1837 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN wahrt QUEROS CUNINSULA AMOHAM SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE TIEBOR GO UU HINDI TIMUR - ܙ.ܫ Crap . VeryFor wrw با من 望 ​, : SYSTEM A MATHEMATICS OF THE CONTAINING The EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, Plane and Spherical TRIGONOMETRY; the Projection of the SPHERE, both Orthographic and Stereographic, ASTRONOMY, the USE of the GLOBES and NAVIGATION: The Manner of Computing the APPULSES of the MOON to the Fixed Stars, and their Occultations by the Interpoſition of Her Body, very uſeful for determining the Difference of Longitude between Places. With an Account of the ſeveral METHODS Propoſed and made Uſe of, by the moſt celebrated Aſtronomers for aſcertaining the ſame. New Solar TABLES, with their Conſtruction and Uſe, Tables of the Sun's Place, Right Aſcenſion, Declination, Equation of Natural Days for every Four Years; with Tables of Variation to make them ſerve tor a Hundred Years to come; and a Catalogue of the Right Afcenfions, Declinations, Egece of the moſt Eminent Fixed Stars : Deduced from the FLAMS TEDIAN OBSERVATION S. The Conſtruction of the Meridional Parts, Logarithms, Sines, Tangents and Secants, both Natural and Artificial, by the NEWTONIAN SERIES. With an Account of the Cycles, Periods, Epoch's, Epacts, Kalendars, Egor A L SO A TABLE of Meridional Parts for every Degree and Minute of Latitude to the Ten Thouſandth Place in Decimals, calculated de Noro. Together with a Large and very Uſeful TABLE of the Latitudes and Longitudes of Places; the whole being deſigned for the Uſe of the MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, founded by King CHARLES IT. VOL. I. By 7 A MES HODGSON, Maſter of the Royal Mathematical School in Chriſt's Hoſpital, and Fellow of the ROYAL SOCIETY, London: Printed for THOMAS PAGE, WILLIAM and Fisher Mount, at the Poſtern on Tower-Hill. 1723. 中​, 亲 ​”。 . ; To his moſt Sacred MAJESTY G E OR GE, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. . THIS Syſtem of the Mathematicks Defigned for che Use of the Royal Mathematical School, in Chriſt's Hofpital LONDON; Founded by King CHARLES II. Is with the greateſt Submiſſion Dedicated By His Majeſty's moſt Humble, Moſt Dutiful and moſt Obedient SUBJECT and SERVANT, James Hodgſon 了​。 “: *; t “ , 生 ​i SERIES Isa The PRE FACE T is now ſome Years ſince I publiſhed a Trea- tiſe, intituled, The Theory of NAVIGATION I Demonſtrated ; and having ſince thatTime been choſen Maſter of the Royal Mathematical School, where the Inſtructing of Youth in Aſtro- nomy and Navigation fell more immediately un- der my Care; and as the Methods at that Time in Uſé, did not appear to me fo Rational and Inſtructive as I could have wiſhed for, I let my ſelf in good Earneſt to make ſuch Al- terations and Additions in the Form and Manner as I judg'd moſt convenient; and as the Method made Uſe of in the above-mentioned Book, met with a kind Reception from thoſe Perſons whoſe Inclination or Buſineſs led them to Con- template theſe parts of the Mathematics, I refolved to make the Method there obſerved, my Rule to walk by, and to Explain and Amend the Scheme in General : And hence aroſe what is contained in the following Sheets, which is an Account of the Method that I have made Ule of with ſome Succeſs ſince that Time, in the common Courſe of my Practice; and that the Reader may the better be led in- to the Nature of the Deſign, it will be neceſſary to give him ſome ſhort Account of the Work it felf. The ist Part contains an Abridgment of the firſt Six Books of the Euclidean Geometry, after a Manner different from what has hitherto appeared abroad, or that I have met with; wherein the Chief and Primary Propoſitions are demonſtrated intirely after his Manner ; and thoſe which b more ii The Preface. morcimmediately depend upon them are deduced as Corol- Tarys, (except in the Fifth Book, wliere I ſlave taken the Liberty to introduce the Algebraic Way of Reaſoning, and De- monfrated the Laws of Proportion from the Nature of Ratio's conſidered; having found it much more ealily attained by young Beginners this way, thian from the Conlideration of Equiva'sipkes, &c.) and though it is impoſſible that ſo ſtrict a Connection and Dependence of the leverai Propoſitions can be here cbſerved as in Euclid it felf; yet it is abundant- tly ſuficient for my Purpoſe, and the more inquiſitive Reader has nething more to do, when he meets with any Dificulty »: than to apply to Euclid himſelf; and in rea- ding this Abridgement, he has this Advantage above read- irg of others, that the Canal by which his Knowledge is conveyed, is the fame, and his Way and Manner of Rea- ſoning and thinking perfectly the ſame; for as in my pri- vate Opinion the Manner of Demonſtrating the Elements of Geometry as delivered by Euclid himſelf is not to be mend. ed; fo I have endeavoured to keep as cloſe to his Method as the Nature of my Deſign would admit of. In tlie ad Part there is an Account of various Methods for Computing the Natural Siñes, Tangents and Secants , with an Inveſtigation of the ſeveral Series invented by Sir Iſaaa Newton, for finding the Length of the Circumterence of the Circle, in equal Parts of the Radius, of the Sine, Tangent and Secant, of any Arch in the ſame Parts, with the Appli- cation of the fame Series to the conſtructing of ihe Trian. gular Canon, the Quadrature of the Circle, and the Soluti- on of the Archimedian Problems relating to the Sphere, the Cylinder, the Cone, &c. Alloa Demonítration of the ſeve. ral Propoſitions commonly called Axiumi, for the Solution of the feveral Cafeș in Piane Tringles; and the actual Solution of the fame Cales in all their Varieties and Ambiguities. AV. *** Thet The Preface. ili The 3d Part to the End of the 18th Section, contains what is properly called Navigation; and begins with an Introduction preliminary, to the various kinds of Sailing ; the Solution of the ſeveral Caſes relating to a ſingle Courſe; and the Solution of ſome uſeful Traverſes, with a large Traverſe Table, and its Uſes, very neceſſary for the ready working of Traverſes. In the Oblique Sailing, you have the Solution of the moſt uſeful Problems, fuch as thoſe for meaſuring inacceſſible Diſtances, Surveying of Harbours, finding the Courſe and Diſtance to hit a Place upon a Wind, determi- ning the Leeway, and allowing for Currents, with various Ways of expreſſing the ſame Problem, and variety of unre- folved Problems to exerciſe the Learner. The Way and Manner of finding the Bearing and Diſ- tance of Places by the firing of Guns, may be uſeful fometimes in diſcovering how far Ships are diſtant from each other, after they have been ſeparated, or in Times of Engagement; and for meaſuring the Diſtances of Places, when more certain Methods cannot take Place. After this follows the Solution of ſuch Problems as arife from Sailing under a Parallel, with a Table fhewing the Breadth of a Degree of Longitude, in any Parallel of La- titude ; with the Application of both to the finding of the Difference of Longitude, by the help of the Middle Latitude, commonly called Middle Latitude Sutling. In the Mercator's Sailing, you will meet with a Two-fold Solution of each of the Problems, die Conſtruction and Uſe of the Chart ſhewn, and ſome Endeavours to explain ſuch Diffi- culties as Perſons not well skill'd in Geometry and young Beginners are apt to meet with, and that I might render this truly uſeful Part of Navigation more Compleat, I have given a Table of Meridional Parts, calculated a-new, and independent of each other, to much greater Degrees of Ex- acneſs than has ever yet appeared; and to induce the Nia- viga- b 2 --- .. iv The Preface. ever: vigator to make Uſe of this kind of Sailing, I liave ſhewn him how a Traverſe may be work’d, by the common Ta- bles of Difference of Latitude and Depari ure, and the true Dif. ference of Longitude thence found, in as little Time almoſt as is required to perform it the common Way. In Great Circle Sailing I have given Examples in all the Varieties of Poſitions of Places, touched upon the Difficulty of applying it to Practice, and ſhewn the near Agreement of it with the Mercator's Sailing ; and in Order to lead the Reader into a true and perfect Knowledge of The Theory of the Art of Navigation, I have given a Solution of the two principal Problems in Navigation, from the infinite Series ; by the help of Multiplication and Diviſion, without the Aliſtance of the Tables of Logarithms, Sines, Tangents Se- canis, Meridional Parts, or any Artificial Numbers whatſo- In the next Place there are varieties of Ways for finding the Latitudes of Places from proper Data; with a very Cor- rect Table of Refractions, and the Law of Refraction it ſelf laid down and demonſtrated. The Methods propoſed for diſcovering the Difference of Longitudes of Places, are, each of them confirmed by Ex- amples, demonſtrably true; and fuchas have been approved of by the ableſt Aſtronomers and Mathmaticians of all Times, by which the Deſcription of this our Earth has been obtained, and may be often put in Practice if thoſe whoſe Buſineſs and Intereit it is, would apply themſelves to it, The Rules for finding the Variation of the Compaſs ſuc- ceed, together with proper Methods for meaſuring the Ships Way, for correcting the Courſe, by making pro- per Allowances for Leeway, Variation, and other Accidents. The Manner of working of Days Work, and Journalizing the ſame, with an Example of a ſix Days kun, which compleats that Part which falls properly under the Head of Navigation. The The Preface. V The remaining Sections which follow in this Part, and compleat the Volume, were deſigned to come im- mediately after the End of the 5th Part ; but as they could not well be placed there without cauſing the 2d Volume to fwell to an unuſual Size, it was thought proper to place them where they are ; and ſince they follow in Order, it may not be amiſs to ſpeak of them in this place. And firſt you have an Account of Time, and of the ſeveral ſorts of Days made Uſe of by Aſtronomers , wherein conſiſts the Inequality of the Solar Day and its juſt Quantity enquired into and ſtated; into and ſtated; and Tables Shewing how much it differs from the Mean Day, to every Day in the Years 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, with a Table forwing how much the Equation varies in One Hundred Years; all calculated a-new, from the beſt Solar Tables ; very neceſſary to be well underſtood by every one,who intends to apply himſelf to the Calculation of Solar and Lunar Eclipſes; the Appulſes of the Moon to the Fixed Stars, and the apply- ing of Aſtronomical Obſervations to Uſe. And becauſe the Knowledge of the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic is the Principal Poſtulatum in all Problems of the Sphere, I have given new Solar Numbers, deduced from the Flamſteedian Obſervations made at Greenwich, with their Con- Atruétion and Ufe: And inaſmuch as a Knowledge of the Declination of the Sun is the next Thing wanting, and an Ingredient in almoſt every Astronomical Problem, I have added for the Eaſe of Calculation, Tables Shewing the Decli- nation of the Sun 10 Seconds, to every two Minutes of the Qua- drant ; as alſo Tables ſewing the Right Aſcenſion of the Sun to the ſame Degree of Exa&tneſs, whereby the Sun's Place being known or given, you have his correſponding Right Aſcenſion and Declination by Inſpection. The Laws of Orthographic Projełtion, are laid down and demonſtrated in a more General Way than is to be found in vi The Preface. : in the Books now in Uſe, with their Application to the Projection of the Sphere upon any Plane; and the Uſe of thoſe Projections in the Solution of thecommon Aſironomical Problems, The Solution of all the Principal Problems in Aſtronomy, ariſing from the Revolution of the Earth about her Axis, upon the Copernican Hypotheſis, are delivered in as plain á Manner as I believe the Subject will admit of In treating upon the Globes, I have explained the Na. ture of the ſeveral Circles and Appurtenances,and Exem. plified their Uſe in the Solution of the chief Problems in Navigation and Aſtronomy. And inaſmuch as a Knowledge of the Epacts, Cycles, &c. are of very great Uſe in many Caſes, and the Ways of find- ing them delivered generally by Rules only, I have made ſome Enquiry into the Nature of them, ſhewn from whence they ariſe, and the Manner how they may be found, de- duced the Rules for making the Kalendar, and determyi. ning the Times when the New and Full Moons and move. able Feafts, Etc. will happen. After this you have a Diſcourſe of the Nature and Con- ſtruction of Logarithms, with various Exumples of making the ſame; and the Manner of computing the Artificial or Lo- garithmic Sines, Tangents, and Secants, from the Length of the Arch of the Circle firft given, in cqual Parts of the Ra- dius , independent of the Tables of Logarithms, Natural Sines, Tangents and Secants with Examples; in the Per- formance of which, conſidering the uſefulneſs of the Mat- ter, I have endeavoured to deliver my ſelf with as much Clearneſs as I was capable of. The Fourth Part begins the Second Volume, and contains the Projection of the Sphere,in which the Laws of Stereographic Pro- jection are explained and demonſtrated, and applied to the drawing of Great and SmallCircles upon any Plane Stereogra- phically, . The Preface. vii * phically, to the laying off any Number of Degrees, and of ineaſuring any part or Portion of a Great or Small Circle when projected, different ways, and in all the Varieties. Alſo Spherical Trigon metry, in which the Nature and Properties of Spherical Triangles are explained at large, all the Axioms deinonitrated, and the actual Solutions of all the various Caſes, as well Stereographically as Logarichmical- ljo various Ways, and to as great Degrees of Exactneſs as may be. The 5th and laſt Part, contains the Application of the Projection of the Sphere, and Spherical Trianeles, to the Solution of the moſt uleni Altronomical Problems ; wherein are shown the Proj'ition of the Sphere Stereo giurbically, upon the Pianes of the ſeveral Great Circles of the Sphere, with their Uſes ; and the Solutions of all the chief Problems in Aſtronomy, relating to the Sunor Stars ariſing from the Diurnal Motion of the Sun, according to the Ptole- maic Sylein, in all their Varieties and Ambiguities; with the ſeveral Methods made Uſe of by Aſtronomers for aſcertaining the Places of the Fixed Stars and Planets, : illuſtrated with Examples of actual Obſervations: The Doctrine of Pa- rallaxes, with the Manner of computing the Times of the Appulies of the Moon to the fixed Stars and their Occulta- tions, by the Interpoſition of her Body, with an Example of each; likewiſe new Tables of the Sun's Place, Declination, Ec*c. for the next Hundred Years to come, computed from the belt Solar Numbers, to the greateſt Exactneſs poſſible. A very Correct and Exact Catalogue of the moſt Eminent Fixed Stars, and the largeſt and (I believe, correctelt Ta- ble of the Latitudes and Longitudes of Places yet pub. bliſhed. As the only End of Writing is Information, ſo I have endeavoured thro'out the Whole Courſe of this work to de liver every thing with as much Plainneſs as pollible, and if f in viii The Preface. in my eager Purſuit after this, I may have ſometimes over done it, and by ſtriving to make it very plain, have ren- dered it not quite ſo clear (a Thing not impoſſible) I am ſatisfied the Candid and Ingenuous Reader will readily for- give me, eſpecially ſince 'tis a Fault ſeldom to be met with in Mathematical Books now-a Days As to the Work in General, I can't recollect that there is one Thing left undemonttrated, that is capable of it; and as the Calculations are all done to the greateſt Degree of Exactneſs, and have all gone through my own Hands, if any ſmall miſtake may have happened, which in a Work of this Bulk is not altogether unlikely ; I am ſure the gene- rous and honeſt Part of Mankind will readily excuſe it; and the rather, in that the Papers have not been ſubjected to the View and Judgment of any one Perſon ; and as for thoſe Perſons whoſe Excellency lies in finding Fault with every Thing, and very often when there is no real Occa- fion, and of diſcovering Errors where there are none; all thať ſeems needful to be ſaid to them is, that they would produce ſomething better. THE E CATA332 33 34 POLIZIDIZEIFETIZZNESE THE CONTENTS P A R T I. C Ontains the principal and moſt uſeful Propoſitions of the firſt fix Books of Euclid's Elements, demonitrated after the Euclidean Maoner. From Page i to Page 54. Geometrical Definitions PI Poſtulara's and Axioms p. 5 Propoſition the ift of Euclid, &c. p. 7 The Rules for railing and letting fall Perpendiculars, biſecting Right- lines and Angles, Gr. demonſtrated, P. 10 The Method of drawing Parallel Lines demonſtrated p. 14 Several Properties of Triangles demoſtrated p. 16 A Demonſtration of the Method of meaſuring any Right-lined Fi- gure p. 17 The Method for Trinsformation of Planes demonſtrated p. 18 The Method of adding and lubſtracting Squares, to and from each other, demonſtrated P 19 The Abſurdity of the com non Way of multiplying Money by Mo- ney, ſhewn and demonſtrated p. 21 The Method of Extracting the square Root out of any Number, P 22 fhewn and demonſtrated p. 23 The Method of drawing Tangents to the Circle, and finding the Centers of Circles, ſhewn and demonſtrated. p. 26 Uſeful Properties of the Circle demonſtrated P 27 The Method of raiſing and letting fall Perpendiculars, at, and over the End of a given Right-line, Thewn and demonſtrated b Se- p. 28 1 ii CONTENT S. 3 Several other uſeful Properties of the Circle demonſtrated p. 30 Methods for inſcribing in and circumſcribing Figures about a Circle, ſhewn and demonſtrated p. 34 The chief and primary Properties of Proportion, fhcwn and demen- ſtrated p. 39 The Method for finding the Sum of any infinite Series, in a. Geome- tric Progreſſion, ſhewn and demonſtrated P. 40 How to find the Sum of any infinitely decreaſing Series, in a Geo- metric Progreſſion. P. 41 How to divide Lines and Triangles in any given Ratio p. 40 How to find a mean Proportional between any two given Lines, and to divide a Triangle in any given Ratio, by a Line drawn paral- lel to one of its Sides Univerſal Laws for Transformation of Planes, laid down and de- monſtrated P. So An eaſier Way of demonſtrating ſome Properties of the Circle p. si How to enlarge or diminiſha Right-lined Figures in any given Ratio, ſhewn and demonſtrated p. 52 How to find the Ratio that like Figures have to each other, mewn and demonſtrated. p. 53 How to find the Sum or Difference of any two ſimilar Figures p. 54. P 48 P AR T. II. Contains the Science of Plane Trigonometry From p. 54 to p. 134 SECTION 1. Contains the Definition and Conſtruction of the Lines uſually appli- ed to the Circle, ſuch as Chords, Sines, &c. From p. 54 to p. 59. Trigonometrical Definitions p. 54 The Gecmetrical Conſtruction of Sines, Tangents, &c. P. 56 SECTION II. Contains ſeveral Methods for conſtructing the Tables of Sines, Tan- genrs and Secants, Squaring the Circle, and the Menſuration of luch Superficies and Solids as depend upon the Circle. (From : 59 to p: 93) The . CONTENTS. iii merit P. 60 P. 61 P. 61 P. 62 The Sine of an Arch being given, to find the Sine of its Comple- pi 59 The Sine of an Arch being given, to find the Sine of half the Arch. The Sine of an Arch being given, to find the Sine of the double of that Arch р. бо The Sines of two Arches being given, to find the Sine of the Sum or Difference of thoſe Arches The Sines to 30 Degrees being given, to find from thence the Sines to 60 Degrees The Sines to 60 Degrees being giveni, the Sines from thence to 90 Degrees may be found, by Addition of thoſe already found, the Manner how, ſhewn and demonſtrated The ancient Method of making the Table of Sines, ſhewn and de- monſtrated p. 63 The Difficulty attending this Method P 63 The ancient Way of finding the Proportion of the Diameter of any Circle to its Circumference p. 64 The Modern Way of doing the ſame P64 An Inveſtigation of a Series for finding the Length of any Arch from its Right Sine. p. 65 The Series it felf for finding the Length of any Arch from its Right Sines, ſhewn and demonſtrated The Application of the ſame Series for finding the Length of the Arch of 30 Degrees, to 10 places in Decimals, from the Sine of the ſame Arch The Length of the Circumference in ſuch Parts as the Diameter of the Circle is Unity, inveſtigated to 10 places in Decimals p. 67 Another Inveſtigation of the ſame p. 68 That by this Method the Proportion of the Circumference of a Circle to its Diameter, may be inveſtigated to 's places in Deci. mals, which is ſuicfficient for almoſt all Uſes, in a very few Mi- nutes, ſhewn by an Example The Advantage of this Method above the ancient Method P. 69 How to Extra& the Root of an infinite Equation, P. 69 The Application of this Method in the Inveſtigation of the Series, for finding the Right-fine of any Arch from the Arch it ſelf. P. 69 b 2 That P 66 p. 66 p. 68 iv CONTENT S. That the Arch and Sine of 1 Minute do not differ from each other in Length, to 10 places in Decimals, and are both expreffed by the ſame Figures p. 69 The Application of the former Series, to the actual finding the Na- tural Sine of 10 Degrees to ro Places P70 The Application of the fame Series, to the a&ual finding the Na- tural Sine of 20 Degrees to 10 Places P. 70 The ſeeming Difficulty of applying theſe Series to Pra&ice removed p. 70 Examples of compendious Methods in Multiplication, for the more eaſy raiſing of Powers, and applying the former Series to Prac- tice p. 71 The Series for finding the Co-fine of any Arch frorn the Arch it felf, ſhewn and inveſtigaced p. 72 The Application of this Series to the finding the Co-lines of i min. and 20 deg. or the Sincs of 89 deg. 59 min. and 70 deg. p. 73 The Sines of 40 Degrees and 50 Degrees found, by fubftracting the Sines of 20 Degrees and 10 Degrees from the Sines of 80 De- grecs and 70 Degrees P 74 Thai A Table of Natural Sines to 7 places in Decimals, which is as ex. Et us common Uſe requires, may be done with great Eaſe by this Method P. 74 The Scries for finding the Verſed Sine of any Arch from the Arch it felt, inveſtigated and ſhewn P74 The Series for finding the Verſed Sine of the Supplement of any Arch inveſtigated Þ: 74 The Sinical Proportion demonſtrated p. 75 The Uſe and Excellency of this Merliod, and how it may be applied to Practice p. 77 An Inveſtigation of the Series for finding the Natural Tangent of any Arch from the Arch it felf P. 78 An Inveſtigation of the Series for finding the Natural Co-tangent of p. 79 The Series for finding the Secont of any Arch p. 79 The Series for finding the Co-ſecant of any Arch P. 79 How by the Help of theſe ſeveral Series, ſo many different Series may be inveſtigated, for finding the Length of the Circumference of a Circle in equal Parts of the Radius p. 79 A Series for finding the Length of any Arch, and conſequently the Length of the whole Circumference in equal Parts of the Radius, from any Arch CONTENT S. P.81 P. 82 p. 83 from the Tangent of the ſame Arch firſt known or given, ſhewn and inveſtigated P 80 The Application of the ſame Series to the inveſtigating of the Cir- cumference of the Circle, - 10 10 places in Decimals The Proportion of the Circumference of a Circle to its Diameter, to 100 places in Decimals The Proportion of the Circumference of the Circle to its Diameter, applied (and the Rules demonſtrated.) P. ift, to the finding of the Circumference of any Circle, its Diame- ter being given, and the contrary 2d, To the finding the Area of the Circle, different Ways from pro- per Data, and the Reaſon of the Rules fhewn 3d, To the finding of the Area of an Ellipſis, or any Segment of it different Ways 4th, To the finding of Surfaces of Cones arid Cylinders 5th, To find the Superficies of a Sphere different Ways 6th, To find the Surface of any Sigment of a Globe 7th, To the finding of the Solidity of a Cylinder 8th, To the finding of the Solidity of a Cone leveral Ways p. 89 9th, To the finding of the Solidity of the Sphere different Waysp: 90 10th, To the finding of the Solidity of the Spheroid, ſeveral Ways P. 92 P. 84 p. 85 P. 86 P. 87 P. 88 p. 88 SECTION III. ! Contains a Demonſtration of ſeveral Theorems commonly called Ax- ioms, for the Solution of the ſeveral Caſes of Right and Oblique- angled Plane Iriangles From p. 93 to p. 102 A Demonſtration of the ift Theorem or Axiom P: 93 A Demonſtration of the 2d I heorem or Axiom p. 54 A Demonſtration of the 3d Theorem or Axiom P. 95 A Demonſtration of the 4th Theorem or Axiom P 96 A Demonſtration of the 5th Theorem or Axiom p. 97 A Demonítration of the 6th Theorem or Axiom P98 Several Methods deduced from the 6th Axiom, for finding the Angles from the 3 Sides given P. 100 SECT. : vi CONTENTS SECTION. IV. Contains the Solution of the Seven Caſes of Right-angled Plane Tri- angles, ſeveral Ways From p. 102 to p. 119 That the whole Science of Trigonometry is centained in one ſingle Problem P. 102 Some uſeful Properties of Triangles P. JO2 What the Tables of Sines, Tangents and Secants are, and their Ap- plication P. 103 The Solution of the itt Cale by Natural Sines &c. 104 The Solution of the ſame Caſe by the Artifical Sines, Tangents, and Secants The General Rule for working by Logarithms p. 107 The Uſe of both Kinds of Solutions p. 107 The Solutions of the ad, 3d, and 4th Cafes, ſeveral Ways P. 106 P. 106 SECTION V. Contains the Solution of the Six Caſes of Oblique-angled Plane Iri- angles various ways, and in all their Ambiguities (From p. 119 to p. 133) Various Ways of Reſolving the oth Care Rules for reſolving the fame Cafe by the Gunter's Scale P. 133 P. 128 PART III. SECTION I. Contains an Introduction to Navigation, the Definitions of all the Terms made uſe of, and ſeveral Corollaries drawn from thence for the Solution of feveral uſeful and introductory Problems in Sailing p. 134, 10 145 Some Errors in the Plane Chart detected P. 145 SECTION II. Contains the Application of the Do&rine of Right Angled Plane Triangles to the Solutions of the ſeveral Caſes in Plain Sailing, re. CONTENT S. vii P. 161 p. 162 p. 163 p. 165 relating to a Single Courſe, with their Uſes, from p. 145 to p. 182 Queſtions Preparatory to the Underſtanding of Compound Tra- verſes p. 156 A farther Explication and Illuſtration of the ſeveral preceeding Caſes SECTION III, Contains the Application of Plane Triangles to the Solution of a Traverſe or Co npound Courſe from p. 162 to p. 172 What a Traverſe or Compound Courſe is: The iſt Example with its Solution Dire&tions for making the Traverſe Table P.163 The ſecond Example, with its Solution p. 165 The Geometrical Solution The third. Example with irs Anſwer, by making Allowance for the Variation p. 169 The 5th Example with its Anſwer, by making Allowance for Lee- Way p. 170 The 6th Example of a Traverſe, wherein the Lee-Way and Varia- tion are both conſidered p. 170 Two more Examples of Compound Traverſes, wherein the Leeway and Variation are both given, with their Anſwers P. 171 A Table of Difference of Latitude and Departure in Minutes and tenth Parts to every Degree and Quarter Point of the Compaſs for the exact working of Traverſes p. 173 The Uſe of the preceeding Table in the Solution of Traverſes and Queſtions in Plain Sailing p. 194 SECTION IV. Contains the Doctrine of Oblique Angled, Planc Triangles applied to Problems of Sailing P. 197, to 210 The ſame Queſtions expreſſed in different Terms, and dreſled up af. ter different Manners to inlarge the Learners Way of thinking, and give him a better Inſight into the Nature of Queſtions, p. 199. A Problein of great Uſein drawing the Draught of any Haven, Ri- ver or Bay, and in laying down of Sands, Rocks or Shoals in Sea-Charts P 205 Methods for diſcovering the Diſtances of Places by the firing of Guns, how far Ships are afunder, and for meaſuring of Inaccesible Diſtance's SECT . Pi 280 viii CONTENT S. SECTION V. Contains Queſtions relating to Turning to Windward, with the Manner of their Solution P. 210 to 218, How to find the Lee-way a Ship makes P. 213 SECTION VI. Contains an Explication of the Nature of Currents, and the Me- thods of allowing for the ſame pe 218, to 232 What Currents are, and how to allow for them A Traverſe Current, with its Solution p. 221 A Queſtion of Turning to Windward in a Current P 225 Several uſeful Queſtion, with their Solutions for finding the Settings and Drifts of Currents p. 225 p. 218 SECTION VII. Contains a Deſcription of the Plain Chart with its Uſes, from p. 232 to 235 SECTION VIII. Contains Queſtions, with their Solutions relating to Sailing under a Parallel of Latitude, uſually called Parallel Sailing, froin p 235 to 242 The Errors of the Plain Chart ſhewn, and the Quantity of a Degree of Longitude in any Parallel of Latitude determined P 236 Queſtions in Parallel Sailing, with their Solutions, p. 237 A Table fhewing how many miles anſwer to a Degree of Longitude at every Degree of Latitude p. 240 he Uſe of the former Table P 241 SECTION IX: Contains the Application of the former Se&ion to the Solution of the moſt uſeful Queſtions in failing by the Middle Latitude, P. 242, 253 What the Middle Latitude is, and the Manner of the Operation, p. 242 re CONTENTS. ix The Solution of a Traverſe by this Method, The near Agreement of this Way with the true Sailing How far this Method may be relied upon SECTION X. P.252 P.253 p. 153 tor Conrains a farther Demonſtration of the Errors of the Plane Chart, and of the truth of the Principles upon which the Mercator's Chart is founded, together with ſeveral Methods for computing the Length of a Degree of Latitude at all Diſtances from the Equa- from p. 25€ to p. 260 The Errors of the Plane Chart farther ſhewn p. 553 Fo re&ify this Error was the great Study of the Ancients, and not accompliſhed till undertaken by Mr. Wright P. 254 The Principles upon which the true Chart is founded, demonſtra- ted p. 254 The Methods made uſe of by Mr. Wright and Mr. Oughtred for com- puting the Merid. Parts p. 255. How the ſame may be found independently of the Table of Secants, from the Length of the Arch of Latitude firſt given by the Help of an Infinite Series ſhewn and demonſtrated p. 255 The Meridional Parts anſwering to 5 and 10 degrees of Latitude, to 6 places in Decimals, inveſtigated by the help of the former Series p. 256 How the fame Meridional Parts may be found by the help of the Logarithmic Tangents p. 257 The Application of the ſame to the finding of the Meridional Parts of 's and 10 deg. of Latitude p. 258 A large and very Correa Table of Meridional Parts to erery degree and Minute of Latitude to 4 places in Decimals computed Indepen- dently of the Table of Secants, after the former Manner p. 261 NB. The Tables of Meridional Parts being computed after the Sheet beginning at Page 285 was printed off, and there being not fufficient room left for them, is the reaſon why the laſt Folio of the Tables does not agree with the Folio of the Sheet Pp. SECT. C : : х CONTENT S. SECT 10 N XI. The Application of the former Seation to the a&ual Solution of the ſeveral Cafes in ſailing, relating to a ſingle Courle, uſually called Mercultor's Sailing, from p. 285, to p 295 The Solution of a Traverſe or Compound Courſe, after the former Manner p 295 How the difference of Longitude in Mercator's Sailing may be found by the common Tables of Difference of Latitude and Departure po 299 Examples p. 300 That the common Method (made uſe of and taught in Books) of finding the difference of Longitude by the whole Departure made in one or more days is falſe p. 300 Proved by an caſy Inſtance P.301 Farther proved by ſolving the former Traverſe after this Way p. 301 A Traverſe Current reſolved after the Mercatorian Way p. 302 SECTION XII. i Contains a Solution of all the Mercatorian Problems, without the Affiſtance of Meridional Parts, by the help of the Logarithmic Tangents only from p. 303, to 310 What is meant or to be underſtood by Difference of Longitude, Meridian Diſtance and Departure, and wherein they effentially differ from each other p. 311 The Errors in Plain Sailing farther exhibited, and the Neceſſity and Occaſion of the true ſailing ſhewn p. 312 Thar Departure has no part or ſhare in Mercator's Sailing, nor does it properly belong to it, tho' the Concluſions drawn from it are P. 313 SECTION XIII. true Contains the Conſtruction and Uſe of the Mercator's Chart, from P 313, to p. 325 That upon this Chart all places may be laid down true' according to their Latitudes and Longitudes, and what gives it the Preference to + all CON TEN T S. xi P: 316 all other Contrivances whatſoever for Nautical Uſes is, that the Rumb Line is repreſented by a perfect ſtreight Line P. 315 That this Reailinearity of the Rumb Line is the chief and prima- ry Property of the Mercator's Projection That by the help of this Property all Nautical Problems are reſolved to the greateſt Degree of Exa&neſs, and eafier than by the Globe itſelf That it is impoſſible by any Contrivance to repreſent any part or portion of a Spherical Surface upon a plain, but that it will be diftorted p. 316 That if the distorted Parts when projected retain between themſelves the lame Ratio that the Diinenſions of the Parts they repreſent upon the Globe do, all Solutions performed by them will be equally true with thoſe that are performed by the Globe it ſelf. P316 P. 316 That therefore the Mercator's Chart is the moſt apt and proper In- ſtrument, and the beſt adapted to the Mariner's Uſe that can be, whilſt Mankind makes uſe of the Compaſs p. 317 SECTION XIV. Contains the Solution of ſuch Problems as ariſe from Sailing, by or upon the Arch of a Great Circle from p. 325, top: 353 The Difficulty or rather Impoſſibility of failing exa&ly by or upon the Arch of a Great Citcle, according to the Dire&tion of the Compaſs ſhewn p. 330 That the Arch of 5 Degrees differs but i:oo from the Correſpon- dent: Tangent P 330 Whence the Rumb Line and Arch of s degrees differ but inſenGibly from each other in Length p. 330 Exemplified in finding the Arch of neareſt Diſtance between the Lizard and Newfoundland P.331 Thar che Length of the Arch of neareſt Diſtance between 2 places 5 degrees alunder, differ but one fiftieth part of a Mile from the true length of the Rumb Line in the firſt Example fhewn p. 332 Examples and Solutions in all the various Problems of Great Circle Sailing That P. 333, &c. : xii CONTENTS That the Length of the Arch of meareft Diſtance between the Li- zard and Barbadoes, differs but 371 Miles from the Length of the Rumb Line, paſſing thro' the two Places p. 345 That the Arch of neareſt Diſtance between Barbadoes and St. Helena, differs but it of a Mile from the Length of the Rumb Line, which ſhews the Excellency of Mercator's Sailing p. 349 A Solution of the two chief and primary Problems in Mercator's Sail- ing, independent of the Tables of Logarithms, Sines, Tangents, Sex cants, or Meridional Parts, or any Artificial Number, by the help of the infinite Series p. 350 That all Nautical Problems may be reſolved after this Manner. p. 353; The Uſe of theſe Kinds of Solutions P3531 SECTION XV. Containing the Method of finding the Latitudes of Places or Heights of the Pole, by the Meridional Height of the Sun or Stars, and their Declinations from p. 353 to pa 373, A Demonſtration of the Fundamental Law of Refraktion, by the Maxima do Minima. P. More conciſe and general Ways of Reſolving the preceding Pros blemas PA SECTION XVI. Contains an Account of the ſeveral Methods propoſed and made Uſe of, by the moſt skilful Aſtronomers and Geographers, for find ing thợ Difference of Longitude between Places (from p. 373 to . p. 386). The Difficulty of finding the Difference of Longitude true, by the Courſe Steer'd and Diſtance Run, faewn. P: 373: What is meant by finding out the Longitude p. 373 What thư Longitude is, and how it may be found. P: 374 11,- By Ecliples of the Moor, and an Inſtance given of the Diference of the Longitude between London and Paris determined, by Ob- fervations made at each Place p. 375 An Inſtance of the Difference of Longitude between Greenwich and Lisbon,, determined after the ſame Manner p. 376, Another Inſtance of the Difference of Longitude, being determined atser.. CONTENT S. XA1 ner how after the ſame manner, between London and Botox in New England p. 376 Longitude of Places may be determined by Solar Eclipſes p. 376 Longitudes of Places by the Eclipſes of Jupiter's Satellites, the man- p. 377 The Longitude between Rome and Greenwich determined by this Method P. 378 That the frequency of thele Eclipſes, which happen ſometimes twice or :hrice in a Night, the great Eaſe with which they are made, and the great Exactneſs with which they may be obſerved, render them one of the beſt Expedients hitherto known for accomplifhing Ile ſame p. 378 Longitude of Places inay be found by the Appules of the Moon, c. P. 378. Example of the Difference of Longitude between London, Dantzick, and Ballafore in the Eaſt Indies, determined by this Method f.: 379 That the Longitude of Places may be found by the Immerſions and Emerſions of the Planets, c. p. 380 Inſtances of the Difference of Longitude between Paris, London, Nöremberg, and Canton in China, determined by this Method p. 380 That the great Number of Fixed Stars that lye within the Zodiac, render the Appulſes and Occultations of the Stars, 6c, very fre- quent P.-3811 Longitudes of Places may be derermined by Pendulum Watchés p 381 An Inſtance of the Uſe of theſe in a Voyage from the Coaft of Gui- nea to the Ile of Fuego p. 382 The Objeđion againſt the Uſe of the Pendu’um-Watch exhibited p. 382 The principal Thing wanting to render thele Methods more pradi- cable p. 382. Not conſidered by the modern Pretenders to the Diſcovery of the Longirude P. 383 How this may in ſome meaſure be obtained p. 383 That there are frequent Opportunities at Sea of putting ſome of theſe Methods in pra&ice p. 384 That theſe or no other Methods, how true foever, can be put in a Prađice, till we have a new and mort corre& Deſcription of the Sea-Coafis and Iſlands, &c... p. 384 A *. xiv CONTENTS, A Method propoſed how this may be effected in a few Years by the Government, with little or no Expence 1. 385 That if the Commanders of Merchant-men would joyn in it, and lend their helping Hand, it mnight be very ſoon accompliſhed p. 385 SECTION XVII. Contains an Account of the Variation, and Methods of obtaining it p. 386 to P. 399 What is meant by the Variation p. 386 Various Methods how it may be obtained f. 387 A more conciſe and general Way of finding it f. 397 That the Variation has conſtantly changed ſince it was firſt obſerved, and that to obtain a good Theory of it, there wants a greater Stock of Obſervations, and how uſeful theſe may be p. 398 SECTION XVIII, Contains an Account of the Methods m. d: Uſe of for meaſuring the Ships Way, for correcting the Courſe Steer'd, by making pro- per Allowances, 6c. from p. 399 to p. 437 The Diſtance between Knot and Knot aſcertained p. 490 How to corre& Errors that ariſe from not having the Diſtance be- tween Knot and Knot true p. 401 How to corre& Errors ariſing from the half Minute Glaſs, being ei- ther too long or too ſhort p. 402 How to try whether the Half Minute Glaſs be of a juſt Length 0 403 How to corre& Errors both in the Log line and Half-minute Glaſs p. 403 What is meant by Leeway, and from what Cauſes it ariſes P. 405 The uſual Allowances made for it p. 406 How to correct the Courſe ſteerd, the Quantity of the Leeway being known P 407 How to corre& the Courſe ſteer'd, by making proper Allowance for the Variation p. 408 How to corre& a Reckoning, by making proper Allowances for an Error in the Courſe, for an. Error in the Diſtance, and for Errors in both Courſe and Diitance, c. with Examples P. 409 A + CONTENT S. XV 3 Dy, and of what Uſe the Tables of A Log-Book, with the Form and Manner of working of Day's Work at Sea as an Example to the foregoing Rules po 417 Rules and Directions for keeping a Journal P. 434 An Example for the foregoing fix Days Work P. 436 SECTION. XIX. Contains an Account of the Equation of Time, or the Inequality of the Solar Days, with the manner of computing it, from p. 437 to iP 458 What is meant by the Equatorial Sydereal and Solar Day, p. 438 The quantity of the Tropical, the Solar and Sydereal Day deter- mined P. 439 That one Cauſe of the Equation of days ariſes from the Inclination of the Earth's Axis to the Plane of the Ecliptic p. 439, That another Cauſe of the Equation of days ariſes from the Ex- centricity of the Great Orb p. 441 That the Inequality of the days or the Equation of time ariſes from, theſe two Cauſes, and is a Compound of them both p. 444. How the quantity of it may be found p. 444 Tables for the more ready finding the abſolute Equation of time P: 446 The Uſe of theſe Tables P. 447 Tables ſhewing the Equation of time for every day of the 4 Years p. 448 The Uſe of theſe Tables in finding the Apparent or Solar time by a well regulated Clock p. 452 A Table Chewing how much the former Tables willvary in 100 Years for every day ip the Year P: 454 The Uſe of the former Table. P. 455 A Table ſhewing the Equation of time, anſwering to every Sign and Degree of the Ecliptic for the Year 1726, P: 456 Why Aſtronomers have pitch'd upon a mean Solar day to adjuſt the Equation of cime are in Aſtronomical Computations p. 457 SECTION XX. 1724, c. Contains the Theory of the Sun, and the Conſtruction and Uſe of the Solar Tabies from p. 458 to p. 492 Thar: Xvi CON TEN T'S. That 'the Knowledge of the Length of the Solar Year is the firſt thing neceffary to be known, and how this may be obtained from Obſervations P.459 The Length of the Solar Year determined from the Flameedian ob- fervations P. 402 That there is a Præcefſion of the Equinoxes, and the quantity of it determined by Obſervations P. 402 The quantity of the Periodical or Sydereal Year determined p. 462 How the mean Motion of the Sun for one day, and conſequently for any Number of days is found p. 463 How the mean Motion for Hours and Minutes may be determined p. 463 How the mean Motion from common Julian Years is determined p. 463 How the common Solar Tables are made to ſerve in Leap-Years p. 463 How the Radix's of mean Motion of the Sun are obtained P. 465 That the Solar Tables are adjuſted to mean or equal time p. 406 That Aſtronomers by comparing the places of the Sun deduced from Obſervations have found that his apparent Motion is unequal p. 467 That he is not placed in the Center of the great Orb P 467 The Proportion of his greateſt and leaſt Diſtance from the Earth de- termined, and thence his Excentricity, or how far he is removed from the Center of the @rb P. 467 The ancient Method made Uſe of, for allowing for the Inequality of the Sun's Motion ariſing from this Cauſe How theſe Inequalities may bc accounted for, from the Diſcovery p. 468 of Kepler, that the Earth mov'd in an Eliptic Orb; and in moving deſcribes Areas proportionable to the Time, by a Ray drawn from the Center of the Earth to the Sun p. 469 The Keplerian Way of computing the Profthapbærefis P. 475 Examples to the foregoing Method p. 476 The Newtonian Way of finding the ſame direaly P. 481 Examples to the foregoing Method p. 485 The Place of the Aphelion determined from the Flamſteedian Obler- vations p. 486 The mean Motion of the Apoge P. 486 A * CONTENTS. A dire&t Method for finding the Place of the Sun from theſe Da- ta, without the help of the Tables P.487 An Example p. 487 The Manner' of computing the Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth, ſhewn and demonſtrated p. 489 New Solar Tables deduced from the Flanſieedian Obſervations, and co:ſtructed after the former manner p. 493 The Uſe of theſe Tables for the ready computing of the Sun's Place, with an Example p. sor Another Example of the Uſe of the fame Tables P. 503 The Uſe of the following Tables ſhewn p. 503 A Table fhewing the Declination of the Sun to every two Minutes of the Eclipric, the greateſt Declination being fixed at 23.29. P: 506 A Table ſhewing the Right Aſcenſion of the Sun to every two Mi- nutes of the Eciiptic, the greateſt Declination being fixed at 23.29. p.525 SECTION XXI, Contains general Laws for the deſcribing of any great or finall Cir- cle upon any Plane Orthographically, for laying off any Num- ber of Degrees upon, or for meaſuring any Part or Portion of a great or ſmall Circle when projected P.537 The Application of the preceding Rules to the Projection of the Sphere Orthographically upon the Plane of the Meridian p. 548 The Application of the ſame Laws to the Proje&ion of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Horizon Orthographically p. 553 The Reaſon why in many Caſes the Stereographic Repreſentations of the Sphere are preferr'd to the Orthographic. That the Projection of the Sphere upon each particular Plane has its peculiar Uſe P: 558 That the Orthographic Proje&ion of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Meridian is the moſt apt and ready for giving Solutions to Aſtronomical Problems. The Uſe of the Analemma or Orthographic Proje&ion of the Sphere in the Solution of the common Aſtronomical Problems P558 p. 558 P 562 That the common Problems of the Sphere are reſolved with more Eaſe by the Orthographic than by the Stereographic Projection, with an Example P. 567 d SECT xviii CONTENTS. SECTION XXII. Contains a Solution of the chief and primary Problems in Aftronomy according to the ancient Pythagorean or Copernican Syſtem P.568 That the great Orb in which the Earth moves is but as a Phyſical Point with regard to the immenſe Ditance of the neareſt fixed Star P. 577 That the Hypotheſis of the Earth's Motion is the moſt ancient Hy- potheſis, &c. p.591 SECTION XXIII. P. 598 Contains the Uſe of both Globes, from 2:593 to p. 627 What Globes are, the Manner of their Conſtruction, with a De ſcription of their ſeveral Appurterances p. 593 To find the Latitudes of Places To find the Diference of Latitude between two Places P. 599 To find the Longitude of any Place That the fixing of a firſt Meridian being Arbitrary occaſions great Diſagreement between the Longitudes of Places determined by dif- ferent Globes or Maps The Scituation of the firſt Meridian, according to Prolomy, &c. po 600 p.600 p. 600 p. 601 P. 601 . p. 602 To find the Difference of Longitude between two Places To find the Angle of Poſition between 2 places A Solution of a common Geographical Paradox How to lay down the Running of a Ship upon the Globe P. 603 To find the Diſtance between two places upon the Globe P. 604 To find the Hour of the Day at any place, the Hour at another place being given P.600 To find the Sun's place in the Ecliptic p.605 To find the Sun's Declination p. 605 To frud the Sun's Right Aſcenſion To find the Sun's Oblique Aſcenſion and Deſcenſion p.607 To fitd the Sun's Amplitude p. 607 To find the Merid. Altitude or Merid. Zenith Diſtance To find the Aſcentional Difference p. 619 To find the time of the Sun's Riſing, &c. P. OTO To find the Length of the Day, 6c, at any place within the Artic Circle P: 613 Το P: 606 P. 608 CONTENT S. xix p. 616 To find the Beginning and End of Twilight, c. t. 614 To find the Sun's Height and Azimuth, c. 1.615 To find the Hour of the Day, 6. To account for the General Phenomena by one Poſition of the Globe 1.617 To find the Longitude of a Star p. 619 To find the Right Aſcenſion, &c of a Star P. 620 To find the time of a Star's Culmination 1.620 To find the time of a Star's Riſing, p.622 To find the Altitude and Azimuth of a Star, c. P 623 To find the Hour of the Night, &c. p.624 To find whae Stars are Riſing, doc. p. 624 To determine all thoſe places upon the Earthi where an Eclipſe of the Moon or of Jupiter's Satellites is Viſible P: 625 p. 628 P 628 P. 628 SECTION XXIV: Contains an account of the Diviſion of Time and its Parts, of the Cycles, Epoch's, Era's, Periods, Moveable Feafts, &c. from P.627 to p.655 The Diviſion of Time What a Scruple is, and its various kinds What an Hour is, and its various Kinds What a Week is, and the Names of the ſeveral Days contained in it P 630 What a Month is, and its ſeveral Kinds explained p. 631 What a Year is, and its ſeveral Kinds p. 632 The Roman Way of dividing their Months P 635 What the Kalendar is, and how it is formed p. 636 What is meant by the Solar Cycle, and whence it ariſeth P. 637 The Uſe of the Solar Cycle, and how it may be found p. 638 What the Dominical Letter is, and how it may be found p. 638 What the Metonic Cycle is, and whence it ariſes p. 640 The Uſe of the Metonic Cycle or Golden Number in finding the times of the Full-moons, New and Eaſter-Day, &c. *P: 642 What the Epact is, and whence it ariſes p. 645 The Uſe of the Epact in finding the Age of the Moon, &c p. 646 The Uſe of the Epa&.in finding when Eaſter Day and the reſt of the moveable Feaſts will happeni p. 619 What the Julian, Viktorian, and Dionyhan Periods are, and whence they ariſe P651 An Account of the moſt remarkable Epocha's or Era's P 652 SOI XX CONTENTS SECTION XXV. Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms, from p. 655 to p. 687 The Nature of Logarithms explained p. 656 An Inveſtigation of Sir Saac Newton's Binomial Series P. 669 The ſame Series applied to the extracting the infinite Root p. 670 The Application of the Method of extracting tire infinite Root to the making of Logarithms P. 671 A General Rule thence deduced, for the making of Logarithms p. 672 The Application of the ſame Rule, to the making of Logarithms P 673 How the Logarithmic Sine, Tangent, &c. of any Arch may be found independently of the Tables of Logarithms, &c. from the Length of the Arch firſt given An Inveſtigation of the Series for finding the Number from the Lo- garithm p. 690 An Inſtance of the Uſe of Logarithms in finding the Value of Annui- P. 694 p. 686 ties, &c. As it is almoſt impoſſible to avoid Typographical Errors, ſo not- withſtanding the greateſt Care has been taken, no doubt, ſeveral of that Kind have crept into this work; but they are ſuch I dare ſay, as the Reader may eaſily, amend as he goes on, which no doubt for his own Advantage, he will not fail to do. GEOMETRY 1 Ooo 0000000000000000000000000000000000 SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GOG COCO0000 DO 2000 0000 0000 0000 000000 GEOMETRY : PARTI DCZE Definitions. HE Subje& of Geometry, is Magnitude or Quan tity continued ; ics Buſineſs to diſcover the Nature and Properties of thoſe Quantities about which it T is employed, in order to find out the Proportion that they have to each other, that ſo from the Knowledge of one, we may be led to the Know- ledge of the other, according to Quantity. Magnitudes are of three Kinds, viz. Lines, Superficies and Solids. A Solid is that which hath Length, Breadth and Depth, or Thickneſs ; its Limits or Boundaries, are called Superficies ; fo that, 3. A Superficies hath Length and Breadth, without Thickneſs; the Limits of which are Lines. 4. And if it lie equally betwixt it Lines, 'tis called a Plain Sue perficies. 5. A Line then hath only Length, and is bounded by Points ; fo that, 6. A Point Mathematical, is incapable of being divided, and therefore hath no Parts. 7. A Right or Straight Line, is that which lies equally betwixt, or is the neareſt Tract А. -B between its Points; as AB. 8. A Plain Angle, is the Inclination of two Lines, the one to the other ; the one touching the other in the ſame Plain, yet not lying ill the ſame ſtrait Line. B 9. And 2 Euclides Elements. 9. And if the Lines which contain the Angle be Right-lines, it is called a Right-lined Angle. 10. When a Right Line CG, ſtanding upon a C Right Line AB, makes the Angles on either ſide thereof CGA, CGB, equal one to the other, then both thoſe Angles are Right Angles ; and the Right Line CG, which ſtandeth on the o- A- B ther, is termed a Perpendicular to that (AB) G whereon it ſtandeth. Note ; When ſeveral Angles meet at the ſame Point as at (G) each particular Angle is deſcribed by three Letters, whereof the middle Letter Sheweth the Angular Point, and the other two Letters ihe Lines that make that Angle; as the Angle which the Right Lines CG, AG, make at G, is called CGA, or AGC. 11. An Obtuſe Angle, is that which is great- А. er than a Right Angle; as ACD. 12. An Acute Angle, is that which is leſs than a Right Angle; as ACB. B- -D 13. A Limit, or Term, is the End of any C с thing. 14. A Figure, is that which is contained under one or more Terms. 15. A Circle, is a plain Figure, contained under one Line, which is called a Circumference ; unto which all Lines drawn from one Point within the Figure, and falling upon the Circumference thercot, are cqual the one to the other. 16. And that Point is called the Center of the Circle. '17. A Diameter of a Circle, is a Right Line drawn through the Center thereof, and ending at A E E the Circumference on either ſide, dividing the Circle into two equal Parts. 18. A Semi-circle, is a Figure which is contain- D ed under the Diameter, and under that part of the Circumference which is cut off by the Diameter. N B In the Circle EABCD, E is the Center, AC the Diameter, ABC the Semi-circle. N, B. Euclides Elements. 3 N. B. The equal Diviſions of the Circumference of every Circle, into 360 Parts, are called Degrees; the equal Diviſion of each of theſe again into 60 Parts more, are called Minutes ; and the equal Diviſion of each of theſe into 6o Parts more, are called Seconds, &c. So that the Arch of the Semi-circle contains 180 Degrees, and the Quadrant is equal to 90 Degrees. 19. Right Lined Figures are ſuch as are contained under Right Lines. 20. Three Sided or Trilateral Figures, are ſuch as are contained un- der three Right Lines. 21. Four Sided or Quadrilateral Figures, are ſuch as are contained under four Right Lines. 22. Many Sided Figures, or Poligons, are ſuch as are contained un- der more Right Lines than four. 23. Of Trilateral Figures, that is, an Equilateral Triangle, which hath three equal Sides; as the Tri- angle A. A 24. Iſoſceles, is a Triangle which hath only two Sides equal; as the Trianglc B. B 25. Scalenum, is a Triangle whoſe three Sides are all unequal; as C. C 26. Of theſe Trilateral Figures, A Right-angled Triangle is that which has one Right Angle; as the Triangle r. A 27. An Amblygoniun, or obtuſe-angled Tri- angle, is that which has one Angle Ob fe; as B. B A 2 28 An 4 Euclides Elements. 28. An Oxygonium, or Acute-angled Triangle, is that which has three Acute Angles; as C. C $ An Equiangular, or Equal-Angled Figure, is that whereof all the Angles are equal: Two Figures are Equiangular, if the ſeveral An- gles of the one Figure be equal to the ſeveral Angles of the other. # The fame is to be underſtood of Equilateral Figures. A 29. Of Quadrilateral, or Four-Sided Figures, a Square is that whoſe Sides are equal and Angles right, as A. B 30. A Figure on one part longer, or a Long Square, or Oblong, is that which hath Right Angles, but not equal Sides, as B. 31. A Rhombus, or Diamond Figure, is that which has four equal Sides, but is not Right Angled ; as C. D 32. A Rhomboides, or Diamond-like Figure, is that whoſe oppofite Sides and oppoſite Angles are equal; but has neither Equal nor Right An- gles; as D. 33. All other Quadrilateral Figures beſides theſe are called Trapezia, or Tables, as E. E А 34: Parallel, or Equi-diſtant Right Lines, are ſuch, which being in the fame Superficies, if infinitely produced, would never meet; as A and B. B- 35. A Euclide's Elenients. 35: A. Parallelogram, is a Quadrilateral Figure, whoſe oppoſite Sides are parallel or equi-diſtant; as the Figures A. B. C. D. A Problem, is when ſomething is propoſed to be done or effected. A Theorem, is when ſomething is propoſed to be demonſtrated: A Corollary, is a Conſe&ary, or ſome conſequent Truth gain'd from a preceding Demonſtration. A Lemma, is the Demonſtration of some Premiſe, whereby the. Proof of the thing in hand becomes the ſhorter. Poſtulates, or Pecitions. 1: From any point to any Point, to draw a Right Line. 2. To produce a Right Line finite, ftrait forth continually. 3. Upon any Center, and at any Diſtance, to deſcribe a Circle. AXIOMS 1. Things equal to the ſame thing, are alſo equal one to the other. As A=B=C. Therefore A=C. Qr therefore all, A, B, C, are equal the one to the other. Note, When ſeveral Quantities are joined the one to the other, con- tinually with this Mark=, the firſt Quantity is by vertue of this Axiom, equal to the laſt, and every one to every one : In which Cafe we often abſtain from citing the Axion, for brevity fake ; although the force of the Conſequence depends thereon. 2. If to equal things you add the ſame, or equal things, the wholes fhall be equal. And fince Multiplication is nothing but an Addition of the Thing, a certain number of Times to its ſelf, it is equally true and equally inteligible; that, if equal things are multiplied by the ſame, or equal things, the Produ£ts or Reſults will be equal. 3. If from equal things you take away the ſame, or equal things, the things remaining will be equal. And fince Diviſion is nothing elſe but the taking away the Diviſor, a certain number of times from the Di- vidend, it is equally true, and equally inteligible, that if equal things are divided by the ſame or equal things, the Quotients or Reſults will be equal. 4. If to unequal things you add equal things, the Wholes will be unequal. 5. If from unequal things, you take away equal things, the Re- 6. Things mainders will be unequal. 8 Euclides Elements. 1 6. Things which are double to the same thing, or to equal things, are equal one to the other. Underſtand the ſame of Triple, Qua- druple, &c. 2. Things which are half of one and the ſame thing, or of things equal, are equal the one to the other. Conceive the ſame of Subtriple, Subquadruple, &c. 8. Things which agree together, are equal one to the other. „The Converse of this Axiom is true in Right Lines and Angles, but not in Figures unleſs they be alike. Moreover, Magnitudes are ſaid to agree, when the parts of the one being applied to the parts of the other, they fill up an equal, or the ſame place, 9. Every whole is greater than its part. 10. Two Right Lines cannot have one and the fame Segment, (or part) corninon to them both. 11. Two Lines meeting in the ſame Point, if they be both pro- duced, they ſhall neceſſarily cut one the other in that point. 12. All Right-Angles are equal the one to the other. 13. If a Line BA, falling on two Right iB Lines AD, CB, make the internal Argles on the ſame Side BAD, ABC, leſs than two Right C Angles ; thoſe two Right Lines produced thall meet on that Side, where the Angles are leſs A D than two Right Angles. 14. Two Right Lines do not contain a ſpace: 15. If to equal things, you add things unequal, the Exceſs of the Wholes ſhall be equal to the Exceſs of the Additions. 16. If to unequal things equal be added, the Excels of the Wholes ſhall be equal to the Exceſs of thoſe which were at firſt. 17. It from equal things, unequal things be taken away, the Exceſs of the Remcinders ſhall be equal to the Exceſs of the Wholes. : 18. If from things unequal, things equal be taken away, the Ex- ceſs of the Remainders ſhall be equal to the Exceſs of the Wholes. 19. Every Whole is equal to all its parts taken together. 20. If one Whole be double to another, and that which is taken a- way from the Firſt, to that which is taken away from the Second, the Remainder of the Firft ſhall be double to the Remainder of the Second. Prop. E 5 Euclides Elements 7 Propoſition I. id Problems, of Euclid, the ift of the iſt. Upon a finite Right Line AB, to deſcribe an Equilateral Triangle ACB. Conſtr. From the Centers A and B, at the di- C ſtance of AB, or B4, deſcribe two Circles curting each other in the Point C; from whence draw two Right Lines, CA, and CB, and the thing is A B done. Demonſtration. For AC=AB (by the 15th det. (and AB=BC) by the ſame.) Wherefore AC=CB (by the 1. Ax.) and the Triangle ABC Equilateral (by the 23d defin.) W. W. D. Scholium. If AC, and CB, the Radius's of the equal Circles be taken grear- er or leſs than AB, the Triangle will be lſoſceles; by the 24th def. Again ; If AC, and CB, the Radius's of the two Circles, deſcribed about the Points A, and B, of the Right Line AB, be taken equal to two given unequal Right Lines, then the Triangle will be Scalene by the 25th def (which is the 22d of the 187") Propoſition II. A Theorem, of Euclid, the 4th of the iſt. If two Triangles BAC, EDF, have two sides of the one BA, AC equal to two sides of the other, ED, DF, each to its correſpondent Side (that is BA=ED, and AC=DF) and have A the Angle A equal to the Angle D contained under the equal Right Lines, they ſhall have the Baſe BC, equal to the Baſe EF; and the Triangle BÁC equal to the Triangle EDF; and B the remaining Angles B, C, ſhall be equal to D the remaining Angles E, F, each to each ; under which the equal Sides are fubtended. E4 F Demon 8 Euclide's Elements ſhall fall upon $placed upon the . som 6. Alſo, from the Propofition it follows, that it two Ar est to Demonſtration. If the Point D be applied to the Point A, and DF fhall fall upon AC, becauſe the Angle A=D (by. Hyp.) More- over the Point F fhall fall upon the Point C, becauſe AC=DF (by Hyp:) Herefore the Right Lines EF, BC, fhall agree (by the 54th Ax.) becauſe they have the fame Terms, and conſequently are equal ; wherefore the Triangle BAC, DEF, do agree, and are equal, (by the E:' 4xiom.) W.W. D. Whence, Cor. 1. If twọ Triangles ABC, DEF, have two Sides AB, AC, equal to two Sides, DE, DF, each to each, and the Baſe BC equal to the Baſe EF, then the Angles contained under the equal Right Lines Niall be equal, (which is the 8th of the ift.) 2. Triangles mutually Equilateral, are alſo mutually Equian- gular. 3. Triangles mutually Equilateral, are equal one to the other. А Triangle are equal one to the other. For let D be the middle Point of the Line.BC, and draw the Line AD (by the 1ſt Poft.) Then are the Triangles ABD, and ACD, mutually Equilateral, and conſequently mutually Equi- C angular; whence the Angle B will be equal to D the Angle C. 5. Hence every Equilateral Triangle, is alſo Equiangular. and DEF, have two sides of the one Triangle AB, AC, equal to two Sides of the other Triangle, DE, DF, cach to each ; and have the Angle A greater than the Angle D, contained under the equal Right Lines, they ſhall alſo have the Baſe "BC, greater than the Baſe EF, (which is the 24th of the ift) and conſequently, If two Triangles ABC, DEF have two Sides AB, AC, equal to two Sides DE, DF, each to each, and have the Baſe BC greater than the Bafe EF; they ſhall alſo have the Angle A contained un- der the equal Right Line, greater than the Angle D; (whicb is the 25th of the in) B 7. 8. Again, Euclide's Elements. ୨ 8. Again, From the Propoſition it follows, that if two Triangles BAC, and EDF, have two Angles of the one B and C, equal to two Angles of the other E and F, each to its correſpondent Angle, and have alſo one side of the one equal to one Side of the other; either that Side which lieth betwixt the cqual Angles, or that which is ſubtended under one of the equat Angles. The other Sides alſo of the one ſhall be equal to the other sides of the other, each to his cor- reſpondent Side; and the other Angle of the one ihall be equal to the other Angle of the other; (Which is the 26th of the ſt.) But it does not follow from hence, that if 2 Sides of one Triangle be equal to two sides of another Triangle, and the Angle oppoſite to one of the given Sides iti one, be equal to the Angle oppoſite to one of the given Sides of the other, that the remaining parts of the one Triangle, be equal to the remaining parts of the other Tri- angle; becauſe the Angle oppoſite to the other given Side may be either Acute or Obtuſe, and conſequently the remaining Side of the one, may be greater or leſs than the remaining Side of the other. 9. And becauſe the Sides BD, DA, and the contained Angle D, of the Triangle BDA (See the Figure belonging to the 4th Cor.) are equal to the Sides DC, DA, and the contained Angle D, of the Triangle CDA; therefore the remaining Side B A of the one, fall be equal to the remaining Side CA of the other. Which is the 6th Prop. of the sft. viz. That if two Angles ABC, ACB, of a Triangle ABC, be equal the one to the other, then the Sides AC, AB, fab- tended under the equal Angles, fhall be equal one to the other. And 10. Hence every Equiangular Triangle is alſo Equilateral. 11. From the iſt Cor. we are taught how to biſect or divide into two equal parts a given Right Lined Angle BAC. (Which is the 9th of the ift.) Conſtr. On A as a Center, with any A diſtance deſcribe a Circle, cuting AB and AC, in D and E, (by the 3d Pos7.) and joyn the points D and E, (by the if D E Poft.) upon which make an Equilateral or Iſoſceles Triangle DFE, (by the 1ſt Prop.) and draw the Line AF, which B C will biſect the given Angle DAE. For : 10 Euclide's Elements. D For the Triangles ADF, and AEF, are mutually Equilateral , by Conſtruction, and conſequently the Angle BAF=CAF W.W.D. 12. From the ſame Cor. we are alſo taught how to biſect a given Right Line. (Which is the 10th of the ift.) Conftr. Upon AB make an Equilateral or Iſof- с celes Triangle ACB, and biſe& 'the Angle C (by the former Cor.) with the Line CD, and the thing is done. For AC=CB (by Conſtr.) and the Side CD common, and the Angle А B ACD=BCD (by Conſtr.) therefore AD DB (by the ad Prop.) W.W. D. 13. We are again taught from the ſame Cor. how from a Point C, in a Right Line given AB, to ere& a Perpendicular or Right Line CF, at Right Angles. (Which is the rith of the ift.) F Conſtr. Take CD equal to ce, upon DE make an Equilateral or Iſoſceles Triangle, (by the ift.) and draw the Line FC (by the ift Posl.) and it will be the perpendicular A B В required: D с Dem. For the Triangles DCF, and ECF, are mutually Equilateral (by Conſtr.) therefore, The Hypothenuſe and Angles of a Right-angled Plain Triangle being given, to find either of the Legs. Or, The Hypothenuſe and Angle at the Baſe being given, to find the Baſe. Example In the Triangle ABC Right-angled at B, Are given, { AC 80 Geometrically. 