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O I º: S- Stanfºrd's Geogº Estab; Londº. : I N D E X ABEL OF BETH-MAACHAH, 93 Abil-el-Kamh, 93 Abimelech, 158 Abraham and the Cave of Machpelah, I97, IQ9 Abraham's terebinth, 196, 201 Adamah, Ford of (cf. Damieh, Ford of) Adonijah, 245 AEnon, 159, 178 Ahab, 43 Ain Belâta, Io9 Ain-ed-Dirweh, the legendary spring in which Philip baptized the Eunuch, 196 Ain-el-Fāra, sometimes identified with AEnon, I 59 Ain-el-Meiyiteh, 42 Ain-et-Tin (see Fountain of the Fig Tree) Ain Jālūd, 42, 43 Ain Täbigha, 71, 78 (cſ. Bethesda— Appendix) Akiba, Rabbi, Tomb of, 128 Akra, the Greek, 226 Almond trees, 2, 34 Aloes, I25 Anchorites of Palestine, 149 Anemones, 12, 53, 6o ; their probable identity with the “lilies of the field,” 60 (note) Anise, 251 Antonia, 225, 226 (cf. Bethesda and Ap- pendix E) Antonia, Fort, 205–206, 225; Ecce Homo 3. f 5, 206 (cf. Bethesda and Appen- IX Apocalypse, reference to Pella in the, I46 Aqueduct of Gennesaret, 77 (cf. Appen- dix D) Aqueducts, Roman, 34 (cf. Fountains, Irrigation, Water Supply, &c.) Arab escort, an, 166; his dress and horse- manship, 166 Arabia, I44 Arabs, ingrained deceit of, 31 Arak, 251 Arbela, I22 Archelaus, the probable tomb of, 191 Askar (see Sychar) BALDWIN, Castle of, 66 - * Băniyās, 93, 94, 97, Io; ; ancient bridge, IoS ; the gateway, IoS ; the Grotto of Pan, Ioff ; mixed religious associations, Io?–8; Castle of, 93 (cf. Caesarea Philippi) Barbers, 224 Bartimaeus, I70, 171 Bashan, bulls of, 7o ; cliffs of, 60 Battle-ground of Palestine (cf. Esdraelon, Plain of) Beatitudes, Mount of, 57 Beautiful Gate, The, 234 Bedawin Camps, 68, 89, 91, Io9, I4I, 151 Beeroth, I3, I4; vineyards of, I4; an old tradition, 15 Beisãn, I44, 153, I54; theatre of, I55; road-making, I56; the ancient Beth- Shan (q.v.) - Beit-Dejan (the ancient Beth-Dagon), 7 Bêt-Lahm, 46 Beth-Dagon (see Beit-Dejan) Beth-Nimrah (the reputed Bethabara), 173, 175; the traditional scene of the baptism of Jesus, 176; baptisms by St. John, 178 Beth-zur (Jordan), 181, 182; ruins of an ancient bridge, 182 Beth-zur (Judaea), ruins of a tower which marks the site of, 196 Bethabara, I52, 175; its variants, 175, 177 (cf. Bethany, Beth-Nimrah, Tell Nimrin) Bethany, 167; castle at, 167 ; “beyond Jordan,” I75; house of Mary and Martha, 246, 248; pomegranates of, 247; view from, 247; Dean Stanley's topography of, 247–248 (cf. Bethabara, Beth-Nimrah, Tell Nimrin) Bethbarah, I52 Bethel, 15; “Jacob's Ladder,” 16; stone circle at, 17 Bethesda, 203, 298; Hezekiah's Pool, 2O3, 209; other Pools, 203, 298 et seq.; Biblical references, 2O4; the Twin Pools, 206, 298; Birket Israin regarded by Crusaders as Pool of, 207, 235, 298; the Pool of St. Anne, 208–209, 299; the Five Porches, 208, 299; the Sheep Gate, 299; the “Street of Bubbling Water,” 299; Siloam identified with, 3OO U 306 TENT AND TESTAMENT Bethesda Question, The (see Appendix E) Bethlehem, 188; dress and coiffure of women of, 188, 189; vineyards round about, 189; Rachel's Tomb, 190; its industries, 191 ; David's Well, 191, 192; Church of the Nativity, 192; Scene in the church, 192, 193; the chapels of the Greeks and Latins, 193; the manger, 194; the cell of St. Jerome, I94 Bethlehem-Ephratah (cſ. Bethlehem of Judaea) Bethlehem of Galilee, a visit to, 46–48; the question of the true birthplace of Jesus, 46, 257 et seq. ; native washer- women, 47; ruins of synagogue and church, 48; distance from Nazareth, 256 (cf. Bethlehem Question, The) Bethlehem of Judea, 257, 262, 265 Bethlehem