CUMPING MACHINERY BARR B 429023 TJ 900 B27 PUMPING MACHINERY BARR J.B.LIPPINCOTT CO. ཀ'' "ཏྟཱ་་་་་་་ ! 1837 ARTES LIBRARY SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN mmun PERINT DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING TJ 900 B2? PUMPING MACHINERY. A PRACTICAL HAND-BOOK RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF STEAM AND POWER PUMPING MACHINES. BY illes- 2. 1 WILLIAM M. BARR, MEMBER AMERICAN SOCIETY MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. WITH UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ENGRAVINGS, COV- ERING EVERY ESSENTIAL DETAIL IN PUMP CONSTRUCTION. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. 1893. COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY WILLIAM M. BARR. PRINTED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. } الام лвие 11-13-34 Reclass PREFACE. THE author has long felt the need, for his personal use, of a book similar to the one he now publishes, and had there been available a work covering approximately the same ground as the one now offered, the preparation of this volume would not have been undertaken. No apology is thought to be necessary for its appearance at this time, for, so far as I am aware, no other book similar in scope has been published in this country. This book, as will be seen upon examination, is essentially descriptive of pump detail; no attempt has been made to enter into the theory and mathematics of pump-construction. The number of leading pump-makers in this country is com- paratively few, and such are well equipped for the designing and building of pumping machinery; but there is another and larger body, comprising engineers, architects, contractors, plumbers, etc., who have occasion to recommend and use pumping machinery, and who wish to inform themselves regarding pump construction,-it is for the benefit of this lat- ter class that this volume has been prepared. This book being largely descriptive, its illustrations have been made a prominent feature, the writer regarding a single suggestive sketch of more real value than a page of reading-matter. With few exceptions, the illustrations are from pumping machinery actually constructed and in use, and those familiar with the author's work will not fail to recognize how large a proportion of the whole has been transferred directly from his own practice. Inasmuch as a large portion of this book has been in constant use by the writer for years, it is believed that in its present convenient form it will prove valuable, or at least suggestive, to others also. In addition to my own experience, 3 4 PREFACE. I have been particularly fortunate in having the friendly advice and co-operation of other engineers well known as successful designers of pumping machinery; these have contributed much valuable information, accompanied by drawings, here repro- duced. Interesting and valuable extracts have also been made from foreign publications not generally accessible except in the larger cities. Chapters XIII. and XVII. were originally intended to be added to this volume as an appendix, but are now incorporated with it for the following reasons: The specifications of the Underwriters' pump are so valu- able and complete that they ought not to be omitted, and to this end the chapter on duplex pumps was purposely abridged that the two might not parallel each other. The design and construction of duplex pumps has engaged almost the whole attention of the writer for many years, and it was with some hesitancy that he relinquished his own subject- matter for the insertion of what might be regarded as an Underwriters' circular; however that may be, the fact remains that it is a valuable contribution to the literature of the subject, and well worth the space given it. The first part of the chapter on duty-trials is an abstract of an accepted report of the Duty-Trial Committee of the Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers, replacing my rewritten lecture on that subject delivered before the Franklin Institute. The substitution of the committee's report for my own subject- matter is in deference to the excellence of the committee's work, and to contribute to the earnest desire that for the sake of comparison and uniformity of records it should receive the support of the Society's membership. The merit of a hand-book like this consists largely in the judicious selection and arrangement of its contents rather than upon strict originality, so that whatever selections have been useful to the writer he now transfers to the reader with the added results of his experience. PHILADELPHIA, January, 1893. WILLIAM M. BARR. • ! i CONTENTS. CHAPTER I.—INTRODUCTION II.-WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS III.-PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS IV.-WATER-VALVES AND SEATS V.-AIR- AND VACUUM-CHAMBERS VI. SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. VII.-WATER-END DESIGN. • VIII.-HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS IX. STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS X.-DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS XI. THE DUPLEX PUMP XII.-COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS XIII. FIRE-PUMPS. PAGE 7 15 37 47 90 98 126 • 152 173 200 226 • 235 • 271 XIV. MINING-PUMPS 289 XV.-ROTARY PUMPS XVI.-CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. XVII. DUTY-TRIALS OF PUMPING ENGINES. XVIII. HIGH-DUTY PUMPING ENGINES-DIRECT-ACTING XIX.-HIGH-DUTY PUMPING ENGINES-FLY-WHEEL . 325 334 361 387 411 I* 5 را • PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. THE art of raising water must of necessity have been one of the first of the mechanic arts to engage the attention of man, for no progress in civilization can be had without a con- venient and ample supply of good and wholesome water. The earliest water-supply must have been the permanent springs and water-courses; but the growth of population, the increase in wealth, and a higher civilization required a broader development of the land, and it was during this period of de- velopment that the ingenuity of man was exercised in origi- nating schemes and appliances for the lifting and distribution of water; but of the origin and early history of this art we know nothing. It is not probable that any satisfactory device for raising water is lost to us, although its history has long since been forgotten, the fact of utility has been the very means of its preservation; nor did the great invasions and conquests of the ancient world affect unfavorably the development of this useful art, for water was alike essential to the conqueror and the con- quered. Machines for raising water admit of a great variety of forms, all depending upon the conditions of supply and delivery. The sources of supply are usually streams and wells; the ordinary delivery ranges from the simple lifting for irrigation to that of high service water-supply for cities. 7 8 PUMPING MACHINERY. A water-elevator has been defined (Knight) as a device for raising buckets from wells, and a pump as a device for lifting water by the motion of a piston in a cylinder. Among the more important water-elevators are the fol- lowing: Archimedian screw, Mental, Baling-machine, Noria, Bascule, Persian-wheel, Bucket-wheel, Picotah, Chapelet, Scoop, Dutch scoop, Scoop-wheel, Ejector, Shadûf, Flash-wheel, Swape, Flush-wheel, Turbine, Hydraulic belt, Tympanum, Hydraulic ram, Water-screw. Jantu, A partial list of pumps will include the following: Bellows-pump, Piston, Centrifugal, Plunger, Chain, Rope, Chapelet, Rotary, Diaphragm-plunger, Spiral, Draining-pump, Steam jet pump, Eccentric, Steam-vacuum pump, Ejector, Syringe, Elastic-piston, Vacuum, Hydrapult, Water-ram, Injector, Water-screw, Pendulum, Water-snail. By reason of the limited scope of the present work it will be impossible to illustrate and describe so formidable an array of water-raising machines included in the partial lists given above. The reader is referred to Knight's "Mechanical Dic- tionary" for definitions, and especially to Ewbank's "Hy- INTRODUCTION. 9 draulics" for illustrations, description, and history of early and curious water-raising devices. Atmospheric Pressure.-It must not be inferred that the ancients were unacquainted with the physical properties of the atmosphere, and that they did not take it into account in the development of their hydraulic machines. There is every reason to believe that they understood and applied certain principles relating to the atmosphere; for example, the ancient Egyptians understood and used the siphon at least fourteen hundred and fifty years before the Christian era, which clearly indicates that they were acquainted with some facts regarding the expansibility, as well as the compressibility, of the air; but this was only a partial knowledge, for it is not clear that the exact data regarding atmospheric pressure were known until the middle of the seventeenth century. So also the suspension of a liquid in inverted vessels by the atmos- phere, such as the atmospheric sprinkling-pot, was known in the earliest historic times, or, at least, was well known in the fifteenth century B.C. The Syringe.-Few ancient devices could be pointed out that have given rise to more important improvements in the arts than the primitive syringe. Its modifications exert an extensive and beneficial influence in society. As a piston- bellows it is still extensively used in Oriental smitheries. It may be considered as the immediate parent of the forcing if not of the atmospheric pump, in both of which it has greatly increased the comforts and conveniences of civilized life. Suction is a word which has come down to us from a vast antiquity. The operation of sucking, as in the case of an infant, the sucking of poison from a wounded part by the application of the lips, are well-known illustrations. So also the raising of a liquid through a tube into the mouth. This operation has long been known as suction, and it was formerly ΙΟ PUMPING MACHINERY. L ! believed that it was effected by some power or faculty of the mouth independently of any other influence. Suction is simply a term used to denote the absence or the removal of the atmosphere, so as to permit the flow of the liquid; suction does not raise the liquid, nor does it help to raise it. The term sucker for the valve attached to the pump- rod in an ordinary lift-pump no doubt had its origin in the fancied similarity of its action as compared with that of the mouth. An atmospheric pump is merely a contrivance placed at the upper end of a pipe to remove the pressure of the atmos- phere there, while it is left free to act on the liquid in which the lower end is immersed. It is immaterial what the sub- stance of the machine is, or what figure it is made to assume, for any device by which air can be removed from the interior of a vessel is or may be used as a pump to raise water; there will be required, however, two valves, one opening upwards and placed in any part of the pipe or in the machine itself, to allow the water to pass up through it, but none to descend; the other valve placed over an aperture opening outwards, through which the contents of the vessel can be discharged, and at the same time prevent the entrance of external air. Just how long it took the earlier inventors to determine the "limit of suction" is not known, but the exact weight or pressure of the atmosphere was not authoritatively announced until after the experiments of Torricelli, in 1608, and subsequently con- firmed by Pascal forty years later. The fact was then fully established that an atmospheric pump must be placed within twenty-six or twenty-eight feet of the surface of the water to be lifted; but, owing to the difficulty in getting tight joints in the suction-pipe, this distance was gradually shortened until twenty-two to twenty-five feet was regarded as the practical or ordinary limit of suction. Ewbank records a singular incident of a tinman of Seville, who undertook to raise water from a well sixty feet deep by a common pump. Instead of making the sucker play within INTRODUCTION. II thirty feet of the water, he made the rod so short that it did not reach within fifty feet of it. As a necessary consequence he could not raise any. Being greatly disappointed, he de- scended the well to examine the pipe, while a person above was employed in working the pump; and at last, in a fit of despair at his want of success, he dashed the hatchet or ham- mer in his hand violently against the pipe. By this act a small opening was made in the pipe about ten feet above the water, when, what must have been his surprise! the water instantly ascended, and was discharged at the spout. This fact being published (1776) led to a reinvestigation of the subject, and instead of overthrowing the received doctrine of atmospheric pressure, more fully confirmed it. It was ascer- tained that the air on entering the pipe became mixed with water, and which, therefore, instead of being carried up in an unbroken column, was raised in disjointed portions, or in the form of thick rain. This mixture being much lighter than water alone, a longer column of it could be supported by the atmosphere; and by proportioning the quantity of air admitted, a column of the compound fluid may be elevated one hundred or two hundred feet by the atmospheric pump. CLASSIFICATION OF PUMPS. The easy and natural classification of pumps would be to divide them into three classes: I. Lift-pumps, II. Force-pumps, III. Lift- and force-pumps, reciprocating or rotary. These may again be sub-classified into- Single-acting pumps, Double-acting pumps. And still further into- Vertical pumps, Horizontal pumps. 12 PUMPING MACHINERY. If pumps be classified according to their details of construc- tion, the list would be still further extended into- Bucket-pumps, Piston-pumps, Plunger-pumps, Bucket- and plunger-pumps, Bucket- and piston-pumps, Piston- and plunger-pumps (known as the differential plunger-pump), Rotary pumps, Centrifugal pumps. These names indicate a particular form of construction, and not a new or distinct classification, for each of these latter pumps must necessarily be included in the former. This latter classification is a convenient one, and has been adopted by the writer for his present use. It may be said that it is not an exact or scientific arrangement, this much is admitted at the outset, but it is the commercial one, and, therefore, in the direct line of every-day use. The increasing subdivision in business enterprises, and the growing importance of pumping machinery as a part of the plant, would seem to call for another classification of pumps adapted for special uses; for example, acids, alkalies, ammonia, beer, bilge-water, bleacheries, breweries, dye-works, drainage, fire-pumps, gas-works, etc. A mere catalogue of names, with suggestions regarding suitable pumping machinery for each, would occupy more space than could be given it in the pres- ent work, and it is doubtful even then if such a presentation would prove satisfactory because of the repetitions which must inevitably occur. Pumps for General Service.-There is no subject in which it is so difficult to give advice in a general way as in pumping machinery, because each pumping plant has its own special peculiarities which must be considered, and which may not apply to any other pumping plant. There are two things, INTRODUCTION. 13 however, which come within ordinary practice, and if designs be made to accord with either or both, the greater part of pump-service will have been fully met. The first one is, that if water-ends be made sufficiently strong to handle water at one hundred and fifty pounds press- ure, fully eight-tenths of the ordinary run of pump require- ments can be supplied. It is the common practice in designing water-ends for trade pumps to make the details of suitable size and form for this pressure. This will cover the highest fire- pressure, which is usually the severest test to which an ordi- nary trade pump is put. For small water-works the pressures rarely ever reach the one-hundred-and-fifty-pound limit, even when on direct service. For hydraulic elevator service the pressure seldom exceeds one hundred pounds per square inch, except in steel-works and other places where there is a general hydraulic system using very high pressures. Tank-service usually calls for lighter pressures, ranging from twenty-five to fifty pounds, but it is not customary among steam-pump-makers to make any difference in the weight of the water-end; the size remaining the same, will require the same detail and workmanship, so that nothing but a small amount of cast iron would be saved, and that is not worth the cost of altering or making new core-boxes. The second relates to steam-pressure, which does not in ordinary practice exceed eighty or ninety pounds, so that if a steam-end of a pump be designed for one hundred pounds pressure, factory, water-works, and other service will be amply provided for. Combinations of such steam- and water-ends will, therefore, meet almost every requirement in ordinary hydraulic oper- ations. Pumps for special service for higher steam- and water- pressures, such as doubling either or both of them, will re- quire new proportions. An increased steam-pressure will, in general, require nothing more than thicker castings and stronger bolting, the size of the ports, the distribution of 2 14 PUMPING MACHINERY. steam, and other details remaining much the same. For the water-end it is often best to entirely change its form, and this usually occurs. Coupled with this higher water-pressure is, with few exceptions, a smaller quantity of water to be deliv- ered. This is especially so in the case of hydraulic-pressure pumps, but is not generally true of pumping for mines. Whatever the service, pumps must be able to work contin- uously without danger of breakage, and this with as little expenditure of power as possible. But there are other con- siderations than the mere saving of coal: a pump must be simple, easily managed, and certain in its operation, or it will fail to meet the requirements of its owner, who seldom knows anything about pumping machinery. The very large busi- ness now annually done in direct-acting single and duplex pumps can probably be traced directly to their meeting the above conditions. WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 15 CHAPTER II. WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. FIG. I. Pistons.-The piston shown in section in Fig. I is the one in most common use. It consists of an iron or brass cast- ing bored to fit the piston- rod, and turned on the outer flange to a loose fit in the bore of the cylinder; and also turned to a diam- eter suitable to the thick- ness of the packing to be used. The length of the piston should be such as to admit not less than three, or, better still, four rings of packing; to the end of the piston should be fitted a follower-plate and ring for compressing the packing. In the above illustration, which is suited to pistons of small and medium diameter, say eight inches or less, the piston-rod is turned down to allow a shoul- der for driving the piston, and supplied with a nut for holding the piston firmly in position; a second nut, re-enforced by a jamb-nut, permits an adjustment of the follower and packing. Each follower should be fitted with two tapped holes for screwing in eye-bolts, to facilitate removal when the piston requires repacking. For larger pistons the design, Fig. 2, is used; it is in all respects the same as the former, except in the method of se- curing the follower. The packing may be of any one of the numerous kinds now 16 PUMPING MACHINERY. offered to the trade, such as square-plaited flax, hemp, cotton with rubber core, etc. Another variety, made up of layers of FIG. 2. cotton-cloth and sheet-rubber, known to the trade as Tuck's packing, can be had in great variety in both width and thick- ness, but usually square, as ½" x ½", 5%" × 5%", 3/4" x 3/4", etc. In packing a water-piston a word of caution may not be out of place here, and this caution applies particularly to the use of Tuck's packing, and all other packings of similar con- struction, and that is,—the packing must be cut not less than one width shorter than will permit the ends touching when wrapped around the piston; for example, 5%" packing should be cut 5%" shorter than the circumference of the outer rim of the piston, 3/4" packing to be cut 3/4" shorter, and in like manner for any other size. The reason for shortening the packing is that when new it is perfectly dry; but as it imme- diately absorbs moisture in the pump, it will soon swell tight enough to wholly prevent the movement of the piston if the ends of the packing are allowed to touch each other; by shortening the packing an end movement is permitted, instead of compelling a radial one. Cup-leather-packed pistons are largely in use, espe- cially for small pumps. Fig. 3 represents a sectional elevation WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 17 FIG. 3. of such a piston; it is made up of three parts,—the piston-head, or that portion secured to the rod; the chunk-ring, or central- distance piece, and the follower; together with the two cup-leathers, as shown. Inasmuch as this type of piston does not require an adjustable follower, the piston-rod extends clear through, and fitted with a nut and jamb-nut, as shown. The leather must be of a solid oak-tanned 5 16 quality, without soft spots or spongy places, and must be uniform in thickness; 4 and of an inch being the ordinary or average thickness in selected hides. Nearly all leather dealers, especially those in the larger cities, have a specially- prepared leather for hydraulic work, at a price but little in advance over first-quality sole-leather. A mould for making cup-leathers is shown in Fig. 4. The outside diameter, A, corresponds to that of the cylinder it FIG. 4. --- A-· B- た ​ is intended to fit. The width of the groove must be suited to the thickness of the leather, together with a slight reduction b 2* 18 PUMPING MACHINERY. 1 2 on the inside, B, say of an inch; the corners must have a radius sufficiently large, say ½ to 34 of an inch, to prevent injuring the leather; the depth of the cup, C, should not be more than sufficient to make a tight joint. Leathers for a four-inch piston need not be cut more than 14 inches larger in diameter, and those for an eight-inch pump need not be more than 15% inches larger. As the wear is confined to that portion of the cup-leather which touches the bore of the water- cylinder, there is no advantage in increasing its depth over the size given above. To prepare a Set of Leathers.-After cutting out the disk of leather, with a central hole for the bolt to pass through, and making sure of its uniform thickness, it is then soaked in water until quite soft and pliable, after which it is placed in the mould with the grain or hair side down, so that that shall be the working side. The central part of the mould must now be very gradually tightened until the leather is in firm contact between the two faces of the mould. There will be more or less of a ragged edge above the top of the mould, which can be trimmed off with a knife or chisel. After the leather has taken a permanent set, as by remaining over- night in the mould, it may then be removed, after which it should be well greased with tallow, and is then ready for use. As cup- leathers thus pressed will permanently retain their shape, they may be made up in advance of requirements. FIG. 5. Pistons with Metal Rings.—It is not a common practice in this country to fit water- pistons with metal rings; but if for any rea- son such a packing is thought to be more desirable than those just described, a piston made with a single broad ring, as shown in Fig. 5, will be found quite satisfactory. This ring must be turned slightly larger than the bore of the cylinder in which it is to work, say % of an inch for WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 19 a piston twelve inches in diameter. The ring is to be split diagonally and a piece taken out the same as for steam- pistons; the ring should touch on the inclined edges when sprung down to its proper diameter. If made of cast iron or hard brass, the ring will be sufficiently elastic to fit the barrel of the pump until either or both are worn out. There is a strong prejudice in this country against such a piston-packing for water, and in consequence pistons of this construction are not plentiful, the preference being given to those adapted for the use of fibrous packing. FIG. 6. A solid piston with grooves, as shown in Fig. 6, is not largely in use in this country; but it is a kind of piston which possesses some merit. It is simply a plain piston turned to fit the cylinder in which it is intended to work, and after finishing to size several grooves are turned to a moderate depth, say 3% to ½ of an inch on a twelve-inch piston; the width of the grooves may be about 1/4 to 1 of an inch. 5 16 The efficiency of such a piston depends on the fact that sudden enlargements in any cavity through which water is to pass under pressure induces certain currents in the cavity which seriously impede, if they do not prevent, a direct passage of water. Now, in the case of a rapidly- moving piston this interference, as would be the case where several grooves occur, would nearly, if not entirely, prevent a flow of water in any direction before the reversal of the piston at the end of its stroke, at which time the direction of pressure would also be reversed, the result being a tight piston, water-packed. The piston fitted with wood, shown in Fig. 7, is repro- duced from Burgh's "Condensation of Steam." This piston was introduced in 1860 for use in circulating pumps for marine 20 PUMPING MACHINERY. engines. It is a metal-grooved disk, with blocks of wood (lignum-vitæ) fitted in the groove. The only feature worthy FIG. 7. BB P of comment is the fitting of the blocks with each other, which is shown in the top view. Linings for Piston-Pumps.-In designing a water-end for a piston-pump it is considered good practice, but by no means a universal one, to line the barrel with a brass bushing. For small pumps, say less than six inches in diameter of piston, a seamless drawn tube pressed into a bored hole, and slightly upset or riveted over each end, as in Fig. 8, or made long enough to touch the heads, as in Fig. 9, is practised by pump- WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 21 makers. The second is much the best arrangement of the two, because the lining can be more easily removed and a new one substituted; the objection to it, if any, being mainly one of first cost in manufacture, there being a longer hole to bore FIG. 8. in the pump-barrel and a longer tube to supply, which means more weight of brass; in addition to which is the cost of cutting a port through each end of the lining for the water. The objection to the first of the two examples is the great difficulty in supplying a distant customer with a tube which shall exactly fit the cylinder of his pump. The difference between a tight FIG. 9. fit and a loose fit is here made more apparent than almost any other portion of the pump; for example, if the tube be 10 of an inch over size, it will be almost, if not quite, im- possible to get it in place without special appliances; on the other hand, should it be 10 of an inch less in diameter than the bore of the water-cylinder, it will not fit, and cannot be used. 00 22 PUMFING MACHINERY. So small a dimension as that given above, when taken in connection with diameters of four to six inches, is almost im- possible to register and make duplicate work to fit, except the pump be returned to the shop where it was built, and where are special appliances for forcing in the larger tube. If, how ever, the tube extend from end to end, as in Fig. 9, the smaller tube may be used, the heads preventing end-motion, and a film of water will make the tube tight in its place. A removable lining, as shown in Fig. 10, is a better form than either of the above. In this case the barrel of the pump FIG. 10. is bored and the lining turned to fit. This lining is provided with a flange for securing it in place, a strong and well-de- signed arrangement. Incidentally, another advantage is had in the fact that the flange being circular admits of a regular spacing of bolt-holes, so that, in the event of the bottom of the bore of the lining becoming worn by the action of the piston, accompanied by sand or grit, and thus become scored or worn out, it is only necessary to smooth down the rough ridges and partially turn the lining in place so as to bring a new and unworn surface at the bottom, the fibrous pack- ing adapting itself to the uneven or irregular circumference. These linings when worn out can readily be replaced by new ones. WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 23 BUCKET-PUMPS. A bucket-pump may be described as a vertical, single- acting piston-pump, with one or more valves fitted to the top of the piston, opening upwards. These valves may be of any one of several varieties best suited to the work. For cistern- pumps, and usually for all pumps of small diameter and in- tended only for low lifts, leather valves weighted on the back, FIG. II. FIG. 12. as illustrated in Fig. 11, are in general use, and give but little trouble, as wet leather makes an excellent hinge. If a bucket-pump is to lift the water to a considerable eleva- tion, say one hundred feet, and the diameter of the pump-barrel is sufficiently large to permit the use of a rubber valve, as shown in Fig. 12, satisfactory results are usually had. The valve-seat is made with four or more grids about 4 of : 24 PUMPING MACHINERY. an inch wide; the clear opening for the passage of water through the seat between the grids may be of any convenient shape, but should not present a larger area than two square inches, and as much less as circumstances will permit. The rubber disk may be ½ of an inch thick for diameters not exceeding three inches, and 3/4 of an inch thick for valves six inches in diameter. A brass plate, of an inch thick and nearly the diameter of the valve, should be added to the top of the valve to distribute the pressure of the spiral spring over a larger area, and to prevent the spring wearing a circular groove in the back of the valve. FIG. 13. 1 16 A pump-bucket for high pressure is shown in Fig. 13. The valve and seat are made of hard gun-metal, and designed for continuous service under one hun- dred and fifty pounds pressure. The valve and seat are flat, and will require to be carefully scraped to each other; the best way is to scrape the valve true to a surface- plate, and then scrape the seat to the valve. The engraving does not show it, but it is the common practice when facing the valve in a lathe to hollow out that por- tion of the valve between the outer and inner bearings to a dis- tance of say of an inch below 32 the face; this is to make the fit- ting easier, as only the surfaces in contact have then to be dealt with. 1 The bucket type of pump is used exclusively in drilled and oil-well service, and often at great depths. A variety of buckets and valves have been designed. WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 25 for this service, but none have been so entirely satisfactory as those fitted with ball-valves and cup-leathers, as in Fig. 14. FIG. 14. It is the practice to make these buckets and valves of the toughest gun-metal only; and as they are sometimes required to work under pressures which range from four FIG. 15. ހ hundred to eight hundred pounds per square inch, the greatest care must be exercised in designing, that a proper valve area and strength of parts are secured. Instead of using a ball-valve, an adaptation of the miter- valve, as shown in Fig. 15, may be used. This is an excellent form of valve for clear water, but will not work so well if there be much sand or grit in the water, as it gets between the valve and its spindle, and often prevents proper seating. It is for this reason that the ball-valve is given the preference for deep- B 3 26 PUMPING MACHINERY. well pumps. The engraving includes a design for a water- packed bucket or piston, a style not much in use because of the liability of occurrence of sand in suspension in the water at the bottom of the well; it does not work satisfactorily except in clear water. Air-Pump Bucket-Piston.-The bucket-pump is gener- ally liked for both air and circulating pumps in vertical marine engines. Fig. 16 represents a type of bucket in very general use FIG. 16. until within a few years. The bucket was usually, though not always, arranged for the use of fibrous packing; the top of the piston was made with suitable openings for the passage of the water through it; over these openings was placed a single rubber disk, and on the top of that a curved guard, a central bolt securing all together. The bucket descending into the water forced the rubber disk off the seat at its outer WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 27 edge only, it being firmly secured at the centre; this required of the valve a somewhat complicated se- ries of internal movements at each stroke of the bucket, the result being destruc- tive, as well as requir- ing considerable time for the recovery of the shape and proper seating of the valve. The more recently-de- signed marine engines run at much higher speeds than was the practice ten years ago, and among the other changes in de- tail was that of the air pump- and circulating circulating buckets; so that it is now the common practice to put in a number of small valves instead of one large one. (See Fig. 17.) FIG. 17. PLUNGER- PUMPS. A plunger-pump is one in which a turned plunger passes through a stuffing-box, ring, or barrel of a pump, so as to alternately produce a vacuum for the water to flow into the pump and a pressure when forcing the water out of the pump. Fig. 18 is an illustration of a design of pump much used for feeding steam-boilers; the lower is the suction-valve, and the upper the delivery-valve. The plunger need not fit the barrel except at the stuffing-box. This pump is single-acting only. It is not necessary that the valves be one exactly above the 28 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 18. other, as shown; but if the suction-valve or the delivery-valve be located on the barrel near the stuffing-box, the barrel must then be increased in diameter, so that a clear space of fifty per cent. of the plunger area is had between the plunger and the barrel in which it works. A pump of this description is easily packed and kept in order; any leakage is made ap- parent at the stuffing-box, and thus with little care the pump can be kept at a high state of efficiency. An arrangement of plunger and ring, as shown in Fig. 19, is largely employed in direct - acting steam- pumps. The plunger is usually made of cast iron, and . the ring of brass; the two are accurately bored and turned to fit each other; no pro- vision is made for wear, which, unless the At first thought one would be water is gritty, is very slight. FIG. 19. WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 29 inclined to condemn this arrangement as faulty in design; but many years of service, covering thousands of steam-pumps, has completely demonstrated its excellence as a pump detail, when used in handling clear water, free from gritty matter. Inside-Packed Plunger-Pump.-If the water to be pumped is gritty it is likely to bring extraordinary wear upon both the plunger and the ring when made solid. To obviate this an internal stuffing-box, as shown in Fig. 20, can be used FIG. 20. BOOOD with advantage. This form of plunger-pump is to be pre- ferred over a piston-pump for gritty water, inasmuch as the cost of a new plunger is much less than that of a new lining. There is a further advantage in the fact that slight reductions can be made in the diameter of the plunger by turning in a lathe to remove the scoring incident to the service in which it may be employed, the difference in diameter being made good by the use of a thicker packing. This arrangement of pack- ing a plunger makes a very compact design for a water-end, but the packing is troublesome to adjust or renew, because the back-head of the pump must be taken off and the pump drained before the stuffing-box can be reached. To obviate this somewhat troublesome detail in manage- 3* 30 PUMPING MACHINERY. ment, glands for internal stuffing-boxes have been furnished with a bale extending alongside, beyond the plunger and through the back-head, with suitable adjusting screws or other device on the outside of the pump. This greatly facili- tates the adjustment of the packing, but does not make its renewal any the less difficult or disagreeable. Outside-Packed Plunger-Pump with Central Dia- phragm.—Another design for a plunger-pump is shown in Fig. 21. This is an adaptation of the water-end described FIG. 21. in the preceding section. The heads at both ends of the water-cylinder are provided with stuffing-boxes, as shown; the plunger-rod connects the two plungers so that their movements are coincident. The plunger-rod passes through a rigid bearing, which is bolted to an annular ring included in the water-end casting. This bearing may be bushed with brass, but generally this is not done. The leakage past the bearing is quite trivial, and is not seriously taken into account. An outside-packed plunger-pump with tie-rods is shown in Fig. 22. It is a favorite one for tank-service or gen- eral supply in rolling-mills, steel-works, iron-furnaces, etc. The water-end has a central partition which divides the cyl- inder into two chambers, each having its own plunger and WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 31 stuffing-box. The plungers are fitted with tie-rods, which serve to transmit the power from one plunger to the other, and to make their strokes coincident. FIG. 22. A centrally-packed plunger-pump is shown in Fig. 23. The principle of operation is the same as other plunger- pumps. One advantage which a pump of this kind has over the one described in the preceding section is that less room is required for the same displacement. The stuffing-boxes are not so accessible in this design as in the former one, but no FIG. 23. G difficulty is experienced in adjusting or putting in new pack- ing. An additional stuffing-box is required for the rod neces- sary to drive the plunger. This is an excellent design for a packed plunger water-end, and one which rarely fails to give complete satisfaction. 32 PUMPING MACHINERY. Bucket- and Plunger-Pump.-For any other purpose than simply that of lifting water the bucket-pump is not sat- FIG. 24. isfactory, because of its intermittent delivery. If, instead of discharging into the atmosphere immediately above the level of the bucket at the top of its stroke, as such pumps usually 2 WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 33 do, the delivery-chamber be lengthened sufficiently to fix a stuffing-box through which a plunger shall work, as illus- trated in Fig. 24, it will be shown that a double delivery can be had with a single-acting pump. To begin with, the area of the plunger must be one-half that of the bucket, and the stroke of each must be the same, and coincident; the oper- ation will then be as below: We will assume the bucket to be at the bottom of its stroke and the pump fully charged with water; then by its upward movement a vacuum will be formed underneath the bucket, the water will flow into the pump-barrel from below and fill the empty space; let us assume that this volume be one gal- lon; on the return-stroke of the bucket all the water which flowed into the pump-barrel underneath the bucket (one gal- lon) passes through the bucket, past the valve, into the cham- ber above it; if this were an ordinary bucket-pump no over- flow would occur on this its downward stroke, but the pump we are now considering is fitted with a plunger one-half the area of the bucket, and having a stroke coincident with that of the bucket, the plunger has by its downward movement dis- placed its volume of water (one-half gallon) in the upper cham- ber, this displaced water passing off through the delivery-pipe. The next stroke, upward, brings another volume of water into the lower chamber equal to one gallon, but at the same time that this water is being lifted the upper plunger is being with- drawn, and instead of one gallon of water passing through the delivery-pipe, only one-half gallon has been delivered at the completion of the upward stroke; now the downward move- ment of the bucket transfers the water (one gallon) from underneath it to the chamber above, the plunger descending at the same time with the bucket forces its volume (one-half gallon) out of the upper chamber; the effect of which is to convert a one-gallon, single-acting pump into a half-gallon, double-acting pump. Bucket- and Piston-Pump.—A pump such as just de- scribed need not of necessity have a plunger; the same effect C 34 PUMPING MACHINERY. can be had if there be two cylinders, one above the other, as shown in Fig. 25. These cylinders must have a ratio of area of two to one as in the former case, the larger or bottom FIG. 25. cylinder to be fitted with a bucket, and the smaller one with a piston. The operation of this pump is precisely similar to the bucket- and plunger-pump, already described. Piston- and Plunger-Pump. This is commonly known as the differential plunger-pump. It is, however, but a modi- fication of the bucket- and plunger-pump, already described. The piston in this pump is not fitted with a valve, but is solid WATER-PISTONS AND PLUNGERS. 35 and furnished with layers of packing or not, as the circum- stances may require. This design differs from others of its class in the fact that a water-passage, or port, must be had FIG. 26. leading from the delivery valve-chamber to the end of the stroke of the piston in its barrel. Fig. 26 is a representation of such a pump arranged for use vertically. All the lifting of the 36 PUMFING MACHINERY. water is done at the upward movement of the piston; when the piston descends all the water below it is forced into the delivery-chamber; thus far it is but a single-acting pump. If we now consider the action of the plunger, it will be seen that during the movement of the piston downwards the plunger is entering the upper part of the pump-cylinder, through a stuff- ing-box, from the atmosphere; this plunger, being half the area of the piston, and of the same stroke, displaces only one- half the water forced into the delivery-chamber upon the next upward stroke of the piston; the other half of the water is dis- charged because the displacement of the piston is made com- plete by the withdrawal of the plunger, the delivery-valves being shut; these valves, as well as the suction-valves, open but once during a double stroke of the pump. It needs no further description to show that the lower part of this pump is single- acting, while the upper part containing the differential plunger is double-acting when operating in combination with its piston. : 2 PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS. 37 CHAPTER III. PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS. Rods which enter a water-cylinder through a stuffing-box must be round, straight, and well finished, and must also be free from seams and ridges, as both of these are likely to tear the packing. For clear, cold, and fresh water, there is probably no better material for pump-rods than cold-rolled steel, and for this reason pumps are usually supplied with rods made of this material, unless for certain reasons some other material is to be preferred. The tensile strength of cold-rolled steel piston-rods will average about 75,000 pounds per square inch of section. The elastic limit is increased somewhat by the process of finishing, and more nearly approaches the ultimate strength of the steel than is the case in ordinary bars. The superiority of cold-rolled rods consists in their almost absolute uniformity to size from end to end, much more so than can be had by ordinary turning and finishing. The hard, smooth sur- face produced by the finishing-rolls is the very best surface for the packing. Piston- and plunger-rods are usually made much larger in diameter than simply to furnish the requisite strength for doing the work; if a rod breaks, the pump is useless until a new one can be supplied. This is an accident which now rarely occurs, so that it is not a common practice to keep spare rods on hand. Pump-rods must also be large enough to do the 4 38 PUMPING MACHINERY. work without vibration or tremor, as it would be next to im- possible to keep a stuffing-box tight if it had a lateral motion in any portion of its stroke. The size of a rod in a trade pump is usually selected for 150 pounds water-pressure upon the piston or plunger; in addition to this there is always an uncertain quantity to be added for water-hammer and other unusual strains. The diameters given in Table I. average equal to those in com- mon use for the corresponding water-pistons or plungers at 150 pounds water-pressure and for pumps of 12 to 18 inches stroke. TABLE I. DIAMETERS OF COLD-ROLLED STEEL PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS OF 65,000 POUNDS TENSILE STRENGTH, FOR PUMPS OF 12 AND 18 INCHES STROKE. WATER-PISTON or PLUNGER. Area. Area. Diameter. Inches. Square Inches. Pressure at 150 Pounds. Diameter. Pressure per Square Square Inch on Cold-Rolled Steel Rods. Strength in Pounds of Inches. Inches. Rod. Pounds. Rod at 1-10. 4 12.57 1,885 138 1.49 1265 9,865 5 19.64 2,946 11/2 1.77 1664 11,505 6. 28:27 4,241 15% 2.07 2063 I3,455 7 38.49 5,774 134 2.4I 2698 15,665 50 27 7,541 18 2.76 2732 17,940 9 63.62 8,543 2 3.14 2721 20,410 IO 78.54 11,781 24 3.98 2960 25,870 12 113. 16,950 238 4.43 3826 28,759 14 154. 23,100 2/2 4.91 4704 31,915 It is customary to assume 65,000 pounds as the average tensile strength of mild steel, and this figure is taken instead of the higher one given in the preceding paragraph relating to cold-rolled steel. A factor of safety of ten is allowed, as it is the one usually employed in all pump calculations. PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS. 39 TABLE II. DIAMETERS TO WHICH COLD-ROLLED STEEL RODS MAY BE TURNED FOR BOTH PISTON AND PLUNGERS. DIAMETERS IN INCHES. Water-Pis- ton or Pump-Rod. Bore of Piston or Root of Thread. Area at Root of Thread. Square Inches. Strength at Root of Thread in Pounds at 1-10. Plunger. Plunger. 9 ΙΟ 456 78 122 13% 11/8 .94 1/2 14 1.06 888889 .69 4,485 5,700 15/8 13/8 1.16 1.06 6,890 134 1½ 1.28 1.29 8,385 1% 1½ 1.28 1.29 8,385 2* 15% 1.39 1.52 9,880 24 134 1.49 1.74 11,370 12 238 134 1.49 1.74 11,370 14 22 2 1.71 • 2.30 14,950 Tobin bronze, so named after its inventor, is a somewhat recent alloy, of which copper is the principal ingredient. This material has been used by the author in pump construction, for piston-rods and other details, and, so far as his experience goes, it fully bears out the claims of Mr. Tobin, as possessing great strength, toughness, and uniform texture. It can, when heated, be forged into any required shape as readily as steel. It works well in a lathe, and is susceptible of a high polish. Tensile tests, by Professor R. H. Thurston, of cast speci- mens .798 inch diameter, 5 inches long, showed a tenacity per square inch of original section of 67,600 pounds; te- nacity per square inch of fractured section, 73,160 pounds. The diameter of the fractured section = .767. Samples of hot-rolled metal prepared from a 34-inch cylin- drical rod gave the following results when tested by Professor J. E. Denton under torsional strain: Tensile strength, 94,550 pounds, with a stretch of 36.44 per cent. in 4½ inches length of specimen, having a diameter of 5% inch. The factor of safety given in the above tables, together with the net strength, has made it appear that the rods were figured on too liberal a scale; but we have not yet considered 40 PUMPING MACHINERY. the method of securing the piston or plunger to the rod; there will be in all cases a reduction in diameter, which will also reduce the margin of strength. Several kinds of fastenings are shown in connection with a water-plunger, but it is ob- vious that the same fastenings will be equally applicable for water-pistons. Pump-Rod Details.-To those more accustomed to steam than to hydraulic work, their first suggestion would probably be to taper the pump-rod as in Fig. 27, and, indeed, many FIG. 27. pump-rods are so fitted, but this method of fastening, so favor- ably known and practised in steam-work, has for one reason or another proven so troublesome in pump-work that it is now seldom employed. Any corrosion, dirt, or want of perfect alignment with the pump-rod will throw the piston or plunger out of line, and thus produce not only an uneven wear in a piston which is quite short for its diameter, but especially so in the case of plungers which have considerable more length than diameter; the friction first on one side of the plunger and then on the other side, as it passes the centre, makes a pump work badly, and is, moreover, a very difficult thing to correct. When a pump is new this difficulty is not usually experienced, especially in such shops as make it the practice to finish each plunger on its own rod; but it is afterwards, when repairs are needed, when the rods have become corroded, or when new pistons or plungers are required to fit an old rod, PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS. 41 or new rods to fit an old piston, that the trouble is usually had. A common and a better method of securing a piston or a plunger to a rod is shown in Fig. 28, which simply con- FIG. 28. sists in turning down the rod to a diameter suited to the load on a pump. It does not matter whether the piston or plunger fits the rod or not; the rod being turned to a standard diameter to fit a nut, the hole in the piston or plunger being enough larger to slide on easily, a reamer of an inch larger 4 will give an ample allowance. A word of caution is needed in fitting rods with a shoulder: a sharp corner, as shown in Fig. 28, is wrong, and if the rod be so fitted it will be only a question of time, and usually not a long one, when the rod will break in the sharp corner; this FIG. 29. is especially true in the event that a steel rod be used. A fibrous iron rod will last longer than a steel one under the above conditions. There should be a liberal round or fillet in the corner, as shown in Fig. 29, and a corresponding curve in the piston or plunger. Rods of the diameters given in Table I. may be turned 4* 42 PUMPING MACHINERY. MPING .. down to the diameters given in Table II. for their correspond- ing pistons or plungers. If a larger area against the end of the piston or plunger be required, it can be had by turning a taper back of the plunger and fitting a collar, as shown in Fig. 30. The taper should be FIG. 30. made on a lathe having a taper-attachment, and not by setting over the tail-centre. The collar should be reamed, and the rod carefully fitted to the collar, which latter should be faced off true in place to receive the end-thrust of the piston or plunger. The same result may be secured by fitting the rod with the threads, as in Fig. 31. The larger thread must have its root FIG. 31. above the diameter intended for the plunger, and threaded for a hexagon nut, which should be faced off true on the rod- centres; the end of the rod is to be fitted with a thread below the diameter intended for the piston or plunger, as are all the others. PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS. 43 If the end of the rod be threaded, as in Fig. 32, no reduc- tion in diameter will be required, and if thought advisable its diameter could be reduced at least one size from those given FIG. 32. in Table II. In this arrangement the piston or plunger will be held by the faces of the nuts, which offer an ample bearing, all the strain coming on the thread. In water-ends of large size, and others in which the rod is not continuous between the steam-piston and the water- plunger, the pump-rod may have a collar welded on, as shown in Fig. 33. FIG. 33. In such construction the rod is to be uncoupled at the cross- head between the steam- and water-cylinders; the plunger-rod cannot pass through the stuffing-box, therefore the plunger and rod are to be withdrawn entire through the rear end of the water-cylinder; provision must be made for such with- drawal when locating the pump in the building in which it is to be used. In regard to the size of collars, it is a common practice to make them once and a half the diameter of the rod, the length of the collar to be one-half its diameter. 44 PUMPING MACHINERY. 1 FIG. 34. Jamb-nuts are shown in the several illustrations for securing the nuts which fasten plungers to the rods. This is a simple and reliable device; a further precaution may be had by drill- ing a hole in the end of the rod and inserting a split pin to prevent the nut working off in case it should loosen. A special nut, as shown in Fig. 34, is sometimes used. It has an hexagonal body tapped to fit the end of the rod, and an extension piece smaller in diam- eter, drilled, tapped, and fitted with a set-screw for tightening against the end of the rod, this set- screw being fitted with a jamb-nut as shown. It possesses no advantage over the two nuts, and is much more expensive to make. Stuffing-Boxes.-The design of stuffing-box shown in FIG. 35. Fig. 35 is the one com- monly used in small pumps; that is to say, for rods 14 inches in diameter, or less; but it is sometimes used for rods as large as 3 inches in diameter. These stuffing - boxes are usually made of brass, though some pump - makers make them of iron; they screw into a tapped hole in the cylinder- head or steam-chest. The cavity for the packing in stuffing-boxes of this design PISTON- AND PLUNGER-RODS. 45 is not usually as liberal as in the design given in the next paragraph, therefore the packing will oftener require renewal. The commonest form of stuffing-box for sizes for 1½ inches in diameter and larger is shown in Fig. 36. The stuffing- box is cast together with the cylinder- head, and is bored concentric with the opening for the rod. The stuffing-box should always be deep enough to take in four strands of packing; the gland should be made to compress the pack- ing, as it wears to FIG. 36. nearly one-half its original bulk. The stuffing-box and gland here shown are intended to be of cast iron, which for ordi- nary service, and fresh water, will answer every purpose. Stuffing-boxes and glands bushed with brass are shown in Fig. 37. For diam- eters of rod less than 2½ inches the be gland should made wholly of brass instead of in- serting a bushing. The bottom of the stuffing-box shows the bushing extend- ing through the thickness of the cyl- inder-head; this ar- FIG. 37. rangement is a good one, but stuffing-boxes are frequently made with a brass washer, bevelled for the packing, but not extending through the head. 46 PUMPING MACHINERY. The question of bevelling the bottom of the stuffing-box and gland is one about which there is considerable difference of opinion; the writer favors the bevel for round packings, and thinks that even in the case of a machine-made square flax packing a tighter joint is had against the rod than is the case when the gland and bottom of the stuffing-box are flat; but for packings made up of layers of cotton cloth and india- rubber the bottoms of the stuffing-box and the gland should be flat. Metallic packings, so commonly used for steam-cylinder piston-rods, have not been found to be altogether satisfactory for pump-rods, and in consequence are but little used. WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 47 CHAPTER IV. WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. Clack-Valves.