills, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - Alabama------------- 6 Mowersville Light Co-------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 677 *Mulberry Water & Light System--------------- Kansas--------------- 257 *Mullen, Village of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 483 Mullin Power & Light Service------------------- Texas---------------- 762 *Mulvane, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 257 *Murfreesboro Electric Department-------------- Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 746 *Murphy Electric Department------------------ North Carolina-------- 576 *Murray Power Plant Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Utah----------------- 796 Murray Water & Electric Light Utilities----- - - - - - Idaho---------------- 121 L FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Muscatine Municipal Electric Plant----___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 218 *Muscle Shoals, Town of----------------------- Alabama------------- 10 *Muscoda Light & Power Plant----------------- Wisconsin------------ 883 *Muscotah Municipal Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 258 *Muskingum Valley Farm Bureau Electric Coop- erative, Inc.--------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 630 Mustang Island Industries, Inc.------------------ Texas---------------- 770 Mutual Light Company------------------------ Virginia-------------- 814 *Mutual Power and Light Association of Tanner-- Washington.----------- 840 Mutual Public Service Co. of N. H-----___ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Hampshire------- 504 *Myrtle Creek, Town of ----------------------- Oregon--------------- 665 Mystic Power Company, The------------------- Connecticut---------- 75 N Nantahala Power and Light Company----------- North Carolina-------- 564 Nantucket Gas & Electric Company------------- Massachusetts-------- 328 *Naperville Electric Light Department----------- Illinois--------------- 150 *Napoleon Water Works and Electric Light Plant- Ohio----------------- 620 *Nappanee Utilities Co------------------------- Indiana-------------- 179 Narragansett Electric Company, The------------ Rhode Island--------- 706 *Nashville, Electric Power Board of the City of -- Tennessee_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 746 *Nashwauk Water, Light, Power and Building Commission--------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 391 Nassau & Suffolk Lighting Company------------- New York------------ 535 *Natchez Trace Electric Power Association_______ Mississippi------------ 415 *Natchitoches, City of ------------------------- Louisiana------------- 292 National Gypsum Company-------------------- Kansas--------------- 244 *National Park Service------------------------- Wyoming------------- 902 Natrona Light & Power Company--------------- Pennsylvania--------- 677 Nauvoo Electric Light & Power Company-------- Illinois--------------- 139 *Navarro County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- Texas---------------- 785 Nazareth Cement Company--------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 696 Nebraska Light and Power Company------------ Nebraska------------- 461 Nebraska Cement Company-------------------- Nebraska------------- 464 Nebraska Hydro Electric Power Co-------------- Nebraska------------- 461 Nebraska Power Company---------------------- Iowa----------------- 202 Nebraska------------- 462 *Nebraska Public Power System----------------- Nebraska------------- 483 Nebraska Public Service Company--------------- Nebraska------------- 462 Nebraska Utilities----------------------------- Nebraska------------- 462 *Negaunee, City of—--------------------------- Michigan------------- 360 *Nehalem Valley Cooperative Electric Assn.------- Oregon--------------- 666 Neihart Water and Light Company-------------- Montana------------- 452 Neils Lumber Company, J---------------------- Montana------------- 453 Washington.----------- 833 Nekoosa-Edwards Light & Power Company------- Wisconsin------------ 863 Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co--------------------- Wisconsin------------ 874 Nelson Co. Le Claire Light & Power Division, N. O.--------------------------------------- Illinois--------------- 143 *Nelson Municipal Light & Water System-------- Nebraska------------- 483 Nelson, Roy S--------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 379 *Nelsonville Light Plant------------------------ Ohio----------------- 620 *Nemaha-Marshall Electric Cooperative Associa- tion, Inc., The------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 266 *Neodesha, City of ---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 258 *Neola Light & Water System------------------ Iowa----------------- 218 *Nephi City Corporation----------------------- Utah----------------- 797 Neshonoc Light & Power Company-------------- Wisconsin ------------ 863 *Netawaka Electric Light Systeml -------------- Kansas--------------- 258 Nevada-California Electric Corporation, The----- Arizona-------------- 19 California.------------ 40 Nevada-------------- 496 Nevada Consolidated Copper Corporation-------- Nevada-------------- 497 *New Albany Electric Plant-------------------- Mississippi------------ 411 *Newark, Council of -------------------------- Delaware------------- 81 *Newark Municipal Electric Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 620 New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company - - - - Massachusetts-------- 328 *Newbern Light Plant------------------------- Tennessee------------ 746 *New Bern Municipal Electric Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Carolina-------- 577 *Newberry, Board of Public Works, City of ------ Florida--------------- 94 *Newberry Commissioners of Public Works__ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 717 *Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - South Carolina-------- 719 *Newberry Water and Light Board_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 361 *New Bremen Light and Water Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 620 *New Carlisle, Town of- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 179 *New Castle Board of Water and Light Commis- Sioners-------------------------------------- Delaware------------- 81 Newcastle Coal Company---------------------- Alabama------------- 6 New Castle Electric Street Railway Company----- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 696 *New Concord Board of Public Affairs -- - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 620 *New England, Light & Water Department, City of----------------------------------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 590 New England Power Company------------------ Massachusetts-------- 328 Vermont------------- 804 New Era Construction Co---------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 *Newfolden, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- Minnesota------------ 392 *New Glarus Light and Water Works___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 883 *New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Hampshire------- 507 New Hampshire Gas and Electric Company - - - - - - New Hampshire------- 504 *New Hampton Light Plant and Water Works-- - - Iowa---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 218 *New Hampton Village Fire Precinct, Inc - - - - - - - - New Hampshire.------- 507 *New Harmony Electric Light Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana -------------- 179 *New Holstein Public Utility Commission – -- - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 883 *New Ipswich Electric Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Hampshire.------- 507 New Jersey Power & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - New Jersey----------- 511 New Jersey Zinc Company, The--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New Jersey----------- 515 New Jersey Zinc Company (of Pa.), The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 696 *Newkirk Power and Light Department___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oklahoma------------ 646 *New Knoxville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs - Ohio__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 620 New Light & Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Colorado------------- 60 *New Lisbon Electric Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ 883 *New London Electric Utility___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 883 *New London Municipal Light and Power Co----- Iowa----------------- 219 New London Power Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 602 *New-Mac Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 445 New Madison Lighting Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 602 *New Madrid Light and Power Department_ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 440 *New Martinsville Municipal Utilities____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ West Virginia--------- 856 New Matamoras Electric Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 602 New Mexico Electric Service Company____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Mexico_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 521 New Mexico Power Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New Mexico - - - - - - - - - - 521 New Mexico Public Service Company--- - - - - - - - - - New Mexico - - - - - - - - - - 521 *Newnan Water & Light Commission__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Georgia.-------------- 111 New Orleans Public Service, Inc.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisiana------------- 287 Newport Electric Corporation (R. I.) - - - - - - - - - - - - Rhode Island- - - - - - - - - 706 *Newport Electric System-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 746 Newport Industries, Inc.------------------------ Florida--------------- 90 *New Prague, City of—------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 392 *New Richmond Electric Utility - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 884. New River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Co- - - West Virginia---------- 854 *New River Light & Power Company___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Carolina_____ _ _ _ 577 *New Roads Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Louisiana------------- 292 *New Ross Electric Service Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana-------------- 180 *New Smyrna Beach, City of ------------------- Florida--------------- 94 *Newton, City of—----------------------------- Illinois--------------- 150 *Newton County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 187 *Newton, Town of ---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 577 *New Ulm Public Utilities Commission, City of - Minnesota.------------ 392 *New Wilmington Light Plant------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 700 New York Air Brake Company, The------------- New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 548 LII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. New York and Queens Electric Light and Power Company----------------------------------- New York------------ 536 New York Power and Light Corporation - - - - - - - - - New York------------ 535 *New York State Department of Public Works, Division of Canals--------------------------- New York------------ 554 New York State Electric & Gas Corporation_ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 537 Niagara Falls Power Company, Thel - - - - - - - - - - - - New York------------ 539 Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Company-- New York------------ 539 *Nicholasville Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kentucky------------ 278 Nicolet Paper Corporation---------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 874 *Nielsville Power and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota------------ 392 *Niles Board of Public Works___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 361 *Niles Municipal Water and Light Department - - - Ohio–l--------------- 620 *Ninety Six Commissioners of Public Works_ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 717 *Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- - tion, Inc., The------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 267 *Nishanabotna Valley Rural Electric Cooperative__ Iowa----------------- 231 *Noble County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 187 *Nobles Cooperative Electric------------------- Minnesota.------------ 402 *Nodak Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 591 *Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation---- Kentucky - - - --------- 280 *Norcross, City of—---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 111 Norfolk Cereal & Flour Mills Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 464 *Norris Electric Cooperative-------------------- Illinois--------------- 155 *Norris Rural Public Power District -- - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 483 *North Alabama Electric Cooperative____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama------------- 13 North Albany Light & Power Co---------------- Wyoming------------- 897 North American Cement Corporation------------ Maryland------------ 315 New York------------ 548 Northampton Electric Lighting Company - - - - - - - - Massachusetts-------- 329 *North Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arkansas------------- 35 *North Attleboro Electric Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Massachusetts-------- 340 *North-Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- Ohio----------------- 630 *North Central Ransas Rural Electrification Co- Operative Association, Inc., The--------------- Kansas--------------- 267 North Counties Hydro-Electric Company--------- Illinois--------------- 139 *Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc.----- Louisiana------------- 294 *North East Mississippi Electric Power Association- Mississippi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 415 *Northeast Nebraska Rural Public Power Dis- trict--------------------------------------- Nebraska------------- 483 *Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc.--- Oklahoma------------ 652 Northern Arizona. Utilities Corporation----------- Arizona-------------- 19 Northern Berkshire Gas Company--------------- Massachusetts-------- 329 *Northern Electric Cooperative Association------- Minnesota------------ 402 *Northern Idaho Rural Electric Rehabilitation . Association, Inc.----------------------------- Idaho---------------- 127 Northern Indiana Power Company-------------- Illinois--------------- 139 - Indiana-------------- 164 Northern Indiana Public Service Company - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 165 Northern Kansas Power Co., The---------------- Kansas--------------- 242 Northern Light & Power Co-L-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 41 *Northern Neck Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - Virginia-------------- 823 Northern New York Power Corporation--- - - - - - - - New York------------ 541 Northern Pennsylvania Power Company- - - - - - - - - New York------------ 541 Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 678 *Northern Piedmont Electric Cooperative, The_--_ Virginia.-------------- 823 Northern Power Company---------------------- Wisconsin------------ 864 Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) - - - - Minnesota.------------ 374 - North Dakota- - - - - - - - 587 South Dakota.--------- 724 Northern States Power Company (N. J.) --------- Iowa----------------- 202 Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin).----- Minnesota.------------ 376 Wisconsin------------ 864. Northern Virginia Power Company-------------- Virginia-------------- 814 Northern Wisconsin Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin -- - - - - - - - - - - 864 INDEX LIII Operates In Page No *Northfield Electric Light Department----------- Vermont------------- 809 *Northfork Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------ Oklahoma------------ 652 *North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation- Georgia.-------------- 116 *North Heyburn Electric Company-------------- Idaho---------------- 127 *North Little Rock Electric Department--------- Arkansas------------- 33 North Logan Telephone & Electric Light Co------ Utah----------------- 790 *North Platte Municipal Light & Power---------- Nebraska------------- 482 Northport Power & Light Co------------------- Washington - - - - ------ 827 *North Saint Paul Public Utilities Commission---- Minnesota.------------ 392 Northwest Carolina Utilities Incorporated.-------- North Carolina-------- 565 Northwestern Electric Company----------------- Oregon--------------- 658 Washington.----------- 827 *Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 630 Northwestern Illinois Utilities------------------- Illinois--------------- 139 OW&------- - - - - - - - - - - 203 Northwestern Improvement Co- - - -------------- Washington.----------- 833 Northwestern Light and Power Company--------- Iowa----------------- 203 Northwestern Mining & Exchange Co. of Erie, Pennsylvania------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 696 Northwestern Public Service Company----------- Nebraska------------- 462 South Dakota.--------- 725 *Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- °iation, Inc.--------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 703 Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company------- Wisconsin------------ 865 *Northwest Missouri Electric Cooperative_------- Missouri------------- 446 *Northwood Municipal Light & Power Plant------ North Dakota – - - - - - - 590 *Norton, City of ------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 258 *Norton-Decatur Cooperative Electric Company-- Kansas--------------- 267 Norton Electric Light Plant-------------------- Vermont------------- 804 Norton Power & Electric Company-------------- Massachusetts-- - - - - - - 329 *Norwalk Electric Light Department------------ Ohio----------------- 621 *Norwalk, Third Taxing District of the City of --- Connecticut.---------- 77 *Norway Electric Light Department------------- Michigan------------- 361 *Norwich Gas and Electrical Department, City of—- Connecticut.---------- 77 *Norwood Municipal Light Department---------- Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 340 *Nueces Electric Cooperative, Inc --------------- Texas---------------- 785 O *Oak City Electrical Department---------------- Utah----------------- 797 *Oak City, Town of--------------------------- North Carolina-------- 577 *Oak Creek Municipal Light System------------- Colorado------------- 68 *Oakdale Cooperative Electrical Association------ Wisconsin ------------ 891 Oak Electric Light Co-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 462. Oak Grove Utilities Company, Inc.--------------- Louisiana------------- 288 *Oak Harbor Light and Water Plant------------- Ohio----------------- 621 *Oakley Municipal Plant----------------------- Ransas--------------- 258 Oaks Light & Power Co------------------------ California------------ 41 *O. & A. Electric Cooperative------------------- Michigan------------- 365 *Oberlin, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 258 *Oberlin Municipal Light and Power------------- Ohio----------------- 621 *O’Brien County Rural Electric Cooperative------ Iowa----------------- 231 *Ocala—Dept. of Public Service, City of --------- Florida--------------- 94 *Oceana Electric Cooperative------------------- Michigan------------- 365 *Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation----- Georgia.-------------- 116 *Oconee Electric Membership Corporation, The--- Georgia.-------------- 116 *Oconomowoc Lighting Department------------- Wisconsin------------ 884 *Oconto Electric Cooperative------------------- Wisconsin------------ 891 *Oconto Falls Water and Light Commission------ Wisconsin- - ---------- 884 *Ocracoke Power & Light Co------------------- North Carolina-------- 583 *Odessa Utilities------------------------------ Missouri------------- 440 *Ogden, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 219 *Ogden, Village of.---------------------------- Illinois--------------- 150 *Ogdensburg Borough Electrical Department------ New Jersey----------- 516 *Oglesby Light & Power Department------------ Illinois--------------- 150 *Ohio City Electric Light Plant----------------- Ohio----------------- 621 322184—42—4 LIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Ohio Edison Company------------------------- Ohio----------------- 602 Ohio-Midland Light and Power Company - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 603 Ohio Northern Public Service Company, The_ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 604 Ohio Power Company, The --------------------- Ohio----------------- 604 Ohio Public Service Company, The-------------- Ohio----------------- 606 Ohio River Power Company-------------------- Indiana-------------- 166 Ohio Valley Transmission Corporation----------- Indiana-------------- 166 *Ohiowa Electric System ----------------------- Nebraska------------- 483 *Ohop Valley Mutual Light and Power Company-- Washington_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 840 Ojibwa Sales Company------------------------- Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 865 *Okalona Farmers Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 630 *Okanogan County Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - Washington.----------- 840 *Okeene, Town of----------------------------- Oklahoma ------------ 646 *Okefenoke Rural Electric Membership Corpora- tion, The----------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 117 Oklahoma Electric & Water Company----------- Oklahoma ------------ 635 *Oklahoma Electric Cooperative----------------- Oklahoma ------------ 652 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company------------ Arkansas------------- 29 Oklahoma------------ 635 Oklahoma Power and Water Co----------------- Oklahoma------------ 637 Oklahoma Utilities Company------------------- Oklahoma ------------ 637 *Okolona, City of ----------------------------- Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 411 Olcott Falls Company - - - - - -------------------- Vermont------------- 804 Old Capitol Utilities Corporation---------------- Indiana-------------- 166 Old Dominion Power Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Virginia-------------- 814 Oldenburg Electric Light & Power Co., Inc - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 166 Old Forge Electric Corporation------------------ New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 541 *Olive Hill Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kentucky------------ 278 *Oliver Municipal Electric Light Plant___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 884 *Olivia Water and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------ - - - - - - 392 Olmsted County Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- Minnesota.------------ 376 *Olustee Light System -------------------------- Oklahoma- - - - - - - - - - - - 646 Olympic Public Service Company_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washington.----------- 828 *Olyphant Borough Light Committee_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 700 *Onawa Light & Power Plant-------------------- Iowa----------------- 219 Onaway Electric Light & Power Co------ - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 352 *Ong Municipal Electric system------------------ Nebraska------------- 483 *Onida Municipal Light & Water Works--- - - - - - - - South Dakota.----- - - - - 730 *Ontonagon County Rural Electrification Associa- tion, The----------------------------- ---, * ~ * * * * Michigan------------- 365 Oolitic Light & Power Co------------- - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 167 *Opelika Light and Water Department------------ Alabama- - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 *Opelousas Electric Light & Water Works Plant_-_- Louisiana____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 293 Opheim Electric Company----------------------- Montana------------- 452 *Oquawka Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 150 Oquossoc Light & Power Company – - - - - - - - - - - - - Maine--------------- 303 Orange and Rockland Electric Company of New Jersey--------------------------------------- New Jersey- - - - - - - - - - - 512 Orange and Rockland Electric Company, The------ New York------------ 541 *Orangeburg Water & Light Plant________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 717 *Orange City Municipal Light Plant_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 219 *Orange County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 187 *Orcas Power & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Washington.----------- 840 Orchard Power, Light, Water & Gas Co----------- Colorado------------- 61 *Ord Light & Water Plant____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 484 Oregon Gas and Electric Company------------ - - - Oregon--------------- 658 Oregon Lumber Company----------------------- Oregon--------------- 661 *Orient, Town of------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 219 *Orlando Municipal System--------------------- Oklahoma------------ 646 *Orlando Utilities Commission------------------- Florida--------------- 94 *Orleans, Village of.---------------------------- Vermont - - - - - - - - - - - - - 809 *Orrville Municipal Utilities--------------------- Ohio----------------- 621 *Ortonville Light & Power Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.----- - - - - - - - 393 *Osage City Municipal Light Plant--------------- Kansas--------------- 258 *Osage Valley Electric Cooperative Association----- Missouri------------- 446 INDEX LV Operates In Page No. *Osawatomie Light and Water Department------- Kansas--------------- 259 *Osborne, City of ----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 259 *Osceola Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Iowa----------------- 232 *Osceola Light and Power Plant----------------- Arkansas------------- 33 Oswegatchie Light & Power Co------------------ New York------------ 542 *Oswego Light Dept.--------------------------- Kansas--------------- 259 *Otero County Electric Cooperative------------- New Mexico_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 524 Otranto Transmission Line--------------------- Iowa----------------- 203 *Ottawa, City Water and Light Department, City of----------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 259 Otter Tail Power Company--------------------- Minnesota------------ 376 North Dakota — — — — — — — — 587 - South Dakota.----...---- 725 *Ottumwa Water Works Hydro-Electric Plant_ _ _ _ Iowa-___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 219 Ouachita Ice & Utilities, Inc.-------------------- Louisiana------------- 288 *Ouachita Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation- Arkansas------------- 35 *Overly Light Plant--------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 590 *Overton Power District No. 5------------------ Nevada.-------------- 499 *Owatonna Municipal Utilities-------------...---- Minnesota.------------ 393 *Owen County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 281 *Owensboro Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kentucky------------ 278 *Owens Valley Light and Power System, City of Los Angeles--------------------------------- California------------ 53 *Owensville Municipal Utilities------------------ Missouri------------- 440 Oxford Light & Power Company---------------- Wisconsin ------------ 865 *Oxford Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 484 *Oxford Light and Power System---------------- Kansas--------------- 259 *Oxford Light & Water Col-------------------- Indiana--------------- 180 *Oxford Water & Light Plant------------------- Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 411 *Oxford Water & Light System - - - - - - ----------- Georgia.-------------- 111 *Ozark Border Electric Cooperative-------------- Missouri------------- 446 *Ozark Electric Cooperative-------------------- Missouri------------- 446 Ozark Electric Manufacturing Company - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 432 *Ozarks Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation - - - Arkansas------------- 35 Ozark Utilities Company----------------------- Missouri------------- 429 P *Pacific Distributing System, Town of- - - - - - - - - - - - Washington.------- - - - - 837 Pacific Electric Railway Company---------------- California------------ 49 Pacific Gas and Electric Company---------------- California------------ 41 Pacific Ilumber Company, The------------------- California------------ 49 Pacific Power & Light Company--------------...-- Oregon--------------- 659 Washington.----------- 828 Pacific Spruce Corporation---------------------- Oregon--------------- 662 Packwood Electric Company-------------------- Washington.----- - - - - - - 828 Padgett Electric System------------------------ Indiana-------------- 167 Page Coal & Coke Co--------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 854 Page Mining Company------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 854 Page Power Company-------------------------- Virginia-------------- 815 *Painesville, City of --------------------------- Ohio----------------- 621 Palmerton Lighting Company------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 678 *Palmetto Municipal Light Plant---------------- Georgia.-------------- 111 *Palmtree Mutual Lighting Company------------ North Carolina-------- 583 Palmyra & Lakeshore Electric Light Co----------- Utah----------------- 790 *Palmyra Light and Water Department----------- Missouri------------- 440 *Palo Alto, City of.---------------------------- California------------ 54 Pamlico Ice & Light Company------------------- North Carolina-------- 565 Panaca Power Co------------------------------ Nevada-------------- 496 *Panama Municipal Light Plant----------------- Nebraska------------- 484 Panhandle Power & Light Company-------------- Texas---------------- 762 Panhandle Public Service Company-------------- Oklahoma ------------ 637 *Panola-Harrison Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- Texas---------------- 785 *Panora, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 220 *Pantego, Town of ---------------------------- North Carolina-- - - - - - - 577 LVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Paoli Electric Department--------------------- Indiana-------------- 180 Paradise Utility Plant-------------------------- Nevada-------------- 496 *Paragonah Municipal Lighting Department------ Utah----------------- 797 *Paragon Municipal Lighting Department--------- Indiana-------------- 180 *Paragould Light Plant Commission-------------- Arkansas------------- 33 Pardeeville Electric Light Company-------------- Wisconsin------------ 865. *Paris, Board of Public Utilities, City of ---------- Tennessee------------ 746 *Paris Light, Power & Water Plant System - - - - - - - - Kentucky------------ 278 *Paris Light, Water and Ice Department---------- Missouri------------- 440 *Paris Municipal Light Plant-------------------- Arkansas------------- 33 *Parke County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration.------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 187 *Park Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------------ Montana------------- 455 Parker Electric Supply- - - - --------------------- Arizona-------------- 19 *Parker Municipal Light Plant------------------ South Dakota.--------- 730 Parker Young Co., The------------------------- New Hampshire.------- 506 Parkison Electric------------------------------- Wyoming------------- S97 Parkland Light & Water Co--------------------- Washington.----------- 828 *Park Ridge Borough Electric Light Department--- New Jersey----------- 516 *Park River Light and Water Plant--------------- North Dakota.--------- 590. Parksley Coal & Supply Co---------------------- Virginia-------------- 819 *Parowan City Corporation----------— — — — — — — — — — — Utah----------------- 797 Parsons Tanning Company---------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 855. Partington, J. F------------------------------- California------------ 44 *Pasadena Municipal Light and Power Depart- ment--------------------------------------- California------------ 54 *Pascoag Fire District Electric Department-------- Rhode Island- - - - - - - - - 707 *Passaic Valley Water Commission--------------- New Jersey----------- 517 Patagonia Ice & Light Company----------------- Arizona-------------- 19 Patchogue Electric Light Company, The---------- New York------------ 542 *Patoka Municipal Electric Department---------- Indiana-------------- 180. *Patoka Municipal Light Plant----------------- Illinois--------------- 150 *Paton, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 220. *Pattonsburg Municipal Light Plant_______ — — — — — — Missouri------------- 440 *Paulding Light and Water Works--------------- Ohio----------------- 622 *Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ Ohio----------------- 630; Paul Electric Company------------------------- Idaho---------------- 121 Paul Lime Plant------------------------------- Arizona-------------- 21 *Paullina Light and Water Works--------------- Iowa----------------- 220. Paul Smith’s Electric Light and Power and Rail- road Company------------------------------ New York------------ 542 *Pawhuska, The City of ---------------------- - Oklahoma------------ 647 *Pawnee, City of.----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 647 *Paw Paw, Village of -------------------------- Michigan------------- 361 *Paxton, Electric Light Department, Town of --- Massachusetts-------- 340. *Paxton Light & Power Department------------- Nebraska------------- 484 Payne Power and Light------------------------ South Dakota.--------- 725 *Payson City Corporation---------------------- Utah----------------- 797 Payson Garage-------------------------------- Arizona-------------- 21 Peabody Coal Company------------------------ Illinois--------------- 143 *Peabody Municipal Light Plant---------------- Massachusetts-------- 340 *Pea River Electric Cooperative_---------------- Alabama------------- 13. *Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association---- Mississippi----------- 415. Peavey Paper Products Company - - - - ----------- Wisconsin------------ 874 Pecos Valley Power & Light Company----------- Texas---------------- 762 *Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc._----------- Texas---------------- 786 *Pee Dee Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------- South Carolina-------- 719 *Pee Dee Electric Membership Corporation------- North Carolina-------- 583 *Pella Cooperative Electric Association----------- Iowa----------------- 232 *Pella Municipal Electric Plant----------------- Iowa----------------- 220 Pelzer Mills, Inc.------------------------------- South Carolina-------- 714. *Pemberton Borough Electric Dept.-------------- New Jersey----------- 517 Pemberton Coal and Coke Co------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 854 Pemberton Suburban Light and Power Co--______ New Jersey------------ 512 *Pemberville Municipal Light & Water System --- Ohio----------------- 622. *Pemiscot-Dunklin Electric Cooperative-l.--_ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 446 INDEX LVII Operates In Page No. *Pender Municipal Light Plant------------------ Nebraska------------- 484 *Pendleton Electric Light Plant----------------- Indiana-------------- 180 Pendleton Power Company--------------------- New Mexico.---------- 522 *Pend Oreille Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- Washington.----------- 841 *Peninsula Light Company, Inc.----------------- Washington.----------- 840 Penn-Dixie Cement Company------------------- Virginia-------------- 819 Penn Iron Mining Company-------------------- Michigan------------- 354 Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Corp--------------- Pennsylvania- - - - ----- 696 Pennsylvania Edison Company------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 679 Pennsylvania Electric Company----------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 680 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company----------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 682 Pennsylvania Power Company------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 681 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company---------- Maryland------------ 311 Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 685 *Penn Yan Municipal Board-------------------- New York------------ 554 *Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. Kentucky------------- 281 *Peoples Cooperative Power Association of Olm- sted County-------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 402 *Peoples Electric Cooperative------------------- Oklahoma------------ 652 Peoples Gas & Electric Company---------------- Iowa----------------- 203 Peoples Light and Power Company-------------- Utah----------------- 790 Peoples Light Company------------------------ Iowa----------------- 203 Peoples Power Company----------------------- Illinois--------------- 139 Pepperell Manufacturing Company-------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 Pepperton Cotton Mills------------------------ Georgia.-------------- 105 *Perkasie Electric Light Department, Borough of - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 700 *Perley, Village of.---------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 393 Perry County Power & Light Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 167 *Perry Light & Water Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 441 *Perry, Town of------------------------------- Utah----------------- 797 *Perry Water and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oklahoma------------ 647 *Perth Amboy Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant-------------------------------------- New Jersey----------- 517 *Peru, Electric Light and Power Department, City of—------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 180 *Peru Light and Water Plant------------------- Nebraska------------- 484 *Peru Water and Light Plant------------------- Illinois--------------- 150 Petersen Electric Company--------------------- South Dakota.--------- 726 *Peterson, Village of.-------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 393 *Petoskey Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 361 Petoskey Portland Cement Co------------------ Michigan------------- 354 Pettibone Lite & Power------------------------ North Dakota- - - - - - - - 588 Phelps Dodge Corporation---------------------- Arizona-------------- 2] Philadelphia Electric Company------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 685 Philadelphia Electric Power Company------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 687 *Philadelphia Electric System------------------- Mississippi----------- 411 Philadelphia Hydro-Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 687 *Philadelphia Municipal Electric System - - - - - - - - - New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 554 *Philippi, City of—----------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 856 Phillips Electric Light & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maine--------------- 303 *P. I. C. K. Cooperative Electric Association - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 402 Pickering Lumber Corporation------------------ California------------ 49 *Pickwick Electric Membership Corporation-- - - - - Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 752 *Piedmont, City of ---------------------------- Alabama------------- 10 *Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation_ _ _ _ _ North Carolina-------- 583 Pierce Light & Power Company----------------- Idaho---------------- 121 *Pierce-Pepin Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 891 *Pierceton Light & Water Plant----------------- Indiana-------------- 181 *Pierre, City of ------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 730 *Pierz, Village of ------------------------------ Minnesota.------------ 393 *Piggott Public Improvement District No. 1.-- - - - - Arkansas------------- 33 Pike County Light & Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 687 *Pikeville, Town of---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 577 *Pilot Mound, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 220 *Pine Bluffs, Light, Water & Power Company - - - - Wyoming------------- 902 Pinedale Power & Light Co., Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 897 LVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Pinehurst, Inc.--------------------------------- North Carolina-------- 568 Pine-Payson Motor Co. & Randall Merc. Co-__ _ _ _ Arizona-------------- 21 Pine River Power Co-------------------------- Colorado------------- 61 *Pine Tops Municipal Electric Department__ _ _ _ _ _ North Carolina - - - - - - - 578 *Pineville, Town of---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 578 Piney Flats Electric Light Company------------- Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 738 Pingree Light and Power Co-------------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 588 Pinole Light & Power Company----------------- California------------ 44 Pioche Power and Light Co--------------------- Nevada.-------------- 496 *Pioneer Board of Public Affairs-----___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 622 *Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama------------- 13 Pioneer Electric Garage------------------------ Montana------------- 453 Pioneer Power and Light Company_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 865. *Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 630 *Pioua Municipal Light Department------------- Ohio----------------- 622. *Pisgah Mountain Electric Line_--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Carolina-------- 583 *Pitcairn Borough Electric Light Plant----------- Pennsylvania--------- 701 *Pitt & Greene Electric Membership Corporation-- North Carolina-------- 583 *Pittsboro Lighting Department----------------- Indiana-------------- 181 Pittsburgh Coke and Iron Company------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 696 Pittsburg Water & Light Co-------------------- Oklahoma------------ 638 Pittsfield Electric Company--------------------- Massachusetts-------- 329 *Plain City Light and Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 622 *Plains Municipal Water & Light Plant---------- Georgia.-------------- 112 *Plainview, City of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 484 *Plankinton Municipal Light & Power Plant______ South Dakota.--------- 730 Planters Chemical and Oil Company------------- Alabama------------- 6 *Planters Electric Membership Corporation____ _ _ _ Georgia.-------------- 117 *Plaquemine City Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Louisiana------------- 293 *Plateau Electric Cooperative------------------- Tennessee------------ 752 Plateau Valley Light & Power Co., The ---------- Colorado------------- 61 *Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 446 *Platte Valley Public Power and Irrigation District- Nebraska------------- 484 Pleasant Hall Electric Company----------------- Pennsylvania--------- 696 *Pleasant Hill Municipal Utilities - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 441 Pleasant Springs Light & Power Co-------------- Wisconsin ------------ 865 *Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative-------- California------------ 56 *Plummer, Village of.-------------------------- Idaho---------------- 125 Plymouth County Electric Company------------- Massachusetts-------- 330 *Plymouth Electric & Water Utilities__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 884. *Plymouth Electric Cooperative Association.------ Iowa----------------- 232 Plymouth Electric Light Company-------------- Vermont------------- 805 *Plymouth Light and Water Plant--------------- Ohio----------------- 622 *Pocahontas County Rural Electric Cooperative--- Iowa----------------- 232 *Pocahontas, Town of ------------------------- Iowa----------------- 220 Point Arena Electric Light & Power Co - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 44 Pointe Aux Barques Land Company------------- Michigan------------- 355 *Pointe Coupee Electric Membership Corporation – Louisiana------------- 294 Point Isabel Electric Light Co- - - - - - - - - --------- Ohio----------------- 607 Point Pleasant Water & Light Co--------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 848 *Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative-------------- Wisconsin – – ---------- 891 Polk Burnett Light & Power Co----------------- Wisconsin ------------ 866 *Polk City, Town of--------------------------- Florida--------------- 94 *Polk County Rural Public Power District_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 485 *Polk Municipal Light & Water Works_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 485 Pomeroy Salt Corporation---------------------- Ohio----------------- 610 *Pomona Light Department-------------------- Kansas--------------- 259 *Ponca City Water and Light Department------- Oklahoma------------ 647 *Pond Creek, City of -------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 647 Ponemah Mills-------------------------------- Connecticut - - - - - - - - - - 76 *Pontotoc Electric Power Association------------ Mississippi----------- 415 Pony Electric Light Co------------------------- Montana------------- 452 *Poole Municipal Lighting System--------------- Nebraska------------- 485 Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division----------- Washington.------- - - - - 833 Pope-Hardin Power Company------------------- Illinois--------------- 140 *Poplar Bluff Municipal Water & Light System --- Missouri-- - - - - - - - - - - - 441 INDEX LIX Operates In Page No. *Port Angeles, Light & Power Dept., City of ----- Washington.----------- 837 *Port Byron Municipal Electric Light Plant------ New York------------ 554 *Porter Electric Line Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 891 Portland General Electric Company------------- Oregon--------------- 659 Washington.----------- 829 *Portland Municipal Electric Department-------- Michigan------------- 361 *Portland Municipal Light & Power Plant-------- Indiana--------------- 181 Port Orford Light & Power Co------------------ Oregon--------------- 660 Potlatch Forests, Inc.--------------------------- Idaho---------------- 123 Potomac Edison Company, The----------------- Maryland------------- 312 Potomac Electric Power Company--------------- District of Columbia--- 83 Maryland------------- 312 Potomac Light and Power Company------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 848 Potomac Transmission Company, The------------ Maryland------------- 313 West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 849 *Potsdam, Village of.-------------------------- New York------------ 555 *Potter, Village of.---------------------------- Nebraska ------------- 485 *Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Inc.---- Colorado------------- 70 Powdrell & Alexander, Inc.---------------------- Connecticut----------- 77 *Powell Electric Distributing Lines-------------- Wyoming------------- 902 *Powell Valley Electric Cooperative-------------- Virginia-------------- 823 Power & Ice, Inc.------------------------------ Florida--------------- 89 *Prague Light and Power Plant----------------- Oklahoma------------ 647 *Prague, Village of.---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 485 *Prairie du Sac Municipal Electric Department--- Wisconsin- - ---------- 884 Prairie River Power Co------------------------- Minnesota------------ 379 *Pratt Light & Water Department--------------- Kansas--------------- 259 *Prentiss County Electric Power Association------ Mississippi------------ 416 *Prentiss Light & Water Plant------------------ Mississippi------------ 411 *Prescott, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 260 *Prescott Water and Light Plant---------------- Arkansas------------- 34 *Presque Isle County Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- Michigan------------- 365 Preston County Coke Co----------------------- West Virginia.--------- 855 Preston County Light & Power Co--------------- West Virginia.--------- 849 *Preston Light Plant--------------------------- Minnesota------------ 393 Preston Shaffer Milling Company---------------- Oregon--------------- 662 *Preston, Town of----------------------------- Iowa----------------- 221 *Price Light Department----------------------- Utah----------------- 797 *Priest Rapids Irrigation District---------------- Washington----------- 837 *Primghar Municipal Light Plant---------------- Iowa----------------- 221 *Prince George Electric Cooperative------------- Virginia-------------- 823 *Princeton, City of ---------------------------- Illinois--------------- 151 *Princeton Electric Light Plant----------------- Wisconsin------------- 885 *Princeton Light and Water Plant--------------- Missouri-------------- 441 *Princeton Lighting District -------------------- Maine---------------- 307 *Princeton Municipal Light System, Town of ----- Massachusetts-------- 340 *Princeton Municipal Power & Light Plant------- Minnesota.------------ 393 *Princeville, Town of -------------------------- North Carolina-------- 578 *Prince Williams Electric Cooperative------------ Virginia-------------- 823 Proctor Water and Light Company-------------- Minnesota------------ 377 *Proctor Water, Light & Power Commission------ Minnesota------------ 394 Produce Terminal Corporation------------------ Illinois--------------- 143 *Prospect Municipal System-------------------- Ohio----------------- 623 *Prosperity Commission of Public Works--------- South Carolina-------- 717 *Protection Water and Light Department-------- Kansas--------------- 260 *Providence Light & Water Plant---------------- Kentucky------------ 278 Provincetown Light and Power Company--------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 330 *Provo Department of Utilities------------------ Utah----------------- 798 Public Electric Light Company------------------ Vermont-------------- 805 Public Service Company of Colorado------------- Colorado------------- 61 Public Service Company of Indiana-------------- Indiana-------------- 167 Public Service Company of New Hampshire------ New Hampshire------- 504 Vermont------------- 805 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois.------ Illinois--------------- 140 LX FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION . Operates In Page No. Public Service Company of Oklahoma------------ Oklahoma------------ 638 Public Service Electric and Gas Company-------- New Jersey----------- 513 Public Utilities California Corporation- - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 44 Public Utilities Company----------------------- Arkansas------------- 30 *Public Utilities District No. 1, Cowlitz County--- Washington.---------- 835 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County------------------------------------- Washington.----------- 835 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Kittitas County-- Washington.----------- 837 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County- Washington---------- 836 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Lewis County---- Washington.----------- 836 *Public Utility Dist. #1 of Mason County--------- Washington.----------- 836 *Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County--- Washington.----------- 836 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Skamania County- Washington.----------- 836 *Public Utility District Number 1 of Wahkiakum County------------------------------------- Washington.----------- 836 Puget Sound Power & Light Company-- - - - - - - - - - Washington----------- 829 *Pukwana Light and Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 730 *Pulaski Light & Water Department------------- Tennessee------------ 747 *Purcell Light and Water Department- - - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 647 Putnam Lumber Company--------------------- Florida--------------- 91 Putnam Mills, Israel--------------------------- Connecticut---------- 77 Putnam Woolen Corporation-------------------- Connecticut---------- 77 Q Quaker Building Company---------------------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 335 *Quakertown Electric Light Department - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 701 Queens Borough Gas and Electric Company------ New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 542 *Quinault Light Company---------------------- Washington.----------- 841 Quincy Coal Company------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 855 Quincy Electric Light and Power Company------- Massachusetts-------- 330 *Quincy Municipal Electric & Water Plant - - - - - - - Florida--------------- 95 Quinlan Electric Company---------------------- Oklahoma------------ 639 Quinn Light Company------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 726 Quitman, City of.----------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 112 R Rabun Land and Water Company--------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 *Radford, City of—---------------------------- Virginia-------------- 821 *Radium Municipal Electric Department--------- Kansas--------------- 260 Raeford Power and Manufacturing Company - - - - - North Carolina-------- 568 *Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ Idaho---------------- 127 *Ragan, Village of.---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 485 Rainy River Improvement Company------------- Minnesota------------ 377 Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Co------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 855 *Ralls County Electric Cooperative Association- - - Missouri-- - - - - - - - - - - - 446 *Randall Electric Light Col-------------------- Minnesota.------------ 393 *Randolph Electric Light and Water Plant - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 485 *Randolph Electric Membership Corporation- - - - - North Carolina-------- 583 *Randolph Municipal Light & Power Company - - - Iowa----------------- 221 *Rantoul, Village of --------------------------- Illinois--------------- 151 *Raton Public Service Co., The- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New Mexico.-- - - - - - - - - 523 *Ravalli County Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- Montana------------- 455 *Ravenswood Municipal Light Plant------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 856 Rawlins Electric Company---------------------- Wyoming------------- 897 Ray Electric and Telephone Company - - - - - - - - - - - Arizona-------------- 19 *Rayle Electric Membership Corporation, The_--- Georgia.-------------- 117 *Raymond, Village of.------------------------- Nebraska------------- 486 *Rayne Electric Light and Water Works Plant---- Louisiana------------- 293 *Rayville Light Plant-------------------------- Louisiana------------- 293 *Reading Light and Water Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 623 *Reading Municipal Light Department----------- Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 340 *Readlyn Municipal Electric Department______ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 221 *Readsboro, Village of - - - - - - - - - - --------------- Vermont - - - - - - - - - - - - - 809 *Readstown Municipal Electric Light Plant------- Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 885 Reagan Electric Co---------------------------- Texas---------------- 762 Reconstruction Finance Corporation.------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 696 INDEX LXI Operates In Page No. *Red Bluff Water Power Control District, El Paso National Bank, Trustee---------------------- Texas---------------- 776 *Red Bud Power, Light and Water Plant--------- Illinois.--------------- 151 *Red Cloud Light and Power Plant-------------- Nebraska------------- 486 *Redding Electrical Department, The City of—---- California------------ 54 *Redfield Municipal System-------------------- Iowa----------------- 221 Red Jacket Coal Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 855 *Red Lake Cooperative, Inc.-------------------- Minnesota.------------ 402 *Redlands Water & Power Co----------- -------- Colorado------------- 70 Red River Lumber Co., The-------------------- California- - - --------- 49 *Red River Valley Cooperative Power Association- Minnesota.------ - - - - - - 402 *Red River Valley Rural Electric Association - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 652 *Red Springs Municipal System----------------- North Carolina---...- - - - 578 Redwood Falls Light & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.----------- 377 Reed Gold Mines Company, The Tom-- - - - - - - - - - Arizona-------------- 21 *Reedsburg Utility Commission----------------- Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 885 Rees Hotel----------------------------------- Arizona-------------- 21 *Remsen Municipal Utilities-------------------- Iowa----------------- 221 Reninger Light & Power, W. D.----------------- Nebraska------------- 463 Renovo Edison Light, Heat & Power Company--- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 687 *Rensselaer Water and Lights------------------- Indiana-------- ------ 181 *Renville-Sibley Cooperative Power Association--- Minnesota.------------ 403 *Renwick Municipal Light & Power Plant-------- Iowa----------------- 221 *Republic Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 623 Republic Mining and Manufacturing Company---- Arkansas-- - - - - - - - - - - - 31 Republic Power Co---------------------------- Washington.----------- 830 Republic Steel Corporation--------------------- New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 548 Ohio----------------- 610 *Republic Township Municipal System----------- Michigan------------- 362 *Reserve Light Department-------------------- Kansas--------------- 260 Rexford Power & Light------------------------ Montana------------- 452 *Reynolds Power and Light Department--------- Nebraska------------- 486 Rhode Island Power Transmission Company------ Rhode Island- - - - - - - - - 706 *Rice Lake Light Department------------------ Wisconsin ------------ 885 Richey Electric, The--------------------------- Montana------------- 452 *Rich Hill, City of.---------------------------- Missouri------------- 441 *Richland Center Municipal Utilities------------- Wisconsin ------------ 885 *Richland Cooperative Electric Association------- Wisconsin ------------ 892 *Richlands, Town of--------------------------- Virginia-------------- 821 *Richland, Village of.-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 486 *Richmond Department of Public Utilities-------- Virginia-------------- 822 *Richmond Municipal Electric Lighting and Power Plant-------------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 181 *Richmond Mutual Light and Power Company - - - Ohio----------------- 630 *Richmondville Municipal Electric Light Plant---- New York------------ 555 Riede, Mr. Alex------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 726 Riegel Paper Corporation----------------------- New Jersey----------- 515 *Rindge Electric Light Department-------------- New Hampshire.------- 507 Rinkel & Son, H. C.---------------------------- Indiana-------------- 171 *Ripley Board of Public Affairs— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 623 *Ripley Power and Light Company-------------- Tennessee------------ 747 *Rising Sun Municipal Utilities----------------- Indiana-------------- 181 *Rising Sun, Village of.------------------------ Ohio----------------- 623 Ritter Lumber Co., W. M---------------------- Kentucky------------ 276 South Carolina-- - - - - - - 71.4 Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 739 Virginia-------------- 819 West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 855 *Riverdale, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 486 *River Falls Municipal Light and Water - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin- + - - - - - - - - - - 885 *River Junction, Town of.--------------------- Florida--------------- 95 Riverside & Dan River Cotton Mills, Inc.--------- Virginia.-------------- 819 *Riverside Electric Company, Ltd--------------- Idaho---------------- 127 *Riverside, Electric Light Department, City of --- California- - - - - - - - - - - - 54 Riverside Power Plant------------------------- Nebraska------------- 463 *Riverton Electric Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 151 LXII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Riverton Valley Electric Association, Inc - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 904 Riviera Utilities Corporation-------------------- Alabama------------- 5 *Roanoke Electric Membership Corporation------ North Carolina-------- 584 Roanoke River Power Company----------------- Virginia-------------- 815 Roanoke Utilities Company--------------------- North Carolina-------- 565 *Robersonville, Town of------------------------ North Carolina-------- 578 Roberts Electric Company---------------------- Montana------------- 452 *Robinson, City of ---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 260 *Robstown, City------------------------------ Texas---------------- 777 *Rochelle-Electric Light and Water Dept., City of Illinois.--------------- 151 *Rochester Department of Public Utilities__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota------------ 394 Rochester Electric Light & Power Company. ----- Vermont------------- 805 Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 543 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company----------- Pennsylvania--------- 696 *Rock County Electric Cooperative Association--- Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 892 *Rock Falls, City of --------------------------- Illinois--------------- 151 *Rockford Municipal Electric System------------ Iowa----------------- 222 Rockhill Coal Company------------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 696 *Rock Hill Light Department------------------- South Carolina-------- 717 Rockingham Light, Heat and Power Company---- Pennsylvania--------- 688 Rockland Electric Company-------------------- New Jersey----------- 515 Rockland Light and Power Company------------ New York------------ 543 *Rockport Board of Public Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 441 Rockport Water Works Company, Inc ------------ Indiana-------------- 169 *Rock Rapids Municipal Public Utilities__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 222 *Rockville Centre, The Incorporated Village of --- New York--- - - - - - - - - - 555 *Rockville Electric Light Plant------------------ Indiana-------------- 182 *Rockwood Electric Utility___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 747 *Rocky Mount Public Utilities_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ North Carolina-------- 578 Rocky River Power and Light Company--------- North Carolina-------- 565 Roden Coal Company-------------------------- Alabama------------- 6 Rogers City Electric Light & Power Company---- Michigan------------- 352 *Roland Light Department--------------------- Iowa----------------- 222 *Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Inc.______ New Mexico.---------- 524 *Roosevelt Rural Public Power District - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 486 *Roseau Municipal Light Plant----------------- Minnesota.------------ 394 *Roseville, City of—---------------------------- California------------ 54 Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co--------- Illinois--------------- 144 Rosman Tanning Extract Co- - - - --------------- North Carolina-------- 569 Rossie Electric & Manufacturing Corporation----- New York------------ 544 *Round Lake, Village of.----------------------- Minnesota.------------ 394 Round Valley Light & Power Company---------- Arizona-------------- 19 *Rouses Point Municipal Water and Light System - New York__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 555 *Rowley Municipal Lighting Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Massachusetts -- - - - - - - 341 Roxbury Light & Power Company--------------- Wisconsin – - - - - - - - - - - - 866 *Royalton Electric Light Department------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 701 Rumford Falls Light & Water Company---------- Maine--------------- 304 Rumford Falls Power Company----------------- Maine--------------- 306 *Rupert, City of ------------------------------ Idaho---------------- 125 *Rural Cooperative Power Association_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 403 Rural Development Corporation----------------- Iowa----------------- 204 *Rural Electric Company----------------------- Wyoming------------- 904 *Rural Electric Company, Ltd ------------------ Idaho---------------- 127 *Rural Electric Convenience Cooperative--------- Illinois--------------- 155 *Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. --------------- Oklahoma------------ 652 Rural Electric Service Co----------------------- Kentucky------------ 274 *Rush County Rural Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Indiana--------------- 188 *Rushford, City of ---------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 394 Rush Lake Light & Power Co------------------- Wisconsin – - - - - - - - - - - - 866 *Rushmore, Village of.------------------------- Minnesota------------ 394 *Rushville Water, Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana-------------- 182 *Rusk County Electric Cooperative, Inc.__________ Texas------------- _ _ _ 786 *Ruskin, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska---------- _ _ _ 486 *Russell Electric Light Department-------------- Massachusetts - – - - - - -- 341 *Russell Municipal Electric System-------------- Kansas--------------- 260 INDEX LXIII Operates In Page No *Russell Municipal Light and Power------------- Minnesota.------------ 394 *Russellville, City of—-------------------------- Alabama------------- 10 Russom Mallory Light & Power----------------- Louisiana------------- 288 Texas---------------- 763 *Ruston Department of Water and Light--------- Louisiana------------- 293 *Ruston Electric Utility, Town of --------------- Washington.----------- 837 *Rutherford Electric Membership Corporation---- North Carolina________ 584 *Ryan, Town of------------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 648 S *Sabetha, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 260 *Sabina Board of Public Affairs----------------- Ohio----------------- 623 *Sabula Municipal Electric System -------------- Iowa----------------- 222 Sac County Electric Company------------------ Iowa----------------- 204 *Sac County Rural Electric Cooperative---------- Iowa----------------- 232 Sacramento River Farms, Ltd------------------- California------------ 49 Saegertown Borough Electric Service Company---- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 688 Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation- - - - - - - - - - - Maryland------------ 313 Pennsylvania--------- 688 Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company--------- Arizona-------------- 21 Saint Benedict Light & Power Co--------------- Kansas--------------- 243 *Saint Bernard, City of— ----------------------- Ohio----------------- 623 *Saint Charles Light and Water Department_ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 395 *Saint Charles Municipal Light Plant__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 151 *Saint Clair Borough Electric Light Department- Pennsylvania- - - -----. 701 *Saint Clairsville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs------------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 624 *Saint Cloud Utilities Commission--------------- Florida--------------- 95 *Saint Croix County Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 892 Saint Croix Electric Company------------------- Maine--------------- 304 Saint Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Com- PY--------------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 377 Saint Croix Falls Wisconsin Improvement Com- Papy--------------------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 866 Saint Croix Paper Company-------------------- Maine--------------- 306 Saint Croix Power Company-------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 865 *Saint Francis Water & Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 260 *Saint James, City of -------------------------- Minnesota------------ 395 Saint James Light and Power Company---------- North Carolina-------- 565 *Saint John Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 261 Saint Joseph Railway, Light, Heat & Power Co-- Missouri-------------- 429 Saint Lawrence River Power Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 544 *Saint Louis Municipal Light and Water Plant, City of—------------------------------------ Michigan------------- 362 *Saint Martinsville Electric Department---------- Louisiana------------- 293 *Saint Marys Electric Light Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 624 *Saint Marys Water and Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 261 *Saint Michaels Utilities Commission-- - - - - - - - - - - Maryland------------ 316 *Saint Paul, City of --------------------------- Nebraska------------- 486 *Saint Peter Electric Light and Water Department - Minnesota.-- - - - - - - - - - - 395 *Saint Petersburg, Dept. of Pub. Utilities, Div. of Electricity, City of -------------------------- Florida--------------- 95 *Salamanca Water and Light Department-------- New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 555 Salem Electric Lighting Company--------------- Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 331 Salem Light & Ice Company-------------------- Arkansas------------- 30 *Salem Light and Power Company-------------- Missouri------------- 441 *Salem Light & Power Plant-------------------- Illinois--------------- 152 *Salem Light and Power System---------------- Utah----------------- 798 *Salem, Town of------------------------------ Virginia-------------- S22 *Salem Transmission Line---------------------- Nebraska------------- 486 Salem Utilities Co----------------------------- Kentucky------------ 275 *Salisbury Municipal Utilities------------------- Missouri-------------- 442 *Sallisaw Municipal Light and Power------------ Oklahoma------------ 648 Saltese Electric Light & Water Co--- - - - - - - - - - - - - Montana------------- 452 *Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 281 LXIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Salt River Valley Water Users’ Association_ _ _ _ _ _ Arizona-------------- 22 *Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 786 San Antonio Public Service Company------------ Texas---------------- 763 *San Augustine Light and Water Department----- Texas---------------- 777 *San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 786 *San Carlos Irrigation & Drainage District_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arizona-------------- 22 *Sanders Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Montana------------- 455 *Sandersville Water and Light Commission-- - - - - - Georgia.-------------- 112 San Diego Gas & Electric Company------------- California------------ 45 *Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama------------- 13 *San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Hetch Hetchy Water Supply, Power and Utilities En- gineering Bureau, City and County of—--------- California------------ 55 *Sanger Light and Water Works---------------- Texas---------------- 777 San Gorgonio Electric Corporation--------------- California------------ 45 *San Isabel Electric Association, Inc.------------- Colorado------------- 70 *San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc -- Colorado - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70 San Miguel Light & Power Co- - - --------------- Colorado------------- 62 *San Miguel Power Association, Inc.------------- Colorado------------- 70 *San Patricio Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- Texas---------------- 786 San Simon Light & Power Company------------- Arizona-------------- 20 Santa Catalina Island Company----------------- California------------ 49 *Santa Clara Light and Power Plant------------- California.------------ 55 *Santee Electric Cooperative-------------------- South Carolina-------- 720 Santee River Hardwood Company--------------- South Carolina--- - - - - - 715 Saratoga Light, Heat and Power Co------------- Wyoming------------- 898 *Sargent, City of—----------------------------- Nebraska------------- 486 *Sargeant, Village of.-------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 395 Sartell Brothers Co---------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 378 *Satilla Rural Electric Membership Corporation, The---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 117 Sauk Centre, Water, Light & Power Commission, City of—------------------------------------ Minnesota.------ - - - - - - 395 *Sauk City Light and Water Department -- - - - - - - Wisconsin -- - - - - - - - - - - 885 Savage Manufacturing Co---------------------- Maryland------------ 315 Savannah Electric and Power Company---------- Georgia.-------------- 103 *Savannah, Village of.------------------------- New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 555 *Savonburg Electric Light Department----------- Kansas--------------- 261 *Sawyerville, Village of.------------------------ Illinois.--------------- 152 Sayles Finishing Plants, Inc.--------------------- Rhode Island - - - - - - - - - 707 Schock, G. C---------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 726 *Schuyler Department of Utilities--------------- Nebraska------------- 487 *Schuylkill Haven Electric Light Department----- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 701 *Scituate Dam Hydro-Electric Plant------------- Rhode Island- - - - - - - - - 707 Scotia Coal & Coke Co------------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 855 Scotland Neck, Town of------------------------ North Carolina-------- 578 *Scott-New Madrid-Mississippi Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- Missouri------------- 446 *Scottsboro Electric Department---------------- Alabama------------- 10 *Scottsburg Municipal Light Plant-------------- Indiana-------------- 182 *Scranton, City of—---------------------------- Kansas--------------- 261 Scranton Electric Company, The---------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 688 *Seaford Light & Power Co., City of ------------ Delaware------------- 81 *Seaside Heights, Borough of ------------------- New Jersey--- - - - - - - - - 517 Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing Company--- Washington.----------- 833 *Seattle, Department of Lighting, City of l------ Washington - - - - - - - - - - 838 *Sebewaing Electric Light Plantll--------------- Michigan------------- 362 *Sebring, City of—----------------------------- Florida--------------- 95 *Sedgwick County Electric Cooperative Associ- ation, Inc., The----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 267 Segelhorst Bros.-------------------------------- Missouri------------- 432 *Seguin-Light Department, City of -------------- Texas---------------- 777 *S. E. Iowa Cooperative Electric Association------- Iowa----------------- 232 *Sekan Electric Cooperative Association, Incor- porated, The-------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 267 *Selma, Town of------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 579 INDEX LXV Operates In Page No *Seneca, City of.------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 261 Seneca Light & Power Co---------------------- Ohio----------------- 607 *Seneca Light & Water Plant------------------- South Carolina-------- 717 *Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative---------- Tennessee------------ 752 *Sergeant Bluff Municipal Light & Power Company- Iowa----------------- 222 *Severance, City of—--------------------------- Kansas--------------- 261 *Sevier County Electric System----------------- Tennessee------------ 747 *Seville Light & Power Department------------- Ohio----------------- 624 *Seward, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 262 *Seward County Rural Public Power District ----- Nebraska------------- 487 *Seward Municipal Electric Light Department----- Nebraska------------- 487 *Seymour Light and Water Works--------------- Iowa----------------- 222 *Seymour Municipal Light Plant---------------- Texas---------------- 777 Shaffer, J. Finis------------------------------- Missouri------------- 430 *Shakopee, Water & Light Dept., City of -------- Minnesota------------ 395 Shannon Gas and Electric Co., The-------------- Wyoming------------- 898 *Sharon Light and Power Co------------------- North Dakota - - - - - - - - 591 *Sharon Light Company----------------------- North Carolina-------- 584 *Sharon Springs, City of—---------------------- Kansas--------------- 262 Sharpsburg, Borough of.----------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 701 *Sharpsburg, Town of-------------------------- North Carolina-------- 579 *Shawano Water & Electric Department--------- Wisconsin------------ 886 *Shaw Light and Water Works------------------ Mississippi----------- 412 *Sheboygan Falls, Board of Public Utility Com- missioners---------------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 886 *Sheffield City Power & Water Department-------- Alabama------------- 11 Sheip Lumber Company, J. H.------------------- Florida--------------- 91 *Shelbina Light and Water Plant---------------- Missouri------------- 442 *Shelby, City of—------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 579 *Shelby County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 188 *Shelby Electric Cooperative-------------------- Illinois--------------- 155 *Shelby Municipal Electric System-------------- Iowa----------------- 223 *Shelby Municipal Light Plant------------------ Ohio----------------- 624 *Shelby Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation--- Kentucky------------ 281 *Shelbyville Power Systeml -------------------- Tennessee------------ 747 *Shelly Municipal Light Plant------------------ Minnesota.------------ 395 Shelter Island Light & Power Company, Incor- Porated.------------------------------------ New York------------ 544 *Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative--------- Virginia-------------- 824 *Sherburne, Village of.------------------------- New York------------ 555 Sheridan County Electric Company-------------- Wyoming------------- 898 Sherrard Power System------------------------ Illinois--------------- 141 Shickley Electric Company--------------------- Wyoming------------- 898 *Shickley, Village of.-------------------------- Nebraska------------- 487 *Shiloh Board of PublicAffairs.------------------ Ohio----------------- 624 *Shiner Light and Water Department------------ Texas---------------- 778 *Showlow-Silver Creek Water Conservation and Power District------------------------------ Arizona-------------- 23 *Shrewsbury Light and Power Company--------- Vermont------------- 810 *Shrewsbury Municipal Light Department, Town of----------------------------------------- Massachusetts-------- 341 *Shullsburg Electric Utility--------------------- Wisconsin------------ 886 *Sibley, City of—------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 223 Sierra City Electric Light Plant----------------- California------------ 45 Sierra Pacific Power Company------------------ California------------ 45 Nevada.-------------- 496 *Sikeston Municipal Light Company------------- Missouri------------- 442 *Siloam Springs Municipal Light Plant----------- Arkansas------------- 34 *Silver Springs Electric Department------------- New York------------ 556 Silverton Electric Light Col-------------------- Colorado------------- 62 Simsbury Electric Company, The---------------- Connecticut---------- 75 Sinai Garage and Power Company--------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 Sinclair Refining Co--------------------------- Wyoming------------- 900 *Singing River Electric Power Association-------- Mississippi----------- 416 LXVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. Sioux City Gas and Electric Company----------- Iowa----------------- 204 *Sioux Electric Cooperative Association ---------- Iowa----------------- 232 *Sioux Falls, Municipal Light & Power Dept. of The City of—-------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 731 *Sioux Valley Empire Electric Association, Inc.----- South Dakota.--------- 732 Skaneateles East Lake El. Line, Inc.------------- New York------------ 545 *Skaneateles Electric Light Department---------- New York------------ 556 *Slash Pine Electric Membership Corporation----- Georgia.-------------- 117 *Slater Municipal Utilities---------------------- Missouri------------- 442 *Sleepy Eye Light and Power------------------- Minnesota.------------ 396 *Slinger Municipal Light & Water Department, Village of ---------------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 886 Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Company------------ Alabama------------- 6 *Smethport, Borough of ----------------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 702 *Smithfield Electric Light System - - - - ----------- North Carolina-------- 579 *Smithfield, Village of ------------------------- Nebraska------------- 487 *Smithville, City of.--------------------------- Texas---------------- 778 Smithville Electric Co., Inc.--------------------- Indiana-------------- 169 Smoky Mountain Power Company--------------- North Carolina-------- 566 *Smyrna, Town of.---------------------------- Delaware------------- 81 *Snapping Shoals Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 117 Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company------------- Washington.----------- 833 *Snyder, Village of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 487 Soap Lake Utilities Co------------------------- Washington.----------- 830 Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures----- New Jersey----------- 515. *Soda Springs, The City of --------------------- Idaho---------------- 125 Solar Electric Company------------------------ Pennsylvania--------- 689. Solen Motor Co------------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 Solomon Gas & Electric Co--------------------- Kansas--------------- 243 *Solvay, Village of.---------------------------- New York------------ 556. *Somerset Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.___ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania.--------- 704 *Somerville Water and Light Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 748 *South Alabama. Electric Cooperative_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama------------- 13 South Beloit Water, Gas and Electric Company--- Illinois.--------------- 142 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company--------- South Carolina-------- 711 South Carolina Power Company----------------- Georgia.-------------- 104 South Carolina-------- 712 *South Carolina Public Service Authority – - - - - - - South Carolina-------- 718 South Carolina. Utilities Company--------------- South Carolina-------- 713 *South Central Electric Association-------------- Minnesota.------------ 403 *South-Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc --- Ohio----------------- 630 *South Cle Elum, Town of --------------------- Washington.--------- --- 838 *South Coffeyville, City of—--------------------- Oklahoma------------ 648 *South Crawford Rural Electric Coop------------ Iowa----------------- 232 South Dakota Public Service Company----------- South Dakota.--------- 726 *Southeast Colorado Power Association - - - - - - - - - - Colorado------------- 70 *Southeastern Electric Cooperative of Durant----- Oklahoma------------ 653 *Southeastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - Illinois--------------- 155 Southeastern Indiana Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 169 *Southeastern Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 188 *Southeastern Michigan Rural Electric Cooperative, ºne---------------------------------------- Michigan------------- 365 *Southeastern Nebraska Public Power District_____ Nebraska------------- 487 *Southeast Junction Light and Power Company---- Iowa----------------- 232 Southern Arizona Public Service Companyl - - - - - - - Arizona-------------- 20 Southern Berkshire Power & Electric Company----- Massachusetts-------- 331 Southern California Edison Company, Ltd.—-l----- California------------ 45 Southern California Water Company------------- California------------ 47 Southern Colorado Power Company-------------- Colorado------------- 62. *Southern Illinois Electric Cooperative_--__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 156 Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 169 Southern Indiana Light & Power Corporation------ Indiana-------------- 170 *Southern Maryland Tri-County Cooperative As- sociation, Inc.------------------------------- Maryland------------ 317 INDEX LXVII Operates In Page No. *Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District--- Nebraska_____________ 487 Southern Nevada Power Company--------------- Nevada-------------- 497 Southern Ohio Public Service Company----------- Ohio----------------- 607 Southern Pacific Company---------------------- Nevada-------------- 498 Southern Pennsylvania Power Company---------- Pennsylvania--------- 689 *Southern Pine Electric Membership Corporation-- Alabama- - - - - -------- 14 *Southern Pine Electric Power Association_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 416 Southern Pine Lumber Co----------------------- Texas---------------- 770 Southern Utah Power Company----------------- Utah----------------- 790 Southern Wyoming Utilities Company----------- Wyoming------------- 898 *South Farmers Electric Line, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 155 South Fulton Light and Power Company--------- Tennessee------------ 738 *South Hadley, Electric Light Department, Town of------------------------------------------ Massachusetts-------- 341 *South Haven, City of ------------------------- Michigan------------- 362 South Jersey Power & Light Company------------ New Jersey----------- 515 *South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration------------------------------------ Kentucky------------ 281 *South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Assn- - - - - - - Louisiana ------------ 295 *South Norwalk Electric Works, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Connecticut---------- 78 South Penn Power Company-------------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 689 *South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc ----------- Texas---------------- 786 *Southport, Town of--------------------------- North Carolina-------- 579 *South River Board of Public Works____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Jersey----------- 517 *South River Electric Membership Corporation---- North Carolina-------- 584 South Shore Utility Company------------------- Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - - - - 866 *Southside Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Virginia-------------- 824 *South Side Electric Lines, Inc.------------------- Idaho---------------- 127 *South Sioux City, City of ---------------------- Nebraska------ .* = - - - - - 487 *South Superior, Town of ---------------------- Wyoming------------- 902 *South Vienna Light Plant--------------------- Ohio----------------- 624 *Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Arkansas------------- 36 *Southwest Central Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation--------------------------------- Pennsylvania--------- 704 *Southwest Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 447 *Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc ---------- Illinois--------------- 156 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company---------- Arkansas------------- 30 Louisiana------------- 288 Texas---------------- 763 Southwestern Light & Power Company---------- Oklahoma------------ 639 *Southwestern Minnesota Cooperative Electric, The---------------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 403 Southwestern Public Service Company----------- New Mexico.---------- 522 Texas---------------- 764 *Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Louisiana------------- 295 Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc ------------------- Arizona-------------- 22 *Southwest Mississippi Electric Power Association- Mississippi----------- 416 *Southwest Rural Electric Association, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oklahoma------------ 653 *Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corpo- ration-------------------------------------- Tennessee------------ 752 *South Whitley Electric Light Co--------------- Indiana-------------- 182 *Spanish Fork Electric System------------------ Utah----------------- 798 Sparta Township Crawford Public Service Com- P&DY--------------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 689 *Spartanburg Commissioners of Public Works_ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 718 Spencer Gas Company, The--------------------- Massachusetts-- - - - - - - 331 *Spencer Municipal Light Plant----------------- Nebraska------------- 488 *Spencer Municipal Utilities-------------------- Iowa----------------- 223 *Spencerport Electric Department--------------- New York------------ 556 *Spencerville Board of Public Affairs------------- Ohio----------------- 624 *Spiceland Corporation------------------------- Indiana-------------- 182 *Spiro Light and Power Plant------------------- Oklahoma ------------ 648 *Spooner Board of Public Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *** * * * * * * * Wisconsin -- - - - - - - - - - - 886 *Spooner Water and Light Department, Village of -- Minnesota.------------ 396 LXVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Spoon River Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 156 Spring Canyon Coal Company------------------ Utah----------------- 793 *Spring City Electric Light and Power System_ _ _ _ _ Utah----------------- 798 *Springfield, City of --------------------------- Minnesota.------- - - - - - 396 *Springfield Department of Electricity----------- Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 748 Springfield Gas and Electric Company----------- Missouri------------- 430 *Springfield Water, Light, and Power Depart- ment--------------------------------------- Illinois----- — — — — — — — — — — 152 *Spring Grove Village-------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 396 Springview Flour & Grain Company------------- Nebraska------------- 464 *Springville Electric Light and Power Co---_ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 556 *Springville Municipal Corp-------------------- Utah----------------- 798 *Spur Municipal Light & Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 778 *Squirrel Island Village Corp-------------------- Maine--------------- 307 *Stafford, City of—----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 262 *Stamford Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------- Texas---------------- 786 Stampers Garage------------------------------ Missouri------------- 432 *Stanberry Board of Public Works_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 442 *Stanhope Municipal Electric System------------ Iowa----------------- 223 Stanolind Oil and Gas Company----------------- Wyoming------------- 900 *Stanton County Rural Public Power District_____ Nebraska------------- 488 *Stanton Municipal Water and Light Plant_______ Nebraska------------- 488 *Stantonsburg Light and Power Department--- - - North Carolina-------- 579 *Staples Water and Light Department----------- Minnesota.------------ 396 *Stapleton, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 488 *Starke Light and Water Plant------------------ Florida--------------- 95 *Starkville Department of Electricity, City of ---- Mississippi----------- 412 Star Milling and Electric Company-------------- Indiana-------------- 170 Star Valley Power & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 898 *State Center Electric Light Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 223 Staten Island Edison Corporation- - - - ----------- New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 545 *State Rural Electrification Authority------------ South Carolina-------- 720 States & Canada Utilities, Inc.------------------- Vermont------------- 805 *Statesville Light Department------------------ North Carolina-------- 579 *Staunton, The City of—------------------------ Illinois--------------- 152 Stearns Coal & Lumber Company, Inc ----------- Kentucky------------ 276 *Stearns Cooperative Electric Association_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 403 Stearns Power & Light Co---------------------- Kentucky------------ 275 *Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric------------- Minnesota------------ 403 *Steilacoom, Town of-------------------------- Washington.----------- 838 *Stephen Electric Light Department, Village of - - - Minnesota.------------ 396 *Stephenson Electric Account, Village of - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 362 *Sterling Light and Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 262 *Sterling Municipal Light Plant----------------- Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 341 *Steuben County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 188 *Stevens-Big Stone Co-operative Power Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 403 *Stevens County Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washington----------- 841 Stillman Armstrong Co------------------------- Maine--------------- 297 *Stillwater, City of—--------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 648 Stillwater Worsted Mills----------------------- Rhode Island--------- 707 *Stilwell Light and Water System---------------- Oklahoma------------ 648 Stinn Implement Company--------------------- Iowa----------------- 205 Stockton Electric, Ice & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Maryland------------ 313 Virginia-------------- 815 *Stockton Municipal Light Plant---------------- Kansas--------------- 262 Stockville Garage------------------------------ Nebraska------------- 463 Stonewall Cotton Mills, Incorporated.------------ Mississippi----------- 408 Stonington & Deer Isle Power Co---------------- Maine--------------- 304 *Stonington Light and Water Works Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 152 Stony Run Light & Power Company------------- Minnesota.------------ 378 *Story City Light Department-l--l------------- Iowa----------------- 223 Stoufferstown Electric Company----------------- Pennsylvania--------- 689 y *Stoughton Municipal Electric Light System------ Wisconsin ------------ 886 INDEX LXIX Operates In Page No. *Stoutsville Municipal Electric Department------- Missouri------------- 442 *Stowe, Incorporated Willage of ----------------- Vermont------------- 809 Stowe Mills, Inc.------------------------------- North Carolina-------- 569 Straits Light & Power Company----------------- Washington----------- 830 *Stratford Light & Power Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 223 Stratford Water and Light Department---------- Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 887 Strathmore Paper Co-------------------------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 336 Stratton Light Co----------------------------- Maine--------------- 304 Stratton Manufacturing Company--------------- Maine--------------- 306 *Stratton Municipal Ice, Light & Water System--- Nebraska.------------- 488 *Straughn Municipal Light Plant---------------- Indiana-------------- 182 *Strawberry Point Light & Water Department---- Iowa----------------- 224 *Strawberry Water Users Association------------ Utah----------------- 798 *Stromsburg, City of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 488 *Stroud Water and Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma ------------ 648 *Stryker Board of Public Affairs----------------- Ohio----------------- 625 *Stuart Light and Power System---------------- Iowa----------------- 224 *Stuart Municipal Light & Power Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 488 *Sturgeon Bay Utilities------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 887 *Sturgis, City of.------------------------------ Michigan------------- 363 Sturtevant, C. O------------------------------ Maine--------------- 304 Suburban Gas and Electric Company------------ Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 331 *Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 704 *Sullivan County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 188 Sullivan Machinery Company------------------- New Hampshire------- 506 *Sullivan Municipal Light Plant----------------- Illinois--------------- 152 *Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc - Arizona -------------- 23 *Sumas Light and Power System---------------- Washington.----------- 838 *Sumner Municipal Light Plant----------------- Iowa----------------- 224 *Summerhill Municipal Light Plant-------------- Pennsylvania--------- 702 *Sumner–Cowley Electric Cooperative Association, Tne. The------------------------ ----------- Kansas--------------- 267 *Sumner, Village of.--------------------------- Nebraska------------- 489 *Summerfield Electric Department-------------- Kansas--------------- 262 Sumpter Power & Water Company-------------- Oregon--------------- 660 *Sumter Electrical Membership Corporation------ Georgia.-------------- 117 *Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Florida--------------- 97 Sumter Lumber Company, Inc.------------------ Mississippi----------- 408 *Sundance, City of—--------------------------- Wyoming------------- 902 *Sun Prairie Electric And Water Utility__________ Wisconsin------------ 887 *Sun River Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Montana------------- 455 Superior Electric Light & Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Montana------------- 453 *Superior, Light Department, City of ------------ Nebraska------------- 489 Superior Portland Cement, Inc ------------------ Washington.----------- 834 Superior Water, Light and Power Company------- Wisconsin ------------ 867 *Supply, Town of------------------------------ Oklahoma.------------ 649 *Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation------- California------------ 56 *Surry–Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation-- North Carolina-------- 584 Susquehanna Collieries Co---------------------- Pennsylvania.--------- 697 Susquehanna Electric Company, Inc.------------- Maryland------------ 313 Susquehanna Power Company, The-------------- Maryland------------- 314 Susquehanna Transmission Company of Maryland- Maryland------------ 314 *Sussex Rural Electric Cooperativel-L----------- New Jersey----------- 518 *Sutherland Municipal Light & Power System---- Nebraska------------- 489 *Sutton Light and Water Plant----------------- Nebraska------------- 489 *Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ Florida--------------- 97 Swan Creek Electric Co------------------------ Utah----------------- 790 Swans Falls Company-------------------------- Maine--------------- 304 *Swanton Village------------------------------ Vermont------------- 809 *Sweetwater, Board of Public Utilities, Town of -- Tennessee------------ 748 *Swisher County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- Texas---------------- 786 *Sycamore Municipal Light & Water Plant_______ Ohio----------------- 625 *Sylacauga Electric Department----------------- Alabama------------- 11 Sylvania Industrial Corporation----------------- Virginia-------------- 819 322184—42 5 LXX FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Sylvania Light and Water Department---------- Georgia.-------------- 112 *Sylvester, City of ----------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 112 *Syracuse Municipal Water & Light Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 489 System Properties, Inc.------------------------- New York------------ 545 T *Tabor Electric Light Plant-------------------- South Dakota.--------- 731 *Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division, City of—--------------------------- Washington.----------- 838 *Tahlequah City Light & Water Dept.----------- Oklahoma------------ 649 *Tallahassee, City of.-------------------------- Florida--------------- 95 *Tallahatchie Valley Electric Power Association--- Mississippi----------- 416 *Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative, Incor- porated.------------------------------------ Alabama------------- 14 *Talmage, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 489 *Tamora, Village of ---------------------------- Nebraska------------- 489 Tampa Electric Company---------------------- Florida--------------- 89 Taneycomo Electric Light Company------------- Missouri------------- 430 *Tangier Municipal Lighting Plant-------------- Virginia-------------- 822 *Tarboro, Town of---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 579 *Tarentum Borough Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania--------- 702 *Tarrant City, Electric Department, City of ------ Alabama------------- 11 *Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 341 *Taylor County Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 892 *Taylor County Electric Membership Corporation - Georgia.-------------- 117 *Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corpor- ation--------------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 281 *Taylor Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 786 *Teague Light Department--------------------- Texas---------------- 778 *Teche Electric Membership Corporation--------- Louisiana------------- 295 *Tecumseh, City of ---------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 649 *Tecumseh Light & Water Department---------- Nebraska------------- 489 Telluride Power Company---------------------- Utah----------------- 791, *Templeton Municipal Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Massachusetts - - - - - - - ... 342 *Tennant, Town of---------------------------- Iowa----------------- 224 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company. - - - - Alabama------------- 6 Tennessee Consolidated Coal Company----------- Tennessee------------ 739 Tennessee Light and Power Company------------ Kentucky------------ 275 Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - 738 Tennessee Products Corporation_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 739 *Tennessee Valley Authority-------------------- Alabama---. • * * * * * * * = = 11 Georgia.-------------- 112 Kentucky------------ 278 Mississippi. - - - - - - - - - - 412 North Carolina-------- 580 Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 748 *Tennessee Valley Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 752 Tensleep Light and Power Company------------- Wyoming------------- 899 Terre Haute and Western Railway Company - - - - - Illinois--------------- 144 Terre Haute Electric Company, Inc.-----...-- - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 170 *Terrell, City of—------------------------------ Texas---------------- 778 Teton Valley Power & Milling Company - - - - - - - - - Idaho---------------- 121 Texas Electric Service Company.-----. -- - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 764 Texas General Utilities Company---------------- Texas---------------- 765 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., Inc.-------------------- Texas---------------- 770 Texas Hydro-Electric Corporation-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 765 Texas-New Mexico Utilities Company--------- - - - New Mexico.---------- 522 Texas---------------- 765 Texas Power & Light Company----------------- Texas---------------- 766 Texas Power Corporation----------------------- Texas------------- - - - 768 Texas Public Service Company------------------ Texas---------------- 768 Texas Public Utilities Corporation--------------- Texas---------------- 768 Thacker Electric Light & Power Enterprise, Inc.___ West Virginia--------- 849 *Thayer Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 442 *Theresa, Village of.---------...----------------- New York------------ 556 INDEX LXXI Operates In Page No. *Thibodaux Light and Water Plant-------------- Louisiana------------- 294 *Thief River Falls Water and Light Department-- Minnesota.------------ 396 Thomaston Cotton Mills----------------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 *Thomaston Water & Light Department, City of - Georgia.-------------- 113 *Thomasville Water & Light Department, City of -- Georgia.--------------- 113 Thompson Mahogany Company----------------- West Virginia--------- 855 *Thompsonville Power & Light Department - - - - - - Michigan------------- 363 Three Engineers Co., Inc.----------------------- Washington.----------- 830 *Three-Notch Electric Membership Corporation--- Georgia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 118 *Three Rivers, City of ------------------------- Michigan------------- 363 *Three Rivers Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 447 *Thumb Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 365 *Thurmont Municipal Light Co----------------- Maryland------------ 316 *Thurston, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 490 Ticonderoga Electric Light & Power Company, 'he---------------------------------------- New York-------...---- 545 Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Company----------- New York------------ 548 Tide Water Power Company-------------------- North Carolina-------- 566 Tigerton Electric Company--------------------- Wisconsin------------ 867 Tigerton Lumber Company--------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 874 Tilden Electric Light and Power Company-- - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 867 *Timber Lake Light & Power Department-------- South Dakota.--------- 731 Timber Light and Power Co-------------------- Oregon--------------- 660 *Timpson Light and Water Department---------- Texas---------------- 778 *Tipmont Rural Electric Membership Corporation- Indiana- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 188 *Tippah Electric Power Association, Inc., The_ _ _ _ Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 416 Tennessee------------ 752 *Tipp City Power Plant------------------------ Ohio----------------- 625 *T. I. P. Rural Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 233 *Tipton, City of—------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 224 *Tipton Electric Distribution System - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 263 *Tipton Electric Light Company---------------- Indiana-------------- 182 *Tishomingo County Electric Power Association--- Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 4.17 *Titusville Municipal Electric Light Plant-------- Pennsylvania--------- 702 Tobacco River Power Company----------------- Montana------------- 453 Toccoa Power Company------------------------ Georgia.-------------- 104 Toledo Edison Company, The------------------- Ohio----------------- 607 Tomahawk Kraft Paper Co--------------------- Wisconsin – –---------- 874 *Tombigbee Electric Power Association - - - - - - - - - - Mississippi----------- 4.17 *Tombstone Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------- Arizona-------------- 22 *Tonkawa Light and Water Department - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 649 *Tontogany Board of Public Affairs----- - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 625 *Top O’Michigan Rural Electric Company - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 366 *Toronto Municipal Light Plant----------------- Kansas--------------- 263 Torrington Electric Light Company, The--------- Connecticut---------- 75 *Torrington Electric Light Department - - - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 902 Townsend Light & Mill Company – ------------- Tennessee------------ 738 Tracy Development Company------------------ New York------------ 545 *Traer Municipal Light and Water Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 224. Transue Williams Company--------------------- Ohio----------------- 610 *Traverse City Light and Power Department_ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 363 *Trempealeau Electric Cooperative_------------- Wisconsin------------ 892 *Trempealeau Municipal Light Company--------- Wisconsin – - - - - - - - - - - 887 *Trenton Light & Water Plant__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee------------ 749 *Trenton Municipal Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 490 *Trenton Municipal Utilities-------------------- Missouri------------- 443 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 366 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 403 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Virginia-------------- 824 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative Association-- - - - Missouri------------- 447 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ Illinois--------------- 156 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ North Dakota- - - - - - - - 591 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 787 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation____ Georgia.-------------- 118 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation---- Kentucky------------ 281 Tennessee------------ 753 LXXII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation____ North Carolina-------- 584 *Tri-County Rural Electric Company, Inc.-------- New Jersey----------- 518 *Tri County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ Ohio----------------- 631 *Tri-County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.______ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 704 Trinidad Electric Transmission Railway and Gas Company, The------------------------------ Colorado------------- 63 New Mexico.---------- 522 Trion Co------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 105 *Tri-State Power Cooperative------------------- Wisconsin – ----------- 892 Tri-States Power Corporation------------------- Iowa----------------- 204 *Troup County Electric Membership Corporation – Georgia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 118 Trout Iake Power & Light Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Washington - - - - - - - - - - 830 *Troy Electric Department, City of - - - - - - - - - - - Alabama------------- 11 *Troy Light and Power Plant__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 625 *Troy Light Department -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kansas--------------- 263 Truax Traer Coal Co-------------------------- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - S55 *Truckee-Carson Irrigation District_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nevada-------------- 499 *Truckee Public Utility District____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ California- - - - - - - - - - - 55 *Truman Municipal Light T)epartment_-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota------------ 397 Trumbull-Cliffs Furnace Company--------------- Ohio----------------- 610 *Trumbull, Village of -------------------------- Nebraska------------- 490 Tucannon Electric Co-------------------------- Washington.----------- 831 Tucson Gas, Electric Light and Power Company, The---------------------------------------- Arizona-------------- 20 *Tulare Light Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 731 *Tulia Municipal Plant, City of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 779 *Tullahoma Light & Water Dept., City of L- - - - - - Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 749 Tumble Creek Power and Water Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oregon--------------- 660 *Tupelo, City of—------------------------------ Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 412 *Tupper Lake, Municipal Electric System of The Village of ---------------------------------- New York__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 557 *Turlock Irrigation District---------- - - - - - - - - - - - California- - - - - - - - - - - - 55 Turn Back Creek Light & Power Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - California- - - --------- 47 Turners Falls Power & Electric Company------ - - - Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 332 *Tuscarawas-Cochocton Electric Cooperative, Inc - Ohio__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 631 *Tuscumbia Electricity Department, City of -- - - - - Alabama _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 *Tuskegee, City of ---------------------------- Alabama ------------- 12 Tuskegee Light & Power Company -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Alabama ------------- 5 *Twin County Electric Power Association – - - - - - - - Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 4.17 *Tucumcari, City of --------------------------- New Mexico.---------- 523 Twin State Gas & Electric Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Hampshire_-- - - - - 505 New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 546 Vermont------------- 805 *Two Harbors Municipal Electric Co - - - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 397 *Two Rivers Water & Light Dept.--------------- Wisconsin – ----------- 887 *Tyler Municipal Light & Power Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 397 *Tyndall Light & Water Plant------------------ South Dakota.--------- 731 U *Udall, City of.------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 263 Uintah Power & Light Company---------------- Utah----------------- 791 *Ukiah, City of ------------------------------- California------------ 55 *Umatilla Electric Cooperative Assn------------- Oregon--------------- 666 Umfer, George-------------------------------- North Dakota.--------- 588 Union Bag & Paper Power Corporation--------- - - New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 548 *Union City, Corporation of -----...-------------- Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 749 Union City Electric Company---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 608 *Union City, Village of.------------------------ Michigan------------- 363 *Union County Rural Power Company----------- South Dakota----- - - - - 733 Union Electric Company of Illinois.-------------- Illinois.--------------- 142 Union Electric Company of Missouri------------- Missouri-- - - - - - - - - - - - 430 *Union Commission of Public Works------- - - - - - - - South Carolina--- - - - - - 718 *Union Electric Membership Corporation--------- North Carolina_____ _ _ _ 584 Union Electric Railway Col -------------------- Kansas--------------- 244 Oklahoma------------ 640 Union Falls Power Company-------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 874 INDEX LXXIII Operates In Page No. Union Light & Power Company----------------- Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 332 Union Light, Heat and Power Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ Kentucky------------ 275 Union Lumber Company----------------------- California------------ 49 Union Mills Co------------------------------. North Carolina-------- 569 Union Pacific Coal Company, The-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 900 Union Pacific Railroad Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 50 Nevada.-------------- 498 Utah----------------- 793 Union Portland Cement Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - Utah----------------- 793 Union Power Company------------------------- West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 849 Union Power Company, The-------------------- Ohio----------------- 608 Union Public Service Company------------------ Minnesota------------ 378 South Dakota.--------- 726 *Union Rural Electric Association, Inc.----------- Colorado------------- 70 *Union Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - ------- Ohio----------------- 631 Union Saw Mill Company---------------------- Arkansas------------- 31 Union Township Crawford Public Service Com- P*Y--------------------------------------- Pennsylvania- - - ------ 690 *Unionville Light and Water Department - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 443 United Electric Light Company----------------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 332 United Illuminating Company, The-------------- Connecticut---------- 75 United Light & Power Company---------------- West Virginia__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 850 United Power Company------------------------ New Mexico.----------- 522 United Power Manufacturing Company---------- Iowa---------------- 204 *United Rural Electric------------------------- Ohio----------------- 631 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise Project------ Idaho---------------- 125 Oregon--------------- 665 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder Canyon Project------------------------------------- Nevada-------------- 499 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado-Big Thompson Project--------------------------- Colorado------------- 68 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Kendrick Project_ _ Colorado------------- 68 Wyoming------------- 902 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Minidoka Project-- Idaho---------------- 125 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, North Platte Project- Nebraska------------- 490 Wyoming------------- 903 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Prosser Power Plant-------------------------------------- Washington.----------- 839 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Rio Grande Project- New Mexico.---------- 523 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Riverton Project--- Wyoming------------- 903 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Shoshone Project--- Wyoming------------- 903 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project----- Arizona-------------- 23 California------------ 56 United States Coal & Coke Co------------------ West Virginia.--------- 855 *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Administration------------------------ Oregon--------------- 663 Washington.----------- 834 *U. S. Department of Interior, Carson Indian Agency------------------------------------- Nevada-------------- 498 United States Fuel Company------------------- Utah----------------- 793 *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, Flathead Project Power System------------------------------- Montana------------- 454 *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, San Carlos Project- Arizona-------------- 23 United Utilities Corporation-------------------- Missouri-------------- 431 *Unity Light and Power Company-------------- Idaho---------------- 127 *University of Michigan------------------------ Michigan------------- 363 *University of Mississippi Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 412 *University of North Carolina Service Plants_ _ _ _ _ North Carolina-------- 580 *Upland Municipal Power & Light Plant--------- Nebraska------------- 490 Upper Columbia Valley Power Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Washington.----------- 831 *Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corpora- tion---------------------------------------- Tennessee------------ 753 Upper Methow Valley Light & Power Co---______ Washington.----------- 831 Upper Michigan Power & Light Company-------- Michigan------------- 352 Upper Verde Public Utilities Company___________ Arizona-------------- 20 *Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation -- Texas---------------- 787 *Upson County Electric Membership Corporation – Georgia.-------------- 118 IXXIV FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Upton Municipal Light and Water-------------- Wyoming------------- 903 Utah Fuel Company--------------------------- Colorado------------- 64 Utah----------------- 793 Utah Light and Traction Company-------------- Utah----------------- 791 Utah Power & Light Company------------------ Idaho---------------- 122 Utah----------------- 791 Wyoming------------- 899 Utica Power Co., Hobart Estate Co. and Emma Rose Operating as--------------------------- California------------ 49 *Utica Water & Light Department - - - ----------- Mississippi----------- 412 Utilities Company, The ------------------------ Wyoming------------- 899 *Utilities District of Western Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------- Indiana-------------- 188 Utility Service Company, The------------------- Kansas--------------- 243 W Vallejo Electric Light and Power Company------- California------------ 47 *Valley City Electric and Water Works- - - - - - - - - - North Dakota- - - - - - - - 591 Valley Electric Company----------------------- Virginia-------------- 816 *Valley Electric Membership Corporation - - - - - - - - Louisiana------------- 295 Valley Power & Light Co----------------------- Washington.----------- 831 *Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 704 *Valley Springs, Town of----------------------- South Dakota.--------- 731 *Valparaiso Light Department------------------ Nebraska------------- 490 Van Buren Light & Power Co------------------- Iowa----------------- 205 Missouri-------------- 431 *Van Buren Light and Power District----- - - - - - - - Maine--------------- 308 Van Buren Light, Power & Ice Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Missouri------------- 431 *Vanceboro Water & Light Department -- - - - - - - - - North Carolina - - - - - - - 580 *Vanceburg Electric Light, Heat, and Power Sys- tem---------------------------------------- Kentucky---------- - - - 278 *Vandalia Municipal Utilities------------------- Missouri-------------- 443 Vanderbilt Electric Light and Power Co--- - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 352 Vaughn Light and Power Company-------------- New Mexico_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 522 *Veedersburg Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana-------------- 183 *Venango Municipal Electric Department - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 490 *Vera Irrigation District No. 15__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Washington.----------- 839 Verdel Light and Power Company---...- - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska----- *º º ºx * * * * * 463 Verdigre Creamery Company------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 *Verdigris Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 653 *Verendrye Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - North Dakota- - - - - - - - 591 *Vermillion City Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 731 *Vermillion Light System----------------------- Kansas.-------------- 263 *Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc._-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vermont------------- 810 Vermont Marble Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vermont------------- 807 Vermont Soapstone Co------------------------- Vermont------------- 807 *Vernon Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 892 *Vernon Municipal Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 779 *Vero Beach Municipal Power System, City of - - - Florida____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 96 *Versailles Board of Public Affairs-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 625 Versailles Light System------------------------ Indiana-------------- 170 *Vevay Light and Water Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 183 Victor-American Fuel Co., The_----- - - - - - - - - - - - - Colorado------------- 64 *Victoria County Electric Cooperative Company - - Texas---------------- 787 *Vidalia Electric Department -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisiana------------- 294 *Vigilante Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - Montana------------- 455 *Viking Light Plant, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota------------ 397 *Willisca Municipal Power Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 224 Vinalhaven Light & Power Company_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Maine--------------- 305 *Wineland Borough Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Jersey----------- 518 *Vinton, City of ------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 225 Vinton Colliery Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania--------- 697 *Winton Ice, Light and Water Works - - - - - - - - - - - - Louisiana------------ 294 Virginia East Coast Utilities, Incorporated.----- - - - Virginia-------------- 816 INDEX LXXV Operates In Page No. Virginia Electric and Power Company------------ North Carolina-------- 566 - Virginia-------------- 815 *Virginia Electric Cooperative- - - - -------------- Virginia-------------- 824 *Virginia Polytechnic Institute Electric Service Department-------------------------------- Virginia-------------- 822 Virginia Public Service Company---------------- Virginia-------------- 817 West Virginia.-- - - - - - - - 850 Virginia Smelting Works----------------------- Virginia-------------- 819 *Virginia Water and Light Department---------- Minnesota.------------ 397 *Volga, City of ------------------------------- South Dakota.--------- 732 *Volunteer Electric Cooperative----------------- Tennessee------------ 753 Wredenburgh Sawmill Company----------------- Alabama------------- 6 W *Wabash County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 188 Waccamaw Power Company-------------------- South Carolina-------- 713 Wachusett Electric Company------------------- Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 332 *Waco Lighting Plant-------------------------- North Carolina-------- 580 Wade, M. A.---------------------------------- Texas---------------- 771 *Wadena, Electric Light & Water Works Dept., Village of ---------------------------------- Minnesota.------------ 397 Wadhams & Westport Power & Light Corporation-- New York------------ 546 *Wadsworth Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 625 *Wagoner Light Department-------------------- Oklahoma------------ 649 *Wahoo Water and Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 490 Waits River Electric System-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vermont------------- 806 *Wake Electric Membership Corporation--------- North Carolina-------- 584 *Wakefield, City of—--------------------------- Michigan------------- 364 *Wakefield Municipal Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 491 *Wakefield Municipal Light Department--------- Massachusetts-------- 342 *Wakefield, Town of -------------------------- Virginia-------------- 822 *Wake Forest, Town of- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Carolina-------- 580 *Wakonda Electric Service Department - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota.--------- 732 Wakpala Light Company----------------------- South Dakota.--------- 726 *Walbridge Board of Public Affairs-------------- Ohio----------------- 626 *Walcott Electric Company--------------------- Idaho---------------- 127 *Walden Municipal Light Plant----------------- Colorado------------- 69 *Waldo, City of ------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 263 *Waldron, City of ----------------------------- Kansas--------------- 263 *Wales, Town of------------------------------ Utah----------------- 798 *Walkerton Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Indiana-------------- 183 *Wallingford Borough Electric Works------------ Connecticut----------- 78 *Wall Lake, Incorporated Town of -------------- Iowa----------------- 225 Walnut Electric Light & Power Co - - - ----------- Ransas--------------- 243 *Walnut Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 225 *Walstonburg, Town of ------------------------ North Carolina-------- 580 *Walters Light and Water Department_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oklahoma------------ 649 *Walthill Municipal Electric Department____ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 491 *Walton Electric Membership Corporation, The--- Georgia.-------------- 118 *Wamego Municipal Light & Water Plant____ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 263 *Wampum Borough Municipal Electric Light Plant. Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 702 *Wapakoneta Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 626 Wapello Light and Power Co-------------------- Iowa----------------- 205 Ward, B. O----------------------- ----------- North Carolina-------- 567 War Light and Water Company---- - - - - - - - - - - - - West Virginia--------- 850 *Warren City Water, Light & Power Department-- Minnesota.------------ 398 Warren Company------------------------------ Arizona-------------- 20 *Warren County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 189 *Warren Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------- Pennsylvania--------- 704 *Warren Municipal Water and Light------------- Indiana-------------- 183 *Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation_ _ Kentucky_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 282 Warroad Light & Power Coll------------------- Minnesota.------------ 378 Warwick Electric Co--------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 104 LXXVI FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Waseca Water and Light Board---------------- Minnesota------------ 398 *Washakie Rural Electric Company-------------- Wyoming------------- 905 Washburn Electric Co-------------------------- Maine---------- ------ 305 *Washington City Light & Power---------------- Indiana-------------- 183 *Washington, City of -------------------------- Kansas--------------- 264 *Washington County Electric Membership Cor- ration-------------------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 118 *Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vermont------------- 810 *Washington Electric Department--------------- Georgia.-------------- 113 Washington Gas and Electric Company---------- Washington.----------- 831 Washington Light & Water Co------------------- California------------ 48 Washington Mills Co--------------------------- North Carolina-------- 569 Virginia-------------- 819 *Washington Municipal Electric & Water Depart- ment--------------------------------------- North Carolina-------- 580 *Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------------------------------- Louisiana------------- 295 Washington Water Power Company, The_____ _ _ _ _ _ Idaho---------------- 122 Washington.----------- 831 Waterford Electric Light Co., The_--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 690 Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Ry. Co-------- Iowa----------------- 205 *Waterloo Light and Power Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 152 *Waterloo Water and Light Commission--------- Wisconsin------------ 888 *Watertown, City Light & Power Department of New York__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 557 *Watertown Municipal Electric Department------ South Dakota.--------- 732 *Water Valley Water and Light Plant______ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 413 *Waterville, City of --------------------------- Kansas--------------- 264 Waterville Light & Power Corp----------------- Vermont------------- 806 *Waterville Light and Power System_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 626 *Waterville Light System----------------------- Washington----------- 838 *Wathena, City of ---- *— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Kansas--------------- 264 *Watkins Glen Municipal Electric Plant_____ _ _ _ _ _ New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 557 *Watonga Water and Light System-------------- Oklahoma ------------ 649 *Watsontown Light and Power Department - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 702 *Wauchula Light and Water Plant______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Florida--------------- 96 *Waunakee Municipal Water and Light Commis- Sion---------------------------------------- Wisconsin – -- - - - - - - - - - 888 Wauneta Light and Power Co------------------- Nebraska------------- 463 *Waupaca Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin – ----------- 892 *Waupaca Municipal Electric Plant_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin – ----------- 888 *Waupun Water & Light Dept., City of - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 888 Wauregan-Quinebaugh Mills, Inc.---------------- Connecticut---------- 77 Wausau Paper Mills Company------------------ Wisconsin------------ 874 *Wauseon Municipal Light & Water Works, Board of Public Affairs------------------------------ Ohio----------------- 626 *Waverly, City of—---------------------------- Iowa----------------- 225 Waverly Electric Light & Power Co., The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 546 Waverly Mills, Inc.---------------------------- North Carolina-------- 569 *Wayne County Rural Electric Membership Cor- Poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 189 *Wayne County Rural Public Power District-- - - - Nebraska------------- 491 *Wayne Light Department--------------------- Nebraska------------- 491 *Waynesfield Board of Public Affairs------------- Ohio---------- ------- 626 *Waynesville, Town of------------------------- North Carolina-------- 581 *Waynetown Electric Light & Power Company_____ Indiana- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 183 *Wayne-White Counties Electric Coop_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Illinois--------------- 156 *Waynoka Light and Power Plant--------------- Oklahoma------------ 650 *Weakley County Municipal Electric System_ _ _ _ _ _ Tennessee- - - - - - - - - - - - 749 *Weatherford Municipal Water and Electric De- partment, City of --------------------------- Texas---------------- 779 *Weatherly Borough Light and Power Co- - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania — — — — — — — — — 702 *Webber Municipal System____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas--------------- 264 *Webster City Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 225 *Weimar, City of.----------------------------- Texas---------------- 779 *Weiser City Water & Light Plant--------------- Idaho---------------- 126 *Weleetka Light and Water Co- - - -------------- Oklahoma------------ 650 INDEX LXXVII Operates In Page No *Wellesley Electric Light Department------------ Massachusetts-------- 342 *Wellington Board of Public Affairs-------------- Ohio----------------- 626 *Wellington Light Department------------------ Kansas--------------- 264 Wellsboro Electric Company-------------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 690 *Wells Electric Association--------------------- Minnesota------------ 403 Wells Light & Power Co------------------------ Texas---------------- 769 Wells Power Co------------------------------- Nevada.-------------- 497 *Wellston Light and Power Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 626 *Wellsville Water and Light Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------- 557 *Wells Water, Light, Power & Building Com- mission------------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 398 *Welsh, Town of ------------------------------ Louisiana------------ 294 Wes-Lon Light and Power Company, Inc.--...------ Vermont------------- 806 *Wessington Springs Municipal Electric Plant_ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 732 *West Bend Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 225 *West Boylston Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Massachusetts- - - - - - - - 342 *Westbrook Municipal Light & Power Plant------ Minnesota------------ 398 *West Burke, Village of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vermont------------- 810 *Westby Electric and Water Utility -- - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 888 Westby Garage-------------------------------- Montana------------- 453 *West-Central Electric Cooperative, Inc._____ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 447 Westchester Lighting Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New York------------ 546 West Coast Power Company---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Idaho---------------- 122 Oregon--------------- 660 Washington----------- 832 *West Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oregon--------------- 666 West Dunkirk Electric Line Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 867 *West End Budge Power and Light Company, Ltd - Idaho---------------- 127 *West End Power Company-------------------- Idaho---------------- 127 Western Colorado Power Company, The_--------- Colorado------------- 63 Western Crossarm and Manufacturing Company_ _ Washington.----------- 834 *Western Farm Bureau Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ Ohio_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 631 Western Hancock Electric Companyl- - - - - - - - - - - - Massachusetts-------- 333 *Western Illinois Electrical Coop-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 156 Western Light & Telephone Company------------ Kansas--------------- 243 Missouri-------------- 432 Western Massachusetts Electric Company-------- Massachusetts-------- 333 *Western Michigan Electric Cooperative, The_--__ Michigan------------- 366 Western Public Service Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colorado------------- 63 Nebraska------------- 463 South Dakota.--------- 726 Wyoming------------- 899 Western Reserve Power and Light Company, The Ohio----------------- 608 Western States Utilities Company--------------- Idaho---------------- 123 Nevada.-------------- 497 Utah----------------- 792 Wyoming------------- 899 Western United Gas and Electric Company------- Illinois--------------- 142 *Westerville Power and Light Department_____ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 626 West Fallow Field Light & Power Company------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 690 *Westfield Board of Light Commissioners_______ __ New York-- - - - - - - - - - - 557 *Westfield Gas & Electric Light Department______ Massachusetts-- - - - - - - 342 *Westfield Light and Power Plant_ſ_____________ Iowa----------------- 226 Westfield Milling & Electric Light Co------------ Wisconsin – ----------- 867 Westfir Lumber Company---------------------- Oregon--------------- 662 *West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, ºne---------------------------------------- Florida--------------- 97 Westhoff Light & Power Co--________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Missouri------------- 432 *West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation--------------------------------- Kentucky------------ 282 *West Liberty Electric Light Plant_______________ Iowa----------------- 226 West Maryland Power Company, The - - - - - - - - - - - Maryland------------ 314 *West Memphis, Light & Water Dept. , City of.-- - - - Arkansas------------- 34 West Memphis Power & Water Company_i________ Arkansas------------- 31 *Westminister Commission of Public Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 718 West Missouri Power Co-----------_____________ Missouri------------- 432 LXXVIII FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Weston Municipal Electric Light System--------- Nebraska------------- 491 West Penn Power Company--------------------- Pennyslvania--------- 690 West Virginia.--------- 850 *West Plains City Water and Light Plant---------- Missouri------------- 443 *West Point, City of -------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 113 *West Point Electric Light Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 413 *West Point Light and Water Works-------------- Nebraska------------- 491 West Point Manufacturing Company------------- Alabama------------- 7 *West Point Municipal Light Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 226 Westport Lumber Company, The ---------------- Oregon--------------- 662 Washington.----------- 834 *West River Electric Association, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 733 West River Power Co--------------------------- Vermont------------- 806 West Texas Utilities Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 769 West Virginia Coal & Coke Corporation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 856 West Virginia Light, Heat and Power Company - - - - West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 850 West Virginia Power and Transmission Company--- West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 850 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maryland------------ 315 West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 856 *Wetumka Municipal Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oklahoma------------ 650 Wever Electric Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 205 Weybridge Light and Power Company, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vermont------------- 806 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - California------------ 50 Oregon--------------- 662 Washington.----------- 834 Weymouth Light and Power Company---- - - - - - - - - Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 333 *Whalan Municipal Lighting Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 398 *Wharton Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 627 *Wharton County Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 787 *Wheatland Light and Water Department____ _ _ _ _ _ Wyoming------------- 903 *Wheatland Rural Electric Association____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wyoming------------- 905 *Wheeler Electric Membership Corporation, Joe --- Alabama _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 Wheeling Electric Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 609 West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 851 *Whigham, Town of---------------------------- Georgia.-------------- 113 *White City, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 153 *White Cloud Municipal Flectric Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ Michigan------------- 364 *White County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration------------------------------------ Indiana-------------- 189 *Whitehall Electric Utility__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ 888 Whitehouse Electric Company_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 609 White Mountain Power Co----------- - - - - - - - - - - - New Hampshire.------- 505 White Mountain Power Company--------------- New Hampshire--- - - - - 506 White River Power Co-------------------------- Wisconsin ------------ 867 *White River Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - Missouri------------- 447 *Whitesboro Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Texas---------------- 779 Whites Bridge Power and Light Co--------------- South Carolina-------- 713 Whitewood Light and Power Company_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Dakota.--------- 726 Whiting Settlement Transmission Line Company--- Iowa----------------- 205 *Whiting, Town of----------------------------- Iowa----------------- 226 *Whitley County Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------------------------------- Indiana-------------- 189 *Whittemore Municipal Light & Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 226 *Wickenburg Light & Power Department____ _ _ _ _ _ Arizona-------------- 23 Wiggonsville Light & Power Col--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 609 Wigness, Raymond---------------------------- North Dakota- - - - - - - - 589 *Wilber Light and Power, City of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 491 *Wilcox Municipal Electric Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 491 Wilder Rural Electric Company----------------- Minnesota.------------ 378 *Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota------------ 404 Willamette Valley Lumber Company------------- Oregon--------------- 662 Willapa Harbor Lumber Mills_____l------------- Washington.----------- 834 *Willard Board of Trustees of Public Affairs - - - - Ohio----------------- 627 *Williamsport Electric Light Department -------- Maryland------------ 316 *Williamsport Light and Water Department------ Indiana-------------- 184 *Williams, Town of---------------------------- Arizona-------------- 23 INDEX LXXIX Operates In Page No. *Williamstown Utility Commission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kentucky------------ 279 *Willis, City of—------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 264 *Williston, City of—---------------------------- Florida--------------- 96 *Willmar Water & Light Department -- - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 398 *Willoughby Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 627 Willow River Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 867 *Wilson, City of—------------------------------ Kansas--------------- 264 *Wilson County Electric Membership Corporation - North Carolina-------- 584 *Wilson Utilities------------------------------ North Carolina-------- 581 *Wilsonville Light and Water Plant_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 492 *Wilson Water and Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 650 *Wilton, Town of------------------------------ Iowa----------------- 226 *Winamac Municipal Light & Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ Indiana-------------- 184 Winchendon Electric Light and Power Company--- Massachusetts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 334 *Winchester Power System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tennessee------------ 749 Windber Electric Corporation-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - ------- 693 Winding Gulf Collieries - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - West Virginia- - - - - - - - - 856 *Windom Municipal Power Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnesota.------------ 398 *Windsor Public Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Carolina-------- 581 *Winfield Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant, The---------------------------------------- Kansas--------------- 265 Winifred Light, Heat and Power Company - - - - - - - Montana------------- 453 *Winnebago Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 233 *Winnetka, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 153 *Winnsboro Board of Public Works__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South Carolina-------- 718 Winola Electric Co- - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 694 *Winside Power and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 492 Winter Electric Light and Power Company - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 868 *Winterset, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa----------------- 227 *Winterville, Town of --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - North Carolina-------- 581 *Winthrop, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 399 *Winthrop Municipal Light System___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 227 *Winton Electric System, Village of --- - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 399 *Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama ------------- 14 Wisconsin Central Utilities Company - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 868 *Wisconsin Dells Water and Light Commission---- Wisconsin- - - - - - - - - - - - 888 Wisconsin Electric Power Company----- - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 868 Wisconsin Gas & Electric Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin ------------ 869 Wisconsin Hydro Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wisconsin------------ 869 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - Michigan------------- 353 Wisconsin------------ 870 Wisconsin Power and Light Company_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ $70 *Wisconsin Power Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin ------------ 893 Wisconsin Public Service Corporation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wisconsin------------ 872 *Wisconsin Rapids Water Works and Lighting Commission, City of ------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 889 Wise Company, J. B.--------------------------- New York------------ 549 *Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Texas---------------- 787 *Wisner Electric Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 492 Witten Light & Power Co---------------------- South Dakota.--------- 727 *Wolbach, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nebraska------------- 492 *Wolfeboro, Municipal Electric Department of ---- New Hampshire.------- 507 Wolverine Power Corporation------------------- Michigan------------- 353 Wolverton Bros. Light & Power Co.-- - - - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 639 *Wolverton Electric Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota.------------ 399 Wonalancet Electric Co-l---------------------- New Hampshire_------ 506 *Wonewoc Municipal Water and Light Depart- ment--------------------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 889 *Woodbury County Rural Electric Cooperative Association--------------------------------- Iowa----------------- 233 *Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- Texas---------------- 787 *Wood Lake Municipal Power Plant------------- Nebraska------------- 492 Woodland Light & Water Co------------------- Maine--------------- 305 *Woodman Electric Co------------------------- Wisconsin------------ 889 *Wood River, Village of ----------------------- Nebraska------------- 492 LXXX FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Operates In Page No. *Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation_ _ _ _ _ _ Arkansas------------- 36 *Woodsfield Electric Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ohio----------------- 627 Woodstock Electric Company ------------------ Vermont------------- 806 Woodstock Electric Light & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - Virginia-------------- 818 *Woodstock Municipal Light Plant-------------- Illinois--------------- 153 *Woodsville Water and Light Department_-_ _ _ _ _ _ New Hampshire------- 507 Woodville Electric Light & Power Co., Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York------------ 547 *Woodville Electric Light System---- - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio----------------- 627 *Woodville Light, Water & Gas Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 413 *Woolstock, Town of- - - - - - - ------------------- Iowa----------------- 227 Worcester County Electric Company------------- Massachusetts-------- 334 Worcester Suburban Electric Company----------- Massachusetts-- - - - - - - 334 *Worley, Village of --------------------------- Idaho---------------- 126 Worthington-Bigelow Township Light & Power Co- Minnesota_-_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 378 *Worthington, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minnesota------------ 399 *Wray, Town of-- ---------------------------- Colorado------------- 69 *Wright County Rural Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ Iowa----------------- 233 *Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Associa- tion---------------------------------------- Minnesota------------ 404 Wrights Service Garage- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- Kansas--------------- 244 *Wyandotte Department of Municipal Service- - - - Michigan------------- 364 Wyanet Electric Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Illinois--------------- 143 *Wymore Water and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska------------- 493 *Wynnewood Water, Light and Power Department - Oklahoma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 650 Wyodak Coal and Manufacturing Co- - - - - - - - - - - - Wyoming------------- 900 *Wyrulec Company---------------------------- Wyoming------------- 905 Y *Yale, City of—-------------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 650 Yankeetown Utilities--------------------------- Florida--------------- 90 *Yazoo City Public Service Commission___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi----------- 413 *Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mississippi- - - - - - - - - - - 4.17 Yeagertown Water Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 694 *Yellow Springs Board of Trustees of Public Affairs------------------------------------- Ohio----------------- 627 *Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc._____ Montana------------- 455 *Yoakum Municipal Utilities------------------- Texas---------------- 779 Yonkers Electric Light and Power Company, The New York------------ 547 *York County Rural Public Power District - - - - - Nebraska------------- 493 York Manufacturing Company------------------ Maine-------- ------- 306 York Utilities Company------------------------ Maine--------------- 306 *Yosemite National Park Electric System_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ California------------ 53 Youghiogheny Hydro-Electric Corporation-------- Maryland------------ 314 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, The_----- Illinois--------------- 144 Indiana-------------- 171 Ohio----------------- 610 Youngsville Sugar Co., Inc.--------------------- Louisiana------------- 289 Yukon Electric Co----------------------------- Oklahoma------------ 640 Yukon Mill & Grain Company----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oklahoma------------ 640 *Yuma, Town of------------------------------ Colorado------------- 69 Z Zedler & Sons, C------------------------------ Texas---------------- 771 *Zeeland, City of ----------------------------- Michigan------------- 364 *Zelienople, Borough of ------------------------ Pennsylvania- - - - - - - - - 703 Zipfel, Mrs. Jeanette--------------------------- Vermont------------- 806 Zwomecek and Aksamit------------------------- Nebraska------------- 465 ALABAMA Index Reference Reference Number Number *Alabama Electric Cooperative. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01-800 | Interstate Utilities Co----------------------- 01–087 Alabama Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alabama Water Service Company. . . . . ------ 01–021 *Albertville, Electric Department, City of . . . 01-507 *Alexander City Electric Light Plant. ------- 01–510 * Athens Light Department, City of - - - - - - - - - 01–521 Avondale Mills---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01–210 *Baldwin County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 01—802 Baldwin County Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - 01–032 Bessemer Coal, Iron & I,and Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ()1–221 *Bessemer Electric Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - 01–525 Birmingham Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01–043 *Black Warrior Electric Membership Corpor- ation-------------------------------------- 01—804 * Central Alabama Flectric Cooperative --- - - - 01-808 *Cherokee County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 01–810 *Clarke-Washington Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 01—815 *Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. - - - - - 01–820 *Courtland Electric Department, Town of -- 01–530 *Cullman Electric Cooperative ------- - - - - - - - - 01–824 *Cullman Light and Water Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - 01–532 Danville Knitting Mills, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01–224 *Decatur Electric Department, City of -- - - - - 01–540 *Dixie Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1–830 *Dothan Water & Electric Department - - - - - - *Evergreen Electric System -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Fairhope, Town of.------------------------- *Florence, Electricity Department, City of -- 01–570 *Ft. Payne, Improvement Authority, City of 0.1–572 *Guntersville Muncipal System - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01-574 *Hartford Water & Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01–576 *HartSelle, City of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- 01–578 *Huntsville, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01–582 International Paper Company Southern Kraft Division----------------------------- 0.1–298 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. *Jafayette Ilight and Water Plant______ _ _ _ _ _ _ ()1–587 *Lanett, City of . ---------------------------- ()1–598. Liddell Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ()1–098 Iſittle Cahaba Coal Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ()1–243' *LuVerne, Town of ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- 01—609 McGowin Lumber Co., Inc., W. M - - - - - - - - - ()1–245. Miller Mill Company, Inc., T. R. ----------- ()1–248. Mount Vernon-Woodberry Mills, Inc - - - - - - - 01–247 *Muscle Shoals, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01-62(; Newcastle Coal Company. ------------------ 01–254 *North Alabama Electric Cooperative_ _ _ _ _ _ ()1–858 *Opelika Light and Water Department. --- - - 01-631 *Pea River Electric Cooperative---- - - - - - - - - - 01—865 *Piedmont, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 01–642 *Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01–867 Planters Chemical and Oil Company--- - - - - - 01–265 Riviera Utilities Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01–13.1 Roden Coal Company----------------------- 01–276 * Russellville, City of - - - - - - - ---------------- 01–646 *Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative --- - - - - *Scottsboro Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - - - ()1–648 *Sheffield City Power & Water Department 01–650 SloSS-Sheſfield Steel & Iron Company - - - - - - - - 01–287 *South Alabama Electric Cooperative ... -- - - - - ()1–875 *Southern Pine Electric Membership Corpor- ation-------------------------------------- 01—878 *Sylacauga Electric Department------------- 01–653 *Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative, In- Corporated--------------------------------- 0 *Tarrant City, Electric Department, City of 0.1–660 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company. 01–320 *Tennessee Valley Authority----------------- 01–655 *Troy Electric Department, City of - - - - - - - - - 01–664 *Tuscumbia Electricity Department, City of 01–668 *Tuskegee, City of - 01–67() Tuskegee Light & Power Company---------- 01–164 ALABAMA 01–010 Alabama Power Company 600 N. Eighteenth St., Birmingham, Ala. (Controlled by Commonwealth & Southern Corpora- tion through 91.4% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Thomas W. Martin ------------------------- PreS. J. M. Barry - - - - - --------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Thomas Bragg. ------------------------ Vice PreS. A. S. Coleman-------------------------- Vice PreS. Theo. K. Jackson - - - ------------------- Vice Pres. E. W. Robinson------------------------ Vice ProS. W. M. Stanley------------------------- Vico PreS. P. W. Turner-------------------------- Vice PreS. E. A. Yates---------------------------- Vice Pres. Walter M. Hood---------------------------- Secy. C. A. Bingham----------------------------- Treas. 322184—42 Vredenburgh Sawmill Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - 01—331 West Point Manufacturing Company------- 01—340 *Wheeler Electric Membership Corporation, Joe---------------------------------------- 91–885 *Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 01-895 Principal Officers: M. P. Randall - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Stephen A. Dawley - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. S. Chalker------------------------- Asst. Secy. C. Wigand--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. R. E. Howard, Jr. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gen. Auditor Directors: J. M. Barry, Algernon Blair, Thomas Bragg, David R. Dunlap, R. I. Ingalls, Theo. K. Jackson, Carl James, Crawford Johnson, Jr., Thomas W. Martin, E. C. Melvin, E. W. Rob- inson, W. M. Stanley, R. D. Thomas, W. H. Weatherly, Oscar Wells, E. A. Yates. Controls: Alabama Property Co. (real estate). Auburn Water Co. (water utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $184,720, 920 Electric Operating Revenues.--------- $22,308, 15] Number of Electric Customers------ 150, 605 2 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: PÖilowatts Total--------------------------- 579, 199 §t"am------------------------------ 164,000 ''A dro------------------------------ 414, 500 Internal combustion---------------- 699 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours al--------------------------- 3, 147,864, 745 Generated.-------------------------- 2, 480, 727,912 Purchased-------------------------- 265,405,087 Jnterchanged (gross-in).------------- 401, 731, 746 Çommunities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Anniston-------------------------------- 25, 523 Gadsden-------------------------------- 36,975 Mobile--------------------------------- - 78, 720 Montgomery---------------------------- 78,084 Phenix City----------------------------- 15, 351 Selma----------------------------------- 19,834 Tuscaloosa------------------------------ 27,493 1,000 to 10,000 population Abbeville------------------------------- 2,080 Alberta City. --------------------------- 1, 000 A liceville-------------------------------- 1, 475 Ashford--------------------- ** * * * - - - - - - - - 1, 224 Ashland--------------------------------- 1, 608 Atmore---------------------------------- 3, 200 Attalla---------------------------------- 4, 885 Auburn--------------------------------- 4, 652 Bay Minette---------------------------- 1, 763 Bayview.-------------------------------- 1, 500 Blocton-------------------------------- - 1,013 Boaz----------------------------------- 1,927 Brewton-------------------------------- 3,323 Bryce Hospital Community------, ------ 2,000 Jahaba Village Homesteads------------- 1, 200 Calera.---------------------------------- j, 092 ‘Camp Hill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- 1, 147 Carbon Hill-- - - - - - - - - -- . . . . . . . . . -------- 2, 555 Chapman.------------------------------ 1, 167 Chickasaw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 200 Gilronelle------------------------------- 1,057 Clanton.----------.. ** -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * ~ * 3,982 Clayton --------------------------------- 1, 813 Columbiana --------...------------------- 1, 197 Cordova ------ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, 565 Crichton----------------------------- -- - - 4,000 1)adeville - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,025 Demopolis------------------------------ 4, 137 Polomite-------------------------------- 1,249 '?ora------------------------------------ 1,032 Uwight Village---...-----...-------------- 2, 345 ſºast Brewton------...------------------- 1, 340 East Parrish - - - - - --...---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 000 Enterprise------------------------------- 4, 353 Jºuſaula--------------------------------- 6, 269 Putaw---------------------------------- 1, 895 Fayette--------------------------------- 2, 668 Florala--------------------...------------ 2, 999 l'ort T)eposit- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 351 Geneva---------------------------------- 2, 803 Georgiana ---. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 627 Goodwater--... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--------- 1,028 Greensboro--...-------------------------- 2,034 Greenville -- . . . . . --...----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5, O75 Guin----...-. - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 175 TIaleyville. --...-----...--- ** * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * 2, 427 MHamilton-...--...----------. .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 002 -Headland . . . . ...--...------------------ 2,052 Heſlin----------------------------------- 1,684 Homewood.----------------------------- 7, 397 Jacksonville--...-----...---. • * : * ~ *s -- * * * * * * * * * * 2,995 Jackson.------...--------- -- - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * *- 2,039 Jasper----------------------------------- 6, 847 !eeds-------------------- º ºs m. º. º. º ºs ºº & ºm º º sº, º ºr 2,910 *inden---------------------------------- 1, 203 Lineville-------------------------------- 1,300 Livingston.----------------------------- 1, 170 Marion -------------------------------- 2, 382 Monroeville--...------------ *** * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 724 Montevallo------------------------------ 1, 490 Mount Brooks Estates------------------ 1, 000 Northport ----...-...--...----------------- 3, 187 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Pleasant Grove ---...------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prattville--------------------------------- Sulligent---------------------------------- Talladega--------------------------------- Thomasville---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Townley---------------------------------- Arab ------------------------------------ Bayou La Batre-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Beatrice----------------------------------- Bellvue Highlands- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bellwood---------------------------------- Blossburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blountsville-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brilliant----------------------------------- Brookside--------------------------------- BrookWOOd--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Buhl-------------------------------------- Canoe ------------------------------------ Childersburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Choccolocco.---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cleveland- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ Coaldale---------------------------------- Coaling------------------------------------ Coden------------------------------------- Coopers----------------------------------- Cottage Hill-, -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- Cottondale-------------------------------- Cottonwood------------------------------- Crossville--------------------------------- Delraida----------------------------------- Dogwood.--------------------------------- Double Springs---------------------------- Duncanville------------------------------- East Mulga------------------------------- Eastoboga--------------------------------- Eclectic----------------------------------- DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–ALABAMA 3 Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Eden-------------------------------------- 329 Eddy-------------------------------------- 250 Edgewood Lake- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Eldridge----------------------------------- 350 Elmore------------------------------------ 306 Elrod-------------------------------------- 500 Emelle------------------------------------ 318 Epes----------------- ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 328 Fayetteville------------------------------- 643 Five Points------------------------------- 778 Flomaton --------------------------------- 837 Fort Davis-------------------------------- 425 Fruithurst--------------------------------- 281 'Gainesville -- - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- 283 Gardendale Homesteads. - - - - - - ------------ 400 Garland--------------, ------------------ 250 Gilbertown-------------------------------- 425 Glencoe----------------------------------- 669 Goodyear---------------------------------- 500 Gordo ------------------------------------ 934 Gordon------------------------------------ 327 Gorgas------------------------------------ 350 Greenwood Homesteads -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Grove Hill-------------------------------- 730 Hackleburg------------------------------ - - 492 Hatchechubbee---------------------------- 401 Hayden----------------------------------- 350 Hayneville-------------------------------- 525 Helena------------------------------------- 667 Hobson City------------------------------ 508 Hodges ----------------------------------- 260 Hokes Bluff------------------------------- 275 Holt-------------------------------------- 510 Hueytown--------------------------------- 350 Huffman---------------------------------- 250 Hurtsboro - - - - - - -------------------------- 894 Jacksons Gap----------------------------- 300 Jemison----------------------------------- 456 Johns-------------------------------------- 344 Kansas------------------------------------ 500 Kennedy---------------------------------- 367 Ketona------------------------------------ 500 Kimberly--------------------------------- 547 Tapine------------------------------------ 350 Letoht tehee------------------------------- 500 Lincoin.----------------------------------- 420 Lisman------------------------------------ 545 Loachapoka------------------------------- 360 Lockhart---------------------------------- 910 Louisville--------------------------------- 662 Magazine---------------------------------- 300 Manchester------------------------------- 518 Maplesville------------------------------- 456 Marion Junction-------------------------- 300 Marvyn----------------------------------- 300 McCullough. ----------------------------- 360 McDonald Chapel------------------------ 450 McKenzie--------------------------------- 504 Midland City----------------------------- 647 Midway. ---------------------------------- 617 Millerville--------------------------------- 250 Millport---------------------------------- 700 Milner------------------------------------ 250 Minor High------------------------------- 400 Morris------------------------------------ 315 Moundville - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Mount Andrews-------------------------- 325 Mount Vernon. --------------------------- 810 Mountain Creek-------------------------- 300 Mulga------------------------------------ 417 Munford---------------------------------- 515 Nauvoo----------------------------------- 533 New Brockton---------------------------- 878 New Merkle-...---------------------------- 450 Newbern.--------------------------------- 388 Newton----------------------------------- 616 New Ville---------------------------------- 578. Notasulga--------------------------------- 863 Oakman----------------------------------- 897 Odenville--------------------------------- 347 Ohatchee---------------------------------- 320 Orrville----------------------------------- 416 Oxmoor----------------------------------- 556 Palmer Station---------------------------- 300 Palos-------------------------------------- 32 Parrish------------------------------------ 870 Utilities Served at Wholesale: Pelham ----------------------------------- 325 Pell City---------------------------------- 900 Perdido----------------------------------- 300 Peterman--------------------------------- 400 Phil Campbell---------------------------- 533 Pinckard---------------------------------- 555 Pine Hill---------------------------------- 418 Pittsview.--------------------------------- 350 Plantersville------------------------------ 400 Plateau----------------------------------- 350 Pollard------------------------------------ 339 Ramer------------------------------------ 400 Ranburne--------------------------------- 325 Reform------------------------------------ 885 Republic---------------------------------- 362 Rockford---------------------------------- 394 Rock Springs------------------------------ 300 Rock Mills-------------------------------- 400 Saint Elmo-------------------------------- 550 Salem------------------------------------- 300 Sandvsky--------------------------------- 750 Sayreuon.------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - 987 Seale-------------------------------------- 289 Semmes----------------------------------- 300 Shades Mountain------------------------- 300 Shelby------------------------------------ 790 Sherman Heights (Calhoun County) ------ 300 Sherman Heights (Jefferson County) ------ 400 Shores Acres------------------------------ 400 Shortleaf---------------------------------- 319 Shorterville------------------------------- 300 Siluria------------------------------------- 800 Sipsey------------------------------------- 310 Smith Hill. ------------------------------- 280 Smiths Station---------------------------- 500 Speigner---------------------------------- 250 Springville-------------------------------- 460 Steele------------------------------------- 250 Sumiton----------------------------------- 800 Summit---------------------------------- 300 Sycamore Mills--------------------------- 631 Theodore---------------------------------- 500 Thomaston-------------------------------- 345 Thorsby---------------------------------- 772 Trafford.---- -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - as 319 Trussville--------------------------------- 900 University-------------------------------- 425 Uriah------------------------------------- 700 Verbena----------------------------------- 500 Vernon ----------------------------------- 759 ina------------------------------------- 472 Wadley. --------------------------------- 493 Waverly. --------------------------------- 32] Weaver----------------------------------- 325 Webb------------------------------------- 379 Wedowee--------------------------------- 525 Whatley---------------------------------- 309 White Plains------------------------------ 265 Wilsonville-------------------------------- 749 Wilton------------------------------------ 422 Wyatt.------------------------------------ 300 PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Alabama Water Service Co. Birmingham Electric Co. Georgia Power Co. Gulf Power Co. Mississippi Power Co. Riviera Utilities Corporation. Tuskegee Light & Power Co. Republic Steel Corp. (Interchange). Sloss Sheffield Steel & Iron Co. (Interchange). Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co. (Inter- change). Woodward Iron Co. (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: . *Dothan Water & Electric Department. *Hartford Water & Light Plant. * City of Lafayette. - *City of Ilanett. * Onelika Floctric Light and Power Plant. *City of Piedmont. *Sylacauga Electric Department. *Tennessee Valley Authority. 4 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITIES: * Black Warrior Electric Membership Corpora- tion. * Central Alabama Electric Membership Cor- poration. * Clarke-Washington Electric Membership Cor- poration. *Coosa Valley Electric Membership Corporation. *Dixie Electric Membership Corporation. * Pea River Electric Membership Corporation. *Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Southern Pine Electric Membership Corpora- tion. *Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Bus, gas, and street railway Service. 01–021 Alabama Water Service Company 1300 Watts Blog., Birmingham, Ala. (Controlled by Utility Operators Co.) Principal Officers: C. van den Berg, Jr.--------------------- Chairman Wm. E. Matthews III---------------------- Pres. J. E. Jagger----------------------------- Vice PreS. H. P. Jones------------------------ - - - Vice PreS. C. G. Herren ----------------- Vico PreS. & Trea.S. L. G. Turner---------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. P. T. Tansill----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: C. T. Chenery, C. G. Herren, J. E. Jagger, Wm. E. Matthews III, H. D. McHenry, C. P. Rather, C. van den Berg, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $3,382,059 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $463, 001 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 678 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 10, 183 Steam-------------------------------- 580 ydro-------------------------------- 7, 363 Internal Combustion----------------- 2, 240 Energy. Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 31, 914, 197 Generated.---------------------------- 26, 300, 897 Purchased.---------------------------- 5,413, 200 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 200, 100 Communities Served at Retail: Population Andalusia----------------------------------- 6,886 Ariton-------------------------------------- 561 anks-------------------------------------- 252 Belleville- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Brantley------------------------------------ 1, 126 Brundidge---------------------------------- 1, 909 Clio----------------------------------------- 841 Pozier-------------------------------------- 399 Flba---------------------------------------- 2,363 Excel-------------------------------------- 400 Frisco City--------------------------------- 994 antt.--------------------------------------- 300 Glenwood----------------------------------- 393 Goshen------------------------------------- 356 Kinston------------------------------------- 343 OPP---------------------------------------- 3, 178 Red Level---------------------------------- 516 Repton------------------------------------- 365 River Falls--------------------------------- 413 amson------------------------------------- 2, 182 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Alabama Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Evergreen. *Town of Luverne. *Troy Electric Department. ‘sº Alabama Electric Membership Corpora. 10Il. Also Renders: Water and ice Service. 01–032 Baldwin County Power Company 873 South Broad St., Mobile, Ala. Principal Officers: Jason Malbis-------------------------------- Pres. Antigone Papageorge------------------- Vice PreS. C. D. Papadeas----------------------------- Secy. Nafsoka Mallars---------------------------- Treas. Directors: Jason Malbis, Naſseka Mallars, C. D. Papadeas, Antigone Papageorge. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $62,618 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31, 170 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 437 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 135 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 770, 360 Communities Served at Retail: Population Daphne-------------------------------------- 630 Point Clear----------------------------------- 01–043 Birmingham Electric Company 2100 1st Ave. N., Birmingham, Ala. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. S. Pevear--------------- Chairman of the Board Chas. E. Oakes---------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. S. Thorn---------------------------- Vice PreS. H. E. Cox------------------------------ Vice PreS E. P. Berry-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. N. H. Hawkins---------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Hugh Morrow, Chas. E. Oakes, J. S. Pevear (chairman), Wm. J. Rushton, C. S. Thorn, J. A. Vann. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $16, 265, 235 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $5, 279, 887 Number of Electric Customers--------- 75,273 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 11, 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 370, 769,858 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bessemer--------------------------------- 22, 826 Birmingham----------------------------- 267, 583 Boyles----------------------------------- 1, 600 Brighton--------------------------------- 1, 377 Fairfield---------------------------------- 11, 703 Graseli. ---------------------------------- 250 Hillman. - ------------------------------- 1, 100 Homewood------------------------------- 7, 397 Irondale---------------------------------- 1,486 Lipscomb-------------------------------- 1, 740 Tarrant City----------------------------- 6, 833 Also Renders: Electric railway, motorbus, and Steam heating Service. 01–087 Interstate Utilities Co. La Grange, Tenn. Principal Officers: J. H. Slaughter------------------------------ Pres. L. F. Brignac------------------------ Secy-Treas. C. J. Wade------------------------------- Auditor DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ALABAMA 5 Directors: L. F. Brignac, J. C. Christian, D. T. Cushing, J. H. Slaughter, J. P. Slaughter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $163,221 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------------ $24,091 In Alabama.---------------------------- $16,941 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------------------- 509 In Alabama---------------------------------- 310 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- -- 585 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chatom-------------------------------------- 500 Fruitdale------------------------------------- 300 Millry---------------------------------------- 250 Silas------------------------------------------ 260 Yarbo---------------------------------------- 310 Yellow Pine---------------------------------- 290 Also Renders: Ice service. See also: Operations reported under Mississippi (23–034). 01–098 Liddell Power Company Camden, Ala. Communities Served at Retail: Population Camden-------------------------------------- 909 Pine Apple----------------------------------- 455 01–131 Riviera Utilities Corporation Foley, Ala. (Controlled by Central States Edison, Inc., through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice Pres. Paul H. Eames----------------------- __Vice Pres. S. F. Lemler-------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. J. T. Bartlett--------------------------- Vice Pres. J. B. Adams------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. B. Adams, J. T. Bartlett, Paul H. Eames. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $399,991 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $102,052 Number of Electric Customers-------- - - - - 1, 211 Generating Capacity Rilowatts (Internal combustion) --------------- 58ſ) Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 187, 583 Generated.----------------------------- (–417) Purchased.------------------------------ 4, 188,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population **y----------------------------------------- 864 Poºley---------------------------------------- 476 Magnolia Springs----------------------------- 263 Robertsdale----------------------------------- 779 Silverhill-------------------------------------- 270 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Baldwin County Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Baldwin County Electric Membership Corpo- ration. 01–164 Tuskegee Light & Power Company” Box 100, West Memphis, Ark. a Properties sold to City of Tuskegee (01-670) dur- ing 1941 and company dissolved. (Controlled by Southeast Power & Light Co. through 97% of Common Stock.) Principal Officers: R. C. Baumann------------------------------ Pres, J. P. Wilson-------------------------- Secy-Treas. Directors: R. C. Baumann, H. Bethune Hall, Coley Jones. - The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $93, 770 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 123 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 788, 160 Communities Served at Retail: Population Shorters------------------------------------ 530 Tuskegee----------------------------------- 3,937 01–205 Alabama Marble Company Gantts Quarry, Ala. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. M. King---------------------- AsSt. Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,685 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 70 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--- 108,957 Community Served at Retail: Population Gantts Quarry "------------------------------- 456 a Majority of customers are company employees. 01–210 Avondale Mills Sylacauga, Ala. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: W. A. Turner------------------------------- Supt. Jas. E. Campbell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Master Mech. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10, 526 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 823 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 1,680 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - 635, 702 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bevelle------------------------------------- 1, 276 Mignon------------------------------------ 2, 407 01–221 Bessemer Coal, Iron & Land Co. 1312 First National Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: F. M. Wilki upt. of Mine W. E. Meacham------------------ Mine Foreman Charlie Lillich------------------------ Electrician 6 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues.----------------- $1, 180 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 57 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 36,710 01–224 Danville Knitting Mills, Inc. Bon Air, Ala. Community Served at Retail: Population BOn A 371 01–243 Little Cahaba Coal Company Piper, Ala. Communities Served at Retail: Population Coleanor----------------------------------- 810 Piper--------------------------------------- 2,043 01–245 W. M. McGowin Lumber Co., Inc. Pine Apple, Ala. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. R. Bennett -------------------------- Vice PreS. W. B. McGowin------------------ Secy. & Treas. Louis Noll------------------------------ Foreman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,000 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- l Community Served at Retail: Population Ruthven---------------------------------- 2 Also Renders: Water Service. 01–247 Mount Vernon-Woodberry Mills, Inc. 201 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Howard Baetjer----------------------------- Pres. J. E. Harris---------------------------. Vice Pres. J. W. Easter-------------------------------- Secy. E. K. Fitch-------------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $32,299 Number of Electric Customers------------- 930 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 8,000 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 781, 949 Communities Served at Retail: Population East Tallassee------------------------------ 2, 198 Tallassee----------------------------------- 1.011 Also Renders: Teléphone and water service. 01–248 T. R. Miller Mill Company, Inc. Brewton, Ala. 01–254 Newcastle Coal Company Newcastle, Ala. 01–265 Planters Chemical and Oil Company Talladega, Ala. 01–276 Roden Coal Company Marvel, Ala. 01–287 Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Company 3131 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: I. E. Schiffman -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electrical Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,062, 141 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $118,966 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - 1 Rilowaifs Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 14,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - 19, 735, 200 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 411, 000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Alabama Power Co. (interchange). Also Renders: Gas service. 01–298 International Paper Company Southern Kraft Division Mobile, Ala. See also: Principal report under Florida (09-314) § operations reported under Mississippi (23– 288). s 01–320 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. 01—331 Wredenburgh Sawmill Company Vredenburgh, Ala. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: R. D. Capell------------------------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $40,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 65 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ALABAMA 7 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 400,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Vredenburgh”-------------------------------- 666 *Majority of customers are company employees Served without direct charge. Also Renders: Telephone and water service. 01–340 West Point Manufacturing Company West Point. Ga. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: R. B. Wickham ---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $293, 127 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $99,765 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2,991 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers.----- 4, 191,794 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fairfax-------------------------------------- 1,063 Lanett ------------------------------------- 6, 141 Langdale----------------------------------- 650 Riverview.---------------------------------- 500 Shawmut - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 000 Also Renders: Water service. 01–507 * City of Albertville Electric Department * Albertville, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Corbin ------------------------------ Mayor G. W. Baker----------------- City Clerk & Treas. T. T. McLemore ---Mgr. Councilmen: O. F. Morgan, W. G. Moultrie, J. E. Singleton, C. J. Walker, H. L. Weathers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $156, 154 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $69,000 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,024 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------- - * * * * 7, 136,657 Community Served at Retail: Population Albertville---------------------------------- 3, 651 01–510 *Alexander City Electric Light Plant Alexander City, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. J. Persons-------------------------------- Supt. Jack Nolen------------------- City Clerk & Treas. lº" following data are for the year ended Aug. 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $47,500 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $50,451 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 310 Rilowatt-hour 3 Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,731, §i) Community Served at Retail: Population Alexander City----------------------------- 6, 640 01–521 *City of Athens, Light Department * Athens, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. H. Richardson, Jr.---------------------. Mayor F. M. Fry-----------------------------------Supt. M. S. Kennemer---------------------- City Clerk Board of Aldermen: T. E. Gilbert, Henderson Legg, C. H. Long, E. E. Nelson, W. A. Strange. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ $457.43) Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $105,925 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 323 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 7, 496, 900 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ardmore----------------------------------- 38 1 Athens------------------------------------ 4, 342 Tanner------------------------------------ § {}{} Also Renders: Water Service. 01–525 *Bessemer Electric Service" Bessemer, Ala. a Utility has service contract with T'ennessee Valley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Official: : Joseph M. Hagerty-------------------------- Mgr. Utility Board: J. G. Bruce (vice chairman), W. C. Paden (sec'y), Dr. S. W. Wright (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,236, 115 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $109, 64) Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,384 Rilowatt-honºrs Energy Purchased.----------------------- 6,071, 623 Community Served at Retail: Population Besserner--------------------------------- 22, 825 01–530 *Town of Courtland, Eſſectric Department * Courtland, Ala. a Utility has service contract with T'ennesse) Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. A. Toms------------------------------. Mayor Mayor and Aldermen: Duke Bailey, C. C. Horton, A. F. Rebman, Jr., J. G. Sanderson, W. A. Ton:8 (mayor), R. H. Tweedy, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30, 01/ Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,662 Number of Electric Customers--------...- ... -- - 210 8 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 298,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Courtland------------------------------------ 454 Also Renders: Water Service, 01–532 *Cullman Light and Water Plant 200 N. 1st Ave., East, Cullman, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. Dunlap.------------------------------ Mayor J. G. Kramer------------------------- City Clerk F. W. Hurston --------------- Chairman, Light & Water Committee W. N. Nix-------------------------- Chief Engineer The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $422, 223 Electric Operating Revenues------------- a $132,715 a lncludes water revenues. - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,730 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - 4, 511,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cullman ----------------------------------- 5,074 Also Renders: Water Service. & 01–540 *City of Decatur Electric Depart- ment * Decatur, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Quince E. Eddens--------------------------- Mgr. Municipal Utilities Board: T. C. Cottingham (chairman), J. H. Johnson, H. A. Wyatt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $550, 431 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $295,868 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 572 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 28, 156, 508 Communities Served at Retail: Population Austinville-------------------------------- 790 Pecatur----------------------------------- 16,604 01–543 *Dothan Water & Electric Department City Hall Bldg., Dothan, Ala. City Commissioners: Dr. I. C. Bates (preS.), Rawlins McKinney, M. A. Miller. º following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $286, 252 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $292,995 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2, 350 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 10, 358, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Dothan 17, 194 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Alabama Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 01–554 *Evergreen Electric System Evergreen, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. M. Wright City Council Committee on Light and Water: A. B. Hansen, J. W. Shannon (chairman), J. S Thornley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $32,400 523 Number of Electric Customers Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,080,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Evergreen---------------------------------- 2,216 Also Renders: Water Service. 01–565 *Town of Fairhope Fairhope, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Howard Ruge--------------------- Mayor & Mgr. Dr. C. A. Gaston--Chairman, Plant Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------ 615 Generating Capacity: - Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 640 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 320,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairhope----------------------------------- 1,845 Also Renders: Water Service. 01–570 *City of Florence, Electricity Department * 105 S. Court St., Florence, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Official: J. W. Johnson------------------------------- Mgr. Board of City Commissioners: William I. Collier (mayor), J.S. Cromwell, Sr., Sam C. Harlan. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $472, 975 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $210, 288 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,980 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 14, 529, 333 Community Served at Retail: Population Florence----------------------------------- 15,043 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ALABAMA 9 01–572 *Improvement Authority, City of Ft. Payne * Fort Payne, Ala. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. E. McCartney--------------------------- Mgr. Power Board: R. J. Chitwood, G. C. Powell, J. B. Rains. The following data are for the period July 1 to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $146,262 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31,689 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 284 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,981, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Payne-------------------------------- 4,424 01—574 *Guntersville Municipal System * Guntersville, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. Couch Councilmen: R. W. Bishop, T. H. Carter, Lee Ring, K. L. Rogers, Sr., P. W. Stockton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $141, 563 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $75, 392 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,019 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 7, 570, 100 ‘Community Served at Retail: Population Guntersville-------------------------------- 4, 398 01–576 *Hartford Water & Light Plant Hartford. Ala. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $17,411 Number of Electric Customers------------ 370 Rillowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - - ------------------ 591,080 Community Served at Retail: Population Hartford------------------------------------ 1, 494 01–578 *City of Hartselle * Hartselle, Ala. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. H. Phillips------------------------------- Supt. City Council: B. F. Bean (mayor), John Burleson, G. P. Frost, R. A. Payne, E. F. Pence, W. T. Stewart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $77,747 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $28, 226 Number of Electric Customers----------- 789 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 597, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Hartselle------------------------------------ 2, 584 Also Renders: Water Service. 01–582 *City of Huntsville * Jefferson St., Huntsville, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: K. A. Woltersdorf - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- Gen. Mgr J. S. McLure.------------------------- Asst. Mgr. Oscar Grosser---------------------------- Auditor C. J. Martz--------------------------- Chief Engr. Electric Utility Board: J. F. Chambers (chairman), Geo. S. Elliott, L. B. Goldsmith (Secy.). The following data are for the period July 19 to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,621,356 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $284, 976 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 142 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d------------------------ 30,671, 620 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chase------------------------------------- 300 Gurley------------------------------------ 581 Hazel Green.------------------------------- 250 Huntsville--------------------------------- 13,050 Madison---------------------------------- 455 Meridianville------------------------------ 255 New Hope-------------------------------- 446 New Market------------------------------ 350 Owens Cross Roads----------------------- 300 Also Renders: Water Service. 01–587 * *Lafayette Light and Water Plant Lafayette, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sam H. Oliver----------------------------- Mayor M. F. HollingsWorth------------------------ S The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------------ $124, 584 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,316 Number of Electric Customers------------- 415 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 159, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Lafayette----------------------------------- 2, 138 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Tallapoosa River Electric Membership Corpora- tion. Also Renders: Water service. 10 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 01–598 *City of Lanett Lanett, Ala. lº" following data are for the year ended Oct. 1, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $32,275 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 850 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 961, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Lanett-------------------------------------- 6, 141 01–609 *Town of Luverne Luverne, Ala. Community Served at Retail: Population Puverne------------------------------------ 2, 243 0.1–620 *Town of Muscle Shoals “ Muscle Shoals, Ala. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Vaughn--------------- Mayor, Commissioner Pernice Branscome-------------------City Clerk H. G. Carpenter.------ Elec. Dept. Commissioner J. W. Gattman-------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $31,850 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,798 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 180 Community Served at Retail: Population Muscle Shoals------------------------------ 1, 113 01–631 *Opelika Light and Water Department Opelika, Ala. Board of Commissioners: John S. Crossley (chair- man), C. S. Ellington, Jno. L. Whatley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $185,228 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $86,786 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 361 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 270,900 Community Served at Retail: Population 9Pelika------------------------------------- 8,487 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 01–642 *City of Piedmont Piedmont, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Official: Z. Scogin---------------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: G. H. Farmer, H. R. Morgan, C. W. Turner, W. Y. West, R. E. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,492 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $30,048. Number of Electric Customers------------- 914 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 238,400 Community Served at Retail: Population. Piedmont----------------------------------- 4,019 01–646 *City of Russellville * Russellville, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee. Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. B. Mahan----------------------------- Mayor H. H. Powell-------------------------------- Supt A. O. Richards----------------------------- Treas City Council: R. B. Dunbar, W. B. Mahan (mayor), G. W. McIntosh, E. M. Reed, N. J. Sibley, J. V. Turby fill. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $137, 307 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,073 Number of Electric Customers------------ 718, PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,862,700. Community Served at Retail: Population Russellville--------------------------------- 3, 510 01–648 *Scottsboro Electric Department * Scottsboro, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. L. Couch City Council: Dayton Benham, J. B. Benson, C. S. Brewton (mayor), J. W. Gay, Rayford Hodges, Ben Hunt. The following data are for the year 1940: * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $159, 579 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $53,398. Number of Electric Customers------------ 986 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased---------------------- 3, 468, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Scottsboro---------------------------------- 2,834 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ALABAMA II 0%–650 *Sheffield City Power & Water Department * - Sheffield, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wilbur M. Dent---------- - ~ * * * * * * * * * * Gen. Mgr. Utilities Board: Dr. H. A. Griffith, C. W. Nelson (Secy.), J. A. Wilson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $333, 354 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $114, 117 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,642 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 7, 417, 220 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cherokee----------------------------------- 786 Peighton----------------------------------- 810 ride--------------------------------------- 593 Sheffield------------------------------------ 7,933 Also Renders: Water service. 01–653 *Sylacauga Electric Department Sylacauga, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. G. Shinn.--------------------------- City Clerk Tºllowing data are for the year ended Sept. Electric Utility Plant------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $126,000 $87,282 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 350 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,924,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sylagauga---------------------------------- 6,269 Also Renders: Water Service. 01–655 *Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tenn. tº." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Operating Revenues: (Alabama only)----------------------- $2,533,334 Number of Electric Customers: (Alabama only)------------------------- 1, 821 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cloverdale----------------------------------- 540 Guntersville Village----------------------- --- 598 Lexington ------ ------------------------------ 510 Rogersville----------------------------------- 508 Waterloo------------------------------------- 524 Wilson Dam Village #1----------------------- 295 Wilson Dam Village #2----------------------- 606 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Alabama Power Co. Commonwealth & Southern (Jorporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Albertville Electric Dept. *City of Athens. * City of Bessemer. *Courtland Electric Dept. *City of Decatur Elec. Dept. *Florence Electricity Dept. *City of Fort Payne. * Guntersville Electric Dept. *Hartselle Electric Dept. *Interstate Utilites Company. *City of Muscle Shoals. *Russellville Elec. Dept. *Scottsboro Electric Department. *Sheffield Power Dept. *City of Tarrant. *Tuscumbia Municipal Electric System. *Cherokee County Electric Membership Cor- poration. *Cullman County Electric Membership Cor- poration. * *Joe Wheeler Electric Membership Corporation. See also: Principal report under Tennessee (41-685), and operations reported under Georgia (10–659), Kentucky (16–625), Mississippi (23–688), and North Carolina (32–731). 01–660 *City of Tarrant City, Electric Department” 1,000 Ford Ave., Tarrant, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roy Ingram--------------------------------- Mgr. Councilmen: E. L. Anders, H. C. Aston. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $332,420. Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $42, 201 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 1, 375 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 236, 277 Community Served at Retail: Population Tarrant City-------------------------------- 6,833 0.1–664 *City of Troy Electric Department Troy, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. W. Pointer------------------------------ Supt. Committee of Council: Carroll Lawrence, Eubert Sellers, William A. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- a $38,518 a For year ended Sept. 30, 1940. Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 384 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ----------------------- 2,583,000 Community Served at Retail: Population TOV--------------------------------------- 7,055 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 12 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 01–668 *City of Tuscumbia Electricity Department” Tuscumbia, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. B. Hamlet------------------------------- Mgr. º following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $144, 911 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $63, 537 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 191 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,094, 205 Community Served at Retail: Population Tuscumbia.------------------------------ __ 5, 515 01–670 *City of Tuskegee Tuskegee, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. B. Edwards--------------------------- Mayor The following data are for the year 1940: Communities served at Retail1:a Population Shorters-------------------------------- 5 Tuskegee------------------------------- 3,937 a Served on Jan. 1, 1941, by Tuskegee Light & JPower Co. (01–164). 01–800 *Alabama Electric Cooperative Montgomery, Ala. 01—802 *Baldwin County Electric Mem- bership Corporation Robertsdale, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Earle Frank--------------------------------- Pres L. A. Killough, Jr.--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $260, 121 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39,484 Number of Electric Customers------------ 955 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased. ------------------------ 782, 640 01—804 *Black Warrior Electric Member- ship Corporation Demopolis, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. N. Allen---------------------------------- Pres Frank L. Holman-------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $358,046 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $25,014 Number of Electric Customers------------ 88.1 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 233, 520 01—808 *Central Alabama Electric Coop- erative Prattville, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Maury A. McWilliams---------------------- Pres. Basil Thompson.---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $351, 176 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $27, 178 Number of Electric Customers------------- 912 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 216, 300 01–810 *Cherokee County Electric Mem- bership Corporation* Center, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: 1S E. V. Ellis---------------------------------- PreS Communities Served at Retail: Population Cedar Bluff-------------------------------- 436 Center------------------------------------ 1,012 Rock Run ---------------------------------- 300 01—815 *Clarke-Washington Electric Membership Corporation Jackson, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. E. Langlois--------------, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. J. A. Davidson----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $164, 245 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,578 Number of Electric Customers------------- 483 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 316,788 Communities Served at Retail: Population Allen----------------------------------------- 250 Carson---------------------------------------- 500 Coffeeville------------------------------------ 250 Deer Park------------------------------------ 300 Dickinson------------------------------------ 250 Leroy----------------------------------------- 250 Lower Peach Tree-------------------- - - - - - - - - 300 McIntosh------------------------------------- 250 Saint Stephens-------------------------------- 250 Salitpa---------------------------------------- 425 Suggsville------------------------------------- 400 Tibbie---------------------------------------- 400 Wagar---------------------------------------- 250 Walker Springs------------------------------- 250 01–820 *Coosa Valley Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Talladega, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. N. Mitchell------------------------------ Pres Garrard Harrell----------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ALABAMA 13 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $231, 156 $5, 135 Number of Electric Customers------------ 01–824 *Cullman Electric Cooperative * Cullman, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Communities Served at Retail: Population Arkadelphia--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 Baileyton. ... --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Cold Springs------------------------------- 400 Garden City-------------------------------- 300 Hanceville. -------------. ------------------- 65() Steppeville --------------------------------- 415 Vinemont---------------------------------- 300 Ö1–830 *Dixie Electric Cooperative Union Springs, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: McLaney Knox ---------------. ------------ PreS. Albert M. Redd -. -----. ... ------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $324, 291 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39,838 Number of Electric Customers------------ 896 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 724, 290 01–858 *North Alabama Electric Cooperative” Stevenson, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennesse Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. W. Carr, Sr. --------------------------- Pres. Raymond Bradford------------------ Vice PreS. E. E. Eustace------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. H. Hodgens, L. H. Hughes, C. C. Loyd, J. S. O’Neal, J. W. Seibold, W. C. Selby. The following data are for the period July 19, 1940, to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $194, 152 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $32, 175 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 112 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1,846, 135 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bridgeport.-------------------------------- 2,031 Hollywood. -------------------------------- 311 Paint Rock -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 282 Stevenson ---------------------------------- 793 01–865 *Pea River Electric Cooperative Clayton, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. A. Pitts. . . . ----------------------- - - - - - - Pros. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $360,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,390 Number of Electric Customers------------ 945 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 378,330 01–867 *Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. Greenville, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wa Dr. C. Wall.-------------------------------- PreS Edwin N. Wallace. ------------------------ Mgr The following data for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $342, 943 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31, 598 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 161 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 537, 680 Conamunity Served at Retail: Population Ruthven------------------------------- 5 01–870 *Sand Mountain Electric Coop- erative * Fort Payne, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Guss Marshall------------------------------ Pres, W. O. Davenport --------------------- Vice-Pres, Leon C. White----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Trustees: John C. Anderson, Lester Bethune, Fred Huron, J. C. Rucks, EIubert Staton, Mrs. W. C. Worthy. The following data are for the period July 19, 1940, to Dec. 31, 1940. Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $163,273 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26, 846 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 895 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,070, 157 Communities Served at Retail: Population Collinsville.---------------------------- 957 Dutton--------------------------------- 500 Fyffe ---------------------------------- 500 Menton-------------------------------- 400 Pisgah---------------------------------- 300 Section--------------------------------- 500 Valley Head---------------------------- 439 01–875 *South Alabama Electric Cooperative Troy, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. G. Perdue-------------------------------- Pres. Geo. W. Gilmore--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $660, 195 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- '73, 199 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2, 252 14 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 313, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Petrey---------------------------------- 258 01–878 *Southern Pine Electric Member- ship Corporation Brewton, Ala. ‘Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. L. Martin-------------------------------- Pres, JOS. I. Larkins------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $222,867 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 499 Number of Electric Customers------------- 480 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 236,040 01–882 *Tallapoosa River Electric Coop- erative, Incorporated Lafayette, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. M. Smith The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $269, 624 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 164 Number of Electric Customers------------- 629 - Kilowdtt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 187, 404 01—885 *Joe Wheeler Electric Membership Corporation * P. O. Box 338, Decatur, Ala. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Board of Trustees: G. E. Beall, L. B. Cropper (Pres.), L. E. Fields, S. O. Hardin, T. K. Hogan, J. B. Richardson, A. C. Sample (vice pres.), W. R. Taylor, J. K. West (secy.-treas.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $432,077 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $59,436 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 980 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 109, 620 Communities Served at Retail: Population Danville-------------------------------------- 450 Falkville------------------------------------- 567 Hillsboro------------------------------------- 292 Moulton------------------------------------- 752 Mount Hope--------------------------------- 260 Town Creek---------------------------------- 637 01—895 *Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hartford, Ala. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Bass---------------------------------- Pres Howard Haygood--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $264,009 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,929 Number of Electric Customers------------- 762 ARIZONA Index Reference Number Ajo Improvement Company---------------- 02–010 Arizona Edison Company, Inc.-------------- 02–015 Arizona Electric Power Company----------- 02–021 Arizona General Utilities Company--------- 02–027 Arizona Power Corporation, The ----------. — 02–033 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Com- pany, The--------------------------------- 2–202 California Electric Power Company-- - - - - - - 02–045 Central Arizona Light and Power Company- 02-049 Citizens Utilities Company------------------ 02–054 Duncan Utilities Co. -----. ------------------ 02–060 Eloy Light, Power & Utility Company------ 02–071 Flagstaff Electric Light Company----------- 02–077 Fredonia Power & Light Company---------- 02–082 *Gila Valley Power District - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02–507 Holbrook Light and Power Company------- 02–088 Hualapai Trading Post.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02–090 Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company - 02–210 Rennecott Copper Corporation-------------- 02–221 Lakeside Light and Power Company-------- Mammoth Light and Power Company------ 02–094 * Mesa—Utilities Dept., City of ------------- 02–512 Morenci Water & Electric Company, The--- 02–095 Nevada-California Flectric Corporation, The 02–096 Northern Arizona Utilities Corporation------ 02–099 Parker Electric Supply---------------------- 02–102 Patagonia Ice & Light Company------------ 02–104 Paul Lime Plant---------------------------- 02–228 Payson Garage------------------------------ *Williams, Town of Reference Number Phelps Dodge Corporation. ----------------- 02–232 Pine-Payson Motor Co. & Randall Merc. Co. 02–240 Ray Electric and Telephone Company - - -...-- 02–121 Tom Reed Gold Mines Company, The-- - - - - 02–243 Rees Hotel----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - 02-254 Round Valley Light & Power Company----- 02–127 Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company. -- 02–255 *Salt River Valley Water Users’ Association. 02–523 *San Carlos Irrigation & Drainage District --- 02–526 San Simon Light & Power Company-- . . . . -- 02–138 *Show low-Silver Creek Water Conservation and Power District ------------------------ 02–530 Southern Arizona Public Service Company-- 02–148 Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc. . . . -- - - - - - - - - - 02–260 *Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Coopera- tive, Inc.----------------------------------- 02–890 *Tombstone Light & Power Plant -- - - - - - - - - - 02–525 Tucson Gas, Electric Light and Power Com- pany, The--------------------------------- 02–160 * U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project. 02–535 *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, San Carlos Project------------------------------------ 02–555 Upper Verde Public Utilities Company----- 02–171 Warren Company--------------------------- 02–177 *Wickenburg Light & Power Department --- 02–538 02–550 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. ARIZONA 02–010 Ajo Improvement Company Ajo, Ariz. (Controlled by Phelps Dodge Corporation.) Principal Officers: J - - *VIS--------------------------------- Pres. A. W. Engelder------------------------ Vice PreS. E. G. Rawlins----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. H. Angst, J. H. Davis, A. W. Engel- der, Cleon T. Knapp, E. G. Rawlins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $13, 167 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $15,352 Number of Electric Customers---------...-- - 877 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 131,023 Community Served at Retail: Population Ajo----------------------------------------- 4,433 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 02–015 Arizona Edison Company, Inc. Douglas, Ariz. Principal Officers: Phillips B. Shaw---------------------------- Pres. Ralph T. Smalley - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Cavett Robert - - - - - -------------------- Vice Pres. L. A. Myers-------------------------------- Secy. D. B. McGregor. -------------------------- Treas. D. R. Hamilton---------------------- ASSt. Treas. E. A. O’Leary------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: R. N. Campbell, F. E. Frothingham, George E. Jackson, George W. Mickle, Charles D. Prutzman, J. B. Ryan, Phillips B. Shaw, W. Roy Wayland. Controls: Cia de Servicios Publicos de Aqua Prieta, S. A. (utility). Imperial Valley Electric Power Co. (utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,552,433 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,093, 601 Number of Electric Customers---------- 14, 585 16 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 11, 696 Steam--------------------------------- 1, 717 Internal Combustion ------------------ 9,979 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 39.906, 205 Generated.--------------------------- -- 19,037,487 Purchased.----------------------------- 20,868, 718 Communities Served at Retail Population Bisbee.------------------------------------- 5, 853 Casa Grande------------------------------- 1, 545 Central Heights---------------------------- 400 Claypool----------------------------------- 1,800 Coolidge------------------------------------ 2,017 Don Luis.---------------------------------- 250 Douglas------------------------------------ S, 623 Florence------------------------------------ 1,383 Gila Bend---------------------------------- 450 Globe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6, 141 LOWell------------------------------------- 2,000 Lower Miami------------------------------ 2,000 Miami------------------------------------- 4,722 Naco--------------------------------------- 400 Pirtle ville ---------------------------------- 1, 500 South Yuma------------------------------- 950 Sunnyside---------------------------------- 500 Superior------------------------------------ 4,465 Tintown----------------------------------- 250 Winkelman -------------------------------- 524 Yuma-------------------------------------- 5, 325 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Nevada-California Electric Corporation. Cia de Servicios Publicos de Aqua Prieta (Son- ora, Mexico). J. M. Franco (Naco, Sonora, Mexico). Also Renders: Gas, ice, telephone, and water service. 02–021 Arizona Electric Power Company 744 Broad St., Newark, N. J. (Controlled by Community Power and Light Co.) Principal Officers: Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice PreS. C. C. Christ--------------------------- Vice PreS. W. F. Stanley ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. J. G. Ausman------------------------ Asst. Treas. C. C. Parker-------------------.ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant as ºm º ºs $525,465 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $150, 173 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1, 582 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------ 1, 721 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3,932,810 Communities Served at Retail : Population Joseph City-------------------------------- 333 Winslow----------------------------------- 4, 577 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Holbrook Light & Power Co. 02–027 Arizona General Utilities Company Safford, Ariz. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: S. C. McMeekin----------------------------- PreS. J. A. Bordelon-------------------------- Vice Pres. R. D. Donaldson----------------------- Vice Pres. R. A. Gallagher---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. A. Bordelon, R. A. Gallagher, S. C. McMeekin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $589, 940 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $148,892 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,721 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 796 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,031,408 Communities Served at Retail: Population Central------------------------------------- 379 Pima--------------------------------------- 867 Safford-------------------------------------- 2, 266 Solomonsville------------------------------ , 300 Thatcher----------------------------------- 1, 106 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITY: ºlphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, Il (2. 02–033 The Arizona Power Corporation 107 N. Cortez St., Prescott, Ariz. (Controlled by United Gas Improvement Co.) Principal Officers: Fred B. Hofft-------------------------------- Pres. F. J. Rutledge-------------------------- Vice PreS. L. V. Seares---------------------------- Vice Pres, Johns Hopkins. ----------------------------. Secy. I. W. Morris------------------------------- Treas. Albert Nalle--------------------------- Asst. Secy. A. C. Johnson.---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. MacMorris------------------------ ASSt. Treas, Jos. B. Townsend--------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Wm. W. Bodine, Stuart Cooper, Fred B. Hofft, W. E. Long, F. J. Rutledge. Controls: Arizona Steam Generating Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $5,882, 732 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $696,814 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 116 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total------------------------------ 15, 580 Steam --------------------------------- 8, 500 Hydro--------------------------------- 7, - Internal combustion------------------- 80 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 39, 934, 632 Generated----------------------------- 38,904,422 Purchased.----------------------------- 1,030, 210 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARIZONA 17 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ash Fork----------------------------------- 675 Camp Verde-------------------------------- 424 Chino Valley------------------------------- 344 Clemenceau--------------------------------- 356 Cottonwood-------------------------------- 947 Humboldt---------------------------------- 300 *ayer-------------------------------------- 329 Prescott------------------------------------ 6,018 Seligman------------------------------------ 754 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Arizona Light & Power Co. Flagstaff Electric Light Co. Smelter City Improvement Assn. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Wickenburg Light & Power Dept. Also Renders: Manufactured gas service. 02–045 California Electric Power Company ” 3771 8th St., Riverside, Calif. a Formerly The Nevada-California Electric Cor- pºtion (02–096); present name adopted June 20, See Also: Principal report under California (04–026), and operations reported under Nevada (27-016). 02–049 Central Arizona Light and Power Company Title & Trust Bldg., Phoenix, Ariz. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 98.04% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Edward H. Coe---------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. L. K. Doutrick---------- Vice Pres. & Chief Engr. C. A. Hulse-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. F. E. Mell-------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Edward H. Coe, Fred. J. Joyce, Walter Roche, Frank B. Schwentker. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $15,336,970 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,574,697 Number of Electric Customers---------- 30,960 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 42, 500 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 193, 510, 691 Generated.-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 162,320, 580 Purchased---------------------------- 31, 190, 111 Communities Served at Retail: Population Buckeye----------------------------------- 1, 305 Chandler------------ 1,239 Gilbert-------------------------------------- 837 Glendale----------------------------------- 4,855 Peoria------------------------------------- 780 Phoenix------------------------------------ 65, 414 Scottsdale---------------------------------- 550 Tempe------------------------------------- 2,906 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Arizona Power Corporation (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Salt River Valley Water Users ASSn. Also Renders: Gas Service. 322184—42 7 02–054 Citizens Utilities Company 821 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Principal Officers: Joseph Chapman---------------------------- PreS. R. J. Andrus--------------------------- Vice Pres. H. F. Welch--------------------------Secy.-Treas. C. E. Steele------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: R. J. Andrus, Joseph Chapman, Clair B. * William Mitchell, I. E. Stiles, H. F. €10/1. Controls: Central America Power Corporation (electric, ice). Ketchikan Cold Storage Co. (cold storage & ice). Princeton Gas Co. (mantifactured gas). Public Utilities California Corporation (electric, telephone, Water). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,761, 702 Electric Operating Revenues: 9tal---------------------------------- $989,823 In Arizona---------------------------- $402, 546 Number of Electric Customers: otal--------------------------------- 12, 997 In Arizona------ - - - - 2,926 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 14,805 Steam--------------------------------- 8,055 Hydro-------------------------------- 5, 700 Internal combustion 1,050 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total---------------------------- 43,044,850 Generated--------------------------- 11, 221, 371 Purchased.--------------------------- 31,823,479 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chloride------------------------------------ 750 Kingman-- - - - - ---- 3,000 Nogales------------------------------------- 5, 135 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Patagonia Ice & Light Co. Tom Reed Gold Mine Co. Also Renders: Butane gas, ice and cold storage, telephone, and water service in Arizona; natural gas service in Colorado; water service in Idaho; water service in Washington. See also: Operations reported under Idaho (11-019), Vermont (44–024), and Washington (46-016). 02–060 Duncan Utilities Co. Pima, Ariz. | Principal Officers: R. J. Frederickson -------------------------- PreS. E. V. Romney, Jr.--------------------- Vice-PreS. A. Anton Frederickson.-------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. Anton Frederickson, R. J. Frederick- son, E. V. Romney, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $96,000 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- a $2,569 a For Dec. 1940. Number of Electric Customers----------------- 18 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------------ 345 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 661,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Duncan------------------------------------ 887 Also Renders: Gas Service. See Also: Operations reported under New Mexico (30–040). 02–071 Eloy Light, Power & Utility Company (Eloy, Ariz.) Principal Officers: J. W. White--------------------------------- |PreS. Marie White--------------------------Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. W. White, Marie White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $124,925 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $160,000 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 275 Community Served at Retail: Population Eloy---------------------------------------- 5 Also Renders: Water Service. 02–077 Flagstaff Flectric Light Company 744 Broad St., Newark, N. J. (Controlled by Community Power and Light Co.) Principal Officers: C. C. Christ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice-Pres. Ileo Loeb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice-Pres. W. F. Stanley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. J. G. Ausman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Treas C. C. Parker-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $369, 518 Electric Operating Revenues.-------- - - - - $131, 468 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1, 520 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 650 Energy Available in Year: Rilo watt-hours otal----------------------------- 3,024, 551 Generated.-------------- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 827, 620 Purchased.---------------------------- 2, 196, 931 Community Served at Retail: Population Flagstaff------------------------------------ 5,080 Also Renders: Steam heating service. 02–082 Fredonia Power & Light Company Fredonia, Ariz. Principal Officers: Wilford Brooksby--------------------------- PreS. Altus E. Jensen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice ProS. Thos. Jensen, Jr.----------------------------- Secy. A. E. Lewis, Sr------------------------- Act. Secy. Directors: Alfred Brooksby, Mrs. Olive C. Pratt. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers----...--------- 60 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 59,840 Community Served at Retail: Population Fredonia------------------------------------ 325 02–088 Holbrook Light and Power Company c/o General Public Utilities, Inc. 744 Broad St., Newark, N. J. (Controlled by Community Power and Light Co.) Principal Officers: Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice Pres C. C. Christ---------------------------- Vice Pres. W. F. Stanley------------------------ Secy.-Treas. J. G. Ausman------------------------- Asst. Treas. C. C. Parker-------------------4Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $123, 129 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $61,937 Number of Electric Customers------------- 590 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------|------------------- 204 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 291, 409 Generated.-------------------------------- 1, 1 Purchased.------------------------------ 1,290, 305 Community Served at Retail: Population Holbrook----------------------------------- 1, 184 02–090 Hualapai Trading Post Peach Springs, Ariz. 02–092 Lakeside Light and Power Company Lakeside, Ariz. Principal Officer: P. Lore------------------------------ --Trustee The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,944 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 96 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 35 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 34, 777 Community Served at Retail: Population Lakeside-------------------------------------- 425 02–094 Mammoth Light and Power Company Mammoth, Ariz. Principal Officers: Homer Shefield------------------------------- Mgr. Chris. C. Clark-------------------------Asst. Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARIZONA 19 Directors: Chris. C. Clark, Homer Shefield. Community Served at Retail: Population Mammoth------------------------------------ 500 02–095 The Morenci Water & Electric Company Morenci, Ariz. (Controlled by Phelps Dodge Corporation) Principal Officers: E. Wittenau--------------------------------- Pres. W. L. Neel----------------------------- Vice Pres. C. M. Staples------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: William A. Evans, W. S. Ferguson, W. L. Neel, C. M. Staples, E. Wittenau. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $67, 998 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $67,436 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 470 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 382, 263 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clifton-------------------------------------- 2, 668 Morenci------------------------------------ , 108 Also Renders: Water Service. 02–096 The Nevada-California Electric Corporation* 3771 Eighth St., Riverside, Calif. a Name changed to California Electric Power Company (02–045) on June 20, 1941. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Arizona only)--------------------------- $342, 475 Number of Electric Customers: (Arizona only)--------------------------- 1, 511 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gadsden------------------------------------ 872 Somerton----------------------------------- 1, 247 Yuma-------------------------------------- 5, 325 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arizona Edison Co., Inc. Southern Sierras Power of Mexico, S. A. a a Operates in Mexico. See also: Principal report under California (0.4–100), and Operations reported under Nevada (27-085). 02–099 Northern Arizona Utilities Corporation St. Johns, Ariz. Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Johns--------------------------------- 1, 300 02–102 Parker Electric Supply Parker, Ariz. Partners: J. E. Bush, Nellie T. Bush. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $30,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 186 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 156. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 265,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Parker------ •º º º º 600 02–104 Patagonia Ice & Light Company Patagonia, Ariz. Community Served at Retail: Population Patagonia---------------------------------- 1, 000 02–121 Ray Electric and Telephone Company Hayden, Ariz. (Controlled by Kennecott Copper Corporation through 99.7% of voting power.) Principal Oſficers: W. S. Boyd---------------------------------- Pres. Erle V. Daveler.--------------------- 1st Vice Pres. R. W. Thomas-------- 2nd Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. L. Billing-------------------------------- eCy. W. I. Garms------------------------------- Treas. E. S. MacWhinney-------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: W. S. Boyd, Erle Daveler, H. M. Fenne- more, W. I. Garms, R. W. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $77, 185, Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $49, 256 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 872 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------- ------ 951, 047 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hayden------------------------------------- 2, 006 *Y---------------------------------------- 1, 006 Sonora-------------------------------------- 2, 500 Also Renders: Telephone and water service. 02–127 Round Valley Light & Power Company Springerville, Ariz. Principal Officers: Alvin G. Becker----------------------------- Pres. A. M. Hall----------------------------- Vice Pres. M. E. Becker------------------------ Secy.-Trøas. Directors: Alvin G. Becker, Mrs. Gustav Becker, M. E. Becker, A. M. Hall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $71,206 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $16,973 Number of Electric Customers----------- 279. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- Pſydro-------------------------------------- 40. Internal Combustion----------------------- 98 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 110, 20 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population - * * * *-- * * * * - - * * * - - are me - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - as am - - 800 Springerville---------------------------------- 850 02–138 San Simon Light & Power Company” San Simon, Ariz. a Properties sold to Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., (02890) as of June 30, 1941. Principal Officer: H. C. Scott------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $4,756 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $897 TNumber of Electric Customers.--------------- 21 Community Served at Retail: Population San Simon------------------------------------ 650 02–148 Southern Arizona Public Service Company Benson, Ariz. (Controlled by North Continent Utilities Corpo- ration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. A. B . A. Baehr--------------------------------- PreS. A. C. Winters-----------------Vice Pres. & Treas. E. R. Foster---------------------------- Vice PreS. William B. Baehr--------------------------- Secy. G. L. Aiken--------------------------- Asst. Secy. A. J. Faul----------------------------- Asst. Secy. A. W. Childs------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: W. A. Baehr, William B. Baehr, A. W. Childs, E. R. Foster, A. C. Winters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $249,832 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $50,896 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 707 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 460 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 839, 171 Communities Served at Retail: Population Benson--------------------------------------- 962 Bowie---------------------------------------- 609 Pomereme----------------------------------- - - 300 Saint David---------------------------------- 466 Willcox--------------------------------------- 884 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 02–160 The Tucson Gas, Electric Light and Power Company 81-85 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, Ariz. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: M. A. Pooler------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. H. Nichols----------------------- 1st Vice Pres. A. L. Klees----------------------------- Vice PreS. C. L. Clawson.------------------------ Secy.-Tres. W. E. Johnson.---------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. P. L. Abbott-----------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: C. L. Clawson, W. E. Johnson, C. H. Nichols, M. A. Pooler, J. H. Saunders. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $7,444, 551 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,412,015 Number of Electric Customers----------- 16, 849 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total------------------------------ 20,678 Steam--------------------------------- 7, 313 Internal Combustion------------------ 13, 365 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 54,455, 311 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cortaro------------------------------------ 250 Marana------------------------------------ 275 Tucson------------------------------------ 36,818 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Citizens Utilities Co. Also Renders: Natural gas service. 02–171 Upper Verde Public Utilities Company Clarkdale, Ariz. (Controlled by Phelps Dodge Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. R. Kuzell----------------------- Pres. & Treas. M. G. Fowler------------------------- Vice PreS. H. V. Young-------------------------------- Secy. R. K. Duffey-------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: R. K. Duffey, M. G. Fowler, Paul C. Reefe, C. R. Kuzell, H. V. Young. The following data are fer the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $156,773 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $98,050 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1, 345 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,032, 193 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clarkdale----------------------------------- 1, 557 Jerome-------------------------------------- 2, 295 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 02–177 Warren Company 118 Arizona St., Warren, Ariz. (Controlled by Phelps Dodge Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . C. Henrie-------------------------------- PreS A. W. Engelder------------------------- Vice Pres, E. C. Hollingshead------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. W. Engelder, Wm. A. Evans, H. C. Henrie, G. C. Pidgeon, A. C. Reifsnider. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $130,628 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,717 Number of Electric Cust - - 626 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 661,678 Community Served at Retail: Population Warren------------------------------------- 2, 400 Also Renders: Bus and water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARIZONA 21 02–202 The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company Grand Canyon, Ariz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,105 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - - 77 Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Canyon------------------------------- 800 Also Renders: Steam and water service. 02–210 Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company Inspiration, Ariz. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Thomas EI. O’Brien - - - - Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,484,056 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $687, 550 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------ 25, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 2,018, 182 Energy Sold for Resale-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93, 969, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Inspiration------------------------------------ 450 Utility Served at Wholesale: PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Salt River Valley Water Users’ Association. 02–221 Kennecott Copper Corporation 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 02–228 Paul Lime Plant Paul Spur, Ariz. Partners: Winifred Paul Ames, Alfred Paul, Alfred Paul Jr., Mabel W. Paul. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,205 Number of Electric Customers------------- 92 Community Served at Retail: Population Paul Spur------------------------------------- 500 02–230 Payson Garage Payson, Ariz. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. G. Harrison.----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,777 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 38 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 50 Community Served at Retail: Population Payson.--------------------------------------- 250 02–232 Phelps Dodge Corporation Douglas, Ariz. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. Wittenau-------------------------- Gen. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------...-- $27,645 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Total--------------------------------- 1, 610 Steam---------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 550 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale-------------- - - - - - 1, 382, 263 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Morenci Water & Elect. Co. 02–240 Pine-Payson Motor Co. & Randall Merc. Co. Pine, Gila County, Ariz. 02–243 The Tom Reed Gold Mines Company Oatman, Ariz. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $23,862 Electric Operating Revenues-- - - - - - - - - - - - - $14,579 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers.------ 266,890 Community Served at Retail: Population Oatman-------------------------------------- 250 Also Renders: Water Service. 02–254 Rees Hotel Congress Junction, Ariz. 02–255 Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company Williams, Ariz. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. M. Bedford------------------------------- Mgr A. H. Bliss--------------------------------- Supt 22 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $369, 380 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $28,934 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2 Kilowatts ‘Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 1, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 289, 820 Energy Sold for Resale -------------------- 844, 847 02–260 Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc. McNary, Ariz. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. J. Warren-------------------------- The following data are for the year 1940: Vice PreS. Rlectric Utility Plant-------------- - - - - - - - - $200, 000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)--------------- 3, 200 02–507 *Gila Wailey Power District Wellton, Ariz. Directors: Ike Proebstel, L. Reitman, L. C. Spain, H. J. Woodhouse, W. T. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $211, 852 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $49, 841 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - 120 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 483, 208 Communities Served at Retail: Population Roll.----------------------------------------- 550 Wellton-------------------------------------- 250 02–512 *City of Mesa-Utilities Dept. Mesa, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George N. Goodman----------------------- Mayor J. Edwin Miller----------------------- City Clerk Councilmen: F. G. Creasman, John A. Hamblin Jess Heldrum, Z. Pearce, Paul L. Sale, C. L. Willis. The following data are for year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $282,259 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $161,836 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 844 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased (for year 1940) --------- 4,961, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population eSã--------------------------------------- 7, 224 Also Renders: Gas, irrigation, and water service. 02–523 *Salt River Valley Water Users’ Association 2nd Ave. & Van Buren St. Phoenix, Ariz. Principal Officers: Lin B. Orme-------------------------------- Pres. A. C. Huber---------------------------- Vice Pres, F. C. Henshaw------------------------------ Secy E. W. Beck-------------------------------- Treas Directors: C. E. Cartwright, Vic I. Corbell, John H. Dobson, Ed. A. Geare, Kemper Marley, I. E. Moore, M.T. Shultz, J. A. Sinnott, James Thomas, R. K. Wood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $23,620, 348 Electric Operating Revenues. -- - - - - - - - - $2,934,477 Number of Electric Customers. - - - - - - - - 7, 341 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------- 80, 950 Hydro-------------------------------- 70, 950 Internal Combustion----------------- 10,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 449,051, 468 Generated.---------------------------- 168, 004, 410 Purchased---------------------------- 281, 047, 058 Communities Served at Retail: Population Jokake---------------------------------------- 425 ShCaton--------------------------------------- 350 Tolleson------------------------------------ 1, 731 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arizona Edison Co. Inc. Central Arizona Light and Power Co. Eloy Light, Power & Utility Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Mesa Public Utilities Dept. *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service San Carlos Project. 02–525 *Tombstone Light & Power Plant Tombstone, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. N. Ewing----------------------------- Engr. City Council: A. S. Cook, R. B. Krebs, Harold I. Mass, John Siscoma (mayor), John L. Wyatt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------ - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,362 Number of Electric Customers------------- 180 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 140 Kilowatt-hours Eriergy Generated.-------------------------- 124,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Tombstone----------------------------------- 822 02–526 *San Carlos Irrigation & Drainage District Coolidge, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. Roberts-------------------------------- Pres. C. A. Anderson ----------------------------- Mgr. DIRECTORY OF 23 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARIZONA The following data are for the year 1940: Plectric Utility Plant---------------------- $142,286 Electric Operating Revenue--------------- $23,439 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 290 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 702, 810 02–530 *Showlow-Silver Creek Water Conservation and Power District Snowflake, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Official: Yates Heywood The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $89,911 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,360 Number of Electric Customers------------- 395 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: 9tal--------------------------------- 250 Hydro-------- *— – ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125 Internal Combustion--------------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 314,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Showlow------------------------------------ 625 - Snowflake--------- - - - - -- 1, 100 Taylor-------------------------------------- 500 02–535 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project Yuma, Ariz. See also: Principal report under California (0.4–665) 02–538 *Wickenburg Light & Power Department Wickenburg, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. E. Haynes------------------------------ Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $29,477 Number of Electric Customers------------- 400 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 108 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 903, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Wickenburg---------------------------------- 99 Also Renders: Water service. 02–550 *Town of Williams Box 547, Williams, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. C. Harrison------------------------------ Supt. J. C. Butler-------------------------- Town Clerk Electric Light Committee: Louis Larson, W. C. Rittenhouse, Arnold Schaffner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $43, 713 Number of Electric Customers------------- - 625 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 844, 847 Community Served at Retail: Population Williams----------------------------------- 2, 622 Also Renders: Water service. 02–555 *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, San Carlos Project Coolidge, Ariz. dy-------------------------- Proj. Engr. N. G. Murray----------------------- Senior Clerk Clark J. Wells----------------------- Power Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,436, 162 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $197,205 Number of Electric Customers---------- 591 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 16, 364 Hydro--------------------------------- 12, 500 Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 864 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 34,098,904 Generated.----------------------------- 26,813,078 Interchanged-in (GroSS)------------------ 7, 285, 826 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arizona Edison Company, Inc. Nevada Consolidated Copper Corp. change) Christmas Copper Corp. (Interchange) PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Salt River Valley Water Users Ass'n. (Inter- change). - - (Inter- 02–890 *Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Willcox, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. R. Nelson-------------------------------- Pres. Mike M. Bennett--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $435, 738 Number of Electric. Customers------------- 516 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-...---------------------- a 148, 100 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Fort Thomas--------------------------------- 2 San Simon*---------------------------------- 650 a Served prior to June 30, 1941 by San Simon Light & Power Co. (02–138). ARKANSAS Index Reference Number Arkansas General Utilities Company------ 03–010 Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation - - - - - - 03–016 Arkansas Power & Light Company--------- 03–022 Arkansas Utilities Company ---------------- 03–029 *Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- () *Augusta City Light and Water Plant------ Benton County Utilities Corporation ------- *Hººn Electric Light and Power District 0 O. *Bentonville Light and Water System ------- Bradley Ice & Light Company-------------- 03–045 Bradley Lumber Company of Arkansas----- 03–210 *C. & L. Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 03—817 Caddo River Lumber Company Calico Rock Ice & Electric Company, Inc.--- 03–054 *Carroll Electric Cooperative Corporation--- 03-823 Citizens Electric Company----------------- 0 Citizens Light & Power Company---------- *Clarksville Consolidated Water & Light District----------------------------------- 3–543 *Clay County Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 03—825 Clinton Light & Ice Company, Inc.----------- 03–076 *Conway Corporation----------------------- (3–554 *Craighead Electric Cooperative Corporation. 03—828 Crossett Lumber Company----------------- 03–239 Dierks Lumber & Coal Company----------- Elaine Utilities Company------------------- 03–082 *Farmers Electric Cooperative Corporation- 03—850 *First Electric Cooperative Corporation----- 03–853 *Forrest City Water & Light Co------------ 0 Graham Brothers Company---------------- Reference Number *Hope Water and Light Plant-------------- 03–576 Huntsville Utilities, Inc.-------------------- 03–101 *Jonesboro, City Water and Light Plant of the City of.------------------------------- 03–587 Leslie Electric Company-------------------- 03–105 Marshall Ice & Electric Company----------- 03–107 *Mississippi County Electric Cooperative, D.C.---------------------------------------- 03–905 *North Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- 03–920 *North Little Rock Electric Department--- 03–598 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company------ 03–127 *Osceola Light and Power Plant------------ 03–609 *Ouachita Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- –930 *Ozarks Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 03–935 *Paragould Light Plant Commission-------- 03–615 *Paris Municipal Light Pl 03–62 *Piggott Public Improvement District No. 1.- 03–631 *Prescott Water and Light Plant------------ 03–642 Public Utilities Compan Republic Mining and Manufacturing Com- Parly-------------------------------------- 03–276 Salem Light & Ice Company---------------- 03–139 *Siloam Springs Municipal Light Plant------ 03–653 *Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------------------- 03–950 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company -- 03–152 Union Saw Mill Company------------------ 03—309 *West Memphis, Light & Water Dept. City of. -------- * * * ~ * ~ * = a- - - - - - - - - - - * = ** * * * * * 03–670 West Memphis Power & Water Company -- 03–166 *Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation- 03-980 *Denotes a publicly, owned utility. ARKANSAS 03–010 Arkansas General Utilities Company Warren, Arka (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: . : H. R. Bodemuller--------------------------- Pres. . W. ElberSon------------------------- Vice Pres. J. A. Bordelon------------------------- Vice PreS. R. D. Donaldson----------------------- Vice Pres. R. A. Gallagher---------------------- Secy.-Treas. E. T. Claypool----------- ASSt. Secy.-ASSt. Treas. W. R. Mueller------------------------ ASSt. Secy. Directors: H. R. Bodemuller, J. A. Bordelon, E. T. Claypool, R. A. Gallagher, E. J. Richardson. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant $960,918 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $61, 577 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 173 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 1,666,080 Communities Served at Retail: IPopulation Bermitage , 344 Warren_____ 2, 516 Wilmar--------- Also Renders: Ice and water service. 03–016 Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation 400 W. Main St., Blytheville, Ark. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Arkansas only - - $621,442 Number of Electric Customers: Arkansas Only 7,946 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Blytheville 10,652 1,000 to 10,000 Population Corning - - 1,619 Hoxie-------------------------------------- 1, 466 Leachville 1,076 Luxora 1,258 Manila------ - - 1, 248 Monette 1,074 PocahontaS 3,028 Rector 1, 736 Walnut Ridge 2,013 25 26 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: - 250 to 1,000 population Population Alicia-------------------------------------- 333 Armore!------------------------------------ 313 Ash Flat----------------------------------- 315 Pay---------------------------------------- 357 Biggers------------------------------------- 456 Black Oak---------------------------------- 329 Black Rock-------------------------------- 769 Caraway----------------------------------- 477 Pell---------------------------------------- 323 Greenway---------------------------------- 303 ardy-------------------------------------- 721 Imboden----------------------------------- 525 Knobel------------------------------------- 375 Lake City---------------------------------- 786 Mammoth Spring-------------------------- 666 Peach Orchard----------------------------- 374 Portia-------------------------------------- 393 Reyno-------------------------------------- 346 St. Francis--------------------------------- 266 Success------------------------------------- 281 Williſord----------------------------------- 272 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arkansas Utilities Co. Missouri Electric Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Clay County Electric Cooperative Corpora- 1OIl. *Craighead. Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Mississippi County Electric Cooperative, Inc. See Also: Principal report under Missouri (24–010). 03–022 Arkansas Power & Light Company Simmons National Bldg., Pine Bluff, Ark. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 90.22% of voting power.) Principal ºrs: H. C. Couch--------------------------------- Pres C. S. Lynch--------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. J. L. Longino--------------------------- Vice Pres. R. E. Ritchie-------------------------- Vice Pres. L. Garrett-------------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. L. Bodie------------- Act. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: J. O. E. Beck, H. C. Couch, Laurin Davis, R. H. Dickenhorst, L. Garrett, J. L. Longino, C. S. Lynch, R. E. Ritchie, C. F. Sturgis, Pinchback Taylor, Roy L. Thompson, Sam J. Wilson, Dr. James M. Workman. Controls: Capital Transportation Co. (street railway & motor COach). White River Power Co. (water power develop- ment). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $64,749, 589 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $8,787, 256 In Arkansas-------------------------- $8,783, 678 Number of Electric Customers: !--------------------------------- 86,926 In Arkansas-------------------------- 86,859 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------- - - - - 106, 738 Steam-------------------------------- 38,000 fiydro-------------------------------- 65. 968 Internal Combustion----------------- 2, 770 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours !----------------------------- 524, 755,000 Generated.---------------------------- 147, 473,000 Purchased.---------------------------- 374, 406,000 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 2,876,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population El Dorado--------------------------------- 15,858 Little Rock-------------------------------- 88,039 Pine Bluff--------------------------------- 21, 290 1,000 to 10,000 population Arkadelphia-------------------------------- 5,078 Arkansas City------------------------------ 1,446 Atkins-------------------------------------. 1,322 Bald Knob--------------------------------- , 445 Batesville---------------------------------- 5,267 Beebe-------------------------------------- 1, 189 Berryville---------------------------------- 1,482 Brinkley----------------------------------- 3,409 Camden------------------------------------ 8,075 Carlisle------------------------------------- 1,080 Clarendon---------------------------------- 2, 551 Cotton Plant---...-------------------------- 1,778 Danville------------------------------------ 1,010 Dardanelle--------------------------------. 1,807 De Witt------------------------------------ 2, 498 Dermott----------- * = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,083 Des Arc------------------------------------ 1, 410 Dumas------------------------------------- 2,323 Earle--------------------------------------- 1,872 England------------------------------------ 2,027 Eudora------------------------------------- 1,808 Fordyce------------------------------------ 3,429 Gurdon------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,045 Hamburg----------------------------------- 1,939 Harrisburg--------------------------------- 1, 193 Harrison------------------------------------ 4, 238 Heber Springs------------------------------ 1,656 Hughes------------------------------------- 1,004 Judsonia------------------------------------ 1,011 Lake Village-------------------------------- 2,045 Ile Panto-------------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 198 Lewisville---------------------------------- 1, 314 Lonoke------------------------------------- 1, 715 Magnolia----------------------------------- 4, 326 Malvern------------------------------------ 5, 290 Marked Tree------------------------------- 2,685 McCrory----------------------------------- 1,010 McGehee----------------------------------- 3,663 Monticello---------------------------------- 3, 650 Morrilton---------------------------------- 4,608 Newport----------------------------------- 4, 321 Parkin------------------------------------- 1,412 Rison--------------------------------------- 1,005 Russellville--------------------------------. 5,927 earCW-------------------------------------- 3, 670 Sheridan----------------------------------- 1, 338 Smackover--------------------------------- 2,235 Stamps------------------------------------- 2,405 Stuttgart----------------------------------- 5, 628 Trumann----------------------------------- 3,381 Waldo-------------------------------------- 1, 240 Wynne------------------------------------- 3, 663 250 to 1,000 population Alpena------------------------------------- 313 Altheimer---------------------------------- 494 Amity-------------------------------------- 608 Bearden------------------------------------ 961 Bellefonte---------------------------------- 3.18 Belleville----------------------------------- 411 Bierne-------------------------------------- 402 Bluff City.--------------------------------- 448 Boydell------------------------------------ 546 Bradford----------------------------------- 681 Brookland---------------------------------- 276 Buckner------------------------------------ 450 Cabot-------------------------------------- 74.1 Caddo Gap--------------------------------- 300 Calion.------------------------------------- 712 Carthage----------------------------------- 687 Cave City---------------------------------- 427 Centerville--------------------------------- 292 Cherry Valley------------------------------ 344 Chidester----------------------------------- 508 Clarksdale---------------------------------- 268 Colt---------------------------------------- 259 Cotter-------------------------------------- 903 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARKANSAS 27 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Crawfordsville------------------------------ 656 ushman----------------------------------- 427 De Valls Bluff------------------------------ 686 elight------------------------------------- 481 Dover-------------------------------------- 493 Edmondson-------------------------------- 308 Emerson----------------------------------- 501 Emmet------------- ------------------------ 465 Flippin------------------------------------- 332 Fountain Hill---------------------------. -- 267 Fredonia Biscoe---------------------------- 395 Friendship----------------------------... . . . 272 Garland City------------------------------- 325 Gillett-------------------------------------- 781 Gilmore------------------------------------ 278 Glenwood---------------------------------- 854 ould-------------------------------------- 908 Grady-------------------------------------- 472 Green Forest.------------------------------- 755 Greenbrier--------------------------------- 300 Grider-------------------------------------- 307 Grubbs------------------------------------- 345 Havana------------------------------------ 449 Hazen-------------------------- • * * * * * * * * ** - - - 819 Hickory Ridge- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 346 Holly Grove.-------------------------------- 755 Hulbert------------------------------------ 379 Humphrey-------------- -- - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - 595 Hunter------------------------------------- 335 Jacksonville-------------------------------- 279 Joiner----------------------------------…- 388 Junction City------------------------------ 797 Keiser-------------------------------------- 452 Kensett------------------------------------ 827 - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 253 Kingsland---------------------------------- 473 °ola--------------------------------------- 412 London------------------------------------- 418 Louann------------------------------------ 492 Madison----------------------------------- 838 Marion------------------------------------- 758 Marvell------------------------------------ 830 McNeil------------------------------------ 694 McRae-----------------------------------. - 420 Melbourne------------------------------. -- 567 Montrose----------------------------------- 343 Atoro--------------------------------------- 278 Mount Ida--------------------------------- 490 Mount Vernon -------...---------------...----- 400 Mountain Home-------------------------...- 927 Mountainview.----------...--------------...--- 745 New Edinburg--------------...-------------- 477 Newark------------------------------------ 802 Norman------------------------------------ 512 Norphlet----------------------------------- 695 Okolona----------------------------------- 525 la----------------------------------------- 839 Palestine----------------------------------- 345 Pangburn---------------------------------- 595 Parkdale----------------------------------- 278 Patterson------------------------------...-- 284 Perla--------------------------------------- 286 Plainview.---------------------...------------ 704 Plummerville- - - - -------------------------. 541 Portland---------------------------------- 518 Pottsville----------------------------------- 308 Poyen ------------------------------------- 400 Redfield------------------------------------ 339 Round Pond------------------------------- 567 Saint Charles------------------------------- 412 Saint James-------------------------------- 336 Sherrill------------------------------------- 258 Smithton----------------------------------- 276 Sparkman---------------...------------------ 840 Stephens----------------------------------- 998 Strong-------------------------------------- 762 Taylor---------------------------------...-- 335 Thornton----------------------------------- 550 Turrell.------------------------------------ 515 Tyronza------------------------------------ 639 Vanndale----------------------------------- 550 Vilonia------------------------------------- 259 Wabbaseka--------------------------------- 258 Ward------------------------------------- , - 283 Weiner------------------------------------- 447 Wheatley----------------------------------- 362 Wilmot------------------------------------- 625 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Wilson------------------------------------ 530 Woodson---------------------------------- 314 Wrightsville------------------------------- 317 Yellville----------------------------------- 546 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arkansas General Utilities Co. * Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation. Citizens Electric Co. Clinton Light & Ice Co., Inc. Graham Brothers Co. Louisiana Power & Light Co. (La.). North Arkansas Power Co., Southwestern Gas & Electric Co. West Memphis Power & Water Co. PUBLICLY' own ED UTILITIES: *Tennessee Valley Authority. *City of West Little Rock. º *Carroll County Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion. *C. & L. Electric Cooperative. - *Craighead Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Farmers' Electric Cooperative Corporation. *First Electric Cooperative Corporation. *North Arkansas Electric Cooperative. *Ouachita Rural Electric Cooperative. ... *Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative Cor- poration. - *Woodruff County Electric Cooperative Cor- poration. Also Renders: Gas (natural), ice, steam heating, and water Service. See Also: Operations reported under Louisiana (17–012). 03–029 Arkansas Utilities Company 615 Cherry St., Helena, Ark. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. G. Taber--------------------------------- PreS. D. A. Crawford------------------------ Vice PreS. L. C. McClurkin----------------------- Vice PreS. W. H. Timm ------------------------------- Secy. Alfred Healey------------------------------ Treas. E. Dale Chambers-------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. H. Siering---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. K. R. Teele-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. C. S. Woodson.----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: D. A. Crawford, Carl O. Hoffman, L. C. McClurkin, R. G. Taber, J. T. Woodward, L. E. Yeager. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,809, 406 Electric Operating Revenues------------ 363,387 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4,627 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5, 750 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------ 13,605, 417 Generated.----------------------------- 9,844, 417 Purchased.----------------------------- 3,761, 000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aubrey------------------------------------- 300 Barton-------------------------------------- 264 Helena------------------------------------- 8,546 La Grange---------------------------------- 250 6Xà---------------------------------------- 425 Marianna---------------------------------- 4,449 Marmaduke-------------------------------- 677 Paragould---------------------------------- 7,079 West Helena------------------------------- 4, 717 28 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Missouri Utilities Co. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water service. 03–035 Benton County Utilities Corporation 6th and Joplin Sts., Joplin, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: R. H. Barratt-------------------------------- Pres. S. N. Douglas-------------------------- Vice PreS. Ruby A. Douglas--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Claude S. Daniels--------------------- Asst. Secy Carl B. Matthews--------------------.ASSt. Treas Directors: R. H. Barratt, Ruby A. Douglas, S. N. Douglas, Carl B. Matthews. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $256,413 Electric Operating Revenues - – ----------- $36,605 Number of Electric Customers----------- 847 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------- 40 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 112,984 Communities Served at Retail: Popukation Pecatur:----------------------------------- 358 Gentry City---------------------------------- 726 Gravette------------------------------------- 865 Sulphur Springs------------------------------ 435 IJiility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southwestern Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Water service. 03–045 Bradley Ice & Light Company Bradley, Ark. Principal Officer: Homer E. Enyart ---Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues - – -------------- $1,250 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 72 ſº Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 48,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bradley--------------------------------------- 409 Also Renders: Ice service. 03–054 Calico Rock Ice & Electric Company, Inc. - P. O. Box 185, Calico Rock, Ark. Principal Officers: H. W. Wright------------------------------- Pres W. S. Barnes--------------------------- Vice PreS W. W. Guernsey----------------------- Vice PreS. N. K. Wright------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. S. Barnes, W. W. Guernsey, H. W. Wright. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,028 Number of Electric Customers------------- 163 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 72 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 169, 764 Community Served at Retail: Population Calico Rock---------------------------------- 738 Also Renders: Ice Service. {}3–067 Citizens Electric Company 915-917 Central Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: - R. H. Teed--------------------------------- PreS. C. H. Nichols - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st Vice Pres. H. A. Person--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. N. F. Lund-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. E. Johnson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,ASSt. Secy.-Treas. O. W. Luebben - - - - - - - --------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: I. C. Beam, W. H. Harrison, W. E. Johnson, N. F. J_und, J. A. Murphrey, C. H. Nichols, R. H. Teed. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,780,855 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $494, 437 Number of Electric Customers - – -------- 6, 735 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------- 5, 250 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 17, 729, 600 Generated.---------------------------- 15, 385, 100 Purchased.---------------------------- 2, 344, 500 Community Served at Retail: - Population Hot Springs (Hot Springs National Park) ----------------------------------- 21, 370 {}3–073 Citizens Light & Power Company Tuckerman, Ark. Principal Officers: S. J. Graham-------------------------------- Pres. H. G. Graham------------------------- Vice Pres. H. U. Cole--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. S. Armstrong, H. G. Graham, S. J. Graham, H. E. James, W. M. Tims. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,839 Number of Electric Customers------------- 231 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 146,434 Community Served at Retail: Population Tuckerman------------------------------- 875 03–076 Clinton Light & Ice Company, Inc. Clinton, Ark. Principal Officers: C. H. Tingley----------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. H. Tingley, Jr.-------------------- Secy-Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARRANSAS 29 Directors: C. F. Tingley, C. H. Tingley, C. H. Tingley, Jr., E. T. Tingley, L. A. Tingley. . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $60,474 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $25,951 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - ------- 670 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 175 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.--------------------------------- 606, 776 Generated.-------------------------------- 520,676 Purchased.----------------------------- --- 86, 100 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clinton--------------------------------------- 915 Damascus------------------------------------ 336 Quitman------------------------------------- 393 Shirley--------------------------------------- 365 03–082 Elaine Utilities Company - Elaine, Ark. Principal Officers: Mrs. Mary Patton Thompson.--------------- Pres. Harvey E. Thompson---------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. Russell, Mrs. Mary Patton Thomp- SOn, Barvey E. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $16, 543 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - - 207 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 242, 842 Communities Served at Retail: Population aime---------------------------------------- 634 Also Renders: Ice, telephone, and water service. 03–095 Graham Brothers Company Tuckerman, Ark. Principal Officers: S. J. Graham-------------------------------- PreS. H. G. Graham-------------------------- Vice PreS. T. N. Graham------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Alice C. Graham, H. G. Graham, Mattie Graham, S. J. Graham, T. N. Graham. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,809 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 94 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 56,702 Community Served at Retail: Population Swifton------------------------------------- 484 03–101 Huntsville Utilities, Inc. Huntsville, Ark. Principal Officers: James R. Hargis.----------------------------- Pres. Nora Hargis.---------------------------- Vice PreS. Loma Northcross Directors: James R. Hargis, Nora Hargis, Tom. Hargis, Loma NorthcroSS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $21,913. Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $11,970 Number of Electric Customers-----------*- - - 220 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 147 Steam------------------------------------ 72 Internal Combustion--------------------- 75 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 224, 355 Community Served at Retail: Population Huntsville---------------------------------- 776 Also Renders: Ice Service. 03–105 Leslie Electric Company P. O. Box 185, Calico Rock, Ark. Partners: W. S. Barnes, W. W. Guernsey, H. W. Wright. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5, 212 * Number of Electric Customers------------- 133. Generating Capacity: Kilowatts' Internal Combustion--------------------- 100' Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 45,465. Community Served at Retail: Population Leslie------------------------------------ 779, 03–107 Marshall Ice & Electric Company P. O. Box 185, Calico Rock, Ark. Principal Officers: H. W. Wright---------------------------- ---Pres. W. S. Barnes--------------------------- Vice PreS. W. W. Guernsey----------------------- Vice PreS. N.K. Wright------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. S. Barnes, W. W. Guernsey, H. W. Wright. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,945 . Number of Electric Customers------------- 225 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 72 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 236, 152 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshall--------------------------------- 822 Also Renders: Ice Service. 03–127 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 321 N. Harvey St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (ºiled by Standard Power & Light. Corpora- tion. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: asº (Arkansas only)------------------------- $984, 465 30 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Number of Electric Customers: (Arkansas only)------------------------- 13,445 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alix--------------------------------------- 500 Alma-------------------------------------- 774 Altus-------------------------------------- 541 Barling - - - - 250 Branch------------------------------------ 390 Charleston--------------------------------- 958 Coal Hill-------------------------------- 1,040 Denning----------------------------------- 341 Dyer--------------------------------------- 513 Fort Smith--------------------------------- 36,584 Hartman---------------------------------- 561 Lamar------------------------------------- 474 LaVaca------------------------------------ 340 1Mulberry---------------------------------- 973 Žark-------------------------------------- 1, 402 Ratcliff------------------------------------ 337 Scranton----------------------------------- 322 South Fort Smith-------------------------- 625 Van Buren.------ * * * - -- 5,422 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: G. D. Ferguson & Son. Southwestern Gas & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion. *Paris Municipal Light & Water Plant. See also: Principal report under Oklahoma (35–097). 03–133 Public Utilities Company Crossett, Ark. Pººl Officers: dw. C. Crossett---------------------------- Pres. J. W. Watzek, Jr.----------------------- Vice PreS. E. S. French-------------------------------- Secy L. J. Arnold-------------------------------- Treas Directors: L. J. Arnold, Edw. C. Crossett, E. S. French, E. C. Gates, J. L. Mothershead, Jr., A. Trieschmann, A. R. Watzek, J. W. Watzek, Jr., P. F. Watzek, L. R. Wilcoxon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $62,563 $34,469 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,007 Rilowatt-hours 822,915 Electric Operating Revenues------------- Energy Purchased Community Served at Retail: Population Crossett 4,891 Also Renders: Gas, telephone, and water service. 03–139 Salem Light & Ice Company Salem, Ark. - * * * * - - - - - - - sº ** = ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = - - - - - - - = = = - - Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,900 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 123 Generating Capacity: * Internal Combustion---------------------- Community Served at Retail: Population Salem.---------------------------------------- 574 03–152 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company 428 Travis St., Shreveport, La. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Arkansas only)----------------------- $1,333, 184 Number of Electric Customers: (Arkansas only)----------------------- 17, 153 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Texarkana--------------------------------- 11,821 1,000 to 10,000 population Ashdown---------------------------------- 2, 332 Booneville--------------------------------- 2, 324 De Queen--------------------------------- 3,055 Dierks------------------------------------- 1, 459 Eureka Springs---------------------------- 1, 770 Fayetteville------------------------------- 8, 212 Foreman---------------------------------- 1,036 Greenwood - * * * * * - - - - - - - - * * - - 1, 219 Hartford---------------------------------- 1, 189 Mansfield- 1,002 eſlä------------------------------------- 3, 510 Nashville---------------------------------- 2,782 Rogers------------------------------------ 3, 550 Springdale--------------------------------. 3,319 Waldron---------------------------------- 1, 298 250 to 1,000 population Blevins------------------------------------- 331 Bonanza------------------------------------ 486 Cove--------------------------------------- 381 Fouke-------------------------------------- 368 Fulton------------------------------------- 485 Hackett- - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 436 Hatfield------------------------------------ 437 Horatio------------------------------------ 809 Huntington--------------------------------- 863 Jenny Lind--------------------------------- 517 Lincoln - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - e = *s- - - - - - - - - - - - - 720 Lockesburg--------------------------------- 764 Lowell------------------------------------- 271 Magazine----------------------------------- 385 Midland----------------------------------- 560 Mineral Springs---------------------------- 731 Murfreesboro------------------------------- 835 Prairie Grove.------------------------------- 887 Saratoga------------------------------------ 266 Washington-------------------------------- 432 West Fork--------------------------------- 359 Wilton------------------------------------- 319 Winthrop---------------}- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 336 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arkansas Power & Light Co. Benton County Utilities Corp. Public Service Co. of Okla. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Carroll Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Ozark Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. See also: Principal report under Texas (42–126) and operations reported under Louisiana (17–167). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–ARKANSAS 31 03–166 West Memphis Power & Water Company P. O. Box 100, West Memphis, Ark. (Controlled by Southeast Power & Light Co.) Principal Officers: - R. C. Baumann-----------------------------Pres. H. Bethune Hall----------------------- Vice Pres. J. P. Wilson-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Wm. H., Armstrong, R. C. Baumann, W. H. Clark, H. Bethune Hall, John M. Smith, A. Russell, J. P. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $172,991 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $94,545 Number of Electric Cust & 900 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 400 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,928,951 Generated.----------------------------- 690,831 Purchased.------------------------------ 2,238, 120 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bigelow-------------------------------------- 377 Hampton------------------------------------ 686 Harrell-------------------------------------- 273 Houston------------------------------------- 287 Perry---------------------------------------- 377 Perryville-----------------, ------------------ 577 Star City---------------- ------------------- 1,090 Also Renders: Ice Service. 03–210 Bradley Lumber Company of Arkansas Warren, Ark. 03–232 Caddo River Lumber Company Rosboro, Ark. Population Community Served at Retail: Forester------------------------------------ 1, 306 03–239 Crossett Lumber Company Crossett, Ark. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Edw. C. Crossett--------------------------- PreS. J. W. Watzek, Jr.----------------------- Vice Pres. B. S. French-------------------------------- Secy L. J. Arnold-------------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $628, 587 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,656 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)-------------- 5, 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 425,480 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1,947,069 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arkansas Power & Light Co. Public Utilities Co. Also Renders: Steam service. 03–243 Dierks Lumber & Coal Company Kansas City, Mo. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: F. H. Dierks--------------------------- Vice PreS. Hugo Schild----------------------------- Engineer The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $505, 410 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $26,816 Number of Electric Customers.------------ Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 5, 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 5,958, 540 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Public Service Co. of Oklahoma Southwestern Gas & Electric Co. 03–276 Republic Mining and Manufac- turing Company 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: L. R. Branting----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $207,206 Electric Operating. Revenues----------------- $4,831 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 262 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total--------------------------------------- 1, 110 Steam------------ -------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion----------------------- 810 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 168, 136 Community Served at Retail: Population Bauxite------------------------------------ 1, 750 Also Renders: Water service. . 03–309 Union Saw Mill Company Huttig, Ark. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: F. H. Wilson------------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: |Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------------- 1,275 Community Served at Retail: Population Huttig------------------------------------- 1, 379 32 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 03–510 *Augusta City Light and Water Plant Augusta, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Official: Olan Rowe---------------------------------- Mgr. Commissioners: H. P. Dale, Walter Jimerson, Ed. McGill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $38,125 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $15, 256 Number of Electric Customers------------ 407 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 565 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 629, 250 Community Served at Retail: Population Augusta--------------------------------- 2, 235 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–521 *Benton Electric Light and Power District No. 1 Benton, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jno. L. Young------------------------------ Supt. Mrs. E. Walton----------- Bookkeeper & Cashier Board of Commissioners: W. J. Cox (secy.), H. W. Finkbeiner, R. M. Slack (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $128,728 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $62,428 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 261 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 1,496 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,056,415 Community Served at Retail: Population Benton------------------------------------- 3, 502 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–532 *Bentonville Light and Water System Bentonville, Ark. Community Served at Retail: Population Bentonville----------- 2, 359 03–543 *Clarksville Consolidated Water & Light District Clarksville, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. W. Thompson---------------------------- Mgr. Water & Light Commission: J. R. Boen, Geo. W. Ladd, A. N. Ragon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $152,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $43,000 Number of Electric Meters--------------- 875 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 943 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,092,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Clarksville - 3, 118 Also Renders: Water service. 03–554 *Conway Corporation Conway, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred Gordy--------------------------------- Mgr. E. V. Loverett------ Supt. Governing Body: G. L. Bachelor (secy.), J. J. Little, F. E. Robins (pres.), S. T. Smith, R. T. Steel. ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $387,254 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $99, 156 Number of Electric Meters--------------- 1,800 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2,070 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 3,318,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Conway------------------------------------ 5,782 03–565 *Forrest City Water & Light Plant Forrest City, Ark. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $390,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $85,786 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,600 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 540 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---- * * - - - - - * * * * - - - * * * = - 3, 441, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Forrest City-------------------------------- 5, 699 Also Renders: Water service. 03–576 *Hope Water and Light Plant Hope, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chas. O. Thomas--------------------------- Mgr. J. D. Brown-------------------------- Chief Engr. Herbert Lewallen----------------- Chief Lineman DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARIKANSAS 33 Municipal Water and Light Committee of City Council: Ched Hall, Syd McMath, F.Y. Trimble. The following data are for the year ended April 12, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $304,989 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $103, 196 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 752 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,500 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,402, 564 Community Served at Retail: Population Hope--------------------------------------- 7,475 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–587 *City Water and Light Plant of the City of Jonesboro 411 Union St., Jonesboro, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Official: Lloyd M. RebSamen Mgr. Board of Directors: T. W. Burgess, J. R. Grigson, J. H. Little, W. L. Mack, R. E. Robertson, W. C. Sloan, W. R. Stuck, M. P. Welsh. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $957, 518 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $221, 373 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,480 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 7, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 8, 611, 060 Communities Served at Retail: Population Jonesboro - - II, 729 Nettleton---------------------------------- 909 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–598 *North Little Rock Electric Department City Hall, 300 Main St., North Little Rock, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. H. Beals * - Engr. City Council Light Committee: A. A. Davis, EI. Garrison (chairman), B. C. Mobley. ...he following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $307, 352 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $344, 970 Number of Electric Cust 5,837 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased_- 10,393,500 Communities Served at Retail: Population °WY-------------------------------------- 1,306 North Little Rock------------------------- 21, 137 03–609 *Osceola Light and Power Plant Osceola, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. L. Glascoe-------------------------- Plant Mgr. Wm. T. Toole------------------------- Office Mgr. 322184—42—8 City Council Light Plant Committee: B. W. Bragg Sam B. Coble, C. W. Watson. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $324, 360 Electric Operating Revertues-------------- $87,442 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1,500 IXilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3,859,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Osceola------------------------------------- 3, 226 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–615 *Paragould Light Plant Commission Paragould, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dan G. Pepper------------------------------ Supt. J. C. Holland------------------------- Chief Engr. Commissioners: J. C. Ford (chairman), R. W. Merriwether, Joe Shelby, L. V. Stedman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $72, 327 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 737 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 30l. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,773,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Paragould------------------------ ------ 7,079 03–620 *Paris Municipal Light Plant Paris, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. S. Dandridge---------------------------- Mayor Dr. I. H. Jewell----- Chairman Light Committee Bland Hamer------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $152, 535 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $62,414 Number of Electric Customers------------ 888 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,050 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 540, 657 Community Served at Retail: Population Paris-------------------- -------------------- 3, 430 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–631 *Piggott Public Improvement District No. 1 Piggott, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. B. Langley-------------------------------- Mgr. E. H. Ballard---------------------- Commissioner Arthur Sneed----------------------- Commissioner E. Williams------------------------ Commissioner 34 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100,065 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $25,462 Number of Electric Customers------------- 525 Kilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion--------------------- 427 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 732,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Piggott - 2,034 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–642 *Prescott Water and Light Plant Prescott, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. P. Hamby Mayor C. A. Wynn - - * - - - - * * * - - - - * * * Supt. City Council: J. D. Cornish, H. B. DeLamar, R. B. Hardey, T. E. Logan, Dan Pittman, J. M. Strip- ling, Homer Ward, Watson White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------- c - - - - - - - - - - - $110, 326 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $42,784 Number of Electric Cust tº 720 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 868 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - 1, 541,664 Community Served at Retail: Population Prescott------------------------------------ 3, 177 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–653 *Siloam Springs Municipal Light Plant Siloam Springs, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. C. Ward Light Plant Committee: J. R. Abercrombie, Robt. Henry, J. Dale Robinson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $136, 100 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $48,235 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,027 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 875 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,916,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Siloam Springs ---- 2,764 Also Renders: Water Service. 03–670 *Light & Water Department City of West Memphis West Memphis, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. C. Baumann----------------------------- Mgr. John P. Wilson.----------------------------- Secy. Light & Water Commission: A. P. Dacus, J. A. Johnson, Bernie McCarley, Toney Peters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $210,000 Number of Electric Customers------------------ 591 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population West Memphis.----------------------------- 3,369 Also Renders: Water service. 03—808 *Arkansas Valley Electric Co- operative Corporation Ozark, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John H. Hobbs------------------------------ PreS. Wallace M. Milton.-------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $452,044 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,279 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,239 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 479,460 Community Served at Retail: Population Rinoxville------------------------------------- 520 03–817 *C & L Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Star City, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. E. Taylor-------------------------------- PreS. Lynn Thomasson.--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135,623 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $12, 242 Number of Electric Customers.------------------ 370 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 100,260 03–823 *Carroll Electric Cooperative Corporation Berryville, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sterlin Hurley------------------------------- PreS. H. N. Renfro----- - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $659,071 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $47,660 Number of Electric Customers.---------------- 1, 940 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 650, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Jasper---------------------------------------- 412 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ARKANSAS 35 03—825 *Clay County Electric Cooperative Corporation Corning, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. A. Scrivner------------------------------- PreS. Willie C. French sm, sº me as ºse m ms mº m sº * * * * * * * Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $303, 259 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $21,813 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 638 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 207, 101 Community Served at Retail: Population Maynard----------------------------------- 266 03—828 *Craighead Electric Cooperative Corporation Jonesboro, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Claude Gregory----------------------------- PreS. T. J. Robertson------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $649,680 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $60,625 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 140 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 685, 316 Community Served at Retail: Population Smithville------------------------------------ 250 03—850 *Farmers Electric Cooperative Corporation Newport, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . B. Huff--------------------------------- Pres Carl Cross---------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $198, 969 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $15,989 Number of Electric Customers------------------ 493 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 295, 240 03–853 *First Electric Cooperative Cor- poration Jacksonville, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. L. Henry-------------------------------- PreS Ben H. Marshall---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,166 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 258 g Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 335, 580 03–905 *Mississippi County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Blytheville, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. Rogers-------------------------------- Pres. H. C. Knappenberger----------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $17,879 Number of Electric Customers------------ 499 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 148,439 03–920 *North Arkansas Electric Coop- erative, Inc. Viola, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clyde Bryant B. D. Chapin------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $164,580 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $5,340 Number of Electric Customers------------ 438 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,902,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Evening Shade------------------------------- 347 Norfork-------------------------------------- 304 03–930 *Ouachita Rural Electric Coop- erative Corporation 206 Van Buren St., Camden, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Alma Fogle--------------------------------- Pres. Wm. Raymond Poole----------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $105, 617 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $5, 220 Number of Electric Customers------------ 287 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 10, 375 03–935 *Ozarks Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation Fayetteville, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Shannon Pharr------------------------------ Pres E. H. Looney------------------------------- M 36 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $311, 57l Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $32,639 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,087 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 441, 540 Communities Served at Retail: Population ane Hill------------------------------------ 250 Elkins---------------------------------------- 250 Hindsville------------------------------------ 250 03–950 *Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation 313% E. Broad St., Texarkana, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W Williams The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $410, 622 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29, 203 Number of Electric Customers------------ 907 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 438, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ben Lomond--------------------------------- 406 Columbus # Doddridge-- 17 Mandeville----------------------------------- 300 VanderWOOrt--------- 416 03–980 *Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation Augusta, Ark. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Snapp--------------------------------- Pres T. E. Bostick------------------------------- Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $452,228 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $9,874 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 222 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 350, 700 CALIFORNIA Index Reference Number *Alameda Bureau of Electricity, Department of Public Utilities------------------------- 04–510 American Potash & Chemical Corporation.-- 04-205 *Anaheim Light and Water Department----- ()4–517 Arrowhead Lake Corporation---------------- 0 *Avalon-Utility Department, City of.-------- *Azusa Light, Power and Water Department. 04–524 0 I *Banning Electrical Department------------- 4–53 Bay Point Light & Power Co----------------- 04–010 *Biggs Municipal Utilities------------------- 04–538 Brown Electric Plant, Alex------------------- 04-022 *Burbank Public Service Department------- 04–545 Qalifornia Electric Power Company-------- Qalifornia Liquidating Company------------ 0 California Oregon Power Company, The - - - - 04–028 California-Pacific Utilities Company-------- 04–030 California Public Service Company---------- Central Mendocino County Power Company 04–037 Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company-l- 04–043 "Colton, City of.---------------------------- 04–552 Coos Bay Lumber Company---------------- 04–232 East, Charles L.----------------------------- *East Bay Municipal Utility District-------- 04–559 *Escondido Mutual Water Company-------- 04–805 Fontana Power Company------------------- 04–058 *Glendale Public Service Department-------- 04–573 *Gridley Municipal Utilities----------------- 04–580 Hammond Redwood Company-------------- 04–243 *Healdsburg Water and Light Plant---------- 04-587 Hercules Powder Company------------------ 04–247 Hobbs Wall Company----------------------- 04–254 *Imperial Irrigation District----------------- 04–590 Imperial Valley Electric Power Co----------- 04—064 Indian Valley Light & Power Co------------ 04–067 Irvine Company, The----------------------- ()4–256 Klamath Water, Light & Power Co--------- 04–070 *Lodi, City of.------------------------------ 04–594 *Lompoc Light and Water Department----- 04–601 *Los Angeles Department of Water and Pow- er, Bureau of Power and Light, City of - - - - 04—608 Lucerne Water, Light and Power Company-- 04–082 McCloud Rſver Lumber Company, The----- 04–259 *Merced Irrigation District ------------------ 04–611 *Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, The---------------------------- 04–610 *Modesto Irrigation District----------------- 04–612 Moore Corporation, Walton N 04–088 *Mountain Empire Electric Cooperative, Inc. 04–900 * Denotes a publicly owned utility. Reference Number Nevada-California Electric Corporation, The 04–100 Northern Light & Power Co----------------- 04–102 Oaks Light & Power Co--------------------- *Owens Valley Light and Power System, City of Los Angeles------------------------ 04–615 Racific Electric Railway Company ---------- 04–260 Pacific Gas and Electric Company---------- 04–109 Pacific Lumber Company, The-------------- 04–261 *Palo Alto, City of -------------------------- 04—622 Partington, J. F----------------------------- 04–112 *Pasadena Municipal Light and Power De- - partment---------------------------------- 04—629 Pickering Lumber Corporation----------. . . 04–265 Pinole Light & Power Company - - - --------- 04–114 *Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative--- 04–928 Point Arena Electric Light & Power CO ------ 04–116 Public Utilities California Corporation------- 04–118 *Redding Electrical Department, The City ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - 04–636 04–267 *Riverside, Electric Light Department, City Of------------------------------------------ 04—643 *Roseville, City of.-------------------------- 04–650 Sacramento River Farms, Ltd.--------------- 04–270 San Diego Gas & Electric Company--------- 04–124 *San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Hetch Hetchy Water Supply, Power and Utilities Engineering Bureau, City and County of—-------------------------------- 04–655 San Gorgonio Electric Corporation----------- 04–130 Santa Catalina Island Company------------- 04–275 *Santa Clara Light and Power Plant --------- 04–657 Sierra City Electric Light Plant-------------- 04–140 Sierra Pacific Power Company--------------- 04–143 Southern California Edison Company, Ltd.—-- 04-149 Southern California Water Company--------- 04–150 *Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation - 04–950 *Truckee Public Utility District - - - - --------- 04–658 *Turlock Irrigation District------------------ 04–659 Turn Back Creek Light & Power Co-------- 04–158 *Ukiah, City of.----------------------------- 04–664 Union Lumber Company-------------------- 04–287 Union Pacific Railroad Company------------ 04–290 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project. 04–665 Utica Power Co., Hobart Estate Co. and Emma Rose operating as ------------------ 04–288 Vallejo Electric Light and Power Company- 04–164 Washington Light & Water Co--------------- 04–258 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company------------ ()4–309 *Yosemite National Park Electric System---- 04–613 CALIFORNIA 04–010 Bay Point Fight & Power O. - Port Chicago, Calif. Principal Officers: W. S. Van Winkle--------------------------- Pres. N. D. Van Winkle--------------------- Vice Pres. E. N. Van Winkle.-------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $108, 345 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $35, 328 Number of Electric Customers----------- 480 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 854,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population yde--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400 Port Chicago-------------------------------- 1, 032 04–022 Alex Brown Electric Plant Walnut Grove, Calif. Principal Officer: John S. Brown------------------- Partner & Mgr. 37 38 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,495 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24, 196 Number of Electric Customers------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 773,760 Community Served at Retail: Population Walnut Grove-------------------------------- 900 04–026 California Electric Power Company ” 3771 8th St.. Riverside, Calif. a Formerly the Nevada-California Electric Cor- ºtion (0.4–100); present name adopted June 20, 1941. See also: Operations reported under Arizona (02–045) and Nevada (27-016). 04–028 The California Oregon Power Company 216 W. Main St., Medford, Oreg. (ºiled by Standard Power & Light Corpora. 1OIl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (California only)----------------------- $1,793, 416 Number of Electric Customers: (California only).---------------------- 7, 970 Communities Served at Retail: Population Castella------------------------------------- 600 Porris-------------------------------------- 863 Dunsmuir---------------------------------- 2, 359 tna---------------------------------------- 456 Fort Jones---------------------------------- 360 Grenada------------------------------------ 250 ilt----------------------------------------- 499 Hornbrook---------------------------------- 365 Wontague---------------------------------- 463 Mount Shasta------------------------------ 1,618 Tulelake------------------------------------ 785 eed--------------------------------------- 3,832 Yreka--------------------------------------- 2,485 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: California Public Service Co. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. See also: Principal report under Oregon (36–023). 04–030 California-Pacific Utilities Company - 400 Financial Center Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. * - * - - - * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. FGW. A. Grens----------------Vice Pres. & Treas. M. E. Sands---------------------------- Vice PreS. J. R. Cady----------------------------- Vice Pres. G. V. Johnson-------------------------- Vice Pres B. M. Love--------------------------------- €C W. E. Hammer---------------------- ASSt. Treas Directors: L. R. Cady, Edw. A. Grens, O. V. Johnson, M. E. Sands, J. A. Ward. Controls: Needles Steam Laundry Co. (laundry and dry cleaning). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,107,306 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.---------------------------------- $320, 205 In California-------------------------- $280,434 Number of Electric Customers: Total---------------------------------- 3,689 In California-------------------------- 3, 601 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal-------------------------------- 1, 110 WOTO--------------------------------- 30 Internal Combustion------------------ 1,080 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Otal------------------------------ 12,414,789 Generated.----------------------- - - - - - - 56, 988 Purchased.----------------------------- 12,357,801 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chester------------------------------------- 526 Needles------------------------------------- 3,624 Susanville---------------------------------- 1, 575 Weaverville--------------------------------- 775 Also Renders: Gas, ice, telephone, and water service in California; and gas service in Oregon. See also: Operations reported under Nevada (27–018). 04–031 California Public Service Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. G. Barnett-------------------------------- PreS. E. E. Cooley--------------------------- Vice Pres. W. D. Harrington sº ºn --Vice Pres. E. M. Sampson---------------------!-------- Secy. N. J. Ambrose------------------------------ Treas. A. E. Fimmel------------------------- Asst. Secy. Parker Lindhardt --------------------- ASSt. Secy. . A. Lehman---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. K. R. Teele-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. F. V. Simpson.----------------------- ASSt. Treas. W. C. MacInnes---------------- Managing Agent Directors: F. G. Barnett, E. E. Cooley, W. H. Duff, F. V. Simpson, M. H. Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----------------------- $998, 256 Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $268, 839 In California--------------------------- $171, 193 Number of Electric Customers: Otal---------------------------------- 4, 455 In California--------------------------- 3,254 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------ 1,712 Hydro------------ --------------------- 640 Internal Combustion------------------ 1,072 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 9,722, 137 Generated.----------------------------- 2, 181,299 Purchased.----------------------------- 7, 540,838 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 39 Communities Served at Retail: Population lturas------------------------------------- 2,090 Caspar-------------------------------------- 407 Cedarville---------------------------------- 390 Fort Bragg---------------------------------- 3,235 Mendocino--------------------------------- 981 Willits *------------------------------------ 1, 625 * Served by Central Mendocino County Power Co. (04–037) prior to Jan. 22, 1941. See also: Operations reported under Oregon (36–029). 04–037 Central Mendocino County Power Company” Willits, Calif. a Entire holdings sold to California Public Service Company (04-031) as of Jan. 22, 1941. Principal Officers: Mrs. Amy Requa Long----------------------- PreS. E. H. Maize--l--- Vice Pres., Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Wm. Wells, Jr.-------------- Secy. & Gen. Counsel Directors: Mrs. Amy Requa Long, Emily Maize, .E. H. Maize, H. B. Muir, Wm. Wells, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $175, 554 Electric Operating Revenues * - * * * * - * - - - - $55, 141 Number of Electric Customers--------- -- 815 * Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 334,615 Community Served at Retail: Population Willits--------- as ~ * * * * * * * * * 1,625 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–043 Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company 225 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. (Controlled by Pacific Public Service Co. through 51.7% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. L. Farrar-------------------------------- PreS R. C. Stoner--------------------------- Vice PreS. J. H. Tuttle.--------------------------- Vice Pres. B. W. Letcher------------------------------ Secy G. J. O'Brien------------------------------ Treas. G. M. Foster-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. A. K. Stevenson----------------------- ASSt. Secy. R. N. Dreiman------ ASSt. Treas. & Gen. Auditor H. C. Judd.--------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: R. K. Davies, H. L. Farrar, G. E. Kennedy, E. G. Lawson, B. W. Letcher, P. H. Patchin, A. S. Russell, R. C. Stoner, J. H. Tuttle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $7, 125,934 Electric Operating Revenues.---------- $1,667,697 Number of Electric Customers--------- 25, 906 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)---------- 990 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9*----------------------------- 79, 533, 733 Generated---------------------------- 4, 162,000 Purchased---------------------------- 75, 371, 733 Communities Served at Retail: Population TOmaS------------------------------------ 250 Ben Lomond------------------------------ 350 Freedom---------------------------------- 900 Gilroy------------------------------------- 3, 615 Hollister----------------------------------- 3,881 Morgan Hill------------------------------- 1,014 San Juan Bautista------------------------- 678 San Martin-------------------------------- 300 Santa Cruz-------------------------------- 16,896 Soquel------------------------------------- 500 Watsonville Junction---------------------- 700 Watsonville------------------------------- 8, 937 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Utilities California Corporation. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 04–052 Charles L. East South Fork, Calif. Principal Officer: Charles L. East---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 220, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pepper Wood-------------------------------- 265 Weott---------------------------------------- 250 Fontana Power Company Sierra Ave., Fontana, Calif. Principal Officers: R. E. Boyle--------------------------------- PreS. M. J. Micalleſ-------------------------- Vice PreS. J. D. McGregor----------------------------- Secy. P. B. Hasbrouck----------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: R. E. Boyle (pres.), Robert Dewar, L. L. Larsen, J. D. McGregor (secy.), M. J. Micallef (vice-pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $426,994 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $42,473 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) ------------ 2,400 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: Total------------------------------ 10, 613, 115 Generated.----------------------------- 10,300,900 Purchased----------------------------- 312, 215 04—064 Imperial Valley Electric Power Co. 148 Maine St., Yuma, Ariz. (Controlled by Arizona Edison Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: Ralph T. Smalley-------------------------- PreS. D. B. McGregor-------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. L. A. Myers----------------- Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: D. B. McGregor, L. A. Myers, Ralph T. Smalley. 40 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- ---- $13,212 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $18,732 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 140 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 467,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fort Yuma----------------------------------- 250 Winterhaven--------------------------------- 300 04–067 Indian Walley Light & Power Co. Greenville, Calif. Partners: Cecil J. McIntyre, Irene R. McIntyre, Renneth D. McIntyre, Doris Scruggs. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $91,034 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $72,264 Number of Electric Customers------------ 498 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 4, 554,000 Community Served at Retail: º Greenville------------------------------------ 04–070 Klamath Water, Light & Power Co. Klamath, Calif. Principal Officer: enry----------------------------- Owner-Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $8,232 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,691 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 131 Kilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion--------------------- 75 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 201,000 | Also Renders: Water Service. 04–082 Lucerne Water, Light and Power Company Lakeport, Calif. 04–088 Walton N. Moore Corporation 310 Sansome St., San Francisco, Calif. 04–100 The Nevada-California Electric Corporation * 3771 Eighth St., Riverside, Calif. a Name changed to California Electric Power Com- pany (04–026) on June 20, 1941. A. B. West---------------------------------- PreS. L. C. Phipps, Jr.-------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. F. O. Dolson--------------------------- Vice Pres. A. G. Gage----------------------------- Vice ProS R. P. Moore---------------------------- Vice PreS E. F. Sanguinetti-------------- Vice Pres. C. C. Ernst----------------------------- Vice PreS J. E. Collins Vice PreS. J. R. Gilbert - - Secy. Directors: Denise Barkalow, G. E. Cranmer, S. N. Hicks, E. S. Kassler, L. C. Phipps, Jr., W. E. łº, M. D. Thatcher, Jan van Houten, A. B. €SL. Controls: * Hydro-Electric Securities Co. (holding company), which controls— Compania de Hielo de Mexicali, S. A. a (ice). Compania de Desarrollo, S. A. a (owns and leases ice plant). Frontier Development Co. (inactive). Mono Power Co. (inactive). Pure Ice Co. (ice), which controls— Productora de Hielo, S. A. a (ice). Cia de Hielo y Refrigercion a (owns and leases ice plant). Southern Sierras Power of Mexico, S. A. a (Sale of electricity). - Interstate Telegraph Co. (telephone & telegraph). New-Cal Electric Securities Co. (holding com- pany), which controls— California Municipal Water Supply Co. Ltd., (inactive). Imperial Cold Storage Co. (cold storage). Silver Lake Power & Irrig. Co. (inactive). The Imperial Ice & Development Co. (ice). a Operates in Mexico. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $44,838, 840 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $4,710,803 In California-------------------------- $4,058,099 Number of Electric Customers otal--------------------------------- 35, 240 In California-------------------------- 32,089 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 52,455 Steam-------------------------------- 9,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 43,320 Internal Combustion----------------- 135 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 419,404, 224 Generated.---------------------------- 240, 364,744 Purchased.---------------------------- 179,039,480 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Brawley----------------------------------- 11, 718 El Centro--------------------------------- 10,017 San Bernardino--------------------------- 43,646 Barstow----------------------------------- 2,000 Bloomington.------------------------------ 4, 282 Blythe------------------------------------ 2, 355 Calexico.----------------------------------- 5,415 Calipatria--------------------------------- 1, 799 Cathedral City---------------------------- 1,000 Coachella---------------------------------- 2, 376 Corona------------------------------------ 8, 764 Elsinore----------------------------------- 1, 552 Fontana----------------------------------- 4, 231 Hemet ----------------------------------- 2,595 Holtville---------------------------------- 1,772 Imperial----------------------------------- 1,493 Indio-------------------------------------- 2, 296 Loma Linda------------------------------- 2,000 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES CALIFORNIA 41 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Mira Loma-------------------------------- 1, 200 Sorºo------------------------------------- 1, 644 Palm Springs------------------------------ 3, 434 Perris------------------------------------- 1,011 Rialto------------------------------------- 1, 770 San Jacinto-------------------------------- 1, 356 Thermal----------------------------------- , 250 Victorville--------------------------------- 3,068 Westmoreland----------------------------- 1,010 250 to 1,000 population - Adelanto---------------------------------- 550 Highgrove.-------------------------------- 900 Idyllwild---------------------------------- 400 Leeviming--------------------------------- 250 Lucerne Valley---------------------------- 600 Moreno----------------------------------- 750 Murrieta---------------------------------- 300 Wiland------------------------------------ 700 Nuevo------------------------------------- 400 Oro Grande------------------------------- 400 Randsburg-------------------------------- 465 Red Mountain ---------------------------- 300 Romoland.-------------------------------- 350 Seeley ------------------------------------- 250 Yermo------------------------------------ 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Imperial Valley Electric Power Co. San Diego Consolidated Gas & Electric Co. Southern California Edison Co., Ltd. Southern California Water Co. Cia de Luz Electric de Mexicali, & A. a Southern Sierras Power of Mexico, S. A. a PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Banning Electrical Dept. *Los Angeles Bureau of Power and Light. *Riverside Light Dept. *U.S. Bureau of Reclamation—Yuma Project *Mineral County Power System. * Operates in Mexico. See also: Operations reported under Arizona (02–096) and Nevada (27–085). 04–102 Northern Light & Power Co. Benbow, Calif. (Controlled by Benbow Hotel Co. Principal Officers: J. E. Benbow ------------------------------- PreS B. W. Benbow------------------------- Vice fºres. Stanley Steindorf--------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,638 Number of Electric Customers------------ 325 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal-------------------------------- 415 Hydro----------------------------------- 250 Internal Combustion-------------------- 165 - PKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 600,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Garberville----------------------------------- 600 04–103 Oaks Light & Power Co. 3470 Wilson Ave., Oakland, Calif. Partnership: E. R. Seaman-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,934 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,732 Number of Electric Customers------------- 166 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 127,040 Community Served at Retail: Population Clearlake Oaks------------------------------- 320 04–109 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 245 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Principal Officers: James B. Black - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres P. M. Downing-- - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. John P. Coghlan - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Asst. to Pres. D. H. Foote---- - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. A. E. Wishon------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. W. G. Vincent--- - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Exec. Engr. R. E. Fisher Vice Pres. Chg. Public Relations and Sales E. W. Hodges------------------------ Comptroller Directors: James B. Black, Allen L. Chickering, John P. Coghlan, W. W. Crocker, P. M. Downing, J. F. Fogarty, D. H. Foote, H. C. Freeman, N. B. Livermore, Chas. K. McIntosh, John D. McKee, C. O. G. Miller, Henry D. Nichols, Silas H. Palmer, A. E. Wishon. Controls: - e Arlington Properties Co., Ltd. (real estate), which Controls: Crystal Lake Co. Ltd. (real estate). San Joaquin Light & Power Corp. (Inactive). Valley Electrical Supply Co. (merchandising). Western Canal Co. (water utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $741, 448, 680 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $78,600,034 Number of Electric Customers-------- 912, 690 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal--------------------------- 1, 203,362 Steam------------------------------ 431,663 Hydro------------------------------ 771,699 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Otal --------------------------- 6,060,394,014 Generated.-------------------------- 4,689,282, 172 Purchased.-------------------------- 565, 574,953 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 309, 204,480 Consigned-------------------------- 493, 605, 600 Other Energy Received.------------ 2,726, 809 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Albany----------------------------------- 11,493 Bakersfield-, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29, 252 Berkeley---------------------------------- 85, 547 Burlingame------------------------------- 15, 940 East Stockton. --------------------------- 11, 250 Eureka----------------------------------- 17,055 Fresno----------------------------------- 60, 685 Merced----------------------------------- 10, 135 Monterey-------------------------------- 10,084 Oakland---------------------------------- 302,163 Redwood City--------------------------- 12,453 Richmond-------------------------------- 23,642 Sacramento------------------------------- 105,958 Salinas----------------------------------- 11, 586 San Francisco. --------------------------- 634, 536 San Jose---------------------------------- 68,457 San Leandro----------------------------- 14,601 San Mateo------------------------------- 19,403 Santa Rosa.------------------------------- 12,605 South Sacramento------------------------ 11, 200 Stockton--------------------------------- 54,714 42 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Alvarado--------------------------------- 1, 200 Los Gatos-------------------------------- 3, 597 A. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, ; Madera--------------- * = * = ~ * * * * * * * = - = - = * * 6,457 TitløCD---------------------------------- 5, 10 Arbuckle--------------------------------- 1,000 Manteca = = = eae -e ss. a = = m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1,981 Arcata 1, 855 Martinez--------------------------------- 7,381 Arroyo Grande--------------------------- 1,000 || Marysville------------------------------- 6,646 Arvin------------------------------------ 2, 200 McFarland------------------------------- 1, 100 Atascadero------------------------------- 1,800 Menlo Park----------------------------- 3, 258 Atherton--------------------------------- 1,908 Merced Falls----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,500 Atwater---------------------------------- 1,235 Millbrae---------------------------------- 3, 100 Auburn---------------------------------- 4,013 Mill Valley------------------------------- 4,847 Avenal----------------------------------- 4,000 Mission San Jose.------------------------- 1, 100 Belmont---------------------------------- 1, 229 Morro------------------------------------ 1, 100 Benicia----------------------------------- 2,419 || Mount Eden.----------------------------- 1, 200 Brentwood------------------------------- 1,600 || Mountain View (Santa Clara County) - - - 3,946 Brisbane--------------------------------- 2, 250 Mountain View (Contra Costa County) -- 1,800 Broderick-------------------------------- 1, 500 Napa------------------------------------- 7,740 Bryte------------------------------------ 1, 500 Nevada City----------------------------- 2,445 Burbank (Santa Clara County)---------- 7,000 | Newark---------------------------------- 1,700 Calistoga--------------------------------- 1, 124 Newman--------------------------------- 1, 214 *W*------------------------------------ 1, 250 iles------------------------------------- 2, 200 Campbell-------------------------------- 2,600 North Palo Alto-------------------------- 2,850 Carmel by the Sea (Carmel) -------------- 2,837 North Sacramento------------------------ 3,053 Castro Valley---------------------------- 4, 500 North Santa Rosa------------------------ 1, 380 Centerville------------------------------- 2,000 Novato----------------------------------- 1, 250 Chico------------------------------------ 9, 287 Oakdale---------------------------------- 2, 592 Chowchilla------------------------------- 1,957 Oakley----------------------------------- 1, 100 Clovis------------------------------------ 1,626 Oildale----------------------------------- 3,500 Coalinga--------------------------------- 5,026 Orland----------------------------------- 1,366 Colma------------------------------------ 1, 700 Oroville---------------------------------- 4,421 Colusa.----------------------------------- 2, 285 Pacific Grove.----------------------------- 6, 249 Concord---------------------------------- 1, 373 Paradise---------------------------------- 3,500 Corcoran--------------------------------- 2,092 Paso Robles------------------------------ 3,045 Corning---------------------------------- 1,472 Patterson--------------------------------- 1, 109 Corte Madera---------------------------- 1,098 Petaluma--------------------------------- 8,034 Crockett--------------------------------- 5, 100 Piedmont-------------------------- - - - - - - 9,866 Daly City-------------------------------- 9, 625 Pismo------------------------------------ 1, 750 Davis------------------------------------ 1,672 Pittsburg--------------------------------- 9, 520 Pecoto----------------------------------- 1,700 Placerville-------------------------------- 3,064 Dinuba----------------------------------- 3, 7 Pleasanton------------------------------- 1,278 Dixon------------------------------------ 1, 108 Quincy----------------------------------- 1,450 Durham---------------------------------- 1,450 Red Bluff-------------------------------- 3,824 East Merced----------------------------- 1,400 Reedley---------------------------------- 3, 170 East Salinas------------------------------ 6, 500 Rio Linda-------------------------------- 1,300 East Vallejo------------------------------ 1,500 Rio Vista------------- -------------------- 1,666 El Cerrito-------------------------------- 6, 137 Ripon------------------------------------ 1,450 El Verano-------------------------------- 1,000 Riverbank------------------------------- 1, 130 Emerald Lake---------------------------- 2,400 Ross-------------------------------------- 1, 751 Emeryville------------------------------- 2, 521 Russel City------------------------------ 1,000 Escºlon---------------------------------- 1, 100 Saint Helena----------------------------- 1, 758 Fairfax----------------------------------- 2, 198 San Andreas------------------------------ 1,050 Fairfield---------------------------------- 1, 312 San Anselmo----------------------------- 5,790 Feather Falls----------------------------- 1,000 San Bruno------------------------------- 6, 519 Fellows----------------------------------- 1, 500 | San Carlos------------------------------- 3, 520 Folsom City------------------------------ 2,000 San Lorenzo------------------------------ 2,000 Ford City-------------------------------- 3,500 San Luis Obispo-------------------------- 8,881 Fortuna---------------------------------- 1, 413 San Pablo-------------------------------- 2,950 Fowler----------------------------------- 1, 531 San Rafael-------------------------------- 8,573 Gardenland------------------------------ 1, 200 Sanger------------------------------------ 4,017 Gonzales--------------------------------- 1, 200 Santa Maria------------------------------ 8, 522 Grass Valley----------------------------- 5,701 Sausalit0--------------------------------- 3, 540 Guadalupe------------------------------- 1,800 Seaside----------------------------------- 3,000 Guerneville------------------------------- 1,000 Sebastopol-------------------------------- 1,856 Gustine---------------------------------- 1, 355 Selina------------------------------------ 3, 667 Håy Ward--------------------------------- 6,736 Shafter----------------------------------- 1, 258 Hillsborough.----------------------------- 2,747 Sonoma---------------------------------- 1, 158 Jone-------------------------------------- 1, 250 Sonora.---------------------------------- 2,257 Irvington--------------------------------- 1, 250 South Bakersfield ------------------------ 4,700 Isleton----------------------------------- 1,837 South Hayward-------------------------- 1,500 Jackson---------------------------------- 2,024 South Oroville---------------------------- 1,700 Jamestown------------------------------- 1,050 South San Francisco---------------------- 6,629 Kensington Park (Alameda Co.) - - - ------ 3,000 South Stockton--------------------------- 1, 550 Kºntfield--------------------------------- 1, 550 | South Taft------------------------------- 4, 500 King City-------------------------------- 1, 768 Sunnyvale-------------------------------- 4, 373 Ringsburg-------------------------------- 1, 504 Sutter Creek----------------------------- 1, 134 Lafayette--------------------------------- 1,000 Taft-------------------------------------- 3,205 Lakeport--------------------------------- 1,490 Tracy------------------------------------ 4,056 Lamont-------- :* -- a- - - - -, * = ** = = ** = * * * * * * * * * * * = 1, 200 | Vacaville --------------------------------- 1,614 Larkspur--------------------------------- 1, 558 Walnut Creek---------------------------- 1,578 Pêmoore---------------------------------- 1,711 | Wasco------------------------------------ 4, 500 Pincoln----------------------------------- 2,044 | Weimar---------------------------------- 1,000 Pive Oak--------------------------------- 1,250 | Willows---------------------------------- 2,215 Livermore-------------------------------- 2,885 | Winters---------------------------------- 1, 133 Lomita Park----------------------------- 1, 350 | Woodland-------------------------------- 6,637 Pos Altos--------------------------------- 1,600 Woodside-------------------------------- 1,050 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 43 40ommunities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: º * 250 to 1,000 population Population s 250 to 1,000 population Population A - - - 300 || Magalia---------------------------------- 250 CaſtlP0------------------------------- 250 | Maricopa--------------------------------- 670 Agnew.----------------------------------- Mariposa--------------------------------- 650 Agua Caliente---------------------------- ; Maxwell---------------------------------- 600 Alleghany-------------------------------- #| Wiśick..........I. 300 Alviso------------------------------------ Mendota.--------------------------------- 800 Anderson--------------------------------- 750 Meridian--------------------------------- 350 Angwin---------------------------------- §| Miłºwn............................. 450 Avila------------------------------------- §| Miria. 550 Bayshore - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - * * * * * * º Mokelumne Hill-------------------------- 450 Bayside--------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Montara---------------------------------- 250 Bayview.--------------------------------- §| Mºjo. III. 500 Belridge--------.--> ---------------------- | Mººn...I.I.I.I.I.I. 350 Belvedere (Marin County)---------------- 457 Nelson - * - - - - 250 Betteravia-------------------------------- #| New stie...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 600 Blue Lake-------------------------------- ; North Richmond------------------------- 700 Bolinas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00 North San Juan-------------------------- 300 Boonville--------------------------------- § | 6.jeń..." "I 600 Boyes Springs---------------------------- § 3.” III 800 Button Willow--------------------------- 350 Öilfields III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 300 Byron------------------------------------ 300 Orange Cove.----------------------------- 450 Calpella---------------------------------- 250 Orcutt------------------------------------ 600 9ambria.--------------------------------- $99 || 3:...I. 500 Camino---------------------------------- 750 Pacheco - - - -e ss sº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Caruthers-------------------------------- 400 Palermo---------------------------------- 300 Castroville------------------------------- § | Parker villa.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 900 Cayucos---------------------------------- 700 Parlier----------------------------------- 776 Clarksburg------------------------------- 400 Pebble Beach----------------------------- 450 Qlearlake Highlands----------------------. 400 Penryn----------------------------------- 300 Cloverdale------------------------------- 809 Pescadero III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 400 Colfax------------------------------------ 794 Pinedale---------------------------------- 400 Columbia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Planada---------------------------------- 750 Cotati------------------------------------ 750 Plymouth-------------------------------- 460 Cottage Grove--------------------------- 750 Pollock Pines----------------------------- 250 Coulterville------------------------------ 300 | Port Costa IIII 750 Courtland-------------------------------- 4% | Portola (Fiumas County).I.I.I.I.I.I. 900 Crannell:-------------------------------- 350 Potter Valley----------------------------- 250 Cunningham - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 450 Princeton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e ºs - - - - - - - - - 300 Cutler------------------------------------ 650 Raymond-------------------------------- 300 Cutten----------------------------------- 450 | Redwood Estates.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 300 Danville--------------------------------- 300 | Richmond Annex III.I.I.I.I.I.III 650 Davenport------------------------------- 500 | Richvalell. III 400 * Rey---------------------------------- 250 | Rio Deli...] 500 Piablo----------------------------------- 300 | Rio Nido...] 250 Diamond Springs------------------------ 600 | Riverdale.] 600 Dos Palos. ------------------------------ 978 || Rocklin] 795 Downieville ------------------------------ 450 | Rohnerville..........] 400 I)utch Flat * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400 Rutherford - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - 250 Elk Grove.------------------------------- 799 || San Miguell...l...] 550 Esparto. ------------ --------------------- % | San Quentin.----------------------------- 250 £Vergreen-------------------------------- 450 Sanitarium------------------------------- 550 Fair Oaks-------------------------------- £30 | Santa Margarita-------------------------- 350 Ferndale--------------------------------- 901 | Saratoga........-------------------------- 800 Fields Landing--------------------------- 27% Shandon.--------------------------------- 600 Firebaugh-------------------------------- 794 | Sharp Park------------------------------- 800 Florin------------------------------------ 399 || Snelling---------------------------------- 500 Forest Knolls------------------------- *- - - *00 | Soledad.---------------------------------- 861 Forestville------------------------------- 430 | Solvang---------------------------------- 900 Fulton---------------------------- - - - - - - - 300 South Palo Alto-------------------------- 580 Galt-------------------------------------- 900 Standard--------------------------------- 300 Georgetown------------------------------ 500 | Stanford University---------------------- 900 Gerber- ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Stinson Beach---------------------------- 250 Geyserville----------------------.]] 800 | Stirling City------------------------------ 650 9raton----------------------------------- 500 | Stratford--------------------------"- - - - - - - 400 Grimes----------------------------------- 300 | Stumpville------------------------------- 400 Half Moon Bay-----------------.] 600 | Suisun City Suisun----------------------- 706 Hammonton-l--------------------------- 200 | Sutter---------------------------------- * = 550 Hopland--------------------------------- 600 | Talmadge-------------------------------- 350 Inverness--------------------------------- 300 | Taylorsville------------------------------ 400 Kerman------------------------.]] 500 Templeton------------------------------- 500 Kettlemen City------------------------. 550 | Tennyson.-------------------------------- 750 Kings Mountain---------------.] 850 Thermalito------------------------------- 900 Knights Landing-------------...] 700 | Thornton--------------------------------- 250 Lagunitas-------------------.]] 450 | Tiburon---------------------------------- 600 *hrop---------------------------------- 275 | Tomales.---------------------------------- 300 Paton----------------------.…... 300 | Tupman----------------------------------- 300 Lawndale (San Mateo County)] 354 | Upper Lake. ------------------------------ 800 Le Grand-l----------------. Tºllllll-l. 400 | Valle Vista ------------------------------- 750 Lincoln Glen--------------...]* - - - 900 || Valley Springs.----------------------------- 450 Livingston----------------------.]] 895 | Vina-. ------------------------------------ 250 Pocke----------------------------------- 600 | Warm Springs. . . . ------------------------- 850 Lockeford------------------------ - - - - - - - - 400 | West Sacramento------------- ------------ 500 Poleta------------------------------------ 300 | West Walnut Grove.----------------------- 300 Poomis----------------------------- - - - - - - 450 | Wheatland-------------------------------- 496 Los Alamos------------------------------ 400 | Wildwood--------------------------------- 550 Lost Hills-------------------------------- 500 | Williams---------------------------------- 814 Lower Lake------------------------------ 850 | Windsor--------------------------- - - - - - - - - 450 44 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Winton-...---------------------------------- 700 Woodacre--------------------------------- 250 Woodbridge------------------------------- 400 Yoo-------------------------------------- 300 Yountville-------------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Bay Point Light and Power Co. Alex Brown Electric Plant. California-Pacific Utilities Co. Central Mendocino County Power Co. Coast Counties Gas and Electric Co. Charles L. East. Indian Valley Light & Power Co. Lucerne Water Light & Power Co. Oaks Light & Power Co. J. F. Partington. Pinole Light & Power Co. Sacramento River Farms Ltd. Sierra Pacific Power Co. Southern California Edison Co. Ltd. Vallejo Electric Light and Power Co., San Francisco Bay Expn. Utica Mining Co. Plj BLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Alameda Municipal Light & Power Dept. *Biggs Municipal Utilities. *Gridley Municipal Utilities. *Healdsburg Water and Light Piant. *City of Lodi. *Lompoc Light & Water Dept. *City of Palo Alto. *Redding Electrical Dept. *City of RoSeville. *Santa Clara Light and Power Plant. *City of Ukiah. *Modesto Irrigation District. *Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative Inc. *Yosemite National Park Service. Also Renders: Bus, gas, Steam, Street railway, and Water Service. 04–112 J. F. Partington 114 So. Eleventh St., San Jose, Calif. Principal Officer: Ellie V. Partington.------------------------ Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,914 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,473 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 79 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 192,760 Community Served at Retail: Population Groveland------------------------------------ 350 04–114 Pinole Light & Power Company Rodeo, Calif. Principal Officers: E. M. Downer, Jr.--------------------------- Pres. H. D. Thornton------------------------ Vice Pres. George A. Dutra--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Edgar A. Hoke------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: E. M. Downer, Jr., George A. Dutra, H. D. Thornton. The following data are for the year 1940: | Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $69,354 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,345 Number of Electric Customers------------ 972 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ I, 216, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pinole-------------------------------------- 934 Rodeo-------------------------------------- 2,021 04--116 Point Arena Electric Light & Power Co. 1162 Bryant St., San Francisco, Calif. Principal Officer: Clyde Henry----------------------- Owner & Mſgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. -------------- - - - - - - - - $37, 716 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,264 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 217 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 190 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 491,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Covelo---------------------------------------- 600 Point Arena---------------------------------- 374 04–118 Public Utilities California Corporation 251 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. (Controlled by Citizens Utilities Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Joseph Chapman---------------------------- PreS. R. J. Andrus--------------------------- Vice Pres. F. J. Keys------------------------------ Vice Pres. H. F. Welch-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. B. Purdum------------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. A. B. Orgain--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: Joseph Chapman, F. J. Keys, J. B. Purdum. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $531,026 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $104,985 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,708 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 1, 825 Steam--------------------------------- 1, 200 Internal combustion-------------------- 625 Energy Available in Year: PKilowatt-hours 'otal------------------------------ 2,629, 163 Generated----------------------------- 1,646,043 Purchased - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 983, 120 Communities Served at Retail: Population Boulder Creek------------------------------ 800 Capitola------------------------------------ 600 Crescent City------------------------------- 1,363 Smith River-------------------------------- 300 Also Renders: Telegraph, telephone, and water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 45 04–124 San Diego Gas & Electric Company 861 Sixth Ave., San Diego, Calif. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corpo- ration.) Principal Officers: W. F. Raber------------------------ Pres. & Mgr. L. M. Klauber-------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations A. E. Holloway------------- Vice Pres. Chg. Sales M. B. Fowler----------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. M. A. Morrison------------------------ Vice PreS. A. L. Chickering--------- Vice PreS. & Asst. Secy. J. A. Cannon-------------------------------- Secy. Directors: Allen L. Chickering, M. B. Fowler, A. E. Holloway, L. M. Klauber, B. W. Lynch, PI. R. Peckham, W. F. Raber. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $29,934, 416 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $6,133,697 Number of Electric Customers---------- 98,009 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 99,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 327, 184,650 Generated---------------------------- 290,946,000 Purchased.---------------------------- 2,304,000 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 33,934,650 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population National City---------------------------- 10, 344 San Diego---- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 203, 341 1,000 to 10,000 population Carlsbad------------------------------------- 2, 348 Chula Vista 5, 138 Coronado----------------------------------- 6, 932 El Cajon 1,471 TSGondido - - 4, 560 Kensington Park (San Diego County) ------ 1,000 La Mesa - - - 3,925 Oceanside----------------------------------- 4,651 San Ysidro 1, 775 Vista--------------------------------------- 1, 810 250 to 1,000 population Alpine-------------------------------------- 450 ardiff-------------------------------------- 540 Pel Mar------------------------------------ 746 Doheny Park------------------------------- 300 Encinitas----------------------------------- 671 Fallbrook - - - – 980 Imperial Beach----------------------------- 570 Julian - - - -- 305 Lakeside------------------------------------ 800 Otay -- - - - * * -- 360 Pala---------- - 280 Ramona------------------------------------ 870 San Clemente------------------------------- 479 San Juan Capistrano------------------------ 500 San Marcos--------------------------------- 315 Santee-------------------------------------- 300 Solana Beach------------------------------- 475 South Laguna------------------------------ 886 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Border Telephone & Light Co. Nevada-California Electric Corp. PTUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Mount Empire Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Gas and steam service. 04–130 San Gorgonio Electric Corporation 640s. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. (Controlled by William R. Staats Co.) Principal Officers: John Earle Jardine-------------- __Pres, . E. Hammond----------------------- Vice Pres Thomas K. Gally--------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. B. Brown ASSt. Secy. Directors: V. J. Crancer, Thomas K. Gally, T. E. Hºmond, John Earle Jardine, Hugh S. Suther- 811C1. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $514,878 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- (a) a Income from electric plant leased to others— $33,635 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro).------------- b 2,250 b Leased to others 04–140 Sierra City Electric Light Plant 795 Santa Ray Ave., Oakland, Calif. Principal Officers: Johanna M. Goff-------------------------- Owner T. Y. Sturtevant--------------------------- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,400 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $1,450 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 55 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) --------------- 34 • Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated--------------------------- 14,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sierra City----------------------------------- 250 04–143 Sierra Pacific Power Company 21 E. First St., Reno, Nev. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues: (California only)------------------------- $209,033 Number of Electric Customers: (California only)------------------------- 1, 766 Communities Served at Retail: Population Loyalton----------------------------------- 925 Portola (San Mateo County) --------------- 1,396 Utility Served at Wholesale: PLJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Truckee Public Utility District. See Also: Operations reported under Nevada (27–146). 04–149 Southern California Edison Company, Ltd. 601 W. Fifth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Principal Officers: Harry J. Bauer------------------------------Pres. William C. Mullendore---------- Exec. Vice PreS. Fred B. Lewis------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Roy V. Reppy--------- Vice Pres, & Gen. Counsel 46 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officers: w Communities Served at Retail: D.M. Trott Vice Pres. 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Will H. Fischer * Exº º Vice Pres. Cudahy 4,000 C. E. Houlston----- Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. ãì. City.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 8. §76 Clifton Peters------------------------------- Šećy. iºno III.I.I.I.I.I.III. 4,573 B. T. Story- ::::Tº jominguez.III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 1, 250 E. R. Davis--------------------- Asst. Gen. Mgr. i. 9,600 Directors: Arch W. Anderson, Harry J. Bauer, Duarte. ---------------------------------- 2,000 Harry A. Buffum, John S. Cravens, John H. El Modeno------------------------------- 1,650 Fisher, A. N. Kemp, F. B. Lewis, A. J. McFad- | El Monte-------------------------------- 4, 746 den, W. C. Mullendore, William B. Munro, El Segundo------------------------------- 3, 738 Charles H. Quinn, R. V. Reppy, D. M. Trott. Etiwanda-------------------------------- 1,002 ge Exeter------------------------------------ 3,883 Controls: * Edison Securities Co. (misc. nonutility invest- | Fillmore---------------------------------- 3, 252 ments). Fontana---------------------------------- # # The following data are for the year 1940: gºve - * * * * * * * * * = - - - as sº ºr * * * * * * * - * * * 5. 909 Electric Utility Plant------------------ $358,648,082 Glendora--------------------------------- 2,822 g g Goleta------------------------------------ 1,380 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $46,393,848 || 3:...ich village.…. 1,000 Number of Electric Customers-------- $29, 510 | Hanford---------------------------------- , 234 & Springs-------------------------- 1, 252 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts #º - * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - sº sm - - - - - - * * 3,263 Total.--------------------------- 778, 100 Hermosa Beach-------------------------- 7, 197 — | _ TI; d--------------------- ----------- - 1,820 Steam---------------------------- .300,000 | #;"… 3, 150 Hydro---------------------------- 409, 100 || Hueneme--------------------------------- ; ; Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Hºrtºn Beach----------------------- 3.000 Total--------------------------- 3, 654, 396,036 | L: Ganada.III 3,444 Generated.-------------------------- 3,590,754 gig | }. H.”… § Purchased-------------------------- 48, 443,238 | I]. vºne III. 3.032 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- “15, 198, 185| figuna Beach.III. A, 460 a Energy reported as borrowed and returned or Lakewood Village------------------------ 1, 500 loaned. #º Park--------------------------- ; º $º a tº $1 e ancaster-------------------------------- y Communities Served at Retail: & Lawndale (I/OS Angeles County) --------- 3, 200 10,000 population or more Population Lennox - 6, 500 Alhambra-------------------------------- 38,935 | Lindsay...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. A.337 Altadena--------------------------------- 23,720 iſoma finda III. 2,000 Bell-------------------------------------- 11, 264 Lomita----------------------------------- 7,052 Bell Gardens----------------------------- 11, 100 | Los Alamitos 1,000 BellfioWer-------------------------------- 12,495 ios Nietos III. 1, 200 Belvedere Gardens-----------...----------- 42,254 | Manhattan Beach.III.I.I.I.I.I. 6, 398 Belvedere Township- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37, 192 McFarland TT.III. 1.000 Beverly Hills----------------------------- 26,823 || Mentºne...III 1,500 Compton--------------------------------- 16, 198 || Michelinda...…---- 2,800 Fullerton--------------------------------- 10, 442 Mojave - 1. 304 Huntington Park.------------------------ 28,648 || Mößbello III 3,616 Inglewood-------------------------------- 30, 114 || Montecito III.I.I.I.I.I. 3, 554 Long Beach------------------------------- 164,271 Monterey Park--------------------------- 8, 531 Lynwood * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - 10, 982 Montrose--------------------------------- y 268 Maywood-------------------------------- 19, 731 || Moorpark...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1,033 ¥onrºvia--------------------------------- 12,807 || Newhali III] 2,000 Ontario--------------------------------- 14, 137 | Newport Beach....]... 4,438 Pomona---------------------------------- 23, 539 Norco 1. 644 Redlands--------------------------------- 14, 324 | Norwalk.III. 5,700 Redondo Beach--------------------------- 13,092 || Ojai III 1.632 San Bernardino--------------------------- 43,346 | Orange III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 7 gol San Gabriel------------------------------- 11,867 || Oxnard III 8,516 Santa Ana-------------------------------- 31,921 | Patton III.I.I.I.I.III. 3.538 Santa Barbara.---------------------------- 34,958 || Pico IIII 3.300 Santa Monica----------------------------- 53, 500 || Piacentia.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1,472 South Gate------------------------------- 26,945 Porterville-------------------------------- 6, 270 South Pasadena--------------------------- 14,356 | Puente 1,812 Ventura (San Buenaventura) ------------- 13,264 || Rialto III 1, 770 West Hollywood-------------------------- 28,000 | Riveral III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 1.0% Whittier---------------------------------- 16, 115| Rosemead III 6,800 1,000 to 10,000 population San Dimas------------------------------- 1,904 Arºadia----------------------------------- 9, 122 San Fernando---------------------------- 9,094 Artesia------------------------------------ 5,000 San Marino------------------------------ 8, 175 Azusa------------------------------------- 5, 209 Santa Anita------------------------------ 3,000 Balboa Island---------------------------- 1,800 | Santa Paula------------------------------ ,986 Baldwin Park---------------------------- 8, 752 | Seal Beach ------------------------------- 1, 553 Beaumont-------------------------------- 2, 208 || Sierra Madre----------------------------- 4, 581 Bloomington------------------------------ , 282 Signal Hill------------------------------- 3, 184 **-------------------------------------- 2, 567 Stanton---------------------------------- 1, 200 Buena Park------------------------------- 2,400 | Strathmore------------------------------- 1,000 Carpinteria------------------------------- 2,300 Sunland---------------------------------- 1,000 Qentral Gardens-------------------------- 1, 200 Tehachapi-------------------------------- 1, 264 Pº?------------------------------------- 4, 204 || Temple City----------------------------- 7,500 City Terrace------------------------------ 7, 500 | Terra Bella------------------------------- 1,317 Claremont-------------------------------- 3,057 | Topanga---------------------------------- 1, 157 Clearwater------------------------------- 3,000 | Torrance--------------------------------- 9,950 Qosta Mesa.------------------------------ 4,800 | Tulare------------------------------------ 8, 259 99Win?----------------------------------- 3,049 | Upland----------------------------------- 6,316 Crestline--------------------------------- 1. 678 | Visalia----------------------------------- ,904 Cucamonga------------------------------ 2, 388 Walnut'Park----------------------------- 9,600 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 47 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population West Covina----------------------------- 1,072 Westminster----------------------------- 1, 250 Willowbrook.----------------------------- 3, 400 Wilmar------------------------* * * * - - - - - - - * 9,000 Woodlake-------------------------------- 1, 146 Yucaipa---------------------------------- 2,000 250 to 1,000 population Population Alta Loma------------------------------- 616 Armona---------------------------------- 600 Atwood---------------------------------- 300 Balboa----------------------------------- 810 Big Creek-------------------------------- 296 Brentwood Park------------------------- 756 Bryn Mawr------------------------------ 300 Calmesa.---------------------------------- 485 Camarillo-------------------------------- 666 Casitas Springs--------------------------- 576 Charter Oak------------------------------ 488 Chatsworth Lake------------------------- 700 Cypress----------------------------------- 800 Del Rosa--------------------------------- 450 Earlinart--------------------------------- 550 East Highlands-------------------------- - 582 El Rio------------------------------------ 516 Gloryetta--------------------------------- 700 Grand Terrace---------------------------- 612 Harbor City------------------------------ 743 Hawaiian Gardens------------------------ 580 Highgrove.-------------------------------- 900 Highway Highlands---------------------- 603 Lake Arrowhead-------------------------- 356 Lake Sherwood--------------------------- 360 Little Rock------------------------------- 264 Meiner Oaks.----------------------------- 633 Midway City----------------------------- 850 Monolith--------------------------------- 275 Montalvo--------------------------------- 300 Mortimer Park--------------------------- 486 Newbury Park--------------------------- 426 Oakview Home Gardens------------------ 726 Olive------------------------------------- 500 Palmdale--------------------------------- 804 iru-------------------------------------- 662 Pixley------------------------------------ 850 Rosamond-------------------------------- 268 Saticoy----------------------------------- 596 Simi-------------------------------------- 430 Simons----------------------------------- 500 Somis------------------------------------- 516 Summerland------------------------------ 746 Sunset Beach----------------------------- 450 Surfside----------------------------------- 400 Thousand Oaks--------------------------- 406 Tipton------------------------------------ 625 Tustin------------------------------------ 953 Twin Peaks------------------------------- 416 Verdugo City----------------------------- 469 Vernon----------------------------------- 850 Walteria.--------------------------------- 536 Wintersburg------------------------------ 950 Wright Wood----------------------------- 300 Yorba Linda------------------------------ 650 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Nevada-California Electric Corporation. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. e San Diego Consolidated Gas & Electric Co. PlUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Anaheim Light & Water Dept. *Azusa Light, Power & Water Dept. *City of Colton. *Los Angeles Bureau of Power & Light. *Riverside Light Dept. 04–150 Southern California Water Company 950 Bendix Bldg., 1206 S. Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. (Controlled by American States Utilities Corporation) Principal Officers: J. B. Whitworth----------------------------- Pres. C. P. Harnish------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. H. V. Anderson------------------------ Vice Pres. W. C. Welmon------------------------------ Secy M. L. Gooding----------------------------- Treas. A. S. Swanson.------------------------ ASSt. Secy. P. F. Walsh-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: H. V. Anderson, C. P. Harnish, Paul Overton, W. C. Welmon, J. B. Whitworth. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $251,446 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $54,908 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 198 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 933, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Big Bear City------------------------------ 250 FawnSkin---------------------------------- 250 Pine Knot---------------------------------- 1,000 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 04–158 Turn Back Creek Light & Power Co. Tuolumne, Calif. Principal Officers: Wm. R. Thorsen---------------------------- Pres. Fred Ellis------------------------------ Vice Pres. Eugene M. Prince--------------------------- Secy. Directors: Fred Ellis, Eugene M. Prince, Wm. R. ThorSen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,202 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,712 Number of Electric Customers------------- 556 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 500, 802 Communities Served at Retail: Population Tuolumne---------------------------------- 1,500 04–164 Vallejo Electric Light and Power Company 415 Virginia St., Vallejo, Calif. Principal Officers: Dr. E. J. Casper---------Pres., Treas., Gen. Mgr. Mattye ROSenberg--------------------- Vice PreS. Irma Casper Silverstein--------------------- Secy. Florence R. Keily---------- Auditor & ASSt. Secy. Directors: Dr. E. J. Casper, John P. Coghlan. Mattye Rosenberg, Irma Casper Silverstein, T. J. Straub. Controls: * tº - Alca Electric Co. (electrical merchandising). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1, 175,803 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $480,452 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9, 218 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17,632,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Vallejo------------------------------------ 20,072 48 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 04–205 American Potash & Chemical Corporation Trona, Calif. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: A. A. Hoffman----------------------- Calif. Mgr. W. W. Lynch------------------- ASSt. Calif. Mgr. J. J. Eason.-------------------- Asst. Calif. Mgr. W. J. Libbey----------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,203, 725 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $15,422 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2 Pólowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------ 16, 2. Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers---- 1, 515, 778 Community Served at Retail: P º - = -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,009 04–210 Arrowhead Lake Corporation Lake Arrowhead, Calif. Official in charge of Electric Operations: Lloyd D. Fitts------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Kilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro).------------------- 250 Also Renders: Water service. 04–230 California Liquidating Company Copperopolis, Calif. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: F. W. H. Beauchamp--------------------- Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------------ $208 Number of Electric Customers---------------- 47 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 3,744 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–232 Coos Bay Lumber Company 351 California St., San Francisco, Calif. See also: Operations reported under Oregon (36–277). 04–243 Hammond Redwood Company Samoa, Calif. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------------- $681 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Samoa---------------------------------------- 600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 04–247 Hercules Powder Company Hercules, Calif. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,166 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Hercules-------------------------------------- 343 04–254 Hobbs Wall Company 2350 Jerrold Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 04–256 The Irvine Company P. O. Box “B”, Tustin, Calif. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $180,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 55 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - - - 262, 650 Community Served at Retail: Population Irvine---------------------------------------- 250 04–258 Washington Light & Water Co. Washington, Calif. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A. Schwartz----------------------------- Manager The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $4,275 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $190 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 9 PKilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------------- 15 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers.---------- 9, 330 Also Renders: Water service. 04–259 The McCloud River Lumber Company McCloud, Calif. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. P. Daveney----------------------- Qffice Mgr P. Heggen.---------------------------- Chief Engr. . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $48,600 Number of Electric Customers------------- 602 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 1, 503. 800 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 3,350,600 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES CALIFORNIA Population 2,392 Community Served at Retail: McCloud----------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: California Oregon Power Co. 04–260 Pacific Electric Railway Company 610 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Calif. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. C. Johnson------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $7,458,993 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $5,769 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 26 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers---- - - - - 417, 673 04–261 The Pacific Lumber Company Scotia, Calif. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: A. Stanwood Murphy------------- ---------- PreS. E. E. Yoder---------------------------- Res. Mgr. Robert Finley------------------------- Chief Elec. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,500 Number of Electric Customers------------- 320 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150 | Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - – - - - - - 185, 960 Community Served at Retail: Population Scotia--------------------------------------- 1, 200 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–265 Pickering Lumber Corporation Standard, Tuolumne Co., Calif. º 04–267 The Red River Lumber Co. Ash & Third Sts., Westwood, Calif. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- - - $93,007 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1,363 Community Served at Retail: Population Westwood-------- -------------------------- 5, 337 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: California-Pacific Utilities Co. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 04–270 Sacramento River Farms, Ltd. Port Hueneme, Ventura County, Calif. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: G. E. Harlan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. 322184——42——9 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $12, 118 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $2,046 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - 139 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--- 238,432 Community Served at Retail: Population Hamilton City-------------------------------- 410 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–275 Santa Catalina Island Company Box B-2, Avalon, Calif. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. H. Slaugh--------------------------- Vice-Pres. M. J. Renton------------------------------- €C W. J. Scott----------------------------- Controller The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $144, 766 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52, 170 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------ 1, 718 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 2,086, 380 Also Renders: Gas and water Services. 04–287 Union Lumber Company Fort Bragg, Calif. Principal Officers: Otis R. Johnson----------------------------- PreS. C. Russell Johnson--------------------- Vice PreS. M. D. Gray- - Vice Pres. in Charge of Production Edward L. Green.----Vice Pres. in Charge of Sales A. I. Hermann----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Charles A. Strong------... - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. Carl D. Phillips---------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: M. D. Gray, Edward L. Green, A. I. Hermann, Otis R. Johnson, James R. Lowe. Charles A. Strong. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22,419 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: California P11 hlid Service CO, 04–288 Hobart Estate Company and Emma Rose, Operating as Utica Power Company 1508 Balfour Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Principal Officers: * H. G. Stevenson - - - ------------------------- Secy. E. S. McCurdy------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - -- *- - - - - - - - - - - - $1, 201,084 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $167, 567 Number of Electric Customers----------- 994 50 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 3, 650 Hydro-------------------------------------- 2,900 Internal Combustion -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 750 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 20, 739, 650 Generated.---------------------------- 19, 263,890 Purchased---------------------------- 1,475,760 Communities Served at Retail: Population AltaVille-------------------------------------- 320 Angels (Angels Camp)---------------------- 1, 163 Murphy-------------------------------------- 768 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 04–290 Union Pacific Railroad Company 1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Nebr. See also: Principal report under Nevada (27-360) and operations reported under Utah (43–230). 04–309 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Tacoma, Wash. See Also: Operations reported under Washington (46–388) and Oregon (36-398). 04–510 *Alameda Bureau of Electricity, Department of Public Utilities 2440 Santa Clara Ave. Alameda, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: WIm. R. P Glen A. Baxter------------------------------ Secy. Public Utilities Board: W. J. BranScheid (presi- dent), John M. O'Dea, Charles M. Romanowitz, Charles R. Schwanenberg. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,502,203 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $736,012 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12, 287 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 40, 744, 780 Community Served at Retail: Population Alameda * * * * = as sº s sº sº º sº sº º sº ºs m. * * * * * * * * * 36,256 04–517 *Anaheim Light and Water Department 518 S. Los Angeles St., Anaheim, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: V. W. Hannum------ Supt. Light and Water Department Board: Leo J. Sheri- *as Van Wagoner (chairman), F. A. Yung- uth. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $489,205 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $236,537 Number of Electric Customers.-----...------ 4, 205 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 9,724; 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Anaheim----------------------------------- 11,031 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–522 *City of Avalon-Utility Depart- ment (Operated by Santa Cata- lina Island Co. Under an Agency Contract) Box B-2. Avalon, Calif. Principal Agency Officials: W. J. Scott.-------...-- - - - - - - - - ----------COIntroller F. R. Pollok. ----. . . . . . . ... --------- City Bs. Mgr. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $35, 403 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $85,756 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,086 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,047,039 Community Served at Retail: Population Avalon------------------------------------- 1,637 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 04–524 *Azusa Light, Power and Water Department City Hall, Azusa, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: V. D. Smith--------------------------------- Supt. City Council: Roy Arnold, P. C. Bradshaw, Harry Jumper, Walter Malone, V. A. Owens. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $172,891 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $82, 165 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 539 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,743,476 Community Served at Retail: Population Azusa--------------------------------------- 5, 209 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–531. *Banning Electrical Department 161 W. Ramsey St., Banning, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Mary M. Hill.------------------------------ Mgr. Raymond J. Trudeau------------------ Asst. Mgr. Otis Cothran--------------------- City Electrician City Council: R. N. Berlin, C. K. Deweese (mayor), A. F. Guerth, D. L. Ridgeway, G. T. Woodworth. . The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $192,014 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 51 Electric operating Revenues-------------- $83,522 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 248 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 527, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Banning------------------------------------ 3,874 04–538 *Biggs Municipal Utilities Biggs, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. J. Stohr--------------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: W. L. Dennis, J. T. Jory, F. M. Persons, F. H. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $9,947 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 200 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 398,640 Community Served at Retail: Population iggs----------------------------------------- 547 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–545 *Burbank Public Service Department 174 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. McCambridge---------------- General Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $2,572,426 $954, 728 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12, 616 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 63,663,378 Community Served at Retail: Population Burbank------------------------------- 34, 337 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–552 *City of Colton City Hall, Colton, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: Pzra E. West------------------------------- Supt. City Council Light Committee: C. S. Bull, W. R. Newell, C. C. Watson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $132,470 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $126,687 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,931 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 5,379,839 Community Served at Retail: Population Colton-------------------------------------- 9,686 Also Renders: Water service. 04–559 *East Bay Municipal Utility District 512 16th St., Oakland, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John S. LOngwell-------- Chief Engr. & Gen. Mgr. T. P. Wittschen------------------------- Attorney John H. Kimball---------------- Accountant-Secy. Daniel Read - - - Treas. IDirectors: James N. Eschen, Albert Eſill, Grant D. Miller, Geo. C. Pardee, Frank W. Wentworth. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $762, 181 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $307, 185 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity: (Hydro)---------- 15,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 81,904, 264 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 04–573 *Glendale Public Service Department 119 N. Glendale Ave., Glendale, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. Ingham-------------------------- City Mgr. A. H. Haak----------------------- City Controller P. Diederich--------------- Supt. of Public Service G. D. Hastings---------------- Commercial Agent Councilmen: Joseph F. Baudino, K. S. Chase, Wm. J. GOSS, L. E. Olson, A., L. Walters. The following data are for the year ended June 30, - 40: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $7, 180,448 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $1,566, 581 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 29, 185 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 81, 621,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Glendale ---------------------------------- 82,582 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Burbank Public Service Dept. Also Renders: Water service. 04–580 *Gridley Municipal Utilities City Hall. Gridley, Calif. - - - sº * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - - s = m - - Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $98,624 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $56, 147 Number of Electric Customers----------- 856 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,911, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Gridley------------------------------------- 2, 338 Also Renders: Water Service. 52 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 04–587 *Healdsburg Municipal Light and Water Plant Healdsburg, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: Archer B. Stuart---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $77, 338 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $63,411 Number of Electric Customers. - - - - ------ 1,020 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,055, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Healdsburg--------------------------------- 2,507 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–590 *Imperial Irrigation District Imperial, Calif. Pºp! º Utility Officials: . J. Dowd-------------- Chief Engr., Gen. Supt. R. H. Maddux--------------------- Business Mgr. W. A. McFadden--------------- Assessor-Collector W. W. Goodson----------------------------- ecy. Miss Anna T. McManus------------------- Treas. Harry W. Horton.----------------------- Attorney Directors: W. J. Gregg, Evan T. Hewes, Charles H. Morrow, Mark Rose, W. E. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $5,910, 765 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $708, 449 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - 9, 440 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Otal------------------------------------ 26, 400 Hydro------------------------------------- 14,400 Internal Combustion ------------------ 12,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 37, 531, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brawley----------------------------------- 11, 718 Calexico----------------------------------- , 415 Calipatria--------------------------------- 1, 799 Centro--------------------------------- 10,017 Holtville---------------------------------- 1,772 Imperial----------------------------------- 1,493 Niland------------------------------------ 70 Seeley------------------------------------- 250 Westmoreland----------------------------- 1,010 04–594 *City of Lodi Lodi, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jno. A. Henning---------------------------- Supt. City Council: Clifford Bull, Mel Graffigna, Wm. Riggs, Geo. M. Steele (mayor), O. A. Weihe. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 1: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $315,094 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $233, 919 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3, 771 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------- - - - - 11, 201, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Lodi--------------------------------------- 11,079 Also Renders: Water Service. 04–601 *Lompoc Light and Water Department 118 N. “H” St., Lompoc, Calif. Principal Electric Utilities Official: E. A. Vaughan------------------------------ Mſgr. City Council: H. A. Betaque, Ray Jacobs, M. K Lewis, H. T. Reed, Dr. J. L. Talbott. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $137,697 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $60,515 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - 1, 166 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 182,258 Community Served at Retail: Population Lompoc.------------------------------------ 3, 379 Also Renders: Water service. 04—608 *City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Bureau of Power and Light 207 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. F. Scattergood -- Chief Elec. Engr. & Gen. Mgr. H. C. Gardett, Asst. Chief Elec. Engr. & Gen. Mgr. Clyde Errett----------------------------- Auditor Jas. P. Vroman----------------------------- Secy. Board of Water and Power Commissioners: James B. Agnew, W. R. Fawcett, Wm. B. Himrod, (ºn D. Howell (vice pres.), Watt L. Moreland preS.). º following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues--------- $211, 629,840 $30, 152, 242 Number of Electric Customers------- 496, 001 Generating Capacity: Ailowatts otal--------------------------- 256, 460 Steam------------------------------ 137,055 Hydro------------------------------ 119, 405 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------- 1,841,025,029 Generated.-------------------------- 1, 756, 495, 480 Purchased.-------------------------- 66, 487, 253 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 18,042, 296 Community Served at Retail: Population Los Angeles---------------------------- 1, 504, 277 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Nevada-California Electric Corporation. Southern California Edison Co., Ltd. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Burbank Public Service Dept. DIRECTORY 53 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 04–610 *The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 306 W. Third St., Los Angeles, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank E. Weymouth.-Gen. Mgr. & Chief Engr. Julian Hinds-------------------.ASSt. Chief Engr. Directors: W. W. Butler, W. M. Cook, O. J. Emme, S. H. Finley (secy.), P. H. Greer, E. P. Hapgood, Walter Humphreys, Joseph Jensen, S. G. Mc- Clure, Herman Nelson, J. L. Norwood, D. W. Pontius, J. H. Ramboz, J. R. Richards, C. T. Rippy, V. H. Rosetti, Arthur Taylor, Franklin º (vice chairman), W. P. Whitsett (chair- IIla Il). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $18,118, 189 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $455, 205 Number of Electric Customers--------- 2 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------- 188,021, 326 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Salt R. V. W. Users Association. *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, Parker Project. Also Renders: Water Service. 04–611 *Merced Irrigation District Merced, Calif. Board of Directors: D. K. Barnell (pres.), E. B. Maze, W. H. Robinson, J. A. Wolf, E. B. Wood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $21,631, 748 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $574,984 Number of Electric Customers. -------- 1 Rilovolt-amperes Generating Capacity (Hydro).---------- 31, 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 127, 774, 120 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 04–612 *Modesto Irrigation District 823 11th Street, Modesto, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. E. Bither----------- Secy. & Assessor-Collector - Treas. Lennis Webber-----------------------AASSt. Secy. Vernon F. 9ant---------------------------- Atty. • ?:-- Cecil---------------------- Irrigation Engr. C. E. Plummer------ - - - - - - - - - - - Chief Elec. Engr. L. D. Simpson --------------------------- Auditor Directors: J. L. Ebie, E. R. Hawke, M. L. Kidd, L. D. Thompson, Gerrit Veneman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------______ $3,844, 119 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $855,973 Number of Electric Customers_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11,964 Generating Capacity: Rilowatt & Otal------------------------------ 35, 592 Steam--------------------------------- 1,000 Hydro--------------------------------- a b 24, 592 * Jointly owned as follows: Modesto. Irrigation District 31.54%; Turlock Irrigation District 68.46%. b At 80% power factor. Rilowatt-hours * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 57, 317, 253 Generated.----------------------------- 50, 545, 078 Purchased.----------------------------- 6, 772, 175 Communities Served at Retail: Population Empire----------------------------------- 1, 544 Modest0---------------------------------- 16, 379 Salida------------------------------------ 1, 357 Waterford-------------------------------- 2, 459 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (interchange). Also Renders: Water Service. 04–613 *Yosemite National Park Electric System Yosemite National Park, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank A. Kittredge------------------------ Supt. John B. WOSky------------------------ Asst. Supt. Elton M. Hilton------------------------- ---Engr. Joseph Jenkins----------------------- Chief Elect. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $565,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $50,022 Number of Electric Customers----------- 18 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------- 2,080 Hydro---------------------------------- 2,000 Internal Combustion------------------- 80 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 9, 264,487 Generated------------------------------ 7,874, 550 Purchased.------------------------------ 1,389, 937 Utility Served at Wholesale: , PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Also Renders: Telephone and water Service. 04–615 *Owens Valley Light and Power System, City of Los Angeles 207 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. F. Scattergood Chief Elec. Engr. & Gen. Mgr. (Bureau of Power and Light). H. A. Van Norman Chief Engr. & Gen. Mgr. (Bureau of Water \ Works and Supply). Clyde Errett ------------------------------Auditor Jas. P. Vroman------------------------------ Secy. Board of Water and Power Commissioners: J. B. Agnew, W. R. Fawcett, Wm. B. Himrod, F. D. Howell (vice pres.), Watt L. Moreland (pres.). lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,857, 128 54 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Electric Operating Revenues------------ $115, 201 Number of Electric Customers---------- 641 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 10,670 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours * - - - * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * 42,036, 281 Generated----------------------------- 33, 870, 944 Purchased----------------------------- 6,809, 971 Interchanged in (gross)----------------- 1, 355, 366 Communities Served at Retail: Population Big Pine-------------------------------------- 440 Bishop-------------------------------------- 1,490 Independence-------------------------------- 576 Lone Pine------------------------------------ 937 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Nevada-California Electric Corporation. Also Renders: Water Service. 04—622 *City of Palo Alto City Hall, Palo Alto, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. Harold Anderson------------------- City Engr. Arthur G. James-------------- Deputy City Engr. Board of Public Works: R. O. Bolman, O. A. Com- per, Samuel B. Morris. gº." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $842,939 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $344,091 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 6, 584 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 15, 176,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Palo Alto---------------------------------- 16,774 04—629 *Pasadena Municipal Light and Power Department Room 302, City Hall, 100 N. Garfield Ave., Pasadena, - Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. W. Koiner--------------------------- City Mgr. Gen. Mgr. 10." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10,585, 035 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $1,672, 411 Number of Electric Customers--------- 32,861 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------------- 50,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 93, 448, 539 Generated---------------------------- 15,809, 739 Purchased.---------------------------- 77,638,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Pasadena---------------------------------- 81, 864 04–636 *The City of Redding Electrical Department Corner of Market and Shasta Sts., Redding, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: Elbert E. Dick------------------------------ City Council: Alfred E. Frazier, August H. Gron- woldt, Cecil V. Hill, Wm. B. Manzel (mayor), Carl A. Williams. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $263,668 Electric Operating Revenues----...---------- $292, 382 Number of Electric Customers------------- 3, 132 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 15, 247,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Redding------------------------------------ 8, 109 04—643 *City of Riverside, Electric Light Department 3854 Mulberry St., Riverside, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. L. Boulden------------------------------ Supt. Board of Public Utilities: W. C. Evans (pres. & mayor), Ernest G. Button (commissioner), Harry S. Hammond (commissioner), Arthur S. Holden (commissioner), J. Norman Irving (commissioner), G. Albert Mills (secy. & city clerk). lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 0: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,006, 781 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $707,612 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12, 192 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 32,445,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Riverside---------------------------------- 34,696 04—650 *City of Roseville 320 Vernon St., Roseville, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Riley------------------- Supt. Public Works G. P. Lee------------------------------ Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $161,685 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $119,833 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,636 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4, 820, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Roseville------------------------------------ 6,653 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CALIFORNIA 55 04—655 *City and County of San Francisco, Public Utilities Commission, Hetch Hetchy. Water Supply, Power and Utilities Engineering Bureau 425 Mason St., San Francisco, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Angelo J. Rossi---------------------------- Mayor E. G. Cahill---------------------- Mgr. of Utilities L. T. McAfee Mgr. & Chief Engr. (Electric Power Bureau) John J. Sharon-------------------- Secy. of Comm. Public Utilities Commission: L. F. Byington (pres.), 6;eorge Filmer (vice pres.), J. H. McCallum, J. P. McLaughlin. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------ Number of Electric Customers---------- $12,385, 001 $2,412,423 56 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 72, 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------- 528, 564, 600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Municipal railway and water Service. 04—657 *Santa Clara Light and Power Plant 999 Franklin St., Santa Clara, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: James I. Dixon----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: James R. Bacigalupi, S. E. Cup- ples, Frank Paiva, Linton A. Stebbins, Clarence A. Castro (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - $45,283 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $136, 802 Number of Electric Customers------- - - - - 2, 243 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 408,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Santa Clara.------------------------------- 6, 650 04—658 *Truckee Public Utility District Truckee, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. Edmunds-------------------------------- Mgr. Board of Directors: C. E. Smith (chairman), B. Tonini, W. F. Wilkie. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $39,060 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $26, 134 Number of Electric Customers------------- 367 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 831, 120 Population 720 Community Served at Retail: Truckee------------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. 04–659 *Turlock Irrigation District 117 West Main St., Turlock, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. V. Meikle------------------------- Chief Engr. J. C. Harp---------------------------- ASSt. Engr. L. H. Parker-------------------------- Elec. Engr. H. M. Wallin------------------------- Elec. Supt. J. F. McCoy----------------------- Secy.-Auditor Thomas C. Boone----------------------- Attorney J. A. Clipper------------------- Assessor-Collector Directors: C. N. Ahlem, W. F. Commons, John W. Mºabe, E. O. McCombs (pres.), D. C. Thorn- )erg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,979, 597 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $837, 415 Number of Electric Customers--------- 8, 451 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (Hydro) --------- a 27, 323 a Includes 24, 592 kw capacity jointly owned as follows: Turlock Irrigation District, 68.46%; Modesto Irrigation District, 31.54%. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 126,883, 604 Generated.---------------------------- 126,874,004 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 9, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population ©res--------------------------------------- 1,332 Delhi--------------------------------------- 1, 240 Denair-------------------------------------- 485 Hughson------------------------------------ 555 Irwin--------------------------------------- 278 Turlock------------------------------------- 4, 839 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Modesto Irrigation District. 04–664 *City of Ukiah City Hall, South School St., Ukiah, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. M. Hopper------------------- City Elec. Supt. A. L. Harris.----------------- Council Dept. Head L. H. Moore---------------- ---------- Office Mgr. City Council: J. L. Charlton, L. H. Foster, A. L. Harris (mayor), Paul W. Poulos, F. M. Wilson. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $121,838 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $93, 985 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,458 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 5,400,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Ukiah-------------------------------------- 3,731 Also Renders: Gas and Water Service. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 04—665 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project - Yuma, Ariz. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. B. Elliott-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $374,636 Electric Operating Revenues: al----------------------------------- $40,968 In California--------------------------- $23,236 Number of Electric Customers: otal----------------------------------- 19 In California--------------------------- 7 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 2,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 8,868, 154 Generated------------------------------ 8, 866, 554 Purchased 1, 600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Nevada-California Electric Corporation. See also: Operations reported under Arizona (02–535). 04–805 *Escondido Mutual Water Company 227 E. Grand Ave., Escondido, Calif. Principal Officers: B. C. Wohlford------------------------------ Pres. W. W. Prior--------------- 1St Vice PreS. & Treas. Walter G. ROSS--------------------- 2nd Vice Pres. E. H. Guyer----------------------- Secy. & Supt. Directors: John M. Cranston, L. R. Green, Matzen, C. S. Palmeter, W. W. Prior, Walter ROSS, B. C. Wohlford. Tºllowing data are for the year ended Feb. N. G. y Electric Utility Plant----------------- - - $173,570 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $67,885 Number of Electric Customers----------- 898 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 950 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 6,317,890 Generated----------------------------- 5, 299, 140 Purchased.----------------------------- 1,018, 750 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: San Diego Consolidated Gas & Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 04–900 *Mountain Empire Electric Co- operative, Inc. Campo, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Fowble-------------------------------- PreS. L. N. Miller-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $96,030 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,014 Number of Electric Customers--- - - -------- 310 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 37, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Jacumba ---------------------------------- 500 04—928 *Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative 11 California St., Portola, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. J. Bony--------------------------------- PreS. E. J. Shelley-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $326,340 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $35,616 Number of Electric Customers------------- 548 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 684,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Blairsden-------------------------------------- 262 04–950 *Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation Alturas, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. O. Ward--------------------------------- Pres. Jesse M. Grigsby---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $673, 281 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $56,692 Number of Electric Customers------------- 778 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 857 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,495, 790 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Bidwell 264. COLORADO Index Reference Number Arvada Electric Company, The ------------- Baldon & Sons, C. H. *Bonanza Electric Light System ------------- *Burlington Municipal Light, Power and Water System.---------------------------- 05–518 Calumet Fuel Company, The --------------- 05–220 Carbondale Light & Power Company, The - 05–016 Colorado Central Power Company---------- 05–022 Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, The_-- 05–223 Colorado Portland Cement Co-------------- 05–229 *Colorado Springs, Dept. of Public Utilities, City of. -------------------------- - - - - - - - - 05–525 Colorado Utilities Corporation.------ - - - - - - - - 05–028 Commonwealth Utilities Corporation - - - - - - 05–031 *Creede Electric Service & Supply Depart- ment, City of.-------------. . . . .----------- 05–532 * Crested Butte Light and Water Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 5–539 "Crook Municipal Plant, Town of ---------- 05–546 *Dacono, Town of *Delta, City of ------------------------------ *Delta-Montrose Rural Power Lines As- Sociation---------------------------------- 05–815 du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I.----------- 05–234 Eagle River Electric Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Eckley, Town of - - - - - - - ------------------- *Empire Electric Association, Inc.----------- 05–820 *Erie Municipal Lighting System - - - - - - - - - - - 05–567 Evergreen Public Service Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–037 *Flagler Municipal Power Plant------------- 05–581 *Fleming Municipal Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–58S *Fort Collins Light and Power Department- 05–592 *Fort Morgan, The City of 05– *Fountain Light Department--------------- *Frederick Municipal Electric Department-- 05–609 Glenwood Light and Water Co., The-------- 05–043 *Granada Light, Power & Water Plant------ 05–616 Grand County Light, Heat & Power Co----- 05–046 Grand Lake Light Company---------------- 05–047 *Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc.------ 05–830 *Gunnison, Town of...----------------------- 05–630 *Haswell Light Plant------------------------ *Haxtun Light & Power Department-------- Highland Utilities Company- - - - - - - - -------- *Highline Electric Association -------------- 05–837 *Holyoke Municipal Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 05–651 Home Gas and Electric Company, The ----- 05–055 Inland Utilities Company, The-------------- 05–058 *Intermountain Rural Flectric Assn. -- - - - - - - Reference Number *Julesburg Municipal Light, Water, Power & Ice Plant-------------------------------- 05–658 Kim Light and Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–060 Kit Carson Light and Power Company------ 05–059 Kremmling Light and Power Company----- 05–061 *La Junta Municipal Utilities -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–662 Lake Garage and Light Company- - - - - - - - - - - 05–062 *Lamar Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–665 *La Plata Electric Association, Inc - - - - - - - - - - 05–855 La Veta Light, Heat & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - 05–064 *Longmont, City of ------------------------- 05–672 *Loveland Electrical Department - - - - - - - - - - - 05–679 *Lyons Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–686 * Meeker, Town of - - - - - - - ---------------- __ ()5–693 *Morgan County Rural Electric ASSI) - - - - - - - 05–863 Mountain Utilities Corporation, The_------- 05–070 New Light & Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–073 *Oak Creek Municipal Light System-------- 05–700 Orchard Power, Light, Water & Gas Co----- 05–076 Pine River Power Co------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05–082 Plateau Valley Light & Power Co., The -- - - 05–085 *Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Inc.------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5–877 Public Service Company of Colorado-------- 05–088 *Redlands Water & Power Co--------------- 05–885 *San Isabel Electric Association, Inc.- - - - - - - - 05–888 *San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, () COLORADO 05–010 The Arvada Electric Company 1046 Gas & Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: W. C. Sterne-------------------------------- Pres. Chas. S. Sterne --------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. Harry Adler-------------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Harry Adler, Chas. S. Sterne, W. C. Sterne. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-...------------------- $267, 752 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $102,483 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,980 * Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 629,000 Inc.--------------------------------------- 5–890 San Miguel Light & Power Co- - ------------ 05–098 *San Miguel Power Association, Inc.--------- 05–892 Silverton Electric Light Co------------------ 05–100 *Southeast Colorado Power Association.----- 05–898 Southern Colorado Power Company - - - - - - - - 05–103 Trinidad Electric Transmission Railway and Gas Company, The ----------------------- 05–109 *Union Rural Electric Association, Inc. - - - - - 05–915 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado-Big Thompson Project----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 704 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Kendrick Project------------------------------------ 05–705 Utah Fuel Company------------------------ 05–259 Victor-American Fuel Co., The -------------- 05–260 *Walden Municipal Light Plant------------- 05–707 Western Colorado Power Company, The---- 05–112 Western Public Service Company, The------ 05–115 *Wray, Town of.---------------------------- 05–714 *Yuma, Town of ---------------------------- 05–721 * Denotes a publicly owned utility. Communities Served at Retail: Population Arvada------------------------------------- 1,482 Westminster-------------------------------- 534 05–011 C. H. Baldon & Sons Briggsdale, Colo. Community Served at Retail: Population Briggsdale------------------------------------ 250 05–016 The Carbondale Light & Power Company Carbondale, Colo. Principal Officers: Mrs. S. D. Tichenor------------------------- PreS. Mrs. A. M. de Beque---------------- Secy.-Treas. 57 58 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: Mrs. A. M. de Beque, Mrs. S. D. Tich- €In Or. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $7, 295 Number of Electric Customers. . ------- - - - - 137 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 93, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Carbondale----------------------------------- 437 05–022 Colorado Central Power Company 1215 Washington Ave., Golden, Colo. (Controlled by Crescent Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) - Principal Officers: F. W. Woodcock---------------------------- PreS. J. W. Cryder--------------------------- Vice PreS. C. C. Baker---------------------------- Vice PreS. T. M. Hauer------------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. N. Earll---------- Asst. Secy. and Asst. Treas. Directors: Worth Allen, C. C. Baker, A. W. Con- over, J. W. Cryder, R. W. Rea, W. W. Turner, F. W. Woodcock. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,693, 172 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $587,385 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 9, 104 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 18, 892, 408 Communities Served at Retail: Population Englewood---------------------------------- 9,680 Fort Lupton-------------------------------- 1,692 Golden--------------- - 3, 175 Hudson------------------------------------- 295 Johnstown------------ 961 Keenesburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 284 Littleton-------------- 2, 244 Milliken-------------- 531 Platteville-- 561 Sheridan 712 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Commonwealth Utilities Corporation. Evergreen Public Service Co. 05–028 Colorado Utilities Corporation Steamboat Springs, Colo. (Controlled by Commonwealth Power Co.) Principal Officers: Douglas Graham---------------------------- PreS. S. A. Graham-------------------------- Vice Pres. : , , - - - - -- ~~~ x >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. Phillip F. Hawley------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Douglas Graham, S. A. Graham, P. F. Hawley, Roy P. Hofstetter, L. J. Knauf. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,051, 128 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $156, 577 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 755 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2, 750 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------- 5, 248,390 Communities Served at Retail: Population 'raig--------------------------------------- 2, 123 Hayden------------------------------------- 640 Steamboat Springs-------------------------- 1,613 8DD pa------------------------------------- 426 05–031 Commonwealth Utilities Corporation Steamboat Springs, Colo. (Controlled by Commonwealth Power Co.) Principal Officers: - Douglas Graham---------------------------- Pres. I. W. Durfee---------------------------- Vice PreS. Roy P. Hofstetter-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: I. W. Durfee, Douglas Graham, S. A. Graham, Roy P. Hofstetter, L. J. Knauf. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . $676, 317 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $123, 545 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,934 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion -- . . . . - - - - - - - - - - 806 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,667,610 Generated.------------------------------ 944, 800 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 722,810 Communities Served at Retail: Population kron-------------------------------------- 1, 417 Calhan------------------------------------- 352 Castle Rock-------------------------------- 580 imon-------------------------------------- 1,053 Otis---------------------------------------- 498 Simla--------------------------------------- 421. 05–034 Eagle River Electric Co. Steamboat Springs, Colo. (Controlled by Commonwealth Power Co.) Principal Officers: Douglas Graham -------. ... ------------------ PreS. Roy P. Hofstetter--------------------------- Secy. S. A. Graham------------------------------ Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $83,632 Electric Operating Revenues. -------------- $19,526 Number of Electric Customers------------- 313 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Otal--------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 375 YOTO------------------------------------ 113 Internal Combustion--------------------- 262. Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 514,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Eagle----------------------------------------- 518 05–037 Evergreen Public Service Co. Evergreen, Colo. Principal Officer: C. S. Smith-------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: DIRECTORY 59 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-COLORADO Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $94, 671 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $34, 318 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 862 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 470, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Evergreen.------------------------------------ 483 Kittredge------------------------------------- 350 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–043 The Glenwood Light and Water Co. 818 Grand Ave., Glenwood Springs, Colo. Principal Officers: K. A. Lucas-------------------------------- Pres. W. G. McDonald---------------------- Vice Pres. F. W. Kaiser------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Fred G. Benedeck, C. H. Darrow, F. W. Kaiser, K. A. Lucas, C. R. McCarthy, W. G. McDonald, George P. Weireck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - ------------------ $200, 846 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $67,767 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,030 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 222 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,001, 450 Generated------------------------------ 1, 516,010 Purchased.------------------------------ 485, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Glenwood Springs-------------------------- 2, 253 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Co. of Colo. 05–046 Grand County Light, Heat & Power Co. Granby, Colo. Principal Officers: C. H. Carr---------------------------------- PreS. S. W. Shames-------------------------- Vice PreS. Secy.-Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Directors: E. W. Baker, C. H. Carr, S. W. Shames. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,660 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $23,440 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 320 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 321,024 Community Served at Retail: Population Granby---------------------------------- 251 05–047 Grand Lake Light Company Grand Lake, Colo. 05–052 Highland Utilities Company 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. (Controlled by North Continent Utilities Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. A. Baehr--------------------------------- Pres. A. C. Winters----------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. F. R. Foster---------------------------- Vice PreS. Wm. B. Baehr------------------------------ Secy. G. I. Aiken--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. - * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Asst. Secy. ASSt. Treas. Directors: W. A. Baehr, Wm. B. Baehr, A. W. Childs, E. R. Foster, A. C. WinterS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,205,844 Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $142, 360 In Colorado---------------------------- $123,098 Number of Electric Customers: otal---------------------------------- 2.317 In Colorado---------------------------- 1,942 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 939 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours as sº * - - - as - - - - - - - - tº sº º - - - sº * - - - s = - - 2,792, 704 Generated----------------------------- 1,436,002 Purchased --- 1,356, 702 Communities Served at Retail: Population Corte?-------------------------------------- 1,778 Dolores - 804 Pads.-------------------------------------- 700 Mancos ---- - - - - 748 Pritchett--------- 495 Springfield --- 1,082 Walsh - 406 Also Renders: Ice and water service in Colorado; and ice Service in Kansas. See also: Operations reported under Kansas (15- 075). 05–055 The Home Gas and Electric Company 810–12 Ninth St., Greeley, Colo. (Controlled by Reconstruction Finance Corporation through 96% of voting power.) Principal Officers: D. C. Tinker--------------------------------Pres. A. L. Mullergren----------------------- Vice Pres. B. A. Mattingly---------------------- Vice-Pres. E. H. Freter-------------------------------- Secy. J. A. Hartigan------------------------------ Treas. J. W. Felten--------------------------- ASSt. Secy Directors: Charles H. Albers, Craig Q. Black, M. O. Hoel, B. A. Mattingly, F. M. Murchison, M. L. Standish, D. C. Tinker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,105,980 $692, 667 Number of Electric Customers. --------- 8,475 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 27,902, 530 Electric Operating Revenues------------ 60 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Ault--------------------------------------- 761 Eaton------------------------------------- 1,322 Evans------------------------------------- 792 Gilcrest ----------------------------------- 352 Greeley------------------------------------ 15,995 Kersey------------------------------------ 268 LaSalle------------------------------------ 755 Pierce------------------------------------- 343 05–058 The Inland Utilities Company 710 Commercial National Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. (Controlled by Fairbanks Morse & Co. through 96.55% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Colorado only) ------------------------- $105,096 Number of Electric Customers: (Colorado only) --- 1,622 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arriba---------------------------------------- 286 Byers -------- -- 300 Cheyenne Wells------------------------------ 695 Deer Trail------------------------------------ 387 Holly - * * 864 Hugo -- 852 Stratton-------------------------------------- 623 See also: Principal report under Kansas (15-084); § operations reported under New Mexico (30– 61), 05–059 Kit Carson Light and Power Company Kit Carson, Colo. Cornmunity Served at Retail: Population Kit Carson--------------------------------- 333 * 05–060 Kim Light and Power Company Kim, Colo. 05–061 Kremmling Light and Power Company Kremmling, Colo. Principal Officer: Geo. W. Payne----------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Directors: A. C. Esmoil, Andrew Johnson, G. W. Payne. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $29,662 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,350 Number of Electric Customers------------- 182 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Total------------------------------------- 100 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9081----------------------------------- 175,044 Generated.-------------------------------- 119,453 Purchased.-------------------------------- 55, 591 Community Served at Retail: Population Kremmling------------------------------- 567 05–062 Lake Garage and Light Company Lake City, Colo. 05–064 La Weta Light, Heat & Power Co. La Weta, Colo. Principal Officers: O. W. Beamer------------------------------- PreS. M. M. Webster----------------------------- Secy. C. C. Webster---------------------- Treas. & Mgr. Directors: O. W. Beamer, C. C. Webster, M. M. Webster. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $17,934 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,088 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 276 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 237, 840 Community Served at Retail: Population La Veta--------------------------------------- 897 05–070 The Mountain Utilities Corporation Colorado Springs, Colo. Principal Officers: - E. Jack----------------------------------- PreS. F. McDonough, Jr.------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. M. M. Jack-------------------------------- Treas. Dºctors: B. E. Jack, M. M. Jack, F. McDonough, I. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $76,024 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 308 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 2, 670 Hydro----------------------------------- 2, 550 Internal Combustion-------------------- 120 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 818, 853 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 385, 403 Purchased.------------------------------- 433, 450 Communities Served at Retail: Population Spen---------------------------------------- 777 Buena Vista---------------------------------- 779 Elbert---------------------------------------- 325 Elizabeth------------------------------------- 275 Palmer Lake--------------------------------- 269 Woodland Park------------------------------ 372 05–073 New Light & Power Co. P. O. Box 728, Pagosa Springs, Colo. Principal Officers: Eva M. Olson------------------------------ Owner A. W. Olson--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $39,987 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $18,377 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 230 DIRECTORY 61 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-COLORADO otal--------------------------------- 275 Steam------------------------------------ 125 ydro------------------------------------ 150 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 300,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pagosa Springs------------------------------ 1, 591 05–076 Orchard Power, Light, Gas Co. Orchard, Colo. Principal Officers: Water & Wm. Kennish---------------------- - - - - - - - - - Pres. Chaney Fox--------------------------------- Mgr. Bernice L. Fox-------------- .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $4,578 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,699 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 36 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------------ 20,000 Energy Generated.------------------------- 6, 500 Energy Purchased.------------------------- 13, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Orchard----------------------------------- 350 05–082 Pine River Power Co. Bayfield, Colo. Principal Officers: W. L. Soens------------ ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. C. A. Soens----------------------------- Vice PreS. Directors: H. T. Ambold, C. A. Soens, W. L. Soens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $64,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,553 Number of Electric Customers- ------------ 269 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 225 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 412,433 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bayfield-------------------------------------- 372 Ignacio--------------------------------------- 555 05–085 The Plateau Valley Light & Power Co. Electric Building, Grand Junction, Colo. Principal Officers: Amore Raso--------------------------------- PreS. Vern Anderson------------------------- Vice Pres Scott W. Heckman------------------- Secy.-Treas Directors: Vern Anderson, Scott W. Heckman, Amore RaSO. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $8,925 Number of Electric Customers------------- 179 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Collbran-------------------------------------- 301 05–088 Public Service Company of Colorado 900 15th St., Denver, Colo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: Guy W. Faller - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. B. Buck------------- Vice Pres. & Coml. Mgr. R. E. Burger--------------------------- Vice Pres. Dale B. CarSon--------- Vice PreS. & Asst. Treas. J. E. Loiseau -------------------- Vice Pres.-Secy. ROSS E. Phillips---------------------------- Treas. D. G. Guiney------------------------- ASSt. Secy. O. L. Mackell------------------------- Asst. Secy. W. A. Reef---------------------------- Asst. Secy. W. D. Virtue-------------------------- Asst. Secy. C. B. Wedum-------------------------ASSt. Secy. O. A. Weller------------------------- ASSt. Treas. C. G. Henderson.--------------------.ASSt. Treas. Directors: G. B. Buck, R. E. Burger, Dale B. Carson, John Connell, Guy W. Faller, Frank S. Henderson, Paul W. Lee, H. Hugh Lenhart, J. E. Loiseau, O. L. Mackell, F. F. McCam- mon, Donald C. McCreery, H. R. McKeen, F. T. Parks, Ross E. Phillips, Charles A. Rump, Wm. E. Russell, Frank E. Shephard, Thomas B. Stearns, W. C. Sterne, W. D. Virtue. Controls: - The Arvada Electric Co. (electric utility). Cheyenne Light, Fuel & Power Co. (electric, gas & Steam heat utility). Colorado-Wyoming Gas Co. (natural gas). The East Boulder Ditch Co. (irrigation and water for Steam plant). The Eastern Colorado Power & Irrigation Co. (inactive electric utility). The Hillcrest Ditch and Reservoir Co. (irrigation and water for Steam plant). The United Hydro Electric Co. (inactive electric utility), which controls— Green and Clear Lakes Co. (inactive, water for power). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $82,522, 121 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $11,711, 206 Number of Electric Customers-------- 139, 988 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---------------------------- 156,882 Steam------------------------------- 112,025 WCITO------------------------------- 42, 375 Internal Combustion---------------- 2,482 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal --------------------------- 545, 767, 674 Generated.--------------------------- 514,904, 221 Purchased.--------------------------- 30, 863,453 Communities Served at Retail: º 10,000 population or more Population Boulder---------------------------------- 12, 958 Denver----------------------------------- 322,412 Grand Junction-------------------------- 12, 479 1,000 to 10,000 population Alamosa---------------------------------- 5, 613 Antonito--------------------------------- 1, 220 *urora-------------------------- * * * = * * * * * 3,437 62 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Brighton--------------------------------- 4,029 Prush------------------------------------ 2, 481 Center----------------------------------- 1, 515 Del Norte-------------------------------- 1,923 Edgewater------------------------------- 1,648 Fruita------------------------------------ 1,466 Idaho Springs. --------------------------- 2, 112 Lafayette--------------------------------- 2,052 Leadville -------------------------------- , 774 Louisville ------------------------------- 2,023 Manassa--------------------------------- 1,008 Monte Vista------------------------------ 3, 208 itle------------------------------------- 1, 373 Saguache--------------------------------- 1, 219 Salida------------------------------------ 4, 969 Sterling---------------------------------- 7,411 Windsor---------------------------------- 1,811 250 to 1,000 population Alma------------------------------------- 469 Berthoud.-------------------------------- 811 Black Hawk----------------------------- 289 Blanca----------------------------------- 407 Breckenridge----------------------------- 381 Central City----------------------------- 706 Debeque--------------------------------- 280 Estes Park------------------------------- 994 Fairplay--------------------------------- 739 Firestone--------------------------------- 262 Georgetown------------------------------ 391 Iliff-------------------------------------- 322 La Jara.----------------------------------- 897 Merino----------------------------------- 259 Minturn--------------------------------- 596 Mountain View.-------------------------- 711 Nederland-------------------------------- 384 New Castle------------------------------ 484 Vid------------------------------------- 687 Palisade---------------------------------- 855 Red Cliff--------------------------------- 715 Romeo----------------------------------- 392 Sanford---------------------------------- 736 Sedgwick--------------------------------- 373 Siſt--------------------------------------- 359 Wellington.------------------------------- 465 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Arvada Electric Co. The Carbondale Light & Power Co. Colorado Central Power Co. The Glenwood Light and Water Co. Grand County Light, Heat & Power Co. The Home Gas and Electric Co. The Inland Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bonanza Electric Light System. *Town of Dacon0. *Erie Municipal Lighting System. *Frederick Municipal Electrical Department. *Inter Mountain Rural Electric ASSn. *Loveland Electrical Department. *Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc. *Morgan County Rural Electrification Author- ity. *Redlands Water & Power Co. * º Luis Valley Rural Electrical Cooperative, DC. *Union Rural Electric ASSn. *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Also Renders: Bus, gas (manufactured and natural), ice, and steam heating service. 05–098 San Miguel Light & Power Co. P. O. Box 175, Norwood, Colo. Principal Officer: R. i. Nightingale------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,413 Number of Electric Customers------------- 95 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion-------...------------- 110 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 5,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Norwood-------------------------------------- 412 05–100 Silverton Electric Light Co.” Silverton, Colo. a Operates plant owned by Town of Silverton. Principal Officer: L. W. Parcell------------------------------ Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,958 Number of Electric Customers------------- 420 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 432,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Silverton--------------------------------- 1, 127 05–103 Southern Colorado Power Company Pueblo, Colo. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corpora- tion.) Principal Officers: N Clark---------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. M. G. Lord-------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations G. W. Milliken.-------- Vice Pres. Chg. Sales W. J. Benning---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. M. H. Morrison------------------------ Vice PreS. R. M. Miller-------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. J. Madden---------------------- ASSt. Secy. P. A. Lehmkuhl-------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: W. J. Benning, W. N. Clark, M. G. Lord, G. W. Milliken, L. C. Moore, Robert Moos, J. W. Preston. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15,601, 195 Electric Operating Revenues. ---------- $2,208, 974 Number of Electric Customers--------- 27, 281 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal----------------------------- 25,048 Steam-------------------------------- 23, 548 Hydro-------------------------"------- 1,500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 85,914, 310 Generated.---------------------------- 83,703,310 Purchased.---------------------------- 2, 211,000 Communities Served at Retail: e 10,000 population or more: Population Pueblo------------------------------------ 52, 162 1,000 to 10,000 population: Canon City------------------------------- 6,690 Cripple Creek---------------------------- 2, 358 Florence---------------------------------- 2,632 Ordway --------------------------------- 1, 150 Rocky Ford------------------------------ 3, 494 South Canon----------------------------- 1, 729 Victor------------------------------------ 1,784 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-COLORADo 63 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Coal Creek-------------------------------- 261 Crowley----------------------------------- 318 East Canon-------------------------------- 699 Fowler------------------------------------ 922 Fruitmere--------------------------------- 250 Lincoln Park------------------------------ 738 Manzanola-------------------------------- 531 North La Junta---------------------------- 800 Qlney Springs----------------------------- 260 Penrose------------------------------------ 413 Rockvale---------------------------------- 575 Silver Cliff-------------------------------- 309 Sugar City - - 565 ink------------------------------------- 374 Westcliffe---------------------------------- 429 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Western Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Southeast Colorado Power ASSn. Also Renders: Street railway Service. 05–109 The Trinidad Electric Transmis- sion Railway and Gas Company 229–231 W. Main St., Trinidad. Colo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: K. W. Kissick------------------------------- PreS. C. H. Nichols-------------------- First Vice-Pres. H. A. Person--------------------------- Vice Pres. M. M. Fisher------------...-------------- Treasurer C. J. Hewitt-------------------------------- Secy. A. R. Cresto ----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. E. Johnson - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: R. T. Armstrong, M. M. Fisher, W. H. Harrison, C. J. Hewitt, W. E. Johnson, K. W. Kissick, C. H. Nichols. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $6,463, 891 Electric Operating Revenues: otal---------------------------------- $593,020 In Colorado--------------------------- $540, 620 Number of Electric Customers: otal---------------------------------- 6, 280 In Colorado--------------------------- 6, 278 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------ - - - - - - a 17, 500 * At 80% power factor. Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------- 24, 549, 337 Generated----------------------------- 12,491,097 Purchased----------------------------- 12,058,240 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aguilar------------------------------------- 1, 397 Hoehne------------------------------------- 320 Jansen-------------------------------------- 503 Segundo------------------------------------ 664 Soprº-------------------------------------- 932 Starkville----------------------------------- 477 Trinidad---------------------------------- 13, 223 Walsenburg-------------------------------- 5, 855 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: La Veta Light, Heat & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. See Also: Operations reported under New Mexico (30–173). 05–112 The Western Colorado Power Company - Durango, Colo. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation) Pººl Officers: Gadsby------------------------------- Pres. J. A. Hale------------------------------ Vice Pres. J. A. Clay------------------------------- Vice Pres. Geo. B. Thomas--------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. R. H. Jones------------------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. W. C. Allen------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. M. W. Thomas---------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. F. R. Thomassen---------------------- ASSt. Secy. J. A. Bullock--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: W. C. Allen, R. H. Ashworth, J. A. Bullock, J. A. Clay, George R. Corey, G. M. Gadsby, J. A. Hale, R. H. Jones, Geo. B. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - $8,726,017 Electric Operating Revenues. ----------- $747,033 Number of Electric Customers---------- 7, 262 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------ 11,860 Steam--------------------------------- 2, 128 Hydro--------------------------------- 9, 732 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 42, 773,481 Communities Served at Retail: Population Animas City-------------------------------- 712 Cedaredge---------------------------------- 556 Durango------------------------------------ 5,887 Hotchkiss---------------------------------- 653 Montrose---------------------------------- 4, 764 Olathe-------------------------------------- 705 Orchard City------------------------------- 865 Ulſay------------------------------------- - 951 Paonia-------------------------------------- 1, 117 Rico---------------------------------------- 388 Ridgway--------------------------------- 354 Telluride----------------------------------- 1, 337 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Highland Utilities Co. L. W. Parcell, lessee. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Delta-Montrose Rural Power Lines Assn. *San Miguel Power Assn., Inc. 05–115 The Western Public Service Company 18th & Broadway, Scottsbluff, Nebr. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 100% of common Stock voting power and 83.29% of preferred stock voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Colorado only)-------------------------- $95,265 Number of Electric Customers: (Colorado only)--------------------------- 1,067 Community Served at Retail: Population Las Animas--------------------------------- 3, 232 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Southern Colorado Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Nebraska (26-156), and operations reported under South Dakota (40–170), and Wyoming (49–087). 64 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 05–220 The Calumet Fuel Company Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Community Served at Retail: Population Delcarbon------------------------------------ 405 05–223 The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation Pueblo, Colo. The following data are for the year 1940: Ičilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 30, 700 See Also: Operations reported under Wyoming (49–253). 05–229 Colorado Portland Cement Co. Denver National Bldg., Denver, Colo. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: . J. F. Kaufman----------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam). ---------------- 1, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Portland-------------------------------------- 377 - 05–234 E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington, Del. See Also: Principal report under Washington (46—234). 05–259 Utah Fuel Company Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Population 402 Community Served at Retail: Somerset-------------------------------------- See Also: Principal report under Utah (43–235). 05–260 The Victor-American Fuel Co. Ernest & Cranmer Bldg., Denver, Colo. Community Served at Retail: Population Delagua. -- - - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 422 05–511 *Bonanza Electric Light System Bonanza, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: William J. Costello. I-----------------------Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------- Number of Electric Customers--------------- 27 05—518 *Burlington Municipal Light, Power and Water System Burlington, Colo. Managing Board: Geo. Clark, H. W. Gleason, W. H. Jacobs (mayor), O. H. Kukuk, C. F. Lang- endoerfer, Wm. Sell, Wm. Yersin. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------- - - - - $29,861 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - 359 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 504 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 741, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Burlington---------------------------------- 1, 280 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–525 *City of Colorado Springs, Dept. of Public Utilities 18–20 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George G. Birdsall--- Mayor & Pres. of Council. E. I. Mosley-City Mgr. & Mgr. of Public Utilities S. McFarland------...-Dept. Auditor & Office Mgr. F. H. Wiley-------------------------- Elect. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,076, 335 Electric Operating Revenues--------- - - - $777,927 Number of Electric Customers---------- 15, 421 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------- 16,000 Steam-------------------------------- 10,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 6,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 33, 139, 870 Communities Served at Retail: Population Colorado Springs-------------------------- 36,789 Manitou Springs-------------------------- 1, 462 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Commonwealth Utilities Corporation. The Mountain Utilities Corporation. PUBLICI,Y OWNED UTILITY: *Fountain Light Dept. Also Renders: Natural gas and water Service. 05–532 *City of Creede Electric Service & Supply Department Creede, Colo. Community Served at Retail: Population Creede------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 670 05–539 *Crested Butte Light and Water Department Crested Butte, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: - Joseph Yoklavich--------------------------- Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-COLORADO Town Council: Matt Malensik, Jr., James Snyder, Jr. The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $11,297 Number of Electric Customers. - - - - - - - - 309 Generating Capacity: Ailowatts Total------------------------------ 150 Steam - - - - - - - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 Hydro-------------------------------- 75 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated. ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 113,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Crested Butte------------------------------ 1, 145 Also Renders: Water service. 05–546 *Town of Crook Municipal Plant Crook, Colo. 05–553 *Town of Dacono Dacono, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: James Mickle, Jr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,498 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 83 Community Served at Retail: Population Dacon0--------------------------------------- 296 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–555 *City of Delta Delta, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd A. Hinton -- Commissioner of Waterworks, Sewers & Lighting. John T. Crawley - Commissioner of Public Affairs J. Welland Jeffers Commissioner of Finance. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $256, 172 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $72, 467 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1,059 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 100 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 245, 050 Community Served at Retail: Population Delta--------------------------------------- 3, 717 05–560 *Town of Eckley - Eckley, Colo. Community Served at Retail: Population Eckley----------------------------------------- 358 822184–42–10 05–567 *Erie Municipal Lighting System Erie. Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles J. Elzi------------------------------ Mayor Light Committee: Thomas Gillies, Frank Kolar, Jr., Francis A. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10,938 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $7,785. Number of Electric Customers-------------- 251 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 192,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Brie---------------------------------------- 1, 019 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–581 *Flagler Municipal Power Plant Flagler, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. C. Miller--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 182 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 158 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 228,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Flagler---------------------------------------- 506 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–588 *Fleming Municipal Plant Fleming, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. L. Morris------------------------------- Mayor Hugh Boyd--------------------------------- Supt. Town Board: E. J. Davis, J. W. Helmer (chairman), R. L. Rowan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,690 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 118 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion. -------------------- 92 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 75, 550 Community Served at Retail: P º Fleming-------------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 66 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 05–592 *Fort Collins Light and Power Department 117 N. College Ave., Fort Collins, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray R. Mathews---------------------------- Mayor Earl Douglass------------------- Com. Of Finance S. W. Riddell---------------------- Com, of Works G. H. Palmes--------------------------- City Mgr. Miles F. House------------------------ City Clerk H. D. Henry------------------------------ Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -, ----------------- $959, 823 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $261,073 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 131 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 7,520,990 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Collins. ------------------------------ 12, 251 05–595 *The City of Fort Morgan City Hall, Fort Morgan, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Howard Hutchinson.------------------------ Supt. Board of Aldermen: James H. Cochran, S. J. Lamoreaux (mayor), M. L. McGirr, O. H. MC- Grew, H. T. Patterson, Robert Rasmussen, H. W. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $646. ()67 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $141,082 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 820 Kilowatts 4,000 Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 261, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population . Fort Morgan-------------------------------- 4, 884 05–602 *Fountain Light Department Fountain, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. R. Morris------------------------------ Mayor A. M. Sayers------------------------- TOW n Clerk H. F. Peak . . . . . . . . Chairman Light Committee L. R. Templeton---------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,357 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 201 FKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 258, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Fountain------------------------------------- 571 Also Renders: Water service. 05–609 *Frederick Municipal Electric Department Frederick, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: I. W. Thompson---------------------------- Clerk Town Board: Rolla Buryi, Chester Di Paolo, J. L. Dunmire (mayor), Tr. F. H. McCabef, Pete Salvi, Tom Sarmo, I. W. Thompsonfi. tfchairman of Water and Light Committee. tMember Water and Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - -------- $6,417 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 178 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 98, 299 Community Served at Retail: Population Frederick------------------------------------- 652 Also Renders: Water service. 05–616 *Granada Light, Power & Water Plant Granada. Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jerome Clark. - ... ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clerk Light and Water Committee: G. M. Coffey, W. A. McCall, Clark Tuck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,404 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 82 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as - - 76, 620 Community Served at Retail: Population Granada-------------------------------------- 342 Also Renders: Water service. 05–630 *Town of Gunnison - Gunnison, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. E. Keenan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - City Mgr. M. M. Seraphine. ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Treas. Board of Trustees: Floyd Alleni, J. R. Blackstacki, C. W. Cowan, Kenneth Grove, C. R. Walker (mayor), Milton Zugelderf. f Member of Light and Water Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----------- - - - - - - - - $197,010 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $62, 964 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 750 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 550 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 637, 582 Community Served at Retail: Population Gunnison--------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 177 Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-COLORADO 67 05–637 *Haswell Light Plant Haswell, Colo. 05–644 *Haxtun Light & Power Department Haxtun, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. L. Jones--------------------- Light Plant Supt. Board of Trustees: A. M. Almstedt, W. L. Bainford, E. M. Harrell, Guy B. Hire, R. L. Scott (mayor), Leonard Sharpe, L. E. Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $79,074 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,327 342 - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Number of Electric Customers Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion --------------------- 340 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated. ------------------------- 495,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Haxtun--------------------------------------- 985 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–651 *Holyoke Municipal Power Plant Holyoke, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Henry T. Gassert--- Supt. Plant Committee: Fred R. Peterson, C. H. Schmidt. The following data are for the yearſ 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $227, 168 $27,974 440 Rilowatts Number of Electric Customers Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion a865 * As of Apr. 30, 1941. Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 159, 510 Community Served at Retail: Population Holyoke------------------------------------ 1, 150 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Highline Electric Association. Also Renders: Water service. 05–658 *Julesburg Municipal Light, Water, Power & Ice Plant Julesburg, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. H. Thompson- - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ Mayor M. A. Rogers------------------------------- Clerk B. H. A chenbach______ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - * * * * * * *- * * Treas. G. P. Tschabrun---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $201, 351 $41, 352 599 Number of Electric Customers Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 695 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 1, 242, 496 Community Served at Retail: Population Julesburg----------------------------------- 1,619 Utility Served at Wholesale: PU BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Sedgwick County Rural Electric Association. Also Renders: Ice and Water service. 05–662 *La Junta Municipal Utilities La Junta, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry G. Klein---------------------------- Mayor Walter H. Goodhue-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. City Council Power Board: H. B. McCluskey, H. G. Nafe, T. F. Pound, W. A. Schertz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $488, 813 Electric Operating Revenues. ------- - - - - - - a $109,010 a 9}3 months. Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 109 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 814 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------ - - - - - - 3, 652, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population La Junta------------------------------------ 7,040 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–665 *Lamar Light and Power Plant 106 W. Elm St., Lamar, Colo. Board of Aldermen: R. L. Christy (mayor), F. V. Cook, W. R. Henry, J. C. Johnston, J. S. Loutzen- hizer, O. I. Morris, C. C. Reese. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $992,570 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $160, 623 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,029 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 7, 315,600 Communities Served at Retail: Population aſſlaſ-------------------------------------- 4, 445 Wiley-------------------------------------- 413 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Inland Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Granada Light, Power & Water Plant. *Southeast Colorado Power Ass’n. 05–672 *City of Longmont Longmont, Colo. Board of Aldermen: Joseph Bley, F. W. DeVoe, * C. A. Gunning, Ray Lanyon (mayor), G. F. McPhillips, W. P. Milligan, F. C. Wiggins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $687, 299 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $160, 209 Number of Electric Customers 3,036 68 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal-------------------------------- 2, 290 Hydro----------------------------------- 400 Internal Combustion-------------------- 1,890 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6,367,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Longmont-------------------------* - - - - - - - - - 7,406 05–679 *Loveland Electrical Department Loveland, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ray Smith Board of Aldermen: G. Burke, W. J. Evans, F. Green, W. M. Harvey, R. Hull, W. F. Jones, E. Simcoe, George Van Schoiack (mayor), L. Williamson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $629,840 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $112,535 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,330 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 1,500 Hydro------------ ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900 Internal Combustion------------------- 600 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 341, 790 Generated------------------------------ 4, 105, 290 Purchased------------------------------ 36,500 Community Served at Retail: Population Loveland------------------------------------ 6, 145 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Co. of Colorado. 05–686 *Lyons Electric Department Lyons, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sherman Bohn Electrician Claude Stevens----------------------------- Clerk Electric Committee: O. L. Dever, Fred Engel (chairman), Maurice Little. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,600 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 240 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 222,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lyons---------------------------------------- 654 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–693 *Town of Meeker Meeker, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. S. Coulter------------------------------ Mº The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $24,992. Number of Electric Customers-------------- 345 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal--------------------------------- 575 Steam------------------------------------ 375 Hydro------------------------------------ 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 415, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population 1,399 Meeker------------------------------------- 05–700 *Oak Creek Municipal Light System Oak Creek, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George Steele------------------------------ Mayor Ernest Todd-------------------------- Town Mgr. Bernard Burrowes--------------------------- Treas. Trustees: Jess Bell, George Berg, N. A. Hoskinson, Ross Ingram, Geo. Moraites, Melvin Myers. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------- ------ $18, 142 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - - 533 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 234,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Oak Creek---------------------------------- 1,769 05–704 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado-Big Thompson Project Estes Park, Colo. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. H. Howell-------------- Act. Supervising Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,052, 870 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $85,027 Number of Electric Customers----------- 9 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10, 102,405 05–705 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Kendrick Project 501 Consolidated Royalty Bldg., Casper, Wyo. Electric Operating Revenues: (Colorado only)--------------------------- $66,433 Number of Electric Customers: (Colorado only)------------------------------- 2 Utility Served at Wholesale: PHIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Co. of Colo. See Also: Principal report under Wyoming (49–661). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-COLORADO 69 05–707 *Walden Municipal Light Plant Walden, Colo. Community Served at Retail: Population Walden--------------------------------------- 668 05–714 *Town of Wray © 140 W. 4th St., Wray, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Buhler--------------------------------- Mgr. R. J. Hayes.-----------. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clerk Board of Trustees: W. W. Bauer, W. T. Diss, R. W. Gardner, Joe C. Graham, Geo. Isham, J. K. Powell (mayor), D. E. Sisson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $177,994 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $44, 220 Number of Electric Customers------------ 718 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 138 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 335, 319 Community Served at Retail: Population Wray----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - am - sº ºn tº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~~ 2,061 Also Renders: Water Service. 05–721 *Town of Yuma Yuma, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. J. Bennett------------------------------ Mayor R. H. Wilshusen---------------------------- Supt. J. L. Rising--------------------------------- Treas. F. H. Harris-------------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees: R. R. Archer, L. E. Fitzgerald, W. H. Hartwig, C. J. Hoch, Geo. E. Huey, T. H. Woodbury, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $105, 400 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $37, 450 Number of Electric Customers------------- 584 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 480 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 957, 136 Community Served at Retail: Population Yuma------------------------------------- 1, 606 Also Renders: Water service. 05–815 *Delta-Montrose Rural Power Lines Association 354 Main St., Delta, Colo. JPrincipal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Meaker------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $371, 361 Electric Operating Revenues----------- - - - - $25,917 Number of Electric Customers-------- - - - - - 769 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 320, 350 05–820 *Empire Electric Association, Inc. Dove Creek, Colo. 05–830 *Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc. 529 Rood Ave., Grand Junction, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: | Orval Herron--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . PreS. Ivan N. Patterson -----------------------...-. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $286, 399 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $33, 285 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 742 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 648,600 05–837 *Highline Electric Association 221 Denver St., Holyoke, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Andrew S-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. T. G. Puryear-----------------------------. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------- - - - - - - - $142,269 Electric Operating Revenues--- - - - - - - - - - - - $8,752 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - 189 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------- - - - - - - - 41,000 05–845 *Intermountain Rural Electric Assn. - Bailey, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. B. FitzSimmons - - - - ---------------------- PreS. J. R. Maile---------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------- - - - - - - - - - $119, 105 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $6,236 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - 252 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42, 240 70 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 05–855 *La Plata Electric Association, Inc. Durango, Colo. 05–863 *Morgan County Rural Electric º Assn. Fort Morgan, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest Rosener-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - William L. Parker-------------------------. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $599,800 Electric Operating Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . $103,741 . Number of Electric Customers … 683 - Rºilouyatt-hours Energy Purchased--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,872, 662 Community Served at Retail: Population Wiggins. --------. . . . . . . . . . . ----. . . . . . . . ---. 275 05–877 *Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Inc. Severance, Colo. 05–885 *Redlands Water & Power Co. 130 N. Sixth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert H. Cutter--------------------------- Pres. Chas. Rump--------------------------- Vice PreS. A. E. Borschell---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: O. E. Boston, Fred C. Clymer, Robert H. Cutter, Frank Dessert, W. A. Groom, Chas. Rump, George Standiſird. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $19,142 Number of Electric Customers----------- 98 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) - - - --------- 1,400 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 7, 508,660 Generated.------------------------------ 7, 299,000 Purchased------------------------------ 209,660 Community Served at Retail: Population Redlands------------------------------------- 432 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Co. of Colorado. 05–888 *San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. Pueblo, Colo. 05–890 *San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Monte Vista, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Myron M. Sutley--------------------------- Pres. Willard I. Johnson.-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $355, 443 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $68,367 Number of Electric Customers------------- 924 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 768,280 Community Served at Retail: Population South Fork----------------------------------- 250 05–892 *San Miguel Power Association, Inc. Norwood, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. G. Chamberlain-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. Paul H. Linden.--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $111, 695 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - - - $6,493 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 317 Community Served at Retail: Population Nucia---------------------------------------- 36]. 05–898 *Southeast Colorado Power Association 212 San Juan Ave., La Junta, Colo. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Fasnacht------------------------------ Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $656, 816 Electric Operating Revenues----- - - - - - - - - - $54,816. Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 1, 199. Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------- - - - - - - - - - - 744, 440. ºzº rºw 0.5–915 *Union Rural Electric Association, Inc. 69 S. Second Ave., Brighton, Colo- Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Coursey------------------------------ Pres. Glen L. Reasoner--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - $223, 690 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $26, 414 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - 677 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 147, 600 CONNECTICUT Index Reference Number Aspinook Corporation 06–210 Belding Hemingway Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06—233 Bloom Co., Fólward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06–245 Bozrah Electric Co., ()6–021 he--------------------------------------- 6–037 Connecticut Power Company, The . . . . . . . . . ()6–043 Danbury & Bethel Gas & Electric Light Co., The----------------------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - 06–048 Derby Gas and Electric Company, The - - - - 06–054 Ensign-Bickford Co., The -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06–280 Farmington River Power Company, The 06–070 *Groton Water and Electric Department, Borough of ---------------------...------- 06–512 Hartford Flectric Tight Company, The . . . . . . 06-076 Reference Number *Jewett City Electric Light Plant -- - - - - - - - - 06–523 Litchfield’ Electric Light and Power Com- pany, The--------------------------------- 06–081 Montgomery Company, The---------------- 06–309 Mystic Power Company, The -------------- 06–097 *Norwalk, Third Taxing District of the City of 06-545 *Norwich Gas and Electrical Department, City of—----------------------------------- Ponemah Mills. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06–315 Powdrell & Alexander, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06–316 Putnam Mills, Israel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 06–328 Putnam Woolen Corporation ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 06–339 Simsbury Flectric Company, The - - - - - - - - - 06—125 *South Norwalk Electric Works, The . . . . -- 06–560 Torrington Electric Light Company, The -- 06–147 United Illuminating Company, The -- - - - - - - 06–159 *Wallingford Borough Electric Works-----. 06–567 Wauregan-Quinebaugh Mills, Inc. - - - - - - - - - 06–363 *T)enotes a publicly owned utility. CONNECTICUT 06–021 The Bozrah Electric Co. Gilman, Conn. Principal Officers: Nathan Gilman------------ - - - - - - - - Pres. & Treas. N. C. Pierce--------------------------- Vice Pres. George Gilman------------------------------ Secy Iawrence M. Gilman -- Gen. Mgr. & Asst. Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $68,063 Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - - $17, 193 Number of Electric Customers-------- . . . . . . . 240 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------...------------90 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours 9tal--------------------------------- 512,030 Generated-------------------------------- 313, 590 Purchased.-------------------------------- 198, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Fitchville-----------------------------------.. 350 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Norwich Gas & Electrical Dept. 06–026 The Clinton Electric Light & Power Company Main St., Clinton, Conn. Pººl,Officers: - Oh Il Moran---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - --Pres. & Treas. David J. Grcene.----------------------- Vice Pres. J. Birney Tuttle-----...--------------- Sec Earl B. Boies------------------------- Asst. Treas John H. McNeely------------------_____. Supt. Directors: Earl B. Boies, David J. Greene, John Moran, J. Birney Tuttle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $374, 117 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $145,831 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 343 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,062, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clinton------------------------------------- 1 Madison.----------------------------------- 1, 155 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut I,ight and Power Co. 06–037 The Connecticut Light and Power Company 36 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. (Controlled by United Gas Improvement Co. through 61.08% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. L. Campbell------------------------------ Pres. R. H. Knowlton.------------------ Exec. Vice PreS. A. J. Campbell------------------------- Vice PreS. J. E. King------------------------------ Vice Pres. A. V. S. Lindsley----------------------- Vice Pres. P. R. Fleming------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: John B. Byrne, C. L. Campbell, Irvin W. Day, W. E. S. Griswold, George T. Kimball, R. H. Knowlton, R. E. Pritchard, George L. Shearer, George S. Stevenson, Henry A. Tirrell, John H. Trumbull. Controls: The Connecticut Cable Corporation (inactive). The Rocky River Realty Co. (Sale of real est.). The Shelton Canal Co. (water power). The Windsor Locks Canal Co. (water power). 71 72 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Telectric Utility Plant__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $84,687, 468 Electric Operating Revenues--------- $16, 713, 180 Number of Electric Meters - - - - - - - - - - 172, 595 “Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal-------------------------- 194. 145 Steam----------------------------- 130,000 Hydro----------------------------- 64, 145 "Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------- 875,084,408 Generated.------------------------- 695, 609, 380 Purchased.------------. ----------- 137, 515,028 'Interchanged (gross-in).------------ 41, 960, 000 *Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Bristol--------------------------------- - - - - 30, 167 Meriden----------------------------------. 39, 494 Naugatuck--------------------------------- 15, 388 New Britain-----------------------------...- 68, 685 Norwalk----------------------------------- 39,849 Waterbury--------------------------------- 99, 314 Willimantic-------------------------------- 12, 101 1,000 to 10,000 population Waltic-------------------------------------- 1, 567 Peacon Falls------------------------------- 1,30ſ) Berlin ------------------------------------ 1,600 Branford----------------------------------- 2, 235 T}roadhrook-------------------------------- 1, 273 Cheshire.---------------------------------- 1,000 Chester------------------------------------ 1, 200 Colchester.-------------------------------- 1, 234 Danielson---------------------------------- 4, 507 Deep River.------------------------------- , 400 East Haddam ----------------------------- 1, 000 Tºast Hampton - - - - - - - - - ------------------- 1, 900 East Killingly-...----------------------. ---- 1, 000 East Port Chester - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5, 450 Enfield------------------------------------ 1,000 FSSex---- - -• - * * * * * * * * *-* - º me º 'º, º ºr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. 500 'Glastonbury------------------------- - - - - - - 4,0ſ)0 Greenwich-------------------------------- 5,081 Guilford----------------------------------- 1,986 Kensington ---------------------- - - - - - - - - _ 2, 443 Middlebury------------------------------- 1, 100 Milldale----------------------------------- , 000 Moodus----------------------------------- 1, 137 Mooslip----------------------------------- 3,481 New Canaan ------------------------------ 2, 372 TNew Milford----------------...------------- 3,000 Niantic.---------------------------------- 1, 312 North Grosvenordale -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 2, 000 Old Greenwich---------------------------- 2, 368 Old Saybrook----------------------------- 1, 500 Temberwick-------. - - - - --------------- - - - 1, 800 T'lainfield---------------------------------- 2. 500 Plainville---------------------------------- 6, 935 Plantsville------------------------------...- 3, 000 Pomfret----------------------------------- 1, 500 Preston------------------------------------ 1, 000 Putnam----------------------------------- 7, 775 Riverside---------------------------------- , 200 Rockville---------------------------------- 7, 572 Saugatuck----------------- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m, sº 1, 500 Seymour. --------------------------------- 6, 100 South Glastonbury------------------------ 1,500 Southbury-------------------------------. 1, 100 Southington.------------------------------- 5,088 Stafford Springs. ... ------------------------ 3, 401 Stenney----------------------------------- 1, 200 Suffield . ---------------------------------- 1. 150 Terryville --------------------------------- 2, 250 Thompsonville .-------------------------- 9,643 Warehouse Point-------------------------- 1,601 Watertown-------------------------------- 3,000 Westport --------------------------------- 4, 500 Windsor Locks---------------------------- 4, 347 Winsted.----------------------------------- 7, 674 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Abington---------------------------------- 250 Addison----------------------- ------------ 425 Andover----------------------------------- 280 Attawaugan------------------------------- 400 Wallouville-------------------------------- 300 Prooklyn---------------------------------- 600 Cannondale------------------------------ ºr 250 Canterbury------------------------------- 500 Centerbrook------------------------------- 500 Central Village---------------------------- 720 Clarks Falls------------------------------- 350 Colebrook--------------------------------- 250 Cos Cob----------------------------------- 59] Crescent Beach---------------------------- 259 Crystal Lake------------------------------ 400 Dayville (Killingly)----------------------- 700 Fast Berlin-------------------------------- 835 East Glastonbury------------------------- 375 East Hartland----------------------------- 296 Fast I.Vme-------------------------------- 600 Fast Windsor Hills------------------------ 500 Eastford----------------------------------- 250 Fabyan----------------------------------- 450 Gaylordsville------------------------------ 331 Georgetown------------------------------- 910 Glasgo------------------------------------- 358 Glenville---------------------------------- 500 Goodyear---------------------------------- 784 Greens Farms----------------------------- 275 Grosvenordale----------------------------- 490 Haddam---------------------------------- 700 Hadlyme (Chester Town).----------------- 302 Hadlyme (Lyme Town).------------------- 31() Hamburg---------------------------------- 263 Hanover----------------------------------- 389 Hazardville-------------------------------- 900 Hebron------------------------------------ 250 Higganum--------------------------------- 800 Hop River-------------------------------- 325 Hotchkissville----------------------------- 365 Ivorytown--------------------------------- 750 Lebanon---------------------------------- 375 Mansfield--------------------------------- 300 Marion------------------------------------ 258 Marlboro---------------------------------- 300 Middle Haddam -------------------------- 300 New Preston------------------------------ 798 Newington Junction----------------------- 581 North Guilford------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900 North Mianus----------------------------- 289 North Sterling------------------------- -- - - - 313 North Windham-------------------------- 300 North Woodbury-------------------------- 400 Oakville----------------------------------- 923 Occum------------------------------------ 600 Old Lyme--------------------------------- 600 ne"O------------------------------------- 650 Pequabuck-------------------------------- 515 Pleasant Valley - - - - - - - - - - - ... — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —- - 320 Quinebaug.-------------------------------- 300 Redding----------------------------------- 500 Salem.------------------------------------- 300 Short Beach------------------------------- 850 Somers------------------------------------ 300 Somersville-------------------------------- 800 South Coventry--------------------------- 900 South Killingly---------------------------- 300 South Lyme------------------------------- 350 South Windsor---------------------------- 900 Southford--------------------------------- 262 Stafford----------------------------------- 700 Staffordville------------------------------- 500 Sterling----------------------------------- 500 Still River--------------------------------- 511 Stony Creek------------------------------- 950 Talcottville-------------------------------- 300 Talmadge Hill----------------------------- 250 Thompson.-------------------------------- 400 Vernon------------------------------------ 250 Versailles---------------------------------- 300 Wapping---------------------------------- 986 Wauregan--------------------------------- 606 West Suffield------------------------------ 700 Westbrook-------------------------------- 790 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC TITILITIES–CONNECTICUT 73 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Westford---------------------------------- 700 Weston------------------------------------ 500 Wilsonville-------------------------------- 300 Wilton------------------------------------ 800 Windsorville------------------------------ 300 Woodbury-------------------------------- 800 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Clinton Electric Light & Power Co. The Connecticut Power Co. The Danbury & Bethel Gas & Electric Light Co. The Derby Gas & Electric Co. The Farmington River Power Co. The Litchfield Electric Light & Power Co. The Mystic Power Co. The Torrington Electric Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Borough of Groton Utilities. *Jewett City Electric Light Plant. *Third Taxing District of City of Norwalk, *Norwich Gas and Electrical Dept. *The South Norwalk Electric Works. *Wallingford Borough Electric Works. Also Renders: Gas, steam heat, and water service. 06–043 The Connecticut Power Company 31 Union St., New London, Conn. Principal Officers: Samuel Ferguson.-------------- Chairman & Pres. Allan D. Colvin.---------------- Exec. Vice Pres. Townsend H. Soren-------------------- Vice PreS. Charles G. Bill------------------------- Vice PreS. Prentice M. Hatch--------------------- Vice Pres. Richard B. Curran------------------- Secy.-Treas. Charles Bolton------------------------ Asst. Secy. Samuel Ferguson, Jr.----------------- ASSt. Treas. William W. Faucett------------------ Asst. Treas. Directors: Charles G. Bill, Morgan B. Brainard, H. Bisell Carey, Allan D. Colvin, Samuel Fergu. Son, Samuel Ferguson, Jr., Joseph A. Horne, E. Kent Hubbard, James Lee Loomis, John E Lynch, Townsend H. Soren, Marcy L. Sperry, Frank M. Travis, Odbert P. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $20,333,549 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $6,795, 543 Number of Electric Customers--------- 59, 955 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 49, 340 Steam-------------------------------- 38,740 Pſydro-------------------------------- 10, 600 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9tal---------------------------- 520, 808, 214 Generated.---------------------------- 186, 202, 625 Purchased.----------. * - * * * *- * - - - - - - - - - - 312, 297, 159 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 22, 308, 430 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Middletown------------------------------- 26, 495 New London------------------------------ 30, 456 Stamford---------------------------------- 47, 938 & 1,000 to 10,000 population Avon-------------------------------------- 1,000 Qanāan------------------------------------ 1, 500 Collinsville------------------------------, - , 200 Cromwell--------------------------. ------- 2,700 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Darien --------------------------------- 3,000 Farmington.------------------------------ 1, 323 Gildersleeve------------------------------- 1,000. Glenbrook--------------------------------- 2, 140. Lakeville---------------------------------- 1,800 Manchester-------------------------------- 5,700 Norfolk------------------------------------ 1, 280 Noroton----------------------------------- 2,000 Noroton Heights-------------------------- 1,600 Portland---------------------------------- 2,500 Rockfall----------------------------------- 1,000 Salisbury---------------------------------- 1,000 South Manchester------------------------- 2, 299 Springdale--------------------------------- 4, 500 Thomaston-------------------------------- 3,900 Unionville--------------------------------- 2,084 250 to 1,000 population Bakersville-------------------------------- 300 Buckland--------------------------------- 500 Burlington-------------------------------- 705 Canton------------------------------------ 250 Durham----------------------------------- 800 Durham Center--------------------------- 407 East Canaan.----------------------------- 400 Falls Village------------------------------- 500 Farmington Village------------------------ 250 Highland. Park----, ----------------------- 300 Jordan Village---------------------------- 550 Lime Rock-------------------------------- 400 Montville--------------------------------- 850 New Hartford----------------------------- 500 Pine Meadow ----------------------------- 400 Plymouth--------------------------------- 500 Quaker Hill------------------------------- 500 Reynolds (Reynolds Bridge).-------------- 275 Sharon------------------------------------ 500 Sharon Valley----------------------------- 300 Uncasville--------------------------------- 989 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. The Hartford Electric Light Co. The Litchfield Electric Light Co. The Torrington Electric Light Co. Interchange with Connecticut Valley Power Exchange. The Collins Co. (interchange) Also Renders: Gas Service. 06–048 The Danbury & Bethel Gas & Electric Light Co. 238 Main St., Danbury, Conn. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Oſficers: J. L. Stone-------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. E. Burger--- - Vice Pres. Herman N. Beckett---------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Christian R. Schulze---Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. C. B. Wedun-------------------- '- - - - - - Asst. Secy. Directors: J. M. Beauchamp, Herman N. Beckett, Warren T. Bulkley, R. E. Burger, Robert G. Griswold, Christian R. Schulze, Thomas A. Set- tle, James L. Stone, Anthony Sunderland, Isaiah F. Terry, Henry C. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2, 171, 774 $967, 123. Number of Electric Customers---------- 11,938. 74 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatts 'Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 2, 350 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 29, 338, 831 Generated.--------------------------- (—303, 104) Purchased.---------------------------- 29, 641, 935 *Communities Served at Retail: Population - - - - - - - - - - * -- * “s -- as e- - - * - - - - - - * - - - - - - s = 3, 200 Brookfield 500 Danbury---------------------------------- 22,339 Newtown -- - - 603 Sandy Hook.-- * * * * 300 ‘Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: The Litchfield Electric Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 06–054 The Derby Gas and Electric Company 33 Elizabeth St., Derby, Conn. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) 'Principal Officers: Malcolm M. Eckhardt_- - - - - - Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Harold R. Bacon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Vice PreS. Nelson W. Pickering - - - - - - - - - - - Second Vice PreS. Philip J. Franz------------------------------ Secy. Julia M. Barry---------------------------- Treas. 'Directors: James B. Atwater, Harold R. Bacon, Daniel E. Brinsmade, Frederick M. Daley, Mal- colm M. Eckhardt, Philip J. Franz, Leslie H. Jockmus, Nelson W. Pickering, Maurice L. Sindeband. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $3, 613, 519 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,229,000 Number of Electric Customers - - -------- 11, 687 'Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal------------------------------ 20, 800 Steam--------------------------------- 20, 000 Hydro--------------------------------- 800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 70, 925, 030 Generated----------------------------- 59, 534, 130 Purchased----------------------------- 11,390, 900 “Communities Served at Retail: Population Ansonia--- 19, 210 Perhy------------------------------------- 10, 287 Shelton------------------------------------ 10, 971 Utility Served at Wholesale. PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas and steam Service. 06–070 The Farmington River Power Company 195 Lake St., New Britain, Conn. (Controlled by The Stanley Works through 99.9% of voting power.) Frincipal Officers: M. H. Pease--------------------------------- Pres E. W. Pelton --------------------- - - - - - Vice Pres. J. H. Fellows-------------------------- Vice PreS. L. W. Young------------------------------ Secy. W. E. Doane------------------------------ Treas. Allen Moore-----------4Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: C. F. Bennett, E. W. Christ, J. E. Cooper, E. A. Moore, M. H. Pease, E. W. Pelton, R. E. Pritchard, L. W. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1, 191, 300 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $195, 372 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 8,000 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 32, 378,000 Generated----------------------------- 26,063, 000 Purchased.----------------------------- 6, 315,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Light and Power Co. 06–076 The Hartford Electric Light Company 266 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Principal Officers: Samuel Ferguson--------------- Chairman & Pres. Austin D. Parney----- Vice PreS. & Gen. Counsel Townsend H. Soren-------------------- Vice Pres. John E. Lynch------------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Cutler------------------------ Vice PreS. Ernest S. Nutting-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Bert C. Gable------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Charles E. Poehnert------------------- Asst. Secy. Leonard D. Way--------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Graham H. Anthony, Morgan B. Brainard, H. Bissell Carey, Frank Cheney, Jr., Ilouis R. Cheney, Allan T). Colvin, Ostrom Enders, Samuel Ferguson, Townsend H. Soren, Samuel M. Stone, George G. Williams, Isadore Wise. Controls: Hartford Electric Steel Corporation (electric steel foundry). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $32,282, 530 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $8,995,400 Number of Electric Customers---------- 74,857 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 'otal----------------------------- 165, 500 Steam-------------------------------- 164,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 1,500 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Otal----------------------------- 636, 979, 341 Generated.---------------------------- 629, 135,741 Purchased.---- - 7,843, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bloomfield-------------------------------- 1,600 Fast Granby------------------------------ 500 East Hartford---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18, 615 Granby----------------------------------- 625 Hartford---------------------------------- 166,267 North Granby---------------------------- 350 Poquonock------------------------------- 600 Rocky Hill------------------------------- 1,000 South Wethersfield----------------------- 275 Tariffville * -- ------- 1,316 West Granby----------------------------- 300 West Hartford---------------------------- 33,776 Wethersfield------------------------------ ,000 Windsor---------------------------------- 00 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Connecticut Light and Power Co. The Connecticut Power Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-CONNECTICUT 75 06–081 The Litchfield Electric Light and Power Company 108 E. Green Street, Ithaca, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: A. W. Milliken------------------------------ PreS. E. T. Edmonds------------------------ Vice PreS. T. F. Rowe------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. J. T. Clark---------------------------------- Secy. Directors: J. T. Clark, A. W. Milliken, T. F. Rowe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------- - - - - - - - - - $1,019, 156 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $319, 239 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,822 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 320 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 8, 118, 871 Generated----------------------------- 1,399, 234 Purchased----------------------------- 6, 719,637 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bantam------------------------------------- 564 Branchville--------------------------------- 300 Pitchfield----------------------------------- 1, 234 Morris-------------------------------------- 344 Ridgefield---------------------------------- 2,050 Titicus-------------------------------------- 266 Washington * * __ 300 Washington Depot.-------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Connecticut Power Co. Th; Danbury and Bethel Gas & Electric Light O. 06–097 The Mystic Power Company 50 W. Main St., Mystic, Conn. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Samuel C. Moore---------------------------- PreS. Edward Cabot------------------------- Vice Pres. William Webster----------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn-----------------------. Secy. Harry Hanson.------------------------------ Treas. J9H.R. E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- Asst. Treas. Ralph E. Nock. --- - - - - - Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: Edward Cabot, Harry Hanson, Samuel Q. Moore, Ralph E. Nock, Ralph P. Ormsbee, William Webster. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,064,945 Tlectric Operating Revenues------------- $287,573 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,798 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 9,610, 405 Communities Served at Retail: Population Mystic------------------------------------- 3,400 Yoank-------------------------------------- 1, 162 Old Mystic--------------------------------- 800 Pawcatuck--------------------------------- 5,000 Stonington.-------------------------------- 1, 826 West Mystic------------------------------- 600 Also Renders: Gas Service. 06—125 The Simsbury Electric Company Station St., Simsbury, Conn. Principal Officers: Robert Darling------------------------------ Pres. G. E. Pattison.-------------------------- Vice Pres. S. S. Ellsworth------------------------------ Secy. C. A. Buerman-------------------- Treas. & Mgr. Directors: Charles A. Buerman, Robert Darling, Robert E. Darling, S. S. Ellsworth, Joseph R. Ensign, George E. Pattison, George M. Pattison. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $235,721 Electric Operating Revenues- - - - - - - - - - - - - $85,388 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - 890 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 333, 150 Communities Served at Retail: Population Simsbury----------------------------------- 1, 500 Weatogue---------------------------------- 430 06–147 The Torrington Electric Light Company 69 Water St., Torrington, Conn. Principal Officers: 4 F. M. Travis-------------------------------- Pres. J. N. Brooks---------------------------- Vice Pres. H. B. Fuessenich---------------------------- Secy. C. E. Smith-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: J. H. Brooks, J. N. Brooks, H. B. Fuessenich, C. E. Roraback, C. P. Roraback, C. E. Smith, F. M. Travis. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,417,338 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $808,165 Number of Electric Customers. --------- 7, 799 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4, 500 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 31,459,050 Generated.----------------------------- 50 Purchased.----------------------------- 31, 459,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Torrington--------------------------------- 26, 988 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. The Connecticut Power Co. The Litchfield Electric Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas service. 06–159 The United Illuminating Company 80 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. Principal Officers: James W. Hook-------- - -e, a * = * = * * * * * * * * * * * *--- Pres. Robert A. Manwaring-------------- 1st Vice Pres. Richard H. Van Horn------------------ Vice Pres, C. A. Williams------------------------- Vice Pres. A. Royal Wood----------------------- Secy.-Treas. John M. C. Betts------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Tracy Fabian - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 76 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: F. F. Brewster, W. Gerald Bryant, L. H. English, J. L. Gilson, William Hamilton, James W. Hook, R. A. Manwaring, Thomas G. Nee, Sumner Simpson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $37,469, 506 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $10,661,631 Number of Electric Customers---------- 136, 398 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 160,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 475, 804, 310 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bridgeport------------------------------- 147, 121 Clintonville------------------------------ 550 East Haven------------------------------ 7,000 Paston----------------------------------- 1, 262 Fairfield---------------------------------- 17,000 Foxon------------------------------------ ,000 Greenfield Hills-------------------------- 2,000 Hamden.--------------------------------- 23, 373 Long Hill-------------------------------- 2,450 Milford----------------------------------- 15,691 Montowese------------------------------- 1,000 New Haven------------------------------ 160, 605 Nichols----------------------------------- 1,300 North Branford-------------------------- 450 North Haven----------------------------- 3, 500 Orange----------------------------------- ,009 Southport-------------------------------- 2, 100 Stratford--------------------------------- 22, 580 Trumbull-------------------------------- 1, 500 West Haven------------------------------ 30,021 Woodbridge------------------------------ 2, 262 Woodmont------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. 06–210 Aspinook Corporation Jewett City, Conn. Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------------- 1, 200 06–233 Belding Hemingway Co. Putnam, Conn. 06–245 Edward Bloom Co. 1441 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 06–257 Brownell & Co., Inc. Moodus, Conn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ Electric Operating Revenues----------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. 06–268 The Collins Company Collinsville, Conn. Official in Charge of Electric Operation: Albert E. Newton--------------------- Gen. Mſgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- - - - - $294, 418 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - l Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal.----------------------------------- 2, 250 Steam-------------------------------------- 250 Hydro-------------------------------------- 2,000 |Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Power Co. 06–280 The Ensign-Bickford Co. Simsbury, Conn. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. F. Hamilton --------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $35, 984 Number of Electric Customers-------------- I Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) – ----------- 825 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2, 333, 150 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Simsbury Electric Light Co. 06–309 The Montgomery Company windsor Locks, Conn. Principal Officer: J. R. Montgomery-------------------- 06–315 - Ponemah Mills Taftville, Conn. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Vice-Pres. F. B. Ricketson----------------------------- Secy. Charles J. Linderson. ---------- Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $30,942 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 928 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.-------------------------------- 3,920 Steam------------------------------------ 500 Hydro------------------------------------ 1, 770 Internal Combustion--------------------- 1,650 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 583, 557 Community Served at Retail: Population Taſtville”----------------------------------- 3,965. a Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC TJTILITIES-CONNECTICUT 77 06–316 Powdrell & Alexander, Inc. Danielson, Conn. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. A. Roberts------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --------------------- $36, 145 Number of Electric Customers-------------- l Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------------- 450 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. 06–328 Israel Putnam Mills Wilsonville, Conn. 06–339 Putnam Woolen Corporation Putnam, Conn. Officer in Charge of Electric Operations: Albert E. Otto----------------------- Asst. Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,426 Number of Electric Customers--------------- | - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) -------------- 375 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 619, 200 Utility Served at Wholesale: ATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Connecticut Light & Power Co. 06–363 Wauregan-Quinebaugh - Mills, Inc. Wauregan, Conn. 06—512 *Borough of Groton Water and Electric Department 359 Thames St., Groton, Conn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Albert N. Tiffany--------------------------- Supt. Board of Utility Commissioners: David F. Armstrong - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warden Charles E. White----------------------------Clerk Henry Gamber----------------------------- Treas. Frederic C. Sweet------------------------ Member James A. Ward-------------------------- Member The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $331,618 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $155,472 . Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,480 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6, 234, 240 Communities Served at Retail: Population roton-------------------------------------- 4, 719 Groton Long Point------------------------- 1, 136 Poquonock Bridge-------------------------- 565 Also Renders: Water Service. 06—523 *Jewett City Electric Light Plant Jewett City, Conn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. S. Hiscox-------------------------------- Supt. Commission: James Morey, Arthur Rioux, Al- phonse Tetreault. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $64,639 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $49,454 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 365 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,323, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Jewett City--------------------------------- 3, 682 06—545 *Third Taxing District of the City of Norwalk 2 Second St., S. Norwalk, Conn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Stewart C. Marshall Mgr. District Commission: Edward E. Gorham, Stewart C. Marshall, William F. Wicke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $123,009 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $95,148 Number of Electric Cust 1,789 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 482, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Norwalk--------------------------- tº a ºn tº a sº a gº 39,849 06–556 *City of Norwich Gas and Electrical Department 34 Shetucket St., Norwich, Conn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Leland D. Wood Edward A. Rich------------------------ Off. Board of Commissioners: A. G. Bliven, John R. Bowman, Dr. E. J. Brophy, J. Edw. Driscoll, J. W. Nolan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,820, 470 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $599,960 Number of Electric Customers----------- 8,818 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 8, 350 Steam--------------------------------- -- 6, 750 Hydro--------------------------------- 1,600 78 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 20, 685,303 Generated.----------------------------- 19, 147, 253 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 538,050 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bean Hill---------------------------------- 450 Norwich----------------------------------- 23, 652 Yantic------------------------------------- 450 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY - The Bozrah Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 06—560 *The South Norwalk Electric Works State St., South Norwalk, Conn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Edward J. Splan----------------------- Gen. Supt. Board of Electrical Commissioners: Oliver F. Dorward--------------------------- Pres. Dr. J. A. O’Connor-------------------------- Secy. Charles B. Miller------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $980,332 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $284,989 Number of Electric Customers------- ---- 4, 242 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 600 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8,949, 260 Generated.----------------------------- 1,885, 900 Purchased.----------------------------- 7,063, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Norwalk----------------------------------- 39, 849 06–567 *Wallingford Borough Electric Works N. Washington St., Wallingford, Conn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. L.Pierce------------ Gen. Mgr., Supt. & Engr. Board of Electrical Commissioners: L. Dona Proullet (chairman), William J. Dray (secy.- treas.), Ferdinand A. Valenti. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $840, 191 Electric Operating Revenues--------- - - - - $302, 738 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - 4, 451 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 11, 728,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Northford---------------------------------- 550 Wallingford-------------------------------- 11, 425 Yalesville---------------------------------- 1, 000 DELAWARE Index Reference Number *Clayton Municipal Light & Power Plant. - 0.7–510 Delaware Power & Light Company - - - - - . . . 07-015 *Delaware Rural Electric ASSOciation, The ()7–81() *Dover Light & Water Department, City of 0.7–521 Eastern Shore Public Service Company - - - - 07–030 *Lewes Board of Public Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - ()7–532 Lincoln & Ellendale Electric CO . . . . . . . . . . . ()7–040 *Middletown Light and Water T)epartment- 0.7–543 DELAWARE 07–015 Delaware Power & Light Company 600 Market St., Wilmington, Del. (Controlled by United Gas Improvement Co. through 100% voting power.) Principal Officers: T. W. Wilson----------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pres. M. G. Kennedy - - - - - - - - . . Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. J. Rutledge------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. Stuart Cooper-------------------------- Vice PreS. Johns Hopkins------------------------ - - - - Secy. C. E. Yost.------------------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. Albert Nalle----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- Asst. Secy. J. L. Eicholtz------ - * ~ * ~ * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * Asst. Secy. F. MacMorris--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Asst. Treas. Jos. B. Townsend--------------------- ASSt. Trea.S. E. G. Windle------------------------- Comptroller J. W. Mackie------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Comptroller Directors: Stuart Cooper, Elwyn Evans, John K. Garrigues, Johns Hopkins, Hugh M. Morris, James M. Rodgers, T. W. Wilson. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - ------ - - $16,339, 310 Electric Operating Revenues--------- - - - $4,794,483 Number of Electric Customers-------- - 43, 582 Rilounatts Generating Capacity (Steam) - - - -------- a 22, 500 a Limited by boiler capacity and other facilities to 12,500 kw. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 252,012, 887 Generated.--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58,600 Purchased.------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , 251, 954, 287 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arden------------------------------------ 382 Bellefonte - - - - - - - - ------------------------ 2,593 Bellemore . . . . . . . . .----------------------- 847 Claymont-------. . . . . .------------------- 3. 800 Christiana. . . . . . . . .----------------------- 364 Delaware City --- - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 1, 163 Elmhurst.-------------------------------- 1, 353 Elsmere. . . . . . . . . . .----------------------- 1,630 Gwinhurst. . . . . . . . . . . . .------------------ 373 Hamilton Park. . . . ----------------------- 641 Holloway Terrace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- 683 Holly Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965 Minguadale. -----------------------...----- 897 Newport.--------------------------------- 987 Odessa.----------------------------------- 391 Reference Number * Milford, City of . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 07–554 * Newark, Council of . --- ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.7–576. *New Castle Board of Water and Light Com- missioners - - - - -... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 07–565 *Seaford Light & Power Co., City of ------- 07–584 *Smyrna, Town of--------------------------- 07-587 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Communities Served at Retail Population Port Penn.-------------------------------- 271 Richardson Park - - ----------------------- 1,405 Saint Georges ---------------------------- 339 Silview.----------------------------------- 514 Stanton----------------------------------- 595 Townsend-------------------------------- 544 Wilmington.------------------------------ 112, 504 Woodcrest ------------------------------- 3.29. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTTILITY: Chester County Light & Power Co. PUBLIC LY OWN E D UTILITIES: *New Castle Board of Water and Light Com- missioners. - *Council of Newark. Also Renders: Gas Service. 07–030 Eastern Shore Public Service Company 114 N. Division St., Salisbury, Moi. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Lewis Payne---------...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. A. F. Ebel------------------------------ Vice PreS. W. S. Moore, Jr.---------------- - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. Directors: Harry L. Cannon, A. F. Ebel, Graham Gunby, Will F. Kellam, W. S. Moore, Jr., Lewis Payne, P. Watson Webb, J. Wallace Woodford. Controls: The Eastern Shore Public Service Co. of Maryland (electric, gas, ice). gº tº The Eastern Shore Public Service Co. of Virginia (electric, ice). The TYelmarva Power Co. (electric). * The Maryland Light and Power Co. (electric, ice). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $3, 548, 818 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $731, 328 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9,786 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal----------------------------- 5,700 Steam - - - - - - - - - -------------------- 4, 100 Internal Combustion----------------- 1,600 79 80 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º -- * * * * * - - - - - - - - 31, 225, 491 Generated---------------------------- 3, 270, 141 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 27, 955, 350 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Bridgeville--------------------------------- 1, 180 Georgetown--------------------------------- 1, 820 Harrington.--------------------------------- 2, 113 Laurel-------------------------------------- 2, 884 Wilton-------------------------------------- 1, 19 Rehoboth ---------------------------------- 1, 247 250 to 1,000 population Blades-------------------------------------- 601 Bowers------------------------------------- 328 Camden------------------------------------ 682 Telmar------------------------------------- 881 Telton-------------------------------------- 442 Frankford.--------------------------------- 563 Frederica----------------------------------- 645 Greenwood--------------------------------- 573 Houston------------------------------------ 296 Millsboro----------------------------------- 432 Ocean View.----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 406 Selbyville---------------------------------- 882 Wyoming----------------------------------- 870 {Jtilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY () WNED UTILITIES: Eastern Shore Public Service Co., Ma. (Inter- change). Maryland Light & Power Co. (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UT1LITIES: *Clayton Municipal Light & Power Plant. *Town of Smyrna (Delaware). *Delaware Rural Electrification ASSn. Also Renders: Ice Service. 07–040 - Lincoln & Ellendale Electric Co. Ellendale, Del. Trincipal Officers: E. M. Houseman. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- PreS. W. W. Houseman-------------------- Secy.-Treas. T}irectors: TX. A. Houseman, E. M. Houseman, W. W. Houseman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,820 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,537 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 363 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 246,650 Community Served at Retail: Population Fºllendale------------------------------------- 287 07–510 *Clayton Municipal Light & Power Plant Clayton, Del. Council: C. B. Brown (secy.), Robert Day, J. H. Jºne (treas.), W. T. Hollett, C. A. Hurd preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15,00ſ) Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,459 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 274 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 327,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Clayton--------------------------------------- 890 Also Renders: Water Service. 