1. Draw the Line AB at plea- fure. 2. Make the Angle ar A e- qual to 36° 52' by the Line of Chords, and continue the Line AC, till it be equal to 80, up- А B. on the Line of equal Parts. ө H 3. Let fall the Perpendicular CB, and the Triangle is Con- ſtructed; and the Baſe AB may P.......si F be meaſured by the Line of e- qual Parts, Lug 3 I .. 110 Trigonometry Logarithmically, or by Calculation. 1. Make CH equal to the Radius, then will HI be the Sine of the Angle at C, and becauſe the 'Triangles CAB, CHI, are ſimilar, it will by the 17th Prop. As CH: HI :: CA: AB. That is, As the Radius vern comments on you 10.00000DO To the Sine of the Angle C=53° 08 So is the hypothenuſe AC-80 9.903 1084 1.9030900 To thic Baſe or Leg AB=64 1.800 1984 2. Make AD equal to the Radits, then will DE be the Tangent, and AE the Secant of the Angle A, and it will be (by the 17th Prop.) As EA:DA::CA: AB. That is, As the Secant of the Angle 4 - 36952 ' 10.0968916 To the Radius So is the Hypothenuſe AC=80 10.000.000 1.9030900 To the Baſe or Leg AB=64 1.8061984 3. Make CF equal to the Radius, then will FP be the Tangent, and PC the Secant of the Angle C, and it will be (by the 17th Prop.) As CP: PF::CA: AB. That is, As the Secant of the Angle C =53° 08' -- 10.2218814 To the Tangent of the Angle C=53°08' So is the Hypothenuſe AC=80 10.1249898 1.903 0900 To the Baſe or Leg = 1.8061984 : Caſe IV. The Legs of a Right-angled Plain Triangle being given, to find the Angles: Or, The Baſe and Perpendicular being given, to find the Angles. Example. Trigonometry. 111 Are given < AB=64 E B :D ret 0 F C=53° 08' (by the 3d of the 6th.) from the given Tangent, which call the Exceſs. Example. In the Triangle ABC, Right-angled at B, >req. the Angles A and C. Geometrically. 1. Ler AB be made equal to 64, from the Line of equal Parts. 2. From the Point B, erect the Perpendicular BC equal to 48 equal Parts from the ſame Line, and joyn the Points Cand A A, by the Right Line AC, and the thing is done : And the Quantities of the Angles A and Pi.. C may be meaſured by the Line of Chords. Logarithmically, or by Calculation. 1. Make AD equal to the Radius, then will be be the Tangent of the Angle A, and it will be by the 17th Prop. AS AB : BC :: AD: DE. That is, As the Bale or given Leg AB=64 1.806 1800 To the Perpendicular, or given Leg BC=48 1.6812412 So is the Radius 10.0000000 To the Tangent of the Angle A =36° 52' 9.8750612 Which taken from 90° co' or a Quadrant, will leave the Angle But if greater exa&tneſs be required, that is, if the anſwer be de- ſired to Seconds, proceed thus S; 1. Take the Tangent of 36° 52' the next leſs Tabular Tangent, from the Tangent of 36°53' the next greater Tabular Tangent, which call the Tabular Difference. 2. Take the Tangent of 36° 52', the next leſs Tabalar Tangent, 3. Then 1 1 2 AR Trigonometry. Then ſay, as the Tabular Difference, is to the Exceſs, ſo is 60 Seconds, to the Proportional Augment. Example. The Tabular Tangent of 36° 52' is 9.8750102 The Tabular Tangent of 36° 53' is 9.8752734 The Tabular Difference is 2632 The given Tangent is The next leſs Tabular Tangent of 36° 52' is 9.8750612 9.8750102 The Exceſs is 510 Nov, as 2623 : 510::60" : 11"; which added to 36° 52', the Number anſivering to the next leſs Tabular Tangent, gives 36° 52' 11" the true Quantity of the Angle required, After the ſame manner, may the length of the Arch correſponding to any Sire, Tangent, &c. be found to Seconds. By the Reverſe of this Method, may the Sine, &c. of any Arch given in Seconds, be found. 2. Make CF equal to the Radius, then will FP be the Tangent of the Angle C, and it will be (by the 17th Prop.) As CB : BA:: CF: FP. That is, As the Perpendicular or given Leg BC =48- 1.6812412 To the Baſe, or given Leg AB=64 So is the Radius 1.806 1800 10.0000000 To the Tangent of the Angle C, 53º.08 10.1 249388 Whoſe Complement to a Quadrant, will give the Angle A =36* 52', as before. Hence it is obſervable, that when the two Sides are given, the Angles ma be found two different ways, viz. by comparing each of the given Sides with the Rndins, as will yet farther appear, by the Solution of the next Cafe. Trigonometry: 113 Caſe V. The Hypothenuſe and one of the Legs of a Right-angled Plain Triangle being given, to find the Angles. Or, The Baſe and Hypothenuſe being given, to find the Angles. Example In the Triangle ABC, Right-angled at B, 80. Are given; {AB=84:}req req. s A and C. . < E Geometrically. 1. Let AB be made equal to 64, by a Line of cqual Parts. 2. Ere& the Perpendicular BC. 3. With the Diſtance of 80 equal Parts, between the Points of the Compalles, ſetting one foot in A, with the other croſs the Perpendicular in C, and A B joyn the Points A and C, then is the Triangle projected, and the Qantity of the Angles may be found bythe Line of P Chords, Logarithmically, or by Calculation. 1. Make AD equal to the Radius, then will AE be the Secant of the Angle at A, and it will be (by the 17th Prop.) As BA : AC :: DA: AE; That is, As the Bale or given Leg AB=64 -1.8061800 : H 1 ☆ To the Hypothenuſe AC=80 So is the Radius 1.9030900 10.0000000 To the Secant of the Angle A =36° 52'. 10.0969100 Q Whorc 114 Trigonometry. Whoſe Complement to a Quadrant is the Angle at C, =53° 08' (by the 3d of the 6th.) 2. Make CH equal to the Radius, then will HI be the Sine of the Angle at C, and it will be (by the 17th Prop.) As CA: AB ::CH: HI. That is, As the Hypothenuſe AC =80 1.9030900 To the Baſe or given Leg AB=64 So is the Radius 1.806 1800 10.0000000 To Sine of the Angle at C=53° 08' 9.9030900 Which taken from 90° co' leaves the Angle at A, equal to 36" sa' as before found. Caſe VI. The Legs of a Right-angled Plain Triangle being given, to find the Hypothenuſe. Or, The Baſe and Perpendicular being given, to find the Hypothenuſe. Example In the Triangle ABC, Right-angled at B, Are given BC ef}req. AC. Geometrically. E K 20 The Conſtruction of this Cafe is in all reſpects the fame with the fourth, and the Length of AC may be found by a Line of equal Parts. A-4 B D H I I P F Loga: Trigonometry. 115 This Caſe is a Compound of the ſecond and fourth Caſes, and the Hypothenuſe or Side 4C may be thus found; Logarithmically, or by Calculation. Let AD and CF be made each equal to the Tabular Radius, and let the ſeveral Correſpondent Sines, Tangents, and Secants be drawn as in Caſe the firſt, and it will be, 1. As AB :BC :: AD: DE. as in Caſe the fourth, That is, As the Baſe or given Leg AB=64 1.806 1800 1.68 12412 To the Perpendicular or given Leg BC=48 So is the Radius 10.000000 To the Tangent of the Angle A =30°52'. -9.8750612 Which taken from 90° oo' or a Quadrant, leaves 53° 08', for the Angle at C, (by the 3d of the 6th.) 2. The Angles A and C being known, their Correſpondent Sines, Tangents, Gr. are given, and therefore to find the Hypothenuſe AC, it will be 1. As AD: AE :: AB: AC. That is, As the Radius 10.0000000 To the Secant of the Angle A=36° 52' 10.0968916 So is the given Leg AB=64 1.8061800 To the Hypothenuſe AC=80 1.9030716 2. As IH: HC: : AB : AC. That is, As the Sine of the Angle C=53° 08'. 9.9031084 To the Radius So is the Baſe or given Leg AB=64- -10.0000000 1.806 1800 To the Hypothenuſe AC=80 1.9030716 Qa 3. As 23 116 Trigonometry. 3As FP: PC :: AB: AC. That is, As the Tangent of the Angle C=53° 08' To the Secant of the Angle C=53° 08' So is the given Leg AB=64 10.1249898 10.2218854 1.806 1800 To the Hypothenuſe AC=80 1.9030716 4. As FC : PC :: BC: CA. That is, As the Radius 10.0000000 To the Secant of the Angle C=53° 08' . So is thc Perpendicular or given Leg BC=48 10.2218814 1.6812412 To the Hypothenuſe AC=80.01 1.9031226 5. LK: KA::BC: CA. That is, As the Sine of the Angle at A 36° 52' 9.7781186 To the Radius So is tlie Perpendicular or given Leg BC=48 10.0000000 1.681.2412 To the Hypothenuſe AC=80.01 mammas 1.903 1226 6. As DE: EA:: BC:CA. That is, As the Tangent of the Angle A=36° 52 9.8750102 To the Secant of the Angle 4= 30° 52' So is the perpendicular or given Leg BC = 48 10.0968916 1.6812412 To the Hypotienuſe AC=80.01- 1.9031226 4096 7. By the help of the (3d of the 8th.) the Hypothenuſe AC may be found directly, without finding the Angles; thus, To the Square of one of the given Sides AB=645 Add the Square of the other given Side BC=48= 2304 The Square Root of that Sum 6400 Will be 80 equal to the Side AC. Qr, Trigonometry. 117 Or, 8. From twice the Log. of the greater Side AB=6453.6123600 Subtract the Log. of the lefler Side BC=48=- 1.6812412 The abſolute Number anſwering to the Rem. is 85.3332=1.9311188 To this Number 85.3332, add the leffer Side 48, and the Sum Will be 133.3332. To the Log. of this laſt Sum 133.3332= 2.1 249379 Add the Log. of the lefler Side BC=48= 1.6812412 Half the Sum of theſe two Logarithms 3.8061791 will be the Log. of the Side required AC=80 1.9030895 For the Demonſtration of this laſt Method, I refer the Reader to the End of the 3d Se&tion. Hence it is manifest, that the two Legs of a Right-angled Plain Tri- angle being given, the Hypothenuſe AC may be found 8 different ways. Caſe VII. The Hypothenuſe and one of the Legs of a Right-angled Plain Triangle being given, to find the other Leg. Or, The Baſe and Hypothenuſe being given, to find the Perpendi- cular. Example. In the Triangle ABC Right-angled at B, Are given, {AG 80} reqi BC: AB=64 The Geometrical Con- ſtruction of this caſe, is the ſame with the fifth, and the Length of BC may be mea- ſured by a Line of equal Parts A D B C :I H This 18 Trigonometry. This Caſe is likewiſe a Compound of the 5th of the 1ſt and of the 3d, for the Angles A and C being found by the 5th, the Perpendi- cular BC may be found 6 different ways as in the laſt, viz. three ways by the help of the Angles, and the Baſe or Leg AB, as in the firſt Care; wid three other ways by the help of the Angles, and the Hypothenuſe as in the third Caſe ; all which I ſhall omit för Brevity fake, lince the inteligent Rcader may eaſily ſupply them himſelf. The Perpendicular BC may likewiſe be found (by the third Cor. of the Sih) Thus, From the Square of the Hypothenuſe AC80= 6400 Take the Square of the Baſe AB 6+= 4096 The Square Root of the Remainder 2304 Will be 48 the Perpendicular Or, To the Logarithm of the Sum of the Hypothenuſe }2.1583625 and Bale or given Leg AB=144 Add the Log. of their Difference=16 1.2041200 Half the Sum of theſe 2 Log. will be the Log. 3:3624825 of the Perpendicular 48 1.6812412 N. B. Thoſe Proportions in which the Radius iš not concern'd, are moſt eaſily worked by taking the Arithmetical Complement of the firſt or upper- mort Number, which is what it wants of 10.0000000, for then the Sum of the three Terms will be the Logarithm of the 4th required To perform any of the Proportions in Trigonometry by Gunter's Scale, take this one General Rule. Exterd the Compaſſes from the firſt Term, or Number found the Scale, to the ſecond, and the ſame Extent will reach from the third to the fourth required. For the Reaſon of theſe two laſt Rules, ſec the Logarithmic Se&ion. upon Section Trigonometry. 119 wao.Wiwa bedded reducedi web.edcedido Section V. Containing the Solution of the Six Cules of Oblique-angled Plain Triangles. Caſe I. TWO D : WO Sides and an Angle oppoſite to one them being giveny, to find the other oppoſite Angle. Example. In the Oblique-angled Plain Triangle ADE, AD=104– Are given DE=70 req. <$ D and A. 2 Trigonometry. 121 As the Sine of < E 44° 12' oppoſite to the given Side 9.8433356 To the Sine of Boone YoYou hora 28 Miles, then NW Section III. Containing the Application of the Doctrine of Right-angled Plain "Triangles, to the Solution of a Traverſe or Com- pound Courſe. A Traverſe or Compound Courſe, is when a Ship upon the ſhifting of the Winds, fails upon ſeveral Courſes, in any given ſpace of time. To reſolve a Traverſe, is ſo to Order and Compound the ſeveral Courſes and Diſtances, obtained by the Log and Compaſs, that the In- duſtrious Mariner may know at all times, the Place the Ship is in, and be able to determine how far, and upon what Courſe he muſt fail to gain his incended Port. And to this End it is neceſſary to let the Learner know, that the Seamen after the manner of the Aſtronomers, reckon their Days from Noon to Noon; and 'tis their uſual Cuſtom, to take from the Log- board every Day at Noon, the moſt notable Tranſactions of the pre- ceding Day, relating to the Wind, Weather, &c. and if the Ship in that time has gon upon ſeveral Courſes, that Compound Courſe beomes 2 Traverſe; of which I fhall give ſome Examples. Example, I. A Ship takes her Departure from a Head-Land, in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, it bearing then E. N. E. diſtance by Eri- mation 6 Leagues, and ſails $. by E. 36 Miles, then w. by S. the Latitude the Ship is in, and her Bearing and Diſtance from the Head-Land. The Solution of this problem, depends intirely upon the firſt and fourth Caſes of Plain Sailing, and the ſeveral Departures and Diffe- rences of Latitude anſwering to each Courſe and Diſtance, muſt be found according to the Rules given in Cafe the firk, after the manner following I. Course है T : Navigation. 163 T. I. Courſe W. S. W. Diſtance, 18 Miles. 10.0000000 As Radius As Radius 10.0000000 To the Dift.ſaild 18 1.2552725 To the Diſt. ſail'd 18 1.2552725 So is theS.of C.67.30 9.9656153 So is thecs,ofC.67.30 9.5828397 To the Dep. 16.63-12208878 To Diff.of Lat. 6.89 0.8381122 2. Courſe, S. by E. Diitance 36 Miles. 10.0000000 As Radius As Radius 10.0000000 To the Diſt. fail'd 36 1.5563025 To the Diſt.fail'd36 1.5563025 So is the S.ofC. 11.15 9.2902357 So is the cs,ofC.11.15 9.9915739 To the Depart. 7.02 0.840538 To Diff. of Lat.35.31 1.5478764 After this manner muſt the Differences of Latitude and Departure for every Courſe and Diſtance be found; but I ſhall omit the Opera- stions for Brevity fake. Now from th: feveral Departures and Differences of Latitude, thus deduced from the Courſes and Diſtances, obtained by the Log and Compaſs, may be found the Latitude of the Place the ship is ini, and how far the is to the Eaſtward or Weſtward of her firft Meridian, by difpofing of them as in the following Table, called the Traverſe Table; which conſiſts of five Colums, in the firſt of which muſt be placed the ſeveral Courſes and Diſtances, in the other four the Dif- ferences of Latitude and Departures, deduced from each Courſe and Dittance, placing each according as the Courſes are ; that is, if the Courſe be N. {Welterly} the Difference of Latitude muſt be placed under the Column N, or Column for the North, and the Depar- Eaſt ture under the Column Welt } but if the Courſe be's. then the Departure muſt be placed as before, and the Difference of Latitude under the South'; and being thus difpoled, it is manifeft that the Fotals of the ſeveral Columns ſhew the Northings, Southings, Eaftings, and Weſtings, that.the.Ship has made. Wherefore, if the Sum of the Northings, exceed the Sum of the Southings, it follows, that the Ship is to the Northward of her airft Y2 Place Eaſterly Weſterly 통 ​PLATE the 1 25 C D P B 25 А Tropick of Cancer E B m 9 20 B 20 10 B B C P 15 А A с B В D 15 :11 23 B 12 10 10 P A B D B 3 I 3 р 5 B 5 14 B A B Equa tor Meridian Meridian C 22 P 15 22 5 A B 16 5 o B В C 10 6 10 B B S B 17 A P -- 15 211 18 115 B S B cܠ F D B В 7 20 19 D 20 A D C 20 Z P SK K TropickofCapricorn B В 25 B 125 Place this between Page 16% and 163 • 164 Navigation. Place, and that juſt as much as is the Exceſs, and the contrary. In fike manner, if the Sum of the Eaſtings, exceed the Sum of the Weſtings, the Ship is to the Eaſtward of her firſt Meridian ; other- wiſe to the Weſtward, as will appear by the following Table. The Traverſe Table. Dif: of Lat. Departure N. S. E. W.. Courſes. Diſtances. E 16.6.3. --18 36 W. S. W. S. by E. W. by S.- N. W. South 6.89 35.31 702 5.46 28 = 27.47 1.21, 30/ 21.21 41 41.00 11 21.21. 188.66 7.02 65.31 7.02 2 1.2 1 Dill of Lat. -67.45 Dep. 38.39 Now becauſe the Sum of the Weſtings exceedsthe Sum of the Eaſt- ings, by 58:29 Miles, it is manifeſt, that the Ship is gotten 58.29 Miles to the Weſtward of her firſt Meridian. Again, Becauſe the Sum of the Southings exceeds the Sum of the North- ings, by 67.45 Miles, it follows, that the Ship is 67:45 Miles, or 1° 7'6", to the Southward of the Port departed from; wherefore, to find the Latitude ſhe is in, becauſe the Latitude failed from is Northerly, and the Difference of Latitude Southeriy: so oo N.. From the Latitude fail'd from Take the Difference of Latitude made 1 077** Sly: $3 Remains the Latitude the Ship is come into -49 52766 Now, to find the direa Courſe the Ship has Sail'd, or its Bearing from the Head-Land, it will be by the fourth Caſe of Plain Sailing. Navigation 165 As the Difference of Latitude 67.45 1.8289820 To the Departure 58.29 So is the Radius 1.7655941 10.0000000 To the Tangent of the Courſe 40 deg. so min, 9.9366121 Which becauſe the Difference of Latitude is Southerly and De- parture Weſterly, is S. 40° sol Wi; or S. W.by S. 7° 05' W. Again, for the direct Diſtance it will be, by the fame Caſe. As thc Sine of the Courſe 40 deg. 50 min. 9.8154854 sܕ To the Departure So is the Radiús 58.29- 1.7655948 10.0000000. To the direct Diſtance 89.15 1.9501087 *** *** Example 2. A Ship at Sea in the Latitude of 36° 10' North, is bound to a Port in the Latitude of 32° 00' North, the Departure between the Ship and the Place being 180 Miles Weſt, and therefore the direct Courſe by Caſe the fourth of Plain Sailing is, S. 35° 45'. W. or S. W. by S. 2° 00' Weſterly, and the direct Diſtance 308.1 Miles, but finding the Wind variable from the S. by E. to the S. S. W. a ſmall Gale, and ſmooth Water plies upon theſe ſeveral Courſes, with the Diſtance on each Courſe obtained by the Log as follows. Larboard Tacks on Board, Wind variable from S. by. E. to S. S. W. Courſes S. W. by W. 27 Miles, W. S. W. W. 30 Miles, W. by S. 25 Miles, W. by N. 18 Miles. Starboard Tacks on Board, Wind ſhifting from S. S. W. to S. W. and W. S.W. Courſes S. S. E. 32 Miles, S. S. E. * E. 27 Miles, S. by E. 25 Miles, S. 31 Miles, S.S. E. 39 Miles. I demand the Latitude the Ship is in, her Departure from the Me- ridian, and upon what Courſe, and how far. fhe muſt fail, to gain her intended Port: Geometrically. Let A repreſent the Place of the Ship at Sea, AHD the propes Meridian, make AD cqual to the Difference of Latitude, 250 Miles between 166 Navigation. " tion, KAH the direct Courſe, KH the Departure fhe has made Weſt, between the firſt Station and the Port, and Perpendicular to it, draw PD equal to the Departure 180 Miles, then is P the Port the Ship is bound to; AP the direct Diſtance, and the Angle PAD the diret Courſe, (See Plate the ad.) And to find the Place of the Ship at the end of the ſeveral Courſe's, or which is the ſame thing, to lay down the ſeveral Runnings of the Ship, proceed thus. 1. From A the Place of the Ship firft given, draw Ab, the S. W. by W. Line, and ſet off upon it 27 Miles, from A to b, then will Áb repreſent the firſt Courſe, and b the Place of the Ship at the end of it. 2. From b draw the Line bc, equal to 30 Miles, the ſecond Diſtance, and parallel to 2n the W. S. W. W. Line, then will be the Place of the Ship at the end of the ſecond Courſe. 3. From c draw cd, parallel to go, the W. by S. Line, and fet 0.4'upon it 25 Miles from c to d, then will d be the Place of the Ship ar tie end of the third Courſe. And proceeding in like manner, by drawing Lines from the Place laſt found, parallel to the ſeveral Rumb-Lines drawn in the Qua- drants, anſwering to the ſeveral Courſes, and equal in Length to the feveral Diſtances, upon each Courſe we ſhall have the feveral Courles de, ef, fg,gh, bi, and ik, upon which the Ship has fail'd, and k the place where the Ship is arrived at the end of them. After this manner may the ſeveral Runnings of the Ship, in the former Traverſe be laid down Geometrically, if required. Laſtly, having drawn the Lines K A, KH, Perpendicular to AD, KR parallel to AD, or Perpendicular to PD, alſo the Line KP, then will 'K A be the neareſt Diſtance between the Ship and her fir Sta- KR equal to DH, the Exceſs of AD above AH, the Difference of Latitude between the Ship and her Port, in this Caſe Southerly; PR the Difference between PD and DR, equal to KH the Depar- ture Weſt, alſo KP the direct Diſtance between the Ship and her Port, and the Angle PKR the direct Courſe, upon which the muſt fail, if poſible, to arrive at her intended Port, To find which by Calculation, the ſeveral Differences of Latitude and Departure, anſwering to each particular Courſe and Diſtance, mult firft be found and diſpoſed of as in the following Table, after the manner taught in the former Example. The Navigation. 167 The Traverſe Table. Diff. of Lat. | Departure. Diſtances. N. SI E. Courſes. W. 15.00 8.71 22.44 28.70 lu 4.88 24:51 17.65 3:51 1. S. W. by W. 2. W. S. W. W. 3. W. by S. 4. W. by N. 5. S. S. E. 6. S. S. E. E. 7. S. by E. 8. South 9. S. S. E. 27 30 * 25 18 32 27 25 31 39 29.56 12.24 23.15 13.88 24.51 4.88 31.00 36.03 14.92 3.51 172.8445.92 93.30 3:51 45.92 Diff of Lat=169.33. Dep.=47:38 The two S. S. E. Courſes might have been compounded together and made one, and the anfwer would have been exactly the fame. Hence it is manifeſt, that the Ship is 47.38 Miles to the Weſt- ward, and 169.33 Miles to the Southward of her firſt Station, and therefore the whole Difference of Latitude is 2. 49' 7 Southerly. Wherefore, to find the Latitude the Ship is in; Becauſe ſhe fail'd from a North Latitude Southerly. 1 From the Latitude fail'd from Take the Difference of Latitude made- 36 IO N. 49.7*? Sly. Remains the Latitude the Ship is in 33 20 767 N. To find the dire& Courſe the Ship has fail'd it will be, by the 4th Caſe of Plain Sailing. As 168 Navigation 2.2287339 As the Difference of Latitude 169.33 To the Departure 47.38 So is the Radius - 1 6755950 I0.0000000 To the Tangent of the Courſe 15 deg. 38 min. 9.4468611 Which becauſe the Difference of Latitude is Southerly, and De- parture Weſterly is S. 15° 38' W. or S. by W. 4° 23' W. and for che Diſtance it will be by the ſame Caſe. As the Sine of the Courſe 15 deg. 38 min. 9.4305267 To the Departure 47.38 1.6755950 So is the Radius 10.0000000 i To the dire& Diſtance-fail'd 175.8 2.2450683 The next thing wanting to compleat the Traverſe, is to find the diſtance of the Ship from her intended Port, and upon what Courſe ſhe muſt ſail, if poſſible to gain it. And becauſe the Difference of Latitude between the Place of the Ship at her firſt Station, and her intended Port, is greater than the Diference of Latitude made, and both the ſame way. From the Difference.of. Latitude firſt given Take the Difference of Latitude made Miles. 250.00 Sly. 169:33 Sly. Remainsthe Difference of Latitude Themuſt make 80.67 Sly. Again, becauſe the Departure between the Place of the Ship in her firſt Station and the Port, exceeds the Departure made, and both are Weſterly. Miles From the Departure firſt given 180.00 Wiy. Take the Departure made 47:38 Wly: Remains the Departure the Ship muſt make 132.62 Wiy. Hence Navigation 169 Hence and from the fourth Caſe of Plain Sailing, the Courſe and Diſtance may be eaſily had. For, As the Difference of Latitude 80.67 1.9067121 To the Departure 132.62 2.1 226090 So is the Radius To the Tangent of the Courſe 58° 41' . 10.2158969 10.0000000 Which becauſe the Difference of Latitude is Southerly and Departure Weſterly, is S. 58 deg, 41 min. W.or S. W. by W. 2 deg. 26 min. W. Whence for the direct Diſtance it will be, by the ſame Caſe, As the Sine of the Courſe 58 deg. 41 min. 9.9316143 To the Departure 132 62 So is the Radius 2.1 226090 10.0000000 To the direct Diſtance 155.2 2.1909947 So that the Ship in failing 155.2 Miles, S. 58 deg: 41 min. W. or S. W. by W. 2 deg. 26 W. will arrive at her intended Port. In the two former Examples, the Courſes given are luppoſed to be true, that is, Corrected according to the Allowance made for the Leeway and Variation; and how that may be done, the Reader may ſee in Section the 6th Part the 5th, and therefore I ſhall conclude this uſeful Sečtion with ſome few Examples adapted to the Pra&ice, and give their Solution, leaving the Operation as an Exerciſe for the Young Practitioner Example 3. A Ship takes her Departure from a Cape or Head-Land, in the Latitude of 5 1 deg. Io niin. North, the Head-Land then Bearing by the Compaſs N. N E. Diſtance by Eſtimation 7 Leagues, and fails S, by E. 30 Miles, then S. E. by Ś. 37, then South 34, then S. W. 32, then S. by W. 25.; the Variation of the Compaſs being rPoint to the Weſtward : I demand the Latitude the Ship is in, her true Bearing and Diſtance from the Cape, and how far the has departed from her former Meridian, Z Anſwers N . 170 Navigation. 1 oo E. Anſwer. The Latitude the Ship is in, is 48 3076N. Her true Bearing from the Cape . S. 8 And direct Diſtance 161 Miles Example 4. Being at Sea in the Latitude of 32° oo' North, 10 Leagues to the Southward of the Iſand I departed from, I found by a good Ob- fervation that there was no Variation, and being bound to the South- Weſtward, I fail'd upon the ſeveral Courſes and Diſtances following, the Wind as per Column, and allowing one Point Leeway; I de- mand the Latitude the Ship is in, and her Bearing and Diſtance from the Iſland. The Traverſe Table. Couries. Courſes Diff. of Lat. Departure. Winds. Steer'd. Steer'd. Correct. Diſ. N. 1 S. E. W. S.W byS.S. E. by S. S. E. 16 11.3111.31 W. by N. W.N. W. 38 14.54 35.11 S. S. W. S.E. S. E. by E. 20 IIII 16.63 Weſt. w. by N. 40 39.22 S. W. S.S. E. S. E. by S. 24 19.96 13:33 W.by N. S.W.by S. S. S. Wil 48 44:34 18.37 7.80 = 22.34 86.72 41.27 92.70 22.34 41:27 Diff . of Lat. 64.38) Dep. 55.43 Anſwer, Latitude the Ship is in 30° 55' North Bearing from the Iſland South 28° 26' Weſt, Direct Diſtance from the Iſland 107.34 Miles. Example. 5. A Ship from the Latitude of 46° 40' North, fails the ſeveral Courſes and Diſtances following upon a Wind, the Wind as per Co- lumn, the Leeway 1 Point and Variation 1 $ Weſt ; I demand the Latitude the Ship is in, and her Bearing and Diſtance from her firſt Station The 1 7 Navigation 171 The Traverſe Table. Courſes Dift. of Lat. Departure. Correct. Dift. N. S. E. W. Courſes Winds. | Steer'd. 1.18 - 34.84 12.47 17 18 W.N.W. North. N, 2 W. 24 23.97 S. W. S by W. S by W. W. 37 N. N.W. N. E. N.E.byNE 10 7.41 6.72 Weft. S.Wby V IV; 19 8.13 S.W. S. S. E. SF. E. 43 28.87 31.86 W. N. W.W.N.W.V. E. by N. N. by E. N. byw. W. 19 18.43 S. E by Sis. E.by S 4E. 12 9.641 7.15 N. E. N. N. W.IN. W. 4 W., 30 20.15 South E. S. E. E. by N. . E. 37 36.95 2 I 7.08 19.77 4.62 22.23 22.23 1.81 78.85 78.85 81.48 82.68 77.45 78.85 177.45 Diff. of Lat. =2.631 5.23 | Dep. 409 Anſwer. The Ship is in the Latitude of 37'7. North Her bearing from her firſt Station S. 63° 18 E. Her direct Diſtance 5.85 Miles. Example 6. A Ship in the Latitude of 40 deg. 30 min. North, is bound to a Port in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, the Departure to the Eaſtward 158 Miles, the Variation i$ Weſt, ſhe fail'd on the direct Courſe 30 Miles, and then the Wind came up at North, and ſhe hauling up, went E. N. E.56 Miles, and then the Wind being N. by E. ſhe went away E. by N. 48 Miles, then the Wind was N. E. and ſhe Tack'd and ſtood away N N. W. 44 Miles ſhe making on each Courle i Point Leeway, then the Wind ſprung up fair at S. E: ſo ſhe ſail'd on her direct Courſe towards the Port 56 Miles, then the Wind coming to the N. E, by E, ſhe went away N. by W. 40 Miles, ſhe ſtill making i Point Leeway, then the Wind came up fair. I demand the Latitude the Ship is in, her Bearing and Diſtance from her former Station, and her dire&t Courſe and Diſtance to the Port. Anſwer . 172 Navigation . Anſwer. Latitude come into 49° 18' North Bearing from her firſt Station N. 27° 39' Eaſt. Diſtance from her firſt Station 190.51 Miles. Direct Courſe to her Port N 59° 21' Eaſt Dire&t Diſtance 80.89 Miles Example 7: Being at Sea, and by a good Obſervation at Noon, I find the Ship to be in the Latitude of 47 deg. 30 min. North, having then run by Account 210 Miles to the Weſtward of the Port I failed from, (which was in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North) and being then bound to a Port in che Latitude of 43 deg. 10 min. N. and likewiſe 180 Miles to the Weſtward of the Port I failed from, and having the Wind at S. S. E, S. and S. W. was obliged to ſteer the following Courſes, Eaſt so Miles, then S. W. 54 Miles, then E.S E. 67 Miles, then W.S.W. 80 Miles, then S-SE. 50 Miles, ſhe making on each Courſe Iż Point Leeway, the Variation being one Point Weſtward, and then the Wind (prung up fair at N.N.W. I demand the Latitude the Ship is in, her Bearing and Diſtance from her firſt Station to the Port the fail'd from, her direct Courſe and Diſtance from her firſt Station, to the Place ſhe is now in ; alſo, her Bearing and Diſtance from the Station ſhe is now in, to the Port the firſt fail'd from, and upon what Courſe ſhe muſt fail, and how far, to arrive at the Port ſhe is bound to. Anſwer. The Ship is in the Latitude of 46° 30': North Bearing from her firſt Station to the Port She} s. 54° 28' Weſt. fail'd from Diſtance from her firſt Station to the Porr ſhe} 258.1 Miles Her Courſe from her firſt Station to the Place S. 27° 47° Eaſt ſhe is now in Her Diſtance from her firſt Station to the } Place ſhe is now in 66.76 Miles Her Bearing from the Port She ſaid from, to} s. 40° 33' Welt the Place the is now in Her Diſtance from the Port ſhe ſail'd from, to to} the Place ſhe is now in Her direct Courle from the Place ſhe is now ? S. 00° 19' Weſt or in, to the Port the is bound to due South fere. Her direct Diſtance from the Place ſhe is now 2 in, to the Port ſhe is bound tom Š A . ol 275.13 Miles 200.943 Miles A Large and very Uſeful T A B L E 1. OF DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE and DEPARTURE IN Minutes and Tenth Parts. to every Degree and Quarter Point OF THE C O M PASS: For the Exact Working OF A TRAVERSE London, Printed for Rich. Mount, at the Poſtern on Tower-Hill. 별 ​174 A Table of DIFFERENCE Dilt. 1 01.0 1 OI.O02.0 2.0 100.1 Diſt. annanol 2 6106.0 0.1 IO II 16.9 OL.S 21.000.4 004 8 ܐܐ 22.0 23 42 42.000.7 42.001.5 41.902.5 141.902,2 41.902.9 418 03:7 45 145.0 00:8|45.001.6 44.902,244.902.4 44.9 P3.1. | 44.8 46 46.000,8 46.0 016 45.902,2 145.902.445.9 3.2 45.8 47 47 000.8 47.001.6 46.902.3 46.902.5 46 9"3.3 46.8 Depl Lat Depl Lat Dell Lat Dep 16 49.9 103.5 49:8 24.4 I Deg. 2 * 2 Deg. 1 Point 3 3 Deg. 4 Deg. 5 Deg. Lata Dep Lat | Dep Lat| Dep Lat, Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep 101.000.0 O1.000.0 01.] 10.0 00.1 . I 01.0 100.1 202.000.0 -)2.000.1 O2.0 0.1 2.0 100.1 0 2.0 OO. 2 3103. 03.01001 03.05.3 3 404.000. I 04.00. I 34.000.2 04.010.2 04.000.3 04.0 100.3 S05.0 100.1 05.000,2 05.0 10.2 05.05.305.000.3 105.005.4 06.01 00.2 06.000.3 06.000.3 06.000.4 06.000.5 6 707. 07.000 3 07.000.4 07.000.5 107.000.6 7 308,000.1 08.009.3 108.000.4 03.003.4 108.000.608.000.7 8 909. 09.05.4 09.00u.s 09.000.6 09.000.8 9 IO 10.000.2 10.000.4 10.000.5 10.0 0.5 10.000.7 10.000.9 II11.000.2 11.000.4 I1.000.5 11.005.6 II.000.8 II.OTOI.O 121 2.000.2 I 2.000.4 12.000.6 13.0 10.1,6 12,0 100.8 I 2.0 101.o I 2 13 13.0 13.009.6 13.009.7 13.0 100.9 12.901.I 13 14 14.002.2 14.0 Ocis 14.0 CO.7 14.0|09.7 14.0010 13.901.2 14 15115.000.3 15.0 100.5 15.09.7 15.0 103.815.001.0 14.901.3 15 16 16.0 09.3 16.000.6 16.0oo.s 16.0 100.816.00I.I 15.9 01.4 16 17117.000.3 17.0 90.6 17.000.8 17.000. 17.001.2 17 IS118.000.3 18.09.6. 18.003.9 13.000.917.9 01.3 17.901.6 18 1919.000.3 19.0 09.7 19.000.9 19.0010 18.901.3 18.9 01.71 19 20.000.4 20.000.7 20.0 1.0 20.0 01.019.9 914 19.9 01.7 20 21 21.003.7 21.0 OI.O 21.601.120.901.5 20.901.8 21 2 22.0 03.8 22.01011 22.0 101.1 21.901.5 21.901.9 22 23 23.009.4123 000.8 23.0101.I 23.0 01.222.9101.6 122.902.0 24 24.0 20.8 24.001.? 24.0 21.3/23.9101.7 123.902. I 251 25.000:4 25.0 CO 9 25.0 0.2 24.0101.3 124.901.7 24.9|02.2 25 26 26.0109.5 | 26.000.9 26.0 101.3 26.0 91.425.9 01.8 25.902.3 26 26.9 27 127.0 03.5 27.100.9 127.0 01.3 27.301.4 01.9 27 28 128.000.5 28.0 01.0 23.001.4 29.0 101.5 27.902.6 27.902.4 28 28.9 29 29.000.5 29.0 1.0 29.0 21.4 29.0 101.5 02.028.902.5 02.1 30.011 30.0 101.5 33.0 101,6 29.9 30 30.000.5 1 30.01 OLI 29.902.6 30 31 310 00.5 31.0 01.131.0 101.5 31.0 21.6 30.9 02.2 30.902.7 31 32 32.000 6 32.001.1 31.9101.6 31.9101.7 31.902. 2 31.902.5 32 33133.000*6 33.001.2 32.901.6 32.901.732.9 22.3 32.902.9 33 34 34.000.6 34.01.233-90107 33.9 o1.8 33.9 02.4 33.9 03.0 34 35 35.000.6 35.9912 349 01.7 34.901.8 34.9 02.4 34.903. 35 36 36.000.6 36.001:3 35.9 01.8 35.901.935.9 102.5 35.9 103.1 36 37 37.000.737.001:3 36.901.8 36.901.936.902.6 36.903.2 37 38 38.000.7 38.001.337.901937.902.37 202.7 37.903.3 38 39 38.901.9 33.902.938.9 02.7 138.903.4 39 40 40.0 10.7 39.902.039.902.39.9102.5 139.8 03.5 40 41 01.4 40.902.0 40.9 22.1 40.9 2.9 40.8 03.6 42 43 43.0 20.8 43.0 101.5 42.9 22.1 42.992.2 42.9 103.6 42.8 03.81 43 44 44.000.8 44.0/01.54309 02.243.902.343.9 103.1 43.303.8 44 03.9 45 04.0 46 | 04.1 8.000.8 48.0 01.7 47.702.347.9 oz. 47.9 33.4 47. 48 49 49.000.949.0017 48.9 22.4 48.9 102.6 48.9 53.4 48.8 04.3 49 50 Lat Dep. Lat Dep|Lat 189 Deg. 138 Deg. '7Point./87 Deg. 186 Deg 185 Deg. 24 26.902.4 :29 40.0 01.4 41 47 & 04.2 48 50 50.000.9 50.0 01.8 9|Diſt. ToDict Y of LATITUDE and DEPARTURE 17: Diſt Liit. S ..... 61 ser 62.2305.5 65.7 5.8 6 194.806.6 94.6 08. 01 Deg. 2 Deg. 1 Point 3 Deg 4 Des. 5 Deg. Laty Dep Lat, Dep Lat| Dep Lat Dep Lat| Dep Lat Def SI 51.000.951.0 101.8 50.902.5 50.9 02.7 50,902.5 50.9102.7 50.923.6 50.8 04.4 5 52 52.000.9152.0 101.8 51.902.5 51.9 02.7 51.9 103.6 51.8 04.5 5 53 53.000.9 53.0 01.852.902.652.902.8 52.3 103.7 52.8 04.6 54 54.000.9 54.001.953.902.653.902.8 153.903.3 53.9 24.71 5. 55 55.0 01.055.0 101.9 54.902.7 54.) 02.9 54.9 103.3 54.8 04.815 5656.00L0|56.002.5 559|22.755.5| 02.) [559 103.9 155.8104.9 56 57 57.01 56.903.156.904.0 56.825.05 58158.01 01.0158.002.0 57.902.357.903.0 57.904. I 57.995.1 59 59.0 01.059.002. I 58.902.9 58.903.158.8 04.I 55.825.2 3 60 60.0 01.0 60.002.1 59.902.959.90z.159.8 04.2 15.05.21 : 61 61.0 1.1 161.002. I 60.7|23.0609103.2 60.8 04.3 70.3 15.3 62 61.903.061.9 03.3 61.8 04:3 161.7 25.4 63 | 62 903.162.903.3 62.9 03.3 1 04.4 6: 64|63.9 103.4 63.8 04.5 163.8256 6565.001.1165.0 02.3 1649103.2 1649103.4 64. 04.5 64.7 125.76 65.9 65.9 03.5 67 67.001.267.. 02.3 66.9 103.3 66.9 03.5 66.8 04.7 56.705.9 67 68 68.01.2670202.4 67.9193.3 67.903.6 67.8 04.8 67.7 25.9.6 69 69.401.2 168.902.4 68.903.4 68.9 03.6 68.8 04.8 68.7 06 0 70 70.01.2169.902.469.903.469 9103.7 69.8 04.9 69.7 06.117 7171.001.270.902.5 70.903.5 709 03.7 70.8 05.0 70.7 06.27 72 72.101.371.902.5 71.9103.5 71.9103.8 71.805.0 171.706.31 72 73 73. 01.3172.902.5.1 72.903.672.903.8 72.8 1051 72.7 56.4 73 74 74.01.373.902.6 73.2 3.6|73.903.9 73.8 05.2 173.7 73,7 106.5) 74 75 75.0 01.3174.902.6 74.9103.7 74.903 9 74.8 O5.2 74.7 06.6 75 70 76.0 01.375.902.775.903.775.904.0 75.805.3 75.706.6 76 77) 77.003 76.902.776.903.8 76.9 04.0 76.805.4 176.7 26.7 77 78 780001.4177.9 02.7 77.903.8 77.904.1 77.805.5 177.7 6.3 78 79 79.0 01.4178.902.8 78.903.9 78.904.1 78.805.5 78.7 06.9 77 80 80.0 01.479.9 02.879.903.9 79.9 04.2 79.805.6 79.7 07.080 81 81.001.4 30* 902.8 80.9 04.0 80.904.2 80.905.7 80.7 07.1 07.1) 81 820 82.0 01.4 31.9102.9 $1.9 04.0 81.9104.3 81.805.7 81.7 107.2 82 83 83. 01.4 32.902.9 82.9 041 32.904.4 82805.8 92.7 107.31 83 84 84.fol.s $3.902.5 83.9 4.1 33.904.4 83.9 05.9 83.7|07.3 84 85 85.Cor.5 14.9 03.084.9104.2 34.904.5 34.805.9 $4.707.4 8s 86 $5.9 85.904.2 35.9104.5 89.8 06.0 35. 07.5 86 87.0 01:5|86.9 03.0869104.3 36.904.6 86.8 i 06.1 86.7 07.6 87 88 88.0 91.5 87 9103.1 87.910.1.3 37.9 54.6 87.8 06.2 87.797.7 89 89 89.0 91.5 38.9 103.188.9 34.4 38.904.7 88 8 06.2 83.707.8 89 90 90.001.689. 134.91 24.789.8 06.3 89.707.91 90 91 91.001.6 90904.5 190904.8 90.8 05.4 90.7 08.0 91 92 92.001.c.1.9103.2 91.9104.591.904.8 91.8 06.4 916108.0 92 931 93.001.6929103.2 92.9 04.692.904.9 92.8 16.5 926 08.11 93 94 94.001.-3.903.393.914.693.904.993.806,6 93.6 08 94 95 95 96 96.0 01.795.903.495.904.7195.905.0 195.805.7 1956 28.2 96 97 97.091.796.903.4 16.904.596.9 05.106.806.8 96.603.3) 97 981 98.0 01.727.9 3.4 97.4 34.8197.995.197.8 069 97.6 8.98 99 99.0 01.728.9 23.5 23.9 54.943.9|05.203.805.9 98.6 58.77 99 100 100.0 01.99.903.5 99.9 31.997 45.2 1198 07.3 193282100 Dep Lai Depl Lat Dep Lat Dell Lat Dell Lat Depl Lat 89 Deg. 88 Deg.17 Point.184 Deg. 136 Deg. 185 Deg. А а 2 1 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 86.0 01.5 87 Diſt 176 A Table of DIFFERENCE Diſt Diſt. OI.O DI 2.0 0,2 1 2 6 8 IO II 12 . We w 12.8 02.0 8 16 20 21 22 04 22.8 102.8 34.8 3.7 | 34.7 04:3 39 38. P3.8 38.804.130.704.8 | 38.6 4039.5 3.9 4241.8104."141.894.4 41.70S. I 43 42.8104.2 42.8 04:5 42.7|05.242.606.042.5|06.3 42.506.7 44 43.8 04:3143.7 104.64347 05.4| 43.5 106.9 Point. 6 Deg. 7 Deg' 1.8 Deg. Point, 9 Deg. Lat, Dep. Lat DepLat, Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep) Latſ Dep I 01.ooo. i 01.0 DO.I OI.OOO.101.000.1 01.000.21 2 02.000.2 02.03.2 02.0 no.3 02.000.3 02.000.3 302.000.3 534 03.000.4 03.009.4 03.000.5 4104.000.4 04.010.4 37.0 23.5 04.000.604.000.6 03.900.6 4 Slos.o 00.5 65.0 0.5 105.00.6 04.9037 04.903.7 | 04.900.8 606,000.6 106.0 30.6 36.0 05.705.900.8 05:9 00.9 05.900.9 7 07.6 (0.737.0 10.7 105.909.806.9 01.0|06.901.006.901.I 7 8 08.c 100.8 5.0 33.8 07.2010 07.901.107.9 0.21 07.901.2 9 09.000.9 0.105.9 108.901.1 08.901.108.901.208.901.3| 08.9 01.4 9 10 09.9101.0 109.901.0|09.901.209.901.4 09.901.509.9 01.6 II 10.9 OLI 10.901.1 10.901.3 10.901.5 10.901.6 10.901.7 12|11.901.201.9111.2 11.901.5 11.9101.711.9 01.8 11.8 01.9 13 12.01.312.901.4 12.401.6 12.901.8 12.901.9 12. 13 1413.901.413.9 101.5 13.901.7 13.901.9 13.8 oz. I 13.02.2 14 15 14.901.514.901.6 14.9|018 14.8102.1 14.8 02.2 14. 02.3 IS 16 15.9 01.6 15.9 01.7 15.9 01.9 15.8 02.2 15.8 02.3 15.8 02.5 17 16.01.7 16.901.8 16.902. I 16.8 02.4 16.8 2.5 | 16.802.7 17 1817 OL.8 17.9 21.9 17.402.2 17.8 02.5 17.8 02.6 17.8 02.8 18 19 18.9019118.902.0 18.902.3 / 18.8 02.618.8 02.8 | 18.8 03.0 19 26 19.9- 22.119.802.4. 19.8 102.8 198 02.9 19.7 03.1 21 | 2014 02.120.9106.2 20.802.6 20.8 02.9 20.8 02.620.802.9 20.8 03.120.7|03.3 22121. 102.2 21.702.3 21.802.7 21.8 03.2 21.7 02.4 22.9 22.303.2 22.7 03-4 22.703.6 23 24/23.> C23 23.902.5 23.8|02. 23.03.3 23.7 23.5 23.703.8 24 25 24.502.4 24.902.6 24.8103.0 24.8|03.5 | 24.7 03:7 24.703.9 25 26 25.9 2.5 25 902.7 25.8103.2 25.7703.625.7 03.8 25.7 04. I 26 27 02.8 26.8103.; 26.703.7 25.7|04.0 26.9 27 28271907 27.8 02.9 27.803. 27.703.927.704.127,6 04.4 28 29 23 y 102.8 26.8 03028.803.5 28.704.028.704.2 28.6 04.5 29 30 29.8102.9 29:8 03.12488103.7 23.704.2|22.7 04.4 30 31 | 30.8 03.0 30.8103.2 30.8 03.8) 397 04.3 307 04.5 30.6 04.9 31 32 31.8 03:131.8 03.3 31.8 -3.9 31:7 04.4 31.6 04.7 31.6 05.0 32 33 32.803.4 32.7 04.0 327 04.6 32.6 04.332.605.233 34 33,8 p.3.3 33.8 103.5 33.7 04.133.7 04.7 33.605.0 33.605.3 34 34.7 | 35 303.003. 35.8. 03.8 35:7 04.4 35.605.0 35.6 35.3 35.5 05.6 36 37 36.8123.6 36.8 103.9 36.7104.5 36.605.136.61 25.4 36.5|05.8 37 38 37.8 337 37.8 04.0 37.7040 37.505.3137 6105.637. 06.0 38 | 39 39.8 05.6 40 40 8 104.0 40.8 04.3 70.705.6 40.6 05.7 40.606.040.5|06.41 41 41 05.8 41.506.2141.5 406.6 42 43 44 45 44.8 04:4 44.7 04.7 44? 05.144.606.3 44.5 6. 44.4 07.0 45 46 45.5 104:45.7 04.8 45.7105.645:206.4 45:206.7 45:4 07: 246 476.8 104.646.7 04.9 40.0 0.7 46.505.5 46 06.9 46.4107.3 47 48.478 104.7 47.7 105 476 105.147506.7 47.5 07.0 47.407.5 48 8.8 04.8 48.5 106.8 48.5 107.2 18.407.7 49 49.5 1049 149.71 05.249.606. 42:5 07.0 49.5|07.349.407.8 Deflat Del Lat Dell Lai Dep. Lai Dep. Lat Depi Lat 17{Point. Point. 84 Deg, 83 Deg.I 82 Deg Point.) 81 Deg 26.9 102,5 29.6 04.7 O VOO W 35 34.8103ng 416 49 So. Diſt. 11 of LATITUDB and DEPARTURE 177 Diſt. Lat Dep Dift. 66.2 10.5 67 IO.O 10.1 11,1) 11.41 73 Point 6 Deg. 1 Deg. 8Deg Point, 9 Deg. Latq Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep Latej 51 sayl 05.053.7 05.3 07.050.4 27.5 50.4 08.0 SI 52 $1.7 35.15 1.7 105.4 51.605.3 51.5 57.2 11.4 27.6 51.4 08.1: 521 53 52.7 05.252.705.5 52.6 105.5 52.5 27.4 52: 407.8 52.30%.3 53 54 53:7 35.3153.705.5 53.6 05.6 53.5 27.5 $3.407.9 53.3 | 08.4 541 55 54.7 05.4 54.105.7 154.5 25.754.51 07.654.4 101.I 54.3 08.655 $6 55.705.555.705.8 55.6 06.8 55.507.855.4 03.2 55.308.71 56 57. 56.7 25.6|56.7 06.0 56.606.9 56.407.) 56.4 35.4 56.3 | 08.91 57 58 57.705.7 7.7. 06.1 57.6 07.1 $7.401., 57.403.5 57,3 09.1 58 59 58.7105.853.706.258.607,258.41 08.255.403.7 58.3 09.24 59 60 59.7 05.957.706.3 59.5 107.3159.4 08.359.3 03.8 59.3 | 04.41 60 61 60.4106.0 50.7 06.4 160.5 07.4 50 4 08. 169.3 60.3 03.9 60.2 09:51 61 62 61.7106.161.6 06.5 61.507.661.4 03.661.3 07.1 61.209.7 62 63 62.706.252.6 06.6 62.507.762.4 68.8 62. 2 09.9 63 64 63.7 06.353.6 06.7 163.5 07.363.403.963.3 07.4 63.2 iod 64 65 64.706.464.6 06.8 64.5 107.7 64.4 0.1 64.3 0.9.5 64.210.265 651: 66 65.706.3165.6 06.9 65.5 23.0 65. 109.2 65.307.7 65.2 10.366 67 66.7 56.666.507.0 66.5 103.266.3 09.3 66.309.8 68 67.7 16.7 67.607.167.5 38.367-309.567.3 67.2 10.6.68 69 68.705.8 13.6 107.2 63.501.4 68.3 0 1.6 63.2 68.1 10.81 691 70 69.706.9667.6 07.3 69.5 93.5169.3|07.769.2 10.3 69.1 10.9 70 71 70.6 07.070.607.4 70.5 8.7 70.3 0.7 70.2 10.4 70-1 71 72 71.907.1171.607.5 171.5 08.871.319.371.2 10.6 71.1 11.31 72 73 72.5 07.172.607.6 72.4103.972.3 19.272.2 10.7 721 74 73.6 07.273.6 07.7 73.405173-3 10.3 73.- 10.2 73.1 11.6 74 75 74.607.3174.6, 07.3 74.40).1 74.3 10.4 74.2 74.1 75 71 75.607 4175.6107.9 175.40931753 10.6 75.211.1 75.1 77 76.607.5176.6 08.0 76.4 07.1176.215.776.211.3 176.0 12.0 77 78 77.607.6 77.6 103.1 77.4 01.5177.2 10.9 7701 11.4 77•1 1 2.2 78 79 78.607.778.6 103.3 173.4 94.678.2 11.078.1 11.6 78.0 12.4 79 10 79.607 8179.6 08.4 79.41 34.3 179.2 11. I 7). 1 79.0 12.5 80 31 80.607.93905 03.5 10.4 97.9 80.211.380.1|11.9 32 81.608.081.501.6 85. 10.381.211.4 31.1 12.5 81.0 12.8 13 82.4103 iliz.s 03.7 82.17.1822 11.5 82. I 83..233.5 03.3 83.4 83.112.3 83.0 3.1 84 84. 08.45 2. 84.110.334.11.887.1 [ 2.5 83.9'3:31 85 85.03.4 5.5 0). 35.4 12.45 12.0 1351 | 12.5 34.7 13.4 86 86.608 5136.5 0.1 36.310.53. 35.0 12.8 sál 87.215717., 12., 37.0 12.9 86.4 13.8 88 y $ 38.5 21.3 33.3 10.) 33.5 124 330 13.1 . 90 1.4 97.3 11.0 11.2.5 89.0 13.2 88.4 14.1 90 91 9 16 08.990.5 10.5 70.3 11.1 1 2.7 7.0 13.4 89.9 14.2 91 92 (1.2191.12.8 11.7 13.5 90.) 14.4 92 93 92.60).13.5 10.3.7 2.3 1.3 12.0 13.6 2018 14.5 _93 94 93.5109.2 +3.509.3 73.7 11.5 3. 13.193,0 13.8-192.8 14.7 94 os 94. 09.334.5 109.9 1.311.5)!. 13.294.0 13.9 13.8 14.995 96145.5095.5 5.3 14. I 94.8 15.0 96 27 96.509.5.5 10.1 -16.7 11,31 15.0 13. 95.714.2 95.3 15.2 97 981 97.5| 09.077.5 13.2 97.3 1 2.0 17.0|13.6 196.) 14.4 96.9 15.31 98 98.5107.8.5 10.3 13.312.800 13.397.9 14.5 97.8 15.5 99.5|09.8 95.4 10.499.2 12:2 99 17. | 1.13.) 14.7 OS.S 15.6 Dep. Lai Dep. Lat Dept Depl Lat Dep. Lar DepLat 71 Point 34 Deg: 18; Deg. 82 Deg. 74 Point 81 Deg. II. 11.7 11.9 76 11.7 80.0 12.71 81 82 $2.0 13.083 I 2.2 I 2.1 85.9113.687 7 70 2.1 ( 2. 15.6 100 *8 Diſt.) 178 A Table of DIFFERENCE Dift. Diſt. OI.Ooo.2 ol'o 00.2 OI.COo.2 I 2 1 2 00.4 coulanow 6 6 1o 10 II I2 16 036 20 20 22 22 27.3106.3 1276206.81 1o Deg. 11 Deg i Point 12 l'eg 13 Deg. 14 Deg. Lat Def Lat. Dy Lat| Dep Lai Dep Lat, Dep (Lat. 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Lat Dep'Lat i Point 75 Deg.d 74 Deg. Io Point 73 Dez.1 72 Deg. 23 22.305.6 23 24 25 28.0| 10.2 35 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 38.6 41 39.8 10.0 39.6 42 43.7 10.2 40.6 10.3) 38.4 10,6 32.4 IO.9 40.4 13.6 44 more Dift 45 46 47 48 49 of LATITUDE und DEPARTURE. 181 Mift. SI 52 63 ៨ដដដដ៩ala។ 66 و) Point 15 Deg. 16 Deg. I Point, 17 Deg. 118 Deg. Lat. Deb Lar. Dep. Lat Dep. Lat. Dep. 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Lai Dep! Lat. Dep. Lat Dep Lat 4 Point | 53 Deg. 52 Deg.1st Deg. 14Point 50 Deg. é 42 57.0 49 49 Of Latitude and Departure. 191 51 53 42.6 ૨૨ ૨, 54 8 57 45.8 58 46.6 59 47.4 60 45.2 61 49.0 62 | 49.8 60 64 67 / 53.8 68 546 70 71 570 57.8 58.6 32.5142. 12.641.2 33.3 32.8 43.933.143.3 33.9 42.7 34.0 42.5 34.9 42,135.4 33:3 44.7 33.8 | 44.1 34.5 43.5 35.2 43.335.5 42.91 36.0 42.3 56.7 42.7 35.943.7 55.2 44.7 54.9145.0 54.4, 45.6 80 64 3 172.7 54.8 71.7 56,0 70.7 57.3 70.3 $7.769,7 58.5 | 57.2 74.9 158.5| 73.859.8 73.4 60.3 72.861.1 3 Point 37 Deg. 38 Deg.: 39 Deg: 3{Point. 40 Deg. Lat Dep Lat Drep Lat Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep 51 41.0 30.4 40.7 30.7 40.2 31.4 39.6 32. 39.4 32.3 39.1 32.8 5241.8 31.041.5 31.3 41.0 32.0 40.4 32.7 40.2 33.0 39.8) 33.4 52 31.42.3 53 54 43.4 43.1 . 41.5 55 44.2 55 56 | 45.0 56 33.9 45.5 34.3 44.935. 44.335.9 36,6 SZ 34.5 46.3 34.91 45.7 35. 45.1 36.5 44.836.8 47.4 37.3 58 35.1 47.1 35.5 46.5 36.3 45.8137.145.637.4) 45.2 37.9 59 3507 47.9 136.1 47.33.246,6 37.8 46.438.1 46.0 38.6 36.3 48.7 36.7 48.1 371 47.4 38.4 47.238.7 46.7 39 2 61 36.9 49.5 37.3 48.938.2 48.2 39.0 47.939.3 47.5 39.9 62 37.5 50.3 37.9 49.6 38.8 49.0 39.6 48.7 40.0 48.3 40 5 63 50.6 63 64 51.4 38.1 51.1 38 550.4 39.4 49.7 40.349.5 40,6 49.0 41.2 65 52.2 38.7 31.9 39.151.2 40 050 540.9 50.2 41.2 40.8 41.8 65 66 53.0 39.352.7 39.7 52.0 40.651.341.5 51.0 41.9 So.s 42.4 66 39953.5 40.3 52.8 45.252.. 42.2 51.842.551,343.1 67 40.5 5413 40.7 33.6 11.9 52.8 42.8 52.643.1 32.1 13.7 68 69 55.4 41.41551 41.5 54.4 42.5) 53.6 43.453.343.852.944.4 79 56.2 41.7 | 55.9 42.1 55.2 43.154.4 44.0 53.645.0 70 9 42.9157.5 43.356 7 44.3 55.945.355 745.755 146.3 72 72 43.558.3 43.9 57.5 449 56.7 45.256.4 46.3 55.9 46.9 73 73 59.4 44.1 59.1 44.5 58.3 45.6 57.5 46.6 57.2 46.956.7 47.6 7+ 74 60.2 44.7 59.9 45.159.2 46.2 58.3 47.258.0 47.6 57.4! 48.2 75 75 45.3 160.7 45.760.0 45.8 59.1 47,8 58.7 48.2) 3.3 48.9 76 76 61.8 45.961.5 46.3 60.7 47-41598 48.5 59.5 48.8 59.0 49.5 77 77 16.3 62.3 46.961.5 48.0 60.6 49.1 100.3 49.5 59.71 50.1 78 78 47.1 63.1 47.562.2 48.6 61.4 49.761.1 50.1 60.5 40.8 79 81 65.148.3617 48.763.8 49.9|62.9 51.0 62.5 51.4 62.0 52.1 81 82 65.9 48.865.5 49.357.6 50.5| 63.7 31.6 63.4 32.0 62.852.7 52.7 84 83 49.4 65.3 49.9165.4 54.1 64.5 63.6 53.4 83 84 67.5 50.0 67.5 30.5 66.2 51.7 65.3 52.964.953.3 64.3 54.08 68.3 50.667.9 51.1 51.1 67.0 52.3 66.1 53.5 65.7 33.9165.154.6 85 $1.2 168. 51.7 67.8 5.9 65.8 54.1 66,5 54.6 65.2 55.3 69.1 85 87 69.9 52.4 68.6 53.6 57 | 548 572 55.266.6 55.9 52.470.3 33.0 69334.2 68.4) 55.4 68.0 55.867.4 56.6 88 71.5 53.0 71.1 53.6 70.1 34.869.256.0 68.8 36.5 68.2 57.2 89 89 72:31 $3.6 171.9 53.6 121.9 154.2 79.9 58.4169.9156.6 69.6 57.1 68.9 57.4 90 73.1 91 739 54.8 73.5 35.4 72.5 56.671.557.971.1 58.470.5| 59.1 92 S5.4 1743 56.0 23.3573) 72.358.5 71.9159.0 71.2 598 93 94 75.556.0 75.1 36.6 74.1 57.973.0159.2 72,71 59.6 72.0 60.4 94 56.675.9 57.276.5 37.8) 75.6 59.1 746 60 4174.260.973,5 61.7 96 779 | 57,8 77.5 57.8 77.5 58.476.+ 19,7 75.4 61.0 75.0 6.5 1743 62.1 97 $8.4 78.3 59.0 77.2 60.376.2 61.775.762.2 75.2 63.0 98 79.5 59.0 79.1 39.678.0 60.9 76.9|62.376.5 162.875863.6 99 99 80.3 59.6 79.9 60.2|78.8 161,67747 62.9177.3.63.4 76.6 6403 Depl Lat Dep 'Lat Dep Lat Depl Lat Dep Lat Depl Lat 14 Point 53 Deg. 52 Deg. 5, Deg.143 Poinil so Deg Сс 2 Dift. ln er om olho Release to be lã ã nomi magiDilt 61.0 62.7 63.5 79 80 66,7 85 87 83 707 90 91 173.1 92 74.7 93 I 95 76,3 77.1 95 96 97 98 78.7. 100 100 1192 A Table of DIFFERENCE Ꭼ 4. Point Diſt. I 2 3 4 6 9 10 16 19 20 21. 22 0.700.7 20.7 0.7 | 03.7 23.703.7 007 00.700.700.700.7 | 1914.312.5 14.1171114.11 2.8 137 13.213.4 13.4 21 15.8 13.8 13.6 14.0 15.0 14.1 15.4 14:3|15.1 14.0 14.8 14.8 24 116.1 17:50 164 173 16.7 17-0|17.0 34 25.02203125 31227 25.222.9 24.9 23.2 +38 28.7 24.9 41 Deg.142 Deg: 33 Point, I 43 Degy 4A Deg. Lat Dep LatD:P Lar Dep Lat Dep Lat, Dep Lat Dep Lat Dep 01.501.3bis 01.301.5013 01.01.4 01.401.401.401.4 302.302.022.2 02.0 02.200 022102.0 02. 202. I O2 I OLI 4 03.0 02.643.002.703.0067 02.902.702.9 92.8 02.8 02.8 Slož.8 03-353.7 103.3 83.7 03-403.603.4 03.603.503.5 103.5 04 503.204.5 24.01 04:4104.0 04.4 4.4.04. 04.404.104.304.204.204.2 7105.304.6|05.2042708,2017 05.104.805.004.904.91049 7 8 06.0 05.205190593 0.405.4 OF 8105.505 705.6 05.708.7 9 106.8 05.9 6.7 9590 05.705.0 05.7105.0 106.606.106.506.206.4 106.4 107.5106,6 07 0307 074106.7 07:3106.807.206.907.1 107.1 11.08.31079203.2 07:4 08.0 9.5 07.9 7.6 078 07.8 12 09.07, 98.9 26.0 08.903. 1 08.8 08-2 08.6083 08.5 108.5 13. 09.81a8is 9.7 1087 09.609.7 109.5 108.9 09.309.009.2 109.2 13 14. 10,6 09.210.4 394 10.4094 10.2 109.5 | 10.1 29.1 029 09.9 14 15 H 3109.8 14.110.7 I10 10.2 :0.8 10.4 10.6 10.6 15 16. 12.11.11 10.7 1.7 10.9 11.710.6 11.5 11.1 11.3 11.3 17 Fiz.8 11.1 12.6 11.4 12.611.4 124 11.61 12.2 11:8 | 12.0 12.0 17 18 13.6 11.813.4 12:21 13:3|12.1 113.212.31 12.9 12.5 12.7 12.7 18 2015.113.1 149 13:47 148-1304 146 13.6 144 13.9 14.1 14.1 2416.614-4 116.3 14.7 16.3 14.8 16.115.0(15.8 15.3 15.5 15.5 2317 4.15.1 17.1 15.4 17.0|15.4 16.8 115.716.5 16.0 16.3 16.3 23 24 25 18.9416.4 18.6 16.7 18.81168 118-3 17.0 18.0 174 177 17-735 26 19.0 17.1 7.3 174 173 174 19.0127187 18.118.4 18,4 27 (20.427.7 25.1 18.1 23.0 18.1 19.718.4 19.4 18.819.1 19.1 27 28 (21.118.4 20.8 118.7 20.718.8 20.5 19. 1. 20.1 19.4 19.8 19,8 29 21.9 19 19 19.4 21.5 19.5 21.2 19.8 20.920.0 20.5 20.5 29 30 22.6 19.7 123 219 3.5 27.6 20821.2 21.230 31 23.4 (20.3 1139 207 230 23.8 23.6 21.0 21.3 21.511920.931 32 124.121.0238 21:45 237 21.5 21.4 23,7 11.5 23.4 21.8 23.0 23.2 23.6 22.6 32 22.1 24.4 24.2 24.11 225 123.7 12.9 23.3 23.30 3526.4 23.0 26,0 23:41 25-9|23.5 256 23.92501 2403 247 24,7 35 3627.2 23:6 26.7 24.4 26.7 24.2 263 24.5 25.9 25.0 25.42514 3727924-3 27.5 24.7 27.4 24 8 17.0 25.26.6 25.7 26.125.1 37 25.4 39 129.4 25.627.0126.1 28.9 26.2.1285 266 28.0 27.1 27.6 27.6 39 40 19.7 26.8 29.6 26.9 29.1 27.8 28,3 28.3 40 41 31.0 26.9 30.5 27.4 39.4 27.5 39.0 28.022.5 28.5 29.0 29,0 41 142 31.7 -7.5 3112 28.1 31.128.2 30.7. 28.6 30.2 29.2 297 29.7 42 43 32.5 18.2 31.928.8 31-928.) 1.4 293 30.9 29.9 30:4 304443 4433.428,933.7 29.4 32.6 29.5 32 2 30.031.6 30.6 31.131.1 45 34.0 30.11.33:3 30.2 32.9 30.7 34.4 31.3 31.8 11.8 31.845 46 34.7 30.2 34.2 30 8 341 309 33.6 31.4 33.1 320 32.5 32.5 47 39.5 30,8 349 31.4 34.8 316 344 32 1 33.8 3216 33.2 33.2 48 36.5 31.5 357 32.1 35.6 32.2 35.1 347 34.5 33:3 33.2|33.9 48 49 37.0 325 36.4 32.8136.3 32.9 358 334 33 34.6. 49 50 3771 32.8 37-2 33.5 137.0133.6 36.6 36.0 34.1 36 34.7 35.3 35.3 Der Lar Pepl Lat Dep. Lat Depl Lat Depl Lat Dep|Lat 49 Deg.48 Deg. 41. Point 47 Deg. 146 Deg: 4 Point. 28 20,12 2.2 2. I 33124.9 21.6 46 47 34,0 34,6 Dit. * Diſt. Dift. Dift SI 56 57 61 62 /| of LATITUDE and DEPARTURE. 193 41 Deg 42 Deg. 3. Point. 43 Deg. 144 Deg. 4 Points Lat Dep | Lat. Dep | Lat Pep Lat | Dep Lat pep Lat Dep 51:8.5 33.5 37.9 34.1 37.8 34.2 37.3 34.8 36.735.4 36.136. I $239.2 34.1 38.6 34.8 38.5 34.9 38.0 35.5 37.436.1 36.8 36.8 52 53.40.0 34 8 39.4 35.5 39.335.6 38.8 36.1 38.1 35.8 37.5 37.5 53 54 49.8 35.440.136.1 40.0 36.39.5 36.8 338 37.5 38.2 38.2 54 55 41.536.0 409 36.8 40.736.9 40.2 37.5 13.1.6 38.2 38.933.9 55 56.12.31 3667 41.6. 37.5 41.5 37.6 1.0 38 2 42.333.9 39.6 39.0. 57 13.0 37 4142.4 35.142.2 38.3 +507) 38.9 41.037.5 47.340.3 58 13.8 38.1 113.6 33.8 43.0 33.9 42.4 39.5 41.2 110.341.0 41.0 58 59 14.5 38.7 4368 39.5 43.7 39.6 43.142.2 424 41.0 41.7 41.7 $ 60 15:339.4 44.6 40.144.5 49.343.840. 43.241.7 424 42.4 66 61 46.6 40.0 45.340.8 45.241.0 14.641.7 43.9 42.4 43.143.1 62 6.8 40.7 46.1 41.5 452 41.645-3 43.3 44.5. 43.143.5 43.8 63 47.641.3 46.8 422 467.42.345.143.0 45 3113.8 44.5 44.5 62 04148.3 429 47.5. 448 47-4 43.246.8 43.6 16.0 14.5 45.3 45.3 64 65 43.5 48. 47-5. 14.3 46.8145.1 46.0 46.0 65 66 49.8 13.349.0 44.2 48.9 44.3 48.3 45.0 47.5 145.8 467 46.7 66 67 $0.6 44.0 49.8 44.8 49.6445.0 1490 145.7 48.2 46.5 47.441.4 67 68 1.344.650.5 45.5 50.4 145.7 49.1 464 48.7 47.248.1. 48.5 69 52.1 45.351.346.2 51.146.350.5 47.1 49.6 47.948.848.8 69 70 52.8 4.9 52.0 46.851.27.0 51.2 47.7 50 343.6 47.5 47.5 70 21 $3.6 46.0 52.8 47.5 52.6 47.7 81.9 484 Slot 49.3 502 50.2 71 72 54:3 47.253.5 48.2 53.3 48.352.7149.1 151.850.0/509 50.9 72 7355.1 47.91542 48.8 54.1 49.0 53.4 49.8 52.5 50.7151.51.6 73 7455.9 48.555.0 149.5 54.8 49.7 541 So.5 53.3 51.4 52.35223 24 75 56.649,21557|50.2 556 50. 54.8 51.1 539132,153.05 3.0 73 76 57.4 49.9156.5 50.956.3. 51.0 55.6 50.8 54.715 2.3 53.7 53.7 76 58.150.5 57.1 53.5 57.1 51.7 56.3925 564 3.5 34.4 54.477 78 58.9 5 1 3 58.0 521 57.852.4 57.0 53.2 56.1 78 19 159.0 51.8158.7 52.8 18.5 $3.1 57.8 13.956.8 4.9 95955.9 80 60.4 32.5 19.4 $3.5593 53,7 k8.5 5406 575 55.6 566 36.6 8c 81 54.2 60.0 54.4 15.9.2 95.2 58.356.3573 57.3 81 82 61.9 53.8160.9 54.9 60.8 55.1 60.0 55.9. 154.0 57.0/58.0 18.0 82 83 62.6 54.5 161.7 35.3 61.5 55.760.7 56.6 69:7 57.6 58.7. $3.7 84 62.4 36.1 62,2 56.4 61.4 573 1464 58.359.459.4 64.2 55.963.2156.9 63.0 57.1 62.2 58.0 61.19.0160.1 60.1 86 4.9 56.4 63.9 57.5 63.7 57.763,0 58.6 161.9 59.760.8 60.8 87.65.7 57.1 64.7 58.2 64.5, 58463.6 59.3 62.6 50.4 61.561.5 88 166.4 87.7145.4 58.9 65.2 59.1.644 690 163.361.1|62.2 622 86 89 67.9159.0 66.96.2 66.460.4165.3 61.4 164.9182.863.263.68 901 9.1 68.7 59.7167.660.9167.4 1.1 66's 1621 65.5 63.264.3 64.3 91 92 991460,4684161.668.2 618 67.3 62.7. 66.2 63.9 65.0 16.092 93 70.261.0 69.1 62.2 68.9 62.4 68.0 63.4 66.9 64.6 65.805.8 93 94 71.0 61.7 169.9 62,9 69.6 63.5 68.7 64.1 67:6165.3 665 166.5. 94 9521.7|62.3 706 63.6 70.463.8 169.5,648 68:366067.2 67.3 96 7245 630 713 64.2 71.1 64.5 70.2 65.5 69.166.7 167.9 672 9723.2 63.6 72.1 64.9 71.965.1 70.9 66.1 69.8 97 98174.064.3 72.865.6 72.6 65.8 21.9 66.& 795 168.1 1693 169.3 99 14:7 65.0 73.666.2 73.4166.5 1924 67.5 171,2 168.8 70.0 70.999 75,5 65.6 74:3 66.9.741 67.2 73.1 682 21.9 69.5 70.7 2017 Dep|Lat. Dep Lat. Dep Lat. Dep Lat Dep|Lat Depl Lat. 49 Deg. 48 Deg. 4. Point 47 Deg. 45 Deg. 1 4 Point 79 83 84 85 8€ 95 194 Navigation Fih Of the Nature and Ufe of the preceding Table. OR the more ready working of a Traverſe, in order to find the Place of the Ship at all times, the preceding Table has been Inſerted made according to Caſe the iſt of Plain Sailing, fhewing the Difference of Latitude and Departure, to every Degree, Point, and Quarter Point of the Compaſs, the diſtance from 1 Mile to 100, and may be made to ſerve for any other diſtance, provided it be firſt divided into parts not exceeding the Limits of the Table. At the Head that is in the uppermoſt Rank, are placed the Courſes beginning from 1 degree and proceeding on through the feveral Degrees, Points, and Quarter Points to 45 Degrees, and ar the foot or in the lowermoſt Rank but one, are placed the Degrees, Points, and Quarter Points of the remaining half of the Quadrant, that is from 45 Degrees to 90. In the two outmoſt Columns of each Page, are placed the Diſtances, the Table on the Left-hand Page begining åt i Mile, and continuing to so; and that on the Right-hand Page begining where the other left off, viz. 50, and going on to 100. And in the common Area, that is dire&ly under the Courſe, and againſt the Diſtances are placed the Differences, or Alterations of Latitude and Departure, correſponding with, or anſwering to the reſpe&ive Courſes and Diſtances. A few Examples will make it plainer. Example. the ift. If the Courſe were N. E. by N. { Eaſterly, and Diſtance 76, and the Difference of Latitude and Departure were required. On the Right-hand Page (becauſe the Diſtance is above 50) find the Diſtance 76 ; and at the Top (becauſe the Courſe is leſs than 4 Points, or 45 Degrees) look for the Courſe 3 | Points, and right under it, and againſt 76, the Diſtance fail'd will be found in the Column Lat. 58.7, for the Difference of Latitude and in the Column Dep. 48.2, for the Departure. If the Courſe had been N. E. * Eaſterly, and the Diſtance as be- fore 76, then muſt the Courſe have been fought for at the bottom, and the Difference of Latitude would have been found 48.2, and the Departure 58.7 Example Navigation. 195 1 : Example, the 2d. Suppoſe a Ships Courſe N.E.by N. Eaſterly, and the Diſtance 176. On the Right-hand Page at the Top find out the Courſe 3 į Points, and againſt the Diſtance 100, you will find the Difference of Lati- tude 77.3, and Departure 63.4: Again, find out 76 the remaining part of the Diſtance under the Column Dist. right againſt it, and in the Column under 3 į Points you will find 58:7, for the Difference of Latitude, and 48.2, for the Departure ; now the Sum of this Diffe- rence of Latitude and the Difference of Latitude before found, 136 will be the Difference of Latitude required; alſo the Sum of the Departures 111.6, is the Departure ſought. Example the 3d. Suppoſe a Ship fail South 36 deg. 30 min. Eaſterly, 45 Miles, and the Difference of Latitude and Departure were required. Having found the Diſtance failed in the Left-hand Page, becauſe the Courſe cannot be found exa&ly, leek the Difference of Latitude 36.4 under the next lefs, viz. 36, alſo the Difference of Latitude 35.9, under the next greater, viz. 37 ; then ſay as the Difference of the Tabular Courſes 60 min. to the Difference of the Tabular Diffe- rences of Latitude 5, ſo is the Exceſs of the Courle given 30 min. a- bove the next lefs. Tabular Courſe, to 25 ; which ſubſtracted from 36.4 the Difference of Latitude belonging to 36 degrees, gives 36 15, the Difference of Latitude ſought : After the ſame manner the De- parture will be found to be 26.75, and to for any other. In like manner, if the Diſtance were a Frađional Part, then the Difference of Latitude and Departure under the fame Courſe muſt be found, to the two next Extream Diſtances, and Proporcion made accordingly. Example Let the Courſe be S.S. E. Eaſterly, and the Diſtance 44.75 Miles. In the Left-hand Column againſt 44 Miles, the next leſs whole Number to the Diſtance, and under 2 { Points, find the Difference of Latitude 38.8; likewiſe in the fame Column againſt 45, the next Integer find the Correſpondent Difference of Latitude 39:7: Then fay as too to 9 the Difference of the Tabular Numbers, fo is 75 the Exceſs of the given Diſtance above 44 Miles to $76, or 13 almoſt, which therefore added to the Difference of Latitude 38.8, correſpond- ing with 44 Miles gives 39.5 nearly, the true Difference of Latitude required. In 196 Navigation againſt 5 in the ſame Column of Dep. you will have In like manner for the Departure, ſay is too to s the Difference of the Tabular Departures, anſwering to 44 and 45 Miles, ſo is 75 to 71, or nearly, which therefore added to the Departure 20.72 anſwering to 44 Miles gives 21.1 nearly, the Departure fought. Or Having found the Difference of Latitude 38.8, anſwering to the Diſtance 44, under 21 Points in the ſame Column againſt 7, you will have. 62; alſo againſt s in the ſame Column, you will have .044, the Sum therefore of theſe three will give 39.464, the true Difference of Latitude, agreeing nearly with, but more exa& than the former. Alſo, having found the Departure 2017, anſwering to the Diſtance 44 Miles, in the ſame Column right againſt 7 you will have 33, and .0243 the Sum of theſe three Dep. will be 21.054, the true Departure, agrce- ing nearly with, but more exact than the former. After the ſame manner, may the Difference of Latitude and De- parture be found, anſwering to any given "Courte and Diſtance, and therefore I fall give only one ſmall Traverſe, with its Solution, and Jeave: the Operation to exerciſe the Young Student. "Admit a Ship at Sea in the Latitude of 34° 30' North, fail away N. by E. 35, N. N. E. 3 Eaſterly 29, N. E. 92, N. E. by E. Eaſter- ly 40, E. N. E. 4 Eaſterly so, and it be required to find what Latitude the is in, and how much the has departed from her firkt Meridian. Having made a Table, and placed the Courſes and Diſtances in the Sabfequent Manner; the Differences of Latitude and Departure will be found as follows. The Trauerle Fable. Dift. of Lat. Departure. DUTIN. S. W. Courſes. N. by E. N.N.E.E- N.E. N. E. by E. E. E. N. E. E. 35 34:3 27 2414 22.0 40 18.9 So 12.1 |||||| 6.8 11.5 22.6 35.3 48.5 E Diff. of Lat.112.31 Dep: 124.7 Hence Navigation 197 Hence it appears that ſhe has departed from her firſt Meridian 124.7 Miles, and altered her Latitude 112.3 Miles, wherefore to find the Latitude ſhe is in. Becauſe the failed from a North Latitude Northerly. 0 To the Latitude ſaiid from Add the Difference of Latitude reduced 34 : 36 N. I: 525Nly. The Sum is the Latitude ſhe is in 36 : 227N. By the help of this Table, all the ſeveral Caſes of Plain Sailing may be eaſily reſolved; but this being a little Forreign to the preſent Buſineſs, avd not the deſign for which theſe Tables were Calcula- ted, we ſhall paſs it by. 兴​兴头​央​决​选民​男​男​男​头​兴​兴​兴庆​兴​兴​头头​兴​兴头​头头​头头​头头​头头​头头​头 ​Section IV . Containing the Doctrine of Oblique-angled Plain Triangles applied to Problems of Sailing. HE varietyof Queſtions that may be propoſed under this Head, being in a manner innumerable, I ſhall ſelect out ſuch only as may be of Uſe in the Prađice of Navigation. TH - ore Caſe I. :: Coaſting along the ſhore I ſaw a Cape of Land, which bore from me N. by E. then I ſtood away W. N. W. s Leagues or 15 Miles, and the ſame Cape bore from me N. E. ŽE. I demand the Di- ſtance from the Ship in her laſt Station to the Cape. Dd Geome- 198 Navigation. B NEKI 8.Ne Geometrically. 1. Having drawn the Compaſs N, E, S, W; let A repreſent the place of the Ship in her firſt Station, and draw the W. N. W. Line AC, equal to 15 Miles, then will C be the place of the Ship in her ſecond Station. N CW NWT5 NE E W E A А S 2. From C draw the Line CB, pa- rallel to the N. E. į E. Line, till it meet the N. by E. Line AB in B, then will B repreſent the Cape of Land, and CB the diſtance of the Ship from the Cape, at her ſecond Station. To find which by Calculation, in the Triangle ABC are given, AC equal to 15 Miles, the Angle A equal to 78 deg. 45 min. equal to 7 Points, equal to the diſtance between the N. by É. and W. N. W. the Angle B equal to 39 deg. 22 min. , equal to 3i Points, e- qual to the diſtance between the N. by E. and the N. E. į E. and the Angle C equal to 61 deg. 52 min. , equal to si Point, equal to the diſtance between the W. N. W. and the S. W. 1 W. whence to find the Diſtance CB it will be, by the ad Caſe of Se&t. the 5th of I rigonometry. S. ABC : AC :: S. BAC:CB. That is, As the Sine of the Angle at B=39° 22'1 -9.8023585 To the Diſtance Run ACS15 So is the Sine of the Angle at A=78.45 1.1760913 -9.9915739 To the diſtance between the Ship and the Cape 23.19-1.3653067 If the diſtance of the Ship in her firſt Station from the Cape be required, it will be by the ad Caſe of Se&t. che 5th of Trigonometry. S. ABC : AC :: S. ACB: AB. That is, As the Sine of the Angle at B=39° 22' ; 9.8023585 To the Diſtance Run AC=15 1.1760913 So is the Sine of the Angle at C=oI° 52'1- 9.9454298 To the Diſtance required AB=20.85 Miles 74 1.3191626 This * ** Navigation. 199 This Solution will ſerve for various other Queſtions, dreſſed up after different manners, of which I fhall give a few Examples to in- large the Learners way of thinking. 1. Being at Sea I ſaw two Headlands, whoſe bearing from one another I find by the Chart to be S. S. E. and W. N. W. diſtunce s Leagues or 15 Miles, the Northermost bore from me S. W. Ź W. the Southermoſt S, by W. I demand my Diſtance to each of the Headlands. Anſwer. My Diſtance from the Northermoſt Headland, is 23.19 Miles or 8 Leagues nearly, and from the Southermoſt, 20.85 Miles or 7 Leagues nearly, This laſt Queſtion and the firſt Caſe, are of Uſe for finding the Diſtance from a Headland, &c. when a Ship is about to take her Departure from the Land. 2. Two Ships ſail from the Same Port, the one fails W. N. W.5 Leagues or 15 Miles, the other ſails N. by E. So far until she finds the firſt Ship to bear S. W. W. I demand the ſecond Ships Diſtance from the Port, and the Diſtance between the two Ships. Anſwer. The ſecond Ships Diſtance from the Port is 20.85 Miles or 7 Leagues, nearly and the Diſtance between the two Ships is 23.19 Miles or 8 Leagues nearly. 3. A Ship under fail diſcovers a dangerous Shole, and finds it to bear from a Mark on the shore W. by S. then Sailing W. N. W. 5 Leagues, finds the Mark to bear N. E. E. I demand the diſtance from the the Mark on the Shore, to the dangerous Shole Anſwer. The Diſtance between the Mark on Shore and the dangerous Shole, is 20.85 Miles or 7 nearly Leagues. 4. There are three Iſlands in light of each other, a Ship at A finds B to bear N. by E. and C, W. N. W. then ſailing 5 Leagues or 15 Miles to C, finds B to bear N. E. E. I demand the Distance from A to B, and from B to C. Dd 2 An- . 200 Navigation. Anſwer. The Diſtance from A to B 20.85 Miles or 7 Leagues, nearly and the Diſtance from B to C, is 23.19 Miles or 8 Leagues, nearly. 