-The simplest form of valve for pumps of small size and low lift is shown in Fig. 38. It is largely used in hand-pumps and for small power-pumps for agricultural and house services. The lower illustration shows a plan of the valve. It is cut from a piece of leather about three- sixteenths of an inch thick, the outer diam- eter corresponding to that of the flange by which it is held, the inner diameter being enough larger than the opening into the pump to make a good joint under pressure; the clearance around the valve may be % to 1/4 inch, depending on the size of the pump and the thickness of the leather. The al- FIG. 38. О lowance for hinging may be one-half the diameter of the valve. A metal plate under the valve nearly the size of the opening, 48 PUMPING MACHINERY. and another plate on the top as large as the diameter of the valve, should be securely fastened to each side of the leather by rivets or bolts. Nearly all English books on pumps men- tion the use of hippopotamus and rhinoceros hides for large valves; the same material is also referred to as being satis- factorily used for packing pump-pistons. Leather of this description is very sparingly used for pumps in this country, if at all. A piece of india-rubber held at one edge, as in Fig. 39, is FIG. 39. often used in large pumping- and sew- شت erage-engines. The openings are usu- ally rectangular, having a length several times that of the breadth; this is a simple and dur- able valve. The rubber may be 5% to I inch thick, de- pending on the ser- vice and the general dimensions of the pumps. The guard should have a generous curve to prevent breaking the rubber at the line of flexure. An interesting experience with clack-valves is furnished by Mr. Henry Teague (1887), in a paper read before the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, England. Mr. Teague had occa- sion to remove a 15-inch clack in 1863, substituting a new one with one-third of its area cut out in the centre of the flap; the aperture so made was covered with a sup- plementary leather clack hinged upon the main clack at the edge opposite the main hinge, as shown in Fig. 40. By this means the concussion, which was the cause of making the change, was so completely prevented that, by placing the hand or ear in contact with the clack-box, not the least tremor or sound was perceptible, and the time of closing WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 49 could not be detected. The leather of the small supple- mentary clack continued in constant action for seven years' before requiring to be changed, and that of the main clack for thir- teen years. Another experience occurred in 1866 with a 14-inch pump, in which Mr. Teague sub- stituted for double-beat valves others similar to the illustrations in the preceding paragraph, whereby the action of the pump was greatly improved, as shown by the two pairs of dia- grams which are repro- duced in Figs. 41 and 42, which were both taken under similar cir- cumstances when the FIG. 40. pump was travelling at 160 feet per minute. These dia- grams were taken with an indicator having a spring of 10 pounds per inch of range. Fig. 41 shows the vacuum above the clacks, which, at the commencement of the stroke, is 5½ pounds per square inch for the break-clack, as shown by the lower line, and 7 pounds for the double-beat valve, as shown by the upper line. Fig. 42 shows the vacuum below the clacks, which began at 4 pounds per square inch in each case. The suction-pipe was 13 inches in diameter, and ran 40 feet horizontally from the pump before dipping into the tank, in which the water-level at the time of taking the diagrams was 6 feet below the bottom clack. In taking a number of diagrams similar to those shown in Figs. 41 and 42, it was found that scarcely any two were exactly alike. This was c d 5 50 PUMPING MACHINERY. attributed, in most instances, to the undulatory motion of the water in the tank from which it was being pumped. The tank was 70 feet long by 40 feet wide, and the undulation was ts 2 4 FIG. 41. Vacuum above foot valre. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Line JATROS. 8 20 2 4 6 # Break-clack. FIG. 42. Double-beat Valve. Vacuum below foot valve Atmospheric Line + 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percentage of Stroke, sufficient at times to raise the indicated line above the atmos- pheric line at the finish, as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 42. In some pumps with a vacuum of about 7 pounds per square inch, or 16 feet head of water at the commencement of the up-stroke, the indicated line has been raised several feet above the atmospheric line at the finish. To obviate this evil with a long horizontal suction-pipe, it occurred to him to interpose at the foot of the pump a vacuum-vessel for the long horizontal pipe to deliver into, the vessel containing sufficient vacant space to spare for taking up the fluctuations of the water, which are thereby prevented from affecting the working of the pump. This addition answered the purpose thoroughly, the pumps working with the greatest ease when so supplemented. The break-clacks (Fig. 40) were found to work incessantly ! WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 51 ! for five years without changing a leather and without showing the least sign of leakage, under 350 feet head of water, or 150 pounds per square inch, and there is not the slightest con- cussion, the time of closing not being perceptible. For a velocity of 160 feet per minute of the pump Mr. Teague found the weight of the flap should be about 2 pounds per square inch. On the top of the second or supplementary clack a third of still smaller diameter can be added, and even a fourth or more hung alternately on opposite sides. FIG. 43. A hinged clack-valve made of metal with a leather face is shown in Fig. 43; this does not differ essentially in its action from the valve described in a preceding para- graph (Fig. 39), ex- cept that a fulcrum is usually above the valve, and should be as far removed from it as the design will permit; the greater the distance the better will be the flow through the valve-seat and the less will be the angle of lift. FIG. 44. A butterfly-valve is shown in Fig. 44. It is a modifica- tion of a pair of clack- valves hinged usually at a common centre. These may be of any convenient shape, and arranged in any manner best suited to the requirements of the pump. The valves are usually of metal, faced with leather or india-rubber; it is not 52 PUMPING MACHINERY. often that the valve and face close metal to metal,—probably more on account of the noise than anything else. Clack-valves and butterfly-valves should be provided with stops to prevent their rising any higher than is actually neces- sary for the proper admission of the water into the pump; the angle of the valve should be about 30°, but must not in any case exceed 45°, above the seat. Fulcrums for Clack-Valves.-The central pin, or ful- crum, should be of brass, and of liberal diameter to prevent FIG. 45. FIG. 46. breakage. The wings, or valves, should have the holes oblong, at right angles to the face of the valve, so as to permit the valve to lift from 1% to 4 inch vertically at the hinge before it begins to turn on its fulcrum. (Figs. 45 and 46.) This kind of valve is suited only to slow-moving pumps by reason of the long time it requires a valve to seat, and the loss of water occasioned by slip during the interval of seating. A wing-valve, as shown in Fig. 47, is largely used in FIG. 47. pumps for feeding boilers, and in hydraulic pumps for high pressures. The valve and seat should be made of hard gun-metal. The seat may be driven in straight, and is held by the friction of its sides in the hole in which it is driven; some- times the seats are fitted with an external taper, but this is not the usual practice. The face of the valve and seat are tapered 45°, and are readily fitted and ground together. This valve may have WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 53 a spring fitted to its back to hasten the seating, but this is not always done. Wing-valves sometimes have the lower portion of each wing on a curve, as shown somewhat exaggerated in Fig. 48, the object being to give the valve a partial rotation at each stroke of the pump, and thus compel the valve to seat itself in a new place at each stroke. FIG. 48. FIG. 49. A wing-valve with a flat seat and a leather face, as shown in Fig. 49, is sometimes used in hydraulic-pressure pumps where the pressure does not exceed 400 pounds per square inch. It works fairly well, but possesses no marked advan- tages over similar valves fitted with a bevel and seating metal to metal. A conical mitre-valve, as shown in Fig. 50, is recom- mended by Björling, but, so far as the writer knows, it has not been adopted by any pump-manufacturer in this country. It consists of a conical shell, the sides of the cone being at an angle of 45°; the top part is turned to fit the bevel in the top of the seat; the lower part of the cone is furnished with three or more wings or guides, according to the size of the valve; these guides should be put in at such an angle that the valve at every rise will partially rotate so as to wear the seat evenly and prevent any grooves being formed. Inside the cone is cast a short spindle, which beats against a stop provided in " 5* 54 PUMPING MACHINERY. the pump-valve box. This design of mitre-valve is con- sidered by him the best, the flow of water being brought into FIG. 50. Nh the proper direction by reason of the cone causing less ob- struction to its passage and producing less contraction of the fluid vein than the one referred to in the preceding section. A spindle-valve with a flat seat, such as shown in Fig. 51, is not often used in pumps. It is, however, occasionally met FIG. 51. FIG. 52. with in small pumps intended for light service, a disk of leather being sometimes attached to the valve to insure tight- ness when seated, as in Fig. 52. WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 55 It FIG. 53. A bell-valve for impure or thick fluids, such as tar, molasses, paper pulp, tan liquor, etc., is shown in Fig. 53. It has a perpendicular lift, but is not fitted with guides. receives its name from a re- semblance to an inverted bell. An inspection of the engraving will show its con- struction, and especially the + concentration of weight below the valve-seat to insure its proper seating. The valve is suitable for slow-moving pumps only, and, so far as the writer is aware, they are not in use in this country. Ball-valves are used in considerable numbers, but the gen- eral impression is that they are not a regular, but a special, valve. They are quite commonly in use in sugar-house pumps, filter-press pumps, and especially in artesian- or deep-well pumps. Fig. 14 shows the arrangement of a bucket of a deep-well pump, and Fig. 54 a design of a ball-valve and seat, for general service. The ball and seat should be made of tough gun-metal, the guard should screw to the seat, and be so designed that it will have three or four ribs to guide the ball verti- cally as well as to limit the height of its lift, which should not exceed 1/4 of an inch. The width of the guides should be as little as consistent with safety, so as not to obstruct the flow of the liquid above the valve-seat. Ball-valves are sometimes FIG. 54. made with an iron or lead core and covered with india-rubber 56 PUMFING MACHINERY. to a depth of 3% to 5% of an inch thick, depending on the size of the ball. This arrangement is not favored by the writer except for very light service. In his experience balls of this kind never gave satisfaction, but did give a great deal of annoyance at an average pressure of 100 pounds per square inch, the trouble being that the rubber covering would split and allow the metal core to pass through the seat or wedge fast in it under pressure. For cold water and light service, say 25 pounds pressure, the ball may be wholly of rubber, or weighted with a metal core to make it seat with greater promptness; but for higher pressures only gun-metal should be used. Ball-valves must be firm in order to retain their shape, but when made of gun-metal they need not exceed one-half of an inch in thickness for pressures up to 1000 pounds per square inch; care must be exercised in lightening balls that they are not made so thin as to prevent seating promptly. Disk-valves made of india-rubber are in more general use than any other type of valve in this country. Valves for cold water should be of the best quality of india-rubber and vulcanized sufficiently to give the valve firmness, yet be sufficiently elastic to permit bending at right angles and regain its shape. For hot water a composition of india-rubber and graphite makes an excellent valve. A valve of this com- position is hard and inelastic, and will not adapt itself to inequalities; it is necessary, therefore, to see that the valve- seat is true and flat. The valve should be scraped true to a surface-plate, and then the seat carefully fitted to the valve. These two valves are usually distinguished as a cold-water valve, meaning the india-rubber valve, and a hot-water valve, meaning the hard composition. Disk-valves are usually made from 2 to 6 inches in diam- eter; sometimes larger diameters are employed in mine and other special pumps, but the general conclusion reached by builders and users alike is that rubber valves should not exceed 4½ inches in diameter. The four sizes more in use WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 57 than any other are 3, 32, 4, and 4½ inches, and probably one-half of all the india-rubber valves in use of this type are 3 inches in diameter. The following proportions for india- rubber valves have given satisfactory results: 2 inches diameter Xinch thick Xinch hole. 2골 ​3 3 1/2/10 4 4를 ​5 (6 X 16 X 1/ 66 66 9 " 16 66 (6 X (C 11 16 CC. 66 13 4 ( 66 3 6 FIG. 55. Valve-Seat and Spindle combined.-The valve-seat shown in vertical section in Fig. 55 is one which has long been in use by the writer, and has given such excellent satis- faction that he gives it his fullest endorsement. The seat is threaded to screw into a corresponding taper- hole tapped in the valve- deck of the water-end of the pump; a taper of one inch to the foot will an- swer; the threads may be 8 to the inch for all sizes up to 4½ inches diameter. The valve-stem is included in the same casting with the seat; it is turned and 16 polished so as to offer no resistance to the movement of the valve; an allowance of of an inch is given for clearance between the valve and stem. The top of the stem is threaded with a taper-thread, the guard-nut being tapped with a corre- sponding taper-tap so as to screw down firmly, making a much tighter joint, and one less likely to jar or work loose than when parallel threads are used. As a precautionary measure a hole is drilled immediately above the guard-nut, 58 PUMPING MACHINERY. 16 and a split pin inserted to prevent the nut working off and the valve getting adrift in the water-end. A brass plate of an inch thick for a 2-inch valve, and of an inch thick for a 4½-inch valve, is put on the back of each valve to dis- tribute the pressure of the spring over a larger area, and to prevent the spring wearing a groove in the back of the valve. This plate need not be more than three-fourths of the diameter of the valve. FIG. 56. Valve-Cap.-A brass casting, as shown in Fig. 56, extend- ing over the top and down the sides of a valve, has been used by the writer in a num- ber of special cases with excellent results. There is no other objection to using it on all disk-valves of india-rubber except that of increased cost. Springs. No general directions can be given for the stiffness of springs, but if the 2- and 2½-inch valves be fitted with springs of No. 12 brass spring wire, the 3- and 3½-inch valves with No. 10 wire, and the 4- and 4½-inch valves with No. 8 wire, good results may be expected for the ordinary run of service. The diameter of the spring may be one-half that of the valve, and if made with five coils will have the proper elasticity. A metal disk-valve, as shown in Fig. 57, will inter- change on the same seat with the valve, spring, etc., just de- FIG. 57. scribed. These metal valves are frequently used instead of the hard-rubber valves for hot water. WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 59 Valve-Seat with inserted Spindle or Guard.—A modi- fied form of the design illustrated on page 57 is shown in Fig. 58. It does not differ ma- terially from the seat and stem already described ex- cept that the seat is tapped and the guard screws into it, both threads being tapered as in the one pre- viously described. This seat and guard is in quite general use, but is not so good a design as the former, because the guard is likely to, and often does, FIG. 58. work loose, there being no practical method of preventing it. FIG. 59. Valve Seat with threaded Spindle and Nut.-An- other design for a valve-seat, guard, etc., is shown in Fig. 59. In this figure, it will be observed, the valve- seat is drilled with a straight hole, the guard has a shoulder, and is held down and in place by a nut underneath; this nut can be secured by a split pin if desired. The objection to this design is that the valve cannot be removed without un- screwing the nut, and in almost every pump the under side of the valve- seats are inaccessible in the suction-chamber, and it frequently happens that those in the force- or delivery-chamber are equally so. 60 PUMPING MACHINERY. i Conical Springs.—Attention is directed to the conical spring used in this illustration; this is a style of spring for- merly in almost universal use, but it has been superseded within the past five or six years by the parallel spring, which has already been described. Some makers of pumps continue to use it, but the spring is defective, in the fact that all the strain of the spring centres in the two upper coils, and break- ages constantly occur at that point. In a parallel spring, as shown in Fig. 58, the tension is throughout its whole length, and breakages seldom occur. Disk-Valve with Hemispherical Guard.-An india- rubber disk-valve with hemispherical guard, as shown in Fig. 60, is largely employed in pumping machinery in Europe, and FIG. 60. is often of large size, having long been in favor with pump- makers and marine-engine-builders. It is seldom met with in this country except in mining-pumps. It possesses no advan- WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 61 tage over the flat disk-valve with spiral spring, as shown in Fig. 55. Securing Valve-Seats in Place.-A design of pump- valve shown in Fig. 61 is one which has long been in use by the makers of the Cameron pump. It consists of a brass shell filled with vulcanized in- dia-rubber. The rubber forms the valve-face, and the metallic casing resists the pressure and protects the rubber from injury. It will be observed that the metal casing extends down- wards and surrounds the stem. The valve-seats are driven in on a taper, one exactly above the other. One valve-stem is com- mon to both valves. By un- screwing the plug on the top of the delivery-chamber the valve-stem can be withdrawn and the valves and springs removed for examination or repairs through the hand-hole plates. Another method of securing valve-seats and valves is shown in Fig. 62, which represents the practice of the makers of the FIG. 61. Davidson pump. The suction-valve seat is screwed into the pump-casting, and is tapped to receive a spindle or valve- guard; the delivery-valve seat is centred by the upper hole, which is bored in line with the lower one. A shoulder is provided on the upper valve-seat. The spindle, or valve-guard, passes through the upper valve-seat, and is made to screw into the lower seat; a shoulder is provided on the valve-spindle for holding the upper valve-seat down upon its bearing when 6 62 PUMPING MACHINERY. the spindle is screwed sufficiently into the lower valve-seat. The examination or removal of the valves is easily had by the withdrawal of the valve-spindle. Large valve-seats are often made with projecting wings or flanges for bolting the seat in place, somewhat after the style. FIG. 62. of Fig. 71. Standing-bolts are recommended rather than tap- bolts. Muntz-metal makes a good bolt; the nuts may be of cast brass. For mine-pumps the valve-seats are often flanged and WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 63 inserted between the pump-flanges, as shown in Fig. 44, as well as in several illustrations in the chapter on mine-pumps. In designing a pump for high pressures with such a valve- seat, the lower pump-flange should have a diameter of opening the same as that of the valve-seat above it; this will give the latter a better support than if held by the flange alone. An easy-seating water-valve is illustrated in Fig. 62, A. It consists of a cup-shaped valve with central guiding- pin, and a valve-seat and disk cast solid, as shown in cut.' FIG. 62, A. This disk is slightly larger than the aperture below it in the valve-seat, and causes the fluids pumped to be deflected at right angles, just the same as an ordinary water-valve does with its lift limited by a stop. The fluids, therefore, have power to raise the valve as high as the disk only, and for that reason a stop to limit the lift of the water-valve is not necessary. This water-valve does not strike against a stop in its upward movement. When it closes it does not seat with a harsh, abrasive action, but, being partially cushioned on the water between the disk and valve, it seats softly, and there is reason to believe it a durable and satisfactory water-valve. + 64 PUMPING MACHINERY. The water-ways are large, and the valve has capacity equal to This valve is secured by a recent patent, and is any other. used in the Marsh steam-pump. An annular valve is shown in Fig. 63. The seat has grids to give support to the central spindle, or guard, but which FIG. 63. do not extend up to the valve-face. The valve is an annular ring fitted with wings which attach to a bored guide sliding on the valve-spindle. A spring, with nut, etc., is furnished as shown. In this valve - seat the area is somewhat reduced under that of an ordinary valve of the same diameter, but having two circumfer- ences for the discharge, the quantity of water which may be deliv- ered is very much in- creased. Assuming the outer diameter of the opening through the valve-seat to be four inches and the inner one to be two and a half inches, there is then : 4 inches diameter 21/ 12.57 inches area and 12.56 inches circumference. 66 Net area = 4.91 7.66 inches, 66 66 7.85 66 66 + and 20.41 inches total circumference. ÷ The lift required would be 7.66 20.41.375 of an inch to give the full area. The annular valve shown in sectional elevation and plan in Fig. 64 is exceedingly simple and has much to commend it for WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 65 FIG. 64. FÜ valves of medium size, and for pumps running at a moderate rate of speed. Weighted valves do not seat as promptly as those in which the in- itial impulse is given by a spring. The valve in this design is simply a brass ring guided by four wings, which are included in the same casting with the seat. The lift of the valve not being excessive, there will be little or no tendency to stick or to prevent prompt seating. The Troy Valve.- Designers of pumping machinery have always endeavored to keep down the lift of a valve, and to get rid of the grids in the valve-seat; some of these efforts have been successful, others less so. Fig. 65 I is an illustration of a valve and seat by the Holly Manufac- turing Company; it has a 14-inch clear way of opening through the valve-seat, a flat rubber valve enclosed in a metal shell, which is top-guided; it is not furnished with a spring to assist it in seating. This may be said to fairly represent the practical limit to which the reduction in diameter of valves for large pumping engines has been carried out. Valve-Guides.-Guiding a valve by a spindle issuing from the top of the valve and extending into a drilled hole in the cover of the valve-chamber, and at the same time having e 6* 66 PUMPING MACHINERY. 7. wings to the valve fitting in a bored valve-seat below, as shown in Fig. 66, is occasionally met with, and is a practice FIG. 65. which the writer does not consider a good one. The fitting of a valve and seat together is in itself an operation of the greatest nicety, and requires the utmost precision and free- dom of movement to make its operation satisfactory. No such precision is had in fitting valve-covers, so there can be no certainty that the centres of the valve-seat and the drilled hole in the cover are in line with each other; if not, the operation of the valve will be faulty, and in conse- quence the action of the pump uncertain. Valves of this type should never be guided in two places, and as a matter of choice between the two guides, as shown in the engraving, the wings fitting the seat is one much to be pre- ferred to that of having the spindle guided in the cover. A top-guided valve without the lower wings is shown in Fig. 67; the top-guide is, as in the former case, the cover of the valve-box. This design is objectionable also, and for the same reasons as given in the preceding paragraph, there being no certainty that the guide for the valve-stem will be at right angles to the valve-seat, or that it will be exactly in line with the valve movement. In all cases where it is thought to be necessary to have a mitred valve guided from the top, the valve-seat and guide should be self-contained, so that the seat, valve, and guide may all be fitted together before its insertion in place in the pump. WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 67 For valves having a leather or rubber face coming down upon a flat valve-seat the conditions are more favorable to satisfactory working, but on general principles the writer advocates having valve-seats and guides self-contained. FIG. 66. Π A built-up wing-valve of large diameter (360 mm.) is shown in Fig. 68, in section, with a partial plan showing the arrangement of the wings or guides. The valve-stem has a welded collar against which the flat disk for taking the pressure is fit- ted; underneath this disk is another one of rubber for making the joint on the valve-seat; still another metal disk is added, after which the wings or guides are placed on the same spindle, the whole being held in place by a through-going key, as shown. The de- tails of this valve are good, the only objection being the unusual number of parts which compose it. An examination of the engraving will make clear that no derangement is likely to occur which would interfere with its proper working, except that of the backing out of the key; a split pin would make secure against such a con- tingency. A rectangular valve with double seating is shown in Fig. 69. This is a form of valve not much used in this coun- 68 PUMPING MACHINERY. try; it is open to the objection that the seating of the valve on the grid always occurs at the same place, causing a rapid wear of the valve under what are usually thought to be very moderate pressures. The writer does not recommend this design except for light service, say for pressures not exceed- ing 25 pounds per square inch, although such valves are in use at press- FIG. 67. ures many times greater than the limit placed upon them above; nev- ertheless, they have not shown themselves dur- able under high pressure, and are quite inferior in many respects to circular valves, which are free to rotate about the central spindle or guide. Rectan- gular valves should always be of the very best quality of india-rubber to insure satisfaction, as they are sub- ject to shearing action over the openings in the valve-seat, as well as the bending movement along the central line of fastening. A multiple beat-valve with four beats or valves is shown in Fig. 70. This form of valve is not anywhere in very general use; in England, probably more than elsewhere; but, so far as the writer is aware, it is not used in this country in any prominent pumping-station. The main valve-seat may be secured to the valve-chamber casting by any one of several 1 WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 69 methods; the central spindle has a length suited to the com- bined thickness of the four valves, together with a proper allowance for the lift of each. The bottom valve has two faces, the lower one fitted to the valve-seat and the upper one fitted to receive the second valve, which is similarly fitted for the third valve, and thus for the fourth valve, which completes the series. There are four open- ings for the passage of water, so that after making allowance for the difference in the circumferences of the several openings, there will then be required a lift but little more than one- fourth over that, if one valve had to do the work. FIG. 68. There does not seem to be an agree- WANKAE ment of opinion among English en- gineers regarding this valve, some thinking highly of it, while others have taken them out and substituted valves of a different design. The principal ob- jection seems to be that by reason of the large diameter as compared to the height the rings are liable to stick; the valve is also reported as being noisy in operation, which would seem to indicate intermittent or irregular seating, with the attendant jar and hammer in the water end of the pump. 70 PUMPING MACHINERY. A double-beat india-rubber valve is shown in Fig. 71. The main valve-seat is bolted over a suitable opening in the valve-chamber; this valve-seat casting includes the grid for the lower annular ring, of india-rubber, loosely fitting around О FIG. 69. MK о O LILIHIL о A a central cylinder also in- cluded in the same casting, and forming the water-way to the upper valve. curved guard controls the rise of the lower valve, the latter having a vertical lift of about 3/8 inch before com- ing in contact with the guard. A brass grid forms the upper valve-seat, and by a slight projection down- ward also serves to keep the large guard in place. A col- lared bolt and nut secure this upper grid in place, and forms the central spin- dle for the upper valve; the curved guard for this valve permits the latter to rise about 1/4 inch before contact, the guard being secured to the vertical spindle as shown. This is a better form than a single large valve of the same diameter as the lower ring, because the circumferences of the two valves are much greater than the one large valve at the bottom, thus permitting the passage of the same volume of water with a greatly reduced lift, and in consequence smoother working than if all the water™ were required to pass the circumference of the larger valve only. Cornish Double-Beat Valves.-These are largely used in England, and to a considerable extent in this country, but as for ourselves the general tendency is towards employing a number of small valves rather than one large one in water- WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 71 ends, so that, for the present at least, they may be regarded as out of style. Through the courtesy of Mr. A. F. Nagle I am able to present a copious extract from his paper on Cornish or FIG. 70. Double-Beat Valves," contributed to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and published in Vol. X. of its Trans- actions. The principal features to be considered are,— 1. The width of seat. 2. The unbalanced area. 3. Its weight. 4. Its lift. 5. Its form of body. 72 PUMPING MACHINERY. 1. The Width of Seat.-What should be the width of a valve- seat? Theoretically, a knife-edge, so that the same area FIG. 71. should be presented to the water-pressure before as after it is lifted. Practically, only sufficiently wide to sustain the pressure FIG. 72. 12'dia. 9 dia. FIG. 73. 12'dia. 9 dia brought to bear upon it without injury to the metal. Brass should sustain a pressure of at least 1000 pounds per square inch of surface with safety and permanency. This is less WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 73 than one-thirtieth of its crushing strength, and only about two-thirds the pressure brought upon crank-pin journals. "2. The Unbalanced Area.-With a wide seat it is impossible to know exactly what the unbalanced area of a valve really is. It may be that of either extreme between the inside or outside diameters, as indicated in Figs. 72 and 73, or it may be a yet worse case if the bearing should be perfect over its entire surface, like Fig. 74, where it may approximate to a vacuum between the faces. 66 Even if we do not assume a vacuum to exist between the faces, it is still certain that something less than the normal pressure must be between the faces, or the valve would be in a leaky condition; and hence there must inevitably be required a greater pressure per square inch to start the valve than exists outside of it, and this condition is one which accounts for the shocks and noise of these valves. FIG. 74. g'dia. 3. The Weight of the Valve.-I thought it was the weight of the valve, if free to move, which determined the velocity of discharge through it. If the valve is large in diameter compared with its lift, so that the velocity of approach be- comes so small that it could be ignored, and its form of such gentle curves that no violent impingement occurs, then it would seem that the weight per square inch of unbal- anced area must govern the flow or velocity; for it is this weight which is the equivalent of a press- ure upon the water within the valve which causes the outward flow. And if this theory were correct, then the flow through it would have the same velocity at any position it might be in, and the valve should rise and fall in exact proportion to the changing velocity of the plunger. If, on the other hand, the valve be of irregular form, very light, and the velocity of 12 dia. D 7 74 PUMPING MACHINERY. approach very great, then the calculation for its action would be very complicated. "4. Its Lift.-This is practically answered in the last section. The velocity being determined by the weight, and always the same for the same weight, then its lift would naturally adjust itself to the changing speed of the plunger, so that the requisite water might be supplied to it or discharged from it. If, for example, a valve weighed one pound per square inch of its inside unbalanced area, it was reasoned that the velocity through the valve would be that due to this pressure, or, applying the well-known formula: v = 8.03 X Vñ• v = 12.20 feet per second. "The size of the plunger and its velocity, and the number of valves, now determine the lift of each valve. "5. The Form of the Valve.-First of all, there should be no air-pockets such as are possible in such forms as are shown in Figs. 72, 73, or 74. The curves should all be of easy lines in order to avoid impact, it being reasoned that flat surfaces, particularly at the upper bend of the valve, would cause an impact which would make the valve rise more than that due to the pressure produced by the velocity. "With these theories in mind I constructed the pump-valves for the High Service Pumping Engine at Providence, R. I. The engine is of the vertical compound type, with cranks exactly opposite each other (the first instance of the kind in this country, I believe, 1874) and geared 1 to 5, driving two horizontal double-acting plunger-pumps. For full description of this engine, see Franklin Institute Journal for September, 1876. The plungers are 17 inches in diameter and 4 feet stroke, and the greatest speed about 20 revolutions per minute. All the valves were of the same size, and only one for each inlet or outlet, and that was 12 inches in diameter at the lower seat, and 9% inches at the upper. The seats were designed to be three-eighths of an inch wide, but the seats, WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 75 Sq. Head Fronze &-Bolts- not the valves, were actually chamfered so that only one- eighth of an inch bearing-surface remained. Center Force (276) Nozzle. FIG 75. ----+- " " ‹-12- " -10 ~ + Center Suction (15) Nozzle, SUCTION & FORCE VALVES -FOR- - "HOPE"' PUMPING ENGINE Providence, R. I. November, 12th. 1874. Bottom of Force Bottom of Suction 1-6 SIZE Suction Force 1-R. 3% 16 5% " 11 Diam. -1234 Diam.- 4 3 d. 9 Dia. Inside 10 Dia.Outside -d. Bronze } " 1% Diam.! " 13 Diam.Outside -13- T! 1½ Diam. " -17-Diam- -13-Diam.- -16- Diam.- 18 "Fig. 75 is a vertical section of the valve, and Fig. 76 a full- size section of the seat. "The weight was 53.44 pounds in water, one-seventh less than in the air. Mean net water-pressure Lower seat outside diameter 1234" 52 pounds. 127.68 square inches. "inside CC 12½" =122.72 Suction Force 76 PUMPING MACHINERY. Upper seat outside diameter 9%" 65.40 square inches. ❝ inside 93811 = 69.03 Net outside unbalanced area = 62.28 inside Seat area 53.69 8.59 "The seat area is only 16 per cent. of inside area, and only 52 × 62.28÷8.59=377 pounds pressure per square inch of FIG. 76. - " 11% afa 12'dia. surface. Upon the theory of a perfect seating, the pressure required to open the valve would be 62.28 X (52 +15)÷53.69=77.31 pounds. "I confess that I am somewhat sceptical as to the possibility of such perfect seating of a ground valve as to produce the condition of a vacuum, but somewhere between a vacuum and the water-pressure it must be, and I have assumed this extreme condition the better to illus- trate a theory. "These valves worked noiselessly at the greatest speed, and after six months' run the grinding-marks were not worn away. "It will be observed that the valve weighed just about one pound per square inch of inside unbalanced area, and hence, if the theory advanced in section 3 were correct, the velocity of the water through it should have been 12.20 feet per second. It proved to be fully 20 feet per second. "In order to learn how much truth there was in these the- ories, I took several indicator-cards directly from the valve itself. "These cards are reproduced at full size in Figs. 77, 78, and 79, and the dotted lines are added to represent the line of velocities of the plunger at all points of the stroke. “The greatest lift attained at II revolutions per minute was inch = .032 foot. 13 18 (6 5.66 2 .039 r 9 (6 16 = .047 " WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 77 "It is not possible to know the exact diameters at which the discharge may be considered to take place, but I as- FIG. 77. 11 Revolutions per minute. 1 ft. 2 ft. 8 ft. 4 ft. Position of piston. Heavy line traced by indicator-piston attached to valve. Dotted lines velocity of pump-plunger. FIG. 78. 13 revolutions per minute. FIG. 79. 18 revolutions per minute. sumed it for the lower seat at 12 inches, and the upper at 9% inches. "Circumference of discharge at 12 inches diameter = 37.70 inches. 9%" Total 28 27 = 65.97 " = 5.50 feet. 7* 78 PUMPING MACHINERY. "Area of discharge of valve at II revolutions = 5.50 X .032 13 18 (C 5.50 X .039 .1760 square feet. .2145 = 5.50 X .047 = .2585 Area of 17 inches plunger 1.576 "Maximum velocity of plunger at 4 × 2 × 11 × 1.57 ÷ 60 = 2.30 feet per second. II revolutions 13 18 66 = 4 X 2 X 13 X 66 = 4 X 2 X 18 X 1.57 ÷ 60 1.57 ÷ 60 2.72 66 3.77 CC CC "" 'Displacement of plunger at II revolutions = 1.576 X 2.30 13 18 (6 66 1.576 X 2.72 3.6248 cubic feet per second. 4.2867 1.576 X 377 = 5 9415 Velocity through valve at CC (C II revolutions = 3.6248÷.1760 20.60 feet per second. 13 = 4.2867 ÷.2175 20.00 (C 18 = 5.9415 ÷ .2585 = 23.00 CC It was calculated to be 12.20 Head due to velocity of 20.60 feet 20.00 6.60 feet, or 2.87 pounds. 6.20 66 2.70 (C (C 23.00 66. 8.20 3.57 Weight of valve per square inch of unbalanced area, I pound. Ratio of weight of valve to pressure due to flow through the valve, about 1 to 3. "The diagrams, as well as experience, showed : (C First, that the width of a valve-seat could safely be brought to a very narrow surface, probably much less than I made it (%"); for the pressure in this case was but 377 pounds per square inch of surface. "Secondly, that the lift of a valve is exactly proportioned to the velocity of the plunger, if it is not too light so as to be brought to its stop before the maximum velocity of plunger is attained. The deviation from this theoretical curve, as shown in the cards, is attributable to the friction of the stem running to the indicator, and possibly somewhat to seat area, small as it is. WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 79 Thirdly, that in the form of valve shown, the theory that the velocity of the water through the valve is that due to the head corresponding to the weight of the valve per square inch of unbalanced area, did not prove to be very near the truth. I can conceive of but one reason for this great variation from FIG. 80. the theory assumed, and that is, the effect of the horizontal issuing stream diminished the vertical pressure. I think it is not improbable that there is a mathematical demonstration for the resultant vertical force due to an issuing horizontal stream from a curved aperture, and express correctly the relation of 8B PUMPING MACHINERY. lift to weight, but I have not attempted to thus solve that problem. I do not think that the friction of stem or force of spring is sufficient to account for the deviation. "The valves were symmetrical and round in form, and were afterwards turned down and reduced in weight to 35 pounds in water, or .66 pound per square inch of inside unbalanced area, but I regret that I took no further diagrams. The nar- row seats, and the quiet action, and the synchronous motion with the plunger, were the more important features in my mind at that time, and the question of weight of valve was left to experiment after all." The four-seated valve shown in Fig. 80 is reproduced from an engraving in Engineering of a pump designed by Edward Easton & Co., London. It represents the valve as being attached to a rod forming a bucket- and plunger-pump, but it is obvious that the same valve may be differently employed by simply omitting that portion relating to the operation of driving. The pump from which this detail is taken has a plunger 20 inches in diameter, the bucket being 28 inches in diameter, and a stroke of 33 inches. This pump min FIG. 81. Down Stroke- Scale 1-60 th Atmos. line. Up Stroke works against a head of 72 pounds per square inch. The revolutions of the en- gine were intended to be 18 per minute, but during the trial averaged but little more than 13 revolu- tions; the efficiency of the pump at that rate of speed was found to be 97.3 per cent. The indicator diagram, Fig. 81, taken from the above pump at the time of the trial, shows how nearly a large valve, and one of the above design, meets the exacting requirements of water-works service. The indicated agreed with the calculated WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 81 power required of the pump, which was found to be 47 horse- power. In the copying of the drawing the packing-box and ring at the top of the bucket was omitted for the sake of clearness. FIG. 82. Perreaux's Valve.-A novel form of valve is shown in Fig. 82; it is not used on this side of the Atlantic, and probably not extensively in Europe. The valve is made of india-rubber in the form of a tube flattened at one end, like the mouth-piece of a clarionet. The thickness of the sides of the upper part diminishes gradually to the top, where the two sides meet and form two lips, which, when the valve is in a state of rest, are in close contact and prevent the downward passage of the fluid. With any upward pressure the lips separate and allow of the upward pas- sage of the fluid. The gradual diminu- tion in thickness, or tapering of the sides forming the lips of the passage, enables the valve to open and close with the slightest variation of pressure, and, by properly proportioning, to resist any required amount of downward pressure. The passage for the fluid is larger in these valves than in any others of equal dimensions; they also possess the advantage of having a clear way, there being nothing whatever to retard the passage or flow of the fluid, and they close perfectly and instantaneously the moment the pressure from below ceases. The illustration shows two valves, one in the plunger and the other held between flanges forming the inlet-valve to the pump. The action is the same as in ordinary pump: raising the piston producing an opening of the lower or suction-valve, whilst lowering it closes the valve. This valve is chiefly suitable for the raising and moving of f any 82. PUMFING MACHINERY. semi-fluid masses, like paper pulp, etc. These valves These valves may be used singly for small pumps, or combined in sets for large pumps. But it may be remarked that, with the resistance of the material and the small dimensions of the orifices, an excess of motive-power is required, which may be an important element in large pumps. This valve is not to be recommended for heavy pressures; the ball-valve is believed to be much better for pressures greater than say 25 pounds per square inch. These pumps have been made with rubber valves and piston, working in a glass barrel for handling acid. Bushings for valve-seats are not often required except for repairs, but it sometimes happens that such a detail must be carried out in a new design. Fig 83 is a suggestion based FIG. 83. upon a successful experience. The cast-iron deck of the pump is reamed, counterbored, and tapped with a straight tap. The bushing is of gun-metal, threaded to correspond to the size of the tap, the collar being turned to fit the counterbored hole, and projecting slightly above the valve-deck of the pump to save the trouble of facing off any slight irregularities of the casting. The inside thread has the same taper as that of the valve-seat, say one inch to the foot. A steel driver made to fit the inside thread, with an adjustable screw-collar to tighten down upon the flat surface of the upper side of the bushing, makes a good tool for screwing these bushings in place. When the bushing is down to where it belongs, the adjustable screw-collar on the driver can be slackened and the driver easily and quickly withdrawn, after which the bushing is ready to receive the valve-seat. + WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 83 Dovetail and Lead Joints for Valves.-Securing valve- seats in place by dovetail joints, calked with lead, as shown in Fig. 84, was a common practice a few years ago, when larger valves than are now commonly employed in large pumping engines were in general use. This arrangement is not well suited to valves less than 6 inches in diameter, and has but little to recommend it for valves of any size, although valve- FIG. 84. LEAD seats of 8 and 9 inches in diameter have been in use for many years having this kind of fastening. Now that the use of smaller valves which permit of screwed seats is the common practice, the above detail is not likely to be carried out in any important pumping engine contracts. A weighted valve, such as that shown in Fig. 85, was much in use in this country twenty years ago for large pump- ing engines, but has been almost entirely displaced by the smaller valves with springs instead of weights. The valve- seat in the illustration is a cast-iron grid, faced with brass, the latter metal cast in a dovetail recess as shown, and afterwards faced off true to receive the valve. The spindle is of tough brass or Muntz-metal, fitted into a tapering hole in the seat. The weight is cast iron, and is made to slide loosely on the spindle, and to prevent noisy contact a small rubber buffer is included in the spindle-cap as shown. The valve-seat is held in place by lead calking, as shown in Fig. 84. Valves of this design, from 6 to 12 inches in diameter, are in use, but they 84 PUMPING MACHINERY. are somewhat sluggish in their movement and do not seat as quickly as similar valves furnished with spiral springs. They are only suited to large pumps and slow piston speeds. FIG. 85. Size of Valves.-It was formerly, say twenty-five years ago, the practice to fit water-ends with valves much larger in diameter than at present; valves from 5 to 8 inches in diame- ter being quite common in water-works practice. A reaction afterwards set in, and the diameters of water- valves were then reduced so much that on some large pump- ing engines, built perhaps twelve or fifteen years ago, thin metal disks were employed less than 2 inches in diameter. This may be regarded as an error in judgment, which has since been very generally corrected, so that it may be said the com- mon practice is now to confine the diameters of rubber disk- valves to between 3 and 4½ inches. The area of clear water-way through a set of valves in a water-end should be not less than forty per cent. of the plunger area for pumps having a speed of 100 feet per minute; and if WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 85 that speed be increased to say 125 feet per minute, then the combined water areas through the valve-seats should be fifty per cent. of the plunger area; and in like manner 150 feet per minute would require sixty per cent. valve area; 175 feet per minute would require seventy-five per cent. valve area; and 200 feet per minute should have a valve area equal to the plunger area. In order to get this valve area there is the temptation to make the valves as few in number and as large in diameter as possible, consistent with quiet action when the pump is working at its highest speed. It will be borne in mind that the two properties of the circle are to be considered when designing valves and seats. The area increases as the square of the diameter; the circumference varies directly as the diameter, The flow of water through the valve-seats has to do with the area only; the escape of the water under the valve into the chamber in which the water is to flow has to do with the circumference only. Let us assume, by way of illustration, that a pump would require a single valve area, corresponding to 9 inches in diameter: Area of 9 inches 63.62 square inches. Circumference of 9 inches 28 27 inches. Then 63.62 ÷ 28.27 2.25 inches lift required to make the circumferential opening equal to the area. If, now, we try four valves, each 4½ inches in diameter, precisely the same area is had, but the circumference will be doubled, thus: Area of 4½ inches 15.90 X 4 valves = 63.60 inches total area. Circumference of 4½ inches 14.13 X 4 valves circumferences. 56.52 inches combined Then 63.60 ÷ 56.52 = 1.125 inches lift required of each valve to give a circumferential opening equal to the area, or one-half that required by the single valve. It will be understood that both of the above illustrations have reference to the diameter of the opening, and not that 8 86 PUMPING MACHINERY. of the valves; to be exact, we must deduct the area of the grids, taking only the clear water-way through the seat, but the application would be the same. TABLE III. SHOWING THE PROPERTIES OF CIRCLES APPLICABLE TO VALVE CALCULATIONS. Diameter. Inches. Area, Square Inches. Circumference, Inches. Lift required to equal the Area. Inches. 1 2 1½ 1.76 4.7I .375 3.14 6.28 .500 22 4.91 7.85 .625 3 7.07 9.42 .750 3½ 9.62 10.99 .875 4 12.57 12.56 1.000 42 15.90 14.13 1.125 5 19.64 15.70 1.250 5/2 23.76 17.27 1.375 66778 28.27 18.84 1.500 6½ 33.18 20.42 1.625 38.48 21.99 1.756 72 اله 44.18 23.56 1.875 50.26 25.13 2.000 8½ 56.75 26.70 2.125 9 63.62 28.27 2.250 9½ 70.88 29.84 2.375 10 78.54 31.41 2.500 10% 86.59 32.98 2.625 II 95.03 34.55 2.750 11% 103.86 36.12 2.875 12 113.09 37.69 3.000 The speed at which a pump will run noiselessly, assuming that an ample water-supply is had, will probably depend more on the relation of its valve area to that of its plunger area than almost anything else. In a quick-running pump with too small a valve area an excessive lift is required of the valves, so that in the interval of seating a portion of the water in the pump-cylinder passes under the valves and back again into the suction-chamber; at the moment when the pressure overtakes the valves in their downward movement the velocity is so greatly accelerated as to force them violently down upon their seats, the pump be- comes noisy, and nothing will relieve the pump but a reduc- WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 87 tion in the speed of plunger, suited to the proper and noiseless action of the valves. Noisy action is not always confined to quick-running pumps ; it is a common fault with nearly all low-priced pumps; the temptation evidently being to put in larger water-plungers than the valve area can supply at the common rating of 100 feet piston-speed per minute. The additional cost of a larger plunger in any properly-designed pump is a small one com- pared with that of an entire water-end, which would have to be supplied if a larger valve area must be furnished. The writer has known of pumps which barely measured 25 per cent. of valve area, when the least measurement should have been 40 per cent., a species of fraud rarely detected until too late to remedy it. A concentric ring-valve is shown in Fig. 86; it has but recently been introduced in this country. FIG. 86. After a very exhaustive research in the matter of valve design, Professor Riedler, of Berlin, has given this the pref- 88 PUMPING MACHINERY. erence over all others for large valves, for quick-running engines. An inspection of the drawing will show that this design offers a large valve area for a comparatively small diam- eter of valve-chamber. This valve is intended to be operated by a suitable mechanism, which insures opening and closing at periods exactly corresponding to the changes in piston or plunger movement. This positive movement permits a higher piston speed than can be had in designs depending upon either gravity or springs for closing the valves. Its efficiency has certainly never been surpassed, and in point of simplicity, strength, and consequent durability it seems to leave but little more to be desired Mechanically-operated water-valves are among the very earliest devices connected with the development of the direct-acting steam-pump. For one reason or another they never became popular in this country, and finally dropped out altogether, so that it was something of a surprise to American engineers when it was learned that several large, high-speed pumping engines had been built, and exhaustive experimental tests made, in Germany, in which mechanically-operated valves proved so highly satisfactory that their future adoption in all large and important high-speed pumping engines seems now to be nearly, if not altogether, certain. Professor Riedler, of Berlin, has probably undertaken and accomplished more in the matter of indicator research in pumping engines than any other person now living. His designs for valves and valve-moving mechanism are the result of the thorough investigation of pumping machinery actually at work in mines and water-works stations. The valve-gear invented by him is the result of this investigation, and not the development of a chance thought. Large pumping engines made on his system are at work in Europe at piston-speeds of more than 300 feet per minute, and at high pressures such as usually, attach to mining operations. Several designs, with descriptive matter, have been published by Professor Riedler in Germany, but so far as the writer knows they have never 1 WATER-VALVES AND SEATS. 