07–521 *City of Dover Light & Water Department Dover Del. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. D. Shank---------------------------- City Mgr. J. Wallace Woodford----------------------- Mayor Councilmen: Jesse S. Burton, J. A. Downes, Maurice A. Hartnett, Jr., W. M. Hinkle, Thomas V. Keith, John P. LeFevre, C. F. Millman, Harry Vane. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $485,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $171,602 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - 2,500 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --- - - - - - - - - - 4, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6, 471, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population OV9f-------------------------------------- 5, 517 Also Renders: Water and steaIn Service. 07–532 *Lewes Board of Public Works Lewes, Del. Principal Electric Utility Official: Sara J. Albertson---------------------------. Clerk Board of Public Works: John M. Thompson.------------------------- PreS. Edgar W. Ingram ---------------------- Vice PreS. Cornelius C. Marshall----------------------- Secy George P. Tunnell-------------------------- Treas. Carl B. Baylis gº." following data are for the year ended Mar. 18, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $40,574 Number of Electric Customers- ------ - - - - 575 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,017 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------- -------------- 1,475, 620 Community Served at Retail: Population êWęS-------------------------------------- 2, 246 Also Renders: Water Service. 07–543 *Middletown Light and Water Department Middletown. Del. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. D. Appleby------------------------------ Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-DELAWARE 81 City Council: C. D. Appleby, Dr. A. R. Cruchley, Colonel C. Hopkins, Dr. Louis Levinson (mayor) P. L. McWhorter, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $26,518 Number of Electric Customers------------- 495 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------ - - - - - - - - 460 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 716,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Middletown-------------------------------- 1, 529 Also Renders: Water Service. 07–554 *City of Milford Milford, Del. Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles E. Banning-------------------- City Mgr. City Council: R. C. Barnard, D. G. Collins, G. H. Davis, C. B. Downing, Frank Elton, S. M. D Marshall, J. B. Poore, C. V. Wilkerson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $387,590 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - -. $103,767 Number of Electric Customers. . . . -- - - - - - - 1,800 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------------- 2, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 110,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Milford------------------------------ -- - - - - - - - y Also Renders: Water Service. 07–565 *New Castle Board of Water and Light Commissioners 407 Delaware St., New Castle, Del. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Willis Clothier... . . . . -----------------------. Secy. J. S. Benton-------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: H. L. Deakyne (pres.), Frank L. Hewlett, James B. White. gº." following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 0: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $68,878 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $56,371 Number of Electric Customers-------- - - - - - - 1, 189 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 431,800 Community Served at Retail: Population New Castle--------------------------------- 4, 414 Also Renders: Water service. 07–576 *Council of Newark 26 Academy St., Newark, Del. City Council: Frank Collins (pres.), Geo. Ferguson, C. C. Hubert, C. E. Johnson, Gé6. Ramsey, J. F. Richards, Herman Wollaston. 322 184—42–––11 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $99,309 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,410 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Newark------------------------------------ 4, 502 07–584 *City of Seaford Light & Power Co. Pine St., Seaford, Del. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Frank Deakyne----------- Supt. and City Mgr. Geo. W. Donoho--------------------------- Mayor City Council: Karl K. Brown, W. Fred Burton Charles A. Hastings, H. A. Phillips Harlan A. Willin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $298,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $79, 632 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,024 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-----...------------- 1, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 941, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Seaford------------------------------------- 2, 804 07–587 *Town of Smyrna Boulevard & South Sts., Smyrna, Del. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James Wilson. ------------------------------ Supt. Ralph G. Faries-- - Chairman of Light Committee The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55, 200 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $44, 299 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 100,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Smyrna------------------------------------- 1, 870 07–810 *The Delaware Rural Electric Association Greenwood, Del. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James W. Baker--------- - - - - -* - - - - - - * ~ * ~ * - * ~ *- PreS. A. G. Ingram------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $789, 796 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $84, 136 2,093 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 1, 257,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. District of Columbia 08–025 Potomac Electric Power Company 10th and E Sts. N. W., Washington, D. C. (Controlled by North American Co.) Principal Officers: Alfred G. Neal---------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. James H. Ferry--------- Vice Pres. & Chief Engr. Harold A. Brooks.-------- Vice Pres. & Com. Mgr. George M. Thompson.------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Robert W. Wilson.------------------------- Treas. Harold G. Haydon------------------- Comptroller Edwin D. Detwiler------------------- Asst. Secy. Charles L. Carr---------------- ASSt. Comptroller Directors: Frederick W. Doolittle, H. Rozier Du- lany, Jr., James H. Ferry, Robert V. Fleming, William F. Ham, William H. Lipscomb, William McClellan, Leonard H. Mitchell, Ralph E. Moody, Alfred G. Neal, Harry L. Rust, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $88,027,080 Electric Operating Revenues: $16,649, 319 $14,318, 139 otal------------------------------- 200, 777 In Wash., D.C.--------------------- 164, 509. Rilowatts. Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 305,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours. Total--------------------------- 1, 309, 775, 737. Generated-------------------------- 1, 149, 712,737 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 160,063,000. Community Served at Retail: Population Washington------------------------ 663,091 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Braddock Light & Power Co. (Virginia). Consolidated Gas, Electric Light and . Power Co. of Baltimore (Maryland). (Interchange). Maryland Light and Power Co. (Maryland). See Also: Operations reported under Maryland (19—112). 83 FLORIDA Index Reference Number *Alachua, City of - - - - - - - -----------. - - - - - - - 09–511 *Bartow, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 09–517 *Blountstown, City of ... -------------------- 09–523 Boca Grande Light & Power Co------ - - - - - 09–011 Brooks-Scanlon Corporation-------- - - - - - - - - - ()9–220 *Bushnell Electric Light, Water & Power Company-----------------------...--------- *Central Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc. -- 09–820 *Choctawatchee Cooperative, Inc. ---------- 09–823 *Clay Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. 09–825 Empire Service Co. ------------------------ 09–015 *Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc - 09–850 Everglades Railway Light & Power Co. ---- 09–020 Florida Power & Light Company. ---------- 09–029 Florida Power Corporation- -...---------- 09-038 Florida Public Service Company------------ 09–047 Florida Public Utilities Company--------...-- 09–056 *Fort Meade Electric Department. - - - - - - - - - 09–535 *Fort Pierce, City of . . . . . . ._____________ 9–541 *Gainesville Municipal Water, Light and Power Plant 09– Glades Power and Light Company. --- - - - - - - 09–061 *Green Cove Springs Electric Plant. . . . . . . . . 09–553 Gulf Power Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ()9–065 *Homestead Power and Light Plant.-------- 09–560 Indiantown Development Company -- . . . . . 09-260 International Paper Company, Southern Rraft Division -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09—314 *Jacksonville Beach, City of... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ()9–572 *Jacksonville Municipal Electric Plant_-____ 09–566 Key West Electric Company, The --------- 09–074 *Kissimmee Utility Department____________ ()9–578 *Lake Helen Municipal Plant. ---- - - - - - - - - - 09–58 *Lakeland Light & Water Department------ 09–597 Reference Number *Lake Worth, City of ---------------------- 09–590 *Leesburg, Municipal Plant, City of.-------- 09–603 *Moore Haven Light & Water Department -- 09–609 *Mount Dora, Town of 09–615 *Newberry, Board of Public Works, City of.- 09–621 Newport Industries, Inc.--------------------- 09–280 *New Smyrna Beach, City of - - - ----------- 09–627 *Ocala-Dept. of Public Service, City of - - - - - 09–634 *Orlando Utilities Commission-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 09–640 *Polk City, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 09–646 Power & Ice, Inc.---------------------------- 09–095 Putnam Lumber Company----------------- 09–292 *Quincy Municipal Electric & Water Plant-- 09-652 *River Junction, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 09–658 *Saint Cloud Utilities Commission-- - - - - - - - - 09–664 *Saint Petersburg, Dept. of Pub. Utilities, Div. of Electricity, City of --------------- 09–670 *Sebring, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- 09–677 Sheip Lumber Company, J. H.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 09–303 *Starke Light and Water Plant-------------- 09–683 *Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. -- - - - - - - - - 09–952 *Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. 09-955 *Tallahassee, City of . ---------------------- 09–689 Tampa Electric Company------------ - - - - - - - 09–119 *Vero Beach Municipal Power System, City Of----------------------------------------- *Wauchula Light and Water Plant-- - - - - - - - - *West Florida Electric Cooperative Associa- 0 tion, Inc.----------------------------------- 970 *Williston, City of. - - - - - - - - - - --------------- 09–708 Yankeetown Utilities---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.9–130 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. FLORIDA 09–011 Boca Grande Light & Power Co. Fort Myers, Fla. Principal Officers: D. G. Copeland----------------------------- PreS. P. E. Brannen----------------------------- Treas. J. S. Gillentine------------------------ Gen. Mgr Directors: , C. H. Collier, D. G. Copeland, F. J. Frankenhoff, J. S. Gillentine. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $21,981 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $27,814 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Pirchased.------------------------- 344, 390 Community ºf rved at Retail: Population Boca Grande.--------------------------------- 350 09–015 Empire Service Co. Bainbridge, Ga. Principal Officers: A. P. Conger-------------------------------- PreS. J. G. Kwilecki------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. B. Conger, J. G. Kwilecki, J. D. Rather, Jr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $39,061 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,904 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 135 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 112 Community Served at Retail: Population WeWahitchka------------------------------- 1,022 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 09–020 Everglades Railway Light & Power Co. Everglades, Fla. (Controlled by Collier Bros., Inc.) Principal Officers: D. Graham Copeland----------------------- Pres. F. S. Lewis--------------------------------- Secy. F. J. Frankenhoff--------------------------- Treas Directors: D. Graham Copeland, F. J. Franken- hoff, J. J. Gormican, N. A. Herren, F. S. Lewis. 85 86 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------------ $173,905 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $15,061 Number of Electric Cust s: 112 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 380 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 904,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Everglades----------------------------------- 518 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 09–029 Florida Power & Light Company 25 S. E. Second Ave., Miami, Fla. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: McGregor Smith---------------------------- Pres. H. E. Simpson------------------------- Vice Pres. M. B. McDonald_ _ _ - - -Secy. W. R. Blackwood-------------------------- Treas. E. H. Reynolds----------------------- Asst. Secy. W. L. Williams----------------------- Asst. Secy. A. F. Hendricks---------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Bryan C. Hanks, M. B. McDonald, H. E. Simpson, McGregor Smith, J. H. White. Controls: Consumers Water Company (water utility). The Miami Beach Railway Co. (transportation). Miami Water Co. (water utility), The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------------------- $136, 312, 793 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $14,464,013 Number of Electric Customers-------- 144,393 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 163,593 Steam------------------------------- 151, 117 Internal Combustion---------------- 12,476 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total -- 483, 666,990 Generated--------------------------- 481,377,990 Purchased mº º my º 2, 289,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Daytona Beach--------------------------- 22,584 Fort Ilauderdale-------------------------- 17,996 Fort Myers------------------------------- 10,604 |Miami----------------------------------- 172,172 Miami Beach------------------------ 28, 012 St. Augustine---------------------------- 12,090 Sanford---------------------------------- 10,217 Sarasota.--------------------------------- 11, 141 West Palm Beach------------------------ 33,693 1,000 to 10,000 population Arcadia------ -- 4,055 Baldwin---------------------------------- 1,002 Belle Glade & ºm º ºs -- 3,806 Poynton--------------------------------- 1, 326 Pradenton------------------------------- 7, Bunnell ----- -- 1,030 Canal Point------------------------------ 1,800 9900?------------------------------------ 3,098 Coral Gables- -- 8, 294 Crescent City__ 1, 124 Pania------------------------------------ 2,902 Deerfield (Deerfield Beach) -------------- 1,850 Delray Beach---------------------------- 3,737 Priſton----------------------------------- ,024 Hallandale------------------------------- 1,827 Hastings--------------------------------- 1,035 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 Population Population Hialeah ------ ---- 3,958 Holly Hill.------- 1,665 Hollywood--- 6,239 Lake City- - - - 5,836 Live Oak----- 3, 427 Madison.--- 2,730 Manatee-------- 3, 595 Melbourne----- 2,622 Miami Shores---------------------------- 1,956 Monticello ------ 2,042 Naples--------- 1, 253 North Miami -- 1,973 Okeechobee-- 1,658 9rmond---------------------------------- 1,914 Pahokee---------------------------------- 4,766 Palatka---------------------------------- 7, 140 Palm Beach------------------------------ 3, 747 Palmetto--------------------------------- 3, 491 Parrish----------------------------------- , 000 Perry------------------------------------- 2,668 Pompano--------------------------------- 4, 427 Punta Gorda----------------------------- 1, 889 Riviera.---------------------------------- 1, 981 South Miami----------------------------- 2,408 Stuart------------------------------------ 2,438 Titusville-------------------------------- 2, 220 250 to 1,000 population Allandale--------------------------------- 250 Alva------------------------------------- 612 Anastasia--------------------------------- 340 Bee Ridge-------------------------------- 300 Biscayne Park---------------------------- 500 Boca Raton.------------------------------ 723 Bonita Springs--------------------------- 356 Brownsville------------------------------ 300 Callahan--------------------------------- 685 Charlotte Harbor------------------------- 300 Chuluota.--------------------------------- 500 City Point------------------------------- 300 College Park - - - - - - - * * * = - * * * * * * * * = ** - - - - - - - 300 Cortez------------------------------------ 300 Davie------------------------------------ 600 East Palatka----------------------------- 300 Eau Gallie------------------------------- 873 Elkton -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 El Portel--------------------------------- 365 Ellenton---------------------------------- 569 Englewood------------------------------- 450 Federal Point---------------------------- 313 Fellsmere--------------------------------- 643 Florida City------------------------------ 752 Fort Ogden------------------------------- 250 Fruitville--------------------------------- 500 Gardner---------------------------------- 250 Geneva----------------------------------- 500 Gillette----------------------------------- 250 Gomez----------------------------------- 300 Goulds----------------------------------- 600 Greenacres City.-------------------------- 304 Hammonville ---------------------------- 350 Hampton--------------------------------- 478 Harbor Oaks----------------------------- 250 Hawthorn-------------------------------- 74} Hilliard---------------------------------- 250 Hobe Sound------------------------------ 300 Indian River City------------------------ 500 Interlachen------------------------------- 251 Jensen.------------------------------------ 419 Kelsey City (Lake Park) -----------------. 379 Kendall---------------------------------- 250 La Belle---------------------------------- 837 Lake Butler------------------------------ 923 Lake Harbor----------------------------- 800 Lake Monroe----------------------------- 350 Lamont---------------------------------- 250 Lawtey----------------------------------- 427 Lee. -------------------------------------- 258 Lloyd------------------------------------ 250 MacClenny------------------------------- 771 Melrose---------------------------------- 300 Merritt----------------------------------- 300 Miami Springs--------------------------- 898 Mims------------------------------------ 500 Moultrie--------------------------------- 500 Naranja---------------------------------- 250 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-FLORIDA 87 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Nocatee---------------------------------- 900 Nokomis--------------------------------- 400 North Miami Beach---------------------- 871 Oak Hill--------------------------------- 509 Oakland Park---------------------------- 815 jus-------------------------------------- 800 Olustee----------------------------------- 452 Ilê00------------------------------------ 300 Opalocka--------------------------------- 497 Osteen----------------------------------- 347 Palm City-------------------------------- 628 Palma Sola------------------------------- 300 aola------------------------------------- 400 Penney Farms--------------------------- 370 Perrine----------------------------------- 300 Pinetta----------------------------------- 300 Pomona---------------------------------- 316 Port Everglades-------------------------- 250 Port Orange------------------------------ 662 Princeton-------------------------------- 400 Providence------------------------------- 250 Raiſord----------------------------------- 460 Redlands--------------------------------- 700 Rockledge-------------------------------- 725 uskin----------------------------------- 425 Salerno----------------------------------- 328 Samoset---------------------------------- 700 Sebastian--------------------------------- 425 Solona------------------------------------ 500 South Bay------------------------------- 800 Southern Pines (Southern Boulevard Pines)- 300 Surfside---------------------------------- 295 Terra Ceia------------------------------- 250 ice-------------------------------------- 650 Uleta------------------------------------- 375 Venice------------------------------------ 507 Wabasso--------------------------------- 300 Waldo------------------------------------ 567 Watertown------------------------------- 795 Waukeenah------------------------------ 275 elaka----------------------------------- 457 Wellborn--------------------------------- 324 West Gates------------------------------- 300 White City------------------------------- 300 Whitefield Estates------------------------ 250 Wimauma-------------------------------- 557 Winter Beach---------------------------- 400 Yulee------------------------------------ 250 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Florida Power Corporation. Also Renders: Gas Service. 09–038 Florida Power Corporation 101 Fifth St. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: . W. Higgins PreS. J. J. McCarthy------------------------ Vice PreS E. K. Ilgenfritz--------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. W. C. Schoeppe---------------------- Comptroller W. R. Porter ---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. A. Flood------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: H. R. Cloud, T. C. Ervin, K. E. Fender- Son, A. W. Higgins, E. K. Ilgenfritz, G. A. Lou- den, R. C. Pourtless, W. C. Schoeppe, W. A. F. Stephenson. Controls: Florida West Coast Towing Co. (towing fuel oil). Santa Fe Land Co. (land holding). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $24,835,962 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,124, 189 Number of Electric Customers.-------- 39, 106 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------- 58,824 Steam-------------------------------- 43, 500 Hydro - - 14, 193 Internal combustion 1, 131 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 275,276,629 Generated.---------------------------- 244, 980, 119 Purchased.---------------------------- 19, 750, 310 Interchanged-in (Gross)-------------- 10, 546, 200 Communities Served at Retail: - 10,000 population or more Population Clearwater-------------------------------- 10, 136 Saint Petersburg-------------------------- 60,812 1,000 to 10,000 population Apalachicola----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 268 Brooksville-------------------------------- 1, 607 Carrabelle--------------------------------- 1,019 Cross City-------------------------------- 1, 869 Dunedin---------------------------------- 1, 758 Dunnellon--------------------------------- 1, 217 Greenville--------------------------------- 1, 114 Gulfport----------------------------------- 1, 581 Havana----------------------------------- 1, 221 High Springs------------------------------ 2,010 Inverness---------------------------------- 1,075 Jasper------------------------------------- 1, 722 Largo------------------------------------- 1,031 Port Saint Joe----------------------------- 2,393 Tarpon Springs.--------------------------- 3, 402 Wildwood--- * - - - - ess ºs - - - - - * * - - - - * * *- - 1, 346 Zephyrhills - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 252 250 to 1,000 population Anthony---------------------------------- 337 Archer------------------------------------ 517 Aucilla---- 982 Belleview.--------------------------------- 433 Branford---------------------------------- 684 Bronson----------------------------------- 758 Center Hill-------------------------------- 545 Chiefland.----- 572 Citra-------------------------------------- 485 Coleman---------------------------------- 764 Crystal River----------------------------- 927 Elſers------------------------------------- 256 Floral City-------------------------------- 360 Fort White-------------------------------- 317 Greensboro---- - 443 Hague------------------------------------- 275 Hernando- - - 402 Homosassa-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 440 Island Grove.------------------------------ 582 Jennings----------------------------------- 499 Lady Lake-------------------------------- 309 Mayo - - - 915 McIntosh--------------------------------- 397 Micanopy--------------------------------- 720 New Port Richey------------------------- 920 Old Town--------------------------------- 300 Oxford------------------------------------ 305 Ozona------------------------------------- 255 Palm Harbor------------------------------ 534 Pass A Grille------------------------------ 398 Pinellas Park------------------------------ 691 Raleigh 300 Reddick----------------------------------- 392 Safety Harbor----------------------------- 694 §: * - - - - sº m - - - - * * * - - - - - as m - - - - as ºm - - - - * * * - - % ODCDODDY-------------------------------- ºppy------------------------------. 660 Summerfield------------------------------ 785 Sunshine Beach--------------------------- 700 Trenton----------------------------------- 773 Trilby------------------------------------- 389 WebSter 454 WeirSdale_ _ _ - J.-- 405 White Springs----------------------------- 600 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Florida Public Service Co. Georgia Power and Light Co. Georgia Power Co. A. F. Knotts. Tampa Electric Co. 88 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Alachua. *Bushnell Electric Light, Water & Power Co. *Leesburg Municipal Plant. *City of Newberry, Board of Public Works. *Ocala Light & Water Dept. *City of Quincy. *City of Tallahassee. *City of Williston. *Central Florida Electric Cooperative Assn. *Sumter Electric Cooperative ASSn., Inc. *Suwanne Valley Electric Cooperative Assn. 09–047 Florida Public Service Company 100 E. Central Ave., Orlando, Fla. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: A. W. Higgins--------------------------- ... Pres. R. D. Jennison.------------------------- Vice Pres. H. R. Cloud--------------------------- Vice PreS. W. C. Schoeppe----------------------------- Secy. E. K. Ilgenfritz---------------------------- Treas. Directors: H. R. Cloud, A. W. Higgins, E. K. Ilgenfritz, R. D. Jennison, G. B. Turner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $14,710,054 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $1,798, 510 Number of Electric Customers--------- 17,348 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal---------------------------- 28, 238 Steam-------------------------------- 27, 500 Internal Combustion----------------- 738 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal---------------------------- 112, 918, 620 Generated.---------------------------- 105, 390, 820 Purchased.---------------------------- 3, 201, 200 Interchanged-in (Gross) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4, 326, 600 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Apopka------------------------------------- 1, 312 Avon Park--------------------- •e - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 125 Clermont----------------------------------- 1,631 De Land------------------------------------ 7,041 Pustis-------------------------------------- 2,930 Frostproof---------------------------------- 1, 704 Haines City-------------------------------- 3,890 Lake Wales---------------------------------- 5,024 Oviedo-------------------------------------- 1, 356 Tavares------------------------------------- 1, 119 Umatilla. ---------------------------------- 1, 149 Winter Garden----------------------------- 3,060 Winter Park-------------------------------- 4, 715 250 to 1,000 population Agricola------------------------------------ 450 Altamonte Springs-------------------------- 551 Altoona------------------------------------- 399 Alturas------------------------------------- 339 Babson Park-------------------------------- 250 Barberville--------------------------------- 357 Beaulah------------------------------------ 300 Benson Springs----------------------------- 250 Bowling Green.----------------------------- 950 Conway------------------------------------ 600 Davenport---------------------------------- 640 De Leon Springs---------------------------- 450 Pundee------------------------------------- 694 Fairvilla------------------------------------ 354 Glenwood * - * * * *-* - * * - - - - - - - * * - - e = <- - 321 Groveland---------------------------------- 411 Howey-------------------------------------- 399 Lake Hamilton----------------------------- 344 Lake Placid--------------------------------- 340 Lake Maitland----------------------------- 463 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Lake Mary--------------------------------- 331 Leco---------------------------------------- 530 Lockhart----------------------------------- 636 Longwood---------------------------------- 406 Minneola-----------------------...--...-------- 269 MontVerde--------------------------------- 312 Oakland------------------------------------ 518 Ocoee--------------------------------------- 702 Orange City-------------------------------- 489 Orlavista----------------------------------- 412 Pierson------------------------------------- 541 Pinecastle----------------------------------- 421 Plymouth---------------------------------- 250 Seville------------------------------------- 515 Sorrento------------------------------------ 488 Statson------------------------------------- 860 Taft---------------------------------------- 296 Tangerine. ---------------------------------- 250 Waverly------------------------------------ 250 Yalaha-------------------------------------- 458 Zellwood------------------------------------ 700 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Florida Power Corporation. Interstate Development Co. J. B. Mackey. Tampa Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Mount Dora. *Sumter Electric Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water Service. 09–056 Florida Public Utilities Company 243 Peachtree St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. (Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation.) Principal Officers: H. Carl Wolf-------------------------------- PreS. Paul R. Taylor------------------------ Vice Pres. J. Stern------------------------------ Vice Pres. G. B. Pidot--------------------------------- Secy. C. F. Johansen--------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. E. Dale Chambers--------------------- Asst. Secy. F. Robert Anderson.------------------ Asst. Treas. R. B. Small--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. E. T. Anderson------------------------Asst. Treas. K. R. Teele--------------------------ASSt. Treas" Directors: C. F. Johansen, Paul R. Taylor, H. Carl Wolf. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,066,065 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $213,366 Number of Electric Customers-------- - * - 2,740 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 2, 884 Hydro--------------------------------- 170 Internal combustion------------------ a 2, 714 a 200 kw not useable until rehabilitated. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 7, 164, 790 Generated----------------------------- 7, 159, 690 Purchased.----------------------------- 5, 100 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alford-------------------------------------- 283 Altha--------------------------------------- 350 BaSCOIn - * * - - sº sº. -- * * * - * * * -- * * - - - - - - - - - - 300 Bristol-------------------------------------- 500 Cottondale---------------------------------- 719 Fernandina--------------------------------- 3, 492 Greenwood--------------------------------- 293 Malone------------------------------------- 442 Marianna----------------------------------- 5. 079 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-FLORIDA 89 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES : *City of Blountstown. *West Florida Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water service. 09–061 Glades Power and Light Company Clewiston, Fla. Population 1,338 Community Served at Retail: Clewiston---------------------------------- 09–065 Gulf Power Company 8–10 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, Fla. (Controlled by The Commonwealth & Southern ºtion (Delaware) through 100% of voting power. Principal Officers: B. A. Yates---------------------------------- Pres. L. C. Parks------------------Vice PreS.-Gen. Mgr. B. W. Eggert.-------------------------- Vice Pres. W. Grant----------------------------- Secy.-Treas. S. A. Dawley------------- Asst. Secy.-Asst. Treas. R. P. Welsh-------------- ASSt. Secy.-ASSt. Treas. C. Wigand---------------------------- Asst. Treas. B. L. McLean------------------------------- Clerk Directors: A. C. Blount, W. Grant, C. C. Liddon, L. C. Parks, W. C. Sherman, C. L. Shine, E. A. Yates, J. E. D. Yonge. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $17,683,833 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,613, 365 Number of Electric Customers---------- 19, 509 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 66,697, 119 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Panama City------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - 11, 610 Pensacola--------------------------------- 37, 449 1,000 to 10,000 population Bonifay------------------------------------ 1,924 Century------------------------------------ 1, 250 Chipley------------------------------------ 2, 167 Crestview.---------------------------------- 2, 252 De Funiak Springs.------------------------- 2, 570 Graceville---------------------------------- 1, 181 Lynn Haven------------------------------- 1, 246 Milton------------------------------------- 1, 851 Springfield - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - 1, 188 Warrington-------------------------------- 1, 500 250 to 1,000 population Bagdad------------------------------------ 500 Baker-------------------------------------- 260 Bluff Springs------------------------------- 300 Campbellton------------------------------- 311 Caryville----------------------------------- 279 Fort Walton.------------------------------- 300 Gonzalez----------------------------------- 500 *X----------------------------------------- 400 Laurel Hill--------------------------------- 350 McDavid---------------------------------- 300 Milligan------------------------------------ 250 Millview.----------------------------------- 450 Molino------------------------------------- 438 Myrtle Grove ------------------------------ 600 Niceville----------------------------------- 948 Ponce De Leon----------------------------- 382 Vernon------------------------------------- 539 Westbay--------------------------------- __ 400 Youngstown. -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 498 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY own ED UTILITIES: . *Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc. *West Florida Electric Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Gas Service. 09–074 The Key West Electric Company Duval and Green Sts., Key West, Fla. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 79.5% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Bascom L. Grooms-------------------------- Pres. Donald C. Barnes---------------------- Vice PreS. Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr.------------------ Vice Pres. Richard N. Benjamin----------------------- Secy. Alexander M. Hewett------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. Leon E. Jordan----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Jason C. Leighton-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Samuel E. Ratcliffe------------------ ASSt. Treas. Directors: Donald C. Barnes, Howard Coonley, Bascom L. Grooms, Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr., gºw. Rellogg, Thomas W. Streeter, Samuel ... 'I’llell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------$967, 355 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $234, 319 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,321 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal combustion------------------- 2, 240 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 4, 330, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Rey West--------------------------------- 12, 927 09–095 Power & Ice, Inc. Cedar Keys, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. L. Scruggs--------------------------- Vice Pres. Grinnell Hughes--------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $5,500 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 210 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Cedar Keys------------------------------- 988 09–119 Tampa Electric Company 810 Tampa St., Tampa, Fla. Principal Officers: Peter O. Knight----------------------------- PreS. Francis J. Gannon--------------------- Vice PreS. George H. Clifford--------------------- Vice PreS. Peter J. Rempe. ----------------------- Vice PreS. H. L. Daley---------------------------- Vice PreS. Alanson R. Hathaway Directors: Henry G. Bradlee, Harvey H. Bundy, Paul C. Cabot, Alan Cunningham, Ernest B. Dane, Robert H. Gardiner, Charles Jackson, Peter O. Knight, Henry L. Shattuck, Whitney Stone, Edwin S. Webster, Samuel H. Wolcott. 90 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $15,673, 829 - - - - - - - - - sº * - - - m = ** - - Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,442,676 Number of Electric Customers--------- 45, 380 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) Energy Available in Year: 41,000 Rilowatt-hours Total 220, 370,631 Generated---------------------------- 191, 162,448 Purchased.-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24,619, 350 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 4, 588,833 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Tampa------------------------------- 108, 391 1,000 to 10,000 population Auburndale ---------------------------- 2,723 Ballast Point----------------------------- 2,300 Brandon--- - 1,063 Coronet -------------------------------- 1,000 Dade City------ 2,561 Dover--- 1,495 Hopewell--- * - - - 1, 260 Mulberry----------- - 1, 502 Plant City__ - - ---- 7,491 Port Tampa 1, 124 Springhead.------ 1, 355 Sulphur Springs-------------------------- 3,845 Sydney----- - - 1,326 ThonotoSassa----------------------------- 1, 200 Winter Haven 6, 199 Youmans --- 1,480 250 to 1,000 population Bradley Junction------------------------- 361 Brewster--------------------------------- 700 Eagle Lake------------------------------- 862 |Keysville--------------------------------- 500 Enights-- 555 Lake Alſred.---- 920 Lake ThonotoSassa 896 Lutz--- 685 Mango- * --> 821 Mount Enon -- * * 585 Oldsmar---------------------------------- 315 Saint Joseph---------------------------- 375 San Antonio------------------------------ 267 Sefīner------- 931 Valrico- 435 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Florida Power Corporation. Florida Public Service Co. U. S. Phosphoric Products Corp. Puj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Polk City. Also Renders: Ice, street railway, and water service. 0.9–130 Yankeetown Utilities Yankeetown, Fla. Principal Officer: Eugene Knotts---------------------- Owner-Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $5,700 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $298 Number of Electric Cust is 91 Community Served at Retail: Population Yankeetown------------------------------ 255 Also Renders: Water Service. | Generating Capacity (total) 09–220 Brooks-Scanlon Corporation Foley, Fla. officials in Charge of Electric Operations: John Hey---------------------------- Chief Engr. R. M. Callihan----------------------- Chief Elec. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $118,001 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17,833 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 2, 586 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale z- - 2, 289,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Florida Power & Light Co. 09–260 Indiantown Development Company Indiantown, Fla. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: R. I. Hamrick -------------------- General Agent J. A. Allman------------------------------- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $561 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 28 Rilowatts * * * * * * * * - - - sº me • - - - Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 6, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population Indiantown------------------------------- 343 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–280 Newport Industries, Inc. P. O. Box 911, Pensacola, Fla. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: .. J. H. McCormack---------------------- Vice Pres. E. F. Sisson-------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $22,900 Number of Electric Customers 2 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------- 1,500 Filowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 3,647,070 Energy Sold for Resale 1, 164,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Gulf Power Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-FLORIDA 09–292 Putnam Lumber Company Shamrock, Fla. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. A. Morris-------------------------- Chief Engr. R. H. Beazlie------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------- 2,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Florida Power Corporation. Also Renders: Ice and water service. 0.9–303 J. H. Sheip Lumber Company Apalachicola, Fla. 09—314 International Paper Company Southern Kraft Division Mobile, Ala. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. H. Friend--------------------------- Vice Pres. The following data are for the year 1940; Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $77, 149 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------- 16, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale----------------- 9, 590,795 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Gulf Power Co. See Also: Operations reported under Alabama (0.1- 298) and Mississippi (23–288). 09–511 *City of Alachua Alachua, Fla. bS--------------------------- City Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----. ------------------ $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $11, 186 Number of Electric Customers------------- 179 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 92 Energy Available in Year: Fºilowatt-hours * - - - - - - - - - as * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - 474, 074 Generated-------------------------------- 72, 824 Purchased-------------------------------- 401, 250 Community Served at Retail: Population Alachua------------------------------------ 1,081 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 09–517 *City of Bartow Bartow, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. H. McCoy-------------------------- City Mgr. Geo. J. McNamee City Auditor, Clerk, Treas. & Collector City Commissioners: L. G. Bruce, J. A. Fort, A. T. Hackl (Mayor-Commissioner Pro-Tem.), A. J. Lewis, C. E. Williams (Mayor-Commissioner). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant a-------------------- $555, 156 * As of Dec. 1, 1940. Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $129,988 Number of Electric Cust r’s 1,990 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 2,320 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 699, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Bartow------------------------------- 6, 158 Aiso Renders: Water Service. 09–523 *City of Blountstown Blountstown, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: - - James N. McCaskill-------------- City Electrician City Council: A. E. Cuyson, R. W. Foster (mayor), G. R. Pendarvis, J. W. Yon. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 591 Number of Electric Customers------------- 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 271,650 Community Served at Retail: Population BlountStown - - - - - - -e ºs • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 931 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–529 *Bushnell Electric Light, Water & Power Company Bushnell, Fla. Council: Roy Caruthers, W. T. Coleman (preS, ), W. E. Crum, Carl Dinkins, J. M. West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $9,490 Number of Electric Customers --------- 165 Community Served at Retail: Population Bushnell----------------------------- 676 Aiso Renders: Water Service. 09–535 *Fort Meade Electric Department Fort Meade, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • . . . . ui u i v i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * ---Supt. Wilma D. Murdaugh------------------ City Mgr. City Commission: Minor W. Hall, R. Lee Johnson (mayor), Ike Rea. - 92 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ ----------------- $58, 612 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,931 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 550 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 380 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 222,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Meade------------------------------ 1,992 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–541 *City of Fort Pierce Fort Pierce, Fla. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $855, 151 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $209,568 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 172 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 5,300 Steam----------------------------------- 4, 500 Internal Combustion------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 8, 023, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Pierce--------------------------------- 8,040 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–547 *Gainesville Municipal Water, Light and Power Plant Gainesville, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Clarence O’Neill----------- Director of Finance J. B. Mobley, Jr.------------------------ City Mgr. City Commission: C. S. Brooking, J. M. Butler, J. B. Carmichael (mayor), J. Maxey Dell, R. B. Livingston. The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: - Electric Utility Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $793, 734 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $354,482 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,752 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4,000 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-...--------------------- 9, 925,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Gainesville -------------------------- 13, 757 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–553 *Green Cove Springs Electric Plant Green Cove Springs, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. R. Rivers-------------------------- Plant Supt. J. F. Lucas---------------- Utilities Commissioner W. F. Kenney---------------------------- Auditor The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $21, 680 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 295 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 448 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 960, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Green Cove Springs------------------------- 1,752 Also Renders: Water service. 09–560 *Homestead Power and Light Plant Homestead, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---- - - - - - - - - - - - $57,313 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - - - - 1,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 820 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------. ----------- 2,925,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Homestead.--------------------------------- 3, 154 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–566 *Jacksonville Municipal Electric Plant City Hall, Jacksonville, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. E. Anders-- - - - - - - - - - Commissioner of Utilities F. H. Koerber------------------------ Dist. Supt. O. Z. Tyler--------------------------- Plant Supt. C. S. Graham, City Utilities Inspector and Rate Engineer. W. E. Sheddan. ---------------------- City Engr. M. W. Bishop------------------------------ Secy. J. E. Pace-------------------------------- Auditor City Commission: E. E. Anders, T. C. Imeson (chairman), George A. Pierce, Guy L. Simmons, P. M. Ulsch, Fred M. Valz. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Piant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15,441,054 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $4, 134,838 Number of Electric Customers.------ ---- 46, 255 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 81, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 176,531,600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arlington--------------------------------- 500 Atlantic Beach -------------------------- 468 Dinsmore--------------------------------- 708 Doctors Inlet----------------------------- 300 Hogan------------------------------------ 1, 101 Jacksonville------------------------------- 173,065 Mandarin--------------------------------- 645 Mayport---------------------------------- 511 Orange Park------------------------------ 668 Saint Nicholas---------------------------- 375 Yukon------------------------------------ 40ſ) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-FLORIDA 93 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Green Cove Springs Municipal Electric Plant. *City of Jacksonville Beach. 09–572 *City of Jacksonville Beach City Hall, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Jas. Q. Palmer------------------------- City Mgr. Chas. O. Saunders - Chairman of Utilities Committee. C. U. Smith--------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $152, 555 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $118, 144 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - ----- 1, 597 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 3, 947, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Jacksonville Beach --------------------- 3,566 Neptune Beach - - ----------------------- 1, 363 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Ponte Vedra Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 09–578 *Kissimmee Utility Department Kissimmee, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Buckels-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. Commission: Ellis F. Davis (mayor), C. F. Norris, E. J. Parker. The following data are for the year ended Oct. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------ $214, 562 Electric Operating Revenues--------- --- $76, 756 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - ----- 888 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 1,566 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 514, 173 Community Served at Retail: Population Kissimmee--------------------------------- 3,225 09–584 *Lake Helen Municipal Plant Lake Helen, Fla. Community Served at Retail: Lake Heken--------- ------------------------ Population 587 09–590 “City of Lake Worth Lake Worth, Fla. Mayor and Commissioners: G. H. Brantley (mayor), Chas. E. Davis, A. W. Flinn, R. E. Michael, S. D. Phillips. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $681, 722 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $191, 117 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 3, 289 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion -------------------- 2, 755 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,352,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Worth----------------------------- 7,408 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–597 *Lakeland Light & Water Department City Hall, Lakeland, Fia. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. E. Kelley, Jr.-------------------- Commissioner G. J. Tolson.---------------- Mayor-Commissioner Horace W. Gibson --------------- Commissioner Chas. Larsen.------------------------------- Supt. 3 Tº: following data are for the year ended Aug. 1, 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2, 135, 542 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $619,482 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7, 306 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 12, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 16,054, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Highland City----------------------------- 275 Kathleen.---------------------------------- 1, 200 Lakeland---------------------------------- 22,068 Medulla----------------------------------- 400 Also Renders: Water Service, 09–603 *City of Leesburg, Municipal Plant Leesburg, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. C. Stubbs-------------------------- City Mſgr. R. E. Baker- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... --Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $256, 138 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $118, 741 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 562 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,029,900 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fruitland Park----------------------------- 362 Leesburg------------------------------------ 4, 687 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 09–609 *Moore Haven Light & Water Department Moore Haven, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Fountain----------------------------- P. E. Lundy \ 94 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION City Commission: C. V. Parkinson, V. L. Phillips, D. C. Settle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $40,640 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,436 Number of Electric Customers 175 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 215 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 405,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Moore Haven--------------------------------- 831 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–615 *Town of Mount Dora Mount Dora, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. M. Gudgeon----Chairman—Light Committee EI. D. Overhiser J. B. Griswold Town Council: Mrs. M. M. Cleary, T). F. Crane, C. M. Gudgeon, C. R. Javens, L. C. Jerne, G. C. Keller, D. S. Simpson. The following data are for the year ended Oct. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $87,631 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $40,894 Number of Electric Customers------------- 612 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,005, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Dora------------------------------- 1,880 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–621 *City of Newberry, Board of Public Works Newberry, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. G. Red---------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: W. N. Barry, D. W. Holder, C. B. Weeks. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $7,845 Number of Electric Customers------------- 120 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 72 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Otal--------------------------------- 188, 400 Generated.-- 500 Purchased 187, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Newberry------------ 735 09–627 *City of New Smyrna Beach New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: . W. M. White ----------- City Auditor & Clerk City Commissioners: J. T. Courtney, C. E. Griffin, W. E. Swoope (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,450 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1,090 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated---------------------- 3, 186,384 Communities Served at Retail: Population Coronado Beach---------------------- 328 Edgewater--------------------------- 477 New Smyrna Beach------------------------ 4, 402 Samsula------------------------------------ 271 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 09–634 *City of Ocala—Dept. of Public Service 512 Orange Ave., Ocala, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. B. McKenzie---------------------------- Supt. City Council: H. P. Bitting, Alex M. Collins (Chair- man), C. C. Fraser, G. C. Pasteur, H. D. Peebles. The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Total Utility Plant. -------------------- $401, 768 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $244, 337 Number of Electric Cust º 2,892 Rºżlowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 962 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 8, 156,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Cala--------------------------------------- 8,986 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–640 *Orlando Utilities Commission Orlando, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. W. Brown- Gen. Mgr. Utilities Commission: Dr. H. M. Beardall (pres.), C. P. Dickinson (vice pres.), C. G. Magruder, S. Y. Way (mayor), E. W. Yandre. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3, 590,666 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,041,696 Number of Electric Customers---------- 11,034 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 19,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 31, 556, 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Orlando- 36, 736 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–646 *Town of Polk City Polk City, Fla. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-FLORIDA 95. 09–652 *Quincy Municipal Electric & Water Plant Quincy, Fia. Principal Electric Utility Official: Steve Edwards------------------------- City Mgr. 1 The following data are for the year ended June 30, 941: - Electric Utility Plant*---------------------- $91,687 * As of July 1, 1940. Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 153 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 267 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total * * 3, 537,820 Generated.-- 1, 520 Purchased 3, 536, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Quincy--- * * * * * 3,888 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–658 *Town of River Junction River Junction, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. S. Shepard-- - - - - Supt. Electric Committee: E. H. Boykin, P. D. Clark, F. F. McKeown (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $85,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,566 Number of Electric Customers------------- 425 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 275 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---- 495,000 Community Served at Retail: Population River Junction----------------------------- 7, 110 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–664 *St. Cloud Utilities Commission St. Cloud, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Gallatin------------------------------- Supt. Utility Commission: Godfrey Ashbaker, M. A. Hurst (mayor), R. E. Jeffries. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $149,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $79, 177 Number of Electric Cust tº 1, 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 850,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Cloud--------------------------------- 2,042 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–670 *City of St. Petersburg, Dept. of Pub. Utilities, Div. of Electricity City Hall, St. Petersburg, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glenn V. Leland- - City Mgr. & Dir. of Pub. Uts. James Gibson.------------- ASSt. Dir. Of Pub. Uts. T. L. Crossland--------------- ----Dir. of Finance º following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $640,953 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $115,971 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 2,900 3. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 7,601, 625 09–677 *City of Sebring Sebring, Fla. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $750, 000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $72,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 100 Generating Capacity: Fºllowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,033,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Sebring •º sº sº sº am mº ºr amº sº amº ºm m ºn as amº ºs s = sº sº, sº * * * * * * * * * * * 3, 155 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 09–683 *Starke Light and Water Plant Starke, Fla. Community Served at Retail: Starke-------------------------------------- Population 1,480 09–689 *City of Tallahassee Tallahassee, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. N. Yancey ------------------------ City Mgr. R. M. Temple------------------------------ Supt. Geo. C. White------------- City Auditor & Clerk City Commission: Chas. S. Ausley (mayor), A. R. Richardson, Jack W. Simmons. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $673,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $242,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 527 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 13,068,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population St. Marks -------------------------------- 338 Tallahassee---- 16, 240 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 96 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 09–695 *City of Wero Beach Municipal Power System Vero Beach, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: * * * * Harry W. DameroW---------- Supt. Public Works City Council: Paul Beindorf (pres), H. B. Con- nelly, C. E. Cox, C. R. McClure, W. L. Mumm. The following data are for the year ended Oct. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $381,063 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $92,899 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 332 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,478 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,709, 450 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gifford------------------------------------- 500 Vero Beach--------------------------------- 3,050 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–701 *Wauchula Light and Water Plant Main St. & Fourth Avenue, Wauchula, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: - L. M. Mosely------------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $45,487 Number of Eiectric Customers------------ 634 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------- 816 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 171,754 Community Served at Retail: Population Wauchula---------------------------------- 2,710 Also Renders: Water service. 09–708 *City of Williston Williston, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Merrill Dees-------------------------------- Supt. Council Committee: J. G. Newsom, J. L. Ross (pres.), A. M. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20, 138 Number of Electric Customers------------ 249 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 568, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Williston------------------------------------- 890 Also Renders: Water Service. 09–820 *Central Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc. Chiefland, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. L. Horne--------------------------------- Pres. Cecil Cribb--------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $74, 540 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $2, 121 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212 09–823 *Choctawatchee Cooperative, Inc. Cres tview, Fla. 09–825 *Clay Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Keystone Heights, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. H. Surrency------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $497, 391 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $41,171 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - 1,053 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 773 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,096, 892 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brooker--------------------------------------- 300 Burbank-------------------------------------- 263 Campville--------------------------------. . . . 250 09–850 *Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc. Jay, Fia. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. H. Lundy------------------------------- Pres. C. W. Patton.------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $125,666 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $8,564 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 404 Kilowatt-hours .43,960 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-FLORIDA 97 * 09–952 *Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bushnell, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Proctor------------------------------ Pres, J. G. Sparkman-------------------- -- - - - -- * ~ * * Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... -------...---------- $313,645 Electric Operating Revenues. - - - - - - - - - - - - - $35,712 Number of Electric Customers------------ 951 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 620, 570 09–955 *Suwannee Valley Electric Coop- erative, Inc. Live Oak, Fia. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Madison L. Smith-------------------------- Pres. J. B. Bargeron------------------------------ Supt. 322184—42—12 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $138,577 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $7, 137 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 243 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------- - - - - - - - - --------- 43, 175 *West Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Graceville, Fla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Crutchfield The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $266,730 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $26,986 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 748 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 252,299 Community Served at Retail: Population Noma----------------------------------- 344 GEORGIA INDEX Reference Number *Acworth Water & Light Commission------- 10–510 *Adel Light & Water Department----------- 10–513 *Albany, City of.--------------------------- *Altamaha Electric Membership Corpora- tion, The---------------------------------- 10–805 *Amicalola Electric Membership Corpora- ion--------------------------------------- 10–808 *Barnesville, City of ----------------------- 10–519. Bibb Manufacturing Co--------------------- 10–223 *Blakely Water & Light Department - - - - - - - 10–522 *Blue Ridge Electric Association, Incor- porated.----------------------------------- 10–815 *Brinson, Water & Light Department, Town of----------------------------------- 0–525 Brunswick Pulp & Paper Company--------- 10–227 *Buford, City of... --------------------------- 10–528 *Cairo Light & Water Department---------- 10–53] *Calhoun, City of.-------------------------- 10–534 Callaway Mills------------------------------ 10–231 *Camilla Water and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ 10–537 *Canoochee Electric Membership Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 10–819 *Carroll Electric Membership Corporation, 9--------------------------------------- 10–822 *Cartersville, City of ----------------------- 10–540 *Central Georgia Electric Membership Cor- poration, The----------------------------- 10-824 *Chattanooga, Electric Power Board of.--- - - 10–541 Coastal Public Service Company-- - - - - - - - - - - 10–023 *Cobb County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 10–826 *College Park Electric Department - - - - - - - - - 10–543 *Colquitt County Rural Electric Company, °--------------------------------------- 10–827 *Commerce Water and Light Commission – – 10–546 *Covington, City of ------------------------ 10–549 Covington Mills----------------------------- 10–233 *Crisp County Power Commission - - - - - - - - - - 10–552 *Crisp Farmers Cooperative Corporation--- - 10–829 *Dalton Water, Light and Sinking Fund Commission------------------------------. 10–555 *Doerun Water & Light Plant, City of.----- 10–558 *Douglas, City of.--------------------------- 10–561 *Douglas County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–835 *Dudley, Town of.-------------------------- 10–564 *East Point, Light and Water Department, City of.----------------------------------- 10–567 *Elberton Water & Light Department______ 10–570 *Ellaville Electric & Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10–573 *Excelsior Electric Membership Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 10–840 Exposition Cotton Mills Co-- - - - - - - - -------- *Fairburn Light & Water Plant------------- *Fitzgerald Water, Light & Bond Com- mission----------------------------------- 10–579 *Flint Electric Membership Corporation____ 10–846 *Forsyth, City of --------------------------- 10–582 *Forsyth County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–850 *Fort Valley Board of Water & Light Com- mission------------------------------------ 10-585 Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills----------------- 10–237 Georgia Marble Co-------------------------- 10–244 Qeorgia Power Company-------------------- 10–045 Georgia Power and Light Company--------- 10–056 Goodrich Company, B. F------------------- 10–248 *Grady County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–860 *Grantville Water and Light Commission--- 10–588 Reference Number *Griffin Light, Water and Sewerage De- partment---------------------------------- *Habersham Electric Membership Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 10–864 *Hampton, City of.------------------------- 10–594 *Hart County Electric Membership Cor- Poration----------------------------------- 10–868 Hercules Powder Company----------------- 10–259 *Hogansville, City of.----------------------- 10–597 HOWSer, R. D.------------------------------- 10–071 *Iron City, Town of.------------------------ 10–601 *Irwin County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–880 *Jackson Electric Membership Corporation. 10–884 *Jackson Water & Light Department - - - - - - - 10–603 *Jefferson County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10-888 Juliette Milling Co-------------------------- 10–266 *La Fayette, City of.------------------------ 10–606 *La Grange, City of ------------------------- 10–609 *Lamar Electric Membership Corporation – – 10–898 *Lawrenceville, City of.--------------------- 10–612 *Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Cor- poration, The ----------------------------- 10–901 *Mansfield, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–615 *Marietta Board of Lights and Water Works. 10–618 *Middle Georgia Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–906 *Mitchell County Electric Membership Cor- poration------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–910 *Monroe Water & Light Commission - - - - - - - 10—624 *Monticello, City of.------------------------ 10–627 *Moultrie Light & Power Department_ _ _ _ _ _ 10–630 *Newman Water & Light Commission - - - - - - 10–633 *Norcross, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–637 *North Georgia Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 0–918 poration, The ----------------------------- 10– *Oxford Water & Tight System - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–640 *Palmetto Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 10–643 Pepperell Manufacturing Company--------- 10–272 Pepperton Cotton Mills- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–273 *Plains Municipal Water & Light Plant----- 10–646 *Planters Flectric Membership Corporation. 10–928 *Quitman, City of -------------------------- 10–649 Rabun Land and Water Compan *Rayle Electric Membership Corporation, The - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–938 *Sandersville Water and Light Commission-- 10–652 *Satilla Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration, The - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 10–944 Savannah Electric and Power Company - - - - 10–100 *Slash Pine Electric Membership Corpora- 10–947 poration----------------------------------- 10–950 South Carolina Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–122 *Sumter Electrical Membership Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 10–953 *Sylvania Light and Water Department - - - - 10-655 *Sylvester, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.------- 10–658 *Taylor County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–957 *Tennessee Valley Authority---------------- 10–659 Thomaston Cotton Mills-------------------- 10–280 99 s © 100 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Thomaston Water & Light Department, City of.----------------------------------- 10–66] *Thomasville Water & Light I)epartment, ity of ----------------------------------- 10–664 *Three-Notch Electric Membership Cor- poration. . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–959 Toccoa Power Company--------------...- - - - - - 10–145 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 10–961 Trion Co------------------------------------ 10–283 *Troup County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 10–963 *Whigham, Town of ----------------------- Reference Number *Upson County Electric Membership Cor- - I 0–968 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0–976 Warwick Flectric Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–166 *Washington County Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 10–980 *Washington Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - 10–667 *West Point, City of ----------------------- 10–670 10–673 *Denotes publicly owned utility. GEORGIA 10–023 Coastal Public Service Company Denmark, S. C. 10–045 Georgia Power Company 75 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. (Controlled by Commonwealth & Southern Cor- poration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: P. S. Arkwright----------------------------- Pres. W. E. Mitchell----------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. E. A. Yates----------------- - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. C. A. Collier--------------------------- Vice Pres. C. D. Flanigen------------------------- Vice Pres. B. R. Chestney - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. J. P. Dick---------------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. T. A. Gibson.------------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. J. J. McDonough --------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. L. M. Shadgett----------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. T. S. Sloan--------------- Vice Pres, & Div. Mgr. W. H. Wright------------------------------- Secy I. S. Mitchell, Jr.--------------------------- Treas, S. A. Dawley---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. B. T. Simpson------------------------ ASSt. Secy. L. G. Mann--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. F. R. Mitchell----------------------- Asst. Treas. C. Wigand--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. W. Boozer----------------------- Gen. Auditor Directors: P. S. Arkwright, P. S. Arkwright, Jr., Herman W. Boozer, W. C. Bradley, C. A. Collier, H. B. Darling, John M. Graham, R. F. Maddox, W. E. Mitchell, J. Clay Murphey, J. D. Rob- inson, Mell R. Wilkinson, W. H. Wright, E. A. Yates. Controls: South Georgia Ice Co. (cold storage & ice). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------------------- $269,095, 308 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $27,630,062 Number of Electric Customers -------- 226, 123 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts 9tal--------------------------- 380, 189 Steam------------------------------ 93,075 WCIT0------------------------------ 286,500 Internal Combustion--------------- 614 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------. – 2, 307, 208, 895 Generated.------------------------- 1. 362. 696, 354 Purchased.-------------------------- 849. 193. 040 Interchanged (gross-in) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95, 319, 501 • º gº Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Athens----------------------------------- 20, 650 Atlanta. --------------------------------. 302, 288 Augusta. -------------------------------- 65, 919 Brunswick ------------------------------- 15, 035 Columbus-------------------------------- 53, 280 Decatur---------------------------------- 16, 561 Gainesville------------------------------- 10, 243 Macon----------------------------------- 57,865 Rome----------------------. - - - * - - - - - - - - - - 26, 282 1,000 to 10,000 population Abbeville-------------------------------- 1,010 Alma------------------------------------- 1, 840 Americus--------------------------------- 9, 281 Aragon------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . 1, 245 Arlington.-------------------------------- 1, 337 Ashburn--------------------------------- 2, 266 Austell------------------------- - 1, 229 Baxley----------------------------------- 2,916 Bealwood - ------------------------------ 1,000 Bowdon---------------------------------- 1,024 Bremen---------------------------------- 1, 708 Buena Vista------------------------------ 1, 161 Butler------------------------------------ 1,093 Canton----------------------------------- 2,651 Carrollton-------------------------------- 6, 214 Cedartown------------------------------- 9,025 Chamblee---------------------------- ... - - - 1,081 Chatsworth------------------------------ 1, 001 Chattahoochee--------------------------- 2,500 Chickamauga---------------------------- 1,665 Claxton---------------------------------- 1, 808 Clayton---------------------------------- 1,088 Cochran.--------------------------------- 2, 464 Conyers---------------------------------- 1,619 Cornelia---------------------------------- 1, 808 Crawfordville---------------------------- 1,056 Cuthbert--------------------------------- 3,447 Dahlonega------------------------------- 1, 294 Pallas------------------------------------ 1, 922 Parien----------------------------------- 1,015 Dawson---------------------------------- 3, 681 Douglasville. . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - – 2, 555 Dublin------------, ---------------------- 7, 814 Eastman -- - - - ----------------, - - - - - - - - - 3, 311 Eatonton--------------------------------- 2, 399 Edison - - - - - - - - ----------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 24! Egan. --------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 20ſ) Ellijay -------------------------------- 1,497 Fort Gaines------------------------------ 1, 357 Glennville- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 674 Gordon ---------------------------------- 1, 524 Greensboro. ---------------------------. -- 2, 459 Hapeville-------------------------------- 5,059 Hartwell-...------------------------------- 2, 372 Hawkinsville--------------------...------...- 3,000 Hazelhurst------------------------------- 1, 732 Helena----------------------------------- 1,073 Jefferson--------------------------------- 1,839 Jonesboro-------------------------------- 1, 204 Lavonia---------------------------------- 1,667 Lithonia--------------------------------- 1, 554 Louisville-------------------------------- 1, 803 Lumber City----------------------------- 1,044 Lumpkin---------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 210 Lyons------------------------------------ 1,900 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-GEORGIA 101 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Metter---------------------- - -, * * - - - - - - - - - North Atlanta------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ocilla------------------------------------ Oglethorpe---------------------------- - - - Pelham---------------------------------- Roswell---------------------------------- Royston---------------------------------- Saint Simons Island---------------------- Shellman--------------------------------- Smyrna---------------------------------- Vienna----------------------------------- Wadley---------------------------------- Warrenton.------------------------------ Waynesboro----------------------------- Winder----------------------------------- Alpharetta.-------------------------- - - - - - Ambrose * - Auburn---------------------------------- Avondale Estates------------------------ Baconton--------------------------------- Baldwin--------------------------------- - Bartow----------------------------------- Bowman Burdal Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Canon------------------------------------ 496 Carlton----------------------------------- 284 Carnegie--------------------------------- 262 Carnesville------------------------------- 361 Cataula. -------------------------------- 250 Cave Spring------------------------------ 982 Chauncey-------------------------------- 387 Chester----------------------------------- 281 Chipley---------------------------------- 709 Chula------------------------------------ 300 Clarkston-------------------------------- 921 Clarksville------------------------------- 850 Clermont-------------------------------. - 297 Cleveland-------------------------------- 471 Cobbtown-------------------------------- 275 Cohutta---------------------------------- 287 Colbert----------------------------------- 345 Coleman--------------------------------- 270 Collins----------------------------------- 712 Comer------------------------------------ 811 Concord---------------------------------- 403 Crawford-------------------------------- -- 812 Culloden--------------------------------- 251 Cumming-------------------------------- 958 Dacula----------------------------------- 315 Daisy------------------------------------ 294 Damascus-------------------------------- 477 TXanielsville------------------------------ 333 Danville---------------------------------- 423 Davisboro-------------------------------- 533 Dawsonville------------------------------ 319 De Soto---------------------------------- 295 Dearing---------------------------------- 273 Demorest--------------------------------- 820 DeWy Rose------------------------------- 260 Dexter----------------------------------- 324 Doraville-------------------------------- -- 300 Dudley----------------------------------- 259 Duluth---------------------------------- 626 East Dublin------------------------------ 400 East Ellijay------------------------------ 460 Eldorado--------------------------------- 380 Flizabeth--------------------------------- 922 Ellerslie---------------------------------- 550 Emerson---------------------------------- 453 Emory University------------------------ 250 Enigma---------------------------------- 529 Eulonia---------------------------------- 300 Evans------------------------------------ 300 Fair Oaks-------------------------------- 300 Fairmount - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -* * * * * * * * * 74 Fayetteville------------------------------ 832 Flowery Branch -------------------------- 506 Forest Park------------------------------ 577 Franklin --------------------------------- 390 Fullerville-------------------------------- 438 Garfield---------------------------------- 291 Gay ------------------------------------- 262 Georgetown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 367 Gibson.---------------------------------- 474 Girard------------------------------------ 300 Glenwood-------------------------------- 625 Gough ----------------------------------- 300 Gracewood------------------------------- 500 Gray------------------------------------- 698 Greenville ------------------------------- 683 Grovetown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - " 267 Haddock--------------------------------- 336 Hagan----------------------------------- 685 Hamilton-...----------...-------------------- 473 aſ 10 IIl----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 736 Harrison. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 298 Hephzibah ------------------------------- 516 Hinesville-------------------------------- 630 Hiram------------------------------------ 282 Holly Springs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 256 Homer------------.. -------------------- 283 Hoschton.------------------------------- 364 Irwinton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 589 Jasper----------------------------------- 576 Jeffersonville - - - - - - - - - - - - -, ... - - - - - - - - - * * * * - - - 804 Junction City---------------------------- 326 Kennesaw------------------------------- 436 Keysville--------------------------------- 363 Kingsland--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 619 Kingston --------------------------------- 653 102 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Yite.------ Loganville Ludowici Morgan - - - Mount Airy Mount Vernon Mountain City Mountain View Newborn Norwood Oconee---- Rutledge Saint Marys Sale City Sardis Sea Island Beach Senoia Statham T. 250 to 1,000 population Population * - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = - sº * * * - - - - - - - -, * * = * = * ~ * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - e = <= - - - - * * * - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - * * * *m, sº sº ºn. - - - - - - - -, * * * * * * * *- :- * - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - = * * * ** - - - - - - - - - as * * * * * * * - - - - - - * * * * * * - wº. -- - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - as m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - * - - - - - - - * * = a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - * m = - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * *- - * - - - - - - - - - - me • * * * - - - - - - - * * * * * * - - * * *- - - - - - - - - -, * * * - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - m ms are m- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 472 306 717 716 547 479 517 894 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Trenton---------------------------------- 570. Tucker----------------------------------- 400 Tunnel Hill------------------------------ 255 Ty----------------------------------- 442 Union City------------------------------- 884 Uvalda----------------------------------- 592. Van Wert-------------------------------- 311 Vinings---------------------------------- 260 Waco------------------------------------- 304 Waleska---------------------------------- 264 Warm Springs---------------------------- 608 Warsaw---------------------------------- 335 Watkinsville----------------------------- 558 Waverly Hall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 569, White------------------------------------ 474 White Plains---. ------------------------- 364 Whitehali --------------------------...----- 599. Whitesburg----------------------------- 341 Wildwood--...---------------------------- 325 Willacoochee. ------ - - - - - - - -----------. -- 903 Winterville------------------------------- 503. Woodbine-----------...-------------------- 373 Woodbury - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 865 Woodland.------------------------------- 489 Woodstock------------------------------- 389 Woodville-------------------------------- 458 Zebulon---------------------------------- 543 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Alabama Power Co. (Interchange). Eagle & Phenix Mills (Interchange). Florida Power Corporation. Lexington Water Power Co. McCrary Co. (Interchange). South Carolina Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Acworth Water & Light Commission. *City of Albany. *City of Barnesville. *Blakely Water & Light Dept. *City of Braselton. *City of Buford. *City of Calhoun. *Camilla Water & Light T)ept. *Cartersville Electric Dept. *College Park Electric Dept. *Commorce Water & Light Commission. *City of Covington. *Crisp County Power Commission. *Dalton Water Light & Sinking Fund Commis- SIOI). *City of Doerun Water & Light Plant. *IDouglas Water & Light Commission. *City of East Point. *Elberton Water & Light T)ept. *Ella ville Ełectric & Water Works. *Fairburn Light & Water Plant. * *Fitzgerald Water, Light & Bond Commission. *City of Forsyth. *Grantville Wator & Light Commission. *Griffin Light, Water & Sewerage Dept. *City of Hampton, *City of Hogansville. *Jackson Water & Light Dept. *City of Lafayette. *LaGrange Electric Dept. *City of Lawrenceville. *Town of Mansfield. *Marietta Board of Lights & Water Works. *Monroe Water & Light Commission. *City of Monticello. *Moultrie Light & Power Dept. *Newnan Water & Light Commission. *City of Norcross. *Palmetto Municipal Light Plant *City of Sylvester. *Tennessee Valley Authority. *Thomaston Water & Light Department. *Washington Electric Dept. *West Point Light & Water Plant. 'Aºmaha Electric Membership Corporation o. 1. 'Aºshe Rural Electrification Authority o. 2. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-GEORGIA 103 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Altamaha Rural Electrification Authority No. 3. *Canoochee Electric Membership Corporation. *Carroll Electric Membership Corporation. "ºral Georgia Electric Membership Corpora- IOIl. *Colquitt County Rural Electric Co. & *Douglas County Electric Membership Cor- poration. *Excelsior Electric Membership Corporation. *Forsyth County Electric Membership Cor- poration. *Habersham Electric Membership Corporation. *H. County Electric Membership Corpora- IOI). *Irwin County Rural Electric Corporation. *Jackson Electric Membership Corporation. *J sººn County Electric Membership Corpo- Tall OI). *Lamar Electric Membership Corporation. *Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Copora- tion. ºl County Electric Membership Corpo- Tall On. *Qcmulgee Electric Membership Corporation. *Oconee Electric Membership Corporation. *Planters Electric Improvement Corporation. *Rayle Electric Assn. *Satilla Rural Electrification Authority No. 1. *Satilla Rural Electrification Authority No. 2. *Satilla Rural Electrification Authority No. 3. *Sumter Electric Membership Corporation. *Taylor County Electric Membership Corpora- IOIOl. *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation. *Troup Rural Electrification Corporation. "ºn County Electric Membership Corpora- 1Orl. *Walton Electric Membership Corporation. *Washington County Rural Electrification Assn. Also, Renders: Bus, gas, steam heating, and street railway service. 10–056 Georgia Power and Light Company 115 E. Hill Ave., Valdosta, Ga. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: J. F. Bailey--------------------------------- |Pres, A. W. Higgins------------------------- Vice PreS. G. F. Gramling----------------------------- ecy. E. K. Ilgen Fritz--------------------------- Treas. W. G. Schoeppe---------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: J. F. Bailey, G. F. Gramling, A. W. Higgins, J. W. Lastinger, E. C. Rees. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $4,336,683 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,068, 285 Number of Electric Customers---------- 12, 460 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Total 4, 300 Steam------- * * 3, 500 Hydro--------------------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours ---- 45,875, 992 Generated.----------------------------- 2,983, 150 Purchased----------------------------- 42,892, 842 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Energy Available in Year: Total Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Bainbridge-------------------------------- 6, 352 BlackShear-------------------------------- 2,010 Boston------------------------------------ 1,099 Colquitt----------------------------------- 1, 416 DonalsOnville--------'---------------------- 1, 718 Folkston---------------------------------- 1,024 Homerville-------------------------------- 1, 522 Jesup-------------------------------------- 2,903 Lakeland---------------------------------- 1, 502 Pearson.----------- 1,057 250 to 1,000 population Amsterdam------------------------------- 400 Attapulgus.-------------------------------- 315 Barwick----------------------------------- 409 Climax------------------------------------ 372 Coolidge----------------------------------- 608 Du Pont---------------------------------- 332 Faceville---------------------------------- 500 Fowlstown-------------------------------- 400 Hahira------------------------------------ 980 Hebardsville------------------------------ 300 Hoboken---------------------------------- 386 Jakin-------------------------------------- 264 Lake Park--------------------------------- 387 Morven----------------------------------- 512 Nahunta---------------------------------- 561 Naylor------------------------------------ 261 Odum------------------------------------- 469 Ofterman---------------------------------- 483 Patterson---------------------------------- 541 Pavo-------------------------------------- 706 Ray City---------------------------------- 638 Screven----------------------------------- 664 Sparks------------------------------------ 695 Stockton---------------------------------- 350 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: P. S. Cummings. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Adel Light & Water Dept. *Town of Brinson Water & Light Dept. *Cairo Light & Water Dept. *Okefenokee Rural Electric Membership Corp. *Slash Pine Rural Electric Membership Corp. *Town of Iron City. *Quitman Water & Light Plant. *Town of Whigham. *Three Notch Electric Membership Corporation, Also Renders: Water Service. 10–0.71 R. D. Howser Dawsonville, Ga. 10–100 Savannah Electric and Power Company 27 West Bay St., Savannah, Ga. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 64.8% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Claude C. Curtis----------------------------Pres. Donald C. Barnes---------------------- Vice Pres. Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr.------------------ Vice PreS. Charles H. Schwaner----------------- Secy.-Treas. Richard N. Benjamin----------------- Asst. Secy. Edward J. Murphy------------------- Asst. Secy. Samuel E. Ratcliffe------------------ ASSt. Treas. Leon E. Jordan---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Jason C. Leighton- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Edmund H. Abrahams, J. Randolph Anderson, Gordon C. Carson, Claude C. Curtis, Fred A. Davis, Carl Espy, Robert W. Groves, Thomas J. EIanlon, Jr., Porter G. Pierpont. 104 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ---------------- - - - - - - $15, 177,088 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $2,081, 550 Number of Electric Customers--------- 23, 758 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 35, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 96, 326, 240 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clyo-------------------------------------- 400 Guyton----------------------------------- 549 Industrial City Gardens------------------- 734 Meldrim---------------------------------- 250 Newington-------------------------------- 366 Pineora - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºr - - - - 30ſ) Pooler------------------------------------- 736 Port Wentworth-------------------------- 1,000 incon------------------------------------ 28 Savannah--------------------------------- 95, 996 Savanaah Beach--------------------------- 644 Springfield-------------------------------- 458 Thunderbolt------------------------------ 886 Wilmington Island South------------------ 250 Also Renders: Bus and street railway service. 10–122 South Carolina Power Company 141 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. (Controlled by The Commonwealth & Southern Corporation (Delaware) through 96% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Georgia only)--------------------------- $29,648 Number of Electric Customers: (Georgia only)---------------------------- I Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Georgia Power Company. See also: Principal report under South Carolina (39–135). 10–145 Toccoa Power Company Clarksville, Ga. Community Served at Retail: Population Toccoa 5, 494 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº -- - - - - as sº - - - - - sº - 10–166 Warwick Electric Co. Warwick, Ga. Communities Served at Retail: Population Warwick--------------------------------- 379 10–223 Bibb Manufacturing Co. Macon, Ga. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Q. R. Nolan Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: - - * - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Number of Electric Customers--------------- 600 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)---------------- 1,500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bibb City---------------------------------- 1,631 ayne-------------------------------------- 535 Porterdale---------------------------------- 3, 116 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Georgia Power Co. 10–227 Brunswick Pulp & Paper Company Brunswick, Ga. Employees in Charge of Electric Operations: W. T. Webster----------------------- Plant Mgr. N. H. Mailhos------------------------- Elec. Eng. J. L. Olsen--------------------------- Steam Eng. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $600,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $7,689 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - l Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2, 196,960 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Georgia Power Co. 10–231 Callaway Mills LaGrange, Ga. 10–233 Covington Mills Covington, Ga. Community Served At Retail: Population Covington Mills---------------------------- 317 10–236 Exposition Cotton Mills Co. 794 Marietta St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. A. Miller--------------------------------- PreS. 2. Still-----------------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $331, 532 Kilowaff Generating Capacity (Steam)----- - - - - - - - - - 3, 250 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Georgia Power Co. (interchange). 10–237 Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills 170 Boulevard, S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Norman F. Elsas---------------------------- PreS. S. C. Hale --------------------------- Chief Engr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILI'INIES-GEORGIA The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - l Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5, 500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NEI) [] TILITY: Georgia Power Co. 10–244 Georgia Marble Co. Tate, Ga. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. L. Litchfield------------------------ Vice PreS. Communities Served at Retail: Population elson------------------------------------- 679 Tate---------------------------------------- 1, 548 10–248 B. F. Goodrich Company 450 S. Main St., Akron, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Silvertown--------------------------------- 3,930 See Also: Operations reported under Ohio (34–288) 10–259 Hercules Powder Company Wilmington. Del. See also: Principal report under Mississippi (23–274) 10–266 Juliette Milling Co. Macon, Ga. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J.N. Birgh, Jr.--------------------- * ----Vice Pres. Miss Nell Perry---------------------- Secy.-Treas. E. T. Pritchett----------------------------- Supt. Community Served at Retail: Population East Juliette. ----------------------------...- 321 10–272 Pepperell Manufacturing Company 160 State Street, Boston, Mass. oº: in Charge of Electric Operations: D. Harvey------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $800,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $3,360 Number of Electric Customers. --_____ ---- 1. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam).------------- 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale-------------------- 690,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lindale.--------------------------------- 3, 380 10–273 Pepperton Cotton Mills Jackson, Ga. Principal Officer: H. O. Ball---------------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------- - - - - - - - - 140 Community Served at Retail: Population Pepperton---------------------------------- 585 10–278 Rabun Land and Water Company Bryson City, N. C. 10–280 Thomaston Cotton Mills East Thomaston, Ga. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,853 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - - - 32 Community Served at Retail: Population East Thomaston--------------------------- 3, 590 10–283 Trion Co. Trion, Ga. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. W. Parris-------------------- Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $103,796 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $8,126 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 797 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------------- 1, 370 Steam---------------------------------- 1,000 Hydro---------------------------------- 370 Community Served at Retail: rion------------------------------------- 3, 800 Also Renders: Water service. 10–510 *Acworth Water & Light Commission Acworth, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. L. Smith----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. F. G. Hull-------------------------------- : - Clerk Water and Light Commission: F. G. Hull, R. L. McMillian (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $18,936 Number of Electric Customers------------- 351 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 708,000 Community Served at Retail: Population AcWorth----------------------------------- 1,267 106 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 10–513 *Adel Light & Water Department Adel, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Giddens-------------------------- Chairman S. H. Sutton-------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: J. B. Echols, C. C. Giddens, E. M. Rogers, S. H. Sutton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----------------------- $37, 361 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,363 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 638 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 697, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Adel---------------------------------------- 2, 134 10–516 *City of Albany City Hall, Albany, Ga. Water, Light & Gas Commission: P. J. Brown, J. P. Champion, W. B. Haley, C. Q. Wright (city manager). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------ - - - - $476, 200 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $297, 371 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 261 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - 11, 525, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Albany------------------------------------ 19,055 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 10–519 *City of Barnesville Barnesville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John R. Cook---------------------- Clerk & Treas. J. M. Waddell --- • - - Supt. lº" following data are for the year ended Sept. 8, Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,036 Number of Electric Customers 920 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aldora 746 Barnesville--------------------------------- 3, 535 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–522 *Blakely Water & Light Department Blakely, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. R. Killabrew - - Supt. City Council: C. R. Barksdale, L. B. Fryer, S. G. * R. C. Singletary (mayor), Oscar Whit- CI18FOI. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $150,000 | Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,994 Number of Electric Customers------------ 632 Fºil0twatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 905, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Blakely - - - sº * - - - 2,774 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–525 *Town of Brinson, Water & Light Department Brinson, Ga. The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers.--------------- 46 Community Served at Retail: Population Brinson--------------- 305 10–528 *City of Buford Buford, Ga. . . Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. rogdon------------------------- City Mgr. A. C. Hulsey-------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,461 Number of Electric Customers -* * 805 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 532, 805 Community Served at Retail: Population Buford-------------------------------------- 4, 191 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–531 *Cairo Light & Water Department Cairo, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - A. A. McNeil ----Chairman W. A. Walker, Jr ----Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $51,805 Number of Electric C tº 814 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (Steam)------------ 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 188,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Cairo - - - - - ---- 4,653 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: . *Grady County Electric Membership Corpora- tion. Also Renders: Water Service. 10–534 *City of Calhoun City Hall, Calhoun, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. F. BOnd W. R. Boblitt DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES GEORGIA 107 Board of Aldermen: R. L. Collins, C. B. David, Dr. M. M. Ellis, C. L. Moss. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $49, 109 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44,892 Number of Electric Customers------------ 874 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,606,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Calhoun------------------------------------ 2,955 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–537 *Camilla Water and Light Department Camilla, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. F. Brimberry, Jr.---------------- City Engineer Water & Light Committee: Dan Palmer, H. A. Shiver, E. G. Williford (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $225,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $35,842 Number of Electric Customers------------ 425 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,694,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Camilla------------------------------------- 2,588 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–540 *City of Cartersville Cartersville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. W. Tinsley----------------------------- Mayor H. M. Crane--------------------------- City Mgr. F. G. Mabry-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,400 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 400,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cartersville---------------------------- 6, 141 10–541 *Electric Power Board of Chattanooga “ Chattanooga, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Georgia only)--------------------------- $159, 692 Number of Electric Customers: (Georgia only)--------------------------- 2,088 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fairyland---------------------------------- 612 Flintstone---------------------------------- 620 Rossville------------------------------------ 3, 538 See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41–523). 10–543 *College Park Electric Department College Park, Ga. Community Served at Retail: College Park Population 8, 213 * = m - * - - - - - - us sº me 10–546 *Commerce Water and Light Commission Commerce, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. W. FOSter Water & Light Commission: Jessie L. Harris, J. L. Jarrell, Penn McDuffie (chairman). The following data are for the year ended Dec. 24, 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------------ $489, 655 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $39,876 Number of Electric Customers----------- 782 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 458,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Commerce 3, 294 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–549 *City of Covington Covington, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. S. L. Waites - – - ---- Mayor R. A. Norris--------------------------- Chairman J. H. Wood----------------------- Clerk & Treas. H. O. Whelchel----------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: Geo. R. Cochran, A. H. David, D. K. Hicks, W. C. MeCahee, R. A. Norris, P. W. Pratt, Dr. S. L. Waites (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $76, 202 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,094 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 165,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Covington---------------------------------- 3,900 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Oxford Water & Light System. * *Snapping Shoals Électric Membership Cor- poration. Also Renders: Water Service. 10–552 *Crisp County Power Commission Cordele, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. p Killebrew.-------------- Chief Engr. & Mgr. 108 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Board of Commissioners: S. Bundrick, S. C. Byrd, J. H. Dorough, W. P. Fleming (secy.), Tom Nesbit, W. C. Reynolds (vice chairman), W. R. Turner (chairman), L. E. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,538,332 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $229, 130 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,228 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 14, 200 Steam--------------------------------- 1, 500 Hydro--------------------------------- 12,700 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 35,974,800 Generated.----------------------------- 34,430,000 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 1, 544,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population rabi--------------------------------------- 388 Cordele------------------------------------- 7, 929 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Georgia Power Co. (interchange) Warwick Electric Co. 10–555 *Dalton Water, Light and Sinking Fund Commission Dalton, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clark W. Jones Commissioners: R. E. Hamilton, J. G. McAfee (chairman), G. L. Westcott, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $339,485 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $208,338 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,323 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 11,000,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Palton------------------------------------- 10, 448 Also Renders: Water and gas Service. 10–558 *City of Doerun Water & Light Plant Doerun, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. B. Davis------------------------------- Mayor J. B. Cole-------------- Chairman Water & Light Z. T. Millsap.-------------------------------- upt. Addie Hays--------------------------- ASSt. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 160 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 197,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Poerun--------------------------------------- 832 Also Renders: Water service. 10–561 *City of Douglas Douglas, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. F. Simmons----------------------------- Supt. R. W. Woodruff--------------------- Treas.-Clerk Margaret Bridges------------------ Deputy Clerk Light Commission: J. S. Griffin (chairman), F. S. Stubbs. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $260, 674 Davis, R. W. Electric Operating Revenues----------- - - - - $92, 328 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 982 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------- - - - - - - - - - 3,317, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Douglas------------------------------------- 5, 175 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–564 *Town of Dudley |Dudley, Ga. 10–567 *Light and Water Department,. City of East Point City Hall, East Point, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. G. Laney------------------------. . . . . . . Mayor J. Paul Eidson r Chairman Light & Water Committee Geo. H. Sparks- - - - - - - Supt. Light & Water Dept. Aldermen: J. H. Blair, R. E. Carmichael, J. Paul Eidson, S. D. Kidd, Jr., C. O. Pair, E. A. Sims. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $438,266. Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $174, 569 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,892 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 361,600 Community Served at Retail: Population East Point--------------------------------- 12,403 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–570 *Elberton Water & Light Department Elberton, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. N. Colley------------------- Council Chairman L. E. Wallis-------- Supt. Water and Light Dept. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $128, 199: Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 381 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 192" Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 7, 158,300 Generated.------------------------------ 784, 300 Purchased.------------------------------ 6,374,000. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-GEORGIA 109 Population 6, 188 Community Served at Retail: Also Renders: Water Service. 10–573 *Ella ville Electric & Water Works Ellaville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. W. Miles-------------------------------- Mayor L. S. Tondee-------------------------------- Supt. C. B. Theus--------------------------- ASSt. Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,641 Number of Electric Customers.-------------- 253 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 360,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ellaville------------------------------------ 928 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 10–576 *Fairburn Light & Water Plant Fairburn, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Green---------------------------- Chairman D. J. Lambert------------------------------- Supt. S. M. COWn---------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $11, 220 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 384,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairburn------------------------------------ 1, 502 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–579 *Fitzgerald Water, Light & Bond Commission City Hall, Fitzgerald, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Register--------------------------- Chairman J. D. Powell----------------------- Vice Chairman A. H. Denmark----------------------------- ecy Mrs. J. E. Weaver - - - --------------------- Treas B. L. Coburn------------------------------- Supt Commissioners: A. H., Denmark, J. D. Powell, J. C. Register. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $198, 726 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - - $104,760 Number of Electric Customers. . . . . . . . . . . 1, 841 *. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,527,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Fitzgerald---------------------------------- 7,388 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–582 *City of Forsyth Forsyth, Ga. Population 2, 372 Community Served at Retail: Forsyth . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - -* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10–585 *Fort Valley Board of Water & Light Commission 220 Railway St., Fort Valley, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: T. A. Jones--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Water & Light Commission: T. M. An- thoine, J. A. Houser, N. W. Jordan (Secy.-treas.), O. E. Pearson, W. M. Wright (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues. - - - - - - - - - - - - $21, 168 Number of Electric Customers . . . . . . . . . . . 896 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) . . . . . . . . . . - 1, 125 IKilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,922,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Valley--------...-------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - 4, 953 Also Renders: Water Service. - 10–588 *Grantville Water and Light Commission Grantville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official : O. E. S.Inith Clerk & Supt. Councilmen: B. D. Banks, C. S. Colley (chairman), C. E. Nall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $5,422 Number of Electric Customers. - - - - - - - - - - - - 232 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214, 950 Community Served at Retail: Population Grantville---------------. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 267 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–591 *Griffin Light, Water and Sewerage Department City Hall, Griffin, Ga. Community Served at Retail: Population Griffin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13, 222 10–594 *City of Hampton Hampton, Ga. 110 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $6,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $7,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 179 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 270,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bampton 619 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–597 *City of Hogansville Hogansville, Ga. Population 3, 886 Community Served at Retail: Hogansville - * * - - s ºr 10–601 *Town of Iron City Iron City, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. A. Drake-------------------------------- Clerk H. R. Dozier----------------------------- Marshal The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 43,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Iron City 289 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–603 *Jackson Water & Light Department Jackson, Ga. Community Served at Retail: Population Jackson------------------------------------- 1,917 10–606 *City of La Fayette La Fayette, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. H. Dyer - - Treas. F. C. McArthur - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $95,244 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $45,201 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 257 Communities Served at Retail: Population La Fayette 3, 509 Linwood- ---- 302 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–609 *City of La Grange La Grange, Ga. Principal Officers: - J. H. Moss------------------- City Clerk & Treas. G. H. Sargent------------------------- City Engr. . . . e e 9 City Council: Alton Daniel, J. C. Guinn, P. L. Hammett, Richard Hutchinson, R. S. 'O’Neal (mayor), W. H. Turner, Jr., Frank Winn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $309,927 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $238,274 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,997 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 9,872,000 Community Served at Retail: Population * Grange-------------------------------- 21,983 10–612 *City of Lawrenceville Lawrenceville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jessie A. Richardson-i-------------------- Mayor Councilmen: D. Y. Carter, A. B. Jordan, P. V. Kel- ley, F. A. Sims. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------______ $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------___ $17,250 Number of Electric Customers--------_____ 560 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 864,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lawrenceville------------------------------ 2, 223 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–615 *Town of Mansfield Mansfield, Ga. Mayor & Council: James P. Bentoni, M. D. Bled- soef, S. R. Campbellf, A. E. Hays (mayor), J. L. Milton, J. B. Spears. fMember of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,748 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 110 Rilowatt-hours Únergy Purchased 143,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mansfield----------------------------------- 432 10–618 *Marietta Board of Lights and Water Works Atlanta St., Marietta, Ga. Board of Light & Water Works: Wm. N. Stephens L. M. Blair (mayor) W. W. Lee---------, ----------------------- Treas. Mrs. Odene L. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - City Clerk P. B. Latimer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Member T}r. L. L. Welch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-GEORGIA 111 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $115,848 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $161,730 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 259 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 205,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Marietta------------------------------------ 8, 667 Utility Served at Wholesale: |PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITY: *Rural Electrification Adm. Also Renders: Water service. 10—624 *Monroe Water & Light Commission Monroe, Ga. Community Served at Retail: Monroe Population 4, 168 *- - - - - - - - - º 10–627 *City of Monticello Monticello, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: * D. M. Glover-------------------------- City Clerk Electric Committee: H. G. Cress (chairman), Troy Ellis, J. W. Harvey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $19,194 Number of Electric Customers------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 835, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Monticello--------------------------------- 1, 746 Also Renders: Water Service. - 10–630 *Moultrie Light & Power Department Moultrie, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Evans Reynolds--------------------------- Mayor G. A. Shaver------------------------- City Clerk Curtis Page--------------------------------- Supt. Aldermen: Vernon Brabham, C. W. Cook, G. F. Huber, O. M. Lanham, J. J. Strickland, W. B. WitherS. º following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $159,012 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 360 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 460 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6,908,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Moultrie---------------------------------- 10, 147 Riverside---------------------------------- 307 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Rural Electrification Administration Also Renders: Water service. 10–633 *Newnan Water & Light Commission Newnan, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. A. Passolt - - - - R. C. Atkinson.----------------------------- Secy. Water and Light Commission: EI. C. Arnall, R. B. Hubbard, H. H. North (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $89,672 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $81, 406 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 335 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 2,610, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Newnan------------------------------------ 7, 182 Also Renders: Water service. 10–637 *City of Norcross Norcross, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. S. Johnson-------------------------- Electrician Electric Committee: C. A. Garner, R. J. Merritt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,070 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 282 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 306, 299 Community Served at Retail: Population Norcross-------------------------------------- 979 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–640 *Oxford Water & Light System Oxford, Ga. Light & Water Com.: R. L. Giles (chairman), E. V. Moss, H. G. Ray. Community Served at Retail: Oxford Population 616 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10–643 *Palmetto Municipal Light Plant Palmetto, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jack Johnston------------------------------ Supt. Light Committee: W. M. Bailey, R. L. Bentley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric. Operating Revenues-------------- $3,116 Number of Electric Customers------------- 243 112 FEI) ERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 243,500 Community Served at Retail: Population Palmetto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,029 10–646 *Plains Municipal Water & Light Plant Plains, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. N. Evans--------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Council: Dr. L. E. Gadwin, H. B. Momon, E. Timmerman (mayor), C. L. Walters Jr., B. A. Wellons. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------------ 110 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 147, 630 Community Served at Retail: Population ains---------------------------------------- 528 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–649 *City of Quitman Quitman, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: John O. Lilly--------------------------- City Mgr. City Commission: I. A. Jones, C. O. Terry, A. L. Tidwell (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $46,933 $64,099 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 895 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 3, 246,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Quitman----------------------------------- 4, 450 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–652 *Sandersville Water and Light Commission Sandersville. Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. F. Brown---------------------------- Chairman C. W. Rawlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secy. S. M. Cox. . . . . . . . . . .----------------------Supt. R. E. McMahan. ... ----------------- Chief Engr. Directors: J. C. Archer, P. F. Brown, T.I. Harrison. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $300,000 Number of Electric Customers ---...-------- 500 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total--------------------------------- 7 Steam------------------------------------ 250 Internal Combustion.-------------------- 450 -* Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,800,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sandersville- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 566 Also Renders: Water service. 10–655 *Sylvania Light and Water Department Sylvania, Ga. Water & Light Committee: W. H. Bennett (chair- man), W. H. Larisay, S. A. Sharp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $106,588 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $33,495 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 553 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 410 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 187,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sylvania - - - - - - - -...---------- . . . . . . . 2, 531 Also Renders: Water service, 10–658 *City of Sylvester Sylvester, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. M. Lancaster----------------------- - - - - Mayor W. R. Camp --- Chairman Water & Light Dept. E. J. Alford--------------------------- City Clerk W. H. Thomoson---------------------, - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $24,673 Number of Electric Customers ------...---- 500 Kilow'aff-hours Energy Purchased.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 891, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Sylvester--------------------- . . . . ---------- 2, 191 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–659 *Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tenn. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: . (Georgia only)---------------------------- $40,100 Number of Electric Customers: - (Georgia only)-------------------, - - - - - - - - - 1 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blue Ridge--------------------------------- 1, 362 Fry -------------------------------------- 380 McCaysville ------------------------------ 1, 832 Morganton--------------------------------- 285 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Commonwealth & Southern Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Blue Ridge Electric ASSn. *North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation. *West Point Light and Water Plant. See also: Principal report under Tennessee (41-685), and operations reported under Alabama (01–655), Kentucky (16–625), Mississippi (23–688), and North Carolina (32-731). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES GEORGIA 113 10–661 ‘City of Thomaston Water & Light Department Thomaston, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. K. Thurston-------------------------- Mayor Frank Andrews-Chairman Water & Light Dept. J. M. George-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended July 1, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues-- - - - - - - - - - - $75,997 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 1,440 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,704,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Thomaston----------------------. -------- 6, 396 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–664 *City of Thomasville Water & Light Department Thomasville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. M. Mathews-----------------------------Supt- The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $906, 545 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $208, 166 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 349 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 8,678,836 Communities Served at Retail: Population Thomasville---------------- . . . . . . 12, 683 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–667 *Washington Electric Department Washington, Ga. Mayor and Council: J. G. Allen, R. R. Johnson, Leo Krumbein, W. C. Lindsey (mayor), T. A. Nash, M. P. Pope, Dr. A. W. Simpson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $102,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $43, 602 Number of Electric Customers----------- 600 Kilowatt-hours | Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 562,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Washington.-------------------------------- 3, 537 Also Renders: Water service. 322184—42 13 10–670 *City of West Point West Point, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . H. Scott------------------------------- Mayor H. J. Hodnett --- Chairman Light & Water Dept. Stuart Brown------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------------ $234, 884 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $69, 167 Number of Electric Customers. ---------- 878 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 304. 600 Community Served at Retail: Population West Point--------------------------------- 3, 591 Also Renders: Water service. 10–673 *Town of Whigham Whigham, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . C. Lane----------------------- Mayor & Mgr. V. S. Nazworth----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 100 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 132,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Whigham---------------------------------- 533 Also Renders: Water Service. 10–805 *The Altamaha Electric Member- ship Corporation Lyons, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. A. Chapman----------------------------- PreS. G. M. Strader-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $297,798 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - -------- $34, 272 Number of Electric Customers----------. - 1,035 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 746,236 Communities Served at Retail: Population Oak Park----------------------------------- 280 Tarrytown--------------------------------- 298 10–808 *Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation Jasper, Ga. 114 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 10–815 *Blue Ridge Electric Association, Incorporated * Young Harris, Ga. * Utility, has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Sharp Pros. Ralph Moore------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. N. Allison--------------------------- Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Total $11,787 Number of Electric Customers: Total 842 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 552, 150 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blairsville------------------------------------ 358 Young Harris * * - - - * * * * - - - - sº ºne sº sº - - - - * * - - - 258 See Also: Operations reported under North Carolina (32–807). 10–819 *Canoochee Electric Membership Corporation Reidsville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. G. Smith--------------------------------- ProS. Homer N. Daniel--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $168,273 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $15,521 Number of Electric Customers------------ 532 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 182,880 10–822 *The Carroll Electric Member- ship Corporation Carrollton, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. C. Huckeba------------------------------ PreS N. G. Foster-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $315,662 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $44,991 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,557 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 736,800 10–824 *The Central Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Jackson, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. W. Patrick Pres. E. I. Carruthers, Jr.-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $438,972 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $56,680 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 567 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] 944, 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Hillsboro------------------------------------- 334 10–826 *Cobb County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 113 Winters St., Marietta, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. J. Steinhauer----------------------------- Pres. Carl E. Hamby---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $236, 599 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $28,348 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - 1, 102 Rilowatt-hours 562, 910 Energy Purchased.------------------------ 10–827 *The Colquitt County Rural Electric Company 128 First St., S. E., Moultrie, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. F. Westbrook.--------------------------- b’res. J. H. Halpert ------ - - - - --Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $834, 104 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $70,086 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 2,441 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 288,064 Communities Served at Retail: Population Berlin -- ---- 322 Ellenton-------------------------------------- 427 10–829 *Crisp Farmers Cooperative Corporation Cordele, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Official: John A. Ryalls------------------------------ Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- 10–835 *Douglas County Electric Mem- bership Corporation Price Ave., Douglasville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. S. Bomar DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-GEORGIA 115 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $358,096 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $39,352 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,843 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 681,080 10–840 *Excelsior Electric Membership Corporation 30 S. Broad St., Metter, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. L. Kennedy------------------------------ PreS. Cleo F. Miles------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $304, 636 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $35, 159 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 257 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 523, 180 10–846 *Flint Electric Membership Corporation Reynolds, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd H. Tabor------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. J. L. Callaway------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $476,806 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $69,948 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - 1, 573 - -- Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,083, 240 10–850 *Forsyth County Electric Membership Corporation Cumming, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. A. Smith * * * * * * * * * **** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. L. T. Ledbetter----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $258,820 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $22,416 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,492 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 261,000 10–860 *Grady County Electric Membership Corporation 125 N. Broad St., Cairo, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. G. Bulloch The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $301, 818 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $28,044 Number of Electric Customers----------- 954 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 467, 140 10–864 *Habersham Electric Member- ship Corporation Clarkesville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. P. Fitts----------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $148, 337 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $14,920 Number of Electric Customers----------- 655 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 230, 840 10–868 *Hart County Electric Membership Corporation Hartwell, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John G. Richardson------------------------- PreS. George Bell The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $420, 355 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $43,952 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 715 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 656, 100 10–880 *Irwin County Electric Member- ship Corporation N. W. Stanfiji III. Šupt. Ocilla, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. B. Berry-------------------------------- - PreS. W. A. Tankersley, Jr.-----...----------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $278, 308 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $29,278 Number of Electric Cust g 824 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 603, 420 Communities Served at Retail: Population Irwinville------------ - ----- *: 250 Mystic---------------------------------- 256 10–884 *Jackson Electric Membership Corporation Jefferson, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Head -------------------------------- Pres. R. J. Kelly.-- - tº Supt. 116 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $533,917 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $57,233 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,922 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 551, 700 10–888 *Jefferson County Electric Membership Corporation Louisville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. H. Dawson-- --------------------------- Pres, James B. Polhill, Jr.------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $436, 473 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $30,645 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 324 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 458, 460 w 10–898 *Lamar Electric Membership Corporation Barnesville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Smith--------------------------------- PreS. N. Y. Andrews----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $243, 157 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $21, 590 Number of Electric Customers------------ 863 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 327, 380 10–901 *The Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation Alamo, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. F. Jordan ------------------------------- PreS L. F. Jones--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $281, 147 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $23,431 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 861 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 359,280 10–906 *Middle Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Vienna, Ga. 10–910 *Mitchell County Electric Membership Corporation Camilla, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - ichards------------------------------ Pres N. M. Keadle------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $559,229 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $45,402 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,948 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 795, 660 10–918 *North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation * Dalton, Ga. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Pºiº Utility Officials: R. H. Bandy-------------------------------- Pres. R. C. Fuller--------------------------------- Secy. W. L. Manton------------------------------ gſ. C. M. Bostick-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AAuditor Directors: R. H. Bandy, R. P. Bryson, T. W. Col- bard, R. C. Fuller, Farris Hassler, L. P. Keith, H. C. Roper. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------...------------ $909, 253 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $136,962 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 367 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 8, 200,847 Communities Served at Retail: Population Centerpost---------------------. ------ 250 Lakeview ----------------------------- 424 Sonoraville----------------------------- 400 10–923 *Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation 108 W. Railroad Ave., Eastman, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H H. Burch ------------------------------ PreS. R. J. Smith------------------------------- ... -Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $174, 326 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $19,517 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 633 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 359, 640 10–924 *The Oconee Electric Membership Corporation Dudley, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. C. Ingram------------------------------- Pres. Paul J. Jones------------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-GEORGIA 117 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $145,174 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $7,099 Number of Electric Customers. ----------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 25,680 10–926 *The Okefenoke Rural Electric Membership Corporation Nahunta, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. L. Bernard ----------------------------- PreS F. A. Cox---------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $169,998 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $5,312 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 394 10–928 *Planters Electric Membership Corporation Millen, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter Harrison.----------------------------- PreS. Kermit Chance--------------------- Acting Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $272, 649 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $36, 173 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 719 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 622,620 Community Served at Retail: Population Rocky Ford---------------------------------- 320 10–938 *The Rayle Electric Membership Corporation Washington, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - TIn OUT------------------------------ PreS Wilfred B. Smith--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $266, 116 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - $20,920 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - 725 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - 375, 300 10–944 *The Satilla Rural Electric Membership Corporation Alma, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Strickland----------------------------- PreS. Valene Bennett----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $890, 000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $78,496 Number of Electric Customers----- - - - - - - 2,439 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 324, 560 Communities Served at Retail: Population Axson---------------------------------- 400 Denton--------------------------------- 254 Hortense------------------------------- * 325 Surrency------------------------------- 431 West Green.---------------------------- 350 10–947 *Slash Pine Electric Membership Corporation Homerville, Ga. Community Served at Retail: * Population Argyle- - - - - - - 278 10–950 *Snapping Shoals Electric Membership Corporation Covington, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. AnderSon . PreS, Homer Cook Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $208, 634 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $28,251 Number of Electric Customers----------- 925 * Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 563, 600 10–953 *Sumter Electrical Membership Corporation Americus. Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. E. Daniel -------------------------------- Pres. Douglas L. Thomas------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $274, 631 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,095 Number of Electric Customers------------ 833 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 459, 180 10–957 *Taylor County Electric Membership Corporation Reynolds, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. F. Parr----------------------------------- Pres. J. H. Neisler-------------------------- Secy.-Treas 118 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,448 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,428 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 652, 530 Community Served at Retail: Population CuSSeta * – 357 10–959 *Three-Notch Electric Membership Corporation Donalsonville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. G. Clar - - - Pres. C. Lamar Hatcher Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility.T’lant--------------------- $219, 572 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $34,972 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 748 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 358, 320 10–961 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation Gray, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. T. Denham - - Pres, F. S. Batchelor, Jr Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $142, 565 $2,754 338 - * * * - - - - - - - - sº * * * * * * - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - Number of Electric Customers - * * * * * * - - - 10–963 *Troup County Electric Membership Corporation 110 Church St., LaGrange, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Combs PreS. C. E. West -----Supt. The following data are for the year:1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues.------------- * * * * - - - - - - -> * = gº tº sº e-m - - - $259, 507 $29,235 Number of Electric Customers 1,001 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 522,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mountville 298 10–968 *Upson County Electric Membership Corporation 208 S. Center St., Thomaston, Ga. Pºpº Electric Utility Officials: . McEachern PreS. T. S. Jackson Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $141, 607 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $22,832 Number of Electric Customers----------- 715 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 446, 107 10–976 *The Walton Electric Membership Corporation Monroe, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Pollock-------------------------------Pres. J. L. Snow---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - -- $459,749 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $57,487 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 2, 153 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 901,080 Communities Served at Retail: Population Apalachee------------------------------------ 55 Bostwick------------------------------------- 3.18 10–980 *Washington County Electric Membership Corporation Sandersville, Ga. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. O. Cummings - - |Pres. Schley Moore Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $227,435 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $22,756 Number of Electric Customers----------- 768 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ------------------------ 344, 704 IDAHO Index Reference Number *Acequia Mutual Electric Company--------- 11–810 *Albion Municipal Lighting Department---- 11–511 Anaconda Copper Mining Co--------------- 11–211 *Arco Municipal Light Plant---------------- 11–522 Atlanta Power Company-------------------- 11–011 Boise Payette Lumber Company------------ 11–215 *Bonners Ferry Municipal Water and Light Department.------------------------------ 11–533 Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concen- trating Co--------------------------------- 11–228 *Burley Municipal Distribution System----- 11–544 *Central Electric Company----------------- 11–813 *Challis Municipal Power Plant, Village of.-- 11-555 Citizens Utilities Company----------------- 11-019 *Clearwater Valley Light & Power Associa- tion, Inc.----------------------------------- 1–816 *Crawford, Mr. Newt----------------------- 11–820 *Declo Light and Power Company---------- 11–825 *Declo Municipal Electric Department------ 11–566 Dewey Brothers.---------------------------- 11–028 *Dubois, Village of. ------------------------- 11–577 *East End Mutual Electric Company, Ltd.- 11–829 *Elk River, Village of l *Empire Electric Company, Ltd.------------ 11–831 *Fall River Rural Electric Coop., Inc.------- 11–834 Farmers Electric Company...---------------- 11–034 *Ferry Light and Power Company---------- 11–837 Grimes Pass Power Company--------------- 11–040 *Harrison Light Works---------------------- 11–599 *Heyburn, Village of. ----...------------------ 11—610 *Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, Inc.--------------------------- 11–845 *Idaho Falls, City of.----------------------- 11–621 Idaho Power Company---------------------- 11–043 *Kootenai Rural Electrification Association Inc. 11–849 *Lost River Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- 11–853 Mackay, Light & Power Company, Ltd - - - - - 11–052 Reference Number Meadows Light & Power Company--------- 11–055 *Minidoka, Village of.----------------------- 11–632 *Minidoka North Side Power Company----- 11–858 Montana Power Company, The------------- 11–059 Mountain States Power Company----------- 11–061 Murray Water & Electric Light Utilities---- 11–064 *Northern Idaho Rural Electric Rehabilita- tion ASSociation, Inc ---------------------- 11–868 *North Heyburn Electric Company--------- 11–867 Paul Electric Company--------------------- 11-070 JPierce Light & Power Company- - - - - ------- 11-073 *Plummer, Village of.----------------------- 11—643 Potlatch Forests, Inc.------------------------ 11–267 *Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.- #3; *Riverside Electric Company, Ltd. --------- 11–88 *Rupert, City of.--------------------------- 11-654 *Rural Electric Company, Ltd.—------------- 11–885 *Soda Springs, The City of ------------------ 11–665 *South Side Electric Lines, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11–890 | Teton Valley Power & Milling Company---- 11-094 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise Project. 11–669 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Minidoka Proj- Utah Power & Light Company------------- 11–100 *Walcott Electric Company----------------- 11–903 Washington Water Power Company, The--- 11–106 *Weiser City Water & Light Plant 11–6 West Coast Power Compan *West End Budge Power pany. Ltd--------------------------------- 1 *West End Power Company - - - - ------------ Western States Utilities Company----------- *Worley, Village of ------------------------- 1 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. IDAHO 11–011 Atlanta Power Company P. O. Box 2088, Boise, Idaho 11–019 Citizens Utilities Company 821 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Idaho only)----------------------------- $197,899 Number of Electric Customers: (Idaho only)----------------------------- 3, 187 Communities Served at Retail: Population urke-------------------------------------- 783 Wullan------------------------------------- 2,291 Wallace------------------------------------- 3, 83 See also: Principal report under Arizona (02–054), and operations reported under Vermont (44–024) and Washington (46-016). 11–028 Dewey Brothers Burley, Idaho 11–034 Farmers Electric Company Rupert, Idaho 11–040 Grimes Pass Power Company Grimes Pass, Idaho (Controlled by American States Utilities Corp., through 100% voting power). Principal Officers: J. B. Whitworth------------------------- ---Pres. B. M. Thompson.---------------------- Vice Pres. W. C. Welmon----------------------- Secy.-Treas. 119 120 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: B. M. Thompson, W. C. Welmon, J. B. Whitworth. . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $267, 109 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $58, 521 Number of Electric Customers----------- 180 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 1, 595 WGT0---------------------------------- 1, 220 Internal Combustion------------------- 375 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 319, 200 11–043 Idaho Power Company 1220 Idaho St., Boise, Idaho (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 71.8% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. J. Strike-------- Chairman, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. W. Miller_____ Vice Pres., Treas. & Asst. Secy. J. H. Rogers-------------------------- Comptroller A. C. Inman--------------- Secy. & Gen. Counsel G. E. Barnard------------------------ Asst. Treas. Directors: Geo. A. Bremer, J. G. Conley, J. Cunningham, E. H. Dewey, A. C. Inman, R. B. King, J. D. Orr, E. J. Ostrander. Charles E. Palmer, H. L. Senger, Nathan Sommer, D. W. Stanurod, C. J. Strike, E. T. Waters. The following data are for the year 1940: W. Electric Utility Plant------------------- $45,110, 144 Electric Operating Revenues: otal--------------------------------- $6,439, 175 In Idaho----------------------------- $5,791,019 Number of Electric Customers: - 9tal--------------------------------- 66,597 In Idaho----------------------------. 61,657 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 111,966 Hydro-------------------------------- 111, 277 Internal Combustion.----------------- 689 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 764, 261,935 Generated.---------------------------- 717, 997, 481 Purchased.---------------------------- 420,036 Interchanged (gross-in) 45, 844, 418 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Boise-------------------------------------- 26, 130 Nampa------------------------------------ 12, 149 Pocatello---------------------------------- 18, 133 Twin Falls---------------------------- - - - - 11, 851 1,000 to 10,000 population Aberdeen.---------------------------------- 1,016 Alameda---------------------------------- 2,691 American Falls---------------------------- 1,439 Blackfoot---------------------------------- 3,681 !-------------------------------------- , 414 Caldwell--------------------------------- 7, 272 Emmett----------------------------------- 3,203 *iler-------------------------------------- 1,239 Glenns Ferry------------------------------ 1, 290 Gooding----------------------------------- 2,568 Jerome------------------------------------ 3, 537 Meridian---------------------------------- 1,465 Mountain Home-------------------------- 1, 193 Parma------------------------------------- 1,085 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Salmon------------------------------------ 2,439 Shoshone---------------------------------- 1,366 Wendell----------------------------------- 1,001 250 to 1,000 population Castleford--------------------------------- 350 Eagle-------------------------------------- 300 Eden-------------------------------------- 413 Fruitland--------------------------------- 350 Hagerman--------------------------------- 435 Hansen------------------------------------ 527 Hazelton---------------------------------- 417 Kimberly--------------------------------- 963 Kuna-------------------------------------- 443 Middleton--------------------------------- 477 Moreland--------------------------------- 400 Murtaugh--------------------------------- 272 New Plymouth---------------------------- 804 Oakley------------------------------------ 813 Rockland---------------------------------- 277 tar--------------------------------------- 325 Wilder------------------------------------ 507 |Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Utah Power & Light Co. West Coast Power Co. Boise Payette Lumher Co. (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Weiser. * - - *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation—Boise Project (Interchange). * - *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation—Minidoka Proj- ect (interchange). See also: Operations reported under Nevada (27– 040) and Oregon (36–069). 11–052 Mackay Light & Power Company, Ltd Mackay, Idaho Principal Officers: - C. M. Swauger------------------------------ Pres. J. D. Carr---------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. M. Carr, J. D. Carr, C. M. Swauger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $78,026 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,029 Number of Electric Customers------------- 217 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.----------------------------------- 160 Hydro-------------------------------------- 80 Internal Combustion----------------------- 80 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 136,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mackay------------------------------ - - - - - - 776 11–055 Meadows Light & Power Company Meadows, Idaho Partners: H. G. Irish, J. M. McCully. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $13,696 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,469 Number of Electric Customers------------- 203 DIRECTORY 121 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IDAHO Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------------- 142 Hydro------------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion----------------------- 82 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 119,996 Community Served at Retail: Population New Meadows----------------------------- 264 11–059 The Montana Power Company 40 E. Broadway, Butte, Mont. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 93.73% of voting power.) - The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Operating Revenues: Idaho only------------------------------- $333,703 Number of Electric Customers: Idaho only------------------------------- 91 Community Served at Retail: Population Very---------------------------------------- 350 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Washington Water Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Montana (25–113). 11—061 Mountain States Power Company 236 Lyon St., Albany, Oreg. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Idaho only------------------------------- $170,233 Number of Electric Customers: Idaho only------------------------------- 3, 253 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clarkfork----------------------------------- 430 OVer-------------------------------------- 350 Newport------------------------------------ 350 Ponderay---------------------------------- 250 Priest River-------------------------------- 1,056 Sandpoint---------------------------------- 4, 356 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Nºrn Idaho Rural Electric Rehabilitation SSIOl. See also: Principal report under Oregon (36–110), and operations reported under Montana (25–120), South Dakota (40–095), Washington (46–085), and Wyoming (49–037). 11–064 Murray Water & Electric Light Utilities Murray, Idaho Partners: Dave Sellers, Ruth Sellers (mgr.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $1,262 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- Number of Electric Customers-------------. 61 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 37,396 Also Renders: Water Service. 11–070 Paul Electric Company Paul, Idaho Principal Officers: George Moser-------------------------------- PreS. E. B. Acuff----------------------------- Vice PreS. Wm. Treiber-------------------------------- Secy. M. E. Watson------------------------------ Treas. Directors: E. B. Acuff, Geo. Moser, James Temple, Wm. Treiber, M. E. Watson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,538 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 332 Community Served at Retail: Population Paul---------------------------------------- 606 11–073 Pierce Light & Power Company Pierce, Idaho Principal Officers: Ethel M. Burghardt----------------------- Owner Galen Burghardt---------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - ------ 150 Generating Capacity: Pºil0700tts Internal Combustion--------------------- 94 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 150,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pierce- - ---- _ – - sº. - sm - as ~ * ~ *- := a- - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * 381 11–094 Teton Valley Power & Milling Company Driggs, Idaho Principal Officers: J. N. Jeppesen - - - - - - - - - - - -----------> ... --Pres. L. Buxton---------. ... — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * Vice Pres. Laura Jeppesen ----------------------------> Mgr. Laron Smith- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $134,950 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,034 Number of Electric Customers------------ 709 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-- - ------------------ 476, 000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Driggs-------------------------------------- 1,040 Victor-------------------------------------- 294 122 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION . 11– 100 Utah Power & Light Company 509 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 92.39% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Idaho only---- * * $1,002, 157 Number of Electric Customers: Idaho only----------------------------- 14,606 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Ashton--------------------- <-- * * * = • - - - * * * * * * * 1, 203 Montpelier--------------------------------- 2,824 Preston------------------------------------ 4, 236 Rexburg------------------------------------ 3,437 Rigby-------------------------------------- 1,978 Saint Anthony----------------------------- 2, 719 Shelley------------------------------------- 1, 751 250 to 1,000 population Ammon------------------------------------ 363 Annis-------------------------------------- 385 Archer------------------------------------- 542 Arimo-------------------------------------- 291 Bancroft----------------------------------- 406 Basalt-------------------------------------- 252 Bennington-------------------------------- 300 Bloomington ------------------------------- 418 Cambridge (Bannock County) ------------- 340 Chester------------------------------ - - - - - - - 300 Dayton------------------------------------ 364 Dingle------------------------------------- 330 Downey------------------------------------ 673 Franklin----------------------------------- 523 Georgetown-------------------------------- 463 Grace-------------------------------------- 701 Grant-------------------------------------- 296 Hibbard------------------------------------ 452 Iona---------------------------------------- 518 Lava Hot Springs.-------------------------- 647 Lewisville---------------------------------- 37] Liberty------------------------------------ 250 Lincoln------------------------------------ 650 Lorenzo------------------------------------ 260 McCammon------------------------------- 489 Menan------------------------------------- 43 Newdale----------------------------------- 356 Osgood------------------------------------- 310 Paris--------------------------------------- 932 Parker------------------------------------- 384 Plano-------------------------------------- 389 Ririe--------------------------------------- 493 Roberts------------------------------------ 319 Saint Charles------------------------------- 429 Salem-------------------------------------- 457 Shelton------------------------------------- 325 Sugar City--------------------------------- 697 Swan Lake--------------------------------- 300 Teton-------------------------------------- 514 Thatcher----------------------------------- 300 Thornton---------------------------------- 250 UCon--------------------------------------- 449 Weston------------------------------------- 439 Whitney----------------------------------- 540 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Little Lost River Power Co. Idaho Land & Livestock Co. Idaho Power Co. (Interchange). Western States Utilities Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Arco Municipal Light Plant. *Village of Dubois. *Fall River Rural Electrification Cooperative. *Idaho Industrial Training School. See Also: Principal report under Utah (43-145), and Operations reported under Wyoming (49–078). 11–106 The Washington Water Power Company 825 Trent Ave., Spokane, Wash. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 99.69% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Idaho only----------------------------- $2,813, 230 Number of Electric Customers: - Idaho only----------------------------- 21,020 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Coeur D’Alene-------------------- -- - - - 10,049 Lewiston----------------- (- - - - - - - - - - - - - 10, 548 1,000 to 10,000 population Grangeville--------------------------------- 1, 929 MOSCOW------------------------------------ 6,014 Orofino------------------------------------- 1,602 Saint Maries ------------------------------ 2, 234 Spirit Lake--------------------------------- 1,006 250 to 1,000 population Bovill-------------------------------------- 447 Cottonwood-------...----------------------- 673 Craigmont--------------------------------- 528 Peary-------------------------------------- 320 Genese?------------------------------------ 678 Juliaetta----------------------------------- 337 Kamiah ------------ - * * * * * * * ~ * * *-* * * * * * * * ~ * * * *- 568 Kendrick----------------------------------- 407 Kooskia------------------------------------ 490 LapWai------------------------------------- 426 Nežperce----------------------------- - * * * * * * 590 Osburn------------------------------------ 420 Post Falls---------------------------------- 843 Rathdrum-- - - - - - - -...-------- ----------- 511 Stites--------------------------------------- 253 Troy--------------------------------------- 580 Winchester--------------------------------- 634 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Citizens Utilities CO. - The Montana Power Co. Murray Water & Electric Light Utilities. PTBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Elk River. *Harrison Light Works. *Village of Plummer. *Clearwater Valley Light & Power Association. *Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association. *Rootenai Rural Electrification Association. See Also: Principal report under Washington (46–163). 11–109 West Coast Power Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Idaho only------------------------------- $242, 936 Number of Electric Customers: Idaho only------------------------------- 3, 184 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bellevue * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 502 Cambridge (Washington County).--------- 405 arey----------------------- - - - - - - * * * * * * = as * * 275 Cascade------------------------------------- 1,029 Council------------------------------------- 692 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IDAHO 123 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fairfield------------------------------------ 511 Hailey-------------------------------------- 1,443 McCall------------------------------ 875 See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–168), and *auous reported under Washington (46–169). 11–118 Western States Utilities Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Idaho only-------------------------------- $64,390 Number of Electric Customers: Idaho only-------------------------------- 1, 143 Communities Served at Retail: Population alad------------------------------------ 2,731 St. John---------------------------------- 375 See Also: Principal report under Nevada (27–179) and operations reported under Utah (43–154) and Wyoming (49–090). 11–211 Anaconda Copper Mining Co. Conda, Idaho Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: 3. M. Norris - - ---Supt. Max W. Snell Elec, Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,399 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,514 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 78 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 99, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population onda------------------------------------- 288 Also Renders: Water and ice Service. 11–215 Boise Payette Lumber Company Boise, Idaho 11–228 Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Co. Kellogg, Idaho Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Walter C. Clark - - -Supt. Bert Skina ASSt. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $225,629 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $130,573 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 2, 187 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 4, 146, 317 Communities Served at Retail: Population Kellogg---------------------------------- 4, 235 Wardner--------------------------------- 861 Also Renders: Water service. 11–267 Potlatch Forests, Inc. P9tlatch, Idaho Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Otto II. Leuschel ----------------.ASSt. Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,138 Number of Electric Customers------------- 324 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------------- 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 624, 610 Community Served at Retail: Population Potlatch------------------------------------ 1, 140 11–511 *Albion Municipal Lighting Department Albion, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wallace Nelson.------------------------ Electrician J. H. Mahoney------------------------------ Clerk Board Members: Fred Hagar, B. F. Mahoney, Ben McWilliams, J. Earl Powers, C. E. Simonsen (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,980 Number of Electric Cust 170 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 403, 121 Community Served at Retail: Population Albion---------------------------------------- 357 Also Renders: Water Service. 11–522 *Arco Municipal Light Plant Arco, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: tº - 1). J. Stewart- Electrician Village Board: Frank L. Brown (chairman), Dave Daniels, Fred Reich, R. C. Walker, John R. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $66,000 Electric Operating Revenues $9,585 Number of Electric Cust S. 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Arco------------------------------------------ 548 11–533 *Bonners Ferry Municipal Water and Light Department Bonners Ferry, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: H. M. Buroker------------------------------ Mgr. 124 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION lº" following data are for the year ended April 30, Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --_ _ _ _ $247, 727 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $50,803 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 785 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 775 Hydro----------------------------------- 475 Internal Combustion-------------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 405, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Bonners Ferry------------------------------ 1, 345 Also Renders: Water service. 11–544 *Burley Municipal Distribution System Burley, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Reed Judd - Councilman FáWard P. Eardley------------------- City Supt. ROSS Bulkley-------------------- City Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $141, 055 Community Served at Retail: Population Purley-------------------------------------- 5, 329 11–555 *Willage of Challis Municipal Power Plant Challis, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: J. Irvin Hughes------------------------------ Supt. Village Council: Arthur Baxter, Wm. Centuras, John Clark, Frank Pfeiffer (chairman), Dell Yant. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,000 Number of Electric Cust sº - - 160 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion. -------------------- 117 Community Served at Retail: Population Challis------------------------------------ 620 Also Renders: Water service. 11–566 *Declo Municipal Electric Depart- ment Declo, Idaho 11–577 *Willage of Dubois Dubois, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: L. C. Doschades----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: H. R. Harn, Wm. Laird, B. H. Thomas, C. Blaine Waring, H. R. Webster. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $22,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,638 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Pubois----------------------------------- 332 11–588 *Willage of Elk River Elk River, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ira George---------------------------------- Supt. L. A. Foster-. Maintenance Engr. Board of Trustees: James Bakos, Frank Currier, R. Smith, Geo. Torgerson, E. R. Vine. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,236 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 216,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Elk River---------------------------------- 337 11–599 *Harrison Light Works Harrison, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: Axel Olson--------------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: E. W. Harry Hanson, L. Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Bernhart, Leo Chounard, R. Pugh, D. Rose, L. H. Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $4,800 Number of Electric Customers.----------------- 140 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------- - - - - - - - - - ------- 240,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Harrison------------------------------------ 362 11—610 *Willage of Heyburn Heyburn, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: J. W. Holstin -----------------------------. Treas Governing Body: Wm. Christiansen, Leo Handy, J. W. Holstin, Kenneth King, R. Marshall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- - - $1,200 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 120 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 168,000 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IDAHO I25 11–621 *City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. W. Fanning Mayor Lee Walker--------------------------------- Clerk M. P. Goudy------------------------------- Supt. Council: Ray B. Crabtree, R. A. Freeman, Thomas L. Sutton, T. C. Wasley. The following data are for the year 1940: Elecric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,277,280 Electric Operating Revenues------ - - - - - - $326,450 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 356 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 29, 116, 170 Community Served at Retail: Population Idaho Falls----------------------------- 15, 024 11—632 *Willage of Minidoka Minidoka, Idaho 11–643 *Willage of Plummer Plummer, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Dretke-------------- 2--Light Commissioner GeO. J. McFadden------------------ Village Clerk Village Board of Trustees: Douglas Brown, John §ºil. Leslie Holstine, Ted Miller, C. S. OUIL19. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $35,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,834 Number of Electric Customers------------- 172 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------- --------- 638, 860 Community Served at Retail: Population Plummer------------------------------------- 399 Also Renders: Water Service. 11—654 *City of Rupert Rupert, Idaho Community Served at Retail: Population Rupert------------------------------------- 3, 167 11–665 *The City of Soda Springs Soda Springs, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: R. B. Maughan ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supt. Mayor & City Council: T. J. Corrigan, Earl Gunnell, S. E. Matthews (mayor), T). E. Rompel, J. O. Wallace. loº" following data are for the year ended April 30, 0: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $104,630 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,728 Number of Electric Customers------------ 367 Kilowatts Generating capacity (hydro)-------------------- 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 920, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Soda Springs-------------------------------- 1,087 11–669 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise Project P. O. Box 937, Boise, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. J. Newell--------- - - - - - - - - - Construction Engr. Robert B. Smith Chief Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: - * * * * * Total---------------------------------- $95, 593 In Idaho------------------------------- $55,593 Number of Electric Customers: Total. -------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 10. In Idaho------------------------------ 7 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 9, 500 Energy Available in year: Rilowatt-hours 'otal-------------------------------- 66,083, 940 Generated.-- - 65, 540, 990 Purchased.----------------------------- 542, 950 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Idaho Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Emmett Irrigation District, *Gem Irrigation District. See Also: Operations reported under Oregon (36-650). 11–670 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Minidoka Project Burley, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: S. R. Marean------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------- $1,460, 196 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $208, 858 Number of Electric Customers----------- 61 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 10,000 Rilowatt-hours 66, 796, 206 48, 341, 900 18, 454, 306 Energy Available in Year: • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = sw as sº - * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - as me • * * * - * * * * * * Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Idaho Power Co. Paul Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Albion Municipal Lighting Dept. *Burley Municipal Distribution System. *Village of Declo. 126 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Heyburn. *Village of Minidoka. *City of Rupert. *16 Rural Companies (not named). 11—676 *Weiser City Water & Light Plant 19 E. Commercial St., Weiser, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter S. Chrysler-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. & Engr. F. S. GWilliam---------------------------- Mayor D. A. Kramer------------------------City Clerk City Council: W. F. Bishop, D. E. Johns, Fred Rorup, Chas. Peacock, Chas. Stamper, C. W. Townley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $112,069 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $87,892 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 232 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - 3, 580, 380 Community Served at Retail: Population Weiser-------------------------------------- 3, 663 Also Renders: Water Service. 11–887 *Willage of Worley º Worley, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Official: A. E. Warner------------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,000 Electric Operating Revenues $3,817 Number of Electric Cust Sł 60 JKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----- sº gº º 309, 175 Also Renders: Water Service. 11–810 *Acequia Mutual Electric Com- pany Acequia, Idaho 11–813 *Central Electric Company Rupert, Idaho 11–816 *Clearwater Valley Light & Power Association, Inc. Lewiston, Idaho The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,163,084 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $104,005 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 2,050 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,473, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Weippe--------------------------------------- 800 11–820 *Mr. Newt Crawford Richfield, Idaho 11–825 *Declo Light and Power Company Burley, Idaho 11–829 *East End Mutual Electric Com- pany, Ltd. Rupert, Idaho 11–831 *Empire Electric Company, Ltd. Heyburn, Idaho 11–834 *Fall River Rural Electric Coop., Inc. Ashton, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: George Amen------------------------------- PreS. Walter Bratt------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - $160,841 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,067 Number of Electric Customers------------ 411 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 81,600 11–837 *Ferry Light and Power Company Burley, Idaho 11–845 *Idaho County Light & Power Co- operative Association, Inc. Grangeville, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank H. Arnsen---------------------------- PreS. Egbert Kabāt------------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY 127 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IDAHO The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $243,989 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $18,871 Number of Electric Customers------------ 487 Pólowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 182,000 11–849 *Kootenai Rural Electrification Association, Inc. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jerry Rickel--------------------------------- PreS. Kenneth Lemley--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $252, 508 $22,853 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 575 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 335, 600 11–853 *Lost River Electric Cooperative, Inc. Moore, Idaho 11–858 *Minidoka North Side Power Company Heyburn, Idaho 11–867 *North Heyburn Electric Company Heyburn, Idaho 11–868 *Northern Idaho Rural Electric Rehabilitation Association, Inc. Sand Point, Idaho Principal Electric Utility Officials: Scott J. Armour----------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $348, 127 Electric Operating Rev - $32,350 N umber of Electric Customers------------- 816 Pólowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 556, 400 11–876 *Raft River Rural Electric Coop- erative, Inc. Malta, Idaho 11–882 *Riverside Electric Company, Ltd. Rupert, Idaho 11–885 *Rural Electric Company, Ltd. Rupert, Idaho 11–890 *South Side Electric Lines, Inc. Declo, Idaho 11–897 *Unity Light and Power Company Burley, Idaho 11—903 *Walcott Electric Company Rupert, Idaho 11–912 *West End Budge Power and Light Company, Ltd. Paul, Idaho 11—915 *West End Power Company Glenn A. Smothers------------------------- Supt. Minidoka Dam, Idaho ILLINOIS Index Reference Number *Adams Electrical Cooperative. -- - - - - - - - - - - - Albany Lighting Co------------------------- *Albany, Village of -------------------------- 12-510 *Altamont, City of -------------------------- 12–513 *Armington Municipal Lighting System - - - - - 12–516 *Batavia, City of.--------------------------- 12–519 *Bethany Municipal Light Plant------------ *Bloomington, Commercial Light & Power Dept., City of.---------------------------- 1 ‘Bºese Water and Light Department, City 91------------------------------------------ *Bushnell Municipal Electric Light and Power Utility----------------------------- 1 *Byron Municipal Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Carlyle Electric and Water Department_____ *Carmi Water, Light, and Power____________ I Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation---------- *Casey Light and Water Dept *Cave in Rock Municipal Light Plant-------- 12–542 Cedar Point Light and Water Company - - - - 12–023 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Co-------- 12–026 Central Illinois Light Company ... -- - - - - - - - - - 12–029 Central Illinois Public Service Company - - - - Central Illinois Telephone Company-------- 12–035 *Chicago, The Sanitary District of... -------- 12–543 *Clinton County Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- 12–810 *Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative ------- 12–815 Commonwealth Edison Company----------- 12–041 Consolidated Coal Company, The L--------- 12–213 Consol Power Co---------------------------- 12–044 *Corn Belt Electric Cooperative, Inc. - - - - - - - 12–820 *Cowden Municipal Light & Power Plant--- 12–550 Davis, S. S.---------------------------------- 12–053 *Decatur Water and Light Plant, City of --- East Dubuque Electric Company----------- 1 *Eastern Illinois Power Cooperative --------- *Edgar Electric Cooperative Association----- 12–827 E. G. Light Company----------------------- 12–086 *Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association- Elizabeth Light and Power Company, The... 12-065 *Fairfield Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - *Farmer City Water and Light Plant . . . . . . . *Farmers Mutual Electric Company - - - - - - - *Fithian Electric Light Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Flora, City of *Freeburg Municipal Light Plant . . . . .______ 12–571 *Geneseo Municipal Electric Light and Power Utility----------------------------- j2–57 *Geneva, City of --------------------------- 12–577 Granite City Generating Company---------- 12–069 *Greenup, Village of.-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 2–58() *Hanover Municipal Light, Power & Water Service ----------------------------------- 12–583 *Heyworth Municipal Electric Light & Power Public Utilities. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–586 *Highland Electric Light Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–589 *Hinsdale, Village of.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–592 *Hopedale Municipal Lighting System -- - - - - 12–595 *Illini Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - 12–833 Illinois Iowa Power Company--------------- 12–070 Illinois Northern Utilities Company-------- . 12-071 *Illinois Rural Electric Company . . . . . . . . 12–835 *Illinois Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. -- . 12–836 Interstate Light & Power Co. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-077 Iowa Union Electric Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-078 ‘Jacksonville Light and Power Department- 12–598 *Jo-Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . 12–837 *Kewanee, City of.------------------------- 12–600 Kewanee Public Service Company. --------- 12—083 Laclede Power & Light Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Ladd Electric Light System---------------- Main Bros. Box & Lumber Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–231 *Marshall Municipal Light Plant, City of . . *Mascoutah Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 *Mason City Water & Light Co 322184—42—14 Reference Number *McDonough Power Cooperative____________ 12–838 *McLeansboro, City of.--------------------- Medusa Portland Cement Company -------- *Menard Electric Cooperative... -- - - - - - - - - - - 1 *Metropolis Water and Light Department_ _ 12–618 *M inier Light & Power Department_______ 12–621 Mississippi River Power Company---------- 12—092 *M. J. M. Electric Cooperative, Inc._________ 12–839 Moline-Rock Island Manufacturing Com- Parly-------------------------------------- 12–095 *Monroe County Electric Cooperative, Inc.- . 12–843 Mount Carmel Public Utility & Service Company, The---------------------------- 12–10} *Mount Olive Municipal Light Plant. - - - - - - 12–624 *Naperville Electric Light Department------ 12–627 Nauvoo Electric Light & Power Company - - 12–104 Nelson Co. Le Claire Light & Power Divi- Sion, N, O--------------------------------- 12–246 *Newton, City of.--------------------------- 12–630 *Norris Electric Cooperative--- - - - ---------- 12–845 North Counties Hydro-Electric Company. -- 12–107 Northern Indiana Power Company - - - - - - - - - - } Northwestern Illinois Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–113 *Ogden, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • * * * * * * * 12–633 *Oglesby Light & Power Department - - - - - - - - 12–637 *OQuawka Municipal Light Plant--, - - - - - - - - 12–640 *Patoka Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–643 Peabody Coal Company-------------------- 12–248 Peoples Power Company. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–116 *Peru Water and Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–646 Pope-Hardin Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–118 *Princeton, City of ------------------------- 12–649 Produce Terminal Corporation------ - - - - - - - - 12–250 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois– 12–125 *Rantoul, Village of. ------------------------ 12–652 *Red Bud Power, Light and Water Plant - - - - 12–655 *Riverton Electric Light Department-------- 12–658 * Rochelle-Electric Light and Water Dept., City of.----------------------------------- 12–661 * Rock Falls, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–664 Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co----- 12–257 *Rural Electric Convenience Cooperative---- 12–847 *Saint Charles Municipal Light Plant________ 12–667 *Salem Light & Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–670 *Sawyerville, Village of... ------------------- 12–673 *Shelby Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - - ------- 12–849 Sherrard Power System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–131 South Beloit Water, Gas and Electric Com- 9---------------------------------------- 2–857 *Southern Illinois Electric Cooperative------- 12–864 *South Farmers Electric Line, The------- - - - 12–850 *Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- 12–871 *Spoon River Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - 12–878 *Springfield Water, Light, and Power Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 12–676 *Staunton, The City of . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–679 *Stonington Light and Water Works Plant. - . 12–682 *Sullivan Municipal Light Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - 12–685 Terre Haute and Western Railway Company. 12–275 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - 12–885 Union Electric Company of Illinois.--------- 12–150 *Waterloo Light and Power Department - - - - 12–688 *Wayne-White Counties Electric Coop-- - - - - 12–890 *Western Illinois Electrical Coop - - - - - - - - - - - 12–900 Wostern United Gas & Electric Co- - - - - - - - - - 12–158 *White City, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12–691 *Winnetka, Village of.------------------------ 12–697 *Woodstock Municipal Light Plant--------- 12–700 Wyanet Electric Light Company------------ 12–161 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, The 12–300. * Denotes a publicly owned utility. 129 130 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION ILLINOIS 12-014 Albany Lighting Co. Clinton, Iowa Principal Officers: H. R. Senior---------------------------- ----Pres. M. S. Rosenkrans---------------------- Vice PreS. Louis Hoobler----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: E. C. Hill, Louis Hoobler, Charles Hoover, M. S. Rosenkrans, H. R. Senior. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $3,250 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1 Kłłowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 148, 240 Utility Served at Wholesale: PU BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Albany. 12–023 Cedar Point Light and Water Company Cedar Point, III. Principal Officers: J. A. O’Berto------ --- PreS. Joseph Cerri-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. John J. Massieon----------------------- Counselor Directors: Joseph Cerri, John J. Massieon, J. A. O’BertO. The following data are for the year 1940: £lectric Operating Revenues----------------- $4,828 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 91 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--------------------------- 88, 560 Community Served at Retail: Population Cedar Point---------------------------------- 279 Also Renders: Water service. 12–026 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Co. 303 N. Main St., Rockford, Ill. {Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation) Principal Officers: Donald C. McClure--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. L. N. Boisen---------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - Vice. Pres. Geo. B. Pidot------------------------------- Secy. J. E. Murray-----------------'Treas. & Asst. Secy. E. Dale Chambers--------------------- ASSt. Secy. R. B. Small-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. F. Robert AnderSon------------------ ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele -- ASSt. Treas. Directors: L. N. Boisen, A. P. Lewis, Donald C. McClure, J. E. Murray. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $17,526, 503 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3, 484, 230 Number of Electric Customers---------- 46, 810 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 45, 318 Steam-------------------------------- 43, 368 ydro-------------------------------- 1, 200 Internal Combustion------------------ 750 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 155, 491, 533 Generated.---------------------------- 102, 294, 307 Purchased---------------------------- 53, 197, 226 Communities Served at Retail: º 10,000 population or more Population Lincoln------------------------------------ 12,752 Rockford------------- 84,637 1,000 to 10,000 population Albion------------------------------------- 1,855 Atlanta------------------------------------ 1, 290 Bement------------------------------------ 1, 466 Delavan----------------------------------- 1, 181 Loves Park-------------------------------- 4, 500 Mount Pulaski 1, 378 Pecatonica--------------------------------- 1, 302 250 to 1,000 population Atwood------------------------------------ 707 Beason------------------------------------- 252 Pellmont---------------------------------- 408 Bone Gap---------------------------------- 385 Browns------------------------------------ 337 Catlin---- 845 Cherry Valley 583 Chestnut------- 291 Durand - - - - 592 Emden.---------- - - - 396 Fairmount - - - 775 Garret ----- 252 Hammond--------------------------------- 384 Heyworth--------------------------------- 996 Homer------------------------------------- 983 TVesdale----------------------------------- 386 Keensburg--------------------------------- 421 Kenney------------------------------------ 483 Latham------------------------------------ 369 AcLean----------------------------------- 652 Oakwood---------------------------------- 555 Philo-------------------------------------- 510 Roscoe------------------------------------- 30ſ) Saint Joseph------------------------------- 810 San Jose----------------------------------- 520 Sidney-------------------------------------- 567 Wapella----------------------------------- 496 Waynesville------------------------------- 564 Winnebago-------------------------------- 637 Also Renders: Rus (motor and city trolley), gas, Steam heating, and water Service. 12–029 Central Illinois Light Company 316 S. Jefferson Ave., Peoria, Ill. (Controlled by The Commonwealth & Southern ºtion (T)elaware) through 65% of voting power. Principal Officers: W. H. Barthold.-------------- Chairman of Board R. S. Wallace-------------------------------- Pres. J. A. Brown--------------------------- Vice. Pres. T. A. Schlink------------------ Vice Pres. & Secy. F. C. Heiple-------------------------------- Treas. G. H. Bourne------------------------ Comptroller J. A. Strawn---------------------------Asst. Secy E. E. Nelson.---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas C. Wigand---------------------------- ASSt. Treas Directors: W. H. Barthold, J. A. Brown, H. A. Converse, Geo. Michell, C. V. O'Hern, T. A. Schlink, R. S. Wallace, H. F. Willkie. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $50,062, 742 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $6,623, 206 Number of Electric Customers---------- 73, 141 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 113,500 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES –ILLINOIS 131 - e * -- ~ Rilowatt-hours | Directors: Willard Bunn, W. F. Gerdes, E. F. Enerºlable in ºr " 488,375, 616 Kelly, L., A. Magraw, H. M. Milligan, A. D. − Stevens, R. B. Tulpin. Generated.---------------------------- 411,025,830 | Controls: Purchased.---------------------------- 3,302, 610 Central Illinois Traction Co. (inactve). Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 74,047, 176 | Chicago and joliet Electric Railway C6 (inactive). Communities Served at Retail: Chicago and Joliet Transportation Co. (inactive). Kºś º§º, (inactive) - 10,000 population or more Population Southern Illinois Railway and Power Co. Pekin - es sº ºs º º sm - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * 19, 407 (inactive) Peoria------------------------------------ 105,087 - Springfield-------------------------------- 75, 503 The following data are for the year 1940: 1,000 to 10,000 population Total Utility Plant--------------------- $82, 698, 677 Bºº. - * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * *- 1,879 | Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $13,236, 309 ºl." - - - - - ; ; Number of Electric Customers---------- 169,896 # º - - - mºs - a.m. m. m. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,806 Rilowatts In WOO 1, 348 - e Eureka 1, 714 Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- - 100,000 Farmington------------------------------- 2, 225 | Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Peoria Heights---------------------------- 4, 376 Total----------------------------- 567, 147,078 Roanoke---------------------------------- 1,090 *- South Pekin -- 1,044 Generated.---------------------------- 296,626,071 §. 4,702 | Purchased---------------------------- 270, 521, 007 3|Sºl III ºf OIC] c. * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * = a- * * * * 2,456 Communities Served at Retail: - 250 to 1,000 population C - 10,000 population or more º Brimfield anton------------------------------------ , 577 #. #| Hºurg...................... 11, 453 Dunlap * * * * -- - - 325 | Mattoon.------------------------------------ 15,827 Edwards 350 Quincy------------------------------------ 40, 469 Elburn 624 | West Frankfort--------------------------- 12, 383 Psmond---------------------------------- 270 sº Fairview (Fulton County)---------------- 528 Anna 1,000 to 10,000 population 4. O92 Grandview 620 Arcola.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. i. 837 Green Valley - 516 Arthur II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. i. 405 Hanna City 633 Ashland.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1. 139 Jerome. ##| Assumption.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 1.56i Kingston Mines ---- 390 Astoria - - - - - -e ss sº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -s “ - - - - 1. 292 London Mills 579 Athens III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III i. 062 Malta- 455 || Auburn...III.I.I.I.I.III 1.652 *anito----------------------------------- 776 farry III.I.I.I.I.I.III i. 545 Maple Park - 398 || Beardstown III.I.I.I.I.III 6.505 Mapleton--------------------------------- 300 Benton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ž 372 Maquon---------------------------------- #33 || Bridgeport.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 3.143 Metamora--------- - §§§ Brookport III.I.I.I.I.I.III 1.247 Orchard Mines--------------------------- 610 Bushnell. III.I.I.I.I.III 2. 906 Pottstown-------------------------------- 315 Camp foint...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1. 084 Princeville-------------------------------- 996 | Carbondale III.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 3,550 Rochester--------------------------------- 464 | Carrier Miſſis IIII 3.360 Southern View_ _ 433 Carrollton III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 2. 285 Williamsfield___ 470 Carterville, - - - - - sº ºr sº * * - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - 2. 893 Yates City-------------------------------- 576 | dºia.’...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 3.; Utilities Served at Wholesale: 8; - * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as * * * * - - - - - ; § PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Christopher * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e ss amº m - - - - - 3. 833 Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co. Clay City IIII 1. Iš6 Central Illinois Public Service Co. Clayton IIIT IIII 1.038 Commonwealth Edison Co. (Interchange) ČšŠán. I.I.I.I. io98 Illinois Iowa Power Co. Colchester III 1.426 Illinois Northern Utilities Co. Cuba. III. i. 620 Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois. Divernon III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1.033 Akso Benders: Gas and steam heating Service. Eſſingham-------------------------------- 6, 180 Fairbury---------------------------------- 2, 300 - Gibson------------------------------------ 2, 401 gº - - - - - - - - --> * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -s ºr * - - - - - - 1, 554 - irard------------------------------------ 1,741 12 032 §ºf - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºs º ºs sº sº - - - - 1, 110 e © ſº tº TàI] OWeſ----------------------------- 1,043 Central nº Public Service § - - - - -- * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * *-* - - - 2, 240 Teellſleid--------------------------------- 1,006 Omp any Griggsville-------------------------------- 1, 266 607 E. Adams St., Springfield, Ill. Havana----------------------------------- 3,999 e - Herrin------------------------------------ 9,352 (Controlled by Middle West Corporation through Hoopeston III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 5, 381 41.5% of voting power.) Hurst------------------------------------- 1,012 & - Jerseyville--------------------------------- 4,809 Principal Officers: Johnston City----------------------------- 5, 418 H. A. Mºraw------------------------------- Pres. Jonesboro--------------------------------- 1, 521 # * Kelly----------------------------- Vice Pres. Kincaid----------------------------------- 1,749 R. B. Tulpin--------------------- Secy. & Auditor || Kinmundy-------------------------------- 1,015 H. M. Parker------------------------------ Treas. Lawrenceville------------------ ----------- 6, 213 Q. M. Fºx------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Auditor | Lewistown-------------------------------- 2,355 O. H. White---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Auditor | Lovington--------------------------------- 1,215 R. C. Sloan--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Macomb---------------------------------- 8,764 C. C. Bredehoft----------------------,ASSt. Treas. Marion------------------------------------ 9, 251 132 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Martinsville------------------------------- 1, 296 Mason City------------------------------- 1,984 Milford----------------------------------- 1,628 Mounds----------------------------------- 2, 144 Mount Sterling---------------------------- 2, 140 Moweagua-------------------------------- 1,366 °988------------------------------------- 1,062 Newman---------------------------------- 1, 103 Nokomis---------------------------------- 2,562 Norris City------------------------------- 1, 295 Oakland----------------------------------- 1, 131 Oblong------------------------------------ 1, 547 9|n^X------------------------------------- 7,831 Onarga------------------------------------ 1, 413 Palestine---------------------------------- 1,626 Pana-------------------------------------- 5, 966 Paris-------------------------------------- 9, 281 Pawnee----------------------------------- 1,006 Paxton------------------------------------ 3, 106 Petersburg------------- • * * * * * * * * * = * * = = ** – = <= 2,586 Pittsfield---------------------------------- 2,884 Robinson---------------------------------- 4, 311 Roodhouse-------------------------------- 2, 557 Roseville---------------------------------- 1,061 Rossville---------------------------------- 1,428 Royalton---------------------------------- 1,772 Rushville---------------------------------- 2,480 Saint Elmo-------------------------------- 2, 290 Saint Francisville ------------------------- 1, 145 Sesser------------------------------------- 2, 117 Shelbyville-------------------------------- 4,092 Sheldon ----------------------------------- 1,036 Sumner----------------------------------- 1,070 Taylorville-------------------------------- 8, 313 Tuscola----------------------------------- 2,838 Vienna------------------------------------ 1, 173 Villa Grove.------------------------------- 2,072 Virden------------------------------------ 3,041 Virginia.----------------------------------- 1, 418 Watseka----------------------------------- 3,744 Waverly----------------------------------- 1,385 West City--------------------------------- 1,017 White Hall-------------------------------- 3,025 Winchester-------------------------------- 1,651 Windsor----------------------------------- 1,005 Zeigler------------------------------------- 3,006 250 to 1,000 population Adair-------------------------------------- 375 Alexander--------------------------------- 304 Allerton.----------------------------------- 303 Alma-------------------------------------- 465 Alsey-------------------------------------- 290 Alto Pass---------------------------------- 459 Alvin-------------------------------------- 339 Armstrong-------------------------------- 325 Arrowsmith---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 294 Ashkum----------------------------------- 337 Ashmore---------------------------------- 454 Augusta----------------------------------- 972 Bardolph--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 275 Batchtown - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 297 Bath-----------------. . . . . . . ----------- 358 Baylis------------------------------------- 363 Beaverville -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 425 Beecher City . . . . -------------------------- 506 Belle Rive--------------------------------- 333 Bellflower.-- . . . . . . . . . . . .------------------ 425 Birds-------------------------------------- 294 Bismarck---------------------------------- 375 Blue Mound------------------------------ 811 Bluffs------------------------------------- 839 Bowen------------------------------------ 619 Broadlands-------------------------------- 361 Brocton----------------------------------- 449 Broughton-------------------------------- 387 Browning--------------------------------- 402 Brussels----------------------------------- 275 Pryant------------------------------------ 387 Buckley----------------------------------- 457 Buckner----------------------------------- 927 Pulpitt------------------------------------ 390 Buncombe-------------------------------- 263 Push-------------------------------------- 617 Camargo---------------------------------- 257 Cambria.---------------------------------- 687 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Chandlerville------------------------------ 874 ebanse---------------------------------- 603 Chesterfield------------------------------- 290 Cisne-------------------------------------- 628 Cissna Park------------------------------- 582 Clifton------------------------------------ 580 Coalton----------------------------------- 459 Colp-------------------------------------- 323 Crab Orchard----------------------------- 300 Crainville--------------------------------- 38] Creal Springs------------------------------ 950 Crescent----------------------------------- 332 Crossville--------------------------------- 666 ulom------------------------------------ 509 Cypress----------------------------------- 407 Pahlgren.--------------------------------- 595 Panforth---------------------------------- 362 Pe Soto----------------------------------- 656 Pieterich---------------------------------- 477 Pongola----------------------------------- 638 Ponovan---------------------------------- 381 Powell------------------------------------ 704 Past Lynn.-------------------------------- 300 Paston------------------------------------ 442 Edgewood--------------------------------- 467 Pdinburg---------------------------------- 919 Pldred----------------------------------- 34() Plkville----------------------------------- 951 Plliott------------------------------------. 332 *nºt*y------------------------------------ 458 *Wing------------------------------------- 339 Farina------------------------------------- 804 Farmersville.------------------------------ 558 "ºrris------------------------------------- 272 Findlay----------------------------------- 688 Fisher------------------------------------- 754 Flat Rock--------------------------------- 585, Foosland---------------------------------- 250 Forrest------------------------------------ 947 Franklin ---------------------------------- 515 Frederick ... ----------------------- - - ºr as m & 327 Freeman Spur----------------------------- 258 Galatia------------------------------------ 986 Ga*s-------------------------------------- 26] Gifford------------------------------------ 359 Glasford----------------------------------- 782 Golden------------------------------------ 624 Gore ville--------------------------------- 508 Gorham----------------------------------- 595 Greenview. --------------------...---------- 749 Hamburg.-------------------------------. - 30ſ) Hanaford. --------------------------------- 474 Hardin. ----------------------------------- 838 Henning----------------------------------- 259 Hettick------------------------------------ 290 Hillview.---------------------...------------ 544 Hindsboro-------------. ------------------ 407 Hull -------------------------------------- 572 Humboldt--------------------------------- 334 Hume------------------------------------- 48% Humphreys (Tovey) - - -------------------- 803 Hutsonville------------------------------- 714 * --------------------------------------- 50] Industry---------------------------------- 576 ola--------------------------------------- 256 Ipava------------------------------------- 629 Itika--------------------------------------- 47() Janesville--------------------------------- 250 Joppa------------------------------------- 587 Kampsville.------------------------------- 432 8D6-------------------------------------. 490 Kansas------------------------------------ 875 Kilbourne--------------------------------- 360 Kinderhook------------------------------- 336 Perna------------------------------------- 301 Liberty----------------------------------- 500 Littleton---------------------------------- 277 Loami ------------------------------------ 488 Loda ------------------------------------- 507 Longview.--------------------------------- 259 Loraine----------------------------------- 346 Louisville--------------------------------- 925 Ludlow----------------------------------- 3.18 Macon------------------------------------ 875 Makanda---------------------------------- 258 Manchester------------------------------- 348 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ILLINOIS 133 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Martinton--------------------------------- 280 Mason------------------------------------ 33ſ) Maunie----------------------------------- 521 Medora----------------------------------- 4.38 Melvin------------------------------------ 470 Mendon----------------------------------- 637 Meredosia--------------------------------- 998 Metcalf----------------------------------- 328 Middletown------------------------------- 406 Milton------------------------------------ 327 Modesto----------------------------------- 276 Montrose---------------------------------- 334 Muddy------------------------------------ 425 Mulkeytown------------------------------ 450 Murray ville------------------------------- 478 Naples------------------------------------ 260 Nebo-------------------------------------- 521 New Berlin ------------------------------- 631 New Bàrnside----------------------------- 299 New Canton.------------------------------ 517 New Grand Chain - - ---------------------- 406 New Haven.------------------------------- 695 New Holland------------------------------ 336 New Philadelphia------------------------- 321 New Salem-------------------------------- 257 Noble------------------------------------- 855 Norris------------------------------------- 339 North City-------------------------------- 601 Oakford----------------------------------- 339 Oconee------------------------------------ 278 Olmsted.----------------------------------- 592 Omaha------------------------------------ 413 Orient City------------------------------- 942 Owaneco---------------------------------- 366 Palmyra----------------------------------- 824 Parkersburg------------------------------- 257 Payson------------------------------------ 456 Pearl-------------------------------------- 539 Penfield----------------------------------- 265 Perry-------------------------------------- 456 Pesotum---------------------------------- 367 PinkStaff---------------------------------- 410 Piper City-------------------------------- 663 Pittsburg---------------------------------- 817 Pleasant Hill------------------------------ 706 Pleasant Plains---------------------------- 531 Plymouth--------------------------------- 808 Potomac---------------------------------- 646 Pulaski------------------------------------ 623 Rankin------------------------------------ 781 Roberts----------------------------------- 379 Rosamond--------------------------------- 250 Sadorus----------------------------------- 371 Sailor Springs.----------------------------- 305 Saint David------------------------------- 859 Saint Peter-------------------------------- 348 Sainte Marie------------------------------ 293 Saybrook---------------------------------- 779 Scottville---------------------------------- 277 Shipman---------------------------------- 372 Sibley------------------------------------- 374 Sigel--------------------------------------- 281 Smithfield.-------------------------------- 359 Stewardson-------------------------------- 659 Stonefort Bolton--------------------------- 524 Strasburg---------------------------------- 435 Table Grove------------------------------- 480 Tallula------------------------------------ 604 Tamms------------------------------------ 777 Teutopolis--------------------------------- 806 Thawville--------------------------------- 293 Thayer------------------------------------ 789 Thebes------------------------------------ 730 Thompsonville ---------------------------- 568 Timewell---------------------------------- 267 Toledo------------------------------------ 852 Tolono------------------------------------ 876 Tower Hill-------------------------------- 697 lin-------------------------------------- 827 Valier------------------------------------- 930 Vergennes--------------------------------- 324 Vermont---------------------------- -- - - - - - 945 Versailles---------------------------------- 590 Villa Ridge-------------------------------- 450 Watson------------------------------------ 282 Wellington. ------------------------------- 297 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population West Liberty------------------------------ 300 West Point-------------------------------- 278 West Salem.------------------------------- 909 West Union------------------------------- 750 West York-------------------------------- 316 Westfield---------------------------------- 678 Willow Hill------------------------------- 372 Woodland--------------------------------- 334 Woodson---------------------------------- 266 Xenia------------------------------------- 662 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co. Central Illinois Light Co. Illinois Iowa POwer Co. Kentucky Utilities Co. Missouri General Utilities Co. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Public Service Co. of Indiana (Indiana). Western United Gas & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Adams Electric Cooperative. *Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative. *Eastern Illinois Power Cooperative. *Edgar County Electric Cooperative. *Illini Flectric Cooperative. *McDonough Power Cooperative. *Norris Electric Cooperative. *Shelby Electric Cooperative. *Southeastern Illinois Cooperative. *Southern Illinois Electric Cooperative. ... *Wayne-White Counties Electric Cooperative. *Western Illinois Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Gas, heating, ice, and water Service. 12–035 Central Illinois Telephone Company 17 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio (Controlled by Associated Public Utilities Cor- poration.) Principal Officers: Rupert E. Shotts---------------------------- PreS. J. E. Albert---------------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Heusel - ------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. W. R. King __ Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. J. Gompers----------.Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. f)irectors: J. E. Albert, C. E. Davis, C. E. Drucke- miller, Ralph D. Heusel, Rupert E. Shotts. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- ,- $32,888 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $12, 126 Number of Electric Customers---------- 300 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 258,240 Community Served at Retail: Population Chatham------------------------------------- 867 Also Renders: Telephone service. 12–041 Commonwealth Edison Company 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. Principal Officers: k Charles Y. Freeman-------------------- Chairman Edward J. Doyle------------------------- ---Pres. John F. Gilchrist----------------------- Vice PreS. G. A. Freeman-------------------------- Vice Pres. Harry B. Gear-------------------------- Vice PreS. A. G. de Clercq------------------------- Vice PreS. W. D. Gale----------------------------- Vice PreS. John W. Evers, Jr.-------- - - - - Secy. & Asst. Treas. George W. Williamson -- - - - - - Treas. & Asst. Secy. 134 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officer: 9. Gressens--------------------------- Comptroller Directors: A. Watson Armour, L. E. Block, Walter J. Cummings, Edward J. Doyle, Stanley Field, Charles Y. Freeman, Charles A. McCulloch, Solomon A. Smith, Albert H. Wetten. Controls: Chicago District Electric Generating Corporation (public utility). cº & Illinois Midland Railway Co. (rail- IO3,Ol). - Commercial National Safe Deposit Co. (building agents). Commonwealth Subsidiary Corporation (invest. company). Illinois Maintenance Co. (Steam Heating). Illinois Northern Utilities Co. (public utility) which controls Sterling Hydraulic Co. (owns dam and water power rights). Public Service Company of Northern Illinois (public utility). Western United Gas and Electric Co. (public utility). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $407,624, 234 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $101, 416, 619 Number of Electric Customers________ 955, 947 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 1,322,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------- 6, 741, 127, 371 Generated.-------------------------- 4, 685, 055, 423 Purchased-------------------------- 2,056,071, 948 Community Served at Retail: Population Chicago--------------------------------- 3,396,808 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Illinois Light Co. Central Illinois Public Service Co. Illinois Iowa Power Co. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. Produce Terminal Corporation. Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois. 12-044 Consol Power Co. 2069 Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. (Controlled by The Consolidated Coal Co.) Principal Electric Utility Officials: William J. Jenkins------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Archie W. Carr----------------------- Secy.-Treas. M. J. Devaney---------------------------4Auditor Directors: Archie W. Carr, William J. Jenkins, Josiah Whitnel. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24,367 Electric Operating Revenues $57,578 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 45 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 108,254 12–053 S. S. Davis 1.14% W. 17th St., Rock Island, Ill. Principal Officer: S. S. Pavis--------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $454, 466 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $87,475 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Rilowutts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 1,440 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 13,468,096 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Moline-Rock Island Manufacturing Co. 12–056 East Dubuque Electric Company 1000 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Principal Officers: B. F. Pickard------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Dove Oscar Solberg Directors: C. E. Dove, Solberg. Secy.-Treas. B. F. Pickard, Oscar The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $148, 523. Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $32, 398 Number of Electric Customers 478 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 893, 615 Community Served at Retail: Population East Dubuque 1,475 Also Renders: Bus Service in Illinois and Iowa. 12–065 The Elizabeth Light and Power Company 312 N. Main St., Galena, Ill. (ºiled by Standard Power and Light Corpora- 10Il. Principal Officers: R. F. Pack---------------------------------- Pres, A. J. Asmus---------------------------- Vice Pres. J. J. Molyneaux Treas. H. A. Stokke Secy. Directors: A. J. Asmus, L. B. Korte, R. F. Pack, L. O. Rasmussen, H. A. Stokke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $96, 922 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $30,458 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 529 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 710, 583 Community Served at Retail: Population Elizabeth 694 12–069 Granite City Generating Company” Granite City, Ill. - * Not an operating company; plant and property leased to others. (Controlled by Laclede Power & Light Co.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–ILLINOIS 135 Principal Officers: George S. Lurie - - --Pres. B. M. Goodman------------------------ Vice Pres. E. P. Allen-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: E. P. Allen, E. M. Goodman, George S. Lurie. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,968,841 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $46,219 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 15,000 12–070 Illinois Iowa Power Company 134 East Main Street, Decatur, III. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: Allen Van Wyck----------------------------- Pres. * 9. Hall------------------------------ Vice Pres. H. E. Steinhoff------------------------- Vice PreS. F. G. Sutherland Secy. FI. F. Johnson ----'Treas. J. H. Keys--------------------------- Comptroller Directors: D. E., Ackers, Q. P. Dorschel, E. S. Hight, H. E. Johnson, J. H. Keys, C. A. Leland, H. E. Steinhoff, A. P. Titus, Allen Van Wyck. Controls: Central Terminal Co. (warehouse). Des Moines Electric Light Co. (utility), which COntrols— Iowa Power and Light Co. (utility). Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. (railroad). St. Louis Electric Terminal Railway Co. (railroad in proceSS of dissolution). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $64,446, 803 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $16,647,927 Number of Electric Customers-------- 217, 837 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9ta!---------------------------- 40, 250 Steam------------------------------- 38,060 Hydro------------------------------- 2, 190 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total---------------------------- 829, 120, 393 Generated.--------------------------- 115,971, 113 Purchased.--------------------------- 713, 149, 280 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Belleville---------------------------------- 28,405 Bloomington.------------------------------ 32, S68 *9-------------------------------------- 14,407 Centralia---------------------------------- 16, 343 Champaign-------------------------------- 23. 302 Danville----------------------------------- 36,910 Decatur----------------------------------- 59, 305 Galesburg--------------------------------- 28,876 Granite City--------------------------- . . Jacksonville.------------------------------ 19,844 La Salle-------------------------. . ...... 12, 812 Mount Vernon ---------------------------- 14, 724 9ttawa-----------------------------------. 16, 005 Urbana------------------------------------ 14,064 1,000 to 10,000 population Abingdon--------------------------------- 3, 218 *q------------------------------------ 2, 444 Bethalto--------------------------------. 1, 207 Brooklyn---------------------------------- 2, 158 Bunker Hill------------------------------. 1,082 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Carlinville.-------------------------- -- - - - - - 4, 965 Central City------------------------------ I, 562 Cerro Gordo------------------------------- 1,016 Chenoa------------------------------------ 1, 401 Chester------------------------------------ 5, 110 Chrisman--------------------------------- 1, 112 Clinton------------------------------------ 6,331 Collinsville-------------------------------- 9, 767 Columbia--------------------------------- 1, 87 I Coulterville------------------------------- 1, 284 Depue------------------------------------- 2, 296 Du Quoin--------------------------------- 7, 515 Dupo-------------------------------------- 2,073 East Alton-------------------------------- 4, 680 Edwardsville------------------------------ 8,008 El Paso.----------------------------------- 1, 621 Eldorado---------------------------------- 4, 891 Finney Heights--------------------------- 1,000 alva------------------------------------- 2,812 Georgetown------------------------------- 3, 235 Gillespie. -------------------. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,440 Glen Carbon------------------------------ 1,091 Granville---------------------------------- 1,038 Greenville--------------------------------- 3,391 Hillsboro---------------------------------- 4, 514 Knoxville--------------------------------- 2, 241 La Harpe---------------------------------- 1,322. Lebanon ---------------------------- -- - - - - - 1, 867 Leroy------------------------------------- 1, 783 Lexington.------------------------------- ... 1, 284 Litchfield--------------------------------- 7,048 Livingston-------------------------------- 1, 115 Madison---------------------------------- 7,782 Marissa.----------------------------------- 1,657 Maroa----------------------------------- 1,033 Marseilles--------------------------------- 4, 455 Millstadt. --------------------------------- 1, 290 Monmouth-------------------------------- 9,096 Monticello-------------------------------- 2, 523 Morrisonville------------------------------ 1, 206 Morton----------------------------------- 2, 241 Mound City------------------------------ 2,465 Nameoki---------------------------------- 2, 701 Nashville---------------------------------- 2, 418 New Athens------------------------------- 1, 355 New Baden-------------------------------- 1, 176 Normal------------------------------------ 6,983 North Utica------------------------------- 1,019 in-------------------------------------- 1,849 0 Fallon----------------------------------- 2,407 Peru. ”--------------------------------------- 8,983 Pinckneyville------------------------------ 3, 146 Ridgeway--------------------------------- 1, 167 Roxana------------------------------------ 1, 255 Sandoval---------------------------------- 1,796 Shawneetown------------------------------ 1,963 Sparta------------------------------------- 3, 664 Spring Valley------------------------------ 5,010 Steeleville--------------------------------- 1, 212. Swansea----------------------------------- 1, 156 Tilden------------------------------------- 1,040 Tilton------------------------------------- 1,486 Trenton----------------------------------- 1, 316 Troy-------------------------------------- 1, 154 Vandalia---------------------------------- 5, 288 Venice------------------------------------- 5,454 Wamac------------------------------------ , 432 Westville---------------------------------- 3,446 Witt--------------------------------------- 1,490. Wood River------------------------------- 8, 197 Worden------------------------------------ 1, 264 b Commercial power and industrial service only. 250 to 1,000 population AddieVille--------------------------------- 272. bers------------------------------------- 250 Alhambra--------------------------------- 375 Altona------------------------------------- 480 Annawan---------------------------------- 578 ArenzVille--------------------------------- 494 Argenta------------------------------------ 561 Arlington--------------------------------- 258 Ashley------------------------------------- 720. Atkinson---------------------------------- 719. A.Va.--------------------------------------- 821 136 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Aviston----------------------------------- 388 Manlius----------------------------------- 319 *Won-------------------------------------- 803 Mansfield--------------------------------- 693 Baldwin----------------------------------- 341 Marine.----------------------------------- 557 Bartelso----------------------------------- 300 Mark-------------------------------------- 529 Batestown--------------------------------- 500 Maryville--------------------------------- 536 Beckemeyer------------------------------- 900 || Mechanicsburg---------------------------- 423 Belgium----------------------------------- 472 Millersburg-------------------------------- 349 Beulah Heights---------------------------- 462 | Milmine----------------------------------- 302 Biggsville---------------------------------- 344 *ineral----------------------------------- 307 Blandinsville------------------------------ 914 Moro-------------------------------------- 315 Bluford------------------------------------ 463 Mount Auburn---------------------------- 471 Bondville---------------------------------- 275 Mount Clare------------------------------ 331 Boody------------------------------------- 275 Mount Zion------------------------------- 384 Brighton----------------------------------- 697 || Mulberry Grove--------------------------- 702 Brownstown------------------------------- 825 Nason------------------------------------- 271 Buda-------------------------------------- 734 Neponset---------------------------------- 520 Buffalo--------------------------- --------- 422 New Bedford------------------------------ 250 Bureau------------------------------------ 483 New Douglas------------------------------ 345 Cameron---------------------------------- 250 Newark----------------------------------- 425 ‘Campbell Hill----------------------------- 401 Niantic. ---------- --- * * *- * * * * * * * = = = * * = s. = * = * * * – 625 Carlock------------------------------------ 375 Nilwood. ---------------------------------- 325 Caseyville--------------------------------- 865 Okawville.-------------------------------- 708 apin------------------------------------ 554 **------------------------------------- 450 Cherry------------------------------------ 583 Oneida------------------------------------ 556 Cisco-------------------------------------- 357 Palmer------------------------------------ 326 Coffeen.------------------------------------ 704 Panama -----------------------...-------- 627 Colfax------------------------------------- 821 Percy-------------------------------------- 958 Concord----------------------------------- 257 Pocahontas------------------------- - - - - - - - 750 Cooksville--------------------------------- 269 Prairie City----------------------------- tº 574 Cutler------------------------------------- 590 Prairie Du Rocher-...---------- - - - - - - - - - - - 576 Dalton City------------------------------- 354 Raleigh ----------------------------------- 483 Palzell------------------------------------ 496 Ramsey----------------------------------- 88] Danvers----------------------------------- 705 Raritan----------------------------------- 250 Dawson----------------------------------- 396 Raymond--------------------------------- 818 De Land---------------------------------- 487 Richview.---------------------------------- 344 De Long----------------------------------- 305 Ridge Farm------------------------------- 890 Donnellson.------------------------------- 356 Saint Jacob------- . . . . . . . . . . .-------------- 439 Downs------------------------------------ 301 Saint John... --------------, --------------- 314 Pu Bois----------------------------------- 280 Saint Libory-- - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- 296 Eagerville--------------------------------- 251 Schram City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - are m = ** * * * * 836 East Carondelet--------------------------- 416 Scottland-----. -----------...--------------- 402 . East Galesburg---------------------------- 605 Seatonville-------------------------------- 415 East Gillespie----------------------------- 278 Secor-------------------------------------- 335 Fºlkhart------------------------------------ 436 Seymour---------------------------------- 270 Ellis Grove.-------------------------------- 290 | Sheridan---------------------------------- 442 Ellsworth. ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 255 Shiloh------------------------------------- 409 Enfield------------------------------------ 875 | Shobonier- - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------- 250 Equality----------------------------------- 971 Sidell-------------------------------------- 653 Evansville--------------------------------. 693 Smithshire-------------------------------- 275 Fillmore--------------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 458 Smithton---------------------------------- 448 Flanagan---------------------------------- 663 Sorento . . . . . - *** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 840 Forsyth------------------. -------------- 350 South Jacksonville- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 797 Gardena----------------------------------- 250 Standard---------------------------------- 334 Germantown------------------------------ 796 Stanford--------------------------------- - 482 Gilson------------------------------------- 318 Stronghurst - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 691 Gladstone------------------------ ---------- 367 Summerfield- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 283 Good Hope-------------------------------- 366 Swanwick--------------------------------- 250 Grape Creek------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- 320 Tamaroa. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 951 Gridley------------------------------------ 745 Taylor Springs---------------------------- 624 Harristown-------------------------------- 370 Thomasboro--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 285 Hartsburg--------------------------------- 269 Tiskilwa-____ -------------------- - - - - - - - - - - 920 Harvel------------------------------------- 319 Towanda---------------------------------- 430 Hegeler------------------------------------ 300 Tremont--------------------------------,- 935 Hennepin---------------------------------. 396 Valmeyer--------------------------------- 591 Herrick ----------------------------------- 616 || Yernon ------------------------------------ 290 Hillery (Hilliary)-------------------------. 250 Yictoria----------------------------------- 446 Hollywood Heights--...-------------------- 300 | Waltonville--------- . . . . . . . . . . . . ... - - - - - - - - - 434 Hoyleton---------------------------------- 401 Warrensburg- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 456 Hudson.-------------------...-------------- 324 Wataga------------------------------------ 540 Illiopolis.-------------------------------. . . 714 Weldon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 521 Indianola----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 411 White Heath - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 315 Irving ------------------------------------ 588 Williamsville - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 649 Irvington---------------------------------- 418 Williamson------------------------------. - 412 Junction----------------------------------- 320 Willisville--------------------------------- 781 Junction City----------------------------- 332 Wilsonville. . . . . .-------------------------- 902 Keyesport.-------------------------------- 547 Woodlawn-------------------------------- 307 ãº. • - - - - - - - - - - -- * * * * * - - * * * ~ *-* - - - * * * * * * = ; Utilities Served at Wholesale: La Place.I.I.I.I.I.I. 290 | PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Lafayette---------------------------------- 295 Cedar Point Light and Water Co. Penzburg---------------------------------- 428 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Co. Little York-------------------------------- 3.18 Central Illinois Public Service Co. #; - * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # • Central Illinois Telephone Co. Mackinaw...I. 845 Illinois Northern Utilities Co. Magnolia T.I...]II. 329 Yewanee Public Service Co. Mahonet--------------------------------- 823 Wyanet Electric Light Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ILLINOIS 137 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Armington Municipal Lighting System. *Fithian Electric Light Co. *Hopedale Municipal Lighting System. *Ladd Electric Light System. *Minier Light & Power l)ept. *Village of Ogden. *Oglesby Light & Power Dept. *Riverton Electric Light Dept. *Village of Sawyerville. *Clinton County Cooperative, Inc. *Corn Belt Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association, Inc *Illinois Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. *M. J. M. Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Monroe County Cooperative, Inc. *Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Tri County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also, Renders: Bus, gas, ice, steam heating, street railway, and water service. 12–071 Illinois Northern Utilities Company 421 W. First St., Dixon, Ill. (Controlled by Commonwealth Edison Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: George R. Jones----------------------------- Pres, George B. Fluehr----------------------- Vice PreS. Philip Reilly-------------------------------- Secy. L. E. Jacobson.---------------------------- Treas. D. Robert Bower---------------------- ASSt. Secy. O. W. Smith-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. C. Graff-------------------------------Auditor W. S. Marloth---------------------- Asst. Auditor Directors: C. L. Best, H. E. Burkholder, G. B. Fluehr, Charles Y. Freeman, George R. Jones, Raymond F. List, Edward Vaile. Controls: Sterling Hydraulic Co. (ownership of dam). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $19,952, 000 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,800, 163 Number of Electric Customers---------- 56, 411 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 25, 785 Steam-------------------------------- 18, 675 Hydro-------------------------------- 7, 110 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours a!----------------------------- 264, 192, 141 Generated.---------------------------- 43, 169,220 Purchased.---------------------------- 221,022,921 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Pixon------------------------------------- 10, 671 Freeport----------------------------------- 22,366 Sterling----------------------------------- 11, 363 1,000 to 10,000 population Aledo------------------------------------- 2,593 Amboy------------------------------------ 1,986 Belvidere---------------------------------- 8,094 Byron------------------------------------- 1, 113 Earlville----------------------------------- 1, 103 *--------------------------------------- 1,052 Fulton------------------------------------ 2,585 Geneseo----------------------------------- y Genoa------------------------------------- 1, 290 Harvard----------------------------------- 3, 121 Keithsburg-------------------------------- 1, 130 Lanark------------------------------------ 1, 292 Pena-------------------------------------- 1, 169 Marengo---------------------------------- 2,034 Mendota.---------------------------------- 4, 215 Morrison---------------------------------- 3, 187 Mount Morris----------------------------- 2, 304 Oregon------------------------------ - - - - - - 2,825 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Plano------------------------------------- 1,930 Polo--------------------------------------- ,071 Prophetstown----------------------------- 1,469 Sandwich--------------------------------- 2,608 Stockton---------------------------------- • 1,440 Warren------------------------------------ 1, 119 250 to 1,000 population Alexis------------------------------------- 877 Alpha------------------------------------- 553 Apple River------------------------------- 461 shton------------------------------------ 914 Big Rock---------------------------------- 250 Capron------------------------------------ 487 Cedarville--------------------------------- 420 and------------------------------------- 250 Compton---------------------------------- 300 Dakota.------------------------------------ 268 Davis------------------------------------- 317 Davis Junction---------------------------- 250 Forreston---------------------------------- 992 Franklin Grove --------------------------- 645 Garden Prairie---------------------------- 250 Grand Detour.---------- ------------------ 300 Hampshire.-------------------------------- 757 Hinckley---------------------------------- 710 Huntley----------------------------------- 674 Joy---------------------------------------- 70 Kingston---------------------------------- 259 Kirkland---------------------------------- 570 Leaf River-------------------------------- 415 60---------------------------------------- 257 Lee Center-------------------------------- 250 Leland------------------------------------ 583 Lyndon----------------------------------- 476 McConnell-------------------------------- 250 Milledgeville------------------------------ 808 Monroe Center---------------------------- 300 Nelson------------------------------------ 265 New Boston------------------------------- 801 New Windsor (Windsor) ------------------ 517 North HenderSon-------------------------- 300 Ohio-------------------------------------- 524 Orangeville-------------------------------- 407 Paw Paw---------------------------------- 523 Pearl City--------------------------------- 447 Poplar Grove------------------------------ 353 Scales Mound----------------------------- 354 Seaton------------------------------------- 271 Shabbona--------------------------------- 593 Shannon ---------------------------------- 561 Somonauk--------------------------------- 610 Stillman Valley--------------------------- 333 Sublette.---------------------------------- 282 Tampico---------------------------------- 727 Union------------------------------------- 327 Viola-------------------------------------- 743 Walnut------------------------------------ 961 Waterman--------------------------------- 579 Winslow---------------------------------- 379 Woodhull--------------------------------- 638 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co. Central Illinois Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Rock Falls. Also Renders: Gas Service. 12–077 Interstate Light & Power Co. Galena, Ill. (ºned by Standard Power and Light Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: H. W. Rugg------------------------------ ---Pres. R. F. Pack----------------------------- Vice Pres. R. R. Herrmann.----------------------- Vice Pres. L. D. Smith---------------------------- Vice Pres- G. H. Richardson--------------------------- Secy. J. J. Molyneaux------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. R. L. Clark -- - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 138 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION & Tirectors: L. F. Ainsworth, R. R. Herrmann, G. H. Richardson, H. W. Rugg, L. D. Smith. Controls: - The Elizabeth Light and Power Co. (electric utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,138, 350 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $315,424 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,721 Rºilowatts 'Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 10, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - 19, 282,710 ‘Community Served at Retail: Population Galena------------------------------------ - 4, 126 {Jtilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Elizabeth Light and Power Co. Interstate Light and Power Co. (Wis.). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Hanover Municipal Light, Power & Water Service. 12–078 Iowa Union Electric Company 800 Main St., Keokuk, Iowa (Controlled by North American Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Illinois only) $97, 563 Number of Electric Customers: (Illinois only)-------------------- - * is º - - - * sº 1,784 ‘Communities Served at Retail: Population Dallas City--------- 1, 149 Hamilton----------------------------------- 1,642 Niota--------------------------------------- 30ſ) Warsaw as saw - - - * * * * - - - sº sº * -- * * * * - - * * * * - 1, 895 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Illinois Iowa Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–106). - 12–083 Kewanee Public Service Company Kewanee, Ill. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: Allen Van Wyck ---------------------------- PreS H. L. Hanley--------------------------- Vice PreS. A. C. Hall------------------------------ Vice PreS. H. E. Johnson ----Secy.-Treas. J. H. Keys--------------------------- Comptroller H. A. Hansen-------------------------- Asst. Secy K. F. Bader-------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: A. C. Hall, H. L. Hanley, H. E. Johnson, J. EI. Keys, Allen VanWyck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,167, 733 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $428, 182 RNumber of Electric Customers----------- 5,810 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 2,450 Pſilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17, 841, 670 Communities Served at Retail: Population Kewanee:---------------------------------- 16,901 Sheffield * = ** - - - - sº sm - - - -s ºs ºs - 948 Also Renders: Gas Service. 12–084 Laclede Power & Light Co. 1017 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Electric Operating Revenues: (Illinois only)---------------------------- $45,300 Number of Electric Customers: (Illinois only)---------------------------- 2 See also: Principal report under Missouri (24–076). 12—086 E. G. Light Company Allendale, Ill. Principal Officers: A. E. Morgan Pres, & Treas. Eva E. Morgan --Secy. Directors: A. E. Morgan, C. D. Morgan, Eva E. Morgan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $9,971 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,982 Number of Electric Cust º 155 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 173,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Allendale------------------------------------- 432 12–092 Mississippi River Power Company JBox 513, Keokuk, Iowa (Controlled by The North American Company.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Reveniles: (Illinois only)---------------------------- $894, 248 Number of Electric Customers: (Illinois only) 10 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Illinois Public Service CO. Illinois Iowa POWer Co. Iowa Union Electric Company. Nauvoo Flectric Light & Power Co. Union Electric Co. of Illinois. See also: Principal report under Missouri (24-091), and operations reported under Iowa (14–118). 12–095 Moline-Rock Island Manu- facturing Company Service Bldg., 1400 5th Ave., Moline, Ill. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co., through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Illinois only)---------------------------- $387. 507 Number of Electric Customers: (Illinois only)---------------------------- 2 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Peoples Power Co. See also: Principal report under Iowa (14-123). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ILLINOIS 139 12–101 The Mount Carmel Public Utility & Service Company 316 Market St., Mount Carmel, Ill. Principal Officers: Philip Barnhard------------------------ Chairman Albert A. Barnhard-------------------------- PreS. Grant Sturman------------------------- Vice Pres. W. P. Underriner--------------------------- ecy C. B. Reynolds----------------------------- Treas. Directors: Albert A. Barnhard, Philip Barnhard, C. E. Reynolds, Grant Sturman, W. P. Under- IIIlêr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $502, 654 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $178, 458 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 673 Rilowatts ‘Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,350, 407 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Carmel----------------------------- 6, 987 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: E. & G. Light Co. Also Renders: Gas service. 12–104 Nauvoo Electric Light & Power Company Mulholland St., Nauvoo, Ill. Principal Officers: L. B. Schafer-------------------------------- PreS. V. O. Nelson.------------------------- Secy.-Treas. L. C. Tholen--------------------------- Vice Pres. Directors: V. O. Nelson, L. E. Schafer, L. C. Tholen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,890 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $17,857 Number of Electric Customers------------- 361 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 331, 490 Community Served at Retail: Population Sauvoo------------------------------------ 1,088 12–107 North Counties Hydro-Electric Company 37 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill. Principal Officers: Fred D. Breit----------- - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. & Treas. J. Barry O’Keeſe----------------------- Vice Pres. F. W. Markwardt--------------------------- Secy. Directors: Fred D. Breit, F. W. Markwardt, J. Barry O’Keefe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $656,657 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $64, 190 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 3,680 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 12,838, 000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Illinois Iowa Power Co. 12–109 Northern Indiana Power Company 110 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co.) Electric Operating Revenues: (Illinois only)------------------------------- $413 Number of Electric Customers: (Illinois only)------------------------------- 14 See Also: Principal report under Indiana (13–095). 12–113 Northwestern Illinois Utilities 214 Main St., Savanna, Ill. (Controlled by American Utilities Service Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers. Charles H. Bliss----------------------------- PreS. Arthur E. Swanson.--------------------- Vice PreS. Elnathan Gates------------------------- Vice PreS. F. A. O'Neill------------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. M. Boehmer------------------------ ASSt. Secy. A. W. Schmidt----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Wayne L. Smith------------4Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Charles H. Bliss, Elnathan Gates, R. J. Hurley, F. A. O’Neill, Arthur E. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,034, 634 Electric Operating Revenues: 9tal-------------------------------- $228,566 In Illinois------------------------------ $219, 361 Number of Electric Customers: otal-------------------------------- 3,050 In Illinois------------------------------ 2,966 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 7, 849, 785 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chadwick---------------------------------- 581 Mount Carroll------------------------------ 1, 845 Savanna------------------------------------ 4,792 Thomson----------------------------------- 529 Also Renders: Gas and telephone service. See Also: Operations reported under Iowa (14-132). 12–116 Peoples Power Company 1400 5th Ave., Moline, Ill. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. B. MacDonald-------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. E. Littig-------------------------------- Secy. George G. Kuhn---------------------------- Treas. B. M. Randall------------------------- ASSt. Secy. V. T. Beck--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. 140 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: George G. Kuhn, H. E. Littig, R. B. MacDonald. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant___ _ _ _ _ _ - * * * - - - - - - - $4,488, 167 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,716,408 Number of Electric Customers---------- 29,952 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 141, 706, 942 Communities Served at Retail: Population Carbon Cliff------------------------------- 575 Colona------------------------------------ 264 Cordova----------------------------------- 364 East Moline------------------------------- 12, 359 Hampton---------------------------------- Milan-------------------------------------- 1, 210 Moline------------------------------------- 34,608 Port Byron - * * * 861 Rapids City------------------------------- 275 Rock Island------------------------------- 42, 775 Silvis-------------------------------------- 2,990 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Illinois Northern Utilities Co. Sherrard Power System. Also Renders: Gas Service. 12–118 Pope-Hardin Power Company Golconda, Ill. Principal Officers: J. H. Walker-------------------------------- Pres. Helen M. Walker----------------------- Vice Pres. H. G. Kluge-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. G. Kluge, Ruth A. Kluge, Helen M. Walker, J. H. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $36,089 Electric Operating Rev $32, 775 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 664 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-...------------- 325 Fºnergy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 690, 564 Generated.-------------------------------- 532, 344 Purchased.-------------------------------- 158, 220 Communities Served at Retail: Population Elizabethtown------------------------------ 622 Golconda----------------------------------- 1, 301 12–125 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois 72 West Adams Street, Chicago, Ill. (Controlled by Commonwealth Edison Co. through 99.65% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Charles Y. Freeman------------------ - - - Chairman Britton I. Budd.----------------------------- Pres. Julius L. Hecht------------------------- Vice PreS. John G. Learned----------------------- Vice Pres. George R. Jones--------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. W. D. Gale----------------------------- Vice PreS. H. P. Sedwick------------------------- Vico PreS. W. J. MacPherson--------------------- Vice PreS A. E. Patton----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Roy S. Holden----------------------- Comptroller William J. White--------- Asst. Secy., Asst. Treas. Harvey G. Meyer--------------------- ASSt. Secy. Principal Officers: Fred N. Baxter-------------------------Asst. Secy, Harry E. Ingram--------------------- ASSt. Treas. John M. Nelson---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Britton I. Budd, Albert B. Dick, Jr., Stanley Field, Charles Y. Freeman, Joseph H. Ring, John J. Mitchell, T. Albert Potter, Bernard E. Sunny, John Wentworth. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $140, 969,931 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $32,735, 267 Number of Electric Customers------- 321, 562 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal--------------------------- 342, 600 Steam------------------------------ 342,000 Hydro tº gº 600 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.--- tº- 2, 312, 903, 117 Generated.-------------------------- 1, 281, 516, 692 Purchased.-------------------------- 1,031, 386, 425 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Berwyn------------------------------------ 48,451 Blue Island-------------------------------- 16,638 Brookfield--------------------------------- 10, 817 Calumet City------------------------------ 13, 241 Chicago Heights--------------------------- 22, 46] Cicero------------------------------------ 64, 712 Elmhurst---------------------------------- 15, 458 Elmwood Park-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13,689 Evanston-------. ------------------- - - - - - - - 65, 389 Forest Park-------------------------------- 14, 840 Harvey------------------------- - - - - - - - - * * 17, 878 Highland Park -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - * * 14,476 Joliet.----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42, 365 Kankakee---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - 22, 241 La Grange--------------------------------- 10, 479 Maywood -------------------------------- 26, 648 Melrose Park.----------------------------- 10, 933 Oak Park---------------------------------- 66, 0.15 Park Ridge-------------------------------- 12,063 Streator ---------------------------------- 14,930 Waukegan--------------------------------- 34, 241 Wilmette--------------------------------- 17, 226 1,000 to 10,000 population Acacia Park------------------------------- 2, 25() Antioch------------------------------------ 1,098 Arlington Heights------------------------- 5, 668 Barrington--------------------------------- 3, 560 Bellwood---------------------------------- 5, 220 Bensenville-------------------------------- 1, 869 Bradley------------------------------------ 3, 680 Braidwood--------------------------------- 1,354 BroadView--------------------------------- 1, 457 Calumet Park----------------------------- 1, 593 Carpentersville---------------------------- 1, 289 Chillicothe--------------------------------- 2,303 Coal City---------------------------------. 1,852 Crete-------------------------------------- 1, 772 Crotty Seneca----------------------------- 1, 235 Crystal Lake------------------------------ 3,917 Deerfield---------------------------------- 2, 283 Des Plaines------------------------------- 9, 518 Dixmoor ---------------------------------- 1,022 Dolton------------------------------------ 3,068 Dwight----------------------------------- 2,499 East Dundee------------------------------ 1,306 Evergreen Park- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 313 Flossmoor. -------...-----. ---------------. 1,270 Fox Lake---------------------------------- 1, 110 Franklin Park----------------------- - - - - - - 3,007 Glencoe----------------------------------- 6,825 Glenview ------, --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,500 Grays Lake------------------------------- 1, 182 Hazel Crest - - - ---------------------- . . . . . 1,299 Henry------------------------------------- 1,877 Highwood--------------------------------- 3,707 Hillside----------------------------------- 1,080 Homewood-------------------------------- 4,078 Kenilworth-------------------------------- 2,935 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ILLINOIS 141 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population La Grange Park. ----...----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 3, 406 aCOI) - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,627 Lake Bluff-------------------------------- 1, 729 Lake Forest.------------------------------- 6,885 Lansing------------------------------ - - - - - 4, 462 Lemont----------------------------------- 2, 557 Libertyville- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,930 Lockport---------------------------------. 3,475 Lombard.--------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,075 Lyons------------------------------------- 4,960 Manteno---------------------------------- 1, 537 Markham --------------------------------. 1,388 McHenry-----------------, -, ------------. 1, 596 Midlothian------------------------------ 2,430 Minonk. --------------------------------- 1, 897 Momence--------------------------------- 2,425 Morris------------------------------------ 6, 145 Morton Grove. --------------------------- 2,010 Mount Prospect--------------------------- 1, 720 Mundelein-l--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,328 Niles-------------------------------------- 2, 168 North Chicago. --------------------------- 8,465 North Chillicothel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,216 North Riverside--------------------- . . . . . . 1,036 Northbrook.------------------------------. 1, 265 ak Forest-------------------------------- 4,463 Oak Lawn-------------------------------- , 483 Palatine----------------------------------- 2, 222 Peotone------------------------------------ 1, 146 Phoenix--------------------------------- 2,875 Plainfield--------------------------------- 1,485 Pontiac---------------------------------- 9, 585 PQsen------------------------------------- 1,386 River Forest-----------------------------. 9, 487 River Grove.--> --------- - *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,301 Riverdale-------------------------------- 2,865 Riverside.--------------------------------- 7,935 Robbins. ---------------------------------. 1, 349 Rockdale.--------------------------------- 1, 532 Saint Anne-------------------------------- 1, 131 Skokie Niles Center----------------------. 7, 172 South Chicago Heights------------- - - - - - - - 1,837. South Holland . . . . ----------------------- 2, 272 Steger------------------------------------ 3,369 Stickney. . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------. 2,446 Summit---------------------------------- 7,043 Thornton.--------------------------------- 1, 101 Tinley Park.------------------------------ 1, 136 Toluca------------------------------------ 1,433 Toulon-...--------------- **- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,230 Villa Park ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7, 236 West Chicago.----------------------------- 3,355 West Dundee----------------------------- 1,831 Western Springs.--------------------------- 4,856 Wilmington.------------------------------- 1,921 Wyoming--------------------------------- 1,360 Zion ------------------------------------ 6, 555 250 to 1,000 population Addison-------------------------------. - - - 819 Algonquin--------------------------------. 926 Alsip------------------------------------ 541 Aroma Park------------------------------. 497 Bartlett---------------------------------- (;08 Beecher----------------------------------. 742 Benson------------------------------------ 358 Berkeley--------------------------------- 724 Bloomingdale----------------------------- 305 Bourbonnais----------------------------- 771 Braceville--------------------------------. 321 Bradford---------------------------------- 907 Bristol---------------------------- - - 464 Burnham. ---------------------------------. 865 Cahery----------------------------, -----. 299 Chry------------------------------------- 707 Castleton --------. ----------- . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Chicago Ridge------- - - - - - - - - - - 276 Cornell---------------------------------- 478 Crestwood..... ------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Pana------------------------------. - - - - - - - 253 East Chicago Heights -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 275 East Hazel Crest - - - - - - - ------------------- 754 East Wenona---------------------------- - - 360 Eileen.---------------- * - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 301 Fairview (Cook County) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 310 Forest River- - - - - ------------------------- 850 Fort Sheridan----------------------------- 700 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Fox River Grove.---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 693 Frankfort -------------------------------- 568 Gardner----------------------------------- 864 Glenwood--------------------------------- 643 Goodenow.-------------------------------- 250 Grand Ridge------------------------------ 385 Grant Park-------------------------------- 519 Great Lakes------------------------------- 335 Gurnee------------------------------------ 661 Hebron------------------------------------ 627 Herscher--------------------------------- 416 Hodgkins--------------------------------- 331 Itasca ------------------------------------ 787 Johnsburg--------------------------------- 250 Justice --------------------------------- 499 Kempton-------------------------------. - 259 Lake Villa--------------------------------- 438 Lake Zurich. . . . .-------------------------- 421 Lincolnwood (Tessville). . . ... -- - - - - - - - - - - 752 Long Point-------------- . . . .------------- 278 Lostant----------------------------------- 399 Low Point-------------------------------- 280 Manhattan. ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 601 Matteson---------------------------------- 819 Mazon------------------------------------ 512 McCook. -- - - - - -------------------------- 315 Minooka---------------------------------- 317 Mokena. ---------------------------------- 657 Monee------------------ - --------------- 427 New Lenox. --...-----------...--------------- 570 Northfield--------. ------------------------ 739 Odell.--------------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 927 Orland Park. ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 631 Palos Heights. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40ſ) Palos Park-------------------------------- 596 Prairie View - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 255 Putnam----------------------------------- 275 Ransom----------------------------------- 419 Richmond--------------------------------- 559 Roselle--------------------------------- -- - - 694 Round Lake. ----------- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 359 Round Lake Beach - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 410 Rutland----------------------------------- 462 Saunemin--------------------------------- 341 Schaumburg. . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Schiller Park - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8()4 South Wilmington - - - - - - ------------------ 642 Sparland. --------------------------------- 509 Stone Park-------------------------------- 636 Tonica----------------------------------- 510 Varna ------------------------------------- 383 Washburn--------------------------------- 937 Wauconda- - - --...------------------------- 639 Wenona . . . . . . ---------------------------- Q67 West Kankakee. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800 Westchester------------------------------- 621 Wheeling-...-------------------------------- 550 Willow Springs (Spring Forest) ------------ 948 Winfield.---------------------------------- 567 Winthrop Harbor------------------------- 785 Wood Dale-------------------------------- 738 Worth ------------------------------------ 7(32 Yorkville---------------------------------- 562 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Illinois Electric & Gas Co. Commonwealth Edison Co. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. - Western United Gas & Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas service. 12–131 Sherrard Power System Orion, lll. Principal Officers: Walker W. Kerr. ---------------------------- Pres. W. L. Tupper------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Gwendolyn Bowen, Ruth Bowen, W. W. Kerr, G. V. Pettit. J. E. Roberts, W. L. Tupper, Henry Waterman, A. T. Wright. 142 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $719, 990 $172,371 Number of Electric Customers 3, 178 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 484, 306 Communities Served at Retail: Population Andalusia---- * = - 4.- :- - - - - * =& - E - ºr º sº º sº. 365 Matherville----------------------------------- 565 Orion----- * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m, sº as amº ºm. * * * * * * * * * 715 Reynolds------------------------------------- 335 Sherrard-------------------------------------- 415 12–134 South Beloit Water, Gas and Electric Company 122 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: . . .N € G. C. Neff----------------------------------- Pres. A. P. Gale------------------------------ Vice Pres B. B. Miller--------------------------------- Secy Otis Gerke--------------------------------- Treas. L. B. Minch--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. A. L. Thurston----------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. B. Gray-------------------------------- Auditor M. A. McNulty-------------------- ASSt. Auditor Directors: A. P. Gale, G. C. Neff, E. J. B. Schubring. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------- - - - - - - - - - - - $781, 719 Electric Operating Revenues - - ----- - - - - - $191, 551 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1,489 - - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 1, 100 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 11, 231,786 Generated.----------------------------- 6, 554,730 Purchased.----------------------------- 4, 677, 056 Communities Served at Retail: Population Rockton------------------------------------ 1, 156 South Beloit-------------------------------- 2,825 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power and Light Co. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 12–150 Union Electric Company of Illinois 1 Monsanto Ave. Extended, Monsanto. Ill. (Controlled by North American Co.) Principal Officers: William McClellan.----- * * = &º º Pres. Edward T. Gushee--------------- Exec. Vice Pres. John A. Woodbridge-------------------- Vice Pres. Frank J. Meistrell-------------------------- Secy. John L. Ganz------------------------------ Treas. A. H. Schettler----------------------- Comptroller Walter G. Heren---------------------- Asst. Secy. Eugene R. Kropp---------------------4ASSt. Secy. Thomas W. Gregory----------------- ASSt. Treas. George H. Hartwein------------------ Asst. Treas. Frank L. Rearden.-------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Edward T. Gushee, William McClellan, John A. Woodbridge, Controls: Union Colliery Co. (coal). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $52,972,684 Electric Operating Revenues--------- $11,892,420 Number of Electric Customers------- 39,706 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 362, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------- - - - - 1,879, 713, 740 Generated.-------------------------- 1,840, 720, 700 Purchased.-------------------------- 38, 862, 000 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 131,040 Communities Served at Retail: Population "on-------------------------------------- 31, 255 Cahokia----------------------------------- 465 East Saint Louis--------------------------- 75, 609 Fairmont City----------------------------- 1,905 Fairview (Saint Clair County) ------------ 350 Godfrey----------------------------------- 300 Hartford---------------------------------- 1, 842 Maplewood Park-------------------------- 550 |Mitchell----------------------------------- 300 Monsanto--------------------------------- 359 Roxana------------------------------------ 1, 255 Washington Park-------------------------- 1, 523 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Illinois Iowa Power Co. Union Electric Co. of Missouri. Also Renders: Gas Service. 12–158 Western United Gas and Electric Company 50 Fox St., Aurora, Ill. (Controlled by Commonwealth Edison Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: George R. Jones----------------------------- Pres, B. P. Alschuler----...---- Vice Pres. & Gen. Counsel William M. Willett--------------------- Vice Pres. C. H. Kallstedt------------------------- Vice Pres, Murray D. Smith-------------------- Secy.-Treas. F. W. Geist-------------------------------Auditor J. T. Parsons----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. A. Nevans---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: B. P. Alschuler, Charles Y. Freeman, Bernard E. Giertz, George R. Jones, Walter I. Jones, P. L. McPheeters, David B. Piersen, D. R. Sperry, W. M. Willett. The following data are for the year 1940. | Electric Utility Plant------------------- $13,484, 000 Electric Operating Revenues- - - - - - ---- $3,780, 060 Number of Electric Customers--------- 45,061 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 41, 325 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 164,940, 294 Generated.---------------------------- 122,791, 480 Purchased.---------------------------- 42, 148,814 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aurora------------------------------------ 47, 170 Belmont----------------------------------- 1,000 Clarendon Hills * * * -- 1,281 Downers Grove.---------------------------- 9, 526 Flgin-------------- -- 38, 333 Glen Ellyn-------------------------------- 8,055 isle--------------------------------------- , 300 Montgomery-- 607 Murphysboro 8,976 North Aurora------------------------------ 772 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ILLINOIS 143 Communities Served at Retail: Population Oswego------------------------------------ 978 South Elgin------------------------------- 961 Warrenville-------------------------------- 300 Westmont--------------------------------- 3, 044 Wheaton---------------------------------- 7, 389 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Illinois Northern Utilities Co. ... . Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Batavia. - *City of Geneva. *Naperville Electric Light Dept. *St. Charles Light & Power. Also Renders: Gas, heating, and water Service. 12–161 Wyanet Electric Light Company Wyanet, Ill. Principal Officers: Con. Brown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. & Secy.-Treas. Earl Ju. Jeggler------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: Con. Brown, M. C. Brown, R. W. Brown. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $21,057 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 322 Community Served at Retail: Population Wyanet----------------------------------- 868 12–203 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. See Also: Principal report under Ohio (34–210) and operations reported under Indiana (13–205) and Pennsylvania (37–235). 12–213 The Consolidated Coal Company 2069 Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: G. S. Jenkins------------------- ASSt. Gen. Mgr. C. C. Conway Elec. Engr. Ed. Vogt----------------------------- Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $728, 315 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $42,472 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 2, -- Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2, 108,254 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Consol Power Co. 12–231 Main Bros. Box & Lumber Co. Karnak, Ill. Principal Officers: David Main * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = * * * * * * = a, sº se sº e = IeS. J. G. Main-------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. Walter V. Leidigh.-------------------- Gen. Mgr. Community Served at Retail: Population Karnak--------------------------------------- 893 12–235 Medusa Portland Cement Company 1000 Midland Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio See Also: Principal report under Wisconsin (48–369) and operations reported under Ohio (34–340). 12–246 N. O. Nelson Co. Le Claire Light & Power Division Edwardsville, Ill. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: * Nelson Lawnin The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $13,043 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,858 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 340 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Uitimate Consumers-------- 318, 381 Community Served at Retail: Population Edwardsville. ---------------------------- 8,008 12–248 Peabody Coal Company 231 S. La Salie St., Chicago, Ill. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Carl Lee------------------------------ Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,284 Number of Electric Cust sº - - - - 118 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 400,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Harco----------------------------------------- 650 12–250 Produce Terminal Corporation Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Ill. Principal Officers: A. G. Leonard------------------------------ Pres. O. T. Henkle--------------------------- Vice Pres. J. W. Austin------------------------------- Treas. S. T. Pope------------------------------- Auditor P. A. Bull----------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: J. W. Austin, E. A. Bull, O. T. Henkle, A. G. Leonard, E. A. Leonard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,247, 150 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,004, 310 Number of Electric Customers----------- 196 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 22, 250 Steam--------------------------------- 20,000 144 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers...-- 67, 583,936 Population Community Served at Retail: 3,396, 808 Chicago *-------------------------------- a Certain industrial customers only. Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service. • . 12–257 Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co. Rosiclare. III. Offici.ls in Charge of Electric Operations: J. M. Blayney------------------------------- Pres. A. H. Cronk------------------------.- - - - - - - - s upt. P. E. Howard. ------------------ Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 300 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 2, 250 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers. ----- 3, 459, 450 Community Served at Retail: Population Rosiclare------------------------------------ 1, 774 12–275 Terre Haute and Western Railway Company Frank C. Wan Sellar, Receiver Paris, Ill. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: - Frank C. Van Sellar.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Receiver The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $5,064 Number of Electric Customers------------- 142 Rilowatt hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - - - 84,392 Community Served at Retail: Population Vermilion------------------------------------- 312 12–300 The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company Youngstown, Ohio Number of Electric Customers: Illinois only See also: Principal report under Ohio (34–431) and operations reported under Indiana (13–315). 12–510 *Willage of Albany Albany, Ill. lds-------------------------- Village Clerk Board of Trustees: Lyman Benson, Farl F. Hill, Benj. S. Sharer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,880 Number of Electric Customers----...--- - - - - - - 178 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 135, 370 Community Served at Retail: Population Albany--------------------------------------- 492 12–513 *City of Altamont Altamont, Ill. Community Served at Retail: Population Altamont--------------------------------- - 2, 111 12–516 *Armington Municipal Lighting System Armington, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. E. Verry-------- - - - - - - - - - ---------- - - - - Mayor Frank Quisenberry-----------------------. . Clerk F. W. Jones-------------------------------- Treas. toº." following data are for the year ended Apr. 1, 40: Electric Operating Revenues------ - - - - - - - - - - $5, 274 Number of Electric Customers------ - - - - - - 125 Community Served at Retail: Population Armington - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 299 12–519 *City of Batavia Island Ave., Batavia, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. A. Parre - - - - - - Supt. of Public Works LaVerne Woodard--------------- - - - - - -s. City Clerk Electric Light Committee: Ture Andrews, Emil Johnson, Harry Peterson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $97, 219 Number of Electric Customers - - --------- 1,644 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 169,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Batavia----------------------------------- - 5, 101 Also Renders: Steam and water service. 12–522 - *Bethany Municipal Light Plant Bethany, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. G. Jones Board of Trustees: J. W. McGee, F. W. Minor, P. A. Wilkinson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------ - - - - - - - - $15,541 Number of Electric Customers------ - - - - - - 340 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion -------------------- 248 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---, --------------------- 392, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Bethany-------------------------------------- 819 Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-II, LINOIS 145 12–525 *City of Bloomington, Commercial Light & Power Department Division and Mason Sts., Bloomington, Ill. Pºp" Electric Utility Official: The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $299, 843 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $77, 528 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 539 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2,036 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 264,678 Community Served at Retail: Population Bloomington------------------------------- 32,868 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–528 *City of Breese Water and Light Department Breese, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Appel-------------------------------- Mayor F. A. Kuhl--------------------------------- Supt. Aldermen: Joe Huelskamp, Fred Schoeneberg, Ed. . Wade. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28, 358 Number of Electric Cust S. 700 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 550 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,087,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Breese-------------------------------------- Also Renders: Water service. 2, 206 12–530 *Bushnell Municipal Electric Light and Power Utility Bushnell, III. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. E. Perrier---- Mgr. Utility Board: V. V. Hall (Secy.), Wm. EIood, Geo. Porter, Dr. B. Roan (mayor), J. Spiker, C. Tracey (chairman). The following data are for the 6 months ended Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $217, 543 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $17,293 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 660 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion-------------------- 612 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 634, 310 Community Served at Retail: Population Bushnell---------------------------------- 2,906 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 322184—42 15 12–531 *Byron Municipal Power Plant Byron, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. J. Falk----------------------------- City Clerk 12–534 *Carlyle Electric and Water Department Carlyle, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. M. Menkhaus---------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47, 012 Number of Electric Customers 775 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 850 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,053,280 Community Served at Retail: Population Carlyle------------------------------------- 2,591 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–537 *Carmi Water, Light, and Power Carmi, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: William C. Huber---------------------- Gen. Mgr. City Council: Roy Anderson, Lawrence Boehringer (chairman), Raymond Newman, C. F. Rebstock (mayor). . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $350,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - $74,096 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 332 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,696 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,402, 937 Community Served at Retail: Population Carmi-------------------------------------- 4,098 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–540 *Casey Light and Water Dept. Casey, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. Alkaire---------------------------- - Mayor G. A. Mathis.------------------------- City Clerk Tom Brandenburg------------ Chairman Utility Frank Slusser------------ Chairman Water Dept J. Albert Ball------------------ Supt. of Utilities Governing Body: Ernnie Carl, Jim Lippencott, Russell Perisho, Neil Stewart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $50,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,070 146 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,930,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Casey as a se = m, a m = * * * * *s, sº as me as sº * * * * * * * * * 2, 543 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–542 *Cave in Rock Municipal Light Plant Cave in Rock, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joseph Frailey------------------------------ Mayor Ewing Belt---------------------------------- Supt. Kennith Garland amº, sº sº, º sm sº amº m sº as sº sº * * * * * Clork Village Council: Ewing Belt, W. H. Herrin, Everett º Edward McDowell, J. O. Webster. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,535 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 156 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 58 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 13, 212 Community Served at Retail: Population Cave in Rock--------------------------------- 486 12–543 *The Sanitary District of Chicago 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Principal Officers: Ross A. Woodhull------ Pres., Board of Trustees Wm. H. Trinkaus------------------ Chief Engr. Ernst Buehler----------------------------- Atty. James J. Sullivan-------------------------- Clerk J. T. Hawley------------------------- Elec. Eng. Board of Trustees: J. T. Baran, T. F. Byrne, P. V. Colianni, J. L. Friedman, D. A. Horan, J. J. Touhy, J. M. Whalen, R. A. Woodhull. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $5,862, 790 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $1,781, 546 Number of Electric Customers------------ 16 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 31, 500 Energy Available in year: Rilowatt-hours Total- * * * * __ _ _ 228, 674, 735 Generated.---------------------------- 74, 906, 500 Purchased.------------------------- 153, 768,235 12–550 *Cowden Municipal Light & Power Plant Cowden, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. A. Perryman----------------------------- Supt Light Plant Committee: W. B. Dush (chairman), E. Keller, B. King. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $50,000 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 214 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 191 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - - -------------------- 110,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cowden-------------------------------------- 709 12–556 *City of Decatur Water and Light Plant 1100 S. Main St., Decatur, III. 12–559 *Fairfield Light and Power Plant Fairfield, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred T. French--------------------------- Mayor Walter A. Beach--------------------- City Treas. Eldon P. Fleming-------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------____ $450,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $93,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,600 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,930, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairfield-------------------------------- 4,008 12–562 *Farmer City Water and Light Plant Farmer City, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: T. H. Sprague-------------------------------- Supt Governing Body: R. E. Augustus (mayor), W. E. Lashbrook (chairman), C. D. McConkey, T. H. Sprague, Chas. Webb. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $172,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $33,228 Number of Electric Customers------------ 648 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 202, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Farmer City---------------------------- 1, 833 12–565 *Fithian Electric Light Co. Fithian, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. R. Thornton---------------------------- Mayor Keith Goumans------------------------ Electrician DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC ETILITIES-ILLINOIS 147 Electric Light Com.: M. E. Dunn, Oscar Hampton, H. C. Watkins. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,688 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 147 Pºlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 128,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Fithian----------- ------------------------ 423 12–568 *City of Flora Flora, Ill. City Commission: E. M. Durland, C. L. Fleshman, J. C. Huff, R. E. McCormack (mayor), M. C. Powell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $450,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $110,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 842 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,800 Rīlowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,773,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Flora--------------------------------------- 5, 474 Also Renders: Water service. 12–571 *Freeburg Municipal Light Plant Freeburg, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis M. Schwalb.--------------------------- PreS. Robt. Browning----------------------------- Clerk Cornelius Nold------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21, 290 Number of Electric Customers------------- 730 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 727,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Freeburg------------------------------------ 1, 507 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–574 *Geneseo Municipal Electric Light and Power Utility 109 S. State St., Geneseo, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. A. Clark Board of Public Utilities: John Dahlen (chairman), Walton Kay, Fówin Meier, Otto Miller. The following data are for the year ended Nov. 30, 940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $278, 442 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $62, 273 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 124 Generating Capacity: Jºlowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,046 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 232, 996 Community Served at Retail: Population Genese0------------------------------------- 3,824 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Farmers Mutual Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 12–577 *City of Geneva City Hall, Geneva, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl I. Hellstrom---------------------------- Supt. Victor G. Johnson--------------------- City Clerk James H. Scott------------------------ City Atty. Mayor and Aldermen: O. J. Adamson (mayor), Richard I. Barney, Perry Dryden, Frank R. Jarvis, Lawrence J. Lennartz, Prume M. Spanogle. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $152,837 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,399 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6, 862, 250 Community Served at Retail: Population Geneva------------------------------------- 4, 101 Also Renders: Water service. 12–580 *Willage of Greenup Greenup, Ill. Community Served at Retail: Population Greenup------------------------------------ 1,410 12–583 *Hanover Municipal Light, Power & Water Service Hanover, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: Hiram Hunt-------------------------------- Supt. Light & water Committee: E. F. Gollobith, Glenn Keene, J. J. Rogers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,889 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 3.11 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 303, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Hanover-------------------------------------- 899 Also Randers: Water Service. 12–586 *Heyworth Municipal Electric Light & Power Public Utilities Heyworth, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. B. Weaver------------------------- tº º ºs º ºs º ºs Supt. 148 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,880 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 213 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 139 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 327, 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Heyworth--------- 996 12–589 *Highland Electric Light Plant City Hall, Highland, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: Floyd Schooley----------------- Supt. Light Plant Committee of Aldermen: Irwin Lory (chairman), Adolph Luber, Roscoe Menz. The following data are for the year ended April 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $228, 756 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $78,976 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,665 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 642,660 Community Served at Retail: Population Highland 3,820 12–592 *Willage of Hinsdale Hinsdale, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. H. Clifton------------------------- Comptroller Board of Trustees: R. M. Clubb, F. H. McElhone (pres.), H. T. Moore, J. A. Riggs, R. Schweidler, N. M. Symonds, H. G. Townsend. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $697, 505 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $185, 319 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 264 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,850 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 663, 321 Community Served at Retail: Population Hinsdale------------------------------------ 7, 336 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 12–595 *Hopedale Municipal Lighting System Hopedale, Ill. Village Trustees: R. D. Henderson, R. W. Hodson, R. A. Keyes, Harold D. Schilpp, (chairman Public Bldgs. & Light Committee), John B. Smith, Amos Wittrig. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,591 Number of Electric Cust sº Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 164, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Hopedale------------------------------------- 545 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–598 *Jacksonville Light and Power Department Jacksonville, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: K. K. Stapleton-Elect. Engr. & Supt. of Operation James Kennedy-------------------- Business Mgr. Ralph Jones-------------------- Chief Plant Engr. Light & Power Committee: Frank Baker, T. C. Chumley (chairman), Ernest Savage. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $617,923 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $100,491 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 783 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2,090 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,815, 405 Community Served at Retail: Population Jacksonville-------------------------------- 19,844 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–600 *City of Kewanee Kewanee, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: 000---------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $88,453 Generating Capacity: JKilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 433 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------------- 3. Generated.-------------------------------- 793,070 Purchased.-------------------------------- 31, 300 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–603 *Ladd Electric Light System Ladd, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Mart Lakin---------------------------- Electrician Joseph Campeggio-------------------------- Clerk Light Committee: John Katkus, Gino Lanuti, R. H. Wolfe, Sr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,596 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 375 Community Served at Retail: P º a00--------------------------------------- y Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IILINOIS 149 12–606 *City of McLeansboro McLeansboro, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: AmOS, Albritton------- City Collector & City Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- - $38,431 Number of Electric Customers----------- - 870 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,713, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population McLeansboro------------------------------- 2, 528 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–609 *City of Marshall Municipal Light Plant Marshall, Ill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $350,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $52,397 Number of Electric Customers------------- 800 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)--------------- 1, 225 Púlowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2, 189, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshall------------------------------------ 2,758 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–612 *Mascoutah Light and Power Plant City Hall, Highland, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur Weygandt--------------------------- Supt. Fred Beinfohn------------------------- ASSt. Supt. Light Committee: Chas. Friederich, Louis Gron- nert, Carl Schmidt. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1: - - Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $78,930 Electric Operating Revenues------------- – $36, 361 Number of Electric Meters--------------- 875 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 750 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,372,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Mascoutah---------------------------------- 2,294 12–615 *Mason City Water & Light Co. Mason City, III. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. Kastendick------------------------------ Supt. 12–618 *Metropolis Water and Light Department City Hall Bldg., Metropolis, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: |B. N. B ©alle------------------------------- Mayor Wm. E. Wetherington.-------- Clerk and Collector Otto F. Wiedeman, Chairman Water and Light Committee. W. F. Marberry----------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $238,646 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $78,220 Number of Electric Customers----------- * 2,071 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 812 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Metropolis---------------------------------- 6, 287 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–621 *Minier Light & Power Department Minier, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Smith------------------------------ Mayor Clarence Fickle-------------------------- Engineer The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,933 Number of Electric Customers------------- 280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 368, 800 Population Community Served at Retail: Minier--------------------------------------- 737 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–624 *Mount Olive Municipal Light Plant Mount Olive, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: e John O. Etter-------------------------- City Clerk Electric Light Committee: Mike J. Dragovich, Fred Osterman (chairman), Ricus Rull. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $30,986 Number of Electric Customers. ------------ 869 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------. ----------- 547, 420 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Olive------------------------------- 2, 559 Also Renders: Water Service. 150 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 12–627 *Naperville Electric Light Department City Hall, 18 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James L. Nichols-------------------------- Mayor George Clementz Commissioner George H. Gillhoover Engr. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: - Electric Utility Plants------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $109, 595 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,769 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,339, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Naperville---------------------------------- 5, 272 12–630 *City of Newton Newton, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Milo D. Yelvington.----------------------- Mayor F. C. Holt-------------------------------- Engr. C. K. Ross-------------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $34,641 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 760 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------------- 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Newton------------------------------------- 2, 347 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–633 *Willage of Ogden Ogden, Ill. Community Served at Retail: Population gden---------------------------------------- 431 12–637 *Oglesby Light & Power Department 128 W. Walnut St., Oglesby, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Moyle------------------------------ Mayor Edward Hand------------------------ City Clerk Burkett Moliske---------------------------- Supt. City Commission: James Fntwhistle, Burton Mayers, Fred Paulicka, J. L. Rock, M. D. lº" following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, $57,983 1,065 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- Number of Electric Customers------------ Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,687, 811 Community Served at Retail: Population 9&lesby------------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. 3,938 12–640 *Oquawka Municipal Light Plant Oquawka, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º Russell Manning ----------------`-- - - - - - - - Mayor J. Simpson, Jr.------------------------ Chief Engr. L. E. TWynman---------------------- ASSt. Engr. J. P. Brooks--------------------------------- Mgr. Light Committee: L. R. Nesbit, John Noble, E. L. Peterson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $66,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,836 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 350 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 230, 119 Generated-------------------------------- 154,650 Purchased-------------------------------- 75,469 Community Served at Retail: Population Oquawka----------------------------------- 912 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–643 *Patoka Municipal Light Plant Patoka, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. C. Schroeder----------------------------- Supt. Light Commission: L. W. Ballance, B. M. Griffin, C. EI. Hill. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $10,870 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 291 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 242 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 188,293 Community Served at Retail: Population Patoka---------------------------------------- 682 12–646 *Peru Water and Light Plant 1727 Fourth St., Peru, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. S. C I adwell-------------------- Chief Engr. Wm. Becker-------------------- Chief Electrician Francis S. Klug------------------------ City Clerk H. J. Mueller------------------------------- Supt. Water & Light Committee: Wm. Dobberstein, Wm. E. Hoberg (Chairman), Wm. C. Kaiser. The following data are for the year ended March 31, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $131, 164 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 536 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------. * - * * * - - - - 5, 248,750 Community Served at Retail: Population eſtl--------------------------- ------------ 8,983 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES ILLINOIS 151 12–649 *City of Princeton City Hall, Princeton, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. B. Everson------------------------------- Supt. City Commission: Floyd Newton Avery (Mayor), #. Harris J. A. Omen, Alex P. Smyth, A. H. Ilſl Olz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $455, 527 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $143, 353 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,031 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal------------------------------- 2,410 Steam---------------------------------- 2,000 Internal Combustion ------------------- 410 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,073, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Princeton----------------------------------- 5, 224 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–652 *Willage of Rantoul Rantoul, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. K. Kelley------------------------------- Mayor H. L. Wood-------------------------------- Clerk V. McAllister---------------------------- Collector Wm. Cheek-------------------------------- Supt. 19 *he following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $382,744 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $72,691 Number of Electric Cust * 874 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 350 JKilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,983, 060 Community Served at Retail: Population Rantoul 2,367 Also Renders: Water service. 12–655 *Red Bud Power, Light and Water Plant Red Bud, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. Becker Mayor Hy Burgdorf-------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: Leonard Mohr, Jacob Offerding, Wm. Wehrenberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion 505 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 725,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Red Bud------------------------------------ 1, 302 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–658 *Riverton Electric Light Department Riverton, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elwood Sartain Electrician Joe Camille Clerk Board of Trustees: Geo. Hedley, Wm. Layden, James Murphy, H. E. Roseberry, Burt Sartain, M. E. Steel (pres.), Earl Ward. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $17,801 Number of Electric Cust & - - 480 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 431,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Riverton------------------------------------ 1, 524 12–661 *City of Rochelle—Electric Light and Water Dept. Rochelle, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. Russell The following data are for Apr. 30, 1940, or for the year ended Apr. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $482, 971 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $124,917 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,850 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2,025 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4,435, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population CreSton 284 Rochelle-------------------------------- 4, 200 12–664 *City of Rock Falls 401 W. Second St., Rock Falls, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: * H. F. Figeley-------- Chairman Light Committee Earl Forehand City Clerk O. M. Aarvig - Supt. Leonard Shaggs ASSU. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $91,022 Number of Electric Cust § 1,951 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 375,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Rock Falls 4,987 12–667 *Saint Charles Municipal Light Plant - St. Charles, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. G. Langum --------------------------- 2-Mayor A. F. Pearson.------------------------- City Clerk Wm. J. Riordan---------------------- City Treas. Board of Aldermen: Harry Gustavson, Thomas Haines, Carl T. Larson, George Murphy, C. R. Spriet, Alex Stantus. 152 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION lº" following data are for the year ended April 30, 41: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $131,753 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $194,684 Number of Electric Cust º 1, 773 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 8,653,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Charles------------------------------- 5, 870 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–670 *Salem Light & Power Plant 201 S. Broadway, Salem, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Omar J. McMackin * C. A. Nehls Supt. Power Plant S. J. Stanford City Electrician The following data are for the year 1939: * * * * * * Mayor Electric Operating Revenues------------- $82,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,950 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1,025 PCilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4, 320, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Salem - - ---- 7,319 12–673 *Willage of Sawyerville Sawyerville, Ill. $ Community Served at Retail: Population SaWyerVille----------------------------------- 401 12–676 *Springfield Water, Light, and Power Department City Hall, Springfield, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Willis J. Spaulding. Commissioner in charge of public property S. J. Sibley Supt. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $5,730, 255 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,024, 475 Number of Electric Customers----------- 15, 804 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 53,750 PKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 65, 159, 781 Community Served at Retail: Population Springfield--------------------------------- 75, 503 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITIES: *Menard County Electric Cooperative. *Rural Electric Convenience Cooperative Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 12–679 *The City of Staunton Staunton, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy France------------------------------- Mayor Robert Fritz----------- City Clerk & Office Mgr. Light & Power Committee of the City Council: Fred Biernath, Wm. Brennan, Oscar Brumme, Wm. Morris. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $32,865 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,827 Community Served at Retail: Population Staunton----------------------------------- 4, 212 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–682 *Stonington Light and Water Works Plant Stonington, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: 8. R. Stroud------------------------------- Supt. Village Trustees: Levi Dennis, Frank Hebenstreit, J. W. Minor, C. H. Smock. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---- ----------------- $63,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $15,600 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 351 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 268 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 389,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Stonington.--------------------------------- 1, 103 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–685 *Sullivan Municipal Light Plant 1315 Jefferson St., Sullivan, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. R. Cunningham City Commission: Ray Bupp, Wm. Gardner, Harold Lindley, A. D. Miller (mayor), H. C. Shirey. The following data are for the year ended May 9, 1940: - Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $233, 840 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $52, 546 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 117 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------- 988 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated:---------------------- 2, 153,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Sullivan 3, 101 12–688 *Waterloo Light and Power Department Waterloo, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Jehling ----Supt. O. A. Reis Elec. Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $36,470 Number of Electric Customers------------ 808 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity 762 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IILINOIS 153 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 396, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Waterloo------------------------------------ 2, 361 12–691 *Willage of White City Mount Olive, Ill. Electric Light Committee: Perry Shagavich, (chairman). Louis Kratochvoil, Jos. Sleboda. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - -- $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,816 Number of Electric Customers------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 58,000 Community Served at Retail: Population White City----------------------------------- 330 12–697 *Willage of Winnetka 510 Greenbay Rd., Winnetka, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Woolhiser * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Village Mgr. C. R. Miller--------- Supt. Water & Electric Dept. Village Council: Frances H. Brown, Holland F. Flaitavhan, Austin Jenner, John F. Manierre, William B. Moulton (pres.), Francis E. Phelan, Herbert Sieck. lºbeſollowing data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,845, 677 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $348, 807 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 627 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (Steam)----------- 7, 500 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 11, 248, 322 Community Served at Retail: Population Winnetka---------------------------------- 12, 430 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–700 *Woodstock Municipal Light Plant Woodstock, Ill. City Council: R. J. Heniken, Raymond Johnson (mayor), L. E. Lappin, Walter Sahs, C. W. Whit. ing (chairman light committee). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $486,661 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $275, 809 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 232 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 7, 750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 18, 250, 897 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodstock--------------------------------- 6, 123 Also Renders: Water Service. 12–803 *Adams Electrical Co-operative 935 Main St., Quincy, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy L. Sharrow----------------------------- Pres. Holice F. Hanning-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $547,697 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $47,966 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 309 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 685,800 12–810 *Clinton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 101 No. Cherry St., Breese, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred J. Hempen ... -------------------------- PreS. Joseph H. Heimann.------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $227, 263 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $22,623 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 705 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 122, 242 12–815 *Coles-Moultrie Electric Coopera- tive Mattoon, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles B. Schuman------------------------ Pres. John G. Waggoner-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $529, 240 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $57,795 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 462 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 390, 600 12–820 *Corn Belt Electric Cooperative, Inc. 109 W. Monroe St., Bloomington. Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter Risser------------------------------- PreS. T. H. Hafer--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,238, 747 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $122,625 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,002 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 229,800 154 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 12–825 *Eastern Illinois Power Cooperative Paxton, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ronald L. Stanford------------------------- PreS T. M. Brady-------------------------------- The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $876, 342 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $95,872 Number of Electric Customers 2,000 . Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,668,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cropsey * * * --- 350 12–827 *Edgar Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation 113 W. Wood St., Paris. III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. Huffman----------------------------- PreS. O. J. Bandy-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $262,008 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $42, 550 Number of Electric Customers 739 Rilowatt-hours 574, 500 Energy Purchased 12–828 *Egyptian Electric Cooperative As- Sociation Steeleville, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Sickmeyer---------------------------- ProS. Theodore F. Fieker------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22,325 Number of Electric Customers------------ 950 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 215, 604 12–830 *Farmers Mutual Electric Com- pany Geneseo, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. J. Voll--------------------------------- Pres Walter Parson------------------------------- Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $105,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14,783 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 243 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 313,500 12–833 *Illini Electric Cooperative, Inc. 31 Main Street, Champaign, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. V. Swanson Pres. Vernon C. Green.-- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $586, 581 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $83,336 Number of Electric Cust is 1,623 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 993, 600 12–835 *Illinois Rural Electric Company Winchester, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glenn C. Smith----------------------------- PreS. Stanley R. Faris---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,370, 150 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $99,467 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 192 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 200 PKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2, 246,050 Community Served at Retail: Population Rockport----------------------------------- 300 12–836 *Illinois Valley Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. 430 S. Main St., Princeton, Ill Principal Electric Utility Officials: Perley D. Warner - - - - PreS. John EI. Wolfe --Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $372,675 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $22, 174 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 777 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 81, 280 12–837 *Jo-Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc. Elizabeth, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Everett R. Read- ----Pres. Floyd I. Ruble----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $248,469 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,240 Number of Electric Customers------------- 458 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 161,053 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-ILLINOIS 155 12–838 *McDonough Power Cooperative Macomb, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials:- Wayne G. Welsh---------------------------- PreS. Ray Grigsby-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $394,964 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39, 585 Number of Electric Customers------------- 879 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ------------------------- 508,800 12–839 *M. J. M. Electric Cooperative, Inc. Carlinville, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. F. Dubbelde----------------------------- Pres. Martin H. Schaeffer------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- — $464,639 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,944 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,020 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 115,838 12–840 *Menard Electric Cooperative Petersburg, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry B. Colby----------------------------- Pres. A. E. Becker-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $809, 755 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $89,248 Number of Electric Cust S. 1, 888 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 483, 000 12–843 *Monroe County Electric Coop- erative, Inc. Waterloo, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Thien------------------------------ Pres. C. M. Douglas------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $295, 214 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,311 Number of Electric Customers------------- 833 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 215, 604 12–845 *Norris Electric Cooperative 121 E. Washington St., Newton, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter Graves------------------------------- Pres. Merle D. Yost * * * * * * * me º sm º ºs º ºs º sm º ºr * = - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $307, 770 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,229 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 581 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 172, 200 12–847 *Rural Electric Convenience Co- operative Divernon, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. C. Keplinger----------------------------- Pres, Charles Masters----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $540, 614 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,949 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 517 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,413,000 12–849 *Shelby Electric Cooperative Shelbyville, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. N. Shutt--------------------------------- Pres. Lester Boys--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $400,816 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47,221 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,020 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 200, 700 12–850 *The South Farmers Electric Line R. F. D. #1, Breese, Ill. 12–857 *Southeastern Illinois Electric Co- operative, Inc. Pruett Bldg., Harrisburg, Ill. Principal Electrical Utility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $742,898 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $51,028 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,985 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 217, 500 156 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 12–864 *Southern Illinois Electric Co- operative Dongola, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Don R. Davie------------------------------- PreS George W. Endicott------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $319, 552 $21, 220 Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Customers------------- 783 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 75,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Belknap--------------------------------- 280 12–871 *Southwestern Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. 15 S. Second St., Greenville, III. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Marion W. File----------------------------- PreS. Victor Kallal-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $572, 736 Electric Operating Revenues $42,398 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,653 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 97, 200 12–878 *Spoon River Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Lewistown, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd O'Malley----------------------------- PreS L. C. Groat--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $405, 539 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,458 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 251, 700 12–885 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mt. Vernon, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. E. Drennan------------------------------- PreS. B. H. Tuttle--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $538, 178 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $74,955 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,666 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 138, 530 12–890 *Wayne-White Counties Electric Coop. Fairfield, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Wess Barth------------------------------- Pres F. A. Tannahill----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $604, 880 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $73,091 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 409 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,084, 140 Communities Served at Retail: Population Burnt Prairie------------------------------- 375 Jeffersonville------------------------------- 288 Mill Shoals--------------------------------- 537 Sims---------------------------------------- 358 Springerton--------------------------------- 301 Wayne City------------------------------- 581 12–900 *Western Illinois Electrical Coop. Carthage, Ill. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lloyd A. Dickson---------------------------- Pres. Leslie C. Marvel---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $328, 740 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,051 Number of Electric Customers------------- 722 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 170, 400 INDIANA Index Reference Number' *Advance Municipal Light & Power Utility- 13-511 *Albion Water and I,ight Department------- 13–513 *Allen-Wells County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13—805 *Anderson Municipal Light and Power------ 13–515 *Argos Municipal Electric Light Plant - - - - - - 13–517 *Auburn Electric Light and Water Depart- 13–519 13–521 13–523 13–525 *Bainbridge Municipal Electric T)epartment. *Bargersville Heat, Light & Power Company- *Bartholomew County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13—815 *Blountsville Municipal Light Company --- 13–527 *Bluffton Municipal Light and Water Works. 13–529 Boehmer Electric Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–017 Bonneyville Power & Eloc. Co., Inc - - - - - - - - 13–019 *Boone County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13–820 *Boonville, City of.-------------------------- *Bremen Electric Light and Power Co- - - - *Brooklyn Utility Service Board - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–533 *Brookston Municipal Light Company - - - - - - Brookville Electric Company -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Burger Light Plant-------------------------- 13–023 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation ---------- *Carroll County Rural Electric Membership 13 Corporation.---------...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–825 *Centerville Municipal Electric Lighting & Power Plant. . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–537 Central Indiana Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - 13–024 *Chalmers, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chicago District Electric Generating Corpora- tion------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Citizens Heat, Light and Power Company . . *Clark County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- *Clayton Municipal Lighting Company. --- 13–541 *Coatesville, Municipal Light Department, City of 13–543 *Columbia City Electric Light Department. - 13–545 *Columbus, City of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - 13–548 *Covington Light and Water Works . . . . . . . . 13–550 *Crawfordsville Electric Light & Plant-------------------------------------- 13–552 *Crothersville Water & Electric Department 13–554 *Crown Point Waterworks. The____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13-556 *Darlington Electric Light & Power Plant - 13–558 *Daviess-Martin County Rural Electric Membership Corporation----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Davis Company, J. W. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–211 *Decatur County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Decatur Electric Utility, City of . . . . . . . . . . . *Dublin Municipal Electric Light Plant---- *Dunreith, Electric Light Department, Town of---------------------------------------- 13–565 *Edinburg Water and Light Plant--- - - - - - - - 13–567 Electric Service Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-033 *Etna Green Electric Light Department, Town of.--------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--569 Evansville & Ohio Valley Railway Company In 13–215 13–833 13–572 13–025 13–027 13–831 13–560 13–563 C *Fayette-Union County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Ferdinand Municipal Light Plant. . . . . . . . . . *Fort Wayne Municipal Electric Light & Power Works - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - 13–575 *Frankfort City Light and Power Plant. . . . 13–577 *Frankton Water & Light Plant____. . . . . . 13–579 *Fulton County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- *Garrett Municipal Utilities --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–581 Gary Heat, Light & Water Company. . . . *Gas City Light Department___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *Goshen Light and Water Works.----- - - - - - - Reference Number *Greendale Water and Electric Department 13–588 *Greenfield Municipal Light Department - - - 13–590 *Hagerstown Light Department-, - . . . . . . . . . . 13–592 *Hancock County Rural Electric Member. ship Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–840 *Harrison County Rural Electric Member- Ship Corporation - - - - --------------------- 13–842 Harrison Electric & Water Company, The – 13–042 *Hendricks County Rural Electric Member- Ship Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–845 *Henry County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13–847 Henryville Electric I,ight & Heat Co. ------- 13–044 Hobart Light & Water Company----- - - - - - - - 13–046 Hoosier Public Utility Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–048 *Huntingburg Light and Water Plant. . . . . . 13–595 *Huntington County Rural Electric Member- Ship Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13—850 *Huntington, Électric Department, City of 13–597 7 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company - - - - - 13–05 Indiana General Service Company. - - - - - - - - - 13–053 Indiana Hydro-Electric Power Company-- - - 13–055 Indianapolis Power & Light Company - - - - - - 13–063 Indiana Service Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–061 *Jackson County Rural Electric Member- Ship Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13—851 *Jamestown Municipal Light & Power Service ---------------------------------- 13–599 *Jasper County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. ------------------------------ 13–853 *Jasper Municipal Electric Department - - - 13–601 *Jay County Rural Electric Membership Corporation . . . --------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Johnson County Rural Electric Membership Corporation ------------------------------- *Kankakee Valley Rural Electric Momber- ship Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Kendallville Light and Water Department - *Knightstown Water and Light Plant - - - - - - - * Knox County Rural Electric Membership 13—854 13—855 13—858 13–604 13–607 Corporation------------------------------- 13—861 *Kosciusko County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation -------------------------- 13—864 *Ladoga Municipal Light Plant ------------- 13–610 *Lagrange County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 13—868 La Porte Gas & Electric Company - - - - - - - - - 13—065 *Laughery Township Farmers Electric Light and Power Company *Lawrenceburg Municipal Light & Water 13–870 Plant-------------------------------------- 13–613 *Lewisville Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13–615 *Linton Electric Light and Power Plant_____ 13-618 *Lizton, Municipal Lighting Department--- 13–620 *Logansport Electric Light and Power Plant- 13–622 Louisville Cement Company---------------- 13–253 Louisville Cement Corporation-------------- 13–254 Mace-Linnsburg Electric Light & Power Co. 13–075 Madison Light and Power Company-------- 3–077 *Marshall County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation-------------------------- 13—872 *Martinsville Water & Light Plant--------- 13–625 *Miami-Cass County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation----------------------- 13–874 Miami Power Corporation------------------ 13—082 *Middletown Electric Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - 13–627 *Mishawaka City Water and Electric Plant- 13–630 *Monroe Light Department, Town of ------- 13–633 *Montezuma Municipal Utilities------------ 13–635 Montgomery Light & Power Co------------- 13—085 Mooresville Public Service Co--------------- 13-087 *Morgan County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation-------------------------- 13—876 *Nappanee Utilities Co---------------------- 13–637 *New Carlisle, Town of--------------------- 13–639 158 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *New Harmony Electric Light Co----------- 13–643 *New Ross Electric Service Department---- 13–645 *Newton County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation-------------------------- 13—878 *Noble County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13—879 Northern Indiana Power Company--------- 13–095 Northern Indiana Public Service Company-- 13–097 Ohio River Power Company 13–100 Ohio Valley Transmission Corporation------ Old Capitol Utilities Corporation----------- I Oldenburg Electric Light & Power Co., Inc. - 13–104 Oolitic Light & Power Co------------------- 13–106 *Orange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13—880 *Oxford Light & Water Co------------------ Padgett Electric System--------------------- *Paoli Electric Department----------------- 13–649 *Paragon Municipal Lighting Department-- 13–651 *Parke County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13—882 *Patoka Municipal Electric Department---- 13–653 *Pendleton Electric Light Plant 1 Perry County Power & Light Co------------ *Peru, Electric Light and Power Depart- ment, City of.----------------------------- 1 *Pierceton Light & Water Plant------------- *Pittsboro Lighting Department ------------ 13–662 *Portland Municipal Light & Power Plant -- 13–664 Public Service Company of Indiana-------- 13–115 *Rensselaer Water and Lights--------------- *Richmond Municipal Electric Lighting and Power Plant ------------------------------ 13–669 Rinkel & Son, H. C.------------------------- 13–281 *Rising Sun Municipal Utilities------------- 13–670 Rockport Water Works Company, Inc.------ 13–120 *Rockville Electric Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 *Rush County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13—887 *Rushville Water, Light and Power Plant--- 13–675 *Scottsburg Municipal Light Plant--------- 13–678 *Shelby County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- Smithville Electric Co., Inc.----------------- 13–122 Reference Number Southeastern Indiana Power Company------ 13—125 *Southeastern Indiana Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation----------------------- 13—897 Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company- 13–127 Southern Indiana Light & Power Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 13–129 *South Whitley Electric Light Co---------- 13–681 *Spiceland Corporation---------------------- 13–684 Star Milling and Electric Company-------- 13–131 *Steuben County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation-------------------------- 1 *Straughn Municipal Light Plant----------- *Sullivan County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation-------------------------- 13–901 Terre Haute Electric Company, Inc.--------- *Tipmont Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 1 *Tipton Electric Light Company------------ * Utilities District of Western Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporation--------- 13 *Veedersburg Municipal Electric Plant----- 13–693 Versailles Light System --------------------- 13–147 *Vevay Light and Water Plant-------------- 13–696 *Wabash County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation.-------------------------- 13–910 *Walkerton Electric Department -- - - - - - - - - - - 13–699 *Warren County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation-------------------------- 13–913 *Warren Municipal Water and Light-------- 13–702 *Washington City Light & Power----------- 13–705 *Wayne County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13–916 *Waynetown Electric Light & Power Com- Corporation------------------------------- 1 *Whitley County Rural Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 13–920 *Williamsport Light and Water Department- 13–711 *Winamac Municipal Light & Water Works - 13–714 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, The 13–315 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. INDIANA 13–017 Boehmer Electric Co. R. F. D. No. 1, Howe, Ind. Principal Officers: Fred Boehmer Edwin Boehmer Vice PreS. W. W. BellairS - - - - Secy.-Treas. Directors: Hilma Bellairs, W. W. Bellairs, Edwin Boehmer, Fred Boehmer, Martha Boehmer. T’reS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $16,598 Electric Operating Rev $2,004 Number of Electric Cust 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 90 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated --- 220, 340 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern Indiana Public Service Co. 13–019 Bonneyville Power & Elec. Co. Inc. R. R. 2 Bristol, Ind. Principal Officers: A. Blood--------------------------------- PreS. Fränk Mauck-------------------------- Vice Pres. Michael Blood------------------------ Secy-Treas. Directors: Katherine Blood, Michael Blood, R. A. Blood, Vera Blood, Frank Mauck, Nellie Mauck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,815 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1, 166 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 36 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------------ 100 TO------------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion---------------------- 40 13–021 Brookville Electric Company Brookville, Ind. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Boyd A. Bennett---------------------------- Pres. Warren W. Bell------------- Vice Pres. and Treas, William Insull-------------------------- Vice Pres. W. B. MacIndoe---------------------------- Secy. R. A. SorenSen------- ASSt. Secy. and ASSt. Treas. Directors: Warren W. Bell, Boyd A. Bennett, William Insull, John Latta, W. B. MacIndoe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $211,526 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $80, 871 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 505 DIRECTORY 159 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2, 251,409 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brookville 2, 194 Saint Leon---------------------------------- 276 13–023 º Burger Light Plant Pierceton, Ind. 13–024 Central Indiana Power Company 110 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis. Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co., (Trustees) through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Louis B. Schiesz----------------------------- PreS. Phil H. Palmer - __Vice Pres. Paul Stark------------- Vice. Pres. & Comptroller. Paul D. Birdsall --Secy.-Treas. Carey Shipley---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Mirectors: Stuart J. Barrett, Paul D. Birdsall, Laurence K. Callahan, Fred W. Dopke, Phil H. Palmer, Louis B. Schiesz, Paul Stark. - Controls: - Northern Indiana Power Company (electric, gas, Water and heat utilities, and ice). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1, 180, 934 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $376, 911 Number of Electric Customers---------- 7,013 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 11,024,043 Communities Served at Retail: Population tlanta.-------- - - * * * - - - - as s = - - - * = a- - - - 479 Bunker Hill-------------------------------- 561 Carmel----------------------------------- 771 Chesterfield--------------------------------- 581 Paleville------------------------------------ 70ſ) Fortville------------------------------------ 1, 463 Ingalls---------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - 442 La Fontaine-------------------------------- 554 Lawrence----------------------------------- 1,087 Markleville--------------------------------- 266 McCordsville------------------------------- 313 Oaklandon---------------------------------- 350 Sharpsville---------------------------------- 518 Walton------------------------------------- 710 Windfall City------------------------------- 835 Yorktown---------------------------------- 906 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Middletown Electric Light Plant. *Pendleton Electric Light Plant. 13–025 Chicago District Electric Generating Corporation 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. (Controlled by Commonwealth Edison Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Ralph H. James----------------------------- PreS. Gerald C. Bailey----------------------- Vice PreS. John T. Brusky------------------------ Vice PreS. Leroy J. Clark-------------------------------Secy. Anthony R. Bell------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Everett M. Holwick----------------------,Auditor Raymond L. McMartin.----------- Asst. Auditor Directors: W. W. Gasser, Harry Hall, Ralph N. Isham, Ralph H. James, Arnold B. Keller, Earl Kribben, Ernest Van Arsdel. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $42,360, 557 Electric Operating Revenues.-------- $9,897, 528 Number of Electric Customers-------- 2 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 358,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated --- 1,976, 542,000 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Commonwealth Edison Co. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. 13–027 Citizens Heat, Light and Power Company 312 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C - P. Lakin --------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Bramble---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. W. H. Davis----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Paul Ren?----------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: H. W. Anderson, C. E. Bramble, Roy Campbell, Theo. Dienst, C. E. Lakin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $818,080 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $395, 575 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 591 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------- 1, 360 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours otal-------------------------------- 20, 717, 711 Generated.----------------------------- (–27, 179) Purchased.----------------------------- 20, 744,890 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bronson (LOSantville).----------------- 253 Farmland------------------------------ 914 Fountain City------------------------- 491 WDD---------------------------------- 1,014 Ridgeville----------------------------- 1,003 Saratoga---------------- :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 349 Spartanburg--------------------------- 318 Winchester---------------------------- 5,303 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Indiana Service Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Blountsville Municipal Ilight Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 13–033 Electric Service Company 315 Guthrie St., Louisville, Ky. Principal Officers: P. Hill----------------------------------- PreS. H. D. Taylor------------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. Roland Whitney----------------------------Secy. Directors: H. D. Baylor, E. D. Hill, J. Harry Lem- mon, William S. Speed, Roland Whitney. 160 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,797 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,455 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 276, 915 Community Served at Retail: Population Milltown - - - - - 760 13–038 Gary Heat, Light & Water Company 500 Broadway, Gary, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co.) Principal Officers: A. C. Colby--------------------------------- ProS. C. W. Goris---------------------------- Vice. PreS. L. W. Simmons---------------------- Secy.-Treas. E. C. Lindwell _ASSt. Secy. B. L. Dorsey -- ASSt. Treas. Directors: C. W. Bader, S. J. Barrett, A. J. Bemis, L. K. Callahan, A. C. Colby, C. W. Goris, L. W. Simmons. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $3, 589,089 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $1,979, 357 Number of Electric Customers--------- 29, 791 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 60,394,627 Community Served at Retail: Population Gary 111,719 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 13–042 The Harrison Electric & Water Company 4th & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by the Columbia Gas & Flectric Corpo- ration through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Indiana only $13,399 Number of Electric Customers: Indiana. Only-------- 156 Community Served at Retail: Population West EHarrison -- 311 See Also: Principal report under Ohio (34–084). 13–044 Henryville Electric Light & Heat Co. Henryville. Ind. Principal Officers: George Bollinger Pres. Curtis Raymond----------------------- Vice PreS. L. A. Rueſſ-------- Secy. Ira L. Smith-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: John J. Dietrich, H. E. Hostettler, . D. Prall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $3,213 Electric Operating Revenues $3,742 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 130 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ____ 100, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Henryville---------------------------------- -- 350 I3–046 Hobart Light & Water Company 5265 Hohman Ave. Hammond, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co.) Principal Officers: D. H. Mitchell------------------------------ PreS. E. D. Anderson ____Vice PreS. D. L. Bement-------------------------- Vice PreS. F. E. Thacker------------------------ Secy.-Treas. W. A. McDonough.------------------- Comptroller Directors: E. D. Anderson, D. L. Bement, D. H. Mitchell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $523, 500 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $119, 678 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 116 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 990 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 153, 750 Community Served at Retail: Population Hobart- ---- 7, 166 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–048 Hoosier Public Utility Co. 300 E. Main St., Muncie, Ind. (Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation.) Principal Officers: Guy T. Henry------------------------------- PreS. Paul R. Taylor------------------------ Vice Pres. G. B. Pidot- --Secy. C. M. Cullison.--------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. E. Dale Chambers ASSt. Secy. R. B. Small---------------------------ASSt. Treas. F. Robert AnderSon ASSt. Treas, K. R. Teele --ASSt. Treas. Directors: C. M. Cullison, Guy T. Henry, Paul R. Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $646, 416 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $279, 360 Number of Electric Customers--------- 4, 561 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 376 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 8, 640,453 Generated---------------------------- e 690 Purchased---------------------------- 8, 639,763 Communities Served at Retail Population Batesville---------------------------------- 3,065 Greensburg----- - - 6,065 Hope--------------------------------------- 046 Morris 298 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 161 Communities Served at Retail: Population Napoleon----------------------------------- 325 Newpoint---------------------------------- 32 9sgood------------------------------------- 1, 198 Westport----------------------------------- 644 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Farmel's Light & Power Co. Oldenburg Electric ſlight and Power Co. Versailles I.ight System. *IDecatur County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Gas Service. 13–053 Indiana General Service Company 419 N. Walnut St., Muncie, Ind. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd-------------------------------- Pres. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice PreS. J. B. Hill--------------------------- _ _ _ _Vice Pres. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice Pres. O. M. Drischel------------------------- Vice Pres Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. T)rager - --------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan -------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. O. S. Burtner-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: Frank B. Ball, O. M. Drischel, Walter O. Haymond, Arnold Hogan, C. E. Moore, Geo. N. Tidd, C. L. Walling. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $16,990,656 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $4,856,859 Number of Electric Customers--------- 50,021 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 29, 750 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: * 291, 772,924 Total Generated.---------------------------- 16,730,470 Purchased.---------------------------- 275,042, 454 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Plwood----------------------------------- 10, 913 Aarion------------------------------------ 26, 767 Muncie----------------------------------- 49, 720 1,000 to 10 000 population Albany------------------------------------ 1,623 Alexandria-------------------------------- 4,801 Punkirk---------------------------------- 2,942 *on------------------------------------- 1,453 Fairmount-------------------------------- 2, 382 Hartford City----------------------------- 6,946 Jonesboro--------------------------------- 1,791 Montpelier-------------------------------- 1,800 Redkey----------------------------------- 1, 538 250 to 1,000 population Gaston-i---------------------------------- 677 Matthews--------------------------------- 468 9testes------------------------------------ 412 Parker City------------------------------- 786 Pennville.--------------------------------- 598 *ma------------------------------------- 424 Summit ville------------------------------- 991 Sweetser----------------------------------- 903 Upland------------------------------------ 900 Windsor----------------------------------- 250 322184—42—16 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITY: Public Service Company of Indiana. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Anderson Municipal Light & Power. *Frankton Water & Light Plant. *Gas City Light Dept. Also Renders: Steam and hot water heating service. 13–055 Indiana Hydro-Electric Power Company “ 110 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. a Not an operating company; plant and property leased to others. (Controlled by Midland United Co) Principal Officers: A. E. Jost-------------------- Pres. & Comptroller P. J. Ryan-------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. B. R. Nightingale--------------------------- Secy. Directors: L. K. Callahan, A. E. Jost, E. H. Shoe- maker, A. R. Tomlin, John W. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $8,133, 549 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - b $360,000 b Income from plant leased to others. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-----** - - - - - - c 17, 720 c Leased to others. 13–057 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company 220–222 W. Colfax Ave., South Bend, Ind. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd-------------------------------- Pres. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice Pres. J. B. Hill------------------------------- Vice PreS. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS. ThoS. F. English----------------------- Vice PreS. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan – ------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Chas. B. Calvert---------------------- Asst. Secy. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Frank B. Ball, Chas. B. Calvert, Thos. F. English, R. G. Thompson, Geo. N. Tidd, J. P. Van de Voort, C. L. Walling. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $52,978, 273 Electric Operating Revenues: Total . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- $9,710, 395 In Indiana---------------------------- $7, 351, 931 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------- 79, 284 In Indiana---------------------------- 52,083 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts tal----------------------------- 170,244 Steam-------------------------------- 148,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 22, 244 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 989, 328, 193 Generated---------------------------- 477, 774, 417 Purchased.---------------------------- 377, 104,085 Interchanged (gross-in).-------------- 134,449, 691 162 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Ardmore Heights------------------------- 948 Butler--------------- 1, 794 Elkhart sm ºr * * * * = &º º ºs º º sº dº º sº - ºn 33,434 Grabill- - - - 288 Hamilton-------------------------------- 392 Harlan----------------------------------- 510 La Paz----------------------------------- 429 Lakeville--------------------------------- 567 Ligonier---------------------------------- 2, 178 Metz------------------------------------- 321 Mishawaka------------------------------ 28, 298 Osceola----------------------------------- 498 Rolling Prairie--------------------------- 486 Roseland--------------------------------- 782 Saint Joe--------------------------------- 437 South Bend------------------------------ 101,268 Spencerville------------------------------ 306 Woodburn City-------------------------- 471 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Indiana General Service Co. Indiana Service Corporation. LaPorte Gas and Electric Co. Northern Indiana Power Co. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. The Ohio Power Co. • Public Service Co. of Indiana (interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Mishawaka City Water and Electric Plant. *Town of New Carlisle. See Also: Operations under Michigan (21–054). 13–061 Indiana Service Corporation 116 E. Wayne St., Fort Wayne, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co. through 94% o voting power.) Principal Officers: W. Marshall Dale--------------------------- Pres Erwin A. Luhman------------------- Comptroller James S. Clark------------------------ Asst. Secy. J. Calvin Hill------------------------- Asst. Secy. L. Kenneth Kimmel------------------ Asst. Treas. Directors: Stuart J. Barrett, James M. Barrett, Jr., Laurence K. Callahan, W. Marshall Dale, J. P Doody, Benjamin F. Geyer, Bernard P. Shearon. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $18,714,067 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $3,262,675 Number of Electric Customers.--------- 25,663 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 31,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 236,076, 465 Generated.---------------------------- 79,904, 800 Purchased.---------------------------- 156, 171,665 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Fort Wayne 118,410 1,000 to 10,000 population Berne------------------------------------ 2,075 Churubusco------------------------------ 1, 122 Pelphi------------------------------------ 2,213 Flora------------------------------------- 1, 468 New Haven------------------------------ 1,872 Waynedale------------------------------- 1, 210 250 to 1,000 population Bryant----------------------------------- 332 Buck Creek------------------------------ 300 Burrows---------------------------------- 250 Camden---------------------------------- 590 Geneva----------------------------------- 966 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Hoagland--------------------------------- 300 Huntertown------------------------------ 400 keystone--------------------------------- 250 Kimmell--------------------------------- 300 Lagro------------------------------------- 542 Paotto------------------------------------ 300 Liberty Center--------------------------- 300 Monroeville------------------------------ 994 Ossian------------------------------------ 784 Poneto----------------------------------- 270 Poanoke---------------------------------- 808 Rockfield--------------------------------- 300 Tri Lakes--------------------------------- 768 Uniondale------------------------------- 301 Van Buren------------------------------- 825 Wolf Lake-------------------------------- 250 Zanesville-------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Northern Indiana Power Co. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Southeastern Indiana Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Auburn Electric and Water Dept. *Avilla Electric Light Plant. *Carroll County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Miami-Cass Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration. Also Renders: Gas, interurban railway, motor coach, Street railway, and water Service. 13–063 Indianapolis Power & Light Company 17 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Principal Officers: H. T. Pritchard----Chairman, Pres., & Gen. Mgr. W. C. Richardson.--Vice Pres.-Treas. & Asst. Secy. D. C. Hess--Vice Pres. in charge of operations W. O. Lee------------ Vice Pres. Chg. Pub. Rel. A. C. Crandall----- Vice PreS. in charge of Sales Elmer E. Scott Secy. & Counsel Berton Stout------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Bernard W. Schotters----------------- ASSt. Secy. O. T. Fitzwater-------- Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: Charles True Adams, Arthur V. Brown, Morris E. Feiwell, A. L. Jackson, W. O. Lee, William H. Mooney, H. T. Pritchard, P. C. Reilly, W. C. Richardson, Elmer E. Scott, Elmer W. Stout. Controls: Electric Building Company, Inc. (office building). Mooresville Public Service Co. (electric & water utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $66,472,574 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $11,683,950 Number of Electric Customers--------- 126,973 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 181,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 595,804,757 Generated.---------------------------- 592,373,757 Purchased---------------------------- 1,500,000 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 1,931,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Augusta.-- 281 Beech Grove.----------------------------- 3,907 Ben Davis-------------------------------- 987 Bridgeport 615 Clermont - - - - - - 465 Cumberland 430 DIRECTORY 163 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA Communities Served at Retail: Population Edgewood s= as sm ºr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 974 Fort Benjamin Harrison 2, 250 Friendswood - - 250 Indianapolis * 386,972 Mars Hill ºm ame me ºf 960 Maywood 1,610 Mickleyville * * - 257 Millersville------------------------------- 296 New Augusta---------------------------- 369 Ravenswood----------------------------- 394 Rocky Ripple---------------------------- 315 Southport -------------------------------- 549 Speedway-------------------------------- 2, 325 Valley Mills------------------------------ 301 West Newton----------------------------- 387 Woodruff Place-------------------------- 1,434 * Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Indiana Power Co. Public Service Co. of Indiana. Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 13–065 La Porte Gas & Electric Company La Porte, Ind. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co. through 99.9% of voting power.) Principal Officers: L. A. White------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. __Vice Pres. Secy.-Treas. ASSt. Secy.-Treas. ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Ernest I. Hoover C. P. Van Dyke * * W. I. Brown Directors: A. L. Fuller, Ernest I. Hoover, J. Gordon Martin, H. B. Munsell, L. A. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,665,067 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $529, 623 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6,299 Pºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 2,500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 20, 701,950 Generated----------------------------- 1,681, 850 Purchased .------ 19,020, 100 Communities Served at Retail: IPopulation La Porte----------------------------------- 16, 180 Westville * * 523 Also Renders: Heating and manufactured gas Service. 1.3–0.75 Mace-Linnsburg Electric Light & Power Co. R. R. No. 2, Crawfordsville, Ind. Principal Officer: Mrs. Hazel D. Harris------------- Administratrix The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $7,059 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4, 246 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 115 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------------- 13–077 Madison Light and Power Company 311 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. (ºiled by Standard Power and Light Corpora- tion. Principal Qfficers: T. B. Wilson-------------------------------- FreS. J. J. McKenna---------------- Vice Pros. & Treas. A. W. Lee, Jr.--------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations R. Montgomery------------------------ Vice PreS. F. J. Pfeiffer----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. I. Lukenbill--------4ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: A. W. Lee, Jr., J. J. McKenna, R. Mont- gomery, Arthur Peter, T. B. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - ** * * * * = * * $736, 275 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $231,938 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,914 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--- * 7,678, 100 Communities Served at Retail: Population Deputy------------------------------------- 275 Dupont------------------------------------- 325 Hanover------------------------------------ 406 ent 250 Lexington 250 Madison ---- 6,923 New Washington 400 North Madison 316 13–082 Miami Power Corporation 4th & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electric Corp. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. C. Blackwell----------------------------- PreS. Polk Laffoon.------------------- Vice PreS. & Secy. C. G. Eichelberger--------------------- Vice Pres. Geo. F. Brenner. --------------------------- Treas. Directors: H. C. Blackwell, Geo. F. Brenner, C. G. Eichelberger, E. S. Fields, Polk Laffoon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $537,554 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $60,918 Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. See Also: Operations reported under Kentucky (16– 139). 13—085 Montgomery Light & Power Co. P. O. Box 102, Linden, Ind. Principal Officers: H. H. Gardiner------------------------------ Pres. J. T. Parlon---------------------------- Vice Pres. A. S. Fraley------------------ Secy.-Treas. & Mgr. Directors: J. T. Detchon, A. S. Fraley, H. H. Gardiner, C. E. Hatton, L. H. Little, J. T. Parlon. The following data are for the year 1939: $25,485 550 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------ 164 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 490,886 Communities Served at Retail: Population Linden--------------------------------------- 580 New Richmond------------------------------- 368 Wingate-------------------------------------- 380 13–087 Mooresville Public Service Co. Mooresville, Ind. (Controlled by Indianapolis Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. T. Pritchard----------------------------- PreS. T. C. HeSS----------------------------- Vice PreS. W. C. Richardson.--------------------Secy.-Treas. P. W. ROSS------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Elmer E. Scott-----------------------ASSt. Treas. Directors: D. C. Hess, H. T. Pritchard, W. C. Richardson, P. W. Ross, Elmer E. Scott. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ------------------------ $307,067 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $89,017 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 704 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 382, 980 Communities Served at Retail: Population Eminence----------------------------------- 250 Monrovia.----------------------------------- 475 Mooresville--------------------------------- 1,979 Quincy------------------------------------- 300 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–095 Northern Indiana Power Company 110 N. Iilinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co.) Principal Officers: Louis B. Schiesz----------------------------- PreS. Phil H. Palmer------------------------- Vice Pres. Paul D. Birdsall.---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Paul Stark-------------- Vice Pres. & Comptroller Carey Shipley-----------ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Stuart J. Barrett, Paul D. Birdsall, Laurence K. Callahan, Fred W. Dopke, Phil H. Palmer, Louis B. Schiesz, Paul Stark. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- - $16,574,371 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $5,435, 153 In Indiana--------------------------- $5,434, 740 Number of Electric Customers: otal.--------------------------------- 61,888 In Indiana--------------------------- 61,874 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 16, 384 Steam-------------------------------- 16,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 384 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours al----------------------------- 293, 134,783 Generated.---------------------------- 1, 192, 570 Purchased---------------------------- 291, 942, 2 3 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Huntington Kokomo----------------------------------- 33, 795 1,000 to 10,000 population - Population Attica------------------------------------- 3,760 Blanford----------------------------------- 1, 000 Bourbon----------------------------------- 1, 145 Cayuga------------------------------------ 1, 126 Clay City---------------------------------- 1, 117 Clinton.------------------------------------ 7,092 Fairview Park----------------------------- 1,074 Farmersburg------------------------------- 1,005 Greencastle--------------------------------- 4, 872 Greentown--------------------------------- 1,060 Hymera------------------------------------ 1, 298 Jasonville---------------------------------- 3, 418 Kramer------------------------------------ 1, 200 Lapel-------------------------------------- 1, 146 Martinsville-------------------------------- 5,009 €CCà-------------------------------------- 1, 250 Noblesville--------------------------------- 5, 575 North Manchester------------------------- 3, 170 Rochester---------------------------------- 3,835 Saint Bernice------------------------------- 1,000 Shelburn----------------------------------- 1,606 Sheridan----------------------------------- 1, 720 Sºencer------------------------------------ 2, 375 Sullivan------------------------------------ 5,077 Wabash------------------------------------ 9, 653 250 to 1,000 population Akron------------------------------------- 990 Amboy------------------------------------ 450 Andrews---------------------------------- 954 Arcadia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 968 Bippus------------------------------------ 475 Bridgeton ---------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 410 Burlington-------------------------------- 816 Carbon------------------------------------ 510 Centenary--------------------------------- 400 ili---------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 275 Cicero------------------------------------- 943 Clarks Hill-------------------------------- 381 Cloverdale-------------------------------- 657 Coal City--------------------------------- 325 Coalmont--------------------------------- 762 Converse---------------------------------- 943 Cutler------------------------------------- 300 Pana-------------------------------------- 845 Penver------------------------------------ 483 Eugene - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - s 459 Fillmore----------------------------------- 350 Forest------------------------------------- 306 Freedom---------------------------------- 325 Fulton------------------------------------ 373 Galveston -------------------------------- 735 Gosport----------------------------------- 729 Hemlock---------------------------------- 310 Herbst------------------------------------ 263 Hillsboro---------------------------------- 516 Kempton---------------------------------- 403 Kingman---------------------------------- 549 Kirklin------------------------------------ 712 Paketon----------------------------------- 549 Darwill------------------------------------ 319 Lewis------------------------------------- 400 Macy-------------------------------------- 275 Markle------------------------------------ 671 Mellott------------------------------------ 302 Mexico.------------------------------------ 510 Michigantown----------------------------- 417 Morgantown------------------------------ 724 New Goshen------------------------------ 500 New Market------------------------------ 323 Newport---------------------------------- 795 Newtown---------------------------------- 293 North Salem.------------------------------ 511 Patricksburg------------------------------ 436 Perrysville-------------------------------- 451 Riley ------------------------------------- 287 Roachdale--------------------------------- 736 |Roann.------------------------------------ 429 Romney----------------------------------- 250 Rosedale. --------------------------------- 712 Rossville---------------------------------- 627 Royal Center------------------------------ 865 Russellville ------------------------------- 380 Russiaville-------------------------------- 760 Shepardsville------------------------------ 500 Shirkieville-------------------------------- 362 Somerset---------------------------------- 320 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 165 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Stockwell---------------------------------- 513 Stonebluff--------------------------------- 313 SWay?ee----------------------------------- 661 Tippecanoe-------------------------------- 408 Universal---------------------------------- 603 Urbana------------------------------------ 312 Waveland--------------------------------- 530 West Clinton------------------------------ 700 Westfield.--------------------------------- 709 Westpoint--------------------------------- 300 Whitestown------------------------------- 817 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Indiana Power Co. Indiana Service Corporation. Montgomery Light & Power Co. Mooresville Public Service Co. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Public Service Co. of Indiana. Southeastern Indiana Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Argos Municipal Electric Light Plant. *Bainbridge Municipal Electric Dept. *Covington Light and Water Works. *Town of Etna Green Electric Light Dept. *I adoga Municipal Light Plant. *Montezuma Municipal Utilities. * Paragon Municipal Lighting Dept. *Rockville Electric Light Plant. *Tipton Light and Water Plant. *Veedersburg Municipal Electric Plant. *Fulton County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Huntington County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation, *Morgan County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Parke County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Sullivan County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Tipmont County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Wabash County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Warren County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Gas, ice, steam, and water service. sºlº Operations reported under Illinois (12– 13–097 Northern Indiana Public Service Company 5265 Hohman Ave., Hammond, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co.) Principal Officers: D. H. Mitchell------------------------------ Pres. B. D. Anderson------------------------ Vice PreS. D. L. Bement.------------------------- Vice PreS. W. A. McDonough.--Comptroller and Secretary F. E. Thacker------------------------------ Treas. J. E. Fasan---------------------------- Asst. Secy. P. M. Alt---------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: E. D. Anderson, S. J. Barrett, D. L. Bement, L. K. Callahan, A. C. Colby, J. M. Farrell, D. H. Mitchel]. Controls: Berrien Gas & Electric Co. (electric utility). Shore Line Shops. Inc. (real estate). . Utilities Building Inc. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $49,555, 728 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $12,484, 754 Number of Electric Customers-------- 97, 949 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---------------------------- 93,735 Steam------------------------------- 92, 000 Hydro------------------------------- 1, 635 Internal Combustion---------------- 100 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total---------------------------- 1,000,812, 786 Generated.------ — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - 405,971,837 Purchased.--------------------------- 505,956, 269 Interchanged (gross-in).-------------- 88,884,680 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population East Chicago----------------------------- 54,637 Goshen----------------------------------- 11, 375 Hammond------------------------------- 70, 184 Michigan City--------------------------- 26,476 Whiting---------------------------------- 10, 307 1,000 to 10,000 population Angola------------------------------------ 3, 141 Chesterton-------------------------------- 2,470 Crown Point------------------------------ 4, 643 Culver------------------------------------ 1,605 East Gary--------------------------------- 3,401 Fowler------------------------------------ 1,903 Goodland--------------------------------- 1,097 Griffith------------------------------------ 2, 116 Highland---------------------------------- 2,723 Kentland---------------------------------- 1,608 |Knox-------------------------------------- 2, 165 Lagrange---------------------------------- 1,814 Powell------------------------------------ 1,448 Monon------------------------------------ 1, 262 Monticello-------------------------------- 3, 153 Morocco.----------------------------------- 1, 151 Munster---------------------------------- 1,751 North Judson----------------------------- 1,408 Plymouth--------------------------------- 5, 713 Porter------------------------------------- 1, 190 Ross-------------------------------------- 1,000 Syracuse---------------------------------- 1,346 Valparaiso.--------------------------------- 8, 736 Wakarusa--------------------------------- 1,033 Warsaw----------------------------------- 6,378 Waterloo---------------------------------- 1, 257 250 to 1,000 population Ambia------------------------------------ 603 Ashley------------------------------------ 675 Atwood----------------------------------- 250 Beverly Shores---------------------------- 500 Boswell----------------------------------- 877 Bristol------------------------------------ 694 Brook------------------------------------- 888 Burnettsville------------------------------ 436 Cedar Lake------------------------------- 500 Claypool---------------------------------- 423 Corunna---------------------------------- 278 Cromwell--------------------------------- 399 Pemotte---------------------------------- 273 Pyer-------------------------------------- 976 Parl Park--------------------------------- 507 Francesville------------------------------- 804 Fremont---------------------------------- 855 Garyton----------------------------------- 805 Hamlet------------------------------------ 519 Hanna------------------------------------ 480 Hebron------------------------------------ 949 Howe-------------------------------------- 810 Hudson----------------------------------- 437 Idaville------------------------------------ 500 Kewanna---------------------------------- 701 Kingsbury- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Kouts------------------------------------- 732 La Crosse--------------------------------- 574 Lake Village--------------. ---------------- 250 Leesburg---------------------------------- 389 Leroy------------------------------------- 313 Long Beach. ------------------------------ 455 Medaryville------------------------------- 703 Mentone---------------------------------- 731 Middlebury------------------------------- 722 Milford------------------------------------ 901 Millersburg------------------------------- 384 Monterey--------------------------------- 288 166 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population New Chicago------------------------------ 466 New Paris--------------------------------- 431 North Liberty----------------------------- 978 North Webster---------------------------- 343 Orland------------------------------------ 307 Pine Village------------------------------- 303 Pleasant Lake----------------------------- 541 *Y--------------------------------------- 300 Remington-------------------------------- 869 Reynolds---------------------------------- 408 Rome City-------------------------------- 300 Saint John-------------------------------- 383 San Pierre--------------------------------- 350 Schererville-------------------------------- 998 Schneider--------------------------------- 283 Shelby------------------------------------ 275 Shipshewana------------------------------ 286 Silver Lake-------------------------------- 471 South Milford.---------------------------- 300 Star City---------------------------------- 550 Stroh-------------------------------------- 476 Topeka------------------------------------ 496 Trail Creek-------------------------------- 326 Tyner------------------------------------- 318 Union Mills------------------------------- 400 Wanatah---------------------------------- 750 WaWaka---------------------------------- 358 Wellsboro--------------------------------- 310 Wheatfield-------------------------------- 439 Wheeler----------------------------------- 251 Winona Lake------------------------------ 743 olcott----------------------------------- 736 Wolcottville------------------------------- 612 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Berrien Gas & Electric Co. (Michigan). Burger Light Company Central Illinois Public Service Co. (Illinois). Gary Heat, Light & Water Co. Hobart Light & Water Co. Indiana & Michigan Electric Co. Indiana Service Corporation. Northern Indiana Power Co. Public Service Co. of Indiana. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Bremen Electric Light and Power Co. *Town of Chalmers. *Pierceton Light & Water Plant. *Walkerton Electric Dept. *Winamac Light and Water Works. *Kankakee Valley Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Kosciusko County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *La Grange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Marshall County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Newton County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Noble County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Steuben County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *White County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 13–100 Ohio River Power Company Tell City, Ind. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: E. T. Claypool------------------------------ Pres. H. C. Powers--------------------------- Vice PreS. C. N. Wade - - - Secy.-Treas. Directors: E. T. Claypool, H. C. Powers, Edw. G. Schreck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $821,789 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $160, 533 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 123 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 2,950 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 7,022,935 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cannelton---------------------------------- 2, 240 Tell City----------------------------------- 5,395 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Rentucky-Tennessee Light & Power (Kentucky). * Perry County Power & Light Co. Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 13–102 Ohio Valley Transmission Corporation 311 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp.) Principal Officers and Directors: T. B. Wilson-------------------------------- PreS. J. J. McKenna------------ - - - - Vice Pres. & Treas. A. W. Lee Jr. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. Chg. Oper. R. Montgomery------------------------ Vice Pres. F. J. Pfeiffer----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. I. Lukenbill-- - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. W. Lee Jr., J. J. McKenna, R. Mont- gomery, Arthur Peter, T. B. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $594,203 $77, 115 Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. 1.3–103 Old Capitol Utilities Corporation Corydon, Ind. 13–104 Oldenburg Electric Light & Power Co., Inc. Oldenburg, Ind. Principal Officers: B. J. Kessing-------------------------------- PreS. H. G. Borchelt----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. G. Borchelt, H. F. Burdick, Jos. Freihage, B. J. Kessing, F. B. Moorman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6, 184 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,249 - Number of Electric Customers-------------- 123 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 131,580 Community Served at Retail: Population Oldenburg------------------------------------ 533 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 167 13–106 Oolitic Light & Power Co. Oolitic, Ind. Principal Officer: Marshall Miller Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------- ----- 164,900 Community Served at Retail: I?opulation 99"tie-------------------------------------- 1, 186 13–108 Padgett Electric System Campbellsburg, Ind. Principal Officer: Chas. K. Padgett-------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $17,391 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $3,688 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 89 Rilowatt–hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 50, 640 13–111 Perry County Power & Light Co. Troy, Ind. Principal Officers: Pdgar Fastin------------------------------- PreS. C. R. Bastin-------------------------------- Secy. Directors: E. F. Dillingham, C. R. Eastin, Edgar Eastin, Ben Huſman, John Rawlings. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------...-- $6,792 Number of Electric Customers - - 192 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 99, 592 Community Served at Retail: Population *9X------------------------------------------ 599 13–115 Public Service Company of Indiana 110 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co. through 74.9% of Voting power.) Principal Officers: R. A. Gallagher------------------------------ PreS. D. P. Pardee-------------- Vice Pres.-Comptroller G. J. Oglebay--------------------------- Vice Pres. P. J. Booth--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. E. H. Conway------------------ ASSt. Comptroller L. Allen--- * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. A. B. Irwin----------------------------Asst. Treas. Directors: Stuart J. Barrett, L. K. Callahan, K. F. Pickinsºn, , R. A. Gallagher, D. U. Hartman, G. O. Nicolai, G. J. Oglebay, D. P. Pardee. Controls: Dresser Power Corporation. South Construction Co., Inc. (real estate). Terminal Realty Corporation (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $61, 353,095 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $14,354, 106 Number of Electric Customers---------- 150, 352 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 118, 520 Steam-------------------------------- 114, 230 Hydro-------------------------------- 4, 290 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal.----------------------------- 924, 746,654 Generated--------------------------- 762,753, 165 Purchased.---------------------------- 152,020, 999 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 9,972, 490 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bedford----------------------------------- 12, 514 Bloomington.------------------------------ 20, 870 Columbus--------------------------------- 11, 738 Connersville------------------------------- 12,898 Jeffersonville------------------------------ 11,493 Lafayette---------------------------------- 28,798 New Albany------------------------------ 25, 414 New Castle-------------------------------- 16,620 Shelbyville-------------------------------- 10, 791 Terre Haute------------------------------- 62,693 Vincennes--------------------------------- 18, 228 1,000 to 10,000 population Aurora------------------------------------ 4,828 Bicknell----------------------------------- 5, 110 Bloomfield-------------------------------- 2, 270 Brazil------------------------------------- 8, 126 Brownsburg------------------------------- 1, 136 Brownstown------------------------------ 1, 860 Cambridge City--------------------------- 2, 207 Clarksville-------------------------------- 2,386 Corydon---------------------------------- 1,865 Danville----------------------------------- 2,093 Dugger-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 406 Franklin---------------------------------- 6, 264 French Lick------------------------------- 2,042 GreenWood-------------------------------- 2,499 Harmony---------------------------------- 2, 100 Lebanon---------------------------------- 6, 529 Liberty------------------------------------ 1, 496 Loog00tee--------------------------------- 2, 325 Milan------------------------------------- 1,000 Mitchell----------------------------------- 3,393 North Vernon----------------------------- 3, 112 Oakland City----------------------------- 3,068 Orleans------------------------------------ 1, 428 Owensville-------------------------------- 1, 188 Petersburg-------------------------------- 3,075 Plainfield---------------------------------- 1,811 Princeton--------------------------------- 7, 786 Salem.------------------------------------- 3, 194 Sellersburg-------------------------------- 1, 121 Seymour---------------------------------- 8, 620 Shoals------------------------------------- 1,031 Union City-------------------------------- 3, 535 West Lafayette---------------------------- 6, 270 West Terre Haute- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 729 Worthington.------------------------------ 1, 729 Zionsville---------------------------------- 1, 314 250 to 1,000 population Alford------------------------------------- 350 Amo-------------------------------------- 288 Atherton---------------------------------- 262 Austin------------------------------------ 650 AVOCa------------------------------------- 500 Baldwin Heights-------------------------- 350 Birdseye---------------------------------- 370 Bruceville--------------------------------- 700 Burnett----------------------------------- 300 Butlerville-------------------------------- 266 Campbellsburg---------------------------- 608 Carlisle------------------------------------ 874 Cartersburg------------------------------- 310 Carthage---------------------------------- 937 Cass--------------------------------------- 350 Center Point.------------------------------ 332 Charlestown------------------------------- 939 168 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Cynthiana- East Germantown (Pershing) Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Charlottesville ---------------------------- Claysburg--------------------------------- Colfax------------------------------------- Cottage Hill------------------------------- Economy---------------------------------- Edwardsport Elberfeld. Ewing-...---- Freetown -- Georgetown Glezen - - - - - Hardinsbur Harrodsburg Hazelton - - - Holton - - - - - 8---------------------------- -- Knightsvillé----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lanesville-- Lynnville -- Lyons----------------- Marengo.-------------- Maxwell--------------- Medora.--------------- Milton - - - - - Monroe City Montmorenci Mooreland - Moores Hill_ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- * * * * * * Mount Summit Mulberry - - Nashville_-_ New Pekin New Providence (Borden) Newberry - - North Terre Haute Oaktown -- Otwell . .___ Saint Mary Sandborn ___ Sandford _ _ _ Seely ville_-_ Shirley - - - - - Somerville__ Springville- Pekin III s------------------------------- Spurgeon---------------------------------- Staunton - - Sulphur Springs--------------------------- Sunman Switz City - Taylorsville------------------------------- Trafalgar --- Underwood 900 597 717 300 535 503 466 558 504 305 251 850 520 319 863 799 757 500 450 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Utica-------------------------------------- 500 Vallonia----------------------------------- 486 Vernon------------------------------------ 413 Warrington.-------------------------------- 335 West Baden------------------------------- 949 West College Corner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 454 West Lebanon----------------------------- 581 Wheatland-------------------------------- 713 Wilkinson--------------------------------- 336 Williams---------------------------------- 300 Williamsburg------------------------------ 250 Youngstown------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Brookville Electric Co. te Central Illinois Public Service Co. (Illinois). Citizens Heat, Light & Power Co. Henryville Electric Light & Heat Co. Hoosier Public Utility Co. Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Mooresville Public Service Co. Northern Indiana Power Co. Old Capital Utilities Corporation. Oolitic Light & Power Co. Padgett Electric Co. Smithville Electric Co., Inc. Southeastern Indiana Power Co. Union City Electric Co. (Ohio). F. C. Van Sollar (receiver for Terre Haute & Western Railway Co.). PlUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Advance Municipal Light & Power Plant. *Bargersville Heat, Light & Power Co. *Brooklyn Utility Service Board. . . . . *Centerville Municipal Electric Lighting & Power Plant. *Clayton Municipal Lighting Co. *City of Coatesville Municipal Light Dept. *Crothersville Water & Electric Dept. *Dublin Municipal Electric Light Plant. *Dunreith Electric Light Dept. *Edinburg Water and Light Plant. *Greendale Water & Electric Dept. *Hagerstown Light Dept. *Jamestown Municipal Light Co. *Knightstown Water & Light Plant. *Lewisville Light Plant. *Lizton Light Plant. *New Ross Electric Service Dept. *Paoli Electric Dept. *Pittsboro Lighting Dept. *Rising Sun Municipal Utilities. *Scottsburg Municipal Light Plant. *Spiceland Corporation. *Straughn Municipal Light Plant. & *Bartholomew County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation. g * *Boone County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. “. County Rural Electric Membership 'Orp. *Fayette Union County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation. *Hancock Rural Electric Membership Corpo- ration. *Harrison County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Hendricks County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. e *Jackson County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Johnson County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Knox County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Orange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Shelby County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. *Southeastern Indiana Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation. *Wayne County Rural Electrical Membership Corporation. *Utility District of Western Indiana Rural Elec- tric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Gas, heat, ice, and water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 169 13–120 Rockport Water Works Company, Inc. 219 Main St., Rockport, Ind. Principal Officers: * Benj. F. Huſſman--------------------------- Pres. Clarence H. Kennedy------------------ Vice PreS. Albert M. Huffman------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Alberta M. Huffman, Benj. F. Huffman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $409,498 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87,910 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,697 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,620 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,074,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chrisney------------------------------------- 437 l)ale----- - - - - - = <- sº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 763 Gentryville---------------------------------- 258 Grandview---------------------------------- 607 Lincoln City--------------------------------- 250 Rockport------------------------------------ 2, 421 Saint Meinrad------------------------------- 439 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–122 Smithville Electric Co., Inc. Ellettsville, Ind. Principal Officers: Mary McCrea--------- PreS B. A. Draper-------------------------- Vice PreS. Edna Draper------------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. A. Draper-------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: B. A. Draper, Edna Draper, Mary McCrea. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,493 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 242 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- - - - 136, 320 Communities Served at Retail: Population Sanders--------------------------------------- 250 Smithville------------------------------------ 445 13—125 Southeastern Indiana Power Company Rushville, Ind. (Controlled by Southeastern Indiana Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: astman------------------------------ PreS. A. M. Miller------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Will M. Frazee------------------------- Vice PreS. Donald L. Smith---------------------------- Secy. R. L. Morgan------------------- Treas. & Auditor George P. Smith----------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: Ray M. Brock, L. E. Eastman, E. R. Effler, Will M. Frazee, A. M. Miller, R. L. Mor- gan, Donald L. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,823,990 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $415,907 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6, 899 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17, 161,005 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cton----------------------------------------- 510 Adams---------------------------------------- 275 Arlington------------------------------------- 421 Battle Ground-------------------------------- 506 Bellmore-------------------------------------- 320 Bloomingdale--------------------------------- 432 Clarksburg----------------------------------- 400 Fairland-------------- '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 650 Glenwood------------------------------------- 338 Gwynneville---------------------------------- 250 Hartsville------------------------------------- 3.18 Manilla--------------------------------------- 300 Marshall-------------------------------------- 321 Milroy---------------------------------------- 650 Morristown----------------------------------- 665 New Bethel (Wanamaker)-------------------- 500 New Palestine-------------------------------- 448 Saint Paul------------------------------------ 695 Waldron-------------------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Hoosier Public Utility Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rush County Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration. 13–127 Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company 20–24 N. W. Fourth St., Evansville, Ind. (Controlled by Commonwealth & Southern Cor- poration through 82.3% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. H. Barthold.----------------------------- PreS. F. B. Culley--------------------- Exec, Vice PreS. J. A. Brown---------------------------- Vice PreS. G. H. Bourne------------------------ Comptroller C. E. Oswald-------------------------------- Secy. C. B. Froelich------------------------------ Treas. E. E. Nelson.----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. C. Wilkins---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. Wigand---------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: W. H. Barthold, G. H. Bourne, J. A. Brown, S. W. Cook, F. B. Culley, C. B. Froelich, H. C. Kleymeyer, E. E. Nelson, Edmund F. Ortmeyer, C. E. Oswald, Justin R. Whiting. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $20,754, 541 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,087, 782 Number of Electric Customers---------- 40,297 Pī ilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 62, 800 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated---------------------- 168,752, 650 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arthur------------------------------------ 300 Boonville--------------------------------- 4, 526 Chandler--------------------------------- 628 Evansville-------------------------------- 97, 062 Fort Branch------------------------------ , 552 Haubstadt-------------------------------- 762 Holland----------------------------------- 380 Mount Vernon---------------------------- 5, 638 Newburg--------------------------------- 1,374 Stendal----------------------------------- 250 Tennyson.--------------------------------- 293 Winslow---------------------------------- 1, 382 170 Power COMMISSION FEDERAL Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Patoka Municipal Electric Dept. Also Renders: Bus, gas, steam and hot water heat- ing, and water service. 13–129 Southern Indiana Light & Power Corporation Vevay, Ind. Principal Officers: - James J. Sharp - -º sº º ºs º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. Everett Hastings----------------------- Vice Pres. Arthur Dunn --Secy. John Farrell-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: Carl S. Culbertson, Arthur Dunn, John Farrell, Everett Hastings, James J. Sharp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $168,433 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,574 Number of Electric Customers------------ 826 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------------- 540, 100 Generated.-------------------------------- 255,000 Purchased.-------------------------------- 285, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Patriot----------------------------------- 257 13–131 Star Milling and Electric Company Howe, Ind. 13–135 Terre Haute Electric Company, Inc.” 110 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. * Not an Operating company; plant and property leased to others. - (Controlled by Midland United Co. through 71.6% of voting power.) Principal Officers: John O. Ryrholm---------------------------- PreS. George O. Stewart---------------------- Vice PreS. William Stewart - - -Secy.-Treas. P. Allen------------------------------- Asst. Secy. A. E. Irwin - - - - -- Asst. Treas. Directors: Stuart J. Barrett, Laurence K. Callahan, E. A. Claffey, M. L. Price, John O. Ryrholm, George O. Stewart, William Stewart. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $6,791, 740 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 15,000 13–147 Versailles Light System Versailles, Ind. Principal Officer: William Smith - - ----Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $11,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16,921 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 252 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 371,320 Community Served at Retail: Population Versailles-...----- 582 13–205 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. See Also: Principal report under Ohio (34–210) and operations reported under Illinois (12–203) and Pennsylvania (37–235). 13–211 J. W. Davis Company Terre Haute, Ind. 13–215 Evansville & Ohio Valley Railway Company, Inc. 214 Locust Street, Evansville, Ind. Principal Officers: William A. Carson--------------------------- |PreS. Robert D. Markel---------------------- Vice Pres V. H. Bosse--------------------------------- Secy William R. Hickrod.------------------------ Treas Directors: D. E. Cadrick, William A. Carson, §º R. Hickrod, William A. Koch, Robert D. Markel. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $20,000 Number of Electric Cust S. - - 475 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hatfield------------------------------------- 353 Richland------------------------------------- 380 13–253 Louisville Cement Company 315 Guthrie St., Louisville, Ky. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: E. D. Hi Hill----------------------------------- PreS. H. D. Baylor--------------------------- Vice PreS. Roland Whitney---------------------------- Secy. W. P. Leake-------------------------------- Supt. Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,923 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 276, 915 13–254 Louisville Cement Corporation Speed, Ind. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: R. K. HartSock----------------------- Gen. Supt. D. E. Willingham -------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $202,506 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $6, 182 Number of Electric Customers------------ 162 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)-------------- 6, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 166,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Speed---------------------------------------- 800 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 171 13–281 H. C. Rinkel & Son R 3, Howe, Ind. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Geo. Rinkel--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,900 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 170 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 4.17,800 13–315 The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company Stambaugh Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio Number of Electric Customers: Indiana only--------------------------------- I See also: Principal report under Ohio (34–431) and Operations reported under Illinois (12–300). 13–511 *Advance Municipal Light & Power Utility Advance, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Richard D. Caldwell Board of Trustees: Emmett Bowman, Arlie Han- cock, Oakel Walker, George Weldon (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $16,953 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,856 Number of Electric Customers------------- 191 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 186, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Advance------------------------------------- 365 13–513 *Albion Water and Light Department Albion, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. M. Malony------------------------------ Supt. Town Council: C. V. Barker, C. C. Breeden, W. M. Carmichael (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --------------------- $144, 278 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,174 Number of Electric Customers------------ 649 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)-------------- 800 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 1,043,000 Population cºis Served at Retail: Albion------------------------------------- 1, 234 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–515 *Anderson Municipal Light and Power 130 E. 8th St., Anderson, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. B. Stelle---------------------------------- Supt. Merle F. Gustin--------------------------4Auditor Earl J. McCarel------------------------ Controller Board of Works: Harry R. Baldwin (mayor), EHerman Biest, Chas. Bonser, Ed. Rauch. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,814,593 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,253, 756 Number of Electric Customers---------- 14, 794 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 29,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 69,054, 790 Generated----------------------------- 68,673, 790 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 381,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Anderson---------------------------------- 41, 572 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Indiana General Service Co. (interchange). 13–517 *Argos Municipal Electric Light Plant Argos, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Theo. Stichler------------------------------ Supt. Board of Trustees: Fred Helsel (pres.), Elda Sissel, Orval Tracy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $110,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 432 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 652,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Argos-------------------------------------- 1, 190 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–519 *Auburn Electric Light and Water Department City Hall, Auburn, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. H. Romeiser----------------------------- Supt. City, Council: Harve Elson, J. B. Garms, Leland Miner, Forrest Potter (clerk-treas.), Lodie Potter (mayor), Hugh Sanders (city atty.), Noah Yoder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $236,711 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $155,094 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,385 172 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 10, 184,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Auburn---------------------------------- 5,415 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–521 *Avilla Electric Light Plant Avilla, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Addison Hallard H. G. Michael------------------------------ Supt. Board of Trustees: Kenneth Helmer (pres.), Loyal W. Imler, Wm. Ross. Community Served at Retail: Population *W*------------------------------------ 534 13–523 *Bainbridge Municipal Electric Department Bainbridge, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glen Michael.------------------------------ Supt. Earl Evans---------------- Town Clerk & Treas. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $7,830 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 173 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 170,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Bainbridge------------------------------- 414 13–525 *Bargersville Heat, Light & Power Company Bargersville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. W. Murray----------------------- Clerk-Treas. Town Board: L. I. Mardis, Geo. A. Moore, Craig Thornburg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17, 136 Number of Electric Customers------------- 408 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 420, 660 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bargersville---------------------------------- 297 Whiteland----------------------------------- 403 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–527 *Blountsville Municipal Light Company Blountsville, Ind. 13–529 *Bluffton Municipal Light and Water Works E. Market St., Bluffton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: B. H. Freeland City Council: Franklin Buckner, Art Costello, W. A. Markley, George Prough, Donald Reed, Ralph Tyndall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $413,928 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $132,828 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,489 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 4, 500 Rilowatt-hout 3 Energy Generated.--------------------. -- 4, 946, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bluffton------------------------------------ 5, 417 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–5.30 *City of Boonville Boonville, Ind. 13–531 *Bremen Electric Light and Power Co. 123 S. Center St., Bremen, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: - A. M. Keyser---------------------- Electric Supt. Board of Trustees: E. C. Foltz, Clayton E. Huff, John Leman, Brison Martin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $45,098 Number of Electric Customers----------- 714 Ailowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 335, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Bremen------------------------------------- 2, 179 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–533 *Brooklyn Utility Service Board Brooklyn, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Earl O. Gilbert------------------------------ Mgr. H. C. Zenor-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,516 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 101,010 Community Served at Retail: Population Brooklyn----------------------------------- 485 13–535 *Brookston Municipal Light Company Brookston, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Little-------------------------------- Supt. J. T. Brown----...----- - - - - * * Town Clerk & Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 173 Board of Trustees: C. R. Allen, R. W. Merchant, Harry Oilar, W. C. Shiveley, Leo Yount. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $83,531 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16, 100 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 440 Generating Capaci ty: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 377. Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------...------- 472,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Brookston------------------------------------ 826 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–537 *Centerville Municipal Electric Lighting & Power Plant Centerville, Ind. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - Comm. Chas. Doherty------------------------------ Supt. Ula Hatfield------------------------- Clerk-Treas. Board of Trustees: John Adair (pres.), E. A. Anderson, Clarence Brown, Richard Rau. The following data are for the year 1940: Orville Brown, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $28,255 Electric Operating Revenues $21,045 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 420 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 599, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Centerville---------------------------------- 1, 162 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–539 *Town of Chalmers Chalmers, Ind. h---------------------------- Manager Governing Body: Russell Harner, Kenneth Nelson, D. C. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,778 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 206 Community Served at Retail: Population Chalmers------------------------------------- 475 13–541 *Clayton Muncipal Lighting - Company Clayton, Ind. Utility Board: James Hudson, Morton E. Lock- hart, Ernest Rynerson (clk.-treas.), John M. Stout (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,663 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 232 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 216,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Clayton--------------------------------------- 558 13–543 *City of Coatesville, Municipal Light Department Coatesville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. Crews--------------------------------- Supt. C. D. Knight - ----Manager Trustees: Woodson A. Darnall, Max E. Dillon, Harmon H. Hathaway. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,565 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,893 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 204 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 205,920 Community Served at Retail: Population Coatesville 377 13–545 *Columbia City Electric Light Department Columbia City, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. T. Schultz-------------------------------- Supt Electric Light Committee: Earl Fisher, Geo. J. Leininger, Nile Schrader. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $652,490 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $133, 749 Number of Electric Costumers------------ 1,752 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 500 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 115,630 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbia City----------------------------- 4, 219 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern Indiana Power Co. Flü BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Whitley County Rural Electric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Water Service. 13–548 *City of Columbus 5th & Franklin Sts., Columbus, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. Ray GreSS------------------------ Clerk-Treas. Also Renders: Water Service. 13–550 *Covington #. and Water Works Covington, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: De Von Degg------------------------------- Supt. Mildred Dennis --------------------- Clerk-Treas. Mayor and Council: Nolen Bantz, Lyle D. Hegg, J. P. Martin (mayor), Olen Osborne, Orren Parst, Thos. Vye. 174 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers--------------- 794 Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 931, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Covington---------------------------------- 2,096 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–552 *Crawfordsville Electric Light & Power Plant Municipal Bldg., Crawfordsville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glen D. Hayworth-------------------------- Supt. Darrel W. Pickett tº sº ºn -- Cashier Board of Works and Safety: Thomas L. Cooksey----------------------- Mayor Raymond O. Evans-------------------- City Atty. L. B. Clore - City Engineer City Council: Earl Barcus, Walter Cunningham, Forrest Jackman, Everett L. Paxton, Walter Remley, Richard Whittington, Clinton Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $1,338, 407 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $348,069 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 872 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 11, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 17, 523,838 Community Served at Retail: Population Crawfordsville----------------------------- 11,089 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mace-Linnsburg Electric Light & Power Co. PUIBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Darlington Electric Light & Power Plant. *Waynetown Electric Light & Power Co. 13–554 *Crothersville Water & Electric Department Crothersville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harley Smith-------------------------------- Supt. Town Board: Henry Shepherd, Horace White (pres.), M. S. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,674 Number of Electric Cust * 385 Community Served at Retail: Population Crothersville 1, 169 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–556 *The Crown Point Waterworks Crown Point, Ind. City Board of Works & Safety: W. Vincent Youkey----------------------- Mayor E. Miles Norton Attorney Robert Pace------------------------- Councilman Vernon Everett ------------------- Clerk & Treas. W. Jeff Cox---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers------------ 3 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 419 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,369, 630 Utility Served at Wholesale: & PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 13–558 *Darlington Electric Light & Power Plant Darlington, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. Wilbur Cooper-------------------- Clerk-Treas. Trustees: Frederick Butler, Nathan J. Lane, Wal- ter M. Chesterson. Population 683 Community Served at Retail: Darlington------------------------------------ 13–560 *City of Decatur Electric Utility City Bldg., Decatur, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Martin J. Mylott City Council: Andrew Appelman, Kenneth Arnold, Forrest Elzey (mayor), Charles Langston, Russel Owens, Morris Pingry. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,282,294 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $280, 655 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,763 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 19, 308, 456 Community Served at Retail: Population Decatur------------------------------------- 5,861 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICT,Y OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Monroe Light Dept. 13–563 *Dublin Municipal Electric Light Plant Dublin, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Evelyn Hunnicutt--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clerk-Treas. Oren Keller- - - - - ---------------------- Electrician Town Board of Trustees: Geo. A drain, Quincy Bryant, A. G. Cunningham, L. E. Donieker (pres.), Hall Vanderbeck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $7,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,511 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 260 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 246,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Dublin--------------------------------------- 751 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–INDIANA 175 13–565 *Electric Light Department Town of Dunreith Dunreith "Ind. 13–567 *Edinburg Water and Light Plant 107 S. Holland St., Edinburg, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clarence L. ROSS---------------------------- Supt. Denzel Clark--------------------------------Mgr. Milton Phillips----------------------- Chief Engr. Town Board: Howard T. Hill, James F. Miller, A. W. Pruitt, Ira Smitha (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------., --- $214,806 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $42, 405 Number of Electric Customers----------- 869 Pºilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 527 Energy Available in Year: Pºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 396, 200 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 324, 900 Purchased.------------------------------ 71, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Edinburg------------------------------- 2, 466 Also Renders: Water service. 13–569 *Town of Etna Green Electric Light Department Etna Green, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: B. F. Miner-------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Norman G. Brindley, Earl F. Johnston, Chester R. Jontz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------. $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,625 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--...---------------------- 204. 960 Population 423 Community Served at Retail: Etna Green.------------------------------ Also Renders: Water service. 13–572 *Ferdinand Municipal Light Plant Ferdinand, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Erwin J. Schafer---------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Andrew Boeglin, Joseph Bolte, C. R. Schuler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,652 Number of Electric Customers------------- 333 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 479, 700 Community Served at Retail: Ferdinand------------------------------------ Also renders: Water service. Population 990 13–575 *Fort Wayne Municipal Electric Light & Power Works 308 E. Berry St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otto H. Adams------------------------ Gen. Supt. James P. Haefling------------------------ Auditor Board of Public Works: Robert G. Beams (chair- man), John H. Johnson, David Lewis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $6, 132, 139 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,484, 241 Number of Electric Customers --- - - - - - - - - 25, 166 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts al-------------------------------- 29, 750 Steam--------------------------------- 29, 500 Hydro--------------------------------- 250 Kilowatt-hours 71, 381, 300 Generated.----------------------------- 70,785, 300 Interchanged (gross-in) ---------------- 596,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Wayne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- 118, 410 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Allen-Wells County Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation. 13–577 *Frankfort City Light and Power Plant 16 N. Main St., Frankfort, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. Lucas- Robert Starr - - - - Alonzo FCrug-- Jos. Stafford---- C. W. Martin. --- - Mayor City Atty. City Engr. -Plant Engr. Distr. Engr. R. F. Congleton_ _ Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,397,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $381,327 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 6, 728 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 7, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 18, 880, 990 Communities Served at Retail: Population Frankfort - - 13,706 Thorntown---- 1, 226. 13–579 *Frankton Water & Light Plant Frankton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert Ludlow---------------------- Clerk-Treas. Town Trustees: Joseph R. Alexander, Julius Nebb, Oliver A. Taylor. 176 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17, 228 Number of Electric Customers------------- 352 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 685, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Frankton------------------------------------- 824 A’so Renders: Water Service. 13–581 *Garrett Municipal Utilities Garrett, Ind. L. I. Klinker-------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: F. L. Feick (mayor), Geo. Schult- hess, W. W. Sharpless (city atty.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $372, 777 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $104,849 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,632 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,925 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 553,415 Communities Served at Retail: Population Altona. ------------------------------------- 340 Garrett------------------------------------- 4, 285 Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. 13–583 *Gas City Light Department E. Main St., Gas City, Indl. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert Ray------------------------------- Mayor T. S. McKee-------------------------------- Supt. Bob Westling------------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $65,157 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,780 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,297 JKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,488, 640 Community Served at Retail: Population Gas City------------------------------------ 3,488 13–585 *Goshen Light and Water Works 124 Lincoln Ave., Goshen, Ind. Board of Public Works: W. W. Mehl, G. D. Pease (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $800, 307 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $218,043 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 292 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2, 860 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 990, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Goshen----------------------------------- 11, 375 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–588 *Greendale Water and Electric Department Greendale, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Howard J. Walser--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $74,927 Number of Electric Customers----------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,049, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Greendale---------------------------------- 1, 548 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVA'1" ELY OW NED UTILITY: Public Service Company of Indiana. PUBLIC LY OWN E D UTILITY: *Lawrenceburg Municipal Light Plant. 13–590 *Greenfield Municipal Light Department Greenfield, Ind. Mayor and Councilmen: James O. Boring, Percy M. Ellis (mayor), Frank Guther, James Moran, Chas. W. Standish, Burlin Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $304,334 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $88, 297 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,989 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2, 525 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 231, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenfield - - - - --- 4, 821 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–592 *Hagerstown Light Department City Bldg., Hagerstown, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. M. Rinehart-----------------------------Supt. James Moore------------------ Town Clerk-Treas. Town Trustees: James Carpenter, Joe R. Craw, Arthur Dines, Horace Hoover, Gerald Mead. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $47, 483 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $40,272 Number of Electric Customers----------- 744 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 172,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Hagerstown-------------------------------- 1,638 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 177 13–595 *Huntingburg Light and Water Plant Huntingburg, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Leo F. Grewe-------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and City Council: Edward Alpen (mayor), Wm. Arensman, Foster Blemker, Wm. E. Els- Worth, Walter Peters, August Poetker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $416,817 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $87,033 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 377 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2, 210 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,415,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Huntingburg--------- 3,816 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Ferdinand Municipal Light Plant. Also Renders: Water Service. 13–597 *Electric Department City of Huntington Huntington, Ind. 13–599 *Jamestown Municipal Light & Power Service Jamestown, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Carl Bridges--------- Supt. Town Board: S. E. Chambers, M. B. Hollingsworth (clerk-treas.), E. C. Walker (pres.), Oscar Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $9,463 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 266, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population 583 Jamestown ---- Also Renders: Water Service. 13–601 *Jasper Municipal Electric Department Jasper, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ivan T. Jacks------------------------------- Supt. City Council: Fred Blessinger, Herman Keifer, Geo. J. Krelein, Roman Kunkel (mayor), Edward Rottet, Othmar Spillmeier. 322184—42——17 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $490, 469 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $133, 340 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 551 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------- - - - - - - - - - - 6,871, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Jasper-------------------------------------- 5,041 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–604 *Kendallville Light and Water Department Kendallville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: S. R. Ludlow------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: U. C. Brouse (mayor), C. E. Howe, A. F. Park, F. C. Templin, H. O. Williams, C. D. Zimmerman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $458,767 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $148, 531 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 122 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 529, 350 Community Served at Retail: Population Kendallville.------------------------------- 5, 431 Also Renders: Water Service. - 13–607 *Knightstown Water and Light Plant 19 N. Franklin St., Knightstown, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Donald S. Hewitt--------------------------- Supt. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $55, 566 Electric Operating Revenues.------ ------- $49,499 Number of Electric Customers----------- 986 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 384, 800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Knightstown------------------------------- 2, 323 Raysville----------------------------------- 351 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–610 *Ladoga Municipal Light Plant Ladoga, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elmer Otterman ---------------------------- Supt. Ira D. Foster------------------------ Clerk-Treas. Town trustees: Floyd Dickerson, Oscar Stewart (preS.). 178 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,861 Number of Electric Customers------------- 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 471, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Ladoga - 936 Also Renders: Water service. 13–613 *Lawrenceburg Municipal Light & Water Plant Lawrenceburg, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. G. Decker------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $177,909 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $97,079 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,426 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,782. 800 Population Community Served at Retail: Lawrenceburg------------------------------ 4, 413 Also renders: Water Service. 13–615 *Lewisville Light Plant Lewisville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roland Layton Supt. Town Board: George Bills, Roland Layton, John Peyton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,813 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,905 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 182 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 220, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Lewisville-------------------------------- 531 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–618 *Linton Electric Light and Power Plant Linton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. E. W. Bull----------------------------- Mayor Floyd McCullaugh.------ Member of City Council W. F. Stover-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $159,923 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $97, 939 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 585 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,739, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Linton * * * * ---- 6, 263 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 13–620 *Lizton Municipal Lighting Department Lizton, Ind. 13–622 *Logansport Electric Light and Power Plant Sixth and Broadway, Logansport, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Russell F. Leonard------------------------ Mayor E. M. Hoyt. -------------------- Clerk and Treas. Chester Zartman---------------------- City Engr. A. J. Baltzell - - - ------.Supt. Leland Smith--- Atty. Board of Works: Russell F. Leonard-------------------------- Pres. Leland Smith-------------------------- Vice Pres. Chester Zartman---------------------------- Secy. The following data are for th year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,059, 267 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $599, 620 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 8, 189 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) - - - - - - - - - - - 17, 000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 23,017, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Logansport------ __ 20, 177 13–625 *Martinsville Water & Light Plant Martinsville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ed. COllier . . Mayor Lewis Pauley —Supt. Councilmen: Floyd Harper, Claude Shipley, Aven Stierwalt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25, 206 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ - - - 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-- ----------------------- 183, 200 Also Renders: Steam service. 13–627 *Middletown Electric Light Plant Middletown, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. P. Fleming------------------------------- Supt. Charles M. Miller.------------------- Clerk-Treas. Trustees: Wade T. Farrell, Emmet Gold (pres.), Christie Poor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $52, 510 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $23,308 Number of Electric Cust ſº 571 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 179 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 703, 519 Community Served at Retail: Population Middletown.------------------------------- 1, 520 Also Renders: Water service. 13–630 *Mishawaka City Water and Electric Plant City Hall, Mishawaka, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl J. Castleman. ------------------------- Mayor Cyriel A. Himschoot--------------- -- Comptroller Andrew E. DeCausSemaker---------------- Treas. Joseph M. Canfield------------------------- Clerk Austin R. Klein----------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: Carl J. Castleman, Frank J. Miller, E. Spencer Walton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electrical Operating Revenues----------- $566,392 $388,455 Number of Electric Customers----------- 8, 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 12, 100,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mishawaka-------------------------------- 28, 298 13–633 *Town of Monroe Light Department Monroe. Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John F. Crist------------------------- Electrician Paul M. Bahner--------------------- Clerk-Treas. Trustees: Menno Amstutz, Edward Rich, Wilmer Roudebush (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,800 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,786 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 170 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 289, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Monroe--------------------------------------- 405 13–635 *Montezuma Municipal Utilities - Montezuma, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. Reel Town Board: Joe Boote (pres.), John Brown, Eschol Myers, Ray Plank, Charles Schulte. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $33,845 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,833 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 579 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 599, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hillsdale------------------------------------ 400 Montezuma--------------------------------- 1,366 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 13–637 *Nappanee Utilities Co. 205 E. Lincoln St., Nappanee, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Satnuel A. Frevert-----------------...- - - - - - - Pres. F. C. Ruch----------------------------- Vice PreS. Burton A. Uline--------------------- Secy. & Mgr. Lloyd M. Johnson-------------------------- Treas. Directors: Samuel A. Frevert, L. M. Johnson, F. C. Ruch. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $346,319 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $96,855 Number of Electric Meters--------------- 1, 587 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,300 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-----------...------------ 3, 127, 742 Community Served at Retail: Population Nappanee----------------------------------- 3,028 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–639 *Town of New Carlisie New Carlisle. Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert L. Smith--------------------- Clerk-Treas Town Board: W. P. Bailey, F. L. Fisher (pres.), George Myers, Roe Tappan, Harven Van Dusen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $14,304 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 269 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 363, 185 Community Served at Retail: Population New Carlisle--------------------------------- 747 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–643 *New Harmony Electric Light Co. New Harmony, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Leland Anderson, C. M. Kemmerling, Edmond Richards. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,440 Number of Electric Customers------------- 488 Generating Capacity: Kilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion-------------------- 512 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 796, 259 Community Served at Retail: Population New Harmony------------------------------ 1,390 180 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 13–645 *New Ross Electric Service Department New Ross, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. E. Wheeler---------------- Acting Clerk-Treas. Trustees: Roy Buser, Maurice Huffman (preS.), A. E. Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $6,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,446 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 151 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 155, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population 355 ** * * * * * * * * = * * = - sº sº as am ºr * =s ºs m. as ºr sº - “ - - - * * * * * * *- 13–647 *Oxford Light & Water Co. Oxford, Ind. Community Served at Retail: Oxford Population 863 • * = a- - * = ~ *- - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13–649 *Paoli Electric Department Paoli, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. W. Lashbrook.------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. H. A. Holiday------------------------- Asst. Supt. William A. Rhodes---------------- Clerk & Treas. Board of Trustees: Clarence Atkinson, John Pad- gett, Earl O. Whitmire. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $46,399 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $39,495 Number of Electric Customers------------ 726 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 237,200 Community Served at Retail: Population aoli---------------------------------------- 2,218 Also Renders: Water service. 13–651 *Paragon Municipal Lighting Department Paragon, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. E. Shuler--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Town Clerk & Treas. Town Board: Gus Downey (pres.), Geo. Goss, J. C. Hupp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,946 $7,892 230 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 151,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Paragon---------------------------------- 454 Number of Electric Customers 13–653 *Patoka Municipal Electric Department Patoka, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Virginia Hughes--------------------- Clerk-Treas. Chris White-------------------- Town Electrician Board of Trustees: Henry Gieskie, Otis Meeks, Paul D. White (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $9,458 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $8,811 Number of Electric Customers Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------------- 380, 800 Energy Generated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 169, 400 Energy Purchased -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 196, 400 Energy Interchanged-in (Gross) - - - - - - - - - - 15,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Patoka----------------------------------- 569 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–656 *Pendleton Electric Light Plant Pendleton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest Wills------------------------------- Supt. Frank Silver---------------------- Board Member J. H. Walker---------------------------- Treasurer Board of Trustees: Geo. Calvert, Fred Neptune, C. W. Roberts, Frank L. Silver, P. S. Watters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $56,475 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $37,891 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 696 (ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 168, 512 Community Served at Retail: Population Pendleton---------------------------------- 1,681 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 13–658 *City of Peru, Electric Light and Power Department 19–21 E. Third Street, Peru, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Long----------------------------- Mayor Hugh Lawrence----------------------- City Atty. Rollan H. Sutherly-------------------- City Engr. F. L. Kerns--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,440, 515 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $392, 152 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 6,368 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------ 10,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 18,037, 200 DIRECTORY 181 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA Communities Served at Retail: Population New Waverly----------------------------- 250 9||1-------------------------------------- 12,432 Ridgeview.-------------------------------- 43 Also Renders: Water Service. - 13–660 *Pierceton Light & Water Plant Pierceton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Russell Phillips----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: E. W. Pressler, Chas. G. Shidler (pres.), Lovell G. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- $18,900 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $18,886 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 440 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 470,710 Community Served at Retail: Population Pierceton-------------------------------------- 895 Also Renders: Water service. 13–662 *Pittsboro Lighting Department Pittsboro, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. M. Schenck-------------- Clerk-Treas. & Supt. Board of Trustees: Grover Agan, O. T. Scamahorn (preS.), Irvin J. Sparks. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,757 Number of Electric Customers - – ----------- 193 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 189, 660 Community Served at Retail: Population Pittsboro--------------------------------- - - - - 510 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 13–664 *Portland Municipal Light & Power Plant N. Meridian St., Portland, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. M. Emerson ---------------------------- Supt. City Council: Harry Banker, Luther Hammitt, H. J. Klopfenstein, Clarence Marchant, Ray M. Shank, Glen Stanton, Clem Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . $945, 083 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $217,999 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 2, 554 Rīlowatts Generating Capacity (steam) - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 11, 869,900 Community Served at Retail: Portland * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * y Population j, 362 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Jay County Rural Electric Corporation. Membership 13–666 *Rensselaer Water and Lights Rensselaer, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis C. Ramp----------------------------- Supt. Howard Duggleby ------------------ Utility Clerk Light Committee: Joe Critser, Marion Irwin (chair- man), Harry Swartzell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $611, 286 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $99,340 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 246 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2,975 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,973, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Rensselaer---------------------------------- 3, 214 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: - *Jasper County Rural Electric Membership Corp. Also Renders: Water service. 13–669 *Richmond Municipal Electric Lighting and Power Plant 32 S. 8th St., Richmond, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John R. Britten--------------------------- Mayor Winfield Urban------------------- City Controller S. W. Hodgin---------------------- City Engineer Henry U. Johnson, II-------------- City Attorney W. R. Stevens------------------------- Gen. Mgr. City Council: James F. Hibberd, Harry R. Homan, Ray B. Kinder, John E. Parker, Jr., T. L. Tracy, Elmer Weisbrod, Frank Wilkins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,900, 583 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $942, 679 Number of Electric Customers---------- 11, 227 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 30,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 53, 961,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Richmond----------------------------- 35, 147 13–670 *Rising Sun Municipal Utilities Rising Sun, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. V. Menefee------------------------------- Mgr. City Council: John Barricklow, A. B. Cooper, E. W. Ijanbury, Lucian Harris, A. W. Siekman, D. W. Whitlock. 182 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $93,741 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $37,333 Number of Electric Customers------------ 646 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 678,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Rising Sun--------------------------------- 1, 545 Also Renders: Water service. 13–672 *Rockville Electric Light Plant Rockville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Don L. McMillin--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- Number of Electric Customers------------ $97, 341 $52,503 992 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- Energy Available in Year: Total------------------------------- 1,427,396 Generated.------------------------------ 1,386,796 Purchased.------------------------------ 40, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Rockville----------------------------------- 2, 208 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–675 * *Rushville Water, Light and Power Plant P. O. Box 112, Rushville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. A. Long f------------------------------- Mayor C. B. Jordan------------------------- Clerk-Treas. S. W. McKibbent-------------------- Councilman J. N. Hughesf------------------------- City Atty. James A. Caldwell i Supt. i Member of the Board of Public Works. Councilmen: Manley Abercrombie, Dudley Camp- bell, Jesse H. Higgins, S. W. McKibben, Chas. Reynolds. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $711, 219 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $143,682 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 183 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 4, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 7,326,950 Community Served at Retail: Population Rushville ---------------------------------- 5,960 13–678 *Scottsburg Municipal Light Plant Scottsburg, Ind. Community Served at Retail: Population Scottsburg---------------------------------- 2, 189 13–681 *South Whitley Electric Light Co. South Whitley, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harley M. Weybright-------- Town Clerk-Treas. Henry Hauptmeyer------------------- Chief Engr. Aden Benner-------------------------- Electrician Town Board of Trustees: Homer Myers, Harrison M. Snyder, Jesse E. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $124, 180 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $26, 327 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 502 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 767 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 1, 129,700 Community Served at Retail: Population South Whitley------------------------------ 1, 118 13–684 *Spiceland Corporation Spiceland, Ind. Town Board: Fred Copeland, J. K. Fausset, Walter FIiatt (clerk-treas.), A. I. Leamon, Jackson Lykins (preS.), Macy Scovell. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,598 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 298 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 291,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Spiceland------------------------------------- 645 13–687 *Straughn Municipal Light Plant Straughn, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Hazel Gilbert------------------------ Clerk-Treas. Community Served at Retail: Population Straughn------------------------------------- 275 13–690 *Tipton Electric Light Company Tipton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Rice------------------------------ Chief Eng. Electric Board: A. D. Bryan (chairman), George Campbell, Don Coffin, W. A. Compton (mayor), E. O. Smith, J. C. Tolle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $473,251 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $150, 457 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 2,740 DIRECTORY 183 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 455 Rilowatt-hours - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - 5,082, 770 Generated.----------------------------- 4, 303, 250 Purchased.----------------------------- 779, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Tipton-------------------------------------- 5, 101 13–693 *Weedersburg Municipal Electric Plant Veedersburg, Ind. Governing Body: Leon H. Ewbank, J. B. Owens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $23,644 Electric Operating Revenues. -------------- $24, 316 Number of Electric Customers------------- 610 Community Served at Retail: Population Veedersburg-------------------------------- 1, 781 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–696 *Vevay Light and Water Plant Vevay, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roy L. Branham -------------------- Clerk-Treas. Board of Trustees: R. N. Francher, Fred S. Griffith, Wildolph Truitt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $90,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $30,853 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 425 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 849, 508 Community Served at Retail: Population *W*Y-------------------------------------- 1, 209 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–699 *Walkerton Electric Department Walkerton, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Q: Foster Rearick----------------...---------- Supt. Wayne L. Cover--------------------- Clerk-Treas. Board of Trustees: Lester E. Bierly, Harold C. Chaney, Roy E. Hostetter, Frank A. Lewis, V. B. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - ------------ $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28, 261 Number of Electric Customers. ------------ 517 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 891, 362 Community Served at Retail: Population Walkerton---------------------------------- 1, 178 Also Renders: Water service. | 13–702 *Warren Municipal Water and Light Warren, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Earl S. Lantis-------------------------------Supt. Tyree Clevenger--------------- Distribution Supt. Town Board of Trustees: Joseph P. Good, Charles McDonald, John Shipley, Lucian W. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $149, 297 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $28, 302 Number of Electric Customers------------ 552 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 410 Hºlowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 987, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Warren------------------------------------- 1,388 Also Renders: Water Service. 13–705 *Washington City Light & Power Washington, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Samuel H. Smith-------------------------- Mayor Ralph M. Smead - - - - - - - - - - - - Chairman Bd. WKs. Ray S. Donaldson--------------------- City Atty. S. F. McCammack------------------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $646,685 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $202,865 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,661 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam). ------------ 6,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,363, 500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *DavieSS-Martin Rural Electric Mem- bership Corp. Communities Served at Retail: Population Montgomery----------------- ---------- 9 § Washington.---------------------------- 13–708 *Waynetown Electric Light & Power Company Waynetown, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Mrs. Mary Bib - Clerk-Treas. Robert D. Bible---------------------------- Supt. Town Board of Trustees: F. J. Birdall, Wm. L. Combs, Chas. H. Ellis, D. C. Moore, Lee Schlosser. The following data are for the year 1940: vº - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Number of Electric Customers------------- 370 Kilowatt-hour& Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 431,010 Community Served at Retail: * Waynetown---------------------------------- 184 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 13–711 *Williamsport Light and Water Department Williamsport, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: l] • Q. Newell------------------------------- Supt. David Smith---------------- Pres. Utility Board The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $18,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 529,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Williamsport--------- * * * ~ * = a- a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 222 13–714 *Winamac Municipal Light & Water Works 211 N. Market St., Winamac, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: Edward Crabill.--------------------------- Supt. Town Board of Trustees: Josiah Ale, Wm. Hall, Frank Kopkey, John Saidler, Joseph Wagerman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $36, 548 Number of Electric Customers------------- 825 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 210, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Winamac----------------------------------- 1, 835 Also Renders: Water Service . 13—805 *Allen-Wells County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Ossian, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. C. Caley -------------------------------- Pres Buren W. Brown--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $233,251 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $26, 142 Number of Electric Customers----------- 724 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 451, 800 13—815 *Bartholomew County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Columbus, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F UDTe--------------------------------- Pres The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $254, 116 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $26,793 Number of Electric Customers----------- 743 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 570, 288 13–820 *Boone County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Lebanon, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Olin Simmons------------------------------- Pres. H. E. Antle--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $642, 700 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $92, 380 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 341 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,890,912 13–825 *Carroll County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Delphi. Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Coy C. Shanks - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. Clarence A. Darragh.------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $472, 565 Electric Operating Revenues------ - - - - - - - $59,468 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - 1,467 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 191, 965 13–827 *Clark County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Sellersburg, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: |Harvey J. Howard & Paul E. Smith------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $184,597 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $14,430 Number of Electric Customers----------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 111,052 13–829 *Daviess-Martin County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 304 E. Wan Trees St., Washington, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Austin O. Arthur--------------------------- PreS. Fred O. Marks----------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 185 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $310, 188 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $21,708 Number of Electric Customers------ - - - - - 941 Rºlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 110, 237 13–831 *Decatur County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 233 N. Main St., Greensburg, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ben W. Lawson----------------------------- Pres. Omer J. Lux-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $312, 784 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $28,651 Number of Electric Customers----------- 903 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 425, 327 13–833 *Fayette-Union County Rural Electric Membership Corpora- tion Liberty, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Morris L. Swafford Alden Lewis--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $165,366 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,648 Number of Electric Customers------------- 367 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 273, 292 13–837 *Fulton County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Rochester, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. L. Mitchell------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------_____ $352,462 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $35,071 Number of Electric Customers------------- 890 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 711, 627 13–84) *Hancock County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 120 W. Main St., Greenfield, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Claude Grist.-------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $315,851 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $42,892 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,098 Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 861,979 13–842 *Harrison County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Corydon, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur S. Miller----------------------------- Pres. Thomas E. Cooper-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $335, 212 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $36,284 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,070 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 442,080 13–845 *Hendricks County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 155 W. Main St., Danville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chester Cooper------------------------------ PreS. w C. O. Stamper------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $554,440 Electric Operating Revenues.--...------------ $72,019 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,822 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 1, 262, 574 13–847 *Henry County Rural Electric Membership Corporation New Castle, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Xharles Rothrock Guy Clore------------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $589,422 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $80,339 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 974 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 537,800 13–850 *Huntington County Rural Elec- tric Membership Corporation Huntington, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: 9. L. Sparks--------------------------------- Pres. Frank E. Warner--------------------------- Supt. 186 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $492, 646 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $74,788 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 807 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 510, 300 13—851 *Jackson County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Brownstown, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. H. Vehslage------------------------------ PreS. E. E. Combs----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $640, 481 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $60,884 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2,014 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,041,900 13–853 *Jasper County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Rensselaer, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Francis E. Schroer--------------------------- Pres. Walter Emmert.---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $192, 151 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,461 Number of Electric Customers------------- 583 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 380, 400 13–854 *Jay County Rural Electric Mem- bership Corporation Portland, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Bunker------------------------------ PreS. B. R. Brown-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $494, 635 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $33,638 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,628 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 847, 310 13–855 *Johnson County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Franklin, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clarence A. Weisman.----------------------- PreS. Edgar Dorrell------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $328,951 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39,144 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,037 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 790, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Samaria------------------------------------ 350 13–858 *Kankakee Valley Rural Electric Membership Corporation Wanatah, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Pul The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $477, 735 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,448 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 544 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 83, 520 13–861 *Knox County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 310 Busseron St., Vincennes, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest B. Miller---------------------------- Pres. Robert C. McClure------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $492, 368 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,978 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 217, 291 13—864 *Kosciusko County Rural Elec- tric Membership Corporation Warsaw, Ind. Principal Flectric Utility Officials: J. A. Mellott-------------------------------- PreS. Wm. A. Orr-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $415, 665 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $43, 479 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 267 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 830, 000 13–868 *Lagrange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 206 S. Detroit St. Lagrange, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lester Wei s Arthur L. Cain-----------------------------Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 187 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $260,634 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,295 Number of Electric Customers------------ 731 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 512, 280 13–870 *Laughery Township Farmers Electric Light and Power Company R. F. D. No. 1, Batesville, Ind. 13–872 *Marshall County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 112 S. Center St., Plymouth, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Rea H. Ward------------------------------- PreS. Clayton E. Robinson.---------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $318, 116 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43, 107 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,048 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 871, 200 13–874 *Miami-Cass County Rural Elec- tric Membership Corporation Peru, Ind Principal Electric Utility Officials: Earl R. Agness------------------------------ PreS. Robert A. Hetzler-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $264,381 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26, 293 Number of Electric Customers------------ 879 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 223, 834 13–876 *Morgan County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Martinsville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Orville R. Wells---------------------------- Pres. Robert E. Judah ---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $114,321 Electric Operating Revenues. -- - - - - - - - - - - - $2,663 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 344 13–878 *Newton County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Kentland, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd Weishaar---------------------------- PreS. Lawson O. Brunton------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $188, 170 Electric Operating Revenues * * * - - - - - - - - - - - $9,655 Number of Electric Customers------------ 500 13–879 *Noble County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Albion, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Howard C. Herald -------------------------- Pres. F. B. Crothers------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $445, 126 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - ---------- $56,600 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1, 558 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 1,042,380 13—880 *Orange County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Orleans, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank H. Allen----------------------------- PreS. Frank Denton ------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $131,258 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,670 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 402 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 191,023 Community Served at Retail: Population Huron---------------------------------------- 250 13–882 *Park County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Rockville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clyde H. Seybold.--------------------------- Pres Reuben Dooley----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $469,743 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $46, 326 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 739, 376 188 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 13—887 *Rush County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Rushville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glen H. Kirkham--------------------------- PreS. Jean E. Littell------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $445, 513 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $47, 546 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 232 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 981, 600 13–895 *Shelby County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Shelbyville, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert J. Peek------------------------------ PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $501, 961 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $54,367 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1, 364 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 103, 541 13–897 *Southeastern Indiana Rural Elec- tric Membership Corporation Osgood, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Official: DeWitt C. Wilber--------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $351,790 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $19,871 Number of Electric Customers------------ 683 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 142,800 13–899 *Steuben County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Angola, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. A. Baker--------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $318, 734 $35, #43 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,006 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-- ----------------------- 580, 140 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- 13–901 *Sullivan County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Sullivan, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clevva O. Drake------------------------- Pres Benjamin R. Little----------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $342, 134 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,920 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 237,282 13–903 *Tipmont Rurai Electric Member- ship Corporation Linden, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jesse P. Graves---------------------------- Wm. H. Schreiner-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $574, 122 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $41,994 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,918 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 99, 406 13–905 *Utilities District of Western Indiana Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation 37 S. Franklin St., Bloomfield, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clina Hasler-------------------------------- ProS Wm. R. Shertzer---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $353,843 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $36, 520 Number of Electric Customers 1,033 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 620, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Owensburg----------------------------------- 350 13–910 *Wabash County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 410 S. Miami St., Wabash, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Peter J. Milam----------------------------- Pres Gordon G. Downey------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $373, 759 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $53,755 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,406 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,073,281 DIRECTORY 189 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-INDIANA 13–913 *Warren County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Williamsport, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herman E. Day---------------------------- Pres Carl M. Brown----------------------------- Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $400, 560 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $43, 346 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 143 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 572, 268 13–916 *Wayne County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Richmond, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Park Ammerman-------------------------- PreS Lester Snyder------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $427, 324 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $51,853 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 226 P&ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,041,600 13–918 *White County Rural Electric Membership Corporation Monticello, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph H. Mahin -------------------------- Pres. E. R. Ulerich------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $398,067 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,521 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 247 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 64, 944 13–920 *Whitley County Rural Electric Membership Corporation 120 North Main St., Columbia City, Ind. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Homer Schuman----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. Homer Ummel----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - ---- $477,936 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $70, 382 Number of Electric Customers 1,695 Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 313, 500 IOWA Index Reference Number *Ackley Municipal Light and Power -- - - - - - - 14–511 *Adams County Cooperative Electric Com- *Akron Light and Water Works------------- Albia Light and Railway Company--------- *Algona Light and Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative, 1 *Alta Vista Lighting System - - - - ------------ 14–521 *Amana Society Service Company - - - - ------ American Utilities Corporation-------------- *Ames, Municipal Light and Power Plant, City of.----------------------------------- 1 *Anita Municipal Utilities------------------ *Anthon Municipal System ----------------- *Aplington Municipal Light System - - - - ---- *Atlantic Municipal Light & Water Plant -- *Auburn, Town of.-------------------------- *Bancroft Municipal Electric Plant -- - - - - - - - *Bellevue Municipal Light Department----- *Benton County Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- *Bloomfield Light and Water Department -- *Bondurant Electric Company, The - - - ----- 14–539 *Boone Valley Electric Cooperative- - - ------ *Breda Electrical System-------------------- 14–543 *Brooklyn Municipal Electric Plant--------- *Buchanan County Rural Electric Coopera- tive--------------------------------------- 4–816 *Buena Vista County Rural Electric Coop- erative------------------------------------ 14–817 *Buffalo Lighting Plant--------------------- 14–545 Burlington Railway & Light Co------------- 14-018 *Burt, Town of.----------------------------- 14–547 *Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative - 14–819 *Calhoun County Electric Cooperative As- Sociation, The----------------------------- *Callender, Town of ------------------------ *Carlisle Electric Plant---------------------- *Carpenter, Town of - - - -------------------- *Cascade Municipal Electric Plant---------- *Cedar Falls, City of ------------------------ *Central Electric Federated Cooperative Association-------------------------------- Central Iowa Power Co--------------------- 14–023 Central States Electric Company 14–025 Central States Power & Light Corporation-- 14–028 *Cherokee County Rural Electric Coopera- tive--------------------------------------- 14–828 *Coggon Municipal Light Plant------------- 14–557 *Coon Rapids Municipal Electric & Water 14–824 Plant-------------------------------------- 14–558 *Co-op. Electric Company of Osage--------- 14–832 *Corning Municipal Utilities---------------- 14–560 *Corwith, Town of -------------------- ------ 14–562 *Danville Electric Light Company---------- *Dayton, Town of.------------------- – - - - - - - *D. E. K. Rural Electric Cooperative_------ 14–836 *Denison Municipal Light and Power ------- 14–568 Denmark Light and Telephone Corporation- 14–035 *Denver, Lighting System, Town of 14–570 Des Moines & Central Iowa R. R. Des Moines Electric Light Company-------- 14–041 *Dike, Incorporated Town of --------------- 14–573 *Dunkerton Municipal Electric System----- 14–576 *Dysart Electric System --------------------- 14–577 *Earlville Municipal Plant ------------------ Eastern Iowa Electric Company------------- 14-566- Reference Number *Eastern Iowa Light & Power Cooperative -- 14–841 Eastern Iowa Power Company-------------- 14–056 *Eldon, City of.----------------------------- 14–581 *Eldridge, Town of-------------------------- 14–583 Electric Light & Power Co------------------ 14–059 *Elkhart, Town of--------------------------- 14–586 *Ellsworth Municipal Light Plant, Town of 14–588 *Estherville, City of.------------------------ 4–590 *Evergreen Cooperative Light and Power Association-------------------------------- 14–845 *Fairbank Municipal Light Plant----------- 14–592 *Farmers Electric Company----------------- 14–851 *Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- 14–852 *Farnhamville, Town of.-------------------- 14–594 *Federated Cooperative Power Association-- 14–854 *Fonda, Town of---------------------------- 14–596 *Fontanelle Electric Light System.---------- 14–598 *Forest City Municipal Utilities - - - - -------- 14–599 Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern R. R. Co-- 14–225 Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Company----- 14–071 *Fort Dodge Water & Light Department, City of—----------------------------------- 14–600 FOSS Electric Co----------------------------- 14–076 *Franklin Rural Flectric Cooperative------ 14–857 *Fredericksburg Light & Power Co --- - - - - - - 14–603 *Glidden Municipal Flectric Light & Power Plant.------------------------------------- 14-605 *Glidden Rural Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - 14–861 *Gowrie Light and Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - , 14–607 *Gowrie Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- tion-------------------------------------- 14–864 *Grafton Trans. & Distrib. Line - - - - - - - - - - - 14–609 *Grand Junction Municipal Light Plant_____ 14-611 *Granger Municipal Electric Distributing Company--------------------------------- 14-613 *Greene County Rural Electric Cooperative.- 14–871 *Greenſield Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–615 *Green Mountain Electric Service Company - 14-867 *Grimes, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–617 *Grundy Center Municipal Light & Power Department-------------------------. ----- 14—618 *Grundy County Rural Flectric Cooperative. 14–873 *Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative Association... ----------------------------- 14–875 *Guttenberg, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–619 *Hancock County Rural Electric Coopera- tive----------...------...- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . 14–878 *Hardin County Rural Electric Cooperative 14–881 *Harlan, City of . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–621 *Harrison County Rural Electric Coopera- tive--------------------------------------- 14–883 *Hartley Municipal Plant------------------- 14–625 *Hawarden, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j4–627 *Hinton Electric Light & Power Service - - - - 14–629 *Hopkinton Municipal ſight Plant - - - - - - - - - 14–630 *Howard County Electric Cooperative - - - - - - 14–884 *Hudson Electric Light System - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–631 *Humboldt County Rural Electric Coopera- tive-------------------------------------- 14–885 *Ida County Rural Electric Cooperative-...-- 14–890° *Imogene Municinal Light Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - 14–633 *Independence, City of -----, ... ---------.... 14-635 *Indianola, Department of Municipal Utili- ties, City of . . . . . . . . . --- - --------------- 14-637 Interstate Power Company. - - - - - - - - - - - ------ 14–0.82 Iowa City Light & Power Company--------- 14–085 Iowa Electric Company. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–087 Iowa Electric Light and Power Company-- . 14-089 Iowa-Nehraska Light and Power Company. 14-091 Iowa Power and Light Company------------ 14–093 192 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number Iowa Public Service Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–097 Iowa Southern Utilities Company of Dela- Waſe----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa Union Electric Company. - - - - - - - - - - . . 14–103 14–106 Iowa Utilities Company. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–107 Ransas City Power & Light Company. ----- 14–108 *Kelley, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–639 *Kimballton Municipal Light Plant--------- 14-641 *Lake Mills Municipal Light Plant. - - - - - - - 14-644 *I,ake View Electric Department, Town of 14–643 *Lamoni Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–646 *La Porte City Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–647 *Larchwood Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - 14–648 *Lawler Lighting System -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–650 *I,ehigh, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 4-652 *Lenox Municipal Light Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–654 Lime Springs Milling Co---------...--------.. 14–244 *Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association ----. -----------------------. 14–897 *Little Sioux, Town of ---...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4–656 *Livermore, Town of . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4–65S *Long Grove Municipal Light Company - - - - 14–660 Lynnville Mill & Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–246 *Lyon Rural Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - - - 14—90} *Manilla Municipal Service Department. ... - 14–663 *Manning Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - 14–664 *Mapleton Municipal Electric Plant-- - - - - - - 14–665 *Maquoketa-Elec. Department, City of - - - 14-667 *Maguoketa Valley Rural Electric Cooper- àtive-------------------------------------- 14—907 *Marathon, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–669 Marion Electric Company----, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–114 *Marshall County Rural Electric Cooper- ative-------------------------------------- | *Milford Municipal Light Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - *Milo, Town of Mississippi River Power Company -- - - - - - - - - 14–118 Missouri Service Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–120 Moline-Rock Island Manufacturing Com- Parly- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–123 *Monona County Rural Electric Coopera- tive----------------------------------- - - - - *Mount Pleasant Electric Light & Water Works------------------------------------ *Muscatine Municipal Electric Plant----. - - Nebraska Power Company. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Neola Light & Water System --------------- *New Hampton Light Plant and Water 14—910 14–675 14–677 14–124 14–679 1 4-681 14–683 14—915 14-126 14–132 14–129 ative------------------------------------ - - - Northern States Power Company (N. J.)---- Northwestern Illinois Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northwestern Light and Power Company. º 'Brien County Rural Electric Coopera- "Vē--------------------------------------- *Ogden, Town of---------------------------- *Onawa Light & Power Plant--------------- 1 4–687 *Orange City Municipal Light Plant------ 14—689 *Orient, Town of.--------------------------- 14–691 *Osceola Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- Otranto Transmission Line - - *Ottumwa Water Works Hydro-Electric Plant-------------------------------------- *Panora, Town of- -------------------------- *Paton, Town of---------------------------- *Paullina Light and Water Works----------- 14–700 *Pella Cooperative Electric Association----- 14-923 *Pella Municipal Electric Plant ------------- 14–702 Peoples Gas & Electric Company----------- 14–144 Peoples Light Company--------------------- *Pilot Mound, Town of -------------------- 14–704 *Plymouth Electric Cooperative Association- 14—924 Reference Number *Pocahontas County Rural Electric Co- Operative---------------------------------- 1 *Pocahontas, Town of ---------------------- 14–706 *Preston, TOWn Of--------------------------- 14–708 *Primghar Municipal Light Plant------ . . . . 14–709 *Randolph Municipal Light & Power Com Pally-------------------------------------- 14–710 *Redfield Municipal System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–714 *Remsen Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–718 *Renwick Municipal Light & Power Plant -- 14–720 *Rockford Municipal Electric System ... ---- 14–721 “Rock Rapids Municipal Public Utilities---- 14–722 *Roland Light Department. - - -------------- 14–724 Rural Development Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–150 *Sabula Municipal Electric System - - - - - - - - - 14–726 Sac County Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–153 *Sac County Rural Electric Cooperative- - - - 14–937 *Sergeant Bluff Municipal Light & Power Company. -------------------------------- 14–728 *Seymour Light and Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ ---- 14–731 *Shelby Municipal Electric System - - - - - - - - - 14–733 *Sibley, City of ----------------------------- 14–735 Sioux City Gas and Electric Company - - - - - - 14–156 *Sioux Electric Cooperative Association - - - - - 14—948 *South Crawford Rural Electric Co-op--- - - - 14–950 *S. E. Iowa Cooperatiye Electric Association- 14–953 *Southeast Junction Light and Power Com- I)8 DV - - - - - - - - -* -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - 14–951 *Spencer Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14–737 *Stanhope Municipal Electric System------- 14–738 *State Center Electric Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - 14–739 Stinn Implement Company. ---------------- 14–277 *Story City Light Department -------------- 14–741 *Stratford Light & Power Department - - - - - - 14–743 *Strawberry Point Light & Water Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 14–745 *Stuart Light and Power System------------ 14–747 *Sumner Municipal Light Plant------------- 14–749 *Tennant, Town of -- - - - - - - - ---------------- 14–751 *T. I. P. Rural Electric Cooperative --------- 14—965 *Tipton, City of.---------------------------- 14–753 *Traer Municipal Light and Water Plant---- 14–755 Tri-States Power Corporation--------------- 14 United Power Manufacturing Company----- Van Buren Light & Power Co--------------- 14–169 *Villisca Municipal Power Plant------------ 14–758 *Vinton, City of.---------------------------- 14–759 *Wall Lake, Incorporated Town of ---------- 14–761 *Walnut Municipal Light Plant------------- 14–763 Wapello Light and Power Co.--------------- 14–175 Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Ry. Co--- 14–305 *Waverly, City of.---------------------- ---- 14–765 *Webster City Light and Power Plant------ 14–767 *West Bend Municipal Light Plant--------- 14–769 *Westfield Light and Power Plant----------- 14–775 *West Liberty Electric Light Plant - - - - ----- 14–771 *West Point Municipal Light Plant--------- 14–773 Wever Electric Company - - - --------------- 14–177 Whiting Settlement Transmission Line Com- Pally -------------------------------------- 14–180 *Whiting, Town of- ------------------------- 14–777 *Whittemore Municipal Light & Power Plant-------------------------------------- *Wilton, Town of -------------------------- *Winnebago Rural Electric Cooperative Association-------------------------------- 14—970 *Winterset, City of ------------------------- 14–783 *Winthrop Municipal Light System --------- 14–785 *Woodbury County Rural Electric Coopera- tive Association--------------------------- 14–975 *Woolstock, Town of ----------------------- 14–787 *Wright County Rural Electric Cooperative- 14—980 * Denotes a publicly owned utility. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 3 19 IOWA 14–011 Albia Light and Railway Company Albia, Iowa Principal Officers: J. C. Mabry..... -------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pres. Bert C. Dunkin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres, & Treas. Grace Morrison -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Secy. Directors: Joseph O. Doyle, Bert C. Dunkin, J. C. Mabry. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $845, 050 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $106, 755 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 789 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 2,809, 154 Generated.----------------------------. 1, 304, 760 Purchased.------------------------------ 1, 504, 394 Communities Served at Retail: Population bia. ------------------------------------- 5, 157 Hitoman--------------------------------- 652 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central States Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas and steam heat service. 14–014 American Utilities Corporation 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa Communities Served at Retail: Population Oakville-------------------------------------- 391 Rose Hill------------------------------------- 269 14–018 Burlington Railway & Light Co. 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa Principal Officers: M. A. Walsh.-------------------------------Pres. K. L. Fitzpatrick ---------------------- Vice PreS. F. H. Warren------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: K. L. Fitzpatrick, M. A. Walsh, F. H. Warren. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------------ $785 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 Community Served at Retail: Population Birmingham--------------------------------- 498 14–023 Central Iowa Power Co. 114 Eleventh St., Des Moines, Iowa Principal Officers: H. A. Benjamin ------------------------- - - Pres. C. R. Bennett-------------------------- Vice PreS. E. B. Bieghler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. 322184—42 Directors: H. A. Benjamin, C. R. Bennett, E. B. Bieghler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. ---------------------- $28,706 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- - - - - $10,532 Number of Electric Customers.-------- - - - - - 140 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 246, 781 Utility Served at Wholesale: IPU BLIC I, Y OW NE I) UTILITY: *Town of Granger. 14–025 Central States Electric Company Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Principal Officers: Sutherland Dows. Vice Pres., Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Sabra Clark Paul - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Vice Pres. Frank A. Fratcher - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Gen”). Mgr. C. S. Woodward--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Robert Armstrong, Don M. Barnes, Sutherland Dows, J. M. Drabelle, Frank A. Fratcher, Harry T. Hedges, Ernest R. Moore, Sabra Clark Paul, James A. Reed, Lumir Severa, Isaac B. Smith, C. S. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $7, 217, 557 Electric Operating Revenues: Total otal-------------------------------- $949, 155 In Iowa------------------------------- $908, 209 Number of Electric Customers: Total-------------------------------- 15, 825 In Iowa------------------------------- 15, 284 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 7, 510 Steam--------------------------------- 4, 860 Hydro--------------------------------- 760 Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 890 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 25, 842,331 Generated.----------------------------- 20,029,712 Purchased.----------------------------- 5,812,619 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Belmond------------------------------------ 2, 109 Britt---------------------------------------- 1,813 Eldora-------------------------------------- 3, 553 Garner-------------------------------------- 1, 549 Iowa Falls --------------------------------- 4, 425 Jewell-------------------------------- 1,051 Laurens------------------------------------- 1,304 olfe--------------------------------------- 1, 122 250 to 1,000 population Alden--------------------------------------- 682 Alexander----------------------------------- 324 Armstrong---------------------------------- 937 Blairsburg---------------------------------- 276 uSSèy-------------------------------------- 632 Conrad------------------------------------- 591 Crystal Lake------------------------------- 301 . Dows--------------------------------------- 945 Duncombe---------------------------------- 341 Fenton------------- - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 385 Hamilton----------------------------------- 291 Harvey------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 418 Havelock----------------------------------- 326 Hubbard----------------------------------- 779 194 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: e Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 250 to 1,000 population Population Total----------------------------- 22, 539, 624 #..… #| generated.--------------------------- 4, 942, 634 Riemme III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 538 | Purchased---------------------------- 17, 596, 990 Fº * - - - - * * * * * * * = m = ** me s = s. m. as as me as m = as as sm sº me • * *s ess § Communities Served at Retail: Kºi...I.I.I.I.I.I.I. : 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Meservey----------------------------------- 282 Elkader------------------------------------- 1, 556 0---------------------------------------- 30ſ) Fayette------------------------------------- 1, 162 Plover-------------------------------------- 280 Greene-------------------------------------- 1, 303 Radcliffe------------------------------------ 631 9sage--------------------------------------- 3, 196 Randall------------------------------------- 250 Tripoli------------------------------------- 1, 001 Ringsted------------------------------------ 508 West Union--------------------------------- 2,059 Rowan-------------------------------------- 316 & Steamboat Rock---------------------------- 385 º 250 to 1,000 population Thornton----------------------------------- 398 Arlington----------------------------------- 675 Tracy--------------------------------------- 375 Aurora-------------------------------------- 276 Union-------------------------------------- 585 Calmar------------------------------------- 903 Wellsburg---------------------------------- 616 Clermont----------------------------------- 626 Wesley------------------------------------- 468 Colesburg----------------------------------- 306 Williams------------------------------------ 489 | Edgewood---------------------------------- 716 Woden-------------------------------------- 305 Plgin--------------------------------------- 638 Plma--------------------------------------- 790 Utilities Served at Wholesale: Farmersburg-------------------------------- 296 PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Fort Atkinson------------------------------ 261 East Marion Electric Co. Garnavillo---------------------------------- 461 PU BLIC LY OWNED UTILITIES: Greeley------------------------------------- 403 *Town of Burt. Hawkeye----------------------------------- 544 *Town of Corwith. Ionia--------------------------------------- 283 *Town of Ellsworth. - Lamont------------------------------------- 589 *Stanhope Municipal Electric System. Lime Springs------------------------------- 567 *Town of Walthill. Nº. *::::::::::::::::::::::: * * * * * * * = 660 Taynard----------------------------------- 432 Also Renders: Gas, heat (hot water and steam), and #. * = s. s = * * * * * * * = a- a as * * * * = a- - - - - as a ~ * ~ *-* = <= * = 300 telephone service in Iowa; and gas service in Colo- Protivin------------------------------------ 290 rado, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Riceville------------------------------------ 910 see. Alsº operations reported under Nebraska ji:… ; (26–036). Volga City---------------------------------- 429 W.; * - * * *- * * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * *m. ---- 377 auð0ſºla----------------------------------- 430 14–028 Uniº sº *Wºn: & P {{IVATEI, Y ED UTILITY: Central States Power & Light InterState Power Co. & PUBLICLY () WNED UTILITIES: Cor p Or ation *Alta Vista Lighting System. 700 Oklahoma Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. *Fredericksburg Light & Power Co. *Town of Guttenberg. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation). *T. Lawler Lighting System. Principal Officers: Also Renders: Natural gas and water Service. W.F. Hebeler---------------------------- F-Près. | See Also: Operations reported under Kentucky L. W. Laughlin ------------ ------------ Vice Pres, (16–011) and Minnesota (22–030). E. C. Brown----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. Smith---------------------------------- Treas. F. H. Hoyt--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. 14–035 Directors: J. W. Campbell, W. F. Hebeler, L. W. {º Laughlin. p Denmark Light and Telephone Controls: Corporation Central Light & Power Co. (public utility). - Central States Power & Light Corporation of Oklahoma (public utility). 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa Central States Production Corporation (natural 1 4–0 41 Mºśpower c (public utility) issouri Electric Power Co. (public utility). * © e Utiliº º ºration (natural gas pro- Des Moines Electric Light uction), which controls— Utilities Oil Production Corporation (oil rights). Comp any The following data are for the year 1940: 312 Sixth Ave., Des Moines, Iowa Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $6,091, 709 (Controlled by North American Co.) lectri ting R : Principal Officers: Pºio perating “evenues; $806, 751 | C.A. Leland.------------------------------- Pros, In Iowa------------------------------- $636, 188 Allen Van Wyck ----------------------- Vice Pres. * - * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * y H. L. Hanley - - - ---------- ------------Vice Pres. Number of Electric Customers: Ira Steele - - - - - -----------Vice Pres. & Asst. Secy. Total--------------------------------- 14, 308 F. G. Sutherland-------------------------. . Secy. In Iowa------------------------------- 12, 151 H. E. Johnson --------------- Seev. & Asst. Treas. ... º. º. ge & H. A. Hansen ---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Generating Capacity: P(ilowatts K. F. Bader --- - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Total----------------------------- 4, 733 I. E. Mowen -------------------------.ASSt. Treas. Steam-------------------------------- 552 | Directors: A. C. Hall, H. L. Hanley, E. S. Hight, Hydro-------------------------------- 3, 209 H. E. Johnson, C. A. Leland, Ira Steele, Allen Internal Combustion----------------- 972 | Van Wyck. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES--IOWA 195 Controls: Iowa Power and Light Co. (electric and gas). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $12,451, 748 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,863,016 Number of Electric Customers---------- 56, 107 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------ 22, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 258,813, 076 Communities Served at Retail: Population Beacon. --------------------------------- 38.2 Cloverhills------------------------------- 326 Colfax------------------------------------ 2,252 Des Moines------------------------------ 159,819 Fort Des Moines------------------------- 2,000 Montezuma------------------------------ 1,477 New Sharon------------------------------ 1, 214 Oskaloosa.-------------------------------- 11,024 Otley------------------------------------ 275 Prairie City------------------------------ 831 University Park-------------------------- 462 Urbandale-------------------------------- 1,083 West Des Moines------------------------ 4, 252 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Fº: Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad O. Iowa Power & Light Co. Iowa Southern Utilities Co. of Delaware. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Carlisle, Also Renders: Gas and steam heat service. 14–053 Eastern Iowa Electric Company 1000 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa (Controlled by Ogden Corp.) Principal Officers: B. F. Pickard------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Dove----------------------------- Vice ProS. Oscar Solberg------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. E. Dove, C. W. Edmonds, J. J. Feeney, Frank A. Fratcher, Ray Ingham, D. J. O'Keeffe, B. F. Pickard, Oscar Solberg, C. S. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $427, 109 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $96, 243 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 549 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 255, 800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pyersville----------------------------------- 2, 138 Pºpworth------------------------------------ 454 Parley-------------------------------------- 739 14–056 Eastern Iowa Power Company Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Principal Officers: A. A. Hurst-------------------------------- Pres, J. B. Trout------- ** * ~ - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - - Vice Pres. C. S. Woodward---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Eugene Mohr---------------- ASSt. Secy. & Treas. W. L. Keck------------------------- Gen. Counsel Frank Fratcher------------------------ Gen. Mgr. Ray Ingham--------------------------- Gen. Supt. Directors: A. A. Hurst, Ray Ingham, W. L. Keck, Eugene Mohr, C. E. Richman, J. B. Trout, C. S. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $578, 841 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $56, 734 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - * - - - - - - - l Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 1, 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 166,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWN E D UTILITY: Iowa Electric Co. 14–059 Electric Light & Power Co. New Albin, Iowa Principal Officers: Gust. Wilper-------------------------------- PreS. Otto Luttehins------------------------- Vice PreS. E. J. Meyer--------------------------------- Secy. A. G. Meyer------------------------------- Treas. Directors: N. Ganterbein, D. H. Higgins, D. J. Kelly. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $7,500 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 124,960 Community Served at Retail: Population New Albin------------------------------------ 602 14–071 Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Company 1020 First Ave. N., Fort Dodge, Iowa (Controlled by United Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) * Principal Officers: R. B. MacDonald--------------------------- Pres. T. C. Roderick----------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. B. Munsell-------------------------- Vice PreS. L. H. Heinke------------------ Vice Pres. & Secy. C. P. Van Dyke-------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. H. R. HayS.------------.Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. I. Brown----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: L. H., Heinke, R. B. MacDonald, B. J. Price, T. C. Roderick, C. P. Van Dyke. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4, 397,938 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- -- $688, 211 Number of Electric Customers----------- 8, 4.38 Generating Capacity: Kilowatfs otal.------------------------------ 10, 148 Steam--------------------------------- 10, 000 Internal Combustion------------------ 148 Energy Available in Year: PKilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------ 24, 449, 090 Generated.----------------------------- 22, 675, 590 Purchased.----------------------------- 1, 773, 500 196 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Badger------------------------------------- 251 Fort Dodge-------------------------------- 22,904 Manson------------------------------------ 1,429 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Iowa Public Service Co. Fº: Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Railroad 0. Also Renders: Gas Service. 14–076 Foss Electric Co. Salem, Iowa Principal Officer: R. W. FOSS-------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- Number of Electric Customers-------------- 350 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 258, 505 Community Served at Retail: Population Salem---------------------------------------- 457 14–0.82 Interstate Power Company 1000 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa (Controlled by Ogden Corporation through 100% of Voting power. Principal Officers: B. F. Pickard------------------------------- PreS. F. D. Danielson.----------------- Exec. Vice ProS. J. J. Feeney---------------------------- Vice Pres, Oscar Solberg------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: F. D. Danielson, C. A. Hummel, M. J.,. Kapp, B. F. Pickard, Oscar Solberg. Controls: East Dubuque Electric Co. Eastern Iowa Electric Co. Interstate Power Co. of North Dakota. (Public utility.) (Public utility.) (Public utility.) s Interstate Power Co. of Wisconsin. (Public util- ity.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $42, 531,089 Electric Operating Revenues: - Total ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a $5,495,476 In Iowa------------------------------ $2,710, 202 a Includes $43,832 from Nebraska properties ac- quired Nov. 27, 1940, and sold Dec. 28, 1940. Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- b 69,270 33,352 b Excludes 7,742 customers in Nebraska served only from Nov. 27 to Dec. 28, 1940. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.----------------------------- 69,871 Steam -------------------------------- 63, 725 Hydro-------------------------------- 5, 321 Internal Combustion:---------------- 825 Energy Available in Year: Otal----------------------------- 211,412, 699 Generated.---------------------------- 179,909, 314 Purchased.---------------------------- 31, 503, 385 Kilowatt-hours | Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Clinton------------------------------------ 26, 270 Dubuque---------------------------------- 43, 892 1,000 to 10,000 population Cresco ------------------------------------ 3, 530 Decorah----------------------------------- 5,303 Lansing----------------------------------- 1, 388 McGregor--------------------------------- 1, 309 Monona----------------------------------- 1, 191 Oelwein ----------------------------------- 7, 801 Postville---------------------------------- 1, 194 Waukon----------------------------------- 2,972 250 to 1,000 population Buffalo Center- - - - - ----------------------- 911 Fertile ----------------------------------- 276 Hanlontown -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 260 Hazelton---------------------------------- 536 Joice-------------------------------------- 263 Lakota. ----------------------------------- 457 Ledyard----------------------------------- 317 Lester ------------------------------------ 286 Marquette-------------------------------- 747 Ossian------------------------------------- 822 Rake-------------------------------------- 329 Saint Ansgar------------------------------ 934 Swea City. ------------------------------- 735 Thompson--------------------------------- 664 Titonka----------------------------------- 574 Waterville--------------------------------- 253 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Albany Lighting Co. Carpenter Corporation. Contral States Power & Light Corporation. East Dubuque Electric Co. Eastern Iowa Electric Co. Electric Light & Power Co. Hendrickson Bros. Interstate Power Co. of Wisconsin. Iowa Electric CO. Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. Iowa Public Service Co. Nebraska Public Service Co. (Nebraska). PIJ BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Cody Electric Dept. (Nobraska). *Crookston Municipal Electric Dept. (Ne braska). *Fairbank Municipal Light Plant. *Kilgore Municipal Electric Dept. (Nebraska). *Loup River Public Power District (Nebraska). *Spencer Municipal Light Plant (Nebraska). *Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Cooperative Electric Co. *Howard County Cooperative. Also Renders: Gas and transportation Service in Iowa; and gas, steam heat, and water service in Minnesota. See Also: Operations reported under Minnesota (22–076), and South IDakota (40–078). 14–085 Iowa City Light & Power Company 211 E. Washington St., Iowa City, Iowa (Controlled by United Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. B. MacDonald--------------------------- PreS. Roscoe F. Taylor----------------------- Vice Pres. H. E. Littig------------------ Secy. & Asst. Treas. Geo. G. Kuhn------------------------------ Treas. Robt. T. Davis------------------------ Asst. Secy. W. I. Brown-------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: H. E. Littig, R. B. MacDonald, R. E. Taylor. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $2,889,221 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $417,478 Number of Electric Customers. --------- 6,441 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Total.----------------------------- 9,800 Steam--------------------------------- 9,000 Hydro 800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.---- 17, 204, 278 Generated----------------------------- 12, 940, 765 Purchased.--- 4, 263, 513 Communities Served at Retail: Population Coralville. -- 433 Iowa City 17, 182 University Heights------------------------ 261 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. PU BLICI, Y OWNED UTILITY: *State University of Iowa. Also Renders: Gas Service. 14–087 Iowa Electric Company Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Principal Officers: Isaac B. Smith------------------------------ PreS. Sutherland C. Dows Vice PreS., Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas, Frank A. Fratcher--------Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. S. Woodward--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Robert C. Armstrong, Robert S. Cook, Sutherland C. Dows, Frank A. Fratcher, Ernest R. Moore, Sabra Clark Paul, James A. Reed, Lumir Severa, Isaac B. Smith, Stevan Smith, C. S. Woodward, The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $7,263, 523 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,386, 971 Number of Electric Customers---------- 23, 612 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 2,733 Hydro--------------------------------- 1,993 Internal Combustion------------------ 740 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours * * 40, 833, 567 Generated.-------- 4, 109,002 Purchased----------------------------- 36, 724, 565 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Anamosa----------------------------------- 4,069 De Witt, ---- 2, 205 Fairfield------------------------------------ 6, 773 Guthrie Center----------------------------- 2,066 Keosauqua--------------------------------- 1,040 Manchester--------------------------------- 3, 762 Maquoketa--------------------------------- 4,076 Marºngo------------------------------------ 2, 26 Monticello---------------------------------- 2, 546 Williamsburg------------------------------- 1, 308 250 to 1,000 population Adair--------------------------------------- 874 Andrew------------------------------------ 263 Batavia------------------------------------- 474 Bennett ----------------------------------- 352 Birmingham------------------------------- 498 Bonaparte---------------------------------- 653 Bridgewater-------------------------------- 302 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Calamus-------- * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 384 Cantril------------------------------------- 376 Casey-------------------------------------- 709 Charlotte----------------------------------- 393 Conesville---------------------------------- 302 Cumberland-------------------------------- 578 Delhi--------------------------------------- 421 Delmar------------------------------------- 434 Dexter . _ 760 Drakesville- - -------- 252 urant--------- S10 Farmington.------------------------------- 968 Grand Mound __ 526 Jamaica------------------------------------ 283 Kalona 765 Reswick - - __ 307 La Motte------- - - - __ 272 Ladora------------------------------------- 300 Libertyville- - 310 -inden------------------------------------- 298 Lockridge---------------------------------- 279 Lone Tree---------------------------------- 651 Lost Nation-------------------------------- 493 Low Moor---------------------------------- 252 Lowden a- - - - - - - m = ** - - - - - - - -º º sº m * * * * * 645 Massena------------------------------------ 479 Menlo-------------------------------------- 441 Miles--------------------------------------- 314 Nichols------------------------------------- 357 North English------------------------------ 865 lin---------------------------------------- 707 Oxford Junction---------------------------- 705 Parnell------------------------------------- 263 Pulaski------------------------------------- 400 Riverside----------------------------------- 633 South English------------------------------ 288 Stockport---------- - - - - __ 338 Victor-------------------------------------- 763 Walcott------------------------------------ 440 Wheatland--------------------------------- 535 Worthington------------------------------- 326 Wyoming----------------------------------- 656 Yale---------------------------------------- 287 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Farmers Light & Power Co. FOSS BrotherS. Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. Iowa Southern Utilities Co. Rural Development Corporation. Workman Brothers. Plj BLICI,Y OWNED UTILITIES: *Earlville Municipal Plant. *Town of Eldridge. *Ilong Grove Municipal Light Co. *Town Of Panora. *Town of ProSton. *Redfield Municipal System. *Winthrop Municipal Light System. *Southeastern Iowa Rural Electric Coopera- tive. Also Renders: Gas and ice Service. 14–089 Iowa Electric Light and Power Company Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Principal Officers: Isaac B. Smith -- _ _ _ _ Pres. Sutherland DOWS----------------------- Vice PreS. F. C. Chambers---------- Vice PreS. & Gen. Mgr. C. S. Woodward---------------------------- Secy Carl Myers.-------------------------------- Treas. H. W. White------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Frank C. Byers, F. C. Chambers, R. S. Cook, Sutherland I)ows, Howard R. Green, Charles J. McCall, W. J. Morrison, Carl Myers, Hans Peterson, Eugene M. Pinney, Lumir Severa, Isaac B. Smith. 198 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Controls: Iowa Land and Building Co. (real estate). Tama and Toledo Railroad Co. (railway). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ____ $32, 570, 333 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $4,615, 786 Number of Electric Customers--------- 57, 717 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 58,913 Steam - 52, 100 Hydro-------------------------------- 1,460 Internal Combustion----------------- 5, 353 Energy Available in Year: IXilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 220, 887, 492 Generated * * * -- 219, 728,972 Purchased---------------------------- 1, 158, 520 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Poone------------------------------------- 12, 373 Cedar Rapids- - - - 62, 120 Marshalltown----------------------------- 19, 240 1,000 to 10,000 population Belle Plaine------------------------------- 3, 202 Jefferson----------------------------------- 4,088 Madrid ----------------------------------- 2,074 Marion------------------------------------ 4, 721 Mount Vernon ---------------------------- 1,489 Wevada------------------------------------ 3, 353 Perry-------------------------------------- 5, 977 Reinbeck---------------------------------- 1,429 Scranton---------------------------------- 1,014 Tama------------------------------------- 2, 832 Toledo------------------------------------ 2,073 250 to 1,000 population Albion------------------------------------- 476 Atkins------------------------------------ 330 Pagley------------------------------------ 427 **ter------------------------------------- 623 Payard. ---------------------------------- 703 Blairstown-------------------------------- 525 Prandon---------------------------------- 324 Cambridge-------------------------------- 608 Center Point------------------------------ 861 Central City------------------------------ 810 Chelsea----------------------------------- 540 Churdan---------------------------------- 677 Clarence----------------------------------- 685 Clutter------------------------------------ 354 Collins------------------------------------ 516 90-------------------------------------- 539 Pawson.----------------------------------- 289 Edenville (Rhodes) - - - - ------------------- 379 Plberon----------------------------------- 256 "airfax------------------------------------ 262 Garrison----------------------------------- 459 arwin------------------------------------ 517 Gilman.----------------------------------- 483 Gladbrook--------------------------------- 945 Keystone---------------------------------- 466 Le Grand---------------------------------- 329 Lisbon ----------------------------------- 873 Maxwell ---------------------------------- 812 McCallsburg------------------------------ 278 Mechanicsville. --------------------------- 821 Melbourne-------------------------------- 480 Wontour. --------------------------------- 393 Newhall.-------------------------------. -- 330 North Liberty---------------------------- 282 Norway-------- *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 407 9%ford.----------------------------------- 542 Palo-------------------------------------- 250 Quasqueton------------------------------- 400 Rippey------------------------------------ 421 Ryan. ---------------------------------- 341 Shellsburg--------------------------------- 552 Slater------------------------------------- 544 Soon-------------------------------------- 515 Stanwood--------------------------------- 569 Urbana------------------------------------ 397 Van Horne-------------------------------- 551 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Walker------------------------------------ 462 West Branch------------------------------ 719 Woodward-------------------------------- 895 Zearing ---------------------------------- 476 Utilities Served at Wholesale: .* PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central States Electric Co. Interstate Power Co. Iowa City Light & Power Co. Iowa Electric Co. Northwestern Light & Power Co. Ft. Dodge, Des Moines & Southern R. R. Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Incorporated Town of Dike. * Dysart Electric System. *Town of Paton. *Roland Light Dept. *City of Tipton. *Tracr Municipal Light & Water Plant. *West Liberty Electric Light Plant. * Albion Electric Co. *Amana Society Servico Co. *Benton County Electric Cooperative Assn., *Buchanan County Rural Electrific at iO n Authority. *Green County Rural Electric Cooperative ASSn. *Guthrie County Rural Electric ASSn. *I,incoln Electric Co. *Linn County Rural Electrification Authority. *Maquoketa Valley Rural Electrification Authority. tº gº tº e *Marshall County Rural Elect r if ic at i on Authority. *Poweshiek Rural Electrification Authority. *South East Junction Light & Power Co. *T. I. P. Rural Electric ASSn. Also Renders: Gas, heat, and transportation Service. 14–0.91 Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company 14th & “O'” Sts., Lincoln, Nebr. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Iowa Only----------------------------- Number of Electric Customers: Iowa only----------------------------- Communities Served at Retail: $1,230, 947 18, 233 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Bedford------------------------------------ Missouri Valley---------------------------- Oakland Red Oak----------------------------------- Shenandoah-------------------------------- Sidney------------------------------------- Woodbine---------------------------------- Gravity------------------------------------ 5,763 6, 846 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 199 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Hastings----------------------------------- 403 Pewis-------------------------------------- 557 Macedonia--------------------------------- 329 Minden------------------------------------ 310 *odale------------------------------------- 385 Mondamin--------------------------------- 610 New Market------------------------------- 681 Nodaway----------------------------------- 270 Pacific Junction---------------------------- 558 Persia-------------------------------------- 395 Pisgah-------------------------------------- 397 Portsmouth-------------------------------- 320 Riverton----------------------------------- 543 Shambaugh-------------------------------- 269 Stanton------------------------------------ 57.1 Tabor-------------------------------------- 976 Thurman----------------------------------- 325 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Iowa Electric Co. Maryville Electric Light and Power Co PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Imogene Municipal Light Plant. *Town of Little Sioux. *Randolph Municipal Ilight & Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Nebraska (26–076). 14–093 Iowa Power and Light Company 312 Sixth Ave., Des Moines, Iowa (Controlled by North American Co.) Principal Officers: C. A. Leland-------------------------------- PreS. H. L. Hanley-------------------------- Vice PreS. Ira Steele---------------- Vico Pres. & Asst. Secy. Allen Van Wyck ----------------------- Vice PreS. F. G. Sutherland---. ------------------------ Secy. H. E. Johnson----------------------------- Treas E. Mowen------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. A. Hansen.--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. K. F. Bader------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: E. D. Bellamy, H. I. Hanley, C. A. Leland, R. H.Luther,lra Steele, Allen Van Wyck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- ---------------- $14,793,051 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $723, 552 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9,848 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 85,400 *team-------------------------------- 85,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 400 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours 9tal----------------------------- 24, 465, 127 Generated.---------------------------- 804, 085 Purchased.---------------------------- 23, 661,042 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population **---------------------------------------- 1, 740 Knoxville----------------------------------- 6,936 Melcher------------------------------------ 1, 290 *onroe------------------------------------ 1,015 250 to 1,000 population Altoona------------------------------------ 640 Barnes City-------------------------------- 414 **-------------------------------------- 305 Pallas-------------------------------------- 566 Dallas Center------------------------------ 865 Pe Soto------------------------------------ 274 Partham----------------------------------- 865 Minburn----------------------------------- 335 A4ingo-------------------------------------- 290 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Mitchellville------------------------------- 769 Norwalk----------------------------------- 377 Pershing----------------------------------- 900 Pleasantville------------------------------- 895 Polk City---------------------------------- 343 Runnells----------------------------------- 388 Saint Charles------------------------------- 331 Van Meter--------------------------------- 43(; Waukee------------------------------------ 473 J Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Electric Co. PUBLICI, Y OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Milo. Also Renders: Gas service. 14–097 Iowa Public Service Company 515 Fifth St., Sioux City, Iowa (Controlled by Sioux City Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Oſficers: Neal-------------------- Pros. & Gen. Mſgr. C. I. Crippen. ------------------------- Vice PreS. Mark Pendleton.------------- - - - - - - - - - - Vice PreS. C. R. Beddows--------. Vice Pros. & Comptroller B. J. Price---...--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Counsel Wm. N. Porter- - - - -------------- - - - - Secy.-Treas. J. C. Forsyth-------------------------- Asst. Secy. H. B. Maynard----------------------- Asst. Secy. R. B. Searing ---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. A. Cleary------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. J. Preston------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: C. R. Beddows, C. J. Crippen, W. L. Haehnlen, F. L. Farr, G. A. Neal, Mark Pendle- ton, B. J. Price. Controls: Nebraska Public Service Co. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $26,902, 167 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,308, 464 Number of Electric Customers--------- 67, 605 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total---------------------------- 45, 918 Steam------------------------------- 34, 350 Hydro------------------------------- 2,051 Internal Combustion---------------- 9, 517 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.--------- ------------------- 165, 742,648 Generated.--------------------------- #14, 415, 867 Purchased.--------------------------- 51, 326, 781 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Waterloo----------------------------------- 51, 743 1,000 to 10,000 population Alton--------------------------------------- 1,025 Audubon----------------------------------- 2, 409 Carroll.------------------------------------ 5. 389 Charles City------------------------------- 8, 681 Cherokee. ---------------------------------- 7, 469 Clarion ----------------------------------- 2,971 Clarksville--------------------------------- 1, 240 Correctionville- - - - - ------------------------ 1, 151 Eagle Grove.-------------------------------- 4,024 Emmetsburg------------------------------- 3,374 Pxira--------------------------------------- 1,046 Hampton---------------------------------- 4,006 Holstein ----------------------------------- 1, 296 Hull -------------------------------------- 1,072 Humboldt---------------------------------- 2,819 Ida Grove.---------------------------------- 2, 238 Kingsley----------------------------------- 1, 145 200 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Lake City---------------------------------- 2,216 Le Mars------------------------------------ 5,353 Marcus------------------------------------ 1, 206 Nashua------------------------------------ 1,439 Parkersburg ------------------------------- 1, 260 Rock Valley ------------------------------- 1, 507 Rockwell City----------------------------- 2, 391 Sanborn.----------------------------------- 1, 344 Sheffield------------------------------------ 1, 06 Sheldon - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,768 Sioux Center------------------------------- 1,680 Storm Lake-------------------------------- 5, 274 250 to 1,000 population Allison------------------------------------- 708 Alvord------------------------------------- 306 Arcadia------------------------------------ 410 Arion--------------------------------------- 271 Arthur------------------------------------- 254 Aurelia------------------------------------- 752 AVrshire.----------------------------------- 391 Battle Creek------------------------------- 827 Blencoe- - - - - - - - - - ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 367 Bode--------------------------------------- 533 Boyden.------------------------------------ 487 Bradgate--------------------- -------------- 261 Bristow------------------------------------ 3.18 Calumet------------------------------------ 274 Castana------------------------------------ 336 Castle Hill--------------------------------- 294 Charter Oak-------------------------------- 77 Cushing------------------------------------ 258 Dakota City------------------------------- 537 Danbury----------------------------------- 728 Dedham. ----------------------------------- 392 Defiance------------------------------------ 428 Deloit-------------------------------------- 281 Poon ------------------------------------- 576 Dow City---------------------------------- 642 Dumont------------------------------------ 762 Parling------------------------------------- 320 Parly--------------------------------------- 644 Elk Horn---------------------------------- 486 loyd-------------------------------------- 352 Galva-------------------------------------- 496 Geneva------------------------------------- Q68 Gilbertville -------------------------------- 259 Gilmore City--------------------. --------- 908 Goldfield----------------------------------- 715 Graettinger--------------------------------- 929 Granville.---------------------------------- 361 Hornick ----------------------------------- 29] Hospers------------------------------------ 592 Ireton-------------------------------------- 653 Irwin ------------------------------------ 345 Janesville----------------------------------- 366 Jºsun -------------------------------------- 902 Kiron-------------------------------------- 26ſ) Lanesboro---------------------------------- 289 Latimer------------------------------------ 416 Lawton------------------------------------ 263 Lohrwille----------------------------------- 776 LuVerne------------------------------------ 576 Lytton------------------------------------- 335 Maurice------------------------------------ 272 Merrill------------------------------------- 547 Moorhead---------------------------------- 421 Moville------------------------------------ 973 New Hartford------------------------------ 548 NeWell------------------------------------- 854 Ot? --------------------------------------- 41() Palmer------------------------------------- 305 Panama ----------------------------------- 255 Pierson------------------------------------ 531 Plainfield----------------------------------- 362 Pomeroy----------------------------------- 843 Quimby.----------------------------------- 363 RockWell----------------------------------- 779 Ruthven----------------------------------- 832 Rutland.---------------------------------- - 255 Salix--------------------------------------- 392 Schleswig----------------------------------- 628 Shell Rock--------------------------------- 925 Sloan---------- * - m - ---- 628 Smithland ---- 389 Soldier-------- ---- 308 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Sutherland--------------------------------- 875 Templeton--------------------------------- 390 Thor--------------------------------------- 264 Ute----------------------------------------- 581 Vail --------------------------------------- 576 Washta------------------------------------- 442 WestSide---------------------------------- 373 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central States Electric Co. Central States Power & Light Corporation. Evergreen Light & Power Co. Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Ry. Co. Fort Dodge Gas & Electric Co. Interstate Power Co. Lincoln Light & Power Co. Mieras Bros. Northwestern Light & Power Co. Sac County Electric Co. PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Anthon Municipal System. *Aplington Municipal Light System. *Town of Auburn. *Breda Electrical System. *Town of Denver Lighting System. *Dunkerton Municipal Electric System. *TOwn Of Fonda *Hinton Electric Light & Power Service. *Hudson Electric Light System. *Town of Lake View Electric Department. *TOW m Of Livermore. *Paullina Light & Water Works. *TOwn Of PocahontaS. - *Sergeant Bluff Municipal Light & Power Co. *Incorporated Town of Wall Lake. *Cherokee County Rural Electric ASSn. *Farmers Electric Co. *Ida County Rural Electric Assn. *Plymouth County Rural Electric ASSn. *Sioux County Rural Electric Assn. *Woodbury County Rural Electric ASSm. Also Renders: Gas (manufactured and natural), heat (hot water and steam), ice, and Water Service. 14–103 Iowa Southern Utilities Company of Delaware Centerville, Iowa. Principal Officers: George M. Bechtel------------ Chairman of Board Edward L. ShuttS.---------------- PreS. & Treas. Edward de Rivera---------------------- Vice PreS. H. W. Deininger----------------------- Vice PreS. Harold R. Bechtel-------------------------- Secy. V. D. Welsh --------------- ASSt. Secy. & Auditor D. D. Bentzinger---------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: George M. Bechtel, Harold R. Bechtel, Edward deBivera, Harry H. Polk, Edward L. ShuttS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $13,729,873 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3, 712, 643 Number of Electric Customers---------- 56,045 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 24, 507 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 123,633, 534 Generated---------------------------- 73, 908, 062 Purchased.---------------------------- 49, 725,472 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Burlington.-------------------------------- 25,832 Newton----------------------------------- 10, 462 Ottumwa--------------------------------- 31, 570 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 201 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Centerville-------------------------------- 8, 413 Chariton---------------------------------- 5, 754 Corydon---------------------------------- 1, 872 Creston----------------------------------- 8,033 Grinnell----------------------------------- 5, 210 *9ta------------------------------------- 1,032 *-------------------------------------- 2, 307 Moulton---------------------------------- 1, 181 Mount Ayr------------------------------- 1,930 *ystic------------------------------------ 1, 884 95°ola------------------------------------ 3, 281 Sigourney--------------------------------- 2, 355 Washington.------------------------------- 5, 227 Wellman---------------------------------- 1, 129 West Burlington.-------------------------- 1, 323 What Cheer------------------------------- 1, 339 250 to 1,000 population Agency------------------------------------ 452 Ainsworth--------------------------------- 415 Allerton----------------------------------- 782 Blakesburg-------------------------------- 442 Blockton---------------------------------- 488 Pra'il------------------------------------- 510 Brighton---------------------------------- 79 | Cincinnati-------------------------------- 859 Clearfield--------------------------------- 615 Columbus City--------------------------- 326 Columbus Junction----------------------- 975 Crawfordsville ---------------------------- 316 Davis City-------------------------------- 556 Decatur City------------------------------ 275 Deep River.------------------------------ 443 Pºlta------------------------------------- 602 Perby------------------------------------ 269 Diagonal---------------------------------- 603 East Peru--------------------------------- 267 Eddyville--------------------------------- 984 *line------------------------------------- 481 Fremont---------------------------------- 490 Garden Grove.----------------------------- 558 Grand River------------------------------ 374 Grandview-------------------------------- 315 Hedrick----------------------------------- 731 Humeston--------------------------------- 903 Jerome------------------------------------ 275 Kellerton.--------------------------------- 563 Kellogg------------------------------------ 648 Lacona------------------------------------ 424 *-------------------------------------- 362 Porimor----------------------------------- 6]4 Pucas------------------------------------- 534 Lynnville--------------------------------- 427 Macksburg-------------------------------- 255 Malcom----------------------------------- 447 Mediapolis-------------------------------- 806 °lrose----------------------------------- 451 *ilton------------------------------------ 809 Voravia---------------------------------- 731 Morning Sun------------------------------ 861 \ſurray----------------------------------- 857 New Virginia------------------------------ 410 Wºma------------------------------------- 322 9"-------------------------------------- 294 Packwood--------------------------------- 256 *-------------------------------------- 304 Prescott----------------------------------- 400 Rathbun ---------------------------------- 352 Richland---------------------------------- 614 Russell------------------------------------ 642 Shannon City----------------------------- 288 Sully-------------------------------------- 402 Tingley----------------------------------- 390 "9------------------------------------- 353 Unionville--------------------------------- 253 Van Wert--------------------------------- 383 Wayland---------------------------------- 576 Weldon----------------------------------- 250 Williamson-------------------------------- 616 Winfield----------------------------------- 864 Woodburn-------------------------------- 324 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Albia Light & Railway Co. American Utilities Corporation. Iowa Electric Co. Rural Development Corporation. º Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUR LICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Afton Electric Light System. *Danville Electric Light Co. *City of Eldon *Lenox Municipal Light Plant. *Town of Orient. Also Renders: Bus, gas, interurban freight and Steam heat Service. 14–106 Iowa Union Electric Company 800 Main St., Keokuk, Iowa (Controlled by North American Co.) Principal Officers: William McClellan -------------------------- ProS. Edward T. Gushee- - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXOC. Vice ProS. Louis E. Dickinson - - - - - --------------- Vice PreS. John A. Woodbridge. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice PreS. Frank J. Meistrell. - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------. Secy. John L. Ganz. ----------------------------- Treas. Alwin H. Schettler------------------- Comptroller Eugene R. Kropp --------------------- Asst. Secy. Farl F. Doyle. -- - - - - ----------------- Asst. Treas. George H. Hartwein - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4ASSt. Treas. Directors: Edward T. Gushee, William McClellan, John A. Woodbridge. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,743, 192 Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $671, 871 In Iowa------------------------------- $574, 308 Number of Electric Customers: te Total---------------------------------- 11, 417 In Iowa------------------------------- 9,673 Rilomp (iff-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 30, 168,530 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fort Madison.----------------------------- 14,063 Keokuk ---------------------------------- 15, 0.76 Montrose --------------------------------- 592 Mooar------------------------------------- 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Denmark Light & Telephone Co. Missouri Power & Light Co. (Missouri). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *West Point Municipal Light Plant. Also Renders: Gas Service. See also: Operations reported under Illinois (12-078). 14–107 Iowa Utilities Company 318 Dows Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa (Controlled by Utilities Holding Corporation.) Principal Officers: E. E. Weakley------------------------------ PreS. P. A. Stover - - Vice PreS. C. L. Kegin.------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. L. Kegin, P. A. Stover, E. E. Weakley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- $109, 595 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------------- $15,952 In Iowa----------------------------------- $8,834 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------- 460 In Iowa----------------------------------- 266 202 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 247 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 278,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lineville-------------------------------------- 520 See Also: Operations reported under Missouri (24-064). 14–108 Kansas City Power & Light Company” a Iowa properties operated by the Peoples Gas & Electric Co. (14–144). 1330 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Iowa only)----------------------------- $903, 071 Number of Electric Customers: (Iowa only)----------------------------- 12, 573 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Grafton Transmission & Distribution Line. See Also: Principal report under Missouri (24–070), and operations reported under Kansas (15-096). 14–114 Marion Electric Company 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa 14–118 Mississippi River Power Company Box 513, Keokuk, Iowa Controlled by The North American Company.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Iowa only)--------------------------- Number of Electric Customers: (Iowa only)--------------------------- Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Iowa Electric Co. Iowa Southern Utilities Co. Iowa Union Electric Co. Van Buren Light & Power Co. Wever Electric Co. 14 See Also: Principal report under Missouri (24-091), and operations reported under Illinois (12-092). 14–120 Missouri Service Company 519 Main St., Tarkio, Mo. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co.) Electric Operating Revenues: Iowa Only---------------------------------- $3,362 Number of Electric Customers: Iowa only--------------------------------- 79 See also: Principal report under Missouri (24–112). $1,770, 414 | 14–123 Moline-Rock Island Manu- facturing Company Service Bldg., 1400 5th Ave., Moline, Ill. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co., through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: - R. B. MacDonald ------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. E. Littig--------------------------------- Secy. George G. Kuhn--------------------------- Treas. Directors: George G. Kuhn, H. E. Littig, R. B. MacDonald. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - --_ _ _ _ _ _ $3,664,382 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.-------------------------------- $2,251, 529 In Iowa------------------------------ $1,864,022 Number of Electric Customers: otal-------------------------------- 3 In Iowa------------------------------ 2 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Steam-------------------------------- 35, 320 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 232, 317,873 Generated.---------------------------- 200, 787, 247 Purchased---------------------------- 31, 530,626 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Peoples Light Co. Peoples Power Co. See Also: Operations reported under Illinois (12– 095). 14–124 Nebraska Power Company Electric Blog., Omaha, Nebr. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 89.90% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Iowa only-------------------------------- $985, 800 Number of Electric Customers: Iowa only-------------------------------- 14, 820 Communities Served at Retail: Population Carter Lake------------------------------- 846 Council Bluffs----------------------------- 41, 439 Glenwood---------------------------------- 4, 501 Lake Manawa----------------------------- 600 Silver City--------------------------------- 346 Underwood-------------------------------- 251 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Co. See Also: Principal reportunder Nebraska (26-093). 14-126 Northern States Power Company (N. J.) 15 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Cor- poration.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–IOWA 203 Principal Officers: R. F. Pack---------------------------------- PreS. J. J. Molyneaux--------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. M. A. Morrison----------------------------- Secy. R. L. Clark------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. J. Madden-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. P. A. Lehmkuhl---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: T. D. Crocker, Henry Grenacher, J. J. Molyneaux, R. F. Pack, H. E. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $97,476 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,333 Number of Electric Customers------------- 325 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 351, 564 Community Served at Retail: Population Inwood--------------------------------------- 634 14–129 Northwestern Light and Power Company Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Principal Officers: Isaac B. Smith--------------------------. - - - - Pres. Sutherland Dows----------------------- Vice PreS. F. A. Fratcher-------------------------- Vice Pres. C. S. Woodward---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Sutherland Dows, F. A. Fratcher, James A. Reed, Isaac B. Smith (chairman), Stevan Smith, C. S. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $3,695, 734 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $425, 295 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7,300 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 308 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 11, 782,979 Generated----------------------------- 10, 245, 756 Purchased.----------------------------- 1, 537, 223 Communities Served at Retail: Population Albert City--------------------------------- 759 Arnolds Park------------------------------- 855 Ashton------------------------------------- 620 Pickens------------------------------------- 378 ºverly-------------------------------------- 523 George-------------------------------------- 1, 107 Grundy Center *--------------------------- 2,012 arris-------------------------------------- 309 Lake Park---------------------------------- 828 Linn Grove--------------------------------- 402 Little Rock--------------------------------- 633 *Yin------------------------------------- 328 Ocheyedan---------------------------------- 712 Okoboji-------------------------------------- 271 Peterson.----------------------------------- 603 Rembrandt--------------------------------- 302 9Wºl--------------------------------------- 426 Sioux Rapids------------------------------- 1,056 * -------------------------------------- 452 Webb-------------------------------------- 254 * Plant and facilities in Grundy Center purchased as of June 23, 1941 by Grundy Center Municipal Light & Power Department (14–618). Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Iowa Electric Light and Power Co. Iowa Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Marathon. *Rural Electrification Authority Cooperative of George, Iowa. Also Renders: Gas and steam heat service. 14–132 Northwestern Illinois Utilities 214 Main St., Savanna, Ill. (Controlled by American Utilities Service Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Iowa only)-------------------------------- $9,205 Number of Electric Customers: (Iowa only)-------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Sabula Municipal Electric System. See Also: Principal report under Illinois (12–113). 14–138 Otranto Transmission Line St. Ausgar, Iowa 14–144 Peoples Gas & Electric Company ” 1330 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. a Operator of properties owned by the Kansas City Power & Light Co. (Controlled by United Light and Power Co.) Principal Officers: Chas. E. Strickland ------------------------- Pres. Earl Smith------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Counsel L. A. Davey--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: L. A. Davey, L. H. Heinke, H. B. Munsell, Chas. E. Strickland, C. P. Van Dyke. Communities Served at Retail: Population Clear Lake--------------------------------- 3,764 Kensett------------------------------------ 392 Manly------------------------------------- 1,445 Mason City-------------------------------- 27,080 Nora Springs------------------------------ 1, 198 Northwood-------------------------------- 1, 724 Plymouth--------------------------------- 427 udd-------------------------------------- 410 Ventura----------------------------------- 252 14–147 Peoples Light Company 205 Perry St., Davenport, Iowa (Controlled by The United Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. B. MacDonald--------------------------- PreS. H. E. Littig-------- Vice Pres., Secy. & Gen. Mgr. G. G. Kuhn------------------------------ --Treas. E. G. Bischoff---------- Asst. Secy. & Chief Clerk I. C. Fennern------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Uirectors: G. G. Kuhn, H. E. Littig, R. B. Mao- Donald. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,759,029 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $1,820,331 Number of Electric Customers----------- 21,860 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 86,432,009 204 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Bettendorf--------------------------------- 3, 143 Blue Grass-------------------------------- 287 Camanche--------------------------------- 814 Davenport--------------------------------- 66,039 Le Claire---------------------------------- 881 Princeton---------------------------------- 414 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES : The Bettendorf CO. Iowa Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Buffalo Lighting Plant. Also Renders: Natural gas and steam heating Service. 14–150 Rural Development Corporation Marshalltown, Iowa \ Principal Officers: F. N. Peak---------------------------------- Fres. Ota Lee Russell----- - - - - Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. Sarah C. Ware ----------------------- AASSt. Treas. Directors: Bessie Booth, E. N. Peak, Eugene Peak, Ota Lee Russell, Sarah C. Ware. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $37, 753 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,016 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 205 Išilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 14–153 Sac County Electric Company Sac City, Iowa Principal Officers: H. E. Russell---------------------- Pres. & Treas. F. B. Fry------------------------------- Vice Pres. Secy. Directors: C. H. Dewey, F. B. Fry, EI. E. Russell, A. M. Sanders, Fred Vreeland. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $652, 345 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $126, 669 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 123 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 102 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 433, 170 Generated------------------------------ 2, 694,910 Purchased------------------------------ 738, 260 Communities Served at Retail: Population Odebolt------------------------------------ 1, 350 Sac City------------------------------------ 3, 165 Schaller------------------------------------ 7.58 14–156 Sioux City Gas and Electric Company 515 Fifth St., Sioux City, Iowa Principal Officers: Neal--------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Mark Pendleton.----------------------- Vice PreS. C. I. Crippen--------------------------- Vice PreS. Wm. N. Porter----------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. B. Searing----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. H. Condon---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 163, 600 Directors: C. I. Crippen, G. A. Neal, Mark Pendle- ton, B J. Price, B. F. Wood, Controls: Iowa Public Service Co. (public utility), which controls Nebraska Public Service Co. (public utility). - Sioux City Service Co. (public utility). South Dakota Public Service Co. (public utility). Yankton Gas Co. (public utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $11,085, 540 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $2,383, 853 Number of Electric Customers --------- 22,438 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 44, 650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 144, 508,887 Population 82, 364 Community Served at Retail: Sioux City--------------------------------- Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Iowa Public Service Co. Nebraska Public Service Co. South Dakota Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OW NED UTJ LITY: *City of South Sioux City (Nebr.). Also Renders: Gas (manufactured and natural), and steam heat Service. 14–165 Tri-States Power Corporation 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa Principal Officers: - M. A. Walsh -------------------------------- Pres. L. R. Walsh --------------------------- Vice-Pres. F. H. Warren ------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: L. R. Walsh, M. A. Walsh, F. H. War. TěI] . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12, 522 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 321 Community Served at Retail: Population Douds Leando-------------------------------- 424 14–168 United Power Manufacturing Company” Suite 2200, 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. a Not an operating company. Electric generating facilities leased to Moline-Rock Island Manufactur- ing Co. (12-095). - (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: E. L. Fischer--------------------------- ----Pres. Sanford Carlson------------------------ Vice Pres. Ed Lerch---------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: E. L. Fischer, Ed Lerch. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $5,944, 528 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 65, 700 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 205 14–169 Van Buren Light & Power Co. 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa Communities Served at Retail: Population Donnellson----------------------------------- 5] 5 Hillsboro------------------------------------- 280 Stockport------------------------------------- 338 See also: Principal report under Missouri (24-157). 14–175 Wapello Light and Power Co. Wapello, Iowa Principal Officers: H. A. Wagg--------------------------------- Pres. P. Utech-------------------------------- Vice Pres Wm. L. Hassett---------------------- Secy.-Treas Directors: Wm. L. Hassett, P. Utech, H. A. Wagg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $136, 820 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $30,386 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 668 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 444 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 938, Community Served at Retail: Population Wapello------------------------------------ 1,603 14–177 Wever Electric Company Wever, Iowa 14–180 Whiting Settlement Transmission Line Company Whiting, Iowa 14–210 Des Moines & Central Iowa R. R. 114 Eleventh St., Des Moines, Iowa Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. A. Benjamin----------------------------- Pres. Vice Pres. & Secy. Treas. & ASSt. Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $50,923 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 146 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 1, 177, 551 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 640, 139 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Iowa Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *The Bondurant Electric Co. *Town of Grimes. 14–225 Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern R. R. Co. 1010% Story Bldg., Boone, Iowa Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. H. Crooks----------------------------- Trustee L. J. Dickinson--------------------------- Trustee The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $305, 964 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 712 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ---------------- 20, 000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------17, 450, 608 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 3,733, 045 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ankeny------------------------------------ 779 Boxholm----------------------------------- 285 Fraser-------------------------------------- 263 Harcourt----------------------------------- 282 Huxley------------------------------------- 392 Otho--------------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Crooks Light & Power Co. Iowa Public Service Co. Lundgren Light and Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Callender. *Town of Farnhamville. *Town of Kelley. *Town of Lehigh. *Town of Pilot Mound. 14–244 Lime Springs Milling Co. Lime Springs, Iowa Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Ruth C. Lidtke------ * * * ~ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Owner 14–246 Lynnville Mill & Power Plant Lynnville, Iowa Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. A. Wagaman ----------------------------- Mgr. r The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Southern Utilities Co. of Delaware. 14–277 Stinn Implement Company Earling, Iowa 14–305 Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Ry. Co. Waterloo, Iowa Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. M. Cheney--------------------------- Receiver T. E. Rust---------------------------- Chief Engr. 206 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,256 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 3 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers---- - - - - 131, 241 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 90, 100 14–511 *Ackley Municipal Light and Power Ackley, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otis O. Rule------------------------------ Mayor Will J. Scourick ---------------------------- Clerk T. E. Timm ------------------------------- Treas. Wm. Sauter-------------------------------- Supt. Councilmen: T. Fitch; Wm. Flessa, Fq. Keninger, Matt Muessignann, Geo. Roegner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $145,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $30,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 700 Kilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal combustion - - - - - - - - ----------------- 550 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 911, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ackley------------------------------------- 1, 586 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–513 *Afton Electric Light System Afton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. Z. G f. G. Brown...I. Čoilector Community Served at Retail: Population ſton----------------------------------------- 987 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–515 *Akron Light and Water Works Akron, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: F. Brown--------------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: J. E. Brady, Walter Larson, C. F. etz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $25, 524 Number of Electric Customers------------ 426 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 524 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 916, 380 Community Served at Retail: Population TOD-------------------------------------- 1, 314 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Westfield. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–517 *Algona Light and Water Plant Algona, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: C. U, Pollard Mayor and Council: Loyd Bohannon, H. M. Harris, Wm. Hawcott, Alvin Huenhold, Frank Kohlhaas, J. F. Overmyer, C. F. Specht (mayor). The following data are for the year ended March 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $688, 221 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $116,600 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 1,685 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,095,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Algona------------------------------------- 4, 954 Utilities Served at Whºlesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Cresco Light & Power Co. * Cresco-Union Electric Co. *Irvington Ilight & Power Co. *Pikeside Electric CO. *Richpoint Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–519 *Alta Municipal Electric System Alta, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. F. Sangston - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clerk John A. Lindley---------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: N. E. Dahl, W. E. Kislingbury, B. H. Runge. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,467 Number of Electric Customers------------ 450 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.--------------------------------- 562 Steam ---------------------------------- - 25() Internal Combustion--------------- - - - - - - 312 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 698,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Alta---------------------------------------- 1, 269 Also Renders: Heating and water Service. 14–521 *Alta Vista Lighting System Alta Vista, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Alta Vista------------------------------------ 14–524 *City of Ames, Municipal Light and Power Plant Population 383 Ames, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: º J. H. Ames --------------------------- City Mgr. J. W. Prather------------------------- City Clerk DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 207 3 The following data are for the year ended March 1, 1941: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $930, 662 Electric Operating Revenues. ------------- $330, 329 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 4, 174 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) -------------- 8,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated ----------------------- 11,869, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Ames-------------------------------------- 12, 555 14–525 *Anita Municipal Utilities Anita, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Ernest B. Ford------------------------------ Supt Board of Trustees: C. A. I.ong, Robert Scott, Geo. F. Shaffer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $105, 222 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $18,699 Number of Electric Customers------------ 420 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 397 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generaied-------------------------- 616, 935 Community Served at Retail: Population nita--------------------------------------- 1,088 14–526 *Anthon Municipal System Anthon, Iowa Councilmen: Homer Boyd, F. P. Cauley, M. G. Dicks, S. R. Pitkin, Fred Trecker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $8,878 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $11,423 Number of Electric Customers------------- 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Anthon-------------------------------------- 881 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–528 *Aplington Municipal Light System Aplington, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: H. N. Brower The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,195 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 230 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 231,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Aplington - - - - - - 588 14–530 *Atlantic Municipal Light & Water Plant Atlantic, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: P. M. Van Ackeren - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. Board of Trustees: E. H. BusSe, W. H. Lindeman, I). E. Shrauger. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $560, 298 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $119, 882 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 223 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 3,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 125, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Atlantic------------------------------------ 5, 802 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–532 *Town of Auburn Auburn, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Auburn---------------------------------------- 383 14–533 *Bancroft Municipal Electric Plant Bancroft, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Joe White. --------------------------------- Sul)t. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $130,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 300 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1,050 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 720, 000 Population Community Served at Retail: Bancroft - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * 959 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–535 *Bellevue Municipal Light - Bepartment Bellevue, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Fred Cheney------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Council: Fred Adickes, G. J. Bittner (mayor), C. R. Byland, Herman J. Kueter, A. C. Schneider, Geo. Zentner. 208 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year ended Mar. y Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $109, 152 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $31,711 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 601 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------. 700 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,081, 932 Community Served at Retail: Population Bellevue----------------------------------- 1, 771 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–537 *Bloomfield Light and Water Department 111 W. Franklin St. Bloomfield, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: G. R. Merchant---------------------------- Supt. City Council: D. O. Clark, Rubin Hargrove, John A. Owens (mayor), Doy Rayburn, Emery Stock- ham, A. B. Welch. The following data are for Mar. 31, 1939, or for the year ended Mar. 31, 1939: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- à96 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 487, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Bloomfield------------------------------ 2,732 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Electric Co. 14–539 *The Bondurant Electric Company Bondurant, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. E. Caseltine----------------------------- Mavor Roger A. Horning--------------------------- Supt. City Council Light Committee: C. A. Barrett, A. L. SInith, Floyd J. Tufts. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,435 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 116 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 111, 759 Community Served at Retail: Population Bondurant------------------------------------ 320 14–543 *Breda Electrical System Breda, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. Van Erdewyk -------------------------- NMayor M. F. Van Erdewyk - - - - - ------------------ Clerk R. H. Brinker----------------------------- Treas. Councilmen: Gabe Brandsma, Leo Heisterkamp, A. J. Neumayer, A. H. Ricke, T. B. Stark. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $8,226 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - - - 166 Community Served at Retail: Population reda---------------------------------------- 532 Also Renders: Water Service. 14-544 *Brooklyn Municipal Electric Plant Brooklyn, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. Herschel Keedy----------------------. --- Supt. B. Forrest Hicks---------------------- ASSt. Supt. Board of Trustees: C. C. Ecklund (chairman), F. E. Eichhorn, W. K. Karr (Secy.). The following data are for the month of Dec. 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $122,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - $27,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- . 505 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 475 Rilou dit-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 77,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Brooklyn-------------------------------- 1,408 14–545 *Buffalo Lighting Plant Buffalo, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Christian Zogg ------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $7,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $2,822 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 244 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 179, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Buffalo------- - - - - -, * * - - - - - - - - - -º º sº - - 588 14-547 *Town of Burt Burt, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Don Mitchell------------------------------- Engr H. A. Thompson.-------------------- Town Čierk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------- - - - - - - - - $11,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,536 Number of Electric Customers------------- 238 kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------- ^ - - - - - - - - - - 236,000 Population Community Served at Retail: Burt------------------------------------- 613 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 209 14–549 *Town of Callender Callender. Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: M. O. Wi o ID8----- Supt. Councilmen: Vernie Hofsommer, Harry J. Ladwig, F. O. PeterSon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $4,668 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] * ºr 92, 788 Community Served at Retail: Population Callender------------------------------------- 377 14–551 ū *Carlisle Electric Plant Carlisle, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. H. Shippey------------------------- - - - - - - Supt. Wayne A. Thomas-------------------------- Clerk Town Council: J. C. Bartholomew, C. L. Corzatt, D. A. Huckelberry, H. J. Marsh, E. H. Webb. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,000 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $7,300 Number of Electric Customers * 232 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 61,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Carlisle------------------------------------ 690 Also Renders: Water Service. 14-553 *Town of Carpenter Carpenter, Iowa The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $4,637 Number of Electric Customers 74 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 80,694 14-554 *Cascade Municipal Electric Plant Cascade, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Arthur L. Bender - - Supt. Board of Trustees: W. E. Hunter, F. P. Kremer, John J. Ramm. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $106,054 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,330 Number of Electric Customers_____________ 412 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 400 322184—42 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 339,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cascade---------------------------------- 1, 376 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–555 *City of Cedar Falls 119 W. Third St., Cedar Falls, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: C. H. Streeter------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1, 038,755 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $213,790 Number of Electric Cust s: 4, 221 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Otal sº tº 7,075 Steam 4, 500 |Hydro-------------------------------- 1, 200 Internal Combustion------------------ 1,375 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 8, 404, 760 Community Served at Retail: Population Cedar Falls 9,349 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUE LICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Readlyn Municipal Electric Dept. *South Main St. Co-operative. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 14–557 *Coggon Municipal Light Plant Coggon, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Coggon----------- 512 14–558 *Coon Rapids Municipal Electric & Water Plant Coon Rapids, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: M. R. Wait Supt. Board of Trustees: J. E. Howe, Orton Kretzinger, C. H. Whitten. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $167,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,038 Number of Electric Cust sº 598 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion 898 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,807,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Coon Rapids------------------------------ 1, 533 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Guthrie County Rural Electrification Authority. Also Renders: Water service. 210 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14–560 *Corning Municipal Utilities Corning, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Bruce B. Watts----------------------------- Supt. Trustees: Fred Binder (chairman), F. A. Turner, R. L. Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $188, 642 $55, 159 Number of Electric Customers------------ 900 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 943 Kilowatt-hourg Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,038, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Corning------------------------------------- 2, 162 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Adams County Cooperative Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–562 *Town of Corwith Corwith, Iowa Councilmen: Joe Kouba, G. H. Oxley, Fay Scace, R. C. Welter, Wm. Wood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------...-- - - - - - - - $9,294 Number of Electric Customers 183 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 181, 780 Community Served at Retail: Population Corwith------------------------------------- 4S1 Also Renders: Water Service. - 14–564 *Danville Electric Light Company Danville, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Danville-------------------------------------- 309 14–566 *Town of Dayton Dayton, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Dayton --- 732 14–568 *Denison Municipal Light and Power City Hall, Denison, Iowa City Council: H. L. Fitch, Stanley Hood, John Rusterholz, Floyd Thompson, Lester Willey. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $400,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $86,236 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 1, 475 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 305, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Denison------------------------------------ 4, 361 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Crawford County Rural Electric Cooperative. *Harrison County Rural Electrification Authority. Also renders: Water service. 14–570 *Town of Denver, Lighting System Denver, Iowa Principal Electric Utility. Official: Fred Rohler--------------------------------- Mgr. Town Council: Albert Buss, W. J. Kehe, A. F. Lah- man, R. G. Schneider, C. Wolfe. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------- $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $8,265 Number of Electric Customers - ------------ 225 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 252, 504 Community Served at Retail: Population Denver--------------------------------------- 556. Also renders: Water Service. 14–573 *Incorporated Town of Dike Dike, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. J. Knudsen----------------------------- Mayor Adam F. Deadrick-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,457 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 146 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 229, 920 Community Served at Retail: Population Dike------------------------------------------ 408 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–576 *Dunkerton Municipal Electric System Dunkerton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: & Roger Magee-------------------------- Line Supt E. W. Magee------------------------------- Clerk Mayor and Councilmen: Clair Bailey (Mayor), Bert Rartholomew, F. C. Kleckner, C. B. Lamb, A. I. Magee, C. M. Swanson. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 211 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,696 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 117 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,297,100 Community Served at Retail: Population Dunkerton----------------------------------- 360 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–577 *Dysart Electric System Dysart, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Dallas Hennessy.---------------------------- Supt. Town Council: G. E. Holtz, G. F. Leo. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 146 Number of Electric Customers------------- 421 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d-------------------------- 635,730 Community Served at Retail: Population Dysart--------------------------------------- 986 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: FarmerS Electric Co. Monroe Electric Co. West Benton Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–579 *Earlville Municipal Plant Earlville, Iowa Population 687 Community Served at Retail: Earlville.------------------------------------- 14–581 *City of Eldon Fldon, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. R. Flint--------------------------------- Supt. John M. Wright----------------------- City Clerk City Council: F. W. Davis, J. E. Hoffstatter, A. F. Hughes, R. L. Morrow, B. E. Roberts. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,000 Electrical Operating Revenues------- - - - - - - - $27, 200 Number of Electric Customers.--------- - - - - 527 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 776, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population *don------------------------------------- 1,676 Also Renders: Water Service, 14–583 *Town of Eldridge Eldridge, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. H. F. Culp----------------------------- Supt. E. G. Weismann.---------------------------- Secy. Governing Body: Dr. H. F. Culp, L. L. Griffin, Walter H. Wiese. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $7,452 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,421 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 103 Communities Served at Retail: Population Eldridge-------------------------------------- 283 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–586 *Town of Elkhart Elkhart, Iowa Town Council: A. G. Allenman, J. H. Burgess, Thos. Clark, J. M. Fletcroft, H. Parmenter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,400 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 14–588 *Town of Ellsworth Municipal Light Plant Ellsworth, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otto Laude-------------------------------- Mayor R. E. Classon------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $5,590 Number of Electric Cust 128 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 79 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 134,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ellsworth------------------------------------- 444 14–590 *City of Estherville Estherville, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Russel Peterson-------------- Supt. Public Works J. W. Van Valkenburg------------- Supt. of Plant City Council: Jesse Cox, S. G. Ewen, C. R. Hedrick, H. G. McTavish, Geo. Robb. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $750,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $116, 389 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 778, Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 3, 550 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 191, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Estherville--------------------------------- 5, 651 212 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Dickinson, Emmet & Kossuth County Rural Electric Co-operative. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–592 *Fairbank Municipal Light Plant Fairbank, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: C. W. Hahn--------------------------------- Mgr. Town Council: E. E. Bentley, A. B. Coffin, Geo. Jensen, F. A. Klurger, F. W. Peters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $6,711 Number of Electric Customers------------ 218 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 178, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairbank------------------------------------- 631 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–594 *Town of Farnhamville Farnhamville, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. H. Grove------------------------------- Mayor Horbert GustOfSOn --- Councilman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Rev $6,800 Number of Electric Customers 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 132,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Farnhamville--------------------------------- 425 14–596 *Town of Fonda Fonda, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: L. D. Long-------- —, - - Supt. Town Council: M. A. Bagge, M. J. Griffin, C. M. Heflin, J. E. Jordan, G. F. Patterson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- --- $25,000 Electric Operating Rev $22,013 Number of Electric Customers------------- 415 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 515, 323 Community Served at Retail: Population Fonda-------------------------------------- 1, 188 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–598 *Fontanelle Electric Light System Fontanelle, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Fontanelle-------------- Population 797 14–599 *Forest City Municipal Utilities Forest City, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. C. Haugland--------------- City Clerk & Mgr. EI. W. WOlf Supt Councilmen: Burdett Anderson, Frank Brooker, A. E. Fisher, T. E. Jensen, Mike Pederson, Otto Swensen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $174, 461 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $49, 307 Number of Electric Customers------------ 884 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,459, 490 Community Served at Retail: Population |Forest City--------------------------------- 2, 545 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–600 *City of Fort Dodge Water & Light Department Municipal Bldg., Fort Dodge, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. E. Cadwell---------------------------- Mayor M. F. Brown---------------------- Commissioner R. D. Mitchell--------------------- Commissioner John W. Pray------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $224,886 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $10,934 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,435,010 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Fort Dodge Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–603 *Fredericksburg Light & Power Co. Fredericksburg, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: L. M. Aubrey Supt. Light Committee: H. S. Kerssen (mayor), Frank Weitenhagen, C. H. Wesp. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $10,307 Number of Electric Cust S. 337 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 260,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fredericksburg---------- 649 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 213 14–605 *Glidden Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant Glidden, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Don E. Rhodes------------------------------ Mgr. Electric Committee: C. H. Hall, W. H. Rust, F. E. Wagner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $98,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- a $2, 194 * For December 1940 only. Number of Electric Customers.------------ 353 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 533 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,092,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Glidden--------------------------------------- 941 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Glidden Rural Electric Assn. Cooperative. 14–607 *Gowrie Light and Water Plant Gowrie, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: H. O. Hubbell------ Supt. Light and Water Plant Board of Trustees: E. J. Bruntlett (chairman), Wm. Fridell, John Sederholm. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $310, 288 Electric Operating Revenues --- - - - - - - - - - - - $23,749 Number of Electric Customers------------ 400 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 500 kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 685,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gowrie------------------------------------- 1,028 14–609 *Grafton Trans. & Distrib. Line Grafton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. A. Bruesewitz--------------------------- Mayor Otto H. Buechele--------------------- Town Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $4,260 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 110 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 85, 290 Community Served at Retail: Population Grafton--------- ----------------------------- 256 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–611 *Grand Junction Municipal Light Plant Grand Junction, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: W. W. Wertz------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: W. E. Anderson, O. G. Curry, H. I. Jenison. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------- - - - - - - - - $85, 621 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $21,420 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 423 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 310 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 582,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Junction----------------------------- 1, 125 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–613 *Granger Municipal Electric Distributing Company Granger, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: W. C. S C. Stoner------------------------ Town Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $4, 285 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 117 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 102,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Granger-------------------------------------- 324 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–615 *Greenfield Municipal Utilities Greenfield, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Glen W. Yager------------------------------ Supt. Trustees: John A. Barr, J. Lyle Musmaker, W. E. McCreight. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $150, 168 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $48, 151 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 750 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 975 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 127, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenfield---------------------------------- 1, 869 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–617 *Town of Grimes Grimes, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Grimes--------------------------------------- 48 214 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14—618 *Grundy Center Municipal Light & Power Department Grundy Center, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Grundy Center a 2,012 * Served prior to June 23, 1941, by Northwestern Light & Power Company (14–129). 14–619 *Town of Guttenberg Guttenberg, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Dr. G. C. Miller--------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: F. L. Charlesworth, J. J. Degan, F. J. Friedlein, Christ Frommelt, I,. O. Hall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - -------------- $28, 729 Number of Electric Customers------------- 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Guttenberg--------------------------------- 1, 860 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–621 *City of Harlan Harlan, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: G. J. Woodhouse--------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: H. P. Dowling (chairman), Morris Frederickson, J. J. Norgaard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $501, 114 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $88, 526 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,302 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 3, 151 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 747,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Harlan-------------------------------------- 3,727 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Shelby, Iowa. *Town of Tennant, Iowa. *Nishnabotna Valley Rural Electric Coopera- five. Also Renders: Water Service. 14—625 *Hartley Municipal Plant Hartley, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: D. M. Henaman---------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: A. Aldolph, L. W. Anderson (chairman), Wm. Linder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $145,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $29,900 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 630 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 708 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,017,000 Population Population 1,503 Community Served at Retail: Hartley----------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 14–627 *City of Hawarden Hawarden, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: J.A. Patrick------------------------------- Mayor Elmer H. Ericson ---------------------- City Clerk W. C. Rush-------------------------------- Supt Councilmen: R. W. Brown, H. C. DeBruin, R. E. Nelson, M. F. Pocklington, L. M. Scriven. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $160,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $43,588 Number of Electric Customers------------ 853 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 992 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,921, 775 Community Served at Retail: Population HaWarden.--------------------------------- 2,681 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–629 *Hinton Electric Light & Power Service Hinton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Neil Hansen------------------------------- Mayor The following data are for Mar. 31, 1940, or for the year ended Mar. 31, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,280 Number of Electric Customers------------- 117 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 114, 250 Community Served at Retail: Population Hinton--------------------------------------- 340 14–630 *Hopkinton Municipal Light Plant Hopkinton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: L. Burdick Trustees: G. D. Herington (chairman), H. D. House, Charles Thing. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $14,084 Number of Electric Customers------------- 280 Generating Capacity Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 195 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 356, 854 Community Served at Retail: Population Hopkinton----- 841 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 215 14–631 *Hudson Electric Light System Hudson, Iowa Governing Body: H. P. Guthruht, W. G. Strayer. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers---------------- 180 Community Served at Retail: Population Hudson-------------------------------------- 492 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–633 *Imogene Municipal Light Plant Imogene, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: T. E. Leonard---- Clerk Councilmen: A. E. Addy. J. D. Bussard, W. G. Priest. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility: Plant---------------------- $3,000 Electric Operating Revenues $2,866 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 85 Rilowatt-hours | Energy Purchased 53, 530 Community Served at Retail: Population Imogene-------------------------------------- 280 14—635 *City of Independence City Hall, Independence, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: A. M. Norton The following data are for the Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- City Clerk year ended $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $77,990 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 575 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 1, 280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 3, 241, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Independence------------------------------- 4, 342 14—637 *Department of Municipal Utili- ties, City of Indianola Indianola, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: g °8---------------------------- Mayor C. F. Brown-------------------------- City Clerk V. E. Knight-------------------------- City Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $265,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $57,609 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 564 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1, 455 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,487,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Indianola----------------------------------- 4, 123 Also Renders: Water Service. - 14–639 *Town of Kelley Kelley, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Tom Holland------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,692 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,929 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 75 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 43, 841 Also Renders: Water Service. 14—641 *Kimballton Municipal Light Plant Kimballton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Henning Rasmussen------------------------ Supt. Council: Nels Christoffersen, Henry Hansen, (mayor), J. W. Jensen, Peter Lillehoj, John I. Petersen, A. J. Winther. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,990 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 135 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 144 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 243,356 Community Served at Retail: Population Kimballton----------------------------------- 349 14—643 *Town of Lake View Electric Department Lake View, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. M. Dean---------------------- Mayor & Supt. Catherine Monroe-------------------------- }ler George Meyers------------------------ Electrician Town Council: Tjark Jansen, C. W. Spencer, Ray Wagner, Fred Wells, Dale Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $29,853 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 518 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 752,260 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake View-------------------------------- 1,082 Also Renders: Water Service. * 216 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14—644 *Lake Mills Municipal Light Plant Lake Mills, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: L. L. Waggoner Plant Mgr. Light Commission: W. H. Bakken, Ed. Gesme, H. E. Twito (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $133,887 $34,274 Number of Electric Customers------------ 550 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Internal Combustion----- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 620 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,434,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Mills----------------------------- 1,677 Utility Served at Wholesale: Pl] BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Winnebago Rural Cooperative. 14—646 *Lamoni Municipal Utilities Lamoni, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Official: Geo. E. Sanders---------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: A. W. Fleet, R. H. Mortimore, D. M. Vredenberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $96,853 $34,977 Number of Electric Customers------------- 575 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,026,000 Community Served at Retail: Panoni------------------------------------ 1, 567 Also Renders: Water Service. 14—647 *La Porte City Utilities La Porte, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Don R. Olson Board of Trustees: John Bolte (Secy.), Harry Kline, F. E. Lehman (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $136, 834 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $33,979 Number of Electric Customers------------- 564 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------ 696 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------...-------------- 976, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population La Porte City--------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 1, 594 14—648 *Larchwood Municipal Light Plant Larchwood, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: W. F. Law Light Committee: Herb Gottlob (chairman), A. D. Moreland (mayor), L. A. Sanders. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,218 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 129 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 84 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 139, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population - Larchwood----------------------------------- 405 14–650 *Lawler Lighting System Lawler, Iowa Pºpº Electric Utility Officials: . H. Tank------------------------------- Mayor - Joe Martin------------------ Light Commissioner D. V. Murphy----------------------- Town Clerk Town Council: W. J. Casey, J. W. Galligan, Harry Kane, Donald Leonard, James O’Neill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,148 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,407 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 187 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 158,291 Community Served at Retail: Population Lawler--------------------------------------- 542 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–652 *Town of Lehigh Lehigh, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert Longstaff---------------------------- Supt. Councilmen: Roy Brundage, T. G. Timmons. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $8,470 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 324 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ..I 176,866 Community Served at Retail: Population Lehigh - - - - -- 1, 004 Also Renders: Water service. 14–654 *Lenox Municipal Light Plant Zenox, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. E. Strunce Wm. Severn - e H. A. Fleming-------------------------- Operator DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 217 Board of Trustees: O. P. Arnold, John Eberle, Jay E. Hughes (chairman). lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $74, 200 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,795 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 526 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 272 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 533,900 Generated-------------------------------- 416, 600 Purchased-------------------------------- 117,300 Community Served at Retail: Population *9*--------------------------------------- 1, 220 14–656 *Town of Little Sioux Little Sioux, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Little Sioux----------------------------------- 434 14–658 *Town of Livermore Livermore, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. F. McPherson---------------------------- Supt. Albert Weber - - ACCOUntant The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,690 Number of Electric Customers-------------- ZZO Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 220,000 Community Served at Retail: Population *Vermore------------------------------------ 736 14–660 *Long Grove Municipal Light Company Long Grove, Iowa 14–663 *Manilla Municipal Service Department Manilla, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. L. Younie - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * - - - - - - Supt. R. W. Barber------------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees: Gilbert J. Disburg, C. C. Lawrence (chairman), Lynn McCracken. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17, 146 Number of Electric Customers_____________ 375 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion-------------------- 629 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 842, 770 Community Served at Retail: Population Manilla - - - 1,040 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–664 *Manning Municipal Light Plant Manning, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: D. Wiese--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: P. H. Jones, R. G. Sutherland (chairman), Dr. O. W. Wyatt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41, 555 Number of Electric Customers------------ 749 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 540 Killowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 525,010 Community Served at Retail: Population Manning--- - - - - - - - - sm ºme sm am - * - - - - 1, 748 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–665 *Mapleton Municipal Electric Plant Mapleton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Frank E. Siefker---------------------------- Supt. ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $147, 640 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,323 Number of Eleetric Customers------------- 644 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 380 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 756,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mapleton----------------------------------- 1,824 14–667 *City of Maquoketa-Elec. Department Maquoketa, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: - J. G. Thorne--------------------------- City Mgr. City Council: George Grossman, George Kreible, Edward Podlak, D. L. Pulley, Donald Scheib, Wm. E. Wells. The following data are for the year ended Mar. y Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $353,669 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $81,062 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,001 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1,630 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,437, 625 Community Served at Retail: Population Maquoketa--------------------------------- 4,076 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Maquoketa Valley Rural Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 218 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14–669 *Town of Marathon Marathon, Iowa Town Council: M. R. Fish, A. R. Nelson, N. O. Nelson, John Olson, J. E. Sundholm. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,000 Number of Electric Customers. -------------- 221 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Marathon----------------------------------- 597 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–672 *Milford Municipal Light Plant Milford, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: G. Van der Aarde--------------------------- Secy. Board of Trustees: F. H. Merritt, H. D. Kaudain (chairman), H. O. Skillingstad. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22, 548 Number of Electric Customers------------ 430 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 285 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 585, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Milford------------------------------------- 1, 202 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–673 *Town of Milo Milo, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Clayton * - - - - - as - - - - - - - Mayor E. T. Laſſoon------------------------- Light Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,600 Number of Electric Customers----------- * * 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 125, 610 Community Served at Retail: , Population Milo----------------------------------------- 528 14–675 *Mount Pleasant Electric Light & Water Works Mount Pleasant, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Lee F. Speaker----------------------- City Mgr. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant $350,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $99, 217 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,792 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,070 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,841, 835 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Pleasant------------------------ 4, 610 Also Renders: Ice, steam and water Service. 14–677 *Muscatine Municipal Electric Plant 127 E. Third St., Muscatine, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Lear------------------------------ Gen. Mgr. H. C. Mueller------------------------------ Auditor Trustees: Ludy Bosten, A. F. Grensing, Geo. McGaughey, Robert L. Roach, J. M. Roth. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 1941: 3. Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $2,261,674 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $368, 307 Number of Electric Customers------------ 6, 359 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 15, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 20, 719,090 Community Served at Retail: Population Muscatine---------------------------------- 18,286 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: Eastern Iowa Light & Power Cooperative. 14–679 *Neola Light & Water System Neola, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: W. M. Arfmann - sº The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues------...-------- $11,364 Number of Electric Customers------------- 274 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 258 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 411, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Neola----------------------------------------- 841 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–681 *New Hampton Light Plant and Water Works E. Spring St., New Hampton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Wittenburg------------- Supt. Water Works Lewis Nelson------------------------------- Engr. H. J. Wittenburg--------------------- ASSt. Engr. Alvan Griffith------------------------- City Clerk DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 219 City Council: H. J. Carney, R. F. Faragher, A. J. Forkenbrock, Martin Kelson, O. A. Knutson, A. L. Wachholz. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $190,000 $58,303 Number of Electric Customers----------- 832 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 1, 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 002, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population New Hampton.------ ------------------- 2,933 Also Renders: Steam heating and water service. 14—683 *New London Municipal Light and Power Co. Main St., New London, Iowa lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31, 222 Number of Electric Customers------------- 622 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 760 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 689, 750 Community Served at Retail: Population New London------------------------------- 1, 340 14–685 *Town of Ogden Ogden, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. T. Williams---------------------------- Mayor W. J. Manion------------------------------ Supt. Mayor and Town Council: C. E. Cook (chairman), Otto Ehlers, Henry Plath, Al Tréalor, Wilí Walker, C. T. Williams (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $26, 159 Number of Electric Customers----------- 550 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 417 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 797, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population 9&den-------------------------------------- l, 513 14–687 *Onawa Light & Power Piant Onawa, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. C. Myrland Raymond Adkins--------------------------- M. D. Mock The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $268,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $73,741 Number of Electric Customers------------ 938 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 290 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2, 573,270 Community Served at Retail: Population IlāWa-------------------------------------- 3,438 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Monona County Rural Electrification Authority. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–689 *Orange City Municipal Light Plant Orange City, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Cor. Van de Steeg------------------------- Mayor Al Roos------------------------------------- Supt. Councilmen: Dan Bruyn, John G. DeBey, R. DeCook, E. W. Kraai, William Westra. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $140,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $31, 534 Number of Electric Customers------------ 670 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 710 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 295, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Orange City-------------------------------- 1, 920 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–691 *Town of Orient Orient, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: W. L. Moyer------------------------------- e- The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $5,628 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 210 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 110,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Orient------ 442 14–693 *Ottumwa Water Works Hydro- Electric Plant 310 S. Wapello St., Ottumwa. Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Horace A. Brown--------------------------- Supt. M. A. Packard--------------------------- Auditor Board of Water Works Trustees: F. H.7 Carter (chairman), L. A. Gordon, Max Von Schrader. 220 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $540, 549 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $57,654 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 3,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 9, 353, 100 Generated------------------------------ 8, 779, 100 Purchased.------------------------------ 574, 000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa Southern Utilities Co. Of Delaware. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–695 *Town of Panora Panora, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Panora------------------------------------- 1, 169 14–697 *Town of Paton Paton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. Easley------------------------------- Mayor W. J. Wessling------------------------------ Mgr. C. F. Harris------------------------- Town Clerk Town Council: T. R. Calvert, K. C. Latta, O. McWilliam, C. H. Peterson, L. W. Sill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $7, 565 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 167, 427 Community Served at Retail: Population Paton----------------------------------------- 394 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–700 *Paullina Light and Water Works Paullina, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edw. H. Mossbeck----------- Supt. Public Works G. W. Harris-------------------------------- Clerk Councilmen: Paul Drefke, E. M. Ehlers, W. R. Ewoldt, Chester Idso, A. H. Meyer. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $21,600 Number of Electric Customers - - ----------- 448 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 125 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 555, 330 Generated.-------------------------------- 337,710 Purchased.-------------------------------- 217,620 Community Served at Retail: Population Paullina------------------------------------ 1, 230 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–702 *Pella Municipal Electric Plant Pella, Iowa Pººl Electric Utility Officials: M. Frush------------------------------ Mayor James Wisse-------------------------------- Supt. F. N. DeWit------------------------------- Clerk Council: Abe Den Abel, Henry Dielemant, James Van Dusseldorpi, Lester Liter, T. Plette, Ed- ward Van Gorpf. fMember of Electric Committee. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $199, 223 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $79, 862 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1,388 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 2, 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,592, 420 Community Served at Retail: Population Pella----------------------------------- 3, 638 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUi B LICLY OW NED UTILITY: * Rural Electrification Administration. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–704 *Town of Pilot Mound Pilot Mound, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Earl Howe Town Council: Minnie Forney, W. A. Groom, L. L. Rinehart, Charles Studyn inf, C. A. Tornellf. fMember of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,761 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 106 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 539,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Pilot Mound--------------------------------- 282 14–706 *Town of Pocahontas Pocahontas, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Sedlacek------------------------------ ... Supt. Theo F. McCarter--------------------- Town Clerk Town Council: M. H. Hammer, R. L. Hudson, C. T. Hughes (mayor), G. H. Logan, T. A. Nixon, T. M. Shimon. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $36,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $24,654 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 611 • Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 844, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Pocahontas--------------------------------- 1,730 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 221 14–708 *Town of Preston Preston. Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Arthur M. Andersen------------------------ Supt. Councilmen: Vernon Bodrick, Fred Koll, Chas. Marvin, Nick J. Maybohm, M. G. Schmidt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $14, 240 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Internal Combustion--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a 236 a At 80% Power Factor. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------- - - - - - - - - - - 352,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Preston--------------------------------------- 602 14–709 *Primghar Municipal Light Plant Primghar, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Geo. H. Anderson--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $118,000 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - - - $24,083 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 428 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 937,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Primghar----------------------------------- 1,081 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *O’Brien County Rural Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–710 *Randolph Municipal Light & Power Company Randolph, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: D. D. Williamson-------------------- Town Clerk Town Council: M. O. Heaton, E. F. Kempton, F. M. Kline (chairman), H. E. McMahill, R. H. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $7,700 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $5,479 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 147 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------------- 80,654 Community Served at Retail: Population Randolph--------------------------------- 379 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–712 *Readlyn Municipal Electric Department Readlyn, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: T. L. Diekman---------------------------- Mayor Light Committee: Aug. F. Meyerhoff, H. G. Moeller, H. J. Schumacher. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - $8,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 173 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 231, 910 Community Served at Retail: Population Readlyn-------------------------------------- 426 14–714 *Redfield Municipal System Redfield, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Lynn Thomas------------------------------ Supt. Light Committee: A. L. Hobb (chairman), G. K. Lieber, C. V. Toler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - - $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $11,061 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 298. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 235, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Redfield-------------------------------------- 898 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–718 *Remsen Municipal Utilities Remsen, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: E. H. Holtgrewe---------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Nic Hatz (chairman), O. H. Huewe, W. G. Sievers. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------------- - - - - - - - - - $140, 510 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $30,385 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 487 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 674 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------- - - - - 1,004, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Remsen ------------------------------------ 1, 196 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–720 *Renwick Municipal Light & : Power Plant Renwick, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fritz Britt--------------------------- Town Clerk Ned C. Osborn----------------------------- Supt. 222 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Town Council: Sanford Anderson, Minard Babler, James Kelling, Geo. Latch, Walter Phipps. The following data are for the year ending Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $65,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,727 Number of Electric Customers------------- 225 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion * - 357 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 553, 530 Community Served at Retail: Population Renwick --- 470 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Boone Valley Electric Cooperative. *Farmers Cooperative Power & Light. Also Renders: Water Service. 14–721 *Rockford Municipal Electric System Rockford, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: H. E. Barton------------------------------ Supt. Board of Trustees: L. A. Carrott (secy.), J. J. Mil- son (chairman), M. L. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $88,762 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,977 Number of Electric Meters----------------- 408 General Capacity: - Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 228 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 503,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Rockford----------------------------------- 1,054 14–722 *Rock Rapids Municipal Public Utilities 310 W. 5th St., Rock Rapids, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: H. H. Folkens------------------------------ Supt. City Council: Geo., E. Holliday (mayor), Guy R. Hutchinson, J. A. Marshall, G. W. Richards, H. J. Richards, Fred F. Stubbe. 1 * following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $290, 256 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $59,348 Number of Electric Meters-------------- 892 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 850 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, 530, 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Rock Rapids--------------------------- 2, 556 Also Renders: Steam and water service. I 14–724 *Roland Light Department Roland, Howa Principal Electric Utility Official: Arthur Butson----------------------- Town Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,540 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 285 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 366,310 Community Served at Retail: Population Roland----------------------------------- 791 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–726 *Sabula Municipal Electric System Sabula, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: George Ulmer------------------------------- Supt. City Council: Steve Haynes, Sue Petersen, A. Rulhje. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $9,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,600 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 260 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------- - - - - - - - - - - es • - - - - - 198, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sabula------------------------------------ 771 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–728 *Sergeant Bluff Municipal Light & Power Company Sergeant Bluff, Iowa Light Committee: N. L. Anderson, Glen Jennings, L. E. Welch (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,118 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 169 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 183,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sergeant Bluff 587 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–731 *Seymour Light and Water Works Seymour, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. W. Johnson Supt. Grace Buckmaster Clerk Councilmen: C. O. Banning (chairman), E. W. McNabb, Bert Voyce. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 223 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $68,000 Electric Operating Rev $17,841 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 514 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.------ 324 Steam------------------------------------ 176 Internal Combustion--------------------- 148 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 496,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Seymour --- 1,539 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–733 *Shelby Municipal Electric System Shelby, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. N. Croft__ - sº - - Supt. Lawrence Rink----------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Rev $9,600 Number of Electric Customers 250 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 216,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelby * * * * 627 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–735 *City of Sibley Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa City Council: Art Evans, Ed. Hoeck, E. H. Koop- man (mayor), Fred Madison, Walter Moet, A. L. Sharbondy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $364, 512 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $66,935 Number of Electric Customers----------- 802 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1, 348 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, 925, 230 Community Served at Retail: Population Sibley---------------------------------- 2, 356 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Bigelow (Minn.). *Osceola Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Steam and water service. 14–737 *Spencer Municipal Utilities Spencer, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. C. Golley----------------------------- Mayor Electric Committee of City Council: Frank Cash, Walter Thomas, A. C. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - -------------- $350,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $176, 243 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 200 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 3,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - - ------------------ 5,884,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Spencer-------------------------------- 6, 599 Also Renders: Steam heating and water service. 14–738 *Stanhope Municipal Electric System Stanhope, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: B. Olson--------------------------- Electrician Councilmen: F. A. Barquist, Wm. Johnson, N. H. Nelson, C. E. Read, H. A. Read. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $8,362 Number of Electric Customers------------- 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 215,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Stanhope------------------------------------- 425 14–739 *State Center Electric Light Plant State Center, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: H. C. Wilkening--------------------------- Supt. Town Council: C. E. Anderson, E. H. Goodman, Aug. Schaper (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,760 Number of Electric Customers------------ 500 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 548 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 876,000 Community Served at Retail: Population State Center---------------------------- 1,033 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–741 *Story City Light Department Story City, Iowa Community Served at Retail: Population Story City---------------------------------- 1,479 14–743 *Stratford Light & Power Department Stratford, Iowa Town Council: Chas. Altwater, A. H. Leksell, F. C. Rose (chairman). 224 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ---------------- $30,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 340 Community Served at Retail: Population Stratford--------------------------------- 712 14–745 *Strawberry Point Light & Water Department Strawberry Point, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Klingbeil------------------------------ Supt. B. R. Cole----------------------------------- Clerk Light Committee: H. J. Esch, M. J. Goodrich. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------. ----- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,042 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 392 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 477 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 727, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Strawberry Point--------------------------- 1, 223 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–747 *Stuart Light and Power System Stuart, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. F. Powell-------------------------------- Supt. W. H. Lee----------------------------- City Clerk Light & Water Committee: Dr. G. C. Gamerdinger (chairman), Dr. E. T. Warren. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24,817 Number of Electric Customers------------ 541 Generating Capacity: Ičilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 137,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Stuart-------------------------------------- 1, 611 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–749 *Sumner Municipal Light Plant Sumner, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: T. James Palmer-------------------- Supt. & Secy. Trustees: EI. C. Frank (chairman), H. M. Karsten, F. Ray Robinson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $164,614 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $39,450 Number of Electric Customers------------- 720 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts. Internal Combustion-------------------- 615 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 1, 153, 325 Community Served at Retail: Population Sumner------------------------------------- 1, 752 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–751 *Town of Tennant Tennant, Iowa 14–753 *City of Tipton Tipton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Jack W. Sturdy - - - - - ----------------------- Supt. Kathleen Boling- - - - - - ---------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $81, 179 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $46, 116 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 900 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts. Internal Combustion------------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 338, 760 Community Served at Retail: Population Tipton--------------------------------- 2, 518. Also Renders: Water service. 14–755 *Traer Municipal Light and Water Plant Traer, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lester N. Dodd * T. F. Stoakes------------------------------ Secy. Trustees: Leonard Cherveny, Harry Q. Everts, Frank J. Hladik. The following data are for the year ended April 1, 1941: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $159, 672. Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $47,799 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 619 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 295. Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = - ºr-. -- 1, 119, 307 Generated.----------------------------- 1,020, 237 Purchased.----------------------------- 99, O70. Community. Served at Retail: Population Tâ€ſ---------------------------------- 1,493. 14–758 *Willisca Municipal Power Plant Willisca, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: C. G. Hilleary------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: H. W. Heath, W. A. Kelley, J. T. Oliver. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 225 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * * * Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $245,913 $48, 114 Number of Electric Customers------------ 736 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 206 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 684, 475 Community Served at Retail: Population Willisca------------------------------------- 2,011 Also renders: Water Service. 14–759 *City of Winton Vinton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. W. Reynolds------------------------- Mayor F. J. Lynch--------------------------- City Clerk Council: M. G. Alcorn, E. A. Ervin, A. B. Kirk, Carl Kouba, Jas. Ludden, Lester Richart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $275,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $60,565 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 1,300 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 1, 115 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 638, 450 Community Served at Retail: Population Vinton------------------------------------- 4, 163 14–761 *Incorporated Town of Wall Lake Wall Lake, Iowa Councilmen: Wm. Gosch, J. W. Herrig, Elmer Karstens, Geo. Rowedder, Frank Tiefenthaler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----------------------- $15,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 300,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wall Lake------------------------------------ 762 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–763 *Walnut Municipal Light Plant Walnut, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Carstensen----Light Committee Chairman Sam M. Smith Supt. Town Council: Henry Behrenst, Wm. Carstensenf, Henry Holtz, Herbert Mertz, W. L. Rieckf. fMember of The Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $68,300 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $12,500 Number of Electric Customers------------- 322184—42 20 ams are as as as me ºn sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Generating Capacity: A ilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 455 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 532,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Walnut----------------------------------- 902 Also Renders: Water service. 14–765 *City of Waverly Waverly, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. P. Doonan------------------------------- Supt. R. O. Clark -- * = - City Clerk City Council Light Committee: C. F. Ducker, H. A. Kohagen, H. J. Nygren. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $450, 000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $95, 977 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 519 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 1, 605 Hydro------------ ---------------------- 495 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 110 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,400,080 Community Served at Retail: Population Waverly------------------------------------ 4, 156 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–767 *Webster City Light and Power Plant Webster City, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. McCarthy----------------------- City Mgr. H. E. Reisner-- gº City Council: T. R. Amsden, S. E. Ross, A. W. Van Diest (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---- $750,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $150,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,408 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 3,875 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,053,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Webster City------------------------------ 6, 738 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Stratford Light & Power Dept. *Town of Woolstock. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 14–769 *West Bend Municipal Light Plant West Bend, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: N. P. Cuplin------------------------------- Supt. 226 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION City Council: P. O. Dorweller, A. MikeS, Leo Montagu, J. Olsen, R. W. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $90,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $21,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 395 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 509 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------- • - m - - sº - * * - * - - - - ſº 632,000 Community Served at Retail: Population West Bend--...- * - - 737 Also Renders; Water Service. 14–771 *West Liberty Electric Light Plant West Liberty, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Chas. J. Mackey - City Mgr. L. J. Ingram - - - ----Supt. Mayor and Town Council: S. Buckman, C. Comp- ton, W. B. Jayne (Mayor), Geo. Kirby, M. A. Sander, G. W. Smith. The following data are for the year ended March 31, 1941: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $36,564 Number of Electric Customers----------- 799 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 435 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--- - ---- 1, 238, 140 Generated - - 53,600 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 184, 540 Community Served at Retail: Population West Liberty--------------------------- 1, 802 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–773 *West Point Municipal Light Plant West Point, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: A. E. Menke ---Electrician Trustees: R. H. Hall (chairman), Jos. A. Harmeyer, E. P. Schuck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $42,067 Number of Electric Customers----------- 259 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 300, 760 Community Served at Retail: Population West Point - - - - 543 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–775 *Westfield Light and Power Plant Westfield, Iowa 14–777 *Town of Whiting Whiting, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: O eaſi------------- ------------------ Supt L. H. Wilen-------------------------------- Clerk Light Committee: L. V. Broughton, Ed Jones. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $58, 226 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12,311 Number of Electric Customers------------- 237 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ---- 234 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 431,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Whiting * * * * * = * * 688 Also Renders: Water service. 14–779 *Whittemore Municipal Light & Power Plant Whittemore, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. E. Wood Ward Councilmen: K. Elerick, J. Geelan, G. Martini, W. Roeber, J. Uhlenhake. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,500 Number of Electric Customers------------- 250 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 195 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 287,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Whittemore----- - - ------ 671 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–781 *Town of Wilton Wilton Junction, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Geo. H. Kanoff---------------------------- Supt. Town Council: L. R. Friedericksen, K. G. Grunder, T. H. Owens, H. F. Schnack, E. C. Whitmer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,434 Number of Electric Customers------------- 465 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 435 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 545, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wilton-------------------------------------- 1, 146 Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 227 14–783 *City of Winterset Winterset, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Warren Smith Councilmen: Will C. Johnson, Cecil A. Letz, ROSS Rogers, EI. G. Tilton. lº" following data are for the year ended April 1, Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $64,576 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 250 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - 1,845, 460 Community Served at Retail: Population Winterset---------------------------------- 3, 631 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–785 *Winthrop Municipal Light System Winthrop, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry J. Bateman Supt. J. S. Luther Clerk Councilmen: Frank Copeland, George Huff, A. Marshall, A. J. Murphy, Byerl Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $5,000 Electric Operating Rev. $2,008 Number of Electric Cust sº 226 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 173,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Winthrop 546 Also Renders: Water Service. 14–787 *Town of Woolstock Woolstock, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: A. G. Halvorsen--------------------------- Mayor Town Council: Ilo Clifton, Geo. L. Jones, Ernest Mourlam. - Community Served at Retail: Population Woolstock---------------------------------- 271 14–802 *Adams County Cooperative Electric Company Corning, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Bert Kernen.-------------------------------- PreS. R. E. Phillips------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $188,585 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,888 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - -------- 423 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 296,270 14–804 *Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative, Inc. Postville, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joel Clark----------------------------------- Pres. Kermit A. James---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $214,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $23, 189 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 491 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 122,729 Community Served at Retail: Population Harpers Ferry------------------------------ 361 14–807 *Amana Society Service Company Amana, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Gustav Miller------------------------------- Pres. Charles G. Eichacker----------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $31,889 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $21, 571 Number of Electric Customers------------- 368 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 521, 508 Communities Served at Retail: Population Iſlana ------------------------------------- 358 Middle------------------------------------- 281 14–812 *Benton County Electric Coop- erative Association Vinton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. H. Fagan-------------------------------- Pres. I. E. Trottnow------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $406, 535 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $58,259 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 198 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,054,000 228 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14–815 *Boone Valley Electric Cooperative Renwick, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: W. H. Helmke---------------------- Pres. & Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $44, 225 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $7, 201 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - - 128 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 132,651 14–816 *Buchanan County Rural Electric Cooperative Independence, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Norman S. Frye---------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - $276, 114 Electric Operating Revenue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $28, 268 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - 564 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 231, 100 14–817 *Buena Vista County Rural Elec- tric Cooperative Storm Lake, Iowa Pºnſº Electric Utility Officials: 9:.J. Grau ---------------------------------- Pres Miles Nelsen.-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $621, 536 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $73, 583 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,408 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 176, 218 & 14–819 *Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative Allison, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. N. Neal---------------------------------- Pres Thomas Epperly---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $497, 816 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50,624 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 154 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 847, 746 14–822 *The Calhoun County Electric Cooperative Association Rockwell City, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lester Baskerville--------------------------- PreS. Glenn D The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $485,971 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $60,458 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 128 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,088, 336 14–824 *Central Electric Federated Cooperative Association Pocahontas, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Tall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- PreS Raymond B. Dobbs------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $521, 150 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $58, 109 Pºlowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 011, 170 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Buena Vista County Rural Electric Coopera- tive. *Calhoun County Electric Cooperative Associa- tion. *Humbolt County Rural Electric Cooperative. *Pocahontas County Rural Electric Coopera- tive. *Sac County Rural Electric Cooperative, 14–828 *Cherokee County Rural Electric Cooperative Cherokee, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Alfred A. Schniellen------------------------- PreS. A. R. Hagerstrand-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $264,781 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $23, 142 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 555 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 184,640 14–832 *Co-op. Electric Company of Osage St. Ansgar, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Albert G. Olson.----------------------------- PreS. Louis J. Vandermyde. ---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $312, 343 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $27,861 Number of Electric Customers------------ 677 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 166, 560 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 229 14–836 *D. E. K. Rural Electric Cooperative Estherville, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. L. Thoreson------------------------------ Pres. B. B. Shreck-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - $493, 360 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $51,410 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,041 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 485, 200 14–841 *Eastern Iowa Light & Power Cooperative 214 W. Fourth St., Davenport, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Hendriks-----------------------------. PreS. S. N. Jordan-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1,471, 663 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $124, 692 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 2,970 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 2, 552, 400 14–845 *Evergreen Cooperative Light and Power Association Eagle Grove, Iowa 14–851 *Farmers Electric Company Hudson, Iowa 14–852 *Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. Greenfield, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: Albert Ray---------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant______________________ $146,026 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $11,340 Number of Electric Customers------------ 292 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 48, 550 14–854 *Federated Cooperative Power Association Hampton, Iowa Pºlic Utility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $396,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,346 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 219,690 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative. *Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative. * Grundy County Rural Electric Cooperative. *Hancock County Rural Electric Cooperative. *Hardin County Rural Electric Cooperative. *Wright County Rural Electric Cooperative. 14–857 *Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative Hampton, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. B. Blewett------------------------------- Pres. James Morrow------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $537,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $52, 599 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - - - 1,026 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 888, 654 14–861 • *Glidden Rural Electric Cooperative Glidden, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Reever----------------------------- PreS. Thomas Conner----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $351, 130 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $32,034 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 640 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 496, 010 14–864 *Gowrie Rural Electric Coopera- tive Association Gowrie, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles A. Swanson.------------------------ Pres, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $51,071 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $6,737 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 133 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 109,460 14–867 *Green Mountain Electric Service Company Green Mountain, Iowa 230 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14–871 *Greene County Rural Electric Cooperative Jefferson, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ora M. Hall--- ----------------- • * * * * * * * * * = m. Pres. Clifford F. Unz----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $592,628 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $48,910 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 552 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 637, 950 14–873 *Grundy County Rural Electric Cooperative Grundy Center, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herman Reinicke- - ------------------------- Tº res. R. F. Cramer------------------------------- Supt. The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $541, 826 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $61,147 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1, 199 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 101,679 14–875 *Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative Association Guthrie Center, Iowa. - Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Cordis--------------------------------- Pres. John A. McLuen ---------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $360, 783 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30, 149 Number of Electric Customers------------ 730 Rilow ſitt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 288, 100 14–878 *Hancock County Rural Electric Cooperative Garner, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. C. J. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues-------------- *g, * * * - sº *s sº m º º ºr º º ºs º ºr º we tº º my $308, 281 $43,659 Number of Electric Customers------------ 877 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 721, 342 14–881 *Hardin County Rural Electric Cooperative Iowa Falls, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph J. Mason----------------------------- ProS. Ben Jaspers---------. - * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ---Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $463,091 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $45,321 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 757,895 14–883 *Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative Woodbine, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred II. Seabury--------------. ------------ PreS. Wm. Melchiorsen.----------------------. --- Supt. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $309,813 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $16, 127 Number of Electric Customers - - - - -------- 397 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 213,000 14–884 *Howard County Electric Coop- erative Cresco, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. R. Ringoen------------------------------ Fres. E. G. Skarshoug--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $296,913 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $19,696 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 601 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 108, 679 14–885 *Humboldt County Rural Electric +. Cooperative Humboldt, Iowa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Oscar O. Holden - - - - -------- -- * * * * * * * * * * = m, m = - PreS. Howard L. McKee ------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $433,018 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $43,487 Number of Electric Customers------------ 834 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 769, 519 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 231 14–890 *Ida County Rural Electric Cooperative Ida Grove, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Bert K. Fairchild--------------------------- Pres. Charles L. Pullen--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $167,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $15,359 Number of Electric Customers------------ 319 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 139, 590 14–897 *Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association 1138 Seventh Ave., Marion, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glenn Stoner-------------------------------- PreS. Robt. D. Palmer---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $370, 614 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,611 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 105 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 405, 433 14—901 *Lyon Rural Electric Cooperative 211 W. Sixth St., Rock Rapids, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Emiel Schuttloffel.-------------------------- Pres. John A. DeWild---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $129, 185 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,133 Number of Electric Customers------------ 288 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 144, 200 14—907 *Maquoketa Valley Rural Electric Cooperative Anamosa, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: John B. Cousin----------------------------- PreS Edgar D. Beach---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $745,221 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $77, 123 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,533 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,244, 300 14—908 *Marshall County Rural Electric Cooperative 108 S. Center St., Marshall town, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles Johnson.---------------------------- PreS. Harry H. Frey------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $266,474 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $19,826 Number of Electric Customers------------ 622 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 142, 700 14–910 *Monona County Rural Electric Cooperative Onawa, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. H. Utterback---------------------------- PreS. George Gerking----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $337,613 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $28,758 Number of Electric Customers------------ 734 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 443, 300 14—915 *Nishnabotna Valley Rural Electric Cooperative Harlan, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Julius LenSch Ed Wilson--------------------------------- - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $460, 375 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $36, 515 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 904 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 472, 300 14—918 *O’Brien County Rural Electric Cooperative Primghar, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Everett M. Dodge-------------------------- Pres. Fred H. Steuck----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $275, 372 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31,973 Number of Electric Customers------------ 619 Kilowatt-hours 312,488 Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 232 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 14—920 *Osceola Electric Cooperative, Inc. Sibley, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry Consoer.----------------------------- Pres. William Roberts---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------____ $145,689 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $15,817 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3.18 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 48,550 14—923 *Pella Cooperative Electric Association Pella, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Official: John W. Boot.------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $118, 655 $11,578 * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - • * - - - - - - - - - - 276 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 155, 200 14—924 *Plymouth Electric Cooperative Association Le Mars, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. G. Anderson---------------------------- Pres. A. M. Forsberg * * * * * * * ~ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------________ $149,343 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,481 Number of Electric Customers------------ 265 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 104,040 14—925 *Pocahontas County Rural Electric Cooperative Pocahontas, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: . R. Cejka e Geo. M. Stockdale_____II Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - $559, 679 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $51,444 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 281 Rilowatt-hours 14–937 *Sac County Rural Electric Cooperative Sac City, Iowa Pºlºis Utility Officials: W. Meyeſ------------------------------- PreS. Charles J. Lovrien-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $163,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17, 195 Number of Electric Customers------------ 404 - - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 166, 375 14—948 *Sioux Electric Cooperative Association Orange City, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: George Boerhave ---------------------------- Pres, Eugene C. Mulder-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $281,765 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,570 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 585 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 327, 800 14–950 *South Crawford Rural Electric Co-op. Denison, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. A. Wiese--------------------------------- PreS. Harry W. Frank---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $297,115 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $26,314 Number of Electric Customers------------ 565 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 332, 240 14–951 *Southeast Junction Light and Power Company Grand Junction. Iowa 14–953 *S. E. Iowa Cooperative Electric Association Mount Pleasant, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Parke F. Cornick * Warner A. Russell-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: 846, 691 * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $156,797 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $8,108 Number of Electric Customers------------ 350 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-IOWA 233 14—965 *T. I. P. Rural Electric Cooperative Brooklyn, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Fisher------------------------------ PreS. Irving L. Nervig.---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $429,052 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,637 Number of Electric Customers------------ 916 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 397, 300 14–970 *Winnebago Rural Electric Co- operative Association Thompson, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elmer O. Bergland-------------------------- PreS. Glenn Bergland----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $349, 555 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $37,443 Number of Electric Customers------------ 857 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 181, 700 14–975 *Woodbury County Rural Electric Cooperative Association Moville, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lloyd Baker-------------------------------- PreS. Dale Schreiner------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $202,638 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $16,594 Number of Electric Customers------------ 397 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 116,970 14—980 *Wright County Rural Electric Cooperative Clarion, Iowa Principal Electric Utility Officials: Myron E. Hill------------------------------ PreS Geo. C. Kirstein----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $455, 514 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $58,308 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 217 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 895, 126 KANSAS Index Reference Number Allen County Supply Company------------- *Alma, City of.------------------------------ *Altamont, City of -------------------------- *Alton, City of.------------------------------ *Americus, City of.-------------------------- *Anthony, City of -------------------------- 15–521 *Arcadia, City of --------------------------- 15–523 *Ark. Valley, Electric Cooperative Associa- tion, Inc., The----------------------------- 15–805 *Arma, Cityof------------------------------- 15–525 *Ashland, City of.--------------------------- 15–527 *Baldwin City Light & Water Department-- 15-534 Belleville, City of ------,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–536 *Beloit Light and Water Department------- 15–538 *Blair ElectricLight Company--------------- 15–816 *Blue Mound Light Plant------------------- 15–540 Blue River Power Company, The------------ 15–020 *Bogue, The City of --l--------------------- 15–541 BowerSock Mills & Power Co---------------- 15–257 *Bronson, City of.--------------------------- 15-542 *Brown-Atchison Electric Cooperative Asso- Ciation, Inc., The -------------------------- 15–820 *Buffalo Light & PowerDepartment--------- 15–544 Burlingame Light & Power Plant----------- 15–547 *Burlington Light & Power Plant------------ *Butler Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- tion, Inc.---------------------------------- 15–826 *C. & W. Rural Electrification Cooperative ASSociation, Inc., The---------------------- 15–830 Caney Electric Company, The--------------- *Cawker City Electric & Water Department - 15–551 *Centralia Municipal Light System - - - - - - - - - 1 Central Kansas Power Company, The ------- *Chanute, City of ------------|------------ 15–555 *Chapman Municipal Light Department---- 15–557 *Chetopa, The City of ... ------------------ 15–559 "Cimarron, City of.-------------------------- Cities Power Co., The 15–033 *Clay Center Municipal Light & Water Plant 15–563 *Coats, City of.------------------------------ 15–565 *Coffey, County Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The---------------------- 15 *Coffeyville Municipal Water & Light De- partment---------------------------------- 15–567 15–569 °--------------------------------------- 15–841 *Pe Soto, City of.--------------------------- 15–572 *Dighton, City of.--------------------------- 15–576 Doniphan County Light & Power Co - - - - - - - - 15–045 *Doniphan Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., The---------------------------------. 5–850 *D. S. & Q. Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- Qiātion, Inc., The -------------------------- 15–855 Ellinwood Light and Water Department 15–580 *Ellis Light and Water Plant . . . . . .__ __ 5–582 *Elsmore, City of.--------------------------- 15–584 *Elwood, City of.---------------------------- 15–586 Empire District Electric Co., The____________ 15-049 *Enterprise, City of.----------------------__ 15–588 *Erie Water and Light Department---------- 15–589 *Eudora Light Department-------------_____ 15–591 Eureka Light and Power Co - - -------________ 15–054 *Farmer's Light and Power Company-------- 15–858 *Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation, Inc.-------------------------------- 15–865 See footnote on next page. Reference Number *Fredonia, City of --------------------------- 15–593 *Galesburg, City of -------------------------- 15–595 *Galva Electric Department----------------- 15–597 *Garden City, City of.----------------------- 15–599 Garden City Co., The - - - - - - - - - -------------- 15–260 Garden City Irrigation Power Company, The--------------------------------------- 15–062 * Gardner Municipal Electric Plant - - - - - - - - - - 15–600 *Garnett, City of ---------------------------- 15–602 Gaskill, E. L.-------------------------------- 15–066 *Girard Light & Power Plant ---------------- 15–604 *Glasco Light Department.------------------ 15–606 *Glen Elder, City of ------------------------- 15–608 *Goff, City of.------------------------------- 15–610 *Goodland, City of -------------------------- 15–612 *Green, City of.----------------------------- 15–614 *Greensburg Light & Power System ---------- 15–616 *Haven Light & Power Department - - - - - - - - - 15–619 *Herington Municipal Water & Electric De- 1 partment---------------------------------- 5–623 *Herndon Municipal Electric System -------- 15–624 Highland Utilities Company----------------- 15–0.75 *Bill City Water & Light Plant-------------- 15–625 *Hoisington Municipal Electric Utility - - - - - - 15–626 *Hollenberg Electric Association------------- 15–877 *Holton Light Department ------------------ 15–627 *Holyrood Light & Water Department------- 15–629 Home Electric Light Co - - ------------------ 15–079 *Horton Water & Electric Department------- 15–631 *Hugoton Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–633 *Idana Light ASSociation-------------------- 15–635 Inland Utilities Company, The-------------- 15–084 *Iola, City of.------------------------------- 15–637 *Isabel, City of.----------------------------- 15–639 *Iuka Light, Power and Distribution Sys- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 tem *Jamestown Light & Water Department---- 15–643 *Jetmore Power & Light Department- - - - - - - 15–644 *Jewell Mitchell Cooperative Electric Com- pany, Inc., The---------------------------- 15–895 Kanona Electric Company. ----------------- I *Kanopolis Municipal Water & Light Plant- 15–646 *Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utili- ties of 15–648 Kansas City Power & Light Company------ 15–096 Kansas Electric Power Company, The- - - - - - 15–100 Kansas Gas and Electric Company---------- 15–104 Kansas Power and Light Company, The---- 15-113 Kansas Power Company, The--------------- 15–109 Ransas Power Transmission Company, Inc. 15–115 Kansas Utilities Company, The------------- 15–117 *Kaw Valley Electric Cooperative Company, Inc., The---------------------------------- 15–900 *Kingman, City of. ------------------------- 15–650 *La Crosse, City of.------------------------ - 15–654 *La Harpe Municipal Plant---------------...- 15–656 *Lakin, City of.----------------------------- 15–658 *Larned Water and Electric Department---- 15–659 Leona Electric Light Co--------------------- 15–121 *I, incoln Light Department----------------- 15–663 *Lindsborg Light and Water Plant---------- 15–665 *Lucas Light Department.------------------ 15–667 *Luray Municipal Water & Light Plant:---- 15–669 *Lyon County Electric Cooperative, Inc., The -------------------.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–910 * Mahaska, City of.-------------------------- 15–671 *Marion Water and Light Plant------------- 15–673 *McPherson Water and Electric Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 15–675 *Meade, City of.---------------------------- 15–677 236 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Menlo Electric Light and Transmission System------------------------------------ 15–679 *Minneapolis, City of ---------------------- 15–682 Monarch Cement Company, The ---------- 15–299 *Montezuma, City of.----------------------- 15–684 *Moran Municipal Light Plant-------------- *Morrill Municipal Light System----------- 15 *Moundridge Water & Light Dept., City of 15–689 *Mount Hope Electric Dept.----------------- 15–691 *Mulberry Water & Light System----------- 15–693 *Mulvane, City of -------------------------- 15–695 *Muscotah Municipal Electric Department- 15-697 National Gypsum Company---------------- 15–305 *Nemaha-Marshall Electric Cooperative ASSociation, Inc., The--------------------- 15 *Neodesha, City of.------------------------- *Netawaka Electric Light System----------- *Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation, Inc., The-------------------------- –929 *North Central Kansas Rural Electrification Cooperative Association, Inc., The ------- 15–933 Northern Kansas Power Co., The----------- 15–134 *Norton, City of.---------------------------- 15–702 *Norton-Decatur Cooperative Electric Com- Parly-------------------------------------- 15–937 *Oakley Municipal Plant-------------------- 15–704 *Oberlin, City of --------------------------- 15–706 *Osage City Municipal Light Plant- - - - - - - - - 15–712 *OSawatomie Light and Water Department - 15–713 *Osborne, City of.--------------------------- 15–715 *Oswego Light Dept.------------------------- 15–717 *Ottawa, City Water and Light Department, City of 15–719 *Oxford Light and Power System - - - - - - - - - - - 15–721 *Pomona Light Department----------------- 15–725 *Pratt Light & Water Department-- - - - - - - - - 15–727 *Prescott, City of 15–729 *Protection Water and Light Department. -- 15–730 *Radium Municipal Electric Department. -- 15–732 *Reserve Light Department----------------- 15–734 *Robinson, City of. ------------------------- 15–736 *Russell Municipal Electric System - - - - - - - - - 15–738 *Sabetha, City of.--------------------------- 15–740 Saint Benedict Light & Power Co-- - - - - - - - - - 15–146 Reference Number *Saint Francis Water & Light Department-- 15–741 *Saint John Municipal Electric Plant------- 15–743 *Saint Marys Water and Light Plant-------- 15–745 *Savonburg Electric Light Department----- 15–747 *Scranton, City of.-------------------------- 15–749 *Sedgwick County Electric Cooperative As- Sociation, Inc., The------------------------ *Sekan Electric Cooperative Association, In- 15–950 Corporated, The--------------------------- 15–955 *Seneca, City of ---------------------------- 15–750 *Severance, City of.------------------------- 15–752 *Seward, City of ---------------------------- 15–754 *Sharon Springs, City of.-------------------- 15–756 Solomon Gas & Electric Co------------------ 15–155 *Stafford, City of.--------------------------- 15–758 *Sterling Light and Water Plant- - - - - - ------ 15–761 *Stockton Municipal Light Plant------------ 15–763 *Summerfield Electric Department---------- 15–765 *Sumner-Cowley Electric Cooperative ASSO- ciation, Inc., The-------------------------- 15–960 *Tipton Electric Distribution System ------- 15–767 *Toronto Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–769 *Troy Light Department-------------------- 15–771 *Udall, City of.----------------------------- 15–772 Union Electric Railway Co------------------ 15–355 * Utility Service Company, The- - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–171 *Vermillion Light System - - - - - - - ------------ 15–773 *Waldo, City of ---------------------------- 15–777 *Waldron, City of.-------------------------- 15–779 Walnut Electric Light & Power Co---------- 15–175 *Wamego Municipal Light & Water Plant-- 15–780 *Washington, City of.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–781 *Waterville, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 15–782 *Wathena, City of.-------------------. ------ 15–784 *Webber Municipal System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–785 *Wellington Light Department-------------- 15–786 Western Light & Telephone Company------ 15–180 *Willis, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15–788 *Wilson, City of.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ 15–792 *Winfield Municipal Electric Light & Power, *Denotes a publicly owned utility. KANSAS 15–012 Baileyville Light & Power Co. Baileyville, Kans. Principal Officers: A. W. Hammes----------------------------- Pres. A. J. Gockel-------------------------------- Secy. J. A. Heiman------------------------------ Treas. Directors: A. J. Gockel, A. W. Hammes, J. A. Heiman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $4,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,684 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 54 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 27, 768 15–020 The Blue River Power Company 808 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans. (Jointly controlled by The North American Co. and the Commander-Larrabee Milling Co., each of which has 50% of voting power.) Principal Officers: P. B. Ackers-------------------------------- Pres. C. M. Hardenbergh.-------------------- Vice PreS. T. C. McGrath----------------------------- Secy. F. M. Bucher------------------------------ Treas. G. F. Hilts---------------------------- ASSt. Secy. I. S. Stewart------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: D. E. Ackers, C. E. Brock, R. W. Goodell, C. M. Hardenbergh, I. S. Stewart, G. A. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Púlowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 431,700 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Kansas Power and Light Co. 15–024 The Caney Electric Company Caney, Kans. (Controlled by Crescent Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. H. Coughlin--------------------------- ---Pres. R. C. Poage---------------------------- Vice Pres J. G. McClellan---------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. L. Miller------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: F. H. Coughlin, Josephine Paxson, R. C. Poage, P. R. Taylor, William Turner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $139,022 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $45,700 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,034 DIRECTORY 237 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 268 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 343, 560 Communities Served at Retail: Population Caney - - - 2, 629 Tyrol- - - - - -- 322 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * *Copan Light & Power System (Okla.). 15–028 The Central Kansas Power Company 304 N. Cedar St., Abilene, Kans. (Controlled by United Utilities, Inc., through 73.13% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W . S. Morrison - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - am - 2--Pres. C. A. Scupin--------------------------- Vice Pres. ROSS Beach----------------------------- Vice Pres. R. B. Gemmill - * * * * * * * - - - - - - - * * * Vice Pres M. C. Beamer-------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. O. D. Small Treas. & Asst. Secy. Gen. Aud. Directors: Ross Beach, Ralph W. Dockstader, W. S. Morrison, C. A. Scupin, O. D. Small. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.----------- - Number of Electric Customers---------- Generating Capacity: Total-------------------------------- $2, 148,797 $486, 879 6, 413 Kilowatts 8, 268 Steam--------------------------------- 7, 180 Internal Combustion------------------ 1,088 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 17,708,944 Generated----------------------------- 17, 701,744 Purchased.----------------------------- 7, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Atwood------------------------------------ 1,408 Bird City -- 694 Collyer------------------------------------ 268 Gove--------------------------------------- 284 Grainfield---------------------------------- 341 Grinnell - - - - 289 Hays--------------------------------------- 6,385 Hoxie--------------------------------------- 957 Jennings ---- 311 Lenora-------------------------------------- 537 McDonald--------------------------------- 425 Morland------------------------------------ 356 Ogallah------------------------------------- 261 Quinter-- -* * * * * * * * - - - - - * * * * * * * 481 Selden - - - - - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - - sº as me - - 401 Victoria------------------------------------ 884 Wakeeney---------------------------------- 1,852 Winona--------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 317 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Kansas Power Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Bogue Municipal System. *Hill City Water & Light Plant. *Menlo Electric Light & Distribution System. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–033 The Cities Power Co. 820 E. Gilbert St., Wichita, Kans. Community Served at Retail: Population Hanston-------------------------------------- 251 15–045 Doniphan County Light & Power Co. 740 Armstrong St., Kansas City, Kans. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: F. M. Sprague------------------------------ Pres. J. H. Ward----------------------------- Vice Pres. E. B. Lorey-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. I. W. McKee-----, ------ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: J. E. Barfield, R. R. Johnston, F. C. Joyce, E. B. Lorey, I. W. McKee, F. M. Sprague, J. H. Ward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $21,788 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,599 Number of Electric Customers------------- 22 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 758, 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUPLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Elwood *City of Wathena 15–049 The Empire District Electric Co. 6th & Joplin Sts., Joplin, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Kansas only)--- --- $684,010 Number of Electric Customers: (Kansas only)--------------------------- 5, 215 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baxter Springs------------------------------ 4, 921 Carona-- 500 Columbus - - - - 3, 402 Galena-------------------------------------- 4,375 Riverton------------------------------------ 361 Scammon----------------------------------- 737 Treece-------------------------------------- 568 Weir---------------------------------------- 1, 038 West Mineral (Mineral)-------------------- 486 See Also: Principal report under Missouri, (24-046) and operations reported under Oklahoma (35-048). 15–054 Eureka Light and Power Co. Stafford, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred Davis---------------------------------- PreS C. E. Reed----------------------------- Vice PreS. Clare Newell------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Fred Davis, William Deniston, Brent Newell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,850 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $376 Number of Electric Cust S.--- 12 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 12, 530 238 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 15–062 The Garden City Irrigation Power Company Garden City, Kans. (Controlled by The Garden City Company through 95% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. Stewart----------------------------------- Pres. Chas. L. Tutt-------------------------- Vice Pres. W. E. Leavitt------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. E. Leavitt, J. Stewart, E. Stoeckly, L. R. Thrasher, Chas. L. Tutt lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 41: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $155,216 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 135 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 9, 243,520 Community Served at Retail: Population Deerfield-------------------------------- 356 15–066 E. L. Gaskill Moscow, Kans. 15–0.75 Highland Utilities Company 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. (Controlled by North Continent Utilities Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Kansas only)---------------------------- $19,262 Number of Electric Customers: (Kansas only)---------------------------- 375 Communities Served at Retail: Population Johnson------------------------------------- 524 Ulysses------------------------------------- 824 See Also: Principal report under Colorado (05–052). 15–079 Home Electric Light Co. Piqua, Kans. Principal Officer: G. Willie--------------------------------- Secy, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3, 790 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,850 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 50 Community Served at Retail: Population Piqua-------------------------------------- 258 15–084 The Inland Utilities Company 710 Commercial Nation: Bank Bldg., Kansas City, 8 Ils. (Controlled by Fairbanks Morse & Co, through 96.55% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. H. Morse, III----------------------------- |Pres. H. A. Hoeveke----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. E. Ashcraft, H. A. Hoeveke, L. A. Keeler, S. T. Kiddoo, C. H. Morse, III, John Morse, R. H. Morse, R. H. Morse, Jr., Raymond Nance, J. R. Whitehead, Thos. Yonley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,531,713 Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $520, 006 In Kansas----------------------------- $223,469 Number of Electric Customers: Total.--------------------------------- 8,011 In Kansas----------------------------- 3,780 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------ 7,925 Steam--------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion------------------ 7,865 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------ 13, 356, 220 Generated----------------------------- 12, 146,692 Purchased.----------------------------- 1, 209, 528 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brewster----------------------------------- 408 Cedar Vale---------------------------------- 952 Chautauqua-------------------------------- 254 Elgin--------------------------------------- 336 Havana------------------------------------ 253 Ranorado---------------------------------- 322 Leoti--------------------------------------- 816 Peru--------------------------------------- 487 Scott City---------------------------------- 1,848 Sedan-------------------------------------- 1,948 Syracuse------------------------------------ 1, 226 Tribune------------------------------------ 607 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Ruleton Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Ice service in Kansas and Nebraska; and water service in Colorado and Kansas. See Also: Operations reported under Colorado (05– 058) and New Mexico (30–061). 15–090 Kanona Electric Company Kanona, Kans. 15–096 Kansas City Power & Light Company 1330 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Kansas only--------------------------- Number of Electric Customers: Kansas only--------------------------- Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population $1, 130,730 15,332 Merriam----------------------------------- 1, 539 Overland Park----------------------------- 1,400 Welborn------------------------------------ 1, 250 to 1,000 population Edgerton----------- 264 É. - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; Teeley------------------------------------- La Cygne---------------------------------- 932 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 239 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Tenexa * * * * -- 502 Louisburg---------------------------------- 590 Lyndon------------------------------------- 751 Melvern a.m. ººm º ºsmº m 'm sºme me as sº *s ºr m, gºs ºss sº * * * * * * *-* * * * * - * * * * 368 Mission Hill Acres-------------------------- 600 Quenemo------------------------------------ 557 Richmond ---- 418 Rolla---------------------------------------- 284 Shawnee------------------------------------ 597 South Park--------------------------------- 360 Southridge---------------------------- * = * * * = 900 Stilwell * * * * * *-s º gº º º ºr º º º tº sº ºn tº * sº tº sº. 400 Turner tº º m as º º sm º º 'º me mº tºº sm - sº ºr sº 665 Wellsville 632 Williamsburg sº 365 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Kansas Power & Light Co. The Kansas Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Gardner Municipal Electric Plant. See Also: Principal report under Missouri (24-070), and operations reported under Iowa (14–108). 15–100 The Kansas Electric Power Company Lawrence, Kans. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. W. McClure * * * * Pres. R. F. Rice------------------------------ Vice Pres. W. H. Ruese--------------------------- Vice Pres. Lloyd S. Purcell---------------------- Secy.-Treas, R. S. Fox-------------Asst. Secy. and Asst. Treas. Directors: R. S. Fox, W. G. Hutson, A. W. Johnson, R. W. McClure, Lloyd S. Purcell, R. F. Rice, W. H. Ruese, J. T. Skinner, W. E. Teichgraeber. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $10, 722, 586 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,296, 503 Number of Electric Customers---------- 30, 663 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 29, 576 Steam-------------------------------- 28,880 Internal Combustion----------------- 696 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------- 84, 414, 389 Generated.---------------------------- 70, 148,989 Purchased.---------------------------- 14, 265,400 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Emporia * * * *- ---- 13, 188 Lawrence 14, 390 I eavenworth---- 19, 220 Parsons = sº sº es: ---- 14, 294 1,000 to 10,000 population Bonner Springs 1, 837 Cottonwood Falls------------------------- 1,078 Council Grove 2,875 Eureka * * * = 3,803 Madison 1, 198 Tonganoxie * ---- 1, 114 250 to 1,000 population Admire------------------------------------ 270 Allen-------------------------------------- 279 Paston------------------------------------- 255 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population F'dna-------------------------------------- 507 Fall River--------------------------------- 336 Hamilton sº me • * = as a s as as sº sº, º ºs = sm sº s = * * * * * * * * 519 Hartford----------------------------------- 491 Lake Forest-------------------------------- 400 Lansing------------------------------------ 800 Lebo--------------------------------------- 522 LeCompton-------------------------------- 250 Linwood----------------------------------- 299 Mound Valley----------------------------- 648 Neosho Rapids---------------------------- 253 Ope--------------------------------------- 331 Perry------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 392 Reading----------------------------------- 302 Saint Paul--------------------------------- 869 Severy------------------------------------- 570 Strong------------------------------------- 848 Thayer------------------------------------ 461 Virgil-------------------------------------- 494 Waverly----------------------------------- 566 Wilsey------------------------------------- 348 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: BowerSock Mills & Power Co. Geo. W. Brubaker PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Allen Electric Light Plant. *City of Altamont. *City of Americus. *City of De Soto. *Eudora Light Dept. *City of Galesburg. *Lyon County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Oswego Light & Water Dept. Also Renders: Bus, gas, and ice Service. 15–104 Kansas Gas and Electric Company 215 N. Market St., Wichita, Kans. (Controlled by American Power & LightCo. through 90.55% of voting power.) !--------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. S. Sladen--------------------------- Vice"PreS. T. S. Ansel----------------------------- Vice Pres. F. E. Barr---------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. ASSt. to PreS. P. F. Gow--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Douglas Newell---------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Giles R. Atherton, Frank E. Barr, R. C. Beezley, C. B. Brown, F. L. Carson, O. W. Compton, C. O. Davis, M. F. Gill, P. F. Gow, John M. Kirkwood, A. L. Newman, John C. Sºon L. O. Ripley, H.H.S. Sladen, Ernest Sewell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $34, 942, 612 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $6,545, 234 In Kansas---------------------------- 6, 511, 290 - Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 73,441 In Kansas---------------------------- 73, 406 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 89,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours - = = * * * * = a- - = = = - * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * > * = Gºa 338,935,300 Generated.---------------------------- 335, 762, 500 Purchased.---------------------------- 41, 8 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 3, 131,000 24 0 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Di irectors: H. T. B - 10,000 - - ..H. T. Burgner, L. L. G #. ºr ulation or more º º: Robert Miller. unn, C. L. Hunt, - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. e followi #º:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10,045 | Electric ;..." for the year 1940: Newton- ------------------------------ ##| Electri - $8,626,084 Pittsburg...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 11,045 | Electric Operating Revenues Wichita...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 17, 571 | N !----------------- $1,640, 293 iºnºmiation ###|Number of Electric Customers. 24, 0.53 ,000 to 10,000 - - ----------------- y Cherokee---------• 000 population Geneº Capacity: Rilowatts Čherryvale.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1, 101 9001------------------------------ 22, 208 ; -------------------------------- 3. ; Steam —- rontenac III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 9 --------------------------------- H.--------- º } ; º Combustion........I.I.I.I.I. # § oward III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. y nergy Avai & • • * y …: #|**"…º. *:::::::: ~~~~ population 707 owned 58,104,994 Ildale------------ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Atlanta III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 289 Purchased.------------------------ * § 894 felle Plaine III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. #|communities served at Real , 732, 100 #ühler T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 878 ities Served at Retail: #::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; 1,000 to 10,000 population Čheney III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 842 Clyde--------------- Population Člearwater III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 714 Concordia...IIITTTTT 1,060 Čolwich.III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 501 | Dodge City...l...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 6, 255 Croweburg III.I.I.I.I.I.III. §4 || Downs.............I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 8,487 i.erby Éipaso III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 350 | Ellsworth] II.I.I.III 1, 219 fouglass.I.T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 256 Great Bend.........I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 2, 227 Eastborough- ---------------------------- 760 Liberal …------------------------ 9, 044 fik Öity III.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 313| Mankato........I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 4,410 £ik Fails.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. #30 || Phillipsburg...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1,426 Garden Plain...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. jà Plainville...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 2, 109 Geuda'springs.III.I.I.I.I.III 3:3| Smith Center....I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1, 232 Grenoia T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. #| -------------------------------- 1,686 #º #| Agra 250 to 1,000 population Latham-------------------- 4ó3 || Aimena III.I.I.I.I.IIIT 406 ileon.T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 307 || Aurora....I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 543 fiberty...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 573 || Barnes.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 274 Longton III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 254 || Bison....III 391 iMcöune III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 629 | Bucklin III-IIII 366 Moline III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 556 | Bunker Hili III.I.I.IIIT 832 Öii Hiii.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 870 | Burr Oak. III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 253 fotwin III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 500 | Clifton IIITIII 560 fretty Prairie III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 387 | Copeland...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 670 Radley...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 452 | Courtland.III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 262 Ringo III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 462 | Cuba IIIT 383 Sedgwick.III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 326 Damar II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 363 Towanda III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 733| Dorrance III.I.I.III 263 Valley Center II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 374 Englewood.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 414 Whitewater III.I.I.I.I.I.III ſº †:… 377 Uſº Served at Wholesale: - - - #º. - - - - ------------ ; #.ATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Fowler T.III.I.I.IIIT 293 Th pire District Electric Co. (fnterchange) Greenleaf III.I.I.I.I.I.IIIT 563 #. #. Electric Power Co. «» Haddam...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 739 #. ansas Power & Light Co. Jewell. III IIITITT 384 #; º; #ºn -------------------------------- 669 as and Electric Co. irwin III ITTTTTT 597 PUBLIQLY OWNED ## ºrchange) º Ilebanon III.I.I.I.IIIT 392 City of Arcadia. e Liebenthal. III.I.I.I.I.I.III 652 .gify Of Arma. Linn-- --------------------------------. 255 :Gity of Capalq9. Logan.III. - _ 395 Haven Light & Power Dept. Long Island - 703 :Mºnt Hope Electric Dept. Mirile.…--------------------------- 257 :* Water & Light System. Morrow Ville --- 490 *S . Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. Mullinville...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 308 S -Kan Electric Cooperative ASSn. º Nhºma. ; ee Also: O & e IS- - l (24-073). perations reported under Missouri #; ------------------------ #: fandall. 349 15–109 Fºllo- ... § S2.52. ITT,2 6 The Kansas Power Company | #; 345 2015% Forest A Schoençhen---- 614 (Controll est Ave., Great Bend, Kans. §º * - - - - ; Ontrolled b -- ~ * - U1016LU6 - e. y The Middle West Corporation.) Sylvan Grove.-- 582 Prirºpºsers: W. PlainS_ 540 • S. Klloy---------------- oodston--- 619 fobert Miller] PreS. & º: Mgr. | };" 286 E.M. Patchen.I.I.I.I.I.III ice Pres. e - e. 250 º gº. ---------------------------- #. Ugº Served at Wholesale: ohn T. Snyder IIIAsst. Secy. & Asst. 8S. ATEL º #.º.º.Ast sey. & Asº. The § 9...Nºtres. * - - - - - - - - - - Ulditor the Kansas Power & fight Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 241 Utilities Served at Wholesale: . PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Cawker City Electric & Water Dept. *City of Cimarron. *Glasco Light Department. *City of Glen Elder. *Holyrood Light & Water Dept. *Jamestown Light & Water Dept. . *Jewell-Mitchell Cooperative Electric Co., Inc. *Kanopolis Municipal Water & Light Plant. *Lucas Light Dept. *Luray Municipal Water & Light Plant. *City of Montezuma. *Tipton Electric Distribution System. *City of Waldo. Also Renders: Ice and Water Service. 15–113 Kansas Power and Light Company 808 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kans. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: The D. F. Ackers-------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Brock---------------------------- Vice PreS. H. L. Hanley--------------------------- Vice PreS. Allen Van Wyck----------------------- Vice Pres. H. E. Johnson Secy.-Treas. H. A. Hansen------------------------- Asst. Secy. I. S. Stewart--------------------------- Asst. Secy. K. F. Bader--------------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. R. M. Parker------------------------- ASSt. Treas. F. M. Bucher------------------------ Comptroller Directors: I). E. Ackers, C. E. Brock, H. L. Hanley, C. B. Merriam, D. L. Sedgwick, I. S. Stewart, Allen Van Wyck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $35, 574,025 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $5,864,006 Number of Electric Customers--------- 83, 513 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 104, 517 Steam-------------------------------- 99, 950 Hydro-------------------------------- 924 Internal Combustion----------------- 3, 643 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9tal----------------------------- 287,738, 269 Generated------------------------- ,-- 282,653,249 Purchased---------------------------- 3, 102, 220 Interchanged (gross-in) --------------- 1,982,800 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Atchison---------------------------------- 12,648 Hutchinson------------------------------- 30, 013 Manhattan-------------------------------- 11, 659 Salina------------------------------------- 21,07 Topeka------------------------------------ 67, 83 1,000 to 10,000 population Abilene------------------------------------ 5, 671 Blue Rapids------------------------------- 1,433 Florence----------------------------------- 1, 329 Frankfort---------------------------------- 1, 243 Hiawatha--------------------------------- 3, 238 Hillsboro---------------------------------- 1, 580 Junction City----------------------------- 8,507 Kinsley----------------------------------- 2, 178 Pyons------------------------------------- 4,497 Marysville-------------------------------- 4,055 Nickerson--------------------------------- 1,052 Olathe------------------------------------- 3,979 Peabody---------------------------------- 1, 367 Valley Falls------------------------------- 1, 241 322184—42——21 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Alden------------------------------------- 321 Alta Vista--------------------------------- 461 Arlington--------------------------------- 440 Barnard----------------------------------- 306 Beattie------------------------------------ 389 Belpre------------------------------------- 300 Bennington------------------------------- 369 Beverly----------------------------------- 292 Burdett----------------------------------- 320 Pushton----------------------------------- 473 Canton------------------------------------ 796 Carbondale-------------------------------- 415 Chase------------------------------------- 825 Claflin------------------------------------- 747 Corning----------------------------------- 352 Delphos----------------------------------- 714 Dwight----------------------------------- 295 Effingham--------------------------------- 676 Eskridge---------------------------------- 648 PVerest------------------------------------ 375 Fairview---------------------------------- 333 Garfield----------------------------------- 335 Geneseo----------------------------------- 632 Gypsum----------------------------------- 615 Hanover---------------------------------- 896 Harveyville------------------------------- 302 Highland---------------------------------- 764 Hope-------------------------------------- 500 Inman------------------------------------ 507 Irving------------------------------------- 310 Lehigh------------------------------------ 296 Leonardville------------------------------ 342 Lewis------------------------------------- 481 Lincolnville------------------------------- 255 Little River------------------------------- 603 Lost Springs------------------------------ 255 Macksville-------------------------------- 723 Marquette-------------------------------- 609 Mayetta----------------------------------- 275 McFarland-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 336 McLouth---------------------------------- 515 Meriden----------------------------------- 421 Milford------------------------------------ 271 Miltonvale-------------------------------- 800 Morganville------------------------------- 264 Nortonville-------------------------------- 562 Offerle------------------------------------- 273 Ogden------------------------------------- 494 Onaga---------------------.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 741 Oskaloosa--------------------------------- 800 Overbrook--------------------------------- 550 Pawnee Rock----------------------------- 388 Preston----------------------------------- 328 Randolph--------------------------------- 369 Riley-------------------------------------- 392 Rossville----------------------------------- 601 Silver Lake-------------------------------- 362 South Hutchinson.------------------------- 915 Spring Hill-------------------------------- 489 Sylvia------------------------------------- 477 Tescott------------------------------------ 402 Turon------------------------------------- 594 Wakefield---------------------------------- 513 Westmoreland----------------------------- 532 Wetmore---------------------------------- 425 White City-------------------------------- 516 Whiting----------------------------------- 343 Winchester-------------------------------- 415 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Doniphon County Light & Power Co. The Kansas Electric Power Co. Kansas Gas & Electric Co. (Interchange). The Kansas Power Co. (Interchange). Leona Electric Light Co. Solomon Gas and Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Alma. *Centralia Municipal Light System. * Chapman Municipal Light Dept. *City of Enterprise. *City of Goff. *Muscotah Municipal Electric Dept. *Netawaka Electric Light System. *Reserve Light Dept. *City of Robinson. *St. Mary’s Water and Light Plant. 242 FEDERAL PoweR COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Seneca. *City of Severance. *Troy Light Dept. *Vermillion Light System. *City of Waterville. *Dickinson, Saline & Ottawa Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. - *Kaw Valley Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Bus, gas, ice, steam heating, and water service. 15–115 Kansas Power Transmis Company, Inc. Pratt, Kans. sion (Controlled by United Light & Power Company.) Principal Officers: I. C. Bushong------------------------------- Pres. Henry M. Turrell.-------- Vice Pres., Secy.-Treas. Directors: I. C. Bushong, J. C. Fagan, Chas. F. Rezeau, Orpha Rezeau, Henry M. Turrell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $295,068 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,726 Number of Electric Customers------------ 687 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 203, 152 Communities Served at Retail: Population Haviland--------------- 499 Sun City------------------------------------- 305 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Western Light & Telephone Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Coats. 15–117 The Kansas Utilities Company 2 E. Wall St., Fort Scott, Kans. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Frank M. Stone----------------------------- FreS. L. E. Conger--------------------------- Vice PreS. H. A. Murphy------------------------- Vice PreS. Walter H. Timm---------------------------- eCy A. Healy----------------------------------- Treas H. H. Hiller--------------------- ASSt. Secy-Treas. E. Dale Chambers--------------------- ASSt. Secy. R. R. Teele-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. W. L. Payne------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: L. E. Conger, H. H. Hiller, Carl O. Hoffman, H. A. Murphy, F. M. Stone, F. A. Tracy, J. T. Woodward, L. E. Yeager. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - amº - - - - - - - - Total.----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m = - $2,888,845 $672, 360 $555, 286 9, 802 9,459 Rilowatts 3,917 1,650 507 1, 760 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt hours Total------------------------------ 24, 189,932 Generated.----------------------------- 10, 598, 770 Purchased----------------------------- 13, 591, 162 Communities Served at Retail: Population Colony------------------------------------ 420 Fort Scott--------------------------------- 10, 557 Fulton------------------------------------ 9. Gridley------------------------------------ 418 Humboldt--------------------------------- 2, 290 Kincaid----------------------------------- Le Roy------------------------------------ 751 Mound City------------------------------ 703 Neosho Falls------------------------------ 452 Paola-------------------------------------- 3, 511 Parker------------------------------------- 361 Pleasanton.-------------------------------- 1, 227 Uniontown-------------------------------- 277 Westphalia-------------------------------- 314 Yates Center------------------------------ 2, 176 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Home Electric Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Blue Mound Light Plant. *City of Bronson. *City of Elsmore. *La Harpe Municipal Plant. *Moran Light Dept. *City of Prescott. *Savonburg Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Steam heat Service. See Also: Operations reported under Missouri (24–074). 15–121 Leona Electric Light Co. Leona, Kans. Principal Officer: A. O. Delaney----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,800 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,310 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 63 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 32,600 15–134 The Northern Kansas Power Co. 1717 Broadway, Scottsbluff, Nebr. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co.) Principal Officers: - Walter M. Bird------------------------------ PreS. Directors: Elizabeth M. Barshfield, Walter M. Bird, William L. Breslin, Robert S. Eastin, John § Oliver, Margaret R. Pacitti, Walter Wollen- €Tg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $24,083 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,536 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 146 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch .. 83, 815 Community Served at Retail: Population White Cloud 479 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 243 15–146 St. Benedict Light & Power Co. Seneca, Kans. Principal Officers: Henry Heiman------------------------------ ProS. Leo Haverkamp------------------------ Vice PreS. Mary Gerkens.-------------------- Secy. & Treas. Charles Rethman---------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: Mary Gerkens, Leo Haverkamp, Henry Heiman, Charles Rethman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.----------------- $467 Number of Electric Customers.-------------- 22 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - ------------------------- 9, 696 15–155 Solomon Gas & Electric Co. Solomon, Kans. Community Served at Retail: Population Solomon-------------------------------------- 872 15–171 The Utility Service Company 550 W. Second St., Hoisington, Kans. 15–175 Walnut Electric Light & Power Co. Walnut, Kans. Principal Officer: Mrs. Lillie Prussing------------------------ Owner Thé following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $19,583 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,878 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 85 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 139,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Walnut----------------------------------- 544 15–180 Western Light & Telephone Company Huron Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. Principal Officers: A. L. Mullergren---------------------------- Pres. F. M. Browne-------------------------- Vice PreS. D. C. Tinker--------------------------- Vice Pres. C. E. Kennemer------------------------ Vice Pres. J. A. Hartigan------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. A. Birdsall, C. E. Kennemer, B. S. Martin, Holmes Meade, W. S. Monroe, A. L. Mullergren, Edwin J. Smail. Controls: American Ice Co. (ice mfg.). The Better Homes Appliance Co. (retail moise.). City Ice Delivery Co. (ice sales). East Bethlehem Water Co. (water). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,277,265 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------ $454, 695 In Kansas ---- $424, 118 Number of Electric Customers: Total------------------------------ 7,980 In Kansas----------------------------- 7, 312 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---- 6, 644 Steam--------------------------------- 4, 500 Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 144 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 12,820, 003 Generated----------------------------- 11,498,968 Purchased----------------------------- 1, 321,035 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Caldwell------------------------------------ 1,962 ColdWater---------------------------------- 1, 214 Harper * * * * *- - - * * * * - - - - - * * * * - - - * * * * * 1,695 Kiowa-------------------------------------- 1, 379 Medicine Lodge 1,870 Ness City----------------------------------- 1, 355 250 to 1,000 population Argonia------------------------------------- 532 Bazine-------------------------------------- 465 Bluff City---------------------------------- 252 Conway Springs---------------------------- 849 Cunningham------------------------------- 451 Hardtner----------------------------------- 313 Hazelton------------------------------------ 260 McCracken - * - - - * * * * * - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * 534 Norcatur 440 Norwich------------ 411 Perth--------------------------------------- 300 Ransom------------------------------------ 403 Sharon - - - ---- 296 South Haven------------------------------- 405 Utica--------------- 379 Zenda--------------------------------------- 252 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Kansas Power Transmission Co., Inc. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Isabel, *City of Kanona. *Waldron Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas, ice, telephone, and Water Service in Kansas; ice service in New Mexico and Penn- sylvania; telephone service in Iowa, Missouri, and Oklahoma. See Also: Operations reported under Missouri (24–167). 15–215 Allen County Supply Company Iola, Kans. 15–257 Bowersock Mills & Power Co. Lawrence, Kans. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: .. E. R. Jackman.------------------------ Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $180,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $93,000 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 7 244 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)-------------- 1,850 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 2,517, 273 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 3,859, 400 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Ransas Electric Power Co. 15–260 The Garden City Co. Garden City, Kans. Principal Officers: J. Stewart----------------------------------- PreS. E. Stoeckly--------------------------- Gen. Supt. L. R. Thrasher----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $450, 651 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $155, 188 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5,000 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 10,801, 070 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Garden City Irrigation Power Company. Also Renders: Gas service. 15–299 The Monarch Cement Company Humboldt, Kans. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. P. Mitchell------------------------------ Supt. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Kansas Utilities Co. 15–305 National Gypsum Company 192 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: D. C. Chads-------------------------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------------- 15–355 Union Electric Railway Co. Coffeyville, Kans. Rilowatts 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Dearing--------------------------------------- 273 See Also: Operation reported under Oklahoma (35–400). 15–384 Wrights Service Garage Russell Springs, Kans. 15–513 *City of Alma Alma, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Geo. Zahner-------------------------------- Supt. Mayor & Council: C. L. Gnadt, Aug. Guth (mayor), Gerald Haller. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,412 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 296,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Alma----------------------------------------- 776 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–514 *City of Altamont Altamont, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. George------------------------------ Mayor E. E. Todd----- * *s City Clerk City Council: Roy Clegg, H. M. Foster, G. E.' Martin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,982 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 265 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 216, 940 Community Served at Retail: Population Altamont------------------------------------- 642 Also Renders: Gas Service. 15–516 *City of Alton Alton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ellis Goode----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal combustion-------------------------- 146 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 148,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Alton---------------------------------------- 435. Also Renders: Water Service, 15–518 *City of Americus Americus, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Phelan--------------- ---------------- Mayor E. L. Hunsaker------ Electric Light Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $4, 325 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 162 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 70,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Americus -- 406 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 245 15–521 *City of Anthony Anthony, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. Jones------------- Commissioner of Utilities City Council: L. C. Bosc, C. E. Jones, E. Under- WOOd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $300, 188 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $67,017 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 200 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) -------------- 1, 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated ------------------------ 2, 440, 650 Community Served at Retail: Population Anthony----------------------------------- 2,873 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–523 *City of Arcadia Arcadia, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. Bowin--------------- Supt. Lights & Water City Council: Bert Adams (chairman), Chas. Blair, A. F. Bowlus, J. T." Fowler (mayor), C. P. Mc- Miſian, Payton Moore. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,675 Number of Electric Customers------------- 265 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -------------------------- 221,860 Community Served at Retail: Population Arcadia-------------------------------------- 843 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–525 *City of Arma Arma, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Vitas Hromek------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Council: Arthur Boucheri, Joe Cukjati (mayor), James #º. Thomas EIume, Lloyd Stwalleyf, Tony 12.20 T. fMember of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $70,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $16, 102 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 423, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Arma-------------------------------------- 1,615 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–527 *City of Ashland Ashland, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray L. Crosby---------------------------- Mayor John B. Foster------------------------------ Supt. City Council: Stacy Burns, W. H. Gray, S. E. Grimes, O. L. Spotts, W. A. Willard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $110,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,979 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 390 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 680 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 651,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ashland--------------------------------- 1, 186 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–529. *City of Attica Attica, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. B. Thomas------------------------------- Supt. City Council: A. N. Black, Warren Brown (mayor), Jess Crocker, Virgil Hoops, Chas. Maxiner, Loyd Trotter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues. ---- • * = * * * * * * * $11,665 Number of Electric Customers------------- 251 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 298 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 426,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Attica---------------------------------------- 708 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–530 *City of Augusta Augusta, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. Garvin------------------------------ Mayor John Hime---------------------------------- Supt. Paul Beard--------------------------------- Engr. Mayor and Council: Harvey Bates, Emerson Clip- penger, J. F. Dunsford, F. A. Garvin (mayor), Z. R. Harvey, C. E. Hopkins, Cecil Powers, Roy Powers, G. H. Spillman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $275,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $66,428 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 266 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,625 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 320, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Augusta------------------------------------ 3, 821 Also Renders: Water Service. 246 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 15–532 *Axtell Municipal Electric Department Axtell, Kans. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Axtell------------------ 545 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–534 *Baldwin City Light & Water Department Baldwin. Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John J. Davison----------------------------- Supt. Leo F. Smith----------------- Utility Councilman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $110,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,000 Number of Electric Customers - ------------ 485 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 408 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 688, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Baldwin City------------------------------- 1,096 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–536 *City of Belleville Belleville, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. C. Pierce------------------------- City Mgr. Chas. H. Klaumann-------------- City Electrician City Commission: H. M. Arrowsmith (mayor), O. F. French, Theo. A. Sanborn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $233, 840 $48,621 Number of Electric Customers - ---------- 922 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 710 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1, 489, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Belleville ---------------------------------- 2,580 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–538 *Beloit Light and Water Department Beloit, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. Earl Porter---------------------------- Mayor Dr. M. P. Schlaegel,------------------------------ Chairman of Light and Water Committee V. E. Hougland A. W. Pfaff Light and Water Committee of City Council: C. S. * Jas. Reiter, Dr. M. P. Schlaegel (chair- IIla Il. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $77,800 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 200 Generating Capacity: IKilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 780 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3, 245, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Beloit-------------------------------------- 3,765 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–540 *Blue Mound Light Plant Blue Mound, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: T. E. Fuller--------------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: J. T. Kennedy, J. F. Sonneman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $5,021 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 190 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 102,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Blue Mound--------------------------------- 449 15–541 *The City of Bogue Bogue, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. A. Belt------------------------------- 2-Mayor A. C. Thompson.---------------------- City Clerk D. S. Conn.--------------------------- Electrician Governing Body: W. J. Belleau, B. A. Belt (mayor), R. R. Kirkpatrick, L. C. Radcliffe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $2,363 Number of Electric Customers------------- 52 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 33, 650 15–542 *City of Bronson Bronson, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Rogers----------------------------- Mayor Ed. F. James-------------------------- Electrician Councilmen: Leroy Crowder, R. E. Harlan, J. T. Hilton, Frank Rudisell, J. E. Zimmerman (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 150 Kilou'aff-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 108,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bronson.------------------------------------- 421 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 247 15–544 *Buffalo Light & Power Department Buffalo, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Alva De Armond--------------------------- Supt. City Council: L. H. Anderson, W. H. Hildebrandt, Orielle Milliron, Chas. Norman, A. D. Orendorff (mayor), Cora Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,836 Number of Electric Customers------------- 162 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 100 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 108, 121 Community Served at Retail: Population Buffalo--------------------------------------- 555 15–547 *Burlingame Light & Power Plant Burlingame, Kans. Community Served at Retail: Population Burlingame-------------------------------- 1,019 15–548 *Burlington Light & Power Plant Burlington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Henning--------------------------- Mayor F. E. Gillen Waler-------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: Russ Roberts, A. W. Scott, OSCar ZScheile. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $43, 157 Number of Electric Customers----------- 896 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 648 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 402,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Burlington--------------------------------- 2, 379 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rural Electric Association. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–551 *Cawker City Electric & Water Department Cawker City, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: B. Heumphreus----------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Councilmen: Ora Burdenm, E. W. Krenkelf, H. H. Shearer, C. W. Simpson (mayor), Raymond Smithf, John Tichyi. flyſember in Charge of Electric Operations. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,668 Number of Electric Customers------------- 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 262,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cawker City--------------------------------- 657 15–553 *Centralia Municipal Light System Centralia, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. W. Schmidt----------------------------- Supt City Council: R. D. Blair, C. O. Brown, H. R. Colwell, Albert Fliniti, J. C. McAndrews, L. H. McTire (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 260 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 190,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Centralia------------------------------------- 607 Also renders: Water Service. 15–555 *City of Chanute Chanute, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dunham---------------------------- Mayor R. A. Light------------- Commissioner of Finance Emery W. Nobles Commissioner of Streets and Utilities ROSS Cooper-------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $750,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $189,000 Number of Electric Cust sº 3,726 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 5,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6,781, 118 Community Served at Retail: Population Chanute----------------------------------- 10, 142 15–557 *Chapman Municipal Light Department 108 E. Fourth St., Chapman, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. E. Darby------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $16,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,676 Number of Electric Customers------------- 320 248 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 314, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Chapman------------------------------------ 782 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–559 *The City of Chetopa Chetopa, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Frank A. Shields------------ Supt. of Power Plant Mayor and Council: F. H. Buwinger, James Clopton, D. E. Dresher, Ed. Hawkins, W. J. High, Alvin Keith, John Shields (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $88, 134 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,910 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 461 Generating Capacity: kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 400 Jºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 755,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Chetopa------------------------------------ 1,606 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–561 *City of Cimarron Cimarron, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. R. Crusinberry ---------------------- Engineer P. L. Harris-------------------------------- Clerk Light Committee: Ralph Clark, A. L. Nicolet. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 400,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cimarron---------- ---- 1,004 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–563 *Clay Center Municipal Light & Water Plant - 4th and Clay Sts., Clay Center, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. Meier Public Utility Commission: Arnold Buchman, Carl O Johnson, Leslie O. Norquist The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $500,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $92,248 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,800 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 634, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Clay Center-------------------------------- 4, 518 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Broughton. *Green City Light Plant. & *Clay & Washington Rural Electrification Authority. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–565 *City of Coats Coats, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: & W. F. Gillett------------------------- Councilman Ralph Hanouff------------------------ City Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,380 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 108 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 96,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Coats as sº sº ºs ---- 304 15–567 *Coffeyville Municipal Water & Light Department Coffeyville, Kans. Pinº, Electric Utility Officials: J. D. Byers-------------------------------- Mayor Arthur R. Wilson - - - - - - - - - Tinance Commissioner Charles D. Lockard------- |Utilities Commissioner B. L. Haff---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,016,043 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $397, 341 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 6, 224 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 11, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 23, 762, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Coffeyville------------------------------ 17,355 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PIRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Caney Electric Co. Union Electric Railways Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *South Coffeyville Municipal Electric System. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–569 *Colby Water and Light Plant Colby, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ernest V. Snell------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $59, 611 Number of Electric Customers------------ 778 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 968 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 249 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,847,900 Community Served at Retail: Population *y--------------------------------------- 2, 458 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Inland Utilities Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–572 *City of De Soto De Soto, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. H. Linden-------------------------- Electrician Councilmen: Arthur Gabriel, Chas. Kaegi, Dr. G. A. Pearson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5, 165 Number of Electric Customers-------------- - 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 118,000 Community Served at Retail: Population De Soto • - - 383 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–576 *City of Dighton Dighton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Riepe--------------------------------- Supt. Harold Riepe-------------------------- Asst. Supt. City Council: W. A. Charles, R. S. Church (chair- man), E. D. Deal, Glen Hobbs, R. G. Mull. The following data are for the year 1940: - Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $53,875 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $14,797 Number of Electric Customers------------- 349 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 425 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 489,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Pighton-------------------------------------- 974 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–580 *Ellinwood Light and Water Department Ellinwood, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. R. McCollough.-----------------------...-- Supt. Joe C. Hermes------------------------ Chief #; lerk City Council: Harvey De Werff, Edw. H. Isern, A. H. Lanterman, Walter L. Panning, W. L. South- €TI). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $131, 159 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,333 Number of Electric Customers------------ 571 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion-------------------- 816 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 109,840 Community Served at Retail: Population Ellinwood------------------------------- 2,059 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–582 *Ellis Light and Water Plant Ellis, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. E. Taylor-------------------------------- Supt. City Council: J. Kippes, J. Krysl, Harry S. Marx (mayor), A. Mulheim, J. W. Nicholson. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1938: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $29, 272 Number of Electric Customers----------- 568 Generating Capacity: I(ilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 686 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,015,720 Community Served at Retail: Population Ellis---------------------------------------- 2,042 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–584 *City of Elsmore Elsmore, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: + º Geo. Rogers--------------------------- Electrician Councilmen: Chas. Maxwell, A. Tahlfest. The following data are for the year 1940: Electricity Utility Plant-------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $2,477 Number of Electric Cust S. 90 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 57, 679 15–586 *City of Elwood Elwood, Kans. Principal Eleetric Utility Officials: J. B. Koonse----------------------------- 2-Mayor D. E. Craythorne--------------------- City, Clerk Arch King----------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $7,643 Number of Electric Customers------------- 240 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 128,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Elwood------------------------------------- 1,014 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–588 *City of Enterprise Enterprise, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry EhrSam-----------------------------> Supt. John A. Decker, Jr.----------------------2-Mayor C. E. Meyer-------------------------- City Clerk 250 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Light Commission: E. H. Kuster, L. Mulnax. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $7,992 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 246 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] 222,392 Community Served at Retail: Population Enterprise gº --- 671 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–589 *Erie Water and Light Department Erie, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. J.98ke-------------------------------- Mayor P. R. Oliver Thos. F. Leatherman The following data are for the year 1939: Total Revenue ---- a $20,394 a ſncludes revenues of water department. Number of Electric Customers-. ---------- 498 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 296 JKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 652,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Erie---------------------------------------- 1, 286 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–591 *Eudora Light Department Eudora, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Roe------------------------------ Lineman C. B. Johnson------------------------- Committee Bert Seiwald-------------------------- Committee Community Served at Retail: Population Eudora--------------------------------------- 603 15–593 . *City of Fredonia Fredonia, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. H. Cook-------------------------------- Mayor Ernest Otto_-_---- Supt. Water and Electric Light Chas. W. Berinett------- Commissioner of Finance Jas. W. Neumann.------- Commissioner of Utilities The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $70,428 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 328 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,410 Community Served at Retail: Population Fredonia----------------------------------- 3, 524 15–595 *City of Galesburg Galesburg, Kans. Mayor and Councilmen: L. F. Gibson, L. F. Lud- lum, L. K. Olsen (mayor), H. N. Shaw, S. B. Shaw, M. L. Willis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $4,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,308 Number of Electric Customers ------------------ 75 15–597 *Galva Electric Department Galva, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. C. Holmes----------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: R. G. Boines, Henery Hilgeson, W. S. Myers, Everett Sutphin, Clarence Tector. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * * * * * * * * * * *s sm s = * $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,804 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 175 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 114,000 Community Served at Retail: Population alva--------------------------------------- 463 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–599 *City of Garden City Garden City, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. J. Carter- Mayor A. J. Johnson— Commissioner of Finance & Revenue S. H. Templeton— Commissioner of Streets & Public Utilities Simeon M. Moss--- City Clerk & Purchasing Agent Jane Sharer City Treas. L. J. White Supt. Directors: I. J. Carter, A. J. Johnson, A. G. Gardner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $170,705 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $109,797 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------- - - - - 3,831, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Garden City- 6, 285 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–600 *Gardner Municipal Electric Plant Gardner, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. H. Myers------------------------- Councilman H. C. Bigelow----------------------- - - - - - - - - - Mgr. Council: J. S. Cordell, A. V. Griffin, J. F. Higgins (mayor), C. S. McCreary, T. H. Myers, Dr. A. S. Reece. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,500 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $9,818 Number of Electric Customers------------- DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 251 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 193, 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Gardner 510 Also Renders: Water service. 15–602 *City of Garnett Garnett, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Watkins------------------------ Plant Chief H. A. Johnston.------------- Supt. of Distribution The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $44,790 Number of Electric Customers----------- 950 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 340 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2, 279, 820 Community Served at Retail: Population Garnett------------ ------------------------- 2, 607 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 15–604 *Girard Light & Power Plant Girard, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jerry Mills - - \ L. T. Mitchell Mayor and Commissioners: J. M. Hyndman, Rob- ert O. Karr, W. E. Murray (mayor). Plant Supt. Line Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $180,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $45,843 Number of Electric Customers. -- - - - - - - - - - 1,078 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,032 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,692,016 Community Served at Retail: Population Girard 2, 554 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–606 *Glasco Light Department Glasco. Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray A. Ball------------------- ---Supt. Perry MgBane------------------------ Asst. Supt. Sophia Horn-------------------------- City Clerk. Light & Water Committee: H. J. Horn, F. R. McCollough (mayor), Charles A. Studt, H. S. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $28,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,730 Number of Electric Customers. -------------- 317 Community Served at Retail: Population Glasco 74.1 15–608 *City of Glen Elder Glen Elder, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Paul Bailey - Mayor Councilmen: Albert Kiener, Evert Neff, O. E. Pickering. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $603 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 217 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- - - - - 16,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Glen Elder __ 555 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–610 *City of Goff Goff, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. E. Holston---------------------------- Mayor J. H. Horlock-------------------- City Electrician A. H. Fitzwater-------------------- City Treas. F. O. Brown------------------------ City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $5,462 Number of Electric Customers------------- 144 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 140,260 Community Served at Retail: Population Olſ---------------------------------------- 339 15–612 *City of Goodland Goodland, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Peter Thompson.-------------------------- Mayor H. T. Eaves-------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Council: F. Elliot, D. Gilbert, G. Manion, W. F. Newton, L. F. Sage, G. A. Sanders, P. T. Thompson (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $310, 167 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $76,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,080 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 505 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,800,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Goodland----------------------------------- 3,306 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Inland Utilities Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–614 *City of Green Green, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Houser---------------------------------- Mgr. 252 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,910 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 106 15–616 *Greensburg Light & Power System - Greensburg, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: 000s------------------------------ Mayor E. L. Pittman-------------------- Finance Comm. W. Atkinson-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $185,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $24,549 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 480 Generating Capacity: Pöilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 670 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 927, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Greensburg--------------------------------- 1, 417 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–619 *Haven Light & Power Department Haven, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. B. Graham Councilman for Electricity & Water Herman Tonn------------------- City Electrician Mayor and Councilmen: Glenn Dick, L. E. Dow, H. B. Graham, C. B. Harl, Arnold Koch (mayor), JGSS Stoffer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $11,541 Number of Electric Customers------------- 280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 333,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Haven- - 653 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–623 *Herington Municipal Water & Electric Department Herington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A InoS E. Finch_-__ Mayor Geo. Day------------------- Utility Commissioner Ray D. Nixon- _Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $64,336 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 350 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1, 212 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 693, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Herington * * *- 3, 804 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Flint Hills Rural Electric Association. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–624 *Herndon Municipal Electric System Herndon, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. R. Hafner-------------------------------- Supt. Mayor & Councilmen: F. J. Cox, Lorn Fleck, Ed. §; R. W. Herzog (mayor), C. J. Hatfies, Vern Oſlo Il. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $38,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 208,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Herndon----------------------------------- 448 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–625 *Hill City Water & Light Plant Hill City, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Parks--------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: R. J. McCally, F. D. Miles (mayor), H. E. Morris, W. P. Pembleton, O. E. Trexler, J. N. Welty. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $24,000 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 400 Generating Capacity: Rīlowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 250 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 600,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Hill City----------------------------------- 1, 115 15–626 *Hoisington Municipal Electric Utility Hoisington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: e Ralph B. Call-------------------------- City Mgr. J. B. Opperman----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $202,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $63,899 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 103 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 900 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 253 Population 3,719 Community Served at Retail: Hoisington---------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 15–627 *Holton Light Department Holton, Kans. f Board of Commissioners: Jay B. Bennett (mayor), W. O. Grundeman, R. B. Nostrum. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50, 150 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 350 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 985 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 566, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Holton-------------------------------------- 2,885 15–629 *Holyrood Light & Water Department Holyrood, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Paul B. Hoffman-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Clerk J. M. Wanasek.---------------------------- Treas. Fred W. Shipley---------------------------- Supt Governing Body: Sherman Andrea, J. M. Bakerf, Orion Boyef, W. J. Hurejsi, J. L. Sekaveci, E. J. Snyder (mayor). fMember of Water and Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $17,500 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ a $10,500 a Includes water revenues. Number of Electric Customers ----------- 203 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 225,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Holyrood----------------------------------- 559 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–631 *Horton Water & Electric Department 205 E. 8th St., Horton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. F. Hulings------------------------ Chief Engr. City Commission: H. M. Clark, J. S. Henderson (mayor), E. P. Trompeter. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ----------------------- $688, 211 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $58,719 Number of Electric Customers------------ 913 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion. ------------------ 1, 775 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 339, 588 Population 2,872 Community Served at Retail: Horton------------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PU BLICLY OWNED UTII,ITY: *Brown-Atchison Electric Cooperative Rural Electrification Authority. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–633 *Hugoton Light & Water Plant Hugoton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. E. Richardson--------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: Jim Chandley, M. W. EIayes, Harry L. Lightcap (mayor), Donald F. Lynde, Ira V. Parson, C. E. Prine. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $136, 574 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $27,485 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 554 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 455 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 638,859 Community Served at Retail: Population Hugoton----------------------------------- 1, 349 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–635 *Idana Light Association Idana, Kans. 15–637 *City of Iola 119 W. Madison, Iola, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Perham ---------------------------- Mayor Howard A. Jones. Commissioner of Public Utilities C. B. Spencer-Commissioner of Finance & Revenue The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $203,074 Electric Operating Revenues--------- - - - - - - $134,028 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2,887 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---- - - - - - - - - - - 2,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 520, 209 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gas----------------------------------------- 357 Iola----------------------------------------- 7, 244 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OW NEID UTILITIES: *Moran Municipal Light Plant. * Cooperative Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 15–639 *City of Isabel Isabel, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. D. Byrd 254 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $3,994 Number of Electric Cust sº * * * 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 81,150 Community Served at Retail: Population Isabel * & -- 252 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–641 *Iuka Light, Power and Distri- bution System Iuka, Kans. 15–643 *Jamestown Light & Water Department Jamestown, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. Townsdwin---------------------------- Mayor R. H. Seanland----------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: Fred Ansdale, Howard Blackly, W. R. Elniff. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - - $8,791 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - - 201 Community Served at Retail: Population Jamestown-------------------------------- 490 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–644 *Jetmore Power & Light Department Jetmore, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. B. Thloof-------------------------------- Mayor Walter Smith-------------------------- Chairman K. C. Finch Supt. Councilmen: C. Blount, K. C. Finch, Dr. Hastings, C. B. Ihloff (mayor), Frank Shrwise, Walter Sinclair, Walter Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $20,242 Number of Electric Cust sº 298 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 454 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 504,593 Community Served at Retail: Population Jetmore 881 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–646 *Kanopolis Municipal Water & Light Plant Kanopolis, Kans. Community Served at Retail: Kanopolis Population 868 15–648 *Board of Public Utilities of Kansas City, Kansas City Hall, 6th & Ann Ave., Kansas City, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jas. D. Donovan Mgr. of Production & Distribution C. E. Pray------ Mgr. of Collections and ACCOUnts Board of Public Utilities: Laurence E. Wilson------------------------- PreS. James L. Beggs------------------------- Vice Pres C. A. Lowder------------------------------- Secy. James H. De Coursey-------------------- Member George H. Long-------------------------- Member The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------ $10,476,632 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $2,463,248 Number of Electric Customers---------- 33,929 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 69,000 IKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 169,912, 556 Population 121, 458 Community Served at Retail: Ransas City------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. 15–650 *City of Kingman 402 N. Main St., Kingman, Kans. Pºp! Electric Utility Officials: e2. W. Curry----------------------------- Mayor F. J. Cloud------ Commissioner of Public Utilities N. H. Kilmer------------Commissioner of Finance J. R. Hamilton----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $49,931 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 115 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,080 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 708, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Kingman----------------------------------- 3, 213 Also Renders: Water service. 15–654 *City of La Crosse La Crosse, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jess C. Moser-------------------------- City Mgr. Governing Body: A. W. Carbaugh, Earl Ping, B. G. Snodgrass. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,449 Number of Electric Customers------------- 500 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 700 JKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 930, 608 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 255 Population 1,407 Community Served at Retail: La Crosse----------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Utility Service Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–656 *La Harpe Municipal Plant La Harpe, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Forest D. Marsh Allen F. Davis------------------------------ Supt. Councilmen: Lee Croghan, W. B. Driver, M. V. Green, Hez Ward. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,258 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 190 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch AI 47, 771 Community Served at Retail: Population La Harpe 624 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–658 *City of Lakin Lakin, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jas. O. Parker------------------- City Electrician C. W. Barchet------- Light Committee Chairman R. E. Thorpe--------- Light Committee Member The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $10, 148 Number of Electric Customers------------- 266 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 285, 290 Community Served at Retail: Population Lakin- 709 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–659 *Larned Water and Electric Department 722 Broadway, Larned, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. L. Frizell ----Mayor Ruth Converse------------------------ City Clerk J. W. Harries------------------------- Plant Supt. City Council Light Committee: H. C. Campbell, G. L. Frizell (mayor), C. L. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $531,397 $86, 538 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,386 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 100 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 4,458,000 Population Community Served at Retail: 3, 533 Larned * * * * - - - - - - - 15–663 *Lincoln Light Department Lincoln, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. J. Rees---------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: Wm. Headley, W. J. Moss, Dee Rhudy. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $20,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 568 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 485 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,059,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lincoln------------------------------------- 1, 761 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–665 *Lindsborg Light and Water Plant 103 S. Main St., Lindsborg, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Archie Peterson Supt. Ralph Robinson.---------------- Chief Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $33,023 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 750 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion * - - 630 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,609, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Lindsborg---------------------------------- 1,913 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 15–667 *Lucas Light Department Lucas, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. L. Vaughn------------------------------ - Supt. Mayor and Council: Ralph Gilbreath, F. W. Heine (mayor), Geo. Jennings, R. W. Lawson, Elmer Lentfer, Albert Ziegler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,958 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 209,850 Community Served at Retail: Population U1C3S----------------------------------------- 648 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–669 *Luray Municipal Water & Light Plant Luray, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Olson------------------------ Supt. & Clerk Joe Libal ------------- Chairman Lt. & W tr. Com. Carl O’Leary------------------------- Councilman 256 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20, 000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,300 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 140 Generating Capacity: PÖilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 48 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 94, 330 Community Served at Retail: Population Ulray---------------------------------------- 392 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–671 *City of Mahaska Mahaska, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. H. COOntod--------------------- Light Comm. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3, 200 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 90 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 52, 000 Also Renders: Water service. 15–673 *Marion Water and Light Plant Marion, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: LeRoy Priess------------------ Supt. Light Dept. Jas. Blackim - - - Chief Engr. Governing Body: Jacob Barrett (mayor), E. E. Campbell, E. F. Nelson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $34,772 Number of Electric Customers---------- 696 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 346 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 763, 660 Community Served at Retail: Population Marion- 2,086 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rural Electrification Administration. 15–675 *McPherson Water and Electric Department McPherson, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. W. Bremyer - Commissioner of Finance & Revenue E. L. Wolf - Commissioner of Streets & Public Utilities L.C. Angevine------------------------------Supt. Ellen Lundstrom---------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,264, 191 Electric Operating Revenues-------- -- - - - - $251,787 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,921 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 10, 750 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 16, 117,682 Community Served at Retail: Population McPherson-------------------- 7, 194 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Galva Electric Dept. *City of Moundridge Water & Light Dept. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–677 *City of Meade Meade, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. F. Worman------------------------------ Supt. Don Rosenberry----------------------- City Clerk Light Committee: O. J. Dettle, Dean D. Murphy, David J. Wilson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22,888 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 440 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 472 Community Served at Retail: Population Weade-------------------------------------- 1,400 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–679 *Menlo Electric Light and Trans- mission System Menlo, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. V. Christensen- Mayor J. E. McKinney - - - Treas. City Council: Carl Blum, James T. Duffey, Erskin James, S. G. Klaurens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,700 Number of Electric Customers------------- 65 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--- 33, 200 15–682 *City of Minneapolis Minneapolis, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. F. Pickrell-------------------------- City Clerk Plant Committee: W. C. Griest, G. M. Horner (chairman), E. Tipton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $30, 105 Number of Electric Customers------------- 746 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 860 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,097, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Minneapolis-------------------------------- 2,087 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 257 15–684 *City of Montezuma Montezuma, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. A A. Fry--------------------------- Commissioner T. J. Glasgow-------------------------- City Clerk D. B. Rabourn * - Engineer The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,736 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 142 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 95,070 Community Served at Retail: Population Montezuma 340 Also Renders: Water Scrvice. 15–686 *Moran Municipal Light Plant Moran, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. D. Canatsey---------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: W. E. McCoy, James F. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $9,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 225 Community Served at Retail: Population Moran - - - - - - - 592 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–688 *Morrill Municipal Light System Morrill, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. E. Poister------------------- City Clerk & Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,287 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 152 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 175, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Morrill * 387 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–689 *City of Moundridge Water & Light Dept. Moundridge, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. F. Regier -- Supt. Mayor and Council: C. H. Goering, T). L. Harder (mayor)f, Z. F. Huffman f, John P. Kriehbiel, W. P. Regier, I). G. Rothf. fMember of electric committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $42,319 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- a $21,994 a Includes Water revenues. 322184—42 22 Number of Electric Customers------------ 325 Rilowatt-hours. Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 455, 670 Community Served at Retail: Population Moundridge S64 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–691 *Mount Hope Electric Dept. Mount Hope, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. W. Congdon----------- Electric Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,000 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 210 - Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------- 250,000 Community Served at Retail: Population. Mount Hope---------------------------------- 442. 15–693 *Mulberry Water & Light System. Mulberry, Kans. Governing Body: Oscar Crain (mayor), L. E. Hopkins, L. L. EIughes, Joe Oliver. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,826 Number of Electric Customers------------- 365 Rilowatt-hours. Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 361,260 Community Served at Retail: Population Mulberry - - - - 1, 175. 15–695 *City of Mulvane Mulvane, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Nelson------------------------------- Mayor A. P. Loper--------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: H. R. Fulk, C. W. Ginn, F. E. Shaw (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $52, 500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,300 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 344 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts: Internal Combustion--------------------- 350 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 312,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mulvane----------------------------------- 940, Also Renders: Water Service. 258 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 15–697 *Muscotah Municipal Electric Department Muscotah, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. B. Cleveland .ay A. H. Harris------------------------- Service Man Mrs. E. W. Allen-------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,440 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 125 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 76,788 Community Served at Retail: Population Muscotah------------------------------------ 331 15–699 *City of Neodesha Neodesha, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. K. Vance its sº me me as ºr my ºr m a.m. as sº as sº as s sº * * * * * * * * Supt Light and Power Commission: L. E. Bowman, C. R. Mong (mayor), IROSS Porter. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $69,616 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 505 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,269,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Neodesha---------------------------------- 3, 376 15–700 *Netawaka Electric Light System . Netawaka, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F[enry Purtzer - - - - - - Mayor J. C. Carson- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $17,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,760 Number of Electric Customers------------- 93 Rºżlowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 56,000 15–702 *City of Norton 115 N. Kansas Ave., Norton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. C. Johnson.---------- * = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $53,890 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,046 Generating Capacity: IKilowatts Internal Combustion 1, 100 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 513,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Norton------------------------------------- 2, 762 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–704 *Oakley Municipal Plant Oakley, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Peroy Park---------------------------------- Supt. K. W. Davis------------------------------ Cashier Council: Chas. Beamer, W. W. Crownover (mayor), É. S. Hall, R. B. Medlin, G. H. Newcom, J. L. age. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $95,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $19,600 Number of Electric Cust ºf 429 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 744 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------- * = * * * * = * * * * * * = --> * 1,071,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Oakley--------------------------------------- 1, 138 Also Renders: Water service. 15–706 *City of Oberlin Oberlin, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. F. Hurst Chief Engr. Public Utilities Board: Lee W. Kump, J. G. Herzog, Earl L. Sproul (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: . $213, 483 Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $31,626 Number of Electric Customers----------- 599 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion 755 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 309,000 Community Served at Retail Population Oberlin -- 1, 878 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Western Light & Telephone Co. Also Renders: Water Service, 15–712 *Osage City Municipal Light Plant Osage City, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Joseph Thyr---------------------------- Chairman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $37,910 Number of Electric Cust S. 785 Generating Capacity: Pºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 981 * Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,376, 729 Community Served at Retail: Population Osage City---------------------------------- 2,079 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 259 15–713 *Osawatomie Light and Water Department Osawatomie, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lisle W. Chambers-------------------- City Engr. J. J. Higgins-------------------------- Plant Supt. R. A. Hanfeld------------------------- City Clerk Mayor and Commissioners: B. F. Barnett, K. E. Cole, W. H. Weber (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $220, 315 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $66,869 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - - 1,395 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 520 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,490, 180 Community Served at Retail: Population OSawatomie---------------------------- 4, 145 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–715 *City of Osborne Osborne, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Will Hibbs-------------------------------- Mayor O. D. Gregory-------------------------- Attorney I. Z. Crawford------------------------------ Clerk R. O. Taylor------------------------------ Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues-- - - - - - - - - - - - $31, 529 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - 500 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,090 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 234, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Osborne-------------------------------- 1, 876 Also Renders: Water service. 15–717 *Oswego Light Dept. Oswego, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. H. George-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $45,895 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $30,485 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - - 730 Community Served at Retail: Population Oswego--------------------------------- 1,953 Also Renders: Water service. 15–719 *City Water and Light Depart- ment, City of Ottawa City Hall, 4th & Walnut Sts., Ottawa, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. M. Sheldon.--Commissioner of Streets & Utilities W. O. Myers-------------------------------- Supt. L. I. Crater---------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $172,957 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 237 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 7, 750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,450,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ottawa--------------------------------- 10, 193 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Kansas City Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Pomona Light Dept. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–721 *Oxford Light and Power System Oxford. Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. V. Spence------------------------------- Supt. Light Committee: Fred Conwell, Paul Nichols, L. W. Potts. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $12,783 Number of Electric Customers------------ 365 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 323, 634 Community Served at Retail: Population Oxford--------------------------------- 1,020 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–725 *Pomona Light Department Pomona, Kans. Population 485 Community Served at Retail: Pomona-------------------------------------- 15–727 - *Pratt Light & Water Department Pratt, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. W. Sitton------------------------------ Mayor Dale Earlywine--------- Commissioner of Finance O. K. Stewart - - - Commissioner of Streets and Public Utilities The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $128, 592 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 348 260 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 250 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 125, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Pratt--------------------------------------- 6,591 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–729 *City of Prescott Prescott, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: * * Lloyd Kite---------------------------- Electrician Mayor and Council: C. W. Coon, G. L. Curry, Byron Harkness, J. W. Herald (mayor), Ambrose Kite, Aaron Shaffer. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $2,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $2,735 Number of Electric Customers----------- 90 Community Served at Retail: Population Prescott-------------------------------- 277 15–730 *Protection Water and Light Department Protection, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Oſſicials: OTD8D------------------------------ Mayor A. Dewey Haney--------------------------- Supt Councilmen: W. Brewer, Alex Cholma, Ch. Grouer, C. Herron, B. Mehl. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $19,930 Number of Electric Customers------------ 385 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 558, 100 Population , 846 Community Served at Retail: Protection Also Renders: Water service. 15–732 *Radium Municipal Electric Department Radium, Kans. 15–734 *Reserve Light Department Reserve, Kans. 15–736 *City of Robinson Robinson, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: EI. E. Maxwell City Council: W. D. Gerdes, W. F. Hanny (mayor), Madison Idol, M. L. McGavhey, W. M. Taylor, V. C. Van Voorhis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $5,500 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 125 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 100,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Robinson------------------------------------- 413 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–738 *Russell Municipal Electric System - Russell, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dean S. Landon--------------------------- Mayor J. F. Branson-------------------------- Gen. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $253,429 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $100, 174 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 514 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 2, 203 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------- ------------ 4, 718,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Russell------------------------------------- 4, 819 Also Renders: Water service. 15–740 *City of Sabetha Sabetha, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. M. Hibbard----------------------------- Mayor Karl MOSer-------------- Commissioner of Finance M. H. Ewing----------- Commissioner of Utilities Charles A. Darby---------------------- City Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $201,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $55, 554 Number of Electric Customers------------ 975 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,081, 502 Community Served at Retail: Population Sabetha-------------------------------------- 2, 24t Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Berwick Transmission Co. Capital Transmission Co. Morrill Transmission Co. Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service. 15–741 *Saint Francis Water & Light Department Saint Francis, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. L. Fredrickson -- Plant Supt Fred Rieb----------------------------------- Clerk DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 261 Water & Light Committee: W. O. Fallis, N. A. Ketchum (Inayor), R. G. Rieb. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $29,367 Number of Electric Customers------------- 375 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 643 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 991, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Francis------------------------------- 1,041 Also Renders: Gas, steam, & water Service. 15–743 *St. John Municipal Electric Plant 113–115 E. 4th St., St. John, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Winfred Long------------------------------- Supt. Light and Water Committee: Clyde Johnson, Cecil B. Smith, O. F. Wieneke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44, 313 Number of Electric Customers------------ 650 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 904 te Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 183,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint John---------------------------------- 1, 735 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Radium Municipal Electric Dept. *Seward Municipal Dept. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–745 *St. Marys Water and Light Plant St. Marys, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. E. Coleman -- - - - - - - - - City Mgr. & City Clerk J. H. Underwood--------------------------. Supt. Governing Body: Paul H. Clark, H. F. Higgins, Grover Ubansky (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $16,833 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 420 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion---------------. ----- 120 Energy Available in year: Kilowatt-hours * * * * * - - - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºg sº - = - - 582,700 Generated.------------------------------- 300 Purchased.------------------------------- 582,400 Community Served at Retail : Population Saint Marys-------------------------------- 1, 132 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–747 *Savonburg Electric Light Department Savonburg, Kans. 15–749 *City of Scranton Scranton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank McKinley-------------------------- Mayor Albert Andreen.-------- Light Supt. & City Clerk Light Committee: James Hulsopple, H. R. Popejoy (pres.), Rolland Ridinger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $16,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,617 Number of Electric Cust TS sº º gº 208 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 142, 130 Community'Served at Retail: Population Scranton---------------------------------- 500 15–750 *City of Seneca Seneca, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Huston------------------------------ Mayor Andrew P. Huerter-------------------- City Clerk City Council: C. M. Crandall, J. J. Nolte, P. P. Waller, H. E.; Wilcox, E. Winterscheidt, W. R. Woltkamp. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $34, 426 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 725 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,074, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Seneca-------------------------------------- 2,015 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Baileyville Light & Power Co. St. Benedict Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OW NED UTILITY: *Axtell Municipal Electric Dept, 15–752 *City of Severance Severance, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. J. Heeney----------------------------2-Mayor Betty Gildersleeve--------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $2,635 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 85 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--------------------------- 48,396 Community Served at Retail: Population Severance----------------------------------- 266 262 TEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 15–754 *City of Seward Seward, Kans. Mayor and Council: Wrm. Bordwick, A. P. Dimond, J. A. Guesnier, Kenneth Hines, W. L. Smith (mayor), Harry Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,500 Electric Operating Revenues * - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- Number of Electric Customers 15–756 *City of Sharon Springs Sharon Springs, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Claude Hurt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. Light & Water Frank WOOdburn Chairman Light & Water Committee City Council: M. A. Cowles, Jr., R. R. Dollarhide, Harry F. Lutz, Lee Reinhardt (mayor), E. S. Toll, Frank Woodburn. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ----------------------- $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- a $20,000 a Includes water revenues. Number of Electric Customers ------------ 350 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion----------------. ---- 268 Rilowott-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 513,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sharon Springs----------------------------- 760 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–758 *City of Stafford Stafford, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ray Yingst--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $49, 182 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 640 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 696 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 250, 000 Community Served at Retail: |Population Stafford--------------------------------- 2, 0.11 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Eureka Light and Power Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Farmers Light and Power Co. - *Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc- iation, Inc. Also Renders: Water Service. 59, 520 15–761 *Sterling Light and Water Plant Sterling, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert Peart----------------------- ---- City Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $45,873 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 829 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts. Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 465 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,016,010. Community Served at Retail: Population Sterling------------------------------------- 2,215. Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICI, Y OWNED UTILITY: * Rural Electrification Administration. 15–763 *Stockton Municipal Light Plant Stockton, Kans. Principal Electric Officials: O. M. Goodrich------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Mgr. F. H. Lightfoot - - - - - - - ---------Chief Plant Oper. R. J. Gyger------ Commissioner of Light & Water City Commissioners: Emmet Gallagher, R. J. Gyger, J. W. McMillen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $115,000 Electric Revenues------------------------- $26, 802 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 527 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts. Internal Combustion---------------------- 510 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,067, 372. Community Served at Retail: Population Stockton----------------------------------- 1, 418 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Ransas Power CO. Also Renders: Water service. 15–765 *Summerfield Electric Department Summerfield, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herbert Meyer---------------------------- Mayor S. L. Turnbull------------------------- Chairman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,500 Number of Electric Customers------------- 142 Community Served at Retail: Population Summerfield--------------------------------- 396 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS 263 15–767 *Tipton Electric Distribution System Tipton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Henry Boberg----------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: Ted Hake, Al Krier, Henry Schroeder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12,000 $3,563 Number of Electric Customers------------- 96 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 75, 680 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–769 *Toronto Municipal Light Plant Toronto, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Rogers Mayor Lee C. Davis Supt. Mayor and Council: C. T. Dawsoni, Leo Harrisf, L. Hartman, K. Koch, J. E. Rogers (mayor), S. S. Smithf (chairman). n f Member of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues $9,575 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 253 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - - 140 - Ičilowatt-hours Energy Generated 266, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Toronto 737 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–771 *Troy Light Department Troy, Kans. Population 1,049 Community Served at Retail: Troy * * * 15–772 *City of Udall Udall, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Benjamin------------------- Mayor and Mgr. G. R. Pittman - - Supt The following data are for Dec. 31, 1939, or for the period of the utility’s operations which were from Sept. 1, to Dec. 31, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,919 Number of Electric Customers * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s 140 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 27,089 Population Community Served at Retail: Udall 419 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–773 *Vermillion Light System Vermillion, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. L. Coulter-------------------------- Electrician Council: V. F. Nash, W. D. Smith, F. L. Stanton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues $4,165 Number of Electric Cust sº 120 * Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch __ mº tº 95,570 Community Served at Retail: Population Vermillion---------------------------------- 300 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–777 *City of Waldo Waldo, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: James E. Bean- Mayor & Mgr. Councilmen: J. W. Crosby, Ray Deardorff, F. L. Tabler, H. P. Tripp, C. M. Winder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,800 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $3, 878 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 101 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d--------------------------- 65, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Waldo---------------------------------------- 257 15–779 *City of Waldron Waldron, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: * Flaisir Bettis-------------------------- City Clerk Mayor and Council: C. C. Carrigee, Aubrey Harri- son, Frank Hess, Dick McKee, A. C. Pepply (mayor), H. Waldschmidt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,200 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 53 Also Renders: Gas, steam, and water Service. 15–780 *Wamego Municipal Light & Water Plant Poplar St., Wamego, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. R. Bennett am. * * * * * * * * Supt. 264 COMMISSION FEDERAL POWER lº" following data are for the year ended May 1, 1941: - Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $135,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $31, 324 Number of Electric Customers----------- 640 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 164, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Wamego------------------------------------ 1, 767 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–781 *City of Washington Washington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. W. Soller------------------------------- Mayor S The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,662 Number of Electric Customers------------ 585 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal combustion.--------------------- 297 Rºżlowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 733,009 Community Served at Retail: Population Washington.-------------------------------- 1, 598 15–782 * *City of Waterville Waterville, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. F. Geyer------------------------------- Mayor J. W. Schuchart----------------------- City Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,000 Utility Operating Revenues-------- --------- $13,000 Nu.nber of Electric Customers-------------- 325 PÖilowatt-hours Dnergy Purchased.-------------------------- 256, 350 Community Served at Retail: Population Waterville------------------------------------ 717 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–784 *City of Wathena Wathena, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Raymond Kirschbaum---------------- City Clerk City Council: R. B. Carter, A. G. Kincaid, E. B. Stees. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,386 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 285 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 531, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Wathema------------------------------------- 860 Utility Served at Wholesale: PluſBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Blair Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 15–785 *Webber Municipal System Webber, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. I. Good---------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,500 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $1,225 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 15–786 *Wellington Light Department City Hall, Wellington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Glamann---------------------------- Mayor Wm. Murphy---------- Commissioner of Finance J. M. Wyatt------------ Commissioner of Utilities John Bradley---------------------- City Attorney The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $927, 769 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $157, 557 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 576 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6,021, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Wellington---------------------------------- 7, 246 Utility Served at Wholesale: PTUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Sumner-Cowley Cooperative Elec. Assn., Inc. 15–788 *City of Willis Willis, Kans. Mayor and Councilmen: W. A. Chase (mayor), J. B. Mathena, J. W. Reeves, J. E. Tate, Leo Zeltnor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $1,800 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 27,000 15–792 *City of Wilson Wilson, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officiais: James Krupp------------------------------ Mayor C. A. Kyner------------ City Clerk J. T. Anderson----------------------------- Treas. Fred Karban, Jr.----. Supt. Water & Light Dept. Water and Light Commission: E. G. Coffey, G. W. Cooney, J. D. Lambert, J. J. Moller, M. Schwarz. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $22,470 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 455 Generating Canacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 420 DIRECTORY 265 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KANSAS Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 400,075 Community Served at Retail: Population Wilson - = s m = - - - tº sa - - - - * * * * - - - - sº sº - - - - - sº 1,068 Also Renders: Water Service. 15–794 *The Winfield Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant Winfield, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ph. Frankenfeld ----City Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $225,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,625 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 11,493, 000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Burden - 522 Pexter-------------------------------------- 424 Winfield --- 9, 506 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Oxford Light & Power System. *City of Udall. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 15–805 *The Ark. Valley Electric Coop- erative Association, Inc. Sterling, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. Griffin--------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $310, 934 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $17, 537 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 670 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 12,680 15–816 *Blair Electric Light Company Wathena, Kans. - 15–820 *The Brown-Atchison Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Horton, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: JOS. Nel The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $408, 272 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $37, 130 Number of Electric Customers------------ 753 º Pſilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 811, 000 15–826 *Butler Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. El Dorado, Kans. Prinicpal Electric Utility Officials: ish A. H. Gish.---------------------------------- PreS, A. C. Brown-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $136,293 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $6,640 Number of Electric Customers------------ 178 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 36,960 15–830 *The C. & W. Rural Electrification Cooperative Association, Inc. Clay Center, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred J. Yarrow------------------------------ Pres. Irvin H. Smith----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year, 1940° Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $307,027 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $23,703 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 700 Rilowatt-hour 8 Energy Purchased.------------------------- 187,900 15–835 *The Coffey County Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Burlington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joe Birk------------------------------------- Pres Lester J. Pilcher---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $222,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $7,473 Number of Electric Customers------------ 314 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 51, 200 15–841 *The Cooperative Power & Light Company, Inc. Iola, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. H. Schulze--------------------------. PreS. 266 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $96, 247 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $4,388 Number of Electric Customers------------- 164 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 69, 400 15–850 *The Doniphan Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Troy, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. H. Decker-----------------------------. PreS Norris V. Wakeman------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $142, 582 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,691 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 287 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 220,000 15–855 *The D. S. & O. Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Solomon, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. F. Kelley-------------------------------- Pres. F. B. Atkins-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $733, 795 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $61,836 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,499 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,032, 600 15–858 *Farmer’s Light and Power Company Stafford, Kans. 15–865 *Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Council Grove, Kans. Pinºlºgic Utility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $420, 146 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26, 581 Number of Electric Customers------------ 868 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 131,900 15–877 *Hollenberg Electric Association Hollenberg, Kans. 15–895 *The Jewell Mitchell Coopera- tive Electric Company, Inc. Ionia, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: LeRoy Baringer----------------------------- PreS. Wesley W. Schutz-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $304, 315 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $25,358 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 510 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 336, 580 15–900 *The Kaw Valley Electric Coop- erative Company, Inc. 1513 Lane St., Topeka, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. F. Smith--------------------------------- PreS. A. J. Bassett-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $280,087 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $24,452 Number of Electric Customers----------- 565 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 42, 200. 15–910 *The Lyon County Electric Co- operative, Inc. 718 Commercial St., Emporia, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robt. D. Lumley---------------------------- Pres. Merle E. Turkle---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $138,784 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $10,580 Number of Electric Customers----------- 234 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 80,040 15–925 *The Nemaha-Marshall Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Axtell, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Wemp DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES--KANSAS 267 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $285,459 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $14, 234 Number of Electric Customers----------- 553 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - --> 49, 600 15–929 *The Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Pratt, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lewis Trimpe------------------------------- PreS. Glenn E. Reed------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: flectric Utility Plant--------------------- $132,852 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $13,117 Number of Electric Customers----------- 268 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--- 81,600 15–933 *The North Central Kansas Rural Electrification Cooperative Association, Inc. Belleville, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glenn B. Snapp----------------------------- Pres. Ernest W. Powell--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: $231, 311 $7, 734 483 15–937 *Norton-Decatur Cooperative Electric Company Norton, Kans. 15–950 *The Sedgwick County Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Goddard, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Albert D. Wise------------------------------ Pres. J. W. Guthrie------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $138, 326 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $15, 365 Number of Electric Customers----------- 299 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 218, 300 15–955 *The Sekan Electric Cooperative Association Incorporated Girard, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. Clausen-------------------------------- Pres, Olin Leasure-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $147,820 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $4,923 Number of Electric Customers----------- 337 15–960 *The Sumner-Cowley Electric Co- operative Association, Inc. Wellington, Kans. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harold Koger-------------------------------- Pres. C. L. Webber------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $218, 804 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $21, 302 Number of Electric Customers----------- 401 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 492, 240 KENTUCKY Index Reference Number *Barbourville Electric Department---------- *Bardstown, City of ------------------------- *Benton City Light & Water Company----- Berea College Heat & Power Plant---------- Black Diamond Coal Mining Co ------------ *Blue Grass Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 16–815 Central States Power & Light Corporation --- 16–011 *Clark Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16–825 Community Public Service Company------- 16–020 Consolidation Coal Co----------------------- 16–225 *Corbin, City of... -------------------------- 16–523 Cumberland Public Utilities Co------------- 16–046 Eastern Coal Corporation Inc.--------------- 16–230 Elkhorn Coal Corporation------------------- 16–236 *Falmouth Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - 16–535 *Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative Corpor- ation, Inc.--------------------------------- *Fleming-Mason Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------------------- 16–853 *Fox Creek Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 16–856 *Green River Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 16–860 *Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------------------- 16–867 *Henderson Electric Light Station ----------- 16—547 *Henderson-Union Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation--------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 16–869 *Hickman-Fulton Counties Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------- 16–872 Inland Steel Co------------------------------ 16–260 *Inter-County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation----------------------------" _ _ 16–879 *Jackson County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------------------- 16–883 *Jackson Purchase Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation--------------------------- 16–885 Kentucky and West Virginia Power Com- pany, Inc. -------------------------------- 16–109 Kentucky Edison Co------------------------ 16–052 Kentucky Electric Power Co----------------- 16–064 Kentucky Power & Light Company---------- 16–073 Kentucky Rural Electrification Company - - - 16–078 Kentucky-Tennessee Light and Power Com- Reference Number Kentucky–West Virginia Utilities Co -------- 16–100 Koppers Coal Co., The---------------------- 16–261 Louisville Gas and Electric Company------- 16–127 *Madisonville Light and Water Plant-------- 16—559 Majestic Collieries Co------------------------ 16–262 *Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation ------------------------------- 16–908 Miami Power Corporation------------------ 16–139 *Nicholasville Light and Power Plant________ 16–571 *Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 16–915 *Olive Hill Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 16–583 *Owen County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------------------- 16–923 *Owensboro Municipal Utilities-------------- 16–595 *Paris Light, Power & Water Plant Sys- * * * * * * * * * = - * * = *-* * * * * * * * * ** - - - - - * * * * * = * * * * * –607 tem *Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration---------------------------------- 16–927 *Providence Light & Water Plant------------ 16–619 Ritter Lumber Co., W. M------------------- 16–280 Rural Electric Service Co-------------------- 16–150 Salem Utilities CO --------------------------- 16–152 *Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration----------------------------------- 16 Corporation------------------------------- Stearns Coal & Lumber Company, Inc.------- Stearns Power & Light Co. ------------------ 16–163 *Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation------------------------------- 16–958 Tennessee Light and Power Company - - - - - - - 16–181 *TenneSSee Valley Authority----------------- 16—625 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corpora- 16–960 16–190 16—630 16–977 KENTUCKY 16–005 Berea College Heat & Power Plant Berea College, Berea, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. S. Hutchins------------------------------ PreS. Roy D. Stafford---------------------------- Treas. G. R. Kavanaugh.------------------ Business Mgr. G. G. Dick---------------------------------- Supt. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $222, 379 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87, 805 Number of Electric Customers------------ 830 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,800 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated *----------------------- 3,337, 400 { a, For year ended Mar. 31, 1941. Corporation------------------------------- 16–990 *Williamstown Utility Commission---------- 16—635 * Denotes a publicly owned utility. Community Served at Retail: Population Berea----------------------------------------- 2, 17 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 16–011 Central States Power & Light Corporation 700 Oklahoma Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Kentucky only)------------------------- $64,434 Number of Electric Customers: (Kentucky Only)------------------------- 1, 172 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arlington.----------------------------------- 690 Bardwell----------------------------------- 1, 218 Benton------------------------------------- 1,906 See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–028), and operations reported under Minnesota (22–030). 269 270 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 16–020 Community Public Service Company Electric Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Kentucky Only--------------------------- $296,641 Number of Electric Customers: Kentucky Only-------------------------- 5, 248 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brodhead---------------------------------- 702 Burlington.--------------------------------- 500 Columbia---------------------------------- 1, 372 Crab Orchard------------------------------ 705 Dry Ridge--------------------------------- 257 Independence------------------------------ 253 Jamestown--------------------------------- 476 Livingston--------------------------------- 669 Mount Vernon ----------------------------- 1, 100 OWenton----------------------------------- 1, 190 Owingsville-------------------------------- 948 Pine Hill__ - ºr - 521 Russell Springs----------------------------- 536 Walton------------------------------------- 973 Warsaw - 880 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Williamstown Utility Commission. *Owen County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. See Also: Principal report under Texas (42–034), and operations reported under Louisiana (17–028), and New Mexico (30–026). 16–046 Cumberland Public Utilities Co. Burkesville, Ky. Partners: Dix McComas, D. K. McComas, Ger- trude McComas, W. L. McComas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $52,234 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,418 Number of Electric Customers------------- 547 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion--------------------- 184 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 311,890 Communities Served at Retail: Population Albany------------------------------------- 1, 259 Fordsville---------------------------------- 587. Whitesville--------------------------------- 543 16–052 Kentucky Edison Co. Stanton, Ky. Principal Officers: Harry Peet, Jr.------------------------------ T’res. Wm. F. Harrison.---------------------- Vice Pres. Mrs. Harry Peet, Jr.------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Wm. F. Harrison, Harry Peet, Jr., Mrs. Harry Peet, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues $31,369 $27,609 Number of Electric Customers-------------- Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.--------------------- 540 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 477,974 Communities Served at Retail: Population Campton---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 418 Clay City------------------------------------- 627 Frenchburg----------------------------------- 289 Hazel Green---------------------------------- 311 Stanton--------------------------------------- 625. 16–064 Kentucky Electric Power Co. Nortonville, Ky. Principal Officers: J. C. M. Lucas------------------------------ Pres. H. I. Thompson.----Vice Pres, Chg. of Operations H. P. Lucas--- - Secy.-Treas. Directors: Arthur C. Levering, J. C. M. Lucas, Frank B. Ober, Charles B. Roberts, III, H. I. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $191,077. Number of Electric Customers----------- 399 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,000. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 28, 537, 500. Generated----------------------------- 28,081,400 Purchased------------------------------ 456, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Nortonville--------------------------------- 989, Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Kentucky Utilities Co. 16–073 Kentucky Power & Light Company 159 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) R. M. Watt--------------------------------- PreS W. Reed-------------------------------- Vice Pres. B. K. Yewell-------------------------------- ecy A. A. Tuttle-------------------------------- Treas. G. M. Kilgus.-------------------------_ASSt. Secy. E. E. Clark--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. K. Stark------------------------------- Auditor Directors: W. Reed, H. K. Stark, A. A. Tuttle, B. E. Waltz, R. M. Watt. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $3,522, 249 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $609,375. Number of Electric Customers----------- 8, 629 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------ 3, 230. Steam------------ :--------------------- 2, 750 Internal Combustion------------------ 480 Energy Available in Year: Fºilowatt-hours. Total----------------------------- 20, 651, 257 Generated.----------------------------- 998, 547 Purchased.----------------------------- 19, 652, 710. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KENTUCKY 271 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Augusta------------------------------------ 1, 701 Carrollton---------------------------------- 2,910 Flemingsburg------------------------------- 1, 542 Maysville----------------------------------- 6, 572 Morehead---------------------------------- 1,901 250 to 1,000 population Bedford------------------------------------- 387 Brooksville--------------------------------- 656 Butler-------------------------------------- 359 Campbellsburg----------------------------- 350 Clearfield----------------------------------- 465 Dover-------------------------------------- 353 Ewing-------------------------------------- 329 Germantown------------------------------- 304 Ghent-------------------------------------- 414 Glencoe------------------------------------- 251 Mays Lick---------------------------------- 327 Mentor------------------------------------- 275 Milton-------------------------------------- 347 Mount Olivet------------------------------- 573 Prestonville-------------------------------- 296 Salt Lick----------------------------------- 498 Sanders------------------------------------- 278. Washington--------------------------------- 600 Worthville---------------------------------- 333 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Community Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Owen County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water Service. 16–078 Kentucky Rural Electrification Company 303 McDowell Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Principal Officers: Percival Moore------------------------------ PreS. C. W. Kincaid.----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,949 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,254 Number of Electric Customers------------- 72 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 79, 320 16–082 Kentucky-Tennessee Light and Power Company 910 State St., Bowling Green, Ky. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: R. H. Ferguson.----------------------------- PreS. A. T. Gardner------------------------- Vice Pres. R. A. Gallagher … = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. Directors: R. H. Ferguson, R. A. Gallagher, A. T. Gardner, B. B. Harris, P. R. Lawson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------ $7,758, 376 Electric Operating Revenues: otal.-------------------------------- $1,844, 529 In Kentucky-------------------------- $1,701, 912 Number of Electric Customers: otal--------------------------------- 26,843 In Kentucky-------------------------- 25, 297 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total--------------------------------- 18, 370 Steam-------------------------------- 18,070 Hydro-------------------------------- 225 Internal Combustion----------------- 75 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 73, 843, 127 Generated---------------------------- 48, 122,987 Purchased.---------------------------- 25, 720, 140 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bowling Green.---------------------------- 14, 585 Frankfort --------------------------------- 11,492 Hopkinsville------------------------------ 11, 724 1,000 to 10,000 population Beattyville-------------------------------- 1,012 Cadiz.------------------------------------- 1, 228 Cloverport-------------------------------- 1,402 Plkton------------------------------------ 1, 214 Guthrie----------------------------------- 1, 253 Irvine------------------------------------- 3, 631 Lebanon Junction------------------------- 1, 141 Mayfield---------------------------------- 8, 619 Murray----------------------------------- 3,773 Ravenna---------------------------------- 1,098 Russellville-------------------------------- 3,983 Scottsville.-------------------------------- 1,797 250 to 1,000 population Allensville--------------------------------- 351 Bloomfield -------------------------------- 535 Brownsville------------------------------- 451 Fancy Farm------------------------------ 417 Hardin------------------------------------ 414 Hardinsburg------------------------------ 930 Hawesville-------------------------------- 896 Hazel------------------------------------- 396 Hustonville------------------------------- 443 Irvington---------------------------------- 790 Jellico------------------------------------- 405 Lewisburg--------------------------------- 524 Lewisport -------------------------------- 591 McKinney-------------------------------- 350 Moreland--------------------------------- 350 Mountain Ash---------------------------- 700 New Haven------------------------------- 549 Packard----------------------------------- 250 Park City--------------------------------- 354 Pembroke--------------------------------- 570 Pleasant View ----------------------------- 300 Smiths Grove.----------------------------- 699 South Irvine------------------------------ 319 Taylorsville------------------------------- 921 Trenton----------------------------------- 572 Water Valley------------------------------ 373 Wingo------------------------------------- 475 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central States Power & Light Corporation. Kentucky Utilities Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Kentucky Rural Electrification Co., *Pennyrile Rural Electric Cooperative Corpo- ration. *Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corp. *West Kentucky Rural Electrification Author- ity Corporation. Also Renders: Gas and water Service in Kentucky. See Also: Operations reported under Tennessee (41- 085). 16–0.91 Kentucky Utilities Company 159 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation through 100% of voting power.) t--------------------------------- Pres W. Reed-------------------------------- Vice Pres. E. W. Brown--------------------------- Vice Pres. 272 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officers: B. K. Yewell-------------------------------- Secy. A. A. Tuttle-------------------------------- TreaS. G. M. Kilgus.-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. E. Clark--------------------------- Asst. Treas. H. K. Stark------------------------------- Auditor Directors: E. W. Brown, W. Reed, H. K. Stark, A. A. Tuttle, John S. Van Winkle, R. M. Watt, W. Bridges White. Controls: Dixie Power and Light Co. (electric). Kentucky Coach Co. (inactive). Lexington Gas Co. (inactive). g sº Old pominion Power Co. (electric), which con- trolS- Old Dominion Ice Corporation (ice). South Fulton Light & Power Co. (electric). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $49,960, 615 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $8,990, 436 In Kentucky-------------------------- $8,915, 405 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 95, 653 In Kentucky-------------------------- 95, 398 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Total.----------------------------- 87, 690 Steam-------------------------------- 57,075 ydro-------------------------------- 30, 540 Internal Combustion----------------- 75 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 477,680, 802 Generated.---------------------------- 306, 855, 644 Purchased.---------------------------- 145, 172,908 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 25, 652, 250 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Lexington.--------------------------------- 49, 304 Middlesborough.--------------------------- 11, 777 Paducah---------------------------------- 33,765 1,000 to 10,000 population Beaver Dam ------------------------------ 1, 166 Campbellsville---------------------------- 2,488 Carlisle------------------------------------ 1,414 Central City------------------------------ 4, 199 lay-------------------------------------- 1,429 Clinton------------------------------------ 1, 540 Cumberland------------------------------- 4, 149 Cynthiana-------------------------------- 4, 840 Danville----------------------------------- 6, 734 Dawson SpringS--------------------------- 2, 560 Parlington.-------------------------------- 2. 858 Eddyville--------------------------------- 2,407 Flizabethtown - - - - ------------------------ 3, 667 Eminence--------------------------------- 1,411 PVarts------------------------------------ 1,642 Franklin ---------------------------------- 3, 940 Fulton------------------------------------ 3, 308 Georgetown------------------------------- 4,420 Glasgow----------------------------------- 5, 815 Greensburg-------------------------------- 1, 176 Greenville--------------------------------- 2, 347 Harlan------------------------------------ 5, 122 Harrodsburg------------------------------ 4, 673 Hartford - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * ~ * 1,385 Hickman---------------------------------- 2, 268 Hodgenville. ------------------------------ 1, 348 Horse Cave-------------------------------- 1, 278 Kuttawa---------------------------------- 1, 125 La Grange--------------------------------- 1, 334 Lancaster--------------------------------- 1,999 Lawrenceburg----------------------------- 2,046 Lebanon ---------------------------------- 3,786 Leitchfield-------------------------------- 1, 146 Livermore -------------------------------- 1, 601 London----------------------------------- 2, 263 Loyal------------------------------------ 1,600 Manchester------------------------------- , 509 Marion------------------------------------ 2, 163 Morganfield------------------------------- 3,079 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Mortons Gap------------------------------ Mount Sterling.--------------------------- Paris-------------------------------------- Shelbyville-------------------------------- Somerset---------------------------------- Springfield-------------------------------- Stanford----------------------------------- Sturgis------------------------------------ Uniontown-------------------------------- Berry------------------------------------- Big Clifty--------------------------------- Blackford--------------------------------- Bonnieville. ------------------------------ Bo0neville--------------------------------- Bradfordsville----------------------------- Brandenburg------------------------------ Burgin------------------------------------ Caneyville-------------------------------- Cave City--------------------------------- Cecelia----------------------------------- Centertown------------------------------- Clarkson---------------------------------- Ferguson---------------------------------- Forks of Elkhorn-------------------------- Henshaw---------------------------------- Kildav------------------------------------ New Castle.------------------------------- North Middletown------------------------ Paint Lick-------------------------------- Path Fork--------------------------------- Perryville--------------------------------- Robards----------------------------------- Rockport---------------------------------- Rumsey----------------------------------- Sacrament0-------------------------------- Sadieville---------------------------------- Saint Charles------------------------------ Salvisa------------------------------------ 955 400 286 584 DIRECTORY OF 273 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KENTUCFCY Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Science Hill------------------------------- 439 Sharpsburg-------------------------------- 472 Shawanee --------------------------------- 250 Slaughtersville (Slaughters) - - - ------------ 344 Smith Mills------------------------------- 321 Sonora. ----------------------------------- 300 South Carrollton -------------------------- 296 South Pleasureville-----------...------------ 4.38 Stamping Ground------------------------- 350 Switzer------------------------------------ 300 Upton------------------------------------ 369 Verda------------------------------------- 250 Vine Grove.------------------------------ 822 Wallins (Wallins Creek) ------------------- 903 Waverly----------------------------------- 323 Waynesburg------------------------------- 500 Wheatcroft ------------------------------- (; 17 White Plains------------------------------ 382 Woodburn. ------------------------------- 306 Woodlawn (Nelson County)--------------- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATE LY OW NED UTILITIES: Central Illinois Public Service Co., (Illinois). Central States Power & Light Corporation. Community Public Service Co. Kentucky Flectric Development Co. Kentucky Electric Power Co. Kentucky Power & Light Co. Kentucky-Tennessee Light & Power Co. Louisville Gas & Electric Co. Old Dominion Power Co., (Virginia). Salem Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Barbourville Electric Dept. *City of Bardstown. *Madisonville Light and Water Plant. *Providence Light & Water Plant. *Blue Grass Rural Cooperative Corporation. *Clark County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration. ... • * Farmers Rural Flectric Cooperative Corpora- tion. *Fleming-Mason Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Fox Creek Rural Electric Cooperative Corpo- ration. *Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Henderson-Union Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Inter County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration. *Jackson County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Jackson Purchase Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Corpo- ration. *Shelby Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. *Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration. *Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion. Also Renders: Bus, gas, ice, and water service in Kentucky. See Also: Operations reported under Tennessee (41-090). 16–100 Kentucky-West Virginia Utilities Co. Springfield, Ky. Principal Officers: F. S. Mayes -------------------------------- PreS. F. M. Mayes. ---...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. L. V. A quadro. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy.-Treas. 222184—42 Directors: L. V. Aquadro, E. S. Mayes, F. M. Mayes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $128, 556 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $28,310 Number of Electric Customers------------ 510 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 408 *, Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated ----------------------- 689, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Monticello---------------------------------- 1, 733 Morgantown ----------------------- 859 Also Renders: Water Service. 16–109 Kentucky and West Virginia Power Company, Inc. 15th St. and Carter Ave., Ashland, Ky. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd-------------------------------- Pres. M. C. Funk ... ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres, N. M. Argåbrite------------------------ Vice Press Graham Claytor------------------------ Vice Pres, H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice PreS, Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager ----------- AAsst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan--------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: H. D. Anderson, N. M. Argabrite, Frank B. Ball, Graham Claytor, F. W. Drager, M. C. Funk, Edw. H. Maurer, J. F. McMillan, GeO. N. Tidd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15,313, 574 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,747,039 Number of Electric Customers---------- 29, 972 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 19, 725 Steam - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 19, 500 Internal Combustion----------------- 225 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 273, 767,881 Generated---------------------------- 64, 0.39, 265 Purchased.---------------------------- 209, 728, 616 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Ashland----------------------------------- 29, 537 1,000 to 10,000 population Catlettsburg------------------------------- 4, 524 Elkhorn City -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 030 Fullerton---------------------------------- 1. 237 Grayson----------------------------------- 1, 176 Greenup----------------------------------- 1,063 Hazard------------------------------------ 7, 397 Hyden------------------------------------- 1,000 Jackson------------------------------------ 2,099 Lothair------------------------------------ 2,041 Louisã------------------------------------- 2,023 McVeigh---------------------------------- 1, 298 Millstone---------------------------------- 1,000 Neon-------------------------------------- 1, 187 PajntSville • - as sº - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * 2, 324 Pikeville----------- * - 4, 185 Pinson Junction--------------------------- 1,000 Prestonsburg------------------------------ 2,328 Raceland----------------------------------- 1. 046 274 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population R11SSell 1, 844 Salyersville-------------------------------- 1, 254 South Portsmouth 1,000 Whitesburg 1, 616 250 to 1,000 population Allais _- 250 Allen 368 Avawam 250 Belfry 600 Betsey Layne.------------------------------ 307 Blackey ---- 545 Bonnyman __ 520 Canada------------------------------------- 300 Chavies - - - - 300 Colly--- 300 Damrontown ---- 350 T}olan __ 861 DWale ---- 260 Estill __ 816 Flatwoods 500 Gander ---- 350 Garrett ----------------------------------- 938 Glomawr----------------------------------- 328 Grahn-------------------------------------- 863 Haldeman 542 Hardburley--------------------------------- 550 Hardy 809 Hellier----------------------------------- 606 Hemphill----------------------------------- 500 Himlerville (Beauty) 446 indman- 625 Hitchins------------------------------------ 487 Holbrook 300 Huddy * & 260 Inez- __ 600 Lackey------------- mº º -- 472 Martin * * 957 Mayking----------------------------------- 250 Maynard ---- 300 McAndrews 400 McDowell __ 275 PippapaSS-------- --- 400 Quicksand---------------------------------- 250 Rush- 275 SaSSafras * - tº 500 6C0--------, - * - - - - - * * * * * *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº º ºs 722 Shelb - - -- 600 South Williamson - - __ 400 Stone __ 996 Summit------------------------------------- 75 Typo 300 Vicco. 650 Warfield---------------------------------- _ _ 296 West Liborty------- __ 573 West Van Tear 284 Wheelwright Junction 450 Wooton - ---- 300 Worthington 918 Wurtland - 700 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Olive Hill Municipal Light Plant. *Vanceburg Electric Light, Heat & Power Sys- tem. *Fleming-Mason Rural Electric Cooperative Corp. 16–127 Louisville Gas and Electric Company 311 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. (ºiled by Standard Power & Light Corpora- 1On. Principal Officers: T. B. Wilson-------------------------------- Pres. J. J. McKenna---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. A. W. Lee, Jr.--------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations R. Montgomery------------ Vice Pres. Chg. Sales F. J. Pfeiffer. ---------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. I. Lukenbill------ -- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. L. E. Ackerson.----------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. A. J. Kieffer----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Leo T. Crowley, A. W. Lee, Jr., J. J. McKenna, Charles W. Milner, R. Montgomery, Arthur Peter, T. B. Wilson, Menefee Wirgman. Controls: Kentucky Pipe Line Co. (natural gas production and transmission). Ohio Valley Transmission Corporation (owning and operating electric transmission line). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $68, 152,462 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $8,586, 165 Number of Electric Customers--------- 104,432 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 209,820 Steam---- 120, 500 Hydro----- 80, 320 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 599, 839, 400 Generated_- 538, 143, S40 Purchased.---- * * 230, 600 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 61, 464,960 Communities Served at Retail: º - 10,000 population or more Population Louisville-------------------------------- 319,077 1,000 to 10,000 population Audubon Park- - - 1, 550 Camp Taylor----------------------------- 3, 175 Saint Matthews-------------------------- , 100 Shively - - - - ---- 1,273 250 to 1,000 population Anchorage-------------------------------- 690 Belmar.---------------------------------- 500 Buechel---------------------------------- 600 Crestwood-------!------------------------- 300 Eastwood-------------------------------- 250 Jeffersontown----------------------------- 899 Kingsley--------------------------------- 300. Kosmosdale------------------------------- 425 Lyndon---------------------------------- 400 Middletown------------------------------ 825 Mount Washington.---------------------- 325 Okolona---------------------------------- 550 Pewee Valley----------------------------- 625 Seneca Gardens-------------------------- 300. Shepherdsville---------------------------- 762. Strathmoor ------------------------------ 775. Strathmoor Manor----------------------- 375. Strathmoor Village----------------------- 471 West Point------------------------------- 992 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. (Inter- change). sº Kentucky Utilities Co. Madison Light and Power Co. (Ind.). Public Service Co. of Indiana. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. Algo Renders: Gas and steam Service. 16–139 Miami Power Corporation Fourth & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electric Corp. through 100% of voting power.) Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. s See Also: Principal report under Indiana (13-082). 16–150 Rural Electric Service Co. Calvert City, Ky. Principal Officer: L. A. Salomon- DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KENTUCKY 275 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $48,050 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22, 848 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 108 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 500,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Calvert------------------------------------- 319 Gilbertsville-------------------------------- 329 16–152 Salem Utilities Co. Salem, Ky. Community Served at Retail: Population Columbus * * ~. 552 16–163 Stearns Power & Light Co. Stearns, Ky. Principal Officers: J. E. Butler-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. R. L. Stearns, Jr.------------------------ Vice PreS. R. W. Henderson--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. E. Butler, R. W. Henderson, R. L. Stearns, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $43,195 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22, 186 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 445 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 297,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pine Knot---------------------------------- 499 Whitley City------------------------------- 495 16–181 Tennessee Light and Power Company Springfield, Tenn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Kentucky only. --------------------------- $10,440 Number of Electric Customers: Rentucky only.--------------------------- 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Adairville---------------------------------- 784 See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41–157). 16–190 The Union Light, Heat and Power Company Third and Court Sts., Covington, Ky. (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electric Corpora- tion through approximately 96% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. C. Blackwell ----Pres. C. G. Eichelberger--------------------- Vice Pres. Polk Laffoon.------------------ Vice Pres. & Secy. Geo. F. Brenner--------------------------- Treas. Directors: H. C. Blackwell, Geo. F. Brenner, C. G. Eichelberger, E. S. Fields, Polk Laffoon, F. M. Tracy, P. G. Vondersmith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,919, 799 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $2,566,507 Number of Electric Customers--------- 44,850 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 120,829,940 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Covington.--------------------------------- 62,018 Fort Thomas------------------------------ 11, 034 Newport---------------------- ------------ 30,631. 1,000 to 10,000 population - Bellevue----------------------------------- 8,741 Cold Springs------------------------------ 1, 564 Dayton------------------------------------ 8, 379 Elsmere----------------------------------- 2,885. Erlanger----------------------------------- 2, 416 Ludlow----------------------------------- 6, 185 Park Hills--------------------------------- 1,615 South Fort Mitchell----------------------- 2,393 Southgate--------------------------------- 1, 841 250 to 1,000 population Alexandria.-------------------------------- 430 Brent ------------------------------------- 500 Bromley----------------------------------- 876 Crescent Springs-------------------------- 600 De Coursey------------------------------- 400 Florence----------------------------------- 776 Fort Mitchell----------------------------- 705 Grants Lick------------------------------- 300 Highland Heights------------------------- 855 Johns Hill--------------------------------- 300 Lakeside---------------------------------- 761 Lookout Heights-------------------------- 256 Sandfordtown----------------------------- 400 Wilders----------------------------------- 287 Woodlawn (Campbell County) ------------ 294 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Community Public Service Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Owen County Electric Cooperative Corp. Also Renders: Gas and Water Service. 16–215 Black Diamond Coal Mining Co. W. W. Bridges—Receiver Drakesboro, Ky. Principal Officer: * W. W. Bridges------------------ Receiver & PreS. Directors: W. W. Bridges, Mrs. W. W. Bridges, T.A., Isaac, F. E. Jones, J. P. Jones. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,501 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 192 Community Served at Retail: Population Trakesboro--------------------------------- 1, 255 16–225 Consolidation Coal Co., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: & W. L. Doolittle---------- Gen. Mgr. of Operations. R. L. Kingsland.------------ Chief Electrical Engr. H. F. Giffin--------- Supt. of Bldgs. & Rent Dept. 276 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $85, 108 Electric Operating Revenues: Total ------------------------------- $296, 958 In Kentucky----------------------------- $252, 860 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 3, 659 In Kentucky----------------------------- 2, 161 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 21, 622,381 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Jenkins------------------------------------- 9, 428 Van Lear----------------------------------- 1, 723 a Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water Service. See Also: Operations reported under Maryland (19–228), Pennsylvania (37–242) and West Virginia (47–259). 16–230 Eastern Coal Corporation Inc. Box 370, Bluefield, W. Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. Skeen ---------------------------- Gen. Mgr. P. L. Lewis-------. ----------. __Pwr. Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $254, 282 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,759 Number of Electric Customers------------- 576 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers. ------ 367,951 Communities Served at Retail: a Population ardy-------------------------------------- 8 McVeigh----------------------------------- 1, 298 Stone--------------------------------------- 6 a Majority of customers are company employees. 16–236 Elkhorn Coal Corporation Fleming, Ky. Communities Served at Retail: a Population Fleming------------------------------------- 1, 193 Wayland------------------------------------ 1,950 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 16–260 Inland Steel Co. 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Principal Officers: L. E. Block----------------------------- Chairman E. L. Ryerson, Jr.------------------ Vice Chairman P. D. Block--------------------------------- Pres. Directors: J. L. Block, L. E. Block, P. D. Block, E. D. Graff, G. H. Jones, W. A. Kendrick, L. Kuehn, A. J. Luedke, J. H. Morris, C. B. Ran- dall, E. L. Ryerson, Jr., J. T. Ryerson, H. H. Straus, W. Sykes, W. D. Truesdale. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $18,499 Number of Electric Customers------------...- 447 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Burton------------------------------------- 280. Wheelwright------------------------------- 2,027 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water service. 16–261 The Koppers Coal Co. 1050 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Weeksbury "-------------------------------- 1, 578 a Majority of customers are company employees. See Also: Operations reported under West Virginia (47–282). 16–262 Majestic Collieries Co. Majestic, Ky. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. A. Vaughan---------------------------- Cashier The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35, 192 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,984 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 214,475 Communities Served at Retail: Population Majestic --- 250 PhelpS------ ---- 653 16–280 W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Columbus, Ohio Electric Operating Revenues: Kentucky------------------------------------ $697 Number of Electric Customers: Kentucky------------------------------------ a 51 a Service is rendered to employees only. See Also: Principal report under West Virginia (47–398) and operations reported under South º (39–393), Tennessee (41–222) and Virginia k- 16–285 Stearns Coal & Lumber Company, Inc. Stearns, Ky. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. E. Butler PreS. R. W. Henderson--------------------------- Treas, R. L. Stearns, Jr.------------------------ Vice Pres. H. C. Trent DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KENTUCKY 277 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $317, 130 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $33, 253 Number of Electric Customers----------- 669 Geneº Capacity: Rilowatts al-------------------------------- 6,000 5, 500 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 595,801 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Barthell__ 360 Cooperative 800 Paint Cliff 250 Stearns------------------------------------- 1, 126 White Oak Junction 300 Worley------------------------------------- 500 Yamacraw---------------------------------- 400 a Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water Service. 16—509 *Barbourville Electric Department Barbourville, Ky. Communities Served at Retail: Artemus---- Barbourville-------------------------------- Heidrick Population 350 2, 420 400 16—511 *City of Bardstown Bardstown, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. Edelen - ----Supt. Light & Water Committee: C. R. Barnes, Lambert Willett. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $55,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50, 514 Number of Electric Cust sº 800 Generating Capacity: I(ilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 209 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,361, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Pardstown---------------------------------- 3, 152 Also Renders: Water Service. 16—516 *Benton City Light & Water Company Benton, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. G. Ely * * Supt. City Utility Commission: C. C. Hunt, H. H. Lovett (chairman), J. P. Stilley. Also Renders: Water service. 16–523 *City of Corbin Corbin, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wade H. Candler------ Mayor George White--------- Commissioner Fin. & Pub. Property. Ed Shotwell--------- Commissicner of Pub. Works & Pub. Safety. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $534, 180 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $116, 587 Number of Electric Cust ** 2,223 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4, 156,656 Community Served at Retail: Population Corbin 7,893 Also Renders: Water Service. 16–535 *Falmouth Light & Water Plant Falmouth, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Mason Mayor Allie F. Arnold------------------- City Electrician The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $26, 198 Number of Electric Cust & 794 Rilovolt-amperes Generating Capacity (Steam)--------------- 500 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated 854,620 Community Served at Retail: Population Falmouth------------------------ sº me sm ºn sº sºme sº sºme s = º 2,099 Also Renders: Water Service. 16—547 *Henderson Electric Light Station 4th & Elm Sts., Henderson, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. R. Posey Commission: Alves Clore, R. B. Posey (mayor), Griffin Sutton. The following data are for the year 1940: Supt. Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $563, 655 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $211,360 Number of Electric Cust sº 4, 451 . Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,375 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated 8, 725,944 Population Community Served at Retail: Henderson 13, 160 278 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Henderson-Union Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. 16—559 *Madisonville Light and Water Plant - Madisonville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. S. Branson-- - Supt. City Council: Dan Cates, D. C. Cavanah, E. D. Dozier, M. C. Pate, Harry Scott, B. B. Waddill (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $145,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $140,270 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,740 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 546, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Madisonville- - * ---- 8, 209 16–571 *Nicholasville Light and Power Plant 117 W. Oak St., Nicholasville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. McGrann.----------------------- T'lant Supt. Joe Clark.--------------------- Distribution Supt. Mayor and Council: Stanley Alverson, Henry Evans, J. D. Latimer, T. C. Robinson (mayor), A. A. Schneider, C. H. Stratton, Jas. Williams. The following data are for for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $41, 3S2 Number of Electric Customers----------- 825 Community Served at Retail: Population Nicholasville- - -- 3, 192 16–583 *Olive Hill Municipal Light Plant Olive Hill, Ky. Community Served at Retail: Population Olive Hill---------------------------------- 1,491 16–595 *Owensboro Municipal Utilities Owensboro, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. J. Gabbert-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Board of Utility Commissioners: Thos. G. Bartlett (Secy.), M. L. Cox (Chairman), W. M. O’Brien (Vice Chairman). 1ſº following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,820,683 $490,945 Number of Electric Customers---------- 11, 263 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 15,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 23, 021, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Owensboro- 30, 245 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY own ED UTILITY: . *Green River Rural Electric ASSociation. 16–607 *Paris Light, Power & Water Plant System 410 N. Main St., Paris, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Boone Baldwin------------- City Managing Agent . L. Conner--------------- Supt. of Distribution Edgar Dodge------------------------- Plant Supt. Mayor and Board of Commissioners: M. Peale Collier, C. C. Dawes, Jeff L. Denton, George L. Doyle (mayor), E. K. Rice. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $249,501 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $90,859 Number of Electric Customers 1,362 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,445 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2, 913, 255 Community Served at Retail: Population aris--------------------------------------- 6,697 Also Renders: Water Service. 16–619 *Providence Light & Water Plant Providence, Ky. Community Served at Retail: Population Providence--------------------------------- 4, 397 16—625 *Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tenn. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Kentucky only)-------------------------- $88,652 Number of Electric Customers: (Kentucky only)-------------------------- 2 Utilities Served at Wholesale: BLICI,Y OWNED UTILITIES: *Hickman. Fulton County R. E. C. C. *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation. See also: Principal report under Tennessee (41- 685), and operations reported under Alabama (01–655), Georgia (10–659), Mississippi (23–688), North Carolina (32–731). 16—630 *Vanceburg Electric Light, Heat, and Power System Vanceburg, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. W. Hickle--------------------------------- Mgr. Helen Voiers------------------------------ Cashier DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-EENTUCKY 279 Board, of Commissioners: S. C. Johnson, O. L. Mullikin (secy.), J. R. Pugh (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $145,864 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $42,891 Number of Electric Customers----------- 863 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,044, 660 Communities Served at Retail: Population Garrison----------- * * * 700 Quincy--- 252 Vanceburg 1, 184 Also Renders: Water Service. 16—635 *Williamstown Utility Commission Main St., Williamstown, Ky. City Utility Commission: A. B. Caldwell (ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas.), F. B. Craig (chairman), R. A. Greene (Secy. & Treas.), A. P. Rich. City Council: G. M. Bennett, C. C. Hulett, R. F. Lanter, J. B. Miller (mayor), O. B. Taylor, G. W. Trimnell, E. B. Wigginton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $30,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 475 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 777, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Williamstown----------------------------- 1,077 16–815 *Blue Grass Rural Electric Co- operative Corporation Nicholasville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R T)avi . H. L)3. W. 1S - Phil R. Holloway---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $213, 311 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,369 Number of Electric Customers------------- 594 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 461, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population 9°119---------------------------------------- 500 16–825 *Clark Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Winchester, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Hughes J. Evans---------------------------- Pres. I. P. Steele---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $240, 306 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,988 Number of Electric Customers------------ 696 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch -> 410, 580 16–851 *Farmers Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation, Inc. 134 N. Race St., Glasgow, Ky. ls--------------------------------- PreS. H. E. Gardner------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $428,416 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $46,849 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 330 Rilowatt-hourg Energy Purchased 753,900 16–853 *Fleming-Mason Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Flemingsburg, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles J. ROSS------------------------------ TreS. J. K. Smith Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $632,025 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $43,961 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2,025 Pºlowatt-hours 860,240 Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 16–856 *Fox Creek Rural Electric Coop- erative Corporation Lawrenceburg, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. O. Moffett------------------------------- FreS. Roy York----------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $241, 541 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31,328 Number of Electric Customers------------ 811 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 409, 680 16–860 *Green River Rural Electric Coop- erative Corporation Owensboro, Ky. Pºlº Utility Officials: Howard W. Daniel-------------------------- PreS. Charles T. Smith---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - $352,470 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,288 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 279 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 112,400 280 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 16–867 *Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation 115 E. Pike St., Cynthiana, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joe K. Marsh ------------------------------- PreS Guy L. Bridwell---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $420,979 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $55,389 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 1, 512 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - 684, 840 16–869 *Henderson-Union Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation 215 N. Elm St., Henderson, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. R. Roberts-------------------------------- PreS. J. R. Hardin-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $162,088 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $35,919 Number of Electric Customers------------- 917 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 653, 740 Communities Served at Retail: Population Boxville-------------------------------------- 250 Dekoven-------------------------------------- 296 Hebbardsville--------------------------------- 250 Spottsville------------------ 350 16–872 *Hickman-Fulton Counties Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Hickman, Ky. 16–879 *Inter-County Rural Electric Co- operative Corporation Danville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Rogers----------------------------- PreS. J. O. Swaim-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: - - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $512, 124 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $62,360 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 729 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 114,400 16–883 *Jackson County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation McKee, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. H. Spark e Lester Reynolds---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $151,034 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,041 Number of Electric Customers------------ 517 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 321, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population McKee--------------------------------------- 300 16–885 *Jackson Purchase Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Paducah, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. C. Shemwell - C. D. Harris-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $341, 358 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $41, 143 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 603, 660 Communities Served at Retail: Population Grand Rivers 499 Melber------------------------------------- 250 Smith land 592 Symsonia---------------------------------- 250 16–908 *Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Brandenburg, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Miller--------------------------------- PreS Curtis H. Brown---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------------$254,099 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,060 Number of Electric Customers------------ 679 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 394,620 16–915 *Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Elizabethtown, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Bury--------------------------------- PreS. Frank L. Hagan---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $288,050 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,199 Number of Electric Customers------------ 903 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 421, 560 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-KENTUCKY 281 16–923 *Owen County Rural Electric Co- operative Corporation Owenton, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jas. H. Satterwhite-------------------------- PreS. Chester Roland----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $643,846 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $51, 577 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,980 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 802, 260 16–927 *Pennyrile Rural Electric Co- operative Corporation Hopkinsville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . E. Lac - James O. Porter Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $416, 505 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $42,469 Number of Electric Customers 1, 151 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 819, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Rochester 387 16–947 *Salt River Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation Bardstown, Ky. Pºlº Electric Utility Officials: W. Seay--------------------------------- PreS. Hugh Bell___ - - - sº sº me - - - - * * * - - - - sº me • *- - - - Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $588, 435 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $76, 142 Number of Electric Cust ** 1,650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch .. 1, 451, 880 Community Served at Retail: Population Willisburg 250 16–950 *Shelby Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation 417 Main St., Shelbyville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Alex B. Veech -> Wm. C. Dale------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $318, 262 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $43,440 Number of Electric Customers------------ 927 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 682, 560 16–955 *South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Somerset, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. B. McDowell F. D. Gregory------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $162,088 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- - $16,591 Number of Electric Customers------------ 585 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 110,400 16–958 *Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Campbellsville, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. V. Kessler-------------------------------- PreS. Earl Tomes--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $304, 264 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $37, 309 Number of Electric Customers------------ 961 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 572,400 16–960 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation * Lafayette, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Kentucky only)-------------------- $22,724 Number of Electric Customers: (Kentucky only)-------------------- 1,878 Communities Served at Retail: Population Burkesville--------------------------------- 1,092 Edmonton --------------------------------- 403 Fountain Run------------------------------ 334 Gamaliel - 260 Marrowbone------------------------------- 260 Summer Shade----------------------------- 260 Tompkinsville------------------------------ 1,438 See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41-890). 282 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 16–977 *Warren Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation 826 State St., Bowling Green, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Chapman---------------------------- Pres. Lester Wright Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $387,819 Electric Operating Revenues $43.000 Number of Electric Customers . 1, 124 Filowatt-hours Energy Purch .. 600, 840 Community Served at Retail: Population Cromwell 250 16–990 *West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Mayfield, Ky. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ed. C. Ray - - - PreS. Robert USrey Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $174, 133 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,445 Number of Electric Customers 581 Rilowatt-hours . Energy Purchased.------------------------- 227, 340 LOUISIANA Index Reference Number *Abbeville Water & Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - 17–510 *Alexandria Electric Light & Water Works__ 17–521 Arkansas Power & Light Company 17–012 *Beauregard Flectric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - *Bossier Rural Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- *Boyce Power Plant, Town of --____________ 1 7–532 *Broussard Water Works Plant_____________ 17–54; Cinclare Central Factory.-------------------- 17–205 *Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc -------- 17–820 Community Public Service Company 17–028 *Tixie Electric Membership Corporation---- 17–825 - - - - - - *Erath, Town of . --------------------------- 17–554 *Franklin Municinal Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17–565 Freeport Sulphur Company----------------- 17–210 Gaylord Container Corporation------------- 17–217 Grant Utilities, Inc.------------. ------------ 17–040 Greensburg Utilities, Inc -------------------- 17–053 *Gueydan Municipal Plant ----------------- 17–576 Gulf Public Service Company.-------------- 17–061 Gulf States Utilities Company-------------- 17–069 Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards, Inc - - ------------ 17–231 *Homer Light & Water Plant. --____________ 17–587 *Houma Light and Water Plant - - - - -------- 17–598 Industrial Ilum her Company, Inc.---------- 17–252 *Joneshoro Power and Light Department--- 17–609 *Jonesville. Town of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17–620 *Kanlan Municipal I,ight & Water Plant --- 17–631 *Lafayette Water & I,ight Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - 17–642 *Lake Providence Electric Light and Water Plant----------------------------------- –653 Ilong Bell Lumber Company, The_ _ -------- 17–294 Louisiana Ice & Electric Company, Inc.----- 17–085 Louisiana Ilong Teaf I,umber Co. ----------- 17–273 Louisiana Power & Light Company--------- 17–093 Louisiana Public Service Corporation.------- 17-102 Louisiana Puhlic Utilities Co., Inc - - - ------- 17–110 Madisonville Ice, Light & Power Co., Inc.--- 17–126 Reference Number *Melville Municipal Electric Department--- 17–664 *Minden Light & Water Department 17–675 *Monroe, City of *Morgan City Municipal Water, Electric LOUISIANA 17–012 Arkansas Power & Light Company Simmons National Bldg., Pine Bluff, Ark. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 90.22% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Louisiana only)--------------------------- $3,578 Number of Electric Customers: (Louisiana only)----- 67 Community Served at Retail: Population Junction City----------------------------- 355 See Also: Principal report under Arkansas (03–022). 17–028 Community Public Service Company Electric Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Louisiana only) -- $61,002 º Light and Power Plant-------------------- 17–697 *Natchitoches, City of - - - - - - - - -------------- 17–708 New Orleans Public Service, Inc - - - --------- 17. 134 *New Roads Light and Water Plant - - - - - - - - 17–719 *Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc.--------------------------------------- 7–843 Oak Grove Utilities Company, Inc. -- - - - - - - - 17–138 *Opelousas Electric Light & Water Works Plant-------------------------------------- 17–730 Ouachita Ice & Utilities, Inc.---------------- 17–142 *Plaquemine City Light & Water Plant. ---- 17–741 *Pointe Coupee Electric Membership Cor- poration.---------------------------------- 17–850 *Rayne Electric Light and Water Works 3DU-------------------------------------- 17–747 *Rayville Light Plant. ---------------------- 17–754 Russom Mallory Light & Power - - - - - - ------ 17–155 *Ruston Department of Water and Light---- 17–760 *Saint Martinsville Electric Department--- 17–766 *South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Assn., 17–863 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company -- 17–167 *Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------- 17–868 *Toche Electric Membership Corporation-- 17-880 *Thibodaux Light and Water Plant --------- 17-772 *Valley Electric Membership Corporation-- 17–890 *Vidalia Electric Department -- - - --------- 17–778 *Vinton Ice, Light and Water Works-------- 17–784 *Washington-St. Tammany Electric Co- Operative, Inc.----------------------------- 17–898 *Welsh. Town of . --------------------------- 17–790 Youngsville Sugar Co., Inc.------------------ 17–336 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Number of Electric Customers: (Louisiana only)------------------------- 056 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arcadia- - 1,601 Ringgold - - 1,006 Simsboro 400 See Also: Principal report under Texas (42-034) and operations reported under Kentucky (16–020) and New Mexico (30–026). 17–040 Grant Utilities, Inc. Lafayette, La. Principal Officers: J. Frank Ard-------------------------------- PreS. A. C. Boyd---------------------------- Vice Pres. Mike Donlon.------------------------------- ecy. H. M. Sammons--------------------------- Treas. Directors: J. Frank Ard, A. C. Boyd, Mike Donlon, H. M. Sammons. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,920 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- a Includes Water revenueS. 284 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Number of Electric Customers------------ 119 Generating Capacity: Horsepower Internal Combustion-------------------- 820 Community Served at Retail: Population Montgomery---------------------------- 495 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Valley Electric Membership Corp. Also Renders: Ice & water Service. 17–053 Greensburg Utilities, Inc. Greensburg, La. Principal Officers: W. E. Eberhart -- _PreS. R. A. LeVV------------------ Vice Pres. and Mgr. H. B. Levy- __Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. E. Eberhart, H. B. Levy, R. A. Levy, C. Vernice. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ 7, 310 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $4,774 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 69 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 24 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 30,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Greensburg 389 Also Renders: Telephone Service. 17–061 Gulf Public Service Company New Iberia, La., (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) Principal Officers: C. C. Christ--------------------------- Vice PreS. Leo Loeb.------------------------------ Vice ProS. W. F. Stanley------------------------ Secy-Treas. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, L. L. Ferree, Leo Loeb, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant $7,631,867 Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $1,133,402 In Louisiana-------------------------- $752, 558 Number of Electric Customers: Total---------------------------------- 19, 130 In Louisiana-------------------------- 13,622 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 12,631 Steam--------------------------------- 6,000 Internal Combustion------------------ 6,631 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours, Total------------------------------ 33,987,994 Generated.----------------------------- 21,791, 243 Purchased.----------------------------- 12, 196, 751 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population New Iberia------------------------------- 13, 747 1,000 to 10,000 population Basile------------------------------------ 1, 132 Berwick---------------------------------- 1,906 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Campti---------------------------------- 1,004 Cotton Valley---------------------------- 1, 133 Coushatta-------------------------------- 1, 289 Crowley---------------------------------- 9, 523 De Quincy------------------------------- 3, 252 Punice----------------------------------- 5, 242 Glenmora-------------------------------- 1, 452 Jeanerette-------------------------------- 3, 362 amoll---------------------------------- 1, 379 Patterson--------------------------------- 1,800 Washington------------------------------ , 264 Winnfield--------------------------------- 4, 512 250 to 1,000 population Baldwin---------------------------------- 984 Centerville------------------------------- 700 Charenton-------------------------------- 418 Garden City----------------------------- 531 °08-------------------------------------- 946 Loreauville 490 * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = - - r - - - - - Also Renders: Gas, ice. and water Service in Louisi- ana; and ice service in Texas. See Also: Operations under Texas (42-074). 17–069 Gulf States Utilities Company 362 Liberty Ave., Beaumont, Tex. (Controlled by Frigineers Public Service Co. through 73.69% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Louisiana only)----------------------- $4,781, 388 Number of Electric Customers: (Louisiana only)---------------------- 37, 494 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Baton Rouge------------------------------ 34, 719 Lake Charles------------------------------ 21, 207 1,000 to 10,000 population DelCambre-------------------------------- 1, 255 19enham Springs.--------------------------- , 233 Hackberry-------------------------------- 1, 250 Iota--------------------------------------- 1, 000 Istrouma----------------------------------- 5,300 Jackson----------------------------------- 5, 384 Jennings----------------------------------- 7, 343 Lake Arthur------------------------------- 2, 131 Port Allen--------------------------------- 1, 898 Scºtlandville------------------------------- 1,300 Sulphur------------------------------------ 3, 504 University--------------------------------- 6,000 Westlake---------------------------------- 1,000 250 to 1,000 population Arnaudville-------------------------------- 640 Baker------------------------------------- 300 Roston------------------------------------ 300 Pranch------------------------------------ 650 Brooks------------------------------------. 300 Carencro----------------------------------- 914 Carville------------------------------------ 400 Cecelia------------------------------------ 325 Chena!------------------------------------- 250 Pºson------------------------------------ 463 Fºam-------------------------------------- 250 Fºlton-------------------------------------- 901 Fºrwinville--------------------------------- 250 |FStherword - .--- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ºº sm ºm º ºs º- - - - - - - 539 PVaneeline-------------------------------- 600 French Settlement------------------------- 650 ed--------------- ------------------------ 625 Glynn - * - * 300 Gonzales---------------------------------- 857 Grand Coteau----------------------------- 662 Grosse Tete-------------------------------- 382 Harelson----------------------------------- 350 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-LOUISIANA 285 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population IoWa--------------------------------------- 500 Kleinpeter--------------------------------- 400 Lacassine--------------------------------- 400 Leonville---------------------------------- 451 Livingston--------------------------------- 700 lohdell----------------------------------- 301) Maringouin-------------------------------- 70S Maurice----------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -s - - 42ſ) Wermentau-------------------------------- 571 Midland ---------------------------------- 300 Morganza---------------------------------- 744 Morse------------------------------------ 742 Worwood--------------------------------- 300 Parks-------------------------------------- 460 Port Barrè--------------------------------- 850 Port Vincent------------------------------- 340 Prairieville.------------------------------- 280 Prien Lake ------------------------------- 420 Roanoke----------------------------------- 475 Saint Gabriel------------------------------ 700 Scott------------------------------------- 407 Slaughter---------------------------------- 306 Sorrento----------------------------------- 350 Sunset------------------------------------- 630 Walker------------------------------------ 424 Wilson------------------------------------- 400 Zachary------------------------------------ 730 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATE [,Y OWN ED UTl|UITIES: Gulf Puhlic Service Co. Louisiana Power & Light Co. J_ouisiana Public Utilities Co., Inc. Youngsville Sugar Co., Inc. PU B LICLY () WNE X UTILITIES: *Abbeville Water & Light Plant. * Broussard Water Works Plant. *Town of Erath. *St. Martinsville Electric Dept. *Vinton Ice, Light & Water Dept. *Dixie Electric Membership Corp. See Also: Principal report under Texas (42-080). 17–085 Louisiana Ice & Electric Company, Inc. 528 Monroe St., Alexandria, La. ring pal Officers: . W. Woodcock----------------------------- ProS. F. H. Coughlin -------- - - Vice Pres, & Gen. Mgr. J. W. Cryder--------------------------- Vice PreS. J. G. McClellan---------------------- Secy.-Treas. T. M. Hauer ----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. G. Armstrong.------ ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: R. R. Clabaugh, F. H. Coughlin, J. W. Cryder, C. W. Miles, R. W. Rea, Gordon B. Wheeler, F. W. Woodcock. Controls: Three Counties Ice Co. (ice mſg.). The following data are ſor the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $1,932, 181 Electric Operating Revenues.------ * - - - m - - $403,041 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 6, 221 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 5, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 15, 226, 336 Generated.----------------------------- 15, 145,336 Purchased.----------------------------- 81, 000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bunkie------------------------------------- 3, 575 Chataignier--------------------------------- 300 Cheneyville-------------------------------- 913 Colfax-------------------------------------- 1, 354 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cottonport--------------------------------- 1, 196 Easton ------------------------------------- 272 Evergreen.---------------------------------- 384 Forest Hill--------------------------------- 302 Hessmer------------------------------------ 250 LeCompte---------------------------------- 1, 311 Mansura----------------------------------- 1, 138 Moreauville-------------------------------- 815 Pineville----------------------------------- 4, 297 Plaucheville-------------------------------- 367 Pollock------------------------------------- 317 SimmeSport-------------------------------- 1, 215 ioga--------------------------------------- 1,300 Villa Platte--------------------------------- 3, 721 Woodworth-------------------------------- 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Gulf Public Service Co. Louisiana Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Valley Electric Membership Corp. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 17–0.93 Louisiana Power & Light Company 142 Delaronde St., Station “A”, New Orleans, La. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 95.43% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. O. Turner. ----------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. C. Rawls-------------------------- Vice PreS. W. T. HeSS---------------------------- Vice PreS. R. M. Salvant----------------- Secy.-ASSt. Treas. A. E. Elliot-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: C. P. Couch, A. E. Elliott, W. E. Gilbert, L. A. Loustalot, R. C. Rawls, R. M. Salvant, Clarence Savoie, A. H. Southern, W. O. Turner. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $37,244,014 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $6,519, 220 Number of Electric Customers--------- 48, 816 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 86, 648 Steam-------------------------------- 85,000 Internal Combustion----------------- 1,648 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.---------------------------- 790, 786, 105 Generated.---------------------------- 679,789, 000 Purchased.---------------------------- 104, 757, 105 Interchanged (gross-in).-------------- 6, 240, 000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Algiers------------------------------------ 19, 537 Gretna------------------------------------ 10,879 1,000 to 10,000 population Amite------------------------------------- 2,499 Arabi-------------------------------------- 1,630 Bastrop----------------------------------- 6, 626 Bayou Goula------------------------------ 1,031 Bernice - - - - - - - ----------------------------- 1,071 Bridgedale--------------------------------- 1, 385 Church Point----------------------------- 1,892 Delacroix Island--------------------------- 1,000 Delhi-------------------------------------- 1, 192 Donaldsonville_----- - - - - - * * - * * * * * - * * - * * - - * 3,889 Ferriday----------------------------------- 2,857 Garyville---------------------------------- 1,800 Gibsland---------------------------------- 1,023 Gramercy--------------------------------- 1, 450 Hammond. ------------------------------- 6,033 Harahan ---------------------------------- 1,082 Harvey------------------------------------ 2, 464 * 286 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Haynesville.------------------------------- 2, 418 Point a la Hache-------------------------- 515 Hodge------------------------------------- 1,445 Port Barrow------------------------------- 716 Independence------------------------------ 1,498 Roseland---------------------------------- 873 enneſ------------------------------------ 2, 375 Saint Bernard----------------------------- 520 Kentwood--------------------------------- 1, 854 Saint Francisville-------------------------- 821 Lutcher----------------------------------- 2, 167 Saint James------------------------------- 650 Marksville-------------------------------- 1, 811 Saint Rose-------------------------------- 490 Marrero----------------------------------- 5, 565 Saline------------------------------------- 381 Metairie----------------------------------- 5, 567 | Sarepta------------------------------------ 400 Napoleonville ------ ----------------------- 1, 301 | Selma------------------------------------- 812 Ponchatoula------------------------------- 4,001 Shrewsbury------------------------------- 250 Reserve----------------------------------- 2, 259 ibley------------------------------------- 405 Saint Joseph------------------------------ 1,096 Smoke Bend------------------------------- 620 Southport ---------------- ~~~8-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 200 Sondheimer------------------------------- 375 Springhill--------------------------------- 2,822 || Springfield-------------------------------- 500 Tallulah ----------------------------------- 5,712 Standard---------------------------------- 250 West Monroe------------------------------ 8, 560 | Sterlington.-------------------------------- 600 Westwego--------------------------------- 4,992 Swartz------------------------------------ 260 White Castle------------------------------ 1,692 Taft--------------------------------------- 300 Winnsboro-------------------------------- 2, 834 Tºho. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = ** = ~ * 319 250 to 1,000 population #...… ; Albany---------- * 300 Trout------------------------------------- 850 Alberta---ºr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 510 Tullos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 589 Alluvial City------------------------------ 400 Union------------------------------------ . 740 Ito--------------------------------------- #. Urania------------------------------------ 500 Ama-------------------------------------- 815 violet III. 500 Ansley------------------ * * * * * * = = a- = * * * * * * * * $19 waiiace.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 310 Athens------------------------------------ #9, waterproof.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 592 Barataria---------------------------------- 3.9 waveriy III.I.I.I.I.I.III 250 Baskin------------------------------------ 339 welcome...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 300 Belle flºº - = * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; Wisner.---------------------------- 617 Bienville---------------------------------- - - ----------------------------------- Bonita------------------------------------ 422 Zenoria------------------------------------ 400 Boutte------------------------------------ 310 || Utilities Served at Wholesale: Braithwaite------------------------------- 250 | PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Bucktown--------------------------------- 435 Arkansas Power & Light Co. (Ark.). Calhoun----------------------------------- 300 Community Public Service Co. Chatham---------------------------------- 605 Gulf Public Service Co. Choudrant-------------------------------- 438 Louisiana Public Service Corporation. Clarks.------------------------------------ 250 Louisiana Public Utilities Co., Inc. Clinton------------------------------------ 998 Mississippi Power & Light Co. (Miss.). Collinston--------------------------------- 482 Ouachita Ice & Utilities. Inc. Columbia--------------------------------- 947 | PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: Convent----------------------------------- 357 * Vidalia Electric Dept. Crown Point------------------------------ § * Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc. gºne.------…-- ; Also Renders: Ice, motor coach, natural gas, and Darnell------------------------------------ 300 and water Service. Darrow------------------------------------ 300 Bºiſſ......: #: Des Allemands---------------------------- *º- Bººn - * * * * * * = ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # 17–102 Doyline----------------------------------- tº gº e * #;… #. Louisiana Public Service Il () TIV--------------------------------- R. & Pºly---..… ... * * * * * = 268 Corporation Epps-------------------------------------- 391 Eros.--------------------------------------- 289 Lockport, La. Georgetown------------------------------- 46} ºwn • * = = <= ** = ** =s. - = ** = ** = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 428 (Controlled by American Utilities Service Corpora- Good Hope-------------------------------- 500 |tion through 100% of voting power.) Grayson.----------------------------------- 407 Principal Officers: Hahnville--------------------------------- § Chaºs ºf fºss.-------------------........ Tres. Holly Ridge------------------------------- 450 Arthur E. Swanson Vico PreS Hymel------------------------------------ ;| F. A. oºji. Sºrrºs. Kelly-------------------------------------- J. A. Mumford -------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. #º Crossing III.I.I.I.I.I. ; G. M. Boehmer------------------------ Asst. Secy. La Place---------------------------------- #30 A. A. Schmidt------------------------ ASSt. Treas. Labadieville.------------------------------ 515 | Directors: Charles H. Bliss, Thomas Robinson, Lauderdale-------------------------------- 310 | Arthur E. Swanson. Lucy--------------------------------------- 500 & Luling------------------------------------- g50 | The following data are for the year 1940: Mangham--------------------------------- 572 | Electric Utility Plant____________________ $471,670 McIntyre---------------------------------- 257 * º Mer Rouge-------------------------------- 713 | Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $164, 752 Meraux----------------------------------- 300 & §. Airy------------------------------- ; Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,726 Natalbany-------------------------------- Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Newelltºn--------------------------------- 7% Internal Combustion------------------ 216 Oak Ridge--------------------------------- 373 & a--------- * * * *- 691 | Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Paincourtville 300 otal------------------------------- 3, 289, 964 Paradis------ 30ſ) *-*. Pioneer 400 Generated 26,600 Plattenville 410 Purchased 3, 263, 364 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-LouisianA 287 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pourg--------------------------------------- 420 Cut 9ſ------------------------------------- 476 Golden Meadow---------------------------- 1, 200 Parºse ------------------------------------- 46ſ) Lockport----------------------------------- 877 Aatthews---------------------------------- 500 Raceland----------------------------------- 800 17–110 Louisiana Public Utilities Co., Inc. Lafayette, La. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: H. R. Bodemuller--------------------------- PreS. J. A. BCrdelon---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. S. W. Elberson------------------------- Vice PreS. Howard Hagan------------------------- Vice PreS. W. R. Benzing------------------------- Vice PreS. M. E. McHugh. ---------------------------- Secy. H. M. Wetherell---------------------4Asst. Secy. Directors: H. R. Bodemuller, J. A. Bordelon, H. C. Botner, Howard Hagan, M. D. Hawkes, M. E. McHugh. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,997, 279 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $578,890 Number of Electric Customers----------- 9, 847 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal.----------------------------- 3,390 Steam--------------------------------- 971 Internal Combustion.------------------ 2,419 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 15,931, 725 Generated.----------------------------- 5, 150, 145 Purchased.----------------------------- 10,781, 580 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Covington.--------------------------------- 4, 123 De Ridder---------------------------------- 3, 750 Farmerville--------------------------------- 1,428 Franklinton. ------------------------------- 1, 579 Kinder ------------------------------------ 1,415 Leesville ----------------------------------- 2,829 Mandeville--------------------------------- 1, 326 Mansfield----------------------------------- 4,065 Many--------------------------------------- 1,474 Merryville---------------------------------- 1, 216 Oakdale-------------- - --- - - 3,933 Slidell-------------------------------------- 2, 864 Zwolle-------------------------------------- 1, 500 250 to 1,000 population Abita Springs------------------------------- 528 Addis--------------------------------------- 492 Benson------------------------------------- 300 Brusly Landing----------------------------- 433 On VerSe----------------------------------- 314 Gloster------------------------------------- 500 Grand Cane-------------------------------- 377 Keatchie------------------------------------ 375 Pacombe------------------------------------ 615 Longstreet---------------------------------- 263 arion------------------------------------- 481 Oberlin------------------------------------- 962 Pearl River--------------------------------- 612 Pelican------------------------------------- 310 Pleasant Hill------------------------------- 737 Rosepine- - - ----------------------------- 407 South Mansfield---------------------------- 433 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: |Russom Mallory. Texas General Utilities Co. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Valley Electric Membership Corp. *Washington-St. Tammany Electric Member- ship Corporation. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water service. 17–126 Madisonville Ice, Light & Power Co., Inc. Madisonville, La. Principal Officers: Theo. Dendinger, Jr.------...------------------ PreS. M. L. Hoffman------------------------- Vice PreS. O. P. Goldate------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Geo. Dendinger, Theo. Dendinger, Jr., O. P. Goldate, Paul Hogan, M. L. Hoffman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $23,900 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,217 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 236 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 264 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 132,000 Community Served at Retail: Population 915 Madisonville---------------------------------- 17–134 New Orleans Public Service, Inc. 317 Baronne St., New Orleans, La. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 95.14% of voting power.) Principal Officers: A. B. Paterson------------------------------- PreS. L. G. Ireland--------------------------- Vice Pres. A. B. McCoard------------------------- Vice Pres H. E. Meade--------------------------- Vice Pre3 B. S. Myers---------------------------- Vice PreS. S. M. Smallpage---------------------- Comptroller E. T. Colton----------------------- Secy. & Treas. G. I. Andrus----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. P. Parkhouse, Jr.-----------------. ASSt. Treas. E. J. Armbruster--- Gen. Aud. & Acting Comptr. Directors: G. L. Andrus, E. T. Colton, P. F. HootS, L. G. Ireland, A. B. McCoard, H. E. Meade, E. S. Myers, A. B. Paterson, S. M. Smallpage. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $39,492,946 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $10,048, 173 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 111, 339 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 138,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 508,685,000 Community Served at Retail: Population New Orleans------------------------------ 494, 537 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Louisiana Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Gas and transportation Service (motor coach, street railway, trolley coach). 288 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 17–138 Oak Grove Utilities Company, Inc. Oak Grove, La. Principal Officers: Edmund J. Haugh.----------------- ProS. & Treas. H. J. Long---------------------- Vice Pres. & Mgr. A. W. Haugh.-------------------------------- Secy. Helen Long------------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: A. W. Haugh, Edmund J. Haugh, H. J. Long. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $110, 968 Electric Operating Revenues - ------------- $29, 185 Number of Electric Customers------------ 361 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 504 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 815, 940 Community Served at Retail: Population Oak Grove.------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. y 17–142 Ouachita Ice & Utilities, Inc. W. Memphis, Ark. (Controlled by Southeast Power & Light Company.) Principal Officers: R. C. Baumann.----------------------------- ProS. H. Bethune Hall.----------------------- Vice ProS. J. P. Wilson.------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Wm. H. Armstrong. R. C. Baumann, B. Hall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $109, 774 Electric Operating Revenues---- ----, ----- $26,832 Number of Electric Customers -------- - - - , 348 Generating Capacity: Rilou"atts Internal Cornhustion -----------. -------- 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.-------...-------------...-----...--- 967,990 Generated.----...------------------------- 56,000 Purchased.-------------------. - * * * * * * * * * * * * 911, 990 Communities Served at Retail: Population Harrisonburg -----------. ------------. ------ 422 Sicily Island---------------------------------- 400 Wildsville------------------------------------ 261 Also Renders: Ice Service. 17–155 Russom Mallory Light & Power Logansport, La. Partners: Russom Mallory (mgr.), O. B. Siler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - ----------- $31,907 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $16,619 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 485 Community Served at Retail: Population Logansport--------------------------------- 1, 222 See also: Operations reported under Texas (42–119). 17–167 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company 428 Travis St., Shreveport, La. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Louisiana only ------------------------- $2,497. 606 Number of Electric Customers: Louisiana Only------------------------ 27, 947 Communities Served at Retail: Population Belcher------------------------------------ 260 Benton------------------------------------ 519. Bossier City------------------------------- 5,786 Gilliam------------------------------------ 350 Greenwood-------------------------------- 257 Haughton---------------------------------- 409. Hosston------------------------------------ 500 Ida---------------------------------------- 514 Mooringsport------------------------------ 748 Oil City---------------------------------- 1,030 Plain Dealing------------------------------ 1,085 Shreveport--------------------------------- 98, 167 Vivian------------------------------------- 2,460 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUR LICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bossier Rural Flectric Memhership League. *Valley Electric Membership Corporation. See Also: Principal report under Texas (42–126) and operations reported under Arkansas (03–152). 17–205 Cinclare Central Factory Cinclare, La. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - - - $960 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 20 Rºilowat's Generating Capacity (steam) ---------------- Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 15, 484 Community Served at Retail: Population Cinclare *---------------------------------- 425. a Majority of customers are company employees. 17–210 Freeport Sulphur Company 122 E. 42 St., New York, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. H. ROSS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chief Elec. Engr. F. B. BlackStone - - - - - - - - - - - (La.) Supt. of Plant F3. F. Norman, Jr. - - - - - - - - - - (Tex.) Supt. of Plant A. J. Lehman--- - - - - - - Asst. Supt. of Maintenance The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $285,081 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - - $11,055 Number of Electric Customers --- - - - - - - - - 4 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 4, 812 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- $11,055 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1,809, 190 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-LOUISIANA 289 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Peoples Utilities, Inc. sº Also: Operations reported under Texas (42- 41). 17–217 Gaylord Container Corporation Bogalusa, La. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: V. Young------------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. A. Suter-------------------------------- Gen. Supt. T}. B. Pierce-------------------------- Plant Engr. E. L. Cowan------------------- ASSt. Plant Engr. A. G. Root------------------ Supt. of Elec. Distr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $222, 244 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $175, 116 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,849 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 16, 500 JKilowatt-hours Energy sold to Ultimate Consumers--- - - - 5,546,985 Community Served at Retail: Population Bogalusa.--------------------------------- 14,604 17–231 Hillyer-Deutsch-Edwards, Inc. Oakdale, La. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Parrish Fuller---------------------- Vice Pres. W. C. Graſton------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $11,835 Number of Electric Customers------------- I Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 789,900 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Louisiana Public Utilities Co., Inc. 17–252 Industrial Lumber Company, Inc. Elizabeth, La. 17–273 Louisiana Long Leaf Lumber Co. Fisher, La. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: P. A. Bloomer------------------------ Gen. Mgr. C. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,107 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $142 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 90 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 250 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 77. Community Served at Retail: Population Fisher-------------------------------------- 600 17–294 The Long Bell Lumber Company De Ridder, La. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. E. Sailor--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $293,262 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $42, 498 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 1, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale ------------------- 3,081,300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Louisiana Public Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Beauregard Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water Service. 17–336 Youngsville Sugar Co., Inc. Youngsville, La. Principal Officers: B. F. Flanders------------------------------ PreS. Dr. A. J. Comeaux--------------------- Vice Pres. R. C. Bourque------------------------------ Secy. R. O. Young-------------------------------Treas. Directors: R. C. Bourque, F. M. Burley, Dr. A. J. Comeaux, Dr. R. K. Comeaux, P. R. Dupleix, Dr. J. W. Dupuis, B. F. Flanders, A. J. Herbert, Eugene Landry, Ulysses Landry, R. O. Young. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $8,542 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 86 Community Served at Retail: Population Youngsville--------------------------------- 647 17–510 *Abbeville Water & Light Plant Abbeville, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: 1 O Dé J. E. Kibbe-------------------------------- Mayor J. C. Broussard----------------------------. Secy. A. J. Frank------------------------- Supt. & Mgr. City Council: T. G. Chauvin, f N. P. Hollier, L. C. Mayeux, A. O. Morton, C. S. Steen, Jr.f fMember of Plant Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $246,340 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $104,794 Number of Electric Customers------------ I, 569 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 360 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 182,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Abbeville----------------------------------- 6, 672 Also Renders: Water Service. 290 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 17–521 *Alexandria Electric Light & Water Works Alexandria, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. V. Lamkin----------------------------- Mayor B. F. Bradford Commissioner of Finance & Public Utilities R. W. Bringhurst-- Commissioner of Streets & Farks P. J. Couvillion---------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. H. Allen-------------------- Superintendent L. F. Magee-------------------- ASSistant Supt. The following data are for the year ended April 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,739,032 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $524, 980 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 500 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 8,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 17, 128, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Alexandria-------------------------------- 27,066 Also Renders: Water service. 17–532 *Town of Boyce Power Plant Boyce, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert N. Smith Governing Body: E. L. Griffin, J. A. Ingram (mayor), S. M. Stewart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------- ------------ $30,000 Electric Operating Rev $5,870 Number of Electric Customers------------- 138 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 64 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 161,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Boyce---------------------------------------- 732 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–543 *Broussard Water Works Plant Broussard, La. Community Served at Retail: Population BrousSard * 791 17–554 *Town of Erath Erath, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. R. LeBlanc----------------------------- Mayor Mayor and Aldermen: , L. B. Boudreaux, Espera Broussard, Ben Callahan, A. S. Dubois (Secy.), J. Dubois, Otis Landry, L. R. LeBlanc (Mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,015 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 244 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 227,000 Community Served at Retail: Population **--------------------------------------- 1,408 Also Renders: Water service. 17–565 *Franklin Municipal Plant Franklin, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Philip Albans------------------------------ Supt. E. A. Mc Cann---------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $73,720 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 173 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------- ---- 2,070, 518 Community Served at Retail: Population Franklin ---- 4, 274 Also Renders: Water service. 17–576 *Gueydan Municipal Plant Gueydan, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chas. A. V. Evans-------------------------- Supt. L. L. Breaux-------------------- Chief Engineer Aldermen: Nelson Fruge, G. L. Gardiner, Thos. Rascoe (Mayor), L. Scott, B. E. Sirmon, E. W. Stebbins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- ---- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $9,903 Number of Electric Customers------------- 240 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 300 FKilowatt-hours Energy Generated ---- 443,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gueydan----------------------------------- 1, 506 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 17–587 *Homer Light & Water Plant Homer, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred L. Jackson.-------------------------- Mayor Robert B. Allen----Chairman Light and Water J. D. Walthalſ------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $241,074 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $55,255 Number of Electric Customers 873 DIRECTORY 291 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-LOUISIANA Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1, 225 Rilowatt-hours 1,610,640 Population 3,497 Energy Generated Community Served at Retail: Homer Also Renders: Water Service. 17–598 *Houma Light and Water Plant Houma, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elward Wright---------------------------- Mayor F. A. Menville Plant Supt. Light & Water Committee: Leopold Blum William J. Cenac, Harry Hellier (chairman), Louis C. LeBlanc, David J. Oliver. The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,008 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - 2, 115 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 321, 787 Community Served at Retail: Population Houma------------------------------------- 9,052 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLIC LY OWN EID UTILITY: *Rural Electric ASSIm. Also Renders: Water Service. 17–609 *Jonesboro Power and Light Department Jonesboro, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. D. Tolar--------------------------------- Supt. J. H. Cox--------------------------- Commissioner W. C. McDonald------------------- Commissioner Mayor and Board of Aldermen: J. H. Cox, E. D. Gray, J. D. Jeffress, Wilbur C. McDonald, J. O. Tabarlet (mayor), E. L. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $270,608 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $48,494 Number of Electric Customers------------ 893 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 158 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 130,640 Population 2,639 Community Served at Retail: Jonesboro----------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 17–620 *Town of Jonesville Jonesville, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: Lee Arnaud---------------------------- ,- - - - - Supt. Aldermen: A. M. Beard, Dee Brown, W. P. Foster, H. C. Owen, Dewey Parish, Hy Uttinger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- a $16,428 a Includes water revenues. 262 Number of Electric Customers------------ Generating Capacity: PÖilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 273 . Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 337,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Jonesville----------------------------------- 2,080 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–631 *Kaplan Municipal Light & Water Plant Kaplan. La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: 3. A. Maraist.---------------------------- Mayor Rene J. Marceaux-------------------------- Supt. Mark H. Kite----------------------------- Clerk Board of Aldermen: C. T. Blanchard, Joe Lormand, Lloyd Perrin, L. J. Reaux, E. J. Trahan. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $105, 984 Electric Operating Revenues--------- - - - - - - $30,022 Number of Electric Customers------------- 553 Generating Capacity: P(ilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 263 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 36C, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Raplan------------------------------------- 2,838 Also Renders: Gas and Water Service. 17–642 - *Lafayette Water & Light Plant Lafayette, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. Frank Ard Board of Trustees: P. J. LeBlanc (trustee of fl- nance), Wilson J. Peck (trustee of public property), J. Maxime Ray (mayor). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $217,642 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,700 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 2,975 Community Served at Retail: Population Lafayette---------------------------------- 19, 210 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITY: g *Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation. 17–653 *Lake Providence Electric Light and Water Plant Lake Providence, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: - E. J. Chaney------------------------------- Supt. 292 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Water and Light Committee: G. T. Hider, J. L. Johnson, G. L. Levy (chairman). The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1: 19 Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $359,415 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $57,234 Number of Electric Customers----------- 678 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion - - 1, 140 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,838, 920 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Providence--------------------------- 3,711 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–664 *Melville Municipal Electric Department Melville. La. Community Served at Retail: Population Melville------------------------------------ 1,828 *Minden Light & Water Department Minden, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: John L. Garrett Supt. Governing Body: J. C. Brown, F. D. Culbertson (mayor), E. L. Lanning. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $249, 313 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $89,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 456 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 248 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,389, 320 Community Served at Retail: Population Minden------------------------------------- 6, 677 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–686 *City of Monroe Monroe, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. N. Benoit . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor W. D. H. Rodriguez---------- - Commissioner of Finance and Utilities C. FI. Tidwell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner of Streets and Parks The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues--------- - - - - $1, 179,006 $526,453 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6,484 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 7,600 Rºzlowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 21, 257,000 Population 28, 309 Community Served at Retail: Monroe------------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. 17–697 *Morgan City Municipal Water, Electric Light and Power Plant Morgan City, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. D. Shannon----------------------------- Mgr. Joseph Cefalu------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $129,268 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $90,292 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,454 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 700 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,949,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Morgan City 6,969 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–708 *City of Natchitoches Natchitoches, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. L. Perry---------------------------------- Supt. Jeff DeBlieux, Jr.--------------------------- Engr. Governing Body: E. L. McClung (mayor), A. E. ºver G. H. Pierson, Geo. C. Sutton (secy.- treaS.). ...” following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $252, 643 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $80,966 Number of Electric Custo 8--- 1, 266 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,752 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,789,880 Community Served at Retail: Population Natchitoches-------------------------------- 6,812 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–719 *New Roads Light and Water Plant New Roads, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: ite L. W. White-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $160,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $35,579 Number of Electric Customers----------- 585 * Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 638 Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,614,000 Community Served at Retail: Population New Roads-------------------------------- 2, 255 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITY: *Pointe Coudee Electric Membership Corp. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-LOUISIANA 293 17–730 *Opelousas Electric Light & Water Works Plant Opelousas, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: David Hollier------------------------------ Mayor C. L. Clay----------------------------- City Clerk James H. Prados----- -- Supt. º following data are for the year ended Jan. 12, 1941: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $762,369 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $125, 272 Number of Electric Cust * , 2, 100 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 2,446 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - -- 6, 780,050 Community Served at Retail: Population Opelousas 8, 980 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Water service. 17–741 *Plaquemine City Light & Water Plant Plaquemine, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Irwin J. Wilbert - Mayor E. C. Thomas Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $325,504 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $83,893 Number of Electric Customers 1, 505 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,257. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated. as - - - as as “ - * * * * * * sa as * ~ * * * * * 1, 925,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Plaquomine--------------------------------- 5,049 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–747 *Rayne Electric Light and Water Works Plant Rayne, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: Miss Bertha Doty-------------- City Clerk-Treas. lº" following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $232,969 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44,021 Number of Electric Customers------------ 848 . Generating Capacity: PÖilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 120 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 305,950 JPopulation 4,974 Community Served at Retail: Also Renders: Water Service. 17–754 *Rayville Light Plant Rayville, La. • T. J.0DeS-------------------------------- Mayor W. W. Kelly-------------------------------- Clerk H. W. Blakeman---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $46, 141 Number of Electric Customers------------ 530 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 760 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,070,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Rayville------------------------------------ 2,412 17–760 *Ruston Department of Water and Light Ruston, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. H. Brooks-------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Councilmen: Edwin Hodge, J. W. Horton, F. B. James, W. A. Marbury (clerk), C. A. Norris (mayor), J. E. Ormand. The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $379,917 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $115,630 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 599 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - 1, 825 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 297, 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Ruston------------------------------------- 7, 107 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–766 *Saint Martinsville Electric Department Saint Martinsville, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. J. Guirard---- Mayor E. A. Guirard------------------------ Chief Engr. Town Council: Earl Bienvenu, Lee Bienvenu, E. F. Bonin, E. L. Guidry, Mrs. Alice G. Maraist. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $31,600 Number of Electric Cust * 520 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- - - 660,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Martinsville-------------------------- 3, 501 Also Renders: Water Service. 294 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 17—772 *Thibodaux Light and Water Plant Thibodaux, La. Community Served at Retail: Population • Thibodaux 5,851 17—778 *Vidalia Electric Department Vidalia, La. Community Served at Retail: Population Vidalia------------------------------------- 1, 318 17–784 *Winton Ice, Light and Water Works Vinton, La. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. A. Simmons--------------------------- --Supt. Mayor and Aldermen: H. T. Barrios, W. Benoit, S. R. Holden, S. D. LeBoeuf, D. J. Moreau, Athan Perry (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,890 Number of Electric Custo sº 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Vinton - - - 1, 787 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 17–790 *Town of Welsh Welsh, La. Electric Light and Water Committee of Board of Trustees: Ralph Reeve (chairman), E. D. Shipp, O. C. Yantis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,486 Number of Electric Cust lsº * 378 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 430 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 600, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Welsh----- 1,822 Also Renders: Water Service. 17–810 *Beauregard Electric Cooperative, Inc. De Ridder, La. 17–815 *Bossier Rural Electric Member- ship Corporation Bossier, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Mercer-------------------------------- ProS. Hugh J. Smith------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $97, 594 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $13,463 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 321 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 120, 100 17–820 *Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc. Homer, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Odom --------------------------------- PreS T. E. Stevenson----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $12, 148 Number of Electric Customers----------- 354 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 101,800 17–825 *Dixie Electric Membership Corporation 211 Court House, Baton Rouge, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. B. Hammack ---------------------------- PreS E. B. Thompson.---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $359,412 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $22,279 Number of Electric Customers----------- 781 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 193, 440 17–843 *Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative, Inc. Winnsboro, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: 2. J. Grayson.------------------------------- PreS. Robt. E. Holladay-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $205,088 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17,021 Number of Electric Customers------------ 548 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch 21 * 114, 240 17–850 *Pointe Coupee Electric Mem- bership Corporation New Roads, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Melancon---------------------------- Pres. Alfred A. Robinson.------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $99,469 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-LOUISIANA 295 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- 269 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 123,700 17–863 *South Louisiana Electric Cooperative Assn. Houma, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Aubin Bugart ------------------------------ Pres Nolan J. Cunningham ---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100, 243 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $19, 540 Number of Electric Customers------------ 380 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 312, 100 17–868 *Southwest Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation Lafayette, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. W. Scanlan------------------------------ PreS. S. C. Spring-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $655, 567 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $80,266 Number of Electric Customers 2,318 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,499, 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Frotz Springs-------------------------------- 630 Le Moyen------------------------------------ 250 Morrow-------------------------------------- 250 Palmetto 444 17–880 *Teche Electric Membership Corporation Centerville, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. Prescott Foster----------------------- ... — PreS. John Chaney-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data aro for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135, 758 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,701 Number of Electric Customers------------ 526 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 443, 536 17–890 *Valley Electric Membership Corporation Natchitoches, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Henry--------------------------------- PreS. L. H. Huson-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $431,088 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $57,093 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 907, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Caspiano------------------------------------- 265 Florien--------------------------------------- 266 Frierson-------------------------------------- 250 Goldonna-------------------------------- - - - - 256 Hornbeck------------------------------------ 481 Montrose------------------------------------- 500 Robeline------------------------------------- 355 17–898 *Washington—St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. Franklinton, La. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Warner------------------------------- Pres. S. J. McMahon----------------------------- Supt. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $209, 312 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $27,623 Number of Electric Customers------------ 744 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 341, 371 Communities Served at Retail: Population Folsom--------------------------------------- 450 Rio------------------------------------------- 400 Sun------------------------------------------- 250 Varnado-------------------------------------- 315 Warnerton----------------------------------- 250 Wilmer--------------------------------------- 300 MAINE Index Reference Number Andover Power Co., Inc.-------------------- Androscoggin Water Power Company------- Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company--- 18–206 *Bangor Electrical Dept., City of ----------- 18—511 Bangor Hydro-Electric Company----------- 18–019 Bates Manufacturing Company------------- 18–211 Bryant Pond Electric Light Co------------- 18–025 Caribou Water, Light and Power Company. 18–028 Carrabassett Light & Power Co------------- 18–031 Casco Bay Light & Water Company-------- 18–034 Central Maine Power Company------------- 18–037 Clark, Charles B.---------------------------- 18–040 Consumers Electric Co. of Brownfield -- - - - - - 18–046 Cornish & Kezar Falls Light & Power Com- Cumberland County Power and Light Com- Parly-------------------------------------- Danforth Electric Company----------------- Edwards Mfg. Co. -------------------------- 18–259 *Farmers Electric Company----------------- 18–864 *Farm-Home Electric Cooperative, Inc. ---- 18–855 Fort Fairfield Light and Power Company___ 18–070 Hampden-Newburg Light & Power Co------ 18–073 Hill Manufacturing Company--------------- 18–270 *Houlton Water Company. ----------------- 18–522 International Paper Company--------------- 18–282 International Power Co-J.------------------- 18–076 *Kennebunk Electric Light Department - - - - 18–533 *Kingman Electric Company---------------- 18–893 Kittery Electric Light Company------------ 18–079 Lee Mutual Electric Company-------------- 18-082 MAINE 18–010 Andover Power Co., Inc. Andover, Maine Principal Officers: Frank H. Newton--------------------------- Pres. Roger L. Thurston--------------------- Vice Pres. Arthur L. Lang. ------------------- Treas. & Mgr. Waldo E. Merrill-------------------- ASSt. Mgr. Harry M. Thomas-------------------------- Clerk Directors: Merton Fox, Arthur L. Lang, Waldo E. Merrill, Frank H. Newton, Sylvanus Poor, Clarence A. Rand, Robert J. Swain, Emily Thurston, Roger L. Thurston. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $17,568 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,822 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 131 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 76, 140 Community Served at Retail: Population Andover-------------------------------------- 250 Reference Number *Lewiston Municipal Electric Plant--------- 18-544 Limestone Electric Co----------------------- 18-085 Lockwood Company------------------------ 18–294 *Lubec Water and Electric Department----- 18-555 *Madison Electric Works Department------ 18–566 Maine Consolidated Power Co-------------- 18-091 Maine Public Service Company------------- 18-094 Mars Hill Electric Co- - - - ------------------- 18–097 Monson Light & Power Co------------------ 18–100 Monticello Electric Co- - - ------------------- 18–103 Oquossoc Light & Power Company--------- 18–112 Phillips Electric Light & Power Co--------- 18–115 *Princeton Lighting District - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18–577 Rumford Falls Light & Water Company----- 18–118 Rumford Falls Power Company------------- 18–310 Saint Croix Electric Company--------------- 18–123 Saint Croix Paper Company----------------- 18–318 *Squirrel Island Village Corp---------------- 18-583 Stillman Armstrong Co. --------------------- 18–016 Stonington & Deer Isle POWer CO - - --------- 18–133 Stratton Light Co--------------------------- 18–136 Stratton Manufacturing Company---------- 18–330 Sturtevant, C. O---------------------------- 18–139 Swans Falls Company---------------------- 18–142 *Van Buren Light and Power District ------- 18–588 Vinalhaven Light & Power Company------- 18–148 Washburn Electric Co----------------------- 18–151 Woodland Light & Water Co---------------- 18–160 York Manufacturing Company-------------- 18-360 York Utilities Company--------------------- 18–363 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 18–012 Androscoggin Water Power Company Brunswick, Maine 18–016 Stillman Armstrong Co. Vanceboro, Maine Community Served at Retail: Population Vanceboro------------------------------------ 300 18–019 Bangor Hydro-Electric Company 33 State St., Bangor, Maine Principal Officers: Edward M. Graham- g Pres. Robert N. Haskell-------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Eugene M. Dole------------------- Treas. & Clerk P. L. Sprague---------- ASSt. Treas. & Asst. Clerk Gordon D. Briggs------------------ Gen. Counsel Paul F. Kruse-- Chief Engr. 297 298. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: Grover C. Bradhury, A. L. Freese, Edward M. Graham, Robert N. Haskell, Fred D. Jordan, William H. Martin, Garrett D. Speirs. Controls: Eastern Development Co. e Penobscot Transportation Co. (Transportation) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $16,269,773 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $2,256,330 Number of Electric Customers--------- 32, 170 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 37, 085 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours * * * * *m mº sº as sº sº sº º sº sº sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 160, 780, 997 Generated---------------------------- 160, 100,097 Purchased.------- 75,200 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 605,700 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bangor-- 29, 822 1,000 to 10,000 population Bar Harbor-------------------------------- 4, 400 Prewer------------------------------------ 6, 510 Cherryfield_-____ 1, 000 Fast Millinocket-------------------------- 1,500 Fastport 3, 346 Ellsworth 3,911 Lincoln 2, 161 Machias ---- 1,800 Milbridge_ _ ___ 1,000 Millinocket-------------------------------- 5, 350 Old Town--------------------------------- 7, 688 Orono- 2, 100 250 to 1,000 population Addison----------------------------------- 300 Plue Hill---------------------------------- 800 Blue Hill Falls---------------------------- 400 Bradford Center--------------------------- 270 Pradley----------------------------------- 500 Prooklin * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- 700 Fast Machias------------------------------ 700 Fast Stillivan------------------------------ 30ſ) Franklin 500 Gould shoro---- 280 Hampden--------------------------------- 30ſ) Hampden Highlands---------------------- 500 Harrington-------------------------------- 300 Howland 950 Jonesboro------ 268 Jonesport---------------------------------- 700 Lincoln Center * * * * * * * *-*. 320 Wachiasport------------------------------- 300 Manset-l---- sº sº 30ſ) Mattawamkeag __ 400 Wilſord------------------------------------ 900 North Fast Harbor------------------------ 625 Pembroke--------------------------------- 350 Perry-------------------------------------- 500 Seal Cove. * 60ſ) Seal Harbor - - - - - 319 Sedgwick_______ 300 South Brooksville------------------------- 300 Southwest Harbor---- 500 Steuben 40ſ) Surry-------------------------------------- 300 West Brooksville-------------------------- 260 West Enfield------------------------------ 700 West Franklin 250 West Jonesport---------------------------- 500 West Pembroke_ nº º º ºs 350 West Sullivan----------------------------- 30ſ) Winn-______ 250 Winter Harbor 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Maine Power Co. Hamnden-Newburg Light & Power Co. Lee Electric Co. Maine Public Service Co. Stonington & Deer Isle Power Co. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Kingman Electric Co. *Lubec Water & Electric Dept. Also renders: Bus and street railway Service. 18–025 Bryant Pond Electric Light Co. Bryant Pond, Maine Principal Officers: Sherman W. Child ---Pres. Abby F. Dudley __Vice PreS. Carl C. Dudley----- Clerk Directors: Sherman W. Child, Abby F. Dudley, Carl C. Dudley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- $14,315 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,682 Number of Electric Customers------------- 155 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 127, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Bryant Pond -- 500 18–028 Caribou Water, Light and Power Company Vaughan Ave., Caribou, Maine (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Boyd A. Bennett---------------------------- Pres. W. W. Pell------------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. J. W. Patterson.------------------------- Vice Pres. W. B. Mac Indoe---------------------------- Secy. Gordon Campbell -------------- • *- := = - = ~ - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - Asst. Secy., Asst. Treas. & Clerk Directors: Boyd A. Bennett, Gordon Campbell, J. W. PattersOn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $579. 156 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $107, 749 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 2,216 Generating Capacity: Pºlowatts Total.------------------------------- 1,035 y ro--------- - * = = -s. * * * * *s as as * * * * * * * * * * * * * 900 Internal Combustion------------------- 135 Energy Available in Year: Pºlowatt-hours otal------------------------------- 3,324,014 Generated.------------------------------ 2,901, 204 Purchased.------------------------------ 422,720 Community Served at Retail: Population Caribou - - - - - - -º-; Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Maine Public Service Co. Also Renders: Water service. 18–031 Carrabassett Light & Power Co. North Anson, Maine Principal Officers: Benj. W. Ela - __ _ _ PreS. Arthur E. Ela- - - - - _ _ _ _Treas. Directors: Arthur E. Ela, Benj. W. Ela, E. W. Ela. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MAINE 299 The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------- 219 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 300,000 Community Served at Retail: Population North Anson------------------------------- 1, 121 18–034 Casco Bay Light & Water Company 95 Exchange St., Portland, Maine frincipal Officers: r Vernon F. West - - - - - - ºn a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. Geo. F. West--------------------------- Vice Pres. James W. Coburn------ Secy., Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Herman Burgi, Jr.--------------------- Chief Engr. W. D. Butterfield--------------------- Gen. Supt. Frank D. Marshall-------------------------- Clerk Directors: Herman Burgi, Jr., James W. Coburn, George S. Hobbs, Geo. F. West, Vernon F. West. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant $581,710 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $66,388 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,300 Generating Capacity: Rilowaffs Internal Combustion-------------------- 552 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 813, 789 Communities Served at Retail: Population Great Chebeague----------------------------- 320 Peaks Island---------------------------------- 712 Also Renders: Gas Service. 18-037 Central Maine Power Company 9 Green St., Augusta, Maine (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 96% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Walter S. Wyman--------------------------- ProS. William B. Skelton.--------------------- Vice ProS. Thomas Gorham ------------------------ Vice ProS. Carroll N. Perkins---------------------- Vice Pres. Geo. S. Williams --_______ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Fverett H. Maxcy------------. Vice Pres. & Secy. FHarold D. Jennings----------. Vice PreS. & Troas. Chas. W. Totman ------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Alton T. Littlefield------------------- Asst. Secy. Irving R. Fossett--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Treas. Wm. H. Kimball________ Chief Accounting Officer Geo. D. Hegarty---------------------------- Clerk Directors: John S. Everett, Everett H. Maxcy, Carroll N. Perkins, Morris B. Perry, William B. Skelton, George Otis Smith. George S. Williams, Nathaniel W. Wilson, Walter S. Wyman. Controls: - Skowhegan Water Power Co. (water power). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $67, 668,272 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $7,746. 021 Number of Electric Customers---------- 92,077 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 173,097 Steam-------------------------------- 34, 500 VCITO------------- .------------------- 138, 350 Internal Combustion----------------- 247 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 605, 309, 310 Generated.---------------------------- 573. 971, 044 Purchased.---------------------------- 31,338,266 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Auburn------------------------------------ 19,817 Augusta----------------------------------- 19, 360 Bath -------------------------------------- 10, 235 Lewiston.--------------------------------- 38.598 Waterville--------------------------------- 16,688 1,000 to 10,000 population Belfast------------------------------------- 5, 540 Boothbay Harbor-------------------------- 2,000 Bridgton.---------------------------------- 1,625 Brunswick--------------------------------- 7, 003 Bucksport--------------------------------- 1,500 Camden----------------------------------- 2, 500 Dexter ------------------------------------ 3,300 Dover Foxcroft---------------------------- 2, 600 Fairfield----------------------------------- 3, 420 Gardiner ---------------------------------- 6. 044 Greenville--------------------------------- 1, 000 Guilford ---------------------------------- 1, 500 Hallowell---------------------------------- 2.906 Lisbon Falls ------------------------------ 2, 666 I.ivermore Falls---------------------------- 2, 500 Mechanic Falls---------------------------- 1.650 Newport----------------------------------- 1, 200 Norway------------------------------------ 2, 446 Oakland----------------------------------- 2,000 Tittsfield------------ 2,075 Rockland---------------------------------- 8, 899 Rockport---------------------------------- 1. 000 Searsnort---------------------------------- 1, 000 Skowhegan -------------------------------- 5 000 Sonth Paris-------------------------------- 1,961 Thomaston-------------------------------- 1. 700 Toºls ------------------------------------ 2, 350 Waldoboro--------------------------------- 1, 200 Wºrrºn.----------------------------------- 1,000 Winslow----------------------------------- 3.000 Winthron---------------------------------- 1,500 Yarmouth--------------------------------- 1,000 250 to 1,000 population Abbºt------------------------------------- 250 Albion------------------------------------- 400 Athens. ----------------------------------- 300 Baileys Island----------------------------- 250 Relgrade Tenot---------------------------- 250 Relgrade Lakes---------------------------- 304 Pºnton------------------------------------ 250 Pºthºl ------------------------------------ 964 Ringham---------------------------------- 700 Roothbºv---------------------------------- 250 Bowdoinham ------------------------------ 302 Bristol Mills------------------------------- 250 Proºks ------------------------------------ 450 Rºckfield---------------------------------- 343 R"rnham---------------------------------- 350 Cambridge--------------------------------- 250 Canaan ----------------------------------- 250 Canital Island----------------------------- 250 Carmel------------------------------------ 250 Castine.----------------------------------- 500 Cathance--------------------------------- 250 Center Lovell------------------------------ 270 China ------------------------------------- 250 Chisholm---------------------------------- 800 Christmas Cove.--------------------------- 250 Clinton------------------------------------ 600 Cooners Mills------------------------------ 250 Corinna ----------------------------------- 750 Cornville --- ---------------------------- 250 Crescent Beach---------------------------- 250 TXamariscotta - --------------------------- 700 Tamariscotta Mills------------------------ 400 Tark Harbor------------------------------ 250 Tenmark---------------------------------- 400 T)etroit. . . ------ * - 250 T) resden Mills. - - - 250 Fast A Thºrn. ----------------------------- 250 Fast Roothbay- 400 Fast Hiram 330 East Newport 250 300 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population East Pittston------------------------------ 250 East Sebago.------------------------------ 250 East Vassalboro---------------------------- 250 Ptna -------------------------------------- 250 Farmingdale------------------------------- 500 Fayette------------------------------------ 250 Freedom----------------------------------- 250 Freeport ---------------------------------- 973 Friendship--------------------------------- 250 Fryeburg---------------------------------- 789 Getchells Corner--------------------------- 250 Greene Depot.----------------------------- 250 Greenville Junction------------------------ 345 Harmony---------------------------------- 325 Harrison----------------------------------- 600 Hartland---------------------------------- 700 Hermon Center---------------------------- 250 Hinckley---------------------------------- 300 Hiram------------------------------------- 400 Hope ------------------------------------- 250 Jackman----------------------------------- 90ſ) *Y --------------------------------------- 350 Jefferson.---------------------------------- 300 Rents Hill--------------------------------- 350 Lakewood--------------------------------- 400 Pevant------------------------------------ 250 Liberty * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *r = * ~ * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 260 Limerick Mills----------------------------- A00 Lincolnville Center------------------------ 250 Lisbon Center----------------------------- 60ſ) Lovell Village.----------------------------- 250 Lower Gloucester-------------------------- 250 Manchester-------------------------------- 250 Mercer ----------------------------------- 250 Minot Corner------------------------------ 250 Monmouth-------------------------------- 500 Monroe.----------------------------------- 250 Moose River.------------------------------ 250 Mount Vernon---------------------------- 300 Waples ------------------------------------ 400 New Harbor------------------------------- 305 Newcastle--------------------------------- 600 Newfield.---------------------------------- 250 Nobleboro--------------------------------- 250 Norridgewock------------------------------ 800 North Bridgton---------------------------- 410 North Jay. ------------------------------- 250 North Monmouth------------------------- 495 North Vassalhoro-------------------------- 575 North Whitefield-------------------------- 250 Ocean Point------------------------------- 250 Orrs Island.------------------------------- 450 Oxford------------------------------------- 483 Palermo----------------- - = ** = - - - - - - - - * * * * * * 250 Palmvra----------------------------------- 250 Paris Hill---------_______ - = ** = ** = ** * * * * * * * * *- - - 250 Pejepscot --------------------------------- 400 Pemaquid Beach. ------------------------- 250 Pemaquid Point_______________ - - - - - * * * * * * 250 Phippsburg---------------------- * = * * * * * * * * 250 Plymoºth. -------------------------------- 250 Port Clyde-------------------------------- 250 Randolph ---------------------- - - - - - - - * * = 800 Raymond---------------------------------- 250 Readfield --------------------------------- 300 Readfield Depot.-------------------------- 250 Richmond--------------------------------- 800 Round Pond------------------------------- 250 Şahattºs ---------------------------------- 900 Saint Albans------------------------------- 250 Sangerville--------------------------------- 700 Searsmont--------------------------------- 250 Shawmut---------------------------------- 250 Smithfield--------------------------------- 250 "on------------------------------------- 400 South Casco . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * = 250 South China------------------------------- 250 South Freenort---------------------------- 250 South Gardiner---------------------------- 600 South Farnswell--------------------------- 250 South Thomaston-------------------------- 250 South Waterford--------------------------- 250 **s------------------------------------- 250 Steep Falls--------------------------------- 250 Stockton Springs--------------------------- 390 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Tenants Harbor--------------------------- 250 Thorndike--------------------------------- 250 Topsham---------------------------------- 800 Troy--------------------------------------- 250 Turner Center----------------------------- 250 Union------------------------------------- 500 Unity-------------------------------------- 500 Waterford--------------------------------- 250 3.VDe------------------------------------- 250 Weeks Mills------------------------------- 250 West Boothbay---------------------------- 250 West Gardiner----------------------------- 250 West Paris.-------------------------------- 513 Whitefield -------------------------------- 250 Winslow Mills----------------------------- 250 Winterport-------------------------------- 600 Wiscasset---------------------------------- 750 Woolwich--------------------------------- 400 Yarmouth Junction- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITIES: Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. Bryant Pond Electric Light Co. Carrabassett Light & Power Co. Consumers Electric Co. Of Brownfield. Cornish & Kezar Falls Light & Power Co. Crawford Electric CO. Cumberland County Power & Light Co. Maine Consolidated Power Co. TVMaine Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Madison Electric Works T)ept. *Squirrel Island Village Corporation. Also Renders: Gas, steam, and water Service. 18–040 Charles B. Clark “ North New Portland, Maine a Now part of Maine Consolidated Power Co. (18–091). Principal Officer: Charles B. Clark----------------------- ---Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,358 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 56 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 45 Community Served at Retail: Population North New Portland--------------- __ 570 18–046 Consumers Electric Co. of Brownfield E. Brownfield, Maine Principal Officers: Maurice F. Gray----------------------- Vice PreS. Maynard S. Howe -------------------- ASSt. Treas. Erwin G. Giles------------------------------ Clerk Directors: Erwin G. Giles, Maurice F. Gray, May- nard S. Howe, Mrs. Alice Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,347 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,842 Number of Electric Customers------------- 131 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 89,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownfield (East Brownfield)---------------- 705 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MAINE 301 18–049 Cornish & Kezar Falls Light & Power Company Kezar Falls, Maine (Controlled by Kezar Falls Woolen Co.) Principal Officers: Allen F. Garner----------------------------- PreS. William A. Garner------------------------- Treas. Ruth E. Garner----------------------------- Clerk Directors: Allen F. Garner, John W. Garner, William A. Garner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $173,961 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $36,276 Number of Electric Cust *: 656 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 350 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours TOtal--- 1, 722,630 Generated 1, 256, 731 Purchased - - - 465, 899 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cornish----------------- 500 Kezar Falls * * ---- 883 18–052 Crawford Electric Co. South Union, Maine (Controlled by Thurston Brothers, Inc.) Principal Officers: Leila M. Mansfield-------------------------- PreS. Florence E. Thurston---------------- Secy.-Treas. Communities Served at Retail: Population East Union----------------------------------- 300 South Hope -* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eas 300 South Union---------------------------------- 250 18–055 Cumberland County Power and Light Company P. O. Box 1801, 443 Congress St., Portland, Maine (Controlled by Northern New England Co.) Principal Officers: Harry M. Verrill----------------------- Chairman Walter S. Wyman---------------------------- PreS. Thomas Gorham----------------------- Vice PreS. Fred D. Gordon--Vice Pres., Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Everett H. Maxcy------------------ Secy. & Clerk Robert E. Brackett--------- ASSt. Secy. & Auditor Walter W. Cobb---------------------- ASSt. Treas. George E. Haggas----------------4Asst. Gen. Mgr. Directors: Robert E. Brackett, Robert Braun, Philip Dana, Fred D. Gordon, Everett H. Maxcy, Harry M. Verrill, Homer T. Waterhouse, Na- thaniel W. Wilson, Walter S. Wyman. Controls: Berwick & Salmon Falls Flectric Co. (inactive). Cumberland Securities Corp. (holding real estate and Securities) which controls— Clark Power Co. (inactivo). Portland Electric Co. (inactive). Westbrook Electric Co. (inactive). York County Power Co. (inactive). Portland Railroad Co. (transportation by trolley and bus). Sacco River Towing Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $25, 365,814 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,335,686 Number of Electric Customers---------- 58, 242 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 'otal----------------------------- 66,075 Steam-------------------------------- 36,000 Hydro - - - 30,075 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 215, 413, 210 Generated---------------------------- Purchased.---------------------------- Communities Served at Retail: 163, 653, 310 51, 759, 900 10,000 population or more Population Biddeford---------------------------------- 19, 790 Portland----------------------------------- 73, 643 South Portland---------------------------- 15,781 Westbrook--------------------------------- 11,087 1,000 to 10,000 population Berwick----------------------------------- 1, 200 Cape Elizabeth---------------------------- 2, 365 orham----------------------------------- 1,088 North Berwick---------------------------- 1, 200 Old Orchard Beach------------------------ 1,000 Saco--------------------------------------- 8, 631 Sanford------------------------------------ 9, 500 South Berwick----------------------------- 1,800 Springvale--------------------------------- 2,500 250 to 1,000 population Alfred------------------------------------- 250 Bar Mills---------------------------------- 300 Cumberland Center----------------------- 250 Cumberland Foreside---------------------- 250 Falmouth---------------------------------- 272 Falmouth Foreside------------------------ 300 Gray--------------------------------------- 350 Kennebunk Beach------------------------- 500 Kennebunkport---------------------------- 500 Lebanon----------------------------------- 629 North Windham--------------------------- 300 Ogunquit---------------------------------- 600 South Windham--------------------------- 300 Wells-------------------------------------- 500 Wells Beach------------------------------- 250 West Scarboro----------------------------- 250 York Peach-------------------------------- 425 York Village------------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Central Maine Power Co. PU HI,ICLY OWNET) UTILITY: * Kennebunk Electric Light 1)ept. Also Renders: Bus, gas, Steam, and street railway Servl Ce. 18–058 Danforth Electric Company Danforth, Maine 18–070 Fort Fairfield Light and Power Company 147 Main St., Fort Fairfield, Maine Principal Officers: Mary G. Stevens---------------------------- Pres. Florence K. Towning------------------- Vice PreS. B. S. Boyd--------------------------------- Treas. S. D. Irvine---------------------------- Gen. Mgr. 302 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: B. S. Boyd, Florence K. Downing, Mary G. Stevens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $167, 185 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $68, 503 Number of Electric Cust §§ 1, 175 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,627, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Fairfield.---- 2, 693 18–073 Hampden-Newburg Light & Power Co. Hampden Highlands, Maine Principal Officers: W. B. Goodrich---------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Lillian B. Hamm-------------- Clerk, Secy.-Treas. Directors: B. L. Graffam, F. E. Littlefield, Scott Nealley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $10,275 Number of Electric Customers 407 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2] 143, 370 Community Served at Retail: Population Newburg * * 400 18–076 International Power Co. 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas and Electric ASSociation). Principal Officers: T. J. Coleman------------------------------- Pres, R. W. Martin Vice PreS A. L. White-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. M. E. Haycock----------------------------- Clerk Directors: R. W. Martin, G. R. Walker, A. L. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $43,068 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $31, 192 Number of Electric Customers------------ I Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 520 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,079,475 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 531,015 Purchased.------------------------------ 548, 460 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: St. Croix Electric Co. 18–079 Kittery Electric Light Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas and Electric Association through 100% of voting power.) Pººl Officers: W. Randall PreS. J. H. Sumner Vice Pres. R. F. Smith--------------------------------Treas. M. E. Cole Clerk Directors: F. W. Randall, R. F. Smith, N. F. Tilton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $222,697 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $114,771 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,037 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased * “E 2,641,400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Kittery------------- 3,300 Kittery Point 1,500 South Eliot 963 18–082 Lee Mutual Electric Company Lee, Maine Principal Officers: H. L. Haskell------------------------------- Pres. M. B. Haskell----------------------------- Treas A. M. Pottle---------------------- Secy. & Clerk. Directors: E. C. Cobb, H. L. Haskell, M.B. Haskell, A. M. Pottle, F. C. Whitten. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatt-hours Energy purchased.---------------------------- 56,840 18–085 Limestone Electric Co. I.imestone, Maine Principal Officer: A. C. Frost-- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $30,279 Number of Electric Customers 549 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] - 576,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Limestone 800 18–091 Maine Consolidated Power Co. Farmington, Maine Principal Officers: F. J. Savage PreS. C. O. Sturtevant Treas. C. L. Sturtevant Clerk Directors: F. J. Savage, C. L. Sturtevant, C. O. Sturtevant. The following data are for the year 1938: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $145,832 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,810 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ... I 4, 724,000 DIRECTORY 303 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MAINE Communities Served at Retail: Population Dryden - --- 1, 100 East Wilton-------------------------------- 250 Fairbanks.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32(? Farmington.------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,737 New Vineyard------------------------------ 425 Strong------ 325 Weld--------- 493 West Farmington--------------------------- 395 Wilton - - - am e º 'º - - - - - - - 2,000 18–094 Maine Public Service Company Presque Isle, Maine (Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation.) H. Alline--------------------------- PreS.-Clerk W. L. Payne------------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. K. R. Teele-------------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Secy. L. T. Porter Asst. Secy. & Treas. A. A. Lippe - - - ASSt. Treas. Directors: L. H. Alline, L. N. Boisen, L. T. Porter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,937,837 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $599,008 Number of Electric Cust sº 8. 954 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 320 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 25,049,858 Generated.----------------------------- 2, 255, 137 Purchased----------------------------- 22, 794,721 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ashland------------------------------------ 2, 100 Brownville---------------------------------- 1,500 Eagle Lake--------------------------------- 1, 200 Paston-------------------------------------- 45 Fort Kent---------------------------------- 2, 245 Frenchville--------------------------------- 1, 500 Island Falls--------------------------------- 800 Madawaska--------------------------------- 1, 705 ilo---------------------------------------- 1,600 Oakfield------------------------------------- 600 Patten-------------------------------------- 800 Portage------------------------------------- 516 Presque Isle------------------ -------------- 5,456 Saint Agatha------------------------------- 1, 000 Saint Francis------------------------------- 1,000 Stockholm---------------------------------- 900 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Caribou Water, Light & Power Co. Central Maine Power Co. Fort Fairfield Light & Power Co. Limestone Electric Co. Mars Hill Electric Co. Monticello Electric Co. Washburn Electric Co. PTBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Farm-Home Electric Cooperative. *Farmers Electric Co. *Houlton Water Co. *Van Buren Light & Power District. 18–097 Mars Hill Electric Co. Mars Hill, Maine Principal Officers: A. O. Nutter-------------------------------- PreS. H. B. York----------------------------- Vice Pres. H. W. Sylvester-------------------- Secy. & Clerk C. A. Nutter----------------------- Treas. & Mgr. Directors: C. A. Nutter, A. O. Nutter, H. W. Syl- vester, H. B. York, M. D. York. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $39,497 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $25,378 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 665 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 485, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blaine-------------------------------------- 500 Mars Hill----------------------------------- 1,000 18–100 Monson Light & Power Co. Monson, Maine Population 1,070 Community Served at Retail: Monson------------------------------------- 18–103 Monticello Electric Co. Monticello, Maine Community Served at Retail: Population Monticello---------------------------------- 1,000 18–112 Oquossoc Light & Power Company Rangeley, Maine Principal Officers: H. A. Furbish----------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. H. Ellis----------------------------- Vice Pres. H. B. Amber--------- Treas., Clerk, & Gen. Supt. M. G. Barter------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: H. B. Amber, R. H. Ellis, H. A. Furbish, H. B. McCard, J. A. Russell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $233,258 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $35, 350 Number of Electric Customers------------ 624 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 925 Hydro----------------------------------- 425 Internal Combustion-------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 460, 760 Communities Served at Retail: Population OquoSSoc----------------------------------- 634 Rangeley----------------------------------- 866 18–115 Phillips Electric Light & Power Co. 31 Westminster St., Springfield, Mass. Principal Officers: Wendell H. Berry------- PreS. Herbert H. Berry - - Treas. Roland S. Hinds Clerk 304 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: Herbert H. Berry, Wendell H. Berry, Clark E. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $23,782 Number of Electric Customers------------- 292 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - 191, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population VOD--------------------------------------- 260 Phillips------------------------------------ 734 18–118 Rumford Falls Light & Water Company 49 Congress St., Rumford, Maine Trincipal Officers: Hugh J. Chisholm--------------------------- PreS. Frank H. Bradford------------------------- Treas. Gorham H. Scott---------------------4ASSt. Treas. Directors: Frank H. Bradford, Hugh J. Chisholm, Edward W. Cox, Wadleigh B. Drummond, Frederic O. Eaton. The following data are for the year 1940: Telectric Utility Plant---------------------- $456,964 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $225, 241 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 948 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6,379,910 Communities Served at Retail: Population Canton------------------------------------- 450 Pixfield------------------------------------ 970 Mexico (Ridlonville) ----------------------- 4,000 eſul---------------------------------------- 3 Rumford Falls (Rumford)------------------ 8, 447 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Andover Power Co., Inc. 18–123 St. Croix Electric Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Asso- ciation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: T. J. Coleman------------------------------- PreS. J. H. Sumner--------------------------- Vice Pres. W. L. Chesebrough ------------------ Secy.-Treas. M. E. Haycock----------------------------- Clerk Directors: W.L. Chesebrough, T. J. Coleman, John Gray, M. E. Haycock, J. H. Sumner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $332,915 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $83,660 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1,623 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,079,475 Communities Served at Retail: Population Calais-------------------------------------- 5, 161 Robbinston--------------------------------- 300 18–133 Stonington & Deer Isle Power Co. Main St., Stonington, Maine Principal Officers: E. R. Noyes--------------------------------- PreS. B. Lake Noyes--------------- Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Directors: B. Lake Noyes, Estelle R. Noyes, El wood V. Sawyer. - The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $107,355 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $28, 133 Number of Electric Customers------------ 570 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 168 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------------- 434, 440 Generated.------------------------------- 1, 340 Purchased.------------------------------- 433, 100 Communities Served at Retail: Population Peer Isle------------------------------------- 386 North Deer Isle------------------------------ 300 Stonington----------------------------------- 800 18–136 Stratton Light Co. Stratton, Maine (Controlled by Stratton Manufacturing Co.) Principal Officers: H. A. Furbish------------------------------- Pres. A. B. Sargent------------------------------ Treas. E. A. Williamson--------------------------- Clerk Directors: H. A. Furbish, A. B. Sargent, E. A. Williamson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $39,029 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,476 Number of Electric Customers------------- 175 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) --------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 139, 970 Community Served at Retail: Population Stratton------------------------------------ 452 - 18–139 C. O. Sturtevant Main St., Farmington, Maine Communities Served at Retail: Population Chesterville ------------------------------- 450 Farmington Falls--------------------------- 445 Kingfield----------------------------------- 972 North Chesterville-------------------------- 270 18–142 Swans Falls Company 1087 Elm St., Manchester, N. H. (Controlled by Public Service Co. of New Hamp- Shire.) Principal Officers: & Walter S. Wyman-- - - - - - - - - Chairman of Trustees Everett H. Maxcy - - - - ---------------------- Secy. Thomas L. Skinner. . . . . . ------------------ Treas. Trustees: Everett H. Maxcy, Avery R. Schiller, W. B. Skilton, Geo. S. Williams, Walter S. Wyman (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $182,248 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $8,921 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MAINE 305 Pſilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 640 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 575,270 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Company of New Hampshire. 18–148 Winalhaven Light & Power Company Winalhaven, Maine Principal Officers: A. A. Peterson------------------------------- PreS. C. C. Webster. ----------------- Clerk & Treas. Directors: R. L. Brown, Ida W. Libby, A. A. Peterson, L. W. Sanborn, C. C. Webster. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $128,061 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $26,015 Number of Electric Customers------------- 630 Generating Capacity: Filowatts 9tal-------------------------------- 1,035 Steam--------------------------------- -- 800 Internal Combustion-------------------- 235 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 496, 910 Communities Served at Retail: Population North Haven------------------------------- 400 Vinalhaven--------------------------------- 1,800 18–151 Washburn Electric Co. Washburn, Maine Principal Officers: Bertha F. Austin-------------------Pres. & Treas. V. M. Barker---------------------- Mgr. & Clerk Directors: Bernard Archibald, Bertha E. Austin, Vivian M. Barker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $52, 576 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $20,005 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 558 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 320, 510 Communities Served at Retail: Population Crouseville----------------------------------- 252 Washburn------------------------------------ 700 18–160 Woodland Light & Water Co. Woodland, Maine Principal Officers: A. L. Hobson-------------------------------- Pres. L. J. Parant---------------------------- Vice PreS. B. H. Barlow------------------------------- Treas Directors: B. H. Barlow, A. L. Hobson, J. A. Knowles, L. J. Parant, H. A. Sargent. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $21,767 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 125 Number of Electric Customers------------- 447 322184—42 25 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 312, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodland.------ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1,800 Also Renders: Water Service. 18–206 Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company Bangor, Maine Official in Charge of Electric Operations: R. H. MacCready---------------------- Vice Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers---------------- 80 Community Served at Reiail: Population Derby".--------- * * 300 * Majority of customers are company employees. 18–211 Bates Manufacturing Company 9 Green St., Augusta, Maine Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: John A. Collins---------------------------- Agent John Murphy------------------ Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $26,406 Number of Electric Customers -------------- - 1 Filowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 5,960 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 2,849, 200 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 2,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Maine Power Co. 18–259 Edwards Mfg. Co. 9 Green St., Augusta, Maine Officials in charge of Electric Operations: William A. Lang---------------------- Gen. Supt. Milton O. Dean---------------------------- Agent Charles W. Figgins------------------------ M. M. Geo. Illingworth---------------------------- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ---------------- 2,300 18–270 Hill Manufacturing Company Augusta, Maine. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Edwin L. Lyon----------------------------- Agent Timothy W. County - - - - - - - - - - - Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- ----- 2, 160 306 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 18–282 International Paper Company 220 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. See also: Operations reported under New York (31–378). 18–294 Lockwood Company Waterville, Maine Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Randolph Brandt-------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,000,000 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $4,632 Number of Electric Cust sº l Rilowatts Generating Capacity (EIydro)----------------- 4,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- - 1, 544,000 18–310 Rumford Falls Power Company 49 Congress St., Rumford, Maine (Controlled by Oxford Paper Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Hugh J. Chisholm--------------------------- PreS Frank H. Bradford------------------------- Treas. Gorham H. Scott--------------------- ASSt. Treas. Wadleigh B. Drummond------------------- Clerk Directors: Frank H. Bradford, Hugh J. Chisholm, Edward W. Cox. Controls: Rumford Falls Realty Co. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $3,992, 743 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $577, 394 Number of Electric Customers - - ------- 2 IXilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 24,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - 171,608, 680 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Rumford Falls Light & Water Co. 18–318 St. Croix Paper Company Woodland, Maine Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. L. Hayes--------------------- Asst. Gen. Mgr. H. S. James-------------------------- Elec. Engr. The following data 8.T0 for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $10,628 Number of Electric Cust ſº 1 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale 312,400 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Woodland Light & Water Co. 18–330 Stratton Manufacturing Co. 265 Main St., Stratton, Maine Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A. B. Sargent------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------------ $536 Number of Electric Customers---------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 62 Ailowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale ----------------------- 9,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Stratton Light Co. 18–360 York Manufacturing Company 9 Green St., Augusta, Maine Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Otis E. Johnson --------------------- ASSt. Treas. Arthur E. Tousignant--------------------- Agent T. E. Reed-------------------- Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ---------------- 1,000 18–363 York Utilities Company Sanford, Maine Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Wm. M. B. Lold--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $450, 804 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $6,031 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 1,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 542,888 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Cumberland County Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Railroad and highway transportation Service. 18–511 *City of Bangor Electrical Dept. 121 York St., Bangor, Maine Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred D. Farnsworth City Mgr. Murray D. Gallupe------------------ Electrician City Council Light Committee: Manning C. Moul- ton, Charles E. Sheehan (chairman), Carus T. Spear. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- * * * * ~ * = * * * * * * * * * * = $128,984 DIRECTORY 307 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MAINE Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------------ 650 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------- 2, 144,600 Energy Generated.---------------------- 1,864, 400 Energy Purchased.---------------------- 280, 200 18–522 *Houlton Water Company Bangor St., Houlton, Maine Principal Officers: Wm. L. Blake------------------------------- PreS. A. E. Mooers-------------------------- Vice Pres. L. R. Ingraham----------------------------- Secy Alexander Cumming----------------------- Treas. J. N. Mullen------------------------------- Supt. Directors: Wm. L. Blake, Alexander Cumming, Lester Ellis, L. R. Ingraham, Albert E. Mooers, T. P. Packard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $349,675 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $147, 699 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 604 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 150 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 392, 475 Community Served at Retail: Population Houlton------------------------------------ 6,000 Also Renders: Water service. 18–533 *Kennebunk Electric Light Department 4 Main St., Rennebunk, Maine Principal Electric Utility Officials: Oliver E. Curtis------------------- Treas. & Mgr. James B. Furbish - - - - - - Plant Mgr. and Engr. Commissioners: Edgar Bowdoin, Geo. E. Cousens, Prank Jennings. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------- --------- $155, 432 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $54,814 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 183 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 356 Energy Available In Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.--- * * ---- 1, 893, 700 Generated.-- - 901, 700 Purchased------------------------------ 992,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Rennebunk-------------------------------- 2, 200 West Kennebunk-------------------------- 719 18—544 *Lewiston Municipal Electric - Plant Lewiston, Maine 18–555 *Lubec Water and Electric Department Lubec, Maine Communities Served at Retail: Population Lubec-------------------------------------- 1,500 North Lubec------------------------------- 350 West Lubec-------------------------------- 300 Whiting------------------------------------ 275 18–566 *Madison Electric Works Department 80 Main St., Madison, Maine Principal Electric Utility Official: Evan W. Adams---------------------------- Supt. Board of Assessors: William H. Clark, Paul A. Merrill, James M. Spence. & The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $190,156 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $42,199 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 648 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 300 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 144, 541 Generated------------------------------ 897, 341 Purchased------------------------------ 247, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population • Anson-------------------------------------- 950 Madison------------------------------------ 2, 581 Norridgewock------------------------------- 800 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Maine Power Co. 18–577 *Princeton Lighting District Princeton, Maine Board of Trustees: Arthur Edgerly (secy.), Clyde Legacy (vice pres.), S. O. McDowell (prés.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $43,786 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,847 Number of Electric Customers------------ 245 Generating Capacity: & Rilowatts Internal Combustion. ------------------ 95 Community Served at Retail: Population Princeton------------------------------------- 500 18–583 *Squirrel Island Willage Corp. Squirrel Island, Maine Principal Officers: Stanley R. Miller--------------------- Exec. Secy. Clement F. Robinson.----------------------- Clerk The following data are for year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $23,535. Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4, 172 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 110. 308 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 119,800 18—588 *Van Buren Light and Power District Van Buren, Maine Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joseph A. Pellettier----------- Gen. Mgr. & Treas. Joseph R. Pellettier-------------------- Electrician Board of Trustees: Eudo J. Cormier, JoS. A. Michaud, Vital E. Violette. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $80,779 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,057 Number of Electric Customers------------- 902 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 725, 280 Communities served at Retail: Population Keegan------------------------------------- 730 Van Buren---------------------------------- 3, 300 18–855 *Farm-Home Electric Co- operative, Inc. Patten, Maine Principal Electric Utility Officials: Howard Wood----------------------------- James G. McLeod The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $101, 549 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,075 Number of Electric Customers------------- 179 18–864 *Farmers Electric Company Easton, Maine 18–893 *Kingman Electric Company Kingman, Maine Principal Electric Utility Officials: Palmer A. Griffin --------------------------- Pres Ivan L. Wyman----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $139, 57.1 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,902 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 192 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a151,700 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Carroll---------------------------------------- 304 Kingman------------------------------------- 350 Prentiss--------------------------------------- 343 Reed Plantation---------------------------- 433 Springfield--------------------------------- 442 MARYLAND Index Reference Number Associated Maryland Electric Power Cor- poration---------------------------------- 19-014 *Berlin Electric Department---------------- 19–510 *Centreville Electric Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19–531 Chestertown Electric Light & Power Co. of Kent County, The ------------------------ 19-021 *Choptank Cooperative, Inc ---------------- 19–815 Conowingo Power Company---------------- 19–028 Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Company of Baltimore-------------------- 19–035 Consolidation Coal Co ---------------------- Delmarva Power Company, The-- - - - - - - - - - - Dickey & Sons, Inc., W. J.------------------ 19–237 Eastern Shore Public Service Company of Maryland, The---------------------------- 19-063 *Easton Utilities Commission--------------- 19–552 *Frederick, Corporation of ------------------ 19–573 Fairfax Electric Co-------------------------- 19–065 *Hagerstown Municipal Electric Light Plant------------------------------------- 19–594 Kelly Springfield Tire Company, The_ _ _ _ _ _ 19–279 Maryland Light and Power Company, The_ _ 19–077 Reference Number North American Cement Corporation - - - - - - - 19–300 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company- - - - 19–091 Potomac Edison Company, The - - ---------- 19–105 Potomac Electric Power Company- - - - - - - - - - 19–112 Potomac Transmission Company, The - - - - - - 19–119 Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation - - - - - - 19–133 *Saint Michaels Utilities Commission - - - - - - - 19–615 Savage Manufacturing Co------------------- 19–321 *Southern Maryland Tri-County Coopera- tive ASSOciation, Inc ----------------------- 19–880 Stockton Electric, Ice & Power Plant------- 19–140 Susquehanna Electric Company, The - - - - - - - 19–147 Susquehanna Power Company, The------ - - - - 19–154 Susquehanna Transmission Company of Maryland--------------------------------- 19–161 *Thurmont Municipal Light Co- - - - - - - - - - - - 19–636 West Maryland Power Company, The ----- 19–175 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 *Williamsport Electric Light Department-- Youghiogheny Hydro-Electric Corporation -- 19-182 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. MARYLAND 19–014 Associated Maryland Electric Power Corporation Sines, Md. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) rºa Officers: Womer-------------------------------- PreS. W. K. Axmacher----------------------- Vice Pres. 9. P. Pursel--------------------------------- Secy S. 9h]----------------------------------- Treas Directors: C. U. Miller, O. E. Pursel, F.W. womer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $199,021 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,715 Number of Electric Custo st - 568 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 769, 401 Communities Served at Retail: Population |Friendsville--------------------------------- 569 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - * = * * = - - - - - 465 Grantsville 19–021 The Chestertown Electric Light & Power Co. of Kent County Chestertown. Md. Principal Officers: H. I. Thompson Shas. DeF. Besore-----------------------. 6Cy. W. W. Levering--------------- Treas. & Vice Pres. Directors: C. K. Beilharz, Chas. DeF. Besore W. W. Levering, H. I. Thompson. PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $385, 366 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $106,835 Number of Electric Customers 1,658 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 150,230 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chestertown-------------------------------- 2,760 Rock Hall---------------------------------- 781 19–028 Conowingo Power Company Elkton, Mol. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co.) Principal Officers: A. R. Granger-------------------------------- PreS. I. L. Craig------------------------------ Vice Pres. G. S. Van Antwerp--------------------- Vice PreS. W. F. R. Münnich--------------------- Vice PreS. D. L. McMenamin------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. D. Fowler---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. J. Bittle----------------------------Asst. Secy. Geo. V. Buck, Jr. -------------------- Asst. Treas. J. A. Purcell--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: Frank E. Baker, W. F. Boyd, I. L. Craig, Edmund W. Crothers, J. F. Gaskill, A. R. Granger, Charles H. MacNabb, Austin Monty, G. S. Van Antwerp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,397, 356 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $428, 585 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 978 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 13, 287, 210 309 310 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Charlestown --- 307 Chesapeake City -- 1,094 Elkton -- * * -- 3,518 North East --- 1,328 Perryville- 729 Port Deposit - - 883 Rising Sun 529 Utility. Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southern Pennsylvania Power Co. 19–035 Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Company of Balti- In Ore Lexington Bldg., Lexington and Liberty Sts., Baltimore, Md. Principal Officers: Herbert A. Wagner--- Chairman of Board & Pres, Charles M. Cohn Henry R. Cook, Jr. -------------------- Vice PreS. Charles P. Crane------------------- __-_Vice Pres. Forrest E. Ricketts Vice PreS. Wm. Schmidt, Jr. Vice PreS. Herman L. Gruehn---------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Charles E. Wollman--------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Robert F. Bonsall.------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. John G. Hoffman------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Austin E. Penn.-------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Summerfield Baldwin, Jr., John E. Bierwirth, R. Howard Bland, William J. Casey, Charles M. Cohn, Chester F. Hockley, Charles S. Jackson, Arthur W. Jones, W. Bladen Lowndes, John M. Nelson, Jr., James L. Rich- ards, Wm. Schmidt, Jr., John K. Shaw, Ralph L. Thomas; Herbert A. Wagner, John L. White- hurst, and #jºid: W. WOOd. Controls: The Maryland Counties Gas Company (purchase and Sale of natural gas). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $87,846,900 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $28,920, 963 Number of Electric Customers-------- 293, 619 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total - - - 273, 450 Steam - - - - * 272,000 Internal Combustion--------------- 1, 450 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 2, 022, 496, 400 Generated 877, 528,000 Purchased-------------------------- 976, 270,400 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 168, 698,000 Cornmunities Served at Retail: Population Aberdeen.------------ 1, 525 Annapolis -- 13,069 Baltimore--------------------------------- 859, 100 Pel Air----------------------------------- 1,885 Bowie-- * - - 767 Catonsville------------------------------- 11,690 Cockeysville 1, 515 Ellicott City 1,216 Hampstead.------ 'l- 664 Havre de Grace ---- 4,967 Laurel 2, 823 Manchester 763 Sparrows Point--------------------------- 6,383 Sykesville------------- 806 TOWSOn * * * 2,074 Westminster 4, 692 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Potomac Electric Power Co. Also Renders: Gas (manufactured) and Service. Steam 19–056 The Delmarva Power Company Vienna. Mol. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Henry W. Sterling J. Russell Hopkins R. E. Cooper------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: R. E. Cooper, J. Russell Hopkins, J. L. Landon, Jr., Henry W. Sterling, W. B. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,355, 584 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $486,811 Number of Electric Customers----------- I Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 12,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 69,388, 200 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITIES: Eastern Shore Public Service Co. (Del.). (Interchange.) The Eastern Shore Public Service Co. of Mary- land. (Interchange.) Eastern Shore Public Service Co. of Virginia. (Interchange.) Maryland Light & Power. Co. (Interchange.) 19–063 The Eastern Shore Public Service Company of Maryland 114 N. Division St., Salisbury, Md. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: James F. Dryden ----Vice fres. Edward Niemann Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. N. Davis, James F. Dryden, Edward Niemann, C. H. Shelhorse, W. Briley Wright, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,074,423 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,304,349 Number of Electric Customers----------- 17, 064 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 2, 175 Steam--------------------------------- 925 Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 77,144,000 Generated.----------------------------- 1,620,480 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 75, 523, 520 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Cambridge--------------------------------- 10, 102 Salisbury---------------------------------- 13, 313 - 1,000 to 10,000 population Crisfield----------------------------------- 3,908 Delmar------------------------------------ 1, 184 Denton------------------------------------ 1, 572 Federalsburg 1, 748 Ocean City-------------------------------- 1,052 Snow Hill---------------------------------- 1,926 250 to 1,000 population Bishopville-------------------------------- 275 Bivalve------------------------------------ 310 East New Market------------------------- 267 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MARYLAND 311 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Fruitland---------------------------------- 300 Galestown--------------------------------- 265 Greensboro-------------------------------- 737 Hebron------------------------------------ 804 Hurlock------------------------------------ 800 Jesterville---------------------------------- 316 Lawsonia---------------------------------- 800 Mardela Springs--------------------------- 418 Nanticoke--------------------------------- 400 Pittsville---------------------------------- 436 Preston------------------------------------ 369 Queen Anne------------------------------- 250 Ridgely------------------------------------ 920 Secretary---------------------------------- 344 Sharptown--------------------------------- 653 Vienna------------------------------------- 385 Whaleyville-------------------------------- 400 Willards------------------------------------ 285 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Delmarva Power Co. (interchange). The Eastern Shore Public Service Co. (Del.) (interchange). The Maryland Light & Power Co. (inter- change). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Choptank Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Gas and ice Service. 19–065 Fairfax Electric Co. 810 Keyser Bldg., Baltimore, Md. (Controlled by The Davis Coal & Coke Co.) sº º Principal report under West Virginia (47– 19–077 The Maryland Light and Power Company 114 N. Division St., Salisbury, Md. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Wm. C. Pierce------------------------------- PreS. E. S. Mortimer------------------------- Vice PreS. J. W. Faison.------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. S. Bennett, B. A. Beauchamp, J. W. |Paison, E. S. Mortimer, Wm. C. Pierce. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2, 280,986 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $522,082 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7,611 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 1,963 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Otal------------------------------ 14, 402, 755 Generated----------------------------- 1,457, 785 Purchased----------------------------- 3, 658,800 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 9, 286, 170 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Peals Island-------------------------------- 1, 237 Indian Head-------------------------------- 1, 104 Pocomoke City----------------------------- 2,739 is 250 to 1,000 population Cecilton------------------------------------ 498 Chesapeake Beach-------------------------- 326 Chester------------------------------------- 866 Church Hill-------------------------------- 316 Fairmount---------- 250 Galena - 250 Hughesville 361 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population La Plata.------------------------------------ 488 Leonardtown------------------------------- 668 Lynch-------------------------------------- 255 Marion Station.------------ ----------------- 297 Millington.---------------------------------- 307 New Market (Saint Marys County)-------- 294 Oxford-------------------------------------- 826 Princess Anne------------------------------ 942 Queenstown-------------------------------- 275 Solomons----------------------------------- 266 Stevensville--------------------------------- 400 Still Pond---------------------------------- 270 Sudlersville--------------------------------- 292 Tilghman----------------------------------- 700 Trappe------------------------------------- 296 Waldorf------------------------------------- 325 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: g Eastern Shore Public Service Co., Del. (inter- change). & Eastern Shore Public Service Co., Md. (inter- change). e Eastern Shore Public Service Co., Va. (inter- change). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Saint Michaels Utilities Commission. Also Renders: Ice Service. 19–091 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company Holtwood, Pa. Principal Officers: • Walls--------------------------------- Pres. James L. Rintoul------ Exec. Vice Pres. & Treas. J. E. O’Connor---------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. Wm. H. Eichorn, Jr.-- Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: Mortimer N. Buckner, Prescott S. Bush, John W. Drayton, Irvin W. Gleason, M. E. Noyes, James L. Rintoul, Theodore E. Seelye, Laurence G. Tighe, J. A. Walls, David E. Wil- liams, Frederick W. Wood, Joseph S. Young. Controls: Holtwood Coal Co. (inactive). Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation.* & Susquehanna Canal and Power Co. (inactive). Susquehanna Transmission Co. of Maryland (transmission of electricity). a Joint control with Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Co. of Baltimore. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $32, 537, 621 Electric Operating Revenues: Total $6,319,466 In Maryland-- $2,952, 158 Number of Electric Customers: Total 6 In Maryland- 1 Generating Capacity: FKilowatts Total 131,000 Steam 20,000 Hydro 111,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: 1,082,030, 500 Generated 736, 174,000 Purchased.--------------------------- 263, 392,500 Interchanged (gross-in).-------------- 82,464,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Co. of Baltimore. See Also: Operations reported under Pennsylvania (37–142). 312 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 19–105 The Potomac Edison Company 200 E. Patrick St. Frederick, Md. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: R. Paul Smith------------------------------- PreS. Henry Holzapfel, Jr. ------------------- Vice PreS. Geo. S. Humphrey--------------------- Vice PreS. D. E. Stultz---------------------------- Vice Pres. R. E. Town_ _ - - - - Secy.-Treas. G. T. Swisher------------------------ Comptroller B. A. Winebrener-------------- Asst. Comptroller Paul S. Michael-------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. O. F. Martin--------------------------4ASSt. Secy. H. H. Briggs-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: J. David Baile, J. Glenn Beall, William B. Bennett, Morris A. Birely, Joseph F. Byron, Emory L. Coblentz, Leslie N. Coblentz, Robert B. Crothers, R. E. Delaplaine, Robert G. Foltz, Thomas Hassett, Abraham Hemp, Henry Holzap- fel, Jr., George S. Humphrey, William C. Mau- gans, W. Clinton McSherry, M. P. Moller, Jr., Guy K. Motter, D. Ramacciotti, E. Charles Renn, Philip L. Ross, Richard P. ROSS, Henry Shriver, R. Paul Smith, Crayson H. Staley, D. E. Stultz, E. S. Thompson, R. E. Town, W. R. Voorhis, Asa H. Watkins, Charles Werth- eimer, Walter D. Wilson. Controls: The Blue Ridge Transp. Co. (bus transportation). The Braddock Heights Water Co. (water utility). Franklin Transmission Company (electric utility). Northern Virginia Power Company (electric utility). The Potomac Acceptance Corporation (finance company). Potomac Light and Power Company (electric and water utility). South Penn Power Company (electric utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------$19,285,919 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,720,780 Number of Electric Customers--------- 43,619 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------- 92, 385 Steam 92, 200 Hydro---- * * * * 185 Únergy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 305, 491, 337 Generated---------------------------- 271,714, 970 Purchased---------------------------- 18, 657, 467 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 15, 118,900 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Cumberland 39, 483 Frederick---------------------------------- 15. 802 Hagerstown—- 32,491 1,000 to 10,000 population Brunswick-------------------------------- 3,856 Eckhart Mines -- 1,225 Emmitsburg 1,412 Frostburg- ---- 7, 659 Halfway -- 1, 567 Lonaconing-------------------------------- 2, 429 Taneytown------------------------------- 1, 208 Westernport 3, 565 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Allegany----------------------------------- 494 Barton------------------------------------- 781 Bloomington------------------------------ 338 Boonsboro--------------------------------- 938 Buckeystown------------------------------ 456 Carlos------------------------------------- 515 Clear Spring------------------------------- 500 Damascus--------------------------------- 413 Ellerslie------------------------------------ 650 Flintstone--------------------------------- 340 Funkstown-------------------------------- 798 Hancock----------------------------------- 940 Jefferson------------------------------------ 393 Keedysville-------------------------------- 404 Rnoxville---------------------------------- 335 Leitersburg-------------------------------- 424 Libertytown------------------------------- 607 Longlavale--------------------------------- 500 Maugansville------------------------------ 433 Middleburg-------------------------------- 440 Middletown------------------------------- 839 Midland----------------------------------- 935 Mount Airy------------------------------- 791 Mount Pleasant--------------------------- 262 Mount Savage----------------------------- 800 Myersville--------------------------------- 310 New Market (Frederick County)---------- 360 New Windsor------------------------------ 529 North Branch----------------------------- 550 Point of Rocks----------------------------- 370 Rawlings---------------------------------- 395 Ringgold----------------------------------- 300 Rocky Ridge------------------------------ 260 Security----------------------------------- 322 Sharpsburg-------------------------------- 834 Smithsburg-------------------------------- 619 State Sanatorium-------------------------- 260 Union Bridge------------------------------ 831 Uniontown-------------------------------- 300 Unionville--------------------------------- 360 Vale Summit------------------------------ 475 Walkersville------------------------------- 731 Woodsboro-------------------------------- 416 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. Pennsylvania Edison Co. - Potomac Light and Power Co. South Penn Power Co.' Virginia Public Service Co. West Penn Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Thurmont Municipal I,ight Co. *Williamsport Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Bus, electric railway, gas, ice, and Steam heat service. 19–112 Potomac Electric Power Company 10th and E. Sts. N. W., Washington, D. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Maryland only------------------------- $2,331, 180 Number of Electric Customers: Maryland only------------------------- 36,268 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Berwyn------------------------------------- 1,787 Bethesda----------------------------------- 1,299 Bladensburg-------------------------------- 1, 220 Brentwood---------------------------------- 2, 433 Cabin John--------------------------------- 1, 500 Capitol Heights----------------------------- 2,036 Chevy Chase------------------------------- 8,000 Colmar Manor------------------------------ 1,480 Cottage City------------------------------- 1,044 Fairmont Heights--------------------------- 1,391 Gaithersburg------------------------------- 1,021 Hyattsville--------------------------------- 6, 575 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MARYLAND 313 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Mount Rainier----------------------------- 4,830 Riverdale----------------------------------- 2, 330 Rockville----------------------------------- 2,047 Seat Pleasant------------------------------- 1, 553 Silver Spring-------------------------------- 5, 000 Takoma Park------------------------------- 8,938 250 to 1,000 population Berwyn Heights---------------------------- 453 Boulevard Heights------------------------- 384 Branchville--------------------------------- 750 Brookeville--------------------------------- 262 Cheverly----------------------------------- 996 College Park-------------------------------- 316 District Heights---------------------------- 392 Edmonston--------------------------------- 934 Forestville---------------------------------- 3 Garrett Park-------------------------------- 406 Germantown------------------------------- 313 Glen Echo---------------------------------- 395 Kensington--------------------------------- 931 North Brentwood--------------------------- 822 Riverdale Heights-------------------------- 637 Silver Hill---------------------------------- 311 Somerset------------------------------------ 399 University Park---------------------------- 878 Upper Marlboro---------------------------- 565 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Co. of Baltimore (Interchange). The Maryland Light and Power Co. See Also: Principal report under District of Columbia (08-025). 19–119 The Potomac Transmission Company 14 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Controlled by American Water Works and Electric Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: H. L. Mitchell------------------------------ Pres. H. S. Fitch----------------------------- Vice PreS. J. L. Fisher--------------------------------- Secy. E. S. Haymond---------------------------- Treas. Clare L. Miller------------------------Asst. Secy H. R. Lynn-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. R. G. Weigand------------------------ Controller. W. H. Judge----------------------- Genl. Auditor. Alexander Frazer, Jr.-------------.ASSt. Controller. M. G. Miller------------ -------- ASSt. Controller. Directors: H. S. Fitch, W. R. Hinchman, H. L. Mitchell, C. F. Sheakley, R. Paul Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $1, 125,083 $151, 662 Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. Electric Operating Revenues------------- See also: Operations reported under West Virginia (47–125). 19–133 Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation Holtwood, Pa. (Jointly controlled by Pennsylvania Water Power Co. and Consolidated Gas Electric Light & Power Co., of Baltimore; each own 50% of class “B” voting Stock outstanding.) Principal Officers: F. A. Allner-------------------------------- PreS. R. T. Greer--------------------------- Vice PreS. P. J. Allen----------------------------------- Secy J. U. Diehl-------------------------------- Treas. C. A. Lappe---------- ASSt. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: F. A. Allner, J. R. Baker, R. T. Greer, G. T. Hambright, Joseph E. Lant, Penrose H. Ruhl, Frederick W. Wood. Controls: Susquehanna Real Estate Co. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $30,013, 194 Electric Operating Revenues: l $2,793, 208 $1,862, 869 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * In Maryland-------------------------- Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 2 In Maryland 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 210,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated---------------------- 790, 177,600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power Co of Baltimore. See Also: Operations reported under Pennsylvania (37–166). 19–140 Stockton Electric, Ice & Power tº Plant Stockton, Md. Principal Officers: Godfrey Child------------------------------- Mgr. Estel C. Trader------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $90,369 Electric Operating Revenues: otal--------------------------------- $18,174 Number of Electric Customers: * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 434 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 144 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 477, 310 Communities Served at Retail: Population Girtletree------------------------------------- 375 Stockton-------------------------------------- 400 See Also: Operations reported under Virginia (45- 134). 19–147 The Susquehanna Electric Company ” a Leases and operates facilities of The Susque- hanna Power Co. Conowingo Hydro-Electric Power House 5th Election District, Harford County, Md. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co.) 314 FEDERAL PoweR COMMISSION Principal Officers: H. P. Liversidge----------------------------- Pres. H. B. Bryans--------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. Edward Porter------------------------- Vice Pres. N. E. Funk---------------------------- Vice Pres. V. A. Sommar - -- Secy C. Winner---------------------------------- Treas. P. A. Wilson_ _ _ - Asst. Secy. C. M. Breitinger---------------------- Asst. Treas. N. M. Romig------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: H. B. Bryans, B. P. Carey, N. E. Funk, # P. Liversidge, Edward Porter, Alex. Wilson, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $833 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $4,618, 549 Number of Electric Customers-------- 2 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------- 1, 224,070,950 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Conowingo Power Co. Philadelphia Electric Co. 19–154 The Susquehanna Power Company ” * Property leased to and operated by The Susque" hanna Electric Co. 1,000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Company). Principal Officers: H. P. Liversidge---------------------------- Pres. H. B. Bryans-------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. Edward Porter------------------------, Vice Pres. N. B. Funk---------------------------- Vice Pres. V. A. Sommar------------------------------- Secy. C. Winner--------------------------------- Treas. P. A. Wilson.------------------------- -ASSt. Secy. C. M. Breitinger--------------------- ASSt. Treas. N. M. Romig------------------------ Asst. Treas. Directors: H. B. Bryans, B. P. Carey, N. E. Funk, H. P. Liversidge, Edward Porter, Alex. Wilson 3rd. Controls: Conowingo Land Co. of Cecil County---------------------- Howard Improvement Co------ Sowego Water and Power Co--- (Not Operating) (Not Operating) (Not Operating) (Not Operating) (Not Operating) (Not Operating) The following data are for the year 1940: Susquehanna River Power Co-- The Proprietors of The Susque- hanna Canal----------------- Electric Utility Plant------------------- $47,963,932 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (Hydro)------------- 252,000 19–161 Susquehanna Transmission Com- pany of Maryland Lexington Blag., Baltimore, Md. (Controlled by Pennsylvania Water & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . B. Higgins----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. G. W. Spaulding----------------------- Vice Pres. J. Marden, IV - - Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. F. Bang, N. B. Higgins, A. C. Jensen, J. Marden, IV, G. W. Spaulding. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------ $5,524, 481 $522, 101 Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. 19–175 The West Maryland Power Company 301 Adams St., Fairmont, W. Va. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: A. C. Spurr---------------------------------- Pres. J. K. Buchanan------------------------ Vice PreS. O. F. Lough.------------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. G. J. Jackson-------------------------------- ecy. P. M. Mase-------------------------- Comptroller C. H. Luessow------------------------- Asst. Secy. R. T. Cunningham------------------- Asst. Treas. B. J. Wilson-------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: J. K. Buchanan, G. J. Jackson, O. F. Lough, P. M. Mase, A. C. Spurr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $290,822 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $78,066 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 221 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ..I 2,368, 560 Communities Served at Retail: Population Deer Park---------------------------------- 329 Kitzmillersville 870 Loch Lynn Heights------------------------ 339 Mountain Lake Park 551 Oakland 1, 587 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. 19–182 Youghiogheny Hydro-Electric Corporation Sines, Garrett County, Md. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: M. J. McCleary Pres. C. E. McMurray- Vice Pres. C. W. Wineman- Vice Ples. F. W. Kress------------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. J. O’Connor----------------------- Comptroller Directors: C. E. McMurray, M. J. McCleary, S. J. Mayhew The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $9,864, 512 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $389,812 Number of Electric Customers--------- 1 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)---------- 19, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 26, 327,770 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pennsylvania Electric Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MARYLAND 315 19–225 Consolidation Coal Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Maryland only) --------------------------- $175 Number of Electric Customers: (Maryland only)--------------------------- 2 See also: Principal report under Kentucky (16-225), and operations reported under Pennsylvania (37– 242) and West Virginia (47–259). 19–237 W. J. Dickey & Sons, Inc. Oella, Md. Principal Officers: Max H. Dickey, Jr.-------------------------- PreS. Harry S. Dickey--------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $63,906 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $2,612 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------------. 600 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1, 305,900 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. of Baltimore. 19–279 - The Kelly Springfield Tire Company Cumberland, Md. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: L. B. Gordon------------------------- Chief Engr. T. L. Reynolds---------------- Power Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------ 5,000 19–300 North American Cement Corporation 40 Howard St., Albany, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: P. A. Leichel------------------- Supt. (Maryland) S. H. Rhodes------------------ Supt. (New York) The following data are for the year 1940: Fº Operating Revenues: 9tal-------------------------------------- $9,627 In Maryland------------------------------ $9,447 Number of Electric Customers: otal --------------- 2 In Maryland.-- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------ 9,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 6,236, 150 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Potomac Edison Co. See Also: Operations reported under New York (31–429). 19–321 Savage Manufacturing Co. Savage, Md. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. F. Frazier-------------------------------- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------- - - - - - - - - - $43,203 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $1,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 78 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------------- 850 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers.-------- 18,000 Also Renders: Water Service. 19–340 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Population 988 * * * - - - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * - “ - * - - - - - - - - * Customers are company employees living in tºny-owned houses and served without direct Charge. º See Also, Principal report under West Virginia (47– 429). 19–510 *Berlin Electric Department Berlin, Md. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. P. Christopher City Mgr. W. G. Murphy- Supt. Hampton Vickers-------------- Chief Plant Engr. Mayor and Council: A. P. Christopher (secy.-treas.), Earl E. Conley, A. E. Garrison, W. G. Murphy, A. J. Pruitt (pres.), Wm. Whaley (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $114, 520 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $25,737 Number of Electric Customers------------ 646 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 662 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 945,000 Community Served at Retail: Population erlin-------------------------------------- 1, 435 19–531 *Centreville Electric Plant Centreville, Md. Principal Electric Utility Official: Paul R. Weldie -Mgrs 316 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $60,201 Number of Electric Cust ſº 873 Rilowatts - Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 135 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 770, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Centreville------------------------------ 1, 141 19–552 *Easton Utilities Commission Easton, Md. Principal Electric Utility Officials: William Krumbine-------------------------- Supt. William D. Craven-------------------- Asst. Supt. Ralph A. Townsend------------------ Secy.-Treas. Utility Commission: Charles D. Forney (pres.), Philip J. Hopkins (vice pres.), J. McKenny Willis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $436, 418 Electric Operating Revenues----------.:--- $111, 302 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 871 Generating Capacity: Filowatts otal------------------------------- 1,790 Steam---------------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion------------------- 1,490 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 3, 546,668 Community Served at Retail: Population aston---------------------------------- 4, 528 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 19–573 *Corporation of Frederick City Hall, Frederick, Md. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lloyd C. Culler------------------------- 2-Mayor W. R. Walter-------------------------- ity Engr. Wm. M. Eader------------ Light Plant Operator Light Committee: E. Paul Magaha, Russell H. McCain (chairman), Chas. W. Stup. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $112,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 760,000- Also Renders: Water Service. 19–594 *Hagerstown Municipal Electric Light Plant City Hall, Hagerstown, Md. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. R. Daniels--------------------------- Gen. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,815, 348 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $524,934 Number of Electric Cust - 8, 268 Rilowatts 13,800 Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 20, 171,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Hagerstown-------------------------------- 32, 491 19–615 *Saint Michaels Utilities Commission Saint Michaels, Md. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. H. Fairbank----------------------------- Supt. Utilities Commission: Edward R. Buck, Howard W. Caulk (secy.-treas.), W. C. Mills. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $67, 949 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $36,447 Number of Electric Customers------------ 735 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 795, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Michaels----------------------------- 1, 309 19–636 *Thurmont Municipal Light Co. Thurmont, Md. Community Served at Retail: Population Thurmont---- '-- 1, 307 19–657 *Williamsport Electric Light Department Williamsport, Md. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. W. Wolfe----------------------------- Manager W. T. Ainsworth------------------------ Engineer R. E. McCardell------------------------ Collector The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $47, 418 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,887 Number of Electric Customers------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 583,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Williamsport 1,772 Also renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MAFYLAND 317 19–815 *Choptank Cooperative, Inc. Denton, Md. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Martin C. Voss------------------------------ Pres. C. A. Sennett.------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $310,273 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17,402 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 665 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 101,800 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 19–880 *Southern Maryland Tri-County Cooperative Association, Inc. La Plata, Md. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. R. Quirk.------------------------------ Pres. Forrest Coakley----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $459, 752 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $58,242 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 118 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 830 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ a 1,343,230 a For year ended June 30, 1940. MASSACHUSETTS Index Reference Number Amesbury Electric Light Company--------- 20–013 *Ashburnham Municipal Light Department- 20–510 Athol Gas and Electric Company - - - -------- 20–015 Attleboro Steam and Electric Company- - - - - Barre Wool Combing Co., Ltd., The -------- *Belmont Municipal Light Department----- Beverly Gas and Electric Company--------- 20–019 *Blandford Electric Light Dept - - - ---------- 20–521 Boston Consolidated Gas Company--------- 20–022 Boston Edison Company--------------- ----- 20–023 *Boylston Lighting Department------------- 20–526 *Braintree Electric I,ight Department------- 20–532 Brockton Edison Company----------------- 2 *Brookline, Town of Cambridge Electric Light Company-------- Cape & Vineyard Electric Company 20–026 Central Massachusetts Electric Company___ 20–028 *Chester Municipal Light Department------ 20–543 *Chicopee Electric Light Department------- 20–548 *Concord Municipal Light Plant------------ 20–559 *Danvers—Municipal Light Plant, Town of - 20–565 Eastern Massachusetts Electric Company--- 20–035 Fall River Electric Light Company 20–044 Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company 20–046 Gardner Electric Light Company----------- 20–050 *Georgetown Light Department------------- Gloucester Electric Company--------------- *Groton Electric Light Department --------- *Groveland Light Commission-------------- Haverhill Electric Compan 20–055 *Hingham Municipal Light Department_ _ _ _ 20–586 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - *Holden, Municipal Light Department, Town of---------------------------------- 20–592 *Holyoke Gas and Electric Department----- 20–597 Holyoke Power and Electric Company------ Holyoke Water Power Company *Hudson Light and Power Department - - - - - *Hull Electric Light Department, Town of - 20-608 Huntington Electric Light Co--------------- *Ipswich Water & Light Department------- Lake May Power Company Lawrence Gas and Electric Company - - - - - - - Leominster Electric Light and Power Com- Lowell Electric Light Corporation, The_____ Lynn Gas and Electric Company----------- 20–072 Malden Electric Company------------------ Manchester Electric Company-------------- *Mansfield Municipal Lighting Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20–624 *Marblehead Municipal Light Department- 20–630 *Merrimac Light Department--------_______ 20–635 *Metropolitan District Commission, Water Division----------------------------------- 20–637 *Middleborough Gas and Electric Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 20–641 Middlesex County. Electric Company------- 20–081 Reference Number *Middleton Electric Light Department----- 20–646 Milford Electric Light and Power Company- 20–083 Montaup Electric Company---------------- 20–085 Monument Mills--------------------- ------- 20–344 Mount Hope Finishing Co. ----------------- 20–355 Nantucket Gas & Electric Company-------- 20–090 New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Com- arly-------------------------------------- 20–092 New England Power Company------------- 20–096 Northampton Electric Lighting Company--- 20–099 *North Attleboro Electric Department------ 20–652 Northern Berkshire Gas Company---------- 20–101 Norton Power & Electric Company - - - ------ 20–103 *Norwood Municipal Light Department - - - - 20–657 *Paxton, Electric Light Department, Town of----------------------------------------- 20–662 *Peabody Municipal Light Plant----------- 20–668 Pittsfield Electric Company----------------- 20–105 Plymouth County Electric Company - - - - - - - 20–106 *Princeton Municipal Light System, Town of----------------------------------------- 20–673 Provincetown Light and Power Company- - 20–110 Quaker Building Company------------------ 20–380 Quincy Electric Light and Power Company- 20-114 *Reading Municipal Light Department----- 20–679 *Rowley Municipal Lighting Plant - - - ------ 20-684 *Russell Electric Light Department--------- 20–690 Salem Electric Lighting Company- - - ------- 20–116 *Shrewsbury Municipal Light Department, Town of---------------------------------- 20–695 Southern Berkshire Power & Electric Com- Parly-------------------------------------- —121 *South Hadley, Electric Light Department, Town of---------------------------------- 20–700 Spencer Gas Company, The----------------- 20–123 *Sterling Municipal Light Plant------------ 20–706 Strathmore Paper Co------------------------ 20–400 Suburban Gas and Electric Company------- 20–127 *Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant - - ------ 20–711 *Templeton Municipal Light Department -- 20–717 Turners Falls Power & Electric Company--- 20–129 Union Light & Power Company------------ 20–132 United Electric Light Company------------- Wachusett Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Wakefield Municipal Light Department_ _ _ 20–723 *Wellesley Electric Light Department------- 20–729 *West Boylston Light Department__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20–734 Western Hancock Electric Company - - - - - - - - 20–140 Western Massachusetts Electric Company-- 20–145 *Westfield Gas & Electric Light Department- 20–740 Weymouth Light and Power Company----- 20–147 Winchendon Electric Light and Power Com- Parly-------------------------------------- 20–149 Worcester County Electric Company-------- 20–150 Worcester Suburban Electric Company - - - - - 20–153 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 319 320 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION MASSACHUSETTS 20–013 Amesbury Electric Light Company 36 Main St., Amesbury, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Leon E. Seekins __PreS. Francis L. Ball------------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- Asst. Treas. Earl C. Hart --ASSt. Treas. Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, Wil- liam C. Coburn, Harry Hanson, Barry R. Hill, Guy E. Nickerson, Leon E. Seekins, Ralph D. Washburn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $999, 283 Electric Operating Revenues--------- ---- $327,033 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 815. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 1, 310 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total ---- 10,697, 842 Generated----------------------------- 1,814, 100 Purchased.----------------------------- 8,883, 742 Communities Served at Retail: Population Amesbury 10,862 Salisbury---------- 2,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Merrimac Light Dept. 20–015 Athol Gas and Electric Company 426 Main St., Athol, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Newell A. Clark ----Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice PreS. John West------------------------------ Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson * * - - --Treas. John E. Teagan -- Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn ASSt. Treas. Alfred W. Smith - - ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Newell A. Clark, Wil- liam C. Coburn, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $934,013 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $463, 152 | Number of Electric Customers----------- 5,304 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 17, 560,961 Generated----------------------------- 651,879 Purchased 16, 909,082 Communities Served at Retail: Population Athol - - - - 11, 180 Erving------- * - - - 500 Orange 5, 611 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Gardner Electric Light Co. Also Renders: Gas service. w" | Directors: 20–017 Attleboro Steam and Electric Company 24 S. Main St., Attleboro, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: John West----------------------------------- PreS. Robert F. Burnett Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn------------------ Clerk-Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. Earl V. Allen----------- ASSt. Treas. & ASSt. Secy. John E. Teagan --ASSt. Seey. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Leroy F. Hanners-------------------- ASSt. Treas. | Directors: Robert F. Burnett, Harvey E. Clap, Stephen H. Foley, Stephen H. Garner, Victor R. Glencross, Harry Hanson, Charles H. Sanderson, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: - Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,809, 180 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $719,784 Number of Electric Customers----------- 9, 224 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 26, 446, 978 Communities Served at Retail: Population Attleboro----- 22,071 Luthers Corners--------------------------- 960 Newman Avenue-------------------------- 966 North Rehoboth * - - - 400 North Seekonk---------------------------- 1, 144 Rehoboth---------------------------------- 800 South Rehoboth 500 Taunton Pike 917 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Fall River Electric Light Co. The Narragansett Electric Co. (R. I.). Norton Power & Electric Co. 20–019 Beverly Gas and Electric Company 223 Cabot St., Beverly, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Francis L. Ball------------------------------ ProS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. John L. Tudbury - - - * Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn------------------ Clerk-Secy. Harry Hanson --Treas. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Henry O. Wendt ASSt. Treas. John E. Teagan Asst. Secy. Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Arthur E. Pope, Rockwell C. Tenney, Ralph D. Washburn. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,907, 874 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $656, 756 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 9,363 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1,500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total---------------------- 15, 282,205 Generated.----------------------------- 136,632 Purchased * - - - 15, 145, 573 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 321 Communities Served at Retail: Population Beverly------------------------------------ 25, 537 Hamilton---------------------------------- 500 Topsfield---------------------------------- 500 Wenham----------------------------------- 1,000 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Eastern Massachusetts Electric Co. Gloucester Electric Co. Lawrence Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–022 Boston Consolidated Gas Company 100 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. (Controlled by Eastern Gas & Fuel Associates through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: James L. Richards.--------------------- Chairman | Edward M. Farnsworth--------------------- PreS. Frank D. Cadwallader----------------- Vice Pres. David S. Reynolds------ Vice Pres. & Asst. Treas. Thomas F. Smith- --------------- Asst. Vice Pres. Alan Cunningham-------------------- Secy.-Treas Otto Price-------------------------------- Auditor Vincent Farnsworth, Jr.------------- Asst. Auditor James S. Eastham ----Clerk C. Russell Walton--------------------- Asst. Clerk Directors: Charles F. Adams, Eugene H. Bird, Samuel H. Couch, Edward M. Farnsworth, Allan Forbes, Robert H. Holt, Edward W. Leahy, Halfdan Lee, P. A. O’Connell, Neal Rantoul, James L. Richards, Charles G. Smith, Edwin S. Webster, Robert Winsor, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,204,392 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $558,486 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6,812 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 22,653, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Boston------------------------------------ 770, 816 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–023 Boston Edison Company 182 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Principal Officers: Frank D. Comerford------------------------- Pres. James V. Toner--------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. Leavitt L. Edgar Vice Pres. Chg. Sales & Promotion Thomas H. Carens Vice Pres. Chg. Public Relations Robert E. Dillon . Vice Pres. Chg. Prod. & Engr. Edward J. Hyland------------------- Comptroller Arthur C. Havlin--------------------- ASSt. Treas. Grandjean G. Jewett---------------------- Auditor William H. Carrasco------------------------ Clerk Edwin J. Lee-------------------------- ASSt. Clerk Directors: John S. Ames, Robert Amory, Frank D. Comerford, T. Jefferson Coolidge, William Dexter, Bernard W. Doyle, Frederic C, Dumaine, Jr., Leavitt L. Edgar, Robert F. Herrick, Joseph #. Manning, Charles H. Stockton, James V. Oner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $165, 554, 799 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $35,676, 852 Number of Electric Customers-------- 412, 510 322184—42——26 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total--------------------------- 389, 110 Steam------------------------------ 388,860 Hydro----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1,611,441, 551 Generated.-------------------------- 1,423, 386,812 Purchased.-------------------------- 188,054, 739 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Arlington--------------------------------- 40, 013 Boston------------------------------------ 770, 816 Brookline--------------------------------- 49, 786 Chelsea----------------------------------- 41,259 Dedham---------------------------------- 15, 508 Framingham------------------------------ 23, 214 Lexington-------------------------------- 13, 187 Milton------------------------------------ 18, 708 Natick------------------------------------ 13, 851 Needham--------------------------------- 12,445 Newton----------------------------------- 69,873 Somerville-------------------------------- 102, 177 Stoneham--------------------------------- 10, 765 Waltham--------------------------------- 40,020 Watertown------------------------------- 35, 427 Winchester------------------------------- 15,081 Woburn---------------------------------- 19, 751 1,000 to 10,000 population Bedford * * * ------------------ 1,800 Canton----------------------------------- 6,381 Cochituate-------------------------------- 1, 350 Harding---------------------------------- , 500 Holliston--------------------------------- 2,500 Hopkinton-------------------------------- 2,000 Maynard--------------------------------- 6,812 Medfield---------------------------------- 1, 899 Medway---------------------------------- 2,000 Millis------------------------------------- 1,500 Sharon------------------------------------ 1,500 Walpole------ 7,443 West Medway---------------------------- 1,625 Westwood 1,400 250 to 1,000 population Acton------------------------------------- 400 Bellingham------------------------------- 800 Caryville--------------------------------- 300 Dover------------------------------------- 500 East Sudbury----------------------------- 250 Hayden Rowe---------------------------- 350 Islington---------------------------------- 700 Kendall Green---------------------------- 560 North Acton------------------------------ 600 North Bellingham------------------------ 495 North Sudbury--------------------------- 250 Sherborn---------------------------------- 800 South Acton------------------------------ 800 South Lincoln---------------------------- 525 South Sudbury--------------------------- 500 Sudbury---------------------------------- 300 Wayland--------------------------------- 921 West Acton------------------------------- 731 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Boston Consolidated Gas Co. Brockton Edison Co. Cambridge Electric Light Co. The Lowell Electric Light Corporation. Maspenock Elec. Co. New England Power Co. Quincy Electric Light and Power Co. Union Light & Power Co. Weymouth Light and Power Co. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITIES: *Concord Municipal. Light Plant. *Norwood Municipal Light Dept. *Reading Municipal Light Dept. *Wakefield Municipal Light Dept. *Wellesley Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 322 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 20–024 Brockton Edison Company 36 Main St., Brockton, Mass. (Controlled by Eastern Utilities Associates through 97.41% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Clarence C. Reed ___PreS. Walter A. Forbush - __Vice Pres. Walter E. Skulley-------------------- Clerk-Treas. Directors: C. Chester Eaton, Edward V. French, Edwin W. Hunt, Warren Motley, Henry B. Patrick, Guido R. Perera, A. Stuart Pratt, Clarence C. Reed, Quincy A Shaw, Jr. Controls: Montaup Electric Co. a (generation and trans- mission of electric energy). a Joint control with Blackstone Valley Gas and Electric Co. and Fall River Electric Light Co; respondent does not admit control. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $9,552,930 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $2,973,239 Number of Electric Customers---------- 42,829 JKilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 17,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 109,647,070 Generated---------------------------- 752,975 Purchased 108,894,095 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Brockton 62,343 1,000 to 10,000 population Abington---------------------------------- 5. 708 AVon------- 2,335 Bridgewater 8,902 Cohasset 2,333 East Bridgewater 1,300 North Easton------------------------------ 2, 600 Rockland - - ---- 8,087 Scituate Harbor -- 1, 247 South Hanson----------------------------- ,000 Stoughton 8,632 Whitillau 7, 759 250 to 1,000 population Accord - - 300 Assinippi---------------------------------- 300 Beechwood-------------------------------- 500 Bridgewater Centre------------------------ 900 Bridgewater North End------------------- 900 Bryantville-------------------------------- 363 Burrage------------------------------------ 400 Centre Pembroke-------------------------- 454 Church Hill_ _ _ _ _ 250 Cochesett---------------------------------- 300 East Pembroke---------------------------- 250 Easton Centre----------------------------- 300 Easton Furnace 500 Eastondale 700 Egypt------------------------------------- 498 Elmwood---------------------------------- 600 Greenbush--------------------------------- 282 Halifax Centre - 598 Hanover----------------------------------- 900 Hanson.------------- 784 Matfield----------------------------------- 400 North Cohasset---------------------------- 250 North EHanover sº sº. 575 North Pembroke * * North Scituate Norwell------------------------------------ 844 Satucket----------------------------------- 300 South Easton------------------------------ 800 South Eſanover - - - - 400 Unionville--------------------------------- 398 Westdale---------------------------------- 300 West Hanover----------------------------- 600 . Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Plymouth County Electric Co. Weymouth Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Hingham Municipal Light Dept. *Hull Electric Light Dept. *Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant, 20–025 Cambridge Electric Light Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Associ- ation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. D. Campbell PreS. H. C. Moore, Jr.------------------- Clerk & Treas. Directors: Stoughton Bell, F. D. Campbell, G. E. Cole, P. R. Corcoran, E. P. Furber, H. U. Greene, I. T. Haddock, H. C. Moore, Jr., Everett Morse, F. M. Schiffmacher. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $8,185,056 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $2,993, 507 Number of Electric Customers--------- 35, 108 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 22, 750 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total -- 140, 220, 340 Generated.-- 106,003,900 Purchased 34, 216,440 Community Served at Retail: Population Cambridge- 110,879 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Belmont Municipal Light Dept. 20–026 Cape & Vineyard Electric Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Asso- ciation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. D. Campbell ----Pres, L. H. McCray------------------------- Vice Pres. R. M. Miller __Vice Pres. H. C. Moore, Jr.------------------- Clerk & Treas. Directors: F. D. Campbell, E. P. Furber, F. H. Golding, H. U. Greene, I. T. Haddock, S. C. Luce, Jr., R. H. Miller, H. C. Moore, Jr., O. C. Nickerson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $5,025, 451 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,255, 870 Number of Electric Customers---------- 15, 165 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 360 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total -- 26, 434, 540 Generated----------------------------- 2,998, 620 Purchased 23,435,920 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 323 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Barnstable-- ---- 8, 33. atham----------------------------------- 1, 250 Pdgartown--------------------------------- 1, 250 Falmouth-- - 3,000 Oak Bluffs.--------------------------------- 1, 200 Vineyard Haven--------------------------- 1, 500 Yarmouth---------------------------------- 1, 500 250 to 1,000 population Bass River--------------------------------- 260 Brewster Village---------------------------- 382 Dennis------------------------------------- 300 Dennisport--------------------------------- 750 East Falmouth----------------------------- 500 East Harwich------------------------------ 325 Eastham------------------------------------ 500 Harwich------------------------------------ 700 Harwich Port ------------------------------ 500 Monument Beach-------------------------- 500 North Falmouth--------------------------- 362 Orleans------------------------------------- 850 Pocasset------------------------------------ 365 Sagamore----------------------------------- 790 Sandwich----------------------------------- 900 South Chatham ---------------------------- 279 South Yarmouth- 645 Waquoit------------------------------------ 326 Wellfleet, - --- ---- 650 West Dennis------------------------------- 450 West Falmouth----------------------------- 362 West Harwich------------------------------ 333 Woods Hole - 600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Provincetown Light & Power Co. 20–028 Central Massachusetts Electric Company 465 N. Main St., Palmer, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Guy K. Dustin------------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice PreS. John West------------------------------ Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------4ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Paul Newell-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Guy K. Dustin, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, Franklin P. Jackson, Jr., Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues------------- $2,617, 050 $868, 858 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12, 295. Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 1, 125 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - 25,957, 756 Generated----------------------------- 1, 226, 516 Purchased.----------------------------- 24, 731, 240 Communities Served at Retail: Population Belchertown-------------------------------- 1,000 Brookfield---------------------------------- 700 East Brookfield----------------------------- 500 East Longmeadow-------------------------- 1,800 Gilbertville--------------------------------- 1, 517 Hampden----------------------------------- 250 Hardwick----------------------------------- 300 Monson------------------------------------- 3,500 North Brookfield -- 2, 500 Palmer------------------------------------- 9, 149 Communities Served at Retail: Population are--------------------------------------- 7, 557 Warren------------------------------------- 2,000 West Warren------------------------------- 1, 700 Wheelwright 300 Wilbraham--- -- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Worcester County Electric Co. Western Mass. Electric Co. 20–035 Eastern Massachusetts Electric Company 441 Stuart St., Boston, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Francis L. Ball------------------------------ Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice PreS. Arthur E. Pope------------------------- Vice PreS. John L. Tudbury----------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn----------- -----Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan --- ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn - - - - ASSt. Treas. Henry O. Wendt_-_ ASSt. Treas. Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Clifford R. Oliver, Arthur E. Pope, Rockwell C. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $3,026,740 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,373, 403 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch ... -- 204, 802,055 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Beverly Gas and Electric Co. Gloucester Electric Co. Haverhill Electric CO. Malden Electric Co. Manchester Electric Co. Salem Electric Lighting Co. Suburban Gas and Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES : *Danvers Electric Light Dept. *Middleton Electric Light Dept. 20–044 Fall River Electric Light Company 85 N. Main St., Fall River, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 56.13% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . John West--------- Chairman of the Board & Pres. Duncan S. Owler-------------------- 1st Vice Prés. Robert F. Burnett----------------------Vice Preš. Ralph T. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. Leroy F. Hanners------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Thomas B. Bassett, Leonard B. Buchan- an, Robert F. Burnett, Nathan Durfee, Harry Hanson, Thomas E. Lahey, J. Howard Leman, Duncan S. Owler, Arthur E. Pope, Ralph D. Washburn, John West, John F. Wood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $6,930,036 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,054, 718 Number of Electric Customers---------- 36,788 324 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 14, 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 166, 728, 777 Generated.---------------------------- 253, 900 Purchased---------------------------- 166,474,877 Communities Served at Retail: Population Dighton----------------------------------- 1,900 Fall River-------------------------------- 115,428 Horton Ville----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800 North Swansea--------------------------- 650 North Westport-------------------------- 1, 750 Ocean Grove------------------------------ 650 Somerset---------------------------------- 5,873 South Swansea---------------------------- 900 Swansea---------------------------------- 1,000 Swansea Center--------------------------- 800 Touisset---------------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NEID UTILITIES: Attleboro Steam and Electric Co. The Narragansett Electric Co. (R. I.). Newport Electric Corporation (R. I.). 20–046 Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company 655 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. Principal Officers: Charles H. Tenney-------------------------- PreS. Isaac S. Hall---------------------------- Vice Pres. Frank S. Clifford----------------------- Vibe PreS. Häzël’H. Berry----------------------------- Glerk Clarence N. Alexander--------------------- Treas. Ralph E. Trower--------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Frank S. Clifford, Isaac S. Hall, Nathaniel N. Jones, Henry F. Knight, Richard E. Shute, Charles H. Tenney, Thornton K. Ware, George F. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------- - - - - - - - - - - $3,448, 155 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1, 189, 753 Number of Electric Customers----------- 14, 528 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 15, 500 Energy Available in Year: Fºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 42,897, 086 Generated.----------------------------- 10, 439, 190 Purchased.----------------------------- 32,457,896 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fitchburg---------------------------------- 41, 824 Townsend-Center-------------------------- 1, 215 West Townsend--------------------------- 485 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–050 Gardner Electric Light Company 17 W. Lynde St., Gardner, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 62.98% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Frederick J. Dunn.--------------------------- Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Newell A. Clark------------------------ Vice Pres. John West------------------------------ Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Mae G. Goggin ----------------------------- Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------.4Asst Sedy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Harry Hanson ------------------------ ASSt. Treas. Alfred W. Smith---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Charles C. Brooks, Newell A. Clark, David R. Collier, Frederick J. Dunn, Judson R. Foster, Harry Hanson, William A. Loughlin, Samuel C. Moore, Albert H. Stone, Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,858, 414 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $739, 503 Number of Electric Customers----------- 8, 541 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 24, 523,855 Communities Served at Retail: Population Athol-------------------------------------- 11, 180 Barre-------------------------------------- , 300 Barre Plains------------------------------- 250 Gardner----------------------------------- 20, 206 Hubbardston------------------------------ ,000 New Braintree----------------------------- 400 New Salem.-------------------------------- 250 Oakham----------------------------------- 350 Royalston--------------------------------- 350. Rutland----------------------------------- 1,500 Rutland Heights--------------------------- 600 South Barre------------------------------- 900 South Royalston--------------------------- 350 Warwick-------------------------------- - - - 300. Westminister------------------------------ 1,600 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Athol Gas and Electric Co. Central Massachusetts Electric Co. PlUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Ashburnham Municipal Light Dept. *T own of Princeton Municipal Light System. *Templeton Municipal Light Dept. 20–052 Gloucester Electric Company 96 Main St., Gloucester, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Francis L. Ball------------------------------ PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. John L. Tudbury----------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------- - - - Secy. & Clerk Harry Hanson.------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Henry O. Wendt --------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Nathaniel N. Jones, Arthur E. Pope, Rockwell C. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,051, 623 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $720,450 Number of Electric Customers----------- 9,911 s Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 5,900 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------ 18, 586, 101 Generated.----------------------------- 907, 100 Purchased----------------------------- 17, 679,001 Communities Served at Retail: Population Essex (South ESSex)----------------------- 700 Gloucester--------------------------------- 24,046. Rockport---------------------------------- 3, 556. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Fastern Massachusetts Flectric Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 325 20–055 Haverhill Electric Company 121 Merrimack St., Haverhill, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Francis L. Ball------------------------------ PreS. William C. Bell------------------------- Vice PreS Leon E. Seekins.----------------------- Vice Pres, Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Secy. & Clerk Harry Hanson.------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- Asst. Treas. Earl C. Hart-------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, William Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Nathaniel N. Jones, Arthur E. Pope, Leon E. Seekins, Rockwell C. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $5,671, 463 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,620,832 Number of Electric Customers----------- 20, 738 Rilowatts 'Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 20, 100 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 45, 693, 500 Generated.----------------------------- 35, 511, 500 Purchased----------------------------- 10, 182,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population field------------------------------------ 600 Haverhill---------------------------------- 46, 752 Newburyport------------------------------ 13,916 South Byfield------------------------------ 300 West Newbury---------------------------- 1, 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Amesbury Electric Light Co. Eastern Massachusetts Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Georgetown Light Dept. *Groveland Light Commission. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–057 Holyoke Power and Electric Company 1 Canal St., Holyoke, Mass. (Controlled by Holyoke Water Power Co. through 97.5% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Robert E. Barrett------------------ PreS. & Treas. Frederic M. Jones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice PreS. Ralph A. Smith--------------Clerk & Asst. Treas. Mary U. McGrath - - - - ASSt. Clerk & Asst. Treas. Directors: Robert E. Barrett, Walter B. Crutten- den, Charles A. Goodwin, Walter L. Goodwin, Frederic M. Jones, George C. Long, Jr., George Dwight Pratt, Joseph A. Skinner, Bentley W. Warren. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $63, 505 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $124, 525 Number of Electric Customers------------ 6 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *South Hadley Electric Light Dept. 9, 294, 760 20–059 Holyoke Water Power Company 1 Canal St., Holyoke, Mass. Principal Officers: Robert E. Barrett------------------ Pres. & Treas. Frederic M. Jones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice PreS. Ralph A. Smith-------------- Clerk & Asst. Treas. Mary U. McGrath_____ Asst. Clerk & Asst. Treas. Directors: Robert E. Barrett, Walter B. Cruttenden, Charles A. Goodwin, Walter L. Goodwin, Frederic M. Jones, George. C. Long, Jr., George Dwight Pratt, Joseph A. Skinner, Bentley W. Warren. Controls: Holyoke Power & Electric Co. (electric). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4, 189, 556 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $754, 671 Number of Electric Customers---------- 44 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 'otal----------------------------- 38, 180 Steam-------------------------------- 27, 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 10,680 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 76, 984, 100 Generated---------------------------- 76, 930, 630 Purchased.---------------------------- 53,470 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Holyoke Power & Electric Co. Turners Falls Power & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Chicopee Electric Light Dept. *Holyoke Gas and Electric Dept. Also Renders: Industrial steam Service. 20–061 Huntington Electric Light Co. Huntington, Mass. Principal Officers: A. L. Glidden------------------------------- PreS. N. F. Glidden -------------------------- Vice PreS. Howard Morris----------------------------- Treas. Directors: A. L. Glidden, N. F. Glidden, Howard Morris. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $110,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $29,286 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 476 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 80 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 625, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Huntington----------------------------- -- 1, 500 20–063 Lawrence Gas and Electric Company 370 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Irvin McD. Garfield-------------------- Chairman Fred H. Sargent-------------------------- --- Pres. Francis L. Ball------------------------- Vice Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. 326 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officers: Robert H. Patterson-------------------- Vice Pres. Leon E. Seekins------------------------ Vice Pres. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Fred C. Harmon ASSt. Treas. Earl C. Hart--------------------------Asst. Treas. Ralph D. Washburn-------------------------Clerk John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Clerk Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, James H. Bride, William C. Coburn, James A. Donovan, Irvin McD. Garfield, Harry Hanson, Walter M. Lamont, Robert H. Patterson, Fred H. Sargent, Leon E. Seekins, Andrew B. Sutherland, Charles E. Trumbull, Ralph D. Washburn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------ $7,250,830 $2,318,059 Number of Electric Customers--------- 37,616 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts tal----------------------------- 14, 370 Steam-------------------------------- 12, 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 1,870 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------- ------------------ 72, 524,600 Generated---------------------------- 3, 144, 201 Purchased.------------------- - "- - - - - * * * 69, 380,399 Communities Served at Retail: Population Andover----------------------------------- 11, 122 Lawrence---------------------------------- 84, 323 Methuen---------------------------------- 21,880 North Andover ---- 7, 524 West Boxford------------------------------ 325 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Granite State Electric Co. (N.H.). The Lowell Electric Light Corporation. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–066 Leominster Electric Light and Power Company 71 Main St., Leominster, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Newell A. Clark----------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. }. Philip M. Childs----------------------- Vice Pres. John West----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Secy. & Clerk Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan ----ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Alfred W. Smith -- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Philip M. Childs, Newell A. Clark, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $965, 180 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $540, 517 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6, 439 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- 20, 138,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Leominster-------------------------------- 22, 226 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wachusett Electric Co. 20–068 The Lowell Electric Light Corporation 29 Market St., Lowell, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power ASSociation.) Principal Officers: Leon E. Seekins - - - - - - PreS. Francis L. Ball------------------------- Vice Pres. William C. Bell Vice PreS. Harry Hanson------------------------------ TreaS. James E. Cutcliffe, Jr.----Asst. Treas. & Asst. Clerk William C. Coburn ASSt. Treas. Earl C. Hart ASSt. Treas. Ralph D. Washburn Clerk John E. Teagan-- ----ASSt. Clerk Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, Homer W. Bourgeois, John C. Farrington, Elbert J. Gilmore, Harry Hanson, Franklin P. Jackson, Jr., J. Howard Leman, A. Stuart Pratt, Walter B Reilly, Chester M. Runels, Leon E. Seekins, Ralph D. Washburn, Edward F. Ziegler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- ------------- $9,221, 508. Electric Operating Revenues------------- $2,422,035. Number of Electric Customers----------- 34,998. - Rºilowatts. Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 32, 750 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours: Total------------------------------ 82,676, 574 Generated 50,036,015 Purchased----------------------------- 32,640, 559: Communities Served at Retail: Population Billerica---------------------------------- 4, 200 Chelmsford 2,679 Dracut 7,339 East Chelmsford 771 Forge Village -- 1,350 Graniteville------------------------------- 675 Lowell 101,389 NabnaSSet--- 375 North Billerica- -- 2,500 North Chelmsford 2,800. South Chelmsford 275 Tewksbury 1,261 WameSit 500 West Chelmsford 355. Westford 1, 200 Westlands 1,085. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Lawrence Gas and Electric Co. New England Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Littleton Electric Light Dept. 20–0.72 Lynn Gas and Electric Company 90 Exchange St., Lynn, Mass. Principal Officers: H. Morris Kelley PreS. Arthur W. Pinkham Vice Pres. Eugene B. Fraser------------------ Treas. & Clerk Directors: Micajah P. Clough, Jr., James A. Cook, Albert M. Creighton, Eugene B. Fraser, H. Morris Kelley, Henry R. Mayo, Arthur W. Pinkham, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- --- $10,741, 145 Electric Operating Revenues---...-------- $2,722,390 Number of Electric Customers-,-------- 40, 373 DIRECTORY OF 327 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 39,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total -- 119,962,086 Generated 117,379,786 Purchased 2,582,300 Communities Served at Retail: Population ynn 98, 123 Nahant 1,835 Saugus -- 14,825 Swampscott 10,761 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Malden Electric Co. New England Power Co. Salem Electric Lighting Co. Suburban Gas & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Marblehead Municipal Light Dept. *Peabody Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–074 Malden Electric Company 157 Pleasant St., Malden, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Francis L. Ball PreS. William C. Bell Vice PreS. Joshua T. Day------------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson Treas. John E. Teagan Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn Asst. Treas. Charles D. Perkins Asst. Treas. Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Nathaniel N. Jones, Arthur E. Pope, Rockwell C. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------ $9,437, 541 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,647, 390 Number of Electric Customers---------- 53,297 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 122, 278, 182 Communities Served at Retail: Population Everett 46, 784 Malden 58, 010 Medford 63, 083 Melrose 25, 333 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Boston Edison Co. 20–077 Manchester Electric Company 33 Beach St., Manchester, Mass. Principal Officers: Raymond C. Allen__ ---- PreS. Alexander Macomber------------------- Vice Pres. C. R. Prichard, Jr.-------------- Treas. and Clerk. Directors: Raymond C. Allen, H. Morris Kelley, # A. Lees, Alexander Macomber, C. R. Prichard, I’. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $352,215 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $86,995 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 134 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch . . ------ 1,546, 560 Community Served at Retail: Population Manchester-- ---- 2,600 20–081 Middlesex County Electric Company Main St., East Pepperell, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Newell A. Clark----------------------------- Pres. William C. Bell Vice Pres. John West - - º ºg __Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn--------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson.-- Treas. John E. Teagan-- ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------ Asst. Treas. Alfred W. Smith- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Newell A. Clark, Wil- liam C. Coburn, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $402, 365 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $169,604 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,810 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch - -: 6, 169,317 Communities Served at Retail: Population Dunstable 300 East Pepperell- – 2,000 Pepperell 2,500 Shirley- 2,000 Tyngsboro--------------------------------- 1, 150 20–083 Milford Electric Light and Power Company 181 Main St., Milford, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Thomas G. Dignan Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Philip M. Childs - Vice Pres. John West - sº -Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn--------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson----------------------------- Treas. John E. Teagan-- E. º. Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------ Asst. Treas. Andrew P. Nichols - ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Philip M. Childs, Thomas G. Dignan, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John West. . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $856,685 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $334,676 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 218 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch ... I 8,864,983 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hopedale 3, 113 Milford------------------------------------ 15,388 328 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 20–085 Montaup Electric Company 85 N. Main St., Fall River, Mass. (Controlled by Eastern Utilities ASSociates.) a a Respondent does not admit control. Principal Officers: Peter J. Rempe---------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. David Daly--- ----Vice Pres, John West - __Vice Pres. John T. G. Nichols Treas. Louis F. Eaton.-- -- Clerk Directors: David Daly, Walter A. Forbush, John T. G. Nichols, Arthur E. Pope, Peter J. Rempe, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- $13,774,249 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $2,095, 252 Number of Electric Customers--------- 4 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------- 75,000 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 482, 706, 635 Generated.-- 475,790, 130 Purchased 6,916, 505 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Blackstone Valley Gas & Electric Co. Brockton Edison Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. New England Power Co. 20–090 Nantucket Gas & Electric Company 10 Federal St., Nantucket, Mass. Principal Officers: Alexander Macomber------------------------ PreS. William L. Mather--------------------- Vice Pres. Charles R. Prichard, Jr.------------ Treas. & Clerk Directors: Fred V. Fuller, H. Morris Kelley, Alex- ander Macomber, George A. Macomber, William L. Mather, Charles R. Prichard, Jr., Harry B. Turner, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $451,873 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $130,962 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 126 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1, 562, 169 Community Served at Retail: Population Nantucket------ * º ---- 3, 401 Also Renders: Manufactured gas Service. 20–092 New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Asso- ciation through 95.07% of voting power.) Principal Officers: D. W. Beaman Chairman F. D. Campbell- TěS. F. H. Golding-------------------------- Vice Pres L. H. McCray-------------------------- Vice Pres. H. C. Moore, Jr.----...-------------- Clerk & Treas. Directors: Isaac N. Babbitt, Allan Barrows, David W. Beaman, C. F. Broughton, F. D. Campbell, Ulric E. Collette, E. P. Furber, Thomas F. Glen- non, H. U. Greene, I. T. Haddock, H. C. Moore Jr., O. Prescott Jr., M. L. Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $14,048, 508 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $3,628, 251 Number of Electric Customers--------- 44, 222 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 88,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 261, 417,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population ASSonet * 1,500 Braleys----------------------------------- 300 Central Village--------------------------- 300 Dartmouth------------------------------- 9,011 East Freetown---------------------------- 800 East Mattapoisett 1,400 Fairhaven-------------------------------- 10,938 Horseneck Beach 250 Long Plain--- - - - - 1,500 Mattapoisett- 1,000 New Bedford_-_ - ---- 110, 341 North Westport-------------------------- 1, 750 South Westport-------------------------- 250 Westport Factory------------------------ 250 Westport Point-------------------------- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cape & Vineyard Electric Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. Plymouth County Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–096 New England Power Company 441 Stuart St., Boston, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 88.59% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Carl S. Herrmann.--------------------------- Pres. Frederick J. Dunn.---------------------- Vice Pres. Samuel C. Moore----------------------- Vice PreS. Clifford R. Oliver----------------------- Vice PreS. Arthur E. Pope------------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan--------------------- ---ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: William C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Carl S. Herrmann, Samuel C. Moore, Clifford R. Oliver, Arthur E. Pope. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $45,385,992 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------- $12,703,030 In Massachusetts------------------- Number of Electric Customers: $12,440, 171 otal.------------------------------ 84 In Massachusetts------------------- 79 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal---------------------------- 100, 700 Steam------------------------------ 17, 500 Hydro------------------------------ 83, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1,389, 140, 119 Generated.-------------------------- 273, 557,987 Purchased.-------------------------- 1,099,884, 132 Interchanged (groSS-in).------------- 15,698,000 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 329 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Athol Gas and Electric Co. Attleboro Steam and Electric Co. Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corp. Boston Edison Co. Central Massachusetts Electric Co. Connecticut River Power Co. Eastern Massachusetts Flectric Co. Fall River Flectric Light Co. Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Co. Gardner Electric Ilight Co. Green Mountain Power Corporation. Lawrence Gas and Electric Co. Leominster Electric Light and Power Co. The Lowell Electric Light Corporation. Lynn Gas and Electric Co. Middlesex County Electric Co. Milford Electric Light and Power Co. Montaup Flectric Co. New York Power & Light Corp. Northern Berkshire Gas Co. Public Service Co. of New Hampshire. Rhode Island Power Transmission Co. The Spencer Gas Co. Turners Falls Power and Electric Co. Twin State Gas and Electric Co. Union Light & Power Co. Wachusett Electric Co. Winchendon Electric Light and Power Co. Worcester County Electric Co. Worcester Suburban Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Boylston Lighting Dept. *Holden Municipal Light Dept. *Sterling Municipal Light Plant. *West Boylston Light Dept. Operations reported under Vermont 20–099 Northampton Electric Lighting Company 212 Main St., Northampton, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: See Also: (44-073). Guy K. Dustin------------------------------ PreS. William C. Bell------------------------- Vice Pres. Philip M. Childs----------------------- Vice Pres. John West------------------------------ Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn. -------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan-e--------------------- ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Paul Newell-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Philip M. Childs, Guy # ºustin, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John €St. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1, 157,936 Flectric Operating Revenues------------- $576, 501 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7, 341 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- 19,095, 290 Communities Served at Retail: Population Haydenville------------------------------- Northampton------------------------------.24, 794 Williamsburg------------------------------ 750 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Western Massachusetts Electric Co. 20–101 Northern Berkshire Gas Company 21 Bank St., North Adams, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: William C. Bell- - - Pres. Guy K. Dustin------------------------- Vice Pres. John West Vice-Pres. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Paul Newell------------ Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Ralph A. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. John E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. Directors: William C. Bell, E. Herbert Botsford, Philip M. Childs, Herbert B. Clark, Frederick J. Dunn, Guy K. Dustin, Henry J. Guild, Harry Hanson, William A. O’Hearn, John West, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,781,279 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $941, 566 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12,811 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 28, 898,620 Communities Served at Retail: Population Adams------------------------------------ 12,608 Briggsville--------------------------------- 600 Charlemont------------------------------- 800 Cheshire----------------------------------- 1, 100 Clarksburg-------------------------------- 600 Farnams - - - - * * * * - - - - - m ms - - - - - * * - - - - - - 250 North Adams------------------------------ 22, 213 Williamstown------------------------------ ,000 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–103 Norton Power & Electric Company 24 S. Main Street, Attleboro, Mass. (Controlled by International Hydro-Electric System.) Principal Officers: John West * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice PreS. Robert F. Burnett--------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn--------------- Secy. & Clerk Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. Earl V. Allen---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn ASSt. Treas. Leroy F. Hanners-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Earl V. Allen, William C. Bell, Robert F. Burnett, Harry Hanson, Charles H. Sanderson, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $170,279 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $82,783 Number of Electric Customers----------- 847 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,441, 893 Communities Served at Retail: Population Barrowsville-------------------------------- 300 Chartley * = 400 East NortOn---- - * * * - - - - s = ** - - - - -s sº ºr 525 Norton Center------ -- 1,500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Attleboro Steam and Electric Co. 20–105 Pittsfield Electric Company 48 Eagle St., Pittsfield, Mass. (Controlled by Western Massachusetts Cos: through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Fred C. Abercrombie-Vice-Chairman of the Board William A. Whittlesey---------------------- Pres. Fred L. Hunt-------------------------- Vice Pres; 330 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officers: Joseph F. Lyons---------------------------- Treas. Linwood E. Hewitt.------------------ Comptroller Robert S. Ingram ----------- ASSt. Treas. & Clerk George W. Harding----ASSt. Treas. & Asst. Clerk Directors: Fred C. Abercrombie, John Barker, Sam- uel G. Colt, Winthrop M. Crane, Jr., Richard H. Gamwell, Edward S. Rogers, William A. Whit- tlesey, Carl Wurtzbach. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $5,364, 554 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,943, 274 Number of Electric Customers---------- 19, 574 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5,000 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 79,640, 765 Communities Served at Retail: Population Becket------------------------------------- 300 Perkshire---------------------------------- 300 alton------------------------------------- 4, 206 Granville---------------------------------- 300 Rinsdale----------------------------------- 700 Lanesboro--------------------------------- 400 06---------------------------------------- 4, 222 Lenoxdale--------------------------------- 5 Pittsfield---------------------------------- 49,684 Richmond - * 270 Southwick - - - 700 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southern Berkshire Power and Electric Co. Also Renders: Steam heat service. 20–106 Plymouth County Electric Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Asso- ciation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. D. Campbell----------!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. L. H. McCray-------------------------- Vice PreS. H. C. Moore, Jr.------------------- Clerk & Treas. R. M. Miller--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: F. D. Bartlett, F. D. Campbell, E. P. Furber, H. U. Greene, I.T. Haddock, R. M. Mil- ler, H. C. Moore, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $2,686, 237 $906, 790 Number of Electric Customers----------- 14, 363 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 25, 235,860 Communities Served at Retail: - 10,000 population or more Population Plymouth--------------------------------- 13, 100 1,000 to 10,000 population Puxbury---------------------------------- 1,200 Onset-------------------------------------- 1,000 South Duxbury---------------------------- 1,692 Wareham---------------------------------- ,600 250 to 1,000 population Buzzards Bay------------------------------ 375 Carver------------------------------------- 400 East Carvér-- * - - - - - - - 262 East Wareham - - - - - - - - - - - - 675 Green Harbor------------------------------ 250 Kingston * * wº- - - - 250 Marion------------------------------------ 250 Communities Served at Retail: - Population 250 to 1,000 population Marshfield--------------------------------- 800 Marshfield Hills--------------------------- 265 North Carver------------------------------ 360 North Marshfield-------------------------- 250 Plympton--- 300 Rochester---------------------------------- 250 South Carver--------- - * * *- 407 South Wareham--------------------------- 445 West Duxbury 272 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Middleborough Gas and Electric Dept. 20–110 Provincetown Light and Power Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Flectric Asso- ciation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. D. Campbell----------------------------- Fres. W. F. Gilman-------------------------- Vice PreS. H. C. Moore, Jr.------------------- Clerk & Treas. Directors: F. D. Campbell, E. P. Furber, H. U. Greene, H. C. Moore, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $452, 401 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $127, 528 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,737 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion * * * - 1, 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: Total--------------------------------- 3,048,835 Energy Generated.---------------------- 2,975,087 Energy Purchased.---------------------- 73, 748 Communities Served at Retail: Population North Truro-------------------------------- 296 Provincetown - - 3,668 Truro--------------------------------------- 250 20–114' Quincy Electric Light and Power Company 1535 Hancock St., Quincy, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: John West Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. George W. Perry----------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson Treas. John E. Teagan Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Thomas A. Williams ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Harry Hanson, George W. Perry, Ralph D. Wash- burn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,726, 166 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,697,491 Number of Electric Customers----------- 22,931 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch _l º “s as * * * 66,918, 750 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 331 Population ---- 75,810 Community Served at Retail: Quincy MJtility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: BOSton Edison Co. 20–116 Salem Electric Lighting Company 205 Washington St., Salem, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Francis L. Ball------------------------------ PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. John L. Tudbury----------------------- Vice Pres. || Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Henry O. Wendt ASSt. Treas Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, Wil. liam C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Han- Son, Nathaniel N. Jones, Arthur E. Pope, Rock- well C. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,800, 213 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,620, 536 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12, 542 Pºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 27, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 79, 668,985 Generated----------------------------- 74,461,000 Purchased.----------------------------- 5, 207,985 Community Served at Retail: Population Salem * - º me 41, 213 * * * * * * * * = sº, s = * = Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Eastern Massachusetts Electric Co. 20–121 Southern Berkshire Power & Electric Company 10 Castle St., Great Barrington, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Guy K. Dustin------------------------------- Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. John West------------------------------ Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. Paul Newell-------------- Asst. Secy.-Asst. Treas. John B. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn Asst. Treas. Directors: John B. Beebe, William C. Bell, Wil- liam C. Coburn, Guy K. Dustin, Harry Hanson, H. C., Moore, Jr., Walter B. Sanford, Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,801, 157 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $467, 768 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 249 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 900 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total ---- 14,443,659 Generated.----------------------------- 3,326, 849 Purchased.----------------------------- 11, 116,810 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ashley Falls-------------------------------- 400 Glendale------------------------------------ 250 Great Barrington * => * 5,824 Lenox--------------------------------------- 2,000 Sheffield---- - 800 South Egremont---------------------------- 300 Stockbridge--------------------------------- 1,000 West Stockbridge--------------------------- 600 20–123 The Spencer Gas Company 110 Main St., Spencer, Mass. (Controlled by International Hydro-Electric System.) Principal Officers: Thomas G. Dignan-------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice PreS. Philip M. Childs----------------------- Vice PreS. John West------------------------------ Vice PreS. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Andrew P. Nichols------------------- ASSt. Treas. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Secy. Directors: William C. Bell, Philip M. Childs, Thomas G. Dignan, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $214, 286 Electric Operating Revenues--- $124, 450 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,213 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2,628,763 Community Served at Retail: Population Spencer------------------------------------- 6,641 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–127 Suburban Gas and Electric Company 150 Beach St., Revere, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: - Francis L. Ball------------------------------ E’reS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres, Colin F. Chisholm---------------------- Vico Pres. Joshua T. Day------------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan ASSt. Secy, William C. Coburn-- ASSt. Treas. Charles D. Perkins------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, Wil- liam C. Coburn, Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Nathaniel N. Jones, Arthur E. Pope, Rockwell C. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,298, 456 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $875, 528 Number of Electric Cust sº 14, 861 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1,000 332 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 20,066,026 Population 34, 405 16, 768 Communities Served at Retail: Utilities. Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Eastern Massachusetts Electric Co. Malden Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–129 Turners Falls Power & Electric Company Ave. A, Turners Falls, Mass. (Controlled by Western Massachusetts Cos. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Fred C. Abercrombie------------------------ Fres. Fred L. Hunt-------------------------- Vice Pres. Joseph F. Lyons--------------------------- Treas. Linwood E. Hewitt------------------ Comptroller Robert S. Ingram------------ ASSt. Treas. & Clerk Charles E. Bankwitz----------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Fred C. Abercrombie, Edwin A. Carter, Douglas Crocker, Fred L. Hunt, Charles Stetson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $16,922,472 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $4,198,081 Number of Electric Customers--------- 51 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 85,840 Steam-------------------------------- 30,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 55,840 Rilowatt-hours * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * - = m, ºr ºn 420,070, 153 Generated---------------------------- 235,164,990 Purchased.---------------------------- 184, 905, 163 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Connecticut Valley Power Exchange. Northampton Electric Lighting Co. Pittsfield Electric Co. United Electric Light Co. Western Massachusetts Electric Co. PluſBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Chester Municipal Light Dept. *Westfield Gas & Electric Light Dept. 20–132 Union Light & Power Company 25 E. Central St., Franklin, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: John West---------------------------------- Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Thomas G. Dignan-------------------- Vice Pres, Ralph D. Washburn--------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson.----------------------------- Treas. John E. Teagan----------------------- ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------ ASSt. Treas. Andrew P. Nichols------------------- ASSt. Treas Directors: William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Thomas G. Dignan, Louis A. Fiorani, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,505, 264 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $648,024 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 590 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 23, 938,955 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bellingham---------- 800 East Foxboro------------------------------- 500 Foxboro------------------------------------ 4,000 Fox Vale------------------------------------ 272 Franklin --------- 7,303 Plainville----------- - 1, 100 Sheldonville-------------------------------- 317 South Bellingham-------------------------- 1, 200 Wrentham ------- - - - - __ 1,000. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Mansfield Municipal Lighting Plant. *North Attleboro Electric Dept. 20–134 United Electric Light Company 73 State St., Springfield, Mass. (Controlled by Western Massachusetts Companies through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Fred C. Abercrombie-Vice Chairman of the Board Sidney W. Stevens-------------------------- TëS. Alfred Leeds--------------------------- Vice PreS. Fred L. Hunt-------------------------- Vice PreS. Joseph F. Lyons--------------------------- Treas. Linwood E. Hewitt------------------ Comptroller James Gray-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Robert S. Ingram--------------------------- Clerk Directors: Fred C. Abercrombie, Edwin A; Carter, §. Leeds, Charles C. McElwain, Sidney W. 6V6IAS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------- $17,760,000 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $4,763,077 Number of Electric Customers--------- 56,765 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.----------------------------- 49, 000 Steam-------------------------------- 44, 100 Hydro-------------------------------- 4,900 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 191,638,884 Generated---------------------------- 79, 379, 844 Purchased.---------------------------- 112, 259,040 Communities Served at Retail: Population AgaWam Center-------------------------- 2,700 Feeding Hills----------------------------- 1,800 Longmeadow----------------------------- 5, 790 Ludlow---------------------------------- 8, 181 North Agawam--------------------------- 2,700 Springfield------------------------------- 149,554 West Springfield------------------------- 17, 135 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Turners Falls Power & Electric Co. 20–136 Wachusett Electric Company 216 High St., Clinton, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Newell A. Clark----------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice PreS. Philip M. Childs----------------------- Vice Pres. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 333 Principal Officers: John West------------------------------ Vice Pres, Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Alfred W. Smith---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Philip M. Childs, Newell A. Clark, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $861, 473 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $453, 510 Number of Electric Customers------------- 5, 975 Generating Capacity---------------------- {} * Plant used for production of Steam only. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 13, 621,073 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ayer--------------------------------------- 3, 572 Clinton------------------------------------ 12, 440 Harvard----------------------------------- 650 Lancaster---------------------------------- 1,800 South Lancaster--------------------------- 1,000 Still River--------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Worcester Suburban Electric Co. PUBI,ICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Groton Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–140 Western Hancock Electric Com- pany 719 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Principal Officers: . H.O.IIS R. E. Rolls--------------------------------- Directors: N. T. Harrison, H. I. Heath, R. E. Rolls. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------- $5, 054 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,799 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 41 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 36,580 20–145 Western Massachusetts Electric Company 45 Federal St., Greenfield, Mass. (Controlled by Western Massachusetts Cos. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Fred C. Abercrombie-Vice-Chairman of the Board Harry E. Duren.----------------------------- Pres. Fred L. Hunt-------------------------- Vice Pres. Joseph F. Lyons---------------------------- Treas. Linwood E. Hewitt-------- - - - - - - - - - - Comptroller Robert S. Ingram ------------ ASSt. Treas. & Clerk Philip N. Glazer---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Fred C. Abercrombie, William B. Allen, Harry E. Duren, Charles H. Johnson, John W. Smead, Charles Stetson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $5,382, 547 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $1,545, 623 Number of Electric Customers----------- 19, 162 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 4,055 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 49, 472,512 Generated.----------------------------- 16,334,880 Purchased.----------------------------- 33, 137,632 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Easthampton------------------------------ 10, 316 Greenfield--------------------------------- 15,672 1,000 to 10,000 population Amherst----------------------------------- 6, 410 Hadley------------------------------------ 1,400 Hatfield----------------------------------- 2,000 Montague--------------------------------- 7, 582 Northfield--------------------------------- 1, 290 Shelburne---------------------------------- 1,300 Shelburne Falls---------------------------- 3,300 South Deerfield---------------------------- 1, 333 Ashfield----------------------------------- 278 Bernardston------------------------------- 400 Buckland---------------------------------- 300 Conway----------------------------------- 600 Cummington.------------------------------ 428 Peerfield----------------------------------- 600 East Whately------------------------------ 450 North Hadley----------------------------- 341 Pelham------------------------------------ 400 Riverside---------------------------------- 350 Southampton.------------------------------ 513 Whatley---------------------------------- 300 Worthington------------------------------- 471 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Huntington Electric Light Co. Northampton Electric Lighting Co. Northern Berkshire Gas Co. Pittsfield Electric Co. Turners Falls Power & Electric Co. 20–147 Weymouth Light and Power Company 1371 Commercial St., (Jackson Square), Weymouth, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: John West----------------------------------- Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. º W. Perry----------------------- Vigg Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Séčy. Harry Hanson.------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Thomas A. Williams------------------ ASSt. Treas. Directors: George L. Barnes, William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Harry Hanson, Harry R. Hill, George W. Perry, Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2, 152,496 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $779, 201 Number of Electric Customers----------- 10, 289 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 200 334 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 24, 486,004 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brookville--------------------------------- 600 Holbrook---------------------------------- 2,500 Randolph---------------------------------- 7, 634 Weymouth-------------------------------- 23,868 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Braintree Electric Light Dept. *Hingham Municipal Light Dept. * Hull Electric Light Dept. 20–149 Winchendon Electric Light and Power Company 82 Central St., Winchendon, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Newell A. Clark----------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------- Vice PreS. John West------------------------------ Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Alfred W. Smith---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Newell A. Clark, William C. Coburn, Harry Hanson, Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $406, 287 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $143,913 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,730 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 256 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4,070,981 Generated 534, 797 Purchased m = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºn tº ºs 3, 536, 184 Community Served at Retail: Population Winchendon-------------------------------- 6, 575 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New England Power Co. 20–150 Worcester County Electric Company 11 Foster St., Worcester, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Samuel C. Moore---------------------------- Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Thomas G. Dignan--------------------- Vice Pres. Fred H. Smith------------------------- Vice Pres. John West - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - * * * Vice Pres. . Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Secy. Andrew P. Nichols----- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. William C. Coburn------------------- Asst. Treas. Lambert L. Gustafson ASSt. Treas. Ephraim M. Norwood ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, Chandler Bullock, Thomas G. Dignan, Albert J. Gifford, Harry Hanson, Carl S. Hermann, Oswald J. LaLiberte, Samuel C. Moore, Andrew P. Nichols, Maurice F. Reidy, Albert W. Rice, Frederic B. Washburn, #º D. Washburn, Royal D. Webster, John €St. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $14,246, 157 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $5,412, 215 Number of Electric Customers---------- 71, 143 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 57, 940 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 213,031, 663 Generated---------------------------- 134,445, 500 Energy Purchased.-------------------- 78, 586, 163 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brimfield - - - - - - * * * - - - - - - - * * * - - - 650 Charlton---------------------------------- 250 Charlton City---------------------------- 670 Charlton Depot.------------------ --------- 250 Cherry Valley---------------------------- 950 Dudley----------------------------------- 4, 616 Fiskdale---------------------------------- 650 Leicester---------------------------------- 1, 750 North Oxford----------------------------- 1, 275 Oxford------------------------------------ , 500 Rochdale--------------------------------- 1, 700 Southbridge------------------------------ 16, 825 Sturbridge-------------------------------- 1,000 Webster----------------------------------- 13, 186 Worcester--------------------------------- 193, 694 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Spencer Gas Co. Worcester Suburban Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Paxton Electric Light Dept. *Shrewsbury Municipal Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–153 Worcester Suburban Electric Company Main St., Uxbridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power ASSociation.) Principal Officers: Thomas G. Dignan--------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. John West------------------------------ Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Secy. & Clerk Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan------------------------ ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Andrew P. Nichols------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: William C. Bell, William C. Coburn, Thomas G. Dignan, Harry Hanson, Ralph D. Washburn, John West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,879, 193 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,638,619 Number of Electric Cust sº 22,715 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 52, 583, 206 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Marlborough------------------------------ 15, 154 Northbridge------------------------------- 10, 242 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS, 335 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Auburn - * = * * * - - - - - - - * * * * * * 6, 629 Blackstone--------------------------------- 4, 566 East Douglas------------------------------ 1,650 Farnumsville------------------------------ 1,500 Fisherville---------------------------------- 1, 375 Grafton - - - - - - -- 1,000 Millbury---------------------------------- 6,983 Millville----------------------------------- 2,000 North Grafton----------------------------- 1, 150 Northborough.----------------------------- 1,500 Southborough------------------------------ 1,300 Upton------------------------------------- 1,000 Uxbridge---------------------------------- 6, 417 West Upton------------------------------- 1,000 Westborough------------------------------ 6,000 250 to 1,000 population Berlin------------------------------------- 450 Bolton------------------------------------- 700 Cordaville--------------------------------- 250 Douglas------------------------------------ 397 Fayville------------------------------------ 300 Manchaug --- 450 Mendon----------------------------------- 960 Saundersville------------------------------ 500 Southville--------------------------------- 250 Sutton Center----------------------------- 300 West Sutton------------------------------- 300 Wilkinsonville----------------------------- 780 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: BOSton Edison Co. Wachusett Electric Co. Worcester County Electric Co. Also Renders: Gas service. 20–223 The Barre Wool Combing Co., Ltd. Vernon Ave., South Barre, Mass. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Chas. D. McEvoy-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $9,534 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 237 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 194, 187 Community Served at Retail: Population South Barre a---- 900 * Majority of customers are company employees. 20–311 Lake May Power Company Lee, Mass. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Robert D. Moore--------------------------- PreS. Paul F. Moore ---------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $98,733 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10, 131 Number of Electric Custo sº - 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------------- 900 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 966, 100 Energy Sold for Resale---------------------- 94, 000 20–344 Monument Mills Housatonic, Mass. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Thomas S. Ramsdell -- - - - - - - - - - - - Secy. & Engr. Joseph S. Mellow - - - - - - - - - - POwer Plant Foreman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $325,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $6,568 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 2,600 Steam----------------------------------- 2,000 Hydro----------------------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for ReSale-------------------- 918, 636 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southern Berkshire Power & Electric Co. 20–355 Mount Hope Finishing Co. North Dighton, Mass. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. R. Briggs----------------- Mgr. Elec. Lt. Dept. H. V. Lynch-------------------- Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $41,346 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,940 Number of Electric Cust S. - - 255 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --------------- 120 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 251, 245 Community Served at Retail: Population North Dighton----------------------------- 1,053 Also Renders: Water Service. 20–380 Quaker Building Company 27 School St., Boston, Mass. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Clarence R. Davis---------------------- Manager The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $70,644 Number of Electric Cust S. - 150 Fºllowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 1, 623, 508 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 283, 790 Also Renders: Steam service! 336 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 20–400 Strathmore Paper Co. West Springfield, Mass. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: GeO. R. Wholean -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chief Engr. Frank H. Miller---------------------- Chief Elec. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24,983 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $12,603 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 201 Generating Capacity: Rilowatt Total--------------------------------- 4,300 Steam------------------------------------ 2,000 Hydro------------------------------------ 2,300 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 253,229 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 161, 191 Community Served at Retail: Population Woronoco------------------------------------ _ 522 20–510 *Ashburnham Municipal Light Department Ashburnham, Mass. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35, 154 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $29, 540 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 748 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 794,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ashburnham------------------------------- 2, 100 20–515 *Belmont Municipal Light Department 450 Concord Ave., Belmont, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chester L. Howe--------------------------- - Mgr. John H. Shattuck--------------------- Office Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Charles R. Betts, Gilmore C. Dickey, J. Watson Flett (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $887, 561 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $359, 717 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7,643. Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- 13, 300, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Belmont----------------------------------- 26,867 20–521 *Blandford Electric Light Depart- ment Blandford, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Irwin P. Anderson-------------------------- Mgr. Commissioners: W. V. Bodurtha, Carl Knittel (clerk), John W. Peebles (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $19,960 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,652 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 215 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 161, 190 Also Renders: Water Service. 20–526 *Boylston Lighting Department Central St., Boylston, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. B. Lovell - Light Board: Alfred J. Brousseau, Arthur R. Flagg, Henry S. Reed. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $50,794 Flectric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,408 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 375 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ------------------------- 479,810 Communities Served at Retail: Population Boylston Center---------------------------- 1,000 Morningdale------- ------------------------- 300 20–532 *Braintree Electric Light Department 44 Allen St., E. Braintree, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ernest T. Fulton---------------------------- Mgr. Light Board: Frank P. Lord (secy.), Shelley A. Neal, Norton P. Potter, (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,250, 302 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $389,886 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5,410 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 13,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 25, 051, 416 Generated----------------------------- 24, 396,000 'Purchased.…................. 655, 416 Community Served at Retail: Population Braintree---------------------------------- 16, 378 20–537 *Town of Brookline Brookline, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: John J. HenneSSy----------------- Wire Inspector The following data are for the year 1940: P(ilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 196, 000 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 337 20–543 *Chester Municipal Light - Department Chester, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. Meyer Board of Selectmen: Leon Kelso, Thomas ROSe, Joseph Zisk. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $39,331 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $24, 413 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 726, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Chester------------------------------------- 1,000 Also Renders: Steam Service. 20–548 *Chicopee Electric Light Department 725 Front St., Chicopee, Mass. Principal Flectric Utility Official: R. P. Benedict------------------------------ Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Amico J. Barone, Robert W. Burke, Wm. Theroux. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $932, 514 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $443,432 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 10, 974 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 19, 121,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Chicopee---------------------------------- 41, 664 20–559 *Concord Municipal Light Plant 12 Main St., Concord, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Everett E. Pierce---------------------------- Mgr. Municipal Light Board: John Anderson, William A. Buttrick, Richard B. McSweeney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $184,085 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $152, 160 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 509, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Concord------------------------------------ 7,972 20–565 *Town of Danvers—Municipal Light Plant 7 Conant St., Danvers, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Leo D. Nimblett Board of Electric Light Commissioners: Arthur E. Perkins, Oscar H. Perkins, David E. Woodward. 322184—42 27 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $277, 119 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $181,998 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 437 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 777,476 Community Served at Retail: Population Panvers----------------------------------- 14. 179 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY Beverly Gas & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Middleton Electric Light Dept. 20–570 *Georgetown Light Department 79 Central St., Georgetown, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Raymond I. Holt---------------------------- Mgr. Selectmen: Barney Carmenker, Albert R. Green- leaf, Edward S. Nelson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50, 140 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28, 307 Number of Electric Customers------------- 701 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 739, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Georgetown-------------------------------- 1,800 Also Renders: Water Service. 20–576 *Groton Electric Light Department Station Ave., Groton, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Walter H. Dodge---------------------------- Mgr. Board of Electric Light Commissioners: James T. Bennett, Fred W. Coburn, Charles Z. Southard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $121,423 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $42,470 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 859 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 301, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Groton------------------------------------- 1, 950 20–581 *Groveland Light Commission Groveland, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Myron O. Wood---------------------------- Mgr. Commissioners: Howard E. Martin, Harley G. Miles, Allen G. Twombly. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75, 330 Electric Operating Rev S.-- -- $25,625 Number of Electric Customers------------- 702 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------ -- 519,976 338 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Groveland--------- 1,600 South Groveland--------------------------- 1, 175 Also Renders: Water Service. 20–586 *Hingham Municipal Light Department South St., Hingham, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Bertram L. Beal Municipal Light Board: Howard G. Jermyn, Walter R. Whiting, Frank H. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $250, 241 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $136, 195 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,840 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 5,372,033 Community Served at Retail: Population Hingham--- 8,003 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Brockton Edison Co. 20–592 *Town of Holden, Municipal Light Department Holden, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Henry J. Gonyer---------------------------- Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Daniel J. Harrington, J. Stanley Holt, Antonio Zottoli. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $84,051 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $62,647 Number of Electric Customers------------ i, 276 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,052, 376 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chaſſins------------------------------------ 1,000 Holden------------------------------------- 2, 114 Jefferson------------------------------------ 600 Also Renders: Water Service. 20–597 *Holyoke Gas and Electric Department City Hall, Holyoke, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John J. Kirkpatrick-------------------------- Mgr. Francis J. Kirkpatrick----------------- ASSt. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,466, 358 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $905, 268 Number of Electric Customers----------- 16, 977 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 20,028 Steam--------------------------------- 18, 250 Hydro--------------------------------- 1,778 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 36,612,670 Generated----------------------------- 31,904, 620 Purchased 4, 708,050 Community Served at Retail: Population Holyoke----------------------------------- 53,750 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–602 *Hudson Light and Power Department Town Hall, Hudson, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Thomas A. Walsh Commissioners of Public Works: Ralph R. Hºte. Albert F. Shortsleeves, William P. alSI]. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $565, 406 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $196, 419 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,440 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 3, 525 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 9,572,920 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gleasondale---------------------------------- 255 Hudson - - -- 8,042 Stow---------------------------------------- 700 20–608 *Town of Hull Electric Light Department Hull, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Andrew F. Pope----------------------------- Mgr. Light Commission: John J. Martin, Raymond McDonald, John R. Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $475, 575 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $138,973 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 525 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,486,220 Community Served at Retail: Population Hull---------------------------------------- 2, 167 20–613 *Ipswich Water & Light Department Elm St., Ipswich, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles A. Mallard-------------------------- Mgr. Water & Light Commission: W. G. Brown, James E. Cole, Jr. (chairman), A. B. Mullholland. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $329, 356 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $103, 250 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 271 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 3,797, 736 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 339 Population 6,348 Community Served at Retail: Ipswich Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rowley Municipal Lighting Plant. Also Renders: Water service. 20–619 *Littleton Electric Light Department Whitcomb Ave., Littleton, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. H. McDonald Mgr. Board of Electric Light Commissioners: Paul D. Fletcher, John B. Sibley, Charles D. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- $60, 167 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $35,632 Number of Electric Cust ſº 839 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch __ 1, 273,600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Littleton Center 500 Littleton Common ---- 500 Littleton Depot 20–624 *Mansfield Municipal Lighting Plant 1 Union St., Town Hall, Mansfield, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harold H. Everett-------------------- Town Mgr. Town Selectmen: Frederick Hewey, Wm. P. Mc- Dermott, Lewis A. Richards, E. A. Richardson, Newell B. Vickery. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $142,975 $146,004 Number of Electric Cust º 2,050 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch .. 5, 765, 534 Community Served at Retail: Population Mansfield----------------------------------- 6, 530 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Norton Power & Electric Co. 20–630 *Marblehead Municipal Light Department 107 Pleasant St., Marblehead, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Emery G. Goodwin Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Josie S. L. Greene, E. Lewis Homan, Theodore Hutchinson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $732, 207 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $198,609 Number of Electric Customers 3,996 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal.------ - - 2,254 Steam 1,500 Internal Combustion 754 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours ntal 5,471,806 Generated 1,356, 370 Purchased 4, 115,436 Community Served at Retail: Population Marblehead-------. 10,856 20–635 *Merrimac Light Department 4 School St., Merrimac, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: .” Louis B. Davis Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Irving G. Burbeck (chair- man), John Marshall, Geo. F. Wilde. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $50,854 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,781 Number of Electric Cust sº 986 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ..] 1,059, 240 Community Served at Retail: P opulation Merrimac------------------------------- 2,000 20–637 *Metropolitan District Commission, Water Division 20 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. E. Killam --------------- Director-Chief Engr. Harold J. Toole - - - - - - - - Supt. Wachusett Section Israel Aubey--------------- Supt. Sudbury Section The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $306, 778 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $56,941 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 4, 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 9, 226, 188 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: BOSton Edison Co. New England Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 20–641 *Middleborough Gas and Electric Department P. O. Box 309, Nickerson Ave., Middleborough, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edward C. Peterson ------------------------ Mgr. George A. Philbrook--- Supt. Town Selectmen: Toivo Erickson, Louis F. Hard- ing, Wm. J. MacDougal, Homeo Millette, James F. Shurtleff. 340 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $350, 651 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $132,049 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 525 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,993,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Middleborough.------------------------- 9,032 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–646 *Middleton Electric Light Department Middleton, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. B. Harrington---------------------------- Mgr. Board of Commissioners: Chas. G. Bates, R. B. Floyd (chairman), A. L. Jones. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $36,550 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $35, 570 Number of Electric Customers---------- 556 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 980, 912 Community Served at Retail: Population Middleton---------------------------------- 2, 300 20–652 *North Attleboro Electric Department 78 N. Washington St., North Attleboro, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ernest H. Ebert----------------------------- Mgr. Board of Commissioners: Harry C. Barber, Harvey W. Gay, William Plattner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $155, 466 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $175,822 Number of Electric Cust is 3, 590 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 5, 542,000 Community Served at Retail: Population North Attleboro--------------------------- 10, 359 20–657 *Norwood Municipal Light Department Norwood, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Church - - - sº m 'm - - - - - - * * * * * - - - Supt pl. W. C. Kendrick------------------------ Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $261,967 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 632 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 10, 511,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Norwood -- 15, 383 20–662 *Town of Paxton, Electric Light Department Paxton, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roy M. Wentworth------------------------- Mgr. Electric Light Commission: Geo. Dewey, Alan Hutchens. The following data are for the year 1940: Robert Carpenter, Electric Utility Plant----------------- - - - - - - $57,715 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $23,071 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 290 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 832, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Paxton--------------------------------------- 250 Also Renders: Water service. 20–668 *Peabody Municipal Light Plant City Hall, P. O. Box 147, Peabody, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Officiais: Joseph B. O’Keefe------------------------- Mayor Patrick H. Tumelty------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $203,067 Electric Operating Revenues - ----------- $376,620 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6,998 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1,800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 11, 844, 338 Generated----------------------------- 8, 753,660 Purchased----------------------------- 3,090,678 Communities Served at Retail: Population Peabody---------------------------------- 21, 711 South Lynnfield 900 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Salem Electric Lighting Co. 20–673 *Town of Princeton Municipal Light System Princeton, Mass. Communities Served at Retail: Population Princeton------------------------------------ 300 Princeton Depot.----------------------------- 700 20–679 *Reading Municipal Light Department 25 Haven St., Reading, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Arthur G. Sias---------------------, -------- Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Herbert Evans, Ellenwood, Henrv R. Johnson. Louis DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MASSACHUSETTS 341 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $691, 216 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $357, 591 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 511 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ..] 11, 365, 000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Lynnfield Center--------------------------- 1,600 North Reading----------------------------- 3,000 North Wilmington.------------------------- 1, 500 Reading----------------------------------- 10,866 Wilmington-------------------------------- y Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Boston Edison Co. Lawrence Gas and Electric Co. The Lowell Electric Light Corporation. Plj BLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Middleton Electric Light Dept. *Peabody Electric Light TDept. *Wakefield Municipal Light Dept. 20–684 *Rowley Municipal Lighting Plant Main St., Rowley, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Maynard R. Haley-------------------------- Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Frank W. Fletcher (chair- Iman), Rupert S. Morrill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $79,980 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,745 Number of Electric Customers------------- 426 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 417,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Rowley----------- - -, -ºº ºn tº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800 20–690 *Russell Electric Light Department Main St., Russell, Mass. Community Served at Retail: Population Russell---------------------------------------- 750 20–695 *Town of Shrewsbury Municipal Light Department Shrewsbury, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. A. Logan Mgr. Light Board: Joseph A. Fleming, Harvey C. Friars, Fred K. Pope. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues- $198, 997 $128, 319 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 599 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased – 4, 827,830 Community Served at Retail: Population Shrewsbury-------------------------------- 7, 586 20–700 *Electric Light Department, Town of South Hadley 85 Main St., S. Hadley Falls, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wilfrid W. Scott Mgr. Municipal Light Board: F. R. Graham, A. R. Larose, F. T. Moss. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $175, 587 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $110,939 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,026 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 4, 116, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population South Hadley------------------------------ 6,856 20–706 *Sterling Municipal Light Plant Main St., Sterling, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clifford H. Rugg---------------------------- Mgr. Light Board: Albert O. Bullard (chairman), R. J. Buck, Harrison W. Rugg (clerk). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $89,985 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,793 Number of Electric Customers------------- 518 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 828,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Sterling--------------------------------------- 500 Also Renders: Water Service. 20–711 *Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant 55 Weir St., Taunton, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chester F. Buckley-------------------------- Mgr. Lighting Commission: Walter Barker, Willis K. Hodgman, Jr. (chairman), John F. Mulhern (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,703, 121 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $740,768 Number of Electric Customers 11, 747 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 15, 500 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 31,483, 500 Generated.----------------------------- 30,775, 500 Purchased.----------------------------- 708,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Berkley------------------------------------ 350 Raynham---------------------------------- 800 Raynham Center-------------------------- 1,225 Taunton * - - - - * * * * * * - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * 37, 395 Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 342 FEDERAL POWER COMDMISSION 20–717 *Templeton Municipal Light Department Central St., Baldwinsville, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Lorey A. Tourtellot Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $88,696 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $49,528 Number of Electric Cust is 1,228 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch _l 1, 298,040 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baldwinsville------------------------------- 2,200 East Templeton---------------------------- 935 Otter River--------------------------------- 498 Templeton - __ 767 20–723 *Wakefield Municipal Light Department 7 Albion St., Wakefield, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: S. H. Brooks Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Marcus Beebe, 2nd, Curtis L. Sopher, Eugene J. Sullivan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $236, 568 Number of Electric Cust sº 4, 803 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch __ 7,876,098 Community Served at Retail: Population Wakefield 16, 223 Also Renders: Gas Service. 20–729 *Wellesley Electric Light Department Taylor Block, Wellesley, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles E. Fuller---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,174,205 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $302, 795 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 4,863 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 11, 378,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wellesley---------------------------------- 15, 127 20–734 *West Boylston Light Department Crescent St., W. Boylston, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chester D. Denton Mgr. Municipal Light Board: Horace P. Greenwood ºan), Walter H. Sharpe, Leon E. Wilcox CICIK). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $66,640 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $36,002 Number of Electric Customers------------ 631 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 215,600 Community Served at Retail: Population West Boylston------------------------------ 1,822 20–740 *Westfield Gas & Electric Light Department 34 Main St., Westfield, Mass. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. A. Kinard - Municipal Light Board: J. E. Curley, G. L. Gaylord, Dr. T. E. POWer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $218, 548 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $351,833 Number of Electric Customers 5,996 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17, 334,030 Community Served at Retail: Population Westfield---------------------------------- 18, 793 Also Renders: Gas Service. MICHIGAN Index Reference Number 100--------------------------------------- 21–805 *Allegan Board of Public Works------------- 21-510 Alpena Power Company-------------------- 21–010 Al’s Service Electric Station----------------- 21–205 Baraga County Light and Power Company- 21–016 *Baraga, Village of.-------------------------- 2 *Bay City Electric Light Department------- Bay De Noguet Company------------------- *Bellaire, Village of ------------------------- *Bellevue, Village of ------------------------ Berrien Gas & Electric Company------------ *Bessemer Light Utility--------------------- *Big Rapids Hydro-Electric Plant----------- . *Blissfield Electric Light and Water Works - 21–531 *Burt Township Light & Water Department- 21–535 Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Compan Central Plant Company--------------------- 21–232 *Charlevoix Municipal Utilities------------- 21–539 *Chelsea Electric and Water Department---- 21–543 *Cherryland Rural Electric Co-operative ASSociation-------------------------------- Cliffs Power & Light Company, The-------- 21–018 *Clinton Light and Water Plant------------- *Cloverland Electric Cooperative------------ *Coldwater, Board of Public Works of the City of ----------------------------------- 1–550 *Constantine Electric Plant----------------- 21–556 Consumers Power Company---------------- 21–021 Copper District Power Company------------ 21–024 *Croswell, City of ------------------------ __ 21—558 *Crystal Falls, Light and Water Depart- ment, City of—----------------------------- 21–562 *Daggett, Village of.------------------------- 21–566 Denton Sleeping Garment Mills, Inc.-------- 21–243 . Detroit Edison Company, The-------------- 21–030 *Detroit, Public Lighting Commission, City of ----------------------------------- —573 *Dowagiac Board of Public Works----------- 21–577 *Eaton Rapids, City of .--------------------- 21–580 Edison Sault Electric Company------------- 21–033 Electrical Inspection and Servicing Com- Papy-------------------------------------- 21–265 *Escanaba Municipal Utilities--------------- 21–584 Fife Lake Light Company------------------- 21–034 Ford Motor Co------------------------------ 21–287 *Fruit Belt Electric Cooperative------------- 21–853 *Gladstone, City of.------------------------- 21–588 *Grand Haven, Board of Public Works, City of ----------------------------------- –591 *Grand Rapids Municipal Water & Light Station------------------------------------ 21–595 *Grayling Municipal Electric Plant--------- *Harbor Springs, City of Harmony Electric Company---------------- Harris Milling Company-------------------- *Hart Hydro Electric ------------------------ 21–607 Hayden Fuel and Supply Company--------- 21–309 Hillman Light & Power Co------------------ 21–042 *Hillsdale Board of Public Works_ _ _ ________ 21–611 *Holland, Board of Public Works of the City of.----------------------------------- 21–614 Houghton County Electric Light Company- 21–048 Hydro-Electric Company-------------------- 21–320 Hydro-Electric Light & Power-------------- 21–051 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company------ 21–054 Iron Range Light and Power Company----- 21–057 *Kalamazoo, City Light of. ----------------- 21—618 Lake Superior District Power Company----- 21–060 *L’Anse Municipal Hydro & Diesel Plant--- 21–622 Reference Number *Lansing Board of Water and Electric Light Commissioners---------------------------- 21–6 Leng, Mr. William-------------------------- *Lowell Water, Light and Power Plant------ Macatawa Park Company------------------- 2 Manistique Light and Power Company, The 21-075 Manistique Pulp and Paper Company------ 21–342 *Manton Water and Light Department----- 21–633 *Marquette-Department of Light & Power, City of—----------------------------------- 21-637 *Marshall City Water & Electric Works----- 21–641 Mayfield Electric Light Plant--------------- 1–078 Menominee and Marinette Light and Trac- tion Company----------------------------- 21–081 Michigan Alkali Company------------------ 21–353 Michigan Gas and Electric Company-------- 21–090 Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company - 21–364 Michigan Northern Power Company-------- 21–093 Michigan Public Service Company---------- 21–096 *Negaunee, City of.------------------------- 21–645 *Newberry Water and Light Board---------- 21–649 *Niles Board of Public Works--------------- 21–652 *Norway Electric Light Department-------- 21–656 *O. & A. Electric Cooperative--------------- 21–910 *Oceana Electric Cooperative ---------------- 21–922 Onaway Electric Light & Power Co--------- 21–111 *Ontonagon County Rural Electrification Association, The--------------------------- 21–924 *Paw Paw, Village of.----------------------- 21–659 Penn Iron Mining Company---------------- 21–397 *Petoskey Electric Department-------------- 21–663 Petoskey Portland Cement Co-------------- 21–408 Pointe Aux Barques Land Company-------- 21–410 *Portland Municipal Electric Department - - 21–667 *Presque Isle County Electric Cooperative Association-------------------------------- 21–929 *Republic Township Municipal System----- 21–671 Rogers City Electric Light & Power Com- pany-------------------------------------- 1–120 *Saint Louis Municipal Light and Water Plant, City of -- - - - - - - - - *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21–675 *Sebewaing Electric Light Plant------------- 21–678 *Southeastern Michigan Rural Electric Co- operative, Inc.----------------------------- 21–948 *South Haven, City of -...-------------------- 21–682 *Stephenson Electric Account, Village of. --- 21–686 *Sturgis, City.9f----------------------------- 21–690 *Thompsonville Power & Light Depart- 21–6 21-698 Iſle *Three Rivers, City of.---------------------- *Thumb Electric Cooperative--------------- *Top O’Michigan Rural Electric Company-- 21–960 *Traverse City Light and Power Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 1–701 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative----------- 21–963 *Union City, Village of.--------------------- 21–705 *University of Michigan--------------------- 21–707 Upper Michigan-Power & Light Company-- 21-129 Vanderbilt Electric Light and Power Co----- 21–135 *Wakefield, City of * *Western Michigan Electric Cooperative, The 21-980 *White Cloud Municipal Electric Light. Plant------------------------------------- 2 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company------- Wolverine Power Corporation----------,-,--- 21-147 *Wyandotte Department of Municipal Service---------- -- 21 *Zeeland, City of.--------------------------- *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 343 344 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION MICHIGAN 21–010 Alpena Power Company 227 N. Second Ave., Alpena, Mich. Principal Officers: P. K. Fletcher------------------------------- Pres. H. E. Fletcher-------------------------- Vice PreS. W. L. Gray----------------------------- ---- Secy. T. G. Fletcher------------------------------ Treas. Directors: H. E. Fletcher, P. K. Fletcher, T. G. Fletcher, W. L. Gray, C. B. King. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,417,897 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $290,351 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,356 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 6,880 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 19,688, 300 Generated.----------------------------- 18, 718,000 Purchased.----------------------------- 185,700 Interchanged (gross-in) ----------------- 784,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Alpena------------------------------------- 12,808" Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Thunder Bay Quarries Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: "Pºº Isle County Electric Cooperative SSIOl. 21–012 Berrien Gas & Electric Company 5265 Hohman St., Hammond, Ind. (Controlled by Midland United Co.) Principal Officers: D. H. Mitchell------------------------------ PreS. R. N. Zeek----------------------------- Vice Pres, F. F. Thacker------------------------ Secy.-Treas. J. A. Hawke-------------------------- Comptroller Directors: E. A. Longgood, D. H. Mitchell, R. N. Zeek. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $43, 198 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $16,471 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 287 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 379, 869 Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Beach 325 21–016 Baraga County Light and Power Company 616 Shelden Ave., Houghton, Mich. (Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation.) Principal Officers: Donald C. McClure------------------------- PreS Poisen--------------------------- Vice PreS. John Ralph --Secy.-Treas. G. B. Pidot---------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Principal Officers: E. Dale Chambers--------------------- Asst. Secy. J. E. Murray-----------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. B. Small---------------------------ASSt. Treas. F. Robert Anderson.------------------ ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: L. N. Boisen, A. P. Lewis, Donald C. McClure, J. E. Murray, H. L. Pearson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $669,200 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $65,675 Number of Electric Customers------------ 181 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 2, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------- 7,680,800 Generated.------------------------------ 7,627, 550 Purchased.------------------------------ 53. 2 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Houghton County Electric Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Baraga. *Village of L’Anse. *Ontonagon County Rural Electrification Assn. 21–018 The Cliffs Power & Light Company 1460 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio (Controlled by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. G. Mather-------------------- ------ Chairman P. B. Greene-------------------------------- PreS A. C. Brown--------------------------- Vice PreS. V. P. Geffine--------------------------- Vice PreS. S. R. Elliott------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. F. A. Bell.-- - ----Secy. E. H. Jaynes-- Asst. Secy. J. L. Luke---------------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. D. Preston--------------------------- Gen. Mgr P. P. Sadler------------------------------ Auditor E. E. Riedinger-------------------- ASSt. Auditor Directors: A. C. Brown, S. R. Elliott, V. P. Geffine, E. B. Greene, W. G. Mather, J. D. Preston. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - ------------- $8,052,566 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1, 164,422 Number of Electric Customers----------- 998 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 18, 416 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------- 94, 142, 732 Generated 81,383, 732 Purchased----------------------------- 12,759,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gwinn 1,041 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Michigan Gas and Electric Co. Wisconsin Michigan Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Marquette Dept. of Light and Power. *City of Negaunee. *Republic Township Municipal System. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 345 21–021 Consumers Power Company 212 Michigan Ave. W., Jackson, Mich. (Controlled by The Commonwealth & Southern Corporation through 71.02% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Justin R. Whiting---------------------- Chairman W. H. Sammis------------------------- Vice PreS. D. E. Karn--------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. W. H. Barthold Vice Pres. Jacob Hekma * * * * Vice PreS. C. J. Holmes----------- Vice PreS. & Gen. Counsel M. W. Arthur------ Vice Pres. & ASSt. Gen. Mſgr. F. G. Boyce---------------------------- Vice PreS. G. H. Bourne Comptroller A. J. Mayotte Secy. C. E. Rowe-- __TreaS. R. T. Kendall ---- Asst. Secy. S. B. Morten Asst. Secy. M. C. Dowling------------------------ ASSt. Secy. L. J. Hamilton ASSt. Secy. A. B. Simoneau $º º ASSt. Treas. C. E. Horning ASSt. Treas. C. A. Burnett------------------------ ASSt. Treas. E. E. Nelson.----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. Wigand------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: W. H. Barthold, G. H. Bourne, J. A., Brown, Percy H. Clark, Geo. E. Hardy, Jacob Hekma, C. J. Holmes, D. E. Karn, E. E. Nelson, W. H. Sammis, Justin R. Whiting. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------------------- $259, 179,006 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $35,950, 014 Number of Electric Customers-------- 459, 591 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---------------------------- 507, 115 Steam------------------------------- 358,900 Hydro------------------------------- 148, 215 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------- 2,092,867,846 Generated.------------------------- 1,902, 255,677 Purchased------------------------- 174,232, 809 Interchanged (gross-in).------------ 16, 379,360 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Adrian----------------------------------- 14, 230 Battle Creek----------------------------- 43,453 Bay City--------------------------------- 47,956 Flint------------------------------------- 151,543 Grand Rapids---------------------------- 164,292 Jackson---------------------------------- 49, 656 , Kalamazoo------------------------------- 54,097 Midland--------------------------------- 10,329 Muskegon-------------------------------- 47,697 Muskegon Heights----------------------- 16,047 WOSSO----------------------------------- 14,424 Pontiac----------------------------------- 66,626 Saginaw---------------------------------- 82,794 1,000 to 10,000 population Albion (Calhoun County) ---------------- 8, 345 Allegan----------------------------------- 4, 526 Almà------------------------------------- 7, 202 Belding---------------------------------- 4,089 Big Rapids------------------------------- 4,987 TODSOD---------------------------------- 1,871 Carrollton-------------------------------- 2,000 Carsºn City------------------------------ 1, 112 Cadillac---------------------------------- 9,855 Cedar Springs---------------------------- 1, 101 Charlotte--------------------------------- 5, 544 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Chesaning-------------------------------- 1,807 Clare------------------------------------- 1, 844 Clio-------------------------------------- 1, 711 Comstock-------------------------------- 1, 200 Coopersville------------------------------ 1,083 Corunna---------------------------------- 2,017 Davison---------------------------------- 1,397 Durand---------------------------------- 3, 127 East Grand Rapids----------------------- 4, 899 East Tawas------------------------------ 1,670 Essexville-------------------------------- 2,390 Evart------------------------------------ 1, 335 Fenton----------------------------------- 3,377 Flushing--------------------------------- 1,806 Frankenmuth---------------------------- 1, 100 Frankfort-------------------------------- 1,642 Fremont--------------------------------- 2, 520 Galesburg-------------------------------- 1,040 Gladwin---------------------------------- 1,600 Grand Blanc----------------------------- 1,012 Grand Ledge----------------------------- 3,899 Grandville------------------------------- 1,566 Greenville-------------------------------- 5,321 Hastings---------------------------------- 5, 175 Holly------------------------------------ 2, 343 Homer----------------------------------- 1, 145 Hudson---------------------------------- 2, 426 Ionia------------------------------------- 6,392 Ithaca------------------------------------ 2,000 Jonesville--------------------------------- 1,302 Lake Odessa------------------------------ 1,417 Leslie------------------------------------ 1, 281 Manchester------------------------------ 1, 100 Manistee--------------------------------- 8,694 Marshall"-------------------------------- 5,019 Mason.----------------------------------- 2,867 Michigan Center------------------------- 1,400 Morenci---------------------------------- 1,845 Mount Morris---------------------------- 2,237 Mount Pleasant-------------------------- 8,413 Nashville--------------------------------- 1,279 Newaygo--------------------------------- 1, 282 North Muskegon------------------------- 1,694 North Park------------------------------ 1,500 Otsego------------------------------------ 3,428 Ovid------------------------------------- 1, 248 Pinconning------------------------------- 1,027 Plainwell--------------------------------- , 424 Quincy----------------------------------- 1, 333 Reading---------------------------------- 1,059 Reed City-------------------------------- 1,845 Rockford--------------------------------- 1, 773 Saint Charles----------------------------- 1,300 Saint Johns------------------------------- 4,422 Sparta------------------------------------ 1,945 Spring Lake------------------------------ 1,329 Tawas City------------------------------ 1,075 Tecumseh -------------------------------- 2,921 Vandercook Lake------------------------- 2,000 Wayland--------------------------------- 1,005 West Branch----------------------------- 1,962 Wolf Lake---------------------- ---------- 1,000 Wyoming Park--------------------------- 1,800 Zeeland---------------------------------- 3,007 a Commercial power and industrial service only. 250 to 1,000 population Ackerson Lake--------------------------- 300 da-------------------------------------- 450 Addison---------------------------------- 465 Alabaster--------------------------------- 300 Alger------------------------------------- 500 Allen------------------------------------- 250 Alto-------------------------------------- 300 Arcadia---------------------------------- 900 Ashley----------------------------------- 466 Athens----------------------------------- 658 Atlas------------------------------------- 250 Au Gres---------------------------------- 317 346 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Auburn---------------------------------- 3.18 Augusta - - 785 Bancroft ** * * -º m, ºs * as 581 Bannister-------------------------------- 350 Barryton----------- 342 Bath------------------------------------- 300 Bear Lake-------------------------------- 327 Beaverton-------------------------------- 641 Bedford---------------------------------- 250 Belmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Pentley---------------------------------- 500 Benzonia--------------------------------- 340 Beulah----------------------------------- 378 Beverly---------------------------------- 450 Birch Run------------------------------- 600 Blanchard-------------------------------- 280 Breckenridge----------------------------- 868 Bridgeport------------------------------- 350 Britton----------------------------------- 409 Brooklyn--------------------------------- 749 Burlingame------------------------------ 500 Burr Oak--------------------------------- 706 Byron------------------------------------ 469 Byron Center---------------------------- 400 Camden---------------------------------- 385 Caledonia-------------------------------- 467 Casnovia--------------------------------- 289 Cement City----------------------------- 525 Centerville------------------------------- 812 Ceresco----------------------------------- 250 Chase------------------------------------ 350 Clarksville------------------------------- 309 layton---------------------------------- 375 Climax----------------------------------- 460 Coleman--------------------------------- 722 Colon------------------------------------ 896 Comstock Park--------------------------- 287 Concord---------------------------------- 618 "oral------------------------------------- 350 Crystal----------------------------------- 400 Dattsville--------------------------------- 351 Deerfield--------------------------------- 569 Delton --------- -* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * m sº as as me = * = 300 DeWitt---------------------------------- 651 Dimondale------------------------------- 604 Porr------------------------------------- 325 Douglas---------------------------------- 421 East Lake-------------------------------- 412 Edmore---------------------------------- 825 Elberta----------------------------------- 617 Elm Hall--------------------------------- 275 Elsie. ------------------------------------ 773 Empire----------------------------------- 266 Erie ------------------------------------- 590 Eureka----------------------------------- 250 Falmouth-------------------------------- 250 Farwell---------------------------------- 538 Fennville--------------------------------- 643 Filer City-- - - 400 Fowler----------------------------------- 579 Freeland--------------------------------- 780 Freeport---------------------------------- 405 Frontier---------------------------------- 300 Fruitport--------------------------------- 458 Fulton----------------------------------- 362 Gaines----------------------------------- 268 Genesee---------------------------------- 255 Glennie---------------------------------- 500 Goodrich--------------------------------- 400 Grand Junction-------------------------- 330 Grant------------------------------------ 552 Grass Lake------------------------------- 810 Greenbush------------------------------- 250 Gregory---------------------------------- 250 Fale-------------------------------------- 250 Hamilton--------------------------------- 500 Hanover---------------------------------- 402 Harrison--------------------------------- 727 Harrisville-------------------------------- 437 aslett----------------------------------- 250 Hemlock--------------------------------- 400 Henderson------------------------------- 250 Holt-------------------------------------- 329 Holton----------------------------------- 350 Ponor------------------------------------ 284 Hopkins------------ 455 Horton----------------------------------- 275 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Howard City----------------------------- Hubbardston----------------------------- Hudsonville------------------------------ Jamestown------------------------------- Jasper------------------------------------ Lake City-------------------------------- Lakeview-------------------------------- Lyons------------------------------------ Manitou Beach--------------------------- Maple Rapids---------------------------- Marion----------------------------------- Montgomery----------------------------- Montrose--------------------------------- Morley----------------------------------- Napoleon--------------------------------- New Lothrop----------------------------- North Adams---------------------------- North Bradley--------------------------- North Star------------------------------- Onsted.----------------------------------- Pompeii---------------------------------- Riverdale-------------------------------- ROSC0mmon------------------------------ Rose City-------------------------------- 839 391 837 500 275 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 347 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Rosebush--------------------------------- 400 Sand Lake------------------------------- 365 Sanford----------------------------------- 250 Saranac---------------------------------- 849 Saugatuck---------- 628 Scotts ------------------------------------ 400 Shaftsburg-------------------------------- 250 Shepherd--------------------------------- 852 Sheridan---------------------------------- 542 Sherwood--------------------------------- 281 Shields------------------------------------ 300 Six Lakes--------------------------------- 250 Spring Arbor----------------------------- 500 Springport-------------------------------- 502 Standish---------------------------------- 981 Stanton----------------------------------- 908 Sterling----------------------------------- 350 Stockbridge------------------------------- 852 unfield.--------------------------------- 348 Swartz Creek----------------------------- 250 Talmadge--------------------------------- 250 Tekonsha--------------------------------- 636 Temperance------------------------------ 720 Truſant--------------------------- * - - - - - - - 300 Vermontville----------------------------- 564 €TI100 - - - - - - - - - - - - 507 Vestaburg-------------------------------- 250 Virginia Park----------------------------- 300 aldron---------------------------------- 424 Weidman--------------------------------- 450 Westphalia------------------------------- 386 *---------------------------------- 250 Whittemore------------------------------- 420 Woodland-------------------------------- 402 Žilwaukee-------------------------------- 700 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Detroit Edison Co. (interchange). Harmony Electric Co. Michigan Public Service Co. Macatawa Park Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bay City Electric Light Dept. *Village of Bellevue. *Chelsea Electric and Water Dept. *City of Eaton Rapids. *Marshall City Electric & Water Works. Also Renders: Gas (manufactured and natural), Steam heating, and water service. 21–024 Copper District Power Company Ontonagon, Mich. (Jointly controlled by Copper Range Co. and The Middle West Corporation—Copper Range Co. through 45.5% of voting power, Middle West Cor. poration through 44.8% of voting power.) Principal Officers: William H. Schacht.------------------------ PreS. Walter J. Hodgkins John M. Wagner---------------------------- º Philip F. Beaudin-------------------------- Treas. Frank H. Speese------------------------- Gen. Mgr., Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: John E. Barber, Philip F. Beaudin, D. C., EVerest, Walter J. Hodgkins, William H. Schacht. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,221, 212 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $407, 399 Number of Electric Cust º 1,995 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 12,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 48,481,050 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baltic- --- 550 Ontonagon---------------------------------- 2, 290 Painesdale---------------------------------- 2, 674 Rockland----------------------------------- 700 Trimountain-------------------------------- 700 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Houghton County Electric Light Company. Wisconsin-Michigan Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: - “º Ontonagon County Rural Electrification SSI). 21–030 The Detroit Edison Company 2000 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Principal Officers: Alex Dow------------ Chairman, Exec. Committee Alfred C. Marshall ------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Sarah M. Sheridan--------------------- Vice PreS. James W. Parker-------- Vice Pres. & Chief Engr. Philip J. Savage------------------------ Vice PreS. Russell W. Symes------ Secy. & Gen. Accountant Arthur D. Spencer------------------------- Treas. Harry A Snow------------------------- Controller James H. Lobban Asst. Secy. & Asst. Gen. Accountant Thomas E. Hurns--------------------- Asst. Secy. John G. Ivers-------------------------- Asst. Secy. Russell G. Vernon--------------------- Asst. Secy. Payson D. Foster-------------------- Asst. Treas. Edward W. Baldwin----------------- Asst. Treas. John A. Lagrou------ Asst. Treas. John L. MacLeod-------------------- Asst. Treas. Charles R. Landrigan------------ Asst. Controller Directors: Alex Dow, James F. Fogarty, James S. Holden, Alfred C. Marshall, James W. Parker, Wesson Seyburn, Boylston A. Tompkins. Controls: The Edison Illuminating Co. of Detroit (miscel- laneous investments). Essex County Light and Power Co., Limited (inactive). Huron Farms Co. (land). The Peninsular Electric Light Co. (inactive). St. Clair Edison Co. (inactive). - The Washtenaw Light and Power Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $310, 577, 568 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $63,406,925 Number of Electric Customers-------- 688,839 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Otal 1,095, 175 Steam------------------------------ 1,086, 375 Hydro---- 8,800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 3,656,860, 500 Generated.-------------------------- 3,646,707, 400 Purchased • * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10, 153, 100 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Ann Arbor------------------------------ 29, 815 Birmingham--------------------------- 11, 196 Dearborn------------------------------- 63, 584 Detroit--------------------------------- 1,623,452 Ecorse---------------------------------- 13, 209 Ferndale------------------------------- 22, 523 Grosse Pointe Park--------------------- 12,646 Hamtramck---------------------------- 49,839 Highland Park------------------------- 50, 810 Lincoln Park--------------------------- 15, 236 Monroe--------------------------------- 18,478 Mount Clemens------------------------ 14,389 348 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: - 10,000 population or more Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Port Huron---------------------------- 32,759 Dryden.-------------------------------- 4}.1 River Rouge---------------------------- 17,008 Elkton--------------------------------- 539 Royal Oak----------------------------- 25,087 Eloise---------------------------------- 806 Saint Clair Shores---------------------- 10, 405 Fair Haven----------------------------- 800 Ypsilanti------------------------------- 12, 121 Fairgrove.------------------------------- 481 º Fostoria-------------------------------- 305 1,000 to 10,000 population #º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - 747 Algomac-------------------------------- 1,931 Gagetown------------------------------ 354 Allen Park----------------------------- 3,487 Gibraltar------------------------------- 250 Bad Axe-------------------------------- 2,624 Goodells------------------------------- 250 Belleville------------------------------- 1, 286 Grandale Gardens---------------------- 300 Berkley-------------------------------- 6, 406 Grosse Pointe Shores------------------- 801 Bloomfield Hills------------------------ 1, 281 Hand----------------------------------- 250 Brighton------------------------------- 1, 353 Ida ------------------------------------ 500 Caro----------------------------------- 3,070 Kinde---------------------------------- 503 Cass City------------------------------ 1,362 Kingston------------------------------- 314 Center Line---------------------------- 3, 198 Lenox---------------------------------- 575 Clawson.------------------------------- 4,006 Leonard-------------------------------- 276 Dexter--------------------------------- 1,087 Lexington------------------------------ 326 Drayton Plains------------------------- 1,000 Lum----------------------------------- 303 Dundee-------------------------------- 1,699 Macon--------------------------------- 300 East Detroit---------------------------- 8, 584 Maybee-------------------------------- 390 Farmington.---------------------------- 1, 510 Mayville------------------------------- 736 Five Points---------------------------- 1,000 Memphis.------------------------------- 630 Flat Rock------------------------------ 1, 467 Metamora------------------------------ 281 Fowlerville.--------------------------- 1, 118 Millington.----------------------------- 813 Garden City--------------------------- 4,096 Minden City--------------------------- 321 Grosse Pointe-------------------------- 6, 179 New Boston---------------------------- 501 Grosse Pointe Farms------------------- 7, 217 New Haven ---------------------------- 904 Grosse Pointe Woods------------------- 2,805 || New Hudson.--------------------------- 300 Harbor Beach -------------------------- 2, 186 | Newport ------------------------------- 500 Howell--------------------------------- 3, 748 North Branch-------------------------- 724 Huntington Woods--------------------- 1, 705 | North Street (Fvanshire).--------------- 600 Imlay City----------------------------- 1,446 | Orchard Lake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- 295 Inkster--------------------------------- 7,044 Ortonville------------------------------ 622 Keego Harbor-------------------------- 2,000 | Otter Lake ----------------------------- 515 Lake Orion----------------------------- 1,933 OWendale------------------------------ 296 Lapeer--------------------------------- 5, 365 Peck ----------------------------------- 381 Marine City---------------------------- 3, 633 Petersburg----------------------------- 789 Marlette-------------------------------- 1, 161 Pigeon--------------------------------- 949 Marysville----------------------------- 1,777 Pinckney------------------------------- 456 Melvindale----------------------------- 4, 764 Port Austin ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - 517 Milan---------------------------------- 2, 340 | Port Hope------------------------------ 313 Milford--------------------------------- 1,637 | Reese----------------------------------- 569 New Baltimore------------------------- 1,434 Riverview.------------------------------ 804 Northville------------------------------ 3,032 Romulus------------------------------- 755 Oak Park------------------------------ 1, 169 | South Rockwood----------------------- 700 Oxford---------------------------------- 2, 144 | Taylor Center-------------------------- 250 Pleasant Ridge------------------------- 3,391 Ubly----------------------------------- 597 Plymouth------------------------------ 5, 360 | Unionville------------------------------ 500 Richmond------------------------------ 1, 722 || Walled Lake- - - - ----------------------- 600 Rochester------------------------------ 3,759 Waltz---------------------------------- 475 Rockwood------------------------------ 1, 147 Warren--------------------------------- 582 Romeo--------------------------------- 2,627 | Washington ---------------------------- 400 Roseville------------------------------- 9, 023 Waterford------------------------------ 362 Saint Clair----------------------------- 3,471 Webberville---------------------------- 508 Saline---------------------------------- 1, 227 | Whitmore Lake ------------------------ 575 Sandusky------------------------------ - 1, 512 Whittaker------------------------------ 300 ś...… }. § Utilities Served at Wholesale: Trenton TT.III. ;: | PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: tſtica T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. i.02% Consumers Power Co. Van pyke.I. … º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º º 5. 500 Pointe Aux Barques Land Co. Vassar---------------------------------- 2, 154 PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITY: Wayne--------------------------------- 4, 223 *City of Crosswell. - Yi II Yº"… }.}}|Also Renders: Artificial gas, steam heating, and water Service. 250 to 1,000 population # I....…. § 21–033 mont--------------------------------- 92 - Aºine - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350 - - 65 e cº ºrigin....… ;|Edison Sault Electric Company B Line------------------------------ 600 --> e #. - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 537 113 Ashmun St., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 'ity---------------------------- 38 * * * * * e #º city ~~~~ ; (Controlled by American States Utilities Corporation Carleton-------------------------------- 364 through 100% of voting power.) gºlº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- * - - - - - - - - - ; Principal Officers aseville------------------------------- rincipa CerS: • Clarkston ------------------------------ 653 J. B. Whitworth------------------------ Chairman Clifford-------------------------------- 321 | Thomas Chandler--------------------------a FreS. Columbiaville-------------------------- 664 George wi Baldwin-Vice Pres., Secy. & Asst. Treas. Davisburg------------------------------ 250 | Edward Horry------------------------- Vice PreS. Deckerville----------------------------- 647 | Charles O. Bye--------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 349 Directors: George W. Baldwin, Charles O. Bye, Thomas Chandler, Edward Horry, James P. Hunt, Frederick W. Seymour, J. B. Whitworth. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,073, 163 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $569,890 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 880 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 570 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 39, 824, 739 Generated----------------------------- 36,611,339 Purchased----------------------------- 3, 213,400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Mackinac Island--------------------------- 508 Saint Ignace------------------------------- 2,669 Sault Sainte Marie------------------------- 15,847 Utilities Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Manistique Light and Power Co. PUBLICLY OW NED UTILITY: *Cloverland Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 21–034 Fife Lake Light Company Fife Lake, Mich. 21–039 Harmony Electric Company R. F. D. # 1, Bay City, Mich. Principal Officers: John H. Kernstock-------------------------- PreS. Isaac C. Pierce------------------------- Vice PreS. Martin Bauer------------------------------- Secy. George Schwab---------------------------- Treas. Directors: Martin Bauer, John H. Kernstock, Isaac C. Pierce, George Schwab, George Vogel. The foliowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $77,526 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15, 165 Number of Electric Customers------------- 465 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 421, 200 21–042 Hillman Light & Power Co. Hillman, Mich. Community Served at Retail: Population Hillman-------------------------------------- 363 21–048 Houghton County Electric Light Company 616 Shelden Ave., Houghton, Mich. (Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation.) Principal Officers: Donald C. McClure------------------------- Pres. L. N. Boisen--------------------------- Vice Pres. Principal Officers: John Ralph-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. B. Pidot---------------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. Dale Chambers--------------------- Asst. Secy. J. E. Murray----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. B. Small--------------------------- Asst. Treas. F. Robert AnderSon------------------ ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: L. N. Boisen, M. L. Hemenway, A. P. Lewis, Donald C. McClure, J. E. Murray, H. L. Pearson, John Ralph. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,475,992 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $615, 197 Number of Electric Meters------------- 11, 699 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 7,500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 20, 761,618 Generated.----------------------------- 1, 859,930 Purchased----------------------------- 18, 901, 688 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Atlantic Mine------------------------------ 1, 100 Calumet------------------------------------ 1,460. Tollar Bay--------------------------------- 1, 000 Hancock----------------------------------- 5, 554 Houghton---------------------------------- 3, 693 Hubbell------------------------------------ 1,400 RearSarge---------------------------------- 1,000 Lake Linden------------------------------- 1, 631 Laurium----------------------------------- 3,929 Mohawk------ * * * *m amº m sº am s = s. sº sº º m sº º ºs - * * * 1, 200 250 to 1,000 population . Ahmeek------------------------------------ 475 Albion (Houghton County) ---------------- 250 Alloue?------------------------------------- 800 Boston (Demmon).------------------------- 350 Chassell------------------------------------ 500 Copper City-------------------------------- 479 Dodgeville--------------------------------- 510 Franklin Mine----------------------------- 900 Hurontown--------------------------------- 400 Osceola------------------------------------- 400 Paavola------------------------------------ 300 Ripley------------------------------------- 400 South Range------------------------------- 918 Tamarack---------------------------------- 450 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Baraga County Light and Power Co. PUBLICI,Y O WNED UTILITY: *Ontonagon County Rural Electrification Assn. 21–051 Hydro-Electric Light & Power a Atlanta, Mich. a Properties sold to Presque Isle County Electric Cooperative Assn. (21–929) on or about Apr. 1, 1941. Principal Officer: * Geo. N. Cummings------------------------ Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,977 Number of Electric Customers------------- 114 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 135 Hydro------------------------------------ 75 Internal Combustion--------------------- 60 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 155,697 Community Served at Retail: Population Atlanta--------------------------------------- 300 350 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 21–054 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company 220–222 W. Colfax Ave., South Bend, Ind. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Michigan only- * $2,358,464 Number of Electric Customers: Michigan only * * * * 27, 201 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bangor------------------------------------ 1, 409 Baroda------------------------------------ 302 Benton Harbor---------------------------- 16,668 3Berrien Springs---------------------------- , 510 bridgman- * * tº sº. 77 Buchanan--------------------------------- 4,056 Coloma s * 960 COvert ---- 456 Eau Claire– - - & sº- 328 Galien * * * * 567 Hartford---- 1,694 New Buffalo – 1, 190 Niles "------ 11, 328 Saint Joseph 8,963 Stevensville----- - 382 Three Oaks 1, 351 Watervliet- 1, 193 a Commercial power and industrial Service only. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Michigan Gas & Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Niles Board of Puhlic Works. *South Haven Board of Public WorkS. See Also: Principal report under Indiana (13–057). 21–057 Iron Range Light and Power Company 319 W. Genesee St., Iron River, Mich. (Controlled by Central Public Utility Corporation.) Principal Officers: Donald C. McClure------------------------- PreS. L. N. Boisen--------------------------- Vice Pres, John Ralph-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. B. Pidot--------------------------- Asst. Secy. E. Dale Chambers-------------------- Asst. Secy. J. F. Murray---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. B. Small ------ ASSt. Treas. F. Robert Anderson E. R. Teele- Directors: L. N. Boisen, M. L. Hemenway, A. P. #; Donald C. McClure, J. E. Murray, John alph. _ASSt. Treas. Asst. Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $349, 424 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $160, 753 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,087 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4,420,900 Communities Served at Retail: Population aspian------------------------------------ 1,797 Gaastra------------------------------------ 77 Iron River--------------------------------- 4, 416 Mineral Hills------------------------------- 344 Stambaugh--------------------------------- 2,081 21–060 Lake Superior District Power Company 101 W. Second St., Ashland, Wis. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Michigan only--------------------------- $844, 566 Number of Electric Customers: Michigan only--------------------------- 7, 127 Communities Served at Retail: Population Anvil Location---------------------------- 500 Bergland----------------------------------- 500 Bessèmer---------------------------------- 4,080 Ironwood---------------------------------- 13, 369 Marenisco--------------------------------- 400 Puritan------------------------------------ 500 Ramsay----------------------------------- 1,500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Wakefield Dept. of Light & Power. See Also: Principal report under Wisconsin (48-068). 21–066 Mr. William Leng Frederic, Mich. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,500 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 60 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 65, 140 21–0.75 The Manistique Light and Power Company Manistique, Mich. (Controlled by Minnesota Tribune Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: G. B. Bickelhaupt--------------------------- Pres. F. B. Snyder--------------------------- Vice Pres. T. F. Mulrooney--------------------- Secy.-Treas. C. A. Peterson.--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: G. B. Bickelhaupt, C. J. Mulrooney, T. F. Mulrooney, C. A. Peterson, F. B. Snyder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------. $86,258 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $90, 878 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 552 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 2, 282,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Manistique--------------------------------- 5,399 21–078 Mayfield Electric Light Plant Mayfield, Mich. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 351 21–081 Menominee and Marinette Light and Traction Company 1029 N. Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis. (ºiled by Standard Power & Light Corpora- tion. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Michigan only--------------------------- $276,637 Number of Electric Customers: Michigan only--------------------------- 3, 635 Community Served at Retail: Population Menominee 10, 230 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Daggett. e *Village of Stephenson Electric Account. See Also: Principal report under Wisconsin (48-073). 21–090 Michigan Gas and Electric Company 101 W. 2nd St., Ashland, Wis. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation through 48.14% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. J. Hodgkins G. A. Donald ---Pres. Vice PreS. S. F. Massie---------------------------- Vice Pres. C. F. Cook---------------------------------- ecy H. H. Wilson------------------------------- Treas. E. J. Shaylor----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: C. F. Cook, G. A. Donald, W. J. Hodg- kins, S. F. Massie, H. H. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,593, 218 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $988, 382 Number of Electric Customers----------- 15,485 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal * * 3, 348 Steam--------------------------------- 300 Hydro * - - -: * - - - - 3,048 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 33,776, 575 Generated.----------------------------- 11,887, 923 Purchased----------------------------- 21,888, 652 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Cassopolis---------------------------------- 1,488 Constantine-------------------------------- 1, 384 Decatur - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 599 Dowagiac - - 5, 007 Ishpeming---------------------------------- 9,491 Lawton------------------------------------- 1, 134 Munising----------------------------------- 4, 409 Negaunee----------------------------------- 6, 813 Three Rivers_ - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * -- am - - 6, 710 Vicksburg---------------------------------- 1, 774 White Pigeon------------------------------- 1,017 250 to 1,000 population Bloomingdale------------------------------- 553 Edwardsburg------------------------------- 482 obles-------------------------------------- 616 Jones----- - - - - * - 250 Marcellus - - - 992 Mattawan---------------------------------- 320 National Mine------------------------------ 900 Communities served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Worth Lake--------------------------------- 400 Palmer------------------------------------- 650 Schoolcraft---------------------------------- 823 Vandalia------------- 360 West Ishpeming---------------------------- 300 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Paw Paw. Also Renders: Gas Service, 21–093 Michigan Northern Power Com- pany 30 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. 21–096 Michigan Public Service Company 148 E. Front St., Traverse City, Mich. Principal Officers: A. S. DeWing-------------------------- Chairman W. C. Blanchard --Pres. 9. H. Wing----------------------------- Vice Pres, G. E. Olmsted Secy.-Treas. G. H. Ramsey ASSt. Treas. Directors: W. C. Blanchard, A. S. Dewing, (chair- man), John E. Dwyer, Martin Harding, G. E Olmsted, Arthur L. Weinshenk, O. H. Wing. Controls: - Cheboygan Slackwater Navigation Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $7,906, 880 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $1,314,603 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 18, 534 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 10, 420 Steam--------------------------------- 2,500 Hydro--------------------------------- 7, 920 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 45, 820, 024 Generated----------------------------- 36,341, 776 Purchased.----------------------------- 9, 478, 248 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Traverse City----------------------------- 14, 455 1,000 to 10,000 population W. Boyne City------------------------------- 2,904 Cheboygan-------------------------------- 5, 673 East Jordan------------------------------- 1, 725 Gaylord----------------------------------- 2,055 Grayling---------------------------------- 2, 124 Hart-------------------------------------- 1, 922 Kalkaska---------------------------------- 1, 132 Ludington-------------------------------- 8,701 Mancelona-------------------------------- 1, 173 Montague--------------------------------- 1,099 Scottville---------------------------------- 1, 162 Shelby------------------------------------ 1, 367 Whitehall--------------------------------- 1, 407 250 to 1,000 population Alanson----------------------------------- 330 Alba-------------------------------------- 525 Alden------------------------------------- 250 Baldwin---------- - 612 Cedar------------------------------------- 613 352 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Central Lake------------------------------ 659 Elk Rapids-------------------------------- 690 Ellsworth--------------------------------- 347 Hesperia----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 535 Indian River------------------------------ 364 Raleva------------------------------------ 300 Leland------------------------------------ 376 Levering---------------------------------- 361 Mackinaw City--------------------------- 922 Mears------------------------------------- 912 New Era---------------------------------- 252 Northport--------------------------------- 606 Pellston----------------------------------- 562 Pentwater--------------------------------- 820 Suttons Bay------------------------------- 470 Wolverine--------------------------------- 257 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Consumers Power Co. F. J. King. William Leng. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Harbor Springs. - *Cherryland Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. *Oceana Electric Cooperative. *Presque Isle County Electric Cooperative Assn. *Top O’Michigan Rural Electrification Au- thority. *Western Michigan Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water service. 21–111 Onaway Electric Light & Power Co. a Onaway, Mich. a Properties sold to Presque Isle County Electric Cooperative Assn. (21-929), giving possession as of Apr. 3, 1941. Company in process of liquidation. Principal Officers: John Isbister----------------------- PreS. & Treas. Mrs. Margaret Isbister---------------------- Secy. Directors: John Isbister, John Isbister, Jr., Mrs. Margaret Isbister. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $116, 219 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19, 118 Number of Electric Customers------------- 345 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 450 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 465, 310 Community Served at Retail: Population Onaway------------------------------------ 1,449 21–120 Rogers City Electric Light & Power Company 115 N. Third St., Rogers City, Mich. Principal Officers: Rudolph Dueltgen. Sr----------------------- Pres. Paul Hoeft--------------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. Charles Dettloff, Jr.------------------------ Treas. Willis E. Garratt--------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Charles Dettloff, Jr., Rudolph Dueltgen, Sr., H. H. Gilpin, Charles Heinzel, Paul H. Hoeft, G. J. Kane, A. F. Lehndorff, W. H. Whiteley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $105,654 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $51, 404 Number of Electric Customers------------ 974 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 298, 670 Community Served at Retail: Population Rogers City--------------------------------- 3,072 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–129 Upper Michigan Power & Light Company 120 Stephenson Ave., Escanaba, Mich. Principal Officers: EI Stack--------------------------------- PreS. Sydney Ferguson.----------------------- Vice Pres. J. E. Moran--------------------------------- Secy. M. N. Smith------------------------------- Treas. C. J. Driscoll----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. T. Rushton---------------------- Gen. Counsel E. F. Zuchlke--------------------- Operating Mgr. Directors: Alex Buckheit, C. J. Driscoll, Sydney Ferguson, J. E. Moran, M. N. Smith, H. M. Stack, E. F. Zuchlke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,312, 417 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $246, 149 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 342 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Total * * * * 7, 200 Steam - - - - 1,800 Hydro----- - - - - 5,400 Kilowatt-hours 25,912, 191 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m, am me a m = ** = ---- 25, 124, 514 Generated Purchased.----------------------------- 787, 677 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bark River----------------------------------- 700 Rapid River---------------------------------- 600 Wells----------------------------------------- 550 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Escanaba Municipal Utilities. *City of Gladstone. 21–135 Wanderbilt Electric Light and Power Co. Vanderbilt, Mich. Principal Officer: Fred J. King Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $6,817 Electric Operating Revenues $5,816 Number of Electric Cust * 109 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch . -- 101,370 Community Served at Retail: Population Vanderbilt 405 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 353 21–138 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company 825 S. Oneida St., Appleton, Wis. (Controlled by North American Co. through 88.24% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Michigan only--------------------------- $953, 928 Number of Electric Customers: Michigan only--------------------------- 10, 720 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Iron Mountain * * -- 11, 080 1,000 to 10,000 population Amasa------------------------------------- 1,000 Hermansville------------------------------ 1,615 Kingsford---------------------------------- 5, 771 *ass-------------------------------------- 1, 128 250 to 1,000 population Alpha------------------------------------- 497 Peacon------------------------------------ 300 Carney------------------------------------ 250 Champion--------------------------------- 300 Channing--------------------------------- 575 *Wen------------------------------------- 350 Felch-------------------------------------- 400 Garden------------------------------------ 462 Greenland--------------------------------- 500 Kenton------------------------------------ 400 Poretto------------------------------------ 500 Metropolitan------------------------------ 350 Michigamme------------------------------ 300 Perkins------------------------------------ 400 Powers------------------------------------ 258 Quinnesee--------------------------------- 800 Rock-------------------------------------- 300 Rousseau---------------------------------- 301 Sagola------------------------------------- 250 Sidnaw------------------------------------ 300 Trout Creek------------------------------- 450 Turin (McFarland) ------------------------ 400 Wainola----------------------------------- 410 WaterSmeet------------------------- - - - - - - 500 Watton - 400 Wilson------------------------------------ 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Cliffs Power & Light Co. Iron Range Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Alger-Delta Cooperative Electric Assn. *Crystal Falls Light and Water Dept. *Norway Electric Light Dept. “Tº Ontonagon County Rural Electrification SSD. See Also Operations in Wisconsin (48–177). 21–147 Wolverine Power Corporation Edenville, Mich. Principal Officers: Frank I. Wixom----------------------------- PreS. Horace G. Prettyman------------------ Vice PreS. Frank E. Mensing-------------------------- Secy. H. P. Faxon------------------------------- Treas. Directors: D. P. Abercrombie, H. P. Faxon, H. G. Prettyman, W. A. Tyson, Frank I. Wixom. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,119,098 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $166, 932 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 322184—42 28 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 11,812 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 30,681,600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Consumers Power Co. 21–205 Al’s Service Electric Station Moran, Mich. Principal Officer: - A. J. Roggenbuck------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $2,800 Number of Flectric Customers------------- 48 Community Served at Retail: Population Moran--------------------------------------- 260 21–210 Bay De Noquet Company Nahma, Mich. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Wm. Rauls----------------------------- Foreman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $21,768 Electric Operating Revenues------------ --- $3, 587 Number of Electric Customers------------- 119 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 35, 865. Community Served at Retail: Population Nahma "-------------------------------------- 750 a Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water Service. 21–221 Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Company Calumet, Mich. Employee in Charge of Electric Operations: C. L. C. Fichtel------------------ Electrical Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,500,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,860 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 31, 500 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 46, 500 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 21–232 Central Plant Company Big Rapids, Mich. 354 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 21–243 Denton Sleeping Garment Mills, - Inc. Centreville, Mich. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 196 21–265 Electrical Inspection and Servicing Company 2000 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. 21–287 Ford Motor Co. Dearborn, Mich. Principal Officers: Edsel B. Ford Pres. & Treas. P. E. Martin---- * - __Vice PreS. B. J. Craig------------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Edsel B. Ford, Henry Ford, Henry Ford II, P. E. Martin. The following data are for the year 1939: Population Community Served at Retail: Pequaming Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Detroit Edison Co. * * * * * * - - - - - - - - * * 21–298 Harris Milling Company Mount Pleasant, Mich. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Edw. O. Harris----------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers --------------- 1 - Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------------- 187 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Consumers Power Co. 21–309 Hayden Fuel and Supply Company Tecumseh, Mich. 21–320 Hydro-Electric Company 3674 Shaefer Road, Dearborn, Mich. 21–333 Macatawa Park Company Macatawa, Mich. 21–342 Manistique Pulp and Paper Com- pany Manistique, Mich 21–353 Michigan Alkali Company Wyandotte, Mich. 21–364 Michigan Limestone & Chemical Company Rogers City, Mich. Officers in Charge of Electric Operations: I. L. Clymer-------------------------------Pres. R. C. Stanbrook------------------...---- Chief Engr. J. P. Kinville------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------------- 17,000 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1, 298, 770 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Rogers City Electric Light & Power Co. 21–397 Penn Iron Mining Company 2000 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. J. Richards------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $5,354 Number of Electric Customers --------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) -------------____ 3, 500 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 5, 353, 500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin-Michigan Power Co. 21–408 Petoskey Portland Cement Co. Petoskey, Mich. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Fred Boland-------------------------------- Supt. Harold Tillotson---------------------- ASSt. Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 355 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $350,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $45,439 Number of Electric Customers------------ 24 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 24, 256 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2, 349,450 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Petoskey Municipal Light Plant. 21–410 Pointe Aux Barques Land Company 1325 Ford Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 21—510 *Allegan Board of Public Works 237 Hubbard St., Allegan, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Cl e Ward Dean--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: Leo Hoffman, Joseph M. Mosier, Floyd Rockwell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $914, 240 $101, 231 Number of Electric Cust ſº --- 1,367 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 2,081 Hydro-------------------------------------- 1, 350 Internal Combustion----------------------- 731 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 5, 931, 280 Population 4, 526 Community Served at Retail: Allegan------------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 21–514 *Willage of Baraga Baraga, Mich. Population 1, 110 Community Served at Retail: Baraga--------------------------------------- 21–518 *Bay City Electric Light Department Washington Ave., Bay City, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John S. Crampton--------------------------- Supt. Phil J. Peloquin------------------- Business Mgr. J. Harry Nelson.------------------------ City Mgr. Commissioners: John Dean, B. R. Hahn, Howard Hayes, Casimer, Jablonski, Jos. M. Kerr, John Morrison, Raleigh M. Rabedioux, Oscar Schmidt, Geo. Shawl, Wm. H. Tomlinson (mayor). The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: - Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,018, 518 Electric Operating Revenues - - --------- $374,726 Number of Electric Customers -- .-- - - - - - 9,035 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17,033, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Bay City-------------------------------- 47, 956 21–522 *Willage of Bellaire Bellaire, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. R. Fate--------------------------- Village Pres, R. C. Sexton----------------- Purchasing Agent Frank Martin------------------------------- Supt. Electric Light & Water Committee: E. R. Fate, Thomas Hope, Harold Maltby, C. E. Steffens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal---------- sº 220 Hydro----- - * - - - - - - - * = * * * = * ~ * = * * = = <= = ~ * = <= e 100 Internal Combustion-------------------- 120 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 388,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bellaire-------------------------------------- 652 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–526 *Willage of Bellevue Bellevue, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Richard Halliday---------------------- Electrician Gilford Leeser------------------------------ Clerk Forest Bradley--------------------------- Trustee The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 549, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Bellevue------------------------------------ 1,011 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–527 *Bessemer Light Utility Bessemer, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: James Boggio------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: J. Cychosz, J. J. Frick, Arthur Johnson, J. A. Kallander, Clarence Negri. The following data are for the period from Oct. 7, to Dec. 31, 1940: Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion--------------------- Filowatts 600 356 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Community Served at Retail: Population Bessener--------------------------------- 4,080 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–529 *Big Rapids Hydro-Electric Plant Big Rapids, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. C. Mitchell------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $46,488 Number of Electric Customers-------------- I Utility Served at Wholesale: I H IVA TELY OWNED UTILITY: Consumers Power CO. Also Renders: Water Service. 21–531 *Blissfield Electric Light and Water Works 131 E. Adrian St., Blissfield, Mich. Population 2, 144 Community Served at Retail: Blissfield 21–535 *Burt Township Light & Water Department Grand Marais, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Lee---------------------------------- Engr. Manly Propst------------------------------ Engr. Town Board: Rex Block, Hugo E. Erickson, Matt Nyman, S. H. Ostrander, James Vandreuil. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $26,000 $8,500 112 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion-------------...-------. - Rilowatt-hºurs Energy Generated-------------------------- 170,000 Community Served at Retail: Grand Marais---------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 21–539 *Charlevoix Municipal Utilities City Hall. Charlevoix, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F E. Plumm.---------------- Gen. Supt. Utilities D. F. Herrick------------------------- City Supt. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - ----------- $393, 938 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $58,938 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,488 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 1,634 Steam---------------------------------- 384 Hydro---------------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion------------------- 950 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2, 210,320 Community Served at Retail: Population Charlevoix---------------------------------- 2, 299 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–543 *Chelsea Electric and Water Department 21 Main St., Chelsea, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Peter M. Boehm---------...------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Operating Revenues - - - --------- $12, 349 Number of Electric Customers - – --- - - - - - - 750 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,318,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Chelsea------------------------------------- 2, 246 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–547 *Clinton Light and Water Plant Clinton, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James R. Foreman-------------------------- PreS. Norman F. Haas Chairman Electric Light and Water Committee Electric Light & Water Committee: N. F. Haas (chairman), C. A. Kane, C. L. Kimball. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $214,871 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - --------- $42,821 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 469 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 255 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 776, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Clinton------------------------------------- 1, 126 Also Renders: Water Service. 21—550 *Board of Public Works of the City of Coldwater Coldwater, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. E. McQueen.----------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: D. C. Allen (pres.), M. S. Aºs Jr., C. H. Cummins, M. D. Kemp, C. R. SIOOTI), - DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 357 lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $859, 143 $185, 587 2,905 Rilowatts Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 8,483,317 Community Served at Retail: Population Coldwater---------------------------------- 7, 343 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–556 *Constantine Electric Plant Constantine, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. V. White-------------------------- Plant Mgr. Willage Council: C. P. Chrisman, Stanley H. Drake (mayor), T. W. Geislerf, Fred Gentzler, Paul º Wm. Rebert, Harold E. Smith (village CléI K). fMember of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $162,850 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $27, 195 Number of Electric Customers------------- 430 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion-------------------- 700 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 878,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Constantine-------------------------------- 1, 384 Also Renders: Water Service. 21—558 *City of Croswell Croswell, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. M. McIntyre----------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $36, 167 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $32,978 Number of Electric Customers------------ 515 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 904, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Croswell------------------------------------ 1, 381 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–562 *City of Crystal Falls, Light and Water Department Crystal Falls, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. F. Jacka------------------- City Mgr. & Supt. City Commission: Novenio Pivatto (mayor), Walter Scott, Richard Walsh. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $168,924 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,481 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,050 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 500 Energy Available in Year: Ailowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2, 363, 540 Generated------------------------------ 2, 352, 340 Purchased------------------------------ 11, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Crystal Falls-------------------------------- 2, 641 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–566 *Willage of Daggett Daggett, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: e e Francis Stodola------------------------ Electrician George Bergstrom------------------- Village Clerk Trustees: Gus Grundstrom, Henry Kayser, Albert Nelson, R. A. Patterson, Dr. A. R. PeterSon, Frank Stodola, Arthur A. Weng (pres.). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $4,115 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 74 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 105, 270 Community Served at Retail: Population Daggett--------------------------------------- 283 21—573 *Public Lighting Commission, City of Detroit 174 E. Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. P. Frost-----...--...--------------------. ProS. Max J. Witkowski - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice-Pres. Kenneth Fischer------------...------ Commissioner Ernst C. Kern. -------...----------. Commissioner Louis J. Schrenk--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $35,651, 521 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - $1,015, 141 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - 32 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (steam)---------- 80,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: 220, 346, 180 Total------------------------------- Energy Generated.-------------------- 214,839,000 Energy Purchased.-------------------- 5, 507, 180 Also Renders: Steam service. 21–577 *Dowagiac Board of Public Works 203 Chestnut St., Dowagiac, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clint Voorhees------------------------------ Supt. Board of Public Works: John Davidson (Pres.), Fred Mater, Max Pugsley, Frank Stahl, W. A. Stolley. * 358 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $317,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $72,500 Number of Electric Cust s 1,432 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 240 * Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3, 185, 129 Community Served at Retail: Population Powagiac----------------------------------- 5,007 Also Renders: Water service. 21–580 *City of Eaton Rapids Eaton Rapids, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd D. Fowler Commissioner of Public Utilities Vern Hillard City Engr. City Cºmmission: Floyd D. Fowler, G. Elmer McArthur, Ara Weldon. The following data are for the year 1940: * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Utility Plant----------___________ $86,017 Plectric Operating Revenues-------------- $48,047 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,070 Kilowatt-hours Pnergy Purchased.----------------------. 1,981, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Baton Rapids---------...-------------. 3,060 21–584 *Escanaba Municipal Utilities 121 S. 11th St., Escanaba, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George E. Bean................. City Mgr. E. E. Peterson------...] I City Controlier Hugo Lillquist.......” Supt. City Council: Peter Logan, (mayor). Harold Gasman, Carl B. Johnson, Carl Richter, Samuel R. Wickman lº following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant-------------_______ $390, 460 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $220, 653 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 512 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 6, 148,000 Community Served at Retail: Population *scanaba--------------------------------. 14, 830 Also Renders: G * as, Steam heating, and water Service. - 21–588 *City of Gladstone 1102 Delta Ave., Gladstone, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. F. Raddant City Mgr. *** * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The following data are for the year ended March 31, 941: 1 Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $81,438 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $67,032 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 666 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gladstone 4,972 Kipling 400 21–591 *Board of Public Works, City of Grand Haven Grand Haven, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. Bryan Sims The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 40: Supt. Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $1,536,428 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $249, 302 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 349 e Rilowatts sº ty: Geneº Capacity 7,050 Steam--------------------------------- 3,000 Internal Combustion 4,050 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated 10, 615,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ferrysburg--------------------------------- ; Grand Haven ---- 8, 79 21–595 *Grand Rapids Municipal Water & Light Station Monroe & Coldbrook Sts., Grand Rapids, Mich. Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Wernette Supt. . J. Clark--------------- Asst. Chief Oper. Engr. #. Knappen-------------------. Chief Elec, Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total)------------ 3, 100 - Júlowlatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 6, 575,480 21–597 *Grayling Municipal Electric Plant Grayling, Mich. Electric Utility Official: George Granger City Council: George Burke, Edwin Carlson, Carl Jenson, Roy Milnes, Frank Sales. The ſollowing data are for the period Mar. 18 to Doc. 31. 1940: Electric Utility Plant $160,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,314 Number of Electric Customers------------ 580 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 650 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 359 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 933,600 Community Served at Retail: Grayling------------------------------- 2, 124 Also Renders: Water service. 21–599 *City of Harbor Springs Harbor Springs, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. W. Coon.------------------------- City Mgr. City Council: E. Pifer (mayor), Wm. H. Maeser (clerk). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $106,245 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,000 Number of Electric Customers 1, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Harbor Springs----------------------------- 1, 423 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–607 *Hart Hydro Electric 113 Washington St., Hart, Mich. Village Council: Frank Birke, R. L. Dorsh, M. H. Hunkins (pres.), R. J. Wieszke. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $54,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 940 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 1,863 T0------------------------------------ 485 Internal Combustion--------------------- 1, 405 Horse-Power Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, , 698, 760 Community Served at Retail: Population Hart-------------- 1,922 21–611 *Hillsdale Board of Public Works City Hall, Hillsdale, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry C. Clark Board of Public Works: C. F. Cook, Harold Johnson, Karl Katzenmeyer, H. C. Miller, O. F. Rumsey. lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,078,707 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $208,075 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,868 Total.---- -- 4,675 Steam--------------------------------- 3, 175 Internal Combustion - 1, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 12, 234, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hillsdale 6,381 Osseo--- ---- 300 Pittsford------------------------------------ 550 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–614 *Board of Public Works of the City of Holland City Hall, Holland, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . Nauta.------- ----Supt. Chas. Vos----------------------------- ASSt. Supt. Gerrit Appledorn--- Clerk Board of Public Works: H. S. Covell, Joe H. Geerds, A. Klomparens, C. J. McLean, Abel Smeenge. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,614,422 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $433,719 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6,081 - Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 22, 500 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 17,845, 454 Community Served at Retail: Population Holland------------------------------------ 14,616 21–618 *City Light of Kalamazoo City Hall, Kalamazoo, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Earl E. Norman----------------------- Gen. Supt. City Commission: Louis W. Collins, Hugh. O. Findley, E. E. Ludwig, Frank E. McAllister (mayor), E. M. Sergeant, Monroe Shakespeare, Paul H. Todd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $642,052 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $184, 931 Number of Electric Cust & - 845 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4,700 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--- 9, 144, 298 Community Served at Retail: Population Kalamazoo-------------------------------- 54,097 21–622 - *L’Anse Municipal Hydro & Die- sel Plant L’Anse, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: * A. Wm. Beesley--------------------- Village Pres. Steve Georgeff.------------------------------- Supt. Electric Light Committee: Ronald Duquay, Gerald McKindles (chairman), Guy W. Seldon. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $115,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,633 Number of Electric Customers----------- 733 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.------------------------------- 570 Hydro---------------------------------- 100 Internal Combustion------------------- 470 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.----------- ‘.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,248, 310 Generated.------------------------------ 896, 980 Purchased.------------------------------ 351,330 Community Served at Retail: Population y 8------------------------------------- 2,564 Also Renders: Water Service. 360 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 21–626 *Lansing Board of Water and Electric Light Commissioners 116 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, Mich. Principal º Utility Officials: Lundberg----------------------------- Pres. A. E. Wilkins-------------------------- Vice PreS. Dorr Hathaway----------------------------- Secy. Otto E. Eckert------------------------ Gen. Mgr. Commissioners: E. J. Carroll, EI. E. Harper, H. R. Herrimann, H. B. Lundberg, S. S. Main, T. S. Terwilliger, A. E.Wilkins, Fred Wohlert, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------- $16,993, 598 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $2,826,008 Number of Electric Customers--------- 29, 192 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 87,700 Steam-------------------------------- 86, 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 1, 200 Rīlowatt-hours 167, 104,728 Generated.---------------------------- 166,799, 528 Interchanged (gross-in) --------------- 305,200 Communities Served at Retail: Population East Lansing------------------------------ 5,839 Lansing----------------------------------- 78,753 Potterville--------------------------------- 547 Also Renders: Steam heating and water service. 21–630 *Lowell Water, Light and Power Plant Lowell, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. J. McMahon----------------------------- Supt. Light & Power Committee: W. A. Roth, L. W. Rutherford, Dr. B. H. Shepard (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $296, 942 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $57,333 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 156 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts 9tal------------------------------- 1,475 Hydro---------------------------------- 795 Internal Combustion------------------- 680 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,481,500 Community Served at Retail: Population Lowell-------------------------------------- 1,944 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–633 *Manton Water and Light Department Manton, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Owen Swanson------------------------------ Supt. Wm. L. Jones - Chairman of Water & Light Committee Leo C. Burns-------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- a $12,831 * Includes water revenues. Number of Electric Customers------------- 291 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal-------------------------------- 256 Hydro----------------------------------- 80 Internal Combustion-------------------- 176 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 485,999 Community Served at Retail: Population Manton------------------------------------- 1,006 Also Renders: Water service. 21–637 *City of Marquette—Department of Light & Power Marquette, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. L. Mosher------------------------------- Supt. Mayor & Commission: S. R. Anderson, L. W. Biegler (mayor), Lee McGinley, H. R. Patrick, John Tierney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,819, 346 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $320, 143 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5,681 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 6,600 T0--------------------------------- 4,900 Internal Combustion ------------------ 1,700 Energy Available in Year: P(ilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 19, 591, 316 Generated.----------------------------- 19, 528, 316 Purchased----------------------------- 63,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Marquette--------------------------------- 15,928 21–641 *Marshall City Water & Electric Works 109 E. Michigan Ave., Marshall, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. S. Lockwood----- - = - sº - - - - -, *, * * * * * * * * * * * *- - * Supt. Commissioners: H. C. Brooks (chairman), R. F. Grant, G. C. Sanders. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $552, 999 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $97, 121 Number of Electric Customers-------- - - - - 2, 143 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 2,069 T0---------------------------------- 479 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 590 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 941, 100 Generated------------------------------ 4, 786,900 Purchased------------------------------ 154, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshall------------------------------------ 5, 253 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–645 *City of Negaunee City Hall, Negaunee, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: William Heggaton--------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 361 Electric Light and Water Committee: Richard Cattron, Roy Lee, Arthur Olson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $14,023 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 847 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 229,600 Population 6,813 Community Served at Retail: Yegaunee---------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 21–649 *Newberry Water and Light Board Newberry, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. A. Carlson------------------------- Gen. Supt. Water and Light Board: F. M. Ennis (chairman), W. J. Truran, G. D. Zagelmeier. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revénues $119,600 $39,616 850 Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 220 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 222,900 Generated.------------------------------ 54,000 Purchased.------------------------------ 1, 168,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Newberry---------------------------------- 2,732 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–652 *Niles Board of Public Works 508 E. Main St., Niles, Mich. Board of Public Works: Otto Baumer, D. J. Lagoni, W. H. Parkin, K. B., Schmidt (pres.), L. S. Storms. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $759, 986 $197,924 3,700 Rilowatt & 460 Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9tal------------------------------- 7, 510, 900 Generated.------------------------------ 2, 215,860 Purchased.------------------------------ 5, 295,040 Community Served at Retail: Population Wiles-------------------------------------- 11, 328 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–656 *Norway Electric Light Department Main St., Norway, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George A. Larson--------------------------- Supt. Jennie Gee---------------------------- City Clerk Board of Public Works: Arvid E. Asp, Arthur Brandt (chairman), James O’Connor, And. H. Ropelle, Florian Vecellio. ſº following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100, 145 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $50,643 Number of Electric Customers -----______ 1,610 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,664, 192 Communities Served at Retail: Population Norway--------------------------------- - - - 3, 728 Vulcan-------------------------------------- 1, 150 21–659 *Willage of Paw Paw Paw Paw, Michi, Principal Electric Utility Official: - L. White--------------------------------- Supt Trustees: V. Cassada, M. J. Flanders, W. P. Wright. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $125, 286 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $40,541 Number of Electric Custonters------------ 900 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------- 1, 502, 950 Generated.------------------------------ 662, 950 Purchased------------------------------ 840, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Paw Paw----------------------------------- 1,910 Also renders: Water Service. 21–663 *Petoskey Electric Department Petoskey, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Peter T. Mitchell The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $536,291 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $148,501 Number of Electric Cust sº 2,072 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 885 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4,435,650 Generated.------------------------------ 2,086, 200 Purchased.------------------------------ 2, 349,450 Community Served at Retail: Population Petoskey------------------------------------ 6,019 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–667 *Portland Municipal Electric Department Portland, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. L. Jenkins------------------------------- Mgr. 362 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $229,059 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $45,126 Number of Electric Customers------------ 825 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 725 Hydro-------------------------------------- 400 Internal Combustion----------------------- 325 Energy Available in Year: ilowatt-hours otal--------------------------------- 2,296,750 Energy generated ---------------------- 2, 250, 550 Energy interchanged-in (Gross) - - - - - - - - 46, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Portland----------------------------------- 2, 247 21–671 *Republic Township Municipal System Republic, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • J. F. Labold---Supervisor of Republic Township Arthur J. Carlson----------------- Township Clerk A. J. Dubord, Jr.---------------- Maintenance Man The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,023 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 359 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 334, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Republic------------------------------------ 1,090 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–675 *City of Saint Louis Municipal Light and Water Plant 116 W. Saginaw St., St. Louis, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. J. Hoxie-------------------------------- Mayor F. B. Housel--------------------------- City Clerk C. W. Sias City Treas. J. C. Hanley-------------------------------- Supt. Board of Aldermen: John L. Giles, Milton C. Town- send, Howard C. Wilkinson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $54, 532 Number of Electric Cust º 946 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 1, 345 Hydro 450 Internal Combustion 895 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,072,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Louis ---- 3,039 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–678 *Sebewaing Electric Light Plant Sebewaing, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. Schweitzer------------------------ Village Pres, H. J. Davis--------------------------------- Supt. L. H. Denner---------------------------- Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $35,483 Number of Electric Customers----------- 625 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------------ 1,027 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,617,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sebewaing---------------------------------- 1,598 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–682 *City of South Haven City Hall, South Haven, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. H. Smith--------------------------------- pt. W. C. Spencer ASSt. Supt. Board of Public Works: George Leever (pres.), T. P. McKimmie, Paul Pomeroy, Chas. Tait, Henry Williams. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant $736,270 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $176, 736 Number of Electric Customers 3,012 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 6,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total *- 7, 521, 700 Generated 7, 210, 100 Purchased 311, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population South Haven------------------------------ 4, 745 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–686 *Willage of Stephenson Electric Account Stephenson, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Olin Nelson Supt. Councilmen: G. Bayce, H. W. Corey (pres.), Andrew Hansen, William J. Oberdorffer, Wm. Steinbrecker, A. J. Voelker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,971 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 221 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 327, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Stephenson 612 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 363 21–690 *City of Sturgis City Office, Sturgis, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. C. Waterstraut.--------------------- City Mgr. S. F. Weatherwax--------------------- City Clerk Aveda Middelstadt-------------------- City Treas. The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant $1,043,088 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $188, 560 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,835 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal 4,050 Hydro * 1, 100 Internal Combustion 2,950 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9tal.-------------------------------- 8, 114, 190 Generated.------------------------------ 8,068, 100 Interchanged in (gross)----------------- 46,090 Community Served at Retail: Population Sturgis------------------------------------ 7, 214 21—694 *Thompsonville Power & Light Department Thompsonville, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Berga Lindy Village Pres. Donald D. Pelton------------------- Village Clerk C. Cowgill---------------------------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $3,259 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 180 Hydro - 120 Internal Combustion 60 Community Served at Retail: Population Thompsonville 324 21–698 *City of Three Rivers 29 N. Main St.. Three Rivers, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. O. Johnson City Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $66,362 Electric Operating Revenues $10,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 808,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Michigan Gas and Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 21–701 *Traverse City Light and Power Department Cor. State & Cass Sts., Traverse City, Mich. Principal §ºie Utility Officials: Orr B. Mead------------------------------ Mayor O. C. Moffatt------------------------- City Clerk Milo Deering------------------------- City Treas. C. L. Mosher------------------------------- Supt. City Commission: Carl F. Anderson, B. P. Burns Jos. E. Ehrenberger, Orr E. Mead (mayor), Íoyd D. Neufer, Dr. F. G. Swartz, D. R. Zimmerman. The following data are for the year 1940: * $910, 783 Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $187, 356 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,870 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 3,030 Steam 1, 750 Hydro 1,280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7,428,636 Community Served at Retail: Population Traverse City- -- 14,455 21–705 *Willage of Union City Union City, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Hill----------------------------------- Engr. Clare Moore Electric Committee Village Council: L. W. Case, Buell Hamilton, P. W. Johnson, Chas. Lake, Ed Merchant, Clare Moore, Chas. Nielsen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $208,354 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,338 Number of Electric Customers------------ 587 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 619 Hydro 419 Internal Combustion 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1, 142,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Union City 1,339 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–707 *University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. C. Pardon---------- Supt. of Bldgs. & Grounds The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 8,350 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 28, 768, 528 Generated 23,749,328 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 5,019, 220 364 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Detroit Edison Co. (interchange). Also Renders: Steam heat Service. 21–709 *City of Wakefield Wakefield, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. O. Mackee---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $178, 724 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $58, 521 Number of Electric Customers----------- 975 Community Served at Retail: Population Wakefield----------------------------------- 3, 591 Also Renders: Water Service. 21–713 *White Cloud Municipal Electric Light Plant White Cloud, Mich. Population 811 Community Served at Retail: White Cloud -> * -- * * - - - - - - - - - - - -sº as -- * - - - - - - sº -- sº 21–717 *Wyandotte Department of Municipal Service 2555 Van Alstyne Blvd., Wyandotte, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. P. Allen--------------------------------- Supt. Municipal Service Commission: Anthony J. D’Anna (vice pres.), W. W. Gaulka, Orson L. Mauritho (pres.), Julius Somheil. The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, I940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,992, 554 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $554, 252 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7, 926 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 18, 753, 134 Generated----------------------------- 16, 515, 434 Purchased----------------------------- 2,237,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Wyandotte---------------------------- 30,618 Also Renders: Heating and water Service. 21–725 *City of Zeeland Zeeland, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Gerrit P. Rooks * - - - Board of Public Works: D. Van Ammen, J. Bauma, W. Van Eenenaan, N. Franken, J. Holleman, M. Lovkuse, J. Ozinge. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $220, 203 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $56,277 Mr. Number of Electric Customers------------ 850 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal combustion-------------------- 950 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours otal------------------------------- 3,743, 530 Generated.------------------------------ 2,074,690 Purchased.------------------------------ 1,668,840 Community Served at Retail: Population Zeeland--------------------------------- 3,007 Also Renders: Water service. 21—805 *Alger-Delta Cooperative Electric Association First National Bank, Escanaba, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officiais: Frank Heino-------------------------------- PreS. Wynand Nieuwenkamp --------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $279,904 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17,424 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 521 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 193,840 21–821 *Cherryland Rural Electric Cooperative Association 247 E. Front St., Traverse City, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert E. Flood---------------------------- PreS. Harry P. Hall------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $389, 796 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $26,596 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 875 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 397,800 21–826 *Cloverland Electric Cooperative 521 Ashmun St., Sault Sainte Marie, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edward Doll-------------------------------- PreS H. E. Kapphahn-------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - ----------- $425,970 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $42,741 Number of Electric Customers------------- 921 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 838, 217 Communities Served at Retail: Population Detour---------------------------------------- 595 Hulbert--------------------------------------- 300 McMillan------------------------------------ 300 Stalwart--------------------------------------- 250 DIRECTORY 365 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MICHIGAN 21–853 *Fruit Belt Electric Cooperative Cassopolis, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otis Klett.---------------------------------- Pres Robert Thompson - - - - ---------------------- Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,327, 380 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $86,878 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - 3, 213 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 425 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 3, 229,000 Fnergy Generated.--------------------- 839, 500 Energy Purchased.---------------------- 2, 389, 500 21–910 *O. & A. Electric Cooperative Newaygo, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Eugene Ten Brink. - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- Pres. Leslie J. Brown.---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - ------------ $1,256, 595 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $74,409 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 2, 513 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 288 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 1, 233, 765 21–922 *Oceana Electric Cooperative Hart, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles Kokx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------- Pres. Loyal Churchill----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Piant--------------------- $353, 383 Electric Operating Revenues --------. ------ $36,406 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 204 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 571, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Walkerville----------------------------------- 25() 21–924 *The Ontonagon County Rural Electrification Association Ontonagon, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John A. Carlson----------------------------. PreS. Cyril M. Clark------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------. ----- $371,058 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $32,681 Number of Electric Customers------------- 945 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------ ^ - - - - - - 521, 119 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ulſa.------------------------------------------ 302 Matchwood----------------------------------- 400 Skanee---------------------------------------- 315 21–929 *Presque Isle County Electric Cooperative Association Posen, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otto Greimbau - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. Gust. J. Kleber------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - $643, 842 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $61, 545 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,606 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,076, 671 Communities Served at Retail: Population Atlanta “... ----------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 300 Millersburg-------------------------------- 306 Onaway."---------------------------------- 1, 449 a Served prior to Apr. 1, 1941, by Hydro-Electric Light & Power (21-051). b Served prior to Apr. 1, 1941, by Onaway Electric Light & Power Co. (21–111). 21–948 *Southeastern Michigan Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Adrain, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Leon Marr---------------------------------- Pres. Leo Andrews-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $549, 744 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $37, 192 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 950 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 766 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,000, 900 21–958 *Thumb Electric Cooperative Ulby, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Official: Don H. Decker----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,845, 050 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $125,627 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3, 369 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2, 102 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3, 147, 200 366 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 21–960 *Top O’Michigan Rural Electric Company 318 N. Lake St., Boyne City, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. Christian G. Jensen- . Harold Lees-------- Mgr. Don Lawrence------------------------ Plant Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: PreS. Electric Utility Plant $741,471 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $50,228 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1,628 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 96 Energy" Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total.---------- 780, 813 Energy Generated 64, 813 Energy Purchased.---------------------- 716,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fife Lake------ 303 21–963 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative Portland, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herbert Woodruff Dolph H. Wolf, Sr------ Pres. gT. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $1,882,089 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $144,306 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 251 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 441 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours OU81-------------------------------- 5, 597,040 Generated 4, 391, 800 . Purchased------------------------- 1, 205, 240 21—980 *The Western Michigan Electric Cooperative 138 So. Main St., Scottville, Mich. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis Rohrmoser---------------------------- Pres. Frank Comstock---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $308,079 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $30,462 Number of Electric Customers--------- 966 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 469, 200 MINNESOTA Index Reference Number *Ada Water & Light Department, City of - - 22–510 *Adrian Light and Water Commission - - - - - - 22–512 *Aitkin Light and Water Commission------- 22–514 *Alexandria Board Of Public Works- - - - - - - - - 22–516 *Alpha, Village of. -------------------------- 22–518 *Alvarado Municipal Electric Department -- 22–520 *Anoka County Cooperative Light & Power Association-------------------------------- 22–805 *Anoka-Water & Light Dept., City of.----- 22–521 Arco Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–011 *Arlington Muncipal Light & Power System - 22–523 Arrowhead Light & Power CO--------------- 22–0.15 *Austin Board of Water, Electric, Gas and Power Commissioners--------------------- *Bagley Water & Light Commission - - - - - - - - 22–527 *Barnesville, City of.------------------------ 22–529 *Baudette Light & Water Department------ 22–532 *Bayport Municipal Light Plant. ----------- 22–534 *Benson Light, Heat and Power Plant------ 22–538 *Bigelow, Village of - - ---------------------- 22–540 Big Fork Valley Electric Service Co--------- 22–019 *Biwabik, Village of.------------------------ 22–542 Blandin Paper Co.-------------------------- 22-215 *Blooming Prairie Light & Power Plant----- 22–544 *Blue Earth Light & Water Department. --- 22–546 *BIue Earth-Nicollet Cooperative Electric ASSOciation------------------------------- 22–812 *Bluffton Municipal Electric Department_- 22–548 *Brainerd, Water & Light Board, City of -- 22–551 *Breckenridge Water & Light Commission -- 22–553 *Brewster, Village of. ----------------------- 22–555 *Brown County Rural Electrical Association. 22–817 *Brownton Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ –557 *Buffalo Municipal Service Department----- 22–559 *Buhl Water, Light, Heat, Power & Building Commission------------------------------- 22–561 Butler Brothers----------------------------- 22–217 *Caledonia Light & Water Department - - - - - 22–564 *Carlton County Cooperative Power Asso- ciation------------------------------------- 22–821 Central Electric & Telephone Co.----------- 22–025 *Central Minnesota Cooperative Power Asso- ciation Redwood County. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–824 Central States Power & Light Corporation-- 22–030 *Ceylon, Village of.------------------------- 22–566 *Chaska, City of.--------------------------- *Cooperative Light & Power Association of Lake County, The. ----------------------- Crosswell Light & Power.------------------- *Crow Wing Cooperative Power & Light Company--------------------------------- 22–830 *Dairyland Electric Cooperative, Inc *Dakota County Electric Cooperative, The-------------------------------------- 22–832 *Darwin, Village of ------------------------- 22–570 *Delano 'Munici pal Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 2–572 *Detroit Lakes Municipal Light Plant. - - - - - 22–575 *Douglas County Co-op. Light & Power AS- Sociation----------------------------------- 22–838 *Dundee Light and Power Department_____ 22–577 *Dunnell, Village of ------------------------- 22–579 Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation_______ 22–038 *East Grand Forks, City of - - - - - --------____ 22–581 Elk River Power & Light Company_________ 22–042 *Ely Water & Light Department - - - - - - - - - - 22–583 ºries Electric Light Department, Village 91------------------------------------------ 2–585 *Fairmont Water and Light Commission -- 22–588 *Faribault County Cooperative Electric Association------------------...------------- 22–851 *Federated Rural Electric Association 22–857 *Fergus Falls Water and Light Department 22–590 First Trust Company of St. Paul, Trustee for Wann 1905 Trust Fisher Electric CO Reference Number- *Freeborn-Mower Co-operative Light & Power ASSOciation ------------------------- 22–865. General Minnesota Utilities Company - - - - - - 22–061 *Gilbert Water, Light, Power & Building: Commission, Village Of-------------------- 22–592 *Glencoe Municipal Electric Plant- - - - - - - - - - 22–593 *Goodhue County Cooperative Electric AS- + Sociation---------------------------------- 22–870 Grand Marais Light & Power Co ------------ 22–065 *Grand Rapids Water, Light, Power and Building Commission - - - ------------------ 22–599. *Granite Falls Light & Water Department -- 22-601 Green Lake Electric Light & Power Plant --- 22–068 *Grove City, Village of.--------------------- *Grygla Municipal Plant-------------------- 22–604 *Halstad Municipal Utilities---------------- *Hardwick Electric Light & Power Works - - 22–607 *Harmony, Village of.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ 22–609. *Hawley Water, Light, Power and Building Commission.----------------. ------------ 22-61 I *Hendrum Municipal Electric Light Plant - 22-613 *Henning, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22-614 *Hibbing Water, Light, Power and Building Commission------------------------------- 22-615 Home Light & Power Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–072 *Hutchinson Municipal Electric Plant------- 22-617 Interstate Power Company - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 22–0.76 *Itasca Mantrap Cooperative Electric ASSO- ciation----------------------------------- 22—880 *Jackson Municipal Light Plant - - - - -------- 22–618 *Janesville Municipal Utilities - – ----------...- 22–619 “Kandiyohi Co-operative Electric Power Association-------------------------------- 22–890 *Kandiyohi, Village of *-------------...-------- 22–620 *Kasota Electric Light Department - - - - ----- 22-622 *KaSSon Department of Light and Water____ 22–624 *Keewatin Water, Light, Power & Building Commission------------------------------- 22–626 *Kelliher Municipal Light & Water Depart- ment---------------------------------- - - - - 22–629. *Kenyon Municipal Utilities ---------------- 22–632 *Lake City Electric Light Plant------------- 22–635 *Lake Crystal Municipal Light Plant ------- 22–636 *Lakefield Light & Water Works------------ 22–637 *Lake Park Water & Light Department----- 22–639. *Lake Region Co-op. Electrical Association-- 22–898 *Lanesboro Light & Power Commission----- 22-641 La Porte Light & Power Company---------- 22-080 *Leonard, Village of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- 22–643 *Le Sueur Water and Light Department - - - - 22–646 *Litchfield Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - 22–648 *Littlefork Light Commission--------------- 22–650 *Lucan, Village of.-------------------------- 22–651 *LuVerne, City of.-------------------------- 22–652 *Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - 22–905 *Mabel Municipal Electric Department----- 22–654 *Madelia Municipal Light & Power Plant - - 22–658 *Madison, City of 22–659 Mahoning Ore & Steel Company------------ 22–300 *Maplelake Rural Cooperative Power ASSO- ciation ------------------------------------ 22–909. *Marhle Cooperative Electric Association - - - 22–908 *Marshall Municipal Utilities--------------- 22–661 Martin County Electric Co - - - - - - - - --------- 22—089 *Maynard Municipal Light & Power Com- a DY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------- 22–663 *Mazeppa Water, Light, Power & Building Commission, The . . . --------------------- 65 *McEinley Water & Light Department_ _ _ _ _ 22–656 *McLeod Cooperative Power Association_ _ _ 22–910 * Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Asso- ciation - - - - - - - - 22–918 Melrose Farmers Public Service Company_ _ 22–095 *Melrose Water, Light, Power & Bldg. Com- mission------------------------------------ 22–667° 368 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number Mendota Electric Company----------------- 2–097 *Mille Lacs Region Co-operative Power & Light ASSociation - - - - - - - - ---------------- 22–920 Minneapolis General Electric Company, The 22–099 Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co. ------------ 22–314 Minnesota Power & Light Company - - - - - - - Minnesota Utilities Company- - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Minnesota Valley Cooperative Light & Power ASSociation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 *Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative, The 22–924 Mississippi Valley Public Service Company- 22–110 *Moorhead Water and Light Department. - - - 22–669 *Moose Lake, Water & Light Commission of Village of.--------------------------------- 22–671 *Mora Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–673 *Mountain Iron Water, Light, Power and Building Commission - - - - - - - - - ------------ 22–674 *Mountain Lake Municipal Plant - - - - - - - - - - *Nashwauk Water, Light, Power and Build- ing Commission--------------------------- Nelson, Roy S - *Newfolden, Village of --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *New Prague, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–680 :*New Ulm Public Utilities Commission, City 01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–683 *Nielsville Power and Light Department. --- 22–685 *Nobles Cooperative Electric. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–928 *Northern Electric Cooperative Association . . 22–933 Northern States Power Company (Minne- Sota) ------------------------------------- 2–121 :Northern States Power Company (Wis- consin) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–124 *North Saint Paul Public Utilities Commission. 22–687 *Olivia Water and Light Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22–691 . Olmsted County Power Co - . . . . . ----...-- - - - 22–128 *Ortonville Light & Power Department----- 22–694 Otter Tail Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–132 *Owatonna Municipal Utilities--- - - - - - - - - - - - 22–696 *Peoples Co-operative Power Association of Olmsted County-------------------------- 22–935 *Perley, Village of . . . .----------------------- 22–699 *Peterson, Village of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–700 *P. I. C. K. Cooperative Electric Association - 22–938 *Pierz, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–701 Prairie River Power Co - - - A ---------------- 22–347 *Preston Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 22–703 *Princeton Municipal Power & Light Plant- 22-704 Proctor Water and Light Company - - - - - - - - - 22–136 *Proctor Water, Light & Power Commission - 22–706 Rainy River Improvement Company - - - - - - - 22–140 *Randall Electric Light Co------------------ 22–705 *Red Lake Cooperative, Inc ----------------- 22–940 *Red River Valley Cooperative Power Asso- Ciation------------------------------------- 22–942 Redwood Falls Light & Power Co----------- 22–147 *Renville-Sibley Cooperative Power Associa- tion--------------------------------------- 22–944 *Rochester Department of Public Utilities--- 22–707 *ROSeau Municipal Light Plant 22–710 *Round Lake, Village of -- - - - - - - - - - - -------- *Rural Cooperative Power Association - - - - - - 22–946 *Rushford, City of . ------------------------- 22–714 *Rushmore, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 22–716 *Russell Municipal Light and Power-------- 22–718 Reference Number *Saint Charles Light and Water Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 22–721 Saint Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Company--------------------------------- 22–162 *Saint James, City of.----------------------- 22–723 *Saint Peter Electric Light and Water De- partment---------------------------------- 22–725 *Sargeant, Village of.------------------------ 22–727 Sartell Brothers Co-------------------------- 22–164 *Sauk Centre, Water, Light & Power Com- mission, City of.--------------!------------ 22–729 *Shakopee Water & Light Dept., City of - - - - 22–732 *Shelly Municipal Light Plant-------------- 22–734 *Sleepy Eye Light and Power--------------- 22–736 *South Central Electric Association - - ------- 22–949 *Southwestern Minnesota Cooperative Elec- tric, The---------------------------------- 22–952 *Spooner Water and Light Department, Village of.--------------------------------- 22–738 *Springfield, City of ------------------------ 22–743 *Spring Grove Village----------------------- 22–740 *Staples Water and Light Department - - - - - 22–745 *Stearns Cooperative Electric Association - - - 22–955 MINNESOTA 22–011 Arco Electric Company Arco, Minn. Principal Officers: N. P. Williamsen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Partner Manfred R. Andersen.------------------- Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,845 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - --------- $5,020 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 60 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 80,000 Also Renders: Telephone service. *Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22–959 *Stephen Electric Light Department, Village 91------------------------------------------ 22–747 *Stevens-Big Stone Co-operative Power ASSociation. ------------------------------- 22–965 Stony Run Light & Power Company-------- 22–166 *Thief River Falls Water and Light Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 22–749 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - - - - - 22–970 *Truman Municipal Light Department - - - - - 22–750 *Two Harbors Municipal Electric Co------- 22–751 *Tyler Municipal Light & Power Plant -- - - - 22–753 Union Public Service Company - - - - - - ------- 22–174 *Viking Light Plant, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–755 *Virginia Water and Light Department - - - - - 22–757 *Wadena, Electric Light & Water Works TXept., Village of.-------------------------- 22–760 *Warren City Water, Light & Power Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 22–762 Warroad Light & Power Co----------------- 22–181 *Waseca Water and Light Board------------ 22–764 *Wells Electric Association------------------ 22–978 *Wells Water, Light, Power & Building Commission------------------------------- 22–766 *Westbrook Municipal Light & Power Plant - 22–769 *Whalan Municipal Lighting Department--- 22–768 Wilder Rural Electric Company--- - - - - - - • – 22–185 *Wild Rice, Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- 22–980 *Willmar Water & Light Department ------- 22–771 *Windom Municipal Power Plant----------- 22–773 *Winthrop, City of.------------------------- 22–775 *Winton Electric System, Village of --------- 22–776 *Wolverton Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22–777 Worthington-Bigelow Township Light & Power Co--------------------------------- 22–189 *Worthington, City of.---------------------- 22–779 *Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric As- Sociation----------------------------------- 22–983 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 22–015 Arrowhead Light & Power Co. Cook, Minn. Principal Officers: Albert C. Thompson.------- ----------------- Pres. Milo C. Roy - - - ---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Albert J. Meyer------------------- Secy. & Treas. Directors: Albert J. Meyer, Milo C. Roy, Albert C. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $39, 757 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $23,289 Number of Electric Customers------------- 263 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internë) Combustion--------------------- 284 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 369 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 406,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cook - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 470 22–019 Big Fork Valley Electric Service Co. Big Fork, Minn. Principal Officer: J. Holt-------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $7,610 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 100 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion - 86 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 65,677 Community Served at Retail: Population Bigfork 382 22–025 Central Electric & Telephone Co. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. The following data are for the year 1940: Community Served at Retail: Population Farmington -- 1,580 See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–029), and operations reported under North Carolina (32–046) and North Dakota (33—009). 22–030 Central States Power & Light Corporation 700 Oklahoma Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Minnesota only) Number of Electric Customers: $56,128 (Minnesota only)------------------------- 985 Communities Served at Retail: Population dams - - 674 Le Roy - -- 752 Lyle------- 513 Rose Creek----------------------------------- 261 See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–028), and operations reported under Kentucky (16–011). 22–035 Croswell Light & Power Big Falls, Minn. Principal Officer: L. D. Croswell--------------------------- Partner 322184—42 29 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $74, 223 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $8,229 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 141 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal--------------------------------- 268 Hydro------------------------------------ 200 Internal Combustion--------------------- 68 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 207,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Big Falls------------------------------------- 509 22–038 Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation Amery, Wis. (Controlled by Utility Service Co. through 92.5% of Voting power.) Principal Officers: R. M. Houger---------- Pres. D. J. Taveniere--------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. F. H. Scholl------------- €CW. R. F. Gretsch---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: R. M. Houger, Robert Pulleyn, F. H. Scholl, D. J. Taveniere, G. R. Walker. Controls: Wisconsin Hydro Electric Co. (public utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,858, 179 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $452, 0.91 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5,561 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.---- * - 4, 235 Steam----- - 3,215 WCIT0--------------------------------- 320 Internal Combustion------------------ 700 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9tal------------------------------ 17, 595, 640 Generated.----------------------------- 12,053, 980 Purchased----------------------------- 5, 541, 660 Communities Served at Retail: Population Praham------------------------------------- 578 Cambridge---------------------------------- 1, 592 Foreston - - 300 Harris---- 609 HenderSon---------- - * - - 820 |Santi--------------------------------------- 354 Sle--- * - - - 567 Milaca-------------------------------------- 1,627 New Auburn------------------------------- 263 North Branch------------------------------ 762 Ogilvie-------------------------------------- 438 Onamia------------------------------------- 619 Pine City----------------------------------- 1, 718 Rush City---------------------------------- 1,020 Saint Francis----- 303 Wahkon------------------------------------- 273 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Hydro Electric Co. PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITY: *P. I. C. K. Cooperative Electric Association. 370 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–042 Elk River Power & Light Company Elk River, Minn. (Controlled by North Continent Utilities Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. . Baehr * = s. PreS. A. C. Winters Vice Pres. & Treas. J. W. Sykes Vice Pres. William B. Baehr ----Secy. G. L. Aiken ASSt. Secy. A. J. Faul----------------------------- ASSt. Secy. A. W. ChildS -Asst. Treas. Directors: W. A. Baehr, E. R. Foster, A. C. Winters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $236,040 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,839 Number of Electric Customers------------ 626 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 344 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.--- 1, 217,754 Generated 585, 354 Purchased - 632, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Payton------------------------------------- 253 Elk River- 1, 245 22–049 First Trust Company of St. Paul, Trustee for Wann 1905 Trust St. Paul, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $15,157 Number of Electric Customers------------- 16 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 517, 780 143, 40ſ, Generated.-------------------------------- Purchased--------------------------------- 374,380 Also Renders: Steam service. 22–053 Fisher Electric Co. Triumph, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population Triumph----- 480 22–061 General Minnesota Utilities Company Pine City, Minn. Principal Officers: J. J. Flynn.---------------------------------- Pres. R. P. Allen--------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. J. F. Sullivan-------------------------- Vice PreS. H. W. Pope--- Secy. John C. Carlson ----'Treas. M. H. Haugen- ASSt. Secy. Directors: M. R. Allen, R. P. Allen, John C. Carl- Son, J. J. Flynn, J. F. Sullivan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $838,822 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $101,711 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 867 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 754 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,808, 912 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blackduck-------- 753 Hill City 641 McGregor------------------------------------ 311 Northome------------------------------------ 343 Remer 407 22–065 Grand Marais Light & Power Co. Grand Marais. Minn. (Controlled by Union Electric Power Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. H. Okerstrom---------------------------- PreS. M. P. Griffith --Vice Pres, J. B. Adams--------------------------------- Secy. I. G. Lindell------------- ASSt. Secy. & Gen. Mgr. Directors: J. B. Adams, M. P. Griffith, R. H. OkerStrom. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,859 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,810 Number of Electric Customers------------- 281 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 398 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 510, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Marais 855 22–068 Green Lake Electric Light & Power Plant Spicer, Minn. Principal Officer: F. O. Hillman----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $17,000 Electric Operating Revenues $9,325 Number of Electric Customers - 330 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 56 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 193,000 Generated-------------------------------- 25,000 Purchased * * * * * = m = m - - - - - - - - - - - 168,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Spicer----------------------------------------- 480 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 371 22–072 Home Light & Power Co. Jasper, Minn. Principal Officer: Edmund Shella Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenu $13,681 Number of Electric C 382 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 534,690 Community Served at Retail: Population Jasper 880 22–0.76 Interstate Power Company 1000 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa (Controlled by Ogden Corp. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Minnesota only $2,499,094 Number of Electric Customers: (Minnesota only) - - 32,367 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Albert Lea-------------------------------- 12, 200 1,000 to 10,000 population Belle Plaine------------------------------- 1,407 Bemidji ---------------------------------- 9,427 Cass Lake--------------------------------- 1,904 Chatfield---------------------------------- 1,640 Crookston--------------------------------- 7, 161 Fosston----------------------------------- 1,271 Hallock----------------------------------- 1, 353 Le Center--------------------------------- 1, 232 Montgomery------------------------------ 1,741 Mound------------------------------------ 1, 189 Plainview.--------------------------------- 1, 500 Sherburn-...------------------------------- 1,030 Spring Valley----------------------------- 2, 133 Stewartville------------------------------- 1,025 Waconia --------------------------------- 1,315 Winnebago.-------------------------------- 1,992 250 to 1,000 population Alden------------------------------------- 544 Amboy------------------------------------ 576 Argyle.------------------------------------- 857 A voca------------------------------------- 323 Badger. ----------------------------------- 404 Beaver Creek----------------------------- 254 Bingham Lake---------------------------- 251 Bricelyn. --------------------------------- 601 Bronson (Lake Bronson) ------------------ 350 Brownsdale---------------------------- - - 355 Clearbrook.-------------------------------- 42: limax ----------------------------------- 253 Cologne----------------------------------- 427 Cornfrey---------------------------------- 555 Delavan----------------------------------- 321 Dexter------------------------------------ 303 Dover ------------------------------------ 269 Paston------------------------------------ 332 Elgin-------------------------------------- 468 Ellendale---------------------------------- 430 Ellsworth--------------------------------- 660 Elmore------------------------------------ 935 Emmons---------------------------------- 334 Erskine----------------------------------- 581 Eyota------------------------------------- 438 Freeborn---------------------------------- 252 Frost-------------------------------------- 278 Fulda. ----------------------------------- 984 Garden City------------------------------ 250 Geneva------------------------------------ 313 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Glenville---------------------------------- 615 Gonvick----------------------------------- 317 Granada---------------------------------- 431 Grand Meadow--------------------------- 700 Greenbush-------------------------------- 556 Hanska----------------------------------- 461 Heron Lake------------------------------- 852 Hills-------------------------------------- 450 Jeffers------------------------------------- 648 Earlstad---------------------------------- 501 Kennedy---------------------------------- 338 Kiester------------------------------------ 407 Lamberton-------------------------------- 922 Lancaster--------------------------------- 473 Lewiston---------------------------------- 761 Lewisville--------------------------------- 301 Lismore----------------------------------- 311 Magnolia---------------------------------- 273 McIntosh--------------------------------- 903 Medford----------------------------------- 342. Mentor------------------------------------ 287 Middle River----------------------------- 328. Monterey--------------------------------- 311 Oklee------------------------------------- 414 Plummer---------------------------------- 312. Sanborn----------------------------------- 580. Saint Bonifacius--------------------------- 363 Saint Vincent----------------------------- 327 Storden.----------------------------------- 331 Vernon Center---------------------------- 355 Vesta-------------------------------------- 334 Victoria----------------------------------- 276 Wabasso. --------------------------------- 604 Walnut Grove.----------------------------- 753 Watertown-------------------------------- 737 Wilmont---------------------------------- 361 Wykoff------------------------------------ 521 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Interstate Power Co. of North Dakota. Martin County, Electric Co. Minnesota Utilities Co. . PUIS LICLY OW NED UTILITIES: *Bagley Water & Light Commission. *Dundee Light & Power Dept. *Halstad Municipal System. - *Hendrum Municipal Electric Light Plant. *Village of Newfolden. *New Prague Light & Water Dept. *Town of Nielsville. *Village of Perley. *City of Rushford. *St. Charles Light & Water Dept. *Shelly Municipal Light Plant. *Village of Stephens Electric Light Dept. *Village of Viking Light Plant. *City of Welton. *Faribault County Cooperative Electric Assn. *Freeborn-Mower Cooperative Light & Power *South Central Electric Cooperative Assn. *Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric. *Tri-County Cooperative Electric Assn. *Emerson (Canada). See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–082), and operations reported under South Dakota (40–078). 22–080 La Porte Light & Power Company La Porte, Minn. 22–089 Martin County Electric Co. Welcome, Minn. h----------------------- ----Pres. & Mgr. Leo J. Seifert--------------------------- Vice Pres. Ivaline Johnson----------------------------- Secy. 372 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: S. C. Dows, C. L. Fish, F. A. Fratcher, Ivaline Johnson, Leo J. Seifert. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $94, 836 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $33,414 Number of Electric Customers------------- 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 822,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Welcome--------------------------------- 630 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Ceylon. *Village of Dunnell. 22–095 Melrose Farmers Public Service Company R. F. D. #2, Melrose, Minn. 22–097 Mendota Electric Company 163 Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, Minn. 22–099 The Minneapolis General Electric Company 15 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Corpo- ration.) Principal Officers: ack R. F. Pack---------------------------------- PreS. J. J. Molyneaux--------------- Vice Pres, & Treas. T. D. Crocker-------------------------- Vice PreS. H. C. Cummins-------Vice Pres. Chg. Operations H. E. Young---------------- Vice Pres. Chg. Sales M. A. Morrison----------------------------- €C R. L. Clark ------ - - - - - - ASSt. Treas. & ASSt. Secy. J. J. Madden-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. G. Kellett-------------------------- Asst. Secy. P. A. Lehmkuhl---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: B. F. Braheney, T. D. Crocker, H. C. Cummins, Henry Grenacher, J. J. Molyneaux, R. F. Pack, H. E. Young. Controls: Minnesota Brush Electric Co. (inactive electric utility). St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Co. (electric utility). St. Croix Falls Wisconsin Improvement Co. (elec- tric utility). The following"data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $51,755,900 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $14, 131,757 Number of Electric Customers--------- 176,227 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 142,960 Steam-------------------------------- 142,000 Hydro 960 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours - Total----------------------------- 674, 225, 725 Generated.---------------------------- 554,032,799 Purchased 70,696,000 Interchanged (net-in).----- ------------ 49, 496,926 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Minneapolis - - 492, 370 1,000 to 10,000 population Bloomington ---- 1, 414 Brooklyn Center-------------------------- 1,870 Columbia Heights------------------------ 6,035 Crystal ---- 2, 373 Peºphaven------------------------------- 1,026 Ila- , 855 Excelsior ---- 1,422 Glen Lake-------------------------------- 1,095 Golden Valley---------------------------- 2,048 Hopkins--------- -- 4, 100 Morningside----------------------------- 1,282 Richfield - - - - ---- 6, 750 Robbinsdale------------------------------ 6,018 Rosetown West--------------------------- , 424 Saint Louis Park 7,737 Wayzata - - - - - - - sº as as e s tº es sº me • * - - - - - - 1,473 250 to 1,000 population Baldur Park * 330 Carver - - - - 519 CaSCO * * - - - - 465 Christmas Lake- - 995. Crystal Bay------ 590 Holdridge - 379 Island Park------------------------------ 526 Long Lake------------------------------- 260 Loretto----------------------------------- 275 Maple Plain - - - - 360 Maplewood - - 610 Medicine Lake - - - - 300 Minnetonka Mills------------------------ 616 Navarre---------------------------------- 511 New Brighton 658 Osseo------------------------------------- 738 Rockford--------------------------------- 270 Spring Park------------------------------ 610 Tonka Bay------------------------------- 361 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Interstate Power Co. St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Anoka Water and Light Plant. *City of Chaska. *City of Shakopee. *A* County Cooperative Light & Power SS Il. *Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric ASSn. 22–103 Minnesota Power & Light Company 32 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co., through 93.04% of voting power.) Principal Officers: M. L. Hibbard------------------------------ PreS. W. S. Hodgson--------- Vice Pres., Secy. & Treas. J. E. Lynch---------------------------- Vice Pres. C. C. Boswell-------------------------- Vice Pres. T. B. Hawkes------------------------- ASSt. Secy. B. A. McTeigue---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: H. W. Anderson, G. A. Andresen, C. C Boswell, F. W. Buck, G. H. Crosby, R. L. Griggs, T. B. Hawkes, M. L. Hibbard, W. S. Hodgson, H. C. Hornby, F. E. King, J. E. Lynch, Seth Marshall, E. C. Peterson, W. D. Wyard. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $77,944,660 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $7,367,005 Number of Electric Customers.--------- 53, 531 DIRECTORY 373 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 125,061 Steam-------------------------------- 30, 150 Hydro------------------------------- – 94, 911 Energy Available in Year: Eilowatt-hours Total.---------------------------- 493, 691, 809 Generated.---------------------------- 493, 125,909 Purchased---------------------------- 565,900 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Puluth------------------------------------- 101,065 1,000 to 10,000 population Aurora------------------------------------- 1, 528 Bovey-------------------------------------- 1, 355 Carson Lake------------------------------- 1, 175 Chisholm------ .* * * * * * * * * * * = -º ºr w sº ºr * * * * * * * * * * * *s 7,487 Cloquet------------------------------------ 7, 304 Coleraine----------------------------------- 1, 325 Crosby------------------------------------- 2,954 Eveleth------------------------------------ 6,887 Little Falls--------------------------------- 6,047 Long Prairie-------------------------------- 2, 31 Park Rapids-------------------------------- , 643 Sandstone---------------------------------- 1, 559 Soudan------------------------------------- , 045 250 to 1,000 population Akeley------------------------------------- 566 AskoV-------------------------------------- 312 Barnum------------------------------------ 327 Bertha------------------------------------- 578 BrowerVille--------------------------------- 786 Calumet------------------------------------ 946 Carlton------------------------------------- 700 Clarissa.------------------------------------ 519 Cohasset----------------------------------- 389 Deer River--------------------------------- 987 Deerwood---------------------------------- 570 Eagle Bend--------------------------------- 682 Payal-------------------------------------- 405 Flensburg---------------------------------- 275 Floodwood--------------------------------- 571 Hewitt------------------------------------- 294 Hinckley----------------------------------- 873 Ironton------------------------------------- 827 Kelly Lake--------------------------------- 455 Rinney------------------------------------- 462 Peetonia------------------------------------ 396 Leonidas----------------------------------- 440 Marble------------------------------------- 792 Aſenahga----------------------------------- 768 *Totley------------------------------------- 368 Nevis-------------------------------------- 358 Pillager------------------------------------ 348 *ice---------------------------------------- 324 Royalton----------------------------------- 518 Scanlon------------------------------------ 460 Sebeka------------------------------------- 648 Stevenson---------------------------------- 265 Swanville---------------------------------- 4.17 Taconite----------------------------------- 375 Tower-------------------------------------- 820 Verndale----------------------------------- 521 Walker------------------------------------- 939 Willow River------------------------------ 314 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Wm. E. Lyman. Meadowlands Light & Power Co. Minnesota Utilities Co. Northern Power Company. Superior Water, Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Biwabik Water, Light, Power & Building Com- IIllSS1OI). *Bluffton Municipal Electric Dept. *Brainerd Water & Light Dept. *Ely Water and Light Dept. *Gilbert Water, Light, Power & Building Com- In 1SS10D. º *Grand Rapids Water, Light, Power and Build- ing Commission. Ltilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: º *Keewatin Water, Light, Power & Building Commission. *McKinley Water & Light Dept. tº *Nashwauk Water, Light, Power and Building Commission. *Oliver Municipal Electric Dept. *Village of Pierz. *Randall Electric Light Co. *Staples Water and Light Dept. *Wadena Electric and Water Dept. º *Mille Lacs Region Cooperative Power & Light ASSm. *Stuntz Cooperative Light & Power ASSn. Also Renders: Steam heating service. 22–107 Minnesota Utilities Company 520 Hodgson Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (Controlled by American Utilities Service Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Charles H. Bliss - - Pres. Arthur E. Swanson--------------------- Vice Pres. Elnathan Gates-------------------------- Vice Pres. F. A. O’Neill------------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. M. Boehmer----------------------- ASSt. Secy. Milton J. Wied--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. A. W. Schmidt_-_ Asst. Treas. Directors: Charles H. Bliss, Elnathan Gates, Arthur E. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,368,243 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $653,084 Number of Electric Customers---------- 10,209 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 3, 104 Steam-------------------------------- 1,422 Hydro-------------------------------- 1, 176 Internal Combustion----------------- 506 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.------------- ---------------- 16,706, 253 Generated.---------------------------- 6,449, 703 Purchased---------------------------- 10,238, 125 InterchangeS-In (groSS)---------------- 18,425 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Dodge Center------ 1,029 Jordan------------------------------------- 1,422 Mahnomen--------------------------------- 1,429 Mapleton.-- 1,070 Wheaton------------------------------------ 1,700 250 to 1,000 population Backus- -- 334 Bellingham -- 456 Bowlus - - - - ---- 304 Burtrum ----- * * * 297 Canton--- * = * ~ * = ~ * = = = = = ** = - as - - - - - - * * * * * * 421 Courtland---------------------------------- 291 Fertile-------------------------------------- 907 Fountain----------------------------------- 306 aſy---------------------------------------- 300 Grey Eagle--------------------------------- 428 Hackensack--------------------------------- 264 Hayfield - 742 Hitterdal -- 268 Holloway----------------------------------- 286 Houston------------------------------------ 977 Lonsdale------------------------------------ 545 Marine- * * * 338 Milan--------------------------------------- 624 Nicollet------------------------------------- 434 Parkers Prairie----------------------------- 781 374 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: - 250 to 1,000 population Population Pequot Lakes------------------------------- 514 Pine River---------------------------------- 574 Prior Lake---------------------------------- 349 Twin Valley-------------------------------- 844 TOlen , * * * * * * * - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - sº se - 562 Upsala-------------------------------------- 347 Winger--- 301 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Caledonia Light & Water Dept. *Village of Harmony. *Mabel Municipal Electric Dept *City of New Prague. *Village of Peterson. *Spring Grove Village. Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 22–110 Mississippi Valley Public Service Company Winona, Minn. (Controlled by Wisconsin Securities Co. of Delaware through 72% of voting power.) Principal Qfficers: J. P. Pulliam-------- PreS. Wm. M. Chester----------------------- Vice Pres. R. M. Howard------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Theodore F. Kaap----------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. S. J. Pettersen----------------'Treas. & Asst. Secy. Harold F. Paetz-------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. H. Deinlein------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: Wm. M. Chester, Harold A. Falk, Howard Greene, R. M. Howard, J. P. Pulliam. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,407,919 Electric Operating Revenues: otal------------------------------ $904,026 In Minnesota-------------------------- $758, 716 Number of Electric Customers: Otal-------- - - - * 10, 140 In Minnesota-------------------------- 8,090 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------ 15,800 Steam--------------------------------- 11,000 Hydro--------------------------------- 4,800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total---- 38, 523,434 Generated 38, 293, 248 Purchased.--- 30, 186 Communities Served at Retail: Population Altura------------------------------------- 258 Dakota------------------------------------ 300 Rollingstone 324 Winona 22,490 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Interstate Power Co. Also Renders: Bus service in Minnesota. and Wis- consin; and street railway service in Wisconsin. See Also: Operations reported under Wisconsin (48–079). 22–121 Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) * 15 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Corpo- ration.) - * State name is not part of the legal name of the corporation. Principal Officers: *9K---------------------------------- PreS. George C. Mathews----Vice Pres. & Comptroller J. J. Molyneaux--------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. H. C. Cummins-------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operation H. E. Young---------------- Vice Pres. Chg. SaleS T. D. Crocker-------------------------- Vice PreS. M. A. Morrison----------------------------- Secy. R. L. Clark------------ ASSt. Treas. & ASSt. Secy. P. A. Lehmkuhl---------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. J. Madden-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. G. Kellett-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: B. F. Braheny, T. D. Crocker, H. C. Cummins, G. O. House, George C. Mathews, J. F. Mºre J. J. Molyneaux, R. F. Pack, H. E. Ollſig. Controls: Chippewa Valley Construction Co. (Real Estate holdings). Chippewa River Power & Fibre Co. (Real Estate holdings). Interstate Light & Power Co. (Del.) (electric utility & holding company), which controls— The Elizabeth Light and Power Co. (electric utility). Interstate Light and Power Co. (Wis.) (electric & gas utility). Interstate Light and Power Corporation (inactive electric utility). Midland Public Service Co. (electric utility). The Minneapolis General Electric Co. (electric utility & holding company), which controls— MinneSota Brush Electric Co. (inactive electric utility). St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Co. (electric utility). º St. Croix Falls Wisconsin Improvement Co. (electric utility). Minneapolis Mill Co. (water power). Mississippi and Rum River Boom Co. (water rights & lands). Northern States Power Co. (N. J.) (electric utility). Northern States Power Co. (Wis.) (electric, gas, and hot water heating, and holding company), which Controls— Chippewa and Flambeau Improvement Co. (water storage reservoirs). Eau Claire Dells Improvement Co. (electric power production), Saint Anthony Falls Water Power Co. (water power dam, & hydro electric plants). St. Croix Power Co. (electric power production). St. Paul Gas Light Co. (inactive utility). United Power and Land Co. (Real Estate hold- ings, including small hydroelectric plant). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $83, 184,669 $15,444,067 In Minnesota $12,431,896 Number of Electric Customers: *...* * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 198,658 In Minnesota - 160, 155 DIRECTORY 375 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA {Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------- 190, 640 Steam-------------------------------- 174,625 Hydro... ------ ---------------------- 15, 230 Internal Combustion----------------- 785 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 'otal.---------------------------- 646, 319, 024 Generated.--------------------------- 465, 638,918 Purchased.---------------------------- 230, 177,032 Interchange (net-out) ----------------- 49, 496, 926 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Faribault--------------------------------- 14, 527 Mankato--------------------------------- 15, 654 Saint Cloud------------------------------ 24, 173 Saint Paul-------------------------------- 287,736 South Saint Paul.------------------------ 11, 844 1,000 to 10,000 population Bird Island------------------------------- 1, 201 Cannon Falls----------------------------- 1, 544 Cokato----------------------------------- 1, 175 Cold Spring------------------------------ 1, 427 Pilworth--------------------------------- 1,068 Gaylord---------------------------------- 1,049 Glencoe---------------------------------- 2, 387 Glenwood.------------------------------- 2, 564 Hastings--------------------------------- 5, 662 Hector----------------------------------- 1,044 Hutchinson------------------------------- 3,887 Montevideo------------------------------ 5, 220 Monticello------------------------------- 1,076. New Canada.----------------------------- 2,654 North Mankato-------------------------- 3, 517 Northfield-------------------------------- 4, 533 Sakis----------------------------------- 1, 483 Paynesville------------------------------- 1, 317 Pine Island------------------------------- 1,040 Pipestone-------------------------------- 4,682 Red Lake Falls--------------------------- 1, 530 Renville---------------------------------- 1, 256 Rosetown East--------------------------- 1,424 Saint Joseph ---------------------------- 1,055 Saint Paul Park-------------------------- 1,096 Sauk Rapids----------------------------- 2,981 Slayton---------------------------------- 1, 587 StillWater-------------------------------- 7,013 Tracy------------------------------------ 3,085 Waite Park------------------------------- 1, 427 Waterville----------------------------- ... -- 1, 600 West Saint Paul-------------------------- 5, 733 White Bear Lake------------------------- 2,858 Zumbrota-------------------------------- 1, 386 250 to 1,000 population Albany----------------------------------- 975 Annandale------------------------------- 755 Atwater---------------------------------- 815 Avon.------------------------------------ 403 Balaton---------------------------------- 713 Belgrade--------------------------------- 553 Belview.---------------------------------- 400 Big Lake--------------------------------- 442 Brooten---------------------------------- 676 Buffalo Lake----------------------------- 637 Butterfield------------------------------- 511 Byron------------------------------------ 341 Chandler--------------------------------- 363 Clara City------------------------------- 845 Claremont-------------------------------- 398 Clarkfield-------------------------------- 965 Clear Lake------------------------------- 285 Cleveland--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 313 Cosmos---------------------------------- 357 Cottage Grove.--------------------------- 683 Cottonwood------------------------------ 690 Currie------------------------------------ 524 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Panube---------------------------------- 350 Passel------------------------------------ 872 Pundas---------------------------------- 456 Eagle Lake------------------------------- 269 'cho------------------------------------- 477 Eden Valley----------------------------- 716 Fºlgerton--------------------------------- 815 Flysian----------------------------------- 382 Fisher------------------------------------ 333 Foley------------------------------------- 961 Franklin (Renville County)-------------- 502 Freeport--------------------------------- 548 Gibbon----------------------------------- 761 Glyndon--- 405 Good Thunder----- 457 Goodhue --- 480 Green Isle- 376 Hanley Falls----- 336 Holdingford - - 527 Holland---------------------------------- 303 Howard Lake---- 847 Rugo------------------------------------- 348 Inver Grove------------------------------ 502 Iona---------- 365 Kimball Prairie-------------------------- 505 Lafayette--------------------------------- 400 Lake Elmo. -- 265 Lake Lillian 271 Lake Wilson - - 421 Lakeville---- 543 Lester Prairie-- 423 Lowry----------------------------------- 273 Madison Lake---------------------------- 377 Mahtomedi------------------------------ 876 Mantorville------------------------------ 486 Maple Lake 637 Minnesota Lake--- 526 MontroSe 275 Morgan---------- 846 Morristown-- 677 Morton----- 904 NerStrand_ _ 251 New London = * * *- 578 New Munich 305 New Richland * * * - 863 Newport_- 872 Norwood--------------------------------- 648 Oak Park---- 724 Plato----- 283 Raymond- =- - 487 Richmond-------- 634 Rockville 345 Rogers---. 274 Rosemount--------------------- 364 Ruthton---------------------------------- 480 Sacred Heart----------------------------- 752 Saint Clair- 286 Saint Hilaire---- 288 Saint Michael ------ 389 Silver Lake 604 South Haven 276 Starbuck---------- 972 Stewart---------------------------------- 636 Wanamingo------------------------------ 449 Watkins 584 Watson 290 Waverly---------------------------------- 458 West Concord 744 Winsted 660 Wood Lake 436 Woodstock-- 253 Young America-- 406 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Electric & Telephone Co. ... Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation. Elk River Power & Light Co. F. O. Hillman. 376 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utlities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Home Light & Power Co. Interstate Light & Power Co. (Wis.). Interstate Power Co. Minnesota Utilities Co. Northern States Power Co. (N. J.) (operating in Iowa). Northern States Power Co. (Wis.). Ottertail Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Ada Water & Light Dept. *Arlington Municipal Light & Power System. *Bayport Municipal Light Plant. *Brownton Municipal Light Plant. *Buffalo Municipal Service Dept. *City of East Grand Forks. *Granite Falls Light and Water Dept. *Kasota Electric Light Dept. *Kasson Dept. of Light and Water. *North St. Paul Public Utilities. *Olivia Water and Light Dept. *City of St. James. *St. Peter Electric Light and Water Dept. *Sauk Centre Water, Light, and Power Com- IIllSSIOIl. *Waseca Water and Light Board. *City of Winthrop. *Wolverton Electric Co. *Blue Earth-Nicollet Electric Assn. *Dakota County Electric Cooperative. “Gºue County Electric Cooperative Power SSI). *Kandiyohi Cooperative Electric Power Assn. *Minnesota Valley Cooperative Light & Power SSI). *The Nobles Cooperative Electric ASSn. *South Central Cooperative Electric Assn. *Southwestern Minnesota Cooperative. *Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric ASSn. Also Renders: Gas, steam heating, and water Service in Minnesota; and gas, steam heating, and telephone service in North Dakota. See Also: Operations reported under North Dakota (33–108) and South Dakota (40–107). 22–124 Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin) 4 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire, Wis. (ºiled by standard Power and Light Corpora- The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Minnesota only $1,286, 217 Number of Electric Customers: Minnesota only------------------------ 5, 538 Communities Served at Retail: Population *rontenac---------------------------------- 305 Hammond--------------------------------- 252 Hokah------------ 546 Kellogg------------------------------------- 403 P” Crescent--------------------------------- 815 Red Wing---------------------------------- 9, 962 Wabasha----------------------------------- 2, 368 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern States Power Co. (Minn.). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Lake City Electric Light Plant. See Also: Principal report under Wisconsin (48–092). 22–128 Olmsted County Power Co. Rochester, Minn. Principal Officers: A. H. Clemens------------------------------ Secy W. W. Lawler----------------------------- Treas Directors: A. H. Clemens, E. C. Green, O. V. Hanson, W. W. Lawler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $76, 161 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $16, 521 Number of Electric Customers------------ 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 387,250 22–132 Otter Tail Power Company 125 Mill St. South, Fergus Falls, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Minnesota only------------ * * - - - ess - - * * * - $1,043, 617 Number of Electric Customers: Minnesota only-------------------------- 11, 588 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Appleton----------------------------------- 1,877 Browns Valley------------------------------ 1,075 Dawson------------------------------------- 1,646 Elbow Lake-------------------------------- , 150 Fergus Falls "------------------------------- 9,389 Frazee-------------------------------------- 1, 167 Graceville----------------------------------- 1,020 orris-------------------------------------- 3,214 Pelican Rapids----- -* - - - __ 1, 560 Perham -- 1, 534 * Commercial power and industrial Service only. 250 to 1,000 population Ashby-------------------------------------- 384 Audubon----------------------------------- 312 Barrett------------------------------------- 384 Battle Lake--------------------------------- 623 Beardsley----------------------------------- 537 oyd--------------------------------------- 523 Brandon------------------------------------ 345 Campbell----------------------------------- 328 Chokio------------------------------------- 492 Clinton------------------------------------- 630 Cyrus--------------------------------------- 357 De Graff------------------------------------ 291 Deer Creek--------------------------------- 405 Donnelly----------------------------------- 370 Evansville - 439 Hancock------------------------------------ 827 Herman------------------------------------ 703 Hoffman 504 Kensington--------------------------------- 337 Kerkhoven--------- 607 Murdock----------------------------------- 334 New York (New York Mills)--------------- 771 Odessa-------------------------------------- 316 Ogema-------------------------------------- 328 Slo------ 392 Otter Tail---------- --- 254 Rothsay------------------------------------ 415 Underwood----- ---- 353 Vergas - - sº a “ - * * *-- * * - - - º 351 Waubun - - - - * = - - - - - - tº sº * - as sº tº w - sº 438 Wendell-- ---- 273 White Earth b29 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 377 Utilities Served at Wholesale: w PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Minnesota Utilities Co. Union Light, Heat & Power Co. E. B. Rolien. - PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Alexandria Board of Public Works. *City of Barnesville. *Breckenridge Water & Light Commission. *Fergus Falls Water and Light Dept. *Village of Henning. *Lake Park Water & Light Dept. * Odessa Light & Power Co. * Ortonville Water and Light Dept. *Douglas County Co-operative Light & Power ASSn. *Lake Region Cooperative Electric Assn. See Also: Principal report under North Dakota (33-115), and operations reported under South Dakota (40–116). 22–136 Proctor Water and Light Company” 505 Wolvin Bldg., Duluth, Minn. a Properties and facilities for furnishing electric service to village of Proctor sold as of June 30, 1941, to Proctor Water, Light and Power Commission (22–706). (Controlled by United States Steel Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. E. Carlson - -, * - - - - - - - - - * - - - * - - - - - PreS P. H. Van Hoven.----------------------- Vice Pres. A. E. Arneson------------------------ Secy.-Treas. D. M. Stalker---------------------------- Auditor Directors: A. E. Arneson, C. J. Birch, C. E. Carlson, D. M. Stalker, P. H. Van Hoven. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $39,720 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47,695 Number of Electric Customers-------'-- - - - 979 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,834, 317 Community Served at Retail: Population Proctor-------------------------------------- 2,468 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–140 Rainy River Improvement Company 1100 Builders Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (Controlled by Minnesota and Ontario Paper Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. H. M. Robinson.--------------------------Pres. C. Larson------------------------------ Vice Pres R. D. Main-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. H. F. Woodward---------------------- Asst. Secy. G. H. Hardisty----------------------- ASSt. Treas. R. W. Montgomery------------ Asst. Secy.-Treas. Birectors: R. W. Andrews, C. Larson, R. D. Main, C. T. McMurray, R. H. M. Robinson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $588,580 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $120,670 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 2, 352 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,776,208 Communities Served at Retail: Population International Falls-------------------------- 5,626 22–147 Redwood Falls Light & Power Co. Redwood Falls, Minn. Principal Officers: C. H. Burmeister--------------------------. PreS. J. L. Parsons----------------------- Secy. & Treas. Olaf G. Austbo.------------------------ Vice PreS. Margaret B. Anderson----------------- Vice PreS. Directors: Margaret Anderson, O. G. Austbo, C. H. Burmeister, J. L. Parsons, lº" following data are for the year ended May 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $457, 434 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $90,026 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 167 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 1, 834 Steam---------------------------------- 400 Hydro---------------------------------- 500 Internal Combustion------------------- 934 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,685,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Redwood Falls------------------------- 3, 270 22–162 St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Company 15 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. (ºiled by Standard Power & Light Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: R. F. Pack---------------------------------- PreS. A. L. Burgess-------------------------- Vice PreS. H. M. Dunfee - * * ----Secy. J. J. Molyneaux------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. R. L. Clark-- - *- ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. L. Burgess, H. M. Dunfee, R. J. Jahnke, J. J. Molyneaux, R. F. Pack. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1, 183,951 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $530,799 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 2, 508 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 100 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 83, 487,658 Generated.----------------------------- 236, 380 Purchased.----------------------------- 83, 251,278 Communities Served at Retail: Population Almelund- - *- 400 Center City- 251 Chisago City 510 Forest Lake-------------------------------- 1, 120 Lindstrom 637 Taylors Falls 552 Wyoming---------------------------------- 253 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY own ED UTILITIES: Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation. The Minneapolis General Electric Co. Minnesota Utilities Co. St. Croix Falls Wisconsin Improvement Co. 378 POWER COMMISSION FEDERAL 22–164 Sartell Brothers Co. Sartell, Minn. Principal Officers: Wm. L. Sartell------------------------------ ProS. Charles F. Sartell--------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $4,000 Electric Operating Rev $5,268 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Sartell---------------------------------------- 532 22–166 Stony Run Light & Power Company Granite Falls, Minn. Directors: S. G. Anderson, L. O. Enstad, Norman Hagen, C. S. Rosetter, Herbert Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Cust S. 56 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - 85,000 22–174 Union Public Service Company 1415 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Th; fºllowing data are for the year ended March y Electric Operating Revenues: Minnesota only-- $169,674 Number of Electric Customers: Minnesota only-------------------------- 2,878 Communities Served at Retail: Population Canby------------------------------------- 2,099 Ghent-------------------------------------- 341 Hendricks---------------------------------- 740 Ivanhoe------------------------------------ 606 Lake Benton------------------------------- 961 Marietta * - - - - - - - - - * = - - - - - - - - - sº * - - - ºne ºn 400 Milroy------------------------------------- 261 Minneota------------ * - - - 1,065 Porter 250 See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–158). 22–181 Warroad Light & Power Co. Warroad, Minn. Principal Officer: M. A. Erickson---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $33, 152 Number of Electric Customers------------- 551 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 402 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - * -- 312,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Roosevelt - --- 304 Warroad----------------------------------- 1, 309 Williams---------------------------------- 376 22–185 Wilder Rural Electric Company Wilder, Minn. 22–189 Worthington-Bigelow Township Light & Power Co. Bigelow, Minn. Principal Officers: Charles Burnham--------------------------- PreS. W. G. Malcolm.----------------------- Vice-PreS. Richard Johnson.------------------ Secy. & Treas. Directors: Emil Anderson, Charles Burnham, Wal- ter Gustafson, Richard Johnson, W. G. Malcolm, John Olson, Roy Selberg. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $14,250 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,532 Number of Electric Cust S. 31 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------------ 4, 290 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 6, 124,000 22–215 Blandin Paper Co. Grand Rapids, Minn. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. K. Blandin------------------------------- Pres, C. K. Andrews--------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. C. H. Schacker-----------------------------. Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: - Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Total------------------------------------- 6, 220 Steam-------------------------------------- 5, 500 Hydro-------------------------------------- 720 22–217 Butler Brothers Cooley, Minn. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: R. W. Whitney----------------------- Gen. Supt. Frank Bohan-------------------- Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 40 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 112, 550 22–300 Mahoning Ore & Steel Company Hibbing, Minn. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: W. G. Brown------------------------------- Supt. L. C. David-------------------------- Gen. Supt. E. E. Nichols------------------- Master Mechanic DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 379 Population 325 * Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. Community Served at Retail: Mahoning *--------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 22–314 Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co. Builders Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. officials in Charge of Electric Operations: R. H. M. Robinson. ----------. --------. ---- PreS. R. W. Andrews-------- - -------------- Vice-Pres, C. Larson------------------------------ Res. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $813, 632 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $105,645 Number of Electric Customers------------- 4 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------ 16, 100 Steam------------------------------------- 10, 500 Hydro------------------------------------- 5, 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy sold to ultimate consumers--------21,986, 523 Energy sold for resale -- 3,776,208 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NE ID UTILITY: Rainy River Improvement Co. Also Renders: Water service. 22–325 Roy S. Nelson North Branch, Minn. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Roy S. Nelson----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $27,500 Electric Operating Reventies--------------- $2,118 Number of Electric Customers.------------ - 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------------- Energy Sold for Resale.-------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTTILITY: Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation. 229, 270 22–347 Prairie River Power Co. Grand Rapids, Minn. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. K. Blandin------------------------------ PreS. C. K. Andrews--------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. C. H. Schacker----------------------------. -Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------------- 1,084 80. Rilowatt-hours 22–510 *City of Ada Water & Light Department Ada, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ol Governing Body: A. Nelson (chairman), Mike Roesch, Leo Scherf. The following data are for the year ended Mar. y | Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24,916 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $40,060 Number of Electric Customers------------- 620 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased---- 996, 220 Community Served at Retail: Population Ada---------------------------------------- 1,938 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–512 *Adrian Light and Water Commission Adrian, Minn. Light and Water Commission: F. J. Forkenbrock §§. Frank Leguil (pres.), H. M. Lynch, Emil . Sell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 357 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------------- 460 Steam---------------------------------------- 120 Internal Combustion------------------------ 340 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated---- 351,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Adrian-------------------------------------- 1,066 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–514 *Aitkin Light and Water Commission Aitkin, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Light and Water Commission: B. R. HaSSman, F. Hutz (preS.), F. R. Ziske. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $175,641 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47,255 Number of Electric Customers------------- 775 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 896 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,486, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Aitkin--------------------------------------- 2,063 Also Renders: Water Service. 380 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–516 *Alexandria Board of Public Works Alexandria, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Paul W. McGee --- Secy. Board of Public Works Board of Public Works: Clarence Geske, H. B. Robards (pres.), Joseph Zeller. 'The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $579,039 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $133,837 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,304 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 2, 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3,932,821 Generated.---------------------------- 3,931, 521 Purchased -- - * * - - 1,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Alexandria--------------------------------- 5, 051 Utility Served at Wholesale: IPRIVATE LY OWN EID UTILITY: Otter Tail Power Co. Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service. 22–518 *Willage of Alpha Alpha, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: P. C. Verdick------------------------------- Clerk Trustees and Council President: Joseph Betlach, D. F. Lehman (pres.), Earl Trullinger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,353 Number of Electric Customers------------- 92 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 99,870 Also Renders: Water Service, 22–520 *Alvarado Municipal Electric Department Alvarado, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otis L. Holt----- --Mgr Sanfrid Johnson- Treas The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ----------------------- $9,925 Electric Operating Rev $5,856 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 132 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 105,673 Community Served at Retail: Population Alvarado- - * * - - -t = - - - - - - tº * - * * *- - - sº * - * * *- - 336 22–521 *City of Anoka—Water & Light Dept. Anoka, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. Rudolf Johnson.--------------------- City Mgr. Leslie Russell------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $103, 250 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 100 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased --- 3, 210,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Anoka-------------------------------------- 6, 426 Champlin---------------------------------- 450 Also Renders: Water Service, 22–523 *Arlington Municipal Light & Power System Arlington, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. J. Schneider----------------------------- Supt. O. B. Redman------------------------------ Clerk Village Council: Herman Kamps, Gust Knapp, H. A. Timm (mayor), O. J. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,200 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24, 272 Number of Electric Customers------------- 377 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 770, 880 Community Served at Retail: Population Arlington----------------------------------- 1, 122 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–525 *Austin Board of Water, Electric, Gas and Power Commissioners 419 E. Water St., Austin, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. D. Dunlap.------------------------------ Secy. H. W. B000 y. ----------------- ------------- Supt. Board of Commissioners: R. A. Dunnette, C. E. Gilleece (pres.), John Jennings, H. J. Keck, Rich- ard Rahilly. 1. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,071,744 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $385, 321 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 5, 665 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 11, 750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 16, 896, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Austin------------------------------------- 18, 307 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 381 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: ... *Freeborn-Mower County Cooperative Light & Power ASSn. Also Renders: Gas, central heating, and water Service. 22–527 *Bagley Water & Light Commission Bagley, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. E. Hansen.---------------------- Supt. & Secy. Water and Light Commission: George Buck, H. E. Foss (pres.), N. O. Nelson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $16,058 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,244 Number of Electric Customers------------- 374 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 456,751 Community Served at Retail: Population Bagley------------------------------------- 1, 241 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–529 *City of Barnesville Barnesville, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. H. Pierce--------------------------------- Supt. Electric Committee: George Garvin, Theo, Grina, C. T. Paulson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $27, 240 Number of Electric Customers------------- 410 r Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 630,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Barnesville--------------------------------- 1, 450 Also Renders: Telephone and water Service. 22–532 *Baudette Light & Water Department Baudette. Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Andy Earles-------------------------------- Supt. Village Council: C. H. Dodds (mayor), M. Firmen- ich (clerk), J. H. Greenan, Joe Guenin, C. G. Lindholm. The foliowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $83,376 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,369 Number of Electric Customers------------- 397 Generating Capacity: Pºil000tts Internal Combustion--------------------- 344 • Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated * * * * ---- 682, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Baudette--------------------------------- 1,017 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Spooner. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–534 *Bayport Municipal Light Plant Bayport, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: August Bohneman Supt. F. B. Slaughter------------- Collector of Accounts Village Council: W. E. Alvin, Chas. Eckberg, Granville Peterson, F. B. Slaughter, Herbert Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,836 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,615 Number of Electric Customers------------- 380 Community Served at Retail: Population Bayport---------------------------------- 2,633 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–538 *Benson Light, Heat and Power Plant Benson, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Carl D. Alsaker----------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Aldermen: D. W. Lawson (mayor), J. R. #ºd, J. Simonstad, Ray Skold, Geo. W., lilaſ Ol. - Utility Board: R. G. Hanson, Chester Lindstrom, K. K. Odden (pres.). lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 41: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $323,438 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $72, 378 Number of Electric Customers------------- 985 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts tal----------------------------------- 1,460 Steam-------------------------------------- 520. Internal Combustion----------------------- 940 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,583, 574 Community Served at Retail: Population Benson---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,729 Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service. 22–540 *Willage of Bigelow Bigelow, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Rowlands--------------------------- M R. E. Hubbard------------- Village Council: R. E. Hubbard, J. W. Rowlands (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $5,035 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 98,312 Community Served at Retail: Population Bigelow------------------------------------- - - 250 382 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–542 *Willage of Biwabik Biwabik, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. F. Anderson------------------------------- Supt. F. M. Seeley------------------------------- Clerk. Water, Light, Power & Building Commission: W. § ºy. N. P. Riley (Secy.), Victor Urick preS.). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,362 *Number of Electric Customers-------------- 403 Rºllowatt-hours 3Energy Purchased-------------------------- 644, 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Biwabik------------------------------------ 1, 304 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–544 *Blooming Prairie Light & Power Plant Blooming Prairie, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: I. E. Mack Water, Light, Power & Building Commission: Ed. M. Betloch, Dr. T. P. Golberg, L. E. Lyson (pres.), K. D. Wold (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $137,819 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31, 119 Number of Electric Customers------------- 505 Generating Capacity: *::: Internal Combustion------------------------- Rilowatt-hours Principal Electric Utility Officials: F 22–548 *Bluffton Municipal Electric De- partment Bluffton, Minn. 22–551 *Water & Light Board-City of Brainerd City Hall, Brainerd, Minn. Water and Light Board: B. L. Lagerquist, A. O. Tumms (vice pres.), W. H. Webking (pres.). lº." following data are for the year ended April 30, Electric Utility Plant (Dec. 31, 1940). ----- $283, 524 Electric Operating Revenues---____________ $172,043. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------_____ 7, 621,965. Community Served at Retail: Population Brainerd----------------------------------- 12,071 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Crow Wing Cooperative Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–553 *Breckenridge Water & Light Commission 5th St. N., Breckenridge, Minn. . L. Moate ----Supt. Ruth Hamilton----------------------------- Clerk Water and Light Commissioners: P. M. Ball, D. M. Finlayson, H. Siemerdsen. The following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, 41: Energy Generated.-------------------------- 858,000 |19 Community Served at Retail: Population | Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $86, 176 Blooming Prairie--------------------------- 1, 205 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $55,425 Also Renders: Water Service. Number of Electric Cust sº 751 Rilowatt-hours 22–546 Energy Purchased 1, 793, 500 *Blue Earth Light & Water Community Served at Retail: Population Department +}reckenridge--------------------------- 2, 745 p Also Renders: Water service. Blue Earth, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Axel Moline - ---Supt. 22 555 F. A. Liljedahl------------------------ Chief Engr. *Willage of Brewster Board of Public Works: A. H. Boedeker, W. B. - Conings, W. A. Eckles. Brewster, Minn. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 15, Principal Electric Utility Officials: 1941: - Henry Frey------------------------------- Mayor Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $480,239 Henry Weaver------------------------------ Clerk Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $106,555 Councilmen: Henry Frey, H. P. Haberman, Leo Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 342 Schneider, E. C. Trimlo, Henry Weaver. - Kilowatts | The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2, 250 | Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 - Rilowatt-hours | Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,095 Energy Generated 3, 551, 300 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 180 Community Served at Retail: Population | Community Served at Retail: Population Blue Earth 3,702 | Brewster-------------------------------------- 467 Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF EI.ECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 383 22–557 *Brownton Municipal Light Plant Brownton, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ivan H. Kreie------------------------------ Clerk Trustees: N. W. Johnson, P. Tadsen, Herbert Zander, R. A. Zimmerman (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12,498 Number of Electric Customers------------- 263 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 332, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownton.-------------------------------- 723 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–559 *Buffalo Municipal Service Department Buffalo, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. A. Mills Supt. Light Commission: John Cota, J. W. Thomson. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Cust * 800 Population 1,695 Community Served at Retail: Buffalo--- 22–561 *Buhl Water, Light, Heat, Power & Building Commission Buhl, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. A. Rovelsky------------------------------ Supt. Water & Light Board: Matt Brajkovich, Peter Kayfes, Roy Muck, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $115,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24,400 Number of Electric Cust º 370 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 170 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,213,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Buhl---------------------------------------- 1, 600 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–564 *Caledonia Light & Water Department Caledonia, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. Groezinger--------------------------- Mayor Abner Hauge . upt. Howard Doering----------------------ASSt. Supt. * * * * * * * * * * * * *s, * me º sº sº amº sº sº sº sº as ºr s m = ** = m. Village Council: Emil Gensmer, F. A. Groezinger (mayor), John J. Koenig, P. W. Schiltz, H. E. Wisland (clerk). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $24,823 Number of Electric Customers * * 662 Community Served at Retail: Population Caledonia----------------------------------- 1,985 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–566 *Willage of Ceylon Ceylon, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: #: #. $ºws * * * * * * * * * * * * = a- * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * Mayor • * V 008---------------------------------- Clerk Ole Wiedt------------------------------ Alderman Community Served at Retail: Population Ceylon * * * * 549 22–568 *City of Chaska Chaska, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. L. A. Hartman------------------------ Mayor y * * * * * * * * * m sº * * * * * =s sº Pres. Of Council C. A. Lubansky Fred U. Splettstoesser. ---------------- City Clerk Carl A. Kayeska----------------- City Electrician Electric Light Committee: Herbert Griep (chair- man), Jos. A. Helmeke, R. H. Stans. º following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant $64,345 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $35,469 Number of Electric Customers----------- 657 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 138,620 Community Served at Retail: Population Chaska--------------------------------- 1,927 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–570 *Willage of Darwin Box 23, Darwin, Minn. Mayor and Trustees: S. J. Kelley, J. A. McRaith, Earl Miller (mayor), Walter Walls. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--...-------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,969 Number of Electric Customers------------- 76 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased 164,568 22–572 *Delano Municipal Power Plant Delano, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Alvin C. Weihe----------------------------- Supt. Water, Light and Power Commission: Harry Kuka, C. N. Lundsten (secy.), A. J. Schilling (preS.). 384 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $155,932 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $37,085 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 509 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 708 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,321,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Delano--------------------------------- 1,094 Also Renders: Water Service. - 22–575 *Detroit Lakes Municipal Light Plant Detroit Lakes, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. N. Jensen------------------------------ Mayor F. J. Bestick-------------------------- City Clerk A. L. Frenzel------------------------------- Supt. City Council Water & Light Committee: A. P. Hurley, I. F. Lidstrom, G. R. Sloan. Water and Light Commission: Albert Beck, Chas. G. Buck, R. C. Videen. The following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $640,622 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $155,641 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 2, 112 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,366, 325 Community Served at Retail: Population Detroit Lakes-------------------------- 5,015 Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service. 22–577 *Dundee Light and Power Department Dundee, Minn. 22–579 *Willage of Dunnell Dunnell, Minn. 22–581 *City of East Grand Forks 11 S. 2nd St., E. Grand Forks, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population East Grand Forks-------------------------- 3, 511 22–583 *Ely Water & Light Department Ely, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: - Paul Buccowich, Jr.------------------------- Supt. Water & Light Committee: O. T. Friedsburg (chair- man), John N. Maki, Edward E. Porthan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $137,809 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $116, 500 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,644 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 3, 488,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ply----------------------------------------- 5, 970 22–585 *Willage of Fairfax Electric Light Department Fairfax, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: . M. Colby-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,490 Number of Electric Customers------------- 497 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 576 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 903,760 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairfax-------------------------------------- 1, 116 22–588 *Fairmont Water and Light Commission Fairmont, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. E. Basom-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $1,119, 627 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $260, 281 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,715 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 10, 825, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairmont----------------------------------- 6, 988 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Interstate Power Co. 4, ... 3 PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Federated Cooperative Electric Co. Also Renders: Water and steam heating service. 22–590 *Fergus Falls Water and Light Department City Hall, Fergus Falls, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. E. Young - Supt.-Engr. Commissioners: V. C. Jensen (pres.), John A. Knoff, H. E. Swenson. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 385. The following data are for the year ended March 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $167,060 $152, 339 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,012 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6, 485,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Fergus Falls------------------------------- 10,848 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–592 *Willage of Gilbert Water, Light, Power & Building Commission Gilbert. Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Thomas J. Connor-------------------- Electrician John Palka--------------------------------- Cl 'lerk Water, Light, Joseph Cristiano (chairman), Jacob Korpi (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Power & Building Commission: John Koritnik, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $53, 190 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $27,472 Number of Electric Customers------------- 783 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d------------------------ 1, 178,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gilbert.------------------------------------ 2,504 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–593 *Glencoe Municipal Electric Plant Glencoe, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. M. Bang--------------------------------- Supt. Light and Power Commission: Max Jumer, Fred Stoeckmann, Alfred Wichelmann. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $223, 284 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $51,348 Number of Electric Customers----------- 736 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 1, 122 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 582,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Glencoe------------------------------------ 2, 387 22–599 *Grand Rapids Water, Light, Pow- er and Building Commission Grand Rapids, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. Silvis-------------------------------- --Pres. W. W. Libbey--------------------- Commissioner Harold A. Hanson.-------------------------- Supt. Harold A. Lee---------------------------- Cashier Robt. M. Gilbert---------------------------- Secy 322184—42—30 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $164,228 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $110, 508 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 537 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 3,313,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Rapids-------------------------- 4,875. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–601 *Granite Falls Light & Water Department Granite Falls, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. Barager---------------------- City Engineer : E. H. Winter------------------------------ Mayor Aldermen: R. F. Boeck, Arba H. Hamre, B. T. Nelson, L. C. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $125,000. Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $70,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 891 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 600, Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2, 138,860. Generated------------------------------ 542,260. Purchased------------------------------ 1, 596,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Granite Falls-------------------------------- 2,388, Utilities Served at Wholesale: * PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Hawk Creek Flectric Co. Stony Run Light & Power Co. Plj BLICLY OW NED UTILITY: *Maynard Municipal Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–603 *Willage of Grove City Grove City, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. R. Johnson------------------------------- Clerk. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $7, 350 . Number of Electric Customers--------------- 250 Community Served at Retail: Population Grove City------------------------------------ 447 22–604 *Grygla Municipal Plant Grygla, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: - E. B. Boyum------------------------------- Mgr. . 386 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $9,630 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $4,060 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 43,088 22–605 *Halstad Municipal Utilities * - Halstad, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Alfred R. Kephart ------------ Supt. & Gen. Mgr. Light, Power, Water & Building Commission: N. Sºme (pres.), L. H. Oftadahl, J. C. Sulerud (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $64,084 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,306 Number of Electric Customers------------- 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 277 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------------- 712, 585 Energy generated.------------------------- 705, 345 Energy purchased.------------------------- 7, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Halstad---------------------------------- 570 Utility Served at Wholesale: Pl] BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Red River Valley Cooperative Power Assn. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–607 *Hardwick Electric Light & Power Works Hardwick, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population Hardwick-------------------------------- 273 22–609 *Willage of Harmony Harmony, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Pen I Feda------------------------------- Mayor T. E. Armstrong------------------------ ReCOrder A. M. Morem.------------------------------- Supt. Trustees: Geo. T. Morem, L. A. Riseland, B. L. White. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14,940 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 4.17, 050 Community Served at Retail: Population Harmony------------------------------------- 890 Also Renders: Water service. 22-611 *Hawley Water, Light, Power and Building Commission Hawley, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population Hawley------- ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * m ºr ºm as as m 1, 122 22–613 *Hendrum Municipal Electric Light Plant Hendrum, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Hendrum------------------------------------ Population 341 22–614 *Willage of Henning Henning, Minn. Population 948 Community Served at Retail: Henning-------------------------------------- 22–615 *Hibbing Water, Light, Power and Building Commission Hibbing, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. H. Hansen---------------- Supt. & Chief Engr. Board of Commissioners: Mike Marinac (chair- man), A. B. Timmerman, Ralph Ver Steeg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant'------------------- $1,375, 187 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $357, 168 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 732 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 14, 930, 124 Community Served at Retail: Population Hibbing----------------------------------- 16, 385 Also Renders: Gas, steam heating, and water service, 22–617 *Hutchinson Municipal Electric Plant Hutchinson, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. W. Strohmeier--------------------------- Supt. Light and Power Commission: R. W. Dahl, Dr. R. I. Sheppard (pres.), Dr. A. J. Thompson (vice preS.). . The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant --------------------- $610, 719 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $137,980 Number of Electric Customers. * * * * * sm as s = * 1, 375 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 2, 290 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 387 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 976, 870 Community Served at Retail: Population Hutchinson 3, 887 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: - *McLeod Cooperative Power & Light Associa- tion. 22–618 *Jackson Municipal Light Plant Jackson, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. M. Iverson A. E. Wallace Tony Wilhelm------------------------------ S The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Mayor Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $399, 297 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87,048 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,025 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total - *e 1,448 Steam 548 Internal Combustion 900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 475, 310 Community Served at Retail: Population Jackson 2,840 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Alpha. *Federated Rural Electric ASSn. Also Renders: Steam & water Service. 22–619 *Janesville Municipal Utilities Janesville, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. G. Cheatham---------------------------- Supt. Water, Light, Power & Building Commission: H. E. Gardner (chairman), W. F. Hagen, A. A. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $25,895 Number of Electric Meters----------------- 492 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 846,410 Community Served at Retail: Population Janesville-------------------------------- 1, 296 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–620 *Willage of Kandiyohi Kandiyohi, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population Kandiyohi----------------------------------- 271 22–622 *Kasota Electric Light Department Kasota, Minn. Electric Light Committee: Ovid Allen, H. R. Combs, A. Mueller (acting chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $7,626 Number of Electric Customers------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 123, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Kasota----------------------------------- 604 22–624 *Kasson Department of Light and Water Kasson, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. V. Healey - Mayor N. H. Hempsted.----------------- Village Recorder H. F. Stevens Councilmen: Frank Houston, Erwin Singfeil. -Supt. Operations Holgar Peterson, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $20,116 Electric Operating Rev $26, 116 Number of Electric Cust "S 419 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 677, 175 Community Served at Retail: Population Rasson--------- 1,230 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–626 *Keewatin Water, Light, Power & Building Commission Keewatin, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. oudreau----------------------------- Supt A. T. Hall---------------------------------- Clerk Commission: Mario Cappelletti (secy.), Peter Grcevich (chairman), J. J. Stampe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $54,444 Electric Operating Rev. - $24, 302 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 683,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Keewatin----------------------------------- 1,942 Also Renders: Water Service. 388 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–629 *Kelliher Municipal Light & Water Department Kelliher, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Erick Leonhardt--------------------------- Mayor E. J. Cain----------------------------------- Clerk J. B. Benson-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $7,000 Number of Electric Cust sº 90 Generating Capacity: Fúlowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 110 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 108,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Kelliher * sm ºm º ºs s sº sº as ºr sº º s as º ºs º ºs º ºs º gº tº gº º º 357 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–632 *Kenyon Municipal Utilities Kenyon, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Dudley------------------------------- Supt. Anna M. Gunderson------------------------ Secy. Board of Commissioners: Helge Berg, Vernon Floyd, Albert Hilstad (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $93.990 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $39, 539 Number of Electric Customers------------ 628 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 485 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,081, 349 Community Served at Retail: Population Kenyon------------------------------------- 1, 530 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–635 *Lake City Electric Light Plant Lake City. Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. F. Zillgitt Board of Water and Light Commission: M. L. Erickson, M. L. Pearson (preS.), John ThorSon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $158,362 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $61, 539 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 245 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 223,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake City---------------------------------- 3, 204 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–636 *Lake Crystal Municipal Light Plant Lake Crystal, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl A. Jenke------------------------------- Supt. J. T. Wiger--------------------------------- Clerk Light & Power Commission: E. H. Hughes, C. A. Johnson, C. G. Summers. gneS, A º following data are for the year ended April Electric Utility Plant ------_______________ $118, 214 Electric Operating Revenues--____________ $27,955 Number of Electric Customers--------_____ 578 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 348 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------______ 973,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Crystal-----------------------------DUI 1, 319 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–637 *Lakefield Light & Water Works Lakefield, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Rasmussen-------------------------- Mayor E. P. Whitney------------------------------ Clerk P. L. Ward--------------------------------- Supt. Councilmen: E. P. Sokolik, Earl C. Sucker, A. H. Thompson. * The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $220, 860 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $47,700 Number of Electric Customers----------- 604 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,086 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 844, 140 Community Served at Retail: Population Lakefield----------------------------------- 1,699. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–639 *Lake Park Water & Light Department Lake Park, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. RogneSS------------------------------ Supt. M. A. Rogness------------------------------ Secy. Water & Light Commission: Olaf Lindvedt, Alfred Vigen, Leonard Vordahl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $10,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 260,000. Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Park------------------------------------ 654 Also Renders: W ºf er Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES MINNESOTA 389 22–641 *Lanesboro Light & Power Commission - Lanesboro, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. J. Hanna well O. J. Mindrum------------------------------ Secy, Governing Body: T. A. Bell, R. W. Culbertson, Ing. ThorSon. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: JKilowatts Toºl------------------------------------- 612 Hydro-------------------------------------- 312 Internal Combustion----------------------- 300 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 815, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lanesboro 1, 100 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–643 *Willage of Leonard Leonard, Minn. 22–646 *Le Sueur Water and Light Department Le Sueur, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Dahn-------------------------- Gen. Supt. B. B. Mueller------------------------- Office Mgr. Council: Awald Brandt (mayor), R. C. Christian, Geo. Distel, F. C. Osborn, Gust. Sinell, Leonard Wieland, Gordon Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $167,275 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $62,035 Number of Electric Meters.-------------- ... 838 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 443 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2,048,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Pe Sueur------------------------------------ 2, 302 Also Renders: Municipal steam heating and general Water Service. 22–648 - - *Litchfield Light and Power Plant Litchfield, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Bang Supt. * following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, y Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $599, 631 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $129,245 Number of Electric Cust *A*- 1,453 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 353,060 Population 3,920 Community Served at Retail: Litchfield----------------------------------- Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Cedar Mills. *Village of Darwin. *Town of Forrest City. *Grove City. . * Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Assn. Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. 22–650 *Littlefork Light Commission Littlefork, Minn. Light Committee: C. A. Anderson, R. H. Hanover (chairman), P. R. Sullivan (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,500 Number of Electric Cust sº 170 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 206 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 270,000 Community Served at Retail: Population I,i},tlefork - * * - * * * * * * - - - - - - * * *-* - 608 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–651 *Willage of Lucan Lucan, Minn, Willage Council: Emil Danielowski, G. S. Dickerson (clerk), Louis Grams, Louis Larsen, L. C. Paterson (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $6,584 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $4,710 Number of Electric Customers----------- 76 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - 108,800 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–652. *City of Luverne City Hall, Luverne, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: , - - Wm. Mitchell Councilman in Charge Common Council: C. E. Ford, B. S. Hinkly, Wm. Mitchell, J. D. Piepgros. The following data are for the year 1940: * * - - * * - - * - - - * Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $275,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $78,042 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 102 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Otal------------------------------- 1,512 Steam------------ :---------------------- 590 Internal Combustion------------------- 922 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,880,000 390 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Population 3, 114 Community Served at Retail: LuVerne------------------------------------ Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Hardwick Electric Light & Power Works. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–654 *Mabel Municipal Electric Department Mabel. Minn. Community Served at Retail: Mabel Population 741 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * = = - - - - - - - - - * * * = * * * * * - - - - 22–656 *McKinley Water & Light Department McKinley, Minn. - 22–658 *Madelia Municipal Light & Power Plant Madelia, Minn. Pºpºlº Utility Officials: E. Coltvet------------------------------ Pres G. E. Hill --------------------------------- Sec F. C. Jensen.---------------------------- Director E. Arthur Ericson-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $200,997 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,045 Number of Electric Customers------------ 570 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 973 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - 1,267, 730 Community Served at Retail: Population Madelia------------------------------------ 1,652 22–659 *City of Madison Madison, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. P. Herriges------------------------- City Clerk Geo. W. Wombill--------------------------- Supt. City Council: Thos. Kjos, Clifford Lund, O. T. Mork, Leo A. Nikolai, M. M. Sorenson (mayor), Henry Weers, Henry Winge. lº" following data are for the year ended May 31, 1: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $352,498 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $62,963 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 610 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 1,640 Steam-------------------------------------- 600 Internal Combustion----------------------- 1,040 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 781, 850 Community Served at Retail: Population Madison----------------------------------- 2,312 Utility Served at Wholesale: PluſB LICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Minnesota Valley Co-op. Light & Power Asso- ciation. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–661 *Marshall Municipal Utilities Marshall, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. E. Healy------------------------------ Supt. Governing Body: F. D. Jacobson, O. W. Martin, Matt Neisen (chairman). The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $528,682 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $172,939 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,493 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 2, 231 Steam---------------------------------- 645 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 586 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,711, 825 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshall------------------------------------ 4, 590 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PUBLICLY O WNET) UTILITY: *Russell Municipal Light & Power. Also Renders: Steam heating and Water Service. 22–663 *Maynard Municipal Light & Power Company Maynard, Minn. Pººl Electric Utility Official: M. Ercone Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $9,954 Number of Electric Customers------------- 183 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 241,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Maynard--------------------------- __ 580 22–665 *The Mazeppa Water, Light, Power & Building Commission - Mazeppa, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. V. Webster------------------------------- Supt. A. R. Hawkinson.--------------------------- Secy. Commissioners: W. L. Duncan, A. R. Hawkinson, Peter Megears. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $9,907 Number of Electric Meters----------------- 249 Generating Capacity: - Rilowatts Total.-- --------- 268 Hydro------------ -- 50 Internal Combustion------------------------- 218 DIRECTORY 391 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 255, 691 Community Served at Retail: Population Mazeppa- 545 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–667 *Melrose Water, Light, Power & Bldg. Commission Melrose, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joe Fern------------------------------------ Supt. Water & Electricity Board: Chas. Hofman, U. C. Schlicht, John Welle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $160,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $45,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 690 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 870 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 338,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Welrose------------------------------------ 2,015 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Stearns Co-operative Electric Ass’n. Also Renders: Water Service. . 22–669 *Moorhead Water and Light Department 419 Center Ave., Moorhead, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. G. Price City Clerk H. A. Warner----------- Supt. Water & Light Commission: Charles Peterson, Fred Wensel (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $633, 728 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $183,382 Number of Electric Cust *: 4, 273 _* Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 5, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 8, 352,814 Community Served at Retail: Population Moorhead---------------------------------- 9,491 Also Renders: Water service. 22–671 *Water & Light Commission of Willage of Moose Lake Moose Lake, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Claude R. Poston---- Secy. Water & Light Dept. A. M. DameroW--------------------------- Supt. Water & Light Commission: C. K. Handschu, Robert Henderson, H. C. Losensky (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $109, 146 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34,003 Number of Electric Customers------------ 361 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 474 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 1,398,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Moose Lake- sº me - sº 1,432 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Carlton County Cooperative Power ASSn. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–673 *Mora Light and Power Plant Mora, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Edw. R. Kent- Supt. L. M. Carlson, F. J. G or h a m , Commission: J. C. Thies. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $145,908 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $36,493 Number of Electric Customers----------- 548 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 668 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 174,910 Community Served at Retail: Population Mora * * * * 1,494 22–674 *Mountain Iron Water, Light, Power and Building Commis- SIOI1 Mountain Iron, Minn. Population Community Served at Retail: -- 1,492 Mountain Iron- - 22–675 *Mountain Lake Municipal Plant Mountain Lake, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Mountain Lake- t- - Population -- 1, 745 22–676 *Nashwauk Water, Light, Power and Building Commission Nashwauk, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wayne Kumpala----------------------- Chairman Joseph Ramsey--------------------------- -Secy. Matt A. Mayerle------------------- Commissioner R. A. Loux- --Supt. Water, Light, Power and Building Commission: Carl Bordash, A. W. Craven, Arden Gracie (mayor), Roy Gram (recorder), Edward Thomas, Jr. - 392 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31, 555 Number of Electric Customers------------ 558 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 105, 396 Community Served at Retail: Population Nashwauk---------------------------------- 2, 228 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Cloverdale Cooperative Power & Light ASSn. Also Renders: Water service. 22–678 *Willage of Newfolden Newfolden, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. O. Bjornrud Village Council: H. H. Amundson (preS.), Alfred Johnson, Martin Smeby, Hjalmer Stohhe. The following data are for the year 1940: - Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,748 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 95 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------------ 83, 942 Energy Purchased.------------------------- 45, 660 Energy Interchanged-in (Gross)----------- 38, 282 Community Served at Retail: Population Newfolden-------------------------------- 300 22-680 *City of New Prague New Prague, Minn. Governing Body: John F. Bruzek, James J. Mach, Albert J. Rynda (pres.), George J. Sticha (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $128,000 $48,709 500 Rilowatts Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 1,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 2, 616, 130 Generated------------------------------ 2, 578, 340 Purchased------------------------------ 37.790 Community Served at Retail: Population New Prague-------------------------------- y Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Minnesota Utilities Co. Interstate Power Co. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–683 *City of New Ulm Public Utilities Commission New Ulm, Minn. upt. A. C. Sannwald ----------------------- City Clerk Andrew Bastian--------------------------- Treas. Commissioners: Carl P. Eichten, Geo. D. Erickson (vice pres.), W m. Stelljes (pres.). The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $812, 837 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $226,788 Number of Electric Customers------------ • 2,913 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 4, 750 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,374,600 Community Served at Retail: Population New Ulm--------------------------------- 8,743 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Minnesota Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: - *Brown County Rural Electrification Authority. Also Renders: Water and steam heating Service. 22–685 *Nielsville Power and Light Department Nielsville, Minn. 22–687 *North Saint Paul Public Utilities Commission 40–42–7th Ave., N. E., North St. Paul, Minn. Public Utilities Commission: Wm. C. Lindberg, H. F. Sharar (chairman), L. W. Techler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $115,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,791 Number of Electric Customers------------ 912 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,675, 364 Community Served at Retail: Population North Saint Paul--------------------------- 3, 135 22–691 **, *Olivia Water and Light Department Olivia, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. J. Reins--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended Oct. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $48, 443 Electric Operating Rev $35,562 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 552 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 181,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Olivia--------------------------------------- 1,788 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 393 22–694 *Ortonville Light & Power Department Ortonville, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $77,456 Electric Operating Rev --- $51,310 Number of Electric Customers------------ 804 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 810,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Ortonville-------------------------------- 2, 469 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–696 *Owatonna Municipal Utilities Walnut St., Owatonna, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: George A. Dienst---------------------------- Supt. Electric Commission: J ames Adair, Len Mosher, C. A. Tincher (pres.). lº" following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $988, 484 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $200, 512 Number of Electric Customers. ----------- 2,795 kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 486,206 Community Served at Retail: Population Owatonna------------------------------ 8, 694 Also Renders: Gas, Steam heat, and water service. 22–699 *Willage of Perley Perley, Minn. 22–700 *Willage of Peterson Peterson, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B:9. Benson------------------------------ Mayor Clifford Benson.------------------------- Recorder Trustees: Amos Gullickson, Emer Johnson, Hilton Schuster. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $5,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 114 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 91, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Peterson-------------------------------------- 331 Also Renders: Water Service. 22-701 *Willage of Pierz Pierz, Minn. Pºpº Electric Utility Official: Stall--------------------- Secy. Light Board The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,000 Number of Electric Cust S. * - 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 250,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pierż------------------------------------------ 714 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–703 *Preston Light Plant Preston, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Al Krause---------------------------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $122, 406 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $31, 186 Number of Electric Meters - - - ----------- 515 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 600 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 971, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Preston------------------------------------ 1,447 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–704 *Princeton Municipal Power & Light Plant Princeton, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: • * * * R. E. Young-------------------------------- Supt Commissioners: O. B. Newton, E. A. Reynolds (pres.), C. H. Wetter. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $34, 372 Number of Electric Cust sº 613 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 496 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,002, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Princeton----------------------------------- 1,865 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–705 *Randall Electric Light Co. Randall, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D º r. S. G. Knight EIurel Kazeck 394 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Councilmen: F. W. Larson, Don Magee, A. E. Schwanke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,376 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 106,576 Community Served at Retail: Population Randall--------------------------------------- 362 22–706 *Proctor Water, Light & Power Commission Proctor, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population Proctor *---------------------------------- 2,468 a Served prior to June 30, 1941, by Proctor Water and Light Company (22–136). - 22–707 *Rochester Department of Public * Utilities Room 101, City Hall, Rochester, Minn. Board of Public Utilities: C. W. Osterreich----------------------- President A. J. Lentſer-------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3, 204, 846 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $532, 526 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 747 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal.------- 14, 340 Steam--------------------------------- 12, 500 Pſydro--------------------------------- 1, 840 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 25, 621,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Rochester * * *-* - nº sº º ºs sº sº sº sº sº tº sº º sm am sºme sº m sºme 26, 312 Utilities Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Olmstead County Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *The Peoples Cooperative Power Assn. Also Renders: Central heating and water service. - 22–710 *Roseau Municipal Light Plant Roseau, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. C. Nelson-------------------------------- Supt Council Members: E. O. Anderson, M. H. Brastad, Herbert Monstud (village clerk), Louis Larson, Carl Listug. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $34,525 Number of Electric Cust tº 533 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 457 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 824, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Roseau 1, 775 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–712 *Willage of Round Lake Round Lake, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Francis Ling A. E. Fullwiler-------------------- Clerk & Supt. Governing Body: Oscar Anderson, Cecil P. Johnson, Bert Waage. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,000 Electric Operating Rev sº ºr -- $5,900 Number of Electric Customers-------------- . 125 Community Served at Retail: Population Round Lake * * * * * * * sº sº sº s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 430 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–714 *City of Rushford Rushford, Minn. City Council: I. Bokker, Bert Jensen, Olaf Johnson, T. E. Kjos (mayor), V. Miller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $20,064 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $21, 170 Number of Electric Customers----------- 425 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 526, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Rushford * = - sº sm. - ºr sm ºr sº sº, ºr sm - sº am, sº me as * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * 1, 182 22–716 *Willage of Rushmore Rushmore, Minn. - Principal Electric Utility Official: D. C. Shore------------------------- Village Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,346 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 125, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Rushmore------------------------------------ 423 22–718 *Russell Municipal Light and Power Russell, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: * Ira C. Purdy-------------------------- Electrician Council Committee: F. Van Breasen, C. E. Wal- bridge. Population Community Served at Retail: 464 Russell &= DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–MINNESOTA 395 22–721 *Saint Charles Light and Water Department Saint Charles, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Henry Wegmann.--------------------------- Supt. Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Charles ---- 1, 507 22–723 *City of St. James St. James, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. Craig--------------- Supt. Light and Water Board of Aldermen: H. Blackstad, Dr. E. J. Brattude (mayor), H. Flogstad, Axel R. Johnson, E. Peter- SOD, John Ringstad. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant $108,958 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $84,693 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 228 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 414, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint James--------------------------------- 3,400 Also Renders: Water service. 22–725 *Saint Peter Electric Light and Water Department St. Peter, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. C. Mollert------------------------------- Supt. Aldermen: C. A. Brandt, Curtiss Leverson, C. A. Swanson. lº" following data are for the year ended April 1, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $77,892 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,685 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 257 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 588, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Peter-- 5, 870 22–727 *Willage of Sargeant Sargeant, Minn. Village Council: Henry Beck, J. E. Heydt (mayor), Jens Jensen, Theo. Knutson (clerk), Tom O’Mar- IOW. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $4,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $2, 246 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 48 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 30, 720 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–729 *Water, Light & Power Commis- sion, City of Sauk Centre 523 Third St., Sauk Centre, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. E. MacDermond---------------- Supt. & Secy. Water, Light & Power Commission: G. Hillerud, A. E. MacDermond, J. B. Mondloch, A. G. Salmond (pres.). The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $155, 196 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $63, 522 Number of Electric Customers------------ 905 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 170 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 780, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Sauk Centre-------------------------------- 3,016 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–732 *City of Shakopee Water & Light Dept. Shakopee, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: t C. Condon------------------------------ Supt. Electric Committee: P. Beckrich, P. Rademacher, Chas. Schesso. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $68,000 Number of Electric Cust "S 900 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 800,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Shakopee----------------------------------- 2,418 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Minnesota Electric Service Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–734 *Shelly Municipal Light Plant Shelly, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Lavold Wm. T. Redland.--------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees: O. T. Amundson, Ole Malme, A. C. Lunde. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $5, 165 Number of Electric Customers.-------- .* 119 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 93, 008 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelly -- 344 Also Renders: Water Service. 396 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–736 *Sleepy Eye Light and Power Sleepy Eye, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Hansen------------------------------ Mayor Chas. Baugatz------------------------------- upU. Jens S. Jensen---------------------- City Recorder Board of Councilmen: J. H. Curran, Conrad Fritz (pres.), M. J. Heymans, C. F. Plotz, John M. Schroepfer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $342, 153 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $75,973 Number of Electric Customers----------- 925 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------- 1,672 Steam---------------------------------- 1,050 Internal Combustion------------------- 622 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,904, 630 Community Served at Retail: Population Sleepy Eye----------------------------- 2,923 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Brown County R. E. A. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–738 *Willage of Spooner Water and Light Department Spooner, Minn. Population 442 Community Served at Retail: Spooner - * * * - - * * * * - * * * *- - - - sº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sm - - - sº 22–740 *Spring Grove Willage Spring Grove, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: K. J. Gulbranson------------------- Village Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $13,300 Number of Electric Customers------------- 275 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- Community Served at Retail: Spring Grove--------------------------------- y Population 22–743 *City of Springfield 14 N. Marshall Ave., Springfield, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: August Ni John A. Plamann.--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $246,028 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $64,950 Number of Electric Customers----------- 732 967 | Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) - - - - - ------- 2,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2,897, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Springfield--- ------------------------ 2, 361 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTLILTY: A. C. Ochs Brick & Tile Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *R. E. A. Redwood County #60. Also Renders: Heating and water Service. 22–745 *Staples Water and Light Department Staples, Minn. Water and Light Commission: A. Ahlbrecht, H. F. Barrett (chairman), F. W. Findsen (secy.), W. H. Heier, E. A. Lee, H. C. Piper. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Flectric Utility Plant--------------------- $138, 775 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $59, 200 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,077 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,298.880 Community Served at Retail: P opulation Staples------------------------------------- 2,952 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–747 *Willage of Stephen Electric Light Department Stephen, Minn. Community Served at Retail: Population Stephen -- 673 22–749 *Thief River Falls Water and Light Department Thief River Falls, Minn. City Council: John Baker, Emil Griebstein (preS.), E. O. Iverson, H. W. Kinghorn, S. Salveson, C. W. Sande. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $495, 379 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $142, 109 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,788 e º Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Total.------------------------------- 2,080 ro---------------------------------- 550 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 530 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 4, 172,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Thief River Falls--------------------------- 6,019 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 397 22–750 *Truman Municipal Light Department Truman, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. O. Stolee--------------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: Paul Boshart, George Christian, Fred Huemoeller (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $92, 568 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $25,024 Number of Electric Customers------------- 354 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 764,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Truman-------------------------------------- 984 22–751 *Two Harbors Municipal Electric Co. 610 Second Avenue, Two Harbors, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. H. Brickley---------------------------- Mayor Ernest Carlson.------------------------ City Clerk Carl Barr---------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $275,902 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $75,81S Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 200 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 2,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3, 637, 104 Population 4,046 Community Served at Retail: TWO Harbors------------------------------- Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Marble Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Cooperative Light & Power Association of Lake County. - Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 22–753 *Tyler Municipal Light & Power Plant Tyler, Minn. Pºiº Electric Utility Officials: I. H'. Thomsen------------------------ Mayor Edward T. McEvoy------------------------ Clerk P. W. Beck--------------------------------- Supt. Village Council: Carl E. Hansen, Alfred Larsen, Herluf Utoft. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22, 147 Number of Electric Cust 475 * * * Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------.----- 421 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - 763,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Tyler--------------------------------------- 1,005 Also Renders: Water Service, 22–755 *Willage of Viking Light Plant Viking, Minn. 22–757 *Virginia Water and Light Department Virginia, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. C. Bright-------------------------------- Supt. Water and Light Commission: J. D. Lamont (pres.), § Hºrt Anderson (Vice pres.), Frank W. Kline SeCy.). The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $2,437,855 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $238, 133 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 339 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 11,037, 775 Communities Served at Retail: Population Franklin (St. Louis County)-------------- 515 Hopper------------------------------------ 290 Parkville---------- 600 Virginia------------------------------------ 12, 264 Also Renders: Gas, Steam heating, and water service. 22–760 *Willage of Wadena, Electric Light & Water Works Dept. Wadena, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: m. A. Ebner------------ Pres. Of Village Council J. M. Ehlen--------------------- Village Recorder Trustees: Ted Anderson, Geo. Stedman, Wm. Zuehlke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $65,665 Number of Electric Customers----------- 925 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2,029, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Wadena-------------------------------- 2,916 Also Renders: Water and Steam heating Service. 398 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–762 *Warren City Water, Light & Power Department Warren, Minn. Commission: Rasmus Hage (pres.), G. H. Holmquist, F. C. Larson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--...------------------ $82,907 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $30, 107 Number of Electric Customers- ---------- 620 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 452 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 891, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Warren------------------------------------- 1,639 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Alvarado Municipal Electric Dept. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–764 *Waseca Water and Light Board Waseca, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. E. Isker---------------------------------- Mgr. Water and Light Board: L. T. Buchler (secy.), E. H. Smith, Chas. Spillane (pres.). The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $85,095 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $93, 770 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 511 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,678,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Waseca.------------------------------------- 4, 270 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Electric Construction Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 22–766 *Wells Water, Light, Power & Building Commission Wells, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Fred E. Leider------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $165, 895 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50, 311 Number of Electric Customers------------ 628 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 841 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 394,646 Community Served at Retail: Population Wells--------------------------------------- 2, 217 Also Renders: Water Service. 22–768 *Whalan Municipal Lighting Department Whalan, Minn. 22–769 *Westbrook Municipal Light & Power Plant Westbrook, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: T. H. Ramsborg---- * - Supt. Light & Power Commission: H. G. Boeck, R. A. Johnson, A. E. Peterson (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $76, 671 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $26,032 Number of Electric Customers------------- 371. Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 348 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 698,895 Community Served at Retail: Population Westbrook- - * = - 871 22–771 *Willmar Water & Light Department Willmar, Minn. Water and Light Commission: A. C. Carlson (chair- man), V. E. Fridlund (Secy.), Paul M. Olson. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 15, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $426, 543 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $169,938 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,754 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4,030 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 486, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Willmar------------------------------------ 7,623 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Kandiyohi. Also Renders: Steam heating and Water Service. 22–773 *Windom Municipal Power Plant 182 11th St., Windom, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Andrew Elness------------------------------ Pres. M. C. Langley------------------------------ Secy. J. J. Heibert-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $66,930 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,000 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------- 900 Steam---------------------------------- 400 Internal Combustion. . . ---------------- 500 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA f 399 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 251, 470 Community Served at Retail: Population indon-------------- * - -e ºr 2,807 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wilder Rural Electric Co. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–775 *City of Winthrop Winthrop, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis Neessen----------------------------- Mayor J. C. Hanson ------------------------------ Treas. George Scheman---------------------------- Clerk Sheldon S. Larson----------------------- Attorney Aldermen: A. B. Teske, G. H. Williamson, Henry Winter, Leonard Zettel. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $6,080 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 490 Community Served at Retail: Population Winthrop------------------------------ 1, 195 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 22–776 *Willage of Winton Electric System Winton. Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Waino Niemela---------------------------- Mayor The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,284 Number of Electric Cust * ----- 75 22–777 *Wolverton Electric Company Wolverton, Minn. 22–779 *City of Worthington City Hall, Worthington, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Official: N. D. Miller--------------------- Supt. of Utilities Water and Light Commission: David Anderson, Carl Moen (pres.), J. A. Snyder. The following data are for the year 19.0: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $863, 607 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $185, 032 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,040 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4, 290 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 5, 621,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Worthington--------------------------- 5,918 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY O WNED UTILITIES: *Village of Bigelow. *Village of Brewster. *Village of Rushmore. *The Nobles Cooperative Electric ASSn. Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service. 22–805 *Anoka County Cooperative Light & Power Association 215 E. Main St., Anoka, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Edmunds---------------------------- Pr03 George L. Morris--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $467,097 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $50,631 Number of Electric Customers----------- 988 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 768, 300 22–812 *Blue Earth-Nicollet Cooperative Electric Association Mankato, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. P. Kraus--------------------------------- PreS. Carlton L. Palmerston---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $627, 106 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $79, 823 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 338 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------- 1, 191,000 22–817 *Brown County Rural Electrical Association Sleepy Eye, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur P. ZSchetzsche----------------------- PreS. H. A. Rosseth------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $555,064 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $66,743 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 124 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 956, 130. 22–821 *Carlton County Cooperative Power Association Kettle River, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Andrew Parviainen------------------------- Pres, Matt O. Wilson------------------- - - - - - - - - - - Mgr. 400 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $551, 728 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $33,030 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 771 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,056 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------------- 477, 168 Energy Generated.---------------------- 22, 340 Energy Purchased.---------------------- 454,828 22–824 *Central Minnesota Cooperative Power Association Redwood County Clements, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. B. Fredericksen --------------------------- PreS. Edward Turner----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $360, 143 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $39,799 Number of Electric Customers------------- 668 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 568,960 22–827 *The Cooperative Light & Power Association of Lake County Two Harbors, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John M. Jacobsen -------------------------. PreS. Walter Cullen------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $176,710 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $27,460 Number of Electric Customers------------- 452 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 341, 739 22–830 *Crow Wing Cooperative Power & Light Company 823 Maple St., Brainerd, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: IDan Gord The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $571,297 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $43,060 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 959 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 729, 360 22–831 *Dairyland Electric Cooperative, Inc. Grand Rapids, Minn. 22–832 *The Dakota County Electric Co- operative Farmington, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harold A. Van Slyke------------------------ PreS. C. H. Gelder-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $361,542 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $51,434 Number of Electric Customers------------- 945 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased. ------------------------ 821,700 22–838 *Douglas County Co-op. Light & Power Association Alexandria, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John J. Wilken------------------------------ PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $466, 312 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $28, 166 Number of Electric Customers------------- 731 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 696,840 22–851 *Faribault County Cooperative Electric Association Frost, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred Fenske--------------------------------- Pres, Carl W. Schneider-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $190,936 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,272 Number of Electric Customers------------- 415 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 369,300 22–857 *Federated Rural Electric As- Sociation 310 Sherman St., Jackson, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. H. Comstock P. L. Ferguson------------------------------ Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $565,904 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $73, 574 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 183 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 1,073,880 22–865 *Freeborn-Mower Co-operative Light & Power Association North Side Bank Bldg., Albert Lea, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W In. Garbisch Lewis Brown-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $701,926 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $88,485 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 582 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 1,246,430 22–870 *Goodhue County Cooperative Electric Association Zumbrota, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elmer Jacobson.----------------------------- Pres. Geo. W. Bleecker. ----------------. -------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $456, 892 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $59,393 Number of Electric Customers------------- 975 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 943, 800 22–880 *Itasca Mantrap Cooperative Electric Association Park Rapids, Minn. 22–890 *Kandiyohi Co-operative Electric Power Association Willmar, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. N. Gravgaard e Mauritz J. Nelson.-------------------------- Supt. 22–898 *Lake Region Co-op. Electrical Association Pelican Rapids, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Martin E. Stephanson.---------------------- PreS. Albert R. Knutson------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $579, 402 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $52, 864 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 752, 162 22–905 *Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. Tyler, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Phillips-------------------------------- PreS. Sigvald C. Martensen ---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $192,473 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,439 Number of Electric Customers------------- 378 - 22–908 *Marble Cooperative Electric Association Two Harbors, Minn. wº 22–909 *Maplelake Rural Cooperative Power Association Maplelake, Minn. 22–910 *McLeod Cooperative Power Association Glencoe, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lars. Leiſson-------------------------------- R. A. Fisher------------------------------- - Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $320,823 | Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $737,098 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $41, 607 | Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $112, 747 Number of Electric Customers------------- 864 || Number of Electric Customers------------- 2, 143 Rilowatt-hours Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 334,800 | Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,096, 200 322184—42 402 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 22–918 *Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association Litchfield, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl Martens-------------------------------- Pres, Irving J. Clinton --------------------------- M The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $725, 234 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $89, 657 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,853 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,637, 250 22–920 *Mille Lacs Region Co-operative Power & Light Association Aitkin, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur J. Stein------------------------------ FroS. Warren Hallum----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,389 Number of Electric Customers------------- 517 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 279, 324 22–922 *Minnesota Valley Cooperative Light & Power Association Granite Falls, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. L. Smith--------------------------------- FroS Oscar W. Swanson-------------------------. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $578, 671 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $54,440 Number of Electric Customers------------- 963 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 607, 941 22–924 *The Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative Jordan, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: EI. H. A.Spden -- - - - - - - - - --------------------- Pres Herbert A. Schimelpfenig------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $749, 803 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $85,894 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,620 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 607,941 22–928 *Nobles Cooperative Electric Worthington, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles A. Barnes--------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $671, 563 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $86,739 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,497. Rilawatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,401, 480 22-933 *Northern Electric Cooperative Association Virginia, Minn. 22-935 *Peoples Co-operative Power As- sociation of Olmsted County Rochester, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. C. Blumentritt -------------------------- Pres. Frank I. Kiley------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $382, 301 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $48,624 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 808 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 891, 800 22–938 *P. I. C. K. Cooperative Electric Association Braham, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Philip Johnson.----------------------------- ProS Beauford Johnson --------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $446, 660 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $48,363 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 852 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 708, 311 22-940 *Red Lake Cooperative, Inc. Red Lake, Minn. 22-942 *Red River Valley Cooperative Power Association Halstad, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. D. Anderson.----------------------------- PreS. John Gassman------------------------------ Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MINNESOTA 403 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $15,650 Number of Electric Customers------------ 502 Rilowatt-hours 74, 750 $250, 310 Energy Purchased 22-944 *Renville-Sibley Cooperative Power Association Fairfax, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred C. Klatt----------------------------- Pres. Ewald Schmechel.------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $316,335 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- Number of Electric Customers $42, 510 753 Rilowatt-hours 394, 750 * * * * * * * * * * * * Energy Purchased * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * 22-946 *Rural Cooperative Power Association Braham, Minn. 22-949 *South Central Electric Association St. James, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. J. E. Peterson---------------------------- Pres. E. C. Meier--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $756, 170 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $98, 384 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 700 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 273, 540 22-952 *The Southwestern Minnesota Cooperative Electric Pipestone, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. R. Hamer ---------- ---------------------- PreS. Leroy C. Sabie------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $229, 803 $27,001 Number of Electric Customers------------ 490 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 259, 380 22–955 *Stearns Cooperative Electric Association Melrose, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Albin Holmgren ---------------------------- PreS. George Halonen, Jr.------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------- -- = • - - - - - - - - - - $618,481 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $68,731 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,306 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 129,000 22–959 *Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric 342 W. Bridge St., Owatonna, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Donald G. Sommers------------------------- Pres L. P. Zimmerman-------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $755, 710 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $108,028 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,470 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,374,900 22–965 *Stevens-Big Stone Co-operative Power Association Benson. Minn. as as as m = = = <= a m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - Pres Victor Hanson------------------- ----------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $384, 746 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22,558 Number of Electric Customers------------ 504 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 91, 800 22–970 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative - Spring Valley, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. R. Churchill----------------------------- Pres Earl Kjos----------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $676, 466 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $69, 299 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 365 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 843,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownsville---------------------------------- 298 22–978 *Wells Electric Association Wells, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James H. Forsythe-------------------------- Pres. F. M. Hockenhull-------------------------- Supt. 404 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $134, 389 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $21,250 Number of Electric Customers------------ 319 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 317,580 22–980 *Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, Inc. Mahnomen, Minn. 22–983 *Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association Maple Lake, Minn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Walter McCann ---------------------------- PreS. Edward R. Slebiska------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $467,988 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $65,166 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 209 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 964,080 MISSISSIPPI Index Reference Number *Aberdeen Electric Department------------- 23–512 *Alcorn County Electric Power Association- 23—811 Alden Mills, The---------------------------- 2 *Amory Water & Light Plant--------------- *Belzoni Water & Light Plant--------------- *Canton Municipal Utilities----------------- 23–532 *Capitol Electric Power Association--------- *Central Electric Power Association--------- *Centreville Light & Water Plant----------- *Clarksdale Water and Light Department--- 23–546 *Coahoma Electric Power Association------- 23—816 *Coast Electric Power Association----------- 23—817 *Collins Municipal Light & Power Plant---- 23–553 *Columbus Light and Power Department, City of.----------------------------------- Crosby Lumber & Manufacturing Co------- *Delta Electric Power Association *Durant Light & Water Plant--------------- º Mississippi Electric Power Associa- 2 100--------------------------------------- *Fayette Light & Water Plant-------------- 23–574 *4–County Electric Power Association.------- 23—820 *Gloster Light and Water Works------------ 23–581 Goodyear Lumber Company---------------- 23–253 *Greenwood Electric Light and Water De- partment---------------------------------- 23–588 Hercules Powder Company----------------- 23–274 *Holly Springs, City of.--------------------- International Paper Company, Southern Kraft Division----------------------------- 23 Interstate Utilities Co- *Itta Bena Water & Light Plant------------ 23–609 *Jones County Electric Power Association--- 23—822 *KOSciusko Water and Light Plant ---------- 23–616 *Leland Water & Light Plant --------------- 23–623 *Louisville Electric System------------------ 23–625 *Macon Electric Department---------------- 23–628 Madison County Country Club------------- 23–055 *Magnolia Electric Power ASSociation------- *Mendenhall, Town of Mississippi Power & Light Company. - - - - - - Reference Number Mississippi Power Company---------------- 23–076 *Miss. State College Power Plant - - - -------- 23–634 *Monroe County Electric Power Association. 23–825 *Natchez Trace Electric Power ASSociation-- 23–826 *New Albany Electric Plant----------------- 23–637 *North East Mississippi Electric Power Asso- ciation------------------------------------- 23–827 *Okolona, City of.-------------------------- 23–644 *Oxford Water & Light Plant - - - ------------ 23–651 *Pearl River Valley Electric Power Associa- 8 ion--------------------------------------- –829 *Philadelphia Electric System --------------- 23–654 *Pontotoc Electric Power ASSociation - - - ---- 23–830 *Prentiss County Electric Power Association - 23–832 *Prentiss Light & Water Plant-------------- 23–665 *Shaw Light and Water Works-------------- *Singing River Electric Power Association--- 23–836 *Southern Pine Electric Power Association-- 23–840 *Southwest Mississippi Electric Power ASSo- ciation------------------------------------- 23–845 Stonewall Cotton Mills, Incorporated ------- 23–293 *Starkville, Department of Electricity, City of.----------------------------------- 23–685 Sumter Lumber Company, Inc.-------------- 23–295 *hatchie Valley Electric Power Associa- 100--------------------------------------- *Tennessee Valley Authority---------------- *Tippah Electric Power Association Inc., The 23-865 *Tishomingo County Electric Power Associa- tion--------------------------------------- 23–867 *Tombigbee Electric Power Association----- 23–873 *Tupelo, City of.---------------------------- 23–700 *Twin County Electric Power Association-- 23–879 *University of Mississippi Light Plant----- 23–705 *Utica Water & Light Department---------- 23–707 *Water Valley Water and Light Plant------- 23–714 *West Point Electric Light Plant------------ 23–721 *Woodville Light, Water & Gas Plant------- 23–728 *Yazoo City Public Service Commission-- - - 23–735 *Yazoo Valley Electric Power ASSociation--- 23–895 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. MISSISSIPPI 23–034 Interstate Utilities Co. La Grange, Tenn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Mississippi only--------------------------- $7, 150 Number of Electric Customers: Mississippi only--------------------------- 199 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bucatumna----------------------------------- 385 State Line * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = sº as 542 Also Renders: Ice service. See Also: Principal report under Alabama (0.1-087). 23–055 Madison County Country Club Canton, Miss. 23–0.76 Mississippi Power Company 2500–14th St., Gulfport, Miss. (Controlled by Commonwealth & Southern Corpo- ration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: B. B. Eaton--------------------------------- Press L. P. SWeatt------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. A. Yates- __Vice PreS. L. H. Crowell ----Secy.-Treas. H. A. Leonard--------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. S. A. Dawley---------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. C. Wigand-------- * * * ASSt. Treas. E. L. McLean------------------------------ Clerk Directors: R. B. Clark, D. Cottrell, Sr., L. H. Crowell, B. E. Eaton, L. W. Seal, L. P. Sweatt, E. A. Yates. The following data are for the year 1910. Electric Utility Plant------------------ $18,484, 633 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,370, 812 Number of Electric Customers---------- 37, 406 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal----------------------------- 17,386 Steam-------------------------------- 15, 520 Internal Combustion----------------- 1, 866 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours = s. m. sº m. º. º sº ºm. * * * * * *m; sº me. * * * * * * * * * * * * 201,716, 399 Generated.---------------------------- 23,787,917 Purchased.---------------------------- 175,026,982 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 2,901, 500 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Biloxi------------------------------------- 17,475 Gulfport---------------------------------- 15, 195 Hattiesburg------------------------------- 21,026 Laurel------------------------------------- 20, 598 Meridian---------------------------------- 35,481 1,000 to 10,000 population Bay Saint Louis--------------------------- 4, 138 Bay Springs------------------------------- 1,228 Columbia--------------------------------- 6,064 Ellisville---------------------------------- 2,607 Forest------------------------------------- 2,735 Long Beach------------------------------- 1,495 Lucedale---------------------------------- 1, 204 Lumberton-------------------------------- 1,485 MOSS Point-------------------------------- 3,042 Newton----------------------------------- 1,800 Ocean Springs----------------------------- 1,881 Pascagoula-------------------------------- 5,900 Pass Christian----------------------------- 3,338 Picayune---------------------------------- 5, 129 Poplar ville-------------------------------- 1,664 Purvis------------------------------------- 1,000 Quitman---------------------------------- 1,471 Stonewall--------------------------------- 1,075 Union------------------------------------- 1, 543 Waynesboro------------------------------- 1,445 Wiggins----------------------------------- 1, 141 250 to 1,000 population Bassfield---------------------------------- 277 Decatur----------------------------------- 773 East Side---------------------------------- 250 Enterprise--------------------------------- 757 Handsboro-------------------------------- 750 Heidelberg-------------------------------- 615 Hickory----------------------------------- 724 Lake-------------------------------------- 437 Lauderdale-------------------------------- 270 Leakesville-------------------------------- 834 CIla-------------------------------------- 344 Louin------------------------------------- 485 Lyman------------------------------------ 500 McHenry--------------------------------- 575 McLain----------------------------------- 250 Mississippi City--------------------------- 500 Montrose---------------------------------- 278 New Augusta----------------------------- 500 Pachuta----------------------------------- 313 Petal-------------------------------------- 300 Richton----------------------------------- 936 Sandersville------------------------------- 562 Seminary---------------------------------- 291 Seymour---------------------------------- 300 Shubuta----------------------------------- 756 Stringer----------------------------------- 250 Sumrall.----------------------------------- 819 Taylorsville------------------------------- 955 Toomsuba--------------------------------- 300 Vossburg---------------------------------- 432 Walnut Grove.----------------------------- 653 Waveland--------------------------------- 768 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: . Alabama Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Coast Electric Power ASSn. *East Mississippi Electric Power ASSn. *Jones County Electric Power ASSn. *Pearl River Valley Electric Power Assn. *Singing River Electric Power Assn. *Southern Pine Electric Power ASSn. 23–097 Mississippi Power & Light Company Lampton Bldg., Jackson, Miss. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 93.9% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Rex I. Brown------------------------------ PreS. Henry B. iºnºvice Pres. Chg. opersº: R. B. Fowles-------------------------------- ecy. J. D. Stietenroth--------------------------- Treas. T. W. Crockett - L___------------------ Asst. Secy. W. I. Hill---------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Rex I. Brown, L. Z. Dickey, J. M. Hartfield, T. W. McCoy, Henry B. Sargent, M. P. Sturdivant, J. T. Thomas, S. R. Whitten, Jr., W. T. Wynn. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $34,732, 611 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - ------ $5,693, 324 Number of Electric Customers.--------- 59,01 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 14,608 Steam-------------------------------- 9, 332 Internal Combustion----------------- 5,276 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 250,962, 983 Generated.---------------------------- 1, 331,045 Purchased.---------------------------- 249,631,938 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Greenville--------------------------------- 20,892 Jackson----------------------------------- 62, 107 Natchez----------------------------------- 15, 296 Vicksburg--------------------------------- 24, 460 1,000 to 10,000 population Batesville--------------------------------- 1,815 Brandon---------------------------------- 1, 184 Brookhaven------------------------------- 6, 232 Bude-------------------------------------- 1, 207 Carthage---------------------------------- 1, 766 Charleston-------------------------------- 2, 100 Cleveland--------------------------------- 4, 189 Crystal Springs--------------------------- 2,855 Drew-------------------------------------- 1, 579 Edwards---------------------------------- 1, 110 Grenada----------------------------------- 5,831 Hazelhurst-------------------------------- 3, 124 Hernando--------------------------------- 1,072 Hollandale-------------------------------- 1,606 Indianola---------------------------------- 3, 604 Lambert----------------------------------- 1,016 Lexington.--------------------------------- , 930 Magee------------------------------------- 1, 221 Magnolia---------------------------------- 2, 125 Marks------------------------------------- 1, 818 McComb---------------------------------- 9,898 Moorhead--------------------------------- 1, 504 Port Gibson------------------------------- 2,748 Rolling Fork------------------------------ 1, 320 Rosedale---------------------------------- 2,063 RuleVille---------------------------------- 1, 378 Sardis.------------------------------------- 2,022 Senatobia--------------------------------- 1, 757 Shelby------------------------------------ 1,956 Summit----------------------------------- 1, 254 Tunica------------------------------------ 1,322 Tylertown-------------------------------- 1, 376 Winona----------------------------------- 2, 532 250 to 1,000 population Anguilla----------------------------------- 493 Arcola------------------------------------- 444 Banks------------------------------------- 300 Benoit------------------------------------ 406 Benton.----------------------------------- 261 Bentonia---------------------------------- 440 Beulah ------------------------------------ 347 Bogue Chitto------------------------------ 384 DIRECTORY 407 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES--MISSISSIPPI “Cornmunities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Bolton------------------------------------ 627 Boyle --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 742 Byhalia----------------------------------- 543 Carrollton--------------------------------- 575 *Y-------------------------------------- 491 Clinton----------------------------------- 916 Coahoma---------------------------------- 295 Coffeeville--------------------------------- 481 ColdWater--------------------------------- 690 Como------------------------------------- 819 Crenshaw --------------------------------- 623 Cruger------------------------------------ 450 P L0-------------------------------------- 400 Parling----------------------------------- 500 Doddsville-------------------------------- 262 Duck Hill--------------------------------- 537 Duncan----------------------------------- 419 Eden-------------------------------------- 292 Ethel-------------------------------------- 828 Fºvansville -------------------------------- 250 Fernwood--------------------------------- 500 Flora.------------------------------------- 509 Florence----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 368 Friar Point-------------------------------- 940 Georgetown------------------------------- 415 Glen Allen-------------------------------- 300 Goodman -------------'-------------------- 609 Gunnison--------------------------------- 396 Holly Bluff-------------------------------- 250 Inverness---------------------------------- 677 Isola--------------------------------------- 449 Jonestown--------------------------------- 706 Kilmichael-------------------------------- 556 Lake Cormorant-------------------------- 300 Liberty----------------------------------- 665 Pouise------------------------------------- 456 Pula--------------------------------------- 503 Matagordia-------------------------------- 51() McCool----------------------------------- 373 Meadville--------------------------------- 510 Merigold---------------------|- - - - - - - - - - - - - 704 Minter City------------------------------- 350 Mize-------------------------------------- 561 Monticello-------------------------------- 802 Morton----------------------------------- 934 Mound Bayou---------------------------- S06 Mount Olive------------------------------ 775 New Hebron------------------------------ 298 North Carrollton-------------------------- 469 Oakland----------------------------------- 516 Olive Branch------------------------------ 441 Syka------------------------------------- 769 Pace-------------------------------------- 426 Pelahatchie------------------------------- 938 Perthshire--------------------------------- 420 Philipp------------------------------------ 530 Pickens----------------------------------- 688 Raleigh----------------------------------- 644 Raymond--------------------------------- 641 Roxie------------------------------------- 385 Sallis-------------------------------------- 287 Schlater----------------------------------- 250 Sidon ------------------------------------- 418 Silver City-------------------------------- 390 Silver Creek------------------------------ 278 Sledge------------------------------------- 316 Star--------------------------------------- 350 Sumner----------------------------------- 622 Sunflower--------------------------------- 630 Tchula------------------------------------ 861 Terry------------------------------------- 401 Tutwiler---------------------------------- 665 Vaiden------------------------------------ 601 Webb------------------------------------- 606 Wesson------------------------------------ 837 West-------------------------------------- 402 Winterville-------------------------------- 250 TJtilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Clarksdale Water & Light Dept. *Kosciusko Water & Light Plant. *Mendenhall Municipal Light Dept. *Delta Electric Power ASSn. - *Magnolia Power and Light Assn. *Twin County Electric Power ASSn. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 23–211 The Alden Mills New Orleans, La. 23–239 Crosby Lumber & Manufacturing Co. Crosby, Miss. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. H. Crosby------------------------------- PreS. C. G. Mitchell-------------------- Supt. of Power W. H. Farrell------------------------- Office Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $10,828 Number of Electric Customers ----------------- I Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2,021,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Crosby *---------------------------------- 1,489 a Majority of customers are company employees Served without direct charge. Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Southwest Mississippi Power ASSn. 23–253 Goodyear Lumber Company Picayune, Miss. 23–274 Hercules Powder Company Wilmington, Del. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Mississippi only)---------------------- Number of Electric Customers: (Mississippi only)---------------------- l Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mississippi Power Co. See Also: Operations reported under (10–259). Georgia 23–288 International Paper Company Southern Kraft Division Mobile, Ala. See Also: Principal report under Florida (09–314) and operations reported under Alabama (0.1–298). 408 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 23–293 Stonewall Cotton Mills, Incorpo- rated Stonewall, Miss. 23–295 Sumter Lumber Company, Inc. Electric Mills, Miss. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: W. H. Myers--------------------------------Mgr. J. G. Fisher-------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - -------------- $275,000 - Rilowatts 2,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Electric Mills a 1, 205 * Customers are company employees only, served without direct charge. Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 23–512 *Aberdeen Electric Department” Aberdeen, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. E. CoSnahan----------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: L. L. Broyles (mayor), R. W. Flynti, Hal T. Heardf, T). M. Mattox, L. I. Mitchellf, T. A. Richardson. fMember of Power Board. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, $148,896 $39,030 Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Customers----------- 864 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - ------------------ $1,994,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Aberdeen.------------------------------- 4, 746 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–518 *Amory Water & Light Plant* Amory, Miss. * Utility, has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Russell Miller Board of Aldermen: A. A. Allen, E. C. Bourland, G. H. Kirkpatrick, F. L. Puckett, W. J. Rieves, C. D. Rowan (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $145,469 $48,512 1,090 Pólowatts 640 Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 425, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Amory-------------------------------------- 3, 727 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–525 *Belzoni Water & Light Plant South St., Belzoni, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Sislo lº" following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $78,600 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $60,233 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 794 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 764 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,601, 610 Community Served at Retail: Population Belzoni------------------------------------- 3,789 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–532 *Canton Municipal Utilities P. O. Box 114, Canton, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. M. id . Reid--------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $115,000 Electric Operating Revenues----- --------- $65,998 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,042 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,450 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,973,866 Community Served at Retail: Population Canton------------------------------------- 6,011 Also Renders: Natural gas and water Service. 23–539 *Centreville Light & Water Plant Centreville, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herbert Young------------------------------ Supt. Florence Clifford---------------------------- Clerk Mayor & Aldermen: V. Bellipanni, Omer Carroll, S. E. Field, C. C. Germany, L. B. Robinson (mayor), E. W. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $57,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,053 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 250 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total)----------------- 422 Community Served at Retail: Population Centreville---------------------------------- 1, 163 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSISSIPPI 409 23–546 *Clarksdale Water and Light Department Clarksdale, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. R. Agnew.------------------------------- Supt. City Commission: EI. D. Corley, T. M. Dye (mayor), J. H. Garmon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $469,644 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $216, 605 Number of Electric Meters--------------- 2,709 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4,000 | Energy Available in year: Púlowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 7,665,968 Generated------------------------------ 7,643,768 Purchased.------------------------------ 22, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clarksdale--------------------------------- 12, 168 Lyon-------------------------------------- 339 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Coahoma Electric POWer ASSn. Also Renders: Water Service. 23–553 *Collins Municipal Light & Power Plant Collins, Miss. Community Served at Retail: Population Collins-------------------------------------- 1, 100 23–555 *City of Columbus Light and Power Department” Columbus, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. W. Harris------------------------------ Mayor L. E. Price--------------------------------- Supt. C. W. Emery------------------------- Accountant The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $464, 682 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $151,275 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 163 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 9, 171, 582 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbus--------------------------------- 13,645 23–567 *Durant Light & Water Plant Durant, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. E. Howell------------------------------ Mayor J. D. Alsbury------------------------------- Supt. Aldermen: Lamar Hays, F. M. McCullah. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $24,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 375 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 315 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 206,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Durant------------------------------------- 2, 510 Also Renders: Water service. 23–574 *Fayette Light & Water Plant Fayette, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Bisland------------------------------ Supt. E. H. Reber-------------------------------- Clerk Board of Aldermen: A Hirsch, R. T. Liddell, C. L. Marro, E. B. O'Quinn, E. H. Reber, Bernhardt Straas (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $67, 483 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $15, 184 Number of Electric Customers------------- 317 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts lnternal Combustion--------------------- 346 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 646,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fayette--------------------------------------- 907 Harriston------------------------------------- 277 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–581 *Gloster Light and Water Works Gloster, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. V. Caulfield--------------------------- Mayor F. A. Anderson------------------------ Alderman J. L. Adams-------------------------------- Clerk C. E. Bates--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------ $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $19,300 Number of Electric Customers --------- 265 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 122,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gloster------------------------------------- 1, 232 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–588 *Greenwood Electric Light and Water Department Greenwood, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roy Stott Utility Commissioners: J. D. Duncan, Garrard (chairman), R. C. King (treas.). 410 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $931,076 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $269,257 Number of Electric Cust º 4, 18] Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam).----------- a 8,000 a At 80% power factor. - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 13,664, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenwood-------------------------------- 14,767 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–602 *City of Holly Springs” Holly Springs, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Mayor and Aldermen: E. B. Booker, George M. Buchanan (mayor), H. F. Crawley, E. W. Fran- cisco, Frank Hopkins, H. H. Rather. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $83,600 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $52,205 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1,050 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 617, 102 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ashland------------------------------------ 354 Holly Springs------------------------------- 2, 750 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–609 *Itta Bena Water & Light Plant Itta Bena, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. P. Hollowell ---------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: J. E. Greer, J. M. Kelly, E. A. Rushing. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,697 Number of Electric Customers------------- 232 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 490,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Itta Bena----------------------------------- 1, 795 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–616 *Kosciusko Water and Light Plant Kosciusko, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. E. Carpenter----------------------------- Supt. Board of Aldermen: L. W. Jordan, A. L. Knight, J. S. Niles, J. A. Smith, R. R. Watts. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- Number of Electric Customers------------ $58, 326 1, 100 l Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 864 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,758,850 Community Served at Retail: Population Rosciusko---------------------------------- 4, 291 23–623 *Leland Water & Light Plant Leland, Miss. Community Served at Retail: Leland Population 3,700 23–625 *Louisville Electric System” Louisville, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee. Valley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. A. Nunnally----------------------------- Supt. R. L. Allen--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Board of Public Utilities: W. H. Abrams, F. L. Fair, Sr., N. S. Fox, Joe McCully, W. A. Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,356 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 990 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 1, 844, 479 Communities Served at Retail: Population Louisville----------------------------------- 3, 451 Noxapater---------------------------------- 569. 23–628 *Macon Electric Department” Macon, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee. Valley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. R. Pent --------------------------------- Supt. J. M. Jones--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cashier & Bookkeeper Mayor and Aldermen: J. B. Elkin, H. S. George, R. N. Henley (mayor), R. L. Hoadley, W. M. LamberSon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $52, 532 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $17,383 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 440. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - -------------------- 873,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Macon------------------------------------- 2, 261 Also Renders: Water service. - 23–630 *Town of Mendenhall Mendenhall, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. S. Evans------------------------------- Mayor W. C. Currie-------------------------------- Clerk H. L. Thompson---------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSISSIPPI 411 Board of Aldermen: B. F. Beauchamp, W. W. Bryant, E. F. French, W. T. Lee, J. R. May. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,416 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 259 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 322,770 Community Served at Retail: Population Mendenhall------------------------------ 1, 282 23–634 *Miss. State College Power Plant State College, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. G. D. Humphrey----------------------- ProS. D. R. Jenkins------------------------------- Secy. E. E. Cooley------------------------Acting Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $241,057 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $15,421 Number of Electric Customers----------- 140 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 460 JKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2, 172,300 Also Renders: Ice, steam and water service. 23–637 *New Albany Electric Plant* New Albany, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Valley Authority, Pinº Electric Utility Officials: Tennessee H. Thompson---------------------------- Supt. Geo. C. Graulee----------------------4ACCOUntant Walter Kelly---------------- City Clerk-Collector Mayor and Aldermen: A. L. Beavers, W. C. Harri- Son, W. W. Jackson, Carrol Patterson (mayor), S. W. Pitner, W. H. Speck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $270, 720 $87, 637 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,040 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 136 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 518, 022 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blue Mountain----------------------------- 544 Hickory Flat------------------------------- 352 Myrtle------------------------------------- 349 New Albany------------------------------- 3, 602 Potts Camp-------------------------------- 394 23–644 *City of Okolona” Okolona, Miss. * Utility, has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: S. P. Harbison.------------------------ City Engr. City Council: S. E. Adams, E. L. Borden, J. Crab- tree, W. T. Jaggers, A. McDonnell, H. L. Morri- son (mayor), Winston Murphree. The following data are for the half year ended Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $159, 533 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $24, 285 Number of Electric Customers----------- 860 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 136 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 333, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Okolona------------------------------------ 2, 117 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–651 *Oxford Water & Light Plant Oxford, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. O. Elliott -------------- Light & Water Comm. C. E. Harrison-----------------------------. Supt. Mayor and Aldermen: A. H. Avent, W. T. Chand- ler, B. O. Elliott, C. P. Fulmer, Branham Hume (Inayor), Ira L. Morgan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $196, 368 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $62,465 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,096 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 744, 524 Community Served at Retail: Population Oxford-------------------------------------- 3, 433 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–654 *Philadelphia Electric System * Philadelphia, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. V. Taylor-------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Utilities: H. W. Glover, Brantley Ring, A. B. McGraw, B. H. Stubbs, E. C. Yates (chairman). The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $138, 554 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $49,907 Number of Electric Customers------------ 877 Community Served at Retail: Population Philadelphia-------------------------------- 3,711 23–665 *Prentiss Light & Water Plant* Prentiss, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Community Served at Retail: Prentiss * - Population 989 - - - - - tº 412 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 23–679 *Shaw Light and Water Works Shaw, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. P. Latimer------------------------------ Mayor i. M. Beckham Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,388 Number of Electric Customers------------- 320 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion 400 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 717, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Shaw--------------------------------------- 1,669 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–685 *City of Starkville, Department of Electricity” Starkville, Miss. a Utility has service contract with TenneSSee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George McIngvale - - - Supt. W. H. Ut?---------------------------- Office Mgr. F. E. Meigs--------------------------- ASSt. Supt. Mayor and Aldermen: H. C. Bell, H. E. Benton, M. Cohen, Jr., A. B. Harrington (mayor), J. L. Martin, J. C. Nash. The following data are for the 6 months period ended Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $109,474 $31,531 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 134 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,949,040 Community Served at Retail: Population Starkville----------------------------------- 4,900 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–688 *Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tenn. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Mississippi only------------------------- $476,688 Number of Electric Customers: Mississippi only- 36 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mississippi Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Aberdeen Electric Dept. *Amory Electrical Dept. *City of Holly Springs. *Columbia Light & Power. *Louisville Electric System. *Macon Electric System. *New Albany Water & Light Plant. *City of Okolona. *Philadelphia Electric System. *Starkville Electric Department. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Tupelo Electricity Dept. *Water Valley Water and Light Plant. *West Point Electric Light Plant. *Alcorn County Electric Power ASSn. *Central Electric Power ASSn. *East Mississippi Electric Power Assn. *The Four County Electric Power ASSn. *Monroe County Electric Power Assn. *Natchez-Trace Electric Power ASSn. *Northeast Mississippi Electric Power Assn. *Pontotoc Electric Power ASSn. *Prentiss County Electric Power Assn. *Tallahatchie Valley Electric Power Assn. *Tippah Electric Power ASSn. *Tishomingo County Electric Power Assn. *Tombigbee Electric Power Assn. See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41-685), and operations reported under Alabama (01–655), Georgia (10–659), Kentucky (16–625), and North Carolina (32–731). 23–700 *City of Tupelo" Tupelo, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. P. Nanney------------------------------ Mayor J. H. Merritt------------------------------ Clerk Board of Aldermen: W. E. Battle, R. C. Daugherty, Sr., F. M. Laney, O. B. Rogers, J. R. Strain. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 1: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $277, 734 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $137, 282 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 2, 440 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 10, 285,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Tupelo-------------------------------------- 8, 212 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–705 *University of Mississippi Light Plant University, Miss. Community Served at Retail: Population University Campus *----------------------- 1, 500 * Utility serves only, students, members of the faculty, and employees living on the campus. 23–707 *Utica Water & Light Department |Utica, Miss. Pinº Electric Utility Officials: Mayor and Board of Aldermen: J. D. Carmichael, R. F. Cook (mayor), S. M. Hubbard, W. H. Price,” H. M. Reed, M. Sherman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Revenues-------------------------- $18,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 215 DIRECTORY 413 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSISSIPPI Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 152 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 360,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Utica------------------------------------- 818 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–714 *Water Walley Water and Light Plant * Water Valley, Miss. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. B. Hale----------------------------------- Supt. Board of Alderman: F. B. De Shon (mayor), Tom Myers, L. A. Norris, J. S. Throop, H. B. Vander- berg, E. W. Walker. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,494 Number of Electric Customers------------ 804 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 285, 725 Community Served at Retail: Population Water Valley------------------------------- 3,340 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–721 *West Point Electric Light Plant* West Point, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . H. Millsops.------------------------ Plant Supt. M. W. Tillman------------------------ Line Supt. E. B. Patterson----------------------- Office Mgr. Governing Body: R. C. Davis (mayor), L. B. McEachin, T. B. Miller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - ---------- $22,513 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,031 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---------------------------------- 700 Steam----------------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion-------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 201,900 Community Served at Retail: Population West Point----------------------------- 5,627 Also Renders: Water Service. 23–728 *Woodville Light, Water & Gas Plant Woodville, Miss. Principle Electric Utility Official: J. A. Massey-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $41, 508 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,400 Number of Electric Customers------------ 350 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combusion.------------------------- 272 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodville---------------------------------- 1,433 23-735 *Yazoo City Public Service Commission Yazoo City, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. G. Middlet Supt. J. H. Pepper-------------------------- Chief Engr. Board of Commissioners: K. E. Brister, Emmet Craig, Dr. John Darrington (chairman), S. B. Olden, P. C. Williams (vice chairman) ...” following data are for the year ended Aug. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $388, 288 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $152,547 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,581 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 133,830 Community Served at Retail: Population Yazoo City----------------------------- 7, 258 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mississippi Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Yazoo Valley Electric Power Assn. Also Renders: Water Service. 23—811 *Alcorn County Electric Power Association * Corinth, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. E. McGee---------------- Secy.-Treas. & Supt. Board of Managers: Ed M. Byrnes, E. M. Coch- ran, B. F. Liddon (pres.), W. L. McPeters, Ben R. Warriner (vice pres.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $417, 197 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $156,034 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,909 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 12, 167,640 Communities Served at Retail: Population Biggersville--------------------------- 300 Corinth-------------------------------- 7, 818 Rienzi--------------------------------- 458 23—813 *Capital Electric Power Association Clinton, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. B. King Earl Love Phillips-------------------------- Supt. 414 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $333, 132 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $20,560 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 568 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------- s--------------- 194,037 23—815 *Central Electric Power Association * Carthage, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T) t r. F. Tantley-------------------------- PreS G. H. Sherrill-------------------------- Vice-Pres C. O. Brooks------------------------- Secy.-Treas. E. T. Thames------------------------------ Supt. Directors: F. L. Brantley, A. Brown, C. O. Brooks, T. H. Coghlan, W. D. Cox, E. C. Edwards, L. C. Long, G. H. Sherrill, J. A. Weeks. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant----- ----------------- $373,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $30,681 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 1,362 Community Served at Retail: Population Sebastopol----------------------------- 403 23–816 *Coahoma Electric Power Association 317 Delta Ave., Clarksdale, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. F. Humb tº G. T. Alexander---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: . $377, 501 Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,956 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,380 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 670, 200 23–817 *Coast Electric Power Association 154 Main St., Bay St. Louis, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. W. Fountain----------------------------- PreS. C. C. Ferrell-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $336,495 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $37,778 Number of Electric Customers.----------- $1,214 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 569,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population ilm------------------------------------------ 300 Logtown------------------------------------- 500 Pearlington----------------------------------- 3.18 23—818 *Delta Electric Power Association Greenwood, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Morgan------------------------------ PreS L. C. Spencer------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $860, 792 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $92,908 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 3,971 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,489,000 23—819 *East Mississippi Electric Power Association * 2109 Ninth St., Meridian, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: B. D. Dearman----------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $455, 0.29 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $38,754 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,379 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 314, 100 Communities Served at Retaii: Population Pekalb--------------------------------------- 866 Scooba---------------------------------------- 606 Wahalak-------------------------------------- 315 23–820 . *4–County Electric Power Association * Columbus, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. J. Hardy--------------------------------- Pres. M. H. Arnold-------------------------- Vice PreS. L. L. Martin------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Vernon Brooks--------------------------- Director H. A. Craig------------------------------ Director Charles Eudy---------------------------- Director H. C. IVY------------------------------- Director The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $987, 146 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $96, 181 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 806 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 4, 876, 852 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ackerman---------------------------------- 1, 528 Artesia-------------------------------------- 521 Brooksville--------------------------------- 764 Crawford----------------------------------- 380 Maben-------------------------------------- 675 Mathiston---------------------------------- 549 Muldom------------------------------------- 325 Pheba-------------------------------------- 351 Shuqualak---------------------------------- 743 Sturgis-------------------------------------- 485 Weir---------------------------------------- 552 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSISSIPPI 23–822 *Jones County Electric Power Association Laurel, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. L. Watson ------------------------------- PreS. S. L. Smith--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $248, 300 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $21, 554 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1, 025 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 254,800 Community Served at Retail: Population 9Wett----------------------------------------- 467 23–823 *Magnolia Electric Power Association McComb, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Clark--------------------------------- Pres G. H. Alford-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $370, 124 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $21,831 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 726 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------- ------ 571, 500 23—825 *Monroe County Electric Power Association * Amory, Miss. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. Z. Brook---------------------------------- PreS. Dr. L. W. Darracott------------------- Vice PreS. A. H. Ritter--------------------------Secy.-Treas. Governing Body: T. D. Boyd, L. Z. Brook, T. J. Cole, Ira T. Crook, C. N. Dale, L. W. Darracott, J. A. Edgeworth, E. D. Egger, A. C. Moore. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- $222,687 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,479 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,062 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 319,936 Community Served at Retail: Population Smithville------------------------------------ 402 23—826 *Natchez Trace Electric Power Association * Houston, Miss. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ashton Toomer----------------------------- Pres. L. W. Harpole------------------------- Vice PreS. Joe T. Patterson---------------------------- Secy. W. B. Funderburk---------------------- ----Mgr. Directors: E. R. Creekmore, L. W. Harpole, Dr. J. M. Hood, J. R. McCord, G. C. Mabry, Ashton Toomer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $252,066 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $62,615 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 590 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- - - - - - - - - - - - --------- 3, 117, 285 Communities Served at Retail: Population Calhoun City------------------------------- 1, 171 eſſºa-------------------------------------- 477 Pupora------------------------------------- 1, 377 Houlka------------------------------------- 675 Houston------------------------------------ 1, 729 Vardaman---------------------------------- 626 23–827 *North East Mississippi Electric Power Association * Oxford, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Community Served at Retail: Population Abbeville------------------------------------ 275 23–829 *Pearl River Wailey Electric Power Association Columbia, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Williamson---------------------------- Pres. C. M. Crews-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $256, 236 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $24, 586 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 780 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased. ---------------------- 259, 353 23–830 *Pontotoc Electric Power Association * Pontotoc, Miss. a Utility has service contract With Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. Rayburn-------------------------------Pres. E. L. Browning------------------------ Vice Pres. Jas. I. Wilson------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Alfred Bishop, E. L. Browning, A. A. Hartley, Z. D. Holland, John Leachman, C. C. Lockhart, A. M. Ray, J. A. Rayburn, Jack Yancy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $402,019 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $80, 147 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 2,093 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ----------------------- 4,076,082 416 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population TUICe--------------------------------------- 1,385 Beru---------------------------------------- 601 Ingomar----------------------------------- 262 Pittsboro---- - - - - ---- 276 Pontotoc------------------------------------ 1,832 Toccopola----------------------------------- 332 23–832 *Prentiss County Electric Power Association * Booneville, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. G. Gangwer - - - - Supt. Seth Pounds--------------------------------- Pres. Joe Young---------------------------------- Treas. R. F. Bonds Secy. Directors: B. W. Caldwell, Dr. R. B. Caldwell, Will Caver, J. S. Finch, Guy Garner, Milton Grisham, Wheeler Holley, E. L. Moore, C. A. Oakley, C. R. Walden, J. W. West. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --------------------- $166,994 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,476 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 547 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 681, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baldwyn----------------------------------- 1,279 Booneville----- 1,893 23–836 *Singing River Electric Power Association Lucedale, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ben M. De Shazo--------------------------- PreS. A. P. LaVallett----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $190, 008 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $16,691 Number of Electric Customers----------- 753 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 114, 100 23–840 *Southern Pine Electric Power Association Taylorsville, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. W. Blackwell----------------------------- PreS H. L. Pickering------- •- - - - - - sº as-- - - - * * * - - - - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $833, 599 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $51,398 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 159 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - 1, 208, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Puckett--------------------------------------- 250 23–845 *Southwest Mississippi Electric Power Association Lorman, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Mack Jones------------------------------- Pres, F. R. Price--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $325,042 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $40,458 Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 738 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- ------------------- 1, 707, 200 Community Served at Retail; Population Pattison-------------------------------------- 250 23–862 *Tallahatchie Valley Electric Power Association * Batesville, Miss. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Sides tº e \-º’ “ -----------------------------------Pres. Mrs. B. F. Saunder------------------ Secy.-Treas. W. H. Saxton-------------------------------- Supt. Directors: E. M. Boddley, D. R. Boone, P. H. Brown, C. S. Dandrige, L. V. Edwards, L. K. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $377. 722 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $38, 891 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,301 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,663,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Crowder-------------------------------------- 454 23—865 *The Tippah Electric Power Association, Inc.” Ripley, Miss. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. B. Smith, Jr.----------------------------- Pres. J. M. Stubbs---------------------------Vice Pres. O. F. Street-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. H. Anderson, A. L. Connor, R. A. Jones, J. D. Peeler, W. R. Pitner, W. L. Tom- linson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $137,002 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------------- $36,504 Number of Electric Customers: otal----------------------------------- 978 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,657, 120 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ripley-------------------------------------- 2,011 Walnut------------------------------------ 516 See Also: Operations reported under Tennessee (41–885). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSISSIPPI 417 23–867 *Tishomingo County Electric Power Association * Iuka, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. Finch--------------------------------- Pres. J. C. Jourdan, Jr.---------------------- Vice. PreS. S. S. Strickland----------------------------- Secy. W. J. Brinkley----------------------- Treas.-Mgr. Directors: A. B. Campbell, W. N. Deaton, H. G. Finch, J. D. Finch, Atty. (pres.), Ruff P. Holder, J. C. Jourdan, Jr. (vice pres.), Luther Kennedy, R. A. McRee, Jr., W. J. Pyle, Lester Skinner, Luther Strickland, S. S. Strickland (secy.), Chas. Trim. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $262,249 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,851 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,081 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,849,408 Communities Served at Retail: Population Belmont------------------------------------ 594 Burnsville---------------------------------- 449 Golden------------------------------------- 340 Iuka---------------------------------------- 1,664 Tishomingo--------------------------------- 423 23–873 *Tombigbee Electric Power Association * Tupelo, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. : Principal Electric Utility Official: Keith Barnett------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $19,730 $6,814 Number of Electric Customers----------- 76 3221S4–42—32 Communities Served at Retail: Population Belden------------------------------------- 271 East Tupelo-------------------------------- 1, 108 **on------------------------------------- 1, 154 Guntown----------------------------------- 349 Marietta----------------------------------- 385 Wettleton---------------------------------- 861 Plantersville-------------------------------- 495 Saltillo------------------------------------- 468 Shannon----------------------------------- 615 Sherman----------------------------------- 449 Verona------------------------------------- 526 23–879 *Twin County Electric Power Association Hollandale, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. P. Cason--------------------------------- Pres. P. G. Neely-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- * -- $369,819 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,419 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 786 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,042, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Mayersville * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * 350 23–895 *Yazoo Valley Electric Power Association Yazoo City, Miss. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Marion Falkner----------------------------- Pres. C. N. Blakemore---------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $346, 317 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $48,883 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 130 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------...---- 714, 720 MISSOURI Index Reference Number *Albany Municipal Power Plant------------- 24–512 Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation -- - - - - - 24–010 *Armstrong Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–517 *Atchison-Holt Flectric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - 24—805 *Barton County Electric Cooperative -- - - - - - - 24—815 *Bethany Water and Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–52] *Black River Electric Cooperative- - - - - - - - - - - 24–817 Bolton Electric Light & Power Co---- - - - - - - - - 24–013 *Boone County Cooperative Electric Asso- ciation------------------------------------- 24–820 Brown Shoe Company----------------------- 24–225 *Butler Municipal Light & Water Service - - - 24–526 *California Board of Public Works - - - - - - - - - - - 24–530 *Callaway County Electrical Cooperative ASSOciation-------------------------------- *Cameron Light & Water Department, City 24–822 of------------------------------------------ 24–535 *Campbell Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24–539 *Canton Light and Water Department ------- 24–544 *Carrollton Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–546 *Carthage Water and Electric Plant --- - - - - - - 24–548 *Centralia Water and Light Department - - - - 24–553 *Central Missouri Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ 24–824 *Chillicothe Municipal Utilities. --___________ 24–557 Citizens Electric Company of Missouri------- 24—016 City Light & Traction Col.------------------ 24–019 *Clarksville Ilight & Power------------------ 24–559 *Columbia Water and Light Department, City of - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–562 *Co-Mo Electric Cooperative, Inc. -- - - - - - - - - - 24-826 *Consolidated Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - - - - 24–828 Consumers Public Service Company--------- 24–022 Corning Electric Light Co- - - ---------------- 24- 025 Cupples Station Light, Heat and Power 2 Company--------------------------------- 4–034 Doe Run DeLassus Light & Power Co... - - - - - 24–040 Bast Missouri Power Company-------------- 24–043 *Easton, TOWn Of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- 24–566 *Eldorado Springs Light and Water Plant.--- 24–568 Empire District Electric Co., The------------ 24–046 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative--------------- 24–830 *Farmington Light & Water Department_ _ _ _ 24–571 *Fayette Water and Light IDepartment - - - - - 24-575 * Fulton Municipal Water, Light and Power Plant-------------------------------------- 24-580 *Gallatin Light and Water Works_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24-584 *Galt Municipal Light Plant----------------- 24–588 Gasconade Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–052 Gideon Anderson IAumber Company--------- 24–263 *Gilman Power and Light Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–593 Glenwood Light & Power Co----------------- 24–055 *Grundy Electric Cooperative, Inc. ---------- 24–832 *Hannibal Board of Public Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24–602 *Harrisonville Water and Light Department - 24–606 *Hartville, City of. -------------------------- 24–611 *Higginsville Municipal Utilities----- - - - - - - - - 24—615 *Howard County Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- 24–834 *Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc.---- 24–836 *Hunnewell Light Plant--------------------- 24–620 *Independence Light Department- - - - - - - - - - - 24 -625 *Intercounty Electric Cooperative Associa- tion--------------------------------------- 24-838 Iowa Utilities Company---------------------- 24-064 *Jackson Municipal Water & Light Dept.----- 24–629 *JameSport Municipal Light Plant----------- 24—634 * Kahoka Water & Light Department-------- 24 638 Ransas City Power & Light Company------- 24–070 Kansas Gas and Electric Company----------- 24–073 Kansas Utilities Company, The-------------- 24–074 Reference Number *Kirkwood, City of . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------- 24- 643 * Laclede Electric Cooperative---------------- 24–841 Laclede Power & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - 24–076 *Lamar Water and Electric Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . 24—647 *LaPlata, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24—649 Lawrence County Water, Light and Cold Storage Co. . . . . . . --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Lebanon Municipal Light & Water Plant . . . Lentner Transmission Line- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 *Lewis County Rural Electric Cooperative Association-------------------------------- 24–844 *Liberal Municipal Electric Department----- 24–654 *Linneus Municipal Electric Plant - - - - - - - - - - 24–656 *Macon Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–847 *Macon Light and Water Department - - - - - - 24–661 *Malden, City of.--------------------------- 24–666 *Marceline, City of .------------------------- 24–670 *Marshall Municipal Utilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24—675 Maryville Electric Light and Power Com- Pºdy-------------------------------------- 24–085 *Meadville Electric Light Department------ 24–679 *Memphis Municipal Light & Water Plant_- 24–684 Miami Light & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- 24–088 *Milan Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–688 *Mindenmines Municipal Light System---- 24–693 Mississippi River Power Company---------- 2 Missouri Edison Company -- - - - - - - - - - ------- Missouri Electric Power Company - - - - - ----- Missouri Gas & Electric Service Company-- 24–100 Missouri General Utilities Company - - - - - - - - 24–103 Missouri Power & Light Company---------- 24–106 Missouri Public Service Corporation - - - ----- 24–109 *Missouri Rural Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- 24–850 Missouri Service Compatny------------------ 24–112 Missouri Southern Public Service Company- 2 Missouri Utilities Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Modaway-Worth Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Monett, City of.--------------------------- *Monroe City Light ànd Power Department- Morgan, Guy R----------------------------- *Mount Vernon Municipal Light Plant----- 24–706 *New-Mac Electric Cooperative, Inc - - ------ *New Madrid Light and Power Department- *Northwest Missouri Electric Cooperative-- 24–860 *Odessa Utilities----------------------------- 2 *Osage Valley Electric Cooperative Associa- tion--------------------------------------- 24–865 *Owensville Municipal Utilities------------- 24–714 *Ozark Border Electric Cooperative --------- 24–869 *Ozark Electric Cooperative_-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24–870 Ozark Electric Manufacturing Company---- 24–301 Ozark Utilities Company-------------------- 24–124 *Palmyra Light and Water Department----- 24–716 *Paris Light, Water and Ice T)epartment---- 24–720 *Pattonsburg Municipal Light Plant-------- 24–725 *Pemiscot-Dunklin Electric Cooperative----- 24–875 *Perry Light & Water Department---------- 24-726 *Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - 24–877 *Pleasant Hill Municipal Utilities----------- 24–728 *Poplar Bluff Municipal Water & Light System------------------------------------ 24–729 *Princeton Light and Water Plant---------- 24–734 *Ralls County Electric Cooperative Associa- tion------------------------------- - - - - - - - - 880 *Rich Hill, City of.------------------------- 24–738 *Rockport Board of Public Works----------- 24–740 Saint Joseph Railway, Light, Heat & Power 133 0----------------------------------------- *. *Salem Light and Power Company---------- 24–743 419 420 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Salisbury Municipal Utilities--------------- 24–747 *Scott-New Madrid-Mississippi Cooperative Association-------------------------------- 24–888 Segelhorst Bros.------------------------------ 24–317 Shaffer, J. Finis----------------------------- 24–142 *Shelbina Light and Water Plant- - - - - - - - - - - 24–752 *Sikeston Municipal Light Company-------- 24–756 *Slater Municipal Utilities------------------ 24–761 *Southwest Electric Cooperative - - - - - ------- 24–896 Springfield Gas and Electric Company------ 24–145 Stampers Garage---------------------------- 2 *Stanberry Board of Public Works---------- 24–763 *Stoutsville Municipal Electric Department - 24–765 Taneycomo Electric Light Company------- 24–148 *Thayer Municipal Electric Plant -- - - - - - - - - - 24–766 *Three Rivers Electric Cooperative--------- 24–904 *Trenton Municipal Utilities---------------- 24–767 Reference Number *Tri-County Electric Cooperative Associa- MISSOURI 24–010 Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation 400 W. Main St., Blytheville, Ark. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: Jas. Hill, Jr.--------------------------------- PreS. Chas. R. Newcomb------------------ Secy.-Treas F. E. Atkinson.------------ Asst. Secy. & Auditor Directors: W. E. Aydelott, Chas. B. Baker, F. O. Gardner, Jas. Hill, Jr., Chas. R. Newcomb, John S. Painter, W. W. Turner. Controls: * • East Missouri Power Co. (electric utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,616,056 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.--------------------------------- $1,333, 237 In Missouri--------------------------- 711, 795 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 16, 384 In Missouri--------------------------- 8, 438 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Total.----------------------------- 4, 230 Hydro-------------------------------- 1,040 Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 190 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours al----------------------------- 47, 721, 316 Generated.---------------------------- 6,040, 547 Purchased.---------------------------- 41, 680, 769 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Bismarck---------------------------------- 1, 302 Caruthersville----------------------------- 6, 612 Hayti-------------------------------------- 2, 628 Ironton------------------------------------ 1,083 Kennett----------------------------------- 6,335 Piedmont---------------------------------- 1, 177 Portageville-------------------------------- 2, 107 otosi-------------------------------------- 2,017 Steele-------------------------------------- 1, 585 250 to 1,000 population Alton-------------------------------------- 576 Arcadia------------------------------------ 346 Bragg City--------------------------------- 318 Braggadocio-------------------------------- 300 Clarkton----------------------------------- 733 Cooter------------------------------------- 466 Graniteville-------------------------------- 600 Greenville--------------------------------- 572 Holcomb----------------------------------- 388 Holland------------------------------------ 390 tion--------------------------------------- 24-910 Union Electric Company of Missouri-------- 24–150 *Unionville Light and Water Department--- 24–770 United Utilities Corporation - - - ------------- 24–154 Van Buren Light & Power Co--------------- 24–157 Van Buren Light, Power & Ice Co---------- 24–160 *Vandalia Municipal Utilities--------------- 24–772 *West-Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- 24—920 Western Light & Telephone Company------ 24–167 Westhoff Light & Power Co----------------- 24–169 West Missouri POWer Company------------- 24–163. *West Plains City Water and Light Plant --- 24–774 *White River Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------------------------------- 24—930, *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Irondale----------------------------------- 446 Koshkonong------------------------------- 282 Leeper------------------------------------- 530 Marston----------------------------------- 468 Mineral Point----------------------------- 350 Pilot Knob-------------------------------- 748 Pomona------------------------------------ 275 Wardell------------------------------------ 430 Williamsville------------------------------ 511 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: MissOuri Electric Power Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *West Plains City Water & Light Plant. *Black River Electric Cooperative. *Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Pemiscot-Dunklin Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Ice Service in Arkansas and Missouri. See Also: Operations reported under Arkansas (03–016). 24–013 Bolton Electric Light & Power Co. Lancaster, Mo. Principal Officer: J. G. Bolton------------------------------- Owner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ---------------- $60,861 Electric Operating Revenues -----...--------- $15,290. Number of Electric Customers------------- 314 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 180. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 450, 125. Community Served at Retail: Population Lancaster-------------------------------- 886. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Glenwood Light & Power Co. 24–016 Citizens Electric Company of Missouri 8029 Clayton Rd., St. Louis, Mo. Principal Officers: Hansell Hillyer------------------------------ Pres. O. C. Agne-------------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. M. L. Kuntz------------------------------- Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 421 Directors: O. C. Agne, Hansell Hillyer. Mary M. Hillyer, Thomas S. McPheeters, Thomas S. McPheeters, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $62, 187 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $19,960 Number of Electric Customers------------- 413 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 363, 810 Communities Served at Retail: Population Iberia----------------------------------------- 486 Waynesville---------------------------------- 468 24–019 City Light & Traction Co. 404 S. Ohio St., Sedalia, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: H. C. Feuers----------------------- PreS. & Treas. Secy. Directors: M. C. Abeles, R. E. Burger, H. C. Feuers, J. C. Griffin, Allen O’Bannon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $1,719, 533 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $446,996 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6, 154 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 16, 527, 464 Generated.----------------------------- 455, 120 Purchased----------------------------- 16, 072, 344 Community Served at Retail: Population Sedalia------------------------------------- 20, 428 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Missouri Utilities Co, PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Central Missouri Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Ice and natural gas Service. 24–022 Consumers Public Service Company Brookfield. Linn Co., Mo. Principal Officers: P. W. Markham----------------------------- Pres. C. K. Hart----------------------------- Vice PreS. C. T. Knox-------------------- Secy. & Gen. Mgr. Treas. Directors: C. K. Hart, C. T. Knox, E. O. Markham, P. W. Markham, R. L. Wheeler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $345, 489 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $80, 584 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 844 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 126 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 513, 627 Generated------------------------------ 321, 907 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 191,720 Communities Served at Retail: Population Avalon--------------------------------------- 300 Browning------------------------------------- 531 Hale------------- ----------------------------- 562 Harris---------------------------------------- 263 Laclède--------------------------------------- 642 Lucerne--------------------------------------- 258 Newtown------------------------------------- 285 Powersville----------------------------------- 294 Purdin---------------------------------------- 303 Sumner--------------------------------------- 338 Wheeling------------------------------------- 400 Also Renders: Ice Service. 24–025 Corning Electric Light Co. Corning, Mo. Principal Officers: J. D. Ahrens-------------------------------- PreS. Benhardt Christen---------------------- Vice Pres. H. A. Groesbeck--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. D. Ahrens, Benhardt Christen, Wesley Christen, H. A. Groesbeck, R. E. Schultz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ----------------- $5,498 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- ---- $3,002 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 75 Community Served at Retail: Population Corning----------------------------------- 269 24–034 Cupples Station Light, Heat and Power Company 315 N. Twelfth Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: William McClellan-------------------------- PreS. Edward T. Gushee--------------- Exec. Vice PreS. John A. Woodbridge-------------------- Vice Pres, Frank J. Meistrell-------------------------- Secy John L. Ganz------------------------------- Treas. Eugene R. Kropp---------------------- ASSt. Secy. George H. Hartwein------------------AASSt. Treas. Directors: Edward T. Gushee, William McClellan, John A. Woodbridge. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $626, 148 Utility Operating Revenues-------------- $67,898 Number of Electric Customers----------- l Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ (a) • Excludes 420 kw capacity leased from others, Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------ 361, 942 Generated----------------------------- 176,990 Purchased and Interchanged-in (groSS). 184, 952 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTII,ITY: Union Electric Company of Missouri (Inter change). Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 422 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 24–040 Doe Run De Lassus Light & Power Co. Doe Run, Mo. Principal Officers: W. O. Chalk-------------------------------- Pres. Bess Boswell--------------------------- Vice Pres, B. L. Haynes------------------------------- Secy S. G. Powell------------------------------- Treas J. A. LeGrand------------------------ Gen. Mgr Directors: Bess Boswell, W. O. Chalk, B. L. Haynes, J. A. LeGrand, S. G. Powell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------- - - - - - - - - $4, 281 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 130 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 70,740 Community Served at Retail: Population Oe P---------------------------------- 962 24–043 East Missouri Power Company 521 Georgia St., Louisiana, Mo. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: G. W. Evans-------------------------------- FreS. D. A. Presley------------------------ ---Vice Pres. M. E. Bybuth------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. Keawlain ASSt. Secy., Asst. Treas. & Auditor Directors: M. E. Bybuth, F. L. Eversmeyer, D. A. Presley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,196, 174 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $232, 502 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,037 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 806 Energy Available in Year: JKilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 5, 896, 489 Generated----------------------------- 839, 464 Purchased.----------------------------- 5,057,025 Communities Served at Retail: Population Augusta------------------------------- 252 Hawk Point--------------------------- 279 Jonesburg-------------------------------- 422 Marthasville--------------------------- 321 Moscow Mills-------------------------- 347 Old Monroe--------------------------- 272 Saint Peters--------------------------- 305 Troy----------------------------------- 1,493 Warrenton----------------------------- 1, 254 Wentzville----------------------------- 752 Winfield------------------------------- 484 Wright City--------------------------- 436 24–046 The Empire District Electric Co. 6th & Joplin Sts., Joplin, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: James E. Harsh----------------------------- Pres. Donald C. McKee---------------------- Vice Pres. Raymond H. Flick----------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Claude F. Ratliff------------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: Gilbert B. Barnett, Raymond H. Flick, James E. Harsh, S. B. Irelan, Donald McKee, Ira C. Perkins, Fred C. Pratt, Claude F. Ratliff, Frank H. Shelton. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $26, 141,622. Electric Operating Revenues: Total.--- $3,635,961 In Missouri $2,205,930. Number of Electric Customers: Total * * 31,330 In Missouri--------------------------- - 22, 594 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts. 9tal----------------------------- 98,820. Steam-------------------------------- Tºlso Hydro-------------------------------- 27, 320. Energy Available in Year: JKilowatt-hours 'otal----------------------------- 294,611, 189. Generated.---------------------------- 291,884,600 Interchanged (groSS-in).--------------- 2,726, 589. Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Joplin------------------------------------- 37, 144 - 1,000 to 10,000 population Ash Grove.-------------------------------- 1, 101 Branson----------------------------------- 1,011 Carl Junction----------------------------- 1,039 Carterville-------------------------------- 1, 582 ranby----------------------------------- 1,455. Neosho------------------------------------ 5, 318. Peirce City-------------------------------- 1, 208 Seneca------------------------------------- 1,091 Webb City-------------------------------- 7,033 250 to 1,000 population Alba-------------------------------------- 3.18 Anderson---------------------------------- 938 Asbury------------------------------------ 252. Bois D'Arc-------------------------------- 292 Diamond---------------------------------- 520. Duenweg---------------------------------- 808. Fairview---------------------------------- 304 Fair Grove.-------------------------------- 303 Forsyth----------------------------------- 290, Galena------------------------------------ 507 Goodman--------------------------------- 321 Hollister---------------------------------- 370. Lanagan---------------------------------- 340 Neck City--------------------------------- 358 iXa-------------------------------------- 370 Noel-------------------------------------- 515. Oronogo----------------------------------- 593 Ozark------------------------------------- 961 Pineville---------------------------------- 524 Purdy------------------------------------- 488. Reeds Spring------------------------------ 353. Smithfield--------------------------------- 531 South West City-------------------------- 525 Strafford---------------------------------- 300. Walnut Grove.----------------------------- 310 Wentworth-------------------------------- 253. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Benton County Utilities Corporation (Ark.). City Light & Traction Co. Lºgº County Water, Light, and Cold Stor- age CO. Missouri Electric Power Co. Missouri Public Service Corporation. Missouri Southern Public Service Co. Ozark Utilities Co. (Interchange). Springfield Gas & Electric Co. Taneycomo Electric Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Monett Electric and Water Plant. *New-Mac Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Ozark Electric Cooperative. *Southwest Electric Cooperative. *White River Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water Service in Kansas. See Also: Operations reported under Kansas (15- 049), and Oklahoma (35–048). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 423 24–052 Gasconade Power Company Hermann, Mo. (Controlled by Central States Edison, Inc. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. N. Sanders------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. P. H. Eames--------------------------- Vice Pres. J. T. Bartlett---------------------- ,- - - - - Vice PreS. J. B. Adams-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. M. P. Griffith------------------ Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. B. Adams, J. T. Bartlett, P. H. Eames, M. P. Griffith, E. C. Liggett, H. R. McIntosh, F. N. Sanders. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $686, 130 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $163,448 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,057 Generating Capacity: Aſilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 60 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours tal------------------------------- 4,476,456 Generated------------------------------ 230 Purchased.-------- - - - - 4,476,226 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pelle---------------------------------------- 621 Bland--------------------------------------- 565 Bonnots Mill------------------------------- 250 amois------------------------------------ 771 Gasconade---------------------------------- 494 Gerald-------------------------------------- 371 Hermann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * = * * * = * * * * = = * * * 2, 308 Pinn.--------------------------------------- 676 Morrison----------------------------------- 271 New Haven--------------------------------- 1,002 Rich Fountain------------------------------ 300 Westphalia--------------------------------- 374 Utility Served at Wholesale: PluſBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Three Rivers Co-operative. 24–055 Glenwood Light & Power Co. Glenwood, Mo. Principal Officers: R. W. Martin------------------------------- PreS. C. v. Chati in IIII Vice Pres. W. H. Croskey------------------------------ Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,100 Number of Electric Customers--------- - - - - - - 80 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 41, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Glenwood------------------------------------- 315 24—064 Iowa Utilities Company 318 Dows Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa (Controlled by Utilities Holding Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Missouri only)---------------------------- $7, 118 Number of Electric Customers: (Missouri only)---------------------------- 194 Population 430. Community Served at Retail: Mercer--------------------------------------- See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–107). 24–070 Kansas City Power & Light Company 1330 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: Joseph F. Porter, Sr-------------------- Chairman Chester C. Smith ---------------------- Pres. A. E. Bettis---------------------------- Vice Pres. Henry H. Kuhn------------------------ Vice Pres. Joseph F. Porter, Jr Vice Pres. George T. Shoemaker-------------. ---- Vice Pres. Robert J. Clark---------------------------- Treas. Directors: Herbert V. Jones, Charles S. Keith, William C. Lucas, Joseph F. Porter, Chester C. Smith, Fred C. Vincent, H. P. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $80,953,967 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $15,886,025 In Missouri ---- $13,852, 224 Number of Electric Customers: Total-------- mº º m ºs 159, 584 In Missouri--------------------------- 131, 679 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total----------------------------- 296, 211 Steam---------- ---------------------- 295, 925 Internal Combustion----------------- 2 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 808, 204, 414 Generated.---- . 805,883,628 Purchased---------------------------- 2,320,786 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Kansas City------------------------------ 399, 178 1,000 to 10,000 population Brunswick-------------------------------- 1, 749 Carrollton-------------------------------- 4,070 Glasgow---------------------------------- 1,490 North Kansas City----------------------- 2, 688 Sugar Creek------------------------------ 1,638 Sweet Springs----------------------------- 1,413 250 to 1,000 population Alma------------------------------------- 366 Avondale--------------------------------- 435 Blackburn-------------------------------- 314 Bogard----------------------------------- 334 Bosworth--------------------------------- 505 Corder------------------------------------ 630 Dalton------------------------------------ 342 DeWitt----------------------------------- 314 Dodson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - º 'º - * 250 Gilliam----------------------------------- 308 Houstonia-------------------------------- 326 Reytesville------------------------------- 854 Linden----------------------------------- 400 Malta Bend------------------------------ 355 Mayview--------------------------------- 325 Mendon---------------------------------- 350 Parkville--------------------------------- 671 Tina-------------------------------------- 274 Triplett---------------------------------- 340 Wakenda--------------------------------- 253 Waverly---------------------------------- 876 Winnwood------------------------------- 583 424 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: RIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Miami Light & Power Co. Missouri Gas & Electric Service Co. Missouri Power & Light Co. Missouri Public Service Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Armstrong Electric Dept. Also Renders: Gas and heating service in Iowa; water service in Kansas; and heating, ice, and Water Service in Missouri. See Also: Operations reported under Iowa (14–108) and Kansas (15–096). 24–073 Kansas Gas and Electric Company 215 N. Market St., Wichita, Kans. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 90.55% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Missouri only)------ $33,944 Number of Electric Customers: (Missouri only) - - - 35 Jtility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Mindenmines Municipal Light System. See Also: Principal report under Kansas (is-104). 24–074 The Kansas Utilities Company 2 E. Wall Street, Fort Scott, Kansas (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Missouri only)-------------------------- Number of Electric Customers: (Missouri only)-------------------------- 343 Communities Served at Retail: Population oster---------------------------------------- 293 Hume---------------------------------------- 487 See Also: Principal reports under Kansas (15–117). 24–076 Laclede Power & Light Company 1017 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation). Pinº Officers: L. Harrod-------------------------------- PreS. H. W. Button.-------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations A. G. Baker-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. C. G. Murdock-------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. G. Baker, H. W. Button, Joseph H. Grand, O. K. Greene, C. L. Harrod, John J. Hewitt, Gale F. Johnston, C. G. Murdock. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- Electric Operating Revenues: Total------ --------------------------- In Missouri-------------------------- $7,852, 253 $2,850, 724 $2,805, 424 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- In Missouri--------------------------- 37, 748 Kilowatts 25,000 Kilowatt-hours Generating Capacity (Steam)---------- Energy Available in Year: Total----------------------------- 162, 964,420 Generated---------------------------- 162,882, 110 Purchased---------------------------- 82, 310 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Louis------------------------------- 816,048 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Union Electric Co. of Mo. See Also: Operations reported under Illinois (12-084). 24–0.82 Lawrence County Water, Light and Cold Storage Co. 6th and Joplin Sts., Joplin, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: H. E. Roberts-------------------------- Vice Pres, G. M. Harvey--------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. T. L. Cheek-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: T. L. Cheek, G. M. Harvey, P. M. Jester, H. E. Roberts, G. E. York. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $948, 196 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $151,360 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,698 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 5, 759, 536 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aurora------------------------------------- 4,056 Billings------------------------------------- 452 °Veſ-------------------------------------- 291 Crane-------------------------------------- 1,013 Hurley------------------------------------- 269 Marionville--------------------------------- 1, 127 Republic----------------------------------- 790 Verona------------------------------------- 405 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Mount Vernon Municipal Light Plant. Also Renders: Ice and water service, 24—084 Lentner Transmission Line Shelbina, Mo. Principal Officer: C. V. Bailey------------------------------- - Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ----------------- $1,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $765 32 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 24–085 - Maryville Electric Light and Power Company 14th & O Sts., Lincoln, Nebr. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: L. R. King--------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. J. H. Carson-------------- Vice Pres. & Dist. Mgr. Ruth E. Hester----------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. R. McGeachin----------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 425 Directors: J. H. Carson, C. C. Hellmers, L. R. King. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,522, 501 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $311, 807 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 290 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts . otal------------------------------- 1,640 Steam--------------------------------- 960 Internal Combustion------------------ 680 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 8, 200, 598 Generated----------------------------- 3,818,070 Purchased----------------------------- 4, 382, 528 Communities Served at Retail: Population Barnard------------------------------------ 341 Bolckow------------------------------------ 341 Burlington Junction------------------------ 838 Conception Junction m a.m. - amº ºn m = * * * * *m mº mº, as sº º 441 Darlington * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * 274 Plmo--------------------------------------- 3.18 Grant City--------------------------------- 1, 209 Hopkins----------- - - 834 king City---------------------------------- 1, 103 *aryville----------------------------------- 5,700 Parnell------------------------------------- 450 Pickering - - - ---- 315 Ravenwood--------------------------------- 336 Rosendale---------------------------------- 300 Sheridan------------------------------------ 377 Union Star---------------------------------- 411 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Co. (Iowa). Also Renders: Butane gas and steam heating Servl Ce. 24–088 - Miami Light & Power Co. Miami, Mo. Principal Officers: J. C. Haynie-------------------------------- PreS. Ola M. Hamner------------------------ Vice PreS. C. W. Hamner----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. W. Hamner, Ola M. Hammer, J. C. Haynie. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.----------------------- $3,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $2,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Miami--------------------------------------- 275 24–0.91 Mississippi River Power Company Box 513, Keokuk, Iowa (Controlled by The North American Company.) Principal Officers: William McClellan-------------------------- Pres. Edward T. Gushee--------------- Exec. Vice Pres. L. E. Dickinson------------------------ Vice Pres. John A. Woodbridge Vice PreS. Frank J. Meistrell--------------------------- Secy. John L. Ganz------------------------------- Treas A. H. Schettler----------------------- Comptroller Walter G. Heren-----------------------,ASSt. Secy. Eugene R. Kropp---------------------- ASSt. Secy. Earl F. Doyle------------------------ ASSt. Treas. George H. HartWein------------------ ASSt. Treas. & Directors: Edward T. Gushee, William McClellan, Charles E. Michel, Ralph E. Moody, John A. Woodbridge. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $47,454, 321 Electric Operating Revenues: otal--------------------------------- $4,378,252 In Missouri--------------------------- $1,713, 590 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 26. In Missouri--------------------------- 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (Hydro)---------- 108,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 838,841, 608 Generated---------------------------- 716, 236, 524 Purchased---------------------------- a122,605,084 a ſncludes 95, 219,704 kwh constructive deliveries. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Missouri Power & Light Co. Union Electric Co. of Missouri. See Also: Operations reported under Illinois (12-092), and Iowa (14–118). 24–0.94 Missouri Edison Company 521 Georgia St., Louisiana, Mo. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: G. W. Evans-------------------------------- PreS. C. C. Marsh---------------------------- Vice PreS. M. E. Byblith------------------------ Secy.-Treas. T. F. Keavlain-------- Asst. Secy.-Treas., Auditor Directors: G. W. Evans, T. F. Keavlain, C. C. Marsh, D. A. Presley, V. S. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,141, 191 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $213,977 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - -- 3,984 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------ 410 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 5, 680, 659 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bowling Green.----------------------------- 1,975 Curryville---------------------------------- 266 Elsberry------------------------------------ 1, 548 Eolia--------------------------------------- 410 Louisiana---------------------------------- 4, 669 Paynesville--------------------------------- 300 Also Renders: Gas Service. 24–097 Missouri Electric Power Company 700 Oklahoma Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Principal Officers: L. W. Laughlin------------------------- Vice PreS. E. C. Brown----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. O. BuOen-------------------------------- Treas. F. H. Hoyt.---------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: Walter Fowler, W. F. Habeler, F. H. Hoyt, L. W. Laughlin, J. W. Schoonmaker, A. P. Stone, Jr. • 426 FEDERAT, POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,824, 354 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $620,636 Number of Electric Customers----------- 9,420 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal------------------------------ 5, 345 Hydro--------------------------------- 3,000 Internal Combustion - - 2, 345 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 21, 841, 223 Generated----------------------------- 7,462, 780 Purchased----------------------------- 14, 325, 643 Interchanged-------------------------- 52,800 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population *W*----------------------------------------- 1,393 Cabool-------------------------------------- 1,069 Cuba--------------------------------------- 1,033 Poniphan----------------------------------- 1, 604 Fredericktown------------------------------ 3, 414 Marshfield---------------------------------- 1, 764 Mountain Grove---------------------------- 2, 431 Wewburg----------------------------------- 1,056 Sullivan------------------------------------ 2, 517 Willow Springs----------------------------- 1, 530 250 to 1,000 population Advance------------------------------------ 614 * City----------------------------------- 300 Birch Tree---------------------------------- 495 Pourbon------------------------------------ 360 Camdenton--------------------------------- 893 9°nway------------------------------------ 516 Croºker-------------------------------------- 453 Pºon--------------------------------------- 741 *ordland----------------------------------- 331 Houston------------------------------------ 820 Wansfield----------------------------------- 922 Marquand--------------------------------- 403 Mountain View----------------------------- 725 Waylor-------------------------------------- 507 Neely ville---------------------------------- 280 *angua------------------------------------ 293 Worwood----------------------------------- 398 *W---------------------------------------- 250 Painton------------------------------------- 265 *0-------------------------------------- 792 Richland----------------------------------- 985 *ogersville---------------------------------- 430 Seymour------------------------------------ 751 Winona * * * * * * * sº as mº me s as º ºs. m. m. sºme as me s = s. * * *m am sº me 480 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation (Inter- Change). Citizens Electric Co. of Missouri. Missouri General Utilities Co. Van Buren Light, Power & Ice Co. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 24–100 Missouri Gas & Electric Service Company 1108 Main St., Lexington, Mo. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation through 54% of voting power.) Principal Officers: A. G. Beisenherz--------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Emmett Page * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Vice Pres. M. C. Boogher----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Doris L. Hall-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: A. G. Beisenherz, K. D. Carpenter, Arthur R. Chenault, R. F. Jackson, John C Mºgartney, Maurice M. Milligan, Emmett age. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,386,471 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $527,609 Number of Electric Customers----------- 8, 318 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 80 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 17,489, 176 Generated.----------------------------- 12, 200 Purchased am as ºr m me • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 17,476,976 Communities Served at Retail Population Camden------------------------------------ 399 Dearborn----------------------------------- 456 Edgerton----------------------------------- 456 Hardin------------------------------------- 805 Henrietta----------------------------------- 544 Lexington :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5, 341 Liberty------------------------------------- 3,598 Missouri City sº º ---- 323 Norborne----------------------------------- 1, 239 Orrick-------------------------------------- 666 Platte City--------------------------------- 675 Richmond---------------------------------- 4, 240 Smithville-------------------- -------------- 772 Wellington---------------------------------- 656 Weston------------------------------------- 1, 121 |Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Missouri Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Clay-Platte Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water Service. 24–103 Missouri General Utilities Company 910 State Street, Bowling Green, Ky. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: S. C. McMeekin----------------------------- Pres, A. W. Gentry----------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. P. Young - Secy. Directors: A. W. Gentry, J. S. Harrod, M. McKin- ney, S. C. McMeekin, P. Young, K. Warden. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $1,616,669 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $461,691 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6, 219 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 528 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total--. -- 21, 169,073 Generated----------------------------- 2,703 Purchased.----------------------------- 21, 166,370 Communities Served at Retail: Population Altenburg 264 Hloomfield---------------------------------- 1,208 Ilutesville & E. 581 Marble Hill--------------------------------- 421 Perryville ____ 3,907 Rolla sº as me as * = * sº * * * * *s, * sº as ºs, am ºn sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5, 141 Saint James--------------------------------- 1,812 Saint Marys-------------------------------- 605 Sainte Genevieve __ 2,787 Steelville------------------------------------ 1,013 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY Own ED UTILITY: Missouri Electric Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–MISSOURI 427 24–106 Missouri Power & Light Company Jefferson City, Mo. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: D. W. Snyder, Jr.---------------------------- PreS. H. L. Hanley--------------------------- Vice PreS. H. E. Johnson------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: R. S. Brownlee, H. L. Hanley, E. L. Nelson, Thomas L. Price, D. W. Snyder, Jr., F. P. Williams, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $13,250, 537 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,960, 396 Number of Electric Customers---------- 42,264 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 24,897 Steam-------------------------------- 24, 353 Internal Combustion----------------- 544 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 126,697, 725 Generated---------------------------- 105,371, 125 Purchased.-- 21,326,600 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Jefferson City------------------------------ 24, 268 Kirksville--------------------------------- 10,080 Moberly----- 12, 920 1,000 to 10,000 population Bevier 1, 105 Boonville---------------------------------- 6,089 Brookfield--------------------------------- 6, 174 Clarence----------------------------------- 1, 157 Clinton------------------------------------ 6,041 Bdina-------------------------------------- 1,637 Excelsior Springs-------------------------- 4, 864 Hamilton---------------------------------- 1,655 Huntsville--------------------------------- 1,739 La Grange--------------------------------- 1, 222 Lathrop----------------------------------- 1,049 Maysville--------------------------------- 1,026 Mexico.------------------------------------ 9,053 Montgomery City------------------------- 1,671 New Franklin----------------------------- 1, 144 New London------------------------------ 1,005 Plattsburg--------------------------------- 1,915 Wellsville---------------------------------- 1, 314 250 to 1,000 population Alexandria--------------------------------- 660 Altamont---------------------------------- 274 Ashland 434 Atlanta - - - - 507 Auxvasse---------------------------------- 490 Paring------------------------------------- 259 Brashear----------------------------------- 345 Braymer----------------------------------- 975 Breckenridge -----. - - 728 Bucklin------------------------------------ 842 Cairo-------------------------------------- 254. Callao------------------------------------- 398 Cedar City-------------------------------- 275 Center------------------------------------- 488 Centertown-------------------------------- 271 lark-------------------------------------- 273 Clifton Hill-------------------------------- 278 Cowgill------------------------------------ 338 Pawn-------------------------------------- 435 Downing---------------------------------- 507 Pthel-------------------------------------- 317 Ewing------------------------------------- 309 Fairport----------------------------------- 263 Farber------------------------------------- 386 Frankford--------------------------------- 471 Franklin----------------------------------- 325 Gorin-------------------------------------- 386 Greencastle-------------------------------- 342 697 Green City-------------------------------- Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Greentop---------------------------------- 254 Higbee------------------------------------- 877 Holt--------------------------------------- 320 Hurdland---------------------------------- 311 Jamestown--------------------------------- 269 Kearney----------------------------------- 543 Kidder------------------------------------- 270 Kingston---------------------------------- 394 Knox City--------------------------------- 419 La Belle.---------------------------------- 833 Laddonia---------------------------------- 588 Lawson------------------------------------ 511 Lewistown--------------------------------- 415 Ludlow------------------------------------ 265 Madison----------------------------------- 625 Martinsburg------------------------------- 422 Maywood---------------------------------- 283 McFall------------------------------------ 393 Mokane----------------------------------- 544 New Bloomfield--------------------------- 432 New Cambria----------------------------- 3.18 NeW Florence------------------------------ 565 Novinger---------------------------------- 793 Osborn------------------------------------ 358 Polo--------------------------------------- 590 Prairie Home------------------------------ 251 Queen City-------------------------------- 646 Rocheport--------------------------------- 396 Russellville-------------------------------- 319 Shelbyville-------------------------------- 756 South Gorin------------------------------- 314 Sturgeon----------------------------------- 571 Utica-------------------------------------- 536 Winston----------------------------------- 381 Wyaconda--------------------------------- 517 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Consumers Public Service Co. Gasconade Power Co. Missouri Edison Co. Missouri Public Service Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Centralia Water and Light Dept. *Linneus Municipal Electric Plant. *Perry Light & Water Dept. *Co-Mo Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Consolidated Electric Cooperative. *Farmers Electric Cooperative. *Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Tri-County Electric Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Gas, ice, hot water heat, steam heat, and Water Service. 24–109 Missouri Public Service Corporation Hout Bldg., Warrensburg, Mo. Principal Officers: R. J. Green.--------------------------------- Pres. Charles CzeSchin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Secy. Raymond Rollins -- - - - - - - - - - - Treas. & ASSt. Secy. T. J. Forgy---------------------------ASSt. Treas. Directors: C. C. Czeschin, R. J. Green, H. F. Parker, H. S. Payson Rowe. Controls: -- - Eastern Kansas Pipe Line Co. (gas utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $7, 204,434 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $1,256,403 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 20, 376 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts 'otal------------------------------ 13, 367 Steam--------------------------------- 10, 538 Internal Combustion------------------ 2,829 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 40, 950, 661 Generated.----------------------------- 18, 353,628 Purchased.---------------------------- 22, 597,033 428 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Appleton City----------------------------- 1, 188 Concordia---------------------------------- 1,077 Bolden------------------------------------- 1, 818 Lees Summit------------------------------- 2, 263 Sevada------------------------------------ 8, 181 Osceola------------------------------------- 1, 190 Trenton------------------------------------ 7,046 Warrensburg------------------------------- 5,868 Windsor------------------------------------ , 373 Adrian------------------------------------- 868 Amoret------------------------------------- 328 Archie-------------------------------------- 293 Belton-------------------------------------- 971 Blue Springs------------------------------- 788 Blythedale--------------------------------- 266 Bronaugh.---------------------------------- 265 Brownington.------------------------------- 261 Buckner------------------------------------ 57.1 Cainesville---------------------------------- 765 Calhoun------------------------------------ 521 Chilhowee---------------------------------- 415 hula--------------------------------------- 439 Cole Camp--------------------------------- 753 Creighton----------------------------------- 272 Deepwater--------------------------------- 956 Prexel-------------------------------------- 450 Pagleville----------------------------------- 353 T90ſnail------------------------------. ----- 302 Garden City-------------------------------- 599 Grain Valley-------------------------------- 362 Grandview--------------------------------- 596 Green Ridge-------------------------------- 350 Greenwood--------------------------------- 250 Pantha-------------------------------------- 250 Jerico Springs------------------------------ 254 Knob Noster-------------------------------- 640 Pa Monte---------------------------------- 491 Laredo-------------------------------------- 544 Leeton-------------------------------------- 436 Lincoln------------------------------------- 379 Lonejack------------------------------------ 350 Lowry City------------ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 488 Montrose----------------------------------- 487 Mount Moriah----------------------------- 276 New Hampton------------------------------ 412 Oak Grove---------------------------------- 680 Ridgeway----------------------------------- 675 Rockville----------------------------------- 336 Schell City--------------------------------- 454 Sheldon------------------------------------- 463 Spickardsville (Spickard)------------------- 587 rich--------------------------------------- 465 Walker------------------------------------- 265 Warsaw------------------------------------ 957 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Missouri Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Burgess. *Galt Municipal Electric Plant. *Jamesport Municipal Light Plant. *Liberal Municipal Electric Dept. *OSage Valley Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 24–112 Missouri Service Company 519 Main St., Tarkio, Mo. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Company.) Principal Officers: Robert S. Eastin----------------------------- Pres. S. H. Breed----------------------------- Vice PreS. H. A. Love----------------------------- Vice PreS. John W. Oliver------------------------------ Secy. A. C. Hartnett----------------------------- Treas. A. E. McKinnon------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Leon E. Jordon----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Robert S. Eastin, A. L. Hane, A. C. Hartnett, H. A. Love, John W. Oliver. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,157, 543: Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $175,719. In Missouri----------------------------- $172,347. Number of Electric Customers: Total---------------------------------- 2,840 In Missouri---------------------------- 2,761 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 766. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 4, 252, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population raig--------------------------------------- 718 Fairfax-------------------------------------- 813 Graham------------------------------------ 336, Maitland----------------------------------- 539 Mound City-------------------------------- 1,606. Skidmore----------------------------------- 498. Tarkio-------------------------------------- 2, 114 Watson------------------------------------ 269 Westboro----------------------------------- 368, Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Corning Electric Light Co. The Northern Kansas Power Co. (Kans.). The Western Public Service Co. (Nebr.). Also Renders: Ice and water service in Missouri. See Also: Operations reported under Iowa (14–120). 24–115 Missouri Southern Public Service Company Cassville, Mo. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Com- pany.) Principal Officers: S. C. McMeekin----------------------------- PreS. J. A. Bordelon-------------- • * me sº sm amº ºm sº * * * * Vice Pres. R. A. Gallagher---------------------- Secy.-Treas. E. T. Claypool.----------------ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. A. Bordelon, E. T. Claypool, R. D. Donaldson, R. A. Gallagher, S. C. McMeekin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - ---------------- $194,540: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $55,399 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 271,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cassville----------------------------------- 1, 214 Rocky Comfort---------------------------- 284 Seligman----------------------------------- 450, Washburn---------------------------------- 300 Wheaton----------------------------------- 393. 24–121 Missouri Utilities Company 400 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, Mo. s (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 429 {Principal Officers: H. B. Newman------------------------------ PreS. J. S. Holt------------------------------ Vice PreS. Max Dorow---------------------------- Vice PreS F. M. Stone---------------------------- Vice PreS W. H. Timm-------------------------------- Secy Alfred Healey------------------------------ Treas E. Dale Chambers--------------------- AsSt. Secy E. M. Bartlett--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. L. V. Patrick------------------------- ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Max Dorow, Carl O. Hoffmann, J. S. Holt, H. B. Newman, R. G. Taber, J. T. Wood- ward, L. E. Yeager. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4, 587, 481 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1, 132, 373 Number of Electric Customers---------- 18, 712 - Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 15, 230 Steam--------------------------------- 14, 940 Internal Combustion ------------------ 290 JEnergy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours al------------------------------ 39,742,650 Generated.----------------------------- 32,859, 129 Purchased.----------------------------- 6, 883, 521 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Cape Girardeau --------------------------- 19, 426 Poplar Bluff------------------------------- 11, 163 1,000 to 10,000 population Bernie------------------------------------- 1, 160 Chaffee------------------------------------ 3,049 Charleston-------------------------------- 5, 182 Dexter------------------------------------ 3, 108 East Prairie------------------------------- 2,469 don------------------------------------- 2, 590 Fornfelt----------------------------------- 1, 504 Illno-------------------------------------- 1, 224 Lilbourn---------------------------------- 1, 378 Morehouse-------------------------------- 1, 598 Tail-------------------------------------- 1, 106 Parma------------------------------------ 1, 187 Senath------------------------------------ 1, 261 Sikeston----------------------------------- 7,944 Tipton.------------------------------------ 1, 219 Versailles---------------------------------- 1,781 250 to 1,000 population Ancell------------------------------------- 306 Anniston---------------------------------- 379 Arbyrd------------------------------------ 489 Benton------------------------------------ 408 Bertrand---------------------------------- 377 BlackWater-------------------------------- 389 Blodgett----------------------------------- 253 Bunceton---------------------------------- 648 Canalou----------------------------------- 419 Cardwell---------------------------------- 913 Catron------------------------------------ 259 Clarksburg-------------------------------- 393 “Commerce-------------------------------- 413 Delta-------------------------------------- 320 Dudley------------------------------------ 339 Essex-------------------------------------- 639 Fisk--------------------------------------- 386 Hornersville------------------------------- 964 Matthews--------------------------------- 448 Morley------------------------------------ 522 Nelson------------------------------------ 334 Otterville---------------------------------- 430 Pilot Grove.------------------------------- 748 isco-------------------------------------- 429 Smithton---------------------------------- 404 Stover------------------------------------- 584 Syracuse----------------------------------- 262 Vanduser---------------------------------- 29] TJtility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: IMissouri General Utilities Co. Also Renders: Gas (natural and manufactured), ice, and water Service. 24–123 Guy R. Morgan Livonia, Mo. 24–124 Ozark Utilities Company 6th and Joplin Sts., Joplin, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co, through 99.67% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. L. Kiddoo-------------------------- Vice Pres, D. T. Boyd-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. C. R. Haughawout----- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas, Directors: D. T. Boyd, C. E. Hill, R. L. Kiddoo, A. E. Spencer, Jr., A. L. Zimmer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,520,685 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $251,052 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 559 Generating Capacity: - Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 2,701 Hydro--------------------------------- 425 Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 276 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 11, 816, 684 Generated----------------------------- 548, 300 Purchased----------------------------- 5, 600, 500 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 5, 667, 884 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Bolivar.------------------------------------ 2, 636 Greenfield---------------------------------- 1, 353 Sarcoxie------------------------------------- 1,057 250 to 1,000 population Buffalo------------------------------------- 920 Cross Timbers------------------------------ 670 Dunnegan----------------------------------- 277 Everton------------------------------------ 368 Fair Play----------------------------------- 431 Flemington--------------------------------- 394 Golden City-------------------------------- 867 Hermitage---------------------------------- 303 Humansville-------------------------------- 786 Jasper-------------------------------------- 804 Lockwood---------------------------------- 841 Miller-------------------------------------- 519 Morrisville---------------------------------- 329 Pleasant Eſope * = m, sº am sº ºm a- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 290 Stockton------------------------------------ 801 Stotts City--------------------------------- 268 Vista--------- -- 312 Weaubleau--------------------------------- 439 Wheatland---------------------------------- 269 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Empire District Electric Co. (Interchange). Missouri Public Service Corporation. Also Renders: Ice Service. 24–133 St. Joseph Railway, Light, Heat & Power Co. 520 Francis St., St. Joseph, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: C. A. Semrad------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. R. Harrington.------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. D. B. Carson--------------------------- Vice Pres. W. J. Raidt---------------------------------- Secy. 430 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: R. E. Burger, D. B. Carson, R. P. Conkling, F. R. Harrington, F. E. Henderson, S. B. Irelan, C. H. Mayer, C. A. Semrad, J. M. Strike. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $11,907, 651 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,127,725 Number of Electric Customers---------- 25, 219 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 30, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 94,846, 330 Communities Served at Retail: Population Agency------------------------------------ 361 De Kalb----------------------------------- 314 Gower------------------------------------- 386 Industrial City---------------------------- 1,000 Oregon------------------------------------ 978 Rushville---------------------------------- 309 Saint Joseph------------------------------- 75, 711 Savannah--------------------------------- 2, 108 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Maryville Electric Light & Power Co. United Utilities Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Easton. *Northwest Missouri Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Motor and trolley coach transporta- tion, and steam service. 24–142 J. Finis Shaffer Lemons, Mo. Principal Officer: J. Finis Shafter---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ - - - - - - $6,939 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ - - - - $2,637 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 116 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 68 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64, 800 24–145 Springfield Gas and Electric Company 324 E. Walnut, Springfield, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: C. H. Nichols----------------------- 1St Vice Pres. A. L. Klees----------------------------- Vice Pres. Chas. E. Twogood------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. E. Johnson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy.-Treas. R. F. Lewis.------------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. M. Gaylord, W. H. Harrison, C. H. Nichols, H. A. Person, C. Sprong, Chas. E. Twogood, E. S. Willever. Tho following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant $6,675, 265 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,244, 688 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 20, 314 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) 26, 888 * * * * * * * * * * = s. Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 52, 365, 580 Generated.----------------------------- 20, 297, 305 Purchased.----------------------------- 32,068,275 Community Served at Retail: Population Springfield-------------------------------- 61,238 Also Renders: Bus, natural gas, and Steam heating Sel V1Cé. 24–148 Taneycomo Electric Light Company Rockaway Beach, Mo. Principal Officer: Ralph S. Coughenour --------------- Partner-Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10,874 Electric Operating Revenues - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - $8,021 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - -------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 142, 823 24–150 Union Electric Company of Missouri 315 N. Twelfth Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. (Controlled by The North American Co. through 94.64% of voting power.) Principal Officers: William McClellan-------------------------- PreS. Edward T. Gushee--------------- Exec. Vice Pres. John A. Woodbridge------------------- Vice Pres. Charles E. Michel---------------------- Vice Pres. Frank J. Meistrell--------------------------- Secy. John L. Ganz------------------------------- Treas. Walter G. Heren-----------------------4ASSt. Secy. Eugene R. Kropp--------------------- Asst. Secy. George H. Hartwein------------------ ASSt. Treas. Dudley Sanford---------------------- ASSt. Treas. A. H. Schettler----------------------- Comptroller Directors: Charles E. Dudley, Edward T. Gushee, William McClellan, Ralph E. Moody, John A. Woodbridge. - Controls: Cupples Station Light, Heat and Power Co. (electric & heating). East St. Louis Railway Co. (inactive). East St. Louis & Suburban Railway Co. (inactive). Iowa Union Electric Co. (electric & gas). Lakeside Light & Power Co. (electric). Mississippi River Power Co. (electric). St. Charles Electric Light and Power Co. (electric). St. Louis & Alton Railway Co. (lessor railway). St. Louis & Belleville Electric Railway Co. (elec- tric railway). |Union Electric Company of Illinois (electric & gas), which controls— Union Colliery Co. (coal). Union Electric Land and Development Co. (land). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $126,826, 543. Electric Operating Revenues --------- $24, 351, 966 Number of Electric Customers ------- 300, 599. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------- 272,000 Steam------------------------------ a 143,000 Hydro------------------------------ 129,000 a Plant capacity limited by boiler equipment to 134,000 kw. Production of steam for heating pur- poses further reduces the capacity for electric genera - tion. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 431 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1, 595, 245, 590 Generated.-------------------------- 192,344, 390 Purchased.-------------------------- 1, 402, 724, 210 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 176,990 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Clayton----------------------------------- 13,069 Kirkwood--------------------------------- 12, 132 Maplewood------------------------------- 12, 875 Richmond Heights------------------------ 12, 802 Saint Charles----------------------------- 10, 803 Saint Louis------------------------------- 816, 0.48 University City--------------------------- 33,023 Webster Groves-------------------- - - - - - - - 18, 394 1,000 to 10,000 population Berkeley -------------------------------- 2, 577 Bonne Terre------------------------------ 3,730 Brentwood------------------------------- 4, 383 Crystal City----------------------------- 3, 417 De Soto---------------------------------- 5, 121 Desloge----------------------------------- 1,394 Elvins------------------------------------ 2,367 Ferguson--------------------------------- 5, 724 Festus------------------------------------ 4, 620 Flat River-------------------------------- 5, 401 Glendale--------------------------------- 2, 526 Herculaneum----------------------------- 1,800 Ladue------------------------------------ 3,981 Leadwood-------------------------------- 1, 133 Maryland Heights------------------------ 1, 500 Normandy------------------------------- 2,500 Overland--------------------------------- 2,934 Pacific------------------------------------ 1,687 Rock Hill-------------------------------- 1, 821 Saint Clair------------------------------- 1,410 Saint Ferdinand (Florissant) ------------- 1, 369 Shrewsbury------------------------------ 2, 182 Union------------------------------------ 2, 125 Valley Park------------------------------ 2,091 Washington.------------------------------ 6, 756 Wellston--------------------------------- 7,400 250 to 1,000 population Afton------------------------------------ 500 Allenton---------------------------------- 264 Arbor Terrace---------------------------- 909 Ballwin----------------------------------- 250- Bel Nor---------------------------------- 937 Beverly Hills----------------------------- 687 Black Jack------------------------------- 350 Carsonville------------------------------- 440 Creve Coeur------------------------------ 650 Des Peres-------------------------------- 641 Ellisville--------------------------------- 288 Esther------------------------------------ 817 Eureka----------------------------------- 530 Frankclay-------------------------------- 350 Hillsboro--------------------------------- 256 Imperial---------------------------------- 250 Koch------------------------------------- 700 Labadie---------------------------------- 300 Leadington.------------------------------- 300 Manchester------------------------------ 600 Margona--------------------------------- 286 Monarch--------------------------------- 263 North Woods------------------------------ 733 Oakland---------------------------------- 789 Oakville---------------------------------- 536 Olivette---------------------------------- 987 Pasadena Hills--------------------------- 839 Pasadena Park--------------------------- 659 Pevely----------------------------------- 311 Portage Des Sioux------------------------ 254 Rivermines------------------------------- 556 Robertson-------------------------------- 500 Saint Francois---------------------------- 500 Schuermann Heights--------------------- 293 South Kinloch---------------------------- 325 Velda------------------------------------ 495 West Alton------------------------------- 253 Wortham. -------------------------------- 30ſ) Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES; Arkansas-Missouri Power Corporation. Cupples Station Light, Heat & Power Co. East Missouri Power Co. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Laclede Power & Light Co. Mississippi River Power Co. Missouri Flectric Power Co. Union Flectric Company of Illinois (Inter- change). - Western Light & Telephone Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Farmington Electric Light & Water Plant. *Kirkwood Light Dept. Also Renders: Steam heating service. 24–154 United Utilities Corporation 216 N. 7th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Principal Officers: Douglas Graham---------------------------- Pres. J. Grant Hesseltine--------------------- Vice Pres. Phillip Hawley----------------------- Secy.-Treas, A. R. Wolters--------------------------4ASSt. Mgr. Directors: O. M. Cole, Douglas Graham, S. A. Gra- ham, Phillip Hawley, L. J. Knauf, A. R. Wolters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $324, 253 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,896 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 210 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 219, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Amazonia------------------------------------ 321 Clarksdale------------------------------------ 307 Fillmore 269 Forest City----------------------------------- 548 Stewartsville---------------------------------- 478 24–157 Van Buren Light & Power Co. - 520 Jefferson St., Burlington, Iowa Principal Officers: F. H. Warren ------------------------------- PreS. P. L. Hays----------------------------- Vice Pres. K. L. Fitzpatrick-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: K. L. Fitzpatrick, P. L. Hays, F. H. Warren. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--- - - - - - - - - - - $27, 234 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 595 Community Served at Retail: Population Wayland----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 380 See Also: Operations reported under Iowa (14–169). 24–160 Van Buren Light, Power & Ice Co. Van Buren, Mo. Principal Officers: W. Cotton------------------------------- PreS. D. W. Warner - - - - - - - - ---------------------- Secy. W. W. AnderSon---------------------------- Mgr. Directors: W. W. Anderson, T. W. Cotton, Vincent Flynn, Geo. Johns, Frank Standley, D. W. War- IlêI". The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $119, 202 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $36, 360 Number of Electric Customers----------- 657 432 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Kilowatt Internal Combustion------------------- 250 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 213,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chicopee (South Van Buren).----------------- 300 Ellington------------------------------------- 849 Eminence------------------------------------ 407 Van Buren.----------------------------------- 458 24–163 West Missouri Power Company Warrensburg, Mo. Principal Officers: J. R. Green--------------------------------> PreS. * * * * * * * * * = <= sº ºm m ºm m. º. ºº m ms sº sº sº ºm > * * = Secy. Directors: Charles Czeschin, L. R. Green, R. J. Green, A. Z. Patterson, Jennie G. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $547,339 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 1,600 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 599,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Ozark Utilities Co. 24–167 Western Light & Telephone Company Huron Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Missouri only----------------------------- $30,577 Number of Electric Customers: Missouri only----------------------------- 668 Communities Served at Retail: Population Freeburg-------------------------------------- 395 Koeltztown----------------------------------- 265 eta----------------------------------------- 381 Tuscumbia----------------------------------- 269 Vienna---------------------------------------- 433 See Also: Principal report under Kansas (15–180). 24–169 Westhoff Light & Power Co. O’Fallon, Mo. Community Served at Retail: O’Fallon Population 618 * * * * * * me m = s. sº sº as sm ºr sº sº m, sº as m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24–225 Brown Shoe Company St. Louis, Mo. 24–263 Gideon Anderson Lumber Company Gideon, Mo. Principal Officers: Wm. P. Anderson--------------------------- Pres. J. C. Anderson------------------------- Vice Pres. M. S. Anderson------------------------ Vice PreS. R. T. Stokes-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. C. Anderson, M. S. Anderson, Wm. P. AnderSon, R. T. Stokes. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $21, 575 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 340 Community Served at Retail: Population Gideon------------------------------------- 1,606 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–301 Ozark Electric Manufacturing Company Pineville, Mo. 24–317 Segelhorst Bros. Beaufort, Mo. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. A. Segelhorst-------------------------- Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $4,000 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Customers------ 90,000 24–346 Stampers Garage Brumley, Mo. 24–512 *Albany Municipal Power Plant City Hall, Albany, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Earl Hazelrigg------------------------------ Supt. Directors: M. M. Chenoweth, Elmer Hamon, Fred Gillespie, Elmer Scott. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 680 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,452, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Albany------------------------------------- 2,010 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 433 24–517 *Armstrong Electric Department Armstrong, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. M. Tresta ------------------------------- Elec. Mayor and Board of Aldermen: F. R. Evan, M. H. Markland, Lewis Miller, F. L. Sumner, W. W. Walker (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Revenues------------------------ $5,000 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 175 Community Served at Retail: Population Armstrong------------------------------------ 468 24–521 *Bethany Water and Light Plant Bethany, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. F. Slinger--------------------------------- Supt. City Council: M. W. Fishel, G. C. Hogan, J. N. Maxey, D. E. Whitmore. The following data are ſor the year ended March 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $182, 713 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,738 Number of Electric Cust S 925 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 972 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,953, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Bethany------------------------------------ 2,682 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTII,ITY: Missouri Public Service Corporation. Also Renders: Water Service. 24–526 *Butler Municipal Light & Water Service Butler, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. J. Goodhue------------------------ Gen. Supt. C. W. Miller------------------------- Chief Engr. C. C. Horn---------------------------- City Clerk City Council: Marvin Cumpton, Arthur Fortner, Marshall Moore, E. F. Oakes, H. L. Overweather (mayor), Charles Ott, Louis Radford, Homer Ray, Walter Taylor. . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $264, 120 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $65,588 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - 1,065 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------- 1, 236 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,750, 170 Community Served at Retail: Population Butler---------------------------------- 2,958 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *OSage Valley Electric Cooperative ASSn. Also Renders: Water Service. 322184—42——33 24–530 *California Board of Public Works California, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. H. Hert---------------------------- Office Mgr. Board of Public Works: - Chas. E. Tieman---------------------------- Pres. E. B. Fulks---------------------------- Vice Pres. Frank Keil---------------------------------- Secy. Edw. C. Nischwitz------------------------- Treas The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $43,670 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 795 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 770 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 261,800 Community Served at Retail: Population California---------------------------------- 2, 525 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–535 *City of Cameron Light & Water Department Cameron, Mo. Mayor and Councilmen: J. E. Burkett, Dr. C. A. Byers, H. Dietzschold, C. E. Knoop, Dr. M. L. Peters, J. C. Sloan (mayor), W. R. Stewart, Earl Wills, B. B. Witt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $58,450 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 245 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 1, 377 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 364, 510 Community Served at Retail: Population Cameron----------------------------------- 3, 615 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–539 *Campbell Light and Power Plant Campbell, Mo. Board of Public Works: Elmer Goodman, H. Her- man, Ed. Lownsdale, Ray Pruett (preS.). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $18,920 Number of Electric Customers------------- 419 Generating Capacity: P(ilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 187 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 561,260 Community Served at Retail: Population Campbell---------------------------------- 1, 786 434 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 24–544 *Canton Light and Water Department Canton, Mo. Community Served at Retail: Population Canton------------------------------------- 2, 125 24–546 *Carrollton Municipal Utilities Carrollton, Mo. Community Served at Retail: Population Carrollton*--------------------------------- 4,070 a Served by Kansas City Power & Light Co. (24-070) prior to June 16, 1941. 24–548 *Carthage Water and Electric Plant 149 E. Third St., Carthage, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: . Hoen------------------------------- Gen. Supt. Board of Public Works: J. S. Marx, S. R. Morrow (pres.), George E. Phelps, K. D. Steadley. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,267,266 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $202, 792 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3, 283 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 4, 760 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 13,632, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Carthage----------------------------------- 10, 585 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–553 *Centralia Water and Light Department Centralia, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Jennings--------------------------- -- Mayor Nina L. Rowland---------------------- City Clerk Aldermen: F. Gano Chance, Ed. S. Fagg, R. L. Hope, David P. Hulen, Frank Marshall, Arthur M. Sames. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $93, 705 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $41,208 Number of Electric Customers----------- 682 Community Served at Retail: Population Centralia----------------------------------- 1, 996 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–557 *Chillicothe Municipal Utilities Chillicothe, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. Peterson--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: George W. Moore, Roy Moore, Paul Rupp, Ralph Winans. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $871, 624 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $148,800. Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 385. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 5,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 8, 622, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Chillicothè---------------------------------- 8,012. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Meadville Electric Light Dept. *Rural Electrification Administration. 24–559 *Clarksville Light and Power Clarksville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Nance------------------------------------ Supt. M. F. Magers------------------------ Office Mgr. Board of Public Works: Dr. E. M. Bartlett, Chas. Fern, Nick Hartstine, Geo. Wells. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $57,400 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12, 558 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 312 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 362, 420 Community Served at Retail: Population Clarksville----------------------------------- 879 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–562 *City of Columbia Water and Light Department Columbia, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Rex P. Barrett ---------------------------- Mayor D. Elrow Crane ---------------------- Chief Engr. E. Roy Boothe----------------------- Chief Clerk B. J. Carl----------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,808, 141 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $402, 346 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5,659 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 12,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated--...-------------------- 17,868, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbia----------------------------- 18, 399 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Boone County Cooperative Electric Assn. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 435 z 24–566 *Town of Easton Easton, Mo. 24–568 *Eldorado Springs Light and Water Plant Eldorado Springs, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Howard King-------------------------- Chairman J. C. Musser-------------------------------- Supt. D. A. Quick-------------------------- Office Mgr. Board of Public Works: Bert Darnell, Paul Gilpin (secy.), Howard King (chairman), Jake Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $112,982 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $32,973 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 750 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 837, 100 Community Served at Retail: |Population El Dorado Springs.------------------------- 2, 342 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–571 *Farmington Light & Water Department 110 W. Columbia St., Farmington, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. F. Zimmer------------------------------- Supt. Frieda Revoir ---------------------------- Auditor lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $77,724 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 313 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 546,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Farmington.-------------------------------- 3, 738 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Doe Run DeLassus Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Water service. 24–575 *Fayette Water and Light Department Fayette, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: & Clyde Mounter---------------------- Supt. of Distr. C. C. Jones -------------------- Supt. of Production Board of Aldermen: R. L. Burnham, C. E. Givens, J. F. Heying, Vodra Philips, I. E. Schnell, Roy Skillman, Geo. L. Todd (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $147, 701 $55,067 923 Number of Electric Customers Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 950 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 2, 226, 230 Community Served at Retail: Population Fayette-------------------------------- 2, 608 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: - *Howard County Rural Electric Cooperative ASSn. Also Renders: Water service, 25–580 *Fulton Municipal Water, Light and Power Plant Fulton. Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. J. McCarroll---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $500,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $101, 310 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 716 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 358, 860 Community Served at Retail: Population Fulton-------------------------------------- 8, 297 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Callaway County Electrical Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Gas, steam and water service. 24–584 *Gallatin Light and Water Works Gallatin, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. M. Coon--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Aldermen: Heath Galpin, Harry Mc- Clure, Homer Miller, Robert Owings, Lee R. Pierce (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 545 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 484 Pólowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 944,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gallatin--------------------------------- 1,642 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–588 *Galt Municipal Light Plant Galt, Mo. Community Served at Retail: Population Galt 525 436 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 24–593 *Gilman Power and Light Plant Gilman City, Mo. Community Served at Retail: Gilman Population ---- 555 24–602 *Hannibal Board of Public Works City Hall, Hannibal, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. S. Watson - --Supt. Board of Public Works: H. G. Riedel - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. A. J. Mulvihill------------------------- Vice Pres. E. L. Sparks-------------------------------- Secy. J. A. Ihrig-------- Treas The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $981,294 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $387, 975 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6,650 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 13, 500 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Generated 21, 293, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Hannibal - - 20, 865 Also Renders: Water Service. 24—606 *Harrisonville Water and Light Department Harrisonville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James D. Idol------------------------------ Mayor Cleo Brown--------------------------------- Supt. Walter B. Benn.------------------------ City Clerk Board of Public Works: Dr. Clint Lord, Lee Mar- º H. S. Volle (secy.), W. J. Willet (chair- Iſlan). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $161,633 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47, 128 Number of Electric Customers------------ 840 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion • - 680 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - 1, 754, 460 Community Served at Retail: Population Harrisonville-------------------------------- 2, 322 Utility Served at Wholesale: PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Osage Valley Cooperative Electric Assn. Also Renders: Water Service. 24–611 *City of Hartville Hartville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Hugh Haddock------------------- Supt. Lt. Plant The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $6,596 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total) ---------------- 157 Community Served at Retail: Population Hartville--------------------------------- 393 24–615 *Higginsville Municipal Utilities Higginsville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. L. Hebbler------- Supt. Board of Public Works: B. R. Adams, Chas. H. Gladish (pres.), Dr. E. M. Moore (vice pres.), J. L. Stratman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $388,434 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $73,485 Number of Electric Cust lº 1, 228 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,925 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 751, 230 Community Served at Retail: Population Higginsville 3, 533 |Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *West Central Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 24–620 *Hunnewell Light Plant Hunnewell, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Brace Way---------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,000 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $2,400 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 36,000 Community Served at Retail: Population HunneWell-------------------------------- 312 24–625 *Independence Light Department Independence, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Fisher--------------------------------- Upt. Myron A. Fligg----------------------- Chief Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $264,935 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 781 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 10,626,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Independence------------------------------ 16,066 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 437 24–629 *Jackson Municipal Water & Light Dept. Jackson, Mo. Pºpe, Electric Utility Officials: Water and Light Committee: Harry Hoffmeister, Floyd McManus, Martin Wilhelm (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $62,899 Number of Electric Customers----------- 986 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,385 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 236, 821 Community Served at Retail: Population Jackson--------------------------------- 3, 113 Also Renders: Water Service. 24—634 *Jamesport Municipal Light Plant Jamesport, Mo. Community Served at Retail: Population JameSport------------------------------------ 761 24—638 *Kahoka Water & Light Department Kahoka, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. B. Bridges-------------------------------- Supt. Water and Light Committee: R. Bartels, Lloyd Gregory, James R. Nichols (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-- $94,742 $30,476 692 Rilowatts Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------ 470 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 887, 591 Population 1, 781 Community Served at Retail: Rahoka * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -º ºr - - - - - - - Also Renders: Water Service. 24–643 *City of Kirkwood Kirkwood, Mo. City Council: W. L. Berthold, Chas. F. Hoyt, A. S. Rinyon (mayor). * following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues $528, 803 $196,280 3,500 - * * * - - * * * - - - - Number of Electric Customers Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 8, 598, 700 Community Served at Retaii: Population Kirkwood - - - - -- 12, 132 Also Renders: Water Service. 24—647 *Lamar Water and Electric Plant Lamar, Mo. Population Community Served at Retail: 2,992 Lamar - 24—649 *City of La Plata La Plata, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: e A. Myers---------------------- Chairman. City Council: C. H. Griffin, John Hayden, R. A. Myers, A. L. Tonkinson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $96, 958 Electric Revenue--------------------------- $19,980 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 517 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 120 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Genereatd-------------------------- 582,000 Community Served at Retail: Population La Plata.---------------------------------- 1, 421 24–652 *Lebanon Municipal Light & Water Plant Lebanon, Mo. Board of Aldermen: F. M. Barlow, Floyd Bowman, Gene Bradley, C. D. Johnson, R. V. Kaffenberger, Karl Kleiner, J. E. Millsap (mayor), A. W. Schneider, S. M. Vickers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $200,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $86,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 3,500 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,700,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lebanon------------------------------------ 5,025 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rural Electrical Association. Also Renders: Water Service, 24–654 *Liberal Municipal Electric Department Liberal, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. F. R. Spell---------------------------- Mayor Fred Sackett-------------------------------- Mgr. 438 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Board of Public Works: Wm. H. Curless (pres.), Max Davidson, Sr., E. M. Lipscomb, A. N. Wimmer (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $22,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,429 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--------------------------- 185, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Liberal Also Renders: Water Service. 771 24–656 *Linneus Municipal Electric Plant Linneus, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. C. Peery-------------------------------- Mayor Morris Stephens------------------------ Alderman Noel Janis------------------------------4Alderman P. P. Hills---------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,117 Number of Electric Customers 235 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 139,270 Community Served at Retail: Population Linneus 704 24–661 *Macon Light and Water Department City Hall, Macon, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. L. Thierſelder---------------------------- Supt. Minor Wilkes------------------------ Chief Engr Secy’ Board of Public works: Chas. M. Dorrel, Tom Hartman, Dan R. Hughes, R. A. Waller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $534, 196 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $87,943 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 418 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------------- 3, 250 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 658, 163 Community Served at Retail: Population Macon-------------------------------------- 4, 206 Utility Served at Wholesale: PTBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Macon Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 24–666 *City of Malden Malden, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. H. Anderson---------------------------- Mayor Light & Water Committee: W. H. Clingingsmith, R. C. Patterson. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------------- $301,019 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $65,296 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 800 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 662 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 550,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Malden------------------------------------- 2, 673 Also Renders: Water service. 24–670 *City of Marceline Marceline, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. J. Thomas------------------------------ Mayor G. C. Fox---------------------------------- Supt. L. E. Shelton-------------------------- City Clerk Light Committee: Dave Harper, Frank Hirsch, Geo. Minich (chairman), Chas. Neason. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $228, 795 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $58,749 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 122 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 730 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,870, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Marceline----------------------------------- 3, 206 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–675 *Marshall Municipal Utilities 110 E. Arrow, Marshall, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. L. Yancey--------------- Secy. Bó. Pub. WKs R. C. Johnson-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. John Wyrick-------------------Supt. Power Prod. S. S. McDonough.--------------------- Supt. Dist. Board of Public Works: Harry Hershberger, L. B. Tracy, James A. Walker, Grover C. Waters, T. L. Yancey (Secy.). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $141, 796 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 567 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6,083, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshall------------------------------------ 8, 533 24–679 *Meadville Electric Light Department Meadville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: - Richard DOWell------------------ City Electrician DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES MISSOURI Councilmen: E. H. Hanson, Earl Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,600 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 185 Community Served at Retail: Population Meadville------------------------------------- 509 24–684 *Memphis Municipal Light & Water Plant Memphis, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. W. Newman----------------------------- Supt. Board of Aldermen: J. H. Johnson, Paul Moore, Dr. E. E. Parrish, E. D. Ross, W. E. Wilsey (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - ------ $125,000 $30,015 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 756 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 540 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,016, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Memphis----------------------------------- 1,935 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–688 *Miian Municipal Light Plant Milan, Mo. City Council: Glen Burdett, Pharis Cleeton, Bert Hogan, Okie Kibble, W. T. Leslief, Dan Shutty, H. D. Smith.f - fMember of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $90,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $25,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 500 Generating Capacity: Rilov) ſitts Total-------------------------------- 440 Steam----------------------------------- 200 Internal Combustion-------------------- 240 Filowintt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 875,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Milan----------------------------------- 2,016 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–693 *Mindenmines Municipal Light System Mindenmines, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Riley G. Barr J. R. Williams-- ---- Mayor Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,686 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 160 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ------------------------- 108,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Mindenmines---------------------------------- 550 24–697 *City of Monett Monett, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. B. Hall -------------------------------- Mayor G. W. Baldridge- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner F. J. Wallner----------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - ---------- $68,821 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,600 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 391, 100 Communities Served at Retail: Population Forest Park----------------------------- 598 Monett---------------------------------- 4, 395 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–702 *Monroe City Light and Power Department 132 E. Summer St., Monroe City, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ray G. Vollendorf-------------------------. Supt. Board of Aldermen: H. E. Gray, Paul Van Marter. W. E. Yowell (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $55,419 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 612 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1,076 - Púlowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 284, 553 Community Served at Retail: Population Monroe City-------------------------------- 1, 978 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Hunnewell Light Plant. *Stoutsville Municipal Electric Dept. *Ralls County Electric Cooperative Assn. 24–706 *Mount Vernon Municipal Light Plant Mt. Vernon, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd Galloway---------------------------- Supt. W. P. Counts---------------- Pres. Ból. Aldermen Harry Whaley----------------------------- Mayor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24,670 Number of Electric Customers------------ 700 440 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 900,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Vernon -------------------------- 1,982 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–711 *New Madrid Light and Power Department New Madrid, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. L. Hunter----------------------------- Mayor E. H. Riley - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. Hoard of Aldermen N. L. Reddick ---------------- Gen. Mgr. & Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $124, 135 $34,806 - - - - - - - - - - - - 450 Rilowatts 1,088 Number of Electric Customers Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 930, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population New Madrid---------------------------- 2. 450 24–712 *Odessa Utilities Odessa, Mo Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Thomas Dyer---------------------------- Mayor J. E. George------------------------------- Supt. Aldermen: A. F. Gordon, Jr., Wm. Johnson, Dr. E. B. Nisbet, L. C. Parman, O. W. Phillips, Will Thomas. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $127,067 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $37,072 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 642 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 570 Community Served at Retail: Population Odessa-------------------------------------- 1,881 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–714 *Owensville Municipal Utilities Owensville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Simon H. Helling--------------------------- Supt. Geo. W. Tappmeyer----------------- Office Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $129,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $30,000 Number of Electric Customers---------- --- 540 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 847,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Owensville---------------------------------- 1,439 24–716 *Palmyra Light and Water Department Palmyra, Mo Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. E. Robison Mayor M. F. Russell Supt. Light & Water Committee: J. F. Jacobs, E. D. Lovegreen, Van B. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $133,691 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $49,156 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 864 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1, 242 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ $2,164,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Palmyra------------------------------------ 2, 285 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–720 *Paris Light, Water and Ice Department Paris, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sylvesta Opie------------------------ Chief Engr. B. M. Mutersbaugh------------------------ Supt. Utilities Committee: H. P. Noel, W. B. Overfelt, Guy M. Reed (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 607 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 472. Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 100,000. Community Served at Retail: Population Paris---------------------------------------- 1,473. 24–725 *Pattonsburg Municipal Light Plant Pattonsburg, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. W. Richardson.-------------------------- Board of Public Works: J. E. Curtis (Secy.), D. G. Graham, H. H. Green (chairman), C. E. Morris. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $56,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $15, 163. Number of Electric Customers------------- 369. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts- Internal Combustion--------------------- 194 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated --- 441, 215. Community Served at Retail: Population Pattonsburg---- -- 1,017 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 441 24–726 *Perry Light & Water Department Perry, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. J. Hart -------------------------------- Supt. Nellie Yancey----------------------- Office Mgr. Mayor and Councilmen: W. E. Boyd (mayor), W. H. Robey, R. V. Rogers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $72,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,282 Number of Electric Customers------------- 298 Community Served at Retail: Population Perry---------------------------------------- 830 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–728 *Pleasant Hill Municipal Utilities Pleasant Hill, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R9y E. Boling------------------------ Gen. Supt. Virgil Shook------------------------- Elect. Dist. Davis Sloan---------------- Secy. Ból. Pub. WKs. Board of Public Works: Geo. U. Freund, Hubert Jerard, W. J. Laws (chairman), A. K. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- Number of Electric Customers $142, 184 $48,336 637 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,456,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Pleasant Hill------------------------------- 2, 118 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–729 *Poplar Bluff Municipal Water & Light System Poplar Bluff, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Fred. F. Williams Board of Public Works: P. G. Haag, A. H. Eſarwell (chairman), R. J. Spiedel. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $485,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $134,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,300 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 113,690 Community Served at Retail: Population Popular Bluff-------------------------- 11, 163 24–734 *Princeton Light and Water Plant Princeton, Mo. Population Community Served at Retail: Princeton----------------------------------- 24–738 *City of Rich Hill Rich Hill, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. W. Gordon Board of Aldermen: T. D. Engels (mayor), Elmer §: E. W. Montgomery, E. D. Waller, F. W. 16 k. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,972 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 450 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 300 Steam------------------------------------ 100 Internal Combustion--------------- •- - - - -e ºf 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 567,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Rich Hill----------------------------------- 1,994 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–740 *Rockport Board of Public Works Rockport, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. L. Burgin Board of Public Works: R. Supt. L. Curfman, Wm. Griffin, Jimmie Hedgpeth (secy.), Geo. T. Opp (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $186,912 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $42,938 Number of Electric Customers----------- 493 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 916 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 580, 174 Community Served at Retail: Population Rockport------------------------------- 1, 406 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Atchison-Holt Electric Cooperative ASSn. Also Renders: Water service. 24–743 *Salem Light and Power Company Salem, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. H. Slawson---------------------------- Mayor G. L. Gamblin------------------------ City Atty. Dwight F. Bruner--------------------- City Engr. E. J. UeltZen-------------------- Supt. Electricity T. H. Acuff--------------------------- City Clerk Board of Aldermen: Clyde Inman, T. F. Key, J. L. Park, E. E. Sparks. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $219, 823 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $22,808 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,200. 442 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 912 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,304, 750 Community Served at Retail: Population Salem---------------------------------- 3, 151 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Intercounty Electric Cooperative ASSn. Also Renders: Water Service. 24–747 *Salisbury Municipal Utilities Salisbury, Mo. City Council: M. D. Brummall, A. Fetzer, H. R. Jacobs, F. E. Lusher, Geo. L. Robertson (mayor), J. H. Roling, R. Widmer. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $30, 184 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 654 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 640 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 933,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Salisbury----------------------------------- 1, 759 Also Renders: Water service. 24–752 *Shelbina Light and Water Plant Shelbina, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Fayette Weaver---------------------------- Supt. Light and Water Committee: Ernest Key, E. B. Ray (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $150,000 $37,226 Number of Electric Customers----------- 963 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 956 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 229, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelbina-------------------------------- 2, 107 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–756 *Sikeston Municipal Light Company Sikeston, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. Moose-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $435, 874 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $136,982 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,883 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion 2,695 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 198,820 Community Served at Retail: Population Sikeston--------------------------------- 7,944 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Scott-New Madrid-Mississippi Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 24–761 *Slater Municipal Utilities Slater, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: ROSCOe R. Howard ſº e Russell Talbott------------------------ City Clerk Mayor and City Council: Hayden Bybee, S. M. Carr, G. A. Heiler, A. C. Hill, Harry Reed, E. D. Riley (mayor), Melvin Strand. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $247,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $48,414 Number of Electric Customers------------ 910 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 1, 435 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 171,580 Community Served at Retail: Population Slater--------------------------------------- 3,070 Also Renders: Water service. 24–763 *Stanberry Board of Public Works Stanberry, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - e. S. W. Hatheway, Jr.------------------- Electrician Roy Duley----------------- Chief Plant Engineer Board of Public Works: L. O. Grantham (vice chairman), Isaac Haas (chairman), Percy Hutch- craft, H. B. Lindley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $88,268 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $29,346 Number of Electric Customers------------- 590 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 345 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 887,860 Community Served at Retail: Population Stanberry-------------------------------- 1,893 Also Renders: Water Service. 24–765 *Stoutsville Municipal Electric Department Stoutsville, Mo. 24–766 *Thayer Municipal Electric Plant Thayer, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: S. G. Skaggs------------------------------- Mayor DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 443 Aldermen: Mike T. Eckert, Hobart Simers, Dr. E. O. Smith, Jess O. Sullins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $90,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,488 Number of Electric Customers------------- 495 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Thayer----------------------------------- 1,692 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 24–767 *Trenton Municipal Utilities Trenton, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. P. Ralls--------------------------------- Supt. E. M. Gardner----------------------- Supt. Distr. R. L. Beck--------------------------- Chief Engr. Board of Public Works: H. F. Hoffman------------------------------ PreS J. T. Riggs---------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year ended Dec. Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $385,074 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $86,397 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,652 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 1, 341 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,387, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population Trenton---------------------------------- 7,046 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Grundy County Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Water service. 24–770 *Unionville Light and Water Department Unionville, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: James W. Nance---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers---------------- 500 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------ 560 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,084,475 Community Served at Retail: Population Unionville---------------------------------- 2,052 Also Renders: Water service. 24–772 *Wandalia Municipal Utilities Vandalia, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: August Little------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: R. Lee Alford, J. C. Parrish, W. H. Schewe, O. S. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $191, 344 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $45,988 Number of Electric Customers----------- 900 Generating Capacity: JKilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated *-* * * * --- 1,392,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Vandalia * º º mº - -- 2, 672 Also Renders: Water service. 24–774 *West Plains City Water and Light Plant 119 Washington Ave., West Plains, Mo. Mayor and Councilmen: C. E. Armstrong, C. W. IDavidson, J. P. Harlin (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $396, 289 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $85, 108 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 451 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 3,083, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population West Plains-------------------------------- 4,026 Also Renders: Water service. 24–805 *Atchison-Holt Electric Cooperative Rockport, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - John E. Bucks------------------------------ Pres, B. S. Gibbs--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $349, 702 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,642 Number of Electric Customers------------ 720 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 287,430 24–815 *Barton County Electric Cooperative Lamar, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Beall---------------------------------- Pres A. Claypool Daugherty--------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $314,011 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34, 147 Number of Electric Customers------------ 625 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 282, 540 24–817 *Black River Electric Cooperative *. Ironton, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: ritz--------------------------------- Pres Roy Brown--------------------------------- Supt. 444 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electricity Utility Plant------------------- $158,262 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $2,748 Number of Electric Cust * 349 Communities Served at Retail: Population Annapolis------------------------------------ 390 Bunker--------------------------------------- 250 Centerville----------------------------------- 300 Des Arc-------------------------------------- 399 24–820 *Boone County Cooperative Elec- tric Association 617 Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter C. Harris---------------------------- PreS. R. A. Dinwiddie---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $290,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $46,042 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 906 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 921, 100 - 24–822 *Callaway County Electrical Co- operative Association Fulton, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. G. Bedsworth The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $205,939 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $20,275 Number of Electric Customers------------ 456 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 364,035 24–824 *Central Missouri Electric Co- operative, Inc. 5th & Lamine Sts., Sedalia, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Thos. J. Raines----------------------------- PreS. Wm. Francis Schieberl---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $333,205 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $27,214 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 763 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 189,400 24–826 *Co-Mo Electric Cooperative, Inc. Tipton, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Tom D. Briscoe----------------------------- PreS The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - $428, 353 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24, 565 Number of Electric Customers------------ 947 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 97, 120 24–828 *Consolidated Electric Cooperative Mexico, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. M. Fox---------------------------------- PreS James McClanahan.------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $335,262 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $30,690 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 728 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 361,080 24–830 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative Chillicothe, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. S. Hopper-------------------------------- Pres. Ernest Wood------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $325, 286 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,010 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 27, 500 24–832 *Grundy Electric Cooperative, Inc. Trenton, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glennie Cochran---------------------------- Pres. Ashley G. Knight--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $239, 664 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $7,619 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 510 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 25, 220 24–834 *Howard County Electric Cooper- ative Association Fayette, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. L. Shields-------------------------------- PreS. Thomas H. Biswell-------------------------- Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 445 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $130,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $10,784 Number of Customers--------------------- 238 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 201, 139 24–836 *Howell-Oregon Electric Cooper- ative, Inc. 125 Washington Ave., West Plains, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. L. Bryan--------------------------------- PreS. Joe R. Hinds-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $245,873 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- 6,814 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 577 24–838 *Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association Licking, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Bowles--------------------------------- Pres. Wm. R. Fisher------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $522, 750 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $34,843 Number of Electric Customers----------- 884 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 619,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Licking--------------------------------------- 598 SummerSville 306 24—841 *Laclede Electric Cooperative Lebanon, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Don N. Willard----------------------------- PreS. J. W. Haugh-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $128, 228 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $7, 511 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 310 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 40, 127 24–844 *Lewis County Rural Electric Co- operative Association Monticello, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. L. Anderson----------------------------- Pres. A. H. Holbert------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $594, 742 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $51,684 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 323 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 823, 800 24—847 *Macon Electric Cooperative 206 North Rollins St. Macon, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . H. Cross-------------------------------- Pres. W. E. Adams------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $500, 437 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $26,593 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,092 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 149, 725 24–850 *Missouri Rural Electric Coop- erative Association Palmyra, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. D. Pennewell H. C. McAfee------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $339, 489 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $37, 118 Number of Electric Customers----------- 846 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 704, 100 24–854 *Modaway-Worth Electric Cooperative, Inc. Maryville, Mo. 24–857 *New-Mac Electric Cooperative, Inc. Neosho, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. D. Higginbotham ----------------------- Pres. Claude L. Langley-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $256,929 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $14,395 Number of Electric Customers----------- 610 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 72, 360 446 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 24–860 *Northwest Missouri Electric Co- operative Savannah, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. L. Moran-------------------------------- PreS. J. Ray Lambright-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $488, 674 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $43,899 Number of Electric Customers----------- 887 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 547, 200 24–865 *Osage Valley Electric Coopera- tive Association Butler, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Grady SWart-------------------------------- PreS The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $368,907 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $13,751 Number of Electric Customers----------- 779 Rilowatt-hour Energy Purch d------------------------ 23, 680 24–869 *Ozark Border Electric Cooperative Poplar Bluff, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. G. Wingo--------------------------------- Pres. Ansel I. Moore------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $243,412 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $20,509 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 739 PCilowatt-hour Energy Purchased.