Question, The, 257-265 (Ap- pendix B) Bethlehem of Zebulon, 258 Bethsaida, 68; in search of, 68–71 ; Dr. Thomson on, 68; the disputed site, 68, 69, 265 et seq. ; discrepancies in the Gospels as to its site, 265 et seq.; Josephus on, 272 ; meaning of, 272 (cf. Appendix C) Bethshan, I52, I54; famous for its chariots, I54 Bezetha, 163, 206; Hill of, 163 Bireh, the ancient Beeroth (q.v.) Birket Israin regarded by Crusaders as Pool of Bethesda, 235 Birds of Prey, 88, 97, Io4, 167; Canon Tristram on, 88 (note), (cf. Eagles, Pharaoh's Hen, Vultures) Blood-feud, a reminder of, 159 Iłorage, I64 Brambles, 34 Brassworker, A, 250 Breadsellers of Jerusalem, 249 Broom plant, The, 58 Buffaloes, 7o, Io9 Bulbul, The, 174 CAESAREA PHILIPPI (now called Bāniyās), 93, 94, 97; waters at, forming one of the sources of the Jordan, 94, Io& ; Grotto of Pan, Ioë ; mixed religions, Io'7, IoS Caesar's Temple, ruins of, Ioë–7 Cairo, Joseph's Well at, 82 (note) Calf, a stuffed, 91 ; the golden, set up by Jeroboam, 96 Callirhoe, hot springs of, 17o Calvary, Mount, reputed site, 9, Io, 163-4; the tomb, 164 Cana of Galilee, 57; other Canas, 58 ; brook of, 58 Canaanites and their chariots, 154 Caper plant, the, 164 Capernaum, ruins of, 71,287; controversy as to its sites, 72, 77 et seq., II5 et seq., 274 et seq.; a mental picture of 115-II6; the “Coracinus” fish, II5, II9, 282 et seq.; was Capernaum in Gennesaret 2 286 : “Capharnaum,”77, II5, 287 et seq.; the Roman garrison, 290; the Customs station, 290 ; the Synagogue, 291 ; its probable harbour, 292; its plan, 293 ed seq.; the “mountain” behind, 295; philo- logical argument, 295; argument from tradition, 297 % Minyeh, Tell Hàm, and Appendix D) Carmel, Mount, 48, 51 Castle at Bethany, 167; of Subébeh, 98 Census in Judaea and the birthplace of Jesus, 259 et seq. Chamomile plant, the, 65 Chariots, I54 Cherith, the brook, 168–169 Cheyne, Canon, on the Nazareth Contro- versy, 255–6; on Wädi-el-Kelt, 168 Chorazin, 81 ; a picture of chaos, 81 ; distance from Tell Húm, 81 ; Jerome's description of, 81, 82; the ruins of 82 Christ, birthplace of (cf. Bethlehem); His tomb, 257 et seq.; and Lazarus, 246 Church of St. Anne, Jerusalem, 208 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 205; the Holy Fire, 237-240 Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, 192: architectural details, 192–193; the various chapels, 193; cell of St. Jerome I94 Cisterns of Jerusalem, 235-236 “City of God's Friend,” the, 197 “City of Palms,” the, 17o Cleopatra and the balsam of Jericho, I70 Climate of Palestine, 184–185 Conder, Colonel, on the Mosque of the Forty, 19; on the Samaritans, 30 (node); on Nazareth, 53; on Cana, 58; on the “evil eye,” 125; on Kerak, 130 ; on Herod's Temple, 301, 303 Conder's Calvary, 162 Conder's Sepulchre, 241-242 Coppersmith, A, 25o Coracinus fish, II.5, II9, 282 et seq. Corn, A measure of, 250 Coronation stones, 245 (and note) “Cradle of Christ,” The, 233 Crusaders: Baldwin’s Tower, 66; towers at Jericho, 171 ; castle at Hunin, 93 Cuckoo, The, 157 (and note) Cyclamen, 53 Cypress-tree, 125 Cyrenius, 258, 259 DAGON, worship of, 4 Damascus Gate of Jerusalem, 161 Damascus-Beyrout Railway, The, 6 (note) Damieh, Ford of, 181; the ford at which Jacob, with his family and flocks, is Said to have crossed, 182; a remark- able coincidence with Joshua's crossing, I82 INDEX 307 Dan, City of 95; opinions of Professor Smith and Canon Cheyne, 95; of Dean Stanley, J. Macgregor, and Canon Tristram, 96 Dandelions as vegetables, 59 David's Tower, 203 David's