89 been translated into English. It was the intention to have had translations made, in part, of Professor Riedler's papers, and certain engravings reproduced, but it was found that to make proper presentation would occupy more space than could be given the subject in this book. Whatever the writer may do in the future regarding this subject, he now refers the reader to: I. Indicator-Versuche an Pumpen und Wasserhaltungs- Maschinen. Von A. Riedler, Professor des Maschinenbaues an der kgl. Technischen Hochschule in München. Mit 21 Tafeln und 24 Text Figuren. 1881. II. Illustrated papers by Professor Riedler, published in the Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure : Band xxvii., 1883, " Die unterirdischen Compound-Wasser- haltungs Maschinen am Mayrau-Schachte der Prager-Eisen- industrie-Gesellschaft zu Kladno." Band xxix., 1885, " Constructions-Grundlagen der Pumpen- und Gebläse-Ventile." Band xxxii., 1888, "Pumpen mit gesteuerten Ventilen.” Band xxxiv., 1890, " Neuere Wasserwerksmaschinen." 90 PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER V. AIR- AND VACUUM-CHAMBERS. Air-Chambers.-All single pumps must be fitted with air- chambers if a smooth flowing and continuous delivery of water is desired. Duplex pumps have a discharge much more uniform than is the case in single pumps; but even they should have air-chambers to insure a perfectly uni- form delivery. If the discharge of water from a pump be intermittent, each successive FIG. 87. FIG. 88. impulse is equivalent to a blow; and this effect is not local- ized, but is distributed throughout the whole system. The final reaction, however, comes upon the pump, and if the pressure be a heavy one, leaky joints or broken castings are AIR- AND VACUUM-CHAMBERS. 91 the almost inevitable result. A properly-designed air-chamber corrects this to a certain extent, but not wholly so. The largest air-chambers are required for single-acting pumps, and the smallest size for double-acting duplex pumps. The form of an air-chamber admits of considerable latitude in design. For small pumps in which it is the common practice to use copper air-chambers, the design shown in Fig. 87 is seldom deviated from, because pump- FIG. 89. makers with scarcely any exception buy them from certain copper- smiths who make their manufac- FIG. 90. ture a leading specialty, and have adopted certain dimensions which meet all the ordinary requirements of the trade. These dimensions are approximately as below: Diameter, 6 inches. Height, 10 inches. Base threaded for 1 inch pipe tap. 66 8 CC 66 14 CC 15 16 9 ΙΟ (C << 66 (C 114 1/½ 66 CC 66 CC * 30 2 ક 92 PUMPING MACHINERY. For highly-finished pumps the air-chambers are sometimes made of polished copper, riveted and soldered to a cast-iron or brass base, as in Fig. 88. The design of the base admits of a wide variety of treatment, but the whole does not materially differ in proportions from those of cast iron, except that they are usually smaller in diameter and made enough higher to get the proper cubic capacity. Where larger air-chambers are required, it is customary to make them of cast iron, and usually of the form in Fig. 89 for medium-sized pumps, and Fig. 90 for large pumps. A table of dimensions and capacities suited to all ordinary require- ments is here given: TABLE IV. ORDINARY DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITIES OF AIR-CHAMBERS. Inside Measurement. CAPACITY. Diameter. Height Inches. Inches. Cubic Feet. Gallons. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 60 32 34 68 36 72 *♡♡♡ & INDOJON 24 1.57 11.75 28 2.49 18.64 32 3.72 27.87 36 5.30 39.66 40 7.16 54.34 44 9.68 72.48 48 12.56 94.00 52 15.98 119.42 56 19.96 149.12 24.55 183.60 64 29.79 222.69 35.76 266.59 42.42 317.28 REMARKS. The diameter of the neck and flange of an air-chamber will be governed somewhat by its intended loca- tion, but it will usually approximate one-third that of the air-cham- ber for the neck, with its corresponding di- ameter of flange. Size of an Air-Chamber.-For single pumps, double- acting, the cubic contents of the air-chamber should be not less than three times that of the pump displacement; that is, a single stroke. This will be for moderate pressure and speed only, such as ordinary boiler-feeding, tank-service, etc. If for a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch and upwards, to- gether with a very rapid piston movement, as in the case of AIR- AND VACUUM-CHAMBERS. 93 fire-pumps, then the air-chambers should be not less than six times the displacement of a single stroke of the pump-piston. For double-acting duplex pumps the cubic capacity of an air- chamber need not be more than one-half to two-thirds of the size given above. The position of the air-chamber should be on the highest portion of the pump, and always above the highest portion of the delivery opening. The diameter of the neck of an air-chamber should be no larger than that necessary to give stability to it and insure proper strength of connection to the flange by which it is bolted to the pump. The larger the neck the greater will be the disturbance of the water-level in the air-chamber, and the less efficient will the air-chamber be in correcting the inequal- ities of flow. It is generally known that water contains air in suspension or solution, and in improperly-designed hydraulic machinery is likely to make trouble if there be air-pockets or cavities in which it may collect. Having this fact in mind one would naturally conclude that an air-chamber would always have its proper supply of air; that there would be no decrease in quantity at any time, even though it were not augmented by the liberation of air from the water when passing through the pump; but the reverse of this is true, and it is a common experience that air in large air-chambers almost wholly disap- pears, passing off, probably, with the water by absorption. An automatic air-pump for supplying the air-cham- ber with air is shown in Fig. 91. It is exceedingly simple, and does its work in a very satisfactory manner. It consists of a piece of, say, 2½-inch wrought-iron pipe, about 30 inches. long, which we shall name the air-cylinder, on the top of which is screwed a 2½-inch tee, one end having a 14-inch check-valve opening inward, and on the other end of the tee a 3/4-inch check-valve, opening outward; a pipe from this small check-valve leads to the air-chamber. On the bottom of this 2½ inch pipe, which we have named the air-cylin- der, is screwed a cap from which a 1-inch pipe, which we 94 PUMPING MACHINERY. shall name the supply-pipe, leads to the water-cylinder head; intermediate between the two is inserted a gate-valve or cock, which completes the whole apparatus, and which is suitable for pumps from 750,000 to 1,500,000 gallons in 24 hours. To start this air-pump, it is necessary that the pump to which it is attached shall be in operation. First open the valve in the supply- pipe leading from the water-cylinder head to FIG. 91. To Air Chamber 个​委 ​Pump Cylinder No Scale the air-cylinder to charge the latter with water; then partially close the valve or cock in the supply-pipe until the check-valves be- gin to work; this is easily determined by the sound or click of the valves in seating. Its operation may be thus described: Once the air- cylinder is full of water, any lowering of the water will be the cause of a vacuum above its level; the air enter- ing through the inlet check- valve immediately fills this space above the water at atmospheric pressure. The distance to which this water shall be lowered may be controlled by the valve or cock in the sup- ply-pipe under the air-cylinder. The water is lowered in the air-cylinder by reason of its open connection with the water- cylinder of the pump, for each time the water-piston draws its AIR- AND VACUUM-CHAMBERS. 95 # water the same vacuum is had in the air-cylinder as that in the suction-chamber of the pump. The air-cylinder being of so much larger area than the supply-pipe leading to the water- cylinder, there is not sufficient time for the air-cylinder to completely empty itself before the change in the direction of motion of the water-piston, which at once changes the direc- tion of the flow in the supply-pipe, arresting the downward movement of water in the air-cylinder, forcing it upwards and filling the air-cylinder completely with water from the water- cylinder of the pump, thus driving the contained air in the air- cylinder through the delivery check-valve into the upper por- tion of the air-chamber. It will be seen that this operation is precisely similar to that of a reciprocating air-pump, the rise and fall of the water being precisely similar in effect to that of a reciprocating piston. There will be a greater velocity of water upwards in the air-cylinder than in its downward move- ment, because the downward movement will have a velocity due only to the pressure of the atmosphere, whereas the upward movement has a velocity due to the pressure given it by the ac- tion of the piston of the main pump. There will always be a little water carried over with the air into the top of the air-chamber; this excess of water serves a useful purpose in the fact that by it the clearance in the air-pump is absolutely eliminated. There is no uniformity of opinion among managers of mines in general as to the utility of air-chambers on mining pumps, the drift of opinion being against them, mainly because they soon fill with water and become useless for the purpose intended. Owing to the indifference regarding this important detail of a pump, there has rarely been, until within a few years past, any device by which the pressure, and especially the volume of air, is maintained in the air-chamber, thereby failing to secure the benefits of an elastic cushion in the delivery-chamber of the pump. In the case of a single mine- pump a large air-chamber is of very great advantage, and under no circumstances should it be omitted. If a duplex pump be used, the air-chamber is less essential to smooth working; but even then it should not be omitted. 96 PUMPING MACHINERY. VACUUM-CHAMBERS. Definition.-Properly speaking, there is no such thing as a vacuum-chamber belonging to a pump; it is an air-vessel attached to the suction side of the pump to steady the flow. The use of a vacuum-chamber is precisely the reverse of that of the air-chamber, which has for its function the changing of an intermittent flow into a continuous one; whereas the vacuum-chamber has for its function the conversion of a continuous flow into an intermittent one. The flow of water into a pump is that due to the action of the atmosphere alone, and once the column of water is started its flow must be continuous if the best results are to be expected. The effect of the vacuum-chamber is to take away from the suction-chamber of the pump the water- hammer and other disturbing influences consequent upon a continuous flow into it, and from which the withdrawal of water is intermittent. The air in the vacuum-chamber forms an elastic cushion which will receive the excess of flow without noise, and give it out again as silently as it received it. The air is thus partially expanded and compressed at each wave or impulse of the water flowing into the pump-chamber. The size of a vacuum-chamber need not ordinarily be more than one-half that of the air-chamber; a good practice is to make the cubic capacity twice that of a single displace- ment of a water-cylinder for a single pump. A less size would answer for a duplex pump, but should one be needed at all it ought to be a liberal one, and the above proportions will probably be none too large. Suction-pipes are not always short and straight, but quite as likely to be long and crooked; it is for these latter that a vacuum-chamber becomes a necessity, and to get the best results it should be placed as near the pump as possible. The form of a vacuum-chamber should be similar to that of the AIR- AND VACCUM-CHAMBERS. 97 air-chamber; that is, it should have a much greater height than diameter. The table of air-chambers will give good proportions for vacuum-chambers also, and to which the reader is referred. It A good design for a vacuum- chamber is shown in Fig. 92. Its form permits of application imme- diately below the pump, and continue the suction-pipe down to the water- supply. There is nothing about the design that will interfere with its being made in any size, even for large water-works pumping engines. consists of two castings flanged, faced, and bolted together, as shown in the engraving. The enlarged mouth- piece is advantageous in the fact that a full supply can be had without the formation of an eddy about the inner edge of the opening when the pump is working up to nearly the capacity of the suction-pipe. The introduction of the suction- pipe into the air-vessel diminishes the volume of the latter to that FIG. 92. extent; an increased height rather than diameter ought to be given it to make good the space thus occupied. 9 E g 98 PUMPING MACHINERY. : CHAPTER VI. SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. Suction-pipes should be as short and direct as possible. In ordinary trade pumps the area of suction-pipes is approx- imately two-thirds that of the water-cylinder, but if the con- ditions are in any respect unusual, then the suction-pipe should nearly, if not entirely, equal that of the water-cylinder of the pump. The suction side of the pump is subject to atmospheric conditions wholly, and everything which would tend to re- strain the free flow of water into the pump should be carefully guarded against. It is not possible to dispense with angles and bends in a suction-pipe, but much of the increased resist- ance to the flow by reason of these bends can be overcome by increasing the size of the suction-pipe; this permits a slower movement of the water flowing towards the pump, so that the resistance is largely reduced. The velocity of flow in a suction-pipe should not exceed 200 feet per minute. It is not an uncommon practice to make the suction-pipes for water-works pumps of the same diameter as that of the water-cylinders, and as 100 feet piston-speed per minute is the common speed for direct-acting pumps, it will be seen that the flow is a very moderate one indeed. In the specifications recently prepared by Mr. Freeman for the Un- derwriter Pump, the suction-pipes were made unusually large; for example, a 6 X 12 pump is to have a 6-inch suction-pipe. 7 X 12 9 X 12 IO X 12 8 " CC 66 IO 66 66 12 66 66 པ SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 99 These pumps are to be of the duplex type only, double-acting, and run at 70 “revolutions" per minute. By revolution is meant one complete circuit of the motion of any of the recip- rocating parts of the pump, and for a duplex pump is equiva- lent to four single strokes; a somewhat unusual speed except for fire-pumps, as it is the equivalent to a piston-speed of 140 feet per minute. The following table gives the relative proportions of water- cylinders to that of suction- and delivery-pipes as used by the writer with very satisfactory results: TABLE V. DIAMETERS SUITABLE FOR SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES FOR DUPLEX DIRECT- ACTING PUMPS RUNNING AT 100 FEET PISTON-SPEED PER MINUTE. WATER-CYLINDER. SUCTION-PIPE. DELIVERY-PIPE. Diam- eter. Area. Diam- ter. Area. Velocity of Flow at 100 Feet. Diam- eter. Area. Velocity of Flow at 100 Feet. Inches. Inches. Feet. Inches. Feet. 456 7∞ a 12.57 19.64 28.27 38.48 3456 7.07 12.57 178 156 19.64 143 28.27 136 8 50.27 6 28.27 180 63.62 8 50.27 126 IO 78.54 8 50.27 156. I2 14 113.09 153.93 ΙΟ 12 78.54 113.09 2 3 4 5 6 7∞ 3.14 400 7.07 277 12.57 224 19.64 196 19.64 256 28.27 225 38.48 204 144 50.27 224 136 IO 78.54 196 Suction-Pipes should be of One Diameter only from End to End.-Enlargements are always to be avoided, be- cause they interfere with that uniform rate of flow so essential to the proper filling of a pump. The pipe should have a continuous rise from the water-level of the source of supply to the pump; any irregularity in the laying which would result in the formation of an air-pocket in the pipe must be corrected if good results are to be expected. If the suction-pipe is larger in diameter than the opening into the pump, a short conical piece of pipe, one end fitting Uor M 100 PUMPING MACHINERY. P the pump and the other end fitting the suction-pipe, should be made and attached either to the pump or as close to it as possible. Suction-pipes must be tight, absolutely tight; about this there must be no mistake, as anything short of it means uncertainty and loss of efficiency in working, if not a com- plete failure of the pump to perform the service for which it was intended. A leaky suction-pipe must be tested joint by joint until the leak is discovered and corrected. If the pipe has been laid in a trench and covered over with earth, it may seem like FIG. 93. FIG. 94. 00 100 O 100 100 100 O 00 100 0 0 0 0 00 O a great deal of labor and expense to lay it bare, but there is no other way out of it. A practical method for testing a suction-pipe is to put a blank flange over the lower joint in the water, a similar one on the delivery-flange of the pump, Mou SUCTION AND DELIVERY-PIPES. ΙΟΙ fill the suction-pipe and pump with water, insert in any con- venient place in the suction-pipe a pressure-gauge, then with a small hand force-pump, unless another source of pressure is had, get up a pressure of say 50 to 60 pounds per square inch, and then shut off the force-pump connection with this pressure on the suction-pipe and pump. Now watch the pointer on the dial of the pressure-gauge, and if it loses pressure it is certain that a leak exists somewhere; nothing now remains but to search it out and fix it. If the suction-pipe is not in a covered trench, but accessible throughout its length to the water-supply, a leak can readily FIG. 95. » be discovered when the pump is in use by the sound of the air rushing into the pipe; having thus located the joint, for that is where the leak is likely to occur, the exact location of the hole or leak can generally be found by means of a lighted candle, the in-rushing air diverting the flame towards the hole in the pipe, if held near enough to be so influenced. Suction- pipes should be provided with a strainer, to keep out floating matter, such as twigs, leaves, fish, etc., if the supply be had from a stream or a pond. A strainer may be made in any one of a variety of ways, and answer the purpose for which it is intended. A wooden or iron skeleton framing covered with wire-cloth of say ½-inch or 5%-inch mesh, carefully fitted around the bottom of the 9* 102 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 96. suction-pipe and securely fixed in the stream, makes a good strainer. A simple and effective strainer for small pipes is shown in Fig. 93. It is nothing more than a thin pipe, enough larger in diameter than the suction-pipe as to present a sufficient area of opening through the holes in its outer surface. There should be no holes in the bottom. The combined area of these holes should in no case be less than three times the area of the suction-pipe; and if the holes are likely to be covered by leaves, the area should be four times that of the suction-pipe. A vertical or slanting side to a strainer is always to be preferred, be- cause it is less likely to retain leaves, etc., on the strainer after the flow of water had ceased at the stoppage of the pump. It is frequently the case that a strainer cannot be conveniently reached for cleaning if attached to the end of the suction-pipe. There would, then, be an advantage in placing it near or attaching it to the pump. The arrangement shown in Fig. 94 is a good one for small pipes, but for large pipes the strainer should be horizontal, and may be placed at any convenient location between the source of water- supply and the pump. Such a strainer is illustrated in Fig. 95. taken out and cleaned. A combined strainer and vacuum-cham- ber is shown in Fig. 96. Like the former, the strainer-basket inside can be readily As the outlet attaches directly to the pump, no better place could be selected for the vacuum- chamber than the top flange of the side-pipe which holds the strainer; this chamber is provided at the top with a screw plug, so that, should it be necessary to charge the pump with water, as is often the case with long suction-pipes not SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 103 wholly tight, it can easily be done through the opening thus provided. The strainer shown in Fig. 97 has a semicylindric vessel located on one side of the side-pipe. FIG. 97. Holes are drilled 源 ​through the flat side extending across the diameter of the side-pipe; any floating matter which will not pass through the holes collects in the strainer-vessel and can be quickly removed. This is a more substantial arrangement than those illustrated above, but it is more expensive to make, because a larger diameter of side-pipe is necessary to get the same area of opening that could be secured through the meshes of a wire-cloth basket. A foot-valve should be attached to all suction-pipes when- FIG. 98. ever of unusual length, or lift of water. In selecting a valve, be sure that a clear water-way is had through the seat of at least the area of the pipe with which it is to be used. Fig. 98 104 PUMPING MACHINERY. is the common design, as sold in all supply stores, for com- bined foot-valves and strainers in all sizes up to 4-inch wrought- iron pipe. A sectional elevation of a common form of butterfly-valve is shown in Fig. 99. Foot-valves of this type are usually FIG. 99. fitted with leather-faced clack-valves seating on a tool-finished cast-iron bot- tom or seat. The hinged valves are usually secured by the same centre-pin, or through-going bolt, stops being provided so that when a full water-way is had the valves cannot fall back, but must return, each to its own seat. Foot-valve castings should be amply strong, so that any delivery leak- age past the valves in the pump into the suction-pipe would not split the foot-valve. On large water-works valves it is quite a common practice to put a safety- or relief-valve on the side of the foot-valve casing or shell; this relief-valve being loaded or set for a pressure less than that which would endanger either the foot- valve or the suction-pipe, both of which are generally made lighter than pressure pipes or valves for the same size or diam- eter. This relief-valve is not intended to be anything else than simply a leak in the suction-pipe, set to a certain known press- ure, to prevent an accumulation of a higher pressure danger- ous to the suction-pipe or foot-valve. This relief-valve need not be a large one; an inch-and-a-half valve will answer for an 8- or 10-inch pipe, and a two-inch valve for a 12- or 14- inch pipe. A foot-valve with a single india-rubber disk held between metal plates is shown in Fig. 100. This design is suitable for SUCTION AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 105 pipes up to 8 or 10 inches in diameter. The drawing shows a spindle extending both above and below the valve passing through bored guides. This is a method of construction which the writer does not wholly favor, as it is difficult to get the upper and lower holes ex- actly in line with each other; but for a foot-valve having a rub- ber face, as shown in the engraving, the fitting need not be very exact, SO that play FIG. 100. L enough can be had in the guides to allow the valve to seat without any binding stress on the spindle. The design shown in Fig. IOI Consists of a number of small valves similar in con- struction to those used in the water-end of a pump. This design FIG. IOI. MAAN is not in so common use as the valve shown in Fig. 99, nor does the writer regard it as favorably. Foot-valves 106 PUMPING MACHINERY. should preferably be so designed that the seating would be by gravity alone, and wholly unassisted by springs. The action 1 FIG. 102. L of a foot-valve is different from that of a pump- valve, which al- ternately rises and falls at each stroke of the plunger. In a properly-de- signed pump the foot-valve ought not close from the moment the pump starts until it is stopped, and as are pumps often in continu- ous operation for several hours or days, the springs, if any, would be under a tension, the extent of which would be measured by the lift of the valve. By the use of a clack- or disk-valve seating by gravity no such effects can follow, no matter to what height of lift the valve may be subjected, and is wholly uninfluenced as to time. The writer does not recommend the use of a single disk of india-rubber, as illustrated in Fig. 102, for use as a foot-valve, because the flow of the water being continuous and always in the same direction, the valve is forced upwards against the curved guard, and is likely to receive a permanent set or dish- ing, and is in consequence less likely to fit the flat seat tight enough to prevent leakage around its outer edge. The combined foot-valve and strainer shown in Fig. 103 is from a design executed for the water-works at La Chaux de Fonds. The flat plate on the bottom of the ་ SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 107 FIG. 103. strainer rests upon a stone foundation. The upper flange contains the rubber seating upon which the metal valve rests when the pump is not in operation. This valve has a central spindle passing through bored guides, one each in the casting above and that below the valve, a method of construction not wholly free of objections. In order to in- sure perfect alignment the upper and lower flanges should, after the proper adjustment of each other to the valve, be further fitted with dowel-pins, in order that the upper and lower guides may be exactly brought in line, if for any reason it should be necessary to take them apart. Delivery - pipes need not be more than one-half the area of the water-cylinder for any ordinary ser- vice. The movement of the water in the delivery being subject to that of the pump by which it is forced, and not to atmospheric conditions, makes the problem one of friction. only, and this amounts to so small a fraction of the total friction that it is seldom taken into account. In fact, it is quite an unusual thing to ascertain experimentally what the friction-loss in the water-end of a pump really is. The allowance usually made to cover the friction-loss in the distributing system is large enough to include that of the pump also. The sizes for delivery-pipes as given in Table V. are those in very common use, and as the permissible velocity of discharge is 400 feet per minute, it will be seen that for all except the first size the dimensions are very liberal. For use in a factory system the diameters of the delivery-pipes in all pumps 108 PUMPING MACHINERY. TABLE VI. FRICTION-LOSS IN POUNDS PRESSURE For each 100 Feet of Length in Different Size clean Iron Pipes discharging Given Quantities of Water per Minute. Also Velocity of Flow in Pipe in Feet per Second.-G. A. Ellis, C.E. 2-Inch. 3/4-Inch. I-Inch. 1/4-Inch. 1½-Inch. 2-Inch. 22-Inch. 3-Inch. 4-Inch. 6-Inch. per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Gallons discharged per Minute. 5 8.17 24.6 3.63 3.3 2.04 0.84 1.31 0.31 0.91 0.12 ΙΟ 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 • • 16.3 96.0 7.25 13.0 4.08 3.16 2.61 1.05 1.82 0.47 1.02 10.9 28.7 6.13 6.98 3.92 2.38 2.73 0.97 14.5 50.4 8.17 12.3 18.1 78.0 10.2 19.0 12.3 27.5 • • • 0.12 5.22 4.07 3.63 1.66 2.04 0.42| 6 53 6.4 4.54 2.62 7 84 9.15 5.45 3.75 3.06 0.91 6.36 5.05 7.26 6.52 4.09 1.6 8.17 8.15 9.08 10.0 14.3 37 O 9.14 12.4 16.3 48.0 10.4 16.1 II.7 20.2 13.1 24.9 19.6 56.1 13.6 22.4 18.2 39.0 • 1.63 0.21 1.13 0.10 • 5.11 6.44 3.26 0.81| 2.27 0.35 1.28 0.09 7.66 5.32 4.9. 1.8 3.4 0.74 10.2 9.46 6.53 3.2 12.8 14.9 8.16 4.89 0.33 4.54 1.31 2.55 0.33 1.13 0.05 5.67 1.99 • • 15.3 21.2 9.8 7.0 6.81 2.85 3.83 0.69 1.7 • · 5 นา 9 ΙΟ 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 O.I 150 17.1 28.1 11.4 9.46 7.94 3.85 • • 175 20.4 37.5 13.1 16.3 19.6 12.48 9.08 5.02 5.11 1.22 2.27 0.17 19.66 11.3 7.76 6.39 1.89 2.84 0.26) 28.06 13.6 11.2 7.66 2.66 3.4 0.37 15.9 15.2 200 250 300 8.94 3.65 3.97 0.5 350 4.73 4.54 0.65 400 6.01 5.11 0.81 450 18.2 19.5 10 2 20.4 25.0 11.5 22.7 30.8 12.8 30.8 7.43 5.67 0.96 500 SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 109 JO Gallons discharged per Minute. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in Pounds. Velocity in Pipe per Second. Friction-Loss in TABLE VI.-Continued. FRICTION-LOSS IN POUNDS PRESSURE For each 100 Feet of Length in Different Size clean Iron Pipes discharging Given Quantities of Water per Minute Also Velocity of Flow in Pipe in Feet per Second.-G. A. Ellis, C.E. 8-Inch. JO-Inch. 12-Inch. 14-Inch. 16-Inch. 18-Inch. 20-Inch. 24-Inch. 30-Inch. 250 1.59 0.07 1.02 0.03 0.71 0.01 250 500 3.19 0.25 2.04 0.09 1.42 0.04 1.04 0.017 750 4.79 0.53 3.06 0.18 2.13 0.08 0.8 0.009 0.63 0.005 500 750 1,000 6.38 0.94 4.08 0.32 2.84 0.13 2.08 0.062 1.6 0.036 1.26 0.02 1.02 0.012 0.72 0.005 0.45 0.002 1,000 1,250 7.97 1.46 5.1 0.49 3.55 0.2 1,250 1,500 1,750 9.57 2.09 6 12 0.7 4.26 0.29 3.13 0.135 7.15 0.95 4.96 0.38| 2.39 0.071 1.89 0.04 1,500 1,750 2,000 8.17 1.23 5.67 0.49 4.17 0.234 3.19 0.123 2.52 0.071 2.04 0.042 1.44 0.02 0.91 0.006 2,000 2,250 6.38 0.63 • 2,250 2,500 7.09 0.77 5.21 0.362 3.99 0.188 3.150.107 3.15 0.107 · 2,500 3,000 8.51 1.11 6.25 0.515 4.79 0.267 3.78 0.15 3.06 0.091 2.16 0.047 1.36 0.012 3,000 3,500 7.29 0.697 5.59 0.365 4.41 0.204 4,000 8.34 0.91 6.38 0.472 5.04 0.263 4.08 0.158 2.88 0.067 4.500 7.18 0.593 5.67 0.333 1.820.03 • 3,500 1.82 0.022 4,000 4,500 5,000 7.98 0.73 6.3 0.408 5.11 0.244 3.6 0.102 2.27 0.035 5,000 6,000 7.56 0.585 6.13 0.348 4.32 0.146 2.72 0.048| 6,000 7,000 7.15 0.472 5.04 0.196 3.18 0.065 7,000 8,000 8.17 0.612 8.170.612 5.76 0.255 3.63 0.083 8,000 9,000 6.47 0.323 4.08 0.105. 9,000 10,000 7.19 0.398 4.54 0.131 10,000 Friction-Loss in Pounds. Gallons discharged per Minute. 110 PUMPING MACHINERY. having water-cylinders 6 to 14 inches diameter, both inclusive, could safely be reduced, beginning with a 3½-inch delivery- pipe on the 6-inch pump, and ending with an 8-inch delivery- pipe for the 14-inch pump. Duplex pumps with water-cylinders 8, 10, 12, and 14 inches. diameter are in common use in small water-works, and there should be no reduction in the diameters of the delivery-pipes for such a service. How far vertically and horizontally can water be sucked at a definite speed by a common bucket- or ram- pump? This question was answered by Mr. James McCreath in a paper read before the Mining Institute of Scotland in 1883, from which the following abstract is made: The sucking of water being dependent on the pressure of air, we may, for all practical purposes, consider air as a perfect gas. The pressure which the atmosphere exerts is never much less, at the level of the sea, than will support a column of water 32 feet high, and for every 262 feet above sea-level the pressure is about one-hundredth of itself less, according to Rankine. The proportion of the height of 32 feet to which water can be raised in a pump depends upon the proportion of air within the pump which the pump can extract, and this depends upon its proportions. For example: A pump the bucket of which at top of stroke is 20 feet above the level of the water, the length of stroke being 2 feet and the clack being 16 feet above the water, can never suck the water up to the clack, because at the bottom of the stroke the air-pressure must be slightly more than that of the atmosphere, and at the top of the stroke, the air there occupying double the space, the pressure must be slightly more than half of that, and therefore the water will not rise to quite the half of 32 feet, which it would require to do to reach the clack. If the pump be filled with water from the outside, it will raise water until air again collects in it. The following are examples of what the utmost rarefaction of air producible by various lengths of stroke and distances SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. III between bucket and clack can do, 32 feet of water being taken as equivalent to the atmospheric pressure: Length of Stroke in Feet. I X 32 = 32 32. 2 X 32 = 64. WITH THE LOW CLACK. Greatest Height of Bucket at Top of Stroke above Water in Well which will admit of Water being raised. WITH THE HIGH CLACK. Distance between Bucket and Clack-Valves Bottom of Stroke. I. I • • at 2 √ 32 = 11.3 feet. 2 √ 64 = 16 Height Water will raise to Clack. Length of Stroke in Feet. I. 2 • 1/2 X 32 16 2/3 X 32 21/3 Ft FIG. 104. Top of Stroke This raises water only to the clack. Very little of a longer stroke would raise it to the bucket, for the air-space to be exhausted lessens as the water rises above the clack; but some allowance must be made for the water returning through the valve while it is closing, provided a sufficient pause at end of stroke be not made to let it fall. If the water get above the bucket, 20 either by suction or by being filled from the outside, and the bucket be steadily raised, the water will in time follow the bucket until it reaches 32 feet above the water in the well; but if it does not reach the bucket, of course no water will be pumped. The height to which water will rise in a ram-pump may be calcu- lated in the same way, the space under and around the ram being reduced to an equivalent length of pipe of the diam- 18Ft Bottom of Stroke 16F格 ​Clack eter of the ram between the bucket and the clack. Provision ought also to be made for the escape of air remaining around the ram above the level of the exit-pipe. II2 PUMPING MACHINERY. It will thus be seen that the capacity of an ordinary pump to clear itself of air depends directly upon the length of the stroke, and, within certain limits, inversely as the distance between the bucket and the clack. Weisbach gives the following rules obtained by experiment for the loss of energy of flowing water: 1. When flowing through short tubes whose diameter is equal to their length, the water is contracted to 0.61 of the area of the tube. 2. When passing round an elbow at right angles, 0.984 of (or very nearly the whole) head corresponding to the velocity is lost. 3. When passing round a circular bend, whose radius of curvature is to the radius of the cross-section of the pipe as IO is to 4, the loss of head is equal to about of that correspond- ing to the velocity. 4. When passing through a valve similar to that shown in Fig. 104, where the cross-section of the aperture to that of the pipe is 0.535, the co-efficients of resistance are as follows: • Angle of opening. Co-efficients of resistance. Angle of opening . Co-efficients of resistance. · 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 30 20 • 90 62 42 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 14 9.5 6.6 4.6 3.2 2.3 1.7 Let the foregoing rules be applied to a bucket-pump having bends under the clack, as shown in Fig. 105, the length of pipe from the bottom of the suction-pipe to the bucket at half- stroke = 100 feet, the height of the bucket at the top of the stroke above the surface of the water in the well = 20 feet, and above the clack at the bottom of the stroke 4 feet, the = stroke 5 feet, and speed required, 12 strokes a minute, the pump being driven by a crank whose rotating motion is uni- form. In order to find whether a pump can clear itself of air, assume that the weight of the bucket-valve be such as to SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 113 reduce the effective stroke for air to 434 feet, and the weight of the clack-valve and the slip of water past the valve to take 6 inches from the column of water capable of being raised. The length of the stroke, 434 feet divided by 9 feet, the distance be- tween the clack and the bucket at top of stroke, gives extraction 434 of 9 X 32 = 17 feet; and deducting 6 inches for weight of clack - valve and for slip, leavės 16 feet 6 inches which the water would rise to the clack. But the bucket at bot- tom of stroke is only 15 feet above the water in the well, and there is, therefore, a large margin to cover im- perfections in the pump. In order to ascer- 5 Ft.- Aft 11 Ft: FIG. 105. -Top_of_ Top of stroke. tain whether the water will follow the bucket at its speed, let the resistances be first ascer- tained, and then the time required to fill the working-barrel with the remaining pressure. -Bottom of stroke. Clack The mean velocity of the pump assumed is 2 feet per second, and the resistances at this velocity are,- h 10* 114 PUMFING MACHINERY. Loss of Head in Feet. Snore-holes and turn into pipe when sum of \ (2 x 100) 3 2 area of snore-holes = area of suction of pipe S 0.167 64.4 22 Circular bend. = 0.012 64.4 22 Square elbow.. = 0.062 64.4 22 Valve at 20° X 62 = 3.857 64.4 Friction of the water in the pipes, say of 12 inches diameter = 0.165 Total resistance due to square of mean velocity. 4.263 Weisbach shows that the resistance is as the mean square of velocity, and that in a uniformly accelerated or uniformly retarded motion this is twice the square of the mean velocity, and in a crank motion 1.645 times the square of the mean velocity. Assume, meanwhile, that the water follows the bucket, the total resistance will be equivalent to 4.2635 X 1.645, equivalent to a head of about 7 feet. The bucket at bottom of stroke being 15 feet above the water in the well, the pressure at first for raising the water and overcoming resistances is equivalent to 17 feet; but deducting 7 feet for resistances, the pressure available for giving motion to the water will be only 10 feet. Taking the following approximate formula for time of fill- ing the working-barrel (with the acceleration modified), suit- able where the extremes of acceleration do not vary greatly, we have,- ✓ height 10--2.5 Time = 2 64.4 X twice the mean acceleration 2 100 2.034 seconds. But the time the bucket takes to make the half-stroke is 22 seconds, so that there is nearly half a second to cover the imperfections of the pump and any hinderance there may be at the beginning of the stroke from the interference of the bucket with the motion of the water. If an attempt be made to drive the pump at 17 strokes, the water will lag behind the SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. SUCTION 115 bucket, and they will meet on the return stroke, the water moving with a velocity of about 4.8 feet per second and the bucket with a velocity of about 1.66 feet per second, together about 6.46 feet per second. If the water were so far behind the bucket as to meet it at half-stroke, a much more serious shock would arise, because in addition to the momentum of the water the momentum of machinery at a higher velocity, backed by the steam- pressure, would have to be met. The diagram, Fig. 106, will show the relative motions of the bucket and the water, supposing the average resistance to FIG. 106. 12 Strokes per min. Time=2.5 sec. 17 Strokes per min. Time-1.76 sec. 2 -Space 5 feet 2 1.76 be uniform. The speed of the water would, however, if un- retarded, be actually greater at the beginning of the stroke, and it will be less at the middle of the stroke; the top will therefore be reached a little later than shown. The foregoing calculations show that the largest resistance is due to the clack-valve, and therefore special attention requires to be given to find a valve giving little resistance 116 PUMPING MACHINERY. when either the height or distance which the water has to be sucked is such as to raise a doubt of the pump working well. What would be still more effective would be to double the area of the pump and drive at half the speed, and so reduce both the resistances and the work lost in the motion of the water to a fourth. With the pump already instanced the same quantity of water could be sucked 680 feet as freely with a 17-inch bucket and pipes going 6 strokes a minute as could be done 100 feet with a 12-inch bucket and pipes going 12 strokes a minute; and if, in addition, the stroke could be lengthened downwards 4 feet, retaining the same velocity, the water could easily be drawn 1415 feet. The calculation of pressure caused by a shock in pumps may be obtained as follows: Calculate the amount of work in compressing the water and extending the pipe, which would be equivalent to the work due to the fall of the water, keeping in view that a load suddenly applied to an elastic substance will produce double the strain that the same load would do if applied gradually. This may be illustrated in the case of a spring-balance and a half-pound weight. If the weight be put suddenly in the balance it drops down until the index shows nearly a pound of pressure, and then rebounds, and, as it oscillates alternately above and below the position of the half a pound of steady load, gives a very good illustration of what is called a "live load." Example from Actual Experience.-The height of a column of water is 339 feet; diameter of pipe, 26 inches. A bucket-piece was broken by the water being suddenly stopped when descending with a velocity of 5 feet per second. Thickness of pipe, 134 inches. We may take the compressi- bility of water at 294.000 of itself for each pound of steady load; extensibility of iron 17,000,000 of itself for each pound of steady load. Weight of water = 147 pounds per square inch. 1 SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 117 Let it be assumed first that the work due to the fall has to be inet wholly by the compression of the water, then = half of ultimate pressure X amount of compression. The work due to velocity of 5 feet V2 X weight of I foot of water 2g } 25 X 64.4 X.433 = 2 41 x 294,000 x=314 pounds per square inch. This is the ultimate pressure required to meet the momen- tum of the water if moving horizontally, but the column above referred to being vertical, it has upon contact the additional compressing force due to a sudden application of a load of 147 pounds,—viz. : Double the weight applied Add pressure due to stopping 5 feet velocity Total pressure if work be met only by water 294 pounds. 314 = 608 (C The work, however, is partially met by the stretching of the iron pipe, and the proportions borne by each are: 26" x 26" X Work on Water. 3.1416 Х 4 I 294,000 : 26" X 3.1416 X -X Work on Iron. 26 32/ 17,000,000 I ::.00085: .0000168; and 8668: 608 :: 168: 12. The total actual theoretical pressure is therefore 608 12 = 596 pounds per square inch. We have thus, required to stop velocity of 5 feet And double the weight of column . Total pressure due to the fall.. Proportion borne by Iron. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. • 314 294 - 6 6 308 288 • 596 This is the simplest form of shock. When a bucket or ram is suddenly stopped in descending, the calculation becomes more complicated from the working-barrel being partly occupied by iron or wood,* which are respectively 60 and 6 times less compressible than water, and from the momentum of the machinery backed by the steam-pressure having also to be met. The calculation, however, of this simple shock * In mining-pumps only. 118 PUMPING MACHINERY. makes more intelligible the thickness of iron practically found necessary in pumps, keeping in view that repeated shocks. weaken cast iron by a half. It likewise shows that the press- ure due to the shock depends upon the velocity of the water when suddenly stopped and the resistance to compression of itself and the resistance to extension of the vessel containing it, and as in an ordinary pressure-gauge the velocity of the water and the resistance to extension of the vessel containing it are both less than in the working-barrel, the pressure indicated must also be less. Air-vessels will be found useful in lessening shocks in pumps; but it would appear that within the working- barrel they cannot do so to the extent generally supposed. The time taken to compress water sufficiently to stop a 5-feet velocity and raise 314 pounds is only part of a second. This time must elapse before the water below the air-vessel can begin to flow back, and the extent to which the water above the air-vessel can be relieved of the shock due to its velocity must depend on the quantity of water in the air- vessel and the direction and rate of its motion at the instant, as well as the quantity of air, because the quicker the change of motion and the larger the mass of the water the greater the force required, and an abrupt change of motion requires an infinite force. If there be one foot in length of water be- tween the main column and the vessel, and that at rest at the beginning of the shock, it will attain the same velocity as the descending water when .866 of the full compression due to the shock has been reached; and the pressure will probably not much exceed this proportion thereafter at or above the entrance to the vessel, provided there be sufficient air above the water. About 1½ feet of air would suffice for a shock capable of producing a pressure of 600 pounds per square inch. No substantial relief would be given if two feet of water inter- venes between the main column and the air in the vessel. Water may be much more readily driven in or out of the air- vessel to or from the bucket than can the whole column of SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 119 water be moved, because the mass of water to be moved by the same pressure is much less, and probably the air-vessel is as useful in driving the water downwards to fill a vacancy and so permit the fall of the column above as in forming a cushion for the fall. Pumping Hot Water.-Experiences are not wanting in which the difficulty of pumping hot water has been made clearly manifest, but recorded experiments as to its practical limitations are quite rare. It has been the author's practice to always insist that water having a temperature higher than 120° shall flow into the suction-chamber of the pump; if this be done the matter then becomes simply one of a proper selection of pump and valves. Mr. H. J. Coles, Inst. C. E., London, made some experi- ments, the results of which were embodied in a paper presented to the above institution, an abstract of which is here given: The depth from which hot water of a given temperature may be pumped can be theoretically deduced from the formula "6 B C log. p = A and the inverse of the above A 14 log. p C 2 4 +P) - D in which p absolute pressure, t = absolute temperature, and A B C are constants. Both formulas are quoted from page 283 of Rankine's ' Rules and Tables;' or the same results may be more readily obtained from Regnault's Tables given at page 263, 'Ganot's Physics' (third edition). "Having had, however, frequent inquiries as to what could be done in actual practice by donkey-pumps for feeding boilers from hot-wells, etc., and supposing that possibly suf- ficient vapor might be evolved from the water at lower tem- peratures than those ascertained by the above rules to dimin- ish seriously the quantity pumped, the author carried out a series of experiments to obtain actual results. The donkey-pump employed was single-acting, having a : 120 PUMPING MACHINERY. ram 3 inches in diameter, with a length of stroke of 7 inches. The pump was elevated to various heights; but the results being so nearly alike, allowing for difference in height and temperature, the table given below for 15 feet may be taken as typical of all. The supply-tank stood on the ground, the water in it being heated by a jet of steam. The suction-pipe was led direct to the valve-box with only one bend, and the delivery-tank was elevated to about the same level as the pump, the water being discharged through a valve loaded to 60 pounds per square inch. A large cock, fitted to the bottom of the delivery-tank, was kept open while the speed of the pump was being regulated, and was shut as soon as the trial commenced. A certain depth of water always existed in the tank while the cock was open; this was carefully gauged and deducted at the end of the trial. The speed of the pump was regulated as nearly as possible to that given in the first column, and on each trial, as soon as the exact number of strokes was completed, the pump was stopped. "It will be seen that the results agree closely with those given by the above rules, the falling off in the quantity at the higher temperatures being most probably due to the friction of the water in passing through the pipes, valves, etc. It will also be observed that the speed of the pump had to be reduced for the higher temperatures, the speeds stated in the list being found to give the best results. TABLE VII. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT NO. 3 WITH THE PUMP 15 FEET ABOVE THE WATER- Revolutions per Minute. ន ន ន ន ន ន ទ 50 LEVEL. Temperature, Fahrenheit. Hot Water pumped per Minute. Degrees. 70 100 Cubic Inches. 3430 3430 I 20 3430 140 3430 160 3286 170 2682 180 2180 SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 121 "Each quantity stated is the mean of several trials. Above 180° Fahrenheit scarcely any water could be pumped. Ac- cording to Regnault, 185° would be about the limiting tem- perature at 15 feet." FIG. 107. 101 RELIEF PIPE. H CHECK VALVE CHARGING PIPE, YACUUM CHAMBER SUCTION PIPE FOOT VALVE. 1 | DELIVERY PIPC, • A general arrangement for piping a pump is shown in Fig. 107, subject, of course, to such modifications as are necessary to adapt it to any particular location. F II 122 PUMPING MACHINERY. The suction-pipe should be as short and direct as possible, and never less in diameter than the opening leading into the pump. A foot-valve should be used, and if a strainer is not attached to it there should be a strainer-box built around it to keep out floating-matter, fish, etc. The check-valve should bolt directly against the flange of the delivery-elbow. A charging-pipe should lead from the pressure-side of the check-valve into the suction-pipe. By opening the valve shown in the charging-pipe, the water from the reservoir or tank will flow into and fill the suction-pipe and the pump, thus expelling all the air. A relief-valve and pipe is shown immediately back of the check-valve. This valve should be opened when filling the suction-pipe and pump with water, in order to allow the air to escape. The relief-pipe should lead to a drain or any place where the overflow would not cause inconvenience. A vacuum-chamber is shown in dotted lines, together with a tee in the suction-pipe. This is not always necessary, but when it is it should be placed near the pump. If the suction- pipe goes into a deep well, and the distance from the well to the pump is short, the delivery-elbow may be changed to a tee, and the vacuum-chamber placed directly over the high lift. The steam-pipe should be so arranged that the water of con- FIG. 108. densation, when the pump is not running, will drain back into the boiler. The exhaust may be led to any convenient point for escape into the atmosphere, or it may be used in steam coils for heating. Check-valves for pumps should always be straight way and fitted. with hinged or swinging valves, and ought to be attached directly to the delivery-flange of the pump, if practicable. The diameter should equal in size that of the delivery-opening of the pump. SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 123 : There are several good straight-way valves now furnished the trade in the smaller sizes, so that there is less need than formerly for the employment of spindle check-valves fitted to seats at right angles to the flow. Fig. 108 is a sectional elevation of a Pratt & Cady check-valve which the writer has found to be quite satisfactory. Check-valves for diam- eters suited to 3-inch wrought-iron pipe and less should always be made of tough brass. For larger sizes a good de- sign is shown in Fig. 109. It will be observed that the valve- face is nearly at right angles to the flow; the position of the fulcrum and the angle of the valve-face insures prompt return to its seat. Such valves are regu- larly made in all sizes, from 4 inches to 24 inches diam- eter of opening; larger sizes are made to order, and have usually two or more rectangu- FIG. 109. lar hinged valves, rather than one large one. The shell and valve are of cast iron; the valve is faced with leather and held in place by a brass ring or plate underneath; throughgoing rivets securely fasten all three together, a detail not shown in the drawing. ! 124 PUMPING MACHINERY. Feet Head. per Square Inch. Pressure Feet Head per Pressure Square Inch. TABLE VIII. PRESSURE OF WATER. The Pressure of Water in Pounds per Square Inch for every Foot in Ieight to 300 Feet; and then by Intervals, to 1000 Feet Head. Feet Head. per Pressure Square Inch. Feet Head. per Pressure Square Inch. 123456 7∞ a I 0.43 1.30 1.73 2.16 $4079 44 19.05 87 37.68 0.86 45 19.49 38.12 46 19.92 38.55 47 20.35 90 38.98 130 56.31 173 74.94 88 131 56.74 174 75.37 89 132 57.18 175 75.80 133 57.61 176 76.23 48 2.59 49 21.22 3.03 50 21.65 20.79 91 39.42 134 58.04 177 76.67 92 39.85 135 58.48 178 77.10 93 40.28 136 58.91 179 77.53 9 3.46 389 51 22.09 94 40.72 137 59.34 180 77.97 52 22.52 95 41.15 138 59.77 181 78.40 IO II 12 4.76 13 5.63 14 6.06 15 16 17 6.49 6.93 59 7.36 60 18 7.79 61 19 20 8.66 63 21 22 9.09 24 9.53 65 28.15 23 9.96 66 28.58 10.39 67 25 10.82 26 Imtmo no aOENMJKONO 4.33 53 22.95 96| 41.58 139 60.21 182 78.84 54 23.39 97 42.0I 140 60.64 183 79.27 5.20 55 23.82 98 42.45 141 61.07 184 79.70 56 24.26 99 42.88 142 61.51 185 80.14 57 24.69 100 43.31 143 61.94 186 80.57 58 25.12 ΙΟΙ 43.75 144 62.37 187 81.00 25.55 102 44.18 145 62.81 188 81.43 25.99 103 44.61 146 63.24 189 81.87 26.42 104 45 05 147 63.67 190 82.30 8.22 62 26.85 105 45.48 148 64.10 191 82.73 27.29 106 45.91 149 64.54 192 83.17 64 27.72 107 46.34 150 64.97 193 83.60. 108 46.78 151 65.40 194 84.03 68 29.02 29.45 109 47.21 IIO 47.64 III 48.08 154 152 65.84 195 84.47 153 66.27 196 84.90 6670 197 85.33 II.26 69 29.88 112 48.51 155 67.14 198 85.76 27 11.69 70 30.32 113 48.94 156 67.57 199 86.20 28 12 12 71 30.75 114 49.38 157 68.00 200 86.63 29 12 55 72 31.18 115 49.81 158 68.43 201 87.07 30 12.99 31 13.42 35 wwww. 32 15.16 36 15.59 37 38 16 02 16.45 39 16.89 777∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 73 31.62 116 50.24 74 32.05 117 50.68 13.86 75 32.48 118 51.11 161 33 14.29 76 32.92 119 51.54 34 14.72 77 33.35 I20 51.98 78 33.78 121 52.41 164 71.04 79 34.2I 122 52.84 165 159 68.87 202 87.50 160 69 31 203 87.93 69.74 204 88.36 162 70.17 205 88.80 163 70 61 206 89.23 207 89.66 71.47 208 90.10 80 81 34.65 123 53.28 166 71.91 35.08 124 53.71 167 72.34 209 90.53 210 90.96 82 40 17.32 83 4I 17.75 42 18.19 43 18 62 86 85 86 37.25 35.52 125 54.15 35.95 126 54.58 84 36.39 127 55.01 36.82 128 129 168 72.77 169 211 91.39 73.20 212 91.83 55.44 55.88 170 73.64 213 171 74:07 214 172 74.50 92.26 92 69 215 93.13 Feet Head. Pressure per Square Inch. SUCTION- AND DELIVERY-PIPES. 