------------------------ 159,400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ellsinore------------------------------------- 267 Grandin ---- 294 Oulin---------------------------------------- 357 24–870 *Ozark Electric Cooperative Mount Vernon, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Irby E. Murray----------------------------- Pres S. E. Roberts------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $243, 412 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $39,242 Number of Electric Customers----------- Energy Purchased.------------------------ 24–875 *Pemiscot-Dunklin Electric Cooperative Hayti, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. C. Gienn Eaker...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $450, 854 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $75,104 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,653 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 843, 104 Community Served at Retail: Pascola--------------------------------------- 345 24–877 *Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. Platte City, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • B. Fºy------------------------------------ Pres Howard Alexander-------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $331, 550 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12, 142 Number of Electric Customers------------- 711 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 11, 520 24–880 *Ralls County Electric Cooperative Association New London, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Lee Fly---------------------------------- PreS. J. A. Weaver------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $361, 497 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $33,679 Number of Electric Customers------------- 733 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ... ---- 892,880 24–888 *Scott-New Madrid-Mississippi Cooperative Association Sikeston, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elon Proffer--------------------------------- Pres, H. M. Zaricor------------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MISSOURI 447 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $337, 514 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $40,483 Number of Electric Customers------------- 995 § Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 616, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Wyatt 417 24–896 *Southwest Electric Cooperative 107 N. Springfield Ave., Bolivar, Mo. $ h---------------------------------- Pres. L. L. Alexander----------------------------. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $260,091 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $6,698 Number of Electric Customers------------------ 562 24—904 *Three Rivers Electric Cooperative Linn, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. August Lahmeyer. ----------------------- PreS. Steve A. Schauwecker---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $203,370 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,814 Number of Electric Customers 486 24—910 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative Association Lancaster, Mo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: * Charles D. Miller--------------------------- Pres. Joseph H. Casteel--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $247, 848 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,434 Number of Electric Customers------------- 607 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 32,060 24—920 *West-Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. Higginsville, Mo. 24—930 *White River Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hollister, Mo.. Principal Electric Utility Official:T John C. Harlin------------------------------ Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $174, 120 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,049 Number of Electric Cust sº 455 Community Served at Retail: Population Gainesville----------------------------------- 255 MONTANA Index Reference Number Basin Gold Mines, Inc.---------------------- *Beartooth Electric Cooperative, Inc -------- *Circle Light & Power Plant---------------- City Light Company------------------------ 25–026 Ekalaka Light and Power Company-------- 25–047 *Fergus Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - -------- *Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- Gardiner Electric Light & Water Company- Grass Range Light and Power Company---- Great Northern Utilities Company---------- Ingomar Service Garage--------------------- FCootenai Light & Power Company *Lodge Grass Municipal Light & Power 25–545 25–860 25–865 tion, Inc.---------------------------------- *Mid-Yellowstone Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Missoula Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 25–870 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co--------------- 25–099 Montana Light & Power Company, The---- 25–106 Montana Power Company, The------------ 25–113 Mountain States Power Company----------- 25–120 Neihart Water and Light Company--------- 25–127 Reference Number Neils Lumber Company, J------------------- 25–282 Opheim Electric Company------------------ 25–132 *Park Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- 25–872 Pioneer Electric Garage--------------------- 25–253 Pony Electric Light Co--------------------- 25–148 *Ravalli County Electric Cooperative, Inc -- 25–876 Rexford Power & Ilight--------------------- 25–159 Richey Electric, The------------------------ 25–161 Roberts Electric Company------------------ 25–164 Saltese Electric Light & Water Co - - - - - - - - - - 25–171 *Sanders Electric Cooperative, Inc - - -------- 25–878 *Sun River Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 25-880 Superior Electric Light & Water Works----- 25–176 Tobacco River Power Company------------- 182 y *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, Flathead Project Power System.-------------------- 25–6.17 *Vigilante Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 25–885 Westby Garage------------------------------ 25–290 Winifred Light, Heat and Power Company - 25–193 *Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative, MONTANA 25–026 City Light Company Winnett, Mont. Principal Officer: H. W. Hafer-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 110 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 90 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 118,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Winnett-------------------------------------- 399 25–047 Ekalaka Light and Power Company Ekalaka, Mont. Principal Officer: J. P. Larson------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 225 322184—42 34 Inc.---------------------------------------- 5–890 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 135 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 132,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ekalaka-------------------------------------- 719 25–059 Gardiner Electric Light & Water Company Gardiner, Mont. Principal Officers: C. O. Lauer-------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Raymond Hall------------------------- Vice PreS. E. F. Lauer------------------------ Secy. & Treas. Directors: Earl Hall, Raymond Hall, C. O. Lauer, E. F. Lauer. K. McQuillan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $49,752 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,600 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 210 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 175 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 403,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gardiner---------------------------------- 450 Also Renders: Water Service. 450 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 25–064 Grass Range Light and Power Company Grass Range, Mont. 25–071 Great Northern Utilities Company 110 Central Ave., Great Falls, Mont. (Controlled by North Continent Utilities Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) principal Officers: Wm. A. Baehr------------------------------- Pres. Wm. B. Baehr----------------- Vice PreS. & Secy. A. C. Winters----------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. J. W. Sykes---------------------------- Vice Pres. G. L. Aiken - Asst. Secy. A. J. Faul----------------------------- Asst. Secy. ASSt. Treas. Tirectors: W. A. Baehr, W. B. Baehr, A. W. Childs, J. W. Sykes, A. C. Winters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,552, 590 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $235, 693 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,853 *Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total---- 3, 158 Steam 2, 200 Internal Combustion 958 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 7,081, 330 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blackfoot s 33} Browning----------------------------------- 1, 825 Cut Bank 2, 509 Glacier Park 526 ECevin- 360 Oilmont-------- - - - - __ 564 Shelby 2, 538 Sunburst- 709 Sweet Grass--- -- 356 *Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southern Utilities Co., Ltd. Also Renders: Gas and ice Service. 25–078 Ingomar Service Garage Ingomar, Mont. 25–085 Kootenai Light & Power Company Troy, Mont. Principal Officer: Cathrine McDonald----------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $43, 257 Electric Operating Rev $17,613 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 376 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 541,080 Community Served at Retail: Population Troy------------------------------------------ 796 25–099 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. 831 Second Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. Principal Officers: C. C. Yawkey - - ---- Pres, R. M. Heskett------------------------- Vice. Pres. Ben Alexander------------------------- Vice. PreS. Aytch P. Woodson-------------------------- Secy. F. R. Gamble------------- Treas. and Asst. Secy. Directors: Ben Alexander, J. S. Alexander, H. L. Geisse, R. M. Heskett, Aytch P. Woodson, C. C. Yawkey. Controls: Fidelity Gas Co. (gas leasing). Independent Natural Gas Co. (gas production). Gas Lands Co. (gas leasing). Wibaux Gas Co. (gas leasing). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- - - $6,847, 572 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.----- ---- a $1,351, 541 In Montana-------------------------- $760, 844 * Includes $3,088 revenues from Saskatchewan, Canada. - Number of Electric Customers: Total b 17,657 In Montana - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * - - 8,943 b Includes 71 customers in Saskatchewan, Canada. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total - 15, 405 Steam - - 14, 100 Internal Combustion.-- 1,305 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated---------------------- 39, 474,687 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population GłęndiX9------------------------------------ 4, 524 Miles City---------------------------------- 7, 313 Plenty Wood--------------------------------- 1, 574 Poplar-------------------------------------- 1,442 Scobey-------------------------------------- 1, 311 Sidney-------------------------------------- 2, 978 Tºrty-------------------------------------- 1,012 Wolf Point --------------------------------- 1, 960 250 to 1,000 population Painville 403 Culbertson----------------------- ----------- 585 Fairview------------------------------------ 901 Fallon-------------------------------------- 374 FlaxVille------------------------------------ 515 Froid--------------------------------------- 441 Homestead--------------------------------- 267 Medicine Lake------------------------------ 396 Savage * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - 319 Whitetail----------------------------------- 491 Wibaux------------------------------------- 625 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. Also Renders: Gas and Steam Service. See Also: Operations reported under North Dakota (33—080) and South Dakota (40-090). 25–106 The Montana Light & Power Company 441 Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. (Controlled by Greenough Investment Co.) Principal Officers: J. E. Greenough Estelle G. Easton A. W. Witherspoon Pres. Vice Pres. Secy; DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MONTANA 451 Directors: Estelle G. Easton, J. E. Greenough, A. W. Witherspoon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $339, 524 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,885 Number of Electric Cust rºº 60 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 1,000 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 811,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Kootenai Light & Power Co. 25–113 The Montana Power Company 40 E. Broadway, Butte, Mont. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 93.73% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Bird-------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. John C. Ryan-------------------------- Vice PreS. M. E. Buck-------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Supt. S. P. Hogan------------------ Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. R. Thomas -- - - tº Treas. Walter P. Adams ASSt. Secy. C. J. Commons------------------------ ASSt. Secy. J. R. Sullivan ASSt. Treas. Directors: F. W. Bird, R. F. Clary, J. R. Hobbins, N. B. Holter, W. H. Hoover, W. L. Murphy, E. J. Parkin, Peter Pauly, John C. Ryan, Taylor B. Weir, J. E. Woodard, John R. Yates. Controls: Great Falls Townsite Co. (hotel and real estate). Glacier Production Co. (production and Sale of gas, crude oil, and gasoline). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $126,755, 281 Electric Operating Revenues: otal--------------------- ---------- $12,847, 304 In Montana------------------------ $12, 513, 601 Number of Electric Customers: Total------------------------------- 93,537 In Montana------------------------ 93, 446 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------- 315, 740 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.--------------------------- 1,713, 751, 400 Generated.-------------------------- 1, 712,088, 000 Purchased.-------------------------- 1,663,400 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Anaconda--------------------------------- 11, 004 Billings----------------------------------- 23, 261 utte------------------------------------- 37,081 Great Falls-------------------------------- , 928 Helena------------------------------------ 15,056 Missoula---------------------------------- 18, 449 1,000 to 10,000 population Big Timber------------------------------- 1, 533 Bozeman---------------------------------- 8, 665 Chinook----------------------------------- 2,051 Choteau----------------------------------- 1, 181 Conrad------------------------------------ 1,471 Deer Lodge------------------------------- 3, 278 Dillon------------------------------------- 3,014 East Helena------------------------------- 1, 143 Fort Benton------------------------------- 1, 227 Glasgow----------------------------------- 3, 799 Hamilton--------------------------------- 2, 332 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Hardin------------------------------------ 1,886 Harlem------------------------------------ 1, 166 Harlowton-------------------------------- 1, 547 *VT8------------------------------------- 6, 427 Laurel------------------------------------- 2, 754 Lewistown-------------------------------- 5, 874 Livingston-------------------------------- 6, 642 Walta------------------------------------- 2, 215 Milltown---------------------------------- 1,488 Philipsburg------------------------------- 1, 304 Red Lodge-------------------------------- 2,950 Roundup---------------------------------- 2, 644 Townsend--------------------------------- 1, 309 Walkerville------------------------------- 1,880 Warm Springs----------------------------- 1, 768 250 to 1,000 population Absarokee--------------------------------- 250 Alberton---------------------------------- 283 Augusta----------------------------------- 283 Basin------------------------------------- 450 . BearCreek--------------------------------- 324 Pelfry------------------------------------- 365 Belgrade---------------------------------- 618 elt--------------------------------------- 744 Big Sandy-------------------------------- 596 Boulder----------------------------------- 510 Bridger----------------------------------- 783 Cascade----------------------------------- 419 Chester----------------------------------- 548 Columbus--------------------------------- 962 Corvallis---------------------------------- 250 Darby------------------------------------- 481 Denton----------------------------------- 406 Dodson----------------------------------- 397 Drummond------------------------------- 350 utton------------------------------------ 447 Fromberg--------------------------------- 533 Geraldine--------------------------------- 262 Geyser------------------------------------ 261 Harrison---------------------------------- 300 Hughesville------------------------------- 407 Joliet.-------------------------------------- 476 Manhattan-------------------------------- 646 Nashua----------------------------------- 943 Opportunity------------------------------ 325 Paradise---------------------------------- 324 Plains------------------------------------- 624 Ryegate----------------------------------- 348 Saco--------------------------------------- 452 Sand Coulee------------------------------ 810 Sheridan---------------------------------- 597 Stanford---------------------------------- 529 Stevensville------------------------------- 703 Stockett----------------------------------- 332 Thompson Falls--------------------------- 736 Three Forks------------------------------- 876 Twin Bridges----------------------------- 534 Valier------------------------------------- 641 Victor------------------------------------- 250 Virginia City------------------------------ 380 ashoe----------------------------------- 880 White Sulphur Springs.-------------------- ; I Whitehall--------------------------------- Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Neihart Water & Light Co. Pony Electric Light Co. Superior Electric Light & Water Works. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Fergus Electric Cooperative, Inc. - *Jefferson Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Missoula County Electric Assn. *Missoula Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Park Electric Cooperative, Inc. {- *Ravalli County Cooperatiye Electric Assn. *Sanders County Cooperative ASSn. *Sun River Electric Assn. . - *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, Flathead Proj- ect Power System. - e *Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Natural gas, steam heat, and water Service. See Also: Operations reported under Idaho (11-059). 452 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 25–120 Mountain States Power Company 236 Lyon St., Albany, Oreg. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp.) The following data for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Montana only)------------------------- $532,957 Number of Electric Customers: (Montana only)------. - - - - - -s º ºr - - - - - sº - - - - - 12, 765 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baker-------------------------------------- 1,304 Big Fork----------------------------------- 300 Columbia Falls----------------------------- 637 Forsyth------------------------------------ 1,696 Half Moon.--------------------------------- 250 Kalispell----------------------------------- 8, 245 Libby-------------------------------------- 1,837 Plevna------------------------------------- 291 Somers------------------------------------- 1,000 Whitefish----------------------------------- 2, 602 Utilities served at wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Flat Head Electric Cooperative. *Mid-Yellowstone Electric Cooperative, Inc. *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service. See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–110), and operations reported under Idaho (11–061), South Dakota (40–095), Washington (46–085), and Wyoming (49–037). 25–127 Neihart Water and Light Company Neihart, Mont. Community Served at Retail: Neihart Population 466 25–132 Opheim Electric Company Opheim, Mont. Principal Officers: Fred Jessel---------------------------------- Mgr. Frank Leslie-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $7,954 Number of Electric Customers------------- 145 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 138, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Opheim---------------- 344 25–148 Pony Electric Light Co. Pony, Mont. Principal Officer: Mabel C. Box---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,500 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,089 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 82 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased --------------------------- 48,480 25–159 Rexford Power & Light - Rexford, Mont. Principal Officer: W. V. Kuchan---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,500 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,910 Number of Electric Cust ſº * * * 63. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)---------------- 68. Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 34,404 Also Renders: Water service. 25–161 The Richey Electric Richey, Mont. Principal Officer: A. M. Kaosen------------------------------ OWner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $22,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,356 Number of Electric Customers------------- 139 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 152 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 124, 335 Community Served at Retail: Population Richey---------------------------------------- 362 25–164 Roberts Electric Company Roberts, Mont. Principal Officer: Emil Stein - - Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $11,155 Electric Operating Revenues $2,163 Number of Electric Cust tº. 70 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 85 Hydro------------ ------------------------ 45 Internal Combustion 40 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 26,000 25–171 Saltese Electric Light & Water Co. Saltese, Mont. Principal Officers: H. E. Rogers. ----------------------- Pres. & Mgr. Gale D. Rogers.------------------------ Vice Pres. Ottie M. Rogers.--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Gale D. Rogers, H. E. Rogers, Ottie M. RogerS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $14,690 Electric Operating Revenues $1,304 Number of Electric Customers------------- 25 DIRECTORY OF ETLECTRIC UTILITIES-MONTANA 453 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 50 Also Renders: Water...service. 25–176 Superior Electric Light & Water Works Superior, Mont. Principal Officer: Fred A. Horning------------------- Owner & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,865 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,447 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 167 Kilowatt-hours | Energy Purchased.------------------------- 286, 640 Community Served at Retail: Superior-------------------- - * * * * me ºm me 350 * * * = * * * * * * Also Renders: Water service. 25–182 Tobacco River Power Company Eureka, Mont. *Community Served at Retail: Population *a--------------------------------------- 912 25–193 Winifred Light, Heat and Power Company Winifred, Mont. Partners: J. O. Asbjornson, O. J. Asbjornson. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5, 105 Number of Electric Customers------------- 88 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts | Internal Combustion--------------------- 92 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 44, 414 Community Served at Retail: Population Winifred-------------------------------------- 300 25–220 Basin Gold Mines, Inc. Basin, Mont. 25–253 Pioneer Electric Garage Jordan, Mont. Community Served at Retail: Jordan Population 347 25–282 J. Neils Lumber Company Libby, Mont. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Customers-------------- $22,300 1 Population | Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. See Also: Principal under Washington report (46–266). 25–290 Westby Garage Westby, Mont. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Walter Olson------------------------------ Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $12,549 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $4,336 Number of Electric Customers------------ 105 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 25,843 Community Served at Retail: Population Westby--------------------------------------- 369 25–512 *Circle Light & Power Plant Circle, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Official: Magnus Overland--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $13,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 165 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 147 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 320,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Circle.----- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 685 Also Renders: Water Service. 25–545 *Lodge Grass Municipal Light & Power Plant Lodge Grass, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. R. Smith Councilmen: J. C. Buckingham, Wm. Footite, Jack McClurg, F. A. McVay (mayor), B. A. Zim- Iſler Iſlan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $25,768 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,548 Number of Electric Customers------------- 140 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 63 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 124, 840 Community Served at Retail: Population Lodge Grass---------------------------------- 839 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 25–617 *U. S. Indian Irrigation Service, Flathead Project Power System Polson, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. L. Sperry------------------------ Project Engr. A. Y. Wynne------------------------ Power Supt. F. E. Richards-----------------------4ASSOC. Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $719, 179 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $168, 851 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,822 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 320 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9ta!------------------------------ 10, 952, 610 Generated.----------------------------- 1, 280,660 Purchased.----------------------------- 9,671,950 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hot Springs-------------------------------- 663 Polson-------------------------------------- 2, 156 ROnan * - - - - - - - - - - - ºr as ºn s = * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - 1, 032 Saint Ignatius------------------------------ 768 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. 25–815 *Beartooth Electric Cooperative, Inc. Absarokee, Mont. 25–838 *Fergus Electric Cooperative, Inc. 414 W. Broadway, Lewiston, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Julius Tresch-------------------------------- PreS Bruce Shavere------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $174,952 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,986 Number of Electric Customers------------- 317 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 190,080 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 25–841 *Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc. 431 Main St., Kalispell, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $206, 111 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,707 Number of Electric Customers------------- 519 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a 493,900 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 25–860 *Lower Yellowstone Rural Elec- tric Association, Inc. Sidney, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Nels Bach---------------------------------- Pres. J. F. Murphy------------------------------ gr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $129,792 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,915 Number of Electric Customers------------------ 369 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 392, 623 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 25–865 *Mid-Yellowstone Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hysham, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. J. Cunningham ------------------------ Pres. John Grierson------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $129,648 Electric Operating Revenues.----------------- $9,708 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 245 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d-------------------------- a 35, 130 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Hysham-------------------------------------- 392. 25–870 *Missoula Electric Cooperative, Inc. 402 Woody St., Missoula, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Charles Stahl------------------------------- Pres Elmer Thompson ------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------ ---------- $180,293 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,943 Number of Electric Cust S------------------ 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 215, 160 a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-MONTANA 455 25–872 *Park Electric Cooperative, Inc. 121 N. Second St. Livingston, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred L. Kistner----------------------------- Pres. E. Clark Kaiserman------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $109,251 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,431 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 223 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 98,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Wilsall--------------------------------------- 300 25–876 *Ravalli County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Corvallis, Mont. * Principal Electric Utility Officials: Oswin A. Glidewell - - ---------------------- Pres Thos. J. Micka---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $166,066 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,234 Number of Electric Customers------------------ 391 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 248, 670 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 25–878 *Sanders Electric Cooperative, Inc. Trout Creek, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. R. Johnson----------------------------- Pres. Wm. D. Robinson ------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $116, 574 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $7, 502 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 158 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a For year ended June 30, 1940. a 127, 360 25–880 *Sun River Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Fairfield, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otto Jenkins------------------------------- PreS. R. C. Sherman---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $299, 514 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $43, 544 Number of Electric Customers------------------ 845 Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 576, 750 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 25–885 *Vigilante Electric Cooperative, Inc. Twin Bridges, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Blinn--------------------------------- PreS. Howard Babcock---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $246,885 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,962 Number of Electric Customers.----------------- 561 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 323,040 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Lima ---------------------------------------- 554 25–890 *Yellowstone Walley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Huntley, Mont. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lewis Heidema------------------------------ Pres. Fred Mathews------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $350,086 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $47,327 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 985 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased a 940,040 a For year ended June 30, 1940. º Communities Served at Retail: Population Ballantine------------------------------------ 250 Custer---------------------------------------- 300 Worden--------------------------------------- 250 NEBRASKA Index Reference Number *Alexandria Light Department-------------- 26–510 *Alliance Municipal Utilities---------------- 26–511 *Alma Municipal Light Plant--------------- 26—512 *Amherst, Village of.------------------------ 26—509 *Ansley Municipal Light Plant------------- 26—513 *Arapahoe, City of.------------------------- 26—514 *Arnold, Village of.------------------------- 26–516 *Auburn, City of.--------------------------- 26—515 *Bartley, Village of.------------------------- 26–517 *Bayard, City of.--------------------------- 26–521 *Beatrice, City of.--------------------------- 26–518 *Beaver City, City of ---------------------- 26–519 *Belden Municipal Power Plant------------- 26–520 *Belvidere Light System - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- 26–522 *Benkelman Light and Water Department-- 26–523 *Bertrand Municipal Light & Water Plant-- 26–524 *Blair Light Dept., City of.----------------- 26–525 *Bloomfield Light & Power Plant ----------- 26–526 *Blue Hill Electric Plant-------------------- 26–528 Blue Valley Electric Company-------------- 26–013 *Boone-Nance Rural Public Power District - 26–527 *Bradshaw, Village of ------------ ---------- 26–529 *Brady, Village of.-------------------------- 26–531 *Brainard, Village of ----------------------- 26–532 Bree Electric Co----------------------------- 26–015 *Broken Bow, City of.---------------------- 26–533 *Bruning, Village of.------------------------ 26–534 Buckallew, Ray----------------------------- 26–021 *Buffalo County Public Power District_ _ _ _ _ 26–535 *Burt County Rural Public Power District -- 26–536 *Burwell Municipal Utilities---------------- 26–537 *Butler County Rural Public Power District- 26–530 Callaway Electric Co------------------------ 26–023 *Cambridge Light and Water Works-------- 26–538 *Campbell Municipal Electric Department-- 26–539 *Carroll, Village of ------------------------- 26—541 *Cedar-Knox County Rural Public Power District----------------------------------- 26—540 Cedar Valley Roller Mill Light & Power---- 26–231 *Central City Light Department------------ 26—542 *Central Nebraska Public Power and Irriga- tion District, The------------------------- 26—544 Central Power Company-------------------- 26–032 Central States Electric Company------------ 26–036 6– *Ceresco Municipal Light & Power Plant --- 26–543 *Chappell, City of.-------------------------- 26–545 *Chester, Village of.------------------------- 26—546 *Chimney Rock Public Power District_-____ 26–551 *Clarkson, Village of ----------------------- 26—547 *Cody Electric Department----------------- 26—549 *Consumers Public Power District ---------- 26–548 *Cook Electric Light System---------------- 26–550 *Cotesfield Electric Light------------------- 26–552 *Cozad, City of.----------------------------- 26–553 *Crab Orchard, Village of ------------------ 26—554 Crete Mills, The----------------------------- 26–252 *Crete, Water & Light Dept., City of - - - - - - 26–555 *Crookston Municipal Electric Department - 26–556 *Cuming County Rural Public Power Dis- trict, 26–558 *Curtis, City of—---------------------------- 26–557 *Dakota City Municipal Electric Depart- Ident-------------------------------------- 26–559 *Danbury Light Department---------------- 26–560 *Davenport Water & Light Department - - - - 26–561 *David City Light & Water Department, City of—----------------------------------- 2 *Dawson County Public Power Dist. - - - - - - - 26–562 *Decatur Light and Water Department, Vil- lage of—------------------------------------ 26–565 See footnote on next page. * Reference Number *Deshler Municipal Utilities---------------- 26–567 DeWeese Power Co-------------------------- 26–048 *De Witt Municipal Light & Power Plant, Village of---------------------------------- 26–564 *Dix, Village of.----------------------------- 26–566 *DOrchester, Village of.---------------------- 26–568. *Douglas Municipal System----------------- 26–569 *Dubois, Village of. ------------------------- 26–570 *Duncan Municipal Light & Power------- - - 26–572 *Eastern Nebraska Public Power District - - - 26–571 *Eddyville, Electric Account, Village of.----- 26–573, *Edgar Light & Water Department, City of 26–574 *Elk Creek, Town of.----------------------- 26–575. *Emerson Municipal Light & Power Plant-- 26–577 *Endicott, Village of.------------------------ 26–578. *Fairbury Light & Water Department------ 26–579. *Fairmont Municipal Light & Water Works- 26–580 *Falls City Water & Light Dept.------------- 26–582: *Farnam Municipal Electric Plant ---------- 26–583 *Filley, Village of.--------------------------- 26–584 *Firth Municipal Electric Department------ 26–586 *Franklin Electric Light Plant -------------- 26–587 *Freemont, Department of Utilities of The City of.----------------------------------- 26–589 *Friend Water and Light Department------- 26–590. *Funk, Village of.--------------------------- 26–591 Gage County Electric Company, The First Trust Co., Trustee, The------------------- 26–055, *Gering, City of ---------------------------- 26–593. *Gering Valley Rural Public Power District- 26–594 *Giltner Light & Water Department-------- 26–595. *Glenvil, Village of -------------------------- 26–597 Gothenburg Light and Power Company---- 26–059. *Grand Island Electric Department--------- 26–598 *Greenwood Light Department, Village of -- 26–599. Grosbach and Williams---------------...------ 26–063 *Haigler Electric Department, Village of.---- 26–600 *Hampton, Village of.------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–601 *Harrison Light, Water & Power Depart- Iſlent-------------------------------------- 26–602. *Hastings Water and Light Department----- 26–603 Hayes Center Light & Power Co------------ 26–067 *Hebron, Light & Water Department, City f------------------------* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O *Henry, Village of.-------------------------- 26–607 *Hickman, Village of.----------------------- 26–609 *Hildreth, Village of...----------------------- 26–610 26–611 26–612. 26–613. *Hºok Municipal Light, Power & Ice *Holdrege Municipal Light & Power------ -- *Howard County Rural Public Power Dis- trict--------------------------------------- *Howells Municipal Electric Distribution System------------------------------------ 26–614 *Hubbell, Village of .----------------------- 26–615 *Hyannis Municipal Light Plant--------- ... -- 26–616 *Imperial Municipal Light & Water Plant--- 26–617 *Indianola, City of.------------------------- 2 Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company - 26-076. *Kilgore, Village of -...----------------------- 26–620 *Kimball Municipal Utilities---------------- 26–621 Krotter Electric Co-------------------------- 26–080 *Laurel Municipal Power Plant------------- 26–623 Lea Milling Co., Inc.------------------------ *Lebanon, Village of.------------------------ 26–624 *Leigh Light & Power Department---------- 26–625. *Iewiston Distributing System -------------- 26–626. *Lincoln, Commercial Light Department, City of.----------------------------------- 458 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number . *Litchfield, Village of... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–629 *Lodgepole Municipal Light & Water Plant - 26–630 *Loomis, Village of -------------------------- 26–631 *Loup River Public Power District--------- 26–632 *Lyman, Village of - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 26–633 *Lyons Municipal Light and Water Plant--- 26–634 *Madison County Rural Public Power Dis- trict--------------------------------------- 26–636 *Madison Municipal Light & Power Plant -- 26–635 *Mason City Municipal Electric & Water ant-------------------------------------- 26–638 *Maxwell, Village of.------------------------ 26–639 *Mead Electric Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–640 *Milford, Village of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–642 *Minden Light I)epartment. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–643 *Mitchell Electric Department -------------- 26–644 *Moorefield, Village of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–646 *Morrill Municipal Electric Department-- - - 26–647 *Mullen, Village of 26–648 Nebraska Cement Company---------------- 26–294 Nebraska Hydro Electric Power Co - - - - - - - - - 26–085 Nebraska Light and Power Company. ------ 26–088 Nebraska Power Company.- ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–093 *Nebraska Public Power System - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–640 Nebraska Public Service Company---------- 26–097 Nebraska Utilities. - ... ---------------. ------ 26–101 *Nelson Municipal Light & Water System - 26–650 Norfolk Cereal & Flour Mills CO - - - - - - - - - - - 6–315 *Norris Rural Public Power District - - - - - - - 26–651 *Northeast Nebraska Rural Public Power District----------------------------------- *North Platte Municipal Light & Power -- - - 26–645 Northwestern Public Service Company - - - - - Oak Electric Light Co. ---------------------- *Ohiowa Electric System 26–652 *Ong Municipal Electric System - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–653 *Ord Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–655 *Oxford Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 26–656 *Panama Municipal Light Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - 26–657 *Paxton Light & Power Department -------- 26–659 *Pender Municipal Light Plant. ------------ 26–660 *Peru Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26–661 *Plainview, City of ------------------------- 26–662 *Platte Valley Public Power and Irrigation District----------------------------------- 26–663 *Polk County Rural Public Power District. 26–667 *Polk Municipal Ilight & Water Works. -- - - 26–664 *Poole Municipal Lighting System ---------- 26–665 *Potter, Village of.-------------------------- 26–666 *Prague, Village of - - - ---------------------- 26–668 *Ragan, Village of -------------------------- 26–669 *Randolph Electric Tight and Water Plant - 26–670 *Raymond, Village of ---------------------- 26–672 *Red Cloud Light and Power Plant_________ 26–673 Reninger Light & Power, W. D - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26–126 *Reynolds Power and Light Department---- 26–674 *Richland, Village of ----------------------- 26–671 *Riverdale, Village of.----------------------- 26–675 Riverside Power Plant-...--------------------- 26–128 *Ruskin, Village of.------------------------- 26–677 *Roosevelt Rural Public Power District_____ 26–676 *Saint Paul, City of ------------------------ 26–678 *Salem Transmission Line------------------- 26–679 *Sargent, City of --------------------------- 26–680 *Schuyler Department of Utilities----------- 26–681 Reference Number *Seward County Rural Public Power Dis. TICU--------------------------------------- 26–682 *Seward Municipal Electric Light Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 26–683 *Shickley, Village of.------------------------ 26–684 *Smithfield, Village of.---------------------- 26–686 *Snyder, Village of -------------------------- 26–687 *Southeastern Nebraska Public Power Dis- trict--------------------------------------- 26–689 *Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District----------------------------------- 26–690 *South Sioux City, City of ----------------- 26–688 *Spencer Municipal Light Plant------------- 26–691 Springview Flour & Grain Company-------- 26–360 *Stanton County Rural Public Power Dis- trict--------------------------------------- 26–693 *Stanton Municipal Water and Light Plant- 26–692 *Stapleton, Village of.----------------------- 26–694 Stockville Garage. -------------------------- 26–135 *Stratton Municipal Ice, Light & Water System------------------------------------ 26–695 *Stromsburg, City of ------------------------ 26–696 *Stuart Municipal Light & Power Plant----- 26–697 *Sumner, Village of.------------------------- 26–700 *Superior, Light Department, City of.------ 26–703 *Sutherland Municipal Light & Power System------------------------------------ 26–698 *Sutton Light and Water Plant------------- 26–6 *Syracuse Municipal Water & Light Plant_- 26–701 NEBRASKA 26–013 Blue Valley Electric Company Odell, Nebr. (Controlled by Central States Edison, Inc. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. T. Bartlett--------------------------- Vice PreS. R. R. Thomas------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. R. McIntosh----------------------------- Secy. B. C. Liggett------------------------------- Treas Directors: J. T. Bartlett, M. P. Griffith, E. C. Liggett, H. R. McIntosh. *Talmage, Village of.------------------------ 26–702 *Tamora, Village of - - ----------------------- 26–704 *Tecumseh Light & Water Department----- 26–705 *Thurston, Village of.----------------------- 26–707 *Trenton Municipal Light & Power Plant___ 26–708 *Trumbull, Village of ------------------------ 26–710 *Upland Municipal Power & Light Plant---- 26–711 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, North Platte Project------------------------------------ 26–712 *Valparaiso Light Department-------------- 26–709 *Venango Municipal Electric Department -- 26–713 Verdel Light and Power Company---------- 26–141 Verdigre Creamery Company--------------- 26–363 *Wahoo Water and Light Department------- 26–715 *Wakefield Municipal Power Plant - - - - - - - - - 26–716 *Walthill Municipal Electric Department--- 26–717 Wauneta Light and Power Co--------------- 26–151 *Wayne County Rural Public Power I)is- trict--------------------------------------- 26–720 *Wayne Light Department------------------ 26–719 Western Public Service Company, The ----- 26–156 *Weston Municipal Electric Light System-- 26–723 *West Point Light and Water Works-------- 26–721 *Wilber Light and Power, City of.---------- 26–725 *Wilcox Municipal Electric Department---- 26–727 *Wilsonville Light and Water Plant--------- 26–729 *Winside Power and Light TDepartment----- 26–731 *Wisner Electric Light & Water Plant------- 26–733 *Wolbach, Village of - - - - - ------------------- 26–735 *Wood Lake Municipal Power Plant------- 26–737 *Wood River, Village of - - - ---------------- 26–739 *Wymore Water and Light Department----- 26–741 *York County Rural Public Power District-- 26–745 Zwonecek and AkSamit --------------------- 26–378 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $566,614 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $33,578 Number of Electric Customers------------ 596 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (EIydro)------------- 720 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1,637, 212 Generated------------------------------ 1,424, 712 Purchased.------------------------------ 212, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Diller - - - * * * - - - - - sº º sm - - - - m ms - - - 378 Liberty-------------------------------------- 340 dell--------*-------------------------------- 404 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 459 *Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Co. PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Hollenburg Electric Assn. 26–015 Bree Electric Co. Culbertson, Nebr. Principal Officer: M. M. Bree--------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $85,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,538 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 275 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 296 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 436,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Culbertson------------------------------------ 815 Also Renders: Ice Service. 26–021 Ray Buckallew Wellfleet, Nebr. 26–023 Callaway Electric Co. Callaway, Nebr. Principal Officers: W. F. Haycock------------------------------ Pres, R. E. Brega-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,447 Number of Electric Customers------------- 268 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts al---------------------------------- 350 Hydro----------------------------------- 150 Internal Combustion-------------------- 200 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 253,381 Community Served at Retail: Population Callaway------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 768 26–032 Central Power Company” 385 N. Pine St. Grand Island, Nebr. *Electric properties sold to Consumers Public Power District (26–548) on Jan. 6, 1941. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: V. M. Johnson------------------------------ PreS. J. C. Hoge------------------------------ Vice Pres W. H. Sinke - - - - - Vice Pres. Howard Kyle------------------- Secy. & Auditor. H. E. Krall.------------------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. H. B. Haase---- ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. W. Borden, V. M. Johnson, J. G. Lowe, R. F. Pfeiffer, W. H. Pitzer, Wm. Suhr, E. H. Vieregg. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,019, 742 Number of Electric Customers---------- 12, 341 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total-------------------------------- 23,086 Steam--------------------------------- 16, 150 Hydro--------------------------------- 4,700 Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 236 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal-------------------------------- 46,024, 390 Generated----------------------------- 38,435,710 Purchased.----------------------------- 7, 588, 680 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Grand Island------------------------------ 19, 130 1,000 to 10,000 population Kearney----------------------------------- 9,643 Nebraska City---------------------------- 7, 339 Ravenna---------------------------------- 1,429 250 to 1,000 population Bennett----------------------------------- 412 Brock------------------------------------- 373 Cairo-------------------------------------- 411 Cedar Rapids------------------------------ 695 Clarks------------------------------------- 454 Dannebrog-------------------------------- 379 Doniphan--------------------------------- 395 Dunbar----------------------------------- 336 Plba--------------------------------------- 270 Gibbon------------------------------------ 836 KeneSaw---------------------------------- 551 Otoe - - - 298 Palmer------------------------------------ 516 Palmyra----------------------------------- 401 Shelton------------------------------------ 983 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central West Public Service Co. Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power CO. The Western Public Service CO. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Amherst. *Burr Municipal Electric System. *Central City Light Dept. *Cotesfield Electric Light. *Douglas Municipal System. * Panama Municipal Light Plant. *Poole Municipal Lighting System. *Village of Riverdale. *Village of Wolbach. *Village of Talmadge *Village of Wood River. Also Renders: Natural gas and water Service. 26–036 Central States Electric Company Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Nebraska. Only)-------------------------- $40,946 Number of Electric Customers: (Nebraska only)---------------------------- 541 Communities Served at Retail: Population OIIlêT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 477 Rosalie------------------------------------- 250 Winnebago.--------------------------------- 800 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Walthill Municipal Electric Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service. See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–025). 460 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–048 Deweese Power Co. Deweese, Nebr. Partners: C. J. Hubbell, Estate of O. C. Hubbell. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 60 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 128,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: º Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation istrict. 26–055 The Gage County Electric Company, The First Trust Co., Trustee Lincoln, Nebr. Principal Officers: C. F. Shafer-------------------------------- PreS. L. C. Black----------------------------- Vice PreS. V. A. Walker-------------------------------- Secy. F. K. Klein-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: L. C. Black, F. K. Klein, C. F. Shaffer, C. E. Thornburg, V. A. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $656, 120 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $83,711 Number of Electric Customers------------ 129 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal------------------------------- 1,928 Hydro---------------------------------- 558 Internal Combustion------------------- 1,370 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated 5,441,050 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Nebraska Utilities. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Beatrice. *Wymore Water & Light Dept. 26–059 Gothenburg Light and Power Company 420 Main St., McCook, Nebr. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) Pºpº Officers: hrist---------------------------- Vice Pres Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice PreS W. F. Stanley------------------------ Secy.-Treas. C. C. Parker----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. G. Ausman------------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. R. Jaquet---------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, D. G. Edwards, Leo Loeb, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $442,370 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $70,447 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,033 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------- 640 Hydro---------------------------------- 400 Internal Combustion------------------- 240 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 113,693 Generated.------ -- 2,922,331 Purchased 191, 362 Communities Served at Retail: Population ºustis-------------------------------------- 459 Gothenburg-------------------------------- 2, 330 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Western Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Brady. *Village of Maxwell. Also Renders: Ice and irrigation service. 25–063 Grosbach and Williams Enders, Nebr. 26–067 Hayes Center Light & Power Co. Hayes Center, Nebr. Principal Officer: F. E. Rathbun---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --------------------- $20,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 80 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 168 Community Served at Retail: Population Hayes Center------------------------------ 314 26–076 Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company ” 14th & “O'” St., Lincoln, Nebr. a Nebraska properties sold to Consumers Public Power District (26–548) on Apr. 4, 1941. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: L. R. King---------------------------------- PreS. Geo. A. Lee---------------------------- Vice PreS O. R. Mallat------------------------- Secy.-Treas. A. E. Fenton.----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Geo. W. Eakle--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. P. M. West ------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Ruth E. Hester----------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: F. J. Gunther, C. C. Helmers, L. R. King, Geo. A. Lee, O. R. Mallat. Controls: Maryville Electric Light and Power Co. (electric, gas & Steam heat utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $26,922, 562 Electric Operating Revenues: otal---------------------------------- $4,467, 255 In Nebraska--------------------------- $3,236, 307 Number of Electric Customers: tal---------------------------------- 64,039 In Nebraska--------------------------- 45,806 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total-------------------------------- 47, 130 Steam--------------------------------- 39, 460 Hydro--------------------------------- 2, 235 Internal Combustion ------------------ 5, 435 Rºilowatt-hours 164,916, 0.15 Generated.---------------------------- 126,048,803 Purchased.--------------------------- 38,867,212 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 461 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Beatrice----------------------------------- 10,883 Lincoln----------------------------------- 81,984 Norfolk----------------------------------- 10,490 1,000 to 10,000 population Aurora------------------------------------ 2,419 Fullerton---------------------------------- 1, 707 eneVa.------------------------------------ 1,888 Genoa------------------------------------- 1, 231 Humboldt--------------------------------- 1,386 Newman Grove --------------------------- 1, 036 Oakland----------------------------------- 1, 380 Osceola------------------------------------ 1,039 Pawnee City------------------------------ 1,647 Pierce------------------------------------- 1, 24 Plattsmouth------------------------------- 4, 268 Tekamah---------------------------------- 1, 925 York-------------------------------------- 5, 383 250 to 1,000 population Adams------------------------------------ 516 Bancroft----------------------------------- 599 Battle Creek------------------------------ 702 Beaver Crossing--------------------------- 550 Beemer------------------------------------ 585 Belgrade---------------------------------- 406 Bellwood---------------------------------- 434 Blue Springs------------------------------ 681 Burchard---------------------------------- 263 Cortland---------------------------------- 307 "raig------------------------------------- 437 Pawson----------------------------------- 394 PWight----------------------------------- 294 Pxeter------------------------------------- 841 Gresham---------------------------------- 352 Henderson -------------------------------- 495 Humphrey------------------------------- S41 Lindsay----------------------------------- 332 McCool Junction-------------------------- 272 Meadow Grove ---------------------------- 479 Milligan----------------------------------- 392 Nehawka---------------------------------- 353 Oakdale----------------------------------- 56] Pilger------------------------------------- 537 Plymouth--------------------------------- 434 Rising City------------------------------- 420 Saint Edward----------------------------- 893 Shelby------------------------------------ 627 Shubert----------------------------------- 404 Stella-------------------------------------- 396 Sterling----------------------------------- 64() Table Rock------------------------------- 562 Tilden------------------------------------- 984 Tobias------------------------------------ 316 Ulysses------------------------------------ 429 Union------------------------------------- 364 Utica-------------------------------------- 539 Verdon------------------------------------ 397 Waverly----------------------------------- 306 || West Lincoln------------------------------ 277 Western----------------------------------- 437 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Blue Valley Electric Co. Central Power Co. Zwonecek & Aksamit. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Alexandria Light Dept. *Village of Bradshaw. *Village of Brainard. *Cordova Municipal Light. *Village of Crab Orchard. *Village of Dorchester. *Village of Dubois. *Fairmont Municipal Light & Water Works. *Village of Filley. *Firth Municipal Electric Dept. * Friend Water & Light Depts. * Giltner Light & Water Dept. *Village of Greenwood Light Dept. *Village of Hampton. *Village of Hickman. *Lewiston Distributing System. *Village of Milford. *Ohiowa Electric System. *Polk Municipal Light & Water Works. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PlUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Prague. *Village of Raymond. *Seward Municipal Electric Dept. *Stanton Water & Light Plant. *City of Stromsburg. *Summerfield Municipal (Kans.). *Sutton Light & Water Plant. *Village of Tamora Electric System. *Valparaiso Municipal Plant. *City of Virginia. *Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District. Also Renders: Gas (natural), ice, and steam heating service in Iowa; gas (manufactured and natural), ice, and steam heating Service in Nebraska. Electric Dept. See Also: Operations reported under Iowa (14-091). 26–080 Krotter Electric Co. Palisade, Nebr. Partners: Dean Krotter, Audrey Krotter, Madeline Krotter. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total--------------------------------------- 432 * - - - - - - - m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is ºm m - - - - * * * * - - - - * = 197 Internal Combustion------------------------- 235 . Community Served at Retail: Population Palisade-------------------------------------- 799 26–085 Nebraska Hydro Electric Power Co. Spencer, Nebr. Principal Officer: - E. A. WiscO---------------------------- Vice PreS. The following data are for the 7-month period ended July 31, 1940: Púlowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 2, 430 - Rilowatt-hours | Energy Generated.----------------------- 7, 388,000 26–088 Nebraska Light and Power Company 420 Main St., McCook, Nebr. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) Principal Officers: C. C. Christ---------------------------- Vice PreS, Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice Pres. W. F. Stanley------------------------ Secy.-Treas. C. C. Parker----------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas, J. G. Ausman - ASSt. Treas. J. R. Jaquet---------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, J. R. Jaquet, Leo Loeb, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $518, 324 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $152, 111 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,970 Generating Capacity: JKilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,859 Energy Available in Year: Pålowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 5, 504, 800 Generated------------------------------ 4, 839, 220 Purchased------------------------------ 665, 580 462 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Population 6, 212 Community Served at Retail: McCook------------------------------------ Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Indianola. 26–093 Nebraska Power Company Electric Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 89.9% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. E. Davidson------------------------------ PreS. Roy Page---------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. E. Smith - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. F. J. Moylan. --------------------- Secy. & Treas. T. F. Hanley---------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: Joseph Barker, D. E. Bradshaw, Thomas B. Coleman, Harley Conant, J. E. Davidson, A. W. Gordon, Ford E. Hovey, J. Chris Jensen, J. A. C. Kennedy, Roy Page, W. H. Schellberg, F. E. Smith, Dr. M. A. Tinley, Glenn C. Whar- ton, H. A. Wolf. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $38,468,934 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------- $8,641, 568 In Nebraska-----------...-------------- Number of Electric Customers: $7,655,769 otal------------------------------- 90, 555 In Nebraska-------------------------- 75,737 Generating Capacity: Filowatts otal------------------------------- 111,750 team-------------------------------- 111,500 Internal Combustion----------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 454, 863, 575 Generated.---------------------------- 437, 446, 300 Purchased.---------------------------- 17, 417,275 Communities Served at Retail: - 10,000 population or more Population Omaha----------------------------------- 223, 844 1,000 to 10,000 population Ashland---------------------------------- 1, 709 Bellevue---------------------------------- 1, 184 North Bend------------------------------ 1,003 Weeping Water-------------------------- 1, 139 250 to 1,000 population Arlington--------------------------------- 569 Bennington.------------------------------ 326 Cedar Bluffs----------------------------- 504 *age------------------------------------- 289 Elkhorn---------------------------------- 429 Elmwood--------------------------------- 456 Fort Calhoun ---------------------------- 329 Gretna----------------------------------- 482 Herman---------------------------------- 427 Hooper----------------------------------- 802 Kennard--------------------------------- 315 Louisville-------------------------------- 977 Millard----------------------------------- 315 Papillion--------------------------------- 763 Ralston---------------------------------- 834 Springfield------------------------------- 370 Valley------------------------------------ 985 Waterloo--------------------------------- 38] Yutan------------------------------------ 268 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILIT Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Mead Flectric Light Plant. *Loup River Public Power District. See Also: Operations reported under Iowa (14–124). 26–097 Nebraska Public Service Company 515 Fifth St., Sioux City, Iowa (Controlled by Sioux City Gas and Electric Com- pany.) - Principal Officers: C. E. Murphy------------------------------ PreS. Ed Ruisch----------------------------- Vice Pres. Wm. N. Porter---------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. B. Searing------------------ ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. E. Murphy, Mark Pendleton, Wm. N. Porter, Ed Ruisch, R. B. Searing. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $568, 431 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $110,645 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,332 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 6, 426, 650 Communities Served at Retail: Population 90----------------------------------------- 404 Newcastle------------------------------------ 447 Ponca-------------------------------------- 1, 003 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central States Electric Co. of Nebraska. Interstate Power Co. of Nebraska. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Dakota City Municipal Electric Dept. Also Renders: Gas and Telephone Service. 26–101 Nebraska Utilities 514 Court St., Beatrice, Nebr. 26–109 Northwestern Public Service Company Huron, S. Dak. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Nebraska only -- $303,687 Number of Electric Customers: Nebraska only--------------------------- 4, 531 Community Served at Retail: Population Niobrara----------------------------------- 629 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Stapleton. See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–111). 26–114 Oak Electric Light Co. Oak, Nebr. Principal Officer: J. L. Scroggin----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - ------------------- $2,500 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $2,366 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 52 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 41, 730 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 463 26–126 W. D. Reninger Light & Power Chambers, Nebr. Principal Officer: • P. Reninger---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,730 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,815 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 109 Generating Capacity: PÖilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 65 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 52, 610 Community Served at Retail: Population Chambers------------------------------------ 388 26–128 Riverside Power Plant Thedford, Nebr. Principal Officer: E. P. Steen------------------------ Owner & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $5,000 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - 33 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total) ------------- 12 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 20, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Thedford--- * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * - - - - 288 26–135 Stockville Garage Stockville, Nebr. Principal Officer: M. R. Johnson.-------------------- Owner & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ----------------- $3,900 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 30 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - - --------------------- 26, 460 26–141 Verdel Light and Power Company Verdel, Nebr. 26–151 Wauneta Light and Power Co. Wauneta, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. E. Athey--------------------- Pres., Secy-treas. M. A. Athey. -------------------------- Vice Pres. Directors: H. E. Athey, M. A. Athey, Mina Athey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $30, 196 $18,649 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Total--------------------------------------- 395 Hydro---------------------------------------- 100 Internal Combustion------------------------- 295 Jöilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 564, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wauneta------------------------------------- 770 26–156 The Western Public Service Company 18th & Broadway, Scottsbluff, Nebr. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 100% of common-stock voting power and 83.29% of preferred-stock voting power.) Principal Officers: Walter M. Bird------------------------------ PreS. Donald C. Barnes---------------------- Vice Pres. Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr.------------------ Vice PreS. Samuel B. Tuell------------------------ Vice Pres. Richard N. Benjamin----------------------- Secy. William L. Breslin-------------- Treas. Asst. Secy. Edward J. Murphy-------------------- Asst. Secy. Jason C. Leighton.-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Samuel E. Ratcliffe ASSt. Treas. Directors: Donald C. Barnes, Walter M. Bird, Edward C. Brewster, Howard Coonley, John A. Emery, Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr., Charles W. Kellogg, Thomas W. Streeter, Samuel B. Tuell. Controls: Missouri Service Co. (utility). The Northern Kansas Power Co. (utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $10,992, 898 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $1,954, 180 In Nebraska-------------------------- $1,444, 810 Number of Electric Customers: otal--------------------------------- 25, 844 In Nebraska-------------------------- 21,067 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------- 21,744 Steam-------------------------------- 11, 456 Hydro-------------------------------- 550 Internal Combustion----------------- 9,738 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 65,873,449 Generated.---------------------------- 50, 658, 473 Purchased.---------------------------- 15, 183,976 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 31,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Scottsbluff---------------------------------- 12,057 1,000 to 10,000 population Bridgeport--------------------------------- 1, 520 Broken BOW ------------------------------- 2,968 Chadron ---------------------------------- 4, 262 Crawford. ---------------------------------- 1,845 Gordon------------------------------------- 1,967 Holdrege. ---------------------------------- 3, 360 Lexington - - - - - - --------------------------- 3, 688 Loup City---------------------------------- 1,675 Minatare----------------------------------- 1, 125 Ogallala. ----------------------------------- 3, 159 Rushville---------------------------------- 1, 125 Sidney------------------------------------- 3,388 250 to 1,000 population Anselm O----------------------------------- 388 Arcadia------------------------------------ 663 Ashton - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 488 Axtell. ------------------------------------- 205 Big Springs. ------------------------------- 569 464 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Bladen------------------------------------- 272 Bloomington------------------------------- 361 Broadwater-------------------------------- 344 Brule--------------------------------------- 374 Bushnell----------------------------------- 252 Comstock---------------------------------- 408 Dalton------------------------------------- 358 Dunning----------------------------------- 272 Pdison------------------------------------- 321 Iºlm Creek--------------------------------- 730 Elwood------------------------------------ 633 Ericson------------------------------------- 279 Grant-------------------------------------- 897 Greeley Center----------------------------- 891 Hay Springs-------------------------------- 819 Hemingford-------------------------------- 792 LeWellen----------------------------------- 532 Madrid------------------------------------ 410 Merna------------------------------------- 414 Merriman---------------------------------- 321 Naponee----------------------------------- 272 North Loup-------------------------------- 567 9Conto------------------------------------- 260 Orleans------------------------------------- 815 Oshkosh------------------------------------ 910 Overton ------------------------------------ 49] Republican City--------------------------- 331 u10--------------------------------------- 808 Scotia-------------------------------------- 453 Seneca------------------------------------- 255 Stamford----------------------------------- 260 Taylor------------------------------------- 349 Thedford----------------------------------- 288 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: B. W. Ammerman. Central Power Co. Gothenburg Light & Power Co. The Northern Kansas Power Co. (Kansas). T’ublic Service Co. of Colorado. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Arapahoe. *Village of Eddyville Electric Account. *Village of Funk Distribution System. *Hazard Light Co. *Village of Hildreth. *Village of Litchfield. *Loomis Municipal Light & Power Co. *Platte Valley Public Power and Irrigation District. *Village of Smithfield. *Village of Sumner. *Venango Municipal Electric Department. *Wilcox Municipal Electric Department. *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, North Platte Project (Interchange). Also Renders: Ice and steam heating Service in Nebraska, and steam heating service in Wyoming. See Also: Operations reported under Colorado (05–115), South Dakota (40–170), and Wyoming (49–087). 26–231 Cedar Valley Roller Mill Light & Power Spalding, Nebr. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: L. J. Vandenberg----------------------- Manager The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.---------------------------------- 430 Hydro----------------------------------- 250 Internal Combustion--------------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-- - - - - - 455, 040 Community Served at Retail: Population Spalding--------------------------------- 830 26–252 The Crete Mills Crete, Nebr. 26–273 Lea Milling Co., Inc. Fairbury, Nebr. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: . Lea. C. W. Lea---------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $35,000 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 270 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Interchanged-out (gross)----------- 193, 900 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Fairbury Water & Light Dept. 26–294 Nebraska Cement Company Denver National Building, Denver, Colo. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. F. Kaufman----------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------------- 2,500 26–315 Norfolk Cereal & Flour Mills Co. Norfolk, Nebr. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Chas. A. Bridge------------------------- --- Pres. G. Donald Bridge--------------------- Vice PreS. J. H. Lough.-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ---------------- $27,500 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $845 Fúlowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 100 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale - - - - - - - ------------- 120,670 26–360 º Springview Flour & Grain Company Springview, Nebr. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Jas. H. Mock------------------------------- PreS Wm. L. Mock--------------------------- Director Inza F. Mock--------------------- Secy. & Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,632 Number of Electric Customers------------- 122 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 465 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 112 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 84, 347 Community Served at Retail: , Population Springview.------------------------------ 347 26–363 Verdigre Creamery Company Verdigre, Nebr. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. J. Chalupnik-------------------------- Partner J. J. Hospodka--------------------------- Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $34, 119 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,148 Number of Electric Customers------------- 178 Generating Capacity: - Kilowº Internal Combustion---------------------- - Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 92, 480 Community Served at Retail: Population Verdigre 556 26–378 Zwonecek and Aksamit Wilber, Nebr. 26–509 *Willage of Amherst Amherst, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. M. Parrish 26—510 *Alexandria Light Department Alexandria, Nebr. Population 369 Community Served at Retail: Alexandria------------------------------------ 26–511 *Alliance Municipal Utilities Alliance, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clarence H. Hoper----------------- City Manager R. W. Laing------- City Clerk and Asst. Finance Director. City Council: James E. Hughes, Walter J. Jones, Rae V. McCall, F. R. Notson, George G. Smith (mayor). The following data are for the year 1910. Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $608, 851 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $157, 165 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 940 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 5,000 322184—42 35 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 527,050 Community Served at Retail: Population Alliance------------------------------------- 6, 253 Also Renders: Water Service. 26—512 *Alma Municipal Light Plant Alma, Nebr. Population Community Served at Retail: A. 1, 272 26–513 *Ansley Municipal Light Plant Ansley, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Floyd B. Junk------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $13,363 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 230 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 289 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ -- 374, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Ansley ---- - - 753 26—514 *City of Arapahoe Arapahoe, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: e Mrs. C. E. Steele- - Water & Light Commissioner F. W. Tat City Engr. Water & Light Committee: Harry Burton, Roy Railsback. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------. $19,107 Electric Operating Revenues $16,356 Number of Electric Cust sº 350 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 342, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Arapahoe----------------------------------- 1, 002 Also Renders: Water Service. 26—515 *City of Auburn Auburn, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Thomas S. Kesler ----Mgr. Board of Public Works: T. W. Engles, (chairman), Edgar Ferneau, Russell Rozean, Robt. Ward, Fred Wrightsman, (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $348, 706 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $89,315 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 732 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 205 466 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,042,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Auburn------------------------------------- 3, 639 Brownville---------------------------------- 58] Johnson------------------------------------- 301 Nemaha------------------------------------ 379 26–516 *Willage of Arnold Arnold, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: George Lantz-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues $20,660 Generating Capacity: Kilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion--------------------- 261 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 490,000 Community Served at Retail: P opulation Arnold-------------------------------------- 884 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–517 *Willage of Bartley Bartley, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - - A. L. Cochran--------------- Light Commissioner Floyd Raburn------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,117 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 92, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bartley--------------------------------------- 380 26–518 *City of Beatrice 411 Court St., Beatrice, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Velmer J. Morris-------------------------- Mayor John M. Ostrander------------------------- Treas. James A. Terhune-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended April Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $168, 263 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $64, 505 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - 1,383 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 2,026, 754 Community Served at Retail: Population Beatrice-------------------------------- 10,883 26–519 *City of Beaver City Beaver City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. E. Clark---------------- ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - Supt. City Council: Joe Bates, C. Clawson, C. E. Coffey (mayor), L. C. Harper, John Horton, E. M. Merwin, J. R. Wentling. The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $93, 909 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,601 Number of Electric Customers------------- 420 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 651,888 Community Served at Retail: Population Beaver City-------------------------------- 1,015 . Also Renders: Ice and water service. 26–520 *Belden Municipal Power Plant Belden, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. A. Kilbourn----------------------------- Supt. Village Board of Trustees: John Bench, A. E. §ºman, K. M. Mahoney, F. P. Root, Arnold mith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- - - - - $12,000 Number of Electric Customers_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 86 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 40 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 110,000 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–521 *City of Bayard Bayard, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Bayard------------------------------------- 2, 121 26–522 *Belvidere Light System Belvidere, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. G. Monroe-------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--------------------------- 60,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Belvidere---------------------------------- 325 26–523 *Benkelman Light and Water Department Benkelman, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. McDonald--------------------------- Mayor Wm. Roach--------------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA City Council: Roy Lingo, H. L. Ough. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22,437 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 495 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 475 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 812,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Benkelman--------------------------------- 1,448 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–524 *Bertrand Municipal Light & Water Plant Bertrand, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Westfall ---------------------------- Mayor Frank L. Bose.---------------------------- Supt. Light & Water Committee: LaVern Anderson, Neil Shreck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,374 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,488 Number of Electric Customers------------- 220 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------ - - - -* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 182,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Bertrand------------------------------------- 615 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–525 *City of Blair Light Dept. Blair, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. C. Sorensen ---------------------------- Mayor Henry Christensen.------------------ City Clerk H. L. Morris--------------- Light Commissioner The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: $285,409 $62,814 1,060 Rilowatts Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- Number of Electric Customers ------------ Genera º Capacity: Total.-------------------------------- 1, 330 Steam----------------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion-------------------- 1,030 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,618, 288 Community Served at Retail: Population air--------------------------------------- 3, 289 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–526 *Bloomfield Light & Power Plant Bloomfield, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry Mahoney--------------------- Plant Mgr. Light Committee: Edw. Basta, J. B. GOSSard (mayor), J. J. McCourt (chairman), Robert Schwartz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 414 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 641,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bloomfield--------------------------------- 1,467 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–527 *Boone-Nance Rural Public Power District St. Edward, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. H. Hutchinson--------------------------- PreS. C. G. Hanson.------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $130,945 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,657 Number of Electric Customers------------- 117 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 27,334 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–528 *Blue Hill Electric Plant Blue Hill, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. Wolcott--------------------------------- Supt. Village Board: Geo. Corner, Edgar McBride, O. H. Martin, Ed Meedel, P. J. Merten. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,787 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 261 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 243 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 288,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Blue Hill--------------------------------- 565 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–529 *Willage of Bradshaw Bradshaw, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. O. Bedient------------------------------- Mgr. Board of Trustees: R. Goodridge, Wm. Green. Community Served at Retail: Populatº; Bradshaw ---------------------------------- 468 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–530 *Butler County Rural Public Power District David City, Nebr. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -º - - - - - Pres The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $117,090 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,248 Number of Electric Customers------------- 164 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 49,362 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–531 *Willage of Brady Brady, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. R. Garner-------------------------------- Clerk Village Board: O. L. Brittenham, H. B. Dart (chairman), N. Edwards, F. C. Farley, John F. Johnson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,773 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Brady---------------------------------------- 460 26–532 *Willage of Brainard Brainard, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Manley Falk------- Light & Water Commissioner Village Board of Trustees: Joe Dufek, Frank Ruzelka, Chas. Novak, A. R. Pytlik, Ed. Sloup. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues---2------------ $4,840 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 142, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Brainard 444 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - Also Renders: Water service. 26—5.33 *City of Broken Bow City Hall, Broken Bow, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. Leonard--------------------------------Mayor W. D. Gardner------------------------ City Clerk F. A. Raasch------------------------- Gen. Supt. Board of Public Works: C. D. Miller (chairman), E. A. Miner, H. E. Norland. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $246, 170 $58,536 838 - = a- - m = - a m - - - - - - - - - - - - - * -- * - - *** - * * * * * Number of Electric Customers * * * - sº sº - sº s - * * Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 900 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,874,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Broken Bow-------------------------------- 2,968 26–534 *Willage of Bruning Bruning, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred H. Bruning--------------------------- Mayor Thos. J. W. Bruning--------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $9,500 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $3,829 Number of Electric Customers-----. --------- 115 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 88, 910 Community Served at Retail: Population Bruning-------------------------------------- 316 Also Renders: Water service. 26–535 *Buffalo County Public Power District” Kearney, Nebr. a Ceased operations May 1, 1941; properties taken º Dawson County Public Power District Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles A. Palmer-------------------------- Mgr. Directors: Earl Hammans, Justus A. Johnson, Harry Oliver, Clarence Sheen, Earl W. Snyder, Cecil Wolford, Alvoh Zimmerman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $270,008 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $27, 592 Number of Electric Customers------------- 282 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,315,231 26–536 *Burt County Rural Public Power District Tekamah, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry G. Johnson.---------------------- Vice Pres. E. D. Beck Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $475, 127 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $49,146 Number of Electric Customers---------- 801 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased---------------------- a 1,606,000 * For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 469 26–537 *Burwell Municipal Utilities Burwell, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Elſie Hanson-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: tºlectric Operating Revenues ------------ $16,800 Number of Electric Customers"—--------- 416 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 725 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 600,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Burwell-------------------------------- 1, 412 Also Renders: Water service. 26–538 *Cambridge Light and Water Works Cambridge, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. F. Butler------------------------------- Mayor P. W. Phillips---------------------- City Attorney L. C. Richardson.--------------------- City Clerk A. A. Mousel------------------------- City Treas. R. O. Finch - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,260 Community Served at Retail: Population Cambridge---------- -- 1,084 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Bartley. *Danbury Light Dept. *Village of Lebanon. *Wilsonville Light & Water Plant. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–539 *Campbell Municipal Electric Department Campbell, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Leslie Bierhaus----------------------------- Engr. Paul Bartels-------------------------- ASSt. Engr. Village Board: F. G. Abelf, F. W. Endorf, A. Her- manson, A. L'Heureux, L. S. McNeillf. fMember of Power House Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $5,877 Number of Electric Customers----------- 175 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 200 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 114,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Campbell------------------------------ 478 Also Renders: Water service. 26—540 *Cedar-Knox County Rural Public Power District Hartington, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials; Julius Tigges-------------------------------- Pres. Harold Martindale-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $306,868 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $25,724 Number of Electric Customers----------- 607 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ----------------------- a 348,600 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26—541 *Willage of Carroll Carroll, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Carroll--------------------------------------- 351 26—542 *Central City Light Department Central City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: ... tº e Ralph Eatough.------------------ City Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $70,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $39,846 Number of Electric Customers----------- 947 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,486,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Central City------------------------------- 2,460. 26—543 *Ceresco Municipal Light & Power Plant Ceresco, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Glen J. Haines------------------------------ Supt. Village Board: John Johnson, Thurman Martin, Dr. W. W. Noyes (chairman), Olaf Olsen, George Seigrist. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev - -- $4,976 Number of Electric Customers------------- 144 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 72 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 167,570 Community Served at Retail: Population Ceresco--------------------------------------- 342 470 FEDERAL Power commission 26—544 *The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District - Hastings, Nebr. - * Principal Electric Utility Officials: Glenn Wallace------------------------------ PreS. J. S. Fitzsimmons-----------------------Vice PreS. Claude Miller------------------------------ Treas. Geo. E. Johnson.------ Chief Engr. & Gen. Mgr. H. L. Meyer------------ Southern Division Mgr. Directors: O. T. Anderson, F. J. Bean, Jack Bin- derup, B. H. Bracken, J. S. Fitzsimmons, Andrew Jensen, D. W. Kingsley, Claude Miller, Neil Shreck, Claude Smith, J. H. Taylor, Glenn Wallace. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $20,743,806 Electric Operating Revenues---------- --- $135,019 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 54,000 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 18, 657, 634 Energy Generated.------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 609, 160 Energy Purchased.--------------------- 18,048,474 Communities Served at Retail: Population Carleton.----------------------------------- 350 Clay Center-------------------------------- 715 Fairfield------------------------------------ 640 Guide Rock-------------------------------- 596 Hardy-------------------------------------- 341 Harvard------------------------------------ 704 Lawrence----------------------------------- 445 Riverton----------------------------------- 390 Utilities Served at Wholesale: BRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Oak Electric Light Co. PTBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Belvidere Light System. - *Bertrand Municipal Light & Water Plant. *Village of Bruning. - *Village of Chester. *Consumers Public Power District. *Davenport Water & Light Dept. *Eastern Nebraska Public Power District. *City of Edgar Light & Water Dept. *Village of Glenvil. *City of Hastings Water & Light Dept. *City of Hebron. *Holdrege Municipal Light & Power Plant. *Village of Hubbell. *Loomis Municipal Light & Power Co. *Loup River Public Power. T)istrict. *City of Mahaska (Kansas). *Minden Municipal Light & Water Plant. *Nelson Municipal Light & Water System. *North Central Kansas Rural Electrification Cooperative Assn., Inc. *Ong Municipal Electric System. *Platte Valley Public Power and Irrigation T)istrict. *Village of Ruskin. *Shickley Light Dept. *Southeastern Nebraska Public Power District. *Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power T)istriot. t *City of Superior. *City of Webber (Kansas). 26–545 *City of Chappell Chappell, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . . Chas. Bergstrom - Light and Water Commissioner Leonard Handley--------------------- Bookkeeper City Council: B. J. Connor, L. G. Nelson, A. F. Schmidt, E. F. Shonka, W. E. Zehr, (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: 636 Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $136,965 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,279 Number of Electric Customers------------- 360 Generating Capacity: . - Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- . Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 812,000 Community Served at Retail: - Chappell----------------------------------- 1,093 Also Renders: Water Service. - 26—546 *Willage of Chester Chester, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Moxham----------------------------- U105. Mrs. Ruby Thomas----- :- — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - Collector Village Board: L. L. Thomas (clerk), G. E. Waring (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenue---------------- $12,034 Number of Electric Customers------------- 191 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 221,740 Community Served at Retail: Population Chester . 634 26—547 *Willage of Clarkson Clarkson, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: - J. Ulach--------------------------------- Supt Village Trustees: Jos. A. Kucera, F. J. Miller, C. A. Moore, Jos. R. Vitek, Richard Wina. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Rev $2,415 Number of Electric Cust rS 286 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased he me sº sº, sº as 266,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Clarkson - 829 Also Renders: Water service. 26—548 *Consumers Public Power - District.” Columbus, Nebr. a Acquired electric properties of Central Power Co. (26–032) on Jan. 6, 1941, and Nebraska properties of Iowa–Nebraska Light & Power Co. (26–076) on Apr. 4, 1941. - - Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. M. Johnson------------------------- Gen. Mgr. John Hoge------------------- Supt. of Operations. Board of Directors: . Chas. B. Fricke----------------------------- Pres. Phil R. Hockenberger-------------- 1St Vice PreS. Dyo Davis-------------------------- 2d Vice PreS. C. C. Sheldon------------------------------ Treas. W. A. Boettcher---------------------------- Secy. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 471 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,419, 366 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $280,097 Number of Electric Customers------------ 4, 661 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------------- 6, 626 Steam-------------------------------------- 2,000 WCITO-------------------------------------- 1,075 Internal Combustion----------------------- 3, 551 Energy available in Year: PÖilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 11,453,280 Generated.-------------- --------------- 1,819, 128 Purchased----------------------------- 9,634, 152 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Ainsworth---------------------------------- 1, 833 Albion------------------------------------- 2, 268 Atkinson----------------------------------- 1, 350 Columbus--------------- ------------------- , 632 Creighton---------------------------------- 1, 272 Hartington--------------------------------- 1,688 Neligh------------------------ -------------- 1,796 Oneill-------------------------------------- 2, 532 Valentine----------------------------------- 2, 188 250 to 1,000 population Bassett------------------------------------- 931 Brunswick--------------------------------- 289 utte--------------------------------------- 623 Clearwater--------------------------------- 568 Coleridge----------------------------------- 627 Creston------------------------------------ 302 Crofton------------------------------------- 600 Podge-------------------------------------- 656 ºlgin--------------------------------------- 853 *Wing-------------------------------------- 681 Long Pine------- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * *- - - 824 Lynch-------------------------------------- 487 Monroe------------------`------------------ 315 Newport----------------------------------- 275 Orchard------------------------------------ 493 Osmond------------------------------------ 796 Page--------------------------------------- 335 Petersburg--------------------------------- 657 Platt Center----------------- ----------- - - - - 509 Scribner------------------------------------ 904 Silver Creek-------------------------------- 421 Wehling------------------------------------ 253 Wausa------------------------------------- 732 Wynot------------------------------------- 416 - 26—549 *Cody Electric Department Cody, Nebr. - Principal Electric Utility Official: R. Bowman------------------------------ Mgr. Community Served at Retail: Population Cody 375 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–550 *Cook Electric Light System Cook, Nebr. - City Council: F. H. Eſken, A. Finke, Geo. Fisher, Ernest Grundmann, P. H. Naeve (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $6,278 Number of Electric Cust tº 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Cook--------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 305 26–551 *Chimney Rock Public Power District Bayard, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sumner Burnham--------------------------- PreS. H. C. Moranville---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- ----- $258,537 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $32,262 Number of Electric Customers------------ 580 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 587,889 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–552 *Cotesfield Electric Light Cotesfield, Nebr. 26—553 *City of Cozad Cozad, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Cozad-------------------------------------- 2, 156 26–554 *Willage of Crab Orchard Crab Orchard, Nebr. 26—555 *City of Crete, Water & Light - Dept. - Crete, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. J. Kobes-------------------------------- Mayor Councilmen; Harry Belka, R. Belohlovy, A. Chi- hal, R. Hokuf, G. Rietfors, G. Znamenacek. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $172,709 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $59,438 Number of Electric Customers--4--------- 1, 165 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 375 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 2,754,465 Community Served at Retail: Population Crete----------------------------------- 3,038 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Norris Rural Public Power District. Also Renders: Water service. 472 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–556 *Crookston Municipal Electric Department Crookston, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Joseph-------------------------------- Mayor H. D. Babcock------- Commissioner of Electricity The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $3,972 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 70 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 66, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population Crookston------------------------------------ 262 26–557 *City of Curtis Curtis, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. H. Carstensen-------------------------- Mayor L. B. McCowin-------------------- Commissioner Councilmen: W. O. Hosick, E. E. Keith, W. Oster- houdt, A. Parker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $148,768 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,459 Number of Electric Customers------------ 430 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 462 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 703, 950 Communities Served at Retail: Population urtis---------------------------------------- 952 Maywood------------------------------------ 426 Utility Served at Wholesale: Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Moorefield. Also Renders: Water Service. 26–558 County Rural Public Power District West Point, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chester R. Graff *Cuming The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $489, 566 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $40,129 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - 902 4. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 683,016 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–559 *Dakota City Municipal Electric Department Dakota City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Charles H. Fueston---------- Light Commissioner Board of Directors: Freeman Antrim, S. W. Foltz (chairman), Henry W. Krumwiede, Law Miller, WIm. P. Warner. • . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,328 Number of Electric Customers------------- I76 t Rilowatts Energy Purchased.------------------------- 106,220 Community Served at Retail: Population Dakota City--------------------------------- 477 Also Renders: Water service, 26–560 *Danbury Light Department Danbury, Nebr. 26–561 *Davenport Water & Light Department Davenport, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank E. Johnson.--------------------------- Supt. B. W. SkoWalter * º Clerk & Chairman Light Committee H. B. Johnson--------------------------- Member The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Number of Electric Meters---------- .* * - - - as sº 166 FKttowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 126,410 Community Served at Retail: Population Davenport------------------------------------ 450 26–562 *Dawson County Public Power Dist. Lexington, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Albert A. Kjar------------------------------ Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $556,311 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $38,229 Number of Electric Customers------------- 760 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 519,831 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–563 *City of David City Light & Water Department 5th & D Sts., David City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: & H. C. Andrews----------------------------- Supt. J. H. Shafer-------------------------- Plant Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 473 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $175,000 | Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $46,395 Number of Electric Customers------------- 975 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) -------------- 1, 115 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,639, 510 Community Served at Retail: Population David City----------------------------- 2, 272 Also Renders: Water service. 26–564 *Willage of De Witt Municipal Light & Power Plant De Witt, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Henry G. Feldhus---------- Light & Water Com. Village Board: Alfred Harms, J. W. Heist, J. B. Klein, J. M. Norton, Wm. Peterson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,560 Number of Electric Customers------------- 212 Generating Capacity Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 145 º Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 229,000 Community Served at Retail: Population DeWitt---------------------------------- 490 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–565 *Willage of Decatur Light and Water Department Decatur, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. B. Watson------ Light & Water Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,467 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 202 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 119 Energy Available in Year: PÖilowatt-hours 9tal--------------------------------- 189,882 Generated-------------------------------- 143, 274 Purchased-------------------------------- 46, 608 Community Served at Retail: Population Pecatur----------------------------------- 905 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–566 *Willage of Dix Dix, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Guy Barrett. ---------------- Light Commissioner Wm. A. Gunderson lerk Governing Body: G. Barrett, Chas. Campbell, Aeye ºison, Howard Gunderson, Wm. A. Gun- €ISOE). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 85, 310 26–567 *Deshler Municipal Utilities Deshler. Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Geo. Werner------- Water & Light Commissioner J. Bokenkamp------------------------ Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $18,850 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 387 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ------------------- 643 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 637,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Peshler -------------------------------- 1,037 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * - *Thayer County Rural Public Power District. 26–568 *Willage of Dorchester Dorchester. Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: † John Freeouf----------------------- Commissioner W. E. Sanburn------------------------ Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $14,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $2,460 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 193 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 194,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Dorchester------------------------------------ 558 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–569 *Douglas Municipal System Douglas, Nebr. 26–570 *Willage of Dubois Dubois, Nebr. Population Community Served at Retail: e 315 Dubois--------------------------------------- 474 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–571 *Eastern Nebraska Public Power District Syracuse, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. H. Gustafson----------------------------- PreS. Faye A. Martz------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,442,949 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $93,522 Number of Electric Customers --------- 2,686 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- a 871, 475 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–572 *Duncan Municipal Light & Power Duncan, Nebr. 26–573 *Willage of Eddyville, Electric Account Eddyville, Nebr. Electric Utility Officials: L. A. Felker --------------- Elec. Commissioner E. E. McClintick Chairman W. L. O’Meara----------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $3,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $4,000 - - - - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - Number of Electric Customers ------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 55, 500 26–574 *City of Edgar Light & Water Department 3rd & D Sts., Edgar, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. A. Jackson.------ Light & Water Commissioner Light & Water Committee: E. E. Hedgcock (chair- man), P. C. Jones, G. H. Kinkead. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,757 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 229,436 Community Served at Retail: Population *dgar----------------------------------------- 708 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–575 *Town of Elk Creek Elk Creek, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. A. Kovanda---------------------------- Treas. H. Beethe (chairman), Martin Damm, Guy Eversole (clerk), Trustees: Emil Beethe, A. J. R. A. Kovanda. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,245 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 80,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Elk Creek------------------------------------ 260 26–577 *Emerson Municipal Light & Power Plant Emerson, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. W. Jensen ----------------------------- Supt Trustees: J. H. Bonderson, John Griesch (chairman), L. J. Heitzman, Wm. Jensen, F. A. Meiras. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $58,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $14,749 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 297 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 352 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 378, 752 Community Served at Retail: Population Emerson ------------------------------ 879 Also Renders: Water service. 26–578 *Willage of Endicott Endicott, Nebr. Light Commissioners: S. N. Fisher, Roy Kelley, George Stolting. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 73 26–579 *Fairbury Light & Water Department Fairbury, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. S. Yeakle------------------------------- Mayor G. E. Bell---------- Light & Water Commissioner City Council: F. J. Bachoritch, J. H. Bonds, Leonard Ewers, E. L. Leigh, A. E. Pennington, H. Schrieber, Charles Vestal, H. A. Wood, H. S. Yeakle (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $786,956 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $182,094 Number of Electric Customers---------- - 2,905 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 7,000 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASEA Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 6,646,815 Generated----------------------------- 6, 536,035 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 110, 780 Communities Served at Retail: Population *airbury-------------------------------- 6,304 Jansen---------------------------------- 255 Steele City----------------------------- 291 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Lea Mining Co. (Interchange). Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Endicott. *Gilead Municipal Light & Power Co. *Reynolds Power & Light Dept. *Norris Rural Public Power District. Also Renders: Water Service. 26–580 *Fairmont Municipal Light & Water Works Fairmont, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. E. Steveson----------------------------- Mayor G. W. White--------------------------- Chairman P. M. Rose--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $12,430 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 200 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 313, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairmont--------------------------------- 810 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–582 *Falls City Water & Light Dept. 110 E. 18th St., Falls City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. G. Wendt------------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Councilmen: E. D. Fisher, G. R. Lock- ard, G. S. Lyon (mayor), Chas. Kentopp, E. I. Morehead, Corda Wiemers, Paul Zimmer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $400,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $103,798 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 2, 108 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 2, 137 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,084, 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Falls City------------------------------ 6, 146 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–583 *Farnam Municipal Electric Plant Farnam, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: - S. C. Heath----------------- Water Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $5, 175 Number of Electric Customers------------ 154 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 83 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 86, 872 Community Served at Retail: Population "arnam------- 346 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–584 *Willage of Filley Filley, Nebr. 26–586 *Firth Municipal Electric Department Firth, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - J. S. Kallemeyer------------------- Commissioner J. E. Harms------------------------------ --Treas. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,600 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 70 Community Served at Retail: Population Firth----------------------------------------- 323 26–587 *Franklin Electric Light Plant Franklin, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. A. Spargo Mayor and Council: J. B. Garton, Leon Samuelson, Glenn Spacht (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $21,096 Number of Electric Customers--------- 425 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------- 545 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 697, 559 Community Served at Retail: Population Franklin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * 1, 272 26–589 *Department of Utilities of the City of Fremont Fremont, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Lon D. Wright Board of Public Works: - J. Rex Henry (chairman), John Petrow, Will R. Rowe (secy.). 476 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION ...” following data are for the year ended July 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,659, 111 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $245, 185 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - 4,039 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 13,306, 397 Community Served at Retail: Population Fremont------------------------------ 11,862 Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service, 26–590 *Friend Water and Light Department 246 Maple St., Friend, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - George H. Allen, Jr.-----------Light Commissioner Fred Scheidt-------- Pres. Of Utilities Commission The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22,461 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 475 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 468,000 Community Served at Retail: Population riend-------------------------------------- 1, 169 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–591 *Willage of Funk Funk, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. L. Burman------------------------- Chairman H. Franzer--------------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,500 Number of Electric Customers---------- 40 26–593 *City of Gering Gering, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. Jingman--------------------------- Mavor F. R. Brown-------------------------------- Cler T. S. Rubottom---------------------------- Treas C. R. Weaver------------------------------ Supt. Councilmen: Ross Brunner, Ivan Christian, L. O. Diggins, W. A. Dutton, Frank Quinn, Dewey Reeder, C. H. Scott, H. G. Tanner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $80,000 Electric Operating Revenues------ - - - - - - $74, 579 Number of Electric Customers---------- 917 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 2, 637,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Gering-------------------------------- 3, 104 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Gering Valley Rural Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 26–594 *Gering Valley Rural Public Power District Gering, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. C. Stuckey------------------------------ PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------ - - - - - - - - $44, 537 Electric Operating Revenues--- - - - - - - - - - $6,440 Number of Electric Customers - – ---- - - - - 109 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 132, 580 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–595 *Giltner Light & Water Department Giltner, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Giltner (Huntington).------------------------ 325 26–597 *Willage of Glenvil Glenvil, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. Frisch------------------------ Village Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------ - - - - - - - - $6,500 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $3, 123 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 113 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 75,950 Community Served at Retail: Population Glenvil-------------------------------- 285 26–598 *Grand Island Electric Department 101–103 E. 3rd St., Grand Island, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. W. Burdick--------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,296, 533 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $244, 507 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4,005 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 10,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 14,279,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Island------------------------------ 19, 130 Also Renders: Ice, Steam, and water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASRA 477 26–599 *Willage of Greenwood Light Department Greenwood, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ben Howard-------------------------------- Mgr. Electric Committee: J. S. Gribble, E. A. Landon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,133 Number of Electric Customers------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 93,758 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenwood----------------------------------- 350 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–600 *Willage of Haigler Electric Department Haigler, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. C. Anderson------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for May 1, 1940 or for the year ended May 1, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,924 Number of Electric Customers 132 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 87 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 129,602 Community Served at Retail: Population Haigler--------------------------------------- 507 26–601 *Willage of Hampton Hampton, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Otto--------------------------------- Mayor Homer Curtis------- Light & Water Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5, 188 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 146 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 114, 194 Community Served at Retail: Population Hampton------------------------------------- 310 26–602 *Harrison Light, Water & Power Department Harrison, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: - T. L. Iversen-------------------------------- Supt. Village Board: A. M. Brown, John T. Coffee, A. C. Davis (clerk), F. J. Lacy, T. M. Powell (chair- man), A. L. Schnurr. The following data are for the year ended April 25, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,267 Number of Electric Cust *I - - 164 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 148 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---- - - - 223,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Harrison-------------------------------------- 500 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–603 *Hastings Water and Light Department Hastings, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ray Coffey------------------- Supt. Prod. & Dist. Board of Public Works: - - Chas. Anderson------------------------ Chairman F. M. McClelland---------------- Vice Chairman Charles Mousel------------------------------ Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,587, 186 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $318, 803 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 950 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 14,636, 677 Generated----------------------------- 13, 192,677 Purchased----------------------------- 1,444,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hastings----------------------------------- 15, 145 Juniata------------------------------------ 338 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Southern Nebraska Power Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Trumbull. Also Renders: Water Service. 26–606 *City of Hebron, Light & Water Department Hebron, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Gordon M. Wilson–Light & Water Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $53,923 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $32,068. Number of Electric Customers.-------------- 626, Kilowatt-hours. Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 960, 425, Community Served at Retail: Population Hebron------------------------------------- 1,909. Also Renders: Water Service. 478 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–607 *Willage of Henry Henry, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. W. Couch------------- Water & Light Comm. Village Board: Geo. Abernethy, H. V. Anderson, Lloyd AnderSon, L. R. Glenn (chairman), L. R. Rlepper. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 62 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 114,000 Also Renders: Water service. 26–609 *Willage of Hickman Hickman, Nebr. Village Board of Trustees: Thomas Coynef, W. J. Etmund, F. J. Lefferdink, E. J. Scott, J. R. Smithf. iMember of Utilities Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,145 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 122 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 105, 456 Community Served at Retail: Population Hickman------------------------------------- 320 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–610 *Willage of Hildreth Hildreth, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herman Rickels------------- Light Commissioner T. J. Travis------------------- Chairman of Board Governing Body: James Knight, Dr. H. Neville, Carl Schurman, William Stuhmer, T. J. Travis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $13,261 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,450 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 130 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 125, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Hildreth-------------------------------------- 361 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–611 *Holbrook Municipal Light, Power & Ice Plant Holbrook, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. McConnel----------- Supt. & Commissioner Board of Trustees: S. F. Davis (clerk), W. R. Hemelstrand, Leo Meguire (treasurer), B. Phillip- Son (chairman), L. C. Ridpath. lºº following data are for the year ended May 1, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $48,767 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,538 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 181 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 188 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 201,697 Community Served at Retail: Population Piolbrook------------------------------------- 441 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–612 *Holdrege Municipal Light & Power Holdrege, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. F. Bendler---------------------- Commissioner I. Anderson--------------------------- City Clerk John Erickson------------------------ Chief Engr. Mayor and Councilmen: Paul Burgeson, C. S. Nelson, R. G. Phelps, O. F. Swanson, L. A. Trumbo (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $350, 765 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $72,356 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 1,200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 1, 357 Steam---------------------------------- 840 Internal Combustion------------------- 517 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 312, 300 Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,091, 100 Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 221, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Holdrege------------------------------- 3, 360 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Ragan. Also Renders: Water Service. 26–613 *Howard County Rural Public Power District St. Paul, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George G. LauritSen------------------------- Pres. Jos. J. Curtis------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues * * * * *-* - - * = * * * - - - $24,945 Number of Electric Cust ºf 326 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 412,444 a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 479 26–614 *Howells Municipal Electric Distribution System Howells, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Luxa----------------------- Commissioner Geo. Lodes----------------------------- Collector Electric Committee: Joseph Drahota, Alois A. Pim- per, E. A. Stangel (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $11,403 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 270 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 281,890 Community Served at Retail: Population Howells-------------------------------------- 861 26–615 *Willage of Hubbell Hubbell, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Hubbell-------------------------------------- 250 26–616 *Hyannis Municipal Light Plant Hyannis, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. Howell------------------------------|Mayor W. L. Hayward -- Water and Light Commissioner Geo. W. Bunner---------------------------- Treas. George A. Martz---------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 139 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 134 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 227,667 Community Served at Retail: Population Hyannis---------------------------------- 449 26–617 *Imperial Municipal Light & Water Plant Imperial, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Casebeer.-- - Light & Water Committeeman C. M. McKay---_Light & Water Committeeman Geo. Cowling------------------------- Plant Supt. Governing Body: R. Luhrs (mayor), W. M. Majors, Lute Miller, O. J. Robinson. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $135,235 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $22,425 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 520 9-------------------------------- 120 Internal Combustion----------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 678,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Imperial---------------------------------- 1, 195 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–619 *City of Indianola Indianola, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clerk Albert Harrison.---------------------------- G. A. Rawson ----- - Light & Water Commissioner Governing Body: Merle Collonig, Geo. Cramer, F. B. Duckworth, John Foley, E. W. Frank (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $9,467 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 233, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Indianola------------------------------------- 800 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–620 *Willage of Kilgore Kilgore, Nebr. - Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. T. Brackett -- - - - - Chairman, Board of Trustees Clarence Clasen--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lerk H. L. Campbell---------------------------- Treas. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $2,665 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 41,672 26–621 *Kimball Municipal Utilities Kimball, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Tritt--------------------------------- Mayor W. O. Miles--------------------------------- Supt C. B. Beard------------------------ Commissioner Light Committee: J. M. Lederer, F. E. Reader. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $118, 520 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $32,973 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 624 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 996 Rilowatt-hourg Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,425,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Rimball-------------------------------- 1, 725 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 480 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–623 *Laurel Municipal Power Plant Laurel, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. V. Harper Mayor Robt. Creamer------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $20, 182 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 349 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 275 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 605,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Laurel------ 861 26–624 *Willage of Lebanon Lebanon, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Everett GrimeS ----|Mayor Floyd Raburn--------------- Light Commissioner The following data aro for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $2,252 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 72 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 42,990 26–625 *Leigh Light & Power Department Leigh, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Peigh----------------------------------------- 575 26–626 *Lewiston Distributing System Lewiston, Nebr. 26–628 *Commercial Light Department, City of Lincoln City Hall, Lincoln, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. L. Erickson--------------------------- Director 1." following data are for the year ended Aug. 31, Electric Utility Plant____________________ $1,860, 517 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $305, 295 Number of Electric Customers ----------. -- 5,339 Rilowatts General Capacity (Steam)------------------- 8,900 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 13,931,440 Community Served at Retail: Population Pincoln------------------------------------ 81,984 26–629 *Willage of Litchfield Litchfield, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . TVl. 118 Lig--------- Chairman Board of Trustees W. B. Daniels---------------------- Village Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Litchfield------------------------------------ 412 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–630 *Lodgepole Municipal Light & Water Plant Lodgepole, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. F. Groshart - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 169 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 252,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lodgepole------------------------------------ 479 26–631 *Willage of Loomis Loomis, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Dave Johnson.------ Water & Light Commissioner Village Board: W. B. Abrahamson, Jas. A. C. An- derson, Axel Lilyhorn, Roy Ostgren, Carl W. Thorell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $4,244 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 90 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 100, 700 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–632 *Loup River Public Power District Columbus, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chas. B. Fricke-------------------------- --- Pres. Phil. R. Hockenberger----------------- Vice-PreS. A. R. Miller------------------------ 2d Vice-Pres. Harold Kramer------------------ Secy.-Gen. Mgr. C. C. Sheldon------------------------------ Treas. T). J. DeBoer------------------- Chief Elec. Engr. Directors: W. A. Boettcher, J. A. Borg, August Ewert, Charles B. Fricke, Phil. R. Hockenberger, Zack Howell, Jr., Edd Kelly, E. T. Miessler, A. R. Miller, C. C. Sheldon, C. L. Stone. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $9,653,478 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 481 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $381,463 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 563 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (Hydro) ----------- 47, 738 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 115, 229, 350 Generated ----------------------------- 90,986,800 Purchased.----------------------------- 20, 252, 440 Interchanged (gross-in).----------------- 3,990, 110 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PIRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Interstate Power Co. Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Co. Nebraska Power Co. Pluſ IX LICI, Y OWNED UTILITIES: *Boone-Nance Rural Public Power District. *Burt County Rural Public Power District. *Codar-Knox Rural Public Power District. *Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District (interchange). *Consumers Public Power District. *Lancaster Rural Public Power District. *Madison County Rural Public Power District. *Platte Valley Public Power & Irrigation Dis- trict (interchange). *Polk County Rural Public Power District. *Wayne County Rural Public Power District. 26–633 *Willage of Lyman Lyman, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Hobart Landes-------------- Light Commissioner Blanch Wilcox------------ Cashier of Light Dept. Village Board of Trustees: H. W. Andrews, T. W. Creager, T. H. Elquest, O. C. Smithf, E. S. Youngf. fMember of Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- - - - $17,340 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- a $1,133 a For December 1940. Number of Electric Customers - - ----------- 211 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a34,027 a For December 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population yman--------------------------------------- 672 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–634 *Lyons Municipal Light and Water Plant Lyons, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. P. Chard------------------------------- Supt. Village Board of Trustees: J. E. Buckley, Wm. Christensen, A. W. Crellin, R. R. Redding, A. W. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------- $17,657 Number of Electric Customers --------- 408 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 295 322184—42 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------- 679,640 Community Served at Retail: T'opulation WODS------------------------------- ------ 1,033 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–635 *Madison Municipal Light & Power Plant Madison, Nebr. Principal Elºis Utitility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $194, 550 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $36,491 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 860 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------- .- - - - - - - - 792 kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,303, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Madison------------------------------------ 1, 812 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–636 *Madison County Rural Public Power District Battle Creek, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. H. Dederman----------------------------- Pres. Alfred H. Lewis----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $185, 460 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $7,484 Number of Electric Customers------------ 229 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a34,400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–638 *Mason City Municipal Electric & Water Plant Mason City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. L. W. Forney-------------------------- Mayor OScar J. Davis------------- Electric Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $5,466 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 135 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 165 • Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated--------------------------- 99, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Mason City----------------------------------- 396 Also Renders: Water service. 482 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–639 *Willage of Maxwell Maxwell, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Frank M. Trott The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $3,355 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 125 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 91, 300 Population Community Served at Retail: 480 Maxwell 26–640 *Mead Electric Light Plant Mead, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Glen Newton------------------------------- Engr. village Trustees: G. Karlson, C. A. Larson, Adolph Pearson, Lester Schneider, Gordon Soderberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant cºs sº $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $4,471 Number of Electric Customers--------- 107 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 81,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Mead----------------------------------------- 260 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–642 *Willage of Milford Milford, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. G. Samuelson - Chairman, Village Board of Trustees Thomas Gray------ Water & Light Commissioner Board of Trustees: C. A. Allison, C. G. Samuelson, John Treu, H. E. Volland, D. C. West The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $22,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,827 Number of Electric Customers------------- 305 Rilowatt-hours “Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 323,870 Community Served at Retail: Population ^Tilford--------------------------------------- 759 Also Renders: Water service. 26–643 *Minden Light Department Minden, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. HaWS------------------ Light Commissioner City Council: B. S. Andrews (mayor), J. H. Etzel- #"; B. Glandz (pres.), D. R. Nichol, Harold ... tº O O O. 1:..." following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Operating Revenues------------- $33,648 Number of Electric Customers----------- 967 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 990 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 510, 156 Community Served at Retail: Population Minden------------------------------------ 1, 848 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–644 *Mitchell Electric Department Mitchell, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Mitchell------------------------------------ 2, 181 26–645 *North Platte Municipal Light & Power North Platte, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. L. Sievers------------------------------- Mgr. Board of Public Works: Geo. B. Dent, Jr., McWha, W. J. O’Connor, C. W. Yost. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,800,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $323,303 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3, 729 I(ilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 2, 500 Energy Avialable in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 10, 545, 600 Generated.----------------------------- 8, 194, 600 Interchanged-in (Gross).-------------- 2,351,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hershey------------------------------------ 487 North Platte------------------------------ 12, 429 Wallace------------------------------------ 335 Utility Served at Wholesale: PU BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Stapleton. 26–646 *Willage of Moorefield Moorefield, Nebr. 26–647 *Morrill Municipal Electric Department Morrill, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. O. Bradley------------------------------- Supt. John R. Jirdon--------------------- Commissioner DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 483 Governing Body: R. T. Covington, Jr., S. E. Flee- Il OI. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $33,820 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $18,767 Number of Electric Customers--------- 480 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------- 90 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 947, 192 Community Served at Retail: Population Worrill--------------------------------------- 877 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–648 *Willage of Mullen Mullen, Nebr. iPrincipal Electric Utility Official: C Butler-------------------------------- Engr Board of Trustees: W. R. Boyer, Arthur Mathews, J. J. Mott, Mac Osborne, Ed Wadlow. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $14,750 Number of Electric Customers------------- 140 *Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 122 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 290,000 Community Served at Retail: Population ullen--------------------------------------- 725 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–649 *Nebraska Public Power System” Columbus, Nebr. a Name adopted for joint operating purposes by The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District (26–544), Loup River Public Power District (26-632), and Platte Valley Public Power and Irriga- tion District (26-663). - Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. J. De Boer----------- Oper. Mgr. Eastern Div. R. D. McWha--...-- - - - - - Oper. Mgr. Western Div. Ralph Kramer------------ Chief Load Dispatcher Raymond Arndt------------------------- Auditor Board of Managers: Gerald Gentleman (secy.), George E. Johnson (chairman), Harold Kramer. 26–650 *Nelson Municipal Light & Water System Nelson, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: * C. W. Becker---------------------------- City Engr. City Council Light and Water Committee: Henry Goodrich, Andrew Henry. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,500 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 310 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 289,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Nelson--------------------------------------- 963 Also Renders: Water service, 26–651 *Norris Rural Public Power District 1030 “M” St., Lincoln, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl Schnuelle ------------------------------ PreS Paul D. Marvin ---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,376,952 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $96,836 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,993 PCilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a3, 593, 177 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–652 *Ohiowa Electric System Ohiowa, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ralph L. Walter-------------------- Village Clerk Board of Trustees: J. H. Bornschegl, Jr. (chairman), J. Peppie, F. J. Sieber, Jr., V. L. Upton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $4,842 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 145 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 69,970 Community Served at Retail: Population Ohiowa--------------------------------------- 326 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–653 *Ong Municipal Electric System Ong, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. B. Munsel ------------- Chairman Village Board F. C. Bumgardner----------- Light Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.----------------- $3,777 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 92 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 64,400 26–654 *Northeast Nebraska Rural Public Power District Emerson, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Theodore Rhode---------------------------- PreS. Arthur J. Budwig--------------------------- Supt. 484 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $163,393 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $8,820 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 317 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 28,800 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–655 *Ord Light & Water Plant Ord, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Geo. H. Allen Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $60,266 Number of Electric Customers------------ 841 Generating Capacity: Pºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,050 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total * == * sº * - 1,611, 214 Generated 1, 547, 214 Purchased 64,000 Community Served at Retail: Population TC!----------------------------------------- 2, 240 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–656 *Oxford Light and Power Plant Oxford, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roy Schuyler------- ms º ºs ss ºf sº se sº m Light Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $24,839 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 380 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 710 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 930,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Oxford * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * 1, 141 26–657 *Panama Municipal Light Plant Panama, Nebr. 26–659 *Paxton Light & Power Department Paxton, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Paxton------------------ * * * * * * * * sº tº º sº tº see s sº º sºme sº tº ºn sº dº 551 26–660 *Pender Municipal Light Plant Pender, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: D. P. Gibson.------------------------------- Supt. Light & Power Commission: W. H. Racely (chair- Inan), Dale Larson. The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Utility Plant-------________________ $70,766 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $19, 164 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 403 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 502 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 714,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pender------------------------------------- 1, 135. Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Thurston. Also Renders: Water service. 26–661 *Peru Light and Water Plant Peru, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Peru Population 1,024 * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * 26–662 *City of Plainview Plainview, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. W. Blezek------------------------------ Mayor Light & Water Commission: Geo. W. Blake (chair- man), J. W. Blezek, Aug. Drake, Rudolph Fischer, Fred Saathoff. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $143,000 Electric Operating Revenues -- - ---------- $27,563 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 482 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------------- 805 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,055, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Plainview---------------------------------- 1,411 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–663 *Platte Valley Public Power and Irrigation District North Platte, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Kjar *-* * * * * -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m a- - - - - - Pres R. Homer------------------------------ Vice PreS. Gerald Gentleman------------- Secy. & Gen. Mgr. C. H. Fisher------------------------------- Treas. R. D. McWha-------------- Chief Electrical Engr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 485 Directors: J. B. Allen, H. H. Buis, H. J. Cary, C. H. Fisher, R. Homer, A. A. Kjar, G. F. Law. leSS, P. N. McKinley, R. F. Stuckey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $11,852, 949 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $559, 192 Number of Electric Customers -------- 27 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------ 29, 100 Steam------------------------------------- 3,000 Hydro------------------------------------- 26, 100 Kilowatt-hours 92, 822, 682 Generated----------------------------- 30, 626,910 Purchased.----------------------------- 5, 709, 800 56, 485,972 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Power Co. Nebraska Light & Power Co. Northwestern Public Service Co. The Western Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Buſfalo County Public Power District. *Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District. *City of Cozad. *Dawson County Public Power District. *Howard County Rural Public Power District. *Loup River Public Power District. *North Loup River Public Power & Irrigation District. *North Platte Municipal Light & Power. 26–664 *Polk Municipal Light & Water Works Polk, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. C. Steel------------------------- Commissioner Board of Trustees: Glenn Hill, A. Isaacson (chair- man), A. E. Sundberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $8,244 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 220 • Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 217,650 Community Served at Retail: º 01K------------------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. 26–665 *Poole Municipal Lighting System Poole, Nebr. 26–666 *Willage of Potter Potter, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Alfred Arnell, Chairman Village Board of Trustees R. M. Hendee------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $65,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10, 173 INumber of Electric Customers-------------- 141 Generating Capacity: Rilotſyatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 265 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 369,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Potter---------------------------------------- 387 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–667 *Polk County Rural Public Power District Stromsburg, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Petrus C. Nelson.---------------------------- PreS. G. E. Ekstrand----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $338, 703 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31, 736 Number of Electric Customers------------- 554 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 739, 179 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–668 *Willage of Prague Prague, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: - Anton Clink------------ Light and Water Comm. Board of Trustees: A. W. Bohaboy (chairman), Joe § Fred Dunder, Frank Petrzelka, JoS. J. T O8. Il. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,861 Number of Electric Customers------------- 146 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 84, 630 Community Served at Retail: Population Prague---------------------------------------- 385 26–669 *Village of Ragan Ragan, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: & º R. H. Sloan------------------ Light Commissioner Board of Trustees: O. A. Bard (chairman), Louie Clausen, Philip Peterson, W. E. Ruff (clerk), R. H. Sloan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,500 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $2,033 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 48, 220 26–670 *Randolph Electric Light and Water Plant Randolph, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clark Blizzard------------------------------ Supt. 486 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $23,653 Number of Electric Cust sº 378 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 292 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 671, 748 Community Served at Retail: Population Randolph----------------------------------- 1,094 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–671 *Willage of Richland Richland, Nebr. 26–672 *Willage of Raymond Raymond, Nebr. 26–673 *Red Cloud Light and Power Plant Box 446, Red Cloud, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. Beard----- Light and Water Commissioner The following data are for the year 1938: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $25,572 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 574 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 951, 611 Community Served at Retail: Population Red Cloud---------------------------------- 1,610 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–674 *Reynolds Power and Light Department Reynolds, Nebr. 26–675 *Willage of Riverdale Riverdale, Nebr. 26–676 *Roosevelt Rural Public Power District Mitchell, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. N. Shepard------------------------------ Pres. C. A. Keebaugh.---------------------------- M gT. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $226, 702 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $35,123 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 525 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 823,991 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–677 *Willage of Ruskin Ruskin, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: anSOD--------------------------- Chairman J. P. Jensen------------------------ Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $1,836 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 63 Also Renders: Water service. 26–678 *City of Saint Paul St. Paul, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. P. Fleming----------------------------- Mayor H. T. Cecil * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = s. s. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $70,771 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $29, 137 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 585 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 725, 882 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Paul--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 571 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–679 *Salem Transmission Line Salem, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Salem 380. 26–680 *City of Sargent Sargent, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Fenstermacher Mayor Claud Perdew sº ºn Supt. Mayor and City Council: Bert Bruss, C. H. Fen- stermacher (mayor), Geo. Hale, Geo. R. Seinler, F. W. Spooner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 162 Number of Electric Customers------------- 310 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion tº º 'º º 270 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 460,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sargent--------------------------------------- 847 DIRECTORY OF EI ECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 487 26–681 *Schuyler Department of Utilities 1034 “A” St., Schuyler, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. B. Schmi Board of Public Works: T. A. Compton (chairman), Frank Noha, J. H. Otradovsky (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $276,293 $61,419 Number of Electric Customers------------ 997 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 750 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 734,001 Community Served at Retail: Population Schuyler------------------------------------ 2, 808 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–682 *Seward County Rural Public Power District Seward, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . P. C. Geis----------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $195,403 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $14,893 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 319 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 190, 160 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–683 *Seward Municipal Electric Light Department City Hall, Seward, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fay Wood---------------------------------- Mayor A. G. Kreuger--------------- Pres. of City Council A. C. Bek----------- Chairman Light Committee Carl McGrew.------------------------------- Clerk Silas Figard-------------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,268 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $56,153 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,025 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 283, 411 Community Served at Retail: Population Seward------------------------------------- 2,826 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–684 *Willage of Shickley Shickley, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Suickley-------------------------------------- 342 26–686 *Willage of Smithfield Smithfield, Nebr. 26–687 *Willage of Snyder Snyder, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest Robart------ Light & water Commissioner William H. Wolsleger--------------- Village Clerk Board of Trustees: Carl Bleyhl Nicholas Emanuel, Walter Schnoor, Wimmer. (chairman), George The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $5,749 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 139 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 122,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Snyder------------------------------------- 395 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–688 *City of South Sioux City 1605 Dakota Ave., South Sioux City, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Pucilek------------------------------- Mayor F. C. Johnson.----- Chairman of Light Committee Ferd Schnetker----------------------- Light Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $70,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $48,298 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 375 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 356,000 Community Served at Retail: Population South Sioux City--------------------------- 4, 556 26–689 *Southeastern Nebraska Public Power District Beatrice, Nebr. 26–690 *Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District 1600 W. Fourth St., Grand Island, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest S. Sjogren---------------------------- Pres. R. O. Adams-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $678,884 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $37,644 Number of Electric Customers------------ 947 - Kilowatt-hour Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 611,895 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 488 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–691 *Spencer Municipal Light Plant Spencer, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. G. Kaul------------------ Light Commissioner W. D. Bradstreet-------- Chairman Village Board The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,320 Number of Electric Meters 184 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 191, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Spencer--------------------------------------- 635 26–692 *Stanton Municipal Water and Light Plant Stanton, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. H. Watts-------------- |Utilities Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 570 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 768, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Stanton---------------------------------- 1, 526 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–693 County Rural Public Power District Stanton, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. F. Heermann.---------------------------- PreS. Mark Colborn------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: *Stanton Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100, 545 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $5,291 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 186 26–694 *Willage of Stapleton Stapleton, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. L. Beckius----------------------- Commissioner Village Board: J. W. Barbee, John L. Beckius, C. W Greenslit. Theodore H. Kutsch, Harry E. €11S. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,370 Number of Electric Customers-------------- . 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Stapleton------------------------------------- 399 26–695 *Stratton Municipal Ice, Light & Water System Stratton, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Scott Kellogg------------------------------ Mayor F. L. Seigel---------------------------- City Clerk I,0uis Stolte------------------------- Village Treas. John H. Eller-------------- Supt. & Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17, 242 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 191 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 255 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 481,070 Community Served at Retail: Population Stratton-------------------------------------- 630 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 26–696 *City of Stromsburg Stromsburg, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Maud Johnson.-------------------- Office Manager C. M. Bennett.--------------- Light Commissioner Curtis Johnson.---------Asst. Light Commissioner Light Committee: E. C. Nordland, E. A. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $38,000 | Electric Operating Revenues $23,341 Number of Electric Customers.-------------- 463 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 483, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Stromsburg--------------------------------- 1, 127 Also Renders: Water service. * 26–697 *Stuart Municipal Light & Power Plant Stuart, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. Kaiser------------------------------- Supt. Village Board: F. Dana Biglow, Donald Krotterf, C. B. Shadeſ, W. K. Smithf (chairman), Arthur Wise. - fMember of Light & Power Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $39,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $13,713 Number of Electric Customers • - - - - - - - - - - - 280 Generating Capacity: Kilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion-------------------- 142 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 374,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Stuart---------------------------------- 760 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 489 26–698 *Sutherland Municipal Light & Power System Sutherland, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. E. Watson - Village Clerk B. B. Brownell------------------------------ Supt. * The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 362 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 752,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Sutherland----------------------------------- 862 26–699 *Sutton Light and Water Plant Sutton, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Sutton------------------------------------- 1,403 | 26–700 *Willage of Sumner Sumner, Nebr. Population 296 Community Served at Retail: Sumner-------------------------------------- 26–701 *Syracuse Municipal Water & Light Plant Syracuse, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. Finke------------------------------- Mayor Village Board: Ed. J. Bockf, F. R. Strong, H. J. Tonsingi, D. Way, Roy E. Woodf. i Member of Water and Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $38,698 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14,288 Number of Electric Customers--------- --- 432 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 560 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 672, 249 Community Served at Retail: Population Syracuse-------------------------------- 982 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–702 *Willage of Talmage Talmage, Nebr. Board of Trustees: Jake Bohlken, Theo. Damme, Hann Guthals, Arnold Kreimer, F. W. Norton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $22,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $7,762 Number of Electric Customers------------- 200 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 221, 130 Community Served at Retail: Population Talmage-------------------------------------- 423 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–703 *City of Superior, Light Depart- ment Superior, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Lloyd J. Scherick--------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Superior--------------------------------- 2, 650, Also Renders: Water service. 26–704 *Willage of Tamora Tamora, Nebr. Village Board: Chas. Gembler (clerk), Pete Gold- Smith, Olaf Lewis, Albert Patch, W. J. Rohren (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $1,100 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 40 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 19,000 26–705 *Tecumseh Light & Water Department Tecumseh, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - J. V. Johnson.---------------------- -- Mayor W. J. DeVenney---------------------- City Clerk City Council: L. Buerstetta, R. C. Chittenden, Lou Cook, R. C. Gerhardt, Wm. Hervey, W. H. Sher- IIla Il. The following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, j940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $37,789 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 820 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,471, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Tecumseh -------------------------------- 2, 104 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Cook Electric Light System. *Town of Elk Creek. - Also Renders: Water Service. 490 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 26–707 *Willage of Thurston Thurston, Nebr. 26–708 *Trenton Municipal Light & Power Plant Trenton, Nebr. Population 920 Community Served at Retail: Trenton-------------------------------------- 26–709 *Valparaiso Light Department Valparaiso, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Frank Kloke Harry Parker---------------- Light Commissioner R. E. Novak---------------- ASSOC. Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 175 Community Served at Retail: Population Valparaiso - 403 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–710 *Willage of Trumbull Trumbull, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. B. Marvin------------------------------ Mayor Ernest Ormsby---------------------- ------ Treas. Roy Andrews---------------------------- Trustee John Majors------ Water and Light Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,790 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 49 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–711 *Upland Municipal Power & Ligh Plant - - Upland, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. M. Hansen----Light and Water Commissioner Paul C. Nelsen ASSt. Light and Water Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Mumber of Electric Cust º 135 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- - 105,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Upland--------------------------------------- 317 Also Renders: Water Service. 26- .712 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, North Platte Project Washington, D. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Nebraska only)------------------------- $124,798 Number of Electric Customers: * (Nebraska only) - - -, * - 10. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Western Public Service Co. PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bayard Lt. & Water Department. *Chimney Rock Public Power District. *Gering Light and Water Department. *Village of Lyman. *Mitchell Electric Department. *Morrill Municipal Electric Department. *ROOSevelt Rural Public Power District. See Also: Principal report under Wyoming (49–662). 26–713 - *Wenango Municipal Electric Department Venango, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Holland ----------- Mayor Benj. Callies Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: - Electric Operating Revenues $6,595 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 52 A - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] ---- 76, 479 | 26–715 *Wahoo Water and Light Department - Wahoo, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. H. Person------------------------------- Mayor W. H. Challburg Commissioner E. J. Erickson------------------------------ Cler Water & Light Committee: E. A. Dailey, S. M. Hult. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $211, 218 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $63,339 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,001 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 2, 461, 799 Community Served at Retail: Population Wahoo 2,648 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Weston Municipal Electric Light System. Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASKA 491 - 26–716 *Wakefield Municipal Power Plant Wakefield, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Wakefi eld 961 26–717 *Walthill Municipal Electric Department Walthill, Nebr. Community Served at Retail: Population Walthill-- 1, 204 26–719 *Wayne Light Department Wayne, Nebr. A Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter S. Bressler------------ Light Commissioner N. B. Burgger Supt. of Plant City Council: L. B. McClure, Herman Sund, C. E. - Wright (chairman). lº" following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Utility Plant------------- i-------- $180,992 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $53,796 Number of Electric Customers------------ 909 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 239, 750 Community Served at Retail: Population Wayne--------- - - - - 2,719 26–720 *Wayne County Rural Public Power District Wayne, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. G. Sydow - ... -- ~~ w w - - - - - - ----PreS. Henry W. Moeding --Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: - Electric Utility Plant -- $256, 352 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $16,373 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 474 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - * * * * - - - - - - a 45, 100 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 26–721 *West Point Light and Water Works - West Point, Nebr. JPrincipal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Collins------------------------------ Mayor C. V. Stewart--------------- Light Commissioner City Clerk º following data are for the year ended May 1, 1941: . - Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $72,506 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $34,746 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 822 Generating Capacity: Pålowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 885 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 461,870 Community Served at Retail: Population West Point, - 2, 510 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–723 *Weston Municipal Electric Light System Weston, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles Churda----Light & Water Commissioner John S. Pacal - Village Treas. Charles Enbody Electrician Board of Trustees: Charles Churda, Frank A. Machacek, J. J. Machacek, Henry Petersen, John Wonka (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $19,000 Electric Operating Revenues: $4,442 Number of Electric Customers 117 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch sº - - 131, 690 Community Served at Retail: Population Weston--------------------------------------- 371 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Malmo. Also Renders: Water service. 26–725 *City of Wilber Light and Power Wilber, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. L. Zednik----------------------------- Supt. City Council: Steve Dunder, Frank Kacl, V. J. Rohout (mayor), Anthony Shimerda, Jos. Snyder. he following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: . - Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $28,329 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 549 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 75 * Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch .. 711,062 Community Served at Retail: Population Wilber------------------------------------- 1, 355 26–727 *Wilcox Municipal Electric . Department Wilcox, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility official: Thomas G. Lynch----------- Light Commissioner 492 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Board of Trustees: J. W. Brawner, Roy Caswell, John H. Gardels, C. H. Pearson, F. E. Weston (mayor & chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,765 Number of Electric Customers------------- 179 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 120, 240 Community Served at Retail: * Wilcox-------------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. - 26–729 *Wilsonville Light and Water Plant Wilsonville, Nebr. Population 382 Community Served at Retail: Wilsonville--------------------------------- 26–731 *Winside Power and Light Department Winside, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred Wittler-------------------------------- Supt. H. F. Miller-------------------------- ASSt. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------- - - - - - - * * * * - - $44,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,856 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 174 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 145 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 153,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Winside------------------------------------ 451 26–733 *Wisner Electric Light & Water Plant Wisner, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy Bolich--------------------------------- Supt. A. K. Gentzler----------------------- Chief Engr. City Council: Henry Becker, Albert Benzien, L. J. Jensen, A. L. Melcher, Otto Paege (clerk), Claus H. Winther (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $90,300 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $23,158 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 501 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 540 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 772,840 Community Served at Retail: Population Wisner---------------------------------- 1, 256 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–735 *Willage of Wolbach Wolbach, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: - Ernest Hansen--------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,714 Number of Electric Cust S - - 174 | Generating Capacity: Rilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion--------------------- 38 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 151, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population Wolbach---------------------------------- 523 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–737 *Wood Lake Municipal Power Plant Wood Lake, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Paul A. Mock------------------------------ Supt. Elmo Gardiner------------------------- Chairman Erman Sweet---------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $3,707 Number of Electric Customers------------- 90 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts. Internal Combustion--------------------- 73 Rilowatt-hours. Energy Generated.------------ -------------- 115,055 Community Served at Retail: Wood Lake---------- " * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 323 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–739 *Willage of Wood River Wood River, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. D. Wilson - - - - - - Light & Water Commissioner M. L. Hodges----------------------- Village Clerk Council: C. A. Fairbanks, M. J. Feis, E. C. Hux- tablef, Harley Maxon, T. E. J. Paulkf. f Member of Light & Water Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $12,000 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 310 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 240,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wood River------------------------------ 829. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEBRASI&A 498 26–741 *Wymore Water and Light Department Wymore, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harold E. Janke----------------------------- Supt. lº" following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $39,722 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $37, 190 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 784 Community Served at Retail: Population Wymore--------------------------------- 2, 457 Also Renders: Water Service. 26–745 *York County Rural Public Power District 724 Lincoln Ave., York, Nebr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Nat R. Simmons---------------------------- Fres Howard C. Slonecker----------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $136, 120 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $9,020 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 229 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 74,072 a For year ended June 30, 1940. NEWADA Index Reference Number Austin Garage & Machine Shop.------------- 27—214 *Caliente Public Utilities.------------------- 27–510 California Electric Power Company--------- 27–0.16 California-Pacific Utilities Company-------- 27–0.18 *Carlin Municipal Light & Power Dept.----- 27–545 Elko Lamoille Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27-025 Ely Light & Power Company--------------- 27–036 *Fallon, City of.---------------------------- 27–577 Idaho Power Company---------------------- Kelly & Rebaleati--------- - - - - - - - - ---------- *Lincoln County Power District No. 1.-- - - - - 27–588 Mason Water, Light & Power C Jºy *Mineral County Power System ------------- 27–599 Nevada-California Electric Corporation, The 27–085 Nevada Consolidated Copper Corporation--- 27–298 *Overton Power District No. 5- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27–920 Reference Number Panaca Power Co.-------------------------- 27–110 Paradise Utility Plant. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27–113 Pioche Power and Light Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27–124 Sierra Pacific Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27–146 Southern Nevada Power Company---------- 27–157 Southern Pacific Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27–340 *Truckee-Carson Irrigation District__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27–627 Union Pacific Railroad Company - - - - - - - - - - - 27–360 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder Can- yon Project-------------------------------- –630 *U. S. Department of Interior, Carson Indian Agency------------------------------------ 27–550 Wells Power Co. ---------------------------- 27–168 Western States Utilities Company - - - - - - - - - - 27–179 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. NEWADA 27–016 California Electric Power Company ” 3771 8th St., Riverside, Calif. a Formerly The Nevada-California Electric Cor- Fººtion (27–085); present name adopted on June 20, See Also: Principal report under California (04–026) and Operations reported under Arizona (02–045). 27–0.18 California-Pacific Utilities Company 400 Financial Center Bidg., San Francisco, Cal. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Nevada only------------------------------ Number of Electric Customers: Nevada only------------------------------- 88 See also: Principal report under California (04–030) $39,769 27–025 Elko Lamoille Power Company Elko, Nev. Principal Officers: W. M. Weathers---------------------------- PreS. A. G. McBride------------------------- Vice PreS. G. F. McGonagle ASSt. Mgr. E. A. Clawson----------------------- Secy.-Treas. M. E. Lundberg---------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas, Directors: E. L. Bachman, E. A. Clawson, A. G. McBride, Chas. Reinken, W. M. Weathers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $451, 182 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $193,858 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 527 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal------------------------------- 2,070 Hydro---------------------------------- 200 Internal Combustion------------------- 1,870 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 547,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Plko---------------------------------------- 4,094 - 27–036 Ely Light & Power Company East Ely, Nev. Principal Officers: Thomas A. Smith--------------------------- PreS. Harry J. Smith * * * - - - ºr * * - - - - sºm sm - - - - - Vice PreS. Huish F. Yates Secy.-Treas. Ernest L. McLean-------------------------- Clerk Directors: George S. Brown, Harry J. Smith, º A. Smith, William T. Smith, Huish F. ateS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $204,415 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $141,388 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 502 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 45 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,469,609 Generated tº ºn 70, 590 Purchased - - 2,399,019 Communities Served at Retail: Population East Fly------------------------------------ 791 Ely - - - - - - - 4, 140 27–040 Idaho Power Company 1220 Idaho St., Boise, Idaho (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 71.8% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Nevada only----------------------------- $144,449 496 FEDERAL POWER COMIMIiSSION Number of Electric Customers: Nevada only----------------------------- 4 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Jarbridge Improvement Club. *Mountain City Improvement ASSn. See Also: Principal report under Idaho (11-043) and operations reported under. Oregon (36–069). 27–047 Kelly & Rebaleati Eureka, Nev. Principal Officer: J. B. Rebaleati The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,928 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 151 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 56 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 58, 642 Community Served at Retail: Population Eureka--------------------------------------- 631 27–080 Mason Water, Light & Power Co. Mason, Nev. Principal Officers: Mat D. Lane------------------------------- Owner I. S. Dickson - The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers * - - - - * *- - - - - - - - - 24 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 43, 120 Also Renders: Water Service. 27–085 The Nevada-California Electric Corporation* 3771 Eighth St. Riverside, Calif. a Name changed to California Electric Power Com- pany on June 20, 1941. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Nevada only----------------------------- $310,230 Number of Electric Customers: Nevada only----------------------------- 1,640 Communities Served at Retail: Population Goldfield 543 Tonopah -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,473 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Esmeralda Power Co. See Also: Principal report under California (0.4–100), and operations reported under Arizona (02–096). 27–110 Panaca Power Co. Panaca, Nev. Population 350 Community Served at Retail: Panaca--------------------------------------- 27–113 Paradise Utility Plant Paradise Valley, Nev. Principal Officer: C. A. Nelson, Owner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 44 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 20 27–124 Pioche Power and Light Co. Pioche, Nev. Principal Officers: John Janney-------------------------------- PreS. W. A. Tulloch------------------------- Vice Pres. Alfred Hunt------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. H. Hastings, C. A. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24, 298 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $18,741 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 397 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 523, 703 Community Served at Retail: Population Pioche--------------------------------------- 1, 146 27–146 Sierra Pacific Power Company 21 E. First St., Reno, Nev. Principal Officers: Henry A. Lemmon--------------------- Vice Pres. Fredrick S. Pratt----------------------- Vice Pres. H. L. Daley---------------------------- Vice Pres. George E. Kehoe---------------------------- Secy. Harold P. Dayton.----------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Roy Torvinen------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Edwin J. Hayes---------------------- ASSt. Treas. M. B. Worce-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. E. M. Farley------------------------- ASSt. Treas. W. J. McSweeney-------------------- ASSt. Treas. M. M. Whalan----------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. H. Oakes-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele-------------------------- ASSt. Treas, Wadleigh B. Drummond------------------- Clerk Directors: David L. Babson, John A. Moir, Fred- erick S. Pratt, George Sturgis, B. Loring Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $9,139, 949 Electric Operating Revenues: - Otal----------------------------- $1,853, 0.27 In Nevada--------------------------- $1,643,993 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------- 15, 501 In Nevada.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 13, 735 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES--NEWADA 497 Generating Capacity: Fºllowatts 9tal----------------------------- 9, 543 Hydro- - - 9, 400 Internal Combustion 143 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours * *-* * * * *E* sº º º mº gº ºn tº tº e- º ºse tº *-x s sº º º E * tº º E & 99, 391,275 Generated.-- 77, 913, 585 Purchased ---- 21, 477,690 Communities Served at Retail: Population Battle Mountain-------------------------- 799 Carson City------------------------------- 2,478 Payton------------------------------------ 306 Gardnerville------------------------------- 629 Lovelock-- - * * = & 1, 294 Ainden----------------------------------- 288 Reno-------------------------------------- 21, 317 Sparks---------- 5, 318 Verdi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * m ms m sº sº, m = m. m. m. -- * * 257 Virginia City------------------------------ 948 Yerington--------------------------------- 964 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Mason Water, Light & Power Co. Western States Utilities Co. Also Renders: Gas and water service in Nevada. See Also: Operations reported under California (04–143). 27–157 Southern Nevada Power Company 109 S. Second St., Las Vegas, Nevada Principal Officers: Ed. W. Clark-------------------------------- Pres. S. J. Lawson-------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Secy.-Treas. Directors: W. R. Bracken, Ed. W. Clark, S. J. Lawson, C. L. Ronnow, C. S. Wengert. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $910,857 $318, 227 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 505 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 20, 575, 385 Community Served at Retail: Population Las Vegas----------------------------------- 8,422 27–168 Wells Power Co. Wells, Nev. Principal Officers: H. H. Cazier------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. A. C. Olmsted.----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. C. Broili, H. H. Cazier, H. P. Davis, A. C. Olmsted, Geo. T. Toombs, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $177,688 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $32,958 Number of Electric Customers------------- 359 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts 'otal-------------------------------- 300 Hydro----------------------------------- 120 Internal Combustion-------------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 606,457 Community Served at Retail: Population Wells----------------------------------------- 830 322184—42 37 27–179 Western States Utilities Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. G. Barnett-------------------------------- Pres. W. C. MacInnes-----Vice Pres. & Managing Agt. R. G. Taber---------------------------- Vice Pres. W. E. Wood---------------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph Kilday------------------------------- Secy B. Hill---------------------------------- Treas. P. J. Doe------------------------------ Asst. Secy. R. B. Small--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. E. A. Lehman---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: F. G. Barnett, H. M. Erskine, J. EI. Luther. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $662, 135 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------- ------ 167, 402 In Nevada------------------------------ 82, 956 Number of Electric Customers: -> Total------------------------------------ 2,368 In Nevada.---------------------------- 901 Generating Capacity: Pºilowatts Total------------------------------- 935 Hydro---------------------------------- 440 Internal Combustion------------------- 495 Energy Available in Year: Ailowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4,992,015 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 683, 255 Purchased------------------------------ 3, 308, 760 Community Served at Retail: Population Winnemucca-------------------------------- 2, 485 Also Renders: Water Service in Nevada. See Also: Operations reported under Idaho (11–118), Utah (43–154), and Wyoming (49–090). 27—214 Austin Garage & Machine Shop Austin, Nev. Principal Officer: Lee Maestretti----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - $7, 140 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 87 Community Served at Retail: Population Austin---------------------------------------- 372 27–298 Nevada Consolidated Copper Corporation McGill, Nev. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $136,697 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,078 498 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population McGill * * ---- 3, 500 f Ruth------------ - - 2,500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: *...Bly Light & Power Co. 27–340 Southern Pacific Company Ogden, Utah Community Served at Retail: Population Imlay-------------------------------------- 250 Montello * * * * 4– 306 27–360 Union Pacific Railroad Company 1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Nebr. See also: Operations reported under California (04–290) Utah (43–230). - 27–510 *Caliente Public Utilities Caliente, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Evan H. Edwards--------------------- Office Mgr. Bruce Mackie------------------------------- Supt. Board of County Commissioners: Ed. J. Deck, Carl E. Foremaster, Clarence E. Lane (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,783 Number of Electric Customers 322 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 755, 977 Community Served at Retail: Population Caliente------------------------------------ 1, 123 Also Renders: Water Service. 27–545 *Carlin Municipal Light & Power | Dept. Carlin, Nev. Board of Commissioners: Geo. Aiazzi, P. Bianucci, R. Dalton, James Griffin (chairman), J. A. King. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $20,887 Number of Electric Cust }* 261 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion * * * * 292 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--- 426,422 Community Served at Retail: Population Carlin---------------------------------------- 832 27–550 *U. S. Department of Interior, Carson Indian Agency Stewart, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Official: Don C. Foster------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers---------------- 7 Community Served at Retail: Population Nixon *--------------------------------------- 558 a Majority of customers are agency employees served without direct charge. 27–577 *City of Fallon Fallon, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - L. T. Kendrick---------------------------- Mayor A. C. Hahn---------------------------- City Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $114,402 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $77,919 Number of Electric Customers------------ 825 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 556, 314 Community Served at Retail: Population Fallon-------------------------------------- 1,911 Also Renders: Water service. 27–588 *Lincoln County Power District No. 1 Pioche, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. Orrock-------------------------------- Supt. J. M. Ridges------------------------------- Engr. Board of Directors: J. H. Buehler (chairman), Alfred Hunt (treas.), A. W. Thomas (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $900, 446. Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $100, 131 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 18, 718, 988. |Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Panaca Power Co. Pioche Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Caliente Public Utilities. 27–599 *Mineral County Power System Drawer B-D, Hawthorne, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred F. Parker------------------------ Gen. Supt. D. M. Buckingham------------------------ Treas. J. J. Connelly-----------------------------Auditor Martin G. EvenSen.------------------------- Atty. Board of Managers: B. F. Baker (chairman), T. O. McKinnon, F. I. Seevers. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues- $46,984 355. Number of Electric Customers------------ DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEWADA 499 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 163,370 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hawthorne * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 223 ID8------------ * - ---- 494 27—627 *Truckee-Carson Irrigation District 152 N. Main St., Fallon, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Wallace---------------------- Project Mgr. L. S. Coverston----------------------- Elec. Supt. Directors: H. W. Emery (secy.-treas.) F. C. Erb, W. A. Harmon, J. C. Mall, J. R. McCulloch, Geo. G. Miller, R. J. Swope, W. H. Wallace, W. J. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $566,431 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87, 562 Number of Electric Cust Fº 713 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydró)------------- 1, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 8, 854,980 Community Served at Retail: Population Fernley--------------------------------------- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Sierra Pacific Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Fallon. 27–630 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder Canyon Project Boulder City, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. A. Moritz------------------- Director of Power The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $36, 326,333 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $5,350,654 Number of Electric Customers------------ 699 - Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 700,000 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------- 3,059, 230,000 | Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: California Pacific Utilities Corporation. Citizens Utilities Corporation. The Nevada-California Electric Corporation. South California Edison Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Burbank (California). *City of Glendale (California). *City of Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Bureau of Water & Light (California). *City of Pasadena (California). *Metropolitan Water District of Southern Cali- fornia. *Salt River Valley Water Users Assn. Also Renders: Water Service. 27—920 *Overton Power District No. 5 Overton, Nev. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clarence A. Lewis--------------------------- PreS. Clarence A. Jones--------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $203,685 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $47, 932 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 457 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a751, 841 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Bunkerville-------------------------------- 287 Logandale---------------------------------- 349 Mesquite----------------------------------- 512 Overton------------------------------------ 603 NEW HAMPSHIRE INDEX Reference Number ºna Municipal Electric Light Depart- DOléIł Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corporation--- 28–0.18 2 Belmont Hosiery Co------------------------- 8–241 Brown Co----------------------------------- 28–262 Central Vermont Public Service Corpora- tion------- •- - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * *= * ~ * * * * * * * * 28–022 Concord Electric Company----------------- 28–026 Connecticut River Power Company--------- 28–031 Danbury Light & Power Co---------------- 28–035 Derry Electric Company, The-------------- 28–039 Exeter & Hampton Electric Company------ 28–052 Granite State Electric Company------------ 28–064 Greenville Electric Lighting Co------------- 28–068 *Hancock Electric Department-------------- 28–536 Jones, George H----------------------------- 28–081 Lamprey River Improvement Company, 2 Reference Number Meriden Electric Light & Power Co--------- 28–094 Mutual Public Service Co. of New Hampshire 28–102 *New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- 28–850 New Hampshire Gas and Electric Company- 28–110 *New Hampton Village Fire Precinct, Inc.--- 28-558 *New Ipswich Electric Light Department--- 28–569 Parker Young Co., The--------------------- 28–346. Public Service Company of New Hampshire. 28–123 *Rindge Electric Light Department-------- 28–580 Sullivan Machinery Company-------------- 28–367 Twin State Gas & Electric Company, The_- 28–136 White Mountain Power Co----------------- 28–148 White Mountain Power Company---------- 28–150 *Wolfeboro, Municipal Electric Department Of----------------------------------------- 28–591 Wonalancet Electric Co--------------------- 28–152 *Woodsville Water and Light Department-- 28–602 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. NEW HAMPSHIRE 28–0.18 Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corporation 6 Bridge St., Bellows Falls, Vt. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New Hampshire only)------------------ $911,679 Number of Electric Customers: (New Hampshire only)------------------ 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New England Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Vermont (44–014). 28–022 Central Vermont Public Service Corporation 121 West St., Rutland, Vt. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New Hampshire only)------------------ $455, 176 Number of Electric Customers: (New Hampshire only)------------------ 4,648 Communities Served at Retail: Population Path--------------------------------------- 430 Claremont--------------------------------- 12, 144 Haverhill---------------------------------- 500 *Y*-------------------------------------- 300 North Charlestown------------------------ 320 North Haverhill--------------------------- 650 Orford------------------------------------- 400 Qrfordville--------------------------------- 250 °--------------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Co. of New Hampshire. PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Woodsville Water and Light Dept. See Also: Principal report under Vermont (44-022) and operations reported under New York (31-037). 28–026 Concord Electric Company 15 Capitol St., Concord, N. H. Principal Officers: Charles H. Tenney--------------------- Chairman Allen Hollis---------------------------------- PreS. Isaac S. Hall---------------------------- Vice Pres. Frank S. Clifford----------------------- Vice PreS. Lucy M. Mason.---------------------------- Clerk Clarence N. Alexander Treas IRalph E. Trower * * ASSt. Treas. Hazel H. Berry-------------------- Secy. of Board Directors: Edward M. Bradley, Frank S. Clifford, Josiah E. Fernald, Isaac S. Ball, Bernon E. Helme, Allen Hollis, D. Willard Leavitt, D. Edgar Man- son, Albert B. Tenney, Charles EI. Tenney, Rockwell C. Tenney. Controls jointly with Public Service Co. of New Hampshire: Merrimack Power Co. (water rights), which controls— Penacook Electric Light Co. (water rights and spinning mill property). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,307,806 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $666,794 Number of Electric Customers----------- 9, 312 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 2,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 21,399,091 Generated.------- 11,639,991 Purchased.--- 9, 759, 100 501 502 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population BOScawen Plains 250 Concord 27, 171 Penacook 700 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Co. of New Hampshire. 28–031 Connecticut River Power Company Littleton, N. H. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Arthur E. Pope PreS. Frederick J. Dunn Vice PreS. Clifford R. Oliver Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn .--Secy. Harry Hanson Treas. William C. Coburn ASSt. Treas. Earle W. Philbrook Clerk Directors: Frederick J. Dunn, Raymond E. Farwell, Lawrence J. Harrington, Allen Hollis, George T. Hughes, Harold W. Mason, Wallace L. Mason, Clifford R. Oliver, Proctor H. Page, Arthur E. Pope, Howard C. Rice, Henry E. Richardson, Homer L. Skeels. . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $42,094,081 Electric Operating Revenues: Total___ $4,141, 156 In New Hampshire------------------- $3,519,664 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------- 14 In New Hampshire------------------- 5 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 175, 360 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 424, 475,538 Generated 381,200, 540 Purchased 30, 311, 898 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 12,963, 100 Utilities Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Derry Electric Co. New England Power Co. Public Service Company of N. H. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Littleton Water & Light Dept. See Also: Operations reported under Vermont (44–031). 28–035 Danbury Light & Power Co. Danbury, N. H. Principal Officer: Clarence W. Towse Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $39,231 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,580 Number of Electric Customers------------ 185 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 167 Hydro------------ 117 Internal Combustion 50 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours ** = -- * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 161,274 Generated.-- 81, 809 Purchased 79,465 28–039 The Derry Electric Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Asso- ciation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Randall PreS. C. H. Courser Vice PreS. J. E. GWilliam--------------------- Treas. & Secy. B. J. Wolff Clerk Directors: C. H. Courser, M. H. Golden, J. E. Gwilliam, N. T. Harrison, F. W. Randall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $804, 353 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $288,722 Number of Electric Cust sº 4,499 Kilowatt & Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 150 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 8,400, 359 Generated.-- sm is 73,850 Purchased 8,326, 509 Communities Served at Retail: Population Perry-------------------------------------- 5,400 East Jaffrey- 2, 110 Fitzwilliam 250 Hampstead 700 Jaffrey — 300 Troy- -- 1, 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. PLJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rindge Electric Light Dept. 28–052 Exeter & Hampton Electric Company 81–83 Water St., Exeter, N. H. Principal Officers: Charles H. Tenney--------------------- Chairman Allen Hollis- ----Pres. Frank S. Clifford Vice PreS. Isaac S. Hall- Vice Pres. Lucy M. Mason Clerk Clarence N. Alexander Treas. Ralph E. Trower Asst. Treas. Hazel H. Berry Secy. of Board Directors: Isaac S. Hall, Bernon E. Helme, Allen Hollis, Elbert A. Landman, Richard E. Shute, Charles H. Tenney, Charles M. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,046,903 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $378, 586 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 5,682 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch d----------------------- 9,654,760 Communities Served at Retail: Population Danville 275 East Kingston 270 Exeter 5, 398 Hampton 1,000 Hampton Falls 400 Kingston 375 Newton- 550 Newton Junction 300 Plaistow 700 Seabrook- 1,000 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW HAMPSHIRE 503 Communities Served at Retail: Population Smithtown * - - - - * * * - - - - sº as - - - - 450 South Kingston---------------------------- 265 South Seabrook---------------------------- 550 West Kingston_ _ - 275 Westville----------------------------------- 250 28–064 Granite State Electric Company 39 N. Park St., Lebanon, N. H. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Anthony C. Benjes-------------------------- PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Francis L. Ball------------------------- Vice Pres. Frederick J. Dunn.--------------------- Vice Pres. Ralph D. Washburn------------------------ Secy. Harry Hanson.----------------------------- Treas. John E. Teagan----------------------- ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn------------------ ASSt. Treas. Irene H. Peabody--------------------------- Clerk Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, An- thony C. Benjes, Frederick J. Dunn, Halsey C Iºdgerton, Harry Hanson, Dwight Harris, Charles LeBourveau. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,652,081 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $531,425 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 6, 852 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 1, 884 Kilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: Total * *-* - tº- 18, 148,411 Generated----------------------------- 4, 874, 307 Purchased --- 13, 274, 104 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alstead------------------------------------- 250 Canobie Lake- - * - - - -s as * - - * * * * - - - * 300 Charlestown------------------------------- - 1,000 Ptna--------------------------------------- 450 Hanover------------------------------------ 2,500 Lebanon----------------------------------- 7, 590 North Walpole----------------------------- 1,425 Salem----------- ---- 1,000 Salem Depot.----------------------------- __ 775 South Acworth----------------------------- 260 Walpole------------------------------------ 475 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Green Mountain Power Corporation. Meriden Electric Light & Power Co. North Monroe Steam Mill Co. Public Service Co. of New Hampshire. 28–068 Greenville Electric Lighting Co. Main St., Greenville, N. H. Principal Officers: James C. Taft --------------------- Pres. & Treas. William A. Barron, Jr.------------------ Vice Pres. John R. McLane- Clerk Directors: William A. Barron, Jr., Eugene H. Coffin, John F. McCuddy, John R. McLane, James C. Taft. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --------------------- $199,244 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- Number of Electric Customers------------ 477 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 580 Steam * 250 Hydro 180 Internal Combustion ------------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 816,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenville---------------------------------- 1, 350 Utility Served at Wholesale: PLJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Electric Light Dept., New Ipswich. 28–081 George H. Jones Rochester, N. H. Principal Officer: George H. Jones-------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $184, 965 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $17,891 28–085 The Lamprey River Improvement Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric ASSO- ciation through 100% of voting power.)" Principal Officers: F. M. Eaton Pres. N. E. Rolls---------------------------- Vice Pres. B. A. Johnson Secy.-Treas. C. N. Leuchsenring------------------- ASSt. Treas. A. J. Maron---------------------------4ASSt. Secy. Directors: F. M. Eaton, B. A. Johnson, C. N. Leuchsenring, A. J. Maron, R. E. Rolls. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $197,264 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24, 106 Number of Electric Customers 1 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 650 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,041,990 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New Hampshire Gas & Electric Co. 28–094 Meriden Electric Light & Power Co. Meriden, N. H. Principal Officers: Converse A. Chellis ---Pres. T)aniel C. Westgate Vice Pres. Howard W. Chellis Treas. Directors: William R. Brewster, Gratia. S. Chad- bourne, Converse A. Chellis, Howard W. Chellis, Daniel C. Westgate. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $23,671 Electric Operating Rev $8,692 Number of Electric Customers 158 504 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 168,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Meriden-------------------------------------- 300 28–102 Mutual Public Service Co. of New Hampshire Mill Village, N. H. Principal Officers: Melvin G. Pierce. ------------------------- Pres. E. F. Miner------------------------------- Treas. John W. Stanley ------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,801 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $2,239 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 74 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 28, 372 28–110 New Hampshire Gas and Electric Company 719 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. (Controlled by New England Gas & Electric Asso- ciation through 100% of voting power.) Pºpº Officers: . H. Golding-------------------------- Chairman F. D. Campbell----------------------------- PreS. H. C. Moore, Jr.---------------------- Secy.-Treas. A. G. Hunt--------------------------------- Clerk Directors: F. D. Campbell, E. P. Furber, F. H. Golding, H. U. Greene, R. C. L. Greer, I. T. Haddock, H. C. Moore, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,891, 723 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,027, 326 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9, 517 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 17,000 Energy Available in Year: Rºžlowatt-hours Total 50, 748, 340 Generated 34, 131, 550 Purchased 16,616, 790 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brentwood-------------------------------- 500 Candia------------------------------------ 300 Deerfield---------------------------------- 250 Durham 1, 200 Epping------------------------------------ 800 Fremont----------------------------------- 261 Greenland * * * * * * * * * * * * - - * * * * * * 250 New Castle-------------------------------- 250 Newfields--------------------------------- 378 Newington.-------------------------------- 250 Newmarket------------------------------- 2,500 North Hampton--------------------------- 600 Portsmouth------------------------------- 14,821 Raymond--------------------------------- 900 Rye - 500 West Epping----------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITIES: Amesbury Electric Light Co. Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. Kittery Electric Light Co. 28–123 Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1087 Elm St., Manchester. N. H. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Walter S. Wyman--------------------------- E’reS J. Brodie Smith---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Avery R. Schiller----- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations Thomas Gorham ----------------------- Vice PreS. Allan M. Wilson.------------------- Clerk & Secy. Thomas L. Skinner------------------------- Treas. Everett H. Maxcy - - Asst. Secy. Taylor C. Harvey--------------------- Asst. Secy. Grace A. Phillips---------------------ASSt. Treas. Harold D. Jennings.------------------ Asst. Treas. Thomas H. Buckley---------------------- Auditor Directors: Norwin S. Bean, John S. Childs, Joseph W. Epply, Phillip H. Faulkner, Geo. E. IIarris, Franklin Hollis, Allen Hollis, Wallace L. Mason, Arthur E. Moreau, Frank W. Ordway, Avery R. Schiller, J. Brodie Smith, Rolland H. Spaulding, W. Parker Straw, Allan M. Wilson, Walter S. Wyman. Controls: Manchester Traction Light & Power Co. (in- active). Merrimack Power Co. a (undeveloped water power) Profile Falls Power Co. (undeveloped water power). Properties, Inc. (real estate). Swans Falls Co. (hydro electric generation). Weare Improvement & Reservoir ASSn. b (Water Storage). a Joint control with Concord Electric Co. b Joint control with various parties. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $37,375, 629 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------ In New Hampshire------------------- c $6,276,025 $6,221,434 c Includes $632 revenues from Quebec, Canada. Number of Electric Customers: d 73,768 73,385 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal----------------------------- 124,944 Steam-------------------------------- 63,250 ydro-------------------------------- 61,494 Internal Combustion----------------- 20 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 346,667,735 Generated---------------------------- 319, 517,079 Purchased---------------------------- 12,496, 656 Interchanged (gross-in).-------- - - - - - - - 14, 654,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Keene------------------------------------- 13,832 Laconia----------------------------------- 13,484 Manchester-------------------------------- 77,685 Nashua------------------------------------ 32,927 1,000 to 10,000 population Bedford----------------------------------- 1,500 Bristol------------------------------------ 1, 200 Colebrook--------------------------------- 1,990 Conway----------------------------------- 1,300 Franklin---------------------------------- 6, 749 Goffstown--------------------------------- 3,467 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW HAMPSHIRE 505 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Groveton---------------------------------- 2,035 Henniker---------------------------------- 1,000 Hillsboro---------------------------------- 1, 840 Hooksett---------------------------------- 1,000 Hudson----------------------------------- 2,000 Lisbon------------------------------------ 1,700 Marlboro---- --- 1,000 Milford------------------------------------ 3,927 Newport— - - 5,304 Northfield -- 1, 543 Peterboro - - - - - - - - - - * * sm as sº as sº - - - - 2,020 Pittsfield---------------------------------- 1,300 Suncook----------------------------------- 1,455 Swanzey - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * - - - - 1, 154 Tilton------------------------------------- 1,500 Whitefield--------------------------------- 1,000 Wilton------------------------------------ 1, 504 250 to 1,000 population Allenstown-------------------------------- 311 Amherst----------------------------------- 361 Antrim * - - - 950 Ashuelot- 362 Bennington-------------------------------- 655 Bethlehem- - - - - 500 Bradford---------------------------------- 350 Brookline--------------------------------- 250 Campton---------------------------------- 300 Canaan------------------------------------ 500 Center Sandwich-- - - 300 Chesterfield- - - 371 Chocorua---------------------------------- 325 Contoocook------------------------------- 800 Effingham--------------------------------- 277 Enfield--------------------------- - - 850 Franconia--------------------------------- 500 Grasmere---------------------------------- 319 Greenfield--------------------------------- 369 Harrisville--------------------------------- 400 Hollis------------------------------------- 996 Litchfield - - - - - - - - - - tº dº º 'º - gº - - - - - 400 Lochmere- - - - - 338 Londonderry - - 750 Loudon - - - - - - 675 Madison---------------------------------- 300 Merrimack 764 New Boston------------------------------- 500 New London------------------------------ 800 North Stratford---------------------------- 475 Northumberland-------------------------- 835 Ossipee------------------------------------ 583 Ossipee Center----------------------------- 255 Reeds Ferry------------------------------- 265 South Sutton------------------------------ 255 Spofford----------- 300 Sunapee----------------------------------- 800 Tamworth--------------------------------- 527 Twin Mountain--------------------------- 250 Warner------------------------------------ 750 Westmoreland----------------------------- 730 West Peterboro---------------------------- 501 West Swanzey----------------------------- 398 West Stewartstown ---- 760 Winchester - - - ºr - - 900 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Vermont Public Service Corporation. Concord Electric Co. Connecticut R ver Power Co. The Derry Electric Co. Mutual Public Service Co. of New Hampshire. New Hampshire Gas and Electric Co. The Twin State Gas and Electric Co. White Mountain Power Co. Belmont Hosiery Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Ashland Municipal Electric Light Dept. *New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. *New Hampton Village Fire Precinct, Inc. Also Renders: Gas and street railway service. sº* Operations reported under Vermont (44– 28–136 The Twin State Gas & Electric Company 121 West St., Rutland, Vt. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Albert A. Cree------------------------------- PreS. William Johnston, Jr.------------------- Vice Pres. Avery R. Schiller----------------------- Vice PreS. Roger G. MOSScrop--------------------- Vice PreS. Clarence A. Forrest ------------------------- Secy. PreScott H. Wellman---------------------- Treas. John E. Johnson.-------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Everett H. Maxcy--------------------- Asst. Secy. Thomas Gorham--------------------- Asst. Treas. Thomas L. Skinner------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Albert A. Cree, Clarence A. Forrest, William Johnston, Jr., Everett H. Maxcy, Walter S. Wyman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $11,116,795 Electric Operating Revenues: otal.----------------------------- $2,501, 045 In New Hampshire.------------------- $1,361, 327 Number of Electric Customers: al----------------------------- 35,023 In New Hampshire.------------------- 21, 190 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Total----------------------------- 6,817 Steam-------------------------------- 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 6, 317 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours ota!----------------------------- 95, 248, 568 Generated---------------------------- 29, 629,721 Purchased---------------------------- 65, 563, 947 Interchanged (groSS-in).--------------- 54,900 Communities Served at Retail: Population Barnstead.--------------------------------- 463 Berlin------------------------------------- 19,084 Center Barnstead - - - - 320 Dover 14, 990 Farmington-------------------------------- , 500 onic-------------------------------------- 400 Gorham----------------------------------- 2,800 Hinsdale----------------------------------- 1,000 Lancaster---------------------------------- 2, 200 Milan------------------------------------- 300 Milton- -- - - 916 Milton Mills------------------------------- 300 Northwood a- - - - 400 Rochester- - - - - 12,012 Rollinsford_- - - - - 500 Salmon Falls-- 500 Sanbornville - - 850 Somersworth------------------------------ 6, 136 Union 350 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Alton Light & Power Co. -> Public Service Company of New Hampshire. B. G. Sparks. Also Renders: Gas service in New Hampshire and Vermont. See Also: Operations reported under New York (31–169) and Vermont (44–136). - 28–148 White Mountain Power Co. East Wakefield, N. H. Principal Officer: B. G. Sparks------------------------------ Owner FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION s The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $68,355 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,029 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 220 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 63,960 28–150 White Mountain Power Company Meredith, N. H. Principal Officers: A. S. Dewing --Pres. L. E. Cotton------------------ Vice PreS. & Clerk . C. Hobart------------------------------ Treas. Directors: L. E. Cotton, A. S. Dewing, M. C. Hobart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,114,817 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $347, 156 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 850 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours r | -- 8,075, 756 Generated -- 1, 252,973 Purchased 6, 822, 783 Communities Served at Retail: Population ton--------------------------------------- 900 Andover------------------------------------ 900 Bartlett------------------------------------ 1, 100 Center Harbor----------------------------- 32 Gilmanton--------------------------------- 500 Hill---------------------------------------- 400 Holderness--------------------------------- 65 Jackson------------------------------------- 350 Meredith----------------------------------- 1,900 Moultonboro------------------------------- 725 New Durham------------------------------ 350 North Conway----------------------------- 1,300 North Woodstock-------------------------- 750 Plymouth---------------------------------- 2, 250 Rumney----------------------------------- 600 Sandwich---------------------------------- 400 Tuftonboro--------------------------------- 550 aſ TCIl------------------------------------- 450 Wentworth--------------------------------- 250 Wilmot------------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Danbury Light & Power Co. Public Service Co. of N. H. 28–152 Wonalancet Electric Co. Wonalancet, N. H. 28–241 Belmont Hosiery Co. Belmont, N. H. Principal Officers: Ralph E. Duffy †- ºr Walter F. Duffy Directors: Eunice D. Cummings, May Calef Duffy, Pres. ----'Treas. Ralph E. Duffy, Walter F. Duffy, Gladys D. Pew. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,75% Number of Electric Customers------------ 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Belmont-------------------------------------- 750. 28–262 Brown Co. Berlin, N. H. 28–346 The Parker Young Co. Lincoln, N. H. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Martin A. Brown------------ Treas. & Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $34,432 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,943 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 373 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 346, 255 Community Served at Retail: Population Lincoln------------------------------------- 1,600 28–367 Sullivan Machinery Company 61 Main St., Claremont, N. H. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Howard Marston-------------------- Plant Engr. C. M. Wilson.------------------ Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal.----------------------------------- ,000 Steam-------------------------------------- 1,500 Hydro-------------------------------------- 500, 28—525 *Ashland Municipal Electric Light Department Ashland, N. H. Community Served at Retail: Population Ashland------------------------------------ 1, 250 28–536 *Hancock Electric Department Hancock, N. H. Community Served at Retail: Population Hancock-------------------------------------- 275 28–547 *Littleton Water & Light Department 1 Union St., Littleton, N. H. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. E. Green Supt. & Treas. Water & Light Commission: J. B. Hadley, T. O. Mooney, C. W. Woods. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW HAMPSHIRE 507 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------- $257,336 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $100, 204 Number of Electric Customers 1, 598 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 300 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 2,899, 010 Generated 1,308,380 Purchased 1, 590, 630 Community Served at Retail: Population Littleton 4, 57.1 Aiso Renders: Water Service. 28–558 *New Hampton Willage Fire Precinct, Inc. New Hampton, N. H. 28–569 *New Ipswich Electric Light Department New Ipswich, N. H. Population 400 Community Served at Retail: New Ipswich 28–580 *Rindge Electric Light Department Rindge, N. H. 28–591 *Municipal Electric Department of Wolfeboro Wolfeboro Falls, N, H. Utility Commissioners: O. H. Abbott, W. J. Britton, EI. Eart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- Number of Electric Cust sº $294, 745 $51,496 1, 316 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 699 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,445, 360° Communities Served at Retail: Population East Wolfeboro 300 Wolfeboro---- 1, 750 Wolfeboro Falls 520 28–602 *Woodsville Water and Light - Department Woodsville, N. H. Water and Light Commissioners: Harold T. Mitchell, Roscoe S. Rinehart, E. A. Sargent. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $99,264 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $34,633 Number of Electric Cust "S. 475 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 350 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 1,043,330 Generated 705,740 Purchased 337, 590 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodsville 1,873 | Also Renders: Water service. 28–850 *New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. 14 Main St., Plymouth, N. H. Principal Electric Utility Officials: William J. Neal Leon M. HuntreSS-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * * * $463, 394 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $23,237 Number of Electric Customers------------ 605 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 21,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. NEW JERSEY Index Reference Number Atlantic City Electric Company------------ 29–024 *Butler, Borough of ------------------------ 29–524 Deepwater Light and Power Company------ 29–051 *Franklin Borough Electric Department---- 29–535 Jersey Central Power & Light Company. --- 29–078 *Lavallette, Borough of.-------------------- 2 *Madison Borough Water & Light Depart- ment- 29 *Milltown Borough Electric Department---- 29–568 Millville Electric Light Company---------- 29– Millville Manufacturing Co----------------- New Jersey Power & Light Company-------- New Jersey Zinc Company, The_----------- 29–250 *Ogdensburg Borough Electrical Depart- ment------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 579 Orange and Rockland Electric Company of New Jersey-------------------------------- 104 *Park Ridge Borough Electric Light Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 29–590 Reference Number *Passaic Valley Water Commission--------- 29–595 *Pemberton Borough Electric Dept.--------- 29–601 Pemberton Suburban Light and Power Co-- 29–122 *Perth Amboy Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant------------------------------ 29–612 Public Service Electric and Gas Company--- 29-131 Riegel Paper Corporation-------------------- 29–309 Rockland Electric Company---------------- 29–140 *Seaside Heights, Borough of --------------- 29–623 Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures. 29–330 South Jersey Power & Light Company------ 29–167 *South River Board of Public Works-------- 29–634 *Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative---------- 29–880 *Tri-County Rural Electric Company, Inc.-- 29–885 *Vineland Borough Electric Department---- 29-645 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. NEW JERSEY 29–024 Atlantic City Electric Company 1600 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd--------------------------------- Pres. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice ProS. J. B. Hill------------------------------- Vice Pres. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice Pres. E. A. Lewis---------------------------- Vice Pres. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. A. C. Goebel-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. R. E. Swift---------- - Asst. Secy. j. F. Haibig.III.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. ASSt. Treas. Directors: H. D. Anderson, Frank B. Ball, F. W. Drager, J. B. Hill, E. A. Lewis, J. F. McMillan, Edw. H. Maurer, R. E. Swift, Geo. N. Tidd. Controls (jointly with Deepwater Light and Power Co.): Deepwater Operating Co. (electric generation and Sale of steam). South Pennsgrove Realty Co. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------- $44, 325, 318 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $8,479, 142 Number of Electric Customers---------- 102,059 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 120,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 384, 391, 562 Generated-------------------------- 382, 209,562 Purchased.-------------------------- 2, 182,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Atlantic City------------------------------ 64,094 Bridgeton---------------------------------- 15, 992 Pleasantville------------------------------- 11,050 1,000 to 10,000 population Absecon----------------------------------- 2,084 too--------------------------------------- 1,020 Berlin------------------------------------- 1, 753 Cape May--------------------------------- 2, 583 Cape May Court Eiouse------------------- 1,020 Carneys Point----------------------------- 3,060 Cedarville--------------------------------- 1,303 Clayton------------------------------------ 2, 320 Clemonton--------------------------------- 2,866 Egg Harbor City-------------------------- 3, 589 Elmer------------------------------------- 1, 344 Glassboro---------------------------------- 4, 925 Greenwich--------------------------------- 1, 572 Hammonton.------------------------------- 7,668 Laurel Springs----------------------------- 1, 344 Lindenwold-------------------------------- 2, 552 Linwood----------------------------------- 1, 479 Mantua-------------- !---------------- 1, 200 Margate City------------------------------ 3, 266 Mays Landing----------------------------- 1, 386 Newport----------------------------------- 1, 037 Northfield--------------------------------- 2,848 North Wildwood-------------------------- 1,921 Ocean City-------------------------------- 4,672 Paulsboro * * - - - - 7, 011 Pennsgrove-------------------------------- 6,488 Pine Hill---------------------------------- 1, 537 Pitman-------- 5, 507 Port Norris-------------------------------- 1, 530 alem--------------------------------------- 8,618 Somerdale--------------------------------- 1, 170 Somers Point------------------------------ 1,992 Swedesboro-------------------------------- 2, 268 Tuckahoe---------------------------------- 1,020 Tuckerton--------------------------------- 1, 320 Ventnor City------------------------------ 7,905 Waterford--------------------------------- 1, 500, Wenonah---------------------------------- 1, 311 Wildwood--------------------------------- 5, 150 Williamstown------------------------------ 1, 530, Woodstown-...--...--- - * * - - - - - - - - m as * * *- - - - - - - * * * 2,027 510 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Alloway----------------------------------- Avalon------------------------------------ * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * = a- * * = - * as: ~ * * * * * Bivalvø------------------------------------ Braddock---------------------------------- Bridgeport--------------------------------- Brigantine Clarksboro Clementona BrOatmanville Chesilhurst-------------------------------- Clermont----------------------------------- Cold Springs Cross Keys-------------------------------- Da Costa----------------------------------- Deepwater--------------------------------- Deerfield----------------------------------- Delmont----------------------------------- Dias Creek-------------------------------- Elwood. ------------------- English Creek Fairton.---- * * * * * * * *-* *-* m sm - ºg º ºr sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * Finley Fortescue----------------------------------- Franklinville Haleyville--------------------------------- Harrisonville Mauricetown Monroeville--------- 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mullica Hill------------------------------- New Gretna------------------------------- Newfield----------------------------------- Port, Elizabeth Port Republic Pennsville--------------------------------- Petersburg--------------------------------- Pittsgrove.--------------------------------- Pomona----------------------------------- Quinton----------------------------------- Repaupo----------------------------------- Rosenhayn-------------------------------- Scullville Sea Isle City Sewell------------------------------------- • Sharptown Population Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Shiloh------------------------------------- 387 Ship Bottom-Beach Arlington-...----------- 396 Sicklerville--------------------------------- 408 South Dennis------------------------------ 314 South Seaville----------------------------- 508 Steelmanville------------------------------ 408 Stone Harbor------------------------------ 383 Stratford----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 980 Tansboro---------------------------------- 357 TurnerVille-------------------------------- 401 West Berlin-------------------------------- 816 West Cape May--------------------------- 934 West Creek-------------------------------- 563 Wild Wood Crest--------------------------- 661 Wildwood Villas--------------------------- 360 Winslow----------------------------------- 300 Woodruff---------------------------------- 250 Yorktown--------------------------------- 297 Utility. Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: South Jersey Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Heating Service. 29–051 Deepwater Light and Power Company 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co.) Principal Officers: H. P. Liversidge----------------------------- Pres. H. B. Bryans--------------------- ExeC. Vice PreS. Edward Porter------------------------- Vice PreS. N. F. Funk---------------------------- Vice PreS. Alex. Wilson, 3d------------------------ Vice PreS. V. A. Sommar------------------------------- Secy C. Winner---------------------------------- Treas P. A. Wilson-------------------------- Asst. Secy N. M. Romig------------------------- ASSt. Treas G. U. Stewart---------------------------- Auditor Directors: H. B. Bryans, B. P. Carey, N. E. Funk H. P. Liversidge, Edward Porter, Alex. Wilson, 3rd. Controls (jointly with Atlantic City Electric Co.): Deepwater Operating CO. (electric generation). South Pennsgrove Realty Co. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $7,961, 377 Electric Operating Revenues---------- -- $2, 190, 191 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 53,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 497, 553,000 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Atlantic City Electric Co. Philadelphia Electric Co. 29–078 Jersey Central Power & Light Company 501 Grand Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. (Controlled by National Public Service Corporation through 67.6% of voting power. [Control nominal. Holding company bankrupt.]) Principal Officers: T. R. Crumley----------------- Chairman & Pres. H. D. Polhemus------------------------ Vice PreS. B. A. Seiple----------------- Vice Pres. Chg. Sales L. H. Fetter-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. W. Aul-----------------------------Asst. Secy. R. R. Bollinger---Asst. Treas. & General Auditor DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC TJTILITIES-NEW JERSEY 511 Birectors: F. D. Abell, E. A. Arend, A. M. Cooper, T. R. Crumley, A. C. Downing, Denniss J. Driscoll, R. D. Jennison, L. J. MacGregor, E.R. Marshall. Controls: Agincourt Land Corporation (real estate). Lakewood Water Co. (water and Sewer). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- $60,965,930 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $10,282, 919 Number of Electric Customers-------- 111, 735 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal--------------------------- 137, 650 Steam------------------------------ 137, 300 Hydro------------------------------ 350 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 447,964, 100 Generated-------------------------- 445, 791, 080 Purchased-------------------------- 1, 404, 720 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 768, 300 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Asbury Park------------------------------ 14,617 Long Branch------------------------------ 17,408 Morristown------------------------------- 15, 270 Neptune---------------------------------- 10, 207 Red Bank--------------------------------- 10, 974 Summit----------------------------------- 16, 165 1,000 to 10,000 population Atlantic Highlands------------------------ 2,335 AVon by the Sea-------------------------- 1, 211 Belmar------------------------------------ 3, 435 Boonton----------------------------------- 6, 739 Bradley Beach---------------------------- 3, 468 atham---------------------------------- 4, 888 Eatontown------------------------------- - 1, 758 Fair Haven------------------------------- 2, 491 Florham Park----------------------------- 1,609 Freehold.---------------------------------- 6,952 Highlands--------------------------------- 2,076 Hightstown------------------------------- 3,486 Jamesburg--------------------------------- 2, 128 Keansburg-------------------------------- 2,904 Reyport----------------------------------- 5, 147 Lincoln Park------------------------------ 2, 186 Little Silver------------------------------- 1, 461 Manasquan------------------------------- 2, 340 Matawan--------------------------------- 2, 758 Morris Plains----------------------------- 2,018 Mountain Lakes-------------------------- 2, 205 Mountainside----------------------------- 1, 148 Neptune City----------------------------- 2,392 New Providence--------------------------- 2, 374 Oceanport--------------------------------- 3, 159 Point Pleasant Beach --------------------- 2,059 Point Pleasant---------------------------- 2,082 Pompton Lakes--------------------------- 3, 189 Riverdale--------------------------------- 1, 110 Rumson----------------------------------- 2,926 Sayreville--------------------------------- 8, 186 Shrewsbury------------------------------- 1,058 South Amboy----------------------------- 7, 802 Spotswood-------------------------------- 1, 201 Spring Lake.------------------------------ 1,650 Spring Lake Heights---------------------- 1,076 Union Beach ------------------------------ 2,076 Wanaque---------------------------------- 3, 143 Watchung--------------------------------- 1, 158 West Long Branch ------------------------ 2,030 250 to 1,000 population Allenhurst------------ ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 520 Bay Head--------------------------------- 499 Beachwood-------------------------------- 650 Brielle------------------------------------- 961 Peal-------------------------------------- 917 Englishtown------------------------------ 815 Farmingdale------------------------------ 609 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Helmetta---------------------------------- 667 Interlaken--------------------------------- 787 Island Heights---------------------------- 392 Jersey Homesteads------------------------ 698 Kinnelon---------------------------------- 745 Lakehurst--------------------------------- 827 Monmouth Beach------------------------- 584 Ringwood--------------------------------- 977 Sea Bright-------------------------------- 779 Sea Girt----------------------------------- 599 Seaside Park------------------------------ 653 South Belmar----------------------------- 955 South Toms River------------------------ 445 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: New Jersey Power & Light Co. (Interchange.) |Public Service Electric & Gas Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Borough of Butler. *Borough of Lavallette. *Madison Borough Water & Light Dept, *Borough of Seaside Heights. *Tri-County Rural Electric Co., Inc. Also Renders: Gas service. 29–087 Millville Electric Light Company 209–11 High St., Millville, N. J. (Jointly controlled by Millville Hospital Corpora- tion, The Training School, and The Burling- ton County Hospital.) Principal Officers: Edward R. Johnstone.----------------------- Fres. J. Roy Oliver--------------------------- Vice PreS. C. M. Nixon-------------------------------- Secy Howard I. Branson------------------------- Treas. H. H. Melvin-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: Alfred E. Darnell, Walter Felmey, H. H. Hankins, Edward R. Johnstone, Daniel C. Lewis, H. H. Melvin, J. Roy Oliver, Walter Scoble, Alexander C. Wood, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $607, 280 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $277, 321 Number of Electric Customers 4,492 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6,966, 632 Community Served at Retail: Population Millville----------------------------------- 14, 806 29–095 New Jersey Power & Light Company 9 W. Blackwell St., Dover, N. J. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: . B. Allen----------------------------- Vice Pres. R. N. Malehorn------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. H. McKenzie------- Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. W. F. Morris------------------------------- Treas. Directors: H. B. Allen, F. E. Drake, R. N. Male- horn, W. F. Morris. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $22,961,856 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,507, 850 Number of Electric Customers---------- 54, 898 512 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.----------------------------- 55, 270 Steam-------------------------------- 55,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 270 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 407, 856,034 Generated.---------------------------- 351,396,620 Purchased---------------------------- 4,917, 396 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 51, 542,018 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population DOVer 10, 491 Phillipsburg----- ---- 18, 314 1,000 to 10,000 population Alpha ---- 2, 301 Belvidere - -, * = 2,060 Bernardsville------------------------------ 3,405 Clinton ----------------------------------- 1,066 Flemington ---- 2,617 Frenchtown------------------------------- 1, 238 Hackettstown------------------------------ 3, 289 Hamburg - - -- 1, 116 Bibernia - - - - - - - as as am - sº - - - - 1.395 High Bridge------------------------------- 1, 781 Lambertville------------------------------- 4,447 Mendham--------------------------------- 1, 343 Netcong----------------------------------- 2, 157 Newton------------------------------------ 5, 533 Peapack-Gladstone------------------------ 1, 354 Rockaway * * * --- 3, 514 Stanhope---------------------------------- 1, 100 Sussex------------------------------------- 1,478 Washington-------------------------------- 4, 643 Wharton----------------------------------- 3, 854 250 to 1,000 population Andover----------------------------------- 512 Annadale-- * - - - - - - - 380 Asbury------------------------------------ 580 Basking Ridge----------------------------- 670 Blairstown--------------------------------- 800 Bloomsbury------------------------------- 704 Bowlbyville------------------------------- 250 Branchville - - - - - - 715 Buttzville sº sº - - - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - - 310 Califon------------------------------------ 572 Chester----------------------------------- 650 Cornish 362 Delaware 415 Denville----------------------------------- 500 Far Hills----------------------------------- 574 Flanders----------------------------------- 509 Glen Gardner------------------------------ 536 Glenwood---------------------------------- 309 Hainesville-------------------------------- 31] Hampton----------------------------------- 864 Harmony---------------------------------- 250 High Point-------------------------------- 300 Hopatcong--------------------------------- 660 008-------------------------------------- 350 Kingston (Hunterdon County)------------ 300 La Fayette---- - - - 400 Lake Mohawk----------------------------- 300 Layton------------------------------------ 3.18 Lebanon----------------------------------- 638 Ledgewood-------------------------------- 411 Liberty Corner---------------------------- 27] Long Valley------------------------------- 588 Milford------------- - - - - 933 Mill Brook-------------------------------- 300 Milton------------------------------------- 253 Morris Park------------------------------- 300 Mount Arlington-------------------------- 456 Mount Hope------------------------------- 360 Neshanic---- gº ºs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 323 Newfoundland----------------------------- 514 North Branch----------------------------- 261 Oldwick----------------------------------- 3.11 Oxford - - - 350 Pattenburg------------------------------- 315 Port Colden - - - - 315 Port Morris * * - - - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - - 565 Port Murray • * * * * * * s sº * * * * * - - 314 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Quakertown------------------------------- 254 Reaville----------------------------------- 308 Riegelsville-------------------------------- 510 Ringoes - * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - * * * * * * * * = - - - 330 Sparta 250 Springtown 311 Stewartsville- 526 Stockholm - - - - 429 Stockton------------- 478 Succasunna-------------------------------- 618 Three Bridges----------------------------- 306 Titusville---------------------------------- 300 Vienna 311 West Portal • * 325 White House Station - - - sº 362 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Co. (Inter- change). Jersey Central Power & Light Co. (Interchange). Metropolitan Edison Co. (Pa.). Public Service Electric & Gas Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY *Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative. Interchange). Also Renders: Manufactured gas service. 29–104 Orange and Rockland Electric Company of New Jersey Monroe, N. Y. Principal Officers: Roscoe W. Smith-------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Leland A. Smith--------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. Frank Durland----------------------------- Treas. E. F. Eichenberg-- - - - - - ASSt. Treas. & Gen. Aud. H. H. Smith-------------------------.ASSt. Treas. N. J. McMahon ---------------------- ASSt. Treas. W. A. Kehl--------------------------- Gen. Supt. Directors: Frank Durland, Leland A. Smith, Roscoe W. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $351,360 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $90,273 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 365 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1,691, 244 Community Served at Retail: Population Ringwood---------------------------------- 977 29–122 Pemberton Suburban Light and Power Co. 55 Budd Ave., Pemberton, N. J. Principal officers: Elwood R. Johnson -------------------------- Pres. Chas. Norcross.------------------------ Vice Pres. Stanley Hendrickson ------------------------ Secy. Allen Hippenstiel. ------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $12, 174 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $5,559 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 87 Rºilowatt-hours Energy purchased.-------------------------- 79, 702 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW JERSEY 513 322184—42—38 29–1 3 1 Communities Served at Retail: tº ſº ſº 10,000 population or more Population Public Service Electric and Gas §.i..… 17,454 apleWOOCl.------------------------------ 23, 139 Company Nº. * * ~ * ~ * * = -- * *--------------------- 39,807 - eW Brunswick-------------------------- 33, 180 80 Park Pl., Newark, N. J. Nº.- - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº * = = m, sm amº. 429, 760 (Controlled by Public service Corporation of New | Nº.......… }; Jersey through 99.99% of voting power.) Wutley----------------------------------- 21, 554 Principal Officers: 9range----------------------------------- 35, 717 Thomas N. McCarter Passaic----------------------------------- 61, 394 Chairman Board of Directors | Paterson--------------------------------- 139, 656 Percy S. Young--Chairman Executive Committee | Fensauken------------------------------- 17, 745 Edmund W. Wakelee------------------------ Pres. | Perth Amboy---------------------------- 41, 242 John L. O'Toole-------- Vice Pres. Čhg. Pub. Rei. Plainfield--------------------------------- 37, 469 George Barker Vice Pres. Čhg. Réal Estate & Pur. Rahway, 5------------------------------- 17,498 Edward C. Rose - - Ivice Pres. | Ridgefield Park-------------------------- 11, 277 Robert A. Zachary--------------------- vice Pres, RidgéWood------------------------------- 14, 948 George H. Blake------- Vice Pres, & Gen. Solicitor | Roselle----------------------------------- 13, 597 Thomas N. McCarter, Jr. Rutherford------------------------------- 15, 466 Vice Pres. Chg. Sou. Div. §outh Qrange---------------------------- 13, 742 Jacob T. Barron----- Vice Pres. Chg. Élect. Oper. | Teaneck---------------------------------- 25, 275 John A. Clark---------- Vice Pres. Chg. Gas Oper. | Trenton---------------------------------- 124,697 Henry P. J. Steinmetz------- Vice Pres, Chg. Sales | Jnion------------------------------------ 24, 730 William H. Feller_____ Secy. ºniºn City----------------,--------------- 56, 173 T. Wilson Van Middlesworth-------------- Treas. | Weehawken------------------------------ 14, 363 William T. Crudge Asst. Secy. | West New York-------------------------- 39, 439 G. Harry Litterst Asst. Secy. | West,9;&nge----------------------------- 25, 662 J. Irving Kibbe Asst. Secy. | Westfield-------------------------------- 18, 458 Fº #. . eis Asst. Treas. | Woodbridge------------------------------ 27, 191 . Milton Lu Ass low t. Treas. 1,000 to 10,000 population Directors: George Parker, Jacob T. Barron, George Audubon 8,906 H. Blake, Matthew R. Boylan, John A. Clark, ºn III 3.3% Thomas N. McCarter, John L. O'Toole, Edward j * * - - - - - * * * * * * * * * - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1.350 C. Rose, Henry P. J. Steinmetz, Edmund W. Berdines Corner III 1,000 Wakelee, Percy S. Young. Bettlewood------------------------------- 2,330 Controls: Beverly---------------------------------- 2,691 Camden, Gloucester and Woodbury Railway Co. Black Wood Terrace----------------------- 1, 200 (non-operating street railway utility). Bogota.----------------------------------- 7, 346 g - Bordentown------------------------------ 4, 223 The following data are for the year 1940: Bound Brook----------------------------- 7, 616 * * * * * Bridgeboro------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 164 Electric Utility Plant------------------ $337,215,466 | #j.I. 1,919 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $81,071, 100 Caldwell--------------------------------- 4, 932 e Cambridge------------------------------- 1,037 Number of Electric Customers-------- 963, 824 Carlstadt--------------------------------- 5, 644 PÖilowatts Cedar Grove.----------------------------- 4, 793 Generating Capacity (Steam) --------- a 837, 700 #.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. : * Includes 20,000 kw mercury turbine capacity. funeien...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. §§ Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours|| #}.… }; Total--------------------------- 3,419, 558,609 #. Rutherford-------------------------- 7, 268 Generated-------------------------- 2,0s,327 sq | #.”....… }; Purchased-------------------------- 5, 935, 000 ESSex Fells - * * * * *- = <- * * * ~ *-* = * * * * * * * *= a- - - - - - - -: * 1. 466 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 428, 296,025 | Ewing Park____________________________- 2. 324 * * * * I e Fairlawn--------------------------------- 9,017 Communities Served at Retail: g Fairview (Bergen County) --------------- 8, 770 10,000 population or more Population Fanwood--------------------------------- 2,310 Bayonne--------------------------------- 79, 198 | Florence---------------------------------- 2, 265 Belleville--------------------------------- 28, 167 Fords------------------------------------ 2,900 Bergenfield------------------------------- 10,275 | Fort Lee--------------------------------- 9,468 Bloomfield------------------------------- 41, 623 Garwood--------------------------------- 3, 622 Burlington.------------------------------- 10, 905 Glen Ridge------------------------------- 7,331 Camden---------------------------------- 117, 536 Glen Rock------------------------------- 5, 177 Carteret---------------------------------- 11,976 Guttenberg------------------------------- 6, 200 Cliffside Park---------------------------- 16, 892 Haddon Heights-------------------------- 5,555 Clifton----------------------------------- 48,827 | Haddonfield------------------------------ 9,742 Collingswood----------------------------- 12,685 | Haledon---------------------------------- 5,303 Cranford--------------------------------- 12, 860 Hamilton Square------------------------- 1, 276 East Orange------------------------------ 68,945 Hasbrouck Heights----------------------- 6, 716 Elizabeth--------------------------------- 109,912 | Haworth--------------------------------- 1,419 Englewood------------------------------- 18, 966 Highland Park--------------------------- 9,002 Garfield---------------------------------- 28,044 Hillsdale--------------------------------- 3,438 Gloucester-------------------------------- 13, 692 Hohokus--------------------------------- 1,626 Hackensack------------------------------ 26, 279 || Hopewell------------------- F ------------- 1,678 Harrison--------------------------------- 14, 171 Kenilworth------------------------------- 2, 451 Hawthorne------------------------------- 12,610 | Lawnside--------------------------------- 1, 270 Hillside----------------------------------- 18, 556 Lenola----------------------------------- 1, 296 Hoboken--------------------------------- 50, 115 Leonia-------------------* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5, 763 Irvington--------------------------------- 55, 328 || Lincoln Park----------------------------- 2, 186 Jersey City------------------------------- 301, 173 Lindeneau-------------------------------- 1,500 Kearny----------------------------------- 39,467 Little Falls------------------------------- 4,000 Linden----------------------------------- 24, 115 Little Ferry------------------------------ 4, 545 Lodi-------------------------------------- 11, 552 Livingston------------------------------- 3,476 514 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Magnolia--------------------------------- Manville--------------------------------- Maywood-------------------------------- Medford---------------------------------- Mercerville.------------------------------ Merchantville Terrace-------------------- Merchantville---------------------------- Metuchen-------------------------------- Middlesex-------------------------------- Midland Park---------------------------- Moonachie------------------------------- Moorestown------------------------------ Mount Ephraim ------------------------- Mount Holly----------------------------- Mountain View -------------------------- Mountainside---------------------------- National Park---------------------------- New Milford----------------------------- North Arlington.-------------------------- North Caldwell-------------------------- North Haledon------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Palmyra---------------------------------- Paramus--------------------------------- Pennington ------------------------------- Piscataway town-------------------------- Preakness-------------------------------- Princeton-------------------------------- Prospect Park---------------------------- Raritan----------------------------------- Ridgefield-------------------------------- River Edge------------------------------- Riverside--------------------------------- Riverton --------------------------------- Rochelle Park---------------------------- Roseland--------------------------------- Somerdale-------------------------------- Somerville-------------------------------- South Bound Brook---------------------- Verona----------------------------------- Waldwick-------------------------------- Wallington.------------------------------- Watchung-------------------------------- West Caldwell--------------------------- West Collingswood Extension - - ---------- West PaterSon---------------------------- Westmont-------------------------------- Westville.-------------------------------- WestWood-------------------------------- White Horse ----------------------------- Wood Ridge----------------------------- - Woodbury-------------------------------- Woodbury Heights----------------------- Woodcliff Lake--------------------------- Woodlynne------------------------------- Yardville--------------------------------- 250 to 1,000 population Adams Station--------------------------- Allentown-------------------------------- AlmoneSSon------------------------------ Ashland---------------------------------- Berrien City----------------------------- Blackwood------------------------------- Bonhanitown ---------------------------- Boulevard Heights----------------------- Bound Brook Heights-------------------- Bradley Estates-------------------------- Cinnaminson----------------------------- Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 Population Population Clairmont-------------------------------- 357 Colonial Manor-------------------------- 300 Columbus-------------------------------- 744 Cranbury-------------------------------- 900 Crosswicks------------------------------- 364 Dayton----------------------------------- 250 Teer Park-------------------------------- 350 Tunhams Corner------------------------- 250 East Millstone--------------------------- 387 East Riverton.--------------------------- 850 Fast Trenton Heights-------------------- 252 Edgewater Park-------------------------- 621 Eldridge Park---------------------------- 550 Ellisburg--------------------------------- 300 Englewood Cliffs------------------------- S88 Prlton------------------------------------ 260 Ewingville------------------------------- 250 Fairfield Heights------------------------- 500 Fairview (Burlington County) ----------- 255 Fieldsboro------------------------------- 537 Flagtown--------------------------------- 300 Florence Station-------------------------- 527 Franklin Park---------------------------- 400 Garden City------------------.* = = * * * * * * * * 500 Glendora--------------------------------- 300 Great Notch------------------------------ 600 Groveville-------------------------------- 428 HaineSport------------------------------- 731 Harlingen.-------------------------------- 250 Kingston (Somerset County) ------------- 600 Lakeside Park---------------------------- 384 Lawrenceville---------------------------- 928 Locustwood------------------------------ 350 Lumberton------------------------------- 727 Maple Meade---------------------------- 500 Marlton---------------------------------- 320 Martinsville------------------------------ 516 Menlo Park------------------------------ 500 Millstone--------------------------------- 252 Monmouth Junction--------------------- 470 New Market----------------------------- 600 New Sharon------------------------------ 450 Old Tappan------------------------------ 609 Orchard View.---------------------------- 263 Parry------------------------------------ 438 Plainsboro-------------------------------- 380 Plauderville---- * * * * * * 800 Potters Crossing * * * * * * * * * * * * * = E * * * * * 250 Potters Station. * - 400 Prospect Heights------------------------- 932 Rancocas----- - - 701 Rocky Hill * * * *- 404 Roebling_ _ - 302 Saddle River.-- 816 Sadlertown - 250 Skillman- 285 Smithville 365 Springside 578 Stevens Station * * * * * * * 425 Tanners Corner-------------------------- 500 Thorofare-------------------------------- 400 Verga- - - - - * * = = - * * * * 800 Vincentown------------------------------ 765 West Collingswood HeightS.-------------- 700 West Trenton - - - - 512 Westville Grove 900 Whitehead Manor * * 472 Woodbury Lake Tract------------------- 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Jersey Central Power & Light Co. New Jersey Power and Light Co. (Interchange). Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. (Inter- change). Philadelphia Electric Co. (Interchange). Rockland Electric Co. (Interchange). Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (Interchange). Staten Island Edison Corporation (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Milltown Borough Electric Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW JERSEY 515 29–140 Rockland Electric Company Main St., Closter, N. J. (Controlled by Rockland Light and Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Charles H. Tenney-------------------------- Pres, Isaac S. Hall--------------------------- Vice PreS. Fremont L. Lovett------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Hazel H. Berry - Secy. Clarence N. Alexander--------------------- Treas. Ralph E. Trower------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Charles Whetstone------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Isaac S. Hall, Fremont L. Lovett, Charles H. Tenney. g The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,753,041 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $704, 119 Number of Electric Customers---------- 8,717 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours -- * - - - - - - - - - - sº - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - 54, 570,487 Purchased.----------------------------- a 19,602, 962 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 34,967, 525 a Transferred from associated company. Communities Served at Retail: Population Allendale----------------------------------- 2,058 Alpine-------------------------------------- 62 Closter------------------------------------- 2, 60 Cresskill------------------------------------ 2, 246 Demarest - 1, 165 Franklin Lakes----------------------------- 1, 203 Harrington Park- 1,389 Haworth-- 1,419 Montvale-- 1, 342 Northvale 1, 159 Norwood- 1, 512 Oakland------------------------------------ 932 Old Tappan-------------------------------- 609 Ramsey– - * - - - º - - -ºº - - - * 3,566 Saddle River------------------------------- 816 Upper Saddle River------------------------ 510 Wyckoff 1, 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Public Service Electric & Gas. Co. (Interchange) Rockland Light & Power Co. (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITY: *Park Ridge Borough Electric Light Dept. 29–167 South Jersey Power & Light Company Central Ave. & Summer Rd., Minotola, N. J. Principal Officers: ite--------------------------------- Pres. H. E. Carver----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. G. F. Sanderson.------- Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: H. E. Carver, H. R. Masker, G. F. San- derson, E. L. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $699,891 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $180,048 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,488 Generating Capacity: Fºllowatts Total.--- * - - mºs 620 Steam------------ ---------------------- 500 Internal Combustion------------------- 120 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 4, 527,087 Communities Served at Retail: Population IIGI12 - * * * * * - 300 T)orothy 464 Estell Manor 406 Landisville 790 Minotola----------------------------------- 530 Wizpah------------------------------------ 500 Richland----------------------------------- 350 Woodbine---------------------------------- 2,111 29–225 Millville Manufacturing Co. Millville, N. J. Officials in Charge of Eléctric Operations: George W. Furness---------------- Res. Vice Pres. David D. Lewis---------------------- Plant Engr. Paul Ritchie ----------------- POwer House Chief. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $399,023 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $143, 128 Number of Electric Customers------------- I Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------------- 7,875 Steam-------------------------------------- 7,375 Hydro-------------------------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 6,874,900 Energy Sold for Resale ------------------- 6,954, 737 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Millville Electric Light Co. 29–250 The New Jersey Zinc Company 160 Front St., New York, N. Y. Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $35,901 Number of Electric Customers------------ -- 2 29–309 Riegel Paper Corporation Riegelsville, N. J. 29–330 Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures Paterson, N. J. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. W. Cook--------------------------------- Supt. J. A. Brader Volt----------------------- Electrician G. I. Krouse---------------------------- Engineer The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers----------- 61 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 3, 680 Júlowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers---- 7,926,833 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 18, 242, 500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Also Renders: Steam and Water Service. 516 FEDERAL PoweR commission 29–524 *Borough of Butler High St., Butler, N. J. Borough Council: Aug. S. Guenter, Chas. M. Hempsted, Alfred T. Kayhart, Thomas N. D. Mace, John L. Ogden (mayor), Geo. C. Strachan, Harry Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $392,988 Electric Operating Revenues. ------------- $131,931 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 361 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Totº tal------------------------------- 2, 526, 143 Generated.------------------------------ 229,943 Purchased.------------------------------ 2, 296, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bloomingdale------------------------------- 2, 606 Butler-------------------------------------- 3,351 Kinnelon----------------------------------- 745 29–535 *Franklin Borough Electric Department Franklin, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy Paddock-------------------------- Supervisor Katherine E. Flynn.--------------- Borough Clerk Geo. W. Harden - - - - - - - - - - - - I3orough Accountant Borough Council Electric Department Committee: C. C. Brown (chairman), R. J. Moyse, R. L. Pellett. The foliowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $72,225 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $56, 169 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,027 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 165,439 Community Served at Retail: Population Franklin------------------------------------ 4,009 29–546 *Borough of Lavallette Lavallette, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. C. Bernhardt------------- Borough Electrician Community Served at Retail: Population LaVallette-------------------------------.* = * * = 315 29–557 *Madison Borough Water & Light Department Hartley Dodge Memººl Kings Rd., Madison, Borough Council: W. Melville Coursen, Samuel A. Gruver (Mayor), Donald A. Morrison, Benton L. Moyer, Henry W. Pilch, Joseph E. Pooley, George R. Ramsey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $154,598 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $161,306 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 512 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,778,038 Community Served at Retail: Population Madison------------------------------------ 7, 944 29–568 *Milltown Borough Electric Department 122 S. Main St., Milltown, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Official: Samuel Speirs------------------------------- Supt. Electric Committee: G. E. Gordon, F. P. Kuhlthau (chairman), W. Richter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $69,235 Electric Operating Revenues- $82,813 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,015 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 2,366,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Milltown----------------------------------- 3, 515 29–579 *Ogdensburg Borough Electrical Department Ogdensburg, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Warren Hastings-------------------------- Mayor James E. Garis------------- Committee Chairman The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $13,503 Number of Electric Customers----------- 302 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 237,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ogdensburg--------------------------------- 1, 165 29–590 *Park Ridge Borough Electric Light Department 53 Park Ave., Park Ridge, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Storms---------------- – — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mayor E. Vernon Smith------------- Supt. Public Works Electric Committee: J. J. Keleman, W. H. Schanck J. Earl Snell (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $63,424 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $56,855 Number of Electric Customers------------- 871 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–NEW JERSEY 517 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 162,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Park Ridge------------------------------ 2, 519 Also Renders: Water Service, 29–595 *Passaic Walley Water Commission 137 Ellison St., Paterson, N. J. Principal Officials: Richard E. Bonyun------------------- Gen. Supt. Carleton P. Teece--------------- Chief Electrician Commissioners: John J. Connelly, John T. Deighton' John Fitzgerald, David MacGregor. The following data are for the year 1940: Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 2,400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 10,965,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Also Renders: Water service. 29–601 *Pemberton Borough Electric Dept. Pemberton, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Official: Herbert Beebe---------- Chairman Electric Dept. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Rev $17,796 Number of Electric Cust Sºl 360 Generating Capacity: PCilowatts Internal Combustion 407 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated ---- 493, 275 Community Served at Retail: Population Pemberton 906 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pemberton Suburban Light and Power Co. Also Renders: Water service. 29–612 *Perth Amboy Municipal Electric Light & Power Plant City Hall, Perth Amboy, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jay B. Franke------------------------------- Supt. Board of Commissioners: S. F., Balinski, J. A. l)elaney, H. M. Runyon, Jos. Seiber, A. G. Waters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $197, 458 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 737, 370 Also Renders: Water Service. 29–623 *Borough of Seaside Heights Seaside Heights, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Vernon Casler--------------------- Borough Supt. Joseph McDevitt--------------- Collector & Treas. Dorothy Knott------------------------------ Clerk Mary A. Tindall------------------- Borough Clerk Borough Council & Electric Committee: Mary Bodenstein, John J. Gibbons, Albert Ulrich. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $35,925 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 850 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 883,928 Community Served at Retail: Population Seaside Heights--------------------------- 549 Also Renders: Water Service. 29–634 *South River Board of Public Works 11 Stephen St., South River, N. J. Principal Electric Utility official: E. B. Van NeSS----------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: Asher W. Bissett (treas.), Raymond D. Booraem (pres.), Frank Chartovich, Albert Chevalier, Sidney L. Kamel, Fred H. Quad (Vice Pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $453,282 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $209, 161 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,919 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,810 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,703, 560 Community Served at Retail: Population South River---------------------------- 10,714 Also Renders: Water Service. 518 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 29–645 *Wineland Borough Electric Department City Hall, Vineland, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John C. Gittone--------------------------- Mayor Samuel L. Gassel * & Commissioner of Revenue & Finance Benjamin Stevens--- Commissioner Public Works Robert E. Beakley----------------- Borough Clerk Howard M. Down------------ Bus. Mgr. & Treas. Philip L. Lipman------------------------ Solicitor Max Luertzing-------------- Supt. of Distribution Matthew Simmerman------- Supt. of Power Plant The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,271,297 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $475, 790 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6, 289 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 8,750 Júlowatt-hours Energy Generated 15,677,064 Community Served at Retail: Population Vineland 7, 914 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: South Jersey Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 29–880 *Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative 24 Main St., Sussex, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Official: Judson V. Vaughan--------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $159,950. Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,611 Number of Electric Customers------------- 584 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- a 559,900. a For year ended June 30, 1940. 29–885 *Tri-County Rural Electric Company, Inc. 16 Court St., Freehold, N. J. Principal Electric Utility Officials: VanLyke Polhemus------ Pres. William Jackman ---- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $252,367 Electric Operating Revenues $6,278 Number of Electric Customers------------- 558. Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a 440,400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. NEW MEXICO Index Reference Number Albuquerque Gas and Electric Company--- 30–012 *Carlsbad Caverns National Park ---------- 30–525 *Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.--- 30–823 *Clayton Municipal Electric Systemi------- 30–515 Community Public Service Company------- Deming Ice and Electric Company---------- Duncan Utilities Co------------------------- Elida Light Plant--------------------------- El Paso Electric Company (Texas) ---------- *Farmers' Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 30–850 Gallup American Coal Co.----------------- 30–250 *Gallup Electric Light & Power System, Town of 30 Inland Utilities Company Las Vegas Light and Power Company, The 30-068 Lincoln County Utilities Company...----- 30–070 Lincoln Power and Light Co---------------- 30–072 Melrose Power Company-------------------- 30–0.82 Mora Public Service Company-------------- 30–093 Reference Number New Mexico Electric Service Company- - - - - 30–103 New Mexico Power Company--------------- 30–131 New Mexico Public Service Company------- 30–138 *Otero County Electric Cooperative--------- 30–890 Pendleton Power Company. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30–155 *Raton Public Service Co., The------------- 30–527 *Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, 30– Southwestern Public Service Company----- 30–159 NEW MEXICO 30–012 Albuquerque Gas and Electric Company 422–24 W. Central Ave., Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: Arthur Prager------------------------------- PreS. C. H. Nichols---------------------- First Vice PreS. A. L. Klees----------------------------- Vice Pres. B. L. Wiles.-------------------------. Secy.-Treas. W. E. Johnson--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Ralph Loken----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: E. M. Conwell, W. H. Harrison, W. E. Johnson, C. H. Nichols, H. L. Pinkerton, Arthur Prager, B. L. Wiles. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $6,009, 834 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,267, 364 Number of Electric Customers---------- 17, 135 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 18, 725 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total 46, 144, 205 Generated 45, 646, 185 Purchased 98,020 Communities Served at Retail: Population Albuquerque 35,449 Bernalillol- 2, 213 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New Mexico Power Co. Also Renders: Natural gas service. Texas-New Mexico Utilities Company------ 30–168 Trinidad Electric Transmission Railway and Gas Company, The----------------------- 30–173 *Tucumcari, City of.------------------------ 30–540 United Power Company- - - ----------------- 30–187 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Rio Grande Project------------------------------------ 30–560 Vaughn Light and Power Company--------- 30–194 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 30–026 Community Public Service Company Electric Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New Mexico only) $474,000 Number of Electric Customers: (New Mexico only) 3, 932 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alamogordo * & 3,950 Bayard------------------------------------- 764 Central 2, 223 La Luz 400 Lordsburg 3, 101 Magdalena -- 1,323 Silver City 5,044 Tularosa 1,446 See Also: Principal report under Texas (42–034), and operations reported under Kentucky (16–020) and Louisiana (17–028). 30–033 Deming Ice and Electric Company 100 S. Gold Ave., Deming, N. Mex. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: M. C. Heffelman---------------------------- Pres. C. H. Nichols----------------------- 1st Vice Pres. H. A. Person--------------------------- Vice Pres. B. W. Fields----------------------- Secy. & Treas. W. E. Johnson --------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. T. H. Russell Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: B. W. Fields, W. H. Harrison, M. C. Heffelman, W. E. Johnson, C. H. Nichols, A. W. Pollard, T. H. Russell. 519 520 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $572,472 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $190, 896 Number of Electric Cust nº 1, 153 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 312 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,357,670 Community Served at Retail: Population Deming------------------------------------- 3,608 Also Renders: Artificial ice Service. 30–040 Duncan Utilities Co. Pima, Ariz. See also: Principal report under Arizona (02–060). 30–044 Elida Light Plant Elida. N. Mex. Partners--------------- R. E. Pullen, W. A. Pullen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues $7,318 Number of Electric Cust º - - 110 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 82 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated 77, 424 Community Served at Retail: Population Blida----------------------------------------- 330 30–047 El Paso Electric Company (Texas) 213-215 N. Stanton St., El Paso, Tex. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co.) The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Operating Revenues: (New Mexico only) ----------------------- $13,461 Number of Electric Customers: (New Mexico only) ----------------------- 23 Communities Served at Retail: Population Anthony----------------------------------- 500 Dona Ana---------------------------------- 250 Fairacres----------------------------------- 300 Hatch-------------------------------------- 822 Hillsboro----------------------------------- 300 La Mesa.----------------------------------- 250 Las Cruces--------------------------------- 8,385 Mesilla------------------------------------- 500 Mesilla Park------------------------------- 600 Rincon------------------------------------- 500 Tortugas----------------------------------- 300 See also: Principal report under Texas (42–045). 30–061 The Inland Utilities Company 710 Commercial National Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. - (Controlled by Fairbanks Morse & Co. through 96.55% of voting power) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New Mexico only)---------------------- $191,441 Number of Electric Customers: (New Mexico only)---------------------- 2,609 Communities Served at Retail: Population Espanola----------------------------------- 643 Estancia------------------------------------ 668 Fort Sumner------------------------------- 1,669 Grants------------------------------------- 600 Lovington---------------------------------- 1,916 Mountainair ---- 1,477 Willard ---- 462 See also: Principal report under Kansas (15-084) and operations reported under Colorado (05–058). 30–068 The Las Vegas Light and Power Company Las Vegas, N. Mex. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: E. A. Bradner------------------------------- PreS. C. H. Nichols-------------------------- Vice PreS. H. A. Person--------------------------- Vice PreS. Jane Warner-------------------------- Secy.-Treas, W. E. Johnson.--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. L. Kaemper--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: E. A. Bradner, W. E. Johnson, E. L. Kaemper, C. H. Nichols, Jane Warner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $501, 772 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $157, 261 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,060 Rilovolt-amperes Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 450 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 585,252 Communities Served at Retail: Population Las Vegas City----------------------------- 5,941 Las Vegas Town -- 6, 421 30–070 Lincoln County Utilities Company Carrizozo, N. Mex. Principal Officers: John E. Wright------------------------------ Pres. Jasper F. Rommel Secy. M. W. Fulmer------- Treas, Directors: M. W. Fulmer, Jasper F. Rommel, John E. Wright. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,543 Number of Electric Customers------------- 259 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 356 Steam----------------------------------- 120 Internal Combustion-------------------- 236 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 331,650 Community Served at Retail: Population Carrizozo 1, 457 30–0.72 Lincoln Power & Light Co. Capitan, N. Mex. Community Served at Retail: Capitan------------------------------------ Population 932 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW MEXICO 521 30–082 Melrose Power Company Melrose, N. Mex. Principal Officer: C. B. Myers------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues $13,000 Number of Electric Cust sº * * 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 185 Pºlowatt-hours Energy Generated---- 255,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Melrose ---- 851 30–093 Mora Public Service Company Mora, N. Mex. Principal Officers: John Karavas James Pittman James Karavas sº sº º º º mº Pres. --Vice Pres. ---Secy.-Treas. Directors: James Karavas, John Karavas, Evalyn Pittman, James Pittman. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Cust sº $4,200 80 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 100 Hydro------------------------------------ 25 Internal Combustion 75 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated 48,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cleveland - - - - - - 600 Holman - - -- 300 *ora--------------------------------------- 1, 400 30–103 New Mexico Electric Service : Company 620 Interurban Bldg., Dallas, Tex. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 99.9% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. W. Carpenter Pres. W. H. Thomson __Vice Pres. J. F. Maddox--------------------------- Vice Pres. W. W. Lynch_- - - - Vice Pres. J. E. Van Horn---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. W. Carpenter, W. W. Lynch, J. F. Maddox, W. H. Thomson, J. E. Van Horn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------- - - - - - - - - - $1,565, 011 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $298, 801 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 335 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 3,792 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Otal -- 5,971,000 Generated 5,081,654 Purchased 889, 346 Communities Served at Retail: Population Eunice------------------------------------ 1, 227 Hobbs------------------------------------- 10, 619 Jal----------------------------------------- 1, 157 30–131 New Mexico Power Company 15 Exchange Pl., Jersey City, N. J. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: O. B. Summers----------------------------- Pres. C. H. Nichols---------------------- 1st Vice PreS. A. L. Klees---------------------------- Vice Pres. J. R. Guild-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. C. W. Hester------------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. W. E. Johnson.----------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas Directors: J. E. Flynn, J. R. Guild, W. E. Johnson, D. T. Kelly, A. L. Klees, C. H. Nichols, O. B. Summers. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $3,964, 711 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $565, 142 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 284 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 7,888 Steam 7,482 Hydro * * * * 113 Internal Combustion ------------------ 293 Energy Available in Year: P(ilowatt-hours Total ---- 24, 776,926 Generated 16,603,058 Purchased----------------------------- 8, 173, 868 Communities Served at Retail: Population elen-------------------------------------- 3,038 Cimarron--------------------------------- 744 Colmor------------------------------------ 285 Los Lunas----------- 686 Maxwell - - - - 483 Santa Fe ---- 20, 325 Springer--------- - 1, 314 Wagon Mound----------------------------- 979 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Eſome Electric Co. The Trinidad Electric Transmission, Railway & Gas CO. Also Renders: Water service. 30–138 New Mexico Public Service Company 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. (Controlled by North Continent Utilities Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. A. Baehr--------------------------------- PreS A. C. Winters----------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. E. R. Foster---------------------------- ice Pres. Wm. B. Baehr------------------------------ Secy. G. L. Aiken--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. A. J. Faul----------------------------- Asst. Secy. A. W. Chiids------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: W. A. Baehr, Wm. B. Baehr, E. R. Foster, J. W. Sykes, A, C. Winters. 522 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $1,380,952 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $204, 949 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 172 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.----- - 2, 408 Hydro--------------------------------- 280 Internal combustion -- 2, 128 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4.014, 756 Generated------------------------------ 3,888, 756 Purchased------------------------------ 126,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population ztec----- 756 Farmington -- 2, 161 Flora Vista--------------------------------- 250 Fruitland----------------------- 290 Hot Springs--------------------------------- 2, 940 La Plata.----------------------------------- 300 Socorro------------------------------------- 3,712 TaoS 965 Waterflow 271 Also Renders: Ice and telephone Service. 30–155 Pendleton Power Company Roy, N. Mex. Communities Served at Retail: Population Des Moines----------------------------------- 289 Mosquero------------------------------------- 742 Roy----------------------------------------- 1, 138 30–159 Southwestern Public Service Company Amarillo, Tex. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New Mexico only)----------------------- Number of Electric Customers: $694,977 (New Mexico only)----------------------- 8, 407 Communities Served at Retail: Population Artesia -- 4,071 Carlsbad 7, 116 T) exter - - - - 734 Espuella - - 977 Hagerman----- 854 Lake Arthur------------------------------ 279 Loving 1, 464 Otis---------------------------------------- 1, 204 Roswell - - 13, 482 See Also: Principal report under Texas (42–132). 30–168 Texas-New Mexico Utilities Company 114 W. Seventh St., Plainview, Tex. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Operating Revenues: (New Mexico only)---------------------- $286, 301 Number of Electric Customers: (New Mexico only)---------------------- 4,087 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clovis-------------------------------------- 10,065 Portales-------- 5, 104 Texico ---- 478 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Farmers Electric Membership Corporation. *Roosevelt County Electric Membership Cor- poration, Inc. See Also: Principal report under Texas (42–152). 30–173 The Trinidad Electric Transmis- sion Railway and Gas Company 229-281 w. Main St., Trinidad, Colo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New Mexico only)----------------------- $52,400 Number of Electric Customers: (New Mexico only) 2 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: . . New Mexico Power Co. (Dawson Division). See Also: Principal report under Colorado (05-109). 30–187 United Power Company Santa Rosa, N. Mex. Population 2,310 Community Served at Retail: Santa Rosa 30–194 Waughn Light and Power Company 1237 Huntington Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Population 1, 331 Community Served at Retail: Vaughn 30–250 Gallup American Coal Co. Gamerco, N. Mex. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. E. Uhland----------------- Asst. to Gen. Mgr. L. E. Brown----------- Chief Engr., Power Plant The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------- - - - - - - - - - - - $568, 771 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $69,311 Number of Electric Customers.--- 317 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 4,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-- - - - 5,295, 352 Energy Sold for Resale ------------------ 4, 510,023 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Gallup. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC TJTILITIES-NEW MEXICO 523 30–515 *Clayton Municipal Electric System Clayton, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Bender--------------------------- City Mgr. Lura L. Haydon--------------------- Clerk-Treas. Board of Trustees: Bonnie Lujan, D. C. Robuck, #; Sachse (mayor), M. B. Smithson, C. P. 8||005. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $134,446 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $82,862 Number of Electric Customers----------- 692 Generating Capacity: Kilovoſt-amperes Internal Combustion------------------- 712 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 405,000 Community Served at Retail: Population 9|ayton------------------------------------ 3, 188 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 30–525 *Carlsbad Caverns National Park Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, N. Mex. 30–526 *Town of Gallup Electric Light & Power System 104 W. 66 Ave., Gallup, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. H. Haggard Mgr. Utility Commission: J. W. Eichman, J. E. Lieber- Iman, Frank Petranovich (mayor), C. M. Sabin, John Thatcher. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $516,499 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $180,680 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,033 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 4, 510,023 Community Served at Retail: Population Gallup–– 7,041 30–527 *The Raton Public Service Co. Municipal Bldg., Raton, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter R. Nutting-------------------------- Pres. J. R. Kastler- Vice PreS. Mrs. A. E. Dorman------------------------- Secy. Edward.G. Kilmurray--------------------- Treas. T. R. Kirby--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: C. Y. Allen, John J. Evans, J. R. Kastler, Edward G. Kilmurray, Walter E. Nutting. ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $456, 802 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $133, 191 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 118 JKilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,077, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Raton.-- * = - - ---- 7, 607 30–540 *City of Tucumcari Tucumcari, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Russell A. Ross----------------------------- Supt. Power Board: W. F. Ball, Tom Dillon, Earl George, H. R. Priddy (mayor), M. M. Shipley. City Council: W. S. Dennis, C. H. Edwards, . E. Gamble, Joe Goodman, T. W. Hampton, J. M. Justus, M. M. Shipley, Oliver Will. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $515, 033 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $112,672 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 377 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,788 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 650, 404 Community Served at Retail: Population Tucumcari--------------------------------- 6, 194 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *San Jon Light & Power Co. 30–560 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Rio Grande Project Elephant Butte, N. Mex. 30–823 *Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Artesia, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. E. Coleman----------------------------- Pres. G. E. Kaiser-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $274, 598 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,147 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 350 524 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased a 2,075,880 Community Served at Retail: Population Hope------------------------------------ 289 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 30–850 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc. Clovis, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Oscar Willman----------------------------- Pres. Oliver Kimbrough------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $224, 724 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28, 250 Number of Electric Customers------------ 536 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 528,600 ‘For year ended June 30, 1940. 30–890 *Otero County Electric Cooperative Cloudcroft, N. Mex. 30–910 *Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Portales, N. Mex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John C. Creek------------------------------ PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $130, 736 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $13,641 Number of Electric Customers------------ 207 Filowatt-hours: Energy Purchased------------------------ a $146,488. a For year ended June 30, 1940, NEW YORK Index Reference Number Adams Electric Light Company-- ... -- - - - - - - - 31–011 *Akron Water, Light, and Sewer Commis- Sion----- * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31–511 *Andover, Village oſ------------------------- 31–515 *Angelica Electric Light and Power Board -- 31–519 *Arcade Municipal Electric Plant ----------- 31–523 Auburn Shank Company------------------ ... 31–210 Ragley and Sewall...------------------------ 31–221 *Bath Electric, Gas, and Water System ----- 31–527 Beebee Island Corporation - - - - - -----------. - 31–225 *Bergen Municipal Electric Department, Village of --------------------------------- 31–532 Bonaparte Light & Water Company - - - - - - - - 31-019 *Boonville Board of Light Commissioners--- 31–536 *Brocton, Village of. ------------------------ 31–540 Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc.------------- 31–024 Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation-------. 31–029 Canadea Power Corporation.---------------- 31–031 Canton Electric Light & Power Co-...------- 31–030 *Castile Municipal Electric Light System --- 31–544 Cazenovia Electric Company, The I-------- 31–033 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation- 31–035 Central New York Power Corporation------ 31–036 Central Vermont Public Service Corporation- 31–037 *Churchville Electric Department, Village 91------------------------------------------ 1–548 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, *---------------------------------------- 1–040 Cooks Falls Electric Co., Inc. --------------- 31–041 Cornell University. ------------------------- 1–254 Deer River Power Co- - - - ------------------- 31-046 *Delevan Electric Light Department-------- 31–553 *Dering Harbor, Village of...---------------- 31–557 Dexter Sulphite Pulp & Paper Company---- 31–276 *Dunkirk Board of Water Commissioners--- 31–561 Dunn & McCarthy Shoe Company--------- 31–287 Dutchess Bleachery, Inc.--------------------- 31–298 Eastman Kodak Company------------------ 31–309 Edwards Electric Light & Power Co. ------- 31–052 Electro Metallurgical Company------------- 31–315 Ellenville Electric Company---------------- 31–054 Ellicottville Electric Light Co--------------- 31–055 *Endicott Municipal Light Plant. - - - - ------ 31–565 *Fairport Municipal Electric Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31–569 Fishers Island Flectric Corporation, The --- 31–059 *Frankfort Municipal Electric Ilight Plant -- 31–574 *Freeport, Village of...----------------------- 31–578 Gould Electric Light Plant, H. P- - - - - - - - - - - 31–062 *Gouverneur, Village of - - - ----------------- 31–586 *Greene Electric Department---------------- 31–590 *Green Island Electric Light Commission. -- 31–595 *Greenport Electric Light Department______ 31–599 Green Settlement Electric Light and Power Company--------------------------------- 31–064 *Groton Electric Department_ _ _ _ _ __________ 31–603 *Hamilton, Board of Water, Light & Sewer Commissioners, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31-607 Hammond Light & Power Co., Inc.---------- 31–067 *Herkimer Municipal Commission---------- 31–611 *Holley Municipal Light Plant______________ 31–616 Hudson River Power Corporation----------- 31-069 *Ilion Board of Light Commissioners-------- 31–620 Indian Lake Power and Light Corporation -- 31–071 International Paper Company--------------- 31–378 *Jamestown Municipal Electric System - - - - - 31–624 Juengst & Son, George - - - - ------------------ 31–0.75 Kenwood Electric Light Co. ---------------- 31–077 Keuka Lake Power Corporation.------------ 31-078 La Fargeville Electric Light Co - - - - - - - - - - - - 31–0.80 *Lake Placid Village Municipal Electric Plant-------------------------------------- 31–628 Reference Number Lawrence Park Heat, Light and Power Com- pany, The -------------------------------- 31–0.82 Leonard, James H-------------------...------- 31-084 *Little Valley Electric Light Department_ _ _ 31–633 Lockport and Newfane Power and Water Supply Company, The .------------------- 31-086 Long Island Ilighting Company------------- 31-087 Lorraine Electric Light Col----------------- 31–088 *Macedon Light and Power Commission - - - - 31–637 *Marathon Lighting Plant------------------ 31–641 *Mayville Light Department---- - - - - - - - - - - - - 31–645 Mineville Light, Heat & Power Co---------- 31–0.91 *Mohawk Municipal Commission -- - - - - - - - - - 31–649 Moreau Manufacturing Corporation --- - - - - - - 31–405 Nassau & Suffolk Lighting Company-------- 31–093 New York Air Brake Company, The-------- 31–421 New York and Queens Electric Light and Power Company- - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- 31–099 New York Power and Light Corporation.--- 31–098 *New York State Department of Public Works, Division of Canals-----. -- - - - - - - - - - 31–650 New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. 31–100 Niagara Falls Power Company, The - - - - - - - 31–103 Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Com- Parly-------------------------------------- 31–104 North American Cement Corporation - - - - - - - 31–429 Northern New York Power Corporation----- 31–106 Northern Pennsylvania Power Company--- 31–110 Old Forge Electric Corporation-------------- 31–114 Orange and Rockland Electric Company, 1–116 € - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oswegatchie Light & Power Co- - ----------- 31–118 Patchogue Electric Light Company, The---- 31–124 Paul Smith’s Electric Light and Power and Railroad Company.----------------------- 31–126 *Penn Yan Municipal Board---------------- 31–654 *Philadelphia Municipal Electric System - - - 31–658 *Port Byron Municipal Electric Light Plant- 31–662 *Potsdam, Village of.------------------------ 31–666 Queens Borough Gas and Electric Company- 31–130 Republic Steel Corporation------------------ 31–434 *Richmondville Municipal Electric Light - Plant-------------------------------------- 1–670 Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation----- 31–135 Rockland Light and Power Company------- 31–137 *Rockville Centre, The Incorporated Village 31–675 System------------------------------------ 31–679 Saint Lawrence River Power Company, The 31–145 *Salamanca Water and Light Department. - 31–683 *Savannah, Village of.----------------------- 31–687 Shelter Island Light & Power Company, Incorporated.------------------------------ 31–150 *Sherburne, Village of.---------------------- 31–691 *Silver Springs Electric Department--------- 31–696 Skaneateles East Lake El. Line, Inc - - - - - - - - 31–152 *Skaneateles Electric Light Department----- 31–700 *Solvay, Village of.-------------------------- 3 *Spencerport Electric Department----------- *Springville Electric Light and Power Co- - - Staten Island Edison Corporation.----------- 3 System Properties, Inc.---------------------- 31–158 *Theresa, Village of.------------------------- 31–716 Ticonderoga Electric Light & Power Com- pany, The--------------------------------- 31–161 Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Company------ 31–452 Tracy Development Company-------------- 31–166 *Tupper Lake, Municipal Electric System of the Village of.--------------------------- 31–720 526 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number Twin State Gas & Electric Company, The-...- 31–169 Union Bag & Paper Power Corporation----- 31–460 Wadhams & Westport Power & Light Corp- oration------------------------------------ 31–176 *Watertown, City Light & Power Depart- ment of.----------------------------------- *Watkins Glen Municipal Electric Plant--- Waverly Electric Light & Power Co., The-- 31–180 *Wellsville Water and Light Department_ _ – 31–733 NEW 31–011 Adams Electric Light Company 3 Church St., Adams, N. Y. Principal Officers: M. B. Steele----------------------- Pres. & Treas. C. W. Valentine Vice PreS. R. F. Steele Secy. V. M. Radder------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: M. B. Steele, R. F. Steele, C. W. Valentine. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $302, 688 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $120, 736 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 104 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 4, 263, 568 Communities Served at Retail: Population Adams------- -- 1,594 Adams Center 670 Ellisburg- 253 Henderson 262 Mannsville - 348 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central New York Power Corp. Green Settlement Electric Light & Power Co. Lorraine Electric Light Co. Woodville Electric Light & Power Co., Inc. 31–019 Bonaparte Light & Water Company - 2506 Midland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Principal Officer: G. W. Shoemaker--------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $1,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $651 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 32 Also Renders: Water service. 31–024 Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc. 380 Pearl St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (Controlled by Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., through 99% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Floyd L. Carlisle Chairman Oscar H. Fogg-------------------- Vice Chairman Ralph H. Tapscott--- Pres. Walter P. Holcombe, Vice Pres. & Asst. to Vice Chairman A. Augustus LOW---------------------- Vice Pres. Reference Number Westchester Lighting Company------------- 31–182 *Westfield Board of Light Commissioners_ _ _ 31–737 Wise Company, J. B.------------------------ 1–484 Woodville Electric Light & Power Co., Inc.-- 31–184 Yonkers Electric Light and Power Company, The--------------------------------------- 31–186 *Denotes a publicly owned utility Robert B. Grove.----------------------- Vice Pres, Ephraim F. Jeffe----------------------- Vice Pres. Nils T. Sellman------------------ Asst. Vice Pres. John H. Aiken------------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. Edward W. Kells------------ Secy. & Asst. Treas. Edward A. Baily------------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. Allen H. Magill- Asst. Secy. Samuel H. Allen- Asst. Treas. Reuel O. Launey ----Auditor Directors: Frank Bailey, Neal D. Becker, Floyd L. Carlisle, Oscar B. Fogg, Robert B. Grove, Walter P. Holcombe, David C. Johnson, Edward W. Kells, A. Augustus Low, George V. McLaughlin, Geo. C. Meyer, Franklin H. Nickerson, Edward P. Prezzano, Frank W. Smith, Ralph H. Tapscott. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $225, 332,784 flectric Operating Revenues ---------- $53,754,033 Number of Electric Customers.------- 826, 209. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------- 936,000 Energy Available in Year-------------- (a) (a) See Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. Community Served at Retail: Population New York (Brooklyn).------------------ 2,698,285. 31–029 Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation Electric Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. (ºiled by Niagara Hudson Power Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: Horace L. Mann Pres. William Kelly Vice PreS. Norman R. GibSon Vice PreS. Merrill E. Skinner - - Vice Pres. Edward D. King----------------------- Vice Pres. Herbert M. Sharp---------------------- Vice Pres. Harold R. Waldron Vice Pres. Rob Roy Macleod---------------------- Vice PreS. Charles D. Warren------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. Warren Tubbs Counsel George J. Brett - Treas. William C. Bingham----Asst. Treas.-ASSt. Secy. Arthur W. Jackson ASSt. Treas. Laurence W. Buchanan--------------- ASSt. Treas. Robert J. Lawler Asst. Treas. Directors: Edward J. Barcalo, Norman R. Gibson, William Kelly, Daniel J. Kenefick, Edward D. Ring, Horace L. Mann, Paulding F. Sellers, Her- bert M. Sharp, Harold R. Waldron. The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Utility Plant----------------- $92,050,368 George L. Knight---------------------- Vice Pres, Electric Operating Revenues.---------- $21,318,331 Number of Electric Customers-------- 220,703 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 465,000 DIRECTORY 527 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.-- 2,596, 315, 479 Generated-------------------------- 1,930, 192,890 Purchased-------------------------- 645, 721, 989 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 20, 400, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bergholtz * * 260 Blasdell 2, 322 Buffalo * * 575, 901 Pggertsville------------------------------- 520 Flwood----------------------------------- 1,010 Kenilworth------------------------------- 1,000 Kenmore- * = * * * * * * * * - ºg - * * * * * * * * * * * 18, 612 Lackawanna------------------------------ 24,058 Lewiston--- ---- 1, 280 Niagara Falls----------------------------- 78, G29 North Tonawanda ---- 20, 254 Ransomville------------------------------ 750 Snyder - -- 1, 500 Tonawanda 13,008 Williamsville----------------------------- 3,614 Woodlawn 1,020 YoungStown 79 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Niagara Falls Power Company. Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co. New York Power & Light Corporation. New York State Electric & Gas Corp. 31–030 Canton Electric Light & Power Co. 117 Main St., Canton, N. Y. Principal Officers: J. W. McGaughey----------------- PreS. & Treas. C. P. Scheller--------------------------- Vice Pres. Maude A. Rouselle --Secy. Directors: Geo. A. Chisholm, J. W. McGaughey, Mark K. Phalon, Maude A. Rouselle, C. P. Scheller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $198, 380 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $106,011 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 157 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 4, 341, C65 Population 3, 0.18 Community Served at Retail: Canton--------------------------------- 31–031 Canadea Power Corporation 108 E. Green St., Ithaca, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Rowe------------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. J. F. McKenna------------------------------ Secy. Directors: J. F. McKenna, T. F. Rowe, Paul Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2, 514, 284 Income from Electric Plant Leased to Others-------------------------------- $240, 542 31–033 The Cazenovia Electric Company Albany St., Cazenovia, N. Y. Principal Officers: T. C. Cherry-------------------------------- PreS. R. Philip Hart------------------------- Vice Pres, S. M. Thomas------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Milford Badgero, T. C. Cherry, Harley Crane, Edw. G. B. Fox, R. Philip Hart, John Shove, S. M. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $340,832 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $96,979 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 380 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 180 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,036, 359 Generated------------------------------ 294, 230 Purchased.------------------------------ 1, 742, 129 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cazenovia---------------------------------- 1,689 New Woodstock 368 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York Power and Light Corporation. 31–035 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation South Rd., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Principal Officers: - Ernest R. Acker----------------------------- Pres. John Wilkie--------------------- Vice Pres.-Treas. Peter A. Burnes------------------------ Vice Pres. H. E. Dexter, Vice Pres. Chg. Commercial Relations R. B. MacGuinness---Vice Pres. Chg. Operations Herbert V. Dutcher------------ Secy.-Asst. Treas. S. C. Hubbard----------------------- Comptroller John R. Gardner--------- Asst. Secy.-Asst. Treas. M. EI. Bigelow - ---------- ASSt. Secy.-Asst. Treas. S. R. Bradley, Jr.--------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Ernest R. Acker, Francis J. Brett, Peter Cantline, Harris E. Dexter, Robert B. McGuin- ness, Edward E. Perkins, Robert R. Rodie, Herbert C. Shears, Alva S. Staples, John Wilkie. Controls: Cornwall Telephone Co. (telephone). United Hudson Realty Corporation (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $31,018, 255 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $7, 565, 412 Number of Electric Customers---------- 79,000 | Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 35,480 Steam-------------------------------- 12,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 23, 480 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total -- a 356, 741, 035 Generated * = º º - a 91, 190, 800 Purchased -- 265, 550, 235 a Includes Station use. Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Beacon------------------------------------ 12, 572 Kingston---------------------------------- 28, 589 Newburgh.--------------------------------- 31,883 Poughkeepsie------------------------------ 40, 478 1,000 to 10,000 population Arlington---------------------------------- 3,800 Athens------------------------------------ 1,655 Catskill----------------------------------- 5, 429 Cold Spring------------------------------- 1, 897 Cornwall---------------------------------- 1, 350 Cornwall Village-------------------------- 1,978 Coxsackie--------------------------------- 2, 352 Fairview.---------------------------------- 1, 500 528 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Garrison----------------------------------- 1,400 Wawarsing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 Glasco------------------------------------- 1,409 West Camp------------------------------- 400 Highland---------------------------------- 2,000 West Hurley------------------------------ 315 Hyde Park-------------------------------- 1, 200 West Park-------------------------------- 700 Marlboro---------------------------------- 1, 150 Woodstock------ 300 Mº.; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *s - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - } ; Utilities Served at Wholesale: Wilton TIII.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 1.505 PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: New Paltz- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - 1. 492 Connecticut Power Co. New Windsor II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1.300 Ellenville Electric Co. Port Ewen III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1,500 New Jersey Power & Light Co. & Ravena. III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 1.Éio New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. Red Hook.III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III i. of New York Power and Light Corporation. #hinebeck - - - - 1. §§ The Orange and Rockland Electric Co. R oseton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Óð0 Rockland Light and Power Co. Saugerties - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- - - - - 3. 916 Westchester Lighting Co. Wappingers Falls-------------------------- 3,427 | Also Renders: Steam heat and gas (carbureted water 250 to 1,000 population and butane) service. - Ağı.… #. SnOKarl---------------------------------- - Hºle * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - ; 31 036 8.08841------------------------------------ 27 Barrytown-------------------------------- 429 Central New York Power airo-------------------------------------- 800 © gº. Hall.------ # Corp Oration ementon.-------------------------------- 5 e Chapel Corners --------------------------- 650 300 Erie Blvd. W., Syracuse, N. Y. Clancyville-------------------------------- 900 (Controlled by Niagara Hudson Power Corporation Clinton Corners--------------------------- 450 through 86.19% of voting power.) Clintondale------------------------------- 603 e - Coeymans--------------------------------- 300 | Principal Officers: © Coldenham 250 Alfred H. Schoellkopf------------------ Chairman Connelly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - 850 John L. Hale - * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * 2--Pres. Cottekiii. III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 450 H. Edmund Machold.--------------- 1st Vice Pres. Creek Locks...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 325 | John N. Costello----------------------- Vice Pres. Durham_-_ --~~~~ -º-º-º: 250 A. Dean Dudley----------------------- Vice Pres. East Durham III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 275 | Leland D. McCormac------------------ Vice Pres. East Kingston...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 500 || Ray W. Porter--------------------as--- Vice PreS. Eddyville ------ ------------------------ 640 Morris Tracy--------------------- Treas. W. PreS. Esopus - - - - - - - - - - -ºº º sº º 'º- +- - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Ernest Johnston * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * Secy. firthcliffel III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 750 Paul B. Murphy------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Fishkiii.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 720 Truman H. RuSS--------------------- ASSt. Treas. 9lenham-ºs------------------------------- 600 | Directors: Frank C. Ash, Myron G. Bronner, Qrahamsville------------------------------ 325 George H. Campbell, Samuel H. Cook, John M. Greenville--------------------------------- 467 | Costello, James C. Delong, A. Dean Dudley, Alan Haines Falls 399 || C. Fobes, John L. Haley, Wm. L. Hinds, Alexan- High Falls--------------------------------- 300 der F. Hobbs, Ernest Johnston, H. Edmund Mac- Rughsonville------------------------------ 300 | hold, Leland D. McCormac, Crandall Melvin, unter § Ray W. Porter, Alfred H. Schoellkopf, Frederick #. - - - - - - - - - # P. sº Morris Tracy, Walter F. Willson, Ed- Kerhonkson TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ;|c." t. -> - - - - - - - 300 | Uontrols: £iºns. 350 || Kanata Realty Co. Inc. (real estate). łºń - - - - % The following data are for the year 1940: - Lincoln Park III IIII 500 | Electric Utility Plant----------------- $101,324, 227 Mººn - - - - - - - - - - § Electric Operating Revenues --------- $19,354,472 Mºn: ; Number of Electric Customers------- 203,676 Mºmery.............................. sº |Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Mountainville----------------------------- 460 Total--------------------------- 277, 897 Nelsonville-------------------------------- 457 TNew Baltimore------ 650 Steam------------------------------ 110,000 N. Hººk: ; Hydro------------------------------ 167,897 #.burg 300 | Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours fine Plains.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 800 Total--------------------------- 1,601, 163,354 Pl kill---------------------------------- 400 #ºvăsy.… 500 Generated.-------------------------- 1, 249,013, 607 Rensselaerville lllllllllllllll-III.] 300 Purchased.-------------------------- 241, 608,827 Rhinecliff----------------------l. 500 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 110, 540, 920 #ºisi - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - # Communities Served at Retail: §"...y............................... 300 10,000 population or more Population Salisbury Mills---------------------------- 400 Cortland--------------------------------- 15,881 Salt Point--------------------------------- 280 | Fulton----------------------------------- 13,362 shokan------------------------------------ 300 Little Falls------------------------------- 10, 163 Staatsburg-------------------------------- 500 Massena --------------------------------- 11,328 Stone Ridge------------------------------- 350 Ogdensburg------------------------------ 16,346 Tannersville 640 Oswego----------------------------------- 22,062 Tillson.------ - - 400 Rome------------------------------------ 34,214 Tivoli------------------------------------- 761 | Syracuse--------------------------------- 205,967 Ulster Park------------------------------- 640 Utica------------------'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100, 518 Wallkill----------------------------------- 800 Watertown---- - - - -- 33, 385 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 529 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Alexandria Bay--------------------------- 1, 748 Baldwinsville---------------------------- 3,840 Camillus--------------------------------- 1, 133 Carthage--------------------------------- 4, 207 Clark Mills------------------------------- 1, 266 Clayton---------------------------------- 1,999 Clinton----------------------------------- 1,478 Dexter------------------------------------ 1, 109 Dolgeville-------------------------------- 3, 195 East Syracuse---------------------------- 4, 520 Fayetteville------------------------------ 2, 172 Gouverneur------------------------------ 4,478 Homer----------------------------------- 2,928 Liverpool--------------------------------- 2,500 Lowville--------------------------------- 3, 578 Malone - -- 8, 743 Manlius---------- 1, 520 McGraw---------------------------------- 1, 201 Mexico.----------------------------------- 1, 348 New Hartford---------------------------- 1, 914 New York Mills-------------------------- 3, 628 Norfolk----------------------------------- 1, 307 North Syracuse--------------------------- 2,083 Norwood--------------------------------- 1,905 Oriskany--------------------------------- 1, 115 Phoenix---------------------------------- 1, 757 Potsdam--------------------------------- 4, 821 Sackets Harbor-------------------------- 1, 962 West Carthage--------------------------- 1, 767 Whitesboro------------------------------- 3, 532 Yorkville--------------------------------- 3, 311 250 to 1,000 population Antwerp---------------------------------- 817 Balmat.----------------------------------- 250 Bangor----------- 300 Beaver Falls------------------------------ 617 Belle Isle--------------------------------- 250 Bernhards Bay--------------------------- 250 Black River------------------------------ 897 Bombay---------------------------------- 367 Brasher Falls----------------------------- 444 Brewerton-------------------------------- 427 Bridgeport------------------------------- 350 Brownville------------------------------- 907 Brushton--------------------------------- 487 Cape Vincent---------------------------- 931 Cassville--------------------------------- 250 Castorland------------------------------- 309 Caughdenoy------------------------------ 250 Central Square--------------------------- 568 Chadwicks------------------------------- 300 Chaumont------------------------------- 534 Chittenango.------------------------------ 885 Chittenango Station---------------------- 350 Cicero------------------------------------ 317 ClayVille--------------------------------- 711 Cleveland-------------------------------- 440 Cold Brook------------------------------- 271 Colton------------------------------------ 300 Constantia------------------------------- 500 Cranberry Lake-------------------------- 300 Croghan---------------------------------- 801 De Kalb Junction------------------------ 450 De Ruyter------------------------------- 526 Peteriet---------------------------------- 620 Delphi Falls------------------------------ 265 Depauville------------------------------- 300 PeWitt----------------------------------- 500 JPickinson Center------------------------ 269 East Frankfort--------------------------- 500 Evans Mills------------------------------ 523 *abius----------------------------------- 308 Fairfield---------------------------------- 250 Fairmount------------------------------- 300 Felts Mills------------------------------- 500 Forestport-------------------------------- 416 Fort Covington.-------------------------- 813 Franklin Springs.------------------------- 360 Glenfield--------------------------------- 260 Glen Park-------------------------------- 523 Great Bend------------------------------ 400 Hannibal--------------------------------- 437 Harrisville-------------------------------- 832 erºſion---------------------------------- 487 Heuvelton-------------------------------- 620 322184—42—39 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Holland Patent--------------------------- 388 Hopkinton------------------------------- 750 Jamesville-------------------------------- 800 Kirkland--------------------------------- 300 Kirkville--------------------------------- 250 Lee Center------------------------------- 400 Lincklaen-------------------------------- 447 Lisbon----------------------------------- 250 Lycoming-------------------------------- 320 adrid----------------------------------- 900 Middleville------------------------------- 612 Minetto---------------------------------- 500 Minoa------------------------------------ 902 Moira------------------------------------ 369 Morristown-------- & 540 Natural Bridge--------------------------- 600 Nedrow ------ 750 Newport--------------------------------- 627 Newton Falls----------------------------- 750 Nicholville------------------------------- 550 North Bangor---------------------------- 319 North Lawrence-------------------------- 375 Iſlaſ------------------------------------- 250 Onondaga Hill--------------------------- 300 Oswegatchie------------------------------ 750 Parish------------------------------------ 521 Parishville-------------------------------- 300 Pennelville------------------------------- 255 Plessis------------------------------------ 300 Poland----------------------------------- 478 Pompey---------------------------------- 250 Port Leyden------------------------------ 794 Prospect---------------------------------- 285 Pyrites----------------------------------- 300 Raymondville---------------------------- 400 Redwood--------------------------------- 524 Remsen---------------------------------- 422 Rensselaer Falls-------------------------- 265 Richville--------------------------------- 274 Russell----------------------------------- 500 Saint Regis Falls------------------------- 889 Salisbury Center-------------------------- 300 Sauquoit--------------------------------- 700 Scriba------------------------------------ 250 South Colton----------------------------- 300 South Onondaga-------------------------- 250 Stittville--------------------------------- 350 Theresa.---------------------------------- 908 Three Mile Bay-------------------------- 290 Trenton---------------------------------- 296 Truxton---------------------------------- 250 Tully------------------------------------- 719 Waddington------------------------------ 671 Washington Mills------------------------ 500 Westernville - - - - 250 Westmoreland---------------------------- 400 WillowVale------------------------------- 500 Winthrop-------------------------------- 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Adams Electric Light Co. The Bonaparte Light & Water Co. Canton Electric Light & Power Co. The Cazenovia Electric Co. Edwards Electric Light & Power Co. Eſammond Light & Power Co., Inc. LaFargeville Electric Light Co. H. Leonard. New York Power and Light Corporation. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Old Forge Electric Corporation. Oswegatchie Light & Power Co. . . Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation. The St. Lawrence River Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Boonville Board of Light Commissioners. *Frankfort Municipal Electric Light Plant. *Herkimer Municipal Commission. *Ilion Board of Light Commissioners. *Mohawk Municipal Commission. *Philadelphia Municipal Electric System. *Village of Solvay. *Village of Theresa. Also Renders: Gas Service. O. 530 FEDERAL Power COMMISSION 31–037 Central Vermont Public Service Corporation 121 West St., Rutland, Vt. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: New York only--------------------------- $23,571 Number of Electric Customers: New York only--------------------------- 13 See Also: Principal report under Vermont (44-022) and operations reported under New Eſampshire (28–022). 31–040 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. 4 Irving PI., New York, N. Y. Principal Officers: Floyd L. Carlisle----------------------- Chairman Oscar H. Fogg-------------------- Vice Chairman Ralph H. Tapscott-------------------------- PreS. Leland B. Bonnett--------------------- Vice PreS. Herbert C. Davidson------------------- Vice PreS. Robert B. Grove.----------------------. Vice PreS. James F. Hunter:---------------------- Vice PreS. Ephraim F. Jeffe----------------------- Vico Pres. David C. Johnson.---------------------- Vice Pres. Arthur H. Kehoe----------------------- Vice Pres. Clarence L. Law ----------------------- Vice Pres. Howard W. Leitch--------------------- Vice Pres. A. Augustus Low---------------------- Vice Pres. W. Cullen Morris.---------------------- Vice Pres. Franklin H. Nickerson Vice PreS. John C. Parker ... --------------------- Vico PreS. Hudson R. Searing--------------------- Vice Pres. John Stilwell--------------------------- Vice PreS. John H. Aiken------------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. James F. Fairman---------------- AsSt. Vice Pres. Harland C. Forbes--------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. Earl L. Griffiths.------------------ ASSt. Vice Pres. George L. Knight---------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. James F. Hunter----------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. Henry Obermeyer---------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. Porter C. Savage-----------------4ASSt. Vice Pres. Nils T. Sellman------------------ Asst. Vice Pres. Colin C. Simpson.---------------- ASSt. Vice PreS. Melville T. Chandler----------------------- Secy. William F. O’Brien --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Treas. Frank J. Bischoff, Jr.------------------- Controller Charles M. Breidenbach, Jr.----------- ASSt. Secy. George Lange------------------------- Asst. Secy. Charles Nodder----------------------- Asst. Secy. William K. Newell-------------------- Asst. Secy. Edward J. O’Neill-------------------- Asst. Secy. Edward T. Roche--------------------- ASSt. Secy. William A. Root - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Treas. John E. Scanlan-------- -------------- Asst. Treas. Gould A. Stebbins-------------------- Asst. Treas. Edward J. Tierney------------------- Asst. Treas. Reuel O. Launey---------------- Assoc. Controller Bernard S. Rodey--------------- Assoc. Controller John V. Cleary------------------- Asst. Controller Charles E. Eble------------------ ASSt. Controller William J. Foy------------------- Asst. Controller George L. Harrison.--------------- Asst. Controller George McDougall--------------- Asst. Controller Lawrence Y. Meneely------------ Asst. Controller Michael J. Miley----------------- Asst. Controller William R. Schonfisch----------- ASSt. Controller Trustees: Neal D. Becker, Floyd L. Carlisle, Joseph P. T)ay, Frederick H. Ecker, Oscar H. Fogg, David C. Johnson, George V. McLaughlin, George C. Meyer, Franklin H. Nickerson, Mrs. Kenneth B. Norton, Edgar Palmer, Gordon S. Rentschler, Frank W. Smith, Ralph H. Tapscott, George Whitney. - Controls: Brooklyn Edison Co., Inc. (electric Service). Consolidated Telegraph & Electrical Subway Co. (Construction and operation of electric conduits). Green Mountain Lake Farms, Inc. (convalescent home for employees). Manhattan-Bronx Power Corporation (inactive). New York and Queens Electric Light and Power Co. (electric Service). New York Carbide & Acetylene Co. (inactive). New York Steam Corporation (steam service). Tarrytown Terminal Corporation (real estate). Westchester Lighting Co. (gas and electric service). The Yonkers Electric Light and Power Co. (elec- tric Service). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $431, 910, 330 Electric Operating Revenues--------- $110, 730,022 Number of Electric Customers------- 1,012, 978 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------- 1,424, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------- a 7,654, 236,563 Generated.------------------------- 7, 348,853, 505 Purchased.------------------------- 21, 558 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 305,361, 500 a Combined energy account of Consolidated Edi- son System, comprising Brooklyn Edison Co., Inc., Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc., New York and Queens Electric Light and Power Co., West- chester Lighting Co., and The Yonkers Electric Light and Power Co. Information by individual companies not reported. Communities Served at Retail: Population New York (Bronx)--------------------- 1,394, 711 New York (Manhattan).---------------- 1,889,924 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York Power and Light Corporation. (In- terchange). Also Renders: Gas Service. 31–041 Cooks Falls Electric Co., Inc. Cooks Falls, N. Y. Principal Officers: Amanda Treyz.----------------------------- PreS. G. Victor Treyz.--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Stanley E. Smith---------------------------- Secy. Laura E. Treyz----------------------------- Treas. Directors: Stanley E. Smith, Amanda Treyz, G. Victor Treyz. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $33, 206 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $5, 168 Number of Electric Cust sº 58 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --------------- 40 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 133,070 Community Served at Retail: Population Cooks Falls----------------------------------- 300 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 531 31–044 Corinth Electric Light and Power Company 53 Main St., Corinth, N. Y. (Controlled by International Hydro-Electric System.) Principal Officers: Irwin L. Moore-- - - - - PreS. George S. Ferris --------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Secy. Coulter D. Young--- Secy. E. B. Norcross----------------------------- Treas. Elsie Hoffman------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: George S. Ferris, Elsie Hoffman, I. L. Moore. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --- $95,433 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $65,326 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 127 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 366,703 Community Served at Retail: Population Corinth------------------------------------ 3,054 31–046 Deer River Power Co. Copenhagen, N. Y. Community Served at Retail: Population Copenhagen---------------------------------- 608 31–052 Edwards Electric Light & Power Co. Edwards, N. Y. Principal Officer: Urban O. Webb--------------------------- OWner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,951 Number of Electric Customers------------- 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 402,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Edwards-- ----------------------------------- 624 31–054 Ellenville Electric Company Ellenville, N. Y. Principal Officers: Sadie E. Denman------------------ PreS. & Treas. Nancy D. Raymond------------------- Vice PreS. Charles D. Raymond----------------------- Secy. Directors: Sadie E. Denman, Charles D. Raymond, Nancy D. Raymond. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------. * - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues------------- $435, 555 $240, 163 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,284 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 9,072, 134 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ellenville 4,000 Napanoch 642 Spring Glen 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale. PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation. Rockland Light & Power Co. 31–055 Ellicottville Electric Light Co. Ellicottville, N. Y. Principal Officers: Jos. K. Loury Eleonore M. Loury Directors: Eleonore M. LOury, JOS. K. Loury, M. C. Pettit. The following data are for the year 1940: Secy.-Treas. Electric Utility Plant $85,003 Electric Operating Rev $23,330 Number of Electric Customers------------- 582 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts of al 335 Steam 100 Internal Combustion 235 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-- 799, 590 Community Served at Retail: , Population Ellicottville---- 1,024 31–059 The Fishers Island Electric Corporation Fishers Island, N. Y. Principal Officers: º Henry L. Ferguson-------------------------- PreS. Alfred L. Ferguson, Sr--------------------- Trea.S. R. C. Shanklin-------- .* * * * * - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Treas. The following data are for the period from Nov. 18, 1940 to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------...------ $197, 478 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $5,778 Number of Electric Customers------------ 202 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - - - 133,619 31–062 H. P. Gould Electric Light Plant Lyons Falls, N. Y. Principal Officer: G. M. B. Williams-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $52,311 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $27,216 Number of Electric Customers------------- 612. Rilowatt-hours: Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 523,425. Communities Served at Retail: Population Constableville-------------------------------- 340. Lyons Falls---------------------------------- 818. 532 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 31—064 Green Settlement Electric Light and Power Company Adams Center, N. Y. 31–067 Hammond Light & Power Co. Inc. 300 Erie Blvd., West, Syracuse, N. Y. (Controlled By Niagara Hudson Power Corp. through 54% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Ray W. Porter------------------------------ PreS. A. W. Andrews------------------------ Vice Pres. Ernest Johnston---------------------------- Secy. Morris Tracy- Treas. Directors: A. W. Andrews, Michael Doyle, Ray W. Porter, Morris Tracy, John J. Wallace. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - -- $43,669 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,704 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 201 Rilowatt-hours IEnergy Purchased - - - - 325,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Fiammond------------------------ 323 31–069 Hudson River Power Corporation 220 E. 42d St., New York, N. Y. (Controlled by International Hydro-Electric System through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . L OOTe--------------------------------- PreS. Geo. S. Ferris- - ----- Vice Pres., Asst. Secy.-Treas. Coulter D. Young--------------------------- Secy. E. B. Norcross------- Treas. Directors: Geo. S. Ferris, G. Gordon Gale, I. L. MOOre. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $29,977, 580 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $820, 700 Number of Electric Customers--------- 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) ----------- 35, 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 182, 704, 070 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York Power & Light Corporation. 31–071 Indian Lake Power and Light Corporation Indian Lake, N. Y. 31–0.75 George Juengst & Son Croton Falls, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Charles A. Burgess-------------------------- Mgr. Partners: Virginia J. Burgess, C. M. M. Juengst, Magdalene Juengst. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34,454 Number of Electric Customers------------ 29 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 925 Hydro---------------------------------- 590 Internal Combustion------------------- 335 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,092,000 31–077 Kenwood Electric Light Co. 202 Sherrill Rd., Sherrill, N. Y. Principal Officers: Martin W. Keller----------------------------- Pres. C. B. Salisbury------------------------ Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $63,034 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50, 501 Number of Electric Cust Fº 864 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] 1, 522,807 Communities Served at Retail: Population Kenwood 400 Sherrill------------------------------------- 2, 184 31–078 Keuka Lake Power Corporation 821 Onondaga County Savings Bank Building, Syracuse, N. Y. Principal Officer: Francis P. Maloney Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. --Treas. 31—080 La Fargeville Electric Light Co. 8 Church St., Gouverneur, N. Y. (Controlled by International Pulp Co.) Principal Officers: Michael Doyle------------------------------- Pres W. C. Geer Vice PreS. S. J. McCrimlisk Secy W. H. Stillhammer------------------------ Treas. J. J. Wallace--------------------------- Gen. Mgr Castle & Fitch--------------------------- Counsel G. R. Trerise-------------------------- Gen. Supt. Directors: M. Doyle, W. C. Geer, S.J. McCrimlisk, W. H. Stillhammer, J. J. Wallace. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $80,743 Electric Operating Rev $17,690 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 729, 400 Community Served at Retail: º La Fargeville DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 533 31—082 The Lawrence Park Heat, Light and Power Company 4 Valley Rd., Bronxville, N. Y. (Controlled by Lawrence Investing Company, Inc.) Principal Officers: D. B. Lawrence Pres, C. S. Andrews Vice Pres. A. D. Meyer-- ---- SeCy. H. F. Herrick------------------------------ Treas. Directors: C. S. Andrews, A. L. Bisland, D. B. Lawrence, R. C. Lawrence, F. J. Meigs. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $523,338 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41, 512 Number of Electric Customers------------ 321 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 136, 185 Community Served at Retail: Population Bronxville---------------------------------- 6, 888 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 31—084 James H. Leonard Benson Mines, N. Y. Principal Officer: J. H. Leonard----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $661 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 16 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 18, 400 31—086 The Lockport and Newfane Power and Water Supply Company Newfane, N. Y. (ºiled by Niagara EIudson Power Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: William Kelly------------------------------- Pres. Merrili E. Skinner--------------------- Vice Pres. Wilfred C. Stephens-------------------- Vice Pres. Charles W. Boyce---------------------- Vice Pres. Charles D. Warren-------------------------- Secy George J. Brett----------------------------- Treas. William C. Bingham---Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Laurence W. Buchanan-------------- ASSt. Treas. Robert J. Lawler--------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Norman R. Gibson, william Kelly, Horace L. Mann, Alfred H. Schoellkopf, Paul A. Schoellkopf, Wilfred C. Stephens, Charles D. Warren. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,394, 976 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $235,650 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,332 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 4,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 10, 110, 510 Generated------------------------------ 1, 530, 900 Purchased------------------------------ 8,455, 122 Interchanged (gross-in).----------------- 124, 488 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gasport------------------------------------ 600 Middleport--------------------------------- 1, 575 Newſame----------------------------------- 1, 200 Olcott--------- • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s ºr sm * * * * = * * * 300 Utility Served at Wholesale: RIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. 31—087 Long Island Lighting Company 250 Old Country Rd., Mineola, N. Y. Principal Officers: Ellis L. Phillips------------------------ Chairman Edward F. Barrett-------------------------- PreS. Bruce S. Gramley---------------------- Vice Pres. James W. Carpenter------------------- Vice Pres. Errol W. Doebler---------------------- Vice PreS. Henry R. Frost----------------------------- Secy. Robert G. Olmsted.------------------------- Treas. Directors: Edward F. Barrett, Charles G. Blakeslee, James W. Carpenter, George Link, Jr., Fred. H. Maidment, Robert G. Olmsted, Ellis L. Phillips. Controls: - Kings County Lighting Co. (gas), which controls— Kings Appliance Corporation (gas appliances). Rings D. & R. Corporation (real estate). Liland Corporation (real estate). * Queens Borough Gas and Electric Co. (electric & gas), which controls— Long Beach Gas Co., Inc. (gas). & Nassau & Suffolk Lighting Co. (electric & gas). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $48,792, 580 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $10,332,272 Number of Electric Customers--------- 138,065. Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------- 202, 700 Steam-------------------------------- 202, 500 Internal Combustion----------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * := - º 'º -º- º * *-* *-* * 344, 391,957 Generated---------------------------- 342,093, 480 Purchased---------------------------- 391, 461 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 1, 907, 016 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Baldwin----------------------------------- 10, 992 Floral Park-------------------------------- 12, 950 Freeport----------------------------------- 20, 410 Garden City-- 11, 223 Glen Cove--------------------------------- 12, 415 Hempstead.-------------------------------- 20, 856. Mineola 10,064 Port Washington.-------------------------- 10,413 1,000 to 10,000 population Amityville--------------------------------- 5,058 Babylon----------------------------------- 4, 742 Bay Shore--------------------------------- 6, 488 Bayport----------------------------------- 1, 274 Bayville----------------------------------- 1, 516. Bellerose---------------------------------- 1, 317 Bellmore---------------------------------- 8, 200 Bethpage---------------------------------- 3, 500 Bridgehampton.--------------------------- 1, 250 Brightwaters------------------------------ 1, 562 Central Islip------------------------------ 1,615 Copiague---------------------------------- 1, 125 East Hampton.---------------------------- 1, 756. East Islip--------------------------------- 1,817 East Northport---------------------------- 2, 180 East Williston----------------------------- 1, 152 Farmingdale------------------------------ 3, 524 534 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Franklin Square--------------------------- 4,000 Garden City Park------------------------- 1, 250 Glen Head-------------------------------- 2, 500 Great Neck-------------------------------- 6, 167 Great Neck Estates----------------------- 1,969 Great Neck Plaza------------------------- 2,031 Greenlawn-------------------------------- 1, 237 Greenvale -------------------------------- I, 500 Hampton Bays---------------------------- 1, 127 Hempstead Gardens----------------------- 1, 100 Hicksville--------------------------------- 6, 772 Huntington.------------------------------- , 683 Huntington Station----------------------- 4,614 Islip--------------------------------------- 2, 183 Islip Terrace------------------------------ 1,092 Kings Park-------------------------------- 2, 500 Kings Point------------------------------- 1, 247 Lindenhurst------------------------------- 4, 756 Locust Valley----------------------------- 1,800 Manhasset-------------------------------- 3, 500 Massapequa------------------------------- l, 260 Mattituck--------------------------------- 1,938 Merrick----------------------------------- 7,000 Munsey Park---------------------------- _ 1, 456 Nesconset--------------------------------- 2, 100 New Hyde Park--------------------------- 4, 691 North Bellmore--------------------------- 1, 897 North Merrick---------------------------- , 000 Northport--------------------------------- 3,093 Old Westbury----------------------------- 1,017 Oyster Bay-------------------------------- 7, 500 Port Jefferson----------------------------- 2,465 Riverhead--------------------------------- 4, 963 Ronkonkoma------------------------------ 1, 500 Roosevelt --------------------------------- 5, 848 Roslyn Heights---------------------------- 3, 500 Sag Harbor-------------------------------- 2, 517 Saint James------------------------------- 1, 169 Sayville.---------------------------------- 3, 590 Sea Cliff----------------------------------- 4, 416 Seaford------------------------------------ 3, 100 Southampton------------------------------ 3, 818 Southold --------------------------------- 1,651 Stewart Manor---------------------------- 1, 625 Syosset------------------------------------ 1, 500 Thomaston-------------------------------- 1, 159 Uniondale--------------------------------- 1, 000 Wantagh.---------------------------------- 1, 284 West Babylon----------------------------- I, 500 Westbury--------------------------------- 4, 524 West Hempstead-------------------------- 1,000 West Sayville----------------------------- 1, 128 Williston Park---------------------------- 5, 750 250 to 1,000 population Albertson 892 Amagansett-------------------------------- 953 Aquehogue- 450 Baiting Hollow---------------------------- 428 |Baxter Estates----------------------------- 760 Bohemia - - 800 Brentwood_ 741 Calverton.----- * - 572 Centereach-------------------------------- 600 Centerport-------------------------------- 434 Cold Spring Harbor- 714 Commack- - 568 Cutchogue- - * * - 903 Deer Park--- * * * - 426 Past Hills--------------------------------- 343 Past Marion------------------------------- 270 East Norwich----------------------------- 731 East Quogue * = * - 495 East Setauket- 834 Elmont 492 *landers----------------------------------- 386 Flower Hill-------------------------------- 666 Glenwood Landing------------------------ 350 ‘Good Grounds * * - 500 Halesite_ _ 583 |Hauppauge-------------------------------- 538 Head of The Harbor----------------------- 255 Holbrook---------------------------------- 321 Huntington Bay - 408 Jamesport--------------------------------- 251 Rensington-------------------------------- 933 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Lake Ronkonkoma------------------------ 683 Lakeville (Nassau County)---------------- 300 Lattingtown------------------------------- 613 Laurel------------------------------------- 250 Lloyd Harbor----------------------------- 603 Manorhaven------------------------------- 484 Massapequa Park------------------------- 488 Matinecock-------------------------------- 428 Melville----------------------------------- 589 Miller Place------------------------------- 250 Montauk - sº * * - - * * - - - - - - - * * *- 608 Mount Sinai------------------------------- 500 Munson----------------------------------- 300 Muttontown------------------------------ 335 NaSSaul Point 400 New Suffolk------------------------------- 600 North Hills-------------------------------- 295 North Roslyn----------------------------- 985 Northville (Suffolk County) -------------- 618 Oakdale----------------------------------- 260 Old Brookville----------------------------- 356 Orient------------------------------------- 616 Oyster Bay Cove-------------------------- 466 Pecomic------------------------------------ 631 Plainview.--------------------------------- 500 Plandome--------------------------------- 897 Plandome Heights------------------------- 317 Plandome Manor-------------------------- 262 Ponquogue-------------------------------- 430 Port Washington North------------------- 628 Quogue------------------------------------ 633 Roslyn------------------------------------ 972 Roslyn Estates---------------------------- 464 Roslyn Harbor---------------------------- 303 Russell Gardens--------------------------- 556 Sagaponack-------------------------------- 358 Sands Point------------------------------- 628 Selden------------------------------------- 350 Setauket----------------------------------- 384 Smithtown------ 250 Smithtown Branch_- 951 South Floral Park------------------------- 510 South JameSport-------------------------- 299 Springs------------------------------------ 325 Stony Brook.------ * - 790 Terryville------- 250 TJpper Brookville---- -- 456 Wading River----------------------------- 475 Water Mill-------------------------------- 379 West Islip--------------------------- - - - - - - 800 Westhampton----------------------------- 502 Westhampton Beach---------------------- 969 Wheatley---------------------------------- 300 Woodbury-------------------------------- 307 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Long Island Railroad Co. The Patchogue Electric Light Co. Queens Borough Gas & Electric Co. Also Renders: Manufactured gas Service. 31—088 Lorraine Electric Light Co. Lorraine, N. Y. Principal Officers: F. E. Overton--------------------- Pres. & Treas. G. A. Foote---------------------------- Vice Pres Grace Overton------------------------------ Secy Directors: F. E. Overton; Grace Overton, Lloyd Overton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $13,962 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $5,482 Number of Electric Customers------------- 106 Communities Served at Retail: Population Lorraine.---- 848 Worth------ 415 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 535 31–0.91 Mineville Light, Heat & Power Co. Mineville, N. Y. Principal Officers: J. R. Linney-------------------------------- Pres. T. F. Myners-------------------------- Vice PreS. A. K. McClellan--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. H. Lewis, J. R. Linney, A. K. Mc- Clellan, F. J. Myers, T. F. Myners. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $27,716 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,899 Number of Electric Customers------------- 488 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 364, 107 Communities Served at Retail: Population Mineville----------------------------------- 787 Witherbee---------------------------------- 1, 567 31–093 Nassau & Suffolk Lighting Company 250 Old Country Rd., Mineola, N. Y. (Controlled by Long Island Lighting Company.) Principal Officers: Edward F. Barrett-------------------------- Pres. Edward L. Davies--------------------- Vice PreS. Errol W. Doebler----Vice Pres. & Operating Mgr. Robert G. Olmsted.----------- Vice Pres. & Treas. Henry R. Frost----------------------------- Secy. Directors: Edward F. Barrett, Charles G. Blakeslee, James W. Carpenter, Edward L. Davies, Fred H. Maidment, Ellis L. Phillips, Elmer B. Sanford. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $193, 604 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $32,431 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 565 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased---------------------- 534, 970 Community Served at Retail: Population Island Park-------------------------------- 1, 531 Also Renders: Manufactured gas and water service. 31–098 New York Power and Light Corporation 126 State St., Albany, N. Y. (Controlled by Niagara Hudson Power Corporation through 90.97% of voting power.) Principal Officers: A. H. Schoellkopf---------------------- Chairman Otto Snyder--------------------------------- ProS. T. W. Drought------------- '- - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. J. M. Seay---------------- Vice Pres. & Controller W. J. Gilson--------------------------- Vice Pres. H. E. Machold.------------------------- Vice PreS. A. J. Danaher---------------- Secy. & Gen. Atty. James McGuire---------------------------- Treas. E. R. Little--------------------------- Asst. Secy. A. N. Woodhead---------------------- ASSt. Secy. J. M. Brucker------------------------ Asst. Treas. J. H. Morrell------------------------- ASSt. Treas. A. J. Silber----------------------- AsSt. Controller Directors: A. J. Danaher, T. W. Drought, T. H. Guy, H. E. Machold, C. E. McElroy, A. V. Morris, A. H. Schoellkopf, J. M. Seay, Otto Snyder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------. $114, 580,017 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $20,945, 593 Number of Electric Customers-------- 227,627 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------- 266,385. Steam------------------------------ 89,850 Hydro------------------------------ 176,535 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1,632, 803, 512 Generated-------------------------- 915, 848, 541 Purchased.-------------------------- 574,999, 841 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 141,955, 130 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Albany----------------------------------- 130, 577 Amsterdam-------------------------- -- - - 33, 329 Cohoes----------------------------------- 21, 955 Glens Falls------------------------------- 18, 836 Gloversville------------------------------ 23, 329 Hudson---------------------------------- 11, 517 Johnstown------------------------------- 10, 666 Oneida----------------------------------- 10, 291 Rensselaer-------------------------------- 10,768 Saratoga Springs------------------------- 13, 705 Schenectady------------------------------ 87, 549 Troy------------------------------------- 70, 304 Watervliet.------------------------------- 16, 114 1,000 to 10,000 population Ballston Spa----------------------------- 4, 443 Broadalbin------------------------------- 1,399 Cambridge------------------------------- 1, 572 Canajoharie------------------------------ 2, 577 Canastota-------------------------------- 4, 150 Castleton on Hudson--------------------- 1, 515 Cobleskill-------------------------------- 2,617 Colonie----------------------------------- 1, 407 Comstock-------------------------------- 1,303 Delinar----------------------------------- 4, 500 Elsmere---------------------------------- 1, 200 Fonda------------------------------------ 1, 123 Fort Edward----------------------------- 3, 620 Fort Plain-------------------------------- 2, 77 Greenwich------------------------------- 2, 270 Hudson Falls----------------------------- 6,654 Menands--------------------------------- 1, 764 Middleburg. ------------------------ 1,074 Northville (Fulton County) -------------- 1, 111 Port Henry------------------------------- 1,935 Saint Johnsville-------------------------- 2, 283 Schuylerville----------------------------- 1,447 Scotia------------------------------------ 7, 960 South Glens Falls------------------------ 3,081 Stottville--------------------------------- 1,079 Valatie----------------------------------- 1, 208 Warrensburg----------------------------- 2,000 Waterford-------------------------------- 2,903 West Albany----------------------------- 1,969 Whitehall-------------------------------- 4, 851 250 to 1,000 population Alplaus----------------------------------- 550 Altamont--------------------------------- 890 Aqueduct-------------------------------- 300 Bald Mountain--------------------------- 300 Ballston Lake---------------------------- 300 Battenville------------------------------- 300 Berne------------------------------------ 260 Bolton Landing-------------------------- 596 Brainard Station------------------------- 270 Brant Lake (Horicon).-------------------- 400 Burnt Hills------------------------------- 390 Carman---------------------------------- 500 Center Cambridge------------------------ 375 Central Bridge--------------------------- 275 Cherry Valley---------------------------- 704 Chestertown----------------------------- 288 536 FEDERAT, POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Clarksville------------------------------- 400 Claverack-------------------------------- 449 Clemons---------------------------------- b10 Clermont--------------------------------- 805 Columbiaville---------------------------- 424 CoSSayuna------------------------------- 300 Crescent---------------------------------- 250 Cropseyville------------------------------ 500 Crown Point----------------------------- 357 Delanson--------------------------------- 326 Dunsback Ferry (Emerick) -------------- 529 Durhamville----------------------------- 625 Eagle Bridge----------------------------- 300 Eagle Mills------------------------------- 500 East Greenbush-------------------------- 616 Paston----------------------------------- 337 East Worcester--------------------------- 500 Ephratah--------------------------------- 949 Feura Bush------------------------------ 350 Fort Ann--------------------------------- 439 Fort Hunter------------------------------ 308 Fort Johnson----------------------------- 868 Fort Miller------------------------------- 314 Freysbush-------------------------------- 298 Fultonham------------------------------- 400 Fultonville------------------------------- 806 Gansevoort------------------------------- 250 Germantown----------------------------- 250 Grafton----------------------------------- 572 Greendale-------------------------------- 305 Guilderland------------------------------ 300 Hadley----------------------------------- 400 Hagaman--------------------------------- 933 880°------------------------------------ 550 Haynersville----------------------------- 300 Hoag Corners---------------------------- 265 Howes Cave------------------------------ 250 Johnsburg-------------------------------- 276 Johnsonville------------------------------ 812 Kinderhook------------------------------ 745 Lake George------------------------------ 803 Lassellsville- 320 Lawyersville----------------------------- 262 Livingston-- * * - * 406 Loudonville------------------------------ 527 Luzerne---------------------------------- 632 Maryland-------------------------------- 250 Mayfield--------------------------------- 7.59 McKownville---------------------------- 506 Welrose---------------------------------- 310 Middle Falls----------------------------- 396 oriah----------------------------------- 500 Mount McGregor------------------------ 500 Munnsville------------------------------- 357 aSSall----------------------------------- 698 Selliston--------------------------------- 638 New Scotland---------------------------- 300 Newton Hook---------------------------- 450 Newtonville------------------------------ 500 Niskayuna------------------------------- 500 Niverville-------------------------------- 295 North Chatham-------------------------- 300 North Creek----------------------------- 771 North Germantown---------------------- 327 Olmstedville----------------------------- 350 Oneida Castle---------------------------- 556 Palatine Bridge---- * * * * 585 Pleasantdale------------------------------ 303 Pottersville------------------------------- 329 Putnam Station-------------------------- 450 Raymertown----------------------------- 350 Rexford---------------------------------- 500 Rotterdam Junction---------------------- 849 Sammonsville---------------------------- 250 Schaghticoke----------------------------- 603 Schenevus-------------------------------- 472 Schodack Landing------------------------ 412 Schoharie-- 941 Schroon Lake---------------------------- 314 Selkirk----------------------------------- 723 SeWard----------- 300 Sharon----------------------------------- 280 Sharon Springs--------------------------- 433 Slingerlands------------------------------ 675 South Bethlehem * = & º 500 South Schenectady----------------------- 450 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Speculator-------------------------------- 278 Starkville-------------------------------- 250 Stockport-------------------------------- 300 Stone Arabia----------------------------- 310 Stony Creek------------------------------ 270 Stuyvesant------------------------------- 400 Stuyvesant Falls------------------------- 600 Tribes Hill------------------------------- 601 Vail Mills-------------------------------- 250 Valley Falls------------------------------ 564 Vernon----------------------------------- 587 Vernon Center--------------------------- 369 Verona----------------------------------- 310 Victory----------------------------------- 520 Voorheesville----------------------------- 717 Wampsville------------------------------ 282 Wayville--------------------------------- 500 Wells------------------------------------- 400 West Milton----------------------------- 300 Wilton----------------------------------- 250 Worcester-------------------------------- 450 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation. Central New York Power Corporation, Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. New England Power Co. Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Co. N. Y. State Electric & Gas Corporation. Union Bag & Paper Corp. Wadhams & Westport Power & Light Corpora- tion. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Green Island Electric Light Commission. *Richmondville Municipal Electric Light Plant. Also Renders: Gas Service. 31–099 New York and Queens Electric Light and Power Company 28–19 Bridge Plaza North, Long Island City, N. Y. (Controlled by Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. through 98% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Floyd L. Carlisle.----------------------- Chairman OsCar H. Fogg-------------------- Vice Chairman Ralph H. Tapscott-------------------------- PreS. Harold C. Dean - - - - - Vice Pres. & ASSt. V. Chair. Robert B. Grove.---------------------- Vice Pres. Ephraim F. Jeffe----------------------- Vice Pres. A. Augustus LOW---------------------- Vice PreS. John H. Aiken------------------- Asst. Vice Pres. Nils T. Sellman------------------ ASSt. Vice Pres. Douglas Brown----------------------------- Secy. Frank C. Gordon-------------------------- Treas. Ferdinand Seinecke------------------- ASSt. Secy. George J. Schulz--------------------- ASSt. Treas. George A. Hausenbauer------------------ Auditor Directors: Floyd L. Carlisle, Harold C. Dean, Oscar H. Fogg, Robert B. Grove, David Johnson, Arthur H. Kehoe, A. Augustus Low, George C. Meyer, Franklin H. Nickerson, Edgar Palmer, John C. Parker, Frank W. Smith, Ralph H. Tapscott. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $90,266, 522 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $28,018, 951 Number of Electric Customers--------- 390,465. Energy Available in Year: a a See Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. Community Served at Retail: Population New York (Queens)-------------------- 1, 297, 634 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Queens Borough Gas & Electric Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 537 31–100 New York State Electric & Gas Corporation 108 E. Green St., Ithaca, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: G. A. Strain---------------------------- Vice Pres. A. W. Milliken------------------------ Vice Pres. T. W. Connette------------------------ Vice Pres. E. T. Edmonds__ - - _Vice Pres. W. B. Goudey------------------------- Vice ProS. T. F. Rowe-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. C. Barker, F. H. Hill, R. D. Jennison, H. O. Palmer, T. F. Rowe, W. F. Williams. Controls: The Patchogue Electric Light Co. (electric). Staten Island Edison Corporation (electric). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant__________________ $85,663, 520 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $22,875,033 Number of Electric Customers-------- 268,020 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Total---- 121, 153 Steam- - - - 99, 650 Hydro 21,040 Internal Combustion---------------- 463 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 1,041, 527,918 Generated.--- 548, 028, 914 Purchased.--- 493, 499,004 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Auburn- - - 35, 753 Binghamton 78, 309 Corning- — 16, 212 Elmira - - 45, 106 Endicott - - - - 17, 702 Geneva---- 15, 555 Hornell---- - 15, 649 Ithaca- 19, 730 Johnson City 18,039 Lockport - * * * * * * * * * * * = ** - ºr mº m am - 24, 379 Oneonta----------------------------------- 11, 731 Plattsburg 16, 351 1,000 to 10,000 population Addison 1,617 Amenia- - - - - 1, 200 AuSable Forks 1,800 AVOCa------- 1,006 Bainbridge-------------------------------- 1,450 Bedford _ _ _ 1,000 Bedford Hills 1, 842 Berlin- 1, 200 Brewster - - - 1,863 Canisteo----- -- 2, 550 Carmel-- 1, 500 Champlain 1, 354 Chateaugay-- 1, 183 hatham 2, 254 Cheektowaga 6,000 Clifton Springs 1, 413 Clyde--- 2, 356 Cooperstown-- 2, 599 Dannemora- - - - - 4,830 T)ansville_-_ 4,976 T)elhi 1, 841 T)epew. ---- 6,084 Peposit----------------------------------- 2,028 Dover Plains --- 1, 100 Dundee - - - 1, 168 East Aurora--- 5, 253 Pbenezer---------------------------------- 2, 600 Elmira Heights---- * * * 4, 829 Endwell____ * * * 2,500 Gardenville - - - - - - - 1,000 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Gowanda 3, 156 Granville---------------------------------- 3, 173 Hamburg 5,467 Hammondsport--- 1, 112 Hancock - - - - 1, 581 Horseheads - 2, 570 Jordan. - - - 1, 115 Katonah - - - - 1, 180 KeeSeville_ 1,921 Lancaster - - - - - 7, 236 Liberty. 3,788 Livingston Manor--- 1, 612 Lyons. 3,863 Mahopac 1, 500 Marcellus_ _ _ 1, 112 Mechanicville_ _ _ 7,449 Monticello - - - 3,737 Montour Falls_____ 1, 345 Moravia 1, 231 Naples - - 1, 152 Newark 9,646 Norwich---__ 8, 694 Orchard Park___ 1, 304 Owego----- 5,068 Oxford - - - - 1, 713 Painted POSt.__ 2, 337 Palmyra 2,709 Pawling- 1,446 Penn Yan. 5, 308 Perry- 4,468 Phelps - - - - 1,499 Phillmont -- 1,679 Port Dickinson-- - - - - 2, 436 Randolph . . 1, 321 Richfield Springs 1, 209 Salem - - - 1,034 Seneca Falls__ 6,452 Sidney - - - - 3,012 Silver Creek___ 3,067 Sloan 3,836 South Fallsburgh.---- 1,500 Stamford 1,088 Trumansburg - - - 1, 130 Unadilla 1,079 Walden - - - - - 4, 262 Walton___ 3,697 Warsaw - 3, 554 Waterloo - 4,010 Waterville 1,489 Wayland 1,795 Wecdsport_ _ _ _ 1, 341 Willsboro - 1, 100 Yorktown Heights.----------------------- 1, 500 250 to 1,000 population Afton.----- 806 Alden--- 954 Alfred 694 Alfred Station- 750 Almond--- 533 Altona- - - - 600 Andes- 409 Apalachin. 300 Arena- - - 400 Arkport 618 Ark wille- 500 Atlanta 600 Aurora- - 372 Averill Park 700 Barryville- 450 |Beaver Brook.-- 250 Beaver Dams------ 250 Bedford Center 300 Benton-- 400 Berkshire 264 Big Flats.- 500 Bloomville - - - - 367 Blue Mountain Lake---------------------- 275 T}}uff Point. - 400 BowmanSville- 250 Branchport 300 Breesport 250 Brookfield.--- 350 Burdett - - - 408 Burke- 344 Burlington Flats - - - 252 538 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Cadosia - - - 300 Cadyville- - - ------- 400 Calicoon.--...-- -- 850 Calicoon Center- 331 Campbell - - - - - 350 Campville_-_ 300 Canaan - 400 Canaseraga-- * * * 698 Candor 661 Cayuga---- 472 Cayuga Heights- 651 hazy--- 500 Chemung----- 400 Chenango Bridge 400 Chenango Forks-- 350 Cherry Creek - - - - - 529 Chichester---...- 325 Churubusco- • 350 Cincinnatus 645 Clarence----- 900 Clarence Center- 400 Cohocton-- 931 Colden------------------------------------ 575 Coopers Plains--- 296 Copake----- 550 Copake Falls------------------------------ 350 Corbettsville------------------------------ 320 Craryville- 500 Croton Falls_____ 600 Cuylerville - - - 400 Dayton- 300 Deansboro----- 300 Downsville - 582 Doyle - - - 750 Dresden - - - 257 Dryden - - - - - - 747 Dykemans---- - - 300 Earlville----- 864 East Branch_____ 250 East Chatham - - - - 250 East Randolph---------------------------- 496 East Springfield--------------------------- 350 *aton------------------------------------- 400 Edmeston--------------------------------- 650 Plbridge---------------------------------- 497 Elizabethtown---------------------------- 640 Ellenburg Center-------------------------- 300 ºlma-------------------------------------- 800 Pºssex-------------------------------------- 400 *tna-------------------------------------- 300 Ferndale---------------------------------- 520 Pleischmanns----------------------------- 546 |Fly Creek--------------------------------- 325 Forest Home------------------------------ 278 Forestville-------------------------------- 692 Franklin---------------------------------- 481 Freeville---------------------------------- 37 Gainesville-------------------------------- 283 °1198------------------------------------- 500 Georgetown------------------------------- 300 hent------------------------------------- 750 Gibson------------------------------------ 400 Gilbertsville------------------------------- 377 Goldens Bridge---------------------------- 300 Gorham----------------------------------- 500 Grand Gorge------------------------------ 300 Greenwood-------------------------------- 400 Guilford----------------------------------- 400 Pall--------------------------------------- 350 Hamden---------------------------------- 300 Harpursville------------------------------ 400 Hartwick---------------------------------- 450 Hillsdale---------------------------------- 500 Himrod----------------------------------- 350 Hobart------------------------------------ 638 Holland----------------------------------- 825 Holmesville------------------------------- 250 Roward----------------------------------- 400 Hubbardsville----------------------------- 250 Hurleyville-------------------------------- 800 Indian Lake------------------------------- 350 Interlaken--------------------------------- 661 Irving------------------------------------- 250 Jasper----- - - * * * * 250 *Y---------------------------------------- 400 Jefferson----------------------------------- 300 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Jeffersonville------------------------------ 403 Johnsonburg------------------------------ 400 Jordanville-------------------------------- 300 |Keene------------------------------------- 600 Keene Valley------------------------------ 511 King Ferry-------------------------------- 600 Kirkwood--------------------------------- 250 Lake Huntington-------------------------- 400 Lebanon Springs-------------------------- 400 Leicester---------------------------------- 327 Peon-------------------------------------- 300 Leonardsville------------------------------ 400 Lincolndale------------------------------- 300 Lisle.-------------------------------------- 342 Pocke------------------------------------- 315 Podi--------------------------------------- 366 Long Eddy-------------------------------- 300 Long Lake-------------------------------- 750. Loomis------------------------------------ 250 LudlowVille------------------------------- 271 Madison----------------------------------- 300 Mahopac Falls---------------------------- 800 aime------------------------------------- 400 Marcellus Falls---------------------------- 350 Margaretville------------------------------ 812. McDonough.------------------------------- 250 Mellenville-------------------------------- 475 Memphis.---------------------------------- 250 Middle Granville-------------------------- 650 Middlesex--------------------------------- 250 Milford------------------------------------ 460 Millport----------------------------------- 340 Mongaup Valley-------------------------- 250 Montezuma------------------------------- 300 Mooers------------------------------------ 477 Morris------------------------------------ 599 Morrisonville------------------------------ 511 Morrisville-------------------------------- 666 Mount Upton----------------------------- 400 Mountain Dale---------------------------- 450 Narrowsburg------------------------------ 500 Neversink--------------------------------- 250 New Berlin------------------------------- 999. New Lebanon ----------------------------- 350 Newark Valley---------------------------- 949. Newcomb--------------------------------- 400 Nichols------------------------------------ 541 Nimmonsburg----------------------------- 250 North Cohocton--------------------------- 300 North Hornell----------------------------- 589 North Java-------------------------------- 250 Odessa------------------------------------ 424 Oriskany Falls---------------------------- 930 Otego------------------------------------- 580. Ovid -------------------------------------- 578 Parksville--------------------------------- 500 Patterson---------------------------------- 600 Perkinsville------------------------------- 350 Perrys Mills------------------------------- 584 Perrysburg-------------------------------- 375 Peru (Onondaga County) ----------------- 558 Peru (Clinton County) -------------------- 750 Petersburg-------------------------------- 500 Phoenicia--------------------------------- 475 Pine Bush--------------------------------- 800 Port Crane-------------------------------- 497 Port Gibson------------------------------- 350 Port Kent--------------------------------- 300 Portageville------------------------------- 460 Portlandville------------------------------ 400 Prattsburg-------------------------------- 635 Prattsville--------------------------------- 500 Putnam Valley---------------------------- 300 Quaker Hill------------------------------- 275 Reserve----------------------------------- 637 Richfield---------------------------------- 260 Richford---------------------------------- 350 Riverside---------------------------------- 643 Rockland---------------------------------- 500 Romulus---------------------------------- 450 Roscoe------------------------------------ 900 Round Lake------------------------------- 442. Roxbury---------------------------------- 475 Rushville--------------------------------- 428 Salem Center------------------------------ 300 Sangerfield-------------------------------- 250. DIRECTORY OF 539 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Saranac----------------------------------- 350 Savona------------------------------------ 653 Schuyler Falls----------------------------- 250 Schuyler Lake----------------------------- 275 Seneca Castle----------------------------- 250 Shandaken-------------------------------- 500 Shushan----------------------------------- 250 Sidney Center----------------------------- 351 Smallwood-------------------------------- 250 PºWTDa----------------------------------- 256 South Corning---------------------------- 681 South Dayton----------------------------- 643 South Lansing----------------------------- 300 South New Berlin.------------------------ 350 South Otselic------------------------------ 365 South Salem------------------------------- 355 South Wales------------------------------- 333 Spencer----------------------------------- 615 Spencertown------------------------------ 300 Springfield Center------------------------- 285 SpringWater------------------------------- 500 Stella-------------------------------------- 250 Stephentown------------------------------ 250 Stillwater--------------------------------- 971 Strykersville------------------------------ 300 Towners---------------------------------- 250 Triangle----------------------------------- 250 Union Center----------------------------- 400 Union Springs----------------------------- 905 Upper Jay--------------------------------- 250 Van Etten--------------------------------- 440 Varysburg--------------------------------- 250 Versailles---------------------------------- 250 Vestal Center----------------------------- 500 Wallace----------------------------------- 300 Warners----------------------------------- 721 Wassaic----------------------------------- 350 Wellsburg--------------------------------- 560 West Chazy------------------------------- 350 West Falls-------------------------------- 400 West Oneonta----------------------------- 307 West Sand Lake--------------------------- 600 West Winfield----------------------------- 754 White Sulphur Springs-------------------- 350 Whitney Point---------------------------- 733 Willard------------------------------------ 600 Willet------------------------------------- 250 Wilmington.------------------------------- 300 Winchester-------------------------------- 300 Windham--------------------------------- 300 Windsor----------------------------------- 766 Wingdale.--------------------------------- 500 Woodburne------------------------------- 500 Woodhull--------------------------------- 339 Woodridge-------------------------------- 854 Wyoming--------------------------------- 430 Youngsville-------------------------- * - - - - 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Bradford Electric Co. (Pa.). Buſfalo Niagara Electric Corporation. Cazenovia Electric Co. Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Central New York Power Corporation. Granville Electric Co. The Litchfield Electric Light and Power Co. Th: Lockport & Newfane Power & Water Supply 0. New York Power & Light Corporation, Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Co. Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation. Rockland Light and Power Co. Fº Smith's Electric Light & Power & R. R. O Western Hancock Electric Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Castile Municipal Electric Light System. *Village of Endicott. *Greene Electric Dept. *Groton Electric Dept. *Village of Hamilton. Board of Water, Light & Sewer Commissioners. *Marathon Lighting Plant. *Port Byron Municipal Electric Light Plant. *Rouses Point Municipal Water and Light System. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Savannah. *Silver Springs Electric Dept. *Village of Sherburne. Also Renders: Gas (coal, natural, and water), omnibus, and steam heating Service. 31–103 The Niagara Falls Power Company Canal Basin, Niagara Falls, N. Y. (Controlled by Niagara Hudson Power Corporation.) Principal Officers: Paul A. Schoellkopf-------------------------- Pres. Rob Roy Mac Leod-------------- Exec. Vice PreS. William Kelly-------------------------- Vice Pres. Horace L. Mann----------------------- Vice Pres. Norman R. Gibson.------ Vice Pres. & Chief Engr. Charles D. Warren -- Secy. George J. Brett Treas. A. Elizabeth Willson.------------------ Asst. Secy. William C. Bingham---Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Laurence W. Buchanan ASSt. Treas. Robert J. Lawler ASSt. Treas. Directors: Norman R. Gibson, William Kelly, Horace L. Mann, Paul A. Schoellkopf, Charles A. Tattersall, George P. Urban. Controls: Canadian Niagara Power Co. Limited (electric operating). - Gorge View Park, Inc. (real estate development). Nº. Junction Railway Co. (Switching rail- TO3,Ol). . The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $65,417, 119 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $11,152, 426 Number of Electric Customers-------- 29 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------- 374,800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 3, 229,052, 640 Generated a 2,424, 724, 531 Purchased.-------------------------- 346, 352, 604 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 457,975, 505 a Excludes 289,565,364 kwh developed from me- chanical energy supplied to generators owned by others and 22,494,600 kwh supplied during break- down of such generators and maintenance situations as specified under contract. Community Served at Retail: Niagara Falls "---------------------------- b Industrial Service only. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation. Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Co. 31–104 Niagara, Lockport and Ontario Power Company Electric Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. (ºld by Niagara Hudson Power Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: William Kelly __PreS. Norman R. Gibson.------ Vice Pres. & Chief Engr. Merrill E. Skinner---------------------- Vice Pres. Population 78,029 Wilfred C. Stephens Vice PreS. William L. Collins Vice PreS. John M. Costello Vice Pres. Charles D. Warren Secy. George J. Brett----------------------------- Treas. William C. Bingham---Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 540 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officers: Arthur W. Jackson------------------- ASSt. Treas. Laurence W. Buchanan ASSt. Treas. Robert J. Lawler ASSt. Treas. Directors: William L. Collins, Norman R. Gibson, William Kelly, Horace L. Mann, Merrill E. Skinner, Wilfred C. Stephens. Controls: Hydraulic Race Co. (sale of water for power purposes). . Lower Niagara River Power and Water Supply Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $51,499,723 Electric Operating Revenues.---------- $11,678,969 Number of Electric Customers-------- 72,084 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------- 37, 750 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal--------------------------- 1, 531, 899, 743 Generated.---- 130, 540, 780 Purchased-------------------------- 921, 173,774 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 480, 185, 189 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Patavia 17, 267 Dunkirk P--------------------------------- 17, 713 Lackawanna P----------------------------- 24, 0.58 Olean---------- -- 21, 506 b Industrial service only. 1,000 to 10,000 population Albion - - - - - 4,660 Allegany - - ---- 1,436 Angola - - - - -- 1, 663 Attica 2, 379 Avon--------------------------------------- 2,339 Brockport 3, 590 Caledonia - - - - 1, 226 Camden 2,021 CattarauguS 1, 145 Cuba 1,699 Franklinville 1,884 Fredonia 5, 738 Frewsburg 1, 193 Honeoye Falls 1, 274 Lakewood 2, 314 Le Roy 4, 413 Machias------ 1, 200 Medina------------------------------------ 5, 871 North Collins 1, 182 Oakfield 1,876 Portville----------------------------------- 1,018 Pulaski * * * * * * * * 1,895 Ripley 1, 200 250 to 1,000 population Alexander- - 265 Allentown--------------------------------- 388 Altmar------------------------------------ 304 Ashville P. O.------------------------------ 480 Athol Springs------------------------------ 324 Barker------------------------------------- 452 Bemus Point------------------------------ 290 Prant-------------------------------------- 285 Cassadaga--------------------------------- 514 Chautauqua------------------------------- 325 Clarendon--------------------------------- 250 Clarkson----------------------------------- 307 Clymer------------------------------------ 535 Collins------------------------------------- 370 Collins Center----------------------------- 400 ODeSuS----------------------------------- 400 Corfu-------------------------------------- 462 Darien Center----------------------------- 300 Derby--- * = sm s m as “se cº- - - - - - - - - as sº * * * - - - 800 East Otto--------------------------------- 250 East Pembroke---------------------------- 500 East Rush--------------------------------- 300 Eden-------------------------------------- 870 Plba--------------------------------------- 614 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Evans------------------------------------- 350 Fancher----------------------------------- 250 Farnham---------------------------------- 388 Findley Lake------------------------------ 257 Fowlerville-------------------------------- 250 Garbutt----------------------------------- 300 Groveland--------------------------------- 550 Hamlin------------------------------------ 500 Hemlock----------------------------------- 317 Hinsdale----------------------------------- 300 Honeoye----------------------------------- 700 Hulberton--------------------------------- 420 Jeddo-------------------------------------- 250 Kendall------------------------------------ 263 Kill Buck---------------------------------- 300 Knowlesville------------------------------- 250 Lacona------------------------------------ 413 Lake View--------------------------------- 550 Lakeville (Livingston County)------------ 400 Langford----------------------------------- 250 Lilly Pale--------------------------------- 261 Lima-------------------------------------- 942 Limestone--------------------------------- 558 Livonia------------------------------------ 751 Lyndonville------------------------------- 745 Mottville---------------------------------- 500 Mumford---------------------------------- 450 Onoville----------------------------------- 500 Orwell------------------------------------- 500 Otto--------------------------------------- 450 Panama---------- - 374 Pavilion----------------------------------- 425 Pembroke--------------------------------- 250 Piſſard------------------------------------- 260 RetSoſ------------------------------------- 300 Richland---------------------------------- 300 Sanborn----------------------------------- 450 Sandy Creek------------------------------- 646 cio---------------------------------------- 425 Scottsville--------------------------------- 925 Shelby------------------------------------- 300 Sherman----------------------------------- 675 Sinclairville-------------------------------- 585 Skaneateles Falls-------------------------- 300 South Byron------------------------------- 255 Stafford------------------------------------ 250 Stockton----------------------------------- 300 Sylvan Beach------------------------------ 450 Taberg------------------------------------- 400 Waterport--------------------------------- 300 West Bloomfield--------------------------- 350 West Valley------------------------------- 470 Weston Mills---- 400 WhiteSWille 523 Wilson 849 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Buffalo Niagara Elcctric Corporation. Central New York Power Corporation. The Lockport and Newfane Power and Water Supply Co. New York Power & Light Corporation. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Akron Water, Light, and Sewer Commission. *Village of Andover. *Village of Bergen Municipal Electric Dept. *Village of Brocton. *Village of Churchville Electrical Dept. *Dunkirk Board of Water Commissioners, *Fairport Municipal Electric Plant. *Holley Municipal Light Plant. *Jamestown Municipal Electric System. *Little Valley Electric Light Dept. *Macedon Light & Power Commission. *Mayville Light Dept. *Salamanca Water and Light Dept. *Skaneateles Electric Light Dept. *Spencerport Electric Dept. *Springville Electric Light and Power Co. *Wellsville Water and Light Dept. *Westfield Board of Light Commissioners. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 541 31–106 Northern New York Power Corporation 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Principal Officers: W. R. Hees---------------------------- Chairman F. B. Reynolds-------------------- - * - - - - - - - - PreS. W. F. Parker-------------------------- Vice-Pres, H. E. Cook-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. E. Cook, Max S. Haas, Stephen Haas, W. R. Hees, Frank McNair, C. S. Parker, W. F. Parker, E. R. Raab, F. B. Reynolds, W. M. Sebring, J. H. Ware, H. E. Wilkins. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------------ 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 9,600 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 34,615, 300 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Corp. 31–110 Northern Pennsylvania Power Company 412 Washington St., Reading, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (New York only) Number of Electric Customers: $143, 103 (New York only) 2,037 Community Served at Retail: Population Waverly------------------------------------ 5,450 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. See Also: Principal report under Pennsylvania (37–124). 31–114 Old Forge Electric Corporation Old Forge, New York Principal Officers: Leland D. McCormac----------------------- PreS. A. Leo Burke-------------------------- Vice PreS. John L. Haley-------------------------- Vice Pres. J. Theodore Cross--------------------------- Secy. Morris Tracy------------------------------- Treas. Ernest Johnston-----------------------.ASSt. Secy. Harold Hollister----------------------. ASSt. Secy. Paul B. Murphy--------------------- ASSt. Treas. T. V. Paly--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. Leo Burke, J. Theodore Cross, A. G. Delmarsh, P. J. Foley, John L. Haley, James H. Hill, Leland D. McCormac, Roy W. Rogers, Benj. F. Sperry, W. J. Thistlewaite, Chas. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant. ---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $802, 127 $108,225 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,005 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------ 222 Rilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: Total--------------------------------- 2,914, 416 Generated------------------------------ 17,000 Purchased------------------------------ 2,897, 416 Communities Served at Retail: Population Inlet------------------------------------------ 251 Old Forge * -- 840 31–116 The Orange and Rockland Electric Company Monroe, N. Y. Principal Officers: Roscoe W. Smith-------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Ernest F. Eichenberg, Vice Pres., Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. William A. Kehl------------------------ Vice Pres. Frank Durland----------------------------- Treas. Harry H. Smith-------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Frank C. Helme--------,Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Frank Durland, Ernest F. Eichenberg, William A. Kehl, Leland A. Smith, Roscoe W. Smith. Controls: O. & R. Electrical Supply Co., Inc. (electrical con- tracting, real estate holding). E. L. Walters, Inc. (dealer in general electric appliances). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $3,681, 203 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $880, 321 Number of Electric Customers----------- 10, 239 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 3,875 Steam--------------------------------- 3, 625 Hydro--------------------------------- 250 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours ---- 28, 790, 501 Generated----------------------------- 3, 901, 000 Purchased----------------------------- 24, 889, 501 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population, Central Valley------------------------------ 1,049 Chester------------------------------------- 1, 140. Goshen------------------------------------- 3,073 Highland Falls------------------------------ 3, 711 Monroe :---------------------------- 1, 616 Tuxedo Village----- --- 2, 300 Warwick------------------------------------ 2, 534 250 to 1,000 population BellVale------------------------------------- 250 Craigsville---------------------------------- 400 Durlandville-------------------------------- 250 Edenville----------------------------------- 250 Florida------------------------------------- 822 Fort Montgomery-------------------------- 850 Greenwood Lake---------------------------- 483 Harriman--------- 703 Highland Mills----------------------------- 800 New Milford-------------------------------- 300 Orange Farm - - - - ---- 300 Pine Island--------------------------------- 400 Salisbury Mills----------------------------- 400 Southfields---------------------------------- 450 Sugar Loaf------------------------ ---------- 250 Tuxedo Park--------- ---------------------- 867 Washingtonville---------------------------- 801. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation. The Orange & Rockland Electric Co. of N. J. 542 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 31–118 Oswegatchie Light & Power Co. 8 Church St., Gouverneur, N. Y. (Controlled by International Pulp Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Michael Doyle-------------------------------- PreS. W. C. Geer----------------------------- Vice Pres. S. J. McCrimlisk---------------------------- Secy. W. H. Stillhamer--------------------------- Treas. C. N. Rambo ASSt. Treas. Directors: K. B. Castle, M. Doyle, W. C. Geer, W. D. Mahony, R. H. McCarthy, S. J. McCrim- lisk, C. N. Rambo, W. H. Stillhamer, J. J. Wallace. Controls: La Fargeville Electric Light Co. (electric distri- ..bution). Rossie, Electric & Manufacturing Corporation (electric distribution). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $305,284 $124,024 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,671 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4,894, 632 Generated ---- 4,893, 750 Purchased * - 882 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gouverneur 4,478 Hailesboro 258 TJ tility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Rossie Electric & Manufacturing Corporation. 31–124 The Patchogue Electric Light Company 108 E. Green St., Ithaca, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: E. Eugene Hawkins, Jr.---------------------Pres. P. J. Morrissey------------------------ Vice PreS. T. F. Rowe- Treas. Directors: E. E. Hawkins, Jr., P. J. Morrissey, O. Titus. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,411,904 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $512, 101 Number of Electric Customers---------- 8,823 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6, 350 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 13, 833, 725 Generated.----------------------------- 1,239, 606 Purchased----------------------------- 12, 594, 119 4Communities Served at Retail: Population Bellport------------------------------------ 650 Blue Point--------------------------------- 979 Brookhaven-------------------------------- 495 Center Moriches-- - --- 1,963 Coram------------------------------------- 300 East Moriches------------------------------ 335 East Patchogue---------------------------- 861 Eastport------- 964 Holtsville---------------------------------- 315 Manorville--------------------------------- 484 Communities Served at Retail: Population astic------------------------------------- 3 Medford - - - - - * - - 772 Middle Island 300 Moriches------- 297 Patchogue------------ 7, 181 Remsenburg 400 Yaphank----------------------------------- 400 31–126 Paul Smith’s Electric Light and Power and Railroad Company 2 Main St., Saranac Lake, N. Y. Principal Officers: Richard J. Longtin---------------- Pres. & Treas. P. J. Morrissey------------------------- ice Pres. Paul M. Cantwell--------------------------- Secy. Raleigh H. Finch--------------------- Gen. Supt. Directors: J. M. Cantwell, Jr., Paul M. Cantwell, |R. J. Longtin, P. J. Morrissey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,649,827 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $382, 081 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3, 604 - - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 5, 500 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 15, 367, 114 Generated----------------------------- 11,398,687 Purchased.----------------------------- 3, 484,027 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 84,400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Au Sable Forks * * * - - - = ** - - - - * * - - - as 1,009 Bloomingdale ---- 446 Gabriels------------------------------------ 300 Lake Clear Junction 250 Paul Smiths-------------------------------- 418 Ray Brook--------------------------------- 250 Saranac Inn- --- 500 Saranac Lake------------------------------- 7, 138 Trudeau 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. PUBLICLY O WNED UTILITIES: *Lake Placid Village. *Village of Tupper Lake Municipal Electric System. 31–130 Queens Borough Gas and Electric Company 1610 Far Rockaway Blvd., Far Rockaway, N. Y. (Controlled by Long Island Lighting Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: wº Ellis L. Phillips------------------------ Chairman Edward F. Barrett-------------------------- Pres. James W. Carpenter-------------------- Vice Pres. Lewis A. Howland.------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Franklin S. Koons--------------------- Vice Pres. Henry R. Frost- Secy. Robert G. Olmsted.------------------------ Treas. Edward H. Webster--Asst. Treas. & Comptroller Elmer B. Sanford----------------------- Attorney Directors: Edward F. Barrett, Charles G. Blakeslee, James W. Carpenter, Lewis A. Howland, Franklin S. ºns Geo. Link Jr., Ellis L. Phillips (chair- III.3.Il). Controls: Long Beach Gas Co., Inc. (public utility). .... Nassau and Suffolk Lighting Co. (public utility). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 543 The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $25,857, 082 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $3,241,655 Number of Electric Customers--------- 47,070 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 35,600 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total -- 92, 909, 856 Generated ---- 74,618, 830 Purchased 44, 888 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 18, 246, 138 Communties Served at Retail: Population Atlantic Beach- 250 Cedarhurst----------------------------- 5, 463 East Rockaway------------------------- 5, 610 Hewlett ------ 2, 359 Hewlett Bay Park---------------------- 438 Inwood * * º ºs 8, 193 Island Park----------------------------- 1, 531 Lakeview------------------------------- 2, 381 Lawrence------------------------------- 3,649 Long Beach- 9,036 Lynbrook------------------------------ 14, 557 Malverne------------------------------- 5, 153 Meadowmere Park--------------------- 500 New York (Queens)-------------------- 1, 297, 634 Oceanside-------- 5, 744 Valley Stream-------------------------- 16,679 Woodmere - 4, 958 Woodsburgh---------------------------- 702 {Jtilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Long Island Lighting Co. Nassau & Suffolk Lighting Co. Nº. York and Queens Electric Light and Power O. Also Renders: Carbureted water gas service. 31–135 Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation 89 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Edward G. Miner Herman Russell ºs º ºs- sº º º sº º ºs º ºs º ºs º ºs º ºs ºn tº Pres. Joseph P. Haftenkamp-Vice Pres. Chg. Operations Frederick H. Patterson-Secy. & Asst. Comptroller John F. Clark---------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Chas. A. Tucker--------- ------------ ASSt. Treas. Harold W. Nichols- Auditor Directors: Raymond N. Ball, John P. Boylan, Stanley Clarke, M. Herbert Eisenhart, Fred C. Goodwin, Howard K. Halligan, Ernest J. Howe, Frank P. Hyer, Edward G. Miner (chairman), J. Craig Powers, Herman Russell, Charles W. Smith, Raymond L. Thompson. Walter L. Todd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $53,343,976 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $11,485,764 Number of Electric Customers--------- 138, 204 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 162,250 Steam * - 114,975 Hydro-------------------------------- 47, 275 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours al----------------------------- 504, 238, 357 Generated.---------------------------- 477,464, 193 Purchased.---------------------------- 26, 774, 164 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Irondequoit - - - - 23, 376 Rochester------- -- 324, 975 * 1,000 to 10,000 population Belmont ; - - - - - - - - - - 1, 146 Bolivar--- 1, 344 Canandaigua 8, 321 East Rochester- 6, 691 Friendship - 1, 148 Geneseo---------------------------------- 2, 144 Manchester------------------------------- 1, 330 Mount Morris---------------------------- 3, 530 Nunda----------------------------------- 1,077 Pittsford - 1, 544 ShortSwille 1, 316 Sodus------------------------------------ 1, 513 Victor------------------------------------ 1, 111 Webster---------------------------------- 1,680 Williamson 1,000 Wolcott---------------------------------- 1, 326 250 to 1,000 population Alton------------------------------------- 300 Belfast------------------------------------ 600 Bliss-------------------------------------- 400 Cato * * 412 Ceres------------------------------------- 370 Cold Water------------------------------- 270 Dalton.------- 540 East Bloomfield-------------------------- 365 East Williamson-------------------------- 400 Fair Haven------------------------------- 471 Fillmore---------------------------------- 518 Henrietta--------------------------------- 300 Hilton------------------------------------ 895 Holcomb--------------------------------- 304 Houghton-------------------------------- 300 Hume------ ... as sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 300 Little Genesee---------------------------- 253 Marion----------------------------------- 700 Mendon---------------------------------- 350 Meridian--------------------------------- 307 Nile-------------------------------------- 300 North Chili------------------------------- 350 North Greece----------------------------- 275 North Rose------------------------------- 750 Ontario----------------------------------- 650 Ontario Center--------------------------- 275 Parma------------------------------------ 300 Parma Center---------------------------- 250 Penfield---------------------------------- 600 Pike-------------------------------------- 307 Pultneyville------------------------------ 257 Red Creek-------------------------------- 539 Richburg - - 564 ROSe 400 Rushford--------------------------------- 500 Sodus Center----------------------------- 300 Sodus Point.-------- 525 West Clarksville 250 West Walworth ------- 306 West Webster---------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES; Central New York Power Corp. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Angelica Electric Light & Power Board. Also Renders: Natural gas and commercial Steam Service. 31–137 Rockland Light and Power Company 12 N. Broadway, Nyack, N. Y. Principal Officers: Charles H. Tenney :--------Pres. Isaac S. Hall---------------------- First Vice PreS. Fremont L. Lovett------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Frank S. Clifford----------------------- Vice Pres. Hazel H. Berry — --- --Secy. Clarence N. Alexander--------------------- Treas. Charles Whetstone-------------------4ASSt. Treas. Ralph E. Trower------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas; 544 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: Herbert A. Burns, Frank S. Clifford, Isaac S. Hall, Bernon E. Helme, D. Willard Leavitt, Fremont L. Lovett, D. Edgar Manson, Albert B. Tenney, Charles H. Tenney, Charles M. Tenney. Controls: Pike County Light & Power Co. (sale of natural gas and electricity). Rockland Electric Co. (Sale of electricity). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $20,247,898 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,819, 279 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 32,953 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Total tº gº 35,950 Steam ºm º º 9,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 26,950 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total * * * ---- 100, 391, 803 Generated.---------------------------- 72,974,710 Purchased.---------------------------- 97, 093 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 27, 320,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Middletown------------------------------- 21,908 1,000 to 10,000 population Congers------------------------------------ 1,800 Garnerville-------------------------------- 1, 200 HaverStraw-------------------------------- 5,909 Hillburn----------------------------------- 1, 161 Nanuet------------------------------------ 1, 500 New City---------------------------------- 1,000 Nyack------------------------------------- 5, 206 Pearl River-------------------------------- , 300 Piermont---------------------------------- 1,876 Port Jervis-------------------------------- 9,749 Sloatsburg--------------------------------- 1, 771 South Nyack------------------------------ 2,093 Spring Valley------------------------------ 4, 308 Stony Point------------------------------- 2,700 Suffern------------------------------------ 3, 768 Tappan------------------------------------ 1, 200 Tomkins Cove.---------------------------- 1, 200 Valley Cottage----------------------------- 1,000 West Haverstraw--------------------------- 2, 533 250 to 1,000 population Blauvelt----------------------------------- 500 Burlingham-------------------------------- 350 Cuddebackville---------------------------- 250 Grandview on Hudson--------------------- 588 Highview.---------------------------------- 250 Howells------------------------------------ 260 Huguenot---------------------------------- 500 Johnson------------------------------------ 500 Jonespoint--------------------------------- 400 Monsey------------------------------------ 500 New Hampton.----------------------------- 400 Orangeburg-------------------------------- 750 Otisville----------------------------------- 889 Palisades---------------------------------- 500 Rockland Lake---------------------------- 580 Sparkill------------------------------------ 960 Sparrow Bush------- * * * * 600 Summitville------------------------------- 300 Tallman----------------------------------- 750 Thiells------------------------------------- 700 Unionville--------------------------------- 387 Upper Nyack------------------------------ 924 Westbrookville---------------------------- 360 Winterton--------------------------------- 300 Wurtsboro--------------------------------- 487 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. The Orange and Rockland Electric Co. Rockland Electric Co. (Interchange). Also Renders: Natural gas Service. 31–141 Rossie Electric & Manufacturing Corporation 8 Church St., Gouverneur, N. Y. Principal Officers: Michael Doyle------------------------------- PreS. W. C. Geer------------------------------ Vice PreS. S. J. McCrimlisk---------------------------- Secy. W. H. Stillhammer------------------------- Treas. Directors: M. Doyle, W. C. Geer, S. J. McCrimlisk, W. H. Stillhammer, J. J. Wallace. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-----------___________ $55,021 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,758 Number of Electric Customers------------- 128 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 128, 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Rossie---------------------------------------- 720 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central New York Power Corporation. 31–145 The St. Lawrence River Power Company Massena, N. Y. (Controlled by Massena Securities Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: G. R. Gibbons.------------------------------ PreS. P. J. Urquhart------------------------- Vice PreS. I. W. Wilson--------------------------- Vice PreS. J. D. R. Huston-------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. E. Withers---------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. C. L. Lycette--------------------------- Asst. Secy. J. J. Demskie------------------------- ASSt. Treas. M. M. Schratz---------------------------- Auditor V. C. DoerSchuk----------------------- Gen. Supt. Directors: S. K. Colby, G. R. Gibbons, Geo. J. Stanley, P. J. Urquhart, R. T. Whitzel, I. W. Wilson, R. E. Withers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $13,244, 621 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $1,309, 777 Number of Electric Customers-------- 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) -------- 55, 150 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------- - 1,409, 447, 418 Generated.-------------------------- 496, 980, 175 Purchased.-------------------------- 90, 297,400 Interchanged (groSS-in).------------- 822, 169,843 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central New York Power Corporation. 31–150 Shelter Island Light & Power Company, Incorporated State Rol., Shelter Island, N. Y. Principal Officers: P. M. Sturges------------------------------- Fres. F. A. Myers---------------------------- Vice PreS. E. C. Tuthill------------------------- Secy.-Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 545 Directors: C. Y. Clark, Fred N. Dickerson, Thomas D. Green, F. A. Myers, Dr. Frederick Prime, E. A. Sherpick, P. M. Sturges, E. C. Tuthill, George B. Wells. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $106, 200 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,710 Number of Electric Customers------------ 528 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 557,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelter Island------------------------------ 1, 113 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of Dering Harbor. 31–152 Skaneateles East Lake El. Line, Inc. Skaneateles, N. Y. Principal Officers: R. P. Tallcot----------------------------- ---Pres. H. A. Patten--------------------------- Vice PreS. H. C. Williams---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: G. R. Churchill, A.W. Evans, H. A. Patten, R. P. Tallcot, H. C. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers -------------- 80 IKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 60,000 31–154 Staten Island Edison Corporation 48–50 Bay St., St. George, Staten Island, New York, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: W. E. Mange------------------ ProS. & Gen. Mgr. H. I. Shakeshaſt----Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. Wm. A. Kienzle- - - - - - Secy.-Treas. & Comptroller N. Levy--------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. C. Hasbrouck------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: II. C. Hasbrouck, Wm. A. Kienzle, W. E. Mange, H. I. Shakeshaft. Controls: Richmond Light and Railroad Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $16,736,664 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $3,724, 747 Number of Electric Customers - - - ------ 48,858 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --- - - - - - - - - 46,000 Rilowatt-hours 149,968, 580 Energy Available in Year: Generated-------------------------- 137,913, 580 Interchanged (gross-in) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12,055,000 Community Served at Retail: Population New York (Richmond) --------------- 174,441 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNEI) UTILITY: Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (N. J.) (Interchange). 322184—42—40 31–158 System Properties, Inc. 220 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (Controlled by International Hydro-Electric Sys- tem through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Irwin L. Moore- - -, * - - * - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. G. S. Ferris, Vice Pres., Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Coulter D. Young--------------------------- Secy. E. B. Norcross----------------------------- Treas Elsie EHoffman Directors: G. S. Ferris, G. G. Gale, Irwin L. Moore. Controls: The Indian River Co. (water storage facilities). Ram Island Power Co. (inactive). Winnipiseogee Lake Cotton & Woolen Manu- facturing Co. (water storage facilities). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $7, 528, 648 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $307, 590 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - 3 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------ 9, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 41,046, 780 Generated.----------------------------- 37, 763, 190 Purchased.----------------------------- 3, 283, 590 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: New York State Electric and Gas Corporation. Paul Smith’s Electric ALight. and Power and Railroad Co. 31–161 The Ticonderoga Electric Light & Power Company Ticonderoga, N. Y. (Controlled by Ticonderoga Utilities Association through 86.9% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Frederick A. Young------------------------- PreS. Ira Lloyd Letts----------------------------- Secy. Louis C. Gerry----------------------------- Treas H. Gordon Burleigh ----------------------- Migr Directors: Iſ Gordon Burleigh, Louis C. Gerry, Ira Lloyd Letts, Kirby D. Wilcox, Frederick A. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $179, 615 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $85,217 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 558 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 245,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Ticonderoga-------------------------------- 3, 402 31–166 Tracy Development Company 108 East Green St., Ithaca, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: J. F. McKenna------------------------------ Pres. E. T. Edmonds------------------------ Vice PreS. Paul Smith--------------------------------- Secy. T. F. Rowe -------------------------------- Treas 546 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: E. T. Edmonds, J. F. McKenna, Paul Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $488, 109 Income from Electric Plant Leased to thers---------------------------------- $28,822 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 920 Generating facilities leased to and operated by New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. 31–169 The Twin State Gas & Electric Company 121 West St., Rutland, Vt. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: New York only-------------------------- $173, 651 Number of Electric Customers: New York only-------------------------- 1,838 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hoosick-------------------------------------- 296 IIoosick Falls-------------------------------- 4, 279 North Hoosick------------------------------- 485 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. See Also: Principal report under New Hampshire (28-136), and operations reported under Vermont (44–136). 31–176 Wadhams & Westport Power & Light Corporation Wadhams, N. Y. Principal Officers: J. F. Cilley----------------------------- ----- Pres. J. D. Payne---------------------------- Vice PreS. D. W. Knowles------------------------------ ecy D. A. Rich--------------------------------- Treas Directors: J. F. Cilley, D. W. Knowles, C. L.Lewis, J. D. Payne, D. A. Rich. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $309, 801 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39,163 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 459 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 1, 164 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 514, 750 Generated * - - - -- 3,408,750 Purchased.------------------------------ 106,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Westport--------- 654 31–180 The Waverly Electric Light & Power Co.” 412 Washington St., Reading, Pa. a Not an operating company: operated under lease by Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. (31–110). (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: J. F. Farley--------------------------------- Pres. H. A. Howard - - - --------------- Vice Pres.-Treas. M. T. Gober-------------------------------- Secy. Directors: S. A. Cole, J. F. Farley, M. T. Gober, H. A. Howard, W. A. Sprague. 31–182 Westchester Lighting Company 9 S. First Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. (Controlled by Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Folward P. Prezzano - - - - º ºn tº - - - - - - - - - - PreS. Henry A. Doering---------------------- Vice PreS. Stuart Wilder-------------------------- Vice PreS. John W. Green------------------------- Vice Pres, William L. Diehl---------------Vice Pres. & Secy. Robert S. Pruyn--------------------------- Treas. John P. McLoughlin------- ASSt. Secy. & Auditor Frank M. Nilon-----------------------4ASSt. Secy. W. G. Peterson ---------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. T. Brown------------ Auditor of Disbursements Directors: Floyd L. Carlisle, William L. Diehl, Oscar H. Fogg, Robert B. Grove, Clarence L. Law, A. Augustus Low, Franklin H. Nickerson, Mrs. Kenneth B. Norton, Edward P. Prezzano, § W. Smith, Ralph H. Tapscott, Stuart 11(16I’. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $46, 576, 407 $12,719,017 151,095 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- Number of Electric Customers--------- Energy Available in Year: a a See Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Mamaroneck--------------------------- 13,034 Mount Vernon---------------- - wº 67, 362 New Rochelle -------------------------- 58,408 New York (Bronx)--------------------- 1,394, 711 Ossining-------------------------------- 15, 9 Peekskill-------------------------------- 17, 311 Port Chester - 23,073 Scarsdale------------------------------- 12,966 White Plains--------------------------- 40, 327 1,000 to 10,000 population Ardsley--------------------------------- 1, 423 Briarcliff Manor------------------------ 1,830 Bronxville------------------------------ 6, 888 Buchanan------ 1,600 Chappaqua----------------------------- 3,000 Croton on Hudson.--------------------- 3,843 Dobbs Ferry---------------------------- 5,883 Eastview.----- - - - - 1,000 Elmsford----- 3,078 Harrison-------------------------------- 8, 500 Hartsdale------------------------------- 3, 500 Hastings on Hudson-------------------- 7,057 Hawthorne----------------------------- 2,000 Irvington------------------------------- 3, 272 Larchmont----------------------------- 5,970 Mount Kisco--------------------------- 5,941 North Pelham-------------------------- 5,052 North Tarrytown----------------------- 8,804 Pelham--------------------------------- 1,918 Pelham Manor------------------------- 5,302 Pleasantville---------------------------- 4, 454 Ye------------------------------------- 9,865 Tarrytown------------------------------ 6, 874 Thornwood a- - - - - - - 1, 500 Tuckahoe smº - - - - - - * 6, 563 Valhalla-------------------------------- 2, 200 Verplanck - 1, 267 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 547 *Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Armonk - 400 Crugers--------------------------------- 250 Aſaryknoll------------------------------ 375 Millwood 400 Mohegan Heights * 450 Mohegan Lake * - - 600 OScawana 350 Pocantico Hills - * 350 Scarborough---------------------------- 500 Shrub Oak 600 Also Renders: Manufactured gas service. 31–184 Woodville Electric Light & Power Co., Inc. Woodville, N. Y. Principal Officers: Everett Eastman--------------------------- ProS. H. E. Ralph. -------------------------- Vice PreS. W. A. Denison Secy. W. B. Eastman ------------------------- --Treas. Directors: E. A. Denison, Everett Eastman, W. B. Eastman, H. E. Ralph, Geo. M. Wood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55,625 Electric Operating Revenues $19,228 Number of Electric Cust sº tº º- 361 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 367, 310 Community Served at Retail: Population Belleville 450 31–186 The Yonkers Electric Light and Power Company 45 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. (Controlled by Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Edward P. Prezzano------------------------- PreS. Stuart Wilder-------------------------- Vice PreS. William L. Diehl - Secy. Robert S. Pruyn--------------------------- Treas. Samuel WinStanley, Jr. --------------- Asst. Secy. William C. Peterson ----------------- ASSt. Treas. John T. Brown, Jr.------------------------ Auditor I)irectors: Floyd L. Carlisle, William L. Diehl, Oscar H. Fogg, Robert B. Grove, Clarence I. Law, A. Augustus Low, Mrs. Kenneth B. Norton, Edward P. Prezzano, Frank W. Smith, Ralph H. Tapscott, Stuart Wilder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $19,466,880 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3,294,367 Number of Electric Customers---------- 44, 386 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 30,000 Energy Available in Year: a * See Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. Community Served at Retail: Population Yonkers -- 142, 598 31–210 Auburn Shank Company 7 Columbus St., Auburn, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. L. Johnson---------------------------- Partner D. R. Johnson---------------------------- Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $29,039 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $5,434 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) ------------------- 414 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1,086,800 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NEID UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. 31–221 Bagley and Sewall 105 Purl Ave., Watertown, N. Y. 31–225 Beebee Island Corporation 748 Starbuck Ave. Watertown, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: James D. Cartin --------------------------- Treas. Geo. H. Tompkins------ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $562, 510 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------------- 7, 200 31–254 Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. S. Fowler-------------------------------- Mgr. Chas. King------------------------------ Foreman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $200,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---------------------------------- 1,400 Steam----------------------------------- 600 Hydro----------------------------------- 800 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (interchange). 31–276 Dexter Sulphite Pulp & Paper Co.” Dexter, N. Y. a. In receivership. ? Receivers: B. C. Foster, W. E. McIntyre. Official in charge of Electric Operations: David Adams------------------- Chief Electrician 548 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers--------------- 1 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 463, 200 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central New York Power Corp. 31–287 Dunn & McCarthy Shoe Company Auburn, N. Y. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,980 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Empire Gas & Electric Co. 31–298 Dutchess Bleachery, Inc. Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: . M. Burke--------------------------------Mgr. M. A. Golrick, Jr.--------------------- Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $121, 560 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $10,700 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------ 1, 550 Steam--------------------------------- 550 Hydro. -------------------------------- 1,000 Júlowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 3, 659, 500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation. 31–309 Eastman Kodak Company 344 State St., Rochester, N. Y. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation. - 31–315 Electro Metallurgical Company Alloy, W. Va. See Also: Principal report under Virginia (45–242) and operations reported under West Virginia (47–270). 31–378 International Paper Company 220 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. See Also: Principal report under Maine (18–282). 31–405 Moreau Manufacturing Corporation Glens Falls, N. Y. 31–421 The New York Air Brake Company 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $48,416 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 8 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 37, 592 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 15, 809, 759 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Central New York Power Corp. 31–429 North American Cement Corporation 40 Howard St., Albany, N. Y. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: New York. ------------------------------- $180 Number of Electric Customers: New York only--------------------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York Power & Light Corporation. See Also: Principal report under Maryland (19–300). 31–434 Republic Steel Corporation 1630 Republic Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Lyon Mountain---------------------------- 1, 500 See Also: Principal report under Ohio (34–366). 31–452 Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Company 220 E. 42 St., New York, N. Y. 31–460 Union Bag & Paper Power Cor- poration 126 State St., Albany, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. J. Gilson---------------------------- Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $5,802,480 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $323, 568 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)-------------- 6, 250. DIRECTORY 549 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 51,044, 585 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 11, 480, 890 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: New York Power & Light Corporation. 31–484 J. B. Wise Company Watertown, N. Y. 31–511 *Akron Water, Light, and Sewer Commission Akron, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Allen C. Laese----------------------------- Mayor Lee S. Tiffany------------------------------- Supt. Karl S. Caple------------------------ Village Clerk Harold Grey------------------------------ Auditor Board of Trustees: Hiram C. Hoag, John E. Holtz, Grover B. Meahl, Sylvester Stuhler. ...he following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $71,614 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $37,683 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 747 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 537,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Akron-------------------------------------- 2, 263 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–515 *Willage of Andover Andover, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. S. Rennells--------------------- Commissioner Board of Trustees: Hazel Atwood, Curtis Burdick, § ń. Carpenter (mayor), I. H. Gilfillan, Charles ynCn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,918 Electric Operating Revenues--------------. $17,469 Number of Electric Customers------------- 469 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------. 514, 539 Community Served at Retail: Population Andover------------------------------------ 1, 290 31–519 *Angelica Electric Light and Power Board Angelica, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . B. Mott --------------------------------- Supt. Harry E. White----------------------- Line Supt. Electric Light & Power Board: C. A. Flanders, L. E. Graham, W. L. Seiver (pres.). The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 41: - 19 - Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $51,481 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,416 Number of Electric Customers------------- 343 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 353,650 Community Served at Retail: Population Angelica-------------------------------------- 928 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–523 *Arcade Municipal Electric Plant 17 Church St., Arcade, N. Y. Trustees: R. I. Cartwright, W. S. Davis, Avery H. Terk (mayor). The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $305,774 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $70,873 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,055 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total------------------------------- - 900 Steam---------------------------------- 200 Internal Combustion------------------- 700 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,745, 565 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arcade-------------------------------------- 1,683 Chaffee------------------------------------- 300 Sandusky----------------------------------- 330 Yorkshire----------------------------------- 300 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Delevan Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. 31–527 *Bath Electric, Gas, and Water System Municipal Bldg., Bath, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Frank Nollett Board of Commissioners: Floyd Chase, A. J. Ham- ilton, Henry Hille, Ward Shannon, Floyd Smith. The following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $407,456 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $87,191 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 793 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 1,821 Steam------------ * --------------------- 500 Internal Combustion------------------- 1,321 * Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 280, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population a UIl--------------------------------------- 4,696 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 550 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 31–532 *Willage of Bergen Municipal Electric Department Bergen, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Benjamin L. Cooley----------------------- Mayor William C. Mielke-------------------------- Supt. George R. Thompson.----------------- Bookkeeper Board of Trustees: Benjamin L. Cooley (mayor), Earl T. Lewellyn, Bert A. Sackett. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55,689 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $15,378 Number of Electric Customers------------!-- 295 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 538, 642 Community Served at Retail: Population Bergen-------------------------------------- 658 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–536 *Boonville Board of Light Commissioners Boonville, N. Y. Board of Light Commissioners: Russell Davis (pres.), Peter Iseneker, George Lanz. 1 ...he following data are for year ended March 1, 1: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $347,831 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $59,297 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 248 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 466 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hourg Total------------------------------- 2,778, 300 Generated ----------------------------- 2,504, 700 Purchased -- 273, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Boonville----------- * - -- 2,076 31–540 *Willage of Brocton Brocton, N. Y. Board of Trustees: W. E. Becker, D. E. Glezon, A. B. Matteson, J. B. Olsen, I. Rubinstien (mayor). The following data are for Feb. 28, 1939, or for the year ended Feb. 28, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $29,049 Number of Electric Customers----------- 435 º Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 147,800 | Communities Served at Retail: Population Brocton- 1, 293 Portland.------- - - - - 400 31–544 *Castile Municipal Electric Light System Castile, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. L. Walker-------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: E. R. Crawford, Claude S. I)aley, Kenneth T. Elwell, Frank G. Hubbard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,900 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $14,100 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 3.18 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 374,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Castile- - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - * * * 902 31–548 *Willage of Churchville Electric Department Churchville, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John C. Malloch-------------------------- Mayor Abb W. Aradine------------------ Village Trustee Burton H. Sage --Village Trustee I. W. Randall------------------------------ Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $41,765. Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,064 Number of Electric Customers------------- 222 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 816, 191 Community Served at Retail: Population. Churchville----------------------------------- 601 Also renders: Water Service. 31–553 *Delevan Electric Light Department - Delevan, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John V. Anderson------------------------- Mayor Millard M. King-------------------------- Trustee. Lloyd G. Jones---------------------------- Trustee The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $23,392 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,622 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 196 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 311, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population. Delevan-------------------------------------- 554. 31–557 *Willage of Dering Harbor Shelter Island, N. Y. Mayor & Trustees: W. L. O'Conor, W. P. Pick- hardt, Chas. Lane Poor (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $9,219 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,008. Number of Electric Customers--------------- 24 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 27, 700. DIRECTORY 55 | OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 31–561 *Dunkirk Board of Water Commissioners City Hall, Dunkirk, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. 9. Peck--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Commissioners: Wm. A. Godfrey, Chas. W. Pfisterer (secy.), Frederick Rosing (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $807, 638 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $267,001 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 153 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 14,819,917 Community Served at Retail: Population Punkirk----------------------------------- 17, 713 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–565 *Endicott Municipal Light Plant 130 W. Main St., Endicott, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harold W. Lauder------------------------ Supt. Mayor & Trustees: Florence Anderson, John Bar- ron, E. C. Mathawson, C. Howard Meeker (mayor), Grant G. Olver, Kenneth Walters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $211,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $105, 372 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 835 ºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 798, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Endicott-------------------------------- 17, 702 31–569 *Fairport Municipal Electric Plant Fairport, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. J. Sullivan------------------------------- Supt. Board of Commissioners: I. D. Bramer, Geo. S. Price (chairman), W. D. Williams. id:" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- Number of Electric Cust º: $269, 696 $112, 571 1, 849 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 363,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pairport------------------------------------ 4, 644 31—574 *Frankfort Municipal Electric Light Plant Frankfort, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. F. Robinson---------------------- Village Clerk Board of Commissioners: Joseph Case, J. Leo Ful- lem, H. Frank Murtaugh, Thomas O'Connor, Fred J. Tine (chairman). lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 41: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $85, 115 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $48,049 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,427,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Frankfort--------------------------------- 3,859 31–578 *Willage of Freeport 46 N. Ocean Ave., Freeport, N. Y. Trustees: Fred S. Howell, Jr., William Marvin, Robert E. Patterson, Asa A. Trenchard, Worden E. Winne. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,360, 182 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $448, 458 Number of Electric Customers----------- 6, 669 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 8,456 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 14, 500,097 Community Served at Retail: Population Freeport.----- - - - - - - 20,410 Also Renders: Water service. 31–586 *Willage of Gouverneur Gouverneur, N. Y. 31–590 *Greene Electric Department Greene, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Earl T. MaxOn - Mayor Howard E. Rhodes------------------- Village Clerk Roland H. Burmap-------------------------- Supt. Trustees: James B. Cochrane, Wheeler J. Corbin, F. Tarbell Flanagan, Vern E. Palmer. The following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $36,685 Number of Electric Cust S 579 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 203 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours - - - - * * * * - - 814, 200 Generated.--- -- 621,000 Purchased.------------------------------- 193, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Greene.----------------------------------- 1, 431 552 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 31–595 *Green Island Electric Light Commission Green Island, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frederick D. Lonergan----------------- Chairman J ohn P. McGowan----------------- Commissioner William Picarillo------------------- Commissioner lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $80, 940 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,328 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 198 Rilowatt-hourg Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 194, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Green Island 3,988 31–599 *Greenport Electric Light Department 18 South St., Greenport, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry M. Monsell Supt. Board of Trustees: John Kluge (mayor), Harry Thornhill, Jacob W. Tyler, Washington White, Charles Wooley. lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $418, 794 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87, 509 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 104 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 1, 580 Steam 280 Internal Combustion 1,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,485, 460 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenport -- 3, 259 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Shelter Island Light and Power Co., Inc. 31–603 *Groton Electric Department 108 Cortland St., Groton, N. Y. Board of Light Commissioners: E. H. Curtice (secy.), H. W. Gleason, S. J. Potter, D. J. Watrous (chairman). lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant- - º ºs - $76,493 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $52,940 Number of Electric Customers------------ 654 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch .. 2, 289,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Groton-------------------------------------- 2,087 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York State Electric & Gas Corporation. 31–607 *Willage of Hamilton, Board of Water, Light & Sewer Commissioners Hamilton, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - John W. Auer------------- BusineSS Administrator Robert B. Albrecht-------- Supt. of Public Works Board of Water, Light and Sewer Commissioners: D. P. Maynard, J. M. Moses, S. W. Stradling. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $137, 398 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $66,252 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 879 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,094,800 Community Served at Retail: Population EIamilton * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * 1, 790 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–611 *Herkimer Municipal Commission Municipal Bldg., Herkimer, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Edward S. Race-- __ Clerk Municipal Commission: Thomas Donlon (preS.), Albert F. Ertman, Pierce Law, Ross Sluyter. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $704, 768 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $199,771 Number of Electric Customers 3,486 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------- 6, 766, 401 Generated.-- 6, 623, 361 Purchased ---- 143,040 Communities Served at Retail: Population East Herkimer----------------------------- 550 Herkimer----------- - - - 9,617 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–616 *Holley Municipal Light Plant Holley, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. W. Webster----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: George C. Cassada, Ogden M. Evarts (mayor), Harry S. Glidden, Grant S. Mor- ton, Raymond Santoro. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $85,859 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $27,630 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 565 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 197,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Holley-------------------------------------- 1, 230 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 553 31–620 *Ilion Board of Light Commissioners Municipal Bldg., Ilion, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. S. Daily Light Commission: F. M. Bellinger (treas.), L. E. Fake, John P. Madigan (secy.), Wm. Marsland (preS.), Wm. A. Schmidt. lº" following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $293, 554 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $118,866 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,083 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 138,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Plion---------------------------------------- 8,927 31–624 *Jamestown Municipal Electric System 200–212 E. 3rd. St., Jamestown, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Alfred C. Davis------------------------ Chairman Clayton O. Johnson.----- Supt. T. J. McKee ---- Secy. Board of Public Utilities: Paul N. Anderson, Sam- uel A. Carlson, Alfred C. Davis (chairman), Algot J. E. Larson, Leon F. Roberts (mayor), Charles J. Strandburg (director of public works), Samuel A. Stroth, Carl G. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,615, 108 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $803, 458 Number of Electric Customers------------ 15, 962 Ičilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 38, 500 Rilou: att-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 62, 170,946 Communities Served at Retail: Population Celoron--------------------------------- 1, 349 Falconer--------------------------------- 3, 222 Jamestown. ----------------------------- 42,638 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–628 - *Lake Placid Village Municipal Electric Plant Lake Placid, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Edward C. Herb-------------------------- Clerk * following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $364, 387 $103,630 1, 261 Rilowatts 402 Number of Electric Customers----------- Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 3, 161,450 Generated.------------------------------- 765,900 Purchased------------------------------- 2, 395, 550 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Placid Village---------------------- 3, 136 31–633 *Little Valley Electric Light Department Little Valley, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. F. Andrew----------------------------- Mayor Lyle T. Underwood------------------------- Supt. Trustees: A. P. Brant, F. J. Lankow, J. R. Shaw, W. W. StarkS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $104,715 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $27, 200 Number of Electric Customers----------- 555 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,469, 208 Community Served at Retail: Population Little Valley------------------------------- 1, 234 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–637 *Macedon Light and Power Commission Macedon, N. Y. Light and Power Commission: A. D. Beal, S. H. Breese (mayor), R. C. Hawes. The following data are for the year ending Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $80,312 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23, 140 Number of Electric Customers------------ 559 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 714,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Macedon-------------------------------- 557 Walworth 300 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–641 *Marathon Lighting Plant Marathon, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. H. Braman------- Board of Commissioners: A. E. MacAlpine, W. L. Parker, C. A. Rice. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Supt. Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,465 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $23,761 Number of Electric Customers------------- 410 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 820,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Marathon------------------------------------ 955 Also Renders: Water Service. 554 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 31–645 *Mayville Light Department Mayville, N. Y. Village Board: G. H. Dudley, C. R. Mead, G. W. Sommers, C. G. Van Atter (mayor), O. F. Webber O Tºllowing data are for the year ended Feb. ** 7 Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $60,805 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30, 114 Number of Electric Customers ---_________ 494 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 1, 263, 380 Community Served at Retail: Population Mayville-------------------------------- 1, 354 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–649 *Mohawk Municipal Commission 5 S. Otsego St., Mohawk, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Henry B. Martin Supt. & Clerk Village Trustees: Edw. Baum, L. A. Corman (pres.), Oliver F. Decker, R. C. Gleed (treas.), Wm. Lahey (clerk), M. A. Snyder. Municipal Commission: O. E. Day, Glenn L. Forrest, George W. Greer (pres.), A. R. Petrie. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $89,535 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $38,802 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 927 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 1, 338, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Mohawk-------------------------------- 2,882 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–650 *New York State Department of Public Works, Division of Canals State Office Bldg., Albany, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur W. Brandt_-____ Supt. of Public Works Guy W. Pinck. - Commissioner of Canals and Waterways Joseph E. Sheary------------------ Chief Auditor T. Joseph Cuerdon--Supt. of Hydroelectric Plants The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $1,914,000 Electric Operating Revenues $318, 941 - - - - - - - m - - - - - - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)-------------- 11, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 72, 465,414 Generated.----------------------------- 72, 250,864 Interchanged-in (Gross) ----------------- 214, 550 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New York Power and Light Corp. 31–654 *Penn Yan Municipal Board 3 Maiden Lane, Penn Yan, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. W. Perry-------------------------------- Supt. Municipal Board: Charles Beaumont, Chas. A. Kelly, H. M. Smith (vice pres.), H. Allen Wagener (pres.), F. H. Whitaker. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $387,846 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $102,692 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 324 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- - 3,800 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 137,853 Community Served at Retail: Population Penn Yan---------------------------------- 5,308 31–658 *Philadelphia Municipal Electric System Church St., Philadelphia, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Luke F. Sharon----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: H. D. Allen, E. A. Drake, K. W. Keller (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $66, 500 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $15,400 Number of Electric Customers------------- 300 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 128 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 729, 510 Generated.-------------------------------- 469, 230 Purchased.-------------------------------- 184,640 Interchanged-in (groSS) ------------------ 75,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Philadelphia----------------------------- 722 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–662 *Port Byron Municipal Electric Light Plant * Port Byron, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Gregg A. Smith • * * * * * * * * * * * * - - -e ºs = * * * * Mayor C. Theo. Weston---------------------------- Mgr. A. Stewart Dayharsh--------------------- Auditor Walter L. Kerns---------------------------- Clerk Trustees: Earl W. Blake, W. C. Bush, Elmer Kerns’ The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $38,374 Electric Operating Revenues.-------- ------- $17,011 Number of Electric Customers------------- 333 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 425,854 Community Served at Retail: Population Port Byron----------------------------------- 961 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 555 31–666 *Willage of Potsdam Raymond St., Potsdam, N. Y. Rilowatts Generating Capacity: (hydro)------------------ 150 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 900, 900 Generated-------------------------------- 879, 700 Purchased.-------------------------------- 21, 200 31–670 *Richmondville Municipal Electric Light Plant Richmondville, N. Y. * Principal Electric Utility Official: H. A. Strobel--------------------- Mayor & Supt. Village Board of Trustees: Guy Brooker, G. C. Rightmyer, H. A. Strobel (mayor). Tºllowing data are for the year ended Feb. y Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $43,595 Electric Operating Revenues ------z-------- $17,938 Communities Served at Retail: Population Richmondville------------------------------- 598 Warnerville---------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 31–675 *The Incorporated Village of Rockville Centre Municipal Building, Rockville Centre, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry C. Major, Commissioner of Public Utilities. James H. Dalzeil------------------- Village Treas. Trustees: Horace L. Allen (mayor), Robt. K. At- §ºn, Edgar T. Beamish, Frank Ernst, Howard Ilêlf. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,588,305 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $425,809 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 871 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 7, 110 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 15, 196, 569 Community Served at Retail: Population Rockville Centre-------------------------- 18, 613 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–679 *Rouses Point Municipal Water and Light System Rouses Point, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Charles A. Stewart Albert G. Carriere----------------- Village Clerk Board of Trustees: W. E. Brothers, C. T. Eldridge, Charles J. Langlois, James L. Rochester. º following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72,273 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $27,710 Number of Electric Customers------------- 621 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 733, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Rouses Point------------------------------- 1, 846 31–683 *Salamanca Water and Light Department 41 Main St., Salamanca, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles R. Weagraſſ------------------------ Supt. F. W. Gardner----------------------- Comptroller Clair C. Winship---------------------- City Clerk Directors: Fredrick A. Burdette Whipple. The following data are for the year 1940: Iowe, John Walrath, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $384, 561 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $143,235 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,829 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------- * * * * 620 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 7,667, 722 Community Served at Retail: Population Salamanca sº sº am tº mº sº mºm º ºs amº m sº sº mº, sº * * * * * 9,011 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–687 *Willage of Savannah Savannah, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. J. Colvin------------------------------- Mayor G. S. Borden--- ----'Treas. Bert Lockwood Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,501 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 216, Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 635,882 Community Served at Retail: Population Savannah ---- 601 Also Renders: Water service. 31–691 *Willage of Sherburne Sherburne, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. T. Champ ---Supt. Geo. B. Sleeper Clerk Trustees: E. C. Collins, E. R. Craine (mayor), J. E. Newman. º following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $115, 151 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $41,799 Number of Electric Cust 8. 726 556 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1,385,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Sherburne---------------------------------- 1, 192 31–696 *Silver Springs Electric Department Silver Springs, N. Y. Village Board of Trustees: Clayton L. Husted (mayor), J. B. Kniflin, Daniel McBride, W. D. Toolen, W. H. Whiting. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $16,475 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $11,554 Number of Electric Customers------------- 257 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 307,008 Community Served at Retail: Population Silver Springs--------------------------------- 766 31–700 - *Skaneateles Electric Light Department Municipal Bldg., Skaneateles, N. Y. Commissioners: George S. Bentley, Arthur Bir- Chenough, John E. Heywood (pres.). The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $140,474 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $52,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 794 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 576 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal-------------------------------- 2,332, 748 Generated.------------------------------ 85, 900 Purchased.------------------------------ 2, 246, 848 Community Served at Retail: Population Skaneateles--------------------------------- 1, 949 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–704 *Willage of Solvay 1100 Woods Rd., Solvay, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. J. Naughton------------------------------Supt. Board of Trustees: J. J. Degan (mayor), A. Grob- Smith, F. Kinder, R. Leachtner, E. J. O’Brien, L. Valletta, A. Weslowski. lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $205,239 $123,812 Number of Electric Cust Fº 2, 353 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,996,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Solvay---------------------------------- 8, 201 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–708 *Spencerport Electric Department Spencerport, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John C. Ballard e E. F. Cosgrove.----------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees: C. L. Garlock, H. M. Hoy (Mayor), Lester Merz. lº" following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, Electric Utility Plant $84,655 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $27,243 Number of Electric Customers----------- 493 Filowatts. Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,092,710 Community Served at Retail: Population Spenterport----------------------------- 1, 340 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–712 *Springville Electric Light and Power Co. 18 Franklin St., Springville, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl H. Felton------------------------------ Supt. Thomas J. Kenney - ------- Secy. & Village Clerk Trustees: Robert Gray, Lee Pingrey, Frank Plin- ston (mayor), Wm. Schaper, Allious Schindler. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------------------____ $259, 878 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $55,263 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,033 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------- 550 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2,611,805 Generated------------------------------ 2,003, 317 Purchased.------------------------------ 08,488 Community Served at Retail: Population Springville 2,849. Also Renders: Water Service. 31–716 *Willage of Theresa Theresa, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wesley Dudley Supt. Village Board of Trustees: Rexford Davis (mayor), Lawrence Gilman, Delivan Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $59,637 Electric Operating Rev $7,368 Number of Electric Cust & 250 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) -------------- 130 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 446,670 Generated 381, 510 Purchased 65, 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Theresa----------------------------------- 908 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NEW YORK 557 31–720 *Municipal Electric System of the Willage of Tupper Lake 93 Park St., Tupper Lake, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. Nedd Sparks---- J. Gordon Bisson Trustees: S. W. Clark, T. J. Collinson (mayor), A. J. DeShaw, H. D. Rule, W. H. White. The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Mgr. Supt. Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $213,845 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $95,449 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,478 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2,666,050 Community Served at Retail: Population Tupper Lake------------------------------- 5,451 Also Renders: Water Service. 31–725 *City Light & Power Department of Watertown City Hall, Watertown, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. Leland Wood----------------------- City Mgr. Guy R. Williams Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,460,260 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $124, 118 Number of Electric Customers----------- 32 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 6,075 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 29,048,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central New York Power Corporation. 31–729 *Watkins Glen Muncipal Electric Plant 303 Franklin St., Watkins Glen, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur J. Peck---------------------------- Mayor C. E. Dennis------------------------------- Supt. August Klube------------------------------ Treas. James P. Haughey-------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $259, 548 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $47,855 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 989 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 835 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,648, 133 Community Served at Retail: Population Watkins Glen------------------------------ 2,913 31–733 *Wellsville Water and Light Department Municipal Building, Wellsville, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest J. R. Supt. Oliver C. Sweet----------------------- Office Mgr. Directors: J. P. Coyle, R. J. Ellison, G. B. Harris, J. D. Hauselt, H. S. Marshall. º following data are for the year ended Feb. 28, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $433,472 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $119, 910 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 132 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total - sº - * -- 5, 485, 528 Generated------------------------------ 4, 171,328 Purchased - * -- * - - - - - - - - sº 1, 314, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Wellsville * - * * - * * * * * - *s, * * * * - * - - tº *- * * - sº sº wº 5,942 Also Renders: Steam heat and water service. 31–737 *Westfield Board of Light Commissioners 42 English St., Westfield, N. Y. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Mettendorff------------------------- Supt. W. H. Rodden--------------------------- Auditor Board of Light Commissioners: A. J. Macer, R. H. Morgenstern, T. W. Ushorne. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $288,497 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $84, 247 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,434 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,350,680 Community Served at Retail: Population Westfield----------------------------------- 3, 434 Also Renders: Water Service. NORTH CAROLINA Index Reference Number *Albemarle Municipal Light Department - - - 32–513 Alexander Manufacturing Co---------------- 32–215 *Apex, Town of----------------------------- 32–516 *Asheville, City of -------------------------- *Aurora, Town of- - - - ----------------------- *Ayden Water and Light Department------- *Belhaven, Town of ------------------------- *Benson, Town of -------------------------- *Benton Heights Municipal Light System --- 32–531 Biltmore Company, The -------------------- 32 *Black Creek, Town of --------------------- *Blue Ridge Electric Association, Incorpo- *Bostic, Town of --------------------------- 32–533 *Brunswick Electric Membership Corpora- 3 Carolina Aluminum Company-------------- 32–230 Carolina Mountain Power Corporation----...- 32–033 Carolina Power & Light Company---------- 32–036 Cascade Power Company- - - - - -------------- 32–039 Central Electric & Telephone Co------- - - - - - - 32—046 *Cherryville Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–537 *Clayton, Town of ------------------------- 32–540 Cleveland Mill & Power Co----------------- 32–231 Cliffside Mills------------------------------- *Concord Board of Light and Water Com- missioners--------------------------------- . *Cornelius Electric Membership Corpora- 3 tion-------------------------------------- *Cornelius, Town of.------------------------ Craig Electric Lines-------------------- - - - - - Crisp Power Co., Inc.------------------------ 32–054 *Cruso Electric Membership Corporation--- 32–812 *Dallas, Town of *Davidson Electric Membership Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- *Davidson, Town oſ--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Davie Electric Membership Corporation -- 32–814 Dillsboro and Sylva Electric Light Company Domestic Electric Service Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–066 *Drexel, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–56; Duke Power Company---------------------- 32-069 Durham Public Service Company----------- *Durham Water Department---...-- - - - - - - - - - - Earp Power, Light & Telephone Co. -- - - - - - - º East Side Electric Light Company - . . . -- - - East Tennessee Light & Power Company - - - *Edenton Electric and Water Department - - Edgar Tufts Memorial Association, Inc - - - - - *Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Mem- bership Corporation - - - - - - - ---------------- El Bethel Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Elizabeth City, Public Utility Commission 32—081 of the City of.----------------------------- 32–567 *Elm City Electric Light Department------ 32–570 *Enfield, Town of -------------------------- Entwistle Manufacturing Co--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–253 Farm Light Company----------------------- 32—084 *Farmville, Water & Light Dept., Town of .. 32–576 *Fayetteville, Public Works Commission, City of—----------------------------------- 3 *Forest City, Town of ---------------------- 32–582 *Fountain Municipal Electric Department .. 32–585 *Four-County Electric Membership Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 32–817 *Fremont Light and Water Department - - - 32–588 *French Broad Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- .32–830 *Gastonia, City of.-------------------------- 32–591 *Granite Falls, Town of -------------------- 32–594 *Greenville Utilities Comm. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–597 *Grimesland Municipal Electric Depart- ment-------------------------------------- Reference Number *Halifax Electric Membership Corporation -- 32–840 *Hamilton Municipal Electric Department -- 32–603 Hardy & Company, C. L. ------------------ 32–0.96 *Harkers Island Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 32—845 *Hertford, Town of.------------------------- *Highlands, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... 32–612 *High Point Dept. of Public Utilities, City of 32-615 *Hobgood Municipal Electric Department -- 32-618 *Bookerton, Town of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–621 *Huntersville Light and Power Company--- 32–850 *Huntersville Light & Water Dept -- - - - - - - - - - 32-624 *Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 3 *Kings Mountain, Town oſ------------------ *Kinston Light and Water Dept.- - - - - - - - - - - - *La Grange Water & Light Department----- 32–633 *Landis, Town of .--------------------------- 32–636 Laurel Hill Electric Company--------------- *Laurinburg, Town of.---------------------- 32–639 Leward Cotton Mills, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Lexington Water, Light and Power Depart- Iſled U- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–642 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–264 *Lincolnton, Town of- - - - - ------------------ 32–645 Linville Valley Power Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–105 Long Creek Memorial Baptist Church------ 32–270 Loray Light and Power Company----------- 32–272 *Louisburg Light & Water Department----- 32–648 *Lucama I,ight Plant, Town of ... - - - - - - - - - - - 2–651 *Lumbee River Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 3 *Lumberton, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–654 *Macclesfield Municipal Electric Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 32–657 *Maiden, Town of -------------------------- 32–660 *Monroe, City of. --------------------------- 32–663 *Montreat Electric Light Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–666 *Morganton Flectric Department - - - - - - - - - - - 32–669 *Murphy Electric IDepartment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–670 Nantahala Power and Light Company- - - - - - 32–117 *New Bern Municipal Electric Plant-------- 32–672 *Now River Light & Power Company------- 32–674 *Newton, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 32–675 Northwest Carolina Utilities, Incorporated -- 32-123 *Oak City, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–678 *Ocracoke Power & I,ight Co----...----------. 32–927 *Palm Tree Mutual Lighting Company - - - - - 32–929 Pamlico Ice & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–132 *Pantego, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–681 *Pee Dee Electric Membership Corporation. 33-332 *Piedmont Electric Membership Corpo- ration--------------------------, - - - - - - - - - - - 32–934 *Pikeville, Town of ------------------------- 32–684 Pinehurst, Inc.------------------------------ 32–280 *Pine Tops. Municipal Electric Department. 32–687 *Pineville, Town Of------------. ---------- --- 32–689 *Pisgah Mountain Electric Line------------- 32–938 *Pitt & Greene Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 32–940 *Princeville, Town of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–693 Raeford Power and Manufacturing Com- pany - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–286 *Randolph Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 32–941 *Red Springs Municipal System ---...-------- 32–696 * Roanoke Electric Membership Corporation. 32–943 Roanoke Utilities Company. ---------------- 32–141 *Roberson ville, Town of-------------------- 32–699 *Rocky Mount Public Utilities-------------- 32–702 Rocky River Power and Light Company---- 32-147 Rosman Tanning Extract Co---------------- 32–308 *Rutherford Electric Membership CorpO- ration------------------------------------- 32–945 Saint James Light and Power Company- - - - 32–150 *Scotland Neck, TOWI. Of-------------------- 32-705 560 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Selma, Town of---------------------------- 32–708 *Sharon Light Company-------------------- 32–956 *Sharon Light Company-------------------- 32–959 *Sharpsburg, Town of -- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 32–711 *Shelby, City of ---------------------------- 32–714 *Smithfield Electric Light System ----------- 32–717 Smoky Mountain Power Company---------- 32–162 *Southport, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–720 *South River Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 32–962 *Stantonsburg Light and Power Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 32–723 *Statesville Light Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–726 Stowe Mills, Inc.----------------------------- 32—312 *Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 32–964 *Tarboro, Town of- ------------------------- 32–729 *Tennessee Valley Authority---------------- 32–731 Tide Water Power Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–174 -*Tri-County Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------- 32–967 *Union Electric Membership Corporation. -- 32–970 Reference Number NORTH CAROLINA 32–033 Carolina Mountain Power Corporation Lake Lure, N. C. Principal Officers: Homer Reed------------------------------ 2--Pres. Wm. C. Rommel----------------------- Vice PreS. E. W. Peacock------------------------------ Secy N. H. Baumm----------------------------- Treas. Directors: N. H. Baumm, Henry H. Fanz, Homer Reed, Wm. C. Rommel. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $690, 335 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $51, 174 Number of Electric Cust & 221 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 3,600 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 8, 109, 700 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Duke Power Co. 32–036 Carolina Power & Light Company Raleigh, N. C. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co. through 93.53% of voting power.) Principal Officers: L. V. Sutton------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. W. H. Weatherspoon.------------------- Vice PreS. C. S. Walters--------------------------- Vice PreS. S. P. Vecker---------------------------- Vice PreS. C. J. Curry--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. B. Carpenter-------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: C. J. Curry, R. Lee Ellis, Jas. L. McNair, L. V. Sutton, C. S. Walters, W. H. Weather- spoon, Alexander Webb. Controls: Capitan Corporation (holds land and water rights). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $94, 183,891 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------- $13,995,938 $9,392,384 Union Mills Co----------------------------- 32–322 *University of North Carolina Service Plants. 32–730 *Vanceboro Water & Light Department----- 32–732 Virginia Electric and Power Company------ 32–177 *Waco Lighting Plant----------------------- 32–735 *Wake Electric Membership Corporation-- - 32–976 *Wake Forest, Town of --------------------- 32–738 *Walstonburg, Town of- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–741 Ward, B. O--------------------------------- 32–179 Washington Mills Co------------------------ 32–330 *Washington Municipal Electric & Water Department------------------------------- 32–744 Waverly Mills, Inc.. ------------------------ 32–331 *Waynesville, Town of . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 32–747 *Wilson County Electric Membership Cor- poration----------------------------------- 32–982 *Wilson Utilities---------------------------- 32–750 *Windsor Public Works. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32–753 *Winterville, Town of . ---------------- - - - - - - 32–756 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Number of Electric Customers: 9tal--------------------------- 115, 298 In North Carolina------------------ 89, 666 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.--------------------------- 249,050 Steam------------------------------ 43,000 Hydro------------------------------ 206,050 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1,433, 372, 634 Generated.-------------------------- 840, 835, 263 Purchased.-------------------------- 146,241, 320. Interchanged (groSS-in).------------- 446, 296,051 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Asheville---------------------------------- 51, 310 Goldsboro--------------------------------- 17, 274 Raleigh------------------------------------ 46, 897 1,000 to 10,000 population Aberdeen.---------------------------------- 1,076 Angier------------------------------------- 1,028 Asheboro---------------------------------- 6,981 Black Mountain--------------------------- 1,042 Canton------------------------------------ 5, 037 Carthage---------------------------------- 1, 381 Cary-------------------------------------- 1, 141 Clinton------------------------------------ 3, 557 Dunn.------------------------------------- 5, 256 Enka-------------------------------------- 2,000 Fairmont---------------------------------- 1, 993 Franklinton.------------------------------- 1, 273 Fuquay Springs--------------------------- 1, 323 Hamlet------------------------------------ 5, 111 Hazelwood-------------------------------- 1, 508 Henderson.-------------------------------- 7,647 Kenly------------------------------------- 1,095 Laurinburg "------------------------------ 5, 685 Littleton---------------------------------- 1, 200 Lumberton *------------------------------ 5, 803 Maxton----------------------------------- 1,656 Mount Olive------------------------------ 2,929 Nashville---------------------------------- 1, 171 Oteen------------------------------------- 2,000 Oxford------------------------------------ 3,991 Raeford----------------------------------- 1,628 Ramseur ---------------------------------- 1, 220 Rockingham ------------------------------ 3, 657 Roxboro----------------------------------- 4, 599 Saint Pauls-------------------------------- 1, 923 Sanford------------------------------------ 4,960 Siler City--------------------------------- 2, 197 Smithfield "------------------------------- 3, 678 Southern Pines---------------------------- 3, 225 a Commercial power and industrial Service only. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 561 Communities served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Spring Hope------------------------------- 1, 222 Spruce Pine------------------------------- 1, 968 Troy-------------------------------------- 1,861 Wadesboro-------------------------------- 3, 587 Warrenton-------------------------------- 1, 147 Wendell----------------------------------- 1, 132 Zebulon----------------------------------- 1,070 250 to 1,000 population Ansonville--------------------------------- 519 Paileys ----------------------------------- 645 Barnardsville------------------------------ 250 Biltmore Forest.--------------------------- 476 Biscoe------------------------------------- 843 Bladenboro-------------------------------- 724 Broadway--------------------------------- 338 Buies Creek------------------------------- 435 Cameron---------------------------------- 311 Candor------------------------------------ 509 Caraleigh---------------------------------- 350 Castalia----------------------------------- 341 Central Falls------------------------------ 375 Clyde------------------------------------- 516 Coats-------------------------------------- 827 Craggy------------------------------------ 250 Eagle Springs----------------------------- 350 Pllerbe------------------------------------ 693 Fairview.---------------------------------- 250 Fletcher----------------------------------- 400 Four Oaks--------------------------------- 828 Franklin Ville------------------------------ 851 aſſleſ------------------------------------ 768 Gibson------------------------------------ 435 Goldston---------------------------------- 416 Greenleaf---------------------------------- 400 Hemp------------------------------------- 972 Hoffman---------------------------------- 395 Holly Springs----------------------------- 394 Hope Mills------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 900 Hot Springs------------------------------- 773 Jonesboro--------------------------------- 928 Rºnightdale-------------------------------- 352 Lewarae (Midway)------------------------ 299 Liberty------------------------------------ 922 Lilesville---------------------------------- 556 Lillington--------------------------------- 914 Method----------------------------------- 300 Micro------------------------------------- 289 Middlesex--------------------------------- 545 Milton------------------------------------ 329 Morven----------------------------------- 602 Mount Gilead----------------------------- 915 Newton Grove.---------------------------- 339 Norlina------------------------------------ 794 Norman----------------------------------- 327 Oakley------------------------------------ 250 Olivia-------------------------------------- 300 Parkton----------------------------------- 441 Peachland--------------------------------- 390 Pembroke--------------------------------- 783 Pine Level.-------------------------------- 595 Pinebluff---------------------------------- 330 Pittsboro---------------------------------- 826 Polkton. ---------------------------------- 521 Princeton---------------------------------- 512 Ridgecrest--------------------------------- 400 Roseboro---------------------------------- 939 Rowland----------------------------------- 999 Salemburg--------------------------------- 371 Seagrove.---------------------------------- 316 South Wadesboro-------------------------- 502 Staley------------------------------------- 255 Star---------------------------------------- 611 Stedman ---------------------------------- 356 Stovall------------------------------------- 415 SWannanoa--------------------------------- 251 Vass--------------------------------------- 728 Wade-------------------------------------- 380 Wagram----------------------------------- 388 Weaverville-------------------------------- 880 West End--------------------------------- 500 West Southern Pines---------------------- 806 Wilsons Mills------------------------------ 436 Yanceyville-------------------------------- 500 Youngsville-------------------------------- 553 * Commercial power and industrial Service only. 322184—42 41 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Hominy Power & Light Co. Laurel Hill Electric Co. Northwest Carolina Utilities, Inc. Tide Water Power Co. Virginia Electric and Power Co. Carolina Aluminum Co. Pinehurst, Inc. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Apex. - *Town of Benson. *Town of Clayton. *Fayetteville Public Works Commission, *Fremont Light and Water Dept. *La Grange Water & Light Dept. *Town of Laurinburg. *TOwn Of Lumberton. *Town of Pikeville. *Red Springs Municipal System. *TOwn Of Selma. *Smithfield Electric Light System. *Town of Wake Forest. *Town of Waynesville. *Anson Mutual Electric Corporation. *Cruso Mutual Electric Co. *Halifax Electric Membership Corporation. *Randolph Electric Membership Corporation. *Tennessee Valley Authority (Tenn.) (Inter- change). Also Renders: Motor coach service in North Carolina. See Also: Operations reported under South Carolina (39–028). 32–039 Cascade Power Company Brevard, N. C. 32—046 Central Electric & Telephone Co Sioux Falls, S. Dak. See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–029) and operations reported under Minnesota (22–025) and North Dakota (33—009). 32–051 Craig Electric Lines Dallas, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º D. L. Friday-------. ----------- Mayor-Chairman J. P. Hoffman--------------------------- Collector Board of Aldermen: A. J. Beauchamp, G. C. Estes, D. L. Friday (mayor), R. F. Harris, Harry Shel- ton, G. S. Spargo. The following data are for year the 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 50,000 32–054 Crisp Power Co., Inc. Macclesfield, N. C. Principal Officers: W. W. Eagles------------------------------ Pres. E. Y. Lovelace------------------------ Vice PreS. N. F. Lovelace---------------------------- Treas 562 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: W. W. Eagles, B. F. Eagles, E. Y.T.ove- lace, N. F. Lovelace. 'The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $7,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,400 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 45,000 32—063 Dillsboro and Sylva Electric Light Company Dillsboro, N. C. Principal Officers: C. J. Harris PreS. R. W. Harris Vice PreS. S. W. Enloe Secy.-Treas. W. C. Queen ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: S. W. Enloe, C. J. Harris, R. W. Harris, W. C. Queen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $168,712 Electric Operating Revenue------------- $38,281 Number of Electric Customers---------- 817 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 825 || Steam--- 425 Hydro 400 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours otal 1, 643,460 Generated 1,043,000 Purchased 00, 460 Communities Served at Retail: Population Dillsboro 290 Sylva - 1, 409 32–066 Domestic Electric Service Inc. Rocky Mount, N. C. Principle Officers: Thomas Powell N. C. Strickland----------------------- Vice Pres. Jay Powell - - - Secy. & Treas. Directors: Jay Powell, Thomas Powell, N. C. Strickland. The following data are for the year 1940: PreS. Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $9,350 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16, 146 Number of Electric Customers------------- 383 Rīlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 392,400 32–069 Duke Power Company Charlotte, N. C. Principal Officers: G. G. Allen - - - * - - - PreS. W. R. Perkins.------------------------- Vice PreS. N. A. Cocke---------------------------- Vice PreS. C. I. Burkholder----------------------- Vice Pres. E. C. Marshall------------------------- Vice PreS. W. C. Parker------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Principal Officers: A. H. Sands, Jr.----------------------- Asst. Secy. L. H. Adams-------------------------- Asst. Secy. D. C. Carmichael --------------------- Asst. Secy. E. R. Bucher------------------------- Asst. Treas. D. G. Calder------------------------- ASSt. Treas, E. E. Wayland--------------------------- Auditor Directors: G. G. Allen, C. I. Burkholder, N. A. Cocke, E. C. Marshall, W. C. Parker, W. R. Perkins, R. Grady Rankin, Charles S. Reed, W. S. O’B. Robinson, A. H. Sands, Jr., J. C. Thorne, W. Gill Wylie, Jr. Controls: Caldwell Power Co. (inactive). Catawba Mfg. & Electric Power Co. (inactive). Millwood Co. (land company). Mill-Power Supply Co. (electrical equipment and material). Republic Cotton Mills (textile mill). Superior Yarn Mills, Inc. (textile mill). Wateree Power Co. (land company). Western Carolina Power Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------------------- $217,288,988 Electric Operating Revenues: otal -------------------------- $29,487, 336 In North Carolina------------------ $20,662, 169 Number of Electric Customers: tal.---- --------- ------------- 241,414 In North Carolina------------------ 183,242 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------- 898, 278 Steam------------------------------ 400, 750 Hydro-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 497,453 Internal Combustion--------------- 75 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal--------------------------- 3,034,933,769 Generated.-------------------------- 2,618, 626, 227 Purchased.-------------------------- 368, 023, 242 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 48,284,300 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Burlington - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - 12, 198 Charlotte 100,899 Greensboro------------------------------- 59, 319 Hickory---------------------------------- 13,487 High Point *------------------------------ 38,495 Reidsville--------------------------------- 10,387 Salisbury------------------------------- -- 19,037 Thomasville------------------------------ 11,041 Winston-Salem--------------------------- 79,815 1,000 to 10,000 population Archdale---------------------------------- 1,097 Belmont---------------------------------- 4,356 Bessemer City---------------------------- 3, 567 Brevard---------------------------------- 3,061 China Grove------------------------------ 1, 567 Conover---------------------------------- 1, 195 Cooleemee-------------------------------- 1, 842 Draper-------------- 3, 168 East Bend-------------------------------- 1, 262 East Flat Rock---------------- ----------- 1, 103 East Spencer------------------------------ 2, 181 Flkin------------------------------------- 2,734 Gibsonville------------------------------- 1, 753 Graham---------------------------------- 4, 339 Haw River----- 2,300 HenderSonville -- 5, 381 Highland----------- - 1, 514 Hillsboro--------------------------------- 1, 311 Jonesville 1, 733 FCernersville 2, 103 Peaksville-------------------------------- 1,886 Lenoir---- 7, 598 Longview - - - 1,489 Lowell-------- - 1, 826 Madison--------------------------------- 1,683 Marion --__ 2, 889 * Commercial power and industrial service only. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 563 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Marshville - - - - - Mebane ------ Mocksville - Mooresville Mount Airy--------- Mount Holly---------------------------- Mount Pleasant-- North Wilkesboro Randleman- Rutherfordton Spencer Spindale-- Spray---- Stanfield - - - Stanley Taylorsville- Tryon Valdese Walnut Cove - - West Hickory - Wilkesboro 250 to 1,000 population Alamance - - - Altamahaw Boiling Springs Boonville Brookford - Cabarrus--- Casar Catawba - Claremont Cleveland - Columbus------ * * * * Connelly Springs Dana Denton Denver Derita Dobson - Ellenboro. - - -----. Elon College - - - - Faith Fallston Farmington- Flat Rock Glen Alpine- Glen Raven Granite Quarry Grover . Guilford Guilford College Harmony HayS___ Hiddenite - Hi} debran Homestead Hudson . . . Hutchinson - - - Icard Jamestown - King - - Lattimore - Lowgap . MatthewS Midland - - - Monticello - - - - Mooresboro - - - Newell . . Oakboro Oakwoods Old Fort - Paw Creek- Pelham Pilot Mountain Pinnacle Pinoca Pisgah Forest Pleasant Garden Pomona Rhodiss - - Richfield Rockwell Ronda RIlffin - Rural Hall - - - Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Ruth Hampton.--------. 3.18 Rutherford College 330 Saluda - - - 539 Snow Camp F00 Stoneville - - 615 Stony Point 926 Swepsonville- - 848 Terra Cotta- 300 Trinity 975 Troutman 566 Tuxedo 600 Walkertown 609 Waxhaw - - - - 611 Wentworth 250 Westfield 250 White Plains 256 Whitne] 450 Wingate 541 Woodleaf 250 Yadkinville - - - 734 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Carolina Power & Light Co. Central Electric and Telephone Co. Durham Public Service Co. Northwest Carolina Utilities, Inc. Sharon Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Albermarle Municipal Light Dept. *Benton Heights Municipal Light System. *Cherryville Light Dept. *Concord Board of Light and Water Commis- Sioners. *Town of Cornelius. *Town of Dallas. *Town of Davidson. *Town of Drexel. *Town of Forest City. *City of Gastonia. *Town of Granite Falls. *City of High Point. *Huntersville Water & Light Dept. *Town of Kings Mountain. *Town of Landis. *Lexington Water, Light and Power Dept. *Town of Lincolnton. *Town of Maiden. *Monroe Water & Light Dept. *Morganton Electric Dept. *Town of Newton. *Town of Pinevillo. *City of Shelby. *City of Statesville. g *Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation. *Davie Electric Mutual Corporation. *Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation. *Rutherford Rural Electric Mutual Assn., Inc. *Union Electric Membership Corporation. Also Renders: Gas, transportation, and water serv- ice in North Carolina and South Carolina. See Also: Operations reported under South Carolina (39–044) 32—0.72 Durham Public Service Company 112–114 N. Mangum St., Durham, N. C. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: - R. L. Lindsey------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. - Secy. & Treas. J. H. Bryan gº tº Asst. Sec. & Treas. Directors: W. L. Foushee, L. C. Goodwin, A. W. Grady, W. J. Holloway, R. L. Lindsey, J. J. Strickland. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3, 172,787 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $1,157,717 Number of Electric Customers---------- 15, 659 564 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 3, 100 Energy Available in Year’: Filowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 46, 615, 490 Generated----------------------------- 10,690 Purchased.----------------------------- 46, 604, 800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Creedmoor 640 Durham----------------------------------- 60, 195 Also Renders: BuS and ice Service. 32—074 Earp Power, Light & Telephone Co. Selma, N. C. Principal Officers: J. W. Earp---------------------------------- Pres. G. A. Earp-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,837 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,228 Number of Electric Customers 32 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch .. -- 26, 750 32–0.75 East Side Electric Light Company Newton, N. C. 32—078 East Tennessee Light & Power Company 300 State St., Bristol, Tenn. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) The following data are for the year ended Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: North Carolina only.--------------------- $20, 574 Number of Electric Customers: North Carolina Only---------------------- 557 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cranberry------------------------------------ 250 Elk Park------------------------------------- 467 Linville--------------------------------------- 500 Minneapolis---------------------------------- 300 Newland----------- ---- 471 See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41-040) and operations reported under Virginia (45–036). 32–079 Edgar Tufts Memorial Association, Inc. Banner Elk, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edgar H. Tufts------------------------------ PreS E. L. Laſſerty------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 175 Generating Capacity: Filowatts 9tal--------------------------------- 350 Steam------------------------------------ 125 Hydro------------------------------------ 225 Community Served at Retail: Population Banner Elk----------------------------------- 344 32—081 El Bethel Electric Company Kings Mountain, N. C. 32—084 Farm Light Company Maiden, N. C. 32—096 C. L. Hardy & Company Maury, N. C. Partners: Clarence L. Hardy, Lawrence A. Moyne. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,858 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,321 Number of Electric Customers------------- 350 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 221,760 32–102 Laurel Hill Electric Company Laurel Hill, N. C. Principal Officers: Z. V. Pate PreS. & Treas. Edwin Pate------ - - Vice PreS. J. R. Dalrymple, Jr Secy. L. E. Dunn-------------------------------- Supt. Dººrs: J. R. Dalrymple, Jr., Edwin Pate, Z. V. ate. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $5,765 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $6,001 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 101 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 147, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Laurel Hill----------------------------------- 400 32–105 Linville Walley Power Company Crossnore, N. C. 32–117 Nantahala Power and Light Company Franklin, N. C. (Controlled by Aluminum Company of America.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CARULINA 565 Principal Officers: J. E. S. Thorpe PreS. G. R. Gibbons Vice PreS. R. L. Smith---- Vice Pres. P. J. Urquhart- __Vice Pres. W. C. Penn.--- Secy.-Treas. J. R. D. Huston ASSt. Secy. C. L. Lycette ASSt. Secy. J. J. Demskie ASSt. Treas. R. E. Withers ASSt. Treas. Directors: D. Clark, S. A. Copp, W. C. Penn, R. L. Smith, J. E. S. Thorpe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $8,007,065 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $221,764 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1,488 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 2, 240 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 21,418, 607 Generated 13, 555, 187 Purchased----------------------------- 5, 589, 520 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 2,273,900 Communities Served at Retail: Population Andrews 1, 520 Cashiers------------------------------------ 353 East Laport-------------------------------- 275 Franklin * * - - 1,249 Marble -. 356 Robbinsville 399 Tapoco------------------------------------- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Dillsboro & Sylva Electric Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Highlands. 32–123 Northwest Carolina Utilities, Incorporated P. O. Box 432, West Point, Va. (Controlled by East Coast Public Service Co. through 99.5% of voting power.) Principal Officers: E. A. Feldtkeller---------------------------- PreS. J. W. Perry------------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. T. P. Street Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: E. A. Feldtkeller, E. W. Mullikin, J. W. Perry, G. T. Robbins, G. B. Woody. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $1,448, 823 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $149,044 | Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,067 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total 1,792 Hydro 1,007 Internal Combustion------------------ 785 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 4, 942, 145 Generated----------------------------- 3, 697. 765 Purchased----------------------------- 1, 244, 380 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bakersville--- 437 Blowing Rock--- 654 Burnsville 997 Jefferson 304 Lansing 274 Marshall- 1, 160 Communities Served at Retail: Population Mars Hill- 517 Pensacola-- 700 Sparta.---- 648 West Jefferson 883 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: New River Light & Power Co. (interchange). 32–132 Pamlico Ice & Light Company Engelhard, N. C. Principal Officers: Ethel S. Godwin---------------------------- PreS. Chas. B. Godwin, Jr.------------------- Vice PreS. P. D. Midgett, Jr.---- Secy.-Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Directors: Ethel S. Godwin, Chas. B. Godwin, Jr., P. D. Midgett, Virginia B. Midgett. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $96,304 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20, 510 Number of Electric Customers------------- 391 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 198 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 441, 580 Communities Served at Retail: Population Engelhard------------------------------------ 400 Fairfield-------------------------------------- 250 Manns Harbor------------------------------- 280 Stumpy Point-------------------------------- 350 Swan Quarter-------------------------------- 271 32–141 Roanoke Utilities Company Manteo, N. C. Principal Officers: W. B. Fearing Pres. & Mgr. M. K. Fearing-------------------------- Vice PreS. Directors: M. K. Fearing, Mrs. M. K. Fearing, W. B. Fearing, Mrs. W. B. Fearing. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,674 Number of Electric Customers------------- 390 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 564,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Manteo-- 571 Wanchese------------------------------------- 800 32–147 Rocky River Power and Light Company Cumnock, N. C. 32–150 St. James Light and Power Company Newton, N. C. 566 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 32–162 Smoky Mountain Power Company Bryson City, N. C. Principal Officers: J. B. McCrary------------------------------- Pres. S. S. Allred--------------------- Vice Pres. & Mgr. Directors: S. S. Allred, J. A. McCrary, J. B. McCrary. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $46,642 Number of Electric Customers------------ 650 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bryson City------------------------------- 1,622 Whittier---------- * - e = * * * * * = * * = * * * * * * * = = * ~ * ~ * 287 32–174 Tide Water Power Company Tide Water Bldg., Wilmington, N. C. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: F. A. Matthes------------------------- Chairman N. E. Drexler------------------------------- Pres. J. Holmes Davis----------------------- Vice PreS. L. D. Latta----------------------- Secy. & Treas. A. M. Alderman------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: J. Holmes Davis, Thos. W. Davis, N. E. Drexler, L. D. Latta, F. A. Matthes, L. J. Poisson. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $10, 162,202 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $1,978,994 Number of Electric Customers --------- 22, 747 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 13,654 Steam-------------------------------- 11, 500 Internal Combustion----------------- 2, 154 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 116, 506, 430 'Generated.---------------------------- 45,651,980 Purchased.---------------------------- 1, 812, 450 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 69,042,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Wilmington.------------------------------- 33,407 1,000 to 10,000 population Beaufort----------------------------------- 3, 272 BurgaW------------------------------------ 1,476 Chadbourn--------------------------------- 1, 576 East Wilmington--------------------------- 1,000 Elizabethtown----------------------------- 1, 123 James City--------------------------------- 1, 250 Mesić ------------------------------------- 1,025 Morehead City----------------------------- 3, 695 Tabor City--------------------------------- 1, 552 Wallace------------------------------------ 1,050 Warsaw------------------------------------ 1,483 Whiteville---------------------------------- 3,011 250 to 1,000 population Arapahoe----------------------------------- 307 Atkinson----------------------------------- 312 Atlantic------------------------------------ 711 Audubon----------------------------------- 270 Bayboro------------------------------------ 428 Beulaville---------------------------------- 567 Bolton------------------------------------- 760 Bridgeton------------------------------ ---- 616 Calypso------------------------------------ 678 Carolina Beach----------------------------- 637 Cerro Gordo-------------------------------- 379 Chinquapin-------------------------------- 400 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Clarkton----------------------------------- 484 Cove City --------------------------------- 371 Davis-------------------------------------- 525 Pełco-------------------------------------- 263 Pelgado------------------------------------ 291 Pover-------------------------------------- 623 Publin------------------------------------- 325 Evergreen---------------------------------- 279 Fair Bluff---------------------------------- 970 Faison-------------------------------------- 751 Falling Creek------------------------------- 250 arland------------------------------------ 484 Griſton------------------------------------- 456 Hobucken---------------------------------- 403 Jacksonville-------------------------------- 873 Kenansville-------------------------------- 571 Lake WaccamaW--------------------------- 429 Magnolia----------------------------------- 730 Maysville---------------------------------- 732 Newport----------------------------------- 480 Oriental------------------------------------ 535 Pink Hill----------------------------------- 307 Pollocksville-------------------------------- 408 Richlands---------------------------------- 688 Rocky Point------------------------------- 416 Rose Hill----------------------------------- 727 Seven Springs------------------------------ 500 Snow Hill---------------------------------- 928 Stonewall---------------------------------- 261 Sunset Park-------------------------------- 680 SWansboro--------------------------------- 454 Trenton------------------------------------ 431 Vandemere--------------------------------- 436 Winter Park------------------------------- 794 Wrightsville-------------------------------- 606 Wrightsville Beach------------------------- 252 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Carolina Power & Light Co. (interchange). South Carolina Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: Brunswick County Electric Membership Corp. No. 1 Brunswick County Electric Membership Corp. O. 2 Four Counties Electric Membership Corp. No. 1 Four Counties Electric Membership Corp. No. 2 Harker's Island Membership Corp. Town of Hookerton Jones-Onalow Electric Membership Corp. Also Renders: Coach, gas, and Water Service. 32–177 Virginia Electric and Power Company 7th and Franklin Streets, Richmond. Va. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 99.66% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: North Carolina only------------------- $1,442,777 Number of Electric Customers: North Carolina Only------------------- 12, 310 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Ahoskie------------------------------------ 2, 313 Aulander----------------------------------- 1,057 Bethel-------------------------------------- 1, 333 Columbia----------------------------------- 1,090 Murfreesboro------------------------------- 1, 550 Plymouth---------------------------------- 2, 461 Roanoke Rapids---------------------------- 8,545 Weldon------------------------------------ 2, 341 Williamston-------------------------------- 3,966 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 567 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Battleboro---------------------------------- 270 Caledonia---------------------------------- 400 Camden Court House---------------------- 350 Camps Store------------------------------- 300 Conjock----------------------------------- 700 Colerain------------------------------------ 307 Conway------------------------------------ 449 Creswell------------------------------------ 459 Currituck Court House--------------------- 250 PVeretts------------------------------------ 265 Garysburg---------------------------------- 320 Gatesville---------------------------------- 297 Halifax------------------------------------- 374 Hobbsville--------------------------------- 300 Jackson------------------------------------ 758 Jamesville---------------------------------- 499 Jarvisburg---------------------------------- 550 Kelſord------------------------------------- 456 Ritty Hawk-------------------------------- 250 Peggett------------------------------------- 300 Lewiston----------------------------------- 304 Milwaukee--------------------------------- 291 Moyock------------------------------------ 500 Old Trap----------------------------------- 550 Parmele------------------------------------ 417 Poplar Branch----------------------------- 325 POWells Point------------------------------ 300 Powellsville-------------------------------- 267 Rich Square-------------------------------- 942 Riddle-------------------------------------- 266 Roper-------------------------------------- 716 Roxobel------------------------------------ 332 Seaboard----------------------------------- 562 Severn------------------------------------- 323 Shawboro---------------------------------- 300 Shiloh-------------------------------------- 400 South Mills-------------------------------- 479 Sunbury----------------------------------- 425 Union-------------------------------------- 306 Weeksville--------------------------------- 350 Whitakers---------------------------------- 883 Winton------------------------------------ 733 Woodland---------------------------------- 486 Woodville (Bertie County) ----------------- 264 Woodville (Perquimans County)----------- 426 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Carolina Power & Light Co. (Interchange). Roanoke Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Edenton Electric and Water Dept. *Elizabeth City Public Utility Commission. *Town of Enfield. *Town of Hertford. *Town of Scotland Neck. *Roanoke Electric Membership Corporation. See Also: Principal report under Virginia (45–152). 32–179 B. O. Ward Valle Crucis, N. C. 32–215 Alexander Manufacturing Co. Forest City, N. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,528 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 192 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 104,426 Community Served at Retail: Population Alexander Mills "----------------------------- 819 * Majority of customers are company employees. 32–220 The Biltmore Company Biltmore, N. C. Official in charge of Electric Operations: C. D. Beadle------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $342 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 7 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 18, 540 32–225 Cannon Mills Co. Kannapolis, N. C. Offical in charge of Electric Operations: J. W. POWell ----Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $3,394 Number of Electric Customers 141 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------------ 2,250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 137,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Kannapolis--------------- -- ~ = • ex * * * * * * ~ - - - - - 12, 710 See Also: Operations reported under South Carolina (39–227). 32–230 Carolina Aluminum Company Badin, N. C. (Controlled by Aluminum Co. of America.) Principal Officers: - & g ----Pres. G. R. Gibbons - P. J. Urquhart------------------------- Vice Pres. I. W. Wilson--------------------------- Vice Pres. J. R. D. Huston----------------------------- ecy R. E. Withers------------------------------ Treas. C. L. Lycette------------------------- Asst. Secy. J. J. Demskie------------------------- Asst. Treas. M. M. Schratz--------------------------- Auditor Directors: S. K. Colby, S. A. Copp, G. R. Gibbons, T. D. Jolly, G. J. Stanley, P. J. Urquhart, I. W. Wilson, R. E. Withers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $32,794, 719 Electric Operating Revenues.---------- $4,519,925 Number of Electric Customers--------- 647 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)---------------- 251, 500 Rilowatt-hours Sales to Ultimate Consumers--------- 1,003,814,976 Sales for Resale- 178, 577, 639 Community Served at Retail: Population Badin-------------------------------------- 3,063 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Carolina Power & Light Co. Duke Power Co. & Nantahala Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Water service. 568 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 32–231 Cleveland Mill & Power Co. Lawndale, N. C. Principal Officers: John F. Schenck, Sr---------------- Pres. & Treas. John F. Schenck, Jr.--------------------- Vice Pres, C. D. Forney, Sr * * Secy. J. D. S. Carpenter-------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: C. D. Forney, Sr., John F. Schenck, Sr., John F. Schenck, Jr., J.W. Schenck, S. M. Schenck. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev . $6,804 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 258 Community Served at Retail: Population Lawndale a * - 1,006 * Majority of customers are company employees. 32–242 Cliffside Mills Cliffside, N. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,558 Filowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 1, 625 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 455, 609 Communities Served at Retail: Population AVondale--------------------------------- 525 Cliffside---------------------------------- '1,654 32–253 Entwistle Manufacturing Co. Rockingham, N. C. Principal Officers: Geo. P. Entwistle Pres. & Treas. W. H. Entwistle---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. M. Bowes Secy. Community Served at Retail: Population Roberdel a sº - 490 * Majority of customers are company employees. 32–261 Leward Cotton Mills, Inc. Worthville, N. C. Population 313 Community Served at Retail: Worthville 32–264 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Durham, N. C. Officials in charge of Electric Operations: J. W. Andrews------------------------------ Pres. B. T. Noland------------------------------- Secy. Ben Carroll-------------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 1,000 32–270 Long Creek Memorial Baptist Church Dallas, N. C. Official in charge of Electric Operations: T. S. Summey------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $725 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 39 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 14, 550 32–272 Loray Light and Power Company Loray, N. C. 32–278 Mansfield Mills, Inc. North Lumberton, N. C. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A. M. Hartley------------------------------ Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,080 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 241 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 27,010 Communities Served at Retail: a Population East Lumberton--------------------------- 1,039 North Lumberton------------------------- 452 a Majority of customers are company employees. 32–280 Pinehurst, Inc. Pinehurst, N. C. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: John F. Taylor------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $44,694 Number of Electric Cust Sº - tº 429 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)---------------- 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 1, 431,424 Community Served at Retail: Population Pinehurst--------------------------------- 1, 711 Also Renders: Ice, steam and water Service. 32–286 Raeford Power and Manufactur- ing Company Raeford, N. C. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 569 32—308 Rosman Tanning Extract Co. Rosman, N. C. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Paul Stroup. ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,200 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Rosman *--------------------------------- 529 .* Majority of customers are company employees living in company owned houses. 32—312 Stowe Mills, Inc. McAdenville, N. C. Community Served at Retail: Population McAdenville *-------------------------------- 887 .*. Majority of customers are company employees living in company owned houses. 32–322 Union Mills Co. Monroe, N. C. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: M. M. Tuttle --ASSt. Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------------ $830 Number of Electric Customers 73 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 21, 830 Community Served at Retail: Population Icemorlee *----------------------------------- 527 * Majority of customers are company employees Also Renders: Water Service. 32–330 Washington Mills Co. Mayodan, N. C. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: W. H. Bollin-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. J. C. Johnson------------------------- Office Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: ºf Operating Revenues: t OU81------------------------------------- $15, 215 In North Carolina------------------------ $12,699 Number of Electric Customers: otal------------------------------------- 474 In North Carolina------------------------ 393 Rilowatts Generating capacity (hydro)---------------- 1, 320 - Rillowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 334, 359 Community Served at Retail: Population Mayodan--------------------------------- 2,323 sº * Operations reported under Virginia (45- 14). 32–331 Waverly Mills, Inc. Laurimburg, N. C. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. M. Jones--------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,897 Number of Electric Customers------------- 260 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 94, 866 | Community Served at Retail: Population East Laurinburg “------------------------ 890 a Majority of customers are company employees. 32–513 *Albemarle Municipal Light Department Albemarle, N. C. Principal Electric IJ tility Official: Geo. S. Moore --Supt. City Commission: J. N. Auten, W. T. Huckabee, Jr. (mayor), W. A. Jenkins, T. F. Morgan, W. H. Morrow, J. C. Senter. ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,864 Electric Operating Revenues------------ - $112,278 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,492 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased 4,056,020 Community Served at Retail: Population Albemarle +- 4,060 32–516 *Town of Apex Apex, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. T. Williamson----------------- Town Manager Town Council: F. G. Cash, H. F. Dewitt, L. G. Jordan (mayor), C. S. Schaub, V. W. Tunstael. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16,098 Number of Electric Customers 313 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2. * * - 408, 166 Community Served at Retail: Population Apex __ 977 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–518 *City of Asheville Asheville, N. C. 570 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 32–519 *Town of Aurora Aurora, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. H. Guilford Commissioner J. S. Rowe---------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------- 350 Community Served at Retail: Population Ulroſa------------- 492 32–522 *Ayden Water and Light Department Ayden, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. C. Armond---------------------------- Mayor S. M. Edwards Chairman Water & Light Committee A. W. Sawyer------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues -------------- 'a $28,092 Number of Electric Customers------------ 604 a Includes water revenues. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 736, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Ayden-------------------------------------- 1,884 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–525 *Town of Belhaven Belhaven, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. W. T. Ralph Chairman Electric Lt. & Water Board H. J. Wilkinson----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24, 321 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 314 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 800,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Belhaven----------------------------------- 2, 360 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Pantego. Also Renders: Water Service. 