Well, 191, 192 Dead Well, The, 42 “Debash,” 197 Decapolis, The, 144 Demoniacs (cf. Epileptics) Dogs of Palestine, 41; of Tiberias, 62,72; of Gadara, 137 Dome of David's Chain, origin of, 228; (see, also, Dome of the Rock) Dome of the Rock, 8, 225, 227—231; built by el-Melik, 228 ; often confused with the Mosque of Omar, 228; displaced by earthquake, 229 (cf. Temple, the) Dorcas, Tomb of, 2 Dôthán, Mountain of, 37 Double-pipe, the Syrian, 92 Dragon's Well, 245 Dress in the North and South of Pales. tine, IO2, Io9 Druse religion, The, 98 Dyer, A, 250 EAGLES, 88, 97, Ioa. Earthquake in Jerusalem, 229 Easter at Jerusalem, 159; the Latin, 161 et seq.; the Greek, 184 Ebal, Mount, 22, 28, 34, 159 Ecce Homo Arch, Antonia, 205, 206 Ecclesiastes, reference to the Pools of Solomon, 195 Edersheim, Dr., 20, 43, 44 Ekron, 7 El-Arāj, 272 El-Batiha, Plain of, the scene of Josephus' fight with Sylla, 68, 69 El-Bireh (see Beeroth) El-Ghajar, Bridge of, 94 El-Khâlisah, 93 ; , ruined castles, 93; Thomson's identification, 93 El-Lubban, 22, 159 El-Waggäs, I42 Elisha, Fountain of, 18O Elisha's spring, 171 En-Gannin, 38, 39 En-Rogel, 245 (cf. Serpent's Well) Endor, 42 Epileptics, I24 Eriha, 171, 180 (see, also, Jericho) Er-Rām, 13, 14; the traditional grave of Rachel, I3, 14 Esdraelon Plain of, 39–42, 44, 48 Eshcol, 197; grapes of, 197 Et-Täbigha, II 5 Et Tell, 272 et seq. “Evil eye,” The, 125, 243 FAH'ſ L, 143–149; Battle of, I43; Terraces of, 148 Feast of Tabernacles, 214 Fellahin, a concourse of, I31 Fetish worship, 132, 133 Fig-trees, 19, IoI, I53 Fire-flies near Gennesaret, 157 Fish-spears, III ; Biblical reference, III Fish without scales, 119 Fishing, by fire-light at night, IIo; cast- ing nets for, II? Flint and steel, A, 21–22 Flora of Palestine, 2, 6, 7, 12, 19, 34, 44, 47, 53, 58, 6o (note), 65, 70, 75, 76, 77, 96, 125, 126, 131, 132, I4T, I5I, I57, 164 Fountain of Elisha, 18O Fountain of the Fig-tree, 76, II4, II5, Josephus on, II5 Fountain of Gardens, 39 Fountain of Gideon, 43 Fountain of Jezreel 42 Fountain of Sychar, 159 Fountain of the Sealed Spring, 195 Fountain, the Marble, Io9 Fountain of Capernaum, II5–II6 (and Appendix D) Fountains of Nazareth, 54 Franciscan Monks at Tell-Húm, 79–80 Frogs in the Holy Land, 91–2, Io9, IIo GADARA, Ruins of, 132 : rags as offer- ings, I32–133; the city wall, 133; the Acropolis, 134; its theatres, 134-137; dogs of, 137; typical coins, 138; famous citizens, 139 ; views from the hills, I4O Gadarenes, country of the, 63, 64 Galilean Bethlehem, The, 256 Galilee, Lake of, first glimpse of, 59–60, II7; the fishing-nets, 117; varieties of fish in, II.8, 119; Tristram on the fertility of its waters, 119 ; birds and insects, I2O Gate Beautiful, The, 234 Gazelles, 141 Gennesaret, 72 ; its fig-tree, 76; old Roman aqueduct, 77 ; famous for its fruits, II6; fire-flies, near, 157 Gennesaret, Plain of, I 13, 275 et seq. , Josephus on, 275; springs which water, 276 et seq.; Tristram on, 275; irriga- tion of, 276 et seq. Gergasa (or Gerasa), 62; discrepancies in the Synoptic Gospels of the demoniac and the swine, 63–65; the tombs, 66; Dr. Thomson's account, 66, 67 Gerizim, Mount, 22, 23, 26, 28; annual Sacrifice of the Passover lamb, 34 ; ” Sacrificial rock on, 304 (note). German Catholic hospice, 80, 117 Gethsemane, Garden of, the traditional, Io, 185; the olive trees in, 185–186: Empress Helena and, 186 ; Author's impressions, 186; derivation of name, 187 308 TENT AND TESTAMENT Gibeah of Benjamin (cf. Tell-el-Fāl) Gideon's Fountain, 43 Gihon, Watercourse