125 Feet Head. Pressure per Square Inch. Feet Head. per Pressure Square Inch. Feet Head. TABLE VIII.—(Continued.) per Pressure Square Inch. 216 93.56 237 102.60 258 111.76 279 120.85 300 I29.95 217 219 218 94.43 239 103.53 94.86 93.99 238 103.09 259 112.19 280 121.29 310 134.28 260 112.62 281 121.72 320 138.62 240 103.96 261 113.06 282 122.15 330 142.95 220 221 222 95.30 241 104.39 262 113.49 283 122.59 340 147.28 95.73 242 104.83 263 113.92 284 123.02 350 151.61 96.16 243 105.26 264 114.36 285 | 123.45 360 155.94 223 96.60 244 105.69 265 265 114.79 286 123.89 370 160.27 224 97.03 245 106.13 266 115.22 287 124.32 380 164.61 225 97.46 246 106.56 267 115.66 288 124.75 390 168.94 226 97.90 247 106.99 268 116.09 289 125.18 400 173.27 227 98.33 248 107.43 228 98.76 249 107.86 269 116.52 290 125.62 500 216.58 270 116.96 291 126.05 600 259.90 233 229 99.20 250 108.29 271 117.39 230 99.63 251 108.73 231 100.06 252 109.16 232 100.49 253 109.59 100.93 254 110.03 234 101.36 255 110.46 235 101.79 256 110.89 236 100.23 257 111.32 292 126.48 700 303.22 272 117.82 293 126.92 800 346.54 273 118.26 294 127.35 900 389.86 274 118.69 295 127.781000 433.18 275 119.12 296 128.22 276| 119.56 277 119.99 278 120.42 299 129.51 297 128.65 298 129.08 Feet Head. per Pressure Square Inch. Feet Head. Pressure per Square Inch. 126 PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER VII WATER-END DESIGN. THIS subject has already been touched upon, and especially in the chapter on valves, as the latter detail is so intimately connected with water-end design that it is not easy to sepa- rate them. The illustrations given in this chapter are so nearly self-explanatory that little descriptive matter will be necessary: The writer regrets that the small size of the en- gravings necessary to their insertion in a printed page of the dimensions selected for this publication would not permit of both scale and dimensioned drawings to be given, but the illustrations themselves represent designs now in successful use, so that the mere fact of such presentation in convenient form will probably not fail to be useful to engineers and others not interested in the design and manufacture of pumping machinery, but who are desirous of knowing the interior ar- rangement of the pumps now offered by builders to the general public. Length of Stroke and Piston-Speed.-In ordinary short-stroke pumps the capacity of the water-end is limited not so much to the piston-speed in feet per minute as by the number of times a valve can safely and noiselessly open and close in a given time. To assume 100 feet per minute as an ordinary speed for pumps has been a time-honored practice; it is obvious, however, that for short strokes it imposes an injurious rate of speed, to which a pump should not, in regular service, be subjected. For example, a pump having WATER-END DESIGN. 127 3-inches stroke must make 400 strokes per minute. 4 66 66 56 78 66 * 339 300 66 240 66 66 35 200 171 + 150 66 66 IO 12 120 (6 66 66 66 CC 100 66 As the above list of strokes represents lengths commonly in use, it needs no argument to show the impracticability of the 100-feet basis of comparison; for pumps having a stroke of six inches and less, the number of strokes as given above is too great for continuous service. TABLE IX. SPEED AND CAPACITY OF PUMPS. • A piston-speed of 100 feet per minute is considered an ordinary speed for direct- acting pumps. But in boiler-feeding, pumping under heavy pressure, or moving hot liquids, a slower speed is advisable. In fire-pumps, on the contrary, where a high velocity and large volume are imperative, the speed may exceed 200 feet per minute, if the valve area of the pump is sufficiently large. THEORETICAL CAPACITY OF 100 FEET SPEED OF PISTON OR PLUNGER PER MINUTE. I 4.08 3 36.75 6 147 14 800 1% 5.16 3/4 43.13 6½ 172 15 917 11/4 6.38 3½ 50.02 7 200 16 1044 138 7.71 334 57.42 7/2 229 18 1321 1½ 9.18 4 65.34 8 261 20 1631 15% 10.78 44 73.76 82 295 22 1974 134 12.58 42 82.7 9 330 24 2350 18 14.35 434 92.14 9% 368 26 2757 2 1633 5 102.0 ΙΟ 408 28 3270 24 20.67 54 II2.0 10½ 450 30 3670 234 2/2 25.52 30.88 52 123.0 534 135.0 II 494 32 4176 12 587 34 4715 This is the theoretical performance; practically the strokes will slightly exceed that number for the quantity stated. In a duplex pump the number of gallons delivered per minute is found by multiplying the displacement of one plunger by twice the number of strokes. 128 PUMPING MACHINERY. TABLE X. SHOWING THE NUMBER OF STROKES REQUIRED TO ATTAIN A PISTON-SPEED FROM 50 TO 125 FEET PER MINUTE FOR PUMPS HAVING STROKES FROM 3 TO 18 INCHES IN LENGTH. Length of STROKE IN Inches. Speed of PIS- TON IN FEET PER MINUTE. 3 4 5 6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 NUMBER OF Strokes PER MINUTE. 50 200 150 120 100 86 75.0 60 50 55 220 165 132 IIO 94 82.5 66 55 60 240 180 144 120 103 90.0 72 60 65 260 195 156 130 III 97.5 78 65 70 280 210 168 140 I 20 105.0 84 70 75 300 225 180 150 128 112.5 75 80 320 240 192 160 137 I20.0 96 8 85 340. 255 204 170 146 127.5 102 85 90 360 270 216 180 154 135.0 108 90 95 380 285 228 190 163 142.5 114 95 100 400 300 240 200 171 150.0 I 20 100 105 4.20 315 252 210 180 157.5 126 105 IIO 440 330 264 220 188 165.0 132 110 115 120 460 345 125 276 230 197 138 115 480 360 288 240 206 180.0 144 120 500 375 300 250 172.5 214 187.5 150 125 100 83 GIFMLSJONRIJ8288 33 37 40 43 56 47 60 64 76 84 96 FOMNOMDR~KO♡ 50 53 60 63 67 70 73 77 80 Note.-To find the number of plunger displacements in a duplex pump multi- ply the number of strokes as given above by 2. Piston Water-End with Wing-Valves.-Fig. 110 is a sectional elevation of a duplex pump for feeding steam-boilers, or for any other service where a pressure not exceeding 150 pounds per square inch may be required; it is of the piston pattern, and lined with a drawn brass tube, carefully fitted and then forced into the bored casting, after which the ends of the tube are expanded by calking or riveting over a slight depres- sion included in the casting. The holes for the valve-seats may be bored with a straight taper of say I inch to the foot, as shown in the engraving, or a taper tap may be used and the valve-seat screwed in. This water-end represents a pump of 2 inches bore by 4 inches stroke, and for this size it has been the practice to drive the valve-seats in on a taper. This draw- ing shows a joint immediately above the water-cylinder, and WATER-END DESIGN. 129 another joint immediately above the top of the delivery-valve seats, the delivery- or force-chamber completing the main parts. The holding-down bolts extend through from the top of the lugs included in the force-chamber casting, and screw into • FIG. IIO. SUC. tapped holes in the water-cylinders below. The piston may be for fibrous packing, or fitted with metal rings. The valves are of gun-metal, as are also the seats. This drawing is shown with wing-valves with mitre joints. Piston Water-End with Ball-Valves.—Fig. III is the same water-end as described above, except that ball-valves and seats are fitted for the handling of thick stuffs like molasses, etc. Plunger-Pump.-A sectional elevation of a water-end. having a plunger and ring is shown in Fig. 112. The ring DEL'Y i 130 PUMPING MACHINERY. slides into a bored cavity in the water-cylinder and is held in place by bolts, one of which is shown in the drawing. The plunger slides through the ring, and is not provided with any means of adjustment for wear. The drawing is from a pump having plungers 4 inches in diameter by 6 inches stroke. The FIG. III. SUC. valve-seats are screwed in; the valves are of india-rubber for cold water, and may be fitted with metal valves or vulcanite composition, if so desired, for hot water. The delivery-valve seats are screwed into a valve-plate held between the water- end casting and the force-chamber. A piston water-end with a removable lining is shown in Fig. 113. The water-cylinder is bored at the three or more points of support, and the lining is turned to fit; the support or rib at the rear end is machine-faced, as is also the lining, so as to make true surfaces for bolting together. Linings DELIVERY WATER-END DESIGN. 131 should be made of gun-metal, and must be sound castings, free from imperfections and accurately bored. By a proper spacing of the drilling the lining can be arranged for turning FIG. 112. 10000 around in position so as to present a new wearing surface on the bottom, should it ever become necessary through the abrasive action of gritty water passing through the pump. 132 PUMPING MACHINERY. The suction- and delivery-valves are both above the piston, so that once the pump is charged with water it will always remain so. The valve-seats are intended to be screwed in. This drawing partially represents a duplex water-end having 7 inches bore by 12 inches stroke. FIG. 113. Worthington Plunger-Pump.-The sectional elevation of a Worthington plunger-pump, shown in Fig. 114, is thus described in their catalogue: The double-acting plunger shown at B works through a deep metallic packing-ring, bored to an accurate fit, being neither elastic nor adjustable. Both the ring and the plunger can be quickly taken out, and either refitted or exchanged for new ones at small cost, and 1 WATER-END DESIGN. 133 FIG. 114. D B C if it be desired at any time to change the proportions be- tween the steam-pistons and pumps, a plunger of somewhat larger size, or decreased to any smaller diameter, can be 12 134 PUMPING MACHINERY. readily substituted. As exact proportions between the power and work are always desirable, if not necessary, this is a very important advantage. This system of renewal of the working parts has proved by long experience to be the least expensive and most satisfac- tory for ordinary work. The plunger is located some inches. above the suction-valves to form a subsiding-chamber, into which any foreign substances may fall below the wearing- surfaces. This enables it to work longer without renewal than the usual form of piston-pump, especially in water con- taining grit or other solid material. The water enters the pump through the suction-chamber C, through the suction- valves, then passes partly around and partly by the end of the plunger, through the force-valves, nearly in a straight course, into the delivery-chamber D, thus traversing in a very direct and ample water-way. The bottom and top plates fur- nish a large area for the accommodation of the valves. These consist of several small disks of rubber, or other suitable material, easy to examine and inexpensive to replace. The drawing shows the usual central partition separating the two ends of the pump. It is the practice to bore out this central partition and then insert a permanent collared brass bushing, into which is fitted the plunger-ring, also provided with a collar, one side of which abuts against the bushing, and the other side adapted to receive a cast-iron ring for holding in place, this latter ring being securely held by bolts not shown in the drawing. The accumulated facts of a large and successful experience with plungers simply fitted into a bored ring, as compared with packed plungers, so clearly set forth by the late Mr. Worthington, cannot fail to interest the reader. His close study of the peculiarities of action of his duplex pump led him very early in his practice to adopt a metal packing-ring, without elasticity or provision for adjustment, a detail which, after forty years of continuous trial, is the only form of pack- ing ordinarily recommended by his successors, because noth- ing better has been found to take its place. Let it be noticed WATER-END DESIGN. 135 that engines of the duplex type have little or no momentum to help out the stroke; they therefore will not allow of any inequalities or tight places in the packing. A cylinder or a plunger always wears fastest in the middle of the stroke; if the packing were adjusted to fit the middle, it would bind enough at the ends to embarrass the motion. He detected a tendency at times in elastic pump-packings to collapse upon à plunger or expand against a cylinder with such force as to produce much unnecessary friction. The wear of the plungers in the non-adjustable metallic rings is not as great as one might be led to suppose, and for reasons that will appear obvious on examination. The rings are made deep, and thus afford ample bearing surfaces. The water-ways surrounding the plungers constitute subsiding- chambers into which hurtful material can settle away from the moving parts. (See Fig. 114.) The protrusion into the forcing side of the pump of the plunger while in motion tends to carry away from the ring any such material that would other- wise be forced under it. The thin film of fluid that may enter the space between the ring and the plunger is only sufficient. for proper lubrication of the parts, and reduces their frictional resistance to a minimum. As the pressures are reversed when the pump changes its stroke, little or none of this water leaks past the ring. In such cases, however, as seem, by reason of unusually gritty water or of excessive pressure, to demand adjustable packing, any one of the several designs shown in this chapter will give satisfaction, if the details are properly worked out. All of these packed plunger water-ends, except one design, are arranged with exterior stuffing-boxes, so that the packing is readily inserted and adjusted to compensate for wear. The stuffing-box glands act as sufficient guides or bearings for the plungers. All leakage in the water-cylinders is in this arrangement prevented, as the working parts are displayed to the engineer at all times. This form of water-end is largely used, especially in the Western States, for water-works sup- ply; it is the type almost always selected for mines and for 136 PUMPING MACHINERY. iron- and steel-works. Great care must be taken in the design and construction of pumps of this type to reduce as much as practicable the large loss inseparable from packed plungers of all forms. This loss, even under the best conditions of con- struction and careful packing, consumes a large percentage of the power applied, especially when the pump is running against heavy pressures. In order to diminish the friction as much as possible, it is recommended that the stuffing-box glands be screwed up no tighter than is actually necessary to prevent leakage. A piston water-end by the Erste Brünner Maschi- FIG. 115. nen-Fabriks, Brünn, having some of the characteristics of the Worth- ington, water- end, is shown in Fig. 115. By reason of the working-barrel being included in the the main casting of the water-end, it is less difficult to construct if the latter is made in two pieces, as shown in the drawing; it is true an addi- tional joint is required, but the facility with which the work can be done in the machine- shop will probably not increase the cost of the water-end. WATER-END DESIGN. 137 This illustration is from one of a pair of pumps placed side by side, each pump being driven by an automatic cut-off engine, both of which are coupled to the same shaft, and have one fly-wheel in common, but each engine may with its own pump be operated singly if so required. The pumps are 11.9 inches diameter by 43.55 inches stroke. Each end of each pump has two suction- and two discharge-valves as shown; the valves are 10.7 inches diameter, are of india- rubber, and have wrought-iron back-plates held down by conical spiral springs. The valves are fitted with brass bush- ings to reduce the wear in the central hole. The valve-gratings are of cast iron. The air-chamber seems very small for a pump as large as the one now under consideration, but it is supplemented by a wrought-iron "wind-chest," about 36 inches diameter by 10 feet in height, situated to the rear of and central to the two water-ends. This vessel is divided into two chambers by a wrought-iron diaphragm, one of which acts as an air-vessel for the suction, the other half acting for the delivery. The plunger-pump shown in Fig. 116 is from designs by the author, who recognizes fully the value of a larger number of small valves rather than a less number of large valves, pro- vided the latter are of a diameter exceeding 4½ inches. The plunger-ring is supported at each end, in a bored recess in the water-cylinder, and is securely bolted to a flange which is cast in and forms a part of the main cylinder casting, insuring not only a perfect alignment, but the utmost rigidity. The plungers and rings are easily removed from the pump when- ever desired, either for examination or repairs. The discharge- and suction-valves are above the plungers; the pump can never, therefore, lose its charge. This feature is believed to be of value to the user in securing prompt action in emergency and avoiding the danger of breakage that is in- curred with pumps running dry through leakage past the suction-valves, when the latter are located below the plungers. Hand-hole openings permit an easy examination of both the 12* 138 PUMPING MACHINERY. suction- and discharge-valves, and without drawing off the water from the main cylinders of the pump. FIG. 116. conn The inside-packed plunger-pump illustrated in Fig. 117 is a modified form of the water-end just described; it preserves the distinctive features of the above pump, the ad- dition of a stuffing-box and gland, adapted for packing the plunger with a flexible or a fibrous packing, constituting the only change. This pump is chiefly desirable in localities where the water-supply is muddy or contains gritty matter. This form of pump is to be preferred over a piston-pump for gritty water, inasmuch as the cost of a new plunger is very much less than that of a new lining. There is the further advantage in the fact that slight reductions can be made in the diameter of the plunger by turning in a lathe to remove the WATER END DESIGN. 139 scoring incident to the service in which it may be employed, the difference in diameter being made good by the use of a thicker packing. H J FIG. 117. 100% The outside-packed plunger-pump shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 118 is still another modification of the plunger- pump (Fig. 116). Instead of the plunger-ring as there shown, a central diaphragm, bored to receive the rod connecting the two plungers, is secured by bolting in the bored recess con- tained in the water-cylinder. This diaphragm is not fitted with a stuffing-box, nor is it the common practice to include a brass bushing, the cast iron forming of itself a suitable mate- rial for resisting the very slight wear of the rod passing 140 PUMPING MACHINERY. through it. Instead of the ordinary heads, those fitted with a stuffing-box and gland, as shown in the drawing, are substi- tuted, through which the plungers slide. The plunger-rod is connected by a screw-joint immediately inside of the inside plunger. The other details are in no respect different from those already described. Outside-packed plunger-pumps are a more recent invention than the packed piston, their first employment being, in all probability, an expedient by which to obtain a weighted, ver- FIG. 118. tical, single-acting, elongated piston. This was made to pass through a stuffing-box having leather packing not unlike that used in hydraulic presses at the present time. As this device. did not require the boring of the water-cylinder, as must be done in all piston-pumps, together with the fact that the op- eration f turning is a much simpler and cheaper method of manufacture, it led to the early adoption of the packed plunger on purely commercial principles. Aside from this, there is a certain satisfaction in seeing a plunger pass out and WATER-END DESIGN. 141 C in a water-end, without leakage, through an adjustable stuffing- box; and this, no doubt, has had its effect in giving direction favorable to this detail in pump design. The outside-packed plunger-pump with parallel rods, as shown in Fig. 119, is a type of pump in very general favor among furnace, rolling-mill, and steel-works managers. These pumps usually have strokes of 18 to FIG. 119. I 24 inches, and are seldom made with plungers less than 12 inches in diameter. The sectional elevation shows clearly the internal arrangement. An end elevation of this pump is shown in Fig. 120. The suction-pipe distributes its flow of water to the two sides of the pump into the space below the 142 PUMFING MACHINERY. lower or suction-valves. The delivery is central between the two pumps. The air-chamber is located immediately above FIG. 120. the delivery-opening. These pumps are generally used at pressures seldom ex- ceeding 75 pounds per square inch. An outside cen- trally-packed plunger-pump is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 121 and in end elevation in Fig. 122. For ordinary service, pumps of this design range in size from small boiler feed- pumps to sizes suit- able for water-works. A modification of this design is employed in mines and other heavier pressures than occur in domestic water-supply. This design includes two separate or single water-cylinders placed side by side, and adapted for duplex steam-cylinders and valve-motion. The suction-opening is at the rear end of each water-cylinder, the two openings being connected by a dis- tributing-pipe, as shown in the drawing. In this design the suction-valves are placed below the plunger, and the delivery- valves above. A delivery-pipe, connecting the two water-ends with air-chamber above, is shown with the flanged opening leading to the rear of the pumps, but it is evident that, by a suitable arrangement of the pattern, it can lead over either side if so desired. WATER-END DESIGN. 143 0 Differential Plunger-Pump.-The combined piston- and plunger-pump, commonly known as the differential plunger- pump, is shown in one of its various forms, in sectional ele- vation, in Fig. 26. The description of the working of a bucket- and plunger-pump, as given on page 34, is applicable to this design and need not be duplicated. The pump there FIG. 121. 金​金​金 ​金​金 ​illustrated is of 12 inches stroke, and as it was designed for use as a sinking-pump in mining operations in which acid water is almost certain to be encountered, the valves were all included in the bottom section of the pump. This piece may be made wholly of gun-metal if thought desirable; in any Borm 144 PUMPING MACHINERY. event it is easily detached from the pump if any repairs or renewals are rendered necessary through the chemical action of acidulated water. FIG. 122. in Vertical Plunger-Pump.-A sectional elevation of a ver- tical plunger-pump, with internal stuffing-box, is shown in Fig. 123, and presents several peculiarities of design which may be consid- ered good: its compactness, which a suction air-chamber, suc- tion - pipe, and suction-valve plate are included in a single unit, as it were; then the distance-piece to the delivery- valve through plate which the plunger works; the cast- ing containing the delivery- opening, on top of which is placed the air-chamber, makes a good arrangement of detail for some certain positions in which height is available rather than floor-space. The pump is single-acting. The delivery-valve plate shows but two valves, but it will be understood that other valves ex- tend around the whole circumference on properly-spaced centres. Mau WATER-END DESIGN. 145 FIG. 123. A duplex piston-pump with metal clack-valves is shown in longitudinal sectional elevation in Fig. 124 and in cross-section in Fig. 125. This pump was designed by the writer for handling thick stuff, such as mash in brewing opera- tions. The main castings are of iron; the piston, piston-rod, and cylinder-linings are of gun-metal; the valve-seats and valves are hinged together, and are easily removable from the pump through the hand-hole plates opposite each. The lower hand-hole plates may be removed without disturbing the tension of the spring by a simple device secured by hooked bolts shown in the drawing. Piston-Pump with Wing- Valves on the Side. The cross-sectional elevation of a piston-pump with valves on the side, as shown in Fig. 126, is of English design, and represents a type of water-end not often met with in this country. Aside from what the writer believes to be a defective method of guiding the valves by spindles projecting from ££ the top of each, the design is a good one, but is not so com- pact and symmetrical as the single water-ends furnished by Knowles and other well-known builders. A by-pass is an attachment to the water-end of a double- acting pump, consisting of a pipe and gate-valve, as shown in the sketch, Fig. 127, the object of which is to make a direct Gk 13 146 PUMPING MACHINERY. water connection from one end of the water-cylinder to the other. This attachment is useful in several respects, for example, in a compound pumping engine in which the high- pressure cylinder may not be large enough to start the load from a state of rest, no provision having been made for directly FIG. 124. 10 ' admitting steam of boiler-pressure in the low-pressure steam- chest. If, now, the by-pass valve be opened, the effect will be to immediately reduce the resistance to the movement of the plunger by allowing the water to flow through from the WATER-END DESIGN. 147 pressure side into the one which has no pressure, and thereby enable the engine to complete a sufficient number of strokes to bring the low-pressure cylinder into service; as soon as FIG. 125. D this is accomplished, the by-pass valve should then be closed and the engine allowed to take up its full load. In crank and fly-wheel engines, especially those operating a direct service, there occur times when the speed of the pump cannot be brought sufficiently low to enable the engine to 148 PUMPING MACHINERY. properly pass the centres, but if the by-pass valve be opened, the speed of the engine may be increased somewhat without increasing the small quantity of water to be delivered. It will be understood that a by-pass is simply a leak under the control of the engineer in charge; the size of the opening FIG. 126. is not subject to any fixed ratio to plunger area, but it ought to be lib- eral, and the writer suggests 1/2 inches for a 12- inch water-cylin- der, and 2½ inches for one 24 inches diameter. A gate- valve only should be used in a by- pass unless it is combined with a charging - pipe, in which case three valves will be re- quired, as shown in the sketch, Fig. 127 A. The valve leading from the supply should be a gate-valve, and the two end ones may be angle-valves. That a by-pass is wasteful of steam is admitted, but its use is entirely one of expediency, and is only resorted to in cases of emer- gency; so far, then, its application is justified, and should be included in all crank and fly-wheel water-ends intended for direct service. Direct-acting duplex pumps do not require WATER-END DESIGN. 149 a by-pass, as they can be run at any rate of speed, however slow. # FIG. 127. No Scale. A water-end with bored valve-seats, as shown in Fig. 128, has been adopted by the Woodward Steam Pump Company. The arrows in- dicate the flow of the water through the pump when in action, on its forward stroke. A valve, the two heads cov- ering the end openings, the bolt for securing in place, are all so clearly shown in Fig. 128 A as to need no further description. The loss of efficiency FIG. 127 A. No Scale. in pumps under certain conditions, in which the delivery is much less than was to have been expected from the calcu- lated displacement of the plunger and its rate of speed, is at best a difficult thing to trace. So also the loss of power in pumping, in which a large percentage of the energy of the steam-end cannot be accounted for in the delivery of water under a given head. Some experiments wit- nessed by the writer in a mine of moderate depth (about 450 feet) showed by the indicator diagrams that nearly twenty-five per cent. more power was developed in the steam-end than could be accounted for by the indicator diagrams of the water-end. The pump was direct-acting, and one of many of the same type, this especial one having been selected in • 13* 150 PUMPING MACHINERY. order to get a high average performance. In this case the suction-pipe was not of excessive length, was of large di- ameter, and all the conditions apparently favorable to good performance. FIG. 128. Losses occur in pumping if the suction-valves are of such size or shape as not to readily admit the water into the pump- barrel so as to completely fill it by the time the plunger begins its return stroke. The plunger re- ceives its first shock when the body of water is en- countered and made to fill the space instantly under full pressure, and its second shock almost immediately thereafter, when the deliv- ery-valves must be raised from their seats. B How much power is lost by these two faulty actions is not known, but it is considerable. The frictional resistance retarding the water is subject to three laws, quite the reverse of friction between rigid bodies: I. It is proportioned to the amount of surface in contact. FIG. 128 A. 2. It is independent of the pressure. 3. It is proportional to the square of the velocity. From the first of these laws it will be seen that the minimum amount of surface must be exposed to the flowing fluid; this surface, for a given sectional area, will be the least when the section is circular. From the third law a greater amount of efficiency may be expected by allowing the water to move with a small velocity. WATER-END DESIGN. 151 In decreasing the velocity at the same time to maintain a given supply, we must increase the surface in contact with the water, and thus the friction due to this cause of increased sur- face will be augmented; but since the resistance of friction is proportional to the square of the velocity and only as the surface, a greater advantage in this respect will be gained. From this it follows that it will be advantageous to make the pipes as large as possible, limiting their size by other con- siderations, such as space, expense, etc. With regard to the direction of the water, any change in the direction of the flow must be gradually introduced. The more sudden the change, and the greater the angle through which it is directed, the greater will be the opposing resistances. Drainage-pipes should be attached to all water-ends which, by reason of exposed situation, are likely to freeze when not in use. Such pipes must be fitted to every portion of the pump in which there are water-pockets or cavities, and not to the two ends of the water-cylinder alone. Pumps in quarries and other exposed situations may have small holes drilled through the valve-deck plates and other portions of the pump, so there will be a drainage from the delivery- chamber through the pump to each end of the water-cylinder, and thus dispense with the outside pipes and cocks. These holes will take off a small percentage of pump efficiency, but their usefulness and automatic drainage will probably fully compensate for that. A pump so fitted should have either suitable priming-pipes, or a funnel attachment for filling the pump before starting. 152 PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER VIII. HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. THE transmission of power by means of water under a high pressure is now generally employed in riveting, shearing, punching, bending, and flanging machines, as well as for the handling of Bessemer converters, lifts, cranes, and other machines in and around steel-works, ship-building, boiler- making, and other kindred establishments. There is little or no uniformity in the pressures employed for doing the same work in different establishments using hydraulic power, probably for the reason that each manage- ment had independently worked out the necessary hydraulic detail, in most cases originating the machines; and in fixing upon a pressure to do the work it was generally without any reference to what was being done in other, and perhaps rival, establishments. It may be said that in steel-works and other metal-working plants the pressures employed for operating the hydraulic machinery are not often less than 500 pounds. per square inch, and do not generally exceed 2000 pounds, although double this pressure is occasionally employed for special work. Some memoranda relating to pressures collected in the ordinary course of business show the following wide diver- gencies: Ordinary hydraulic lifts for warehouses Foundry hydraulic lifts Hydraulic cranes Flanging, punching, and riveting machines Hydraulic shears Special work ranging up to 75 to 150 pounds. 100 " 300 300 1000 << << 500 " 1500 1500" 2500 5000 pounds per square inch. HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 153 Pressures of 1200 to 1500 pounds per square inch in metal-working establishments are probably oftener used than higher pressures, for the reason that many of the details of hydraulic machines can be better worked out for 1500 pounds. pressure than for 3000 pounds, size being an important factor in many details, and especially in valve-gear, so that the ability to double the area of certain parts may be, and often is, of the utmost importance in the construction and successful operation of hydraulic machines. An instance once came under the notice of the writer in which a reduction of pressure from a proposed 4000 pounds to 2000 pounds per square inch determined the practicability of certain devices through no other reason than that a better mechanical construction could be had by making certain important and somewhat intricate detail double the area. The writer is not to be understood as saying that high pressures are not practicable, but rather that moderate pressures should be first considered before pressures of more than 2500 pounds are adopted. In reference to the relative advantage of using a moderate pressure with a large ram in hydraulic machines, or a high pressure with a small diameter, Mr. Tweddell, an hydraulic engineer of large experience, observes that "it must be borne. in mind that the friction of the water was not perceptibly increased with the increase of pressure, and consequently there was no loss in using the higher pressure, which allowed of a more compact machine; and practical experience has shown that there was no trouble in keeping pipe-joints tight at pressures of 1500 or 2000 pounds per square inch. At the same time he did not think there was any occasion for carry- ing such high pressures throughout the whole of a works, and a much lower pressure would be sufficient for working foundry and other hydraulic cranes; in such cases there was certainly a limit to the extension of a high pressure." The above has reference to what may be termed live press- ures; that is to say, continuous pressures from the pump through an accumulator to a system of piping leading to the several hydraulic machines, cranes, etc., and not to accumu- 154 PUMPING MACHINERY. lated pressures practically without motion, such as hydraulic presses and the like. The service required of water-ends for hydraulic-pressure pumps is so entirely different from that described in the pre- ceding chapter that it was thought best to separate the two, as they have little or nothing in common either in design or method of construction. Plungers.-Hydraulic-pressure pumps are almost always fitted with double-acting plungers working through stuffing- boxes at each end of the pump-barrel; parallel rods couple the outside plungers to a central cross-head, to which are also secured both the inside plungers and the steam piston- rod or other driving mechanism. The stuffing-boxes should always be deep, so that a liberal quantity of packing can be inserted at one time. Plungers for small pumps working under high pressures should be made of machinery or cast steel, and finished by grinding, or by means of a lead lap, so as to insure their being perfectly round and straight. Care should be exercised in the selection of bar steel to see that it is entirely free from seams. Plungers 3 inches in diameter and larger may be made of cast iron, turned and polished; in the event of blow-holes or other defects, they should be repaired by drilling into the plunger and the insertion of iron plugs well riveted or ex- panded by hammering, and afterwards finished to size. For cast-iron plungers it is customary to include the cross-head for the parallel rods in the same casting with the plunger. Materials.—Water-ends for pressures up to 500 pounds per square inch may be made of ordinary cast iron, but for pressures greater than that, and not exceeding 1000 pounds. pressure, air-furnace castings should be used; the tensile strength of well-mixed air-furnace cast iron will average not much below 45,000 pounds per square inch of section. For pressures more than 1000 pounds per square inch, open-hearth HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 155 steel castings are recommended; not that such castings are stronger on an average than air-furnace iron, but the quality of the metal is entirely different, and partakes more of the nature of wrought iron. Whatever the material used, very great care must be exercised in design that lumps and unu- sually thick portions do not occur, for every such occurrence means a defective casting in the central line of the junction of two or more parts. The writer is not partial to the use of brass water-ends except for small sizes, say for plungers not exceeding 1½ inches in diameter; the metal should not be much, if any, less than for cast iron to work under the same. pressure, experience having shown that ordinary brass cast- ings are liable to change shape under a continued high pressure. If the metal chosen be phosphor-bronze, it will add but little to the cost, and a much stiffer casting will be secured. Double-Acting Pressure-Pump.-The sectional eleva- tion shown in Fig. 129 represents the usual design for a small pressure-pump; it shows an objectionable detail in a neces- sity for putting the largest valves on the delivery side of the pump, where they are not needed, instead of the suction side, where they are needed. This fact does not prevent the pump doing good work, and is not considered as absolutely bad. The valve-seats are usually fitted and driven tightly into straight holes, from which they may be removed whenever desired by means of a hook bolt-head underneath the bush- ing, with a strap and nut above. The diameter of the upper valve-seat must be large enough to permit the passage of the lower valve through it. The valves and seats are usually of hard gun-metal or phosphor-bronze. The caps over the valves are also of gun-metal or hard brass. For small pumps no objection exists to tapping the water-end for insertion of the caps as shown, but for larger pumps, say those having plungers of 3 inches diameter and larger, square or round caps, held in place by bolts and nuts, are to be preferred. A pressure-pump water-end having four separate valve- openings, as shown in Fig. 130, is one which admits of a 156 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 129. HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 157 FIG. 130. 14 158 PUMPING MACHINERY FIG. 131. 1 0 readier examination in case the pump should work irregularly, as only the valve at fault is dis- turbed in its seating. A water-end with pot-valve chamber, as shown in Fig. 131, is recommended for all sizes having plungers larger than 3 inches in di- ameter. In this design the water-cylinder is a plain barrel, having a central diaphragm in- cluded in the main cast- ing, with one flanged neck on each side of this partition for connecting the pot-valve chambers; the working-barrel also includes the stuffing- boxes at each end, and the connections for the tie-rods for securing to the steam-end. A sectional eleva- tion of a pot-valve chamber is shown in Fig. 132. It consists of two chambers, in one of which is placed the suc- tion-valves and in the other the delivery-valves. This combined chamber ་ HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 159 bolts to the pump-barrel at A. The suction-pipe bolts at B. The delivery of the water under pressure is at C. A plan of this pot-valve chamber is shown immediately below the sec- tional elevation. The valve-seat for the suction-valves is shown in its place; the ribs for supporting the delivery-valve plate is shown in the plan, the arrangement for the suction- valve plate being precisely like it on the opposite side. An end sectional elevation through the delivery-valve chamber and seat is shown in Fig. 133, and an en- larged view of a section of one of the valves, to- gether with its cage and a C FIG. 132. portion of the A seat, is shown in Fig. 134. The method FIG. 132 A. C of securing the several cages to the valve-seat by means of a A plate is clear- ly shown in B O the several preceding en- gravings and Plan of Fig 132. in Fig. 135. The above details are from a 9 × 36 duplex pressure-pump, designed by the author for handling a portion of a Bessemer steel plant, the pressure being 400 pounds per square inch, the operation being continuous throughout the year. This arrangement of seats and valves permits the 160 PUMPING MACHINERY. removal of one set of valves and the substitution of another without stopping the pump but the few minutes necessary C FIG. 133. A to make the change. In fitting pot-valve chambers, valves, and valve-seats, everything should be made to gauges, so that similar parts will interchange throughout the series; there will then be re- quired but one extra set of valves and one extra seat to replace any one of the eight sets included in the pump. The valves and seats are made of hard gun-metal, the springs of phosphor-bronze. Valve-Plate and Valves for 2000 Pounds Pressure. -The valve-seat and valves shown in Fig. 136 are from a FIG. 134. smaller pump of the same general design, working under a pressure of 2000 pounds per square inch. The valves are 2 HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 161 inches in diameter, mitred as shown in the drawing, and provided with four wings each; this same arrangement has been applied to a pump working occasionally, but not continuously, under 3000 pounds per square inch. FIG. 135. O Pot-valve chambers are some- times made to contain but one suc- tion- and delivery-valve each; if the size of the pump is such that but one pot-valve chamber is required for each end of the working-barrel, no objection exists to applying it instead of the insertion of the valve- seats in the working - barrel, as shown in Fig. 130; but when two or more such pot-valve chambers are required, the writer recommends that the pot- valve chamber be made to include seats adapted to whatever FIG. 136. number of valves may be necessary, and thus keep down the number of separate parts requiring to be bolted to the working-barrel. 14* 162 PUMPING MACHINERY. ; Pressure-pump water-ends of large size ought to be cast in two pieces and bolted together with a blank flange between the two ends, as shown in Fig. 137. This particular water-end is the one referred to in the description of the pot- valve chamber details given above. In large water-ends there is always a chance that the metal diaphragm between the two working ends of the barrel will be defective by reason of the FIG. 137. difficulty in getting a proper vent for the cores at that point; there will also be required chaplets for securing the core in place, and these of themselves interfere more or less in securing sound castings. It is a very serious matter to lose a casting of a large water-end, especially if the metal is 2/2 to 3 inches in thickness, as the cost of breaking is sometimes quite as great as would purchase the same weight of pig-iron. Accumulator.-It is the common practice in hydraulic work to have somewhere in the system an accumulator for storing up a convenient volume of water under pressure. This accumulator serves a useful purpose in the fact that it renders the action of the pump less irregular than in a direct service, and in many operations such a service would not be permissible at all; therefore an accumulator may be con- "+ HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 163 sidered as a necessary adjunct to a pressure-pump, and its in- fluence on the pump must be taken into account. The use of an accumulator is a direct benefit in this: it is more economical to employ a small pump working under a uniform pressure all the time than a larger pump only a portion of the time. The draft upon the water-supply in any hydraulic system is always sudden, and sometimes very great if several machines be thrown into operation at the same time. It is this sudden draft upon the water-supply that causes the accumulator to descend rapidly, and as the flow is now as suddenly stopped as it was originally started, the effect of its sudden arrest may be easily imagined. In regard to the pressure in an hydraulic riveter, shear, or other machine having a direct connection with an accumulator, it is not uniform throughout the stroke; in some respects this is advantageous,-in riveting, for example, advantage has been taken of the impulse of the falling accumulator at the end of the stroke, so that a dead pressure of 40 tons was increased to nearly 60 tons at the time of closing the rivet; the machine thus starting with the lower pressure arrived at the higher pressure at the point at which it was required. This fact has a very important bearing upon pump-design, and is one often overlooked. If it were a gradual increase of pressure from end to end it would not be so bad, but it comes more in the nature of a blow than that of gradual increase, because it is the sudden arrest of the falling accumulator at the bottom of its fall, the effect being precisely the same as any other falling weight moving at the same velocity. Water being practically incompressible, the shock is transmitted throughout the whole system, including the pump. It is just such experiences that lead one to distrust designs of pumping machinery based on ordinary factors of safety, especially if the water-end of the pump be made of cast iron, the accumulator one of small diameter and considerable height, coupled with the not unusual circumstance of being scarcely large enough for the work. There is no certainty whatever as to the solidity of cast iron at the centre of the • 164 PUMPING MACHINERY. juncture of two or more pieces, and especially if these pieces are of unequal thickness. The common defect being a drawing away of the outer skin of iron from the centre and forming a cavity within. If this cavity have no outlet it is, nevertheless, a weak spot in the pump because of the reduction in area; if, however, an opening extend from this cavity into the working-barrel, or into the delivery-chamber, then every stroke of the pump and every arrest of the fall of the accumulator is an effort to split the pump open, which in time is almost sure to occur by cumulative effect, the granular structure of cast iron favoring such rupture. Air-Chambers for Hydraulic-Pressure Pumps.-It is not a common practice to supply pressure-pumps, or systems of hydraulic piping, with air-chambers instead of accumulators, but in special cases air-chambers have been used working under a pressure of 850 pounds per square inch, and supply- ing a large plant of hydraulic machinery in a situation where it was not convenient to introduce an accumulator on account of its weight or size. An air-compressor will be required for keeping the air-vessel properly charged. This is in the nature of a complication, it is true, but it is essential to the proper working of such a plant. Hydraulic Transmission of Power.-Water under pressure may be transmitted from a central source of supply to outlying points in a large manufacturing establishment at very reasonable cost, so that for driving punching and shear- ing machines, or other hydraulic machine tools in out-build- ing or in a yard, the power can be furnished at a cost much less than if a direct line of shafting were used. As to the power saved by hydraulic transmission, Mr. Tweddell obtained, experimentally, the following results. The indicated horse-power of the engine at 50 revolutions per minute was 6.65 I. H. P. when driving the transmitting shafting alone, 3.51 I. H. P. when running light without the shafting, leaving 3.14 I. H. P. as the lowest power required for the transmitting shafting of about 300 feet in length. HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 165 This shows that when running without doing work forty- seven per cent. of the engine-power was spent in transmission by the shafting, and a further loss has to be added for the friction of the gearing employed in getting up or reducing the speed of the several tools. In the hydraulic transmission of power, on the contrary, the loss of useful effect between the pumps and the accumu- lator is very little at the usual speed of working; for with one pump working, 1694 cubic inches was the theoretical delivery of the pump for 20 strokes, and 1614 cubic inches was the actual quantity pumped into the accumulator, showing a loss of only 434 per cent., and with both pumps working, the cor- responding quantities for 20 strokes were 3388 and 3278 cubic inches, showing a loss of only 34 per cent. These experi- ments were carefully made, the accumulator registering the exact distance it travelled for a certain number of strokes of the pump. The loss from friction in the accumulator was found to be as follows: 1250 pounds per square inch, ascending pressure in the accumulator; 1225 66 descending 66 therefore, as in ascending the friction had to be overcome by the pump in addition to lifting the load, and in descending the friction has to be overcome by the load itself, the amount of friction will be half the difference of pressure in the two cases, or 12½ pounds per square inch, being only one per cent. of the power. This result applies equally to the friction in each of the hydraulic machines; and as the power is generally applied to the cutting tools direct from the ram, two per cent. represents all the loss from friction, and there remains only to add the loss due to the friction of the water in the pipes, which cannot amount to much if proper care is taken in pro- portioning their area and in avoiding bends. Power for Hydraulic Engines.-The increasing variety of uses to which hydraulic power is now being satisfactorily employed shows that it is not only rapidly growing into 166 PUMPING MACHINERY. present favor, but promises well for the future. Recent papers and discussions on the application of electric power to drive drilling machinery at the best only leave the reader somewhat sceptical as to the economy, to say nothing of the practical feasibility of thus finishing in situ the great amount of drilling which cannot be done during the earlier stages of the con- struction of ships, bridges, boilers, etc. No doubt, however, exists as to the practical success and the economy in working results when this drilling is done by hydraulic power. For some years past a great amount of work of this kind has been done in the French naval dock- yards by very neat hydraulic drilling-engines. The type of engine used is the Brotherhood three-cylinder, with which we are all tolerably familiar; the design, at any rate, if not with the machine itself. In one arrangement the three-cylinder engine shaft carried a bevel-pinion, gearing direct into a larger bevel-wheel driving the drill-spindle, together with the usual feed apparatus. This can be attached temporarily to a bracket for drilling work-for example, on a vise bench-away from the shops. The whole affair is so light, weighing but 60 or 70 pounds, that it can be used in connection with an ordinary hand-ratchet drill-head. Hydraulic pressure at 1500 pounds per square inch (but also sometimes at 750 pounds or 1000 pounds per square inch) is conveyed to the drilling-engine by means of special flexible copper tubing. There is no more difficulty in attaching this gear to the plating on a ship's side than is experienced in the case of hand-drilling, while the speed of working, when once fixed, is nearly 10 to 1 in favor of hydraulic work. In another application the drill-head is still lighter, the power being transmitted from the engine to the drill by means of a Stow flexible shaft. The necessary speed for the flexible shaft is obtained by gearing up at the engine-end and reducing it at the drill-end. The working parts of the Brotherhood three-cylinder hy- draulic engine consist only of the three pistons and connecting rods, one crank, and one rotating balanced valve and spindle which fits into the driver and is turned direct from the crank- HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 167 pin. There are no glands, stuffing-boxes, or oscillating joints, and the wear of all the parts is taken up automatically. The engine occupies very little space, and will work up to 200 revolutions per minute. The duplex steam-end is the one in general use for operating hydraulic-pressure pumps. Geared power-pumps are seldom used in iron- or steel-works, but are largely used in other lines of manufacture. Pressure-pumps driven by a steam- engine in which the pump-plunger is attached directly to the engine-piston are occasionally met with; it is a good form, but its use is not general. The especial fitness of the duplex method of operating the plungers in hydraulic-pressure pumps was probably never better stated than by the late Alexander L. Holly, in his affidavit at the time of the expiration of the Worthington patents, an abstract of which is here given: "In all Bessemer works pumping engines for throwing large volumes of water, under 300 to 400 pounds per square inch, are required to actuate cranes, hoists, converters, and other hydraulic machinery. The hydraulic machinery is the most expensive and the hardest-worked part of the plant, and the constancy and steadiness of the pumping power is the most vital feature of the whole system of machinery. Any delay or serious fluctuation in its operation in handling fluid masses of iron and steel is fatal to the commercial success of the Bessemer process. 66 The pumping engine runs from twenty to twenty-four hours per day, rarely excepting Sundays. The strain on the engine is constant, but the velocity is momentarily and suddenly varied by the demand for water from a low to the highest speed. Yet the pressure on the cranes, etc., is, and for the safe working must be, nearly constant. The heavy pressure by itself puts the machinery under a severe stress; but when this pressure is also associated with great volume, requiring very large parts, the conditions of service are more severe than any other with which I am acquainted. 