32–528 *Town of Benson Benson, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Ed. Johnson----------------------------- Mayor W. H. Slocumb----------------------- City Clerk N. L. Duncan -------- Supt. Water & Light Dept. J. Willie West --ASSt. Supt. Water & Light Dept. Commissioners: J. R. Burgess, M. A. Peacock, C. W. Sanders, J. F. Woodall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $29,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $31, 257 Number of Electric Customers------------- 748 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 792,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Penson------------------------------------- 1,837 32–531 *Benton Heights Municipal Light System Monroe, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . P. King--------------------------------- Mayor Austin Brooks------------------------------ Clerk The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,912 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 173 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----- 107,560 Community Served at Retail: Population Benton Heights------------------------------- 768 32–533 *Town of Bostic Bostic, N. C. Mayor and Aldermen: J. D. Clemmer, C. C. Cooper, Omer Hollifield (mayor), Victor Logan, Howard Robbins, R. E. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers 65 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 100,000 * * * * * * * * ste - amº am s as mºsa ºr as 32–534 *Town of Black Creek Black Creek, N. C. Community Served at Retail: Black Creek Population 333 sº sº -º º is as * * * * me sm as as am me ºr sº mº m 'm sº s = * * * * * * * * * * 32–537 *Cherryville Light Department Cherryville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Brent Quinn--------------------------------- Supt. Alfonso Beam--------------------- Clerk & Treas. Mayor and Commissioners: J. W. Blackwelder, Geo. S. Falls, Troy C. Homesley, E. V. Moss (mayor), S. Stroup. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---- $132,776 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $25,687 Number of Electric Customers----------- 672 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 181,840 Community Served at Retail: Population Cherryville----------------------------- 3, 225 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 571 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Waco Lighting Plant. Also Renders: Water Service. 32–540 *Town of Clayton Clayton, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. W. Knott Comm. In Charge Supt. Town Board: B. A. Hocutt, C. W. Horne, M. W. Knott, Turner Vinson, J. D. Wall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,912 Number of Electric Customers------------- 512 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 597,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Clayton---------------------------------- 1, 711 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–546 *Concord Board of Light and Water Commissioners 17 Barbrick St., Concord, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: P. A. Fisher--------------------------------- Secy. Board of Commissioners: W. G. Caswell, A. F. Goodman, J. O. Moose, W. A. Wilkinson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $1,145, 779 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $239,914 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,474 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 13,031, 680 Community Served at Retail: Population Concord -- 15, 572 Also Renders: Water service. 32–549 *Town of Cornelius Cornelius, N. C. Pºpº Electric Utility Officials: P. Sweet-------------------------------- Mayor J. E. Donaldson-------------------- Chief of Police Aldermen: Ray Atwell, A. C. Blakely, R. M. Cherry, Gus Griffin, B. S. Sherrill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues $9,286 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 330 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 317, 740 Community Served at Retail: Population Cornelius -- 1, 195 Also Renders: Water service. 32–552 *Town of Dallas Dallas, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. O. Limberger Supt. J. P. Hoffman --Clerk Electric Light Commission: G. C. Estes, D. L. Eriday (mayor), R. F. Harris. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $90,000 Electric Operating Rev - $12,087 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 443, 904 Community Served at Retail: Population allas----- 1, 704 32–555 *Town of Davidson Davidson, N. C. Governing Body: John R. Raymer, W. W. Wood. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $25,859 Number of Electric Customers------------ 395 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch d------------------------ 1,074, 779 Community Served at Retail: Population Davidson 1, 550 32–558 *Durham Water Department Durham, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry A. Yancey---------------------- City Mgr. D. McG. Williams * - e. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,882 Number of Electric Customers 1 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------ 1,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - 4, 338, 100 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Durham Public Service Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 32–561 *Town of Drexel Drexel, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: Z. M. Rector--------------------- Town Manager Commissioners: Fred Baker, John C. Ramsey, G. W. Shuford, Jim Woods. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenups--------------- $6, 152 Number of Electric Customers------------- 242 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 209, 760 Community Served at Retail: Drexel---------------------------------------- 881 572 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 32–564 *Edenton Electric and Water Department Edenton, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: N. Hines-------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: W. W. Byrum (chairman), J. H. Conger, O. B. Perry. Tºllowing data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $96, 328 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $43,263 Number of Electric Customers----------- 835 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 393,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Edenton-------------------------------- 3,835 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–567 *Public Utility Commission of the City of Elizabeth City Elizabeth City, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Parker-------------------------------- Supt. Public Utility Commission: E. C. Conger (vice chairman), W. E. Griffin, S. H. Johnson (chair- man), L. B. Pritchard, W. L. Sherlock. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $440, 698 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $220,046 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,779 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 610, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Elizabeth City------------------------- 11, 564 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–570 *Elm City Electric Light Department Elm City, N. C. Governing Body: G. C. Cobb, J. L. Dixon, B. A. Harrelson, Jr., G. E. Tyson, G. R. Winstead. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $11,473 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 284 •. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 355,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Elm City------------------------------------- 946 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–573 *Town of Enfield Enfield, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. E. Stallings.---------------- - -,-- - - - - - - - - - Mayor J. M. Person--------- Supt. Light & Water Dept. L. C. Marshall--------Member Light Committee The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $85,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $31,601 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 500 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 791, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Pnfield------------------------------------- 2, 208 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–576 *Town of Farmville, Water & Light Dept. . Farmville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. A. McAdams--------------------------- Supt. Geo. W. Davis---------------------------- Mayor R. A. Joyner-------------------------------- Clerk Governing Body: J. W. Joyner, J. M. Stancil, W. M. Willis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $244,824 Electric Operating Revenues-- - - --------- $63,788 Number of Electric Customers------------ 860 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 427,850 Community Served at Retail: Population Farmville - --- 2,980 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Fountain Municipal Electric Department. *Pitt & Greene Electric Membership Corpo- ration. 32–579 *Public Works Commission, City of Fayetteville Fayetteville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. L. Weathers------------------------------ Mgr. Commissioners: J. F. Burgess (chairman), Thur- § Williams (secretary), M. E. Atkinson (treas- UIrèr). lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $1,456,057 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $369, 736 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 429 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 11,464,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Fayetteville------------------------------- 17,428 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–582 *Town of Forest City Forest City, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: B. Green.--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Aldermen: Robert R. Blanton, R. R. Horn, W. L. McBrayer, G. C. McDaniel, T. R. Padgett. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 573 º following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $56,952 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $49,392 Number of Electric Customers----------- 896 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,053,380 Community Served at Retail: Population Forest City--------------------------------- 5,035 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Bostic. Also Renders: Water service. 32–585 *Fountain Municipal Electric Department Fountain, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. L. Peele------------------------- Commissioner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,605 Number of Electric Customers-------------- Community Served at Retail: Population Fountain------------------------------------- 483 32–588 *Fremont Light and Water Department Fremont, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. B. Aycock . . Chairman Water & Light Committee S. J. Benton.------------------- ------------- Supt. The following data are for June 30, 1939 or for the • year ended June 30, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,875 Number of Electric Customers------------- 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 410, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Fremont------------------------------------ 1, 264 32–591 *City of Gastonia Gastonia, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. B. Mason.------------------------------ Mayor H. Rutter------------------------------ City Mgr. C. E. Rhyne-------------------------------- upt. City Council: W. R. Crabtree, C. E. Honeycutt, G. C. Killian (treas.), G. B. Mason (mayor), F. C. Todd. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $465,998 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $268,728 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,733 - Rilounatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 11, 204, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Gastonia---------- ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21, 313 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Duke Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 32–594 *Town of Granite Falls Granite Falls, N. C. Community Served at Retail: Granite Falls------------------------------- 32–597 *Greenville Utilities Comm. 201–205 W. 5 St., Greenville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. Swartz---------------------------------- Supt. Larry E. Brown----------------------------- Secy. Board of Commissioners: J. H. Blount, L. B. Garris, D. S. Spain (chairman), L. W. Tucker, Population 1,873 J. H. Waldrop. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,878,085 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $328,015 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4,763 Kilowatts Generating Capacity: (Steam)----------- 9, 250 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 15, 194,420 Communities Served at Retail: Population Greenville--------------------------------- 12, 674 Pactolus------------------------------------ 369 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: C. L. Hardy & Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Ayden Water and Light Department. *Town, of Robersonville. *TOW m of Winterville. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 32–600 *Grimesland Municipal Electric Department Grimesland, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Elk S---------------------------------- Mayor L. B. Whichard----------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $10,972 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 397, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Grimesland----------------------------------- 405 32–603 *Hamilton Municipal Electric Department Hamilton, N. C. Community Served at Retail: Population Hamilton------------------------------------- 524 32–609 *Town of Hertford Hertford, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. N. Darden.--------------------- Mayor & Mgr. R. N. Hines--------------------------------- upt. W. G. Newby------------------------------ Clerk 574 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Commissioners: M. J. Gregory, W. H. Hardcastle, Z. A. Harris, A. W. Hefren. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------______ $33,174 Number of Electric Customers------------ 610 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 597,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Piertford------------------------------------ 1,959 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 32–612 *Town of Highlands Highlands, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Edwards--------------------------- Mayor 'Curt Wilson-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $13,661 Number of Electric Customers------------ 296 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 816, 266 Generated- am se m sº *m; sº m, ºr sº sº * * * * * * * * 668,000 Purchased.------------------------------- 148, 266 Community Served at Retail: Population Highlands------------------------------------ 569 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–615 *City of High Point Dept. of Public Utilities 200 E. Commerce St., High Point, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. L. Perkins------------ Director Public Utilities The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $206, 648 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $407,923 Number of Electric Customers------------ 9,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- 14, 521,000 Community Served at Retail: Population High Point-------------------------------- 38,495 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–618 *Hobgood Municipal Electric Department Hobgood, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. W. Leggett- - ---- Mayor T. E. Edmundson ---Town Clerk Commissioners: E. C. Ruffin, L. F. Whitehurst, Mrs. W. P. White, Jr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,500 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 80 Community Served at Retail: Population Hobgood 629 32–621 *Town of Hookerton Hookerton, N. C. Pºpº º Utility Official: C. Edwards Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $4,269 Number of Electric Customers {-º º 87 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----- 95,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Hookerton------------------------------------ 319 32–624 *Huntersville Light & Water Dept. Huntersville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. L. Wagstaff---------------------------- Mayor Aldermen: H. W. Auten, F. G. Barnette (clerk), Eugene Hager, T. S. Youngblood. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 172 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- 489,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Huntersville---- 763 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–627 *Town of Kings Mountain Kings Mountain, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Burdette------------------------- City Mgr. . L. C. Parsons City Commission: C. T. Bennett, L. W. Hamrick, W. K. Mauney, Joe EI. Thomson (mayor), Chas. S. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $44, 293 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,745, 760 Community Served at Retail: Population Rings Mountain---------------------------- 6, 547 Also Renders: Water service. 32–630 *Kinston Light and Water Dept. 106 W. King St., Kinston, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jasper Skinner----------------------------- Mayor Jno. E. Weyher----------------------------- Supt. C. W. Sanders----------------------------- Treas. T. W. Heath -------------------------- City Clerk R. A. Whitaker------------------------- Attorney City Commission: Isaac Jenkins, L. L. Mallard, W. T. Paisley, Jno. R. Sams, William F. Stanley. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 575 lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $899, 364 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $289, 850 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 4,463 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------------- 5,300 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 9,391,000 Community Served at Retail: Population kinston------------------------------------ 15, 388 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Tide Water Power Co. 32–633 *La Grange Water & Light Department La Grange, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: N. H. Williams---------------------------- Mayor H. B. Keen----------------- Supt. Water & Lights Commissioners: J. W. Fields, Robert F. Mooring, W. D. Rouse, G. E. Sutton, J. T. Sutton. Community Served at Retail: Population La Grange---- 1,647 32–636 *Town of Landis Landis, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. A. Corriher----------------------------- Mayor J. Fred Corriher---------------------------- Treas O. A. Corriher------------------------------ Clerk ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,857 Electric Operating Revenues------------ ---- $12,880 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 603, 510 Community Served at Retail: Population Landis-------------------------------------- 1,650 32–639 *Town of Laurinburg Laurinburg, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. J. Sinclair------------------------------ Mayor E. P. Comington --------------- Treas. & Auditor C. M. Fetter------------------------------- Clerk C. Beacham-------------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: A. B. Carpenter, A. P. Hammond, J. W. Hollis, J. H. Phillips, W. N. Robertson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $61, 122 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $68,853 Number of Electric Customers------------- 981 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,931,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Laurinburg--------------------------------- 5,685 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–642 *Lexington Water, Light and Power Department Lexington, N. C. Principal Electric Utility officials: J. L. Gordon--- - C. B. Williams Utility Commissioners: C. M. Peeler, B. C. Phil- pott, J. A. Smith. The following data are for the year 1939: City Mgr. Supt. Electric Operating Reve - * * - $217,987 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 565 Rilowatf-hours Energy Purchased 7,784,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lexington 10, 550 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Duke Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Davidson Mutual Electric Corporation. 32–645 *Town of Lincolnton Lincolnton, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . M. Browne----------------------------- Mayor L. D. Warlick-------------------------- Alderman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $75,037 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $68,401 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 107 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 840, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Lincolnton--------------------------------- 4, 525 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–648 *Louisburg Light & Water Department Louisburg, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Harkins------------------------------- Supt. J. A. Pearce-------------------------- Chief Engr. Light & Water Committee: F. H. Allen, W. B. Barrow, R. C. Beck (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $133,008 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $36,097 Number of Electric Customers----------- 620 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combusion-------------------- 690 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 378, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Louisburg---------------------------------- 2, 309 Also Renders: Water service. 32–651 *Town of Lucama Light Plant Lucama. N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. G. Gunter----- Supt. H. L. Bass------------------------ Clerk & Treas. 576 Town Board of Commissioners: H. L. Bass, W. S. Larum, W. E. Lucas, H. S. Pittman, J. H. New- SOIIl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,616 Number of Electric Customers------------- 147 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 169,980 Community Served at Retail: Population Lucama-------------------------------------- 362 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–654 *Town of Lumberton Lumberton, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. M. Johnson----------------------------- Mayor Johnnie L. McNeill------------------------- Supt. . K. Andrews-------------------- Clerk & Treas. Commissioners: W. R. Allen, J. R. Barnes, W. W. Davis, A. P. Page. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $76,286 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Lumberton--------------------------------- 5, 803 32–657 *Macclesfield Municipal Electric Department Macclesfield, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. W. Peebles----------------------------- Mayor J. H. Corbett------------------------- Town Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,300 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 92 kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 136,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Macclesfield------------------------------ 367 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Davenport Electric Line. 32–660 *Town of Maiden Maiden, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • Keener---------------------- Clerk & Treas. B. A. Hawn--------------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: H. T. Campbell, T. A. Carpenter, J. C. Heffner, De J. E. Hodges (mayor), J. S. Ingle, W. C. Laney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,350 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,508 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 408 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 377,740 Community Served at Retail: Population Maiden----------------------------------- 1,803 || FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 32–663 *City of Monroe Jefferson & Hayne Sts., Monroe, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. D. Sikes-------------------------------- Mayor J. Allen Lee----------------------------- Alderman M. W. Williams------------------ ------ Alderman John W. Fairley------------------------ Alderman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $750,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87,033 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,470 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 3, 488, 310 Community Served at Retail: Population Monroe - ---- 6, 475 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–666 *Montreat Electric Light Plant Montreat, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Rev. R. C. Anderson------------------------ PreS. Rev. R. F. Campbell------------------ Vice PreS. A. R. Bauman------------------------------ Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,620 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,612 Number of Electric Customers------------- 324 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 90 Community Served at Retail: Population Montreat------------------------------------- 300 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–669 *Morganton Electric Department Morganton, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Chester F. Lewis--------------------- Town Mgr. L. E. Smith-------------------------- Town Clerk Mayor and Aldermen: B. Bristol, Sr. (mayor), §: #. Kibler, Ray Sigmon, P. E. Smith, Y. E. pake, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $58, 414 Electric Operating Revenues------------- a $96,533 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 2, 219 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,438,680 Community Served at Retail: Population Morganton--------------------------------- 7,670 Also Renders: Water Service. a From July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1940. 32–670 *Murphy Electric Department * Murphy, N. C. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. D. Mayfield DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 577 City Commissioners: Tom Acley, Noah Lovingood, Mºſauney, Ed. Moore, Parrott Odom, Lee 161C1S. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $64, 723 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $30,440 Number of Electric Customers------------- 577 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,603, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Murphy------------------------------------ 1,873 32–672 *New Bern Municipal Electric Plant `- New Bern, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray Henderson---------------------------- Mayor F. G. Godfroy------------------------------- Supt. Aldermen: Thos. Blow, C. O. H. Boyd, A. T. Dill, J. O. Grey, C. T. Hellinger, J. H. Jones, |H. Iland, L. C. Lawrence, C. J. McCarthy, EI. Tolson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------$1,321,451 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $272, 868 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,923 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 9, 153, 870 Community Served at Retail: Population New Bern--------------------------------- 11, 815 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Tide Water Power Co. 32–674 *New River Light & Power Company Boone, N. C. (Controlled by Appalachian State Teachers College.) Principal Electric Utility Officials: Barnard Dougherty-------------------------- Mgr. S. M. Ayers--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $48,770 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $33,828 Number of Electric Customers----------- 650 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal tº º 610 Steam * * * * 430 Hydro * ºr ºs º 180 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,761,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Poone-------------------------------------- 1, 788 322184—42—42 32–675 *Town of Newton Newton, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. C. Lanford--------------Supt. of Public Works tºº following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $75, 421 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,477 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 146, 320 Community Served at Retail: Population Newton-- ---- 5,407 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–678 *Town of Oak City Oak City, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Ayers--------------------- Purchasing Agent J. A. Rawls------------------------------ Collector F. C. Allshook------------------------------ Clerk The following data are for the year ended June 29, 1941: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,485 Number of Electric Customers------------- 78 Community Served at Retail: Population Oak City--- 512 Also Renders: Gas, steam and water Service. 32–681 *Town of Pantego Pantego, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: Thos. H. Whitley------------------------- Mayor The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,645 Number of Electric Cust S. 99 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 67, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Pantego----------- -- 294 32–684 *Town of Pikeville Pikeville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. B. Smith Commissioner Mayor and Commissioners: S. S. Fleming (mayor), Dr. J. W. Rose, L. B. Smith, Ray S. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $7,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,421 Number of Electric Customers------------- 578 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 148, 640 Community Served at Retail: Population Pikeville- 425 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–687 *Pine Tops Municipal Electric Department Pine Tops, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carlton----------- Elec. Light Commissioner U.T. Howard------------------ Town Electrician Wyatt L. Stallings-------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,521 Number of Electric Customers------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 250,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pine TopS.------ ---- 713 Utilities Served at Whloesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Crisp Power Co. Davenport Power & Light Co. 32–689 *Town of Pineville Pineville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert K. Taylor-------------------------- Mayor S. A. Satterfield----------------------------- Clerk City Commissioners: R. C. Hair, C. H. McCoy, L. S. Miller, E. A. Myers. The following data are for the year 1940: Community Served at Retail: Population Pineville----------------------------------- 1, 144 32–693 *Town of Princeville R. F. D. Tarboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. M. Mathewson------------------------- Mayor The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $952 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 31 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 24, 520 Population Community Served at Retail: Princeville----------------------------------- 818 32–696 *Red Springs Municipal System Red Springs, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. W. L. McRae------------------------- Mayor T. H. Porler----------------------- Commissioner D. M. McMillan------------------ Commissioner Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Utility Operating Revenues---------------- $26,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 400 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 120 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 747, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Red Springs-------------------------------- 1, 559 Also Renders: Water service. 32–699 *Town of Robersonville Robersonville. N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. F. Coburn------------------------------- Supt A. R. Osborne------------------------------- Mgr. Governing Body: H. S. Everett (mayor), C. R. Gray, I. M. Little, G. H. Norman, S. L. Roberson, Vance L. Roberson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $26,075 Number of Electric Customers------------ - 362 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 620, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Robersonville------------------------------ 1, 407 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–702 *Rocky Mount Public Utilities 137 N. E. Main St., Rocky Mount, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. B. Aycock---------------------- City Manager G. P. Womble-------- Director of Public Utilities A. S. Lyon-------------- T)irector of Public Works The following data are for the year ended June 30, 0: Electric Utility Plant.------------------- $1,761, 395 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $508,880 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5,942 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 15,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total---- - - -º 26,683,000 Generated 26,018,000 Purchased.---- 665,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Rocky Mount----------------------------- 25, 568 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 32–705 *Town of Scotland Neck Scotland Neck, N. C. Population Community Served at Retail: 2, 559 Scotland Neck DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 579 32–708 *Town of Selma Selma, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º . A. Jones--------------- Water & Light Comm. J. C. Chamblee----------------------------- Supt. Town Commissioners: J. C. Avery, B. A. Henry (mayor), R. A. Jones, E. J. Sasser, R. E. Suber. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $32, 577 Number of Electric Customers------------- 552 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,010, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Selma-------------------------------------- 2,007 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–711 *Town of Sharpsburg Sharpsburg, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . J Davi Mayor E. H. Jones------------- Supervisor & Light Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,580 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,427 Number of Electric Customers------------- 88 Community Served at Retail: Population Sharpsburg--------------------------------- 345 32–714 *City of Shelby Shelby, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Woodson----------------------------- Mayor Miss Reeves Forney------------------- City Clerk John H. Weir-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $157,888 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 662 Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6, 642, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelby------------------------------------- 14,037 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–717 *Smithfield Electric Light System Smithfield, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. T. Holland--------------------- Commissioner A. M. Lyon--------------------------------- Supt. C. H. Peirce-------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $63,273 Number of Electric Customers------------- 958 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 2,001,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Smithfield---------------------------------- 3,678 32–720 *Town of Southport Southport, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - John D. Eriksen.--------------------------- Mayor E. R. Weeks------------------------ City Auditor R. L. Thompson Chairman Light & Water Committee H. B. Aldridge-------------- Supt. Light & Water The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $12,293 Number of Electric Customers * * 465 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 348 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 700,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Southport----------------------------------- 1, 760 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–723 *Stantonsburg Light and Power Department Stantonsburg, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: Town Board: J. W. Applewhite (chairman), N. P. Coley, G. L. Hill, W. T. Shingleton, L. E. Vick. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $42,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,645 Number of Electric Customers------------- 287 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 326, 580 Communities Served at Retail: Population Saratoga ----------------------------------- 292 Stantonsburg - - 595 Also Renders: Water service. 32–726 *Statesville Light Department Statesville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. S. Douglass------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $349, 811 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $243, 690 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,047 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 9, 603,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Statesville tº º sº. 11, 440 32–729 *Town of Tarboro Tarboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Martin --Supt. 580 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $500,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $132,999 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,600 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 2, 108 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4,978,044 Community Served at Retail: Population Tarboro- *- - - 7, 148 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Pine Tops Municipal Electric Dept. *Town of Princeville. *Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Member- ship Corporation. 32–730 *University of North Carolina Service Plants Chapel Hill, N. C. Pºp! fºliº Utility Officials: P. Graham----------- PreS. R. B. House---------------------- Dean of Admin. L. B. Rogerson-------------------4ASSt. Controller J. S. Bennett--------------------------- Supervisor The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $180,475 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 849 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 600 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------- -- 7,914,900 Generated 5,007, 300 Purchased 2,907, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Carrboro 1,455 Chapel Hill--------------------------------- 3,654 32–731 *Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tenn. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 0: Electric Operating Revenues: (North Carolina only)-------------------- $83,611 Number of Electric Customers: (North Carolina only)-------------------- 289 Community Served at Retail: Population Hiwassee Village------------------------------ 719 Utilities Served At Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Blue Ridge Electric ASSn., Inc. *Murphy Electric Department. See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41—685), and operations reported under Alabama (01–655), Georgia (10–659), Kentucky (16–625), and Missis- sippi (23–688). 32–732 *Wanceboro Water & Light Department Vanceboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. L. Dixon - Supt. | The following data are for the year 1939: * Electric Operating Rev $12,558 Number of Electric Cust º 333 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 314, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Vanceboro---- 826 32–735 *Waco Lighting Plant Waco, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. W. Black------------------------------- Treas Aldermen: J. L. Hord, W. N. Pope, N. R. Putnam. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- '* Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $2,561 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 59 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--------------------------- 23,600 32–738 *Town of Wake Forest Wake Forest, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. M. McKaughan Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $35,247 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 450 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 905, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Royall Cotton Mills------------------------ 417 Wake Forest - = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - ºn 1,562 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–741 *Town of Walstonburg Walstonburg, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jesse Gay---------------------------------- Mayor Carl T. Hicks - - -------------------------- Clerk Irwin O. Minshew.-------------------------- Treas. Commission: G. W. Corbett, Mark Jenkins, E. L. Jones, Earl Lang, Jr., C. S. McKeel. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $3,489 Number of Electric Customers------------- 69 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 97,770 32–744 *Washington Municipal Electric & Water Department Box 85, Washington, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. T. Smith :---Supt. Jack Warren--------------------------- City Clerk Electric Utility Commissioners: B. F. Bowers, E. T. Buckman, J. B. Fowle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 581 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues ------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- $364, 118 $170, 514 3, 152 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 7,477, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bath ---------------------------------- 380 Pinetown------------------------------- 253 Washington ---------------------------- 8, 569 Washington Park.---------------------- 295 Utilities Served at Wholesale: JPUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Aurora. * Grimesland Municipal Electric Dept. *Vanceboro Water & Light Dept. Also Renders: Water Service. 32–747 *Town of Waynesville Waynesville, N. C. * Y--------------------------------- Mayor G. C. Ferguson------------------------ City Mgr. Aldermen: T. L. Bramlett, L. N. Killien, Bugh Massie. Communities Served at Retail: Population Waynesville---------------------------- 2,940 32–750 *Wilson Utilities Wilson, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wilſº Paniel------------------- Tāwhº • TV1. WV 1881DS----------------------- OWI, IVIgr. A. C. McKinnon--------------------- Town Clerk L. E. Johnston----------------------------- Supt. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,411, 117 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $387, 965 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5,410 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total -> -- * * 9,062 Steam 8,750 Hydro * * * * - ºr a tº - as im - - - - - - - - - -, *s 312 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 13, 723,953 Community Served at Retail: Population Wilson------------------------------------ 19, 234 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Black Creek. *Elm City Electric Light Dept. *Town of Lucama Light Plant. *Macclesfield Municipal Electric Dept. *Stantonsburg Light & Power Dept. *Town of Walstonburg Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 32–753 *Windsor Public Works Windsor N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. L. Brewer------------------------------- Supt. Light & Water Committee: J. A. Moore, Lewis Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $33,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 500 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 425 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 800,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Windsor-------------------------------- 1, 747 Also Renders: Water Service. 32–756 *Town of Winterville Winterville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. I. Rouse---------------------------------- Mgr. Aldermen: D. T. Cox, L. I. Rouse, Burney Tucker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $6,402 Number of Electric Customers----------- 170 t Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ..] 121,760 Community Served at Retail: Population Winterville * - 848 Also Renders: Water service. 32–805 *Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation 117 W. Harper Ave., Lenoir, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. W. Sullivan------------------------------ PreS. G. F. MeSSick * - = The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Electric Utility Plant ---- $944, 194 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $82,004 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,854 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,399, 540 32–807 *Blue Ridge Electric Association, Incorporated * Young Harris, Ga. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Community Served at Retail: Population Hayesville------------ 336 See Also: Principal report under Georgia (10–815). 582 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 32–808 *Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation Shallotte, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. E. L. - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - * - - - * * - - lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $240, 663 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $24,049 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 896 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 191,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Shallotte City-------------------------- 381 32–810 *Caldwell Mutual Corporation Lenoir, N. C. 32–811 *Cornelius Electric Membership Corporation Cornelius, N. C. 32—812 *Cruso Electric Membership Corporation P. O. Box 1354, Clyde, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. P. Pless---------------------------------- PreS James C. Moore---------------------------- Supt lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant - - $157, 175 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $4, 178 Number of Electric Customers----------- 177 * Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 47, 730 32–813 *Davidson Electric Membership Corporation Lexington, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joe L. Hege--------------------------------- BreS French Smith------------------------------- Supt lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 32–814 *Davie Electric Membership Corporation Mocksville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Smoot--------------------------------- Pres J. C. Jones---------------------------------- Supt tº." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $378,222 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $12, 187 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 184 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 259,300 32—815 *Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Membership Corporation Tarboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. V. Knight J. T. Hagans The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $220,397 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,659 Number of Electric Customers------------ 770 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 365,600 32–817 *Four-County Electric Membership Corporation Burgaw, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. A. H. K. S. S. Shubrick------------------------------ The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: - - - - - - - as - - - - - - - - - sº - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $313, 758 Electric Operating Revenue--------------- $36,224 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,094 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 483,448 32–830 *French Broad Electric Membership Corporation Marshall, N. C. 32–840 *Halifax Electric Membership Corporation Enfield, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Balfour Dunn.------------------------------- Thomas B. Slade Electric Utility Plant $409,909 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $25,404 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 213 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 353, 100 as -, -, -, - sº -> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH CAROLINA 583 lº." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $243,061 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,838 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 710 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 185,000 32—845 *Harkers Island Electric Membership Corporation Harkers Island, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. B. Hunter------------------------------- PreS. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,906 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,431 Number of Electric Customers------------- 128 Community Served at Retail: Population Harkers Island--------------------------- 700 32–850 *Huntersville Light and Power Company Huntersville, N. C. 32—860 *Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation Richlands, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. B. Smi 10." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant----------- ----------- $221, 223 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,930 Number of Electric Customers------------ 713 32–870 *Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation Raeford, N. C. 32–927 *Ocracoke Power & Light Co. 708 Mercantile Trust Bldg. Baltimore, Md. 32–929 *Palmtree Mutual Lighting Company Lawndale, N. C. 32–932 *Pee Dee Electric Membership Corporation Wadesboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: U. R. Blalock------------------------------- Pres Hal N. Atkinson---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended June Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $321, 329 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $25,434 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 914 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 365,400 32–934 *Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation Hillsboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. G. Laws--------------------------------- Pres. John Thomas Alderman------------------ --Supt. º following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $172,685 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $18,455 Number of Electric Customers------------ 557 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 129, 220 32–938 *Pisgah Mountain Electric Line R. F. D. #5, Lincolnton, N. C. 32–940 *Pitt & Greene Electric Mem- bership Corporation Farmville, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Lee Tugwell D. T. Harris-------------------------------- Supt. º" following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $201,289 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22,263 Number of Electric Customers------------ 957 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 389, 172 32–941 *Randolph Electric Membership Corporation Asheboro, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Macon-------------------------------- PreS. 584 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 1 The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $299, 650 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $22, 131 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 804 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 328,600 32–943 *Roanoke Electric Membership Corporation Rich Square, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. TX. Satterthwaite----------------------- ProS. L. W. Anderson-------------------------- ---Mgr. The following data are for the year ended June 30 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $152,397 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $10,677 Number of Electric Customers------------ 357 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 165, 420 32–945 *Rutherford Electric Membership Corporation Forest City, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. J. Willis---------------------------------- Pres D. B. Crow--------------------------------- Supt. 1:..." following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $651,470 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $63,385 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 163 - Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 480,086 32–956 *Sharon Light Company R. F. D. #6, Box 195, Statesville, N. C. 32–959 *Sharon Light Company R. F. D. #3, Shelby, N. C. 32–962 *South River Electric Member- ship Corporation 32–964 *Surry-Yadkin Electric Mem- bership Corporation Dobson, N. C. 32–967 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation Goldsboro, N. C. 32–970 *Union Electric Membership Corporation Monroe, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. S. Broome-------------------------------- Pres. H. W. Cunningham ------------------------ Supt. º following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $510,085 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $38,345 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 436,948 32–976 *Wake Electric Membership Corporation Wake Forest, N. C. 32–982 *Wilson County Electric Mem- bership Corporation Wilson, N. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. A. Fulghum----------------------------- Fres. W. M. Wiggins----------------------------- Mgr. º following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------... - - - - - $166,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $4,269 Number of Electric Customers------------ 575 P&ilowatt-hours Stedman, N. C. Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 275,641 NORTH DAKOTA Index Reference Number *Argusville, Village of ----------------------- 33-510 *Baker Electric Cooperative, Inc ------------ 33–820 *CaSS County Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- 33–830 *Cavalier Light and Power Plant------------ 33–512 *Cayuga Municipal ------...------------------ 33–523 Central Electric & Telephone Co ------------ 33—009 Central Light & Power Company----------- 33–01() City Electric Company, The - - - - - - ------ 33–024 Dakota Public Service Company------------ 33–026 Emmons County Light & Power Co -------- 33-038 Farmers Elevator Company, The ----------- 33—240 Ferry, J. N. -------------------------------- 33–242 Flasher Electric Co., The-------------------- 33–045 Friend, Walter --------------- -------------- 33–047 *Grafton Light and Water Department------ 33–567 *Hillsboro, City of -- ---------------------- 33–578 *Hope Light and Power Company ---------- 33–589 Hunter Power Co., The . . _ _ _ _ _ 33–059 Interstate Power Company of North Dakota - 33–066 *Lakota Municipal Light Plant ------------- 33–611 *Ludden, Village of 33–622 *Maddock Municipal Light & Power Plant- 33–644 *Medora Township Light Plant------------- 33–655 Reference Number Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. -------------- 33—080 *New England, Light & Water Department, City of—----------------------------------- 33 New Era Construction Co------------------- *Nodak Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.---- 33–900 Northern States Power Company (Minne- 8 33–10 Plant Otter Tail Power Company----------------- 33–115 *Overly Light Pl *Park River Light and Water Plant--------- 33–699 Pettibone Lite & Power.-------------------- 33–122 Pingree Light and Power Co ---------------- 33-129 *Sharon Light and Power Co---------------- 33-721 Solen Motor Co ----------------------------- 33–250 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ 33–960 Umfer, George.------ ----------------------- 3 *Valley City Electric and Water Works----- 33–732 *Verendrye Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- ; - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - -s a - * * * * * * * * 3–270 Wigness, Raymond *Denotes a publicly owned utility. NORTH DAKOTA 33—009 Central Electric & Telephone Co. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. The following data are for the year 1940: Communities Served at Retail: Population ºther-------------------------------------- 254 Procket------------------------------------ 291 Cando-------------------------------------- 1, 282 Cooperstown------------------------------- 1,077 *dmore------------------------------------ 453 *kle------------------------------------- 537 Hannaford--------------------------------- 405 *edina------------------------------------ 500 Souris-------------------------------------- 259 Streeter------------------------------------ 647 Westhope---------------------------------- 460 See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–029), and operations reported under Minnesota (22–025) and North Carolina (32-046). 33–010 Central Light & Power Company” 700 Oklahoma ſºldg., Tulsa, Okla. a Facilities sold to Otter Tail Power Co. (33–115) On May 29, 1941. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Principal Officers: J. W. Campbell----------------------------- PreS. Lee G. Johns--------------------------- Vice Pres. E. C. Brown----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Weldon Smith----------------------------- Treas. F. H. Hoyt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ASSt. Secy. Directors: J. W. Campbell, Lee G. Johns, Perry G Wahl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $1, 114,010 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $136,615 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 418 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 1,602 Steam 1,000 Internal Combustion------------------ 602 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3, 141,675 Communities Served at Retail: Population Anamoose 478 Cole Harbor 300 Drake 654 FeSSenden 902 Garrison 1, 117 Harvey 1,851 Manfred 475 Max 423 Underwood 613 33–024 The City Electric Company Milnor, N. Dak. Principal Officers: J. K. Taylor PreS. Marion B. Vail _Vice Pres. F. W. Vail * - tº e- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Hy Edman, J. K. Taylor, F. W. Vail, Marion B. Vail. 585 586 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Customers-------------- -- $8,946 $978 247 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 274, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Milnor 677 33–026 Dakota Public Service Company Huron, S. Dak. (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (North Dakota only)------------------ $1,103, 523 Number of Electric Customers: (North Dakota only)------------------ 15, 402 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bismarck---------------------------------- 15, 496 1,000 to 10,000 population Ashley------------------------------------- 1, 345 Dickinson--------------------------------- , 839 Ellendale---------------------------------- 1, 517 Hebron------------------------------------ 1, 267 Mandan----------------------------------- 6, 685 'Mott-------------------------------------- 1, 220 Wishek------------------------------------ 1, 112 250 to 1,000 population Belfield------------------------------------ 870 Beulah------------------------------------- 942 Carson------------------------------------- 473 Center------------------------------------- 509 Dawson------------------------------------ 263 Plgin-------------------------------------- 583 Forbes------------------------------------- 268 Fredonia----------------------------------- 309 Gladstone---------------------------------- 278 Glen Ullin------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 976 Golden Valley----------------------------- 400 Hague------------------------------------- 442 Halliday----------------------------------- 395 Hazelton----------------------------------- 500 Hazen------------------------------------- 662 Killdeer------------------------------------ 650 Kulm-------------------------------------- 734 Lehr--------------------------------------- 536 Napoleon---------------------------------- • 982 New Leipzig------------------------------- 366 New Salem-------------------------------- 875 Regent------------------------------------- 261 Richardton-------------------------------- 682 Selfridge----------------------------------- 329 Stanton------------------------------------ 370 Steele-------------------------------------- 721 Sterling------------------------------------ 275 Strasburg---------------------------------- 994 Tappen------------------------------------ 323 Taylor------------------------------------- 251 Venturia----------------------------------- 257 8P---------------------------------------- 574 Zeeland------------------------------------ 489 See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–050). 33—038 Emmons County Light & Power Co. Linton, N. Dak. Principal Officers: Leonard du Heaume E. J. Englerth- --- PreS. Secy. & Treas. Directors: E. J. Englerth, Leonard duPſeaume, W. J. Wolverton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $108,883 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $34,960 Number of Electric Customers------------- 365 Generating Capacity: Rilowattº Internal Combustion - - 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---- - 542,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Linton----------------------------------- 1,602 33–045 The Flasher Electric Co. Flasher, N. Dak. Principal Officers: Frances Jorgensen Pres. Frank Thomas------------------------- Vice PreS. Hans K. Jorgensen------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Frances Jorgenson, Hans K. Jorgenson, Frank Thomas. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $5,815 Number of Electric Customers 89 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 92 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 62,220 Community Served at Retail: Population Flasher----- ---- 387 33–047 Walter Friend Gardner, N. Dak. 33–059 The Hunter Power Co. Hunter, N. Dak. Principal Officers: J. S. Burgum PreS. L. S. Burgum Vice Pres, A. T. Burgum Secy.-Treas. Directors: A. T. Burgum, J. S. Burgum, L. S. Burgum. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $8,200 Number of Electric Cust º 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 185, 540 Community Served at Retail: Population Hunter 414 33—066 Interstate Power Company of North Dakota 1000 Main St., Dubuque. Howa (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Principal Officers: B. F. Pickard Pres. J. J. Feeney-- Vice PreS. Oscar Solberg Secy.-Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH DAROTA 587 Directors: Gordon V. Cox, J. J. Feeney, Doyle Jnrney, Leonard L. Perry, B. F. Pickard, Oscar Solberg, Roger Q. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $181, 950 $36,411 Number of Electric Customers------------- 432 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 120 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,040, 190 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bathgate------------------------------------- 312 Neche---------------------------------------- 565 Pembina------------------------------------- 703 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Interstate Power Co. 33—080 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. 831 Second Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (North Dakota only)-------------------- $584, 883 Number of Electric Customers: (North Dakota only)-------------------- 8, 587 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Beach- 1, 178 Crosby 1, 404 Hettinger 1, 138 Kenmare 1, 528 Stanley 1,058 Watford City 1,073 WillistOn 5, 790 250 to 1,000 population Alexander- 415 Ambrose-- 294 Bowbells - 787 Bowman - - 967 Carpio - - 322 Columbus 506 Flaxton - - 362 Grenora- 425 Kincaid - - 300 Marmarth 626 Mohall 687 Noonan - - - 520 Portal 499 Powers Lake- - 464 Ray 579 Reeder - - 263 Rhame 283 ROSS 307 Scranton - - - 277 Sentinel Butte. 256 Sherwood 390 Tioga 385 White Earth_ _ _ _ 272 Wildrose_ _ 472 See Also: Principal report under Montana (25–099); and operations reported under South Dakota (40-090). 33–108 Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) * 15 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. • State name is not part of the legal name of the corporation. (Controlled by Standard Power Corporation.) and Light The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (North Dakota Only)------------------ $1,813, 193 Number of Electric Customers: (North Dakota only)------------------ 22, 191 Communities Served at Retail: Population Berthold.---------------------------------- 428 Burlington-------------------------------- 256 Buxton------------------------------------ 404 Fargo------------------------------------- 32, 580 Grand Forks------------------------------ 20, 228 Hatton------------------------------------ 933 Larimore---------------------------------- 1, 222 Mayville---------------------------------- 1, 351 Minot------------------------------------- 16, 577 Portland---------------------------------- 551 Reynolds---------------------------------- 315 South West Fargo 707 Thompson-------------------------------- 276 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Hillsboro See Also: Principal report under Minnesota (22–121), and operations reported under South Dakota (40–107). 33–115 Otter Tail Power Company 125 Mill St. South, Fergus Falls, Minn. Principal Officers: Thomas C. Wright-------------------------- PreS. Cyrus G. Wright----------------------- Vice Pres. C. S. Kennedy------------------------- Vice Pres. Samuel P. Adams------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. W. L. Hatch-------------------------------- €Cy. Fred Leffler--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: Samuel P. Adams, W. L. Hatch, C. S. Kennedy, F. Leffler, G. W. Welch, Cyrus G. Wright, Thomas C. Wright. Controls: * Washburn Lignite Co. (lignite coal). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $15,761,915 Electric Operating Revenues: Otal----------------------------- $3, 146,065 North Dakota only------------------- $1,904,009 Number of Electric Customers: 9tal----------------------------- 42,425 North Dakota Only------------------- 27,916 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 43, 166 Steam-------------------------------- 34, 461 WCT0-------------------------------- 5,005 Internal Combustion------------------ 3,700 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours 1----------------------------- 112,818, 937 Generated.---------------------------- 112,779, 377 Purchased---------------------------- 39, 560 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Bottineau - - - 1,739 Carrington- 1, 850 Casselton 1, 358 Devils Lake 6, 204 Enderlin - - 1, 593 Hankinson.-- 1,420 Jamestown 8, 790 Langdon - - - 1, 546 Lidgerwood - - - 1,042 Lisbon - - - 1,997 New Rockford 2,017 Oakes- 1, 665 Rolla 1,008 588 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Rugby------ 2, 215 Velva.-- 1,017 Wahpeton 3, 747 Walhalla- - 1, 138 250 to 1,000 population Adams------------------------------------- 355 Alsen--------------------------------------- 312 Aneta-------------------------------------- 509 Parney------------------------------------- 425 Binford-------------- - - - - - -, * - - - - - - - * - - - * - - wº 311 Pisbee-------------------------------------- 393 Bordulac----------------- - * * - - - - - - - * - - - *- - - -º 308 Powdon------------------------------------ 348 Brampton---------------------------------- 315 Butte-------------------------------------- 261 °ºlvin------------------------------------- 328 95°-------------------------------------- 268 Cogswell----------------------------------- 430 Courtenay--------------------------------- 297 *Y-------------------------------------- 267 °rystal.------------------------------------ 428 Penhoff------------------------------------ 355 Pouglas------------------------------------ 313 Prayton------------------------------------ 688 Presden------------------------------ -* - - - - - 644 PunSeith----------------------------------- 719 Pekelson----------------------------------- 319 *dgeley------------------------------------ 803 Edinburg---------------------------------- .378 *geland------------------------------------ 275 *---------------------------------------- 418 ºsmond------------------------------------ 449 Fairmount--------------------------------- 705 *ingal-------------------------------------- 300 *inley-------------------------------------- 677 Fordville----------------------------------- 439 *orman------------------------------------ 500 9älesburg---------------------------------- 280 °ºby-------------------------------------- 544 Goodrich----------------------------------- 476 Grand Rapids------------------------------ 265 Granville.---------------------------------- 443 Gwinner----------------------------------- 326 Hamilton---------------------------------- 255 Pannah------------------------------------ 261 Havana------------------------------------ 305 *99ple------------------------------------- 346 Hurdsfield--------------------------------- 258 Inkster------------------------------------- 310 Karlsruhe---------------------------------- 289 ensal----------- - * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * 356 Kindred------------------------------------ 450 Pamoure----------------------------------- 990 Pankin------------------------------------- 283 Pansford----------------------------------- 300 Peeds-------------------------------------- 782 Litchville---------------------------------- 430 McClusky--------------------------------- 924 Weville------------------------------------ 548 A4°rºr------------------------------------- 337 Michigan City----------------------------- 49] "ton------------------------------------- 310 Minnewaukan----------------------------- 521 *Into-------------------------------------- 630 *one-------------------------------------- 277 Wortonville--------------------------------- 260 orwich----------------------------------- 301 9beron------------------------------------- 610 Osnabrock--------------------------------- 269 *--------------------------------------- 428 Parshall------------------------------------ 570 Petersburg--------------------------------- 285 *--------------------------------------- 360 Rock Lake--------------------------------- 348 Rolette.------------------------------------ 460 Rutland------------------------------------ 305 *Y*-------------------------------------- 467 Saint John--------------------------------- 517 Saint Thomas------------------------------ 503 Sanborn------------------------------------ 366 Banish-------------------------------------- 455 Sarles-------------------------------------- 302 Sawyer------------------------------------- 271 Sheldon------------------------------------ 281 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Sheyenne----------------------------------- 431 Spiritwood--------------------------------- 286 Starkweather------------------------------- 295 Surrey-------------------------------------- 462 Sykeston----------------------------------- 273 Tower City-------------------------------- 364 OWner------------------------------------ 918 Turtle Lake-------------------------------- 632 uttle-------------------------------------- 357 Van Hook---------------------------------- 329 Walcott------------------------------------ 882 Wales-------------------------------------- 513 Washburn---------------------------------- 901 Webster------------------------------------ 306 Wheatland--------------------------------- 410 Willow City-------------------------------- 524 Wilton - - 851 Wimbledon-------------------------------- 357 Wyndmere--------------------------------- 499 York--------------------------------------- 443. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Electric & Telephone Co. The City Electric Co. The Farmers Elevator CO. Roberts County Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Cayuga Municipal Light Co. *Baker Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Verendrye Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Steam heat and water Service in North Dakota. See Also: Operations reported under Minnesota (22–132) and South Dakota (40–116). 33–122 Pettibone Lite & Power Pettibone, N. Dak. Principal Officer: Ramon Grimm--------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $1,500 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $1,372 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 43 Rilowatts Generating capacity: Internal Combustion---------------------- 8 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 8,475 33–129 Pingree Light and Power Co. Pingree, N. Dak. 33–171 George Umfer Shields, N. Dak. 33—240 The Farmers Elevator Company Arthur, N. Dak. Officials in Charge of Electric Operation: Alton Burgum------------------------------ Mgr. Einer Peterson------------------------ Electrician DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH DAKOTA 589 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $8,988 Number of Electric Cust ** * * 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Arthur--------------------------------------- 335 33–242 J. N. Ferry Haynes, N. Dak. 33–245 New Era Construction Co. Fort Yates, N. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Yates------------------------------------ 500 33–250 Solen Motor Co. Solen, N. Dak. 33–270 Raymond Wigness Fortuna, N. Dak. 33–510 *Willage of Argusville Argusville, N. Dak. 33–512 *Cavalier Light and Power Plant Cavalier, N. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Cavalier------------------------------------ Population 1, 105 33–523 *Cayuga Municipal Cayuga, N. Dak. Board of Trustees: B. H. Cutler, T. J. Murray, T. Sabatta. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,000 Number of Electric Customers --------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 40, 000 33–567 *Grafton Light and Water Department Grafton, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. R. Roney Supt. City Council Utilities Committee: A. C. Blackstad, G. W. Foogman, Geo. Harris, F. E. Henderson (mayor), John Olsen, J. C. Overbye, Joe Rinde. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $229, 237 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $83,256 Number of Electric Customers------------ 843 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 275 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,486,670 Community Served at Retail: Population Grafton------------------------------------- 4,070 33–578 *City of Hillsboro Hillsboro, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. P. Lane----------------------------------- Supt. C. I. Ferguson--------------------- Commissioner r R. W. Johnston-------------------------- Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $48,000 Number of Electric Customers----------____ 497 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 490,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Hillsboro----------------------------------- 1, 338 33–589 *Hope Light and Power Company Hope, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Lawler-------------------------------- M Electric Light Committee: A. J. Gunderson, Lee Rich, E. J. Walsh. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,500 Number of Electric Customers------------- 135 Generating Capacity: Jólowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 105 Community Served at Retail: Population Hope----------------------------------------- 474 33–611 *Lakota Municipal Light Plant Lakota, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. L. Benson-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $70,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $17,770 Number of Electric Meters----------------- 300 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 283 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 491, 605 Community Served at Retail: Population Lakota-------------- 907 590 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 33–622 *Willage of Ludden Ludden, N. Dak. Village Board: D. C. Botts, R. V. Dayen, F. H. Voightman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $800 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 24 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 6 Also Renders: Water Service. 33–644 *Maddock Municipal Light & Power Plant Maddock, N. Dak. City Council: James Cleveland (mayor), Roy Hunter, G. E. Olson, Peter Olsrud, C. J. Person. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55,960 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $15,346 Number of Electric Customers------------- 250 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 187 Púlowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 385,000 Community Served at Retail: Population TM addſhok 691 33–655 - *Medora Township Light Plant Medora, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. V. Tisor---------------------------------- Mgr. D. K. Jackson-------------------------Asst. Mſgr. Township Board: W. W. Kunkel. P. W. Lebo (chairman), P. L. Meyers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $3,547 Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 65 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 59,828 33–677 *City of New England, Light & Water Department New England, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. J. Herstein- Mayor F. A. Schatz.-- Chairman F. S. Sleight Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 328 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 210 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - sº- 538,250 Community Served at Retail: Population New England- 895 33–688 *Northwood Municipal Light & Power Plant Northwood, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. M. Christenson Mayor M. L. Monson------------------------------ Supt. Theo. H. Tufte--------------------- City Auditor The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $18,096 Number of Electric Customers------------- 342 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 312 Rilowatt-hours Energy G ted-------------------------- 414, 463 Community Served at Retail: Population Northwood 1,063 33–692 *Overly Light Plant Overly, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: N. Moe - O - Mgr. Village Trustees: J. W. Aitken, C. A. Charnholm, A. E. Kurth. The following data are for the year 1940: . Electric Utility Plant------------------------ Electric Operating Revenues ----------------- $700 Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 34 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 10 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------------- 4, 200 33–699 *Park River Light and Water Plant Park River. N. Dak Principal Electric Utility Official: J. A. Ferguson----------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: B. Hardyi, Fred Hultstrand (may- or), J. C. Kenneyf, Wm. Skjervenf. f Member of Light and Water Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $27,494 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 400 Rilowatts Generating Capacity------------------------ 390 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 772,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Park River * - - - 1. 408 Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-NORTH DAKOTA 591 33–721 *Sharon Light and Power Co. Sharon, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry Long Mgr. Board of Trustees: H. E. Johnson, W. A. Kloster, R. Malmin, Am. Skadsdamen. The following data are for the year 1940: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - * - - - m - - - Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $5,316 Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 100 Generating Capacity: Fiorsepower Internal Combustion------------------------- 175 Community Served at Retail: Population Sharon---------------------------------------- 371 33–732 *Walley City Electric and Water Works Valley City, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. N. Bergman----------------------------- Supt. W. T. Craswell----------------------------- Acct. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------------ $960, 153 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $145, 532 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1, 818 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Stearn).---------- “ - 5,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 7,909,681 Community Served at Retail: Population Valley City--------------------------------- 5,917 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Otter Tail Power Co. PUBLICLY OW NEID UTILITY: *Cass County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. 33–820 *Baker Electric Cooperative, Inc. Baker, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. L. Lesmeister--------------------------- Pres. Palmer Stadium----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $187,297 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22, 164 Number of Electric Customers------------ 513 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased tº - - - ---- 262. 930 Community Served at Retail: Population Balta - * 263 33–830 *Cass County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kindred, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. J. Gowenlock-- A. J. Tuskind Pres. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $799, 734 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $80, 167 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,694 Júlowatt-hours Energy Purchased - 1, 313,694 Community Served at Retail: Population *onard-------------------------------------- 350 33–900 *Nodak Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Box 682, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. J. Donnelly --------------------------- PreS. James F. Coleman-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $453,495 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $22,483 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 860 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 153, 180 33–960 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Glenfield, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joseph Kreps Pres. F. H. Stafford _ _ _ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $94,214 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12,665 Number of Electric Customers------------- 308 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 223, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population McHenry------------------------------------ 250 33–970 *Verendrye Electric Cooperative, Inc. Velva, N. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edward Hammer--------------------------- PreS, James A. Morley--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $69,625 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,875 Number of Electric Customers------------- 113 OHIO Index Reference Number Abbott Younglove Power Plant------------- 34–010 Alliance Public Service Company, The------ 34-015 *Amelia Village Light Plant----------------- 34–513 *Amherst Electric Light Plant-------------- 34–515 *Anna Municipal Light & Power Plant - - - - - 34–517 *Arcadia Board of Public Affairs------------ 34–519 *Arcanum Water and Electric Light Plant -- 34–522 *Arlington Municipal Plant, The----------- 34–524 *Bainbridge Board of Public Affairs--------- 34–526 *Beach City Board of Public Service-------- 34–530 *Bellefontaine Department of Public Utilities- ; : *Belmont Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - 80 *Berea Light and Water Department-------- 34–537 *Bethel Municipal Light Plant------------- 34–539 Billhimer Light Plant----------------------- 34–018 *Blanchester Municipal Light System------- 34–541 *Bloomdale Municipal Light and Power---- 34–544 *Bluffton Electric Energy and Water Works Plant-------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - 4–546 Bradford & Gettysburg Electric Light and Power Company, The--------------------- 34–021 Bradley Light, Heating and Power Company 34–023 *Bradner Board of Public Affairs------------ 34–548 *Brewster, Village of tº ºf 8 tº Brookville and Lewisburg Lighting Company, ©------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - –025 *Bryan Board of Public Affairs-------------- 34–552 Buckeye Light & Power Company, The----- 34–027 *Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc --- 34-809 *Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- 34–810 *Caldwell Electric Light and Water Works-- 34–555 *Carey Board of Trustees of Public Affairs -- 34–557 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation - - - - ------ 34–210 *Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc. - - -------- 34–822 Cedar Point Utilities Company - - ----------- 34–032 *Celeryville Mutual Light & Power Com- 4 –834 pan *Celina, Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of the Village of.--------------------------- 34–559 *Centerton Mutual Light and Power Com- Paſly-------------------------------------- 34–836 Central Ohio Light & Power. Company - - - - - 34–038 Champion Paper & Fibre Company, The --- 34–223 Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, The_-- 34–043 Cºland Electric Illuminating Company, Division of Light & Power, City of Cleveland Light and Power Company------- 34–049 *Clyde Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Columbiana Board of Trustees of Public fairs------------------------------------- 4–566 Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Com- PaſłY-------------------------------------- 4–050 *Columbus, Division of Electricity of the City of.----------------------------------- 4–568 *Columbus Grove Light and Water Plant--- 34–570 *Custar Board of Public Affairs. ------------ 34–571 *Cuyahoga Falls Department of Public Ser- Vice---------------------------------------- 34–572 *Cygnet Municipal Electric Department---- 34–574 * Darke Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. ----- 34–838 Dayton Power and Light Company, The_--- 34–056 *Delaware Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. - 34–840 * Deshler Light and Water Works - - - - - - - - - - - 34–577 Diamond Alkali Company - - - - - - - ----------- 34–236 *Dover Electric Light & Power Plant - - - - - - - 34–579 *East Palestine, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- 34–581 Eaton Lighting Company, The-------------- 34—060 3221S4–42 43 Reference Number *Edgerton Municipal Electric Distribution System------------------------------------ 34–582 Edwards Power Company, The ------------- 34—062 *Eldorado Municipal Light Co-------------- 34–583 *Elmore Electric Light Plant---------------- 34–585 Elyria Milling and Power Company-------- 34–249 Euclid Doan Power Company--------------- 34—069 *Farm Security Administration, Greenhills Project------------------------------------ 34–587 *Firelands Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 34–842 Galbreath, John W-------------------------- 34–070 *Galion Municipal Light & Power Plant____ 34–588 General Utilities Company, The ------------ 34–071 *Genoa Board of Public Affairs-------------- 34–590 *Georgetown Municipal Light Plant - - - ----- 34–592 * Glouster Board of Public Affairs------------ 34–594 Goodrich Company, B. F.------------------- 4–288 *Grafton Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. 34–596 *Greenfield Water and Light Department--- 34–599 Greenville Electric Light and Power Com- pany, The--------------------------------- 34–075 *Greenwich Municipal Water & Light Plant- 34-601 *Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------------------------------- 4–843 Guinsler Electric Company------------------ 34–077 Gwynne Building Power Plant, Walter S. Schmidt Lessee---------------------------- 34–301 *Hamersville Municipal Electric Depart- Iſlent-------------------------------------- 34—603 *Hamilton Municipal Electric Plant -------- 34-605 Hamilton Service Company, The------------ 34–079 *Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc -- 34–844 Harrison Electric & Water Company, The -- 34–084 *Haskins Municipal Electric Light & Power Distributing System ----------------------- 34—607 *Hiram Municipal Light Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34–612 *Holmes Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc --- 34–845 *Hubbard Light and Power System_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34–614 *Hudson Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–616 *Huntsville Electric Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–618 *Huron Light and Water-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34—621 Huron Service Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–088 *Inter-County Rural Electric Cooperative, "Q---------------------------------------- –847 Interlake Iron Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–314 *Jackson Center Board of Public Affairs - - - - 34—623 *Jackson, City of ... ------------------------- *Jerry City Municipal Electric System ----- 34—625 Runkle Light and Power Company - - - - - - - -. 34–095 *Lakeview Municipal System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34—627 *Ilebanon Trustees of Public Affairs--------- 34–629 *Le Roy Village--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–632 *Liberty Center Municipal Light Plant----- 34–634 *Licking Rural Electrification, Inc - - - - - - - - - - 34–850 *Logan County Cooperative Power & Light ASSOciation, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–853 *Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------------------------------------- 34 Affairs------------------------------------- 34–636 *Lucas Village Municipal . . -- - - - - - - --------- 34–638 Marietta Electric Company, The------------ 34–111 Marion-Reserve Power Company, The .-- - - - 34–112 *Marion Rural Flectric Cooperative, Inc -- 34–853 *Marshall ville Municipal Light Department- 34-645 Martin Electric Light and Power Service. -- 34–114 *Martins Ferry Municipal Light Plant------ 34-645 Medusa Portland Cement Company - - - - - - - - 34-34() 593 594 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Mendon Board of Public Affairs------------ 34—647 *Miamisburg, City of ---------------------- 34—649 *Midwest Electric, Inc.---------------------- 34–856 *Milan Electric Light Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Minerva Board of Public Affairs *Minster Light Plant- - - - - - - ---------------- - Monroe Power & Light Company----------- 34–115 *Monroeville, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *Montpelier Light and Water Plant 34–660 *Morrow Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - 34–857 *Mount Cory Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - 34–662 *Muskingum Valley Farm Bureau Electric Cooperative, Inc. - - - ---------------------- 34–858 *Napoleon Water Works and Electric Light Plant-------------------------------------- 34–665 *Nelsonville Light Plant--------------------- 34–667 *Newark Municipal Electric Light Plant---- 34–676 *New Bremen Light and Water Plaint 34–669 *New Concord Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - 34–671 ** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New London Power Company, The --------- New Madison Lighting Company, The - - - - - New Matamoras Electric Company, The_--- 34–128 *Niles Municipal Water and Light Depart- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34—678 34–860 *Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc --- 34–863 *Norwalk Electric Light Department 34—680 *Oak Harbor Light and Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *Oberlin Municipal Light and Power *Ohio City Electric Light Plant Ohio Edison Company 34–133 Ohio-Midland Light and Power Company - - 34–137 Ohio Northern Public Service. Company, Ohio Power Company, The ---------------- - Ohio Public Service Company, The 34–143 *Okalona Farmers Light Company--- - - - - - - - 34–866 *Orrville Municipal Utilities 34-689 *Painesville, City of - - - - - - * * * - - tem--------------------------------------- 4–695 *Pioneer Board of Public Affairs -- - - - - - - - - - 34–698 *Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. - - - 34-870 *Piqua Municipal Light Department.------- 34–70ſ) *Plain City Light and Water Works_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34–702 *Plymouth Light and Water Plant Point Isabel Electric Light Co 34–152 Pomeroy Salt Corporation------------------- 34–353 *Prospect Municipal System ---------------- 34–705 *Reading Light and Water Plant____________ 34–706 *Republic Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - - 34–708 Republic Steel Corporation------------------ 34–366 *Richmond Mutual Light and Power Com- Papy-------------------------------------- 34–875 Reference Number *Ripley Board of Public Affairs------------- 34–711 *Rising Sun, Village of - - - - - - ---------------- 34–713 *Sabina Board of Public Affairs------------- 34–715 *Saint Bernard, City of.--------------------- 34–717 *Saint Clairsville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs------------------------------------- 719 *Saint Mary's Electric Light Co ------------- 34–722 Seneca Light & Power Co. ------------------ 34–159 *Seville Light & Power Department------- 34–724 *Shelby Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–726 *Shiloh Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–728 *South-Central Rural Electric Cooperative, D0---------------------------------------- 34–880 Southern Ohio Public Company------------- 34–163 *South Vienna Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–730 *Spencerville Board of Public Affairs-------- 34–733 *Stryker Board of Public Affairs --- - - - - - - - - - 34–735 *Sycamore Municipal Light & Water Plant -. 34–737 *Tipp City Power Plant 3 Toledo Edison Company, The - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–168 *Tontogany Board of Public Affairs --------- 34–741 *Troy Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4–744 Trumbull-Cliffs Furnace Company---------- 34–405 *Tuscarawas-Coshocton Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------------------------------------- 34-891 Union City Electric Company-------------- 34–170 Union Power Company, The --- - - - - - - - - - - - - 34–174 *Union Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. ---- 34–893 *United Rural Electric---------------------- 34–894 *Versailles Board Of Public Affairs -- - - - - - - - - 34–746 *Wadsworth Light Department------------- 34–748 *Walbridge Board of Public Affairs---------- 34–750 *Wapakoneta Electric Department---------- 34–752 *Waterville Light and Power System -------- 34–755 | *Wauseon Municipal Light & Water Works, Board of Public Affairs-------------------- 34–757 *Waynesfield Board of Public Affairs-------- 34–759 *Wellington Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - 34–761 *Wellston Light and Power Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 34–763 *Western Farm Bureau Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------------------------------------- –895 Western Reserve Power and Light Company, The--------------------------------------- 4–180 *Westerville Power and Light Department -- 34–766 *Wharton Board of Public Affairs - - - - - - - - - - 34–768 Wheeling Electric Company-------- - - - - - - - - - 34–182 Whitehouse Electric Company-------------- 34–184 Wiggonsville Light & Power Co------------- 34–186 *Willard Board of Trustees of Public Affairs - ##! ( *Willoughby Ilight Department. ------------ 34–7 *Woodsfield Electric Light Plant --- - - - - - - - - 34–774 *Woodville Electric Light System ----------- 34–777 *Yellow Springs Board of Trustees of Public Affairs------------------------------------- 34–779 Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company, The-- 34–431 *Denotes a publicly owned utility OHIO 34–010 Abbott Younglove Power Plant 1759 Union Trust Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 34–015 The Alliance Public Service Company 1400 Hanna Bldg., P. O. Box 6058, Cleveland, Ohio (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: R. E. Burger-------------------------------- Pres. Daniel A. Hill------------------------- Vice PreS. J. F. Halteman...-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: R. E. Burger, Dale B. Carson, Daniel A. Hill, S. B. Irelan, J. A. Strozier. Controls: Stark Transit, Inc. (bus transportation). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $825,254 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $157,825 Number of Electric Customers---------- 437 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 17, 500 Energy available in year: Rilowatt-hours - * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 28,045,240 Generated.----------------------------- 18,366, 720 Interchanged-in (groSS)---------------- 9,678, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alliance----------------------------------- 22, 405 Beloit------------------------------------- 706 Damascus 700 Garfield----------------------------------- 257 Sebring 3, 902 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Ohio Public Service CO. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 595 34–018 Billhimer Light Plant New Madison, Ohio 34–021 The Bradford & Gettysburg Elec- tric Light and Power Company 312 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 96.8% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. E. Lakin--------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Bramble---------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. W. H. Davis----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Paul Renz- - - - - ASSt. Secy. Directors: C. E. Bramble, W. EI. Davis, R. K. Evans, C. E. Lakin, L. W. Martin, L. A. Moffett, S. W. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $266,063 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $78,065 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 541 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 968, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bradford- - - --- 1, 775 Gettysburg ---- 440 Pittsburg----------------------------------- 305 34–023 Bradley Light, Heating and Power Company 113 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 34–025 The Brookville and Lewisburg Lighting Company 312 central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 97% of voting power.) Principal Officers: -Vice Pres. & Treas. W. H. Davis----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Paul Renz ASSt. Secy. Directors: C. E. Bramble, W. H. Davis, C. E." Lakin, J. A. Landis, L. W. Martin, L. A. Moffett’ S. W. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $73,196 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $40,264 Number of Electric Customers------------- 947 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased * *-* * * - nº sº º º m º ºs sº tº m º 809,060 Communities Served at Retail: Population Pewisburg---------------------------------- 1, 126 Verona--------------------------------------- 346 34–027 The Buckeye Light & Power Company . 312 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 99.5% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. B. Lakin--------------------------------- Pres. C. E. Bramble---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. W. H. Davis Secy. & Asst. Treas. Paul Renz ASSt. Secy. Directors: C. E. Bramble, W. H. Davis, R. K. Evans, C. E. Lakin, L. W. Martin, L. A. Moffett, S. W. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $732, 635, Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $187,478. Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 639 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 575 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal tº gº 5,045, 101 Generated 1,015, 252 Purchased 4,029, 849 Communities Served at Retail: Population Covington---------------------------------- 1,945 Laura----- 317 Pleasant Hill- 738 West Milton------------------------------- 1,439 34–032 Cedar Point Utilities Company Sandusky, Ohio 34–038 Central Ohio Light & Power Company 120 N. Main St., Findlay, Ohio (Controlled by Crescent Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) | Principal Officers: Floyd W. Woodcock------------------------ Pres. A. W. Conover Vice Pres. C. D. Perry-- Vice Pres. F. H. Bates------ Vice Pres. C. J. Mulholland-------------------- Secy.-Treas. T. M. Hauer ASSt. Secy. H. L. MacDonald Directors: F. H. Bates, A. W. Conover, Seymour O’Brien, C. D. Perry, Robt. W. Rea, W. W. Turner, Floyd W. Woodcock. Controls: Colp Properties, Inc. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: ASSt. Treas. Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $7,046, 206 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,631, 537 Number of Electric Customers---------- 16, 735 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 25,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 89,007, 320 Generated.----------------------------- 61, 317,020 Purchased.----------------------------- 27,690, 300 596 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Apple Creek------------------------------- 510 Beaver Dam------------------------------ 377 Findlay----------------------------------- 20, 228 Fredericksburg---------------------------- 485 Holmesville------------------------------- 375 North Baltimore-------------------------- 2, 616 Rawson----------------------------------- 441 Rudolph------ - - - 400 Shreve------------------------------------ 1, 113 Smithville--------------------------------- 617 Van Buren.-------------------------------- 307 Wilmot------------------------------------ 287 Wooster----------------------------------- 11, 543 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Dayton Power and Light Co. The General Utilities Co. The Marion-Reserve Power Co. Ohio-Midland Light and Power Co. The Ohio Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Anna Municipal Light & Power Plant. *Bloomdale Municipal Light & Power. *Cygnet Municipal Electric Dept. *Jerry City Municipal Electric System. *Midwest Electric, Inc. *Mount Cory Board of Public Affairs, *New Knoxville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. *Wapakoneta Electric Dept. *Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Holmes Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Hot water heating Service. 34–043 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company Fourth & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electric Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. C. BlackWell----------------------------- PreS. Polk Laffoon.------------------ Vice Pres. & Secy. Robert H. Delafield-------------------- Vice PreS. A. C. Moorhaus------------------------ Vice Pres. C. G. Eichelberger--------------------- Vice PreS. Geo. F. Brenner ----'Treas. Directors: Samuel Assur, Walter C. Beckjord, H: C. Blackwell, H. P. Colville, Geo. Dent Crabbs' Thomas J. Davis, Edward W. Edwards, C. G. Eichelberger, Phillip G. Gossler, Polk Laffoon, Edward Reynolds, John Rowe, Frank M. Tait, C. I. Weaver. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $87,976, 801 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $19,179,880 Number of Electric Customers-------- 214,433 R. flowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 370,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1, 288, 421, 460 Generated.-------------------------- 1, 257, 431,700 Purchased.-------------------------- 14,400 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 30,975, 360 Communities Served at Retail: tº 10,000 population or more Population Cincinnati - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 455, 610 Middletown------------------------------ 31, 220 Norwood * - - as - as - as as - sº - as - - - - - 34, 010 1,000 to 10,000 population Addyston--------------------------------- 1,610 Arlington Heights------------------------ 1, 22 Patavia----------------------------------- 1,320 Cheviot----------------------------------- 9,043 Cleves------------------------------------ 1,871 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Elmwood Place--------------------------- 4, 248 Franklin---------------------------------- 4, 511 Glendale---------------------------------- 2, 359 Lockland--------------------------------- 5, 601 Madeira---------------------------------- 1, 384 Mariemont------------------------------- 2,000 ilford----------------------------------- 2, 139 Mount Healthy--------------------------- 3,997 New Richmond - - - -- 1,767 Newtown (Hamilton County) ------------ 1, 146 North College Hill------------------------ , 231 Oxford------------------------------------ 2,756 Sharonville------------------------------- 1, 157 Silverton---------------------------------- 2,907 Williamsburg----------------------------- 1, 194 Wyoming--------------------------------- 4,466 250 to 1,000 population Camp Dennison-------------------------- 327 Carlisle----------------------------------- 390 Elizabethtown---------------------------- 250 Excello----------------------------------- 307 Fayetteville------------------------------- 394 Felicity----------------------------------- 641 Higginsport------------------------------- 373 00V6Il----------------------------------- 400 Rings Mills------------------------------- 800 Maineville-------------------------------- 278 8SOD------------------------------------ 902 Mauds------------------------------------ 300 Miamitown------------------------------- 275 Midland---------------------------------- 285 Monroe----------------------------------- 307 Montgomery------------------------------ 461 Morrow----------------------------------- 840 Moscow---------------------------------- 309 Mount Orab------------------------------ 589 Mulberry--------------------------------- 300 North Bend------------------------------ 679 Owensville-------------------------------- 334 ROSSmoyne------------------------------- 475 Russellville------------------------------- 452 Seven Mile------------------------------- 549 South Lebanon--------------------------- 756 Springboro-------------------------------- 466 Terrace Park----------------------------- 858 Westboro--------------------------------- 280 West Middletown------------------------ 365 WithamSville * - sº - 275 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Dayton Power & Light Co. The Edwards Power Co. The Hamilton Service Co. The Harrison Electric & Water Co. Indiana-Michigan Electric Co. (Interchange). The Louisville Gas & Electric Co. (Interchange). The Loveland Light and Water Co. Public Service Co. of Indiana (Indiana). r The Union Light Heat and Power Co. (Kentucky). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Amelia Village Light Plant. *Blanchester Municipal Light System. *Georgetown Municipal Light Plant. *Hamersville Municipal Electric Dept. *Ripley Board of Public Affairs. *Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Gas and steam heating Service. 34–047 The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company 75 Public Sq., Cleveland, Ohio (Controlled by North American Co. through 71.63% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Eben G. Crawford-------------------------- PreS. Harry W. Hough--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Harry C. Gillie------------- Vice Pres., Chg. Sales DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES –OHIO 597 Principal Officers: Sidney L. Hall----------------- Vice Pres, & Secy. Charles W. Mills-------------------------- Treas. Ralph H. Smith Controller. Charles L. Mills--------------------- Asst. Treas. Robert R. Lucas---------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: Harold T. Clark, Frank M. Cobb, Eben G. Crawford, William H. Fillmore, James F. Fogarty, Herbert C. Freeman, Frederick H. Piske. Controls: The Ceico Co. (land and metering co.), The Power & Light Building Co. (real estate co.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------- - - - - $140, 122,691 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $30,395, 108 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - 333, 833 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------- 523,750 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 2,082,866, 326 Generated.-------------------------- 2,076, 234, 526 Purchased-------------------------- 6,631, 800 Communities Served at Retail: - 10,000 population or more Population Ashtabula-------------------------------- 21, 405 Cleveland-------------------------------- 878, 336 Cleveland Heights------------------------ 54,992 East Cleveland------------------------ - - - 39, 495 Euclid----------------------------------- 17,866 Garfield Heights-------------------------- 16,989 Lakewood-------------------------------- 69, 160 aſ Iſla ----------------------------------- 16, 365 Shaker Heights--------------------------- 23, 393 1,000 to 10,000 population AVon------------------------------------- 2, 118 AVon Lake------------------------------- 2, 274 Bay-------------------------------------- 3,356 Bedford---------------------------------- 7, 390 Bratenahl-------------------------------- 1, 350 Brecksville------------------------------- 1,900 Broadview HeightS----------------------- 1, 141 Brook Park------------------------------ 1, 122 Brooklyn--------------------------------- 1, 108 Chagrin Falls---------------------------- 2,505 Chardon--------------------------------- 2,001 Conneaut-------------------------------- 9, 355 Dover Westlake-------------------------- 3, 200 Fairport---------------------------------- 4, 528 Fairview.--------------------------------- 4,700 Geneva----------------------------------- 4, 171 Independence---------------------------- 1, 815 Jefferson--------------------------------- 1,676 Lyndhurst------------------------------- 2, 391 Maple Heights--------------------------- 6, 728 Mayfield Heights-- - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,696 Mentor----------------------------------- 1,827 Middleburgh HeightS- - - - - --------------- 1, 225 Newburgh HeightS.----------------------- 3,830 North Olmsted--------------------------- 3,487 North Royalton-------------------------- 2, 559 Parma Heights--------------------------- 1, 330 Rocky River----------------------------- 8, 291 Solon------------------------------------- 1, 508 South Euclid----------------------------- 6, 146 Strongsville------------------------------- 2, 216 University HeightS.----------------------- 5, 981 Warrensville----------------------------- 1, 175 Wickliffe--------------------------------- 3, 155 Willoughby *----------------------------- 4, 364 a Commercial power and industrial service only. 250 to 1,000 population Amboy----------------------------------- 450 Austinburg------------------------ '- - - - - - - 300 Beachwood------------------------------- 372 Brooklyn Heights------------------------ 496 Burton----------------------------------- 761 Cuyahoga Heights----------------------- 674 East Orwell------------------------------ 300 Gates Mills------------------------------- 906 Highland Heights------------------------ 356 Hunting Valley-------------------------- 374 Kingsville-------------------------------- 550 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Linndale--------------------------------- 445 Madison.--------------------------------- 979 Mayfield--------------------------------- 448 Mentor on the Lake---------------------- 538 Middlefield - - - - -----------*— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 932 Mooreland Hills-------------------------- 561 North Kingsville------------------------- 834 North Perry------------------------------ 3.18 Olmsted Falls----------------------------- 754 Orange------------------------------------ 492 Orwell------------------------------------ 579 Pepper Pike----------------------------- 423 °TTY------------------------------------- 645 Richmond (Lake County)---------------- 305 Richmond Heights------------------------- 507 Rock Creek------------------------------- 492 Seven Hills------------------------------- 555 Unionville - - - - 480 Valley View------------------------------ 753 Waite Hill.------------------------------- 289 Westview--------------------------------- 407 Willowick-------------------------------- 915 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: |Bradley Light, Heat & Power Co. Cleveland Light and Power Co. Ohio Edison Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Cleveland Department of Public Utilities. *Willoughby Light Department. Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 34–049 Cleveland Light and Power Company 8 St. Clair Ave. N.W., Cleveland, Ohio 34–050 Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company 215 N. Front St., Columbus, Ohio (Controlled by United Light and Power Co.) Principal Officers: B. arr-------------------- Pres. & Chairman J. B. Poston----------------- Executive Vice Pres. M. L. Evans--------------------------- Vice Pres. W. A. Wolls---------------------------- Vice Pres. J. A. Niles----------------------------------- Secy. T. J. Stiverson.------ Treas., Auditor & Asst. Secy. Directors: K. E. Burr, F. L. Conrad, M. L. Evans, T. K. Humphrey, C. J. Kurtz, B. W. Marr, H. B. Munsell, J. B. Poston, W. A. Wolls. Controls: s The Hillsboro Ice & Coal Co. (ice). º Point Pleasant Water & Light Co. (electric and water). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $54, 227,491 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $10,661, 144 Number of Electric Customers---------- 150,470 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Otal----------------------------- 181,350 Steam-------------------------------- 181, 150 Internal Combustion----------- ------ 200 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 496,847,329 Generated.---------------------------- 487,463,735 Purchased.---------------------------- 9,383,594 598 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Chillicothe-------------------------------- 20, 129 Columbus-------------------------------- 306,087 1,000 to 10,000 population Ashville---- - - 1, 101 Athens !--------------------- 7,696 Rexley------------------------------------ 8,705 Chauncey - 1, 234 Circleville-------------------------------- 7,982 Delaware--------------------------------- 8,944 Gallipolis--------------------------------- 7,832 Grandview Heights 6,960 Grove City------------------------------- 1, 787 Haydenville 1,000 Hillsboro--- sº me = ** -- 4, 713 Jackson a--- sº sº º 6, 295 Johnstown-------------------------------- 1,064 Manchester (Adams County)------------- 2, 163 McArthur-------------------------------- 1, 288 Middleport------------------------------- 3,356 Mount Sterling (Madison County)------- 1, 115 Murray City------ - - - - - 1,009 Nelsonville------------------------------- 5, 368 Oak Hill---------------------------------- 1,619 Peebles----------------------------------- 1, 356 Pomeroy---------------------------------- 3, 581 Upper Arlington-------------------------- 5,370 Waverly---------------------------------- 1, 757 West Jefferson.------------------ • *- m sº me ºn mº º º ºs 1, 386 West Union------------------------------- 1, 334 Worthington------------------------------ 1, 569 * Commercial power and industrial service only. 250 to 1,000 population Aberdeen.--------------------------------- 497 Albany----------------------------------- 551 Alexandria-------------------------------- 425 Amesville--------------------------------- 286 Antiquity * - E º ºs = ºm º ºr ºs º ºs º me - º 310 Pentonville------------------------------- 250 Pidwell----------------------------------- 350 Buchtel * * * * sº 775 Carbon Hill------------------------------- 499 Carbondale------------------------------- 600 Centerburg------------------------------- 779 Coalton----------------------------------- 623 COOlville 463 Perby------------------------------------ 307 Poanville--------------------------------- 300 9ty------------------------------------- 400 Pundas----------------------------------- 300 Pureka----------------------------------- 250 Gahanna------------------ 425 Galena 355 Galloway--------------------------------- 280 Hamden---------------------------------- 924 Harrisburg - 294 Hartford (Croton).------------------------ 353 Hollister---------------------------------- 531 Jacksonville------------------------------- 812 Kamauga---------------------------------- 250 Letart Falls------------------------------- 375 Lilly Chapel------------------------------ 250 Linworth--------------------------------- 250 Marble Cliff------------------------------ 331 Massieville------------------------------- 250 McDermott------------------------------- 850 Millfield---------------------------------- 400 Mowrystown----------------------------- 427 New Marshfield-------------------------- 435 Omega 251 ‘Orient 300 PataSkala--------------------------------- 824 Piketon----------------------------------- 736 Plumwood * * * * * * * = ºm sm amº m sº ºm s me as ºs- 250 Portland---------------------------------- 275 Rarden----------------------------------- 306 Richmondale----------------------------- 400 Sandrun---------------------------------- 286 Sardinia 615 Scioto Furnace---------------------------- 400 $eaman- - 726 South Webster---------------------------- 656 Stewart---------------------------------- 385 Summit (Summit Station)-- 300 Bunbury--------------------------------- 846 Trimble---------------------------------- 686 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Union Furnace--------------------------- 700 Vinton------------------------------------ 387 Winchester-------- - - 798 Zaleski------------------------------------ 374 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Ohio-Midland Light and Power Co. The Ohio Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Glouster Board of Public Affairs. *City of Jackson. *Westerville Power and Light Dept. *Inter County Rural Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Manufactured gas, bus, steam and hot water heating, street railway, and trolley Coach service. 34–056 The Dayton Power and Light Company 25 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electric Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Frank M. Tait----------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. C. Long-----Vice Pres. & Associate Gen. Mgr. O. H. Hutchings--------------- Vice Pres. & Engr. E. P. Matthews------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Counsel H. C. Blackwell------------------------ Vice PreS. C. P. Pfarrer---------- Vice Pres. & Legal Counsel O. B. Reemelin------------------------- Vice PreS. O. E. Howland----------------- Vice PreS. & Secy. B. C. Taylor------------------ Vice PreS. & Treas. R. H. Delafield------------------------- Vice PreS. R. B. Finley---------------------------- Vice Pres. Directors: W. C. Beckjord, H. C. Blackwell, C. W. DeForest, P. G. Gossler, O. E. Howland, O. H. Hutchings, George Light, K. C. Long, E. P. Matthews, C. P. Pfarrer, O. B. Reemelin, E. Reyn- olds, Frank M. Tait. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $42,487,889 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $9,871, 724 Number of Electric Customers---------- 107,733 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 171,750 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 538, 595, 826 Generated.---------------------------- 518, 714, 250 Purchased---------------------------- 2,000, 140 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 17,881,436 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Dayton.------- ____ 210, 718 Piqua------------------------------------- 16,049 Xenia 10,633 1,000 to 10,000 population Brookville -- 1,653 Cedarville-------------------------------- 1,034 Crown Point 1, 500 Fairfield --- 2, 549 Germantown 2,095 Jamestown------------------------------- 1,079 New Carlisle 1,237 Oakwood (Montgomery County)-------- 7,652 Osborn- 1, 705 Saint Paris 1, 308 South Charleston 1, 198 Washington Court House----------------- 9, 402 West Carrollton 2, 176 Wilmington.----- * * * * * * * * * * * sº as sº s = * * * * * * * * * * 5, 971 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 599 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Alpha------------------------------------- 300 Beavertown------------------------------- 250 Bellbrook----- 410 Bloomingburg---------------------------- 567 Botkins----------------------------------- 502 BOWerSWille 316 Brandt.---- - - 264 Camden.-------- 991 CaSStown 306 Centerville * - - 561 Christiansburg---------------------------- 536 Clarksville-------------------------------- 430 Clayton----------------------------------- 460 Pnglewood-------------------------------- 531 Farmersville 464 Fletcher---------------------------------- 436 Fort McKinley 600 Good Hope------------------------------- 250 Gratis------------------------------------ 435 Harveysburg - - - - 354 Highland -- - - - 262 Jeffersonville------------------------------ 785 Leesburg 839 Lynchburg- 833 Martinsville 409 Moraine City 300 Murlin Heights - - - - 300 New Holland-----------...---- - 777 New Lebanon 534 New Paris-------------------------------- 989 New Vienna---- 752 Phillipsburg - - - - 504 Port William----------------------------- 269 Rushsylvania 560 Sedalia 317 Somerville-------------------------------- 359 South Solon 376 Spring Valley - - 468 TrotWOOd. 770 TJnion 280 Vandalia * - 378 Waynesville__ * - - - 833 West Alexandria-------------------------- 993 Wilberforce 324 Zanesfield--------------------------------- 277 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Buckeye Light & Power Co. Greenville Electric Light & Power Co. The Marion-Reserve Power Co. Ohio Edison Co. Also Renders: Gas, hot water heating, steam heating, and Water Service. 34—060 The Eaton Lighting Company 312 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 99% of voting power.) Principal Officers: - P. Lakin--------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Bramble---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. W. H. Davis----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Paul Renz------ ASSt. Secy. Directors: C. E. Bramble, W. H. Davis, C. E. Lakin, J. A. Landis, L. W. Martin, L. A. Moffett, S. W. Whito. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $121,721 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $84,418 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 514 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,028,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Eaton - 3, 552 34–062 - The Edwards Power Company 528 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio Principal Officers: Howard W. Edwards----------------------- Pres. G. Dalton Myers----------------------- Vice PreS. O. S. Larkby------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Edward W. Edwards, George R. Ed- wards, Howard W. Edwards, O. S. Larkby, G. Dalton Myers The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $19,373 Number of Electric Customers------------- 25 Kilowatts Generating Capacity------------------------ 600 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 598, 500 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 34—069 Euclid Doan Power Company 1977 E. 105 St., Cleveland, Ohio. 34–070 John W. Galbreath Room No. 704, 42 E. Gay St., Columbus. Ohio. Community Served at Retail: Population D. McDonald *----------------------------- 1,529 a Served on Jan. 1, 1941 by Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. (34–210). 34–071 The General Utilities Company Deshler, Ohio (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Boyd A. Bennett---------------------------> PreS. Warren W. Bell--------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. William InSull Vice PreS. W. B. MacIndoe ---Secy. R. A. Sorensen. IIIAsst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Warren W. Bell, Boyd A. Bennett, William Insull, John Latta, W. B. MacIndoe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,064,660 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $162,609 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 522 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 3, 526,681 Communities Served at Retail: Population Grelton--------------------------------------- 250 Malinta--------------------------------------- 340 34–075 The Greenville Electric Light and Power Company 312 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. E. Lakin --- PreS. C. E. Bramble Vice PreS. & Treas. W. H. Davis----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Paul Renz----------------------------- Asst. Secy. 600 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: C. E. Bramble, W. H. Davis, C. E. La- kin, L. W. Martin, C. R. Mede, L. A. Moffett, S. W. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,335,056 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $452,769 Number of Electric Customers - - -------- 4, 518 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 4,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 17,376,505 Generated.--------------------- - - - - - - - - ( —12, 596) Purchased.----------------------------- 17,389,101 Communities Served at Retail: Population Greenville---------------------------------- 7, 745 Hollansburg-------------------------------- 280 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Billhimer Light Plant. The Bradford and Gettysburg Electric Light and POWer CO. The Brookville and Lewisburg Lighting Co. The Dayton Power and Light Co. The Eaton Lighting Co. The Marion-Reserve Power Co. The New Madison Lighting Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Eldorado Municipal Light Co. *Darke Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 34–077 Guinsler Electric Company Junction City, Ohio Principal Officer: C. A. Guinsler------------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $15,713 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,141 Number of Electric Customers------------- 287 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 244, 240 Community Served at Retail: Population Junction City - - - 813 34–079 The Hamilton Service Company Fourth & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electrig Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. C. Blackwell----------------------------- |PreS Polk Laffoon Geo. F. Brenner Treas. Directors: H. C. Blackwell, Geo. F. Brenner, C. G. Eichelberger, Polk Laffoon, A. C. Moorhaus. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $881,084 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $331,632 Number of Electric Customers---------------- 3, 222 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 27, 784,436 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hamilton 50, 592 Millville 335 New Miami--- 1,443 Trenton----------------------------------- 777 34–084 The Harrison Electric & Water Company 4th & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by the Columbia Gas & Electric Cor- poration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: - H. C. Blackwell----------------------------- Pres. * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - as as * - - * * * Treas. Directors: H. C. Blackwell, Geo. F. Brenner, C. G. Eichelberger, Polk Laffoon, A. C. Moorhaus. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $125, 443 Electric Operating Revenues: otal----------------------------------- $60,975 In Ohio--------------------------------- $47,336 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------------- 901 In Ohio - *-* - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - ~ * - - 745 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,415,760 Community Served at Retail: Population Harrison------------------------------------ 1,656 Also Renders: Water Service. See Also: Operations reported under Indiana (13–042). 34–088 Huron Service Company 620 Bolivar Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. 34–095 Kunkle Light and Power Co. a Kunkle, Ohio a Acquired by The Toledo Edison Company (34-168) on May 1, 1941. Community Served at Retail: Population Runkle--------------------------------------- 340 34–104 The Loveland Light & Water Company Fourth & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio (Controlled by Columbia Gas & Electric Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. C. BlackWell----------------------------- PreS Polk Laffoon Geo. F. Brenner---------------------------- Treas. Directors: H. C. Blackwell, Geo. F. Brenner, C. G. Eichelberger, Polk Laffoon, A. C. Moorhaus. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $235,937 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87, 818 Number of Electric Cust * 1,482 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,098, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Loveland----------------------------------- 1, 904 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 601 34–111 The Marietta Electric Company 301 Adams St., Fairmont, W. Va. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc.) . Principal Officers: C. J. Colgan--------------------------------- Pres. O. F. Lough.------------------ Vice PreS. & Treas. G. J. Jackson-------------------------------- Secy. C. H. LueSSOW------------------------ ASSt. Secy. F. E. Painter------------------------- ASSt. Treas. A. L. Adams----------------------------- Auditor Directors: C. J. Colgan, C. J. Jackson, O. F. Lough, C. H. Luessow, F. E. Painter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,537,807 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $479,064 Number of Electric Customers---------- 8,251 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 18, 577,491 Purchased.----------------------------- 17,671,286 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 906, 205 Communities Served at Retail: Population Barlow------------------------------------ 250 Belpre------------------------------------- 1, 717 Beverly----------------------------------- 671 Center Belpre (Porterfield)---------------- 500 * * * - - - - * ~ * * - - - - * = ** - - - - * * * * * - - - - me • * - - - - 360 Little Hocking---------------------------- 362 Lowell------------------------------------ 528 Macksburg-------------------------------- 283 Marietta---------------------------------- 14, 543 WeWPort---------------------------------- 631 Reedsville--------------------------------- 260 incent--------- - - - 300 Wade------------------------------------- 255 Waterford------- 450 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. (Interchange). 34–112 The Marion-Reserve Power Company 198 S. Main St., Marion, Ohio (Controlled by Utility Service Co. through 50.53% of voting power.) Principal Officers: D. J. Taveniere------------------------ Chairman C. C. Roberts------------------------------- Pres, J. M. Strelitz--------------------------- Vice PreS. E. A. Shrider--------------------------- Vice Pres. H. J. Grigsby------------------------ Secy.—Treas. J. G. Lytle---------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Richard F. Gretsch-----Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. E. Frost--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: H. J. Grigsby, Robert Pulleyn, C. C. Roberts, E. A. Shrider, J. M. Strelitz, D. J. Taveniere, G. R. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $14, 252, 344 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $3,320,568 Number of Electric Customers -----____ 43,990 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----- - - - - - - 27,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 146,631,814 Generated---------------------------- 70, 229,000 Purchased.---------------------------- 76,402,814 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Aſarion------------------------------------ 30, 817 1,000 to 10,000 population Cardington-------------------------------- 1,304 Coldwater--------------------------------- 2,019 Crestline---------------------------------- 4, 337 Creston------------------------------------ 1, 110 Fort Recovery----------------------------- 1, 123 Marysville--------------------------------- 4,037 Mechanicsburg---------------------------- 1,653 Mount Gilead----------------------------- 2,008 Oberlin------------------------------------ 4, 305 Richwood--------------------------------- 1,628 Rittman----------------------------------- 2, 770 Rockford---------------------------------- 1,066 Sidney------------------------------------ 9, 7 Urbana------------------------------------ 8,335 West Liberty------------------------------ 1, 228 250 to 1,000 population Ansonia----------------------------------- 712 Ashley------------------------------------ 762 Belle Center------------------------------- 835 Birmingham------------------------------- 305 Broadway--------------------------------- 250 Butler------------------------------------- 695 Caledonia--------------------------------- 629 De Graff---------------------------------- 796 East Liberty------------------------------ 380 Edison------------------------------------ 419 Fort Loramie------------------------------ 507 Green Camp------------------------------ 327 Kipton------------------------------------ 264 Lagrange---------------------------------- 546 Madisonburg------------------------------ 250 Milford Center---------------------------- 686 Nankin------------------------------------ 250 New Dover-------------------------------- 267 New Hampshire--------------------------- 3.18 North Lewisburg-------------------------- 720 Ostrander--------------------------------- 411 Pemberton-------------------------------- 265 Polk--------------------------------------- 275 Port Jefferson----------------------------- 360 Powell------------------------------------ 250 Quincy------------------------------------ 536 Raymond--------------------------------- 250 Rosewood--------------------------------- 330 Roundhead------------------------------- 802 Russells Point----------------------------- 554 Saint Henry------------------------------- 556 Saint Johns-------------------------------- 250 Sterling----------------------------------- 381 West Manchester-------------------------- 395 West Mansfield--------------------------- 739 Westville---------------------------------- 256 Willshire---------------------------------- 513 Woodstock-------------------------------- 263 Wren-------------------------------------- 277 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co. The Dayton Power and Light Co. The Greenville Electric Light and Power Co. The Ohio Power Co. The Ohio Public Service Co. The Union Power Co. ge The Western Reserve Power and Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: e *Grafton Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. *Huntsville Electric Light Plant. - *Jackson Center Board of Public Affairs. *Lakeview Municipal System. . *Mendon Board of Public AffairS. *Minster Light Plant. *New Bremen Light and Water Plant. *Prospect Municipal System. g *Waynesfield Board of Public Affairs. *Delaware Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Marion Rural Electric Cooperative. *Midwest Electric, Inc. º *Morrow Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative Inc. *Union Rural Electric Cooperative Inc. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 602 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 34–114 Martin Electric Light and Power Service Kelleys Island, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Relleys Island-------------------------------- 564 34–115 Monroe Power & Light Company Beallsville, Ohio Principal Officers: C. W. Paine--------------------------------- Pres. A. L. Ebert---------------------------- Vice Pres. W. W. Bodager----------------------------- Secy. N. J. Paine Treas. Directors: W. W. Bodager, A. L. Ebert, C. W. Paine, H. L. Paine, N. J. Paine, E. K. Sheffield. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $37,234 $10,756 Number of Electric Customers------------- 253 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 184,793 Communities Served at Retail: Population Beallsville------ Somerton--------- 450 300 * * * * * * 34–124 The New London Power Company New London, Ohio (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Boyd A. Bennett---------------------------- PreS. Warren W. Bell----. --------- Vice Pres. & Treas. William Insull- Vice PreS. W. B. MacIndoe Secy. R. A. SorenSen--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Warren W. Bell, Boyd A. Bennett, William Insull, John Latta, W. B. MacIndoe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $92,694 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $54,914 Number of Electric Customers----------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 1, 777, 616 Community Served at Retail: Population New London------------------------------- 1,656 34–126 The New Madison Lighting Company 312 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation through 87.7% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. E. Lakin Pres. W. H. Davis------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Paul Renz------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: W. H. Davis, R. K. Evans, C. E. Lakin, wº Martin, C. R. Mede, L. A. Moffett, S. W. 150. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $17,017 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,331 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 264 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 333, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population New Madison --- 616 34–128 The New Matamoras Electric Company New Matamoras, Ohio (Controlled by ASSociated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: E. S. Keedy º ---Pres. F. M. Karr * _Secy. K. M. Small Treas. Directors: F. M. Karr, E. S. Keedy, K. M. Small. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $52,273 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $20,393 Number of Electric Cust S 598 Ičilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 398,410 Communities Served at Retail: Population Tuffy - - - - 250 Hannibal------------------------------------- 380 New Matamoras------------------------------ 793 Sardis----------------------------------------- 365 34–133 Ohio Edison Company 47 N. Main St., Akron, Ohio (Controlled by Commonwealth & Southern Corpo ration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. R. Whiting-------------------------- Chairman A. C. Blinn--------------------------------- Pres. L. G. Tighe Vice PreS. J. A. Longley Vice Pres. C. H. Lahr Secy. E. G. Dunlap Treas. O. Brunenmeister, Jr.----------------- Comptroller P. Murdoch------------------------- Gen. Auditor A. E. Wafer------------------- Asst. Gen. Auditor L. I. Wells------------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. F. E. Nelson.----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. Wigand ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: A. C. Blinn, O. Brunen meister, Jr., W. H. Foster, H. E. Freeman, J. Hekma, J. A. Longley, H. E. Miller, E. E. Nelson, E. A. Ober- lin, Jr., J. G. Robertson, J. R. Rowland, C. F. Smith, S. Stites, L. G. Tighe, J. R. Whiting. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------- $126,482,632 Electric Operating Revenues.--------- $19,799, 522 Number of Electric Customers------- 202, 458 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total--------------------------- 368,450. Steam 366,500 Hydro 1,950 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours tal 1, 241,717,474 Generated 1, 177,620,660 Purchased.-------------------------- 64,096,814 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 603 Commun Akron ities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Barberton Campbell - Cuyahoga Falls Salom Springfield Struthers--------------------------------- Youngstown------------------------------ 1,000 to 10,000 population Broadview Heights----------------------- Canfield Doylestown Girard----- Hartville Kent -- * * * * * * ºr º 'º -k sº º ºs ºs Medina º, º ºs º- Mogadore sº sº sº as North Royalton-------------------------- Poland Ravenna- º * = E = StrongSville Tallma dge * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * as me m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Austint OWn- - * * * |Boston Heights--------------------------- Brimfield--------------------------------- Bristolville- Brookfield-- sm, sº gº º Brunswick * * * ºr Burghill * * * * Catawba * -- * * * * Charlestown------------------------------ Cherry Valley---------------------------- Churchill Clinton----------------------------------- Copley-- * * = ** Cornersburg------------------------------ Deerfield - - Diamond (Palmyra)---------------------- Donnelsville----------------------------- Dorset Enon--- Farmdale Geauga Lake Greensburg Greentown--------- Hanoverton.------ Hartford Kensington.------- Kinsman--------------------------------- Lafayette (Medina County)-------------- Macedonia- - Mallet Creek Manchester (Summit County) ----------- Mantua------ * = * * Medway------- * - gº Meyers Lake Mineral Ridge Munroe Falls * * * * Negley New Baltimore--------------------------- New Milford (Rootstown).---------------- New Moorefield-------------------------- New Springfield tº gº New Waterford--------------------------- North Bloomfield Northfield * - º & North Hampton North Jackson---------------------------- North Lima Nutwood (Fowler)- Orangeville------------------------------ Peninsula Petersburg Randolph - - Richfield- 11, 739 167,7% Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Rogers------------------------------------ 300 Sagainore Hills-- - 604 Sawyerwood rººm º º ºs * * * * * * * *-* * *-* 507 Silver Lake---- 642 Somerford- * 301 Spokane 402 Stow - - - * * * * 800 Tremont City---- 406 Twinsburg-- 800 Uniontown--- tº sº 500 Unity- * * * * sº 300 Valley City 250 Vienna------ 300 Warwick- 26}. Washingtonville---- 836 West Andover---------------------------- 305 West Richfield--------------------------- 280 Weymouth-------- 305 Winona---- 316 Woodworth * gºs 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Dayton Power and Light Co. The Marion-Reserve Power Co. Ohio Power CO. The Ohio Public Service Co. Pennsylvania Power Co. (Pa.). Carnegie Steel Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Columbiana Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. *Cuyahoga Falls Department of Public Service. *Hubbard Light and Power System. *Hudson Board of Public Affairs. *Village of Leroy. *Lowellville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. *Seville Light & Power Dept. *South Vienna Light Plant. *Wadsworth Light Dept. Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 34–137 Ohio-Midland Light and Power Company Canal-Winchester, Ohio (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: . H. Ayres--------------------------------- Fres. E. T. EdmondS_ Vice PreS. J. F. McKenna Secy. R. A. Gallagher Treas. Directors: G. H. Ayres, E. T. Edmonds, J. F. McKenna, Paul Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,205,267 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $491, 946 Number of Electric Customers---------- 8,346 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch ... . 17,309, 386 Communities Served at Retail: Population Adelphi------ 414 Amanda---- ---- 561 Canal Winchester-------------------------- 1,046 Carroll----- Clarksburg--------------------------------- 390 Darbyville--------------------------------- 256 Dundee - - - - 356 Frankfort - 839 Groveport-- 1,052 Hilliard------------------------------------ 583 Kingston- - 864 Laurelville--- 491 Lithopolis 288 Lockbourne---- ---- 372 New Washington 857 Obetz-------------------------------------- 771 604 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Pickerington------------------------------- 384 €es---------------------------------------- 250 Reynoldsburg------------------------------ 652 Stoutsville---------------------------------- 509 Tarlton------------------------------------- 274 Williamsport------------------------------- 605 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Inter-County Rural Electric Cooperative. *South Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Interurban freight Service. 34–139 The Ohio Northern Public Service Company 109 N. Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Com- pany.) Principal Officers: Boyd A. Bennett---------------------------- Pres. Warren W. Bell-------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. William Insull------------------------- Vice Pres. W. B. MacIndoe---------------------------- Secy. R. A. Sorensen--------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: Warren W. Bell, Boyd A. Bennett, William Insull, John Latta, W. B. Maclmdoe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $493, 611 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $217,078 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,823 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch __ 7, 110,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bowling Green- - 7, 190 Portage - Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The General Utilities Co. 34–141 The Ohio Power Company 21 S. First St., Newark, Ohio (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Torrey--------------------------- Vice PreS Philip Sporn---------------------------- Vice PreS. B. Hill------------------------------- Vice Pres H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice Pres. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager-------- - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. Armstrong------------------------- ASSt. Secy. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Frank B. Ball, F. W. Drager, J. B. Hill, Geo. N. Tidd, C. E. Torrey. Controls: Beech Bottom Power Co. a (generation of electric energy). The Duncan Falls Co. (real estate). Windsor Power House Coal Co. a (coal mining). a Joint control with West Penn Power Co. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $124, 558,432 Electric Operating Revenues--------- $28, 590, 126 Number of Electric Customers------- 274, 397 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal--------------------------- 441, 250 Steam------------------------------ 437,250 Hydro------------------------------ 4,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 2,956, 670, 250 Generated.--------------------------- b1,836,957,850 Purchased.-------------------------- 1, 119, 712,400 bFxcludes 845,856,130 kwh generated by plant leased to Beech Bottom Power Co. Inc. This item is included in figure shown for purchased energy. Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Cambridge------------------------------- 15,044 Canton----------------------------------- 108,401 Coshocton-------------------------------- 11, 509 East Liverpool--------------------------- 23, 555 Fostoria---------------------------------- 13,453 Fremont--------------------------------- 14, 710 Ironton----------------------------------- 15,851 Lancaster-------------------------------- 21, 940 ima------------------------------------- 44, 711 Mount Vernon --------------------------- 10, 122 New Philadelphia------------------------ 12,328 Newark---------------------------------- 31,487 Portsmouth------------------------------ 40, 466 Steubenville------------------------------ 37,651 Tiſſin------------------------------------- 16, 102 Zanesville-------------------------------- 37, 500 1,000 to 10,000 population Ada-------------------------------------- 2,368 Adena------------------------------------ 1,703 Amsterdam------------------------------- 1, 177 Antwerp--------------------------------- 1,086 Barnesville------------------------------- 5,002 Barton----------------------------------- 1, 200 Bellville---------------------------------- 1, 199 Bergholz--------------------------------- 1, 122 Bethesda--------------------------------- 1, 127 Bradrick--------------------------------- 1, 148 Bremen---------------------------------- 1, 176 Brilliant---------------------------------- 1, 683 Buckeye Lake---------------------------- 2, 300 Bucyrus---------------------------------- 9,727 Byesville--------------------------------- 2, 418 adiz.------------------------------------ 2, 808 Carrollton-------------------------------- 2, 548 Chesapeake------------------------------ 1,068 Coal Grove.------------------------------- 2, 351 Continental------------------------------ 1,059 Corning---------------------------------- 1, 433 Crooksville------------------------------- 2,890 Delphos---------------------------------- 5, 746 Dennison--------------------------------- 4, 413 Dillon Vale-------------------------------- 1,652 resden---------------------------------- 1, 350 Thushing--------------------------------- 1, 217 Forest------------------------------------ 1,083 Fredericktown--------------------------- 1,297 Granville--------------------------------- 1, 502 Hicksville-------------------------------- 2, 549 Irondale---------------------------------- 1, 122 Jewett----------------------------------- 1,031 Kenton----------------------------------- 7, 593 Leipsic----------------------------------- , 525 Logan------------------------------------ 6, 177 Louisville-------------------------------- 3, 379 Malvern---------------------------------- 1, 177 McConnelsville-------------------------- 1, 895 Millersburg------------------------------ 2, 239 Mingo Junction-------------------------- 5, 192 Neffs------------------------------------- 1, 121 New Boston------------------------------ 6,024 Newcomerstown-------------------------- 4, 564 New Lexington--------------------------- 4,049 New Straitsville-------------------------- 1, 473 North Canton---------------------------- 2, 988 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 605 Communities Served at Retail Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Ottawa----------------------------------- 2, 342 Frazeysburg------------------------------ 640 Payne------------------------------------ 1, 003 Freeport---------------------------------- 562 Piney Fork------------------------------- 1,000 Fresno----------------------------------- 300 Pomeroy--------------------------------- 3, 581 Friendship------------------------------- 500 Powhatan Point-------------------------- 2,054 Fulton----------------------------------- 275 Roseville--------------------------------- 1, 320 Gambier--------------------------------- 470 Salineville-------------------------------- 2,018 Georges Run----------------------------- 772 Scio-------------------------------------- 1, 181 Glandorf--------------------------------- 483 Shadyside-------------------------------- 4, 0.48 Glencoe---------------------------------- 410 aWI166- - - - - ---------------------------- 1, 475 Glenmont-------------------------------- 281 Smithfield-------------------------------- 1, 169 Glenmore-------------------------------- 700 Somerset--------------------------------- 1, 352 Glen Robbins---------------------------- 390 South Zanesville-------------------------- 1, 338 Gnadenhutten---------------------------- 876 Strasburg--------------------------------- 1, 297 Gomer----------------------------------- 455 Tiltonville-------------------------------- 2, 360 Goshen----------------------------------- 404 Toronto---------------------------------- 7, 426 Gratiot----------------------------------- 300 Uhrichsville------------------------------ 6, 435 Grover Hill------------------------------- 478, Upper Sandusky------------------------- 3,907 | Hanging Rock---------------------------- 481 Utica------------------------------------- 1, 376 Hanover---------------------------------- 325, Van Wert-------------------------------- 9, 227 Harlem Springs-------------------------- 300 Waynesburg----------------------------- 1, 223 Harrisville-------------------------------- 442 Wellsville-------------------------------- 7,672 Harrod----------------------------------- 422. West Lafayette--------------------------- 1, 152 | Hebron----------------------------------- 723. West Portsmouth------------------------ 1, 150 Hemlock--------------------------------- 353 Wheelersburg---------------------------- 1, 195 Hendrysburg----------------------------- 300 Yorkville--------------------------------- 1,961 #º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = sº tº sm as ºs sº tº sº sº * = * * * * * 256 250 to 1,000 population #;.…... }; Alger------------------------------------- 811 Homer----------------------------------- 300 Athalia---------------------------------- 263 Hopedale--------------------------------- 901. Baltic------------------------------------ 492 Howard---------------------------------- 300 Baltimore-------------------------------- 835 Hoytville--------------------------------- 361 Bannock--------------------------------- 260 IronSpot---------------------------------- 408 Barnhill---------------------------------- 394 Jenera------------------------------------ 262 Bascom---------------------------------- 302 Kalida----------------------------------- 521 asil------------------------------------- 766 Kansas----------------------------------- 350 Beaver----------------------------------- 305 Kilgore----------------------------------- 350 Belle Valley------------------------------ 617 Killbuck--------------------------------- 716 Belmont.--------------------------------- 697 |Kipling----------------------------------- 304 Benton Ridge---------------------------- 304 Kirkersville------------------------------ 264 erlin------------------------------------ 303 a rºlle----------------------------------- 714 Bettsville--------------------------------- 692 Lafayette (Allen County) ---------------- 411 Blaine.----------------------------------- 500 aſſerty---------------------------------- 300 Blanchard-------------------------------- 557 Latty------------------------------------ 293 Bloomfield------------------------------- 339 Lexington-------------------------------- 713 Bloomville------------------------------- 750 Lore City-------------------------------- 606 Bolivar----------------------------------- 596 Lucasville-------------------------------- 933 Bowerston-------------------------------- 447 | Magnolia--------------------------------- 819 Bradley---------------------------------- 325 Malta.------------------------------------ 938 Brownsville------------------------------ 250 Marengo---------------------------------- 275 Buckland-------------------------------- 287 Maynard--------------------------------- 600 Buena Vista------------------------------ 335 McComb--------------------------------- 976 UTſalo----------------------------------- 737 McCutchenville-------------------------- 350 Burlington------------------------------- 776 McGuffey-------------------------------- 618 Cairo (West Cairo) ----------------------- 440 Melmore--------------------------------- 255 Cannelville------------------------------- 283 Middlebranch_- * - º gº 260 Cecil ------------------------------------ 266 Middlepoint------------------------------ 586 Chandlersville---------------------------- 330 Midvale---------------------------------- 670 Chesterhill-------------------------------- 442 Midway---------------------------------- 278 Clarington------------------------------- 490 MillerSport------------------------------- 460 Colerain---------------------------------- 610 Mineral City----------------------------- 820 Columbia-------------------------------- 250 Minersville------------------------------- 380 Conesville-------------------------------- 500 Moorefield------------------------------- 310 Congo------------------------------------ 350 Morral----------------------------------- 398 Convoy---------------------------------- 817 Morristown------------------------------ 410 Coryville--------------------------------- 402 Mount Blanchard------------------------ 442 Cridersville------------------------------- 581 Mount Pleasant-------------------------- 717 Crown City------------------------------ 364 Mount Sterling (Muskingum County) - - - 475 Cumberland----------------------------- 521 Mount Victory--------------------------- 645 Panville---------------------------------- 790 Nevada---------------------------------- 74.1 Dean Dale------------------------------- 450 New Alexandria------------------------- 328 Pellroy----------------------------------- 335 | New Athens------------------------------ 508 'Derwent--------------------------------- 468 New Riegel.----------------------------- 264 Dun Glen-------------------------------- 280 Newtown (TuscaraWas County)---------- 400 Duncan Falls----------------------------- 651 North Industry-------------------------- 923 Dunkirk--------------------------------- 922 Oakwood (Paulding County)------------- 466 East Canton----------------------------- 919 Otsego------------------------------------ 275 Fast Fultonham-------------------------- 638 Ottoville--------------------------------- 467 East Sparta------------------------------ 690 | Pandora---------------------------------- 690 East Springfield-------------------------- 310 Pennsville-------------------------------- 250 Flida------------------------------------- 55] Piedmont-------------------------------- 303 Empire----------------------------------- 618 Plains------------------------------------ 300 Etna------------------------------------- 350 Pleasant City---------------------------- 563 Fairpoint--------------------------------- 437 Pleasantville----------------------------- 572 Fort Jennings---------------------------- 326 Port Washington------------------------. 493 606 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: tºº. sº * Wººl; 3. º - Y OWNED UTILITIES : - 250 to 1,000 population Population *Belmont Electric Cooperative, Inc. Proctorville------------------------------ 731 *Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Quaker City------------------------------ 634 *Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc. #; * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º “ºney Muskingum Electric Cooperative, taylan't----- sº IłC. Rendville------- - - - 387 *Licking Rural Electric, Inc. #º (Jefferson County) ------------ ; *North Central Farm Bureau Electric Coop- !C198way -------------------------------- erative. RiverView-------------------------------- 300 *Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Roanoke--------------------------------- 250 *Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc. #º * - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - * * * * -- - - - - - - as sm * ; *United Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *OC* kJi 1018;&- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Also Renders: Heating and water service Roscoe----------------------------------- 660 Mº- º Roswell---------------------------------- 283 Rutland---------------------------------- 562 Saint Louisville-------------------------- 298 34 14 §º:--------------------------. 280 –143 8 Wannaſ -------------------------------- 358 © e tº Scott------------------------------------- § The Ohio Public Service Company Senegaville------------------------------- 802 § - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - - - see as as * * - - - tº ea as sº *s 453 1400 Hanna Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio errodsville - - - - 333 * A - º ś. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 554 (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Short Creek------------------------------ 250 - - - Principal Officers: śi - - - - - - - ; Terrence O. Kennedy------- ---Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Štewartsville III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. §§§ 9. Clyde Henderson------ Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. Stockport 422 Joseph R. Halladay------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. Stration III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 597 || || ohn B. Johnson.---------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. sugarcreek....I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. §§ Edward J. Burger--------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. šugar Grºve...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 429 §. A. Fº *----- - - - m = V: ; º #: #: - sº.-------------------------- €OTge W. BOIlCl---------- ice PreS. iv. Mgr. ś * - - - - - - - - - * * *- - - - - - - - - - ; Justin T. Rogers---------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. Šummitville.....I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 3.5 | Emerson I, Franklin----- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. Syracuse T.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III. 67. FIenry A. Cowgill--------- Vice Pres. & Div. Mgr. Taylorsville III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 884 Mº W. Tºº-Vice PreS. & sº Treas. ..:--------------------------------- ! Onley L. Dunn - - ice Pres. º * * * * - - - - - sº sº me - - - - - - sº as m sº am - - - - - - * * * # Percy V. Fraser------------------------ Vice Pres. Tippecanoe.........I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 555 . George E. §nider----------------------- Vice Pres. Tiró II III IIIIIII 3ſ; James M. Beauchamp------------------ Vice Pres. Trinway - - - - - tº- 432 | Directors: J. M. Beauchamp, George W. Bond, Tuscarawas.-- ſº | Edward J. Burger, Rudolph E. Burger, Henry A. Unionport 300 Cowgill, Conley L. Dunn, Emerson L. Franklin, Yanlue --ni-- 355 | Percy W. Fraser, Joseph R. Halladay, C. Clydé V ºnville ; Hº 'º. *a Herbert, łº, H. J."; ("O------- Y Terrence O. Kennedy, Justin T. Rogers, George Wºright - - - - * §: E. Snider, Math. W. Thernes. Yº… 455 The following data are for the year 1940: ashington.--------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 297 | Electric Utility Plant------------------- $48,465,419 §:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #|Electric operating Revenues. $12,299,968 Wº......................... ;|Number of Electric Customers.--------- 106,240 Willºve - - - - - ess is eas ºs º- - - - - - -s = m a.º. - - - - - - ºr as as ; Geneº Capacity: Rilowatts 1n Ile - * * * - Total.----------------------------- 104, 515 Wintersville ----------------------------- 742 *-*- Utilities Served at Wholesale: iº, - - - sº ºn - - - - - - - - - - - 103, ; PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: - e º: Internal Combustion----------------- 212 Appalachian Electric Power Co. (W.Va.). te h Dixon Electric Corporation. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Duquesne Light Co. (Pa.). Total----------------------------- 879, 270, 129 The General Utilities Co. - --- Guinsler Electric Co. Generated.---------------------------- 559, 707, 100 Indiana and Michigan Electric Co. (Ind.). Purchased.---------------------------- 84, 393, 637 The Marion-Reserve Power Co. Interchanged (gross-in) --------------- 235, 169,392 Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. * * * º (W. Va.). Communities Served at Retail: Mººnd Light Co. 10,000 population or more Population 6ñio Midland fight and Power Co. Alliance----------------------------------- 22, 405 The Ohio Public Service CO. Ashland----------------------------------- 2.É. Seneca Light & Power Co. Elyria------------------------------------- 25, 120 The Union POW'er CO. Lorain------------------------------------- 44, 125 Wheeling Electric Co. Mansfield--------------------------------- 37, 154 B. F. Goodrich Co. Sºº------------------------------- ;: Pº, ºrs: warren...I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. 12,537 Arcadia Board of Public airs. º *Carey Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. 1,000 to 10,000 population *Greenwich Municipal Water & Light Plant. Bellevue----------------------------------- 6, 127 *Ohio City Electric Light Plant. Canal Fulton------------------------------ 1, 115 *Plymouth Light and Water Plant. Cortland---------------------------------- 1,014 *Republic Board of Public Affairs. Garrettsville------------------------------- 1, 264 *Saint Clairsvillo Board of Trustees of Public Leavittsburg------------------------------ 3, 103 Affairs. Loudonville------------------------------- 2, 334 *Shiloh Board of Public Affairs. Navarre----------------------------------- 1,703 *Sycamore Municipal Light & Water Plant. Newton Falls------------------------------ 3, 120 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 607 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Port Clinton.------------------------------ 4, 505 Sebring------------------------------------ 3, 902 Sheffield Lake----------------------------- 1,099 Vermilion--------------------------------- 1, 616 250 to 1,000 population Augusta----------------------------------- 260 Beloit------------------------------------- 706 Berlin Heights---------------------------- 552 Bowdil (North Lawrence).----------------- 375 Castalia----------------------------------- 800 Catawba Island--------------------------- 432 Champion--------------------------------- 800 Dalton------------------------------------ 774 East Greenville---------------------------- 291 Farmington------------------------------- 650 Flat Rock--------------------------------- 360 Gypsum----------------------------------- 551 Hayesville--------------------------------- 363 HomeWorth------------------------------- 403 Jeromeville-------------------------------- 474 Justus------------------------------------- 322 Lakeside---------------------------------- 351 Marblehead------------------------------- 915 Marlboro---------------------------------- 300 North Fairfield---------------------------- 406 North Ridgeville-------------------------- 600 Parkman---------------------------------- 300 Perrysville-------------------------------- 728 Richville---------------------------------- 300 Ridgeville--------------------------------- 450 Rocky Ridge------------------------------ 275 Sheffield----------------------------------- 733 South Amherst---------------------------- 847 South Bass Island------------------------- 300 South Boulevards.------------------------ 321 Southington------------------------------- 300 Wakeman--------------------------------- 522 West Brookfield 350 West Farmington.-- - - 483 Windham--------------------------------- 316 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Alliance Public Service Co. (Interchange). Cedar Point Utilities CO. Central Ohio Light & Power Co. The Marion-Reserve Power Co. The New London Power Co. The Ohio Power Co. (Interchange). The Toledo Edison Co. (Interchange) The Western Reserve Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Amherst Electric Light Plant. *Beach City Board of Public Service. *Village of Brewster. *Huron Light and Water. *Lucas Village Municipal. *Village of Monroeville. - *Niles Municipal Water and Light Dept. *Oak Harbor Light and Water Plant. ºn Medina Rural Electric Cooperative, In C. Also renders: Interurban freight railway service. 34–152 Pt. Isabel Electric Light Co. Bethel, Ohio #2 Principal Officers: Mark Trees--------------------------------- PreS. John Bulow---------------------------- Vice PreS. Aaron Liming------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: John Bulow, Aaron Liming, Mark Trees. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $1,500 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,084 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 34 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 17,672 34–159 Seneca Light & Power Co. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Principal Officers: R. S. Graves------------------------------- Owner F. F. Hamilton----------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $17,927 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $29,707 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 508 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 724, 368 Community Served at Retail: Population Attica------------------------------------ 780 34–163 Southern Ohio Public Service Company 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd-------------------------------- PreS. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice PreS. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. D. Anderson, Frank B. Ball, A. E. Craig, F. W. Drager, Edw. R. Meyer, Geo. N. Tidd, C. E. Torrey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $327, 354 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,650 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1. Generating Capacity: Kilowatts al------------------------------------- 2,600 Steam-------------------------------------- 2,000 Hydro-------------------------------------- 600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Ohio Power Co. 34–168 The Toledo Edison Company Edison Bldg., Toledo, Ohio (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: C. L. Proctor------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. J. M. Beauchamp-----------------------Vice Pres. J. F. O'Connor--------Vice Pres. Chg. Operations H. T. Ledbetter----------------------------- Secy. A. C. Van Driesen-------------------------- Treas. W. A. Marshall----------------------- ASSt. Secy. H. J. Bash---------------------------- Asst. Treas. C. B. Wedum---------------- Asst. Secy. & Treas. Directors: J. M. Beauchamp, R. E. Burger, C. A. Harrison, H. H. Kerr, H. T. Ledbetter, S. K. Mahon, G. W. McIver, J. F. O'Connor, C. L. Proctor, A. C. Van Driesen, Geo. D. Welles. Controls: Toledo & Indiana Realty Co. (real estate). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $71,792,682 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $11,601, 661 Number of Electric Customers---------- 121, 116 608 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal.----------------------------- 1S0, 280 Steam-------------------------------- 175, 280 Hydro-------------------------------- 5,000 Energy Available in Year: Pºlowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 682,659,344 Generated---------------------------- 559,611,410 Purchased.---------------------------- 76, 170,054 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 46,877,880 Communities Served at Retail: º 10,000 population or more Population Toledo----------------------------------- 282,349 1,000 to 10,000 population Archbold.--------------------------------- 1, 236 Defiance---------------------------------- 9,744 Delta------------------------------------- 1,773 Gibsonburg------------------------------ 2, 169 Holgate---------------------------------- 1,050 Maumee - - - - - - ---- 4, 683 Ottawa Hills----------------------------- 1,979 Perrysburg------------------------------- 3, 457 Rossford---------------------------------- 4, 199 SWanton--------------------------------- 1, 594 Sylvania--------------------------------- 2, 199 Wauseon--------------------------------- 3,016 250 to 1.000 population Alvordton-------------------------------- 327 ODO------------------------------------- 355 Burgoon.---------------------------------- 267 Clay Center------------------------------ 400 Curtice----------------------------------- 425 00------------------------------------- 635 Fayette---------------------------------- 912 Grand Rapids---------------------------- 641 Green Springs---------------------------- 930 Hamler----------------------------------- 475 Harbor View.----------------------------- 361 Helena----------------------------------- 268 Holland---------------------------------- 607 Kunkle"--------------------------------- 340 Lindsey---------------------------------- 451 Puckey----------------------------------- 513 Lyons------------------------------------ 464 Martin----------------------------------- 250 McClure--------------------------------- 467 Metamora-------------------------------- 490 Millbury--------------------------------- 428 Moline----------------------------------- 300 °y-------------------------------------- 299 Pettisville-------------------------------- 307 Ridgeville Corners----------------------- 334 Silica------------------------------------- 350 Stony Ridge------------------------------ 300 Tedrow---------------------------------- 300 Wayne----------------------------------- 636 West Unity------------------------------ 920 Weston----------------------------------- 859 Williston--------------------------------- 250 a Served by Kunkle Light and Power Company (34–095) prior to May 1, 1941. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The General Utilities Co. Gerald Light & Power Co. Kunkle Light & Power Co. The Ohio Northern Public ServiceCo. The Ohio Public Service Co. (Interchange). Whitehouse Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Bradner Board of Public Affairs. *Custar, Board of Public Affairs. *Edgerton Municipal Electric Plant. *Elmore Electric Light Plant. *Genoa Board of Public AffairS. *Haskins Municipal Electric Light & Power T)istributing System. *Liberty Center Municipal Light Plant. *Pemberville Municipal Light & Water System. *Pioneer Board of Public Affairs. *Village of Rising Sun. *Walbridge Board of Public Affairs. *Woodville Electric Light System. Also Renders: Gas, hot water, and steam heating Service. 34–170 Union City Electric Company Lima, Ohio (Controlled by Midland United Company through 100% of Voting power.) Principal Officers: Paul A. McLeod----------------------------- Pres. Dencil A. Young----------------------- Vice PreS. Robert R. Peery---------------------- Secy.-Treas. L. Allen------------------------------- Asst. Secy. Frank L. Pringle----------------------- Asst. Secy. Arthur E. Irwin---------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Paul A. McLeod, Robert McMurray, º: R. Peery, Frank L. Pringle, Dencil A. OUIng. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $95,279 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,885 Number of Electric Customers------------ 784 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 308, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population College Corner------------------------------ 379 Union City--------------------------------- 1,497 34–174 The Union Power Company 19% E. High St., Mt. Gilead, Ohio Principal Officers: H - C. Dye---------------------------------- Pres. J. R. Noblet---------------------------- Vice PreS. L. C. Dye---------------------------------- Treas Directors: H. C. Dye, L. C. Dye, J. R. Noblet. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $123, 167 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $31,718 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 612 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 741,840 34–180 The Western Reserve Power and Light Company 109 N. Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Com- pany.) Principal Officers: Boyd A. Bennett---------------------------. Pres. Warren W. Bell--------------- Vice Pres, & Treas. William Insull-------------------------- Vice PreS. W. B. MacIndoe----------------------------- Secy. R. A. Sorensen--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Warren W. Bell, Boyd A. Bennett, William Insull, John Latta, W. B. MacIndoe. Controls: The New London Power Company (distributors of electricity). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-----------------|-- $512, 113 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $164, 797 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,591 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 228, 355 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 609 Communities Served at Retail: Population Burbank----------------------------------- 348 Podł---------------------------------------- 1, 304 Yowa--------------------------------------- 265 Spencer------------------------------------ 591 West Salem-------------------------------- 700 34–182 Wheeling Electric Company 51 16th St., Wheeling, W. Va. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Ohio only)----------------------------- $377,202 Number of Electric Customers: (Ohio only)----------------------------- 6, 833 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bellaire------------------------------------ 13, 799 Bridgeport-------------------------------- 4, 853 Brookside--------------------------------- 975 Lansing----------------------------------- 1, 509 See Also: Principal report under West Virginia (47–190). 34–184 Whitehouse Electric Company Swanton, Ohio Population 718 Community Served at Retail: Whitehouse---------------------------------- 34–186 Wiggonsville Light & Power Co. Bethel, Ohio. Principal Officers: E. E. Wolf---------------------------- - - - - - * * Pres, Eva Huff----------------------------- Vice PreS. P. S. Brown-------------------------------- Secy. Directors: S. E. Callon, L. F. Drew, G. A. Larkins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - ---------------- $1,064 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,480 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 38. Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - --------------------- 34, 241 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NEI) UTILITY: Point Isabelle Light & Power Co. 34–210 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. See Also: operations reported under Illinois (12–203), Indiana (13–205), and Pennsylvania (37–235). 34–223 The Champion Paper & Fibre Company Hannilton, Ohio Officers in Charge of Electric Operations: Guy B. Randall---------------- Consulting Engr. J. F. Rice------------------- Asst. Supt. of Power 322184—42—44 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1, 163,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $19,314 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 1 Rilow (itts Generating Capacity (Steam)--- - - - - - - - - - 26, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale-------------------- 7, 725,600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. 34–236 Diamond Alkali Company 436 Seventh Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 34–249 Elyria Milling and Power Company Elyria, Ohio. 34–288 B. F. Goodrich Company 450 S. Main St., Akron, Ohio. See Also: Principal report under Georgia (10–248). 34—301 Gwynne Building Power Plant, Walter S. Schmidt, Lessee S. W. Cor. 5th & Main Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. J. Overbert------------------------ Blag. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- $25,642 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,865 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 62 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - - - - - 586, 843 34–314 Interlake Iron Corporation 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. T. Woodmancy---------------- Power Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - ---------- $2, 307, 324 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $425,476 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------------. 20, 000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 82,500, 285 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Toledo Edison Co. Also Renders: Manufactured gas Service. 610 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 34–340 Medusa Portland Cement Company 1000 Midland Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio See Also: Principal report under Wisconsin (48–369) and operations reported under Illinois (12–235). 34–353 Pomeroy Salt Corporation Pomeroy, Ohio “Officers in Charge of Electric Operations: Geo. C. Joachim---------------------------Su John Stobart------------------------- Chief #. Tho following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ---------------- $17,851 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $10,210 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 1 - Rilowatts -Generating Capacity (Steam) --------------- 720 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2,710,050 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co. 34–366 Republic Steel Corporation 1630 Republic Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio :See Also: Operations reported under New York (31–434). 34–392 Transue Williams Company 1300 Ely St., Alliance, Ohio 34–405 Trumbull-Cliffs Furnace Company Warren, Ohio 34–431 The Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company Stambaugh Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------ $12,907, 000 Number of Electric Customers: Total---------------------------------------- 12 In Ohio------------------------------------- 10 Rilowatts *Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 111, 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--- 12,898, 210 Energy Sold for Resale - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16, 592, 780 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWN FID UTILITIES: Ohio Edison CO. Pittsburgh and Lake Erie R. R. Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. :See Also: Operations reported under Illinois (12–300) and Indiana (13–315). 34–513 *Amelia Village Light Plant Amelia, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Imo F. Hutson- Board of Public Affairs: Joe Brock, Karl Mattox (preS.), Ed. Reeves. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - - $5,393 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $8,353 Number of Electric Customers------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 224, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Amelia--. ---- 550 34–515 *Amherst Electric Light Plant 647 Park Ave., Amherst, Ohio Population 2,896 Community Served at Retail: Amherst * * - - - - - - - * 34–517 *Anna Municipal Light & Power Plant Anna, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: H. Pfaddt, F. A. Wentz (pres.), L. S. Wolfe (secy). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Number of Electric Customers-------------- Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 180,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Anna------- 485 34–519 *Arcadia Board of Public Affairs Arcadia, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis Blake--------------------------------- Pres. Everett Parrish------------------------ Vice PreS. Wilber E. Beane--------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7, 200 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 180 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 225,000 Community Served at Retail: Arcadia-------------------------------------- 481 34–522 *Arcanum Water and Electric Light Plant South and High Sts., Arcanufm, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Fib-------------------------------- Supt. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 611 Governing Body: L. E. Cupp (pres.), H. K. Smith, W. E. Terrell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135,000 Electric Operating Revenues-...------------ $31, 244 Number of Electric Customers------------ 664 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 488 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 953,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Arcanum----------------------------------- 1, 188 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–524 *The Arlington Municipal Plant Arlington, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: - E. B. Staley--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. C. F. Hartman----------------------- Office Mgr. Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: F. E. Corbin (pres.), Ralph Tracy, Earl Wilch. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $90,000 $16,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 320 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 332 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 525,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Arlington------------------------------------- 752 Also Renders: Water Service. - 34–526 *Bainbridge Board of Public Affairs Bainbridge, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: Theodore Cutright (pres.), Albert Depoy, A. F. HaaS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues $50,000 $11,176 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 137 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 356,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bainbridge----------------------------------- 913 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–530 *Beach City Board of Public Service 411 Third Ave. S. W., Beach City, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Younkin ------------------------------ Supt. Harry Slayman----------------------- Asst. Supt. Board of Public Service: E. G. Fisher, C. S. Miller, W. E. Muskopf (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $35,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $12, 208 Number of Electric Customers------------- 352 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 445, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Beach City---------------------------- ------- 812 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–533 *Bellefontaine Department of Public Utilities Bellefontaine, Ohio Principal ºis Utility Official: F. M. Baxley-------- Chief Engr. Public Utilities The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $174, 163 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 3,889 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 6, 150 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,039,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pellefontaine 9, 808 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The New York Central Railroad Co. The United Telephone Co. PluſBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Iron City. º County Cooperative Power and Light SSIOl. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 34–537 *Berea Light and Water Department City Hall, Berea, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Ralph Kobie----------- Director of Public Service The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $393, 400 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $115, 568 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,839 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4, 264,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Berea--------------------------------------- 6,025 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–539 *Bethel Municipal Light Plant 124 S. Union St., Bethel, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: S. N. Leonard Board of Public Affairs: Hugh Beck, Wm. F. Myers, W. A. Taylor. 612 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $122,850 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $28, 238 Number of Electric Customers --------- 675 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------- 722 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 987, 819 Community Served at Retail: Population Bethel-------------------------------------- 1,604 Utilities Sarved at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: North Bethel Light Co. - West Bethel Light Co. Wiggonsville Light Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 34–541 *Blanchester Municipal Light System Blanchester, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph Powers------------------------------ Supt. Howard Hawk------------------------ Asst. Supt. K. B. Wade-------------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees: George I. Carnahan, W. L. Nysewander, N. C. Reed (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $83,900 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31, 170 Number of Electric Customers------------- 839 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,033, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Blanchester--------------------------------- 1,785 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–544 *Bloomdale Municipal Light and Power Bloomdale, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: W. G. Long, H. H. Simon, R. H. Slotterbeck (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - ------------- $9,584 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 215 Rilowatt-hours Energy purchased -------------------------- 287, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Bloomdale----------------------------------- 575 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–546 *Bluffton Electric Energy and Water Works Plant 101 S. Main St., Bluffton, Ohio Population 2,077 Community Served at Retail: Bluffton------------------------------------ 34–548 *Bradner Board of Public Affairs Bradner, Ohio Population 890 Community Served at Retail: , Bradner-------------------------------------- 34–550 *Willage of Brewster Brewster, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: R. H. Dunmoyer (pres.), S. G. Gibbons, R. C. Pattison. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $53,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,702 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 390 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 748, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Brewster----------------------------------- 1, 534 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–552 *Bryan Board of Public Affairs Bryan, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Merle J. Miller----------------------------- Supt. C. F. Hester-------------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: LeRoy Huenefeld, O. L. Kelly, H. D. Kensinger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,000, 000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $108,297 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,000 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 4, 635 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 6,456,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Bryan-------------------------------------- 5,404 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–555 *Caldwell Electric Light and Water Works Caldwell, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Caldwell ... ss = - as as sº a mº m = m, sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 705 34–557 *Carey Board of Trustees of Public Affairs 127 N. Vance St., Carey, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. J. Lefferson------------------------------ Supt. Eugenia Henry Long----------------------. Secy. Board of Public Affairs: E. W. Mullholand, R. J. Williams, H. E. Wyatt (pres.). D] RECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 613 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $104, 326 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,050 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6,911, 471 Community Served at Retail: Population Carey-------------------------------------- 2,984 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Ohio-Midland Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Wharton Board of Public Affairs. Also Renders: Water service. 34–559 *Board of Trustees of Public Affairs of the Village of Celina Celina, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: F. D. Kuckuck ------------------------ City Mgr. Board of Public Affairs: Ralph Andrews, John Desch (pres.), James Dull. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $127,433 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,400 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,930, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Celina-------------------------------------- 4, 841 34–561 *City of Cleveland, Department of Public Utilities, Division of Light & Power - City Hall, Cleveland, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: John A. Hickey - - - - - - - IDirector of Public Utilities George C. Oxer--Commissioner of Light and Power The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $23,039, 945 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $3,808, 298 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - 54, 832 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 50,000 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: 'Otal 197,291, 000 Generated.---------------------------- 193, 140, 800 Purchased.---------------------------- 4, 150, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bratonahl-------------------------------- 1, 350 Brooklyn--------------------------------- 1, 108 Cleveland-------------------------------- 878, 336 East Cleveland--------------------------- 39, 495 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Euclid-DOwn Power CO. 34–563 *Clyde Municipal Light Plant Clyde, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Rader--------------------------------- Supt. H. A. Einhart. ---------------- Village Electrician H. J. Whittaker------------------- Clerk of Board Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: E. A. Baker (preS.), L. M. Hatton, S. W. Trump. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility JPlant-------------- - - - - - - - - $385, 597 Electric Operating Revenues-------- - - - - - - - $72,043 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 225 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) -------------- 2, 350 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 4, 182,090 Community Served at Retail: Population lyde-------------------------------------- 3, 174 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–566 *Columbiana Board of Trustees of Public Affairs Columbiana, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Russell Royer------------------------------ Supt. Board of Trustees: Ray E. Harrold (chairman), C. M. Hoover, R. C. Miller. \ The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $45,876 Number of Electric Customers - ---------- 1,032 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 736, 800 Population Community Served at Retail: 2, 687 Columbiana-------------------------------- 34–568 *Division of Electricity of the City of Columbus City Hall, 90 W. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Floyd F. Green.---------------------------- Mayor G. F. Clements - - - - - - - - Director of Public Service Robert N. Tucker------------- Supt. Div. of Elec. City Council: Roger N. Addison (preS.), Arvin J. Alexander, W. Herbert Dailey, Ray G. Hauntz, Joseph R. Jones, William L. Lehman, Wyatt L. Millikin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,165, 381 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $884,837 Number of Electric Customers - --------- 6,048 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 20, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 69,706,998 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbus-------------------------------- 306,087 614 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 34–570 *Columbus Grove Light and Water Piant E. Sycamore St., Columbus Grove, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: Frank Babbage (pres.), Chas. Borman, R. P. Killen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $65,000 $26,741 Number of Electric Customers----- -------- 700 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------------- 620 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,008, 562 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbus Grove.--------------------------- 1,737 *Custar Board of Public Affairs Custar, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: J. H. Gottemoller (clerk), A. V. Mahnen (pres.), John Nagel. Village Council: A. Adler, H. Blasins, N. B. Klippel, M. B. Metzger, C. Vance. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ----------------- $912 Number of Electric Customers --------------- 121 Community Served at Retail: Population Custar---------------------------------------- 250 34–572 *Cuyahoga Falls Department of Public Service Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Principal Electric Utility Officials: K. L. Ewart--------------------- Service Director M. E. Brown------------------------------ Treas. H. O. Bolich----------------------------- Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $2, 128, 144 $350, 908 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 123 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 14, 332,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cuyahoga Falls----- 20, 546 Also Renders: Water service. 34–574 *Cygnet Municipal Electric Department Cygnet, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: Orie Bard, F. Boda, Chas. S. Harkness (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- $15,000 $8,500 198 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 200,040 Community Served at Retail: Population Cygnet--------------------------------------- 569 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–577 *Deshler Light and Water Works Municipal Bldg., Deshler, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: A. J. Cluff Supt. Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: F. W. Michael (pres.), R. V. Smith, G. E. Staver. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $165,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $38, 109 Number of Electric Customers----------- 600 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------ 1,015 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,412,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Deshler------------------------------------- 1, 570 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–579 *Dover Electric Light & Power Plant City Hall, E. 3rd St., Dover, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. W. Wagner---------------------- City Auditor Harry Stucky-------------------- Service Director Calvin L. Dorner--------------------- Chief Clerk A. B. Klyne--------------------- Chief Electrician Robert Miller--------------------- Chief Engineer The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $600,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-----------...- $165,796 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,010 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4,660 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 8, 212,404 Community Served at Retail: Population Dover (Tuscarawas County)---------------- 9,691 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Tuscarawas-Coshocton Electric Cooperative. 34–581 *City of East Palestine 75 E. Main St., East Palestine, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Elmer Dishong-----------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $88, 808 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 725 Rºžloºpatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 3,000 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC TITILITIES-OHIO 615. FKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 118, 770 Community Served at Retail: Population * * * * * - - - - - - - - - * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * - - 5, 123 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–582 *Edgerton Municipal Electric Dis- tribution System Edgerton, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. O. May---------------------------- Serviceman E. H. Miller Clerk Board of Public Affairs: C. F. Blaisdell, Owen G. Howard, Paul Krill (pres.). - - - - - - - - sº *s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The following data are for the year 1940: Population 1,082 Community Served at Retail: Edgerton 34–583 *Eldorado Municipal Light Co. Eldorado, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: H. L. Bussard, H. A. Ham- ilton (Pres.), Laren Kisling. The following data are for the year 1940: Community Served at Retail: Population Eldorado 311 - 34–585 *Elmore Electric Light Plant Elmore, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edward Wei The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $56, 750 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22, 170 Number of Electric Cust S. - 467 Rilowatt hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 838, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Elmore------------------------------------- 1, 103 34–587 *Farm Security Administration, Greenhills Project P. O. Box 7, Greenhills Branch, Cincinnati, Ohio Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Fred F. Schroder----------------- Associate Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $304, 790 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $45,380 Number of Electric Customers------------- 676 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------. - 3,973, 500 Population 2, 677 Community Served at Retail: Greenhills---------------------------------- 34–588 * Galion Municipal Light & Power Piant Galion, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: H. C. Dye----------------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: - Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 6, 500 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 11,800, 380 Community Served at Retail: Population Galion-------------------------------------- 8, 685 34–590 *Genoa Board of Public Affairs Genoa, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. C. Mill Earl F. Camper-- Bard of Trustees of Public Affairs: L. C. Ford, C. C. Rice, N. J. Wood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22, 100 Number of Electric Cust sº 504 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 723,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Genoa-------------------------------------- 1,455. Also Renders: Water service. 34–592 *Georgetown Municipal Light Plant Georgetown, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. A. Hannah ----------------------------- Clerk J. L. Reichardt----------------------------- Supt. Wilbur Mudge-----------------------.Asst. Supt. Board of Public Affairs: R. V. Bagby (pres.), H. M. Smith, W. M. Warner (vice pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Rev $24,745 Number of Electric Cust S. 723 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - 723,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Georgetown ---- 1,848 Also Renders: Water service 34–594 *Glouster Board of Public Affairs Glouster, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. D. McAfooes----------------------------- Supt. Frnest Bryson ------------------------ ASSt. Supt. 616 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Board of Public Affairs: John Binderbasin, Ernest Parker (pres.), Carson Vernon (vice pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $29, 403 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 025 Community Served at Retail: Population Glouster------------------------------------ 2,847 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–596 *Grafton Board of Trustees of Public Affairs Grafton, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Grafton--------------------------------------- 971 34–599 *Greenfield Water and Light Department Greenfield, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. O. Holaday----------------------- Chief Engr. Frank DePoy------------------- Chief Electrician Board of Public Affairs: W. W. Everhart (pres), Paul L. Major, Mel J. Shaw. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - ------------- $220, 000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $81,245 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 551 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) - - - - - ------ 1, 750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - - ----------------- 3,068, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenfield--------------------------------- 4, 228 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–601 *Greenwich Municipal Water & Light Plant 7 Main St., Greenwich, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: R. B. Shafer--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: F. D. Donaldson, C. V. Ellis, H. C. Myers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 390 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 550,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenwich----------------------------------- 996 Also Renders: Water Service. 34—603 *Hamersville Municipal Electric Department Hamersville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. M. Hanlon.--------------------------- Mayor Ray Pride-----------Pres. Board of Public Affairs The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,720 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 139 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 112, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Hamersville----------------------------------- 349 34—605 *Hamilton Municipal Electric Plant Municipal Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: C. N. Teaff------------- Director of Public Works The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,726,978 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $667, 239 Number of Electric Customers----------- 13,631 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 23, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 39,383,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Hamilton---------------------------------- 50, 592 34–607 *Haskins Municipal Electric Light & Power Distributing System Haskins, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: . Watts--------------------- Pres. City Council J. Garritt------------------ Clerk & Service Mgr. Board of Public Affairs: E. S. Browne (Mayor), R. Genson, C. Neal (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - - - -------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues. -------------- $5,858 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - -------------------- 139, 560 Community Served at Retail: Population Haskins---------------------------------- 447 34–612 *Hiram Municipal Light Plant Hiram, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: E. H. Clarke (pres.), John A. Darsie (clerk), Donald Dooley (vice pres.), Ray Garver (Supt.), Wm. Squire. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16,816 192 Number of Electric Customers-------------- DIRECTORY 617 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 252 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 532, 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Hiram---------------------------------------- 389 34–614 *Hubbard Light and Power System 35 W. Liberty St., Hubbard, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. Jackson-------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: D. P. Croin- well, H. A. Diroll, E. E. Jones. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------. - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - $106,000 $46,341 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 117 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 940, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Hubbard----------------------------------- 4, 189 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–616 *Hudson Board of Public Affairs Hudson, Ohio - Principal Electric Utility Official: R. O. Pettingell----------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: T. E. Bissell, V. H. King- zette, E. G. Phillips (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $65,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $53,908 Number of Electric Customers------------ 762 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d------------------------ 2,050, 149 Community Served at Retail: Population Hudson------------------------------------ 1, 417 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–618 *Huntsville Electric Light Plant Huntsville, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Huntsville------------------------------------ 353 34—621 *Huron Light and Water South St., Huron, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: R. V. Aicher----------------------- Supt. & Clerk Board of Public Affairs: Ed. Bogen, H. A. Cook (pres.), Walter Garlick. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $85,562 Electric Operating Revenues - ------------- $32, 162 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 824 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,084, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population tlſon-------------------------------------- 1,827 Also Renders: Water service. 34—622 *City of Jackson Jackson, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter McCoy--------- IDirector of Public Service W. O. Wildman ----------------- Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $65,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $78,409 Number of Electric Customers. -------- 2, 115 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 2,820,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Jackson------------------------------------ 6, 295 84–623 *Jackson Center Board of Public Affairs Jackson Center, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. G. Haas---------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $9,527 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 135 Hilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 308, 621 Community Served at Retail: º Jackson Center------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. - 34—625 *Jerry City Municipal Electric System Jerry City, Ohio Population Community Served at Retail: 335 Jerry City------------------------------------ 34—627 *Lakeview Municipal System Lakeview, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Earl Sloan---------------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: J. H. Gamel, Glenn Haldeman, Wilford Reed (pres.). 618 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $11,726 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 405 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 476,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lakeview------------------------------------- 726 Also Renders: Water Service. 34—629 *Lebanon Trustees of Public Affairs Town Hall, Lebanon, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: F. Wertz ---Supt. Board of Trustees: H. Z. Gray, A. B. Kaufman (pres.), J. F. Zimmerman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $72, 405 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,476 - Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 968 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4,232,760 Community Served at Retail: Population Lebanon------------------------------------ 3,890 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 34–632 *LeRoy Willage LeRoy, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: L. L. Pecker------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: Howard Crane, F. W. Daniels, M. J. McVicker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- 108 Kilowatt-hours | Energy Purchased.------------------------- 288, 140 Community Served at Retail: Population LeRoy----------------------------------- 254 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–634 *Liberty Center Municipal Light Plant Liberty Center, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chas. J. Baker------------------------------ upt. Bryan Jennings-----------------------4ASSt. Supt. Board of Public Affairs: Cyril Ernst, G. V. Russell, Evan Spiess. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,734 | Number of Electric Customers.------------- 325 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 346,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Liberty Center------------------------------- 787 Also Renders: Water service. 34–636 *Lowellville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs 400 E. Water St., Lowellville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: William J. Wylam-------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Frank Curry, Ralph DeLucia, W. P. Johnston (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,072 Number of Electric Customers------------- 580 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 739, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Lowellville--------------------------------- 2, 359 34–638 *Lucas Willage Municipal Lucas, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: H. S. Hebel Board of Public Affairs: F. Banks, P. Hawkins, R. Mowers (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 202 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 311, 410 Community Served at Retail: Population UlcaS------------------------------------- 484 34—643 *Marshallville Municipal Light Department Marshallville, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: H. A. Board, R. L. Kersh- ner (pres.), Wayne Stevic (vice pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $8,773 Number of Electric Customers------------- 148 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 946, 590 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshallville--------------------------------- 373 34—645 *Martins Ferry Municipal Light Plant First & Hanover Sts., Martins Ferry, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Thomas R. Jamison.------------------------ Supt. James F. Koehler-------------------- Chief Engr. J. W. Shane--------------------- Service Director DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 619 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $750,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $177,615 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 228 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 4, 500 Rºlowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 11, 189, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Martins Ferry------------------------ 14, 729 Also Renders: Water Service. 34—647 *Mendon Board of Public Affairs Mendon, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Mendon---------- Population 547 34—649 *City of Miamisburg Central Ave., Miamisburg, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. E. Beachler y J. E. Pollock-------------------- Service Director City Council: A. H. Balliett, G. K. Butt, A. K. Haeussler, J. H. Mason, E. H. Rice, Dawson W. Smith (pres.), L. Suttman, J. B. Treon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $147,425 Number of Electric Cust lº 2,260 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 5,640, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Miamisburg--- - 5, 544 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 34–651 *Milan Electric Light Plant Milan, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Milan Population 719 34—654 *Minerva Board of Public Affairs Minerva, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. Lippincott---------------------------- Secy. Trustees of Board of Public Affairs: Glen Haines, J. A. Larsen (pres.), Thomas Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $281,668 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $72,914 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 117 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------ 2, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - - - ----------------- 3, 562, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Minerva------------------------------- 2,937 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–656 *Minster Light Plant Minster, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: I. 4---------------------------------- Supt Board of Public Affairs: Carl Eiting, Oscar Rulman, Hy. Schworer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $38,927 Number of Electric Customers------------ 516 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,804, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Minster------------------------------------- 1, 504 Also Renders: Water Serivee. 34–658 *Willage of Monroeville Monroeville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: . A. Moody------------------------------- Supt. Howard Lee-------------------------- ASSt. Supt. Thomas Johnston--------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: Harold Behrens, Harold McChesney, Clifford Mushett. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $48,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $24, 324 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 470 Community Served at Retail: Population Monroeville--------------------------------- 1, 173 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–660 *Montpelier Light and Water Plant. Townhall, Montpelier, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: I. M. Hoover-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: J. E. Cox (pres.), C. G. Richmond, H. W. Wertz, O. K. Wingard (clerk). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $293,945 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $80,944 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,338 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3, 547, 213 Community Served at Retail: Population Montpelier------ 3,703 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water Service. 620 EEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 34–662 *Mount Cory Board of Public Affairs Mount Cory, Ohio Board Members: A. E. King, A. R. Klammer, W. B. Kramer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $3, 150 Number of Electric Customers------------- 102 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - -------------------- 122,472 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Cory - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 273 34–665 *Napoleon Water Works and Electric Light Plant 127 W. Washington St., Napoleon, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: C. F. Kelley-------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: E. V. Auster- miller, J. W. Harper, Arthur E. Saneholtz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - ------------- $404, 288 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $125,472 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 180 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,458, 538 Community Served at Retail: Population Wapoleon----------------------------------- 4, 825 Also Renders: Water Service. ſº 34–667 *Nelsonville Light Plant Nelsonville, Ohio The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $180,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $37,407 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1,000 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)-------- 600 FKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 293, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Nelsonville Also Renders: Water Service. * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5, 368 34–669 *New Bremen Light and Water Plant New Bremen, Ohio Community Served at Retail: New Bremen Population 1,484 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 34—671 *New Concord Board of Public Affairs New Concord, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: M. W. Taylor------------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: C. R. Layton (pres.), Ralph Marshall, G. C. McConagha. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,063 Number of Electric Customers------------- 421 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 539,056 Community Served at Retail: Population New Concord------------------------------ 1,067 34–673 *New Knoxville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs New Knoxville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. F. Beickman--------------------------- Mayor G. H. Kattmann----------------------------Pres. E. E. Katterheinrich------------------- Vice PreS. Walter A. Kuck--------------------- Service Mgr. Bmma May Stork-- Clerk Board of Public Affairs The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $9,154 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 208 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 227, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population New Knoxville------------------------------- 557 34–676 *Newark Municipal Electric Light Plant Newark, Ohio 34–678 *Niles Municipal Water and Light Department Niles. Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. P. Kearney-------------------- . . . . . Mayor Oliver C. Evans----------------- Service Director Bert Holloway * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $367,490 Number of Electric Customers - --------- 4, 902 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 20,048,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Niles-------------------------------------- 16, 273 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 34—680 *Norwalk Electric Light Department 38 Whittlesey Ave., Norwalk, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: M. G. Irvin--------------------------------- Supt. Board of Control: Fred Link, Wm. C. Saladin, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $180, 660 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 220 Rilowatts ‘Generating Capacity (Stearn).------------- 5,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,642, 000 4Community Served at Retail: Population Norwalk * as sº as sº as sº sº sº. º. as * * * sº sº m sº sº me as sº me tº º ºs º º 8, 211 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Ohio Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Milan Electric Light Plant. *Firelands Electric Cooperative, Inc. 34–682 *Oak Harbor Light and Water Plant Oak Harbor, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sinke Bahnsen------------------------------ Supt. Pat Gillespie--------------------------4ASSt. Supt. Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: Loyd Hetrick, Leslie Meyer, Myron Rosentreter (Pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- PCilowatt-hours $31,955 799 Energy Purchased-...---------------------- 1, 195, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Oak Harbor-------------------------------- 1,925 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–684 *Oberlin Municipal Power Oberlin, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Iight and H. V. Zahm... . . . . --------------------- City Mgr. H. A. Broadwell.---------------------- City Clerk C. R. Comings. -- - - - - - - - - -. Chairman of Council The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $281,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $118,000 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 722 Rilow'atts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 1,627 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 335,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Oberlin------------------------------------- 4, 305 34–687 *Ohio City Electric Light Plant Ohio City, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Flager-------------------------------- PreS. Harry Blossom------------------------ Electrician The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,685 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 286 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 304,474 Community Served at Retail: Population Ohio City------------------------------------ 870 34—689 *Orrville Municipal Utilities c/o Board of Public Affairs, 1133 Perry St., Orr- ville. Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. P. Specht--------------------------------- C. K. Plymire Board of Public Affairs: C. R. Fugitt, S. A. Huber, R. A. Kinney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $737, 150 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $143,058 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 2, 103 Púlowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 771,942 Community Served at Retail: Population Orrville * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sº as a sº me a sº as sº sº, sº as º sm. 4,484 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Marshallville Municipal Light Dept. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 34–691 *City of Painesville City Hall, Painesville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. S. Fullerton ------------------------- City Mgr. J. H. Murray. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Auditor J. H. Fitzgerald. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cashier-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $868, 732 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $254,003 Number of Electric Customers. ---------- 4, 275 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 8,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 10, 510, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Painesville-------------------------------- 12, 235 Also renders: Water and gas Service. 622 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 34–693 *Paulding Light and Water Works Paulding, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. M. Mott--------------------------------- Supt. Maude S. Wiegel--------------------------- Clerk Trustees: H. G. Barnes, John Durk, Lloyd Parson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $44,908 Number of Electric Customers----------- 750 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 980 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 597, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Paulding----------------------------------- 2,044 Also Renders: Water Service. 34—695 *Pemberville Municipal Light & Water System Pemberville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest Wiegmun----------------------------- Supt. J. F. Moenter------------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: F. AufderstroSSe, C. Elsen- hour, J. F. Gillhaur (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,766 Number of Electric Customers--------- ** * * * 410 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 498, 300 Community Served at Retail Population Pemberville-- 1,036 Also Renders: Water Service. 34—698 *Pioneer Board of Public Affairs Pioneer, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. Kasky------------------------------ Electrician L. Doolittle--------------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: T. J. Gilpin, Fred Hadley (secy.), Fern Lonabarger (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,960 Number of Electric Customers------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 420,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Pioneer--------------------------------------- 762 34–700 *Piqua Municipal Light Department City Bld’g., Piqua, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. R. Buechner------------------------ City Mgr. W. J. Baldwin---------------- Finance Director W. O. Cobb - º --- *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --> upt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $342,426 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4,980 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 12,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 16, 542, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Piqua------------------------------------- 16,049 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 34–702 *Plain City Light and Water Works Plain City, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: F. C. Lewis -- * * - - as * - - * * - * * - - - sº - - - - - - - Supt Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: E. Reach (preS.), R. H. Jackson, M. H. Noteman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $184,617 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $31,908 Number of Electric Customers---------- 697 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 876 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 1,014, 881 Community Served at Retail: Population Plain City---------------------------- 1, 385 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–704 *Plymouth Light and Water Plant Plymouth, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: C. R. Crawford----------------------------. Supt. Board of Public Affairs: Walter Dawson, N. B. Sheperd, W. W. Wirth (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 531 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 556,056 Community Served at Retail: Population Plymouth---------------------------------- 1, 403 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY 623 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 34–705 *Prospect Municipal System Prospect, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: D. S. Hollister------------------------------- Mgr. Board of Public Affairs: A. A. Fleming------------------------------- PreS. A. M. Strasser-------------------------- Vice PreS. C. E. Almendinger-------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16,246 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 435 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 386,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Prospect------------------------------------ 915 34–706 *Reading Light and Water Plant Reading, Ohio * * *me - - - - - * * * ~ * * * * * * = a- - Service Director Wm. E. Uhrig, Jr - Council Water and Light Committee: Wm. Kramer, E. Proud, Ray Yochman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $325,455 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $103,485 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,879 kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,398, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Reading------------------------------------ 6,079 Also Renders: Water and steam Service. 34–708 *Republic Board of Public Affairs Republic, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: B. F. Neikirk----------------------- Maintenance Governing Body: Wm. Funk, A. J. Michener, Willis Stahl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $12,500 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $6,033 Number of Electric Customers------------- 210 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 171,281 Community Served at Retail: Population Republic-------------------------------------- 546 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–711 *Ripley Board of Public Affairs Ripley, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry C. Schroth - sº H. R. Tyler--------------------------------- Clerk Supt. ' Board of Public Affairs: A. C. Green, W. P. Kin- caid, Dr. Geo. P. Tyler, Jr. (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $25,910 Number of Electric Customers------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 718,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Ripley-------------------------------------- 1,623 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–713 *Willage of Rising Sun Rising Sun, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. F. Essex---------------------------- Custodian H. D. Green----------------------------- Collector Board of Public Affairs: Geo. C. Grover, Paul F. Hower, F. W. Phillips (pres.). º The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $8,593 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 231 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 221, 530 Community Served at Retail: Population Rising Sun----------------------------- 645 34–715 *Sabina Board of Public Affairs Sabina, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Phelps-------------------------------- Supt. Alva G. Barr------------------------------- Engr. Board of Public Affairs: C. W. Custis, H. S. Gal- laher, W. S. Snider. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $26,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 615 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - 600 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 919,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sabina-------------------------------------- 1, 525 Aso Renders: Water Service. 34–717 *City of St. Bernard St. Bernard, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: JoS. A. Schottelkotte----------------------- Mayor Leo E. Heimert------------------ Service Director John J. Drees----------------------------- Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $350,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $107, 170 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 2, 250 624 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatts Cenerating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 553 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 794, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Bernard------------------------------ 7,387 34–719 *Saint Clairsville Board of Trustees of Public Affairs 113 W. Main St., St. Clairsville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Norris.------------------------------- Supt. Laura Thompson.-------------------------- Clerk D. Allen Bond.-------------------------- Solicitor Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: Harold Hen- derson, D. S. Thompson, Wm. Reline (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $44,773 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 854,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Clairsville -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,797 Also Renders: Water Service, 34–722 *Saint Marys Electric Light Co. Spring St., St. Marys, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Marys-------------------------------- 5, 532 34–724 *Seville Light & Power Department Seville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: - E. D. Steele-------------------------------- Supt. Board Members: T. Hershel Eshelman, George Over, Chas. W. Summers (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $22, 428 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 415 Rºilou:att-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 631, 341 Community Served at Retail: Population Seville---------------------------------------- 850 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–726 *Shelby Municipal Light Plant Shelby, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. R. Morris. -------------------------- |Mayor J. P. Adkins--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $683,903 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $154, 799 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 292 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7,063,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelby-------------------------------------- 6,643 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–728 *Shiloh Board of Public Affairs Shiloh, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: T. A. Barnes (clerk), Clay Bixler, W. W. Kester (pres.), R. C. Moser. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,127 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 209 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 214, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Shiloh---------------------------------------- 519 34–730 *South Vienna Light Plant South Vienna, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: VI. Runyon----------------------------- Mayor William W. Wilson.------------------------- Clerk Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: H. E. Bennett (pres.), C. E. Davy, D. S. Jones. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,492 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Vienna (South Vienna). ---------------------- 420 34–733 *Spencerville Board of Public Affairs Spencerville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. Marbaugh Board of Public Affairs: Harry Baker, Jesse Davies, Milton Lowry. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $27, 541 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 665 Kilow'affs Generating Capacity (Steam) ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - 370 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated ... -----, ---------------- 663,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Spencerville--------------------------------- 1,623 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 625 34–735 *Stryker Board of Public Affairs Stryker, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. L. Sloan------ Pres. C. S. Scheer --Plant Engr. Board of Public Affairs: J. E. Mignery, J. L. Sloan, G. O. Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $85,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,552 Number of Electric Customers------------- 325 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Coºmbustion------------------------- 340 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 554, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Stryker 929 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–737 *Sycamore Municipal Light & Water Plant Sycamore, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Lorah--------------------------------- Clerk J. W. Hardinger-- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $12,026 Number of Electric Cust sº 353 Aſilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 327, 959 Community Served at Retail: Population Sycamore 816 Also Renders: Water service. 34–739 *Tipp City Power Plant Tipp City, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: F. M. Hageman ---------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: Harry Ritter, Raymond Smith (pres.), O. E. Wells. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $65,000 Number of Electric Cpstomers------------ 1,000 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) -------------- 1,768 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 3,350,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Tipp City-------- 2,879 34–741 *Tontogany Board of Public Affairs Tontogany, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: Harry Burner, H. H. Moore, John Schaller (chairman). 322184—42 45 Village Council: E. P. Bateson, N. G. Coale (mayor), Gerald Croll, E. A. Fox. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,661 Number of Electric Customers------------- 151 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 188, 550 Community Served at Retail: Population Tontogany 369 34–744 *Troy Light and Power Plant Public Service Office, Troy, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: D: Boak---- * * Mayor John F. Porter------------------- Service Director The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $62, 173 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $321, 167 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,896 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 13,412,090 Community Served at Retail: Population Troy 9,697 34–746 *Versailles Board of Public Affairs Versailles, Ohio Board of Public Affairs: Henry Fischer (pres.), J. § Hº C. W. Ploch (vice pres.), W. G. Zechar C19H K). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $170,974 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50,343 Number of Electric Customers------------ 710 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) - - - - --------- 868 Pºlowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 1,197,500 Community Served at Retail: Population Versailles------- 1, 711 Also Renders: Steam heat and water service. 34–748 *Wadsworth Light Department Broad St., Wadsworth, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Collier------------ I)irector of Public Service Harley Williams * * * * Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $131,219 Number of Electric Cust sº 2, 513 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased 5, 232,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Sharon Center------------------------------ 250 Wadsworth 6,495 626 COMMISSION FEDERAL POWER 34–750 *Walbridge Board of Public Affairs * a Sold distribution system and facilities to The Toledo Edison Co. (34–168) on July 10, 1941. Walbridge, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Walbridge Population 985 * * * * * * = &º º ºn gº º ºs º sº tº º gº 34–752 *Wapakoneta Electric Department 103 Willipie St., Wapakoneta, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis Helpling. ---------- - - - - - Director of Service Cleve W. Davis--------- Foreman of Distribution The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $83,217 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 2,014 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4, 174, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Wapakoneta 5, 225 34–755 *Waterville Light and Power System Waterville, Ohio Board of Trustees of Public Affairs: C. R. Shoe- maker, J. A. Sweeny. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $25,265 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 368 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 542 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 766,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Waterville pe = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 961 Also renders: Water service. 34–757 *Wauseon Municipal Light & Water Works, Board of Public Affairs Wauseon, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. O. Seidner------------------------------- Supt. E. E. Baer---------------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: Wm. Fink, Kenneth | McClarren (preS.), Ira Porter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,200 Number of Electric Customers------------- 268 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Gerald Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Water service. 34–759 *Waynesfield Board of Public ffairs Waynesfield, Ohio Community Served at Retail: Population Waynesfield---------------------------------- 592 34–761 *Wellington Board of Public ffairs Wellington, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Gadfield------------------------------- Supt. A. W. Arnold.------------------------- Asst. Supt. R. W. Puder-------------------------- Chief Engr. Jno. T. Duff-------------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: W. S. Bennett, C. L. Hill (pres.), W. W. Hyde. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $44, 177 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $68,681 Number of Electric Customers------------ 949 - - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 1,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,943, 762 Community Served at Retail: Population Wellington---------------------------------- 2, 529 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–763 *Wellston Light and Power Plant Wellston, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. R. Wilson----------------------------- Director Thomas Morgan Supt. W. A. Lausch---------------------------- Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $325,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $61,688 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 534 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 500 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 641, 750 Community Served at Retail: Population Wellston- * * * 5, 537 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–766 *Westerville Power and Light Department 21 S. State St., Westerville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. W. Shoemaker---------------------- City Mgr. R. W. Schwarzkopf------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $61, 763 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 230 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 627 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,652,650 Community Served at Retail: Population Westerville--------------------------------- 3, 146 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–768 *Wharton Board of Public Affairs Wharton, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: John L. Long-------------------------------- Clerk Board of Public Affairs: F. J. Buess, E. P. Kear, Roy Watson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $27, 729 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,394 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 157 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 168,500 Community Served at Retail: Population Wharton-------------------------------------- 407 34–770 *Willard Board of Trustees of Public Affairs Willard, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Slack * e C. C. Hessler-------------------------------- Clerk Village Board of Trustees: C. W. Beamer (pres.), J. P. Jacobs, L. W. Wilkinson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $76,652 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,400 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 747, 290 Community Served at Retail: POpulation Willard------------------------------------- 4, 261 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Celeryville Mutual Light & Power Co. *Centerton Mutual Light & Power Co. *Richmond Mutual Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Water service. 34–772 *Willoughby Light Department 9 Second St., Willoughby, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Fred Richardson---------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: A. E. Harrold (pres.), łºcann, H. G. Ohm, George E. Thomas Clerk), The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $310,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $102,427 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 435 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 3,993,600 Population Community Served at Retail: Willoughby--------------------------------- 4, 364 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–774 *Woodsfield Electric Light Plant Woodsfield, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: Albert Weibel.------------------------------ Supt. Board of Public Affairs: A. E. Fraley, B. F. Paulus (chairman), J. R. Walters. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $29,072 Number of Electric Customers------------- 847 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 504 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 902, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodsfield---------------------------------- 2,442 34–777 *Woodville Electric Light System 212 Bridge St., Woodville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Official: R. H. Sandwisch---------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Affairs: I. G. Hoesman (pres.), J. J. Sandwisch, F. W. Weber. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22,414 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 467 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 801,040 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodville---------------------------------- 1,219 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–779 *Yellow Springs Board of Trustees of Public Affairs Yellow Springs, Ohio º lis------------------------- Supt. & Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,129 Number of Electric Customers------------ 632. Rilowatt-hours: Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 143,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Yellow Springs----------------------------- 1,640 Also Renders: Water Service. 34–807 *Belmont Electric Cooperative, - Inc. St. Clairsville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. R. Brokaw------------------------------- PreS Harry L. McAllister------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $549, 417 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $59,385 Number of Electric C º PS, 1, 537 628 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 910, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Lewisville------------------------------------ 252 Summerfield---------------------------------- 372 34–809 *Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gallipolis, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. E. Elliott--------------------------------- Pres. John R. Lusher------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $167, 116 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,172 Number of Electric Customers------------- 495 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 58,800 34–810 *Butler Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. 618 Maple Ave., Hamilton, Ohio Principal Electric Martin O. Petri----------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues. ------------- $367, 538 $39,519 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,036 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 757, 200 * * 34–822 *Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc. Carrollton, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. S. Dilley--------------------------------- Pres. F. S. Brown--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------- ------------- $378,638 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,823 Number of Electric Customers------------- 836 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 381,600 34–834 *Celeryville Mutual Light & Power Company R. F. D. #2, Willard, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joab Weiss---------------------------------- PreS. Sam Fortner---------------------------- Vice Pres. Fred Vogel---------------------------------- Secy. John Weiss - Treas. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,537 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 48 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 89, 178 Community Served at Retail: Population Celeryville - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 34–836 *Centerton Mutual Light and Power Company Centerton, Ohio 34–838 *Darke Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. 302 S. Broadway, Greenville, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred H. Steffen----------------------------- PreS. R. H. Orton--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $462,251 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $47, 325 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,415 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 819,000 34–840 *Delaware Rural Electric Cooper- ative, Inc. Delaware, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: De Lacy Carney---------------------------- Pres. W. O. Ziegler------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $260, 186 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $36,253 Number of Electric Customers------------- 930 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 717,000 34–842 *Firelands Electric Cooperative, Inc. North Fairfield, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. C. HaWn--------------------------------- ProS Milton J. Wilhelm-------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $271,008 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $32, 242 Number of Electric Customers------------- 815 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 590, 200 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 629 34—843 *Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, Inc. 22 E. Main St., New Concord, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Paul Flegal---------------------------------- PreS. H. B. Smith--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: z Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $812,494 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $66,227 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,934 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 994, 000 34–844 *Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc. North Baltimore, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. W. Dick--------------------------------- FreS R. P. Luse---------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---- $578, 849 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $43,726 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,660 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 543, 700 34–845 *Holmes Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Millersburg, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lloyd Alexander---------------------------- PreS. George Hefferline--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $669,241 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $90,470 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,953 Fºllowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 467,380 32—847 *Inter-County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hillsboro, Ohio Principal *::::: Utility Officials: Harry A. West------------------------------ PreS Harry E. Carter---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $734, 591 Electric Operating Revenues------------- -- $59,795 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,684 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 180, 320 34–850 *Licking Rural Electrification, Inc. 112 Main St., Utica, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph S. D C. D. D The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $728,856 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $69,439 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2,238 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 225,800 34–853 *Logan County Cooperative Power & Light Association, Inc. Bellefontaine, Ohio Pºlº, Electric Utility Officials: W. G. Denmead-------------------------- PreS Emerson W. Garling------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $327,451 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $33,995 Number of Electric Customers------------- 870 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 433,336 34–854 *Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Wellington, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. W. Carlt Harry A. Boward- ----Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $478,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $70,046 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 589 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 584,400 34–855 *Marion Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Marion, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. A. Davidson----------------------------- PreS. Kenneth Kinsler---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $290, 353 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $33,785 Number of Electric Customers------------- 765 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 704, 160. 630 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 34–856 *Midwest Electric Inc. St. Marys. Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harmon Wright----------------------------- PreS. Thomas R. Kern--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $587,069 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $75,749 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,817 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 435, 400 34–857 *Morrow Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Mount Gilead, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Il O. R. McMillan----------------------------- PreS Howard Clapper * = Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --- $294,473 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $39,157 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,008 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 796, 560 34–858 *Muskingum Valley Farm Bureau Electric Cooperative, Inc. Coshocton, Ohio 34–860 *North-Central Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Attica, Ohio Principal Electric Utility Officials: Leonard B. Keller----- Tres. R. J. Williams------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $762, 168 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $82,237 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2, 308 Júlowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1,428,800 34–863 *Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Montpelier, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: !!!oyd Hays--------------------------------- PreS. Fred Swinehart----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $382,459 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $44,951 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 1, 168 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 799,880 34–866 *Okalona Farmers Light Company R. F. D. No. 2, Napoleon, Ohio 34–868 *Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc. I01 N. Main St., Paulding, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. B. Wortman----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. V. E. Patterson----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $554,854 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $70, 303 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 2,064 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------- T- - - - - - - - - - 1, 199, 100 34–870 *Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 117 Union St., Piqua, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W W. R. Joslin-------------------------------- PreS A. E. Halterman---------------, ----------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,342,281 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $163, 529 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 3, 870 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 674, 470 34–875 *Richmond Mutual Light and Power Company R. F. D. No. 2, Willard, Ohio. 34–880 *South-Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 317 North Broad St., Lancaster, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. M. Ochs DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OHIO 631 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $847, 557 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $104,621 Number of Electric Customers---- -- * * * * * * * * 2,875 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 1, 788,000 34–890 *Tri County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Napoleon, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Flowers. ---------. ** * * * * * * * * * * * m = - * * * * Pres. A. E. Steinbecher----, --------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $160, 602 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,015 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 512 t PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 356,000 34–891 *Tuscarawas-Coshocton Electric Cooperative, Inc. Coshocton, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. C. Darling------------------------------ PreS Lewis E. Buehler-...---------...-------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $519,336 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $59,542 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1,646 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,082,244 34–893 *Union Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 124 N. Main St., Marysville, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. O. Wiley-------------------------------- PreS. Carl R. Jenny------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $377,840 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $48, 308 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 160 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,081,900 34–894 *United Rural Electric 210 S. Detroit St., Kenton, Ohio. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. C. Powell------------------------------- Pres W. C. Ewing------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $376,686 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $42,885 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 237 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 666,800 34–895 *Western Farm Bureau Electric Cooperative, Inc. 316 E. Spring St., St. Marys, Ohio. OKLAHOMA Index Reference Number *Alfalſa Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ *Aline Electric Light System----------------- 35–512 *Altus Electric Light Department----------- 35–515 *Amorita, Town of-------------------------- 35–518 *Anadarko Municipal Water and Light----- 35–521 Baker Utilities Company, Earl W. ---------- 35–011 Bell, Mr. Frank ---- 35–013 *Blackwell, City of.- - 35–524 *Braman, City of.--------------------------- Burlington Light and Power Company------ 3 "Byron, Town of---------------------------- 5–530 Cache Telephone & Electric Co------------- 35–0.27 *Caddo Electric Cooperative---------------- 35–820 *Carmen Light and Water Plant------------ 35–533 Carroll, J. C.-------------------------------- 35–030 *Cashion, Town of.------------------------- 35–536 *Central Rural Electric Cooperative--------- Central States Power & Light Corporation of Oklahoma------------------------------ 35–034 *Chelsea Municipal Plant------------------- 35–539 *Qherokee Light & Water, City of.---------- 35–542 *Cimarron Electric Cooperative------------- 35–825 Cimarron Utilities Company---------------- *Claremore Light and Water T)epartment--- *Collinsville Water and Light Department-- *Comanche Light and Water System-------- *Consumers Rural Electric Company------- *Copan Light and Power System.------------ 35–554 *Cordell City Light and Water Department 35–555 35–835 *Cotton Electric Cooperative---------------- 5–8 *Crescent Light and Water------------------ 35–557 *Cushing, City of.--------------------------- 35–559 *Dacoma Municipal Light Department----- 35–560 Dewey Portland Cement Company--------- *Duncan, City of --------------------------- Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co-------- *East Central Oklahoma Electric Coopera- tive, Inc.----------------------------------- 35–840 Edmond Light and Water Department----- 35–566 *Eldorado Light and Water System --------- 35–569 Empire District Electric Co., The ---------- 35–048 *Fairview Light and Water Department---- 35–572 Fletcher Light & Power--------------------- 3 *Frederick, City of.------------------------- Freedom Utilities Co------------------------ *Geary Light and Water Department------- *Goltry Municipal Lighting System--------- 35–581 *Granite, Town of.-------------------------- 35–584 *Harmon Electric Association, Inc.---------- 35–845 *Hominy Municipal System-l--------------- 35–585 *Ingersoll, City of -- __ 35–587 "Kaw City, City of ------------------------- 35–590 *Kay Electric Cooperative------------------ 35-850 Kenton Mercantile Company--------------- 35–349 *Kingfisher Light and Power Department--- 35–593 *Kiwash Electric Cooperative, Inc.__________ 35–855 *Laverne Municipal Electric Light Plant---- 35–599 *Lexington, Town of------------------------ 35–602 Lincoln Power Corporation----------------- *Lindsay Light and Power Department----- 35–605 *Manchester Light and Power Department-- 35–608 *Mangum Light and Power Plant___________ 35–611 *Manitou Light Department________________ Reference Number *Marlow Water and Light Department----- 35–6.17 *May, Town of------------------------------ 35–620 *Miami—Department of Public Utilities, City of.------------------------------------ 35–623 *Mooreland City Light I)epartment--------- 35–626 *Newkirk Power and Light Department- - - - 35–632 *Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative C---------------------------------------- *Northfork Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 35–890 *Okeene, Town of --------------------------- 35–635 Oklahoma Electric & Water Company------ 35–090 *Oklahoma Electric Cooperative- - - - -------- 35–922 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company------- 35–097 Oklahoma Power and Water Co------------- 35–104 Oklahoma Utilities Company--------------- § *Olustee Light System ---------------------- *Orlando Municipal System -------- --------- 35–641 Panhandle Public Service Company--------- *Pawhuska, The City of.-------------------- *Pawnee, City of.--------------------------- 35–647 *Peoples Electric Cooperative--------------- *Perry Water and Light T)epartment------ Pittsburg Water & Light Co---------------- 35–125 *Ponca City Water and Light Department-- 35–653 *Pond Creek, City of 35–6 *Prague Light and Power Plant------------- 35–659 Public Service Company of Oklahoma------- 35–132 *Purcell Light and Water Department------ ; : Quinlan Electric Company----------------.-- *Red River Valley Rural Electric Associa- 35– tion---------------------------------------- 935 *Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ 35—940 *Ryan, Town of-------- - - 35–665 *Sallisaw Municipal Light and Power------- 35–668 *South Coffeyville, City of ----------------- 35–672 *Southeastern Electric Cooperative of Du- rant, Oklahoma--------------------------- 35—945 Southwestern Light & Power Company----- 35–139 *Southwest Rural Electric Association, Inc.-- 35–950 *Spiro Light and Power Plant--------------- 35–671 *Stillwater, City of.------------------------- 35–674 *Stilwell Light and Water System------------ 35–677 *Stroud Water and Light Department------- 35–680 *Supply, Town of--------------------------- 35–683 *Tahlequah City Light & Water Dept.------ 35–686 *Tecumseh, City of.------------------------- 35–689 *Tonkawa Light and Water Department---- 35–692 |Union Electric Railway Co - 35–400 *Verdigris Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- 35–960 *Wagoner Light Department 35– *Walters Light and Water Department------ *Watonga Water and Light System--------- 35– *Waynoka Light and Power Plant---------- 35–704 *Weleetka Light and Water Co-------------- 35–707 *Wetumka Municipal Power Plant---------- 35–710 *Wilson Water and Light Department------ 35–713 Wolverton Bros. Light & Power Co--------- 35–167 *Wynnewood Water, Light and Power De- partment---------------------------------- 35–716 *Yale, City of 35–719 Yukon Electric Co - - 35–174 Yukon Mill & Grain Company-------------- 35–411 * Denotes a publicly owned utility. 633 634 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION OKLAHOMA 35–011 Earl W. Baker Utilities Company Bethany, Okla. Principal Officers: Earl W. Baker------------------------------ PreS. L. J. Baker----------------------------- Vice PreS. W. L. McManus--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Earl W. Baker, L. J. Baker, W. L. McManus. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $206, 67 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $41, 179 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 829 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 596 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 285,752 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 35–013 Mr. Frank Bell Quay, Okla. 35–020 Burlington Light and Power Company Burlington, Okla. 35–0.27 Cache Telephone & Electric Co. Cache, Okla. Principal Officer: H. W. Barnard------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,800 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,333 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 96 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 72,000 Community Served at Retail: Population ach9------------------------------------- 620 35–030 J. C. Carroll Leon, Okla. 35–034 Central States Power & Light Corporation of Oklahoma 700 Oklahoma Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Principal Officers: W. F. Hebeler-------------------------- Vice PreS. E. C. Brown----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. Weldon Smith Treas. F. H. Hoyt ASSt. Secy. Directors: W. F. Hebeler, F. H. Hoyt, Weldon Smith, P. K. Sticelber. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $243, 108 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $39,961 Number of Electric Customers----------- 691 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 696 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 954, 120 Generated 1, 120 Purchased.--- - 953,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population llen--------- 1,389 Calvin 589 Stonewall 761 Also Renders: Natural gas and water service. 35–041 Cimarron Utilities Company Borger, Tex. (Controlled by The United Light and Power Co.) Principal Officers: Chester C. Smith _Pres, John H. Lucas - - - - Vice PreS. Robert M. Rainey, Jr.------------------ Vice PreS. H. C. Davis Secy.-Treas. Directors: John H. Lucas, Robert M. Rainey, Jr., Chester C. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $471,083 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $76, 509 Number of Electric Customers----------- 924 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 368 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 2, 343,972 Generated.------ 23, 950 Purchased 2,320,022 Communities Served at Retail: Population Boise City * - 1, 144 Reydon 311 Texhoma 577 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Ransas City Power & Light Co. (Kans.). Oklahoma Electric & Water Co. Panhandle Power & Light Co. (Tex.). Panhandle Public Service Co. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and Water service. 35–048 The Empire District Electric Co. 6th & Joplin Sts., Joplin, Mo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Oklahoma Only-------------------------- $746,021 Number of Electric Customers: Oklahoma Only-------------------------- 3,299 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 635 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bluejacket---------------------------------- 349 ardin-------------------------------------- 437 Commerce---------------------------------- 2,422 Pouthat------------------------------------ 500 Fairland------------------------------------ 78 Hockerville--------------------------------- 550 North Miami------------------------------- 393 Picher-------------------------------------- 5,848 Quapaw------------------------------------ 1,054 Saint Louis (Ottawa County)--------------- 250 Welch-------------------------------------- 498 Wyandotte--------------------------------- 348 See Also: Principal report under Missouri (24-046) and Operations reported under Kansas (15-049) 35-055 Fletcher Light & Power Fletcher, Okla. Principal Officer: C. D. Martin----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * * $64,631 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,961 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 434 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 335 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 333,070 Communities Served at Retail: Population |gin----------------------------------------- 381 Pletcher-------------------------------------- 789 Sterling--------------------------------------- 430 35–062 Freedom Utilities Co. Freedom, Okla. Principal Officers: Ray Blasdel--------------------------------- PreS Nſay Blasdel---------------------------- Vice Pres' Alta Blasdel----------------------- Secy. & Treas' The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6, 170 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 87 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 67, 510 Community Served at Retail: Population Freedom-------------------------------------- 364 35–083 Lincoln Power Corporation Fort Wayne, Ind. Principal Officers: L. M. Gazi Secy. Directors: Paul L. Cowan, L. M. Gazin, John R. Griffiths, B. J. Hank, Ralph C. Perkins The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $111,000 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 15,000,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. 35–090 Oklahoma Electric & Water Company 607 N. Main St., Guymon, Okla. (Controlled by Walnut Electric & Gas Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: 1Imall------------------------------- Pres. C. W. Hoy----------------------------- Vice PreS. W. G. Thompson.--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. L. Augustus-------------------- Secy. & Treas. H. W. Yorke----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Dººrs: G. L. Augustus, W. C. Gilman, C. W. Oy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $640, 518 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $101, 729 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 546 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,419 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal.------------------------------- 2,833, 640 Generated------------------------------ 2, 557, 886 Purchased.------------------------------ 275, 754 Communities Served at Retail: Population Beaver City-------------------------------- 1, 166 Forgan------------------------------------- 428 Goodwell----------------------------------- 360 Guymon------------------------------------ 2, 290 Turpin------------------------------------- 280 Tyrone------------------------------------- 257 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 35–097 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company 321 N. Harvey St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (ºned by Standard Power & Light Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: J. F. Owens--------------------------------- PreS. George A. Davis--------...-------- Exec. Vice Pres. F. J. Meyer------------ Vice Pres. Chg. Operations B. M. Lester----------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. A. A. Brown--------------------------- Vice Pres. M. A. Morrison.------------------------ Vice Pres. H. H. Ferrin -------------------------- Asst. Secy. Howard Henley--- - - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. J. Madden--------------------------4Asst. Secy. H. I. Josey---------------------------- Asst. Secy. D. S. Kennedy-----------------------Asst. Treas. P. A. Lehmkuhl.--------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: B. F. Braheney, Marshall Collier, Leo T. Crowley, George A. Davis, George D. Key, B. M. Lester, F. J. Meyer, J. F. Owens, J. W. Westbrooks, 636 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $76,216,862 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $13,665, 142 In Oklahoma------------------------- $12,680,677 Number of Electric Customers: Otal--------------------------------- 162, 964 In Oklahoma------------------------- 149, 519 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 167,946 Steam-------------------------------- 164,440 Internal Combustion----------------- 3, 506 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 730, 820, 531 Generated.---------------------------- 672, 731, 341 Purchased.---------------------------- 20,886, 530 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 37,202, 660 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Ada-------------------------------------- 15, 143 Ardmore--------------------------------- 16,886 Purant----------------------------------- 10,027 El Reno---------------------------------- 10,078 Pnid------------------------------------- 28,081 Guthrie---------------------------------- 10, 018 Muskogee-------------------------------- 32, 332 Worman---------------------------------- 11,429 Oklahoma City-------------------------- 204,424 Sapulpa---------------------------------- 12, 249 Seminole--------------------------------- 11, 547 Shawnee--------------------------------- 22,053 WeWoka---------------------------------- 10, 315 1,000 to 10,000 population Alva------------------------------------- 5,055 Peggs------------------------------------ 1, 283 Bethany---------------------------------- 2, 590 Pixby------------------------------- c ---- 1,291 Pristow---------------------------------- 6,050 Pritton----------------------------------- 2, 239 Chandler--------------------------------- 2,738 Checotah--------------------------------- 2, 126 Pavis------------------------------------ 1,698 Drumright------------------------------- 4, 303 Puſaula---------------------------------- 2, 355 Fort Gibson------------------------------ 1, 233 Garber City------------------------------ 1,086 Haskell----------------------------------- 1, 572 Healdton--------------------------------- 2,067 Heavener--------------------------------- 2, 215 Hennessey-------------------------------- 1, 342 Holdenville------------------------------- 6, 632 Jenks------------------------------------- 1,026 Konowa---------------------------------- 2, 205 Wadill----------------------------------- 2,594 Aſarietta--------------------------------- 1, 837 and------------------------------------ 2,036 Wedford---------------------------------- 1, 121 9ilton------------------------------------ 1, 225 Pauls Valley----------------------------- 5, 104 Poteau----------------------------------- 4,020 Shattuck--------------------------------- 1, 275 Sulphur---------------------------------- 4, 970 Tishomingo------------------------------ 1,951 Woodward------------------------------- 5,406 250 to 1,000 population Achille----------------------------------- 356 **------------------------------------- 281 Ames------------------------------------- 332 Arnett------------------------------------ 529 Asher------------------------------------ 507 Bennington------------------------------ 513 Pillings----------------------------------- 661 Bokchito--------------------------------- 581 Pokoshe---------------------------------- 690 Poynton--------------------------------- 842 Praggs----------------------------------- 392 Pyars------------------------------------ 466 9addo------------------------------------ 954 Calera------------------------------------ 597 Calumet---------------------------------- 481 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Canton----------------------------------- 775 Carney----------------------------------- 283 Choctaw--------------------------------- 289 Cleo Springs----------------------------- 386 Colbert----------------------------------- 602 Covington-------------------------------- 780. Coyle------------------------------------ 440 Cromwell-------------------------------- 451 Davenport------------------------------- 975 Deer Creek------------------------------- 250 Pepew.----------------------------------- 876 Pougherty------------------------------- 464 OVer.------------------------------------ 409 Earlsboro-------------------------------- 486 Elmore City------------------------------ 494 Pargo------------------------------------ 291 Francis----------------------------------- 370 Gage------------------------------------- 684 Glencoe---------------------------------- 337 Glenpool--------------------------------- 284 Gore------------------------------------- 334 Greenfield-------------------------------- 303 Harrah----------------------------------- 620 Helena----------------------------------- 776 Howe------------------------------------ 640 Hunter----------------------------------- 291 Jennings---------------------------------- 453 Jet--------------------------------------- 442 Jones------------------------------------- 260 Kellyville-------------------------------- 647 |Kendrick--------------------------------- 256 Kiefer------------------------------------ 330 Kingston--------------------------------- 481 Lamont---------------------------------- 577 Langston--------------------------------- 514 Lima------------------------------------- 271 Longdale--------------------------------- 291 Luther----------------------------------- 425 Mannsville------------------------------- 359 Maramec--------------------------------- 271 Marland--------------------------------- 257 Marshall (New Marshall)---------------- 382 Maysville-------------------------------- 880 McLoud--------------------------------- 616 Meeker----------------------------------- 502 Milburn---------------------------------- 442 Mill Creek------------------------------- 459 Moffett----------------------------------- 538 Moore------------------------------------ 499 Morrison--------------------------------- 333 Mounds---------------------------------- 627 Muldrow--------------------------------- 638 Mulhall---------------------------------- 406 Nashville--------------------------------- 348 Nichols Hills------------------------------ 942 Nicoma Park----------------------------- 565 Noble------------------------------------- 536 Oakwood--------------------------------- 311 Okarche----------------------------------- 453 Okay------------------------------------- 322 Oktaha----------------------------------- 292 Paden------------------------------------ 620 Panama * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - º &º sº º 880 Paoli-------------------------------------- 423 Perkins----------------------------------- 728 Porum * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* 502 Ravia * = * * 424 Red Rock--------------------------------- 395 Ringling---------------------------------- 902 Ringwood-------------------------------- 288 Ripley------ 415 ROff__ 705 Saint Louis (POttawatomie County)------ 326 aSakwa---------------------------------- 532 Seiling----------- - - - 629 Shamrock--------------------------------- 461 Slick-------------------------------------- 300 Sparks------------------------------------ 339 Stratford---------------------------------- 896 Taloga sm: ºn * * * 533 Tryon------------------------------------ 279 Vian-------------------------------------- 941 ViCi * * * * * m. º. * * * * * * = a- es: am, amº sº º m * * - - * 617 Wakita----- * m am. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 444 Wanette----- - - - - 665 Warner----------------------------------- 391 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 637 Communities Served at Retail: - 250 to 1,000 population Population Washington------------------------------- 359 Waukomis City--------------------------- 397 Wayne------------------------------------ 401 Webbers Falls---------------------------- 486 ellston---------------------------------- 607 Wirt s = as sº me as amº ame as sº me sº- as sº * * * * * * * * * * 650 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Frank Bell. - Central States Power & Light Corporation of Oklahoma. Kansas Gas and Electric Co. Oklahoma Power and Water CO. Public Service Company of Oklahoma, (Interchange). Southwestern Light & Power CO. (Interchange). * PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Cashion. *Crescent Light and Water. *Dacoma Municipal Light Dept. *Edmond Light and Water Dept. *Geary Light and Water Dept. - *GOltry Municipal Lighting System. *Manchester Light & Power Dept. *Orlando Light Dept. *City of Pond Creek. *Prague Light and Power Plant. *Supply Light System. *City of Tecumseh. *Watonga Water and Light System. *Alfalfa County Electric Cooperative. *Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Cimarron Electric Cooperative. *East Central Oklahoma Electric COOperatives. * Oklahoma Electric Cooperative. *Red River Valley Rural Electric ASSn. *South-eastern Electric Cooperative. See Also: Operations reported under Arkansas (03–127). 35-104 Oklahoma Power and Water Co. 22 W. Second St., Sand Springs, Okla. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation through | 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. C. Happenny------------------------------ PreS T. E. Mansfield------------------------ Vice PreS T. S. Matthews------------------------ ' m = * * * eCy C. F. Colvin------------------------------- Treas R. T. Ayres--------------------------- AsSt. Secy H. H. Young------------------------- Asst. Treas Directors: E. J. Doerner, J. C. Happenny, V. E. Hulett, T. E. Mansfield, T. S. Matthews. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $8,510, 308 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $973, 899 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 7,034 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 22, 250 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 69, 596, 127 Generated.----------------------------- 67,643, 427 Purchased----------------------------- 1,952, 700 Communities Served at Retail: Population Avant------------------------------------ 501 Barnsdall--------------------------------- 1, 831 Keystone--------------------------------- 406 Mannford-------------------------------- 403 Ochelata.------- 333 Osage City------------------------------- 628 Ramona---------- 574 Sand Springs----------------------------- 6, 137 Communities Served at Retail: Population Shidler----------------------------------- 718 Skiatook--------------------------------- 1, 496 Sperry------------------------------------ 570 Tulsa------------------------------------- 142, 157 Webb City 352 Wynona 810 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Oklahoma Utilities Co. Public Service Co. of Oklahoma. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: Verdigris Valley Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Natural gas and water Service. 35–111 Oklahoma Utilities Company 128% w. 7th St. Bristow, Okla. (Controlled by Crescent Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. H. Coughlin------------------------------ PreS. R. C. Poage---------------------------- Vice Pres. J. G. McClellan---------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. L. Miller-------------4ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: F. H. Coughlin, L. M. Nichols, C. D. Perry, R. C. Poage, Robert W. Rea, Wood W. Turner, F. W. Woodcock. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * = = * = $633,437 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $97,695 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1,985 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 456 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 2,640, 553 Generated----------------------------- 8, 353 Purchased----------------------------- 2,632, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Burbank----------------------------------- 329 Cleveland---------------------------------- 2, 510 Fairfax------------------------------------- 2, 327 Ralston- 621 Also Renders: Gas service. 35–118 Panhandle Public Service Company Buffalo, Okla. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: S. C. McMeekin---------------------------- Pres. J. A. Bordelon------------------------- Vice Pres. R. D. Donaldson-----------------------Vice Pres. R. A. Gallagher---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. A. Bordelon, R. A. Gallagher, S. C. McMeekin. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $400,887 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $52,320 Number of Electric Customers----------- - 88.1 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 584 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours as a mº me s = s. * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1,016,086 Generated.----------- * 535,486 Purchased.------------------------------ 480, 600 638 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Buffalo------------------------------------- 1, 209 Hooker------------------------------------- 1, 146 Also Renders: Ice Service. 35—125 Pittsburg Water & Light Co. Pittsburg, Okla. Principal Officers: F. B. Drew---------------------- PreS. & Treas. F. R. Drew Vice Pres. Directors: F. B. Drew, F. R. Drew. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,105 Number of Electric Customers------------- 65 Júlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 34, 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Pittsburg------------------------------------- 689 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–132 Public Service Company of Oklahoma - Public Service Bldg., 600 S. Main St., Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: J. A. Whitlow-------------------------- Vice Pres. C. N. Robinson------------------------ Vice PreS. R. F. Frank--------------------------------- Secy. E. E. Ehret------------------ Treas. & ASSt. Secy. C. H. Meyer---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. E. Slaughter-------------------------- Auditor P. H. Kuper------------------------ ASSt. Auditor A. J. Heath------------------------- Asst. Auditor Directors: J. P. Arnold, Harry Campbell, E. E. Ehret, R. F. Frank, R. K. Lane, H. C. Weber, J. A. Whitlow. . Controls: The Lawton Corporation (gas & oil field). Pittsburg County Railway Co. (freight & pass. ry.) sººn Light & Power Co. (electric, gas, Water). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $37, 126,739 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $6,951, 950 Number of Electric Customers--------- 76, 168 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts otal----------------------------- 99, 241 Steam-------------------------------- 98, 106 Internal Combustion----------------- 1, 135 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 347, 400, 656 Generated.---------------------------- 277, 114,531 Purchased.---------------------------- 26,670,900 Interchanged (groSS-in).--------------- 43, 615, 225 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bartlesville------------------------------- 16, 267 McAlester-------------------------------- 12, 401 Okmulgee-------------------------------- 16,051 Tulsa------------------------------------ 142, 157 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Afton------------------------------------ 1, 261 Antlers----------------------------------- 3, 254 Atoka------------------------------------ 2, 548 Broken Arrow---------------------------- 2,074 Broken BOW----------------------------- 2,367 Coalgate--------------------------------- 2, 118 Coweta----------------------------------- 1,455 Pawson---------------------------------- 1,086 Dewey----------------------------------- 2, 114 Grove.------------------------------------ 1,093 Haileyville------------------------------- 1, 183 Hartshorne------------------------------- 2,596 Henryetta-------------------------------- 6,905 Hugo------------------------------------- 5,909 Idabel------------------------------------ 3,689 Krebs------------------------------------ 1,436 Morris----------------------------------- 1, 197 Nowata.---------------------------------- ,904 Okemah---------------------------------- 3,811 Pryor Creek Pryor----------------------- 2, 501 Quinton---------------------------------- 1, 245 Stigler------------------------------------ 1,861 Talihina---------------------------------- 1,057 Vinita------------------------------------ 5,685 Wilburton-------------------------------- 1,925 250 to 1,000 Population Adair------------------------------------ 407 Alderson--------------------------------- 340 Big Cabin-------------------------------- 270 Boley------------------------------------ 942 Boswell---------------------------------- 962 Bromide--------------------------------- 312 Canadian-------------------------------- 385 Caney------------------------------------ 361 Catoosa---------------------------------- 405 Choteau---------------------------------- 400 Clearview.-------------------------------- 420 Crowder---------------------------------- 378 DeWar------------------------------------ 778 POW------------------------------------- 550 Dustin----------------------------------- 652 Fort Towson.----------------------------- 501 Garden City----------------------------- 520 Grant------------------------------------ 309 Hanna----------------------------------- 344 Hoffman--------------------------------- 432 Hulbert---------------------------------- 350 Indianola--------------------------------- 311 Inola------------------------------------- 395 Jay--------------------------------------- 74.1 Keota------------------------------------ 525 Ketchum--------------------------------- 611 RioWa------------------------------------ 802 Langley---------------------------------- 838 Le Flore---------------------------------- 250 Lehigh----------------------------------- 519 Locust Grove----------------------------- 545 McCurtain------------------------------- 870 OWaSS0----------------------------------- 371 Pine Valley------------------------------ 650 Pleasant Valley-------------------------- 437 Porter------------------------------------ 562 Preston----------------------------------- 307 Red Oak--------------------------------- 484 Redbird---------------------------------- 393 Salina------------------------------------ 687 Schulter---------------------------------- 300 Soper------------------------------------- 481 SpavinaW-------------------------------- 255 Spelter City------------------------------ 500 Strang------------------------------------ 283 Stringtown------------------------------- 718 Stuart------------------------------------ 340 Tuxedo----------------------------------- 462 Valliant---------------------------------- 551 Wapanucka------------------------------ 730 Watts------------------------------------ 307 Westville--------------------------------- 716 Whitefield-------------------------------- 250 Wister------------------------------------ 763 Wright City------------------------------ 919 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 639 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central States Power & Light Corporation of Oklahoma. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. (Interchange). Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. Oklahoma Power & Water Co. Pittsburg Water & Light Co. Southwestern Gas and Electric Co. (Ark.). Southwestern Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Weleetka Light and Water Co. *Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 35–135 Quinlan Electric Company Quinlan, Okla. 35–139 Southwestern Light & Power Company 600 S. Main, P. O. Box 1470, Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation) Principal Officers: K. Lane---------------------------------- Pres S. I. McElhoes------------------------- Vice Pres Harry W. Pitzer------------------------ Vice PreS. A. M. McKinney * * Asst. Secy. C. W. McIlhenny------------------'Treas. & Secy. P. H. Kuper------------------------------ Auditor A. J. Heath ASSt. Auditor Directors: Ray H. Babbitt, Ed Burson, P. H. Ruper, R. K. Lane, S. I. McElhoes, C. W. Mc- Ilhenny, Harry W. Pitzer. Controls: , The Lawton Corporation (oil and natural gas). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ------------------- $15,451, 118 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $2,269,082 Number of Electric Customers---------- 30, 009 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 20,020 Steam---------- 13, 250 ydro-------------------------------- 1, 200 Internal Combustion----------------- 5, 570 Energy Available in Year: Ičilowatt-hours OUal----------------------------- 79, 744, 465 Generated---------------------------- 38,285,365 Purchased---------------------------- 41, 353, 900 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 105, 200 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Chichasha--------------------------------- 14, 111 Lawton 18,055 1,000 to 10,000 population Apache------------------------------------ 1,047 Blanchard--------------------------------- 1, 139 Carnegie----------------------------------- 1,740 Cement------------------------------------ 1,039 Cheyenne---------------------------------- 1,070 Clinton------------------------------------ 6, 736 Puncan------------------------------------ 9, 207 Plk City----------------------------------- 5,021 Frick-------------------------------------- 1, 591 Grandfield--------------------------------- 1, 116 Hobart------------------------------------ 5, 17 Hollis-------------------------------------- 2,732 Mountain View---------------------------- 1,075 Rush Springs------------------------------ 1. 422 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Sayre 3,037 Sentinel 1,088 Snyder ---- 1,278 Temple 1, 313 Thomas 1, 220 Tipton 1,470 Waurika 2,458 Weatherford 2, 504 250 to 1,000 population Addington - 250 Alex--- 544 Amber------- 319 Arapaho----------------------------------- 401 Bessie------------------------------------ 284 Binger * * * sº 840 Blair 570 Bradley----------------------------------- 281 Bridgeport 302 Butler----- * 428 Canute 374 Carter------------------------------------- 535 Colony 415 Corn * * 420 Custer City-------- 641 il-------------------------------------- 972 Pavidson---------------------------------- 507 Dill (Dill City)---------------------------- 511 East Duke (Duke).------------------------ 412 Fort Cobb--------------------------------- 699 Foss--------------------------------------- 306 Gotebo 607 Gould------------------------------------- 391 Gracemont--------------------------------- 328 Hammon---------------------------------- 705 Hastings----------------------------------- 352 Hinton------ cº º - - 842 Hvdro------------------------------------- 759 Leedey------------------------------------ 574 LOne Wolf • sº * tº sº mº º tº m º gº gº gº º ºs º º ºs º ºs º gº º sº º º 783 100keba----------------------------------- 279 Minco------------------------------------- 921 Mountain Park sm * * * * = 441 Ninnekah---------------------------------- 410 Pocasset----------------------------------- 432 Rocky--------------- 442 Roosevelt---------------------------------- 744 eſſal------------------------------------- 521 Texola------------------------------------- 337 Tuttle------------------------------------- 940 Union City-------------------------------- 300 Verden------------------------------------ 575 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cache Telephone and Electric Co. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. (Interchange). Public Service Co. of Oklahoma (Interchange). West Texas Utilities Co. (Interchange). Wolverton Brothers Light & Power Co., Inc. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Eldorado Light and Water System. *City of Frederick. *Fort Sill & POSt Field. *Town of Granite *Manitou Light Department. *Olustee Light System. *Caddo County Electric Cooperative. *Northfork Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 35–167 Wolverton Bros. Light & Power Co. 312 S. 5th St., Lawton, Okla. Principal Officers: W. F. Wolverton.---- .--- & Mary Grace Wolverton.----------------- Vice PreS. G. M. Wolverton C. A. Wolverton- 640 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: C. A. Wolverton, G. M. Wolverton, Mary Grace Wolverton, W. F. Wolverton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $134, 399 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $35, 300 Number of Electric Customers------------- 742 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.------------------------------- Steam-------------------------------- 410 Internal Combustion----------------- 150 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 556, 501 Generated------------------------------- 353, 562 Purchased------------------------------- 202,939 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chattanooga---------------------------------- 365 Indiahoma------------------------------------ 337 Medicine Park-------------------------------- 485 Randlett-------------------------------------- 327 35–174 Yukon Electric Co. Yukon, Okla. Principal Officers: J. F. Kroutil--------------------------------- PreS. N. F. Kroutil--------------------------- Vice PreS. R. B. Kroutil * - ----Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. F. Kroutil, N. F. Kroutil, R. B. Kroutil. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $23,918 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $29,458 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 556 Community Served at Retail: Population ukon-------------------------------------- 1,660 35–287 Dewey Portland Cement Company 101 W. 11 St., Kansas City, Mo. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Fred B. Hunt------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,200 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- - - - - 35, 392 35–290 Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting ^ Co. Miami, Okla. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Geo. J. Stein. . . . . . . . . . .---------------------Mgr. Glenn L. Bitticks- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,064, 576 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $3,592 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 2 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Internal Combus- tion).----------------------------------- 7,400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 217, 300 35–349 Kenton Mercantile Company Kenton, Okla. 35–400 Union Electric Railway Co. Coffeyville, Kans. Communities Served at Retail: Population Delaware--- - - -- 542 Lenapah-------------------------------------- 395 See Also: Principal report under Kansas (15–355). 35–411 Yukon Mill & Grain Company Yukon, Okla. Principal Officers: J. F. Kroutil-------------------. ------------ Pres. R. B. Kroutil-------------------------- Vice PreS. T. A. Kroutil------------------------------. Secy. R. A. Kroutil------------------------------ Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Elecric Utility Plant----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - $130,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $14,703 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 1, 125 Filowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale-------------------- 735, 158 Utility served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTIILITY: Yukon Electric Co. 35–512 *Aline Electric Light System Aline, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population line.---------------------------------------- 405 35–515 *Altus Electric Light Department - Altus, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Altus--------------------------------------- 8, 593 35–518 *Town of Amorita Amorita, Okla. Council: Carl Boone, Arthur H. Magnuson (pres.), Clarence D. Main (clerk), Al Shadow. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,400 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 641 35–521 *Anadarko Municipal Water and Light Anadarko, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: N. A. Kunkle - Supt. Water & Light Committee of City Council: Walter Hammert, Frank Lacer, Terrance Maxon. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev - - $112, 108 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,400 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 1, 544 r0 - 424 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 120 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 137,421 Community Served at Retail: Population Anadark0----------------------------------- 5, 579 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–524 *City of Blackwell Blackwell, Okla. City Commission: J. P. Anderson, W. H. Fey, O. A. Rafferty (mayor). The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------- $834,464 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $229, 200 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - 2,923 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 9,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,608,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Blackwell---------------------------------- 8, 537 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *TOW m of Braman. *Lincoln Utilities * Rural Electrification Administration. 35–527 *City of Braman Brainan, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ed Johnston-------------- Pres. Board of Trustees Thelma Scott-------------------------- City Clerk R. L. Ray---------------- Supt. of Electric Works The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $7,695 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 170 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 167, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Braman--------------------------------------- 427 Akso Renders: Water Service. 322184—42 46 35–530 *Town of Byron Byron, Okla. Governing Body: Ralph Hutson, Ned Johnston (chairman), Mrs. Mary Lembke (treas.), Mrs. Gladys Main (clerk). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues- --------------- $2, 200 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 42,239 35–533 *Carmen Light and Water Plant Carmen. Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. B. Sturgeon----------------------- Town Clerk Trustees: O. D. Baxter, E. A. Grice (chairman), A. D. Rodgers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $81,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $16,634 Number of Electric Customers -------- 310 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------- 364 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 550,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Carmen-------------------------------------- 818 Utility Served at Wholesale: PLJBLICLY OWNET) UTILITY: *Aline Municipal Light Dept. Also Renders: Water service. 35–536 *Town of Cashion Cashion. Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Rector------------------------------- Mayor E. S. Stoner---- - - - - - - - Chairman of Town Board Merle Vancuren.--- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $5,595 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 133, 740 35–539 *Chelsea Municipal Plant Chelsea, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Frank C. Elsey----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Koss Farrell, E. La Verne Nelson, W. R. Simmons, J. C. Upp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $105,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $23,736 Number of Electric Customers -------- 435 642 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion----------------- 392 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 681, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Chelsea------------------------------------ 1,642 35–542 *City of Cherokee Light & Water Cherokee, Okla. Pinº Electric Utility Officials: }. O: afe--------------------------------- Mavor J. C. Cummings------------------- Commissioner P. R. Stokesberry------------------ Commissioner Vergil West--------------------------- City Clerk Bryan Blew---------------------------- Treasurer W. L. Owen. -------------------------- City Atty. E. E. Cramer------------------------- City Supt. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------- '--------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $53,704 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,060 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total) --------------- 1, 310 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 110,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cherokee----------------------------------- 2, 553 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Amorita. *Burlington Municipal Plant. *Town of Byron. * City of Ingersoll. Also Renders: Water Service. 35–545 *Claremore Light and Water Department City Hall, Claremore, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . M. Davis-- - - - - --- Mayor Bert Sprangel------------------- Supt. Of Utilities Light and Water Committee: W. M. Hobaugh, E. L. Smart, R. L. Thomas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $300, 132 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $95,817 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,403. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - 1,680 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated ---- 3, 106,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Claremore------------------------------ 4, 134 35–548 *Collinsville Water and Light Department Collinsville, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Keith J. Guenther------------------------- Mayor J. D. Burns--------------------------------- Supt F. A. Wright-------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $55,000 Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $22,000 Number of Electric Customers -------- 503 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------- 432 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 497, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Collinsville--------------------------------- 1,927 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–551 *Comanche Light and Water System Comanche, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. L. Roberts Supt. City Council: W. G. Guest, J. W. Mitchell, T. M. Perry (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $19,406 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 354 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 280 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 436,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Comanche---------------------------------- 1, 533 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–554 *Copan Light and Power System Copan, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. T. Shoemaker---------------------------- Mgr. Board of Trustees: Lee H. Carleton (chairman), W. J. Jeffers, W. C. Medlen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $1,200 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $5,431 Number of Electric Customers----------- 172 Rilowall-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 117,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Copan---------------------------------- 549 35–555 *Cordell City Light and Water Department Cordell, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Raymond Symcox------------------------- Mayor Harry Hilton ----Supt. Councilmen: G. L. Botchlett, A. G. Jones, F. G. Kliewer, Lynn Miller, S. L. Molen, C. G. Propps, A. L. Robinson, DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 643 The following data are for the year ended June 30, 41: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $220, 764 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $52,644 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 763 Rilowatts Generating Capacity---------------------- 1, 138 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 905,027 Community Served at Retail: Population Cordell------------- - - - 2,776 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Kiwash Electric Cooperative, Inc. 35–557 *Crescent Light and Water Crescent, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Crescent---------- 1,301 35–559 *City of Cushing Cushing, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - J. W. Flint---------------------------- City Mgr. J. C. Allen-------------- Chief Engr. Power Plant W. L. Austin Distribution Supt. City Commissioners: H. E. Benefiel, Jess Bentley, T. J. Hughes, Jr. (vice chairman), Andrew W. Little (chairman), Dr. P.M. Richardson. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $548,289 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $133, 275 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,504 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 2,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4,376,260 Community Served at Retail: Population Cushing------------------------------------ 7,703 35–560 *Dacoma Municipal Light Department Dacoma, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert F. Grigg----------------------------- Mgr. Governing Body: Earl Applegate (mayor), Martin Brown, A. W. Lewis. Community Served at Retail: Population Dacoma-------------------------------------- 274 35–563 *City of Duncan Duncan, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. K. Arnold------------------------------ Mayor J. B. McLendon----------------------- City Mgr. Jno. L. Davis------------------------- City Clerk Board of Commissioners: J. H. Ledbetter, J. W. Mitchell, J. A. Waller, Brice Wininger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $240,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $102,329 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 534 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 460 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,081, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Duncan-------------------------------- 9, 207 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–566 *Edmond Light and Water Department 29 E. 1st St., Edmond, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. HollingsWorth----------------- Plant Supt. George Griggs------------------- Head Electrician Governing Body: George Deal, John Hayen (mgr.), W. P. Kerlin, Dr. J. C. Morgan (mayor), Guy Rankin, Forrest Van Pelt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $64,833 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,985, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Edmond------------------------------- 4,002 35–569 *Eldorado Light and Water System Eldorado, Okla. - Community Served at Retail: Population Eldorado----------------------------------- 929 35–572 *Fairview Light and Water Department Fairview, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. M. Evans-------------------- Supt. of Utilities City Council: Fred Bierig, H. B. Burtscher, A. S. Crocker, C. G. Halstead, A. G. Harder, P. F. ; (mayor), Tom Hicks, Earl Morris, Frank ar].S. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $146,811 Electric Operating Revenues- - - - - - - - - - - - $48, 502 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 660 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 843 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, 415, 945 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairview------------------------------------ 1,913 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OW NED UTILITY: *Cimarron Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 644 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 35–575 *City of Frederick Frederick, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Owen L. Fry------------------------------ Treas. J. J. Zumwalt--------------- Water & Light Supt. Utility Commission: Howard Langston, Chas. H. McFall, E. H. Winningham (chairman). The following data are for June 30, 1939, or for the year ended June 30, 1939: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $91,073 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - 1, 315 . Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 863, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Frederick----------------------------------- 5, 109 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–578 *Geary Light and Water Department Geary, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. J. Trent--------------------------------- Supt. N. Fred Gardiner - - - - - ---------------- Supervisor M. C. Geyman------------------------ City Clerk Council: N. Fred Gardiner, John T. Ratliff, R. H. Thompson, Roy Tinder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ---------- $19,840 Number of Electric Customers--------- 411 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 583, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Geary-------------------------------------- 1,634 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–581 *Goltry Municipal Lighting System Goltry, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Goltry * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * 330 35–584 *Town of Granite Granite, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jack Berry---------------------------------- Supt. Council: A. M. Bowman (pres.), Jim Christy, Dan Howard. -- The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $11,565 Number of Electric Customers------------- 325 Community Served at Retail: Population Granite------ 1,058 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 35–585 *Hominy Municipal System Hominy, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. R. Brady-------------------- Mgr. of Utilities H. E. Waffle---------------------- Chief Operator C. B. McGhee----------------- Supt. Distribution Governing Body: Alex Hunter, John F. Rader, Carl Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $170,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $64,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1,028 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 600 kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 520, 450 Community Served at Retail: Population Piominy-------------------------------- 3, 267 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–587 *City of Ingersoll Ingersoll, Okla. 35–590 *City of Kaw City Kaw City, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jesse P. Willis---------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: Dr. R. L. Detjen, John Hale, A. R. Morris, Geo. Riddle, C. A. Rutherford, Robert Whitlock, John Woodward, Roy Woodward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $8,267 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (total) - - - - - - - - - ------ 162 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 365,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Kaw City---------------------------------- 809 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 35–593 *Kingfisher Light and Power Department Kingfisher, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Kingfisher---------------------------------- 3,352 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 645 35–599 *Laverne Municipal Electric Light Plant Laverne, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert Wolf * * - Plant Supt. J. V. Klinger---------------- Plant Commissioner Board of Trustees: Artie Cronk, John V. Klinger, L. A. Moorehead (mayor). * - - - - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $12,591 Number of Electric Customers----------- 274 Generating Capacity: Rliowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 167 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------- * * *- - - 411, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population LaVerne-------------------------------- 816 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *May Municipal Electric Dept. Also Renders: Ice Service. 35–602 *Town of Lexington Lexington, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Arthur Sherman. -------------------------- Mayor Virgal Greenway-------------------------- Trustee Oscar Standridge------------------------- Trustee Adolph Ille------------------------------- Trustee Bernice Black------------------------------Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 360 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 201,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Lexington---------------------------------- 1,084 Also Renders: Water Service, 35–605 *Lindsay Light and Power Department Lindsay, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: High--------------------------------- Mgr. lºº following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $193,200 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,474 Number of Electric Customers------------- 608 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 585 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 743, 544 Community Served at Retail: Population Lindsay-- - - - 1,792 35–608 *Manchester Light and Power Department Manchester, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jay Wyckoff-------------------------------- Supt. Will Bluba--------------------------------- Clerk Floyd Feely------------------------------- TreaS Governing Body: Raymond Ellington, John Nie- thamer, W.E. Shamburg (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,250 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 85 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 55, 2 Community Served at Retail: Population Manchester----------------------------------- 269 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–611 *Mangum Light and Power Plant Mangum, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: & Chester B. Lewis---------------------- City Mgr. D. B. Wilhite--------------- Supt. of Distribution Houston Smith----------------------- Plant Supt. Commissioners: Ray K. Babb, Mary G. McGregor (mayor), Bradley Pigg, Wade Shumate, C. E. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $325,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $60,000 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,425 Generating Capacity: Ril outs Internal Combustion-------------------- 1, 380 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,615,030 Community Served at Retail: Population Mangum - - -º 4, 193 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *EHarmon Electric Association, Inc. Also Renders: Natural gas and water Service. 35–614 *Manitou Light Department Manitou, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Manitoll - * * * * * * - - - * * * 258 35–6.17 *Marlow Water and Light Department City Hall, Marlow, Okla. - e. tric Utility Official: Pººle- - - - - wome* * * - - - * * se me • City Clerk. 646 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $34,004 Number of Electric Customers------------ 828 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------- 858 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,413, 330 Community Served at Retail: Population Marlow------------------------------------- 2,899 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–620 *Town of May May, Okla. 35–623 *City of Miami—Department of Public Utilities Miami, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. G. Freehauf----------------------------- Supt. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 0: Electric Utility Plant--------------- ------ $568, 135 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $165, 625 Number of Electric Customers---------- - 2, 363 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 3,480 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9tal------------------------------- 4,824,000 Generated.------------------------------ 4, 788, 400 Purchased------------------------------ 35, 600 Community Served at Retail: |Population iami------------------------------------- 8, 345 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–626 *Mooreland City Light Department Mooreland, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Lewis Riggs------------------------------- Supt Governing Body: Roy Hill, R. L. Keagy, C. P. Van Frank (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $10,032 Number of Electric Customers------------- 259 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 152 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 273,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mooreland----------------------------------- 811 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–632 *Newkirk Power and Light Department , Newkirk, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. J. Cronin------------------------ Commissioner Roy Howarth------------------------------- Supt. Governing Body: Roy Bain (mayor), J. J. Cronin, Carl Holtby. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $34, 516 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 793 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion.------------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 179,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Newkirk----------------------------------- 2, 283 Also Renders: Water Service, 35–635 *Town of Okeene Okeene, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louis Vogt. Mayor & Mgr. A. F. Dickson Supt. A. T. Ludwig---------------- ... = - - - - - - - Chief Engr, Governing Body: Otis Goforth, E. B. Grennell. Louis Vogt. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------- 415 Generating Capacity: |Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 640 Filovatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,015,942 Community Served at Retail: Population Okeene - * * * me sº sº sº sº sº sº º sº s = 1,079 Also Renders: Water service. 35–638 *Olustee Light System Olustee, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Olustee gº ºn ---- 570 35–641 *Orlando Municipal System Orlando, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Orlando------------------------------------- … - Population 332 DIRECTORY 647 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 35–644 *The City of Pawhuska Pawhuska, Okla. Pºpºlºgic Utility Officials: S . W. Rodſus----------------------------- Mayor Fred R. Williams---------------------- City Mgr. Chas. M. Hirt.------------------------ City Clerk Adaline Keith---...-------------------- City Treas. W. S. Hamilton--------. -------------- City Atty. W. T. Williams---------------------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $103,788 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,800 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1, 754 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 3,321, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Paw huska---- -- 5, 443 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 35–647 *City of Pawnee Pawnee, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Fischer----------------------------- Mayor W. C. Williams----------------------- City Clerk Alfred Seevers--------------------- ---------'Treas. George Craig---------------- Water & Light Supt. R. W. Johnson.------------------ Supt. of Utilities The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $40,635 Number of Electric Cust sº 910 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Pawnee------------------------------------- 2,742 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–6.50 *Perry Water and Light Department Perry, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. A. Ley * -- Jº- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - me • * - - - - - - - - sº * * * * Mayor Robt. W. Wilson ---------------------- City Clerk L. H. Beasley------------------------------ Supt. Roy Neal------------------------- Plant Foreman Water & Light Commission: E. H. Adams, Earl Bechtold, Carl Bunch, Everette Frueh, Ted Kruse, Chas. Meshek, Ted Newton, L. W. Thiele. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $62,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,800 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 1, 540 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 380,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Perry---------------------------------- 5,045 35–653 *Ponca City Water and Light Department 516 E. Grand Ave., Ponca City, Okla. Board of Commissioners: W. W. Vance (mayor and commissioner of public Safety), Guy I. Conner (commissioner of public property), T. D. Harris (Commissioner of finance). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,298,731 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $382, 230 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5,793 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 4,900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 12, 132,000 Population 16,794 Community Served at Retail: Ponca City-------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 35–656 *City of Pond Creek Pond Creek, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population Pond Creek--------------------------------- 1,019 35–659 *Prague Light and Power Plant Prague, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Tope-------------------------------- Mayor Donald D. Jenkins------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Dr. R. L. Duncan, K. E. Moline, C. E. Tope (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- a $56,497 a Includes Water revenues. Number of Electric Customers----------- 600 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 790, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Prague------------------------------------ 1,422 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–662 *Purcell Light and Water Department Purcell. Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Mat Ozment---------- - - - tº Mayor Anthony Gray--------- Legislative Commissioner Leo Cobb----- Financial Secy. T. Dennison - - - City Engr. R. R. Goodwin----------------------- Plant Supt. Homer Boudreau--------------------- Supt. Lines 648 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $49,561 Number of Electric Customers----------- 790 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion l, 371 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated Purcell- 1,901,800 Community Served at Retail: Population 3, 116 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Lexington, Oklahoma. Also Renders: Water service. 35–665 *Town of Ryan Ryan, Okla. Community Served at Retail: º 35–668 *Sallisaw Municipal Light and Power Sallisaw, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred E. Johnston---------------------- City Mgr. O. M. Orendorff--------------------- Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers------------- 534 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total--------------------------------- 512 Steam------------ 192 Internal Combustion 320 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 764,000 Continunity Served at Retail: Population Sallisa W----------- 2, 140 35–671 *Spiro Light and Power Plant Spiro, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Population 1,041 35–672 *City of South Coffeyville South Coffeyville, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Joe Price---------------------------------- Mayor Councilmen: J. B. Gibbs, Geo. Yarbrough. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $9,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $1, 143 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 85 Community Served at Retail: South Coffeyville Population 364 Also Renders: Water service. 35–674 *City of Stillwater Still water, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. H. Rendelman--------------------- Gen. Mgr. City Commission: M. J. Bradley (mayor), Lee Hall, Beal Pitts, Val F. Scott, C. B. Sherwood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $507, 625 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $211,459 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 331 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 889, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population StillWater--------------------------------- 10,097 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–677 *Stilwell Light and Water System Stilwell, Okla. Principal Electric Utility official: Jno. B. Sanders----------------------------- Supt. City Council: Lloyd Bremerf, Bruce Cox, Ed Harri- son, R. E. Mitchellf, C. K. Wells (chairman). fMember of advisory committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,676 Number of Electric Cust s 402 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 794, 796 Community Served at Retail: Population Stilwell------------------------------------- 1,717 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–680 *Stroud Water and Light Department 2d St., Stroud, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: John A. Walker---------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Councilmen: Paul F. Carpenter, C. C. Curry, F. G. Hubbell (mayor), Willard Nash, Robt. Terry, ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $38,820 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 600 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 426 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 812, 744 Community Served at Retail: Population Stroud--------------------------------- 1,917 Also Renders: Water service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKTLAEHOMA 649 35–683 *Town of Supply Supply, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: 9. J. Pratt------------------------------ Governing Body: W. P. Altland (mayor), W. W. Coyer, A. W. Innis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $3,500 Number of Electric Customers----------- 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Supply--------------------------------- 414 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–686 *Tahlequah City Light & Water Dept. Tahlequah, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. C. Dohe sº º ºs º sº Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $62,000 Number of Electric Cust º 800 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion is sº 1, 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy' Generated 2, 247,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Tahlequah--------------------------------- 3,027 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–689 *City of Tecumseh Tecumseh, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clyde G. Pitman---------------------- City Mgr. Elec. Board of City Commissioners: T. C. Copeland, F. L. ; W. F. Foster, W. F. Stilley (mayor), Roe OIſla S. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,028 Number of Electric Customers------------- 520 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 426,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Tecumseh---------------------------------- 2,042 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–692 *Tonkawa Light and Water Department Tonkawa, Oklas Principal Electric Utility Official: Ellis E. Davis------------------------ City Clerk The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $232, 384 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $50, 503 Number of Electric Meters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,004 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 595 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,771,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Tonkawa----------------------------------- 3, 197 35–695 *Wagoner Light Department Wagoner, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. N. Snider---------------- Supt. Water & Light Mayor and Council: Joe Burkholder, C. J. Gilmore, F. B. Gilmore, V. V. Haney, W. D. Lamb, W. W. Schatz, V. M. Sprangle, Evert Stacy, R. M. Wallace (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $38, 775 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 793 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 560. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 457, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Wagoner------------------------------- 3, 535 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–698 *Walters Light and Water Department Walters, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Coleman------------------------- City Mgr. Rolf Worden-------------------------------- Supt. City Council: Marvin Armstrong (mayor), C. O. Hopper, Paul Mershon. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $38, 556 Number of Electric Customers------------ 750 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 670 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 1,229, 237 Community Served at Retail: Population Walters------------------------------------ 2, 238 35–701 *Watonga Water and Light System Box 323, Watonga, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: tº º Geo. E. Scofield----Water & Light Commissioner W. L. Syria--------------------------------- Supt. City Council: R. T. Dewey, W. J. Falkenstine, A. E. Goerke (mayor), Chas. S. Johnson, Chas. Messer, A. Russworm, S. I. Swanson, F. A. Wheeler, M. H. Womack. 650 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $43, 396 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $42,800 Number of Electric Customers------------ 706 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,055, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Watonga---------------------------------- 2,828 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–704 *Waynoka Light and Power Plant Waynoka, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. W. Urban------------------------- Chief Engr. M. M. Wright--------------- Supt. of Distribution Governing Body: H. L. Holden, T. C. Perry, C. E. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $65,000 Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Customers ------------ 500 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 250,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Waynoka----------------------------------- 1, 584 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–707 *Weleetka Light and Water Co. Weleetka, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Percy Daniels------------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Buford Bray, W. A. Fleming, W. B. WellS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,294 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 450 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 552,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Weleetka---------------------------------- 1,904 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 35–710 *Wetumka Municipal Power Plant Wetumka, Okla. Community Served at Retail: Wetumka Population 2, 340 * - " - * * * * * * * * * = ... ... ... -- - - 35–713 *Wilson Water and Light Department Wilson, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. H. Bigham ------------------------ Plant Supt. City Council: Raymond Boyles, Geo. W. Cain (mayor), O. L. Forbess, Fred Skidmore, Ed Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 480 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 666,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wilson----------------------------------- 1, 700 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–716 *Wynnewood Water, Light and Power Department Wynnewood, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. D. Williams----------------------- Mayor-Mgr. E. M. Scott-------------------------- Chief Engr. J. E. Shearon-------------------------------- Supt. City Council: W. O. Brewer, Joe Ernst, W. C. Gillis, Watt Higgins, J. A. Jennings, R. C. Kurmturn, § McAlister, S. D. Williams (mayor), Roy IISOICl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,400 Number of Electric Customers------------ 518 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 393 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 918,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wynnewood----------------------------- 2, 318 Also Renders: Water Service. 35–719 *City of Yale 305 S. Main, Yale, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officiai: J. H. Bennington City Mgr. City Commission: Elmer Bickell, Edgar Davis, H. A. Dempsey, J. A. May, Ben Monnett (mayor). 1 The following data are for the year ended June 30, 941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $126, 127 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34, 542 Number of Electric Customers------------ 501 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated. ----------------------- 1,053,698 Community Served at Retail: Population Yale---------------------------------------- 1, 407 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTIILITIES-OKLATHOMA 651 35–805 *Alfalfa Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cherokee, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. A. Deck * *** ***** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres Howard G. Crocker------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $532,422 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $54,765 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,063 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 911, 030 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–820 *Caddo Electric Cooperative Binger, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. J. Bollinger------------------------------- PreS. Ralph G. Shaw----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $575, 739 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $57,591 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 274 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 839,982 * For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Albert------ 300 35–823 *Central Rural Electric Coopera- tive Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- a 1,082,660 Population 287 Community Served at Retail: Homestead- a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–830 *Consumers Rural Electric Company Kingfisher, Okla. 35–835 *Cotton Electric Cooperative Walters, Okla. tels-------------------------------- PreS C. W. Con---------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $299,983 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $28,402 Number of Electric Customers------------ 685 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 273,820 Community Served at Retail: Population 000------------------------------------- 268 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–840 *East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc. Okmulgee, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Buster B The following data are for the year 1940: 107 N. Sixth Ave., Stillwater, Okla. Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $218, 120 Principal Electric Utility Officials: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $18,008 Hºliº, * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pres. Number of Electric Customers------------ 479 - *** - *worth------------------------- Supt. Rilowatt-hours The following data are for the year 1940: Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 145,650 Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $120,915 | * For year ended June 30, 1940. Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,014 Number of Electric Customers------------ 271 35–845 Rilowatt-hours a 157,880 35–825 *Cimarron Electric Cooperative Kingfisher, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry J. Nightengale. ---------------------- Pres. Harry Newer------------------------- Vice PreS. Peter Adams------------------------------. Secy. Chester Stringer--------------------------- Treas. R. C. Boecher------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: Francis Borelli, Ernest Kunneman, W. R. Neeland, Fred L. Perdue, L. O. Widney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $753,887 Electric Operating Revenues-------------, $69,944 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 579 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ºr - - - - - *Harmon Electric Association, Inc. 114 N. Main St., Hollis, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º Thomason.---------------------------- Pres. H. G. Templeton--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $283,262 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- - $29,699 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 742 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 236,450 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–850 *Kay Electric Cooperative Blackwell, Okla. Pinjº, Electric Utility Officials: F. J. Rico Adolph Knesek----------------------------- Supt. 652 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $601, 580 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $52,368 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 273 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a 1,024, 400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–855 *Kiwash Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cordell, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: Walter S. Mason.---------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant_________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $354,716 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15,311 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 522 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 84,700 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–880 *Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc. 201 E. Illinois Ave., Vinita, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Howard E. Freeman ------------------------ JPreS. Wm. C. Atkinson -------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $318,388 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $20,902 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 585 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 219,848 Community Served at Retail: Population Centralia------------------------------------- 378 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–890 *Northfork Electric Cooperative, Inc. 110 S. Main St., Sayre, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. A. Russell-------------------------------- FreS Harry M. Green.---------------------------- Supt. ' The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $180,251 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $9,968 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 217 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 91, 326 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35—922 *Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 316 E. Main St., Norman, Okla. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $393, 935 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $41, 402 Number of Electric Customers--- - - - - - - - - - 885 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 752, 672 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–927 *Peoples Electric Cooperative Ada, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. E. Maddox------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $326,988 Electric Operating Revenues.--------- - - - - - - $27, 748 Number of Electric Customers---------- - - - 682 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 404, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Centrahoma---------------------------------- 350 Tupelo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * 387 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–935 *Red River Valley Rural Electric Association Marietta, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. Brannan --------------------------------- PreS. R. E. Park---------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $132, 176 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $10,631 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 246 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 206, 640 a For year ended June 30, 1940, 35–940 *Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Box 68, Lindsay, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Charles R. ROSS----------------------------- PreS. E. E. Burford------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $108,857 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,593 Number of Electric Customers------------- 131 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 46,980 a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OKLAHOMA 653 35—945 *Southeastern Electric Coopera- tive of Durant, Oklahoma Box 86, Durant, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. Qualls--------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $86,746 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,008 Number of Electric Customers------------- 200 35–950 *Southwest Rural Electric As- sociation, Inc. Tipton, Okla. Pinº Electric Utility Officials: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $445, 159 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $58,328 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 403 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 600, 150 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 35–960 *Verdigris Walley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Collinsville, Okla. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. C. Matthews----------------------------- Pres. R. H. Bishop-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $254, 182 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $17,488 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 608 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 326,695 a For year ended June 30, 1940. OREGON Index Reference Number *Ashland Electric Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–514 *Baker Municipal Power and Light System - 36–525 *Bandon, Hydroelectric Department, City Of------------------------------------------ 36–536 *Benton-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc - 36–807 Benton Utility Company----------------- - - - 36–010 *Blachly-Lane County Cooperative Electric ASSn-------------------------------------- 36–812 *Boardman, City of.------------------------ 36–542 Booth Kelly Lumber Company, The - - - - - - - Bridal Veil Power & Light Co--------------- 3 Brookings Light & Power------------------- Brooks Scanlon Lumber Company, Inc - - - - - Butte Light and Power Company--- - - - - - - - - 3 California Oregon Power Company, The - - - - 36–023 California Public Service Company - - - - - - - - - 36–029 *Canby Light and Water Department - - - - - - 36–547 *Canyonville, City of ----------------------- 36–55.8 *Cascade Locks, City of.-------------------- 36–565 Cascade Utilities, Inc.------------------------ 36–035 *Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- Clark Sawmill, W. T Coos Bay Lumber Company---------------- *Coos Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - Davidson, R. M. *Drain, City of.----------------------------- 36-569 Eastern Oregon Light and Power Company- 36–046 *Eugene Water Board----------------------- 36–580 Ewauna BOX CO----------------------------- 36–299 *Forest Grove, City of -------------- *— — — — — — — — 36–591 Gold Beach Cooperative Utilities------------ 36–052 Gold Beach Electric Co--------------------- 36–058 Grande Ronde Pine Company, The --------- 36–310 Harney Sawmill----------------------------- 36–332 Hines Lumber Company, Edward - - - - - - - - - - 36–343 Idaho Power Company---------------------- 36–069 Idanha Power Corporation------------------ 36–073 Willamette Valley Lumber Company - - - - - - - Reference Number Inland Power & Light Company------------ 36–075 Johnson Lumber Corporation, C. D--------- 36-344 *Jordan Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. --- 36–860 Kinzua Pine Mills Company-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–345 *Lane County Electric Co-operative, Inc. - - - 36–869 *Malheur Cooperative Electric Association - 36–895 Maupin Power Co. ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–093 *McKenzie River Electric Cooperative, Inc 36–890 *McMinnville Water & Light Department-- 36–602 Mill City Light and Water Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–095 *Milton Municipal Electric Utility---------- 36–613 Mountain States Power Company.---------- 36–110 *Myrtle Creek, Town of -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–624 *Nehalem Valley Cooperative Electric Assn- 36–917 Northwestern Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–116 Oregon Gas and Electric Company--- - - - - - - - 36–122 Oregon Lumber Company--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36-354 Pacific Power & Light Company------------ 36–127 Pacific Spruce Corporation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–365 Portland General Electric Company - - - - - - - - 36–139 Port Orford Light & Power Co-- - - - - - - - - - - - - Preston Shaffer Milling Company----------- Sumpter Power & Water Company--------- 36–157 Timber Light and Power Co - - - - - - - --------- 36–162 Tumble Creek Power and Water Co--------- 36–165 *Umatilla Electric Cooperative Assn- - - - - - - - 36–967 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise Project- 36–650 *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonne- ville Power Administration---------------- West Coast Power Compan *West Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - 36–975 Westfir Lumber Company - - - - - - ----------- 36–380 Westport Lumber Company, The----------- 36-387 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 36–398 36–420 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. OREGON 36–010 Benton Utility Company 1412 N. W. 14th Ave., Portland, Oreg. 36–015 Brookings Light & Power Brookings, Oreg. Principal Officers: & Emma Nye----------------------- Administratrix Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $19,813 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $6,762 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 156 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 46 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 156, 320 Community Served at Retail: Population Brookings---------------------------------- 250 36–017 Butte Light and Power Company Scotts Mills, Oreg. 36–023 The California Oregon Power Company 216 W. Main St., Medford, Oreg. Gººd by Standard Power & Light Corpora- Principal Officers: Hance H. Cleland--------------------------- Pres. M. D. Field --__Vice Pres. & Treas. & Asst. Secy. J. C. Boyle----------------------------- Vice PreS. G. L. Jackson------------------------ Vice Pres. E. L. Lenox * * *m, as amº m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = Secy. J. J. Madden-------------------------- Asst. Secy. E. M. Massey---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. P. A. Lehmkuhl---------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: J. C. Boyle, Hance H. Cleland, M. D. Field, B. E. Harder, G. A. Harrison, G. L. Jackson, E. L. Lenox. 655, 656 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Controls: - California-Oregon Power Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $34,685, 545 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $4,960, 871 In Oregon----------------------------- $3, 167, 455 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 42, 702 In Oregon----------------------------- 34, 732 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 100,080 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 643,068,833 Generated.---------------------------- 624, 474, 456 Purchased.---------------------------- 18, 594, 377 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Klamath Falls----------------------------- 16,497 Medford----------------------------------- 11, 281 1,000 to 10,000 population Grants Pass-------------------------------- 6,028 Roseburg---------------------------------- 4,924 250 to 1,000 population Butte Falls-------------------------------- 339 Cave Junction----------------------------- 250 Central Point------------------------------ 906 Chiloquin---------------------------------- 74.1 Comstock--------------------------------- 520 Elkton------------------------------------ 405 Glendale----------------------------------- 557 Gold Hill---------------------------------- 536 Jacksonville-------------------------------- 761 Jerome------------------------------------- 300 Kerby---------- * * * * 250 Merrill------------------------------------- 648 Oakland.----------- - - - - * 367 Perrydale---------------------------------- 625 Phoenix * * * º ºs = <= <= ** - - * * * * * = &º 432 Rogue River * * * * 383 Sutherlin---------------------------------- 525 Talent------------------------------------- 38} Tiller-------------------------------------- 308 Yoncalla----------------------------------- 277 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: California Public Service Co. Mountain States Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Ashland Electric Dept. *City of Canyonville. *Drain Light & Water Dept. *Town of Myrtle Creek. *West Douglass Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water service in California and Oregon. See Also: Operations reported under California (04–028). 36–029 California Public Service Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Oregon only)----------------------------- $97,646 Number of Electric Customers: (Oregon only)----------------------------- 1, 201 Community Served at Retail: Population Lakeview----------------------------------- 2, 466 See Also: Principal report under California (04–031). 36–035 Cascade Utilities, Inc.” Oakridge, Oreg. a Distribution system in community of Oakridge sold as of June 1, 1941, to Lane County Electric Co-operative, Inc. (36–869). Principal Officers: Clyde E. Carlos----------------------------- PreS. Mayme M. Carlos---------------------- Vice Pres. Sadie B. Jones--------------------- Secy. & Treas. C. R. Jones---------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: Clyde E. Carlos, Mayme M. Carlos, C. R. Jones, Sadie B. Jones. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $19,380 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 354,859 Community Served at Retail: Population Oakridge-------------------------------------- 520 36–043 R. M. Davidson Seneca, Oreg. Principal Officers: R. M. Davidson----------------------------- PreS. George F. Kennedy Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $6,263 Number of Electric Customers - - 130 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 112,560 Community Served at Retail: Population Seneca---------------------------------------- 506 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–046 Eastern Oregon Light and Power Company 2003 First St., Baker, Oreg. (Controlled by Columbia Construction Co. through 62.2% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . P. Pulliam-------------------------------- Pres. A. A. Smith---------------------------- Vice Pres. L. A. Grettum------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Paul R. Enright---------------------- Secy.-Treas. F. C. Hessler----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. T. F. Kaap------------ ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. H. F. Paetz------------4ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: Paul R. Frright, D. W. French, L. A. Grettum, J. J. Heilner, J. P. Pulliam, John Schmitz, A. A. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,489,482 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $684,202 Number of Electric Customers----------- 8,642 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 4,030 Steam--------------------------------- 1,450 Hydro--------------------------------- 2,580 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 30, 210,089 Generated.----------------------------- 14, 734,809 Purchased.----------------------------- 15, 475, 280 DIRECTORY 657 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OREGON Communities Served at Retail: Population aker--------------------------------------- 9, 342 Cove---------------------------------------- 321 Elgin--------------------------------------- 997 Haines-------------------------------------- 377 La Grande---------------------------------- 7, 747 North Powder------------------------------ Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Sumpter Power & Water Co. Also Renders: Steam Service to One customer. - 36–052 Gold Beach Cooperative Utilities Gold Beach, Oreg. Principal Officers: - James C. Leith------------------------------ ProS. Hazel I. Leith------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Fred Bauer, Elmer R. Costelloe, Wm. H. Leith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $25,439 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $8, 183 Number of Electric Customers----------- 225 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 40 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 113,490 Community Served at Retail: Population Gold Beach -------------------------------- 650 36–058 Gold Beach Electric Co. Gold Beach, Oreg. £ommunity Served at Retail: Gold Beach----------------------------------- Population 650 Idaho Power Company 1220 Idaho St., Boise, Idaho (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 71.8% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Oregon Only)---------------------------- Number of Electric Customers: $503, 707 (Oregon only)---------------------------- 4,936 Communities Served at Retail: Population Halfway------------------------------------ 416 Huntington--------------------------------- 74.1 NYSSa--------------------------------------- 1, 855 Ontario------------------------------------- 3, 551 Vale---------------------------------------- 1,083 Utility Served at Wholesale: * PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Eastern Oregon Light and Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Idaho (11–043) and operations reported under Nevada (27–040). 36–073 Idanha Power Corporation Idanha, Oreg. Community Served at Retail: Detroit”-------------------------------------- a Served prior to June 1, 1941, by Tumble Creek Power and Water Co. (36–165). 322184—42——47 36–075 Inland Power & Light Company 920 S. W. Sixth Ave., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Operating Revenues: (Oregon only) - Number of Electric Customers: (Oregon only)----------------------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O'WNEID UTILITY: Pacific Power & Light Co. See Also: Principal report under Washington (46– 055). 36–093 Maupin Power Co. Maupin, Oreg. Principal Officers: E. C. Woodcock----------------------------- Pres. J. H. Woodcock------ Secy.-Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Directors: E. C. Woodcock, J. H. Woodcock, L. L. Woodcock. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $50,260 -- $19,800 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,514 Number of Electric Customers------------- 150 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 250 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 338, 590 Community Served at Retail: Population Maupin-------------------------------------- 267 36–095 Mill City Light and Water Co. Mill City, Oreg. Principal Officer: Thomas W. Allen------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $74,942 Number of Electric Customers------------- 362 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts otal--------------------------------- 550 Hydro------------------------------------ 400 Internal Combustion-------------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 346,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mill City----------------------------------- 1, 200 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–110 Mountain States Power Company 236 Lyon St., Albany, Oreg. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp.) Principal Officers: Z. E. Merrill-------------------------------- Pres. B. E. Lee--------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. W. L. Fitzpatrick------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. J. J. Madden--------------------------ASSt. Secy. J. Ford-------------------------------- ASSt. Secy P. A. Lehmkuhl---------------------- ASSt. Treas. A. W. Trimble----------------------- Asst. Treas 658 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: E. R. Bryson, Ben F. Dorris, W. H. Duff, N. E. Irvine, W. D. Johnston, Z. E. Merrill, D. S. Soliday, E. B. Williamson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $21,024,752 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------- $4,228, 732 In Oregon----------------------------- $2,375,914 Number of Electric Customers: Total.---------------------------- 72,693 In Oregon----------------------------- 40, 117 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.----------------------------- 36,647 Steam-------------------------------- 27,868 ydro-------------------------------- 6, 536 Internal Combustion----------------- 2, 243 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 214, 186, 347 Generated.---------------------------- 59, 790,930 Purchased.---------------------------- 154, 395,417 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Albany------------------------------------- 5,654 Bunker Hill-------------------------------- 1,072 Coquille------------------------------------ 3, 327 Corvailis------------------------------------ 8,392 Cottage Grove.-----------------------------. 2,626 Dallas-------------------------------------- 3, 579 Independence------------------------------- 1, 372 Junction City------------------------------ 1, 187 Lebanon----------------------------------- 2, 729 Marshfield---------------------------------- 5, 259 Myrtle Point------------------------------- 1, 296 North Bend-------------------------------- 4, 262 Springfield---------------------------------- 3,805 Stayton------------------------------------ 1,085 Tillamook---------------------------------- 2, 751 250 to 1,000 population Bay City----------------------------------- 379 Beaver------------------------------------- 250 Brownsville-------------------------------- 784 Cloverdale--------------------------------- 300 Coburg------------- - - - - - - -s º -º ºr -> * - - - - - - - - - - - - 456 Creswell------------------------------------ 497 Cutler City-------------------------------- 350 De Lake.----------------------------------- 300 Eastside------------------------------------ 638 Empire.------------------------------------ 665 Englewood--------------------------------- 690 Falls City---------------------------------- 715 Garibaldi----------------------------------- 750 Halsey-------------------------------------- 305 Harrisburg---------------------------------- 622 Jefferson------------------------------------ 479 Marcola------------------------------------ 450 Millington.--------------------------------- 431 Monmouth--------------------------------- 965 Nelscott------------------------------------ 250 Ocean Lake--------------------------------- 400 Philomath---------------------------------- 856 Powers------------------------------------- 700 Riverton - - - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35] Rockaway--------------------------------- 450 Scio----------------------------------------- 351 Taft---------------------------------------- 300 Wendling----------------------------------. 530 Wheeler------------------------------------ 259 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: West Coast Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bandon Hydro-Electric Dept. *Coos Electric Cooperative, Inc. Aiso Renders: Telephone and water service in Montana; water service in Oregon; gas and Steam heating Service in Wyoming. See Also: Operations reported under Idaho (11–061), Montana (25–120), South Dakota (40–095), Wash- ington (46–985), and Wyoming (49-037). 36–116 Northwestern Electric Company Public Service Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 67.6% of voting power.) Principal Officers: L. T. Merwin----------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. John A. Laing-------------------------- Vice PreS. C. W. Platt-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. W. Lawlor----------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Walter S. Babson, Arthur L. Fields, John A. Laing, L. T. Merwin, C. W. Platt. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $21,467, 104 Electric ºrating Revenues: Tota Total----------------------------- $4,200,281 In Oregon---------------------------- $2,885,322 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------- 41, 498 In Oregon----------------------------- 28,722 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 52, 100 Steam-------------------------------- 42, 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 9, 600 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 502,395,845 Generated.---------------------------- 253, 859, 606 Purchased.---------------------------- 248, 536,239 Communities Served at Retail: Population Portland---------------------------------- 305,394 Rainier-------------- - 1, 183 Utilities served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Portland General Electric Co. PTBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adm. Also Renders: Steam heat Service. See Also: Operations reported under Washington (46–094). 36–122 Oregon Gas and Electric Company 101 S. Tenth St., Tacoma, Wash. (ºiled by North American Gas and Electric XO. Principal Officers: T. E. Roach---------------------- • * * * * * * * - - - PreS. Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice Pres. F. R. Merris----, -------------------. Secy.-Treas. J. B. Adams-------------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: Leo Loeb, F. R. Merris, T. E. Roach. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $250, 721 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $40,137 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 830 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)---------------- 225 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hourg otal------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 511, 960 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 116,960 Purchased------------------------------ 395,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Vernonia------------------------------------ 1, 412 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Timber Light & Power Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OREGON 659 36–127 Pacific Power & Light Company 920 S. W. Sixth Ave., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 94.66% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Oregon only -- -- $2,223, 360 Number of Electric Customers: Oregon only---------------------------- 32, 707 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Astoria------------------------------------ 10, 389 end-------------------------------------- 10,021 1,000 to 10,000 population Enterprise--------------------------------- 1, 709 Heppner - - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - 1, 140 Hood River-------------------------------- 3, 280 Pendleton.-------------------------------- 8,847 Prineville---------------------------------- 2, 358 Redmond--------------------------------- 1,876 Seaside------------------------------------ 2,902 The Dalles--------------------------------- 6, 266 Warrenton-------------------------------- 1, 365 250 to 1,000 population Arlington - - - - - - 609 Condon------------------------------------ 856 Dufur-------------------------------------- 392 FCho-------------------------------------- 280 Fossil-------------------------------------- 532 FreeWater---------------------------------- 825 Hermiston--------------------------------- 803 Ione-------------- - - - 262 Joseph------------- * - 593 Madras------------ - - - 412 Moro-------------------------------------- 309 Pilot Rock 358 Umatilla---------------------------------- 370 Wallowa----------------------------------- 838 Wasco-------------- 303 tjtilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Hermiston Light & Power Co. Rnappa Svenson Electric Co. Preston Shaffer Milling Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Milton Municipal Electric Utility. *Nehalem Valley Cooperative Electric ASSn. *Umatilla Electric Cooperative Assn. sº Also Principal report under Washington (46– 106). 36–139 Portland General Electric Company 621 S. W. Alder St., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Portland Electric Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Franklin T. Griffith-------------------- Chairman James H. Polhemus------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Geo. E. Sullivan----Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. R. E. Brennan-------------- Treas. & Comptroller Cassius R. Peck----- Secy. Clarence D. Phillips------------------- ASSt. Secy. L. G. Park----------- Gen. Auditor & Asst. Treas. Griffith, Peck & Coke--------------- Gen. Counsel Frank M. Warren, Jr.------------ Asst. to the Pres. Directors: Franklin T. Griffith, E. B. Mać- Naughton, L. C. Newlands, James H. Polhemus, Amedee M. Smith, Robert H. Strong, Paul B. Wallace. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $62,554, 183 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $10,050, 595 In Oregon * - $9,799, 305 Number of Electric Customers: otal--------------------------------- 138,505 In Oregon - - - - 134, 664 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 196, 465 Steam-------- 90, G00 IIydro---- 106,465 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 846, 430, 115 Generated.-- - - - 546, 585,000 Purchased - - - - 296, 389, 594 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 3, 455, 521 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Portland--------------------------------- 305,394 Salem------------------------------------ 30,903 1,000 to 10,000 population Beaverton------------------------------. 1,052 Gladstone-------------------------------. 1,620 Gresham--------------------------------. 1,951 Hillsboro--------------------------------. 3, 747 Lake Grove.-----------------------------. 1, 200 Metzger---------------------------------. 1,000 Milwaukie------------------------------- 1,871 Mount Angel----------------------------. 1,032 Newberg--------------------------------- 2,960 Oregon City------------------------------ 6, 124 Oswego----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,726 Saint Helens----------------------------. 4, 304 Sheridan--------------------------------- 1, 29t Silverton--------------------------------. 2,925 West Linn------------------------------- 2, 165 West Salem-----------------------------. 1,491) Woodburn------------------------------- 1,982 250 to 1,000 population Aloha------------------------------------ 65) Amity------------------------------------ 545 Boring----------------------------------- 300 Bryant----------------------------------. 30?) Carlton----------------------------------- 864 Chemawa-------------------------------. 75i) Cherry Grove.---------------------...-- . 25() Clackamas------------------------------. 35) Columbia City------------------------.... 32. Cornelius--------------------------------- 63/ Dayton.------ * * - - - - - -- 506 Estacada--------------------------------. 526 Fairview--------------------------------. 305 Gervais---------------------------------- 332 Grande Ronde--------------------------- 300 Hubbard-------------------------------. 38/ Lafayette---- - - - - 409 Molalla----------------------------------- 907 Park Place-----------------------------... 250 Sandy--- - - - - 473 Sherwood-------------------------------- 447 Tigard----------------------------------- 600 Turner----------------------------------- 414 Willamina---------------- 67’ſ Yamhill---------------------------------- 413 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Butte Light & Power Co. Mountain States Power Co. Northwestern Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Canby Light & Water Dept. See Also: Operations reported under Washington (46–118). Ö6() FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 36–145 Port Orford Light & Power Co. 1165% Willamette, Eugene, Oreg. Population 755 Community Served at Retail: Port Orford----------------------------------- 36–157 Sumpter Power & Water Company Sumpter, Oreg. Principal Officers: N. R. Howard------------------------------- PreS. B. M. HOWard----------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. A. HOWard-------------------------------Mgr. Directors: B. M. Howard, G. A. Howard, N. R. Howard. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $47,577 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $4,892 Number of Electric Customers------------- 124 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 150 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 86,871 Energy Generated.------------------------ 84,881 Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,990 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–162 Timber Light and Power Co. Timber, Oreg. Population Community Served at Retail: 350 Timber--------------------------------------- 36–165 Tumble Creek Power and Water Co.” Detroit, Oreg. *}}lectric properties sold to Idanha Power Co. (36–073) On June 1, 1941. The following data are for the year 1940: #ºlectric Utility Plant--- - - - - ----------------- $7,423 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $2,025 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 52 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) ---------------- 32 3Community Served at Retail: Population 250 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–168 West Coast Power Company A04 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through j00% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. C. MacInnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------Pres. L. E. Bracken . . . . . . . . . . ---------------- Vice Pres. D. A. Henry--------------------------- Vice PreS Ralph Kilday------------------------------- Secy A. B. Hill---------------------------------- Treas I. A. Lehman - - - - - - - - - -Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas W. L. Chandler. . . . . . . . . -------------.ASSt. Treas K. R. Teele- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- --Asst. Treas Directors: W. H. Duff, H. M. Erskine, W. C. MacInnes, F. C. McColloch, W. G. Mortland. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,704,048 Electric Operating Revenues: Total---------------------------------- $761,928 In Oregon----------------------------- $400, 582 Number of Electric Customers Total---------------------------------- 15,698 In Oregon.----------------------------- 7, 503 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,593 WCITO--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 298 Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 295 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 28, 162,617 Generated.----------------------------- 8,344, 462 Purchased.----------------------------- 19,818, 155 Communities Served at Retail Population Ulſus--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 2,566 Canyon City------------------------------- 312 Clatskanie---------------------------------- 708 Florence------------------------------------ 458 Gardiner----------------------------------- 310 Hines-------------------------------------- 677 John Day---------------------------------- 708 Newport ---------------------------------- 2,019 Prairie City-------------------------------- 647 Quincy------------------------------------- 325 ReedSport ---------------------------------- 1, 421 Silet?--------------------------------------- 30 Toledo------------------------------------- 2,288 Waldport----------------------------------- 630 Wauna------------------------------------- 419 Westport----------------------------------- 708 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWN ED UTILITY: *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adm. Also Renders: Water Service in Idaho. See Also: Operations reported under Idaho (11–109) and Washington (46–169). 36–222 The Booth Kelly Lumber Company 507 Willamette St., Eugene, Oreg. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Chas. G. Briggs. . . . . ------------------------ Pres. 36—233 Bridal Weil Power & Light Co. Spalding Blog., Portland, Oreg. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. E. Leash--------------------------------- Pres. Leonard Kraft - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres.-Secy. K. H. Leash ------------------------------- Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OREGON The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,852 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 19 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 40,079 36–244 Brooks Scanlon Lumber Company, Inc. Bend, Oreg. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A. J. GlassOW-------------------------- Vice-Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - Púlowatts Generating Capacity (steam). ---------------- 3, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale.-------------------- 576, 130 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: |Pacific Power & Light Co. 36–266 W. T. Clark Sawmill Friend, Oreg. 36–277 Coos Bay Lumber Company 351 California St., San Francisco, Calif. See also: Principal report under Calif. (04–232). 36–299 Ewauna Box Co. Klamath Falls, Oreg. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Chas. Yorkeland---------------------- Elec. Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72,759 Electric Operating Revenues. -------------- $4,440 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam). ------------------ 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,480,000 36-310 The Grande Ronde Pine Company Pondosa, Oreg. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: P. A. Daughs---------------------- Supt. of Distr. P. W. Foote--------------...--------- Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,500 Electric Operating Revenues. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - $3,977 Number of Electric Customers. -- - - - - - - - - - - 133 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam). -------------- 90 Rilowatt-hour's Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 135, 66') Community Served at Retail: Population Pondosa “------------------------------------ 348 a Majority of customers are company employees, Also Renders: Water Service. 36–332 Harney Sawmill Harney, Oreg. 36–343 Edward Hines Lumber Company Hines, Oreg. Official In Charge of Efectric Operations: William Haggerty------------------------ Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $226,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,214 Number of Electric Customers------------- | Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------------- 80t) Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale ------------------- 2, 504, 873 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: West Coast Power Co. 36–344 C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation Toledo, Oreg. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A. G. Sondenaa------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $348,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $38, 124 Number of Electric Customers------------ 4. Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 4, 70ſ) Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 4, 143, 701 TJtility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: West Coast Power Co. 36–345 Kinzua Pine Mills Company Kinzua, Oreg. Community Served at Retail: Populatio l Kinzua "-------------------------------------- 780 a Customers are company employees only, served without direct charge. -, -et-sº !--, 36–354 Oregon Lumber Company Bates, Oreg. 662 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 36–365 Pacific Spruce Corporation American Bank Bldg., Portland, Oreg. 36–367 Preston Shaffer Milling Company Athena, Oreg. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: M. L. Watts-------------------------------- Mgr. C. O. Hanlon.-------------------------- Electrician 'The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 485 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 1,776,627 Communities Served at Retail: Population Athena--------------------------------------- 513 Weston--------------------------------------- 498 36–380 Westfir Lumber Company Westfir, Oreg. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. G. Cummings--------------- Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Blectric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,750 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,770 Number of Electric Customers------------- 267 FCilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --------------- 200 - ICilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 14,685 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 368,200 Community Served at Retail: Population Westfir a __ 958 * Majority of customers are company employees. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Cascade Utilities, Inc. 36–387 The Westport Lumber Company Westport, Oreg. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: L. J. Harding------------------------------- Mgr. Wm. Eyman------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $106,422 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $35, 130 Number of Electric Customers------------- I Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 2, 750 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 5,833,600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: West Coast Power Co. See Also: Operations reported under Washington (46–377). 36–398 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Tacoma, Wash. See Also: Principal report under Washington (46–388) and operations reported under California (04–309). 36–420 Willamette Valley Lumber Com- pany Dallas, Oreg. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. Fulgham--------------------------- Gen. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------- 5, 500 Rilo 100tt-hours Energy Sold for Resale ------------------ 12, 200,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. 36–514 *Ashland Electric Department Ashland, Oreg. Pºpe Flºric Utility Official: C. Biegel--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $263,218 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $89,912 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,693 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 300 Energy Available in Year Rilowatt-hours * * * * * * * sº sº - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4, 160, 464 Generated.------------------------------ 2, 282,774 Purchased------------------------------ 1,877,690 Community Served at Retail Population Ashland----------------------------, ------ 4,744 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–525 *Baker Municipal Power and Light System Baker, Oreg. 36–536 *Hydroelectric Department, City of Bandon Bandon, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: K. I. Franklin----------------------------- Mayor J. H. Fasnacht------------------------------ Mgr. Mayor and Councilmen: M. Fogle, K. I. Franklin (mayor), W. R. Hines, L. W. Lowe, T. W. Panter, D. P. Plymale, C. E. Schroeder. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OREGON 663 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $31,816 || Number of Electric Customers ------------ 529 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: otal------------------------------- 1,435,900 Generated------------------------------ 1,093, 200 Purchased------------------------------ 342,700 Communities Served at Retail: Population andon------------------------------------ 1,004 Langlois------------------------------------ 250 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Port Orford Light & Power Co. 36–542 *City of Boardman Boardman, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Official: Alta Russell-------------------------- City Treas. 36–545 *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Admin- istration 811 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Oreg. (Principal *:::: Utility Officials: Dr. Paul J. Raver------------------ Administrator U. J. Gendron---------------- ASSt. Administrator Allan Hart-------------------------- Gen. Counsel Wm. A. Dittmer--------- Chief, System Planning & Marketing Division S. E. Schultz------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $25,315,654 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $749, 118 Number of Electric Customers--------- 15 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 140,400 Energy Available in Year: FCilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 377, 557, 440 Energy Generated.-------------------- 374, 175, 510 Energy Interchanged-in (Gross) ------ 3,381,930 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Portland General Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Benton-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. *City of Canby. . *City of Cascade Locks. *Eugene Water Board. *City of Forest Grove. - *Public Utility District No. 1 of Gray's Harbor County (Washington). *Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County (Washington), *City of McMinnville Water & Light Dept. *City of Monmouth. *Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County (Washington). *Public Utility District No. 1 of Skamania County (Washington). *Public Utility District No. 1 of Wahkiakum County (Washington). See also: Operations reported under Washington (46–515). 36–547 *Canby Light and Water Department” Canby, Oreg. a Utility has service contract with U. S. Depart- ment of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adminis- tration. Principal Electric Utility Official: Louis Lent---------------------------------- Supt. City Council: Frank T. Cutsforth, H. N. Everhart, Rine Gesik, George Koehler, B. P. Pfister, Harry Porter, R. H. Reynolds, Fred Stefani, J. R. Vinyard (mayor). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $26,721 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,471 Number of Electric Customers------------- 4 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 911, 790 Community Served at Retail: Population Canby---------------------------------------- 988 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–558 *City of Canyonville Canyonville, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray Bartley------------------------------- Mayor Robert Shaffer-------------------------- Recorder The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $7,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,451 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 100 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 128,695 36–565 *City of Cascade Locks “ Cascade Locks, Oreg. a Utility has service contract with U. S. Depart- ment of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adminis- tration. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. L. Anoth------------------------------ Mayor T. J. Langton.------- Chairman Power Committee Jack Flaucher------------------------------- Mgr. Power Committee: T. J. Langton, Karl Rosenback, Leslie White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $79,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $28,983 Number of Electric Customers----------- 528 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)---------- .. 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------- 1, 266,823 Generated * 60, 103 Purchased * - sº me • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1, 206, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population Cascade Locks-------------------------------- 703 Also Renders: Water service. 664 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 36–569 *City of Drain Drain, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. Catching---------------------------- Mayor L. C. Applegate------------------------- Recorder Lucille Bogen------------------------------ Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,938 Number of Electric Customers------------- 262 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 237,600 Community Served at Retail: Population rain---------------------------------------- 597 36–580 *Eugene Water Board” City Hall, Eugene, Oreg. a Utility has service contract with U. S. Depart- ment of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adminis- tration. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. McArthur - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gen. Supt. & Secy. F. Ford Northrop--------------------- Elec. Engr. Water Board Commissioners: P. W. Brown (preS.), Orlando John Hollis, L. D. Pierce, W. R. Robert- Son, A. L. Williamson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,695,833 Electric Operating Revenues -- - - - - - - - - - - $563, 562 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9, 849 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 14,628 Steam--------------------------------- 6,000 Hydro--------------------------------- a 8,628 a At 80% power factor. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- - - - 57, 367,833 Generated.---------------------------- 57,211, 833 Purchased.----------------------------- 156,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Eugene------------------------------------ 20,838 Utility Served at Wholesale: Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adm. Also Renders: Water Service. 36–591 *City of Forest Grove * º Forest Grove, Oreg. a Utility has service contract with U. S. Depart- ment of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adminis- tration. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter Weber-------------------------- City Mgr. Creston Marshall---------------- City Electrician City Council: L. B. Drake (mayor), F. D. Gard- ner, G. G. Gibson, Carl Johnson, Joseph Loomis, Harry Shick, S. E. Todd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $204,429 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $42,381 Number of Electric Customers-------. ---- 1, 200 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 2, 550, 840 Community Served at Retail: Population Forest Grove------------------------------- 2,449 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–602 *McMinnville Water & Light Department” 223 Cowls St., McMinnville, Oreg. * Utility has service contract with U. S. Depart- #: of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adminis- Tall OIl. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. H. McGuire------------------------ Gen. Mgr. Water and Light Commission: W. S. Link, Glen L. Rowell, Gilbert Tilbury, H. L. Toney, R. H. Windishar (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $666,916 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $132,001 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,279 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 2,910 WCITO---------------------------------- 200 Internal Combustion------------------- 2,710 Energy Available in Year: Ailowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 8,054, 501 Generated.------------------------------ 6, 694, 501 Purchased.------------------------------ 1,360,000 Community Served at Retail: Population McMinnville------------------------------- 3, 706 Also Renders: Water Service. 36–613 *Milton Municipal Electric Utility Milton, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Official: - H. H. Kramer---------------------------- City Mgr. City Council: T. M. Birkbeck (mayor), F. A. Fuller- ton, C. D. Hobbs, C. J. McKenzie, Gilbert Olinger. g The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $404, 724 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $75,050 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 949 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------- 1, 760 yCiTO---------------------------------- 1, 360 Internal Combustion------------------- 400 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------- 9, 251,648 Generated.------------------------------ 9, 250, 848 Purchased.------------------------------ 800 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-OREGON 665 Communities Served at Retail: Population FreeWater----------------------------* - - - - - - 825 Milton------------------------------------- 1,744 Utility served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWN ED UTILITY: Pacific Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 36—624 *Town of Myrtle Creek Myrtle Creek, Oreg. Population 441 Community Served at Retail: Myrtle Creek--------------------------------- 36—650 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise Project P. O. Box 937, Boise, Idaho The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Oregon only)----------------------------- $40,000 Number of Electric Customers: Oregon only------------------------------ 3 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Advancement Irrigation District. *I)ead Ox Pump. *Ontario—Nyssa Irrigation District. See Also: Principal report under Idaho (11–669). 36–807 *Benton-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. Corvallis, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George W. Hendrix - - - - - - -------------------Pres. Guy Thomas-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $205,000 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - ----- 490 36-812 *Blachly-Lane County Cooperative Electric Assn. Blachly, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. A. Parker. ------------------------------- PreS. Frank N. Savage---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $133, 256 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $16, 243 Number of Electric Customers - - - - -------- 288 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) -------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- a 326,000 a For year eraded June 30, 1940. 36–820 *Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. Redmond, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl Baker---------------------------------- PreS B. D. Reiſ.----------------------------- Vice PreS. J. E. Thompson----------------------------- Secy Jack Shumway----------------------------- Treas. Directors: W. R. Gerking, John Hohnstein, A. L. Houmard, G. A. Kriger, W. Boyd Simmons. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- 36–830 *Coos Electric Cooperative, Inc. Coquille, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: $244,000 Ivan C. Laird------------------------------- Pres. R. J. Connarn------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $103,002 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 184 36–860 *Jordan Walley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Jordan Valley, Oreg. Community Served at Retail: Population Jordan Valley--------------------------- 274 36–869 *Lane County Electric Co-operative, Inc. 201–02 I. O. O. F. Bldg., Eugene, Oreg Community Served at Retail: Population Oak Ridge *---------------------------------- 520 a Served prior to June 1, 1941, by Cascade Utilities, Inc. (36–035). - 36–890 *McKenzie River Electric Co- operative, Inc. Eugene, Oreg. 36–895 *Malheur Cooperative Electric Association Vale, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. F. Donahue------------------------------ PreS. Leland S. Heller---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $168,803 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 262 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 120 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- a 70,480 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 666 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 36–917 *Nehalem Walley Cooperative Electric Assn. Jewell, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: William Wage------------------------------- Pres. Stanton S. Tanner-------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $83,615 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,882 Number of Electric Customers------------- 325 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 299,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 36–967 *Umatilla Electric Cooperative Assn. Hermiston, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. D. Martin------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $236,518 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,041 Number of Electric Customers------------ 671 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 519,984 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 36–975 *West Douglas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Roseburg, Oreg. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. H. Doerner------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $113,808 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $10,954 Number of Electric Customers------------ 335 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 178,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Camas Valley--------------------------- 360. PENNSYLVANIA Index Reference Number Abington Electric Company. --------------- 37–011 Allegheny Pittsburgh Coal Co. ------------- 37–208 Allegheny River Mining Company---------- 37–210 Altoona & Logan Valley Flectric Railway Co- 37–013 *Aspinwall Borough Water and Light Plant- 37–513 *Bedford Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. -- 37–812 *Berlin Borough Municipal Electric Light System------------------------------------ Berwind-White Coal Mining Company - - - - - Bethlehem Steel Company------------------ 3 *Blakely Borough Municipal Light Plant - - - 37–525 Boiling Springs Electric Light and Water Company--------------------------------- 37-017 *Brackenridge Borough Electric Department- 37-531 Bradford Electric Company----------------- 37–0.19 Brockway Light, Heat & Power Co- - - - ----- 37–022 Buffalo & Susquehanna Coal & Coke Co-- - - 37–233 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation---------- Carpenter, Harley D *Catawissa Municipal Light Plant---------- 37–537 *Central Electric Cooperative, Inc ---------- *Central Rural Electric Cooperative Associ- ation, Inc., The--------------------------- 37–830 *Chambersburg, The Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of ---------------- 37–544 Chester County Light and Power Company- 37–033 Citizens Electric Company of Lewisburg, Pa. 37–035 Clarion River Power Company, The-------- 37–037 *Claverack Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 37–835 Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation----- 37–237 Cochranton Borough Electric Service Co---- 37–039 Colver Electric Col ------------------------- 37–041 *Conemaugh Municipal Electric Light Plant 37–550 Conneaut Lake Borough Electric Service Co- 37–044 Conneaut Lake Electric Light & Power Com- pany of Sadsbury Township--------------- 37–046 Consolidation Coal Co---------------------- 37–242 Cresson Electric Light Company------------ 37–048 Crucible Fuel Company--------------------- 37–244 Curtis Leather Co., J. G-------------------- 37–246 *Danville Borough Light Department------- 37–556 *Duncannon Borough Light and Power Plant 37–562 Duquesne Light Company------------------ 37–052 East Fairfield Township Crawford Public Service Company------------------------- 37–055 East Fallowfield, Light & Power Company___ 37–057 Ebensburg Coal Company------------------ 37–263 Edison Light and Power Company---------- 37–061 Elkland Electric Company, Inc. ------------ 37–063 Elkland Leather Co., Inc.------------------- 37–272 *Ellwood City Borough Electric Dept.------- 37–568 *Ephrata, Borough of ---------------------- 37-575 Erie County Electric Company------------- 37–066 Erie Lighting Company--------------------- 37–068 *Etna, Boro of—----------------------------- 37–581 Fairfield Township Light & Power Corpor- ation-------------------------------------- *Ford City Borough Light Plant------------ Franklin Transmission Company----------- 37–070 Fulton Electric Light, Heat & Power Com- på Gallitzin Electric Light Company 37–074 *Girard Borough Municipal Light Plant_ _ _ _ 37–593 Glen Alden Coal Company, The------------ 37–281 Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Com- parly-------------------------------------- 37-078 *Grove City Borough ----------------------- 37–606 Harvey’s Lake Light Company------------- 37–081 Reference Number Hastings Electrical Co---------------------- 37–083 *Hatfield Borough Electric Light Depart- 3 ment-------------------------------------- Henderson Coal Company. ----------------- 37–286 Hercules Cement Corporation. -------------- 37–290 Hershey Chocolate Corporation - - - ---------- 37–295 Hershey Electric Company------------------ 37–085 Hershey Lumber Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37–299 Home Electric Light & Steam Heating Com- Pany-------------------------------------- 37–089 *Hooversville Borough Light Plant---------- 37—618 Industrial Collieries Corporation------------ 37–304 *Jefferson Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - 37–843 Keystone Coal Company-------------------- 37–309 Keystone Public Service Company---------- 37–092 *Kutztown Borough Light and Power Co-- - 37-624 Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Power Company--------------------------------- 37–31) *Lansdale Borough Electric Department---- 37–639 *Lewisberry Borough Council--------------- 37–637 Loyal Hanna Coal and Coke Company - - - - - 37–322 Ludlow Gas and Electric Co---------------- 37–103 Luzerne County Gas and Electric Corpora- tion--------------------------------------- 37–105 Mauch Chunk Heat, Power & Electric Ilight 7–109 McCoy & Lynn.----------------------------- 37–107 Mercersburg, Lehmasters & Markes Electric Company--------------------------------- 37–111 Metropolitan Edison Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37–114 *Middletown Borough Light Plant--------- 37–649 *Mifflinburg, Borough of.-------------------- 37–655 Monongahela Light and Power Company--- 37-116 Monroe Coal Mining Company------------- 3 *Mont Alto, Borough of.-------------------- 37–661 Mowersville Light CO----------------- - - - - - - 37–118 Natrona Light & Power Company---------- 37–12) Nazareth Cement Company-------------- - - - 37–335 Newcastle Electric Street Railway Company 37-344 New Jersey Zinc Company (of Pa.), The---- 37–353 *New Wilmington Light Plant-------------- 37–668 Northern Pennsylvania Power Company----, 37-124 Northwestern Mining & Exchange Co. of Erie, Pennsylvania------------------------ 37–358 *Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc.--------------------------- 37 *Olyphant Borough Light Committee-------- 37-680 Palmerton Lighting Company----- - - - - - - - - - - 37–126 Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Corpn--------- 37–362 Pennsylvania Edison Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37-133 Pennsylvania Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - 37-133 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company----- 37–137 Pennsylvania Power Company-------------- 37–135 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company - - - - 37-142 *Perkasie Electric Light Department, Bor- Ough of.----------------------------------- 37–686 Philadelphia Electric Company------------- 37–144 Philadelphia Electric Power Company------ 37–148 Philadelphia Hydro-Electric Company------ 37–146 Pike County Light & Power Company------ 37-155 *Pitcairn Borough Electric Light Plant--...-- , 37–692 Pittsburgh Coke and Iron Company-------- 37–374 Pleasant Hall Electric Company------------ 37–389 *Quakertown Electric Light Department---- 37–699 Reconstruction Finance Corporation-------- 37–394 Renovo Edison Light, Heat & Power Com- 37–162 y - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------- * IU a Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company----- 37–398 Rockhill Coal Company--------------------- 37-401 Rockingham Light, Heat and Power Com- ... º. p8DV -------------------------------------- 37–164 668 COMMISSION FEDERAL POWER Reference Number *Royalton Electric Light Department - - - - - - 37–705 Saegertown Borough Electric Service Com- Dan W-------------------------------------- 37–165 Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation------ *Saint Clair Borough Electric Light Depart- ºnent-------------------------------------- 37 Scranton Electric Company, The_----------- 37–168 *Sharpsburg, Borough of.------------------- 37–723 *Smethport, Borough of --------------------- Solar Electric Company--------------------- 37–173 *Somerset Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.--- 37–865 Southern Pennsylvania Power Company---- 37–177 South Penn Power Compan 37–175 *Southwest Central Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation--------------------------- 7–872 Sparta Township Crawford Public Service Company--------------------------------- —178 Stoufferstown Electric Company-------------- 37-180 *Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative, 110---------------------------------------- 37–875 *Summerhill Municipal Light Plant.------- 37–735 Reference Number Susquehanna Collieries Co - - - - -------------- 37–443 *Tarentum Borough Electric Plant---------- 37–742 *Titusville Municipal Electric Light Plant-- 37–748 *Tri-County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc 37-880 Union Township Crawford Public Service Company--------------------------------- 37–183 *Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc ----- 37–890 Vinton Colliery Co. ------------------------- 37–450 *Wampum Borough Municipal Electric Light Plant------------------------------- 37–754 *Warren Electric Cooperative, Inc ---------- 37–900 Waterford Electric Light Co., The - - - - - - - - - - 37–184 *Watsontown Light and Power Department- 37–760 *Weatherly Borough Light and Power Co--- 37–766 Wellsboro Electric Compan 37–185 West Fallowfield Light & Power Company -- 37–186 West Penn Power Company - - -------------- 37–187 Windber Electric Corporation--------------- 37–188 Winola Electric Co-------------------------- 37–189 Yeagertown Water Power Company - - - - - - - - 37–190 *Zelienople, Borough of.--------------------- 37—773 * Denotes a publicly owned utility. PENNSYLVANIA 37–011 Abington Electric Company Clarks Summit, Lackawanna County, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- PreS. W. C. Devin--------------------------- Vice PreS. L. B. Harvey------------ Vice Pres., Secy. & Treas. F. S. Whitfield---------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. James L. Noecker------------------ Gen. Mgr. M. W. WalterS__ Auditor Directors: L. B. Harvey, E. E. Mandeville, Irwin Moore, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,055, 050 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $319, 315 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 118 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6, 500 Pºilowatt-hours £nergy Generated.----------------------- 13,999, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chinchilla---------------------------------- 500 Clarks Green.------------------------------- 726 Clarks Summit----------------------------- 2, 691 Palton------------------------------------- 1,090 Factoryville-------------------------------- 893 Glenburn----------------------------------- 520 Pa Plume---------------------------------- 332 Lake Winola------------------------------- 500 Waverly------------------------------------ 520 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. Winola Electric Co. 37–013 Altoona & Logan Walley Electric Railway Co. 1200 Eleventh Ave., Altoona, Pa. See: Home Electric Light and Steam Heating Company (37–089). 37–0.17 Boiling Springs Electric Light and Water Company Boiling Springs, Pa. 37–0.19 Bradford Electric Company 68 Chestnut St., Bradford, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Pººl Officers: irsch-------------------------------- PreS. E. C. Isele------------------------------ Vice PreS. Michael Zias------------------------- Secy.-Treas. H. O. Murphy------------------------- ASSt. Secy. W. E. Burdick-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. E. R. Lewis--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. A. M. Feeney------------------------- ASSt. Secy. B. M. Kirsch-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: T. S. Hawley, B. M. Kirsch, L. O. Langworthy, H. O. Murphy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2, 514, 239 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,318,035 Number of Electric Customers---- - - - - - - 12,410 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 79, 532,074 Purchased.----------------------------- 79, 434, 176 Interchanged (groSS-in) -- - - - - - - - ------- 97, 898 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bradford----------------------------------- 17, 691 Coleville (McKean County)--------------- 250 Coryville---------------------------------- 400 Custer City-------------------------------- 325 Cyclone (Simpson).------------------------ 700 Duke Center------------------------------- 1, 200 Eldred------------------------------------- 1,051 Farmers Valley---------------------------- 300 Foster Brook------------------------------ 500 Gifford (Davis)---------------------------- 290 Lewis Run--------------------------------- 844 Port Allegany------------------------------ 2,356 ew--------------------------------------- 300 Rixford------------------------------------ 575 Shingle House------------------------------ 1, 106 South Bradford---------------------------- 400 Westline----------------------------------- 250 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 669 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Pennsylvania Electric Co. West Penn Power Co. PUIBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Borough of Smethport. 37–022 Brockway Light, Heat & Power Co. 417 Main St., Brock way, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- FreS. W. C. Devin--------------------------- Vice PreS. L. B. Harvey------------ Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. F. S. Whitfield--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: L. B. Harvey, E. E. Mandeville, Irwin Moore, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $245, 115 Electric Opertºing Revenues-------------- $86,606 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 253 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 800 Steam---------------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion------------------- 500 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,001, 700 Communities Served at Retail: Population Brockway---------------------------------- 2, 709 Crenshaw----------------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Solar Electric Co. West Penn Power Co. 37–028 Harley D. Carpenter 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officer: Harley D. Carpenter----------------------- Owner Community Served at Retail: Population Spartansburg.------------------------------- 423 37–033 Chester County Light and Power Company 125 E. State St., Kennett Square, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Com- pany through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. B. Richardson---------------------------- PreS. L. R. Leslie------------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Treas. Fred B. Hoſt--------------------------- Vice Pres. H. J. LaWall--------------------------- Vice Pres. Jas. J. Fallon-------------------------------- Secy. A. S. Q9. Son---------------- Treas. & Comptroller W. A. Hill--------------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Doris Barrett-------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: A. S. Corson, P. H. Gadsden, Fred B. Hofft, Hudson W. Reed. R. B. Richardson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $836, 117 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $289, 15.8 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3, 693 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 8,811, 424 Communities Served at Retail: Population Avondale (Chester County)---------------- 754 Chatham----------------------------------- 30ſ) Kennett Square----------------------------- 3,375, Toughkenamon----------------------------- 450 West Grove ... - 1, 35/ Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Philadelphia Electric Co. (Borderline Inter. change). - Southern Pennsylvania Power Co. (Borderliſlº. Interchange). Also Renders: Gas Service. 37–035 Citizens Electric Company of Lewisburg, Pa. 312 Market St., Lewisburg, Pa. Principal Officers: Frank M. Simpson---------------------...--- Pros, Clarence L. Auten--------------- Exec, Vice Pre:3, Walter K. Rhodes---------------------- Vice Preš. Cloyd Steininger---------------------------- Secy, John P. Ruhl------------------------------- Treas J. C. Higgins - - - -º Comptroller R. E. Dennis------------------- Chief Accountanſ, Directors: Clarence L. Auten, John M. Gundy, John L. Reitz, Walter K. Rhodes, John P, Ruhl, Frank M. Simpson, Cloyd Steininger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plaint----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $260,696 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $129; 29.3 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,052 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 3,891,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Lewisburg---------------------------------- 3, 57.1 37–037 The Clarion River Power Company 535 Wine St., Johnstown, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: P. H. Harris - - - - - - - President & General Manager P. J. Morrissey------------------------- Vice Pres. R. F. Pruner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. A. Davies------------------------------ Treas. J. F. McKenna- - - - ------------------- Asst. Secy. E. Weinberger -----------------------ASSt. Treas, Directors: P. H. Harris, P. J. Morrissey, R, tº , Saylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-----...------ $6,041, 133 $444, 328 Number of Electric Customers--------- | 670 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatts Kenerating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 28,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 63,344, 180 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pennsylvania Electric Co. 37–039 Cochranton Borough Electric Service Co. 291 Chestnut St. Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter--------------- PreS. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. Community Served at Retail: Population Cochranton---------------------------------- 793 37–041 Colver Electric Co. 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by Ebensburg Coal Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . . D. Coleman------------------------------ Pres J. C. Britt---------------------------------- Secy F. A. Fontyn------------------------------ Treas. E. E. Shupp –- ASSt. Treas. Directors: G. D. Coleman, F. A. Fontyn, Leland Harrison. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $89, 498 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $60,308 Number of Electric Customers----------- 513 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours • Total.------------------------------- 3, 566, 465 Purchased.------------------------------ 2, 151, 465 Jnterchanged (groSS-in).----------------- 1, 415, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Colver-------- am as mº sm º ºs º º ºs = º sº º º sº º sº * * * 2,846 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pennsylvania Edison Co. 37–044 Conneaut Lake Borough Electric Service Co. 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter--------------- PreS. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Boirectors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. Community Served at Retail: IPopulation Conneaut Lake------------------------------- 598 37–046 Conneaut Lake Electric Light & Power Company of Sadsbury Township 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: A: Harley D. Carpenter ---------- - - - - - Secy. & Treas. A. W. Carpenter----------------------------- PreS. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. 37–048 Cresson Electric Light Company 70 E. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (Controlled by Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Cor- poration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: M. W. Potter------------------------------- Pres. J. M. Townsend--------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. B. Houser------------------------------- Te2S F. X. Lee---------------------------- Comptroller A. E. Heinrick--------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. W. A. Hertzog------------------------- en. Mgr. Directors: J. P. Bradin, W. A. Hertzog, F. X. Lee, A. E. Mettlach, M. W. Potter, J. M. Townsend. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $134,801 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $84, 301 Number of Electric Customers - - --------- 1, 157 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,913, 294 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cresson------------------------------------ 2,500 Sankertown-------------------------------- 942 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY Own ED UTILITY: Pennsylvania Edison Co. 37–052 Duquesne Light Company 435 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. (ºned by Standard Power & Light Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: F. R. Phillips------------------------------- Pres. P. H. McCance----------------- Senior Vice Pres. E. C. Stone--------------Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. W. G. Jens------------ Vice Pres. Chg. Operations Joseph McKinley----------- Vice Pres. Chg. Sales. W. J. Hagenah------------------------ Vice Pres. W. B. Carson-------------------------------Secy. H. D. Megahan---------------------------- Treas. F. B. Saunders------------------------- Controller Directors: A. E. Braun, L. T. Crowley, P. A. Fleger, J. G. Frazer, B. W. Lynch, P. H. McCance, Ward Perrott, F. R. Phillips, E. C. Stone. Controls: Allegheny County Steam Heating Co. (steam). Harwick Coal & Coke Co. (Inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $191,022, 969 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $34,443, 846 349, 764 Number of Electric Customers-------- DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 671 - Kilowatts | Communities Served at Retail: Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 504,000 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Vº- - - - - sº sº. - - - - - - - - -s = ** = * * * * * * * * * * - - * *-* - * * * 4, ; Total--------------------------- 2, 422, 97 erSallleS----------------------------------- 2,401 2,422,975,703 W*Aſſiºn..…....: 2,098 Generated-------------------------- 2,409, 511,290 || Wºº ºligºpas--------------------------- 2,931 j.I. § 3; Wººd.…-----------------. }; I ha -i W eS 16W--------------------------------- y Interchanged (gross-in) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10, 247, 281 Whitaker----------------------------------- 2,217 Communities Served at Retail: Wilmerding-------------------------------- 5, 662 10,000 population or more Population Wolf town (Allegheny County) - sº me. * * * * * * * * * * 3, 000 Aliquippa- - - - - - - - - - - ge *:::::::::::::… ; 250 to 1,000 population Beaver Falls... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17,698 || Allison, Park-------------------------------- 750 Bellevue ----------------------------------- 10,488 || Bakerstown-------------------------------- 360 Braddock-------------------------------- 18, 326|| Ben AVon Heights------------------------- 393 Carnegie-------------------------- -------- 12,663 | Bower Hill--------------------------------- 300 Clairton----------------------------------- 16,381 | Qamden; ºrº---------------------------- 500 Coraopolis--------------------------------- ii. 636 | Camp Hill (Allegheny County)------------ 350 Dormont---------------------------------- 12,974 | Qarnot-5----------------------------------- 400 Duquesne--------------------------------- 20, 693 Churchill----------------------------------- 430 Homestead - - - - - --------------------------- 19,041 | Qoal Valley-------------------------------- 250 McKees Rocks---------------------------- 17,021 | Porseyville--------------------------------- 250 McKeesport ...----------------------------- 55,355 | East Rochester----------------------------- 706 Mount Lebanon.--------------------------- 19,571 | EastValºr---------------------------------- 573 Munhall ---------------------------------- 13,900 Ewingville--------------------------------- 250 North Braddock--------------------------- 15,679 || Fallston------------------------------------ 628 Pittsburgh -------------------------------- 671,659 | Federal----------------------------------- 375 Stowe (Allegheny County) ---------------- i2.577 | Georgetown (Beaver County)-------------- 253 Swissvale---------------------------------- 15,919 | Qibsºnia----------------------------------- 500 Wilkinsburg------------------------------- 26,853 | Slenfield----------------------------------- 911 Groveton----------------------------------- 800 1,000 to 10,000 population Haffey------------------------------------- 252 Avalon------------------------------------ 6, 155 | Higºman----------------------------------- 525 Baden------------------------------------- 2, 135 Indianola----------------------------------- 532 Bairdford---------------------------------. 1,000 | Industry----------------------------------- 425 Baldwin----------------------------------- 3, Óñó | Pinhart------------------------------------ 5 Beaver - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5, 641 Mollenauer--> * = ~ * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 400 Ben Avon--------------------------------- 2, 516 Mount Washington.------------------------ 600 Blawnox---------------------------------- 2, 162 North Bessemer---------------------------- 900 Brentwood-------------------------------- 7, 552 9sborne------------------------------------ 529 Bridgewater (Beaver County)------------- 1, 621 Patterson Heights-------------------------- 657 Castle Shannon --------------------------- 3,970 | Perrysville--------------------------------- 500 Chalſant---------------------------------- 1,372 | Presto-º-º---------------------------------- 262 Clinton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 345 Rennerdale - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * 365 Conway am. -- ~ -º- ºr-. ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 865 Renton * * * - - - - - - -º, ºn m. - - - -, * * = - am - - -, -º- ºr * * * * * - * * * * * 300 Crafton------------------------------------ 7, 163 Rosslyn Farms------------------------------ 432 Dravosburg------------------------------- 2, 277 Sandy Creek------------------------------- 450 Fast McKeesport ------------------------- 3.026 Sewickley Heights-------------------------- 748 East Pittsburgh - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- 6,079 | Shields------------------------------------- 300 Edgewood--------------------------------- 4, 697 || Shippingport------------------------------- 441 Edgeworth-------------------------------- 1,696 South Heights------------------------------ 604 Emsworth--------------------------------- 2,765 | Thornbºrg; ;------------------------------ 284 Fairoaks----------------------------------- 1, 100 Unionville (Beaver County)---------------- 300 Forest Hills------------------------------- 5,248 || Unity-------------------------------------- 700 Fox Chapel-------------------------------- 1,080 | Manpoſt---a-; ;----------------------------- 875 Freedom ---------------------------------- 3, 227 West Mayfield----------------------------- 963 Glassport---------------------------------- 8,748 || Willwood---------------------------------- 300 Glendale---------------------------------- 2,500 Willock------------------------------------- 300 GlenShaw --------------------------------- 1,500 || Wireton------------------------------------ 300 Glen Willard------------------------------- 1,600 Wittinºr-------4--------------------------- 300 Greentree-------------------------------- i.sº Woodville Junction------------------------- 400 #ºn. -- ~ ** -- * * * * ~ * *-* - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - § % Utilities Served at Wholesale: Imperial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * - - * * * - - - - - * 2.000 PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Ingram ... = = = = – ~ * - - - - - - - -- * ~ * ~ * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - 3 goń Ohio Power Co. (Interchange). fºils...............I. 3 #| pºš UTILITIES Hºnºns County) -------------- # § *Aspinwall Borough Water and fight Plant. Midland. "I 6,373 *Etna Borough Light Plant; Miivale.III. 7. §ii *Pitcairn Borough Electric Light Plant. §.…: ##| “sharpsburg Borough Water and Light Dept. Moon Run -------------------------------- i. 267 Nº. º - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,981 | eville Island----------------------------- 1, 200 - N. § - * * * * * * = * ~ * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9,630 37–055 eW Sheffield ----------------------------- l e Q North Rochester-------------------------- ##|East Fairfield Township Crawford 8:#..… }; Public Service Company ; tºy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * #. § 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Rankin..................….......... 7, 470 Principal Officers: §º * = * * * * * * * ~ * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = * 7, 441 | Harley D. Carpenter--------------- Pres. & Treas. jºy. º ; § M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Trafford - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. 017 | Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, Turtle Creek------------------------------- 9, 805 M. V. Carpenter. 672 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 37–057 East Fallowfield, Light & Power Company 291 Chestnut St. Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter--------------- ProS. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. 37–061 Edison Light and Power Company 27 W. Market St., York, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: J. E. Wayne. ------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. M. G. SteeS.------------------- Vice Pros. & Secy. F. A. Barnitz----- ------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. F. C. Isele------------------------- . . Vico Pres. ecy., ASSt. Treas. & Aud. Directors: Gordon Campbell, Frederick P. Glick, R. D. Jennison, Henry D. Schmidt, Beauchamp Smith, J. E. Wayne, E. R. Willcox. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - S L*- u d W’ ig - - - A S S t. S $5,578, 955 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $2, 150, 786 Number of Electric Customers----------- 32, 260 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) -- - - - - - - - - - - 5, 800 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 102,730, 707 Generated.---------------------------- 4, 222,913 Purchased.---------------------------- 98, 507, 794 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population York----------- 56,712 1,000 to 10,000 population Dallastown-------- 2,917 Manchester------------------------------- 1, 004 North York------------------------------- 2,416 Red Lion---------------------------------- 4,891 Spring Grove------------------------------ 1, 259 West York_ _----- 5, 590 WindSOr - 1, 108 250 to 1,000 population Pair--------------------------------------- 315 Bittersville-------------------------------- 300 Pelroy------------------------------------ 500 Pover------------------------------------- 733 Emigsville--------------------------------- 700 elton------------------------------------- 421 Hallam------ * - - - 799 Menges Mills------------------------------ 250 Mount Wolf------------------------------- 970 Pleasureville (Springet) ------------------- 300 Spry-------------------------------------- 300 Violet Hill-------------------------------- 400 Wellsville--------------------------------- 271 Windsor Park----------------------------- 300 Winterstown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"------------- 265 Yoe----------------- - * 528 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Co. Metropolitan Edison Co. Wrightsville Light and Power Co. 37–063 Elkland Electric Company, Inc. Elkland, Pa. Principal Officers: E. H. Ellison, Jr.---------------------------- FreS. A. B. Rupar ------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. W. Prindle----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: E. H. Ellison, Jr., C. W. Prindle, A. B. Rupar. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $41, 836 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,994 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 661 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 666, 794 Community Served at Retail: Population Elkland------------------------------------ 2, 400 37–066 Erie County Electric Company 12th and French Sts., Erie, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: D. W. Jardine - - - - -- ProS. F. J. Rutledge------------------------- Vice PreS. P. G. Sturtevant--------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Secy. Johns Hopkins------------------------------ ecy. W. Morris------------------------------- Treas W. E. Long-------------------------- Comptroller Albert Nalle--------------------------ASSt. Secy. 2. MacMorris------------------------ ASSt. Treas. J. B. Townsend---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Dr. G. C. Boughton, P. J. Grant, F. B. Hofft, D. W. Jardine, Alex Jarecki, F. J. Rutledge, N. W. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $5,932, 391 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,689, 339 Number of Electric Customers---------. 23, 166 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- a 34,000 a Limited by boiler capacity to 21,500 kw. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 63,219, 376 Communities Served at Retail: Population rie-------------------------------------- 116, 955 WAWrence Park--------------------------- 3, 120 Wattsburg------------------------------- 290 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Erie Lighting Co. 37–068 Erie Lighting Company 21–23 W. 10th St., Erie, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: W. G. Hickling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. & Gen. Mgr. P. J. Morrissey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres, R. C. Saylor - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres. & Asst. Secy. R. F. Pruner-------------------------------- Secy. W. A. TXavies-------------------------- ---. Treas. J. F. McKenna - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. G. Hoey ... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Comptroller DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES--PENINSYLVANIA Directors: P. H. Harris, W. G. Hickling, P. J. Morrissey, R. C. Saylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-----. - - - - - - - - - - - - $10, 319, 706 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,702, 122 Number of Electric Customers---------- 18, 509 PKilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 39, 500 Energy Available in Year: Fºilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 114, 992, 100 Generated---------------------------- 111, 817, 348 Purchased.---------------------------- 11. 5 Interchanged (groSS-in).--------------- 3, 163, 241 Communities Served at Retail: Population rie-------------------------------------- 116,955 Harbor Creek---------------------------- 311 Lawrence Park--------------------------- 3, 120 North East------------------------------- 3, 7(; Wesleyville------------------------------- 2,918 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Waterford Electric Light Co. Also Renders: Steam heating Service. 37–069 Fairfield Township Light & Power Corporation 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Barley D. Carpenter--------------- Pres. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. 37–070 Franklin Transmission Company 2 East Main St., Waynesboro, Pa. (Controlled by American Water Works and Electric Co., Inc. Principal Officers: - R. Paul Smith------------------------------ PreS. Geo. S. Humphrey--------------------- Vice Pres. R. E. Town----------------------- Secy. & Treas. IPaul S. Michael-------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. O. E. Martin-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. G. T. Swisher------------------------ Comptroller B. A. Winebrener-------------------- ASSt. Comp. Directors: R. E. Long, R. Paul Smith, R. E. Town. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $264, 817 $35,234 |Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. 37–072 Fulton Electric Light, Heat & Power Company Mercersburg, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- PreS. W. C. Devin.-------------------------- Vice Pres. L. B. Harvey----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. F. S. Whitfield -- . -- - - - - ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 3221 S-4—42——48 Directors: L. B. Harvey, E. E. Mandeville, Irwin Moore, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --------------------- $129, 974 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $47, 310 Number of Electric Customers------------- 782 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 40 Púlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 837, 854 Community Served at Retail: Population McConnellsburg --------------------------- 1,055 37–074 Gallitzin Electric Light Company 70 E. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (Controlled by Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Cor- poration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: M. W. Potter-------------------------------- Pres. J. M. Townsend--------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. B. Houser------------------------------- Treas. F. X. Lee---------------------------- Comptroller A. E. Heinrick--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * ~ * Gen. Mgr. Directors: J. P. Bradin, W. A. Hertzog, F. X. Ilee, A. E. Mettlach, M. W. Potter, J. M. Townsend. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - ------------- $82,847 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $55, 042 Number of Electric Customers------------ 917 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 376,370 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gallitzin------------------------------------ 3,618 Tunnelhill * * * * 625 37–076 Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Company 27 W. Market St., York, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: J. E. Wayne. ------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. M. G. Stees-------------------- Vice Pres. & Secy, E. A. Barnitz----------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. E. C. Isele------------------------------ Vice PreS. S. H. Ludwig - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy.-Treas. & Aud. James B. Liberman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. Directors: Gordon Campbell, R. TX. Jennison, James A. Liberman, Henry D. Schmidt, Beau- champ Smith, J. E. Wayne. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - $861, 333 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $233, 113 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3, 869 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 8, 638, 820 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fawn Grove-------------------------------- 320 Glen Rock---------------------------------- 1, 412 Jacobus------------------------------------- 552 Jefferson (York County)-------------------- 400 Loganville---------------------------------- 408 New Freedom------------------------------ 1, 137 New Park---------------------------------- 250 674 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population New Salem (York County)----------------- 345 Railroad------------------------------------ 279 Seven Valleys------------------------------- 398 Shrewsbury--------------------------------- 720 Stewartstown------------------------------- 985 37–078 Greencastle Light, Heat, Fuel & Power Company Mercersburg, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- FroS W. C. Devin--------------------------- Vice ProS L. B. Harvey----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. Directors: L. B. Harvey, E. E. Mandeville, Irwin L. Moore, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $141, 285 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $57,830 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,009 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,027,900 Population -- 2, 511 Community Served at Retail: Greencastle Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: South Penn Power Co. 37–081 Harvey’s Lake Light Company 45 Owen St., Forty Fort, Pa. (Controlled by Public Service of Pennsylvania, Inc., through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Andrew J. Sordoni. ------------------------. Tºros. R. W. Kintzer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vico Pros. R. R. Van Horn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy. A. T. Glahn ---------------------------. . . Treas. M. M. Glahn . -----------------------. AAsst. Secy. L. F. Kingsley----------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: A. T. Glahn, M. M. Glahn, L. B. Jones, L. F. Kingsley, R. W. Kintzer, C. W. Laycock, A. J. Llewellyn. Wm. H. J. McIntyre, Andrew J. Sordoni, Andrew J. Sordoni, Jr., Arthur I,. Stull, R. R. Van Horn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $354, 229 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $84, 192 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,971 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 212, 259 37–083 Hastings Electrical Co. 70 E. 45th St., New York, N. Y. (Controlled by Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Cor- poration through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: M. W. Potter-------------------------------- ProS. J. M. Townsend----------------------- Vice PreS. P. B. Houser------------------------------- Treas F. X. Lee---------------------------- Comptroller A. E. Heinrick--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. A. Hertzog------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: J. P. Bradin, W. A. Hertzog, F. X. Lee. A. E. Mettlach, M. W. Potter, J. M. Townsend, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $51, 558 Electric Operating Revenues $23,280 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 531 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 481,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Hastings----------------------------------- 2, 105 37–085 Hershey Electric Company 9 W. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, Pa. (Controlled by Hershey Estates through 100% o voting power.) Principal Officers: C. F. Ziegler--------------------------------- PreS. H. N. Herr----------------------------- Vice PreS. W. S. Crouse-------------------------------- Secy. Ezra F. Hershey---------------------------- Treas. J. R. Hoffman------------------------ Comptroller Directors: H. N. Herr, Ezra F. Hershey, M. S. £ºy, Wm. F. R. Murrie, P. A. Staples, C. F. legler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $865,855 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $269,873 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 412 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 11, 614, 342 Communities Served at Retail: Population Hershey------------------------------------ 3, 361 Palmdale----------------------------------- 500 Swatara Station---------------------------- 500 Union Deposit------------------------------ 525 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Metropolitan Edison Co. 37–089 Home Electric Light & Steam Heating Company 1200 Eleventh Ave., Altoona, Pa. (Controlled by Altoona & Logan Valley Electric Railway Co. through 100% of voting power. The controlling company leases and operates the properties.) Principal Officers: S. S. Crane---------------------------------- Pres. J. C. McKerihan----------------------- Vice PreS. J. A. Matthews------------------------- Vice Pres. G. E. Sweet-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: S. S. Crane, J. A. Matthews, E. Clarence Miller, J. C. Neff, E. McLain Watters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. $1,010, 558 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - $242, 848 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - 4,601 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6, 885,720 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 675 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baldeagle----------------------------------- 300 Bellwood----------------------------------- 2,772 Nealmont----------------------------------- 250 Northwood--------------------------------- 300 Tipton-------------------------------------- 8 Tyrone------------------------------------- 8,845 Warriorsmark------------------------------ Also Renders: Bus, electric railway, and steam heating Service. 37–092 Keystone Public Service Company Drake Bldg., Oil City, Pa. {Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: P. A. Stang-------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. M. Stanton-------------------------- Vice PreS. E. W. York-------------- Vice PreS. & Asst. Secy. P. J. Morrissey------------------------- Vice Pres, F. J. Garvey----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. A. Davies------------------------------- Treas. W. R. Porter-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. B. L. Cavanaugh--------------------- ASSt. Treas. MDirectors: W. G. Hickling, Ralph D. Jennison, P. J. Morrissey, Philip A. Stang, H. C. Thuerk, Edward W. York. “Controls: Citizens Transit Co. (bus transportation). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ------------ $5, 891, 566 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,318, 255 Number of Electric Customers----------- 16, 415 -Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 18, 560 Steam--------------------------------- 17, 500 Internal Combustion------------------ 1,060 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 70,781,054 Generated----------------------------- 53,027,040 Purchased----------------------------- 17, 754,014 • Communities Served at Retail: Population Franklin (Venango County)--------------- 9,948 Hydetown--------------------------------- Oil City--- * * ---- 20, 379 Pleasantville------------------------------- 689 olk--------------------------------------- 3,690 Reno-------------------------------------- 876 Rocky Grove------------------------------ 3, 500 Rouseville--------------------------------- 998 Seneca * * * * - - 478 Titusville---------------------------------- 8, 126 &Jtility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pennsylvania Electric Co. 37–103 Ludlow Gas and Electric Co. Ludlow, Pa. (Controlled by J. G. Curtis Leather Co.) Principal Officers: J. A. Connelly------------------------------- PreS R. G. Olmsted-------------------------- Vice Pres John G. Johnson---------------------------- Secy B. K. Connelly----------------------------- Treas Directors: J. A. Connelly, L. B. Connelly, R. G. Olmsted. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $25,617 Electric Operating Rev * -- $10,801 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 28() Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d-------------------------- 251, 377 Community Served at Retail: Population Ludlow------------------------------------- 1, 400 Also Renders: Gas Service. 37–105 Luzerne County Gas and Electric Corporation 247 Wyoming Ave., Kingston, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. R. Van Horn----------------------------- Pres. Fred B. Hofft-------------------------- Vice PreS. F. J. Rutledge------------------------- Vice Pres. Johns Hopkins.----------------------------- Secy. I. W. Morris------------------------------- Treas. Joseph B. Townsend----...------...-----,ASSt. Treas. E. McMorris------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Albert Nalle-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. N. E. Long-------------------------- Comptroller Discº Wm. W. Bodine, P. H. Gadsden, Fred Hofft, W. E. Long, F. J. Rutledge, M. W. Stroud, R. R. Van Horn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $15,057, 203 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $2, 911, 572 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - 37, 806 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- a 55,000 a Limited to 47,000 kw. by boiler capacity. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.---------------------------- 214, 371, 557 Generated.---------------------------- 212,030, 500 Purchased.---------------------------- 1,608, 257 Interchanged (groSS-in) --------------- 732, 800 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Hanover (Luzerne County) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16, 439 Kingston---------------------------------- 20, 679 Nanticoke. ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - 24, 387 Plymouth--------------------------------- 15, 507 1,000 to 10,000 population Alden ----------------------------------- 1, 200 Avondale (Luzerne County) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,697 Courtdale--------------------------------- 1,039 Pallas------------------------------------- 1,484 Edwardsville------------------------------ 7. 998 Forty Fort--------------------------------- 6, 293 Larksville---------------------------------- 8, 467 Luzerne------------------------------------ 7,082 Mocanaqua-------------------------------- 2, 300 Pringle------------------------------------ 2,000 Shavertown ---- 1, 200 Shickshinny------------------------------- 2, 354 Sugar Notch------------------------------- 2,505 SWOyerville-------------------------------- 9, 234 Trucksville-------------------------------- 1, 500 Wanamie---------------------------------- 1,600 Warrior Run------------------------------- 1, 339 West Nanticoke--------------------------- 1, 811 West Wyoming---------------------------- 2,992 Wyoming---------------------------------- 4, 728 250 to 1,000 population Hunlock Creek---------------------------- 525 676 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Harvey’s Lake Light Co. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. change). Also Renders: Manufactured gas Service. (Inter- 37–107 McCoy & Lynn Bellefonte, Pa. Principal Officer: John McCoy-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $57,430 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $7, O93 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,091, 200 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: West Penn Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 37–109 The Mauch Chunk Heat, Power & Electric Light Co. Lehigh Ave., Mauch Chunk, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- PreS. W. C. Devin--------------------------- Vice Pres. F. S. Whitfield--------------------. --------- Secy L. B. Harvey------------------------------- Treas Directors: W. C. Devin, F. W. Harris, L. B. Har- vey, L. F. I.entz, E. E. Mandeville, Irwin L. Moore, Phillip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $270, 581 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $114,519 Number of Flectric Customers------------ 2, 314 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,965,894 Communities Served at Retail: Population East Mauch Chunk------------------------ 3,392 Mauch Chunk------------------------------ 3,009 Packerton---------------------------------- 590 37–111 Mercersburg, Lehmasters & Markes Electric Company Mercersburg, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- Pres. W. C. Devin--------------------------- Vice PreS. L. B. Harvey------------ Vice Pres., Secy.-Treas. F. S. Whitfield.-------- AASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: I. B. Harvey, E. E. Mandeville, Irwin L. Moore. Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $390, 601 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $141,010 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,637 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 125 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours. otal------------------------------- 6, 579,940 Generated------------------------------ 488, 700 Purchased -- 6,091,240 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fort Louden------------------------------- 400 Mercersburg------------------------------- 1,763 Saint Thomas------------------------------ 410 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Greencastle Light, Heat, Fuel & Power Co. Fulton Electric Light, Heat & Power Co. South Penn Power CO. 37–114 Metropolitan Edison Company 412 Washington St., Reading, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: O. Titus------------------------------------- PreS. E. H. Werner-------------------------- Vice Pres. J. H. Bucher------------------------- Sec.V.-Treas C. C. Cash -------------4ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. O. Dreas------------------------- Gen. Auditor Directors: A. J. Althouse, J. H. Bucher, F. O. T}reas, C. P. McFadden, Paul Smith, E. H. Werner. Controls: Central Broadhead Power Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $82, 949, 485 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $13, 175, 675 Number of Electric Customers - – ------ 124, 134 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total---------------------------- 190,928 Steam------------------------------- 169,000 Hydro------------------------------- 21,928 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total---------------------------- 870, 854, 914 Generated.--------------------------- 629,985, 527 Purchased - - -- 18, 256, 862 Interchanged (gross-in).-------------- 222,612, 525 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Faston----------------------------------- 33, 589 Hanover (York County) ----------------- 13,076 Jebanon--------------------------------- 27, 206 Reading--------- -- 110,568 York "----------------------------------- 56,712 * Industrial Service only. 1,000 to 10,000 population Annville---------------------------------- 3, 163 Bangor----------------------------------- 5, 687 Bath------------------------------------- 1, 720 Birdsboro-------------------------------- 3, 313 Boyertown------------------------------- 3,983 Cleona ----------------------------------- 1, 108 Cornwall--------------------------------- 1,680 TXillsburg ------------------------------- I, 0.54 Fast Stroudsburg------------------------- 6, 404 Fleetwood-------------------------------- 2, 254 Gettysburg------------------------------- 5,916 Hamburg--------------------------------- 3,717 Kenhorst--------------------------------- 2, 227 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 677 *Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Laureldale - - - 3,397 Lebanon (Independent)------------------ 2, 425 Littlestown * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* 2, 463 McSherrystown--------------------------- 2, 128 Mohnton--------------------------------- 1, 853 Mount Holly Spring.--------------------- 1, 260 Mount Penn.----------------------------- 3,654 Myerstown------------------------------- 2, 692 Nazareth--------------------------------- 5, 721 New Oxford------------------------------ 1, 194 Palmyra---------------------------------- 5, 239 Pen Argyl-------------------------------- 4,059 Pennside--------------------------------- 1,500 Roseto----------------------------------- 1,778 Shoemakersville-----------------------...-- 1,081 Stroudsburg------------------------------ 6, 186 Temple----------------------------------- 1,408 Topton----------------------------------- 1,568 West Easton----------------------------- 1, 159 West Reading---------------------------- 4,907 Wilson----------------------------------- 8, 217 Wind Gap-------------------------------- 1, 377 250 to 1,000 population Abbottstown----------------------------- 441 Adamstown------------------------------ 955 Amityville------------------------------- 250 Arendtsville------------------------------ 381 AVon------------------------------------- 423 Bachmansville---------------------------- 275 Bainbridge------------------------------- 827 Pally------------------------------------- 613 Baumstown------------------------------ 262 Bechtelsville------------------------------ 587 Belfast----------------------------------- 317 Bendersville_--_ _ 414 Berkshire Heights ----------------------- 450 Bernville -------------------------------- 339 Bethel (Berks County)------------------- 500 Piglerville-------------------------------- 723 Plandon---------------------------------- 540 Boiling Springs 924 Campbelltown--------------------------- 350 Chapman Quarries----------------------- 361 Clayton---------------------------------- 357 Delaware Water Gap--------------------- 410 Dingmans Ferry-------------------------- 355 Parlville---------------------------------- 317 Fast Bangor------------------------------ 966 East Berlin------- sº º 'º - 792 East Hanover---------------------------- 345 ºbenezer--------------------------------- 250 Fairfield---------------------------------- 431 *airland---------------------------------- 250 Franklintown---------------------------- 296 Tredericksburg (Lebanon County) ------- 628 Friedensburg 750 Geigers Mills______ 341 Gibralter----------- 425 Gilbertsville------------------------------ 521 Glendon--- mº m ºr me 552 Hebron----------- * * 450 Highland Park__ 273 Hyde Park (Berks County) -------------- 750 Hyde Villa-l 400 'onestown-------------------------------- 721 *Port---------------------------------- 615 Lewisberry----------------------------- - 262 LongSwamp * * * * 425 WODS------ * * 518 *rose---------------------------------- 400 A49%town------------------------------- 729 Midway (Adams County)---------------- 300 Wohrsville------------------------------- 250 Wount Aetna---------------------------- 336 Mount Pleasant (Lebanon County) ------ 350 Mount Zion---- * * * * 523 Mummasburg------ 812 New Berlinville_ * * * * - - 370 New Chester----------------------------- 264 New Jerusalem--------------------------- 264 New Tripoli 516 Newberrytown--- 315 Parkville--------------------------------- 350 Pennville------ 300 Pleasant Hill Junction 450 Point Pleasant--------------------------- 321 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Portland--------------------------------- 427 Quentin---------------------------------- 585 Rehrersburg------------------------------ 526 Reiffton---------------------------------- 300 Riegelsville------------------------------- 824 Saint Lawrence--------------------------- 825 Saylorsburg------------------------------ 320 Shartlesville------------------------------ 625 Stouchsburg------------------------------ 428 Strausstown------------------------------ 339 Sunnyside-------------------------------- 250 Tulpehocken----------------------------- 500 Warwick--------------------------------- 250 Weisenberg--- sº tº 300 West Leesport---------------------------- 489 York Haven sº tº E tº 730 York Springs----------------------------- 357 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Edison Light and Power Co. The Maryland Public Service Co. (Md.). New Jersey Power & Light Co. (N. J.). Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Pennsylvania Water & Power Co. (Inter- change). Philadelphia Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Goldsboro Borough Council. *Kutztown Borough Light and Power Co. *Lewisberry Borough Council. *Middletown Borough Light Plant. *Royalton Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas and steam heating Service. 37–116 Monongahela Light and Power Company 514 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 37–118 Mowersville Light Co. Newburg, Pa. Principal Officers: W C. Butts--------------------------------Pres. C. E. Rebok--------------------------- Vice PreS. A. A. Brenize---------------------- Secy. & Treas. Directors: A. A. Brenize, W. C. Butts, C. E. Rebok, Paul Reese, A. C. Warner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $385 Number of Electric Customers - – ---- - - - - - - - - 50 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 27, 610 37–120 Natrona Light & Power Company 1000 Widener Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Leonard T. Beale.-- ---Pres. Y. F. Hardcastle----------------------- Vice Pres. L. A. Smith------------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. W. R. Over------------------ Secy. & Asst. Treas. 678 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: Leonard T. Beale, Y. F. Hardcastle, John S. Jenks, Leonard H. Kinnard, Otho E. Lane, Wm. M. Potts, A. G. Rosengarten, John M. Scott, J. Stogdell Stokes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,072, 021 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $254, 213 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,965 Fºllowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 6,340 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 14, 852, 564 Community Served at Retail: Population Harrison_ _ 13, 161 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Brackenridge Borough Electric Dept. 37–124 Northern Pennsylvania Power Company 412 Washington St., Reading, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: David R. Smith--------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. E. L. Barth - * Vice PreS. J. J. Mullens Vice PreS. H. P. Romig- Secy.-Treas. P. O. Dreas------------------------------ Auditor Directors: E. L. Barth, B. H. Clark, J. J. Mullens, H. P. Romig, D. R. Smith. Controls: . . The Waverly Electric Light and Power Co. (inactive). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $8,152, 575 Electric Operating Revenues: Total___ $2,036,415 In Pennsylvania $1,893, 312 Number of Electric Customers: Total---- 26,792 In Pennsylvania 24, 755 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 1,630 Steam 680 Hydro 950 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours otal 63, 570,741 Generated 4,030, 723 Purchased 59, 540, 018 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population A*------------------------------------- 4, 215 Blossburg- 1,955 Canton--- -- 2,040 Galeton----- 1,820 Hallstead -- - - 1, 293 Mansfield- 1,880 Montrose -- 1, 977 Nicholson---------------------------------- 1,012 Sayre 7, 569 South Waverly 1, 212 Susquehanna Depot.------...---------------- 2,740 Towanda 4, 154 Troy- 1, 228 Tunkhannock 2, 161 Westfield 1, 386 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Antrim 350 Arnot- ---- 500 Bernice 427 Camptown 300 Covington 625 Dushore----- 739 East Smithfield.-- 330 East Towanda- ---- 350 Equinunk 425 Gelatt-- 315 Genesee--- 387 Great Bend- 742. Hopbottom--- 375 Knoxville- 664 Laceyville ---- 491 Lanesboro-- 637 Lawrenceville- -- 450 Le Raysville- - -- 344 Lewisville (Ulysses P. O.)------------------ 488 Liberty (Tioga County) -------------------- 280. Lopez- 898 Mehoopany-------------------------------- 400 Meshoppen -- 580 Mildred -- 728 Monroe----- 428 New Albany- 334. New Milford- * gº ºn tº º - - - - - - - - - S07 North Towanda__ __ -- __ 250 Oakland (Susquehanna County) ----------- 964 Ogdensburg- 327 Orson.---- 530. Osceola (Tioga County)-------------------- 378 POWell_ ---- 250 Ralston------------------------------------ 660 Sabinsville_ -- 250 Sonestown--- 275 Springville- 274 Starrucca 340- Stevens Point- 400 Thompson.------ 339 Tioga 460 Wyalusing- 706. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Wellsboro Electric Co. PTBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Claverack Rural Electric Cooperative Assn., Inc. *Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative SSIOl. *Tri-county Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Manufactured gas and steam heating 8ervice. See Also: Operations reported under New York (31–110). 37–126 Palmerton Lighting Company 340 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, Pa. (Controlled by The Palmerton Company through. 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. E. Hayes- - - - - PreS. Francis P. Sinn--------------- Vice Pres. & Mgr. R. G. Hudson Secy. Newman W. Adsit- Treas. Bushnell Bigelow-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Samuel Riker, Jr.---------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: Henry Hardenberg, J. E. Hayes, R. G. Hudson, Edgar Palmer, Francis P. Sinn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $267,017 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $184,018. Number of Electric Cust lº -*. 2,643. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 679, Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-----------------------. 5, 393,861 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aquashicola-------------------------------- 400 Bowmanstown----- 883 Little Gap---------------------------------- 300 Palmerton---------.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * 7,475 37–132 Pennsylvania Edison Company 1200 11th Ave., Altoona, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Com- pany.) Principal Officers: J. H. Shearer------------------ Pres, & Gen. Mgr. J. E. Shute.---------------------------- Vice ProS. W. H. Wade--------------------------- Vice Pres M. A. Miller------------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. R. Porter--------------------------AAsst. Secy. H. G. Stevens------------------------- Asst. Secy. J. K. Robinson----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Treas. S. G. Enders----------------------------- Auditor Directors: M. A. Miller, P. J. Morrissey, J. H. Shearer, J. E. Shute, E. H. Werner. Controls: Blair Engineering & Supply Co. (coal mining). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $42, 192,449 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $6,351, 750 Number of Electric Customers--------- 66, 804 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 79, 600 Steam-------------------------------- 75, 500 Piydro-------------------------------- 4, 100 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 350, 541,634 Generated.--------------------------- 338, 507,420 Purchased.--------------------------- 2, 254, 214 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 9, 780,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Altoona----------------------------------- 80,214 Lewistown-------------------------------- 13,017 1,000 to 10,000 population Bakerton---------------------------------- 1, 022 Barnesboro-------------------------------- 3, 831 Bedford. ---------------------------------- 3, 268 Belleville.--------------------------------- 1, 126 Burnham--------------------------------- 2,997 Carrolltown------------------------------- 1, 289 Duncansville------------------------------ 1, 415 Ebensburg-------------------------------- 3, 719 Everett. ---------------------------------- 2,425 Hollidaysburg----------------------------- 5, 910 Huntingdon------------------------------- 7, 170 Lakemont--------------------------------- 1, 256 Pilly-------------------------------------- 2, 282 Martinsburg------------------------------ 1, 396 "roy------------------------------------ 1, 545 Mount Union----------------------------- 4, 763 Nanty Glo-------------------------------- 6, 217 Patton------------------------------------ 3,08 Portage----------------------------------- 4, 123 Reedsville. ------------------------------- 1, 131 Roaring Spring---------------------------- 2,724 Saxton------------------------------------ 1, 152 Shippensburg. ---------------------------- 5, 244 Smithfield (Huntingdon County) - - - - - - - - - 1,800 Spangler---------------------------------- 3, 201 Twin Rocks------------------------------- 1, 541 Williamsburg----------------------------- 1, 898 Yeagertown------------------------------- 2,067 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Alexandria-------------------------------- 442' Allensville--------------------------------- 300- Allenton---------------------------------- 800 Amberson--------------------------------- 466. Ashville----------------------------------- 511 Blain.------------------------------------ 280 Broad Top City--------------------------- 610 Cassandra --------------------------------- 514 Cherry Tree------------------------------- 529 Claysburg--------------------------------- 910 Coaldale (Six Mile Run) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 273 Coupon----------------------------------- 715, Cymbria Mines--------------------------- 3.18 Pean-------------------------------------- 300 Defiance---------------------------------- 361. Dry Run---------------------------------- 250° Dudley------------------------------------ 410 Earlston----------------------------------- 400' East Altoona------------------------------ 800 East Freedom----------------------------- 348 Emeigh----------------------------------- 415. Fannettsburg - - --------------------------- 330. Frankstown------------------------------- 298 Ganister----------------------------------- 450 Honey Grove.--------------------------------- 279 Hopewell------------------------------------- 405 Jamestown (Cambria County) --------------- 512 Kearney-------------------------------------- 319 Kimport--------------------------------------- 300 Kistler--------------------------------------- 494 Loop----------------------------------------- 250. Loretto--------------------------------------- 504 Loysburg. . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.18. Dumber City (Mifflin County) -- .------------ 250 Manns Choice-------------------------------- 306. Mapleton. ----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 803 McConnellstown----------------------------- 362. McVeytown---------------------------------- 581 Mill Creek----------------------------------- 362. New Enterprise---------------. -------------- 275 Newburg------------------------------------- 278 Newry--------------------------------------- 4.17 Newton Hamilton-...------------------------- 395. Orbisonia--------...------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 729. Orrstown------------------------------------- 294 Petersburg----------------------------------- 638. Puritan--------------------------------------- 466. Rockhill-------------------------------------- 548. Roxbury--------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 350 Saint Benedict-------------------------------- 962' Saint Bonifacius------------------------------ 310 Saltillo---------------------------------------- 433. Sandy Run (Bedford County) ---------------- 300. Schellsburg----------------------------------- 328 Sonman-------------------------------------- 615 Sproul---------------------------------------- 435. Stonerstown. --------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 264 Three Springs.------------------------------- 427 Upper Strasburg----------------------------- 326 Wilmore-------------------------------------- 410 Woodbury------------------------------------ 271 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Colver Electric Company. Home Electric Light & Steam Heating Co. Mowersville Electric Co. Oak Grove Electric Line. Pennsylvania Electric Co. Pleasant Hall Electric Co. Shady Run Light & Power Co. Spring Run Electric Light & Power Co. West Penn Power Company. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Summerhill Municipal Light Plant. *Bedford Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Camp Pleasant Lighting Association. *Coupon Rural Electric Association. - *New Enterprise Rural Electric Cooperative, Il C. *Southwest Central Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation. - * = - *Valley Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Manufactured gas service. 680 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 37–133 Pennsylvania Electric Company 535 Wine St., Johnstown, Pa. (Controlled by ASSociated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: P. H. Harris------------------- Pres, & Gen. Mgr. W. G. Hickling-----------------...------ Vice Pres. P. J. Morrissey... ---------------------- Vice Pres. W. A. Davies---------------------------. . . Treas. R. F. Pruner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Secy. & Asst. Treas. Thomas Robinson - - - - - Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. P. P. Harner--------------------------.ASSt. Secy. R. G. Hoey. ------------------------ Comptroller Directors: W. A. Davies, P. H. Harris, W. G. Hickling, P. J. Morrissey, W. A. Reiber, Thomas Robinson. Controls: The Clarion River Power Co. (electric). Erie Lighting Co. (electric & heating). Johnstown Fuel Supply Co. (natural gas). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------ $52, 551, 834 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - $9,341, 737 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - 109, 341 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------- 55, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total---------------------------- 452, 227, 234 Generated.--------------------------- 332,266,390 Purchased.--------------------------- 91, 235, 421 Interchanged (gross-in) -------------- 28, 725, 423 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Du Bois----------------------------------- 12,080 Indiana----------------------------------- 10,050 Johnstown--------------------------------- 66,668 Meadville--------------------------------- 18, 919 Warren----------------------------------- - 14, 891 1,000 to 10,000 population Albion------------------------------------ 1, 604 Beaverdale-------------------------------- 1,644 Blairsville--------------------------------- 5,002 Boswell----------------------------------- 1, 711 Brownstown (Cambria County) ----------- 1, 598 Cambridge Springs------------------------ 1,807 Clearfield---------------------------------- 9, 372 Clymer------------------------------------ 3,082 Coalport---------------------------------- 1, 121 Confluence-------------------------------- 1,035 OFFY------------------------------------- 6,935 Curwensville------------------------------ 3,422 810--------------------------------------- 3, 291 Punlo------------------------------------- 2, 526 Falls Creek-------------------------------- 1, 258 Ferndale---------------------------------- 2,740 Franklin (Cambria County) --------------- 2, 297 Geistown---------------------------------- 1,037 Grassflat---------------------------------- 1,036 Heilwood---------------------------------- 2,045 Homer City------------------------------- 2,078 Houtzdale--------------------------------- 1,430 Irvona------------------------------------- 1,049 Jerome------------------------------------ 1,032 Knox-------------------------------------- 1,098 Linesville--------------------------------- 1, 150 Lloydell----------------------------------- 1,000 Porain------------------------------------- 1, 373 MacDonaldton.---------------------------- 1,035 Madera----------------------------------- 1, 237 Meyersdale-------------------------------- 3, 250 Morann----------------------------------- 1,047 North Girard------------------------------ 1, 108 North Warren----------------------------- 1,400 Osceola (Clearfield County) --------------- 2,076 Philipsburg------------------------------- 3,963 Punxsutawney---------------------------- 9,482 Reynoldsville- - - -------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 675 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Rockwood--------------------------------- Rossiter----------------------------------- Sagamore---------------------------------- Sheffield----------------------------------- Somerset---------------------------------- South Fork-------------------------------- Southmont-------------------------------- Summerville------------------------------ Sykesville--------------------------------- Union City-------------------------------- Westmont Blain City-------------------------------- Blandburg--------------------------------- Burnside----------------------------------- Cairnbrook-------------------------------- Callensburg------------------------------ Centerville ------------------------------- Chambersville----------------------------- Chester Hill------------------------------- Clarence----------------------------------- Clarendon--------------------------------- Clintonville-------------------------------- Cokeville---------------------------------- Columbus--------------------------------- Commodore------------------------------- Conneaut Lake Park---------------------- Conneautville------------------------------ Cranesville-------------------------------- Daisytown (Cambria County)------------- Davidsville-------------------------------- Dixonville--------------------------------- East Springfield--------------------------- Eastmont---------------------------------- Emlenton--------------------------------- Fairview.----------------------------------- Fallentimber------------------------------- Foxburg----------------------------------- Fredericksburg (Crawford County) -------- Frenchville-------------------------------- Glen Campbell----------------------------- Glen Richey------------------------------- Graceton----------------------------------- Grampian--------------------------------- Grand Valley------------------------------ Guys Mills-------------------------------- Gypsy------------------------------------- Hagevo------------------------------------ Rerrton * = ** = m = m, sº as sº as sº me is ºs sº sº * * * * * * * * * * * Kinzua------- sº sº. º sº. E & DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 68] Communities Served at Retail: Utilities Served at Wholesale: e g PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: 250 to 1,000 population Population Pennsylvania Edison Co. knoxdale---------------------------------- 315 Solar Electric Co. Kylertown---------------------------------- 427 West Penn Power Co. La Jose------------------------------------ 350 | PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: Landstreet--------------------------------- 285 *Berlin Borough Municipal Electric Light. Lanse-------------------------------------- 526 System. *tie--------------------------------------- 515 *Borough of East Conemaugh. Listonburg--------------------------------- 264 *Hooversville Borough Light Plant. Llanfair----------------------------------- 340 *Central Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. Lucinda----------------------------------- 250 *Jefferson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lumber City (Clearfield County) --------- 300 *Northwest Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. Luthersburg------------------------------- 378 *Somerset Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. ... Mahaffey------------- --------------------- 609 *Southwest-Central Rural Electric Cooperative: Maple Ridge.------------------------------ 830 ASSn. e g Marienville-------------------------------- 500 *Warren Electric Cooperative Assn. Mºnter * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #| Also Renders: Manufactured gas and steam heat Middleboro-------------------------------- 320 Servl C6. Nº. ºn: * * * * * m = - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 263 Orſisdale--------------------------------- 675 - Munson----------------------------------- 521 37 135 New Florence------------------------------ 864 & New Millport.----------------------------- 3; Pennsylvania Power Company Newtown (Center County)---------------- 365 - Onnalinda--------------------------------- 350 19 E. Washington St., New Castle, Pa. Parkhill----------------------------------- 489 Penfield----------------------------------- 316 (Controlled by Commonwealth & Southern Cor. Platea------------------------------------ 281 poration through 72.37% of voting power.) Plumville---------------------------------- 469 tº gº Point Lookout----------------------------- §§§ | Principal Officers: 's Prescottville------------------------------ 313| W. H. Sammis-------------- - - - - - - - - - ,------- Pres. Ralphton---------------------------------- 467 L. B. Round-------------- Vice Pres, & Gen. Mgr. Raney------------------------------------ 753 | Q. B. Flora------------------------ Secy. & Treas. fathmel. III 350 | H. B. Hardwick---------------------- Comptroller Robinson---------------------------- 62] * * ;: ----------------------------- Principal Officers: #º Mills---------- ,------------------- ; E. E. Nelson.----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Russell]...III § C. Wigand------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. futhford * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 300 L. C. Hughes-----------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Saint Petersburg---------------------------- 510 | Directors: F. A. Conner, S. A. Gillespie, S. H. Salisbury---------------------------------- 519 || Hadley, E. E. McGill, Rufus Moses, L. B. Round, Sandy Ridge------------------------------- 410 | W. H. Sammis. *a*10ſ.------------------------------------- 750 Seward------------------------------------- 845 The following data are for the year 1940: Shanksvill?--------------------------------- 324 | Electric Utility Plant--...---------------- $19,346, 667 Shippenville-------------------------------- 517 - Smithmill---------------------------------- 613 | Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,702, 525 §. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #! Number of Electric Customers---------- 51, 366. South Philipsburg-------- ------------------ 527 Rilowatts Spring Creek------------------------------- 320 Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 37, 500 Springboro--------------------------------- 570 * e - Rilowatt-ho Starford------------------------------------ 435 | Energy. Available in Year: ?!0700 QITS Stoneham---------------------------------- 40ſ) Total----------------------------- 304, 848, 001 Stoyestown--------------------------------- 461 ammº-------- Sugargrove.--------------------------------. 440 Generated.---------------------------- 258,760,000. Tidioute----------------------------------- 955 Purchased.---------------------------- 46,088, 001 #.m.----------------------------… #| Communities served at Retail: | ionºsta------------------------------------ 845 10,000 population or more Population OTT&T/C6----------------------------------- 414 * Townville---------------------------------- 294 Ellwood City *---------------------------- 12, 329 Tyler * - * - sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * m - 350 Farrell------------------------------------- 13, 899 Ursina…I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III 301 New Castle-------------------------------- 47, 638 W tahville----------------------------------- § | Sharon------------------------------------- 25, 622 ©dal]90------------------------------------ 300 & Wallaceton--------------------------------- 386 1,000 to 10,000 population Walston------------------------------------ 300 || Bessemer---------------------------------- 1, 635. Wellsburg---------------------------------- Žiš | Evansburg (Evans City)------------------ 1, 604 Wellscreek--------------------------------- 326 Greenville--------------------------------- 8, 149 West Decatur------------------------------ 540 Hillsville----------------------------------- 1, 620 West Hickory.----------------------------- 430 Koppel------------------------------------ 1,064 Westover----------------------------------- 669 || Mars-------------------------------------- 1, 318. West Springfield --------------------------- 250 | Merger------------------------------------- 2, 272. winburne TT.III. 700 || Oakland (Lawrence County)-------------- 1, 500 Woodland (Clearfield County) ------------- 739 || Sharpsville--------------------------------- 5, 129 Zimmerman. ------------------------------- 431 | Stoneboro---------------------------------- 1, 194 West Middlesex--------------------------- 1, 126 tº:º at Wholesale: Wheatland--------------------------------- 1, 421 ELY OWNED UTILITIES: * Associated Maryland Electric Power Corpora- 250 to 1,000 population tion. Bethel (Mercer County)------------------- 625 Brockway Light, Heat and Power Co. Bradford Woods--------------------------- 374 Harley D. Carpenter. Callery------------------------------------ 354 Erie Lighting Co. (Interchange). Castlewood-------------------------------- 610 Keystone Public Service Co. Chewton----------------------------------- 550, Logan Light, Heat and Power Co. Clarksville (Mercer County)--------------- 321 682 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Connoquenessing-------------------------- 441 Crescentdale------------------------------- 250 Parlington--------------------------------- 444 rake------------------------------------- 250 East New Castle--------------------------- 300 Edenburg (Lawrence County)------------- 480 Pllport.----------------------------------- 967 Enon Valley------------------------------- 368 Fredonia----------------------------------- 538 Harmony---------------------------------- 846 Highland Heights-------------------------- 560 Homewood-------------------------------- 357 Ingomar----------------------------------- 560 Jackson Center-- - - - - - --------------------- 268 Jamestown (Mercer County)-------------- 819 Mount Jackson---------------------------- 300 New Bedford------------------------------ 490 New Galilee------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 534 Newport (Irish Ripple).-------------------- 250 Number Five Minel----------------------- 320 Pulaski------------------------------------ 320 Sandy Lake-------------------------------- 718 South New Castle-------. ----------------- 998 Valencia----------------------------------- 296 Walmo------------------------------------ 365 Warrendale-------------------------------- 275 West Ellwood----------------------------- 450 West Pittsburgh.--------------------------- 675 Wurtemburg------------------------------- 600 * Commercial power and industrial service only. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Duquesne Light Co. West Penn Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Ellwood City Borough Electric Dept. *New Wilmington Light Plant. *Wampum Borough Municipal Electric Light Plant. *Borough of Zelienople. 37–137 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Ninth and Hamilton Sts., Allentown, Pa. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co. through 75.63% of voting power.) Principal Officers: . S. Wise, Jr.-------------------------------- PreS. N. G. Reinicker---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. L. W. Heath----. -------Vice Pres. Chg. Divisions J. M. Huebner -- - - - Vice Pres. Lancaster Division Vice Pres. Pottsville-Schuylkill Divisions . A. Flias--------Vice Pres. Harrisburg T)ivision . A. Wakeman-Vice Pres. Wilkes-Barre Division . C. Pursell------------------------ 2d Vice Pres. 2. M. Walter------------------------- Secy.-Treas. H. Parkinson, Asst. Secy., Asst. Treas. & Mgr. of Accounts . K. Bingaman--------4Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. . M. Brooks----------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. . F. Carter------------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J Gen. Counsel W. L. Davis------------------------------ Auditor Directors: Fred S. Turham, Seth T. McCormick, Jr., T. J. Perkins, C. M. Walter, J. B. Warriner, Samuel Weil, J. S. Wise, Jr. Controls: Hazle Township Water Co. (water Service). Hummelstown Water Supply Co. (water service). North Branch Development Co. (natural gas). Pennsylvania . Realty & Investment Co. (real estate), which controls— West Pittston-Exeter Railroad Co. a (railroad). Susquehanna Gas Co. (natural gas transmission). * Jointly owned with American Gas & Electric Co. : The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $217, 255,948 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $38,265, 341 Number of Electric Customers-------- 409, 602 Generating Capacity: Rilowatt & otal--------------------------- 352,877 Steam------------------------------ 308,000 Hydro------------------------------ 44, 677 Internal Combustion--------------- 200 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Oba'--------------------------- 2,067, 416,760 Generated-------------------------- 1, 543,067,273 Purchased.-------------------------- 238,376, 141 Interchanged (gross-in).------------ 285,973, 346 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Allentown--------------------------------- 96, 904 Perwick----------------------------------- 13, 181 Bethlehem--------------------------------- 58,490 Carlisle------------------------------------ 13,984 Columbia---------------------------------- 11, 547 Hanover (Luzerne County) ---------------- 16,439 Harrisburg--------------------------------- 83, 893 Hazleton-------------------------- - - - - - - - - - 38,009 Lancaster---------------------------------- 61, 345 Lock Haven------------------------------- 10, 810 Mahanoy City----------------------------- 13,442 Mount Carmel - - - -- 17, 780 Plains------------------------------------- 15, 621 Pottsville---------------------------------- 24, 530 Shamokin--------------------------------- 18,810 Shenandoah------------------------------- 19, 700 Steelton------------------------------------ 13, 115 Sunbury----------------------------------- 15, 462 Tamaqua---------------------------------- 12,486 Wilkes-Barre------------------------------ 86,236 Williamsport------------------------------ 44, 355 1,000 to 10,000 population Ashland----------------------------------- 7,045 Ashley------------------------------------- 6, 371 Atlas-------------------------------------- 2,400 Avis--------------------------------------- 1, 161 Beaver Meadow--------------------------- 2,030 Bloomsburg-------------------------------- 9, 799 Brownsville (Schulykill County)---------- 1,000 Camp Hill (Cumberland County) --------- 3, 630 Catasauqua-------------------------------- 4,764 Cementon--------------------------------- 2,030 Centralia---------------------------------- 2, 449 Christiana--------------------------------- 1,062 Coaldale------------------------------------ 6, 163 Coopersburg------------------------------- 1, 193 Coplay------------------------------------ 3, 109 Cressona----------------------------------- 1,695 Cumbola---------------------------------- 1,385 Danielsville-------------------------------- 1, 184 Danville----------------------------------- 7, 122 Denver------------------------------------ 1,428 Drifton------------------------------------ 1,400 DuboistOWn------------------------------- 1,047 East Greenville---------------------------- 1,776 East Stroudsburg-------------------------- 6, 404 gypt------------------------------------- 1,489 Elizabethtown----------------------------- 4, 315 Elizabethville------------------------------ 1,410 Emaus------------------------------------- 6,731 Enhaut------------------------------------- , 500 Enola-------------------------------------- 2, 600 Flemington.------------ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,301 Florin------------------------------------- 1, 100 Fountain Hill------------------------------ 4, 804 Frackville--------------------------------- 8,035 Freeland----------------------------------- 6,593 Freemansburg----------------------------- 1,728 Fullerton---------------------------------- 3,075 Gap--------------------------------------- 1,050 Georgetown (Luzerne County) ------------ 2,000 Gilberton---------------------------------- , 710 Girardville-------------------------------- 4, 602 Gordon------------------------------------ 1,062 Hawley------------------------------------ 1,778 Hellertown-------------------------------- 4,031 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 683 Communities Served at Retail: Commmunities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Highspire---------------------------------- 2,371 | West Cayasauqua----------* * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * 1, 500 Hokendauqua----------------------------- 1, 298 West Fairview.---------------------------- 1, 820 Honesdale--------------------------------- 5,687 | West Hazleton---------------------------- 7, 523 Hughesville-------------------------------- 1,947 | West Lawn-------------------------------- 2,080 Hummelstown----------------------------- 3,264 | West Telford------------------------------ 1, 324 Jersey Shore------------------------------- 5,432 | White Haven------------------------------ 1, 528 Kelayres----------------------------------- 1,527 | Wiggnisco--------------------------------- 1, 895 Kulpmont--------------------------------- 6, 159 Williamstown----------------------------- 2,769 Lansford----------------------------------- 8,710 Womelsdorf------------------------------- 1,450 Lattimer Mines---------------------------- 1,302 || Wormleysburg------------------- * - - - - - * ~ * 1, 454 Laurel Run ------------------------------- 1,057 | Wrightsville------------------------------- 2, 120 Lehighton--------------------------------- 6,615 Wyomissing------------------------------> 3,320 #ºne----------------…- :: 250 to 1,000 population Locust Gap-------------------------------- 1,442 Akron------------------------------------- 877 Pocustóāle-------------------------------- 1,036 Alburtis----------------------------------- 885 Lykens------------------------------------ 3,048 Allenwood--------------------------------- 400 Pytle-------------------------------------- 1, 200 Almedia----------------------------------- 250 Mahanoy Plane--------------------------- 2,000 Antes Fort-------------------------------- 266 Manheim--------------------------------- 3,831 Aristes------------------------------------ 500 Marietta---------------------------------- 2, 128 Atglen------------------------------------- 588 Marion Heights--------------------------- 2,068 Auburn. --------------------------------- 978 Martins Creek----------------------------- 1,042 Audenried--------------------------------- 750 Marysville-------------------------------- 1,882 Bareville---------------------------------- 480 McAdoo.----------------------- ----------- 5, 127 Bausman---------------------------------- 500 Mechanicsburg (Cumberland Co.) - - - - - - - - 5, 709 Beach Haven------------------------------ 413 Middleburg------------------------------- 1, 124 Beachlake--------------------------------- 269 Middleport-------------------------------. 1,077 Beaver Springs---------------------------- 498 Mifflintown------------------------------- 1,097 Beavertown------------------------------- 664 Mill Hall---------------------------------- 1, 513 | Benton------------------------------------ 786 Millersburg.---. -------------------------- 2,959 Berrysburg-------------------------------- 426 Millersville-------------------------------- 1,867 | Bingen.------------------------------------ 325 Wilton------------------------------------ 8, 313 Bird in Hand------------------------------ 250 Minersville-------------------------------- 8, 686 | Bloomfield-------------------------------- 858 Montgomery------------------------------ 1,893 Blooming Glen---------------------------- 313 Montoursville ----------------------------- 3,019 | Blue Ball---------------------------------- 300 Mount Joy-------------------------------- 2,855 Bowmans--------------------------------- 902 Mountain Top---------------------------- 1, 150 | BOWrmansville----------------------------- 350 Aſuncy------------------------------------ 2, 606 Branch Dale------------------------------ 813 Nescopeck--------------------------------- 1,805 Brandonville------------------------------ 250 Nesquehoning----------------------------- 2,426 | Bressler----------------------------------- 300 New Columbus---------------------------- 1, 750 | Briar Creek------------------------------- 316 New Cumberland.------------------------- 4, 525 | Broad Mountain-------------------------- 817 New Holland------------------------------ 2, 153 Brockton---------------------------------- 500 New Philadelphia------------------------- 2,453 || Brodheadsville---------------------------- 300 Newmanstown---------------------------- 1, 100 Brownstown (Lancaster County)---------- 800 WeWPort---------------------------------- 1, 897 Buck Mountain--------------------------- 300 New Ville---------------------------------- 1, 758 | Butztown--------------------------------- 350 North Catasauqua------------------------- 2, 530 | Canadensis-------------------------------- 300 Northampton----------------------------- 9,622 | Castanea---------------------------------- 725 Northumberland.-------------------------- 4,469 | Center Valley------------------- * = * = ** = * * * * 700 Nuremberg-------------------------------- 1,022 Cetronia----------------------------------- 400 9neida------------------------------------ 1,068 Christmans-------------------------------- 412 Orwigsburg-------------------------------- 2, 182 Conestoga--------------------------------- 600 Palo Alto---------------------------------- 1,934 || Conyngham------------------------------- 744 Park Crest-------------------------------- 1,000 | Corte?------------------------------------- 317 Paxtang----------------------------------- 1,707 | Craley------------------------------------- 258 Penbrook---------------------------------- 3, 627 Cranberry Junction----------------------- 600 Pennsburg-------------------------------- 1,548 || Cresco------------------------------------- 400 Pine Grove.------------------------------- 2, 239 Dalmatia---------------------------------- 425 Port Carbon------------------------------- 3,279 Damascus--------------------------------- 250 Progress------------------------- ,- - - - - - - - - - 1, 550 | Pauphin---------------------------------- 620 Quarryville-------------------------------- 1, 120 | Pelano------------------------------------ 800 *S*W---------------------------------- 2,000 | Dewart------------------------------------ 289 Robesonia--------------------------------- 1, 570 | Donaldson.-------------------------------- 965 Selinsgrove.-------------------------------- 2,877 | Duncott----------------------------------- 317 Sellersville--------------------------------- 2, 115 East Honesdale---------------------------- 400 Shaft-------------------------------------- 1, 100 | East Petersburg--------------------------- 918 Shenandoah Heights---------------------- 3,000 | East Prospect----------------------------- 419 Shºpton---------------------------------- 1,040 | East Texas-------------------------------- 320 Shillington-------------------------------- 4,932 EberVale---------------------------------- 580 Sinking Spring---------------------------- 1,861 Eckley------------------------------------ 825 Slatington.--------------------------------- 4,062 | Eden-------------------------------------- 340 Souderton--------------------------------- 4,036 | ElverSon---------------------------------- 316 South Enola------------------------------- 1,016 | Elysburg---------------------------------- 625 South Williamsport----------------------- 6,033 Espy-------------------------------------- 700 Strasburg---------------------------------- 1,048 || Excelsior---------------------------------- 857 Stroudsburg------------------------------- 6, 186 Exchange---------------------------------- 268 Summit Hill------------------------------ 5,406 | Fern Glen--------------------------------- 800 Tower City------------------------------- 2, 221 | Fogelsville--------------------------------- 513 Tremont---------------------------------- 2, 314 | Forestville--------------------------------- 300 Tresckow---------------------------------- 1,856 | Fort Hunter------------------------------- 300 TrêVorton--------------------------------- 2,600 Fountain Springs __ 250 Valley View------------------------------- 1,600 | Freeburg---------------------------------- 467 Walnutport------------------------------- 1, 271 | Friedensville------------------------------ 300 Wernersville------------------------------- 1, 160 Fritztown-------------------------. ... º. ºº gº º ºs º ºs 350 684 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Commun Gouldsboro (Sand Cut) Gowen Greeley Harleig Herndon ities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * me - sº m = * = - m amº m sº sº sº. -- City.I.I.T.T.I.I.I.I.I.III h Hogestown-------------------------------- Hollisterville Holtwo 9d--------------------------------- Honeybrook------------------------------- Hopeland--------------------------------- Humm Ickesburg- Intercourse Jeanesvillo Jeddo - - Lampeter Landin Landisburg Landisville Laurelt Iehigh J,ight S I,imoridge J, incoln Linden Linglestown Litzenberg (Chapmans Station) Liverpool Llewellyn Loganton Longlevel Lost Creek Loyalton Mar Lin Mechanicsburg (Lancaster County) Mechanicsville els Wharf-------------------------- gville III.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.III OIl Tannery IIII treet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = = * * = s. m. s. - ... - - - -- * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = ** = s. a- ºr = <- = ** as * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * = a- = -- ~ * = - - - - 650 327 250 350 621 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population: New Boston (Schuylkill County) ---------- New Columbia---------------------------- New Kingstown--------------------------- New Market------------------------------- New Providence--------------------------- New Ringgold----------------------------- Newfoundland----------------------------- Nuangola---------------------------------- Oberlin------------------------------------ Paradise----------------------------------- Paxinos------------------------------------ Port Royal-------------------------------- Port Trevorton---------------------------- Quakake----------------------------------- Rheems----------------------------------- Richfield---------------------------------- Richland---------------------------------- Richlandtown----------------------------- Ringtown--------------------------------- Riverside---------------------------------- Roaring Creek----------------------------- Rock Glen-------------------------------- Rockville---------------------------------- Rutherford Heights------------------------ Saint Nicholas----------------------------- Sandy Run (Luzerne County) ------------- Schaefferstown---------------------------- Siegersville-------------------------------- Silverdale--------------------------------- Skytop------------------------------------ Slatedale---------------------------------- Snydertown (Northumberland Co.) - - - - - - - Spring Glen------------------------------- Springtown-------------------------------- Sugarloaf---------------------------------- Summerdale------------------------------- Tannersville------------------------------- Tatamy----------------------------------- Telford ----------------------------------- Thompsontown--------------------------- Tobyhanna------------------------------- Tomhicken-------------------------------- Trumbauersville -------------------------- Turbotville-------------------------------- Tuscarora---------------------------------- Tylersville-------------------------------- Uniondale--------------------------------- 268. 300' 700; 583 648 415 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 685 *Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Uniontown (Dauphin County) ------------ 329 Upper Lehigh----------------------------- 350 Vera Cruz--------------------------------- 300 Vintage----------------------------------- 310 Wadesville-------------------------------- 300 Wagnersville------------------------------ 250 Walnut Bottom--------------------------- 250 Warrensville ------------------------------ 715 Washington (Lancaster County) ---------- 418 Weissport--------------------------------- 657 Wescoeville-------------------------------- 321 West Milton------------------------------ 775 White Mills------------------------------- 650 Whitedeer--------------------------------- 350 Wilburton--------------------------------- 550 Willow Street----------------------------- 250 Winfield---------------------------------- 310 Witmer----------------------------------- 250 Woodland (Schuylkill County) ------------ 325 Woolrich---------------------------------- 375 Wydnor----------------------------------- 300 Wyomissing Eſills------------------------- 508 erbe-------------------------------------- 316 {{Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Citizens Electric Co. of Lewisburg, Pa. Luzerne County Gas & Electric Corporation. The Mauch Chunk Heat, Power & Electric Ilight CO. Metropolitan Edison Co. Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. Pennsylvania Edison Co. Pennsylvania Water & Power Co. change). Philadelphia Electric Co. Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (N. J.). (Inter change). The Scranton Electric Co. West Penn Power Co. PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Catawissa Municipal Light Plant. *Borough of Mifflinburg. *Saint Clair Borough Electric Light Dept. *Watsontown Light and Power Dept. Also Renders: Manufactured gas, and steam Service. 37–142 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company Holtwood, Pa. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Pennsylvania only--------------------- (Inter- $3,367, 307 Number of Electric Customers: Pennsylvania only---------------------- 4 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Edison Tight & Power Co. Metropolitan Edison Company (Interchange). Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Philadelphia Electric Co. See Also: Principal report under Maryland (19–001). 37–144 Philadelphia Electric Company 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co. through 97.25% of voting power.) Principal Officers: John E. Zimmermann.--------- Chairman of Board H. P. Liversidge------------------------- - - - PreS. H. B. BryanS--------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. Edward Porter------------------------- Vice PreS. Principal Officers: F. Funk---------------------------- Vice Pres. G. E. Whitwell------------------------- Vice PreS. I. W. Morris------------ Vice Pres. & ASSt. Treas. E. MacMorris----------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Treas. J. B. Townsend--------- Vice Pres. & ASSt. Treas. V. A. Sommar------------------------------- Secy. C. Winner------------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. P. A. Wilson-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. N. M. Romig------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Martin V. Bergen, William W. Bodine, Charles E. Brinley, Henry B. Bryans, Samuel Lloyd Irving, H. P. Liversidge, Walter E. Long, Jeremiah J. Sullivan, Jr., John E. Zimmermann (chairman). Controls: Deepwater Light and Power Co. (electric service) which controls: Deepwater Operating Co. a (operation of plant). South Pennsgrove Realty Co. a (real estate). Electric Realty Corporation (real estate). Philadelphia Electric Power Co. (owns and leases property to Philadelphia Electric Co.), which controls: Conowingo Bridge Co. (inactive). The Susquehanna Power Co. (owns and leases electric plant to the Susquehanna Electric Co.), which controls: Conowingo Land Company of Cecil County, Moi. (inactive). Howard Improvement Co. (inactive). The Proprietors of the Susquehanna Canal Co. (inactive). Sowego Water Power Co. (inactive). Susquehanna Electric Power Co. (inactive). Susquehanna River Power Co. (inactive). Philadelphia EIydro-Electric Co. (electric Service). Philadelphia Steam Co. (steam service). The Susquehanna Electric Co. (electric service). Susquehanna Utilities Co. (holding company), which controls: Southern Pennsylvania Power Co. (electric Service). Conowingo Power Co. (electric Service). Wayne Steam Heat Co. (steam Service). a Joint control with Atlantic City Electric Co. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $268, 491, 269 Electric Operating Revenues - -------- $67, 054, 323 Number of Electric Customers– --- - 726, 125 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 819, 360 Rilowatt-hours 5,083, 442, 038 Energy Available in Year: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - sº * * * * * Generated.-------------------------- 3, 230, 991, 042 Purchased.-------------------------- 1, 775,053,796 Interchanged—in (groSS)------------ 77, 397, 200 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Abington------------------------------- 20, S57 Bristol--------------------------------- 11, 895 Cheltenham---------------------------- 19,082 Chester--------------------------------- 59, 285 Coatesville----------------------------- 14,006 Conshohocken-------------------------- 10, 776 Darby--------------------------------- - 10,334 Haverford------------------------------ 27, 504 Lansdowne. -------------. -----...-------- 10, 837 Lower Merion-------------------------- 39, 566 Norristown----------------------------- 38, 181 Philadelphia--------------------------- 1, 931, 334 Phoenixville---------------------------- 12, 28 Pottstown------------------------------ 20, 194 Upper Darby--------------------------- 56, 883 West Chester--------------------------- 13, 289 Willow Grove.-------------------------- 12,000 Aldan---------------------------------- 2, 642 Ambler--------------------------------. 3,953 Andalusia----------------------------- 1, 200 686 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population: Berwyn-------------------------------- 2,500 Embreeville---------------------------- 500 Black Horse (Delaware County) -------- 1,000 Pureka--------------------------------- 300 Bridgeport (Montgomery County). - - - - 5,904 Evansburg----------------------------- 300 Clifton Heights------------------------- 4,921 Fairview Village------------------------ 250 Collingdale----------------------------- 8, 162 Fallsington----------------------------- 600 Colwyn------------------------------- - - 2, 202 Feltonville (Barker) ------------------ 30ſ) Croydon------------------------------- 1, 300 Fort Washington.---------------------- 800 Downingtown-------------------------- 4, 645 Frederick------------------------------- 253 Doylestown---------------------------- 4, 976 Glen Mills----------------------------- 289 East Lansdowne----------------------- 3,323 Graterford - - - 250 F. ddystone-------------------- --------- 2,493 Greenlane------------------------------ 47 Erdenheim----------------------------- 1,000 Green Tree (Duffryn Mawr)----------- 300 Essington.------------------------------ 1,500 Gwynedd ------------------------------ 250 Flourtown------------------------------ 1, 150 Gwynedd Valley----------------------- 400 Folcroft-------------------------------- 1, 592 Harleysville---------------------------- 433 Glenolden------------------------------ 4, 825 Harmonville---------------------------- 300 Harriman------------------------------ 2,056 Hartsville------------------------------ 300. Hatboro-------------------------------- 2, 605 Hickorytown--------------------------- 265 Jenkintown---------------------------- 5,024 Holidong------------------------------- 250 Lamokin------------------------------- 1,000 Horsham ------------------------------ 800 Langhorne----------------------------- 1, 221 Hulmeville-------- 694 Malvern-------------------------------- 1, 680 Huntingdon Valley 400 Marcus Hook-------------------------- 4, 123 Ithan. -------------------------------- 500 Media---------------------------------- 5,351 Ivyland-------------------------------- 3.18 Milmont Park-------------------------- 1, 750 Jarrettown----------------------------- 250 Morrisville----------------------------- 5,493 Jeffersonville--------------------------- 250 Morton--------------------------------- 1, 316 Kenilworth (Madison).----------------- 260 Moylan-------------------------------- 1,000 Kimberton----------------------------- 250 Narberth------------------------------- 5, 217 King Manor---------------------------- 300 New Hope----------------------------- 1,053 Kulpsville------------------------------ 475 Newtown (Bucks County) - - - - - -------- 2,009 Tafayette Hill (Barren Hill) ------------ 800 North Wales--------------------------- 2,450 Langhorne Manor---------------------- 477 Norwood------------------------------- 3,921 Jarchmont----------------------------- 265 Oakford-------------------------------- 1,000 Lima----------------------------------- 500 Paoli----------------------------------- 2,500 Timerick (Limerick Square).------------ 300 Parkersburg---------------------------- 2, 288 Linfield------------------------------- 900 Parkside------------------------------- 1, 579 Lionville------------------------------- 300 Prospect Park-------------------------- 5, 100 Lumberville---------------------------- 275 Ridley Park---------------------------- 3,887 Marshallton---------------------------- 250 Rockledge------------------------------ 1, 773 Millbourne----------------------------- 393 Royersford----------------------------- 3, 605 Mont Clare---------------------------- 900 Saint Davids--------------------------- 1,000 Montgomeryville----------------------- 250 Sanatoga------------------------------- 1, 200 Mount Pleasant (Delaware County) - - - 300 Sharon Hill----------------------------- 4,467 Neshaminy----------------------------- 275 South Coatesville----------------------- 1, 604 New Britain---------------------------- 476 Spring City---------------------------- 3,022 Newportville--------------------------- 500 Springfield----------------------------- 4, 500 Oaks--- * - * := º º gº º 'º -º º ºr * * * * * * * 500 Stowe (Montgomery County) ---------- 2,000 Oreland - - - - tº º 'º gº 900 Swarthmore---------------------------- 4,061 Paperville------------------------------ 625 Swedeland----------------------------- 1, 150 Parkerford--------- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 375 Trainer--------------------------------- 1, 716 Parkland------------------------------- 680 Upland -------------------------------- 2, 431 Penns Manor--------------------------- 450 Wallingford---------------------------- 1,000 Philmont Club------------------------- 400 Wayne--------------------------------- 5,000 Pikeland------------------------------- 450 West Conshohocken-------------------- 2, 464 Plumsteadville------------------------- 750 Yardley-------------------------------- l, 459 Plymouth Center---------------------- 250 Yeadon--------------------------------- 8, 524 £ºn Meeting--------------------- § * Oſſieroy------------------------------- 6 250 to 1,000 population Hºnedy....................... 275 Aston Mills---------------------------- 500 Pottstown Landing--------------------- 250 Bensalem------------------------------- 300 ProspectVille--------------------------- 250 Black Horse (Montgomery County)---- 290 Protectory------------------------------ 500 Blue Bell------------------------------- 500 Radnor------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 650 Booth Wyn-- . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------- 500 Richboro------------------------------- 310 Bridgewater (Bucks County) ----------- 40ſ) Rockdale------------------------------- 300 Brook Haven--------------------------- 400 Rose Valley---------------------------- 359 Broomall------------------------------- 800 Rushland------------------------------ 250 Bryn Athyn --------------------------- 800 Rutledge------------------------------- 706 Carversville---------------------------- 250 Sadsburyville---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250 Center Square-------------------------- 500 Schwenksville -------- ------------------ 483 Chalfont------------------------------- 670 Skippack------------------------------- 40ſ) Chester Heights. ----------------------- 300 South Langhorne.---------------------- 921 Churchville---------------------------- 300 South Media--------------------------- 800 Cold Point.---------------------------- 410 South Pottstown----------------------- 600 Collegeville----------------------------- 976 Southampton--------------------------- 800 Colmar--------------------------------- 500 Spring Mount-------------------------- 400 Connaighton--------------------------- 300 Springhouse---------------------------- 435 Cornwells Heights---------------------- 900 Strafford------------------------------- 300 Crum Lynne (Leiperville).-------------- 950 Sumneytown--------------------------- 300 DeVault-------------------------------- 400 Swedesburg---------------------------- 960 Dresher-------------------------------- 30ſ) Thorndale------------------------------ 500 Dublin. ------------------------------- 351 Trappe--------------------------------- 497 Eagleville ----------------------------- 500 Trevose-------------------------------- 400 Eddington----------------------------- 800 Trooper-------------------------------- 350 Edgely--------------------------------- 500 Tullytown----------------------------- 562 Edison--------------------------------- 300 TylerSport------------------------------ 350 DIRECTORY 687 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Valley Store (Warren Tavern).---------- 300 Villanova------------------------------- 600 Wawa---------------------------------- 300 West Point----------------------------- 400 Whitemarsh---------------------------- 300 Wycombe------------------------------ 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Chester County Light and Power Co. Conowingo Power Co. (Maryland). Delaware Power & Light Co. (Delaware). Metropolitan Edison Co. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. - Pennsylvania Water and Power Co. (inter- change). Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (N. J.) (interchange). Southern Pennsylvania Power Co. change). - Also Renders: Gas and steam Service. 37–146 Philadelphia Hydro-Electric Com- pany 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co.) Principal Officers: (inter- H. P. Liversidge---------------------------- PreS. H. B. Bryans. ------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. Edward Porter------------------------ Vice PreS. N. E. Funk---------------------------- Vice PreS. G. E. Whitwell---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice PreS. V. A. Sommar------------------------------ ecy C. Winner--------------------------------- Treas. N. M. Romig------------------------.ASSt. Treas. P. A. Wilson. ------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: H. B. Bryans, B. P. Carey, N. E. Funk, FC. M. Irwin, H. P. Liversidge, Edward Porter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $371, 167 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $69,660 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) -------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 10,884, 350 37–148 Philadelphia Electric Power Company ” 1000 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. * Not an operating company; plant and property leased to others. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co.) Principal Officers: H. P. Liversidge----------------------------- PreS. H. B. BryanS------------------ Exec. Vice PreS. Edward Porter----------------- - - - - - - - - Vice PreS. N. E. Funk ---------------------------- Vice Pres. V. A. Sommar------------------------------ Secy. C. Winner--------------------------------- Treas. P. A. Wilson-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. W. E. Long-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. C. M. Breitinger--------------------- ASSt. Treas. N. M. Romig.------------------------ ASSt. Treas. Directors: H. B. Bryans, B. P. Carey, N. E. Funk, #3 P. Liversidge, Edward Porter, Alex Wilson, 3rd. Controls: Conowingo Bridge Co. (inactive). The Susquehanna Power Co. (owns and leases electric plant to The Susquehanna Electric Co.), which controls: Conowingo Land Co. of Cecil County (inactive) Howard Improvement Co. (inactive). The Proprietors of the Susquehanna Canal (inactive). Sowego Water & Power Co. (inactive). Susquehanna Electric Power Co. (inactive). Susquehanna River Power Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $7,515, 037 37–155 Pike County Light & Power Company 219%. Broad St., Milford, Pa. (Controlled by Rockland Light and Power Com- pany through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Charles H. Tenney-------------------------- PreS. Fremont L. Lovett----Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Isaac S. Hall--------------------------- Vice Pres. Hazel H. Berry------------------------------ Secy. Clarence N. Alexander--------------------- Treas. Ralph E. Trower------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Charles Whetstone.------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Isaac S. Hall, Fremont L. Lovett, Frank Ludwig, Douglas D. Storey, Charles H. Tenney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $170,074 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $76,256 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 203 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 1, 314, 702 a Transferred from associated companies. Communities Served at Retail: Population Matamoras * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - 1, 735 Milford * * * * * - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * - - - - - - - - 901 Also Renders: Natural gas Service. 37–162 Renovo Edison Light, Heat & Power Company 508 Erie Ave., Renovo, Pa. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- PreS. L. B. Harvey------ Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. W. C. Peyān--------------------------- Vice PreS. F. S. Whitfield-------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. T. H. Roberts------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: L. B. Harvey, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $311, 994 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $116,676 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 354 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-----------...- 1, 350 K; otpatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 239, 340 688 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Farwell------------------------------------- 285 Gleasonton--------------------------------- 500 Hyner-------------------------------------- 300 North Bend-------------------------------- 400 Renovo------------------------------------- 3,784 South Renovo------------------------------ 1,018 37–164 Rockingham Light, Heat and Power Company Drawer H. Windber, Pa. 4Controlled by Reitz Coal Co. through 100% of voting power.) Frincipal Officers: W. H. Ritter-------------------------------- PreS. E. R. Hannum --Secy.-Treas. Tirectors: P. D. Brown, E. R. Hannum, D. T. Price, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------ - - - - - - - - $85, 786 Flectric Operating Revenues-------------- $64,671 Number of Electric Customers------------ 690 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,883, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Central City-------------------------------- 2,083 37–165 Saegertown Borough Electric Service Company 291 Chestnut St., Meadeville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter--------------- Pres. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------. Secy. I)irectors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. Population 753 Community Served at Retail: Saegerstown---------------------------------- 37–166 Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation Holtwood, Pa. (Jointly controlled by Pennsylvania Water Power Co. and Consolidated Gas, Flectric Light & Power Co. of Baltimore, each own 50% of class “B” voting stock outstanding.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Pennsylvania only $930, 519 - - * * * - - - - * * * - - - - am s - - - - - Number of Electric Customers: Pennsylvania only----------------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pennsylvania Water & Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Maryland (19–133). 37–168 The Scranton Electric Company 507–509 Linden St., Scranton, Pa. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power, subject to election inspectors’ qualifying shares.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd-------------------------------- PreS. D. T. Campbell------------------------ Vice PreS. J. B. Hill------------------------------- Vice PreS. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice PreS. FGW. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager----------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas, J. F. McMillan--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. G. Osterhout------------------------ ASSt. Secy. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Frank B. Ball, J. M. Burchill, D. T. Campbell, J. B. Hill, J. G. Osterhout, W. J. Rose, GeO. N. Tidd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------- - - - - $31,614, 092 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $5,676, 813 Number of Electric Customers--------- 83, 855 Pºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------- 117, 700 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 326, 778,988 Generated.