5. There are two ports that lie N. by E. and S. by W. a Ship from the Southermoſt fuils W. N. W. 5 Leagues or 15 Miles, another ſails from the Northermojt S. W.; W. and then meets the firſt. Ship. I. demand the Distance between theſe two ports, and the ſecond Ships diſtance faildo Answer. The Diſtance between the two Ports is 20.85 Miles or 7 Leagues, and the ſecond Ships Diſtance fail'd is 23.19 Miles or 8. Leagues, , nearly Caſe II. Coaſting along the Shore I ſee two Headlands, the firſt bears from me N. W. by N. diſtance by Eſtimation 5 Leagues or is Miles, the fecond bears from me S.W. Diſtance 6 Leagues or 19 Miles. I demand the Bearing and Diſtance between the two Headlands. Geometrically. N- ANWBNIS W A 1. Having drawn the Compaſs N, E, S; W. Let A repreſent the place of the Ship, and draw the N. W. by N. Line AB, cqual E to 15 Miles, alſo the S. W. Line AC, equal to 19 Miles, and joyn the Points B and C. then will EC be the mutual Diitance, and the Angle B the Bearing from the N. W. by N. Line. S SW 19 To find which by. Calculation, in the Triangle ABC are given; AB=15, AC=19, and the Angle at A equal to the Diſtance be- tween the N. W. by N. and the S. W.equal to 9 Points, or 101 deg. 15 min. whence to find the Angles at B, &c. it will be by the 4th Cafe of Oblique-angled Plain Triangles. . As Navigation. 201 As the Sum of the Sides AC and AB=34 1.5314789 To their Difference 4 0.6020600 So is the Tangent of half the Sum of the Angles B and C=39,221 > 9.9141732 To the Tangent of half their Difference=5° 31' 48.9847543 Which added to 39° 22'!, gives the Angle at B=44°53', whence the Bearing of B, the firſt Headland, from the ſecond Headland, will be N. 1° 08' E or N. by E. nearly, and conſequently the Bearing of the ſecond from the firſt, will be S. 11° 8' W. or S. by W. nearly. Whence to find the mutual Diſtance BC it will be, by the ad Caſe of Oblique-angled Plain Triangles. Asthe Sine of the Angle at B=44.53 9 8485989 To the Diſtance AC-19 So is the Sine of the Angle at A= 101° 15' 1.2787536 9.9915739 To the mutual Diſtance BC=26-41 Miles- 1.4217286 This Solution will likewiſe give Anſwers to the ſeveral Queſtions following. 1. There are two Iſlands B and C, a Ship from the Northermoſt fails S. E. by S. 15 Miles, another from the Southermoſt ſails N. E. 19 Miles and meets the former. I demand the Bearing and Distance between the two Iſlands, Anſwer. The Mands bear from each other. N. by E. or S. by Wi nearly Diſtance 26.41 Miles 2. Two Ships ſail from the ſame Road, the one fails N. W. by N. 15 Miles, the other ſails S. W. 19 Miles. I demand their Bearing and Diſtance. Anſwer. Their Bearing is N. by E. and S. by W. fere. Diſtance 26.41, Miles. 3. A S. 202 Navigation. : 3. A Ship from a certain Port ſails S. E. by S. 15 Miles, then S. W. 19 Miles; I demand the direct Courſe and Diſtance back again to the Port. Anſwer. The direct Courſe N. by E. Diſtance 26:41 Miles. Caſe III. Coaſting along the Shore I ſee two Headlands, the firſt bears from me N. N. W. the ſecond N. N. E. : Eaſterly, then ſtanding away E. by N. * Northerly 16 Miles, the firſt bears from me W. N. W. the ſecond N. W. by N. $ Weſterly: I demand the Bearing and Di- ſtance of the two Headlands. Geometrically. 1. Having drawn the Compaſs N, E, S, W. Let A repreſent the place of the Ship, from whence draw the N. N. E. I E. Line AD, the N. N. W. Line AC],and the E. by N. N. Line AB=16 Miles. N A S B 2. From B draw the Line BD parallel to the W.N. W. where this interſects the W E N. N. W. as in D, gives the firſt Head- Land. 3. Alſo, from the B draw the Line BC, parallel to the NW. by N. 4 W. where this interſects the N. N. E. $ E. Line, as in C, gives the ſecond Headland. 4. foyn the Points D and C by the Right Line DC, then will DC be the mutual Diſtance between the Headlands, and the Angle ADC the Bearing from the N. N. W. Line, to find which by Calculation, 1. In the Triangle ABD are given, the Angle DAB equal to 87 Points, equal 95° 37' Ź, the Diſtance between the N. N. W. and E. N. E. E.; the Angle ABD equal to 3 Points, equal to 39 22', equal to the Diſtance between the E. S. E. and E. by N. ; N. the Angle ADB equal to 4 Points, equal to 45° oo', equal to the Diſtance between the N. N. W. and W. N. W. and the Side AB e- qual mit Navigation 203 qual to 16 Miles; whence to find the Diſtance AD it will be, by the 2d Caſe of Sext. the 5th Part the ad. As the Sine of the Angle ADB =45° oo' -9.8494850 To the Diſtance Run AB=16 Miles 1.2041 200 So is the Sine of the Angle ABD=39° 22') 9.8023585 To the Diſtance AD=14.35 1.1569935 ز Or the Diſtance between the Ship in her firſt Station, and the firſt Headland. 2. Again, in the Triangle ABC are given, the Angle BAC equal to 3 $ Points, equal to 42 deg. 11 min. equal to the Diſtance be- tween the N. N. E. $ E. and the E. N. E. · E. .the Angle ABC equal to 6 | Points, equal to 70 deg. 19 min. equal to the Diſtance between the E. N. E. 1 E. and the S. E. by S. 4 E, the Angle ACB equal to 6 Points, equal to 67 deg. 30 min. equal to the Diſtance between the N. N. E. E. and the N. W. by N. i W. and the Di- ſtance AB equal to 16 Miles ; whence to find the Diſtance AC, be- tween the Ship in her firſt Station and the ſecond Headland, it will be by the 2d Caſe of Oblique-angled Plain Triangles. As the Sine of the Angle ACB= 67° 30'- 9.9656153 To the Diſtance fail'd AB 16- 1.2041200 So is the Sine of the Angle ABC=70° 19' -9.9738519 To the Diſtance AC equal to 16.31 Miles 1.2123566 After the ſame manner, may the Diſtances of the Ship in her fe- cond Station, from each of the Headlands be found, if required. 3. In the Triangle ADC are given, the Angle DAC equal 4 Points, equal 53 deg. 26 min. equal to the Diſtance between the N. N. W. and the N. N. E. E. the Side AD=14:35 Miles, and the Side AC=16.31 Miles; whence to find the Angle ADC, after the manner taught in the 5th Caſe of Oblique-angled Plain Triangles. From the Logarithm of AC + the Radius 11.2123566 Take the Logarithm of AD the lefler Side 1.1569935 The Arch anſwering to the Remaining Tango- 10.0553631 is 48° 38' } From .:: 204 Navigation. From which taking away 45° oo', it will be, As the Radius 10.0000000 2 To the Tangent of the Remainder 3° 38' -8.8037619 So is the Tangent of half the Sum of the Angles ADC, ACB, =63.17 310.2981626 To the Tangent of half their Difference=2° 12'-—9.1019245 Which added to the half Sum 63° 17', gives 70° 29' for the Angle ADC; whence the firſt Port bears from the ſecond S. 87° or' W. or W. by S. W. nearly, and conſequently the ſecond bears from the firſt N. 87° ol' E. or E. by N. $ E. Whence for their mutual Diſtance DC i will be, As the Sins of the Angle ADC 70 deg. 29 min.--- 9.9743018 To the Diſtance AC 16:31 So is the Sine of the Angle DAC=53° 26' 1.2123566 9.9048043 To the mutual Diſtance DC 13.90– 1.1428591 After the ſame manner, may the mutual Bearing and Diſtances of three or more Headlands be found. This and the firſt Cafe, are of great Uſe in drawing the Plot of any Harbour, or in laying down of any Sea-Coaſt. This!Solution will give an Anſwer to the following Queſtion be- ing of the ſame Nature with the former, but expreſſed in other Words. Three Ships ſail from one Port, the firſt ſails N. N. W. the ſecond N. N. E. & E. the tbird E. by N. Ž N. 16 Miles, then the firſt bears from the third W. N. W. the ſecond bears from the third N. W. by N. 1 W. I demand the firſt and ſecond Ships Diſtance Saild, and their Bearing and Diſtance from each other. 1 Anſwer. The firſt Ships Diſtance fail'd is 14.35 Miles, the ſecond Ships Diſtance faild is 16.31 Miles, their Bearing is W. by S. & W. or E. by N. & E. nearly; and their mutual Diſtance 13.9 Miles Care Navigation. 205 Caſe IV. B 6 12/E Coaſting along the Shore at s, I ſee three Headlands, whoſe mutual Diſtances I know, viz. AC=12 Miles, AB=9 Miles, BC=6 Miles, A and find the firſt A, to bear from me N. NW. the ſecond B, N. by E. and the third C, N. E. by N. I demand the diſtance from the Ship at S, to each of the Headlands, A, B, and C. S Geometrically. 1. Having form'd the Triangle ABC, with the three given Sides, viz. AC=12, AB=9, BC=6, from the Point C draw the Line CD, forming an Angle with the Line CA equal to 33 deg. 45 min. equal to 3 Points, the diſtance between the N. NW. and N. by E. alſo from the Point A draw AD forming an Angle of 22 deg: 30 min. equal to 2 Points, the diſtance between the N. by E and N.E. by N. 2. About the Triangle ADC deſcribe a Circle (by the 19th of the 14th) and draw the Line BD, till it meet the Circumference in S, from whence to the Points A and C, draw the Lines SA, and SC, then will S be the place of the Ship, and conſequently the ſeveral Lines SA, SB and SC, the ſeveral diſtances from the Ship to the ſeve- ral Headlands A, B, and C, to find each of which by Calculation, 1. In the Triangle ABC are given the three Sides, AC=12, AB -9, BC=6, whence to find the Angle BAC by the 6th Caſe of Sečt. the 5th of Trigonometry. To the Arithmetical Complement of AC=12 8.9208188 Add. the Arithmetical Complement of AB=9 9.0457575 Alſo the Log. of half the Sum of the Sides 13.5 I.1303338 And the Logarithm of the Remainder 7.5 -0.8750613 Half the Sum of theſe 4 Log. will give 19.9719714 the Co-fine of 14 deg. 29 min. which doubled gives 28° 58' equal to the Angle BAC -9.9859857 From BAC =28° 58', take CAD= (by the 11th) CSD=22° 30', and there will remain BAD=6° 28'. 2. In Еe 206 Navigation. 2. In the Triangle ADC are given, AC=12, the Angle A=(6y the 11th) DSC=22° 30', the Angle C=(by the fame) DSA=33° 45', and the Angle D=123°45', whence to find AD it will be by the 2d Care of Sect, the 5th of Irigonometry. As the Sine of the Angle ADC=123°45'. 9.9198464 To the Diſtance AC=12- 1.079.1812 So is the Sine of the Angle ACD=33° 45'— 9.7447390 To the Side AD-8.018 0.9040738 3. In the Triangle ABD are given, AB=9, AD=8.018, and the Angle BAD=6 deg. 28 min. whence to find the Angles ADB, and ABD), it will be, by the 4th Caſe of Sext, the 5th of Irigonometry, As the Sum of the Sides AB, AD, =-17.018 -1,2309085 To their Difference o.982 9.9921115 So is the Tangent of half the Angles D and B=86 46' 11.2480108 To the Tangent of half their Difference=45° 37' 10.0092138 Which ſubtracted from 86 deg. 46 min. leaves 41 deg. 09 min. equal to the Angle ABS, to which if the Angle DAB= 6 deg. 28 min. be added the Sum 47 deg: 37 min. will give the An- gle ADS, equal to the Angle ACS (by the I Ith.) 4. In the Triangle ABS are given, the Angle ASD=33 deg. 45 min. the. Anglė ABS=41 deg, og min the Angle BAS=105 deg. 06 min and the Side AB=9. Whence, 1. To find AS the diſtance between the Ship and the firſt Head- land A, it will be by Caſe the ad of Se&t. the 5th of Irigonometry: As the Sine of the Angle ASB=33° 45' 9.7447390 To the Diſtance AB =9 So is the Sine of the Angle ABS=41°09' 0.9542425 9.8182474 To the Diſtance AS=10.66 Miles 1.0277509 2. To find SB, the diſtance between the Ship and the ſecond Headland, it will be (by the ſame.) As. Navigation. 207 As the Sine of the Angle ASB=33° 45'- 9.7447390 To the Diſtance AB=9 0.9542425 So is the Sine of the Angle SAB:= 105° 06' 99847400 To the Diſtance SB=15:64 Miles 1.1942435 * 3, To find the Diſtance SC, between the Ship and the third Headland, in the Triangle SAC are given, ASC=56 deg. 15 min. the Angle SAC equal to 76 deg. o8 min. and the Side AC equal to 12, whence it will be (by the farne.) As the Sine of the Angle CSA=56° 15' 9.9198464 To the Diſtance AC=12 1.0791812 So is the Sine of the Angle SAC=76° 08' 9.9871549 To the Diſtance SC=14.01 Miles 1.1464897 The ſeveral Varieties of this Caſe, ariſing from the different Po- ſitions or Scituations of the Point S, or place of the Ship, are very eaſily accounted for by any who is Maſter of this Solution. For if the Point S or place of the Ship, had been in the Point D, the Con- ftru&tion would have been in a manner the ſame, viz. by making the Angles ACS and CAS, equal to the reſpective Angles ADS, CDS, c. and the Arithmetical Solution the ſame ; and the ſeveral Di- ſtances from the Ship at D to the ſeveral Headlands, would have been as follows, AD equal to 8.02 Miles, DB equal to 1 37 Miles, and DC equal to 5.52 Miles. If the Point Sor place of the Ship, had been in E, the Caſe would have been much more eaſy, and the diſtance from the Ship to the firſt Headland A, would have been found to be 6.29 Miles to the le- cond Headland B 4.63 Miles, to the third Headland C5.52 Miles, In the general Conſtruction of this Caſe, the Circles might have been carried thro' the Points D, A, and B, or thro' the Points D, B and C, and the Calculation would have been exa&ly after the ſame manner. This Caſe where it can be applied, is of extraordinary great Uſe in drawing of Maps of Countrys , or in laying down of Sands, Rocks, or Sholes, in Sea-Charts; inaſmuch as it is done at one Station, or by one ſingle Obſervation. Ee2 And 208 Navigation. And ſince I am upon the Buſinels of meaſuring Inacceſſable Di- ſtances, I cannot bue recommend one way, which without Diſpute when it can be put in Practice, is the moſt Eaſy and Expeditious way hitherto known, and that is by firing of Great Guns. It has been deterinined mary Years ago, by the Reverend and Learned Mr. Flamſteed, His Majeſty's Aſtronomer at Greenwich, by ſeveral Experiments made with a large Chamber, let off from the Top of Shoote7 s-Hill, which is diſtant from the Royal Obſervatory a- bout three Miles within a ſmall matter; that Sound travels at the Rate of 1142 Feet in one Second of Time, and this by repeated Trials was found to be the ſame, whether the Sound went with or againſt the Wind; or ac leaſt the Difference was ſo ſmall as not to be diſcoverable. A Statute Mile contains 5280 Foor, and conſequently a Sound requires 4.623 Seconds, or 9.246 half Seconds, or 9 4 half Seconds, to travel an Engliſh Mile. A Degree of a Great Circle, by the moſt accurate Obſervations, contains 69.12 Engliſh or Statute Miles. And becauſe a Geographical or Nautical Mile, is zó part of a De- gree, it follows, that an Engliſh Mile is to a Geographical or Nauti- cal Mile, as 60 to 69.12. Whetefore, as 60 to 69.12, ſo is 4.623 Seconds, the time that Sound requires to travel an Engliſh Mile, to 5.326 Seconds; the time that it requires to travel a Geographical or Nautical Mile. Again, becauſe every League contains three Nautical Miles, there- fore Sound requires 15.975 Seconds, or 16 Seconds nearly, to travel a Nautical League. Wherefore, as i to 5.326, ſo is any given diſtance in Miles, to the time that Sound will require to move over that diſtance; or as I to 16, ſo is the diſtance given in Leagues, to the time that the Sound will require to arrive at the given Place. On the contrary, As 5.326 to 1, ſo is the number of Seconds between the time that a Sound is generated, and the time that it arrives at any given Place, to the diſtance between thoſe two Places in Miles; or as 16 to 1, ſo is the number of Seconds between the time of its generation, and the time of its being heard, to the diſtance between the two Places. Hence if the diſtance between any two Places be given, the time that Sound will require to travel over that diſtance may be found, and on Navigation. 202 on the contrary, the time that a Sound is going between any two Places being known, the diſtance between thoſe two Places is eaſily had. And becauſe the Motion of Light is in a manner Inſtantaneous, it moving at thc Rate of rocoo Miles at leaſt, (by the beſt Obſerva- tions) in a Second of time, or whilſt a Pendulum of 39.2 Inches makes one Vibration. Hence, if the difference between the time that an Exploſion is firſt feen, and the time that the Sound of it reaches the Ear be given, the diſtance between the place where the Gun was Fir'd, and the Place of the Obſerver, is eaſily found. For, as 5.326 to 1, ſo is the number of Seconds, to the diſtance in Sca Miles: Or, as 16 to 1, ſo is the number of Seconds, to the diſtance in Sca Leagues. Wherefore, if the number of Seconds between the time that the Flaſh of a Gun is ſeen, and the time that the Report becomes audible, be divided by 5.326, the Qliotient will give the number of Miles of diſtance, between the place where the Gun was Fir'd and the Place of the Obſerver; or if the ſame number of Seconds be di- vided by 16, the Quotient will give the number of Leagues of Diſtance. Example 1. Being at Sea, I counted 50 Seconds between the time that I ſaw the Flaſh of a Gun and heard the Report ; I demand the diſtance. IF 50 Seconds be divided by 5-326, the Quotient 9.388, or 9.4 Miles, will be the Diſtance required : Or, if the ſame number of Seconds, viz. so, be divided by 16, the Quotient 3.125, or 3 Leagues, will give the Leagues of diſtance; fo that the Gun when it was Fir'd was 9.4 Miles, or 3 Leagues from the Obſerver. 1 8 Example 2 Being by the Sea-ſide, there was a Ship in the Offing, who Fir'd ſome Guns, and Obſerving, I found there was 40 Seconds between the time that I ſaw the Flaſh and heard the Gun; I demand the diſtance of the Ship from the Shoar. Anſwer, 7 Miles, or 23 Leagues, If 210 Navigation If the Obſerver have not a Minute Watch by him, let them take a String or piece of Wire of 32.2 Inches long, and faſten a Plumet at one end of it, and hang the other upon a Nail or Peg, or hold it between his Finger, and count the number of Vibrations between the Flaſh and the Report, which will give him the number of Se- conds, or it he has a mind to be more nice, let him take a String or Wire of 9.8 inches, and prepare it as before, and the number of Vibrations in this Cafe, will give the number of half Seconds of time. It is generally found, that the number of Pulſations of the Artery, or contractions of the Heart, in a Man of a good habit of Body, is Seventy-Five in a Minute ; wherefore, this being ſuppoſed it fol- lows, that Sound travels at the Rate of one Nautical Mile in o Pul- ſations, or League in 20, and conſequently we can never be at a loſs for putting of this method in Practice, for if the number of Pul- ſations between the time that a Man ſees the Exploſion of a Gun and hears the Report, be divided by 6} (or 7, for round Number) the Quotient will give the number of Miles of diſtance, or the ſame number of Pulſations being divided by 20, will give the ſame di- ftance in Leagues. edo seosed ads Djeddato:d.edu.bdsuddedicado va Die wiederier Wiederheduidendidosos Section V. Of Turning to Windward. o know how near the Wind a Ship will lie, obſerve what Courſe ſhe goes on each Tack, then in the middle between both is the Wind; therefore the half of the Arch, or number of Points between each Courſe (viz. that Arch the Wind is in) is the diſtance of the Courſe from the Wind, TO Caſe 1 . A Ship that makes her way good within 63 Points of the Wind, at N. by E. is bound to a Port bearing N. N. E. E. diſtance 84 Miles ; I demand the Courſe and Diſtance upon each Tack, to gain the intended Port. Geo- Navigation. 211 B ERNE F NWBIZ! X C W A S Geometrically. 1. Having drawn the Com- Nd paſs N, E, S, W. Let A re- preſent the place the Ship is in, and draw the N. N. E. E. Y EBNE Line AB, equal to 84 Miles, then will be the Port the is bound to. 2. Set of 6 Points on each ſide of the N. by E.or Wind Line Ad, to x and y, and draw Ay, Ax, then will A y be the E. by in. & E. Line or Courſe, upon the Larboard Tack; and A x the N. W. by W. W. Line, or Courſe upon the Starboard Tack. 3. Thro' B draw BC, parallel to the N. W. by W. W. Line, or Courſe upon the Starboard Tack, till it meet the E. by N. & E. Line in C, then will 4C and CB be the diitances upon each Tack, to find which by Calculation, In the Triangle ABC are given, the Angle BAC equal to 53 deg. 26 min. equal to 48 Points, equal to the diſtance between the N. N.. E. į E. and the E. by N. ^ E. the angle ABC equal to 87 deg. 11 min. z, equal to 73 Points, the diſtance between the N. N.E.E. and the N.IW. by W. ^ W.the Angle ACB equal to 39 deg. 22 min. , equal to 3 Points, equal to the diſtance between the N. W. by W. W. and the W. by N. ^ W. and the diſtance AB equal to 84 Miles, whence to find I. The diſtance upon the Larboard Tack, it will be, As the Sine of the Angle ACB=39° 22' } 9.8023585 To the diſtance AB=84 1:9242793 So is the Sine of the Angle ABC=87° 11' } 9.9994781 To the diſtance AC upon the Larboard Tack 132.25 2.1213989 2. For the diſtance upon the Starboard Tack it will be, As the Sine of the Angle ACB=39° 22' } -9.8023585: To the diſtance AB=84 1.9242793 So is the Sine of the Angle BAC=53° 26' 9.9048043 To the diſtance upon the Star. Tack 106.35 Miles-- 2.0267251 So 2 212 Navigation. So that the Ship in failing E. by N. Å E. 132:25 Miles, and then N. W. by W. & W. 106.35 Miles, will arrive at her Port. In the fornier Conſtruction, thc Line EF might liave been drawn parallel to the E. by N. \ E. Line, and the Solution would have been the ſame, and in this Caſe the Ship in ſailing iſ N. W. by W. } W. 106.35 Miles, with her Starboard Tacks on board, and then Ē. by N. E. 132.25 Miles, with her Larboard Tacks on board, would have arrived at her Port B in the ſame time. This Caſe is of Uſe izr hiting a Port, or in doubling a Cape or Head- land to Windward the Leeway being known. Whoever underſtands the former Problem, will very eaſily re- folve the following, the Operation being omitted for Brevity's fake. Being at Sea I law a Ship directly to Windward, bearing N. E. a- bout tliree Leagues diſtant, it was then about fix in the Evening, fhe ſtood away with her Starboard Tacks on board, and ſo did we till 9, we had run at the Rate of 6 Knots, and then the Ship bore from us E. N. we both made our way good within 6 Points of the Wind, but we fore-reaching her, and being willing to ſpeak with her at 2 next Morning, I would know when I muſt Tack, and how far I muſt ſail on each Tack, to be with her at that time, ſuppoſing the Wind to continue the ſame, and ſhe to keep on the ſame Courſe. Anſwer. I muſt Tack at 12h. 26m.or at 26 min. after 12, after I have failed 25.73 Miles upon the Starboard Tack, and then in failing 11.76 Miles on the Larboard Tack, I ſhall meet the Ship. This Queſtion is of great Uſe in hiting a Ship under fail. Caſe II. Being at Sea, the Wind at North, I ſaw a Headland bearing N. by E. E. diſtant three Leagues, then I ſtood away between the North and Eaſt eight Leagues, with my Larboard Tacks on board, and then the fame Headland bore from me Weſt by North; I de- mand the true Courſe. Geo- .. Navigation. 213 ** B N Geometrically. 1. Having drawn the Compaſs N, E, S, W. Let A repreſent the Place of the Ship at Sea, and draw the N. by E. E. Line AB, equal to 27 Miles, then will B repreſent the Headland. E 2. From B draw the Line BC, paral- lel to the E. by S. Line, till it interſects S AC at the diſtance of 24 Miles, from the Point A, then will AC be the Ships Courſe; to find which in the Triangle ABC are given, AC=24 Miles, AB=9 Miles, and the Angle ABC equal to 95 deg. 37 min. 1, equal to 8 Points, e- qual to the diſtance between the N. by £. { E. and the W. by N. whence to find the Angle. BAC, by the firſt Caſe of Se&t. the 5th of Trigonometry, it will be, As the Diſtance fail'd AC=24 1.3802113 To the Sine of the Angle at B=95° 37' } 9.9979037 So is the Diſtance giveri AB=9 0.9542425 To the Sine of the Angle at C=21° 55' 9.5719350 Whence the Angle BAC will be 6 2deg. 27 min. į, and conſequently the Courſe is E. by N. oo deg. 35 min. Eaſterly, or ſeven Points from the Wind. Hence by knowing how near the Ship can lie up to the Wind, may the Leeway be found. For ſuppoſe ſhe can lie up within o Points of the Wind, then in this Cafe ſhe has made one Point Leeway. When a Ship is near the Land as in the former Caſe, the Leeway may be found much more exactly by the following Example. Ff Supporc 214 Navigation. Suppoſe a Ship at A, lying up N. by W. towards B, but that inſtead of keeping on the Courſe AB, ſhe is carried on in the Line AE, or N. by E. B N A1 BIL NBE 'Tis evident that the Point E will al- ways bear the ſame from the Ship, becauſe ſhe keeps on in the ſame Courſe AE, and that the bearing of every other Point alters. W E А A Hence therefore, the difference between S the Courſe AE, the Ship is carried upon, or N. by E. and the Point of the Compaſs the Ship Capes at, or the Angle BAE, equal in this caſe to two Points, is the Leeway ſhe makes. This is of great Uſe when you are about to donble a Cape, Headland, c. the Leeway. the Ship makes being known. The Solution of the ad Caſe will give Anſwers to the following Queſtions. 1. There are two Ports bearing N. by E. } E. and S. by W.IW. distant 9 Miles, a Ship from the Northermoſt Port fails E. by S. and then ſailing 24 Miles farther, arrives at the Second or Southermoſt Port; I demand the fiift Diſtance ſaild, and Courſe to the ſecond Port. Anſwer. The firſt Diſtance fail'd is 2:1.38 Miles, and the Courſe to the ſecond Port W. by S. oo deg. 35 min. Wefterly. 2. Suppoſe two Ports that lie W. by N. and E. by S. a Ship from the Westermoſt fails S by W. { W.9 Miles, another from the Southermoſt Sails 24 Miles, and meets the former ; I demand the Courſe Steer'd by the last Ship, and the diſtance between the two Ports. Anſwer. The Courſe Stcer'd by the laſt Ship is W. by S. co deg. 35 min. Weſt, and the diſtance between the two Ports 21.38 Miles. 3. Two Ships ſail from the ſame Port, the one ſails N. by E. į E. 9 Miles, the other 24 Miles North Eaſerly, and then the firſt Ship is found do bear. Weft by North ; I demand the ſecond Ships Courlé, and Diſtance between the Shios, Anſwer. Navigation. 215 4. Anſwer. The ſecond Ships Courſe is E. by N. oo deg. 35 min. E. and diſtance between the Ships 21.38 Miles. Either of the former Queſtions might have been ſo propoſed, as to have been Ambiguous and admitted of two Anſwers, as the Reader will eaſily perceive, if he Conſults the 2d Example of the 3d Caſe of S-Et. the 5th of Irigonometry. I ſhall give an Inſtance of one, and leave the Operation as an Exerciſe for the Practitioner. There are two Ports that lie E. by N. 35 min. Eaſterly, and W. by S. 35 min. Westerly, a Ship from the Weſtermoſt Port fails North Eaſt- erly 9 Miles, another from the Eastermoſt ſails W. by N. and meets the former ; I demand the firſt Ships Courſe and ſecond Ships Diſtance. Anſwer. The firſt Ship’s Courſe may be N. by E. E. and then the ſecond Ships diſtance will be 21.38 Miles; or the firſt Ships Courſe may be N.' E. and then the ſecond Ships diſtance will be 23.15 Miles. 5. Being at Sea, the Wind at S. E. by S. we lay by under our Main Sail, and ſaw two Iſlands, which by the Chart bore from each other E. by S. and W. by N. diſtant 4 Leagues or 12 Miles, the firſt bore N. E. by N. the ſecond N. W. by N. tben 4 Hours after, the firſt bore E. N. E. the ſecond N. N E. I demand the Ships true Courſe and Drift per Hour. The Solution of this, being after the ſame manner with Caſe the 3d of Setion the 4th, I ſhall only give the Anſwer. Anſwer. Her true Courſe was W. N. W. 10 deg. 12 min. W. fo that ſhe made her way good within 12 Points of the Wind nearly, and drove at the Ratc of 2.58 Miles an Hour. Caſe III. There are two Ports that lie N. N. E. E. and S. S. W. 1 W. diſtant 84 Miles, a Ship from the Southermoſt Port, cloſe haui'd upon the Wind at N. by E. with her Larboard Tacks on Boara, making one or more Trips, fails 132.25 Miles, then 106.35 Miles, Ff with 216 Navigation. with her Starboard Tacks on Board, and then arrives at her North- crinoſt Port; I demand the Courſe upon each Tack, and how near the Wind The made her way good. 1. Having drawn the Compaſs N, E, S, W. Let A repreſent the Southermoſt Port, and draw the N. N. E. Ź E. Line AR, equal to 84 Miles, then will. B re- preleni the Northermoſt Port: NBE B N w E S 2. With 132.25 Miles, the diſtance upon the. Larboard Tack, ſetting one foot of the Compaſſes in A, deſcribe a ſmall Arch at C, with 106.35 Miles, the diſtance upon the Starboard Tack, ſetting one foot in B, croſs the former Arch in C, and draw the Line AC, the Courſe upon the Larboard Tack, and BC the Courſe upon the Starboard Tack ; to find each of which by Calculation, in the Triangle ABC are given; tlie three Sides AC equal to 132,25 Miles, CB equal to 106.35 Miles, AB equal to 84 Miles; whence to find the Angle BAC (by the 6th Caſe of Set. the 5th of Irigono- metry. To the Arithmetical Complement of AC=132.25 7.8786043 Add the Complement Arithmetical of AB=84 8.0757206 Arfo the Log. of Sum of the three Sides 161.3 2.2076344 And the Log. of the Remainder 54.95 -1.7399677 Half the Sum of theſe four Log. will give the Co-ſine of 19.9019270 26° 43', 43', which doubled gives 53° 26' for the Given both Latitudes and Meridional Diſtance, to find the Courſe, Diſtance, and Difference of Longitude. Example Wir Navigation. 249 Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of sodeg.co min. N. fails between the South and Weſt, until her Meridonal Diſtance be 115.1, Miles and then by Obſervation is found to be in the Latitude of 48 deg. 23 min. 1 North, and it be required to find the Courſe, direct Diſtance and Difference of Longitude. Geometrically. By the help of the Difference of Latitude 96.2, and Meridional Diſtance 115.1. Let the Triangle ABC be Conſtructed, accord- ing to the Directions given in the 4th Caſe 4 of Plain Sailing. Then to find the Courſe it will be, As AB : BC ::R:t, BAC. That is, As the Difference of Latitude 96.2 1.9831751 E G to you To the Meridional Diſtance 115.1. So is the Radius 2.0610753 10.0000000 To the Tangent of the Courſe soº 07' 10.0779002 Or S. W. 5 deg. 07 min. Whence for the direct Diſtance it will be, As the Sine of the Courfe so deg. 07 min. 9.8849945 To the Meridional Diſtance 115.1 So is the Radius 2.0610753 10.0000000 : To the direct Diſtance 150 2.1760808 Conſtr. Make as before AF equal to AG, equal to the Co-line of the Middle Latitude 49 deg. ir min. the ; FG equal to BC, the Meridional Diſtance 115.1, AE equal to AD, equal to the Radius, then will DE be the Difference of Longitude ; and it will be, As the Co-line of the Middle Latitude 49° 11'i: 9.8152074 To the Radius So is the Meridional Diſtance 115.1 10.0000OCO 2.0610753 To the Difference of Longitude 176.67 2,2458079 250 Navigation Cafe VII. Given one Latitude, Diſtance fail'd and Meridional Diſtance, to find the other Latitude, Courſe and Difference of Longitude. Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of so deg. co min. North, fails between the South and Weſt 150 Miles, and is then found to have departed from her former Meridian 115,1 Miles, and it be required to find the Latitude ſhe is in, her direct Courie and Difference of Longitude. Geometrically. With the Diſtance Run 150 Miles, and Meridional Diſtance 115.1, Conſtruct the Triangle ABC by Caſe the 5th of Plain Sailing. Then is BAC the Angle of the Courſe ; to find which by Calculation, it will be, As the Diſtance fail'd 150 2.1760913 EG А A To the Radius So is the Meridional Diſtance 115.1-- 10.0000000 -2.061073 To the Sine of the Courſe so deg. 07 min. -9.8849840 Whence to find the Difference of Latitude it will be, As the Tangent of the Courſe so deg. 07 min. 10.0779830 To the Meridional Diſtance 1 15.1 - -2.0610753 So is the Radius 10.0000000 . To the Difference of Latitude 96.2 1.9830923 Whence the Latitude come into will be 48 deg. 23 min. ' North, and coníequently the Middle Latitude 49 deg. II min. . 2. With the Middle Latitude and Meridional Diſtance Conſtruct the Triangles AFG, ADE, as in the three former Caſes and, it will be, As } Navigation. 251 For the Difference of Longitude, As the Co-fine of the Middle Latitude 49° 11'i: To the Radius So is the Meridional Diſtance 115.1 To the Difference of Longitude 176.12 9.8152074 10.0000000 -2.0610753 2.2458679 Caſe VIII. Given one Latitude, Difference of Longitude and Meridional Diſtance, to find the other Latitude, Courſe and Diſtance fail'd. Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of 50 deg. oo min. North, ſails between the South and Weſt, until her Difference of Longitude be 176.12 Miles, and then is found to have departed from fier former Meridian 115.1 Miles, and it be required to find the Laticude ſhe is in, her direct Courſe and Diſtance faild. Geometrically. 1. Make AD equal to the Sine of 90 deg. oo min. and draw DE Perpendicular to it, equal to the Difference of Longitude 176.12. 2. Draw G m parallel to AD, at the diſtance of the Departure equal to 115.1, where this in- terſeas AE, as in G, draw GF parallel to ED, then will AF be the Co-fine of the Middle La- titude; to find which, it will be, As the Difference of Longitude 176.12 2.2458679 1 1 B C G D 111 To the Meridional Diftance 115.1 - So is the Radius 2.0610753 10.0000000 To the Co-line of the Middle Latitude 49° 11':-9.8152074 Hence the Latitude come into is 48 deg. 23 min. 7: North, and conſequently the Difference of Latitude is 96.2 Miles. Conſtr. Make AB equal to 96.2 Miles, and BC equal to FG the Meridional Diſtance, and draw AC, which will be the Di- ſtance faild, and the Angle A the Angle of the Courſe; to find which, it will be As 252 Navigation. Ly 10.0000000 10.0000000 > As the Difference of Latitude 96.2 1.9831751 To the Meridional Diſtance 115 1 ---- 2.0610753 So is the Radius - - To the Tangent of the direct Courſe 50° 07' 10.0779002 For the direct Diſtance fail'd, it will be, As the Sine of the Courſe 50 deg. 07 min. -9.88.49945 To the Meridional Diſtance 115.1 2.0610753 So is tiie Radius To the direct Diſtance 150- 2.1760808 This Caſe according to the Rules of Middle Latitude Sailing is un- determined, and capable of as many Anſwers as there may be aſſigned diffcrent Latitudes. To the end that nothing may be wanting to render this Seation as Compleat as poffible, I fall add one Traverſe, with its actual Solu- tion; and omit the Proceſs, judging it needleſs to any one that un- derſtands what has been ſaid upon this Subject' A Ship from a Port in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, fails W. S. W. 26 Miles, then S. E. by E. 30 Miles, then S. W. by W. W.36 Miles, then W. 64 Milcs, then S. W. { W. 15 Miles, then S. E. by S. 37 Miles. I demand the Latitude the Ship is in, and how much ſhe has altered her Longitude. Solution. ز Diff. of Lat: Diff. of Long. Courles. Pts. Dift. N. S. E. W. al 6 37,30 26 30 9.95 16.67) 38.56 38.5 30 16.97 W.S. W. S. E. by E. S. W. by W. W Weſt. S. WW. S. E. by S. 5 5 8 43 3 64 III 48.78 98.09 17.74 9.51 IS 37 30.76 31.45 Diff . Lac. 83.861 70.01 201.91 70.01 Diff. Long.-131.90 Hence Navigation. 253 ma . Hence, becauſe the Difference of Latitude is Southerly, the Ship will be found to be in the Latitude of 48 deg, 36 min. 16. North; having altered her Longitude 2 deg. 11 min. i Weſterly, differing but of a Mile from the true Difference of Longitude; as the Reader will eaſily ſee, if he compares this Solution with the Solution of the faine Traverſe at the End of the 11th Seation. And indeed, whoever will be at the Pains to compare the Solutions of the ſeveral Queſtions in this section, except the firſt, with the So- Intions of the ſame problems according to Mercator, in Sect. the rith, (notwithſtanding the Places are ſo far to the Northward) will find ſuch an Agreement between them, that he would readily conclude that both Methods are equally true, if the contrary were not De- monſtrable. The abſolute Departure or Weſting in the preceding Traverſe, according to Plain Sailing, is 85186 m. which reduced into Miles of Longitude, by the Rules of Middle Latitude Sailing, is 131.67 Miles, equal to 2 deg. 11 min. 767, differing but of a Mile from the Sum of the ſeveral Differences of Longitude, deduced from the ſeveral Courſes and Diſtances ſeparately, and but of a Mile from the true Difference of Longitude, deduced by the Rules of Mercators Sailing, which alone is a fufficient Inducement to any one, who will not make Uſe of the true Method by Meridional Parts, to make Uſe of this at leaſt, ſince it will ſerve him without any conſiderable Error, in Runnings, of 150 Leagues between the Equator, and the Parallel of 30 Degrees; of 100 Leagues between that and 60 De- grees of Latitude; and of sc Leagues, as far as we have any Oc- caſion, as is eaſy to be proved. . Section X Of Mercator's Sailing: Hoever conceives the Superficies of the Terraqueous Globe to be Inveſted with a Rete or Ner, compoſed of Meridians and Parallels, cannot but eaſily apprehend when that the fame is Extended on a Plane (and fo diſtorted, as to make the Meridians become parallei to each other, and the Degrees of Longitude every where equal to LI each W 254 Navigation. each other, and to thoſe of Latitude) that very great and notori- ouis Errors will unavoidably follow. For ſince, (as we have already proved) the Parallels decreaſe in the Proportion of the Sines of their Diſtances from the Pole, or which is the ſame thing, that a Degree of Longitude under any Pa- rallel, is to a Degree of Longitude under the Equator, as the Radius is to the Secant of the diſtance of that Parallel from the Equator. The Repreſentation of Places in this Chart remote from the Equator, will be lo diſtorted, thar (for Inſtance) an Iſland in the Latitude of 60 De- grees (where the Radius of the Parallel is but half ſo great as that of the Equator) would have its Length from Eaſt to Weſt, in Compa- riſon of its Breadth from North to South, Repreſented in a double Proportion of what indeed it is ; (as Mr. Wright very well obſerves in his Correction of Errors of Navigation. To Rectify which, amongſt many other Inconveniencys he there takes Notice of, and to contrive a Projection in Plano, that might be liable to none of theſe, was the great Study of many of the An- cients; and tho’a Method was hinted by Ptolomy himſelf, yet it was never happily accompliſhed, till undertaken by our Ingenious Coun- try-Man Mr. Edward Wright. Which he did by letting the Meridians remain parallel as before, and protra&ting the Degrees remote from the Equator, in like. Pro- porton with thoſe of Longitude. That is, By making a Degree of Latitude fo protracted, to a Degree of Latitude (which is every where equal to a Degree of Longitude in the Equator) as the Radius is to the Sine of the Diſtance of ſuch Parallel from the Pole, or as the Secant of its Diſtance from the Equator is to the Radius: The Reaſon of which is manifeft from the following Figure. Where the Arch PTA repreſents a Quadrant of the Meridian, P the Pole, CA the Semidiame- ter of the Equator, and NT the Semidiameter P of any Parallel of Latitude, which is to the Se- mediameter of the Equator, as the Sine of the Arch PT is to the Sine of the Arch PA; that is as CS to CA, as hath been proved in Sect. the 8th. From A draw AM parallel to CP, or perpen- S dicular to CA, till.it meet CT produced, in M. And : M N T Navigation. 255 And becauſe NT equal to CS, is ſuppoſed every where equal to CA, and that CS is to CA, as CT is to IM; when CS becomes e- qual to CA, CT will become every where equal to CM, that is, the Semidiameter of the Meridian in any Parallel, is equal to the Secant of the Diſtance of ſuch Parallel from the Equator. Whence it follows, 1. That a Degree of the işlarged Meridian, is every where equal to the Secant of the Arch contained between it and the Equator. 2. That its diſtance from the Equator, ſhall be equal to the Sum of all the Secants contained between it and the Equator. 3. That the diſtance between any two Parallels on the ſame ſide of the Equator, ſhall be equal to the Diference of the Sum of the Secants of all the Arches, contained between each of the Parallels and the Equator. 4. That the Diſtance between any two Parallels on contrary ſides of the Equator, is equal to the Sum of the Sum of all the Secants, contained between each of the Parallels and the Equator. The Eflential Property of this incomparable Projection, (which in moſt caſes is preferable even to the Globe it ſelf) being thus found out and Demonſtrated, the next thing requiſite was a ready way for finding the Sum of the Secants of any given Arch. This Mr. Wright did by the continual Addition of the Secants of I', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6C. and thence formed a Table for the eaſy Di- viſion of the Meridian Line. After him the Famous Mr. Oughtred Conſtructed new Tables, by the continual Addition of the Intermediate Secants, viz. of }, 17, 2, 31, c. min. which Tables have been ſince Corrected, and brought nearer the Truth by Sir Jonas Moor; and are thoſe that I formerly made Uſe of. And tho' either of theſe are lufficiently exad for the Mariners Uſe, at leaſt as far as Navigation is pra&icable, yet it is abſolutely neceſſa- ry to let the Learner know how the ſame Table may be Calculated, indepently from the Length of the Arch of Latitude firſt given ; as well to make him intire Maſter of this moſt uſeful Branch, as to open a Way for him to Calculate the Meridional Parts to greater Degrees of Exactneſs it required. It has been already ſhewn (in Part the 2d, Seation the 2d, Page 79.) that if a be put for the Length of any Arch, the Radius being Unity, the Secant of the lame Arch will be, it ža? +2a+tarla LI 2 : 6 + 256 Navigation. 3 6 2 6 8 A, 7257 وو II 1991 399163 I +382 +32 lata?!, &c. this therefore multiplyed by as the Fluxion of the Arch, will give a +in’atzfata tanto at Cc. the Fluxion of the Sum of the Secants its Integral or Flowing Quantity at alt=4a' tra? + ,&c. will be the Sum of all the Secants contained in, or which can be ſet upon the Arch a. This again Multiplyed by - where A ſtands for the Length of A the Arch which you deſign ſhall be the Integer or Unity, in your Meridional Parts, (whether it be a Minute, a League, or a Degree) will give the Meridional Parts of the Latitude propoſed. Now becauſe in the common Tables of Meridional Parts, the Arch of 1 Minute is taken for Unity, if the Series atlaitiat + at &c. bé multiplyed by..0029088871, c. which Number 000.290.888.20, &c. is the Length of the Arch of I Minute, the Radius being Unity, the Product will give the Me- ridional Parts anſwering to the propoſed Arch of Latitude a. Let it be required to find the Meridional Parts anſwering to the Arch of Latitude of s Degrees. The Length of the Arch of 1 minute is 0902.9088.8208.66 This multiplyed by the minutes in 5 deg. = 300 Gives the Length of the Arch of 5 deg.= 0872:6646.2599 399 Pod 3 3 Wherefore, put a Then will to a And And can' 0872.6646.2599 +1.1076.2019 +21.0875 +406 6 1 040 And a tým total ta' = 0873.7243.5959 This therefore divided by ooc2.9088.8208.66, will give 300. 381498, for the Meridional Parts antwering to ş deg: true to fix Places of Decimals, or the Millionth part of a Mile. Again, Let it be required to find the Meridional Parts anſwering to the Arch of Latitude of so deg. The - ** -- Navigation. 257 The Length of the Arch of 1 min.is This multiplyed by the min. in 10 deg. = Gives the Length of the Arch of 10 deg. 0002 9088.8208.665 600 -1745.3292.5199 1 3 Wherefore put a as before = Then will And Alſo And And 1745.3292.5199 + 8.8609.6155 +674.8008 +5.9709 240 2 61 277 10402 szca 9 +573. 75 76 505.21 399168 1 1 + 58 61 S04 in ll II And Conſequently, a tiritza't 1754.2852.9702 tica't, insa This again divided by 0002.9088.8208.06, &c. will give 603 10695795, the Meridional Parts anſwering to 10 deg of Latitude. After the ſame manner, may the Meridional Parts anſwering to any other Degree of Latitude be found : But if it be required to find them to one Place of Decimals only, which is as far as the largeſt Tables Extend, and which is fufficiently exact for all Nautical Uſes, above three fourths of the Labour will be faved. Again, inaſmuch as in the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Equator, the Rumb Lines are proportional Spirals about the Pole, and the Differences of Longitude or Arches of the Equator, are the Exponents or Logarithms, of the Rationes of the ſeveral diſtances of the Pole from the Curve, or Arches of the Me- ridian intercepted between the Pole and the Rumb Line ; which: Arches are the Tangents of half the Complements of the ſeveral Latitudes in the ſame Projection : It follows, that the Differences of Longitude are the Logarithms of the Rationes of thoſe Arches one to another, And ſince the Nauticat Meridian Line, is no other than a Table of the Longitudes, anſwering to each Minute of Latitude on the Rumb-Line, making an Angle of 45 deg. with the Meridian, it is manifelt that the Meridian Line is no other than a Scale of Logarith- mic Tangents, of the half Complements of the Latitude. Now, ſince in every Point of any Rumb Line, the Difference of Latitude is to the Departure, as the Radius to the Tangent of the Angle : 258 Navigation. Angle that Rumb makes with the Meridian ; and that thoſe equal Departures are every where to the Differences of Longitude, as the Radius to the Secant of the Latitude ; it follows, that the Differences of Longitude on any Rumb, are Logarithms of the lame Tangents, but of a different Specics, being proportioned to each other, as are the Tangents of the Angles made with the Meridian. Hence, from any Table of Logarithmic Tangents, it will be eaſy to find the Number of equal Miles of Longitude, anſwering to the Diſtance of any two Points in the Meridian Line of the true Chart, and confequently to make a Table for the ready Diviſion of the ſame. For having determined the Angle which the Rumb Line makes with the Meridian, under which the Differences of the Logarithmetic Tangents are the true Differences of Longitude, to every Degree or Minute of Latitude ; it will be, as the Tangent of that Rumb is to the Tangent of the Rumb under which the Differences of Longi- tude anſwer to the Diviſions of the Meridian Line, ſo is the Diffe- rence of the Logarithmetic Tangents of half the Complement of any two Latitudes propoſed, to the Difference of Longitude on the pro- poſed Rumb; or to the Meridional Difference of Latitude, between the ſame two Places on the true Chart: And fo is the Logarithmic Tangent of half the Complement of the Latitude of any Place, to the Diſtance of the ſame Place from the Equator. Now, If we put Unity for 1 Minute of Longitude, as in the com- mon Meridian Line, becauſe the Length of the Arch of 1 Minute, the Radius being Unity, is oo029088820866, 6c. and the Index of the Brigg's Logarithms (from which Vlacq's Tables are made) 230258509299, c. it will be, as 230258509299, c. to 290888208665,6o. fo is the Radius, to 126331143874, &c. the Na- tural Tangent of 51° 38'9"; the Angle which the Rumb Line makes with the Meridian, under which the common Tables of Tangents are the true Differences of Longitudes. Wherefore, as 126331143874, c. to i Minute, ſo is the Diffe- rence of the Logarithmetic Tangents of half the Complements of the Latitudes of any two Places, to their Meridional Difference of Latitude in Minutes. Hence and from the foregoing; it follows, 1. That the Difference of the Logarithmic Tangents, or Tangent Complements of half the Complements of the Latitudes of any two Places, on the ſame fide of the Equator, divided by 126331143874; &c. will give their Meridional Difference of Latitude. 2. That . Navigation. 259 A 2. That the Sum of the Differences of the Tangent of 45 deg. and the Tangents or Co-rangents of half the Complements of the Latitude of two Places, lying on contrary ſides of the Equator, divided by 126331143874, c. will give their Meridional Difference of Latitude 3. That the Difference of the Logarithmic Tangent or Co-tan- gent, of half the Complement of the Latitude, and the Radius or Tan- gent of 45 deg. divided by 126331143874, c. will give the Meridi- onal Difference of Latitude in Minutes. Or which is the fame thing, To half the given Latitude add 45 deg. and having found out the Logarithmetic Tangent of the Sum, reject the Characteriſtic, and divide the Remainder by 126331143874, c. and the Quotient will give the Meridional Parts of the Latitude propoſed. Hence we are taught a more ready way to find the Meridional Parts contained between any two Places, or to form a Table for the more eaſy Diviſion of the Meridian Line in the true Chart, by the help of the Logarithi Tangents only, of which I ſhall give an Example or two as follows, Let it be required to find the Meridional Parts anſwering to s deg. of Latitude. From 10.00000.000 do, the Logarithmic Tangent of 45 deg, e- qual to half the Diſtance of the Equator from the Pole. Take 9.9620524617, the Logarithmic Tangent of 42° 30';. cqual to half the Complenient of the given Latitude. Or; From 10.0379475383, the Logarithmic Co-tangent of 42° 30' equal to half the Complement of the given Latitude, take 10.00000 .00000, the Logarithmic Tangent of 45 Degrees. Or, To 2° 30' half of the given Latitude, add 45 Degrees, and from 10.0379475383, the Logarithmic. Tangent of their Sum 47° 30', take the Index or Characteriſtic 1o, and divide the Remainder the Quotient 300.38 1498, will be the Meridional Parts anſwering to the Latitude propoſed.; agreeing exa&ly with the former Calculation. Again, let it be required to find the Meridional Parts anſwering 10 10 deg. of Latitude. * Take 9.9238135302, the Logarithmic Tangent of 40 deg, equal to half the Complement of the given Latitude, from 10.00000.00000 the Logarithmic Radius, or Tangent of 45 deg. and the Remainder will be 761864698. Or, Take 10.00000.00060 the Logarithmic Radius, from 10.07618 64698, the Logarithmic Co-Cangent of 40 deg. and the Remainder will be 761864698 as before. Or, Haying II 260 Navigation vide the Remainder 382580215 the faine as in the former Caſe, by Having found the Logarithmic Tangent of so deg. equal to the Sum of half the given Latitude, and 45 deg. equal to 10.0761864698, and reje&red the Index or Characteriſtic, and divided the Remainder 761864698, which is the Same in cach Cafe, by 12633.11438, the Quotient 603.069579, will give the Meridional Parts of the Latitude propoſed, viz. of rodeg. exactly the ſame with the former Calculation. Again, Suppoſe it were required to find the Number of Meri- dional Parts contained between the Latitudes of 5 and 10 deg. From 9.9620524617, the Logarithmic Tangent of 42 deg. 30 min. equal to half the Complement of the leſler of the two given Latitiides, take 99238135302, the Logarithmic Tangent of 40 deg. equal to half the Complement of the greater of the two given Lati- tides, and tlie Remainder will b: 382389315. Or, Take 10.0379475383, the Logarithmic Co-tangent of 4odeg: equal to half the Complement of the leſler of the two given Latitudes, from 10.0761864698, the Logarithmic Co-tangent of 42 deg. 30 min. half the Complement of the greater of the two given Latitudes, and di- ---- 1 263311438, and the Quotient 302.688081, will be the Number of Meridional Parts contained between the Latitudes of 10 and s deg. or thc Meridional Difference of Latitude between them, this therefore added to 300 381498, the Meridional Parts of s deg. will give 603. .069579, the Meridional Parts anſwering to 19 deg of Latitude as before found : Or taken from the Meridional Parts of 10 deg. will give the Meridional Parts of s deg. equal to 603.069579. After the ſame manner may the Meridional Parts anſwering to any given Latitude be found, or the Number of Meridional Parts con- tained between any two given Latitudes,but for the farther Application of theſe Rules to Mercator's Sailing, I refer the Reader to Se&t. the 12th To gratify the Curious, as well as to Obviate a fooliſh and filly 06- je:7ioz, uſually made by Ignorant and Unthinking People, agninst the Truth of Mercator's Sailing, (grounded upon a Notion they have got, that becauſe the Tables of Meridional Parts now in Uſe, being made by a continual Addition of the Tabular Secants, are not ftri&tly true; and that therefore, the Concluſions drawn from them muſt be falſe.) I have been at the Pains to Calculate, de novo, a New and CorreTable of Me- ridional Parts, after the manner taught in this section, and to, much greater degrees of Exactneſs than any that have hitherto been Publiſk'd . A NEW and CORRECT T A B L E O E Meridional Parts : Toevery Degree and Minute of Latitude; Computed after the manner taught in the prece, ding Pages Mm 262 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. O. I 2 Mer. Partsy Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Minutes! 1-nin Minutesli 1.0006 2 63.0035 1.0002 ICO 6 1 0006 IC027 650038 | 1.0002 con alu 12.0000 1.0000 14 0.0000 1.000C I 1.000C 1.0oor 2 2,000 1.000O 3 3'000 1.0000 4 4 0000 1.000O 5 5.0000 10000 6 6.0000 1.000C 7 7.0000 І осоо 8 8.0000 1.000: 9 90000 1.0000 IO 10,0000 1.0000 IL 11.0000 12 І орсо 13 13.0000 1.0000 14 0000 1.0000 15 15.000 1.0001 16,000 1.0000 17 17.0001 1.0000 18 1,0000 191 190001 I, 000 20 20.0OCI 1.0000 21 21 OCOL 1.0000 22 22.0001 1.0001 23 23.0002 1.0000 24 24.0002 1.0000 251 25.0002 1,0000 26 26.0002 1.0001 27! 27.0003 1.OCO 28! 28.0003 I cooo 29 29.0003 1.0001 30 30.00041 M h0.2030 120 0241 2 1.0002 61.0032 1 2 1.02; 1.00) 62.0033 122 0256 1.0002 123.C 262 64.0037 124 0264 1.0001 [15.0275 1.0002 66.0040 1 26.0282 1,00O2 67.0042 127 0288 I-0002 68.0044 1 28.029 1.0002 69.0046 129.0302 1.0102 70.0048 130 0316 1.00:2 71.0050 131.0317 1.C002 72,005 1.2002 132.0324 730955 1.0702 133.0332 74.0557 134. 339 1,0002 75.005 13503 +7 1.0003 70.0062 | 136.2355 1.0002 77.0064 1.2003 137.0362 78.0067 138.0371 1.5003 79.0070 139.0379 1.0002 80.0072 140.0387 1.0003 81.0075 141,0395 1.0003 82.0078 142,0404 1.000.2 83.0080 143.0412 I ono3 84.0083 144.0421 1.0003 85.0084 145 0430 1,0003 86.0089 146.0439 1.0004 87.0093 147.0448 1.0003 88.0096 148.6457 1.0003 89.0099 149.0467 1.000+ 90.01 03 150.0476 16 3 1000614 1.1007 1.00c6 1.0007 1,0007 1.00089 IO 1.CO 17 1,0007 (2 I 0208 1 1.0007 1.008 4 19 1,0008 6 I.coc8 1.0008 17 18 1. 208 1.000819 2 1.0008 21 1.0009 22 10008 1.0009 23 1.0009 24 25 1.0009 26 1.0009 1.0009 27. 38 1.0010 29 1.0009 30 M 18 0001 1 2 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 263 2 Mer. Parts, Differ: Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts Differ . Minutes 101: 30 31 3? 3? 34 31 36 32 38 39 40 41 42 43 nost in 0.0004 1.0000 31.0004 1.0000 22.0004 1.0001 33.0005 1.0000 340.05 1.0001 35,000 6 1.0000 36.00co 1.000) 37.0007 1.000 38 0008 I OCOU 390007 I 000 40'0009 1,001 4.0010 1.000I 42,0011 1.0000 43.001 1.0001 44 00:2 10001 45.0013 1.0 201 46.2014 1.000I 47.00151 1.0001 48 0016 1.0001 49.0017 1.0001 SO0018 1.OCOT 51.0019 I.CO01 52.0020 1,0001 53.0021 1.0001 54,0022 1000I 55.0023 J.0002 56.0025 1.0001 57,0026 1.0001 58,0027 1.0002 59.0029 1.000) 60.COJO 90.0103 150.0+76 3 1.0002 1.0010 91.0106 151.0486 3 1.0004 1.0010 92.0110 152.0496 1.0004 1.0010 93.0114 153.0500 3 I 000 LOCI 94.0117 154.0516 3 - 1.014 1.0010 95.0121 155 052 1.0004 1,0010 96.0125 156.0536 I 0094 1.0010 97.0129 157:0546 37 1.000 1.0011 98.0133 158.557 38 1.0004 1.0010 99.0197 159.0567 39 1.0004 1.0011 10 014: 160,0578 C 1.0 04 1.0011 101.0!45 161,589 + 1,0005 1.0011 102,015 162.06 +? 1.0004 1,001) 103.015+ 163.0611 4: 1.0004 1.0011 104.0158 164.0622 I.coOS 1,0012 105.0163 165.0034 S 1.0004 1.00II IC6.0167 166.0045 6 1.0005 1.0012 107.0172 137.065 1.0005 1.0012 108 0177 168.0669 1.0005 I.1012 109.0182 169.2681 19 1.0006 I 0012 I10.0188 170.069 5 1,0005 1.00 12 U11.0193 171.0705 1.0005 1.0013 112.0198 I.COOS 172.0748 I 2012 113 0293 3 1.0006 173.073 1.001 114.0 209 174.074 1.001 115.0214 175-075 1.0006 1.001 1 16.0220 176.0765 50 1.0006 1.0013 1 17.0225 1.0000 177.0782 1.0014 118.0232 5 178.0790 1.0006 1.0013 119.0238 1.0000 179.0806 1.0.14 55 1 20.0244 180.08 2: 60 2 M Mn 2 +8 2 5 2 53 54 1,00 la 50 57 58 59 60 M O I 264 1 New and Corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 3 4 5 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutesl 01 Minutes 01 2 243.2026/ 1.0025 1 180.0823 240.1952 181.0836 1.0013 1.0024 241.1976 1.0025 I.CO14 182.0850 2 242.2001 1.0014 31 183,0864 1.025 1,0014 4 184,0878 244.2051 1.0025 1,0015 51 185.0893 245.2076 1,0925 6186.0907 1.2014 246.2101 1.0026 7/ 187.0922 1.0015 247.2127 1.0026 8 TCOIS 188,0937 248.2153 1.0026 9 189,9952.1.0015 249.2179 1.0016 1.0027 IC 190.0968 250,2206 1.001S 1.0026 u 191.0983 251.2232 1.0010 1.0027 12 192,0999 252.2259 1.0016 1.0027 131 193.1015 253.2286 1,0016 I 0027 14 194.1031 254.2313 1.0016 1.0028 151 195.1047 255.2341 1.0016 1.0027 161 196.1063 256.2368 1.0016 1.0028 17 197.1079 257.2396 18 198,1096 1.0017 1.0028 258.2424 1.0016 1.0029 191 199.1112 259.2453 1.0017' 260,2482 1,0029 200. I 129 21 201.1146 1,0029 22 202,1163 1.007 I.CO29 262.2540 1.0018 23 203.1181 2632570 1.0330 1.0017 1,0029 264.2599 24 204.1198 1.0018 1.C030 25 205.1216 265-2629 1.0018 26 206.1234 265.2659 1.0030 271 207.1252 267.2689 1,0030 28208.1270 I'0018 1.0030 1.0018 29 209.1288 1,0030 269.2749 1.0019 1.0031 210,1207 270.2 780 MI 3 4 300.3815 301.3853 302.3891 303.3930 304-3969 305.4008 306.4048 307.4088 308 4128 309.4169 310.4210 301.4251 3124292 313.4334 314.4376 315.44.18 316 4460 317.4503 318.4545 319-4588 320.4631 321.4075 322.4719 323'4763 324.4808 325.4852 326.4897 327.4942 328.4988 329.5034 220 5080 5 1.0038 1 1.0038 1'003 1.0039 3 4 1.0039 5 1.0040 6 I 004 7 1,0040 8 1.041 9 1.004.1 IO LU041 II 1.0041 I2 1.0042 1.0042 13 14 1.0042 1.0042 16 1.0043 17 I 0042 1.0043 1.0043 19 20 1.0044 21 1.0044 22 1.0011 23 1.0045 1.0044 25 1.0045 26 1.0045 27 1.0046 1.0046 29 1.0046 30 M 20 1.00171 261.2511 24 I 0018 268 2719 28 30 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 265 3 4 S Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Minutes 1 olimon Minutes and 270,2780 1.0019 272.2841 1.0019 273.2872 1.0? 32 32 214.1333 2 3Ć 3 38 1.024 330.5080 30 1.0046 331.5126 31 1.0047 332.5173 32 1.0047 333.5220 32 1.0047 371 5267 34 1.00.14 335.7315 1.0048 230.536; 1.0048 337-5441 1.0049 338.5460 339.5508 35 1.00.19 3405557 1.0049 3+1.500 + 1,0049 342.5655 4 1.005 343.5705 ti 1.005 344.5755 fa 1.005 345-5805 OS 1OOST 346.5851 1.005) 347.5 907 + 1,0051 348'5958 1.0052 349.6010 45 I 0052 5 1.0052 351,0114 5 1.005? 352.0167 1 005) 1.0053 1.0014 2 10.1307 30 1.0019 1.0030 211.1326 31 1.0031 212,1345 3 213.1354 1,0019 1.0032 274.2904 34 1.0019 1.7032 215,1402 275.2935 35 1.0020 1.0032 216.1422 276.2968 36 1.0020 1.0032 217.1442 277.300 37 1.0020 1,0033 218.1467 278 3033 38 10020 1.0033 219.1482 279.3966 39 I 0021 1.0.24 220. I 503 280.3 100 10 1,0320 1.031 2211,3 281.3134 41 1.0021 1.003+ 222.1544 1.0021 2 3 2.3168 1.0034 223.156 283.3202 1.0021 1.035 284.3237 1,0)2 i 1.0034 285-3271 45 1,022 1.0035 236.3305 1.0022 1,0035 237,3341 10022 1.0035 288.3376 1.0022 10035 289.3411 1.0323 1,0035 290.3445 1.0022 1.0030 231.1740 291.3482 5! 1.2023 1.0036 $2232,1763 292.3518 1,002 1.0036 53.233.1786 293.3554 1:0023 1.0037 54 234 1809 294.3591 1.0023 1,0037 ; 5 235,1832 295.3628 I 0024296.3665 1,0037 50 236.18;6 1.0023 1.007 571 237.1879 297.3702 1.002+ 1.0037 $8 238.1903 298.3739 1024 1.0038 59 239.1927 299.3777 1.0025 1.0038 50 2401952 209,2815 3 4 42 43 14) 224,1586 451_225.1607 40 226.1629 +7) 227,1651 178 228,1673 49 229.1595 230.1718 ( 48 350.6062 ܃ 353.6220 354.6273 355.6327 356.6380 357.6434 358.6488 359.6543 360.6598 1.0053 ic 1.0054 1.0054 1.0055 $9 1.0955 M 58 M S 7 Minutes 1 Minutes or 3 1 + 10 57 IC 1.0086 509.8590 266 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts 6 8 Mer. Part s. Difer. Merid. Prs. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. 360 6598 42L0487 481.5673 361 6553 1.0055 1.007 422 056? 482.5771 1.0098 1.0056 2 362.6709 1.0076 423.0638 483.5870 1,0099 2 & 363.6765 1.0056 10076 1.0099 424.0714 1.0056 484.5969 3 I C070 364.6821 1.0100 4 425.079 485.6069 4 30568781.0057 1.0077 10100 426.6867 486.6169 61 36 6.6924 1.0056 1,0077 1.0101 427.0944 487.6270 6 7 30706991 1.0101 428.1022 1.0078 487.6371 7 8 368 7048 1.0057 1.0078 1.0101 429.1100 489.6472 8 1 0078 1.0102 93697100 1.0058 430.1178 4906574 1.0058 104 3707164 1.0079 1,0102 431.1257 491,6676 U 371.7222 1,0.58 1.0079 I 0103 492.6779 432,136 1,0059 12372.7281 1.0079 1,0103 433.1 +15 493,0882 1,0359 1.0080 1.010 131 373.7340 434.1 +95 494,6905 3 1,0059 141 3747399 1.0080 435.157) 1,0010 495.7087 1,0104 1.0080 15 375 7459 436.1675 496.7193 1.010. 1.000 1.0081 16 376.7519 497.7298 1.0105 1.0060 437'1736 1.0081 17 377-7579 498.7403 1,0105 181 378.76.40 1.0082 1.0106 1.061 439.1899 499.7509 TE 1.0082 1.010 1 379.7701 1.0082 50.7615 20 380 7762 9 1.0107 441.216; 501,7722 20 1,0062 21 381.7824 1.0083 502.7829 1,0107 7886 1.0082 1.0107 443.22:9 1.0063 :31 383.7949 503,7936 22 1.0083 J.0108 504.8044 1,0084 1.0108 2 : 24 384-800 1.0062 444.23 12 505 815 1.0084 23_385.8074_1.063 445 2396 1.0109 446 2480 505,8261 1.0003 261 386.8137 1.0184 1,010G 1.0064 447.2564 26 271 3-87.8201 1.0110 1.0063 448 2049 27 28 388.8254 1.01 10 1.0064 449.2734 2 29 389.8 328 1.01 IC 1 0064 450,2820 39200.8392 1.00861 5 10.8700 25 1.010 451.2906 511.8811 30 M 6 7 8 M I 2 1 1.0661 438.1817 !? 1.0061 440.1981 20 2 1.0085 507 8370 1.0.85 508.8480 - 1 1 New and Correet Table of Meridional Parts. 267 6 ៗ 8 Mer. Paris. Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minuteslili na Minutes and more 1.0065 1. C065 1.0065 1,0036 1,0066 32 451.2905 452.2994 453.3079 454.3166 455.3254 455.3342 457.3439 458.3519 459.3608 400.3098 461 3788 462.3078 463.3969 38 1.6090 40 41 390.8292 391.8457 32 92 8522 331 393.8587 4 394 8653 25_395.871 3,90 297.8853 38 398.8920 91 399, 349,8988 400,9056 401.912 +1 402,9192 31 703.9262 144 4.9331 15 4 5 9401 16 4.6.9+71 +? 407.95 + 1 181 408.9612 +9 4 9.9683 411,9754 511 411 9826 1+ 412.9898 13 131 413.9970 541 415.0043 55 416.0116 16 417.0189 571 +18.0263 419.0337 591 420.0412 61 421.6487 M м 6 1.0067 IC067 1.0068 1.0068 1.0003 1,0069 1.0067 1 0069 1.0070 1.0070 I C070 1.0071 1.0071 1.0071 464.400 1.0091 465.4152 460.4244 467.4336 468.4429 469.4522 511.880 30 1.0086 1.011 512.8922 1.0057 LC112 1.0087 513.9034 10112 1.07885149146 33 1.0113 1.0088 515.9259 34 ION 2 $10.9372 35 1.0208 1.0:14 1.0088 $17.9406 36 101 14 518.COLO 1.0089 1.0114 37 519.9714 1.0090 1.0115 520.829 $21.9944 1.0115 1.099 1.0071 523.006; 1,0116 10116 524.0176 10117 42 I 0092 525.1293 43 1.0117 1.0092 526.0410 4 527.0527 1.6117 45 1.0092 528.0645 1.0118 1.909 1.0092 529 0763 I 1.0119 S3IIdol 1.0094 49 10120 522,112 1.0094 so 1.0120 1.009) 533.1241 1,0121 1.0095 534.1262 52 1.0121 1.0096 535-1483 53 1.0122 I 0096 536.1605 54 1.01 22 537.1727 1.0097 5) 1.0123 1.0-97 538.1854 I 0123 56 1.0097 539.1973 57 10123 1.0098 540.2096 58 1.0124 1.0098 541.2220 :59 1.0124 542.2.244 30 8 M 1.0118/46 530.0882 10119 47 48 470,4610 1.0094 51 LCO72 1.0072 1.CO72 1.0073 1.0073 1.0073 1 0074 1'0074 1.0075 1.0075 471.4710 472.4804 473 4899 474+994 475 5093 475.5106 477.528 478.5380 479.5477 480.5575 481.5672 7 58 168 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts IO II Minutes Minutes!ol 1,0188 2 1.0126 10126 1.0189 542.2241 il 543.2459 2 514.2594 3) 545 2720 8 546.2846 547.2973 548.3100 549.3228 El 550.3356 9 551.3485 IO 151557.4268) 1,0132 618.30591 9 Mer. Parts. Differ. Merid.Prs. Differ. \Mer. Parts Differ. 603.0696 664.0922 1.0125 604.0850 1.0154 665.1109 1.0187 1.0125 605:1005 1.0155 | 666.1297 10156667.1486 1.0189 606.1161 3 6071317 10155668.1675 4 1.0190 1.0127 609,474 1.0157 669.1865 S 1.0127 1.01906 0.9.162 1,0157 670.2055 1.0191 10128 1.0158 610.1789 671.2246 7 1,01928 1.0128 611.1947 10158 672,2438 1.0129 612.21 06 10159 1.0192 673,2630 9 1.0193 1.0129 613.2265 1.01591 674.2823 552 3614 1,0130 1.0160 I 0193 ul 553.3744 614.2425 675.2016 1,0130 1.0160 676,3210 1,0194112 12 615.2585 1.0131 1.O6I 616,2746 677,3404 1.0131 1,0161 617.2907 678.3599 1.0196115 1.0162 679.3795 1.0132 1,0162 1.0196 619.3231 680.3991 1.0132 1.0163 681.4188 620.3394 1.0163 682.4385 1.029711€ is 560.4665 1.0133 621.3557 1.0164 683.4583 1.0298 19 i 501.4798 1.0133 622 3721 1.0134 1.0165 684.4782 1.0299 20 562.4932 623-3886 1,0199 1,0134 1.0165685.498 624.4051 1,0166686.5181 1.0200 1.0135 22 625.4217 1.0166 687.5381 1.0200 21 1.0135 626.4383 1.0201 1.0136 1,0167 | 688.5582 24 221 566.547 72 627.4550 1.0136 1.0167 689.5784 1.0202 628.4717 1.0202 1.0137 1.0168 690.5986 26 26 568.5745 629.4885 1.0137 1.0168 630.5053 691,6189 1.0138 1,0203 28 1.0169 2570.0020 631.5222 692.6392 1•0139 1.0169 1.0204 632.5391 69396596 29 I 0139 1.0204 1.0170 633.5561 69416800 30 3 JO M 99 1.0194113 1,019514 554-3874 13 555.4005 141 556.4136 1 558.4409 171 559.4532 I 1,0297117 20 21 563.5066 22 564.5201 : 5655336 2 567.5608 25 1,020327 2-1 569.5882 2 571,6159 $72.6298 II M What are A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 269 g II Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts | Diffe Minutes 10 min Minuies 3C 1.0205 31 1.0200 32 1.0206 3? 1.0207 1.020834 36 38 gi 141 42 42 35 1.0208 36 1.0209 1.0209 1.0210 39 1.021) 40 1.0211 1.0212 1.0213 1.0253 42 44 1.0214 1.0214 1.0215 46 1,0216 47 1.0210 4 € 45 1.0217 5C 1.0217 51 1.0218 I 0219 52 1.029 75 572.6298 633.5561 1.0139 694.6800 1.0171 573,6437 634.5732 695.7005 31 1.0140 1.0171 574.6577 635.5903 696.7211 32 1.01 40 1.0172 575 6717 636.6075 697:7417 32 1.0141 576,6858 1.0172 637.6247 6987624 34 1.0141 577.6999 638 6420 1.0173 699.7832 35 1.0142 5787141 1.0173 639.6593 1.0142 700.8040 1.0174 579.7283 37 640.6767 L0143 1.0174 701.8249 38 580 7426 641.6941 I 0143 702.8458 1.0175 581.7569 39 642.7116 10144 582.7713 703.8668 1.0176 40 643.7292 70.1.8879 5837858 1,0145 1.0176 1.0145 644.7458 1.0177 705.9090 584.8003 1.0145 645.7645 706.9302 585.8148 1.0177 43 1.0146 646.7822 586.8294 1.0178 707.9515 44 647.8000 1,0146 $ 87,8440 1.0178 708.9728 45 648.8178 709.9942 1.0147 1.0179 40 580.8587 1,0147 649.8357 1.0180 7110156 47 1.0148 650.8537. 