168 PUMPING MACHINERY. "The reason why this pumping engine stands this severe service without extraordinary repairs, and the reason why it imposes no extraordinary stress on the machinery it actuates, is, that the system on which it is constructed—the movement of the steam-valve of one engine by the piston of the other engine-permits the water-pistons to stop momentarily at the ends of their stroke, thus allowing the water-valves time to seat without slamming; all this being associated with a uni- form velocity of piston, and hence a uniform pressure on the water pumped instead of a varying pressure, such as is caused by an irregularly-moving piston attached to a fly-wheel. The water flows through the pump and to the cranes in a constant and noiseless stream. In all other pumps with which I am acquainted, when applied to such service, there is a violent concussion of the water, slamming of the valves, and jarring and straining of all the parts, and consequently frequent break-downs of the pump and of hydraulic pipes and machinery." Compound Pressure-Pumps.-If the conditions of ser- vice are favorable (and this is not always the case), compound steam-cylinders, either with or without condensing apparatus, may be applied to any direct-acting pressure-pump, and there- by effect a considerable saving by getting a certain amount of work out of the exhaust steam, which would otherwise escape into the atmosphere. Compounding is not recommended for pressure-pumps where the service is irregular; that is, where the pump works with great violence for a few minutes and then comes to a state of rest, an effect following some kinds of direct service, and always likely to occur if the accumulator is too small for the work, for the usual method of controlling the steam throt- tle-valve is by the rise and fall of the accumulator ram. If the action of the pump can be made continuous over long intervals of time, say several hours, then compounding is recommended, provided the initial steam-pressure in the high- pressure cylinder is not less than 75 pounds. HYDRAULIC-PRESSURE PUMPS. 169 Pressure-pumps driven by power are often arranged with two or more plungers driven from a crank-shaft; a large plunger for filling the machine or ram quickly, at a pressure say one-fourth of that ultimately required, a pressure which will do enough work in many operations to use probably four- fifths of the whole volume of water, there remains then but one-fifth more water to be pumped at the higher pressure, if each pump acted singly, one after the other, which is some- times, but not always, the case. It is the usual practice in constructing such pumps to have both large and small plungers in continuous movement. Such pumps are usually provided with an automatic device, so that when the limit of pressure for the large plunger is reached its suction-valve is lifted from the seat, and continues off the seat so long as this pressure is maintained; the large plunger during this time is simply playing back and forth in its cylinder, without doing any work; meanwhile, the smaller pump is forcing the water at the higher pressure to complete the hydraulic operation. As a practical example, let us suppose a crank-pump fitted with two single-acting plungers of different diameters, both working at the same time, the larger one 3 inches diameter, the smaller one 1½ inches diameter, both of 6 inches stroke. Each revolution of the crank-shaft will cause the delivery of 42.4 cubic inches of water for the large plunger, and 10.6 cubic inches of water for the small plunger. If the crank-shaft make 60 revolutions per minute, 3180 cubic inches of water will have been delivered by both plungers, we will say at 500 pounds per square inch, at which pressure the large plunger- pump ceases to act by the automatic lifting of the suction- valve. The operation of the smaller plunger-pump goes on, and takes up the task of increasing the water-pressure from 500 pounds to the higher one necessary to do the work; this smaller plunger being only one-fourth the area of the larger one, will have power sufficient to force the water-pressure up to 2000 per square inch from the same crank-shaft, and at a somewhat less expenditure of power per revolution, because H 15 170 PUMPING MACHINERY. the large plunger is thrown out of service; the quantity of water delivered would be only one-fifth as much; that is, 636 cubic inches per minute as against 3180 when both plungers were at work. This example assumes that two minutes are given the hydraulic operation requiring the active use of the pumps, but generally the second operation requires less time than the first, except when pressing bales, etc. The power pressure-pump illustrated in Fig. 138 was designed by Watson & Stillman, New York, and represents one type of the medium size of hydraulic pumps built by FIG. 138. PHOTO ELECTROTYPE ENG C them. This particular pump is fitted with four plungers driven from the cranks and cross-heads; two of these pumps are high pressure, having plungers 3/4 inch diameter, working VERE HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PUMPS. 171 under a pressure of 6000 pounds, the other two plungers being 1½ inches in diameter, and working under the lower pressure of 1500 pounds per square inch; the four pump de- liveries are all connected to one common discharge-pipe. The two low-pressure pumps are provided with an automatic trip, so that when any desired pressure less than the above is reached they will automatically stop their delivery, in addi- tion to which safety-valves are also provided for each of the above pressures; the pressure-valve of the low-pressure pumps acting as a check-valve to prevent the water of the high- pressure pumps from being driven back into the low-pressure pumps. Although differing in design, the details of the automatic trip shown in the sectional elevation, Fig. 139, will illustrate FIG. 139. •Suction Valve Delivery Valve the principle of the method employed to stop the action of the pump. For the sake of clearness the position of the 172 PUMPING MACHINERY. valves were changed from that in the pump; it was also neces- sary to leave off the piston connecting with the high-pressure system, as shown upon the front trips in Fig. 138, but which can be clearly understood at a glance; the action being that when the required pressure has been reached the weighted lever will be lifted directly by the piston, or, in the case of an accumulator, by an accumulator trip, as in the beginning or middle of a stroke; the valve would then be seated with a heavy pressure upon it, and it would be impossible to raise it, so that a slotted cross-head must be placed upon the connec- tion; furthermore, the spring which had been kept in a state of tension by the weight and lever is now kept in a state of tension by the pressure upon the valve only when this valve is raised from its seat by the action of the succeeding stroke. The spring prevents its reseating again by means of the lever and rod extending up through the suction-pipe, which also allows the water to be driven backwards and forwards through the suction-pipe without any loss of power. ! STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 173 CHAPTER IX. STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. PUMPS of this type are very much in favor in Europe, and more largely made and used there than here; a circum- stance probably due to the invention and development of the steam-thrown valve in this country, and now so universally employed in single steam-pumps, its use here having preceded by many years its general manufacture and sale abroad. Pumps with steam-thrown valves are compact, efficient, and offered at a lower price than is possible with fly-wheel pumps; the result is they meet with a ready sale, so that for twenty- five years past fly-wheel pumps have been offered at a great disadvantage because of its cheaper rival. The question is sometimes now asked, though less fre- quently than formerly, as to the comparative merits of crank and fly-wheel as against direct-acting duplex pumps for small and medium sizes, say those having a capacity less than one million gallons in twenty-four hours. This is not an easy question to answer, because there are so many things enter- ing into the problem which lie wholly outside of the relative merits or demerits of the two designs when brought in direct comparison. Without entering into detail, the general conclusion reached by engineers and users of steam-pumps is that, in general, the small and medium sizes of direct-acting single and duplex pumps compare favorably as an investment, admitting the fact that they are less economical in the use of steam. The circular motion of a crank-pin must of necessity be continuous and nearly uniform if the crank-shaft be fur- 15* 174 PUMPING MACHINERY. nished with a fly-wheel of proper proportions. An analysis of the relative motions of a crank-pin and its corresponding piston, assuming the connecting-rod to be three times the length of stroke, is shown in Fig. 140. The piston movement FIG. 140. Piston Movement 45 Regular Stroke Divisions is not so objectionable on the first and last quarters of the crank movement, but the rapid acceleration of the piston just before the quarter stroke is reached, continuing to the half stroke, and then of its retardation until the three-quarters stroke is passed, brings some very complicated strains upon all the reciprocating parts of the pump and their connections. The best position for the cranks on a double pump- ing engine is at right angles to each other; this equalizes somewhat the operation of the pumping engine as a whole, but does not remedy the faulty operation of each water-end singly. Crank-pumps for this reason require to be stronger than direct-acting pumps of the same size; the energy stored up in the rim of the revolving fly-wheel, together with its nearly uniform rate of revolution, as well as its inability to suddenly change either of the above conditions in a single stroke of the pump, taken in connection with so inelastic a substance as water, make the conditions difficult to provide for. The difficulties which attend the practical solution of such a prob- lem lead one easily to the conclusion that a crank and fly- wheel are not only imperfect but undesirable in a train of pump mechanism, and it is largely for this reason, as well as for cheaper construction, that direct-acting steam-pumps STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 175 have largely displaced the crank and fly-wheel pump for the commercial or small sizes. The advantages claimed for the crank over the direct- acting movement is that the length of stroke is fixed, and no short strokes can occur, thereby securing a measured dis- placement for each stroke; thus crank-pumps require less clearance at each end of the steam-cylinders, and it follows also that less steam is used per stroke and with greater economy. This is true in part, and becomes so only when the engineer in charge of a direct-acting engine fails to adjust the dash-relief, or cushioning valves, so as to make a full stroke, and yet prevent the pistons striking the heads, a thing not at all difficult to do. Mr. H. P. M. Birkenbine says, with reference to and in favor of crank and fly-wheel pumps, "A higher piston-speed can be had with a crank and fly-wheel pump than if the pump were direct-acting, for the reason that in the latter type the termination of each stroke is defined and secured by steam acting as a cushion to counteract the force of the moving parts and of the water and bring them to rest. In large steam-pumps 100 feet per minute may be considered as a limit to safe piston-speed. With pumping engines having cranks, connecting-rods, and fly-wheels to terminate and de- fine the stroke of the piston any piston-speed possible to the pump can be secured with safety. The power stored in the moving mass of the fly-wheel at the termination of the stroke is carried to the beginning of the next stroke, without any loss but that due to the friction of the moving parts and the resistance of the air to the motion of the fly-wheel. Then the practically uniform speed of the rim of the fly-wheel se- cures the desired motion for the piston through the connect- ing-rod and crank of the pump by gradually retarding the motion until the point of rest is reached, and accelerating it after the piston has passed that point." Valve Areas.-Crank and fly-wheel pumps, by reason of the irregular plunger movement, should have slightly larger 176 PUMFING MACHINERY. valve areas than direct-acting pumps of the same size; they should have large air-chambers, and, preferably, each water- end should have its own air-chamber. As has been already stated, the best arrangement is to place two double-acting pumps side by side, to operate as a pair, with a crank move- ment at right angles to each other. When properly designed, double-acting crank-pumps thus arranged have given excel- lent satisfaction, and have shown exceptionally high economy in the use of steam by reason of the high initial steam-press- ure, and the expansion following an early cut-off, a result which has been quite impossible to obtain in direct-acting pumping engines until within the past few years, during which time ingenious and efficient high-duty attachments have been developed. The want of approximation to continuous effort in a crank and fly-wheel pump was shown by Mr. John G. Mair, FIG. 141. Line of mean Velocity Path of Crank 10° pin 90° 180° 270° 360 One Revolution. M. Inst. C. E., London, in a paper contributed to that institu- tion in 1886, in which he remarks upon the delivery from a compound rotative engine, with cranks at right angles, work- STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 177 ing two double-acting pumps, supposing the connecting-rod to be indefinitely long, to be similar to that shown in Fig. 141. The deliveries are added together and shown in full lines; the variation of flow in this case is sufficient to make the pressures fluctuate to such an extent that accidents are very liable to occur when working without air. Mr. Mair states that in his own practice he has met with many cases where accidents have happened to the pump-work and rising mains when through carelessness no air was in the vessel. Such a result might have been expected. The importance of a large and properly charged air-chamber attached to the de- livery side of a crank-pump is now so generally understood that bad effects are sure to follow any neglect in so important a detail. Using Steam Expansively. In a mill engine using a high pressure of steam, cutting off early in the stroke and expanding below the average pressure necessary to do the work, the fly-wheel serves a useful purpose in absorbing the surplus energy at the beginning of the stroke, where it is not needed, and giving it out during the latter half of the stroke, where it is needed. In this manner a properly-proportioned wheel, working in conjunction with a good governor con- trolling the point of cut-off, will give a very even rate of rotation to the crank-shaft, varying, of course, within the limits necessary to secure a proper action on the part of the governor. In the case of a crank and fly-wheel pumping engine as usually designed, the case is so entirely different as to almost prevent the use or application of ordinary fly-wheel formula such as would apply in the preceding paragraph, and for the reason that the plunger-rod of the water-end passes into the steam-end, connecting directly with either the high- or low- pressure piston, or if a tandem engine, with both. A pump- ing engine of this type is but a modified form of a direct- acting engine, because the effort of the steam-end is transmitted directly through its piston-rod, which, by continuation through a cross-head or otherwise, extends into and becomes the m 178 PUMPING MACHINERY. plunger-rod of the water-end, controlling the movement of the plunger, making it coincident with that of the steam-pis- ton. In this case the power of the engine does not pass through the crank-shaft and fly-wheel, as was the case in the mill engine; the connection between the steam-end and the water-end being direct, the fly-wheel absorbs and gives off only so much of the energy of the steam-end as comes through the irregular movement of the pump-plunger due to that of the crank, together with another irregular impulse upon the plunger due to the method of steam distribution. If a pair of double-acting pumping engines were placed side by side cutting off steam at say five-eighths of the stroke, such as would be the case with the ordinary slide-valve, the machine would work without any fly-wheel at all; and such pumping engines are now in use in mines and for other pur- poses. Pumping engines of this type are more economical in the use of steam than direct-acting pumps, but less so than the same type of pump furnished with a fly-wheel and a better steam distribution, together with perhaps twice or three times the initial steam-pressure. To better illustrate the best method of using steam for any purpose three diagrams are given in Fig. 142, of which two are intended to show how a saving in steam is had over a direct acting engine following full stroke, by increasing the steam-pressure and cutting off at half stroke and at quarter stroke, using the same cylinder throughout; the engine to be non-condensing, and exhausting against a back pressure of 18 pounds absolute, or about three pounds above the atmos- phere. The initial pressures shown in the diagrams are 65, 80, and 120 pounds respectively. In estimating the value of the diagrams, let us assume that the cylinder is of four cubic feet capacity, and the diagrams showing 65 pounds pressure to represent an ordinary direct- acting steam-cylinder; the initial and terminal pressures are, of course, the same, or a mean pressure of 65 18 = 47 pounds. Four cubic feet of steam are used, and as one cubic foot of steam at 65 pounds pressure weighs .1569 pound, four STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 179 cubic feet would be .6276 pound of steam required to move the load one stroke. If this same work could be done employing a higher press- ure, say 80 pounds, and cutting off at half stroke, a saving FIG. 142. 1 Atmos. Eine would be had as follows, using the formula given on page 181, and the table of hyperbolic logarithms on page 180. I + .6931 80 X 2 - 18: 49.7 pounds mean pressure. Instead of using four cubic feet of steam, only two are re- quired. Steam at 80 pounds pressure weighs .1901 pound per cubic foot; then 2 X .1901 = .3802 pound of steam for each stroke, or .2474 pound less than in the preceding ex- ample, a saving of about 39 per cent. The third diagram is that corresponding to 120 pounds ab- solute pressure and cutting off at quarter stroke, which repre- sents a further saving, thus: I + 1.3863 120 X 18 53 6 pounds mean pressure. ་ T 4 180 PUMPING MACHINERY. Only one cubic foot of steam is required, and this weighs .2742 pound, so that a saving of .3534 pound is had at 120 pounds pressure following quarter stroke, over 65 pounds fol- lowing full stroke, a saving of 56 per cent. in weight of steam. It will be understood that these are theoretical deductions, and that losses of several kinds which occur in practice will reduce these percentages somewhat, but they are approxi- mately true, and will serve our present purpose, which is to show the wasteful action of direct-acting non-expansion engines as ordinarily applied to steam pumps. Hyperbolic logarithms are seldom required in direct- acting pump calculations because the steam is not used ex- pansively, but for convenience in such cases as involve the expansion of steam, as in the case of crank and fly-wheel, and other high-duty engines, they are exceedingly useful. TABLE XI. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. No. Log. No. Log. No. Log. No. Log. I.I .0953 1.2 .1823 1.3 .2624 1.4 .3365 1.5 .4055 حب حب حب حب حب 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 1.6 .4700 3.9 1.7 •5306 4.0 456 7890 1.2238 5.7 1.2528 1.2809 5.8 78 1.7405 8.0 2.0794 I 7579 8.I 2.0919 5.9 1.7750 8.2 2.1041 1.3083 6.0 1.3350 6.I 1.7918 1.8083 1.3610 6.2 1 8245 1.3863 6.3 1.8405 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 8.3 2.1163 8.4 2.1282 85 8.6 2.140I 2.1518 1.8 .5878 4.I 1.4110 6.4 1.8563 8.7 2 1633 1.9 .6418 4.2 1.4351 6.5 1.8718 8.8 2.1748 2:0 .6931 4.3 1.4586 6.6 1.8871 8.9 2.1861 2.I .7419 4.4 1.4816 2.2 .7884 4.5 1.5041 69 6.7 1.9021 9.0 2.1972 6.8 1.9169 9.1 2.2083 2.3 .8329 4.6 1.5261 6.9 1.9315 9.2 2.2192 2.4 .8755 4.7 1.5476 7.0 1.9459 9.3 2.2300 2.5 .9163 4.8 1.5686 7 I 1.9601 9.4 2.2407 2.6 .9555 4.9 1.5892 7.2 1.974I 9.5 2.2513 2.7 .9933 5.0 1.6094 7.3 2.8 1.0296 5.I 1.6292 7.4 2.9 1.0647 5.2 1.6487 7.5 3.0 1.0986 53 www 3.1 1.1314 5.4 1.6677 1.6864 7.6 7.7 3.2 3.3 23 1.1632 1.1939 in in 5.5 5.6 56 1.7047 7.8 3456 7∞ 1.9879 9.6 2.2618 2.0015 9.7 2.2721 2.0149 9.8 2.2824 2.0281 9.9 2.2925 2.0412 IO O 2.3026 1.7228 7.9 2.0541 2.0668 STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 181 Table XI. contains all numbers from 1.1 to 10.0, varying by .1, which will probably meet any ordinary requirement, but should a more extended table be required, the reader is re- ferred to Cotterill's "The Steam-Engine considered as a Heat- Engine," which contains a very elaborate table, from which the one inserted was compiled. The use of such a table in expansion of steam calculations is to facilitate and shorten the work. The hyperbolic expansion curve of steam is used on the assumption that the volumes are inversely as the pressures. This is not exactly the case, but there are so many circum- stances which affect all steam-engine calculations that it is near enough true, and by reason of this close approximation and extreme simplicity, its use in connection with steam expansion calculations may be said to be universal. The mean pressure of steam may be obtained by using the following formula: Let p P: R = mean pressure of steam per square inch. initial pre-sure, or pressure on admission to cylinder. range of expansion, or ratio of volume at end of stroke to volume at point of cut-off. ་ Then p = PX I hyp. log. R R back pressure. In other words, the work done before expansion is always reckoned as I, to which must be added the hyperbolic loga- rithm of the range of expansion; this sum must be divided by the number of times the steam expanded, the quotient so obtained must be multiplied by the initial steam-pressure, and from the product subtract the back pressure; this will give the mean pressure throughout the stroke. Example.-What will be the mean pressure if steam of 100 pounds follow quarter stroke or four expansions, assuming a back pressure of 18 pounds? Work done before expansion Hyperbolic logarithm of 4 I. = I 1.386 2.386. Then 2.386 4 .5965. .5965 X 100 = 59.65 Back pressure Answer = 18.00 41.65 pounds. 15 182 PUMPING MACHINERY. The details of crank-pumps need not differ essentially from those of other types. It is only necessary in designing FIG. 143. طاقة النظرية A ་་་་་ D THE SAWANO ( 4 12 16 20 24 28 32 a crank-pump to select the best size and kind of water-end, and combine it with a suitable steam-engine. The completed machine may be either horizontal or vertical, depending on STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 183 the nature of the service. The examples selected for illustra- tion show how wide a range of general design may be in- dulged in; some of the illustrations are much out of the FIG. 144. B Steam per stroke, eight square units. White lines, square of units. White stripes, end of piston stroke. A, cut-off or momentum; B, steam service. general trend of pump design, whilst others were designed to meet certain conditions of service for which the ordinary designs were not thought to be suitable. The Woodward steam-pump with double-acting piston water-ends is shown in Fig. 143. It consists of two complete pumps placed side by side with cranks at right angles to each other, connecting by means of suitable rods to the piston- FIG. 145. rod of each engine. The cylinders are of the ordinary three- ported variety, the distribution of steam being effected by the ordinary D slide- valve driven by an eccentric for each en- gine. Two fly-wheels are used by which a regular rate of rota- tion is secured. The manufacturers of this pump publish a diagram, which is here reproduced in Fig. 144, showing 184 PUMPING MACHINERY. the steam consumption and distribution for the double pump illustrated above. The cut-off is fixed at 5% of the stroke from the beginning, S S OPENING CLOSIN ALTNY FIG. 146. ECCENTRIC DIAL VALVE SPEED REGULATION, FAT. 18A9: CUT OFF CLOSEING OPENING Ε Σ C. 5 and by a proper adjust- ment of the slide-valves no live steam is needed for cushioning. A perspective view of this pump is given in Fig. 145, in which it will be seen that the steam- cylinders, water - cylin- ders, and crank - shaft are all on the same horizontal plane. For changing the point of cut-off, or the speed of the pump, an adjustable eccentric is employed, as shown in Fig. 146. Slotted Cross-Head.-A crank and fly-wheel pump fitted with a slotted cross-head for operating the fly-wheel is shown in Fig. 147. The crank-shaft has two bearings, one on either side of the piston-rod; the slotted cross-head is fitted with a sliding block, and any adjustment for wear may be had by reducing the distance-pieces through which the bolts pass. This is the most compact arrangement yet devised for pumps, the whole length required being but little more than that necessary for the path of the crank-pin and the boss of the crank to which it is attached. If two such pumps be placed side by side with the cranks at 90° to each other they will work without a fly-wheel. An excellent design for a crank and fly-wheel pump by Guild & Garrison is shown in Fig. 148. The steam- and water-cylinders are mounted on a bed-plate with the bear- ings for the crank-shaft back of the water-cylinder. The steam- and water-pistons are connected by a rod to which is STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 185 + also secured the cross-head for operating the crank. The dis- tribution of steam is effected by an eccentric operating a plain slide-valve. The fly-wheel in a single pump requires to be heavier than when two pumps work together at right angles any benefit is to be derived from the expansion of steam. if FIG. 147. 0 0. A double-acting vertical pump of English design (Good- brand & Co., Manchester) is shown in Fig. 149. The method of operating the crank is a good one, because there are no strains outside of the central line of the steam- and water- pistons. The length of the connecting-rod, together with the distance required for the yoke connecting the steam and water piston-rods, gives the pump considerable height; the fly-wheel shaft is also rather high because of the yoke connection. This increased distance is less objectionable in a vertical than in a horizontal pump. No power is transmitted through the crank-pins to and from the fly-wheel other than that necessary to equalize the speed after the point of cut-off, so that the work required of the fly-wheel is very light. 16* 186 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 148. ཀ อย GUILD & GARRISON. BOOKHOUT BROS N STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 187 This pump has been designed to do light as well as heavy duty, and is arranged with a movable eccentric to vary the FIG. 149. } cut-off in the steam-cylinders, ranging from one-eighth of the stroke for light duty, to following the piston to about eight- 188 PUMPING MACHINERY. tenths of the stroke. The eccentric as described by the makers, unaccompanied by drawings, is constructed as follows: A disk, having ears as guides for the eccentric, is keyed to the FIG. 150. K Kill crank-shaft, and the eccentric itself is simply a ring to receive the clips for coupling up to the valve rod; it is made with two lugs to work freely in the eccentric-groove, turned on a hand- wheel, which is free to turn round on the crank-shaft, and when turned in a direction indicated by the arrow on the STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 189 disk, will alter the throw of the eccentric, suiting the duty of the pump with an economical use of steam. Slurry-Pump.-A pumping machine for the somewhat unusual service of handling brick earth is shown in Fig. 150, which is reproduced from Engineering. There are three pump-barrels, each 10½ inches in diameter by 15 inches stroke. The earth is moved through a 6-inch pipe nearly a mile and three-quarters long, and is mixed with double its volume of water. A series of trials have been made to find the power required for the transportation of the earth, and the results are given in Table XII. TABLE XII. SHOWING THE POWER REQUIRED FOR PUMPING BRICK EARTH. PUMP BY TAYLOR & NEATE, ROCHESTER. EXPERIMENTS AT BRICK-YARDS OF SMEED, DEAN & CO., SITTINGBOURNE, ENGLAND. OBSERVED DATA. PROBABLE DISTRIBUTION OF POWER. PROBABLE DISTRIBU- TION OF POWER RE- DUCED TO A MEAN SPEED OF 130 REVOLU TIONS PER MINUTE BY DIRECT PROPORTION. I 123456 780 114 133 124 C 3′.0" 30 122'Off. Off. • 66 3′.0" 5.5 5 5 Off. Off. Off. 6.24 Off. Off. Off. 6.24 66 143 143 4.4" 66 66 31 7 37 4'.4" 26 66 7 28 66 35 143 136 3'.6″ 8 23 18 7 8 23 18 56 22 15 7 8 104 16.670 + 5 141 25 12 7 151 3.0" 44 23 II 7 130 20.882 + 5 129 20.6 70 +5. 88, 14.1 75+5 mom mom 0 $ 5777765 0865 ♥ ♥ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 22 15 52 8 31 15 61 8 34 16 65 Note.-As the horse-power at 130 revolutions is calculated in direct proportion only, it is probably considerably under the mark where the speeds were low. If the power increased as the square of the speed, 90 I. H. P. would have been required instead of 65, and this power ought to be available for emergencies. 190 PUMPING MACHINERY. At these trials the entire plant consisted of two wash-mills, well-pumps, and slurry-pumps, and the slurry-pumps driven by a 20 H. P. portable engine with reduced boiler-pressure. This engine was not powerful enough for the work, and was usually assisted by a 12 H. P. portable engine driving on to its fly-wheel; during the experiments, however, the 20 H. P. engine was forced and the auxiliary disconnected. The quantity of earth delivered through the 6-inch pipe line, 2782 yards long, was equal to 1600 cubic yards per week of 60 hours, mixed with about double this volume of water. The power averaged through a number of diagrams was about 60 indicated horse-power, of which the slurry-pumps took approximately half and the wash-mills the other half, the well- pumps, which only lifted the water about 10 feet, being quite unimportant. As only one man is required to attend to the engine, the wash-mill, and the pumps, and coal is worth $4.00 per ton delivered to the clay-pit, it is obvious that the cost for current expenses (taking the consumption at 4 pounds per I. H. P. per hour) will not exceed two cents per yard of earth transported, or about one cent per ton per mile; and when it is considered that the clay would have to be washed in any case, the cost for transport comes to less than one-half cent per ton per mile, which is probably the cheapest example of land transport on record, considering the distance. Unfor- tunately, the conditions of depth of slurry in the wash-mill, proportion of water in the slurry, and the speed of working varied so considerably that the results were very divergent. The above may be taken, however, as fairly approximate, as eight sets of diagrams were taken, and reduced by direct pro- portion (for want of a better rule) to a mean speed of the average of which has been given above. Single-Crank Engine without Fly-Wheel.-—A steam- end and valve-motion for a single-cylinder crank-pump without a fly-wheel was ingeniously worked out by Shand, Mason & Co., London. This engine was designed by them to meet the objections taken to the fire-engines of this firm which carry a STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 191 fly-wheel, and in consequence of this objectionable feature the pump cannot have the valves so arranged as to be as easy of access as they should be. Referring to the steam-end only, Figs. 151, 152, and 153 illustrate the man- ner in which the im- proved valve arrange- . have ments been carried out by which a continuous rotary motion of the crank- shaft is obtained. The crank is assisted past the dead centres without the aid of a fly-wheel by means of a piston fitted on the slide-rod, which latter is made to perform alternately the duties of a slide-rod and a connecting - rod. As a slide-rod it is im- pelled by the crank- shaft, whilst as a connecting - rod the crank-shaft is impelled by it. Fig. 151 is an elevation in part sec- tion, Fig. 152 is a sectional plan, and m M N E FIG 1. FIG. 151. Fig. 153 an end elevation, partly in section, of the arrange- ment for obtaining this result. On the crank-shaft of engines in which the steam-supply is regulated by a slide-valve an eccentric is fixed for the purpose 1 192 PUMPING MACHINERY. of giving motion to that valve. The position of the eccentric on the crank-shaft is considerably in advance of the crank, FIG 152. .FIG 日 ​D and usually above 90°. Therefore, when the crank is at either of the dead centres, or at zero, the eccentric is in a favorable position for assisting the crank if auxiliary power were supplied to the slide when in this position. The slide would then be- come the motor of the crank-shaft, the eccentric would act as the crank, and the eccentric-rod would act as a connecting- rod. Thus, when the engine-crank is on either of its dead cen- tres, the slide auxil- iary would be in full action, and when the slide - eccentric (or crank) was on either of its dead centres, the engine - crank would be in full ac- tion. By turning these facts to ac- count, the designers obtain a continuous rotary motion of the crank-shaft, not requiring the moving of the crank past its dead centres for starting nor the momentum of a fly-wheel STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 193 . while in motion, as there are no dead points on which the engine would stop, and no part of its revolution at which it would not start. To obtain this auxiliary power the slide-rod is prolonged through the steam-chest into a small cylinder. On the slide-rod and in the small cylinder is a pis- ton, while there is provided in the steam - chest a small auxiliary slide, which is actuated by pro- jections on it for D B FIG. 153. Τ С coming into con- tact with a pro- jection on the main slide - valve frame. The auxiliary valve is thus moved so as to admit the steam to, or to release it from, the small cylinder, thus actuating the piston fixed to the slide-rod, and through the slide connecting-rod or cross-head conveying motion to the small crank, and thus applying power for assisting the main crank over its dead centres. Referring to Figs. 151 and 152, A is the steam-valve; B, the frame enclosing that valve; C, a small auxiliary valve; D, the steam-chest; E, a small auxiliary cylinder; F, its piston; G, a small crank for actuating the slide; H, the engine-crank work- ing in a cross-head; I, the engine-cylinder; and J, its piston. The piston is shown at the beginning of its stroke, the crank H on the dead centre, and the small crank G in position for opening the steam-port K, and at about 100° in advance of the crank H. During the time the crank His on the centre, steam is passing through the small port L and along the pipe M to the end of the auxiliary cylinder E, and pressing the piston F in the direction of the arrow will move the crank H by the crank G past its dead centre into a position in which it Ι I 12 17 194 PUMPING MACHINERY. 1 has power. The crank H will then carry the crank G to its dead centre, and the slide A to the end of its stroke. Mean- FIG. 154. D while, the pro- jection N on the sling B will touch the pro- jection on the slide Cand push it across the port L, opening the same to the exhaust, and opening the port S at the other end of the auxiliary slide, and ad- mitting steam to the other side of the small piston F, to re- peat the action on the opposite dead centres, the two cranks thus continuing to assist each other, and main- taining a con- tinuous rotation of the crank- shaft P. The small crank G represents the usual eccentric for working the slide-valve, its action being the same; but, to avoid friction, its diameter has been reduced, and it is called a crank.' STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 195 . A geared pump with eccentrics adapted to a duplex water-end is shown in elevation in Fig. 154, and in plan in Fig. 155. This particular pump has a water-end 8 inches bore by 12 inches stroke, similar to the sectional elevation, Fig. 116. This pump has been working continu- ously for three years past at a pressure aver- aging more than 100 pounds per square inch. It was with some hesitancy that the writer adopted eccen- trics when designing this pump, but the suc- cess attending the prac- tical working of a num- ber of power - pumps thus operated has com- pletely dispelled any first doubts had regard- ing the employment of eccentrics for pumps of 12 inches stroke. Pump-plungers of short stroke operated by eccentrics have long been in use in this country for boiler-feed- ing and other purposes, and have rendered good doll гото FIG. 155. and economical service. An advantage which such a train of mechanism offers is its compactness. In this design the eccentrics are bolted to the main gear, no power being trans- 196 PUMFING MACHINERY. FIG. 156. : FOL STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 197 : mitted through the shaft, which serves only to take the thrust of the water-plungers. A geared crank-pump, such as shown in side elevation in Fig. 156, and in end elevation in Fig. 157, is the kind recom- mended for large pumps; that is to say, water-ends having plung- ers 14 inches in diameter by 18 inches stroke, and larger. Pumps of this kind must be made to suit the conditions of FIG. 157. Ο service for each installa- tion. Greater strength is commonly giv- en geared pow- er-pumps than O is thought to suffice for steam-pumps, and especially is this the case when a pump is to be driven by a train of gearing attached to a water-wheel. In direct-acting steam-pumps there is always an elastic cushion of steam in the cylinders. with which to resist sudden jars or vibrations in the water column, but if a water-wheel be employed, its rate of revolu- tion being so much greater than that of the pump crank- shaft, together with the fact that there is an inelastic medium at both ends of the pumping machine, unusual strains occur, for which ample provision must be made in the strength of parts; it is also the common practice to operate such pumps 17* 198 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 158. sizes, in such localities as do not readily afford either steam or belt power. The experimental introduction of electrical at lower piston-speeds than in the case of steam-pumps. For ordinary steam-pumps the writer uses a factor of safety of ten, but for pumps of this class he does not consider it prudent to employ a factor of less than fifteen. Electrical pumps, so called because driven by an electric motor, are now being introduced, especially in the smaller 1 ROBERT WARNER & CO LONDON & WALTON ON THE NAZE STEAM AND POWER CRANK-PUMPS. 199 pumps in mining operations promises well, but thus far no reliable data has been published in which a comparison of the best type of direct-acting engines has been brought into direct competition with electric-motor pumps when handling any considerable quantity of water, or when working under heads similar to that called for in mines. No distinct type or design of pump for this use has yet been adopted or followed by leading pump-makers, the common practice being to simply attach the electric motor to the pinion-shaft of any power- pump of a size and type best suited to the work to be done. The illustration, Fig. 158, represents a compact and well- designed arrangement of a three-throw plunger-pump and electric motor, with double gearing to adapt the two speeds to each other. The pump is not a large one, it having a capacity. somewhat less than 100 gallons per minute, the ratio of gearing being suited to a delivery of 600 feet in height. 200 PUMPING MACHINERY. CHAPTER X. DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. A direct-acting steam-pump is one in which the water and the steam-ends are centrally in line with each other, so that the water-plunger and the steam-piston can be attached to the same piston-rod, both working together without the intervention of a crank. This makes the simplest and most compact form of steam pumping engine, and in its application to all the ordinary operations of pumping outnumbers by far all other varieties of pumping machines combined, and this notwithstanding the fact that the ordinary direct-acting steam- pump is, perhaps, the most wasteful and extravagant form of steam-engine in use at this time. The remarkable growth of the direct-acting pump business may be explained in part by the commercial practice, which most buyers closely adhere to, and that is to pay the least possible price for a pump, just as they do for everything else. The direct-acting pump can be more cheaply built than can a crank-pump for any given capacity, and is, therefore, able to meet any possible compe- tition in that direction; they also occupy less space than a crank and fly-wheel pump, and thus compete sharply where space is valuable enough to take that fact into account; they weigh much less than crank-pumps, so that for use on ship- board the lighter pump is generally chosen. The practical workings of the leading designs of direct- acting pumps have, in the main, been satisfactory from the beginning; it is true that many and important changes have been made in the valve-gear from time to time, so as to give the steam-end the appearance of an entirely different design from the original, but a close examination of the fundamental DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 201 : • principles would show that the departure was much less than at first imagined. Two distinct types appeared about the same time nearly fifty years ago; one in which the main steam-valve was mechanically moved by a tappet-arm secured to the piston-rod, operating adjustable stops attached to the valve-rod; of this type the Worthington single pump is a familiar example to the older engineers, the manufacture of this particular design of pump having been discontinued for several years. The other type was fitted with an auxiliary steam-cylinder for operating the main valve by steam-pressure, the pistons in the auxiliary cylinder being controlled by a separate driving mechanism worked from the main piston-rod of the pump, of this type the Knowles pump is a familiar example. The Knowles Valve Motion.-Fig. 159 is a sectional view of the steam-cylinder and valve motion of the Knowles pump. The construction is described as follows: An auxiliary piston works in the steam-chest and drives the main valve. This auxiliary, or "chest-piston," as it is called, is driven backwards and forwards by the pressure of steam, carrying with it the main valve, which valve, in turn, gives steam to the main steam-piston that operates the pump. The main valve is a plain slide-valve of the B form, working on a flat seat. The chest-piston is slightly rotated by the valve motion; this rotative movement places the small steam-ports (which are located in the under side of the chest-piston) in proper contact with corresponding ports cut in the steam-chest. The steam entering through the port at one end and filling the space between the chest-piston and the head, drives the said piston to the end of its stroke and, as before mentioned, carries the main slide-valve with it. When the chest-piston has travelled a certain distance, a port on the opposite end is uncovered and steam there enters, stopping its farther travel by giving it the necessary cushion. In other words, when the rotative motion is given to the auxiliary or valve-driving 202 PUMPING MACHINERY. PUM piston by the mechanism outside, it opens the port to steam admission on one end, and at the same time opens the port on the other end to the exhaust. Thus instant and positive motion is secured with but few working parts. There is no point in the stroke at which either the chest-piston or the main piston is not open to direct steam-pressure. A descrip- tion of the operation of the pump is as follows: The piston- rod, with its tappet-arm, moves backwards and forwards from FIG. 159. CHEST PISTON Junny F ய STEAM VALVE und! the impulse given by the steam-piston. At the lower part of this tappet-arm is attached a stud or bolt on which there is a friction-roller. This roller, coming in contact with the "rocker- bar" at the end of each stroke, operates the latter. The mo- tion given the "rocker-bar" is transmitted to the valve-rod by means of the connection between, causing the valve-rod to partially rotate. This action operates the chest-piston, which carries with it the main slide-valve. The said valve giving DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 203 ניון steam to the main piston, the operation of the pump is com- plete and continuous. The upper end of the tappet-arm does not come in contact with the tappets on the valve-rod, except the steam-pressure from any cause fail to move the chest-piston, in which case the tappet-arm moves it mechanically. The friction-roller on the tappet-arm may be lowered or raised when desired, to adjust the pump for a longer or shorter stroke. The Cameron Valve Motion.-A sectional view of the steam-cylinder of the Cameron pump with its valve motion is shown in Fig. 160 A is the steam-cylinder; C, the piston; D, the piston-rod; L, the steam-chest; F, the chest-piston or plunger, the right- FIG. 160. ल R A hand end of which is shown in section; G, the slide-valve; H, a starting-bar connected with a handle on the outside; II are reversing-valves; K K are the bonnets over reversing- valve chambers; and E E are exhaust ports leading from the ends of steam-chest direct to the main exhaust and closed by 204 PUMPING MACHINERY. the reversing-valves II; N is the body piece connecting the steam- and water-cylinders. The operation of the pump is as follows: Steam is admitted to the steam-chest, and, through small holes in the ends of the plunger F, fills the spaces at the ends and the ports E E as far as the reversing-valves II. With the plunger F and slide- valve G in position to the right (as shown in the cut), steam would be admitted to the right-hand end of the steam-cylin- der A, and the piston C would be moved to the left. When it reaches the reversing-valve I, it opens it and exhausts the space at the left-hand end of the plunger F, through the passage E; the expansion of steam at the right-hand end changes the position of the plunger F, and with it the slide- valve G, and the motion of the piston C is instantly reversed. The same operation repeated makes the motion continuous. In its movement the plunger F acts as a slide-valve to shut off the ports E E, and is cushioned on the confined steam between the ports and steam-chest cover. The reversing- valves II are closed immediately the piston C leaves them, by a pressure of steam on their outer ends, conveyed direct from the steam-chest. The Blake Valve Motion.-Fig. 161 shows sectional views of the steam-cylinder, valves, etc., of Blake's steam-pump. The following is the description of the operation of the valves given in the company's catalogue: The main or pump driving-piston A could not be made to work slowly were the main valve to derive its movement solely from this piston; for when this valve had reached the centre of its stroke, in which position the ports leading to the main cylinder would be closed, no steam could enter the cylinder to act on said piston, consequently the latter would come to rest, since its momentum would be insufficient to keep it in motion, and the main valve would remain in its central position or "dead centre." dead centre." To shift this valve from its central position and admit steam in front of the main piston (whereby the motion of the piston is reversed and its DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 205 action continued), some agent independent of the main piston must be used. In the Blake pump this independent agent is the supplemental or valve driving-piston B. The main valve, which controls the admission of steam to and the escape of steam from the main cylinder, is divided FIG. 161. EXHAUST K STEAM PPLEMENTAL Ꮴ Ꭻ J E K TRAZI H H into two parts, one of which, C, slides upon a seat on the main cylinder, and at the same time affords a seat for the other part, D, which slides upon the upper face of C. As shown in 18 206 PUMPING MACHINERY. the engravings, D is at the left-hand end of its stroke and C at the opposite or right-hand end of its stroke. Steam from the steam-chest J is therefore entering the right-hand end of the main cylinder through the ports E and H, and the exhaust is escaping through the ports H¹, E¹, K, and M, which causes the main piston A to move from right to left. When this piston has nearly reached the left-hand end of its cylinder the valve motion (not shown) moves the valve-rod P, and thus causes C, together with its supplemental valves R and S S' (which form, with C, one casting), to be moved from right to left. This movement causes steam to be admitted to the left- hand end of the supplemental cylinder, whereby its piston B will be forced towards the right, carrying D with it to the opposite or right-hand end of its stroke; for the movement of S closes N (the steam-port leading to the right-hand end), and the movement of S' opens N¹ (the steam-port leading to the opposite or left-hand end), at the same time the movement of Vopens the right-hand end of this cylinder to the exhaust, through the exhaust-ports X and Z. The parts C and D now have positions opposite to those shown in the engravings, and steam is therefore entering the main cylinder through the ports E¹ and H¹, and escaping through the ports H, E, K, and M, which will cause the main piston A to move in the opposite direction, or from left to right, and operations simi- lar to those already described will follow, when the piston approaches the right-hand end of its cylinder. By this simple arrangement the pump is rendered positive in its action; that is, it will instantly start and continue working the moment steam is admitted to the steam-chest. The main piston A cannot strike the heads of its cylinder; for the main valve has a lead, or, in other words, steam is always admitted in front of said piston just before it reaches either end of its cylinder, even should the supplemental piston B be tardy in its action and remain with D at that end towards which the piston A is moving, for C would be moved far enough to open the steam-port leading to the main cylinder, since the possible travel of C is greater than that of D. . DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 207 The supplemental piston B cannot strike the heads of its cylinder, for in its alternate passage beyond the exhaust-ports X and X', it cushions on the vapor entrapped in the ends of this cylinder. The Clarkson Valve Motion.-The longitudinal and transverse section of a direct - acting steam- 、 cylinder, shown in Fig. 162, presents some peculiarities which are quite interesting. is This pump is one of a large class in which the motion of the steam distributing - valve made quite automatic, all eccentrics, tappets, or valve-gear of any kind being dispensed with. The means by which the valve is made to move are here very simple. The valve is cylindrical, and capable of an endlong motion, without rotation, steam- tight, in a cylindrical box placed on the top of the steam-cylinder. By means of closed ends and the two trans- verse partitions the valve is divided into three separate compart- O FIG. 162. ments. The steam-ports of the cylinder terminate, or rather commence, in openings into the bottom of the valve-chamber, 208 PUMPING MACHINERY. while the steam-pipe terminates in two openings in the top of the same chamber. The end compartments of the valve have holes top and bottom so arranged that in certain positions they allow free communication between the cylinder-port and the steam-pipe; the steam on being admitted to the cylinder, therefore, passes through these compartments. The middle compartment is open on the under side, and serves just the same purpose as the hollow under an ordinary slide-valve, making the communication between the steam- and exhaust- ports. The steam-piston is double-ended, the space between the two ends being always in free communication with the exhaust by means of a hole in the cylinder-wall. The clear distance between what are virtually the two pistons must therefore be equal to the stroke of the engine plus the width of the hole just mentioned. Two small holes about ½ inch diameter are also made in the side of the cylinder, and pass- ages from these communicate with the two ends of the valve- chamber, each hole communicating with the end which is farthest from it. These holes are so placed that when the piston is at or near either end of its stroke one of them opens into the space between the piston (and consequently into the exhaust), and the other into the cylinder beyond one. of the pistons. % We can now describe the action of the valve. When it is in the position shown, the steam passing downwards through the right-hand compartment of the valve forces the piston from right to left, the steam on the left of the piston exhaust- ing freely through the centre of the valve. As soon as the right-hand piston passes the small hole, however, steam rushes through it, and throws the valve suddenly over from left to right (for the other end of the valve is in communication with the exhaust), and so admits fresh steam against the left-hand piston, and allows that which has just been doing the work to be discharged. At the end of the stroke the piston is again in the position shown in the engraving, the valve is thrown over from right to left, and so the operations go on ad infinitum. DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 209 The object of the small brass handle seen in the cross- section is to start the engine if the valves should happen to have stopped in the wrong place when the pump last ceased working. Dean Brothers' Valve-Gear.-The motion of the auxil- iary steam slide-valve is continuous like that derived from an eccentric. All other steam-pumps have an intermittent motion. The ports leading to the chest-piston are closed, except at the moment the main piston is being reversed; hence there can be no "blow through" or waste of steam in case the chest-piston becomes worn. The stroke, of pump can be instantly regulated by moving the stud in slot at the upper end of lever. If raised, the pump will make shorter strokes; if lowered, it will make longer strokes. The advantages claimed for this steam- valve gear are: It is 00 வ FIG. 163. noiseless. The auxiliary valve, having a long stroke and a rapid motion, insures a prompt reversal of the piston at the proper time. There can be no waste of steam or poor working incident to the wearing of chest-piston. It is durable and positive. The stroke of pump can be instantly changed. Action of Valve-Gear.