---------------------------- 322, 191, 307 Purchased.---------------------------- 4, 587,681 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Carbondale------------------------------- 19, 371 Tickson City----------------------------- ll, 548 Dunmore--------------------------------- 23, 086 Old Forge-------------------------------- , 892 Pittston---------------------------------- 17, 828 Scranton--------------------------------- 140, 404 1,000 to 10,000 population Archbald. -------------------------------- 8, 296 AVoca------------------------------------ 4, 771 Browntown ------------------------------ 1, 500 Dupont---------------------------------- 5, 278 Puryea----------------------------------- 8, 275 Fºxeter------------------------------------ 5, 802 Forest City------------------------------- 4, 266 Hughestown------------------------------ 2, 340 Inkerman-------------------------------- 1, 000 Jermyn----------------------------------- 3, 238 Mayfield--------------------------------- 3, 172 Minooka--------------------------------- 3, 300 Moosic----------------------------------- 4, 568 Moscow---------------------------------- 1, 097 Port Griffith----------------------------- 1,500 Simpson---------------------------------- 3, 600 Taylor----------------------------------. 9,002 Throop----------------------------------- 7, 382 Waymart----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - 1,095 West Pittston---------------------------- 7, 943 Winton----------------------------------- 7,989 250 to 1,000 population Browndale------------------------------- S30 Childs------------------------------------ 500 Elmhurst--------------------------------- 684 Harding---------------------------------- 600 Houston City---------------------------- 300 Paſlin ------------------------------------ 386 New Boston (Luzerne County) ----------- 350 Old Boston------------------------------- 300 Port Blanchard--------------------------- 300 Ransom---------------------------------- 350 Richmondale----------------------------- 275 Wandling---------------------------------- 970 Yatesville-------------------------------- 700 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 689 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Harveys Lake Light Co. Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Steam heating service. 37–173 Solar Electric Company Brookville, Pa. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: W. J. Utts----------------------------------- PreS E. T. Edmonds------------------------ Vice PreS. R. F. Pruner---------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. A. Davies------------------------------- Treas. J. F. McKenna---------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: R. E. Brown, E. T. Edmonds, J. F. McKenna, W. J. Utts. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $216,861 $106, 536 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 839 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 56] Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, 668, 604 Generated------------------------------ 4,064 Purchased------------------------------ 2, 664, 540 Communities Served at Retail: Population Belgiumtown------------------------------- 250 Brookville---------------------------------- 4, 397 Hazen-------------------------------------- 262 Sigel---------------------------------------- 341 37–175 South Penn Power Company 2 E. Main St., Waynesboro, Pa. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc., through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. Paul Smith------------------------------ Pres. Geo. S. Humphrey--------------------- Vice PreS. D. E. Stultz---------------------------- Vice PreS. C. E. Adams------------------------- _Vice PreS. R. E. Town----------------------- Secy. & Treas. G. T. Swisher------------------------ Comptroller Paul S. Michael.------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. O. E. Martin-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. B. A. Winebrener-------------- Asst. Comptroller Directors: C. E. Adams, Robert R. Arthur, J. G. Benedict, E. L. Coblentz, Raymond H. Frantz, C. N. Kilpatrick, D. B. Riddlesberger, R. Paul Smith, S. S. Snively, R. E. Town, D. M. Wertz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,634, 731 Electric Operating Revenues----------- - $713, 638 Number of Electric Customers---------- 7, 825 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 31, 895, 413 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fayetteville------------------------------- 630 Fountain Dale---------------------------- 269 Hyndman * - - - - - - * * * * * - - - - - - - * * * 1, 325 Marion------------------------------------ 261 Quincy------------------------------------ 611 Rouzerville-------------------------------- 730 Scotland----------------------------------- 250 State Line--------------------------------- 264 Waynesboro------------------------------- 10, 231 Wellersburg------------------------------- 357 322184—42—49 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Mercersburg, Lehmasters & Markes Electric Co. Metropolitan Edison Co. The Potomac Edison Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Borough of Mont Alto. 37–177 Southern Pennsylvania Power Company Oxford, Pa. (Controlled by The United Gas Improvement Co.) Principal Officers: TOSS---------------------------------- Pres P. H. Chase---------------------------- Vice Pres G. U. Stewart-------------------------- Vice Pres R. Z. Zimmermann--------------------- Vice PreS. W. T. Neel - - Secy. M. A. Anderson---------------------------- Treas. Allan G. Mitchell ASSt. Secy. T. M. Ford--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: P. H. Chase, J. Thomas Gailey, H. C. Gross, E. N. Keller, E. B. Myers, J. Walter Passmore, G. U. Stewart, John I. Watson, R. Z. Zimmermann. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $980, 237 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $265, 535 Number of Electric Cust sº 3,048 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 165 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total - - - - - sº - - - - - - - - - - -º º 9,989, 577 Generated----------------------------- 487,500 Purchased----------------------------- 9, 492,077 Interchanged—in (gross)--------------- 10, Communities Served at Retail: Population Bridgeton----------------------------------- 519 Cochranville-------------------------------- 275 elta------- - - - - 724 Eemblesville - - 285 Ilewisville (Chester County) --------------- 514 Lincoln University------------------------- 325 Nottingham wº- - - - 3.18 Oxford-------------------------------------- 2, 723 West Bangor-------------------------------- 326 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: cº, County Light and Power Co. (Border- II].0). Glen Rock Electric Light & Power Co. (Border- line). Philadelphia Electric Co. (Interchange). 37–178 Sparta Township Crawford Public Service Company 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter-------------- PreS. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. 37-180 Stoufferstown Electric Company Chambersburg, Pa 690 FEDERAL PoweR COMMISSION 37-183 Union Township Crawford Public Service Company 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter---------------- PreS & Treas. M.V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, H. D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. 37-184 The Waterford Electric Light Co. Waterford, Pa. Principal Officers: Rollo McCray------------------------------ PreS. B. E. Waltz-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: C. E. Anders, Rollo McCray, B. E. Waltz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $76,238 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $27,050 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 718 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 690, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Waterford------------------------------------ 804 37–185 Wellsboro Electric Company 15 Waln St., Wellsboro, Pa. Principal Officers: H. C. Young-------------------------------- Pres. P. S. Young---------------------------- Vice Pres. G. W. Hill_ _ _____ * - - - - as sº sº. - - - e.g. sº - - - - es - - Secy. C. E. Bennett------------------------------ Treas. K. C. Spencer------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: C. E. Bennett, T. Y. Butterworth, G. W. Hill, H. C. Young, P. S. Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $668,322 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $167, 555 Number of Electric Cust is 2, 233 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,700 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 5,849, 300 Generated.------------------------------ 5, 835,700 Purchased------------------------------ 10, 600 Community Served at Retail: I?opulation Wellsboro----------------------------------- 3, 665 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern Pennsylvania Power Co. 37-186 West Fallowfield Light & Power Company 291 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. Principal Officers: Harley D. Carpenter--------------- Pres. & Treas. M. V. Carpenter---------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. W. Carpenter, Harley D. Carpenter, M. V. Carpenter. - 37–187 West Penn Power Company 14 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Controlled by American Water works & Electric Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: Harry L. Mitchell--------------------------- PreS, Harold F. Butler----------------------- Vice PreS, Allen N. Cartwright-------------------- Vice Pres, Philip H. Powers----------------------- Vice PreS. Philip L. ROSS-------------------------- Vice Pres. Wilford H. Swinney --Vice Pres. and Comptroller George E. Murrie----------------------------- Secy. William R. Hinchman---------------------- Treas Joseph L. Fisher----------------------- ASSt. Secy. Paul G. Perry-------------- - - - - - - Asst. Secy. William K. Dunbar--Asst. Secy. and Asst. Treas. Edgar S. Haymond ASSt. Treas. H. ROSS Lynn.------------------------ ASSt. Treas. Raymond G. Weigand---------- Asst. Comptroller Alexander Frazer, Jr.------------ Asst. Comptroller Marion G. Miller--------------- ASSt. Comptroller Waiter H. Judge-------------------- Gen. Auditor Directors: Thomas H. Blodgett, Allen N. Cart- wright, Wilbur L. Cummings, James A. Hill, William R. Hinchman, Harry L. Mitchell, G. E. Murrie, H. Hobart Porter, Seton Porter, Philip H. Powers, William C. Robinson, Philip L. Ross, Edward O. Tabor, Earl S. Thompson, Warren R. Voorhis. Controls: Allegheny Pittsburgh Coal Co. (coal mining). Bºottom Power Co., Inc., a (electric genera- tion). Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co., b. (electric light and power, electric railways, water and ice), which controls— The Marietta Electric Co. (electric light and power). Monongahela Securities Co. (securities and real estate), which controls— C O. Monongahela Transport portation). Monterey Utilities Corporation (electric light and power). State Line Gas Co. (gas). The West Maryland Power Co. (electric light and power). Ohio County Fuel (nonoperating) (fuel lands). The Potomac Transmission Co. (electric trans- mission). West Virginia Power and Transmission Co. (electric generation), which controls— West Penn West Virginia Water Power Co. (nonoperating) (owns land for water power development). Windsor Power House Coal Co. a (coal mining). which controls— Windsor Coal Co. (coal mining). a The West Penn Power Co. and The Ohio Power Co. each own 50% of the voting stock. * The West Penn Power Co. owns 74.48% of voting stock, and the American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc., owns 25.52% of the voting stock. (bus trans- The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $119,026,790 Electric Operating Revenues: otal-------------------------- $25,256, 691 In Pennsylvania------------------- $24,684, 768 Number of Electric Customers: otal-------------------------- 232, 815 In Pennsylvania - - - - 232,814 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal-------------------------- 421,655 Steam----------------------------- 370, 500 Ydro----------------------------- 50,275 Internal Combustion-------------- 880 DIRECTORY OF 691. ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENINSYLVANIA Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------- 2,018, 381, 524 Generated.------------------------- 1,946, 473,481 Purchased.------------------------- 40, 960, 262 Interchanged (gross-in).------------ 30, 947, 781 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Arnold------------------------------------- 10, 898 Putler------------------------------------- 24, 477 Canonsburg------------------------------ -- 12, 599 Charleroi---------------------------------- 10, 784 Connellsville------------------------------- 13, 608 Donora------------------------------------ 13, 180 Greensburg-------------------------------- 16, 743 Harrison----------------------------------- 13, 161 Jeannette---------------------------------- 16, 22 Latrobe------------------------------------ 11, 111 Monessen---------------------------------- 20, 257 New Kensington.--------------------------- 24,055 Uniontown (Fayette County)------------- 21, 819 Vandergrift-------------------------------- 10, 725 Washington (Washington County)-------- 26, 166 1,000 to 10,000 population Allenport---------------------------------- 1,078 Allison------------------------------------- 1, 200 Antram (Palmer Mine).-------------------- 1, 540 Apollo------------------------------------- 3, 232 Austin------------------------------------- 1,05 Avella------------------------------------- 2,500 Avonmore--------------------------------- 1, 354 Belle Vernon-...----------------------------- 2, 463 Bellefonte * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - m º me sº * * 5,304 Bellwood Gardens------------------------- 1,000 Bentleyville------------------------------- 3, 428 Blainsburg--------------------------------- 1,000 Bobtown---------------------------------- 1,900 Braeburn---------------------------------- 1,000 Bridgeville. 4,459 Proughton--------------------------------- 2,200 Brownsville (Fayette County)------------- 8,015 Burgettstown - - - - ---- 2,497 California---------------------------------- 2, 614 Cecil--------------------------------------- -1,000 Centerville--------------------------------- 6,317 Cheswick ---------------------------------- 1, 241 Claridge-------------- 1, 200 Clarion--- - - 3, 798 CouderSport------------------------------- 3, 197 Crabtree----------------------------------- 1,500 Creighton---------------------------------- 1,600 Cuddy------------------------------------- 2,000 Curtisville--------- * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * = * * * * * * * = 1, 200 Daisytown (Washington County)--------- 2,000 enbo------------------------------------- 1,800 Derry * * *-* - sº º tº º ºs º-º º 'º me mº º mº m sº *s amº ºm º ºs º m - - - - - 3,003 Dickerson Run 1,000 Punbar------------------------------------ 1,390 East Brady-------------------------------- 1,427 East Vandergrift-------------------------- 2,005 East Washington.-------------------------- 2, 106 Edenborn--------------------------------- 1,500 Flizabeth---------------------------------- 2,976 Ellsworth--------------------------------- 1,975 Pirama------------------------------------ 1, 200 Emporium---------- * * 3,775 *Verson----------------------------------- 1,809 Pxport------------------------------------ 1,990 Fairchance-------------------------------- 1,855 Fāyette City------------------------------ 1, 598 Filbert------------------------------------ 1,300 Force-------------------------------------- 1, 200 Fredericktown---------------------------- 1,050 Freeport----------------------------------- 2,710 Gates-------------------------------------- 1, 200 Glassmere--------------------------------- 1,500 Grapeville--------------------------------- 1,400 Greenock---------------------------------- 1,050 Harwick,---------------------------------- 1,600 Herminie---------------------------------- , 500 Hiller . . . 1, 500 Hopwood---------------------------------- 1,500 Houston----------------------------------- 1, 610 Irwin------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3, 441 Johnsonburg------------------------------- 4, 955 Kame-------------------------------------- 6, 133 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Kittanning-------------------------------- Lamberton---- Langeloth--------------------------------- - Larimer---------- - - Lawrence * * Leechburg--------------------------------- Leisenring--------------------------------- Library----------------------------------- Ligonier----------------------------------- Lyndora - - Mather." III * * * * * * * * * * * * * McDonald-------------------------------- Meadow Lands---------------------------- Millsboro---------------------------------- Monongahela City------------------------ Mount Jewett----------------------------- Mount Pleasant (Westmoreland County)— Muse-------------------------------------- Nemacolin -------------------------------- New Bethelem---------------------------- New Eagle-------------------------------- North Apollo------------------------------ North Belle Vernon ----------------------- North Charleroi----------------- --------- North Irwin------------------------------- Perryopolis-------------------------------- Pershing (Stauffer)------------------------ - Pleasant Gap------------------------------ Point Marion------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pricedale ---------- - Republic---------------------------------- Richeyville-------------------------------- Ridgway---------------------------------- Rimersburg------------------------------- ROSCOe---------,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rowes Run------------------------------- FITSSellton Saint Marys------------------------------- Saltsburg - - Sandy Bottom- - - Scottdale---------------------------------- Slickville_- Slippery Rock----------------------------- Slovan - - Smock - - South Connellsville------------------------ South Greensburg------------------------- Southwest--------------------------------- Southwest Greensburg-------------------- Springdale--------- Star Junction State College------------------------------ Strabane---------------------------------- Vestaburg--------------------------------- Waynesburg------------------------------- Webster----------------------------------- West Brownsville------------------------- West Elizabeth---------------------------- West Kittanning-------------------------- West Leechburg--------------------------- West Leisenrin Westmoreland (Homesteads)--------- * * * * * Westmoreland City----------------------- West Newton----------------------------- - * * = * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 250 to 1,000 Population Aaronsburg ... = - - - - - - - - -, * * = *, *, *s, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Alverton.-- Applewold.-------------------------------- 692 FEDERAL PoweR COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 Population Population Ardara------------------------------------ 410 Arden Mines------------------------------ 300 Argentine--------------------------------- 250 Armbrust--------------------------------- 250 Arnold City -- 400 TOD 8 - - - - - * º º º 503 Atlasburg------- 450 Baggaley---------------------------------- 350 Barnharts--------------------------------- 250 Beadling-- * * * * 391 Beallsville--------------------------------- 604 Beech Creek------------------------------- 592 Benezett---------------------------------- 300 €SCO ----- - - - - 500 Bishop------------------------------------ 400 Blanchard--------------------------------- 531 Blythedale- - - 700 Boalsburg--------------------------------- 317 Boston------------------------------------ 600 Bradenville * * *-* ºs 700 Bradys Bend 487 Rrave- ºr “º 467 Braznell___ 350 Bredinville_----- 600 Bridgeport (Westmoreland County) ------- 450 Broad Ford------------------------------- 250 Brockport--------------------------------- 350 Brookvale--------------------------------- 450 Brownfield-------------------------------- 600 Bruin - 663 Buena Vista * * 600 Buffington- 450 Bulger 500 Punola------------------------------------ 500 Byrnedale--------------------------------- 619 Cabot------------------------------------- 500 Cadogan---------------------------------- 500 Calumet----------------------------------- 500 Cardale----------------------------------- 750 Carmichaels-------- -- 847 Carpentertown---------------------------- 250 Centre Hall_ _ _ 738 Cherry Valley ---------------------------- 300 Chestnut Ridge--------------------------- 775 Clarksville (Green County) - - - ------------ 428 Claysville--------------------------------- 970 Climax------------------------------------ 300 Coal Bluff--------------------------------- 526 Coal Center------------------------------- 705 Coburn - 800 Colegrove--------------------------------- 250 Coleville (Centre County)----------------- 300 Collier------------------------------------- 619 Collinsburg-------------------------------- 600 Continental-------------------------------- 800 Coolspring--------------------------------- 300 Coulters----------------------------------- 350 Courtney---------------------------------- 617 Coverdale---------------------------------- 300 Cowden Pitco----------------------------- 300 Crosby------------------------------------ 300 Dagus Mines------------------------------ 800 Daguscahonda----------------------------- 250 *WS00------------------------------------ 732 Payton------------------------------------ 882 Peemston---------------------------------- 710 Pilliner------------------------------------ 500 Pistant------------------------------------ 658 Ponegal----------------------------------- 258 Driftwood--------------------------------- 293 TXunbar Furnace--------------------------- 300 Punlevy----------------------------------- 367 East Butler-------------------------------- 559 East Millsboro----------------------------- 300 Eau Claire--------------------------------- 349 Eberhardt--------------------------------- 500 Edna (Edna Mine No. 1)------------------ 250 *0--------------------------------------- 619 ºlderton----------------------------------- 354 Erico Soppitt------------------------------ 520 Fairbank---------------------------------- 500. Pairhope----------------------------------- 350 Fairmount City--------------------------- 900 Farmington-------------------------------- 385 Finleyville--------------------------------- 699 Fitz Henry-------------------------------- 450 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 Population Population Florefe------------------------------------- 300 Footedale---------------------------------- 500 Forbes Road------------------------------- 619 Ford Cliff---------------------------------- 585 Frank------------------------------------- 650 Frye Ivanhoe * * * * 513 Gallatin----------------------------------- 600 Gans--------------------------------------- 251 Garretts Run * * 250 Gastonville-------------------------------- 500 George------------- 300 Georgetown (Armstrong County)---------- 750 Gillespie----------------------------------- 500 Glen Irwin (Clinton).---------------------- 300 Granville---------------------------------- 300 Gratztown (Amyville).--------------------- 300 Grays Landing---------------------------- 500 Greensboro-------------------------------- 625 Grindstone-------------------------------- 528 Hackett------------------------------------ 525 Hahntown--------------------------------- 514 Hammondville----------------------------- 250 Hannastown------------------------------- 750 Harmarville------------------------------- 900 Harrison City------------------------------ 500 Harrisville--------------------------------- 626 Hawkeye---------------------------------- 300 Hawthorn--------------------------------- 628 Hazel Kirk-------------------------------- 300 Hazelhurst, *s sº 450 Hibbs - - - 350 Hickory 600 High Park 450 Highfield 800 Hilliards----------------------------------- 450 Hostetter---------- * * * 725 Howard------------------------------------ 726 Humphrey - - 450 Hunkers----------- - - 348 Hyde Park (Westmoreland County) ----- * = 717 Independence------------------------------ 400 Indian Head------------------------------- 300 Isabella-------------------------------------- 350 Jacobs Creek------------------------------- 550 James City-------------------------------- 800 Jamison------------------------------------ 250 Jefferson (Green County)------------------ 557 Joffre-------------------------------------- 750 Jones Mills-------------------------------- 300 Juniata (Juniataville).---------------------- 500 Karns City-------------------------------- 453 Kaylor - •= m, mg. º. ºº &º mº, ºr - ºr me - * * * * * * 350 Kecksburg--------------------------------- 325 Keisterville-------------------------------- 500 Kepples------------------------------------ 465 Kersey------------------------------------- 700 Kifertown---------------------------------- 800 Kiskimere--------------------------------- 260 Kromer------------------------------------ 400 La Belle----------------------------------- 500 Laboratory-------------------------------- 350 Lake Lynn-------------------------------- 267 Lamar------------------------------------- 250 Large-------------------------------------- 319 Laughlintown----------------------------- 285 Leckrone---------------------------------- 700 Leith-------------------------------------- 300 I,emont = m. º. º. º. as sº m = - sº * = * ~ * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * 500 Lemont Furnace--------------------------- 400 Lincoln Hill------------------------------- 550 Long Branch------------------------------ 386 Lowber------------------------------------ 430 Loyalhanna-------------------------------- 350 Lusk (Ringertown).------------------------ 515 Luxor-------------------------------------- 725 Mackeyville------------------------------- 285 Madison----------------------------------- 409 Mammoth--------------------------------- 550 Manorville--------------------------------- 604 Marguerite-------------------------------- 300 Markleysburg----------------------------- 297 Martin------------------------------------ 600 Marvindale-------------------------------- 250 Maxwell----------------------------------- 400 McAdams (Montour No. 9)--------------- 300 cGram---------------------------------- 500 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNsyLVANIA 693 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 Population Population Meadow Mill------------------------------ 300 Melcroft----------------------------------- 500 Messmore---------------------------------- 250 Midland Road----------------------------- 500 Midway (Washington County) ------------ 988– Milesburg--------------------------------- 681 | Mill Run---------------------------------- 500 Millerstown Chicura---------------------- 978 | Millheim---------------------------------- 682 | Millwood---------------------------------- 454 Monument-------------------------------- 300 ODVue----------------------------------- 622 Mooween White-------------------------- 260 Morewood--------------------------------- 500 Morgan------------------------------------ 375 Morganza---------------------------------- 900 Mount Braddock-------------------------- 800 Mount Morris----------------------------- 432 Murraysville------------------------------- 700 Mustard----------------------------------- 350 Mutual------------------------------------ 250 New Alexandria--------------------------- 639 New Derry-------------------------------- 400 New Geneva------------------------------- 410 New Salem (Fayette County)------------- 900 New Salem (Delmont)--------------------- 705 New Stanton------------------------------ 350 Newcomer--------------------------------- 400 Newell------------------------------------- 800 Nineveh----------------------------------- 264 Noblestown-------------------------------- 600 North Vandergrift------------------------- 750 Oak Ridge--------------------------------- 650 | Oakland Junction-------------------------- 300 Ohiopyle----------------------------------- 420 Oklahoma--------------------------------- 868 Orviston----------------------------------- 280 Owensdale--------------------------------- 325 Paintertown------------------------------- 250 Parker City (Parkers Landing) (Armstrong County)--------------------------------- 976 Parkers Landing (Clarion County) -------- 262 Paulton------------------------------------ 275 Peanut------------------------------------ 350 Petrolia----------------------------------, 559 Pine Grove Mills-------------------------- 450 Pleasant Unity---------------------------- 600 Poland Mines------------------------------ 250 Poplar Grove.------------------------------ 350 Port Matilda------------------------------ 646 Portersville-------------------------------- 276 Potters Mills------------------------------ 339 Prospect----------------------------------- 574 Putneyville-------------------------------- 420 Rebersburg-------------------------------- 275 Rices Landing----------------------------- 962 Ridgeview Park--------------------------- 260 Rillton------------------------------------ 834 River View-------------------------------- 419 Rogerstown------------------------------- 550 |Rogersville-------------------------------- 350 Rolſe-------------------------------------- 350 Ronco------------------------------------- 800 Rote-------------------------------------- 500 Roulette----------------------------------- 800 Ruffs Dale-------------------------------- ,500 Rural Valley------------------------------ 900 Salina------------------------------------- 500 Salona------------------------------------- 287 Sarver------------------------------------- 350 Saxonburg--------------------------------- 524 Scenery Hill------------------------------- 253 Scott Haven------------------------------- 600 Searights----------------------------------- 250 Seminole---------------------------------- 500 Sergeant----------------------------------- 250 Shafton------------------------------------ 300 Shamrock--------------------------------- 275 Sinnemahoning---------------------------- 500 Sligo-------------------------------------- 948 Smithdale--------------------------------- 550 Smithfield (Fayette County)-------------- 996 Smithton---------------------------------- 737 Snydertown (Westmoreland County)----- 400 South Bethlehem 561 South EverSon---- 300 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 Population Population South Uniontown-------------------------- 450 Southview * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 500 Speers (Bellevernon) ---------------------- 852 Spring Mills------------------------------- 620 Stockdale---------------------------------- 907 Strattanville------------------------------- 604 tuda------------------------------------- 310 Sturgeon - - - 950 Sutersville * - 937 alſTS-------------------------------------- 350 Tarrtown---------------------------------- 310 TaylorStown------------------------------ 350 Templeton--------------------------------- 856 Trauger------------------------------------ 285 Trotter------------------------------------ 950 Truxall------------------------------------ 300 Tunnelton 400 Twilight----------------------------------- 312 Tyre--------- - - - 750 Uledi-------------------------------------- 450 Unionville (Fleming) (Centre County)---- 321 United------------------------------------- 825 Van Meter--------------------------------- 750 Van Voorhis.------------------------------- 500 Venetia------------------------------------ 512 Walkertown------------------------------- 450 Waltersburg------------------------------- 550 Weedville---------------------------------- 800 Wendel------------------------------------- 800 West Alexander---------------------------- 440 West Middletown------------------------- 264 West Monessen (Lock No. 4)-------------- 618 West Sunbury----------------------------- 259 West Washington.-------------------------- 500 West Waynesburg------------------------- 500 West Winfield----------------------------- 450 Westland---------------------------------- 800 Whitney----------------------------------- 875 WhitSett Junction------------------------- 560 Wickhaven-------------------------------- 250 Wilpen------------------------------------ 800 Wingate------------------------------------ 250 Wolfdale---------------------------------- 550 Wolftown (Washington County) ---------- 300 Worthington.------------------------------- 600 Wynn------------------------------------- 400 York Run--------------------------------- 300 Youngstown------------------------------- 547 Youngstown Junction---------------------- 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Bradford Electric Co. (Interchange). Duquesne Light Co. (Interchange). Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. Pennsylvania Edison Co. Pennsylvania Electric Co. The Potomac Edison Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Central Electric Co-operative, Inc. See Also: Operations reported under West Virginia. (47–178). 37–188 Windber Electric Corporation 1120 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. (Controlled by The Berwind-White Coal Mining Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Charles G. BerWind-------------------------Pres. E. J. Newbaker------------------------ Vice Pres. W. A. Stuetz-------------------------------- Secy. W. F. Morris------------------------------ Treas. Directors: C. G. Berwind, C. E. Dunlap, E. R. Hannum, O. M. Hinton, E. J. Newbaker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- Number of Electric Cust *- $158, 368 $191,722 3,398 694 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 6,947, 770 Communities Served at Retail: Population Eureka No. 37------------------------------ 700 Paint--------------------------------------- 1, 700 Rummel---------- 600 Scalp Level--------------------------------- 1,950 Windber- 9,057 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Rockingham Light, Heat & Power Co. 37-189 Winola Electric Co. Dalton, Pa. Principal Officer: Fred M. Francis, Jr.---------- Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Directors: L. A. DeGroff, Fred M. Francis, Jr., Fred M. Francis, Sr., J. H. Klurepl. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,647 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 51 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 26, 400 37-190 Yeagertown Water Power Com- pany Yeagertown, Pa. 37-208 Allegheny Pittsburgh Coal Co. 14 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. M. Connor---------------------- Supt. of Mines The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $8,542 Community Served at Retail: Logans Ferry “---------------------------- 1,600 a Customers are company employees only, living in company-owned houses and served without direct charge. 37–-210 Allegheny River Mining Company Kittanning, Pa. Community served at Retail: Cadogan *------------------------------------ * Customers are company employees, living in tºy-owned houses, and served without direct Charge. 37–225 Berwind-White Coal Mining Company Windber, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Michael "---------------------------- 1,600 . . Majority of customers are company employees i Wing in COmpany-owned houses. 37–228 Bethlehem Steel Company Bethlehem, Pa. 37–233 Buffalo & Susquehanna Coal & Coke Co. Sykesville, Pa. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. R. Casely--------------------------------- PreS. C. D. Oldknow----------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $22, 118 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,486 Number of Electric Customers------------- 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 83, 542 Community Served at Retail: Population Sagamore *--------------------------------- y a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. Also Renders: Water Service. 37–235 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. See Also: Principal report under Ohio (34–210) and operations reported under Illinois (12–203) and Indiana (13–205). 37–237 Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation 466 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 37–242 Consolidation Coal Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Community Served at Retail: Population Jenner *------------------------------------ 1,025 See also: Principal report under Kentucky (16–225), and operations reported under Maryland (19-228) and West Virginia (47–259). a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 37–244 Crucible Fuel Company %Crucible Steel Co. of America, 405 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Community Served at Retail: Population Crucible *---------------------------------- 1,800 • Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses and served with- out direct charge. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 695 37–246 J. G. Curtis Leather Co. Ludlow, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. A. Connelly------------------------------ Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $65,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,027 Number of Electric Customers------------- l Generating Capacity: Filowatts 9tal--------------------------------- 970 Steam---------------------------------- 500 Internal Combustion------------------- 470 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 251, 377 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITY: Ludlow Gas & Electric Co. 37–263 Ebensburg Coal Company Fidelity Philadelphia Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 37–272 Elkland Leather Co., Inc. Elkland, Pa. 37–281 The Glen Alden Coal Company 310 Jefferson Ave., Scranton, Pa. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H Chief Engr. Electrical Engr. Electrical Engr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) 50,000 37–286 Henderson Coal Company Hendersonville, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Hendersonville *----------------------------- 319 * Customers are company employees living in COmpany-owned houses. 37–290 Hercules Cement Corporation 1700 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. Stanley Downs The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 6, 250 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 4,065,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Metropolitan Folison Co. 37–295 Hershey Chocolate Corporation Hershey, Pa. 37–299 Hershey Lumber Company Hershey, Pa. 37–304 Industrial Collieries Corporation 701 East Third St., Bethlehem, Pa. The following data are for the year 1940: Communities Served at Retail: a Population Cokeburg---------------------------------- 1, 415 Ellsworth---------------------------------- 1,975 Marianna---------------------------------- 1,493 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses and served without direct charge. 37–309 Keystone Coal Company 114 N. George St., York, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Mooween (White) a - a Customers are company employees living in ºny-owned houses and Served without direct Charge. Population 37–310 Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Power Company 125 Cedar Ave., Scranton, Pa. Principal Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Murphy Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. W. Esslinger----------------,--- Chief Engineer The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $890, 156 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $192,868 Number of Electric Customers----------- 25 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------- 6,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 16,777, 501 37–322 Loyal Hanna Coal and Coke Com- pany Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Community Served at Retail: , Population Cairnbrook "--------------------------------- 567 a Majority of customers are company employees 1 living in company-owned houses. 696 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 37-329 Monroe Coal Mining Company 1617 Pennsylvania Blvd., Philadelphia, Pa. Population 1,450 * Customers are company employees living in com- pany-owned houses and served without direct charge. Community Served at Retail: Revloc *------------------------------------ 37–335 Nazareth Cement Company Nazareth, Pa. 37–344 New Castle Electric Street Rail- way Company 25 E. Boardman St., Youngstown, Ohio Official in Charge of Electric Operations: P. Prochaska-------------------------------- Secy. 37–353 The New Jersey Zinc Company (of Pa.) Palmerton, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: F. B. Gearhart Gen’l Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,570,233 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $105,428 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------- 18,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 5,393, 933 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Palmerton Lighting Co. 37–358 Northwestern Mining & Exchange Co. of Erie, Pennsylvania Smith & Mill Sts., Dunmore, Pa. Official in Charge of Electrical Operations: James L. Whamond------------- Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ----------------- 5,375 Community Served at Retail: Population Dagus Mines *----------------------------- 800 a Customers are company employees, living in company-owned houses, and Served without direct charge. Also Renders: Water Service. 37–362 Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Corpn. 70 E. 45th St., New York, N. Y. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: W. A. Hertzog----------------- Asst. Comptroller J. F. MacWilliams--------------- Electrical Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $99,238 Number of Electric Customers----------- 475 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 730, 626 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 3,771,064 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ehrenfeld------------------------------ 1, 100 Marsteller------------------------------ 1, 200 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cresson Electric Light Co. Gallitzin Electric Light Co. Hastings Electrical Co. 37–374 Pittsburgh Coke and Iron Com- pany Grant Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 37–389 Pleasant Hall Electric Company Pleasant Hall, Pa. 37–394 Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion Riddlesburg, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Riddlesburg---------------------------------- 610 37–398 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Com- pany Indiana, Pa. Communities Served at Retail: Population Lucernemines *----------------------------- 1, 200 Margaret "--------------------------------- 300 Nu Mine *--------------------------------- 1,500 Yatesboro *-------------------------------- 2,067 * Customers are company employees living in ºny-owned houses, and Served without direct Charge. * Majority of customers are company employees. 37–401 Rockhill Coal Company 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Communities Served at Retail: a Population Robertsdale-------------------------------- 1,500 Woodvale---------------------------------- 1,500 a Majority of customers are company employees. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 697 37–443 Susquehanna Collieries Co. Broad St., Station Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. H. Matthews------------- Elec. & Mech. Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $30,203 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 2, 513, 705 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 10, 291,800 37–450 Winton Colliery Co. Vintondale, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Don A. Martin--------------------------- Trustee The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $7,743 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 318 FCîlowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 282, 285 Community Served at Retail: Population Vintondale *-------------------------------- 1, 516 a Majority of customers are company employees. 37–513 *Aspinwall Borough Water and Light Plant 217 Commercial Ave., Aspinwall, Sharpsburg, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. C. Lea g= * * Borough Mgr. Borough Council: G. M. Fehrf, Harry Jarvis, F. J. Koesling, Geo. W. Meyer, David Pryde (pres.), F. F. Schadef, H. M. Wolfarthf. fMember of Water & Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $172,350 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $74,218 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 123 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 2, 247,800 Generated 2, 155,200 Purchased Community Served at Retail: Population Aspinwall----------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 4, 716 37–519 *Berlin Borough Municipal Electric Light System Berlin, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: George Wetmiller--------------- Collector & Secy. Borough Councii: C. W. Altfather, George S. Dively (preS.), I. A. Engleka, J. D. Landis, Wm. R. Long, A. C. Miller, R. M. Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues $23,003 Number of Electric Customers.-------------- 594 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 464, 670 Community Served at Retail: Population Berlin---------------- 1,602 37–525 *Blakely Borough Municipal Light Plant Peckville Boro Bldg., Peckville, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Willard G. Ward P. J. Matthews - - - Governing Body: James Callagan, Nelson Chivers, Rhinhart Gerhart, John A. Gerchalk, Earl Ham, Edwin Kinback, Elmer Leek, Andrew Moroucci, Willard G. Ward. {} The following data are for the year ended Jan. 8, 1941: Chairman Secy. Electricity Utility Plant------------------- $249, 242 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $89,279 Number of Electric Customers 1,874 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,500 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,875, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Blakely tº ºn 8, 106 37–531 *Brackenridge Borough Electric Department 1000 Brack Ave., Brackenridge, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º Alvin Donnell Borough Council, Pres. J. N. Wolf----------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $81,229 Number of Electric Customers 1, 570 Community Served at Retail: Population Brackenridge------------------------------- 6, 400 37-537 *Catawissa Municipal Light Plant Catawissa, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Geo. Mensch--------------------- Pres. Of Colincil W. L. Gearhart------------------------------ Secy. EI. E. Rau - --Treas. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $40,685 Number of Electric Customers 645 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 175,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Catawissa 2,053 698 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 37–544 *The Burgess and Town Council of The Borough of Cham- bersburg Queen & 2nd Sts., Chambersburg, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Hase Mowrey-------------------- Mgr. Utilities R. C. Vanderant-------------------- Chief Burgess Borough Council: E. W. Davis (secy.), C. H. Pen- Singer (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,020, 177 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $326, 889 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 115 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 7,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 13, 729, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Chambersburg----------------------------- 14, 852 Utility Served at wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Stoufferstown Electric Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 37–550 - *Conemaugh Municipal Electric Light Plant 355 1st St., Conemaugh, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Erma Amigh H. A. Johnson------------------------------ Supt. Directors: Curtis Counners, John W. Dean (chair- man), Wm. G. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------...- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $42,932 Number of Electric Cust S. 1,114 Community Served at Retail: Population East Conemaugh--------------------------- 4,810 37–556 *Danville Borough Light Depart- ment 253 Mill St., Danville, Pa. 37–562 *Duncannon Borough Light and Power Plant Duncannon, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Elmer E. Hamilton -------------- Pres. Of Council Chas. E. Jones-------------- Vice PreS. of Council W. L. Drumgold----------------- Committeeman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $54,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------- - - - - - $28,499 Number of Electric Customers------------- 604 * Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 283 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 750,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Duncannon 1, 707 37–568 *Ellwood City Borough Electric Dept. 525 Lawrence Ave., Ellwood City, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: - - Wm. Friedhoff------------ Borough Electrician Borough Council: C. I. Bauder, Frank Biordi, Jas. C. Boyd, Harry Caplan, P. B. Curry, Elmer Greenham, Herbert Habart, Clyde Hill, A. J. Howell, Nick Lanzi, Jas. P. Meneice. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $265, 298 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $173, 543 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 3, 380 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 784,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ellwood City------------------------------ 12, 329 37–575 *Borough of Ephrata Ephrata, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. B. Carter------------------ Pres. of Council D. C. Wagner---------------------- Secy. & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $571, 462 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $146, 562 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,072 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,497,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ephrata.-------------------------------- 6, 199 Also Renders: Water service. 37–581 *Boro of Etna 23 Locust St., Etna, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. Seel---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $96,457 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,910 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,625 DIRECTORY 699 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA Energy Available in Year: Pºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 124, 100 Generated.------------------------------ 4,004, 100 Purchased------------------------------ 120,000 Community Served at Retail: Population *--------------------------------------- 7, 223 Also Renders: Water Service. 37–587 *Ford City Borough Light Plant City Bldg., Ford City, Pa. Councilmen: W. H. Bowser, D. F. Cannon, F. Duff, Dan Graue, G. E. Kettl, W. Schneider. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $273,073 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $86,604 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,498 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 670, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Ford City---------------------------------- 5,795 Also Renders: Water Service. 37–593 *Girard Borough Municipal Light Plant Girard, Pa. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - es - - - - - - - - - BurgeSS H. C. Duff------------------------ Dorough Supt. Borough Council: W. C. Boine, O. J. Cook, Earl Fiesler, E. H. Hossman, Lester Kelch, W. F. Ribler (pres.), W. C. Schafer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $107,053 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $41,868 Number of Electric Customers----------- 571 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 600 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,873,986 Community Served at Retail: Population Girard-------------------------------------- 1, 732 37–599 *Goldsboro Borough Council Etters, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Goldsboro------------------------------------ 478 37–606 *Grove City Borough Grove City, Pa. • * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * Acting Supt. ciº Council: Geo. E. Harry (pres.), H. F. Smith SeCy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $467, 544 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $126,018 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,929 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - 2,415 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5,325,980 Community Served at Retail: Population Grove City------- 6, 296 37–612 *Hatfield Borough Electric Light Department Chestnut St., Hatfield, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: & * - Horace R. Davis--Chairman Electric Commission Wesley Miller------------- Pres. Borough Council Philip D. Fox.------------------------------Secy. L. Lloyd Wagner '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Treas. Clarence Koffel----------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72,634 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $31,144 Number of Electric Cust ºt 364 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 907, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Hatfield------ 1,301 37—618 *Hooversville Borough Light Plant Hooversville, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Hooversville-------------------------------- 1, 364 37–624 *Kutztown Borough Light and Power Co. Townhall, Whiteoak St., Kutztown, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph M. Bard------ Burgess Webster J. Frey Secy. Norman J. Schadler Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $82,789 Number of Electric Cust 965 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 356,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Rutztown - ---- 2,966 700 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 37–630 *Lansdale Borough Electric Department 110 Courtland St., Lansdale, Pa. City Council: Eugene Billger, Jacob R. Fretz, Floyd B. Kulp, John E. Miller, Gilbert Mills, Jacob Oberholtzer (chairman), John W. Rodgers, Joseph Rodgers, Daniel H. Schultz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,255, 579 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $252,952 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,938 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 7, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 11, 595,979 Community Served at Retail: Population Lansdale------------------------------------ 9, 316 37–637 *Lewisberry Borough Council Lewisberry, Pa. 37–649 *Middletown Borough Light Plant Municipal Bldg., Middletown, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. V. McNair * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mgr C. B. Force --Secy Frney Spangler----------------------------- Supt. Borough Council Light Committee: Charles G. Baumbach, Beane D. Klahr, Wm. K. Swartz (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues $150,000 $85,355 as sm ºr gº sº * * * * * * * * * Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,970 - Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 3,017,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Middletown-------------------------------- 7,046 37–655 *Borough of Mifflinburg 333 Chestnut St., Mifflinburg, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. M. Hummel - - --Electrician Borough Council: Brice O. Harterf, J. R. Iddingst, W. W. Irwin, J. F. Klose, C. S. Rudy, M. M. Shively. fMember of the light committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- Number of Electric Customers------------ $31,939 752 $150,000 | Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 111, 201 Community Served at Retail: Population Mifflinburg--------------------------------- 2,000 Also Renders: Water Service. 37–661 *Borough of Mont Alto Mont Alto. Pa. Electric Committee: S. D. Creager (chairman), John Lowry, George Verdier. Borough Council: S. D. Creager, Harry Kaiser, John Lowry, C. F. Potter, Harvey Sharrah, Harry Staley (pres.), George Verdier. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $54,475 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,654 Number of Electric Customers- - - - - - - - - - - - - 168 Community Served at Retail: Population Mont Alto------------------------------------ 661 Also Renders: Water Service. 37–668 *New Wilmington Light Plant New Wilmington, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. Kauffman-------------------- Borough Pres. Thomas V. Mansell------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------...-------- $27, 312 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 376 Community Served at Retail: Population New Wilmington.--------------------------- 1,018 37–680 *Olyphant Borough Light Committee Borough Bldg., 115 Willow Ave., Olyphant, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Andrew Blaniar --BurgeSS Temko Chomin------------------------ Controller Andrew Grippe Borough Council: Stephen Dragon, John Lawler, Michael Puskas, John Russen. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $82,799 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2, 192 Community Served at Retail: Population Olyphant----------------------------------- 9, 252 37–686 *Borough of Perkasie Electric Light Department Perkasie, Pa. Pºpº Electric Utility Officials: Benfield------------------------------- Pres. H. M. Apple------------------------------ BurgeSS Phares Bader --Secy. Governing Body: J. Melvin Freed, Lloyd Harr, Harold Price, William Stader. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENNSYLVANIA 701 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $555, 357 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $93, 918 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,250 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,931,976 Community Served at Retail: Population Perkasie------ 4, 121 37–692 *Pitcairn Borough Electric Light Plant 320 Center Ave... Pitcairn, Pa. Light Committee: J. J. Patterson, Frank K. Backus, H. C. Givler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.----...-------------- $239, 100 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $81,225 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,932 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1, 240 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,413, 775 Community Served at Retail: Population Pitcairn 6,310 37–699 *Quakertown Electric Light Department N. 3rd St., Quakertown, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Daniel W. Erdman-------------------------- |PreS. Howard B. Freid---------------------------- Secy. H. H. Reinhart----------------------------- Treas. James Parker Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $120,096 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 1,741 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 4,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 166,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Quakertown -- 5, 150 37–705 *Royalton Electric Light Department Royalton, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Population Royalton 1,201 37–711 *Saint Clair Borough Electric Light Department S. 3rd St., St. Clair, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John J. Holden sº mº as ºs ss ºn me º ºs º me me sº º ºs ºº is sº sº as ºs º ºs Supt. Vincent A. Schmeltzer tº ASSt. Supt. John Muldowney--------------- Chief Electrician Borough Council: Samuel Bender, John Gregor, Thomas Gregory, Francis Keffer, John Kelly, Peter Lutcanin, Charles Maley, George McKeon, Harry Plappert, Jr., James Powell, John Tierney, John Urenko. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $84, 745 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 770 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,932, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population. Saint Clair 6, 809 37—717 *Schuylkill Haven Electric Light Department Town Hall, 39 Dock St., Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: Walter Holzer ----Supt. Light Committee: W. A. Bashore (chairman), Per- cival Heisler, Joseph McGlinchey, Edward Sharadin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. ------------------- $778, 888 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $126,383 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,037 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam).----------- 4,000 ~. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 4, 682, 970 Community Served at Retail: Population Schuylkill Haven 6, 518 37—723 *Borough of Sharpsburg 1626 Middle St. Sharpsburg, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. J. Hohman, Jr.--------------------------- Secy. E. M. Brown-------------------------------- Supt. Borough Council: L. A. Bragg, D. J. Licker, J. J. Malley, E. S. Michalowski (pres.), R. H. Morris- sey, C. B. Schrenk, J. J. Tarasi. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $522,484 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $128,400 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 127 Fºilowatt 2,300 Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 702 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 6,066,000 Generated------------------------------ 5,964,000 Purchased.------------------------------ 102,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sharpsburg------------------------------ 8, 202 Also Renders: Water service. 37—729 *Borough of Smethport Smethport, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Seth Norman-------------------------------- upt. F. H. Biever---------------------- Borough Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: TElectric Utility Plant-------------------- $80,860 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $47,885 Number of Electric Customers----------- 716 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 259, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Smethport------------------------------ 1,840 37–735 *Summerhill Municipal Light Plant Summerhill, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Thomas Bopp------------------------------ PreS. John M. Sloan------------------------------ Supt. John G. Long- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- ---------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Rev $9,358 Number of Electric Customers------------- 206 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 187, 140 Community Served at Retail: Population Summerhill 861 37–742 *Tarentum Borough Electric Plant 304 Lock St., Tarentum, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . H. Girt---------------------------------- Secy. Elvira Schmitz_ _ _ ---Treas. C. J. Baker Supt. Borough Council: Andrew E. Bednar, Geo. E. Bock, John Cole, S. B. Cunningham, A. B. David- son (pres.), C. J. Laurent, Tulio Monzi, David Rees, J. C. Wehn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $684,007 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $152, 559 Number of Electric Cust tº 2,712 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 5, 705, 793 Community Served at Retail: Population Tarentum 9, 846 37–748 *Titusville Municipal Electric Light Plant Titusville, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Fred E. Larson------------------ City Electrician Frank E. Fulton----------------- ASSt. Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55,000 Kilowatt Generating Capacity (Steam)------------------- 200 Energy Available in Year: Pºlowatt-hours Total------------------------------------ 33,935 Energy Generated.------------------------- 33,285 “Energy Purchased.------------------------- 650 Also Renders: Steam Service. 37–754 *Wampum Borough Municipal Electric Light Plant Church St., Wampum, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. T. Algier ----Supt. Electric Committee: C. H. Butler, M. B. Flynt, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues $11,068 Number of Electric Customers 290 Filowatt-hours Energy Purch All ---- 232, 157 Community Served at Retail: Population Wampum 1,061 Also Renders: Water service. 37–760 *Watsontown Light and Power Department Watsontown, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: David F. Barr. ---------- Chairman Light Comm. J. W. Moltz Elec. Engr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $37,598 Number of Electric Cust R 727 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Watsontown-------------------------------- 2, 282 37–766 *Weatherly Borough Light and Power Co. Borough Bldg., weatherly, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. J. Ketcham --Supt. E. J. Sykes. --------------------- Pres. Of Council Norman B. Koch --Secy. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-PENINSYLVANIA 703 Light Committee: Theo. Erdman, Emory Miller, H. D. Narigan, Chas. Schafer, Alfred H. Trout. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant...------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $53,515 Number of Electric Customers------------ 801 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,794,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Weatherly---------------------------------- 2,754 37—773 *Borough of Zelienople 111–113 W. New Castle St., Zelienople, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - Henry O. Ziegler-------------------- PreS. Council Theo. E. Stout------------------------------ Secy. E. S. Jenkins-------------------------- Electrician Borough Council: W. H. Archer, H. E. Cumberland, Dr. A. G. Duncan, W. I. Gettman, Frank Strutt, S. A. Weigel, Henry O. Ziegler (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $31,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $38,052 Number of Electric Customers------------- 781 Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 348,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Zelienople---------------------------------- 2, 117 Also Renders: Water Service. 37–812 *Bedford Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Bedford, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. E. 00nt?-------------------------------- PreS Walter W. MeSSerall.------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $247, 203 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,261 Number of Electric Customers------------- 612 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a 99,720 a For year ended June 30, 1940: Community Served at Retail: Population New Baltimore------------------------------- 260 37–827 *Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. Parkers Landing, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. P. Synder------------------------------- Pres, Donald Edge-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,151, 557 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $91,954 Number of Electric Customers---------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 1,459, 100 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–830 *The Central Rural Electric Co- operative Association, Inc. Clearfield, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Allan B. Roos------------------------------- PreS. L. H. Altenburg---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $525,407 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $49,058 Number of Electric Customers---------------- 1, 349 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased • 864,800 • For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–835 *Claverack Electric Cooperative, Inc. Towanda, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred Sage----------------------------------- PreS. C. B. Jakway------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $849, 425 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $89,110 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,866 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- * * * * * - - - - - - * * * * * - - a 1,820,640 * For year ended June 30, 1940. - 37–843 *Jefferson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Brookville, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. E. Startzell------------------------------- Pres. Harold A. Porter--------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $310,438 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $12,710 Number of Electric Customers------------ 430 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 82,800 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–850 *Northwestern Rural Electric Co- operative Association, Inc. 264 Main St., Cambridge, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carl D. Proctor----------------------------- PreS. Bruce V. Hecker----- ----------------------- Supt. 704 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — $961,231 $114, 292 Number of Electric Customers------------ 3,083 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 2, 194, 200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Electric Operating Revenues -------------- 37–865 *Somerset Rural Electric Coop- ative, Inc. Somerset, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph A. Poorbaugh------------------------ Pres. Harvey S. Jennings------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $417,236 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $36,224 Number of Electric Customers------------ 837 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 42, 400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–872 *Southwest Central Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation Indiana, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. T. Bennett---------------------------- PreS. S. J. Orange-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,128,907 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $100, 472 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,988 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - a 1,765, 440 • For year ended June 30, 1940, Community Served at Retail: Population Creekside 606 37–875 *Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Forksville, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George Bahl Wesley S. Thomas-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $210,930 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22,232 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 517 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 376,279 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–880 *Tri-County Rural Electric Co- operative, Inc. Mansfield, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry P. Hulslander------------------------ PreS. Maurice S. Whitlock------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $799, 623 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $92, 379 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,986 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 1,659, 200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–890 *Walley Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. P. O. Box 91, Martinsburg, Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Grover C. Keith John H. Denton.---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $561,785 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,439 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,392 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 291, 474 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 37–900 *Warren Electric Cooperative, Inc. Pittsfield. Pa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Will Armitage------------------------------- Pres. H. F. Curry--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135, 667 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $3,710 Number of Electric Customers------------ 334 RHODE ISLAND Index Reference Number Albion Light & Water Co-------------------- 38–015 Blackstone Valley Gas and Electric com: , pa Homestead Utilities Co---------------------- *. Island Light and Power Co----------------- The Narragansett Electric Company-------- 38–060 Newport Electric Corporation (R. I.)------- 38–071 *Pascoag Fire District Electric Department- 38–550 RHODE 38–015 Albion Light & Water Co. Albion, R. I. Gººled by Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates, IłC. Principal Officers: M. G. Chace, Jr.----------------------------- PreS. H. S. Newcombe Directors: M. G. Chace, Jr., J. H. McMahon, H. S. Newcombe. The following data are for the year 1939: - Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,813 Number of Electric C * m. º. 181 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 90,203 Community Served at Retail: Population Albion 700 38–026 Blackstone Walley Gas and Electric Company 55 High St., Pawtucket, R. I. (Controlled by Eastern Utilities Associates through 86.28% of voting power.) Principal Officers: David Daly------- ---Pres. Wm. McGregor------------------------ Vice PreS. John W. Kelly-- George A. Stiness Directors: David Daly, John W. Kelly, Lester H. Knapp, George A. Stiness, William I. Sturtevant. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $14,434,764 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,965,989 Number of Electric Customers--------- 52,424 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total - - - - 35, 350 Steam * = - - 33, 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 1,850 322184—42—50 Reference Number Rhode Island Power Transmission Com- pady--------------------------------------- 38–082 Sayles Finishing Plants, Inc.----------------- 38–275 *Scituate Dam Hydro-Electric Plant------- 38—600 38–301 StillWater Worsted Mills-------------------- *Denotes a publicly owned utility. ISLAND Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 242,515,141 Generated ------ 28,266,112 Purchased.--- 214,249,029 Communities Served at Retail: Population Burrillville -------- 8,185 Central Falls------------------------------ 25,248 Cumberland -- 10, 625 Forestdale--------------------------------- 765 Lincoln------------------------------------ 10, 577 Pawtucket------ 75, 797 Slatersville- -- 1, 539 Woonsocket- 49, 303 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Attleboro Steam and Electric Co. (Mass.). The Narragansett Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Pascoag Fire District Electric Department. Also Renders: Gas Service. 38–048 Homestead Utilities Co. Homestead, R. I. Principal Officer: Milton H. Chase------------------ Owner & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $13,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $1,378 Number of Electric Customers------------- 83 Generating Capacity: Rīlowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 25 Also Renders: Water service. 38–059 Island Light and Power Co. Block Island, R. I. Community Served at Retail: Population Block Island--------------------------------- 848 706 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 38–060 The Narragansett Electric Company 51 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. (Controlled by New England Power Association.) Principal Officers: Samuel C. Moore---------------------------Pres. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Edward Cabot- --Vice Pres. Ralph P. Ormsbee--------------------- Vice PreS. William Webster----------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn------------------------ Secy. Harry Hanson.----------------------------- Treas. Ralph E. Nock-------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. John E. Teagan----------------------- ASSt. Secy. James G. Armstrong----------------- ASSt. Treas. William C. Coburn------------------ Asst. Treas. Leslie F. MoWry--------------------- ASSt. Treas, Directors: James G. Armstrong, Malcolm G. Chace, Jr., Harry Hanson, Eugene A. Kingman, Samuel C. Moore, Leslie F. Mowry, Paul C. Nicholson, Ralph E. Nock, Ralph P. Ormsbee, John P. B. Pierce, Herbert W. Rathbun, Byron S. Watson, William Webster. Controls: - Rhode Island Power Transmission Co. (power transmission). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $67,596,568 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $12,771, 051 Number of Electric Customers--------- 145,947 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 189,950 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total - 816, 136, 137 Generated 768, 470, 500 Purchased 47, 665, 637 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bristol- ---- 11, 159 Cranston- * - - - 47, 085 East Providence-------------------------- 32, 165 Johnston--------------------------------- 10,672 North Providence------------------------ 12, 156 Providence------------------------------- 253, 504 Warwick----- 28, 757 Westerly--------------------------------- 11, 199 West Warwick----- 18, 188 1,000 to 10,000 population Allentown-------------------------------- 1,000 Anthony--------------------------------- 2,800 Barrington------------------------------- 6, 231 Chepachet-------------------------------- 1, 000 East Greenwich- - - 3, 842 Esmond---------------------------------- 1,000 Greenville-- -- 1, 230 Hope------ 1,000 Hope Valley-------- 1, 000 Narragansett Pier------------------------ 1, 000 Peace Dale------------------------------- 2,000 Tiverton (North Tiverton).--------------- 3, 600 Wakefield-------------------------------- 4,000 Warren----------------------------------- 8, 158 Washington- 1,000 Wickford--------------------------------- 1, 100 250 to 1,000 population Adamsville------------------------------- 250 Arkwright (Fiskeville).--------------------- 800 Ashaway * - - as 600 Belleville 300 Carolina 450 Coventry 400 Davisville 300 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Foster---------- 250 Foster Center----------------------------- 650 Georgiaville 600 Hamilton.----- 400 Kenyon - - - - 250 KingSton 400 La Fayette *-* - 600 North Scituate 850 Rockville 300 Saunderstown * - 250 Shannock - * * - 375 Tiverton Four Corners-------------------- 600 West Glocester = - 300 Wyoming 350 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Attleboro Steam and Electric Co. Blackstone Valley Gas and Electric Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. The Mystic Power Co. New England Power Co. Rhode Island Power Transmission Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 38–071 Newport Electric Corporation (R. I.)” 159 Thames St., Newport, R. I. • State name is not part of the legal name of the Corporation. Principal Officers: Wm. P. Sheffield------------------- PreS. & Treas. George W. Michael------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. James W. Dwyer - - ----Secy. Chester H. Medbery_-_ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: J. R. Chase, J. W. Dwyer, J. H. Haggerty, J. R. Haire, J. R. Hauser, C. H. Medbery, L. F. Meredith, G. W. Michael, J. R. Moore, J. H. Nolan, W. P. Sheffield. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,273, 528 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $820,029 Number of Electric Customers----------- 12, 291 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 7,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total - - - as m -- * * - - - - - - - * * - * = * 20,079,400 Generated.----------------------------- 19,974,400 Purchased----------------------------- 105,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population JameStown ---- 1, 897 Middletown--------------- 3,007 Newport - * * 30, 532 Portsmouth , 603 38–082 Rhode Island Power Transmission Company ” 51 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. a Utility engages only in the transmission and Sale of electric energy for resale. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-RHODE ISLAND 707 Principal Officers: Samuel C. Moore---------------------------- PreS Clifford R. Oliver Vice PreS. Arthur E. Pope------------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn---------------- Clerk & Secy. Harry Hanson ----'Treas. Ralph E. Nock--------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. John E. Teagan ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn Directors: Harry Hanson, Samuel C. Moore, Clif- ford R. Oliver, Arthur E. Pope. The following data are for the year 1940: ASSt. Treas. Electric Utility Plant $1,157,426 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,657, 795 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 149, 539, 267 MJtilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Blackstone Valley Gas and Electric Co. The Narragansett Electric Co. 38–275 Sayles Finishing Plants, Inc. Saylesville, R. I. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: H. G. Killam------------------------ M The following data are for the year 1940: ech. Supt. Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $712 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 200 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 142,400 38–301 Stillwater Worsted Mills Harrisville, R. I. * Official in Charge of Electric Operations: John A. Wetherbee. ------------ Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,526 Number of Electric Customers------------- Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 2, 175 Steam------------------------------------ 2,000 Internal Combustion--------------------- 175 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 113, 139 38–550 *Pascoag Fire District Electric Department S. Main St., Pascoag, R. I. Operating Committee: Fred Bailey, J. Herbert Bailey (Supt.), Edmund Carlos (Treas.), Wm. L. Fagan, John Fox, Rowlan Gaunt (chairman), Eugene Leclair (Secy.), Lawrence L. Prendergast (vice chairman), Wm. Rodger. The following data are for the year ended Nov. 15, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $142,698 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $106,775 Number of Electric Cust sº 1,532 -- Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5,398,804 Community Served at Retail: Population Burrillville ---- 8,185 Also Renders: Water Service. 38—600 *Scituate Dam Hydro-Electric Plant Fountain St., Providence, R. I. Principal Electric Utility Official: Philip J. Holton, Jr.------------------ Chief Engr. Water Supply Board: J. J. Clark (chairman), T. H. Driscoll, W. F. Fitzpatrick, Dr. L. Maiello, L. D. Richardson (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $90,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $18,257 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 1, 500 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 564,263 Also Renders: Water Service. SOUTH CAROLINA Index Reference Number *Abbeville Water and Electric Plant------- *Aiken Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ Appleton Company------------------------- 39–212 *Bamberg Board of Public Works----------- 39–521 Belton Light & Power Company------------ 39–012 *Bennettsville Electric and Water Plant_____ 39–532 *Berkeley Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 39–810 *Black River Electric Cooperative, Inc.______ 39–815 Brodie Light and Power Company---------- 39–023 *Camden, Municipal Utilities, City of ------ 39–543 Cannon Mills Coll-------------------------- 39–227 Carolina Power & Light Company---------- Clearwater Manufacturing Company-------- 39–232 Qlifton Manufacturing Company------------ 39–245 Clinton Cotton Mills.----------------------- 39–247 *Clinton Light and Water Plant------------ 39–554 *Coastal Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- 39–825 Courtenay Manufacturing Company-------- 39—256 *Due West Commission of Public Works---- 39–576 Duke Power Company---------------------- 39 *Easley City Water & Light Plant---------- 39–587 *Edisto Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------ 39–835 Electric Co...The---------------------------- 39–053 Equinox Mill-------------------------------- 39—267 *Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- *Gaffney Board of Public Works____________ *Georgetown, City of.----------------------- GOSSett Mills-------------------------------- *Greenwood Commissioners of Public Works. 39–620 55 *Greenwood County------------------------ 39–8 *Greer Commission of Public Works-------- 39–631 Heath Springs Light and Power Co--------- 39–069 Industrial Cotton Mills Co., Inc.------------- 39–289 Jackson Mills------------------------------- 39–300 Jenkinsville Light and Power Company----- 39–077 Kershaw Oil Mill--------------------------- 39–311 Reference Number *Laurens Commissioners of Public WorkS.--- 39-642 *Laurens Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- 39–870 Lexington Water Power Company---------- 39–102 Lockhart Power Company------------------ 39–118 Lowndesville Light and Power Company--- 39–126 *Lynches River Electric Cooperative, Inc --- 39–875 *Marion Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ 39–885 *Marlboro Electric Cooperative, Inc.------. 39–890 *McCormick Commissioners of Public WorkS. 39–653 Monarch Mills------------------------------ 39–335 *Newberry Commissioners of Public Works- 39–664 *Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 39–895 *Ninety Six Commissioners of Public Works- 39–675 *Orangeburg Water & Light Plant-------- 39–686 *Pee Dee Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 39–900 Pelzer Mills, Inc.---------------------------- 39–377 *Prosperity Commission of Public Works--- 39-697 Ritter Lumber Co., W. M------------------ 39–393 *Rock Hill Light Department-------------- 39–708 *Santee Electric Cooperative---------------- 39–915 Santee River Hardwood Company---------- 39–410 *Seneca Light & Water Plant--------------- 39–719 South Carolina Flectric & Gas Company---- 39–132 South Carolina Power Compan 39–135 *South Carolina Public Service Authority - - 39–726 South Carolina Utilities Company 39 *Spartanburg Commissioners of Works------------------------------------- *State Rural Flectrification Authority------ *Union Commission of Public Works-------- Waccamaw Power Company--------------- 3 *Westminster Commission of Public Works - 39–763 SOUTH CAROLINA 39–012 Belton Light & Power Company Belton, S. C. Principal Officers: John B. Adger------------------------- Chairman Louis See!------------------------ PreS. & Treas. Lewis D. Blake ------------------------ Vice Pres. Julius A. Blake------------------------------ Secy. Directors: John B. Adger, Julius A. Blake, Lewis D. Blake, Walter E. Greer, John A. Horton, Louis Seel, Ellison A. Smyth. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $451, 809 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $121,308 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 1, 372 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal------------------------------ 4,475 T0--------------------------------- 3,600 Internal Combustion.------------------ 875 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 11,049,000 Whites Bridge Power and Light Co-------- 39–167 *Winnsboro Board of Public WorkS.--------- 39—774 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Communities Served at Retail: Population elton-------------------------------------- 2, 119 Williamston-------------------------------- 2, 509 39–023 - Brodie Light and Power Company Leesville, S. C. 39–028 Carolina Power & Light Company Raleigh, N. C. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co. through 93.53% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: South Carolina only------------------- $2,807, 530 Number of Electric Customers: South Carolina only------------------- 27,648 710 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Florence----------------------------------- 16,054 Sumter------------------------------------ 15, 874 1,000 to 10,000 population Andrews.--------------------------------- 2,008 Bishopville-------------------------------- 2,995 Cheraw ----------------------------------- 4,497 Chesterfield------------------------------- 1, 263 Parlington-------------------------------- 6, 236 illon------------------------------------- 3, 867 Hartsville--------------------------------- 5,399 Kingstree---------------------------------- 3, 182 Lake City--------------------------------- 2, 522 Latta-------------------------------------- 1, 334 Manning---------------------------------- 2,381 Marion------------------------------------ y McColl------------------------------------ 2,391 Mullins - - * __ 4,392 Timmonsville ----- -- 1,979 250 to 1,000 population Aynor------------------------------------- 537 Bethune----------------------------------- 620 Clio---------------------------------------- 821 Elliott------------------------------------- 270 Greeleyville.------------------------------- 633 Hemingway------------------------------- 536 Jefferson--------------* * * * * * * * * *m º ºs º ºs ºº am - * *-* * * * 547 Johnsonville------------------------------- 464 Lake View--------------------------------- 532 Lamar------------------------------------- 921 Lane--------------------------------------- 297 Little Rock-------------------------------- 274 Lynchburg-------------------------------- 382 Mayesville--------------------------------- 649 McBee------------------------------------- 587 Nichols------------------------------------ 292 North Mullins---------------------------- 290 9|anta------------------------------------- 515 Pageland---------------------------------- 989 Pamplico---------------------------------- 555 Patrick------------------------------------ 270 Pinewood---------------------------------- 456 Ruby-------------------------------------- 337 Scranton * * * = - - 438 Sellers------- 681 Society Hill 687 Summerton 958 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Duke Power CO. SOUIth Carolina. Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Rennettsville Electric and Water Plant. *Camden Municipal Utilities. *Lynches River Flectric Cooperative, Inc. *Marion Electric Cooperative. *Marlboro Flectric Cooperative. *Pee Dee Flectric Cooperative. *Santee Electric Cooperative. º *South Carolina Rural Electrification Au- thority. See Also: Principal report under North Carolina (32-036). 39–044 Duke Power Company Charlotte, N. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South Carolina only)----------------- $8,825, 167 Number of Electric Customers: (South Carolina only) ----------------- 58,172 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Anderson 19, 424 Greenville 34, 734 Spartanburg 32,249 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Blacksburg-------------------------------- 1,917 Central---- * * * * 1,496 Chester------------------------------------ 6, 392 Clover------------------------------------- 3,067 Converse---------------------------------- 1,025 Cowpens----------------------------------- 1, 343 Pnoree------------------------------------- 1, 163 Fountain Inn.------------------------------ 1, 346 Greer-------------------------------------- 2, 940 Honea Path-------------------------------- 2,765 Inman------------------------------------- 1, 115 IV*. -------------------------------------- 1, 285 La France--------------------------------- 1,000 Lancaster---------------------------------- 4,430 Landrum---------------------------------- 3. Laurens al------- 6,894 Piberty------------------------------------ 2, 240 Pyman------------------------------------ y Monaghan-------------------------------- 1, 500 Pendleton--------------------------------- 1, 278 Pickens ----------------------------------- 1,637 Piedmont---------------------------------- 2,000 Simpsonville------------------------------- 1, 298 Walhalla----------------------------------- 2,820 Ware Shoals------------------------------- 3, 502 West Greenville--------------------------- 2, 233 Whitmire---------------------------------- 3, 272 Woodruff---------------------------------- 3, 508 York * * * * ---- 3,495 * Commercial power and industrial service only. 250 to 1,000 population Arcadia------------------------------------ 947 Calhoun----------------------------------- 761 Campobello-------------------------------- 389 Cedar Springs----------------------------- 300 Chesnee----------------------------------- 827 Clifton------------------------------------- 750 Cross Hill---------------------------------- 525 Ponalds----------------------------------- 271 Puncan------------------------------------ 631 Fair Forest-------------------------------- 250 Fingerville--------------------------------- 350 Glendale----------------------------------- 685 Gray Court-------------------------------- 401 Hickory Grove.------------------ as as sº, 272 Hodges------------------------------------ 303 Pone Oak--------------------------------- 500 Lowrys------------------------------------ 315 Marietta----------------------------------- 588 McConnells * -> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* & 263 Ta---------------------------------------- 400 Pacolet------------------------------------ 352 Pelham------------------------------------ 375 Rodman----------------------------------- 900 Roebuck---------------------------------- 300 Sandy Springs----------------------------- 300 Saxon-------------------------------------- 984 Sharon------------------------------------- 388 Starr--------------------------------------- 349 Taylors District--------------------------- 975 Tirzah------------------------------------- 250 Travelers Rest----------------------------- 832 Tucapau----------------------------------- 810 Valley Falls-------------------------------- 900 Wellford----------------------------------- 454 West Pelzer-------------------------------- 448 West Union-------------------------------- 449 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Carolina Electric & Gas Co. Carolina Power & Light Co. The Electric Co. Heath Springs Light & Power Co. Lockhart Power Co. (Interchange). Lowndesville I,ight & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Abbeville Water & Electric Plant. *Due West Commission of Public Works. *Easley Water & Light Plant. *Gaffney Board of Public Works. . . *Greenwood Commissioners of Public Works. *Greer Commission of Public Works. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–SOUTH CAROLINA 711 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Laurens Commissioners of Public Works. *Newberry Commissioners of Public Works. *Ninety Six Commissioners of Public Works. *Prosperity Commission of Public Works. *Rock Hill Light Dept. *Seneca Light & Water Plant. *Westminster Commission of Public Works. *Laurens Electric Cooperative, Inc. *South Carolina Rural Electrification Authority. See Also: Principal report under North Carolina (32-069). 39–053 - The Electric Co. Fort Mill, S. C. Principal Officer: S. L. Meacham------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $42,323 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,783 Number of Electric Customers------------- 349 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 681,080 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Mill----------------------------------- 2,919 39–069 Heath Springs Light and Power Co. Heath Springs, S. C. Community Served at Retail: Population Heath Springs-------------------------------- 570 39–077 Jenkinsville Light and Power Company Jenkinsville, S. C. 39–102 Lexington Water Power Company 328 Main St., Columbia, S. C. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: W. H. Coit---------------------------------- Pres. R. D. Donaldson----------------------- Vice Pres. W. B. Kendrick------------------------ Vice Pres. L. F. Pearce----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. M. Over-------------------------------- Treas. W. B. Edgar------------------------- Comptroller W. R. Mueller----------- ASSt. Treas., Asst. Secy. Directors: N., H. Coit, R. D. Donaldson, W. B. Edgar, E. M. Gilbert, A. W. Higgins, W. H. Eendrick, C. M. Oyer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $20, 191,085 Electric Operating Revenues--_________ $1,641, 463 Number of Electric Customers--------- 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 130,000 Energy Available in Year: Rºilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 259,668, 200 Generated.-- * * * - 132,784, 200 Purchased.---- 126,884,000 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Carolina Power & Light Co. Duke Power Co. South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 39–118 Lockhart Power Company Lockhart, S. C. (Controlled by Monarch Mills through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. E. Winchester--------------------------- PreS. J. Roy Tant------------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. D. W. Anderson---------------------------- Treas. W. D. Dent-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: D. W. Anderson, G. H. Milliken, W. S. Nicholson, J. Roy Tant, W. E. Winchester. The following data are for the year ended Sept. 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,553,437 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $665, 235 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1, 578 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------ 17,300 Steam--------------------------------- 5,000 Hydro--------------------------------- 12, 300 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 80,034,600 Generated.----------------------------- 75, 824, 200 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 4, 210,400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cross Anchor------------------------------- 250 Jonesville----------------------------------- 1, 182 Lockhart----------------------------------- 1,858 Monarch Village---------------------------- 1,000 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Duke Power Co. (Interchange) PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Union Electric Light and Water Works. 39–126 Lowndesville Light and Power Company Lowndesville, S. C. 39–132 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company 328 Main St., Columbia, S. C. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Company.) Principal Officers: N. H. Coit---------------------------------- PreS. A. A. Cano----------------------------- Vice PreS. W. H. Kendrick----------------------- Vice PreS. L. F. Pearce----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. M. Oyer-------------------------------- Treas. C. H. Edlund------------------------- Asst. Secy. E. Weinberger----------------------- Asst. Treas. W. B. Edgar - --Comptroller 712 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: H. A. Busch, A. A. Cano, N. H. Coit, C. H. Edlund, W. H. Kendrick, C. M. Oyer, J. Lee Rice, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $28,624, 467 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,121, 544 Number of Electric Customers---------- 24, 353 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 109, 630 Steam-------------------------------- 85,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 24, 630 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 9ta!----------------------------- 415, 861, 885 Generated * * * 386, 573, 167 Purchased 29, 288, 718 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Columbia--------------------------------- 62,396 Arden------------------------------------- 1, 187 Batesburg--------------------------------- 2,933 *Y99------------------------------------- 1,476 Eau Claire-------------------------------- 3, 508 Edgewold.--------------------------------- 1, 200 ºloree------------------------------------ 1, 123 Johnston---------------------------------- 1, 100 Leesville---------------------------------- 1, 217 Lexington--------------------------------- 1,033 Saint Matthews--------------------------- 2, 187 Saluda------------------------------------ 1, 516 West Columbia--------------------------- 1, 744 250 to 1,000 population Ballentine--------------------------------- 518 Blythewood------------------------------- 250 OWºłań---------------------------------- 799 Cameron---------------------------------- 624 9ārlisle------------------------------------ 303 Chapin------------------------------------ 311 Pastover---------------------------------- 473 Forest Acres------------------------------- 323 Fort Motte-------------------------------- 386 Little Mountain--------------------------- 251 €6SeS * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * = * = a 364 North------------------------------------- 733 Worway----------------------------------- 488 Pomaria----------------------------------- 263 Ridge Spring------------------------------ 661 Ridgeway--------------------------------- 408 Rowsville--------------------------------- 402 Salley------------------------------------- 443 Swansea----------------------------------- 950 Trenton----------------------------------- 408 Wagener- -------------------------------- 588 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: T)uke Power Co. Jenkinsville Light & Power Co. Lexington Water Power Co. South Carolina Power Co. PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Orangeburg Water & Light Plant. *Winnsboro Board of Public Works. *Aiken Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Richland County Cooperative. º *South Carolina Rural Electrification Authority. Also Renders: Coach transportation and gas Service. 39–135 South Carolina Power Company 141 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. (Controlled by The Commonwealth & Southern Corporation (Delaware).) Principal Officers: E. L. Godshalk----------------------------- PreS. H. M. Pace---------------------------- Vice PreS. B. A. Yates---------------------------- Vice Pres. Chas. J. Bendt----------------------- Secy.-Treas. S. A. Dawley---------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Bonnie Huff--------------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. S. Fishburne---------------------- ASSt. Treas. C. Wigand--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. A. Petit------------------------- Gen. Auditor Directors: W. L. Glover, E. L. Godshalk, David Huguenin, Daniel L. Maguire, H. M. Pace, E. T. H. Shaffer, Maier Triest, E. A. Yates. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $24,074, 214 Electric Operating Revenues: tº----------------------------- $3,216,342 In South Carolina-------------------- $3, 186, 694 Number of Electric Customers: *----------------------------- 31,813 In South Carolina-------------------- 31,812 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 43,070 Steam-------------------------------- 19, 180 Hydro-------------------------------- 23,600 Internal Combustion----------------- 290 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 205,610, 607 Generated.---------------------------- 136, 806, 815 Purchased---------------------------- 66, 610,050 Interchanged (groSS-in) --------------- 2, 193, 742 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Charleston-------------------------------- 71, 275 1,000 to 10,000 population Aiken------------------------------------- 6, 168 Allendale---------------------------------- 2, 217 Barnwell---------------------------------- 1, 922 Bath-------------------------------------- 1, 250 Beaufort----------------------------------- 3, 185 Blackville--------------------------------- 1, 456 Branchville-------------------------------- 1, 351 Calhoun Falls----------------------------- 1, 832 Denmark---------------------------------- 2,056 Pagefield---------------------------------- 2, 119 Estill-------------------------------------- , 280 Fairfax------------------------------------ 1, 379 Graniteville------------------------------- 2, 560 Hardeeville-------------------------------- 1, 361 Holly Hill--------------------------------- 1,062 James Island------------------------------ 3,058 Johns Island------------------------------- 3, 268 Langley----------------------------------- 1, 688 Meggett-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,050 Mount Pleasant--------------------------- 1,698 North Augusta---------------------------- 2, 629 North Charleston------------------------- 2,000 Ridgeland--------------------------------- 1,021 Saint Andrews Parish.--------------------- 3, 699 Saint George------------------------------ 1,908 Sullivans Island--------------------------- 1, 378 Summerville------------------------------ 3,023 Walterboro-------------------------------- 3, 373 Williston---------------------------------- 1, 107 250 to 1,000 population Bluffton----------------------------------- 459 Brunson----------------------------------- 542 Burnettetown----------------------------- 300 Clearwater-------------------------------- 797 Ope-------------------------------------- 280 Cottageville------------------------------- 544 Dorchester-------------------------------- 300 Ehrhardt---------------------------------- 407 Ellenton----------------------------------- 532 EutawVille-------------------------------- 496 tiſſuall----------------------------------- 380 Gloverville-------------------------------- 350 Hampton---------------------------------- 997 Harleyville-------------------------------- 381 Hendersonville---------------------------- 316 DIRECTORY 713 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH CAROLJNA Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Isle of Palms------------------------------ 300 Johnstown-------------------------------- 300 *line-------------------------------------- 282 *adison---------------------------------- 250 Aſaryville--------------------------------- 498 McClellanville_-_ 431 Olar 528 Port Royal-------------------------------- 342 Ridgeville-- 593 "ſtin------------------------------------- 443 Springfield---------- 786 Sycamore---------------------------------- 324 Varnville---------------------------------- 917 Warrenville------------------------------- 891 White Pond------------------------------- 263 Willington.----- 452 Yemassee--- 684 Yonges Island----------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Aiken County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Bamberg Board of Public Works. *Chas. Housing Authority *The Citidel. *Edisto Elec. Cooperative Assn. *McCormick Com. Public Works. *S. C. Rural Electrification Authority. *U. S. Govt., Marshall Field. *U. S. Govt., Fort Moultrie. Also Renders: Bus transportation and manufactured gaS Service. sºlº Operations reported under Georgia (10– 39–143 South Carolina Utilities Company ” 410 Main St., Conway, S. C. * Electric facilities sold as of May 29, 1941 to South Carolina Public Service Authority (39–726). (Controlled by Walnut Electric & Gas Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. C. Gilman-------- Pres. Chas. W. Hoy--------------------------Vice Pres. R. K. Matthes Vice Pres. G. L. Augustus-------------- Secy. & ASSt. Treas. J. B. Wachtman------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: W. C. Gilman, Chas. W. Hoy, R. K. Matthes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $825, 172 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $207,693 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,813 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal------- 2,092 Steam---- * - - 1,800 Internal Combustion 292 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours - - - 5,911, 804 Generated 1,094,601 Purchased.------------------------------ 4, 817, 203 Communities Served at Retail: Population Conway --- 5,066 Loris- 1, 238 Myrtle Beach- 1, 597 Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 39–159 Waccamaw Power Company Georgetown, S. C. 39–167 Whites Bridge Power and Light Co. Georgetown, S. C. Principal Officers: P. J. Tyson-------------------------------- Pres. C. A. Calhoun----------------------------- Secy. H. J. Neese----------------------- Treas. & Mgr. Directors: B. Bourne, F. M. Brickman, C. A. Calhoun, R. Cheston, A. M. Farrelly, R. T. King, C. A. Leonard, H. J. Neese, Mrs. S. J. Neese, Geo. Taylor, S. A. Tompkins, F. J. Tyson, Mrs. Susie Tyson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,655 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $5,564 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 126 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 91, 670 39–212 Appleton Company Anderson, S. C. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Charles B. Nichols------------------------ Treas E. L. Bowen------------------------ Asst. Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $280,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,885 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 487 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 4,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 767, 742 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–227 Cannon Mills Co. Kannapolis, N. C. See Also: Principal report under North Carolina (32–225). 39–232 Clearwater Manufacturing Company Clearwater, S. C. 39–245 Clifton Manufacturing Company Clifton, S. C. Employee in charge of Electric Operations: Albert Linder. 714 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $244, 595 Electric Operating Revenues ---------------- $6,800 Number of Electric Customers -------------- a 575 * Employees of company only. Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total---------------------------------- 4, 575 Steam------------------------------------- 2,000 Hydro------------------------------------- 2, 575 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 114, 296 Also Renders: Water service. 39–247 Clinton Cotton Mills Clinton, S. C. 39—256 Courtenay Manufacturing Company Newry, S. C. 39–267 Equinox Mill Anderson, S. C. Emplºyer in Charge of Electric Operations: R. Dorr--------------------- Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $11,789 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,239 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 118, 720 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–278 Gossett Mills Anderson, S. C. 39–289 Industrial Cotton Mills Co., Inc. Rock Hill, S. C. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: tS L. D. Pitts------------------------ Pres. & Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $225,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $2,200 Number of Electric Customers------------- 250 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)--------------- 2,000 Kilowatt-hours 55,000 39–300 Jackson Mills Iva, S. C. 39–311 Kershaw Oil Mill Kershaw, S. C. oº: in º of Electric Operations: . W. Knight------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $67,905 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $48,146 Number of Electric Customers----------- 527 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 180 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 3,643, 502 Community Served at Retail: Population Kershaw----------------------------------- 1, 264 39–335 Monarch Mills Union, S. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam).--------------- 1,500 39–377 Pelzer Mills, Inc. Pelzer, S. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $650 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 352 Community Served at Retail: Population Pelzer"------------------------------------- 3,315 a Majority of customers are company employees served without direct charge. 39–393 W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Columbus, Ohio The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South Carolina only) $620 Number of Electric Customers: (South Carolina only) 80 Community Served at Retail: Population Tillmana -- 398 a Service is rendered to employees only. See Also: Principal report under West Virginia (47– 398) and operations reported'under Kentucky (16- 280), Tennessee (41–222), and Virginia (45–272). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH CAROLINA 715 39–410 Santee River Hardwood Company St. Stephens, S. C. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: • *allS6--------------------------------- gr. W. T. Elkin------------------------- Asst. Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $36,530 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $19,354 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 225 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)--------------- 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 362, 515 Community Served at Retail: Population Saint Stephens----------------------------- 1, 185 39–510 *Abbeville Water and Electric Plant Abbeville, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Fred D. West- --- Mayor W. M. Langley Chairman C. P. Townsend- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $750, 000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $82,685 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 126 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 90 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2, 589, 920 Community Served at Retail: Population Abbeville 4,930 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Little River Electric Co-operative. Also Renders: Water Service. 39–521 *Bamberg Board of Public Works Bamberg, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: • *Olk---------------------------------- Clerk Governing Body: J. F. Fisher, H. W. Herndon, W. D. Rhoad (chairman). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,305 Number of Electric Customers------------ 552 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch __ 960, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bamberg 3,000 Also Renders: Gas service. 39–532 *Bennettsville Electric and Water Plant Broad St., Bennettsville, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Walter M. Newton Mayor W. EI. ParkS - ---Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $61,561 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,089 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,986,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bennettsville------------------------------- 4,895 Also Renders: Water service. º 39–543 *City of Camden, Municipal Utilities Camden, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. N. McCorkle--------------------------- Mayor Wylie Sheorn-------------------------- Chairman T. Lee Little--------------------- Committeeman J. E. Ross------------------------ Committeeman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $185,298 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $111, 461 Number of Electric Customers 1,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,053,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Camden 5, 747 Utilities Served at Wholesale: Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Fairfield Electric Co-operative Assn. *Black River Electric Cooperative Assn. Also Renders: Water service. 39–554 *Clinton Light and Water Plant Clinton, S. C. Principal‘Electric Utility Official: P. S. Bailey------------------------------- Mayor Aldermen: P. B. Adair, F. M. Boland, J. W. Hººth, J. F. Jacobs, Theodore Queen, Hugh . Ray. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $112,470 Electric Operating Rev -- $55,740 Number of Electric Cust S. 898 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2,456,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Clinton------------------------------------- 5,704 Also Renders: Water Service 716 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 39–576 *Due West Commission of Public Works Due West, S. C. Commissioners: D. M. Bowie, R. B. McDill, Dr. W. H. Pressly (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,071 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 366,280 Community Served at Retail: Population Pue West------------------------------------- 593 Also Renders: Water Service. & , 39–587 *Easley City Water & Light Plant Easley, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: T. M. Rogers------------------------------- Supt. Commission of Public Works: Q. S. Parrish, F. E. Pickens, W. A. Robinson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $129,322 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $62,592 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 197 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,652, 730 Community Served at Retail: Population Pasley-------------------------------------- 5, 183 Also Renders: Water service, 39–598 *Gaffney Board of Public Works Gaffney, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. V. Gaffney------------------------------- Supt. Directors: B. G. Clary (chairman), M. V. Fitz- gerald (treas.), G. G. Turner (secy.). id:" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $161, 311 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $92, 385 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,041 : Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 185,640 Community Served at Retail: Population Gaffney------------------------------------- 7,636 Also Renders: Water service. 39–609 . *City of Georgetown Georgetown, S. C. Board of Aldermen: O. L. Bruorton, M. W. Pyatt, R. Z. Robinett, F. L. Siau, H. L. Smith (mayor). The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $80, 808 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,067 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,458 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,970, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Georgetown 5, 559 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Waccamaw Power Co. White's Bridge Light & Power Co., Inc. Also Renders: Water Service. 39–620 *Greenwood Commissioners - of Public Works Greenwood, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. W. Chapman---------------------------- Supt. Board of Commissioners: J. C. Burns, Dr. W. P. Turner, M. M. Wells (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $335, 154 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $171, 416 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 211 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 181, 140 Community Served at Retail: Population Greenwood nº º 13,020 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Greenwood Mill. Grendel Mill. PLJBLICLY OWNET) UTILITY: tº *Greenwood County Rural Electrification Authority. 39–631 *Greer Commission of Public Works Greer, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. T. Lawing-------------------------------- Supt. Commission of Public Works: Dan D. TXavenport, C. M. Ponder, John A. Robinson, Sr. (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $168,800 Total Electric Operating Revenues------- $73,235 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,488 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 610, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Greer sº tº º ºs - E * * *-s º º º ºs º ºs 2, 940 Also Renders: Water service. 39–642 *Laurens Commissioners of Public Works Laurens, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. W. Lovejoy-------------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: D. D. Harris, T. P. Kendrick, M. L. Smith (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues---...---------- Number of Electric Customers DIRECTORY OF 717 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH CARC) LINA Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 385 Community Served at Retail: Population Laurens * ºn 6,894 39–653 *McCormick Commissioners of Public Works McCormick, S. C. Community Served at Retail: McCormick Population 1, 456 º º º sº º ºs ºf tº sº º sº, º ſº sº sº º 39–664 *Newberry Commissioners of Public Works 1013 Boyce St., Newberry, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. W. Schumpert--------------------------- Supt. W. E. Long-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Board of Commissioners: R. M. Lominack, E. B. Purcell (chairman), R. G. Wallace. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant----------------------- $647, 733 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $52,289 d Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 414 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 436, 225 Community Served at Retail: Population Newberry---------------------------------- 7, 510 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–675 *Ninety Six Commissioners of Public Works Ninety Six, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. B. Jetter------------------ Supt. & Gen. Mgr. Commissioners: L. H. Dean, C. T. Long (chairman), W. H. Waller. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,309 Number of Electric Customers 211 Kilowatt-hours | Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 991, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Ninety Six--------------------------------- 1,453 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–686 *Orangeburg Water & Light Plant 52 S. Middleton St., Orangeburg, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. F. Pearson-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- Number of Electric Customers--------------- 3, 212 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 10, 414,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Orangeburg------------------------------- 10, 521 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–697 *Prosperity Commission of Public Works Prosperity, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Frank B Commission of Public Works: Dr. J. I. Bedenbaugh (chairman), Dr. Geo. W. Harmon, John A. Sease. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,297 Number of Electric Customers------------- 220 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------- --------- 504, 256 Community Served at Retail: Population Prosperity------------------------------------ 719 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–708 *Rock Hill Light Department Rock Hill, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. B. Hallman------------------------------- Supt. J. J. Rauch----------------------------- City Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $229,769 Number of Electric Customers- --------- 3,870 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 534, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ebenezer---------------------------------- 409 Rock Hill---------------------------------- 15,009 39–719 *Seneca Light & Water Plant Seneca, S. C. Principal Electrie Utility Official: DU--------------------------------- Supt Commission of Public Works: A. M. Adams, J. B. Humbert, T. B. Jones (chairman). The following data are for the year ended Mar. 3 e y Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72, 102 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $52,262 Number of Electric Customers----------- 778 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,376,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Seneca-------------------------------------- 2, 155 Also Renders: Water Service. 718 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 39–726 *South Carolina Public Service Authority Charleston, S. C. 39–730 *Spartanburg Commissioners of Public Works Box 251, Spartanburg, S. C. Principal Officers: R. B. Simms-------------------------------- Supt. J. K. Marquis------------------------------ Engr. Governing Body: W. W. Griffin, L. McD. Kennedy (chairman), E. A. Miller. The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 1,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 2,003,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: IDuke Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 39–752 *Union Commission of Public Works Union, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Dr. R. R. Berry----------------------- Max G. Howe----------- Secy., Pur. Agent, Supt. Governing Body: Dr. R. R. Berry, (chairman), J. J. Collins, J. E. Hughes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $800,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $100,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 200,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population uffalo------------------------------------- 1,620 Union-------------------------------------- 8,478 Also Renders: Water Service. 39–763 *Westminster Commission of Public Works Westminster, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. G. Cowan-------------------------------- Supt. H. H. Henderson.---------------- Clerk and Treas. Commission of Public Works: R. B. Honea, D. J. Miller, Dr. W. A. Strickland (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $16,894 Number of Electric Cust is 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,039, 280 Population 2,014 Community Served at Retail: Westminster-------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 39—774 *Winnsboro Board of Public Works Winnsboro, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: B. Meng Board of Public Works: Dr. J. C. Buchanan (chair. man), S. E. Lyles, J. D. Rutledge. Tºllowing data are for the year ended Mar. Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $58,032 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,620 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,070,000. Community Served at Retail: Population Winnsboro---------------------------------- 3, 181 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Fairfield Cooperative. 39–804 *Aiken Electric Cooperative, Inc. Aiken, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Monson Morris.---------------------------- PreS. T. W. EIenderSon Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $431,619 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44,430 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 539 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 605, 268 39–810 *Berkeley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Moncks Corner, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . T. Rhoad-------------------------------- PreS. B. E. Hatfield------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $69,052 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $516 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 220 Community Served at Retail: Population Bonneau----------------------------------- 493 39–815 *Black River Electric Co- operative, Inc. Sumter, S. C. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH CAROLINA 719 39–825 *Coastal Electric Cooperative, Inc. Walterboro, S. C. 39–835 *Edisto Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bamberg, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. 19. Jennings------------------------------ Pres. D. L. Edwards----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $179, 223 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $11,867 Number of Electric Customers------------ 748 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2] 56,844 39–845 *Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Inc. 114 E. Washington St., Winnsboro, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - George R. Park - E. V. Lewis-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $127,914 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $8,584 Number of Electric Cust ºt 561 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2] 32,312 39–855 *Greenwood County Greenwood, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. L. Brooks--------------------------- Chairman E. I. Davis--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $233, 586 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47,188 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 500 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,417, 600 39–870 *Laurens Electric Cooperative, Inc. Laurens, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: V. E. Shealy-------------------------------- |Pres Henry M. Faris----------------------------- Supt The following data äre for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $273,420 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $22,786 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 155,936 39–875 *Lynches River Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Pageland, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank Blackwell º N. S. Cauthen------------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $216,099 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $12, 556 Number of Electric Customers----------- 825 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 76, 470 39–885 *Marion Electric Cooperative, Inc. 203 Harllee St., Marion, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. O. Edwards------------------------------ Pres. L. T. Leitner------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $102,777 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $7,531 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 442 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 41,000 39–890 *Marlboro Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bennettsville, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. K. Covington, Jr.------------------------ PreS. E. W. Miller------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $70,015 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $4,289 Number of Electric Customers----------- 486. 39–895 *Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. Newberry, S. C. 39–900 *Pee Dee Electric Cooperative, Inc. Darlington, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. F. Williamson, Jr.------------------------ Pres. T. R. Boseman----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $90,962 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $6,809 Number of Electric Customers----------- 748 720 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 39–915 *Santee Electric Cooperative Kingstree, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. L. Harrington--------------------------- Pres. Walter E. Blackwell----------------- - - - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $219,317 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $11,351 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 200 39–925 *State Rural Electrification Authority Columbia, S. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. T. Duckett---------------------------- Director U. X. Cullum Chief Engr. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Beattie-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Governor of S. C.---------- (Chairman Ex Officio) The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $177,458 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 618 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 4,025,680 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alcolu-------------------------------------- 400 Davis Station------------------------------ 301 Helena------------------------------------- 497 Moncks Corner---------------------------- 1, 165 Oakway------------------------------------ 1,000 Salem-------------------------------------- 300 Tamassee---------------------------------- 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Edisto Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Inc. SOUTH DAKOTA Index Reference Number *Arlington, City of *Badger, Town of. -------------------------- Battle Creek Power Company, Inc ---------- Bayer Light Company---------------------- Bell Light Company, F. O_----------------- 40–014 Belvidere Ilight and Power Company----. -- 40–01 5 *Beresford, City of . . ------------------------ 40–523 Bever Electric Company. ------------------- 40–017 *Big Stone City Municipal Light & Power. 40–526 Bison Electric Company-------...------------ 40–023 Bracha Light & Power----------. ----------- 40–025 *Brookings, City of ---. -------...------------- 40–529 *Bryant Light and Power Department------ 40–535 Burd's Light & Ice Plant-------------------- 4 *Burke Power and Light Plant-------------- 40–542 Central Electric & Telephone Co------------ 40–029 *Clay-Union Electric Corporation----------- 40–830 Coleman Garage----------------------------. 40–210 *Cottonwood, Town of ---------------------- 40–548 Dakota Power Company, The--------------- 40–048 Dakota Public Service Company------------ 40–050 *Dupree Light & Power Plant--------------- 40–554 Eagle Butte Light and Power Co------------ 40–053 Electric T)istributing Company, The-------- 40–057 *Elk Point Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - 0–560 *Esmond Municipal Electric Light and Wa- ter I)epartment 40–566 *FStelline Municipal Ilight & Power Plant -- 40–573 *Fairburn Light Plant, Town oſ.------------ 40–579 *Faith Municipal Light & Power Plant - - - - - Firesteel Electric Company--------- . 40–061 *Flandreau Municipal Electric Plant...I’ll 40-589 *Fort Pierre Light & Power Plant----------- 40–591 General Public Utilities, Inc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40–065 *Groton Light Department------------------ *Hecla Municipal Light & Power Plant ----- Holleys Service Station 40–240 *Howard. City of... ------------------------- 40–616 Interstate Power Company. ----------------- 40–078 *Isabel Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40–622 *Java Municipal Light and Power Company. 40–628 Jensen Brothers 40–082 Keystone Consolidated Felspar Company. -- 40–250 Keystone Consolidated Mines, Inc - - - - - - - - - - 40–299 *Langford, Town of - - - - - - - - ----------------- 40–635 *Lincoln-Union Elcctric Company---------- 40–850 Reference Number *Madison Light and Power Department - - - - 40–641 *Marvin Municipal Light Plant 40-647 Midland Light and Power 40–086 *Miller Municipal Light & Power Plant_____ 40—653 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co---------------- 40-090 Mountain States Power Company----- - - - - - 40–095 Nºm States Power Company (Minne- Sota)-------------------------------------- 4 Northwestern Public Service Company----- *Onida Municipal Light & Water Works---- 40–666 Otter Tail Power Company----------------- 4 *Parker Municipal Light Plant Payne Power and Light 40–118 Petersen Electric Company----------------- 40–120 *Pierre, City ot------------------------------ 40–678 *Plankinton Municipal Light & Power Plant. 40–684 *Pukwana Light and Power Company------ 40–690 Quinn Light Company---------------------- 40–124 Riede, Mr. Alex----------------------------- 40–128 Schock, G. C-------------------------------- 40–139 Sinai Garage and Power Company - - - - - - - - - - 40–350 *Sioux Falls, Municipal Light & Power Dept. of The City of.---------------------- 40–697 *Sioux Valley Empire Electric Association, D0---------------------------------------- 40–870 South Dakota Public Service Company----- 40–149 *Tabor Electric Light Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - 40–703 *Timber Lake Light & Power Department-- 40–707 *Tulare Light Plant------------------------- 40–709 *Tyndall Light & Water Plant-------------- 40–715 *Union County Rural Power Company - - - - - 40–880 Union Public Service Company - - - - - - - - - - --- 40–158 *Valley Springs, Town of.------------------- 40–721 *Vermillion City Light and Power Plant---- 40–728 *Volga, City of.----------------------------- 40–734 *Wakonda Electric Service Department----- 40–746 Wakpala Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40–162 *watertown Municipal Électric Department 40–752 *Wossington Springs Municipal Electric Plant-------------------------------------- Western Public Service Company, The----- 40–170 *West River Electric Association, Inc ------- 40–890 Whitewood Light and Power Company----- 40–175 Witten Light & Power Co------------------- 40–179 *Denotes a publicly owned utility SOUTH DAKOTA 40–011 Battle Creek Power Company, Inc. Keystone, S. Dak. Community Servcd at Retail: Population Keystone------------------------------------- 250 40–012 Bayer Light Company Ardmore, S. Dak. 40–014 F. O. Bell Light Company Oelrichs, S. Dak. 322184—42 51 40–015 Belvidere Light and Power Com- pany Belvidere, S. Dak. 40–017 Bever Electric Company Agar, S. Dak. 40–023 Bison Electric Company Bison, S. Dak. Principal Officer: C. A. Hasenwinkle Owner 721 722 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 99 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - * - 55 Community Served at Retail: Population Bison * - - - - - - am as am, as as as a sº as ºs º º as me • * * * * - - * * * * - - * 275 40–025 Bracha Light & Power Mission, S. Dak. Principal Officer: S. M. Bracha----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,565 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,083 Number of Electric Customers------------- 82 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 138 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 72, 222 Community Served at Retail: Population Mission-------------------------------------- 452 40–027 Burd's Light & Ice Plant 4th and Pugh Sts., Martin, S. Dak. Principal Officers: Cecil Burd. - Fartner Mr.S. Cecil Burd Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Rev º $14,000 Number of Electric Customers 235 Generating Capacity: Rºilovyatts Internal Combustion 330 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 297,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Martin------------------------------ - - - - - - - 1,013 40–029. Central Electric & Telephone Co. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Principal Officers: Max McGraw - * - - - - - - sº º - - - - - - - - - PreS. R. A. Philiips------------- Vice PreS. & Gen. Mgr. Judson Large--------------------, - - - - - Secy.-Treas. H. A. Hanson.---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: J. P. Gallagher, Max McGraw, E. P. Smith, P. C. Ward, F. J. Young. Controls: Jefferson County Telephone Co. Virginia Telephone & Telegraph Co. Middle Westorn Telephone Co. which controls: La Crosse Telephone Corp. Middle States Telephone Co. of Ill. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Operating Revenues: Total - - $696, 150 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 10, 535 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 4, 125 Hydro 250 Internal Combustion----------------- 3,875 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total -- 16, 148, 461 Generated.---------------------------- 10,527,803 Purchased.-- - -- 5, 620, 658 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Chamberlain 1,626 Hot Springs * - - - 4,083 Salem 1, 185 WoonSocket 1,050 250 to 1,000 population Alpena 440 Artesian------------------------------------ 502 Canova----------- 333 Carthage 512 Kadoka -- - - 464 Kennebec----------------------------------- 390 Kimball ---- 997 Mount Vernon------------------------------ 405 Wurdo-------------------------------------- 680 Philip- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = = - - - 833 Presho-------------------------------------- 568 Ramona------------------------------------ 265 Stickney------------------------------------ 361 Vivian-------------------------------------- 283 White Lake--------------------------------- 496 White River-------------------------------- 562 Also Renders: Gas, telephone and water Service. See Also: Operations reported under Minnesota (22–025), North Carolina (32-046), and North Dakota (33-009). 40–048 The Dakota Power Company Rapid City, S. Dak. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) Principal Officers: J. B. French---------------------------------- PreS. C. C. Christ---------------------------- Vice PreS. J. G. Ausman-------------------------- Vice PreS. W. F. Stanley------------------------ Secy-Treas. C. C. Parker-----------4ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, J. B. French, George B. Mansfield, W. F. Stanley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,322,795 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $453,930 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 538 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 7, 223 Steam---------------------------------- 3,000 ydro----------- 1,000 Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 223 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Otal - 17, 542,074 Generated.----- 13, 839, 274 Purchased.-- 3,702,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Custer---- 1,845 Hill City------ 708 Rapid City -- 13, 844 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC 723 IJTILITIES-SOUTH DAKOTA Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: General Public Utilities, Inc. Battle Creek Power Co., Inc. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *West River Electric ASSn. 40–050 Dakota Public Service Company Huron. S. Dak. (Controlled by United Public Utilities Corporation.) Principal Officers: A. B. Sanborn----------------------------Pres. G. R. McArthur----------------------- Vice Pres. C. L. Sandstedt Vice Pres. & Treas. J. F. Buckmier---------------- Secy. & Auditor E. W. Dempewolf----Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: J. F. Buckmier, G. R. McArthur, A. B. Sanborn, C. L. Sandstedt, S. W. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $7,797, 884 Electric Operating Revenues: OU81------------ -- $1,483, 135 In South Dakota- $379, 612 Number of Electric Customers: otal------------ 20,914 In South Dakota- 5, 512 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 16, 308 * Steam , - 14, 950 Internal Combustion * * 1, 3-8 Ičilowatt-hours Energy Available in Year: Total 54, 193, 193 Generated ---- 52, 192, 597 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 2,000, 596 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bowdle * * * _ _ 757 Fureka------------------------------------- 1, 457 Frederick----------------------------------- 422 Gettysburg * * * * B = º º ſº tº * * * = <- º 'º º 1, 324 Herreid------------------------------------- 592 Hosmer ---. 579 Hoven-------------------------------------- 369 Ipswich------------------------------------ 1,002 Lehanon - -, -- 310 Lemmon----------------------------------- 1, 781 Leola--------------------------------------- 795 McIntosh---------------------------------- 626 McLaughlin-------------------------------- 660 Mobridge---------------------------------- 3,008 Pollock------------------------------------- 527 Roscoe------------------------------------- 608 Selby * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = sº 599 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northwestern Public Service Company (inter- change). Also Renders: Steam heating service. See Also: Operations reported under North Dakota (33—026). 40–053 Eagle Butte Light and Power Co. Eagle Butte, S. Dak. . Community Served at Retail: Population Eagle Butte- r - 374 40–057 The Electric Distributing Company Conde, S. Dak. Principal Officers: L. C. VanOrnum--------------------------- Pres. H. J. Place----- Vice Pres. Earl Baertsch Secy. & Mgr. R. O. Bohl.--- Treas. Directors: Earl Baertsch, R. O. Bohl, Ben Lenz, H. J. Place, L. C. VanOrnum. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,158 Electric Operating Rev tº $13,027 Number of Electric Customers------------- - 237 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 241,385 Community Served at Retail: Population Conde---------------------------------------- 395 40–061 Firesteel Electric Company Firesteel, S. Dak. 40–065 General Public Utilities, Inc. 744 Broad St., Newark, N. J. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 60.34% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. C. Christ--------------------------------- Pres. Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice Pres J. G. Ausman----------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Treas. W. F. Stanley------------------------ Secy.-Treas. C. C. Parker----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: H. Y. Blodget, H. W. Briggs, Vance L. Bushnell, Geo. C. Carter, C. C. Christ, H. M. Dow, J. B. French, Leo Loeb, Hamilton Pell, O. D. Randall, J. T. Woodward. Controls: tº The Dakota Power Co. (electric). Gºre Light & Power Co. (electric & irri- gallon). Gulf Public Service Co. (electric, gas, ice, water, and bottling). Nebraska Light & Power Co. (electric). Southwestern Public Service Co. (electric, gas, ice, & water), which controls: Arizona Electric Power Co. (electric). Flagstaff Electric Light Co. (electric & steam). Holbrook Light & Power Co. (electric). Southwestern Ice Co. (ice). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $5,116,447 Electric Operating Revenues: Otal--------------------------------- $1,195, 102 In South Dakota.--------------------- $623, 592 Number of Electric Customers: Otal.------------------------------------- 7,043 In South Dakota.-- -- 7,042 Generating Capacity: Rºlowatts otal----------------------------- 33,938 Steam-------------------------------- 32, 500 724 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 101,300, 237 Generated---------------------------- 99,958, 337 Purchased---------------------------- 1, 331,600 Interchanged (groSS-in) --------------- 10,300 Communities Served at Retail: Population Belle Fourche------------------------------ 2,496 Central City 302 Deadwood---------------------------------- 4, 100 Lead-------- 7, 520 Newell------------------------------------- 683 Saint Onge--------------------------------- 318 Spearfish.------- * * 2, 139 Sturgis.------------------------------------- 3,008 Terry-- &= * * 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: IPRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Dakota Power Co. Whitewood Light & Power Co. Also Renders: Ice Service in Florida. See Also: Operations reported under Texas (42-063). 40–078 Interstate Power Company 1000 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa (Controlled by Ogden Corp. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South Dakota only)-------------------- $242, 347 Number of Electric Customers: (South Dakota only) -------------------- 3,745 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bonesteel----------------------------------- 532 Colome------------------------------------- 509 Colton------------------------------------- 615 Dallas-------------------------------------- 278 Fairfax------------------------------------- 338 GayVille------------------------------------ 278 Gregory------------------------------------ 1, 246 Hartford----------------------------------- 647 Humboldt---------------------------------- 417 Hurley- * m am ºn tº gº º ºs sº tº * * * * * = &º º ºs º wºn ºn sº º mº º º º 586 Montrose----------------------------------- 506 Spencer------------------------------------ 617 Viborg-------------------------------------- 659 Volin.-------------------------------------- 292 Winner------------------------------------- 2, 426 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Jensen Brothers. Northern States Power Co. (Minnesota) PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Valley Springs. *Wakonda Electric Service Dept. See Also: Principal report under Iowa (14–082), and operations reported under Minnesota (22-076). 40–082 Jensen Brothers - Irene, S. Dak. Principal Officer: . C. Jensen - * * *- Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- 2- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues $9,690 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 204 Community Served at Retail: Population Trene 391 40–086 Midland Light and Power Midland, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Midland Population 282 * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * 40–090 Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. 831. Second Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Electric Operating Revenues: South Dakota only------------------------ $2,726 Number of Electric Customers: South Dakota only------------------------ 56 See also: Principal report under Montana (25-099); and operations reported under North Dakota (33—080). 40–095 Mountain States Power Company 236 Lyon St., Albany, Oreg. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South Dakota only)-. $22,802 Number of Electric Customers: (South Dakota only) 366 Community Served at Retail: Population Edgemont 1,002 See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–110), and operations reported under Idaho (11-061), Montana (25–120), Washington (46-085), and Wyoming (49–037). 40–107 Northern States Power Company (Minnesota)* 15 S. Fifth St., Minneapolis, Minn. a State name is not part of the legal name of the Corporation. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Cor- poration.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South TXakota only)------------------- $1, 198,978 Number of Electric Customers: (South Dakota only)------------------- 16, 312 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alexandria--------------------------------- 746 Baltic mºm º ºr tº º 270 BridgeWater------- 790 Canistota sº 665 Canton------------------------------------ 2, 518 Centerville 1,046 T)ell Rapids 1,706 Emery 482 GarretSon 666 Tannox -- 1, 164 Marion 765 Sioux Falls - - -- 40,832 South Sioux Falls-------------------------- 591 Worthing 291 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Interstate Power Co. North Western Public Service Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH DAROTA 725 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Sioux Empire Cooperative Electric Co. See*Also: Principal report under Minnesota (22– 121), and operations reported under North Dakota (33–108). 40–111 Northwestern Public Service Company Huron, S. Dak. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: A. B. Sanborn --PreS. G. R. McArthur Vice PreS. C. L. Sandstedt---------------- Vice pres. & Treas. J. F. Buckmier------------------- Secy. & Auditor E. W. Dempewolf------ ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: W.J. Allen, J. F. Buckmier, W.J. Fantle, G. R. McArthur, A. B. Sanborn, C. L. Sandstedt, O. C. Stokke. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant ------------------- $11,642, 348 Electric Operating Revenues: Total $2,413, 717 In South Dakota $2, 110,030 Number of Electric Customers: Total-------- tº - 32,090 In South Dakota 27, 559 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--- -e ºs 22,997 Steam 17, 200 Internal Combustion----------------- 5,797 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 74,943,636 64,081, 118 10,862, 518 Generated Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Aberdeen 17,015 Huron 10,843 Mitchell----------------------------------- 10,633 1,000 to 10,000 population Armour 1,013 Clark 1, 291 Highmore 1, 136 ParkSton 1,305 Platte-------------------------------------- 1,017 Redfield----------------------------------- 2, 428 Scotland----- - * * - 1, 204 Wagner 1, 319 Webster 2, 173 Yankton 6, 798 250 to 1,000 population Andºver --------------------------------- 350 Athol-------------------------------------- 250 AVon-------------------------------------- 728 Blunt--- 322 Bradley---- - - 311 Bristol------------------------------------ 675 Claremont--------------------------------- 271 Columbia--------------------------------- 275 Corsica - ------- 452 Cresbard --------------------------------- 288 Delmont---------------------------------- 461 Toland------------------------------------ 542 Ethan------------------------------------- 324 Faulkton------ 747 Florence----------------------------------- 254 Frankfort- - - 335 Freeman---------------------------------- 976 Garden City-- 272 eddes------------------------------------ 581 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Henry * - - - 322 Iriquois----- 413 Lake Andes ----------------------------- 785 Letcher -- - * * * * - 344 Mellette----------------------------------- 332 Menno ----------------------------------- 966 Orient------------------------------------- 250 Pierpont------ - 362 Ree Heights------------------------------- 258 Saint Iawrence ----- 297 Springfield-------------------------------- 667 ripp------------------------------------- 913 Wayland----------------------------------- 550 Vienna ----------------------------------- 313 Wessington-------------------------------- 516 Westport---------------------------------- 300 Willow Lake------------------------------ 427 Wolsey------------------------------------ 410 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Electric & Telephone Co. Dakota Public Service Co. (Interchange). The Electric Distributing Co. Northern States Power Co. (Interchange). PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Groton Light Dept. *Town of Langford. *Platte Valley Power & Irrigation District (Interchange). *City of Watertown (Interchange). Also Renders: Gas and steam heat service in South Dakota; gas Service in Nebraska. See Also: Operations reported under Nebraska (26–109) 40–116 Otter Tail Power Company 125 Mill St. South, Fergus Falls, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South Dakota only)--------------------- $180,789 Number of Electric Customers: (South Dakota only)--------------------- 2,921 Communities Served at Retail: Population Britton--- - - - m = s.s as me - - - - am as * * - - - - - - - - - - 1,500 Grenville---------------------------------- 260 New Effington.------------------------------ 344 Peever-------------------------------------- 272 Rosholt------------------------------------- 362 Roslyn----------------------------------- _ 253 Sisseton------------------------------------- 2,513 Summit------------------------------------- 45 Veblen-------------------------------------- 486 Waubay------------------------------------ 882 Wilmot------------------------------------- 628 See Also: Principal report under, North Dakota (33—115) and operations reported under Minne- Sota (22–132). 40–118 Payne Power and Light New Underwood, S. Dak. Principal Officer: Henry Harding---- -OWIler The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $10,000 Electric Operating Rev $5,000 Number of Electric Cust sº 100 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion ---- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 57. 684 726 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 40–120 Petersen Electric Company Winner, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Wood Population 414 40–124 Quinn Light Company Quinn, S. Dak. 40–128 Mr. Alex Riede Trail City, S. Dak. 40–139 G. C. Schock Lowry, S. Dak 40–149 South Dakota Public Service Company 515 Fifth St., Sioux City, Iowa (Controlled by Sioux City Gas and Electric Co. through ownership of 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: C. T. Williams------------------------------ PreS. Vernon Myers------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Wm. N. Porter----------------------- Secy.-Treas. R. B. Searing------------- ASSt. Secy.-Asst. Treas. Pirectors: Vernon Myers, H. G. Pelsue, C. T. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $199,696 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $49,783 Number of Electric Cust * 861 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 541, 600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alcester------------------ 581 Hudson tº sº sº sº, sº º sº es sº sº me º ºs º ºs º is sº es sº s s = ºs ºs = me s sº sº º sº. 478 Jefferson ---- 469 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Alcester Rural Electric ASSn. Also Renders: Gas Service. 40–158 Union Public Service Company 1415 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Principal Officers: A. H. Bushman J. C. Otis - ----Vice PreS. W. J. Casey Secy. Directors: A. H. Bushman, W. J. Casey, G. Sidney ºn. J. C. Otis, Thomas C. Savage, L. N. 1CKeiS. Pres. & Treas. The following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,356,013 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.-------- $501, 978 In South Dakota $332,303 Number of Electric Customers: Total.----------- 8, 303 In South Dakota 5,425 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.------ 6, 251 Steam--- 4, 825 Internal Combustion 1,426 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 15, 198,995 Generated----------------------------- 15, 181,315 Purchased 17,680 Communities Served at Retail: Population randt------------------------------------- 271 Bruce----- 394 Castlewood 493 Clear I,ake- _ 997 Colman---- 462 Pe Smet----------------------------------- 1,016 Pgan--------------------------------------- 418 Plkton------------------------------------- 779 Gary--------------------------------------- 566 Hayti- 370 Lake Norden------------------------------- 463 Lake Preston 886 Milbank------------------------"- - - - - - - - - - - 2,745 Oldham ---------- - 386 Revillo----------------- 325 South Shore-------------------------------- 296 Toronto------------------------------------ 362 Wentworth--------------------------------- 303 ite-------------------------------------- 559 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *City of Arlington. *Town of Badger. See Also: Operations reported under Minnesota (22–174). 40–162 Wakpala Light Company Wakpala, S. Dak. 40–170 The Western Public Service Company 18th & Broadway, Scottsbluff, Nebr. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 100% of common stock voting power and 83.29% of preferred Stock voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (South Dakota only).--------------------- $27,466 Number of Electric Customers: (South Dakota only)--------------------- 122 See Also: Principal report under Nebraska (26–156), and operations reported under Colorado (05–115), and Wyoming (49–087). 40–175 Whitewood Light and Power Company Whitewood, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Population Whitewood sº ºn tº 267 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH DAKOTA 727 40–179 Witten Light & Power Co. Witten, S. Dak. Principal Officer: Abraham Vold----------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $2,100 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 52 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 40 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 24,000 40–210 Coleman Garage Wasta, S. Dak. 40–240 Holleys Service Station Virgil, S. Dak. 40–250 Keystone Consolidated Felspar Company Keystone, S. Dak. 40–299 Keystone Consolidated Mines, Inc. Keystone, S. Dak. 40–350 Sinai Garage and Power Company Sinai, S. Dak. 40–511 *City of Arlington Arlington, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. A. Ecklein------------------------------ Mayor L. P. Dill------------------------ Chairman Elec. S. C. Ness-------------------------- Aud. & Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,097 Number of Electric Customers------------- 330 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 596, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Arlington----------------------------------- 1, 157 Also Renders: Gas, Steam, and water Service. 40–517 *Town of Badger Badger, S. Dak. 40–523 *City of Beresford Beresford, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. O. Peterson----------------------------- Mayor W. F. Smith------------------------------ Auditor Electric Committee: Henry Hermansen, A. E. Miele, Jas. T. Walsh. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $165,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $31,797 Number of Electric Customers------------- 576 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,037,980 Community Served at Retail: Population Beresford----------------------------------- 1,642 40–526 *Big Stone City Municipal Light Power Big Stone City, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. C. Matthews-----------------------------Supt. City Council: C. Gerhardt, W. C. Gerhardt, H. C. Kurgens, M. H. Mountz, A. H. Pider, Val Rausch, W. A. Schmidt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,600 Number of Electric Customers------------- 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Big Stone City---------------------------- 681 40–529 *City of Brookings Brookings, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. W. Newell------------------------------- Supt. C. B. Herreman-------------------- City Auditor Board of Commissioners: H. M. Crothers, H. Dwiggins (mayor), Oscar Wetterberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $572, 741 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $187,038 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,625 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 4,903, 578 Community Served at Retail: Population Brookings 5,346 Also Renders: Heat, telephone, and water Service. 728 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 40–535 *Bryant Light and Power Department - Bryant, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Population Bryant 658 40–542 *Burke Power and Light Plant Burke, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Frank G. Durst----------------------------- Supt. City Council: Bob Connell, J. F. Fahrenbacker, Carl Frank, Frank Holubi, Oliver Purviance, C. M. Simonst. fMember of the Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $48, 210 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 214 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 212 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 298,324 Community Served at Retail: Population urke---------------------------------------- 602 Also Renders: Water Service. 40–548 *Town of Cottonwood Cottonwood, S. Dak. 40–554 *Dupree Light & Power Plant Dupree, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Robert Peterson Supt. Town Board of Trustees: William Libka, Sr., Jewel Nesland, Laurence Vance (chairman). The following data are for the year 1939: - - - --> Electric Operating Revenues $7,011 Number of Electric Customers --> 144 Generating Capacity: PKilowatts Internal Combustion 100 Rºilovatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 81,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Dupree 460 40–560 *Elk Point Municipal Light Plant Elk Point, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. R. S. M'Gillycuddy---------------------- Supt. City Council Electric Committee: J. Kerrigan, E. W. Peterson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $29,903 Number of Electric Cust ºf 487 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion 713 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,055, 373 Community Served at Retail: Population Elk Point 1,483 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Union County Rural Power Co. 40–566 *Esmond Municipal Electric Light and Water Department Esmond, S. Dak. 40–573 *Estelline Municipal Light & Power Plant Estelline, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ed DaViS---- Mayor E. P. Eisnach Supt. City Council: John Anderson, Jim Carbine,. Ed. Lee, A. Lundeberg, A. G. Nelson (auditor), Charles Nicholson, Mike Wilkins. The followin data are for the year 1939: * - - - sº--- * Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,422 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 247 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 113 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-- 241,471 Community Served at Retail: Population Estelline 627 40–579 *Town of Fairburn Light Plant Fairburn, S. Dak, 40–585 *Faith Municipal Light & Power Plant Faith, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. J. Gerard--------------------------------- Supt. True J. Joyce Auditor The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion 144 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 314,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Faith _ 522 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC 729 |UTILITIES-SOUTH DAECOTA 40–589 *Flandreau Municipal Electric Plant Flandreau, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. H. PartGh Supt. of Power Plant W. F. Whalen--------------- Supt. of T)istribution The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $165,054 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $49,853 Number of Electric Cust sº 878 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 1,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,678, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Flandreau 2, 212 40–591 *Fort Pierre Light & Power Plant Fort Pierre, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: - Walter Rhrborg----------------------------- Supt. Utility Committee: T)r. R. K. Baker, E. R. Book. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $12,600 Number of Electric Customers 231 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 3,606,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fort Pierre----------------------------------- 764 40–597 *Groton Light Department Groton, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. C. Ferguson------------------------------ Supt. Light Committee: Milo Cook, Joe Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $20,984 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 360 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 468,600 Community Served at Retail: Population roton-------------------------------------- 946 Also Renders: Water Service. 40–610 *Hecla Municipal Light & Power Plant Hecla, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Peter Clements------------------------------ Supt. L. F. Roundy---------------------------- Auditor City Council: Andrew Armour, O. J. Benglsson, Orlen Eobslesk, J. G. Lamport, Willard North, I. W. Van Orman, P. I. Snyder (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- - 113 Community Served at Retail: Population ecla----------------------------------------- 555 40–616 *City of Howard Howard, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. C. Lenhart------------------------------- Supt. Eber Tripp------------------------------- Auditor Light & Water Committee: Theo Hanson, M. E. Lee, Donald Tripp (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $62,378 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $26, 102 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 497 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 297 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 642,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Howard------------------------------------- 1, 193 Also Renders: Water Service. 40–622 *Isabel Municipal Light Plant Isabel, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Joe Meginness------------------------------ Supt. City Council: Ben Rempfer, Elmer Swift, J. B. Tidball. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 126 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion e- 90 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 98,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Isabel- 490 40–628 *Java Municipal Light and Power Company Java, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Java Population 493 40–635 *Town of Langford Langford, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Langford- Population 452 730 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 40–641 *Madison Light and Power Department 112 Center St. W., Madison, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. M. Rensvold- Mayor John A. Bakke- - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $92,402 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1,478 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,676 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,993, 730 Community Served at Retail: Population Madison --- 5,018 40–647 *Marvin Municipal Light Plant Marvin, S. Dak. 40—653 *Miller Municipal Light & Power Plant Miller, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. E. Burke------------------------------ Mayor E. Weber-------------------------------- Auditor C. S. Rygh * * - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $106,402 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,743 Number of Electric Customers------------ 575 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 547 Steam----------------------------------- 312 Internal Combustion 235 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 934, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Miller-------------------------------------- 1, 460 Also Renders: Steam heating and water service. 40–666 *Onida Municipal Light & Water Works Onida, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. C. Hyde- Supt. Light & Water Committee: W. G. Abbott, Phillip Hess (chairman), Sig. Senerson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $39,700 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5, 240 Number of Electric Customers------------- 191 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 230 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 370,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Onida------ ---- 597 Also Renders: Water service. 40–672 *Parker Municipal Light Plant Parker, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Russell W. Smith - Supt. Elec. Light Committee: Julius Henneberg, H. G. Hofmeister, H. E. Wagener (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant --- $65,000 Electric Operating Rev $22,474 Number of Electric Customers------------- 499 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 455 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 627,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Parker 1,244 Also Renders: Water Service. 40–678 *City of Pierre Pierre, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. H. Reed Chief Engr. F. S. Wilkes- Supt. City Commission: J. B. Griffin (mayor), C. B. McCallag, G. E. Thoreson, H. Varro Wegner, V. J. Whitney. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $358, 475 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $125, 573 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 4, 297,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Pierre-------------------------------------- 4,322 Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 40–684 *Plankinton Municipal Light & Power Plant. Plankinton. S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility officials: Richard Stamer Mayor J. E. Germann Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,990 Number of Electric Customers------------- 370 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion * nº º º 240 PKilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 426,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Plankinton----------------------------------- 694 40–690 *Pukwana Light and Power Company Pukwana, S. Dak. Community Served at Retail: Population Pukwana * = = = = − = = as * = * = * = * * * * * * * * * * * 258 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH DAKOTA 731 40–697 *Municipal Light & Power Dept. of The City of Sioux Falls City Hall, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jos. S. Nelson------------ Commissioner in Charge City Commission: John T. McKee (mayor), Jos. S. Nelson, B. T. Yeager. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - $1,039, 217 Electric Operating Rev Asºº $173,255 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 1, 215 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 3,076 Energy Available in year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 8,008, 316 Generated------------------------------ 7,936,086 Interchanged-in (gross)----------------- 72, 2 Community Served at Retail: Population Sioux Falls-------------------------------- 40,832 Also Renders: Water Service. 40–703 *Tabor Electric Light Plant Tabor, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. J. Kudrna----------------------------- Supt. Board of Trustees: Jos. G. Vaith (chairman), E. R. Dvoracek, John Hatwan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $26,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,239 Number of Electric Customers------------- 147 Rilowatts Generating Capacity------------------------ 188 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 133, 223 Community Served at Retail: Population abor---------------------------------------- 391 Also Renders: Water service. 40–707 *Timber Lake Light & Power Department Timber Lake, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ira Smith----------------------------------- Mgr. Frank Hanken------------------------ Electrician Aldermen: C. I. Moore (mayor), Sam Scherer, Nick §ºper, Rienie Schmidt, Art Schwartz, Dale COUL. Community Served at Retail: Population Timber Lake--------------------------------- 512 - 40–709 *Tulare Light Plant Tulare, S. Dak. . 40–715 *Tyndall Light & Water Plant Tyndall, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. E. Jones- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,443 Number of Electric Customers------------ 476. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 639 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 677,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Tyndall------------------------------------ 1, 289 Also Renders: Water service. 40–721 *Town of Valley Springs Valley Springs, S. Dak. Governing Body: E. L. Allen, Carl Borhydt, A. E. Christenson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $10,000 Electric Operating Rev wº- $5,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 148 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch - 96,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Valley Springs * - * * 396 40–728 *Vermillion City Light and Power Plant 25 Center St., Vermillion, S. Dak. Principal º Utility Officials: D. E. Sullivan ---Mayor E. A. Lenhart---------------- City Auditor, Mgr. Clinton Foster------- Chairman Light Committee L. C. Brookman---------------- Chief Electrician Earl Armagost-------------------- Chief Engineer Alºem: Clinton Foster, E. M. Stansbury, Chas. tark. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $73,437 Number of Electric Customers----------- 965 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1,200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 2,690, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Vermillion---------------------------------- 3, 324 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Clay-Union Cooperative Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 732 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 40–734 *City of Wolga Volga, S. Dak. Pinº Electric Utility Official: Committee Members: W. G. A. De Blonk, Eugene Cotton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $11,750 Number Electric Customers---------------- 238 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------------ a 245 a At 80% power factor. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 353, 510 Community Served at Retail: Population Volga---------------------------------------- 632 40–746 *Wakonda Electric Service Department Wakonda, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. M. Thrane------------------------- City Clerk Lewis Larsen ---------------------- Elec. Overseer Town Board of Trustees: Mark Kryeger (chair- man), J. M. Mikkelson, B. W. Montgomery. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 190 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 165,700 Population 451 Community Served at Retail: Wakonda------------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. 40–752 *Watertown Municipal Electric Department Municipal Office Bldg., Watertown, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John E. L. City Council: Lee Barger, Frank Flint, M. E. Grinde, Martin Gustafson, Barney Heiden, Fred Kreger, Williard McIntosh, Berb. Skinner, Wm. Sweeney, Henry Zeller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $917, 780 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $301, 108 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,327 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 2,350 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 8,087, 774 Generated----------------------------- 8,084,474 Purchased----------------------------- 3,300 - Community Served at Retail: Population Watertown-------------------------------- 10, 617 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northwestern Public Service Co. 40–759 *Wessington Springs Municipal Electric Plant Wessington Springs, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: Bruce Harris-------------------------------- Supt. Councilmen: Roy Duxbury, H. A. Short. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,530 Number of Electric Customers------------- 385 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 325 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 569,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wessington Springs - - - - 1, 352 40–830 *Clay-Union Electric Corporation Vermillion, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Official: K. C. Strong-------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - ---------------- $127,830 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $14,255 Number of Electric Customers------------ 308 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 275,600 40–850 *Lincoln-Union Electric Company Alcester, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert S. Wennblom ----------------------- Pres, Virgil T. Hanlon---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $296,645 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $24, 174 Number of Electric Customers------------ 524 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - --------------------- 332,830 40–870 *Sioux Valley Empire Electric Association, Inc. Colman, S. Dak. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-SOUTH DAKOTA 733 40–880 *Union County Rural Power Company Elk Point, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • ** face---------------------------------- Pres Vincent M. Gill---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $133,911 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $15,539 Number of Electric Customers------------ 306 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 261,800 40–890 *West River Electric Association, Inc. Wall, S. Dak. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. P. Forest--------------------------------- Pres Neil Rounds-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - ----------------- $126,312 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $4,816 Number of Electric Customers------------ 280 Community Served at Retail: Population Wall.-------- ms as * = gº gº am º ºs º º ºs s ºs s = sº me sº sº, sº * * * * 500 TENNESSEE Index Reference Number Aluminum Company of America------------ *Appalachian Electric Cooperative---------- Appalachian Electric Power Company------ 41—010 *Athens Board of Public Utilities, City of.--- 41-505 Bells Light and Water Company------------ 41-017 *Benton County, Board of Public Utilities - - 41–512 *Bolivar Electric Department--------------- 41—515 *Brownsville, Department of Electricity, City of 41-518 *Carroll County Electrical Department---- 41–522 *Chattanooga, Electric Power Board of.---- 41-523 *Clarksville Department of Electricity------ 41–524 *Cleveland Electric System ----------------- 41–533 *Clinton Power Commission---------------- 41–535 *Columbia Power System ------------------- 41-536 *Cookeville Water & Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - 41–526 *Covington, Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of--------------------------- 41–537 *Cumberland Electric Membership Corpora- tion-------------------------------------- 41 * Dayton Electric Light Plant--------------- *Dickson, Town of :-------- * * - - - - - - - - - - - “ - - Dixie Power and Light Company---------- *Duck River Electric Membership Corpora- tion-------------------------------------- 41-838 Ducktown Citizens Light & Power Co----- 41-038 *Dyersburg Water & Light Department---- 41-570 East Tennessee Light & Power Company--- 41-040 *Etowah, Utilities Department, Town of---- 41-573 *Fayetteville Electric Distribution System, City of - *Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative_--------- Franklin Power & Light Company---------- *Gallatin Department of Electricity--------- 41-576 *Gibson County Electric Membership Corpo- ration------------------------------------ *Harriman Power Department-------------- *Holston Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- *Humboldt Electric Utility----------------- *Jackson Electric Department--------------- Kentucky-Tennessee Light and Power Com- pany Kentucky Utilities Company--------------- Kingsport Utilities, Incorporated------------ 41-094 *Knoxville Electric Power and Water Board - 41-585 Knoxville Power Company------------------ 4 “La Follette Electric Department, City of --- 41-590 *Lawrenceburg Electric System, City of ---- 41-592 *Lebanon, City of.-------------------------- 4 *Lenoir City Water and Light Department- 41–614 *Lewisburg Light & Power Dept.------------ 41 *Lexington Electric System----------------- *Lincoln County Electric Membership Cor- poration---------------------------------- 41–846 Reference Number *Loudon Power and Light Company-------- *Maryville Electric System - - - - ------------- 41-621 *McMinnville Electric System - - - ---------- Memphis Generating Company------------- *Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division---- 41–620 *Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative---- 41-852 *Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation, The------------------------- 41–855 *Milan, Electricity Department, City of --- 41–625 *Morristown Water & Electric Light Plant-- 41–636 *Mount Pleasant Power System------------- 41-639 *Murfreesboro Electric Department--------- 41–640 *Nashville, Electric Power Board of the City of.---------------------------------- 41–647 *Newbern Light Plant ---------------------- 41–648 *Newport Electric System ------------------- 41–649 *Paris, Board of Public Utilities, City of:--- 41–654 *Pickwick Electric Membership Corporation- 41–866 Piney Flats Electric Light Company-------- 4 *Plateau Electric Cooperative --------------- 41–870 *Pulaski Light & Water Department-------- 41–658 *Ripley Power and Light Company--------- 41–660 Ritter Lumber Co., W. M------------------ 41–222 *Rockwood Electric Utility----------------- 41-662 *Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative---- 41–878 *Sevier County Flectric System ------------- 41–664 *Shelbyville Power System------------------ 41-665 *Somerville Water and Light Plant - - - - ----- 41–669 South Fulton Light and Power Company--- 41-126 *Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------ 41—880 *Springfield Department of Electricity------ 41-680 *Sweetwater, Board of Public Utilities, Town of----------------------------------------- 41–682 Tennessee Consolidated Coal Company----- 41–225 Tennessee Light and Power Company------ 41–157 Tennessee Products Corporation------------ 41–250 *Tennessee Valley Authority---------------- 41—685 *Tennessee Valley Electric Cooperative----- 41—883 *Tippah Electric Power ASSociation, Inc., 1–8S5 Townsend Light & Mill Company---------- 41–166 *Trenton Light & Water Plant-------------- 41-691 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corpora- tion-------------------------------.------- 41—890 *Tullahoma Light & Water Dept., City of—- 41-702 *Union City, Corporation of . 2- 41–713 *Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation------------------------------ 4 *Volunteer Electric Cooperative------------- *Weakley County Municipal Electric System- ##; *Winchester Power System------------------ *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 735 736 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION TENNESSEE 41—010 Appalachian Electric Power Company 611 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Va. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Tennessee only). - Number of Electric Customers: (Tennessee only)------------------------- 1 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Kingsport Utilities, Inc. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Tennessee Valley Authority (interchange). $310, 610 See Also: Principal report under West Virginia (47–012), and operations reported under Virginia (45–011). 41—017 Bells Light and Water Company Bells, Tenn. Principal Officers: G. T. Lewis--------------------------------- Pres H. N. Park------------------ '----------- Vice Pres J. E. Ramsey------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: Dr. E. Farrow, G. T. Lewis, Hugh Lewis, Dr. S. E. McDonald, H. N. Park, J. E. Ramsey, W. R. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- 259 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 208 Community Served at Retail: Population Bells-------------------------------------- 1,054 Also Renders: Water Service, 41—031 Dixie Power and Light Company 159 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) R. M. Watt--------------------------------- Pres. W. Reed-------------------------------- Vice Pres. B. K. Yewell-------------------------------- ecy A. A. Tuttle-------------------------------- Treas. G. M. Kilgus.-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. E. Clark--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. K. Stark------------------------------- Auditor Directors: J. H. Bailey, W. Reed, H. K. Stark, A. A. Tuttle, R. M. Watt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72,026 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $22,923 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 431 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 710, 810 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arthur---------------------------------------- 250 New Tazewell-------------------------------- 82] Tazewell-------------------------------------- 800 41—038 Ducktown Citizens Light & Power Co. Ducktown, Tenn. Principal Officers: T. W. Taylor-------------------------- Chairman L. E. Kimsey------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Chas. E. Taylor------...--------------- Secy.-Treas. M. H. Spargo-...----------------Asst. Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... ---------------------- $2,500 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,985 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 155 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - 223,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Ducktown --- 1,500 41—040 East Tennessee Light & Power Company 300 State St., Bristol, Tenn. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: Chas. E. Ide Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. E. Burger Vice Pres, J. H. Grubbs Secy. & Treas. C. B. Wedum------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Edwin Wagner------------------------ ASSt. Secy. Directors: J. M. Beauchamp, R. E. Burger, Dale B. Carson, R. G. Griswold, Charles E. Ide, J. A. Strozier. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- _$10,775,092 Electric Operating Revenues: Total $1,888, 302 In TenneSSee -* * * * * * - tº sº - * me • * * * * * $1, 522,951 Number of Electric Customers: otal---------- 24, 724 In TenneSSee 20, 666 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 22,968 Steam--------------------------------- 8,500 Hydro----- * - - is 14, 420 Internal Combustion 48 Rilowatt-hours 106, 491, 278 Energy Available in Year: Generated----------------------------- 63,325,996 Purchased 43, 165, 282 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blountville------ - - - - 429 Bluff City - * - - - - 700 Pristol------------------------------------- 14,004 Butler------------------------------------- 608 Carter------------------------------------- 250 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 737 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chuckey---------------------------------- 250 Elizabethton 8, 516 Erwin 3,350 Fall Branch------------------------------- 300 Greeneville-------------------------------- 6, 784 Hampton---------------------------------- 600 Johnson City------------------------------ 25, 332 Jonesboro --------------------------------- 976 Limestone--------------------------------- 500 Love Station---------... * * * * * * * * * * * = * * *- - - -- * * * 300 Midway----------------------------------- 300 Milligan College--------------------------- 261 Mohawk---------------------------------- 330 Mosheim---------------------------------- 300 Mountain City 1,021 Roan Mountain-------------------------- º 500 Telford------------------------------------ 300 Unicoi------------------------------------- 800 Wautauga--------------------------------- 300 Wautauga Valley-------------------------- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Hydro Electric Corporation. Piney Flats Electric Light Co. Also Renders: Gas service in Tennessee and Vir- ginia. See Also: Operations reported under North Carolina (32-078) and Virginia (45–036). 41–049 - Franklin Power & Light Company Franklin, Tenn. Principal Officers: Laurence B. Howard PreS. J. W. Grimes-------------------------- Sec.-Treas. Directors: A. Lawson Davis, J. W. Grimes, Laur- ence B. Howard, R. F. Jackson, R. R. Johnson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $191, 272 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $79,064 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,094 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 236,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Franklin----------------------------------- 4, 120 41—085 Kentucky-Tennessee Light and Power Company 910 State St., Bowling Green, Ky. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Tennessee only)------------------------ $142,617 Number of Electric Customers: (Tennessee only) -- 1,546 Communities Served at Retail: Population Adams- * - 512 Dover-------------------------------------- 408 Jellico-------------------------------------- 1, 581 Newcomb---------------------------------- 300 Wooldridge--------- 593 Utility Served at wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITY: Tennessee Light & Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Kentucky (16-082). 322184—42 52 41—090 Kentucky Utilities Company 159 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Tennessee only) -- $75,031 Number of Electric Customers: (Tennessee only) 255. Communities Served at Retail: Population Cumberland Gap ---- 409 Harrogate------------------------------------- 700 Shawanee------------------------------------ 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Dixie Power and Light Co. Old Dominion Power Co. South Fulton Light and Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Tennessee Valley Authority (interchange). See Also: Principal report under Kentucky (16-09). 41—094 . Kingsport Utilities, Incorporated 422 Broad St. Kingsport, Tenn. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) - Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd --PreS. N. M. Argabrite------------------------ Vice Pres. Graham Claytor------------------------ Vice PreS. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice PreS. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS. C. A. Thornburg------------. --------...- Vice Pres. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Trager----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan---------.ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: N. M. Argabrite, Frank B. Ball. Graham Claytor, F. W. Drager, Edw. H. Maurer, J. F. McMillan, C. A. Thornburg, Geo. N. Tidd, C. L. Walling. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------...----- $2,522, 883 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $748, 176 Number of Electric Customers----------- 7,064 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 10,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 57,878, 850 Generated 5, 519, 250 Purchased 52, 359, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Kingsport---------------------------------- 14,404 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Appalachian Electric Power Co. (Va.). 41—099 Knoxville Power Company Alcoa, Tenn. - (Controlled by Aluminum Company of America. through 100% of voting power.) - 738 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Principal Officers: V. J. Hultquist sº º __PreS. P. J. Urquhart * * * Vice Pres. I. W. Wilson.-- ----Vice Pres. J. R. D. Huston----------------------------- Secy. R. E. Withers------------------------------ Treas. C. L. Lycette-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. J. J. Demskie------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: S. K. Colby, G. R. Gibbons, V. J. Hultquist, G. J. Stanley, P. J. Urquhart, I. W. Wilson, R. E. Withers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $662, 529 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $100, 184 Number of Electric Cust § 2, 324 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d----------------------- 5, 413, 153 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Townsend I.ight & Mill Co. Community Served at Retail: Population 5, 131 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–104 Memphis Generating Company 1611 Exchange Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co.) Principal Officers: Benjamin Goodman, Jr.---------------------- PreS. L. LeMay.--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Miss Oma Buchanan - - Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: Robert Bruce, Benjamin Goodman, Jr., L. LeMay, John Wisdom. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,918, 366 Electric Operating Revenues.----- - - - - - - $115, 640 Number of Electric Customers--------- I - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 54,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 253, 559, 000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITY: *Tennessee Valley Authority. 41—112 Piney Flats Electric Light Company Piney Flats, Tenn. Principal Officers: S. R. Wolfe * ~ * * * * *-*.*.*.*.* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. Mary Wolfe. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice Pres, & Treas Mrs. BeSS Wolfe---------------------------- Secy Directors: Nelle Starnes, Bess Wolfe, Hildred Wolfe, Mary Wolfe, Sam R. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $8,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $5,825 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 210 • * - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 158,280 Community Served at Retail: Population Piney Flats----------------------------------- 326 41–126 South Fulton Light and Power Company 159 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: R. M. Watt-------- ---- PreS. W. Reed------------------------------- Vice Pres. A. A. Tuttle------------------------------- Treas. H. K. Stark------------------------------ Auditor B. K. Yewell-------------------------------- Secy. E. E. Clark-------- Asst. Treas. G. M. Kilgus ASSt. Secy. Directors: L. P. Hite, W. Reed, H. K. Stark, A. A. Tuttle, R. M. Watt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24, 343 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,020 Number of Electric Customers------------- 406 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 752,791 Community Served at Retail: Population South Fulton------------------------------- 2,050 41–157 Tennessee Light and Power Company Springfield, Tenn. Principal Officers: . A. F. Trimble--------------------- PreS. & Treas. J. E. Huffman ---- 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. J. F. Boyd------------------- 2nd Vice PreS. W. P. Bryant------------------------------- Secy. Directors: T. F. Boyd, W. P. Bryant, J. E. Huff- man, A. F. Trimble, Mrs. A. F. Trimble. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $176,754 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------------- $136,686 In Tennessee--------------------------- $126, 246 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------------- 1, 509 In Tennessee--------------------------- 1, 309 Fºil0twatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 7,407, 120 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cedar Hill---------------------------------- 800 Orlinda------------------------------------- 450 Portland * * * * * * * * * = º sº º sº º E tº dº º ſº dº sº º E * * 1, 212 Utility Served at Wholesale: BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Springfield Water and Electric System. See Also: Operations reported under Kentucky (16–181). 41–166 Townsend Light & Mill Company Townsend, Tenn. Principal Officers: H. Tipton ----Pres. M. L. Tipton--------------------------- Vice PreS. S. P. McNiell * Secy.-Treas. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 739 Directors: S. P. McNiell, D. H. Tipton, M. L. Tip- # ton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues------ $4,000 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 170 Community Served at Retail: Population Townsend------------------------------------ 378 41–201 Aluminum Company of America 801 Gulf Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A J. E. Housley------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $10,868,864 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $28,516 Number of Electric Customers. - - - - - - - - 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) ----------- 121, 500 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale----------------- 5,413, 153 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Knoxville Power Co. 41–222 W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Columbus, Ohio Number of Electric Customers: Tennessee Only------------------------------- a 20 a Service is rendered to employees only. See also: Principal report under West Virginia (47–398) and operations reported under Ken- tucky (16–280), South Carolina (39–393), and Virginia (45–272). 41–225 Tennessee Consolidated Coal Company Palmer, Tenn. 41–250 Tennessee Products Corporation Wrigley, Tenn. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: C. F. Talbot-------------------------------- Supt. J. S. Dempster------------------------ Asst. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 85 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------- 400 Communities Served at Retail: * Population Bon Air-------------------------------------- 340 Wrigley-------------------------------------- 733 a Majority of customers are company employees served without direct charge. Also Renders: Water Service. 41—505 ‘Board of Public Utilities, City of Athens.” Athens, Tenn. * Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. Wilson, Jr.------------------------ Gen. Mgr. Board of Public Utilities: C. O. Foree, M. F. Stubbs, C. L. Williams (chairman). º following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $436,797 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $147,724 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,794 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 8,972,967 Communities Served at Retail: Population Athens-------------------------------------- 6, 930 Delano-------------------------------------- 300 Englewood---------------------------------- 1, 342 iota.--------------------------------------- 623 Tellico Plains------------------------------- 899 41—512 *Board of Public Utilities, Benton County" Camden, Tenn. a Utility has Service contract Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. Y. Howell Power Board: H. B. Pafford, L. N. Peebles, John Penick, R. A. Swindell (chairman), J. V. Walker The following data are for the period April 22 to Dec. 31, 1940: with Tennessee Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $57,280 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,091 Number of Electric Customers------------- 550 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 621, 940 Communities Served at Retail: Population Big Sandy------------------------------------ 601 Camden-------------------------------------- 992 41–515 *Bolivar Electric Department” Bolivar, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert N. Mitchell * W. T. Emerson----------------------------- Supt. Electric and Water Committee: T. son (chairman), E. K. Boyd, B. M. Gee, A. S. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $147, 085 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $45,748 Number of Electric Customers------------ 852 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 102, 112 740 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Bolivar------------------------------------- 1, 314 Grand Junction 560 Hickory Valley----- 400 0000-------------------------------------- 305 Also Renders: Water Service, 41–518 *City of Brownsville, Department of Electricity” Brownsville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. ldy. ------------------------------- Supt. Nona Haywood---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Governing Body: John Q. Bower, Geo. C. Reid, Walter Viers. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $99,575 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $42,449 Number of Electric Customers------------ 809 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 218, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownsville--------------------------------- 4,012 41–522 *Carroll County Electrical Department” McKenzie, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Flectric Utility Officials: G. A. Myrick-------------------------------- Supt. C. E. Francisco------------------------ ASSt. Supt. Board of Public Utilities: J.A. Bramley (chairman), G. S. Funderburk (treas.), Glen A. King (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $215,055 $89, 196 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 962 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4, 301, 574 Communities Served at Retail: Population Atwood------------------------------------- 363 Bruceton----------------------------------- 1, 003 Hollow Rock------------------------------- 422 Huntingdon-------------------------------- 1,432 McKenzie---------------------------------- 2,019 McLemoresville---------------------------- 315 Trezevant---------------------------------- 527 41–523 *Electric Power Board of Chattanooga." Power Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. J. Wilhoite - Chairman of Board N. J. Simmons--------------------- Secy. Of Board || S. R. Finley Gen. Supt. Ken Whitaker-------------- Administrative Asst. Principal Electric Utility Official: Electric Power Board: T. R. Cuthbert, Roy E. Mc- Kenzie, J. Courtney Twinam (vice chairman), E. J. Walsh, L. J. Wilhoite (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------------------ $14,835, 597 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.---- $3,774, 288 In Tennessee- $3, 614, 596 Number of Electric Customers: Total.--- sº º 39, 489 In Tennessee- 37, 401 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] 4.17,931, 541 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chattanooga--- 128, 163 Collegedale--------- 464 Daisy---- 1, 256 East Ridge -- 2,939 Eastdale---------------------------------- 2, 100 Graysville-------------------------------- 846 Guild-------- 304 Hixson-- 1, 200 Jones Station----------------------------- 468 Lookout Mountain----------------------- 1, 545 Ooltewah tº- tº 988 Red Bank-------------------------------- 4, 500 Ridgeside-------------------------------- 443 Sale Creek-------------------------------- 632 Signal Mountain------------------------- 1, 308 oddy------------------------------ 2,052 White Oak-------------------------------- 2, 440 Worley----------------------------------- 468 See Also: operations reported under Georgia (10–541). 41–524 *Clarksville Department of Electricity." Clarksville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. B. Dickson------------------------------- Secy. J. F. Perry---- --M Governing Body: E. H. Harrison, W. D. Hudson, W. G. Ladd, E. E. Laurent (chairman). W. E. Orgain (vice chairman), W. D. Posey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $378, 102 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $209, 969 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,884 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17, 280, 840 Community Served at Retail: Population Clarksville - ---- --------------------------- 11, 831 41–526 *Cookeville Water & Light Plant 103 Jefferson St., Cookeville, Tenn. F. E. Collier * * ---Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $399, 119 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $78,471 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 188 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-----...------- 1,360 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 74.1 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours T otal.--- 4,067,640 Generated 2,934,040 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 133,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Cookeville---------------------------------- 4,364 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–533 *Cleveland Electric System.* 711 31st St., Cleveland, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Jacobs-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. J. H. Smithers------------------------ Secy. Treas. R. E. Haworth------------------- Operating Supt. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $731,889 $225,817 3,832 Electric Operating Revenues------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 19,964, 215 Community Served at Retail: Population Cleveland-- ---- 11,351 41–535 *Clinton Power Commission* Clinton, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. H. Hamilton----------------------------- Supt. H. L. Sparkman----------------------------- Acct. H. M. Beatty------------------------ Distr. Mgr. Power Board: H. G. Amerine, J. M. Burkhart. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $347, 911 $176,952 2, 350 Electric Operating Revenues------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 13, 114, 561 Communities Served at Retail: Population Priceville----------------------------------- 1, 435 Clinton------------------------------------- 2, 761 Coal Creek (Lake City)-------------------- 1, 520 Coalfield------- - - - - 310 Oliver Springs------ 855 Petros-------------------------------------- 889 41–536 *Columbia Power System * Columbia, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Board of Public Utilities: T. B. Forgey, U. H. Foster, Porter Frierson, Robert J. Harlan (chair- Iman), W. A. Ray. ſº following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $758,820 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $215, 144 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,998 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 15, 552, 150 Communities Served at Retail: Population Columbia--------------------------------- 10, 579 Spring Hill-------------------------------- 543 41–537 *Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Covington Covington, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. Charter------------------ Supt. Light & Water Board of Aldermen: Hughes Bringle, F. R. Fisher, H. M. Fleming (mayor), Sanford Garner, Mal Smith (chairman), W. C. Tipton, John Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $301, 564 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26, 106 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 875 Generating Capacity: Fºilovyatts Internal Combustion > 1, 183 PKilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 305,630 Community Served at Retail: Population Covington---------------------------------- 3, 513 Also Renders: Water service. 41–548 *Dayton Electric Light Plant* Dayton, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Fred M. Mooty- Board of Commissioners: Burton Knight, F. R. Rogers, G. V. Taylor (chairman). lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Supt. Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $144,434 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $55,410 Number of Electric Cust S. 1,090 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2,895,666 Community Served at Retail: Population Dayton 1,870 Also Renders: Water service. 41–559 *Town of Dickson” Dickson, Tenn. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. E. Beasley------------------------------ Mayor S. G. Robertson------------------ Mayor pro tem. W. H. Adcox - - - --Supt. Robert S. Clement----------------------- Recorder 742 FEDERAL Power COMMISSION Governing Body: E. F. Baker, R. L. Bomar, Geo. Crockarell, Harry Davis, Elbert Easley, J. L. Parrish, S. G. Robertson, J. I. Tippitt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $271,655 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $116,827 Number of Electric Cust sº 2,339 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 8,449,918 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bon Aqua * = 400 Burns 500 Charlotte----------------------------------- 470 Cumberland Furnace 328 Dickson 3,504 Kingston Springs--------------------------- 450 Lyles 250 Pegram------------------------------------- 300 White Bluff--------------------------------- 522 Also Renders: Water service. 41—570 *Dyersburg Water & Light Department Dyersburg, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Official: S. R. Blakeman----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $664, 739 $223,046 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 247 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 12,614,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Dyersburg-------------------------------- 10,034 Also Renders: Water service. 41–573 *Utilities Department Town of Etowah * Etowah. Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: John T. Scott-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Utilities Commission: Tom Cantrell (treas.), H. V. Manning (chairman), K. C. Robinson, J. T. Scott (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $54, 143 Number of Electric Cust sº 1, 337 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,678,680 Communities Served at Retaii: Population East Etowah--------------------------- 500 Etowah--------------------------------- 3,362 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–575 *City of Fayetteville Electric Distribution System * Fayetteville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Walter J. Bunn----------------------------- Supt. Utility Board: Caldwell Askew, W. G. Cowan (treas.), John R. Crowder, H. T. Holman (Secy.), B. D. Wilson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $78,800 Number of Electric Customers-----...------ 1,386 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 545, 136 Community Served at Retail: Population Fayetteville--------------------------------- 4,684 41–576 *Gallatin Department of Electricity “ Gallatin, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Power Committee: N. S. Baker, F. W. Outlaw (chairman), W. P. Puryear, Jr., E. M. Stark. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $222,850 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $77,064 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,489 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,456, 192 Community Served at Retail: Population Gallatin------------- 4,829 41–577 *Harriman Power Department * Harriman, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. D. Christmas------------------------ Chairman J. T. Wrenn.------------------------- Secy.-Treas. B. L. Yeary------------------------- Acting Mgr. Directors: H. M. Carr, Jr., L. O. Scott. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $349,977 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $124, 553 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,568 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased. ---------------------- 7,781, 746 Communities Served at Retail: Population Emory Gap-. 500 Harriman----------------------------------- 5, 620 Oakdale------------------------------------ 900 South Harriman - 500 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTIILITIES-TENNESSEE 743 41–578 *Humboldt Electric Utility " Humboldt, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Paul T. Howe Supt. Mayor and Aldermen: J. W. Brooks, J. D. Cole, J. Paul Craddock, G. D. Dodson, H. J. Foltz (mayor), W. E. Leath. loſſ." following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $215, 251 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50,602 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,050 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 570 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,038, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Rumboldt---------------------------------- 5, 160 Also Renders: Water service. 41–581 *Jackson Electric Department * Jackson. Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. W. Meeks----------------------------- Mgr. W. W. White--------------------- Operating Supt. Board of Public Utilities: R. D. Conger, A. B. Foust, Spencer Truex. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,303, 313 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $343,903 Number of Electric Customers---------- 7,030 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ a 400 * At 80%. Power Factor. - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 20, 595,600 Communities Served at Retail: Population PastPort------------------------------------ 650 *son----------------------------------- 24, 332 Also Renders: Water service. 41–585 *Knoxville Electric Power and Water Board * 626 South Gay St., Knoxville. Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: t Max C. Bartlett--------------------- Gen. Mgr. B. H. McCoin---------- Supt. Bureau of Power R. W. Mathisson.------ Supt. Bureau of Accounts Commissioners: Jo. H. Anderson, J. H. Hickman, F. W. Keith, W. C. Ross, F. H. Snipes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $7,387,270 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $2,466, 148 Number of Electric Customers--------- 35,442 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 228,888,780 Communities Served at Retail: Population Asbury----- * * * - 710 Bearden 425 Corryton--------------------------------- 260 Fountain City---------------------------- 3,917 Inskip------------ - - - - - * - 950 Knoxville 111,580 Luttrell- 300 Maynardville-- 500 Powell Station--------------------------- 400 Strawberry Plains------------------------ 435 Also Renders: Water Service. 41—590 *City of La Follette Electric Department * La Follette, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Smith Rea----------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Electric Power Board: Guy Easterly (secy.), L. I. Mauney (treas.), David Reynolds, R. L. Sharp (chairman). ...” following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $479,979 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $174, 372 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1,632 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 15, 483, 177 Communities Served at Retail: Population Anthras------------------------------------- 250 Caryville 310 Cotula-- -- 300 Pgan--------------------------------------- 500 Jacksboro-- 834 La Follette 4,010 41–592 *City of Lawrenceburg Electric System * Lawrenceburg, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Official: C. F. Crowson------------------------------ Supt. Mayor and Commissioners: R. O. Downey (mayor), H. A. Mathis, E. N. Parkes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $249, 734 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $82, 243 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,955 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 650 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 293,628 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 275,600 Purchased.------------------------------ 3,018,028 744 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Ethridge------------------------------------ 350 Iron City----------------------------------- 355 Lawrenceburg------------------------------ 3,807 Loretto------------------------------------- 443 Saint Joseph-------------------------------- 340 *City of Lebanon Lebanon, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. Could Smith-- Commissioner of Public Works J. S. McClain-------- Comm. Finance & Revenue Aldermen: Frank Buchanan (mayor), O. F. Dar- win, Evan Farmer, W. D. Ferrell, A. C. Hill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $161, 705 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $121,873 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 526 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- 5, 185,600 Population 5,950 Community Served at Retail: Lebanon * * * * * * ** = * * * * * = - = <= * * * * * * * * * ~ * ~ * - * * * * * * Also Renders: Water Service. 41—610 *Lexington Electric System * Lexington, Tenn. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. B. Austin-------------------------------- Mgr. Power Board: E. A. Hay (chairman), Coy Stewart, H. H. Threadgill. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $152,423 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $57,597 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 1,425 ;Generating Capacity: FKilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 235 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-----------------------. 3, 124,070 Communities Served at Retail: Population Decaturville-------------------------------- 433 Lexington---------------------------------- 2, 526 Parsons------------------------------------ 1,079 Perryville---------------------------------- 250 Saltillo------------------------------------- 500 Sardis-------------------------------------- 419 41—614 *Lenoir City Water and Light Department * Lenoir City, Tenn. a Utility has Service contract with TenneSSee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. E. Dickson------------------------------- Supt. Water & Light Commission: R. C. Alford, James M. Hair, W. J. EIamilton (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues ------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- $280, 355 $126,068 2,363 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 10,454,920 Communities Served at Retail: Population °oncord------------------------------------ 250 Friendville--------------------------------- 450 Lenoir City--------------------------------- 4,373 Also Renders: Water Service. 41—616 *Lewisburg Light & Power Dept. " Lewisburg, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: : N. McCord----------------------------- Mayor T. L. Cathey----------------------- Commissioner D Ira Shires.---------------------- Commissioner Supt. tºº following data are for the year ended June 30 1: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $180, 688 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $96,077 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------. 6, 837,224 Community Served at Retail: Population Lewisburg---------------------------------- 3, 582 41–617 *Loudon Power and Light Company ” Loudon, Tenn. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: I. H. Watson-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $130,588 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $56,683 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,417 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- b 2,906,085 b For 10%-month period ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Loudon ------------------------------------ 3,017 Philadelphia------------------------------- 375 Vonore------------------------------------- 400 41—619 *McMinnville Electric System * McMinnville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clyde Winters------------------------------ Supt. Board of Public Utilities: C. M. Clark, Frank Davenport, D. L. Davies, C. E. Haston (Secy.), Frank Henegar (chairman), H. B. Walker. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 745 lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $416,338 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $124, 413 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 461 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 6,957, 980 Communities Served at Retail: Population Auburntown-------------------------------- 250 Campaign---------------------------------- 600 Dowelltown-------------------------------- 267 oyle * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = m, sº sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *m. ºn 400 Piberty------------------------------------- 500 McMinnville------------------------------- 4, 649 *orrison----------------------------------- 278 Quebec------------------------------------- 400 Rock Island-------------------------------- 250 Smithville---------------------------------- 919 Parta-------------------------------------- 2, 506 Spencer--------------- 508 41–620 *Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division * 179 Madison Avenue, Memphis Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: €D. Thos. H. Allen------------------ Pres. Chief Engr. J. J. Brennan--------------------------- Vice Pres. N. W. Wade------------------------- ------- Secy. Board of Light, Gas and Water Commissioners: Thos. H. Allen, J. J. Brennan, I. J. Lichterman. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $38,547, 718 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $4,573, 355 Number of Electric Customers--------- 66, 301 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours * * 347, 229,978 Purchased.---------------------------- 344, 347, 598 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 2,882,380 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arlington--------------------------------- 440 Barretville- - * - 250 Partlett----------------------------------- 400 Prunswick-------------------------------- 250 Collierville-------------------------------- 1,042 Porest Hill-------------------------------- 670 Forsythe---------------------------------- 250 Germantown----------------------------- 402 Memphis--------------------------------- 292,942 Willington------------------------------- 730 9akville---------------------------------- 550 Raine--------------------------------------- 250 Paleigh------------------------------------- 250 Rosemark--------------------------------- 250 Whitehaven------------------------------ 350 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mississippi Power & Light Co. b * By contractual agreement, electric energy is transferred through the Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division system to the system of Mississippi Power & Light Co. in northern Mississippi. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 41–621 *Maryville Electric System • Maryville, Tenn. * Utility, has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: * J. A. Gillespie------------------------------- Mgr. P. K. Costner------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Board of Public Utilities: J. D. Beals, J. C. Gamble (chairman), T. L. Nuchols. The following data are for June 30, 1940, or for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $426, 127 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $139, 124 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 146 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 9,058,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Maryville---------------------------------- 5, 609 Rockford----------------------------------- 350 41–625 *City of Milan, Electricity Department * Milan. Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. M. Creswell-------------------- Mayor & Supt. Board of Aldermen: B. F. Butler, R. L. Coley, §. D. Denny, R. C. Frank, Walter Koelz, G. H. 1IIłS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $186, 185 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $49,163 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 124 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 2,901, 200 Community Served at Retail: Ropulation Milan-------------------------------------- 3,035 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–636 *Morristown Water & Electric Light Plant City Hall, Morristown, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jas. F. Mathes------------------------------ Supt. Board of Commissioners: O. R. Carver, J. B. Neill, H. S. Walters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $657,902 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $125, 514 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 191 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 3, 450 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 6, 183,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Morristown--------------------------------- 8,050 Also Renders: Water Service. 746 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 41–639 *Mount Pleasant Power System * Mount Pleasant, Tenn. * Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Pºiº Electric Utility Officials: r. G. C. English-------------------------- Mayor Herman Hill--------------------------------- Mgr. W. R. Härlan:------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Dr. W. H. Kittrell------------ Chairman of Board John Blackburn------------------- Board Member The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $248,824 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $163,783 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 222 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 20, 134, 358 Communities Served at Retail: Population Crestview----------------------------------- 372 Mount Pleasant---------------------------- 3,089 Summertown------------------------------- 450 41–640 *Murfreesboro Electric Department * Murfreesboro, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clarence Watson Power Board: S. S. Cox (city mgr.), T. J. Dement, W. T. Ger- hardt (mayor), W. B. Horton, W. A. Miles, G. B. Sawyer. The following data are for the 10%-month period ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $576, 320 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $152, 123 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,666 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 9, 372, 773 Community Served at Retail: Population Murfreesboro------------------------------- 9,495 41–647 *Electric Power Board of the City of Nashville * 605 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James E. Carnes----------------------- Gen. Mgr. J. Leonard Sisk-------------------4ASSt. Gen. Mgr. Secy.-Treas. James A. Newman---- Gen. Council & Asst. Secy. Electric Power Board: W. C. Baird (chairman), J. C. Bradford, Leon Gilbert, Martin A. Hayes, J. Truman Ward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $15,048,631 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,330, 530 Number of Electric Customers---------- 54, 224 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 344, 137, 245 Communities Served at Retail: Population Antioch----------------------------------- 300 Belle Meade------------------------------ 2,061 Brentwood-------------------------------- 350 Donelson-------------------------------- 2,000 Dupontonia------------------------------- 950 Edenwold ------------------------------- 300 Goodlettsville----------------------------- 1, 200 Hendersonville---------------------------- 415 Hermitage-------------------------------- 250 Madison---------------------------------- 4,000 Nashville--------------------------------- 167, 402 Old Hickory------------------------------ 8, 757 Rayon City------------------------------- 800 Bidgetop--------------------------------- 351 41–648 *Newbern Light Plant * Newbern, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. B. Hicks--------------------------------- Supt. Mayor & Aldermen: M. D. Fry, C. H. Hollart, E. Holman, W. J. Houston, Era Simmons, J. M. Swinderf, C. S. Thompson (mayor) fMember of Water & Light Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $62,513 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $10,350 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 473 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 503, 950 Community Served at Retail: Population Newbern sº gº gº -- 1,740 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–649 *Newport Electric System * P. O. Box 510, Newport, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. D. Stokely------------------------------- Supt. Jas. S. Franks------------------------ Bookkeeper Board of Public Utilities: B. R. Carmichael, Hugh Gray (chairman), A. G. Holland (Secy.). The following data are for the period Feb. 5 to June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $261,837 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $24, 287 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 313 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,466, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Newport----------------------------------- 3, 575 Also Renders: Water Service. 41-654 *Board of Public Utilities, City of Paris " Paris, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 747 Principal Electric Utility Officials: - W. C. Leach-------------- Chairman of the Board John Sweeney --Supt. Board of Public Utilities: J.M. Freeman, W. C. Leach (chairman), T. M. McSwain, tº he following data are for the year ended June 30, 41: - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $437, 696 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $110,284 Number of Electric Customers 2, 110 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 6, 577,928 *Communities Served at Retail: Population Paris * - sº ºn 6, 395 Puryear------------------------------------- 368 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–658 *Pulaski Light & Water Department * Pulaski, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Erskine Sharp----------------------------- Mayor J. B. Abernathy - - - - - Chairman Light Committee M. S. Church------- Chairman Water Committee W. L. Anderson------------- Supt. Water & Light The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $350, 238 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $136, 544.' Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 431 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 11, 244,900 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ardmore 700 Bethel------ 250 Campbellsville------------------------------ 250 Elkton 250 Lynnville 374 Minor Hill 300 Prospect Station 280 Pulaski * = = sº m as sº tº as sº * * * * * * * * * = as wº 5, 314 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–660 *Ripley Power and Light Company ” Ripley, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Joe M. Tucker, Sr-------------------------- Mayor W. T. Moore--------------------- Recorder-Treas. W. C. Reed---------------------------------- Supt. RJtility Committee: C. J. Bussey, H. M. Wilson. toº." following data are for the year ended June 30, 1: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $256, 218 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,999 Number of Electric Cust * 1, 513 {Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 580 Steam-------- * 500 Internal Combustion 80 Energy available in year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3,889, 782 Generated.------------------------------ 119,852 Purchased------------------------------ 3,769, 930 Communities Served at Retail: Population ates--------------------------------------- 383 Halls l, 511 Henning 415 Ripley 2,784 Also Renders: Ice and water service. 41–662 *Rockwood Electric Utility “ Rockwood, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. Harmon Supt. Power Board: J. H. Albertson (chairman), Ham- mond Fowler (general counsel), John S. Howard, Will Ed Lawrence, Harry Molyneux (Secy.-treas.). The following data are for the period from June 30 to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $139, 566 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34,997 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,442 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...If 2,283,600 Communities Served at Retail: Population KingSton- as s sº mº m * * * * * * * agº sº gº nº sº was s = º º ºs 880 Rockwood---- ---- 3,981 41–664 *Sevier County Electric System * Sevierville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. C. Blair--------------------------------- Supt. Carl H. Roberts---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Board of Public Utilities: Roy Cox, Fred C. Law- Son, R. C. Robertson (chairman). The following data are for the period Feb. 5 to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $154,000 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $44,430 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,078 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 597,824 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gatlinburg--------------------------------- 1, 100 Pigeon Forge------------------------------- 315 Sevierville---------------------------------- 1, 161 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–665 *Shelbyville Power System * Shelbyville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: P. J. Scudder Power Board: J. E. Huffman, E. B. Maupin, C. M. Thompson. Mgr.-Treas. 748 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the period from Aug. 16, 1939 through June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $341, 604 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $169, 574 Number of Electric Cust zºº 1,871 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 19, 361, 719 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelbyville 6, 537 41–669 *Somerville Water and Light Plant * Somerville, Tenn. * Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Val- ley Authority. Communities Served at Retail: Population Macon 250 Moscow - 309 Oakland------------------------------------ 251 Somerville 1, 570 41–680 *Springfield Department of Electricity Springfield, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. R. Nixon.----------------------- Mgr. & Supt. F. E. Butte---------------- Cashier & Accountant Governing Body: W. B. Haynes (com. of utilities), H. D. Moore (com. of schools), J. E. Powell (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $171,500 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $100,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,366 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4, 950, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Springfield--------------------------------- 6,668 41—682 *Board of Public Utilities, Town of Sweetwater * Sweetwater, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. K. Jones---Chairman Board of Public Utilities J. H. Wright, Vice Chairman Board of Public Utilities R. L. Williams------- Commissioner City Council S. J. Randall-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. J. G. Engleman---------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. R. Tennyson.--------------------- Supt. of Plant The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $128,640 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $55, 581 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,065 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 3, 937, 589 Community Served at Retail: Population Sweetwater 2,593 41–685 *Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Gordon R. Clapp---------------------- Gen. Mgr. Wm. C. Fitts, Jr.----------- Gen. Counsel & Secy. E. L. Kohler * - sº mº -- Comptroller Directors: David E. Lilienthal, Harcourt A. Mor- gan (chairman), James P. Pope. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $326,348, 357 Electric Operating Revenues: Total -- a $15,271, 460 In Tennessee----------------------- $11,769,076 a Includes $279,997 not assignable to states. Number of Electric Customers: Total------------------------------ - 8, 217 In Tennessee----------------------- 6,068 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------- 851, 118 Steam------------------------------ 108,888 fydro------------------------------ 741, 535 Internal Combustion--------------- 695 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 4,398,318,861 Generated-------------------------- 4,043,383,333 Purchased-------------------------- 5, 385,658 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 349, 549,870 Communities Served at Retail: Population Copperhill---------------------------------- 1,005 Norris-------------------------------------- 1,000 Pickwick Village--------------------------- 525 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITIES: Arkansas Power & Light Co. Bells Light & Water Co. - Commonwealth and Southern Corporation. Tennessee Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Athens Board of Public Utilities. *Benton County Board of Public Utilities. *Bolivar Electric Department. *Brownsville Department of Electricity. *Carroll County Electrical Department. *Chattanooga Electric Power Board. *Clarksville Department of Electricity. *Cleveland Electric System. *Clinton Power Commission. *Columbia Power Systern. *Cookeville Water and Light Plant. *Dayton Electric Light Plant. - *Town of DiokSOn. *Ducktown Citizens Electric Light and Power Company. *Etowah Utilities Department. *City of Fayetteville. *Franklin Power and Light Company. *Friendship Light and Water Company. *Gallatin Department of Electricity. *Harriman Power Department. *Humboldt Electric Utility. *Jackson Electric Department. *Kentucky-Tennessee Light and Power Com- pany. *City of Knoxville Electric Department. *I/a Follette Electric Department. *City of Lawrenceburg Electric System. *City of Lebanon. *Lenoir City Water and Light Department. *Lewisburg Light and Power Department. *Lexington Electric System. *Loudon Power and Light Company. *Maryville Electric System. *McMinnville Electric System. *Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division. *Milan Electricity Department. *Mount Pleasant Power System. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 749 {Jtilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Murfreesboro Electric Department. *Nashville Electric System. *Newbern Light Plant. *Newport Electric System. *Paris Board of Public Utilities. *Pulaski Light and Water Department. *Ripley Power and Light Company. *Rockwood Electric Utility. *Sevier County Electric System. *Shelbyville Power System. *Somerville Water and Light Plant. *Sweetwater Board of Public Utilities. *Trenton Light and Water Plant. *Tullahoma Water and Light Department. *Weakley County Municipal Electric System. *Winchester Power System. *Cumberland Electric Membership Corpora- tion - *IDuck River Electric Membership Corporation. *Gibson County Electric Membership Corpora- tion. *Lincoln County Electric Membership Corpora- tion. *Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative. *Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Cor— poration. *Pickwick Electric Membership Corporation. *Plateau Electric Cooperative. *Sequachce Valley Electric Cooperative. *Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation. *Tennessee Utilities Corporation. *Tippah Electric Power Association. *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation. *Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Cor- poration. *Volunteer Electric Cooperative. See Also: Operations reported under Alabama (01–655), Georgia (10–659), Kentucky (16–625), Mississippi (23–688), and North Carolina (32-731). 41–691 *Trenton Light & Water Plant* City Hall Bldg., Trenton, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. E. Cunningham-------------------- City Engr. City Council: L. B. Adams, Joe Freedf, T. C. Harbertf, Malcolm Jetton, J. O. Long, R. H. PatterSoni, W. E. Seat (mayor). fMember of Water and Light Committee. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 41: $111,974 $49,825 Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- Number of Electric Customers----------- 846 Generating Capacity; Kilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 2 Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,735, 809 Community Served at Retail: Population Trenton------------------------------------ 3, 400 Also Renders: Water Service. 41—702 *City of Tullahoma Light & Water Dept. Lincoln St., Tullahoma, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. H. Sanders------------------------------- Supt. Light and Water Committee: Don B. Campbell (mayor), J. M. Carney (chairman), T. E. Richard- son, O. D. Wiseman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $124, 287 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $69,016 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 1,363 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 712,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Tullahoma----------------------------- 4, 549 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–713 *Corporation of Union City City Hall, Union City, Tenn. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. M. Miles Mayor Commissioner D. A. Box----------------- Finance Commissioner L. H. McAdoo--------------- Street Commissioner D. W. Harris-------------------------- City Clerk ſº following data are for the year ended Jan. 20, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $530, 310 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $134,336 Number of Electric Cust * : 2,411 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,857, 174 Community Served at Retail: Population Union City--------------------------------- 7,256 Also Renders: Water Service. 41–716 *Weakley County Municipal Electric System * Martin, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: Hall Arnold Light Commission: J. C. Ammons (chairman), Geo. #. lºoks, A. W. Gaylord, Tom Grooms, J. C. atler. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $206, 953 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87,654 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 214 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4, 249,660 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bradford------------------------------------ 612 Dresden------------------------------------ 1, 115 Gleason------------------------------------- 883 Greenfield---------------------------------- 1, 509 Martin------------------------------------- 3, 587 Sharon-------------------------------------- 586 41–720 *Winchester Power System * Winchester, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. W. Pritchard Supt. 750 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Aldermen: Claude Franklin, J. F. Gregory, Floyd Hinshaw, Chas. Knies, Jas. R. Norton (mayor), Ed Wenger. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $189, 316 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44, 421 Number of Electric Customers------------ 950 Population Community Served at Retail: - 2,760 Winchester- Also Renders: Water Service. 41—805 *Appalachian Electric Cooperative” Jefferson City, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Alex. Chavis-------------------------------- PreS. Alfred Swann, Jr.----------------------- Vice-Pres. C. E. Piatt--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Floyd Weed-------------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: John Allen, W. P. Bell, Ben S. Catlett Carl Hudson, A. M. Nance. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $260,276 Electric Operating Revenues--- - - --------- $41,950 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 744 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,035,945 Communities Served at Retail: Population Beans Station------------------------------ 250 Dandridge---------------------------------- 488 Jefferson City------------------------------ 2, 576 New Market------------------------------- 500 Rutledge----------------------------------- 525 White Pine--------------------------------- 497 41—815 * Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation * Clarksville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. C. Jackson.------------------------------- PreS. Brady E. Lee--------------------------- Vice-Pres. O. L. Howell------------------------- Secy.-Treas. P. A. Meriwether---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: J. D. Dickerson, R. M. Felts, R. C. Marable, G. W. Nolen, W. L. Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - $831, 468 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $108, 150 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 3,845 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 117, 809 Communities Served at Retail: Population Ashland-------------------------------------- 957 Cumberland City---------------------------- 313 Green Brier----------------------------------- 795 New Providence------------------------------ 904 Saint Bethlehem------------------------------ 300 41–838 *Duck River Electric Membership Corporation * Shelbyville, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. cLean - - ----Pres. A. A. Maysilles------------------------ Vice-Pres, Dan W. Parker---------------------- Secy.-Treas. F. J. Wallheiser------------------------------ Mgr. Directors: Henry Clarke, C. H. Eblen, Carl Gil- breath, C., Frank Hardison, Jack Harrison, Ben I, Heikens, A. J. Ruch, L. O. Upton. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers ---------- 6, 849 Communities Served at Retail: Population Anderson----------------------------------- 310 Beach Grove.------------------------------ 250 Bell Buckle--------------------------------- 355 Chapel Hill--------------------------------- 39] Cornersville-------------------------------- 343 Cowan------------------------------------- 1, 461 Cºlleoka----------------------------------- 350 Pecherd------------------------------------ 868 Estill Springs------------------------------- 450 Huntland----------------------------------- 303 Lynchburg--------------------------------- 390 Manchester--------------------------------- 1, 715 Sewanee------------------------------------ 1,089 Sherwood----------------------------------- 600 Summittville------------------------------- 250 Wartrace----------------------------------- 552 41–840 *Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative * Madisonville, Tenn. * Utility has Service Contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. - Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. F. Llewellyn------------------------------ Pres. Isaac Messler--------------------------- Vice Pres. S. F. Carroll------------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. T. Dudley-------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: S. F. Carroll, James G. Garson, J. C. Gillenwater, J. F. Llewellyn, J. T. Matlock, Isaac Messler, John J. Preston, Q. O. Sloan, T. E. Walker, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $34,471 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $6,132 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 362 Community Served at Retail: Population Madisonville------------------------------- 965 41–842 *Gibson County Electric Membership Corporation * Trenton, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Garner-------------------------------- Pres H. E. Peek---------------------------- Vice-Pres V. F. Lawler------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Floyd Jones---------------------------------- Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 751. Directors: Paul N. Algee, Fred P. Flrod, J. M. Fisher, Harry C. George, Travis James, E. T. Jones, H. M. Lane, L. E. Maloney, J. N. Midyett, C. G. Moore, George W. Robertson, R. C. Tilgh- II1811. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------ $1,238,960 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $205, 458 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5,472 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ed 11, 140,089 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alamo-------------------------------------- 1, 137 Dyer - 1, 185 Friendship---------------------------------- 451 Gadsden 350 Gibson -- 284 Hornbeak----------------------------------- 382 Konton * - -- 809 Maury City -- 412 edina-------- 414 Obion -- 1, 151 Ridgely ---- 1,068 ives--------------------------------------- 481 Rutherford - 771 Tiptonville - - - - ---- 1. 503 Trimble---- 763 Troy---------------------------------------- 513 Wynnburg - - - 250 41–845 *Holston Electric Cooperative, Inc. * Rogersville, Tenn. a Utility has Service Contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Frank Testerman------------------------- ProS. Robert F. Southern------------------ Secy.-Treas. Carl B. Lyle -------------------------------- Mgr. Directors: C. L. Crosby, Burleigh Day, Samuel Hawkins, Smith Long, Samuel Roark, Robert F. Southern, J. Frank Testerman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $156, 583 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $20,374 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1,910 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bulls Gap---------------------------------- 1, 250 Church Hill-------------------------------- 300 Rogersville--------------------------------- 2,018 Russellville--------------------------------- 535 Surgionsville------------------------------- 300 Whitesburg-------------------------------- 419 41–846 *Lincoln County Electric Membership Corporation * Fayetteville, Tenn. * Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. L. Conger-------------------------------- PreS. H. A. Fowler--------------------------- Vice PreS. R. D. Cowley------------------------ Secy.-Treas. K. B. Metcalf------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for Dec. 31, 1939, or for that part of the year 1939 in which the utility operated: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,000 Number of Electric Customers 1,426 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2,646,256 Community Served at Retail: Population Petersburg - - - - 581 41–852 *Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative * Centerville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Thomas Harris. ----------------------------- PreS. Dr. W. W. Slayden.------------------ Vice-PreS. J. W. Shouse. ---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Douglas T. Bates--------------------------- Atty. Board of Trustees: Dr. G. D. Boone, Tom Cannon, H. G. DeFoe, Thomas Harris, J. H. Hickerson, Dan McCord, Jr., J. W. Shouse, W. W. Slayden, W. H. Wiseman. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 941: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $370,205 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $101,856 Number of Electric Customers 2,458 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 5, 143, 937 Communities Served at Retail: Population Centerville---------------------------------- 1,030 ºrin----- 905 Hohenwald--------------------------------- 1,086 Johnsonville-------------------------------- 354 Lindon------------------------------------- 641 Lohellville---------------------------------- 380 McEwen----------------------------------- 617 Nunnelly----------------------------------- 520 Waverly 1, 318 41–855 *The Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation * 225 N. Walnut St., Murfreesboro, Tenn. a Utility has Service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: K. T. Hutchinson.--------------------------- PreS. Home Hancock------------------------ Vice-Pres. J. W. Odom-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Trustees: J. F. Adams, W. P. Bruce, T. H. Eather- ly, J. W. Gill, S. W. Gray, S. E. McElroy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,033,284 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $200,841 Number of Electric Customers---. 5,010 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - -- 9,017, 968 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alexandria----------------------------------- 388 Christiana------------------------------------ 250 College Grove.-------------------------------- 300 Eagleville------------------------------------ 504 Fosterville------------------------------------ 311 Mount Juliet.--------------------------------- 500 Nolensville----------------------------------- 250 RockVale------------------------------------- 250 Smyrna.-------------------------------------- 493 Statesville------------------------------------ 250 Walterhill.----------------------------------- 250 Watertown----------------------------------- 908 Woodbury------------------------------------ 663 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 41—866 *Pickwick Electric Membership - Corporation* Selmer, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Hodges-------------------------------- ProS. R. B. Gooch--------------------------- Vice Pres. Lester N. Hamm---------------------------- Secy J. R. Harris-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: S. E. Burks, C. H. Duren, J. L. Gooch, M. R. Lott. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $408,081 Electric Operating Revenues--- - - - - - - - - - - - $81,838 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 604 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 611, 580 Communities Served at Retail: Population Adamsville--------------------------------- 719 Bethel Springs----------------------------- 560 Counce------------------------------------- 300 Enville------------------------------------- 300 Finger-------------------------------------- 325 Milledgeville------------------------------- 250 Selmer------------------------------------- 957 Stantonville-------------------------------- 300 41–870 *Plateau Electric Cooperative” Oneida, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. F. Cooper-------------------------------- Fres, E. C. Terry--------------------- Secy. & Treas. R. O. Price--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for Dec. 31, 1939, or for the period of the utility’s operations which were from Aug. 15, 1939, to Dec. 31, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $15,738 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1, 110 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 724, 130 Communities Served at Retail: Population Helenwood--------------------------------- 500 Huntsville---------------------------------- 400 Lancing------------------------------------ 250 New River--------------------------------- 600 Oneida------------------------------------- 1, 252 Robbins------------------------------------ 500 Sunbright---------------------------------- 500 Wartburg---------------------------------- 350 41–878 *Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative” South Pittsburg, Tenn. * Utility, has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. L. Lodge -------------------- --------- Pres. W. Hayne RoberSon-------------------- Vice PreS. H. A. Griffith------------------------------ Treas. T. T. Clepper------------------------------- Secy. Birectors: Joe Anderson, T)r. U. B. Bowden, W. J. Davidson, C. W. Gamble, Frank Warren. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $675, 143 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $128,688 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 2,847 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 24, 812,684 Communities Served at Retail: Population Coalmont---------------------------------- 300 Dunlap------------------------------------- 721 Jasper ------------------------------------- 1, 251 Monteagle---------------------------------- 582 TIlle--------------------------------------- 277 Palmer------------------------------------- 1, 228 Pikeville----------------------------------- 759 Richard City------------------------------- 1,008 Sequatchie--------------------------------- 300 South Pittsburg---------------------------- 2, 285 Tracy City--------------------------------- 1,675 Victoria------------------------------------ 260 Whitwell----------------------------------- 1,828 41—880 *Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation” Brownsville, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Eiectric Utility Official: E. H. Wright------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for Dec. 31, 1939, or for that part of the year 1939 in which the utility operated: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $111, 234 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 680 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 663,679 Communities Served at Retail: Population Atoka ------------------------------------- 255 Braden.------------------------------------ 250 Brighton------------------------------------ 299 Galloway.---------------------------------- 250 Henderson---------------------------------- 1, 771 Mason-------------------------------------- 448 Mercer-------------------------------------- 250 Munford------------------------------------ 407 Pinson-------------------------------------- 250 Stanton------------------------------------- 500 Whiteville---------------------------------- 796 41–883 *Tennessee Walley Electric Cooperative * Savannah, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Communities Served at Retail: Population Clifton------------------------------------- 700 Collinwood--------------------------------- 600 Savannah---------------------------------- 1, 504 Waynesboro-------------------------------- 768 41—885 *The Tippah Electric Power Association, Inc.” Ripley, Miss. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Communities Served at Retail: Population Middleton * = as -- 430 Pocahontas---------- 300 See Also: Principal report under Mississippi (23–865). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TENNESSEE 753 41–890 *Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation” Lafayette, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: William Parker------------------------------ Pres. J. Y. Freeman------------------------ Vice-Pres, Lee Hanes Secy.-Treas. Will Hall Sullivan--------------------------- Mgr. Directors: H. E. Alexander, Paul Brooks, J. Y. Freeman, C. A. Hammond, Lee Hanes, William Parker, J. H. Seay, E. H. Short, Vera York. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $972,012 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------------- $98, 949 In Tennessee--------------------------- $76,225 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------------- 4,805 In Tennessee--------------------------- 2,927 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4, 347,971 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bethpage----------------------------------- 250 Celina------ ---- 864 Hartsville----------------------------------- 1,095 Lafayette----------------------------------- 577 Redboiling Springs- 800 Westmoreland------------------------------ 426 Willette------------------------------------ 265 See Also: Operations reported under Kentucky (16–960). 41–895 *Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation * 109 S. Main St., Carthage, Tenn. a Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. B. Cassetty------------------------------- PreS. J. W. Jellicorse------------------------- Vice-Pres, H. W. Kemp------------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. E. Landers------------------------------ Supt. Governing Body: T. N. Amonett, J. F. Brown, J. T. Lansden, Solon McDonald, R. W. Royster, F. L. Tardy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $511, 888 322184—42—53 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $110,333 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 3, 347 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,848, 632 Communities Served at Retail: Population Algood------------------------------------- 609 Baxter-------------------------------------- 576 Buffalo Valley------------------------------ 250 Carthage----------------------------------- 1, 512 Difficult------------------------------------ 290 Dixon Springs.----------------------------- 294 Double Springs----------------------------- 250 Elmwood----------------------------------- 250 Gainsboro---------------------------------- 671 Gordonsville------------------------------- 250 Granville----------------------------------- 300 Bilham------------------------------------- 254 Lancaster---------------------------------- 250 Livingston--------------------------------- 1, 527 Monoville---------------------------------- 300 New Middleton.---------------------------- 309 North Alexandria-------------------------- 406 Pleasant Shade----------------------------- 250 Richman----------------------------------- 260 Riddleton---------------------------------- 300 Rome-------------------------------------- 315 41–900 *Volunteer Electric Cooperative * Decatur, Tenn. * Utility has service contract with Tennessee Valley Authority. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Lellard gº º sº ºn ** W. S. Bates---------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for Dec. 31, 1939, or for that part of the year 1939 in which the utility operated: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $64,300 Number of Electric Customers 3,400 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 559,006 Communities Served at Retail: Population Allardt------------------------------------- 275 Benton------------------------------------- 500 Birchwood---------------------------------- 250 Calhoun------------------------------------ 275 Charleston ---- 480 Conosauga---------------------------------- 650 Crab Orchard------------------------------- 700 Crossville----------------------------------- 1, 511 Cumberland Homesteads------------------- 900 Jamestown---------------------------------- 1,230 Mayland----------------------------------- 250 Monterey----------------------------------- 1, 742 Ravenscroft--------------------------------- 626 Riceville------------------------------------ 530 Roddy * * * º sº º ºs º ºs º sº º ºr sº º º ºs º ºr ºs º 'º º 250 Spring City--------------------------------- 1, 569 TEXAS Index - Reference Number *Agricultural and Mechanical College Power *DU-------------------------------------- —505 *Austin Water, Light, and Power Depart- ment-------------------------------------- 2–510 *Bailey County Electric Cooperative ASSO- ciation------------------------------------- –802 *Baird, Electric Light & Power Plant, City 13 Of------------------------------------------ —5 *Bandera Electric . Cooperative, Inc.-------- 42—803 *Bartlett Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- 42—805 *Bartlett Municipal Light Plant------------ 42–516 *Belfalls Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- 42—807 *Bowie-Cass Electric Cooperative, Inc.------- 42–810 *Bowie Municipal Light Plant-------------- 42–522 *Brady Water and Light Works------------- 42–528 *Brazos River Conservation and Reclamation District----------------------------------- 42–53] *Brownfield Power and Light Plant--------- 42–534 *Brownsville Water and Light Department - 42–541 Brownwood Public Service Co-------------- 4 *Bryan Municipality, The City of.---------- Bryant Power & Light Co., R. B.------------ 42—010 Buna Light and Power Company----------- 42—016 *Caldwell, City of.-------------------------- 42–553 *Canadian Light & Power Plant, City of.--- 42–559 *Cap Rock Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 42–815 Central Power and Light Company--------- 42—028 Chapman Power and Light Company------- 42—230 *Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association-------------------------------- 4 *Coleman, City of.-------------------------- *Coleman County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–825 *Comanche County Electric Cooperative ASSociation-------------------------------- *Commerce, City of ------------------------ Community Public Service Company *Cooke County Electric Cooperative ASSn--- 42–829 *Cooper Light and Power Plant------------- *Crosbyton, City of ------------------------ Dallas Power & Light Company------------ *Deaf Smith County Electric Cooperative, 4 *Dennison Project-------------------------- 2–577 *Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42-835 *Denton Municipal Water & Light--------- 42–578 *DeWitt County Electric Cooperative, Inc. - 42–838 *Electra, City of 4 El Paso Electric Company (Texas)---------- Empire Southern Service Co---------------- *Erath County Electric Cooperative Asso- ciation------------------------------------- 42—845 *Fannin County Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- 42-851 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 42–852 *Farmersville Municipal Light Plant------- *Fayette Electric Cooperative, Inc.---------- *Floydada, City of.------------------------- 4 *Floyd County Rural Electric Cooperative, 42 Freeport Sulphur Company----------------- *Garland Municipal Utilities---------------- *Gate City Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- General Public Utilities, Inc.----------------- 42—063 *Georgetown Water & Light Plant---------- 42–603 *Granbury Municipal Utilities-------------- 42–609 *Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc -- 42–863 *Greenbelt Electric Cooperative, Inc.-------- 42—864 *Greenville Municipal Utilities Dept.------- 42–615 Greggton Power & Light Co----------------- 42-068 *Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc 42—865 Reference Number Gulf Public Service Company--------------- 42—074 Gulf States Utilities Company-------------- 42—080 *Hall County Electric Cooperative, Inc.----- 42—866 *Hallettsville Municipal Utilities------------ 42–621 *Hamilton County Electric Cooperative Association-------------------------------- 42—867 *Hardin Municipal Light Plant------------- 42–549 *Hearne Municipal Plant------------------- 42–634 *Hill County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ 42—868 *Houston County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–870 Houston Lighting & Power Company --- 42-086 Humble Oil & Refining Company----------- 42–252 *Hunt-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc.______ 42-873 Imperial Sugar Company-------------------- 42–263 *J. A. C. Electric Cooperative Association___ 42-880 *Jackson Electric Co-operative, Inc. --------- Jarbee Company---------------------------- *Johnson County Electric Cooperative Asso- clation------------------------------------ 42—885 *Karnes Electric Cooperative, Inc.----------- 42—888 *Kaufman County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–892 Kirby Lumber Company- 42–285 *Lamar County Electric Cooperative Asso- Giation------------------------------------ 42—895 *Lamb County Electric Cooperative, Inc.____ 42–897 Lewis & Co., J. B.--------------------------- 42-092 *Lexington Municipal Plant---------------- 42–638 *Liberty Light & Power, City of ------_____ 42–639 *Limestone County Electric Cooperative, *---------------------------------------. 42–900 *Livingston, City of.------------------------ 42–640 *Lockhart, City of ------------------------- 42–642 *Lone Wolf Electric Co-operative, Inc._______ 42–902 *Lower Colorado River Authority___________ 42–644 *Lower Colorado River Electric Cooperative, Inº---------------------------------------- —903 *Lubbock, City of.-------------------------- 42–646 *Luling Utilities Division, City of ---------- 42–649 *Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc._________ 42–904 *Magic Valley Electric Cooperatives, Inc.____ 42–909 *Mansfield Light & Water Works___________ 42–652 *McCulloch County Electric Cooperative, 42 *9---------------------------------------- –906 *McLennan County Electric Cooperative, 119---------------------------------------- –907 *Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc.__________ 42–912 *Midwest Electric Cooperative, Inc.__ _______ 42–914 Morton Power and Light------------------- 42-097 Mullin Power & Light Service-------------- 42–103 Mustang Island Industries, Inc.-------------- 42–293 *Navarro County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–917 *Nueces Electric Cooperative, Inc.___________ 42–921 Panhandle Power & Light Company-------- 42–109 *Panola-Harrison Electric Cooperative, Inc. - 42–926 Pecos Valley Power & Light Company______ 42–115 *Pedermales Electric Cooperative, Inc. ------ 42–929 Reagan Electric Co-------------------------- 42–118 *Red Bluff Water Power Control District, El PaSo National Bank, Trustee------------- 42–660 *Robstown, City of.------------------------ 42–663 *Rusk County Electric Cooperative,Inc.-- - - 42–942 Russom Mallory Light & Power ------------ 42–119 *Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ 42–944 San Antonio Public Service Company_______ *San Augustine Light and Water Depart- Iſleſ, U-------------------------------------- 42–665 *San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Inc._ _ _ _ _ 42–946 *Sanger Light and Water WorkS_ _ __________ 42–671 *San Patricio Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ 42–948 *Seguin-Light Department, City of -------- 42–677 *Seymour Municipal Light Plant----------- 42–683 *Shiner Light and Water Department------- 42–695 755 756 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Smithville, City of ------------------------- 42–698 Southern Pine Lumber Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42–307 *South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc. - - - - 42–950 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company - - - 42–126 Southwestern Public Service Company--- - - - 42–132 *Spur Municipal Light & Power Plant------ *Stamford Electric Cooperative, Inc.--------- 42–953 *Swisher County Electric Cooperative, Inc. - 42–956 *Taylor Electric Cooperative, Inc ----------- 42–959 *Teague Light Department----------------- 42–708 *Terrell, City of ---------------------------- 42–714 Texas Electric Service Company------------ 42–138 Texas General Utilities Company----------- 42–144 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., Inc.---------------- 42—329 Texas Hydro-Electric Corporation - - - - - - - - - - Texas-New Mexico Utilities Company_ _ _ _ _ _ Texas Power & Light Company------------- 42–155 Texas Power Corporation_ _ _ _--------------- 42–161 Texas Public Service Company - - - ---------- Texas Public Utilities Corporation - - - - - - - - - - *Timpson Light and Water Department - - - - 42-720 Reference Number *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ 42–962 *Tulia Municipal Plant, City of -- - - - - - - - - - - 42–726 *Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corpor- ation-------------------------------------- 42–969 *Vernon Municipal Light Department - - - - - - 42–733 *Victoria County Electric Cooperative Com- Pâſly-------------------------------------- 42–972 Wade, M. A.-------------------------------- 42–351 *Weatherford Municipal Water and Electric Department, City of.--------------------- 42–737 *Weimar, City of --------------------------- 42–735 Wells Light & Power Co-------------------- 42–186 West Texas Utilities Company-------------- 42–190 *Wharton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–976 *Whitesboro Light and Power Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 *Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc.------------- *Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. --- 42–983 *Yoakum Municipal Utilities - - - ------------ 42–745 Zedler & Sons, C *Denotes a publicly owned utility. TEXAS 42–007 Brownwood Public Service Co. 210 Brown St., Brownwood, Tex. Principal Officers: R. O. Mathews----------------------------- PreS. Henry Yarbrough---------------------- Vice Pres. James M. Scott---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: R. O. Mathews, James M. Scott, Henry Yarbrough. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $111, 723 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,675 Number of Electric Customers------------ 140 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 660 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 941, 493 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownwood----------------------------- 13, 398 42—010 R. B. Bryant Power & Light Co. P. O. Box 5033, Dallas, Texas Principal Officers: Mrs. R. B. Bryant------------------------ Owner S. D. Bruton------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $16,270 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $11,237 Number of Electric Customers------------- 238 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 203,778 Communities Served at Retail: Population Crºsson-------------------------------------- 250 Pustace-------------------------------------- 513 Godley--------------------------------------- 317 42—016 Buna Light and Power Company Buna, Tex. Community Served at Retail: Population Puna----------------------------------------- 414 42–028 Central Power and Light Company Corpus Christi, Tex. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation through 65.26% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Lon C. Eſil *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PreS. J. L. Bates------------------ Operating Vice Pres. E. B. Neiswanger----------------------- Vice PreS. H. C. Loehr---------------------------- Vice Pres. W. E. Dickerson----------------------- Vice PreS. W. D. Boone - *- - - Secy.-Treas. Tom D. Pierce------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Alice Huebner------------------------ Asst. Secy. E. B. Rhodes------------------------- ASSt. Treas. J. A. Manley------------------------- ASSt. Treas. G. Menger--------- Auditor Francis V. Barstow-------------------------- Clerk Directors: J. L. Bates, W. D. Boone, James C, Bowie, Lon C. Hill, James C. Kennedy, E. B. Neiswanger, S. M. Udden. Controls: Matamoros Electric Co. (electric light & power). Ojinaga Electric Co. (electric light & power). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - ------------ $42,675, 371 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $7.561, 447 Number of Electric Customers---------- 79, 171 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.--- - - 83, 943 Steam-------------------------------- 57, 500 Y010-------------------------------- 15,000 Internal Combustion----------------- 11, 443 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours ** - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 339,801, 213 Generated---------------------------- 301.190, 262 Purchased---------------------------- 35, 272, 451 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 3, 338, 500 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Corpus Christi __ 57, 301 Del Rio------------------------- -- 13, 343 Harlingen---------------------------------- 13, 306 Paredo------------------------------------- 39, 274 McAllen---------------------------------- 11, 877 Victoria - a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11, 566 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 757 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Alamo-------------------------------------- 1,944 Alice 7, 792 Alpine------- --- 3, 866 Aransas Pass------------------------------- 4,095 Asherton * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = <= - º º 1, 538 Balmorhea--------------------------------- 1, 220 Bay City---- * * * * 6, 594 Beeville -- 6, 789 Benavides--------------------------------- 3,081 Bishop------------------------------------- 1, 329 Brackettville------------------------------- 2, 653 Carrizo Springs---------------------------- 2, 494 Columbus--------------------------------- 2, 422 Cotulla------------------------------------ 3, 633 Crystal City 6,529 Cuero * = * * 5,474 Devine------------------------------------ 1, 398 Dilley------------------------------------- 1, 244 Ponna------------------------------------- 4,712 Eagle Lake-------------------------------- 2, 124 Edcouch---------------------------------- 1, 758 Edinburg 8, 718 Edna ---- 2,724 El Campo--------------------------------- 3,906 lsa--------------------------------------- 1,006 Falfurrias ---- 1,400 Flatonia----------------------------------- 1,024 Fredericksburg 3, 544 George West------------------------------- 1,000 Goliad------------------------------------- 1,446 Gonzales------------------ •- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,722 Hebbronville------------------------------ 3,000 Ingleside as sº as * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - * 1, 200 Karnes City----- 1, 571 Kenedy --- 2, 891 Kingsville ---- 7, 782 La Feria----------------------------------- 1,644 Los Fresnos-------------------------------- 1,000 Luling------------------------------------- 4,437 Marfa 3,805 Mathis.------------------------------------ 1,950 Mercedes---------------------------------- 7,624 Mission------------------------------------ 5,982 Nixon --- 1,835 Odem------------------------------------- 1, 147 Palacios------------------------------------ 2, 288 Pearsall --- 3, 164 Pharr ---- 4, 784 Pleasanton * - -- 2,074 Port Isabel -- 1,440 Port LaVaca 2,069 Poteet as s = * * * * = s. sº *s, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2, 31. Premont---------------------------------- 1,080 Presidio------------------------------------ 1, 202 Raymondville----------------------------- 4,050 Refugio------------------------------------ 4,077 Rio Grande Cit -- 2, 283 JRobStown -- 6, 780 Rockport . 1, 729 RockSprings------------------------------- 1, 339 Roma Los Saenz--------------------------- 1, 414 Runge-------------------------------------- 1, 001 Sabinal--- * * * * * * = are sº sm º º sº mº m tas sº * * * * * 1, 768 San Benito--------------------------------- 9, 501 San Diego------- -- 2, 674 San Juan---- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* *-* *- 2, 264 Schulenburg------------------------------- 1,970 Sealy-------------------------------------- 1,800 Sinton------------------------------------- 3,770 Taft--------------------------------------- 2,686 Three Rivers------------------------------ 1, 337 Uvalde------------------------------------ 6, 679 Waelder------------ 1,018 Weslaco------------------------------------ 6,883 Woodsboro-- -- - 1,426 Yorktown--------------------------------- 2,081 250 to 1,000 population Agua Dulce-------------------------------- 485 AustWell----------------------------------- 301 Bandera 470 Bayside -: 350 Big Wells - - * = &m, sº 866 Bloomington------------------------------- 618 Bruni-------------------------------------- 750 Camp Wood------------------------------- 778 Catarina----------------------------------- 403 Charlotte---------------------------------- 400 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Christine---------------------------------- 286 Clarkwood--------------------------------- 300 Comfort----------------------------------- 713 Comstock 300 Driscoll------------------------------------ 250 Encinal------------------------------------ 960 Fort Davis--------------------------------- 666 Ganado------------------------------------ 717 Garwood----------------------------------- 400 Glidden------------------------------------ 250 Gregory - - * * * * 517 Harper *s ºr 335 Hidalgo------------------------------------ 630 Jourdanton * * * * 950 Rnippa 400 La Pryor---------------------------------- 702 Leakey------------------------------------ 475 Leesville - 285 Louise - - - * 327 Lyford------------------------------------- 891 Marathon---------------------------------- 756 Markham---------------------------------- 400 Matagorda--------------------------------- 805 Medina City------------------------------- 400 Millett------------------------------------- 300 Mirando City------------------------------ 981 Moore--- * * * * * * me as sº sº º ºs s as * = * * * *-* = * 517 Moulton----------------------------------- 643 Natalia------------------------------------ 600 Nordheim---- - - 411 North Pleasanton s 673 Oilton.------ * * * * 250 Orange Grove.------------------------------ 906 Pettus - * * * * 300 Placedo------------------------------------ 300 Portland----------------------------------- 300 Quemado----------------------------------- 314 Realitos------------------------------------ 417 Rio Hondo 804 Sandia--------------- 250 Seadrift---- 437 Skidmore---- - * & 660 Smiley--------------- - - - 515 Tivoli-------------------------------------- 300 Tuleta------------------------------------- 300 Tynan------------------------------------ - 250 Valentine--------- º 499 Wadsworth - * 250 Westhoff * * * = 500 Zapata.------------------------------------- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Chapman Power and Light Co. Matamoros Electric Co. Ojinaga Electric Co. Texas Electric Service Co. West Texas Utilities Co. B. & P. Bridge Co. O. Losoya. Mustang Island Industry. Lon C. Piper. Star County Bridge Co. C. M. Bres. Cia Servicios Publicas Formentos de ReynoS8. PUBLICLY, OWNED UTILITIES: *Brownsville Water and Light Dept. *Lower Colorado River Authority. *City of Weimar. *Bandera Co-operative. & *Jackson County Co-operative. .. *Magic Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Wharton County Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 42–034 Community Public Service Company Electric Bidg., Fort Worth, Tex. Principal Officers: R. L. B Pres. N. R. Parsons----------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. Bennetti. Smith.........----------------- W. Z. Leatherwood----Asst. Secy. 758 FEDERAL POWER COMIMISSION Directors: R. L. Bowen, P. M. Chandler, George H. Clifford, Newton P. Frye, Robert K. Hanger, Alexander Macomber. . Controls: Crystal Bottling Works (soft drinks). Post City Sewerage Company (sewage disposal). Texas Dairy Products Company (creamery). Wichita Transit Corporation (transportation). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $10,762,653 Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $2,469, 117 In Texas- - - - - - $1,637, 474 Number of Electric Customers: Total--------------------------------- 36,032 In Texas------- 25, 896 Generating Capacity: IKilowatts Total----------------------------- 23, 232 Steam-------------------------------- 7,000 Internal Combustion----------------- 16, 232 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 89, 318, 548 Generated.---------------------------- 32, 001, 921 Purchased---------------------------- 57, 316,627 , Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Angleton------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 763 Bronson------------------------------------ 1, 200 Clifton (Bosque County) -------- ----------- 1, 732 Detroit------------------------------------- 1,064 Dickinson---------------------------------- 1,000 Farmersville-------------------------------- 2, 206 Fort Stockton------------------------------ 3, 294 Gatesville---------------------------------- 3, 177 Glen Rose---------------------------------- 1,050 Goldthwaite-------------------------------- 1, 414 Hamilton----------------------------------- 2, 71 Hico---------------------------------------- 1, 242 Kermit------------------------------------- 2, 584 Leonard------------------------------------ 1, 331 Aeridian----------------------------------- 1,016 New Castle--------------------------------- 1,044 Nocona------------------------------------- 2,605 Olney-------------------------------------- 3,497 Pecos--------------------------------------- 4, 855 Perryton----------------------------------- 2, 325 Pilot Point--------------------------------- 1, 122 Saint Jo------------------------------------ 1,010 SanderSon---------- 1,875 Spearman---------------------------------- 1, 105 Strawn------------------------------------- 1, 107 Texas City--------------------------------- 5, 748 West Columbia---------------------------- 1, 573 WhiteWright------------------------------- 1, 537 Woodville---------------------------------- 1, 521 250 to 1,000 population Aubrey------------------------------------- 472 Bagwell------------------------------------ 250 Barstow------------------------------------ 558 Pells--------------------------------------- 454 Plossom------------------------------------ 858 Blue Ridge--------------------------------- 450 Bluffdale----------------------------------- 680 Plum--------------------------------------- 441 Pogata------------------------------------- 800 Booker------------------------------------- 386 Brazoria------------------------------------ 800 Pryson------------------------------------- 806 Pyers-------------------------------------- 427 Celeste------------------------------------- 730 Covington---------------------------------- 500 Crawford----------------------------------- 471 Darrouzett--------------------------------- 425 Peport------------------------------------- 822 East Columbia----------------------------- 400 East Mayfield------------------------------ 300 Eliasville----------------------------------- 800 *mory------------------------------------- 447 *ollett------------------------------------- 431 Fulbright---------------------------------- 300 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Garrison = m as amº m = * * = ºs ºs = * * * * * * * * * * *-* *-* * * * * * * 770 Gordon------------------------------------- 532 Gustine------------------------------------ 409 Hemphill----------------------------------- 739 Higgins------------------------------------- 741 Iredell-------------------------------------- 483 Ireland------------------------------------- 350 Jean---------------------------------------- 300 La Marque--------------------------------- 300 Lamkin------------------------------------ 250 League City-------------------------------- 800 Lewisville---------------------------------- 873 Lone Oak- - - - - - - - 735 Loving------------- - 350 Megargel----------------------------------- 531 Milton------------------------------------- 300 Mingus------------------------------------- 570 Montague---------------------------------- 284 Morgan------------------------------------ 503 Mount Enterprise-------------------------- 622 Osceola------------------------------------- 400 Pattonville--------------------------------- 250 Petrolia------------------------------------- 597 Point----------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - 308 Princeton----------------------------------- 564 Richland Springs--------------------------- 541 Ringgold------------------------------------ 415 Rio Vista----------------------------------- 469 Santo--------------------------------------- 500 Sweeny------------------------------------- 300 Talco--------------------------------------- 912 Tioga--------------------------------------- 638 Tolar--------------------------------------- 320 Tom Bean---------------------------------- 274 Toyah-------------------------------------- 464 Trenton------------------------------------ 634 Valley Mills-------------------------------- 803 Velasco------------------------------------ 600 Walnut Springs----------------------------- 723 Westminster-------------------------------- 290 Whitney------------------------------------ 824 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: M. J. Bertelson. Central Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Water service in Louisiana; ice service in New Mexico; and gas, ice, and water Service in Texas. See Also: Operations reported under Kentucky (16–020), Louisiana (17–028) and New Mexico (30–026). 42–039 | Dallas Power & Light Company 1506 Commerce St., Dallas, Tex. (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 70% of voting power.) Principal Officers: G. L. MacGregor--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. W. E. Holland-------------------------Vice Pres. W. G. Moore--------------------------- Vice Pres. H. B. Parris-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. H. G. Elmore---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. V. NorVell - - - - -Asst. Secy. W. A. Norton----------------------- Gen. Counsel. Directors: Frank E. Austin, H. K. Doyle, E. L. Flippen, W. E. Holland, T. E. Jackson, C. R. Jones, Geo. W. Loudermilk, G. L. MacGregor, H. B. Parris, F. M. Ryburn, Edward Titche. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $34, 175, 790 Electric Operating Revenues am sº m sº * * * * * * * * $7,057, 633 Number of Electric Customers.--------- 89, 562 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 113,750 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 759 £nergy Available in Year: Púlowatt-hours Total.-- 357, 169,200 Generated.-- 355,865,700 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 1,303, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cockrell Hill------------------------------ 1, 246 *s------------------------------------ 294, 734 Fruitdale--------------------------------- 515 Highland Park--------------------------- 10, 288 Honey Springs---------------------------- 342 Preston Hollow--------------------------- 887 University Park -- 14, 458 NJtility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Texas Power & Light Co. (interchange). 42-045 El Paso Electric Company (Texas) 213–215 N. Stanton St., El Paso, Tex. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co.) Principal Officers: P. S. Nelson--------------------------------- PreS. Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr.------------------ Vice Pres. Samuel B. Tuell------------------------ Vice PreS. P9nald.Q. Barnes---------------------- Vice PreS. Richard N. Benjamin----------------------- Secy. Leo F. Yetman--------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. E. J. Murphy------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Leon E. Jordan----------------------- Asst. Treas. Jason C. Leighton-------------------- Asst. Treas. Samuel E. Ratcliffe------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Donald C. Barnes, Edward C. Brewster, Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr., Charles W. Kellogg, Roy S. Nelson, Thomas W. Streeter, Samuel B. Tuell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---...----------- $12,301, 946 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------- $2,566,322 In Texas------------------------------ $2,552, 861 Number of Electric Customers: Total----------------------------- a 25, 373 In Texas----------------------------- 25,350 * FXcludes 3,889 customers acquired Dec. 30, 1940 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal----------------------------- 56,649 Steam-------------------------------- 56,000 Internal Combustion----------------- • 649 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 157, 324,478 Generated.---------------------------- 154, 726,678 Purchased---------------------------- 2, 597, 800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Canutillo--------------------------------- 828 Clint------------------------------------- 250 * Paso.---------------------------------- 96,810 *abens----------------------------------- 1, 623 San Flizario------------------------------ 834 Sierra Blanca----------------------------- 723 Van Horn-------------------------------- 854 Ysleta------------------------------------ 2,446 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cia. Mexicana Productora de Luz y Fuerza (Mexico). Mesilla Valley Electric Co. Also Renders: Bus and street railway service in Texas. - See Also: Operations reported under New Mexico (30–047). - 42—051 Empire Southern Service Co. 401–2 T. & P. Office Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. (Controlled by Crescent Public Service Co.) Principal Officers: Jas. W. Cryder------------------------------ PreS. Jas. A. Davis--- Vice Pres EI. P. Rainier Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. W. Cryder, J. A. Davis, H. P. Rainier. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $101,852 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $23,399 Number of Electric Customers------------ 587 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 50 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- 534, 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Bridgeport---------------------------------- 1, 735 42–057 Fort Bend Utilities Company Sugar Land, Fort Bend County, Tex. (Controlled by Imperial Sugar Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: I. H. Kempner, Jr.-------------------------- PreS. H. G. Thompson----------------------- Vice Pres. Walter F. Woodul------------- ** * * - - - - - * * * Vice PreS. Geo. Andre-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. O. Caraway---------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: I. H. Kempner, Jr., H. G. Thompson, Walter F. Woodul. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $704,472 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $284,362 Number of Electric Customers------------- 504 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)--------------- 3, 200 - Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 7, 748, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Sugar Land---------------------------- 1, 840 Also Renders: Natural gas, steam, and water Ser W1C0. 42—063 General Public Utilities, Inc. 744 Broad St., Newark, N. J. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 60.34% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: | Electric Operating Revenues: Texas only $571, 454 Number of Electric Customers: Texas only 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southwestern Public Service Co. See Also: Principal report under South Dakota (40–065). 760 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 42–068 Greggton Power & Light Co. Greggton, Tex. Principal Officers: H. A. Stephens * PreS. R. L. McKinley Vice PreS. Mrs. H. H. Howe-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Bill McKinley, R. L. McKinley, H. A. Stephens. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $30,148 Number of Electric Cust S. 464 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d-------------------------- 766,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Greggton 1,500 42—074 Gulf Public Service Company New Iberia, La. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Texas Only $380,843 Number of Electric Customers: Texas only 5, 508 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alto 1, 141 Arp -- 1, 139 Bullard 500 Frankston 1,216 Gallatin 300 Jacksonville 7, 213 Overton 2, 313 R11sk 5,699 Troup-------------------------------------- 1, 526 Whitehouse 500 See Also: Principal report under Louisiana (17-061). 42—080 Gulf States Utilities Company 362 Liberty Ave., Beaumont, Tex. (Controlled by Engineers Public through 73.69% of voting power.) Principal Officers: TOm P. Walker Pres. Donald C. Barnes Vice Pres. Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr.------------------ Vice PreS. Service Co. Harold C. Leonard Vice Pres. John G. True Vice Pres. Samuel B. Tuell Vice Pres. Richard N. Benjamin --Secy. Henry V. Faber-------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Edward J. Murphy Asst. Secy. L. Vernis Smith-------- ASSt. Treas. & Asst. Secy. Jason C. Leighton-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Leon E. Jordan ASSt. Treas. Samuel E. Ratcliffe ASSt. Treas. Thomas P. Comerford ASSt. Treas. Julius M. DeBouy- ASSt. Treas James H. Linnehan- Asst. Treas. Directors: Munger T. Ball, Donald C. Barnes, Thomas J. Hanlon, Jr., Harold C. Leonard, Charles P. Manship, Benjamin M. Musser, Will E. Orgain, C. Vernon Porter, Tom P. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $55,070,226 Electric Operating Revenues: Total $9,740, 739 In Texas $4,959, 351 Number of Electric Customers: otal 94, 632 In Texas 57, 138 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total - - - - 191, 768 Steam 190,620 Internal Combustion 1, 148 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 777,667, 559 Generated 769, 467, 427 Purchased --------------------------- 2,058, 132 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 6, 142,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Beaumont 59,061 Port Arthur 46, 140 1,000 to 10,000 population Alvin --- 3,087 Anahuac---------------------------------- 1, 250 Bremond---------------------------------- 1, 106 Caldwell---------------------------------- 2, 165 Calvert------------------------------------ 2,366 Cleveland--------------------------------- , 783 ODTOe------------------------------------ 4,624 Corrigan---------------------------------- 1, 402 Daisetta----------------------------------- 2, 200 Dayton------------------------------------ 1, 279 Doucette---------------------------------- 1,500 Franklin----------------------------------- 1,087 Griffing Park------------------------------ 1, 344 Groves------------------------------------ 3,200 Hempstead.-------------------------------- 1,674 High Island------------------------------- , 000 Huntsville_--------- ----------------------- 5, 108 Jasper------------------------------------- 3,497 Kountze-------------- 1, 200 Liberty------------------------------------ 3,087 Madisonville------------------------------ 2,095 Navasota---------------------------------- 6, 138 Nederland------- 5, 400 Orange- - 7,472 Orangefield-------------------------------- ,000 Pear Ridge-------------------------------- 1, 198 Port Acres--------------------------------- 2, 200 Port Neches------------------------------- 2,487 Saratoga----------------------------------- 1, 275 Silsbee------------------------------------ 2, 525 Somerville--------------------------------- 1,621 Sour Lake--------------------------------- 1, 504 Trinity------------------------------------ 2,217 Vidor - - - - ---- 1, 200 250 to 1,000 population Amelia 750 Anderson---------------------------------- 500 atson------------------------------------ 800 Bedias - 530 Carmona---------------------------------- 250 Chester------------------------------------ 350 China - - - - - 400 Coldspring-------------------------------- 600 Colmesneil-------------------------------- 775 Deanville---------------------------------- 350 DeVers------------------------------------ 650 Easterly----------------------------------- 250 Gause------------------------------------- 475 Goodrich---------------------------------- 600 Grayburg--------------------------------- 500 Groveton---------------------------------- 940 Hardin------------------------------------ 400 Hillister----------------------------------- 250 Hull--------------------------------------- 800 Iola---------------------------------------- 375 KOSSe-------- 881 Lakeview (Jefferson County)-------------- 852 Leggett e- 525 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 761 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population *Y*------------------------------------- 600 Aſidway----------------------------------- 515 Monroe City------------------------------ 450 Wontgomery------------------------------ 750 95°9W----------------------------------- 250 New Waverly----------------------------- 500 *one------------------------------------- 700 Wormangee-------------------------------- 535 Worth Zulch------------------------------- 425 *ichards---------------------------------- 525 Riverside---------------------------------- 300 *osedale---------------------------------- 300 Sabine Pass------------------------------- 350 Shepherd---------------------------------- 800 Shiro------------ 500 South Groveton--------------------------- 619 Stowell------------------------------------ 300 Woº-------------------------------------- 850 Wºrren.---------------------------------- 725 Willis-------------------------------------- 904 Winnie------------------------------------ 330 Woodlake--------------------------------- 525 Utilities Served at Wholesale: |PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Community Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Natural gas and steam service in Hºllana; ice manufacturing and water Service in €X3S. See Also: Operations reported under Louisiana (17–069). 42—086 Houston Lighting & Power Company Electric Bldg., Houston, Tex. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co. through 91.32% of voting power.) Principal Officers: S. R. Bertron------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H. O. Clarke------- Vice Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. Raymond E. Lee----------------------- Vice PreS. C. W. McPhail------------------------- Vice PreS. W. A. Parish - - - --Vice Pres. W. J. Aicklen-- * ºr * * _Vice Pres. R. S. Daunoy Secy.-Treas. Wm. Beneke, Jr.--------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. T. H. Wharton--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: W. J. Aicklen, J. C. Bannahan, S. R. Bertron, R. B. Boettcher, Homer L. Bruce, H. O. Clarke, R. S. Daunoy, J. C. Dionne, Hugh Echols, Jr., J. R. Farmer, Sterling Hogan, Raymond E. Lee, P. G. Maercky, C. W. McPhail, W. A. Par- ish, Randon Porter, B. C. Roberts, John T. Scott, Sam Taub, R. W. Wier, Kenneth Womack. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $56,974, 657 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $13,007, 100 Number of Electric Customers--------- 151,008 Generating Capacity: Filowatts otal * * 206, 336 Steam - - - 206,000 Internal Combustion 336 Energy Available in Year: JKilowatt-hours Total -- 785,751, 199 Generated 771,477, 372 Purchased---------------------------- 14, 273,827 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Galveston.-- 60, 862 Houston 384, 514 1,000 to 10,000 population Baytown--------------------------------- 5, 200 Bellaire----------- ** * * * * * * * * * = = − = <= = - e =s = * = = ºr 1, 124 Freeport---------------------------------- 2, 579 Galena Park------------------------------ 1, 562 Goose Creek------------------------------ 6,929 Humble---------------------------------- 1, 371 La Porte--------------------------------- 3,072 New Gulf-------------------------------- 2, 500 Pasadena--------------------------------- 3,436 Pelly------------------------------------- 3, 712 Richmond-------------------------------- 2,026 Rosenberg-------------------------------- 3, 457 Southside Place---------------------------- 1, 263 West University Place------------------- 9, 221 Wharton--------------------------------- 4, 386 250 to 1,000 population Almeda-- cº-º 320 Alta Loma------------------------------- 680 Archer Acres- 500 Beasley------ 290 Brookshire- * * 875 Channel View---------------------------- 300 Clifton (Galveston County)-------------- 300 Coady------------------------------------ 350 Crosby------- 460 CrOSS Timbers gº º ºsmº 350 Damon--- 431 Danbury_-- 300 East Bernard----------------------------- 420 Garden Villas---- 500 Glen Flora------------------------------- 465 Golden Acres :-- 350 Grand Park---------------------------- -- - - 375 Highland Farms-------------------------- 300 Highlands---- 500 Hitchcock---------- 720 Hockley---------------------------------- 285 Kashmere Gardens----------------------- 500 Katy------ - 295 Little York * as 300 Mount Belview.----- 330 Needville * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 330 Oakwood (Harris County) --------------- 350 Pierce Junction -- 300 Port Houston---------------------------- 900 Retrieve---------------------------------- 250 Rosheron--------------------------------- 250 Ryan.----- - - * - 4 º' - 350 San Felipe-------------------------------- 305 Seabrook- - º º mº º 475 South Houston--------------------------- 982 Timber AcreS_ 300 Tomball * * * * = * * 668 Waller - - * * * *m tº s ºr * *m, am * * * * * * * * = ess 585 Wallis------------ 960 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Power & I.ight Co. Community Public Service Co. Gulf States Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITY: * Lower Colorado River Authority, 42—088 Jarbee Company Aransas Pass, Tex. Principal Officers: E. D. Richmond, Jr.-------------------------Pres. Hal Parks.----------------------------- Vice Pres. R. P. Park--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Hal Parks, R. P. Park, Sam Parks, E. D. Richmond, Jr. 762 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $107, 110 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $47,052 Number of Electric Customers----------- 621 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 700 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 460,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Teer----------------------------------- 2, 346 Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water service. 42–092 J. B. Lewis & Co. Cumby, Tex. Principal Officer: J. B. Lewis - Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers.------------- 250 Generating Capacity: Filouyatts Internal Combustion 78 Communities Served at Retail: Population Campbell- 428 Cumby 642 42–097 Morton Power and Light Morton, Tex. Population 1, 137 Community Served at Retail: Orton------------------------------------- Mullin Power & Light Service TMullin, Tex. Principal Officer: D. J. Price Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $21,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $3,600 Number of Electric Customers------------- 88 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 75 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---- 60,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mullin- 404 42–109 Panhandle Power & Light Company Borger, Tex. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: Chester C. Smith---------------------------- Pres. Ludwick Graves Vice Pres. H. C. Davis-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. J. G. Cabbell----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Pgº Irvin Fane, Ludwick Graves, Chester C. mith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $6,338, 542 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,255, 641 Number of Electric Customers---------- 4, 235 Generating Capacity: JKilowatts otal----------------------------- 53,096 Steam-------------------------------- 53,000 Internal Combustion----------------- 96 Rilowatt-hours 148, 581, 401 Generated.---------------------------- 148, 543, 250 Purchased * * * * * * *m, mº m ms º ºse = * * * , 151 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alanreed------------------------------------ 263 Borger - - -- 10,018 Channing----------------------------------- 450 Gruver-------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 350 Lefors--------------------------------------- 809 |Miami-------------------------------------- 713 Mobeetle----------------------------------- 667 Stinnett 635 Wheeler------------------------------------ 848 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cimmaron Utilities Co. (Okla.). Community Public Service Co. Home Electric Co. West Texas Utilities Co. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 42–115 Pecos Walley Power & Light Company Girvin, Tex. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation through 52% of voting power.) Principal Officers: • Williams------------------------------ PreS. A. M. McKee------------------------ Secy.-Treas. L. R. Burrow --Asst. Treas. J. U. Aalto Auditor Directors: J. U, Aalto, L. R. Burrow, A. M. McKee, C. C. Rollins, Jr., R. A. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,921,095 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $317, 756 Number of Electric Customers----------- 67 Rilowatts . Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 18,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 35, 197,051 Generated----------------------------- 1,890, 000 Purchased.----------------------------- 33, 307,051 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Community Public Service Co. West Texas Utilities Co. 42–118 Reagan Electric Co. Reagan, Tex. Principal Officer: Jas. S. Harlan-- * - Owner DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,969 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,097 Number of Electric Customers------------- 99 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Reagan----------------------------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 42–119 Russom Mallory Light & Power Logansport, La. Community Served at Retail: Joaquin-------------------------------------- See also: Principal report under Louisiana (17-155). 42–121 San Antonio Public Service Company 201 N. St. Mary’s St., San Antonio, Tex. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: W. B. Tuttle-------------- Chairman of the Board Chester N. Chubb--------------------------- TeS D. A. Powell------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. R. C. Jones------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. E. C. Jolly - Secy. R. H. Gardner------------------------- Asst. Secy. T. M. Leahy-------------------------- Asst. Secy. R. E. Seng Asst. Treas. L. H. Heinke------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Chester N. Chubb, E. C. Jolly, R. C. Jones, Dr. S. T. Lowry, Walter P. Napier, Hiram Partee, D. A. Powell, Fred Reutzel, W. B. Tuttle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $22,330, 842 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $5,164,664 Number of Electric Customers---------- 79,883 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal----------------------------- 97,800 Steam-------------------------------- 96, 500 WCIT0-------------------------------- 1, 100 Internal Combustion----------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours 282,916,430 Generated---------------------------- 243,093, 930 Purchased---------------------------- 34, 958, 000 Interchanged-in (Gross)---------------- 4, 864, 500 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population San Antonio-------- 253, 854 1,000 to 10,000 population Alamo Heights * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5, 700 Boerne------------------------------------ 1, 271 Floresville-------------------------------- 1, 708 Ondo------------------------------------ 1,500 New Braunfels---------------------------- 6,976 Olmos Park------------------------------- 1,822 South San Antonio----------------------- 2,708 Terrell Hills------------------------------ 1, 236 250 to 1,000 population CastroVille-------------------------------- 325 Cibolo - 300 Converse - 250 D’EIanis - - - 275 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Falls City-------------------------------- 560 Fentress. 300 Lacoste 275 Lavernia 250 Lytle 390 Marion 373 POth 509 Schertz - - 400 Somerset 250 Stockdale - - 926 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Lower Colorado River Authority. *Seguin Electric & Water Dept. *Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Bus and gas Service. 42–126 Southwestern Gas and Electric Company 428 Travis St., Shreveport, La. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: A. Lieberman PreS. W. E. Bann Vice Pres. N. P. Heath- ---Vice Pres. Enox Lee Vice Pres. E. H. Wilson Secy. H. L. Nickerson-------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. J. F. Carroll ASSt. Treas. L. R. Williams Allditor Directors: W. E. Bann, N. P. Heath, Knox Lee, A. Lieberman, H. L. NickerSon, M. T. Walker, L. R. Williams. Controls: - Southwest Arkansas Utilities Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $30,451,026 Electric Operating Revenues: Total $7, 187, 929 In Texas $3,357, 138 Number of Electric Customers: tal 80,368 In Texas 35,268 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 54, 515 Steam - 53,000 Internal Combustion 1, 515 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total -- 320, 878, 036 Generated 260,272,231 Purchased 60, 605, 805 Communities Served at Retail: - 10,000 population or more Population Longview - - - - - 13, 758 Marshall 18, 410 Texarkana 17,019 1,000 to 10,000 population & Atlanta 2,453 Carthage 2, 178 Center 3,010 Daingerfield------------------------------- 1,032 I)e Kalb 1, 287 Gilmer 3, 138 Gladewater 4, 454 Grand Saline -- 1,641 Greggton ---- 1,500 Henderson • * -- 6, 437 764 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Jefferson----------------------------------- 2,797 Joinerville 1,500 Eilgore ---- 6, 708 T,inden * * * * *-* * * * *- º º ºs º-, 4-3 tº sº ºm - E - º º tº “ -º º 4- º º º cº- 1, 168 London y Mineola----------------------------------- 3, 223 Mount Pleasant 4, 528 Mount Vernon 1, 443 New Boston------------------------------- 1, 111 Pittsburg-------- - - 2,916 | Quitman 1,027 Turnertown 1,500 Winnsboro 2,092 250 to 1,000 population Alba----- - tº gº 675 Avery-------------------------------------- 477 Avinger-- 624 Beckville-- 453 Bettie 300 Big Sandy--------------------------------- 609 Bloomburg 471 Cason 515 Cookville 518 ary 530 Hallsville 600 Hawkins sº º me º 250 Hughes Springs 767 Leesburg----------------------------------- 325 Malld 430 Naples 821 Nash 500 Omaha------------------------------------ 623 Pickton------------------------------------ 500 Pritchett----------------------------------- 250 Queen City 321 Tatum 427 Tenaha 608 Waskom 564 Winfield 500 Winona 600 Woodlawn * * * * * 265 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Greggton Power & Light Co. Gulf Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bowie-Cass Electric Cooperative, Inc. *IDeep. East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Panola-Harrison Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Rusk County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corpora- tion. *Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Ice and water service in Arkansas; gas Service in Mississippi; and ice Service in Texas. See Also: Operations reported under Louisiana (17–167), and Arkansas (03–152). 42–132 Southwestern Public Service Company Amarillo, Tex. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co.) Pºpº Officers: - S. Makeig-------------------------------- PreS C. C. Christ Vice PreS. J. G. Ausman--------------------------- Vice PreS. W. F. Stanley --Secy.-Treas. C. C. Parker----------- Asst. Treas. & Asst. Secy. * * * * º mº Asst. Treas. Directors: J. G. Ausman, C. C. Christ, C. S. Makeig, C. C. Parker, W. F. Stanley. Controls: Arizona Electric Power Co. (electric utility). Flagstaff Electric Light Co. (electric utility). Holbrook Light & Power Co. (electric utility). Southwestern Ice Co. (ice manufacturing and Sale). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $7,851,391 Electric Operating Revenues: - Total $2,231, 671 In Texas $1,536,694 Number of Electric Customers: Total 26,994 In Texas 18, 587 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal 13,979 Steam 8, 150 Hydro 488 Internal Combustion *E* * * 5, 341 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 99, 665,858 Generated 26,955, 671 Purchased -- 72, 521,887 Interchanged (groSS-in).---------------- 188,300 Communities Served at Retail: Population Amarillo-- -- 51,686 Claude- 761 Groom- 475 McLean - 1,489 Pampa- 12,895 Panhandle-- * * * * 978 Vega-------------------------------------- 515 White Deer----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e - - - - - - - - - - - - 733 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Texas-New Mexico Utilities Co. (Interchange). West Texas Utilities Co. (Interchange). Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water Service in New Mexico. - See Also: Operations reported under New Mexico (30–159). 42–138 Texas Electric Service Company Electric Bldg., Fort Worth, Tex. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 98.97% of voting power.) Principal Officers: A. J. Duncan --PreS. R. B. Boyle------ Vice Pres., Secy. & Treas. J. B. Thomas--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Manager R. K. Hanger- __Vice PreS. W. T. Scott------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. F. W. RogerS- - - ASSt. Secy. R. E. Roberts ASSt. Treas. H. L. Battle ASSt. Treas. Directors: W. P. Bomar, R. B. Boyle, A. J. Dun- can, R. K. Hanger, W. A. Hanger, R. E. Hard- ing, R. E. Hendricks, John W. Herbert, Joe B. Hogsett, Frank Kell, John P. Kſng, J. E. Lewis, J. B. Thomas, M. C. Ulmer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $76,484,732 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $8,844,897 Number of Electric Customers--------- 98,271 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total * * * 98, 126 Steam * * * * 92,900 Internal Combustion----------------- 5, 226 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total ---- 588,663,998 Generated 439, 589,797 Purchased.---------------------------- 6,916, 144 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 142, 158,057 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 765 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Big Spring ------------------------------- 12, 604 Fort Worth------------------------------ 177,662 Sweetwater------------------------------- 10,367 Wichita Falls----------------------------- 45, 112 1,000 to 10,000 population Archer City------------------------------ 1,675 Arlington--------------------------------- 4, 240 Breckenridge----------------------------- 5,826 Burkburnett----------------------------- 2,814 Colorado--------------------------------- 5, 213 Crane------------------------------------ 1,420 De Leon---------------------------------- 1,971 Eagle Pass------------------------------- 6,459 Eastland--------------------------------- 3,849 Electra----------------------------------- 5,588 Gorman---------------------------------- 1, 157 Graham---------------------------------- 5, 175 Grand Prairie---------------------------- 1, 595 Handley---------------------------------- 1, 500 Henrietta--------------------------------- 2, 391 Iowa Park-------------------------------- 1,980 Lamesa.----------------------------------- 6,038 Midland--------------------------------- 9, 352 Monahans-------------------------------- 3,944 O'Donnell--------------------- ----------- 1, 187 Odessa.----------------------------------- 9, 573 Ranger----------------------------------- 4, 553 Roscoe----------------------------------- 1, 166 Seymour--------------------------------- 3,328 Snyder----------------------------------- 3,815 Stanton---------------------------------- 1, 245 Wink------------------------------------- 1,945 250 to 1,000 population Aledo------------------------------------ 468 Andrews--------------------------------- 611 Arcadia Park----------------------------- 400 Bellevue---------------------------------- 503 Birdville--------------------------------- 250 Bomarton--------------------------------- 250 Burleson--------------------------------- 573 Caddo------------------------------------ 500 Carbon----------------------------------- 459 Coahoma--------------------------------- 574 Crowley---------------------------------. 3.18 Dalworth Park--------------------------- 534 Dundee---------------------------------- 300 Everman--------------------------------- 300 Forest Hill------------------------------- 250 Forsan----------------------------------- 350 Garden City----------------------------- 250 Hermleigh-------------------------------- 404 Holliday--------------------------------- 798 Loraine----------------------------------- 700 Olden------------------------------------ 400 Royalty---------------------------------- 500 South Bend------------------ ------------ 500 Vashti------------------------------------ 275 Westbrook------------------------------- 512 White Settlement------------------------ 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Community Public Service Co. Ector County Utilities Co. Texas Power & Light Co. West Texas Utilities Co. (Interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Cap Rock Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Ft. Belknap Electric Cooperative, Inc. *J. A. C. Electric Cooperative Assn. *Lone Wolf Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Midwest Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Red Bluff Water Power Control District. *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–144 Texas General Utilities Company Kirbyville, Tex. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Company.) Principal Officers: R. Hall---------------------------------- Pres. H. B. Carroll------------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. P. W. Bunch Secy. Directors: P. W. Bunch, H. B. Carroll, P. R. Hall. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $203,942 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $29,600 Number of Electric Customers------------ 465 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 204 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 521, 143 Generated 3, 140 Purchased.--- 518,003 Communities Served at Retail: Population Kirbyville 1,088 Newton 800 Also Renders: Ice Service. 42–150 Texas Hydro-Electric Corporation 114 N. Austin St., Seguin, Tex. Pººl Officers: . Donegan ---PreS. & Treas. Carroll E. Gray, Jr.------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. W. S. Gideon---------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. G. T. Failey------------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. O. D. Buck ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Ralph B. Buell, C. H. Donegan, W. S. Gideon, Carroll E. Gray, Jr., Chas. B. Wiggin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2, 149,816 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $161, 780 Number of Electric Cust sº 2 * Fºil0twatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 7, 200 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated 21, 570, 700 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Power & Light Co. San Antonio Public Service Co. 42–152 Texas-New Mexico Utilities Company 114 W. Seventh St., Plainview, Tex. (Controlled by Community Power & Light Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: A. R. WatsOn Pres. EI. L. Allen Vice Pres. H. M. Olsen Vice Pres. D. S. Caldwell Vice Pres. G. EI. Carter- Vice Pres. J. L. Davidson ------------------------ Vice Pres. W. H. Timm Secy. Alfred Healey–- ---Treas. E. Dale Chambers Asst. Secy. S. D. Williford Asst. Secy. D. M. Norris ASSt. Treas. K. R. Teele------ ----ASSt. Treas. A. A. Chamberlain-----ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 766 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: H. W. Briggs, G. H. Carter, J. L. David- son, H. M. Olsen, A. R. Watson, J. T. Woodward, L. E. Yeager. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $12,043,087 Electric Operating Revenues: Total - $2,252,011 In Texas $1,965,710 Number of Electric Customers: Total 29,409 In Texas 25, 323 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 28, 510 Steam 18, 800 Internal Combustion 9,710 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total 93,998,458 Generated 80, 176, 729 Purchased - 13,821, 729 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Lubbock 31,853 1,000 to 10,000 population Canyon - 2,622 Coolidge --- 1, 102 Crosbyton 1,615 Denver City 2,500 Fairfield ---- 1,047 Floydada 2,726 Groesbeck 2, 272 Hereford. -- 2, 584 Levelland 3,091 Littlefield 3,817 Lockney 1, 231 Lott 1,021 Marlin 6, 542 Mart 2,856 Maxia 6,410 Muleshoe---------------------------------- 1,327 Otto 1,000 Plainview 8, 263 POSt 2,046 Ralls 1, 512 ROSebud 1,842 Seagraves 3, 225 Seminole 1,761 Slaton 3, 587 Tahoka 2, 129 Teague 3, 157 Wortham - 1, 267 250 to 1,000 population Abernathy 847 Amherst 749 Anton 548 Ben Arnold 250 Bovina 505 Burlington 415 Chilton 350 Dimmitt 943 Earth 368 Farwell 508 Friona 803 Hale Center--- 836 Happy 576 Idalou 503 Lorenzo 616 Meadow - 408 Olton - 782 Perry 400 Petersburg 496 Riesel 433 Ropesville--- 257 Shallowater 287 Silverton 684 Southland 280 Sudan------------------------------------ 974 Tehuacana 408 Thornton 745 Travis 300 Wilson 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Plains Power and Light Co. Southwestern Public Service Co. Whiteface Power and Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bailey County Electric Cooperative Assn. *Deaf Smith County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Floyd County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Lamb County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Limestone County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Ice service in Texas, and water service in New Mexico. See Also: Operations reported under New Mexico (30–168). 42–155 Texas Power & Light Company 620 Interurban Bldg., Dallas, Tex. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 96.77% of voting power.) Principal Officers: W. Carpenter PreS. W. H. Thomson Vice PreS. W. W. Lynch Vice PreS. Ted B. Ferguson, Vice Pres. Chg. Advertising Dept. Edward T. Keck, Vice Pres. Chg. Engineering & Power G. B. Richardson, Vice Pres. Chg. Residential, Farm Sales & Merchandising Geo. R. Marrs ASSt. Vice Pres. W. B. Wright- ASSt. Vice PreS. J. E. Van Horn: Secy.-Treas. W. G. Burnett ----------- ASSt. Secy.-ASSt. Treas. C. S. FOSter ASSt. Treas. Frost Justiss ASSt. Treas. Directors: Nathan Adams, R. B. Albaugh, E. L. Ashcroft, Tyree L. Bell, W. R. Brents, J. W. Carpenter, Tom H. DeLay, L. L. Edwards, S. G. Gernert, Lewis Johnson, Thos. Johnson, Edw. T. Keck, Ernest L. Kurth, W. W. Lynch, Allen F. Mitchell, Pat M. Neff, Jo. W. Patterson, Maury Robinson, H. L. Seay, W. H. Thomson, J. E. Van Horn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $82,426,062 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $11,020, 256 Number of Electric Customers--------- 138,039 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 96, 940 Steam 94, 990 Internal Combustion 1,950 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 670,977,049 Generated 580,222,420 Purchased 76, 752,429 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 14,002, 200 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Brownwood- 13, 398 Cleburne 10, 558 Corsicana 15, 232 Denison 15, 581 Palestine- 12, 144 Paris– 18,678 Sherman- 17, 156 Temple 15, 344 Terrell--------------- 10,481 Tyler 28,279 Waco 55,982 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 767 Communities Served at Retail: Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population 250 to 1,000 population Population Alvarado--- 1, 324 Cedar Hill 476 Athens- 4,765 Celina 994 Bartlett - 1,668 Centerville- 900 Belton 3, 572 Chandler 630 Bonham 6,349 Chico -- 642 Cameron- 5,040 Chireno- 500 Clarksville--- 4,095 Collinsville 653 Comanche 3, 209 Como----- 412 Commerce 4, 699 Copperas Cove 356 Cooper- 2, 537 Crandall.-- 650 Crockett- 4, 536 Cushing 473 Dawson- ---- 1, 155 Dodd City- 308 Decatur- 2, 578 Douglass- 300 Dublin 2, 546 Duncanville 300 Elgin 2,008 Ector 457 Ennis- 7,087 Eddy 407 Ferris- 1, 436 Edgewood--- 738 Forney 1, 295 Elkhart 751 Gainesville- 9, 651 Emhouse 281 Garland 1, 233 Tènloe - 275 Granger- 1,723 Farmers Branch 317 Grapeland 1, 327 Florence 476 Grapevine--------------------------------- ,043 Frisco- 670 Hillsboro 7, 799 Frost 671 Honey Grove 2, 456 Graford- 804 Hubbard 1,871 Grandview 823 Irving-- - 1,089 Gunter-- 481 Italy- , 224 Holland- 74.1 Itasca- 1, 759 ELowe- 546 Jacksboro-- 2, 368 Huntington.------------------------------- 969 TKaufman 2,654 Hutchins 530 Kemp------------------------------------- 1, Hutto- 597 KerenS 1, 287 Irene- - 267 TCilleen 1, 263 Jewett 515 Tadonia 1,279 Josephine 350 Lancaster-- 1, 151 Joshua-- 675 Lufkin- 9, 567 Justin- 450 Malakoff- 1, 200 Keene - 500 McGregor 2,062 Keller- 400 McKinney- 8, 555 KeltyS.-- - - 399 Mesquite---------------------------------- 1,045 Krum- 475 Midlothian 1,027 Lindale 820 Mineral Wells 6,303 Lipan- 375 Nacogdoches- 7, 538 Lorena- 500 Oakwood (Leon County) ------------------ 1,086 Lovelady 542 Plano -- 1, 582 Mabank---------- 988 Rockdale-- 2, 136 Malone . 429 Rockwall 1, 318 Marquez- 381 Round Rock- 1, 240 Maypearl-- 377 Royse City 1, 190 McDade 400 Stephenville 4, 768 Melissa 375 Sulphur Springs 6, 742 || Mertens 251 Taylor- 7,875 Milano 291 Van -- 1,000 Milford 767 Van Alstyne 1,650 Millsap 815 Waxahachie- 8,655 Moody------------------------------------ 931 West 1,979 Mount Calm 525 Wills Point 1,976 Muenster--- 599 Wolfe City- 1,339 Murchison- 407 250 to 1,000 population §. ; Abbott 264 Newark------ 300 Allen 450 Oglesby- 390 Alvord- 821 Palmer 697 Anna 509 Palo Pinto - - 482 Annona- 446 Paradise 400 Avalon 310 Pecan Gap- 409 Bangs- 756 etty 300 Bardwell- 266 Pflugerville 500 Barry- 275 Pottsboro — — 342 |Ben Franklin - - * * 300 Powell- - 255 Ben Wheeler- 400 Prairie Hill 262 Blanket- 327 Proctor 325 Blooming Grove 821 Prosper 271 Boyd 496 Purdon 262 Brashear- 500 Quinlan- 677 Briggs 520 Red Oak- 340 BrookSton 275 Rhome 340 Brownsboro - 640 Rice----, 489 Buckholts 515 Richardson 720 Buffalo * * 737 Richland 369 Bynum - - - 370 || Roanoke- - 485 Caddo Mills 390 Rogers - - - 911 Canton 715 Rosser------------------------------------- 350 Carrollton 921 Roxton 975 Castle Heights----------------------------- 319 Salado 350 768 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 42–1 67 250 to 1,000 population Population te e ši ... gos, Texas Public Service Company eago W1110- * * * * 760 Slidell tº gº º ºs 275 422 Congress Ave., Austin, Tex. Springtown-------------------------------- 500 §. III 3g2 (Controlled by Peoples Light and Power Company Sulphur Bluff-- 300 through 100% of voting power.) SunSet - - - tº ºs º º £3 | Principal Officers: Tºdale a sm sº sº m = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; William Lawlor, Jr. Pres. #. 36 || Rock G. Taber ----Vice Pres. Trinidad - - * * * * º William E. Wood---------------------- Vice PreS. Troy-------------------------------------- 59 || Ralph Kilday ----Secy. Urbandale (Urban) 250 | Arthur B. Hill.IIII Treas W. § Martin B. Pigott------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. 19kery--------- * == 5 | Ernest I. Doe. Asst. Secy. Wilmer----- 350 Robert B. Small AsSt. Treas. Wiśī; tº ºs = º mº º #| Kenneth E. Teel...I.I.I.I.I.I.I. Asst. Treas. Wylie- 914 Norman W. Croslin- Auditor Yantis 250 | Directors: Howard M. Erskine, William Lawlor, Zephyr 500 Jr., Walter. G. Mortland, David S. Soliday, Utilities Served at Wholesale: Merritt H. Taylor. Pº, ºries: The following data are for the year 1940: , B. Bryant Power 1g 0. 4. e tº tº Community Public Service Co. Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $183,486 Dallas Power & Light Co. (Interchange). Electric Operating Revenues------------- $45,720 Empire Southern Service Co. e Gulf Public Service Co. Number of Electric Customers----------- 845 C. EI. Jenkins. e & * +wre Pºilowatt Southwestern Gas and Electric Co. Gºłºś. . Texas Electric Service Co. Texas-New Mexico Utilities Co. Texas Public Utilities Corporation. Wells Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bartlett Electric Co-operative, Inc. *Belfalls Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Comanche County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Cooke County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Erath County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Fannin County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc. - *Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Hill County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Johnson County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Kaufman County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Lamar County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Lower Colorado River Authority. *McLennan County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Navarro County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Wise County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–161 Texas Power Corporation 114 N. Austin St., Seguin, Tex. Principal Officers: F. G. Chamberlain-------------------------- T’res. Edward P. Smith---------------------- Vice PreS. C. H. Donegan-------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. F. Boake----------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. O. D. Buck-------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: C. F. Boake, F. G. Chamberlain, Quido Dittmar, C. H. Donegan, W. S. Gideon, H. S. Hunt, Edward P. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,538, 314 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $207, 195 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 8,880 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 27,626,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTII,ITY: San Antonio Public Service Co. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2, 910, 512 Generated.------------------------------ 9, 212 Purchased.------------------------------ 2,901, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population La Grange---- 2, 531 lutility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Smithville Light & Water Dept. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and water service. 42–173 Texas Public Utilities Corporation 620 Interurban Blog., Dallas, Tex. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co through 99.98% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. W. Carpenter --Pres. W. EI. Thomson --Vice Pres. E. D. Brodhead --Vice Pres. W. W. Lynch -Vice Pres. R. B. Boyle Vice PreS. J. B. Thomas- ----Vice Pres. Geo. R. Marrs-------------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. W. B. Wright- ASSt. Vice Pres. J. E. Van Horn---------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. G. Burnett.--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. T. Scott------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. E. RobertS---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. C. S. FOSter ASSt. Treas. Directors: E. D. Brodhead, J. W. Carpenter, Geo. R. Marrs, J. B. Thomas, W. H. Thomson. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $3,299, 523 Electric Operating Rev * = $88,767 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 588 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 440 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 3, 100, 500 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 769 Population 5,924 Community Served at Retail: Weatherford-------------------------------- Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Tri-County Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 42–186 Wells Light & Power Co. Wells, Tex. Principal Officers: G. H. Dowling------------------------------- Pres. J. W. Dowling-------------------------- Vice Pres. Mrs. Lena Townsend----------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,500 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $8,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 190 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------------- 90 Community Served at Retail: Population Wells----------------------------------------- 696 42–190 West Texas Utilities Company Abilene, Tex. (Controlled by Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: Price Campbell------------------------------ Pres. F. W. Schroeder------------------------ Vice Pres. Dan A. Gallagher--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Arthur S. Harker---------------------- ASSt. Secy. C. C. Sellers-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. R. M. Wolfe------------------------------ Auditor Directors: Price Campbell, P. W. Campbell, L. P. Cook, Dan A. Gallagher, Chas. W. Hobbs, F. W. $ºder, W. G. Swenson, J. M. Wagstaff, R. M. Ołłę. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-...----------------- $33,297, 630 Electric-Operating Revenues------------ $5,056,964 Number of Electric Customers---------- 52,273 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total----------------------------- 52,082 Steam-------------------------------- 45,000 Internal Combustion----------------- 7,082 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 289, 753, 522 Generated.---------------------------- 277,777,634 Purchased.---------------------------- 8, 714, 688 Interchanged-in (gross).-------------- 3, 261, 200 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Abilene------------------------------------ 26, 612 San Angelo-------------------------------- 25, 802 1,000 to 10,000 population Albany------------------------------------ 2, 230 Anson------------------------------------- 2, 338 Aspermont-------------------------------- 1,041 Baird-------------------------------------- 1, 810 Ballinger----------------------------------- 4,472 ChildreSS---------------------------------- 6, 464 Chillicothe-------------------------------- 1, 423 Cisco-------------------------------------- 4,868 Clarendon--------------------------------- 2, 431 322184—42——54 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Cross Plains------------------------------- 1, 229 Crowell----------------------------------- 1,817 Dalhart----------------------------------- 4,682 Dumas------------------------------------ 2, 117 Eden-------------------------------------- 1,603 Eldorado---------------------------------- 1, 530 Hamlin------------------------------------ 2, 406 Haskell------------------------------------ 3,051 Iraan-------------------------------------- 1,600 Junction----------------------------------- 2,086 Knox City--------------------------------- 1, 127 Mason.------------------------------------ 2,000 Matador---------------------------------- 1, 376 McCamey--------------------------------- 2, 595 Memphis.---------------------------------- 3, 869 Menard----------------------------------- 2, 375 Merkel------------------------------------ 2,005 Munday---------------------------------- 1, 545 Ozona------------------------------------- 2, 149 Paducah---------------------------------- 2, 677 Quanah----------------------------------- 3,767 Rising Star-------------------------------- 1, 198 Rotan------------------------------------- 2,029 Rule-------------------------------------- 1, 195 Santa Anna------------------------------- 1,661 Shamrock--------------------------------- 3, 123 Sonora------------------------------------ 2, 528 Spur-------------------------------------- 2, 136 Stamford---------------------------------- 4,810 Throckmorton----------------------------- 1, 133 Vernon------------------------------------ 9, 277 Wellington-------------------------------- 3, 308 Winters----------------------------------- 2,335 250 to 1,000 population AV008------------------------------------- 250 Barnhart---------------------------------- 420 Benjamin--------------------------------- 599 est--------------------------------------- 750 Big Lake---------------------------------- 763 Blackwell--------------------------------- 500 Bradshaw--------------------------------- 300 Bronte------------------------------------ 754 Buffalo Gap------------------------------- 306 Carlsbad---------------------------------- 400 Christoval--------------------------------- 554 Clyde------------------------------------- 800 Dickens----------------------------------- 465 Dodsonville (Dodson).--------------------- 357 Estelline---------------------------------- 603 Eulla-------------------------------------- 300 Flomot------------------------------------ 360 Gasoline----------------------------------- 300 Girard------------------------------------- 350 Girvin------------------------------------- 250 Goodlett---------------------------------- 300 Goree-------------------------------------- 425 Grayback--------------------------------- 400 Harrold.----------------------------------- 340 Hartley----------------------------------- 300 Headley----------------------------------- 637 Jayton------------------------------------ 770 Kirkland---------------------------------- 680 Lakeview (Hall County) ------------------ 330 Lawn-------------------------------------- 306 Lelia Lake--------------------------------- 360 Lockett------------------------------------ 250 Lueders------------------------------------ 650 àY--------------------------------------- 500 McAdoo----------------------------------- 400 McCaulley-------------------------------- 350 Medicine Mound-------------------------- 300 Melvin------------------------------------ 500 Mertzon----------------------------------- 869 Miles-------------------------------------- 814 Moran------------------------------------- 710 Newlin------------------------------------ 300 Nimrod------------------------------------ 250 Norton------------------------------------ 260 Odell-------------------------------------- 301 Old Glory--------------------------------- 300 OValo------------------------------------- 400 Paint Rock------------------------------- 500 Pioneer------------------------------------ 400 Putnam----------------------------------- 487 Quitaque---------------------------------- 763 770 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Rankin----- ------------------------------- 672 Roaring Springs--------------------------- 514 Robert Lee-------------------------------- 662 Roby-------------------------------------- 904 Rochelle----------------------------------- 600 Rochester---------------------------------- 611 ROWena----------------------------------- 550 Sagerton----------------------------------- 300 Scranton---------------------------------- 250 Sheffield.---------------------------------- 300 Sterling City------------------------------ 886 Stratford---------------------------------- 877 Swenson----------------------------------- 350 Sylvester---------------------------------- 405 Talpa------------------------------------- 254 Tell--------------------------------------- 400 Texline------------------------------------ 385 Thalia------------------------------------- 500 Trent------------------------------------- 366 Truscott----------------------------------- 250 Turkey------------------------------------ 930 Tuscola----------------------------------- 500 alera-...---- 400 Water Valley------------------------------ 250 Weinert----------------------------------- 287 West Vernon------------------------------ 955 Wingate----------------------------------- 300 Woodson---------------------------------- 258 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Power & Light Co. (Interchange). Pecos Valley Power & Light Co. Southwestern Light & Power Co. (Okla.). Southwestern Public Service Co. Texas Electric Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Coleman County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Green Belt Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Hall County Electric Cooperative, Inc. *Midwest Electric Cooperative ASSn., Inc. *Southwest Rural ASSIm. *Stamford Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Gas, ice, and Water Service. 42–230 Chapman Power and Light Com- pany Chapman Ranch, Tex. 42–241 Freeport Sulphur Company 122 E. 42 St., New York, N. Y. The following data are for the year 1940: Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Houston Lighting & Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Louisiana (17-210). 42–252 Humble Oil & Refining Company Houston, Tex. 42–263 Imperial Sugar Company Sugar Land, Tex. 42–285 Kirby Lumber Company Bessmay, Tex. 42–293 Mustang Island Industries, Inc. Port Aransas. Tex. Official In Charge of Electric Operations: Boone Walker-----------------------------...- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-...--------------------- $84, 264 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,797 Number of Electric Customers------------- 164 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 220 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 196,875 Community Served at Retail: Population Port Aransas--------------------------------- 495 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–307 Southern Pine Lumber Co. Diboll, Tex. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: G. Temple------------ Vice Pres, & Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $12,900 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 575 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (steam) ------------- 2,002 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 3,940, 460 Community Served at Retail: Population Diboll a - 1,363 a Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water service. 42—329 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co., Inc. Newgulf, Tex. Officials In Charge of Electric Operations: H. E. Treichler------------------------ en. Mgr. C. L. Orr---------------------- Power Plant Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $181, 767 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,390 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1. Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)-------------- 3,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold For Resale------------------ 1,878,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Houston Lighting & Power Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 771 42–351 M. A. Wade Gonzales, Tex. - - - sº - - - - - - - - - * - - - am sº - ~ * * - - - as sº - - - Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 10 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 725, 180 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Power & Light Co. Also Renders: Gas, steam, and water Service. 42–362 C. Zedler & Sons Luling, Tex. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. Zedler--------------------------------- Partner The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers 1 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 200 Filowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 257, 156 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Power & Light Co. 42–505 *Agricultural and Mechanical College Power Plant College Station, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: |B. D. Marburger Supt. The following data are for Aug. 31, 1939, or for the year ended Aug. 31, 1939: Number of Electric Customers----------- 179 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 2,050 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 520, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population College Station - 2, 184 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: W. F. Tauber. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 42–510 *Austin Water, Light, and Power Department & Municipal Bldg., Austin, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Guiton Morgan------------------------ City Mgr. W. E. Seaholm------------------------------ Supt. upt. Joe Huffman----------------- Director of Finance Mayor and Commissioners: C. F. Alford, E. C. Bartholomew, Simon Gillis, Tom Miller (mayor), Oswald Wolf. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,565, 125 Number of Electric Customers---------- 20, 735 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 22, 000 Energy Available in Year: Pºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 78,008, 413 Generated ---- 60, 321,813 Purchased----------------------------- 17, 686,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Austin---------------------------------- 87, 930 Also Renders: Water service. 42–513 . *City of Baird, Electric Light & Power Plant Baird, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. L. Elliott, Jr.----------------------------- Mgr. Mayor and City Council: Earl M. Johnson, J. T. Lawrence, Hugh W. Ross, Jr., B. F. Russell, H. Schwartz (mayor), C. W. Sutphen. The following data are for the period from Sept. 20, to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,545 Number of Electric Customers------------- 257 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 600 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 125, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Baird------------------------------------ 1, 810 42–516 *Bartlett Municipal Light Plant Bartlett, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. W. Miller---------------------- Mayor & Mgr. Roy Stockton------------------------ Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $21,967 Number of Electric Customers------------ 414 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 275 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 630,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bartlett--------------------------------- 1,668 Also Renders: Water service. 42–522 *Bowie Municipal Light Plant Bowie, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. C. McNatt----------------------------- Mayor 772 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $160, 302 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $63,745 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,075 Generating Capacity: Pºilovatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1,009 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2, 157, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population b. Bowie.---------------------------------- 3,470 42–528 *Brady Water and Light Works Brady, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Edward Geeslin----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $285,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $83,000 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 840 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 200,000 Community Served at Retail: Population rady---------------------------------- 5,002 42–531 *Brazos River Conservation and Reclamation District Mineral Wells, Tex. - 42–534 *Brownfield Power and Light Plant Brownfield, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Clyde C. Coleman------------------------ Mayor E. D. Jones -------------------------------- Supt. Roy M. Herod------------------------------ Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $249, 517 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $79,416 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,500 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion--------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------- ---- 2, 149,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownfield------------------------------ 4,009 42–541 *Brownsville Water and Light Department Brownsville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Royce Russell -- Mayor Benj. Freudenstein - - - - - - -...------------ City Mgr. Commissioners: C. H. Colgin, C. N. Hill, Edward McChesney, Keith Tuggle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $811, 57.1 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $270,848 Number of Electric Cust sº 3, 209 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 5,000 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total - * * * ---- 9, 339, 200 Generated.---- * * * * 9,338,000 Interchanged-in (groSS)----------------- 1, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Brownsville * * * * * * * * * * = ºs ºs sº me as * * * * * 22,083 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Central Power & Light Co. (interchange). Also Renders: Water Service. 42–547 *The City of Bryan Municipality Bryan, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. W. Scott--------------------------- City Mgr. Guy P. Bittle-------------------------- City Secy. City Commission: Ivan Langford (mayor), A. S. Mººn, R. M. Searcy, N. A. Stewart, Mills P. 'alker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $506, 723 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $208, 863 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - 3, 342 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 2, 570 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 8,084, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bryan---------------------------------- 11, 842 Utility Served at Wholesale: PLJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rural Electrification Administration. Also Renders: Water Service. 42–549 *Hardin Municipal Light Plant Burkburnett, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. I. Kincaid E. Y. Buckner------------------------------ S City Council: Wylie Browning, W. S. Duval, A. R. Hill, J. F. Kelley (mayor), Joe Majors. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,000. Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $41, 170 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 617 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------. ---------- 1,010 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,500,000. Community Served at Retail: Population Burkburnett --------------------------- 2, 814. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 773 42–553 *City of Caldwell Caldwell, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Cromartie------- - - - Mayor A. N. Neal---------------------------- Elec. Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $103,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $19,817 Number of Electric Customers------------- 403 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 356 Community Served at Retail: Population Caldwell----------------------------------- 2, 165 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–559 *City of Canadian Light & Power Plant Canadian, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jno. R. Caylor----------------------------- Mayor Claude Jones----------------------- Commissioner R. M. Hobdy.--------------------- Commissioner Frank F. Stone----------------------------- Secy. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $214, 303 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $42,639 Number of Electric Customers------------ 580 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 875 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 997, 905 Community Served at Retail: Population Canadian-------------------------------- 2, 151 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–565 *City of Coleman Coleman, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • Shore--------------------------------- Supt. E. L. Hatcher------------------------- ASSt. Supt. Alvie Brewer------------------------- Chief Engr. Governing Body: T)r. J. F. Gaines, E. P. Scarbor- ough (mayor), H. H. Scott. lº" following data are for the year ended June 30, 40: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $299,003 Electric Operating Revenues ------ - - - * * - - - $86,734 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 517 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,800 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 221,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Coleman------------------------------- 6,054 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–572 *City of Commerce Commerce, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. F. Fuller------------------------------- Mayor Lon Carr-------------------- Street Commissioner C. W. Ferguson.------------ Utility Commissioner M. J. Salmon------------------------------- Supt. R. L. Salmon-------------------------- City Engr. L. M. Stone--------------------------- City Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $110,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $35,000 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 900 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 640 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,653,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Commerce------------------------------- 4, 699 42–575 *Cooper Light and Power Plant Cooper, Tex. Community Served at Retail: Population Cooper 2, 537 42–576 *City of Crosbyton Crosbyton, Tex. Community Served at Retail: Population Crosbyton---------------------------------- 1, 615 42–577 *Dennison Project Dennison, Tex. 42–578 *Denton Municipal Water & Light 221 N. Elm St., Denton, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lee Preston------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor W. N. Harris------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $610,865 Number of Electric Customers---------------- 3,750 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion----------------------- 3,300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9,317, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Denton------------------------------------ 11, 192 Also Renders: Water Service. 774 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 42–580 *City of Electra Electra, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. Leo Moore------------------------------ Mayor W. D. Cross------------------ Light Commissioner J. C. Marsh-------------------------- Plant Supt. J. O. Sillman------------------ Distribution Supt. E. W. PreSSon------------------------- City Secy. Mayor and City Commission: Mike Baxter, C. D. Bailey, W. D. Cross, W. A. Krohn, T. Leo Moore (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $237,837 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $68, 522 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 800 Generating Capacity: Rilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 200 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,443, 870 Community Served at Retail: Population Electra 5, 588 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–584 *Farmersville Municipal Light Plant Farmersville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Sid Hildreth Mayor Aldermen: W. B. Baker, Clifford Carpenter, F. L. Hartt, F. S. Kerby, W. B. Long. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant * ---- $105,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28, 300 Number of Electric Customers------------ 431 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion - 343 - Pölowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 632,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Farmersville-------------------------------- 2, 206 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–588 *City of Floydada Floydada, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. R. Evers---------------------- Chief Elec. Engr. Mayor & City Council: Chas. Bedford, S. E. Duncan (secy.), F. C. Harmon, J. D. McBrien, Mark Martin, Conner Oden, W. U. White (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $162,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,380 Number of Electric Customers------------ 577 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------- 863, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Ploydada-------------------------------- 2,726 Also Renders:Water Service. 42–596 *Garland Municipal Utilities Garland, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. E. C Light Commissioner L. A. Powell---------------- Light Commissioner C. E. Newman - - - Plant Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $133,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $28, 100 Number of Electric Customers----------- 685 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Cornbustion------------------- 687 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,364,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Garland * * * - - - as sº - - - - * * - - - * * * - - º ºsº 1, 233 Also Renders: Water service. 42–603 *Georgetown Water & Light Plant Georgetown, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Godbey------- Water & Light Commissioner R. E. Ward---------- Mgr. City Council: F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, J. C. Godbey, C. C. Hamilton, M. F. Smith (mayor), S. E. Wilcox. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $179,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $55,053 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 230 Generating Capacity: Fºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 997 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1, 927,865 Community Served at Retail: Population Georgetown * * * ---- 3,682 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–609 *Granbury Municipal Utilities Granbury, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. A. Robertson--------------------------- Supt. Plant Committee: H. L. Nutt, I. G. Porter, H. H. Sargent. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $61,644 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,770 Number of Electric Customers------------- 319 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 207 Pólowatt-hours Energy Generated.----- * - - 640,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Granbury----------------------------------- 1, 166 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 775 42–615 *Greenville Municipal Utilities Dept. Greenville, Tex. City Council. J. W. Barlow (mayor), T. S. Mitchell, E. D. Williams. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $644,087 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $226,730 Number of Electric Customers------------- 4, 844 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Total-------------------------------- 4,860 Steam----------------------------------- 1, 750 Internal Combustion--------------------- 3, 110 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 9, 168,440 Communities Served at Retail: Population Greenville--------------------------------- 13,995 Penie------------------------------------- 367 Utility Served at Wholesale: PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *EIunt-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water Service. 42–621 *Hallettsville Municipal Utilities Alma & Second Sts., Hallettsville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. L. Skelton Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28,456 Number of Electric Customers------------ 521 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 653 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 950, 050 Community Served at Retail: Population E[allettsville---- 1, 581 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–634 *Hearne Municipal Plant Hearne, Robertson County, Tex. Utilities Committee: P. L. Brady, H. S. Spiller. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $221,438 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $48,463 Number of Electric Customers------------- 925 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 1, 342 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,687, 617 Community Served at Retail: Population Hearne------------------------------------- 3, 511 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–638 *Lexington Municipal Plant Lexington, Tex. Population 531 Community Served at Retail: Lexington------------------------------------- 42–639 *City of Liberty Light & Power Liberty, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. J. Culpepper------------------------ City Mgr. Bradford Pickett--------------------------- Mayor L. C. SteuSOff------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $120,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $26,500 Number of Electric Customers------------- 482 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 957, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Liberty 3,087 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–640 *City of Livingston Livingston, Tex. Community Served at Retail: Population Livingston.---------- -- 1,851 42–642 *City of Lockhart Lockhart, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sam H. Tabor----------------------------- Mayor A. H. Grantham---------------------------- Mgr. º following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $138,408 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $57, 176 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,235 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 351,894 Community Served at Retail: Population Lockhart----------------------------------- 5, 018 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–644 *Lower Colorado River Authority 814 Littlefield Bldg., Austin, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Max Starcke-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. E. T. Ankele------------------------- Gen. Supt. C. L. Dowell-------------------- IProduction Supt. Directors: W. B. Arnold, S. R. Brooks (Secy.), Fritz Englehard, Roy Fry, J. F. Hutchins, Chas. Matula, John D. Payne, C. R. Pennington (chair- Iman), Carl White. 776 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,394,900 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 10,017 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 50, 511 Hydro------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49,905 Internal Combustion-------------------- 606 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 169,216,088 Generated.------------------------------ 150,366, 324 Purchased.------------------------------ 13, 315,964 Interchanged (gross-in).----------------- 5, 533,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bastrop------------------------------------ 1,976 Bellville------------------------------------ 1,347 Brenham----------------------------------- 6, 435 Purnet------------------------------------- 1,945 Center Point------------------------------- 550 Vant-------------------------------------- 350 Giddings----------------------------------- 2, 166 Ingram------------------------------------- 250 Kerrville----------------------------------- 5, 572 Pampasas---------------------------------- 3,426 Plano-------------------------------------- 2,658 Poneta------------------------------------ 915 San Marcos-------------------------------- 6,006 San Saba------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,927 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PEIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Power & Light Co. Texas Power and Light Co. Texas Public Service Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Austin Water, Light, and Power Dept. *City of Lockhart. *City of Luling. *City of Smithville. *Dewitt County Electric Cooperative. *Fayette Electric Cooperative. *Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative. *Hamilton County Electric Cooperative. *Lower Colorado River Electric Cooperative. *Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. 42–646 *City of Lubbock Lubbock, Tex . Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Rodgers------------------------- City Mgr. D. D. Martin----------------------- City Auditor J. J. Graham---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,413,074 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $429, 260 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5,478 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 8, 825 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 23, 232,399 Community Served at Retail: Population Lubbock- - - 31,853 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *South Plains Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water Service. 42–649 *City of Luling Utilities Division Luling, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. G. Hyltin------------------------------- Mgr. Governing Body: D. B. Cochran, M. G. Hyltin (mayor), N. O. Stair. lº" following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $145,087 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $35,722 Number of Electric Customers------------ 705 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,332,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Luling--------------------------------- 4,437 42–652 *Mansfield Light & Water Works Mansfield, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy C. Mitchell----------------------------Secy. M. M. Farr-------------------------- Chief Engr. Governing Body: C. V. Back, W. A. Halbert, C. N. § J. B. Hasting, W. S. Lamb (mayor), J. E. 2116I’. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $8,892 Number of Electric Customers------------- 242 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 108 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 240,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mansfield------------------------------------ 774 Also Renders: Water service. 42–660 *Red Bluff Water Power Control District, El Paso National Bank, Trustee Pecos, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . D. Shaw ----------------------- Trustee’s Agent R. O. Wallis------------------------ Power Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $454, 330 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $34,243 Number of Electric Customers----------- 369 Generating Capacity: Pºilowatts otal.------------------------------- 3,300 TO---------------------------------- 2,300 Internal Combustion------------------- 1,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal.------------------------------- 3, 141,671 Energy Generated.---------------------- 2,444,000 Energy Purchased.---------------------- 697, 671 Community Served at Retail: Population Grandfalls---------------------------------- 653 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Community Public Service Co. Texas Electric Service Co. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 777 42–663 *City of Robstown Robstown, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jno. W. Kellam----------------------------- Mgr. E. K. Copeland--------------------- Office Mgr. W. H. House------------------------- Plant Engr. Board of Trustees: Wm. Bauer, Jr. (chairman), Jno. W. Kellam, James McCarrick, H. B. Nichols (Vice chairman), G. B. Wilson (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $376,909 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $62,726 Number of Electric Customers----------- 854 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1,660 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 541,408 Community Served at Retail: Population Robstown------------------------------ 6,780 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Nueces Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Gas Service. 42–665 *San Augustine Light and Water Department San Augustine, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Troy L. Mitchell - Mgr. J. A. Phillips --City Secy. Governing Body: D. G. Butts, H. D. Clark, J. W. Richey, Jr., A. E. Rushing (mayor), Clyde Smith, F. D. Youngblood. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------- -- - - *s sº - - - as ºr * - - $156,676 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $32,901 Number of Electric Customers------------- 466 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 949 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1, 263,000 Community Served at Retail: Population San Augustine 1, 516 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. Also Renders: Water service. 42–671 *Sanger Light and Water Works Sanger, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. C. Wilson Mayor C. A. Crowson ---Secy. Light Committee: J. L. Horst, T. C. Stinson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $97, 993 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $18,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion.-------------------- 196 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 235,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Sanger-------------------------------------- 1,000 Also Renders: Water Service, 42-677 *City of Seguin—Light Depart- ment Seguin, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roger W. Moore-------------------------- Mayor Bettie Harrington.--------------------- City Secy. J. B. Woiton-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------- - - - - - - - $340,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $96,791 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 780 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 500 Hydro---------------------------------- 230 Internal Combustion------------------- 270 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 622, 300 Generated------------------------------ 3,001, 300 Purchased.------------------------------ 621, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Seguin---------------------------------- 7, 006 42–683 *Seymour Municipal Light Plant Seymour, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Craddock----------------. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mgr. Robert Garlington-------------------------- Supt. George Mocek------------------------ Plant Supt. Mayor and City Council: F. H. Davis, Tom Hooser, W. A. Melear, A. J. Fojtík, C. M. Randal (mayor), Will Yoe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $194,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $48,344 Number of Electric Customers------...---- 1,300 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 725 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,625,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Seymour 3,328 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *R. E. A. Project, Texas 74 Baylor. Also Renders: Water Service. 778 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 42-695 *Shiner Light and Water Department Shiner, Tex. 1 º following data are for the year ended Mar. 31, Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $109, 558 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion * * * = 590 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated. ------------------------ 781, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Shiner 1, 520 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–698 *City of Smithville Smithville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: • SD306-------------------------------- Mayor B. F. Wesson * ~ * Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $102,605 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,458 Number of Electric Customers------ • * * * * * * 765 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,438, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Smithville 3, 100 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–702 *Spur Municipal Light & Power Plant Spur, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Truman J. Green.---------------------------- Mgr. City Commission: M. H. Brannen (mayor), G. H. Snider, Roy Stovall. lº." following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $140, 526 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $30,042 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 488 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 670 JKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1,042, 0.50 Community Served at Retail: Population Spur ------------------------------- 2, 136 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 42–708 *Teague Light Department Teague, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. F. Sims id:" following data are for the year ended Apr. 8, Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $175,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $31,806 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 595 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 195, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Teague 3, 157 42–714 *City of Terrell Terrell, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. I. Austin------------------------ ... --- City Mgr. J. T. Riley----------------------------- City Secy. City Commission: E. E. Boyd, A. C. Gideon, T. |Killian McElroy, B. M. McNutt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $262, 158 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $78,836 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 200 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Terrell ---------------------------------- 10,481 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–720 *Timpson Light and Water Department Timpson, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James W. Kristensen---------------------- Mayor W. M. Ramsey Mayor and Aldermen: Paul Amos, W. M. Byrn, James W. Kristensen (mayor), G. B. Ramsey, S. E. Shepherd, Edd Taylor. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $19,200 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 350 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 493 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 622, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Timpson- 1, 494 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Community Public Service Co. Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 779 42–726 *City of Tulia Municipal Plant Tulia, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Amos W. Newby------------------ Chief Operator City Commission: S. P. Atchley, Ray G. Jordan (mayor), J. R. Ward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $38, 511 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 700 Generating Capacity: Pºilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 751 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, 468,925 Community Served at Retail: IPopulation ulia---------------------------------- 2,055 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–733 *Vernon Municipal Light Department Vernon, Tex. City Commission: R. J. Byars, W. W. Jones, J. V. Owen (mayor), G. L. Robinson, H. C. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues $400,000 $100, 617 1,681 Rilowatts * * * * * * * * * * * * Number of Electric Customers Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- 2, 340 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 5, 126,430 Community Served at Retail: Population Vernon--------------------------------- 9, 277 | Also Renders: Water Service. 42–735 *City of Weimar Weirmar, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. G. Medders Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $51,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 419 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 570,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Weimar------------------------------------ 1, 353 42–737 *City of Weatherford Municipal Water and Electric Department Weatherford, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Conrad F. Russell------------------- Mayor-Mgr. City Commission: Lawrence Edwards, Conrad F. Russell (mayor), Willard Sadler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $16,329 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 1,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 596,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Weatherſord------------------------------ - 5,924 42–739 *Whitesboro Light and Power Plant Whitesboro, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º A. A. Crawford-------------------- Commissioner Fred Sugg.---------------------------------- Secy. Jack Capehart.----------------------------- Engr. City Council: L. A. Crabtree, A. A. Crawford, J. S. Cravens, C. C. Cunningham (mayor), N. F. Manning, C. C. Shannon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $60,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,500 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 425 Generating Capacity:- Filowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 283 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 595,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Whitesboro--------------------------------- 1, 560 Also Renders: Water Service. 42–745 *Yoakum Municipal Utilities Yoakum, Tex. Pinº Electric Utility Official: L. Commissioners: W. O. Afflerbach (chairman), A. E. Evans, H. S. Frady, J. C. Morrow, E. W. Pietsch (vice chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- ----------------- $262, 488 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $81,440 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,482 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 846 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 201, 130 Communities Served at Retail: Population Sweet Home---------------------------- 300 Also Readers: Water service. 42—802 *Bailey County Electric Cooper- ative Association Muleshoe, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W 780 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $162,678 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $16,612 Number of Electric Customers ---------------- 400 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 147, 429 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—803 *Bandera Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bandera, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Raymond Hicks----------------------------- PreS. C. M. Wagner------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $132, 311 Electric Operating Revenues - - ----------- $12,832 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 412 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 68,500 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—805 *Bartlett Electric Cooperative, Inc. Bartlett, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. R. Janke-------------------------------- PreS. R. W. Miller_____ • * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *-- - - - - - - - - - - Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $141, 970 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $3,081 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 420 42—807 *Belfalls Electric Cooperative, Inc. Rosebud. Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Will Vogelsang ----------------------------- PreS A. R. Tucker ------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $452,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39,636 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 164 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 635, 210 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–810 *Bowie-Cass Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Douglassville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. W. Rivers The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $337,662 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $39,222 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1, 157 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 570, 180 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–815 *Cap Rock Electric Cooperative, Inc. Big Spring, Tex. 42–820 *Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association Rusk, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harvey F. Holcomb e O. W. Davis-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $305, 596 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $14,299 Number of Electric Customers------------ 729 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 222, 226 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—825 *Coleman County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Coleman, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Pitts T.T.T.T.T. ------------Pres S. R. Hale---------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $428, 119 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $36, 592 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,093 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 494,330 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—827 *Comanche County Electric Cooperative Association Comanche, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. S. Price, Jr.------------------------------ PreS. Arthur C. Thomas------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $287,657 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,297 Number of Electric Customers------------ 779 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 194, 207 D. B. Lancaster------------------------ Supt. a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 781 42–829 *Cooke County Electric Co- operative Assn. Muenster, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Bernard Voth * J. H. Flood---------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $204, 297 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $23,976 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 715 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 319, 240 a For year ended June 30, 1940, 42–833 *Deaf Smith County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 114 W. 3d St., Hereford, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. C. Ricketts------------------------------- Pres.’ H. V. Hennen ------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $393,897 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $102,888 Number of Electric Customers------------ 709 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a 4,809, 600 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–834 *Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. San Augustine, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. N. Stripling------------------------------ Pres. D. N. Beasley------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $437, 477 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $62,460 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,368 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 577,840 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Brookeland------------------------------- 500 Burkeville-------------------------------- 450 Shelbyville------------------------------- 350 42–835 *Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 120 E. Hickory St., Denton, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. M. Faught The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $454, 565 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $47, 209 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 222 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 963, 370 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–838 *DeWitt County Electric Co- operative, Inc. Cuero, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. O. Augerstein---------------------------- Pres. C. W. Beck--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $226,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24,885 Number of Electric Customers------------ 569 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 112, 504 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—845 *Erath County Electric Cooperative Association Stephenville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George L. Martin --------------------------- PreS. G. A. Tunnell------------------------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $233,280 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $19,817 Number of Electric Customers------------ 611 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 249,098 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–851 • *Fannin County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Box 98, Bonham, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: SS---------------------------------- Pres Alonzo Chaffin------------------------------ Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $316, 848 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,957 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 113 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 426,820 Osie Cauble-------------------------------- Supt. a For year ended June 30, 1940. 782 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 42–852 *Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2909 Lee St., Greenville, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Coe J. Barnett------------------------------ PreS. Charles M. Curfman----------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $605, 105 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $56,097 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,939 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 813, 325 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–853 *Fayette Electric Cooperative, Inc. La Grange, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George Diers-------------------------------- Pres, Thomas E. Hinton------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $238, 108 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $16,835 Number of Electric Customers------------ 558 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 219, 440 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–855 *Floyd County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 107 N. Main St., Floydada, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. H. Kreis--------------------------------- Pres. L. W. Chapman---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $240, 492 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,128 Number of Electric Customers------------ 419 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------- a 1,085, 100 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–857 *Fort Belknap Electric Cooperative, Inc. Olney, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. F. Bailey-------------------------------- PreS. Thomas H. Wilkinson ---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $99, 189 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,339 Number of Electric Customers------------- 296 42–859 *Gate City Electric Cooperative, Inc. Childress, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wilbur Williams----------------------------- Pres, C. W. AlverSon------------------------- Vice Pres. H. C. Jarrell--------------------------------- Secy Directors: Tom Canon, F. P. Douglas, G. W. Jenkins, F. M. Kyle, Roy Perkins, H. B. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- 42—863 *Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative, Inc. Van Alstyne, Tex. Pººl Electric Utility Officials: Lynn Scott - - - - - ---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------- - - - - - - $402, 940 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $43,245 Number of Electric Customers------------ I, 365 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a553, 390. a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—864 *Greenbelt Electric Cooperative, Inc. Wellington, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry Patterson---------------------------- Pres. Orval B. Couch----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $190,990. Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $16,049. Number of Electric Customers------------- 536, Rīlowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 134, 300. a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—865 *Guadalupe Valley Electric Co- operative, Inc. Cost, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: M. D. Lindemann--------------------------- Pres. E. A. Hassman------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $213, 840 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14,897 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 425. P(ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--...---------------------- a 103, 139: a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–866 *Hall County Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Main St., Memphis, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Gidden---------------------------------- Pres. . DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 783 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $156,903 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $10,616 Number of Electric Customers------------ 400 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-...--------------- • * - - - - - - - - a 74, 940 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–867 *Hamilton County Electric Co- operative Association Hamilton, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. T. Jones. -------------------------------- PreS. Thomas League----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $269, 430 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $28, 348 Number of Electric Customers------------ 811 Rºilowaff-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 383,940 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—868 *Hill County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Itasca, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Claude Wakefield---------------------------- PreS E. D. H. Farrow---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $556, 207 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $47,884 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 369 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 820, 931 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Aquilla--------------------------------------- 300 42–870 *Houston County Electric Co- operative, Inc. .." Crockett, Tex. 42—873 *Hunt-Collin Electric Cooper- ative, Inc. Greenville, Texas. Pºlic Utility Officials: L. Duncan. ------------------------------ Pres. Edward T. Fry----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $201, 292 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- Number of Electric Customers $21,904 678 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 408,300 * For year ended June 30, 1940. - -, * v- - - - - - - - - 42—880 *J. A. C. Electric Cooperative As- Sociation Bluegrove, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. E. Lanham------------------------------ PreS. John E. Middlebrooks---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $123, 593 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $12,720 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 338 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 163, 190 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–882 *Jackson Electric Co-operative, Inc. La Ward, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. S. Yoas----------------------------------- Pres. Allen L. Burditt---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $135, 324 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $13,542 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 443 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- a 84,500 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—885 *Johnson County Electric Coop- erative Association 112 W. Chambers St., Cleburne, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert M. Armstrong----------------------- Pres. Truett W. Bailey--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-. -------------------- $263, 646 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $31,017 Number of Electric Customers. ----------- 823 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 481, 440 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42—888 *Karnes Electric Cooperative, Inc. Karnes City, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R Rorth Korth-------------------------------- Pres R. H. Hoffman----------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $183,712 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $13,474 Number of Electric Customers------------ 483 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a 82,718 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 784 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 42—892 *Kaufman County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kaufman, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Perry Tabor -------------------------------- PreS. Jilson McCullough.-------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $270, 724 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $24,982 Number of Electric Customers------------ 902 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 294, 570 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Scurry---------------------------------------- 300 42–895 *Lamar County Electric Co- operative Association Paris, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Paul T. Hill V. A. Rogers-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $336,662 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $25,148 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,021 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 242,790 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–897 *Lamb County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 305 Fourth St., Littlefield, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. Thomas------------------------------- PreS. G. L. Pennington.--------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $278,679 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,147 Number of Electric Customers------------ 872 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 403,386 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–900 *Limestone County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 117 N. Pearl St., Mart, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. J. Urbantke------------------------------ PreS. Raymond Perdue--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $396, 124 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $41, 325 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 165 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 707,200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–902 *Lone Wolf Electric Cooperative, Inc. Box 1309, Colorado, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. H. Carlock-------------------------------- Pres. 0. I. Griffin--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $123,776 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $8,956 Number of Electric Customers------------ 306 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 40, 400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–903 *Lower Colorado River Electric Cooperative, Inc. Giddings, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. McEachern--------------------------- PreS. Lee McWilliams--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,283,651 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1,374 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a 63, 575 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population urton--------------------------------------- 350 Carmine-------------------------------------- 500 Chapel Hill---------------------------------- 600 ale------------------------------------------ 319 Fayetteville---------------------------------- 445 Gayhill--------------------------------------- 250 Industry------------------------------------- 518 Lytton Springs------------------------------- 300 Manor--------------------------------------- 688 Martindale----------------------------------- 550 Maxwell-------------------------------------- 395 New Ulm------------------------------------ 400 Paige----------------------------------------- 250 Red Rock------------------------------------ 315 Staples--------------------------------------- 250 Warrenton----------------------------------- 406 West Point----------------------------------- 400 Winchester----------------------------------- 410 42–904 *Lyntegar Electric Cooperative, Inc. Tahoka, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Heck----------------------------------- Pres. G. L. Pennington.--------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $430,783 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44, 321 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1,602 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 897, 716 a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 785 42–906 *McCulloch County Electric Co- operative, Inc. 226 Blackburn St., Brady, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Official: Hern..an Rohde------------------------ Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $248, 379 Electric Cperating Revenues---------------- $25,092 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 575 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 408, 200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–907 *McLennan County Electric Co- operative, Inc. Box 326, McGregor, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Cºfficials: A. W. Herring. ------------------------------ Pres. Raymond Hampel-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Flant---------------------- $285,624 Electric Cperating Revenues -------------- $32,236 Nun ber of Electric Customers------------ 902 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 472, 350 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–909 *Magic Valley Electric Coopera- tives, Inc. Mercedes, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. H. Berry------------------------------ Pres. J. F. Wilder---------------------------------Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $502, 376 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $79, 600 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1, 889 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 1,364, 647 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–912 *Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hondo. Tex. Principal Flectric Utility Officials: James Amherson --------------------------- PreS. T. E. Treathauer---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $128, 283 $10,579 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 258 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 94,800 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 322184—42 55 Electric Cºperating Revenues--------------- 42–914 *Midwest Electric Cooperative, Inc. Rotan, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sterling Willingham------------------------- PreS. Troy A. Peeples----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $218, 167 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $2,265 Number of Electric Customers------------ 618 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased____ _ _ _ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sº sº sº a 169,920 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–917 *Navarro County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Corsicana, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Farl M. Dawson---------------------------- Pres, Clyde Kimes-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $472,300 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,431 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 267 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------- * * * * * * * * = - sº * * * a 637, 590 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–921 *Nueces Electric Cooperative, Inc. Robstown, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. F. anham---------------------------- Pres Marvin S. Baker---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $225,830 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,972 Number of Electric Customers------------ 521 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 211, 520 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–926 *Panola-Harrison Electric Co- operative, Inc. Elysian Fields, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Pitts---------------------------------- PreS. K. A. Crawford----------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $187,284 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $27,340 Number of Electric Customers----------- 664 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 464, 340 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 786 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 42–929 *Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. Johnson City, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Hugo Weinheimer--------------------------- PreS Lee McWilliams---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $1,907, 114 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $46,246 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 220 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 428, 568 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Bertram-------------------------------------- 600 Blanco---------------------------------------- 453 Buda.---------------------------------------- 400 Cedar Park----------------------------------- 250 Cherokee ------------------------------------ 450 Johnson City--------------------------------- 34 Kyle----------------------------------------- 874 Lake Victor---------------------------------- 250 Liberty City--------------------------------- 500 Liberty Hill---------------------------------- 604 Marble Falls-------------------------------- 1,021 - 42–942. *Rusk County Electric Coopera- * * tive, Inc. 107 N. Jackson St., Henderson, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Tr. C. A. Dawson.-------------------------- PreS. W. R. Mehner.----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $216, 211 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,912 Number of Electric Customers----------- 808 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- a 1,788,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–944 *Sam Houston Electric Cooper- ative, Inc. Livingston, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Tom M. Drew.------------------------------ FreS Milton T. Potts---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $190, 534 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $4,853 Number of Electric Customers----------- 436 42–946 *San Bernard Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Columbus, Tex. 42–948 *San Patricio Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Sinton, Tex. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = ** = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pres The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $241, 205 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $23,780 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 643 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 181,410 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–950 *South Plains Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. Lubbock, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. Z. Fine.---------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $458,718 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $58,853 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,437 Fºllowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 953, 800 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–953 *Stamford Electric Cooperative, Inc. 113 N. Swanson St., Stamford, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Hugo B. Hateruis.-------------------------- Pres. H. L. Osment------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $168,896 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $14,478 Number of Electric Customers----------- 372 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 114,300 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–956 *Swisher County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Tulia, Tex. 42–959 *Taylor Electric Cooperative, Inc. Box 308, Merkel, Tex. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-TEXAS 787 42–962 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Azie, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. D. Walker-------------------------------- Tres. M. H. Skidmore---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---- * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- gº tº º º- ºr $231,310 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $22,460 Number of Electric Customers------------ 720 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--- a 201, 120 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–969 *Upshur Rural Electric Coopera- tive Corporation County Courthouse, Gilmer, Tex. Principal Flectric Utility Officials: H. P. McCaughy--------------------------- PreS. Samuel Scales.------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--...------------------ Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $381, 927 $67, S19 Number of Electric Customers-------------- l, 676 J&ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased a 965, 220 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–972 *Victoria County Electric Cooperative Company 115 E. Santa Rosa St., Victoria, Tex. Principal Flectric Utility Officials: H. A. W. ischkaemper. -- - - - - - - - - - - • * * * * * * * * * * * Pres. * * * * * Charles C. Fagg-------------...--------------Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $176, 649 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $19,750 Number of Electric Customers------------ 472 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 377,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–976. *Wharton County Electric Cooperative, Inc. 611 Jackson St., El Campo, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. E. Meek -------------------------------- Pres. L. B. Walker---------------------- .* * * * * * * *- * *- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --------------------- $162,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17, 825 Number of Electric Customers------------- 442 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 251, 200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–979 *Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc. IDecatur, Tex. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $179,919 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $8,799 Number of Electric Customers. ----------- 312 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a 65,200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 42–983 *Wood County Electric Coopera- tive, Inc. -- Quitman, Tex. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Kennedy------------------------------ PreS. V. B. Shaw---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --------------------- $320, 808 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $35,063 Number of Electric Customters.----------- 1, 298 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased...---------------------- a 471, 420 a For year ended June 30, 1940. UTAH Index Reference Number *Beaver City Corporation.------------------- 43–515 Big Springs Power Co ---------------...-----. 43–011 *Blanding Light and Power Department---- 43–522 *Bountiful City Electric Department-------- *Brigham City Corporation. ---------------- 43–536 Columbia Steel Company. ------------------ 43–200 *Ephraim Electric Light & Power Plant_ _ _ 43–543 Escalante Light & Power Co. -------------- 43—037 *Fairview Municipal Electric Plant--------- 43–550 *Fillmore City Corporation. - - - - - - - - -------- 43–557 *Garkane Power Association, Incorporated -- 43–862 Goshen Electric Company------------------- 43–046 Graham Power Company. ------------------ *Heber Light & Power Plant---------------- *Helper Electrical Light Department------- *Holden Town Corporation----------------- 43–578 *Hyrum Electric Light Plant---------------- Independent Coal & Coke Company-------- 43–210 *Kanosh Town Corporation - -------------- 43–592 *Kaysville Electric Department ------------ 43–599 *Lehi Electric Light & Power System, The-- 43–606 *Levan Electric System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43–613 *Logan City Municipal Electric Light Plant- 43–620 *Manti City Light and Power Department- 43–627 *Mantua Electric Light Department-------- 43–634 *Meadow Electric System. - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 43–641 *Monroe Power and Light Department------ 43–655 *Monticello, Town of -i- - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- *Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc.------ *Morgan City Corporation . . . 43–652 *Mount Pleasant Electric Light Department. 43–662 *Murray Power Plant Department---------- 43–669 *Nephi City Corporation-------------------- Reference Number North Logan Telephone & Electric Light Co. 43-064 *Oak City Electrical Department. - - - - - - - - - - 43-683 Palmyra & Lakeshore Electric Light Co. -- - - *Paragonah Municipal Lighting Depart- 4 ment-------------------------------------- *Parowan City Corporation----------------- 43–697 *Payson City Corporation ------------------ 43–704 Peoples Light and Power Company--------- 43—091 *Perry, Town of ---------------------------- 43–711 *Price Light Department ------------------- 43–718 *Provo Department of Utilities ------------- 43—721 *Salem Light and Power System - - - - -------- 43—725 Southern Utah Power Company- - - - -------- 43–100 *Spanish Fork Flectric System -------------- 43–732 Spring Canyon Coal Compan *Spring City Electric Light and Power Sys, 43–746 *Strawberry Water Users Association-------- 43–750 Swan Creek Electric Co -------------------- 43–109 Telluride Power Company - - ---------------- 43–118 Uintah Power & Light Company------------ 43–127 Union Pacific Railroad Company------------ 43—230 Union Portland Cement Company---------- 43—231 United States Fuel Company---------------- 43—234 Utah Fuel Company- ----...----------------- 43—235 Utah Light and Traction Company--------- 43–136 Utah Power & Light Company-------------- 43-145 *Wales, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- º Western States Utilities Company----------- *Denotes a publicly owned utility. UTAH 43—011 Big Springs Power Co. 54 So. Main St., Richfield, Utah Principal Officers: H. B. Waters-------------------------------- PreS. W. L. Biersach--------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. H. R. Waldo-------------------------------- Secy. Directors: W. T. Biersach, L. R. Fournier, B. C. Luth, H. B. Waters, H. R. Waldo. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $126,863 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,064 Number of Electric Customers------------ 611 IKilowatts Generating Capacity (EIydro)------------- 400 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 378 635 Generated------------------------------ 1, 336, 435 Interchanged-in (Gross)---------------- 42, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Fountain Green.---------------------------- 988 Moroni------------------------------------- 1, 158 43–037 Escalante Light & Power Co. Escalante, Utah Directors: Beryl Shurtz, Chase Shurtz, Don C. §: E. R. Shurtz, Josiah Shurtz, Lillian UlrtZ. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $2,054 Number of Electric Customers 120 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal---------------------------------- 120 Hydro------------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion---------------------- 60 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated __ 20, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Escalante----------------------------------- 1, 106 43–046 Goshen Electric Company Goshen, Utah Community Served at Retail: Goshen--------------------------------------- Population 616 790 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 43–049 Graham Power Company Hatch, Utah 43—064 North Logan Telephone & Electric Light Co. R. F. D. #1, Box 78, Logan, Utah Principal Officers: - N. (). Crookston- Pres. Elmer Wilhelm------------------------ Vice Pres. Peter Larsen--- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: - - - - Electric Utility Plant ---------------------- $8,899 Electric Operating Rev - - $2,422 Number of Electric Customers.--------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 61, 275 Community Served at Retail: Population North Logan--------------------------------- 423 Also Renders: Telephone service. 43—082 Palmyra & Lakeshore Electric Light Co. R. F. D. #2, Spanish Fork, Utah Principal Officers: - James Sorenson, Jr.-------------------------- PreS. Wm. H. Nielsen.--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. A. Adamson, J. R. Huff, M. F. Nilson, E. L. Ottesen. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $979 Number of Electric Customers------------- 154 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 121,820 Communities Served at Retail: Population Lakeshore------------------------------------ 356 Palmyra 254 43–0.91 Peoples Light and Power Company Loa, Utah Principal Officers: J. B. Hiskey - - - - Fres. E. N. Bullard-------------------------- Vice Pres. Geo. T. Eckersley Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electricity Utility Plant-------------------- $63,123 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $12,702 Number of Electric Customers------------- 543 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 290 Hydro------ 150 Internal Combustion - - - - 140 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 527,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bicknell - - - - - 362 Koosharem 375 Loa------------- - - 396 Lyman 275 43–100 Southern Utah Power Company 107 N. Main St., Cedar City, Utah tºoled by North American Gas and Electric O. Principal Officers: T. E. Roach----- ----Pres. Leo Loeb----------------------------- Vice PreS. Reid H. Gardner--------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. R. Merris------------------------- Secy.-Treas. H. R. McIntosh-------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. L. A. Whetten.--------- ASSL. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. B. Adams------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Reid H. Gardner, Claud Hirschi, Lehi W. Jones, Leo Loeb, Joseph J. Milne, T. E. Roach, John S. Woodbury. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------- $1,769,250 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $291, 605 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,932 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal------ 4, 587 Hydro - - - - 2,890 Internal Combustion------------------ 1,697 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 14, 155,053 Generated 12, 301,413 Purchased----------------------------- 1, 131,600 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 722,040 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cedar City--------------------------------- 4, 695 Enterprise---------------------------------- 619 Hurricane----------------------------------- 1, 524 Kanab-------------------------------------- 1, 365 Kanarraville - - - - ---- 309 Rockville------------ -- 307 Saint George-------------------------------- 3, 591 Springdale---------------------------------- 371 Toquerville--------------------------------- 263 Washington 507 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Telluride Power Co. Fredonia Power & Light Co. PUB I,IC LY O WNED UTILITY: *Parowan City Corporation. 43–109 Swan Creek Electric Co. Lake Town, Utah Principal Officers: G. H. Robinson------------------- Pres. and Supt. Hyrum Neheker------------------------- Vice Pres. Amos B. Robinson-------------------------- Secy. Directors: George I. Barker, Hyrum Nebeker, Amos B. Robinson, G. H. Robinson, Vernon G. Robin- SOD1. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $41, 500 Electric Operating Rev. $16,000 Number of Electric Cust DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-UTAH 791 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 330 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 611, 000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Garden City 261 Lake Town 366 Randolph 656 Also renders: Water Service. 43–118 Telluride Power Company 54 S. Main St., Richfield, Utah Principal Officers: H. H. Waters - - - - --PreS. F. C. Noon----------------------------- Vice Pres. H. R. Waldo-------------------------------- Secy W. L. Biersach----------------------------- Treas Directors: E. P. Bacon, W. L. Biersach, John H. Burchard, F. C. Noon, H. W. Sanders, H. R. Waldo, H. B. Waters. The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - m - $1,922,976 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $390,563 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6,284 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 'otal.------ 2,995 Hydro--------------------------------- 2,950 Internal Combustion------------------ 45 Rilowatt-hours * - - - * 17.895, 315 Generated.--- 13,446, 315 Purchased----------------------------- 3,485, 543 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 963, 457 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Pelta--------------------------------------- 1,304 Gunnison.---- 1, 115 Wilſord------------------------------------- 1,393 Panguitch---------------------------------- 1,979 Richfield- 3, 584 Salina-------------------------------------- 1,616 250 to 1,000 population Aurora------------------------------------- 607 Axtell-------------------------------------- 288 Centerfield--------------------------------- 598 Circleville------ * - - 683 Deseret---- 344 Elsinore---------- - - 674 Fayette------------------------------------ 274 Glenwood---------------------------------- 385 Hinckley - - - - ---- 637 Junction------------------------------------ 393 Leamington-------------------------------- 279 Lynndyl----------------------------------- 367 Marysvale - - - - 626 Mayfield ---------- 473 Minersville 570 Oasis------- 421 Redmond---------------------------------- 641 Scipio- 595 Sigurd-- 4- - - 364 Venice--- 301 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Big Springs Power Co. Southern Utah Power Co. Utah Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Fillmore City Corporation. *Holden Town Corporation. *Kanosh Town Corporation. *Manti City Light & Power Department. *Meadow Electric System. *Oak City Flectrical Dept. 43–127 Uintah Power & Light Company Roosevelt, Utah Principal Officers: W. H. Coltharp- W. L. Johnson Pres. _Vice Pres. & Treas. V. A. Bair-- - --Secy. & Mgr. Directors: G. E. Adams, W. A. Banks, W. H. Coltharp, A. C. Emert, W. L. Johnson, R. L. Marimon, Abner Richins. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $392, 606 Electric Operating Rev - $70,242 Number of Electric Customers----------- 914 Rilow'affs Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 1, 200 FKilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 471,917 Communities Served at Retail: Population Duchesne---------------------------------- 90. Hayden------------------------------------ 373 Myton------------------------------------- 437 Neola-------------------------------------- 559 Roosevelt---------------------------------- 1, 264 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWN EID UTILITY: Moon Lake Electric ASSn. 43–136 Utah Light and Traction Company ” Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah a Not an operating company; plant leased to others. (ºiled by Electric Power & Light Corpora- tion. Principal Officers: G. M. Gadsby - - Pres. Geo. B. Thomas--------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. J. A. Hale------------------------------ Vice Pres. R. H. Jones------------------ Treas. & Asst. Secy. F. R. Thomassen------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. L. A. Seare--------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: James J. Burke, George R. Corey, G. M. Gadsby, J. A. Hale, F. O. Howard, Geo. B. Thomas, Jed F. Woolley, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $19,884,094 ge - Rilowatts G ating Capacity: eneº p y 28,000 Steam 16,000 Hydro -- 12,000 Also Renders: Bus and street railway Service. 43–145 Utah Power & Light Company 509 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 92.39% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Lafayette Hanchett-------------------- Chairman G. M. Gadsby----------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. J. A. Hale------------------------------ Vice PreS. Geo. B. Thomas--------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. R. H. Jones.----------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. F. R. Thomassen------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. L. A. Seare--------------------------- Asst. Treas. 792 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: E. G. Bennett, George R. Corey, J. W. Funk, G. M. Gadsby, J. A. Hale, Lafayette Hanchett, Malcolm A. Keyser, Leo G. Meredith, Fred M. Nye, Stephen L. Richards, A. E. Thiel, George B. Thomas. Controls: Utah Light and Traction Co. (street railway). The Western Colorado Power Co. (electric utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant--------------------- $84, 554,839 Electric Operating Revenues: OUal---------------------------- $12,561,923 In Utah-------------- 2- - - - - - - - - = * = * * * $11,366,877 Number of Electric Customers: otal---------------------------- 110, 181 In Utah - 93,619 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total---------------------------- 212, 232 Steam------------------------------- 45, 540 Hydro------------------------------- 166, 192 Internal Combustion---------------- 500 Energy Available in Year: IKilowatt-hours Total--------------------------- 1,088,703, 801 Generated--------------------------- 692, 169,554 Purchased--------------------------- 8, 719, 947 Interchanged (gross-in).-------------- 387,814,300 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Ogden------------------------------------ 43, 688 Salt Lake City--------------------------- 149,934 1,000 to 10,000 population American Fork--------------------------- 3,333 Bingham Canyon------------------------ 2,834 Clearfield.-------------------------------- 1,053 Copperfield------------------------------- 1, 143 Tapeſ ----------------------------------- 1,400 Pureka---------------------------------- 2, 292 Farmington.------------------------------ 1, 211 Grantsville------------------------------- 1, 242 Holladay--------------------------------- 1,600 Hooper----------------------------------- 1,202 Hunter----------------------------------- 1, 250 Jºehi-------------------------------------- 2,733 Lewiston--------------------------------- 1, 804 Magna----------------------------------- 3, 650 Midvale---------------------------------- 2,875 Moab------------------------------------- 1,08 Orem.------------------------------------- 2,914 Park City-------------------------------- 3,739 Pleasant Grove.--------------------------- 1,941 Providence------------------------------- 1, 110 Richmond-------------------------------- 1, 131 Riverton--------------------------------- 1, 380 Sandy----------------------------- - - - - - - - 1,487 Santaquin-------------------------------- 1,297 Smithfield-------------------------------- 2,461 Tooele------------------------------------ 5,001 Tremonton------------------------------- 1, 443 ernal------------------------------------ 2, 119 Wellsville. ------------------------------- 1,402 West Jordan------------------------------ 1, 280 250 to 1,000 population Alpine------------------------------------ 444 Bear River ------------------------------ ,429 Benjamin--------------------------------- 400 Castle Dale------------------------------- 84 Centerville------------------------------- 69] Clarkston-------------------------------- 579 Cleveland-------------------------------- 447 Clinton ---------------------------------- 581 Coalville--------------------------------- 949 Collinston.------------------------------- 275 Corinne---------------------------------- 41 I Cove ------------------------------------ 26ſ) Croyden --------------------------------- 325 Deweyville------------------------------- 256 den ------------------------------------ 550 Pnery----------------------------------- 618 Ferron------------------------------------ 515 Fielding---------------------------------- 329 Garland---------------------------------- 926 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Green River------------------------------ 470 Harrisville------------------------------- 572 Hencier---------------------------------- 335 Herriman--------------------------------- 274 Highland Boy---------------------------- 587 Honeyville------------------------------- 596 Hoytsville-------------------------------- 385 Huntington.------------------------------ 997 Huntsville-------------------------------- 496 Hyde Park------------------------------- 606 Kamas----------------------------------- 683 Park------------------------------------- 5] 5 Layton.---------------------------------- 646 Liberty----------------------------------- 253 Lindon----------------------------------- 587 Mammoth------------------------------- 500 Mapleton-------------------------------- 907 Mendon---------------------------------- 454 Millville--------------------------------- 439 Wona------------------------------------ 357 Newton---------------------------------- 549 North Salt Lake-------------------------- 500 North Ogden----------------------------- 687 Oakley----------------------------------- 305 Orangeville------------------------------- 652 Paradise---------------------------------- 500 Peterson---------------------------------- 350 Plain City.------------------------------- 819 Pleasant View.---------------------------- 451 Plymouth-------------------------------- 292 Portage ---------------------------------- 342 Riverdale-------------------------------- 710 9W -------------------------------------- 998 Scofield ---------------------------------- 259 Slaterville-------------------------------- 400 South Weber----------------------------- 959 South Jordan----------------------------- 869 Stockton--------------------------------- 332 Sunset------------------------------------ 276 SVracuse---------------------------------- 732 Taylorsville------------------------------ 860 Trenton---------------------------------- 553 Uintah----------------------------------- 264 Wellington.------------------------------- 674 West Weber------------------------------ 425 Willard----------------------------------- 541 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: North Logan Tel. and Electric Light Co. J. H. Perry. Telluride Power Co. Western States Utilities (Nev.). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Brigham City Corporation. *FHeber T, ight & Power Plant. *Helper Flectrical Light TYept. *FHyrum Electric Light Plant. *Kaysville Electric Dept. *City of Onaqui. *Price Light Dept. *City of Provo. *Strawberry Water Users Assn. *U. S. Govt.-Fort Douglas. Also Renders: Steam and hot water heating service. See Also: Operations renorted under Idaho (11–100), and Wyoming (49–078). 43–154 Western States Utilities Company 400 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100 percent of voting power.) Electric Operating Revenues: Utah only--------------------------------- $6,383 Nu'm her of Electric Customers: Utah only---------------------------------- 135. See Also: Principal report under Nevada (27–179), and operations reported under Idaho (11–118) and Wyoming (49–090). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-UTAH 793 43–200 Columbia Steel Company 235 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. Principal Electric Utility Official: O. L. Pringle--------------------------- Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $3,023 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 97 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 99, 603 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbia"----------------------------------- 416 *Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water service. 43—210 Independent Coal & Coke Company Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Principal Officers: Paul F. Keyser------------------------------ PreS. Gerald H. Page * - - - ____Vice PreS. Sam Woodhead---------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers----------------- 208 Community Served at Retail: Population Kenilworth----------------------------------- 930 Also Renders: Water Service. 43—225 Spring Canyon Coal Company Spring Canyon, Utah Principal Officers: e Adams---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. John A. Grant------------------------------ ecy. Walter Cochrane---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers----------------- 160 Community Served at Retail: Population Spring Canyon *--------------------------- 566 * The majority of customers are COmpany employees. 43—230 Union Pacific Railroad Company 1416 Dodge St., Omaha, Nebr. See Also: Principal report under Nevada (27–360) and Operations reported under California (04–290). 43—231 Union Portland Cement Company Denver National Bldg., Denver, Colo. Official in charge of Electric Operations: J. F. Kaufman----------------------- Chief Engr. Community Served at Retail: Population Devils Slide *-------------------------------- 253 * The majority of customers are company em- ployees. 43—234 United States Fuel Company Newhouse Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Community Served at Retail: Population Hiawatha "----------------------------------- 858 * The majority of customers are company em- ployees. 43—235 Utah Fuel Company Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah Communities Served at Retail: Population Castlegate *----------------------------------- 851 Sunnyside *---------------------------------- 424 a The majority of customers are company em- ployees. See Also: Operations in Colorado (05–259). 43–515 *Beaver City Corporation Beaver, Utah Principal Flectric Utility Official: Charles Whornham ------------------- Governing Body: Laban Burt, Levi Howd, J. Frank Smith (mayor). Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $81,904 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $22,420 Number of Electric Customers----------- 550 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 390 Hydro---------------------------------- 220 Internal Combustion------------------- 170 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 909, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Beaver--------------------------------- 1,808 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–522 *Blanding Light and Power Department - Blanding, Utah Community Served at Retail: Population Blanding----------------------------------- 1, 111 43–529 *Bountiful City Electric Dept. Bountiful, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: John S. Ledingham!-------------------------- Mgr. Power Commission: Alfred G. Brown, S. H. Rumel (secy.), Dr. J. C. Stocks (pres.). The following data are for the year ended May 31, 1941: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $47, 309 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,000 794 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts | Internal Combustion 1,075 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated 1,482,020 Community Served at Retail: Population Bountiful 3, 357 43–536 *Brigham City Corporation Brigham, Utah Community Served at Retail: Brigham- Population 5, 641 43–543 *Ephraim Electric Light & Power Plant Ephraim, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. Jensen ----Supt. Electric Light Committee: Geo. W. Somson, W. P. Thompson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $86, 500 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,900 Number of Electric Customers------------- 75 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 360 Rilowatt-hours 1, 576,000 Population 2,094 Energy Generated Community Served at Retail: Ephraim 43–550 *Fairview Municipal Electric Plant Fairview, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Lewis Peterson------------------------------ Mgr. Gºing Body: Ed. Coons (mayor), Paul Rosen. UIIl Ol. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $62,278 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $9,016 Number of Electric Customers----------- 313 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 160 Rilovolt-amperes Energy Generated.----------------------- 174,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fairview - - - * * 1, 314 43–557 *Fillmore City Corporation Fillmore, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Don W. Stuart------------------- City Electrician City Council: A. P. Beaugood (mayor), Horace Day, Henry Hatton, Amell Jackson, Eugene McBride, LaMoyne Melville. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $25,377 Number of Electric Customers----------- 360 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 710, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Fillmore-------------------------------- 1, 785 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–564 *Heber Light & Power Plant Heber, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: L. A. Wooton - - Mgr. Board of Public Utilities: Athol Fitzgerald, Wm. Haueter, Nephi Moulton, James Ritchie, H. A. Stevens (chairman). The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $310,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $60,321 Number of Electric Customers 1, 214 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 600 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total -- 3, 581, 170 Generated 3, 461,480 Purchased.------------------------------ 119,690 Communities Served at Retail: Population Charleston---------------------------------- 323 Heber--------------------------------------- 2,748 Midway 801 43–571 *Helper Electrical Light Department Helper, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. K. Downey---Electric Light Dept. Chairman Jack Aime----------------------- City Electrician City Council: Dr. J. J. Dalpiaz, D. K. Downey, B. H. Hyde (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $50,030 Number of Electric Customers----------- 871 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,828, 564 Community Served at Retail: Population Helper-------------------------------------- 2,843 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–578 *Holden Town Corporation Holden, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Carl Nixon-------- * ---Pres. Trustees: Samuel Bennett, Geo. Austin Johnson, Ralph E. Jones. M. Crosland, The following data are for the year 1939: $3,113 117 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-UTAE] 795 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 45, 534 Community Served at Retail: Population Holden------------------ 500 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–585 *Hyrum Electric Light Plant Hyrum, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. O. Carlsen---------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Council: S. A. Dunn, John W. Jorgensen (mayor), W. F. Petersen. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers----------------- 500 PÖilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------------- 500 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2,401,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Hyrum------------------------------------- 1, 874 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–592 *Kanosh Town Corporation Kanosh. Utah Governing Body: Leonard Abraham, Mark C. Block, W. B. Fennemore (mayor), O. J. Rogers. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,683 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,374 Number of Electric Customers------------- 152 Community Served at Retail: Population Ranosh 526 43–599 *Kaysville Electric Department Kaysville, Utah Community Served at Retail: Population Kaysville 1, 211 43–606 *The Lehi Electric Light & Power System Lehi, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. E. Johnson.------------------------------- Supt. Clell Jackson. ------------------------- City Elec. Governing Body: Cecil L. Ash, W. W. Dickerson, : . § Haws (chairman utilities), Leland Powell Clerk). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $131, 400 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,476 Number of Electric Customers------------ 675 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 405 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 750,000 Community Served at Retail: Population 2,733 43–613 *Levan Electric System Levan, Utah Community Served at Retail: Population Levan 621 43–620 *Logan City Municipal Electric Light Plant 180 N. Main, Logan, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: H. C. Maughan------- City Commission: George B. Bowen, Wm. Evans, Jr. (mayor), Vern B. Muir. The following data are for the year 1940: Supt. Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1, 140,706 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $218, 892 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 198 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 6, 210 Hydro 1,400 Internal Combustion 4, 810 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 10,670,300 Community Served at Retail: Population Logan 11,868 43–627 *Manti City Light and Power Department Manti, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. Easton Moffitt------------------------- Mayor John R. Nelson, Jr.---------------------- Recorder N. J. Alex. Neilson-------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $115,000 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $20,708 Number of Electric Customers--------- 654 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.------------------------------- 592 yCiTO -------------------------------- 520 Internal Combustion----------------- 72 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated---------------------- 1, 256,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Manti-------------------------------------- 2,268 43–634 *Mantua Electric Light Department Mantua, Utah sº st e Population Community Served at Retail: Mantlla - 319 796 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 43–641 *Meadow Electric System Meadow, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. V. Adams------------------------------ Mayor Community Served at Retail: Population Meadow------------------------------------ 395 The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $2,736 Number of Electric Customers------------ 105 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Purchased.------ -------------------------- 54,930 Community Served at Retail: Population Meadow------------------------------------ 422 43–652 *Morgan City Corporation Morgan City, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: Reed Richards Supt. of Power Plant W. C. Dingman ------ Asst. Supt. of Power Planſ Louise Taggart-------------------------- Recorder Mayor and Councilmen: T. R. Bates, Lawrence Bell, Earl Butters, H. H. Crouch (mayor), Grant Eddington, John L. Heiner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $105,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $18,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 335 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 225 T9---------------------------------- 100 Internal Combustion------------------- 125 Energy Available in year: Rilowatt-hours al------------------------------- 759,900 Energy Generated.--------------------- 447,000 Energy. Purchased.---------------------- 312, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Aorgan--------------------------------- 1,078 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–655 *Monroe Power and Light Department Monroe, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: William Rasmussen-------------- City Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $110,000 Electric Operating Revenues.---------- $11,058 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 9tal------------------------------- 275 Hydro---------- ---------------------- 225 Internal Combustion----------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 458,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Monroe------------------------------------- 1, 292 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–658 *Town of Monticello Monticello, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Geo. M. Palmer----------------------------- Clerk The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $8,052 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 115 Community. Served at Retail: Population Monticello------------------------------------ 667 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–662 *Mount Pleasant Electric Light Department Mount Pleasant, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. W. Wall-----------------------. City Recorder E. R. Ellingsworth-------------------- Supervisor City Council: R. W. Candland, W. C. Olsen, Dr. A. L. Peterson, P. A. Poulsen, J. F. Pritchett, Justus O. Seely (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $125,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $25,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 700 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (EIydro)------------ 325 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 963,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Pleasant------------------------ 2, 382 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–669 *Murray Power Plant Department t Murray, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: J. Clifford Hansen, Commissioner of Power & Light City Commission: G. R. Derger (mayor), S. G. Freeze, J. Clifford Hansen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $451,933 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $90,424 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,328 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total------------------------------- 2, 200 Hydro------------- 1,000 Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4,000, 281 Community Served at Retail: Population Murray------------------------------------- 5,740 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF EDECTRIC UTILITIES–UTAH 797 43–676 *Nephi City Corporation City Hall, Nephi, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. E. Ostler, H. C. Crane, W. C. Johnson. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $30,960 Number of Electric Customers----------- 784 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Bydro)------------- 270 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Olal------------------------------- 1,088,280 Generated------------------------------ 98'), 480 Purchased.------------------------------ 107, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Nephi-------------------------------------- 2,835 Also Renders Water Service. 43–683 *Oak City Electrical Department Oak City, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official Clarence H. East---------------------------- Clerk The ſollowing data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,930 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 75 Ičilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - 28, 914 Community Served at Retail: Population Oak City------------------------------------- 391 43–690 *Paragonah Municipal Lighting Department Paragonah, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Byron Robinson ---------------------- Electrician Town Trustees: Samuel Abbott, A. M. Lamor- eauxf, H. R. Robinsoni, T. A. Robinson (pres.), J. O. Talbot. f(&ommittee Member. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $13,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,433 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 113 Community Served at Retail: Population Paragonah------------------------------------ 365 43–697 *Parowan City Corporation Parowan, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: R. L. Halterman---------------- Plant Supervisor Councilmen: Ray H. Adams (chairman), S. A. Halterman, Taylor Miller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $12,627 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 360, Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated ---------------------- 1,838,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Parowan------------------------------- 1, 525 43–704 *Payson City Corporation Payson, Utah Principal Flectric Utility Officials: - - James F. Hiatt, Jr.-------------------- Electrician J. A. LaW---------------------------------- Clerk Electric Light Committee: L. A. Bates (chairman), Floyd Harmen. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $69,371 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $36,054 Number of Electric Customers----------- 894 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 512, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Payson------------------------------------- 3, 591 Also Renders: Water service. 43–711 *Town of Perry Route 2. Brigham City, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wallace Wilde ---------------------------- Mayor P. Douglas Quayle ----------------- Commissioner Elmer R. Matthews------------------------ Clerk Town Board: Raymond Hansen, Rulon Hirschi, Douglas Quayle, Leland Thorn, Wallace Wilde. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Cu3tomers-- - - - - - ------ 82 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 806, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population erry----------------------------------------- 383 Also Renders: Water Service. 43–718 *Price Light Department Price, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Bracken Lee---------------------------- Mayor William Grogan-------------------------- Auditor Carlyle Pace------------------------------- Treas. Leonard Frandsen-------------------------- Supt. City Council: Sheldon L. Anderson (chairman), William Campbell, E. N. Chidester, John W. Holden, W. E. McIntire. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $160,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $97, 113 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,390 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 3, 748,045 | Community Served at Retail: Population Price--------------------------------------- 5, 214 798 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 43—721 *Provo Department of Utilities 11 South University, Provo, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray J. Coffey------------------------------- Mgr. Roy Brown-------------------------- Plant Engr. Pon Giles--------------------------- Distb. Engr. T. J. Oldroyd------------------------ Office Mgr. Ray M. Rinderhagen -- - - - - - - -> *s, * * * * * * * Cost Acct. The Electric Utility Board: J. Hamilton Calder (chairman), Clarence H. Harmon (secy.), Dr. VaSco Tanner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $891, 940 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $199,318 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,858 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.-------- 4, 100 Steam---------------------------------- 4,000 Internal Combustion------------------- 100 Pºlowatt-hours 8, 285,910 7, 666, 530 Energy Generated - - - - - - --------------- Energy Purchased.--------------------- 619, 380 Community Served at Retail: Population TOV0---------------------------------- 18,071 Also Renders: Water Service. 43—725 *Salem Light and Power System Salem, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roscoe Hanks.---- Chairman of Elec. Committee Owen L. Sabin------------------------ Electrician Electric Committee: Ezra Edman, Roscoe Hanks. Community Served at Retail: Population Salem 659 Also Renders: Water Service. 43—732 *Spanish Fork Electric System Spanish Fork, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: John E. Booth----------------------------- Mayor Jas. A. Anderson--------------------------- Treas. Dale Beck Evans------------------------ Recorder Fred S. Dart, Jr.------------------ City Electrician City Council: David B. Bowen, Mark F. Boyack #. H. Cornaby, Gilbert A. Johnson, John K. Oſlº SOD1. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,942 Number of Electric Cust * 1,007 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,741,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Spanish Fork----- 4, 167 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Palmyra & Lakeshore Electric Light Co. 43–739 *Spring City Electric Light and Power System Spring City, Utah Community Served at Retail: Spring City Population 839 43--746 *Springville Municipal Corp. City Hall, Springville, Utah Principal Electric Utility Official: Emil Ostlund------------ Chairman Light Comm. Grant Whitehead Supt. L. J. Taylor--------------------------- Asst. Supt. City Council: I. E. Clegg, David Friel, Ed. Johnson, Emil Ostlund, H. T. Reynolds, Jr., A. O. Thorn (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $81,453 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $48,661 Number of Electric Cust * : 1,300 PKilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 260 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 2, C64. 330 Generated 1, 720, 530 Purchased.------------------------------ 343, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Springville---------------------------------- 4, 796 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWN EID UTILITY: *Strawberry Water Users ASSn. Also Renders: Water Service, 43–750 *Strawberry Water Users Association Payson, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: William Grotegut--------------------------- |PreS. E. G. Breeze-------------------------------- Secy. A. L. Jones--------------------------------- Engr. C. H. Jex----------------------------------- Engr. J. S. Reece--------------------------- Oſfice Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant- - - - - - -------------- $184,732 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $75,543 Number of Electric Customers----------- 265 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 1, 150 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------------- 7,416, 557 Energy Generated.--------------------- 6,697, 357 Energy Purchased.-------------------- 719, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Leland--------------------------------- 275 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Spanish Fork City Municipal Electric System. Also Renders: Water Service. 43–753 *Town of Wales Wales, Utah DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-UTAH 799 43–862 *Garkane Power Association, Incorporated Hatch, Utah * Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ralph B. Blackburn------------------------ PreS. Robert A. Middleton ----------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $185,791 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $9,999 Number of Electric Customers------------ 588 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 378,600 Communities Served at Retail: Population Escalante----------------------------------. 1, 106 Hatch-------------------------------------- 294 Orderville---------------------------------- 450 ropic------------- - 514 43—880 *Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc. Mount Emmons, Utah Principal Electric Utility Officials: - S. K. Daniels------------------------------- Pres. Ed. D. Conklin ---------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $31,811 Number of Electric Customers Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 215, 753 WERMONT Index Reference Number. Allied Power and Light Company----------- 44–010 *Barton Village, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–520 Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corporation. -- 44–014 Blair Veneer Co. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–225 *Burlington Electric Light Department, City Of 44–536 Central Vermont Public Service Corporation- 44–022 Citizens Utilities Company---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–024 Community Light & Power Company-- - - - - Connecticut River Power Company--------- *Enosburg Falls, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pranklin Electric Light Company, Inc. ----- 44–035 Gilman Electric Light & Power Co- - - - - - - - - - 44–039 Gilman Paper Company - - - - - - -------------- 44–262 Granville Electric Company----- - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–043 Green Mountain Power Corporation-- - - - - - - *Hardwick, Village of - - - - - - ---------------- & *Hyde Park, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–582 International Electric Company--- - - - - - - - - - - 44–053 Iroquois Light and Power Company, Inc ---- 44–056 *Jacksonville, Village of. -------------------- 44–597 *Johnson Electric Department, Village of.--- 44–613 Johnson, Lawrence E.----------------------- 4 Lake Electric Corporation------------------- *Ludlow Electric Light Department - - - - - - - - *Lyndonville Electric Plant----------------- *Morrisville, Village of - - - ------------------ New England Power Company------------- Reference Number *Northfield Electric Light Department------ 44–675 Norton Electric Light Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–083 Olcott Falls Company----------------------- 44-085 *Orleans, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44-690 Plymouth Electric Light Company - - - - - - - - - 44–089 Public Electric Light Company. - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–094 Public Service Company of New Hampshire. 44–098 * Readsboro, Village of 44-706 Rochester Electric Light & Power Company. 44–106 *Shrewsbury Light and Power Company - - - - 44–885 States & Canada Utilities, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44-127 *Stowe, Incorporated Village of.------------- 44–721 *Swanton Village - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–737 Twin State Gas & Electric Company, The - 44–136 *Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - 44–895 Vermont Marble Company------------------ 44-304 Vermont Soapstone Co---------------------- 44–325 Waits River Electric System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–148 *Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc -- - - - - 44–905 Waterville Light & Power Corp - - - - - - - - - - - 4–152 Wes-Lon Light and Power Company, Inc. -- 44–157 *West Burke, Village of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - West River Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44–161 Weybridge Light and Power Company, Inc. 44–165 Woodstock Electric Company--------------- 4 Zipfel, Mrs. Jeanette------------------------ *Denotes a publicly owned utility. WERMONT 44–010 Allied Power and Light Company Main St., Pittsford, Vt. Principal Officers: E. L. White--------------------------------- Pres H. N. White Directors: H. E. Carver, E. L. White, H. N. White. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $103, 50} Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $33,369 Number of Electric Cust sº 636 : Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 748,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Florence - - -- 400 Pittsford-------------------------------------- 576 Pittsford Mills * = ---- 403 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Plymouth Electric Light Co. 322184—42—56 44–014 Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corporation 6 Bridge St., Bellows Falls, Vt. | (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Arthur E. Pope ---- Pres. Frederick J. Dunn.---------------------- Vice Pres. Clifford R. Oliver Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn------------------------ Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan ASSt. Secy. William C. Coburn ASSt. Treas. George H. Thompson ----Clerk Clarence I. Wiley--------------------- Asst. Clerk Directors: Frederick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Franklin P. Jackson, Jr., Arthur E. LaCroix, Harold W. Mason, Clifford R. Olivor, Arthur E. Pope, Howard C. Rice, Homer L. Skeels, George H. Thompson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $13,133,277 801 802 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Electric Operating Revenues: Total--------------------------------- $1,442,452 In Vermont $530,773 Number of Electric Customers: Total.--------- 4 In Vermont 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Bydro)----------- 40,800 Rilowatt-hours 194,824, 120 176, 311, 650 18, 512,470 Generated.---------------------------- Purchased.---------------------------- Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Vermont Public Service Corporation. Granite State Electric Co. Green Mountain Power Corporation. See Also: Operations reported under New Hamp- shire (28-018). 44–022 Central Vermont Public Service Corporation 121 west St., Rutland, vi. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Albert A. Cree ----Pres, William Johnston, Jr.------------------- Vice Pres, Thomas Gorham----------------------- Vice PreS. William H. Lawson------------ Vice Pres. & Clerk Everett H. Maxcy--------------------------- Secy. Prescott H. Wellman----------------------- Treas. John E. Johnson.-------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Harold D. Jennings------------------- ASSt. Treas. Glover W. Rogers Auditor Directors: Albert A. Cree, Clarence A. Forrest, William Johnston, Jr., Edwin W. Lawrence, Wil- liam H. Lawson, Everett H. Maxcy, Walter S. Wyman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $14,604, 548 Electric Operating Revenues: Total.--- $2,363, 177 In Vermont $1,884,430 Number of Electric Customers: Otal------ 25,904 In Vermont 21, 256 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 18, 317 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 110,371,835 Generated 53,254. 989 Purchased.---- * *- 56, 937,946 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 178,900 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population R11tland 17,082 1,000 to 10,000 population Bethel 1,500 Brandon 1, 731 Bristol 1, 236 Fair Haven 1, 968 Middlebury 2, 123 Poultney 1, 333 Randolph 1, 988 Springfield 5, 182 West Pawlet &= 1,050 West Rutland 2,500 Windsor 3, 402 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population RenSon 600 Bomoseen---------------------------------- 253 Rradford 693 Castleton---------------------------------- 800 Center Rutland---------------------------- 700 Chelsea * * * * 250 Panby------------------------------------- 350 Dorset----- 300 East Dorset-------------------------------- 350 East Poultney * - 306 Forest Dale sº s tº sº 400 Hubbardton------------------------------- 250 Hydeville * --> 500 Leicester----------------------------------- 400 Manchester-------------------------------- 325 Manchester Centre------------------------ 765 Manchester Depot.------------------------- 300 Middletown Springs----------------------- 250 Newbury---- nº º ºx- 391 North Clarendon-------------------------- 262 North Springfield-------------------------- 450 rwell------------------------------------- 496 Sharon------------------------------------- 300 Shoreham Center-------------------------- 340 South Poultney---------------------------- 360 South Royalton---------------------------- 800 Wallingford-------------------------------- 700 West Lincoln------------------------------ Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITIES: Allied Power & I,ight Co. Plymouth Flectric Light Co. Rochester Electric Light & Power Co. The Twin State Gas & Eloctric Co. Waits River Electric System. Wes-Lon Light & Power Co., Inc. West River Power CO. Weybridge Ilight & Power Co., Inc. Woodstock Electric Co. Vermont Soapstone Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Ludlow Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service in Vermont. See Also: Operations reported under New Eſamp- shire (28–022) and New York (31–037). 44–024 Citizens Utilities Company 821 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Vermont only)-------------------------- $335, 57.1 Number of Electric Customers: (Vermont only)-------------------------- 5, 656 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alburg-------------------------------------- 638 Derby Center------------------------------- 346 Irasbur"------------------------------------ 450 Island Pond-------------------------------- 2,001 Montgomery Center------------------------ 450 Newport------------------------------------ 4, 902 Newport Center---------------------------- 288 Richford------------------------------------ 1,889 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: States and Canada Utilities, Inc. UBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Barton Village, Inc. *Swanton Village. See Also: Principal report under Arizona (02–054), and operations reported under Idaho (11-019), and Washington (46-016). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VERMONT 803 44–026 Community Light & Power Company Middlebury, Vt. Principal Officers: H. Peet----------------------------------- PreS. C. C. Seeley---------------------------- Vice PreS. Louise Nelson------------------------------ Treas. W. N. Coburn------------------------------ Clerk Directors: E. M. Day, E. J. Fenn, B. R. Fields, F. C. Keese, E. H. Peet, S. S. Reynolds, C. C Seeley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $85,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $28,058 Number of Electric Customers------------- 563 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 688,040 Community Served at Retail: Population East Middlebury----------------------------- 325 44–031 Connecticut River Power Company Littleton, N. H. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: . $621,492 (Vermont only)-------------------------- Number of Flectric Customers: (Vermont only)-------------------------- 10 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Green Mountain Power Corporation. New England Power Company. The Twin State Gas and Electric Co. See Also: Principal report under New Hampshire (28-031). 44–035 Franklin Electric Light Company, Inc. Franklin, Vt. 44–039 Gilman Electric Light & Power Co. Gilman, Vt. (Controlled by Gilman Paper Company through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Cary J. Faulkner---------------------------- PreS. Charles Gilman -------- Vice Pres., Treas. & Secy. Tirectors: C. J. Faulkner, Charles Gilman, Isaac Gilman. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12, 152 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,955 Number of Electric Customers------------- 154 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 168, 229 Community Served at Retail: Population Gilman am - 750 44–043 Granville Electric Company 108 E. Green St., Ithaca, N. Y. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: R. M. Girard------------------------------- PreS. C. C. Wood.------------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. F. W. Bartow------------------------------ Treas. K. J. Wheeler---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: F. W. Bartow, R. M. Girard, C. C. WOOd. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $211, 381 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,869 Number of Electric Customers------------- 187 JKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 260,982 44–047 Green Mountain Power Corporation 20 Langdon St., Montpelier, Vt. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: A. Leroy Smith------------------------ Chairman Ralph N. Hill------------------------------. PreS. Francis L. Ball------------------------- Vice PreS. William C. Bell------------------------ Vice Pres. Frederick J. Dunn.--------------------- Vice PreS. Arthur E. Pope------------------------ Vice PreS. John W. Sheehey---------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph D. Washburn ------------------------ Secy. Harry Hanson------------------------------ Treas. John E. Teagan----------------------- ASSt. Secy. William A. Coburn------------------- ASSt. Treas. Harry R. Hill.----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Louis B. Provost------------ ASSt. Treas. & Clerk Directors: Francis L. Ball, William C. Bell, Fred- erick J. Dunn, Harry Hanson, Ralph N. Hill, Fred A. Howland, Charles LeBourveau, Clifford R. Oliver, Roy L. Patrick, Arthur E. Pope, Homer L. Skeels, A. Leroy Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------- $15,715, 398 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $2,223, 595 Number of Electric Customers--------- 24,875 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 29, 590 Steam -- * - 9, 300 Hydro-------------------------------- 20, 290 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 97,475, 214 Generated.---------------------------- 64, 862. 446 Purchased---------------------------- 32, 612, 768 804 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Barre-------------------------------------- 10, 909 Burlington--------------------------------- 27, 686 1,000 to 10,000 population Bellows Falls------------------------------ 4, 236 Essex Junction----------------------------- 1, 901 Graniteville-------------------------------- 1,000 Hartford---------------------------------- 1,500 Montpelier-------------------------------- 8,006 Vergennes--------------------------------- 1,662 Waterbury-------------------------------- 3,074 White River Junction.--------------------- 2, 690 Winooski---------------------------------- 6,036 250 to 1,000 population Cabot------------------------------------- 265 East Barre--------------------------------- 65() F'ssex Center------------------------------ 250 Groton------------------------------------ 419 Huntington Center------------------------ 31 ſh Jericho------------------------------------ 254 Marshfield-------------------------------- 292 North Westminster------------------------ 400 Norwich----------------------------------- 60() Plainfield---------------------------------- 521 Putney------------------------------------ 350 Richmond--------------------------------- 692 Saxtons River----------------------------- 740 Shelburne--------------------------------- 300 South Barre------------------------------- 400 South Burlington-------------------------- 70ſ) South Ryegate----------------------------- 346 We' Sterville------------------------------- 700 Wells River-------------------------------- 527 Westminster------------------------------ 270 Wilder------------------------------------- 600 Williamstown----------------------------- 350 Wilmington------------------------------- 597 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Connecticut River Power Co. Granite State Flectric Co. Public Flectric Light Co. Waits River Flectric System Lawrence E. Johnson PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITIES: *RIJrlington Flectric Light Dept. *Village of Hardwick. *Villare of Morrisville. *Northfield Electric Light Dept. Also Renders: Gas Service. 44–053 International Electric Company Derby Line, Vt. (Controlled by Southern Canada Power Co., Ltd.) Principal Officers: J. B. Woodwatt------------------------------ Pres. I. C. Haskell------------------------------- Treas. A. C. Cowles------------------------------- Clerk Directors: A. C. Cowles, D.W. Davis, L. C. Haskell, L. W. Hill, J. B. Woodyatt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,760 Number of Electric Customers - ------------ 330 IKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 451, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Derby Line---------------------------------- 661 44–056 Iroquois Light and Power Com- pany, Inc. Burlington, Vt. 44–060 Lawrence E. Johnson West Danville, Vt. 44—064 Lake Electric Corporation Franklin, Vt. Principal Officers: Miles Krans--------------------------------- PreS. Directors: Vera Gates, Miles Krans, A. H. Pratt, O. H. Riley, Gerard Trembly. The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. --------------------- $23,098 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,470 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 170 44–073 New England Power Company 441 Stuart St., Boston, Mass. (Controlled by New England Power Association through 88.59% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Vermont only)------------------------- $262,859 Number of Electric Customers: (Vermont only).------------------------- 6 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Green Mountain Power Corporation. The Twin State Gas and Electric Co. PU B LICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Village of Jacksonville. *Village of Readsboro. See Also: Principal report under Massachusetts (20–096). 44—083 Norton Electric Light Plant Norton Mills, Vt. Population 300 Community Served at Retail: Norton--------------------------------------- 44–085 Olcott Falls Company Hanover, N. H. (Controlled by International Paper and Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. G. Wells---------------------------- ---- ProS Geo. S. Ferris--------------------------- Vice Pres. E. B. Norcross----------------------------- Treas. L. Alford Frost ----------------------------- Secy. Elsie Hollman------------------------- Asst. Secy. Directors: Geo. S. Ferris, Elsie Hoffman, H. G. Wells. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VERMONT 805 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $601, 698 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $118, 553 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 5, 220 I(ilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 22, 841, 900 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTII, ITIES: Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corporation. Granite State Electric Co. - 44–089 Plymouth Electric Light Company Ludlow, Vt. 44–094 Public Electric Light Company 161 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Principal Officers: David V. Carruth------------------------- PreS. A. W. Peterson------------------------- Vice PreS. Clinton W. Tylee-------------------------- Treas. Laurence W. Lombard--------------------- Clerk Directors: David V. Carruth, Purvis J. Carruth, A. W. Peterson, Clinton W. Tylee, Clinton W. Tylee, Jr. Controls: St. Albans Electric Light & Power Corporation (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,226, 191 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $512,726 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5, 211 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 11,880 Energy Available in Year: Pſilowatt-hours Tot al- 39, 596, 265 Generated.----------------------------- 38,213,710 Purchased----------------------------- 1, 382, 555 Communities Served at Retail: Population East Fairfield------------------------- - - - - - 250 Fairfax------------------------------------- 500 Pletcher------------------------------------ 300 Georgia------------------------------------- 500 Jeffersonville------------------------------- 287 Wilton------------------------------------- 729 Sºint Albans------------------------------- 8,037 Sheldon------------------------------------ 400 Sheldon Springs---------------------------- 380 Otilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Green Mountain Power Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Burlington Flectric Light Dept. *Swanton Village. *Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc. 44–098 Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1087 Elm St., Manchester, N. H. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Vermont only)-------------------------- $53,959 Number of Electric Customers: (Vermont only)-------------------------- 365 Communities Served at Retail: Population Beechers Falls------------------------------- 480 Bloomfield----------------------------------- 287 Canaan-------------------------------------- 426 See Also: Principal report under New Hampshire (28–123). 44–106 Rochester Electric Light & Power Company 64 N. Main St., Rutland, Vt. Principal Officers: L. D. Pierce, Jr.----------------------------- PreS. G. M. Pierce.-------------------------- Vice ProS. L. D. Pierce.------------------------------- Treas Directors: G. M. Pierce, L. D. Pierce, L. D. Pierce, Jr., T. M. Pierce, V. P. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: E'ectric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,035 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,855 Number of Electric Customers------------- 204 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 231,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Rochester------------------------------------ 750 44–127 States & Canada Utilities, Inc. Box 991, Fall River, Mass. Principal Officers: Frank L. Andrews-------------------------. PreS. Directors: A. H. Andrews, F. L. Andrews, Lindsey E. Bird, I. M. Frost, M. A. McMahon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $55,922 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,297 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 169 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 125,060 W 44–136 The Twin State Gas & Electric Company 121 West St., Rutland, Vt. (Controlled by New England Public Service Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Vermont only)-------------------------- $966,067 Number of Electric Customers: (Vermont only)-------------------------- 11,995 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arlington----------------------------------- 550 Bennington--------------------------------- 7,628 Brattleboro--------------------------------- 9,622 806 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Concord----- - 313 Danville------------------------------------ 500 East Arlington------------------------------ 500 East Concord - __ 285 Lunenburg------------------- 650 North Bennington.-------------------------- 992 North Pownal - - - - --- 680 Passumpsic--------------------------------- 250 Saint Johnsbury---------------------------- 7. 437 Saint Johnsbury Center--------------------- 400 South Shaftsbury--------------------------- 510 West Arlington----------------------------- 250 West Brattleboro- 560 West Dummerston------------------------- 275 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Vermont Public Service Corporation. Public Service Company of New Hampshire. Wes-Lon Light & Power Co., Inc. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Lyndonville Electric Plant. See Also: Principal report under New Hampshire §: and operations reported under New York 1–169). 44–148 Waits River Electric System Canaan, N. Y. Population 300 Community Served at Retail: West Topsham 44–152 Waterville Light & Power Corp. Waterville, Vt. 44–157 Wes-Lon Light and Power Company, Inc. Chester, Vt. (Controlled by Colonial Utilities Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Nathaniel F. Glidden------------------------ TreS. Howard Morris _ _ _ _Vice Pres. Roger H. Zanes-------------------- Secy. & Treas. Directors: Nathaniel F. Glidden, Warren Hazeltine, Jr., Howard Morris, Roger H. Zanes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $495, 380 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $78,068 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 574 - Ailowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,666, 520 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cavendish 539 Chester 749 44–161 West River Power Co. Cuttingsville, Vt. Principal Officers: G. N. Jones--------------------------------- Pres. Directors: W. J. Burditt, G. N. Jones, Gertrude Jones. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Number of Electric Cust sº 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 167, 5 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Shrewsbury Light and Power Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 44–165 Weybridge Light and Power Company, Inc. Chester, Vt. 44–169 Woodstock Electric Company 11 Central St., Woodstock, Vt. Principal Officers: A. B. Wilder-------------------------------- Fres. H. C. Cushing-------------- Vice Pres, and Treas. R. P. Woods-------------- Secy. and Asst. Treas. Directors: H. C. Cushing, J. F. Dewey, Ehrick Rilner, Wilfred Smith, A.B. Wilder, R. P. Woods. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues- $92,627 Number of Electric Cust sº 997 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 287 Energy Available in Year: IXilowatt-hours Ota 2, 477,280 Generated 870,480 Purchased.------------------------------ 1,444, 300 Interchanged (gross-in).----------------- 162,500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Quechee------------------------------------ 300 South Woodstock - - - - 250 Taftsville----- 308 Woodstock------- 1, 325 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UT1LITY: Bridgewater Electric Co. 44–173 Mrs. Jeanette Zipfel West Danville, Vt. 44–225 Blair Veneer Co. Pleasant St., North Troy, Vt. Officer in Charge of Electric Operations: C. E. Garrett. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $95,489 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $21,589 Number of Electric Customers------------ 425 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VERMONT 807 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 1,092 Steam-------------------------------------- 300 łłydro-------------------------------------- 792 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--- 448,061 Energy Sold for Resale----------------- 108,800 Communities Served at Retail: Population North Troy 1,077 South Troy--------------------------------- 25() Westfield------------ 25() Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mansonville Utilities. 44–262 Gilman Paper Company 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. J. Faulkner------------------------ Asst. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $5,047 Number of Electric Cust S. - - I Generating Capacity: Rilowatts *9ta!------------------------------------- 5,000 Steam-------------------------------------- 2,000 *Wºro-------------------------------------- 000 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 168 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY Own ED UTILITY: Gilman Electric Light & Power Co. , 299 44–304 Vermont Marble Company Proctor, Vt. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. A. Collin-------------------------- Chief Engr. W. E. Wallett------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,387, 812 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $168,984 Number of Electric Customers------------ 628 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ---------- 6,605 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--- 496, 471 Energy Sold for Resale.---------------- 17, 773, 110 Community Served at Retail: Population Proctor--------------- 2, 184 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Central Vermont Public Service Corporation. Community Light and Power Company. 44–325 Vermont Soapstone Co. Perkinsville, Vt. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: John H. Hicks------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,693 Number of Eiectric Customers------------- 83 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers---------- 49,847 44–520 *Barton Willage, Inc. Post Office Square, Barton, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: . E. P. Davenport---------------- Municipal Agent Board of Trustees: C. C. Baldwin, J. W. Centebar, W. E. Hanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $308,972 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $50, 195 Number of Electric Customers----------- 796 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 1,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 3, 368, 326 Generated 3,069,026 Purchased 299, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Barton 1, 262 44–536 *City of Burlington Electric Light Department Room 10, City Hall, Church St., Burlington, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. H. King-------------- Commissioners: J. F. Lanou, H. H. Miller, (chair- man), T. W. Parkhill. The following data arc for the year 1940: Supt. Electric Utility Plant $825,425 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $347, 777 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 284 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ l, 238 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 11, 199,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Burlington--------------------------------- 27,686 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iroquois Light & Power Co., Inc. 44–551 *Willage of Enosburg Falls Enosburg Falls, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: Oren L. Harris-------- Water & Light Commissioners: L. H. Danyaw, W. S. Pease, L. B. Thomas. Supt. 808 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION * he following data are for the year ended Jan. 31, 1941: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $239, 312 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $33,987 Number of Electric Customers------------- 576 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total-------------------------------- 780 Hydro----------------------------------- 580 Internal Combustion-------------------- 200 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, 166,922 Community Served at Retail: Population Enosburg Falls----------------------------- 1, 168 Also Renders: Water Service. 44–567 *Willage of Hardwick Hardwick, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: Guy W. Larrabee--------------------------- Supt. Village Trustees: J. E. Appolt, A. C. Kinney, L. S. Robie (pres.). The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plint--------------------- $472, 311 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $64,014 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 629 Rilo wafts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------. 700 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 9ta!------------------------------- 2, 753, 305 Generated.------------------------------ 2, 111, 605 Purchased.------------------------------ 641, 700 Communities Served at Retail: Population Greensboro--------------------------------- 4ſ)0 Greensboro Bend--------------------------- 330 Hardwick----------------------------------- 1,607 Also Renders: Water Service. 44–582 *Willage of Hyde Park Hyde Park, Vt. Population 330 Community Served at Retail: Hyde Park 44–597 *Willage of Jacksonville Jacksonville. Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: Clerk & Treas. Trustees: Clayton Carrier, Everett Hicks, W. E. Iowe, E. H. Murdock, Leon B. Parker (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $6,564 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 169 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 87, 573 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Green Mountain Power Corporation. 44–613 *Willage of Johnson Electric Department Johnson, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: Frenk S. Sargent--------------------------- S11pt. Board of Trustees: F. S. Heath, E. R. Miller, T. R. Smalley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $43,614 Flectric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,883 Number of Electric Customers------------- 310 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) -------------- 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 608, 600 Generated.------ -- - - 517,800 Purchased-------------------------------- 90, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Johnson-------------------------------------- 753 Also Renders: Water service. 44—628 *Ludlow Electric Light Department Ludlow, Vt. Commissioners: Allen M. Fletcher, Jr., Charles A. l. lastings, A. J. Keenan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $55,061 Number of Electric Customers----------- 900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------. - 2,000, 000 Uommunities Served at Retail: Population Ludlow------------------ ------------------ 1, 780 Proctorsville-------------------------------- 643 44-644 *Lyndonville Electric Plant Lyndonville, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. J. Graves------------------------------- Supt. P. R. Griswold.----------------------------- Treas. Board of Commissioners: A. A. Cheney, A. W. Edmunds, D. I. Grapes. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $356,433 Flectric Operating Revenues-------------- $73, 232 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 1, 157 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------- 660 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 4, 350,095 Generated.------------------------------ 4, 185, 82. Purchased.------------------------------ 164, 270 DIRECTORY 809 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VERMONT Communities Served at Retail: Population East Burke--------- - - - 250 Lyndon------------------------------------ 275 Lyndon Center----------------------------- 283 Lyndonville-------------------------------- 1, 444 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PHIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: The Twin State Gas and Electric Co. Change). PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITY: *Village of West Burke. (Inter- 44–659 *Willage of Morrisville 16 Portland St., Morrisville, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Official: Willard K. Sanders---------------- Supt. & Treas. Water & Hight Commissioners: M. C. Greene, L. M. Munson, C. G. Parker, J. O. Reed, H. A. Smalley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $635, 483 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $88, 847 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,020 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 2, 640 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 6,675,250 Generated------------------------------ 5, 719, 770 Purchased 955, 480 Community Served at Retail: Population Morrisville------------------------------------ 1,967 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Green Mountain Power Corporation, PUH LI("LY OWN ED UTILITIES: *Village of Hyde Park. *Village of Johnson Electric Dept. * Incorporated Village of Stowe. *Waterville Light & Power Corp. (Cooperative) Also Renders: Water Service. 44–675 *Northfield Electric Light Department 5% East St., Northfield. Wit. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Royal F. Britain----------------------------- Supt. Charles E. Burns-------------------------- Clerk. Gardner A. Buck Board of Trustees: Francis Chase, Edward J. Plunkett, Edward H. Sargent. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $87, 100 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $40,857 Number of Electric Customers------------ 831 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,081, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Northfield---------------------------------- 2, 129 Northfield Falls----------------------------- 350 44–690 *Willage of Orleans Orleans, Vt. Village Trustees: Glen S. Dodge, Donald R. Gray, PreSton C. Skinner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $77,724 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $7,563 Number of Electric Customers------------ 536 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 230,626 Community Served at Retail: Population Orleans------------------------------------- 1, 332 Also Renders: Water Service. 44–706 *Willage of Readsboro Readsbºro, Vt. Community Served at Retail: Population Readsboro------------------------------------ 667 44–721 *Incorporated Willage of Stowe Stowe, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry E. Pike------------------------------ Treas. Clement Wilkins---------------------- Electrician Village Trustees: Gordon H. Bull, Wayne T. Burt, Fred M. Pike. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $37,081 Electric Operating Revenues * $21,018 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 377 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 644, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population OWe----------------------------------------- 540 Also Renders: Water Service. 44–737 *Swanton Willage 13 York St.. Swanton, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Blake-------------------------- Village Pres. L. E. Jordan------------------------- Village Supt. Village Trustees: M. W. Barney, H. E. Bliss, W. E. Boucher. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $433, 147 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $80,805 Number of Electric Cust rº 958 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 1, 780 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 5, 792, 222 Generated.------------------------------ 5, 200,000 Purchased.------------------------------ 592, 222 810 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Population Highgate Center 437 SWanton-------------- 1, 461 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATE LY OWNED UTILITIES : Citizens Utilities Co. Franklin Flectric Light Co., Inc. Lake Electric Corporation. Public Electric Light Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 44–752 *Willage of West Burke West Burke, Vt. Population 316 Community Served at Retail: West Burke * * * 44–885 *Shrewsbury Light and Power Company Cuttingsville, Vt. 44–895 *Vermont Electric Cooperative, Inc. Eden Mills, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J). P. Naremore----------------------------- FreS. £ H. D. Bowman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $196, 138 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14,503 Number of Electric Customers------------ 409 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----- 193,298 44–905 *Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc. East Montpeliar, Vt. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harmon F. Kelley - - ------------------------ T’res. Clarke Millen------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $262. 292 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $6,658 Number of Electric Customers------------ 152 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion.-- 132 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total---------- - - - - 410, 920 Energy Generated __ 142, 900 Energy Purchased --- 268,020 VIRGINIA Index Reference Number Alberine Stone Corporation of Virginia------ 45–210 Albermarle Paper Company----------------- 45–215 American Hardware Company-------------- 45–223 American Tobacco Company---------------- 45–226 Appalachian Electric Power Company------ 45-0.11 *B. A. R. C. Electric Cooperative----------- 45–808 Bassetts Furniture Cornpany---------------- 45–230 *Bedford, Town of -------------------------- 45–515 Bishop, Mrs. F. va. -------------------------- 45–013 *BlackStone I,ight and Power Plant -- - - - - - - - 45–526 Braddock Light & Power Company, Incor- porated.----------------------------------- 45–015 *Central Virginia Electric Cooperative------ 45–812 *Community Electric Cooperative ---------- 45–814 *Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative------- 45–815 Cranberry Manufacturing Col. ------------- 45–235 *Culpeper Light & Power Plant.------------ 45–537 *Danville Water, Gas & Electric Depart- ments------------------------------------. 45–548 Eastern Shore Public Service Company of Virginia 45-040 East Tennessee Light & Power Company - - - 45–036 Electro Metallurgical Company------------- 45–242 *Elkton, Town of . - *Franklin Electric Light and Water Plant___ 45–559 *Front Royal, Town of ... ------------------- 45–570 *Harrisonburg Municipal Electric Plant----- 45–581 Hitt, F. G.---------------------------------- 45–248 Holston River Power Co -------------------- 45–059 Bydro-Electric Corporation of Virginia------ 45–061 *Iron Gate, Town of .------------------------ 45–592 Jewell Ridge Coal Corporation.-------------- 45–254 Lane Company, The . . . . . . . . . --------------- 45–259 Larus & Brother Company, Inc ------------- 45–262 Linville Creek Light and Power Co., Inc.---- 45–065 Madison Power Company------------------- 45–0.82 *Manassas Light Department. -------------- 45–603 *Martinsville, Electric Department, City of 45–614 Massanutten Power Corporation. ----------- 45–086 * Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative--------- 45–845 Reference Number Monterey Utilities Corporation-------------- 45-090 Mutual Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- 45-095 *Northern Neck Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - 45–850 *Northern Piedmont Electric Cooperative, C - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------ 45–853 Northern Virginia Power Company--------- 45–111 Old Dominion Power Company------------- 45–116 Page Power Company. ---------------------- 45–120 Parksley Coal & Supply Co----------------- 45–267 Penn-Dixie Cement Company...------------- 45–268 *Powell Valley Electric Cooperative--------- 45–860 *Prince George Electric Cooperative--------- 45–865 *Prince Williams Electric Cooperative------- 45–870 *Radford, City of.--------------------------- 45–625 *Richlands, Town of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45–636 *Richmond Department of Public Utilitics -- 45-647 Ritter Lumber Co., W. M. 45–272 Riverside & Dan River Cotton Mills, Inc.--- 45–273 Roanoke River Power Company------------ 45–132 *Salem, Town of . --------------------------- 45–658 *Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative--- 45-880 *Southside Electric Cooperative. ------------ 45 -885 Stockton Electric Ice & Power Plant - - - - - - - - 45–134 Sylvania Industrial Corporation ------------- 45–276 *Tangier Municipal Lighting Plant---------- 45–669 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative ----------- 45–888 Valley Electric Company. ------------------- 45–153 Virginia Fast Coast Utilities, Incorporated -- 45–157 Virginia Electric and Power Company------ 4 *Virginia Electric Cooperative ----- - - - - - - - - - - *Virginia Polytechnic Institute Electric Serv- ice Department. -------------------------- 45–682 Virginia Public Service Company----------- 45–160 Virginia Smelting Works-------------------- 45-303 *Wakefield. Town of.----------------------- 45–691 Washington Mills Co---...-------------------- 45–314 45–173 Woodstock Electric Light & Power Co------ *Denotes a publicly owned utility. VIRGINIA 45–011 Appalachian Electric Power Company 611 S. Jefferson St., Roanoke, Va. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Virginia only)------------------------ $7,620, 455 Number of Electric Customers: (Virginia only) - - 74,465 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Lynchburg---- – 44, 541 Roanoke * * - - - - - - - - * * * m a.m. - - - - - - - - - m as m - 69,287 1,000 to 10,000 population Bluefield---------------------------------- 3,921 Boissevaine-------------------------------- 1, 200 Christiansburg---------------------------- 2,299 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 population to 10,000 Population Clintwood--------------------------------- 1, 106 Edgewood--------------------------------- 1,020 Fieldale----------------------------------- 1,300 Galax------------------------------------- 3, 195 Gate City--------------------------------- 1, 565 Grundy------------------------------ 1,476 Harman----------------------------------- 1,000 Madison Heights-------------------------- 2,053 Marion------------------------------------ 5, 177 Narrows----------------------------------- 1, 489 Pocahontas-------------------------------- 2, 623 Pulaski------------------------------------ 8, 792 Rocky Mount----------------------------- 1, 366 Salem *------------------------------------ 5, 737 Saltville----------------------------------- 2, 650 Tazewell---------------------------------- 1, 374 Vinton------------------------------------ 3, 455 Wytheville-------------------------------- 4,653 250 to 1,000 population Amherst----------------------------------- 930 Austinville---- 300 Belspring------------ - * * * 400 a Commercial power and industrial service only. 811 812 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Bishop------------------------------------ 560 Blackey----------------------------------- 250 Bland----- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * = * * = sm sº sº ºr sº ºm mºs 630 Blue Ridge-------------------------------- 400 Bluff City--------------------------------- 300 Boone Mill-------------------------------- 377 Bull Creek-------------------------------- 300 Burkes Garden. --------------------------- 250 Cambria----------------------------------- 810 Cedar Bluff------------------------------- 823 Chilhowie--------------------------------- 88.9 Clinchport-------------------------------- 346 Cripple Creek---------------------- - - - - - - - 300 Publin------------------------------------ 576 Dungannon------------------------------- 333 Eggleston--------------------------------- 510 Elliston----------------------------------- 307 Falls Mills-------------------------------- 300 Faraday----------------------------------- 859 Ferrun------------------------------------ 76 Fincastle---------------------------------- 442 Flat Top---------------------------------- 270 Floyd------------------------------------- 479 Garden City------------------------------ 250 Glen Lyn--------------------------------- 259 Haymakertown--------------------------- 262 Haysi------------------------------------- 623 Home Creek------------------------------- 260 Honaker.---------------------------------- 851 Independence----------------------------- 429 Ivanhoe----------------------------------- 650 a DC--------------------------------------- 315 Lebanon----------------------------------- 622 Lovingston-------------------------------- 307 Maxie------------------------------------- 500 Monroe------------------------------------ 305 Montvale--------------------------------- 300 New River-------------------------------- 550 Newcastle--------------------------------- 253 Nickelsville-------------------------------- 256 North Tazewell--------------------------- 688 Page. ------------------------------------- 300 Patterson---------------------------------- 335 Pearisburg-------------------------------- 987 Pembroke--------------------------------- 800 Prospect Hills----------------------------- 305 àVQD------------------------------------- 325 Ridgeway--------------------------------- 422 Riverdale--------------------------------- 400 Riverland Road.--------------------------- 365 Rocky Gap-------------------------------- 300 oth-- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.0 Rural Retreat----------------------------- 440 Rustburg---------------------------------- 4()() Schuyler. --------------------------------- 306 Scottsville--------------------------------- 368 Stuart------------------------------------- 7 0 Trammel---------------------------------- 400 Troutville--------------------------------- 511 Washington Heights----------------------- 915 Willis------------------------------------- 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NEID UTILITIES: Carolina Power & Light Co. East Tennessee Light & Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Bedford. *Martinsville Electric Dept. *Town of Richlands. *Town of Salem. See Also: Principal report under West Virginia (47–012), and operations reported under Tennessee (41—010). 45–013 Mrs. Eva Bishop Troutdale, Wa. Community Served at Retail: Troutdale------------------------------------- Population 334 45–015 Braddock Light & Power Company, Incorporated 10th & E Sts., N.W., Washington, D. C. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: A. G. Neal-------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. J. H. Ferry----------------------------- Vice Pres. G. M. Thompson------------ Secy. & ASSt. T reas. R. W. Wilson---------------- T reas. & Asst. Secy. H. G. Haydon----------------------- Comptroller Directors: H. A. Brooks, J. H. Ferry, W. F. Ham, H. G. Haydon, A. G. Neal. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $291, 130 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $225,651 Number of Electric Customers--------- 1,866 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 14, 516,462 Communities Served at Retail: Population Arlington County------------------------- 57,040 45–036 East Tennessee Light & Power Company 300 State St., Bristol, Tenn. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Virginia only)-------------------------- $342,970 Number of Electric Customers: (Virginia only)-------------------------- 3, 502 Community Served at Retail: Population Bristol Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Appalachian Electric Power Co. Holston River Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Tennessee (41-040) and operations reported under North Carolina (32-078). --- 9, 768 45–040 Eastern Shore Public Service Company of Virginia 114 N. Division St., Salisbury, Md. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: George M. Nelson--------------------------- Pres. M. R. Hopkins------------------------- Vice Pres. N. W. Wolfe------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Howard C. Hitch, M. R. Hopkins, R. E. Kellam, George M. Nelson, N. W. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - -. -* → * * * * * * * * * $1,517,924 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $323, 552 Number of Electric Customers----------- 5, 246 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES VIRGINIA 813 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 514 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------- 8,024, 450 Generated.----------------------------- 6, 886, 510 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 1, 137, 940 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Cape Charles------------------------------- 2, 299 Chincoteague------------------------------- 2, 142 Onancock----------------------------------- 1, 283 250 to 1,000 population Accomac------------------------------------ 750 Atlantic------------------------------------ 250 Belle Haven-------------------------------- 277 Cheriton------------------------------------ 500 Eastville * - - - *...* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s 316 Exmore------------------------------------- 417 Harborton------- _ 357 Keller--------------------------------------- 5:30 Melfa--------------------------------------- 321 Nassawadox-------------------------------- 475 New Church-------------------------------- 675 Onley--------------------------------------- 452 Oyster ------------------------------------- 300 Painter------------------------------------- 300 Pungoteague-------------------------------- 444 Saxis---------------------------------------- 726 Tasley------------------------------------- 250 Wachapreague------------------------------ 548 Willis Wharf-------------------------------- 45t) Also Renders: Ice Service. 45–059 Holston River Power Abingdon, Va. Co. (Controlled by . Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- PreS. L. B. Harvey----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. W. C. Pevin--------------------------- Vice Pres. J. L. Shipley-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: F. W. Harris, L. B. Harvey, F. E. Mandeville, I. L. Moore, F. S. Whitfield, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $843, 139 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $117, 524 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,500 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 1, 225 Hydro---------------------------------- 725 Internal Combustion------------------- 500 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3,982, 356 Generated------------------------------ 2,561, 556 Purchased------------------------------ 1,420, 800 Communities Served at Retail: Population Abingdon----------------------------------- 3, 158 Damascus---------------------------------- 1, 441 Glade Spring------------------------------- 686 Meadowview.------------------------------- 596 45–061 Hydro-Electric Corporation of Virginia Big Island, Va. 45–065 Linville Creek Light and Power Co., Inc. Edom, Va. Principal Officers: . O. Beard -------------------------------- PreS. R. Roy Hosa floack--------------------- Vice PreS. Ralph W. Miller.--------------------- Secy. Treas. Directors: L. M. Armentrout, I. I. Burruss, E. M. Dave], John Dove, H. S. Holsinger, John H. Swank. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 84 Rilowatt-hours * - - - - - - - * * * - - - y Energy Purchased 45–082 Madison Power Company Madison, Va. (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. Y. Harris--------------------------------- Pres. L. B. Harvey----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. W. C. l'evin--------------------------- Vice Pres. F. S. Whitfeld----------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. G. W. Shelhorse, Jr.------------- ASSt. Sécy.-Treas. Directors: F. W. Harris, L. B. Harvey, Irwin L. Moore, G. W. Shelhorse, Jr., F. S. Whitfield, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $304, 839 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $43,866 Number of Electric Customers------------ 643 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 120 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 280, £32 Generated.----------------------------- 745,850 Purchased.------------------------------ 534, 782 Communities Served at Retail: Population Barboursville--------------------------------- 250 Madison ------------------------------------- 281 Utility Served at Wholesale: P HIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Page Power Co. 45–086 Massanutten Power Corporation Shenandoah, Wa. (Controlled by . Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris------------------------------- Pres. L. B. Harvey----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. W. C. Devin--------------------------- Vice PreS. F. S. Whitfield----------------- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. G. W. Shelhorse, Jr.------------------ ASSt. Treas. 814 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: F.W. Harris, L. B. Harvey, E. E. Mande- ville, Irwin L. Moore, Philip Young. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -------------------- $320, 507 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $46,285 Number of Electric Customers------------ 705 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 890 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 582, 500 Generated.-- 4, 578,800 Purchased.------------------------------ 3. 70ſ) Community Served at Retail: Population Shenandoah-------------------------------- 1,829 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Page Power Co. 45–090 Monterey Utilities Corporation Watson Bldg., Fairmont, W. Va. (Controlled by American Water Works and Electric Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: A. C. Spurr---------------------------------- Pres. J. K. Buchanan ------------------------ Vico PreS. O. F. Lough.----------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. G. J. Jackson-------------------------------- Secy. P. M. Mase-------------------------- Comptroller John B. Sabel------------------------- ASSt. Secy. R. T. Cunninghain------------------- ASSt. Treas. B. J. Wilson-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: J. K. Buchanan, G. J. Jackson, O. F. Lough, P. M. Mase, A. C. Spurr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $100, 155 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $15,761 Number of Electric Customers------------- 283 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 74 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.--- 220, 648 Generated------------------------------- 8, 128 Purchased------------------------------- 210, 18 Interchanged (gross-in).------------------ 2, 340 Community Served at Retail: Population Monterey------------------------------------- 309 45–095 Mutual Light Company Harrisonburg, Va. 45–111 Northern Virginia Power Company 14 N. Loudoun St., Winchester, Va. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. Paul Smith------------------------------ Pres. Geo. S. Humphrey--------------------- Vice Pres. C. Oma Maddox----------------------- Vice PreS. D. E. Stultz---------------------------- Vice Pres. R. E. Town-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Paul S. Michael -------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. O. E. Martin-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. W. Nelson Page- ASSt. Secy. G. T. Swisher---------------------- Comptroller B. A. Winebrener-------------- ASSt. Comptroller Directors: William Beverley, E. L. Coblentz, Ralph N. Dorsey, Clifford D. Grim, C. Oma Maddox, W. Nelson Page, John H. Rosenberger, R. Paul Smith, R. E. Town. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $4,728, 135 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $749,042 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 7, 501 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.---- 13, 410 Steam--------------------------------- 8,700 Hydro 4,710 Energy Available in Year: Ičilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 34,842,957 Generated.----------------------------- 5, 276, 220 Purchased.----------------------------- 29, 566,737 Communities Served at Retail: Population Berryville--------------------------------- 1, 262 Boyce------------------------------------- 342 Brucetown-------------------------------- 345 Middletown------------------------------- 361 Millwood--------------------------------- 429 Stephens City----------------------------- 6()() Strasburg--------------------------------- 1,968 White Post-------------------------------- 336 Winchester-------------------------------- 12,095 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PHIVATELY OWN ED UTILITIES: Page Power Co. Potomac Light and Power Co. 45–116 Old Dominion Power Company 159 W. Main St., Lexington, Ky. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: Watt. Pres. W. Reed------------------------------- Vice Pres. E. W. Brown--------------------------- Vice Pres. B. K. Yewell-------------------------------- Secy. A. A. Tuttle------------------------------- Treas. G. M. Kilgus.------------------------ ASSt. Secy. E. E. Clark-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. H. K. Stark- - -Auditor Directors: J. H. Bailey, E. W. Brown, J. H. Fiester, W. Reed, H. K. Stark, A. A. Tuttle, R. M. Watt. Controls: º e sº Old Dominion Ice Corporation (ice Service). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $4,064,933 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $842,802 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6,769 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 12,500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 48, 434,730 Generated.----------------------------- 32,030,800 Purchased.----------------------------- 16,403,930 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES VIRGINIA 815 Communities Served at Retail: Population Appalachia.-------------------------------- 3,010 Big Stone Gap----------------------------- 4, 331 Bond Town-------------------------------- 288 Castlewood--------------------------------- 800 Clear Creek-------------------------------- 250 Coeburn----------------------------------- 764 Dorchester--------------------------------- 400 East Stone Gap---------------------------- 476 *Wing ------------------------------------- 300 Jonesville----------------------------------- 588 Keokee------------------------------------- 250 Paura ------------------------------------- 250 Worton------------------------------------- 4,006 Pennington Gap--------------------------- 1,990 Rose Hill----------------------------------- 450 Saint Charles------------------------------- 482 Saint Paul--------------------------------- 746 Tacoma------------------------------------ 281 Wise--------------------------------------- 1, 226 Utility Served at Wholesale: PU BLICLY OW NED UTILITY: º Valley Rural Electric Co-operative Orp. 45–120 Page Power Company 131 E. Main St., Luray, Wa. . (Controlled by Republic Service Corporation through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: F. W. Harris-------------------------------- PreS. L. B. Harvey---------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. W. C. Devin.-------------------------. ice Pres. G. W. Shelhorse---------- Asst. Secy. & Treas. F. S. Whitfield-------------- ASSt. Secy. & Treas. Directors: F. W. Harris, L. B. Harvey, E. E. Mand. yille, Irwin L. Moore, F. S. Whitfield, Philip Young. The ſollowing data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,649,535 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $270,251 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2,631 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 3,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 23, 538, 78S Generated.----------------------------- 17, 810, 200 Purchased.----------------------------- 5, 728, 588 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bentonville-------------------------------- 400 Flint Hill---------------------------------- 250 Jºuray-------------------------------------- 1, 510 Sperryville--------------------------------- 300 Stanley------------------------------------- 317 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITIES: Madison Power Co. Massanutten Power Corporation. Northern Virginia Power Co. Virginia Public Service Co. Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Front Royal. 45–132 Roanoke River Power Company Raleigh, N. C. (Controlled by National Power & Light Co.). Principal Officers: J. S. McInnes------------------------------- PreS. P. E. Davis---------------------------- Vice ProS. Wm. L. Yoder----------------------- Secy.-Treas. C. G. Willard---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: D. L. Cannon, P. E. Davis, J. S. McInnes, C. G. Willard, Wm. L. Yoder. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $1,617,930 $10,833 Utility engages only in the transmission of electric energy. 45–134 Stockton Electric, Ice & Power Plant Stockton, Md. The following data are for the year 1940: Communities Served at Retail: Population Franklin City. ------------------------------- 250 Greenbackville------------------------------- 408 See Also: Principal report under Maryland (19–140). 45–152 Virginia Electric and Power Company 7th and Franklin Sts., Richmond, Va. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 99.66% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. G. Holtzclaw- Pres. D. C. Barries--------------------------- Vice PreS. J. T. Chase----------------------------- Vice ProS. T. Norman Jones, Jr.------------------- Vice PreS. M. C. Smith--------------------------- Vice PreS. R. J. Throck morton-------------------- Vice Pres. S. B. Tuell----------------------------- Vice PreS. T. Justin Moore------ Vice Pres. & Genl. Counsel R. N. Benjamin----------------------------- Secy. G. B. Williams-------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. P. R. Williams--------------------------- Compt. J. T. Wycoff-- ----Auditor A. E. DickSon-------- Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Compt. H. T. Ingalls------------------------ Asst. Compt. J. V. Mitchell --------------------- Asst. Compt. A. II. Herrmann---------------------- ASSt. Secy. E. J. Murphy----- ASSt Secy. L. B. Jordan------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Asst. Treas. - * * - - - ASSt. Treas. S. E. Ratcliffe Directors: Harry H. Augustine, Donald C. Barnes, Edward C. Brewster, Jack G. Holtzclaw, Charles W. Kellogg, George H. I.ewis, T. Justin Moore, Goldsborough Serpell, Montelle C. Smith, Samuel B. Tuell, F. Randolph Williams, George B. Williams, Roger Williams, Charles G. Wilson, G. Cleveland Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $68, 007, 540 Electric Operating Revenues: Otal----------------------------- $14,909, 800 In Virginia- $13,467,023 Number of Electric Customers: Total----- 164, 101 In Virginia- 151,791 Generating Capacity: Total.--------------------------- 213, 635 Steam------------------------------ 181,000 Hydro------------------------------ 32, 635 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------- 1,014, 587,631 Generated.-------------------------- 977, 739, 371 Purchased.-------------------------- 14, 743, 860 Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 22, 104,400 816 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: Utilities Served at Wholesale: * g PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: 10,000 population or more Population Virginia East Coast Utilities, Inc. Fredericksburg--------------------------- 10, 066 Virginia Public Service Co. (interchange) Norfolk---------------------------------- 144, 332 PUBLIC LY OWN EID UTILITIES: Petersburg------------------------------- 30, 631 *Franklin Flectric Light & Water Plant. Portsmouth------------------------------ 50, 745 *Town of Wakefield. §ºnd • * = *-* * * * * * * - - -- ~ * - *- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ * = 193, § *Virginia Electric Cooperative. 101K----------------------------------- 11. 34 & e Ul IHO 1, 3 Also Renders: Bus, gas, and Street railway Service. 1,000 to 10,000 population See Also: Operations reported under North Carolina Allº! * = -2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº ºr - sº. 1, 718 (32–177). 'hester.---------------------------------- 1, 200 Churchland. ----------------------------- 1,050 45–153 gº Heights------------------------- 3, 194 Cradock---------------------------------- 2,000 tº Estabrook.-------------------------------- 1,050 Walley Electric Company Ettrick --------------------------------- 1,010 Great Bridge ----------------------------- 1,635 Hotsprings, va. - Highland Springs--- - - ------------------- 1,000 (Controlled by Virginia Hot Springs, Inc., through Hopewell--------------------------------- 8,679 100% of voting power.) Oaklºt.----------------------------------- 1,500 e g Principal Officers: Quantico--------------------------------- 1, 130 Sandston.-------------------------------- 1, 2:0 Fay Ingalls------------------------- Pres, & Treas. Smithfield-------------------------------- 1, 178 George Slosson, Jr.---------------------- Vice Pres. South Norfolk - * * = a- ºr * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8, 038 Frank W. Rogers -* - - - - - * * * * * * * * * *-* - - - * * * * * * * * Secy. Virginia Beach--------------------------- 2, 600 C. Edward Bonner------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas, Wº Haven------------------------------ & § Directors: James R. Gilliam, Jr., Fay Ingalls, Frank illiamsburg----------------------------- 942 || W. Rogers, George Slosson, jr., Carl J. Wallin. 250 to 1,000 population The following data are for the year 1940: Back Bay-------------------------------- ; Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $108,929 §"… #| Electric operating Revenues............... $35, 110 #. Green--------------------------- # Number of Electric Customers------------- 491 30Y KITIS ------------------------------- §§t * * Brandon Place - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 250 Rilowatt hours Buell (Money Point) --------------------- 250 | Energy Purchased------------------------. 405, 767 gºry -- a-- - * ~ * = - * * = ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : Communities Served at Retail: Population Carrsville. ------------------------------- 283 §§ ſs III IIII ; Cavalier Shores. ...----------------------- 250 arm SPTIn8S-------------------------------- Chuckatuck------------------------------ ; Clay ville ------------------------------- 25 - Coleman Place--------------------------- #; 45 157 Courtland-------------------------------- 45 © tº º tº tº a º Crittenden------------------------------- 351 Virginia East Coast Utilities, Dahlgren. ------------------------------- 800 Deep Creek------------------------------ 600 In corporated Biºta. ----------------------------- % P. O. Box 432, West Point, Virginia East Fairmount Park-------------------- 75) (Controlled by East Coast Public Service Co. Eclipse----------------------------------- 315| through 100% of voting power.) Falling Creek---------------------------- 250 * Falmouth-------------------------------- 367 | Principal Officers: Fentress---------------------------------- 285 | E. A. Feldtkeller---------------------------- PreS. Fox Hall.