and Pool, valley of, 245 Gilboa, Mount, 42; the Dead Well, 42 Goats, hair of, used for tent-making, 250 Golden Gate, The, 234 ; probably the point at which Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, 235 Golgotha, reputed site, I62; Sir Chas. Wilson on, 163 (note) Good Samaritan, The Khān of the, 168 Gordon's Calvary and Sepulchre, 161 Grapes of Eshcol, 197 “Great Plain,” The, 39, 40 Greek Church, Jaffa, 2 Greek Easter at Jerusalem, 237 Guérin, 48 2O4 ; HADRIAN, Emperor, 186 Harāmat Jerusalem, 217,220 ; at Hebron, I97; the traditional Cave of Mach- pelah, 197 Harām esh-Sherif, 224 (cf. Temple, The) Häsbâni River, 94; the head waters of the Jordan, 94 ; Josephus on, 95 (note) (cf. Jordan, The) Hawthorn, The, 96 Hebrews (see Jews) Hebron, 197; vineyards of, 197; the “King's Pool,” 198, 200 ; the reputed burial place of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Igg ; Wailing-place of the Jews at, 200 ; Abraham's mosque, 200; a Mohammedan funeral, 200 ; an adven- ture in a Jewish hostel, 200 ; Abraham's terebinth, 196, 20I Helena, Empress, and her visit to Jeru- Salem, I86 Hermon, Mount, 22,98, IOI el seq.; race and religion,98; dress, IoI; ploughing on, IO4 Herod the Great, temple of (Jerusalem), 222, 223, 300; the external masonry of, 301; the Sanctuary, 302; the ground plan of 302; the Sacred Rock,303; hippodrome of, 37; his building of Jericho, 17o: the springs of Callirhoe, 17O ; his loathsome death, 17o ; the balsam groves, 17o; and Solomon's Pools, 196; towers of, 203-4; palace of probably Pilate's Praetorium, 205; bridge of, 221 (cf. Appendix F) Herod the Great, temple at Samaria, 35 Hezekiah's Pool, 203, 209-2II Hiel of Bethel, the city of, 181 Holy Fire at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 237-240 Hollyhocks, I4I, I5I Honey, 198 Horses, Syrian, 9 ; Dr. Merrill on, 9 Hūleh, Lake of, 88 ; Plain of, 87, Io9 ; papyrus culture, 90 ; conformation of children, 91 ; frogs in marshes, 91 ; Jewish colony, II2 Hunin, Crusaders' castle at, 93 Huwära, 22, 23 Hyrcanus destroys Samaria, 35 IBZAN the Bethlehemite, 264 Invention of the Cross, 186 Iris, The, 53, 131 Irrigation of Gennesaret (see Appendix D) 33 the Holy Land (cf. Aqueducts, Fountains, Water Supply) Isaac said to have been buried at Hebron, I99 Ishbosheth, 198 JACKALS, 7, 62 Jacob, reputed place of burial, 199 Jacob's Ladder, 16 Jacob's Well, 23, 25–28, 159 Jaffa, Author's arrival at, I ; first impres- sions, 2 ; view from the minaret of the Greek church, 2 ; tomb of Dorcas, 2 ; house of Simon the Tanner, 2 ; the Maccabaean treachery, 3; history of, 3 ; the great fish of Joppa, 4 ; Joppa and the sea-monsters, 4, 5 (note); the orange groves of, 6 Jaffa gate, 224 Jannaeus, King Alexander, 131 ; a strange battle, 131 ; Absalom's Pillar, probably the tomb of Jannaeus, 131 (note) Jenin (see En-Gannim) Jeremiah's Grotto, 9, 161 ; the prophet's allusion to the stork, 36 Jericho, distance from Jerusalem, 166; Plain of, I69–170; its present appear- ance, 17o ; “the City of Palms,” 17o ; built by Herod the Great, 170; death of Herod, 170 ; no fewer than four Jerichos, 171 ; Eriha, 17I ; the Jordan, 174; Fountain of Elisha and the ancient Jericho, I80, 181; a pilgrimage to Jeru- Salem, 183–184 Jerome, St., cell of, at Bethlehem, 194 Jerusalem, scene in, 7 ; arrival at, 7 ; “Zion,” 8; Church of the Holy Sepul- chre, 8, 237 ; view of Mount of Olives and Moab, 8; the Latin Easter at, 161; the sepulchre adjoining “Gordon's "Cal- vary, 161 ; Golgotha, reputed site, 162– I63; visit to the