1.0180 712.0371 48 590.8882 1.01481651.8717| 1.0181 713.0587 49 591 9030 L.0149 652.8898 1,0181 714.0803 50 592.9179 653.9079 715 1020 1,0149 1,0182 51 593.9328 1.0182 716.1237 2 594 9478 1,01 go 655.9443 1.0183 717.1455 531 595.9628 656.9626 1.0151 718:1674 L.0183 541 596.9779 657.9809 1.0152 719.1893 1,0184 55 597.9931 658.9993 720.2113 10152 1.0185 599 0082 56 660.0178 121.2334 1.0153 1.0185 600.0236 57 661,0363 1.0153 1.0186 722.2555 $8601.0389 662,0549 1.0186 723.2777 1.0133 59 602.054 663.0735 1.0154 724.2999 60 603.0696 1.0187 664.6922 725.3222 M 9 NA 1 $89.8734 1.0150054.9261 53 1.022054 59 1.0221 $0 1.0221 57 1.0222 1.0222 59 1.0223 60 M 58 2 IO II 270 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts 12 13 14 Mer. Parts. Differ. Merid. Prs. , Differ. Mer. Parts i Differ. Minutes 1 Minutes of 2 IC 10314 801.1 549 725 3222 786.7799 848.4856 1.0224 1.0264 Il 726-3446 1.0307 787.8463 849.5163 -1.0224 1.0264 1,0357 727 3670 788.8327 850.5470 1.0225 I 0265 31728.3895 1.0308 789.8592 851.5778 3 1.02 26 1 0266 4 729'4121 1.0309 790.8858 852.6087 4 1.0226 1.0266 10309 s 730'4347 791.9124 853 6396 IS 1.0227 1.0267 1.03.10 6 731.4574 854.6700 6 792.9391 1.0228 1.0267 1.0311 7 732.4832 7 855.7017 793.9658 1.02 28 1.0268 1.0312 & 733.5030 856.7320 8 794.99 26 1.0229 1.0269 1,0313 9 734'5259 857.7642 9 756.0195 1.0229 1.0269 1735 5488 1.0313 858.7955 797'0464 1,0230 1,0270 859.8269 u 736.5718 11 798.0734 1,0231 1.0271 8608584 1,0315 12 2 737-5 949 799.1005 1.0272 861,8900 1,0316 13 738.6180 1.0231 800.1277 13 1,0232 1.0272 862.9216 1,0316 14 14 739,6412 1,C233 1.0273 862.9533 10317 15) 740.6545 802.1822 15 1.0233 1.0274 864,9851 1.0318 16 741.6878 803.2096 1,0275 1,0319 17| 742 7112 17 1,0235 1.0275 1.0319 181 743.7347 80s 2646 867.0489 18 1.0276 1.0320 19744-75821.0234 806,2922 868.0809 9 1.0226 1.0321 20 20 745.7818 807.3199 1.0277 1.0322 211 746.8055 870.1452 1.0278 1.0322 22 747.8292 871.1774 22 1.0238 1.0279 J.0323 231 748.8530 810.4033 872.2097 1.0239 1,0280 1.0324 241 749.8769 811.4313 1.0280 873,2421 24 1.0325 251 750-9008 7509008 874.2746 25 1.0240 1.0281 1.0325 26 751.9248 813.4874 875.3071 26 1.0240 1.0282 1.0326 27 752.9488 814.5156 876.3397 27 1.0241 1.0282 1.0327 281 753.9729 815.5438 877.3724 1.0242 1,0283 1:03 28 291 754.9971 816.5721 878.4052 29 1.0242 1.0284 1.0329 30756.0213 817,6005 879.4381 M . 2 12 14 M 10 1.0234 804.2371 866.0170 1.0277 869.1130 1,0237808.3476 1.0237 809.3754 21 23 1.0239 812.4593 28 30 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 271 Minutes 11 vingies 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.0334139 30 1.0335139 38 1.0336139 4C 828 9174 845.3941 | 1.0304 1 2 13 14 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. 756.0213 817.6005 879.4381 30 1.0243 1.0284 1.0330 818.6289 880.4711 757.0456 31 1.0244 1.2285 881.5041 1.0330 819.6574 758.0700 32 1.0244 1,0286 882.5372 1.033 75 9944 820.6860 1.0245 1.0287 760 1189 1.0332 821.7147 833 5704 34 1.0246 1.0287 884-6037 1.0333 822.7434 761'1435 35 1.0246 1.0288 762,1681 1,0313 823.7722 885 6370 1.0247 1.0289 763.1928 824.8011 886.6704 1,0248 1.0290 7642176 1.0335 825.8301 837:7039 1.0249 1.0290 765,2425 826.8591 888.7374 766.2674 I 0249 1.0291 827.8882 889.7710 1,0250 1,0292 890.8047 1.0337 767,2924 41 41 1.0251 1.0293 768.3175 1,0338 829.9467 891.8385 42 1,0251 1.0293 769.3426 1.0339 830.9760 892,8724 43 1.0252 1.0294 832.0054 1.0340 893.9064 +4 1.0295 894.9404 1.034) 771 3931 1.5 1.0253 1.0295 1.0341 834.0644 1.0298 895.9745 1.0254 835.0940 1.0342 897.0087 47 1.0297 898.0430 1.0343 48 1.0344 837.1534 1.0298 49 1.0256 1 0344 838.1832 50 1.0256 1,0299 1.0345 839.2131 901.1463 51 777.5459 51 1.0300 1.0346 1.0257 840.2431 1,0300 902.1809 1.0347 841•2731 903.2156 531 779.5974 153 10258 10301 1.0347 842.3032 904.2503 1'0259 1,0302 843.3334 905.2851 55 I 0260 1,0303 1.0349 906.3200 1.0261 844.3637 1.0304 1.0350 571 783.7012 907.3550 57 1.0262 1.0351 $81 784 7274 1°0262 846.4245 908-3901 1.0305 1,0352 847.4550 909.4253 59 1.0263 1.0306 60 786.7799 848.4856 910.4600 13 14 M Nn 2 42 43 44 770.3678 1,0253 833.0349 40 772.4184 47| 773.4438 148 774.4692 49 775.4947 501.776.5203 1.0254 1.0255 836.1237| 1.0297 899,0774 900.1 118 52 778,5716 1,0258 52 54 780.5232 551781.6491 50 782.6751 1.034854 156 58 59 785.7536 1.0353160 M 12 272 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts 10 IS 1 17 Mer. Parts. Differ. Murid. Prs. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes 1 Minutes! ol 974.8058 ago 1046711 I 2 910 4606 972.7260 il 911.4959 1.0353 973.7064 21 9125313 1.035+ 1.0355 31 913.5668 975.8473 914-6024 1.0356 4 976.8879 915.6380 1.0356 9 77.9286 6 916.6737 1.0357 978.9694 21 917.7095 1.0358 980.0103 81 918.7454 1.0359 986.0513 9919.7814 1.0360 982.0923 1.0350 920*8174 10 983.1334 921.8535 1921. 1,0361 984.1746 12 922.8897 1,0362 13 923.9260 1.0363 985.2159 141 924.9624 1.03611 986,2573 1,0365 98762988 15 925.9989 988.3404 ! 6 927.0354 1.0365 1.0366 989.3821 191 928.0720 18] 929.1087 1.0367/ 990.4238 1.0368 991.4656 19 930.1455 992.5075 20 931.182 1.0369 4 993.5495 1.0369 21 932.2193 1.0370 994.5916 22 933.2563 1.0371 995.6338 231 934'2934 996.6761 1.0372 24 935 3306 1.0273 997.7185 291936.3679 998.7610 1,0374 26 937-4053 999,8035 271 938.4428 1000.8461 28 939.4803 1001.8888 1.0376 291 940.5179 10C2.9316 1002.9745 M 5 16 1035,339 1.0404 1.0457 1036.3496 1,0404 1,0458 2 1037.3954 1.0405 1.0457 1038.4413 3 1.0406 1.0460 1039.4873 4 1.0407 1.046! 1040 5334 1.0408 1.0462 6 1041.5796 1.0409 1.0463 1042,6259 7 1.0410 1.04651 8 1943,6724 1.0410 1.0465 1044.7189 9 1.0411 1.0466 IO 1045.7655 1.0412 1046 8122 1.0413\10478590 1,0468 1.0414 1.0469 1048.9059 13 1.0415 1,047014 1049.9529 1.0416 1.0471 105 10oCo IS 10'417 ' 10471|15 105 2.0471 1.0417 1,047217 1053.0943 1.0418 1.0473118 1054.1416 1.0419 1.0474 1055.1890 9 1.0420 1.0475 1056.2305 2c 1,0421 1.0476 10572841 21 1.0422 1.0477 1058.3318 22 1,0423 J.0478 1059.3796 1.0479 24 1.0480 45 1,0425 1.0481 1062.5236 26 1.0426 1.0482 1062.5718 27 1.0427 1.0483 1064,6201 28 I 0428 1.0484 1065.6685 29 1 0429 1.0485 1066.7170 30 17 MI 23 1.0424 1060 4275 1,0425 1061,4755 1.0375 1.0375 34_941.55551 1.0377 : al New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 273 16 1.7 15 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes 21 Minuteslim 1.0486 1.0487 1-0488/32 33 1,0381 34 35 36 1.0489 1.0490 1.0191 1 0491 1.0492 1,0493 1.9494 1 0495 37 38 39 40 1049041 42 1.0388 1.0389 30 941.5556 31 9+2,5934 32 943.6313 331 944.6692 341 945.7072 351 946.7453 36 947.7835 371 948.8218 38 949.8602 391 950,8987 10951.9372 411 9529758 +21 954.9145 431 955.0533 441 956.0922 +51 957.1312 40 958.1703 47 959.2094 481 960.2486 49.961.2879 50 962,3273 I 521 964,4064 531 265.4469 541 966.4857 55967.5255 56 968.5654 571 969.6054 58 970.6455 59 971.6857 60 972.72 60 IS 1003 9745 1066.7170 1.0378 1.0430 1005 0175 1.67.7650 1.0379 1.0431 1006,0606 1008,8143 1.0379 1.0432 1007.1038 1069.8631 1,03 80 1008.1471 1 0133 1070.9120 1,0434 1009.1905 1071.9610 1.0382 1010.2339 1.0434 1373.0101 1.0383 1.0435 L011.2774 1074.0592 1'0384 1012.3210 1.0430 1075 1084 1 0385 1.0437 1013:3647 1076.1577 1.0385 1014-4085 1.0438 1977.207 1.0380 1.0139 1015-4524 1078.2566 1.0387 1.0440 1016.4964 1079.3062 1017'5405 1018.5847 -1.0390 1019.6290 1.0391 1020.6734 10391 1021:7178 1.0392 1C22.7623 108540000 1.0393 1,0446 1023.8059 1086:6564 1.0394 1.0447 1024.8516 1087.7069 1,0395 1025.8964 1.0448 1088.7575 1.0449 1089.8082 1,0396 1,0450 1027.9863 1090.8589 1.0397 1.0451 1091.9097 1029.0314 1•0398 1.0452 1030,0766 1092.9606 1.0399 1.0453 1031.1219 1094.0116 I 0400 1.0454 1032.1673 1095 0627 1'0401 1.0455 1933.2128 1096.1139 1,0402 1.0455 1034.2583 1097.1652 1.0403 1.0456 1035.3039 1098.2166 16 17 1,04411080.3559 1.0412 1081.4057 1.0443 1032 4556 1.0444,1083.5050 1.044411084.5557 1.0445 77 48 49 5 963.3668 1,0396 1026.9413 1.0457 43 1.0498 44 1.0499 45 1.osoo 46 1.0501 10503 1.0504 1.0505 1.0506 51 1.0507 52 1.0507 52 1.0508 54 1.0509 55 1.0510 1.0511 57 1.OS 12 1.0513 59 1.0514 60 56 58 M 274 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 18 19 20 Minutesi Mer. Parts, Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer, Parts Differ. Minutesi - present 2 mo 1098.2 166 1161.4871 11C99 2681 1.0515 1162.5448 21109.3197 1,0516 1163.6026 1.0517 i101.3714 3 1164.5605 1.0518 4 1102.4232 1165 718 1.0519 1103 4751 155.7766 1.0520 C1104 5271 1167.83481 1.0521 7 IUS.5792 1168.8931 I 0522 81106.6314 0169.9515 1.0523 9 11076838 1171.010 1108.7362 1.0524 1172.0686 1.0525 1111109 7887 1173 1273 1.0526 121110.8413 11 74.1861 13 1111.8940 1.0527 1175,2450 1.0528 141[112.9468 1176.3041 1.0529 151113.9997 1177.3633 1.0530 161215.0527 1178.4226 171116.1058 1.0531 1179.4820 180117.1590 1.0532 1180.5415 19/11 18.21 24 1,0534 1181.6011 201119.2658|1.0534 1182.6608 21 120.3193 22 1121.3729 1184.7805 231 122.4266 24 11 23.48.94 1,038 251124.5343 261125.5883 27 11 25.6425 281127.6967 1191,1424 291128.7511 1.0544 1192.2031 1129.8056 M 18 19 1 2251390 1.0577 1.0578 12 26.2022 1.0579 1227.2676 1.0580 1228.3321 1.058111229.3967 1230 4614 1.0582 1,05831231.5262 1.0584 1232.5911 1.0585 1233.6561 1.0586 1234.7212 12357865 1,0587 1.0588 1236 8519 1.0589 1237.9174 1.0591 1238 9830 1,0592 I 240.0487 1241,1145 1.0593 1242.1804 1.0594 1.0595 1243.2464 1.0596 1244.3126 1245-3785 1.0597 1246.4453 1.0598 1.0599 1 247.5118 1.0600 1248.5784 1.0601 I 249.6451 1.0603 1 2 50.7120 1 251.7.790 1.0005 1.0606 1252.8461 1.0607 1253.9133 1.0608 1254 9806 1,0609 1256.6480 1257.1156 20 1.0642 1.0644 1.0645 1.0646 3 1.0647 41 1.0648 6 1.0649 7 I, 650 8 1.0651 1.0653 9 10 1,06541 1,0655 [ 2 1055 1.065 13 1.065 4 55 1,0659 6 1,0660 1.0662 17 18 1.0063 19 1.0661 ܝܐ 1.05351183.7206 1.0530 |181.780; 1.05371185.8405 1186.906 10539 1187.6609 1.0540 1189.0213 1.0541 1190.0818 1.0543 1.0665 21 1.0660 22 1 0667 1.0669 23 1.06724 25 27 1.0671 26 1.0672 1.0672 28 1.0674 29 1.0674 39 IM 1.0545|1193.2639 . A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parcs. 275 20 PU Minuteslim Minutes and in mm 1.0678 31 34 36 1.0617 1.0553 1202.8560 1.0554 -1.610931 18 19 Mer. Parts, | Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. [129.8050 1193.2369 1257.1156 1.0546 1.0609 1130.8602 1.0677 II 194.3248 1258.1833 32 131.9149 110547 1.0610 1195.3858 1259.2511 1.0548 1.0611 33 1 -0679 132,9697 1196.4469 12 60.3190 1,0549 1 0612 1.0680 33 24 1134,0245 1197.5081 1261.3870 1,0550 1.0613 1.068 25/1135.0796 1198.5694 1262.4551 35 1.0551 1.061 36 1130.1347 1.0682 1199,6309 1263-5233 1.0551 137.1898 1.0616 1200.6925 1 0684 1264.5917 I'0552 37 1138.2450 38 1201 7542 1.0685 12656602 1.0618 29 1,068638 91139.3003 1266.7288 1 140.3557 1.0619 39 1203.8779 1267.7975 1.0687 45 1.0555 1.0620 11141.4112 1 0688 12049399 1208.8663 1142,4669 1.0557 1,062, 1 206.0020 1269 9352 1 0689 1.0622 4311143.5227 42 1207.0642 1.0691 1271 0043 441'144.5786 1.0569 1208,1265 1,0623 43 1.0692 1272,0735 1.0624 441 +5 1145.6340 1.0550 1 209.1889 1273.1428 10 1146.6907 1.0561 106:6 1210,2515 1.0694 1274 2122 1.0562 1,0627 +7 1147.7469 46 1211.3142 1.0695 1275.2817 48 1148.8032 1.0563 1.0628 47 1212.3770 1 0697 1275.3514 1.0564 1.0629 19 1149.8596 1213'4399 1.0598 1.0620 1277.4212 15 1.0566 501150,9162 12145029 1278.4911 J.0699 5 SIT151.9728 1,0566 1.0631 1215.5660 1.0567 52 1152.0295 1.0632 1216.6292 51 1.0701 1280.6312 1,0568 52 1314153.0863 1,0633 12176925 1281.7015 1.0703 1.0569 51955.1432 53 1218.7559 1.0634 1282.7719 1.0704 5511156.2002 1.0570 54 1.0636 1219.8195 1283.8424 1.0705 55 561157.2573 1.0571 1,0637 1220.8832 1.0706 10573 1284.9130 57 058.3146 56 1.06 38 1.0707 1221.9470 1159.3720 1285-9837 1.0639 12 23.0109 1287.0545 59 160.4295 1.0640 1.0710 1288.1255 1224.0749 SS 6011161.487 i 1.0576 1.0641 1225.1390 1.0711 1289.1966 66 M 18 19 1.0558 18 1279.5611 1.0700 10574 1.0575 1.070837 58 20 276 A new and correct Tahle of Meridional Parts, 2 I 22 23 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes ! Minutes 1.0786 1418.6295 10864 I 1.07'311355 8422 2 421.8892 1.0867 alur two 1.08748 1 9 1 10 II 1.07241365 5565 1.07251366.6365 1.087912 13 01289.1966 1353 6849 1.0712 11 290.2678 1354.7635 1419.7159 21291.3391 1.0787 I 0866 1.0714 1420,8025 3 [292.4105 1356.9211 I 0789 10716 3 41293 4821 1358 0001 1.0790 I'0868 1422.9760 4 1'08 o 5 1294.5538 1.0717 1359 0792) 10791 1424.0630 61295.6256 1.0718 1360.1584 10792 1 0871 1425.1501 6 1 0719 7.1296 6975 1363.2378 1.0794 1426.2373 1'0872 7 81297.7696 10721 1362 3173 1.0795 1427.3 247 9.1298 8418 1.0722 1363 3969 1.0796 1428.4122 1.0875 101299.9141 1.0723 1364 4700 1.0797 1.0876 1429.4998 11300.9865 1 0799 1.0878 1430 5876 1 0800 I 2 1/02.0590 1 0720 131303.1316 1431 6755 1.0801 1367 7166 I 0880 1432.7635 141304.2044 1.0728 1368 7969 1 0803 Io889 14338917 14 151305.2773 1.0729 1369 8773 1 0804 1'0880 1434.9400 15 161306.3503 10730 1370.9578 1.0805 16 1.0806 1.0731 171307.4234 1372 0384 1'0886 17 1437.1171 1.0733 181308.4967 1.08 8 1473.1192 1.0887 1438.2058 18 1 0734 191309.5701 1374.2001 1,0809 1.0888 1439:2947 1.0810 19 201310,6436 1.0735/1375.2811 1 089 1440 3837 211311.7172 1.0736 1.0812 1376 3623 221312-7909 1 0737 +377 4436 1442.5621 1.0893/22 23|1313,86481 10739113785250 1.0894 1443.6515 110815 241314.9388 1.0740 1379.6065 1 0896 1444.7411 24 251316.01291 1.0741 1380 6882 I 0897 1445.8308 25 2013170871 1 0742 138.7700 1.0818 26 27 13 18 16 15 1.0744 1382.8519 1.0819 I 0900 27 281 319,2360 1.0745 1.0821 1383.9340 1. 07491385.0162 1.0822 1449 1007 1.0902 I 0823 1450.1909 29 30 132 1.38531 1.07471386 0985 1.0904 1451.2813 30 M 23 1436.0285 | 1.0885 20 21 1441.4728 1.0891 1.0813 1.0814 23 1•0817 1476 9206 1.0898 1448 0106 1.090128 29 1320-3106 10746 21 22 M A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 277 21 22 23 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes in Minutes wall 34 36 1.0757 38 39 41 1.0840 1.0922 42 1.0843 2011321.3853 1386.0985 1.0748 1.0825 31 1322.4601 1387.1810 1,0750 110826 3211323.5351 1388.2636 1.07SI 1.0827 331324.6 102 1389.3463 1.0752 1.0829 3411325.6854 13904292 1,0754 1.0830 3511326.7608 1391.5 122 1,0831 361327.8363/ 1.0755 1392.5953 3711 328.9119 1.0756 1.0832 1393.6785 1.0834 381329.9876 1394.7619 1'0835 3911331.0634 10758 1395.8454 1.0760 1.0836 4011332.1394 1396.9290 411333.2155 1.0761 1'0838 1398 0128 1,0762 1•0839 4211334,2917 1399.0967 431335.3680 1.0763 1400,1807 1.0842 44 1336.4445 1.0765 1401.2649 451337.5211 1.0766 1402.3492 401338.5978 1.0767 1.0844 1403.4336 47 1339,674.6 1'0846 1.0768 1404-5182 48 1340.75 16 1.0770 1'0847 1405.6029 1:084.8 49 1341.8287 501342.9059 1•0849 1.0772 1407.7726 1.0851 511343,9832 1408.8577 5211345 0607 1409.9429 5311346.1383 1.0776 1.0853 1411,0282 54 0347 2160 1.0855 1.0777 1412.1137 1.0778 5511348.2938 1.0856 1413.1993 56 1.0780 [•0858 1349.3718 1414.2851 1.0781 571350.4499 1415-3710 $81351.528 1.0800 1416.4570 1.0783 5911352,6064 1'0862 1417.5432 6011353.6849) 1.0785 1.6863 1418 62951 MI 1451.2813 } 1.0905 1452.3718 31 1.0907 1453.4625 32 1-0908 1454 5533 33 1.0909 1455.0442 1.0911 1456.7353 35 1.0912 1457.8265 10913 1458.9178 37 1.0915 1460.0093 1,0916 1461.1009 1.0917 1462 1926 Io919 1463.2845 41 1.0920. 1464.3765 1465 4687 43 1.0923 1466.5610 44. 1.0925 1467.6535 45 1468.7461 1.0926 46 1.0927 1469.8388 47 I 0929 1470.9317 1.0930 1472.0247 49 1.0931 1473.1178 so 1.0933 14742111 51 1,0934 1475 3045 $2 1.0936 1476.3981 52 1.0937 1477.4918 94 1.0939 14785857 55 1.0940 1479.6797 1480.7738 , 1.0941 57 1.0943 1481.8521 1.0944 1482,9629 55 14840571 1.0946 6c 23 M 1.0771|1406.6872 48 1.0773 1.0775 1.0852 1.0859 56 1.0782 $8 21 22 Oo Minures Minutes 1 1.0947 1551.0987 1.09491552.2023 1.09501553.3061 1.09531555.5141 1.10381618.6976 1 09501557.7226 1493 9146 1.0958 101495.0100 1.0960 i 105016287203 10963|1563 24661 278 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts, 24 25 26 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. 01484.0571 1549 9952 1616.4721 1.1035 11485.1518 1617.5848 1.5127 1.1036 1.1128 2 1486.2467 311487.3417 16198100 1•1130 3 10951 11039 4 1488 4368 1554.4100 4 1620 9238 1'1132 I 1041 11133 51489.532 1 1622.0371 5 1.09541556 6183 I 10.42 61490.6275 I 113516 1623.1506 I.1043 11136 7.1491.7231 1624.2642 7 I1045 1625.3780 1.1138 81492.8388 1095715588271 8 I'1046 1559 9317 1626 4919 1'1139 9 I'1048 1561:0365 1627.60601:1141 10 1.0961 11 1496.1067 1562 1415 1628 1.105 I 12 1497.2030 1629.8347 I 09641564.3519 L.1053 13 1498.2994 I 1146 1630.9793 13 11054 1:1148 341499.3960 1632.C641 14 1.0967 1'1149 151500.4927 1633-1790 15 1634.2941 1•1059 1'1152 1568 7745 1635.4093 17 1:1060 181503,7837) 1.0971 15698805 1636.5247 1.1155 191504.8810 I 097311570 9866 1637-6402 19 1.0974 I.10(-3 11157 201505.9784 1572 0929 1638.7559 1.0976 1573.1994 1.1065 1.1158 201507.0760 21 1 09771574.3000 231508.1737 I. I 160 1640 9877 22 1.1162 1 0979 23 2311509,2716 1.1164 15765197 1643.2203 24 1.0981 11071 25115 11:4677 1644-3368 25 1.1072 311578 7340 2015 13.5660 1645 4535 1.1074 1.09841579.8414 1,1168 2715136644 640.5703 27 1.09861580 5489 I.1075 281514.7630 1647.6873 1582.0566 1.1077 1648-8045 1.1079 301516.9606 1.0989-7583.1645 1649'9218 M 25 25 M 1.1.14311 I.1144112 1.09661565 4573 1.115116 1566.5629111056 16 1501.5896 10969 1567 6686 1.1057 171502.6866 1.0970 1.115418 1,1061 20 1:1066639.8717 1:1068 I•10691642.1039 1.1165 1.1167 26 1575.4128 241510 3696 1.0980 1577 6268 I 098 291515.8617 1098 1.117028 1.117229 1173130 24 1 New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 279 : 25 24 Mer. Parts, Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. ||Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes to Minutes1.01. 1.1085 16543921 $ . 1,1088 I 1094 1•1095 1662.2231 39 41 42 30 1516.9606 RUISI 518.0596 321519.1988 3311520,2581 3411521.3576 3510522.4572 3611523.5577 3711524.6569 381525.7569 391526.8571 1011527.9574 111529.0579 42 1530,1585 431531.2593 4411532,3602 45 1031.4613 401534,5625 47 1535.6639 48115367654 19 1037.8671 5011538.9689 5111540,0 '09 520 541.1730 53 1542.2753 54 1543,3777 S51544-483 16 1945.5830 57 1546.6858 $8 1547.7883 591548.8919 6011549 0052 M 24 1583.1645 1.0990 1.1080 1584,2725 1.0992 1.1082 1585.3807 1 0993 1.1083 1986.4890 1.0995 1587.5975 1.0996 1.1086 1588.7001 1.0998 1589.8149 1.0999 I.1089 1590.9238 I.1000 L1091 1.1002 1592.0329 l'IC92 1593.1421 I.1003 1594.2515 1.1005 I.I 006 1595.3610 1•1097 1.1008 1596.4707 I.1059 1.1009 !597'5800 1.I 100 1.1011 1598:6906 1.II02 1599.8008 1-1012 1.1103 1600 9111 1.1014 1602.0216 1,1015 II 106 1603.1322 1.1012 Intos 16042430 1.1018 1.III 1605 3540 1.1020 1.1111 1606:4651 1.1021 1.1113 1607.5764 1,1023 1,1114 1608.6878 1.1024 1.1116 1.1020 [609.7994 LI117 1610.9511 1.1027 1:1119 1612.0230 1. 1028 1.11 20 1613.1350 I.1030 I. I 122 1.1031 1614.2472 I'1124 11033 1615.3596 1,1125 1616.4721 25 1649.9218 1.1175 1651.039; 31 1117 1652.1564 32 11178 165 3.2747 33 11180 34 1018 1655.5108 35 1.II 183 1656.6291 26 I 1185 1657.7476 37 1,1186 1658.8662 38 1,1188 1659.9850 1661.1040 1.1190 1,1191 41 1.1193 1663:3424 1.1194 1664.4618 43 1.1196 1665.5814 44 1.1198 1656.7012 I. 1199 1667.8211 40 1. 1201 47 1670.0615 I 1203 1.1204 1676.1819 1.1206 1672.302 1.1207 1673.4232 1,1209 1674.5441 1.12II 1675.6652 1.1213 1676.7865 1.2214 1677.9079 1.1216 1679 0295 $ 1.2217 1680.1512 57 1.1219 1681.2731 1.1221 1632.3952 $$ 1.1222 6C 1683.51741 26 M M 4 1.1105 1068.9412 48 45 inlnunla 158 002 A 280 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts, 27 28 29 Minures Mer. Paris. Differ. Mer. Parts. ID iffer. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes 1 I'1228 754.5602 1755 6934 1.1332 4 antro 1826 3000 1.1234 L:1457113 14 0 1683.5174 1751.1617 1819.4366 1•1224 1.1327 11684.6398 1752.2944 1820 5800 1.1434 I. 1226 21685.7624 1753.4272 1.1328 1821.7236 1.1436 3116868852 I 11330 1822.8674 1.1438 3 I 1229 41688.0081 1824.0114 1.1449 4 I'1231 1756 8268 I 1334 51689.1312 1825.1556 I'1442 61690.2544 1.1232 1.1335 I 14446 1757.9603 1759 0940 1.1337 71691.3778 11446 1827.4446 81692.5014 1,1236 1760 2279 15339 1828.5894 !'1448 8 I•1237 11341 9 1693,6251 1761.3620 1.1449 1829 7343 9 I.1239 I'1342 1011694.7490 1762 4962 18308794 1.1451 111695.8731 1. I 241 I 1344 1763 6306 1.145311 183.2 024.7 121696.9973 1.12421764.7652 I 1346 1.1455 12 1833.1702 13 1698.1217 1.12441765.9000 1.1348 1834:3159 141699.2463 1.1246 1.1350 1767 0350 1.1459 1835-4618 1.1248 1 1351 151700'3711 1768.1701 183.6.6078 I•1460 15 1769.3054 1.1353 1837-7540 1.1251 I.1355 1741702.6211 1'1464 1770 4409 1838.9004 17 1771.5765 1.1356 1:1406 181703,7464) 1:1253 18 1941704.8718. 12541772:7123 1.1468 1841.1938 19 201705.9974 I•1256 1842.3408 21 1707.1232 I.f258 1843.4880 221708 2491 1•125911776 1209 1:1364 1844.6354 1:1366 1:1475 231709.3752 1845 7829 23 1.1263 241710 5015 1778.3942 1.1367 1.1264 1846.9306 1.1369 251711.6279 1779:5311 25 I 12661780 6682 201712.7545 1.1371 1849.2266 1.1481127 1.1268 271713'8813 1781.8055 1.1373 1850.3.749 1.1483 27 1.1374 1851.5234 1,1485 281715.0083 28 J. 1271 1784.0805 1.1376 2910916.1354 1852.6721 I.1487 29 1.1378 301717.2627 | 1:13731785.2183 1853.8209 1:1488 30 M 27 28 29 M 1.1462 16 701.4960 1:1 249 1,13581840 0470 1773.8483_1.1360 1774.984511:1362 1 1470 20 1.147221 1.1474/22 1.1 261 1777:2575 I 147724 1848.0785 1.9479 1.L270 1782.9429 ... A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 281 2 Minutesland Minutes and 32 2 1.14963 34 54 36 1.150413) I Hermann 1.1506/38) 27 28 Mer. Part , Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 1717.2627 1785.2183 1853.8209 30 1,1274 1.1380 1718.3901 1,1490 1786.3563 31 1854.9699 31 1.1276 1.1382 1.1492 1719.5177 178704945 32 1856.1191 1.1278 1.1383 1 1494 1720.6455 1788,6328 1857,2685 3? 1.1280 1.1385 1721.7735 1789.7713 1858.4181 11282 1.1387 1.1498 1 722.9017 1790.9100 1859.5679 35 31 1.1283 1.1389 1.1500 301724 0300 179 2,0489 1860.7179 1.1285 1,1391 1.1502 37 1725.1585 1861.8681 1793-1880 I 1287 1.1392 3811726.2872 1794.3272 1863.0185 1.1.289 1.1394 391172714161 17954666 1864 1691 1,1290 1,1396 1.1508 40 728.5451 1796-6052 1865:3199 40 1.1 292 1.1398 1.15.10 1729.6743 41 1866.4709 1797 7460 41 1.1400 1.1294 1730.8337 1,151 1798.8860 1867.6220 42 42 1.1296 1.1513 1.1402 1800.0262 1731.9333 43 1.1403 1.1515 44 1733 0630 1863.924.8 44 1.1 405 1,1517 4511744.1929 21802.3070 1871.0765 I 1407 I.1919 401735-3229 1803 4477 1872,2284 1.1 302 1.1409 1.152) +7 1736.4531 1804.5886 1873'3805 1.1411 1.1523 47 1211737.5835 1874.5328 1.1412 491738:7! 40 1875.6853 49 1.1527 1.1414 1739.8447 1876.8380 50 50 1.1416 1.1529 51740.9756 1877 9909 51 1,1418 1:1531 521742. 1067 1879.1440 1.1420 1.1533 5311743.2380 5.3 1.1422 1.1535 $4/1744.3694 1881.4508. 54 1.1316 1.1536 1745.5010 1813.7222 55 1,1318 1814.8647 1.1425 56 1746:6328 1.1538 1883.7582 111427 571747.7648 1884.9122 1.1429 1.1542 581748.8969 1886.0664 5 1,1431 I.1544 5911750,0292 1887.2208 159 1.1432 6011751.1617 1888.2754 M 27 28 29 M 1868.7733 46 1.12971804.1665 1.1299 1.1300 - 1 46 1,1525148 1.1304 1805.7297 1.1305 1806.8709 1,1307 1808.0123 1.1309 1809.1539 1.1311|1810.2957 1.131311811.4377 1.1314 1812.5799 52 1880.2973 1.1423 1882.6044 1.1540 50 1.320 1816.0074 1,1321|1817,1503 1.1323 1818.2934 1.132511819.4266 1.1546160 ! 282 A new and corre&t 'Table of Meridional Pares. 32 30 Mer. Parts Differ. | Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ Minutesl 01 Minutes 1 mm 2 I 2 ro 1.1681 1,1573 1.1821 1888.3754 1958.0124 2028.3837 1.1548 1.1668 i 1889,5302 1.1794 1959.1792 2029.5631 1.1550 1.1670 211890.6852 1960.3462 2030.7427 1.1796 1.1552 1,1672 1891.8404 3 1961.5134 1.1798 3 2031.9025 1.1554 1,1674 1.1 800 4 1892.9958 1962-6808 4 2033.1225 1,1506 1,1679 1.1802 5 1894.1514 1963.8484 2034.2827 1.1558 1.1678 1.1803 61895.4072 1965.0162 2035.4630 1.1560 916.1841 1.1679 711896.4638 2036.6435 1.1805 7 1.1561 81897.6193 1967.3522 1.1 807 8 1.1563 2037.8242 1,1683 1968 5205 9 1898.7756 1.1809 9 2099.005 1 11555 1.1685 1.1811 101899.93.21 1969.6890 2040.1852 1,1567 1.1687 1.1813 I 1901.0888 1970.8572 1.1689 2041.3675 1.1569 1.1816 121902.2457 972.0260 1,1571 12 2042.5491 1.1691 1,1818 131903.4028 1973.1957 2043.7309 13 1.1694 14.1904.5601 14 1,1575 1974.3651 1.16072044.9130 151905.7176 1.1823 2046.0958 1975.5147 15 1,1698 1.1577 161906,8753 1.1825 16 1976.7045 2047.2778 1.1 701 1.1579 17 1908.3332 1.1828 1977.8746 2048,4606 1.1582 17 18 1909.29.4 1.1584 1979.0449 1.1705 2049.6436 1,1832 19 1910.3498 2050.8 268 1980.2154 1.1586 1.1707 1.1825 2011911 5094 40 1981.3861 2052,0203 211912.6671 1,1709 1.1587 1982.5570 2053.1940 1.1711 1.1989 22 1913 8260 1983-7281 1,1591 1.1713 2054.3779 23 1914.9851 1984.8994 1.1719 2055.5620 lil593 241916.1444 1986.0709 1.1595 2056.7463 1,1716 1911917'3039 1987.2425 2057:9307 26 1918 4636 1.1719 11597 1988.4144 1.1599 2059.1154 1•1721 271919.6235 1989.5865 2.60.3003 27 1.1601 1•1723 1.1851 18 28 1921.7836 206 1.4854 1.1603 1.1725 29 1920.9439 1.1605 2062 6707 1991.9313 1.1727 1.1855 30 1923 1044 2063.8562 M 30 M 31 32 1.1703 1,183018 19 1,18371-1 1.183922 1184123 1.1843 124 44 25 1.1844 1.184726 1.1849 127 1990.7588 1.1853 29 1993.1040 30 M .. A new and correet Table of Meridional Parts. 283 30 31 32 Mer. Part Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minuteslim Minutesi 30 1,1857 1.1860 31 11862132 1.1864 3? 1.1862134 1.1869 1.1872 36 1.1874 37 1.7876 35 38 1.1878135 1.1880 1,188214 1.188414? 1923 1044 1993.104 1,1607 1924 2651 1994.2769 1,1606 32 1925.4260 1995-4500 1.1611 33.1926.5871 1996.6233 1.1613 34 1927.7484 1.1615 1997.7968 1928.9099 1998.9706 35 7.1617 30/1930.0716 1.1619 2000.1446 32 1931.2335 2001.3188 I 1621 38 1932.3956 2002.4932 1.1623 39 1933 5579 1,1624 2003 6679 +91944.7208 2004.8428 1,1626 11/1935 8829 2006.0179 1.1628 4211937.9457 2007.1932 1.1631 431 1938.2088 2008.3687 1. 1633 +4) 1939.3721 1.1635 2009.5 444 45 1940.8316 2010.7203 46 1941.6993 1.1639 47 1942.8632 1.1641 2013.0727 181944.0273 2014.2492 1,1644 4411945.1917 2015-4258 1.1640 1946.3563 2016,6026 5111947-5211 2017'7796 1.1 649 521948.6860 2018.9569 1.1651 531949.8511 2020.1344 1.1653 541951,0164 202 1.3 122 1952.1819 1.1655 2022.4902 156 1953.3476 1.1657 2023.6684 57/1954.5135 1,1659 2024.8469 1.1.661 58 1955.6796 2.026.0256 59 1958,8459 1.1663 2027.2045 6919$8.0124 1.1665 2028,3837 30 31 2063.8562 1.1729 1.1731 2065.0419 2066.2279 1.1733 2067-414 1.1735 2008.6005 1.1738 2069.7872 1.1740 1,1742 2 2070 9741 1.1744 2072.1613 1.1747 20733487 1.1749 2074.5363 207507241 1.1751 2076.9121 1.1752 2078 1°C3 1.1755 2079.2887 1.1757 2080 4774 1,1759 2081.6663 1.1761 I 1763 2082.8554 2084.0448 1'1765 2085-2344 1'1766 1086.4242 I'1768 2087.6142 1,1770 2088.8044 1,1773 2089 9948 1.1775 1.1778 2091.1855 1.1780 2092 3764 2093.5675 1.1782 1.1785 2094.7589. 1.1787 2095.9505 1.1789 2097.1423 2098.3344 1.1792 2099.5267 32 1.188714 1.1889 ta IS 1.1891 1.1894 46 1.1637 2011.8964 1,1890 +7 1.1898 48 1.1648 1.1900 49 50 1. 1902 51 1.1904 I 1907 1.1909 1.1919 155 1.1914 52 53 54 1.1916150 1.1918/52 5 8 1.1921 59 160 1.1923 M 284 A new and correčt Table of Meridional Parts. 33 34 35 Minutes Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts| Differ Minutes on 1 1.1943 12182:3462 1.1945 2099.5267 1 2100.7192 22101,9119 3/2103.1048 5 2105.4913 6 2106,6849 72107.8787 28 9 2110 2671 2111.4616 11 2112.6564 1 2 2113.8514 132115,0406 142116.2420 1521174377 162118.6335 172119.8297 8 2121.0260 1912122,2225 2012 12 3.4192 21 2124.6162 222125.8134 232 127.0109 242128.2086 25/2 1 29.4065 262130.6047 272131.8031 28|2133.0017 292134.2006 302135.3997 M 33 2171.4807 2244.2868 1.1925 1,2063 1.2210 2172.6870 1.2065 1.1927 2245.5078 1.2212 2173.8935 2 246.7290 2 1.1929 1,2058 1.2214 2175.1003 2247.9504 3 1.1931 1.2070 1.2217 2176.3073 2249:1721 4 1.1934 1.2073 1.2219 2177.5 146 2250.3940 1.1936 1.2075 1.2 221 2178.7221 2251.6161 6 1.1938 1.2078 1.2224 2179.9299 2252.8385 7 I.1941 1.2080 1.2226 2181.1379 8 2254.0611 1.2083 1.2228 2255.2839 9 1.2085 1.2231 2183.5547 2256.5070 1,1948 1.2087 1.2234 2184.7634 2257.7304 1.1950 1.2090 1.2236 2185.9724 2258,9540 (2 1.1952 1.2092 1.2239 2187.1816 2 260.1779 13 1.1954 1.2094 1.2241 2188.3910 226 1.4020 1,1957 1.2097 14 2189.0007 1.2244 2262.6264 15 1.1959 1,2099 1.1247 2190.8106 2263.8511 1.1961 1.2101 1.2249 2192.0207 2265.0760 7 1.1963 1.2104 1.2252 2193.2311 2266.3012 1.1965 18 1.2106 1.2254 2194.4417 2267.5266 1.1967 19 1.2109 1,2257 2195.6526 2268.7523 20 1.1970 I.2 III 1.2260 2209.9783 21 1.1972 1.2262 21980751 22 ·1,1975 1.2116 2271.2045 1.2264 2199.2867 1.1977 1.2118 2272.4309 23 1,2267 2200.4985 24 2 273.6576 1,2121 1.1979 1.2269 2201.7106 2274.8845 25 1.1982 1.2123 1.2272 2202.9229 2276.1117 26 1.1984 ( 2126 1.2274 1.1986 2204.1355 1.2128 2277.3391 27 2205.3483 1.1989 2278.5668 1'2130 1,2279 2206.5613 2279.7947 29 1.1991 1.2133 1.2282 2207.7746 2281.02291 30 34 35 M 16 2196.8637 102114 1.2277 128 . SA's iet A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 285 Minuteslimling Mduies ?1 1.2000 2212.6302 1.2 29 113? 36 38 1.2338/51 2311.8111 33 3+ ༢5 Mer. Part Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 2 207.774 2281 0229 30/2135-3997 30 1.1993 1.2135 1,2285 2208.9881 2282.25 14 311?136.5990 31 1.2138 1.2 287 2 210.2016 137-7086/ 1.1996 22 2283-4801 3 1.2140 1.1998 1.2290 2138.9984 22114159 2284.7091 37 33 1.2143 2140,1984 2285.9383 34 34 1.2003 1.2145 1.2295 3512141.3987 2213-8447 2287.1678 35 1.2005 1.2147 1.2297 36/?142.5992 2288.3975 2215.0594 1.2007 2216.2744 1.2150 1.2300 3712143.7999 2289.6275 37 I 2009 1.2152 1.2302 38/2145.2008 2217.4896 2290.8577 1.2012 1.2155 1.2305 342146.2020 2218.705! 2292.0882 39 1.2014 1,2157 1.2307 40214714034 22 19.9208 2293.3189 40 1,2016 1,2100 1.2310 412148.6050 2221,1368 2294 5499 41 1.2019 1.2162 1,2313 42 2149.8059! 22223530 2295.7812 1.2021 1.2165 4312151,0090 2223-5695 2297.0127 1.2023 2224*7862 1.2167 +42152:2113 2298.2445 1.2170 4512053.4139 2299.4765 15 1.2028 1.2172 1.2323 4012154.6167 2227.2204 2300 7088 [•2174 47 2155.8198 1:2031 2228.4378 2301.9414 1.2033 1.2177 4812157.0231 2229.6555 2303'1742 1.2035 1.2 179 492158.22 66 2230.8734 2304.4073 1,2181 1,2037 1.233? 49 2159.4303 2232.0915 2305.6406 50 1,2184 1.2336 512160,6343 2306 8742 1.2186 522161.8385 2308.1080 1.2189 1.2045 5312163.0430 2235-7474 2309 3421 I.2047 1.2191 1.2344 542164.2477 2236.9665 2310.5765 1.2194 552165.4526 55 1.2052 1.2196 502166.6578 1.2349 2239.4055 2313.0460 1,2054 1.2199 57 2167.8632 1.2352 2240.6254 1.2202 1.2056 582169.0688 1.2354 2241.8456 1.2058 1.2205 5912170.2746 1.2357 2243.0061 2316.7523 602171.4807 1.206 1.2207 2244.2868 2317.9883 6 M 23 34 35 M 1.2315/42 1.231843 1.2320/44 1:202612226.0032 1,232646 1.2328/47 1.233148 1.204012233.3099 1,2042 2234.5 285 1.2341 52 153 1.2049 2228.1859 ! 2346,54: 1 isc 57. 2314.2812 2315.5166 sy 1.2360 Рp Whe 286 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 30 37 38 Minutesi Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer Parts | Differ Minutes 1 1 2 2+72,0692 1.2697 1.2531 1.2534 1.2539 2477.1510 TO Ovalad 1 2385 1.2724 1.2353 2484.7826 1.2720 1.2729 14 2317.9883 2392.6305 12319.2245 1.2362 2393.8828 1,2365 2 2320'4510 2395.1354 1.2367 2321.6977 2396.3882 42322.9347 1.2370 2397.6413 52324.1720 1.2373 239888947 1.2375 6-325.4095 1.2378 2400:1483 712326 6473 1.2380 2401.4022 8,2327.8853 2402.6564 1.2383 92329.1236 2403.9109 09!23.0.362 I 2405.1656 012331.6009 1,2388 2406.4206 122332.8400 1.2391 2407.6759 13 2334.0793 2408.93.15 142335.3189 1.2396 24.10.1873 1,2399 152336.5588 2411.4434 162337.7989 1.2401 1.2404 2412.6998 1712339.0393 1.2407 2413.9565 182340.2800 2415.2135 1.2410 192341.5210 1416.4708 1.2412 20 2442.76 22 2417.7284 2112344.0037 1.2415 2418.9862 1.2417 222345.2454 2420.2443 232346,4874 1,2420 1.2423 2421.5026 2412347.7297 2422.7612 1.2425 25|2348.9722 2424.0201 26 2350.21501 2428 1.2431 2425.2793 272351.4581 2426.5388 1.2433 282352.7014 2427.7986 1.2436 292353 9450 2429.0587 1.2439 302355.1889 2430.3191 M 36 37 2468.2609 1.2523 2469.5301 1.2692 1.2526 2470.7995 1.2694 1.2528 3 1.2700 2473.3392 4 24"4.6095 1.2707 1.2536 2475.8801 1.2706 6 2+77.1510 1.2709 1.2842 7 2478.4222 1.27 1 2 8 1.2545 2479.6937 1.2715 1.2547 9 2480.9655 1.2718 IO 1.2550 2482.2376 1.2721 1.2553 2483.510C [ 2 1.2556 1.2558 13 2486.0555 1.2561 15 1.2564 2488,6022 1.2735 1.2567 17 1.2570 1.2741 2491.1501 1.2573 18 2492.4245 1.2576 2493.6992 20 1.2578 2494.9742 21 1.2581 1.2753 2496.2495 22 1.2583 2497.5251 23 1.2586 2498.8010 1.2759 1,2589 1.2762 2500.0772 25 1.2592 2501.3536 1.2764 26 1.2595 1.2767 2502.6303 1•2598 27 1'2001 2503.9073 1.2604 29 2505.1846 2506.4622 30 38 M 2487.32871 1.2732 16 2489.8760! 1.2738 19 1,2747 1.2747 1.2750 1 2750 24 1.2770128 1,2773 1.2777 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 282 27 Minutesland 36 38 Mer. Part, Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ Minu'es 30 1.2786 3! 1.2782 32 1.2788 32 34 2 1.2612 2509.0185 1 2785 1.2617 2513.5758 1.2791 ; ܐ 2437.08701,2623 1.2794136 37 1.2797 1.2790 1.2803 38 1.280639 40 1.2 809 1,2812/41 1.2474 1.2815142 1.281843 1.2479 1.26462524.3803 2355.1889 2430.2191 2506'4623 1,2441 1.2606 3112356.4330 2431.5797 1.2444 1.2009 2507.7403 32 212357.6774 2432.8400 1.2447 3212358.9221 2434.1018 2510.2970 1.2615 1.2449 2360.1670 34 24:5.3632 1.2452 2361.4122 39 2436.6255 251 2.8549 1.2455 1.2620 362362.3577 2514.1343 1.2458 3712363 9035 1 2460 2439.1493 1.2626 2515.4140 3812365 1495 2440.4119 2516.6940 1.2629 1.2463 58 342356.395 2441.6748 1.2466 1.2631 25179743 702307.6424 2442.9379 2519.2549 1.2468 1.2634 4112368.8892 2444.2013 1.2471 1.2637 2520 5358 4212370.1363 2445-4650 1.2640 2521 8170 432;71.3837 1.2476 2443.7290 1.2643 2523'0985 14412372.6313 24479933 4512373.8792 2449.2579 2525.6624 1.2482 1.2649 462375.1274 1.2485 2450.5228 1.2652 2526.9448 472376.3759 245 1,7880 1.2487 2528.2275 1.2654 1812377.6246 2453.0534 I 2490 2529.5105 49|2378.8736 24543191 1,2492 1.2660 2530.7937 2455.5851 2522.0773 5112381 3723 1.2663 1.2495 24'56.8514 1.2498 1.2666 <212 382,6221 2533-3612 2458.118 1.2500 1.26692534.6454 532283.8721 2459.3849 1.2671 2531.9299 542285.122+ 2460.6520 1'2506 1.2674 2537.2147 55 2286.3730 2461.9194 2938.4998 502 387.6 239 1.2509 1.2677 2463.1871 2539.7852 1.2680 1.251 2 572388.8751 2464.4551 9812390.1266 1.25 IS 2541.0709 1.2683 2465.7234 2542.3569 1.2686 1.2518 592391.3784 2466.9920 602202.6303 2543.6432 1.2521 1.2689 2468.2609) 2544 9298 M 36 37 38 us 1.2830/47 1.2657 1.2821 44 1.2824 1.2827 40 48 1.2832 1.2836 49 50 1.2839 51 1.2842 I 2845 52380 1228 $2 1'7503 1.284853 1.2851 54 5 I 2354 50 1.2857 1.286015? 1.2863 SA 1.286655 6C M IM Рp2 288 A new and correct. 'Table of Meridional Parts. 41 Minutes! 39 40 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ Minutes 01 - 1.3252 1.325 1.3259 1.3262 1.2265 4 1.3068 1.2387|2631.8359 vala 1.3-81 I 2 2897 21 2544.9298 26 22.6 902 1.2869 2546,2167 1.2872 262 3.9958 212547.5039 2625.3617 2548.7914 1.2875 2626.6079 3 1.2878 425500792 1627.9144 1.2881 2.551.3673 2629.2212 5 1.2884 012552.6557 2630,5 284 7 2553 9444 1.2891 812555,2335 2633.437 1.2894 9/2556°5229 2634:4518 1 102557.8126 2635.7602 1,2900 11/2559.1026 2637.0690 1.2903 122560'929 2038 3781 1.2906 132561.6835 2639.6875 1.2909 142562.9744 264009972 1,2912 1512564.2656 2642'3073 1.2915 162565.5571 2643.6177 1.2918 172566,8489 2644.9284 1.2921 18/25081410 2646.2394 1.2923 1912569.4333 264.7.5507 1.2927 20 2570 7260 2648.8624 1.2930 212572.0190 2650. 1744 22 2573-3123 1.2933 2651.4857 1,2936 2312574.6059 2652.7994 1.2940 24 2575.8999 2654 1124 1.2943 2512577.1942 2655.4257 26 2578.4888 1.2946 2656.7393 1.2949 272579.7837 2658.0532 1.2952 28 2581,0789 2659.3675 1.2955 2912582.3744 2660.682) 1.2958 30|2583.6702 2661.99 70 M 39 40 2701.5979 1.3056 2102.9231 1.3059 2701.2487 1.3062 2705.5746 1.3065 2706.90 8 2708.2273 1,3072 2709.55 +2 1.3075 2710.8814 1.3078 271 2.2089 1,3084 2713-5367 2714.8648 1.3-88 2716.1933 1.3091 2717.5222 1.3094 2718,8514 13097 2720.1809 1.3101 2721:5108 1.3104 2722.8410 1.3107 1.3110 2724 1716 2725.5025 1.3113 1.3117 2726.8338 2728.1655 1.3120 2729.4975 1.3123 2730.8298 1.3127 2732 1624 1.3130 2733.4954 1.3133 2734.8287 1.3130 2736.1623 1.3139 1.3143 2737.4963 1.3146 2738 8306 2740.1653 1.3149 2741.5003 41 alt 1.3269 1.3272 1.327 8 1.3273 1.321 1.3285 1.328 [ 2 1.3292 13 1.3255 4 1.3299 113302 1.3306 1.3309 1,331 19 1.3317 1.3320 LI 1.332 22 13326 23 1.3330 24 1.3333 25 1.3336 26 1.3340 io 7 18 ܀ 27 1.3343 128 1.334729 1.3350 30 M M i New and Corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 289 39 40 41 Mer. Parts. | Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes in Minutes and 1 296712065.9438 31 1-330132 1.3364/33 1.336734. 2753.53101.3381 3& 39 4 *** al 1 +2 2680 4124 1.3005 2681.7623 2012583.6702 2661.9979 2 741.500 3C 1.2961 1.3354 1.3153 21125849663 2653-3123 2742 8357 1.2964 1.3357 1.3156 3212586.2027 266.4 6279 2744 1714 1.3159 3312587.5594 2745 5075 1.2971 3412588.850; 1.3164 2667.2600 2746.8439 I,2974 1.3165 2748 1806 2668.5755 351-590.1539 35 1.2977 1.3169 1.3371 362591.4516 2669 8934 2749.5177 36 1.2980 1.317- 13374 3712572,7496 2671.2106 2750.8551 37 1.298 1.31751 2752.1929 1.3378 7812-594.0479 2672.528 1.2986 13179 291595.3465 2673.8450 1.2989 1.3182 1912596.6454 1.338; 2754.8695 2675 1642 1.2994 13183 +1 2597 9+16 1.3388 2676.4828 2756.2083 1.2993 13189 12/2592,2442 13392 2757.5+7 2577.8317 1:3'92 2758.8870 1,2999 +32600.5441 1.3395 2679.1 209 44/2501.8443 1.3002 1.3195 2760.22691.3399 4704 1.3197.2761.5671 1.3402 +5|2003.1448 4 4612604 4456 1 3008 1.3202 2683.3805 2762.9077 1.3406 4 i +7 2607.7407 1.3011 2684.4010 13205 | 2764 2486 2764 2486 1.3409 47 1.3014 1.3208 $82607.0481 :685-7218 2765 5898 1 3412 19 2608.3499 1.3018 2687.0429 1.3211 2766-9314 1.3446 79 ; 2609.6920 1.3021 2688.644 1.32152768.2733 1.3419 26109514 1.2024 1.3218 2689.6862 2769.6156 1.3423 51 12 26 12.2571 1.3027 1 3221 2601.0083 1.3427 2770.9583 52 32613,5601 1.3030 1.3225 2692.3308 : 1.303+ 3+12614,8635 2653.6536 2773,6447 1.3434 1.3037 1.3232 $9 512516.1072 1.3437 2.694 9768 2774-9884 59 ;612617.4712 1.3940 1.3440 2696-3003 17 2618.7755 1.3043 269706242 193239 1812620.0801 57 1.3646 1.3447 2698.9484 13242 2779.0215 13246 5912621.3850 113049 1.3451 2780:3666 2 700:2730 6012622.69621 1.3052 1.3249 27015979 M 39 40 41 48 so 53 52 1.3228 is 1.3235 2776.3324 56 2777.6768 1.3444 $8 } 2781.71201 1.3.454 IS 290 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 42 43 44 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes ! Minutes 1 1 2 312 1.3686 1 369012951.3780 ali tu I 8 1•3486 2875.4163 ) IO I 3712 1.394311 1.394712 012781.7120 2863.0953 2945.8142 1.3458 1.3675 12783.0578 1.3904 2864.4628 2947.2046 1.3462 1.3679 22784.4040 2865.8307 1.3908 2948.5954 I'3405 2785.7505 13083 2867 1990 I'3911 1•346928685676 3 2949 9865 1°3915 412787 0974 4 I'3919 312788.4446 -13472 28699366 2952.7699 1.3476 62789.7932 1.3694 2871.3060 1.3923 2954.1622 6 - 3479 2872.6757 1.3697 1.3927 72791.141 2955.5549 7 1.3483 8/2792.4884 1.3701 2874 0458 I'3931 2956 9480 1.3705 92793.837 13935 2958.3415 9 I'3709 1'3939 102795.1860 1:3440 2876 7872 2959.7354 112796.5354 1.3494 2878 1584 2961.1 297 1.3497 1212797 8851 13716 2879.5300 2962.5244 1-35012880 9020 1.3720 1 3951 1312799,2352 2963 9195 13 142800 5850 1.3504 28*2.2743 1 3723 13955 2965.3150 14 1.35-82883.6470 1.3727 2966.7109 1'3959 IS 1.3511 2885.0201 1.3731 2968.1072 1.3963 1.3735 17|2804.6390 1.35152886 3936 2969.5038 2887.7675 1.3739 18/2805.9908 1.3518 18 13743 1 352212889.1418 192807.3430 1.3974 2972.2982 19 202808.6956 1:35202890 5165 1'3747 2973.6960 13978 1.3750 212810.0485 1:352928918915 12975 0942 I'3754 222811.4018 1 3533 2893-2669 2976.4928 2312812.7555 1.3758 23 1.3761 1.354012896.0188 24128141095 1 3994 2979-2912 24 25281564639 1-35442897.3953 1.3765 25 26 28168186 1 3547 2898.7723 1.3769 2982.0912 1.3772 27 2818 1737 1.4006 2983.4918 27 1.3776 28 2819.5291 1.401128 292820 8849 2984.8929 1.3558 1:3780 2986.2944 1.4015 29 302822 2410 1.3561 I 3784 2904.2834 2987-6963 I'4019 M 42 43 44 152801'93641_1.35-8 102803,2875 13511 16 17 13966 2970 9008 1.3970 20 21 22 1 3537 28946427 6 1.3982 1.3986 2977 8918 1.3990 2980.6910 1.3998 1.4002126 1.35512900.1494 1.355412901.5270 2902.9050 30 M 1 New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 291 42 43 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. 44 Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes 21 Minutes 2905-6622 1.3788 36 38 39 40 11 42 30 2822,2410 2904.2834 312823.5975 1.3505 32128249544 1.3569 2907.04.14 332826.3116 113572 2908.4210 34 2827.6692 1.3576 2909.800 1.3580 3512829.0272 2911.1812 361830.3855) 1.3583 2912.5619 37/2831.7442 1,3587 2:13.9430 382833.1033 1.3591 2995:32 +5 3912834,4627 1.3594 2916.7063 40 2835.8225 1.3598 2918 0885 412837.1827) 1.3602 2919.4711 +212838.5433 1.3606 2920.8541 432839,9042 1.3609 292 2.2375 44/2841.2655 1.3613 2923.6213 4512842 6274 1.3616 2925.0055 402843,9891 2926.3900 47 2845.3514 1.3623 29277749 48 2846.7141 1.3627 2929,1602 49 2848.0771 1.3630 2930.5459 ;02849.4405 1.3634 2931.9320 112850.8043 1.7638 29333185 52 2852,1685 1.3642 2934 7054 132853.5330 1.3645 2936.0926 54 2854.8979 1.3649 2937.4802 552856.2632 1.3653 2938.8682 5612857.6289 1.3657 2940,2566 572858.9949 2941,6454 1.3664 2943.0346 592861.7281 1.3668 2944.4242 1.3672 2945.8142 MI 42 43 1.3620 2987.6963 2989.09 86 1.3792 2990.5013 1.3796 2991.9044 1.3799 2993.3079 1.3803 2994 7117 1.3807 2996.1159 1.3811 1.3815 2997.5 205 2998 9255 13818 3000.3309 1 3822 3001.7367 13826 1.3830 3033.1429 1.3834 3004.5496 1.3838 2005.9507 1.3842 30073042 3008.7721 1.3845 2010.1804 1 3849 1.3853 3011,5891 30129,82 1.3857 2014.4077 1.3861 3015.8176 1.3865 1.3869 3017.2279 1.3872 3018.6386 3020.0497 1.3875 1.3880 3021.4612 3022.8732 1.3884 1.3888 3024.2856 1 3892 3025.6984 I'3896 3028.5252 1.3900 3029.93921 44 30 1.4023 3 1.4027 32 1-4031 33 1.4035 34 1.4038 35 1.4042 1 4046 37 1.4050 1.4054 1.4058 1.4062 I 4067 1.4071 +2 1.4075 ti 1.4079 1.4083 40 1.4087 47 I 4091 1.4095 49 1.4199 1.4103 50 1.4107 52 1.4111 1.4115 S. 1.4120 5 1.41 24 56 1.4128 57 1.4133 1.4136 1.4140 6c M м 48 :ر 1.3060 $82860.3613 3027.1116 58 59 60 2863.1953 292 A New and Corre&t Table of Meridional Parts 45 40 47 Mer. Parts. Differ. Merid. Prs. Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Minutes - 1 Minutesiol 1.4398 30799292 3115.5456 3031.35 36 1.4144 3116.9854 3032 7084 1.4148 318.4256 1.4153 3034-1837 3 3119.8662 (3035.5994 1.4157 3121.3073 53037.0155 1.4161 3122.7488 63038.43 20 I.4165 3124.1997 73039.8489 1.4169 3125.6331 813641.2652) 1.4173 3127'0759 93042,6839 1.4177 3128.5192 133044.1026 1.4181 3129.9629 113045 5206 1,4186 3131.4070 12:046.9396 1,4190 3132.8516 133048.3590 1.419+ 3134.2966 14304907788 1.4198 3135.7420 153051•1940 1,4202 3137. 1879 1630526196 14206 3138.6342 1713054 04-01 1.4210 31 40.0810 18 3055 4021 1.4.215 3741'5282 193056.88401 1.4219 3142 9759 2013058.3063 _1:4223 31444240 211305 9.7290 1.4227 3145.8725 223061 1521 1.4231 2313062.5757 3148.7709 24/3063.99971.424 . 3150.2208 23 3065.4241 3151.6711 263006.8489) 1.4248 3153.1218 273068.2741 1.4252 3154.5730 283069.6998 1:4257 1.4261 3156.0246 2913071.1259 1.4265 3157.4767 301072.55241 13158.9292 M 05 46 3203.7136 1.4665 3 207.1801 1.4402 1,4670 3205 6471 I 4406 1.4674 3207.1145 I 4411 1.4679 3 208.5824 4 1.4415 1.4683 3210 0507 1.4419 1.468817 3211.5195 1.442+ 13212.9888 1.4693 1.4428 1.469718 3214.4585 1 44333215 9287 1.4702 9 9 1.4437:217.2993 1.47061 1.4441 I 4711 1 218.8704 1.4446 1.4716 12 3220 3420 1:4450 1.4720 3221,8140 13 1.4454,3223,2865 1,472512 1.4452 3224,7595 1 47315 1.4463 13226.2329 1 47341 1,4739117 3227.7068 1.4472 3229.1811 1.474311€ 1.4477 1.4748 3230 6559 9 1.4753120 3232.1312 1.4.485 1.475721 3232.0069 1.4490 1.4762122 3235.0831 1.4494 3236.5598 1.476722 1.4499 1.4771 24 3238.0369 1.4503 1.477625 3229.5145 1.4307 26 3240.9926 1.4512 3242.4711 1.4516 1.4790128 3243.9501 1.4521 1:4795129 3245.4296 1,4525 1.4800130 3246 9096 47 M 1.1408 1.4481 1.4236131473215 1.4244 1.4781 1.478527 al New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 293 ak Minutes in Minutes and 3160.3822 1.4530 32 1.4828 1.4575 45. 46 47 Mer. Parts, Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. 3013072.5524 31589292 3246.9096 30 1.4269 1'4805 313073,9793 3248.3901 1.4274 31 1.4809 3212075.4067 3101.8356 1.4534 3249.8710 1 4278 3313076.8345 1.4539 316362895 1-4814 3251.3524 33 1.4819 I.4543 34 3078.2627 1.4282 3164 7438 1.4286 3252.8343 34 353079.5913 3.166.1985 1.4823 1.4547 3254 3166 35 36305 1.1203 1.4290 3367.6537 1.4552 325 5.7994 3713082.5498 36 1.4295 3169.109,3 1.4556 1.4832 3257.2826 38 3083.9797 1.4299 37 I 4837 1.4501 2170.5654 3258.7663 38 1.4841 39130854100 1.4303 3172.0219 1.4565 3260.2504 1.4570 4013086.8407) 1.4307 3173.4789 1.4840 3261.7350 41|3088.2719 1.4312 3174.9364 1.4851 326312201 423089.7035 1.4310 3176.3943 1.4579 3264.7057 433091.1355) 1.43 20 3177.8527 1.4584 3266,1918 443092.5679 1.4324 3179.3195 1.4588 3267.6784 453094 6008_1.43291180 7707 1.4592 3269.1654 463095.4341 1.4333 3182.2304 1.4597 1.4875 3270.6529 47/3096.86781 1.4337 3183.6905 I 4001 48 3098.3020 1.4342 3272.1409 3185.1911 3273•6294 49 3099.7366 1.4346 3186.6121 1.4610 1.4890 327 511184 503101.1717 1.435.1 49 1-4615 3188.0736 3.276.6079 1.4895 513102,6072 1.4355 so 3189.5355 1040191 52|3 104,0431 1.4359 I 4624 3190.9979 51 1.4904 1.4363 5313105.4794 3279.5882 $.4629 52 3192.4608 3281.0791 1,4909 5413105.9161 1.4367 3193: 9241 1.4633 53 1.4914 3282.5705 5513108.3533 1.4372 3195.3879 1.4638 54 1.4918 3284.0623 55 563 109.7909 1.4376 3196.8521 1.4642 1.4923 3285.5546) 1.4647 573111.2289 1.4380 56 3198.3168 3287.0474 1.4928 $8|3112.6674 1.4385 1.4652 571 1.4933 3199.7820 1.4384 3238.5407 5913114.1063 3201.2476 I'4656 3290.0344 59 603115.54551 1.4393 3202.7136 1.4660 3291.52861 14942 60 MI 45 47 09 39 40 1,485641 1.486142 1.486643 1.4870144 45 1.488046 1.4885147 1.4606 48 3270.0978 1.4899 1.4937 58 so Minutes Minuteslo 1.556c 1 2 1.52873486.9360 13388.1833 1.49801394.2927 294 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts 48 49 Mer. Parts. Differ. MeridiPrs. f Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. 13291 5 286 2382,0823 3474.4720 13293.0233 1.4947 3383.0068 1.5245 1.4952 3476.0289 23294 5185 3385.1318 1.5250 1,5565 3477.5854 31:296.0142 1.4957 3386,6573 1.5255 1.5571 1.4962 3 3479.1425 3297.5104 I 5260 4 1.5576 3480.7001 1.4967 4 (3299 0071 3389,7099 1.5266 1.5582 3482 2583 S 6,300 5042 1.4971 3391.2370 1.5271 1.5587 3483,8170 713302.0018 1.4976 3392.7646 1,5276 1.5592 3485.3762 7 813303.4999 1.4981 1.5281 1.5598 8 3395.8213 3488.4903 1.5603 13306.4976 1.4991 3397,3504 1.5291 1.5019 349°0572 IC 113;07.99?2 1.4996 3398.8800 1.5.296 1.5014 3491.6186 123309.1973) 1.500 1.5302 1.5620 3400.4.102 3493.1806 I 2 1313310.9978 1.50CS 1.5307 1.5625 3401.9409 3494.7431 13 143312 4988 1.5010 1.5312 1,5631 3403.4721 3496.3062 1.5015 1513314.0003 1.5317 1.5636 3405.0038 3497 8698 19 16|3315.5023) 1.5020 3406.5300 1.5322 1564 3499.4339 17|33170048 1.5025 1,5647 3408.0687 1.5.327 3500'9986 17 183318-50781 1.5030 3409.6019 1.5332 1.5652 3502 5638 1913320.0113 1.5035 1.5338 1.5658 3411,1357 1,5040 3504,1296 9 2013 321.5152 1.5343 15663 341 2.6700 :505.6959 213323.0198) "5045 1.5348 I5639 3414.2948 3507.2628 223324.52481,5050 1.5353 1.5674 34 5.7401 3508.8302 22 23326.0303 1.5055 1.5359 1.568 3510,3982 22 24/33 27.5363 3418.8124 1.568s 1.5064 3511,9667 2513329.0427 1.5691 1,5369 3420.34.93 3513 5358 25 2613330.5496 1.5069 1.5374 1.5696 3421.8867 26 1.5074 273332 0570 1.5702 34234246 1.5079 3516.6750 27 2813333.5649 1 5385 1,0708 1.5084 3424.9631 28 3518.2464 15390 293335.0733 1.5713 3420.5021 1'5089 35198177 29 3013336.58221 3428.04.16 1,5395 1.5719 35213895 30 M SO IM 14 1 2 ?1 1.50603417.2760 1.5364 24 13379 3515.105 48 A New and Correct" Table of Meridional Parts. 295 49 Minutes 1 48 so Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes ago 3429 5816 1.5400 3434 2048 1.5416 3521.6826 36 3437.2890 1,5427 3438,8328 1.5432 3440.37051 1.5437 1.5774 40 1:5458 41 42 2013336.5822 3428.0416 3521.3896 30 1.5094 30:338.0916 1'5724 3522.9620 31 1.5099 32 3339.6015 1.5730 1.5405 3431,1221 3524:5350 32 I S104 3333711119 3432.6632 1.5411 3526.1085 1-5735 33 1.5109 34 3342.6228 1.5741 34 1.5114 251334 4.1342 1.5421 1,5746 3435.7469 3529.2772 35 3613345.6401 1.5119 1.5752 3530.8324 3713347 1585/ 1.5124 15757 3532.4081 37 38 3348.6714 1.5129 35339844 1.5763 3 393350.1848 1.5134 1'5443 1.5769 3441.9208 3535 ; 613 39 4013351.6987 1.5448 1.5139 34434550 3537.1387 4113353,2131 1.5144 3445.0109 1'5453 3538.7167 1.5780 423354,7280) 1.5149 34+6.5567 15786 3540.2953 43/3356.2434 1.5154 3448.1031 1.5464 3541.8744 1.5791 4 443357.7593 1.5159 3449.6500 1.5469 1.5797 3543.4541 41 4513359.2757 L.5164 3457.1974 1.5474 1.5802 35450343 4 4013300.7926 1.5169 1.5479 3452.7453 1.5898 3546.615 44 4713362,3100 1.5174 1.54&5 1.5814 3454.2938 3548.1965 47. +83363.8279 1.5179 1.5197 I 5819 3455.8428 1.5184 3549.7784 493365.3463 1.5496 1.5825 3457.3924 1.5189 3551.3609 5013366.8652 3458.9425 1-5501 1.5830 3$ 52.9439 50 5113368.3846 1.5194 3460.493 1.5506 1.5836 3554 5275 51 5213369.9045 1.5199 3462.0443 15512 1.5842 1.5204 35561117 52 5313371.4249 3463.5900 145517 1.5847 3557.6964 1.5209 5413372.9458 5? 1.5522 3465.1482 1.5853 3559.2817 553374 4673 1.5215 3. 560.4541 55 563375.9093 1.5220 3468.2543 1.5533 1.5863 56 3562.0411 5713377.5118 1.5225 1:5538 3469.8081 1.5870 3564 6287 57 $83379.0348 1.5230 3471.3025 !:5544. 1.5876 3565.2169 59 3380.5583) 1.5235 15549 1.5882 3472.9174 3,567.8056 se 60 3282.0822/ 1.5240 1.5555 1.5887 3474 47291 3568.86761 MI 48 49,- 50 1 48 49 54 1.5859 3466.7010 1.5528 58 60 M Qq 2 296 A Neid and Corre&t Table of Meridional Parts Minutes Minutesl of 1.589913668.4439 *571.9848) 1.5899 31 573.5752 3767.08481,6626 3575,1662] 1.5910 3673-3230 / 1.6275 1,6632 1.0282 159393679.8370 1.630 13,701.07) 5 52 13 Mer. Parts.). Differ. Murid, Prs. Difer. Mer. Parts | Differ. 3508 8056 :66 1.1940 3767.7602 1.5893 1.6246 1.6620 3 70.3949 3666.8186 3765.4222 1,6252 2 1:5904 3670.0098 1.6258 3768.7480 1.6632 3 13571.6900 1.6264 3770.4119 4 1.596 576.7578 1.6645 3772.0764 1.5922 1.6276 1.66526 63578.3500 1,5927 3674.9506 3773,7416 1.6658 73579.94271 3576.5788 3775.4074 1.5933 1.6288 1.666518 358153601 3678.2076 3777.07739 1.6294 1.6671 413583.1299 3778.7410 9 1.5945 ) 1.6678 13881.4670 135847244 3780.4088 IO 113586.3194 1.5959 1 6684111 3683:0977 37810772 1.5950 1.669112 123587.9150 3684.7290 3783-7453 1.5962 1313589 $112 3686.3609 1.5968 37854166 0.1,6325 1413591.108C 1.5973 37870864 153592 7053 3689.6.265 1.6331 3788.7574 1.5979 1,6337 1691.2602 16 3594 3032 1.5985 3790'4291 1213595.9017 3692.8945 379211014 1.5991 183597 5008 3694.5294 1.6349 3793.7744 1.635$ 1913 599 1005 3795.4480 1:6362 3697.801 1 2013600.7008 37971222 1.6009 213602.3017 1.6368 3798.7971 1.6014 1.6374 22:603.9031 800.4727 1. 6020 233605 505! 1.6380 3702.7133 1.6026 3802.1489 1.6387 2413607.1077 370443520 3803,8258 25126087109 1,6393 3705.9913 3805:5033 ?S 1.6399 26136 10.3140 1.6043 3707.6312 3807:1815 16405 2713611.9189 3709.2717 1.6049 3808.8604 1.6411 28|3613.5238 3710,9128 3810,5399 1.6417 2913615.1293 1.6061 3712.5545 3812.2201 1,6424 1.6899 30/3616.7354 371 4.1969 3813'9010 M 50 52 53 M 1,6307 1.6313 1,6319 1.6697113 1,6704114 3687-99,34 1.6343 1.5997696.1649 1.6003 3699 4379 .. 1.6714 15 T67171 1,67232 1,6739118 1 67319 1674220 1.674971 1.675022 1.6762 1,6769 1.6775 1,6782 26 1.6789 27 1.6795128 1.6802 29 30 22 24 1.6032 1.6037 9.6055 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 297 SI Minutesi 1 Minules 31 32 32 818.9475 36 38 1 1.6480 3827.3716 1.5486 3829.05 84 143|3637.66841 52 52 Mer. Part Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts, Differ 3616.7354 3714.1969 3813.9010 3. 1.6067 1.6430 1 6815 3618.3421 3715.8399 1.6073 3! 3815 5825 1.6436 1.6822 3619.9494 3717.4835 1.6079 32 3817.2647 1.6442 1 6828 3621.5573 3719.1272 3 32 1.6085 1,6449 1.6835 3623.1658 3720.7726 1.6090 34 1.6455 3820,6310 34 1.6842 3624.7748 35 3722.4181 3822.3152 1.6096 1.6461 1.6878 36 3626.3844 3724.0642 1.6102 1964673824.0000 1.6855 37|3627.9946 3726.7109 3825.6855 1 6108 37 I-6474 1.6861 38/3629.6054 1.6114 3727.3583 1.6868 393031,2168 3729.0063 1.5120 39 1.6875 403632.8288 3730.6544 3830.7459 10 1.6126 1.6493 1,6881 473634.4414 37323012 3832.4340 16499 + 1 6888 423636.0546 3733.9541 1.6505 3834,1228 1.6138 1.6895 42 3735:6046 3837.8123 1.6511 4 1.6902 44 3639.2828 3737.2557 1.6150 383.7.5025 1.6908 1.6518 451 3640:8978 3738.9075 3.819.1933 is 1 6156 1.6924 1.6915 403642.9134 1.6161 3740.5599 1.6530 3840.8848 1.6922 473644.1295 3742.2 129 1.6167 3842-5770 1'6537 1.6928 483045.7452 1.6173 1'6543 3844.2698 493647.3635 3745.5299 1*6549 3845,9633 49 36 +8.9814 5 1.6942 3747,1758 3847.6575 50 1.618 1.6556 1.6949 51 3650:5999 1.6191 3748.8314 3849.3524 51 1.6955 $213652.2190 1.6562 3750.4876 3851.0479 52 1 6962 5313653.8387 3752 1444 1•6203 3852.7441 53 1.3969 5413655.7590 3753801 1'6210 3854.4410 1.6581 553657,0800 3856.1386 155 1.6216 1.6588 1 6982 503658.7016 :.6222 3857.8368 1 6989 57 3660.3238 3859.5357 1.6228 1.6600 5813661.9406 57 I 6996 591 3663-5700 3861,2353 1.6234 1.66:17 1.7003 5013665.19401 1.6240 1.6613 3862.9356 59 1.7010 28646366 6c M 51 52 5? M 1 6132 1.6144 14 16 + 3743.8666 1.6935 148 1.6179 1.6197 1.6568 16575 1.697654 1.6594 SO 3755.4600 3757,1188 3758.778; 3760.438. 3762.0984 3763.7002 5& 298 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 54 Minutesi Minutes 1 mojo 1413888.5220 55 S6 Mer. Parts | Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts' Differ 3864.6366 3967.9661 4073-9042 1.7017 1 3856.3383 3969.7099 1.7438 1.7887 4075.6929 1.7023 23868.0406 3971.4544 1.7445 4077.4824 1.7895 1.7030 313869.7436 1.7453 3973.1997 4079.2726 1.7902 3871'4473 1.7037 1.7460 3974.9457 408110636 1.7910 4 1.7044 3873 1517 1.7467 1976.6924 S 1.7918 4082.8554 1.7051 3874.8568 1.7474 978.4398 1.7925 4084.6479 6 1.7057 :876,5025 1.7482 7 3980. 1880 7 1.7064 486.4412 1.7933 1.7489 8|2878.2689 3981.9369 4088.2353 1.7941 8 17071 913879.9760 1.7496 3983.6865 1 7949 490.6302 9 1.7078 13881.6828 3985.4369 1,7504 1.7956 4091 0258 IO 113883.3923 1,7085 39871880 1.751) 1.7964 40G3.6222 11 1.7092 1.75 18 1213885,1015 3988.9198 1.7972 4095.4194 I 2 1.7099 1.7526 1313886 8114 3890.6924 1.7980 4097.2174 1.7106 13 17533 :992.4457 4099.0162 1.7988 14 1,7113 1:7540 1513890 2333 3994.1997 1.7996 4100.8158 1.7119 16 3891 9452 1.7548 1.8004 4102.6162 3995.9545 1.7126 1.7555 1.8011 1713893.6578 3997-7100 17 1.7133 4104.4173 183895.3711 1.7562 1.8019 1.7140 4106.2192 399904662 1.7570 193897.0851 1,8027 4108,0219 4001.2232 1.7147 203898.7998 4002.9809 4109.8254 1.7154 1:7584 21 3900.5 152 4111.6297 1.7592 2213 902.2013 4006.4985 1.7599 4113-4348 233903.9481 4008.2584 4115.2407 1.7175 1.7607 1.8066 24 3905.6056 4010.0191 1.7182 4117.0473 1.7614 253907.3838 4011.7805 4118 8547 1.7189 1.7621 2613909.1027 +013.5426 1.7629 4120.6629 1.7196 271391008223 4015.3055 1.7203 4122 4719 1.7637 28 3912.5426 1.7210 4017.0692 1.8106 293914.2636 4018.8336 4126.0923 1.7217 1.7652 303915.9853 4020.5988 4.127.9037 30 M 54 55 56 M ala 16 1.7577 19 1.8035 120 1.804321 1.7161 40047393 1,7168 1.8051 22 1 8059 23 24 1.8074 25 1.808226 1.8090 27 1.8098 28 29 1.8114 1.7644 412 4.2817 102 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 299 Minutesl olm Minules and 1.7238 1.8130 18138 1.8146 1.81.54 36 1.7260 1.81703 1.8178138 39 4160 6459 1.82671 54 55 50 Mer. Part, Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 3915.9853 4020.5.88 4127.9037 30 30 1.7224 1.7659 1.8122 3917.7377 4022,3647 31 1.7231 1.76674129.7159 3919.4308 4024.1314 37 1.7674 4131 5289 32 323921,1546 4025.8988 1.76824133-3427 32 1.7245 3922.8791 4027.6670 34 1.7689 1.7252 4135.1573 34 35 3924.5043 4029.4359 4136 9727 35 1.7259 1.7096 1.8162 30 926.3302 4031.2055 1,7704 +138.7889 373928.0568 403249759 1.7711 1 7273 4140.6059 3813929.7841 403 7.741 414264237 1.7719 1.7281 1.8186 3913931 5122 4036.5189 1.7286 1.7726 41 4+2 123 1.8194 403933.2410 4038.2915 4146 061) 10 1.7295 1.7734 1,8202 413934.9705 4040.J649 1.774.1 4147.8819 41 1.7302 1 8210 14213936.7007 4041,8390 4149.7029 1.7749 4.7 1.7309 1.8218 4313938.4316 404396139 4151.5247 1.775 4: 1.73164045 3896 4413940:1632 1.8226 4153.347 1.7764 10 1.7323 1.8234 45/3941.8955 4047' 1660 4155.1707 1-7712 1.8242 403943.6285 10 1.7337 1.8251 +739+5 3622 4050.7212 +7 1.7344 1.8259 403917.0965 4052.4999 48 197795 1.7352 3948.8318 4054.2794 1.7359 4162.4726 1.7803.41 395935677 4055:0597 4164 3001 1.7366 1.7810 i 8283 5139523043 4057.8407 4166 1284 51 1.7373 1.7818 1.8291 39;4.0416 4059.6225 1.7825 4167.9575 52 4061.405 4169.7874 1.7833 53 17388 1.8308 53957.518+ 4063 1883 1.7841 4171 6182 17395 54 53959.2579 4064.9734 4173.4498 5$ 1.7402 1.7848 103960.9981 4066.757 50 573962.7390 1.7409 1.7856 4175 2822 4268.5428 4177.1154 1.7864 583964.4806 57 1.7416 1070.3292 4178.9494 1.7871 17424 5913966.22 30 4072, 1163 4180.7842 55 1.78.79 1.7431 503967.95611 4073 9942 4182.6199 6 M 5+ 55 56 M 1.733014048.9+32 1.7780 4156.9949 1'7787 14158.8200 1.8273150 49 ܕܼ 1 8299 313955.779617380 1.8316 183241 1.8332 1.8340 1.834 1.8357 8 158 300 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 57 58 59 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minures 1 Minutes 1.8875 1.8884 1 2 1 83904299 9631 ş 1.9468 184144307.5290 841414305 6362 18937 1.84314311.3173 91 1.84504317.0065 1.6973 2 2 1.9525112 19534 1.8481 4322.7035 04182-6199 4294.2979 1.8365 117184.4564 4296.1854 1.8373 214186.2937 4298'0738 1.8381 314188.1318 44189.9708 4301.8533 1.8398 54191 8106 4303.7443 1.8400 64193.6512 74195.4926 4307 84197 3349 I 8423 4309 4227 9,4199,1780 1.8440 ) 10.4201.0220 4313.2 1 2 28 114202.8668 1.84184315:1092 4204.7124 13.42065588) 1-8464 43 18 9046 14.4.208 4061 1.8473 4320 8036 15 4210.2542 164212.1031 1 8489 4324 6043 1742 13.9529 4326 5060 1842 15.8035 1.85054328 4086 194217 6549 1 851443303121 2014219.5072 1.852314332.2 165 214221-3603 11.8:31 4334.5218 234223,2143 2342 25.0691 244226.9248 1.8557 4339843 254228.7813 1.8565 4341 7520 264230 6386 18573 4345.5735 28 4234:3558 294236.2157 1.85994349 3966 3014238 0764 1:8607 4351.3100 57 1409.1399 4411.0820 1 9421 1.9430 I 8893 1413.0250 1.9440 1.8902 4414.9690 3 19449 1 8910 4416 9139 4 1 9458 +418 8597 1.8919 1.8928 4420 8065 1.9477 4422.7542 7 1.9487 8 +424.7029 1•8946 4426 6525 1.9496 9 ୨ 1.8955 4428.6031 1.9506 1 8964 1430.5546 1.9515 II 1898 14432,5071 1 8990 4434.4005 13 1.9544 4436.4149 14 1 8999 1'9553 44;8.3702 IS 1.9008 1.9563 16 4440.3265 1.9017 1'9573 4442.2838 17 1 9033 4444.2420 1.9592 4446.2012 19 199044 1 9602 4448.1614 20 1.9053 1.9611 4450 1225 21 1.9062 1.9621 4452.0846 22 1.9071 1.9630 1.9080 4454.0476 1.9610 24 4456.0116 1.9089 1.9650 4457.9766 25 1.9098 1.9659 4459.9425 26 1.9669 1.911614461.9094 27 4463 8773 1.9679 28 1.9688 4465.8401 29 1.9698 1.8498 4326 4328 4086 1.90264442.2838 1.9582 18 1 85401433 4336.0 280 1.8548 4337.9351 23 1.9107 43 43-6018 274232 4968 1.8582 1.8590 4347 4841 1.9125 191344467.8159 I 30 2 M 58 M 59 sammen . New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 301 57 58 59 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes in Minutest 1 8633 1.8642 1.9757 20+238.0764 +351.3100 1.8616 214239.9380 1.9143 1353.2243 1.8625 3211241.8005 +355.1395 1 9152 3314243.6638 1.9162 +357.0557 34 +245 5280 1.8650 +358.9726 +358.9728 1.9171 3514.247.3930 4360.8908 1.9180 36:249.2588 1.8658 1.9189 4362.8097 1.8667 37142 51.1255 +364 7295 1.9198 :811252.9930 1.8675 +366 6502 1.9207 394254 8614 1.8684 +368,5718 1.9216 +256.7306 1.8692 4370.4944 1.9226 +4258.0007) 1.8701 +372.4179 +2426.4716 1.8709 +374.3423 131+262,3434 1.8718 1.9253 4376.2676 4414264,2161 1.8727 4378 1938 1.9262 +5 4265.0897_6.8736 4380.1210 1.9272 40 4267.9642 4382.0491 1.9281 +7 +269.8395 +383.9781 48 1.8762 4271.7157 +385.908 1.9299 494273,5928 1.8771 +38768389 1.9309 +389.7707 1.9318 514277.3796 1.8788 +391.7034 1.9327 5214279.2293 1.9336 +393.6370 1.8805 534281.1098 4395.5716 1 9346 54 +282.9912 4397-5071 551284.8735 1.8823 1399.4435 1.9364 5614286.7566 1.9374 4401.3809 57 +288.6406 1.8840 403.3192 19383 4405.2585 1.9393 5911292.4113 +407 19821 1.9402 1.8866 60 +294.2979 +409,1399 1.9412 M 57 58 19235 1.9244 30 1-9700 1.9718/31 1.9727132 1'9737133 1.974734 35 1.9766 36 1.9779137 197863 1.9796 39 1.980642 1.9816 43 1.9825 42 1.9835 44 45 4467.8159 4409.7867 4471.7585 4473.7312 4475.7049 4477 6796 4479.6553 4481.6319 4483-6095 4485.5881 +487.5677 4489.5483 4491.5299 4493.5124 4495.4959 449 7.4804 4499.4659 4501.4524 4503.4399 4505.4234 4507.4179 4509.4084 4511.3999 4513.3924 4515.3859 45173804 4519.3759 4521.3724 4523-3699 4525.3683 4527.3677 59 1.8745 1.8753 1.9290 47 48 49 +275,4708_1.8780 1.8797 1.8814 1,9845 1.9855 1.9865 1.9875 1.9885 1.9895 1.9905 1.991 51 1.9925 52 1.9935 53 54 1.9945 1 9955 $8 19965 1.9975 57 1.9984 58 1.9994 60 M 1'9355 1.8831 581+290.555 1.8849 1.8858 58 Rr OL Minutes Minutesi ola ont al 4813.51331 2.1518 302 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts 60 O2 Mer. Parts. Differ. Merid. i'rs. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. 01:527.3677 4649.2 253 4774.9820 1+529.3682 2.0005 4651.2885 2.0032 2,1300 4777.1126 2.0643 2.2015 21+531.3697 2 13 i8 4653:3528 4779.2444 2 2 0025 2.0654 314533.3722 2.1330 4055.4182 +7813774 3 2'0035 2.0665 2.1341 4/4535,3757 4557-4847 4783-515 2.0676 $15.7-3802 2.0045 4659 5523 2.1353 4785.6468 2 0606 2.136517 6 4539.3858 2.0950 4661.6209 47877833 2:C066 2.0097 2.1377 7+54 1.3924 4789.9210 2.0708 2,1388 14543-4000 2.00764063,6906 4665.7614. +792.0598 2,0714 2.14.0 945454086 2.0086 4667.8333 +794.1998 2.0730 2.1412 1° 4547-4183_2.0097 4669.9063 4796 3 10 2.0741 2 1424 11 +549.4290 2.0107 4671.9804 +798.78.34 2.0117 2.0752 12 4551.4407 2,1730 4674.0556 48c06270 1 2 2.0127 2,0763 2.1440 13 +553.4534 4676.1319 802.7718 2.0774 2,1459 1414555 4671 20131 4678.2093 4804.9177 2,0785 2.1471 15+557.4818_2.0147 4680.2878 7807 0648 2.0796 2.148 161559.49762.0158 4682,3674 4809.2131 16 2.0.68 2.0807 2,1495 1714561.5144 4687.4481 4811.36.26 17 2.0178 2.088 18+5635322 2.1507 4686,5299 18 2.0188 1514565.5510 4688.6128 2.0829 4815,6651 19 2.0199 2.0840 2014567 5709 2.1530 4690.6968 4817.8181 20 2.0 209 2.0851 2.1542 214569.5918 4692.7819 4819.9723 2.0219 2.0862 2.1554 221571.6137 4694.8681 22 4822.1277 2.0873 2.1506 23/45736367) 2 0230 4824.2843 2.0885 2.0240 2.1578 24|45756607 4699,0439 4826.4421 24 2.0251 2.0896 2.1591 25/4577:6858 4701.1335 4828.6012 2.0261 2.0907 2.1603 2614579.7119 4703.2242 26 27/1581.73.90 2.0271 201615 4705.3160 4832.92:30 27 2.0282 28]+583.7672 20929 2.362728 4707.4089 4835.0857 2.0292 2,0941 2914585.79641 2:1639 4709 5030 4837.2496 29 2.0952 2.165! 30 +587.82661 2.0302 4711.5982 4839.4147 39 MU 60 61 62 M 13 will 2 LI 2 023014696.9554 23 S 209184830.7615 - New and Corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 303 00 62 Minutes Minutes 1 31 35 36 2.174837 39 40 pi51 2.17601381 61 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. 3014587.8266 1711.5982 4839.4147 2.0313 2.0963 2,166 3t+s 89.8579 4713.6945 4841.5810 2.0323 2.0974 32.591.8902 2.1675 471 5.7919 4843.7485 20334 2.0986 2'1687 32 331+59319236 4717.8905 4845.9172 2.0344 2.0997 2.1699 331 24/+595.9580 4719.9902 4848.087 2.1008 34 2.1711 351+597-9938 4722.0910 4850.25 8.2 2.1019 3614600.0 300 2.1724 47241929 4852.4306 2.0376 4726 1960 2.1031 37602,0676 4854.6042 2.1736 2.0786 2:1042 384,104,1062 4728 4002 4856.7790 2.0397 391 +605.1459 4730.5055 2.1053 +858.9550 2.0408 2.1065 11008.1867 473 2.6120 4861,1323 2,1773 474610.2285 2.0418 2,1076 4734.7196 4863-3108 2.1785 4214612.2714 2.0429 4736.8283 2.1797 4314614.3153 2,0439 4738.9382 2.1099 1867.6714 2 0450 2.IIO 1414616.2003 42 2.1822 4741.0492 4869.8536 2.0460 2,1122 4514618 4063 44 4743.1614 2.1834 4872'0370 45 4614620.4534 2 0471 4745.2747 2.11334874.2216. 2.1846 +24022.5016 2.0482 4747.3892 2,1145 4876.4074 2,1156 2.1871 +8 4624.5508 2.0492 4749.9048 1914626.6011 2.0503 2.1168 4751.6216 2.1883 4880.7828 2.1179 +6286525 -2.0514 4753.7395 2.1896 4882.9724 51 +630.7049 2.0524 2.1191 4755.8586 4885.1632 2.1908 52 +632 7584 2.0535 2.1202 2.1921 47.5 7:9788 4887.3553 2,1214 534634 8136 2.0546 4760.1002 4889.5486 2.1933 2.1225 53 54 1636.8686 2.0556 4762.2227 4891.7432 2.1946 554638.9253 2.0567 4764.2464 2,1 237 54 4893.939 2 1958 56 4640-9831 2.0578 2 12.8 4766.47 12 4896.1.36 2. 1970 5714643.04.20 2.0589 2.1200 4768.5972 2.1983 184645.1020 2.0600 2.1271 4900.5338 2 1995 2.061 4770.7243 5914647.1631 2-1283 6014640.2 253 2.0622 47728526 4902.7346 59 2.1294 2.2021 4774.9820 4904.93671 MI 60 61 62 RI 2 2.1087 14865.4905 41 2.1809 42 4878.5945 2.1858/41 47 48 49 50 51 52 4898.3343 56 $7 58 2.2008 304 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts 03 04 OS Minutes Mer. Part s.] Differ. Merid.tis. Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Minutesi ol +920.3864 2.21475 062 2017 9314600 I 9358983 904 9267 1029.4216 2,2033 11907.1400 1041.7034 2,2046 6 909 3446 5043.9866 $11911.5507 2 2058 5046-2712 2.2071 1913.7575 2.20841 5048.5572 915.9659 5050.8445 +918 1755 2.2090 5053'1332 2.2109 SO55 4.233 2.2 1 22 +922 5986 5057.7147 9740120 2213413660.0075 927 0267 2.2160 929.2427 5064.5973 2.2173 2,2185 5666.8942 193306785 5069.1925 2 2198 5071 4922 2.221 13119381194 5073.7933 2.2224 IC 940 3418 5076.0958 2.2237 1942.5655 5078.3997 2.2249 I944.7904 Is +947.0166 5083.0116 2-1949.2441 5585:3196 44951 4729 5087.6290 2.2301 2 1953.7030 2.2314 5089 9398 33/4955.9244 5092.2520 5094.5656 2.2340 2514.960.4011 5096,8807 2.2353 2014962.6364 2.2366 5099.1972 ? 