-The auxiliary valve F slides on the valve-seat E2, and is provided on its under side with diagonal exhaust-cavities d d. The ports bb' and exhaust- port c are arranged in the shape of a triangle, and the diagonal cavities diverge from each other, whereby the cavity d connects 18* 210 PUMPING MACHINERY. the ports b and c, and cavity d¹ connects the ports b¹ and c when the valve F is in extreme positions. The operation is as follows: When the main piston moves from left to right, the valve F is moved in an opposite direction, opening the port b', admitting steam to the sub-cylinder E¹ at the moment the main piston has reached the limit of its stroke, whereby the auxiliary piston E is forced to the left, opening FIG. 163 A. H F' CE d 20 H G the main port and admitting steam to the steam-cylinder, consequently rever- sing the movement of the main piston. On the return stroke of the main piston the movement of the auxiliary valve is reversed, whereby the port b' is closed, and at the moment the main piston has reached the limit of its outer stroke, the port b is opened by the valve F, causing the auxiliary piston E to reverse its mo- tion, opening the main port and re- versing the motion of the main piston. By this continu- ous movement of the auxiliary slide-valve the ports b and b¹ are kept closed, except at the end of each stroke, at the moment the main piston is reversed. This prevents any waste of steam in case the auxiliary piston is worn enough to leak as the ports b and b' are closed. The arrangement DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 211 الراد H K FIG. 164. 212 PUMPING MACHINERY. of ports admits of a short valve with a long travel. The length of stroke of pump can be regulated by moving the stud G2 up or down in the segmental slot G¹, as this varies. the travel of the auxiliary valve, thereby reversing the stroke of main piston earlier or later. The action is noiseless. Davidson Valve Motion.-The mechanism of this valve is illustrated in the accompanying drawing, Fig. 164. Its principal peculiarity consists in the fact that it is moved both by direct steam-pressure and by mechanical connection with the main piston-rod of the engine. The cylindrical steam- chest Mis bored out to make a face for the valve A and the pistons B and B', which assist in operating the valve. Suffi- cient space is allowed between the pistons for the valve and the steam-ports. In the exhaust-steam passage is placed a cylindrical cam, which is rocked back and forth by an arm connecting with a cross-head clamped to the piston-rod. This cam engages with a steel pin in the centre of the valve, and is of such shape that it moves the valve back and forth, and also oscillates the valve on its axis. By oscillating the valve small passages are opened and closed, opening either end of the valve-case alternately to steam and to exhaust. This gives a quick opening of the ports and largely relieves the valve motion of friction and wear. When one of the main steam-ports ƒ is completely open, admitting steam to the cylinder and driving main piston, cam, and valve in direction shown by arrows, the first movement of the cam will be to oscillate the valve preparatory to bringing it in proper position for the opening of the auxiliary steam- port e to live steam, and e' to exhaust. It will then bring the valve to its closure (mechanically) slightly before the end of the stroke of main piston, thereby causing slight cut-off and com- pression. It will then fully open the auxiliary port e to steam, and e' to exhaust. The admission of steam to one end of the valve-piston, the other being open to exhaust, throws the valve in the direction shown by the arrow, admitting and exhausting steam to and from the main cylinder for the return stroke. DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 213 The advantages of this arrangement are that the pump has no dead centre, the auxiliary ports e and e' being opened whenever the main steam-ports ƒ and ƒ' are closed. The closing of the valve before the piston reaches the end of the stroke eases the action of the pump and prevents the piston from striking the cylinder- heads. The fact that the valve is moved mechanically as well as by steam also insures a uniform length of stroke. The Marsh valve-gear is shown in the sectional engrav- ing, Fig. 165, which engraving also includes the water-valves already described. This valve movement has no external mechanism, the movements of the steam-actuated valve being controlled by the movement of the steam-piston, and con- FIG. 165. T versely. A section of the steam-chest on a larger scale is shown in Fig. 165 A, and another detail of the valve in Fig. 165 B. The valve is solid and all in one piece, except that one head is screwed on, as shown in the engraving. 214 PUMPING MACHINERY. The steam-valve does not require setting. It has no dead centre, and will always start when the steam is admitted. The steam-piston, as shown, is double, and each head is provided with a metal packing-ring, the interior space constituting a reservoir for live-steam pressure, supplied by the live-steam pipe through a drilled hole shown by dotted lines. At each FIG. 165 A. end of the steam-cylinder are similar holes leading to each end of steam-chest, which, together with the centrally-drilled hole and the space between the piston-heads, constitute posi- tive means for tripping or reversing the valve with live steam. The governing element of the valve is the enlarged heads, which present differential areas to the action of steam. FIG. 165 B. The inner area of the valve-head is reduced by an amount equal to the cross-sectional area of the valve body, and is acted upon by live-steam pressure, which varies with the annular opening of the valve due to linear movement. The outer area of the valve-head is larger, and is acted upon by the pressure that moves the main piston. The working pressure in the DIRECT-ACTING STEAM PUMPS. 215 main cylinder acting upon the larger area of the valve tends to increase the annular opening of the valve, while the in- coming steam acting upon the smaller area of the valve-head tends to reduce the annular opening. Each movement finds its limit in the preponderance of the opposing force. If the piston moves easily much pressure cannot exist in the steam- cylinder, as the piston would rapidly fly away from it, and as the pressure in the steam-cylinder and outer end of valve- chamber is always the same, the larger area of the valve-head would have slight force to enlarge the portage when the piston moved easily. On the other hand, if the piston moved hard, or against much resistance, the pressure in the cylinder would readily augment, and the larger area of the valve-head would overcome the resistance of the inner area and increase the portage of the valve. The Guild and Garrison valve motion differs mate- FIG 166. F C ID rially in its arrangement from other steam-thrown valves, in that while the final stroke of the main valve is effected by a 216 PUMPING MACHINERY. i difference in steam-pressures, the greater part of its movement is mechanically controlled by the steam-piston. A sectional elevation of this valve-motion is shown in Fig. 166, and in longitudinal elevation showing the exterior moving parts in Fig. 167. FIG. 167. The steam-chest is a rectangular chamber; in its interior are two small cylindrical openings, one at each end; there is also at the side a raised seat for the auxiliary valve; these are part of the casting. Small ports run from the ends of the small cylinders to the seat of the auxiliary valve and to the main exhaust-port. A plain cylindrical casting, each end con- stituting a piston, fits into the small cylinders. This piece, called the valve-driver, has two slots or openings at its centre, the lower one just large enough to receive a lug on the back of the main steam-valve, the top one being intended to receive the large toe of the rock-shaft. The rock-shaft crosses the steam-chest at right angles to the movement of the valves; it is made of steel and has two toes, the larger one engaging DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 217 with the valve-driver by means of the slot just mentioned, and the smaller toe fitting into the back of the auxiliary valve. There is no lost motion in the latter. Both the main steam- valve and the auxiliary valve are plain flat slide-valves, and there are no ports whatever in the valve-driver. By means of a lever and link connected with the piston-rod, any motion of the rod causes the rock-shaft to rotate and the steam-valves to move in unison. The office of the main steam-valve, is, of course, to admit steam into, or permit it to exhaust from, the main steam-cylin- der of the pump; the auxiliary valve performs the same office for the valve-driver cylinders in the chest, both being actuated by the toes upon the rock-shaft. The auxiliary valve is a D- valve, and its action is precisely the same as a D slide-valve in a steam-engine, and its effect upon the valve-driver is exactly the same as if it were a piston of a steam-engine. In operation, the piston being at the end of its stroke and the pump about to be started, steam is admitted, and the main steam-piston moves forward; simultaneously motion is com- municated to the rock-shaft by means of its connection with the piston-rod, the valve-driver and the auxiliary valve are mechanically moved at the same time and in the same direction as the steam-piston. This action continues until the piston has nearly completed its stroke, when the auxiliary valve un- covers the small steam passage leading to one of the chest- cylinders, steam enters the latter and exhausts from the oppo- site chest-cylinder; the valve-driver is thereby driven ahead, carrying the main steam-valve with it. The travel of the main valve is thus completed, and it is brought in position to reverse the stroke of the main steam-piston. If the pump were now stopped, the valves would be found to occupy the same relative position as at the beginning of the stroke, the valve-driver having been carried forward ready to meet the contact of the large toe on the rock-shaft upon its return. It will be seen from this description that the valve-driver, or in effect the main steam-valve, is not dependent for the greater part of its movement upon differences of steam-press- K 19 218 PUMPING MACHINERY. ure, but that so long as the main pistons act it is compelled to respond to their motion; and that when steam is finally admitted to and exhausted from the chest-cylinders, this valve is already in motion, and requires but a slight additional im- pulse to finish its throw. It is also apparent that as the motion of the auxiliary valve is practically continuous, there can be no dead point, and that the pump will start from any part of its stroke and run with a uniform motion. The advantages claimed for this arrangement are positive action and good wearing qualities. The construction is simple and easily understood upon inspection. The isochronal valve-gear, by the Gordon Steam-Pump Company. Fig. 168 represents a steam pumping engine with Lag d' C FIG. 168. F e B D" I H J an ordinary steam-moved valve, the auxiliary valve being moved by a lever driven by the main piston-rod. This lever takes hold of a sliding-cylinder, H, whose piston, G, is fixed ? DIRECT ACTING STEAM PUMPS. 219 upon a prolongation of the rod of the auxiliary piston. A cock, L, places the two ends of this cataract-cylinder H in communication, and makes the passage free or restricted as required by circumstances. Assume the cataract-cylinder to be empty. The machine will then act as usual. At the end of a stroke the auxiliary valve will be opened, and the auxiliary piston will open the main steam-valve the full width, and so on for each stroke, the cataract-piston not interfering at all with the usual move- ment of the auxiliary piston. If something happens to the discharge system, such, for instance, as the bursting of a main, it is obvious that the unresisted pump-piston will be shot for- ward with the full force of the steam, and damage is liable to ensue. It is the office of the cataract-cylinder to prevent ex- cessive motion of the main parts in such an emergency and to insure a uniform piston-speed. The cataract-cylinder is filled with liquid, and it is obvious that the auxiliary piston in making its usual stroke must needs pass the cataract liquid from one end of the cataract- cylinder to the other, the cock L being so adjusted that this transfer of the liquid can take place just so fast and no faster. It follows that the auxiliary piston, at proper pumping speeds, is uninterfered with by the cataract-piston, the liquid simply passing from one end of the cylinder to the other. The cataract-cylinder is always moving, and in case the pump-piston should, by reason of resistance being removed, attempt to jump ahead, the liquid in the cataract-cylinder would have to pass much more rapidly through its restricted passages. This it refuses to do; therefore the cataract-cylin- der imparts, through the medium of its liquid, more or less of its motion to the auxiliary piston and to the main valve, thus closing the main valve more or less. Briefly, if the pump seeks to move too fast it automatically affects a closure of its valve, and if the pump moves too slowly the steam- pressure upon the auxiliary piston preponderates over the cataract resistance and an opening of the main valve is effected. By this simple device complete control is had over 220 PUMPING MACHINERY. • the main parts. With it we do not think it possible that serious damage could occur to a direct-acting steam pumping engine. Cases have occurred in large machines where a dis- charge-valve has been blown out, thus letting the full head of water against the plunger on the back stroke. This would mean destruction to an ordinary machine. The isochronal machine, as its makers aver, "continues the even tenor of its way under such circumstances." The makers test all pump- ing machines under steam and full load, and one of the tests of the isochronal is to restrict the discharge to the merest trifle of an outlet. While the machine is working against this im- mense resistance they suddenly open the discharge-valve full width, thus removing all of the resistance. The cataract- cylinder asserts itself and no running away occurs; in fact, hardly a perceptible change occurs. Valve-Gear with Cataract.-The steam-end illustrated in Fig. 169 was designed by the writer, and exhibits the some- what unusual feature in a steam-cylinder for a single direct- acting pump in its having five ports; but it may be explained that this valve motion was so designed that the same steam- cylinder, such as used for duplex pumps, might be used for single pumps also, the principal business at the time being the manufacture of duplex pumps. The economic advantages secured by this design in the factory consisted in the employ- ment in common, by both styles of pumps, of the steam-cylin- der, slide-valve (with slight alterations for driving it), piston, piston-rod, cylinder-heads, and stuffing-box. Instead of the ordinary steam-chest, such as usually furnished duplex pumps, a special one was made not unlike those in common use for single pumps, and which in our description we will call the auxiliary cylinder. This cylinder has a double piston, one fitted to each end, and midway between these two pistons are collars for driving the main slide-valve. This auxiliary cylin- der, like the main steam-cylinder, is provided with five ports, and covering these is a plain flat slide-valve receiving its motion from a rocker-arm, the shaft of which is operated by DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 221 the swinging movement of a lever driven by the cross-head attached to the main piston-rod, The two outer ports are for steam, the three inner ones are for the exhaust. The slide-valve has no lap or lead on either the steam or exhaust sides, consequently a steam- and its cor- responding exhaust-port must be open from end to end of the stroke. When the piston travels past an exhaust-port it thereby cuts off all escape of exhaust steam from the cylin- FIG. 169. : der, and compresses the remaining portion, which is a suffi- cient cushion to prevent the piston striking the heads. The small slide-valve above the auxiliary piston distributes the steam so as to give motion to the piston underneath by admitting steam at one end of the auxiliary cylinder, and un- covering the exhaust-port leading from the other end, the effect of which is to cause the auxiliary piston to move with the pressure, a movement which continues until its forward edge closes the exhaust-port, cushions the pent-up exhaust steam, and with the increasing pressure thus obtained the 19* 222 PUMPING MACHINERY. piston gradually comes to a state of rest; at the same time that this movement is going on the main slide-valve has been carried by the auxiliary piston in the same direction, effecting a corresponding opening of the steam- and exhaust-ports in the main cylinder, and producing a similar movement of the main piston. When the main piston approaches and finally reaches the end of its stroke the vibrating lever driven by the main cross-head gives the segmental tappet a partial rotation, which through the intervention of a rocker-arm and valve-rod carries the small slide-valve over to the opposite end of the valve-chest, and the whole operation is then reversed. The steam from the boiler is admitted to the main steam- chest; that is to say, to that space between the two auxiliary pistons in which the main slide-valve is located; as the pistons are both of the same area, they are not influenced in any way by this pressure. There is a small hole (not shown in the drawing) drilled from the steam-chest for the small slide-valve over the auxiliary pistons, down into the steam space below, so that boiler-pressure is also had for operating the auxiliary pistons. The exhaust from the small slide-valve may lead down into the main exhaust cavity, or into the atmosphere. The adjustable cataract shown in the engraving was for the purpose of steadying the movement of the auxiliary piston. It consists of a piston and rod connecting directly to the aux- iliary piston, so that their movements may be identical. The rods pass through both ends of both cylinders, so that no unbalanced pressures occur in the auxiliary steam-cylinder, and no difference in areas exists in the two ends of the cataract- cylinder. This latter cylinder has but one port extending from end to end, as shown in the drawing; between the two ends a slotted plug is inserted, by the partial rotation of which any amount of opening from a full port to absolute closure may be secured. This cylinder is to be filled with any con- venient fluid, mineral oil, for example, and the plug inserted; it is then ready for service. The function of the cataract is to control the movement of the auxiliary piston and prevent a violent movement by requiring the displacement of the oil DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMFS. 223 FIG. 170. 0 on one side of the cataract- piston, forcing it through the slotted plug and emptying into the opposite end of the cylinder; by a partial rota- tion of this plug a greater or less resistance is secured, by which a quicker or slower movement of the auxiliary piston and main slide-valve is also secured. Once this plug is adjusted to the work to be done by the main pump, no further attention need be given it, as the pump will continue to op- erate at this fixed number of strokes per minute whether there is any load on the pump or not. The deep-well pump- ing engine, or artesian-well pump, as commonly called, illustrated in Fig. 170, is an adaptation of the same kind of valve motion as that just described, differing only in a few minor points of detail. No cataract is supplied this 224 PUMPING MACHINERY. steam-end, as another method of governing is employed. The ports, main valve, auxiliary piston, and small slide-valve are substantially the same in design. The method of moving the tappets is different, and is probably the best device of the two, as it is easier to make any needed adjustments than with the segmental tappets. Two dangerous accidents are likely to occur in deep-well pumping,-one, the breakage of a pump-rod, the other, a fail- ure of water-supply. Either of these is liable to damage the steam-end, if not to wholly wreck it, especially when pumping from great depths, unless some provision be made in advance to meet such a contingency should it occur. The cushioning of the exhaust is at once a convenient and satisfactory method of controlling the movement of the main piston. By reference to the engraving two semi-cylindrical plugs are shown in the exhaust-ports, the function of which is to control the flow of the exhaust steam from the cylinder by giving these plugs a partial rotation so as to choke the exhaust; a sufficient back pressure can be had to secure any desired rate of piston-speed, fast or slow, with a full load or without any load. As each plug may be separately adjusted, a separate movement may be secured to the upward or to the downward movement of the piston, adapting it to the depth of the well or to any other conditions of supply. Compounding Single Direct-Acting Pumps.—When so desired, single direct-acting steam-ends may be arranged for using steam expansively by the addition of a low-press- ure cylinder, tandem to that of the high. The slide-valve- faces for the high- and low-pressure cylinders should be in the same plane by carrying up that of the smaller cylinder to the level of the larger. The slide-valve in the high-press- ure cylinder need not differ from that which would be used if no compounding were attempted. The auxiliary piston would differ only in having a rod passing through its cylinder-head into the steam-chest of the low-pressure cylinder. To balance the pressure, an extension of the same diameter should pass DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 225 through the opposite cylinder-head; and if a similar extension be provided at the opposite end of the low-pressure steam- chest, the balance would then be complete. The auxiliary cylinder must be large enough to easily and promptly handle both slide-valves; if this cylinder be one-half the diameter of the high-pressure cylinder, ample power ought to be secured for this purpose. The low-pressure valve may be a plain slide-valve, with a suitable adjusting device for fixing its rela- tion to the high-pressure valve, as these two valves must work together. Р 226 PUMPING MACHINERY. 4 CHAPTER XI. THE DUPLEX PUMP. THE credit for the invention of what is commonly known as the duplex pump, distinguished for its almost ideal sim- plicity, with its peculiarly efficient valve motion, to which it owes its complete exemption from noise or concussive action, is due the late Henry R. Worthington. It consists of two steam-pumps, of equal dimensions, placed side by side, with the valve motion so designed that the movement of the steam-piston of each pump shall have the controlling movement of the slide-valve of its opposite pump, the effect of which is to allow one piston to proceed to the end of the stroke, and gradually come to a state of rest; during the latter part of this movement the opposite piston then moves forward in its stroke, and also gradually comes to a state of rest; but in its movement forward, and before reaching the end of its stroke, the slide-valve controlling the first piston is reversed, and in consequence the first piston re- turns to its original position, and in nearing the end of its stroke it, in a similar manner, reverses the slide-valve con- trolling the second piston; these movements are both uniform and continuous so long as steam is supplied to the pistons. A sectional elevation through one of the steam-cylinders of a duplex pump is shown in Fig. 171. To those not familiar with the construction of duplex pumps, a noticeable feature will be that the cylinder has five ports instead of three as in ordinary engines. The two end ports are for the admission of steam, the two inner ones are for its exhaust. The slide- valve has neither lap nor lead on either the steam or exhaust sides. The drawing shows the two ends of the steam-valve to be exactly on line with the outer edges of the steam-ports; THE DUPLEX PUMP. 227 the face of the valve extends over the steam-port, the bridge, and to the inner edge of the exhaust-port, so that in its FIG. 171. E present position no steam can enter or leave the cylinder. It will be understood that the piston movement of one engine controls the slide-valve not of its own cylinder, but the slide- valve belonging to the opposite engine; this is accomplished by means of a cross-head se- curely fastened to the piston- rod operating a lever, with a shaft extending across the fram- ing of the pump, as shown in Fig. 172. The rocker-arms for moving the slide-valves are FIG. 172. O arranged one above the shaft and the other below it; this is for the purpose of securing for one engine a slide-valve 228 PUMFING MACHINERY. ! movement with its driving piston, and the other one in an opposite direction, otherwise no reversals at the end of the stroke could occur. In a direct-acting engine there is no controlling mechanism, such as a crank and connecting-rod, to prevent the piston overrunning its stroke; the arrangement of five ports in the steam-cylinder effectually prevents the piston coming in con- tact with the heads, and accomplishes it in the following manner: The forward movement of the piston is due to unbalanced pressure; so long as the exhaust is open its for- ward movement is assured, but when the piston passes over the inner or exhaust port there can be no further escape of exhaust steam, and whatever quantity of steam should be then remaining in the cylinder will be compressed between the tightly-fitting piston and the cylinder-head, forming an elastic cushion and effectually preventing direct contact be- tween the two. It is the practice to allow a considerable clearance in duplex steam-cylinders, for a 12-inch-stroke pump the allowance being usually half an inch at each end before contact; but before this limit is reached the slide-valve belonging to this cylinder will have been carried over to its opposite position, the steam-pressure admitted, and the reversal of the piston movement occurs. Dash-Relief Valves.- In the larger sizes of cylinders, say 14 inches or more in diameter, a drilled and reamed opening FIG. 173. EXHAUST .STEAM is formed at each end of the steam-cylinder between the steam- and exhaust-ports; this opening is fitted with an THE DUPLEX PUMP. 229 adjustable valve so that a greater or less opening may be secured between these two ports. This arrangement, in one These are called dash- regulate the extent of of its forms, is shown in Fig. 173. relief valves, and are intended to cushioning, adapting it to the peculiarities of the piston movement, and to slightly lengthen the stroke after the piston has closed the exhaust-port, especially when the pump is working slowly and with a heavy load. This communication between the two ports, with its adjustable valve, is simply a controlled leak, useful in lengthening out the stroke in case of excessive cushioning. Lost motion between each valve and the nut by which it is driven is almost always necessary in the final adjustment of the slide-valve travel, it being a convenient method by which to equalize the length of stroke of the steam-pistons on the two sides of a duplex pump. The amount of lost motion necessary to the proper working of a pump cannot always be determined in advance, but after testing a few pumps from new patterns of any given size, an amount of lost motion necessary to that particular size or pattern of duplex pump is had, and from that point forward the same quantity of lost motion in duplicate pumps will secure substantially the same results as to piston travel. This is not absolute, but it is near enough to manufacture the parts, to assemble the pumps from such patterns and send them to the testing room for final adjustment. Small such as FIG. 174. pumps, boiler-feed and tank pumps, having a stroke of say 9 inches and less, re- quire a lost motion varying from % to 3% of an inch. The usual method of construction of the slide-valve and the nut by which it is driven for small pumps is shown in Fig. 174. The valve-nut is simply a square 20 230 PUMPING MACHINERY. block of iron tapped and screwed on the end of the valve- rod as shown. The method of adjustment may be as follows: The steam-pistons are to be placed in the centre of the stroke; the cross-heads are to be fastened to the piston-rods midway of their stroke; the levers connected to the rock-shafts so that the rocker-arms carrying the pins giving motion to the slide- valves are in a vertical line, one rock-shaft pin above the centre, and the other below it; the slide-valves are now to be placed on the valve-seats and centred so as to cover all the ports; the valve-nut must now be centred as shown in the engraving; that is, there must be an equal amount of lost motion on either side between the projections on the valve and the nut by which it is to be driven. This adjustment must be made in both valves in the manner indicated above, after which this detail of the pump is ready for steam. Duplex pumps of 10 or 12 inches stroke are usually fitted with nuts at each end of the valve, as shown in Fig. 175. FIG. 175. The method of ad- justment is the same as described in the preceding paragraph. The nuts offer a greater facility in making adjustments during the operation of testing, and as it sometimes happens that one side of the pump needs an amount of lost motion greater or less than the other, it can be had quickly and without disconnecting the valve-rod from the rock-shaft pin. If care is exercised in tightening the nuts after their adjustment, the probability of their ever working loose is quite remote and rarely ever happens. Lost-motion links for pumps of 18 to 24 inches stroke are commonly made as shown in Fig. 176. The rock-shaft pin is fitted to the bored hole in the sliding-block. The link THE DUPLEX PUMP. 231 to which the sliding-block is fitted has an end motion suited to the requirements of the pump with which it is to be used. The amount of lost mo- tion may vary from ½ an inch to I inch, depending somewhat on the design of the pump as well as the conditions of service. When testing a new pump at the works with such a link, a sliding-block much shorter than is likely to be needed is sometimes used, and then by inserting pieces of thin sheet-metal Ø FIG. 176. о into each end of the link opening, while the pump is in oper- ation, an accurately determined quantity of lost motion can be experimentally secured; then the new sliding-block in- tended for the pump can be made to an exact length by simply making it to the combined length of the short block and the several thicknesses of sheet-metal used at each end in the slot necessary to give the slide-valves their proper travel. An adjustable lost-motion link, such as shown in Fig. 177, is the kind usually included in the design and construction of large pumping engines. The drawing is nearly self-explana- tory; the sliding-block is made with a shallow recess at each end, in FIG. 177. which are fitted pieces of 園 ​raw hide, against which, the round heads of the adjusting-screws at each end of the link may touch and com- municate motion without noise. The screws are easily ad- justable even when the pump is in motion. When the proper amount of lost motion is had, the jam-nuts firmly fix the adjusting-screws in place. This style of lost-motion link permits a very wide range of adjustment. 232 PUMPING MACHINERY. The general features of the valve-gear shown in Fig. 182 are reproduced in Fig. 178 on a somewhat larger scale, and sufficiently sectioned to make the operation more easily un- derstood. A is the piston-rod; B, a cross-head secured to the piston-rod; C, a link connecting the cross-head with the lever D; E, a rock-shaft operated by D, by which is driven the rocker-arm F; G, a lost-motion link by which the valve-rod cross-head His driven; I is the valve-rod by which the slide- FIG. 178. I H B C J A K E F G D valve is moved; Jis an outer bearing for the valve-rod; K is the upper portion of the cross-stand. This description in- cludes only one set of valve-gear; the duplicate set for oper- ating the other engine is partly shown, and is in all respects the same except one rocker-arm must always be down below the centre of the shaft, and the other one must always be above it; that is to say, one valve-rod must always travel with the piston by which it is driven, while that of the other engine must travel in an opposite direction to that of the piston which THE DUPLEX PUMP. 233 gives it motion. It will doubtless be understood that the piston-rod A and the valve-rod I are not on the same, but are on opposite, engines. The lever, the lost-motion link, and the valve-rod cross-head, not lettered but shown in the drawing, belong to the opposite engine, and were simply included to show the relation of each to the other. The action of a duplex valve-movement such as just described must not be confounded with that of two crank pumping engines arranged to work at right angles to each other. It is not the same kind of movement, and the two inethods of propulsion have nothing in common. A velocity diagram showing the action of two double-acting pumps with cranks at right angles has already been given in a previous chapter (see Fig. 141). The flow of water from a duplex FIG. 179. Mean Velocity One Stroke -One Stroke pump is so entirely different that the illustration, Fig. 179, will hardly be recognized as one performing a similar service, but as a matter of fact it represents approximately the flow from a Worthington pump at each point of the stroke. As soon as one pump begins to slow down at the end of the stroke the other pump starts, so that by combining the flow it will be seen how uniform it is. In pumping engines of this type the weight of the moving parts is reduced to a minimum, so that the elastic force of the steam practically acts upon the water column directly, the smoothness of working being well illustrated in the above diagram. The very great success attending the introduction of the duplex pumping engine shows that it well provides the means of pumping heavy columns of water with ease and safety to 20* 234 PUMPING MACHINERY. · the machinery employed, permitting the application of any amount of power required to lift the water column without violent or abrupt action upon the water, thus meeting an acknowledged demand that the rate of movement of the water column through the forcing-main shall be, as nearly as pos- sible, uniform, so that no considerable alteration of pressure shall be shown at any time while the pump is working. It also meets the requirement that the propulsion of the water shall be produced by the use of the smallest practicable amount of moving material for transmitting the force of the steam to the column of water in order to reduce to the lowest point the momentum of moving parts, and the hurtful effects due thereto in case of derangement of the valves or pipes. The time allowed at the end of each stroke before the piston takes up its return motion is sufficient to permit the water- valves to seat quietly, and to allow the incoming supply to completely fill the water-cylinder. COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 235 CHAPTER XII. COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. THE Compounding of direct-acting pumping engines is made necessary if the heat wasted by the exhaust from such engines is to be turned to a useful account by directly assist- ing in the work of the engine. Single-cylinder direct-acting pumping engines cannot of themselves, as ordinarily con- structed, use steam expansively, because the terminal pressure must equal the pump-load, which is, or ought to be, continuous throughout the stroke; no greater steam-pressure is required at the beginning than at its termination. The steam-pressure is, therefore, the same from end to end of the stroke. Com- pound steam-pumps are now made in considerable quantities, with cylinders adapted to a range of expansion usually from 2 to 4 volumes, depending upon the initial steam-pressure, and whether they are to be operated non-condensing or condensing. The compounding of steam-cylinders for a direct-acting pumping engine is a different problem to that of an ordinary steam-engine. Practically there is no momentum of moving parts to aid in expansion; there are no fly-wheels or other devices for storing up energy in the early part of the stroke to be given out at the end. The terminal pressure must be sufficiently high to complete the stroke against the water- pressure; the engine is, therefore, working at a disadvantage, and the same degree of economy cannot be expected as if it were an ordinary engine. Gain by Compounding.-Non condensing compound steam-ends are effective and economical when from 65 to 100 pounds boiler-pressure is used; the gain over the ordinary direct-acting cylinders being from 20 to 35 per cent., depend- 236 PUMPING MACHINERY. ing on the initial pressure and the ratio of expansion. Non- condensing steam-ends are not recommended for pressures below 50 pounds, as there will not be a saving sufficient to warrant the additional cost of the machinery. Tandem Direct-Acting Compound Steam-End.—The high-pressure cylinder is supposed to take its steam directly from the boiler and admitted at the same pressure. Practi- cally this is seldom the case, and from 5 to 10 pounds less than boiler-pressure is the ordinary available pressure. It is not a general practice to supply receivers or tanks with ordinary compound duplex pumps. The high- and low- pressure cylinders are placed tandem to each other, with both pistons attached to the same rod, as shown in Fig. 180. The exhaust from the high-pressure cylinder passing directly into the low-pressure steam-chest, and from thence into the low- pressure cylinder. The slide-valves of both cylinders have the same movement, the ports being of equal dimensions in the direction of valve travel. The valves having neither lap nor lead, the steam and exhaust are operated at full stroke in both cylinders. The pressure of steam in the low-pressure steam-chest will be variable, depending on the distance which the pistons have travelled towards the end of the stroke. In this design the low-pressure cylinder is fitted with tie- rods connecting it with the water-end; a substantial cast-iron foot or base under the cylinder affords support for carrying the weight of the entire steam-end, as it is not a common practice to provide the high-pressure cylinder with any means of support other than the end flanges connecting it with the intermediate head. For small pumping engines it is the practice to have the high- and low-pressure valve-seats in the same plane, both valves being driven by the same valve-rod. The lost motion may be had in each steam-chest by a proper adjustment of the nuts at each end of the valve. The double nut shown between the two steam-chests is simply to provide a convenient means of connecting or disconnecting the valve- COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 237 rod, should it be necessary at any time to remove the high- pressure cylinder; it has nothing to do with the valve adjustment. The valve-rod movement is constant, the variation in valve travel being secured by the valve-nuts. The steam- and exhaust-ports must be of the same dimensions in the direction of valve travel, any difference in area that may be required can be had by a proper width of port, as this detail is not affected by the valve travel. The steam-ports in pumping engines are usually two per cent. of the cylinder area, and in compounding these same proportions are used in each cylinder respectively, so that the width of the ports will vary for each diameter. Dash-relief valves are fitted to the low-pressure cylinders only if the engine is to be operated non-condensing, but if con- densing, and if the high-pressure cylinder be of a size larger than 12 inches diameter, they may be applied to each end of each cylinder. These valves are not shown in the drawing, but are similar to the one illustrated in Fig. 173. A side-pipe, shown partly in dotted lines and in elevation, connects the high-pressure exhaust-cavity with the low-pressure steam- chest, each side of a duplex engine having its own side-pipe. The steam-pipe shown at the end of the high-pressure steam- chest extends across and connects to the two high-pressure chests, but there must be no connection between low-pressure steam-chests. The exhaust from the low-pressure cylinder may lead directly into the air or into a condenser. High-Service Attachment.-A compound pump is sometimes required to work temporarily against a water- pressure which cannot be had by the use of the ordinary steam-pressure acting upon the high-pressure piston. Pas- senger-elevators in office and public buildings are sometimes used to elevate safes and other heavy weights, requiring a water-pressure much greater than is employed regularly. Small water-works pumping engines delivering into a reser- voir, stand-pipe, or in direct system, frequently require that the ordinary domestic pressure be doubled for fire-service. 238 PUMPING MACHINERY. These and other reasons make it desirable that a compound pump be quickly changed to a high-service non-compound when emergencies arise. To accomplish this requires nothing more than a direct steam connection to the side-pipe (on each side of the pump) leading from the exhaust of the high-pressure cylinder into the steam-chest of the low-pressure cylinder. This pipe must be fitted with a globe-valve for shutting off the high-pressure steam when it is not wanted. Its action is this: Suppose a non-condensing compound pump to be regularly at work and a fire-alarm be sounded; nothing requires to be done except to open the globe-valve leading from the main steam-pipe into each exhaust side-pipe; by this act the high-pressure cylinders will be thrown out of service, because the exhaust pressure would balance the live- steam pressure and no work could be done. The boiler- pressure being now transformed directly to the low-pressure pistons, which are probably 2½ times the area of the high- pressure cylinder, will so increase the water-pressure that fire- hose connections may be made directly to the fire-plugs. When the fire or other emergency is over this valve may be closed, and the engine goes on with its work as before. The intermediate head connecting the high- and low- pressure cylinders, as shown in Fig. 180, is one which the writer believes to be superior to all others with which he is acquainted. A loosely-fitting sleeve, preferably of cast iron, is held in place by its flange, and so fitted that it may move easily in any radial direction in the recess between the inter- mediate casting and the bolted flange back of it. This joint should be well made by scraping to a steam-tight surface on both sides of the flange, otherwise there will be a steam leak between the two cylinders. There may be a reasonable allowance, as shown in the clearance lines, for radial move- ment of this cast-iron sleeve to allow for any want of original alignment; but as all the work is machine-fitted, there ought not to be any considerable deviation from absolute truth. COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 239 FIG. 180. 240 PUMPING MACHINERY. The high-pressure piston-rod passing through this sleeve will in a short time, through such lubrication as the cylinder gets, glaze the inside of the sleeve, producing a surface-finish not subject to abrasion, and of great hardness combined with a high polish. For steam-ends having a stroke of 18 to 24 inches the high-pressure cylinder is sometimes placed between the low- pressure cylinder and the water-end, as shown in Fig. 181. The high-pressure cylinder-head is fitted to receive the tie- bars, but in other respects the design is substantially the same, except that a lost-motion link is included in the valve- gear and no lost motion is given the valves in the steam-chests. Compound Steam-End for Large Engines. — For pumping engines larger than those described, say from 24 to 48 inches stroke, it is customary to make them with the low- pressure cylinder outside, the high-pressure cylinder inside, as shown in Fig. 182, but without any intermediate head as pre- viously described. In this drawing the usual method of con- struction is shown, which is to include the flange for bolting the high-pressure cylinder to the low in the same casting with the former, and providing an intermediate cover to the smaller cylinder as shown. The high-pressure cylinder-head through which the piston-rod passes does not receive the tie-bars as in smaller sizes, lugs being included in the cylinder-casting for taking the strain of the engine. Steam-ends of this design have three piston-rods, one for the high- and two for the low- pressure piston,-a detail shown in the half-plan, Fig. 183, in which a cross-head is common to the three piston-rods, as well as the plunger-rod connection leading into the water- end. The low-pressure rods have each a stuffing-box, which is located well forward, almost to the high-pressure cylinder- head, a pipe connection with flange securing each to the low- pressure cylinder. An advantage which this design offers over the ones pre- viously described is that the high- and low-pressure pistons may be removed, if necessary, without disturbing the main COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 241 FIG. 181. L 9 21 242 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 182. 0 0 COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 243 > portions of the en- re- gine. For small engines, the moval of the high- pressure cylinder and intermediate head is not much of an undertaking, but for large water- works engines it would be a serious matter, which the present design makes wholly un- necessary. The valve motion as shown in this en- graving has been previously illus- trated and de- scribed. (See Fig. 178.) The cross-head for large engines is usually made made of forged open-hearth steel; for the small- er sizes a good qual- ity of steel casting has been found to answer the pur- pose, but cast iron is seldom, if ever, used. The rods. should be of a good quality of mild steel; the 1 0 0 Ο о O FIG. 183. 244 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 184. · COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 245 writer has used cold-rolled steel in such engines with excellent satisfaction. Intermediate Head with Stuffing-Boxes.-A com- pound steam-end with an intermediate head furnished with stuffing-boxes is shown in Fig 184. It does not often occur that such a head must be used to the exclusion of the one previously described, but it has this one advantage, that any leakage around the rod may be detected and remedied by the adjustment of, or the insertion of, new packing. Any one of the several metallic piston-rod packings now offered to the trade may be used in these stuffing-boxes in lieu of the fibrous packing if desired. Intermediate Head with Protected Rod.-A combi- nation of a cast-iron sleeve with that of a stuffing-box is shown in the sketch, Fig. 185. This is simply a pre- liminary sketch by the writer, having never • been used by him, nor is he sure whether or not it may in- terfere with an- other's secured rights. The in- FIG. 185. tent is to protect the high-pressure rod from contact with the atmosphere, by the use of a long sleeve, as well as to prevent leakage from one cylinder to another by means of the stuffing- box and gland shown in the low-pressure head. Action of Steam in Compound Direct-Acting En- gines.-Let the upper part of Fig. 186 represent one side of a tandem compound duplex pumping engine, but in the consid- } 21* 246 PUMPING MACHINERY. eration of the subject it is not necessary to take the duplex feature into account, for the two engines are entirely separate except in the single feature of valve-movement for the dis- tribution of steam, therefore whatever remarks apply to one FIG. 186. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 90 ONE YOLUME 80- 60 50 40 30- THREE YOLUMES. g 20 10- Atmospheric Line. engine apply equally well to the other. The lower diagram is drawn for 90 pounds absolute pressure; the low-pressure cylinder has an area three times greater than that of the high; both pistons are connected to the same rod, therefore the same length of stroke. This diagram illustrates the action of the steam between the high-pressure piston and that of the low for each one-tenth of one stroke. For convenience we have lengthened the low-pressure cylinder diagram corre- sponding to three volumes, and we may further suppose the high-pressure cylinder to have a cubic capacity of one foot, or any other volume, real or assumed. The left-hand side of the diagram represents the action of the steam in the high-press- ure cylinder, and the right-hand side that of the low. The exact detail of these two cylinders may be the same as the sectional elevation, Fig. 180. No receiver is employed in this engine, but the volume of ports, pipe, and low-pressure steam- COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 247 chest is taken to be 50 per cent. of the high-pressure cylinder, the exhaust from the high-pressure cylinder being led directly into the low-pressure steam-chest as shown in the drawing. The engine is represented as non-condensing in the diagram, but as all pressures are reckoned from a vacuum, a slight change in the diagram will make it apply equally well to con- densing-engines. When steam is admitted at A the pressure immediately rises to B, 90 pounds above vacuum, the piston begins its for- ward movement, and will continue to the end of the stroke at C; the inner edge of the high-pressure piston is marked 10, and the inner edge of the low-pressure piston is marked o; when, therefore, the one piston has travelled to 9, the other is at a; but before considering the expansion curve in the dia- gram it is necessary to take account of the clearance space between the two cylinders. In engines of this type the steam is exhausted from the high-pressure cylinder at the same pressure used in doing its work, which we have placed at 90 pounds in the diagram. The clearance volume in the ports, side-pipe, and low-pressure steam-chest has been assumed to be 50 per cent. of the high-pressure cylinder. If this space were empty the initial pressure for the low-pressure piston would be one volume of steam at 90 pounds expanded into 12½ volumes=60 pounds; but there was remaining in this space from the last stroke a volume of steam having a tension equal to the terminal pressure upon the low-pressure piston at the completion of its stroke, say 24 pounds; this must be taken into account, so that the pressure in the low-pressure chest would be increased thus: 66 12 I vol. at 90 pounds 90 pounds from the H. P. cylinder. ½ vol. at 24 terminal pressure in L. P. cylinder. 1.5 volumes ) 102 ( 68 pounds. This 68 pounds becomes, then, the initial pressure for the low-pressure cylinder, as it is also a back pressure against the high-pressure piston. This reduction of pressure occurs at the moment of reversal of the slide-valve in the high-pressure 248 PUMPING MACHINERY. | steam-chest, and at a time when the reversal of pistons is about to occur, but the movement is not yet begun. Returning now to the consideration of the diagram, Fig. 186, when the high-pressure piston is at 9, and that of the low is at a, a reduction of pressure is shown, and it is that due to the expanded volume of steam, or difference between a contraction of one-tenth of the high-pressure cylinder volume and the enlargement by three-tenths in the low-pressure cylinder volume. When the pistons reach 8 and 6 respec- tively we have the difference between a contraction of two- tenths in the high-pressure cylinder and an enlargement of six-tenths in the low, which reduces the pressure to b, and in like manner for other pressures. It will be a near enough approximation, if we consider the back-pressure line of the high-pressure cylinder, to follow the same curve as the expansion in the low-pressure cylinder, but a slight variation occurs in practice, due to the resistance of the steam flowing through the passages between the two cylinders. The effect of the clearance space between the two cylinders is shown first in the fall of pressure at c, in Fig. 186, at which point the highest pressure in the low-pressure cylinder is had and the greatest back pressure in the high- pressure cylinder. The total effect being observable in the difference between the extremes of the curved line terminating at O. The exhaust side of the high-pressure cylinder and the pressure side of the low-pressure cylinder are always in direct communication; the pressure must, therefore, be the same in both cylinders. The left-hand diagram shows the back press- ure in the high-pressure cylinder until o is reached, a similar line is traced in the right-hand diagram until k is reached, and the low-pressure exhaust-valve opened to the atmosphere, causing an immediate drop in the pressure to the back- pressure line, which is drawn at 18 pounds, or about three pounds above the atmosphere. The high-pressure cylinder not being in communication with the atmosphere, its terminal pressure is never below that in the low-pressure steam-chest, COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 249 Diameter. Area. HIGH- PRESSURE CYLINDERS. Nearest Diameter. a pressure we have estimated to be 24 pounds. The pistons having reached the end of the stroke, the slide-valves moved to the opposite throw, the operation of the engine is now reversed, and as its action is precisely similar to that just described, no further comment is necessary. This tracing of the valve movement of a single pair of compound cylinders is equally applicable to the duplex valve movement, because such steam-cylinders work independently of each other. Ratios of High- and Low-Pressure Cylinders.-Table XIII. gives the actual dimensions for the several ratios of compounding, but in practice these figures are seldom adhered ¡ The areas are calculated, and opposite each is the corresponding diameter to the nearest inch. Area. Nearest Diameter. Area. TABLE XIII. SHOWING THE RATIOS OF HIGH- AND LOW-PRESSURE STEAM-CYLINDers. Low-PRESSure CylindERS. 2 to 1. 2½ to 1. 3 to 1. 3% to 1. 