Tomb, 164; water supply of, 202; Hezekiah's Pool, 203, 209 et seq.; Tower of David, 203–204; Swimming pools of 204; Via Dolorosa, 204–205; Church of St. Anne, 208; the wailing - place of the Jews at, 217 ; Scene at the wailing-place, 217- 218 ; liturgy used, 218–219 ; Harām walls, 217-220; Herod's bridge, 221 ; the Temple in Our Lord's time, 221– 223; Eastertide at, 22.4—240 ; Mosque of Omar, 225 (cf. Dome of the Rock); Mosque of Aksa, 225, 231 ; Golden Gate, 234; cisterns and water supply, 235–236 (cf. also, Appendix F); Conder's INDEX 309 Sepulchre, 241-242; Virgin's Well, 242 et seq. ; the Streets of, 249 et seq. Jesus, birthplace of, 256, 257; disputed sites, 256 et seq.; the Gospels of St. Matt. and St. Luke concerning, 257 et seq. , Micah's prophecy, 261 ; Rabbinic writ- ings concerning, 261-262; St. Matthew's Gospel, 263 (cf., also, Bethlehem, Naza- reth, Nazareth Question—Appendix A) Jewish farm colonies, II2; the Zionist movement, II2 Jews, in Safed, 84, 85; superstitions of, 84, 125; laws regarding tattooing, Io9 ; banished from Jerusalem, 218 Jews' wailing-place at Hebron, 200 ; at Jerusalem, 217 ; scene at, 217–218; liturgy used, 218–219; masonry of, 219– 22O Jezebel, her death, 43 Jezreel, 41, 42 ; fountain of, 42 ; Plain of, I53–154; view from, I53 Job : reference to papyrus, 90 ; reference to fish spears, III Joel's reference to locusts, I24 John, St., baptisms in the Jordan, 177-178 Jonah, and the great fish of Joppa, 4 Joppa (see Jaffa) Jordan, The, 71 ; headwaters of, 94, 95, 97 (see, also, Bānyiás, Hāsbâni River) Joseph's Pit, 38, 82 (and note), II3 Joseph's Well, Cairo, 82 (note) Josephus on—Joppa, 4; the Grotto of Pan, Ioé ; the census of Judaea and Galilee, 259–26o ; and Hezekiah's Pool, 203; the Plain of Gennesaret, 275 Joshua and the city of Hiel, 181 ; and the crossing of the Israelites, 181–182 Josiah destroys the Temple at Bethel, 17 Jotham's parable, 34 Judaea, Census in, 259 et seq. KARN HATTIN, 57 and note Kedesh (Khān Kadish), 129 Kefr Kenna (see Cana of Galilee) Keral:, 129; probably the Taricheae of Josephus, 129; its industries, 129 Kerāzeh (see Chorazin) Kersa (see Gergasa) Khān Jubb Yūsuf, 82, 113 Khān Kadish, I29 Khān of the Good Samaritan, The, 168 Khán Minyeh, 71, 76, II3; a famous road, II3; the reputed Capernaum, II4 ; Author's impressions, II4–II6 Khurbet Minyeh, 120 Kidron, Valley of, Io Kingfishers, I2O King's Pool, 213 (cf. Siloam, Pool of) LAISH (cf. Dan) Lazarus, Village of, 246; tomb of, 246 Lebonah, 22, I59 * Leddan, River, 94 ; regarded by the ancients as the source of the Jordan, 95 “Lilies of the field,” 60 (and note) Locusts, a Swarm of, I23, 124; Biblical references, 123, 124 Lupines, a mass of, 44, 70 Lydda, Olivc plantations of, 7 MACCABAEUS, Judas, 3 Maccabaeus, Simon, 226 Maccabees, Palace of, 221 Machpelah, Cave of, 197, 199; Dean Stanley on, 199 Magdala, 75; its present appearance, 76 Magi, The well of, 188 Maimonides, 128 Makhāda, 152; Colonel Conder and, 152 Makhnah, Plain of, 23 Mamre, Abraham's Terebinth at, 196, I97, 20I Marble fountain, The, Io9 Marriage ceremony, A curious, I25 Marriage procession, A Mahommedan, 83, 84 Mar Sābā, Monastery of, 184 Martha and Mary, House of, 246, 248 Mats made from papyrus, 89 Meir, Rabbi, and his tomb, 128 Mejdel (cf. Magdala) Mejdel esh-Shems (Mejdel of Damascus), 98 ; its inhabitants and religion, 98 Mellaha, or Place of Salt, 130 (note) Menādireh, The (cf. Yarmūk, The) Merom, Waters of, 88 Mesadiyeh (see Bethsaida) Meshārif, Io Mesopotamia, 190 Messiah, The, Rabbinic