--------------------------------- 400 J. W. Perry------------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. Gilmerton--------------------------------- 628 E. W. Mullikin----------------------------. Secy. Glen Rock------------------------------- 250 T. P. Street------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Hºº------------------------------ §| Directors: R. M. Coggin...E.A.Feldtkeller, E. W. j.“… ;| Mullikin, J. W. Perry, T. P. Street. Lincoln Park----------------------------- 250 | Controls: - Lynnhaven------------------------------- 300 East Coast Ice Co., Inc. (ice manufacturing). Matoaca.---------------------------------- 800 East Coast Water Co. (water Service). McKenney------------------------------- 453 Tidewater Electric Service Co. (owns and, leases Nºrºº::::::----------------------- 305 rural electric distribution lines). N.”… }| The following data are for the year 1940. Oakwood Terrace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 624 | Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,338, 449 Oceana----------------------------------- 250 & º Overbrook-------------------------------- Tº Electric Operating Revenues------------ $452, 282 Fº- * * * * * * = ** = - * ~ * * * *- := - - - - - - - - - - - - * * ; ; Number of Electric Customers---------- 7, 193 Tln CeSS AIIIlê-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t 4-> g x-e Providence Forge • * * = * * * * * *º- a-- ~~ * * - - - - - - - - - - - sº 250 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Pungo------------------------------------ 250 | Internal Combustion------------------ 940 Sedley------------------------------------ 310 & g * Rilowatt-hours Stony Creek------------------------------ #| Energºilable in Year: 11, 348, 300 Tappahannock--------------------------- 783 - “------ tº º -- º,* - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - * - * * * * * * : Generated.----------------------------- 1:00 700 Yºgion park…. ;| Purchased----------------------------- 10, 297,600 Waterview - - ----------------------------- 250 | Communities Served at Retail: West Jericho - - --------------------------- 250 * º West Norfolk----------------------------- 250 tº 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Whaleyville ------------------------------ 750 Colonial Beach--- -- 1, 105 Windsor---------------------------------- 411 Waverly------------------------------------ 1, 288 Yorktown-------------------------------- 521 West Point--------------------------------- 1, 947 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VIRGINIA 817 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Callao--- 442 Claremont- 380 Deltaville---------------------------------- 810 Dendron.-- * * * * --- 465 Fairport------------------------------------ 473 Fleeton.------------ º ºg 312 Gloucester---------------------------------- 290 Irvington----------------------------------- 809 Ivor------ 339 Kilmarnock-------------------------------- 614 Kinsºle------- 326 Mathews -- 395 Montross----------------------------------- 405 Port Richmond---------------------------- 420 Reedville----------------------------------- 922 Saluda------------------------------------- 388 Sharps------ 383 Surry----------------------------------- 254 Urbanna----------------------------------- 482 Warsaw------------------------------------ 350 Weems------------------------------------- 804 White Stone-------------------------------- 402 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Northern Neck Electric Cooperative. 45–160 Virginia Public Service Company 117 S. Washington St., Alexandria, Va. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Jay W. Johns-------------------------- Chairman M. J. O’Connell-------------------------- - - - Pres. F. A. Mitchell.----------- Vice T’res. & Gen. Mgr. J. M. Costello------------------------ Secy.-Treas. E. II. Tompkins------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. A. Hitch-------------------------- Comptroller Directors: James C. Carpenter, Jr., J. M. Costello, Jay W. Johns, F. A. Mitchell. L. U. Noland, M. J. O’Connoll, Wm. H. Schwarzschild, H. C. Thuerk, Gilpin Willson, Jr. Controls: Citizens Rapid Transit Corporation (bus). Hampton Towing Corporation (towing). The Harpers Ferry Paper Co. (inactive). Middle Virginia Power Co. (inactive). Nowport News Distilled Ice Co. (ice). Virginia Northern Ice Corporation (ice). Virginia Public Service Generating Co. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- -- $42,133,797 Electric Operating Revenues: otal ---------------------------- $8,887, 640 In Virginia -------------------------- $8,412,431 Number of Electric Customers: otal --------------------------- 117, 161 In Virginia--------------------------- 109,704 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.----------------------------- 89, 848 Steam-------------------------------- 83. 250 ydro-------------------------------- 6,446 Internal Combustion----------------- 152 Energv Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal.---------------------------- 430, 924, 362 Generated---------------------------- 404, 858, 474 Purchased.--------------------------- J2, 623, 888 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 13, 442,000 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Alexandria ------------------------------- 33, 523 Arlington County------------------------- 57,040 Charlottesville ---------------------------- 19, 400 Newport News---------------------------- 37,067 Staunton---------------------------------- 13, 337 322184—42 57 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population AltaVista---------------------------------- 2, 919 Buena Vista------------------------------- 4, 335 Chase City-------------------------------- 1, 896 Chatham------------- 1, 230 Clifton Forge------------------------------ 6, 461 Covington--------------------------------- 6,300 Craigsville-------------------------------- 1,000 Crewe.------------------------------------ 2,048 Denbigh----------------------------------- 1, 329 East Hampton.---------------------------- , 200 Emporia---------------------------------- 2,735 Falls Church------------------------------ 2, 576 Farmville--------------------------------- 3,475 Fox Hill----------------------------------- 1,000 Hampton---------------------------------- 5, 898 Herndon. -------- gº 1,046 Hilton Village----------------------------- 1,600 Lawrenceville----------------------------- 1,703 Leesburg---------------------------------- 1, 698 Lexington--------------------------------- 3,914 Low Moor--------------------------------- 1,033 Old Point Comfort ------------------------ 1,500 Orange------------------------------------ 1,980 Phoebus----------------------------------- 3, 503 South Boston------------------------------ 5, 252 South Hill--------------------------------- 1, 739 Victoria----------------------------------- 1, 555 Vienna ----------------------------------- 1,237 Warrenton-------------------------------- 1,651 Waynesboro------------------------------- 7,373 Woodstock-------------------------------- 1, 546 250 to 1,000 population Alberta------------------------------------ 416 Amelia------------------------------------ 887 Appomattox ------------------------------ 992 Augusta Springs--------------------------- 500 Bealeton---------------------------------- 373 Boydton.---------------------------------- 424 Bridgewater------------------------------- 993 Broadway---------------------------- - - - - - 506 Brodnax------------- 536 Brookneal--------------------------------- 736 Brownsburg------------------------------- 362 Buchanan -------------------------------- 868 Buckroe Beach---------------------------- 800 Burkeville--------------------------------- 658 Charlotte Courthouse--------------------- 399 Churchville------------------------------- 265 Clarksville-------------------------------- 826 Clover------------------------------------- 252 Concord Depot---------------------------- 350 Crozet------------------------------------- 762 Dayton.----------------------------------- 632 Dillwyn.---------------------------------- 436 Trakes Branch---------------------------- 438 Eagle Rock-------------------------------- 526 Edinburg---------------------------------- 565 Fairfax------------------------------------ 979 Fordwick---------------------------------- 500 Gladys------------------------------------ 325 Glasgow----------------------------------- 938 Gordonsville------------------------------ 508 Grafton ----------------------------------- 600 Greenville--------------------------------- 369 Gretna ------------------------------------ 619 Grottoºs----------------------------------- 759 Halifax------------------------------------ 536 Hamilton---------------------------------- 409 Hampden Sidney-------------------------- 300 Harris Grove.------------------------------ 322 Hornsbyville------------------------------ 561 Indian River Park------------. ----------- 330 Ivy Depot--------------------------------- 500 Kenbridge--------------------------------- 847 Keysville---------------------------------- 607 Lacrosse----------------------------------- 524 Louisa.------------------------------------- 365 Marshall---------------------------------- 511 Maurertown------------------------------- 300 McGaheysville---------------------------- 423 Messick ----------------------------------- 517 Middlebrook------------------------------ 370 Middleburg------------------------------- 629 Mineral----------------------------------- 427 Morrison.--------- m º 521 Mount Crawford-------------------------- 290 818 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Mount Jackson---------------------------- 562 Mount Sydney----- 260 New Market------------------------------ 629 Nokesville -- - - - 375 Oakton------------------------------------ 275 Odd----- 350 Palmyra ------------------------------- 501) Pamplin City----------------------------- 273 Phoenix------------------------------------ 310 Poſłuoson. -------------------------------- 900 Port Republic----------------------------- 500 Prospect --------------------------------- 303 Purcellville-------------------------------- 787 Raphine----------------------------------- 300 Rice--------------------------------------- 350 Riverview.-------------------------------- 500 Round Hill.------------------------------- 337 Seaford------------------------------------ 627 Selma------------------------------------- 700 Stuarts Draft.----------------------------- 448 The Plains-------------------------------- 372 Theological Seminary--------------------- 4.18 Timberville------------------------------- 252 Upperville--------------------------------- 27() Verona ----------------------------------- 250 Virgilina --------------------------------- 358 Weyors Cave------------------------------ 262 Woodbridge.------------------------------ 400 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O W N E D UTILITIES: Northorn Virginia Power Co. Pago Powor Co. Virginia Eloofrio and Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Elkton *Town of Iron (} ate. *B.A.R.C Electric Cooperative. *Central Virginia Flectric Coonorative. *Mocklenburg Floctric Cooperative. *Northern Piedmont Electric Cooperative. *Southside Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Gas and street railway Service. See Also: Operations reported under West Virginia . (47–171). 45–173 Woodstock Electric Light & Power Co. Woodstock, Va. Principal Officers: Herbert Trotter - - - --------- Pres., Mgr., & Treas. W. L. Vehrencamp.-------------------- Vice PreS. F. S. Tavenner, Jr.--------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. C. Rangely, F. S. Tavenner, Jr., B. . P. Trotter, Herbert Trotter, W. L. Vehrencamp. The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers----------------- 700 Generating Capacity: Horsepower Internal Combusion-------------------------- 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Woodstock 1, 546 45–210 Alberine Stone Corporation of Virginia Schuyler, Va. 45–215 Albermarle Paper Company Richmond, Va. 45–223 American Hardware Company Petersburg, Va. 45–226 American Tobacco Company Richmond, Va. 45–230 Bassetts Furniture Company Bassetts, Va. 45–235 Cranberry Manufacturing Co. Woodlawn, Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: J. R. Honeycutt----------------------------- Mgr. W. A. Honeycutt.--------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: $126,378 Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,557 Number of Electric Customers------------- 636 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------ * tº 640 WQTO--------------------------------------- 140 Internal Combustion------------------------- 500 IKilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 1,014, 391 Community Served at Retail: Population Hillsville - - - - 656 45–242 Electro Metallurgical Company Alloy, W. Va. See Also: Operations reported under New York (31-315) and West Virginia (47-270). 45–248 F. G. Hitt Culpepper, Va. 45–254 Jewell Ridge Coal Corporation Tazewell, Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Huston St. Clair---------------------------- Pres. L. C. Johnson------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- 45–259 The Lane Company Alta Vista, Va. $144,821 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VIRGINIA 819 45–262 Larus & Brother Company, Inc. 22nd and Cary Sts., Richmond, Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. D. Larus, Jr.---------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $80,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- l Rilowatts Generating capacity (steam)---------------- 240 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale---------------------- 3,840 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Virginia Electric and Power Company. 45–267 Parksley Coal & Supply Co. Parksley, Wa. Principal Officer: A. S. Hopkins ------------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues...------------- $31,339 Number of Electric Customers------------- 677 Communities Served at Retail: Population I}}osom--------------------------------------- 400 Hallwood------------------------------------- 367 Parksley-------------------------------------- 701 Also Renders: Ice Service. 45–268 Penn-Dixie Cement Company Gate City, Va. 45–272 W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Columbus, Ohio The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Virginia only)----------------------------- $1,799 Number of Electric Customers: (Virginia only).---------------------------- 156 Community Served at Retail: Population Fremont” ----------------------------------- 250 a Service is rendered to employees only. See Also: Principal report under West Virginia (47–398) and operations reported under Kentucky (16-280), South Carolina (39–393), and Tennessee (41– 222). 45–273 Riverside & Dan River Cotton Mills, Inc. Danville, Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: GeO. N. Miller-------------------- Supt. of Power The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $821,690 $24, 329 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts. Total------------------------------------ 32, 200 Steam------------------------------------- 23, 150 Hydro------------------------------------- 9,050 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 3, 126,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Appalachian Electric Power Co. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 45–276 Sylvania Industrial Corporation Fredericksburg, Wa. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Dr. F. H. Reichel -------------------- - - - - - - ProS. E. W. Cornwell. --------------------- Chief Engr. W. H. MacKenzie-------------- Master Mechanic The following data are for the year 1940: Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 8,000 45–303 Virginia Smelting Works West Norfolk, Va. 45–314 Washington Mills Co. Mayoden, N. C. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Virginia only)----------------------------- $2,516 Number of Electric Customers: (Virginia only)----------------------------- 81 Community Served at Retail: Population Fries"--------------------------------------- 1,677 * Majority of customers are company employees served without direct charge. See Also: Principal report under North Carolina (32–330). 45–515 *Town of Bedford Bedford City, Va. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. N. Parker------------------------- Treas.-Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $535,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $123,450 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 484 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 970 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.------ 9, 199,790. Generated.--- 6, 201, 400 Purchased.----------------------------- 2, 213,390 Interchanged (groSS-in).--------------- 785, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Bedford------------ 3,973 Also Renders: Water Service. 820 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 45–526 *Blackstone Light and Power Plant 519 Church St., Blackstone, Wa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. H. Hardy A. L. Bland--------------------------------- S The following data are for the year ended Aug. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $256,727 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $46,797 Number of Electric Customers------------ 642 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 260 Ičilowatt-hours Energy Generated 2, 188, 550 Community Served at Retail: Population BlackStone - - - ---- 2, 699 Also Renders: Water Service. 45–537 *Culpeper Light & Power Plant Culpeper, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. H. Carper------------------------ Town Mgr. D. P. Payne-------------------------- Plant Supt. George L. Green.------------ Chief Plant Operator Light & Power Committee: R. L. Armentrout, J. L. Moore, L. Frank Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $165,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $66,029 Number of Electric Customers------------ 753 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion - - - - 700 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated 1, C64. 040 Community Served at Retail: Population Culpeper 2, 316 45–548 *Danville Water, Gas, & Electric Departments Danville, Va. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. C. Brantly Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $4,539,987 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $682, 342 Number of Electric Customers----------- 11, 514 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 16, 325 Steam- - - - - 6, 200 Hydro - - - 10, 125 r Ičilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 21, 356, 610 Community Served at Retail: Population T) anville----- - - -- 32, 749 Also Renders: Gas and water service. 45–550 *Town of Elkton Elkton, Va. Principal Flectric Utility Officials: M M. H. Downey------------- Supt. I,ights & Water W. W. Gaynor---- ---Treas. Councilmen: Jos. C. Black, L. H. Bruce (mayor), I. L. Flory, Jr., H. T. Frey, H. S. Hensley, L. F. Lam, J. Thos. Scruggs. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Rev $13, 109 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 260 Ičilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 415, 337 Community Served at Retail: Population Elkton------------------------------------- 1,050 Also Renders: Water service. 45–559 *Franklin Electric Light and Water Plant 201 W. 1st Ave., Franklin, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: T. J. Crooks------------------------- Town Mgr. C. H. Dougherty------------------- Supt. of Plant Town Commission: J. B. Gay, L. R. Jones, R. H. Powell, Jr. (mayor), D. T. Prince, S. W. Rawls. ...” following data are for the year ended Aug. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant $122,727 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $74, 590 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 1,063 Rilowatt-hours 2, 529,000 Population 3, 466 Energy Purchased Commit nity Served at Retail: Franklin-------------- Also Renders: Water Service. 45–570 *Town of Front Royal Front Royal, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: I. B. Dutrow------------------------- Town Mgr. * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - me s = s. as Supt. Dist. Town Council: T. S. Duncan, J. F. Forsyth, Jr. gº). R. W. Payne, E. Barr Samsell, C. A. OK6S. º following data are for the year ended Aug. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $95,832 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,650 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,990, 741 Communities Served at Retail: Population Front Royal Riverton * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * - - 3,831 500 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VIRGINIA 821 45–581 *Harrisonburg Municipal Electric Plant Harrisonburg, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ward Swank.------------------------------ Mayor W. R. Woodbury------------------- City Manager John F. Noll-------------------------------- Supt. L. S. Armentrout---------------------- Asst. Supt. City Council: F. W. Coffman, B. T. Denton, L. T. Flick, C. W. Lehew, Ward W. Menefeef, J. E. Summersf, Ward Swank (mayor), F. C. Switzert, George W. Taliaferro, Raymond J. Webster, W. R. Woodbury (city mgr.). fMember of light & power committee of city COUncil. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $885, 133 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $275, 169 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3,067 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 'otal------------------------------ 4, 280 Steam--------- 3, 500 łłydro--------------------------------- 780 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------- 10, 428, 270 Community Served at Retail: Population Harrisonburg------------------------------- 8,768 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PHIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Linville Creek Light and Power Co. Mutual Light Co. 45–592 *Town of Iron Gate Iron Gate, Va. - Town Council: E. P. Aldridge, H. H. Kumm, C. L.; | Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lowe, C. A. Noffsinger, L. W. Showalter, H. C. Steele (mayor), M. W. Workman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $15,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,942 Number of Electric Cust S. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 117,660 Community Served at Retail: Population Iron Gate------------------------------------- 719 Also Renders: Water Service. 45–603 *Manassas Light Department Manassas, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Hunton Tiffany------------------ Town Manager J. H. Gorun-------------------------------- Supt. Town Council: Barry P. Davis (mayor), W. Franklin Hibbs, E. G. Parrish, W. E. Trussler, O. D. Waters. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-...--------------------- $38,200 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21,039 Number of Electric Customers------------- 442 150. Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------------- 180 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 563, 500 Community Served at Retail: Population Manassas 1, 302 45–614 *City of Martinsville Electric Department Martinsville, Wa. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. H. Pharis--------------------------------- Supt. City Council: Louis Beckner, J. W. Booker, Jr. (mayor), H. N. Dyer, R. A. Fountain, D. J. Holland, C. W. Holt, T. H. Morris, H. V. Price, M. E. Whitener. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $454, 319 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $216, 140 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 2,438 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------- 1,300 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 8, 776,600 Generated.----------------------------- 5, 109,600 Purchased 3,667,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Martinsville 10,080 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY QWNED UTILITY: Appalachian Electric Power Co. (interchange). Also Renders: Water Service. 45–625 *City of Radford Radford, Va. H. T. Roberts------------------------- City Mgr. G. R. Elder--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant $587, 358 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $118,675 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 547 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total - - 2, 166 TO---------------------------------- 800 Internal Combustion------------------- 1,366 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 8, 102, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Radford-------- 6,990 Also renders: Bus and water Service. 45–636 *Town of Richlands Richlands, Va. Principal Electric Utility Official: I. T. Jessee---------------------------------- Supt. Town Council: P. S. Elswick, W. W. Fields, R. L. Lambert (Mayor), J. S. Maxwell, J. Powell Royall C. C. Selfe, Dr. J. P. Williams. 822 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $50,931 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $36,299 Number of Electric Customers------------- 750 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 984, 320 Community Served at Retail: Population Richlands---------------------------------- 2,203 Also Renders: Water service. 45–647 *Richmond Department of Public Utilities Richmond, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. R. A. Hobson, Jr.---- Director of Public Utilities M. C. Smith------------------------ Chief Engr. Governing Body: Gordon B. Ambler (mayor), J. R. A. Hobson, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Eiectric Utility Plant.------------------- $2,150,000 Number of Electric Customers---------- I Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal -* * * *- 6, 149 Steam 3,000 Hydro 3, 149 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total - 28,494,300 Generated 24, 249,600 Purchased.----------------------------- 4, 244, 700 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Virginia Electric & Power Co. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 45–658 *Town of Salem 19 College Ave., Salem, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Carlton C. Massey-------------------- Town Mgr W. Frank Chapman.-------------- Clerk & Treas. City Council: C. R. Brown (mayor), O. G. Lewis, J. F. Morton. 10." following data are for the year ended June 30, 0: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $121,471 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $100,479 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,887. Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,350,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Salem.-------- -- 5, 737 Also Renders: Water service. 45–669 *Tangier Municipal Lighting Plant Tangier, Va. Community Served at Retail: Population Tangier- 1,020 45–682 *Virginia Polytechnic Institute Electric Service Department Blacksburg, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. R. Minter-------------------------------- Mgr. Prof. W. T. Ellis-------------- Supervisor of Plant The following data are for the year ended June 30, 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $390,000 Number of Electric Customers----------- 958 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,990 Rilo waft-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 4, 482, 500 Communities Served at Retail: Population Blacksburg--------------------------------- 2, 133 V. P. I. Campus- - - - 2, 000 45–691 *Town of Wakefield Wakefield, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. F. Rain Mayor V. L. Worrell------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $9,550 Number of Electric Cust sº - 177 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 293,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Wakefield 687 Also Renders: Water Service. 45–808 *B. A. R. C. Electric Cooperative Millboro, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Swink-------------------------------- PreS. M. R. Seabrooke Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $351, 542 Electric Operating Revenues $34,624 Number of Electric Cust rºs. 1, 038 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 531, 220 Community Served at Retail: Population Millboro 350 45–812 *Central Virginia Electric Coop- erative Lovingston, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: L. C. Dawson------------------------------- Pres. James D. Cooke----------------------------- Mgr. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-VIRGINIA 823 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $545, 766 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $68,363 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,676 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 373, 650 45–814 *Community Electric Cooperative Suffolk, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louise E. Davidson.------------------------ ProS. J. E. Woodward.--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $196, 479 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $3,697 Number of Electric Customers------------ 490 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.---------------------------- 84,390 45–815 *Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooper- ative New Castle, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank H. Huffman-------------------------- Pres. Clay D. Huffman--------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $406,913 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29,500 Number of Electric Customers------------ 928 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 447,050 45–845 *Mecklenburg Electric Coopera- tive Chase City, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. Lawson------------------------------- ProS. J. F. Smith--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $519,663 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $58,216 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 463 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 904,900 45–850 *Northern Neck Electric - Cooperative Warsaw, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Everett J. Sanders-------------------------- Pres. R. R. Denison------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $256,731 Electric Operating Revenues.--------...------ $32, 526 Number of Electric Customers------------- 572 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 538, 800 Communities Sérved at Retail: Population M orattico - * *-* - - - - - * * - - - - - * * * - - - * * * *- - - - 400 Newland-------------------------------------- 325 45–853 *The Northern Piedmont Electric Cooperative Culpeper, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - John F. Apperson--------------------------- Pras. T. A. Jeffries-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $237,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $17,048 Number of Electric Customers------------ 502 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 234,400 45–860 |*Powell Valley Electric Coopera- tive Jonesville, Wa. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John J. Reasor------------------------------ PreS. D. L. McNiel------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $152,845 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $12,674 Number of Electric Customers------------ 484 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 134, 100 45–865 *Prince George Electric Coopera- tive Disputanta, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. C. Ruffin-------------------------------- Pres. J. R. Allin.---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $142,434 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $3,074 Number of Electric Customers------------ 263 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion----------------------- * Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 53,446 45–870 *Prince Williams Electric Cooperative Manassas, Va. 824 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 45–880 *Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative - Box 115, Dayton, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials:, D. W. Burruss------------------------------ Pres P. P. Long--------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $1,223,612 Electric Operating Revenues $97, 102 Number of Electric Cust sº -- 2, 716 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 1,500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2,958, 260 45–885 *Southside Electric Cooperative Blackstone, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank White-------------------------------- Pres. C. S. Hooper, Jr.---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,043, 136 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $95,049 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,411 Ičilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1, 558, 720 45–888 *Tri-County Electric Cooperative Leesburg, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. J. Wignall------------------------------- PreS. J. A. Johnston------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $153,927 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $2,628 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 162 45–900 *Virginia Electric Cooperative • Bowling Green, Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: t J. R. Travis.-------------------------------- PreS. W. H. Brown------------------------------. Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $773,049 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $115, 643 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2,082 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 263,000 WASHINGTON Index Reference Number *Alder Mutual Light Company-------------- 46–810 Anderson and Middleton - - - - - - - ------------- 46–212 *Benton Rural Electric Association - - - - - - - - - - 46–815 *Big Bend Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - - - - 46–818 *Blaine Municipal Light Plant--------------- 46–512 Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills_-____________ 46–225 Carlisle Lumber Co.------------------------- 46–227 *Cashmere Water & Light Department - - - - - 46–523 *Centralia Hydro-Electric Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–534 *Cheney Light Department------------------ 46—545 *Chewelah, City of . ------------------------- 46—556 Citizens Utilities Company------------------ 46–016 Clallam Bay Light & Power - - - - - ------------ 46–019 *Columbia County Rural Electric Asso- ciation, Inc.------------------------------- 46–824 *Douglas County Electric Cooperative, Inc.-- 46–828 du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I.-------------- 46-234 *Eatonville Light and Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–567 *Ellensburg Light IDepartment, City of - - - - - - 46–578 *Elmhurst Mutual Company---------------- 4 *Firorost, Town of Friday Harbor Light & Power Co------------ *Grand Coulee, City of . -------------------- 46–587 Grant County Power Co.-------------------- Great Northern Power Co - - - - --------------- 46–045 *Inland Empire Rural Electrification, Inc.____ 46–850 Inland Portland Cement Company---------- 46–245 Inland Power & Light Company------------- 46–055 Interstate Power & Light Co----------------- 46–058 *Ione, Town of.------------------------------ 46–59() Joint Power Operation----------------------- 46—248 *Lakeview Light & Water Company, Inc - - - - 46–864 *Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc ----------- 4 *Loveland Mutual Company---------------- 46–865 *Lower Elwha Company-------------------- 46–867 Masterson, H. C.----------------------------- 46–073 Mc Cleary Timber Company---------------- 46—256 Mc Cleary Utilities Company--------------- 46–070 Merrill and Ring Lumber Company - - - ------ 46—260 Metaline Falls Light & Water Co - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–076 *Milton, Town of ... ------------------------ 46–595 Modern Electric Water Co------------------- 46–079 Molson Light Company. -------------------- 46–082 Mountain States Power Company 46–085 *Mutual Power and Light Association of Tanner------------------------------------ 4 Neils Lumber Company, J. ------------------ 46—266 Northport Power & Light Co - - - - - - ---------- 46-09] Northwestern Electric Company------------- 46–094 Northwestern Improvement Col------------- 46–270 *Ohop Valley Mutual Light and Power Com- P*Y. --------------- - - - ------------------ 46–884 *Okanogan County Electric Cooperative, ºn" --------------------------------------- 46–885 Olympic Public Service Company----------- 46–103 *Orcas Power & Light Company------------- 46–886 *Pacific Distributing System, Town of - - - - - - 46–622 Pacific Power & Light Company------_______ 46–106 Packwood Flectric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–109 Parkland Light & Water Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46-ii? *Pend Oreille Electric Cooperative, Inc - - - - - - 46–888 Willapa Harbor Lumber Mills--------------- Reference Number *Peninsula Light Company. Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–887 Pope & Talbot, lnc., Lumber Division . - - - - - - 46–287 *Port Angeles, Light & Power Dept, City of 46–633 Portland General Electric Company - - - - - - - - - 46–118 *Priest Rapids Irrigation District - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–644 *Public Utility District No. 1, Cowlitz County.----------------------------------- 46–591 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County.---------------------. - - - - - 46–592 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Kittitas ounty------------------------------------ 46–621 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat ounty. ----------------------------------- 46–600 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Lewis County ----------------------------------- 46–603 *Public Utility Dist. # 1 of Mason County - - - 46–611 *Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific –620 County. - - *Public Utility District Number 1 of Wahkia- kum County------------------------------- 46 Puget Sound Power & Light Company------- 46–124 *Quinault Light Company.------------------ 46–010 Republic Power Co ------...------------------ 46–130 *Ruston Electric Utility, Town of .----------- 46–655 Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing Com- P*Y-------------------------------------- 46–300 *Seattle, Department of Lighting, City of - - - 46–666 Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company--------- 46–322 Soap Lake Utilitics Co- - - - - ------------------ 46–136 *South Cle Elum, Town of.------------------ 46–677 *Steilacoom, Town of . ----------------------- 46–688 *Stevens County Electric Cooperative, Inc. -- 46–930 Straits Light & Power Company------------- 46–142 *Sumas Light and Power System_____________ 46–699 Superior Portland Cement, Inc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–344 *Tacoma. T)epartment of Public Utilities, Light Division, City of -------------------- 46—710 Three Engineers Co., Inc. - - - - - - - - ----------- 46–145 Trout Lake Power & Light Co --------------- 46–146 Tucannon Electric Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–147 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Prosser Power Plant ------------------------------------- 46–725 *U. S. T)epartment of Interior, The Bonne- - Wille Power Administration -- - ------------- 46–515 Upper Columbia Valley Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - 46–151 Upper Methow Valley Light & Power Co - - - - 46–154 Valley Power & Light Co - - - - - -------------- 46–155 *Vera Irrigation District No. 15- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46–730 Washington Gas and Electric Company------ 46-160 Washington Water Power Company, The---- 46–163 *Waterville Light System -------------------- 46—721 West Coast Power Company----------------- 46–169 Western Crossarm and Manufacturing Com- Pâſly -------------------------------------- 46–366 Westport Lumber Company, The ------------ 46–377 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company------------- 46–388 46–399 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. 825 826 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION WASHINGTON 46–016 Citizens Utilities Company 821 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Washington only - -, * * $53,806 Number of Electric Customers: Washington only 1, 228 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clayton------------------------------------ 550 Colbert------------------------------------- 446 Peer Park---------------------------------- 1,070 Pennison----------------------------------- 264 Plk District-------------------------------- 507 Green Blull--------------------------------- 487 100m Lake--------------------------------- 460 *--------------------------------------- 461 Valley-------------------------------------- 866 See Also: Principal report under Arizona (02–054), and operations reported under Idaho (11-019), and Vermont (44–024). 46–019 Clallam Bay Light & Power Clallam Bay, Wash. Principal Officer: Howard Gagnon--------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $45,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $4,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 80 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 96 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 36,000 46–034 Friday Harbor Light & Power Co. Friday Harbor, Wash. Principal Officer: L. T. Mulvaney----- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $70, 409 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $21,060 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 378 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Cornbustion - - 275 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 594,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Friday Harbor 658 46–040 Grant County Power Co. Coulee City, Wash. Principal Officer: C. J. Weller --Owner & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,566 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 207 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 603, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Coulee City 744 46–045 Great Northern Power Co. Goldbar, Wash. Principal Officer: Col. Robert M. Watkins----------------- Trustee The following data are for the year 1940: IKilowatts Generating Capacity (EIydro) ------------------ 500 IKilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 300,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Goldbar-------------------------------------- 307 46–055 Inland Power & Light Company 920 S. W. Sixth Ave., Portland. Oreg. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co.) Principal Officers: R. L. Stout. ---- PreS. R. J. Davidson------------------------- Vice PreS. E. C. Winslow----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Clause R. Groth- ------ Asst. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: B. P. Daily, R. J. Davidson, Henry S. Gray, R. L. Stout, E. C. Winslow. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $10,083,485 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------- $600, 939 In Washington------------------------ $581, 139 Number of Electric Customers: Total. ----- - * 4. In Washington 3 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 47.900 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 235, 105, 189 Generated - - 227,045, 649 Purchased * = a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8,059, 540 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATE L Y O W N E D UTILITIES: Northwestern Electric Co. Washington (} as and Electric Co. PUBLIC LY OW N E D UTILITY: *Cowlitz County Public Utility District. See Also: Operations reported under Oregon (36– 075). 46–058 Interstate Power & Light Co. Mineral, Wash. Communities Served at Retail: Population Ashford - - - - - 395 Mineral--------------------------------------- 920 National - * * - - * * - sº sº a. - s º -- * - - -º a -- sº - - - sº 535 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WASHINGTON 827 46–070 McCleary Utilities Company McCleary, Wash. Principal Officers: Frank McCleary---------------------------- PreS. F. G. Chapman.---------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $6,328 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $14,835 Number of Electric Customers------------- 370 Community Served at Retail: Population McCleary-------------------------------- 1, 500 Also Renders: Telephone and water Service. 46–073 H. C. Masterson Cle Elum, Wash. Principal Officer: - H. C. Masterson.------------------ Owner & Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ Electric Operating Revenues---------------- 46–076 Metaline Falls Light & Water Co. 923 Old National Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Principal Officers: Lewis P. Larsen ----Pres. B. B. Larsen--------------------------- Vice Pres, Jens Jensen--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Jens Jensen, B. B. Larsen, Lewis P. Larsen. The following data are for the year 1939: $3,780 $359 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,808 Number of Electric Customers 18] Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 193,010 Community Served at Retail: Population Metaline Falls-------------------------------- 453 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–079 Modern Electric Water Co. Opportunity, Wash. Principal Oſficers: B. B. Crawford------------------------------ Fres. F. J. Cunningham---------------------- Vice Pres. W. L. Prindle------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: E. B. Crawford, F. J. Cunningham, W. L. Prindle. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41,028 Number of Electric Cust * 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5,874,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Opportunity 3, 625 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–082 Molson Light Company Molson, Wash. 46–085 Mountain States Power Company 236 Lyon St., Albany, Oreg. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Washington only -- - - - $40,380 Number of Electric Customers: Washington only.------------------------- 781 Community Served at Retail: Population Newport------------------------------------ 1, 174 Utility Served at Wholesale: UBLIC LY O WN FED UTILITY: *Pend Oreille Electric Cooperative. See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–110), and operations reported under Idaho (11-061), Montana (25–120), South Dakota (40–095), and Wyoming (49–037). 4.6–0.91 Northport Power & Light Co. Trail, B. C., Canada (Controlled by Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. of Canada) Principal Officers: L. A. Campbell __ PreS. C. E. Lane----------------------------- Vice PreS. C. B. Smith-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Trustees: C. E. Allison, L. A. Campbell, C. E. Lane, C. B. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $154, 650 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,494 Number of Electric Customers------------- 172 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...I --- 273, 740 Community Served at Retail: Population Northport - * 427 46–094 Northwestern Electric Company Public Service Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 67.6% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Washington only----------------------- $1,314, 959 Number of Electric Customers: Washington only 12,776 Communities Served at Retail: Population aſſlaS-------------- - 4,433 Kalama- • - 1,028 Ridgefield--------------------------------- 643 Vancouver- 18,788 Washougal- - - - - -- 1, 267 Woodland 980 Yacolt 297 828 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Inland Power & Light Co. Pacific Power & Light Co. Portland General Electric Co. Washington Water Power Co. West Coast Power Co. Western Light & Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–116). 46–103 Olympic Public Service Company Becker Bldg, Aberdeen, Wash. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: C. H. Nichols------------------------------- Pres. J. R. Snider---------------------------- Vice Pres. L. G. McClellan------------- Secy. & ASSt. Treas. W. E. Johnson----------------------------- Treas H. G. Kelsey.----------4Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Allen Everett-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: T. B. Bruener, W. E. Johnson, L. G. McClellan, C. H. Nichols, J. R. Snider. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $114,895 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20, 540 Number of Electric Customers------------ 304 Generating Capacity: Rilowaſts Internal Combustion-------------------- a 302 * At 80% Power Factor. Rilowatt-hours __ 286, 775 Community Served at Retail: Population *orks---------------------------------------- 655 46–106 Pacific Power & Light Company 920 S. W. Sixth Ave., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 94.66% of voting power.) Energy Generated Principal Officers: Paul B. McKee ----------------------------- Pres, George T. Bragg---------- Vice PreS. & Gen. Mgr. Lewis A. McArthur-------------------- Vice Pres. Will T. Neill--------------------------- Vice PreS. Charles M. Sanford------------------------- Secy. J. G. Hawkins--------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. George L. Myers------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: George T. Bragg, L. J. Bunting, Edward Cookingham, A. W. Eggleson, F. Lowden Jones, Ray F. Kelly, S. W. Lovell, L. A. McArthur, Paul B. McKee, Will T. Neill, Clarence H. Pen- land, A. W. Peters, Josiah Richards, J. R. Roberts, Guy W. Talbot. Controls: Inland Power & Light Co. (electric utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant---------------------- $35,059, 552 Electric Operating Revenues: Total----------------------------- $5, 544, 854 In Washington.----------------------- $3,321, 494 Number of Electric Customers: 9tal.---------------------------- 83, 818 In Washington.----------------------- 51, 111 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal----------------------------- 30, 867 Steam-- - *- 10,000 Hydro-------------------------------- 20, 867 Energy Available in Year: Ritounatt-hours Total----------------------------- 321,883,080 Generated.---------------------------- 156, 758,043 Purchased.---------------------------- 160,284, 123 Interchanged-in (groSS)--------------- 4, 840, 914 Communities Served at Retail: * 10,000 population or more Population Walla Walla------------------------------- 18, 109 Yakima----------------------------------- 27, 221 1,000 to 10,000 population Payton------------------------------------ 3,026 Goldendale-------------------------------- 1, 584 Grandview.-------------------------------- 1,449 Kennewick-------------------------------- 1, 918 Pasco.------------------------------------- 3,913 Pomeroy---------------------------------- 1, 723 Prosser------------------------------------ 1, 719 Selah-------------------------------------- 1, 130 Sunnyside--------------------------------- 2, 368 Toppenish--------------------------------- 3, 683 Wapato----------------------------------- 1,483 250 to 1,000 population Bingen.------------------------------------ 600 Blalock------------------------------------ 561 Buena------------------------------------- 400 Centerville-------------------------------- 432 iff--------------------------------------- 400 College Place------------------------------ 380 Connell----------------------------------- 365 Cowiche----------------------------------- 500 Dixie-------------------------------------- 576 Granger----------------------------------- 752 Hanford----------------------------------- 250 Mabton----------------------------------- 485 Moxee------------------------------------- 335 Naches.----------------------------------- 536 Prescott----------------------------------- 324 Tieton------------------------------------- 350 Union Gap-------------------------------- 976 Waitsburg--------------------------------- 936 Wallula----------------------------------- 393 White Bluffs.------------------------------ 600 White Salmon----------------------------- 985 Zillah------------------------------------- 803 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Northwestern Flectric Co. Washington Water Power Co. (Interchange). PUBLIC LY O W N E D UTILITIES: *Bonton Rural Electric ASSn. º *Columbia County Rural Electric ASSociation. Also Renders: Water service in , Qregon; Steam heating and water Service in Washington. See Also: Operations reported under Oregon (36-127) 46–109 Packwood Electric Company Randall, Wash. 46–112 Parkland Light & Water Co. Parkland, Wash. Principal Officers: Stanley Rosso-------------------------------- PreS. Walter Daniels------------------------- Vice Pres. Iver Johnson - - - - - s - - - - - * * * - - - - * * - - Secy O. J. Stuen--------------------------------- Treas. Board of Directors: Walter Daniels, Iver Johnson, Stanley Rosso, Sydney Selden, O. J. Stuen. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant----------------------- $29, 306 Electric Operating Revenues $7,617 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 450 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WASHINGTON 829 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 260,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Parkland-- 2,367 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–118 Portland General Electric Company 621 S. W. Alder St., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Portland Electric Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Washington only. - $251,289 Number of Electric Customers: Washington only 3, 841 Community Served at Retail: Population Vancouver--------------------------------- 18, 788 See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–139). 46–124 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 860 Stuart Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co. through 77.4% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Frank McLaughlin Pres. Donald C. Barnes---------------------- Vice PreS. Samuel P. MacFadden----------------- Vice Pres. Hollister T. Sprague------------------------- Secy. Fred W. Brownell Trea S. John S. Dickey------------------------------ Clerk Richard N. Benjamin ASSt. Secy. Daniel J. Torrence--------------------- ASSt. Secy. Oscar W. Bennett---------- - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Treas. James H. Clawson-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Samuel E. Ratcliffe------------------- ASSt. Treas. Leon E. Jordan----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Jason C. Leighton-------------------- ASSt. Treas. Frank Seibert------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Carl F. Kirchhaine------------------- ASSt. Treas. Walter B. Young--------------------- ASSt. Treas. William J. Pfluge---------------------.ASSt. Treas. H. Bryan Johnson--------------------.ASSt. Treas. Frederick H. Anderson.--------------- ASSt. Treas. Charles A. Durham------------------- ASSt. Treas. Charles Jackson, Jr.-------------------- ASSt. Clerk Directors: Donald C. Barnes, Fred W. Brownell, Uberto M. Dickey, Chester A. Leedy, Samuel P. MacFadden, William H. McGrath, Frank Mc- Laughlin, Frederic K. Struve, Frank M. Sullivan. Controls: Diamond Ice & Storage Co. (ice & storage). North Coast Transportation Co. (transportation) which controls— - Independent Stages, Inc. (transportation). Washington Electric Co. (inactive). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------------------- $125,341,855 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $14,328, 795 Number of Electric Customers-------- 200, 549 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--- 281,490 Steam 94, 500 Hydro---- 186,990 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total 1,245,626, 405 Generated 1, 202, 704,073 Purchased 42, 922, 332 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Bellingham------------------------------- 29, 314 Bremerton-------------------------------- 15, 134 Everett----------------------------------- 30, 224 Olympia---------------------------------- 13, 254 Seattle------------------------------------ 368, 302 Wenatchee-------------------------------- 11,620 1,000 to 10,000 population Anacortes--------------------------------- 5,875 Arlington--------------------------------- 1, 460 Auburn----------------------------------- 4, 211 Buckley---------------------------------- 1, 170 Burlington-------------------------------- 1,632 Castle Rock------------------------------ 1, 182 Chehalis---------------------------------- 4,857 Edmonds--------------------------------- 1, 288 Ima------------------------------------- 1,370 Pnumclaw------------------------------- 2,627 Rºelso------------------------------------- 6, 749 Kent------------------------------------- 2, 586 kirkland--------------------------------- 2,084 Leavenworth----------------------------- 1,608 Vnden---------------------------------- 1,696 Marysville------------------------------- 1, 748 Monroe----------------------------------- 1, 590 Montesano------------------------------- 2, 242 Mount Vernon--------------------------- 4, 278 Orting------------------------------------ 1, 211 Port Orchard----------------------------- 1,566 Port Townsend--------------------------- 4, 683 Puyallup--------------------------------- 7, 889 enton----------------------------------- 4, 488 Sedro Woolley---------------------------- 2,954 Snohomish------------------------------- 2,794 Sumner---------------------------------- 2, 140 250 to 1,000 population AlderWood Manor------------------------ 250 Algona----------------------------------- 500 Amºrican Lake--------------------------- 500 Appleyard-------------------------------- 350 Bellevue---------------------------------- 300 Beverly Park----------------------------- 250 Black Diamond-------------------------- 650 Bothell ---------------------------------- 794 Browns Point---------------------------- 325 Bucoda----------------------------------- 541 Burley----------------------------------- 250 Burton----------------------------------- 400 Carbonado------------------------------- 700 Cedarhome------------------------------- 250 Central Park----------------------------- 270 Clear Lake------------------------------- 250 Concrete -------------------------------- 859 Coupeville------------------------------- 325 Custer------------------------------------ 250 Darrington------------------------------- 250 Dash Point------------------------------- 350 Pekoven.-------------------------------- 250 Des Moines------------------------------ 600 Pockton---------------------------------- 250 Poty------------------------------------- 250 Dryad.----------------------------------- 250 Eagledale--------------------------------- 250 East Seattle------------------------------ 450 East Stanwood--------------------------- 359 Ellisport--------------------------------- 250 FVerson---------------------------------- 292 Fall City--------------------------------- 300 Ferndale--------------------------------- 717 Geneva----------------------------------- 250 Gold Bar--------------------------------- 307 Granite Falls----------------------------- 683 Issaquah -------------------------------- 812 Kennydale------------------------------- 350 Kingston------------ 300 Kitsap----------------------------------- 500 La Conner------- * * * * 624 Lake Stevens----------------------------- 500 Pangley---------------------------------- 338 Lawrence--------------------------------- 250 830 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 Population Population Lyman----------------------------------- 376 Manchester------------------------------ 300 Manitou Beach--------------------------- 250 Maple Beach - - - 300 McKenna-------------------------------- 250 Milton----------------------------------- 671 Monitor---------------------------------- 250 Mukilteo--------------------------------- 400 Nooksack. ------------------------------- 302 North Bend------------------------------ 646 Oak Harbor------------------------------ 376 Oakville---------------------------------- 418 Pe. Fºll------------------------------------ 825 Peshastin--------------------------------- 250 Poulsbo---------------------------------- 639 Preston----------------------------------- 250 Redmond-------------------------------- 530 Retsil------------------------------------ 250 Roy-------------------------------------- 261 Sequim----------------------------------- 676 Silver Lake------------------------------- 250 Silverdale-------------------------------- 250 Skykomish------------------------------- 479 Snoqualmie------------------------------ 775 Spanaway-------------------------------- 250 Stanwood-------------------------------- 600 ultan------------------------------------ 961 Tenino----------------------------------- 952 Tillicum---------------------------------- 500 Toledo----------------------------------- 523 Tolt-------------------------------------- 460 Tukwila---------------------------------- 52] Tumwater-------------------------------- 955 Vader------------------------------------ 479 Warm Beach----------------------------- 300 Wilkeson--------------------------------- 360 Winlock---------------------------------- 861 Winslow--------------------------------- 350 Yarrow Point---------------------------- 350 Yelm - - - 378 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cowlitz Valley Power Co. Interstate Power & Light Co. Mrs. Anne Cristel Lee. Iower Elwha Light & Power Co. Straits Light & Power Co. The Washington Water Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: * Blaine Municipal Light Plant. *Cashmere Water & Light Dept. *Ellensburg Light Dept. *Public Utility District No. 1 of Kittitas County. *Public Utility District No. 1 of Lewis County. *Town of Pacific Distributing System. *Port Angeles Light & Power Dept. *Seattle Dept. of Lighting. "Sumas Light & Power System. *Waterville Light System. Also Renders: Gas, steam heating, and telephone Service. 46–130 Republic Power Co. Republic, Wash. Principal Officers: Eugene Enloe------------------------------- PreS. Raymond Enloe--------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. M. M. Houghton--------------------------- Secy. Directors: C. M. Friloe, Eugene Enloe, Raymond Enloe, J. G. Farris, M. M. Boughton. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $102,576 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $69,894 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 324 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,370, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Republic------------------------------------- 922 46–136 Soap Lake Utilities Co. 817 N. Lincoln St., Spokane, Wash. Principal Officers: P. L. Fowler. ------------------------------- Pres Chester Arthur ---- ____Vice Pres Marie Arthur ------------------------ Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Rev $16, 122 Number of Electric Customers------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch ...] 813, 327 Community Served at Retail: Population Soap Lake 622 46–142 - Straits Light & Power Company R. F. D. #1, Port Angeles, Wash. Principal Officers: O. H. Babcock------------------------------ FreS A. Thors------------------------------- Vice PreS Harry Sandhagen.-------------------- Secy.-Treas Directors: O. H. Babcock, Carl Everett, J. M. Joyce, James McNally, A. ThorS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,743 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,374 Number of Electric Customers------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------------- 51, 360 46–145 Three Engineers Co., Inc.” 1741 First Ave. South, Seattle, Wash. a Company dissolved Mar. 31, 1941. Property sold to City of Grand Coulee (46–587). Community Served at Retail: Population Grand Coulee-- 3, 659 46–146 Trout Lake Power & Light Co. Trout Lake, Wash. Principal Officer: Laurance McCuistion OWIler The following data are for the year 1939: - Electric Operating Revenues - $2,067 Number of Electric Cust & 58 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 76 Hydro - - 60 Internal Combustion--------------------- 16 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 35,764 DIRECTORY OF ELE CTRIC |UTILITIES-WASHINGTON 831 46–147 Tucannon Electric Co. Starbuck, Wash. Principal Officers: Harry Zink---------------------------------- Pres. Mrs. Joe Zink-------------------------- Vice PreS. Joe Zink------------------------------ Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,985 Number of Electric Customers------------- 86 Rilowaffs Generating Capacity (hydro) ------------- 100 Community Served at Retail: Population 25 Starbuck------------------------------------ 46–151 Upper Columbia Valley Power Co. 167 S. Wall St., Spokane, Wash. Principal Officers: Gerald Nixon------------------------------- PreS. Robert Nixon. ------------------------- Vice PreS. Lucile M. Nixon--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: George Nixon, Lucile M. Nixon, Robert Nixon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,630. Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $819 Number of Electric Customers------------- 19 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 100 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 20,000 46—154 Upper Methow Valley Light & Power Co. * 817 N. Lincoln St., Spokane, Wash. * Properties sold to Okanogan County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (46–885), as of Mar. 1, 1941. The following data are for the year 1940: Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 90 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 228,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Winthrop------------------------------------ 365 46–155 Walley Power & Light Co. Osborne, Wash. Principal Officer: F. M. Osborne Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $4,924 Electric Operating Revenues $8,289 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 165 PKilowatt-hours Energy Purchased--- 173,070 Community Served at Retail: Population 9sborne-------------------------------------- 880 46–160 Washington Gas and Electric Company ” 101 S. Tenth St., Tacoma, Wash. (Controlled by North American Gas & Electric Co. through 88.2% of voting power.) * All properties except those in Morton, Wash., sold to Public Utility District No. 1, Cowlitz County (46-591) as of Nov. 26, 1940. Principal Officers: T. E. Roach - - - - ----Pres. Leo Loeb------------------------------- Vice Pres. J. B. Adams-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. F. R. Merris-------------------- ASSt. Secy. Treas. Directors: P. H. Eames, J. P. Hart, Leo Loeb, F. R. ; F. D. Metzger, Robert Protheroe, T. E. 03 CIl. Controls: Dominion Electric Power Co. (public utility). Dominion Electric Power, Ltd. (public utility). Oregon Gas and Electric Co. (public utility). Southern Utah Power Co. (public utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... ----------------- b $215, 117 b Includes Steam Plant. Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $783,071 Number of Electric Customers---------- 5,477 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)----------- 125 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.-- 157,051, 122 Generated- 154, 805, 912 Purchased.---------------------------- 1, 949, 210 Interchanged-in (groSS)---------------- 296,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Morton-------------------------------------- 778 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PH IVATELY OWN E D UTILITY: Inland Power & Light Co. (interchange). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: * Public Utility District #1, Cowlitz County. Also Renders: Gas and water service. 46–163 The Washington Water Power Company W 825 Trent Ave., Spokane, Wash. (Gontrolled by American Power & Light Co. through. 99.69% of voting power.) Principal Officers: K. M. Robinson----------------------------- PreS. J. E. E. Royer------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Lewis A. Lewis------------------- Asst. Gen. Mgr. L. B. Morse-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. W. C. Wiscombe------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. M. Gusdorf------------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. F. Miller------------------------- Comptroller Directors: R. C. Dillingham, Eugene Enloe, Lewis A. Lewis, W. F. McNaughton, Frank T. Post, K. M. Robinson, J. E. E. Royer, A. J. Turner, W. H. Ude. Controls: e Spokane United Railways (transportation). The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant-------------------- $68,527,025 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------- $10,294,239 In Washington---------------------- $7,481,009 832 FEDERAL PoweR COMMISSION Number of Electric Customers: ota!------------------------------- 101, 543 In Washington---------------------- 80, 523 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------- 203, 534 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal--------------------------- 1, 219, 246, 508 Generated.-------------------------- 1, 112,013, 523 Purchased-------------------------- 81, 549, 473 Interchanged-in (groSS)------------- 25, 683, 512 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Spokane---------------------------------- 122,001 1,000 to 10,000 population Chelan------------------------------------ 1, 738 Clarkston--------------------------------- 3. 116 Colfax------------------------------------ 2,853 Colville----------------------------------- 2, 418 Davenport-------------------------------- 1, 337 Medical Lake----------------------------- 2, 114 Okanogan--------------------------------- 1, 735 Omak------------------------------------- 2,918 Opportunity------------------------------ 3, 625 Oroville----------------------------------- 1, 206 Palouse----------------------------------- 1,028 Pullman---------------------------------- 4, 417 Ritzville---------------------------------- 1, 748 Tekoa - - - - - 1,383 Wilbur ----------------------------------- 1,011 250 to 1,000 population Almira------------------------------------ 466 Asotin------------------------------------ 686 Brewster---------------------------------- 447 Bridgeport-------------------------------- 320 Colton------------------------------------ 262 CuSick------------------------------------ 404 Endicott sm º - - - * *- 495 Ephrata.---------------------------------- 951 Fairfield---------- 364 Farmington------------------------------- 341 : , Garfield 674 Harrington--- - 545 Rettle Falls - - 560 La Crosse 475 Tafah - m -- 270 Lind-------------------------------------- 679 Maldén - - 325 Marcus ---------------------------------- 393 Moses Lake - * - - 326 Oakesdale - - - * - - 590 Odessa * - * * - - 816 Othello----------------------------------- 332 PaterOS--------- * * - - 484 Quincy----------------------------------- 318 : Reardan * - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - 422 Rockford----- * = - - 377 Rosalia- - - - * * - - 596 Saint John-------------------------------- 526 Sprague. * * - - -e ss - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº - - - - - - 641 Tonasket----- * - - 643 Twisp-------. -- 477 Uniontown--- - - * ºr - - 332 Washtucna------------------------------- 285 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATE LY O W NED UTILITIES: Citizens Utilities Co. Coulee Power Co. Modern Electric Water Co. Mountain States Power Co. Northwestern Electric Co. Pacific Power & Light Co. Republic Power Co. Soap Lake Utilities Co. PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITIES: *Big Bend Electric Cooperative. *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Administration (interchange). *Cheney Light Dept. *City of Chewelah. *Inland Enupire Rural Electric, Inc., No. 1 and No. 2. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITIES: *Okanogan County Electric Cooperative. *Stevens County Electric Cooperative. *Vera Irrigation District No. 15. Also Renders: Water and Steam heating service. See Also: Operations reported under Idaho (11–106). 46–169 West Coast Power Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Washington only)----------------------- $118, 409 Number of Electric Customers: (Washington only)----------------------- 5, 011 Community Served at Retail: Population Shelton------------------------------------- 3,707 See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–168) and operations reported under Idaho (11-109). 46–212 Anderson and Middleton Aberdeen, Wash. 46–225 Bloedel Donovan Lumber P. O. Box 146, Bellingham, Wash. Principal Officers: Mills J. H. Bloedel-------------------------------- Pres. J. N. Donovan------------------------- Vice Pres. F. E. Frost-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Population Community Served at Retail: Beaver "---------------------------------- 1, 263 a Customers are company employees only, served Without direct charge. - 46–227 Carlisle Lumber Co. Onalaska, Wash. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: K. L. Carlisle.-------------------------- Vice Pres. J. R. Poore--------------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: - Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $419,591 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $6,384 Number of Electric Customers------------ 243 Rºilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)-------------- 5, 750 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 198,801 Community Served at Retail: Population Onalaska “------------------------------ 878 a Majority of customers are company employees living in Company-owned houses. Also Renders: Steam and water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WASHINGTON 833 46—234 E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington. Del. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues in Washington - $3,228 Number of Electric Customers in Washing- ton---------------------------------------- 134 Generating Capacity (in Washington): Kilowatt & 9001---------------------------------- 300 Steam------------------------------------- I00 Hydro------------------------------------- 200 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 211,059 Community Served at Retail: Population Du Pont"--------------------------------- 450 * Majority of customers are company employees. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWN EID UTILITY: Puget Sound Power and Light Co. (interchange) Also Renders: Water service to company employees. See Also: Operations Reported under Colorado (05–234). 46—245 Inland Portland Cement Company Metaline Falls, Wash. 46—248 Joint Power Operation P. O. Box 476, Shelton, Wash. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. A. McKenzie---------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $57,996 Number of Electric Customers------------- 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) --------------- 11,000 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - - 7,305,738 Energy Sold for Resale.------ ------------ 3,915, 100 Also Renders: Steam service. 46—256 McCleary Timber Company McCleary, Wash. 46—260 Merrill and Ring Lumber Company Pysht, Wash. Community Served at Retail: Population Pysht "---------------------------------- --- 503 a Customers are company employees only, served Without direct charge. 322184—42 58 46—266 J. Neils Lumber Company 1229 American Bank Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Community Served at Retail: Population Klickitat”------------------------------------ 750 * Majority of customers are company employees. See Also: Operations reported under Montana (25–282). 46–270 Northwestern Improvement Co. 1011 Smith Tower. Seattle, Wash. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: D. R. Swem ------------. Mgr. of Coal Operations The following data are ſor the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $127, 582 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87,072 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,714 IKilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 2, 714, 486 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 173,960 Communities Served at Retail: Population Cle Plum----------------------------------- 2, 230 Ronald------------------------------------- 496 Roslyn------------------------------------- 1,743 Utilities Served at Wholesale: P RIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: H. C. Masterson PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of South Cle Elum. 46–287 Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division Port Gamble, Wash. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Clark------------------------------------ Supt. W. M. Brooke--------------------. --- Office Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $111,954 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $2,380 I(ilow' atts Generating Capacity (steam) -------------- 2,700 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers - - - - - - 271,706 Community Served at Retail: Population Port Gamble------------------------------- 500 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 46–300 Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufac- turing Company 1540 W. 46th St., Seattle, Wash. 46–322 Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company Snoqualmie Falls, Wash: Community Served at Retail: Population Snoqualmie Falls--------------------------- 770 834 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 46–344 Superior Portland Cement, Inc. Seaboard Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 46–366 Western Crossarm and Manufac- turing Company Centralia. Wash. 46–377 The Westport Lumber Company Westport, Oreg. See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–387). 46–388 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company . Tacoma, Wash. See Also: Operations reported under California (04–309) and Oregon (36–398). 46–399 Willapa Harbor Lumber Mills Raymond, Wash. The following data are for the year 1939: £lectric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,189 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 *Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLIC LY OWNED UTILITY: *Public Utility District No. 2 of Pacific County. 46–512 *Blaine Municipal Light Plant Blaine, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. P. Levien - - --- -Supt. City Council Light Committee: W. J. Burton, V. B. Newell, W. W. Smith. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $59,113 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,963 Number of Electric Customers------------- 595 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 737, 280 Community Served at Retail: Population laine -- 1, 524 Also Renders: Water Service. 46--515 *U. S. Department of Interior, The Bonneville Power Administration 811 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Oreg. See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–545). 46–523 *Cashmere Water & Light Department Cashmere, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. A. French --City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $121,314 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $63, 182 Number of Electric Customers------------ 650 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3, 744, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Cashmere---------------------------------- 1, 465 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–534 *Centralia Hydro-Electric Plant City Hall, Centralia, Wash. City Commission: B. H. Johnston, John E. Raught, Ray W. Sprague (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. ------------------- $1,543, 143 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $167,753 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,919 Rilowaſts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 4, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total ---- 9, 662,700 Generated 9,655. 700 Purchased tº 4-3 7, Community Served at Retail: Population Centralia 7, 414 46—545 *Cheney Light Department Cheney, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Light Committee: Roy S. Hansen, Dr. O. E. John- Son (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $89, 470 Electric Operating Revenues----- * = * ~ * * * * $69,687 Number of Electric Cust ** { 582 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased --- 3, 691,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Cheney - 1, 551 46—556 *City of Chewelah Chewelah, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. E. Petrick------------------------------- Supt Governing Body: C. W. Ganoung (chairman), Penny Pitt, A. L. Spray. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES--WASHINGTON 835 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $25,460 Number of Electric Customers------------- 683 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 970, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Chewelah---------------------------------- 1, 565 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–567 *Eatonville Light and Power Co. Eatonville, Wash. Community Served at Retail: Population Eatonville------------------------------ ------ 996 46–578 *City of Ellensburg Light Department City Hall, 420 N. Pearl St., Ellensburg, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Willis Hall pt. Claude Hall--------------------------- ASSt. Supt. Fred T. Hofmann Utility Acct. City Council: Edward A. Anderson (mayor), Milton D. Camozzy, B. B. Colwell, Mrs. H. S. Elwood, T. J. Howell, John McCune, Ray Mordhorst, Dr. Wm. Ubelacker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $722, 264 | Electric Operating Revenues-...----------- $153,235 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,903 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal------------------------------ 2,900 Steam--------------------------------- 1,000 Hydro--------------------------------- 1,900 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.---- 12, 398, 480 Generated.------- 10, 296, 180 Purchased.----------------------------- 2, 102, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Ellensburg 5,944 46–585 *Town of Fircrest Fircrest, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Maxwell K. Larkin------------------------ Mayor Don F. Crammond----------------- Town Clerk E. W. Brock, Jr.------------------ Town Treasurer Councilmen: Frank A. Boyd, A. L. Frost, Oscar N. Lundberg, James E. Purkey, William L. Ward. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $4,520 Number of Electric Customers------------- 177 Community Served at Retail: Population Fircrest.-------------------------------------- 486 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–587 *City of Grand Coulee Grand Coulee, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Allen Spratlin - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor Claude M. Danielson.----------------------- Supt. City Council: Val Airy, Jesse Bell, Eric Carlson, Charles Deppman, John H. Heidt, F. S. Ludolph, C. R. McMasters. Community served at Retail: Population Grand Coulee *---------------------------- 3, 659 a Served by Three Engineers Co., Inc. (46-145) prior to Mar. 31, 1941. 46—590 *Town of Ione Ione, Wash. Community Served at Retail: Population Ione------------------------------------------ 681 46–591 *Public Utility District No. 1, Cowlitz County Longview, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. G. Kelsey--------------------------------Mgr. W. J. Mandley----------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: W. A. Cardwell (pres.), J. A. Doyle (secy.), J. H. Slade. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $6,443, 133 a $817, 285 a Includes revenues of Washington Gas & Electric Co. from Jan. 1, to Nov. 26, 1940. Number of Electric Customers--------------- 5,028 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 7.000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal----------------------------- 165,029, 400 Generated.----------------------------- 169,521, 400 Purchased.----------------------------- 3, 580, 000 Interchanged-in (gross).------------- (—8,072,000) Communities Served at Retail: Population Longview --------------------------------- 12, 385 Ryderwood-------------------------------- 1, 160 Also Renders: Steam service, 46–592 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Grays Harbor County Electric Park, Aberdeen, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. W. Beck--------------------------------- Mgr. F. J. Robbins. ------------- Supt. of Dist. & Eng. C. L. Cornwell------------ Supt. of Power Supply Board of Commissioners: H. E. Bailey-------------------------------- Pres. Oliver M. Morris---------------------- Vice PreS. C. B. Sherwood----------------------------- Secy. 836 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,094, 772 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $804, 931 Number of Electric Customers---------- 12, 413 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ---------------- 12, 900 Rilowatt-hours 52, 126,040 Generated.----------------------------- 45, 635, 800 Purchased----------------------------- 6, 360,040 Interchanged-in (groSS) ---------------- 130, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Aberdeen.--------------------------------- 18, 846 Cosmopolis-------------------------------- 1, 2 HoGuian---------------------------------- 10, 835 Moclips----------------------------------- 671 Pacific Beach------------------------------ 433 Westport---------------------------------- 443 46–595 *Town of Milton Milton, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. Walden - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor Gordon L. Hopkins------------------ Town Clerk Councilmen: Wm. Blauvelt, Rob't. Bloomquist, L. E. Lyman, H. Mead. K. Simmons. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,335 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 189 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 333, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Milton---------------------------------------- 671 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–600 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Klickitat County Centerville, Wash. 46–603 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Lewis County Chehalis, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: G. A. Peters--------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $304,011 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,031 Number of Electric Customers------------- 714 Generating Capacity: Rilowafts otal-------------------------------- 110 T0----------------------------------- 30 Internal Combustion-------------------- 80 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours otal -------------------------------- 3S7, 200 Generated------------------------------- 233, 300 Purchased.------------------------------ a 153,900 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Communities Served at Retail: Population Mossy Rock---------------------------------- 250 *andle--------------------------------------- 350 46–611 *Public Utility Dist. #1 of Mason County Mason County, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. G. Briggs--------------------------------- Mgr. Commissioners: Alvin Hulbert, J. C. Michael, L. F. Stetson. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - $21,429 Number of Electric Customers -----______ 546 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,003, 850 Communities Served at Retail: Population Camp Three--------------------------------- 300 '00"Sport-----------------------------------. 50ſ) Skokomish----------------------------------- 300 Skokomish Valley---------------------------- 500 46—618 *Public Utility District Number 1 of Wahkiakum County Communities Served at Retail: Population Cathlanet---------------------------------- 621 Puget Island------------------------------- 1,000 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Skamania County “ - Stevenson, Wash. a Utility has service contract with U. S. Depart- ment of Interior, The Bonneville Power Adminis- tration. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ralph Ecker-------------------------------- Mgr. Board of Commissioners: Clement Akerman (secy.), Harry Card, J. C. Price (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $78, 546 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,054 Number of Electric Customers------------- 555 - P(illowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 915, 460 Communities Served at Retail: Population Carson --------------------------------- 250 Stevenson-------------------------------- 563 46–620 *Public Utility District No. 2 of - Pacific County Raymond, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. H. Fribley------------------------------- Mgr. Commissioners: John Dubla (secy.), M. M. Moore, R. W. Schultz (pres.). - DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WASHINGTON 837 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $621, 465 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $180,593 Number of Electric Customers------------ 4, 826 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal-------------------------------- 1,442 Steam----------------------------------- 750 Hydro----------------------------------- 280 Internal Combustion-------------------- 412 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 6, 679, 598 Generated.------------------------------ 1,078, 500 Purchased.------------------------------ 5, 601, 098 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bay Center--------------------------------- 250 Chinook------------------------------------ 600 Peep River--------------------------------- 300 East Raymond----------------------------- 450 Bklund Park------------------------------- 500 Holcomb----------------------------------- 250 Ilwaco-------------------------------------- 656 knappton---------------------------------- 250 Long Beach-------------------------------- 620 Wenlo-------------------------------------- 400 Nahcotta----------------------------------- 250 Napee------------------------------------- 250 Naselle------------------------------------- 450 Nemah------------------------------------- 250 Ocean Park-------------------------------- 400 Raymond---------------------------------- 4,045 Seaview----------------------------------- 600 South Bend-------------------------------- 1, 771 Willapa------------------------------------ 350 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–621 *Public Utility District No. 1 of Kittitas County Ellensburg, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jerome F. Contratto. ----------------------- Pres, Robert Kuhn------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $117, 051 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $12, 181 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 258 Pºil07watt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 78,600 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 46–622 *Town of Pacific Distributing System Pacific, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Eileen A. W. Brown------------------------ Clerk Lillian Younker---------------------------- Treas. J. P. Dyler---------------------------- Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $4,500 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $2,307 Number of Electric Customers--------------- 105 - - R3 lowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 84,480 Community Served at Retail: Population Pacific--------------------------------------- 357 46–633 *City of Port Angeles, Light & Power Dept. 140 W. Front St., Port Angeles, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chas. E. Beam------------------------------ Supt. Board of Commissioners: J. Lyle Beam, H. H. Beetle (mayor), Charles Lind. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.-------------------- $493, 741 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $187, 287 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 579 Killowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 8, 265,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Port Angeles------------------------------- 9, 409 46–644 *Priest Rapids Irrigation District White Bluffs. Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jos. W. Grell---------------------- Supt. of Power Directors: Frank Clark, R. S. Reirson (chairman), B. Salvini. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $500,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $4,028 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 2,500 Energy Available in Year: IKilowatt-hours Total.------------------------------- 5, 883, 836 Generated.------------------------------ 5,839,000 Purchased.------------------------------ 44, 836 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Pacific Power & Light Co. 46–655 *Town of Ruston Electric Utility 5117 N. Winniſred St., Tacoma, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Harry McCainant------------------------- Mayor Ford H. Downie----------------------- Custodian Town Council: Sidney Fraley, Iyan T. Krilich, Torger Torgerson, Mrs. Sadie T. Wallick, Jesse Williams (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12, 158 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $5,898 Number of Electric Customers------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 416, 544 Community Served at Retail: Population Ruston--------------------------------------- 739 838 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 46–666 *City of Seattle, Department of Lighting 1015 3d Ave., Seattle, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. R. Hoffman------------------ ... --------- Supt. A. O. Olsen--------------------- Chief Accountant The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $71, 104, 299 Electrie Operating Revenues ----------- $6,273, 199 Number of Electric Customers--------- 93, 308 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------- 260, 392 Steam-------------------------------- 30, 000 Hydro-------------------------------- a230, 392 .* Reduced head on certain units and other con- siderations limit the capacity to 199,856 kilowatts. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 590, 268,600 Senerated---------------------------- 590, 251, 600 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 17, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Seattle----------------------------------- 368, 302 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWN E D UTILITY: Puget Sound Power & Light Co. PUBLICLY OW N E D UTILITIES: *Tacoma Dept. of Public Utilities. *Tanner Mutual Distribution Assn. 46–677 *Town of South Cle Elum South Cle Elum, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George R. Curry - - I,ight Clerk D. Morrison. -------------------------- Electrician Town Council: M. Haase, G. Mundell, R. Young (mayor). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues - $4,552 Number of Electric Customers------------- 130 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 142,422 Community Served at Retail: Population South Cle Elum 340 46–688 *Town of Steilacoom Steilacoom, Wash. Mayor and Councilmen: B. K. T)rew, f H. K. Gaul, W. J. Hatcher, f L. E. McClelland, W. E. Morris (mayor), Roger Mullen (chairman).f fMember of electric committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $27,258 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,824 Number of Electric Customers------------- 310 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 571, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population | Steilacoom----------------------------------- 832 Also Renders: Water Service. 46–699 *Sumas Light and Power System Sumas, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: º Harry Iverson------------------------ Light Supt. Light Committee: E. A. Thomas, Archie Lapp. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $30,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $14,396 Number of Electric Customers------------- 275 Rillowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 390, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population Sumas------ 650 46—710 *City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division 402 City Hall. Tacoma, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officiais: R. D. O’Neil, Commissioner of Public Utilities Verno Kent--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $25,695, 167 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $2,890, 815 Number of Electric Customers--------- 38. 879 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 148,000 Steam 34,000 Hydro---- 114,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 501, 408,014 Generatod 432, 440,014 Purchased---------------------------- 68, 959, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Tacoma- - 109,408 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OW NED UTILITY: Parkland Light and Water Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Eatonville Light & Power Co. *Town of Fircrest. *Public Utility District #1 of Mason County. * Public Utility District #3 of Mason County, *TOwn Of Milton. *Town of Steilacoom. *Alder Mutual Light Co. *Elmhurst Mutual Co. *Lakeview Light and Water Co., Inc. *Loveland Electric Co. *Ohop Valley Mutual Light and Power Co. *Peninsula Light Co., Inc. 46—721 *Waterville Light System Waterville, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. R. Osborne------------------------------ Supt. Light Committee: D. T. Dorsey, E. M. Thomas (chairman), R. M. Underwood. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WASHINGTON 839 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------...-------------- $16, 230 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $18,449 Number of Electric Customers------------ 330 - Bilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 700, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Waterville------------------------------------ 939 Also Renders: Water service. 46—725 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Prosser Power Plant Yakima, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: ‘. . If &l - P. P. Ball.--------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant. ------------------- $404, 844 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $41,949 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6 Ičilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours --- 21,050, 166 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * = = s. as . Generated.----------------------------- 21,046, 978 Purchased.----------------------------- 3, 188 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Pacific Power & Light Co. 46–730 *Vera Irrigation District No. 15 . Veradale, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. C. Tshirley----------------------------- Supt. L. V. Tyler--------------------- Secy.-Accountant Board of Directors: A. J. Dhaenens, P. S. Filer, D. S. Whitman. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,870 $12, 196 339 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- Also Renders: Water service. 46–810 *Alder Mutual Light Company Alder, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Herman Wackerle--------------------------- PreS. *". Puke--------------------------------- Secy. G. Thureson. --- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,405 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 65, 950 Community Served at Retail: Population Alder 286 46—815 *Benton Rural Electric Association Prosser, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. G. Ware---------------------------------- Pres. J. B. Whitehead---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $259,769 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $21,291 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 598 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 268, 020 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 46–818 *Big Bend Electric Cooperative, Inc. 104 N. Washington St., Ritzville, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . P. Helme. -------------------------------- Pres Harry H. Hudlow--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $181, 725 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $3,939 Number of Electric Customers------------ 249 46–824 *Columbia County Rural Electric Association, Inc. 103 N. 3d St., Dayton, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: £. Balch * * * *.d s Cºl --------------------------------- PreS. Oakley A. Kendall-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $78,409 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,894 Number of Electric Customers------------- 85 ; Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a 27,900 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 46–828 - *Douglas County Electric Coop- erative, Inc. Waterville, Wash. 46–831 *Elmhurst Mutual Company R. F. D. #3, Box 525, Tacoma, Wash. Population 906 663 Communities Served at Retail: Brookdale Collins- 840 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 46–850 *Inland Empire Rural Electrifica- tion, Inc. 412 Hutton Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . I. Hopkins------------------------------- Pres Victor P. Campbell------------------------- Mgr The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,330,754 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $128, 506 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 501 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a 2, 110,810 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Valleyſord------------------------------------ 250 46–863 *Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. Davenport, Wash. 46–864 *Lakeview Light & Water Company, Inc. P. O. Box 252, South Tacoma, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George W. McKenzie----------------------- FroS J. G. Cramer--------------------------- Vice Pres A. L. Cunningham------------------- Secy.-Treas Wm. T. Jones-------------------------- Gen. M gr Trustees: C. S. Beal, F. C. Cooley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $31,621 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4.52 º Ixilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 3, 500,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pakeview----------------------------------- 1, 118 46–865 *Loveland Mutual Company Graham, Wash. 46–867 *Lower Elwha Company Port Angeles, Wash. 46–880 *Mutual Power and Light Association of Tanner North Bend, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: L. S. Matthews----------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $22,089 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $1,087 Number of Electric Customers------------- - 26 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- a 34,000 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 46–884 *Ohop Valley Mutual Light and Power Company Graham, Wash. 46–885. *Okanogan County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Winthrop, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Official: George I. Shaw------------------------------ ProS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $66,000 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $797 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 107 Community Served at Retail: Population Winthrop *------------------------------- 365 a Served by Upper Methow Valley Light & Power Co. (46–154) prior to Mar. 1, 1941. 46–886 *Orcas Power & Light Company East Sound, Wash, Principal Electric Utility Official: J. E. Harrison------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $13,961 Number of Electric Customers 227 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 150 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated * - nº º ºs ºr * - - - - - - - 266, 659 Community Served at Retail: Population East Sound----------------------------------- 390 46–887 *Peninsula Light Company Inc. Gig Harbor, Wash. Officers: Bert Uddenberg----------------------- Pres.-Mgr. Fred S. Smythe------------------------ Vice PreS. Mary L. Dillon. ---------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: John Goldman, John Murphy, John Nordquist, Flmer Olson, Leo Paradis, Clifford Pearson, Peter Skansi. The following data are for the year 1938: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31, 635 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC |UTILITIES–WASHINGTON 841 Number of Electric Cust - 1, 298 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 465, 550 Communities Served at Retail: Population Gig Harbor--------------------------------- 1,095 Home Colony------------------------------ 500 Lake Bay----------------------------------- 250 Longbranch-------------------------------- 300 Rosedale------------------------------------ 317 Vaughn------------------------------------- 300 46–888 *Pend Oreille Electric Cooperative, Inc. Newport, Wash. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. A. Landberg----------------------------- PreS. Clyde F. Nunnally------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $186,702 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $5,551 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 347 46–910 *Quinault Light Company Quinault, Wash. 46–930 *Stevens County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Colville, Wash. WEST VIRGINIA Index Reference Number; Reference Number Alpha Portland Cement Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47–201, Meadow River Lumber Co., The -- - - - - - - - - - 47–31 5 American Coal Co. of Allegheny County. --- 47–202 || Milburn By-Products Coal Company . . . . . . . 47-320 American Rolling Mill Co., The...----------- 47–203 || Monongahela West Penn Public Service Com- Appalachian Electric Power Company------ 47–012. Parly-------------------------------------- 47–096 Băiley, C.C.-------------------------------- 7–016 | * New Martinsville Municipal Utilitics . . . . . . 47–567 Birchton Coal Co---------------------------- 47–205 || New River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Beech Bottom Power Company, Inc -------- 47–020 | Co ---------------------------------------- 7–345 Black Band Corporation . ------------------- 47–210 | Page Coal & Coke Co - - - - - ------------------- 47–370 Black Diamond Power Co------------------- 47–024|| Page Mining Company---------------------- 47–369 Carbon Fuel Co., The----------------------- 47–250 | Parsons Tanning Company. ----------------- 47–372 Cherry River Boom & Lumber Co. --------- 47–258. | Pemberton Coal and Coke Co---------------- 47–371 Chesapeake Light and Water Company----- 47–028;| *Philippi, City of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 47–586 Community Power Co---------------------- 47–033| Point Pleasant Water & Light Co------------ 47–117 Consolidation Coal Co----------------------- 47–259;| Potomac Light and Power Company--------- 47–121 . Crozer Coal & Coke Company-------------- 47–260|Potomac Transmission Company, The------ 47–125 IDavis Coal and Coke Co., The --__________ 47–265 | Preston County Coke Co... ----------------- 47–375 Electro Metallurgical Company------------- 47-270;| Preston County Light & Power Co---------- 47–138 Elk Power Co ------------------------------ 47–011}| Quincy Coal Company. --------------------- 47–391 Elk River Coal and Lumber Co------------- 47–268: Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Co --------------- 47–394 Fairfax Electric Co-------------------------- 47–043;| *Ravenswood Municipal Light Plant-------- 47–605 Flat Top Power Company------------------- 47–049: Red Jacket Coal Cornoration---------------- 47–395 Gildersleeve, Mr. J. R.----------------------- 47–054: Ritter Lumber Co., W. M------------------ 47–398 Glogora Coal Co----------------------------- 47–275;| Scotia Coal & Coke Co. ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - 47-400 .*Grafton, City of.--------------------------- 47–548 || Thacker Electric Light & Power Enterprise, Greenwood Coal Co------------------------- 47-279;| Inc.------------------- - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w 47–155 Guyan Utilities Company------------------- 7–062;| Thompson Mahogany Company------------ 47–410 *Hardy County Light & Power Association, | Truax Traer Coal Co.----------------------- 47–415 *---------------------------------------- –865|| Union Power Company. -------------------- 47–163 *Harrison Rural Electrification Association, United Light & Power Commany------------ 47–167 * --------------------------------------- –870 | United States Coal & Coke Co. ------------- 47–420 Hutchinson Coal Co------------------------- 47–280, Virginia Public Service Company----------- 47–171 Kanawha Valley Power Company----------- 47–079;| War Light and Water Company------------- 47–175 Rimball Light & Water Co------------------ 47–091 || West Penn Power Company----------------- 47–178 Kingston-Pocahontas Coal Co., Inc.---------- 47–281 || West Virginia Coal & Coke Corporation------ 47–425 Roppers Coal Co., The---------------------- 47-33 West Virginia Light, Heat and Power Com- Lake Superior Coal Co---------------------- 47–283 Pany-------------------------------------- 47–186 Leckie Fire Creek Coal Co------------------ 47–284"| West Virginia Power and Transmission Com- Lillybrook Coal Co-------------------------- 47-285| -- pany.------------------------------------- 47–182 Logan County Coal Corporation------------- 47–286; West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co-------------- 47–429 Low Volatile Coal Co. - I ------------------- 47–288 | Wheeling Electric Company----------------- 47–190 MacAlpin Coal Company. ------------------ 47–292 || Winding Gulf Collieries---------------------- 47–488 Maragrette Coal Corporation---------------- 47–296 Maryland New River Coal Co. ------------- 47–310 || McCall Coal Company---------------------- 47–294 * *Denotes a publicly owned utility. t- | Principal Officers: 47 012 . # º Mºº - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Secy. & * Tº: e tº - L. Gardner------------------------- SSt. Secy. Appalachian Electric Power J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. TreaS. Company | Directors: N. M. Argabrite, Frank B. Ball, Graham 611 S. Jefferson St., Roanoke, Va. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 66.55% of voting power.) - Principal Officers: : Geo. N. Tidd-------------------------------- Pres. N. M. Argabrite------------------------ Vice Pres. Graham Claytor------------------------ Vice PreS. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice Pres. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. H. D. Anderson-------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. F. W. Drager----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Claytor, F. W. Drager, J. F. McMillan, Geo. N. Tidd. Controls: Radford Limestone Co., Inc. (stone quarry). West Virginia Power Co. (land, land rights, and water rights for hydroelectric development). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $158,427, 549 | Electric Operating Revenues: Total.--------------------------- $26,319,644 In West Virginia $18,388, 579 Number of Electric Customers: Total 193,274 In West Virginia-------------------- 118, 808 844 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Generating Capacity: Rilowatts | Communities Served at Retail: 9tal--------------------------- 456,697 250 to 1,000 population Population Steam------------------------------ 336,400 | Bottom Creek----------------------------- 600 Hydro------------------------------ 119,934 || Bownemont (Elk)------------------------- 300. Internal Combustion--------------- 273 | Bradshaw---------------------------------- 650 º Branchland-------------------------------- 450. Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Buffalo ----------------------------------- 338, Otal 2,858, 400, 512 Cabin Creek------------------------------- 510 ==-y----------- Calloway Heights-------------------------- 450 Generated-------------------------- 2, 197,422, 306 Cannelton.-------------------------------- 521 Purchased.-------------------------- 490, 659, 206 || Cassville (Fort Gay)----------------------- 645. Interchanged (gross-in).------------- 170, 319,000 Chapmanville----------------------------- 300 Communities Served at Retail: | | Sº.…. } 10,000 population or more Population S! ſtºp------------------------------------ 260 Beckley---------------------------------- 12,852 | Slother----------------------------------- 828 Bluefield * * * 20,641 | Soal, Branch------------------------------- 250 Charleston--------------------------------- 67,914 | 90°]º---------------------------------- 293 Huntington-------------------------------- 78.836 90°, City---------------------------------- 475 South Charleston------...] io,377 | Qoal Fork--------------------------------- 312 & Coºo--------------------------------------- 250 1,000 to 10,000 population Colcord------------------------------------ 300 Amherstdale------------------------------- 1,063 Cooper------------------------------------- 306 Amsted------------------------------------- 1,422 Coopers------------------------------------ 300 Barboursville------------------------------ 1, 550 Covel-------------------------------------- 360 *-------------------------------------- 2,500 | Crab Orchard------------------------------ 550 Boomer------------------------------------ 1, 213 Cranberry---------------------------------- 262. Branwell---------------------------------- 1, 494 Crum-------------------------------------- 400 Cedar Grove------------------------------- 1,411 Culloden----------------------------------- 310 9°00------------------------------------- 1, 212 *-------------------------------------- 306 °helyan----------------------------------- 1,397 | Panville----------------------------------- 417 Clendenin--------------------------------- 1, 200 Pelbarton--------------------------------- 306 Crumpler---------------------------------- 1. 326 *-------------------------------------- 250 Punbar------------------------------------ 5,266 | Pott--------------------------------------- 275 *-------------------------------------- 1,536. Parling------------------------------------ 600 *------------------------------------- 1,027 Fastbank---------------------------------- 601 *anor------------------------------------ 1, 000 Pdwight----------------------------------- 600 *dale------------------------------------ 1,003 | Elk Ridge--------------------------------- 319 * ------------------------------------- 2, 000 Plkview----------------------------------- 500 Fayetteville-------------------------------- 1, 347 | Fairdale----------------------------------- 250 * ------------------------------------ 1,009 || Fallsview---------------------------------- 700 Hurricane---------------------------------- 1, 103 Freeman----------------------------------- 500. Jenkinjonºs-------------------------------- 1,315 Gallagher---------------------------------- 415 Kenova.----- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = as 3, 902 || Gauley Bridge------------- * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - 516 Keystone---------------------------------- 2,942 Gilbert------------------------------------ 490. Poºn------------------------------------- 5, 166 Giles mº sm as am. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 276 Mabscott---------------------------------- 1,473 || Glasgow---- - ---- 725 *adison----------------------------------- 1, 205 Glen Ferris.------------------------------- 306 Mammoth--------------------------------- 1, 021 Glen Hedrick sº 350 *-------------------------------------- 1, 342 Grandview.-------------------------------- 275 Marnet----------------------------------- 1, 814 Greenville--------------------------------- 250 Whybeury--------------------------------- 1,500 || Griffithsville------------------------------- 400. Mºton.------------------------------------ 1,641 Hamlin------------------------------------ 850, Montgomery------------------------------- 3.231 | Handley----------------------------------- 550 Mount Hope------------------------------- 2,431 | Hansford---------------------------------- 275 * Fork--------------------------------- 1,500 | Harper.------------------------------------ 300. * ------------------------------------- 2,983 || Harper Heights---------------------------- 350 9ak Hill----------------------------------- 3,213 | Hemphill---------------------------------- 500 9"ar-------------------------------------- 1,230 | Hernshaw--------------------------------- 250 **--------------------------------------- 1, 200 Highlawn---------------------------------- 300 Powellton---------------------------------- 1. 323 Hill Top----------------------------------- 908 Princeton---------------------------------- 7,426 Holly Grove------------------------------- 300 Saint Albans------------------------------- 3, 558 Hollywood. - - - * 375 Sharples------------------------------------ 1,037 || Hughey. ------- __ 500 Smithers----------------------------------- 2,232 | Ingram Branch---------------------------- 419 W* ------------------------------------ 6, 264 l Institute----------------------------------- 500 Williamson-------------------------------- 8,366 IVâton------------------------------------- 426. Winona------------------------------------ 1,050 } ºstown * * * * * * * * m, sº as sº m º ºs = * * * * * * * * m = * * * * * m = § 250 to 1,000 population * #mit.................................. 811 Amandaville------------------------------- 400'ſ Kimberly---------------------------------- 30ſ) *Walt----------------------------------- 450l Kincaid.----------------------------------- 321 Aracoma----------------------------------- 600 Lavalette---------------------------------- 275 Ashford------------------------------------ 300 Layland----------------------------------- 526 *ns------------------------------------- 682 Penore------------------------------------- 250 *den------------------------------------ 400 Lester------------------------------------- 909 *aver ------------------------------------ 250 Pevi--------------------------------------- 700 Beech Glen-------------------------------- 300 | Lex---------------------------------------- 270 *9--------------------------------------- 250 London------------------------------------ 300 Big Creek---------------------------------. 463 Longacre----------------------------------- 265 Big Sandy--------------------------------- 325 Madeline---------------------------------- 300 Black Betsey------------------------------ 550 Malden------------------------------------ 362 Blooming Rose---------------------------- 250 Marting----------------------------------- 410 Blue Creek-------------------------------- 310 Marytown--------------------------------- 450 Blue Jay----------------------------------- 250 Matewan---------------------------------- 905 *--------------------------------------- 27 Matoaka----------------------------------- 926 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WEST VIRGINIA 845 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population McConnell-------------------------------- 250 Meadow Bridge---------------------------- 477 Millwood---------------------------------- 362 Mohegan---------------------------------- 325 Mount Carbon---------------------------- 425 Mount Gay-------------------------------- 516 Nallen-------------------------------------- 300 Neibert------------------------------------ 300 Nickelsville-------------------------------- 250 North Matewan--------------------------- 290 Nutta!------------------------------------- 408 Oakvale----------------------------------- 273 Oceana------------------------------------ 300 Odd--------------------------------------- 250 Olcott------------------------------------- 51] Packsville--------------------------------- 510 **---------------------------------------- 631 Paynesville-------------------------------- 250 Peach Creek------------------------------- 500 Pemberton--------------------------------- 521 Peterstown-------------------------------- 467 Pineville.---------------------------------- 769 Plymouth--------------------------------- 3()] 0%--------------------------------------- 51() Powhatan--------------------------------- 400 Pratt ------------------------------------- 417 Priº Hill---------------------------------- 310 Prince.------------------------------------ 260 Prosperity--------------------------------- 31 l Prudence---------------------------------- 421 Putney----------------------------------- 425 Quinnamont------------------------------- 4()8 Quinwood--------------------------------- 600 Ragland----------------------------------- 300 Raleigh ----------------------------------- 370 Red Star----------------------------------- 514 Ripley------------------------------------- 7.59 Robson------------------------------------ 250 Rock-------------------------------------- 600 Ronda------------------------------------- 312 Rumble.----------------------------------- 250 Rupert------------------------------------ 300 Scarbro------------------------------------ 950 Seth--------------------------------------- 250 Sharon------------------------------------- 300 Simmons---------------------------------- 325 Skelton.----------------------------------- 306 Slab Fork---------------------------------- 255 Snow Hill---------------------------------- 300 South Malden (Garnet) -------------------- 300 Sprague------------------------------------- 261 Sprºg------------------------------------- 316 Springton.--------------------------------- 400 Spruce Valley------------------------------ 300 Squire------------------------------------- 400 Stanaſord---------------------------------- 500 Stollinºs----------------------------------- 250 Switzer------------------------------------ 250 Sylvia------------------------------------- 41 () Tad- ------------------------------------- 316 Thurmond--------------------------------- 339 Van---------------------------------------- 300 Villa -------------------------------------- 300 Wayne------------------------------------- 801 Wenonah---------------------------------- 250 West Hamlin------------------------------ 455 West Logan-------------------------------- 500 West Madison----------------------------- 500 Whitesville. ------------------------------- 942 Willis T3ranch 310 Winfield------------ __ 318 Winiſred - - - - - - - - 250 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: C. C. Bailey. Black T)iamond Power ("O. Chesapeake Light & Water Co. FIk Power ("O. Flat Top Power Co. Guyan Utilities Co. Kentucky and West Virginia Power Co., Inc. Kirnball Light & Wa'er Co. The Ohio Power (TO. Point Pleasant Water & Light Co. Quincy Coal Co Utilities Served at Wholesale; PHIV ATELY O W NED UTILITIES: UItion Power Co. - United Light & Power Co War Light & Water Co. J. R. Gildersleeve. See Also: Operations reported under Virginia (45–011) and Tennessee (41–010). 47–016 C. C. Bailey Davy, W. Wa. Principal Officer: C. C. Bailey------------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.----------------------- $10,806 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $11,739 Number of Electric Customers------------- 388 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 232, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population *WW--------------------------------------- 1, 000 47–020 Beech Bottom Power Company, Inc. Power, W. Va. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc., and American Gas & Electric Co.) Principal Officers: Geo. N. Tidd------------------------------- Pres. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice Pres. H. L. Mitchell-------------------------- Vice Pres. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager----------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas... Directors: J. B. Hill, H. L. Mitchell, Geo. N. Tidd, Lorenzo Semple, Jr. Entire utility plant leased from the Ohio Power Co. and West Penn Power Co. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------- $2,742,032 Number of Electric Customers------- 2 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------- 1, 401, 482, 726 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Ohio Power Co. West Penn Power Co. 47–024 Black Diamond Power Co. 709 Security Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Principal Officers: H. P. Musser---------------------- PreS. & Treas. M. W. Gilliam ---------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. H. Wolfe----------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. Directors: C. H. Elsom, M. W. Gilliam, B. P. Musser, E. H. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $55,994 Electric Operating Rev - $26,385 Number of Electric Customers------------- 669 846 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 608,894 Communities Served at Retail: Population Chattaroy---------------------------------- 526 Sophia------------------------------------- 1, 160 47–028 Chesapeake Light and Water Company Charleston, W. Va. 47–033 Community Power Co. Petersburg, W. Va. Principal Officers: O. M. Smith-------------------------------- PreS. J. B. Grove--------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. B. Grove, T. J. Grove, C. A. Smith, O. M. Smith, W. C. Van Meter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric U.ility Plant---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----$110,000 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $5,800 Number of Electric Customers----------- J FKilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 1, 593,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITY: Potomac Light & Power Co. 47–041 Elk Power Co. 709 Security Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Principal Officers: H. P. Musser-------------------- PreS. & Treas. M. W. Gilliam---------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. H. Wolfe------------------ Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. H. Elsom, M. W. Gilliam, H. P. Musser, E. H. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $39, 746 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $21, 255 Number of Electric Customers------------- 286 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 505, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population lay----------------------------------------- 511 47–043 Fairfax Electric Co. 810 Keyser Bldg., Baltimore, Md. (Controlled by The Davis Coal and Coke Co.) Principal Officers: Arthur B. Stewart--------------------------- PreS. M. E. Kent---------------------------- Vice Pres. E. E. Denhard----------------------- Secy.-Treas. C. A. Marshall----------------- Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. H. Avers, E. E. Denhard, M. E. Kent, W. H. Naylor, Arthur B. Stewart. The following data are for the year 1939: - $15, 152 Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Customers 231 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 354, 124 Community Served at Retail: Population homas----------- 1,449. See Also: Operations reported under Maryland (19–065). - 47–049 Flat Top Power Company Northfork, W. Va. Principal Officers: Lewis H. Clark------------------------- Chairman F. C. Cook---------------------------------- Pres. C. S. Breeding----------- Vice Pres. & Office Mgr. W. S. Clark-------------------------------- ecy. A. Catzen-------------------- Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Directors: C. S. Breeding, A. Catzen, Lewis H. Clark, W. S. Clark, F. C. Cook. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.------...------------ - $51, 504 Electric Operating. Revenues-------------- $45,083 Number of Electric Customers------------ 484 P(ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - 1, 117, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population 'lark---------------------------------------- 715 Flkridge------------------------------------- 460 Kyle---------------------------------------- 670 Northfork 387 47–054 Mr. J. R. Gildersleeve English, W. Va. 47–062 Guyan Utilities Company Main St., Beckley, W. Va. Principal Officers: - B. P. Carter---------------------------------- Pres. E. H. Hedrick-------------------------- Vice PreS. G. C. Hedrick Secy.-Treas. Directors: B. E. Carter, E. H. Hedrick, G. C. Hedrick. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $3,518 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 98 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 84, 192 Community Served at Retail: Population Corinne-- - - - - - - 494 Also Renders: Water Service. 47–079 Kanawha Walley Power Company 301 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WEST VIRGINIA 847 Principal Officers: GeO. N. Tidd Fres. W. F. Ficklen ------------------------- Vice Pres. N. M. Argabrite- Vice ProS. Graham Claytor – Vice PreS. H. M. Sawyer ____Vice PreS. FGW. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice PreS. F. W. Drager - - Secy.-Treas. J. F. McMillan--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. D. Anderson.-------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. P. Balbig-------------------------- ASSt. Treas Directors: H. D. Anderson, N. M. Argabrite, Gra- ham Claytor, W. F. Ficklen, Geo. N. Tidd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,852, 196 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $640, 795 Number of Electric Customers--------- I Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 43, 560 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------- - - - - - - - - - - - 281, 131,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATFLY OWNED UTILITY: Appalachian Electric Power Co. 47–091 - Kimball Light & Water Co. 709 Security Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Principal Officers: H. P. MUISSer Pres, & Treas. M. W. Gilliam----------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. H. Wolſe-------------------- Asst. ScCy.-Treas. Directors: C. H. Elsom, M. W. Gilliam, H. P. Mussor, E. H. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $37, 142 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25,252 Number of Electric Customers------------- 394 Rºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 714,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Rimball-- 1, 580 Also Renders: Water Service. 47–096 Monongahela West Penn Public - Service Company 301 Adams St., Fairmont, W. Va. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc.) Principal Officers: A. C. Spurr - - Fres. J. K. Buchanan--- Vice Pres. C. H. Leatham------------------------- Vice Pres. O. F. Lough.------------------ Vice Pres. & Treas. Philip L. Ross Vice Pres. P. M. Mase Comptroller G. J. Jackson-------------------------------- Secy. H. D. McDowell_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. B. J. Wilson.---- ASSt. Secy. T. J. Ireland_ _ _ ASSt. Treas. R. T. Cunningham ASSt. Treas. Directors: Thomas H. Plodgett, J. K. Buchanan, Wilhur L. Cummings, James A. Hill, C. H. Leatham, O. F. Lough, H. L. Mitchell, H. Ho- bart Porter, Seton Porter, Philip L. Ross, A. C. Spurr, E. S. Thompson, W. R. Voorhis. Controls: The Marietta Electric Co. (electric utility). Monongahela Securities Co. (holding land, build- ings, and securities), which controls Mononga- hela Transport Co. (bus transportation). . . Monterey Utilities Corporation (electric utility). State Line Gas Co. (gas utility). The West Maryland Power Co. (electric utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ------------------ $42, 136,730 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $9,100, 513 Number of Electric Customers--------- 99, 595 Generating Capacity: IKilou, afts otal.----------------------------- 78, 230 Steam-------------------------------- 76, 970 Hydro------------------------------- 6 Internal Combustion----------------- 1, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 577, 535. 119 Generated.---------------------------- 401, 708, 778 Purchased.---------------------------- 161,424,528 Interchanged (gross-in) ------------...-- 14, 401, 813 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Clarksburg-------------------------------- 30, 579 Fairmont---------------------------------- 23, 105 Morgantown------------------------------ 16. 655 Parkersburg------------------------------- 30, 103 1,000 to 10,000 population Addison (Webster Springs). --------------- 1, 13 Animoore---------------------------------- 1,027 Belington--------------------------------- 1, 517 Blaine------------------------------------- 1, 250 Bridgeport-------------------------------- 1, 581 Buckhannon------------------------------ 4, 450 Chester----------------------------------- 3. 805 Davis------------------------------------- 1.454 Plkins.------------------------------------ 8, 133 Follansbce-------------------------------- 4. 834 Gassaway--------------------------------- 1,429 Grafton ---------------------------------- 7,431 Grant Town------------------------------ 3,000 Grantsville.------------------------------- 1, 052 FIarrisville. ----------, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 338 Hollidays Cove.---------------------------- 6, 137 Kingwood.-------------------------------- 1,676 Lumberport------------------------------ - 1, 285 Mannington----------------------------- -- 3, 145 Marlington-------------------------------- 1,644 Monongah ------------------------------- 1, 790 New Cumberland------------------------- 2. 008 Newell------------------------------------ 1,042 Nutter Fort------------------------------- 1, 803 Parsons----------------------------------- 2. ()77 Pennsboro--------------------------------- 1, 738 Power------------------------------------- 1, 532 Richwood--------------------------------- 5, 051 Riverside---------------------------------- 1. 043 Rivesville--------------------------------- 1, 552 Rowlesburg------------------------------- 1,452 Sabraton---------------------------------- 1, 810 Saint Marys------------- , - sº - * * * * *-* = * * * * * * * * * 2, 201 Salem------------------------------------- 2, 57.1 Shinnston--------------------------------- 2 Q17 Spencer ---------------------------------- 2. 497 Star City---------------------------------- 1, 175 Sutton ---------------------------------- 1,083 Terra Alta-------------------------------- 1,471 ienna. ----------------------------------- 2,338 Weirton.----------------------------------- 9, 658 Weirton Heights-------------------------- 3,476 Wellsburg--------------------------------- 6, 255 Weston------------------------------------ 8, 268 West Union------------------------------- 1,020 Westover -------------------------------- 1, 752 Williamstown----------------------------- 1, 687 250 to 1,000 population Adrian------------------------------------ 653 Albright ... --- - - - -------------------- 334 Alvy (Braden Station)-------------------- 732 Barrackville------------------------------- 265 Baxter------------------------------------- 670 848 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Bayard------------------------------------ 585 Beechbottom------------------------------ 309 Belmont----------------------------------- 260 Bethany---------------------------------- 410 Beverly ---------------------------------- 484 Blacksville------------------------------- 261 Bristol------------------------------------ 250 Brown------------------------------------ 250 Brownton--------------------------------- 370 Burnsville--------------------------------- 851 Burton------------------------------------ 275 Cairo-------------------------------------- 532 Camden on Gauley------------------------ 373 Cass--------------------------------------- 597 Catawba---------------------------------- 328 Century----------------------------------- 525 Charlotte (OSage).------------------------- 500 Circleville--------------------------------- 600 Colliers------------------------------------ 410 Congo------------------------------------- 250 Copen------------------------------------- 250 Cowen------------------------------------ 530 Craigsville--------------------------------- 313 ola. ------------------------------------- 300 Dryfork----------- - - - 800 Turbin------------------------------------ 533 Elizabeth. -------------------------------- 685 Flk Garden------------------------------- 342 Ellamore. --------------------------------- 519 Ellenboro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -sa • - - - - - - - - 277 Enterprise--------------------------------- 800 Fairview ---------------------------------- 831 Farmington.------------------------------- 880 Fenwick. -------------------------------- 517 Flat Woods-------------------------------- 308 Flemington.------------------------------- 690 Folson------------------------------------ 617 Frank ------------------------------------ 30ſ) Franklin---------------------------------- 613 French Creek----------------------------- 321 Galloway---------------------------------- 265 Gauley Mills------------------------------ 275 Glenville---------------------------------- 588 Gormania.-------------------------------- 373 Greenwood-------------------------------- 400 Hambleton-------------------------------- 394 Hastings.---------------------------------- 288 Helvetia ---------------------------------- 200 Hendricks----------------- ---------------- 539 Hopemont-------------------------------- 30ſ) Horton ----------------------------------- 528 Hundred---------------------------------- 706 Huttonsville------------------------------ 308 Independence----------------------------- 325 Jane LeW---------------------------------- 505 Jere---------------- ----------------------- 50 Junior------------------------------------- 533 Layopolis------------------------------ `-- - - 252 Littleton---------------------------------- 530 Lorentz- --------------------------------- 262 Lost Creek-------------------------------- 418 abie------------------------------------- 31 I McWhorter------------------------------- 250 Meadowbrook---- - * * * 262 Mill Creek-------------------------------- 732 Mona (Granville).-------------------------- 318 Montana---------------------------------- 462 Morganville------------------------------- 315 Mount Clare (Byron).---------------------- 522 National----------------------------------- 350 Newburg---------------------------------- 696 Oakdale----------------------------------- 300 Palestine ----. - - 30ſ) Park View--------------------------------- 250 Pickens ---------------------------------- 475 Pine Bluff--------------------------------- 250 Pine Grove.------------------------------- 841 Pruntytown------------------------------- 420 Pursglove---------------------------------- 32ſ) Rachel (Downs) - 300 Reader 250 Reedy------------------------------------- 329 Rock Cave * - 265 Rosemont 310 Shaw ---- 262 Simpson---------- -- - - - - 250 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Slate--------------------------------------- 296 Smithburg 264 Smithfield--------------------------------- 455 Smithville--------------------------------- 250 Sugar Grove.------------------------------ 500 Summersville----------------------------- 643 Tioga------------------------------------- 500 Tunnelton-------------------------------- 552 Volga - - - 250 Wallace-------------- º 8:36 Watson- - 4(;4 Waverly------ 285 West Milford 389 Whitmer----------------------------- 265 WOmelsdorf - - - - - - - - - - - - 417 Worthington - * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - * * - * 507 Wyatt--, ------ 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: The Marietta Electric Co. (ſ)hio). Monterey Utilities Corporation (Va.). The Ohio Power Co. (Interchange). The West Maryland Power Co. (Md.). West Penn Power Co. West Virginia Light, Heat, & Power Co. PUBLIC LY O WNED UTILITIES: *City of Philippi. *Harrison Rural Electrification Association, Inc. Also Renders: Ice, natural gas, street and inter- urban railway, and water Service. 47–117 Point Pleasant Water & Light Co. 418 Main St., Point Pleasant, W. Va. (Controlled by The United Light and Power Co.) Principal Officers: J. B. POSton--- TreS. B. W. Marr. --------------------------- Vice PreS. J. A. Niles------------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. C. Clark------------------ Treas. & ASSt. Secy. Directors: H. C. Clark, B. W. Marr, J. A. Niles, J. B. Poston, E. J. Somerville. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- — $511,339 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $149,392 Number of Electric Customers------------ 2, 573 Ičilowaſt-hours Energy Purchased 5, 683,884 Communities Served at Retail: Population Clifton-------------------------------------- 300 Hartford City------------------------------- 467 Henderson---------------------------------- 398 Mason.-------------------------------- - - - - - - 795 New Haven.--------------------------------- 606 Point Pleasant------------------------------ 3, 538. | Utility served at wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Ravenswood Municipal Light Plant. Also Renders: Water Service. 47–121 Potomac Light and Power Company 123 W. King St., Martinsburg, W. Va. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: R. Paul Smith - -----Pres. Geo. S. Humphrey--------------------- Vice PreS. D. E. Stultz---------------------------- Vice PreS. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WEST VIRGINIA 849 Principal Officers: R. P. Town-------------------------- Secy.-Treas. G. T. SWisher------------------------ Comptroller Paul S. Michael ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. O. B. Martin-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. B. A. Winebrener--------------- ASSt. Comptroller Directors: H. L. Arnold, W. R. Caskey, E. L. Coblentz, Geo. R. Davis, A. R. Emmert, W. H. Fredlock, E. L. Goldsborough, Walter T. Kline, T. W. Martin, Aubrey McDaniel, B. A. Poland, ſºoland, R. Paul Smith, R. E. Town, W. B. OOi!. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,991, 670 Electric Operating Revenues ----------- $2, 186, 381 Number of Electric Customers--------- 16, 980 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Total.----------------------------- 2, 745 Steam-------------------------------- 500 Hydro-------------------------------- 2, 160 Internal Combustion------------------ 85 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 138, 734, 567 Generated.-- - 40,052, 863 Purchased.---------------------------- 98,681, 704 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Martinsburg------------------------------- 15,063 1.000 to 10,000 population Berkeley Springs-------------------------- 1, 145 Charles Town----------------------------- 2,926 Keyser ----- ---- 6, 177 Moorefield------------------------------- - 1,291 Petersburg---------------- --- 1, 751 Piedmont--------------------- 2, 677 Ranson------------------------------------ 1, 171 Ridgeley---------------------------------- 1,907 Romney--- • * * - - * * * *- - - * * - - - ºne me - - - sº * - - - sº me • - -, * 2,013 250 to 1,000 population Bakerton---------------------------------- 518 Bolivar------------------------------------ 628 Duffields---------------------------------- 425 Gerrardstown------------------------------ 256 Great Cacapon---------------------------- 363 Green Spring------------------------------ 317 Halltown---------------------------------- 317 Harpers Ferry----------------------------- 655 Hedgesville-------------------------------- 403 Kabletown-------------------------------- 300 Kearneysville------------------------------ 412 Middleway--- 300 Paw Paw---------------------------------- 990 Shenandoah Junction---------- -- * 3.2 Shepherdstown---------------------------- 945 Summit Point----------------------------- 310 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. Mºrgan County Telephone and Electric Light O. Northern Virginia Power Co. (Va.). The Potomac Edison Co. (Md. and W. Va.). Virginia Public Service Co. Also Renders: Ice and water Service. 47–125 The Potomac Transmission Company 14 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc.) See Also: Principal report under Maryland (19-119). 322184—42 59 47–138 Preston County Light & Power Co. Mason town, W. Va. (Controlled by Preston County Supply Co.) Principal Officers: H. C. Greer--------------------------------- Pres. A. W. Hawley----------- Vice Pres. & Secy.-Treas. F. Bierer------------------------------- Vice PreS. M. T. Stump-------------------------- Gen. Supt. Directors: E. Bierer, H. C. Greer, A. W. Hawley. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $134,045 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $66,478 Number of Electric Customers----------- 832 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2, 371,051 Communities Served at Retail: Population retz----- 300 Masontown- -- 869 Reedsville------------------------------------ 324 Also Renders: Telephone service. 47–155 Thacker Electric Light & Power Enterprise Inc. Thacker, W. Va. Principal Officers: • W. G. Sydnor--------------------- Pres. & Treas. A. M. Sydnor------------------------------- Secy. Directors: A. M. Sydnor, E. P. Sydnor, W. G. Sydnor. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,573 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 46 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 22, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Thacker-------------------------------------- 300 * 47–163 Union Power Company 709 Security Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Principal Officers: H. P. MuSSer PreS. & Treas. M. W. Gilliam---------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. EI. Wolfe-- ASSt. Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. H. Elsom, M. W. Gilliam, H. P. Musser, E. H. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $103, 511 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $76,891 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 109 Filowatt-hours Energy Purchased 2, 183, 580 Communities Served at Retail: Population Mullens -- 3,026 Rhodell------------------------------------ 995 850 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 47–167 United Light & Power Company 709 Security Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Principal Officers: H. P. Musser---------------------- Pres. & Treas. M. W. Gilliam---------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. H. Wolfe----------------- Asst. Secy. & Treas. Directors: C. H. Elsom, M. W. Gilliam, H. P. Musser, E. H. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $69,934 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $48,463 Number of Electric Customers----------- 481 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1,611, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Iaeger-------------- 986 47–171 Virginia Public Service Company 117 S. Washington St., Alexandria, Va. (Controlled by Associated Gas & Electric Co.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: West Virginia only - -- $475, 210 Number of Electric Customers: West Virginia only----------------------- 7,457 Communities Served at Retail: Population Alderson - -- 1,493 Brooklin----------------------------------- 418 Caldwell (North Caldwell)----------------- 250 East Rainelle------- - 1, 515 Falling Spring (Renick)-------------------- 388 Hinton------------------------------------- 5, 815 Lewisburg---------------------------------- 1,466 Meadow Creek----------------------------- 262 Ronceverte--------------------------------- 2, 265 Sandstone 375 nion---------------- 346 White Sulphur Springs 2,093 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Potomac Light and Power Co. See Also: Principal report under Virginia (45–160). 47–175 War Light and Water Company 709 Security Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Principal Officers: H. P. Musser---------------------- PreS. & Treas. M. W. Gilliam---------------- Vice Pres. & Secy. E. H. Wolfe * me - - Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: C. H. Elsom, M. W. Gilliam, H. P.” Musser, E. H. Wolfe. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $61, 112 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $54,397 Number of Electric Customers----------- - 940 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 508, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Excelsior------------------------------------ 600 Tomax 412 War 1, 277 Also Renders: Water service. 47–178 West Penn Power Company 14 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: West Virginia only----------------------- $571,923 Number of Electric Customers: West Virginia only----------------------- 1 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. See Also: Principal report under Pennsylvania (37–187). 47–182 West Virginia Power and Transmission Company 14 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Controlled by American Water Works & Electric Co., Inc. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. L. Mitchell------------------------------ PreS. A. C. Spurr---------------------------- Vice PreS. J. E. Thomas-------------------------- Vice PreS H. K. Breckenridge------------------------- Secy E. S. Haymond---------------------------- Treas. J. L. Fisher------- ASSt. Secy. C. L. McCormick--------------------- Asst. Secy. H. R. Lynn-------------------------- ASSt. Treas. W. H. Judge---------------------- Gen. Auditor Directors: H. K. Breckenridge, W. R. Hinchman, H. L. Mitchell, A. C. Spurr, J. E. Thomas. Controls: West Penn West Virginia Water Power Co. (inactive). - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $3,837,853 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $809, 776 Number of Electric Customers--------- 1 Púlowatt-hours Energy Generated---------------------- 131,822,300. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: West Penn Power Co. 47–186 West Virginia Light, Heat and Power Company 705 Wells St., Sistersville, W. Va. (Controlled by Associated Gas and Electric Co.) Principal Officers: H. G. Wilhelm------------------------------ Pres. H. E. Schultz---------------- Vice Pres. & Auditor T. E. Scott----------------------------- Vice Pres. H. M. Conley, Jr.--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. M. Conley, Jr., T. E. Scott, H. G. Wilhelm. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $1,183, 725 $179, 186 2,082 Electric Operating Revenues------------ Number of Electric Customers---------- DIRECTORY OF 851 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WEST VIRGINIA Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours of al 7, 362, 500 Generated 113, 100 Purchased 7, 249, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Middlebourne------------------------------ 733 Paden City--------------------------------- 2, 215 Sistersville 2,702 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The New Matamoras Electric Co. (Ohio). PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *New Martinsville Municipal Utilities. 47–190 Wheeling Electric Company 51 16th St., Wheeling, W. Va. (Controlled by American Gas & Electric Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: GeO. N. Tidd Pres. H. M. Sawyer-------------------------- Vice PreS. J. B. Hill------------------------------- Vice PreS. Edw. H. Maurer----------------------- Vice Pres C. H. Brucs---------------------------- Vice Pres. Frank B. Ball------------------------ Secy.-Treas. F. W. Drager---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. F. McMillan Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. J. Jeffers------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. P. Halbig-------------------------- Asst. Treas. Directors: Frank B. Ball, C. H. Brues, J. B. Hill, W. D. McKinney, Geo. N. Tidd. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- Electric Operating Revenues: $8,946,633 Total.------- $2,845, 215 In West Virginia--------------------- $2,468,013 Number of Electric Customers: * * - - m e- - - sº ºr - º ºr - - * * * - * * - - * * - - - - 34, 085 In West Virginia--------------------- 27, 252 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 9,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 133,084, 939 Generated.---------------------------- 13, 535, 200 Purchased.---------------------------- 119, 549, 739 Communities Served at Retail: Population Benwood---------------------, ----------- 3, 608 Cameron---------------------------------- 1,998 Glendale---------------------------------- 1,348 McMechen-------------------------------- 3,726 Moundsville------------------------------ 14, 168 Pleasant Valley--------------------------- 346 Sherrard----------------------------------- 365 Triadelphia-------------------------------- 359 West Liberty------ - - - - - 420 Wheeling---------------------------------- 61,099 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. See Also: Operations reported under Ohio (34–182). 47–201 Alpha Portland Cement Co. 15 S. Third St., Easton, Pa. Community Served at Retail: Manheim---------- Population ---- 400 47–202 American Coal Co. of Allegheny County Widemouth, W. Va. Community Served at Retail: Population Widemouth a - - 366 * Majority of customers are company employees. 47–203 The American Rolling Mill Co. Nellis, W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Chas. W. Connor----------------- Supt. of Mines The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.----------------- $5,858 Number of Electric Cust sº * - 148 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 141, 223 Community Served at Retail: , Population Nellis a - - ---- 700 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–205 Birchton Coal Co. Birchton, W. Va. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $1,200 Number of Electric Cust * : 72 Community Served at Retail: Population Birchton a 250 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–210 Black Band Corporation Olcott, W. Va. 47–250 The Carbon Fuel Co. Kanawha Valley Building, Charleston, W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. C. Hanna------------------------------- Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $93, 617 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,622 Number of Electric Customers------------- 460 Rilowatt-hours Sales to Ultimate ConsumerS- - - - - - - - - - - - 410, 400 Communities Served at Retail: * Population Carbon------------- -- * _ 400 Decota.---------------------------------------- 300 Jochin------- - - 400 Notomine------------------------------------- 275 Wevaco.--------------------------------------- 275 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 852 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 47–258 Cherry River Boom & Lumber Co. 912 First Natl. Bk. Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: C. S. Badgett-------------------------- Gen. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $150,000 Electric Operating Revenues.----------------- $19,269 Number of Electric Customers 2 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------------- 2,000 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------ 119, 597 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1,301, 270 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. Richwood Light & Water Co. 47–259 Consolidation Coal Co., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Communities Served at Retail: * Population Baxter - - * - 670 Carolina----------------------------------- 1,000 Gypsy -- 550 Hutchinson-------------------------------- 350 Idamay------------------------------------ 1,000 Jordan-- ---------------------------------- 400 Owings-- 470 Pinnickinnick 470 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. See Also: Principal report under Kentucky (16–225) and operations reported under Maryland (19–228) and Pennsylvania (37-242). 47–260 Crozer Coal & Coke Co. Elkhorn, W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: R. A. Ruff ASSt. Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $21,930 Number of Electric Customers----------- 690 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- – 2, 504, 969 Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 254, 566 Communities Served at Retail: * Population Elkhorn- --- 1, 285 Ennis--- 303 Pageton------------------------------------ 400 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Page Coal & Coke Co. Upland Coal & Coke Co. 47–265 The Davis Coal & Coke Co. 810 Keyser Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Principal Officers: Arthur B. Stewart W. H. Naylor-- E. E. Denhard_- Treas. Directors: Heyward E. Boyce, Benjamin H. Brewster, Jr., Walter S. Brinkmann, Harry P. #; W. H. Naylor, Arthur B. Stewart, Herbert 8|16.1". Communities Served at Retail: Population Penbush------------------------------------- 350 Coketon-------------------------------------- 300 Kempton------------------------------------- 700 Pierce----- * - -- 500 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Fairfax Electric Co. Monongahela West Penn Public Service Co. 47–268 Elk River Coal and Lumber Co. Widen, W. Va. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,431 Number of Electric Customers------------- 340 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Swandale----------------------------------- 525 Widen-------------------------------------- 1, 800 .* Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 47–270 Electro Metallurgical Co. Alloy W. Va. See Also: Principal report under Virginia (45–242) and operations reported under New York (31–315). 47–275 Glogora Coal Co. Red Dragon, W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: F. J. H. Community Served at Retail: Red Dragon*-------------------------------- • All customers are company employees. 47–279 Greenwood Coal Co. Lawton, W. Va. Community Served at Retail: Population Lawton *------------------------------------- 500 * Majority of customers are company employees. 47–280 Hutchinson Coal Co. MacBeth, W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Carl Stinneth------------------------ Chief Elec. 47–281 Kingston-Pocahontas Coal Co., Inc. 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Community Served at Retail: Population Kingston *---------------------------------- 1,500 * Majority of customers are company employees. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WEST VIRGINIA 853 47–282 The Koppers Coal Co. 1050 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Communities Served at Retail: a Population Grant Town-------------------------------- 3,000 Maitland----------------------------------- 600 Stanaford----------------------------------- 500 . . Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. See Also: Principal report under Kentucky (16–261). 47–283 Lake Superior Coal Co. Cannelton, W. Wa. Community Served at Retail: Superior a - - Population 500 .* Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 47–284 Leckie Fire Creek Coal Co. Fireco, W. Va. Officers in Charge of Electric Operations: Leckie Pres. W. B. Beale Secy.-Treas. H. P. Wilson.-------------------------- Cashier . The following data are for the year 1940: Number of Electric Customers - sº 100 Community Served at Retail: Population FireCO a _ 250 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–285 Lillybrook Coal Co. Lillybrook, W. Va. Principal Officers: A. U. Tieche-------------------------------- Pres, E. S. Pugh Vice PreS. N. J. Pugh.-------- Secy F. L. Conway - - - - - - - - - - - - - sº see - - - -> * Treas Directors: F. L. Conway, Ashton File, John R. Hornbrook, E. S. Pugh, A. U. Tieche. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $20,341 Number of Electric Customers------------ 483 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Fireco---------------------------------------- 250 Rillarney------------------------------------- 500 €50------------------------------------------ 300 Lillybrook----------------------------------- 900 a Majority of customers are company employees. Also Renders: Water Service. 47–286 Logan County Coal Corporation Lundale, W. Va. Community Served at Retail: a Lundale-------------------------------------- Population 900 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–288 Low Wolatile Coal Co. Concho, W. Wa. Principal Officers: B. H. Davis--------------------------------- Pres. A. J. Winkel Secy.-Treas. M. C. Milne- Gen. Supt. Directors: A. D. Carlton, E. H. Davis, Chas. A. Deppe, E. B. Green, V. P. Jeffine, G. K. Mitchell, J. A. Teegardin. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $4,740 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Concho a 500 * Majority of customers are company employees. 47–292 MacAlpin Coal Company Charleston, W. Wa. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: W. B. Crickmer---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $9,721 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 146,000 Communities Served at Retail:* Population Hotcoal - - - - 300 MacAlpin------------------------------------ 800 a Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 47–294 McCall Coal Company Christian, W. Va. Employees in Charge of Electric Operations: . L. Moore------------------------- Bookkeeper T. A. McGary------------------ Mine Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $6,297 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $1,848 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 68 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 19, 278 Community Served at Retail: Population Christian”------------------------------------ 250 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–296 Margarette Coal Corporation Marfrance, W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: G. B. Staley--------------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5, 110 Number of Electric Cust º - * 187 854 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 51, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population arfrance a - 875 * Majority of customers are company employees. 47–310 Maryland New River Coal Co. Winona. W. Va. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. W. Garvey-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $3,113 Number of Electric Customers----...----, --- 135 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 70, 500 Community Served at Retail: P opulation Nuttallburg a 408 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–315 The Meadow River Lumber Co. Rainelle. W. Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. L. Gray--------------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. E. D. Hedberg- Plant Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $217,444 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,989 Number of Electric Customers------------- 265 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)----------------- 4, 325 Rilowatt-houré Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 481,467 Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 670, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Rainelle-------- 985 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Virginia Public Service Co. 47–320 Milburn By-Products Coal Company Milburn, W. Va. Officials in charge of Electric Operations: A. A. Gallagher------------------------ G Mgr €n. Mgr. LeRoy Britt-------------------- Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,257 Number of Electric Customers------------- 110 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers--------- 65, 716 Community Served at Retail: Population Milburn a 550 * Majority of customers are company employees. 47–345 New River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Co. 1120 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. oº: in Charge of Electric Operations: . Kerr-- Gen. Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $36,892 Number of Electric Customers------------- 930 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)---------------- 10, 500 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 845, 217 Communities Served at Retail: a Population BerWind------------------------------------ 2,000 Canebrake---------------------------------- 521 apels-------------------------------------- 800 Havaco------------------------------------- 275 Kaymoor----------------------------------- 700 Layland------------------------------------ 526 Teslie - - - - - - * * * * - - - - * * m = - - - - - as as * * * - 720 Minden------------------------------------ 1,632 Newhall------------------------------------ 312 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–369 Page Mining Company 3412 Carew Tower Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio Principal Officers: Fred Legg-------------------------- Pres. & Treas. Virginia Legg - - - - _Vice PreS. E. Paul MeSSham--------------------------- Secy. Directors: Fred Legg, Virginia Legg, Messham. The following data are for the period of the utility’s operations ended Dec. 31, 1939: Electric Operating Revenues (per month)----- $300 Number of Electric Customers----------------- 177 Community Served at Retail: Population Page *-------------------------------------- 1, 200 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–370 Page Coal & Coke Co. Pageton, W. Va. Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 157, 395 Community Served at Retail: Population Pageton *------------------------------------- 400 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–371 Pemberton Coal and Coke Co. Affinity, W. Va. Communities Served at Retail: a Population Affinity--------------------------------------- 500 Big Stick------------------------------------- 300 • Majority of customers are company employees. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WEST VIRGINIA 855 47–372 Parsons Tanning Company Parsons, W. Va. 47–375 Preston County Coke Co. Cascade, W. Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: 9. Greer--------------------------------- Pres. A. W. Hawley----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Electric Utility Plant $250,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34,691 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)----------------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 2,371,051 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Preston County Light & Power Co. 47–391 Quincy Coal Company Quincy, W. Va. 47–394 Raleigh-Wyoming Mining Co. 230 South Clark St., Chicago, Illinois Communities Served at Retail: a Population *dwight-------------------------------------- 600 *W----------------------------------------- 400 .*. Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 47–395 Red Jacket Coal Corporation Red Jacket, W. Va. Principal Officers: E. E. Ritter------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Landon C. Bell------------------------------ Secy F. B. McChesney-------------------------- Treas The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $17,642 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 425 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Red Jaçket--------------------------------- 1, 237 Wyoming----------------------------------- 300 .*. Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. Also Renders: Water Service. 47–398 W. M. Ritter Lumber Co. Columbus, Ohio Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Number of Electric Customers: * * *- 424 In West Virginia * * 117 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Barrett 319 Maben 300 * Service is rendered to employees only. See Also: Operations reported under Kentucky (16–280), South Carolina (39–393), Tennessee (41– 222), and Virginia (45–272). 47–400 Scotia Coal & Coke Co. Slab Fork, W. Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: S. Austin Caperton-------------------- en. Mgr. C. D. Walker------------------------------- Supt. L. D. Fox-- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $72,967 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,000 Number of Electric Cust Fº * * 121 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 543, 237 Community Served at Retail: Population Brooklyn a 440 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–410 Thompson Mahogany Company 2127 Margaret St., Philadelphia, Pa. 47–415 Truax Traer Coal Co. Kayford, W. Va. Principal Officers: A. H. Truax--------------------------------- Pres. John A. Howe-------------------- Exec. Vice Pres. G. A. Stevens------------------------------- Secy J. A. Westlund-------------------- Treas Directors: Henry S. Bowers, Arthur M. Hill, John A. Howe, Gerald R. Martin, H. C. Piper, G. A. Stevens, C. S. Traer, G. W. Traer, A. H. Truax, C. E. Wickman, J. O. Westlund. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $7, 555 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 250 Communities Served at Retail: a Population CID6----------------------------------------- 515 Rayford - 750 a Service is rendered to employees only. 47–420 United States Coal & Coke Co. Gary, W. Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: T. J. McParland---------------------- Gen. Supt. A. E. Duckwall---------------------- Chief Engr. O. J. Swanson------------------------ Elec. Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------- -- * * * * * - - - - - - $1,201, 505 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $82,467 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 117 Rilowatts W. Damron------------------------------- PreS The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: 9tal:-------------------------------- $4,830 In West Virginia--------------------------- $1,714 Generating Capacity (Steam) 11, 500 - * * * * * - - - - - * * * *- * 856 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy sold to Ultimate Consumers 26,485, 411 Communities Served at Retail: a Population Elbert 1, 200 Filbert 1,231 Gary----- 1,900 Thorpe 500 Venus 448 Wilcoe – 1, 200 a Majority of customers are company employees. 47–425 West Virginia Coal & Coke Corporation Omar, W. Va. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: John T. Sydnor -- Vice PreS. C. W. Moore--- -- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- $550,000 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------------- 7,000 Communities Served at Retail: a Population BarnabuS 400 Chauncey 300 Earling 600 Micco------ 500 Norton 650 Omar----- 1, 230 ROSSmore 600 Stirrat-------------------------------------- 1,000 .*. Majority of customers are company employees living in company-owned houses. 47–429 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Geo. R. Wadleigh Mgr. Engr. Dept. See Also: Operations reported under Maryland (19—340). 47–488 Winding Gulf Collieries Box 30, Bluefield, W. Va. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $13,135 Number of Electric Cust * : 296 Rilowatt-hours Erlergy Sold to Ultimate Consumers------- 198, 179 Energy Sold for Resale 44,380 Community Served at Retail: Population Winding Gulf a 250 a Majority of customers are company employees. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Black Diamond Power Co. 47–548 *City of Grafton Grafton, W. Va. 47–567 *New Martinsville Municipal Utilities 400 Ohio St., New Martinsville, W. Va. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. A. Zimmerman Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $102, 933 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $64,705 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,076 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,742,400 Community Served at Retail: Population New Martinsville--------------------------- 3, 491 Also Renders: Water Service. 47–586 *City of Philippi Philippi, W. Va. Community Served at Retail: Population Philippi ------ 1,955 47–605 *Ravenswood Municipal Light Plant Ravenswood, W. Va. Community Served at Retail: Population Ravenswood-- ---- 1,067 47–865 *Hardy County Light & Power Association, Inc. Moorefield, W. Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. A. Kessel--------------------------------- PreS. H. J. Harper-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $159,459 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $5,734 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 226 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 53,924 47–870 *Harrison Rural Electrification Association, Inc. 917% W. Pike St., Clarksburg, W. Va. Principal Electric Utility Officials: . W. Cork---------------------------------- Pres. Roy E. Cork-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $368, 616 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $16,390 Number of Electric Customers------------ 866 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 312,340 WISCONSIN Index Reference Number *Adams-Marquette Electric Cooperative---- 48–805 *Algoma Utility Commission---------------- 48–510 Appleton Woolen Mills---------------------- 48–215 *Arcadia Electric and Water Plant - - - - - - - - - - 48–513 *Argyle Electric and Water Utility__________ 48–516 *Bangor Municipal Electric & Water De- partment---------------------------------- 48-510 *Barron County Electric Cooperative-------- 48–812 *Barron Light and Water Commission______ 48–522 *Belmont Light, Power, and Water Plant--- *Benton Electric and Water Public Utility__ *Black Earth Municipal Electric Utility____ 48–531 *Black River Falls Electric Utility---------- *Bloomer Electric and Water Co - - - - - - - - - - - - Blue River Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48–017 *Boscobel Electric Light and Water Utility - 48–540 *Brodhead Water and Lighting Commission- 48–543 *Buffalo Electric Cooperative - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 48–816 *Cadott Light and Water Department - - - - - - 48–546 *Cashton Light & Water Plant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 48–549 *Cassville Electric Light & Water Depart- ment-------------------------------------- *Cedarburg Light & Water Commission----- 48–552 48–555 *Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative ----- 48–823 *Clark Electric Cooperative ----------------- 48–825 *Clintonville Water and Electric Plant______ 48–558 *Colby Electric Light & Water Plant - - - - - - - 48–561 48–026 48–827 48–564 Coleman Pound Light & Power Company *Columbus Rural Electric Cooperative______ *Columbus Water & Light Department_____ Combined Locks Paper Company---- - - - - - - - 48–226 *Commonwealth Water & Light Commission. 48–567 Connor Lumber and Land Company-------- 46—237 Consolidated Water Power Company - - - - - - - *Cornell Lighting Department_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *Crawford Electric Cooperative- - ----------- 48–832 CrOSS Plains Electric Company---- - - - - - - - - - - 48–035 *Cuba City Light and Water Plant - - - - - - - - - 48–573 *Cumberland Municipal Utility--------- - - - - Dahlberg Light & Power Company - - - - - - - - - Davis Power and Milling Company--------- *Deerfield Electric, Light and Water De- partment---------------------------------- 48–579 *Dunn County Electric Cooperative - - - - - - - - *Eagle River Light & Water Commission--- 48–582 *East Rutland Electric Cooperative -- - - - - - - 4 Eau Claire Dells Improvement Company - - - *Eau Claire Electric Cooperative .-- - - - - - - - - - 4 Elk Creek Power Company----------------- *Elkhorn Light & Water Commission------- *Elroy Municipal Light Plant *Evansville Water and Light Department--- 48–591 *Farmers Light and Power Company-------- *Farm Security Administration Greendale Project------------------------------------ *Fennimore Water and Light Plant--------- IFlambeau Paper Company *Florence Water & Light Commission_______ *Footville Water & Electric Commission---- Gilmanton Roller Mills_ _ _ _ _---------------- 48–259 Goodman Light & Power Company--------- GOOdman Lumber Co----------------------- *Grant Electric Cooperative----------------- *Gresham Water, Power and Electric Plant- Grimh Power Company 4 Hanerville Transmission Line --------------- Hanson Electric Light & Power CO---------- *Hartford Utilities Department - - - - --------- *Hazel Green Municipal Utility------------- *Head of The Lakes Cooperative Electric Association-------------------------------- 48–867 *Hustisford Electric Utility----------------- Reference Number Interstate Light and Power Company (Wis- consin) 48–060 Interstate Power Company of Wisconsin---- 48–061 Iron River Electric Transmission Co - - - - - - - - 48–062 Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Co--- 48–063 Island Woolen Company-------------------- 48–303 *Jackson Electric Cooperative --------------- 48–886 *Jefferson Water and Light Department----- 48–612 *Jump River Electric Cooperative, Inc.------ 48–890 *Juneau Commission on Public Works------ 48–615 *Kewaunee Municipal Water and Light Plant-------------------------------------- 48–621 *Kiel Water and Light Utility--------------- 48–624 Kimberly Clark Corporation.---------------- 48–325 *Lafayette Electric Cooperative ------------- 48–897 *Lake Mills Light and Water Department- - 48–627 Lake Superior District Power Company----- 48–068 Laona Public Service Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48–069 La Valle Electric Light & Power Company-- 48–070 *Lodi Light and Water Plant---------------- 48–630 Madison Gas and Electric Company - - - - - - - - 48–072 Manitowoc Portland Cement Company---- 48–347 *Manitowoc Public Utilities Commission_ _ _ 48–633 Marathon Paper Mills Co------------------- 48–358 *Marshfield Electric & Water Department-- 48–636 *Mazomanie Light & Water Department---- 48–639 Medusa Portland Cement Company-------- 48–369 *Menasha Electric and Water Utilities_ _ _ _ _ _ 48–642 Menominee and Marinette Light and Trac- tion Company----------------------------- 48–073 *Menominee Indian Mills------------------- 48–643 Merchants Power & Light Company-------- 48–074 *Merrillan Municipal Light & Water De- partment, Village of. ---------------------- 48–645 Midland Public Service Company----------- 48–075 Miller, Mrs. L. G. -------------------------- 48–380 *Milwaukee Bureau of Electric Service, De- partment of Public Works----------------- 48–651 Mississippi Valley Public Service Company. 48–079 *Monticello Electric Department------------ 48–654 Mosinee Paper Mills Co--------------------- 48–391 *Mount Horeb Electric Utility-------------- 48–656 *Muscoda Light & Power Plant------------- 48–657 Nekoosa Edwards Light & Power Company- 48–081 Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co----------------- 48–402 Neshonoc Light & Power Company--------- 48–083 *New Glarus Light and Water Works------- 48–660 *New Holstein Public Utility Commission-- 48–663 *New Lisbon Electric Light and Water Plant- 48–666 *New London Electric Utility--------------- 48–669 *New Richmond Electric Utility------------ Nicolet Paper Corporation------------------- 48–413 Northern Power Company------------------ 48–089 Northern States Power Company (Wiscon- sin).---------------------------------------- 48–092 Northern Wisconsin Power Company------ 48–094 Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company- 48–095 *Oakdale Cooperative Electrical Association- 48–921 *Oconomowoc Lighting Department--------- 48–675 * Oconto Electric Cooperative---------- .------ *Oconto Falls Water and Light Commission- 48–678 Ojibwa Sales Company:------ 48– *Oliver Municipal Electric Light Plant------ Oxford Light & Power Company------------ 48–103 Pardeeville Electric Light Company-------- Peavey Paper Products Company----------- *Pierce-Pepin Electric Cooperative---------- 48–927 Pioneer Power and Light Company--------- Pleasant Springs Light & Power Co--------- 858 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Reference Number *Plymouth Electric & Water Utilities------- *Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative--------- Polk Burnett Light & Power Co------------ 48–114 *Porter Electric Line Cooperative----------- *Prairie du Sac Municipal Electric Depart- Ident-------------------------------------- *Princeton Electric Light Plant------------- 48–693 *Readstown Municipal Electric Light Plant- 48–696 *Reedsburg Utility Commission------------- 48–699 *Rice Lake Light Department--------------- 48–702 *Richland Center Municipal Utilities------- 48–705 *Richland Cooperative Electric Association - 48–934 *River Falls Municipal Light and Water.--- 48–708 *Rock County Electric Cooperative Associa- tion--------------------------------------- Roxbury Light & Power Company---------- Rush Lake Light & Power Co--------------- *Saint Croix County Electric Cooperative--- 48–947 Saint Croix Falls Wisconsin Improvement Company--------------------------------- 48–127 Saint Croix Power Company 48–129 *Sauk City Light and Water Department_ _ _ 48–711 *Shawano Water & Electric Department. --- 48–717 *Sheboygan Falls, Board of Public Utility Commissioners---------------------------- *Shullsburg Electric Utility----------------- *Slinger Municipal Light & Water Depart- ment, Village of.-------------------------- 4 South Shore Utility Company--------------- 48–133 *Spooner Board of Public Works_ _ _ _ ________ *Stoughton Municipal Electric Light Sys- 48 tem *Stratford Water and Light Department---- 48–732 *Sturgeon Bay Utilities 48–735 *Sun Prairie Electric and Water Utility__ _ _ _ 48–738 Superior Water, Light and Power Company- 48–142 *Taylor County Electric Cooperative-------- 48–957 Tigerton Electric Company_ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - Tigerton Lumber Company----------------- Reference Number Tilden Electric Light and Power Company 48–147 Tomahawk Kraft Paper Co----------------- 48–457 *Trempealeau Electric Cooperative---------- *Trempealeau Municipal Light Company-- *Tri-State Power Cooperative--------------- 48 *Two Rivers Water & Light Dept.----------- 48–744 Union Falls Power Company---------------- 48–460 *Vernon Electric Cooperative--------------- 48–972 *Waterloo Water and Light Commission- - - - 48–747 *Waunakee Municipal Water and Light Commission------------------------------- 48–750 *Waupaca Electric Cooperative-------------- 48–975 *Waupaca Municipal Electric Plant--------- 48–752 *Waupun Water & Light Dept., City of ---- 48–753 Wausau Paper Mills Company-------------- 48–4 *Westby Electric and Water Utility--------- 48–759 West Dunkirk Electric Line Co------------- 48–155 Westfield Milling & Electric Light Co------- 48–160 *Whitehall Electric Utility------------------ 48–760 White River Power Co---------------------- 48–162 Willow River Power Company-------------- 48–164 Winter Electric Light and Power Company- 48–166 Wisconsin Central Utilities Company------- 48–169 *Wisconsin Dells Water and Light Commis- Sion--------------------------------------- 8–762 Wisconsin Electric Power Company--------- 48–171 Wisconsin Gas & Electric Company--------- 48–173. Wisconsin Hydro Electric Company--------- 48–175 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company------- 48–177 Wisconsin Power and Light Company------- 48–180 *Wisconsin Power Cooperative -------------- 4 WISCONSIN 48–017 Blue River Light Company Blue River, Wis. Principal Officers: Dr. M. W. Randall------------------------- Pres. James J. Reed-------------------------- Vice Pres. J. F. Hendricks----------------------------- Secy. John Gasser-------------------------------- Treas. Directors: John Gasser, J. F. Hendricks, Dr. M. W. Randall, James J. Reed. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues $6,904 Number of Electric Customers------------- 144 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- 153,930 Community Served at Retail: Population Blue River- 381 48–026 Coleman Pound Light & Power Company Coleman, Wis. Principal Officers: W. Giese- - Pres. E. H. Schaefer, Jr.---------------------- Vice Pres. A. G. Wallschlaeger------------------ Secy.-Treas. Directors: H. W. Giese, T. A. Giese, E. H. Schaefer Jr., Amanda Wallschlaeger, A. G. Wallschlaeger. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation------- 48-182 *Wisconsin Rapids Water Works and Light- ing Commission, City of.----------.--------- 8–765 *Wonewoc Municipal Water and Light De- partment---------------------------------- 48–768 *Woodman Electric Co---------------------- 48–771 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $24, 312 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,330 Number of Electric Customers------------- 297 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased- 379,600 Communities Served at Wholesale: Population Coleman- 562 Pound---------------------------------------- 310 48–033 Consolidated Water Power Company Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (Controlled by Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Stanton W. Mead Pres. George W. Mead Vice Pres. E. B. Redford Secy.-Treas. W. Brazeau, George W. Mead, Mead, Walter L. Mead, E. B. Directors: T. Stanton W. Redford. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $5, 112,474 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $676, 301 Number of Electric Customers---------- 242 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 10, 400 DIRECTORY 859 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours 72, 493, 120 Generated 62, 880, 120 Purchased 9,613,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Biron 475 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Wisconsin Power & Light Co. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Wisconsin Rapids Water Works & Lighting Commission. 48–035 Cross Plains Electric Company Cross Plains, Wis. Principal Officers: Frank J. Saeman Monroe L. Tubbs Directors: Lawrence H. Bowar, Jacob Ripp, Frank J. Saeman, Monroe L. Tubbs, Peter J. Zander. The following data are for the year 1939: Pres. & Mgr. Secy.-Treas. Electric Operating Revenues $14,822 Number of Electric Cust sº 288 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2] 391, 642 Community Served at Retail: Population Cross Plains---------------------------------- 374 48–037 Dahlberg Light & Power Company Solon Springs, Wis. Principal Officers: Frank N. Dahlberg PreS. Carl A. Dahlberg Vice Pres. Fred E. Dahlberg-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Carl A. Dahlberg, Frank N. Dahlberg, Fred E. Dahlberg, Gothfred A. Dahlberg, Oscar G. Dahlberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $240, 172 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $68,483 Number of Electric Cust is 1, 348 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Total------------------------------------- 251 Hydro---------------------------------------- 181 Internal Combustion------------------------- 70 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Ota 1, 350,000 Generated 862, 000 Purchased 488,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Lake Nebagamon 357 Minong 308 Poplar - - - - 462 Solon Springs--------------------------------- 392 48–041 Davis Power and Milling Company Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. 48–046 Eau Claire Dells Improvement Company 4 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire, Wis. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Corporation.) Principal Officers: G. V. Rork PreS. E. FI. Cotton Vice Pres, L. N. Gobler Secy. N. H. Buckstaff Treas. R. F. Miller ASSt. Secy. J. B. Erblang ASSt. Treas. Directors: N. H. Buckstaff, E. H. Cotton, L. N. Gobler, W. H. Mann, J. S. McMillen, R. F. Pack, G. V. Rork. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $727, 997 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $216, 164 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 8,900 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 38,056,900 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern States Power Co. (Wis.). 48–050 Elk Creek Power Company Eau Claire, Wis., R-2 Principal Officers: Stephen J. Rauchwarter------------ Pres. & Secy. Annan M. Rauchwarter------ Vice PreS. & Treas. Directors: Mary Frieden, Mathew M. Frieden, Anna M. Rauchwarter, Stephen J. Rauchwarter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------...------ $34,356 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $3,934 Number of Electric Customers------------- 85 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal--------------------------------- 125 Hydro------------------------------------ 100 Internal Combustion--------------------- 25 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 89, 203 48–053 Goodman Light & Power Company - Goodman, Wis. Principal Officers: George A. Houghton- Pres. James F. Goodman--------------------- Vice PreS. R. B. Goodman Secy. George W. D'Amour Treas. Directors: George W. D'Amour, James F. Good- man, R. B. Goodman, George A. Boughton, James C. Morgan. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $14,327 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,011 Number of Electric Customers------------- 179 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2] 193,838 Community Served at Retail: Population Goodman 1,443 860 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 48–054 Grimh Power Company Radisson, Wis. Partners: F. G. Grimh, Ralph G. Grimh, Raymond C. Grimh. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $12,355 Number of Electric Customers------------- 278 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)--------------- 275 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 176,580 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Winter Electric Light & Power Co. 48–056 Hanerville Transmission Line R. D. #2, Box 60, Stoughton, Wis. Principal Officers: Elmer Bittee-------------------------------. PreS. Adolph Olson.-------------------------- Vice PreS. Peter N. Olson.----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Elmer Bittee, Andrew Femrite, Knute Loftus, Adolph Olson, Peter N. Olson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $10,035 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $2,354 Number of Electric Customers------------- 38 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 62, 525 48–057 Hanson Electric Light & PowerCo. R. #1, Bloomer, Wis. Principal Officers: Henry L. Hanson.--------------------------- PreS. Elsie Hanson------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Emma Hans, Elsie Hanson, Henry L. Hanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,794 $1,457 Number of Electric Customers------------- 24 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts otal--------------------------------- 40 Hydro----------------------------------- 25 Internal Combustion--------------------- 15 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 30,000 48–060 Interstate Light and Power Company (Wisconsin)* Platteville, Wis. * Name of State not part of legal name of corpo- ration. Gººled by Standard Power and Light Corpora- 10Il. Principal ºncers: ... I’2C Pres. A. J. ASmuS ----Vice Pres. S. H. Conkey- --Vice Pres. B. A. Stokke Secy. J. J. Molyneaux-------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. R. L. Clark------------ ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. J. Madden ASSt. Secy. Directors: A. J. Asmus, S. H. Conkey, L. B. Korte, R. F. Pack, H. A. Stokke, L. J. Stromberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,221,964 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $357, 545 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 758 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)----------- 975 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--- 19, 253, 597 Generated----------------------------- 4,078, 295 Purchased----------------------------- 15, 175, 302 Communities Served at Retail: Population New Diggings------------------------------ 300 Platteville---------------------------------- 4, 762 PreSCOtt - *e 857 SomerSet - 476 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY O WNED UTILITIES: Northern States Power Co. (Minnesota.) Wisconsin Power and Light Co. PTJ BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Benton Electric & Water Public Utility. *Cuba City Light & Water Plant. *Hazel Green Municipal Utility. *Shullsburg Electric Utility. Also Renders: Gas Service. 48–061 Interstate Power Company of Wisconsin 1000 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa (Controlled by Ogden Corporation.) Principal Officers: B. F. Pickard-------------------------------- Pres. Vice Pres. Directors: Herschel F. Case, C. R. Hallowell, Mel- vin M. Hawley, B. F. Pickard, Oscar Solberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,019, 890 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $419, 215 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4,983 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 684 Steam -------------------------------- 420 Hydro 264 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 14, 860, 846 Generated----------------------------- (-863) Purchased.----------------------------- 14, 861, 709 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bagley------------------------------------- 293 Bell Center--------------------------. ------ 264 Bloomington-------------------------------- 677 Eastman - - - - -- 348 Ferryville----------------------------------- 306 Gays Mills---------------------------------- 737 Lancaster----------------------------------- 2,963 Mount Hope - - - - 256 Mount Sterling----------------------------- 264 DIRECTORY OF 861 ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN Communities Served at Retail: Population Potosí tº tº 506 Prairie du Chien 4,622 Seneca ---- 300 Soldiers Grove------------------------------ 778 Steuben 321 Wauzeka 513 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Blue River Light Co. Fennimore Prairie Electric and Power Co. PluſBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Boscobel Light and Water Dept. *Cassville Electric Light & Water Dept. *Fennimore Water and Light Plant. *Village of Woodman. *Crawford Electric Cooperative. *Grant Electric Cooperative. 48–062 Iron River Electric Transmission Co. Iron River, Wis. Principal Officers: Alvena D. Mackmiller---------------------- Pres. T. F. Callahan. ------------------------ Vice PreS. Lillian H. Callahan.------------------ Secy.-Treas. T. F. Mackmiller---------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: Lillian H. Callahan, T. F. Callahan, Alvena D. Mackmiller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $48,960 Electric Operating Rev $10,905 Number of Electric Cust sº 166 Pålowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 157, 289 48–063 Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Co. Iron River, Wis. Principal Officers: Alvena D. Mackmiller----------------------- PreS. Theo. F. Callahan---------------------- Vice Pres, Lillian H. Callahan Secy.-Treas. T. F. Mackmiller--------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: Lillian H. Callahan, Theo. F. Callahan, Alvena D. Mackmiller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $51,904 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $18,854 Number of Electric Customers------------- 270 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total * - - - 404 Steam a 308 Hydro 96 a Utility has no boilers for this generating equip- ment. Energy Available in Year: kilowatt-hours otal tº sº. 390, 245 Generated 56, 200 Purchased.-- 334,045 Community Served at Retail: Population Iron River ---- 787 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Iron River Electric Transmission Co. Also Renders: Telephone and water service, 48–065 Kegonsa Electric Line Co. R. #1, Stoughton, Wis. Principal Officers: - Jesse M. Leary------------------------------ Pres. Martin Seamonson--------------------- Vice PreS. M. Quam------------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant-...------------------- ... $38,051 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $11,640 Number of Electric Customers------------- 409 g Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 304, 720 48–068 Lake Superior District Power Company 101 W. Second St., Ashland, Wis. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: W. J. Hodgkins Pres. G. A. Donald ----Vice Pres. J. O. ForSS ----Vice PreS. H. H. Wilson.--Vice Pres., Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. J. Shaylor----------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: R. L. Boisen, A. D. Chisholm, G. A. Donald, J. O. Forss, W. J. Hodgkins, E. W. Hop- kins, E. J. Shaylor, H. H. Wilson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $12, 530, 888 Electric Operating Revenues: Ota $2,310, 154 In Wisconsin $1,465,588 Number of Electric Customers: Total * 23, 549 In Wisconsin------------------------- 16,422 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.-- - - - - sº º gº 31, 768 Steam---- * * * * 17, 250 0--- ---------------------------- 14, 218 Internal Combustion----------------- 300 Energy Available in Year: JKilowatt-hourg Total----------------------------- 124, 831, 094 Generated---------------------------- 113,413, 774 Purchased ---- 3, 960, 620 Interchanged (groSS-in).--------------- 7, 456, 700 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Ashland----------------------------------- 11, 101 1,000 to 10,000 population Hayward---------------------------------- 1, 571 Hurley------------------------------------ 3, 375 Ladysmith-- ---- 3, 671 Medford---- – 2, 361 Mellen------- 1, 598 Montreal- * - ---- 1, 700 Park Falls--------------------------------- 3, 252 Phillips----------------------------------- , 915 Rib Lake ---- 1,042 Washburn--------------------------------- 2, 363 250 to 1,000 population Athens---------- ---- 856 Bruce---- 596 Butternut. ---- 669 Cable------------------------------------- 314 Catawba------ sº sº. 290 Drummond------ s ſº 382 Glidden----------------------------------- 760 862 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Grandview-------------------------------- 412 Hawkins---------------------------------- 496 Iron Belt * * 850 Kennan----------------------------------- 256 Mercer–- 373 Pence * * * * 316 Prentice---- * * - - - - 452 Saxon------------------------------------- 250 Westboro--- 250 Weyerhauser------------------------------ 298 Winegar---------------------------------- 300 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern Wisconsin Power Co. Also Renders: Gas Service in Wisconsin. See Also: Operations reported under Michigan (21–060). 48–069 Laona Public Service Co. Laona, Wis. Principal Officers: L. D. Beard Pres. G. R. Connor- __Vice Pres. M. R. Laird- Secy.-Treas. Directors: L. D. Beard, Florence B. Connor, G. R. Connor, W. D. Connor, Sr., M. R. Laird. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $17,524 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $17,869 Number of Electric Customers------------- 362 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased ---- 297, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Taona 1, 500 48–070 La Valle Electric Light & Power Company La Valle, Wis. Principal Officers: V. A. Duddleston----------------------- Manager L. J. Duddleston---------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $27,918 Electric Operating Rev $7,347 Number of Electric Customers.------------- 150 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total----------------------------------- 110 WOTO-------------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion----------------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated -- 117,000 Community Served at Retail: Population La Valle-------------------------------------- 408 48–072 Madison Gas and Electric Company 100 N. Fairchild St., Madison, Wis. (Controlled by United Light & Power Co.) Principal Officers: John St. John------------------ Pres. & Gen. Mgr. E. R. Felber-------------- Vice Pres. & Sales Mgr. R. F. Stumpf Secy. & Asst. Treas. G. E. Wagner---------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. L. H. Boutell --ASSt. Treas. T. M. Leahy -ASSt. Secy. F. M. Dennis ASSt. Secy. Directors: George A. Boissard, Edward R. Felber, *: #ºndorm, F. W. Hoyt, R. M. Rieser, John • JOIll. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $7,863,938 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $1,834, 087 Number of Electric Customers---------- 25, 134 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)----------- 50,000 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours tal----------------------------- 102,407, 850 Generated---------------------------- 78, 120,015 Purchased.---------------------------- 24, 287,835 Communities Served at Retail: Population Madison----------------------------------- 67,447 Maple Bluff 862 Middleton ---- 1, 358 Monona----------------------------------- 1,323 Shorewood EHills - - - 1,064 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power and Light Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 48–073 Menominee and Marinette Light and Traction Company 1029 N. Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Cor- poration.) Principal Officers: J. P. Pulliam-------------------------------- PreS. C. E. Kohlhepp----------- Vice Pres. & Controller A. J. Goedjen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = Vice Pres. C. R. Phenicie-------------------------- Vice Pres. D. W. Faber----------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. P. Taylor----------------- Treas. & Asst. Secy. I. P. Steybe------------ Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. A. E. Granholm---------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. G. Carson, A. J. Goedjen, C. E. Kohlhepp, C. R. Phenicie, J. P. Pulliam. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $2,500, 809 Electric Operating Revenues: Total__ $584, 280 In Wisconsin-------------------------- $307, 643 Number of Electric Customers: Total 7,852 In Wisconsin-------------------------- 4, 158 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------ 7, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----- --- 34, 610, 840 Generated 32,025,690 Purchased 2,585, 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Marinette 14, 183 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 863 Also, Renders: Gas service Wisconsin. See Also: Operations reported under Michigan (21—081). in Michigan and 48–074 Merchants Power & Light Company Baraboo, Wis. Principal Officers: Mrs. Geo. O. McArthur--------------------- PreS. A. M. McArthur----------------------- Vice PreS. R. M. McArthur - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. H. Hill, A. M. McArthur, G. M. McArthur, Mrs. Geo. O. McArthur, R. M. McArthur. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,076 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $10,464 Number of Electric Customers------------- 267 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased. ------------------------- 217,060 48–075 Midland Public Service Company 4 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire, Wis. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Corporation.) Principal Officers: G. H. Winrich------------------------------ Pres. F. J. Dinkel---------------------------- Vice Pres. J. M. Juel---------------------------- Secy.-Treas. H. F. Naybert---------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas, Directors: F. J. Dinkel, J. M. Juel, H. F. Naybert, C. M. Peters, G. H. Winrich. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $312, 790 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $87,444 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 231 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 2, 614, 281 Communities Served at Retail: Population Abbotsford -- 920 Dorchester---------- 456 Spencer--------------------------------------- 506 Unity----------------------------------------- 286 Utility. Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Colby Electric Light & Water Plant. 48–079 Mississippi Valley Public Service Company Winona, Minn. (Controlled by Wisconsin Securities Co. of Dela- ware through 72% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: Wisconsin only-------------------------- $145,309 Number of Electric Customers: Wisconsin only-------------------------- 2,050 Communities Served at Retail: Population *ttrick------------------------------------- 300 Fountain City 985 Galesville----------------------------------- 1, 147 Holmen------ 477 Aelrose------------------------------------- 462 Onalaska ---- 1,742 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern States Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Black River Falls Electric Utility. *Trempealeau Municipal Light & Power Utility. See Also: Principal report under Minnesota (22–110) 48–081 Nekoosa Edwards Light & Power Company Port Edwards, Wis. (Controlled by Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co. through 100% of voting power.) Principal Officers: J. E. Alexander Pres. E. P. Gleason.-------------------------- Vice Pres. C. A. Jasperson----------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: J. E. Alexander, E. P. Gleason, C. A. JasperSon. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant ---- $175,988 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $77,207 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 230 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purch -I - 2,019, 560 Communities Served at Retail: Population Nekoosa------------------------------------ 2, 212 Port Edwards 1, 192 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–083 Neshonoc Light & Power Company West Salem, Wis. Principal Officer: E. C. Swarthout--------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant--------------------- $328, 147 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $53,488 Number of Electric Customers------------ 938 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 325 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total 1,882, 310 Generated 1,836,870 Purchased 45, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population WeSt Salem- 1, 254 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern States Power Co. (Wis.). 864 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 48–089 Northern Power Company 1230 Tower Ave., Superior, Wis. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 98.8% of voting power.) Principal Officers: H. J. Underhill Pres. & Gen. Mgr. A. N. Anderberg, Vice Pres., Secy., & Asst. Treas. E. T. Link Treas. & Asst. Secy. Directors: A. N. Anderberg, F. T. Link, H. J. |Underhill. The following data aro for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $729, 738 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $284,471 Number of Electric Customers---------- 25 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 17, 710, 311 Community Served at Retail: Population Superior a- - - 35, 136 a Industrial Service Only. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Dahlberg Light & Power Co. 48–092 Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin) 4 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire, Wis. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Cor- poration.) Principal Officers: G. V. Rork---------------------------------- T’res. N. H. Buckstaff-------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. E. H. Cotton--------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operations J. S. McMillen --Vice Pres. Chg. Sales L. N. Gobler--- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * €C J. B. Erblang---------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. R. J. Hughes ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. J. J. Madden - AsSt. Secy. P. A. Lehmkuhl - - ASSt. Treas. Directors: B. F. Braheney, N. H. Buckstaff, E. H. Cotton, H. C. Cummins, J. G. Felton, J. S. McMillen, R. F. Pack, G. V. Rork, Albert Smith. Controls: Chippewa and Flambeau Improvement Co. (operator of Storage reservoirs). Eau Claire Dells Improvement Co. (Operator of hydraulic production plant). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $30,856,363 Electric Operating Revenues: Tot * * * $5,336,645 In Wisconsin---- $4,050, 428 Number of Electric Customers: Total 54,498 In Wisconsin 48,960 Generating Capacity: Púlowatts Otal 95, 116 Steam 16,700 Hydro a 78, 200 Internal Combustion----------------- 216 * Includes 2,160 kw capacity leased to others. Energ Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Otal 399,922, 0.91 Generated -- 317, 141, 529 Purchased 82, 780. 562 Communities Served at Retail: 10.000 population or more Population Chippewa Falls---------------------. ----- 10,368 Eau Claire- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30, 745 La Crosse--------------------------------- 42, 707 1,000 to 10,000 population Alma-- 1, 139 Altoona- - 1, 239 Ellsworth ----- * ºr 1, 340 Independence----------------------------- 1,036 Menomonie------------------------------- 6, 582 Mondovi---------------------------------- 2,077 Neillsville--------------------------------- 2, 562 Owen------------------------------------- I, 083 Sparta------------------------------------- 5, 820 Stanley------------------------------------ 2, 021 Thorp------------------------------------- 1,052 Viroqua----------------------------------- 3, 549 250 to 1,000 population Alma Center------------------------------ 431 Bay City---------------------------------- 299 Birchwood-------------------------------- 531 Blair-------------------------------------- 856 Boyd-------------------------------------- 618 Cameron---------------------------------- 807 Chaseburg--------------------------------- 258 Cochrane---------------------------------- 458 Coon Valley------------------------------- 469 De Soto--------- - - gº tº 400 Eleva----------- 406 Elk Mound------ * * * 388 Elmwood * - * - 828 Fairchild---------------------------------- 639 Fall Creek sº º * 572 Genoa------------------------------------- 339 Gilman * * * * * * * * 440 Granton em * = 300 Greenwood 776 Haugen----------------------------------- 268 Hixton------------------------------------ 301 Hum bird mº sº sº. 350 Loyal------------------------------------- 921 Maiden Rock- * * * * 291 Nelson- *º º * * m sº * * 370 Norwalk-- 551 Pepin- 754 Plum City----- 368 Spring Valley- 973 Stetsonville 250 Stoddard 368 Strum---------- * tº º º 350 Taylor- * * * * * * - sº º ºr * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * 314 Withee------------------------------------ 329 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Midland Public Service Co. Mississippi Valley Public Service Co. Neshonoc Light & Power Co. Willow River Power Co. Wisconsin Central Utilities Co. Wisconsin Hydro-Electric Co. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. Puj BLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Bangor Municipal Electric & Water Dept. *Bloomer Electric and Water Co. *Cadott Light & Water Dept. *Rice Lake Light Dept. *Westby Electric and Water Utility. *Whitehall Electric Utility. *Vernon County Electric Cooperative. Also, Renders: Gas Service in Minnesota; gas and hot water heating service in Wisconsin. See Also: Operations reported under Minnesota (22–124). 48–094 Northern Wisconsin Power Company Bayfield, Wis. (Controlled by Union Electric Power Corporation through 100% of voting power.) DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 865 Principal Officers: R. H. OkerStrom---------------------------- DreS. J. T. Bartlett--------------------------- Vice PreS. H. R. McIntosh---------------------------- Secy. P. C. Liggett------------------------------ Treas. Directors: J. T. Bartlett, E. C. Liggett, R. H. OkerStrom. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant... ------------------ $483, 279 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $46,866 Number of Electric Customers----------- 658 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 664 Steam---------------------------------- 280 Hydro---------------------------------- 384 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 563,957 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 113,557 Purchased.------------------------ - - - - - - 450, 400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Bayfield------------------------------------ 1, 212 Port Wing---------------------------------- 341 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Co. Lake Superior District Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 48–095 Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company 520 Hodgson Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (Controlled by American Utilities Service Corpora- tion through 99.5% of voting power.) Principal Officers: Chas. H. Bliss------------------------------- PreS. Arthur E. Swanson.--------------------- Vice Pres. Elnathan Gates------------------------- Vice Pres. F. A. O’Neill------------------------ Secy.-Treas. G. M. Boehmer----------------------- Asst. Secy. Milton J. Wied--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. A. W. Schmidt----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Chas. H. Bliss, Elnathan Gates, R. J. Hurley, F. A. O’Neill, Arthur E. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $554, 516 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $137, 645 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 471 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 696 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 508, 465 Generated------------------------------ 2, 296,618 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 211, 847 Communities Served at Retail: Population Balsam Lake--------------------------------- 452 Centuria--------------------------------------- 411 Panbury------------------------------------- 315 Prederic-------------------------------------- 725 Grantsburg----------------------------------- 874 Milltown------------------------------------- 469 Siren ----------------------------------------- 375 Webster-------------------------------------- 524 48–098 Ojibwa Sales Company Ojibwa, Wis. Principal Officers: B. F. FaaSt. 322184—42—60 Directors: L. J. Baldridge, B. F. Faast, Ida K. FaaSt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues $1,663 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 37 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 25, 196 Community Served at Retail: Population 9ſibwa--------------------------------------- 293 48–103 Oxford Light & Power Company Fairwater, Wis. Principal Officer: J. W. Laper-------------------------------- OWner The following data are for the year 1939: Total Operating Revenues------------------ $5,907 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 115 Rilovolt-amperes Generating Capacity (Hydro)---------------- 75 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 82, 179 Community Served at Retail: Population Oxford - ---- 404 48–105 Pardeeville Electric Light Company Pardeeville, Wis. Principal Officers: John J. Wright-- PreS. Ada B. Chandler----------------------- Vice PreS. Joseph Chandler------------- Secy.-Treas. & Mgr. Directors: Ada B. Chandler, Joseph Chandler, John J. Wright. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $69, 126 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,673 Number of Electric Customers------------- 400 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) -------------- 50 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 365, 891 Generated-------------------------------- 123,591 Purchased.-------------------------------- 242, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Pardeeville - - m = s. sº - - - - - - - - es m = ** - - - - - - - I, 001 48–107 Pioneer Power and Light Company Westfield, Wis. 48–109 Pleasant Springs Light & Power Co. R. #1, Stoughton, Wis. Principal Officers: A. H. Holtan------------------------------- Pres. Sam Brickson.------------------------------- Mgr. Alfred Nordlie----------------------- Secy.-Treas. 866 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $66, 153 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $13,890 Number of Electric Customers------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 316, 717 48–114 Polk Burnett Light & Power Co. Cushing, Wis. Principal Officers: John Casperson----------------------------- PreS. Ed. Skone----------------------------- Vice PreS. Walter Jensen------------------------------ Treas. Abe Skone---------------------------------- Secy. Directors: John Casperson, Axel Hagstrom, Peter L. Jensen, Walter Jensen, Anton Nelson, Abe Skone, Ed. Skone, Henry Sorensen, C. E. Walsten. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $75,410 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,595 Number of Electric Customers------------- 305 Fºilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 322,700 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Polk Electric Light & Power Co. 48–122 Roxbury Light & Power Company Sauk City, Wis. 48—125 Rush Lake Light & Power Co. Rush Lake, Wis. Principal Officers: Will Beier----------------------------------- Pres. Dan Werch---------------------------- Vice PreS. John A. Schrader-------------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $36,367 Electric Operating Rev $10,615 Number of Electric Customers------------- 190 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------J.---- 200,860 48–127 St. Croix Falls Wisconsin Improvement Company St. Croix Falls, Wis. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Corpo ration.) Principal Officers: R. F. Pack PreS. J. A. HenneSSy Vice Pres. P. J. Braheney Vice Pres. C. A. Reuter Secy. J. J. Molyneaux-------------Treas. & Asst. Secy. R. L. Clark Asst. Treas. Directors: P. J. Braheney, J. A. Hennessy, J. J. Molyneaux, R. F. Pack, C. A. Reuter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $2,697,606 Electric Operating Revenues----------- $401, 429 Number of Electric Customers--------- 941 Filowatts Generating Capacity (EIydro)----------- 21, 400 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total.----------------------------- 86,890,492 Generated.---------------------------- 85, 780, 977 Purchased.--------------------------- 1, 109, 515 Communities Served at Retail: Population. T}resser----------- 294 Osceola 642 Saint Croix Falls- --- 1, 007 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITIES: Polk Burnett Light & Power Co. St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Co. 48–129 St. Croix Power Company Somerset, Wis. (Controlled by Standard Power and Light Corpo- ration.) Principal Officers: R. F. Pack Pres. B. O. Lund Vice Pres. E. M. Mongovern- Secy. J. J. Molyneaux-------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. R. L. Clark- ----ASSt. Secy. A. L. Kippels- ASSt. Treas. Directors: Henry Grenacher, B. O. Lund, J. J. Molyneaux, E. M. Mongoven, R. F. Pack. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $695, 567 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $108,021 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 9,945,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: - PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Northern States Power Co. (Minn.). 48–133 South Shore Utility Company Combined Locks, Wis. - (Controlled by Combined Locks Paper Co.) Principal Officers: Frank R. Bacon --Pres. John F. King __Vice Pres. C. F. Spindler------------------------ Secy.-Treas, Directors: Frank R. Bacon, John F. King, C. F. Spindler. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $3,079 Electric Operating Revenues.---------------- $1,307 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 28 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch 2] 45, 490 Community Served at Retail: Population Combined Locks- 625 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 867 48–142 Superior Water, Light and Power Company 1230 Tower Ave., Superior, Wis. (Controlled by American Power & Light Co. through 66.58% of voting power.) Principal Officers: M. L. Hibbard * * - - PreS, H. J. Underhill---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. A. N. Anderberg---------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. E. T. Link------------------ Treas. & ASSt. Secy. Directors: A. N. Anderberg, Clay C. Boswell, G. A. Corine, W. P. Crawford, M. L. Hibbard, E. T. Link, H. J. Underhill. The following data are for the year 1940: Total Utility Plant------------------- $4,859, 335 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $647,043 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 10,089 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1, 200 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 19, 804, 992 Generated 77,400 Purchased 19,727, 592 Community Served at Retail: Population Superior 35, 136 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Head-of-the-Lakes Cooperative Electric Assn. Also Renders: Gas and water Service. 48–147 Tilden Electric Light and Power Company R. F. D. No. 2, Chippewa Falls, Wis. 48–149 Tigerton Electric Company Tigerton, Wis. (Controlled by Tigerton Lumber Co.) Principal Officers: Cecilia Hendricks PreS. J. S. Swanke- Secy. Herman Swanke Treas. Directors: Cecilia Hendricks, Herman Swanke, J. S. Swanke. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $62,144 Electric Operating Revenues $23,802 * - - - - - -s º ºs º- tº - - - - Number of Electric Customers------------- 396 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 474,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Tigerton - - 794 48–155 West Dunkirk Electric Line Co. R. F. D. No. 3, Stoughton, Wis. Principal Officers: Ole Tors, Jr.--------------------------------- PrêS. Gunder Njortland---------------------- Vice PreS. Arnold O. Robertson----------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: O. R. Asperheim, Wm. Asperheim, H. E. Nichols. The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,550 Electric Operating Revenues----------------- $783 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 19 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 20,675 48–160 Westfield Milling & Electric Westfield, Wis. Principal Officers: Gustav E. Dahlke--------------------------- |Pres Wayne D. Dahlke Vice PreS. Harvey M. Dahlke --Secy.-Treas. Directors: Gustav E. Dahlke, Harvey M. Dahlke. Howard G. Dahlke, Walter G. Dahlke, Wayne D. Dahlke, Irene I. Elliott, Verna Gilmore. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $18,265 Number of Electric Customers------------- 340 Generating Capacity: Aïlowatts Total--------------------------------- 185 Hydro-. - - - - 125 Internal Combustion - - - 60 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 390,286 Generated 250, 754 Purchased 139, 532 Community Served at Retail: Population Westfield 851 48—162 - White River Power Co. Neshkoro, Wis. Principal Officers: Bornice M. Dahlke------------------------- Pres. Norbert A. Daklke--------------------- Vice Pres. Arnold C. Dahlke---- --------------- Secy.-Treas. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $63,609 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $14,144 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro.) -------------- 265 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 973,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power & Light Co. 48–164 Willow River Power Company 100 Locust St., Hudson, Wis. Principal Officers: Alfred R. Schultz - - Pres, Franz P. Purkhardt Vice Pres. Bertha A. Burkhardt ---------------- Secy.-Treas. 868 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Directors: Bertha A. Burkhardt, Franz P. Burk- hardt, Ida E. Burkhardt, Lina B. Burkhardt, Elfrieda B. Ernst, Alfred R. Schultz. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,040, 790 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $172, 289 Number of Electric Customers---------- 2, 418 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Otal.------ 2,855 Steam--------------------------------- 375 Hydro--------------------------------- 1, 380 Internal Combustion------------------ 1, 100 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 5,344, 700 Generated.----------------------------- 4,748,300 Purchased * * * * * * * * * * * * * = &m, amº = * 596,400 Communities Served at Retail: Population Baldwin------------------------------------ 918 Hammond---------------------------------- 467 Hudson------------------------------------ 2,987 knapp------------------------------------- 436 North Hudson.--- 595 Roberts-- * * * * 390 Woodville---------------------------------- 408 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Afton Power Co. Also Renders: Eſeating service. 48–166 Winter Electric Light and Power Company Winter, Wis. Community Served at Retail: Population Winter--------------- 325 48–169 Wisconsin Central Utilities Company Augusta, Wis. (Controlled by American Utilities Service Corpora- tion through 100% of voting power. Principal Officers: Charles H. Bliss --Pres. Arthur E. SWanson.--------------------- Vice Pres. Elnathan Gates------------------------ Vice Pres, F. A. O’Neill------------------------ Secy.-Treas. G. M. Boehmer----------------------- ASSt. Secy. A. W. Schmidt----------------------- Asst. Treas. Milton J. Wied--------4ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: Charles H. Bliss, Elnathan Gates, Ray- mond Hurley, F. A. O’Neill, Arthur E. Swanson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $297,586 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $89,098 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1, 511 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 611 Hydro 232 Internal Combustion------------------ 379 Energy Available in Year: Filowatt-hours Total 2,096,285 Generated 869,085 Purchased.-----. sº tº sº. 1, 227, 200 Communities Served at Retail: Population Augusta-------- - 1, 519 La Farge 921 OSSeo 1, 105 Viola--------------------------------------- 825 Also Renders: Telephone service. ſº 48–171 Wisconsin Electric Power Company 231 W. Michigan St., Milwaukee, Wis. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: S Fa B. Way----------------------------------- Pres. G. W. Van Derzee-------- Vice Pres, & Gen. Mgr. F. A. Coffin. -------------------------- Vice Pres, G. G. Post------------------------------ Vice Pres. L. F. Seybold --Vice Pres. J. H. Lucas----------------------- ASSt. Vice Pres. A. J. Bohl--Asst. Secy., Asst. Treas. & Controller. L. M. LaPorte--------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. Directors: F. J. Boehm, W. W. Coleman, J. F. Fogerty, H. C. Freeman, F. H. Piske, Robert §§aly, James D. Shaw, G. W. Van Derzee, S. B. Way. . Controls: The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Transport Co. (transportation) which controls— Badger Auto Service Co. (garages, parking, and filling Stations). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- $105, 504, 941 Electric Operating Revenues---------- $22, 165,087 Number of Electric Customers-------- 252, 741 Filowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)--------- 479, 500 Energy Available in Year: PKilowatt-hours Total 1,497,068,610. Generated.-------------------------- 1,441,058, 210 Purchased & sº sm º 56,010,400. Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Cudahy -- 10, 561 Milwaukee -- 587, 472. Racine -- 67, 195. Shorewood -- 15, 184 South Milwaukee -- 11, 134 Wauwatosa -- 27, 769. West Allis---- - -- 36, 364 1,000 to 10,000 population Carrollville - -- 1, 200 Fox Point-------------------------------- 1, 180. Greendale-------------------------------- 2, 527 Pewaukee --- 1, 352 Port Washington 4, 046 Saint Francis----------------------------- 1, 500. West Milwaukee-------------------------- 5, 010 Whitefish Bay---------------------------- 9, 651 250 to 1,000 population Big Bend * gº 298 Brookfield---------- 300 Butler (New Butler)--------------------- 778 Chenequa--------------------------------- 288 T)elafield sº ºr m sº sm am am sº º ºs ºm me sm amº sº s sº s m = * * * * * * 315. Dousman--------------------------------- 272 East Troy-------------------------------- 925 Elm Grove.------------------------------- 500 Hales Corners----------------------------- 681 EHartland.---- * -º 998 Ives 259 Mukwonago 855. North Lake------------------------------- 300, DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 869 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population North Prairie 375 Okauchee 450 River Hills------------------------------- 541 Rochester-------------------------------- 288 Saint Martins 400 Waterford-------------------------------- 786 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITIES: Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co. Wisconsin Michigan Power Co. Wisconsin Power and Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITY: *Oconomowoc Lighting Dept. Also Renders: Heating Service. 48–173 Wisconsin Gas & Electric Company 100 Third St., Racine, Wis. (Controlled by The North American Co. through 89.98% of voting power.) Principal Officers: B. Way----------------------------------- PreS. S. B. Sherman------------ Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. D. G. Evans Vice PreS, L. F. Seybold Vice PreS, G. W. Van Derzee ___Vice Pres. A. J. Bohl---------------------------- Secy. Treas. John I. Allen----------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. L. M. LaPorte--------- ASSt. Secy. & Asst. Treas. W. L. Haight ASSt. Secy. J. W. Heiss---------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Directors: W. E. Schubert, L. F. Seybold, J. D. Shaw, S. B. Sherman, G. W. Van Derzee, S. B. Way, A. J. Whitcomb. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $16, 198,023 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $4,855, 601 Number of Electric Customers---------- 66,472 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) ----------- 590 Energy Available in Year: Aïlowatt-hours Total 217,476, 319 Generated 1,052,472 Purchased 216,423, 847 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Renosha – 48,765 WatertOWn 11, 301 Waukesha--------------------------------- 19, 242 1,000 to 10,000 population Burlington 4, 414 CampbellSport--------------------------- 1,094 Fort Atkinson 6, 153 Grafton -- 1, 150 Menomonee Falls 1,469 West Bend 5,452 Whitewater 3, 689 250 to 1,000 population A dell 313 Allenton----------------------------------- 275 Barton 900 Belgium 356 Bristol 500 Brown Deer------------------------------- 600 Brownsville 300 Cascade------------------------------------ 358 Cedar Grove------------------------------- 907 Page-------------------------------------- 391 Elkhart Lake------------------------ ------ 57.1 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Franksville-------------------------------- 300 Fredonia 356 Germantown 292 Glenbeulah-------------------------------- 357 Iron Ridge * - wº. -- 273 Jackson.----------------------------------- 302 Johnson Creek 511 Ransasville 300 Kewaskum 880 Tannon 378 Lima Center 300 Lomira - 659 Lowell 282 Lyons - - 400 Marshall 447 Merton------------------------------------ 254 Mount Calvary 662 Neosho /- 255 Oostburg 742 Palmyra 711 Pleasant Prairie 275 Random Lake----------------------------- 613 Reeseville - - - - 407 River Hills-------------------------------- 541 Saint Cloud * - - - 353 Salem 350 Saukville---------------------------------- 431 Silver Lake (Kenosha County)------------ 365 Somers 250 Sturtevant--------------------------------- 803 Sullivan- * - - - 286 Sussex 548 Theresa 418 Thiensville__ 645 TJnion Grove 973 Waldo 324 Wilmot - - - - 300 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNET) UTILITY: Wisconsin Power & Light Company. PUBLICLY OWNET) UTILITIES: *Deerfield Electric Light & Water Dept. *Elkhorn Light & Water Commission. *Jefferson Water & Light T)ept. *Kiel Water & Light Utility. *Village of Slinger Municipal Light & Water Dept. *Waterloo Water & Light Commission. Also Renders: Gas, heating, and trackless trolley Service. 48–175 Wisconsin Hydro Electric Company Amery, Wis. (Controlled by Utility Service Co.) Principal Officers: R. M. Houger------------------------------- Pres D. J. Taveniere--------------- Vice PreS. & Treas. R. F. Gretsch---------------- Secy. & Asst. Treas. F. H. Scholl Asst. Secy. & Auditor Directors: R. M. Houger, Robert Pulleyn, F. H. Scholl, D. J. Taveniere, G. R. Walker. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $3,982,496 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $587, 818 Number of Electric Customers---------- 7, 266 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.--- 4, 522 ydro - - - - 4,442 Internal Combustion------------------ 80 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total 23, 117,896 Generated.---------------------------- 18, 305,336 Purchased -- 4,812, 560 870 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Amery-- 1, 461 Chetek 1, 227 Durand--- 1,858 250 to 1,000 population Almena-- ---- 350 Arkansaw-------- 300 Boyceville 533 Clayton----- 367 Clear Lake 676 Colfax. 992 Dallas- 436 T)owning 308 Glenwood------ --- 811 Luck---- 617 New Auburn---. 398 Prairie Farm----- 335 Sarona- - 537 Shell Lake 872 Star Prairie 250 Trego-------------------------------------- 250 Turtle Lake 616 Wanderoos--------------------------------- 252 Wheeler------------------------------------ 272 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Eastern Minnesota Power Corporation. Farmers Light & Power Company. Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *New Richmond Electric Utility. *Spooner Board of Public Works. Also Renders: Gas service. 48–177 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company 825 S. Oneida St., Appleton, Wis. (Controlled by The North American Co.) Principal Officers: Sylvester B. Way_-__ * PreS. William E. Schubert----- Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Lawrence F. Seybold Vice PreS. Gould W. Van Derzee Vice PreS. Alfred J. Bohl---------------------- Secy. & Treas. Louis R. Gresenz--------- ASSt. Secy.-ASSt. Treas. Lynda Hollenbeck-------- Asst. Secy.-Asst. Treas. Lester M. LaPorte------- Asst. Secy.-Asst. Treas. John W. Heiss------------------------ Asst. Secy. Directors: William E. Schubert, Lawrence F. Sey- bold, James D. Shaw, Stanley B. Sherman, Gould W. Van Derzee, Sylvester B. Way, Arthur J. Whitcomb. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $24,644, 501 Electric Operating Revenues: Total $3,597, 796 $2,643, 868 In Wisconsin Number of Electric Customers: Total 38,719 In Wisconsin 27,999 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.-- 57,990 Steam 20,000 Hydro---- - - 36,280 Internal Combustion----------------- 1,710 Energy Available in Year: Pºłlowatt-hours 277, 376, 368 Generated 229, 662,829 Purchased---------------------------- 45, 557, 339 Interchanged (gross-in).--------------- 2, 156, 200 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Appleton 28,436 Neenah 10,645 1,000 to 10,000 population Gillett 1, 145 Kimberly 2,618 Niagara 2,266 Seymour---------------------------------- 1, 365 Weyauwega ---- 1, 173 250 to 1,000 population |Bear Creek 409 Black Creek 542 Bonduel 661 Cecil 370 Combined Locks mº 625 Dale 300 |Fremont 437 Hilbert - mº, sº sº s 607 Hortonville * 968 Land O’Lakes * * * *- 315 Long Lake 300 Newald 350 Phelps 500 Pulaski 979 Royalton 304 Shiocton 592 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Wisconsin Power & Light Co. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Florence Water and Light Commission. * Kaukauna Electric and Water Dept. * Menasha Electric & Water Utilities. *New London Electric Utility. *Oconto Falls Water & Light Commission. *Oconto Electric Cooperative. *Shawano Water & Electric Dept. Also Renders: Gas and bus Service. See Also: Operations reported under Michigan (21–138) 48–180 Wisconsin Power, and Light Company 122 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. (Controlled by The Middle West Corporation.) Principal Officers: C. Neff G. Pres. A. P. Gale * * Exec. Vice PreS. M. H. Frank Vice Pres. E. A. Barth --ASSt. to PreS. R. G. Walter------------- ASSt. to Exec. Vice PreS. B. E. Miller Secy. Otis Gerke Treas. J. E. Gray A11ditor L. B. Minch ASSt. Secy. A. L. Thurston Asst. Treas. M. A. McNulty ASSt. Auditor Directors: F. H. Clausen, J. A. Craig, A. P. Gale, # #. Eraut, G. C. Neff, E. J. B. Schubring, R. G. alter. * Controls: - Beloit Water Power Co. (water power). South Beloit Water, Gas and Electric Co. (elec- tric, gas, water). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $53,704, 290 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $9,049,622 Number of Electric Customers---------- 111,993 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 93, 166 Steam 50,270 Hydro-------------------------------- 42,896 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 871 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours was sº º sº, sº as 376,800, 566 Generated 349, 551,884 Purchased 27, 248,682 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Beaver Dam------------------------------ 10, 356 Peloit------------------------------------- 25, 365 |Fond du Lac------------------------------ 27, 209 Janesville---------------------------------- 22,992 Sheboygan-------------------------------- 40,638 1,000 to 10,000 population Adams------------------------------------ 1,310 Baraboo----------------------------------- 6, 415 Berlin------------------------------------- 4, 247 Parlington-------------------------------- 2,002 Pelavan----------------------------------- 3, 444 Dodgeville-------------------------------- 2, 269 Pdgerton---------------------------------- 3, 266 Fox Lake---------------------------------- 1,016 Pillsboro---------------------------------- 1, 146 Poricon----------------------------------- 2, 253 kohler------------------------------------ 1,789 Lake Geneva------------------------------ 3, 238 arion------------------------------------ 1,034 Wauston---------------------------------- 2, 621 Wayville---------------------------------- 2,754 Wilton------------------------------------ 1, 266 Mineral Point----------------------------- 2,275 ODTO6------------------------------------ 6, 182 Wontello---------------------------------- 1, 138 North Fond Du Lac----------------------- 2,083 Pºſo.-------------------------------------- 1, 401 Oregon------------------------------------ 1,005 Portage------------------------------------ 7,016 Randolph--------------------------------- 1, 146 Ripon------------------------------------- 4, 566 Tomah----------- 3,817 Wautoma--------------------------------- 1, 180 250 to 1,000 population Ableman------------------------------------- 395 Albany-------------------------------------- 74.1 Almond-------------------------------------- 449 Amherst------------------------------------- 611 Aniwa-------------------------------------- 283 Arena. ------------------------------------- 278 Arpin-------------------------------------- 375 Auburndale-------------------------------- 342 W008-------------------------------------- 417 Barneveld---------------------------------- 358 Pelleville----------------------------------- 594 Pethel-------------------------------------- 300 Birnamwood------------------------------- 556 Blanchardville------------------------------ 662 Powler------------------------------------- 315 Brandon----------------------------------- 708 Prooklyn----------------------------------- 449 Browntown-------------------------------- 27 Purnett------------------------------------ 250 Cambria.---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 688 Cambridge--------------------------------- 577 Camp Douglas----------------------------- 445 Caroline------------------------------------ 300 Cazenovia---------------------------------- 370 Clinton------------------------------------- 903 Cloverleaf Lake---------------------------- 500 'obb--------------------------------------- 276 Coloma------------------------------------- 500 Cottage Grove------------------------------ 310 *--------------------------------------- 301 Parien------------------------------------- 625 Pe Forest---------------------------------- 598 Doylestown-------------------------------- 253 *land-------------------------------------- 296 Embarrass---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 335 Endeavor---------------------------------- 425 FairWater---------------------------------- 293 Fall River---------------------------------- 425 Fontana (On Geneva Lake).---------------- 461 Friendship--------------------------------- 453 Priesland----------------------------------- 250 Genoa City--------------------------------- 715 Gotham------------------------------------ 280 Gratiot------------------------------------- 297 Communities Served at Retail: 250 to 1,000 population Population Green Lake-------------------------------- 661 Hancock----------------------------------- 481 Hatley------------------------------------- 270 Highland.---------------------------------- 902 Hollandale--------------------------------- 290 Iola---------------------------------------- 746 Rekoskee----------------------------------- 300 Kendall------------------------------------ 478 Kingston----------------------------------- 295 Lake Delton (Delton).--------------------- 250 Linden------------------------------------- 461 Livingston--------------------------------- 520 Lone Rock--------------------------------- 502 Lyndon Station---------------------------- 354 Manawa----------------------------------- 791 Markesan ---------------------------------- 912 Mattoon.----------------------------------- 524 McFarland--------------------------------- 463 Milton Junction---------------------------- 900 Montfort----------------------------------- 615 Necedah------------------------------------ 838 Neshkoro----------------------------------- 301 North Freedom ---------------------------- 547 Oakfield------------------------------------ 655 Ontario------------------------------------- 533 Orfordville--------------------------------- 510 PackWaukee-------------------------------- 250 Pittsville.---------------------------------- 556 Plain -------------------------------------- 405 Plainfield----------------------------------- 571 Poy Sippi---------------------------------- 250 Poynette----------------------------------- 870 Redgranite--------------------------------- 857 Rewey------------------------------------- 267 Ridgeway---------------------------------- 431 i0----------------------------------------- 696 Rosendale---------------------------------- 317 Rosholt------------------------------------ 523 Rudolph----------------------------------- 250 Scandinavia-------------------------------- 295 Sextonville. -------------------------------- 300 Sharon------------------------------------- 812 Shopiere------------------------------------ 300 Silver Lake (Waushara County) ------------ 400 South Wayne------------------------------ 331 Spring Green.------------------------------- 868 Spring Lake-------------------------------- 250 Taycheedah -------------------------------- 350 Twin Lakes-------------------------------- 409 Verona--------------------------------------- 535 Vesper-------------------------------------- 300 Walworth------------------------------------ 875 White Lake---------------------------------- 548 Wild Rose----------------------------------- 559 Williams Bay-------------------------------- 717 Wilton--------------------------------------- 486 Winneconne--------------------------------- 931 Wittenberg---------------------------------- 900 Wyocena------------------------------------ 706 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Cross Plains Electric Co. Interstate Light and Power Co. (Wis.). Madison Gas & Electric Co. Oregon Electric Co. Pardeeville Electric Light Co. Pioneer Power and Light Co. Roxbury Light & Power Co. Rush Lake Light & Power Co. - South Beloit Water, Gas & Electric Co. Tigerton Electric Company. Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co. Wisconsin Michigan Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: . *Adams-Marquette Electric Cooperative. *Belmont Light & Power Plant. tº sº tº *Black Earth Municipal Electric Utility. *Brodhead Water and Lighting Commission. *Clintonville Water and Electric Plant. *Columbus Water & Light Dept. *Evansville Water and Light Dept. . *Footville Water & Electric Commission. *EIustisford Electric Utility. *Juneau Commission on Public Works. 872 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Lafayette Electric Cooperative. *Lodi Light and Water Plant. *Mazomainie Light & Water Dept. *Middleton Electric Utility. *Monticello Electric Dept. *Mount Horeb Electric Utility. *New Glarus Light and Water Works. *Plymouth Electric and Water Utilities. *Prairie du Sac Municipal Electric Dept. *Princeton Electric Light Plant. *Reedsburg Utility Commission. *Sauk City Light and Water Dept..... *Sheboygan Falls, Board of Public Utility Com- IIllSS.10 Ineſ S. *Stoughton Electric Light System. *Sun Prairie Electric and Water Utility. *Waunakee Municipal Water & Light Com- mission. *Waupaca Electric Cooperative. *Waupun Water & Electric Utility. *Wisconsin Dells Water and Light Commission. *Wonewoc Municipal Water & Light Dept. Also Renders: Bus, gas, heating, and water Service. 48–182 Wisconsin Public Service Corporation 1029 N. Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis. (ºned by Standard Power & Light Corpora- 1OIl. Principal Qfficers: J. P. Pulliam-------------------------------- FreS. C. E. Kohlhepp----------- Vice Pres. & Controller C. R. Phenicie------------------------- Vice PreS. A. G. Carson--------------------------- Vice PreS. A. J. Goedjem--------------------------- Vice Pres. A. F. Davey - - Vice PreS. M. H. Montross------------------------ Vice PreS. D. W. Faber------------------ Secy. & ASSt. Treas. H. P. Taylor----------------- Treas. & ASSt. Secy. I. P. Steybe------------- ASSt. Secy. & ASSt. Treas. A. E. Granholm----------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: A. G. Carson, A. F. Davey, A. J. Goedjen, C. E. Kohlhepp, M. H. Montross, C. R. Phenicie, J. P. Pulliam. - Controls: Menominee and Marinette Light & Traction Co. (public utility). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------- $37,661,681 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $7,591,678 Number of Electric Customers---------- 84,059 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total.--- tº º- - sº 104,046 Steam---------- 43, 250 Hydro - - - - 60,796 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total----------------------------- 397, 690,472 Generated---------------------------- 381,003, 762 Purchased.---------------------------- 16,686, 710 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Green Bay * - - - - -- 46, 235 Oshkosh----------------------------------- 39,089 Stevens Point------------------------------ 15,777 Wausau------------------------------------ 27, 268 1,000 to 10,000 population Antigo 9,495 Brillion - * - 1, 200 Chilton - 2, 203 Crandon -- 2, 000 Pe Pere------------------------------------ 6, 373 Communities Served at Retail: 1,000 to 10,000 population Population Merrill - - - - 8, 711 Mosinee 1, 361 Oconto -- 5, 362 Peshtigo 1,947 Rhinelander--- 8, 501 Schofield----------------------------------- 1, 536 Tomahawk----- 3, 365 Waupaca---------------------------------- 3, 458 250 to 1,000 population Amberg--- 250 Bailey's Harbor---------------------------- 350 Brokaw - - - * - - 477 Casco-------------------------------------- 292 Crivit?------------------------------------ 370 Denmark 864 Duck Creek------------------------------- 350 Pdgar------------------------------------- 694 Elcho--------- 520 Pphraim----------------------------------- 254 Forest Junction--------------------------- 250 Forestville--------------------------------- 275 Francis Creek----------------------------- 450 Greenleaf---------------------------------- 250 Junction City----------------------------- 308 Kellnersville------------------------------- 400 Kronenwetter----------------------------- 300 Lac du Flambeau------------------------- 888 Pena-------------------------------------- 469 Luxemburg-------------------------------- 468 Marathon--------------------------------- 823 Maribel---------------------------------- 450 Minocqua--------------------------------- 625 Mishicot--------------------------------- 650 Pembine---------------------------------- 325 Plover------------------------------------- 326 Reedsville--------------------------------- 729 Rothschild-------------------------------- 812 Saint Nazianz__ 500 Sister Bay--------------------------------- 309 Stockbridge------------------------------- 386 Suring---- * - - sº “ - as 437 Three Lakes------------------------------- 300 Valders------------------------------------ 580 Wabeno ---------------------------------- 800 Wausaukee * - - * * - - -º 655 Wayside * - - - - ** 320 Whitelaw--------------------------------- 300 Woodruff---------------------------------- 450 Wrightstown---- * - - - 718 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Coleman Pound Light & Power Co. Consolidated Water Power Co. Menominee and Marinette Light and Traction Co. Northern States Power Co. (Wis.). Wisconsin Power and Light Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Algoma Utility Commission. *Eagle River Light & Water Commission. * Kewaunee Municipal Water and Light Plant. *New Holstein Public Utility Commission. *Stratford Water and Light Dept. *Sturgeon Bay Utilities. *Two Rivers Water and Light Dept. Also Renders: Bus and gas Service. 48–215 Appleton Woolen Mills Appleton, Wis. Official in Charge of Electric Operation: A. H. Orbison.-------------------------- Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin-Michigan Power Co. PUBLICLY Own ED UTILITY: . *City of Reedsburg Utility Commission. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES WISCONSIN 873 48–226 Combined Locks Paper Company Appleton, Wis. 48–237 Connor Lumber and Land Com- pany Laona, Wis. 48–248 Flambeau Paper Company Park Falls, Wis. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: H. H. Coolidge------------------------- Vice PreS. C. E. Wells-------------------------- Power Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $50,752 - Kilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)---------------- 1,000 48–259 Gilmanton Roller Mills Gilmanton, Wis. 48–270 Goodman Lumber Co. Goodman, Wis. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: G. A. Houghton----------------------------- Mgr. G. W. D'Amour-------------------------- Cashier C. G. Fuszard------------------------ Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $5,296 Number of Electric Customers------------- l Pºilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)---------------- 1, 750 JKilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 193,838 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Goodman Light & Power Co. 48–303 Island Woolen Company Baraboo, Wis. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: F. B. Morey-------------------------------- Supt. Roy Golding-------------------------------- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,808 Number of Electric Customers------------- 1 Aïlowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)--------------- 412 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 447,500 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power & Light Co. 48–325 Kimberly Clark Corporation Neenah, Wis. 48–347 Manitowoc Portland Cement Company Manitowoc, Wis. See: Medusa Portland Cement Company. 48–358 Marathon Paper Mills Co. Rothschild, Wis. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: D. C. Everest------------------------------- PreS. Grover Keeth------------------------- Chief Engr. W. E. Payne-------------------------- Chief Elec. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,250,000 ..] Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $216 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 6,225 Steam--------------------------------- 2,000 Fydro--------------------------------- 4, 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 157,000 48–369 Medusa Portland Cement Com- pany (Operated in Wisconsin as Manitowoc Portland Cement Company). 1000 Midland Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Principal Officers: . B. John------------------ Pres. & General Mgr. P. G. Dawson---------------- Vice Pres. & Treas. H. Vanderwerp------------------------Vice Pres. D. H. MacFarland-------------------- Vice Pres. Fredric Pickford- Secy. Directors: Alva Bradley, Howard F. Burns, A. M. Corcoran, P. G. Dawson, Dan P. Eells, Walter L, Flory, E. B. Greene, J. B. John, Wm. G. Mather, Fredric Pickford, G. G. Wade, Charles C. West. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues: Total In Wisconsin------------------------------ a Includes $213 revenues from Illinois and $2,715 revenues from Ohio. Number of Electric Customers: of al - * - - b 74 In Wisconsin --- - - - - l b Includes 4 customers in Illinois and 69 customers in Ohio. Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY Own ED UTILITY: Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. See Also: Operations reported under Illinois (12–235) and Ohio (34–340). 874 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 48–380 Mrs. L. G. Miller R. R. No. 1, Westfield, Wis. Principal Officer: Mrs. L. G. Miller --- Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $6,949 Number of Electric Customers------------- I Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power & Light Co. 48–391 Mosinee Paper Mills Co. Mosinee, Wis. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: A. G. Kernin--------------------- Operating Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $484, 642 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $2, 152 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts 9tal------------------------------- 1,000 Steam---------------------------------- 200 Hydro---------------------------------- 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------- 1, 198,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Public Service Corp. 48–402 Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co. Port Edwards, Wis. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: E. P. Gleason.--------------------- Mgr. of Power The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------ $44, 787 Number of Electric Customers---------. 2 Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts 9tal------------------------------ 16, 750 Steam--------------------------------- 6,000 Pſydro--------------------------------- 10, 750 - Rºilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 89,850 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 2,019, 560 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Consolidated Water Power Co. NeXoosa-Edwards Light & Power Co. 48–413 Nicolet Paper Corporation De Pere, Wis. officiº in Charge of Electric Operations: Kuhns------------------------------- Mgr. C. E. Beecher------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- Ug Served at Wholesale: RIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. $161,300 48–435 Peavey Paper Products Company Ladysmith, Wis. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: Herb Swanson.---------------------- Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $59,196 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 1, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 283, 200 48–454 Tigerton Lumber Company Tigerton, Wis. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: J. S. SWanke--------------------------- Vice PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $8,789 Electric Operating Revenues.----------- $4,783 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 250 48–457 Tomahawk Kraft Paper Co. Tomahawk, Wis. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: - Bugge---------------------------- Vice PreS. Geo. Richard------------------- Chief Electrician. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $708, 167 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $3, 171 Number of Electric Customers---------- 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------ 3,000 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 1, 535, 600 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Public Service Corp. 48–460 Union Falls Power Company Marinette, Wis. 48–468 Wausau Paper Mills Company Brokaw, Wis. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Carl Magnus------------- Vice Pres, & Gen. Mgr. Leslie Hammond-------------- Chief Electrician DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 875 48–510 *Algoma Utility Commission Algoma, Wis. * Principal Electric Utility Official: * W. Storm-------------------------------- Supt. Utility Commission: M. F. LaFond (secy.), E. W. Lohrey, M. M. Melchoir (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $98,552 Electric Operating Revenues------------ 42,417 Number of Electric Customers----------- 898 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 539, 329 Community Served at Retail: Population Algoma * - 2,652 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–513 *Arcadia Electric and Water Plant Arcadia, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: . R. Vogel Mayor Electric Light Committee: Orvin Angst, F. C. Kube, Geo. Senty. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $276, 540 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,002 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 604 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 935 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated------------------------ 1,051, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Arcadia------------------------------------ 1,830 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–516 *Argyle Electric and Water Utility Argyle, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John Sivesind------------------------------- Supt. Clifford Penniston-------------------- ASSt. Supt. Howard Johnson---------------------- ASSt. Supt. Electric Committee: E. J. Erickson (chairman), Perry Phillipson, Paul Splinter. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $100, 286 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $19,697 Number of Electric Customers---------- 302 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------ 308 Pſydro--------------------------------- 60 Internal Combustion------------------ 248 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated----------------------- 770,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Argyle--------------------------------- 735 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *La Fayette Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 48–519 *Bangor Municipal Electric & Water Department Bangor, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harold S. Johnson-------------------------- Supt. Municipal Water & Light Board: Richard Berg, § Kapanke, Dr. A. Steiner, P. Wegner, H. €ſlrS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $111,056 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $23,803 Number of Electric Customers------------- 537 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 487, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Bangor--------------------------------------- 847 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–522 *Barron Light and Water Commission Barron, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edwin Soderberg---------------------------- Supt. L. C. Nicklow------------------------------ Clerk Light & Water Commission: B. J. Becker, M. L. Claflin, Chas. Post (preS.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $337,650 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $69, 195 Number of Electric Customers----------- 728 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------- 1, 511 Hydro---------------------------------- 160 Internal combustion-------------------- 1, 351 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 3,390, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Barron------------------------------------- 2,059 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Barron County Electric Cooperative. Also Renders: Water Service. 48—525 *Belmont Light, Power, and Water Plant Belmont Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: . H. We DD--------------------------------- Supt Light Commission: Leo Bosch (chairman), Gordon Ingersoll, Wilbur Speth. 876 FEDERAL POWER COMIMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $25,879 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $9,163 Number of Electric Customers------------- 181 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 230, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Belmont-------------------------------- 476 Also Renders: Water service. 48–528 Electric and Water Public Utility Benton Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. L. Perkins *Benton Electric Committee: L. E. Driscoll, Lee Powers, A. J. Sides (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $18,353 $10,972 Number of Electric Customers------------- 285 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 204, 780 Community Seryed at Retail: Population Benton----------------------------------- 835 Also Renders: Water Service, 48–531 *Black Earth Municipal Electric Utility - Black Earth, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: |Bert Kahl Secy. Electric Commission: Herman Hacker, R. O. Hasel- tine, Louis Schulenburg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $42,568 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $15,648 Number of Electric Customers------------- 347 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 413, 120 Community Served at Retail: Population Black Earth---------------------------------- 531 48–534 *Black River Falls Electric Utility Black River Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry Boyer-------------------------------- Mgr. Utility Commission: August Johnson, Enock Lock- en, E. E. Ringrose (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues------------- $368, 643 $63,743 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 133 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) - - - - - - - - - - - - 640 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 3, 283,830 Generated------------------------------ 2, 362,000 Purchased------------------------------ 921,830 Community Served at Retail: Population Black River Falls--------------------------- 2, 539 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–537 *Bloomer Electric and Water Co. Bloomer, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chas. Reetz------------------------------- Mayor F. C. Dutton-------------------------------- gr Wesley Knowlton--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $38, 134 Number of Electric Customers----------- 708 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 767,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Bloomer------------------------------------ 2, 204 48–540 *Boscobel Electric Light and Water Utility Boscobel Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. X. Kendall------------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $67, 631 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $38,924 Number of Electric Customers----------- 776 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 210, 920 Community Served at Retail: Population Boscobel-------------------------------- 2,008 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–543 *Brodhead Water and Lighting Commission Brodhead, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: K. Guelson---------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $161, 898 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $37,897 Number of Electric Customers----------- 750 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 262 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1,417, 374 Generated.-------- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* -- mº 898, 654 Purchased------------------------------ 518, 720 Community Served at Retail: Population Brodhead---------------------------------- 1, 750 Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 877 48–546 *Cadott Light and Water Department Cadott, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. J. Freagon-------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - Supt. Robert Couey------------------------------- Secy. Governing Body: M. M. Dvorak, Raymond Gabert. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant. -- - - - - --------------- $21,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $11,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 217 - Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 253, 458 Community Served at Retail: Population adott--------------------------------------- 676 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–549 *Cashton Light & Water Plant Cashton, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Jake Siet?----------------------------------- Mayor Hans KalleStad - - Supt. C. L. Bronson------------------------------- Secya The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $130, 337 Electric Operating Revenues $18,675 Number of Electric Cust S. 296 Rilowatts Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion 276 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 516, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Cashton-------------------------------------- 706 Also Renders: Water service. 48–552 *Cassville Electric Light & Water Department Cassville, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. L. Bandekow Electric Light and Water Committee: Willis Gulick Karl Kleinpell, D. W. Stevens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues Number of Electric Cust § 304 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 340, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Cassville---------------- 956 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–555 *Cedarburg Light & Water Commission Cedarburg, Wis. Water & Light Commission: Geo. Armbruster, C. R. Bradburn (secy.), A. W. Ruck, John Sieben (preS.), Theo. F. Wittenberg. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $324, 446 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $71,080 Number of Electric Customers 940 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 1, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2,502, 700 Community Served at Retail: Population Cedarburg---------------------------------- 2, 245 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–558 *Clintonville Water and Electric Plant 65 E. 12th St., Clintonville, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Martin Lyon Supt. Commissioners: Clarence Barker, Charles P. Beschta (vice pres.), Paul Dekarske (pres.), A. F. Peotter, S. J. Tilleson (Secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $166,923 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $87,904 Number of Electric Customers.----------- 1, 532 Rilowatt hours Energy Purch ..I ---- 4, 330, 550 Community Served at Retail: Population Clintonville- 4, 134 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–561 *Colby Electric Light & Water Plant Colby, Wis. City Council: Chas. Allman, Vernon Loos, Steve Marsh, Robt. Strathman, O. W. Sturner, C. R. Whitney (mayor), C. J. Wiedenhoeft. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $38,213 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $15,474 Number of Electric Customers------------- 203 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 467,343 Community Served at Retail: Population Colby- -- 903 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–564 *Columbus Water & Light Department Columbus, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. ROOb 878 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $237, 423 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $88, 315 Community Served at Retail: Population Columbus------------------------------- 2,760 48–567 *Commonwealth Water & Light Commission Commonwealth Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Dave Cleary--------------------------------- Pres. Governing Body: Sigfred Asplund, Dave Cleary, Victor Coleman, L. A. Walz, Emil Wicklund. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $12,471 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $2,090 Number of Electric Customers------------ 86 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 36, 330 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–570 *Cornell Lighting Department Cornell, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Art Patten----------------------------- Chairman R. W. Howard------------------------------ Clerk Lawrence Pace Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,522 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,780 Number of Electric Customers------------ 475 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---- 515, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Cornell------------------------------------- 1, 759. Also Renders: Water Service. 48–573 *Cuba City Light and Water Plant Cuba City, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Francis Phillips----------------------------- Secy. Light & Water Committee: Raine George, Andrew Harry, John Lacke, Carl Wilberding. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $33,682 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,359 Number of Electric Customers------------- 397 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 586, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Cuba City---------------------------------- 1, 259 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–576 *Cumberland Municipal Utility Cumberland. Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: K. D. Cavanaugh---------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------. - $148,447 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $29,992 Number of Electric Customers----------- 505 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 600 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------...- 1, 195, 983 Community Served at Retail: Population Cumberland-------------------------------- 1, 539 Also Renders: Water service. 48–579 *Deerfield Electric, Light and Water Department Deerfield, Wis. Community Served at Retail: Population Peerfield------------------------------------- 61? 48–582 *Eagle River Light & Water Commission Eagle River, Wis. Light and Water Commission: F. A." Hall, Henry Herold, O. A. Priebe (secy.), B. F. Strong (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $67,764 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $36,305 Number of Electric Customers----------- 544 Rilowatt-hours . Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 146, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Eagle River-------------------------------- 1,491 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–585 *Elkhorn Light & Water Commission Elkhorn, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: N. B. Thayer Supt. Light and Water Commission: Henry J. Brandt, Ed. House, J. E. Meyer, A. G. Oleson, W. L. Seymour. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $193, 750 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $77, 572 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 132 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 3,846, 240 Population 2, 382 Community Served at Retail: Elkhorn------------------------------------ Also Renders: Water Service. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 879 48–588 *Elroy Municipal Light Plant Elroy Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. W. Neuman---------------------------- Mayor Wm. Rebman.----------------------------- Treas. E. E. Brintnell------------------------ City Clerk City Council: A. E. Baumgarten, F. L. Burnard, Robert Hill, Vernon Johnson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $122,460 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $32,472 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - 509 Horse-Power 660 Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion------------------- Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 167,787 Community Served at Retail: Population Elroy----------------------------------- 1,850 Also Renders: Water service. 48–591 *Evansville Water and Light Department Evansville, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edwin S. Carey---------------------------- Supt. Dorothy Richmond------------------- City Treas. Water & Light Commission: R. L. Collins (vice pres.), Lloyd Heffel, W. G. Patterson (pres.), Wm. C. Schneider (secy.), P. G. Slauson. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $144, 120 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $58,443 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 320 Rilovolt-ampere3 Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 225 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 300, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Evansville---------------------------------- 2, 321 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–593 *Farm Security Administration Greendale Project Greendale, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: W. E. Kroening------------ The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $234,000 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $40,500 Number of Electric Customers----------- 585 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,977,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Greendale a 2, 527 a Service is rendered only to customers living in houses leased from the Farm Security Administra- tion. Also Renders: Water service. 48–594 *Fennimore Water and Light Plant Fennimore, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Bertha Pope-------------------------- City Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $46, 507 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $30,854 Number of Electric Customers------------ 602 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 1,045, 900 Community at Retail: . . . Populàſign Fennimore---------------------------------- 1,592 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–597 *Florence Water & Light Commission Florence, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: James B. Euers----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------ - --------- $41, 166 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14,695 Number of Electric Customers------------ 334 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 497, 100 Community Served at Retail: Population Florence------------------------------------ 1, 341 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Commonwealth Light Commission. 48–600 *Footville Water & Electric Commission Footville, Wis. Water & Electric Commission: O. E. Bergholz (secy.-treas.), Herman Bush, Chas. Curry, C. F. Fenrick (pres.), EHerman Selck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $14,956 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $9,225 Number of Electric Customers------------- 164 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 243,647 Community Served at Retail: Population Footville------------------------------------- 4 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–603 *Gresham Water, Power and Electric Plant Gresham, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Rembert A. Ebert------------------- Mgr. & Secy. Mike Fischer-------------------------- Electrician 880 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Village Board: Jim Fischer, L. S. Hoffman, A. J. Stoehr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--. -------------------- $93,504 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,101 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 259 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 175 Filowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 398,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Gresham------------------------------- -- * - - - - - 295 48–606 *Hartford Utilities Department Hartford. Wis. Pºpº Electric Utility Officials: Younker------------------------------ Supt. Martin Hauser.---------------- Chief Plant Engr. Rollin Abbott. ------------------------ City Clerk F. C. Wienefeld----------------------- City Treas. Common Council: Fred Black, E. T. Connelly, Reno Gehrke, N. G. Gergen, Ed. Hetzel, Floyd Hughes, C. F. Lohr (mayor), Ben Thorn, Adolph Vogelsang. - The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $425,899 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $108,049 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2, 649 - Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,875 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated ---- 3, 963, 097 Community Served at Retail: Population Hartford----------------------------------- 3,910 Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. 48–609 *Hazel Green Municipal Utility Hazel Green, Wis. Community Served at Retail: Hazel Green Population 582 48–610 *Hustisford Electric Utility Hustisford, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. A. Krueger------------------------------ Pres, Erven P. Dornfeld---------- Village Clerk & Secy. Wm. E. Brose------------------------------ Supt. Village Board: Oscar Bartsch, Irving F. DeWitz, Joe Gillich, W. A. Krueger, Roland R. Radlofff, Carl Thiel, Oscar W. Vossf. fMember of Utility Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $105, 896 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,002 Number of Electric Customers------------ 374 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)-------------- 180 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 585, 140 Generated------------------------------- 468,200 Purchased.------------------------------- 116, 940 Community Served at Retail: Population Hustisford------------------------------------ 564 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power & Light Co. 48–612 *Jefferson Water and Light Department 302 Racine St., Jefferson, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: N. J. Fischer - ---Supt. Water and Light Commission: Edw. Copeland (preS.), Robert K. Henry, L. J. Mistele, C. J. Seifert (Secy.), Fred Sommerer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------...----------- - $152, 339 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $70,816 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1, 191 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased -- - - 3, 735,044 Community Served at Retail: Population Jefferson------------------------------------ 3,059 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–615 *Juneau Commission on Public Works Juneau, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: F. F. Lindeman----------------------------- Pres. Harry Nelson.-------------------------------- Secy. Fred Kadinger------------------------------ Supt. Commission on Public Works: Wm. Grabow, F. A. Lindeman, Harry Nelson, J. O. Soberg, Arthur WerSonske. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $71, 504 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $29, 212 Number of Electric Customers------------ 455 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 961,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Juneau------------------------------------- 1,301 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–618 *City of Kaukauna Electrical & Water Depts. Kaukauna, Wis. Principal Electric Utility official: H. F. Weckwerth--------------------------- Mgr. Directors: Eathan Brewster, Wm. J. Gantter (chair- man), Edmond G. Haas, Chris Kindler, Jule Mertes, L. F. Nelson, Henry W. Olm (secy.). DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 88 | The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,097,222 Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $442, 316 Number of Electric Customers---------- 3,602 Rilowatt Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 9,800 Energy Available in Year: Pºilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 53,732, 970 Generated.----------------------------- 51, 259, 970 Purchased.----------------------------- 2, 473,000 Communities Served at Retail: Population Combined Locks--------------------------- 625 Raukauna---------------------------------- 7, 382 Little Chute-------------------------------- 3, 360 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Michigan Power Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 48–621 *Kewaunee Municipal Water and Light Plant Kewaunee, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: John Crneyla Supt. Water & Light Commission: Charles Cherney, John B. Kieweg (pres.), Frank Nepil (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $172, 520 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $41, 533 Number of Electric Cust s 855 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion 396 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hourg Total------------------------------- 1,413, 586 Generated------------------------------ 1,306, 583 Purchased.------------------------------ 17,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Kewaunee---------------------------------- 2, 533 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–624 *Kiel Water and Light Utility Kiel, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ray Klauck DU. Walter Voland------------------------ ASSt. Supt. Electric & Water Committee: Chas. Allinger, Elmer Berth, Hubert Bieck. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-...--------------------- $97, 876 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $37, 196 Number of Electric Customers------------ 851 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,454, 470 Community Served at Retail: Population Fiel---------------------------------------- 1,898 322184—42—61 48–627 *Lake Mills Light and Water Department Lake Mills, Jefferson County, Wis, Principal Electric Utility Official: B. C. Engsberg------------------------------ Supi, Light and Water Officials: J. B. Davis (secy.), E. C. Dodge (pres.), C. S. Heimstreet. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------...-------- $286, 74.) Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $51,733. Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 17 tº Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 1, 115. Rilowatt-hour 3 Energy Generated - 2,646, 583 Community Served at Retail: Population Lake Mills---------------------------------- 2, 2: ) Also Renders: Water Service. 48–630 *Lodi Light and Water Plant Lodi, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. G. Drew--------------------------------- Pres Robert Godfrey----------------------------- Secy W. Palmer------------------------------- Supt." Commissioners: EI. G. Drew, Geo. Gluth, Robert, Godfrey, Joe Krainik, T. R. Maney, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $62, 1:5 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $25, 20.) Number of Electric Customers------------- 53.5 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased - - - - 848, 400 Community Served at Retail: Population Lodi---------------------------------------- 1, 1:5 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Power and Light Co. Also Renders: Water Service. 48–633 *Manitowoc Public Utilities Commission 817 Franklin St., Manitowoc, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Peter Eastman-------------------------- Pres, E. K. Fanta--------------------------- Vice Pres, H. A. Kono--------------------------------- €CV. W. C. Staeffler------------------------ ASSt. Secy. Directors: O. L. Anderson, J. Peter Eastman, E. K. Fanta, Jas. F. Kahlenberg, H. A. Kono. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------...---------- $1,951, 17 i Electric Operating Revenues------------ $392, 67 | Number of Electric Customers---------- 7,863 Rilowat?3 Generating Capacity (Steam) ----------- 10,0ſ.) 882 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours £nergy Generated----------------------- 25,059,000 Population 24, 404 Community Served at Retail: Manitowoc * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Also Renders: Water Service. 48–636 *Marshfield Electric & Water Department City Hall, Marshfield, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Ed. Kipp----------------------------------- Supt. Directors: Wayne E. Deming (pres.), Ray Finucane, F. W. Fornefelt, J. S. McDonald, W. L. Parkin. The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant----------. * * * * * * * * * * $1,087, 849 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $225,811 Number of Electric Customers---------- - 3, 380 Púlowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 4, 750 FKilowatt-hours Énergy Generated 8, 423, 220 Community Served at Retail: Population Marshfield-------------------------------- 10, 359 Also renders: Water Service. 48–639 *Mazomanie Light & Water Department Mazomanie, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Roy Penu---------------------------------- Mgr. H_ight and Water Committee: Roy Denu, Joe Gillett, Chas. Jones. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $28,905 Electric Operating Revenues $10,545 Number of Electric Cust sº 668 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purch d-------------------------- 303, 0.40 Community Served at Retail: Population Mazomanie * * * *- -- 851 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–642 *Menasha Electric and Water Utilities Menasha, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. E. Thickens------------------------------- Pres T. D. Spalding------------------------- Vice PreS J. S. Sensenbrenner--------------------- Vice Pres P. J. Hill------------------------------------ Sec John Jedwabny------------------------ Asst. Secy WDirectors: E. J. Hill, A. M. Meier, J. S. Sensen- brenner, T. D. Spalding, R. E. Thickens. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $745,675 Blectric Operating Revenues------------- $208,363 PNumber of Electric Customers----------- 3,480 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 2, 525 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 11, 269,300 Generated.----------------------------- 8, 228,000 Purchased----------------------------- , 041, 300 Community Served at Retaii: Population Menasha----------------------------------- 10,481 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–643 *Menominee Indian Mills Neopit, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. E. Hol The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity: Rºilowatts Total------------------------------- 908 Steam---------------------------------- 800 Hydro---------------------------------- 108 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 2,000,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Neopit *------------------------------------ 1, 100 Also Renders: Ice, steam and water service. a Majority of customers are employees of the agency. 48–645 *Willage of Merrillan Municipal Light & Water Department Merrillan, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. A. Nolop Utility Committee: John Anger (chairman), Harry Dahlstrom, O. F. Peterson. The following data are for the year 1940: Generating Capacity:---------------- Kilowatts Otal----------- - * * * * * * * *- := * * * * * * * * * * * * 132 Hydro------------------------------------ 60 Internal Combustion--------------------- 72 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 170,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Merrillan------------------------------------- 591 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–651 *Milwaukee Bureau of Electric Service, Department of Public Works City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Howard F. Ilgner------------ Supt. & Chief Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues- l----------- $9,175 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1. Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 600 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 883 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated - 2,043,040 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Wisconsin Electric Power Co. 48–654 *Monticello Electric Department Monticello, Wis. IPrincipal Electric Utility Official: H. A. Walters------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $16,041 Number of Electric Customers------------- 285 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 533, 480 Community Served at Retail: Population Monticello -- 716 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–656 *Mount Horeb Electric Utility Mount Horeb, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy Beat - a- - - PreS. Joe Buechner-----------------'--------------- Secy. |Frank W. Gates - Governing Body: Roy Beat, J. B. Buechner, Frank M. Gates, Peter Heuser, L. Kittleson, Russell artin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $68,244 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $44, 456 Number of Electric Customers------------ 699 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,094,672 ‘Community Served at Retail: Population Mount Horeb.------------------------------ 1, 610 48–657 *Muscoda Light & Power Plant Muscoda, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chris J. Schneider--------------------------- PreS O. J. Gies?---------------------------------- Secy. John Linchied------------------------------ Supt. Commissioners: E. V. Gabler, A. L. Linchied, L. G. Muller. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $16,972 Number of Electric Customers------------- 348 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total--------------------------------- 232 Hydro------------------------------------ 135 Internal Combustion--------------------- 97 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 435, 270 Community Served at Retail: Population Muscoda------------------------------------- 902 48–660 *New Glarus Light and Water Works New Glarus, Wis. Population 1,068 Community Served at Retail: New Glarus-------------------------------- 48–663 *New Holstein Public Utility Commission New Holstein, Wis. Public Utility Commission: N. H. Schueler------------------------- Chairman B. F. Arps---------------------------------- TeS H. C. Hansen------------------------------- Secy. N. S. Boºge--------------------------Active Secy. C. F. Schmidt-------------- -* * * - - - - - *-* * * * - - - - - Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.--------------------- $163,910 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $49,893 Number of Electric Customers----------- 753 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,921, 520 Community Served at Retail: Population New Holstein------------------------------ 1, 502 Also Renders: Water service. 48–666 *New Lisbon Electric Light and Water Plant 28 Bridge St., New Lisbon, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: C. E. Robison----------------------------- Mayor Julius Grulke------------------------- Plant Supt. Electric Light Committee: Julius Grulke, Fred Haase, Lois Nelson, M. H. Peterson (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $107,608 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34,439 Number of Electric Customers------------ 326 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion-------------------- 390 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,423,000 Community Served at Retail: Population New Lisbon-------------------------------- 1,215 Utility Served at Wholesale: Plj BLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Oakdale Cooperative Electrical Assn. Also Renders: Water Service. 48–669 *New London Electric Utility New London, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - L. M. Wright------------------------- City Treas. H. R. Thomas------------------------------ Supt. Board of Public Works: Frank Meating, Otto Stern, Theo Thomas. 884 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $226, 934 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $101,074 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,605 Generating Capacity: Filowatts Internal Combustion 300 Energy Available in Year: Pólowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 5, 386, 386 Generated------------------------------ 10, 400 Purchased.------------------------------ 5,375,986 Community Served at Retail: Population New London - - - - - - * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - 4, 825 Also Renders: Water service. 48–672 *New Richmond Electric Utility New Richmond, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Melvin Halvors.On --Supt. Utility Commission: J. H. Cullen, J. Heywood, C. F. Johnson, C. A. Pierson, H. S. Temple. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $77,420 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $46,742 Number of Electric Customers----------- 774 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased 1, 960, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population New Richmond---- 2, 388 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–675 *Oconomowoc Lighting Department 174 E. Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: John W. BolSon Supt. Directors: Fred C. Behrend (city clerk), John W. Bolson (Supt.), H. E. Buffmire (city treas.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues $270,423 $119, 200 * * * * - - - - - - - - Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,995 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5,307, 112 Community Served at Retail: Population Oconomowoc------------------------------- 4, 562 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–678 *Oconto Falls Water and Light Commission Oconto Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: B. Johnson--------------------------------- Supt. E. Morrissey----------------- - - - - - - - - - - ASSt. Supt. C. Coopman-------------------------------- Clerk Commission: J. Dobbertin, Y. Matravers, W. Mun- Sert, E. Redman, J. Rumph, Sr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $69, 153 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $24,625 Number of Electric Customers------------- 556 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 704,400 Community Served at Retail: Population Oconto Falls-------------------------------- 1, 888 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–681 *Oliver Municipal Electric Light Plant Superior, Wis. Electric Utility Board: George Cacich (chairman), Andrew Rep (secy.), George Vuckovich. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $5,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $2,033 Number of Electric Customers------------- 50 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 106,464 48–687 *Plymouth Electric & Water Utilities Plymouth, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: T. M. McGuire------------------------------ Mgr. Directors: R. G. Aderhold, R. A. Bade, A. R. Gehl- hoff, J. A. Laack, B. R. Mooney. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $546, 578 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $174, 165 Number of Electric Cust *: 2, 324 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 350 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 7, 194, 460 Community Served at Retail: Population Plymouth---------------------------------- 4, 170 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–69ſ) *Prairie du Sac Municipal Electric Department Prairie du Sac, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Wm. F. Johnson---------------------------- Village Board: J. P. Doll, F. S. Esser, J. C. Frosch, Wm. Jenewein, Emil Morter, R. J. Schwartz, W. A. Schreiber. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant Electric Operating Revenues $48,037 $21,971 457 Number of Electric Customers-------------- DIRECTORY 885 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 831, 300 Community Served at Retail: Population Prairie du Sac------------------------------- 1, 001 Also Renders: Water service. 48–693 *Princeton Electric Light Plant Princeton, Wis. Population 1, 247 Community Served at Retail: Princeton 48–696 *Readstown Municipal Electric Light Plant Readstown, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. Williard Hall----------------------------- Mayor Earl G. Lowrey----------------------------- Supt. Electric Utility Commission: Carl B. Larson------------------------------ DreS. H. R. Hays------------------------------ Vice Pres. Mabel Danielson---------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Rev $5,509 Number of Electric Cust * 155 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total 156 Hydro----------- 75 Internal Combustion.-------------------- a 81 a At 90% power factor. Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated * - E. E. 133,340 Community Served at Retail: Population Readstown ---------------------------------- 584 48–699 *Reedsburg Utility Commission Reedsburg, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. W. Williams------------------------------ PreS. Wm. H. Dierken---------------------------- Secy L. E. Spreet?-------------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $128, 290 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $68,804 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2,830,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Reedsburg---------------------------------- 3, 608 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–702 *Rice Lake Light Department Rice Lake, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. S. Houts--------------------------------- Supt. J. H. Wallis-------------------------------- Mayor T. G. Hoff----------------------------- City Clerk City Council Light Committee: J. H. Bjoin, R. E. Finsterwalder, F. E. McGough. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $187, 305 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $97, 837 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 783 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 3,916, 000 Community Served at Retail: Population Rice Lake------------ 5, 719 48–705 *Richland Center Municipal Utilities Richland Center, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: D. Black------------------------------- Mayor R. H. Strang-------------------------------- Supt. Comm. on City Prop.: Chas. Beeman, Venor Peck- ham, L. Shireman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $459, 679 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $124, 333 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,680 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,375 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 5,376, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Richland Center--------------------------- 4, 364 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: & *Richland County Cooperative Electric ASSO- ciation. 48–708 *River Falls Municipal Light and Water River Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. T. HageStad---------------------------- Mayor F. V. Williams------------------------ City Clerk Julia Healy----------- Treas. J. W. Patterson----------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $226,449 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $56,726 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 113 Generating Capacity: FIorse-Power otal------------------------------- 1, 100 TO---------------------------------- 300 Internal Combustion - 800 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 2, 129, 220 Community Served at Retail: Population River Falls--------------------------------- 2,806 Also Renders: Water service. 48–711 *Sauk City Light and Water Department Sauk City, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. R. Kahn 886 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Electric Committee: W. Coenen, George Marzolf, G. Meyer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $69, 494 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $28,020 Number of Electric Customers------------- 491 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------- - - - 1, 008, 900 Community Served at Retail: Population Sauk City---------------------------------- 1, 325 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–717 *Shawano Water & Electric Department Shawano, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Plaine Page--------------------------------- Supt. W. A. Grab--------------------------------- Secy. Commission: Frank T)engel, Ed. Twen, Bert Mayerl, Dr. E. L. Schroeder, H. E. Schuster. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant...------------------- $251, 923 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $93,687 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,886 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ 4, 368, 353 Community Served at Retail: Population Shawano------------------------------------ 5, 565 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–720 *Sheboygan Falls, Board of Public Utility Commissioners 109 Maple St., Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: A. W. Langner----------------------. ------ Supt. Board of Public Utility Commissioners: Wm. Luth (secy.), Herbert Roska, John Wiemann (pres.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $174,320 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $67,037 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 266 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 631, 200 Community Served at Retail: Population Sheboygan Falls---------------------------- 3, 395 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–721 *Shullsburg Electric Utility Shullsburg, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: R. J. Edwards------------------------------ Supt. Utility Commission: V. R. Mortell-------------------------- Chairman C. M. Billings-------------------- Vice Chairman W. R. Jamieson----------------------------- Secy. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,909 Number of Electric Customers------------- 453 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased-------------------------- 452, 500. Community Served at Retail: Population Shullsburg---------------------------------- 1, 197 48–723 *Willage of Slinger Municipal Light & Water Department - Slinger, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: JOS. A. Gundrum ------------------------ - - - - Pres. Richard W. Rosche .---------------------- . . Clerk Otto C. Bartelt----------------------------- Supt. Willage Board: Otto C. Bartelt, Joseph Gundrum, Richard W. ROSche. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $25, 173 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $18,163 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 260 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- - 668, 160. Community Served at Retail: Population Slinger---------------------------------------- 775 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–726 *Spooner Board of Public Works Spooner, Wis. Public Works Committee: C. H. Edwards, J. J. Murphy, Geo. L. Petry (chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $94,518. Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $46,436 Number of Electric Customers----------- 798 Púlowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ------------ 110 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 1, 824, 860. Generated.------------------------------ 230,060 Purchased------------------------------ 1, 594,800 Community Served at Retail: Population Spooner------------------------------------ 2,639 48–729 *Stoughton Municipal Electric Light System Stoughton, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. A. Dahle ---------------------------- Supt. Board of Public Works: * G. C. Siggelko ---------------- (Mayor) Chairman Melvin S. LuraaS---------------------- City Clerk P. E. Henderson------------------- City Attorney Edgar U. Norman---------------------- Alderman Alvin Gjertson -------------------------Alderman DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 887 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $388, 100 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110, 327 Number of Electric Customers. ----------- 1,740 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------------ 770 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------- 4, 650, 015 Generated.------------------------------ 1, 736, 415 Purchased------------------------------ 2, 913, 600 Community Served at Retail: Population Stoughton---------------------------------- 4, 743 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: East Dunkirk Electric Co. East Rutland Electric Co. Hanerville Transmission Line KegonSa Electric Line Co. Pleasant Springs Light & Power Co. POrter Electric Line Co. West Dunkirk Electric Co. Wisconsin Power and Light Co. 48–732 *Stratford Water and Light Department Stratford, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank J. Curtin----------------------- John A. Burkart Water & Light Commission: Geo. Davel, Geo. Kann, W. S. Van Ryzin. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $36,336 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $16, 581 Number of Electric Customers------------ 243 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 533,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Stratford-------------------------------------- 879 Also Renders: Water service. 48–735 *Sturgeon Bay Utilities City Hall Annex Bldg., Cedar St., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Jess B. Johnson----------------------------- Supt. Utility Commission: C. P. Bassett, C. H. Herlache (Secy.), P. R. Johnson (pres.), D. W. Reynolds, J. C. Weiterman. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $265, 328 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $116, 895 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,751 f Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 5, 109, 590 Community Served at Retail: Population Sturgeon Bay------------------------------ 5,439 Also Renders: Steam heating and water Service. 48–738 *Sun Prairie Electric and Water Utility Sun Prairie, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. J. Klubertanz. ---------------------- Chairman Paul Robinson------------------------------ Secy. Electric and Water Commission: Zed Edison & J ..) Klubertanz (chairman), Paul Robinson SeCy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------. $72,195 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,281 Number of Electric Customers------------ 598 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,602, 80%) Community Served at Retail: Population Sun Prairie--------------------------------- 1,625 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–741 *Trempealeau Municipal Light Company Trempealeau, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: * - A. O. Bigelow------------------------- Electriciaiu Village Board: A. O. Bigelow, F. C. Coyle, A. R. Eichman, Frank Grover (mayor), F. M. Malles, Ray Stellpflug, Wm. Stephans. The following data are for the year 1940. Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,638 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ . . . $6,913 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 19'ſ Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 155, 523 Community Served at Retail: Population Trempealeau-----------------------------~~~~ 52'ſ Also Renders: Water Service. 48–744 *Two Rivers Water & Light Dept. 1415 Lake St., Two Rivers, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry W. Knight Advisory Commission: R. C. Bleser, W. G. Dick- son, Wm. R. Kahlenberg. - Council Committee: Thomas Elliott, Julius EverSon, John Koch. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- - $387, 786 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $140, 312 Number of Electric Customers----------- 3, 207 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 12:5 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours *...* - - * = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - - - - - * * - 6,012, 240 Generated.------------------------------ 6,640 Purchased.------------------------------ 6,005, 600 888 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Community Served at Retail: Population TWO Rivers------------------------------- 10, 302 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–747 *Waterloo Water and Light Commission Waterloo, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Matt Wasserman---------------------------- Supt Water & Light Commission: Albert Gorder (preS.), Chester Palmer (secy.), Jerome Zibell. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------- ---- $150, 546 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $50,012 JNumber of Electric Customers------------ 643 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 281 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Tota -------------------------------- 2, 103,262 Generated------------------------------ 148, 222 Purchased.------------------------------ 1,955, 040 Community Served at Retail: Population Waterloo------------------------------------ 1,474 Also Renders: Steam and water Service. 48–750 - *Waunakee Municipal Water and Light Commission Waunakee, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Chas. J. Schmidt --Pres. John E. Klingelhofer Secy. Roy W. Cameron------------------ Commissioner Henry Adler----------------------- Village Treas. E. F. Blackburn---- --Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $37,496 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $20,028 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 579, 800 Community Served at Retail: Population Waunakee - 773 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–752 *Waupaca Municipal Electric Plant Waupaca, Wis. 48–753 *City of Waupun Water & Light - Dept. Waupun, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: James E. Towne---------------------------- Supt. Commissioners: C. E. Alderman (preS.), L. Neal Jarson, C. W. Storebeck (secy.). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $194, 661 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $105,961 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,906 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)-------------- 175 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 4,803,600 Community Served at Retail: Population Waupun------------------------------------ 6, 798 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–759 *Westby Electric and Water Utility Westby, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: H. L. Neprud------------------------------- Supt Utility Commission: M. C. Bergum, Earl Jefson, H. O. Stevlingson, L. H. Tomtengen, C. O Veldey. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $54,919 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $23,507 Number of Electric Customers------------ 484 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 785, 440 Community Served at Retail: Population Westby------------------------------------ 1,438 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–760 *Whitehall Electric Utility Whitehall, Wis. d--------------------- Clerk & Cashier D. A. Bensend----------------------- Plant Supt. Board of Commissioners: L. O. Brennom (Secy.), M. A. Engen, P. M. Paulson (Chairman). The following data are for the period from Sept. 19 to Dec. 31, 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $40,000 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $6,778 Number of Electric Customers------------- 440 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 205, 440 Communities Served at Retail: Population Whitehall-------------------------------- 1,035 ..! Also Renders: Water Service. 48–762 *Wisconsin Dells Water and Light Commission Wisconsin Dells. Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: Chris. C. Lee------------------------------- Supt. Water & Light Commission: Thos. Crist, Thos. Howley, K. K. Johnson, John Kyemer, Harry PeterSon. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 889 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $166, 729 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $60,391 Number of Electric Customers----------- 977 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 2, 323, 200 Population 1, 762 Community Served at Retail: Wisconsin Dells - - - - - * Also Renders: Water Service. 48–765 *City of Wisconsin Rapids Water Works and Lighting Commis- sion Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: F. L. Steib Electric Commission: Alex Bandelin, W. E. Beadle, George Damitz, R. L. Kerrins, W. T. Nobles (Chairman). The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $498,936 $221,722 Number of Electric Customers------------ 4, 172 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.---------------------- 10,653, 550 Community Served at Retail: Population Wisconsin Rapids----------------------- 11, 416 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–768 *Wonewoc Municipal Water and Light Department . Wonewoc, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Wm. Degner------------------------- Village Pres. Fred E. Fillu ---Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Telectric Operating Revenues --------------- $11,980 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 305 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 354, 100 ‘Community Served at Retail: Population WomeWoc------------------------------------- 793 Also Renders: Water Service. 48–771 *Woodman Electric Co. Woodman, Wis. Principal Officers: N. L. Collard------------------------------- PreS. Veronica B. Kelley------------------- Secy.-Clerk The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $3,500 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 38 Rillowat-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 29,064 48–805 *Adams-Marquette Electric Cooperative Friendship, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. M. Johnson------------------------------- PreS. James C. Joyce----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $282,921 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $23,653 Number of Electric Customers----------- 655 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 182,909 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–812 *Barron County Electric Cooperative Barron, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: John E. Olson------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $508, 370 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $46,114 Number of Electric Customers ---------- 1,239 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 729, 200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–816 *Buffalo Electric Cooperative Alma, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Martin Hagen.------------------------------- PreS" William Kilmer---------------!-------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $483, 113 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $54,081 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 168 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 956, 160 Communities Served at Retail: Population Buffalo City---------------------------- 293 Gilmanton.----------------------------- 275 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–823 *Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative Cornell, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. E. Grape--------------------------------- PreS. R. L. Cleaves------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $328,822 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $34,597 Number of Electric Cust sº - 705 890 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 504, 540 a For year ended June 30, 1940. Community Served at Retail: Population Holcombe------------------------------------ 300 48–825 *Clark Electric Cooperative Greenwood, Wis. Principal Hºuliº Officials: Vern G. Howard---------------------------- TreS W. A. Dollman----------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------- - - - - * * * * $735, 596 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $81,497 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,660 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased----------------------- a 1, 257,600 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–827 *Columbus Rural Electric Coop- erative Columbus, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Lawrence Cole------------------------------ PreS. F. H. Roob---------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $383,090 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $50, 650 Number of Electric Customers------------ 972 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 910, 800 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–832 *Crawford Electric Cooperative Gays Mills, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John J. Kerrigan e C. H. HooVerson---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $273,382 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $19,334 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 488 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a For year ended June 30, 1940. a 151,880 48–838 *Dunn County Electric Coopera- tive 709 Main St., Menomonie, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. E. O The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $511, 624. Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $54,365. Number of Electric Customers ----------- 1,090' Kilow; att-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 895, 680: a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–840 *East Rutland Electric Coopera- tive Stoughton, Wis. 48–841 *Eau Claire Electric Cooperative Eau Claire, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ben H. Raether----------------------------- PreS. Gerald A. Thalacker------------------------ Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $342,081 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $24, 153. Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 632' Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 391, 100. a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–853 *Farmers Light and Power Com- pany Cumberland, Wis. 48–859 *Grant Electric Cooperative Lancaster, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Official: C. J. Jerrett--------------------------------- PreS: The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $570, 844. Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $60,973 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 286. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 857, 400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–867 *Head of the Lakes Cooperative Electric Association Superior, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: º G. Gross--------------------------------- PreS. Glen Hammerbeck-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $154, 403 Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $24,056 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 428 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 405, 128 a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–WISCONSIN 891. 48–886 *Jackson Electric Cooperative Black River Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Roy H. Kunzelman ------------------------. PreS. M. J. Smith--------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $279, 384 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $27,987 Number of Electric Customers------------ 581 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 385,900 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–890 *Jump River Electric Cooperative, Inc. Jump River, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ward Herrick. ------------------------------ Pres. Peter F. Howarth--------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $154, 611 Electric 9perating Revenues -------------- $13, 510 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 380 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------- a 66, 240 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–897 *Lafayette Electric Cooperative 435 Main St., Darlington, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: S. P. Byrne--------------------------------- Pres. Edw. J. Paska------------------------------ Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- Electric Operating Revenues ------------- Number of Electric Customers $274,233 $31, 185 641 Kilowatt-hours a 317,000 Energy Purchased.------------------------ * For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–921 *Oakdale Cooperative Electrical Association Oakdale, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. E. Rabe--------------------------------- PreS. J. Lloyd McCaskey----------------------. -- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $356,596 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $29,749 Number of Electric Customers----------- 752 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased Community Served at Retail: Babcock-------------------------------------- a475, 800 Population 250 48–922 *Oconto Electric Cooperative Oconto Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John E. Magnin----------------------------- PreS. Earl G. Redman---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $394,386. Electric Operating Revenues ------------- $42, 577 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 963. Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased------------------------ a 723, 200 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–927 *Pierce-Pepin Electric Cooperative Ellsworth Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Sidney Peterson----------------------------- Pres. A. M. Anderson.---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $443, 800 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $54, 247 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - 1, 124 - I(ilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 783,120 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–9.30 *Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative Centuria, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: W. S. Davison ------------------------------ PreS. Dorris D. McChesney---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $437, 807 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $41,916 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1,077 Iſilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a 437, 480. a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–932 *Porter Electric Line Cooperative R. F. D., Evansville, Wis. Principal Officers: J. K. Porter--------------------------------- PreS. Gilbert Odegaard---------------------- Vice Pres. H. S. Spooner------------------------ Secy.-Treas. Hans Haakenson.---------------------------- Mgr. Directors: C. S. Franklin, Hans Haakenson, Herman Hanson, A. H. Julseth, Gilbert Odegaard, C. L. Peterson, J. K. Porter, H. S. Spooner, F. W. Viney The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $18,405 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $4, 237 Number of Electric Customers------------- 75 Rilowatt-hours a For year ended June 30, 1940. Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 107,624 892 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 48–934 *Richland Cooperative Electric Association Richland Center, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Vernon A. Miller---------------------------- Pres. H. H. Stofen-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $474,004 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $56,269 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 130 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–939 *Rock County Electric Coopera- tive Association 1010 Holmes St., Janesville, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: A. Haried------------------------------- Pres. Charles H. Foster--------------------------- gT. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $414, 819 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $61,804 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 176 FCilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a1, 205, 270 * For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–947 *St. Croix County Electric Cooperative Baldwin, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Louie Draxler------------------------------- Pres. Wm. Rutzen-------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $348,800 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $33,260 Number of Electric Customers------------ 770 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a369,300 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–957 *Taylor County Electric Cooperative Medford, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Andrew E. Hetland a 999, 600 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $259,240 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $34, 353 Number of Electric Customers------------ 718 ICilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 550, 320 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–962 *Trempealeau Electric Cooperative Arcadia, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: E. R. Finner-------------------------------- PreS M. J. Lawrence----------------------------- Supt The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $672, 196 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $73,259 Number of Electric Customers.------------ 1,495 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a1, 285, 560 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–966 *Tri-State Power Cooperative Rivoli Bldg., La Crosse Wis. 48–972 *Vernon Electric Cooperative Westby, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. O. Melby-------------------------------- Pres. N. F. Leifer--------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $659, 390 Electric Operating Revenues.------------- $70, 615 Number of Electric Customers----------- 1, 541 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- a1, 148, 400 a For year ended June 30, 1940. 48–975 *Waupaca Electric Cooperative Iola, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: P. M. Johnson.------------------------------ PreS. Hugh C. Patterson.------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $250, 244 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $14, 182 Number of Electric Customers------------ 447 Eilottatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- a 125,900 a For year ended June 30, 1940. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WISCONSIN 893 48–980 *Wisconsin Power Cooperative Rural Route No. 2, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Frank H. Krampeter------------------------ PreS. B. B. Wayts-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues ------------ $84,279 Number of Electric Customers---------- 9,000 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------ 3, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated 7, 662, 200 - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - * - - - - - Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Buffalo Electric Cooperative. *Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative. *Clark Electric Cooperative. *IDunn Electric Cooperative. *Eau Claire Electric Cooperative. *Jackson Electric Cooperative. *Jump River Electric Cooperative. *Pierce-Pepin Electric Cooperative. *Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative. *St. Croix Electric Cooperative. *Taylor Electric Cooperative. *Trempealeau Electric Cooperative. wYOMING Index Reference Number *Basin Municipal Light & Water Plant- - - - - 49–517 *Big Horn Rural Electric Company--------- 49–805 Blackmon and Son-------------------------- 49–010 *Bridger Valley Electric Association, Inc - - - - 49–807 Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company- 49–013 *Chugwater, Town of - - - ------------------- 49–528 *Cody Municipal Light Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49–539 Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation, The_ _ _ 49–253 *Consumers’ Lite and Power Association.--- 49–810 *Deaver, Town of -------------------------- 49–550 Diamond Coal and Coke Company--------- 49–286 *Dixon, Town of.--------------------------- 49–561 Dubois Public Service Co------------------- 49–016 *Farm Light and Power Company - - - - - - - - - - 49–820 *Fort Laramie, Town of -------------------- 49–572 *Garland Light & Power Company - - - - - - - - - 49–830 *Gillette, City of --------------------------- 49–583 Griggs Power and Light Company---------- 49–019 * Guernsey, Town of l----------------------- 49–594 *Hartville, Town of ------------------------ 49–605 Harvey, Mr. J. W... ------------------------ 49–315 Hudson Light and Power Co---------------- 49–022 Jackson Hole Light & Power Company - - - - - 49–025 Lincoln Service Corporation.---------------- 4 *Lingle, Town of---------------------------- Little Goose Distributing Company. -------- *Ilower Valley Power & Light, Inc - - - - - - - - - - *Lusk Department of Light and Power------ Medicine Bow Electric Co- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49–034 Moorcroft Light & Power - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49–036 Mountain States Power Company - - - - - - - - - - 49–037 *National Park Service--------------...------- 49–634 North Albany Light & Power Co - - - - - - - - - - - 49–038 Parkison Electric---------------------------- 49–041 *Pine Bluffs Light, Water & Power Company 49–638 Pinedale Power & Light Co., Inc --- - - - - - - - - - 49–042 *Powell Electric Distributing Lines - - - - - - - - - 49–649 Reference Number Rawlins Electric Company 49–045 *Riverton Valley Electric Association, Inc. -- 49–865 *Rural Electric Company------------------- 49–868 Saratoga Light, Heat and Power Co - - - - - - - - - 49–051 Shannon Gas and Electric Co., The - - - - - - - - - 49.-054 Sheridan County Electric Company--------- 49–057 Shickley Electric Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49–060 Sinclair Refining Co... ---------------------- 49–383 Southern Wyoming Utilities Company.----- 49–066 *South Superior, Town of - - - --------------- 49–655 Stanolind Oil and Gas Company------------ 49–395 Star Valley Power & Light Company- - - ---- 49–069 *Sundance, City of ------------------------- 49–650 Tensleep Light and Power Company---- - - - - 49-072 *Torrington Electric Light Department- - - - - 49–660 Union Pacific Coal Company, The -- - - - - - - - - 49–418 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Kendrick Proj- ect *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, North Platte Project------------------------------------ 49–662 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Riverton Proj- °00---------------------------------------- –663 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Shoshone Proj- eCU----------------------------------------- 9–665 *Upton Municipal Light and Water--------- 49–671 Utah Power & Light Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49–078 Utilities Company, The-l------------------- 49–081 *Washakie Rural Electric Company--- - - - - - - 49–S77 Western Public Service Company, The- - - - - 49–087 Western States Utilities Company - - - - - - - - - - 49–090 *Wheatland Light and Water Department - - 49–682 WYOMING 49–010 Blackmon and Son Box 5, Daniel, Wyo. 49–013 Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company 1704 Capitol Ave., Cheyenne, Wyo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: Guy W. Faller------------------------------ PreS. R. E. Burger--------------------------- Vice PreS. H. Hugh Lenhart----------------------- Vice Pres. J. E. Loiseau-------------------------------- Secy. R. E. Phillips------------------------------ Treas C. B. Wedum------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Wilfrid O’Leary------------ - - - - - - - - - - - Asst. Secy. W. D. Virtue-------------------------- ASSt. Secy. D. G. Guiney------------------------- Asst. Secy. -C. G. Henderson-------------------- ASSt. Treas. *Wheatland Rural Electric Association. - - - - - 49–880 Wyodak Coal and Manufacturing Co - - - - - - - 49–451 *Wyrulec Company. ---------------------- - 49–890 *Denotes a publicly owned utility. Dale B. Carson-----------------------4ASSt. Treas. W. J. Quinn.------------------------- ASSt. Treas. O. A. Weller------------------------- ASSt. Treas. Directors: R. E. Burger, Guy W. Faller, H. Hugh Lenhart, J. E. Loiseau, Wilfrid O’Leary, W. J. Quinn, O. P. Reed. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,675, 258 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $590, 774 Number of Electric Customers---------- 6, 758 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 5, 500 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total-------------------------------- 21, 602, 260 Generated.----------------------------- 15,073, 300 Purchased.----------------------------- 6, 528,960 Community Served at Retail: Population Cheyenne--------------------------------- 22, 474 Ujtility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Also Renders: Gas and Steam heating Service. 895 896 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 49–016 Dubois Public Service Co. Dubois, Wyo. Principal Officers: - R. R. Purdum ---------------------- Pres. & Mgr. Fred H. Roberts----------------------- Vice PreS. F. B. Sheldon, Jr.-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: R. R. Purdum, Mrs. R. R. Purdum, Fred H. Roberts, F. B. Sheldon, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $11,764 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 121 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro) --------------- 188 - Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 264,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Dubois--------------------------------------- 412 49–019 Griggs Power and Light Company Big Piney, Wyo. Principal Officers: H. B. Griggs. ------------------------------- PreS. Nelse Christianson--------------------- Vice Pres. Sylvester Griggs--------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Nelse Christianson, H. E. Griggs, Syl- vester Griggs. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $15,049 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $7,485 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 89 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 49–022 Hudson Light and Power Co. Hudson, Wyo. Community Served at Retail: Hudson-------------------------------------- Population 330 49–025 Jackson Hole Light & Power Company Jackson. Wyo. Principal Officers: B. C. Benson-------------------------------- Pres. Wm. Mercill--------------------------- Vice PreS. J. A. Evans-------------------------------- Treas W. E. Lloyd-------------------------------- Secy Directors: E. C. Benson (chairman), W. E. Lloyd, Wm. Mercill, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $109,744 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $31,098 Number of Electric Customers------------ 368 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total.-------------------------------- 450 Hydro---------------------------------- 400 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 518, 505. Community Served at Retail: Population Jackson.-------- 1,046. 49–028 Lincoln Service Corporation Frontier, Wyo. (Controlled by Lincoln Corporation.) Principal Officers: R. M. Turner------------------------------- Pres. C. A. Cavanaugh---------------------- Vice PreS. P. M. Pratt--------------------------------- ecy Directors: C. A. Cavanaugh, J. L. Kemmerer, Jr., Jas. McNamara, A. S. Miller, L. M. Pratt, Susau. J. Quealy, R. M. Turner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $537, 329 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $145, 193 Number of Electric Customers----------- 796, Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 3,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 6, 194, 580 Community Served at Retail: Population Remmerer---------------------------------- 2,026. 49–031 Little Goose Distributing Com- pany Big Horn, Wyo. 49–034 Medicine Bow Electric Co. Medicine Bow, Wyo. Principal Officer: R. E. Cooper Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $10, 128 Number of Electric Meters----------------- 105 Generating Capacity: Kilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion----------------------- 63 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 145,611 Community Served at Retail: Population Medicine Bow-------------------------------- 338 49–036 Moorcroft Light & Power Moorcroft, Wyo. Principal Officer: M. D. Waymire--------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $17,000 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,406 Number of Electric Customers------------- 80 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 54 Community Served at Retail: Population Moorcroft ------------------------------------ 387 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES–WYOMING 897 49–037 Mountain States Power Company 236 Lyon St., Albany, Oreg. (Controlled by Standard Power & Light Corp.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Wyoming only)---------------------- $1,086, 447 Number of Electric Customers: (Wyoming only)---------------------- 15, 412 Communities Served at Retail: 10,000 population or more Population Casper------------------------------------- 17,964 1,000 to 10,000 population Buffalo--------- ----------------------- 2, 302 Douglas----------------------------------- 2, 205 Glenrock---------------------------------- 1,014 Greybull---------------------------------- 1,828 Lander------------------------------------ 2,594 Lovell------------------------------------- 2, 175 Newcastle--------------------------------- 1, 962 Riverton---------------------------------- 2, 540 Thermopolis------------------------------- 2, 422 Worland----------------------------------- 2,710 250 to 1,000 population Byron------------------------------------- 388 Cowley------------------------------------ 491 Mills-------------------------------------- 379 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Hudson Light & Power Co. Fly BILICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Deaver Light System. *Powell Electric Distributing Lines. *Big Horn Rural Electric Co. *Farmers Light and Power Co. *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. *Washakie Rural Electric Co. See Also: Principal report under Oregon (36–110), and operations reported under Idaho (11-061), Montana (25-120), South Dakota (40–095), and Washington (46–085), 49–038 North Albany Light & Power Co. Rock River, Wyo. Principal Officers: D. E. Richards---------------------------- Owner The following data are for the year 1939: Number of Electric Customers-------------- 79 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 42 Pºilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 33,093 Community Served at Retail: Population Rock River. --------------------------------- 349 49–041 Parkison Electric Encampment, Wyo. Principal Officer: H. S. Parkison---------------------------- Owner 322184—42—62 The following data are for the year 1940: - $13,000 Electric Utility Plant----------------------- Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,000 Number of Electric Customers------------- 75 Generating Capacity: Horsepower 9tal----------------------------------- 48 Hydro------------------------------------ 28 Internal Combustion--------------------- 20 Community Served at Retail: Populatiod Encampment----------------------------- 331 49–042 Pinedale Power & Light Co. Inc. Pinedale, Wyo. Principal Officers: Glenn W. Wise----------------------------- PreS. Robt. C. Fulton - - - -------------------- Vice Pres. Margaret F. Wise-------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: Robt. C. Fulton, Margaret F. Wise. The following data are for the year 1940: Glenn W. Wise, Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $51,448 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $14,644 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 205 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts 'otal----------------------------------- 230 Hydro------------------------------------ 150 Internal Combustion--------------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated-------------------------- 201,955 Community Served at Retail: Population Pinedale---------------------------------- 647 49–045 Rawlins Electric Company 508 W. Cedar St., Rawlins, Wyo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: J. W. Alexander----------------------------- PreS. C. H. Nichols----------------------- 1st Vice Pres. H. A. Person--------------------------- Vice Pres, C. E. Winston--------------------- Secy. & Treas. P. M. Babey---------------- Asst. Secy. & Treas. W. E. Johnson--------------- Asst. Secy. & Treas. Trustees: J. W. Alexander, P. M. Babey, W. E., Johnson, C. H. Nichols, C. E. Winston. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--------------------- $447,654 Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $144, 262 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1,743 Exilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------- 1,485 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total--------------------------------- 3,332, 376 Generated.------------------------------ 2,044, 331 Purchased.----------------------------- i, 154, 345 Interchanged-in (gross)----------------- 133,700 Community Served at Retail: Population Rawlins-------------------------------- 5, 531 Utility Served at Wholesale: UBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Seminole Project. 898 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 49–051 Saratoga Light, Heat and Power Co. Saratoga, Wyo. Principal Officers: B. F. Peck-------------------- Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. H. Healey--------------------------- Vice PreS. Ada Peck---------------------------- Secy.-Treas. Directors: F. H. Healey, Ada Peck, B. F. Peck, The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $32,228 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $19,477 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 249 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Total----------------------------------- 487 Steam------------------------------------ 377 Internal Combustion---------------------- 110 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 533,974 Community Served at Retail: Population Saratoga---------------------------------- 810 49–054 The Shannon Gas and Electric Co. Philcade Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. (Controlled by Standard Oil Company (Ind.)) Principal Officers: Prior---------------------------------- Pres R. B. Hamilton------------------------ Vice PreS. F. J. Keleher Secy.-Treas. J. B. Galbraith- Comptroller Directors: R. B. Hamilton, F. O. Prior, P. G. Weidner. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant $18,933 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $18,112 - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = * * * * * Number of Electric Customers------------- 78 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 513,381 Community Served at Retail: Population Salt Creek Oil Field------------------------ 3,000 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. Also Renders: Gas Service. 49–057 Sheridan County Electric Company 54 S. Main St., Sheridan, Wyo. (Controlled by Cities Service Co.) Principal Officers: Thos. W. Hughes--------------------------- PreS. C. H. Nichols---------------------- 1st Vice Pres. H. A. Person--------------------------- Vice Pres. W. J. Loomis------------------------ Secy.-Treas. W. E. Johnson--------- Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. H. D. McAuliffe-------Asst. Secy. & Asst. Treas. Directors: Thos. W. Hughes, W. E. Johnson, M. R. Knapp, W. J. Loomis, C. H. Nichols. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,603, 315 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $339,893 Number of Electric Customers----------- 4, 169 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ a 4,000 a At 80% power factor. Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.----------------------- 11, 614,780 Communities Served at Retail: Population Sheridan----------------------------------- 10, 529 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Little Goose Distributing Corporation. 49–060 Shickley Electric Company Clearmont, Wyo. 49–066 Southern Wyoming Utilities Company 404 N. St., Rock Springs, Wyo. (Controlled by Union Pacific Railroad Co. throug 100% of voting power.) s Principal Officers: Eugene McAuliffe--------------------------- PreS. F. W. Charske------------------------- Vice Pres H. W. Clark---------------------------- Vice Pres H. A. Toland---------- Vice Pres. & Gen. Auditor G. B. Pryde---------------------------- ice Pres. C. B. Matthai------------------------------- Secy. J. D. Foster-------------------------------- Treas. L. J. Tracy---------------------------- Controller Paul Rigdon---------------------------- ASSt. Secy. Frank Tallmire--------------------------- Auditor A. L. Taliaferro------------------------- Attorney Lewis H. Brown------------------------ Attorney R. E. Darling-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. Directors: T. W. BockeS E. E. Darling, C. B. Matthai, Eugène McAuliffe, H. A. Toland. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $143,299 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $308, 361 Number of Electric Customers----------- 2,817 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.----------------------- 10, 950, 007 Communities Served at Retail: Population Reliance------------------------------------ 626 Rock Springs------------------------------- 9,827 Superior------------------------------------ 1, 240 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of South Superior. Also Renders: Water Service. 49–069 Star Walley Power & Light Company Afton, Wyo. Principal Officers: J. Call------------------------------------ Pres. R. S. Davis----------------------------- Vice PreS. Raoul Call Secy. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WYOMING 899 Directors: C. J. Call, Raoul Call, R. S. Davis. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $205,000 Electric Operating Rev - $29,397 Number of Electric Customers------------ 465 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts otal-------------------------------- 930 F0----------------------------------- 680 Internal Combustion-------------------- 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 865,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Afton--------------------------------------- 1, 211 49–072 Tensleep Light and Power Company Tensleep, Wyo. Community Served at Retail: Population Tensleep----------------------------------- 345 49–078 Utah Power & Light Company 509 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah (Controlled by Electric Power & Light Corporation through 92.39% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Wyoming only)------------------------- $192,889 Number of Electric Customers: (Wyoming only)------------------------- 1,956 Communities Served at Retail: Population Evanston----------------------------------- 3,605 Green River-------------------------------- 2,640 See Also: Principal report under Utah (43-145), and operations reported under Idaho (11–100). 49–081 The Utilities Company Parco, Wyo. (Controlled by Consolidated Oil Corporation.) Principal Officers: George H. Taber, Jr.------------------------- Pres, M. H. Nolan--------------------------- Vice PreS. O. M. GerStung----------------------------- Secy. K. Porter---------------------------------- Treas. L. O. Gray----- - Asst. Secy.-Treas. Directors: G. R. Lord, P. C. Spencer, George H. Taber, Jr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $31,037 $17,313 Number of Electric Customers------------ Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 357, 722 Community Served at Retail: Population Parco---- - - * * 604 Also Renders: Natural gas Service. 184 49–087 The Western Public Service Company 18th & Broadway, Scottsbluff, Nebr. (Controlled by Engineers Public Service Co., through 100% of common stock voting power and 83.29% of preferred stock voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Wyoming only)----------------------- $386,639 Number of Electric Customers: (Wyoming only)------------------------ 3, 588 Community Served at Retail: Population Laramie----------------------------------- 10,627 See Also: Principal report under Nebraska (26–156), and operations reported under Colorado (05-115) and South Dakota (40–170). 49–090 Western States Utilities Company 404 Terminal Sales Bldg., Portland, Oreg. (Controlled by Peoples Light & Power Co. through 100% of voting power.) The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues: (Wyoming only)------------------------- $13,008 Number of Electric Customers: (Wyoming only)------------------------- 189 Community Served at Retail: Population Cokeville-- - 452 See Also: Principal report under Nevada (27–179), and operations reported under Idaho (11–118) and Utah (43–154). 49–253 The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation P. O. Box 1920, Denver, Colo. See also: Principal report under: Colorado (05–223). 49–286 Diamond Coal and Coke Company Diamondville, Wyo. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: T. C. Russell-------------------------------- Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $20,951 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $22,585 Number of Electric Customers------------- 187 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (steam)------------------- 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers-------- 265, 190 Community Served at Retail: Population Diamondville- -- 586 Also Renders: Water service. 900 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 49–315 Mr. J. W. Harvey Burns, Wyo. Community Served at Retail: Population Burns--------------------------------------- 253 49–383 Sinclair Refining Co. 630 5th Ave. New York, N. Y. Official in Charge of Electric Operations: M. H. Nolan------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues.---------------. $5,366 Number of Electric Customers-------------- I Rilowults Generating Capacity (steam) ----------------- 1,000 Kilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale--------------------- 357, 722 Community Served at Retail: Population Powell------------------------------------- 1,948 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Utilities Company. 49–395 Stanolind Oil and Gas Company Philcade Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. 49–418 The Union Pacific Coal Company 404 N St., Rock Springs, Wyo. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Eugene McAuliffe--------------------------- PreS. George B. Pryde------- Vice Pres. Chg. Operation I. M. Bayless-------------------------- Gen. Mgr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,642,973 Electric Operating Revenues------------ $247, 599 Number of Electric Customers---------- 762 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam)------------ 22, 500 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold to Ultimate Consumers----- 3,771, 326 Energy Sold for Resale------------------ 10, 985, 689 Community Served at Retail: Population Tianna "------------------------------------ 1, 127 * Majority of customers are company employees. Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Southern Wyoming Utilities Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Town of Elmo. Also Renders: Water Service. 49–451 Wyodak Coal and Manufac- turing Co. Gillette, Wyo. Officials in Charge of Electric Operations: Jos. F. Peters------------------------------- Mgr. R. G. Nelson The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $240,000 Electric Operating Revenues - - - - - - - - - - - - - $26,420 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Rilowatts Generating Capacity (Steam) ------------- 300 Rilowatt-hours Energy Sold for Resale -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 511,420 Utility Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *City of Gillette, 49–517 *Basin Municipal Light & Water Plant Box 618, Basin, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: M. W. Griffin------------------------ Town Mgr. Mayor and Councilmen: P. P. Anderson (mayor), J. T. Bishop, Dale Palmer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000 Electric Operating Revenues.--------------- $37,358 Number of Electric Meters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 465 Generating Capacity: Kilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 450 Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 961,900 Community Served at Retail: Population Basin--------------------------------------- * Also Renders: Water Service. 49–528 *Town of Chugwater Chugwater, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: taats------------------------------- Mayor Carl Good----------------------------------- gr. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $3,704 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 70 Generating Capacity: Kilovolt-amperes Internal Combustion---------------------- 80 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.--------------------------- 84,000 Also Renders: Water service. 49–539 *Cody Municipal Light Plant Cody, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Warren H. Perry---------------------------- Supt. Mayor and Town Council: Jack Evans, Roy Holm, A. P. Libby, Paul Stock (mayor), Paul F. Sweitzer. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $122, 130 Electric Operating Revenues------------- $56,804 Number of Electric Customers ----------- 864 DIRECTORY 901 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WYOMING Kilovolt-amperes Generating Capacity (Hydro)------------- 162 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours - * * - * * * - sº - - - * * - - - - -s ºne - - - - - - * * - * * 1, 873,000 Generated------------------------------ 1, 576,000 Purchased------------------------------ 297,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Cody--------------------------------------- 2, 536 Also renders: Water Service. 49–550 *Town of Deaver Deaver, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Mrs. S. I. Hooker------------------------- Mayor J. W. Richards------------------------ Electrician Governing Body: Mrs. L. R. Bovee, R. A. Crow, Mrs. S. I. Hooker (mayor), Mrs. Cleo Waterlaus, V. W. Weller. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $2,500 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 30 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--------------------------- 60, 120 Also Renders: Water Service. 49–561 *Town of Dixon Dixon, Wyo. Pºpºlic Utility Officials: 90°S------------------------------- Mayor R. Kuntz----------------------------------- Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant------------------------ $4,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $960 Number of Electric Customers -------------- 26 Rilowatts 180 Generating Capacity: Internal Combustion----------------------- 49–572 *Town of Fort Laramie Fort Laramie, Wyo. Community Served at Retail Fort Laramie------------------------------- 49–583 *City of Gillette Gillette, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Max Luton-------- Supt. of Light, Power, & Water Councilmen: Hurbert Dickeyl, Roy Montgomery (mayor), Don Saunders, O. H. Sharrad, Jesse Speilman. lº" following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $46,456 Number of Electric Customers -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 505 Kilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1, 511, 520 Community Served at Retail Population Gillette------------------------------------- 2, 177 49–594 *Town of Guernsey Guernsey, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Merle Clouser------------------------- Electrician Governing Body: H. H. Harris, J. E. Rebillet, W. A. Rizor, Harry Runser, John Stoneking. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $9,751 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 203 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 376,405 Community Served at Retail: Population Guernsey------------------------------------- 603 Also renders: Water Service. 49–605 *Town of Hartville Hartville, Wyo. 49–616 *Town of Lingle Lingle, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: J. J. Vandel--------------------------- Electrician Town Council: F. J. Freimuth (mayor), James O. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Rev $7,919 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 150 Community Served at Retail: Population Lingle---------------------------------------- 428 Also Renders: Water service, 49–627 *Lusk Department of Light and Power Lusk, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: George Earl Peet-------------------------2-Mayor E. Floyd Deuel------------------------ City Clerk M. N. Wilhermsdorfer---------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $42,116 Number of Electric Customers------------ 580 Generating Capacity: Rilowattà Internal Combustion------------------- 544 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1,050,990 Community Served at Retail: Population Lusk---------------------------------------- 1,814 902 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 49–634 *National Park Service Yellowstone Nat’l Park, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Edmund B. Rogers. ------------------------ Supt. L. W. Seasholtz------------------ Chief Electrician The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $300,000 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $10,531 Number of Electric Customers-- - - - - - - - - - - 25 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Total------------------------------------- 920 Hydro-------------------------------------- 600 Internal Combustion - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 320 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------ 1, 539, 559 Also Renders: Telephone and water service. 49–638 *Pine Bluffs Light, Water & Power Company Pine Bluffs, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: E Harvey------------------------------- Engr. º following data are for the year ended Apr. 30, 1941: Electric Utility Plant------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $75,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $20,000 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 220 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion---------------------- 420 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 706,000 Community Served at Retail: Population Pine Bluffs • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 771 Utility Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: The Western Public Service Co. Also Renders: Water Service, 49–649 *Powell Electric Distributing Lines Powell, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: R. A. Rºney----------------- Gen. Commissioner H. G. Kirkpatrick--------------------- Electrician C. D. Elledge------------------------------ Treas. Mayor & Councilmen: Ed. Althoff, O. E. Bever (mayor), A. R. Easton, R. R. Jones, J. L. Van Buskirk. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $38,758 Number of Electric Customers------------ 586 Community Served at Retail: Population Powell-------------------------------------- 1, 948 Also Renders: Water Service. 49–650 *City of Sundance Sundance, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Delbert W. Jackson.------------------------- Supt. City Council: Earl Kipp, Leroy Schloredt, Meryl Taylor, Raymond Vines. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $44,000 Electric Operating Revenues---------------- $9,556 Number of Electric Customers-------------- 150. Generating Capacity: Rilowatts. Internal Combustion--------------------- 85 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.-------------------------- 168,832 Community Served at Retail: Population Sundance------------------------------------- 685. 49–655 *Town of South Superior Superior, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Harry Cassari---------------------------- Marshali Community Served at Retail: Population South Superior-------------------------------- 885 49–660 *Torrington Electric Light Department Torrington, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: G. D. Anderson---------------------------- Mayor L. G. Applegate ----Electrician Councilmen: Chas. A. Cook, A. W. Kelly, Chas. Macy, Guy Pool. The following data are for the year 1939: Electric Operating Revenues.-------------- $80,270 Number of Electric Customers------------ 1, 250 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,974,066 Community Served at Retail: Population Torrington.---------------------------------- 2, 344 49–661 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Kendrick Project 501 Consolidated Royalty Bldg., Casper, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: I. J. Matthews------------------- Construct, Engr. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant-------------------- $4,229, 555 Electric Operating Revenues: Total------------------------------ $165, 638 In Wyoming--------------------------- $99,206 I ICl wº : IOl in g- 7 DIRECTORY 903 OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WYOMING PKilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)------------ 32,400 Energy Available in Year: Kilowatt-hours Total.-------------------------------- 55, 116,960 Energy Generated.--------------------- 47, 843, 243 Energy Purchased.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7, 273, 717 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Alcova Light Co. Cheyenne Light, Fuel & Power Co. Mountain States Power Co. Rawlins Electric Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Rural Electric Co. See also: Operations reported under Colorado (05–705). 49–662 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, North Platte Project Washington, D. C. Principal Electric Utility Officials: John C. Page----------------------- Commissioner S. O. Harper------------------------- Chief Engr. C. F. Gleason Supt. of Power The following data are for the year 1940: Flectric Utility Plant-------------------- $1,379, 630 Electric Operating Revenues: otal------------------------------ $253, 837 In Wyoming--------------------------- $129,039 Number of Electric Customers: Total------------------------------ 45 In Wyoming-------------------------- 36 Rilowatts ‘Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 6, 550 Energy Available in Year:. Rilowatt-hours otal------------------------------ 27, 167,330 Generated----------------------------- 20,880,430 Purchased----------------------------- 6, 255,900 Interchanged (gross-in).---------------- 31,000 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITIES: Mountain States Power Co. The Western Public Service Co PTJBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Town of Fort Laramie. *Town of Guernsey. *Town of Lingle. , *Torrington Electric Light Department. *Wheatland Light and Water Department. *Wyrulec Co. sºlº Operations reported under Nebraska (26– 49–663 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Riverton Project Riverton, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. D. Comstock---------------------------- Supt. Delbert Adams------------------ Power Foreman The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $58, 105 Number of Electric Customers. ---------- 5 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) – .--------- 1,900 Kilowatt-hour Energy Generated.-- - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 5, 700, 840 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITY: *Riverton Valley Electric Assn. 49–665 *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Shoshone Project Washington, D. C. Principal Electric Utility Official: - - L. J. Windle------------------------- Acting Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $883,037 Electric Operating Revenues.------------ $106.444 Number of Electric Customers.---------- 16 Kilowatts Generating Capacity (Hydro) ----------- 5,600 Energy Available in Year: Rilowatt-hours Total------------------------------ 14, 176,270 Generated----------------------------- 14,077, 200 Purchased----------------------------- 97, 660 Interchanged in (groSS) - - - ------------- 1, 410 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY: Mountain States Power Co. PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Cody Municipal Light Plant. *Consumers Lite and Power ASSn. *Farm Light and Power Co. *Garland Light & Power Co. *U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Kendrick Project. *Willwood Light & Power Co. 49–671 *Upton Municipal Light and Water Upton, Wyo. Population Community Served at Retail: 545 49–682 *Wheatland Light and Water Department Wheatland, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: - W. C. Reith--------------------------- Supervisor Alyde Matlock----------------------- Electrician Town Council: F. C. Drubef, F. C. Memmer, B. W. Penman (mayor), A. D. Persson, John K. Phiferf. #Member of Electric Committee. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Operating Revenues------------- $49,489 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - - - - - - 725 Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion------------------- 200 904 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 1,660,098 Community Served at Retail: Population Wheatland--------------------------------- 2, 110 Utilities Served at Wholesale: PUBLICLY OWNED UTILITIES: *Farmers Light & Power ASSn. *North Line Power Co. *West Farm Line Power Co. *Wheatland Rural Electric ASSociation. Also Renders: Water Service. 49–805 *Big Horn Rural Electric Company Basin, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Robert G. Nelson.--------------------------- PreS. M. M. Roush------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $296,023 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $26,378 Number of Electric Customers------------ 524 PÖilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 304, 642 Population 373 Community Served at Retail: Meeteetse---------------------------------- 49–807 *Bridger Valley Electric Associa- tion, Inc. Mountain View, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: Van A. Rupe-------------------------------- PreS. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $94, 189 $4,977 262 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- Number of Electric Customers------------- Generating Capacity: Rilowatts Internal Combustion--------------------- 112 Rilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 32, 360 Community Served at Retail: Population Yºad------------------------------------- 37S 49–810 *Consumers’ Lite and Power Association Powell, Wyo. 49–820 *Farm Light and Power Company Powell, Wyo. 49–830 *Garland Light & Power Company Powell, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: H. S. Graham------------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant.---------------------- $66,290 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $7,967 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 172 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 133, 200 49–850 *Lower Valley Power & Light, Inc. Freedom, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Ernest Brog--------------------------------- Pres. Easton Hood------------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $381, 170 Electric Operating Revenues -------------- $34,663 Number of Electric Customers------------ 666 Fºilowatts Generating Capacity (hydro)-------------- 600 * Kilowatt-hours Energy Generated.------------------------- 480, 500 49–865 *Riverton Valley Electric Association, Inc. Riverton, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Official: E. W. Beckman----------------------------- Pres. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $147,929 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $13,755 Number of Electric Customers ------------ 292 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 79, 764 49–868 *Rural Electric Company Pine Bluffs, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: James P. Voight---------------------------- Pres. George N. Phillips-------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $210,059 Electric Operating Revenues-------------- $16,345 Number of Electric Customers------------ 261 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.--- 83,090 DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES-WYOMING 49–877 *Washakie Rural Electric Company Worland, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: Henry Wostenberg-------------------------- Pres. Lawrence Colby---------------------------- Supt. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $54,594 Electric Operating Revenues--------------- $8,800 Number of Electric Customers------------- 139 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.-------------------------- 133,490 49–880 *Wheatland Rural Electric Association Wheatland, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: O. S. Preuit--------------------------------- Pres G. W. Goodrich---------------------------- Supt 322184—42—63 The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant----------------------- $73, 923 Electric Operating Revenues --------------- $9,456 Number of Electric Customers ------------- 186 Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------- 165, 115 49–890 *Wyrulec Company Lingle, Wyo. Principal Electric Utility Officials: J. F. Zimmerman--------------------------- Pres. Hayden Morgan---------------------------- gf. The following data are for the year 1940: Electric Utility Plant---------------------- $205, 849 Electric Operating Reveriues * - * * * * * * * * * * * * $25,798 Number of Electric Customers - - - - - - ------ 419 -- Rilowatt-hours Energy Purchased.------------------------ 460, 302 INDEX TO ELECTRIC STATISTICS CURRENTLY PUBLISHED BY FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION 1942 322184—42—64 Index to Statistics Currently Published by the Federal Power Commission The following pages describe the current publications of the Fed- eral Power Commission and provide a detailed index of their statistical COntents. The wide range of the Commission's statistics, which are contained in a number of specialized publications issued monthly or annually, having varying coverage of the industry and methods of presentation of data as are called for in each case, makes a central reference source essential to their maximum usefulness. By presenting in these pages briefly and in one place, references to all the data published by the Commission, the statistics will be made more accessible and useful to all who may have occasion to consult them. The description of publications, which precedes the index, presents a succinct statement of subject matter and coverage, together with information as to the frequency of issuance, short titles by which they are referred to in the index, and serial numbers which may be used in ordering publications currently available. The index is in complete detail, reference being made to more than one thousand items of data. 909 STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION [Except as otherwise noted all publications are sold only by the Federal Power Commission. Check or money Order should accompany orders. Stamps are not acceptable.] Short Title Designation ISSued Title and Description Annual Report - - - Utility Statistics__ 1940:A-16___ 1940:S—21-1-1- 1939:S-11_ _ _ 1938:S-6____ 1937:S—3_ _ _ _ Annually ---- ----do------- ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. The annual report of the activities of the Federal Power Commission to the CongreSS. AS supplements to the report there appear in Part II a list of new applications received in the year for Federal Power Commission preliminary permits and licenses, and in Appendix A, a list of projects under major license and preliminary permit, with salient facts on each, and a further brief account of each new project granted a license or permit in the year. Price, 20 cents. Sold by Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES (Privately Owned Utilities— Classes A and B). Subject Matter: Presents for each of approximately 400 large electric utilities a Series of Statements prepared on a uniform and comparable basis. The statements include (a) a balance sheet, (b) an income and expense statement, (c) an earned surplus statement, (d) a description of the Securities Outstanding, (e) a tabulation of electric energy sales showing for each class of service the number of custom- ers, kilowatt-hours sold, and revenues received, (f) an Operating expense statement according to categories of expense, (g) a statement of the investment in electric facilities according to classes of property, and (h) cer- tain of the more significant statistics on the physical property and operations of the companies, such as the number and capacity of the generating plants, the electric energy generated or purchased, and the number of miles of distribution line. In all, some 400 statistics are presented for each company insofar as data are applicable and adequately reported by the utilities. There are also presented composite balance sheets, income and expense statements, earned surplus state- ments, and electric operating expense statements Ob- tained by totalling the corresponding items for all the Companies without consolidation or elimination of the intercompany items. The statistics are compiled from reports made to the Federal Power Commission by electric utility companies. Coverage: All privately owned Class A and Class B electric utility companies, comprising those with annual electric utility operating revenues of $250,000 or more. Price, $2.00. 911 912 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Statistical publications of the Federal Power Commission—Continued Short Title Designation Title and Description Electric Bills Electric Bills— 50,000. Directory *Out of Print. 1942:R-23--- 1941:R–21_ _ 1940:R–19_ _ 1939:R-15 1938:R-12_ _ 1937:R-11_ _ 1935:R–2_ _ _ 1942:R–22__ 1941:R–20 - 1940:R–18__ 1939:R-14_ _ 1938:R-13_. 1936:R–9_ _ _ 1935:R-1--- 1941: S-19 1940:* TYPICAL ELECTRIC BILLS.–ALABAMA, etc. Subject Matter: Typical net monthly bills for electric Service are presented as of January 1, for each commu- nity as specified below. The bills are based on uni- form specifications as to electric energy consumptions, appliances used, demands created, etc. For residential electric service seven bills are presented, ranging from the minimum bill up to a bill for 500 kwh per month; for commercial lighting service, 5 bills ranging from 50 kwh up to 1,500 kwh per month; for commercial power service, 5 bills ranging from 1.5 kw demand and 150 kwh consumption up to 30 kw demand and 6,000 kwh per month consumption; and for industrial service, 10 bills ranging from 75 kw demand and 15,000 kwh per month consumption up to 1,000 kw demand and 400,000 kwh per month consumption. The bills have been computed by the Commission's staff and verified by the utilities. For residential Service there are also presented tables for each state showing the ranking from low to high of the communities in the state of 1,000 population or more with respect to their bills for 25, 100, and 250 kwh. Coverage: Bills for residential Service are published for each community of 250 popu- lation or more; for commercial light and commercial power services for each community of 2,500 population or more; and for industrial Service for each community of 10,000 population or more. 48 separate State re- ports. Price, 10 cents per State, $4.80 per complete Set. TYPICAL ELECTRIC BILLS.–CITIES OF 50,000 POPULATION OR MORE. Subject Matter: Similar to the typical bill reports above, but restricted to cities of 50,000 population or more and including in the one publication all such cities in the United States. Also contains yearly averages of selected typical bills for those cities as a group for each of the four classes of electric Service, extending back to 1924 in the case of residential Service, and to 1935 for the other classes Of Service. Coverage: All communities of 50,000 popula- tion or more in the United States. Price, 10 centS. DIRECTORY OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Subject Matter: A handbook presenting for each utility the more important items of information concerning finances, operations, and management. For each privately-owned and publicly- owned electric utility there are presented the names of the principal officers or officials and of the members of the board of directors or other governing body; the principal business address; the electric generating ca- pacity; the names of the communities served at retail and of the utilities served at wholesale; and, for the year covered, the annual electric operating revenues, num- ber of electric customers, and number of kilowatt-hours generated and purchased. For privately-owned utilities, the name of the controlling holding company is shown. For industrial concerns incidentally Sup- plying wholesale or retail electric Service, similar in- formation is shown so far as it is pertinent. Coverage: All enterprises providing electric service to the public at wholesale or retail, both privately and publicly- owned, including privately-financed and REA-financed cooperatives. Price, $2.00. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 913 Statistical publications of the Federal Power Commission—Continued Short Title Designation Issued Title and Description Unit Costs Rate Book tº ºn tº º 'º - sº es 1938: S-18-- Current bul- letins and S up p le - mentS. ELECTRIC UTILITY COST UNITS AND RATIOS. Subject Matter: Statistical analyses in the form of tables and charts relating electric utility costs and financial statistics to appropriate physical units of electric facilities and other standards of reference. All phases of electric investment costs, operating costs, and other costs, such as taxes, depreciation, and capital costs, are covered by one or more studies. Among the analyses presented are: (1) average investment cOStS (a) of electric generating plants per kilowatt according to prime mover and size, (b) of transmission lines per structure mile according to voltage and type of struc- ture, and (c) of distribution systems per mile of line according to the number of meters per mile of line; (2) average Operating costs (a) of generating plants per kilowatt-hour generated according to size and type of plant, (b) for distribution system operation and main- tenance per customer served, (c) for administrative and general purposes per customer and as a percent- age of total operating revenues; (3) average operating ratios (a) of depreciation expense to investment in elec- tric facilities, (b) of maintenance expense to total opera- ting expense, and (c) of maintenance and depreciation expenses combined to investment in electric facilities; and (4) average financial ratios (a) of bonds to total Securities outstanding and to total investment in elec- tric plant, and (b) of market yield of bonds to the in- come available. The statistics are based on reportS made to the Federal Power Commission by privately- owned electric utility companies. Coverage: All data adequately reported by privately-owned electric utili- ties with annual electric operating revenues of $250,000 or more. Price, $1.00. NATIONAL ELECTRIC RATE BOOK. Subject Matter: Individual, condensed summaries of Some 15,000 residential, commercial, and industrial electric rate schedules. For each rate schedule there is shown an appropriate title; the designation and effective date; the types of use and classes of customers to which the Schedule is applicable; the communities in which it is available; the rates of the schedule, and any special provisions it may contain offering discounts or pre- scribing additional charges under stipulated conditions, or Specifying in more detail the circumstances under which the Schedule is or is not applicable. So far as reported by the utilities, all information is included in the Summary which is necessary to permit exact Com- putation of customers' bills. The summaries have been prepared by the Commission’s staff and verified by the utilities. The schedule summaries are pub- lished under the name of the issuing utility. A com- munity index permits all schedules for any community to be quickly located. By means of periodic Supple- ments and a special monthly bulletin Service, the Rate Book is kept up-to-date with current revisions to the schedules. Coverage: All schedules of general applicability to residential, commercial, or industrial Service in COmmunities of 1,000 population or more. Price, $10.00 the first year, together with one year's supplements and bulletins; thereafter, $7.50 per year for supplements and bulletins. Individual State Sec- tions, $1.00 per year, both for the first year and for additional years. 914 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Statistical publications of the Federal Power Commission—Continued Short Title ISSued Title and Description Not Indexed------ Power Monthly--- Fuel Monthly---- Power Require- ments. *Out Of Print. Every two years. , Monthly and yearly, ac- cording to part. Monthly----- AVERAGE ELECTRIC BILLS. Subject Matter: Average typical bills for communities in specified population classes, by states, geographic divisions, and for the United States. Communities are grouped into the following population classes: 250–999; 1,000–2,499; 2,500–9,999; 10,000–49,999; 50,000 or more. Each of these size groups is subdivided into communities served by privately owned and by publicly owned utilities. The averages are computed (a) for 25 kwh, 100 kwh, and 250 kwh of residential consumption; (b) for 0.75 kW and 50 kwh; 3 kW and 375 kwh; 6 kw and 750 kwh of com- mercial lighting consumption; (c) for 3 kW and 375 kwh; 12 kW and 1,500 kwh; 30 kw and 6,000 kwh of commercial power consumption; (d) for 150 kW and 30,000 kwh; 300 kw and 60,000 kwh; 1,000 kw and 200,000 kwh of industrial consumption. Coverage: All communi- ties for which typical bills are published in the Typical Electric Bills reports. Price, 15 cents. FLECTRIC POWER STATISTICS. A loose-leaf Subscription service consisting of the nine parts listed immediately following, each of which may also be pur- chased separately. Price for the entire Service, $2.00 per year. PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION OF ELEC- TRIC ENERGY IN THE UNITED STATES. Subject Matter: Monthly production data for current and preceding months by states for all classes of owner- ship and types of prime mover. Also data by States on utilization of electric energy. Coverage: All electric generating plants of 100 kilowatts or more installed generating capacity that are devoted to supplying energy at wholesale or retail for public use; including the capacity and generation of generating plants of industrial concerns to the extent that these contribute to the public energy supply. Price, 5 cents per issue. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL FOR PRODUCTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. Subject Matter: Monthly summaries of coal, oil, and gas used by generating plants, also stocks of coal on hand, and generation by coal as percent of total generation. Coverage: All gen- erating plants included in the monthly power produc- tion report described above. Price, 5 cents per issue. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENTS AND SUPPLY IN THE UNITED STATES. Subject Matter: Tabular data on electric energy production and future requirements, peak demands, and available capacity, published monthly for each power-supply area. Quarterly reports present charts showing past, present and projected conditions. Coverage: All major power systems, approximately 200 in number, which in the aggregate distribute some 98 percent of the total electric energy generated for public use in the United States. Price, quarterly issues 50 cents, other issues 25 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 915 Statistical publications of the Federal Power Commission—Continued Short Title Designation ISSued Title and Description Power Additions__ Power Annual__ __ Interstate--------- Fuel Annual_----- Water Power_____ 1941: S-12_ _ 1940: S-4 Annually---- 1940: S-13 - - |_____ do-------- 1939: S-4 S–7 1940: S-15--|--__. do-------- 1939: S-4 1940:S-16__. 1941:S-14---|----- do------- SCHEDULED ADDITIONS TO GENERATING CAPA CITY AND ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES. Subject Matter: Summaries of reports by publicly and privately owned utilities as to proposed additions to generating capacity and budgets for all construction expenditures. Coverage: The entire electric utility industry, including projects of the Rural Electrification Administration. Price, 10 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. PRO DUCTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY AND CAPACITY OF GENERATING PLANTS. Sub- ject Matter: Statistics by states on generation and on capacity at end of year, by type of prime mover and class of ownership. Reflects revisions reported subse- quent to monthly reports. Coverage: All generating plants included in the monthly power production report described above. Price, 25 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. MoVEMENT OF ELECTRIC ENERGY ACROSS STATE LIN E S A. N. D. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES. Subject Matter: The total quantity of electric energy transmitted out of and into each state in each month of the year, and for the year as a whole. In addition, there is shown for each state the yearly total of electric energy generated; the totals transmitted to and received from other states, and the resulting net amount of electric energy available in the year for utilization (including losses) within the state. Cover- age: All interstate and international movements of electric energy. Price, 10 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL FOR PRODUCTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. Subject Matter: Sum- maries of monthly fuel consumption data, incorporating reported revisions to previously published figures. Pre- Sents amounts of energy generated by each type of fuel and data on fuel burned per kilowatt-hour generated. Coverage: All fuel-burning plants reporting their elec- tric energy production in connection with the monthly power production reports described above. Price, 10 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statis- tics Service. INS TALLED WATER POWER CAPACITY IN THE UNITED STATES AND OUTLYING TER- RITORIES. Subject Matter: Data on industrial as well as public utility water power capacity. Classified by ownership and size of installations. Includes sum- maries for all years of record. Corerage: All water power plants of 100 horsepower installed water wheel capacity, including industrial plants, and plants using water power directly without generation of electricity. Price, 10 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. 916 TEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Statistical publications of the Federal Power Commission—Continued Short Title Destination ISSued Title and Description Power 1920–1940:--| S-20--------|---------------- ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS 1990–1940. Sub- ject Matter: Historical data compiled by States for each year since 1920 as to production of energy, capacity of plants, and fuel consumption for electric generation. Capacity and generation data are presented by type of prime mover and class of ownership. Fuel data are presented by type of fuel. Coverage: All electric gen- erating plants for which data are obtained in connec- tion with the monthly power production reports de- scribed above. Price, 25 cents. Also sold as part of the Electric Power Statistics Service. Regulation------- 1941:S-10---|--------------- STATE COMMISSION JURISDICTION AND REGULATION OF ELECTRIC AND GAS UTILITIES-JANUARY 1, 1941. Subject Matter: Information on the powers and activities of state com- missions with respect to regulation of electric and gas utilities. Approximately forty aspects of regulation are covered, including rates; standards of Service; con- trol of accounting practices; control of relations with affiliates; regulation of important financial trans- actions, such as mergers and issuance of Securities; and powers to require filing of statistical and other reports. Separate sections cover regulation of (1) privately- owned electric utilities, (2) municipally owned electric utilities, (3) privately owned gas utilities, and (4) certain phases of natural gas production and trans- portation. The information presented was compiled from statements of the various State commissions and, as published, has been reviewed and approved by such commissions. Coverage: All State regulatory com- missions having jurisdiction over electric and gas util- ities. Price, 25 cents. Index to Statistics Currently Published by the Federal Power Commission Introductory Notes 1. In this index short titles are used to identify the various Federal Power Commission publications in which the data are contained. The full titles may be found under the descriptions of the publica- tions on the preceding pages of this section. - 2. The index is compiled from the latest issues of the publication that it covers. There may be some minor differences in content in earlier or later issues. 3. Many of the items indexed have a specialized significance based on their connections with the uniform system of accounts prescribed by the Federal Power Commission and the substantially identical system adopted by the National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners. In such cases the account or group of accounts com- prised in the item has been identified by account numbers taken from the Federal Power Commission’s system. The detailed significance of these accounts may be ascertained by consulting the Commission's publication, “Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees.” 4. “Group averages,” where referred to, denote that averages have been computed for different groups of utilities, types of facilities, sizes of facilities, or other significant groupings, thereby presenting a more detailed analysis in addition to the over-all average. 5. References to gas utility and “other” utility operations, except with regard to the “Regulation” report, refer to these operations only to the extent that they are conducted by electric utility companies. 917 INDEX TO STATISTICS CURRENTLY PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Short titles appearing in the column headed “Where published” are used to identify publications de- scribed in the preceding pages. Item How published Where published ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTING EX- PENSE, See accounting and collecting ex- pense, electric under CUSTOMERS; COM- BIN E D A D MINIST R A TIVE AN ID GENERAL, CUSTOMERS’ ACCOUNT- ING AND COLLECTING, AND SALES PROMOTION EXPENSES. ACCOUNTS OF ELECTRIC AND GAS UTILITIES: Continuing property records, State com- missions requiring. Specific entries in, powers of State com- missions to require. Specific adjustments to, powers of State commissions to require. Uniform systems of, powers of State com- missions to prescribe. Uniform systems of, prescribed by State Commissions. See also RECORDS; UNITS OF PROP- ERTY. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (balance sheet acct. 922). ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (balance sheet acct. 125). ACQUISITION ADJUSTMENTS: Amortization of, see AMORTIZATION. Electric utility plant (balance Sheet acct. 100.5). Gas utility plant-------------------------- “Other” utility plant---------------------- Total utility plant------------------------- See also under ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT. ADIDITIONS TO ELECTRIC GENER- ATING CAPACITY Scheduled for current year: Total, and by type of plant and class of Ownership. ADDRESSES, principal business: Of electric utilities------------------------- Of industrial concerns supplying electric Service. United States and State totals. For individual utilities---- For individual concerns--- Regulation, pp. 12, 21, 36, 43. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 10, 21, 34, 43. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. DO. DO. DO. Power additions, table 4 Directory. DO. 919 920 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published ADJUSTMENTS: To accounts of electric and gas utilities, By States----------------- powers of State commissions to require. Electric utility plant (balance sheet acct. | For individual companies- 107). Gas utility plant--------------------------|----- do--------------------- “Other” utility plant----------------------|--|-- -do--------------------- Total utility plant-------------------------|----- do--------------------- See also ACQUISITION ADJUST- MENTS. AIDMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES, electric operating: Components of, published separately: Administrative and general expenses | For individual companies- transferred—credit (oper. exp. acct. 807). Duplicate and joint expenses—net (oper. ----- do--------------------- erp. accounts, 806, 808, and 809). Employees’ welfare expenses and pensions ----- do--------------------- (oper. exp. acct. 800). Expenses of general officers and general |----- do--------------------- office employees (oper. exp. acct. 792). General office supplies and expenses (oper. ----- do--------------------- exp. acct. 793). Insurance, injuries, and damages (0per. ----- do--------------------- exp. accts. 798 and 799). Legal Services (oper. exp. acct. 796)---------|----- do--------------------- Maintenance of general property (oper. ----- do."-------------------- erp. acct. 80?). Management and supervision fees and ex- ||----- do--------------------- penses (oper. exp. acct. 794). Miscellaneous and “other” expenses (oper. |----- do--------------------- exp. accts. 795, 797, 801, 803, 804, and 805). - “Other” general office salaries (oper. exp. |----- do--------------------- acct.'791). Salaries of general officers and executives |----- do--------------------- (oper. exp. acct. 790). Total (oper. exp. accts. 790–809, incl.)-------|----- do."------------------- Total, average per customer--------------- Group averages.----------- Total, average percentage of total electric All-company average------ Operating expenSeS. Total, average percentage of total electric |----- do--------------------- operating revenues. D0----------------------------------- Group averages.----------- See also COMBINED ADMINISTRA- TIVE AND GENERAL, CUSTOM- ERS’ ACCOUNTING AND COL- LECTING, AND SALES PROMO- TION EXPENSES; OPERATING ExPENSEs. ADVANCES: Customers' advances for construction (bal- || For individual companies- ance sheet acct. 241). ... • - From associated companies (balance sheet |----- do--------------------- acct. 212). Interest on, see INTEREST. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Dtility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. DO Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. DO. Unit Costs, p. 58. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. DO. Unit Costs, p. 56. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. • Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 921 Indea: to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published AIFFILIATED INTERESTS of electric and gas utilities: Contracts with or payments to, powers of | By States ----------------- Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. State commissions to regulate. Loans to, powers of State commissions to |----- do------------------- --| Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. regulate. See also ASSOCIATED COMPANIES. AMORTIZATION: Of debt discount and expense (income | For individual companies- || Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. account 531). Of electric plant acquisition adjustments, ----- do--------------------- TJtility Statistics, sec. 1. reserve for (balance Sheet account 25?). Of limited-term electric investments, re- ----- do--------------------- DO. Serve for (balance sheet account 251). Of limited-term utility investments: Electric (income acct. 504)--------------|----- do--------------------- Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Gas---------------------------------------- do--------------------- DO. “Other”------------------------------------ do--------------------- DO. Total----------------------------------|----- do--------------------- DO. Of “other” property, see DEPRECIA- TION AND AM ORTIZATION. Of premium on debt (income acct. 532) -----|----- do--------------------- DO. Of utility plant acquisition adjustments: Electric (income accts. 505)-------------|----- do--------------------- DO. Gas------------------------------------|----- do--------------------- DO “Other”-------------------------------|----- do--------------------- DO Total----------------------------------|----- do--------------------- DO ANTHRACITE, see COAL. ASSESSMENT FOR TAX PURPOSES, see VALUATION FOR PURPOSES OF TAXATION. ASSESSMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: Limitations placed on State commissions | By States----------------- Regulation, pp. 13, 37. as to amounts assessable. State commissions permitted to assess gen- |----- do--------------------- DO. eral costs against electric and gas utilities regulated. State commissions permitted to assess spe- |----- do--------------------- Dſ). cial costs against electric and gas utilities involved. ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS, total ----| For individual companies”. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. See also components listed under their own headings. ASSOCIATED COMPANIES: Advances from (balance sheet acct. 218) -----|----- do - - - DO. Interest on debt to (income acct. 584)-------|-----do--------------------- TJtility Statistics, Sec. 2. Investments in (balance sheet acct. 111) -----|----- do.”------------------- Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Payables to (balance sheet acct. 283).--------|-----do--------------------- DO. Receivables from (balance sheet acct. 126) ---|----- do--------------------- DO. See also AFFILIATED INTEREST.S. * Asterisk 'denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 922 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published AVERA GE TYPICAL BILLS for electric service, in cities of 50,000 pop. or more. BALANCE SHEET------------------------- See also components listed separately under own headings. BITUMINOUS COAL, see COAL. BOND YIELDS, average market yield of bonds, related to gross income as a percentage of long-term debt. BONDS: Amount outstanding (balance sheet acct. 210) - Amount outstanding, of each issue------- - Amount outstanding, average percentage to investment in total utility plant. Interest rate of each issue------------------ Maturity date of each issue---------------- Nominal issue date of each issue----------- See also CAPITALIZATION; DEBT. BUDGETED EXPENDITURES, BUID GETS. $66 BUID GETS: Of expenditures for current year for con- struction of electric facilities. Of expenditures for current year for con- struction of electric generating capacity: total, and by type of plant. Powers of State commissions to regulate--- State commissions ordering advance sub- mission of. CANADA, imports of electric energy from, see ELECTRIC ENERGY RECEIVED. CAPACITY: Of electric generating plants: total, and by size and type of plant. Oſ electric generating plants: total, and by type of plant. Of electric generating plants, scheduled additions to: total, and by type of plant. See also GENERATING CAPACITY: Of licensed projects.------------------------ Of transmission substations per utility, related to the investment therein per kva. Of water wheels, according to size of plant-- Of water wheels, total: for electric utility plants; industrial and miscellaneous plants; all plants. CAPITAL STOCK: Discount on (balance sheet acct. 150)-------- Discount and expense (balance sheet accts. 150 and 151). All-city averages.---------- For individual companies”- Group averages.----------- For individual companies*- Group averages.----------- For individual companies- United States and State totals. For individual companies- For individual utilities--- U. S. and State totals----- For individual projects---- Group averages.----------- United States and State totals. Electric Bills—50,000. |Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Unit Costs, p. 104. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, Sec. 3. Utility Statistics, p. xi. |Unit Costs, p. 98. Utility Statistics, sec. 3. DO. DO. Power Additions, table 5. DO. Regulation, p. 9, 19, 33, 41. Regulation, p. 13, 21, 36, 43. Utility Statistics, sec. 7, Directory. Power Additions, table 4. Annual Report, appendix A. Unit Costs, p. 16. Water Power, table 2. Water Power, table 1. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 923 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published CAPITAL STOCK–Continued. Expense (balance sheet acct. 151)------------ Installments received on (balance sheet acct. 205). Premiums and assessments On (balance sheet acct. 205). Reacquired (balance sheet acct. 15?)-------- Subscribed (balance Sheet acct. 204) --------- Total (balance sheet accts. 200–205, incl.) - - - - - See also CAPITALIZATION; COM- MON STOCK; PREFERRED STOCK; STOCK. CAPITAL SURPLUS (balance sheet acct. 270)- See also SURPLUS. CAPITALIZATION: Bonds outstanding, as a percentage of in- vestment in total utility plant. Bonds outstanding, average percentage to investment in total utility plant. Common stock, as a percentage of total Outstanding Securities. Common stock, as a percentage of total Securities outstanding plus Surplus. Common stock, average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. Long-term debt, average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. Long-term debt, as a percentage of invest- ment in total utility plant. Long-term debt, as a percentage of total outstanding Securities. Long-term debt, as a percentage of total lia- bilities and other credits, related to groSS income as a percentage of long-term debt. Long-term debt, as a percentage of total liabilities and other credits, related to percentage of total liabilities and other Credits in: Common stock------------------------ Other liabilities and creditS.------------ Long-term debt, as a percentage of total Securities outstanding plus Surplus. Preferred stock, as a percentage of total Outstanding securities. Preferred Stock, as a percentage of total Securities outstanding plus surplus. Preferred stock, average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. Surplus, as a percentage of total securities Outstanding plus Surplus. Surplus, average percentage to total liabili- ties and other credits. See also BONDS; CAPITAL STOCK; COMMON STOCK; PREFERRED STOCK; STOCK; SURPLUS. For individual companies- Group averageS----------- All-COmpany a Verage------ Group averageS----------- Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xi. Unit COstS, p. 98. Utility Statistics, p. xi. DO. Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. DO. |Utility Statistics, p. xi. DO. Unit Costs, p. 106. Unit Costs, p. 100. DO. DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xi. DO. DO. |Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. Utility Statistics, p. xi. |Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary Section of that volume. 322184—42—65 924 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published CASH (balance sheet acct. 120) ----------------- CERTIFICATES OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY, powers of State com- missions to regulate initial Service by means of. COAL: Consumed in electric generation: By months: for anthracite; bituminous; total coal. By months: total of all coals------------ In year and by months of year: for anthracite; bituminous; lignite. Pounds used in year per kwh gen- erated; for anthracite bituminuoS lignite. By years, 1920 to 1940; for all coals Combined. Electric energy generated by, in year: for anthracite; bituminous; lignite. Percent of electric energy generated by, by months. Stocks of, by months: for anthracite; bitu- minous; total coal. Stocks of, by months, total of all coals------ COLLECTING EXPENSE, see accounting and collecting expense under CUSTOMERS. COMBINED ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL, CUSTOMERS ACCOUNT- ING AND COLLECTING, AND SALES PROMOTION EXPENSES, average ex- pense per customer. See also ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES; accounting and collecting expenses under CUSTOM- ERS; SALES PROMOTION EX- PENSES. COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES, see RATES. COMMON STOCK: Amount Outstanding: AS a percentage of total Securities out- Standing. As a percentage of total securities out- standing plus surplus. Average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. (Balance sheet acct. 200)----------------- Dividend appropriations for: (Earned surplus actt. 412)-------------- As a percentage of net income----------- As a percentage of total utility operat- ing revenues. (“Dividends paid”), average percent- age of market value of common Stock. For individual companies. By States----------------- United States totals------- United States and State totals. United States and State averageS. United States and State totals. |United States and State averages. United States totals------- United States and State totals. Group averageS----------- Group averages.----------- For individual companies”- Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 23, 27, 31, 40. Fuel monthly. Do. Fuel annual. DO. Power 1920–40. Fuel annual. Fuel monthly. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 58. |Utility Statistics, p. xi. Do. Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. Utility Statistics, Sec.S. 1, 3. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. DO. Unit Costs, p. 110. *Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for there items covering all the electric utility com- panies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. . : - STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 925 Indea to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published COMMON STOCK–Continued. Income available for dividends on, related to market value of common stock. See also CAPITAL STOCK; CAPITAL- IZATION; STOCK. COMMUNITIES: Electric rates available in . . . . . . . . . . --- - - - - - In which electric rates were changed: Number of Communities of 50,000 pop- ulation or more in which one or more residential electric typical bills dur- ing year were (a) reduced; (b) in- creased; (c) some increased and some decreased; and (d) all unchanged. Provided with electric Service: Names and populations of -- - - - - - - - Names and populations of, and name of utility Serving. By more than one utility; names of those of 50,000 population or more. Rankings of those of 1,000 population or more in each State by amounts of their typical bills for residential Service. Rankings of those of 50,000 population or more according to amounts of their typical bills for residential Service. Typical hills for electric service in - - - - - COMPETING ELECTRIC SERVICE: Names of communities of 50,000 population or more, served by more than one utility. COMPETITIVE BIDIDING: On Security issues, powers of State Com- missions to require. On major property additions, powers of State commissions to require. CONSOLIDATIONS, powers of State com- missions to regulate. CONSTRUCTION: Budgeted expenditures for, see BUD GETS. Contributions in aid of (balance sheet acct. 265). Costs of transmission lines (i. e., all costs ercept land), investment in per mile of line, see TRANSMISSION LINES. Customers’ advances for (balance sheet acct. 241), Overheads, undistributed electric---------- Work in progress: Electric utility (balance sheet acct. 100.3). Gas utility---------------------------- “Other utility”------------------------ Total utility--------------------------- Group averages.----------- Totals for entire group----- By utility Serving--------- Alphabetically by States-- For individual COIn muni- ties. For individual companies”- Unit Costs, p. 110. Rate Book. Electric Bills—50,000. Directory. Electric Bills. Electric Bills—50,000. Electric Bills. Electric Bills—50,000. Electric Bills. Electric Bills—50,000, Regulation, pp. 10, 19, 33, 41. DO. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 31, 40 Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. T)0. Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. DO. IDO. IDO. IDO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume, 926 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published CONTINUING PROPERTY RECORDS, By States. ---------------- Regulation, pp. 12, 21, 36, 43. State commissions requiring. CONTRACTS WITH AFFILIATED IN- |_____ do-------------------- Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. TERESTS, powers of State commissions to regulate. CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID OF CON- || For individual companies*. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. STRUCTION (balance sheet acct. 265). CONTROL, HOLDING COMPANY: Over electric utility companies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do-------------------- Utility Statistics. P0------------------------------------|----- do-------------------- Directory. See also SUBSIIDIARIES. CORPORATE LIMITS, States in which | By States--------- - - - - - - - - Regulation, p. 25. municipally owned electric utilities have the right to Serve outside. CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS: Components of, published separately: Accounts receivable (balance sheet acct. For individual companies- || Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. 125). Cash (balance sheet acct. 120) -----------|----- do-------------------- IDO. Materials and supplies (balance sheet |-|--|-- do."------------------- IDO. acct. 131). Miscellaneous and “other” (balance |_____ do-------------------- DO. sheet accts. 127–130, incl., and 183). Notes receivable (balance sheet acct. ----- do-------------------- DO. 124). Prepayments (balance sheet acct. 18?) --|----- do-------------------- DO. Receivables from associated companies |----- do-------------------- DO. (balance sheet acct. 136). Special deposits (balance sheet acct. 121) - ||----- do-------------------- DO. Temporary cash investments (balance |-|--|-- do-------------------- DO. Sheet acct. 123). Working funds (balance sheet acct. 122) - |----- do-------------------- DO. Total (balance sheet accts. 130–133, incl.) ----|----- do.”------------------- DO. Total, number of times current and accrued All-company average------ Utility Statistics, p. xi, liabilities. CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILI- TIES: Components of, published separately: Accounts payable (balance sheet acct. | For individual companies- Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. 222). Customers’ depositS (balance sheet acct. - - - - - do.”------------------- DO. 22?). Dividends declared (balance Sheet acct, ----- do-------------------- DO. 224). Interest accrued (balance sheet acci. 229) - |----- do-------------------- DO. Miscellaneous and “other” (balance |-|--|-- do-------------------- DO. sheet accis. 221, 225, 226, and 230). Notes payable (balance sheet acct. 220) --|----- do-------------------- DO. Payables to associated companies |----- do-------------------- DO. (balance sheet acci. 223). Taxes accrued (balance sheet acct. 228) --|----- do-------------------- DO. Total (balance sheet accts. 220–230, incl.) - - - - ----- do.”------------------- DO. CURRENT ASSETS. See CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility. companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 927 Indea: to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published CURRENT RATIO (ratio of current assets to current liabilities). CUSTOMERS: Accounting and collecting expenses, elec- tric, components of, published separately: Customers' billing and accounting (oper. erp. acct. 781). Customers’ contracts, orders, meter reading and collecting (oper. erp. acct. 780). Miscellaneous (oper. exp. accts. 782 & 784). Supervision (oper. exp. acct. 779) -------- Uncollectible accounts (oper. exp. acct. 783). Total (oper. erp. accts. 779–784 incl.)---------------------------- Total average amount per cus- tomer. Total average percentage of total electric operating expenses. Total average percentage of total electric operating revenues. See also COMBINED ADMIN- ISTRATIVE AND GEN- E. R. A. L. C. U S T O M E R S ACCOUNTING AND COL- LECTING AND SALES PROMOTION EXPENSES; OPERATING EXPENSES. Advances for construction (balance sheet acct. 241). Deposits (balance sheet acct. 237) - - - -------- No. of electric: By classes of Service, see SALES. Per pole-mile of distribution line, re- lated to distribution operating ex- penSeS per customer. Per utility, related to distribution ex- penSeS per customer. Per utility, related to customers’ ac- Counting and collecting expenses per Customer. Premises, expenses for services performed On (oper. erp. acct. 762). Premises, maintenance of installations and property on (oper. exp. accts. 773 & 774). DEBT: Interest on long-term (income acct. 530)----- Long-term: Components of, published separately: Advances from associated com- panies (balance sheet acct. 219). Bonds (balance sheet acct. 210). ----- Miscellaneous (balance sheet acct. 213). Receivers' certificates (balance sheet acct. 211). All-company average------ For individual companies- All-Company average------ Group averages.----------- All-company average------ For individual companies- For individual utilities___. Group averages----------- Utility Statistics, p. xi. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Unit Costs, pp. 52, 58. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. Directory. Unit Costs, p. 48. DO. Unit Costs, p. 52. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. DO. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 928 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published DEBT—Continued. Long-term—Continued. Total (balance sheet accts. £10–£15, incl.). Total, as a percentage of investment in total utility plant. Total, as a percentage of outstanding Securities. Total, as a percentage of outstanding securities plus surplus. Total, average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. See also BONDS, CAPITALIZATION. Reacquired long-term (balance sheet acct. 153). To associated companies: Interest on (income acct. 584)----------- See also ADVANCES; PAYABLES. DEBT DISCOUNT AND EXPENSE: Amortization of (income acct. 581)---------- Unamortized (balance sheet acct. 140)------- DEFEREED CREDITS: Components of, published separately: Customers' advances for construction (balance sheet acct. 241.) “Other” deferred credits (balance sheet acct. 242). Unamortized premium on debt (bal- ance sheet accl. 240). Total (balance sheet accts. 240-242, incl.)----| DEFERRED DEBITS: Components of, published separately: Extraordinary property losses (balance 8heet accf. 141). Miscellaneous and “other” (balance sheet accts. 143, 145, & 146). Preliminary survey and investigation charges (balance sheet accl. 143). Retirement work in progress (balance sheet acct. 144). Unamortized debt discount and ex- pense (balance sheet acct. 140). Total (balance sheet accts. 140–146)---------- DEMANDS, see PEAK LOADS. DEPEND ABLE GENERATING CAPAC- ITY, see GENERATING CAPACITY. DEPLETION, powers of State commissions to regulate charges for, by natural gas util- ities. DEPOSITS: Customers’ (balance sheet acct. 227) --------- Special (balance sheet acct. 121) ------------- For individual companies*. All-company average------ By States----------------- For individual companies* TJtility Statistics, Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, p. xi. DO. DO. Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 45, 46. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 929 Index; to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published DEPRECIATION: Annual charges for: On electric utility plant (income acct. 503). On electric utility plant, average per- centage to total investment in elec- tric utility plant. On electric utility plant, average per- centage to electric operating TeVerillèS. On gas utility plant On “other” utility plant-------------- On total utility plant------------------ Reserve for: On electric utility plant (balance sheet acct. 250). On electric utility plant, average per- centage to investment in electric utility plant. On “other” property, see DEPRE- CIATION AND AMORTIZA- TION. See also MAINTENANCE AND DEPRECIATION EXPENSES; DEPRECIATION AND AMOR- TIZATION, DEPRECIATION ACCOUNTING. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IDEPRECIATION ACCOUNTING: Methods prescribed by State commissions- Powers of State commissions to prescribe methods of depreciation accounting. Powers of State commissions to prescribe rateS. State commissions prescribing maximum and minimum reserve requirements. DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZA- TION: Annual charges for: On electric utility plant, as a percent- age of electric operating revenues. On total utility plant: As a percentage of investment in total utility plant. As a percentage of total utility operating revenues. Reserve for: On “other” property (balance sheet acct. 253). On total utility plant, as a percentage of investment in total utility plant. DIRECTORS of electric utility companies, names of. DISCOUNT ON CAPITAL STOCK (balance For individual companies- Group averages - see s • - - - - - - - For individual companies- All-company average------ For individual companies- &heet acct. 150). |Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Unit Costs, p. 84. Unit Costs, p. 74. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. T}o. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Unit Costs, p. 88. Regulation, pp. 11, 35. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 11, 35. Utility Statistics, p. xii. DO. TJtility Statistics, p. Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, p. xi. Directory. |Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. 930 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES, operating: Components of, published separately: Line operation expense (Oper. exp. accf. 761). Maintenance expense of installations and property on customers’ premises (oper. exp. accts. 778 & 774). Maintenance expense of lines (oper. erp. accts. 768, 769, & 770). Maintenance expense of services and meters (oper. exp. accts. 771 & 772). Maintenance expense of street lighting and signal systems (oper. exp. acct. 775). Maintenance expense of structures, stations, and storage battery equip- ment (oper. exp. accts. 765, 766, & 767). Maintenance expense, total (oper. exp. accts. 764–775, incl.). Maintenance supervision and engi- neering expense (oper. exp. acct. 764). Miscellaneous expense (oper. exp. accts. 776, 777, & 778). Operation expense, total (oper. eacp. accts. 766–763, incl.). Services on customers’ premises, opera- tion expense for (oper. exp. acct. 763). Station and storage battery labor and expenses, for distribution operation (oper. erp. cccts. 759 & 760). Street lighting and signal system op- eration expense (oper. exp. acct. 768). Supervision, engineering, dispatching, and office expense, for distribution operation (oper. exp. accts. 756, 757, & 758). Maintenance expenses, total, average per- Centage of total distribution expenses. Total (oper. ºrp. accts. 756–778, incl.).------ Total, average per customer--------------- Total, average per customer--------------- Total, average percentage of total operat- ing expenses. See also OPERATING EXPENSES. electric DISTRIBUTION LINES: No. of cable miles in underground and sub- marine line. No. of meters per mile of line related to total distribution plant investment per meter, and per mile of line. No. of pole miles in overhead line-------, -- No. of wire miles in overhead line--------- For individual companies- All-company average------ For individual companies*- All-company average------ Group averageS----------- All-company average------ For individual companies- Group averages----------- For individual companies- Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. T)0. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Unit Costs, p. 48. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. unit Costs, p. 20. Utility Statistics, sec. 7. T)0. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 931 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published DISTRIBUTION METERS: No. of electric on customers’ premises------ For individual companies - Utility Statistics, sec. 7. No. per mile of line related to distribution | Group averages.----------- Unit Costs, p. 20. plant investment per wire-mile of line and per meter. Total no. of electric-------- ---| For individual companies- Utility Statistics, sec. 7. DISTRIBUTION OPERATING EX- PENSES, see DISTRIBUTION EX- PENSES. DISTRIBUTION PLANT, electric invest- ment in: Installations and leased property on cus- |_____ do--------------------- Utility Statistics, sec. 6. tomers’ premises (electric plant accts. 861 & 862). Land and land rights (electric plant acct. |_____ do--------------------- DO. 850). Poles, towers, fixtures, and conductors |_____ do--------------------- DO. (electric plant accts. 354 & 855). Street lighting and signal Systems (electric |----- do--------------------- DO. plant acct. 363). See also STREET LIGEITING AND SIGNAL SYSTEMS. Structures and equipment (electric plant ----- do--------------------- DO. accts. 351, 359 & 353). Total (electric plant accts. 850–868, incl.) -----|----- do--------------------- DO. Total, average amount per wire-mile of line || Group averages.----------- Unit CostS, p. 20. and per meter. Total, amount of per utility related to per- |_____ do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 22. centage of such investment in street light- ing and signal systems. Transformers, services, and meters (electric | For individual companies - || Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. plant accts. 358, 359, & 360). Underground conduit, conductors, and |----- do--------------------- DO. devices (electric plant accts. 356 & 857). DISTRIBUTION LINE TRANSFORM- |_____ do--------------------- Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. ERS, no. and kva. capacity of. DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER SUB- STATIONS: Capacity of Special equipment in-----------|----- do--------------------- DO. Capacity of transformers in----------------|----- do--------------------- DO. DIVIDENIDS: Appropriations for: On common stock (earned surplus acct. ----- do.”------------------- Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. 412). On common stock, as a percentage of All-company average------ Utility Statistics, p. xiii. net income. On common Stock, as a percentage of |----- do--------------------- Do. total utility operating revenues. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 932 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published DIVIDENIDS—Continued. Appropriations for—Continued. On common stock (“dividends paid”), average percentage to market value of common Stock. On preferred stock (earmed surplus acct. 411). On preferred stock, as a percentage of net income. On preferred stock, as a percentage of total utility operating revenues. Total, as a percentage of met income- - - - Total, as a percentage of total utility operating revenues. Declared (balance Sheet acct, 224) --------- Impairing capital, of electric and gas utili- ties, powers of State commissions to pro- hibit. Income available for, On Common Stock, re- lated to market value of common Stock. Paid, see appropriations for above. DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST, revenues from (income accts. 523 & 524). DUPLICATE AND JOINT OPERATING EXPENSES-net, electric (oper. exp. accts. 806, 808, & 809). EARNED STURPLUS: At beginning of year (balance sheet acct. 371)- At end of year (balance sheet acct. 271)------ Balance transferred to, from income ac- count (earned surplus acct. 400 or 410). Dividend appropriations from, for: Commonstock(earned surplus acct.412)- Preferred stock (earmed surplus acct. 411). “Other” credits to (earned 8wrplus acct. 401)- “Other” debits to (earned surplus accts. 418 d: 414). See also SURPLUS. EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR COM- MON STOCK DIVIDENDS, amount per share related to: Dividends paid per share------------------ Dividend yield per share based on market price of shares. Market value per share-------------------- EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR IN COME I) EDUCTIONS AND PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS, no. of times such charges earned, related to market yield of preferred Stock. ELECTRIC (as first word of heading) See also wnder the next significant word of heading. Group averages.----------- For individual companies*- For individual companies-- By States----------------- Group averageS----------- For individual companies- Unit Costs, p. 110. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. I)0. DO. \DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. Unit Costs, p. 110. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5 Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Utility Statistics, Sec.S. 1, 2. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 110. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 108. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 933 Inder to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published ELECT RIC DE PRE CIATION EX- PENSES, see DEPRECIATION. E L E C T R H C D E PR E CIA. TI O N RE- SERVE, see DEPRECIATION. ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE: By months (“energy for load”)------------- By months-------------------------------- Forecasts of future requirements, by months, and for maximum month of next 12 months.-------------------------- ELECTRIC ENERGY DELIVERED: To foreign countries, by months.----------- To foreign countries, by years, 1921 to date- To other States, by months.---------------- To each State and foreign country, in year and by months of year. ELECTRIC ENERGY GENERATED: By months (“net generation”)-------------- By months, in all plants, in fuel-burning plants; in hydro plants. By months, in terms of daily average gen- eration. By months, percentage produced by coal.-- By months, percentage produced by water power. By years, 1920 to 1940; by publicly owned plants; by privately owned plants. Also by hydro plants; by steam plants; by internal-combustion plants; and by classes of ownership of these types of plants. In year; total, by hydro plants, by internal- combustion plants; by Steam plants. In Year------------------------------------ In year and in each month of year; by publicly owned plants; by privately OWned plants. Also by hydro plants; by internal-combustion plants; by steam plants; and by classes of ownership of these types of plants. 12-month totals ending with each month__ Fuel Consumed to produce, by months: total coal; fuel oil; natural gas. Fuel consumed to produce, by months: anthracite, bituminous. Power supply area totals-- For individual power sys- temS. Power supply area totals-- United States and State totals. For individual utilities---- United States and State totals. United States totals------- United States and State totals. For individual power Sys- temS. Power supply area totals-- United States and State totals. United States average----- TJnited States and State averages. |United States average----- United States and State totals. For individual companies. IFor individual utilities--- United States and State totals. United States totals------- TJ Inited States and State totals. |United States totals------- Power Requirements. DO. DO. Power Monthly. Interstate, table 1. Directory. Power Monthly. Interstate, p. 5. Power Monthly. Interstate, tables 2, 3. Power RequirementS. DO. Power Monthly. DO. Fuel Monthly. Power Monthly. POWer 1920–40. Utility Statistics, sec. 7. Directory. Interstate, table 1. Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Power Monthly. |Fuel Monthly. DO. 934 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published ELECTRIC ENERGY GENERATED–Con. Fuel consumed to produce, in year and by months in year: for anthracite; bitumi- nous coal; lignite; oil; gas. Fuel consumed to produce, by years, 1920 to 1940: for coal, gas, oil. See also COAL; FUEL; GAS; OIL. Produced with each fuel; for anthracite; bituminous coal, lignite, oil, gas. Production expense for, see PRODUC- TION EXPENSES. E L E C T R IC E N E R G Y CEHANGED: “Interchange power” operating expense (oper. exp. acct. 789). Interchanged-in--------------------------- IN T E R - ELECTRIC ENERGY PURCHASED: “Purchased power” operating expense (oper. erp. acct. 738). “Purchased power” operating expense, as a percent of total production expenses. Total kilowatt-hours---------------------- ELECTRIC ENERGY RECEIVED: From foreign countries, by months.-------- From foreign countries, by years, 1921 to date. From other States, by months.------------- From each State and foreign country, in year and by months of year. ELECTRIC ENERGY SOLD: Total, and by classes of service------------ See also SALES. To ultimate consumers, by industrial con- Cern S. ELECTRIC ENERGY TRANSMITTED, see ELECTRIC ENERGY DELIVERED; ELECTRIC ENERGY RECEIVED. ELECTRIC ENERGY UTILIZED, see ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE. ELECTRIC ENERGY USED BY COM- PANY AND FURNISHED WITHOUT CELARGE. ELECTRIC FACILITIES, see ELECTRIC TJTILITY PLANT. United States and State totals. For individual companies*_ For individual utilities____ For individual companies- All-company average------ For individual utilities____ For individual companies— |United States and State totals. United States totals------- TJnited States and State totalS. For individual concerns--- For individual companies- For individual concerns. -- For individual companies- Fuel Annual. POWer 1920–40. Fuel Annual. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. T)irectory. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. DO. Utitlity Statistics, sec. 5. utility Statistics, p. xviii T)irectory. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Power Monthly. InterState, p. 5 Power Monthly. Interstate, tables 2, 3. Directory. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Utility Statistics, Sec. 4. Directory. Utility Statistics, sec. 7. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that VOlume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 935 Index; to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published ELECTRIC GENERATING EXPENSES, See PROT) UCTION EXPEN SES. FLECTRIC MA) NTENANCE EX- I’ENSES, see MAINTENANCE EX- PEN SES. ELECTRIC Ol’ERATING EXPENSES, see OPERATING EXPENSES. ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUE T) EDUCTIONS, Sé0 O FIERATING REVENUE TO ETOUCTIONS. ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES, See OF ERATING REVENUES. ELECTRIC PLANT, see ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT. ELECTRIC PLANT INVEST MENT, see ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT. ELECTRIC RATES, see RATES. ELECTRIC SERVICE: Communities provided with, see COM- MUNITIES. Regulation of, by State commissions, see - REGULATION BY STATE COM- MISSIONS. Standards for, powers of State commissions | By States ----------------. Regulation, pp. 6, 17, 23, 26. to establish. ELECTRIC TAX I. XI’ENSES, see TAXES. ELECTRIC UTILITIES: Accounts of, see ACCOUNTS OF ET, EC- TRIC AND GAS UTILITIES. Addresses of, principal business-- . . . . . . . . . For individual utilities----| Tirectory. Communities Served by, see COMM U- NITIES. Customers, no. of electric---. -- - - - - - - - - - - - ----- do-------------------- DO. Directors of those privately owned. - - - - - - - - - - - do-------------------- T)0. Electric energy; generated by; purchased |_ _ _ _ do-------------------- T)0. by; interchanged—in by; total available. Generating capacity of: hydro; internal || ---- do-------------------- T)0. combustion; steam; total. Holding companies controlling those pri- |----- do-------------------- DO. vately owned. Investment of, in electric facilities (electric |...--- do-------------------- DO. wtility plant). Licensed or granted preliminary permits by Federal Power Commission for major water power projects, see LICENSEID PROJECTS. Members of governing bodies of those |----- do-------------------- DO. publicly owned. Names of.---------------------------------|----- do-------------------- Do. Officers or officials of --------. ------------|----- do-------------------- T}o. Operating revenues of, electric------------. ----- do-------------------- Do. 936 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published ELECTRIC UTILITIES-Continued. Regulation of, see REGULATION BY STATE COMMISSIONS. States in which they operate--------------- For individual utilities ----| Directory. Subsidiaries of. ------------ --------------|----- do-------------------- DO. Utility Services, other than electric, also |_ _ _ _- do------------------- IDO. rendered by. Utilities served at wholesale by-------- - -. -----do-------------------- DO. See also FUEL-GENERATION COM- PANIES; HYDRO-GENERATION COMPANIES; PURCHASED-EN- LRGY COMPANIES; ESTABLISH- MENTS; and under headings for individual subjects. ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT: Acquisition adjustments (balance sheet acct. 100.5). Acquisition adjustments, reserve for amortization of (balance sheet acct. 252). Adjustments (balance sheet acct. 107) - - - - - - Construction work in progress (balance sheet acct. 106.5). T)epreciation charged on, see DEPRECI- ATLON. Held for future use (balance sheet acct. 100.4). In process of reclassification (balance sheet acct. 100.6). In service (balance sheet acct. 100,1)--------- In service and in process of reclassification, total. Investment in, per utility, related to electric operating revenues. Leased to others (balance sheet acct. 100.3) - - Total (balance sheet acct. 100)--...------------ Total (“investment in electric facilities”) - - - - Total (“electric plant impestment”) average ratio to total electric operating revenues. See also DISTRIBUTION PLANT; GENERAL PLANT; GENERAT- ING PLANTS, HYDRO – E L E C- TRIC; GENERATING PLANTS, INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ELEC- TRIC; GENERATING PLANTS, STEAM-ELECTRIC; INTANGI- BLE PLANT; LANT); STRUC- TURES; TRANSMISSION PLANT: UNCLASSIFIED ELECTRIC UTIL- ITY PLANT, UNDISTRIBUTED CONSTRUCTION OVEREIEAT)S. EMPLOYEES WELFARE EXPENSES AND PENSIONS, electric (oper. exp. acct. 800). ENERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY. ENERGY AVAILABLE, see ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE. ENERGY FOR LOAD, see ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE. Group averages----------- For individual companies- For individual utilities---- Group averages - - - - - - - - - - - For individual companies- Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. DO. T)0. T)0. T)0. Unit Costs, p. 112. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Utility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. T)irectory. Unit Costs, p. 112. Utility Statistics, Sec, 5. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 937 Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published EQUIPMENT, in generating plants, invest- ment in per kw. of capacity, see GENERAT- ING PLANTS. “ESTABLISHMENTS” operating generat- ing plants for public use, no. of. ESTIMATES of future power and electric energy requirements, see FORECASTS. EXPENDITURES: Budgeted for year on construction of electric generating capacity. Budgeted for year on construction of all electric facilities. Regulation of budgets of, see BUD GETS. EXPENSES, PENSES. See OPERATING EX- EXPORTS OF ELECTRIC ENERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY DELIVERED. EXTENSIONS TO LINES, by electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to require in franchise area. EXTENSIONS OF SERVICE AREAS, see INITIAL SERVICE. EXTRAORDINARY PROPERTY LOSS- ES (balance sheet acct. 141). FORECASTS: Of net assured capacity, see GENERAT- ING CAPACITY. Of peak demands on systems, by months and for maximum month of next 12 months. Of requirements of electric energy available (“energy for load”) by months and for maximum month of next 12 months. FUEL consumed in electric generation: By months: total coal; oil; gas------------ By months: anthracite coal; bituminous Coal. In year and by months in year: for anthra- cite coal; bituminous coal; lignite; oil; gåS. By years, 1920 to 1940; for coal; oil; gas----- See also COAL STOCKS; COAL; OIL; GAS. FUEL EXPENSE for production of electric energy: - By internal combustion-electric generating plants (oper. exp. acct. 729). By internal combustion-electric generating plants, average cost per kwh. United States total -------- United States and State totalS. By States----------------- For individual companies. Power Supply area totals-- |United States and State totals. United States totals------- United States and State totals. For individual companies- Group averages.----------- Power Annual, p. 4. Power Additions, table 5. DO. Regulation, pp. 6, 17, 30, 39. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Power Requirements. DO. Fuel Monthly. DO. Fuel Annual. POWer 1920–40. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. Unit Costs, p. 40. 938 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published FUEL EXPENSE, etc.—Continued. By steam-electric generating plants (oper. exp. acct. 703). By steam-electric generating plants, aver- age cost per kwh. FUEL-GENERATION COMPANIES: Electric depreciation expenses of: Related to their electric Operating rôVenlleS. Related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric depreciation reserves of, related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric maintenance expenses of, related to their electric Operating revenues. Electric maintenance expenses of, related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric maintenance and depreciation expenses of: Related to their electric operating revenueS. Related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric operating expenses of, related to their electric operating revenues. Electric operating revenue deductions of, related to their electric Operating reve- Illle.S. Electric operating revenues of, related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric tax expenses of, related to their electric Operating revenues. FUEL OIL, see OIL. FUEL STOCKS, see COAL STOCKS. FUNDS: Miscellaneous special (balance sheet acct. 114). Revenues from sinking and other funds (income acct. 525). Sinking funds (balance sheet acct. 113) ------ Working funds (balance sheet acct. 129) ----- GAS consumed in electric generation: By months-------------------------------- In year and by months of year - - - - - - - - - - - - By years, 1920 to 1940-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cu. ft. used in year per kwh. generated -- - - Electric energy generated by, in year_ _ _ _ _ _ GAS UTILITY: Income from gas utility plant leased to Others. Net operating revenues-------------------- Operating expenses------------------------ For individual companies. Group averages For individual companies- United States and State totals. United States and State averageS. United States and State totals. For individual companies- Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Unit Costs, p. 36. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. 82. Unit Costs, p. 80. Unit Costs, p. 86. Unit Costs, p. 72. Unit Costs, p. 70. Unit Costs, p. 112. Unit Costs, p. 76. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Utility Statistics. Sec. 1. DO. Fuel Monthly. Fuel Annual. Power 1920–40. Fuel Annual. DO. |Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 939 Indea: to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published GAS UTILITY –Continued. Operating revenue deductions: Components of, published separately: Amortization of limited term utility investment. Amortization of utility plant ac- quisition adjustments. Depreciation---------------------- Operating expenses---------------- Property losses chargeable to oper- ation. Operating revenues Plant: Acquisition adjustments.--------------- Adjustments--------------------------- Construction work in progreSS---------- Held for future use-------------------- In process of reclassification----------- In Service----------------------------- GENERAL EXPENSES, see ADMINIS- TRATIVE AND GENERAL EX- PENSES. GENERAL OFFICE: Salaries, “other” (oper. exp. acci. 791) ------ Supplies and expenses (oper. exp. acct. 798) - See also ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES. GENERAL OFFICERS AND EXECU - TIVES, salaries of (oper. exp. acct. 790). GENERAL OFFICERS AND GENERAL OFFICE . EMPLOYEES, expenses of (oper. exp. acct. 79?). GENERAL PLANT, electric: Investment in (electric plant accts. 370-393, incl.). Investment in, average percentage to total electric utility plant exclusive of pro- duction plant. GENERAL PROPERTY, electric, mainte- nance expense of (oper. exp. acct. 802). GENERATING CAPACITY, electric: Dependable capacity: total, and by type of plant. Installed capacity: Additions to, Scheduled for comple- tion in current year: total, and by type of plant. 322184—42 66 For individual companies. For individual companies- For individual power SyS- temS. Power supply area totals-- |United States and State totals. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. Utility Statistics, Secs. 1, 6. |Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. DO, DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. Unit Costs, p. 23. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. Power RequirementS. DO. Power Additions, table 4. 940 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published GENERATING CAPACITY, electric—Con. Installed capacity—Continued. By years, 1920 to 1940; total; and for hydro plants; steam plants; internal combustion plants; publicly-owned plants; privately-owned plants; and for Subclassifications of those classes Of plantS. Of individual plants, related to the investment per kW. in the plants and to production costs per kWh., see GENERATING PLANTS. Total, and by type of plant------------ Total, and by class of ownership and type of plant, and by subdivisions of those classes. Total, by months, as reported.--------- Total, and by type and size of plant_ _- Net assured capacity, total, to serve annual peak load. Net assured capacity, total, to serve annual peak load, estimates for ends of 1941 and 1942. Purchased capacity, net firm-------------- Scheduled additions to, for completion in current year: total, and by type of plant. See also GENERATING PLANTS; ELECTRIC ENERGY; PRODUC- TION EXPENSES. United States and State totals. For individual utilities---- For individual power SyS- temS. Power supply area totals-- United States and State totals. United States total -------- For individual compan- nies. For individual power sys- tem.S. Power supply area totals-- For individual power sys- temS. Power supply area totals-- For individual power sys- tem.S. Power supply area totals United States and State totals. Power 1920–40. Directory, Power Requirements. DO. Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Power Monthly. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Power Requirements. T)0. DO. DO. DO. DO. T)0. Power Additions, table 4. GENERATING EXPENSES, electric, see PRODUCTION EXPENSES. GENERATING PLANTS, electric: Electric energy generated by, see ELEC- TRIC ENERGY GENERATET). Capacity of, see GENERATING CA- PACITY. |Fuel consumed in, 8ée COAL; FUEL: GAS; OIL. Investment in, see under cross-references below. Number of: total, and according to class of ownership and type of plant, and subdivisions of these classes. Number of; total, and according to type and size of plant. Number of “establishments” operating plants for public use. Operating expenses of, see PRODUC- TION EXPENSES. Plant factors of, average for year; for steam plants; hydro plants; int. comb. plants; all plants. |United States and State totals. For individual companies- United States total.-------. United States averages---- Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Utility Statistics, sec. 7. Power Annual, p. 4. Power Annual, p. 3. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 941 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published GENERATING PLANTS, electric—Con. See also GENERATING PLANTS, HYDROELECTRIC; GENERAT- ING PLANTS, INTERNAL COM- BUSTION-ELECTRIC;GENERAT- ING PLANTS, STEAM-ELECTRIC. GENERATING PLANTS, fuel-burning, For individual power sys- | Power Requirements. capacity of installed. temS. D0---------------------------------------- Power supply area totals-- T)0. GENERATING PLANTS, HYDROELEC- TRIC: Additions to capacity of, scheduled for United States and State | Power Additions, table 4. completion in current year. totals. Capacity of, installed: In individual plants, related to the Group averages----------- Unit Costs, p. 10. investment per kw. In individual plants, related to pro- |-|--|-- do-------------------- |Unit Costs, p. 38. duction expenses per kW. Total---------------------------------- For individual utilities. --| Directory. Total---------------------------------- For individual power sys- || Power Requirements. tems. Total---------------------------------- Power supply area totals. . DO. Total, and by class of ownership------- United States and State | Power Annual, tables 1, 3. totals. Total, and by class of ownership, by -- - - - do-------------------- Power 1920–40. years, 1920 to 1940. Total, and by size of plant------------- For individual companies--| Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. See also GENERATING CAPA- CITY. IElectric energy generated by, see ELEC- TRIC ENERGY GENERATED. Investment in: Average per kW of capacity for: total | Group averages. ---------- Unit Costs, p. 10. production plant; reservoirs, dams, waterways and land; land; equip- ment; Structure. Equipment (electric plant accts. 323-325, For individual compa- |Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. incl.). nies. Land and land rights (electric plant |_____ do-------------------- T)0. acct. 390). Reservoirs, dams, and waterways (elec- |...---do -----------------. T)0. tric plant acct. 322). Structures and improvements (elec- |----- do-------------------- DO. tric plant accts. 821 & 326). Total (electric plant accts. 820–826, incl.)- |_ _ _ _ _ do-------------------- DO. Licensed by Federal Power Commission or under preliminary permit, see LI- CENSET) PROJECTS. Number of; total, and according to class of United States and State | Power Annual, tables 1, 3. ownership. totals. Number of; total, and by size of plant------ For individual companies--| Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Operating expenses of (“production ex- || Group averages----------- Unit Costs, p. 38. penses”), average per kw. of capacity; total U. S., and by regions. See also PRODUCTION EXPEN- SES, HYDROELECTRIC, Plant factor of, average for year------------ United States average----- Power Annual, p. 3. Production expenses of, see PROT) UC- TION EXPENSES, HYDROELEC- TRIC. See also WATER POWER PLANTS, 942 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published GENERATING PLANTS, INTERNAL COM BUSTION-ELECTRIC. Additions to capacity of, scheduled for completion in current year. Capacity of, installed: In individual plants, related to the investment per kw. In individual plants, related to pro- duction expenses per kwh for: fuel; labor and material; and total of all production expenses. Total, and by class of ownership, by years, 1920 to 1940. Total, and by size of plant------------- Electric energy generated by, see ELEC- TRLC ENERGY GENERATED. Investment in: Average per kw of capacity for: total production plant; land; structure; and equipment. Equipment (electric plant accts. 833– 836, incl.). Land and land rights (electric plant accl. 330). Structures and improvements (electric plant acct. 881). Total (electric plant accts. 330–336, incl.). No. of: total, and according to class of ownership. No. of: total, and by size of plant---------- Operating expenses of, see PRODUC- TION EXPENSES, INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ELECTRIC. Plant factors of, related to production ex- penses per kwh for: fuel; labor and mate- rial; total of all production expense. Plant factors of, average for year---------- Production expenses of, see PRODUC- TION EXPENSES, INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ELECTRIC. GENERATING STE AIM- ELECTRIC: Additions to capacity of, scheduled for completion in current year. Capacity of, installed: In individual plants, related to the investment per kW. In individual plants, related to pro- duction expenses per kwh for: fuel; labor and material; and total of all production expenses. PLANTS, Total, and by class of ownership, by years 1920 to 1940. Total, and by size of plant------------- Electric energy generated by, see ELEC- TRIO ENERGY GENERATED. United States and State totals. For individual utilities--- United States and State totals. For individual nies. Compa- Group averages.----------- For individual companies- Eor individual companies- Group averages.----------- United States average----- |United States and State totals. For individual utilities ---- United States and State totals. For individual companies- Power Additions, table 4. Unit Costs, p. 12. Unit Costs, p. 40. T)irectory. Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Power 1920–40. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Unit Costs, p. 12. Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. DO. DO. Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Utility Statistics, sec. 7. Unit Costs, p. 40. Power Annual, p. 3. Power Additions, table 4. Unit Costs, p. 8. Unit Costs, p. 36. Directory. Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Power 1920–40. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 943 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published GENERATING PLANTS, STEAM- ELECTRIC–Continued. Investment in: Average per kw of capacity for: total production plant; land; structure; and equipment. Equipment (electric plant accts. 312– 816, incl.). Land and land rights (electric plant accl. 810). Structures and improvements (electric plant acct. 311). Total (electric plant accts. 310–316, incl.)- No. of: total and according to class of Ownership. No. of: total, and by size of plant---------- Operating expenses of, see PRODUC- TION EXPENSES, STEAM-ELEC- TRIC. Plant factors of: Related to production expenses per kwh for: fuel, labor and materials; and total of all production expense. Average for year----------------------- Production expenses of, see PRODUC- TION EXPENSES, STEAM-ELEC- TRIC. GENERATION OF ELECTRIC ENER- GY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY GENE- RATED. GOVERNING BODIES of publicly-owned utilities: Members of.------------------------------ Names of.--------------------------------- GROSS IN COME--------------------------- As a percentage of long-term debt: Related to long-term debt as a per- Centage of total liabilities and other Credits. Related to the market yield of bonds__ As a percentage of total utility operating reVentleS. Average percentage to long-term debt------ HEARINGS, powers of State regulatory com- missions to hold. HOLDING COMPANIES controlling elec- tric companies, names of. HYDRAULIC, see HYDROELECTRIC. HYDROELECTRIC G E N E R AT IN G. PLANTS, see GENERATING PLANTS, HYDROELECTRIC; WATER POWER PLANTS. HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING STA- TION INVESTMENT, see GENERAT- ING PLANTS, HYDROELECTRIC. Group averages.----------- For individual companies- |United States and State totals. For individual companies”- Group averages.----------- United States average----- For individual utilities--- For individual companies*. Group averages.----------- Group averages----------- By States----------------- For individual companies- Unit Costs, p. 8. TJtility Statistics, Sec. 6. DO. DO. DO. Power Annual, tables 1, 3. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Unit Costs, p. 36. Power Annual, p. 3. Directory. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Unit Costs, p. 106. Unit Costs, p. 104. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Unit Costs, p. 104. Regulation, pp. 17, 39. Utility Statistics. Directory. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility com- panies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 944 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published HYDROELECTRIC PRODUCTION EX- PENSES, see PRODUCTION EXPEN- SES, HYDROELECTRIC. |HYDRO-GENERATION COMPANIES: Electric depreciation expenses of: Related to their investment in electric | Group averages - - - - - ------ Unit Costs, p. 84. utility plant. Related to their electric operating reve- |-|--|-- do---------- - * * * * * * * * * *- Unit Costs, p. 74. Ill IBS. Electric depreciation reserves of, related to ----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 88. their investments in electric utility plant. Electric maintenance expenses of: Related to their investment in electric |----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 82. utility plant. Related to their electric operating |- - - - - do--------------------- Unit CostS, p. 78. TěVerlule.S. Electric maintenance and depreciation expenses of: Related to their investments in elec- tric utility plant. Related to their electric operating |----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 80. rôWeIllièS. Electric operating expenses of, related to |----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 72. their electric operating revenues. Electric operating revenue deductions of, ----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 70. related to their electric Operating reve- IllièS. Electric operating revenues of, related to |-|--|-- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 112. their investment in electric utility plant. Electric tax expenses of, related to their |----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 76. electric operating revenues. * * * * * do---------------------| Unit Costs, p. 86. IMPORTS OF ELECTRIC ENERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY RECEIVED. IN COME: Available for dividends on common stock, ----- do--------------------- Unit Costs, p. 110. average ratio of market value of common Stock to. Balance transferred to earned Surplus, see NET IN COME. Deductions: Components of, published Separately: Amortization of debt discount and For individual companies - || Utility Statistics, Sec. 2 expense (income acct. 581). Amortization of premium on debt |----- do--------------------- DO. —credit (income acct. 583). Interest charged to construction— ||----- do--------------------- DO. credit (income acct. 536). Interest on debt to associated com- |----- do--------------------- IDO. panies (income acct. 534). Interest on long-term debt (income |----- do."------------------- DO. acct. 580). Miscellaneous and other (income |----- do--------------------- DO. accts. 533, 537, & 538). “Other” interest charges (income |-|--|-- do--------------------- DO. acct. 585). - * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 945 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published IN COME–Continued. Deductions—Continued. Total (income accts. 530–538, incl.) ----- Total, as a percentage of total utility Operating revenues. Total, no. of times earned-------------- From utility plant leased to others: Electric (income acct. 508) -------------- Electric, as a percentage of electric oper- ating revenues. Gross, average percentage to long-term debt- Net income, see NET IN COME. Operating, see OPERATING IN COME. “Other”: Components of, published separately: Dividends and interest revenues (income accts. 523 & 524). Miscellaneous and Other monoperat- ating revenues (income accts. 520, 521, & 526). Nonoperating revenue deductions (income acct. 527). Revenues from lease of “other” physical property (income acct. 592). Revenues from sinking and other funds (income acct. 525). Total (income accts. 520–527, incl.) Statements: See also components listed wºnder separate headings. See also EARNINGS; REVENUES. INCREMENTAL CHARGES, average, for residential electric Service: In communities of 250 population or more-- In communities of 250 population or more, highest and lowest in State. In cities of 50,000 population or more------- In cities of 50,000 population or more, high- est and lowest in group. INDETERMINATE PERMITS, powers of State commissions to grant. INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS SUPPLYING ELECTRIC SERVICE: Addresses of.------------------------------ Communities served by------------------- Customers, number of electric------------- Electric energy sold by: for resale; to ultimate consumers. Generating capacity of, electric; total and by type of plant. For individual companies”. All-Company average------ For individual companies*- All-company average------ For individual companies-- For individual communi- ties. For each State------------ For individual cities------- For entire group----------- By States----------------- For individual concerns--- Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 106. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. D0. DO. DO. Electric Bills. DO. Electric Bills—50,000. DO. Regulation, pp. 14, 37. Directory. DO. DO. DO. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. 946 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS SUPPLYING ELECTRIC SERVICE–Continued. Investment in electric facilities (electric | For individual concerns---| Directory. utility plant). Officers or employees of, principal electric--|----- do-------------------- Do. Revenues of, from electric service----------|----- do-------------------- Do. Types of utility service other than electric |----- do-------------------- Do. also rendered by. States in which they supply electric service------ do-------------------- DO. Utilities served at wholesale by, names of.------ do-------------------- Do. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC RATES, see RATES. INITIAL SERVICE, regulation of by State | By States----------------- Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 23, 27, Commissions through certificates of con- 31, 40. venience and necessity. INITIAL SERVICE OUTSIDE CORPO- |_____ do-------------------- Regulation, pp. 23, 27. RATE LIMITS, by municipally owned utilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. INSTAILLED GENERATING CAPAC- ITY, see GENERATING CAPACITY. INSTALLED WATER POWER, WATER POWER PLANTS. 860 INSTALLIMENTS RECEIVED ON CAP- ITAL STOCK (balance sheet acct. 205). INSURANCE, INJURIES, AND DAM- AGES, (oper. exp. accts. 798 & 799). INTANGIBLE PLANT, electric, invest- ment in (electric plant accts. 801, 802, & 303). INTERCHANGE OF ELECTRIC EN- ERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY INTERCHANGED. INTERCHANGE POWER, expense for (oper, exp. acct. 739). See also ELECTRIC ENERGY IN- TERCHANGED. INTER CONNECTIONS between electric utilities and between gas utilities, powers of State commissions to order. INTEREST: Accrued (balance sheet acct. 229)------------ And dividends, revenues from (income accts. 528 & 524). Charged to construction (income acct. 536) On debt to associated companies (income acct. 584). On long-term debt (income acct. 530)------- On long-term debt, as a percentage of total utility operating revenues. On long-term debt, number of times earned- “Other” interest charges (income acct. 535) - Rates, see BOND YIELDS. For individual companies. By States----------------- For individual companies- For individual companies- Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. Regulation, pp. 7, 17, 30, 39. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Ltility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. DO. |Utility Statistics, p. xii. Do. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility Companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 947 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANTS, see GEN- ERATING PLANTS, INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ELECTRIC. INTERNAL COMBUSTION-ENGINE ELECTRIC STATION INVESTMENT, see GENERATING PLANTS, INTER- NAL COMEUSTION-ELECTRIC. INTERNAL COMBUSTION PRODUC- TION EXPENSES, see PRODUCTION EXPENSES, INTERNAL COMBUS- TION-ELECTRIC. INTERSTATE TRANSIMISSION of elec- tric energy, see ELECTRIC ENERGY DELIVERED; ELECTRIC ENERGY RECEIVED. INVESTIGATIONS of electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to initiate. INVESTMENTS: And fund accounts total (balance Sheet accts. 110-114, incl.). In associated companies (balance sheet acct. 111). In electric facilities (electric utility plant)--- See also ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT. In general plant, electric, average per- centage to total electric utility plant exclusive of production plant. In generating plants, see GENERATING PLANTS, HYDRO ELECTRIC; GENERATING PLANTS, INTER- NAL COMBUSTION-ELECTRIC; GENERATING PLANT'S STEAM- ELECTRIC. In street lighting and signal Systems, re- lated to: revenues from public street and highway lighting; and to total elec- tric distribution plant investment. In transmission lines, average per struc- ture mile of line. In transmission substations, average per kva of capacity. In utility plant, totals by States----------- “Other” (balance sheet acct. 112)------------ Temporary cash (balance sheel acct. 133).---- ISSUANCE OF SECURITIES by electric and gas utilities, powers of State commis- sions to regulate. JOINT OPERATING EXPENSES, see DUPLICATE AND JOINT OPERAT- ING EXPENSES. By States For individual companies”- For individual utilities---- Group averageS----------- All-company totals-------- For individual companies- Regulation, pp. 7, 17, 23, 27, 30, 39. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. Directory, Unit Costs, p. 23. Unit Costs, p. 22. Unit Costs, p. 14. Unit Costs, p. 16. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 32, 40. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 948 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published LAND, investment in (for electric willity plant, that has not been subclassified). LAND (land and land rights): For electric generating plants, investment in per kw of capacity, see GENERAT- ING PLANTS For electric transmission lines, investment in per mile of line, see TRANSMISSION LINES. For electric transmission plant, investment in, average percentage to total transmis- sion plant investment. Investment in for: Distribution plant (electric plant acct. 350). Production plant, hydroelectric (elec- tric plant acct. 820). Production plant, internal-combus- tion—electric (electric plant acci. 330). Production plant, steam-electric (elec- tric plant acct. 810). Transmission plant (electric plant accts. 840, 841, & 849). LEGAL SERVICES expense for (oper. eſcp. acct, 796). LEASE of electric and gas utility facilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. LEASE of “other” physical property, revenues from (income acct. 5%). LEASED ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT, income from (income acci. 508). See also IN COME. LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS, total. See also components listed under their own headings. LICENSED PROJECTS, MAJOR (licensed by Federal Power Commission or under pre- liminary permit): Capacity of water wheels installed--------- Capacity of water wheels, ultimate-------- Description of, for projects licensed or granted preliminary permits in year. Location of-State and stream------------- Location of-county and National forest, for projects licensed or granted prelimi- nary permits in year. LIGNITE, see COAL. LIMITED TERMINVESTMENTS, amor- tization of, see AMORTIZATION. For individual companies- Group averages----------- For individual companies- By States----------------- For individual companies- For individual projects---- Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. Unit Costs, p. 19. |Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 31, 40. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Do. TJ tility Statistics, sec. 1. º: Annual report, appendix A. DO. DO. DO. Do. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 949 Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published LINES, extension of gas and electric, power of State commissions to require. See also DISTRIBUTION LINES; TRANSMISSION LINES. LOADS, see PEAK LOADS. LONG-TERM DEBT, see BONDS; CAP- ITALIZATION; DEBT. LOANS to affiliated interests of electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. MAINTENANCE EXPENSES, total elec- tric: Average percentages: To total investment in electric utility plant. Of total electric operating expenses---- Of total electric operating revenues---- To total electric operating revenues----- See also PRODUCTION EXPENSES; TRANSMISSION EXPENSES; DIS- TRIBUTION EXPENSES: GEN- ERAL PROPERTY; MAINTE- NANCE AND DEPRECIATION EXPENSES. MAINTENANCE AND DEPRECIATION EXPENSES, electric: Average percentage of electric operating TěVerlule.S. Average percentage to total investment in electric utility plant. MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION FEES AND EXPENSES, electric (oper. exp. accl. 794). MANAGEMENTS OF ELECTRIC UTIL- ITIES: Directors of privately owned utilities______ Members of governing bodies of publicly Owned utilities. Officers and officials, principal------------- MARKET VALUE of common stock, related to income available for dividends, and to dividends paid. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (balance sheet acct., 181). MERGERS, powers of State commissions to regulate. METER READING EXPENSE, see ac- counting and collecting expenses, under CUSTOMERS. By States----------------- For individual companies- For individual utilities---- For individual companies”- By States----------------- Regulation, pp. 6, 17, 30, 39. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. Unit Costs, p. 82. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Do. Unit Costs, p. 78. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Unit Costs, p. 80, Unit Costs, p. 86. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Directory. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 110. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 31, 40. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. 950 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published METERS, see DISTRIBUTION METERS. MEXICO, exports to and imports from of electric energy, see ELECTRIC ENERGY DELIVERED; ELECTRIC ENERGY RECEIVED. “MISCELLANEOUS AND OTHER:” Current and accrued assets (balance sheet accts., 197–180, & 183). Current and accrued liabilities (balance sheet accts., 921, 225, 226, & 230). Deferred debits (balance sheet accts., 143, 145, & 146). Income deductions (income accts., 588, 537, & 538). Nonoperating revenues (income accts., 520, $21, & 526). Reserves (balance sheet accts.,255–258, incl.) - MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL FUNDS (balance sheet acct., 114). MUNICIPALLY OWNED ELECTRIC TJTILITIES: Rates outside corporate limits, powers of State commissions to regulate. States in which they have the right to op- erate outside their corporate limits. See also ELECTRIC UTILITIES. NAMES of: Electric utilities--------------------------- Industrial concerns supplying electric Ser- Vice NATURAL GAS: Consumption of in electric generation, See GAS. Depletion charges of natural gas utilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. Production of, powers of State commis- | Sions to prorate. Production of, State commissions having the power to regulate. Transportation of, powers of State com- missions to regulate, and to require. Well-mouth contracts for, powers of State commissions to regulate. Wells, powers of State commissions to regulate spacing of. NET ASSURED GENERATING CAPAC- ITY, see GENERATING CAPACITY. NET FIRM POWER PURCHASED, see POWER PURCEIASES. NET GENERATION, see ELECTRIC ENERGY GENERATED. For individual companies- For individual utilities---- For individual companies- Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. Regulation, pp. 22, 26. Regulation, p. 25. Directory. DO. Regulation, pp. 45, 46. Regulation, p. 46. Regulation, pp. 45, 46. DO. Regulation, p. 46. DO. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 951 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published NET IN COME------------------------------ As a percentage of total utility operating IſèWeIll IeS. Balance of transferred to earned surplus (earned surplus acct. 400 or 410). Miscellaneous reservations of (income acct. 540). NET OPERATING REVENUES: Electric------------------------------------- Electric, as a percentage of electric operat- ing revenues. NEW BUSINESS EXPENSES, see SALES PROMOTION EXPEN SES. NEW CONSTRUCTION, see ADDITIONS TO ELECTRIC GENERATING CA- PACITY; BUDGETS. NON OPERATING REVENUE DEDUC- TIONS (income acct. 527). NONOPERATING REVENUES, miscel- laneous and “other” (income accts. 520, 521, & 526). See also under “OTHER”. NOTES PAYABLE (balance sheet acct. 920). -- NOTES RECEIVABLE (balance sheet accf. 124). OFFICE EXPENSES, see ADMINISTRA- TIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES, customer accounting and collecting ex- penses under CUSTOMERS; SALES PROMOTION EXPENSES. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, names of principal electric, of industrial concerns Supplying electric service. OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVES, general, salaries of (oper. exp. acct. 790). OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS, of electric utilities, names of principal. OFFICERS, general, and general office em- ployees, expenses of (oper. erp. acct. 792). OIL: Consumed in electric generation: By months---------------------------- By years, 1920 to 1940----------------- For individual companies”- All-Company average------ For individual companies*. For individual companies- For individual concerns_-_ For individual companies- For individual utilities---- For individual companies- United States and State totals. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. Utility Statistics, sec, 1. DO. Directory. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. Directory. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. Fuel Monthly. Power 1920–40. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 952 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published OIL–Continued. Consumed in electric generation—Con. In year and by months of year-------- Amount used in year per kwh generated Electric energy generated by, in year------ OPERATING EXPENSES: Electric utility: Total (income acct. 503).---------------- Total, as a percentage of electric oper- ating revenues. Total, average percentage to electric operating revenues. See also ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES; account- ing and collecting expenses wºnder CUSTOMERS; DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES; PRODUCTION EXPENSES; SALES PROMO- TION EXPENSES; TRANS- MISSION EXPENSES. Gas utility, total - - See also GAS UTILITY. “Other” utility, total Total utility, total ---- Total, as a percentage of total utility oper- ating revenues. OPERATING IN COME: Electric utility---------------------------- Electric utility, as a percentage of electric operating revenues. Gas utility-------------------------------- “Other” utility--------------------------- Total utility------------------------------- Total utility, as a percentage of total utility operating revenues. OPERATING REVENUE DEDUCTIONS: Electric utility: (Income accts. 502-507, incl.)------------ As a percentage of electric operating TěVerille.S. Average percentage to electric oper- ating revenues. Gas utility-------------------------------- “Other” utility--------------------------- Total utility------------------------------- Total utility, as a percentage of total util- ity operating revenues. OPERATING REVENUES: Electric utility---------------------------- (Income account 501) - - - - - - - - - - ------- As a percentage of total utility oper- ating revenues. Amount per utility, related to admin- istrative and general expenses, electric. United States and State totals. United States and State averages. United States and State totals. For individual companies* All-Company average------ Group averages.----------- For individual companies- For individual companies*- All-Company average------ For individual companies- For individual companies”- All-Company average------ Group averages.----------- For individual companies- For individual utilities---- For individual companies”- All-company average------ Group averages.----------- Fuel Annual. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, secs. 2, 5. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Unit Costs, p. 72. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Utility Statistics, sec, 2. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Unit Costs, p. 70. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Directory. Utility Statistics, secs. 2, 4. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Unit Costs, p. 56. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 953 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published OPERATING REVENUES-Continued. Electric utility—Continued. Amount per utility related to sales promotion expenses, electric. Investment in electric utility plant per dollar of. See also SALES. Gas utility-------------------------------- “Other” utility---------------------------- Total utility------------------------------- Total utility, by States-------------------- OPERATING REVENUES, net see NET OPERATING REVENUES. “OTHER”: Credits to surplus (earned surplus acct. 401)- Debits to surplus (earned surplus accts. 418 & 414). I)eferred credits (balance Sheet acct. 24?)---- Electric revenues (oper. rev. accts. 610-615, incl.). Income: Components of, published separately: Dividends and interest revenues (income accts. 523 & 524). Miscellaneous and other nonOper- ating revenues (income accts. 520, 521 & 596). Nonoperating revenue deductions (income acct. 527). Revenues from lease of “other” physical property (income acct. 522). Revenues from sinking and other funds (income acct. 525). Total (income accts. 520–537, incl.) - - - - - Interest charges (income acct. 535)---------- Jnvestments (balance sheet acct. 112)-------- Liabilities and credits (in this case all other than capital Stock, Surplus, and reserves), average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. Physical property (balance sheet acct. 110)-- Utility plant, see UTILITY PLANT, “OTHER...” Utility plant and adjustments.------. -----. See also UTILITY P L A N T , “OTHER..” Utility Service (than electric) supplied by electric utilities. OVEREHEAD IDISTRIBUTION LINE: Number of pole miles of.------------------ Number of wire miles of ------------------ OVER HEAT)S, undistributed electric con- struction. Group averages----------- All-company average------ For individual companies- For individual companies*- For individual utilities---- For individual companies. Unit Costs, p. 54. Utility Statistics, p. xi. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. T)0. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. T)0. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, Sec. 4. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. T)0. DO. DO. T)0. T)0. T)0. |Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Unit CostS, p. 100. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. T)0. T)irectory. TJtility Statistics, Sec. 7. TXO. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. 954 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published PAYABLES to associated companies (balance sheet acct. 283). PAYMENTS to affiliated interests of electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. PEAK LOADS on systems, by months.------ PEAK LOADS on systems, forecasts of, by months, and of maximum for next 12 months. PENSIONS, electric operating expenses for, see EMPLOYEES WELFARE EX- PENSES AND PENSIONS. PERMITS, INDETERMINATE, State commissions issuing, to privately owned electric and gas utilities. PHYSICAL PROPERTY, “OTHER” (bal- ance sheet acct. 110). PLANT, see UTILITY PLANT. PLANT FACTOR of generating plants; average for year: for steam plants, hydro plants, int. comb. plants, all plants. PLANT FACTOR of generating plants; related to production costs, see GENER- ATING PLANT'S STEAM-ELECTRIC; GENERATING PLANTS, INTERNAL COMPUSTION-ELECTRIC. PLANTS, electric generating, see GENER- ATING PLANTS. POPULATIONS of communities receiving electric Service. POWER PURCHASES: Total net firm, in kilowatts---------------- POWER REQUIREMENTS, see ELEC. TRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE; PEAK LOADS. PREFERRED STOCK (balance sheet acct. £01). Amount outstanding: As a percentage of total outstanding securities. As a percentage of total Securities out- standing plus surplus. Average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. For individual companies. By States----------------- For individual power systems. Power supply area totals.- By States----------. ------ For individual companies. |United States averages.---- For individual communi- ties. For individual power sys- temS. Power supply area totals-- For individual companies”- Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. Power Requirements. DO. T)0. Regulation, pp. 14, 37. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Power Annual, p. 3. Directory. Power Requirements. Do. Utility Statistics, secs. 1, 3. Utility Statistics, p. xi. DO. Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 955 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published PREFERRED STOCK–Continued. Dividend appropriations for: (Earned 8wrplus acct. 411) As a percentage of net income--------- As a percentage of total utility Operat- ing revenues. Yields, average market yield on, related to number of times income deductions and preferred stock dividends earned. See also CAPITAL STOCK; CAPITAL- IZATION; STOCK. PRELIMINARY SURVEY AND IN- VESTIGATION CHARGES (balance sheet acct. 143). PREMIUM ON DEBT: Amortization of (income acct. 588) ---------- ~ Unamortized (balance sheet acct. 240) ------- PREMIUMS AND ASSESSMENTS on capital stock (balance sheet acct. 208). PREPAYMENTS (balance sheet acct. 18?)---- PRESERVATION OF RECORDS, State commissions issuing general regulations Con- cerning. PRICE EARNINGS RATIO, average ratio of market price of common stock to income available for dividends. P R O DUCTION OF E L E CT RIC ENERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY GENERATED. PROD UCTION TRIC: For interchange power (oper. exp. acct. 789) - Net joint (oper. exp. accts. 741 & 74?)------- “Other” (oper. eacp. acct. 740) - - - ----------- For maintenance, average percentage of total production expenses. For purchased power (oper. exp. acct. 788)-- Total (oper. earp. accts. 701–742, incl.) Total, average expense per kwh sold------- Total, average percentage of total operat- ing expenses. See also OPERATING EXPENSES; PRODUCTION EXPENSES, HY- DROELECTRIC; PRODUCTION EXPENSES, INTERNAL COM- Blu STION-ELECTRIC: PRODUC- TION EXPENSES, STEAM-ELEC- TRIC. EXPENSES, ELEC- For individual companies*- All-Company average------ * - sº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Group averages----------- For individual companies- For individual companies”- Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. Do. Unit Costs, p. 108. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. TJtility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. DO. Regulation, pp. 12, 21, 36, 43. Unit Costs, p. 110. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearin volume. 322184—42— in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that 956 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued How published Where published Item PRODUCTION EXPENSES, HYDRO- ELECTRIC: Maintenance expense (oper. exp. accts. 719– 793, incl.). Maintenance expense, average percentage of total hydroelectric production ex- penSeS. Miscellaneous expense (oper. exp. accts. 724, 725, & 726). Supervision, engineering, and labor ex- pense, for station operation (oper. exp. accts. 715 & 7 (6). Supplies and “other” expenses, for station operation (oper. erp. accts. 717 & 718). Total expense for station operation (oper. erp. accle. 715–718, incl.). Total production expense: (Oper. erp. accts. 715–726, incl.) -------- Average expense per kW of capacity--- Average percentage of total electric production expense. PRODUCTION EXPENSES, INTER- NAL COMBUSTION-ELECTRIC: Fuel expense (oper. exp. acct. 729) Maintenance expense (oper. exp. accts. 731- 784, incl.). Maintenance expense, average percentage of total internal combustion-electric pro- duction expense. Miscellaneous expense (oper. exp. accts. 735, 736, & 787). Supervision, engineering, and labor ex- pense, for station operation (oper. exp. accts. 797 & 798). Supplies and “other” expenses, for station operation (oper. exp. acct. 780). Total expense for station operation (oper. exp. accts. 727-730. inc) Total production expense: (Oper. exp. accts. 727–787, incl.) -------- Average expense per kwh generated.--- Average percentage of total electric production expenses. PRODUCTION STE AIM- ELECTRIC: Fuel expense (oper. exp. acct. 703) Maintenance expense (oper. exp. accts. 706–709, incl.). Maintenance expense, average percentage of total steam-electric production ex- penSeS. Miscellaneous expense (oper. exp. accts. 710–714, incl.). Supervision, engineering, and labor ex- pense, for station operation (oper. exp. accts. 701 & 702). Total expense for station operation (oper. exp. accts. 701–705, incl.). EXPENSES, For individual companies*- All-company average------ For individual companies*_ - - - * * Group averages All-company average------ For individual companies- Group averageS All-company average------ For individual companies. -----do."-------------------- All-company average------ For individual companies*- Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. DO. Do. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 38. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, sec. 5, DO. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. DO. DO. DO. |Unit Costs, p. 40. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO; Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary Section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 957 Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published PRODUCTION EXPENSES, STEAM- ELECTRIC–Continued. Total production expense: (oper. exp. accts. 701–714, incl.) --------- Average expense per kWh generated.------- Average percentage of total electric production expenses. Water, supplies, and “other” expenses, of station operation (oper. eſp. accis. 704 d: 705). PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE EX- PENSES, electric: Average percentage of total electric pro- duction expenses. PRODUCTION PLANT, electric: Total investment in----------------------- See also GENERATING PLANTS, HYDROELECTRIC; G E N E R AT- ING PLANTS, INTERNAL COM- BUSTION-ELECTRIC; GENERAT- ING PLANTS, STEAM-ELECTRIC. PROPERTY ADDITIONS, major, made by electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to require competitive bidding OEl. PROPERTY LOSSES, chargeable to opera- tion: Electric utility (income acci. 506)----------- Gas utility-------------------------------- “Other” utility--------------------------- Total utility------------------------------- PUBLIC STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING, revenues from per utility, re- lated to street lighting and signal System operating expenses. PUBLICLY-OWNED ELECTRIC UTIL- ITIES, see ELECTRIC UTILITIES; MUNICIPALLY-OWNED ELECTRIC UTILITIES. PURCHASE OF WOTING STOCK of elec- tric and gas utilities: By other utilities, powers of State com- missions to regulate. By other corporations or private individ- uals, powers of State commissions to regulate. PURCHASED ENERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY PURCHASED. For individual companies”- Group averages----------- All-company average------ For individual companies- All-company average------ For individual companies- By States----------------- For individual companies. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. |Unit Costs, p. 36. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Regulation, pp. 10, 19, 33, 41. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Do. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 51. IRegulation, pp. 8, 19, 32, 41. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 32, 41. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary Section of that volume. 958 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published PURCEIASED-ENERGY COMPANIES: Electric depreciation expenses of: Related to their electric Operating reWerll'IeS. Related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric depreciation reserves of, related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric maintenance expenses of: Related to their electric operating Iſe VelalleS. Related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric maintenance and depreciation ex- penses of, related to their electric operat- ing revenues. Electric maintenance and depreciation ex- penses of, related to their investment in electric utility plant. Electric operating expenses of, related to their electric operating revenues. Electric operating revenue deductions of, related to their electric operating reve- IlllèS. Electric operating revenues of, related to investment in electric utility plant. Electric tax expense of, related to their elec- tric operating revenues. PURCHASED POWER, see ELECTRIC ENERGY Pu R C EIASED; POWER PURCHASES; ELECTRIC ENERGY INTERCHANGED. PURCHASED POWER EXPENSE: (Oper. 62 p. acct. 738) ----------------------- Average percentage of total electric pro- duction expenses. See also INTERCHANGE POWER. RANKINGS of communities, see COM- MUNITIES. RATE SCHEDULES, electric, summaries of . RATES, ELECTRIC: Changes in: As shown by changes in average typical bills for residential Service in cities of 50,000 population or more. Number of communities of 50,000 pop- ulation or more in which, during year, one or more residential typical bills was (a) reduced; (b) increased; and (c) Some decreased and Some in- creased; in cities. Commercial lighting rates: Summaries of rate schedules----------- Typical bills computed from, for Com- munities of 2,500 population or more. For individual Companies”- All-company average------ For individual schedules--- All-city average----------- Totals for entire group- - - - For individual schedules-. For individual communi- ties. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. Unit Costs, p. |Unit Costs, p. 76. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. |Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Rate Book. Electric Bills—50,00). IDO. Rate Book. Electric Bills. *Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility Com- panies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 959 Index to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published RATES, ELECTRIC–Continued. Commercial power rates: Summaries of rate Schedules----------- For individual Schedules--| Rate Book. Typical bills computed from, for com- munities of 2,500 population or more. High and lows in residential typical bills: Of each State-------------------------- Of cities of 50,000 population or more-- Incremental charges, average, for residen- tial electric Service: In communities of 250 population or In Ore. In cities of 50,000 population or more---- Industrial rates: Summaries of rate schedules----------- Typical bills computed from, for com- munities of 10,000 population or more. Of municipal utilities outside corporate limits, power of State commissions to regulate. On sliding scale, powers of State Commis- Sions to establish. Powers of State commissions to regulate--- To other utilities for resale, powers of State Commissions to regulate. Rankings of cities according to amounts of typical bills for residential Service: Cities of 50,000 population or more------ Communities of 1,000 population or more in each State. Residential rates: Summaries of rate schedules----------- Typical bills computed from, for Com- munities of 250 population or more. Summaries of rate Schedules for residential, commercial, and industrial Service. Temporary, powers of State commissions to prescribe. For transmission Service, powers of State Commissions to regulate. Typical bills for residential, commercial, and industrial electric Service. In communities of 250 population or more for residential electric Service. Ranking of communities of 1 000 pop- ulation or more according to residen- tial typical bills. In communities of 2,500 population or more, for commercial electric service. In communities of 10,000 population or more, for industrial electric service. In communities of 50,000 population or more, for residential, commercial, and industrial electric Service. Averages of, by years.-------------- Rankings of communities accord- ing to residential typical bills. For individual communi- ties. By States----------------- For entire group---------- For individual communi- ties. For individual schedules - - For individual communi- ties. By States----------------- ties. For individual Schedules__ For individual communi- ties. For individual Schedules-- ties. Electric Bills. DO. Electric Bills—50,000. Electric Bills. Electric Bills—50,000. Rate Book. Electric Bills. Regulation, pp. 22, 26. Regulation, pp. 7, 17. Regulation, pp. 6, 16, 22, 26. Regulation, pp. 6, 16. Electric Bills—50,000. Electric Bills. Rate Book. Electric Bills. Rate Book. Regulation, pp. 7, 17. Regulation, pp. 6, 16. Electric Bills. DO. Electric Bills—50,000. DO. D0. 960 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published RATES, GAS: On sliding scale, powers of State commis- | By States----------------- Regulation, pp. 31, 39. sions to establish. To other utilities for resale, powers of State |----- do--------------------- Regulation, pp. 29, 38. commissions to regulate. Powers of State commissions to regulate---|----- do--------------------- DO. Temporary, powers of State commissions ----- do--------------------- Regulation, pp. 30, 39. to prescribe. For transmission service, powers of State |----- do--------------------- Regulation, pp. 29, 38. COmmissions to regulate. RATES, RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC, see RATES. REACQUIRED CAPITAL STOCK (bal- ance sheet acct. 152). REACQUIRED LONG-TERM IDEBT (bal- ance sheet acct. 153). REACQUIRED SECURITIES, TOTAL (balance sheet accts. 152 & 153). RECEIVABLES from associated companies (balance sheet acct. 126). REQUIRED RESERVES of electric gener- ating capacity, see GENERATING CA- PACITY. RECEIVERS’ CERTIFICATES (balance sheet acct. 211). RECORDS of electric and gas utilities: Powers of State commissions to designate the records to be kept. State commissions issuing general regula- tions concerning the preservation of. REGULATION BY STATE COMMIS- SIONS of electric and gas utilities: ASSessment of costs by commissions, see ASSESSMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS. Of accounts, see ACCOUNTS OF ELEC- TRIC AND GAS UTILITIES. Of budgets, see BUD GETS. Of consolidations and mergers------------- Of dealings with affiliated interests, see AFFILIATED INTEREST.S. Of depletion charges of natural gas utilities. Of depreciation accounting, see DEPRE- CIATION ACCOUNTING. Of electric rates---------------------------- Of electric rates of municipal utilities out- side corporate limits. - Of electric rates to other utilities for resale-- Of electric rates for transmission service----- For individual companies. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 12, 21, 36, 43. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 31, 40. Regulation, pp. 45, 46. Regulation, pp. 6, 16, 22, 26. Regulation, pp. 22, 26. Regulation, pp. 6, 16. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 961 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published REGULATION BY STATE COMMIS- SIONS of electric and gas utilities—Con. Of gas rates Of gas rates to other utilities for resale Of gas rates for transmission Service Of initial Service, through certificates of Convenience and necessity. Of initial service outside corporate limits by municipally-owned utilities. Of loans to affiliated interests Of Service standards Powers of State commissions to initiate in- Vestigations and hold hearings. See also headings for individual subjects for regulation. REGULATORY COMMISSIONS: States not having Types of utility service regulated by, other than electric and gas. - - - - - - - - - ses as as - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REORGANIZATIONS, powers of State com- missions to regulate. REPORT FORMS, annual, forms prescribed by State commissions. Powers of State commissions to prescribe-- REQUIREMENTS OF ELECTRIC EN- ERGY, see ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE. RESALE ELECTRIC SERVICE, rates to Other utilities for, powers of State commis- Sions to regulate. RESERVE GENERATING CAPACITY REQUIRED. DO- RESERVES: Components of, published separately, re- Serves for: Amortization of electric utility plant acquisition adjustments (balance sheet acct. 252). Amortization of limited-term electric investments (balance sheet acct. 251). Depreciation of electric utility plant (balance sheet acct. 250). Depreciation and amortization of “other” property (balance sheet acct. 253). Miscellaneous and other (balance sheet accts. 255-258, incl.). Uncollectible accounts (balance sheet acct. 254). For depreciation and amortization of total * -- * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - - - * - - - * - - - - * * * -- * * * - - - - - - - - * * * - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Power Supply area totals-- For individual power Sys- tems. For individual companies- * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * - - * - - - - - - - - - - * *-* - - - -º ºr - - - • * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *s as - - * - - - - * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - utility plant, as a percentage of invest- ment in total utility plant. Regulation, pp. 29, 38. DO. DO. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 23, 27, 31, 40. Regulation, pp. 23, 27. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 33, 41. Regulation, pp. 6, 17, 23, 26, 29, 39. Regulation, pp. 7, 17, 23, 27, 30, 39. Regulation, p. 5. Regulation, pp. 50, 51. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 31, 40. Regulation, pp. 11, 35. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 6, 16. Power Requirements. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xi. 962 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published RESERVES-Continued. For electric depreciation, average percent- age to total electric utility plant. Total, average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. Total (balance sheet accts. 250–258, incl.)---- RESERVOIRS, DAMS, WATERWAYS, AND LAND, for hydro-generating plants, investment in per kw of capacity. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES, see RATES. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC SALES, see SALES. RETIREMENT WORK IN PROGRESS (balance sheet acct. 144). REVENUE DEDUCTIONS: Nonoperating (income acct. 527)------------ Operating, see OPERATING REVE- NUE DEDUCTIONS. HEVENUES: From dividends and interest (income accts. b23 and 524). Electric operating (income acct. 501)-------- DO- * * * * From electric energy sales, see SALES. From lease of “other” physical property (income acct. 522). Net electric operating---------------------- “Other” electric (oper. rev. accts. 610–615, âmcl.). Revenues per customer from sales to ulti- mate consumers, related to: Administrative and general expenses per customer. Customers’ accounting and collecting expense per customer. Sales promotion expense per customer-- Total per customer of customers’ ac- counting and collecting, sales pro- motion, and administrative and gen- eral expenses. See also: NET OPERATING REVIE- NUES; OPERATING REVENUES. SALARIES OF GENERAL OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVES (oper. exp. acct. 790). SALARIES, OTHER GENERAL OFFICE (oper. exp. acct. 791). SALE of electric and gas utility facilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. For individual companies*- Group averageS----------- For individual companies- For individual utilities---- For individual companies”- For individual companies. By States----------------- Unit Costs, p. 88. Unit Costs, p. 100. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Unit Costs, p. 10. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. Directory. Utility Statistics, secs. 2, 4, Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. Utility Statistics, Sec. 4. Unit Costs, p. 58. Do. Do. Do. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 31, 40. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 963 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published SALES, electric: To commercial and industrial customers: Average annual number of kwh sold | All-company average------ Utility Statistics, p. xv. per Customer. Average annual revenue per Customer--|----- do--------------------- T)0. Average revenue per kwh Sold-- ------|----- do--------------------- IDO. KWh Sales to class as a percentage of |----- do--------------------- DO. total kwh Sales to all classes. No. of customers in class as a percent- || ----- do--------------------- T)0. age of total number in all classes. Revenues ſrom Sales to class as a per- ||-----do--------------------- IDO. centage of total revenues from all classes. - Customers, total number of.------...-------- For individual utilities--, -| Directory. Customers, kwh and revenues: Total, and by classes of service: - Commercial and industrial (oper. For individual companies* | Utility Statistics, Sec. 4. rev, acct. 60?). Interdepartmental (oper. rev. acct. ----- do.”-------------------- DO. 607). “Other” (oper rev. acci. 608)-------|----- do.”-------------------- DO. Other electric utilities (oper, rev. ----- do.”-------------------- TXO. acct. 605). Other public authorities (oper. rev. ----- do."-------------------- DO. acct. 604). Public street and highway lighting ----- do.”-------------------- DO. (oper. rev. acct. 603). Railroads and railways (oper. rev. |----- do."-------------------- T)0. acct. 606). Residential or domestic (oper, rev. ----- do.”-------------------- DO. acct. 600). Rural (oper. rep, acct. 601)----...-----|--. -- do.”-------------------- T)0. Total, and by classes of service-------- All-company totals-------- Utility Statistics, p. xiv. Total for each class of Service as a per- || All-company average------ TXO. centage of the totals for all classes. Energy sold to ultimate consumers by For individual concerns----| Directory. industrial concerns in kwh. Energy sold for resale by industrial |----- do--------------------- DO. concerns in kwh. To residential or domestic customers: Average annual number of kwh sold | All-company average------ Utility Statistics p. xv. per Customer. Average annual revenue per customer--|----- do--------------------- Do. Average annual revenue per kwh sold--|----- do--------------------- Do. KWh Sales to class as a percentage of |----- do--------------------- Do. total kwh sales to all classes. No. of customers in class as a percent- ----- do--------------------- Do. age of total number in all classes. Revenues from sales to class as a per- |----- do--------------------- Do. Centage of total revenues from all classes. To rural customers: Average annual number of kwh sold |----- do--------------------- Do. per customer. Average annual revenue per customer--|----- do--------------------- Do. Average annual revenue per kwh sold--|----- do--------------------- Do. ECWh Sales to class as a percentage of |----- do--------------------- DO. total kwh sales to all classes. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. 964 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published SALES, electric—Continued. To rural customers—Continued. No. of customers in class as a percent- age of total number in all classes. Revenues from sales to class as a per- centage of total revenues from all classes. SALES PROMOTION EXPENSES, elec- tric: Components of, published separately: Miscellaneous expense (oper. accts. 787, 788, and 789). Salaries and commissions (oper. exp. acct. 786). eap. Supervision (oper. exp. acct. 785)------- - Total (oper. erp. accts. 785–789, incl.) ------- Total, average percentage to electric oper- ating revenue. Total, average percentage of total electric operating expenses. Total, average percentage of total electric operating revenues. Total, average expense per customer------- See also COMEINED ADMINISTRA- TIVE AND GENERAL, CUSTO- MERS’ ACCOUNTING AND COL- LECTING, AND SALES PROMO- TION EXPENSES; OPERATING EXPENSES. SCHET) ULED ADDITIONS to electric gen- erating capacity, see GENERATING CA- PACITY. SECURITIES: Powers of State commissions to regulate issuance of by electric and gas utilities. Competitive bidding on those issued by electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to require. - Reacquired, total (balance sheet accts. 152 & 153). See also BONI)S; CAPITAL STOCK; C APITALIZATION; COMMON STOCK; PREFERRED STOCK; STOCK. SERVICE STANDARDS of electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to regulate. SIGNAL SYSTEMS, see STREET LIGHT- ING AND SIGNAL SYSTEMS. SINKING FUNDS (balance sheet acct. 113).---- SINEING AND OTHER FUNDS, revenues from (income acct. 525). For individual companies- For individual companies*- By States----------------- For individual companies- Utility Statistics p. xv. Do. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. T)0. DO. T}o. Unit Costs, p. 54. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Do. Unit Costs, p. 58. Regulation, pp. 8, 18, 32, 40. Regulation, pp. 10, 19, 33, 41. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 6, 17, 23, 26, 29, 39. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 965 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published SLIDING SCALE RATES, powers of State commissions to establish. SPECIAL TEPOSITS (balance sheet acci. 121)- STATE COMMISSION REGULATION, See REGULATION BY STATE COM- MISSIONS. STATE REGULATORY COMMISS.10NS, See REGULATION BY STATE COM- MISSIONS. STE AIM-ELECTRIC G E N E RATIN G. PLANTS, see GENERATING PLANTS, STEAM-ELECTRIC. STEAM - ELECTRIC GENERATING STATION INVESTMENT, see GEN- ERATING PLANTS, STEAM-ELEC- TRIC. STEAM - E LECT RIC PRO DU CTION EXPENSES, see PROT) UCTION EX. PENSES, STEAM-ELECTRIC. STOCK: Liability for conversion (balance sheet acct. 202). Number of shares outstanding and book value for each issue. Par value, if any, of each issue------------- Preferred, dividend rate of, for each issue-- With voting power: Powers of State commissions to regulate purchase of: By other utilities---------------------- By other corporations and private in- dividuals. See also CAPITALIZATION; CAPITAL STOCK; COMMON STOCK; PRE- FERRED STOCK. STOCKS OF COAL: Anthracite, at end of month. --...----------. Bituminous, at end of month-------------- Total of all coals, at beginning and end of month. Total of all coals, at beginning and end of month, in terms of average number of days’ Supply on hand. STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING, see PUBLIC STIREET AND EIIGHWAY I,IGHTING. STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS: Investment in, average percentage to total distribution plant investment, AND SIGNAL By States----------------- For individual companies- United States and State totals. United States and State averageS. Group averageS----------- Regulation, pp. 7, 17, 31, 39. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 3. T)0. IDO. Regulation, pp. 8, 19, 32, 41. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 32, 41. Fuel Monthly. I)O. T)0. T}0. Unit Costs, p. 22. 966 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published STREET LIG FIT IN G AND SIGNAL SYSTEMS.–Continued. Investment in per utility, related to the investment in such systems per dollar of public street and highway lighting TeVenue. Investment in per utility, related to the the revenues per utility from public Street and highway lighting. Lamps, number of.------------------------ Maintenance expense of (oper. exp. acct. 775). Operation expenses of (oper. exp. acct. 763).-- Operating expenses of, average percentage to revenues from public street lighting and highway lighting, Transformers, number and capacity of.---- STRUCTURES: Investment in (for electric utility plant, that has not been subclassified). Of generating plants, investment in, per kw of capacity, see GENERATING PLANTS. SUBMARINE DISTRIBUTION 8èe DISTRIBUTION LINES. LINE, SUBSIDIARIES of electric utilities----------- SUBSTAT1ONS, see TRANSFORMER SUB STATIONS: TRANS MISSION SUBSTATIONS. SUPERVISION EXPENSE: Electric operating, for customers’ account- ing and collecting (oper. eſcp. acct. 779). For sales promotion (oper. exp. acct. 785)--- SUPERVISION ANTD ENGINEERING EXPENSE: For distribution maintenance, see DIS- TRIBUTION EXPENSES. For transmission maintenance TRANSIMISSION EXPENSES. 36 & SUPERVISION, ENGINEERING, AND MISCELLANEO US EXPENSES of trans- mission operation and maintenance, related to total transmission operating expenses. SURPLUS: As a percentage of total securites outstand- ing plus surplus. Average percentage to total liabilities and other credits. Capital (balance sheet acct. 270)------------- Earned (balance sheet acct. 271)------------- See also EARNET) SURPLUS. Total (balance sheet accts. 270 and 271)------ Group averages ----------- For individual companies- Group averages.----------- All-company average------ Group averageS----------- For individual companies*- |Unit COStS, p. 22. Utility Statistics, Sec. Utility Statistics, Sec. . T)0. Unit Costs, p. 51. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Directory. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. T)0. Unit Cosst, p. 47. Utility Statistics, p. xi. Unit Costs, pp. 100, 102. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. DO. TXO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 967 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published SYSTEM LOAD, electric energy available for, by months, see ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAILABLE. SYSTEM PEAK T).EMANIDS, see PEAK LOADS. TAXATION, valuation for purposes of, by State commissions. TAXES: Accrued (balance sheet acct. 228)------------ Electric utility: Charged in year (income acct. 507)------ Charged in year, as a percentage of electric operating revenues. Charged in year, average percentage to electric operating revenues. Gas utility-------------------------------- “Other” utility---------------------------- Total utility------------------------------- Total utility, as a percentage of total utility Operating revenues. TEMPORARY CASH INVESTMENTS (balance sheet accl. 123). TEMPORARY RATES, for electric and gas utilities, powers of State commissions to prescribe. TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIONS: Capacity of special equipment in: for (a) distribution substations; (b) transmis- sion substations. Capacity of transformers in: for (a) dis- tribution substations; (b) transmission substations. See also TRANSMISSION SUBSTA- TIONS. THANSFORMERS: In substations, capacity of.---------------- On distribution lines, number and kva capacity. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES, electric: Components of, published separately: Line operation expense (oper. exp. acct. 746)--------------------------------- Maintenance expense for lines, roads, and trails (oper. exp. accts. 750, 751, & 75?). Maintenance expense for Structures and station equipment (oper. exp. accts. 748 & 749). Maintenance supervision and engineer- ing expense (oper. exp. acct. 747). Maintenance expense, total (oper. exp. accts. 747–752, incl.). By States.---------------- For individual companies. Group averages----------- For individual companies- For individual companies- By States----------------- For individual companies. Regulation, pp. 13, 37. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, Sec. 2, Utility Statistics, p. xii. Unit Costs, p. 76. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Regulation, pp. 7, 17, 30, 39. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. DO. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 5, DO. DO, DO. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. 968 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published TRANSMISSION EXPENSES, electric— Continued. Components of, published separately— Continued. Maintenance expense, total, average percentage of total transmission ex- penSeS. Miscellaneous expense (oper. exp. accts. 753, 754, & 755). Operation expense, total (Oper. eacp. accts. 743–746, incl.). Station operation expense (Oper. erp. acct. 745). Supervision, engineering, and load dispatching expense, for transmis- sion operation (oper. exp. accts. 743 & 744). Total, (oper. erp. accts. 743–755, incl.) ------ Total, average expense per kWh Sold.------- Total, average percentage of total operating eXpenSeS. Total of Supervision, engineering and mis- cellaneous expenses, average percentage of total transmission operating expenses. See also OPERATING EXPENSES; TRANSMISSION LINES; TRANS- MISSION SUBSTATIONS. TRANSMISSION LINES: Investment in, average per structure-mile of line for: total plant; land; construc- tion; Separate Statistics for each of these, by voltages, for: Steel tower double circuit line. Steel tower single circuit line. Wood H-frame single circuit line. Wood pole single circuit line. See also TRANSMISSION PLANT. Number of cable miles of underground and submarine line. Number of structure miles of overhead line, total; and number of circuit miles, total. Number of structure miles of overhead line, and number of circuit miles, according to voltage, for: Pole lines----------------------------- Tower lines--------------------------- Operating expenses of, average per mile of line for: (a) total expense; (b) total ex- pense exclusive of supervision, engineer- ing and miscellaneous expense; separate data for each of these, by voltages for: Steel tower double circuit lines. Steel tower single circuit lines. Wood H-frame single circuit lines. Wood pole single circuit lines. See also TRANSMISSION PLANT. All-company average------ For individual companies*- For individual companies- Utility Statistics, p. xviii. Utility Statistics, Sec. 5. DO. Utility Statistics, p. xviii. DO. Unit Costs, p. 47. Unit Costs, p. 14. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7, DO. DO. DO. Unit Costs, p. 42. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that volume. STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 969 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published TRANSMISSION OPERATING EX- PENSES, see TRANSMISSION EX- PENSES. TRANSMISSION PLANT, electric, invest- ment in for: Land (land and land rights), average per- centage to total investment in transmis- sion plant. Land and land rights (electric plant accts. 340, 841, & 849). Poles, towers, fixtures and conductors (electric plant accts. 344, 345, & 346). Structures and equipment (electric plant accts. 842 & 343). Total (electric plant accts. 340–349, incl.)---- Transmission lines, see TRANSMISSION LINES. |Underground conduit, conductors, and devices (electric plant accts. 347 & 848). TRANSMISSION PLANT LAND IN- VEST MENT, see TRANSMISSION PLANT. - TRANSMISSION SERVICE, powers of State commissions to regulate rates for: Electric utility Service--------------------- Gas utility Service------------------------- TRANSMISSION SUBSTATIONS: Average investment in, exclusive of land, per kva of capacity. Capacity per utility in, related to operating expense per kva. Operating expenses of, average per kva of capacity for (a) total expense; (b) total expense exclusive of supervision, engi- neering and miscellaneous expenses. See also TRANSFORMER SUB- STATIONS. TRANSPORTATION of natural gas for others, powers of State commissions to regu- late, and to require. TYPICAL BILLS for electric Service: In cities of 250 population or more--------. Highest and lowest in State--------------- In cities of 50,000 population or more------- Average bills for, by years----------------- Highest and lowest in cities of 50,000 popu- lation or more. See also RATES. UNAMORTIZED DEBT DISCOUNT AND EXPENSE (balance sheet acct. 140). Group averages----------- For individual companies- By States----------------- For individual commu- nities. For each State------------ For individual commu- nities. United States average----- For entire group- --------- For individual companies”- Unit CostS, p. 19. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Regulation, pp. 6, 16. Regulation, pp. 29, 38. Unit Costs, p. 16. Unit Costs, p. 44. Do. Regulation, pp. 45, 46. Electric Bills. DO. Electric Bills—50,000. DO. DO. |Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. 970 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published UNAMORTIZED PREMIUM ON DEBT (balance sheet acct. 240). UNCLASSIFIED ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT, investment in. UNCLASSIFIED AND UNDISTRIBU- TED UTILITY PLANT, investment in--. UN COLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS: Reserve for (balance sheet acct. 25A)--------- Charged to electric operating expenses (oper. exp. acct. 788). JNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION LINE: Investment in underground conduit, con- ductors, and devices (electric plant accts. 356 & 857). Underground and submarine line, number of cable-miles of. See also DISTRIBUTION LINES. UNDISTRIBUTED CONSTRUCTION OVEREIEADS, electric. UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS for electric and gas utilities: Powers of State commissions to prescribe-- Systems prescribed by State commissions-- UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY; Powers of State commissions to allocate among electric and gas utilities. States in which municipal utilities may Serve outside their corporate limitS. UNITS OF PROPERTY, State commissions prescribing lists of, for accounting purposes. UTILITY PLANT: Electric, see ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT. Gas, see plant under GAS UTILITY. “Other.” Acquisition adjustments--------------- Adjustments-------------------------- Construction work in progress--------- Depreciation charged on--------------- Held for future use-------------------- In process of reclassification------------ In Service------------------------------ Total: Acquisition adjustments----------- Adjustments---------------------- Construction work in progress----- For individual companies”. For individual companies. Depreciation charged on, 8ée DE- PRECIATION. Utility Statisties, Sec. 1. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Utility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, sec. 5. Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. Utility Statistics, Sec. 7. Utility Statistics, Sec. 6. Regulation, pp. 10, 20, 24, 27, 34, 42. Regulation, pp. 10, 34. Regulation, pp. 6, 17, 30, 39. Regulation, p. 25. Regulation, pp. 12, 21, 36, 43. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. DO. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 2. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. DO. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the Summary section of that volume. * STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS 971 Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published TOTILITY PLANT—Continued. “Other”—Continued. Total—Continued. Held for future use- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In process of reclassification-------- In Service-------------------------- Leased to others------------------- Total --- Total, by States Total, as a percentage of total assets and other debits. Total, per dollar of total utility operating revenues. Total related to amounts of bonds outstanding. Unclassified and undistributed.---- UTILITY PLANT AND ADJUSTMENTS, “Other.” | UTILITY SERVICE, other than electric, supplied by electric utilities. UTILITIES, see ELECTRIC UTILITIES. UTILIZATION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY: In year (“energy available”)--------------- See also ELECTRIC ENERGY AVAIL- ABLE. VALUATION FOR PURPOSES OF TAX- ATION, of privately owned electric and gas utilities, State commissions performing. voDTAGE OF TRANSMISSION LINEs, related to investment per mile of line. ' VOTING STOCKof electric and gas utilities: Powers of State commissions to regulate purchase of: | By other utilities--- ------------------- By other corporations or private indi- viduals. WATER POWER PLANTS: Capacity of: all plants; electric utility plants; industrial and miscellaneous plants. Capacity of, according to size of plant------- Capacity of, by years, 1921 to date--------- Number of: all plants; electric utility plants; industrial and miscellaneous plants. Number of, according to size of plant-------- Under Federal Power Commission license or preliminary permit, see LICENSED PROJECTS. For individual companies- - - - - - do.”------------------- All-company totals-------- All-company average------ Group averages----------- For individual companies”. For individual utilities---- U. S. total---------------- U. S. and State totals----- Utility Statisties, Sec. 6. DO. DO. DO. TJtility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. Utility Statistics, p. xiii. Utility Statistics, p. xi. Do. Unit Costs, p. 98. Utility Statistics, secs. 1, 6. Utility Statistics, Sec. 1. Directory. Power Monthly. Interstate, table 1. Regulation, pp. 13, 37. Unit Costs, p. 14. Regulation, pp. 8, 19, 32, 41. Regulation, pp. 9, 19, 32, 41. Water Power, table 1. Water Power, table 2. Water Power, p. 6. Water Power. table 1. Water Power, table 2. * Asterisk denotes that there are also composite totals for these items covering all the electric utility companies appearing in STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES, in the summary section of that Volume. 322184—42—68 972 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Indez to statistics currently published by the Federal Power Commission—Continued Item How published Where published WATER POWER PLANTS-Continued. See also GENERATING PLANTS, HYDROELECTRIC; LICENSED PROJECTS. WATER WHEELS, capacity of, see WATER POWER PLANTS. WEIOLESALE ELECTRIC SERVICE: Electric energy sold for resale by industrial CODCôrn.S. Names of utilities supplied with----------- To other utilities for resale, powers of State commissions to regulate rates. See also SALES; INTERCHANGE; E L E C T RIC E N E R G Y PUR- CHASED; POWER PURCHASES. WORK IN PROGRESS: For individual concerns - - - By supplying utility------ By States----------------- Construction work------------------------ For individual companies- Electric utility (balance sheet acct. ----- do--------------------- 100.3). Gas utility----------------------------|----- do------------------ “Other” utility------------------------|----- do--------------------- Total utility---------------------------|----- do--------------------- Retirement work, electric (balance sheet |_____ do--------------------- acct. 144). WORKING FUNDS (balance sheet accf. 122) do & º YIELDS: Of bonds, average market yield, related to Group averages - - - - - - - - - - - gross income as a percentage of long-term debt. On common stock, average percentage ----- do ------------------- that dividends paid is to market value of common stock. On preferred stock, average percentage that |----- do--------------------- dividends paid is to market value, re- lated to number of times income deduc- tions and preferred stock dividends earned. Directory. Do. Regulation, pp. 6, 16. Utility Statistics, sec. 6. Do. Do. Do. DO. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Utility Statistics, sec. 1. Unit Costs, p. 104. Unit Costs, p. 110. Unit Costs, p. 108. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ! * 3.»,...) ;) :º) :: §¶√∞ae. ****gº șşa, çº ſae.|-5.№ tº, eºſ º «". .:· *·!apz* ſă, caerae**w*)',-،¿.*? .-z º.º.º.ºe.gºººº... º gºſ ſ, z.ſ.:-·-ºgaer·----**. -- Lže), … ', , , ſae} f();ſº º ae ?-ſae ffſ) ,º ae .-&.-º £ º º·------·&#㧧§§§,,,,,,,,。、。、3。&& (! ***¿¿.*¿¿.*ſ*… , , , ,-, , º¿:' № : · · · · · *ſ’, :, ’:’, :, ’:’, :,:· : ~~~~ ~ ***, , , , , 3 ***…*?)(?:ſae ſºº , !··*4. ) ,،- ** * * * * * * * * * * * ! *~~~ 3,5`` · *- -• **,· ºz. * ſ; ſº...) º!, : a taº; z º.º.).. « º.ſ. 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