4 to 1. Nearest Diamet r. Area. 678 9 28.3 38.5 812- 56.6 98+ IO 50.3 11+ 100.6 63.6 1234- 127.2 144- 78.5 148+ 157.0 15%- 9½- TI 77.0 + 1258- 70 7 10%+ 96.2 1218+ 125.7 1334+ 159.0 1558- 84.9 114 99.1 12 113.1 115.5 13% 150.9 15 190.8 16%- 134.8 14 153.9 176.1 16 201.1 222.6 18 254.5 196.3 174+ 235-5 1834- 274.8 20 314.2 II 95.0 152+ 190.0 1738- 237.5 19 + 285.0 20½ + 332.5 22 380.1 12 113.1 17 226.2 19 282.8 2034+ 339.3 222- 396.0 24 452.4 13 132.7 18%+ 18%+ 265.4 265.4 2012+ 331.8 222+ 398.12438- 464 5 26 530.9 14 153.91934+ 307.8 2218+ 384.8 244- 461.7 268+ 538 6 28 615 8 15 176.7 214 353.4 2334- 441.8 26 530.1 2818- 618.5 30 706.9 16 201.I 2258 402.2 254+ 502.8 2734-603.3 30 703.9 32 804.3 17 227.0 24 + 454.0 26% + 567.5 292 681.0 31%- 794.5 34 907.9 18 254.5 252- 509.0 282- 19 283.5 268- 567.0 30 + 20 314.2 284 628.4 315% 21 346.4 2934 692.8 334- 22 23 24 636.3 318+ 763.5 33%+ 890.8 36 708.8 32%+ 850.5 3558- 992.3 785.5 345%+ 942.6 373% 1099.7 866.0 363% 1039.2 394+ 1212.4 380.1 3118- 760.2 3434+ 950.3 388-1140.3 4118+ 1330.4 | 415.5 322+ 831.0 363% 1038.8 398- 1246.5 43 + 1454.3 452.4 33% 904.8 38 1131.0 415%- 1357 2 448 + 1583.4 | 1017.9 38 1134.I 40 1256.6 42 44 1385.4 1520.5 46 1661 9 1809.6 Nearest Diameter. Area. Nearest Diameter. Area. 250. PUMPING MACHINERY. to, as fractional parts of an inch are always avoided in steam- cylinders if whole numbers can be used instead; for example, if a high-pressure cylinder 16 inches in diameter be selected for a given pumping engine, and a ratio of expansion of 3 to I was desired, the table gives 2734 inches as a suitable diameter; the probability is that 28 inches would be selected instead, but the general tendency is towards smaller ratios of expansion. The ordinary or trade sizes of compound steam- ends for engines of 10 to 18 inches stroke are given in Table XIV. TABLE XIV. COMMERCIAL SIZES FOR COMPOUND STEAM-ENDS, OR THOSE ORDINARILY FURNISHED DUPLEX PUMPS FROM IO TO 18 INCHES STROKE. DIAMETERS. AREAS. RATIO OF EXPANSION. High Pressure. Low Pressure. High Pressure. Low Pressure. 678a ΙΟ 28.3 78.5 2.78 12 38.5 113.1 2.94 12 50.3 113.1 2.25 9 14 63.6 153.9 2.42 10 16 78.5 201.0 2.56 12 18 113.1 254.5 2.25 14 20 153.9 314.2 2.04 16 24 201.0 452.4 2.25 18 30 254.5 706.9 2.77 A noticeable feature in this table is the comparatively low ratio of expansion, but it should be borne in mind that these are nearly all small sizes, and are used at pressures rarely exceeding 75 pounds boiler-pressure, and often not more than 60 pounds; the last three or four sizes being, in general, the only ones fitted with condensing apparatus. COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 251 *. TABLE XV. EXAMPLES OF COMPOUND DUPLEX ENGINE PERFORMANCE. Size of Engine. At Rest. Pressure. Speed. Pressure. Speed. Boiler. At Speed in Strokes per Minute. H. P. Cylinder, L. P. Cylinder. WATER-PRessure. STEAM- Pressure. Exhaust BACK PEESSUre, Suction. Delivery. Steam. Exhaust. Water. Steam. SIZE OF PIPES. STATIC HEAD IN FEET. 8 and 12 X 7 X 10 48 8 and 12 X 7 X 10 8 and 12 X 8 X 10 8 and 12 X 8½ X 10 10 and 16 × 104 X 10 10 and 16 X 10 X 10 12 and 182 X 12 X 10 12 and 181½ X 12 X 10 18½ and 29 X 16 X 18 бо 69 100 • 38 50 106 52 200 72 200 52 150 57 180 • 29 37 160 • 36 44 160 47 200 52 52 110 56 | 160 | 60 52 888 62 70 160 68 54 100 57 180 70 бо 15 65 100 75 60 80 92 21 and 36% 62 X 36 200 1125 бо • • 100 8 32UNG 28 78 56 14 60 57 60 75 94 ཁྫོ*#84833 50 13 18 53 13 17 15 7 3½ 7 55 15 3 7 47 9 25 14 12 3 432 2 343 m a∞ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 245 5534 in 70 6 65666 2230 H H ( Mom 4 32 4 III 128 88 212 67 83 120 120 143 157 462 The last pump tabulated was performing the very unusual service of pumping through a delivery 24 miles long. The others represent fair average performance of compound duplex non-condensing pumping engines. Steam-Jackets. It is not a common practice to jacket the smaller sizes of steam-cylinders, whether in single or duplex pumping engines; that is to say, for sizes smaller than 18- and 30-inch compound. It is not believed, for the smaller sizes at least, that the future saving will repay the original cost; but if a partial jacketing be thought desirable, it should be the low-pressure cylinders rather than the high. If the high-pressure cylinder only is jacketed, the exhaust from it into the low-pressure cylinder suffers by excessive condensa- tion because of its lower temperature; but if the latter cylinder is jacketed, this condensation is less in quantity, and in so far a step towards more economical working. The usual practice is to jacket the barrel of the cylinder only; the heads are seldom jacketed except in very large engines. A steam-jacket must be designed with reference to proper circulation and drainage, otherwise it may prove 252 PUMPING MACHINERY. worthless, and defeat the very end to which it was applied. The steam used in the jacket should be at full boiler-pressure, and provision made for returning any water of condensation back to the boiler. The degree of expansion in ordinary pumping engines is not sufficiently great to require the many refinements which are thought to be necessary in the case of large engines where high pressures are employed and expansion carried to the extreme limit; in the latter engines jackets are always employed. The actual value of the steam-jacket, first applied by Watt, has always been called in question. Tredgold, the earliest writer on the steam-engine, condemned it, but it steadily grew into favor with engineers, and it is now the general belief that expansive engines cannot work to any good purpose without one. A few years ago it was thought that its application effected a saving from 10 to 30 per cent., but the lowest of these two figures is not now believed to be possible even under the best conditions. The best series of experiments undertaken up to this time to determine the exact truth in relation to steam-jackets were those undertaken and conducted by Professor J. E. Denton in 1889, the high-duty Corliss engine of the Pawtucket water- works having been placed at his disposal. The details of this engine are tolerably well known, but it may be well to repeat that it is a horizontal cross compound engine, steam-cylinders 15 and 30% inches bore; water- cylinders, 10.52 inches; stroke of all pistons, 30 inches; clearance, high-pressure cylinder, 4 per cent.; low, 3.7 per cent. Diameter of rods, 234 inches. Ratio of volumes of cylinders, 4.085. Average cut-off in high-pressure cylinders, one-fourth, and in low, one-third. Jackets envelop the barrels but not the heads of both cylinders, and steam of full boiler- pressure is used in each. The heads are not jacketed, but contain passages leading to and from the ports. The condensed steam from the jackets is pumped into the feed-pipe at a point between the boiler and hot-well. * COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 253 The experiments were conducted along the lines of every- day usage and service, and have an especial value for this reason. The influence of the steam-jackets on the Pawtucket pumping engine form the subject of an elaborate and con- vincing paper by Professor Denton, published in Vol. XI., "Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers." The conclusions reached by him are as follows: 1. That the averages of results of indicator-cards, taken in the most careful manner with the best modern indicators, show a possible saving from the use of jackets amounting to from 0.13 to 0.35 pound of steam per hour per horse-power, but that these amounts are within the limit of error to which the determination of indicated horse-power and cut-offs are subjected, so that 2. The most that can be claimed for the jacket is that it probably caused no loss, and may possibly cause a saving not exceeding 3 per cent. of the total steam consumption. Lagging steam-cylinders with wood or other non-con- ducting material in lieu of jackets is very common. This does not, of course, take the place of a steam-jacket, nor is it the intention to arrest cylinder condensation by its application; its only function is to prevent as far as practicable external radia- tion from the steam-cylinder. The best non-conductors of heat are hair felt, cork, fossil meal, magnesia, charcoal, and rice chaff. A cylinder clothed with hair felt, and afterwards covered with reeded black walnut staves, held in place by a polished brass band about two inches wide at each end of the cylinder, makes a good and at the same time a very neat finish for a steam-end. Circular slide-valves are sometimes used, as shown in Fig. 187. The arrangement of the ports and of the valve does not essentially differ from that of the ordinary duplex steam-cylinder, except in the matter of change of form of the valve and its seat from flat to circular. The necessary lost motion for the slide-valves is secured by the employment of 22 254 PUMPING MACHINERY. .. / adjustable lost-motion links at the rocker-arms; the method of operating the valve within the steam-chest being similar to that of a Corliss steam-valve makes it inconvenient to have any lost motion there. The centring of the two valves is secured through the use of a right- and left-hand nut attached to the valve connecting-rod, by which it may be lengthened or shortened to get any suitable distance from centre to centre. FIG. 187. THER 划 ​This nut is shown between the two cylinders. It is not neces- sary that the two valve-seats be bored to the same diameter, but care must be exercised in designing that the valve-move- ments be precisely alike in the matter of admission and port closure: this is easily secured by making the high-pressure ports shorter, or by so proportioning the high-pressure valve-lever that the two valves shall open and close exactly alike. A tank-engine is a duplex pumping engine in which there is one high-pressure cylinder and one low-pressure cylinder placed side by side as in the construction of an ordinary COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 255 duplex pump, with a large receiver or tank, into which the high-pressure cylinder exhausts, and from which the low- pressure cylinder draws its supply. This type of engine probably originated with Ernest Wolff,* who patented it in England in 1834. The essential features of his patent were thus described by him: "The invention consists of the combination of two or more engines, each complete in all its parts, and so disposed that while the first receives steam at one, two, or more atmos- pheres of pressure, the next engine is moved by the steam that escapes from the first. In the last engine the steam is condensed in the ordinary way, or escapes in the atmos- phere. The work supplied by the several engines is applied to the same shaft, or to several combined, or to independent shafts. "It is sometimes useful to have between the cylinders an intermediate reservoir to regulate the pressure; this may be placed with advantage at the base of the chimney, so as to maintain or raise the temperature and the pressure of the steam in its passage from one cylinder to the other. Indeed, if necessary, the heat may be supplied by a special fire-box. "It is often necessary to employ a special pipe with a stop- cock to admit the steam from the boiler to an intermediate reservoir in order to give the machine the power of starting any crank. This direct introduction may be employed to increase for a time the power of the engine." Certain modifications of this engine were patented by Worthington in 1871, and engines for situations favorable to its use have been built from time to time, but its introduction has not been general. In these engines a large receiver or tank is a necessity, not less than say ten times the volume of the high-pressure cylinder; it is from this tank that the low- pressure cylinder draws its supply as if from a steam-boiler. This large tank is necessary that the contribution of the high- * This invention must not be confounded with another engine patented in 1804 by Woolf. Notice the difference in spelling. 256 PUMPING MACHINERY. 5 pressure cylinder to its contents, or the withdrawal of steam from it by the low-pressure cylinder, is not sufficient to vary its pressure in any considerable or troublesome degree. The condensing apparatus is attached, of course, only to the low- pressure cylinder. A careful consideration of the working conditions under which this engine is found will show that it must be accurately proportioned as well to its work as to the proposed pressure of steam, in order to secure anything like an equal division of the resistance between the two pistons. And it is necessary to do this with some reasonable degree of exactness, as upon it depend that uniformity of water-flow and stability of pressure which give to this engine its advan- tages as an hydraulic motor. Economically this engine holds about the same position as the four-cylinder engine, and costs somewhat less. It is not, however, universally applicable, and is not likely ever to supersede the present types of duplex, either ordinary or compound. Power of Compound Pumping Engines.-The paper on the "Power of Compound Pumping Engines,” by John W. Hill, in Engineering News, vol. xxi., is laid under contribution for the subjoined tables and formulas. Table XVI. contains the general data for the steam-ends of four proportions or classes of compound, duplex, direct- acting pumping engines; thus,— Class A embraces engines where the diameter of the low- pressure piston is 1.5 times the diameter of the high-pressure piston, as 8 and 12, 12 and 18, 16 and 24, etc. Class B embraces engines where the diameter of the low- pressure piston is 1.6 times the diameter of the high-pressure piston, as 10 and 16, 15 and 24, etc. Class C embraces engines where the diameter of the low- pressure piston is 1.57 times the diameter of the high-pressure piston, as 14 and 22, 21 and 33, etc. Class D embraces engines where the diameter of the low- pressure piston is two times the diameter of the high-pressure piston, as 12 and 24, 16 and 32, 18 and 36, etc. COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 257 The table contains the piston displacements, clearances, and expansions, based upon volume (1) and expansion (1) in high- pressure cylinders, the hyperbolic logarithms for the effective expansions, and the reciprocals of total expansion. TABLE XVI. COMPOUND DUPLEX DIRECT-ACTING ENGINES. Cylinder Volumes and Clearances stated in Terms of High-Pressure Cylinders and Steam Full-Stroke, High-Pressure Cylinders. TERMS. CLASS OF Engine. A. B. C. D. Intermediate space • Diameter C. P. cylinder (H. P. = = 1.00). 1.5 High-pressure cylinder, area • clearance 1.6 1.57 2.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.0630 | 0.0630 0.3388 0.3388 0.0630 0.0600 0.3388 I.1200 Low-pressure cylinder, area clearance Expansion, high-pressure cylinder intermediate space • Expansion, low-pressure cylinder 2.2500 2.5600 2.4700 4.0000 0.1125 0.1280 0.1235 0.2040 I.0000 1.000 I 0000 • • 1.3190 1.8254 2.6000 I.4391 2.0200 1.4350 I 9640 1.0000 2.2500 2.2584 2 9067 2.8182 5.0814 1.8254 2.0200 1.9640 2.2584 0.6018 0.3846 Total expansion Effective Hyperbolic Logarithm. Reciprocal total expansion . 0.7031 0.6750 | 0.8146 0.3440 | 0.3548 o 1968 Table XVII. is calculated for compound duplex direct- acting pumping engines, when worked condensing, and gives for each of the four classes the mean effective pressure reduced to work of low-pressure piston for the absolute pressure of column I; for example: The steam-end of a compound duplex direct-acting con- densing engine has cylinders 16 and 24 inches diameter, and the steam-pressure is 70 pounds. What size or diameter of pump will this work against a pressure or head of 80 pounds (184.64 feet)? The data will be found in Class A. r 22* 258 PUMPING MACHINERY. TABLE XVII. MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURES, ENGINE WORKED CONDENSING. Compound Duplex Direct-Acting Pumping Engines; Steam Full-Stroke, High- Pressure Cylinders; Counter-Pressure, 3.5 Pounds Absolute. Class of Engine. A. B. C. D. INITIAL PRESSURE ABSOLUTE. Constants. 0 72869 0.68252 0.69542 0.46587 65 43.864 40.864 41.702 26.781 70 47.508 44.277 45.679 29.III 75 51.152 47.689 48.656 31.440 80 54.795 51.102 52.133 33.769 85 58.438 54.515 55.611 36.098 90 62.082 57.927 59.088 38.428 95 62.725 61.340 62.565 40.659 100 69.369 64.753 66.042 43.087 105 73.012 68.165 69.519 45.418 ΙΙΟ 76.656 71.578 72.996 47.746 115 80.299 74.990 76.473 50.077 I 20 83.943 78.403 79.950 52.407 125 87.586 81.816 83.427 54.736 130 91.229 85.228 86.904 57.063 135 94.873 88.641 90.382 59.392 The area of the low-pressure piston (24 inches diameter) is 452.39 square inches, and mean effective pressure for abso- lute pressure of 85 pounds (70 by gauge) is 58.438, and moment of water-load-. 452.39 X 58.438 X .85 22471.24 pounds. The head is 80 pounds, and area of plunger which a steam- end containing high-pressure piston 16 inches diameter, and low-pressure piston 24 inches diameter, with steam-pressure of 70 pounds, will drive- 22471.24 80 280.89 square inches, corresponding to a diameter of 19 inches nearly. Two such pumps, double-acting, will deliver at 100 feet piston-speed per minute 4,034,309.9 gallons per day of 24 hours. • COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 259 Table XVIII. contains the mean effective pressures for compound duplex direct-acting pumping engines worked non-condensing. TABLE XVIII. MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURES, ENGINE WORKED NON-CONDENSING. Compound Duplex Direct-Acting Pumping Engines; Steam Full-Stroke, High- Pressure Cylinders; Counter-Pressure, 17 Pounds Absolute. CLASS OF Engine. A. B. C. D. INITIAL PRESSURE ABSOLUTE. Constants. 0.72869 0.68252 0.69542 0.46587 65 30.364 27.364 28.202 13.281 70 34.008 30.777 31.679 15.611 75 37.652 34.189 35.156 17.946 80 41.295 37.602 38.633 20.269 85 44.938 41.015 42.III 22.599 90 48.582 44.427 45.588 24.925 95 52.225 47.840 49.065 27.159 100 55.869 51.253 52.542 29.587 105 59.512 54.665 56.019 31.978 IIO 63.156 57.078 59.496 34.246 115 66.799 61.490 62.973 36.577 120 70.443 64.903 66.450 38.907 125 74.086 68.316 69.927 41.236 130 77.729 71.728 73 404 43.563 135 81.373 75.141 76.881 45.892 Tangyes's Compound Pump.-The Floyd and Morton direct-acting pumping engine, owned by Tangyes, Soho, Eng- land, is illustrated in sectional elevation in Fig. 188, which is a reproduction of the drawing attached to their American patent, and is thus described by them: "The high-pressure steam-cylinder and its appliances may be of any ordinary construction suited for the application of this invention, such, for instance, as that used in the pump known as 'Tangyes's Special Pump,'-and we will describe, with ref- erence to the accompanying drawing (which is a longitudinal 260 PUMPING MACHINERY. FIG. 188. LONDON vertical section), the application of the invention to a pump of that kind, from which its application to pumps of other descriptions will also be understood. A D A is the high-pressure cylinder and B is the low-pressure cylinder. The slide-valve C of the low-pressure cylinder B is not mechanically connected with, but is independent of, the valve of the high-pressure cylinder, and is operated by a COMPOUND DIRECT ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 261 piston, D, working in an auxiliary steam-cylinder, E, prefer- ably in line with the valve C of the said low-pressure cylinder B, which may receive its steam from the high-pressure cylin- der in the usual or any convenient way. The ends of the said auxiliary steam-cylinder E are connected by means of pipes, F and G, or equivalent steam-ways to the steam-ports or ends of the high-pressure steam-cylinder A, as shown. The slide-valve C in the steam-chest of the low-pressure steam-cylinder B may be of the D or other type, and the said slide-valve is fitted with piston-valves, HH, the pistons of which work in short cylinders, JJ, at opposite ends of the steam-chest, and the piston D is connected to one of the said piston-valves, H, by the rod d. "In the arrangement illustrated we use the piston-valves HH in the steam-chest of the low-pressure cylinder B for control- ling the motion of the piston D of the auxiliary cylinder E in the following manner: Each end of the steam-chest where the pistons H H of the slide-valve C work is provided with an auxiliary port, K, which auxiliary ports connect the ends of the steam-chest JJ in which the slide-valve pistons H H work with the interior of the steam-chest in which the slide-valve C works. The auxiliary ports K K described may be capable of being opened and closed and regulated by means of screwed plugs or valves, L L. By means of the said auxiliary ports KK in the steam-chest the space between the back of each of the piston-valves H H of the slide-valve C and the end of the steam-chest JJ in which it works is charged with steam, and when the piston D of the auxiliary cylinder E is moved by the steam entering its cylinder by the pipes FG, or steam- ways in connection with the high-pressure cylinder A, the steam is compressed in one or the other of the spaces JJ at the ends of the low-pressure steam-chest, so as thereby to cushion the slide-valve piston and retard the motion of the auxiliary piston D. By these means the main pistons in the high- and low-pressure cylinders A and B are caused to make a pause at the ends of their strokes, thereby permitting the pump-valves to seat themselves quietly on their seats. 262 PUMPING MACHINER Y. "We do not limit ourselves to this arrangement for control- ling or retarding the action of the auxiliary piston D, as in place thereof an oil-, water-, or air-cylinder may be used, the displacement of the oil, water, or air in the said cylinder by the motion of the piston effecting the retardation of the slide- valve C, as hereinbefore described; or the retardation of the motion of the low-pressure slide-valve C may be effected by regulating the supply of steam to the auxiliary cylinder by placing stop-valves, MM, in the pipes FG, by which the said auxiliary cylinder E is connected with the steam-ports or ends of the high-pressure steam-cylinder. "In a compound pump or pumping engine with more than two cylinders the low-pressure cylinder aforesaid would be- come an intermediate cylinder having its valve actuated by steam, as described, and the slide-valve of the third cylinder would be connected with the ports or ends of the interme- diate cylinder and be operated by steam, as described, with respect to the low-pressure cylinder of a two-cylinder com- pound pumping engine. In the same manner the invention may be applied to a fourth cylinder, if desired.” Compound Direct-Acting Engine with Isochronal Valve-Gear.-The isochronal valve-gear by the Gordon Steam-Pump Company, illustrated in Fig. 168, is further shown in its adaptation to a compound engine in Fig. 189. The working of the valve-gear in the compound engine is in no respect different to that already described, excepting, of course, in that due to its different application. In this design the condenser and air-pump are placed in a pit between the steam and water-ends. The necessary motion for operating the air-pumps is obtained through a vibrating beam receiving its motion from a suitable cross-head attached to the main piston-rod; brackets are bolted to the under side of the girders joining the steam- and water-ends, in which are included the bearings for the vibrating-shaft. From this same vibrating-shaft motion is given the sliding-cylinder by means of connecting-rods, the centres of which are indicated by FIG. 189. 263 264 PUMPING MACHINERY. dotted lines; the movement of the sliding-cylinder and its influence upon the auxiliary cylinder is the same as described on page 218. The illustration, Fig. 189, represents a single compound engine, but this valve-gear permits the placing of two engines side by side, and so arranged that they may work together as a pair, or independently as single engines, if necessary. The folding plate, Fig. 190, gives an illustration of a pair of the same machines arranged to work independent of each other as independent isochronal engines, and also provided with duplex gear, by which they can, at will, be run as a com- pound duplex engine. In this construction all of the ad- vantages of the varying systems are combined, and while the machine may be run as a duplex machine it is also capable of running independently, so as to permit one side to do its work while the other side is at rest or undergoing repairs. Davidson Direct-Acting Triple-Expansion Pumping Engine. This is a horizontal direct-acting steam-pump, with the three steam-cylinders in line with the water-cylinder. Fig. 191 is an elevation and plan of the engine. The intermediate cylinder is placed nearest the water-cylinder, and then come the low-pressure and the high-pressure cylinders. Steam is led by pipes from each cylinder to the next. The valves for the high-pressure and the low-pressure cylinders are plain slide-valves, worked by direct connections with the main valve on the intermediate cylinder, which is similar in design to the valve used by Mr. Davidson on compound and single-cylinder pumps. (See Fig. 164) With a view to saving space, the intermediate and the low- pressure cylinders are set close together, the rear end of the first forming the head of the second. This made it impossible to use a central piston-rod between these cylinders, there being no room for a stuffing-box. The low-pressure piston, there- fore, has two piston-rods, which pass outside the intermediate cylinder, but underneath its lagging, and are connected to a cross-head fastened to the main piston-rod. The stuffing-boxes 10 ارف لري 用户 ​11 FOL #AL. FIG. 190. D AI 141 in งอม НЯ 药 ​101 ומו กษ MULTITEEN انار $15 17 PROBEREKKELISTELEMEN 10 13 1140 'nd 10 ----10 CLEGG, GOESER: COCINO : 1 1 14 D COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 265 2 D FIG. 191. * M 23 266 PUMPING MACHINERY. for these rods are placed on the end of the intermediate cyl- inder farthest from the low-pressure cylinder, and the rods work through brass bushings, thus making it as easy to care for these stuffing-boxes as for those in the ordinary position. To facilitate starting the engine, a by-pass leads from the main steam-pipe to the pipe connecting the high-pressure and inter- mediate cylinders, by which both these cylinders can be worked with live steam until the engine is under way. A sectional elevation of the steam-end is shown in Fig. 192. The valve-cylinder attached to cylinder A is 12 inches in diameter, giving a large area for wear, and steam-ports of ample size. The area of the valve-piston is 113 square inches, so that the steam-pressure furnishes ample force to work the valves of the three cylinders. The low-pressure cylinder and steam-chest are shown at B. The steam-ports are 14 by 14 inches. The high-pressure cylinder, shown at C, has its left head cast in one piece with the right head of the low-pressure cylinder, and the pistons of the two cylinders are connected by a central piston-rod. The steam-ports for this cylinder are ½ by 54 inches. The steam-cylinders are 11½ inches, 20 inches, and 36 inches diameter, with a common stroke of 36 inches. They are made of hard cast iron and jacketed with live steam, the condensation being returned to the boiler by a small inde- pendent pump. Steam-pistons are in one piece, with packing- rings sprung in, and re-enforced by brass springs pressing outwards. The cylinders are covered with approved non- conductor, handsomely lagged with walnut strips, held in place by finished brass bands. The water-cylinder is of cast iron, 36 inches diameter by 36 inches stroke, with removable lining of hard cast brass and brass valve-seats, guards, and springs. It is arranged for suction connection on either side, as convenient, and has ample openings for removal or examination of valves. The capacity of the cylinder is such that at 45 strokes per minute a delivery of 7000 gallons per minute is obtained. The water-piston is packed with square fibrous packing for FIG. 192. 267 268 PUMPING MACHINERY. ! taking wear and with cupped leather rings for preventing leakage. The air-vessels are of cast iron, with brass water-gauges and air-charging device whereby air is automatically main- tained at proper height. The piston-rods are of machinery steel, secured to the pistons with brass nuts and jam-nuts and to the cross-head by steel keys. The tie-rods for uniting the steam- and water- cylinders are of iron, neatly turned and finished. Oil-cups are placed at all points where lubrication is re- quired, and a brass one-quart sight-feed lubricator is placed on the high-pressure steam-cylinder. With each engine is furnished a Davidson independent condenser, with steam-cylinder 8 inches and air-cylinder 14 inches in diameter and a stroke of 16 inches. The air-cylin- FIG. 193. A der is lined with brass, and has brass valve-seats and guards and sheet-metal valves. Condensers have vacuum-breaking attachments to insure against flooding the steam - cylinder of main engines and possible damage to them by reason of inattention or negligence on the part of those in charge. It is of interest to compare this pumping engine with other well- known pumping engines. Of course the first question which arises is as to comparative duty or fuel economy. In a power-plant working under the conditions pres- ent in most water-works pumping- stations, the matter of fuel economy is rightly considered of the first importance. A high-duty pumping engine, very expensive in first cost, may be much more economical in the long run than a cheap engine giving only moderate fuel economy. Cross-section through valve-cylinder. ; COMPOUND DIRECT-ACTING STEAM-PUMPS. 269 So far no direct-acting steam-pump (with the exception of the Worthington engine with the high-duty attachment) has been able to approach in fuel economy the fly-wheel engines, which store up the force exerted by the steam during the first part of the stroke and give it out again on the last part of the stroke when the steam is expanded and is pressing with less force upon the piston. As to the question how the pump illustrated may be ex- pected to compare in duty with the best types of compound duplex pumping engines, it is difficult to form any opinion without a comparison of indicator diagrams. The duplex compound can cut off the stroke and secure considerable expansion of steam in the first cylinder, and has the great advantage of securing a steady movement of the water at the pump end by the mutual action of the two cylinders. 2 The triple-expansion engine here illustrated has the advan- tage of carrying on the expansion in three cylinders. If we assume that in this engine the valves of the three cylinders open and close in exact unison, and each valve remains open for the whole stroke, which we believe is practically correct, then the number of expansions obtained is the ratio between the areas of the high-pressure and the low-pressure pistons. Since these are to each other as the square of their diameters, or as 11½²: 362, the number of expansions will be 1296÷ 132.25 10, nearly. While the highest duties recorded by pumping engines have been obtained with greater ratios of expansion than the above, many excellent records have been made with about this number of expansions. The pumping engine at Lawrence, Mass., designed by E. D. Leavitt, expands the steam about 22 times, and the Pawtucket engine, designed by Geo. H. Corliss, expands the steam about 18 times. The ordinary duplex direct-acting engines have, as a rule, much smaller ratios of expansions. The position of the high-pressure cylinder in this engine seems rather unfortunate for the attainment of a high duty, on account of the long pipe necessary to carry the steam to the intermediate cylinder. The clearance of the intermediate 23* 270 PUMPING MACHINERY. cylinder is practically increased by the volume of this pipe. This arrangement of the steam-cylinders was adopted to per- mit the examination and packing or readjustment of each of the three steam-pistons with the least delay and inconvenience. The piston-speed when working at the contract capacity is 135 feet per minute. This again is much lower than that of the fly-wheel engines. The Lawrence engine works at about 216 feet piston-speed, and the Pawtucket engine at about 250 feet per minute. The speed of 135 feet per minute, however, is certainly high for direct-acting pumps, and we understand that the engine is capable of as high speeds even as 200 feet, or 67 strokes per minute. It is remarkable that smooth motion and freedom from shock can be obtained from so large a pump moving its own valves. It is to be hoped that a thorough duty test may be made of these engines after they are in place, that it may be known what economy can be attained with engines of this class. FIRE-PUMPS. 271 CHAPTER XIII. FIRE-PUMPS. THE Underwriter Pump is the name adopted by The Asso- ciated Factory Mutual Insurance Companies to designate a steam fire-pump built in strict accordance with certain specifi- cations, the salient points of which are given below, taken from a special circular prepared for the use of their agents and patrons. The writer regards this circular as containing the most intelligent and carefully-prepared specifications for steam fire-pumps that have come to his knowledge. INTRODUCTION. Fire-pumps at the factories which we insure are so very frequently found incapable of being started promptly when tried for our inspectors, particularly at the spring inspection, and are found in so very many cases to be incapable of deliv- ering anywhere near their alleged or rated capacity without violent "hammering," as to make it plainly evident that some improvement in fire-pumps is greatly needed at the average mill in one or all three of the following particulars: The construction of the pump. The erection and fitting up of the pump. The care of the pump. Steam fire-pumps are ordinarily sold, rated, and expected to run at double the speed of a pump for boiler-feeding or any ordinary water-supply; they do not ordinarily receive such care or attention as a steam-engine or other machine on which the product of the mill depends. Being constantly subject to dampness, warmth, and contact with condensed steam, their parts are especially subject to rust. After weeks. 272 PUMPING MACHINERY. and months of disuse a fire-pump should be capable of being instantly started and run at full speed by a man who is excited and perhaps unskilful. Therefore a fire-pump needs more strength, better work- manship, and better protection against rust than does a pump for boiler-feeding or ordinary miscellaneous use; and the high speed at which it is expected to run demands the large steam valve-ports and large suction-valve areas specified below. These specifications cover only certain general features of the design, and may be viewed as an effort to indicate to those whom we insure the kind and quality of pump which we believe is needed. Beyond these features which are specified, the various pump- makers are free to follow each his own judgment and experi- ence in details of shop practice, to the end that competition in excellence may be encouraged. On the pump-maker rests the responsibility for first-class workmanship, material, and strength of castings, bolting, etc. SPECIFICATIONS. ARTICLE I. Only "duplex pumps" are acceptable for steam fire-pumps. (So-called "duplex" pumps, consisting of a pair of pumps with "steam-thrown valves" actuated by supplemental pistons, are not acceptable.) The experience of our inspectors goes to show that duplex pumps are more certain of starting after long disuse. The whole power of the main cylinder is available for moving a corroded valve or valve-rod, whereas on a single pump with a steam-thrown valve no such surplus of power is available. Further, the direct-acting duplex has the great advantage over a fly-wheel pump of not suffering breakage if water gets into the steam-cylinder. SIZE OF PUMP. ART. 2. The present multiplicity of odd sizes is confusing, and different makers estimate the capacity in gallons according to different arbitrary standards. FIRE-PUMPS. 273 Capacity to fur- nish Standard Fire-Streams. (To simplify matters we recommend that only the four different sizes given below be recognized or considered.) Capacity in Gal- lons per Min- ute delivered at Full Speed. 250 4 to to One stream. 320 I Ratio of Piston Areas. (See Article 4 for commercial sizes.) Too Small for a Fire-Pump except as an auxiliary. Convenient for regular use in extensive boiler-feeding or domestic supply. At speed suitable for continuous use delivery would be but about half this, or about 150 gal- lons per minute. 4 Two streams. 500 to I 3 Three 750 to streams. I 3 Four streams. 1000 to I Ordinary Size for Small Mills. This needs steam-boilers of at least 100 horse-power capacity to drive pump at rated full speed and maintain 100 pounds water- pressure. A steam-pressure of at least 40 pounds is needed at the pump to give this water pressure of 100 pounds at full speed. (The foregoing is for pumps in the best of order.) Ordinary Size for General Use. This needs steam-boilers of at least 115 horse-power and a steam-pressure of at least 48 pounds square inch at the pump to drive at full speed and at 100 pounds square inch water- pressure. Pressure at boiler must be a little more to allow for loss of steam-pressure between boiler and pump. For cases where boiler-pressure is unusually low (less than 50 pounds), use a pump with larger (4 to 1) steam-cylinder. Size for Large Factories. Requires 150 horse power boiler capacity and at least 44 pounds square inch steam-press- ure. (The boiler horse-powers above are reckoned on the A. S. M E. basis of 30 pounds of water evaporated or consumed per I. H. P. per hour, and are for pumps in the best order, and with parts as given in these specifications.) (l'umps in poor order or too tightly packed will require more steam than stated above.) Where more than 1000 gallons capacity is needed it is generally best to provide two pumps. S } 274 PUMPING MACHINERY. Two hundred and fifty gallons per minute is our standard allowance for a good 1%-inch (smooth-nozzle) fire-stream. (From 15 to 20 automatic sprinklers may be reckoned as discharging about the same quantity as a 1%-inch hose-stream under the ordinary practical conditions as to pipes supplying sprinkler and hose systems respectively.) It is not expected to provide pump capacity sufficient to supply all the sprink- lers in a large room for operation all at once; it being assumed that if controllable by sprinklers the fire will be controlled before spreading outside the area covered by from 25 to 75 heads. CAPACITY, HOW COMPUTED. ART. 3. The capacity of a pump depends on the speed at which it can be run. To compare different pumps, some definite speed must be agreed on as a basis. We have adopted,- For direct acting 10-inch stroke,--Full speed steam-pumps of For direct-acting} 12-inch stroke,—Full speed steam-pumps of = 75 revolutions per minute. 70 revolutions per minute. The rated capacity is, therefore, to be computed as the product of the speed just stated, by the plunger displacement for one revolution, corrected for piston-rod volume and for full nominal length of stroke, and with 10 per cent. deduction for slip and loss of action. (One revolution means one complete circuit of the motion of any of the recip- rocating parts of the pump, and for a duplex pump is equivalent to four single strokes. "Revolutions" is a term less liable to be misunderstood than "strokes.") It is all right to run fire-pumps at the highest speed that is possible without causing violent jar or hammering within the cylinders. Although a 12-inch stroke is 20 per cent. longer than a 10-inch stroke, the maximum delivery of a 12-inch-stroke pump will not be so much as 20 per cent. more than the delivery of a 10-inch-stroke pump of same diameter, for the reason that, having to travel farther, it cannot make quite so many revolutions per minute before jar will begin. On the other hand, it will deliver somewhat more, perhaps 12 per cent. more, than the 10-inch-stroke pump, because it can get equal delivery with a less number of reversals of motion per minute. FIRE-PUMPS. 275 7 i ART. 4. COMMERCIAL SIZES. Nearest Commercial Size. Number of Standard Ratio Nominal of 18-Inch Fire-Streams. (Each Areas Steam to Capacity. Gallons 10-Inch Stroke. Rating. per Diam. Diam. Nominal Gallons per Minute. Minute Steam- Water- 250 Gillons Water- Full Cylinder. per Minute.) Piston. Speed. Inches.. Inches. Cylinder. of Stroke. Inches. Length (Including 10 per cent. deduction for slip, etc.) to be seldom de- These two pumps being so manded for fire-pumps, mak- ers are hardly expected to pre- pare special patterns for them small as at present. One stream. Too small for a fire- pump alone. 4 to I 320 Two streams. 4 to I 500 Three streams. 3 to I 750 Four streams. 3 to I 1000 10 X 5 X 10 Exact Capacity Underwriters' Nearest Commercial Size. 12-Inch Stroke. Diam. Diam. Steam- Water- Cylinder. Cylinder. Inches. Inches. Nominal Length of Stroke. Inches. Exact Capacity Underwriters' Rating. (Including 10 per cent. deduction for slip, etc.) 220 10 X 5 X 12 246 As between these two pumps, a somewhat greater price for the second is reasonable on account of its 12 per cent. greater capacity. 12 X 6 X 10 321 12 X 6 X 12 359 As between these two pumps just given above, the second rates at 12 per cent. greater capacity than the first, and a price 12 per cent. greater would therefore not be unreasonable. 16 X 8 X 10 569 14 X 7 X 12 As between these two pumps just given above, the second rates at 15 per cent. less capacity than the first, therefore the second should be sold about so much cheaper. 16 X 94 X 10 767 16 X 9 X 12 484 807 As between these two pumps just given above, the second rates at 5 per cent. greater capacity than the first. 18½ X 10½ X 10 989 18 X 10 X 12 1007 As between these two pumps last mentioned, the second rates at 2 per cent. greater than the first. 276 PUMPING MACHINERY. No pump with areas less than 3 to I will, except under special circumstances, be accepted as a fire pump. It has been common to make all fire-pumps with water-plunger of only one- fourth the area of steam-piston, with the idea that the pump could thereby be more readily run at night, when steam was low. The capacity in gallons is thus reduced 25 per cent. as compared with a 3 to I plunger on the same steam-cylinders. Often, especially with large pumps, this is a mistake, for though the pump might start and give a few puffs, it withdraws so much steam that it can run effectively for but an extremely short time without the boiler fires are first aroused to make fresh steam to replace that withdrawn. A steam-piston relatively larger than necessary is a source of weakness. It takes more volume of steam, and gives more power with which to burst something if the throttle is opened wide suddenly during excitement. ART. 5. The inside-plunger pattern of pump is preferred to the water-piston pattern for all situations where water is rea- sonably free from grit or mud, and will generally be best for all New England situations. For pumps in the West or South, or for water like Ohio river water, a water-piston with packing or a packed plunger gives much better wear. By means of the priming-tank and pipes hereinafter speci- fied, the plunger pattern is enabled to "get hold of its water" as quickly as the piston pattern even under extreme lifts, and our experience goes to show that the plunger pattern is much better adapted to start free after long disuse or unskilful treat- ment. SIZE-PLATE. ART. 6. Every steam fire-pump must bear a conspicuous statement of its capacity, thus: 16 X 9 X 10. Capacity 750 gallons per minute, or three good 18-inch smooth nozzle streams. Full speed, 75 revolutions per minute. For fire purposes never let steam get below 50 pounds, nights or Sundays. This plate to be of porcelain-like enamel, bearing black FIRE-PUMPS. 277 letters ½ inch high on a white ground. The letters being of enamel and burned in. The plate is to be securely attached to the inboard side of the air-chamber. BRASS FITTING. ART. 7. Fire-pumps are to be brass fitted throughout,―viz., both piston-rods for their whole length are to be preferably of solid rods of special bronze, equal in quality to Tobin bronze, but rods of steel covered with a brass shell % inch thick throughout both water- and steam-ends are acceptable. (Common foundry bronze composition is not dense or strong enough for this purpose.) Valve-rods are to be preferably of solid Tobin bronze, or may be brass covered through their bearings in stuffing-boxes. Water-plungers are to be of solid brass or bronze, and the ring in which they slide is also to be of brass or bronze. The composition of the plunger and its ring should be of very dissimilar alloys to insure good wearing qualities. All six stuffing-boxes are to be bushed at the bottom with a brass ring with suitable neck and flange, and the follower or gland is to be either of solid brass, or is to be lined with a brass shell 3-16 inch thick, united with a flange covering the end next the packing. STRENGTH OF PARTS. ART. 8. The maker is to be understood to warrant each pump built under these specifications, to be at time of delivery, in all its parts, strong enough to admit of closing all valves on water outlet pipes while steam-valve is wide open and steam- pressure 80 pounds, and agree to test it before shipment from his works. (In other words, although these pumps are not expected to be designed for a regular working water-pressure of 240 or 320 pounds, it is expected that bolts, shells, rods, etc., will be figured to stand this comparatively quiet, temporary, high pressure exclusive of further allowance for initial strain due setting up of bolts, with a factor of safety of at least four.) 24 278 PUMPING MACHINERY. (This high test pressure is analogous to the custom of proving all common cast- iron water-pipes to 300 pounds and all common lap-welded steam-pipe to 500 pounds per square inch, even though it is to be regularly used at much less pressure.) We are assured that castings no heavier than at present used by the best makers will stand this test, if properly shaped and liberally bolted. ART. 9. The pump is to be warranted so designed, with such arrangement of thickness of metal that it shall be safe to instantly turn a full head of steam on to a cold pump without cracking or breaking the same by unequal expansion, due to this cause. SUCTION-VALVES. ART. 10. The net areas of ports in suction-valves for each end of each plunger is to be not less than 50 per cent. of area of plunger, where normal stroke is 10 inches, and for pumps. of 12-inch stroke, valve area is to be 56 per cent. of plunger area. (Experience indicates that it is preferable to secure this area by a larger num- ber of 3-, 3½-, or 4-inch valves rather than by increasing diameter of valve. The valves probably rarely lift so high in operation that area of cylinder under their edge half equals the area of ports; hence, strictly speaking, it is probably a question of securing the greatest convenient development of total valve circum- ference rather than merely large port area.) FORCE-VALVES. ART. II. The force-valves need have but two-thirds the total port area specified for the suction-valves. SPRINGS. ART. 12. All valve-springs to be coiled on a cylindrical arbor (conical springs are not approved). The spring to be properly guided and held from drifting sidewise out of centre by ends resting in grooves, and a suitable metal plate to be interposed between the rubber valve and the spring. Valve-spring and valve-spindle or stud are to permit an extreme lift equal to one-fifth diameter of rubber valve, and are to be so formed by screwing in on a taper or otherwise, that this amount of free lift cannot be restricted. FIRE PUMPS. 279 Stiffness of springs is for the present not specified, but left to the discretion of each maker. Preferably one rather stiff standard spring had best be uniformly used for all force-valves, while for the suction-valves three grades of stiffness can be used with advantage. Thus the standard will serve for all lifts up to 18 feet. An extra mild spring can be used for higher lifts, and an extra stiff spring where pump takes its suction under 5 pounds or more pressure may aid pump in run- ning smoothly at high speed. VALVE-SEATS. ART. 13. Valve-seats to be all of U. S. gun-metal compo- sition and firmly secured into valve-deck by forcing in on a screw-threaded taper, or by forcing in on a smooth taper and expanding out its lower edge below the valve-deck. STICKING OF VALVES. ART. 14. A serious objectionable feature of fire-pump valves, and one for which no satisfactory remedy has been put in practice as yet, is that if the pump is left standing or unused for several weeks or months the rubber valve-disks are some- times liable to become stuck to their seats, and if suction has a high lift there may not be vacuum enough to tear all the suction-valves open. At present we can only repeatedly urge that steam fire-pumps be started enough to limber them up, at least once a fortnight. Perhaps some non-corrosive alloy of nickel or aluminum can be found which rubber vulcanized with sulphur would not corrode and adhere to, and experience in other arts indicates that rubber will not adhere to a block-tin face even with extreme long standing. This is a subject well worth investigation by pump- makers. STEAM-PORTS. ART. 15. The minimum area of each exhaust-steam passage, at its smallest section, is to be not less than 4 per cent. of the area of the piston from which it leads. This is a large increase over the size heretofore common, but indicator-cards which we have taken from pumps of several different makes indicate this to be one of the points in which improvement is most needed to accommodate the high speeds at which fire-pumps are always supposed to run, and this unrestricted exhaust aids very materially in giving steadiness to the jet of water. The admission-ports may be not less than 2½ per cent. of piston area. Although from structural reasons the steam-port has usually heretofore been made of same size as exhaust-port, it can perhaps be advantageously made shorter. • • 譬 ​280 PUMPING MACHINERY. STEAM-CLEARANCE SPACE. The clearance space between face of piston and cylinder-head must be reduced to smallest possible amount, and these contacting surfaces be flat, without projec- tions or recesses, excepting the one for the piston-rod nut Some makers, with the idea that a fire-pump need not be economical, have not taken pains to keep these waste spaces small. Securing small clearance costs almost nothing but care in design, and is often of value, since at many factories boiler capacity is scanty for the large quantity of steam taken by a fire-pump of proper size. The edges of the steam valve-ports and likewise of the valve are to be accurately milled, or chipped and exactly filed to templets, true to line, and the face of valve and its seat accurately scraped to a plane surface, all in a most thorough and workmanlike manner and equal to high-grade steam- engine work. STEAM SLIDE-VALVE ADJUSTMENTS. (Adjustable valves are not recommended.) It is recognized that the practice of making adjustable valve-tappets located outside the steam-chest is a good thing on a large pump in constant service and operated by a skilled engine-driver, but for the infrequently used ordinary fire- pump the utmost simplicity is desirable, and it is best not to tempt the ordinary man in charge to "readjust" the valve- gear. Since the number of different sizes of pumps called for in these specifications are few, it is recommended that gauges and templets be prepared by which the valve position can be set once for all without necessity or ready means for re- adjustments. CUSHION-VALVES. ART. 16. Cushion-valves regulating the amount of steam- cushion at ends of stroke, by controlling a passage commu- nicating between steam- and exhaust-ports, are recommended for the 750-gallon and 1000-gallon pumps. They may, if the maker thinks it desirable for simplicity, be omitted on the pumps of 500 gallons per minute or less capacity. In order to obviate the possibility of the pump pounding itself to pieces in case of a sudden release of load, as by a break in suction- or delivery-mains, we recom- FIRE-PUMPS. 281 mend that the steam-cushion release be through independent ports terminating ½ inch back from cylinder-head, instead of through the induction-port opening, as at present common. This makes the pump safer in case cushion-valves are unskilfully left open too wide. STROKE GAUGE. ART. 17. A length-of-stroke index or gauge will be insisted on in all cases. These are to be of satisfactory strong and simple form for at all times rendering obvious the exact length of stroke which both pistons are making, and thus calling attention to improper adjustment of cushion-valves or stuffing- boxes. PIPE SIZES. ART. 18. Suction- and discharge-pipe connections must have standard flanges to connect with pipes of the sizes given below. Size of Pump. Diameter of Suction- Gallons per Min- Pipe. Inches. ute. Diameter of Dis- charge-Pipe. Inches. 320 500 750 1000 8 56 7∞ 68 1Ο 12 Steam-Pipe. Exhaust Pipe. 21/2 3 3445 3/2 4 5 These suction-pipe sizes, although larger than heretofore common, are believed to be amply justified by our experience, and exert a powerful influence towards enabling the pump to run smoothly at high speed with water-cylinders filling per- fectly at each stroke. No defect is more common than restricted suction-pipes. There should preferably be three suction entrances,—viz., one each side and one at end of pump. One of these openings is designed for the attachment of the suction air- chamber, and the providing of two others is often a great convenience in adapting pump to any particular location, or in permitting drafting from two different sources of supply. A single central end suction-opening is, however, acceptable. VACUUM-CHAMBER. ART. 19. The suction air-chamber (often called a vacuum- chamber), or its equivalent mentioned below, is to regularly form a part of every pump made under these specifications. 24* 282 PUMPING MACHINERY. This may, however, be omitted under special agreement for cases where suction is from an open reservoir by a pipe of full specified size less than twenty feet in total length, but flanges must be arranged so it can be readily added afterwards if found necessary. If so desired, the vacuum-chamber may consist of a closed vertical pipe of same diameter as suction, and 6 feet long. This vacuum-chamber must be attached to the pump in the most direct way practicable, but provision must be made for attaching it in such manner as not to prevent readily taking off the cylinder-heads. For pumps taking feed under a head, a vertical open pipe of same diameter as suction, reaching up to five feet above level of feed-water, is much preferable to a closed suction-chamber, since the latter is liable to become filled with water. If a great head or other cause makes this impracticable, the vacuum chamber should be so connected and fitted with gates that it may readily have water emptied and be filled with air while pump is in motion. AIR-CHAMBER. A large air-chamber is more necessary on a fire pump than on other pumps; without it the hose vibrates so that holes are quickly worn through. An air-chamber of hammered copper, and warranted tested under a hydraulic pressure of not less than 300 pounds per square inch, is preferable to cast iron, as, holding the air better and being lighter, it wrenches and strains the pump less when running fast and shaking. The air-chamber will be acceptable, however, if made of cast iron; but then it is to be warranted subjected to a hy- draulic test of 400 pounds per square inch before connection to pump, and is to be thoroughly painted inside and out to diminish its porosity. The form of air-chamber combined with the elbow beneath it, and also the relief-valve and hose-valve connections, should all be carefully designed to make the whole height the very least possible. Keeping this weight low makes the pump run steadier and brings less strain on the flanges at high speeds. SIZE OF VACUUM- AND AIR-CHAMBERS. Vacuum-Chamber is to con- Air-Chamber is to con- tain: tain: "6 320-gallon pump. 500- 750- 1000- 8 gallons. 