writers on the birthplace of, 261 et seq. Micah prophesies birth of Jesus, 261, 262 Mimosa, I57, 174 Mint and Cummin, 251 Minyeh, 72, 76, 77 (cf., also, Appendix D) Mkés, I32, I34 Moab, Mountain of, I69 Mödein, birthplace of the Maccabean revolt, 7 Mohammed and the Sacred Rock, 227 : his “night journey to heaven,” 231 Mohammedan fetish worship, 132, 133 (and note), 235 (cf. Trees, rags and shreds on) Mohammedan burial-place, A, 70 Mohammedan funeral, A, 200 Mohammedan settlement in Safed, 84 Mohammedan wedding, A, 83, 84 Mohammedan well, An old, 142 Money-changers, 249 Moses, Tomb of, I84 Mosque El Aksa, 225, 231 Mosque of the Forty, The, 19 ; the re- puted site of the Tabernacle, 20 Mosque of Omar, 225, 231 Mount of Beatitudes, 57 Mount of Olives, 8, 10, 60, 167, 185, 246—248 3IO TENT AND TESTAMENT Mount of Temptation, 171 Mount Gilboa, 42 Mount of Transfiguration, The reputed, 59 Muezzin, call to prayer, 40 NABLUS, 22, 28; bazaars of, 29; the Samaritan synagogue, 29, 31 ; the high- priest of, 29: Samaritan dress, 30 ; the robes of the high-priest, 30, 31 ; the holy Scrolls, 31, 32; view of, from Gerizim, 33, 34 Naboth's vineyard, 42 Nain, 43; the “unfenced burial-place” mentioned by Edersheim, 43; the tombs of, 44; the widow of, 44 Narcissus, The, probable identity with the Rose of Sharon, 6 Nargileh, The, 33 Nazareth, 44; present appearance of, 45; the question of the true birthplace of Jesus, 5o, 255 et seq.; a Sunday in, 50 ; the Greek church at, 5o ; the Rock of Precipitation, 51 ; St. Mary's Well, 54; Synonymous with Galilee, 255, 256; the controversy concerning, 255–257 (Ap- pendix A) Nob, site of, 13 OAKS, Wild, 47 Oleanders, 75, 76, 141 Olives, Mount of, 8, Io, I85, 246–248; slaughter-houses on, 167 Olive-trees, 7, 19, 33, 38; in the Garden of Gethsemane, 185 Omar, Mosque of, 225, 227—231 (cy. Mosque el-Aksa) Omri, City of, 35 Ophel, 204, 209, 214, 221 Orange-trees at IHebron, 198 Orchards of Joppa, 6 PALESTINE, Battle-ground of (cf. Es- draelon, Plain of) Palestine, climate of, 184 Palestine dress, Ioz, Iog Palestine Exploration Fund, The, 17, 18, 202 (note), 28o, 281, 283, 285, 289, 290, 292, 294, 296, 3OI et seg. Palestine flora (see Flora) Palestine, tattooing in, Io9 Palm-trees of Hebron, 198; of Jericho, 170 Pan, Cave of, at Băniyās, 97 Pan, Grotto of, 97, IoS, Ioë ; Josephus on, Ioč ; Professor Smith on, Ioff Papyrus, 77, 9o; mats, 89; huts, 89, 90 ; a jungle of, 90 ; Job's reference to, 90 Passports, II, 12 Patriarch's Pool, The, 203; Josephus on, 2O3 Paula builds the monastery at Bethlehem, I94 g Pella, 143 ; Christian traditions, I43; the refuge for the “Brethren” of Jeru- Salem, I45, 146, 149; referred to in the Apocalypse, 146; the terraces of, 148 (cf. Fahil) Pharaoh's hen, Ioa Pharpar, River, Ioo Pillars, 16, 17, 140 Pipes of reed, 89; double pipes, 92 Ploughing at Safed, 87; on Hermon, Ioa Ploughs in Palestine, 19, 41 Polish Jews, 85 Polygamy practised by Jews, 85 Pomegranates of Bethany, 247; of Ti- berias, I25, 126 Pool of Hezekiah, 203, 209–211 ; of Siloam, 209, 213; of St. Anne, 208, 209 Pools of Bethesda (see Appendix E); of Hebron, 198; of Solomon, 195, 198; Springs near, Supply Jerusalem, 202 Poplars, IoI Potter, A, and his wheel, 250 Praetorium, The, 205 Publican, A, 250 QUIRINUS, 259 RACHEL, Grave of, 13, 14 “Rachel weeping for her children,” 190 Rachel's Tomb, 190, 191 ; its topo- graphical interest, 190, 191 ; the prob- able tomb of Archelaus, 191 Rain-storms, 184 ; Biblical references to, I84 Raisins, 197 Ramah, Tower at, 190, 