14964.8730 5101.5151 2.2379 2 967.1109 5103,8344 22392 2 5106 1551 3: 971.5906 M 5178.808) 2,2818 151811751 2.3670 I 2.2832 5183.5435 2,3684 2 2.2846 5185.9134 2.3699 3 2.2860 5188.2848 2.3714 4 2.2873 2.3729 5190,6577 S 2.2887 2.274.46 5193,0321 2.2901 2.375817 5195.4079 2.2914 2.3773 5197.7852 2,2928 2.3788 $ 200.1640 2.2972 2.3803110 52025443 2.2956 2-3818 II 5204.9261 2.2969 2,383312 5207.3094 2.2 983 2.2848113 5209.6942 2.2997 2.3863/14 5212.0805 2,3011 2:3878 IS 1214.4083 2.9025 2389316 5216,8576 2.3039 2,3909117 5219.2485 2.3053 2.3924118 $221,6409 2.3066 2-3939119 5224.0348 2.395420 2.90945228.8271 2.396921 2.3984122 2:3122 2.3999123 2 3136 5236.0269 2.401524 2.3151 5238.4299 2.403925 2.3165 5243.8344 5.404526 2 3179 5.4060127 5 243.2404 23193 5.4070 28 5245.6480 2.3207 5.4091129 5248.0571 2.3222 5:4107130 5250.4678 65 M I 22262 5080.7056 2.275 2.3680 5226.4302 2.3954126 2.2288 2.3108 5231.22555 5233,6254 24 4958.1677 2.2327 1969.3501 2.240515108.4773 63 64 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 305 63 64 Minuteslim Minu esimi 304971596 31 2.1444 3 $4 34 30 +985 0612 2.3292 5260.1258 ܐ 38 2 4562/5 2.4578591 65 Mer. Part , Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 511-8.4773 5250•4678 2,2418 2.3236 1973.6324 2,4122 5110.800g 5252.8800 2.3250 2.2431 +976'075; 3 2.4137 5113'1259 2-3264 5255.2937 +9783199 24153 5115.4522 2.2458 2.3278 0.5657 5257.7090 3 S177801 2 4168 2.2471 4932.8128 34 2.4184 5120*1093 5262-5442 31 2 248+ 2.306 2.4199 5122-439 2.3320 5267.9641 2.2497 37 1937.3109 5124.7719 2.4215 5267.3856 13: 2.3335 381-787.5519 12510 5127.1054 2.4230 5269.8086 2,3349 2.252 3-1991.8142 j 129.4493 2.4246 2.3364 $ 272.2332 39 Ic+9240792.2537 503.7767 2.4261 5274 6593 2.3378 +790.32291 2.2550 1134.1145 2.4277 5277.0870 42 +998.5792 2.2563 2.3292 5136.4537 2.429 5279.5163 43 5600 8368 | 2.2576 138.7914 2.3407 5281 9471 14: 2.3421 4.15003.0958 2.2590 5141'1365 5284.3795 2.4324 2.2603 2.3436 44 45 5005.356 5143.4801 5286.8135 2.4340 16 50076177 2,2616 2.3450 5145.825 : 5289.2490 2.4355 47 5009.8807 2.2530 5148.1716 2.3465 2.4371 5291.6861 2.2643 4&5012.1450 47 2-3479 5150.5195 2.4387 5294.1248 2.2656 48 495014.4106 2.3493 5152,8688 5296.5651 2.440? 55016.6776 2,2670 49 2.3508 5155.2196 2.4419 5299.0070 501 5018.9459 2.2683 2.3522 5157.5718 2,4434 2.2697 $215021,2156 2.3537 5301.4504 51 5159,9255 2.4450 5303.8954 535023.4865 2:2710 2.352 5162.2807 5306.3420 2.7460 53 3 54 50 25 7590 2.2724 51646373 2.3566 2.4482 555028.0327 5308.7902 2.2237 2.3581 5166.9954 5311.2400 55 50 5030.3078 2.2751 5169.3550 2.3596 57 5032.5842 2'2764 5313.6914 2.3611 5171.7161 $316 1444 2 4530 5034.8620 2.277 5174.0786 2.3625 5318.5990 595037.1411 2.2791 5176.4426 2.3540 5321.0552 6) 3029.4216 2.2805 $178.8081 2.3655 5323.5130 M 63 64 05 M + 2,4308142 19 152 2.449854 2.451450 2.45469? 60 Minutes) Minutes ou 2 315330896 55335.8260 alu IO 11546.3623 2.6194/5705.3278 306 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 60 07 68 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 5323.513U 5474.0057 5630.8184 2.1594 2,5602 2.6705 15325.9724 1476.9659 $633.4884 24616 2.9619 2.6724 2 5328.4334 5636.1613 479.1278 2 4626 2-5637 2.6743 5481.6915 5638.8356 3 2.5654 2.4642 2.6762 415333.3602 34842569 5641.5118 4 2 4058 2-5672 2.6781 1486 8241 5644.1899 2.4075 2.569 2.6800 65338.2935 5489.3931 5646.8699 2.4691 2,5708 2.6820 715340 7626 5491.9639 5649.5519 7 2.4707 2.5725 2.6840 8:53+3.2333 5494 5364 5652.2359 8 2.4723 2.5743 2 6859 95345.7050 1497:1107 $654.9218 2 5761 9 2.4740 1.53491796 2.6879 54 9.6868 5657.6097 2 4750 2.5779 2.6898 U1153506552 902,2647 5660.2995 2.5797 2.6918 125353.1324 5564.8444 294788 25814 1311355.6112 5507.428 5665.6850 2.5832 4:358.0917 510.0050 5668,3807 2.4821 2.5850 55:00.5738 5512.5940 2,4838 2,5468 1615363.0576 5515.1808 2.4854 5673.7780 6 2.5886 : 2.7016 1715305 5430 5676.4796 5517 769 2..4871 2.7036 18.5368.0301 5520.3598 2.4887 5679.1832 18 25922 195370 5188 522.5 520 56818887 2.4904 2.5940 2015373.0092 5525.5410 5684.5962 2.4920 2.5958 2115375.5012 5528.1418 5687.3057 21 2.4936 2.5976 2.7114 225377.9948 5530.7394 5690.0171 22 2.4953 2.5994 1315380.4901 5533.3388 5692.7305 2.4970 2.6012 2415 82,9871 2,49865535.9400 2,6031 5695.4459 24 15385 4857 5538.5431 5698.1633 25 2 5003 2.0049 265387.9860 5541.1480 2,6067 5700.8828 2.5020 27.5 390.4880 5543-7547 2.6086 5703.6043 27 2.5037 205392.9907 2.5054 217256 295395.4971 $709 0534 29 2 5071 15 398 0042 5551.5866 57117811 M 66 68 M 24772 662 9913 12 2.6937 13 2.6957 4 24005 5671.0784) 2.6377 2.6996 117 2.5904 19 2.7055 2.7075 2.7095 lio 2.7134 23 2.7154 2.7174 2:7195 2.7215 2.7235128 26 3548.9737 2.6123 2.7276 30 67 .. Minuteslimli inues in 27314 55620533 2.6214 633 5567.2979 2.6251 $ 69,92 31 2.6270 2.73762 2.739 2.7416 2.7473 2.7457139 2.6307 15315456.133411 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 307 66 67 68 Mer. Part Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 3C1398.0942 5:51.5860 571117810 31 2.5087 2.6141 2.7296 371.5 100.5127 5554.2001 3 5714.5 100 2.510 2.6:59 3:15403.0233 5556.0100 57 17 2422 21 20 2.6177 273369 3215405 $353 5559.433) 2.5137 57199758 2.6196 27356 5408:0491 + 34 5722.7114 2.5154 35 5410-5644 564.6747 5727.4490 ? 2.5171 2 6232 30 5413.0815 5728.1886 130 2,5188 5415:500} 5730 9302 3 2.5205 3815418.1205 2.5222 5572-5500 26288 573 3.6739 395420 6430 1575.78 5736,4195 2.523S 2.7177 40 5423.166 3577.8095 57398673 2.,250 2.6726 2.7498 41 5425*6925 1580.742: 57119171 $' 2.5273 4215+23.0195 5583.0765 2.7518 5741.6589 42 2.5290 2,7539 435430.7488 55857120 4 2-5307 14/5433.2795 580.3510 2 7560 2.5324 5750.1788 455435.8119 2.758 5520.9910 5752.9364 2.760 4015438.3460 25341 5553.6329 76 5755 6970 2.5359 47 5440.8819 2.7622 5596.2767 5758.4592 4815443,4195 2.5376 5598.9224 5761,2235 48 2 539 4915 4+5.9588 50015699 5763.9899 545448.4999 2,5411 5604 2193 5766 7584 2.7685 5 55451.0427 2.5428 5606 8706 2.6513 5769.5289 $215 453.5872 2.1445 2.6532 5609.5238 5772.3015 2'5461 5612,1789 2'5480 545458.6814 5775.0762 $614,8359 5777.8530 2.7768 5515461.2311 54 2'5497 2.6589 5617.4948 5680.6319 So 5463.7825 25514 5620'1557 5783.4129 2.7810 57 5466.3357 2'5532 2.6628 5322:8185 5786.1959 57 5815468.8906 2.5549 56254832 5788.9810 5? 5915471.4473 2:5567 2.6666. 5628.1498 605474,0057 2.5584 5791.7082 2.6686 5630.81841 5794.5575 M 66 67 68 M 2.6344 2.5363 2,6382 5747.4228 2.5400 2-6419 2.5438 2.6457 2.6.475 2.6494 47 2.7643 2.7664 49 ܐܝ 2 7705151 2.7726 2.7747 52 2.6551 2.6570 53 27789155 2.6609 SC 2.7830 2.7851 2.6647 2.7872159 2.789316 308 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 09 71 70 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. Minutes ! Minutes ºn 3.0729 1 2 2.797915977.6319 mtr 2 806415 989 3834 1 2.81496001.1730 3 101712 3.1043 13 14 15 5965.9179 6145.7012 015794:5575 2.7914 2.9 250 5968:8429 6148.7741 15797-3489 2.7936 2.9273 3.0755 16151.8496 215 800.1425 5971-7702 2.7957 2.9297 3.0781 315802.9382 5974 6999 6154.9277 3 2.932016158.0084 3'0807 4 4,5805-7361 2.8000 3 9343 3.0833 6161.0917 5'5808 5361 5980 5662 2.8021 2936716164.1776 3.0859 65811.3382 5983-5029 2 8043 2.9391 2.0885 6167.2665 5986.4420 75814.1425 7 2.9414 3 09118 85816.9489 61703572 2.8085 2.9438 3'0937 9 5819.7574 9 5992 3272 6173.4509 2.8109 2:9462 6 3'0964 5995 2734 10 176 5473 105822.5681 2.8128 2 9486 3.0990 5998 2220 15825.3809 6179.6463 2 95 TO 125828.1958 6182.7480 2.81716004.1263 2.9533 6185 8523 1315831.0129 2 81936007.0820 2.9557 61889593 3.1070 3 45833.8322 282146010 0401 2.9581 6192.0699 3:1097 1558366536 2.8236 6013 0006 2.9605 3.1123116 165839.4772 6195 1813 2.825860159635 3.1150 17 1715842 3030 2 82806018.9288 209653 1815845.13.10 3.1179118 6201.4140 2.83026027.8965 3.1204 19 195847 9612 2.9702 3.1231 2058507936_2.83246024-8667 6207.6575 2.9726 3.1258 6210 7833 2515853.62812 83456027.8393 63 2.9750 3.1285 2215836.4648 2 8367160308143 62139118 2.83896033 7917 2.9774 6217.0430 3.1312 2315859,3037 23 2.9798 245862:1448 2.84116036.7715 6220.1769 2.843316039-7538 2 9823 3.1365 2515864,9881 6223:3134 25 2.84556042.7385 2.9847 3.139226 265867.8336 6226-4526 2-8477|6045.7256 29871 3.141927 2715 870.6813 2 9896 6229 5945 2.84996048.7152 3.1447128 28 5873.5312 5232.7392 2852 116051.7073 2.9921 3.147429 295876,3833 6235.8866 3015879.2377 2.9945 2.85446054-018 M M 69 70 71. 2 96296198.2963 2:967766204.5344 20 21 22 31339124 6239 0368/ 3.150 lid l New and Correet Table of Meridional Parts. 309 70 71 Minutes or 69 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ Minuteslim! 60;7.0988) 2.9970 3:1529 31557 31 3.1584/32 3 0068 2.86556069,7114 2.8677 3.0092 30118 2.874510081.7639 3.0168 38 39 40 3:02:9 3.1612 33 3.1639 341. 35 3.1667 3 1695 36 3.1722 37 31750 3.1778 3.1 E06 3 1834/41 3 1890 43 3.1918 45 3.1946 44 3.1974 3.2003 3.2031 2 2.8881 3011879.2377 6054-7018 6239.0355 2.8565 2015882.094 6242.1897 2.8588 6065.6982 2.9995 321;884.9531 6245,2454 2.8610 2315887.8141 3:0019 6248 503) 5053.7002 2 3532 3.00446251.6652 24 ; 890.6773 6066 7946 35 5893.5428 62 54.8289 3615896.4108 1072.7207 6257.9956 2.8700 27899.2805 075.7325 62611105! 2.8722 3.0143 181192.1527 1078.7468 62 264.3373 6267.512 1 3915905.027? 2.8769 3.019+ 4105907.9039 6084.-3.79 6270.6901 2.8794 +5910.7829 6087.8049 6273.8707 2.8812 3..24+ 6277.054 +215913.6641 6090 8293 2.8835 3'0269 135915 5476 6280*2403 6093 8562 2-8858 3 0294 145919.4334 6096.8856 5283.4293 3.0319 0286.62 11 +559?2,4215 6009 9171 2 8901 3.0344 165925.2118 102.9519 5289.8157 2.8926 3 qgts +715928.1944 6105.9888 5293.0131 2.8949 3,019-6296.2134 +85930 9993 6109.0282 3.04!! 1915933.865 6299.4165 2:89956115.1106 30145 io 1936.7960 6302.6225 2.9018 3.0471 51939.6978 6081617 6305.8313 2.9011 3.0496 52 5942.6019 6 1 21.2113 6309.043" 2.9064 3.2522 i's 5945,5083 1124.2635 6312,2575 2.9087 30548 1545948.4170 6 127,3183 6:15.4749 2.9110 3.05741 6318.6951 5511951.3280 61203757 3.05.99 ;65954.2413 63219182 2.9156 3 0525 5711957.156 0136.4981 5325.144 5815960.0749 2918c 30051 61395032 5328.3729 5911962.992 2.9203 3.0677 6142 6309 6 11965.0 1791 29227 3.0702 5145.7012 M 69 7 Ss 44 2.89725112.0701 48 49 3.2060 50 3.2038 50 32117 52 3.2143 53 3.2174 54 3.2 202 3 2231 3.2259 3.228 55 2.9133.6133.435€ 56 57 1 58 6331.6040 3.2317 6324.81923.2346 59. 60 M 70 Minutes Minutes 3 42196749 3731 3. 24° +0571 2703 6753 0060 3.6335 2 3 246 26548 1304 3.249265515654 3.25216555.0037 -3 43176760 2847 3:43505763.9293 -) 67675776 36183 326096565.3385 3.26326568.7901 3428416756 6438 86360.8209/ 3.25806561 8902 3.484916819:0490 3 505416841.3377 3:512416848.7980 3:5159 16852.5340 310 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts, 72 73 74 Mer. Parts Differ Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts | Differ. 06334 8392 6534.4233 6745.7433 16338,0767 3.2375 6537 8452 3 6298 216341 3171 3.4251 3 46347.8066 3:6409 4 5 625 1 0558 3 6440 66354.3979 3-43-83 3 76357.56 29 3:255065584453 3.4416 6771.2296 3.6520 3 4449 7 6774 8854 3.65581 8 9,6364,0818 3 4483 6778 3.6595 9 10,63673457 6782.2082_3.6633 116370.6125 36670 12,6373-8823 6575 7032 6789 5468 3.6708 13,6377.1550 3.6745 14,6380-4307 3 27576582 6296 3.4649 6796.898836783 14 1562837094 6800.5809 266386.9910 3.2816 589.5693 3 4715 17,6390 2756 8,6393 5632 3 3.4782 3.5936 18 19,6396.8538 3.2906 3.4816 6400.1474 37013 21,6403.4440 3 1883 6822.7542 3.7052 226406 7436 3 2996,06:04689 3 2996,06:04689 3 49"716826.4632 3 23,6410.0463 23 246413.35201 3.3057,6617-4626 3.4986 6833 8927 3.7167 24 25,6416.6607 3.5030 25 265419.9725 276423.2873 3.5089 5845.06.59 3 7282 27 286426.6052 | 3'31796631.4913 296429.9265 3 32096635.0072 3 7360 29 300433:2501| 3*324046638.5266 5856.27391 3-7399 30 7 74 74 M 3 2668 3:451685778 5449 3.269890572 2450 32 3:4582 3.45496785.8752 3:46151679.3 2205 3:2727,6579.1647 13 3 27876586.0978 3.4682 3.682 1 6804:2668 36859 3.689811 16 18 3 2846 6593-0412 6600.0049 3.2936, 6603 4889 6606.9772 3.474916807.9566 6811.6502 6815.3.477 3.6975119 20 20 3 2966 21 22 3.3027,6613 9640 3:495116830 1760 632 3 7090 3.7128 6837.6133 372 16 3:30876620 9646 3.31186624 4700 3.314866279789 3724420 35194|5856.2732 A New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 311 74 Minutes and Minutes non 3.5228 3.5262 3*7478/31 3.751832 3.5356 3.330116645.57561 16939.5628) 382841 72 2 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ . 3015433.2501 6638.5266 6856.2739 3.3270 3016436.5771 1672.049+ 68600178 37439 3216439.9072 6863.7656 3.3332 6679.1053 333443.2404 3.5297 5867.5174 3.533110871.2731 3.3363 33 37557 3416446.5767 66 52 6384 34 3.3394 353449.9161 6656.1750 6875.0328 37597 35 3.3425 3.5400 3615453.2580 3.7637 6659.7150 6878.7965 3.5435 6882.5642 36 3.3456 37677 :76 +56.6042 6663.2585 3.3487 3.5470 3.816459.9529 37 3 7717 6666.8055 6886.3359 8 3.351 3916463.3047 3.5505 3º7757 6670-3500 5890.1116 1016466.6596 33549 3:5541 6673.9101 6893.8914 1715470.0175 3.3580 6677.4677 3-5576 6897.6752 1216473.3788 3.3612 6681.0288 3.5611 6901'4630 +3164767431 3.36436684.5935 35647 +46480,1166 3.36756688.1617 6909.0506 1516483.4812 3.3706 6691.7335 6912.8504 45 3.5754 106486.8550 3.3738 6695.3089 6916.6542 47/6490.23 20 3.3770 3.5790 6698*8879 6920.4621 3.8079 3:5826 +816493.6 121/ 3.3801 47 3.8119 6702.4705 6924.2740 +96496.9954 3.3833 3.5862 6706.0567 6928.0900 500 500.3819 3.3865 35898 6709.6465 6931.9101 50 5116503.7710 3.3897 3.5934 6713 2399 6935.7344 3.8243 525507.1645 3.3929 3.5970 51 6716.8369 3.6006 533510956063.3961 52 6720.4375 6943.3953 3.8325 541651389599 3.3993 3 6342 6724,0417 6947.2320 55155173624 3.4025 6727.6495 3.6078 69510728 55 565520.7681 3.4057 3.8449 6954.9177 5716524.1770 3.4089 3.6151 6734.8761 6958.7668 58 5527.5892 3-4122 6738 4948 57 3.6187 3.8532 6962.6200 5916531.0046 3.4154 6742,1172 3.6224 3.8574 3 4187 6745.7433 6970.3390 60 M 72 73 74 SS 2 38 3.7798/39 3.7838 40 37878 41 0905.2548 3.7918 42 3.7958/4? 37998/44 3.8038 46 3 5682 3.5718 3.816648 3.8201 49 3 8367 53 3.840854 6731,2610/ 3.6115 3.8491 56 58 60165 34.4.2331 3.62615966.4774 3.861659 ki 312 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts, 75 tinutes 70 77 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutes 1 I 16974 2048 3.8658 17218 3454 2 278417226 6413 7485 0309| 4.4650 7493978; | 44765 4.4822 76997-4882 3.8912 4.180 3 7017.0082 3:9126 7255 8325 4.18:0 12 3:91697264.2174 4.5166 13 4.5224 141 45282 970-3390 7210.0688 7467.2048 4 1359 17214 2047 7471 6529 4 4481 269482748 3 8700 4.1407 7476 10661 4.4537 3.8742 316981.94 o 7222 4909 4 4 1455 7489 5659 4 4593 3 4,6985 8274 3 4 1504 4 4 6989.7101 3.8827 7230 7957 4.1554 7489.5016-44707 66993,5970 38869 72349570 4.1603 7239.1 222 4.1652 7498.4003 87001.3830 3.89547243 2923 4:1701 7502 9483 4 4880 97005,2833/ 389977247.4674 4.175 7507 4420 4 4937 1070091873_3.90407251.6475 7511.9414 4.1994 10 117013.0956 3 90837255 8325 4.5052 7260 0225 4 7520 9575 45109 12 13 70209151 4:19+9 7525 4741 147024.84631 322127208 4173 4.1999 7529 9965 42048 1312028.7718_3.9255 7272-6221 7534 5247 IŞ 167032.7017 3.92997276.8318142097 7539 0587 45:40 16 1770366359 3 2342,7281 0465 4:21 4 7543.5985 4.5398 18 7548.1441 4.545818 97044 5174 3.94297289.497 4.2246 7552.6956 4.5515 19 19 7048 46 47 4 2297 7557.2529 45573 20 217052.4164 4 2347 7561.8161 4.5632 27 2217056 3724 7566-3852 237060.3328, 3696047306-4398 4.2449 7570.9603 2417064 2977 3.9649731068991.42501 4581 17575 5414 24 2517068.2671 4.2553 7580 12851_45871 25 9797.2409/ 3.9738 7319 2057 4.2003 7584 7217 277076.2192) 3:9783 7323.4714 7589.3209 4'5992 27 87080.2020 3. 828 7327 7423 4 2704 7593.9261 605 297084.1893 3 9873 7332 0 1 84 4.2761 5985374 46112 30/70881811/ 3.9918 3991813 36.2996 4 2812 7603.1547! 75 76 17 3 9386 7285 2601 4.2190 3.9473729367204 395177297.255 3 95607302 1949 7302 1949 42398 4 5691 22 4.5751 23 3.96947314 9452 4593226 4.265 329 .617:30 77 A new. and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 3.13 75 76 77 Mer. Part Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ Minutesi 1 M. CS 4.29167007.7780 4.6233 3 4.629. 4635 3 401! 5 6. 5 3 54 4 0476 4.0600 * 3 36 31 666: 4,"72434 f C 4 437140.4852 4.0508 188 1811 7396.2990 760301547 3 9963 4.2864 7092.1774 31 7340.586 4.000€ 7086.1782 3 7344.8774 7612.4073 7100.1835 4.0053 4.2967 3. 23-79,1745 7617 6427 4 0090 4.2019 7104.1933 7353476 7621.6842 108.2070 4.0143 1,3072 3: 7357.703 7626.3318 4.0iod 4.3124 30711 2.2264 7302:09,8 7630.985€ 27116.2497 4.023 7266 413 4.3176 76156456 187120.2775 4.0272 4.3229 7370.7363 7640.3113 03241 31.124.2094 4.3281 73750644 7544.9842 128.340% 4,0369 4.3334 379.1974 7549 6625 4.1413 4.3387 +132.3883 7383.7365 7654.34:8 427136.4344 4.0461 7388 0806 4.3441 70590289 4 3494 7392.420 7663.7362 7144 5407 40555 4'3548 7396.784 7768.439,8 4'3603 7401145 7673:1497 4012152.9658 . 4 0644 4.3657 7405510 767.005 4.c656 471?156.7354 4.712 144-9.8820 7682.588.. j7160.8-97 40743 7414258 7687.3172 4.0790 4.3821 441164.8887 7418-6407 7692.6524 Ś 17168 9724 4.837 4.3876 7423.C 283 7646.7940 5 7173.0608 40884 4.3930 7427.4213 7:01 5424 27177 1538 4.093 7431.8198 4.3985 7706.2965 5: 4.0978 7436.2227 4.4039 77110574 5:11857542 4 1025 1.4094 7440.6331 7715.8247 55° 4.14.7" 74450179 44148 7720.:98 507193.5733 4.1117 4.4299 7449*.602 7725.3788 4.1167 $77:97.69.00 7453.8941 4 4258 7730.1656 5:201.8115 4.1215 45*.3254 205.9378 4 1 26 7462.7622 4:4369 7739.7588 5 7210. 6881 4.1210 4.4425 7457.204 7744 5652 M 75 : 70 77 4.6;8 4.08.9 4.5911 4.64731 4.736 4.099 4.7162 1.7225 4.72881 4€ 4:7352 +52148 nCOo_46.602 4.3760 47410149 5 4 7480 51 +7515 52 4 70095 7181;2517 189.4514 Si 4.7073 5 4.7738 S 4.7803 47060 4.7933 15 4.42147734.959 4.70995 4 06+ M Minutes) Minutes) 8380.9666 5.7630 1 2 4.8263 8061 4629 4.83293066.7314 8072, 077 5.811517 4,852918082.5843 4.859618087.8846 4 87313098.5095 nagi- . 314 A new and corre&t 'Table of Meridional Parts. 78 80 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 017744.5652 1945.7049 8375.1970 4.8130 5 2149 3050.9498 17749.3782 4.8196 ૪ 217754.197 5.2526 3056.2024 5.7731 8386.7337 5.2005 317759.0241 5.7827 8392.5164 3 52685 4177638570 5.7922 8398.3086 4 4,8396 5.2763 5.812 5 7768.6966 8704.1103 Ş 617773.5428 4 8462 8077.2920 5.28.43 8709.9218 5.2923 717778,3957 8415.7430 58212 7 $:3003 8!7783.2553 8421.5739 5.8309 8 4.8663 3093.1930 5.3084 97788.1216 5.8407 8427.4146 5.3165 107-92.9947 8433.2651 5.8505 4 8798 107797 8745 5.3246 8103.8341 5.8603 8439.1254 4.8857 5.3327 127802-7012 5.8701 8199. 1608 8444.9953 12 5.3497 5 880 8450.8755 4.9304 1478125550 8119.8565 5.3490 8.456.7055 5.8900 4 4.9072 8125.2136 5.3571 8452-6656 5.900 5 5.3653 8130.5789 8468.5755 5.9099 5.3726 1717827.2970 5.9199 8135.9525 8174.4954 7 4.9279 5,3818 187832.2249 5.9301 8141.3343 8480.4255 4.9347 5.3901 5.9402 19/7837.1566 8146.7244 8486.3657 19 4'9418 5.3986 5.9503 207842,1014 8152,1239 8492.3160 4.9487 5.4069 217847.0501 5.9605 8498.2765 8157.5299 5.4152 5.9707 2217852.0058 8504.2472 4.9626 8163.3687 5.4230 137856.9684 5.9809 8510.2281 23 4.9697 5.4319 5.9912 24 786 1.9381 8173.8000 8516.2193 4 9767 5.4404 1517866 9148 8179.2410 8522,2207 4.9839 5.4489 267871.8987 8184.6899 8528.2326 26 4.9909 5.4574 8190.1473 27/7876.8896 8534.2549 27 4,9980 5.4659 287881.8876 8195.6132 8540.2876 28 5.0050 297886.8926 5.4745 8201.0877 8546.3306 29 S0122 5.4832 3017891.9048 8206.5709 8552.3841 3.0 M 8 79 80 M 48934181145075 13 37807.6546 48934 157817.4622 16|782 2.3762 49140 4 9208 6 18 21 4.955718162.9451 22 2.4 25 6.0014 6.0119 6.0223 6.0327 6'0430 6.0535 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts. 315 78 79 Mer. Part, Differ. Mer. Parts Difer. 80 Mer. Parts Differ Minuteslim Minutes and .60640 8558 448 60745 6.0853 8570 6079 6.09611 6.166834 38 35 3617922,1298 337927.1925 38:932 2630 5.0702 3:937.3406 10 4 1²947 5178 4717952.6175 BS 6.182614 6.1935.4: 5 11478284.251 6.2015 457467.9614 407973.0910 7891 9018 8205.5709 8552.384 30 5.019418212.062 5.4913 7896.9274 ; 31 5.0265 S.9004 7901'9507 8217.5631 8564.522 32 3 5.933918223,0721 5.5090 3 7906.9346 3 50040 8228.5898 5.5177 791 2.0257 34 8576.704 5.5264 5.0485182 8234.1152 8582 8108 '917.9742 35 6,1173 5.5352 5.05; 8 8239.6514 8588 928 36 5063918245.1957 5.5439 6.1279 8595.056 13? 5.070218250.747 5.5527 61389 8601.1944 5.5516 614989 5.07768256*309€ 8607:344 5.08498261.8802 6.1608) 5.5.706 79424.255 8613 505 45 5.092318257.7596 6.1715 5.5794 8619 6771 5.099718273.0479 5:5883 8615.8597 55773 4 #311957.72401 5.1078273.615 8632,253 5.6062 7952.8393 8638.2577) 6.215 ti 5.12218239.856€ 5.6152 8644.473 45 5.12961827 7 4910 5.624+ 6 2267 8650.699.1 46 5.6334 6.2379 4711978 2280 13708301.1244 8656.937 1 514478306.7658 55424 6.2491 4*17783.3727 8663.1863 S152 6,2502 5.6516 3312.4184 8569 477 41988.5219 45 62715 5.1578 gor 67 511993.68 +7 8318.0791 8575.7186 6.2828 51 5 5.1757 5.6791 3329.428: 8688.29551 S100.4.0272 52 3 6.3056 533009 20981 5.182.183351164 8694 601 53 5.6977 6.3171 54 3014 4002 8700.9182 9.7971 8346.5211 20175032 8707,2468 55 .3399 5.2058 $352,2374 500024 8040 8713.5767 Se 5.7257 6.3515 5213 3:57.9531 5713030.0174 87:99382 5 5.7352 .63632 5813035.238.5| 5,2 213 8363.698; 8726 3014 5.7446 6.375 52291 593040.4578 3369.4+29 8732 6764 6013045 7049 5.237118.71.1970 5.7541 8739.0632 79 IM go * 48 156 5167+1332367490 5.6699 86820013 6 2972 1 5.1914 8347.8!4 51930 •6.328054 5 7162 5 63860166 M 78. 316 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 81 Minutes) Minutes 01 8.2152 1 6.410211159.8593 a 2 8758.29371 6,4338 48764-7275| 6.4+50186-5725 6 4577 10183.84 6 78784.1005 6.4817 marlo 7 2081 8254 8.- 742 8 294 7.2529196 +7.076.0 831396 83339 8.3540 8.3742 7.31399680.4660 8.294+ 7.327219188.8104 7.28249653.7378 8? Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 0739.C 632 1145.4588 4588 9605.8175 6.3984 7 1928 8 745 1016 1 7152.6516 9614.0327 7.277 8.2347 218751.8718 9522 2674 6.4219 7.2227 2167.032 630.5214 3 7174'3190 7 2376 .638.799 S 8771,1731 618777 6308 76;5:08 6,4597 1196.124 7 7.2987 818790.5822 8 9293.4227 25 +2,0918 6.4935 918797.0761 6506c 2210.7360 1088c3 $821 92180659 65183 7.3444 84149 2225107 9097.2753 7.36.4 9232 7711 9705-7108 7.3762 8.458C 138823,1736 0240.1473 9714.1668 13 7.3920 8.4760 14 8829.7286 2247.5393 2722 6434 4 6.5673 7.4079 158836 2959 9254.9472 9731'1408 0.5797 7.4235 8.518 : 108842.8756 6 9262.3707 9139659 6.5922 7.4395 8.5394 78849.4678 9748.1985 9269.8102 117 6.6048 7.4554 8.; 6.,6 18,8856.0726 9756.759 18 66174 7,4715 9284.7371 9765.3408 7.1876 08869.3202 9292.2247 7773.9440 0.6431 7.5038 8,6242 218875 9633 9299 7285 9782.5682 6.6552 7.52:12 8.6466 228882.6185 22 9307.2487 791.21 42 6,568 7.5365 8.6678 23 38889.2865 6.680 93 14.7852 7.5527 8.6896 +8895.2674 9:22.3379 9808.5?16 6 6938 7.5603 8402.6612 8.7116 9229.90,77 981? 2832 25 6.7068 7.5879 268909 3080 9.37.4921 9320 0/65 67198 7 6025 78916.0878 . 9334.772 9345 0956 67327 7.619 810922 8205 9252.714 9843.5497 6,743 7.6360 9360.250 9852.3496 6.758 7.6529 08930 3250 30 9.68.927 851 170 82 .82 M II 18810.10041 6.5?05 ial: 816.6'09165427 6.5550 8.4355112 8.4974 9277 2656 98862.690916 6302 8.581719 8.6032120 21 9799 8820 24 C 8.73?3126 87555127 877771:8 8.799929 8 8:22: 498929.5662 كم 81 *** A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts. 317 Minateslim Minules 67719 8.8449 88675 6.8119 6.8254 8.9135 8.9364 6.8657 .68793 38 2011.5535 09204 9878,8844 8.8904 81 82 82 Mer. Part Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ 8936.3250 9368.0037 9861.1720 30 7.6696 8943 0969 9375 6733 6.7852 31 9870 0109 8949.8821 7.6867 32 9383'3600 32 6.7986 7.7039 8956.6807 B 9391.0639 9887.7748 7,7211 34 8963.4926 9398.7850 7.7383 9896,6883 34 35 8970.3180 9406.5233 990.6247 is 6.8387 7.7557 8.9596 3018977.1567 9414 2790 6.8522 30 9914.5843 7.7730 8984:0089 8.9827 32 9422.0520 37 9923.5674 7.7903 9.0062 388990.8746 9429.8423 7.80799932.5732 9.0297 393997.7539 6.8930 943 7.6502 139 7.8256 9941.602 9.0532 409004.6469 9445.4758 9950.656 40 6.9066 7.8434 9.0769 41 9453.3192 7.8610 99567131 H! 9.1010 1421 9018.4739 9461.1882 9968.834 798789 6.9341 42 9.1249 439025.4080 6.9478 9469.0591 7.8970 2977.958 45 9.1491 44 90323558 9476.9561 9987.1080 +4 7.9149 9'1734 4519039.3183 9484.8710 9996.2814 is 6.9764 40 9046.2947 7.9329 9.1977 9492.8039 10005.4791 76 7.9512 47 9053.2850 9.2224 9500.7551 7.004: 10014.7015 47 489060.2891 9.2470 7.9696 9508.7247 10023.9485 7,0180 49|9067.3071 7.9881 9516.7128 9.2717 7.0321 10033.2202 19 9.2966 5C|9074.3392 9524.7192 10042.5168 50 51 9081.3856 7.0464 8.0248 9.3217 9532.7440 7.0610 S1 10051.8385 8.0435 9.3469 52|9088.4466 9540.7875 10061.1854 8.0623 7.8756 52 539095.5222 9.3723 7.0901 9548,8498 8,0812 10070.5577 549102.6123 9.3978 7.1046 9556.9310 8.1001 10079.9555 54 55 9109.7169 9.4233 9505.0311 55 I56 9116,8359 7.1190 9.4491 10098.8279 5719123.9695 8.1381 9.4750 10108.3029 9581.2883 7,1483 58191311178 57 9.501C 9589.4455 8.1764 10117.8039 9,5273 9597.62:9 IOI 27.3312 59 69 2145.4588) 7.1780 9605.8175 10136.8847 9.5535 60 M 81 82 M TO ( C 6.9625 6.9903 48 8.0064 53 8.1191 10089.3788|_9.4233 7.133649573.1502 56 8.1572 SE 59/9138,2808 7.1638 8.1956 83 318 A New and Corret Table of Meridional Parts 84 Mer. Parts. | Differ. 05 Merid. Pes. Differ. Minutes:0 Minutes! oi 1 95801 9.6068 I 2 і on tupo nso a 1 I 2 10136.88 7 10146.4648 210156*0716 10165.7049 3 9.6333 9.6604 4 10175.3653 10185.0;27 9.6874 610194 7073 9.7146 7 10204 5093 9.7420 810214.2789 9.7696 910224.0762 9.797.3 10233.9014 9.8252 1110243.7546 9.8532 9.8813 12 102 3.6 359 13 10263.5456 9.9097 14 | 10273.4838 99382 1510283 4506 9.9668 16 | 10293 4463 9.9957 17 10303.4710 10,0247 1810313.5246 10.0536 19 10323.6079 10.1128 20 10333-7207 10.1425 10343 8632 2210354.0350 23 | 10364.2379 24 10374.4703 10.2324 10.2628 25 | 10384.7331 26 10395.0265 10.2934 27 10405.3507 28 104'5.7061 10.3554 29 | 10726.0924 10.3863 30 10426.5102 | 10.4778 M 84 10:64.6210 : 1776.1139 51.4929 10787 0151 11.5312 10799 3150 11.5699 10810 823 8 I 1.6088 1082 2 4.718 11.6480 11'6875 10834.1593 11,7272 10845.8865 11.7672 10857.6537 I,8074 10869.4611 10881 2091 11.8480 11.8889 10393 1982 11.9299 10905 I 279 11.97.13 10917.0992 12.0131 10929.11 23 1 2.0550 10941.1673 12.0973 10953 2646 1965.4044 I 2.1398 I 2.1828 10977.5872 10989.813 12.2259 11002.c825 1 2.2694 I 2.3132 I1014 3957 11026.7530 12.3573 12.4018 [1039.1548 12.4465 11051,6013 12.49,16 I1064.0929 12.5370 11076.6299 U1089.2126 12.5827 12.6288 (1101.8414 12.6753 I1114 5167 12,7220 11127.2387 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10.0833 21 21 10.1724 10.2023 22 23 24 25 $0.3242 26 27 28 29 30 M 85 a New and Correct Table of Meridional Parts. 319 l 84 Mer. Parts. 85 Mer. Parts | Differ. Differ. Minutes la Minutes! ' www. w ****ia. :) 49 3010436.5102 31 10440.9595 32 10457.4404 33 10467.9534 34 10478.4984 3510489 0754 36 | 10499.6851 37 105 10.3275 3810521.0027 39 10531.7113 40 10542.4531 41 10553.2 284 42 10564.0374 43 10574.8804 44 10585,7575 4510596.6690 46 10607.6151 47 10618.5960 48 10629.6121 49 10640.6632 5016651.7499 5110062.8723 52 10674.0305 53 10685,2251 54 10696.4563 551070707241 56 10719.0290 57 10730.3708 58 10741.7499 59 10753.1666 60 10764.5210 M м 84 -10 4493 10.4809 13.5130 10'5450 10.5770 10.6097 10.6424 10,6752 10.7086 10.7418 10.7753 10.8090 10,8430 10.8771 10.9115 10.9461 10.9809 I 1.0161 I1.0511 11.0867 II,1224 11.1582 11.1946 11.2312 11.2678 11.3049 IJ.3418 11.3791 11.4167 11.4544 11127.2387 30 11140.0078 12.7691 I1152.8243 12.8165 31 10165.6887 12.8644 32 11178.0013 12.91 26 33 III91.5624 12.96134 35 11201.5724 13.0100 36 13.0593 IT 217.6317 11230.7406 13.1089 37 11243.8995 13.1589 38 13.209+ 39 11257.1082 11270.3691 13.2602 41 11283.6865 13:3114 11297.0435 13.3630 42 42 13:4150 11310.4585 44 45 11337-4460 13.5202 40 13.5735 11351.0195 47 13.6271 11364.6466 11378.3278 13.6812 49 11392 0635 | 13.7357 11405.8542 13.7907 51 13.8460 11419.70C2 52 11433.6021 13.9019 53 13.9583 11447-5604 11461.5753 14.0149 14.0722 55 11475.6475 11489.7774 14.1299 11903 9655 I 4.2467 11518.21 22 59 60 85 11323.9258 13.4673 ********""""""...."): 48 m'''.'............ $o 54 56 14:1881 57 1832.51801 14.3058 TI 2 320 A new and correčt 'Table of Meridional Parts. 86 8 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts Differ. Minutesi º 11 Minutes 1 I 1 alut marjo 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 I12.5 180 11546.8835 14.3055 14 4256 11561.3.191 2 11575.7954 14.4863 3 14.474 U590.3428 11604.9119 14.6091 611619.6232 14 6712 14,7341 11634-3573 7 811649,1546 14.7973 11664 0157 14.8611 9 11678,9412 149255 IO IL 1 1693 9316 14 9904 1211708.9876 15.0560 15.1220 13 11724.1996 14 11739.2983 15.1887 1511754.5543 15.2560 16 11769.8781 | 15.3238 15.3923 17 11785.2704 18 1800-7318 15.4614 15:5316 19 11816.2628 20 11831.8642 156014 ! 5.6724 21 11847.5366 11863.2807 IS.7441 22 23 15.8892 2411894.9862 IS 9629 25 11910.9491 16.0373 26 119 20.9864 16,1122 27 11943.0986 16,188 28 11959,2866 29 11975.5510 3Ci 11991 8926 M 86 I 2522,15!2 19.1605 12541.2678 19.2570 12560.5350 19 3763 12579.9119 19.4859 12599:3978 19.5969 12618.9947 19.7090 1 2638.7037 19.8226 126535262 199374 1 2678.7637 20.0535 12698.5172 20.6711 12718.6883 20.290 12738.9783 20.4103 I 27593886 20.5320 12779.9206 12800,5759 20.6553 12821.3558 20.7799 20,9062 1 2842.2620 21.0340 1286 3.2960 21. 1633 12884593 21.2942 129057536 21.4268 1 2927,1804 21 5611 12948.7415 21,6970 1297.).4385 21.8347 12992.2732 21.9741 13014.2473 22.1153 13036.3626 22.2583 13058.6209 22.403 13081 0242 22.5501 13103.5743 22-6988 13126.2731 228496 131491 27 87 17 18 19 21 22 11879.097615.8163 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M 16.2644 16 3419 he 1 New and Correet Table of Meridional Parts. 321 86 87 Mer. Parts Differ. Mer. Parts, Differ. Minutes olim Minutes! non 16 4194 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2011991.892) 12008.3120 321 2024.8102 33 I 2041 3877 34 12058.0455 35 | 12074.7842 36 | 12091.6046 3712108.5076 38 12125.4970 3912142.5646 4012159.7202 41 | 12 176.9617 42 12194.2900 43 | 12211'7060 44 12229,2104 45 12246,8043 4612264.4886 47 | 12282.2641 48 12300.1319 4912318.0930 50 12336.1482 51 12354.2985 5212372-5451 5312390,8889 54 12409.3309 55 12427.8723 5612446 3141 57.12465.2573 12484.1032 5912503.5528 60 | 12$22.1073 86 10.4982 16,5775 16.6578 16.7:87 16,8204 16.9030 16.9864 17.0706 17.1550 17.2415 17.3283 17.4160 17.5044 17.5939 17.6843 17.7755 17.8678 17.9611 18.0552 41 13149.1227 +3172.1250 23.0023 13195.221 | 23.1571 13218.5961 23-3140 13242.0691 23.4730 13265.7034 23.6342 13289.5011 23.7977 13313.4546 23.9635 13337.5962 24.1316 13361.8982 24.3020 13386.3739 24.4748 134110232 24.6502 13435.8513 24.8281 13460.8599 25 0086 13486.0516 25.1917 13511.1291 25.3775 13530,9952 25.5661 13562.752725 7575 13588.7045 25.9518 13614.8536 13641 2030 13667.7556 26.5525 13694.5149 26.9690 13721.4839 13754.6661 27.1822 27.3986 26.1491 26.3494 42 42 44 45 40 47 48 49 Şo 50 52 53 54 18:1503 26.7593 18,2465 18.3438 18.4420 18.5414 55 13776.0647) 27.3985 27.6186 18 6418 18.7432 18.8459 18.9496 19.0545 13803.6833 13831.5255 13859.5948 27.8422 28.0693 58 12484. 13887.8951 28.5350 / 56 57 58 59 60 M 13916.4301 87 322 A new and correct Table of Meridional Parts 88 Mer. Parts 19 Mer. Parts Differ. Differ. Minutes - Minutes 28.7737 2 3 4 3 hloooovalutu 7 8 9 IO IL 11 12916.439) 1945.2.38 29 016. 2 1 39 74.2202 14402.4835 29.263) 3 29.5144 4 14032 9979 22,7698 5 14062.7677 6 1 4092.7975 300298 214123.0917 30,2942 814153.6551 30.5634 14184 4925 30.8374 14215,6788 31.1163 14247 0093 31.4006 12 14278.6972 31.6898 319845 13 14310.0837 14 | 14342 9684 32.2847 15 14375.5590 32.5936 16 | 144.08.4614 32.9024 17 14441.6817 | 33.220; 18 | 14475 2259 3:5442 19 14509.1005 33.8746 34.2116 20 14543-3121 21 14577.8674 34.5553 22 1461 4.7735 34.906 23 14648.0375 35.2640 2414683.6668 35.6192 36 0023 25 14719.6691 26 147560523 36.3832 27 14792.8245 36.7722 28 148.29.9942 37,1687 29 | 14867.5700 3705750 30 37 9909 14905 5609 M 88 16299.5562 16357.3379 1 6416.1071 16475.8982 16536.7477 16598.6934 166617757 16726.0372 16791.5226 16858.2795 16926.3584 16995.8126 17006 6988 17139.07774 17213.0126 17288.5727 1736;.8508 17444 8651 17525.7590 17508.6023 17693.4914 17780.5294 17869.8284 17961.5089 8055.7014 18152.5474 18252,2009 18354.3295 184.60.6 162 18569.7617 18682.486 57.7816 58 7692 59.7911 60.8495 62.9457 62.0323 6.4.2015 65.4854 66.7569 68 0789 19:4542 70.8862 72,3786 73.9352 75.560 77.2581 79,0343 80.8939 82.8433 84.8891 87.0380 89.2990 91.6805 94.1925 96.8460 99.6535 102.6286 105.7867 109.1455 112.7246 I 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M 89 A new and corre&t Table of Meridional Parts, 323 89 Minutesla! Minutes to 38:8493 36 38 160 16299.5563 / 56.8264 88 Mer. Parts. Differ. Mer. Parts | Difference 30 14905.5609 18682.4863 30 31 | 14943 9762 384153 116.5464 8799.0327 31 32 14982.8255 120.6365 18919 0692 32 39 2932 33 | 15022,1187 12,0244 190+4 1932 33 129 7430 34 15665.8661 | 39.7474 19174 4362 34 134.8321 35 15 102.0783 | 40 2722 19309.2683 35 36 15142 7663 40 6880 19449 0052 140 3369 37 15183.9414 41.1751 19595.915) 146.3103 37 3815225.615643.6742 19 748 7305 152.8150 39 15267 8010 42 1854 19908 6536 159.9251 39 4015310,5 101| 42.7091 20076.3848 1677292 40 4115353-7569 43 2468 202527191 41 4315397-5543 43.7974 20438.5894 42 4315441.9167 44:3624 20635.0864 43 208 44154868589 44.9422 20843.4993 4129 44 22 1.8679 4515532.3963 45.5374 21065.3672 45 46155.78.5448 | 46.1485 21302.5479 237 1807 47 15625.3212 46 7764 21557.3130 254.7651 4815672.742047.4214 275.1672 21832.4802 48.0847 4915720.8273 22131.6038 299.1236 50 15769.5943 48.7670 22459.2565 3276527 50 5115819.0621 49.4673 22821.4598 362:2033 51 52 15869.2524 SO 1903 23226.3685 404.9087 52 53 15920.1862/ 50.9338 23685 4159 459.0474 53 54'5971.8858 516996 24215.3473 529.9314 54 59 160 24.3747 52.4889 24842.1229 55 566077.6773 53.3026 25609.2341 767 III2 57 16131.8192) 54-1419 26598.2 124 988 9783 58 16186.8274 550082 27992.0989 1393.8865 59 16242.7299 55.9025 2382 8645 30374.9634 Infinite. M 88 89 M 176.3343 185.8703 196 4970 46 47 48 49 626.7750 56 57 58 59 60 3 ! . ot Navigation 285 Sect. XI. B. Y the help of the Tables of Meridional Parts, made according to the Rules laid down and demonſtrated in the former Section, it will be eaſy to give Solutions to all the Problems propoſed in Mer-- cator's Sailing, and thence to find the true Bearing and Diſtance, Diference of Latitude and Difference of Longitude, between any two Places propoſed. Problem i. The Latitudes of any two Places being given, 'tis required to find the Meridional Difference of Latitude between them. i Caſe I. If one place be under the Equator, and the other in North or South Latitude, Then the Meridional Parts anſwering to the Latitude propoſed, will be the Meridional Difference of Latitude. Example. Suppoſe two Places, one under the Equator, the other in the La- titude of so deg. oo min. North, then the Meridional Difference of Latitude will be found to be 3474.5. : Caſe II. If the Places propoſed are on the ſame ſide of the Equator, that is, both in North, or both in South Latitude, then the Diffe- rence of the Meridional Parts anſwering to each Latitude, will be the Meridional Difference of Latitude. Example If one place be in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, and the other in the Latitude of 13 deg. 30 min. North, the Meridional Difference of Latitude will be found to be 2657.9. For, From PP st 286 Navigation. From the Meridional Parts anſwering to 509 00' Take the Meridional Parts anſwering to 13° 30' 3474.5 817.6 Remains the Meridior al Difference of Latitude 2656.9.1 Caſe III. A If the places propoſed are on contrary ſides of the Equator, that is,, if ons be in North Latitude and the ot er in South Latitude. Then, The Sum of the Meridional Parts anſwering to each Latitude, will be the Meridional Difference of Latitude, Example.. If one place be in the Northern Latitude of 13 deg. 30 min. the other in the Southern Latitude of 16 deg. 03 min. then the Meridi- onal Difference of Latitude will be found to be 1793.5. For, To the Meridional Parts anſwering to 13° 30 817.6 Add the Meridional Parts anſwering to 16°03' 975.9 The Sum will be the Meridional Difference of Latitude 1793.5 4 Problem 2. Given the Latitudes and Longitudes of two Places, or both Lati- tudes and Difference of Longitude, to find the direct Courſe and.. Diſtance between them. Example. Let it be required to find the direct Courſe and Diſtance, betweeu the Lizard in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, and Barbadoès- in the Latitude of 13 deg. 30 min. North, differing in Longitude 52 deg. 58 min. Barbadves lying so much to the Weſtward of the Lizard, Confer Navigation.. 287 > A Conſtru£tion. . Having found the Meridional Dif- ference of La jude 2056.9,by che ad Cafe of the 1ſt Problem, ſet it oti from A to D, and erićt the Perpendicular DE, equal to the Difference of Longitude 3178 Miles, and draw AE. Merid.diff.of Lat. Dit.Saild C Diff of Long 2. Make AB equal to 2190 Miles, E equal to the proper Difcrence of Lati- tude, obtained (by Section the iſt., and draw.BC parallel to ED, then will AC be the direct Diſtance, and the Angle BAC the Courſe. To find which by Calculation it will be, As AD:DE::R:t, Angle A. That is, As the Meridional Difference of Lat.=2656.9-2.4243752 To the Difference of Longitude 3178 2.5021539 So is the Radius 10.0000000 To the Tangent of the direct Courſe soº 06' 10.0777787 Which becauſe Barbadoes is to the Southward of the Lizard, and the Difference of Longitude is Weſterly, is S. so deg. o6 min. W or S. W.s deg. 06 min. Weſterly. Whence to find the direct Diſtance it will be, As R : AB :: Sec, Angle A : AC. That is, As the Radius -10.0000000 : To the proper Difference of Latitude 2190 So is the Secant of the Courſe so deg. 06 min. 2 3404441 TO 1928374 To the dire& Diſtance 3414.14 Miles 25332815 Problem 3 One Latitude, Courſe and Diſtance fail'd being given, to find the other Latitude and Difference of Longitude. P.p2 288 Navigation. LA Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of so deg. oo min North, fails 150 Miles upon the direct Courſe to Barbadoes, or S. so deg. c6 min. W. and it be required to find the Latitude ſhe is in, and how much ſhe has altered her Longitude. Geometrically. 1. By the help of the Courſe and Di- ſtance form the Triangle ABC, accord- ing to the Directions given in the ift Cafe 3 of Plain Sailing, then will AB be the proper Difference of Latitude ; to find which it will be, As the Radius 10.0000000 To the Diſtance fail'd 150- 2.1760913 So is the Co-line of the Courſe so° 06' 9.8071626 To the Difference of Latitude 36.2 1.9832539 D Hence the Ship will be found to be in the Latitude of 48° 23'TEN. and conſequently the Meridional Difference of Latitude by Caſe the 2d of the iſt Prob. 147.2. Conſtruction. Make AD equal to 147.2, and draw DE parallel to BC, which will be the Difference of Longitude. Then, , As R: AD::t, Angle A: DĒ. That is, As the Radius 10.000cooo To the Meridional Difcrence of Latitude 147.2-2.1679078 So is the Tangent of the Courſe 50° 06' 10.0777263 To the Difference of Longitude 176.05- 2.2456341 Or 2 deg. 56 min. In this Caſe Weſterly. Nour if the Ship were bound to Barbadoes, and it were required to find upon what Courſe ſhe muſt fail and how far, to arrive at the Port. Becauſe the Differences of Longitude are both the ſame way, take the Difference of Longitude made, fom the Difcrence of Longitude between the Lizard ard Baibadoes, and with the Remainder and the two Latitudes, find the Courſe and Diftarce by the former Problem. Problem : Navigation. 289 Problem 4. A Given both Latitudes and Courſe, to find the Diſtance laild and Difference of Longitude. Example. Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of 30 deg oo min. North, fails S. so deg. 06 min. W. until by Obſervation ſhe be found to be in the Latitude of 48 deg. 23 min.7North, and it be re- quired to find the Diſtance fail'd and Difference of Longitude. Geometrically. Having Conſtructed the Triangle ABC, by the help of the Courſe and proper Dif- férence of Latitude, according to the Di- B rections given in the 2d Caſe of Plain Sailing. E Find the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.2, by the 2d Cafe of the 1ſt Problem, and ſet it oft' from A to D, and parallel to BC draw DE, the Difference of Longitude, and it will be, As R : AD::t, Angle A: DE. That is, As the Radius 10.0000000 D To the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.2---2.1679078 So is the Tangent of the Courſe 50' 06 I0 0777263 To the Difference of Longitude 176.05 2.2456341 The Diſtance fail'd may be found by the ad Caſe of Plain Sailing. For, As the Radius 10.0000000 To the proper Difference of Latitude 96.2 So is the Secant of the Courſe 50° 06' 1.9331751 10.1928374 To the direct Diſtance fail'd 149.98 2.1760125 Problem 5. Both Latitudes and Diſtance fail'd being given, to find the direct Courſe and Difference of Longitude, Example 290 Navigation Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, fails between the South and Weſt 150 Miles, and then by Obſervation is found to be in the Latitude of 48 deg. 23 min.; N. and it be required to find the direct Courle and Ditterence of Lon- gitude. A Geometrically, E With the Difference of Latitude 96.2, and Diftar.ce fail'd 150, Conſtruct the B I riangle ABC, according to the Di- rcctions given in the 3d Caſe of Plain Sailing 2. Let AD be made equal to 147.2, the Meridional Difference of Latitude (obtained by Coife the żd of Prob the ift.) and draw DE perpendicular to AD, till it meet ÁC produced in E, then is DE the Difference of Longitude, and the Angle BAC the Angle of the Courſe. To find which by Calculation it will be, As AC :R :: AB : cs, Angle A. That is, As the Diſtance fail'd 150 2.1760913 To the Radius 10.0000000 So is the proper Difference of Latitude 96.2 1.9831751 To the Co-line of the Courſe 50° 06'į -9.8070838 Or S. W. s deg. 06 min.} Weſterly. Whence to find the Difference of Longitude it will be, As R : AD::t, Angle A : DE. That is, As the Radius -10.0000000 To the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.2--21679078 So is the Tangent of the Courſe soº 06'} 10.0778546 To the Difference of Longitude 176.10 2.2457624 Probleme * Navigation: 291 -> F A Problern 6. One Latitude, Courſe, and Difference of Longitude being given to find the other Latitude and Diſtance fail'd. Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of so deg, oo min. North, fails S. so deg. 06 min. W. until her Difference of Longitude be 176 Miles, and it be required to find the Latitude the is in, and her direct Diſtance ſail'd. Geometrically. 1. Having form’d the Angle BAC equal to 50 deg. 06 min. Draw Ef pa- rallel to AD, at the diſtance of 176 Miles, equal to the Difference of Lon- gitude, and from the point of Interſecti- D on E, let fall the perpendicular ED, then will AD be the Meridional Ditte I rince of Latitude ; and it will be, Ast, Angle EAD:R::ED: AD. That is, As the Tangene of the Courſe soº 06 10 0777203 To the Radius 10.000.000 So is the Difference of Longitude 176-- 2.2455127 V ni To the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.16--2.1677864 B : Becauſe the Ship ſailed from a North Latitude Southerly, From the Merid. Parts of the Lat. fail'd from 5oºoo'-3474.5 Take the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.16 Remains the Merid. Parts of the Lat. come into 48° 23'78 3327:34 Whence to find the proper Difference of Latitude, From the Latitude fail'd from Take the Latitude faiļd into 50° oo' N. 48 23 18 N. I'362 Remains the Difference of Latitude Conſtr. Set off 96.2 from A to B, and draw BC parallel to DE, then will AC be the direct Diſtance fail d, to find which by Calcı- lation it willbe, As 292 Navigation As R : AB :: Sec. Angle BAC : AC. That is, As the Radius- 10.0000000 To the proper Difference of Latitude 96.2 So is the Secant of the Coarſe soº 06' -1.9831751 10.1928374 To the direct Diſtance 149.97- 2.1760125 Problem 7. Onc Latitude, Courſe, and Departure being given, to find the other Latitide, Diſtance fail d, and Difference of Longitude. Example If a Ship from the Lizard, is the Latitude of so deg. oo min. N. fails S. 50 deg. 06 min. W. until her Departure be 115.1 Miles, and it be required to find the Latitude ſlie is in, her direct Diſtance fail'd, and how much the has altered her Longitude. A Geometrically. With the Courſe and Departure, let the Triangle ABC be Conſtrućt- ed, according to the Directions gi- ven in Cafe the 6th of Plain Sailing B then will AB be the proper Difference D of Latitude, and AC the direa Diſtance. Wherefore, As S, Angle BAC : BC :: R: AC. That is, As the Sine of the Courſe 500 00' 9.8848889 E To the Departure 115.1 So is the Radius 2.0610753 10.0000000 To the dire&t Diſtance 150.03 2.1761864 For the Difference of Latitude it will be, As t, Angle A: BC::R: AB. That is, As the Tangent of the Courſe so° 06' -10,0777263 To the Departure 115.1 2.06 10753 So is the Radius 10.0000000 To the proper Difference of Latitude 96.2 ----- 1.9833490 Hence Navigation. 293 Hence the Ship will be found to be in the Latitude of 48 deg. 23 min. fo, N. and conſequently the Meridional Difference of Lati- tude is 147.2. Conſtr. Make AD equal to the Meridional Difference of Latitude, and draw DE parallel to BC; and it will be As R : AD: :t, Augle A: DE. That is, As the Radius 10.0000000 To the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.2-2.1679078 So is the Tangent of the Courſe so deg. 06 min, 10.0777263 To the Difference of Longitude 176.05 2.2456341 Or, becauſe the Triangles ABC, ADE, are ſimilar, it will be, for the Difference of Longitude, As AB : AD :: BC:DE. That is, As the proper Difference of Latitude 96.2 1.9833490 To the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.2-2.1679078 So is the Departure 115.1 2.0610/53 To the Difference of Longitude 176.05– 2.2456341 Problem the 8th. Both Latitudes and Departure being given, to find the Courſe, Di- ſtance, and Difference of Longitude. Example Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard, in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, fails between the South and Weſt, until her Departure be 195.1 Miles, and then by Obſervation is found to be in the Latitude of 48 deg 23 min. I North, and it be required to find her Courſe, Diitance fail'd, and Difference of Longitude. A Geometrically. 1. By the help of the proper Diffe- rence of Latitude 94.2, and Departure 115.1. Let the Triangle ABC be Con- B ſtructed according to the Diređions gi- ven in the 4th Caſe of Plain Sailing. Qg 2. Make . E D 294 Navigation. 2. Make AD equal to the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.2, (obtained by the 2d Caſe of Problem the ift) and draw DE parallel to BC, and it will be, AS AB: BC :: AD: DE. That is, As the proper Difference of Latitude 96.2 1:9833490 To the Meridional Difference of Latitude 147.22:1679078 So is the Departure 115.1. 2.0610753 To the Difference of Longitude 176.05 2.2456341 Or having found the Courſe and Diſtance by Caſe the 4th of Plain Sailing, the Difference of Longitude may be found by the Second Problein. Problem the 9th. One Latitude, Diſtance fail’d, and Departure being given, to find the other Latitude, Courſe, and Difference of Longitude. Example. Suppoſe a Ship from the Lizard in the Latitude of so deg. oo min. North, fails between the South and Weſt 150 Miles, and then is found to have departed from her firſt Meridian 115.1 Miles, and it be required to find the Latitude: ſhe is in, her direct Courſe and Difference of Longitude. les 1. With the Diſtance fail'd and Departure form the Triangle ABC by the 5th Caſe of Plain Sailing; then for the Courſe it will be, B As AC: CB :: R:S. 4 SOURCERROXOX 4 418 The Log-Book, with the Form of keeping H.KH. K. Courſes. H.KH. K. Winds. Obſervations and Acci- dents, ) March 12, 1721. North. 2 3 ws Moderate Gales and fair Weather, at Four this Afternoon I took my De- parture from the Lizard in the Latitude of so deg. 00 min. North, it bearing North North Eaſt, Diſ- tance five Leagues. NNE 4 5 6 6 6 SW by W 3 I 7 81 6 I 91 7 SW by S Eaſt. 10 7 II 1217 I I :. TheGale freſhening and being under all our Sails. Il 8 2) 8 3 8 SS W Eaſt by South 1 1 41 8 1 5 8 6 8 1 The Variation I reckon to be one point Weſterly. South Weſt. ENE 8 8! 8 91 8 I I I SW by S rol 8 II 8 128 I I 1. For and manner of working correcting of Days Works . 419 Courſes Corre&.' Dift. North. South. Eaſt, Weſt. South Weſt 32 22.6 22.6 SSW 63.5 58.6 24.3 South by Weſt 48.5 47.6 9.5 : SW by S 25 5 21 1 14.1, 150.0 70.51 1. For the direct Courſe, ſay by the 4th Caſe of Plain Sailing, As Differ. Lat. : Depart. : : Rad. : T. Courſe. That is, As 150 : 70.5 1 : : 90.00 : t, 25.11 2. I 2. For the dire&t Diſtance, ſay by the ad Caſe of Plain Sailing, As the Rad. : Secant of the Courſe :: Dif. Lat. : Diſtance. That is, As 90.00: Secant of 25° 11' 1 ::150 : 165:7. 3. For the Difference of Longitude it will be, As the prop. Diff. of Lat. : Merid. Differ. of Latit. : : Depart. : Difference of Longitude. That is, As 150 : 227.6: : 70.5 : 107.05 So that this Day I have made my Way good South 25 deg. 11 min. { Weſt, Diſtance 105.7 Miles, my Difference of Longitude be- ing 107.05 Miles Welt, or i deg: 47 min. Weſt, and Latitude by Account 47.30 min. North. At Noon the Lizard bore from me North 25 deg. It min. Eaft, Diſtance 165.7 Miles. The 420 The Log-Book, spith the Form of keeping HK H.K. Courſes Winds. Obſervations and Acci- dents, o March 13, 1721 I 1 8 2! 8 SW by s ENE 1 I The firſt part moderate Gales and fair Weather: The middle and latter part freſh Gales and clou- dy. 1 SSW 41 8 58 I 61 8 - I Took in the Stay-fails 7 8 8 8 9 8 South by Wen ESE 1 10 8 II 8 1217 SSW South Eaſt To the beſt of my Judg. ment we make one point) Leeway. 17 27 31 7 South Weſt ESE I 416 5 6 6 6 I W NW South Weſt Variation as before one point Weſt Tack'd to the Southward South WSW lol 6 6l And and Manner of working e correcting of Days Works. 421 Courſes Corre&. Dift. North. South Eaſt, Weſt. SSW 46.5 42.91 17.8 South by Weſt 41.5 40.7 8.1 South 24. 24 South West 20. 14.1 14.1 W NW 18. 6.8 16.6 SSE 24. 22.2 92 6.8 143.91 9.2 56.6 6.8 9.2 137.11 474 And proceeding after the ſame manner as in the former Day- Work, we ſhall find the direct Courſe to be South 19 deg. 04 min. Weſt, Diſtance 145:1 Miles, the Latitude the Ship is in by Accouns 45 deg. 12 min. 5 North, and the Difference of Longitude made 68.67 Miles, or i deg. 8 min. Weſt ; whence to find the Bearing and Diſtance from the Lizard, it will be by the 4th Caſe of Plain Sailing, as the Sum of the two Differences of Latitude (becauſe they are both Southerly)or whole Southing, to the Sum of the two Departures (becauſe they are both Weſterly) or whole Wefing ; ſo is the Radius to the Tangent of the Courſe. That is; As 287.11 : 117.9: : 90.00 : t, 22.191. And again, As Rad. : Sec Courſe : : Diff . Lat. : Diſtance. That is, As 90 00 : Sec. 22.191 :: 287.11 : 310.4. So that At Noon the Lizard bore North 22 deg. 19 min. - Eaſt, Diſtance 310.4 Miles. Iii * The 422 The Log-Book, with the Form of keeping H KH. K. Courles. Winds. Obſervations and Acci- dents March the 14 1721 I South WSW 6 3 The firſt part freſh Gales and cloudy Wea- ther, the middle and lat- ter part hard Gales and [qually with Rain moment 6 SSE South Weft 4 5 6 6 I 7 5 85 95 I South Eaſt SS E Tack'd and took a Reef in each Top-fail I Parametrelerinin WSW South 105 IIS . I 5 2! 4 3 4 Clofe Reeft the Top-fails Weft. SSW Making in (my Opini- on) two points Leeway I 1 1 I I Took in the Fore Top-fail SSW is Making about 2 Lee- way. 1 71 4 8 4 94 Variation 1 point Weſt Handed M.Top fail Making (to the beſt of my Judgment) 4 points South by Wef Leeway Lat. per Obſerv.44° 46'N 1 103 113 1 2 3 I Ву T and Manner of working & corre&ting of Days Works 423 Courſes Correct. Dift. North. South Eaſt Weſt SSE 18 16.6 6.8 South Eaſt 18 12.7 12.7 ESE 16.5 6.3 15.2 WSW 20 7.6 18.5 Weit by North 18 3.6 17.7. W NW &W 16 5.4 15.1 NW by W 10.5 5.81 8.7 14.83 43.2 34.77 60.0 14.81 34:7 Diff. Lat. 28.31 Departure 25,24 By proceeding after the ſame manner as in the laſt Days Work, I find that I have made my way good South 41 deg: 35 min. Weſt, Diſtance 38.03 Miles, my Difference of Longitude being 35.7 Miles, and Latitude by Account 44 deg. 44 min. . So that, At Noon the Lizard bore from me North 24 deg. 24 min. Eaſt, Diſtance 340.5 Miles. Iii 2 For 424 The Log-Book, with the Form of keeping HK H.K. Courſes. Winds. Obfervations and Acci- dents, March 1 15,1721. I Weft. South by Weſt 3 23 3 3 I For the moſt part ſtrong Gales of Wind and ſqual- ly Weather, with Rain and Hail. 1 1 1 NW by W South Weſt 41 3 513 63 I I 7 3 I Reeft Courſes Leeway about 4 1 points 83 9 3 NW by N WSW Variation i point Weſt 10) 3 1113 1213 3 2 3 31 3 Wore Ship South by Eaſt ml 41 3 51 3 ola 2 Violent Squalls Leeway about si points Handed Fore Sail terrible Storm of Wind 712 8] 2 9 2 Leeway about 6 points Handed Main Sail Lying a Hull, Leeway about 7 points. 1 IO 2 II 2 Handed Mi-zen Sail 121 I I Lat.by Obferv. 45*25'N. This + and Manner of working e correcting of Days Works. 425 Courfes Correct. Diſt., North South. Eaſt Weſt NW by W 10.5 5.81 8.7 NNW 10.5 9.7 4.0 NNW halt W 6 5.3 2.8 North half Eaſt I 2 I1.9 1:2 i lalzla 15 lalo ES E half E I 2 3:5 II.S E by S half E 7.5 0.73 7.5 Eaſt half North 6 0.6 6.0 Eaſt 1.5 1.5 33:31 4.2.4 27.7 15.5 I 4.2 IS.S 29:1 Departure 12:2 Error Sii T. Depart. 17:3 This Day I have made my Way good, Allowance being made for the Error in Latitude, North 23 deg. 35 min. Eaſt, Diſtance 42 66 Miles, my Difference of Longitude being 17.2 Miles Eaſt, and true Latitude 45 deg. 25 min, North. At Noon the Lizard bore from me North 24 deg. 36 min. Eaſt, Diſtance 302.4 Miles. The . 426 The Log-Book, with the Formof keeping H.K H. K. Courſes. Winds. Obfervations and Acci- dents, 9 March 16, 1721. I I South by Eaſt, WSW 2) I 1 3 I The firſt part ſtrong Gales of Wind, with rio- lent Squalls: The middle hard Gales, the latter ve- ry freſh Gales, but more moderate Weather. I 4 I 511 61 2 I Set the Mizon Leew.6; pts margar 2 8 2 91 2 Set M: Sail Leew. så prs. Variation i point Weſt 102 I 2 I 12 2 I - 1 up Sº off S. E. WSW 2 3 4 5 6 3 up SSEoÁ'SEbye South Weſt Set Top-fail SSE. half E South Weſt We drove about two Miles an Hour, making a- bout s points Leeway. 71 3 8 3 91 3 Leeway about 41 points Let the Reeflout of Courſes Leeway about 4 points. I - 에 ​I Set M. Top-fail 10 3 II 4 I Leeway about 3 points. Latitude by Obſervati- On 45 deg. 32 min., North I 2 This x and manner of working es correcting of Days Works. 427 co Courfes Correê. Dift. North. South. Eaſt. Weſt. Eaſt by North 7.5 I.S 7.37 1 Eaſt half North 8. 0.8 8.0 Eaſt South 7.5 0.31 7.4 E by N half N 4. 1.2 3.8 Eaſt 1.5 15.0 Eaſt half South 7. 0.7 7.0 1 ES E half E 9. 2.6 8.6 3.5 361 57.2 3.5 2 On This Twenty-four Hours I have made my Way good North 84 deg. oo min. Eaſt, Diſtance 57.5 Miles, my Difference of Lon- girude being 81.3 Miles, or or deg. 21 min. Eaſt, and the Lati- tude by Obſervation 45 deg. 36 min. North. At Noon the Lizard bore from me North 14 deg. 23 min. Eaſt, Diſtance 276.7 Miles. a This # 428 The Log-Book, with the Form of keeping HK H.K Courſes Winds. Obſervations and Acci- dents, 5 March 13, 1721 South WSW Il 41 2 4 3) 4 I The firſt part freſh Gales and fair Weather: The middle and latrer part moderate and hazy. I arra I South by Weft Weft by South 44 54 6 4 I I Set Fore-top fail reservedelemmer 7:5 Leeway about 2 points 85 9. S Let the Reefs outoftheT.S. Leeway about 1 point OS I 16 I 2 6 I 6 24 6 3 6 South Well W NW The Error in my Lati tude I judge to be occafi- oned by a ſwelling Sea, ſetting N.E. by E., at the Rate of about of a Mile an Hour. ! 41 6 5 67 NNE Variation I pointWeſt . 717 817 91 8 SW by W. lo 8 8 Latitude by Oblervati 121 8 on 43 deg: 47 min. North This' way of menticning the Leeway allowed in each courſe, and the Quantity of the Variation, tho' it be a thing not uſually practiſed, yet I can't but think it is very necesſary, fince by thisMeans a Perſon is capable, if need be, of over-looking a Whole Voyage, and correcting any Miftake that may have ſipt in, during the Whole Time; which atherwiſe he can't well do. This and Manner of working & correcting of Days Works 429 Courſes Correct. Diſt. North. South Eaſt Weſt : 7. 1 2 South aſt 13.5 9.51 9.5 SE by S 13.5 11,2 7.5 SSE 20 18.5 7.6 -j. ww South by Eaſt 18 17.7 3.6 SouthSouth Weſt 24 22.2 9.2. SW by S 22.5 18.7 12.5 South Weſt 32 22.6 22.6 I Diff. Latit. 120,4 28 21 44:3 Error 10. I 28,2 T.Diff Lat. 110.31 Departure 16.0; . Error 15.0 T. Dep 1.0? This Twenty-four Hours I have made my Way good, proper Allowances being made for all Impediments, South oo deg. 32 min. Weſt, Diſtance 110.01 Miles, my Difference of Longitude being 1.47 Miles, and the Latitude I am in 43 deg. 48 min. North. At Noon the Lizard bore from me North 1o deg29 min. Eaſt, Diſtance 38 35 Miles. Kkk * The > 430 The Solution of the former Days Work. 586 The Method here made Uſe of for finding the Difference of Longitude, &c. from the Sum of the ſeveral Departures made in the Space of 24 Hours, tho'it be generally practiſed, comes very near the Truth in ſmall Runnings, and anſwers in a great meaſure all the Purpoſes of Navigation, yer inaſmuch as it is certainly Er- roneous, as has been plainly made appear in the 3ood Page, it were much to be wiſhed that our Seamen would be ſo far prevailed upon, as to work every Days Work according to the ſtrick Rules of Mercator's Sailing, after the Method taught in the ſame Page, it being very eaſy, and requiring very little more Time than: the common Method by Plain Sailing, and to encourage the diligent Navigator in the purſuit of this Method, I ſhall give an Example of the firſt Days Work, after the manner ſhewn in the 3ood Page, with the Solution of the other five Days Work, after the ſame way. Latitude 50.00 34745 IA Diff. Lar: 22.6 35.0 35.0 49.37.4 3439.5 89.71 3.72 48.38.7 3349.77 47-6 71.43 14.2 47.51.12 3278.3 31.4 :47:30 3246.9 In the firſt Column you have the ſeveral Latitudes anſwering to each Courſe and Diſtance ſeperately, obtained by the help of the Latitude firſt given, and the ſeveral Diferences of Latitude made, in the żd Colum you have the Meridional Parts anſwering to each, in the 3d Column you have the Meridional Differences of Latitude, and in the 4th Column you have the correſpondent Differences of Lon- gitudes, taken out of the common Traverſe Table by Infpe&ion; all which may be performed with great Eaſe, in much leſs than a quarter of an Hours Time. And after ſo caſy a Way has been paved, it will be very ſurpri- ſing, if People ſhould ſtill go on to make Uſe of tentative Methods, and amuſe themſelves with Departure, &c. which ſerves for no other Purpoſe as I know of, but to confound their Heads, and keep them in ignorance ; and if thoſe to whom the Care of young Beginners are committed, would but encourage and promote thisWay of Solution, it would foon be univerſally pra&iſed. A 1 I 21.12 21.0 by Mercator's. Sailing. 431 1 t Courſes Corrected. Diſtance. Difference of Latit. South Weſt South South Weit South by Weſt S. W. by S. Difference of Latit. Difference of Lon it North South. Eaſt Welt 3.2 22.6 35.0 63.5 58.61 37.2 47.6 25 5 21,1 2 I O Ditt. of Latit. I50.0 48.5 14. Dif.Longl 107.4 To find the dire&t Courſe it will be by the 2d Problem of Mercators Sailing, As the Merid. Diff of Lat. : Diff. of Long. : : Radius: T. Courſe, That is, As 227.6 : 107 4 : : 90.00 : t, 25°15'. To find the direct Diſtance, it will be by the ſame Problem, As the Radius: Secant Courſe : : proper Diff. Latit. : Diſtance. As 90.00 : Sec. 25° 15' : : :165.9; whence it appears that my direct Courſe is South 25 deg. 24 min Welt, Diſtance failed 165,9 Miles, Difference of Longitude made 107 4 Miles, or Miles, or i deg. 47 min. 7 tenths Weſt, and Latitude 47 deg 30 min. ſo that At Noon the Lizard bore from me N. 25° 15'E. Diſtance 165 , Miles, 150 Courſes Corrected. Diſtance 46.5 Difference of Latit. Difference of Longit. North South East Weſt 42.91 26.1 40 7 24. 41.51 II 8 I South South Weft South by Welt South South Weſt Weit North Weſt South South Eaſt 24. 20. 14. I 10,2 18. 6.8 23-7 24. 2 2.2 6.8 143.91 13.1 13.2 818 68 13.2 Diff, of Latit 137.15 Diff. Long 78.7 The direct Courſe made this Day is South 19 deg. 04 min. Weft, the Diſtance 145.2 Miles, the Latitude the Ship is in is 45 deg, 12 min. 8 tenths North, the Difference of Longitude 68.7 Miles, or i deg. 8 min, 7 tenths Weft. At Noon the Lizard bore N. 22 deg. 29 min. E. Diſtance 3 10.8 Miles Kkk * 2 The . * 1 432 The Solution, &c. Courſes Corrected. Diſtance. Difference of Latit. North South Weit 16.6 Difference of Longit. Eaſt 9.71 I 1.9 21.3 18. 127 6.3 South South Eaft 18. South East Eaſt South Eaſt 16.5 West South Weſt Welt by North 18. W.N W&W. 16. North Weſt by Wert! 10.5 2. 7.6. 25.8 3.6 25.21 21.2 5.4 5.84 14.8 I 2.5 84.72 49. 43.2 14.8 28.34 Diff. Latit Diff. Long 49. 3573 The direct Courſe made this Day is S. 43 deg. 15 min. W. the direct Diſtance is 38.93 Miles, the Latitude the Ship is in is 44 deg. 46 min. N. and the Difference of Longitude made 35.7 Miles Weſterly. At Noon the Lizard bore N 24 deg. 33 min, E. diſtance 345.2 Miles. 4 Courſes Corrected. Diſtance. Difference of Longit. Eaft Weſt 105 Difference of Latit North South 5.81 97 5.3 I 69 10.5 6. I 2.5 5.6 2 40 I 2. North Weſtby Weſt North North Weſt N, N. W. W North half Eaſt E S. E. half E. E. by S half E. Eaſt halt North Eaſt 17 16.9 12. 3.5 0.72 7: 9.9 0.6 8.0 1.5 2 I 4.2 38.6 2 22 I 4.2 22.1 $ 29. I 15 50 Diff.Long. Error T.DLon. 22 I The direct Courſe made this Day is N. 20 deg. 55 min. E the direct Di- Atance 41.75 Miles, the Latitude the Ship is in is 45 deg. 25 min. N. and the Difference of Longitude made 22.1 Eaſt. At Noon the Lizard bore N. 24 deg. 55 min, E. Diſtance 303.2 Miles. The : by Mercator's Sailing. 433 el 1.2 Difference of Latitude. Difference of Longit. Courſes Corrected Diſtance North. | South. Eaſt. Weft. Eaſt by North 7.5 11.5 East half North 8 0.8 10.9 Eaſt & South 7.5 0.31 10.9 E. by N. half N. 4. 5.8 Eaſt 1.5 Eaſt half South 0.7 9.9 E.S. E. half E. 9. 3.5 9.0! Diff. Long 9.5 Departure. 01, The direct Courſe made this Day is N. 83 deg: 04 min. E the direct Di- ſtance is 58 Miles, the Latitude the Ship is in is 45 deg 32 min. N the Difference of Longitude made is 82.3 Miles, or i deg. 22 min. 3 tenths E. At the Noon the Lizard bore N. 15 deg. o7 min. E Diſtance 277.6 Miles. 21.4 lill y. 26 I 2.1 82.3 E II 2 1 20. 2 2.2 Courſes Corrected. Diſtance. Difference of Latitude. ¡Difference of Longitude North, South. Eaſt Weſt South Eaſt 13.5 y.sk 13.6 SE by S 19.5 10.71 South South East 18.5 10.7 South by Eaſt 18, 177 5.0 South South Weſt 24. 12,8 S. W by S. 22.5 175 South Weit. 22.6 31.0 Difference of Latit, 120.45 40. I Error 40.1 Difference of Latit. | 110.41 Error Diff. Long 18.7 32. 613 -:'. 10. 21.2 2 I I 00.1 The direct Courſe made this Day is South oo deg. 22 min. Weft, the direct Diſtance 109 Miles, the Latitude I am itt is 43 deg. 43 min. North, and Difference of Longitude made p.r Miles.. At Noon the Lizard bore N. 11 deg. oz min. E. Diſtance 384 1 Miles. The 434 Preparatory Rules The Difference of Latitude and true Difference of Longitude be- ing obtained, after the former manner, the true Courſe and direct Diſtance may be readily found, by the 2d Problem of Mercator's Sail. ing, as has been thewn in the preceding Example. And by adding or ſubftra&ing the Difference of Longitude made each Day, to or from the whole Difference of Longitude, that is, the Difference of Longitude between the Place from whence the Ship took her Departure, and the Place ſhe was in the former Day at Noon, (according as the Cale requires) it will give the Difference of Longitude between the Ship and her firſt Port. With this Difference of Longitude, and the Latitude of the Place from whence the Ship took her Departure, and the Place fhe is in, may her true Bearing and Diſtance from her laſt Land be found, by the ad Caſe of Mercator's Sailing ; and laſtly with the Difference of Longitude between the Place the Ship is in and the Place the is bound to, and the Latitudes of thoſe cwo Places, may her direct Bearing and Diſtance from that Place be determined, by the ſame Caſe. And in keeping an Account after this way, if any Errors ſhould ariſe from any of the aforementioned Cauſes, they are to be correc- red after the fame way, and by the ſame Method as is heretofore Taught ; only inſtead of the common or proper Difference of Latitude, you muſt uſe the Meridional. The Rules and Inſtructions here delivered being well underſtood, nothing more remains to be done to compleat this part, but to give the induſtrious Navigator a few General Directions, how to proceed from the Beginning, and ſhew him after what manner the whole Work muſt be Journalized. And 1. He ought to meaſure his Log-line, and ſee if it be of a juſt Length, it not, to be ſure to make proper Allowances for it. 2. He ought to meaſure his Half-minute Glaſs, not only at the beginning of his Voyage, but as often as he fhall he judge it conve- nient, or have juſt Reaſon to luſpe& that it does not keep juſt Time. 27 3. AS . for keeping a Journal. 435 3. As often as he has Opportunity, he ought to take the Azin muth and Amplitude of the Sun, not only to pronounce the Varia- tion, but to find whether or no, the Compaſs it ſelf be not faulty; or be not diverted from its proper Direction, by ſome accidental Cauſe, which may very often happen. 4. He ought to omit no Opportunity of finding the Latitude from Obſervations made, either of the Sun or Stars, this being the chief Thing to be depended upon, and the only certain Datum by which a Reckoning is confirmed or re&tified. 5. No Opportunity ought to be negle&ed of trying of Currents, inaſmuch as in the ſame place the Setting and Drift of the Current has often been found to differ. 