13 18 " 10 gallons. 17 25 (6 24 (" 30 (6 + FIRE-PUMPS. 283 These volumes are based on making suction-chamber for long pipes six times, and pressure-chamber eight times one displacement of one plunger. Where the suction will never be from a pipe under pressure, and where the suc- tion-pipe has a total length of less than 25 feet, vacuum-chambers of from half to two-thirds the above will be acceptable. PRESSURE-GAUGES. ART. 20. A water-pressure gauge provided with 4-inch cock with lever handle is to be provided with the pump, and connected close to the air-chamber. The gauge itself is to be of the 5-inch iron case duplex spring pattern (such as used on locomotives), this kind of gauge being believed to be the best for with- standing the vibrations which cause gauges on fire-pumps so often to be unreliable. A steam pressure-gauge of the same kind is to be attached to the steam-chest inside the throttle-valve. SAFETY-VALVE. ART. 21. A safety- or relief-valve of the Ashton, Crosby, or other similar and accepted pattern is to be regularly included in the price, and is to be attached to each pump; preferably extending horizontally inboard from base of air-chamber, so that its hand-wheel for regulating pressure is within easy reach. This valve is to be set ordinarily at a working pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch, and is to be of such capacity that it can discharge the full throw of the pump at 3 speed, at a pressure not exceeding 125 pounds per square inch. It is to be provided with a hand-wheel, marked very conspicuously to show direction of turning, thus :-OPEN →→→ It should not have a locked adjustment, and does not need a device for lifting valve from seat by hand. Until further experiment it will be assumed that— For 320-gallon pump a 2½-inch Ashton valve (or equivalent) is suitable. 500- (6 750- "C (6 3- 3½-66 (C ff " 1000- (6 (6 4- (6 66 CC 66 (C This should discharge by a vertical, downward pipe, about 2½ feet long, opening into a cone or tunnel, fitted to a 6-, 8-, or 10-inch waste-pipe. 284 PUMPING MACHINERY. This very short open part at the cone being for rendering it obvious to pump operator whether water is wasting through relief-valve. This cone and its pipes are not included in price of pump. DRIP-COCKS. ART. 22. Three eighths-inch brass drip-cocks with a lever- handle are to be provided on both ends of each water-cylinder and each steam-cylinder, for effectually draining the same. A similar drain-cock is also to be provided for drawing off the water above the upper valve-deck. A 1/4-inch air-cock with lever-handle is to be attached to the cover over water-cylinders. (Cocks with lever-handle are used on account of showing to every passer-by whether they are open or shut.) PRIMING-PIPES. ART. 23. Each pump is to be regularly fitted with 1-inch brass priming-pipes before leaving the shop, as follows (these being included in its price), beginning at a 2 x I x 1-inch brass tee close to pump beneath delivery-flange, and thence extend- ing to four 3/4-inch valves, one of which leads into each of the four plunger-chambers. These priming-pipes should not con- nect into suction-pipe, lest priming-water be thereby wasted, and should not connect with chamber above force-valves. For cases where pump only takes its suction under a head, these priming-pipes may be omitted, but openings for them into the pump-shell must be provided and fitted with screw-plugs. A priming-tank (not included in pump contract unless at an extra charge) will in all cases be a requirement in the instruc- tions for properly setting up a fire-pump to which the water does not flow under a head. This tank must be situated with its bottom not lower than 5 feet above the pump, and con- taining a volume of water equal to half the nominal capacity of the pump in gallons per minute, said priming-tank to be for the sole and exclusive use of the fire-pump, and connected with nothing else whatever. FIRE-PUMPS. 285 Having this provision for priming quickly and surely, a foot-valve at bottom of suction-pipe is not needed. ART. 24. Each pump is to be regularly fitted, not as an extra, but as a part included in the cost of the pump, with hose connections, consisting of Chapman Valve Company's 2½-inch Straight-way Hose Valves (not including cap and chain), attached to the neck of air-chamber. The number of these is to be as follows: For the 300-gallon pump 500- 750- 1000- (C One. Two. Three. Four. The screw-head at end of these valves for connecting to hose is to be either fitted to a hose-coupling furnished by the customer, or left with the thread uncut. ART. 25. Tests for acceptance after pump is set up at its destination: 1. Pump being set up in good order and properly packed, is to run smoothly without slamming or jumping or hammer- ing, at its full rated speed (of 70 or 75 revolutions per minute), and make full normal stroke, meanwhile maintaining a water- pressure of 100 pounds per square inch while furnished with 500 gallons (4 to 1). 45 pounds square inch steam-pressure for the 50 45 (C (C 66 (C 66 750 << 1000 (3 to 1). (3 to 1). Water-pressure being measured at base of air-chamber. Steam-pressure being measured close to steam-chest. Start slow. Gradually and alternately open throttle to give speed required, and if hose is short or discharge too free, close or adjust outlet-valve to give back pressure enough to raise water-gauge to about 100 pounds. Pump is to run at full speed free from thumping without necessity for "snifting" air into suction. 2. During this trial it is preferable to discharge the water through two, three, or four 1%-inch smooth nozzles (accord- ing to the number the pump is rated to supply, as per Art. 4). Each nozzle being connected to the hose outlet on the pump by 150 feet of 2½-inch rubber-lined hose, and meanwhile note the pressure of water. 286 PUMPING MACHINERY. The 100 pounds water-pressure is intended to allow for friction in hose lines 150 feet long. If shorter lines are used, the same nozzle delivery will be obtained with less pressure at the pump. 3. While thus playing through the nozzles the hose near the pump should lie quiet, or with but little sliding to and fro on the ground near the pump. One of the nicest points about building a pump is to so design its valves and gear that the pulsations of the pump will not quickly wear holes in the hose by causing it to rub back and forth at each beat of the piston, and the quietness with which the hose lies is a good index of the pump-maker's skill in securing uniform delivery. 4. An experiment may then be made to determine the greatest speed at which pump can be run, at 100 pounds water-pressure, before beginning to jar or pound seriously, cushion-valves meanwhile being adjusted. This may be tried by adding another line of hose at some. hydrant near, and seeing how well the pump will fill this extra nozzle in addition to those it is rated to deliver. Count the revolutions, and note the steam- and water-press- ures meanwhile. 5. With all water outlets closed and with sufficient steam admitted to give 80 pounds average water-pressure, the internal leakage is to be so small that pump will not make more than one revolution per minute. The safety-valve should be on during this test, lest pressure be accidentally carried too high. 6. With all water outlets nearly, but not completely, closed and safety-valve screwed down and steam admitted sufficient to give a water-pressure of 240 pounds per square inch, pump moving very slowly meanwhile, all joints about the pump are to remain substantially tight. 7. With all other outlets closed and the safety-valve ad- justed to 100 pounds, then on starting the pump this safety- valve should be sufficient to discharge the full delivery of the pump at fifty revolutions per minute, with a pressure of not over 125 pounds. FIRE-PUMPS. 287 8. A brief experiment may then be made, with cushion- valves wide open, to determine greatest speed at which pump can be run in this condition without injurious hammering. FINALLY, COST. ART. 26. A pump built as specified above will cost more than a fire-pump of same size built as heretofore, but we be- lieve it well worth the extra cost; and the tests on the few pumps already made indicate that the first cost per gallon actual capacity is, by reason of smooth running and higher speed, practicable, even less than for the ordinary style. The main points of difference are: Pump has brass plungers instead of cast-iron ones. Pump has bronze piston-rods and valve-rods instead of iron. Pump has brass-lined stuffing-boxes instead of iron. Area of water-valves 25 to 50 per cent. greater. Steam- and exhaust-passages 20 to 50 per cent. greater. Suction-pipe connections 2 to 4 inches greater diameter. Cushion-valves better arranged. Air-chamber is made much larger. Shells and bolting are warranted especially strong. The following necessary fittings, heretofore charged for as extras, are included in the price, and regularly furnished as a part of this pump,—viz. : A capacity-plate is added. A stroke-gauge is added. A vacuum-chamber is added. Two best quality pressure-gauges. A water-relief valve of large capacity. A set of brass priming-pipes and valves. From two to four Chapman hose-valves. A sight-feed cylinder-lubricator is added. Respectfully submitted, JOHN R. FREEMAN, Engineer Assoc. Mutual Ins. Co. June 1, 1891. 288 PUMPING MACHINERY. The following vote was passed at the monthly conference of the Associated Companies, June 15, 1891: "Voted: To recommend that the so-called 'Underwriter's Pattern' of steam fire-pump, complete with all attachments as per specification of June 1, be recog- nized as the approved type, and that pumps built and fitted up less perfectly than per this specification be not approved in future installations, except under special circumstances and by special agreement with some executive officer of the in- surance companies." ; • MINING-PUMPS. 289 CHAPTER XIV. MINING-PUMPS. Pumping engines for mines are generally placed under- ground; there are instances in this country in which the engines are located on the surface, but by far the larger num- ber are down in the mines, and usually making the delivery in a single lift. The service required of a mine-pump is con- stant, and as pumps are not always duplicated, it is a matter of first importance that they be properly proportioned as to strength, and furnished with a valve mechanism not liable to get out of order. There was formerly no uniformity in the type of pump used in mines; piston-pumps and several varieties of packed plunger-pumps were employed, but, all things considered, the use of plunger-pumps is preferable to that of piston-pumps, especially in deep mining operations. The plunger-pump is almost exclusively used at this time, for in the old plan of working under a heavy pressure with a piston, if dirty water were met with, the pump is less likely to give satisfaction; the cylinder cuts out quickly, and if a lining is employed, it is a costly operation in a large pump to put in another. The metal used for mine-pumps is almost always hard cast iron; occasionally, however, a gun-metal water-end is used, but such examples are rare, especially for large pumps. It is customary to give water-end castings for mine-pumps an extra thickness of metal apart from that necessary for work- ing strength, including any jar or water hammer, the pump castings under pressure having from half an inch to an inch and a half added to the thickness for deterioration. The metal • N t 25 290 PUMPING MACHINERY. itself is made very hard; in fact, as hard as can be worked with special steel tools; ordinary machine castings have been found to be entirely too soft to long withstand the action of bad water. A water-end of a pump was recently shown the writer, in which, by a sudden change in the character of the water in a mine from sweet to bad, the pump was utterly ruined in less than a month's service. The pump was brass fitted, the castings soft gray iron; the action of the acid water was to loosen the valve-seats and attack every interior por- tion of the pump which came in contact with the brass, as well as corroding such portions as had been machine fitted. The action of mine water is very capricious, and does not affect all portions of a pump alike; that is to say, all parts are subject to the destructive action of the acid water, but certain localized points in the interior are often found to deteriorate much more rapidly than others. For such portions of a pump special provision may be made in advance by having duplicate parts, if the water-end be made up of sections, easily attached whenever needed. Sinking-pumps are usually vertical direct-acting single pumps with steam-thrown valve-gear. The water-ends are of either the piston, differential plunger, or fitted with double- acting plungers centrally packed; the latter, being a better type of pump for handling gritty water, is more favorably thought of by mine-operators than either of the former. Such pumps are fitted with an eye-bolt in the upper cylinder- head, or with three eye-bolts attached at points of support, which will enable the pump to hang vertically when sus- pended by a chain. In addition to this, wrought-iron dogs or clamps are provided by which the pump may be fastened to suitable timbers on the side of a shaft; the pump may, therefore, be either held in suspension from above, and raised or lowered as may be required in the case of a flooded mine, or it may be temporarily fixed to the side of the shaft, to be lowered at such intervals as the progress of sinking a shaft may require. MINING-PUMPS. 291 A sinking-pump must be simple, compact, strongly made, and the valve-gear well protected. Probably no other type of pump is subjected to the rough usage which sinking-pumps invariably get. It is a condition which cannot be overcome in the preliminary stages of mining, on account of the lia- bility of accident from blasting operations, the necessity at all times for pumping gritty and often acid water, and the fact that there is always more or less muddy water trick- ling down the shaft from the water-bearing strata overhead, which so completely covers a pump with mud that if it were not in motion it could scarcely be distinguished from any other mass of débris. Notwithstanding all this, a sinking- pump must work continuously night and day, and often up to its limit of capacity. The failure of such a pump at a critical period, even for a day, may flood a shaft, which would require a week or more to recover. The Cameron sinking-pump, by reason of its having no external valve-gear, has met the above conditions, and as a result it is very popular with mine-operators. The steam-end of this pump has been previously described and illustrated in the sectional engraving, Fig. 160, which shows the mechanism by which the steam-piston is operated for horizontal mine- pumps; for vertical sinking-pumps the valve-chest is placed at right angles to the stroke, the port-openings being arranged to correspond, a detail easily understood, and does not require special illustration. A sectional elevation of a double-plunger pump, showing the arrangement of stuffing boxes, suction- and delivery-valves, and suction-pipe are clearly shown in Fig. 194. A vertical sinking-pump by the Deane Steam-Pump Com- pany is shown in sectional elevation in Figs. 195 and 196. This design is intended to meet the demands for such a machine in the mining districts of Colorado. These machines are for sink- ing or unwatering mines or for any use where a varying water- level must be accommodated. The plungers are in one piece, are double-acting and centre-packed; they can be very easily 292 PUMPING MACHINERY. and quickly packed by the removal of only two glands. The valves are of rubber, of a special texture for heavy duty and to resist the action of bad mine water, with brass covers. FIG. 194. # 酸​白 ​Ο Hinged bolts are used on the hand-hole plates; stuffing-box glands and all removable parts and all nuts throughout the machine are secured by split pins, so that no parts may be lost while the machine is being packed or adjusted. The MINING-PUMPS. 293 machine is fully equipped with drip- and sand-valves. The suction is taken in at the bottom of the pump, thus saving a FIG. 195. length of pipe required by most machines of this class. The FIG. 196. valve motion is the well-known Deane patent. It is absolutely positive, and will start at any point of its stroke, and is thor- 25* 294 PUMPING MACHINERY. oughly protected by a cast-iron shield, which also serves as the yoke between the steam- and water-ends. The steam- cylinder is equipped with cushion-valves to regulate the up and down strokes of the engine. Each machine is made with O BANG FIG. 197. (WORTHINGTON) 1 גן 段 ​a bale attached to the steam-cylinder, and also with shoes and dogs to secure easy handling and control while in the shaft. A duplex sink- ing-pump by Wor- thington is shown in Fig. 197. It is not often that duplex pumps are arranged to work vertically, but when properly designed for such a position they will be quite as satisfac- tory in their opera- tion as if employed horizontally. A close inspection of the engraving of this sinking-pump shows that in the several details of the water- end the best practice in mining - pump - design has been car- ried out. The water- plungers are double- acting, working through exterior stuffing-boxes and adjust- able packing. Means are provided, as shown in the engraving, MINING-PUMPS. 295 for either suspending the machine at the eye-bolt shown be- tween the steam-cylinders, or for hanging it on suitable timbers on the sides of the shaft. The suction opening is at the lower end of the pump, convenient for attaching the suction-pipe or hose. The discharge connection to column-pipe is on the side. The water-valves are enclosed in heavy pot-chambers, and are made accessible for examination or repairs by means of swing-bolt covers on the valve-pots. The duplex valve- movement being positive, the pump is always ready to start, and when running there is an entire absence of concussive action; it is, therefore, well fitted to withstand the rough usage to which sinking-pumps are subjected. Single direct-acting mine-pumps occupy less room in a mine than a duplex pump of the same capacity, but the delivery from a single pump is at times so faulty that a very large percentage of the steam used is expended in starting anew the column of water at each stroke. This fault is due, in part, to the construction of the pump, by which an interval occurs at the end of each stroke, during which no water is being delivered, the flow is suspended for the time, and thus permits the water column to come to a state of rest. But the fault does not lie wholly with the pump as such, but to neglect in the failure to keep the air-chamber of the water-end prop- erly charged with air. If this latter detail were properly looked after there would be less trouble with pumps and valves than has heretofore been the case. The capacity of an air-chamber in a single, direct-acting mine-pump should never be less than four volumes of the pump capacity per stroke. This air-chamber should connect directly with the highest point of the delivery-chamber; it should be furnished with a glass water-gauge so that the quan- tity of air in the vessel can be determined at a glance. The height of the water in the air-chamber should never exceed a level due to one-third of its cubic content. A device similar to that shown in Fig. 91 can be applied to any pump, and the deeper the mine the greater the necessity for its application. 296 PUMPING MACHINERY. Lubricating Pistons of Mining-Pumps.-The sectional elevation, Fig. 198, represents one of the Knowles piston mining-pumps, fitted with Simpson's patent lubricating water- piston. This device consists of an arrangement whereby a lubricant composed of pitch and tallow is sent from the inside of the pump-piston through its rings to the surface of the pump-cylinder, thus lubricating the water- piston and cylinder in a satisfactory manner. The lubricant not only insures the freest possible movement of the piston, but soon coats the entire inside of the pump and the inner surface of the pump-column; thus acting as a preventive against the destruc- tive effects of bad mine water. The nature of the compound of pitch and tallow secures a tight piston. FIG. 198. B The action of this device is as follows: That part of the piston-rod which enters the water-end of the pump has through its centre a long passage-way, B, which connects the small hand-pump A holding the lubricant with the holes Cin the pump-piston, as shown in the engraving. The holes Care drilled in the water-piston at several points, ending under the packing-rings D. The packing-rings are made of composition copper and tin, and are perforated with small holes to permit the compound of pitch and tallow to ooze out and lubricate the cylinder and piston. The lubricant is by this little hand-pump forced through the hollow piston-rod and the holes in the MINING-PUMPS. 297 water-piston, thus filling them and setting up the rings in the water-piston. When the lubricant is pumped up solid, cock E is closed to retain the pressure. In the action of the pump a small amount of pitch and tallow oozes out through the holes of the packing-rings, lubricating the cylinder and pro- ducing the benefits above named. It is only necessary to charge the pump with this lubricant about every eight hours. Duplex mine-pumps are steadily growing in favor, be- cause the duplex valve-movement is particularly well suited to handling water at high pressures. The advantages of this valve-movement have already been set forth in the chapter on hydraulic-pressure pumps, and need not, therefore, be repeated here. Pumps of this type are always placed at or near the bottom of the mine, and no difficulty is had in making the delivery in a single lift, wholly irrespective of the depth of the mine. Air-chambers are not usually supplied duplex mine-pumps; effective and quiet working having always accompanied the practical operation of pumps of this type, it was believed that the addition of an air-vessel was unnecessary. This is true in part, but the duplex action is not wholly continuous, or perhaps a better way to put it is that the pressure in the de- livery-pipe is not absolutely uniform, but it is more nearly so than in any other type of pump now employed in mining operations. The addition of an air-chamber, together with an automatic charging device, as shown in Fig. 102, will fully meet all the conditions of this exacting service. The superiority of the duplex movement was strikingly ex- hibited in the development of the pipe-line system of the National Transit Company, the service being analogous to mine-pumping except as to material. When single direct- acting engines were used the jarring effect produced by their irregular delivery was very destructive on the pipes and fittings, causing leakage, and was altogether a constant source of expense in the maintenance of the pipes, to say nothing of the losses occasioned by the delay in making oil deliveries. 298 PUMPING MACHINERY. The substitution of duplex for single pumping engines cor- rected at once this troublesome detail in the pipe-line business. A 12″ × 48″ duplex pumping engine was built by Worth- ington for the National Transit Company some six years ago, which has ever since its erection been at work, continuously delivering 25,000 barrels of oil (50 gallons) in 24 hours at a pressure of 1500 pounds per square inch, pumping the oil over a mountain of a height corresponding to the above pressure. So general is the acknowledged superiority of this type of pumping engine for mining operations over the single direct- acting pump, that many firms whose reputation and success were wholly built up in the single pump business are now supplying their patrons with pumps having duplex steam-ends, either simple or compound. A piston-pump with gun-metal lining, such as shown in Fig. 113, is often used in mines where the depth does not exceed two hundred feet and the water is not acid. The fibrous packing can be readily renewed whenever necessary. Removable gun-metal linings are commonly arranged so that they can be partially turned in the water-cylinder to present a new or uneven surface underneath the piston. As the bolt- holes are spaced on either three or four divisions of the cir- cumference, a corresponding new surface may be brought under the piston until it is so completely worn as to need re- newal, in which case the substitution of a new lining for the one worn out can be accomplished in a few minutes. Piston-pumps occupy less space in a mine than plunger- pumps of the same capacity. If the water is not bad, the pump may be of the same general construction as for any other pumping service for which a piston-pump would be se- lected. It is a wise precaution, however, to have the pump brass-fitted throughout; it adds but little to the cost and is well worth the difference. Piston-pumps for acid water should have the water- ends made up of sections, any one of which may be easily MINING-PUMPS. 299 detached from the assembled water-end and replaced by a new one, in case such renewal should become necessary through the corrosive action of the mine water. Fig. 199 represents partly in section and partly in elevation one side of a 7" X 12" duplex water-end, from designs by the writer. The suction- pipe underneath is made in two pieces, with a flanged joint in the centre; these two castings are in all respects alike; they ex- FIG. 199. о O tend across the pump similar to those in Fig. 201. There are four water-cylinders precisely alike. The working barrel of the pump is made of gun-metal, and fits into an opening, as shown in the drawing; the flange included in the gun-metal barrel is faced and drilled similarly to those of the two water- cylinders to which it is applied, through-going bolts securing 300 PUMPING MACHINERY. all together. The valve-seat is shown in elevation in the above drawing; a section of a similar valve-seat is shown in Fig. 200. The width of the bottom flange is only sufficient to make a good joint. It will be seen that the water-cylinders, suction- and delivery-pipes are simply faced castings, held together by through-going bolts. Centrally-packed plunger-pumps, similar in general design to the 8" X 12" duplex shown in Fig. 200, are largely used in anthracite coal-mines. The water-cylinders are con- structed with special reference to pumping acid water. The shape is made up of curved surfaces as far as practicable. There is no fitting to these chambers other than the facing and drilling of the flanges, and the boring of the stuffing- box; the interior surface or skin of the casting not being dis- turbed offers a better resistance against the action of bad water than such parts as have had this surface removed. The plungers are made of cast iron, working through a stuffing-box included in the water-cylinder casting. These stuffing-boxes and glands are sometimes lined with gun-metal bushings, as shown in Fig. 37, but not as a general practice. The plunger is always kept well lubricated, which greatly retards the corrosive action of the water upon it. This lubri- cant also covers the interior surfaces of the gland and the bored guide at the bottom of the stuffing-box, so that corro- sion proceeds less rapidly there than elsewhere in the cylinder. In this design the plunger is driven by a rod passing through a stuffing-box in the inside head, as must be the case in cen- trally-packed pumps. This rod should be of some copper and tin composition, and never of Muntz-metal. The writer has used Tobin and phos- phor-bronze with satisfactory results. This gland and stuffing- box should be fitted with gun-metal bushings as shown in Fig. 37. The valves are usually one single rubber disk for plungers up to 12 inches diameter, and it is this diameter which usually fixes that of the valve, both being alike. The valve-seats being MINING-PUMPS. 301 FIG. 200. FIG. 201. made of hard gun-metal will outlast several water-ends; the flange by which a seat is held in place need not be wider than will make a safe joint. The de- livery-valve cham- ber is of a form well calculated to resist the action of the current of water passing through it to the central deliv- ery-pipe shown in the end elevation, Fig. 201. • A duplex cen- trally-packed water-end for a 15" X 36" mine-pump, from designs by the author, are shown in Figs. 202 and 203. It does not differ . 26 302 PUMPING MACHINERY. 101 FIG. 202. FIG. 203. O O materially from the pump just described except in the fact of its having a gun- metal valve-plate fit- ted with as many small valves of the design shown shown in Fig. 55 as the plate will contain. The diameter of this plate can usually be made to accommodate from 60 to 75 per cent. of plunger area, through valve-seats 32 to 4 inches in diameter, without enlarging the water- chamber to an un- reasonable propor- tion. By reason of the uncertain de- mands upon mine- pumps it is recom- mended that for strokes of 18 to 36 inches the combined area of valve open- ings be not less than 60 per cent. for the shorter stroke, and from 75 to 100 per cent. for the long stroke, as high. plunger speed should always be } MINING-PUMPS. 303 accompanied by a correspondingly large valve area to get the best results. An outside-packed plunger - pump with end stuffing-boxes and central diaphragm, as shown in Fig. 204, is an excellent form of mine- The absence pump. of a piston-rod work- ing through one of the water-cylinder ends is an advantage. The illustration represents one side of a 9" X 18" water-end; by reason of the projecting plungers this pump re- quires a greater length of floor space for the same working stroke than those having cen- trally-packed plungers. The end stuffing-boxes are more convenient for filling and for adjust- ment than when placed centrally. Each plunger has a cross- head included in the same casting; wrought- iron or steel tie-rods connect each pair of plungers belonging to one side, as shown in 0 0 I FIG. 204. the drawing. The valves, valve-seats, valve-chambers, suction- 1 304 PUMPING MACHINERY. and delivery-pipes are substantially the same as for the two preceding pumps. Each water-cylinder casting includes two plunger-chambers; the lugs for attaching the steam-end being included also, it will be seen that there is much less fitting required in this than is called for in centrally-packed water- ends; there is one objection, however, which must not be overlooked, and that is, in the event of any portion of a water- cylinder of this design being sufficiently affected by bad water as to require renewal, a complete water-cylinder must be furnished. A compound mine-pump by the Buffalo Steam-Pump Com- pany is shown in perspective view in Fig. 205, a side eleva- FIG. 205. SCONANT-CO." tion in Fig. 206, and an end elevation in Fig. 207. The lat- ter two illustrations are sufficiently sectioned to show the arrangement of plunger, pot-valve chamber, suction- and delivery-valves. The high-pressure steam-cylinders of the pump here shown are 12 inches diameter; low-pressure cylinders, 22 inches diameter; stroke, 18 inches; the plungers are 7 inches diam- eter. The rated capacity is 300 to 350 gallons per minute, delivered 600 feet above the station with a steam-pressure of 65 pounds in the initial steam-chest. The plungers are tied together with steel tie-rods coupled into cast-steel cross-heads. The plungers are carried through bronze-lined stuffing-box glands. The water passages are 50 per cent. of the plunger MINING-PUMPS. 305 area. Each valve-chamber contains three valves of a size that also equals 50 per cent. of the plunger area; both suction- and discharge-valves are overhead, so that the plungers are always water-packed. The caps of the valve-chambers are held by swing-bolts. The pump is supplied through a 7-inch suction- pipe, and the discharge is driven through a 6-inch column. This pump was furnished with an im- proved single air-pump and con- denser designed for the most severe duty. The valves of the steam-cylinder are of the ordi- nary plain slide type, and ar- ranged to run by the ordinary duplex movement already de- scribed. A Knowles compound con- densing duplex plunger-pump, illustrated in Fig. 208, is from a drawing representing the 800- foot station of a mine, with the pumping engine in place and the sinking-pump in position below the station. This pump has a capacity of 1000 gallons of water per minute. The water-end is fitted with pot-valve chambers similar to those described in the chapter on hydraulic-press- ure pumps. This pump is arranged to draw its supply from the sump located underneath the t FIG. 206. engine, one or more sinking-pumps raising the water from a lower level. From this same tank the condensing appa- ratus draws its supply of injection water necessary for con- densing the exhaust steam as it issues from the low-press- ure cylinder. The water from the hot-well delivery of the น 26* 306 PUMPING MACHINERY. condensing apparatus flows back into the sump from which it was taken, an arrangement of piping making this delivery near to the main pump-suction, so that the hot-well discharge is at once taken up by the main suction instead of communi- cating its heat to the whole body of water; by this means a large volume of water is available for condensation which has received no heat from the hot-well discharge. The engraving shows a float in the sump; this float oper- ates a balanced throttle-valve on the steam supply-pipe. The movement of this float, up or down, regulates the speed of FIG. 207. the pumping engine, and will stop the engine automatically should the sump be emptied of water. In deepening the shaft the sinking-pump is lowered at in- tervals as the excavating progresses. The water at the bottom of the shaft is taken by the sinking-pump and deliv- ered to the tank or sump that supplies the pumping engine in the station. A single steam-pipe down the shaft supplies both the pumping engine and sinking-pump. The exhaust steam from the pumping engine, as before explained, is con- densed by the independent air-pump and jet-condenser. The MINING-PUMPS. 307 TRAP SUCTION exhaust steam from the sinking-pump, however, is usually carried to the sump or into a special connection arranged on FIG. 208. STEAM PIPE SUCTION CHAMBER the suction-nozzle of the sinking-pump. This connection is a neat and inexpensive condensing arrangement (not shown in the cut) and does away with the exhaust steam- pipe in the shaft. With a pumping-plant similar to that described, mines can be sunk to any depth desired or flooded mines recovered with the greatest facility and security. The location of the sump does not always fix that of the pumping engine in a mine. The former must be placed wherever the conditions of the mine re- quire it, and this may not be the best loca- EXHAUST PIPE SUCTION HOSE DISCHARGE tion for the pump, which latter should be located not more than 20 feet above the bottom of the sump; and as for the STEAM PIPE 1 308 PUMPING MACHINERY. length of the suction-pipe, it is well understood that it should be as short as possible. This is a detail in mine engineering which we cannot enter into here, but the main pumping engine, if more than one is required, ought to be placed as near the shaft as possible, and if water has to be pumped from several distant points, and perhaps at greatly varying levels, small, low-service pumps may advantageously be used at any convenient place in the mine, the combined deliveries. of these pumps being into a sump at a convenient level for the main engine; an arrangement such as that shown in Fig. 208, reproduced from Knowles's catalogue, will make our meaning clear. Lining a Mine-Pump with Gun-Metal.-The experi- ment has been tried of lining pump-barrels and other interior portions of mine-pumps with gun-metal, but it has proved a costly thing to do. The intricate details of a pump interior prevents lining the entire surface with gun-metal. The only practical method by which it can be done is to have all por- tions cylindrical, so that the fitting would be reduced to the simple operations of boring and turning, and then forcing them in place. By the time all this is accomplished the cost will fully reach that of a properly-designed water-end con- structed wholly of gun-metal. Lining a mine-pump with wood is better and cheaper than with gun-metal. The pump details must have been pre- viously arranged with reference to the insertion of the wood lining. Fig. 209 represents a water-cylinder of a horizontal plunger-pump with the wood lining in place. The staves are of soft pine, machine-dressed radially and to the outer and inner curves, suited to their respective diameters; they are cut to exact length and arranged in place. Two of the staves are then bevelled to admit a third stave between them, also bevelled, and which shall act as a wedge; this middle stave is then driven home with a maul; all the staves will now be firmly fixed in their places in the interior of the cylinder. Any MINING-PUMPS. 309 openings into this cylinder may be lined in the same manner, care being taken that the inner ends of such staves closely fit the curvature of the main staves; after these are securely wedged in place the opening may then be cut through into the working-barrel. A gun-metal bushing is shown inserted FIG. 209. in the bottom of the stuffing-box, through which a cast-iron plunger works. A valve-chamber, shown in Fig. 210, is similarly lined with wood. It will be observed that this interior is an inverted frustrum or a cone with a cylindrical intersection. The inser- FIG. 210. tion of this lining is not so simple a matter as that of a plain cylinder, because each stave requires to be fitted to the two top and bottom diameters of the valve-chambers. By making a wooden templet, having the proper curves and angles accu- rately representing one stave, duplicates can be quickly made 310 PUMPING MACHINERY. by a wood-worker, each piece exactly fitting into its place. Three staves must be fitted for wedging, as in the preceding paragraph. After the conical portion has been lined, the cylin- FIG. 211. • drical intersection can then be fitted, after which the branch opening may be cut through. This chamber is fitted with a gun-metal lining below the valve-seat. The valve-seat is inserted on a taper, and extends down, forming a lining to pro- tect the metal at the top of the bushing. It will be seen that this chamber is very thor- oughly protected. An air-chamber with wood lining is shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 211. Only that portion is protected that comes in contact with the water. The duplex water-end, Fig. 212, is lined throughout with wood, as shown in the preceding illustrations, and in end ele- vation in Fig. 213. This pump is fitted with plungers 12 inches diameter by 48 inches stroke; it is located in an anthracite coal-mine nearly 1000 feet deep. The whole design is good, and may be said to fairly represent the best modern design and construction, except in two points, about which engineers are not fully agreed: one, in regard to a centrally-packed plunger, as against end-plungers; and the other, in the employment of one large valve instead of several smaller ones. The thick- ness of metal in this water-end subject to pressure is two inches; the wood lining one inch thick. The valves are 15 inches diameter and 14 inches thick. No air-chambers are provided except the ones over each delivery valve-chamber. The Cornish pumping engine was among the first pumps used in the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania. The late Howell Green, whose experience with mining-pumps 1 MINING-PUMPS. 311 де مالا O FIG. 212. ollo FIG. 213. 312 PUMPING MACHINERY. was both varied and extensive, was of the opinion that "if the working-barrel was made of hard iron and the length of rod nicely adjusted so that the leather would come slightly above the bore in the upstroke, and if the water was clean and not acid, and the lift not too heavy-then, it is still the best mining-pump ever made." This view is not now entertained by mining engineers, and the types of pumping engines al- ready described and illustrated in this chapter are, for many reasons, to be preferred. That type of pumping engine known as the Cornish may be described as a single-acting, high-pressure, expansive con- densing engine, working single-acting pumps through the medium of a beam. Cornish pumps are usually of the plunger pattern, the plungers being loaded with iron weights. sufficient to counterpoise the pressure of the water column. The engine may be considered as consisting of two parts; the power of the engine is used to lift the loaded plunger, after which the steam-engine part of the machine is detached and the weighted plunger is allowed to descend by gravity at a speed depending on the quantity of engine-power in action and the rate at which the water is being drawn away. The chamber of the pump becomes filled when the plunger is raised. and the act of inhaling the full charge through the suction- valve is a portion of the work which the steam has to perform, and a portion also much subject to variation. The speed of the engine is regulated by an adjustable cata- ract; the exhaust-valve first and then the steam-valve are thrown open by treadle-weights, as soon as the catches are detached by the cataract. The valves are closed by tappets on a plug-rod, first the steam-valve and then the exhaust- valve, the former at a period of the stroke varying in practice between one-third and one-fifth from the commencement, and the latter at the end of the stroke. In engines working on this principle, as also in all recipro- cating engines pumping without cranks, there is nothing to limit the strokes of the engine to any exact length. It is necessary, therefore, that bumpers or catch-pieces be provided MINING-PUMPS. 313 to restrain the engine at both ends from an undue length of stroke; and thick plates of india-rubber under hard-wood blocks are now used for this purpose in place of the spring beams formerly employed. An engine thus arranged, work- ing alone, lifting water from one fixed level to another, would work continuously with one length of stroke and at one speed, at whatever it might be set. The single-acting engine on the Cornish principle was thought to have some advantages over a pumping engine with crank and fly-wheel, in the fact that no power is required in the Cornish engine for keeping gearing in motion at each end of the stroke; a certain amount of percussion action is in- deed necessary to overcome the inertia of the engine at the beginning of the stroke; but, on the other hand, the whole engine is brought to a dead stand at the end of every stroke by the whole effective power being completely absorbed in the work done in pumping. The Jeanesville Mine-Pump.-The compound duplex mine-pump illustrated in Fig. 214 is from designs by Mr. Vernon H. Rood, and constructed by the Jeanesville Iron- Works, Jeanesville, Pa. It represents their standard design of compound condensing, duplex, outside-packed plunger mine-pump, designed especially for the anthracite and bitumi- nous coal-mines of Pennsylvania. The pump selected for illustration is one having- High-pressure cylinders, 25 inches diameter. Low-pressure cylinders, 42 inches diameter. Pump-plungers, 14 inches diameter. All of 48 inches stroke. 7 Its rated capacity is 2000 gallons of water per minute against a head of 425 feet. The steam-end shown in sectional elevation in Fig. 215 is of the ordinary duplex form. One rod is common to both pistons, and passes through stuffing-boxes in the high- and low-pressure cylinder-heads. The valve-faces of both cylin- ders are in the same plane, the valves being operated by a 27 LEGO GOESER-CUN. 314 ---- FIG. 214. MINING-PUMPS. 315 BOD EXOTH FIG. 215. 316 PUMPING MACHINERY. driving mechanism similar to that shown in Fig. 178. The dash-relief valves are fitted to the high-pressure cylinder only. This detail is similar to that of Fig. 173. An end elevation of the steam-cylinders is shown in Fig. 216. The Ο FIG. 216. Ο O O Ο customary practice on all large com- pound duplex steam-ends in hav- ing one main and two auxiliary throt- tle-valves is here shown. The object of the auxiliary throttle-valves is to give each engine a separate adjust- ment should one side appear to work a little slower than the other; in start- ing and stopping the engines the upper or main valve only is used, the auxiliary valves not being disturbed in their adjustment. This steam-end, in common with the general practice in mining-pumps, is not steam-jacketed, but when in position in the mine and thoroughly tested, the cylinders and. chests are covered with a non-conducting material, such as magnesia, which can be laid on with a trowel. This prevents radiation and a protection against the water in a "drowned- out" mine. The steam-ends of mine-pumps are generally made of unusual strength, with extra large wearing surfaces and connections to withstand the continuous and severe duty they are called upon to perform in times of high water, or possibly in a "drowned-out" mine, when it will be forced to work submerged to a depth of from 10 to 6o feet, in which case lubrication or any other care is impossible. MINING-PUMPS. 317 The water-end is shown in partial sectional elevation in Fig. 217. It consists of four cylinders, or working-barrels, as they are generally called, bolted together in pairs, with a recessed blank flange be- tween them; these working- barrels rest on two cross- feet, which serve to tie the whole four together as if they were one casting. To reduce the number of spare working-barrels necessary to keep on hand, and also to facilitate their removal when worn out, the bosses for receiving the tie-rods which connect the pump to the steam-cylinders are not cast to the water-cylinder, but to a strongly-bracketed flange, which is bored and faced to fit over the outside of the stuffing-box and against a flange cast on the working- barrel from 8 inches to 10 inches from its end, as shown in the drawing. These pumps, in accord- ance with the best modern practice, are built to gauges, so that only two spare work- ing-barrels are required for a whole pump, the left front being exactly the same as the right back, and vice T010 FIG 217. 27* 318 PUMPING MACHINERY. versa. This arrangement also serves to preserve the align- ment of pump, as this tie-rod flange, as it is called, being a separate casting from the working-barrel, and not exposed to the action of the acid water, will last as long as the steam- end, so that in renewing a front or inside working-barrel it is only necessary to place it in position and draw up the bolts to insure the pump being in perfect line. To still further facilitate the renewal of inside working-barrels, the tie-rods are turned to the same size as that portion which goes through the bosses on the tie-rod flange; cast-iron split clamps or collars, shown in the drawing, are bolted thereon of sufficient length to allow of the tie-rod flange being drawn towards the steam- end far enough to clear the working-barrel, which can then be removed by lateral movement without disturbing the steam- end. The pump has four single-acting, outside-packed plungers connected in pairs by two steel parallel rods coupled to strong cast-iron cross-heads, which, in turn, are fastened to plungers by T-headed bolts let into cored recesses in the plungers. The plungers are supported on the outboard end by adjust- able shoes or gibs on the bottom of each cross-head. These run in slides, as shown. The writer considers this outside form of connection the best, even for very moderate lifts, in mine-work, as it does away with the necessity of bronze rods and connections, which are always a source of more or less trouble and uncertainty when used in acid or gritty water. The plungers are made of hard, close-grained iron, which will, if properly packed and lubricated, last fully as long as brass ones. The plunger gland-bolts have T-heads, and are let into cored recesses on the outside of the stuffing-box, the same as the bolts securing the plungers to the cross-heads. There are no studs whatever in the water-end. The water-end has 16 valve-chambers with a single valve in each. A sectional elevation of the valve-chamber is shown in the longitudinal section, Fig. 217, and in the end elevation, Fig. 218. The use of a single large valve to each chamber instead of MINING-PUMPS. 319 a number of small ones, Mr. Rood thinks, has many advan- tages when applied to mine-work. It may be well to state that the mine water in the anthracite coal-fields not only attacks iron but brass and phosphor-bronze as well, so that the life of a valve-seating is at best a limited one. This fact alone makes it imperative that pump-valves for mines be simple, strong, easily examined, and quickly replaced. It must be admitted that 8 or at the most 16 large valves are FIG. 218. O O O much easier kept in repair, and can be removed much more rapidly than from 50 to 100 small ones. The several details, such as valve-stems, springs, etc., are always much larger and stronger for large valves, and are better able to withstand the over-effort of an energetic man pulling on a long wrench; those who have had small valve-stems twisted off in this man- ner with the water gaining on the pumps will fully appreciate the importance of this detail. An enlarged illustration of the valve and its seat is shown in plan and sectional elevation in Fig. 219. The valve-seat is held in place by a flanged joint between the valve-chamber and the pump or pipe-flange under- neath. The valve is made of india-rubber with a gun-metal cap; a phosphor-bronze spring and bolt completes the arrange- ment as shown. While 8 chambers and valves would have answered as well as the 16 small ones, so far as the proper and smooth 320 PUMPING MACHINERY. working of pump is concerned, the desirability of keeping the chambers as small as possible for ease in handling in case of renewal, etc., determined in this case the use of the smaller pattern. FIG. 219. ㅁ ​о ㅁ ​оо N N N о コロ ​This form of valve-chamber, while differing radically from the usual style, has after a thorough trial proved itself so well. fitted for the work as regards durability, etc., that they have • MINING-PUMPS. 321 adopted it as a standard for their larger permanent station mine-pumps, as combining the greatest strength with the least weight of metal, the largest clearance around the periphery of the valve without any waste room elsewhere, and finally as costing very little to fit up and consequently not expensive to renew. The question of room around the periphery of a valve is an important one in mine-pumps, as the water, in most cases being acid and carrying large quantities of fine coal and grit, if allowed to impinge against the walls of a chamber as it rushes out from under the valve, will cut the metal away so rapidly as to ruin the chamber in a short time. In the cham- ber illustrated it will be noticed that in addition to giving an extra amount of room at this point, its shape is such as to turn the course of the water upwards and inwards instead of against the walls. It is to this feature that is attributed the long life of this style of chamber, which invariably outlasts all the other parts of the water-end. The method of securing the seatings between flanges of a chamber and the water-cylinder, while not new, is particularly adapted to mine-pumps, as it admits of very easy and quick renewals, there being no fits to make in the chamber, and it has the further advantage that no leak past the seat can occur without being instantly detected and stopped. Steam-Pipes for Collieries.-An excellent paper, pre- pared by Mr. E F. C. Davis, and included in Vol. XI., "Trans- actions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers," is here reproduced: "The most common and the cheapest method of carrying steam, taking the world at large, is probably through wrought- iron 'gas-pipe' joined by the taper-thread, screwed into sockets or ferules. "This answers admirably for small pipes, and even for com- paratively large pipes where the conditions are favorable for screwing up the joints, and where the threads are not sub- jected to any serious corrosive action. Many of the steam- ย 322 PUMPING MACHINERY. pipe lines in the anthracite coal-regions, however, run for great distances underground, through contracted slopes and head- ings where it is almost impossible to make the screwed joint. In the screwed socket-joint there is always some space be- tween the ends of the pipes, and the condensed steam from the best available feed-water is so corrosive that a cutting or furrowing action takes place between the ends of the pipes and the ferule, which sooner or later causes leakage. It is then impossible to tighten up these screwed joints without screwing up the whole pipe-line. "Some of these difficulties are avoided by the use of 'flange-unions.' With these the pipe-line can be more con- veniently put together underground, and in the event of a leaky thread the flange can be screwed on tighter, or a de- fective pipe can readily be replaced by a new one of the same length. But in the ordinary flange-union there is a space between the ends of the pipes, and the above-mentioned cor- rosive action is so destructive to the threads that cast-iron pipes have generally been considered necessary for reliable and durable steam-pipe lines; though the first cost is about double that of wrought-iron pipe. "In view of the foregoing, the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company has adopted the flange-joint shown in annexed cut for all colliery steam-pipes. These flanges are screwed tightly on the pipe,-the pipe carried in a steady rest, -and the end of pipe and flange faced off flush with each other. The lugs are at the same time bored out, and the pro- jection turned off concentric with the bore of the pipe. This insures perfect continuity in the pipes, and the lugs also centre the gum-joint rings accurately, so that a gum-joint is obtained between the abutting ends of the wrought-iron pipes. The continuity of the bore of the pipe insures a free flow of steam and condensed water, so that all liability to furrowing at the joints is avoided and the gum-joint formed between the ends of the wrought-iron pipes protects the thread from all danger of corrosion. If an odd length of pipe needs to be made at a colliery, the pipe, if not over four inches, can be threaded MINING-323 PUMPS. . Size of Pipe. Diameter of Flange. Ө Ө PUMPSwith a hand-stock and die, and a finished flange screwed on until the pipe projects through. The pipe must then be filed off flush with face of flange. 'In moulding these flanges it is best to have the pat- tern arranged to leave its own cores. This insures accu- FIG. 220. * F *