191 Ramleh, Tower of, 7 Ramsay, Dr., 44 (note) Rice-plant, The, 90 Richard Coeur de Lion, 3 Road-making by Turkish soldiers, 156 Robinson's Arch, 221 ; Warren's dis- coveries, 221 Robbers' caves, 122 Rock of Precipitation, The, 51 Rose of Sharon, 6 Rothschild, Baron, and the movement, II2 Zionist SACRED Rock, The, Moslem tradition concerning, 227; a visit to, 229–230; the legend of Mahommed, 231 Sacred shreds, 53, 92, 96, 132, 133 (and 720te), 235 Safed, 82–83; hills of, 83; a wedding pro- cession, 83; Mohammedans and Jews of 84, 85 ; Jewish belief regarding the Messiah, 84, 85; the Jewish settlement in, described, 85; Dr. Thomson on, 85; the wadis around St. Anne, Pool of 208–209, 298 St. Mary's Fount, 245 St. Mary's Well, 5 (note), 54, 209, 212, 213 * § 9 (Naz.), 54 Sakhra (see Dome of the Rock) INDEX 3II Salim, 159, 178 Samaria (now called Sebastiyeh), 35 ; Herod's temple, 35; a flight of storks, 36; Herod's hippodrome and the Street of Columns, 37; from Bethlehem, 48 Samaritan, The Good, The Khān of, I68 Samaritans : Synagogue, and ancient manuscripts at Nablús, 29, 31; their dress, 30; annual sacrifice of lamb at Gerizim, 34 Samson's cave, 7 Saul's last battle, 42 Scopus, Mount, headquarters of Titus, Io; view from, Io Scythopolis, probable origin of the name, I54 (note) (cf. Beisan) Sebastiyeh (see Samaria) Seilân, the ancient Shiloh (q.v.) Sephardim Jews as polygamists, 85 Sepulchres, whitening the, 74 Serpent stone, 245 Serpent's Well, The, 245 Shafāt, 13 Sharon, Plain of, 6; Rose of, 6 Shechem (see Nablös) Shiloh, 19; “The Mosque of the Forty,” 19; Well of, 20 ; “waters” of, 21 Shrines, 53 ; offerings of, 53, 132, 133 (and note) Shushan Gate, 235 Silk-weaving, 250 Siloam, Pool of, 209, 213–216; Biblical reference, 209; an old inscription, 210; Strange customs of the villagers, 2II; local reasons for the lack of water, 2II ; the true cause of the spring's failure, 212; the Feast of the Tabernacles, 214; the “troubling ” of the water, 215, 244 (see also Appendix E) Siloam as the true Bethesda, 215 Silwān, 213, 244, 245 Simon the Tanner, House of, 2 Sinjil, 19, 159, 16o ; a corruption of St. Giles, 19, 160 (note) Slaughter-house at the foot of the Mount of Olives, 167 Snow in Palestine, I85 Soap-factory, A, 250 Sodom, Valley of, 171 Solomon, Pools of, 195, 198; water Supply of Jerusalem derived from near-by Springs, 202 Solomon's stables, 233; Knights Templars, 233 Solomon's Temple (see Appendix F) Spring of the Mother of Steps, The 209 Springs, in Jerusalem, 209 et seq. (cf. Beth- esda Question—Appendix C) Stanley, Dean, on—the house of Simon the Tanner, 2.; the mountains of Jeru- salem, 8; Jacob's Ladder, 16; the Greek Easter, 184 Stones, circles of, at Bethel, I7, 18 Storax, The, 96 used by the Storks, A flight of, 36 Sôlem, 43 Sychar, 26, 27, 28, 159; Fountain and Plain of, I59 TABIGHA stream, The, 77, 78; Sanday and Thomson on, 78 (note); supplied to the Franciscan monks at Tell Hſim, 80 (cf. Appendix D) Tabor and the Mount of Transfiguration, 59 Tanner, A typical, 249, 250 Tanneries of Capernaum, 78 (note) Taricheae, 129, 130; Vespasian's siege of, I3O Tattooing, Io9 ; Jewish law regarding, IO3 Tax-gatherer, A Mohammedan, 250 Tell-Dôthán, 37 Tell Húm, 71 ; the aqueduct controversy, 77; a reputed site of Capernaum, 78 (cf. Capernaum and Appendix D) Tell-Nimrin (the reputed site of Beth- abara), 173, 175 Tel-el-Fúl, 13, 14, 15 Tell-el-Kádi, 94, 95 Temple, The walls of, 220–223; its appearance in the days of Christ, 221– 223; the wailing-place, 217 ; Robin- Son's Arch, 22r ; Easter-Eve celebra- tions, 224; Dome of the Rock, 225, 227—231 ; controversy as to its site, 230 ; the Double Gate, 232; Triple Gate, 233–4; Golden Gate, 234 ; votive gifts, 235; cisterns, 235, 236 (cf. Jerusalem and Appendix F) Temple of Herod, 300 et seq. (cf. Appen- dix F) Temple of Solomon (cf. Appendix F) Temptation, Mount of, 171 Tent-making, 250 Terebinth of Abraham, 196, 201 Tezkereh (see Passports) Thebez, 157; linked with Shechem, 158; fertility of the soil, 158 (note) Thistles, 151 Thorns, 157 Thomson, Dr., on Bethsaida, 68 ; Safed, 85 Thorns, Mimosa may possibly be identi- fied with, 157 (cf. Flora) Tiberias, town of, 60; dogs of, 62, 72 ; whitening the Sepulchres, 74; a swarm of locusts, I23, 124; a visit to the mission hospital, 124; superstitions, 125; the ancient town built by Herod Antipas, 126; ceremonial ablutions, 126; tombs, 128 Tiberias, Lake of, 59; identification of Kersa with ancient Gergasa, 63 et seq. Titus, siege of Jerusalem, 186; cutting down trees, I86 Tomb of Moses, 184; Moslem error con cerning, 184 3I2 TENT AND TESTAMENT Tomb of Rachel, 190, 191 ; its topo- graphical interest, 190, 191 ; the prob- able tomb of Archelaus, 191 Tombs of the Kings, near Jerusalem, 165; the rolling stone, 164, 165 Tombs at Tiberias, I28 Tower of David at Jerusalem, 203 Towers in vineyards, 14, 189 Transfiguration, Mount of, 59 Tº: of Jerusalem cut down by Titus, I8 Trees, rags, &c., on, as votive offerings, 53, 92, 96, 132, 133 (and note), 235 Trustram, Canon, on the Rose of Sharon, 6 ; on the birds of prey of the East, 88; on the frogs of the Holy Land, 92; on the fish of the Jordan Valley, 11.8; on the fertility of the waters of Galilee, II9, I2O ; on locusts, I24; on the Capernaum Question (Appendix D) Tyropoeon Valley, The, 213, 221, 222 Tūbās (see Thebes) Turkish barracks at Antonia, 205, 225 Turkish rule, Hardships of, I5o, 151, 179 { *- UNEMPLOYEE), Jewish, 249 WALLEY OF DOVES, The, I22; robbers' caves, I22 Valley of the Fig-trees, The, 19 Valley of the Jordan, 8, 94 et seq. (see, also, Häsbäni River) Valley of the Robbers, The, 19 Veils, 189 Via Dolorosa, 204, 205 Via Maris, The, 113 Vineyards, I4, IO2, 189; towers in, 189 Virgin's Fount, The (see St. Mary's Well) Virgin's Well, The, 209; an adventule at, 241-244 Vultures, 88 (note), IO4, 167, 246 WADI-NIMRíN, 178; an example in the art of misgovernment, 179 Wädi Ruhaibeh (the probable Brook of Cherith), 168) Wädi el-Kelt, 168; its caves, 168; Cheyne and Tristram on, 168 monastery at, I69 Wädi Hamām, 122 Wailing-place of the Jews at Hebron, 200; at Jerusalem, 217 Water-carriers, Women, 38 Watercourses and Pools of Jerusalem, 202 et seq., (cf. Appendix E) Water-supply at Jerusalem, 202 et seq. ; 235–236 “Way of the Sea,” The, 113 Wedding procession at Safed, 83-84 Weli, an old Mahommedan, 142 Well of Jacob, 23, 25, 28; of Shiloh, 20– 21 ; of Askar, 27 Well of Shiloh, 20 Well of the Magi, The, 188 Wilson, Sir Charles, and Bethel, 17; on Calvary and Sepulchre, 16I (note), 163 (zzote) Wine of Hebron, 197 YáFÅ (see Jaffa) Yarmūk, The, 130 ; a strange battle, 131 ZACCHAEUS, House of, 171–2; probably a Crusaders' tower, 171 Zeboim, Valley of, 169 Zerín (see Jezreel) “Zion,” 8 Zoheleth, 244,245 Printed by BALLANTYNE & Co. LIMITED Tavistock Street, London N º i. | i | i § 901 - - - - № ============= ======)=== ¿№ssaes , º ſº-ºº.º º º: sº & 3.§º:§:§#y.*#§§ | §§ § º º - § § § ºś ºº: º ºš. § & §º *~~ *::: º : : †. § §§ § : - ; . ** 3. 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