6. Having taken care to correct each Courſe, by making proper Allowances for the Leeway and Variation (if there be any) ſet down each correct Courſe and its correſpondent Diſtance onc under another, after the manner ſhewn in the Log-Book, and if the Ship has failed in a Current or Tides-way, or in a ſwelling Sca, that ſets to Leeward, the Sercing and Drift of the Current, Tide, c. muſt be orderly ſet down as another Courſe and Diſtance, and worked accordingly; and the whole Days Work being finiſhed, if the Latitude by Dead Reckoning or Account, agree with the Lati- tude by Obſervation, then is the Reckoning confirmed, and the place of the Ship truly determined; but if they are found to difagree, then as the Phrafe is, the Ship hath out run her Reckoning, or the Reckoning hath out run the Ship; and there is ſome Error either in the Courſe, or in the Diſtance run, or in both ; and how theſe may be re&ified, and proper Allowances or Corrections made, has been lufficiently thewn already. The Errors (if there be any) being adjuſted, and the Days Work finiſhed, the true Latitude of the Place the Ship is in, her Difference of Longitude made, her true Bearing and Diſtance from the Place from whence ſhe took her Departure, and the moſt remarkable Tranſac- tions of the Day muſt be diſpoſed of, after the manner following, (which is ſo very plain that it needs no Explanation) and which is called the Form and Manner of keeping a Fournal. A #S At Noon the tal A JOURNAL from the Lizard towards Barbadoes, in the Ship Good- Succeſs, A. B. Commander. Weekl Minto, Mon. Winds. Diret Pift. Latitude Whole Diff Bearing and Diſt. Remarkable Obſervations and Ac Days Tiar. Days ! Courſe. Miles Corret. Long, made. from the laſt! and cid nts. ) March. I 2 403 W by W 25,15 W 1165.447.30 1° 47'. W AderateGales and fair Weather, 1722. SW by s Lizard bore N.25lat Four this Afternoon, I took my SSW and 15 Eaſt, Diſtance Departure from the Lizard, bear. South West 1659 Miles. ing North North Eaſt 5 Leagues. 13 At S W by S $ 19,4 W At Noon the Li The firit part of the Day mode. SS W pard bore N. 22. rate Gales and fair Weather, the Couth Weſt and 29 Eaſt, diſtant middle and latter part freſa Gales WN W 310-8 Miles. and cloudy. 14 At South S43.15 W 38.931 44.46 43.15 3.3154 At Noon the Li The firltpart freth Gáles and SSE kard bore N. 24 cloudy Weather, the middle and South Eaſt and 33 Eaſt, diſtant latter part hard Gales, and ſqually WSW with Rain. 2 15 At Welt N 20.55 E (+1.745.25 3.097? At Noontheli. For the moſt part Itrong Gales of NW by W 0 zard bore N. 24. Wind and ſqually Weather, with NW by N 55 Eaſt, diſtant Rain and Hail, at Six a terrible and S by E 303.2 Miles. Storın. 외 ​At S by E N 83.04 E 58. 49.32 1.4713 At Noon the Li The is part it:ong Gales of wind. O pard bore N. 15. with violentSquals, the middle hard 07 Eaſt, diſtant Gales, the latter part freſh Gales 277.6 Miles and more inoderate Weather. 17 At South So. 22 Weſt 109. 43.43 1.4715 At Noon the Li The first part freil Gaies ang South by Weſt pard bore N. 11. fair Weather, the middle and latter outh Weſt and 23 Eaſt, diſtant part moderate and hazy. W by W 284.1 Miles. And to diſtinguiſh the Latitudes obtained by Obſervation from thoſe deduced by Calculation, I have marked thoſe that have been obtained by Obſervation with the Character . 345,2 Milës. +0 1 Of the Equation of Time. 437 The chief Bufineſs of keeping a Journal being only to exhibit the Place the Ship is in, or was in, at any time propoſed, at one View, together with ſuch remarkable Accidents and Occurrences as are worthy of Note, to incumber it with Northings, Southings, c. Latitude by Obſervation and Dead Reckoning, Meridional Diſtance, Gc. can ſerve to no other Purpoſe in my Opinion, but to perplex and confound it ; and is the proper Buſineſs of the Log-Bonk, and which ought always to go along with it, and to which Book for ſuch Information, the Inſpector ought to be referred. The Rules here delivered are I believe, as true and more general than any that have appeared abroad, and I may venture to ſay, that there is ſcarce any Occurrence that can happen, in the Theory or the Art of Navigation ; but what has been taken Notice of and ex- plained in ſome place or other, and therefore there is no room left to doubt, but that if the Learner will make Uſe of what Helps are here afforded him, he will rarely want Afliſtance; and be able at all Times to give a good Account of the Ships Place. And laſtly, As the keeping of a good Account of the Ships Way, and being ready at all times to pronounce where ſhe is, is not only the chief End of the Nautical Science, (but next under God) the only thing up- on which the Lives and Safetys of all the People concerned intirely depend ; no Pains ought to be thought too great, nor any Care wanting to accompliſh it, ſince one unlucky Miſtake, which too often happens, may render them incapable of ever rectifying it after- wards, or of telling how it came to paſs, and from which fatal Ac- cident for the future, I pray God to deliver every Perſon concerned. no Section XIV. $ Concerning the Equation of Time, or the inequality of the Solar Days. Ime is a part of the Duration, meaſured out and aſſigned by Motion, which when it Flows on equally and uniformly, is called Abſolute Time, to diſtinguiſh it from the Relative and Appa- rent Time, which is meaſured out by the Motion of the Sun, and L11* Flows 438 of the Equation of Time Slows unequally, and is divided into Parts called Years, Months, Weeks, Days, c. An Equatorial Day, is that ſpace of Time that elaples, while the the Earth makes one intire Revolution about her Axis ; or which is the ſame thing, while the Heavens being carried about, the ſame point of the Equator that was at firſt under the Meridian, returns again to the ſame Meridian; and inaſınuch as the Revolutions of the Earth about her Axis, or of the Primum Mobile or ficit movcable Orb, are conſtantly equal among themſelves, and the ſame in every point of the Orb (at leaſt the ineqnality is ſo ſmall, if any there be, that it has eſcaped the Knowledge of the moſt ſtrict Scrutators into the Laws of Motion of the heavenly Bodies) there therefore are taken for Standards, or meaſurers out of equal Portions of Time, to compare the linequal Meaſures or Portions of Time with A Sydereal Day, is that Space of Time that Flows, while the Earth inakes an intire Revolution to the ſame fixed Star, or which is the faine thing, while the Heavens being carried about the ſame star that was before under the Meridian, returns to the ſame Meridian again : And inaſmuch as the Stars by reaſon of the Rece:lion of the Equino&ial Points ſeem to move on Eaſterly, at the Rare of so Se- conds a Year, and conſequently at the Rate of 8'"' 12'' 48:47', Oc. a Day it follows, that while the Earth makes one intire Revolu- tion about her Axis, the Star is moved on forward in the Order of Signs 8'"' 121 489 47', &c. which anſwering in Time to 32 519 15",&c. it is manifeit, that the Equatorial Day is lefer than the Sy- dereal Day by 32'"' SI 15,66. wherefore, if the Equatorial Day be put equal to Twenty-four Hours, the Sydereal Day will be 24h. oo min. oo fec. 00'' 32+ SIS 155, 6c. The Solar or, Natural Day, ſo called to diſtinguiſh it from the Artificial Day, which is oppoſed to Night, is that Space of Time that elapſes while the Earth makes an intire Revolution to the Sun, or which is the ſame thing, while the Heavens being carried about the Sun returns to the ſame Meridian it was under at the Noon before ; and inaſmuch as the Earth is carried on in her Orb Eaſterly, according to the Order of the Signs, or which is the ſame thing, the Sun feems to move on in the Ecliptic from Weſt to Eaſt during the ſame time, it is manifeſt that the Solar Day is longer than the Equatorial Day, by a Portion of the Equator that anſwers to the apparent Morion of the Sun in the Ecliptic, in the mean while. The or the inequality of the Solar Days. 439 ... The Earth finiſhes her annual Revolution, and returns to the ſelf fame Place in her Orb from whence ſhe began to move, or which is the ſame thing the Sun compleats his Courſe thro'the Ecliptic, (and which is called a Tropical Year, becauſe after it is finiſhed all the Seaſons return again in the ſame Order) in 365 Days 5 hours 48 minutes, 57 leconds, whence the diurnal mcan Motion will be found to be 59 min. 08 ſec. 19", 43+ 47' 21", &c. equai in time to 3 inin. 56 ſec. 33''' 18'55' 9', &c. whence it follows, that if the Equatorial Day be put equal to 24 Hours, the mean So- lar Day will be 24h. 03 m. 50 f. 33'' 18' 555 09', &c. Eut if the vean Solar Day be put equal to 24 Hours, then the Equatorial Day will be 23 h. som. 41. OS" 2618so?, oc, and the Si- derea! Day but 23 h. 56 m. 04 f. 05'' 59' 04' 42', &c. It the Axis of the Earth ſtood at Right-angles to the Plain of the Orb in which ſhe moved, and the Sun were placed exactly in the Center of the ſame Orb, then the mean and apparent Solar Day would be the ſame, and the Difference between the Equatorial and Solar Day would be conſtantly equal. But becauſe of the Inclination of the Axis of the Earth to the Plain of her Orb, the Arch of the Equator paſſing thro the Meridian, is not always equal to the correſpondent Arch of the Ecliptic, which paſſes thro the ſame in the ſame time, but is ſometimes bigger and Sometimes leſs, hence it is that the diurnal Arches of the Equator which paſs over the Meridian are unequal, and hence ariſes one Cauſe of the inequality of the Solar Days. For in the adjacent Figure, let PSA P repreſent a Quadrant of the Solftitial Co- Jure, P the Pole, Ar the Radius of the Equator, and reso a Quadrant of the E- cliptic, r the Equino&ial point or place of the Sun in the firſt point of Aries, when he is under the Meridian of a certain Place upon a certain Day, O the place of the Sun under the Meridian of the ſame Place the next Day at Noon, then will ro re- preſent the diurnal Motion of the the Sun, and if thro' the point 0, the Circle of Right Aſcenſion POR be drawn, the Arch of the Equator r R will repreſent the correſponding Right Aſcenſion; or Arch of the Equator Culminating together with the Sun, and which muſt be neceſſarily lels in this caſe than the diurnal mean Motion of LIT 2 the la R * .. 440 Of the Equation of Time 11 the Sun, inaſmuch as it is one of the containing Sides of a Righe- angled Spherical Triangle, of which the Arch of Longitude rois the Hypothenuſe, let us ſuppoſe for Example, the Arch of Longi- tude r o equal to the Sun's diurnal mean Motion, equal to oo deg. 59 min. 08 ſec. then by the ift Problem of Section the 4th of Part the Sth, the correſpondent Arch of Right Aſcenſion r R will be found to be equal to oo deg. 54 min. 13 ſec. leſs than the correſpondent Arch of Longitude by 4 min. 55 ſec. equal in Time to oo deg. 19 min. 40 ſec. and ſo much in this caſe is the Apparent or Solar Day leſs than the mean Solar Day, and conſequently the Equation thence reſulting muſt be Negative, and being therefore ſubftracted from the apparent Time, will give the Mean. Let us now ſuppoſe the Sun to be at the diſtance of 89 deg. 00 min. 52 ſec. from the Equino&ial point Aries, that is ſhort of the Soifitial Colure 59 min. 08 ſec. the diurnal mean Motion ; the cor- reſpondent Right Aſcenſion will be found to be 88 deg. 55 min. 31 fec: leſs than the Arch of Longitude 89 deg. 00 min. 52 ſec. by s min. 21 ſec. equal in Time to 2 1 ſeconds 24 thirds, the Equati- on in this caſe ſtill to be ſubſtracted from the apparent Time, to ob- tain the Mean; and by comparing the Arch of Right Aſcenſion 54 min. 13 fec. contained between the firſt point of Aries, and the point anſwering to 59 min. 08 fec. with the difference between the Right Afcenfion 88 deg. 55 min. 31 fec. and 90 degrees, anſwering to the Arches of Longitude of 89 deg. oo min. 52 ſec and 90 degrees, equal to i deg. 4 min. 29 ſec. we ſhall find that the Arch of the E- quator that tranſits over the Meridian, while the Sun travels over his diurnal Arch of mean Motion 59 min. 08 fec. at the End of the firſt Quadrant, is greater than the correſpondent Arch of the Equa- tor that tranſits over the Meridian, while the Sun performs his di- urnal mean Motion at the Beginning of the Quadrant, by 10 min. 16 ſec. equal in Time to 41 ſeconds 15 thirds; whence it is mani- felt, that altho' the Revolutions of the Equator and its ſimilar Parts are iſochronaly yet, tho' the Sun fhould move over equal Arches of the Ecliptic in equal Times, he will return to the Meridian with un- equal Portions of the Equator ; and confequently for this Cauſe on- ly, the Solar Days would be unequal, and the diurnal Differences turied into Tine will give the Equation, which muſt be ſubſtrated in the firſt and third Quadrants of the Ecliptic, that is while the Sun is paffing from the firſt point of Aries to the firſt point of Cancer, and from the firſt point of Libra to the firſt point of Capricorn ; becaule in or the inequality of the Solar Days. 441 in each of the Quadrants the Arches of Right Aſcenſion are always leſs than the correſpondent Arches of Longitude. But becauſe in the ad and 4th Quadrants of the Ecliptic, (as has been ſhewn elſewhere) the Arches of Right Aſcenſion counted from the firſt point of Aries, are greater than the correſpondent Arches of Longitude, it follows in this caſe that the apparent Solar Days are ſhorter than the mean Solar Days, and that while the Sun is go- ing from the firſt point of Cancer to the firſt point of Libra, and from the firſt point of Capricorn to the firſt point of Aries, the Equacion or Difference between the Longitude and Right Aſcenſion thence reſulting, muſt be added to the apparent Time to obtain the Mean. And inaſinuch as the Sun it ſelf is not placed in the Center of the Earths Orb, but at the diſtance from it of 1692 ſuch Parts as the mean Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth is roocoo, and that as the Earth is carried about in her annual Orb, the Line connecting the Centers of the Sun and Earth, deſcribe cqual Arches or Portions of the Ecliptic Surface in equal Times, it neceſſarily follows, that the Arches deſcribed in equal Times will be unequal, and conſequently that the diurnal Arches of the Ecliptic that the Sun leems to move over, will be greater at one time than at another, and greateſt when the Earth is upon her Perihelion, or when ſhe is the neareſt to the Sun ; which in the preſent Age happens when the Sun appears in a- bout 8 deg. of Capricorn, or upon the 19th of December, and leaſt when the Earth is upon the Aphelion, or when ſhe is fartheſt off from the Sun, and which happens when the Sun appears in about 8 de- grees of Cancer, or upon the 19th of June, and hence ariſes another Cauſe of the inequality of the Solar Day, as will be more evident from the following Figure, Where A BPN repreſents the great Orb, in which the Earth is annually carried about the Sun, C its Center, A the Aphelion, or Place of the Earth at the Noon of that Day wherf the Earth is in the Aphelion, B the place of the Earth the next Day at Noon, AL a given Veridian of the Earth, the Arch A B or Angle ACB the mean Motion of the Earth, between the Noon of the given Day and the middle Noon of the Day following, L a point in the given Meridian dire&ly oppoſite to the Sun, which while the Earth moves forward in her Orbit from A to B, is whirled about by the diurnal circumvolution of the Earth from L thro o in the firſt place A, to d in the ſecond place B, during which time the Earth has made an intire Revolution about her Axis, inaſmuch as the Meridi- 1 an 442 Of the Equation of Time an B d in the ſecond Scituation B, is become parallel to A L, its Poſition the Day before when it was in the point A, but the appa- rent Noon does not happen till the ſame point by the Revolution of the Earth about her Axis is carried to é dire&tly oppoſite to the Sun, who governs the civil Day; and hence it is manifeſt, that the apparent Solar Day is longer than the Equatorial Day by the Archi BA, equal to the Angle d Be (for the Lines B d and À O are pa- rallel) the apparent otion of the Earth, or the diurnal Motion of the Sun in the Ecliptic converted into Time: But the mean Solar Day is not compleated, neither will the mean Noon happen, till while the Earth being ſtill carried on forward in her Orb, the point e which is now directly oppoſite to the Sun, is carried to f, directly oppoſite to the Center of the Orb C; and inaf- much as the Revolutions of the Earth about her Axis are equal and uniform and conſtantly the ſame, the returns of the fame in Conjun- dion with the Center of the Orb, muſt be conſtantly equal among themſelves ; and hence it is evident, that the mean Solar Day excecds the Equatorial Day by the Arch df, equal to the Angle B C A, the diurnal mean Motion converted into Time, and that the ſame mean P In k Я d. B A Day 2 or the inequality of the Solar Days. 443 Day exceeds the Solar Day by the Arch e f, equal to the Difference between the mean and apparent Motion of the Sun, equal to the Angle O B C, the Equation of the Orb; this therefore converted into Time and fubftracted from the Length of the mean Day, will give the Length of the Solar Day, and conſequently being ſubſtrac- ted from the apparent Time, will give the mean or equal time, and the ſame Law obtains in whatſoever part of the Semicircle BAN, the Earth is found, and which is called the firſt Semicircle of Ano. maly. Let us now ſuppoſe the Earth in her Perihelion point at P, and Pm a given Meridian, upon which the Sun appears upon the Noon of the Day when fie is in that point, as the Earth is carried on from P towards A when her Center is got to N where the Meridi- an Ng becomes parallel to Pm, its Poſicion the Day before, the Earth has made one intire Revolution about her Axis, and the Equa- torial Day is compleated, but the mean Noon will not happen, neither will the mean Solar Day be compleated till the Earth fill roaling forward in her Orb; the Point g by her Revolution about her Axis is got to h, when it is directly oppoſite to the Center of the Or- bit C; and that is when the Point g has moved over the Arch gh, the Meaſure of the Angle g Nk, equal to the Angle PC N, equal in Quantity to the Arch P N, the diurnal mean Motion, but the So- lar or apparent Noon does no: happen ; neither is the Solar or ap- parent Day finiſh’d; till while the Earth being ſtill carry'd for- ward, by her revolving Motion, the Point h has mov'd over the Arch k, where it is directly oppoſite to the Sun, at O; whence it is manifeſt that the Solar or apparent Day, in this Cafe, is greater than the Equatorial Day, by the fame Space of Time that the Earth requir'd to move orer the Arch gk, the Meaſure of the An- gle g Nk, equal to the Angle PON, ihe apparent Motion of the Sun in the ſame Time ; and that the ſame Solar, or apparent Day, exceeds the mean Day by a Space of Time, equal to That that the Earth requires to move over the Arch h k, equal to the Difference between the mean and true Motion of the Sun, equal to the Equation of the Orb: This therefore converted into Time, and added to the Length of the mean Day, will give the Length of the apparent Day, in this point, and conſequently being added to the apparent Time, will give the mean or equal Time ; for the mean Noon is Antecedent to the apparent Noon, and the ſame Law obtains in whatſoever part of the Semicircle PNA the Earth is found, and which is called the ſecond Semicircle of Anomaly. In } 444 Of the Equation of Time In accounting for this latter part of the Incquality of the Solar Days, the Orb in which the Earth moves has been ſuppoſed circu- lar, and that ſhe in her Revolution round it deſcribes equal Angles about the Center in equal Times, and tho neither of theſe really obrain, yet he that knows how great an Analogy there is between the Circle and its inſcrib'd Ellipfis, how little the Earths Orb dit- fers from a Circle, and underſtands the Nature of the Keplerian A- reas, will readily perceive that the ſame way of reaſoning will hold good in the Ecliptic Orb, and that in accounting for it in one you account for it in the other. Hence it is abundantly manifeſt, tha: the Equation of Time, or Inequality of the Solar Day, ariſes from two Caules, viz the In- clinaciun of the Earths Axis to the Plain of the Ecliptic, and the diſtance of the Sun from the Center of the Orb, and is a Compound of the Difference between the Longitude and Right Aſcenſion of the Sun, and the Difference of the mean and true Place, and when theſe two parts are both Negative, or both Poſitive, their Sum makes the abſolute Equation of Days, but when one is Pofitive and the other Negative, their Difference is equal to the Equation; and if the greater of the two parts is Negative, the Equation is Nega- tive, but if the greater of the two Parts is Poſitive, the Equation is Poſitive : And herice we are taught a direct way to Inveſtigate the abſolute Equation of Days, at any time propoſed. Let it therefore be required to find the abſolute Equation of Time for the 7th of May 1721. On the 7th of May 1721 at Noon mean Time, the Sun is in Tau- yus 27 deg. 34 min. 07 ſec. when his Right Aſcenſion by the ift Problem of Se&tion the 4th, of Part the sth, will be found to be 55 deg. 17 min. 13 ſec. Hence their Difference 2 deg. 16 min 54 ſec. equal in Time to 9 min. 7 rec. 36 thirds will be one part of the Equation of Time, which becauſe the apparent Noon preceeds the mean Noon, muſt be ſubſtracted from the apparent Time, to find the mean Time, or muſt be added to the mean Time, to obtain the apparent. The mean Anomaly is 10 Signs 1.8 deg. 13 min. os ſec. hence the Equation of the Orb will be found to be i deg. 16 min. 18 ſec. (and how this may be found, the Reader may ſee in the following Sec- tion) equal in Time to 5 min. s fec. 12, which becaule the mean Noon precedes the apparent Noon, muſt be added to the apparent Tiine, to obtain the mean Time, but ſubſtracted from the mean Time to find the apparent. And IT: or the inequality of the Solar Days. 445 1 And becauſe the two Component Parts of the Equation are con- ţrary one to the other, that is one Negative and the other Poſitive, their Difference 4 min. 2 lec. 24 thirds, will be the ablolute Equa- tion of Time, which becauſe the greateſt of the two Component Parts of the Equation is Negative, muſt be added to the mean Time, to obtain the appareat Time, but fubtracted from the apparent Time, to find the mean Time, and after the ſame manner may the abſolute Equation of Days for any other Time be readily found. And for the more expeditious obtaining of theſe two Parts of the Equation, the Two following Tables are calculated, the firſt of which ſhows that part of the Equation that ariſes from the excen- tricity of the Sun, and is the ſame with the abſolute Equation of the Orb reduced into Time, and is ever equal to the Difference be- tween the mean and true Place of the Sun, the Second Chews that part of the Equation, that ariſes from the Inclination of the Earths Axis to the Plane of her Orb, or from the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, to the Equator; and is ever equal to the Difference between the Sun's Place and the correſpondent Right Aſcenſion, both of which Parts muſt be compounded together, according to their reſpeđive Titles, to obtain the true and abſolute Equation of Time. 4 . Mmm The 1 146 Of the Equation of Time The EQUATIONS of the Apparent Tim E. Subſtraa from the Apparent if the Suns Mean Anamo- ly be. Subſtract from the Apparent. 1 0 2 3 4 lilllllllllll 5 n al 8 M:71 1 1 1 O 0.6 j 2 I) : \ o 0.00 3.486.3917.4516.473.57.30 10.0813.545.4317.4516.4313:50125 20.16 1.025.477.456.3913,42 28 310.244.00/5.507.456.3513.3527 410.324.15 6.5417 456.3 3.28 2Ć 510.40/4.22 5.587.446.263.2025 60 484.2617.01 7.44 6.2113.13 24 70.554.351.057.436.16 3.0523 81.034'427.0817.426.11|2:57 23 91.11 4.447•117.416.062.50 21 101194.5417.147.4016.01 2.42120 11 1.275.00 7.1 77.385.5% 2.34.15 121.3515.06|7.1917:375.51|2.2018 1311.425.427.2 27.35 14/1.505-187.2417.3415.402.11110 151.58 4.247.27 7:32 5.341.03.15 1612.7615.30 17 2.13)50357.317.285.221.4713 182.215.4117:33 7.235.1611.35 12 192.28 5.4017:35 7.235.10 1.3011 2012.3615.5217.3617. 21/2.435.711-3817.174.581.14 22 2.51 6.0:17.397.1914.5c1.008 2312.5 9 16.077.4017.12 1.450.58 7|4638191 6 2513:1716.117.427.0+302415 2013.2" 16.217.437.02 7.2510:33) 4 7.1$6.25 3 28 3.34 6.317.446,5511.110.16 2 2013.416.34, .456.511.0400S 30 3.4816.3917456.473.575.000 9. 8 1.7 6 Add to the Apparent Time. 8.24 8.453 0.2.0 8.34 8.35129 0.40 8.44 8.2412 31 0.591 8.531 8.1327 4 1.199.02 8.01.26 51 1.391 9.10 7.48 24 61.581 9.171 73424 7) 2.18] 9.24 7.2012, 8 2.37) 9.30 7.00 25 91 2561 9.35 6.50 21 103.15 9.45| 6.352 3.341 9.441 6.1816 123,521 9481 0,021 131 4.10 9.50 9.4411 14) 4.281 9.57 5:27/11 151 4.40 9.531 5.081. i 5.231 9.54 4.50114 17 5.20 9.54 4.311 18 5.371 9.5 4011/12 195.53 9.50 3.520 2016.091 9.491 3.321 21 6.25 9.401 3.119 221 6 40 9.4.2 2.51 :3 6.549.39 2.30 71 24 7.09 9.31 2.0. 257,239.25 1.4815 26 7:30) 9.191 1.26 4 277.481 9.12 1.05 3 18 8.01 8:04 0.431 2 9 8.12 855 0.21 8.23 8.45 0.00 H me mu Nive Add to the Appar. By I j 10 o er the inequality of the Solar Days. 447 . By the Help of theſe Two Tables, may the abſolute Equation of Time be had by Inſpection, the Place of the Sun being given, and his mean Ano- maly, and how theſe may be obtained may be ſeen in the following Se&tion, for by entering the Firſt Table with the mean Anomaly, and ſeeking the Siga at the Top or Bottom, and the Degree on the Side, in the common Area, by making Proportion for the odd Minutes and Seconds, you will have that Part of the Equation that belongs to it with its proper Title; and by entering the Second Table with the Sun's Place, ſeeking the given Sign at the Top or Botcom, and the Degrees of that Sign on the Right or Left Hand Columns on the Side, and making proper Allowances for the odd Mi- nutes and Seconds, you will have that part of the Equation that ariſes from the Difference between the Sun's Place and his Right Aſcenſion, with its proper Title, theſe two Parts being compounded together according to their Example , it were required to find the abſolute Equation of Time for the 7th of May 1721, when the Sun is in Taurus 27 deg. 34 min. 07 (ec..his mean Anomaly at that Time being 10 Signs 18 deg. 13 min os ſec. Entering the Firſt Table therefore with the mean Anomaly, I find to Signe at the Bottom ; and right againſt 18 Degrees, the next leſs whole Degrees in the Right-hand Column, in the common Area, I find 5 min. 6 ſec. and againſt 19 Degrees, the next greater Degree to the mean Anomaly, in the ſame Column of 10 Signs, I find 5 min. o fec. Then I ſay, as i deg. or 60 min. is to 6 lec, the Difference between 5 min. 6 ſec, and s min. o ſec. ſo is 13 min, os ſec. the Exceſs of the mean Anomaly above 10 Signs 18 m. to i ſec. the Part Proportional, this ſubtracted from the Equation 5 min. o ſec. anſwering to io Signs 18 deg. becauſe the Equation diminiſhes, will give s min. 5 ſec. for the proper Equation anſwering to to Signs 18 deg. 13 min. cs ſec of mean Anomaly, which by the Title is to be added to the apparent Time to find the mean. Entering again the Second Table with the Sun's Place in Taure:s 27 deg. 34 min, 07 ſec. I find Taurus in the Head, and right againſt 27 deg in the Left-hand Column, in the common Area I find 9 min. 12 ſec. and againſt 28 degrees, the next greateſt Degree to the Sun's Place, I find 9 min. 4 ſec. Then I ſay, as i deg. is to 8 fec, the Difference between 9 min 13 ſec. and 9 min. 5 ſec. fo is 34 min. 07 ſec. the Exceſs of the Sun's Place above 27 d. to 4 ſec. nearly; this taken from 9 min. 12 ſec. the Equation anſwering to 27 deg. becauſe the Equation decreaſes, will leave 9 min. o7 ſec. í, for the Equation anſwering to 8 27 deg. 34 min. o7 ſec. and which according toits i'itle muſt be ſubtracted from the apparent Time to diſcover the mean; and conſequently their Difference 4 deg. 2 min. will be the abſolute Equa- tion of Time, and the ſame as was before determined. After the ſame manner may the abſolute Equation for any Day be found, and after this manner are the following Tables of Equation of Days com- puted, Mmm 2 .: 448 Tables of the Equation of Time. V # 1 I/ A * S* 1 come 28|14.47 0.351 1.4813.50 1.32 4.341 5.00 2.40 12.50 15.57 6.581 7.2828/ A TABLE for the Equating of Time for the Year 1724, being the Billextile or Leap. Tear ; to be applied to the Appa. rent time, according to the reſpe&ive Titles. 1724 Jan. Feb. Mar. (Apri.. May. Fune. July. Aug. Sept. fotob Niv. Dec, N ATA A A* S S* A S S S 18.40 14.49 10.01 0.42 4.04 0-401 4.55 4.30 4.741 3:3415.30 5:34 ! 9.09 14.489.44 0.26 4.05 0.34 5.07 4.20 5.05 2 9 32 14.40 9.270.10 4.00 0.22 5.14 4.05] 4.45 1401 15.11 4.303 49.5414.44 9.115.05| 4.06 0.14 5020 3.5 5•26 3.515.0614.14115.00 4.064 0.1914.41 8.52 0.20 4.05 A03 5.2 3.47 3:27 14.26 14.48 3.36 5 C10.30 14.37 8.34 0.351 4.041 01c 5.3 3.351 5.48|14:38 4.30 3.00! 10,50 14.32 8.16 0:49 4.02 0,29 5.36 3.22 6.09|14.45 | 4.23 2.35 111,15114 27 7.58 1,031 4.00 0.421 5.41 3.00 6.30 14.99 14.79 2.06 ) Sil.33.14.21 7.40 1.10 3.57 0.55 5.45 2.541 6.51115,04 13.541 1.369 101.514.14 7.211 1.29 3.54 1.07 5.42.44 -3.39 1.05 11: 7.02 1,42 3.50 1.2015.51 2.20 7.33115:28 13:23 0 361 12|12-23 13.5 16.43 1.541 3.45 1.33 5.54 2.11 13.06 0.0012 13|12:38|13.4%) 6.24 206 3.40 1.46 5.5 1.55 8.1415.4: 112.48 A2413 1412.5213.39 6.05 2.17 3.35 1.59 5.57 1.39 8. 415.45 12°291 0.5414 1413.00 13.24) 3.40 2.27 3.29 2.11 5.57 1.2318 54115:54: 2.09 1.245 1:3 19.113.19 5.27 2.371 3.23 2.235.501.00 9.14 16.00 11.491 1.53 111 3.31 13.08 5ice 2.46 3.16 2.35 5:55 0.451 9.34 16,0411.28 2.2217 113.42 12.571 4.452,55 3.09 2.47 5.531 0.31 8.54 16.07 11.07 2.51 19|13.5212.45 4.30 2.03 3.01 2.591 5.51 0.13110.54 16.09 10.45 3.2059 2014.01 12.33 4.12 3.11 2.52 3.01 5.481 So510.33 16.10 10.22 3.4920 21|14.1012.20 3.54 3.19 2.43 3.23 5.45| 0.23|10.51116.11 9.58 4.18 2! 2214.18 12.00 3.30 3.26 2.34 3.34 5.41 0.41 11.09 16.12 9.34 4.46 22 2314.29 11.52 3.183.33 2,25 3.45 5.361 1.091.21 16.12 9.09 5.14123 24114.31111.37) 3.00 3.39 2.15 3.56 5:34 1.20 11.44116.11 8.43 5.4124 2914.36 11.22 2.42 3.44 2.05 4.06 5:25 1.40 12.01|16.09) 8.17 5.0825 2014-4 11.07 2 24 3 481 1.541 4.16 5.192.00 12,1816.00 7.511 6.35 27 14.44 10.5i 2.00 3.52 1.43 4.25 5.13 2.20 12.3416.02 7.25 7.022? 1.31 3.59-1.211 4:43 4.5813.01 13.05 15.511 6.30 7.5329 30 14:52 1,14 4.02 1,10 4.51 4.45) 3.2213.20 15.45 0.02 8.1729 3114.50 0.58 4.401 3.431 15:38 8.40131 10 18 9,581 A A Tables of the Equation of Time. 449 A TABLE for the. Equating of Time for the Year 1729, being the Firſt Year after Leap-Tear ; to be applied to the Ap- parent Time, according to the reſpective Titles. 1725. fan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. O&tob Wov. Dec. 1 11 u A* 1 IC 1 A A' A S S * A A* S S SI S * 19.03 14.47 10.03 0.461 4.02 0.471 4.581.4.321 359113.30 15.32 5:41 21 9.20 14.45 9.40 0.30 4.04 0.35 socc 4.22 4.20 1344115.23 5.12 2 31 9.48 14.431 9.29 0.1414 05 0.231 5.13 4.11 4.41 13.58119.13 4.43 3 410.09 14.40 9.12 S.02 4.00 0.11 5.2 4.00 5.02 14.11 15.02 4.14 4 510.30-14.308.5410,1714.25 4.24 A01 5.20 3.491 5.23114.23 14.5 | 3.44 610.59114.311 8.300.31 4040 013 5.311 3:37 5:44 14:35 14.391 3.14 7.11.09 14.20 8.1 | 10:454.0 0,20 5.30 3.241 14.202.4417 12.27 14.20 8.00 0.591 4.06 0.34 5:41 3.11 0.30 5:11 3011 6.26 14.5814.17 2.141 8 11.45|14.131 7.42 1.13 3.57) 0.521 5.45 2.7 6.47|15.08 13.5 1.4419 1012.02 14.05 7.24 1.26 3.54 1.05 5.48 2.43 3.54 1.05 5.48 2.43 7.28 15.18113.43 1,1 1112.18 13.581 7.05 1.391 3:51118 5:51 2,28 1 185.511 2,281 7.28115.2713.20 0.4411 12 12.3413.49 6.40 151 3.17 1.319.531 2.13 2.131 7.48115.3513.05 0.14 1: 13 1 2.48 13.40 6.27 2.72 3.19 1.445.54 1.591 8 og 15.42 12.52 A 1713 1413.02 13.30 6.08 2.13 3.3 1.575.55 1.13 13 3.34 1.575.55 1.45 8.20 15.4812.33 0.47/14 1513.15113.20 5.49 2.241 3.30 2.05 5.551 1.25 8.49 1,1715 1613.27 13.09 5.30 235 3.23 2.211 5:55 1.089.09 15.58 11.54 1.47 1713.33 12.50 5.11 2.45 310 2.335-541 0.51 9.2916.0211.33 2.1717 18/13.48 12.464.52 2.54 3.09 2.45 5.52 0.34) 11.12 2.47118 1913.5812.34 4.341 3.02 3001 2.57 5.50 1.16 10.09 16.05 10.50 3.1019 2014.07.12.211 4.16 3.10 2.53 4.16 3.102.531 3.05 5.481 S.02 10.28 3.45120 2114.15 12.07 3.58 3.18 2.44 3.21 5.45 0.20 10.45 4.1427 2214.22 11.531 3.40 3.25 2.35 3.39 5.41 0.38 11.05 16:13 9.46| 4.4222 2314.28 11.381 3.22 3.32 2,20 3,43 5:30 0.57 11.23 16.12 9.15.07|23 244.33|11.23 3.04 3.38 2.16 3.44 5.31 16.11 8.50 5.3624 254.38 11.08 2.40 3.43 2.06 4.04 5.25 1.37 11.5816.09 8,24 6.0325 2014.42 10.53 2.28 3.47 1.561 4.14 5.191 1.57 11.15 16 07 7.98 6.30 26 27 14.45 10.37 2.10 3.51 1.451 4.24 5.13 2.1712.31 16.04 7.32 6.57127 28 14.47 10.20 1.52 3.54 1.34 4.33 5.06 2.37 12.46115,59 7:05 7:23 28 29 14:48 1.35 3.57 1.231 4.42 4.58 2.5813.01 15:53 6.38 7.4829 30 14.49 1•18 4.00 1.11 4.40 4.50 3.19113.16 15.47 6.10 & 1235 31|14.48 4.411 3.39 15.404 8.35131 3:1 1.021 0.59 450 Tables of the Equation of Time. A TABLE for the Equating of Time for the Year 1726, being the Second Year after Leap-Year ; to be applied to the Apparent time, according to the refpe&ive Titles. 1726.. Fan. Feb. Mar. April May. Fune. Fuly. Aug. Sept. Poob Nov. Dec. 7 # # A * A* I( A А A SS* A S Ś S S* 18.5814.4810.08 0.50 4.02 051 4.50 4:34 3.54 13.2715.34) 5:48 1 9.21 14.47 9.51 0.34 4,04 0.38 $.04 4.24 4.15 5.1912 3 9.43114.451 9.34 0.78 4.05 0.26) 5.11 4.14) 4.36 13.55|15.10 4.50 31 410.05|14.42 9.171 0,02 4.05 0.14 9:18] 4.03) 4.57414.03 15.05 4.211 4 5.10.2014.381 9.00 $.13 4.04 0.01 5.2413.52 5.1814.21454 3:51 5 (10,45|14:33) 8.42 0.281 4.03 A12 5.30 3.40 5.39|14.32 14.42 3.81 211.04 14.28 8.24 0.42 4.02 0,251 5.35 3.27 6.00|14.4314.30 2.5117 $111.2214 22 8.051 0.564.00 0.381 5.43.131 6.21 14.5 14.15 2.21 & $111.4 114.167.471.103:58 0.54 56441 2.50 6.4215,03 14.01 1.5il 11.57 14.091 7.25 1.23 3.50 1.04 5.47 2.457.03.15.13 13:40 1.2.10 1112,141 14.01 7.11 1,36 3:53 1.175.49 2.31 7.24 15:27:3:30 0.511! 14 12.30-13.521 6.52 1.481 3.49 1.30 5.50 2.16 3.13 0.21112 13 12.44 13.431 6.33 2.00 3.44 1.43 5.53 2.01 12.55 Aog|13 12.58113:34 6.15 2.11 3.38 1.50 5.54 1.451'37) 0:39/14 1513.11 13.24 5.50 2.21 3.32 2.085-55 1.20 8.44 15.51 2.18 1.0915 1013.23 13.13] 5.37 2.31 3.25 2.20 5.55 1.12 9.04/15.50 11.59 1.39/10 17 13.3513.08 5.162,41 3.18 2.32 5,54 0.55 9.2416.00 11.39 2.0,17 1813.40 12.5C5.01|2.51 3.11 2.44 5.52 0.3 9.4416,04.11.18 2.38118 15|13.50|12.371 4.42 3.00 3.04 2.56 5.55 0.2c 10.50 3.0719 2014.0512.25 4.23 3.08 2.56 3.08 5.48 0.0210.2316.09 10.33 3.3626 21 14.1312.12.4.04 3.15 2.47 3.19 5.45 S 1511.42 16.1.7 10.10 4.0521 22 14.20/11,58 3.45 3.22 2.38 3.30 5.44 0.33| 9.461 4.3422 2314.26.11.43 3.27 2.29 2.29 3.411 5.38 0.5211.19 16.12 9.21 5.02 23 2414.32 11.28 3.09 3.35,2 5,33 1,1211.37|16.11 8.50 5.2924 2514.37 11.12 2.513 41 2.09 4.02 8.21 1.32 11.5416.09) 8.30 5.5025 20|14.41|10.58 2:33 3.46 1.59 4.12 5.22 1.5212.01 16.00 8.04 6.2326 27 14.44 10.44 2.15 3.50 1.48 4.22 5.15 2.1212.27 16,031 7.38 6.5027 28|14.40 10.25 1.57 3.54 1,371 4:30 5.08 2.32 12.43 15.59 7.10 7.1628 2914.48 1.401 3.57 1.264 40 5.01 2.58 12.58115.54 6.:41 7.4125 30|14.49 1,234.00 1,14 4:43 4:53 3.143.131548 6.16 8.053 131|14.49 1.00 1.03 4.441 3:34 15.41 8.2013: A . Tables of the Equation of Time. 451 A TABLE for the Equating of Time for the Year 1727, being the Third Year after Leap-lear ; to be applied to the Ap- parent Time, according to the reſpe&ive Titles. 1727 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. 1080b Wov, Dec. 1 VI II IN 1 A * obovala 13.12.41 13.45 A A A S S* A A * S S S S* 18.52|14.49 10.12 0.54 4.05 0.531 4.541 4.30 3.50 13.2315391 5:54 1 29.15 14.47 9:59 0.38) 4.04 0.41 5.02 4.27) 4.11 13:38|15.28 5.25 2 31 9:37 14.45 9.38 0.22 405 0.381 5.091 4.171 4.32 13.52|15.10 4.501 3 9.59 14.42 0.21 0.061 405 4.09 4.53 14.05 15.08 4.2714 510.2014.389.04 5.09 4.04 004 5.231 3.531 5.14 14.18 14:57 3.58 610.4114.34 8.40 0.244.03) AC9 5.591 3.41 9.35 14.30 14.4) 3.2916 741.00 14.29 8.2 0.38) 4.02 0.22 5.35 3.29 5:55 14.41|14.321 2.59 811118114.24) 8.10 0.52 4.00 -0.35 5:39) 3.16 6.16 14.52 14.19 2.29 $ 941.30 14.18 7.52 1.063.58 0.481 5.43 3.03 6.37 JO11.53.14.11 7.34) 1.19 3:50 1.01 5.40 2.49 6.58115.12.13,56 1.210 1:12.15 . 14.031 7.1, 1:32 3.53 1.13 5.49 2.34 7.1915.21 13.34 0.5911 1212.2013.54! 6.50 1.45 3.49 3.49 1.2 1.20 5.51 2.19 7.40 15:29f13.17) 0.29112 6 39 1.57 3:45 1.57 3.451 139 5.53 2.04 139 5.53 2.04 8.00 15.37'3.00 AOL13 14/12.;5.13.30 6.19 2.09) 3.40 6.19 2.09 3.40 1052: 5.541 1.481 8.20 15.44 12.42 0.31.14 15:3. 8113.20 6.00 2.20 3.34 2.05 5.55 1.32 8.40 15.591 2.23 1.0215 13.41 13.15 5.41 2.30 3.27 2.17) 5.55 1.159.00 15.55|12,0. 1.32116 3 13:32 13:04 5.232.40 3.20 2.29 5.54 0.59 9.20 16.00 11.44 2.02.17 18 13.431..531 5.05 2.49 3.13 2.411 5:53) 0.42 9:40 16.0411.23 2.32.18 1943.53112.41 4.46] 2.58 3.06 2.531 5.51 0.25 9.59 10.07111.0 3.0119 2.4.02 12.28) 4.271 3.07 2.58 3.05 5.44 0.08 10.18 16.09 10.38 3.3920 21:4.10 12.15 4.08 3.15 2.50 3.17 5.46 5.10 10.37 16.11 -0.15 3.5920 2214.18 12.01 3.50 3.22 2.41 3.28 5.43 0.29 10.55 16.12 9.51 4.28/22 23 14:25 11.47 2.32 3.29 2.32 3.341 5.39 0.48 11.13 16.12 9.274.50 23 24:4.3111.32 3.14 3.35 2.22 3.50 5.34 1.07 11.31 16.11 9.02 5.23 24 23/14.30 11.17 2.56 3.40 2.12 4.60 5.28 16.09 8.30 5.50/25 2014.40 11.01 2.37 3.45 2.021 4. 1 5.22 1.48 12.06 16 97 8,13 6.1726 27 14.43 10.45 2.19 3.49] 151 4.21 5.15 2.08 12.22 16.04 7.44 0.427 2314.45 10.29 2.01 3.531 1:40 4.311 5.08 2.28 12.3810,00 7.17| 7.0928 1.44 3:57 1 29-4,3 5.01 2.48 12:53 15.551 6.50 7.34|29 30 14:48 1.27 -4.001.117 4.471 4.53 3.99 13.08. 15:49 6.2 7.59130 4.451. 3.29 15.431 823121 $ 23|14.47 31|14.49 1.11! 1.05 452 Of the Equation of Time As a well regulated Clock will always meaſure out equal Time, ſo if it be truly adjuſted to the Length of the mean Solar Day, and ſer to the mean Time, the Difference of Time ſhewn by this Clock and a good Sun-Dial (which always meaſures out Apparent Time) will be always equal to the ſeveral Equational Numbers in the pre- ceding Table: thus for Example, on the 7th of May, when accord- ing to the former Calculation the Apparent Time is more than the Mean Time by 4 min. 2 ſec. if when it is 12 h, oo min. oo ſec by the Sun-Dial, the Clock be ſet to 11 h. 55 min. 58 ſec. or which is the ſame thing, when it is 4 min. 02 ſec. after 12 by the Sun-Dial, the Index of the Clock is made to point to 12, if the Clock keep e- qual time on the nexe Day at Noon, when it is 12 of the Clock by the Sun-Dial it will be 11 h. 56 min. oo fec. by che Clock, or which is the ſame thing, when it is 12 by the Clock, it will be 12 h. 04 min. co fec by the Sun-Dial, and conſequently the Apparent Solar Day at this time is leſs than the Mean Solar Day by 2 ſec. the next Day after this, or the 9th of May, when it is 12 by the Clock it will be but 12 h. 03 min. 57 ſec. by the Sun-Dial, and conſequently the Solar Day continues leſs than the Mean Day by 2 ſec. { in Quanti- and after the ſame manner the Solar Days will continue to di- miniſh in Quantity, and the Apparent Noon approximate to the Mean Noon, till on the 5th of June following, the Apparent and Mean Noon will happen at the ſame part of abſolute Time nearly, and the Hour Index will point at 12 at the ſame time that the Sha- dow upon the Sun-Dial talls upon the ſame Hour, after this the Ap- parent Solar Day will ſtill continue to ſhorten, and the Mean Noon will preceed the Apparent Noon till about the 15th of July follow- ing, when the Mean Noon will preceed the Apparent Noon 5 min. 55 lec, and conſequently when the Hour Index of the Clock points to 12, the Shadow upon the Sun-Dial will fall upon 11 h. 54 min. os ſec. after this the Solar Days will begin to lengthen ; and the Apparent Noon will approach to the Mean Noor till the 20th of Auguſt following, when they will both happen at the ſame time; after this the Apparent Noon will preceed the True Noon, till a- bout the 22d of Odober, when the Clock will be too ſlow for the Sun-Dial by 16 min. 13 ſec. which is the greateſt Variation; after which it will return again towards the Apparent Noon, always keep- ing the ſame Difference as is expreſſed in the former Table. Hence the Apparent Time being given the Mean Time is eaſily had, or the Mean Time being given, the Apparent Time anſwering to it is readily found. ty; Buc or the inequality of the Solar Days. 453 But inaſmuch as the Tropical Year conſiſts but of 365 Days, Ś Hours, 48 Minutes, and 57 Seconds; hence it is that after every 4 Years the Sun returns to the ſame point in the Ecliptic 44m. 12 l. nearly, ſooner than he did before ; hence and from the Præ- ceſſion of the Equino&ial points it is that the abſolute Equation of Time for the ſame Day of the Julian-Year, is in a conſtant Flux, and continually Changes, and thoʻthe Alteration or Difference be buç ſmall,yet to render the Table more compleat,I have added the follow- ing Table, (the Conſtruâion of which is very obvious, from what has been ſaid upon this Head) which ſhews the Variation of the Equa- tion to every Day in the Year for 100 Years to come; whence the true and abſolute Equation for any Day in the intermediate Time may be readily found, to the greateſt Degree of Exadneſs. 4 Nnn # . : rerit .. 454 Tables of the Equation of Time. I . il 0.031 0.0 0.12 0.13 ... 0.01 0.081 0.12 0.081 0.01 A TABLE thewing the Variation of the Equation of Time, to every Day in the Julian Tear, for the next Hundred Years. Fan. Feb Mar April May June July Aug. Sept. 10406 Nov. Tec. A Si S S LS $ A A A A A 11 0.03 0.19 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.2 0.20 0.12 0.13 0.03 0.08! 20.03 0.10 0.16 0.10 0.00 0.234 0.19 0.03 0.12 0 13 0.03 0.081 2 31 0.02 211 0.16 0.15 0.02! 0.12 0.13 0.071 3 4) 0.02 0.08) oog 0,23 0.18 0.01 0.13 00 0.07 4 51 0.01 0.12 0.16 A07 0.1CA20,18 $.00 0.12 0.13 0.0: 2,0615 .oil 0 0.01 0.12 0.16 0.070n| 0.23 0.19 0.12 0.13 0.01 0.03 7| 0.00 ol 3 0.16 Oo6| 0.151.27 0.17 0.01 012 0.1 3 0.0.1c 6 7 8 S.ool 0.13 0.16 0.06 0.19 0.23 0.16 0.02 0.12 0.13 0.01 0.00 : 9 0.00 0.14 0.16 0.05 0.13 0.23 0.161.002 0.12 0131 0.01 0,06 10 0.01 0.14 0.16 0.05 0.13 0.25 0.15 0.03 0.12 0.12! 0.01 0.0310 U 0.01 0.14 0.16 0.04 2.14 023 0.15 0.03 0.12 0,14 0.0 0,12 0.0 0.0 IT 121 0.02 0.15 0.16 0.04 0.15 0.23 0'14 3.041 0,12 0,12 Soc 0.0612 13 0.02 0.15 0.16 0.03 0.16 0.23 0.14 0.04 0.12 0.11 0.0 A0013 14 0.02 0.15 0.16 0.03 0.17 0*231 2,13 0.05 0.05 0.12 poll 0.01 0.0614 15 0.03 0.16 0.16 0.03 0.17 0'2 0.17 0.75 0.1 0.01 0.0615 16 0.04 0.16 0.10 0.02 0.10 0.23 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.10 0.02 0.0016 17 0.04 0.16 0.19 0.02 0.18 0.23 0.11 0.06 0.12 0.097 0.02 0.0617 0.03 0'17 0.15 0.01 0.19 0.23 0.11 0.071 0.12 0.09 0.03 0.0018 0.05 6.17 0.151001 C190.231 Oslo 0.07 0.12 0.0 | 0.03 0.02 0.0019 2C 0.06 0.17 0.15 5.00 0.19 0,23 0.04 0.08 21 0.001 0.18 0.14 0.01 0.20 0.23 0.09 A08 0.12 0.07 0.04 1.0521 221 0.071 0.18 0.14 0.02 0.20 0.23 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.07 0.05 0.0522 23] 0.071 0.18 0.14 0.02 0.20 0·22 008 0.10 0,12 0.071 0.05 0.0523 24 0.07 0.18 0.13 0.03 0.21 0.212.07 0.1 0.12 0.00 0.05 0.05124 25 0.08 0.18 0.13 0.03 0.211..22 0.37 0.11 0.121 0.060..6 0.0425 26 0.04 0.21 0.21 0.061 0.11 0.12 0.05 0.00 0.0426 271 0.08 0.17 0.17 0.04 0.22 0.21 0.06 0.17 0.12 0.05 0.06 0.0427 28 0.09 0.17 0.12 0.05 3.22 0.21 0.05 0,11 0.12 0.04 0,07 0.04/28 290.090.17 0.12 0.06 0.22 0.24 0.05 0.12 0.12 0.04 0.07 0.04/29 301 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.23 0.20 0.04 0.12 0.13 0030.07 0.0330 3 ilgio 0.111 0.07 0.231 2,041 0.12 0.02 0.03131 0.12 8 0.01 0912 The of the Equation of Time A I Sol. The Uſe of this Table is ſo very eafy, that it needs little Explana- tion ; for by entering the Table with the given Time, and finding the Month in the Top, and the Day in the Right or Left-hand Co- lumn, in the common Area, you will have the Variation in 100 Years; and by allowing proportionally for any leſler Time, you will have the true Variation, which being added to, or ſubſtracted from the Tabular Equation, according to its reſpective Title, will give the true and abſolute Équation of Time, to the Time propoſed. Thus for Example, Suppoſe it were required to find the abſolute Equation of Time for the 7th of May 1770, this being the 2d Year after Leap-Tear, and 44 Years after the Year 1726, 'I find the pro- portional Alteration to be s : Seconds to be ſubſtracted, this theret fore taken from 4 m. 02 f. the Equation anſwering to the 7sh of May 1726, being the Second Year after the Leap-Tear, will leave 3 m. for the true and abſolute Equation of Time for the 7th of May 1770; and after the lame manner may the true and abſolute E- quation of Time for any other Day be readily found. For the ready obtaining of the true and abfolute Equation of Time from the Sun's Place only, and which in many Caſes is very uſeful, I have computed the following Table, which ſhews the Équation correſponding to every Degree of the Ecliptic, which is conſtructed after the ſame manner as the former Tables are, and built upon the ſame Principles, and may be readily compounded of the two Tables in Page the 446th without much Difficulty: And tho' this Table is fubje&t-to vary in proceſs of Time, upon Account of the Motion of the Sun's Apogæon, which changes its Place and goes Eaſterly, with the Fixed Stars occaſioned by the Præceffion of the Equi noxes, yet inaſmuch as the ſame Degree of Anomaly keeps near ly in the fame Degree of the Ecliptic for upwards of Fifty Years, the Difference will be very ſmall; but how much it is; and which way it muſt be applied, may be eaſily gathered from what has been already faid. . .. Nnt * 456 Tables of the Equation of Time. A TAB L E hewing the Equation of Time, anſwering roe- very Sign and Degree of the Ecliptic for the Year 1726 ; to be applied to the Apparent Time, according to the ſeveral Titles. A go V 1 1x mio Si. A i A Degrees lo W.15 m S A А S S A A Degrees. 1 Ý ) 1 11 1 1.10 2 . C.1? 1 T 7.4 3:55.0 5.51 2.15 7.4 15:3;|| 3.3 1.031 617.c. 7.21 1.231 3.5 1.23 5.52 153 0.34119314,20 7.09 1.36 3.471 1,37 5,53 1.12 8.251517412.521 COS 12,0954.13 36.431 1.49 3.40 1.501 5,53 1.25 2.46|15.5 112.3, A24 12'25111.05 3 41 6.24 2.01 3.37 2.03 5.531 1.089.00115.57 112:21 0.541 204013.57) 4 56,05 2.12 3.31 2.16 5:53 0.51 9.26|15.0 12.01 1.2 12.54113.495 6 5.40 2.22 3.24 2.291 5.52 0.381 9.40|10.1111.40 1.5 3:07 13.11 5.27) 2.3 2.17 2.42 5.50 6.14 10.04|150|11.19 2.22 13.21 13.3417 5.08 2.42 3.45 2.54 548 5.05 10.24 16.15 10.57 2.5" 13.33 13.20 & 4.49 2.54 3.01 306 5:45 0-24 10.14 13.1 10.35 3.25 13.4 13.7919 14.21 : 2.5 3.18 5.411 0.41 11.72 16,1 3.18! 4.12 3.11 2.43 3.39 9.371 9.481 4.1 4.02112.4511 3,54 3.19 23:3-421 5:32 1.24*1*3*16.1 6.24 4.4 4.10 12.33/14 1: 335 3.26 2 23 3:53 5.26 1.44111.50|16.05 8.59 5.11 14 3.10 3.33) 2.19 2.04 12.13 16.04 8.34 53+14.24 12.06.14 12.58 3.9 2.01 4,141 5.02.2412.2y 6,09 808 tuus 14.3 11.5215 2.40 3.75 1.51 4.24 5.03 6.3 1435 11.3710 172.22 3.54 1.467331 4.55 3.0513.) 15.577.166.50|14.40(11.2217 12.04) 3.54 1.25 -42 4.40 3.20 13: 110718 1.40 3:57) 4.37 3:47:3:3 5.40 6.22 7,461 4.46 10'5219 1.25 4.00 1.0 4.59 15:32 5.548.10 14.4810:3620 (1|1.1 4.02 0.51 13.5:<.23 5.20 8,35|14.49|10.2021 20.54 4.04) 0.31 5:14 4.051 4.52114.1 1750' 44.58 8.50|14.49 10.03332 23 0.37 4.05 0.25 5.21 3.531 5.14 14.2. 15.04 4.30 9.18|14.49 9.4623 -4 0.211 4851 0.12 5.27 3.40 5.504.30 14.531 401 0: 44.489.28 24 240.5 4:05 A01 5132 3:27 50581447 14.41 3 3210.? 20 S.11 4.05 0.1415.37 3.14 6.19 14.5 14.281 3:02 10,22 14:43 8.5326 27 0,26 4.04 0.27 5.42 3.00 6.40 15.0, 14.40 8:3527 2810.41 4.02 0.411 5.40 2.451 7.01|15.10 13.02 2.0211.0 114.36 8.17/28 293.50 3.59 0.55 5.49 2.30 7.22152 3:47 1.3211,1|14.311 7059/29 1.101 3,551 1.091s. || 2151 7.4;115:3511 3.311 1.0311.30 14.26 7.40130 ein Hence of the inequality of the Solar Days. 457 Hence it is abundantly manifeſt, that the Solar or Apparent Days or Time that elapſes from the Moment the Sun leaves the Meridi. an of any Place, till it returns again to the ſame Meridian, and con- ſequently their ſimilar Parts, such as Hours, Minute:, 6c are un- equal; and cnfequently the Times meaſured out by the Motion of the Sun, are unequal among themlelves, and different from chat which is called Abfolute Time, which Flows equally and unitormly, anu al ways at the ſame Rate; which by the Aſtronomers is called the Irve and Equal Time ; according to which all the Cæleſtial Morioos are regulated and ſettled, and to which the Tables of the incan Motion of the Sun and all the Planets are adapted. And in- ali ch as the mean Motion of the Sun and the Planets are found to be equal and uniform, contantly deſcribing equal Areas, by a Linc conn.cting their Centers and the Center of their Orbs in equal Times: Hence it is that Aſtronomers have pitched upon a mean Solar Day, butween the greateſt and leaſt, as a Standard to compare their mein Morion with, and to which the Cæleſtial Mocions are. a djuſted; ſo that by calculating the Time when any norable Appear. ance will happen, ſuch as the Beginning or End of a Solar or Lunar Eclipſe, or of any of Jupiters Satellites, &c. by theſe Numbers and; reducing that Time to che Solar Time, we have the Apparent Time when thcle Appearances become viſible ; and on the contrary, by obferving the Apparent Time when any of theſe Appearances hap- pen, and reducing it to the mean Time, we are then enabled io calculate by the Tables, when ſuch Appearance will happen ;. and by comparing obſerved Appearances with thoſe deduced from Cal- culation, we are able to pronounce the Errors of the Tables, and: correct them as Occaſion requires: and this is the conſtant Buſineſs and Practice of all Aſtronomers, and the Method made Ure of to re&ify the Motions of the heavenly Bodies. And hence it appears of what Conſequence the Knowledge of the Equation of Days is in Aſtronomy, it being one of the Chief Pillars upon which all its Pre- diâions are founded ; and this was perfe&tly unknown to the Anci- ent Aſtronomers, and one principal Cauſe of the Errors in their Num- bers, and never rightly adjuſted, till undertaken by our great Aſtro- nomer the late Mr. F LAM S T E AD, about the Year 1067, (as it is Publiſhed by Dr. Wallis at the End of Horrox's Remains, in the Year 167%) whoſe principal End in all his Studies, was to improve real uſeful Knowledge, by clearing up thoſe Points that were before 4. 458 of the Equation of Time before Obſcure or Imperfe&, and laying a lafting Foundation for the Improvement of true Science, and to whom fucceeding Generations will be greatly indebted. The Tables here delivered have been all calculated de novo by my Self, and not copied from Books, without enquiring whether they are right or wrong, exa&ly computed or not, or whether they agree or diſagree one with another; a thing very much pra&iſed of late Days, and to be found in moſt of the Tables now in Uſe. ETIZEAZAAZAAAA2228 Section XX. Containing the Theory of the Sun; and the Conſtruction and Uſe of the Solar Tables. Every one who is but meanly skill'd in the Science of Aſtrono- my, knows that it conſiſts of two General Parts; the Firſt and Principal of which is employed in determining the Species of the Orbs in which the Planets move, their Magnitudes, Periods and Diſtan- ees from each other, whence proper Tables are made, by the Help of which their respective Places in their Orbs, their Poſitions, Con- jun&ions, various Afpects, c. may be readily pronounced at any given Time and accounted for. The Second and no leſs uſeful Part, is principally concerned in explaining the Origin Cauſes and Diviſions of the ſeveral Circles of the Sphere, which are made Uſe of in accounting for the ſeveral Appearances in the Heavens, ariGng from the Diurnal Motion of the Sun, or the Rotation of the Earth about her Axis; and in the Solution of the Chief and Primary Problems ariſing from it, ſuch as to determine the Time of the Rifing and Setting of the Planets and fixed Stars, their Amplitudes, Azimuths, and the Hours of the Day or Night, from their obſerved Altitudes, G. and how this may be done, from the Sun's Place being firſt known or given, has been amply fhewn in the Fifth Part of this work, itfremains therefore new ceffary, in order to render this part of the Science compleat, to thew how Of the Theory of the Sun. 459 ity how the Sun's Placelit ſelf may be obtained at any given Time by Calculation, and how the Tables themſelves by which it is generally computed, are conſtructed or made. And the firſt thing neceſſary to be known, is the exact Length of the Solar Year, or the Time that the Sun requires to move thro' the Ecliptic ; and this is readily obtained by comparing the Times to- gether, when the Sun ſhall be found by Obſervation to poſſeſs the ſame point of chc Ecliptic How the Place of the Sun in the Heavens, or the point of the E- cliptic that he poſſeſſes at any Time may be found from his Meridional Altitude taken with a good Quadrant,whence and from the Latitude of the Place of Obſervation, his Declination, Right Aſcenſion and Place, may be readily deduced, or from his Dittance meaſured from ſome Pla- net, ſuch as Venus in the Day, and the diſtance of that Planer from ſome fixed Star obſerved the following Night, or from the Difference of Times between the Tranfits of the Sun, and ſome fixed Stars - ver the Meridian, meaſured by a well regulated Clock; whence the Right Aſcenſion of the Sun, and thence his Declination and Place in the Ecliptic may be found, has been explained at large, in the 3d and 4th Aſtronomical Seations ; and by comparing theſe Places of the Sun thus deduced from Obſervations, and their correſpondent Times together, may the Length of the Solar Year be determined. But the Meihods uſually made Uſe or by Aſtronomers, is by find ing and comparing the true Times of the Sun's Ingreſs into either of the Equino&ial Points. For in aſmuch as the Ecliptic cuts the Equator in two oppoſite points, the Sun will twice every Year appear in the Equator or Equi- noctial Circle; and this will happen when by his apparent Motion he arrives at the Interfection of theſe two Circles, and the exact Time of this Appearance may be thus determined. At that Moment of Time the Sun appears in the Equator, he then enters into the firſt point of Aries or Libra, and his diſtance from either Pole, is exactly equal to a Quadrant or 90 Degrees : So that if at that time he happens to be upon the Meridian of any Place of his. Diſtance from the Zenith ot that Place, at that time will be equal to the Latitude of the Place of Obſervation; and conſequently if at any time the Meridian Altitude of the Sun be found by Obler- varion, to be equal to the Complement of the Latitude of the Place, the Sun ar that Moment, or at the Noon of that Day, enters into one of the Equinoctial points. Buc 460 of the Theory of the Sun. But becauſe the Sun is continually moving forward in the Eclip- tic Eaſtward, and at the Rate of one Degree nearly a Day, as will appear hereafter, he makes no ſtay in the Equino&ial Point, but in moving forward, at the ſame Moment he arrives in either Equino&ial point, at that ſame Moment he begins to quit it; and tho the Day the Sun enters the Equino&ial point be called the Equino&ial Day, becaule the Days and Nights are nearly equal, yet unleſs the Sun enters the Equinoctial Point at the Noon of that Day, the above- mentioned Method will not take place, and therefore in this Cale to determine the exact Moment of the Sun's Ingreſs, it is uſual to take tlie Meridional Altitude of the Sun, either upon the Equino&i- a! Day, or as near it as poſſible ; and the Difference between the Attitude and the Complement of the Latitude of the Place of Ob- fervation, will give the Declination of the Sun, or his Diſtance from the Equator at that time. Again, the next Day, or as ſoon as poſ- libe, obſerve again the Sun's Meridian Altitude, and find his Decli- nation as before, if theſe two Declinations when compared toge- ther, are of different kinds, that is one North and the otber South, the Equinox has happened fome time between the two Obſervations; but if they be found to be both of the ſame Kind, that is both North or both South, and the Declination at the time of the latter Obſerva- rion be leſs than the former Declination, the Sun has not entered into, or is ſhort of -he Equino&ial Point; but if the Declinations are found to increaſe, that is, if the latter be greater than the former, the Sun is paſs'd it, and in order o find the exact Time of the Ingreſs, Having from chefe Declinations thus deduced from Obſervations, and the greateſt Declination, found the correſpondent Longitudes, or Diſtances of the Sun from the next Equinoctial point, according to che Method caught in the ad Caſe of the ift Problem, of Section the 3d of Part the 5th, Say, as the Sum of theſe two Longitudes, or Diſtance of the Sun from the Equino&ial Point, if the Declinations are of diffe- rent Kinds, otherwiſe fay, as the Difference between the Longi- cudes thus deduced, is to the Space of Time elapſed between the two Obſervations, ſo is the Diſtance of the Sun from the Equino&ial point at the Time of the firſt Obſervation, to a proportional part of Tine, which it the two Declinations are o a contrary Kind, that is one North and the other South ; or when they are of the ſame Kind, that is both North or both South, and the Declination at the aleria Of the 'Theory of the Sun. 461 time of the Second Obſervation be leſs than the Declination at the time of the Firſt Obſervation, being added to the time when the Firſt Obfervation was made, will give the exact time when the E-. quinox happened : But it the Declinations are both the ſame way, ápd the Declination at the time of the Second Obſervation, be greater than the Declination at the time of the Firſt Obſervation, that is, if the Declinations are found to increaſe, the 4th propor- cionable Number laſt found, or proportionable part of Time, being ſubſtracted from the time of the Firſt Obſervation, will leave the time of the Ingreſs: The Realon of which is very obvious to the intelligent and skillful Reader. By the fame Method of reaſoning, may the true time of the Equi- nox be found, from the Difference of the Right Aſcendion of the Sun, obtained from the Difference between the times of the Tranſits of the Sun and ſome known Fixed Star over the Meridian of any Place. And, after the ſame manner, by the help of proper Obſerva- ation, may the time of the Sun's Ingreſs into the ſame Equino&ial Point be determined for the next, or any ſucceeding Year ; and by comparing theſe times together, may the Length of the Solar Year (the principal Foundation upon which the Solar Tables are built) be determined. As an Error of one Minute in the time of the Equinox, when compared with an Obſervation made at the diſtance of one Year, will cauſe an Error of 60 Min.or one Hour, in producing the time of the Equinox at the diſtance of 60 Years, ſo the fame Error of one Minute in the Equinox, when compared with an Obſervation made at the diſtance of 60 Years, will cauſe but an Error of Second in one Period; and this is the Reaſon why Aſtronomers when they are about to ſettle the Periods of the Sun, or of any of the Planets, or fixed Stars, and account for the Inequality in their Motions, compare the moſt diftant Obſervations that they can meet with, ſince a ſmall Error in the Obſervation in that Caſe, will be broke into fo many ſmall Parts, that the Difference from the Truth, will in a manner vaniſh. According to the Greenwich Obſervations in the Year 1681, the Vernal Equinox happened on the 9th of March, at vih. 41m. 13 f. mean Time, when the mean Motion of the Sun from the faine E- quinox" was 11 S. 28 deg. 04 min. 56 ſec. and in the Year 1701, the ſame Equinox was celebrated on the 9th of March, at 8 h: 2 m. 22 f. mean. Time, when the Sun's mean Motion was II S. 28 deg. Ooo * 05 min. ! 462 Of the Equation of the Sun 9 os min. 50 lec. ſo that in 30 Julian Years or 7305 Days, wanting 3 h 38 min. 51 ſec. or in 7304 Days 20 h. 21 min 9 ſec. the Sun's Motion was 20 Revolutions over and above o S. oo deg, oo min. fec. whence by the common Rule of Proportion it will be found, that if 20 Rev.00 S. oo deg, oo min. 09 ſec. are performed in 7304 Days 20 h: 21 min. 9 ſec, that one Revolution will be performed in 365 Days 5 h. 48 min. 57 ſec. c. which is the true Length of the Solar Year, or ſpace of Time that the Sun conſumes in finiſhing his Courſe thro' the Ecliptic ; that is, till he return to the ſelf fame Place in the Ecliptic from whence he began to move; ſo that ac- cording to the former Computation, if the Sun enters into the firſt point of Aries on the 9th of March, in the Year 1701, at 8h. 02m. 22 f, in the Year 1702, according to mean Motion he will enter a- gain into the ſame point on the 9th of March, at 13 h. 51 m. 19 f: This Period of 365 Days 5 h. 48 min. 57 ſec. is likewiſe called the Tropical Year, becauſe during this Space of Time all the vari- ety of Seaſons are celebrated ; and after it is finiſhed they return a- gain in the ſelf ſame Order, and all the Conſequences that ariſe from the Acceſs or Receſs of the Sun, to or from the Earth, will happen during that time ; and after it is paſt, they will return a- Astronomers by comparing the Places of the Fixed Stars deduced from Obſervations made at diſtant times, have diſcovered that there is a Præceſſion of the Equinoxes, or Receſſion or Motion of the Equinoctial points in Antecedentia, or to the Weſtward, and contrary to the Order of the Signs, by which the points of Inter- ſedion do conſtantly move back, at the Rate of a Degree in 72 Years, and do as it were meet the Sun: So that the Sun will annually ar- rive at the Interſection before he has compleated his Courſe, and ar- rived ac the ſame abſolute point of Space, or to the ſame Fixed Star that he was in Conjun&ion with before ; and conſequently in the Space of 20 Years this retrograde Motion will amount to 16 min. 40 fec. whence it comes to paſs that in the Space of 20 Julian Years, or 7305 Days wanting 3 h 38 min 51 ſec there will be but 19 Rev. 11 S. 29 deg 43 min. 29 ſec. of the Sun to the ſame Fixed Stars, and conſequently each ſingle Revolution will be performed in thie Space of 365 Days 6 h. 9 m. 14 ſec. and which is called the A- nonaliſtical Periodical or Sydereal Tear ; inaſmuch as in that Space of Time the Earch makes an Inter-Revolution round her Orb, and the Sun exhibits all his various Aſpects to each Fixed Star Buc gain a new : of the Theory of the Sun: 463 But inaſmuch as the Sun performs his Revolution with regard to the Ecliptic in 365 Days sh. 48 min. 57 ſec. he will be found to move over 59 min. 08 tec. 19 thirds of the ſame Great Circle in one Natural Day; for by the common Rule of Proportion, if in 365 Days 5 h. 48 m. 57 f. the Sun moves 12 Signs or 360 Degrees, the whole Circumterence of the Ecliptic, in 24 Hours he will move 59 min. 08 fec. 19 thirds, or 59 min. 08 fec. nearly ; and this is called the Mean Motion of the Sun for one Day, and in the fol- lowing Table is the Number placed aginſt the 1ſt of January ; and by the ſame Method of Reaſoning he will be found to move over i deg. 58 inin. 16 ſec. 38 thirds, or i deg. 58 min. 17 ſec. nearly, which is called the Mean Motion of the Sun for two Days, and ſtands againſt the 2d Day of January, in three Days he will move over 2 deg 57 miri. 24 ſec. 57 thirds, or 2 deg. 57 min. 25 fec. which is called his Mean Motion for three Days, and is the ameNum- ber that is placed againſt the 3d of January, &c. and in 365 Days or one common Year current, he will have moved over 11 S. 29deg. 45 min. 40 ſec. and which is called the Mean Motion for one Year current, and ſtands againſt the 31ſt of December, and againſt Num- bers in the Table of Years current. By the ſameMethod of Inveſtigation he will be found to move over the 24th part of 52 min 8 ſec. 19 thirds, or 9 min. 27 ſec. 5o tirds, or 2 min. 28 fec. nearly in 1 Hour, which is called the Mean Motion of the Sun for one Hour, and which is the Number placed againſt one Hour in the Table of Mean Motion for Hours, &c. in two Hours he will move over 4 min. 55 ſec. 40 thirds, or 4 min. soſec. nearly, and which is the Mean Motion for two Hours, and ſtands againſt two Hours in the Table of Mean Morion for two Hours, &c. and in one Minute Or the góth part of an Hour, he will move over the 6th part of oz' 27" so'" or 2'27''' 50+, or. 2" 28'"' nearly; and which is the Mean Motion for one Minute of Time, &c. and in one Second of Time, or the both part of a Minute, he will move over the both part of 2" 27"" 50*, or 2 274 503 which is the Mean Motion of the Sun for one Second of Time The Mean Motion for one common Year or 365 Days, has been found to be 11 S. 29 deg. 45 min. 40 ſec. this therefore being doubled, will give one Rev. and i S. 29 deg. 31 min. 20 fec. over, which Surplus is called the Mean Motion for two Years, and which ſtands againſt two Years in the Table, and being trebled, will give a Rev. and i S. 29 deg. i7 min. oo fec. over, which Surplus O 002 is 30 464 Of the Theory of the Sun 29 is called the Mean Motion for 3 Years.; and becauſe every fourth Year conſiſts of 366 Days, therefore to determine the Mean Motion for 4 Years, you muſt to the Mean Motion for 3 Years, viz. 11 S. 29 deg. oo min. add the Motion for one Year, equal to 11 S. 29 deg. 45 min. 40 ſec. and over and above the Morion for one Day, equal to 59 min. 08 ſec. &c. and the Sum o S. o deg. : min. 49 fec. will be the Mean Motion for four Years; and is the Number that ſtands againſt four years in the Table of Mean Motion for the intermediate Years; and by adding the Motion of one Year 11 S. 29 deg. 45 min. 40 ſec. to the Mean Motion for four years equal to oo S. oo deg. ol min. 49 fec. you will have u S. 29 deg. 47min. fec. the Mean Motion for five Years, &c. and by doubling, trebling, and quadrupling &c. the Mean Motion for four Years, you will have oo Soo deg o3 min. 37 ſec. the Mean Motion for. 8. Years, oo S. oo deg. 05 min. 26 ſec. the Mean Motion for in Years, oo S. oo deg 07 min 15 lec: the Mean Morion for 16 Years OC. and oo S. oo deg og min 4 ſec. the Mean Motion for 20 Years ; this again being doubled, trebled, &c. will give oo S. 00 deg. 18 min. 8 ſec. &c. the Mean Motion for 40 Years, os. o deg. min. 12 ſec. the Mean Motion for 60 Years, and oo S. oo deg 27 mjo 20 ſec the Mean Motion for o0 Years; this again being doubled, trebled, Oc will give oo S. or deg. 30 min. 40 ſec. the Mean Motion for 200 Years, oo S. 02 deg 16 min 0 ſec. the Mean Motion for 3.00 Years, Gc and oo S. 07 deg. 33 min. 20 fec. the Mean Motion for 1000 Years ; this again being doubled, trebled, c. will give 00 $. 15. deg. 6 min. 40 ſec the Mean Motion for 2000 Years, oo S. 22 deg. 40 min. oo ſec. the Mean Norion for 3000. Years, c. and on S. 07 deg. 46 min 40 ſec. the Mean Motion for 5000 Years, oc. And inaſmuch as the common Julian-Tear is leſs than the Tropical Year by 5 h. 48 min. 57 ſec. hence it is, that every 4th Year 1 Day is added to the Year by reckoning the 6th Day of the Kalends of March twice, and inſerting a Day into the Kalendar next after the 241h Day of February, making thereby two 24ths of February, and. the month to conſiſt of 29 Days (of which a more ample Account thall be given in its due Place) and becauſe in the Tables of Mean Motions for Months, &c. the Month of February conſiſts but of 28 Days; hence it is, that in computing the Place of the Sun from theſe Tables in the Leap-Tears, after the 28th of February, the Aftronomers add the Motion of one Day to the Sum of the commion Mean Mo- tion .. Of the Theory of the Sun. . 465 tion, or which comes to the ſame thing, they add one Day to the time given, and account the if Day of March for the agth of Febru- ary, and make Uſe of the Mean Motion that ſtands in the Tables of Mean Motion, againſt the 'A. Day of March, for the 29tb or Febru- ary current In like manner they account the ad Day of Marab for the 'A Day of March, and make uſe of the Mean Motion that Aands againſt the ad Day of March in the Tables of Mean Motion for the Day of March current ; and proceeding after the lame manner; till when-they come to the laſt Day in the Year, or the 31ſt Day of December they add to the Tabular Mean Morion againſt the 31ſt of December, the Mean Motion that ſtands againſt the firſt Day of January, or the Mean Motion for one.common Day, and this Sum will be the pro- per Mean Motion for thar Day; and which being added to the Radix of Mean Motion for the current Year, it will give the Radix of Mean Motion for the ſucceeding Year; after which all things go on in the ſame Order, and the Mean Morions are made Uſe of in the ſame manner as before The Mean Morion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries for the arch, 1701, at 08 h. 2 min. 22 ſec. Mean Time has been found to be ' 1 S. 28 deg. 5 min. 5 ſec from this therefore taking away the middle Motion of the San for 68 Days, 8 h. 02. min. 22 ſec the Quantity of Time between the 9th of March at 08 h. • 2 min 22 ſec. and the 3 1$7 Day of the preceding December equal to 02 S. 07 deg. 21 min. 15 fec. the Remainder 09 S.o deg, 43 min. 56 ſec. will be the Mean Motion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries for the 31ſt Day of December, 1700; and is called the Radix of Mean Motion for the Year 1701, and is the Number that ſtands againſt the Year 1701, in the firſt Table, or Table of the Earths Mean Motion from the Vernal Equinox, for the Years ſince CHRIST: And if to this Mean Motion 9 S 20 deg. 43 min. so ſec. be added US 29 deg. 45 min. 40 ſec, the Mean Motion for one common Year, the Sum 9.S. 20 deg. 29 min. 30 ſec.' will be the Mean Mo- tion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries, for the 31ſt Day of De- cember 702, or the Radix of Mean Morion for the Year 1702 : In like manner, if to the Radix of Mean Motion for the Year 1701, viz. 9 S. 20 deg. 43 min. so ſec. be added oo Soo deg. 9 min. 4 ſec the Mean Motion for 20 common Years, the Sum 99. 20 deg. $2 min 54 ſec. will be the Mean Motion of the Sun for the 311 of December 1720, at Noon, Mean Time; or the Radix of Mean Mo- tion 9th of 466 of the Theory of the Sun. ز tion for the Year 1721. And again, if to the Radix of Mean Mo. tion for the Year 1721, viz. o S 20 deg. 52 min. 54 fec. be added the ſame Motion for 20 Years, viz oo S.oo deg. 09 min. 04 fec. the Sum 9 S. 2 I deg. ol ini, 58 ſec. will be the Mean Motion of the Sun for the 3 1/1 of Decerrber, 1740; or tlie Radix of Nean vo- tion for the Year 1741, and is the Number that ſtands againſt 1741 in the firſt Table; and if to the Radix:9 S. 20 deg. 43 min. so ſec. the Radix of Mean i otion for the Year 1701, be added oo S. 00 deg. 45 min. 20 ſec the Mean Motion for a Hundred Years, the Sun 9S. 21 deg: 29min. Is ſec. will be the Mean Motion of the Sun from the Vernal Equinox for the 31ſt Day of December at Noon, in the Year 1800, or the Radix of Mean Motion for the Year 1801, d. Again, if from 9 S. 20 deg. 43 min. so ſec. the Radix ot Mean Morion for the Year 1701, be taken away oo S. oo deg. 09 min. 04 fec. the middle Motion for 20 Years, the Remainder 9 S. co deg. 34 min. 46 fcc will be the Radix of Mean Motion for the Year 1681 j and if from the Radix of Mean Motion for the Year 1681. 9 S. 20 deg. 34 min. 40 ſec. be taken away o S.. o deg: 9 min. 4 fec. the Motion for 20 Years, the Remainder 9 S. 20 deg 25 min. 42 ſec. will be the Radix of Mean Morion for the Year 1661, 6c . And laitly, if from the Radix of Mean Motion for the Year 1701, 9 S 20 deg 43 min. 5o fec. be taken away oo S. 12 deg. so min. 46 ſec, the Mean Motion for 1700 Yearsthe Remainder 9 S. 07 deg. 53 min. 02 ſec. will be the Mean Motion of the Sun from the Vera · nal Equinox, on the 31ſt of December at Noon, immediately prece- ding the commencement of the Christian Era, or the Radix of Mean Motion for the firft current Year of CHRIST. After the ſame manner may the Radix of Mean Motion for any 0- ther Year be computed, and conſequently the Mean Motion of the Sun from the Vernal Equinox for any Time paſt or to come, be readily Calculated, by adding or ſubftra&ting to or from, the Radix of vean Motion for the given Year, theSum of the Mean Motions for the Sur- plus, or the Defeet of Time, as will be exemplified hereafter; and after this manner were the following Tables of Mean Motion con- Itructed. Ard inaſmuch as all theſe Mean Motions are adjofted to Mean or Equal Time, it is neceſſary if the Time given be Apparent Time, that it be forft redaced to Mean Time, according to the Rules laid down in the former Section. 1 IE of the Theory of the Sun 1 407 If the Sun were placed exa&ly in the Center of the Earth's Orb, and the Motion of the Sun round the Earth were equal, that is if the Earth deſcribed equal Angles round the Sun in equal Time, then the Sun's Apparent Morion in the Ecliptic would be always e- quable and equal at all Times to the Mean Motion before Inveſtiga ted, and the Sun would move forward each Day at the Rate of 59' 8'' 19'', and proportionably for a a greater or Icffer Time, whence the Place of the Sun being known at any certain Time fixed, his Place at any other Time aſſigned, would be very readily computed, by adding or ſubftrading of the Mean Morion anſwering to th: In- terval between the two given Times. But Aſtronomers by comparing together the Places of the Sun dedu- ced from Obſervation, have found that the Apparent Motion of the Sun thro’the Ecliptic is unequal, and that he moves ſwifter thro'fonc parts of the Ecliptic than he does thro’ other; that his Apparent diurnal Motion is ſometimes 61 min. nearly, and at other times ſcarce 57m. and that he is longer by 7 Days nearly, in travelling from the firſt point of Aries thro' the Norchern half of the Ecliptic, till he arrives at the firſt point of Libra, than he is in travelling from the firſt point of Libra thro’the Southern half of ir, till he enters again into the firſt point of Aries ; for in the Year 1701, the Vernal Equi- nox happened on the gtń of March, at 8 h 2 min. 32 ſec. P.M when the Autumnal following did not happen till 11th of September follow- ing at zoh. 04 m. 271. P.M. Mean Time, and wlrich ought to have happened on the 8th Day of the ſame.Month September, at 10 h. 58 min. 55 ſec. P.M -lean Time, preciſely, if the Apparcnt votion of the Sun were exaatly equal ; morever it is found by meafuring the Apparent Diameter of the Sun by a good Micrometer, that when he is near the 8th Degree of Cancer, and which happens about the 18th of June, at which time he is ſaid to be in Apoge, his Appa- rene Seinidiameter is about 15' 0", and that when he is near the 8th Degree of Capricorn, and which happens about the 18th Day of December, and when he is ſaid to be in Perige, his Apparent, Semi- diainerer is somnin, 23 ſec (which Apparent Semidiameters muſt have been equal, if the sun had been placed in the Center of the annual Orb) whence it follows, (inaſmuch as the Apparent Semidiameters are reciprocally as the reſpective Diſtances) that the greateſt Distance of the Sun from the Earth, is to its leaſt Diſtance, as 983 to 950: or as 101707 to 98253; whence the Diſtance of the Sun froin the Center of the Orb will be 1707 fuch Parts as the Mean Diſtance of the 408 Of the Theory of the Sun. the Sun from the Earth is 100000, and which is therefore called the Excentricity ; but Mr. Flamſtead by comparing ſeveral correct Places of the Sun together, deduced from other Obſervations, has found the Excentricity to be but 1692 of the ſame Parts. The ancient Aſtronomers who allowed. no other Motion in the Hea- vens but what were circular and equal, thar they might Account for theſe Inequalities in the Sun's Motion, and adjuſt the ſeveral Quan- ticies of ic in ſeveral Parts of the Orb, ſuppoſed the Sun co move -round the Earth, or the Earth round the San (for iras the ſame thing which we ſuppoſe to move, and which we'll fuppoſe to ſtand ſtill) in a circular Orb, but Excentrical, that is, whoſe Center was at ſome Diſtance from the Center of the Eclipric, in which they placed the Sun or the Earth, and that this circular Orb was deſcribed by an e- qual Motion; in ſuch manner, that a Line or Ray drawn from the Center of the Orb, to the Sun or Earth, did deſcribe equal Angles in equal Times ; and therefore by having the Excentricity or Ďir- tance of the Sun from the Center of the Orb, and his can Diſtance from the Earth, as alſo the Diſtance of the Sun from the Apogeon or Perigeon, they could readily compute by the help of the Dočtrine of Plain Trigonometry, the Equation of the Orb, or the Difference between the mean and True Place, in whatſoever part of the Orb the Earth was ſcituated, and thence by knowing the Mean votion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries they could compute the true Place of the Sun in the Ecliptic, and his Diſtance from either Equi- noctial point. But the Great Kepler by comparing the Obſervations of the Fa- mous Tycko together, has diſcovered that Mars was not carried round the Sun in a Circular but in an Elliptic Orb, and that the Sun was placed in one of the Foci of that Ellipſes; and that in inoving round the Sun his Motion was ſo regulated, that a Ray or Line drawa from the Sun to the Planet did deſcribe an Elliptic Area or Space, always proportionable to the time that the Planet moved; and ha- ving found the fame Law to obtain in all other Planets, he concluded it to be but Rational, that the Earth ſhould obſerve the ſame law, and be carried likewiſe in an Elliptic Orb; and this having been con- firmed by all the Obſervations made fince his Time, there is no room left to doubt of the Truth of it; and therefore I ſhall proceed to thew in the next Place how theſe Innequalities in the Sun's Mo- tion may be accounted, for, and how the proper Equation, or Prof- thapherefis, for adjuſting of theſe Inequalities may be computed upon this Principle only. And, if IF > ܀ 469 Of the 'Theory of the Sun. 1. If the Earth be carried about the Sun in an Elliptic Orb, in one of whoſe Foci the Sun is placed, and in moving deſcribes Areas every where proportional to the times, by a Line connecting the Centers of the Sun and Earth ; I ſay that the velocity of the Earth in every point of the Orb ſhall be reciprocally, as a Line drawn from the Center of the Sun, perpendicular to the Tangebt to the point given. Let A 1 EP repreſent the Earths Orb, S the Sun placed in one of its Foci, I and E two points in the I Orb, in which the Earth is ſuppo- ſed to be at two different Times, I ſay that the velocity in T is to the velocity in E, as the Line Sq drawn perpendicular to Eq, a Tangent to the Orb in the point E, to the Line SQ, drawn perpendicular to TQ, a perpendicular to the Orb in the point 7. BA6 t Let It and Ee be two Arches of the Orb deſcribed by the Earth, 1 오 ​i in equal, buc infinitely ſmall parts of Time, and draw the Lines St, Se, and becauſe the Areas deſcribed are ever proportional to the Times the Triangles STt and see inaſmuch as they are deſcribed in equal Times are equal, but the Triangle STt is equal to half sexTt, and the Triangle SE is equal to half SqxEe, wherefore, half sexTt=half SqxEe ; and con- ſequently Tt: Eé : : iSq : SQ; or as Sq: Sl; and ſince the Revolutions of the Earth in the points T and E are as the Lines Tt and E e, deſcribed in the ſame time it follows that the velocity of the Earth in the point T, is to the velocity in the Point E, as Sq to se Hence it follows, that the velocity is leaſt in the Aphelion, and greateſt in the Perihelion, and that while the Earth is moving from the Perihelion to the Aphelion, ſhe conſtantly Nackens her -Motion, till having pafled the Aphelion, the on the contrary begins to quick- en her Pace, till the arrives again at the Perihelion, when it again becomes the greateſt, 66. 2 The : Рpp ** 470 Of the Theory of the Sun. + 2. The fame things being ſuppoſed as before, I ſay that the An- gle with the Earth ſeen from the Sun, will appear to deſcribe in a Imall Particle of Time, will be every where reciprocally in a Dupli- cate Proportion of her diſtance from che Sun. About the Center S at the diſtance of St and Se, deſcribe the finall Arches + B and eb, and make Sc equal to. Se, and draw the Small Arch cd, and the angular velocity in e will be to the angular ve- locity in t, as the ſmall Arch e b is to the ſmallArchc d, but the Pro- portion of eb to cd is compounded of the Proportion of eb tot B, and of + B tood, and becauſe the Triangles e S E and t.SZ are equal, ob will be to B, as St to Se, and becauſe the Arches + B and cd are ſimilar, t B is to cd as St to.Sc, or as St to Se, wherefore the Proportion of eb tocd, is compounded of the Proportion of St to Se, and of St to Se, and conſequently the angular velocity at e, is to the angular velocity at t, as the Square of St to the Square of Se; that is reciprocally as the Square of the Diſtances. This increaſe, and decreaſe of the angular velocity, may perhaps be better underſtood by comparing the true Motion of the Earth in her Orb, with the Motion of a Body ſuppoſed to move, with an equable and uniform Motion round the Sun as a Center T A D CA ma ON Z In the adjacent Figure there- fore, let AQPR repreſent the Orbit of the Earth, in one of whole Foci as S, the Sun is placed, and let ÅP be the lon- P geft Diameter, and Q R the E ſhorteft, and SB equal to SF, a mcan Proportional between the two Diameters. Abour Sasa Center, with the diſtance of SB, deſcribe the Circle DBHR, this will be equal in Area to the Ellipſis AQPR (by the 1.5th and 16th Ar. of seats the ad of Part the ist, in Page 83) and let us fuppofe a Body to move over the Circumference of this Cir- dle, in the ſame time as the Center of the Earth deſcribes the Peri- phery 12 : 471 of the Theory of the Sun. phery of the Ellipſis, and when the Earth is in the Aphelion A; jer the circulating Body be in E, the Line of the Abades, the Motion of this Body will repreſent the equal or middle Motion of the Earth, and the Body in its Morion round the Sun S, will de- Icribe Areas or Seators of Circles, which are proportional to the Times, and equal to the Elliptic Arcas that che Earth deſcribes ac the ſame time. Let Esm be the Angle or equal Motion that the Body moving round the Sun at S has deſcribed, proportional to any given Time, and take the Elliptic Area AST equal to the Secor Esm, and then the true Place of the Earth in her Orb will be in the point T, and the Angle mSD equal to the Difference between the mean Motion of the Earth, and its true Motion will be the Equation or Proſtha- phärelis, and conſequently the Area AEDT, and which muſt be e- qual to the sector DSm, will be ever proportional to the Proſtha- phærefis, and the ſame will happen in whatſoever part of the Orb the point T be taken ; whence it follows, 1. That the greater this Area is, the greater will be the Proſta- phæreſis or, Equation, or Difference between the mean and true Place of the Earth, till when this Area comes to be the greateſt, the Equation or Proſthaphæreſis will be the greateſt allo; and this will happen in the point B, the common Interſection of the Ellipfis and the Circle, for when the Earth deſcends farther too, the Equa- tion becomes proportional to the Difference between the Areas ABE and BI 0; or to the Area 10 BH. For let G be the Place of the Body moving uniformly in the Cir- cle when the Earth is at o, and the Secor ESG will be equal to the Elliptic Area A So and taking away the common Spaces, there will remain the Area ABE or HBP leſs the Area B 10, equal to. the Area Lo PH, equal to the Sector GSH or the Equation. 2. That in the Perihelion and Aphelion, the middle and true Mo- sion of the Earth are the ſame, and confequently the Equation or Profthaphæreſis vaniſhes; for the Semicircle EBK is equal to the Semi-Ellipſis AQP; but 3. That after the Earth departs from the Periphelion P, its Mo- tion is conſtantly quickes, and it goes before the Body, moving e- qually with the mean Motion, and conſequently the true Place will be in conſequence of the Mean Place, and the Equation will be poo Gtive as in the former Semicircle, in moving from the Aphelion its Motion was conſtantly lower, and the Earth followed the PPP 2 Ilower Body 472 Of the Theory of the Suni diminiſhes, till it arrives Body moving with an uniform Motion equally with the mean Mo. tion, and conſequently the true place will be in Antecedence of the mean Place, and conſequently the Equation or Proſthaphæreſis will be Negative: For let the Angle KSZ be proportional to the Time, take the Area PSx equal to the Sector KSZ, and x will be the Place of the Earth in her Orb, in conſequence of the mean Place Z, for the Angle PSx is greater than the Angle KSZ, and the Area KPxy will be equal to the Sector 2Sy, and conſequently the Angle Z S y, the Equation in this Semicircle will be poſitive, as in the former Semicircle the Apgle GSI or the Equation was negative ; and this Equation ZSy will be greateſt : likewife in the point F, the common Interfe&tion of the Ellipfis and the Circle, for there the Area KPxy will be the greateſt. It has been already proved that in the point A the velocity of the Earth is leaſt, and that in deſcending from thence to the Perihelion, its velocity will conſtantly increaſe, but will be ſtill leſs than the mean velocity till it arrives at B, when the Circle and Ellipfis cut each other, and when it becomes juſt equal to the mean : For when the Earth is in B, let the Body moving with the uniform equal Mo- tion be in the point I, and the Areas deſcribed round the Sun in the fame infinitely ſmall Time be the ſmall Triangles qSB and u ST, and which muſt therefore be equal, and conſequently rBxBS is equal to ulxTS ; and becauſe SI and SB are equal, rB and I will be e- qual, and the Angle qSB will be equal to the Angle u SI, and con- ſequently at the point B, the angular and mean velocity are cual. But as the Earth moves from B, and approaches nearer to the Pe. rihelion, the true velocity grows bigger than the mean velocity, and as it comes conſtantly nearer to the Sun its velocity will conſtantly increaſe, till it comes to the Perihelion P, where it is greateſt of all, becauſe its diſtance. SP from the Sun is the leaſt; but the Earth departing from thence and alcending to the Aphelion, leaves the Body that proceeds conltantly with a uniform Motion behind it, but as it receeds farther from Ithe Sun its velocity decreaſes, but is ſtill bigger than the mean velocity, till it comes to the point F the common Interfe&ion of the Ellipſis and the Circle, when the angu- lar velocity of thc Earth is juſt equal to the mean angular velocity, and alţer it has paſſed that point its velocity becomes leſs than when it is the leaſt of all, its Diſtance from the Sun at that time be- ing the greateſt Irie Of the Theory of the Sun 473 par: Inaſmuch therefore as the Earth in her annual Motion round the Sun, is governed by the cqual and uniform deſcription of Areas, which increaſe and decreaſe uniformly with the time, it is impoſſi- ble that ſhe can every where move with the ſame uniform velocity, but it muſt be conſtantly changed ; and that in every different of her Orb the will acquire different Degrees of velocity, and therefore to determine her true Place at any given Time, we muſt find the Pofition of a Right Line as ST, which paſſing thro' one of the Foci S, of the Ellipſis AQPR, will cut off a Tri- Jineal Asea AST, deſcribed А. by its Motion, to which the whole Area of the El- lipſis ſhall have the ſame T Proportion that the Peri- F odical Time of the Earth has to any other given Time, which Poſition being found, we ſhall ha' e the Place ofB Q D the Earth, at the given R point of Time. t ܪ:܀ This Problem was firſt S propoſed by Kepler, after he had discovered the Law of uniform Areas, and tho' P. he never was Maſter of a direa way of reſolving it as he himſelf expreſly tells us, yet the Method that he made Uſe of in calculating the Profthapham refis, and computing the Places of the Planets as it is very eaſy to be underſtood, ſo it is very expeditious and certain in the Practice, and when the Excentricity is ſmall, as is the preſent Cafe, it is not. much infcrior to the direct Methods now in Úſe. In the preceding Figure, Let ATQPR repreſent the Ellipſis thac the Center of the Earth deſcribes in her annual Motion round the Sun, S the Sun placed in one of the Foci, C the Center of the Orb, and CS the Excentricity, Athe Aphelioror point in the Orb where the Earth is at her greateſt Diſtance from the Sun, and P the Peri- helion, or point where Ibre is at the neareſt diſtance, then will be the 474 of the Theory of the Sun. * the greateſt Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun, and PS the leaſt Diſtance, and CP equal to CA the mean Diſtance. Let I repreſent the Place of the Earth in her Orb, at any given point of Time, and draw the Line S7, this, therefore is called the Generating and Defcribing Ray, which while the Center of the Earth is carried from Athro T, , P, and R, to A again, will de- Scribe che whole Elliptical Area ALPR and A. On the Center at the diſtance of CA or CP, deſcribe the cir- cumſcribing Circle ABPD, and thro the point I or the Place of the Earth, draw the Line 1 F, perpendicular to AP, and produce it till it ineet the Circumference of the Circle in the point t, and draw the Lines : S, C, and TS, and at Right-angles to AP draw the Line BD, then will QR be the forceſt or conjugare Diameter of the Ellipſis. It has bcen demonſtrated in the 15th and 18th Articles of Setion the ad of Part the it, in Page 85, that any Segment of a Circle as At F, is to the correſpondent Segment ATF of the Ellipſis, as the circular Ordinate Ft is to the correſpondent elliptical Ordinate I F; and in the 16th Prop. of Seation the ist, of Part the 1st in Page 44, it has been proved that the Area of the Triangle + SF is to the Area of the Triangle TSF, as the fame Line + F is to the Line TF; wherefore by Cor. the sth of Prop. the 15th, of Se£tion the ift of Part the ift, the circular Area At S will be to the elliptic Area -47S, and conſequently the whole circular Area will be to the whole elliptical Area as the Ordinate + F to the Ordinate TF; that is by the 15th Article of Section the 2d, of Part the if in Page 85, as the Semidiameter of the Circle BC, to the Semi-conjugate Diame- ter QC of the Ellipſis, or as the Diameter of the Circle BD to the conjugate Diameter Q R of the Ellipſis; that is becauſe AP and BD are equal, as the longeſt Diameter PA of the Ellipſis, to the ſhor- seſt QR; and the fame Law will obtain in whatſoever part of the Periphery of the Ellipſis the point I be taken : Hence the A- rea of any Trilineal Space in the Ellipfis, ſuch as A S.Z being known, the Area of the correſpondent Trilineal Space in the Cir- cle, ſuch as A Se is known allo; and on the contrary, the Area of any Portion of a Circle being known, fuch as A St, the Area of the correſpondent Portion of the Elliplis, ſuch as ASI are given : And hence if we have a Method of drawing thro' the point b & Line as St that ſhall cut off an Area of the Circle as A $t, which All be to the Arca of the whole Circle in a given Proportion, it will # Of the Theory of the Sun. 475 on will be easy to cut off an Area of the Ellipſis as AST, which ſhall have the ſame Proportion to the whole Ellipfis, viz. by letting fall from the point t in the Circumference of the Circle, a Perpendicular the Axis AP, which will cut the Ellipfis in the point I required, to which draw the Line ST, and it will divide the Ellipſis in the. given Proportion; ſo thar 'l will be the true Place of the Planet or Earth, for if two Bodies 7 and. t ſet out from the point A ac the ſame time, one of which t moved thro'che Circumference of the Circle, while the other I deſcribed by its Motion the Periphery of th: Ellipfis when the Body t arrives at in the Circumference of the Circle the Body I will arrive at T in the Periphery of the Ellipſis, and this will happen whereſoever the Line 1 Fbe drawn. The Trilineal Space AST is called the mean Anomaly, and is c- ver proportional to the mean Motion before inveſtigated ; ſo that if the carrying Ray S7 deſcribe the whole Elliptic Area in 365 Days 5 h 48 min. 57 fec the fame Ray will deſcribe an Area as AST in one Day or 24 Hours, equal to 59. min. 08 fec: 19 thirds, ſuch Farts, as the whole. Elliptic Area is 360 deg. oo min. oo fec. oo thirds, in two Days, it will deſcribe an Area of i deg. 58 min. 16 ſec: 38 thirds of the ſame parts; and ſo proportionally for a great- er or leſler Space of Time. And as the Trilineal Space AST is called the mean Anomaly; the Angie AST which the ſame Ray deſcribes in the ſame Time is called the co-equate Anomaly, and is ever equal to the viſible or true Motion of the Sun in the Ecliptic, and the Dift:rence between thele two Anomalys is called the Equation or Proſthaphæreſis, which is Negative, while the Earth is paffing from A thro T to P, or thro the firſt Semicircle of Anomaly, and therefore being ſubftracted from the mean Motion of the Sun will give its truc Place; but during the time the Earth is going from P to A, and which is called the ſe- cond Semicircle of Anomaly, it is Poſitive, and being therefore ad- ded to the mean Motion, it will give the true Place. Kepler, who knew no direct Method of finding the true or co- equa'e Anomaly from the mean Anomaly firſt given, madeUſe of the following Contrivance for calculating the Tables of Profthaphärelis. 1. Having affumed the Arch At which is called the Anomaly of the Excentric, and which is equal to the Area of the Se&or A St, in ſuch parts as the Area of the whole Circle is 360 Degrees, &c. at pleaſure, to this he added the Area of the Triangle Cis, in the famc parts, and which is found by multiplying the Baſe C S by half of 1 F, and the Sum will give the whole Area or Superficies A St, whick Š 476 Of the Theory of the Sun which is called the Competent mean Anomaly, which will be to the true mean Anomaly or Superficies AS, as the longeſt Dia- meter of the Ellipfis A P to the fhorteſt QR 2. To find the true or co-equate Anomaly or Angle AST corre- ſponding to the mean Anomaly, or Area AST before found, in the Triangle t SC are given, Ct the mean Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth, CS the Excentricity, and the external Angle t CA the Ano- maly of the Excentric at firſt affumed, whence by the fourth Cafe of Oblique-angled Plane Iriangles, having found the Angle A St, it will be, as the longeſt Diameter of the Ellipfis AP to the ſhorteſt QR, ſo is the Tangent of the Angle AS t laſt found, to the Tangent of the Angle AS1, the correſpondent co-equate or true Anomaly, and the Difference between this and the mean Anomaly before found, will be the Proſthaphæreſis, or Equation anſwering to the mean A- nomaly before found; and having thus found the mean and co. equate Anomaly, and the correſponding Equation to every Degree of the Anomaly of the Excentric, he could readily find the Equations or Proſthaphæreſis anſwering to every whole Degree of Anomaly. of each Semicrcle, by the common Rule of Proportion, as will appear by the following Examples. It has been thewn that the Excentricity CS is 1692 ſuch Parts as the mean Diſtance is 100000, whence the greateſt Diſtance of the Sun from the Earth SA will be 101692, the leaſt Diſtance SP 98308 and the Semiconjugate Diameter 999857 of the ſame Parts. In the 11th Article of Se&tion the ad, of Part the 1st in Page the 84th, it has been ſhown, that the Area of any Circle is to the Square of the Radius, as the Circumference of the fame Circle is to its Di- ameter : Hence the Radius CA of the Circle CABPD will be found to be 10.70476 ſuch parts as the intire Area is 360; and the Ex- centricity CS 1811244 of the ſame parts, theſe things being pre- miſed. Let it be required to find the mean and co-equal Anomaly, the Anomaly of the Excentric being aſſumed equal to I deg oo min oo fec. oo thirds, "And. iſt It will be, as the Radius : to the Sine of the Anomaly of the Excentric: : ſo is the mean Diſtance CA, in luch parts as the Area of the Circle is 360 Degrees : to F in the ſame parts. That is, . As . Of the Theory of the Sun 477 -9.27:4318 As the Radius- 10,0000000 To the Sine of the Angle t CA 1.00.00 So is the Logarithm of CA 10.70476 8.2418553 1.0295705 To the Logarithm oft F :1868236 2d, Becauſe t Fx CS is equal to the Area of the Triangle + C S. To thc Logarithin oft F.:868 36 -- --9.271438 Add the Logarithm of į CS ·0905622. 8.9569469 The Sum 8.2283787 Will be the Logarithm of .01691916, the Area of the Triangle tCS, in ſuch Parts as the whole Area is 360 ; this therefore added to the Area of the Sedor AC t equal to 1000.00, willgive 1.01691916 for the Area of the Superficies AS t. or Competent Anomaly. 3d, Becauſe the Area of the Triangle TFS is to the Area of the Triangle + SF, as IF to + F; or as BC to QC, it will be, As the Mean Diſtance CA 100000 5.0000000 4.9999378 To the Semi-Conjugare Diameter CQ.99985.7– So is the Competent Anomaly ASt 1.01691916 -0.0072863 To the mean Anomaly AST 1.016773 -0.0073241 Equal to 1 deg i min. oo fec. , and to find the correſpondent co- equate Anomaly, or Angle AST. I. In the Triangle t CS are given, Ct the mean Diſtance equal to 100000 and CS the Excentricity 1692, and the Angle tС A equal to i deg, oo min. oo ſec. whence to find the Anglet SA, it will be by the 4th Caſe of Oblique-angled Plane Triangles, As citos: Ct-CS:: t, 482 of the Theory of the Swx* portional to the time AQ+SF will be equal to 4 N, and pq Sf will be equal to Pn, for then AN and P * will be to the whole Periodical time, as the Spaces ASQ and P Sq, are to the whole Area, and conſequently proportional to the time. Hence if the Arch AQ be known, the Arch & Nequal to the Right line CF may be readily found, and conſequently the Arch AN which is ever proportional to the time and equal to the mean Anomaly, and hence the Anomaly of the Excentric being known, we are caught a direct way of finding out the correſpondent mean Anomaly. In Sec. 2d of Part the if it has been ſhewn, that the Circumfe. rence of every Circle is to its Diameter, as 3.1415926535+ to 1, wherefore if z6o be divided by 6.283185+, the Quotient 57.29578 will be the Length of an Arch of the Circumference of a Circle e- qual to the Radius, expreſſed in Degrees and Decimal Parts of a Degree: Let QC be to $ C, as the Number 57.29578 to a fourth Number, this will give us the Length of an Arch equal to SC the Excentricity in Degrees and Decimal Parts, and let this Arch be called B, and becauſe SC is to SF as the Radius to the Sine of the Angle SCF or AC fay as thc Radius to the Sine of the Angle ACQ, ſo is the Arch B to a fourth proportional, and this will give us an Arch of the Periphery equal to the Right-line SF, and becauſe SF is equal to l N, we all have an Arch AN, proportional to the time, and equal to the mean Anomaly. The Excentricity of the Earth is 1691 fucb Parts as the mean Diſtance is 100000, whence to find the Length of SC in ſuch Parts as the whole Circumference is 360, it will be, As the meanDiſtance 10.000 5.0000000 To the Excentricity 1692 3.3284004 So is 57.29578+, the Length of the Radius 1.7581936 4 : To the Length of an Arch cqual to SC. 9694447 9.9865230- And becauſe the Radius is equal to 10.0000000, if to the Loga. rithmic Sinc of any Anomaly of the Excentric, be added the conſtant Logarithm of B, equal to 9:9865230, we all have the Logarithm of the corcelpondent mean Anomaly, ſo that if it were required to find the mean Anomaly, the Anomaly of the Excentric being 29. deg: 35 mio. 3 Of the I beory of the Sun 483 LE. l9; that is, becauſe CE is nearly equal to q PPP99, min. 20 ſec. to the Logarithm Sine of 29 deg. 31 min. 20 ſec. 9.6925620, add the conſtant Logarithm of B 9.9865230, and the Sum 9.6791594 will be the Logarithm of .477705 equal to 28 min. 39 ſec. 45 thirds or 28 min. 40 fec. which therefore added to 29 deg. 31 min, oo lec. the Anomaly of the Excentric, will give 30 deg. 00 min. oo ſec. for the competent mean Anoinály : And hence we are taught an eafier and ſhorter Way, than that which Kepler has given, to find the competent mean Anomaly from the Anomaly of the Excentric firſt given ; and hence we are taught a dire&t Method of finding the Anomaly of the Excentric, and thence the co-equate or true Anomaly, from any given mean Anomaly. For becauſe the Arch AN which is equal to AQUQ N, is ever equal to the mean Anomaly, A and conſtantly proportional to the true, if at any time the Arch AN and the Area ASQ are pro: H portional each to the time, and I take N P equal to SF, the 9 point P will fall upon the point R, but if the Area AS 2 be P P not exactly proportional to the time, the point P will fall çi. N thor above or below the point R, according as the Area AsQ is bigger or lefler than the Truth; let the true Area there- fore bé AS9, and upon C q let fall the perpendicular SE, which by what has been already thewo is equal to Nq, and therefore SE-SF or SF-SE, that is nearly the Line LE is equal to qP=QP-29, or 29-QP, now when the Angle QCq is very ſmall, the Arch 2q will differ but little from a ſtreight Line, and conſequently we ſhall have CE:Cq:: CE: C2: :P-Qq: Qq; wherefore CE+cq:cq: : (På Qq+Q4=) QP : 09; and after the ſame way when Bq is leſs than a Quadrant, cq-CE: Cq: : QP: 09, but when the Earth is near the Aphélion or Perihelion, CE will be nearly equal to CS A .: 484 Of tbe Theory of the Sun R 2 K C.5, and CQ+CE nearly equal to CS, and therefore QP : 09 :: AS: AC, when the Arch Aq is leſs than a Quil drant, but when Pq is leſs than 2 Quudrant QP:Q::5B:SC. Make CS : CQ:: Rthe Radius to a Lin:1, and then CSxL= (SxL CQxR, and Co= C alſo lor Rad. : Cc-five AC as SC: CF or C E nearly, then RxCE=Co-ſine AC QXSC, and CE= Co-fine ACQxC, whence we have hy Subftitution, R S Cx Co-fine ACOUST, CSxL As QP:Qq:: ard R CS by dividing the ſecond and third Terms by we ſhall have QP :Qq::L+Co.fine of ACQ : L when A Q is leſs than a Quadrant, but it it be greater than a Quadrant, QP : 09::L-Co tine ice :L; ſo that if the Arch Á Q or Anomaly of the Excentric be afiu- med bigger or leſs than the Truth, we ſhall find the Arth 9, whick being added to, or ſubftracted from AQ, according as the Cafe happens, will give us an Area ASQ nearly propcrtional to the time, and if inltead of A Q we take A q and proceed after the ſame manner, we ſhall have a new Qq, and conſequently another AQ, nearer to the Truth than the former, and by this means we fhall conſtantly approach to the true Arch, till the Difference be leſs than any given Quantity. Let it therefore be required to find the co-equate Anomaly and Profthaphærefis, the mean Anomaly being ſuppoſed 1 Degree Take AQ the Anomaly of the Excentric equal to 58 min. oo ſec. equal to .966666, &c. then to 8.2271335 the Logarithm Sine of 58 min. oo ſec. add 9:9865230 the conſtant Logarithm of CS, in ſuch Parts as the Circumference is 360 Degrees, and the Natural Num. ber .01635523 anſwering to their Sum 8.2136565, will be equal to NP, this therefore taken from the mean Anomaly A N equal 10 1,0000000, wiil leave AP equal to 0.98364477, from which therefore taking away A Q affumed equal to ,9666666, &c. becauſe the point P falls below the Point Qi and the Remainder 0.01697 811, will be equal to PQ; wherefore ſay, as L+Co-fine of ACO to L, that is, as 60.1015 126 to 59.101655, fo is P Q equal to 0.01697811, to Qq, equal to 0.0166955, which being therefore ** added Of the Theory of the Sun. 485 added to AQ equal.co.9.66666,6c. will give ng cqual to .98336216 equal to o deg. 59 min. oo fec. 02 thirds, for the true Anomaly of the Excentric, or true Length of the Arch AQ: The Excellency of this Method will.better appear by aſſuming the Anomaly of the Excentric different from what it was before, and wide from the Truth, whereby the Render will readily fee, that by applying the proper Correction, the Arch AQ firſt aſſumed, will conſtantly give the Truth, till the Difference will become in- ſenſible. Let us now aſſume the Anomaly of the Excentric AQ in the for- mer Example, where the mean Anomaly was given i deg oo min. oo ſec. equal to so min. oo ſec. equal to 8.333333, 6c Decimal Parts, then to the Logarithmic Sine of so min. o fec. equal to 8.16 26808, add the conſtant Logarithm of CS equal tu 9.9865230, the Sum 8 1492038, the Logarithm of .0140991 will be the Length of NP, this therefore taken from AN equal to 1.0000000, will leave 09859005 for the Length of AP ; froni which taking away AQ equal to .8333336, we ſhall have 0.1525672 for the Arch PQ; where- fore as 1.7788856 the Logarithm of 60.1015492 to 1.7715955 the conſtant Logarithm of 59.101655, ſo is 9.1834612 the Logarithm of QP, equal to .1525672, to 9.1701711 the Logarithm of 1500 276, the Length of the Arch 29, this therefore added to 8.333333 the Length of the Arch AQ, will give .9833609, equal to oo deg. 59 min. oo ſec. 06 thirds for the Length of the Arch cq, the true Anomaly of the Excentric different from the Anomaly of the Excentric found by the former Calculation but 4'thirds of a Degree. The Anomaly of the Excentric being thus determined to be o deg. 59 min. oo ſec. the true or coequate Anomaly will be found after the manner taught in the Keplerian Method of Inveſtigation in Page 477, to be 58 min. oi fec. and conſequently the Equation or Proſthaphæreſis oo deg. or min. 59 ſec. Let us now ſuppoſe the mean Anomaly AN to be 2 deg. oo min. oo fec. and take A l equal to 1 deg 58 min. oo ſec. then to its Logarithmic Sine 8.5355228, add the conſtant Logarithm of CS · equal to 9.9865230, the Sum 8.5220458 will be the Logarithm of NP, equal to 0.0332695, this taken from AN equal to 2.0000000, will leave 1.9667305 for the Length of AP, whence Qq will be found to be 0.00006, and conſequently the Anomaly of the Excentric will be or deg. 58 min. oo ſec. 12 thirds; hence the true or coc- Rrr * quats 486 of the Theory of the Sun quate Apomaly will be found to be or deg. 56 min. or fec. , and conſequently the Equation, or Proſthaphærefis oo deg. 03 min. 58 foc, . Again, if we take the mean Anomaly AN equal to cz deg. oo min. oo ſec. and A L equal to o2 deg. 57 min. oo ſec, we ſhall find NP equal to 0.0498920, AP equal to 2:950108, Qq equal to 0.0001, and conſequently the Anomaly of the Excentric will be found to be o 2 deg 57 min. oi fec. whence the true or coequate Anomaly will be found to be a deg. 54 min. 03 ſec. and conſequenc- ly the Equation or Proſthaphærefis oo deg. 05 min. 58 ſec. And after the lame manner may the coequate Anomaly and Pro ſthapliære ſis be found to any Degree of mean Anomaly. Hence the Place of the Aphelion being known, we are taught a dire&Method of finding the true Place of the Sun in the Ecliptic at any time propoſed. According to the Obſervations of Mr. Flamſteed, the mean Motion of the Apogæum, or point in the Earth's Orb where the Sun is removed at the greateſt diſtance from the Earth, and when his apparent Semidiameter is the leaſt, from the firſt point of Aries in the Year 1681, at the time of the Vernal Equinox was 03 S. 07 deg. 23 min, 42 ſec. and in the Year 1701, at the time when the fame Equinox happened, the mean Motion of the fame point from the firſt point of Aries was 3 S. 7 deg. 44. min. 42 ſec. ſo that in 20 Julian Years nearly, the Motion of the Sun's Apoge was 21 min. o lec. and deducing from thence 4 min. 20 ſec. for the Motion of the Apoge, in refpe& to the Fixed Stars, during that Space of time there will remain i6 min. 40 ſec. for the Motion of the Apoge in the fame time whence the Annual mean Motion will be found to be 50 Seconds. Hence the mean Motion of the Apoge for two Years will be found to be 2 min. 06 ſec. for Three Years o3 min. 09 ſec. and for Four Years 4 min. 12 fec. for 40 Years 42 min. oo fec. and for 100 Years i deg. 45 min. oo ſec. &c. for half a Year or 182 Days nearly, it will be but 31 ſec. for Three Months or 91 Days nearly, it will be but 15 ſec. , and for every 7 Days and a half it be will about one Second. The mean Motion of the Apoge at the time of the Vernal Equinox in the Year 1701, was c3 S 07 deg. 44 min. 42 ſec. from which fubſtraating 12 Seconds for the Motion of the Apoge between that time and the laſt of December immediately preceeding, we fhall have 03 S. Of the Theory of the Sun 487 ' 03 S. 07 deg. 44 min. 30 ſec. for the mean Motion of the Apoge from the firſt point of Aries on the laſt Day of December in the Year 1700, which is the Number placed againſt the Year 1701 in the firſt Table, under the Column Entituled The mean Motions of the Earths Perihelion from the first point of Aries. Again, if to the mean Motion of the Apoge be added 25 min. oo lec. the Motion for 20 Years, we ſhall have 3 S. 8 deg. os min. 30 ſec. for the mean Motion of the Apoge for the Year 1721: And if to the fame mean Motion of the Apoge for the Year 1701 cqual to 3 S. 07 deg 44 min. 30 ſec. be added 1 deg. 45 min. oo fec. the mean Motion of the Apoge for 100 Years, we ihall have 03 S 09 deg. 29 min. 30 ſec. for the mean Motion of the Apoge for the laſt Day of December in the Year 1800, and which ſtands againſt the Year 1801 in the ſame Table, &c. Again, as by ſubſtracting 21 min. oo ſec. the mean Motion of the Apoge in 20 Years, from 3 S. 7 deg. 44 min. 30 ſec. the rnean Motion of the Apoge for the laſt Day of December 1701, we ſhall have the mean Motion of the Apoge for the laſt Day of December 1681, equal to 3 S. 07 deg23 min. 30 ſec. ſo by ſubſtracting 29 deg. 45 min. oo fec. the mean Motion of the Apoge for 1700 Years from 3 S. deg. 44 min 30 ſec. we ſhall have 2 S. 7 deg. 59 min 30 ſec. for the mean Motion of the Apoge from the firſt point of Aries, for the laſt Day of December immediately preceding the commencement of the Chriſtian Æra. After this manner may the true Place of the Aphelion for a- ny time propoſed be readily computed, and after this manner was the Table of mean Motion of the Apoge conſtructed. Let it now be required to find the true Place of the Sun in che E- cliptic on the 7th of May, in the Year 1720, at Noon mean time. The mean Motion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries on the 31ſt Day of December 1719, at Noon mean time was 9 S 20 deg. 08 min. 03 ſec. to this therefore adding 04 S. 06 deg. 09 min 46 ſec. the mean Motion of the Sun for 128 Days, equal to the Space of time between the 31st of December and the 7th of May following, and which is found by laying, as 365 Days 5 h 48 min. 57 ſec. is to 128 Days, fo.12 S. oo deg. oo min. co fecto a fourth Pro- portional, and the Sum 01 S. 26 deg. 17 min. 49 ſec. will be the mean Motion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries at the time gi- Rrr 2 The S. 07 Ven. 1. 488 Of the Theory of the Sun. The mean Place of the Apoge on the 31ſt of December 1919 at Noon is 03 S. 08 deg. 04 min. 27 lec. to this therefore adding 22 ſec. the mean Motion of the Apoge for 128 Days, and the Sum 3 S. os deg. 04 min. 49 fec. will be the mean Motion of the Apoge at the time propoſed, this therefore taken away from 1 S. 26 deg. 17 min. 49 ſec. the mean Motion of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries, will leave 10 S 18 deg. 13 min. oo ſec. for the Sun's mea! Anomaly, whoſe Supplement 1 S. 11 deg. 47 min. oo ſec. will be the diſtance of the Sun from the Apoge. Let us now ſuppoſe the Anomaly of the Excentric AQ to be 40 deg. 30 min. oo lec to its Logarithmic Sine 9.812544.4 therefore adding 9 9865230 the conſtant Logarithm of C S, the Sum 9.799 C674 will be the Logarithm of NP, equal to .6296039, this there- fore taken from AN equal to 41.7833333, &c. equal to 41 deg. 47 min. oo fec the Apogeon Diſtance, will leave A Pequal to 41.153 7-94, this therefore leſlened by Al, aſſumed equal to 40 deg. 05 min. will leave .6537294 for the Length of PQ, whence Qq will be found equal to .6440480, and A 2 equal to 4!.144048, equal 10. deg. 08 min 38 ſec. Hence according to the Rules delivered in Page 481, 482,) the true or coequate Anomaly will be found to be 10 $ 19 deg. 29 min. 18 ſec. and which therefore being added to the true Place of the A- phelion 35. 8 deg. 04 min. -49 fec. will give or S. 27 deg. 34 min. 07 ſec. for the true diſtance of the Sun from the firſt point of Aries, and confequently the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic is Taurus 27 deg. 34 min. 7 ſec The mean Anomaly was 10 S. 18 deg. 13 min. oo ſec. this there- fore taken from the true or coequace Anomaly laſt found, will leave 1 deg. 16 min. 18 fec. for the Equation or Proſthaphæreſis, this there fore added to oi S. 26 deg. 19 min. 49 ſec. the mean Motion of the Sun from the Vernal Equinox, becauſe the Sun is in the ſecond Semicircle of Anomaly, will give 1 S: 27 deg. 34 min of ſec. for the Sun's true diſtance from the firſt point of Aries, or Taurus 27 deg. 34 min. 07 ſec. for his place in the Ecliptic as before determined; and after this manner may the Place of the Sun in the Ecliptic be de- termined for any time propoſed, without the help of the Solar Tables firſt made or computed. The Length of the Vector ST ſee the Figure in Page 473, is e- ver equal to the diſtance of the Earth from the Sun, and to find it we Of the Theory of the Sun 489 we have given firſt, in the Triangle St F, the Angle t SF the com- petent Anomaly, the Angle + CS the Anomaly of the Excentric, and the Side Ct the mean diſtance of the Earth from the Sun, whence to find St it will be by the ad Axiom of Plane Trigonometry. As S. t SC: S. 2 47 013 10 433 34 26 03 58 034 21 38 24 45 08. | 21 19 18 up and X 1 mand im and * T and * mye and * men and 4 24 36 38 1 46 48 56 5.8 11 23 22 20 1 508 A TABLE beping the Leclination to every two Minutes of the Ecliptic hand rander rando Y and more on rant raut are not 18 Minutesi I 2 14 15 16 17 1 :6 21 2010 44 31 2 04 45 0805 08 3 +05 31 5605 55 106 18 2206 41 27660 204 45 595 09 2105 32 4+05 si SO 19 08 05 42 12/18 424 45 43105 10 6805 33 2:05 So 4405 19 54 00 42 5255 624 47 30 5 10 5505 34 2525 57 35 23 4005 43 451:4 8714 48 105 II 4205 35 005 581; 14 40025 12_2805 35 48 05 59 0 - 22 1306 45 1752 120L 49 5095 13 1505 36 3405 59 4 6 22 59 06 46 0748 1424 50 3705 14 02105 37 21 00 00 3 6 23.4506 46 4845 1004 si 251'5 14 48 05 38 07 06 or 2 06 24 31106 47 24144 1804 52 11 05 15 3505 38 51106 02 OS -6 25 1706 48 2042 2004 52 5825 16 2205 39 41 36 02 55 06 26 03 06 49 0614° 22/04 53 4,0; 17 08los 40 2705 03 4:136 26 496 49 5238 2401 44 31105 17 55.05 41 1336 04 28 36 27 36100 50 38135 2024 55 2805 18 42 05 42 o 38 of 14101 28 22 36 51 2.34 2804 56 os 5 19 29.05 42 4006 06 oc 06 29 02 05 52 1032 3004 56 saos_2015'Os 43 3,56 06 4105 29 546 52 533 32104 57 39 05 21 02 05 44 10 05 07 2305 30 4005 53 41128 34 34 38 2005 21 58105 45 06 00 08 2 26 31 26 36 54 27 26 3604 59 135 22 35 05 45 S, 06 09 005 32 136 55 1824 38105 oo ocos 23 22 05 45 356 09 5:06 32 59-6 55 592 40105 00 4715_24 0805 47 2106 IV 346 33 4605 564 4205 or 335 24 55 05 48 1726 11 2905 34 3126 37 318 +415 02 24°5 25 42 05 48 59 6 12 12 06 35 1706 58 17/16 46105 03 0,5 26 2805 49 456 12 581 636 0305 59 0314 48-5 04 54'5 27 1505 50 3206 13 43 15 36 49 26 59 4912 $c|p5 04 41105 28 02.05 si 1905 14 356 37 35127 05 3510 52105 05 275 28 4805.52 0536 15 116 38 211.57 Os 20 8 $4135 06 145 29 35105 52 51 16 03/26 39 0817 02 00 6 lolos 07 Oil05 30 22 05 53 36 26 16 4926 39 5527 52 54 805, oz 4805 31 085 54 2556 17 335 40 4127 03 38 sclos 08 3405 31 50105 55 12 26 18 22 36 41 27107 04 24 16 15 14 me and # up mp and H me and * me and H 17 1.4 12 1 in and * and # 14 TABLE powing the Declinution to every two 509 दा 20 21 22 Minuteslº O Minutes! 100 $207 24 12 07 46 5808 29 30|08 32 068 54 27 9 16 421 & Minutes of the Ecliptic. rand r and are in and more r and rand more T and 18 19 23 clový 04 297 27 1527 So oolo8 12 37 08 35 of 18 57 2760 2 >7 05 17 28 107 50 45 8 13 2 203 35 58 58 U1 4127 05 5517 28 46 07 SI 3158 14 0708 36 3508 58 55 56 ( 07 06 41107 39 32 07 52 16 8 14 52108 37 24 18 59 4034 627 07 2747 30 717 53 01 8 15 378 38 059 00 2452 197 08 12137 30 0207 53 468 16 2 28 38 5:19 01 0950 12.07. 08 5837 31 4807 54 32408 17 07/08 39 349 01 53.48 1407 09 4427 32 34607 55 1708 17 528 40 isloo 02 38.46 1627 10 37 33 1907 56 v2 08 18 37 8 41 049 03 23144 1807 1 15107 34 0507 56 47/08 19 22 8 41 451 9 04 07142 2017 12 017 34 507 57 33108 20 07 08 42 3319 04 5240 22/07 12 4727 35 36 27 58 18108.20 52/08 43 18.9 05 3650 227 13 32107 36 21107 59 0308 21 37 8 44 02 09 06 21 36 26-7 14 1807 37 07107 59 4808 22 2208 44 47| 9 07 05134 281 15 04.07 37 52108 00 34/08 23 07 08 45 329 07 4932 3402 15 507 38 3838 OL 1908 23 52108 46.179 08 34/30 32 27 16 35107 39 23|08 02 04/08 24 3798 47 09 og 18/28 340% ry 21107 40 og 08 02 5008 25 228 47 46 29 10 03/26 3427 18 07 07 40 5408 03 3508 26 0758 48 3 19 10 4724 3837 18 527 41 4008 04 2008 26 52108 49 159 11 3122 15.7.19 3807 42 2508 05 oslo8 27 37|08 49 599 12_1620 4207 20 2407 43 1108 05 5108 28 228 50 4459 13 oC 18 4137 21 0907 43 508 06 3608 29 07 08 51 291-9 13 4516 4027 21 55107 44 42|08 07 2158 29 528 52 139 14 291. 48137 22 41107 45 27108 08 668 30 368 52 589. IS 1312 Sco7 23 2707_46 1308 08 si 08 31 21108 53 4309 15 581 5497 24 58107 47 4458 10 2108 32 578 55 129 17 2616 15607 25 44107 48 29/08 11 08 33 36/08 55 5229 18 11 41 $807 26 29 07 49 15 08 11 5.108 34 21 08-50 42 09 18 55) 2 17 27 15 07 5o oco8 12 37108 35 05/28 57 27129 19 39 9 8 7 6 m and X and Xl ngand X 19 and Xm and * 12 and X Uu.u 611 II 10 510 A TABLE pewing the Declinution to every two Minutes! Minutesla 0 10Q 15.419 38*4710 00 4210 22 2810 44 04111 Os 2510 25 44 Minutes of the Ecliptic. Tant el r and everyone rand randa r andere rand on 24 26 27 28 29 919 39'09 41 4:1101? 3710 25 22 10.46 51 08 2 5 209 2) 2209 42 27/10 04 20 10 26 0510 47 351 09 02158 4 9 21 0809 43 iclio 05 010 26 4810 48 22 11 09 45 156 619 21 5209 43 5410 05 4810 27 3110 49 0511 10 2854 & 09 22 3609 44 3 10 06.31 10 28 1510 49 48" IL 1052 119 23 2009 45.2210 07 15 10 28 5810 50 3111 in 53150 1219 24 0509 46 C610 07 5910 29 4110 SI 141 12 35+8 14 09 24 4909 46 5 10 08:4210 30 2410 51 57 11 13 18176 1619 25 3309 47 3210 09 2610 31 08 10 52 3511 14 01 +4 18/09 26 17/09 48 17 10 10 0910 31 5110 $3 221 [ !4 431+2 209. 27. 0109 49 01 10 10 5310 32 3410 54 OSII 15 26/10 22/09 27 45109 49 45 10 11 3610 33 1710 54 481 16 08178 241 9 28 29 49 50 29/10 12 20 10 34 OiI0 55 31 11 16 5136 26 9 29 14109 51 1310 13 02 10 34 44.10 56 1411 17 334 229 29 58109 st 57 10 13 47 10 35 27 10 50 sen 18 1032 34129 30 4209:52 4:10 14 3110 36 1010 57 3911 18 58130 32109 31 26.09 53 2410 15 14 10 36 5310 58 22 U 19 44 28 349 32 1009 54.0&f10 15 57 10 37 3610 59 051 20 2326 3609 32 5499 54 52110 16 41 10 38 1910 59 4811 21 0524 389 33 38|09 55 360 17 24110 39 0211 00 310 21 4 22 40 09 34 2209 56 110 18 08 10 39 451 01 130 22 3420 4209 35 C6 09 57 og 10 18 510 40 2811 0 560 23 13 4.3935 5009 57 47 10 19 3510 41 11 02 3911 2355 16 4409 36 3409 58 31 10 20 1810 41 5411 03 22 24 3:14 4819 37 18109 59 15 10 21 01 10 42 371 04 om 25. 2012 $29.38 0309 59 5810 21 45 10 43 2011 04 411 26 0910 8 5409 39 31 rooi 2610 23 1210 44 47 106 III 27 2; 5699.40 15 10 02 09 10 23 5510 45 3061 06 5411 28 OS 529 40 5910 02 5:10 24 3910 46 13 11 07 37 11 28 51 61 9 41 4310 03 37 10 25 2210 46. 5611.08 2011 29 34 5 4 3 30 me and Him and Him and #lm and m and X and * 1 18 18 6 11 2 I 1 A TABLE ſewing the Declination to every two 501 *** Minutes of the Ecliptic 8 and m 8 and in 8 and mi 8 and in 1 % and in 18 and in 30 3 4 5 1 2 O Minutesi ON Minutes): 1 Opt 29 34 11 So 3012 11 26 12 32 05 12 52 3113 12 4460 211 30 161 si 1712 12 07 12 32 412 53 11 13 13 2558 411 30 5811 SE 5912.12 4912 33 272 53 5213, 14 05156 611 31 4111 52 4112 13 39!! 34 0812 $4 3313 14 4554 811 32 23 11 53 2312 14 12 12 34 4912 55 13 13 15 25.52 1011 33 051 54 0512 14 5312 35 39 12 55 5413 16 0510 12 11 33 47 11 54 4612 15 3512 36 012 56 35 13.16.4545 14'11 34 29 11 55 28 12 16 10 12 36 5212 57 1513 17 26 46 1611 35 nu 56 1012 16 57 12 37 3312 57 5613 18 0644 1811 35 5311 56 5212 17 39 12 38 1412 58 3013 18 41 42 2011 36 35 11 57 34:2 18 2012 38 3512 59 1713 19 2010 22 11 37 171 38 1512 19 0112 39 36112 59 57 13 20 0038 2411 37 591 58 57 12 19 43 12 40 17 13 00 3813 20 46 36 2611 38 41 11 59 3912 20 2412 40 5813 01 1813 21 26134 281 39 24 12 00 20 12 21 0512 41 39 13 01 5913 22 06132 3011 40 06 12 01 02 12 21 40 12 42 1913 02 3913 22 4630 32 49 48 12 oi 4422 28 12 43 20 3 03 23 23 2628 3411 41 30 12 02 25112 23 0912 43 41113 03 00 13 24 06/26 3911 42 12 12 03'07 12 23 5112 44 223 04 4013 24 4524 138 21 42 54 12 03 49 12 24 32 12 45 0313 05 2113 25 26122 401 43 36 12 04 3112 25 1312 45 4313 06 0113 26 06 20 4211 44 1812 OS 12 12 25 5412 46 2413 C6 42 13 26 4618 4411 45 0012 o5 54/12 26 35 12 47 0513 07 2213 27 2616 40.11 45 4212 06 3612 27 17.1.2 47 4613 08 o213 28 00114 4811 46 24 12 07 17 12 27 5812 48 2713 08 4313 28 4612 501 47 06 12 07 59 12 28 39 12 49 0713 09 23 13 29 2610 5211 47 4812 08 40 12 29 20 12 49 48113 10 0313 30 06 8 54111 48 30 12 09 22/12 30 01 12 50 29113 10 4413 30 406 15611 49 12 12 10 03 12 30 42 12 51 09 13 11 24113 31 2014 58 11 49 54 12 10 44/12 31 2412 51 5913 1 2 0413 32 06 3 "I 50 35 12 11 26 12 32 0512 52 3113 12 44113 32 460 29 28 27 26 25 N and a and my N and a U u U2 60 24 1 N and N and w N and * 512 A TABLE jbewing the Declination to every two Minutes of the Eclipric. 8 and in X and m 8 and mix and m8 and m 7 8 9 ♡ and in 6 Minutes! 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Minutes 1 . 15 44 57416 03 Oc16 Minutes of the Ecliptic. 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Y yy* 526 A TABLE ſheiving the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. r r т r т hr no } . 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SE 24 26 presente A TABLE, Msewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to 531 every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 1 8 8 8 ४ 8 8 O I 2 3 4 5 Minuteslol Minutes 0 1 - 1 C27_54 0928 51 3229 49 03130 46 4421 44 33 32 42 3: 2 27 56 03 28 53 27 29 50 5830 48 3931 46 28 32 44 28 427 57 5828 55 22 29 52 5330 50 3431 48 24/32 40 244 627 59 53128 57 17129 54 4930 52 3031 50 2432 48 21 6 &28 or 47/28 59 J11-9 56 4430 54 2 631 52 1032 50 17 8 1:28 03 42 29 Oi 06/29 58 3930 56 2131 54 12132 52 110 12 28 OS 3729 03 01130 00 3430 58 1713 1 56 0032 54 ogliz 1428 07 31.29 04 5630 02 2931 00 1231 58 0332 56 0514 1028 09 26 29 CO 5'30 04 2431 02 037 59 5932 58 01 16 1828 11 21 29 08 4639 06 2031 04 04/32 OI 55132 59 5818 2028 13 1529 10 4110 08 151?! CO 0032 03 51133 01 541?0 22 28 15 10:9 12 3630 1031 07 55 32 05 47133 03 5: 122 24 28 17 05 29 14 31 20 12 C031 09 5032 07 4333 05 47124 26 28 18 59129 16 20130 14 0131 II 4532 09 3933 07 43126 228 20 54129 18 21 30 15 5631 13 4132 11 3533 09 398 38 22 49 29 20 16/?0 17 5231 15 3732 13 31133 11 3530 37128 24 44129 22 01130 19 473: 17 32/32 15 27 33 13 31 32 34 28 26 3929 24 0630 21 4231 19 28/32 17 23:3 15 2734 2428 28 3429 26 01 30 23 38/31 21 24132 19 1933 17 24136 30 28129 27 5630 25 24:1 23 19/32 21 1533 19 21 130 1128 32 23129 29 51139 27 2931 25 15 32 23 11 33 2 1 I10 12/28 34 18 29 31 4 130 29 2531 27 01 32 25 0733 23 131+2 4 8 30 1329 33 42130 31 231 29 06132 27 03133 25 091+1 +428 38 18 29 35 37 30 33 15|21 31 0232 28 5933 27 03/16 448 40 03 29 37 3230 35 11 32 5832 30 5033 29 02 48 8 41 57 29 39 2730 37 06 21 34 5432_32 5233_305 30 5211 $22 43 5229 41 22 30 39 0131 30 5,2 34 4€ 33 32 5413 5428 45 47 29 43 17 30 40 57131 38 46|32 36 4433 34 51154 5628 47 42 29 45 1230 42 5231 40 41132 38 4033 36 47150 528 49 37/29 47 07/30 44 48137 42 37 32 43 3033 38 44 18 6 28 5 1 32 29 49 03130 46 44131 44 33 32 42 3:33 40 4150 3 4 2 180.00-8=, 180.00+8=M, 360.00-8 38 28 50:8 1 2 # 532 A TABLE, ſewing the Right Afcenfion anſwering to Minutes! 6 10 II O 12 4134 03 5835 02 21 36 00 54 36 59 36137 58 2938 57 32/30/ every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 8 8 ४ 8 8 ៗ 8 9 37 40 4134 38 59135 37 28136 36 0037 34 55138 33 5. 233 42 37 34 40 5535 39 2036 38 0337 36 52138 35 52 43 44 33/34 42 5235 41 22 36 40 0037 38 50138 37 5 6 33 40 3934 44 45 35 43 19136 41 58.37 40 4€ 38 39 48154 { 33 48 2034 46 46 35 45 1026 43 5537 42 4638 41 40152 3 50 2234 48 4315 47 1326 45 53137 44 44 38 43 44 121,3 52 19 34 50 4 35 49 11 36 47 5137 46 42138 45 45 1433 54 15134 52 3075 51 0836 49 48 37 48 4038 47 4116 16 33 56 12134 56 3335 53 0536 51 46 37 50 3838 49 35+4 18:3 58 934 56 30135 55 02 36 53 4437 52 35138 51 34+2 2034 UC 05124 58 27:5 56 5936 53 41 37 54 33138 53 319 2234 02 01 34 58 24 35 58 5636 53 38 37 56 3138 55 3438 Minutesl 1900 50 48 $ 26 IN & 1000 22 42 34 18 16 33 05 5435 04 18 30 02 51137 01 3338 00 2738 59 31 2 3 3 07 5:35 có 1s|36 04 4s|37 03 333 02 2539 01 28: 3434 09 4835 08 12 36 06 4637 os 2938 04 2339 03 27 32 34 11 4435 10 0936 08 4337 07 2638 06 2139 05 25 3433 134 135 12 006 10 4337 09 2438 08 19139 07 23 2634 15 3835 14 03136 12 3837 11 2238 10 17139 09 22 241 38 34 17 34 35 16 oc 36 14 35127 13 1938 12 15139 11 2 + 34 19 31 35 17 5,116 16 32 37 15 1738 14 13/39 13 18 21 28 35 19 540' 18 3437 17 1538 16 039 15 17 44 34 23 24 35 21 536 20 27 37 19 12 38 14 0939 17 15 +634 25 2135 23 48135 22 24 37 21 1038 16 07139 19 17 34 27 18/35 25 45136 24 24 37 23 0838 22 OS 19 21 11 5934 29 1435 27 42 36 26 1937 25 0638 24 03139 22 1 5234 31 1935 29 39 36 28 1637 27 0438 26 0139 24 09 544 33 08135 31 37/36 30 1437 29 0238 27 5939 27 € 56 4 35 og 35 33 34 36 32 11 37 30 5538 29 5739 29 00 58:+ 4 37 02 35 35 31 36 34 08 37 32 5738 31 5539 31 04 34 38 59.5 37 281:6 36 7637 34 55138 33 5439 33 C3 8 1 180.00-8=2, 180.00+8=m, 360.00_=. 48 bu 6 7 0 1. 1 A TABLE Sewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering 533 to every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 8 a 8 8 8 a I 2 13 14 15 I 6 17 Minutesiol Minutes 1 2 IC I 2 IC 20 22 24 20 39 33 03140 32 22 41 31 53 42 31 34 43 31 26 44 31 29c 39 35 01 40 34 21 4.1 33 5242 33 3343 33 26 44 33 29 439 36 59110 36 2041 35 5142 35 33 43 35 204+ 35 344 29 38 58 40 38 1941 37 5042 37 33 43 37 2044 37 306 39 40 56 40 40 18 41 39 451+2 39 32 43.39 26 44 39 348 39 42 5540 42 17 41 41 442 41 3243 41 26 44 41 31110 39 44 5 440 44 1641 43 48 42 43 32 13 43 20 44 43 31 12 39 46 52 40 46 1+41 45 47 42 45 32 +3 45 26 44 45 3114 39 48 50 40 48 13 +1 47 4642 47 31 +3 47 26 44 47 3210 18 39 50 49 40 50 12 41 49 4642 49 3143 49 26 44 49 3218 39 52 47 10 52 11 41 51 4512 51 3043 ST 26 44 51 33120 39 54 46 40 54 1041 53 44 42 53 3443 53 26 14 53 33/22 39 56 45 40 56 0941 55 44 42 55 30 43 55 20 +4 55 34/24 39 58 43 10 58 0841 57 43+2 57 2913 57 2044 55 312 28 40 00 42 11 co 0941 59 42142 59 2943 59 27 44 55 34 30 40 02 411!1 02 0042 01 42 43 01 2944 OI 27/45 OD 352 32 40 04 3941 04 0542 03 41/43 03 29/44 03 2745 03 312 40 06 38141 05 04 42 05 4143 05 2944 05 271+5 05 304 70 08 3:141 08 0342 07 41 43 07 29 44 07 2745 07 343 40 10 35|41 10 02 +2 09 4043 09 2844 09 271-5 09 3 38 40/40 12 3441 12 01142 11 3943 11 28 44 11 2745 11 37110 4240 14 3341 14 01 42 13 39 +3 13 2844 13 271+5 13 34+ 441+0 16 3241 16 00:42 15 3043 15 28 44 IS 2145 15. 34 4640 18 31141 17 5942 17 3743 17 2744 17 28 +5 17 39 10 43 20 30 41 19 58 42 19.3743 19 27144 19 28 15 19 39/41 50 40 22 2841 21 57 42 21 36143. 21 27 44 21 28 15 21 4015 5240 24 27 41 23 56 42 23 30 43 23 27 44 23 2245 23 40 5440 25 2641 25 5542 25 36 43 25 27 44 25 281+5 25 41 5640 28 2441 27 5442 27 3543 27 2744 27 245 27 47 56 $840 30 23141 29 5342 29 34 43 29 27/14 29 2¢1 's 27 43153 60 40_32 22 41 31 5342 3 34+39' 20144 31_2815 31 436 13 14 IS 16 180 00-8=m, 180.00+8=m, 360.00-83 34 36 138 48 12 ..! 1 17 Z z z 534 A TABLE jbewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 8 8 8 a 8 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 Minutesi olm Minutes 1 2 2 4 6 10 12 1 16 16 18 I 20 22 20 45 3 4346 34 oz|47 32 43 48 33 3949 34 28 so 35 36oc 45 33 4446 34 08 47 34 44 48 35 32 49 36 3050 37 38 +5 35 44 46 36 0947 36 4548 37 3449 38 3250 39 40 4 45 37 4546 38 1047 38 47148 39 3649 40 34150 41 436 8 45 39 45 46 40 1147 40 49 48 41 3849 42 3050 43 45 45 46 4646 42 12 47 42 50 48 43 4049 44 3450 45 43110 45 43 47 46 44 14/47 44 52 48 45 4149 46 4450 47 5 IA 45 45 47 46 46 1547 46 53148 47 43 49 48 41 10 49 53114 45 47 48 46 48 1047 48 5448 49 4549 50 450 51 55 45 49 49 46 so 17147 So 5648 51 4649 52 47 50 53 58 45 51 50 46 52 18 47 52 58 48 53 48 49 54 49 50 56 od 20 5 53 5145 54 19 47 55 oC 18 55 5049 55 550 58 0922 45 55 52 76 56 20 47 57 148 57 5:19 585 lisoo 0624 45 57 5410 58 21 47 59 0348 59 5450 00 5551 02 08126 28 45 59 53 +7 co 22/48 o os 19 01 50 50 03 5751 04 D 28 46 OL S047 02 24/48 ož 06 49 03 571 50 05 Oc151 06 1420 32 46 03 54 +7 04 2548 05 07 49 05 5950 07 02 51 08 1632 3445 05 55 47 06 2048 07 0949 08 0950 09 0451 10 1934 46 07 5647 08 28148 09 10 19 10 03150 I1 07 50 12 2234 46 09 571+7 10 29 48 11 1249 12 05 50 13 0951 14 24 40146 11 58147 12 30148 13. 1449_14 07 10 15 25 16 274.0 4146 13 59 17 14 3148 15 15 +9 16 og 50 17 14 51 18 2042 44/16 15 5947 16 32 48 17 17 49 18 11 50 19 16 51 20 3314 4046 18 0 47 18 33 48 19 19 9 20 13 50 21 1855 22 36 40 48 146 20 01 47 20 35148 21 2049 22 1550 23 21 51 24 3948 $40 22 02 47 22 36 48 23 2249 24 17 50 25 23 51 26 4153 $2146 24 03 +7 24 37 48 25 24 19 26 1950 27 2515 1 28 4452 $440 26 0447 26 39148 27 2549 28 21 30 29 28 51 30 47 54 $646 28 05 17 28 40 48 29, 27149 30 2350 31 30 31 32 4959 30 0047 30 4148 31 29 19 32 25 50 33 33 51 34 5258 6 46 32 07147 32 43 48 33 30 19 34 2850 35 36 51 36 5560 18 19 20 180.00-8=2,180.00+8=m, 360.00-y= 36 ܐ q k8 146 67 21. 22 23 A TABLE, Msewing the Right scenſion anſwering to 535 every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 8 8 ४ a 8 Minutest 24 25 26 27 28 29 . / Minutes 11 16 46 l, t ? 26 51 36 5552 38 253_40 0654 41 $55 44 21 51 38 5852 40 28153 42 0954 44 02 57 46 04150 48 I 4151 41 0152 42 3153 44 1354 46 655 48 0156 50 22 451 43 0452 44 35113 46 17154 48' 0955 50 55 52 270 851 45 07152 46 38153 48 20 54 50 1355 52 10,6 54 311 13151 47 10 52 48 153 50 244 50 17155 54 20 36 56 304 12151 49 12152 50 45153 52 274 54 21155 56 2 56 58 411 2 14:1 51 Is|52 53 4133 54 3454 56 2555 58 29 57 00 4511 161 53 18 52 55 54133 56 3-54 58 39 56 00 33157 02 si 18151 55 21152 56 5-13 58 3855 00 3356 02 327 04 5:18 2011 57 2452 585 114 00 455 02 37156 04 4252 06 59 22132 59 2753 or 01 54 02 45 55 04 41156 06 46 57 09 0422 2452 Os 3053 03 04154 04.49.55 06 45'56 08 51157 11 09/24 52 03 33/53 05 07 54 06 52:5 08 49 50 10 55157 13 14126 2052 05 3053 07 154 08 555 10 5356 13 OC 37 15 18 3152 07 3953 09 1455 110955 12 5750.15 OS 5 7 17 245 32152 09 4253 11 17154 13 04155 15 0 156 17 57 19 292 352 11 45153 13 20 54 15 0855 17 05156 19 1357 21 3. 26 12 13 48153 15 24154 17 1255 19 10 56 21 18157 23 3130 38 52 15 5153 19 2754 19 1055 21 1456 23 2257 25 4.1, C152 18 543 21 30 14 21 20 55 23 17 56 25 27 17 27 48 1252 19 57 53 21 34154 23 23 55 25 2256 27 32 7 29 522 4 12 22 Col53 23 37 54 25 27 55 27 26 56 29 37107 31 57/+ 1152 24 0353 25 40 54 29 31155 29 30 56 31 427 34 026 +352 26 07153 27 4554 29 34135 31.3456 33 47157 36 07148 5052 28 i 53 29 48 54 31 38 55 33 38 56 35 5057 38 1230 $1;2 30 1353 31 5154 33 42155 35 42 56 37 5457 40 17152 94152 32 10 53 33 55 54 35 40155 37 47156 39 59 57 42 21 54 56 52 34 1953 35 5854 37 5455 39 556 42 03/57 44 26156 52 36 22 53 38 02154 39 5455 41 556 44 08157 46 31158 52 38 2553 40 0654 41 58155 44 ods. 46 1357 48 363 24 25 26 27 28 29 18000-83N, 180.00+8=m, 360:00 3. Zz z 2 * : s 5 1.1 11 II II II I II II Minutes 1 O I 2 4 Minuies O O lo 2 2 4 8 10 I 2 14 10 IS 20 148158 38 38159 41 19100 44 IOT 47 1262 50 2263 53 42 481 1536 A TAB L E, ſhewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to every two Minutes of the firli Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 3 5 57 48 35158 51 09 59 53 52160 56 4461 59 4963 03 01 2157 50 4158 53 1459 55 5760 58 522 or 5563 05 07 457 52 40158 55 19 59 58 01 co 5852 04 0163 07 14 6 57 54 51 58 57 2560 00 0961 03 0462 06 0763 09 21 8 57 56 56 58 59 3160 02 141 05 1052 08 1363 II 27 Ic7 59 01 59 01 36160 04 20161 07 1652 10 1963 13 33 1258 01 00 59 03 41160 06 267 C9 2252 12 2663 15 40 14158 03 11 59 05 4660 08 32161 JI 28 62 14 3263 11 558 05 1659 07 51160 10 3716! 13 3462 16 38)53 19 53 1858 07 21159 09 5760 12 43 61 15 4062 18 4563 22 00 2058 09 26159 12 0260 14 4851 17.4052 20 5163 24. 07 22 58 11 31159 14 07 60 16 53 61 19 5262 22 57/63 26 13122 2458 13 30 59 16 1360 19 0161 21 5852 25 0463 23 2024 26158 15 41159 18 18 60 21 0661 24 0462 27 1063 30 2626 8158 19.4659 20 2460 23 1261 26 1062 29 1763 32 3328 3078 19 52159 22 3060 25 1861 28 1762 31 2463 34 40 32 58 21 57159 24 35100 27 24161 30 2362 33 3053 36 47 32 3458 24 0259 26 4160 29 2961 32 2962 35 3663 38 54 5413.1 3058 26 07 59 28 4660 31 3561 34 3552 37 43 53 41 01 3858 28 12 59 30 51160 33 4161 36 41862 39 4963 43 0838 58 30 17 59 32 50/60 35 4761 38 4762 41 5563_45_15 4258 32 22159 35 0260 37 5361 40 5:62 44 0263 47 2142 44:8 34 27 59 37 07 60 39 59 61 42 5962 46 08163 49 28 44 4058 26 32 59 39 1360 42 0561 45 05 62 48 1563 51 35146 5.8 4° 4359_43 2460 46 1661 491&52 52 28153 55_4950 525 8 42 48 59 45 2960 48 2261 51 2462 54 3463 57 50152 54158 44 53 59 47 3560 50 2861 53 30162 56 41 64 00 02 54 15658 46 58 59 49 40 50 52 3461 55 3652 58 47 64 02 0950 58 58 49 03 59 51 46160 54 4061 57 4263 00 $464 04 16 38 8058 51 09 59 53 5260 56 4661 59 49163 03 01 64 06 2360 4 180.00—1=$, 180.00+8=, 368.00-=V 28 2 505.8 2 I 3 5 1 À TABLE, Newing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to 537 every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. Il 11 TI Il TI II 8 7 9 10 6 Minutes II O Minutes 0 1 nl 6 64 23 4 06 5 09 5466 13 3367 17 2168 21 1869 25 22 2164 08 3005 12 01 06 15 4067 19 2968 23 2669 27 30 464 10 3765 14 08165 17 47167 21 37 6 8 25 3469 29 38 664 12 4465 16 15166 19 5567 23 4568 27 4369 31 47 864 14 5165 18 22 23 02167 25 5268 29 5169 33 5518 1064 16 5865_20 29866_25_1067 28 0068 31 5969 36 03/10 1264 19 0415 22 3756 26 18167 30 08 68 37 07 69 33 T 12 1464 21 1165 24 4466 28 2567 32 1568 36 1569 40 19 14 0464 23 18165 26 51 66 30 3367 34 2368 38 2369 42 27.16 1864 23 2565 28 5966 32 4167 36 3168 40 3169 44 3618 2064_27_3205_31 066 34 4867_38 39 68 42 3969 46 44/20 2264 29 37 65 33 1366 36 55167 40 4768 44 4769 48 5 2 2 2 2464 31 4665 35 2066 39 0367 42 5568 46 559 si 0124 2664 33 53165 37 27|66 41 1067 45 0268 49 0369 53 09:26 2864 36 odlo5 39 3.466 43 1867 47 1068 51 1169 55 1728 3064 38 0765_41 4266_45_2667 49 1868 53 2069 57 2630 3264 40 1465 43 4966 47 33167 51 65 43 4966 47 3367 51 2668 55 2869 59 34/32 3464 42 21165 45 5666 49 4167 53 3468 57 35170 01 42134 3664 44 28055 48 0466 51 4967 55 4268 59 4470 03 5736 864 46 35155 50 1166 53 5667 57 5069 01 5270 05 59138 1064 48 42 65 52 1866 56 0457 59 5869 04 00709 08 08 40 42 64 50 5065 54 2666 58 1268 02 06169 06 08 70 10. 1742 +464 52 57 6S 56 337 00 1968 04 1469 08 1670 12 25 44 4664 55 0465 58 40167 02 2768 06 22169 10 2470 14 3346 4864 57 1156 co 4867 04 3568 08 3.169 12 33170 16 42948 5064 59 1866 02 5567 06 42|68 10 3869_14 4170 18 50 50 $265 or 2536 05 0367 08 50968 12 40 59 16 49.70 20 5852 5465 03 32166 07. 1167 10 5868 14 54159 18 57 70 23 0754 5665 os 3966 09 1867 13 0568 17 029 21 0570 25 1556 5865 07 4636 1 2567 15 13168 19 10 59 23 1370 27 24/58 6065 09 5466 13 3357 17 2168 21 1859 25 2270 29 3360 1 180.00=6, 180.00+I1=1, 360.00--0-1 } 2 8 IO 6 9 II 7 11 1538 A TABLE, Jhewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. II II Il II II I 12 13 14 15 16 17 Minutes 1 0 1 Minutes of 070 29 337 33 53172 38 1973 42 52174 47 3175 52 16 270 35 4171 36 0172 46 2873 45 0174 49 4075 54 25 4 70 33 5971 38 1072 42 37 73 47 1074 ST 5075 35 670 35 59171 40 1972 44 40173 49 20174 54 0075 58 45 8/70 38 0717 42 277.2 46 55173 SI 29174 54 09176 00 54 1070 40 1771 44 3072 49 0473 53 3874_56_1876 03 04.10 1270 42 25171 46 4572 SI 1473 55 4875 00 28 76 os 14/12 1470 44 33171 48 5472 53 23173 57 57 75 02 37176 07 2314 1670 46 4279 si 0372 55 32174 00 00 75 04 46176 09 33116 1870 48 5171 53 1272 57 4174 02 15175 00 50176 11 43118 20170 50 5971 55 20172 59 5074 04 24175 09 05 76 13 5229 2270 53 07 71 57 2973 01 5974 06 33175 11 15176 16 02 22 24 70 55 1671 59 3873 04 0874 o8 4375 13 2576 18 12/24 2670 57 24172 01 47173 06 1774 10 5275 15 34/76 20 21 26 2870 59 33172 03 5073 08 2674 13 0175 17 4376 22 3128 3071 01 4272 06 0573_10 3574 15 17 19 53 6 24 4130 3278 03 5072 08 1373 12 44 74 17 2075 21 02176 26 5032 3471 05 5972 10 2273 14 53174 19 2975 23 1276 29 0034 3671 08 0872 12 3173 17 03174 21 3975 26 2276 31 1036 871 10 1072 14 4073 19 1274 23. 4875 28 31176 33 2038 4071 12 2572_16_4973 22 2574_25_57175 30 4076 33 3049 4271 14 3 4172 18 5873 23 3074 28 07175 32 50 76 37 40 42 14471 16 4272 21 07173 25 3974 30 1675 34 5976 39 5044 4671 18 5 172 23 1673 27 4874 32 2575 37 09176 42 0046 48,71 21 00172 25 25173 29 57174 34 3575 39 19176 44 0948 15071 23 0872_27_34.73 32 08174 36 4475 41 28/76 46 19 50 52171 25 1772 29 4373 34 17 74 38 5375 43 38176 48 28 5 2 5471 27 2072 31 5273 36 2574 41 0375 45 4876 50 3854 5676 29 35172 34 0173 38 34 74 43 1275 47 57126 52 48156 58171 31.4472 36 1073 40 43174 45 21175 50 0676 54 5758 6071 33 53172 38 1973 42 5274_47_3175_52 1676 37 0760 10176 13 14 I5 16 17 180.00-II=, 180.00+1=7,260.00-W. I 2 1 A TABLE, Shewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering 539 to every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. II I II п TI 18 19 20 21 22 23 Minutes 1 07 O lo lo Minutes ºn 2 6 > 1477 12 18 76 57. 07178 02 0379 07 03 80 12 081 17 1782 22 30 76 59 1778 04 1379 09 1380 14 13 19 27 82 24 40 77 01 2778 06 2379 11 2380 16 281 21 3782 26 5 11 4 4 77 03 37178 08 33179 13 3380 18 391 23 48 82 29 02 877 05 4778 10 43 79 15 4380 20 4911 25 58 82 31 13 8 10177 07 5778 12 5379 17 5380 22 5081 28 0982 33 23 12 77 10 0678 15 02 79 20 0480 25 1081 30 2082 35 3312 16118 19 1279 22 1480 27 2081 32 31 32 37 44 14 1677 14 2578 19 2279 24 2480 29 30 31 34 41 82 39 $416 1877 10 3578 21 3279 25 34180 31 4 81 36 5182 42 04 2077 18 4578 23 4279 28 4480 3 5 81 39 0182 44 14 20 2277 20 51178 25 32 79 30 54180 36 oool 41 1182 46 25122 2 477 23 05 18 28 0279 33 040 38 1181 43 22 32 48 2024 2 577 25 15178 30 1279 35 1489 4.0 2181 45 3282 50 40 26 28/77 27 2478 32 22 79 37 2483 42 3181 47 4382 52 57128 3077 29 31178 34 32179 39 3580 44 4281 49 5432 55 07/30 3277 31 44 78 36 4279 41 4580 46 521 52 0482 57 17132 3477 33 54 78 38 52 79 43 5530 49 0281 54 14/32 52 28 34 3677 36 04118 41 02179 45 05130 51 13 31 56 25183 01 3936 3877 38 1478 43 12179 48 1580 53 2:31 58 36483 03 49138 4077 40 24178 45 2279 50 2580 55 3332 00_4083 06 0040 42 77 42 34 78 47 32 79 52 3680 57 4482 02 5683 o8 1042 4477 44 44178 49 4279 54 4680 59 5482 05 0783 10 2044 77 46 54 78 51 52 79 50 5831 02 0432 07 1783 12 31 46 4877 49 0378 54 0379 59 0781 04 1582 09 2883 14 42.48 3077 ST 13138 56 1380 of 1781 06 25 82 11 3883 16 53150 5277 53 23 78 58 2380 03 2781 08 3582 13 48183 19 0352 5477 55 3379 00 33 80 oś 37 31 10 4632 15 5983 21 14154 5677 57 4379 02 43180 07 4701 12 5682 18 1083 23 23156 3877 59 53 79 04 5380 09 5181 15 06132 20 2083 25 34558 9978 02 03 79 0703180 12 081 11 17182 22 3083 27 45160 19 180.00-II = $, 180.00+8=, 360.000 = ☆ 46 18 2 parent 22 21 23 540 A TABLE ſhewing the Right Aſcenſion anſwering to TI II II II II II 20 Minuteslo 1 Minures 101 Too I 1 20 22183 51 42 183 32 0684 37 25135 42 46185 48 08187 53 31188 58 58 87 12 1086 17 37107 23 Oc188 28 25189 33 5036 26 26 2017 31 4308 37 08189 42 32/44 3:189 40 55+ every two Minutes of the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic. 1 24 25 27 28 29 83 627 45 34 33 0485 38 2486 43 4687 49 1088 543 233 29 5584 35 1485 40 3586 45 5787 51 2088 56 48 683 34 1734 39 365 44 57 86 50 1987 55 42 39 01 076 883 36 2784 41 40 35 47 07186 52 2987 57 52189 03 18 10 63 38 38 84 43 5785 49 1886 54 40 08 00 04189 05 29 1283 40 484 46 v 35 51 2986 36 Sul88 02 1589 07 4 1483 42 5984 48 18 35 53 3986 59 0188 04 25189 09 5014 16 33 46 1c 84. So 398.5 55 5087 Or 1288 06 30 89 12 01 1883 47 2134 52 41 85 58 0187 03 2388 08 47 39 14 12 18 2003 49 3184 54 50 86 to 1187 os 3388 10 58189 16 23 8.4 57 C 86 02 2237 07 4458 13 09189 18 34 2483 53 5334 59 12 86 04 3387 09 5588 15 2089 20 4524 2083 56 0385 or 22186 c6 4387 12 0088 17 3489 22 5512 2803 58 1435 03 3,86 08 5487 14 1788 19 439 25 26 30184 00 25 35 05 4+36 1 0587 16 28/88 21 52189 27 17 3284 02 35 85 07 55 56 13 1537 18 3888 24 07189 29 28 32 3784 04 45 85 10 CO 86 15 24187 20 49 88 26 14189 31 2934 06 38184 09 6685 14 26 86 19 4887 25 1088 30 3589 36 0.13€ +34 II 1785 16 37 186 21 5587 27 21 88 32 40 89 38 ut 42 84 13 2805 18 4885 24 14 37 29 3288 34 579 40 22 +2 3885 46 34 17 4535 23 05 86 28 3189 33 5488 39 1989 44 44 87 59184 22 10 35 27 34 86 32 5,187 38 1588 43 40 39 49 OSEC 5284 24 2185 29 41186 35 02 87 40 2688 45 51139 si 14 52 5484 26 3285 31 5286 37 1487 42 37188 48 02189 53 2714 5434 28 4285 34 0286 39 2487 44 48188 50 1839 55 3856 84 30 53185 36 13 36 41 35137 46 59/88 52 24 89 57 49 60 34 33 0485 38 2436 43 4629 49 1C 38 $4 35193 co oC 25 26 27 28 180 00-II=%, 180.00+8=4, 360.00—1=w. 26 ic 36184 5 6 po 29 24 1 A TABLE ſewing the Declinat ion to every two 517 Minates of the Ecliptic į and 7 II and II and 71 1 and 7 I aod † | II and f 6 7 8 9 10 II Minutesla Minures} 21 20 5321 31 0821 40 5821 50 2421 59 26 22 08 0360 221 21 1421 31 28/21 41 1721 50 4221 59 44122 08.20158 Han 21 3521 31 48|21 41 3021 st 0022 00 02 22 08 37156 621 21 5521 32 07121 41 5521 SI 29 22 00 1822, 08 5454 821 22 1621 32 2727 42 1521 51 3822 00 30 22 09 1052 1021_22 37 21 32 47/21 42 3421 55622 00 5222 09 2650 12/21 22 58 21 33 0721 42 5321 52 14 22 On 1122 09 4248 14,21 23 1821 33 2721 43 12 21 52 3222 01 28|22 09 5946 102 1 23 3921 33 47/21 43 31/21 52 522 or 4622 10 16/44 1821 24 00 21 34 0721 43 5021 53 09 22 02 03|22 10 3242 2021 24 20121 34 2721 44 0921 53 272 2 02 20/22 10 49140 22 21 24 4121 34 47 21 44 2821 53 45 22 02 38 22 11 OS 38 24/21 25 01 21 35 0621 44 4721 54 0422 02 5522 11. 2236 2021 25 22 21 35 26121 45 06 21 54 22 22 03.12 22 11 38 34 2821 25 43 21 35 46/21 45 25/21 54 40122 03 3022 11 5432 3021 26 0321 36 06 21 45 44/21 54 58 22 03 47 22 12 11 30 32 21 26 24 21 36 2521 46 0321 55 1622 04 04/22 12 2728 3421 26 4421 36 45/21 46 22 21 55 3422 04 21 22 12 44/26 3621 27 0421 37 04/21 46 4021 55 5222 07 38122 13 0024 21 27 25 21 37 2421 46 59a1 56 1022 04 55122 13 16 22 4021 27 45 21 37 4421 47 18/21 56 28 22 05 1322 13 3320 +221 28 05 21 38 0321 47 3721 56 4622 05 30/22 13 4918 +421 28 2621 38 2321 47 5521 57 0122 05 4722 14 0516 21 28 46 21 38 42 21 48 14 21 57 2322 06 04/22 14 2114 21 29 05 21 39 0221 48 3321 57 3922 06 2122 14 37 12 5921 29 27 21 39 2121 48 5121 57 57/22 06 3822 14 5310 52 21 29 47 21 39 4121 49 1021 58 15 22 06 5522 15 10 8 54 21 30 07 21 40 0021 49 2821 58 33 22 07 12 22 15 26 56 58 21 30 27 21 40 1921 49 47 21 58 ST 22 07 2922 15 42 21 30 47 21 40 38 21 go og|27 59 09 22 07 4622 15 58 21 31 of 21 40 5821 50 2421 59 20 22 08 0322 16 14 23 19 w and o to and W and stand Wo and 81 46 4821 60 22 21 20 18 1 SAB and XXX 518 A TABLE jbewing the Declination to every two Minutes of the Ecliptic I and II and 7 II and II and F I and II and I 13 14 15 16 17 I 2 Minutes º Minutes O 1622 18 } 22 16 1422 74 0022 31 2022 38 16 22 44 44 22 50 49 2122 16 30 22 24 15 22 31 35 22 38 3022 45 OC 22 51 0158 4/22 16 40 22 24 30 22 31 4922 38 4322 45 12/22 SI 12156 622 17 01 22 24 45 22 32 03 22 38 56/22 45 24 22 51 2454 8/22 17 17|22 25 00 22 32 1822 39 0922 45 36 22 35 52 1022 17 33 22 25 15 22 32 32122 39 23 22 45 48 22 51 47159 12 22 17 49 22 25 30 22 32 4622 39 3622 46 0 22 51 5848 1422 18 0522 25 45 22 33 0022 39 4922 46 1422 52 1046 18 21 22 26 00122 33 14122 40 02/22 46 2522 52 2144 1822 18 3622 26 15 22 33 28|22 40 1522 46 3722 52 3? +2 2022 18 52 22 26 30 22 33 42 22 40 29 22 46 4922 52 444.0 22 22 19 08 22 26 45/22 33 56122 40 4222 47 0222 52 5518 24 22 19 2722 26 59122 34 10122 40 5522 47 14 22 53 0736 20/22 19 322 27 1422 34 2422 41 08 22 47 2622 53 34 28 22 19 5522 27 29 22 34 3822 41 21122 47 38122 53 2932 3022 20 122 27 44 22 34 5222 41 3422 47 5022 53.4130 32/22 20 20 22 27 58 22 35 05 22 41 4722 48 0722 53 51128 41122 28 1322 35 19 22 42 uc 22 48 1422 54 0226 3622 20 57 22 28 28 22 35 33 22 42 13122 48 2622 54 1424 38122 21 1.2122 28 42 22 35 47 22 42 2012 48 38 22 54 21 22 40122 21 3622 28 57.22 36 0022 42 39 22 48 50 22 54 3020 47122 21 4322 29 11 22 36.1422 42 5122 49 02 22 54 4718 44 22 21 58 22 29 2622 36 28 22 43 04 22 49 1422 54 5816 46 22 22 1322 29 4022 36 4122 43 1722.49 2622 55 of 14 4822 22 2922 29 55 22 36 5522 43 30 22 49 38 22 55 2012 50 22 22 44 22 30 09 22 37 09:2 43 42 22 49 5022 55 3110 59122 22 5522 30 2422 37 2222 43 5522 50 02 22 55 420 5422 23 15122 30 38 23 37 39 22 44 0822 50 1422 55 536 5622 23 322 30 52122 37 49 22 44 2122 50 25 22 56 044 5822 23 45122 31 06/22 38 0322 44 3522 50 37 22 56 15 2 6c 12 24 oo 22 21 2022 38 1822 44 48 22 49 22 56 25. 17 16 15 14 13 s y and s W and so o V and on 34/22 20 $ 12 mene you and to and yo and 5 A TABLE jbewing the Declination to every two او در Minutes of the Ecliptic. 31 II and 7 II and † | II and I and F 23 II and I II and 7 18 19 20 21 22 Minutes 101 Minutes! 2 22 56 25123 cl 38123 06 2023 10 38 23 14 24 23 17 5260 22 56 36123 or 48123 06 2923 10 4023 14 3823 17 5958 22 56 47123 OI 5823 06 3823 10 5423 14 43 23 18 05156 622 56 5823 02 08 23 06 47/23 II 02/23 14 5023 18 1154 822 57 09/23 02 1823 06 56 23 11 1023 14 57123 18 19152 10 22 57.1923 02 2823 07 05 23 11 3823 15 04/23 18 24/50 12 -2 57 30123 02 38|23 07 14/23 il 26 23 15 12 23 18 3048 1422 57 4123 02 47 23 07 2323 11 3423 15 19123 18 36 46 16 22 57 5123 02 57123 07 32 23 11 4223 15 2623 18 42 44 18 22 58 0223 03 06 23 07 41123 11 523 15 33|23 18 48 42 22 58 12 23 03 1523 07 4923 11 5823_15_4023 18 54 40 22 22 58 2323 03 24/23 07 58/23 12 06123 15 47|23 19 0038 24 22 58 33123 03 34/23 08 07 23 12 12 23 15 53123 19 06136 2622 58 44 23 03 43 23 08 1523 12 21 23 15 00 23 19 12134 28 22 58 5423 03 $223 08 2423 12 29123 16 0723 19 18132 3422 59 0423 04 02 23 08 33 23 12 39123 16 1423 19 24130 32/22 59 15 23 04 1123 08 4123 12 44 23 16 21 23 19 34 28 34 22 59 2523 04 21123 08 50/23 12 5223 16 28123 19 30126 3622 59 3523 04 3023 08 5€ 23 13 0023 16 34 23 19 4124 38/22 59 4523 14 39123 09 07123 13 07123 16 4913 19 48/22 422 59 56 23 04 49|23 09 15 23 13 15|23 16 4; 23 19 5220 4223 00 0023 04 5823 09 2323 13 2223 16 5423 19 5978 144 23 00 10 23 05 07 23 29 32123 13 3023 17 0.23 20 05 16 4023 00 2623 Os 17123 09 4023 13 3723 17.0723 20 10 14 4843 00 3023. 05 2623 49 48 23 13 4523 17 14 23 23 1612 1923 00 4623 05 35123 09 5723 13 5223 17_2023 20 2210 52 23 00 5023 05 4423 10 05 23 13 5923 17 27 23 20 278 54 23. OJ 06 23 05 53 23 10 1323 14 0723 17 33 23 20 3316 5623.01 17123 02 23 10 2223 14 54123 17 4923 20 381 4 5823 01 21 23 25 11 23 10 30 23 14 21 23 17 46123 20 43 5023 or 38123 06 20 23 10 3823 14 2923 17 52123 20 48 481 c 8 7 6 ve and ve and $ W and g y and s Vy and II 10 9 10 w and 520 & TABLE Shewing the Declinatioł to every two 26 Minutes Minute's 01 . 320 28 23 Minutes of the Ecliptic. II and 7 I and and 1 II and I Il and ? I and I 24 25 27 28 29 23 20 48 23 23. 18/22 25 2323 26 523 28 0623 28 4660 223 20 $423 23 23 23 25 2523 26 59123 28 08 23 28 47158 423 30 $9123 23 28123 25 29123 29 0323 28 10 23 28 4850 6123 21 04123 23 33.23 25 33.23 27 05 23 28 1123 28 4954 8 23 21 0923 23 3723 25 36 23 37 08/23 28 13123 28 50 52 10 23 21 1423 2324-23 25_4023 27 10123_28 15 23 28 5150 1 223 31 1923 2; 4023 25 43 23 27 13123 28 10 23 28 51148 14 23 21 2423 23 5023 25 47 23 27 10 23 28 1823 28 5246 1623 21 29 23 23 55|23. 25 5023 27 18 23 28 19 23 28 5344 18 23 21 3523 23 5923 25 5423 27 2023 28 27 23 28 5342 20 23 21 4023 24 03|23 25 5023 27 2323 28 21/23 28 54 22123 21 45|23 24 0723 26 0023 27_25|23 28 24 23 28 5538 24 23 21 5023 24 1123 26 03 23 27 28 23 28 26 23 28 35 36 20 23 21 56 23 24 16 23 16 0023 27 3023 28' 27123 28 56 34 28 23 22 01|23 24 20 23 26 10 23 27 32 23 28 2823 28 56132 3023 22 0023 24 2423 26 13 23 27 35 25 28 2923 28 57120 3223 22 1123 24 2823 26 16 23 27 3823 28 3123 28 5728 34 23 22 17 23 24 3223 26 1923. 27 40123 28 32 23 28 57 26 3023 22 22 23 24 3623 26 21 23 27 4223 28 33/23 i8 58/24 38 23 22 27|23 24 4023 26 2573 27 4423 28 34 23 28 5822 40123 4223 22 37 23 24 4823 26 31 23 27 4823 28 37 23 28 5918 4423 22 42 23 24 52 23 26 3423 27 3023 28 3823 28 5916 40 23 22 47 23 24 5023 26 37 23 27 5223 28 39 23 28 5914 48123 22 51123 24 5923 26 4023 27 5423 28 4023 28 5912 5023_22 5023 21 0323_26_4323 275.623 28 41 23 29 0010 5 223 23 0123 25 0723 26 4623 27 58 23 28 4923 29 008 5423 23 05|23 25 1123 26 49123 18 0023 28 4323 29. 00 6 i5 623 23 1023.25 1423 26 52123 28 0223 28 4423 29 004 58 23 23 14 23 25 1823 26 54/23 28 04 23 28 45 23 29 002 6023. 23 1823 25 22 23 26 5623 28 0623 28 46 23 29 000 5 Vand 5 Wo and 99 vp and on v and $ We ar doo . -- 4 3 I o V ve and e. . 537 : C Sect. XXI. of the Orthographic Proje&tion of the Sphere Onceive the Eye placed at an infinite Diſtance from the Globo, and at the ſame time a Plane to paſs thro the Center of the Globe, and to Itand at Right-angles to the Line connecting the Cen- ters of the Globe and Eye, if from the Eye chus poficed, an infinite Right-line be imagined to be drawn, thro any point of theCircumfe. rence of any Circle deſcribed upon the Surface of the Globe, and the ſameRight-line be carried about theCircumference of the given Circle, till it return to the Place from whence it began to move; or which is the farre thing, if from any point in the Circumference of any Circle deſcribed upon the Surface of the Globe, a Right-line be imagined to fall perpendicularly upon the given Pline, and that this Line be carried round the Circumference of the given Circle, con- ſtantly perpendicular to the Plane and parallel to its ſelf, it will deſcribe upon the cutting Plane an Orthographic Repreſentation of that Circle , and after the ſame manner if Rays infinitely long be imagined to flow from the Eye to the Circumference of every Cir- cle deſcribed upon the Globe, and theſe Rays be carried about the Circumference of each refpe&tive Circle till they return to the Place from whence they began to move, they will trace out upon the gia ven Plane, what is called an Orthographic Projection of the Sphere. This Paralleliſm and perpendicularity of the generating or de ſcribing Ray, is the eſſential and primary Property of Orthographic Projection, and altho according to the Euclidean Idea of paral- lel Lines, they can never be conceived to meer if infinitely produced, yet in order to range this part of Science under the Head of Perſpedive, and to render it conformable to the ſeveral ways of repreſenting the Circles of the Sphere upon a Plane, it was abſolutely neceſſary to define it after this manner; and indeed if we conſider the iofinite ſmall Inclination of the infinite ſmall Portions of the incident Rays, intercepted between the Surface of cheSphere and the Plane, in a Phyfical Senſe; and which is the Senfe in which they are to be underſtood in this place, the Inclination it ſelf vaniſhes, and the parallel and perpendicular Property really and actually exiſts. Аааа* From 538 of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere From the general Definition thus explained it follows, 1. That the common Interſection of the Plane upon which the Projection is to be formed with the Surface of the Globe, will be the Circumference of a Circle, which for Diſtinction fake is called the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection, and that the common Intersection of the Plane wich the Globe it ſelf will be a Circle, which for Diſtinction fake is called the Flane of the Projection For as every Globe may be confidered as generated by the Rotation of a Semi- в о E 1 D circle about the Diameter, remaining fixed as an Axis, in whatſoever part of it it be cut by a Plane as BN MD. the common liturfe&tion ATP C Q R of this pane with the Superficies of T C the Globe repreſented in this Cafe hy PIAPQR muſt be tle Circumfe- sence of a Circle as muſt be the cor- mon Interf.&tion p APQR of the cut- e ting Plane with the Globe it felf be a IP Circle. a 2. That the Pole of that Circle up- on whoſe Plane the Sphere is to be 자 ​B M projeEted, will fall in the Center of the Plane of the Projection. For becauſe the Arches AP and QP are equal, the infinite Ray Efap which flows from the Eye at E thro P the Pole of the Circle Apg which repreſents the Diameter of the Plane Ap2 of the Projection, muſt fall in the middle point p, by the 8ıb Cor. of the ad Prop of Part the ift, and conſequently in the Center of ihe Plane of the Pro- je&tion; 3. That every Great Circle that is perpendicular to the Plane of the Projection, will be repreſented by a Right-line paſſing thro the Center and Pole of the Projection, equal to its Diameter and to the Diameter of the Sphere. In the preceding Figure, let the lower Semicircle ApQR, be turned about upon its Axis A2, till it ſtand at Right-angles (o the Plane of the upper Semicircle APQP, and in this ſcituation let it reprefent the fame Plane of the Projection, then will AQ re- Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 539 repreſent its Diameter, and p the Center of the Projection, and let À P Q repreſent the upper half of the Circle to be proje&ted. Inaſmuch therelore as the Eye is ſcituated in the Plane of the Se- micircle APQp infinitely extended, if the infinite Ray P p flowing from the Eye at E and extended till it cut the Plane A R l, be imagined to be carried thro the Semi-periphery AP & of the Cir- cle to be proje&ed, it will deſcribe by its Paſſage over the Plane ARQP, the Right-line Ape, equal in Length to the Diameter of the Circle AP e, and to rhe Diameter of the Sphere APQR, and which from the general Definition will be its true Repreſen- tarive. 4. That the Angle that any two great Circles which ſtand at Right-angles to the Plane of the Proje&ion form with each other, will be equal to the Angle formed by their Repreſentatives upon the Plane of the Projection. For as the Angle formed by any two Circles, is the ſame with the Inclination of the Planes of thoſe two Circles; and as this is mea- ſured by the Arch of a Great Circle delcribed at the diſtance of 90 deg, oo min. or a Quadrant, from the angular Point, it follows from the preceding Corollary, that the Angle formed by the two Right-lines repreſenting the two Circles, muſt be equal to the An- gle formed by the Circles themſelves. 5. That all Small Circles that are parallel to any of the pre- mentioned Great Circles, or which ſtand at Right-angles to the Plane of the Projection, will be repreſenced by Right-lines in the Projection, whoſe Dianieter will be equal in Length to the Diame- ter of the Circle they repreſent. For if an infinitely extended Ray in the preceding Figure, be car- ried along the Periphery of the ſmallCircle 1 % C, lying in the ſame infinitely extended Plane with the Eye, it will trace out upon the Cutring Plane APQ by its Motion, the Right-line FC for its Re preſentative, equal în Length to the Right-line TC, the Diameter of the ſmall Circle to be projected And inaſmuch as the infinitely extended Ray moves conſtantly in the Plane of the ſmall Circle TC, and conſequently keeps always at the diſtance of Cc or T t, from the Repreſentative A2, of the great Circle to which it is ſuppoſed to be parallel, it follows, 6. That the diſtance of every luch mali Circle in the Proje&ion from the great Circle to which it is parallel, will be equal to the Аааа 2. Sire * 549 Of the Orthographic Proje&tion of the Sphere Sine of ſuch ſmall Circles diſtance from the great Circle upon the Sphere to which it is parallel ; for Cc or. T t the diſtance of the Repreſentative TC of the ſmall Circle T SC; from Althe Re- preſentative of the great Circle to which it is parallel, is equal to the Right Sine of the Arch C Q or It, the diſtance of that ſmall Circle upon the Globe, from the great Circle AR, to which it is ſuppoſed to be parallel, and conſequently the Repreſentatives of theſe ſmall Circles interſect the Periphery of the Plane of the Pro- jeâion in the ſame points as the finall Circles themſelves interſex it upon the Globe it felf. 7. That all ſinall Circles parallel to the Plane of the Proje&ion, will become Circles in the Projection. For let the Semicircles 1 C and ARQ be erected perpendi- cularly over the Plane of the Semicircle APQ; now if the infinitely extended viſual Ray O Tt, paſſing thro the Extremity I of the Di. ameter 1 C, of the ſmall Circle I 5 C, be ſuppoſed to move round she Periphery TCP, of the ſame ſmallCircle always parallel to its felf, and perpendicular io thc:Plane T$CPa, till it return to the Place from whence it begun to move, it will deſcribe by this Morion a cyl- lindrical Superficies; and inaſmuch as the Planes TC and ARQ are parallel the Extremity t of the viſual Ray o it, will trace out upon the cutting Plane IRC the ſmall Circle trc, equal to the ſmall Circle IC it repreſents : And after the ſame manner, if infinite- ly extended viſual Rays be conceived to move round the Periphery of every other ſmall Circle deſcribed upon the Surface of the Sphere, parallel to the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection, they will trace out upon the cutting Plane, Circles parallel and equal to the ſmall Circles they repreſent, 8. That all theſe ſmall Circles will have one common Center, viz. the Center and Pole of the Proje&ion. For becauſe the Arches PC and P T are equal, whereſoever the points T or C be taken, the infinitely extended Ray paffing from the Eye at E thro the common Pole at P, perpendicular to the Plane APQ, will become the Axis of the generated Cylinder, and confe- quently the Portions pt and pc of the projected: Diameter to, will be always equal to each other, and conſequently the point p the Repre- ſentative of their common Pole, will become their common Center. 9. That their Radijor Semidiameters will be ever equal to theSines of their reſpe&ives diſtance from the Pole, or the Co-fines of their Elevations above the Plane of the Proje&ion. For of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere* 541 B AP Q S, it will For inaſmuch as the viſual Rays E.P p and SC € will be always parallel or equi-diſtant from each other, pc equal to pt the Radius or Semidiameter of the proje&ed ſmalr Circle i ro will be ever equal to ac, the Sine of the Arch PC, the diſtance of the ſmall Circle I aC from the Pole P, or the Co-fine of ce its Elevation above the Plane of the Projection ; and the same will happen wherefoevr the points C or I be taken: 10. That every great Circle that is inclined to the Plane of the Proje&ion, will be projected into an Ellipfis. For let AP & Sp repreſent the Plane of the Projection, and PBCS any given great Circle that is in- clined to the Plane of the Projec- P tion, at any given Angle Cpc or BDb, I fay that if an infinitely ex- D tended Ray as Cc, be carried along the Semi-Periphery P BCS of the A grear Circle PBC Sp, conſtantly P. parallel to it ſelf, and per rendicu- lar to the Plane of the Projection the Plane PQSA the curve Line S Pbcs, which will be the Scmi- periphery of an Ellipfis For from the points B and C in the Semicircle PBCS, ler tall the Perpendiculars B b and Cc, and from the points b and c where they interfect the Plane of the Projection APS, draw the Lines b D and cp, perpendicular to the common Axis PS, and joyn the points D, B, and p, c, by the Right-lines DB and pc, and becauſe the Angles Db B and pc Care Right, and the Angles B Db and Cpu are equal to each other, and to the Inclination of the given great Circle, the Triangles p Cc and D B b will be ſimilar, wherefore by Prop. the 18th of Seation the 2d of Part the ist it will be, As DB: Db::p:pc; and conſequently by Cor. the 13th of Prop. the 15th, of the fame Section, DB:PC ::06:06; wherefore by Cor. the 20th of Prop. the 19th of the lame SeEZ. D BQ :p Cq: :D bq:p0q, but from the Nature of the Circle D Bg: p Cq:: PDxDS:PpXpS, wherefore D bq: pCq: :P DxDS: Ppxps, and confequently the curye Line paſſing tiro the points P, b, 1, S, will be a Semi-Ellipfis. And 542 . Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere A B D % B H And that this is the chiet and primary Property of the Apolonian or Conic Ellipfis, may be thus demonſtrated. In the adjacent Figure, let ABC repreſent the Se&ion of a Cone cut by A a Plane thro the Vertex, and Pb c S a Section of the fame Cone cut with a P Plane, ſo as to cut the Sides AC and AB, in the points P and S, on the ſame fide of the Vertex A, and thro' the N points D and B in the Line PS the I common Interledion of theſe twoPlanes, S let the Cone becut with two other Planes EDF and IBN parallel to theBaſe, then B will the Triangles PDF and PBN be ſimilar, and conſequently by Prop the 18th of Seet the ist of Part the ift, it will be, As PD: PB : : DF: BN, and becauſe the Triangles SDE and SBI are ſimilar it will be, as SD : SB::DE:p1; wherefore, as PDX DS: PBXSB : : DEXDE: BNxBl; and becauſe the Sections thro the Planes ED.N and IBN are Circles from the Nature of the Cone, EDXDF=D;bq, and 1BxBN=Boq, wherefore P DxD S: PBxBS : :D bq: BC9, which was to be demonſtrated. 11. That the Tranſverſe Axis or longeſt Diameter of the Ellipſis is equal to the Diameter of the great Circle it repreſents, and con- fequently equal to the Diameter of the Sphere it felf. For as all great Circles interfect each other at the diſtance of a Semicircle, the Line that joyns the ewo Interſections together, and which is the common Iritcrrection of the Planes of the two Cir- cles, will be ever equal to the Diameter of the Circles themſelves; thus in the laſt Figure but one, the Line P S which connects the In- terfe&tions P and Sof the great Circle APQS, upon which the Sphere is to be projected, and the inclined great Circle P BCS to be projected, and which in this caſe becomes the Axis of the Ellip- fis Phc S its Repreſentative upon the Plane of the Proje&ion is the fame with, and conſequently equal to PS the Diameter of the Sphere it felf. 12. That the conjugate or ſhorteſt Diameter of every Ellipſis re- preſenting any greatCircle, is equal to twice the Co-line of its Inclina- tion Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 543 tion to the Plane of the Projection, or to the double Sine of its diſtance from the Pole of the Projection, meaſured in the Arch of the great Circle that paſſes thro the Pole, and cuts the given Circle at Right- angles. For in the Figure belonging to Cor. the 16th it is manifeſt, that po the Semi-conjugate Diameter of the Ellipſis PALS, repreſenting the great Circle PBCS, is equal to the Sine of the Angle PCs, the dis- tance of the great Circle P BCS from the Pole p, meaſured in the Arch of a great Circle, or the Complement of the Angle Cpc, the . Inclination of the Planes of the Circle P.BCS to be proje&ed, to the Plane of the Circle P Q S A upon which it is to be projected. 13. That every ſmall Circle that is inclined to the Plane of the . Projection, will be projected into, or be repreſented by an Ellipſis. This is a manifeſt Conſequence of the 10th Cor. and needs no o- ther Deinonſtration, 14: That the tranverle Axis or longeſt Diameter of every Ellipfis repreſenting any imall Circle, will be equal to twice the Sine of that: ſmall Circles diſtance from its neareſt Pole. for in the adjacent (Figure, let APOS repreſent the Plane of the. R Projection, A TRCQ a great Circle inclined to it, Ar 2 its Repreſenta- tive upon the Plane of the Projection, and TC the Diameter of a ſmall Cir- cle to be projected. A Q Inaſmuch therefore as the perpen- dicular Rays Tt and Cc are paral- lel and equal, the Right-line. * C, the Reprefentative of that Diameter upon the Plane of the Projeäion equal to S twice rc is equal to TC, equal to twice PC. the Sine of the Arch RC, the diſtance of the ſmall Circle TC from its neareſt Pole R. 15. That this Diameter will always ſtand at Right-angles to the Repreſentative of that great Circle that paſſes thro the. Pole of the ſmall Circle, and the Pole of the Periphery of the Proje&ion. For inaſmuch as the Diameter TC of the ſmall Circle to be pro- jected, ſtands at Right-angles to the Plane of the Circle Sprp, which 944 of the Orthographic Proje&tion of the Sphere which paſſes thro the Poles of the Circle to be projected, and the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection, and that the infinite Rays Tt and C c are parallel and equal, it is manifeft, that t C the Re- preſentative of the Diameter TC of the ſmall Circle to be projec- ted, will ſtand at Right-angles to the Line SpP, the Repreſenta- tive of the great Circle Spr PR, conneđing the two reſpective Poles And inaſmuch as the conjugate Axis or ſhorteſt Diameter, will ever form Right-angles with the tranſverſe Axis or longeſt Dia- meter, it follows; 16. That the conjugate or ſhorteſt Diameter of every Ellipſis re- preſenting any ſmall Circle inclined to the Plane of the Projection, will be coincident to, or be projected in that Right-line that is the Repreſentative of the great Circle that paſſes thro the Poles of the Periphery of the Plane of the Projetion, and of the Circle to be projected. That the conjugare or ſhorteſt Diameter of the Ellipfis repreſent- ing any ſmall Circle, is equal to the Sum or Difference of the Sines of the greateſt and leaſt Diſtance of that ſmall Circle from the Pole of the Projection, or to the Sum or Difference of the Co-fines of the Elevations of the reſpective points above the Plane of the Proje&ion. For in the adjacent Figure, if a repreſent the Pole of the ſmall P Circle T°C to be proje&ed, and P the Pole of the Circle Al, upon which the ſmall Circle is to be pro- jected, it is manifeſt (in this caſe where the Pole of the Periphery of the A Pane of the Proje&ion lyes within the ſmall Circle) that to the projected conjugated Diameter, is equal to the Sum of t p and pc, equal to the Sum S of T, and Cs, the Simes of T P and PC, the greaceſt and leaſt diſtances of the ſmall Circle TC, from the Pole of the Proje&tion P, or to the Co fine of the Arches AT and QC, the Elevations of the points T and C, above the Plane of the Projection AQ. 1 T If of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 547 PT T ز But if the Pole P, lye without the Imall Circle, or which is the ſame thing, if the ſmall Circle lye intirely on the ſame ſide of the Pole of the Projec- tion, as in the adjacent Figure ; it is manifeſt, that to the conjugate Dia- meter, is equal to the Difference be- A tween CS the Sines of the greateſt Plt diſtance PC and Tr the Sine of the leaſt diſtance TP, of the finall Circle 1C to be projected; or to the Diffe. rence of the Co-lines of QC and QT, the Elevations of the reſpective Extre- mities of the ſmall Circle to be pro- jected. Wherefore 18. If the Sines of the greateſt and leaſt diſtance of the two Ex- tremities of any ſmall Circle from the Pole of the Projection, be ſec off either on the ſame or contrary fides of the Center or Pole of the Projection, in that projected great Circle which paſſes thro the Poles of the ſmall Circle to be sprojected, and the Pole of the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection, we ſhall have the two Extremities of the conjugate Diameter of the ſmall Circle to be projected ; and if thro the middle of this Line, and at Right-angles to it a Right-line be drawn equal to the double Sine of the diſtance of the ſmall Circle from its Pole, we ſhall have the two Extremities of the tranſverſe Diameter, thro which four points if an Ellipſis be deſcribed, it will be the Repreſentative of the ſmall Circle to be projected And inalinuch as the Semi-conjugate Diameter of every great Circleis equal to the Co-line of its Elevation above the Plane of the Proje&ion, or to the Sine of its neareſt approach to the Pole of the Projection it felt, if the Right Sine of its neareſt approach, or the Co-line of its Elevation above the Plane of the Projection, be ſet off from the Center or Pole of the Proje&ion p, ſee the Fig. in Page 54 , on ei- ther Side to c and r, we ſhall have the two Extremities of the conju- gare Diameter, thro which, and the points P and S, the two Extre- mities of the tranſverſe Axis PS, if an Ellipſis be deſcribed, it will be the Reprelentative of the given great Circle in this Proje&ion; and hence we are taught how to draw the Repreſentative of any great or Small Circle, upon any given Plane: And that this may the more evidently appear, I ſhall ſhew how in Bbbb * . Ex- 548 Of the Orthographic Proje&tion of the Sphere Example 1. To draw the Hour-circles, or Circles of Right Afcenfion, Parallels of Declination, Tropics, Ecliptic, &c. Orthographicaliy upon the Plane of the Solstitial Colure, it being in this caſe ſuppoſed to lye in the ſame Plane with the Meridian ; and to adapt it to the Latitude of si deg. 33 min. North. Let ZONH (in Plate the 4ch) repreſent the Solstitial Colure, upon whoſe Plane the Sphere is to be projected, then will 26 NH be the Circumference of a Circle, by the firſt Cor, of the General Defini- tion, and its Center and the Pole of the Projection, by the ſecond Corollary of the fame And becauſe the Eye is ſuppoſed to be placed at an infinite diſtance from ihe Globe, in that Line that pafles from the Center thro the vernal Equinox, the common Interſection of the Equator, Ecliptic, Equinoctial Colure, and in this caſe the Horizon ; and inaſmuch as thele Circles are all perpendicular to the Plane of the Projection, they will all be repreſented by Right-lines, by Cor. the 3d, interfcct- ing each oiber in the Center or Pole of the Proje&tion. Wherefore, Having drawn the Diameter HrO to repreſent the Horizon, and at Right-angles to it the Diameter Z Ý N, to repreſent the Prime Vertical or Circle of Eaſt and Weſt, fer of the Chord of so deg. 30 min. the height of the Pole at London, or Latitude of the Place in the Periphery, from 0 to P, and draw che Diameter P S, this ſhall repreſent the Axis or Six a Clock Hour Circle, or in the preſent Caſe the Equinoctial Colure, the two Extremities of which will repreſent the two Poles, the point P the uppermoſt or Northern Pole, and the point S the lowermoſt or Southern Pole; and if the Chord of 38 deg. 30 min. the Complement of the Latitude, be ſec off from 0 to 2 downwards, or from H to A, and the Diameter AQ be drawn, or which is the fame thing, if che Diameter 4 Q be drawn at Right-angles to the Axis PS it will repreſent the Equator in this Projection. The Ecliptic is a great Circle cutting the Equinoctial in the op- pofite points of Aries and Libra, and forming an Angle with it of 23 deg. 29 min. equal to the Sun's greateſt Declination; wherefore if the Chord of 23 deg. 29 min. be fet off in the Solflitial Colure from A to $, or from 2 to W. and the Diameter or wo be drawn, this will repreſent the Ecliptic in this Projedion, and where it interſects the Axis as in r or, it gives the Places of the vernal and autum- Ral Equinoxes in this Projection. In- Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 549 Inaſmuch as the Parallels of Declination, Tropics, Artic and Antartic Circles are ſmall; Circles, ſtanding at Right-angles to the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection, they will all be repreſented by Right-lines, equal in Length to the Diameters of the ſmall Cir- cles themſelves, by the sth preceding Cor. and at the Sines of their reſpective diſtances from the greatCircle to which they are parallel; or which is the ſame thing, their Repreſentatives will interfect the Solſtitial Colure, in the ſame points in which the Circles themſelves interſect it upon the Sphere, by the 6th Cor. wherefore if the Chord of 23 deg: 29 min. the greateſt Declination of the Sun, be ſet oft in the Solſtitial Colare from A to % and x, and from 2 to C and w, and the Right-lines SC and x Wo be drawn, or which is the ſame thing, if at the diſtance of the Sine of 23 deg. 29 min to the Radius Ar or re, the Right-lines % C and we x, be drawn paral- lel to Al the Equator, they will be the Repreſentatives of the two Tropics in this Proje&ion, the Northermoſt or % C the Tropic of Cancer the Southermoſt or x vp the Tropic of Capricorn ; and if the Chords of 23 deg. 29 min. the diſtance of the Polar Circle from the Pole, be ſet off in the Solſtitial Colure from P to a and t, and from Stoa and t, and the Chord Lines art and ant be drawn; or which is the ſame thing, it at the diſtance of the Sines of 66 deg. 31 min. the diſtance of the Polar Circles from the Pole, to the Radius r P, the Lines art and ant be drawn parallel to the Equa- tor Are, they will be the Repreſentatives of the Polar Circles in this Projection the Northermoſt; or ar t the Reprclentative of the Artic Circle, the Southermoft or ant the Antartic Circle: In like manner, if the Chords of 10, 20, 30, degrees, “c. be ſet of in the Solftitial Colure from A to 10, to 20, to 30,6 c. and from 2 to jo, 10 20,0 30,6c and the Chord Lines 10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30, 6c.be drawn; or if at the diſtance of the S. of 10, 20, 30, deg. 6c Lines as 10 10, 20 20, 30 30,6 c. be drawn parallel to theEquator, they will be the Repreſentatives of the Parallels of 10, 20, 39, deg &c. of Declination in this Projection; and after the ſame manner may the Parallels of Latitude or Parallels to the Ecliptic or be drawn The Hour Circles, or Circles of Right Aſcenſion, which are great Circles interſeccing each other in the Poles of the World, and cutting the Equator at Right-angles, are inclined to the Plane of the Pro- je&ion, at Angles of 15, 30, 45 deg. c. and conſequently will be repreſented in the Projection by Ellipſis's, by Cor. the roth, having their tranſverſe Axis equal to each other, and to the Diameter of the Bbbb 2 * Sphere 550 Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere Sphere, by the 11th Cor. and their conjugate or ſhorteſt Diame- ters equal to the double Co-fine of their reſpective Inclinations to the Plane of the Projection, or to the double Sine of their reſpective diſtances from the Pole of the Projection, meaſured in the Arch of the great Circle that pafles thro the Pole, and cuts the given Circle at Right angles; wherefore if the Sines of 15, 30, 45, deg. &c. to the Radius of the Projection re be laid off in the Equator A l, from r to 7 and 5, 108 and 4, 109 and 3, c. we ſhall have the conjugate Diameter, &c. 7.5, 8.4, 9.3, &c. of the Ellipſes repreſenting the ſeveral Hour Circles in this Projection, whole common tranſverſe Axis is the Axis of the Sphere, or Six a Clock Hour Circle PrS; wherefore it about the common tranſverſe Axis PřS and the ſeveral conjugate Diameters 7-5,8 4,9 3,6c. tlie leveral El- lipſis's P5 S7P, P 8 54 P, P 9 S 3 P, &c. be drawn), we ſhall have the ſeveral Reprefuncitives of the ſeveral Hour Circles in this Projection : And among the various Methods made Uie of by the Conic Writers, for the Conſtruction of an Ellipſis that ſhall paſs thro the extream points of any two Diameters, tone is more eaſy and ſeems better adapted to our preſent Buſineſs, than that Method that is performed by the help of the Line of Sines. It has been demoſtrated in Page the 5411, that the ſeveral Or- dinates cb, fe, zw, &c. in any Ellipſis, as ſuppoſe 5 P 7 S, are in the ſame Proportion to each other, as are their correſpondent Ordi- nates 10 h, 20.1, 30.2, 6c in the circumſcribed Circle HPOS; but the Ordinates 10.b, 20.4, 20.w, &c. in the Circle APQ S, are as the Sines of their reſpective diſtances from their common Pole P, or as the Co ſines of their reſpective diſtances from the Diameter of the Circle Al to which they are parallel, to the Radius or Semidiameter A = of the circumſcribing Circle AP QS; wherefore theſe ſeveral Ordinates bc, fe, zw, &c in the Ellipfis 5 P7 S, will be directly as the Sines of their reſpective diſtances from the coinmon Pole P, or as the Co-fines of their diſtance from the conjugate Dia- meter 7 r s to which they are all parallel, to the Radius 77, the Semi conj.:gate Diameter : And inaſmuch as the ſame Law obtains in every other Ellipfis that can be drawn about the common Axis PS; hence we are taught a very ready and expeditious Way of de- ſcribing the Hour Circles in this Proje&tion. For having made r7 the Semi-conjugate Diameter of the Ellipſis 7's S, equal to the Sine of so deg. oo min. upon the sector, if the Sines of the reſpeđive Arches P 10, P 20, P 30, Óc. be taken off from the fame sector, thus extended and laid upon the ſeveral Oro Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 551 Ordinates rob, 200, 30 w, and from the points b, e, w, C. CO c, f, and i, we ſhall have ſo many points thro which the Periphery of the Ellipſis muſt paſs; thus if the Arches P 10, P 20, P 30, 6c. be ſuppoſed to be Arches of 80, 70, 60, &c. degrees, if the Sines, of 80, 70, 60, degrees, bo to the Radius 77, be ſet off in the reſpective Ordinates 10k, 20 e, 30w, &c. from the points b, e, w, &c where thoſe Ordinates interſect the tranſverſe Axis of the Ellipfis, to the points e, f, i, &c. they will give ſo ma- ny points in the Periphery of the Ellipſis to be deſcribed ; and after the lame manner may an infinite number of other points be found, thro which if a Curve Line be drawn, it will give the Repreſenta- tive of the relpective Hour Circle in this Projectio : Theſe things being premiſed, Ler it be required to draw the firſt Hour Circle from the Six a Clock Hour Circle, that is the four Circle of Seven in the Morn- ing and Five in the Evening, or of Five in the Morning and Seven in the Evening, for the ſame Hour Circle in the Projection repreſents theſe four leveralCircles upon the Globe ; inaſmuch therefore as this Circle is 5 Hours diſtant from the 12 a Clock Hour Circle, and confequently its Plane is inclined to the Plane of the Meridian, or to the Plane in this Caleo the Projection, at an Angle of 75 degrees, if che Sine of 15 degrees its Complement to the Radius of the Pro- jection Ar, be laid off in the Equator from to 5 and 7, we ſhall have the two Extremities 5 and 7 of the conjugate Diameter, and if th:Semi-conjugate Diameter 77, be made equal to the Sine of 90 d. oo min. upon the Sečtor, and the Sines of 80, 70, 60. 50, and 40 degrees, at the ſame opening of the Se&tor, be ſet off in the Lines 13b 10, 20 e 20, 30f 30, 401 40, 50050, Gc. drawn thro the Extremities of the Icveral Arches A10, 1020, 20.30, 30.40, 40.50, doc. in the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection of 10 deo grees each, from their common Inscríection b, e, h, i, o, with the tranſverſe Axis of the Ellipſis on each ſide, to the points e and d, f and g, i and k, m and n, &c. and thro thoſe ſeveral points and the Poles P and S, a Curve Line be drawn, it will be the Repreſentative of the Five a Clock, Cc. Hour Circle in this Projection; and after the fame manner may every other Hour Circle as 8 P 4S, 2P3S, 10 P 2 S, &c. or any Circle of Right Aſcenſion be drawn. Circles of Cæleſtial Lengitude, inalmuch as they interſect each o- ther in the Poles of the Ecliptic t anda, and cut the Ecliptic s pivo which is here repreſented by a Right-line, at. Right-angles, are of CON*** 552 Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere conſequence inclined to the Plane of the Projection, and are t"cre. fore reprefented by Ellipſis's, whoſe common tranſverſe Axis is the Axis of the Ecliptict ra, and whoſe conjugate Diameters are equal to the Co fines of their reſpective Inclinations to the Plane of the Solſtitial Colure, and conſequently are projected after the ſame man- ner as the Hour Circles are in the ſame Projection ; thus for Exam- ple, if it were required to draw the Circle of Longitude paſſing thro the firſt points of Gemini and Sagittarius, or of Leo and Aquarius, for each of theſe are repreſented by the ſame Circle of Longi- tude in this Projc&tion, inaſmuch as this Circle is inclined to the Plane of the Solſtitial Colure at an Angle of 30 degrees, if the Sine of 60 degrees to the Radius of the Projection, be ſer off in the E- cliptic from r or, for both are repreſented here by the ſame point to I or 11, and to me and f, we ſhall have the two Extremities of the conjugate Diameter, thro which two points and the Polest and r of the Ecliptic, or the Extremities of the common tranſverſe Axis prs, an Ellipfis be drawn after the manner caught in the former Example, it will be the Repreſentative of the Circle of Longitude in this Projection ; and becauſe the ſeveral Parallels of Cæleſtial La- titude are all parallel to the Ecliptic, and conſequently perpendicu- lar to the Plane of the Projection, they will all be repreſented by Right-lines in this Proje&tion, and may be drawn if required, after the ſame manner as the Parallels of Declination are in the fame Pro- je&ion. And becauſe the Vertical or Azimuth Circles, interſect each other in the points 2 and N, repreſenting'the Zenith and Nadir, and cut the Horizon H r o at Right-angles, and which is here repreſented by a Right-line, are of conſequence inclined to the Plane of the Meridian APOS, and are alſo conſequently repreſented here by Ellipfis's whoſe common tranverſe Axis will be the Right-line z'r N, the Repreſentative of the Prime Vertical, or Circle of Eaſt and Weſt, and their ſeveral conjugate Diameters, the Right-lines of the Com- piement of their ſeveral Inclinations to the Planes of the Meridiani, or to the Sines of the ſeveral Angles that their reſpective Planes forin with the Prime Veitical Z r N, and may therefore be projected after the ſame manner as the Hour Circles and Circles of Longitude are in the ſame Projection, and inaſmuch as the ſeveral Almican- thers or Parallels of Altitude are all parallel to the Horizon, and cut the Prime Vertical at Right-angles, and conſequently are per, pendicular to the Plane of the Projection, they will all be repreſented by of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 553 by Right-lines, and are projccted after the ſame manner as the Ciri cles of Declination, or Parallels of Cæleftial Latitude aru, by ſet ting off the Sines of their respe&ive Heights above the Horizon, or the Co-lines of their respective diſtances from the Zenith, in the Prime Vertical form v to 2, and drawing thro thoſe reſpective points, Lines parallel to the Horizon, till they incerfect the Periphery of. the Plane of the Projection. Havng thus thew how all the Principal, great and ſmall Circles of the Sphere, may b: drawn upon this plane, I !hall as a farther Inſtance of the univerfality of the General Rules laid down in the former Part of this Sciłon, lhtw how all the fame Circles may be drawn upon the Plane ot the Horizon :. Let it therefore be re. quired in Example 2. To draw the Hour Circles or Circles of Right Aſcenſion, Paral. lels of Declination, Tropics, Eclipric. &c. Orihographically upon The Plane of the Horizon, for the Latitude of sideg. 32 min. North, In Plate the sth, Let ZrHON repreſent the Horizon, upon whoſe Plane the Sphere is to be projected, then will its Periphery ZHEN be the Circumference of a Circle, by the firft Cor. and :its Center the Pole of the Projection. And becaufe the Eye is ſuppoled to be placed at an infinite die ſtance in that Right-line that paffes thro the Zenith and Nadir and the Center of the Sphere, the Vertical or Azimuth Circlesinaſmuc! as they interfect each other in the Zenith and Nadir, which in this Cafe is repreſented by the poinr 2, and cut the Horizon at Right- angles, will all be reprefenred by Right-lines by Cor. the 3d, in- terfecting each other in the point z, the Center and Pole of the Projection, and forming Angles with cach other equal to thoſe that they repreſent upon the Sphere it ſelf, Wherefore, Having drawn the Diameter r 2 , to repreſent the Prime Ver- tical, or Circle of Eaſt and Weſt, at Right-angles to it draw the Diameter HZN, this will repreſent the Meridian, or Circle of North and South Azimuth, and if the ſeveral Angles that the feveral Azimuth Circles form with the Meridian, be laid off in the Peri. phery of the Plane of the Projectic n, from 11 towards , or from N towards y, and thro thoſe points and the Center Z, Right-lines be drawn, they will be the Repreſentatives of to many Azimuths Z so oo 701 30 80 20 69 P 10 im 10 3 R + E me 8 60 Z 30 B В H O K th F 30 20 20 m 31 a 10 101 / 1112 e 13 S Vs Р N 554 Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere or Vertical Circies in this Projection ; thns if it were required to draw a Vertical or Azimuth Circle, that ſhall form an Angle of 30 degrees with the Meridian, fet off 30 degrees in the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection from H to b, or from N to d, and draw the Diameter h z d, this will repreſent the Azimuth or Ver- rical Circle to be drawn, and by proceeding after the ſame manner, may any other Azimuth or Vertical Circle be drawn, but thef: aré omitted to avoid Confuſion. The Arch of the Meridian intercepted between the Zenith of a. ny Place and the Pole, is equal o the Complement of the La itude of that Place; wherefore if the Sine of 38 deg 20 min. the Corn. plement of the given Latitude be ſet off in the Meridian from Z 1o P, it will give the Repreſentative of the North Pole in this Projec- rior. As the Equinoctial is a great Circle deſcribed about the Pole as a quadrantal diſtance from it, cutting the Horizon or Periphery of the Plane of the Projection in the oppoſite points of Aries and Libra, and confequently is inclined to the Plane of the Horizon, at an Angle of 28 deg. 20 min. equal to the Complement of the Laricude of de Place, it will therefore be projected into an Ellipfis, by the Joth peceling Corollary. Wherzo e If the Right Snz of 51 deg. 30 min. or the diſtance of the Equi- tor from the Zanichi, meaſured in the Arch of ihe Meridian, or the Complement of the Inclination. he laid off in the Meridian trom Z to A The contrary way with the Pole point p, it will give one Extre- mity d of the Semi-conjugate Diameter 2 A of the Ellipfis, about whích and the tranſverſe Axis r 2 , if the Semi-Ellipfis Y A A be drawn according to the manner taught in Page the 55114, we ſhall have the Repreſentative of the upper half of the Equator to be drawn upon this plane. And again, as the Six a Clock hour Circle is a great Circle of the Sphere, that curs the Meridian ar Right-angles paſſing thro the Pole P, and conſequently inclined to the Plane of the Projection, at an Angle of 51 deg. 30 min. it will therefore be projected into an Ellipfis in this Projection, if the Sine of 38 deg. 30 min. the Com- plement of its Inclination, be ſet off in the Meridian from 2 top it will give one Extremity p, of the Semi.conjug te Diameter ZP of the Ellipfis repreſenting this Circle, whoſe tranſverſe Axis will be the Diameter r 2 , that paſſes thro the Center z, and cuts the Meridian at Right-angles, about which Diameter, if the Semi-Fl- lipſis Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 555.- lipfis r P be drawn, after the Method taught in the 551 Page, we ſhall have the Repreſentative of the upper half of the Six a Clock Hour Circle in this Projection. And becauſe the reſt of the Hour Circles interſect each other in the Pole point, and cut the Equator at Right-angles, dividing it into equal Parts or Portions of 15 Degrees each, if about the common Semi-conj gate Diameter Z P, and the ſeveral Semi-tranſverſe Dia- meters Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4, &c. the ſeveral Semi-Ellipfis's Pi, 2P2, 3 P 3, 4P 4, &c. be drawn after the manner taught in the former Example we ſhall have theRepreſentatives of the leveral Hour Circles to be drawn upon this plane, as is abundantly maniteſt from what has been ſaid. The Ecliptic is a great Circle of the Sphere inclined to the Plane of the Equator, at an Angle of 23 deg. 29 min. and conſequently if the Southern half be Elevated above the Plane, muſt form an An- gle of 14 deg. 59 min. with the Plane of the Horison, equal to the Difference between the two Inclinations 38 deg. 28 min. and 23 deg. 29 min but an Angle of 61 deg. $7 min. equal to the Sum of the two Inclinations 38 deg. 28 min and 23 deg. 29 min. if the Nor- thern half of the Ecliptic be elevated above the Plane of the Eclip- tic, and conſequently in either Cafe will be repreſented by a Semi- Elliplis, whoſe common tranſverſe Diameter will be che Diameter rŻ, that connects the Interſection of the two Circles together ; wherefore if the Sines of 75 deg. or min and 28 deg. 03 min. the Complements of the Inclinacions of the two Semi-Eiliplis's, be lec off in the Meridian HZ N, trom 2 the Center, to w and s, we ſhall have the Semi-conjugate Diameters SZW and Zs of the two Semi-Ellipfis's to be drawn, about which and the common tranſ- verſe Axis Z, if the Ellipfis's in w and r s be drawn, we ſhall have the Repreſentative of either half of the Ecliptic upon this Proje&ion. Circles of Celeſtial Longitude, which interfe&t cach other in the Poles of the Ecliptic,and cut the Ecliptic at Right-angles, dividing it into equal Parts or Portions, are projected after the ſame manner as the Hour Circles or Circles of Right Afcenfion are ; which interſell each other in the Poles of the World, and cut the Equator a Right- angles, but theſe are omitted in this Proje&ion, to avoid Confuſion, and may be eaſily ſupplied if there be occafion. Almicanthers, or Parallels of Attitude, inaſmuch as they arei parallel to the Horizon, or in this Caſo to the Periphery of the Plane of the C cc c + Pro- i 556 of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere Projection, will by the 7th Cor. become Circles in the Proje&ion, will have the Center z, or Pole of the Proje&ion for their common Center, by the 8th Cor. and their reſpective Radij will be equal to the Sines of their reſpective diſtances, from the Zenith or Pole of the Proje&tion 2, or to the Co-fines of their Elevations above the Plane of the Projection; wherefore if about the Center or the Pole of the Projection 2, or the Repreſentative of the Zenith, a Circle be de- fcribed whoſe Radius is equal to the Sine of the diſtance of that Cir- cle from the Zenith, or to the Co-line of its Elevation above the Plane of the Horizon, you will have the Repreſentative of that Parallel of Alticu e upon this Projection ; Thus, if it were required to draw a Parallel of 40 degrees of Altitude in this Projection, becauſe this Circle is diſtant from the Zenith so degrees, the Complement of 40 degrees, if about the Center Z, at the diſtance of the Sine of so deg. a ſmall Circle as 40.40, 40.4", be drawn, it will be the Re preſentative of the Parallel of 40 degrees of Altitude upon this Plane ; and the ſame Method muſt be obſerved in drawing of any other Pa- rallel of Altitude whatſoever. The Tropics, Polar. Circles, and Parallels of Declination, inaſmuch as they are parallel to the Equator, will be inclined to the Plane of the Projection, and will therefore be projected into Ellipſis's, by the 13th Cor. having their conjugate Diameters coincident to the Meri- dian HZ N, by the 16th Cor. their conjugate or ſhorteſt Diaineters equal to the Sum or Difference of tbeir greateſt and leaſt diſtances from the Pole of the Proje&ion, in this Cafe the Zenith 2, by the 17th Cor. and their tranſverſe Axis's or longeſt Diameters, equal to the doubleCo-ſine of the diſtance of the reſpect ve ſmall Circles diſtance from its Polez, by the 14thCor. ſo that if it were required to project, the Artic Circle in this Proje&ion, inaſmuch as it is diſtant from the North Pole by the Space of 23 deg. 29 min. leſs than the diſtance between the Pole and the Zenith, equal in our preferi Cafe to 38 deg 28 min, it will fall indirely on the ſame ſide of the Zenith; wherefore if the Sine of or deg. 57 min. the Sine of 38 deg. 28 min. , the diſtance of the Pole from the Zenith' and 23 deg. 29 min. the diſtance of the Artic Circle from the Pole, be ſet of' in the Meridian from Z to R, we ſhall have one Extremity of the conjugate Diame- ter, and it the Sine of 14 deg. 59 min. the Difference between 38 deg. 28 min. the diſtance between the two Poles, and 23 deg. 29 min the ſmall Circles diſtance, be laid off on the ſame side of the Zenith from 2 to be we shall have the other Extremity of the con- jugate i of the Orthographic Proje&tion of the Sphere 557 jugate Diameter at; wherefore if this $be biſected by the Right line rc, equal in Length to the double Right fine of 23 deg. 29min- the diſtance of the Artic Circle from the Pole, to the Radius of the Projection r Z or ZH, we ſhall have the two extream points of the tranſverſe Diameter, chro which and the two Extremities a and t, of the conjugats Diameter, if an Ellipfis be drawn, we ſhall have the Reprelentative of the Artic Circle in this Projcaion. Again, if the Tropic of Cancer were to be projeEted, becauſe the diſtance of the Tropic of Cancer from the North or uppermoft Pole 66 deg. 31 min, is greater than 38 deg. 28 min. the diſtance of the two Poles of the Horizon and Equator, this Circle will fall on contrary Sides of the Zenith Z; wherefore if the Sine of 104 deg. 59 min the Sum of 66 deg. 31 min. and 38 deg. 29 min. be let off from Z towards H, it will give ore Extremity of the conjugate Diameter, and if the Sine of 28 deg. 03 min. the Diffe rence between 66 deg. 31 min and 38 deg. 29 min be ſet off from Z the contrary way to %, it will give the other Extremity % of the conjugate Diameter, ard if this conjugate Diameter be biſfeated by a Line at Righe-angles, equal to the double Sine of 66 deg. 31 min. the diſtance of the Tropic from its Pole, we ſhall have the two Ex- tremities of the tranſverſe Diameter, thro which and the two Ex- tremities of the conjugate Diameter before determined, if the Peri- phery of an Ellipfis be drawn, it will be the. Reprelentative of the Tropic of Cancer in this Projection. After the ſame manner were the Tropic of Capricon, and the for veral Parallels of Declination in the Figure drawn. Parallels of Cæleſtial Latitude or Parallels to the Ecliptic, inaſmuch as they are inclined to the Plane of the Projection, wil be repreſented by Ellipfis's in this Projection, and are drawn after the ſame manner as the Parallels of Declination are in the former Cale, regard being had to the Poſition of their Pole, and their respective diſtances from it ; but theſe as well as the Circles of Longitude themſelves are pura poſely omitted to avoid Confuſion ; eſpecially ſince if there be oco cafion for them, they may eaſily and readily be done by the Rules al- keady delivered. Asithe different Appearances of the ſameCircles of the Sphere upon different Planes, ariſes only from the different Inclinations of the Planes of chofe Circles to the Plane of the Circleupon which they are to be repreſented, ſo the Rules here delivered for drawing the ſeveral Cir- cles of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Horizon Orthographically, will, Serve for drawing of the ſame Circles upon the Plane of rhe Equator, CCCC7 558 Of the Orthographic Proje£fion of the Sphere it we confider the Vertical or Azimuth Circles, and Parallels of Altitude, as Hour Circles and Parallels of Declination in the former Example, and the contrary ; Since the inclination of the Prime Verti- cal to the Plane of the Equator, is the ſame with the Inclination of the Six a Clock Hour Circle to the Plane of the Horizon. The ſame Rules will extend likewile to the drawing of the ſame Circles upon the Piane of the Ecliptic, if we conſider the Six a Clock Hour Circle as inclined to the Plane of the Proje&ioni, at an Angle of 66 deg. 31 min. as it really is, inſtead of 38 deg. 32 min. as in the former Example, and the Inclination of the relt offthe great Circles, and the diſtances of the Interſections of the ſeveral fmall Circles with the Meridian, from the Pole of the Ecliptic, in this Cafe the Pole of the Proje&ion accordingly; and therefore I ſhall omit ſhewing the particular manner of drawing them here, upon thoſe two Planes, not doubting but upon Occafion, the Intelligent Reader will readily and eaſily perform them himſelf, Altho every Reprefentation of the Sphere upon the Plane on which theCircles are projected, according to ſomcknown and eſtabliſh'd Law, are fufficient to exhibit all the various Triangles form'd upon the Surface of the Sphere, by the mucual Interſections of the ſeveral great Circles deſcribed upon it, and account for all the various Ap- pearances ariſing from the diurnal Motion of the Cæleſtial Bodies, yet ſuch only are retained for common Uſe, wherсin the Triangles themſelves are expreſſed to the moſt Advantage, and the Repreſen- tatives of the Circles themſelves are drawn with the greateſt Eale; and hence it is that the Stereographic Projections of the Sphere are preferr'd before all other in common Practice, becauſe the Circles of the Sphere in general, are projeđed upon all Planes, either into Right-lines, than which nothing is more ſimple, or into Circles, which of all Curves are the moſt perfect; and are conſtructed with the greateſt Eaſe, and that among the many various Reprſen- tations of the Sphere upon Planes, that upon the Plane of the Meri- dian is preferr'd before all others; for the Solution of the common Problems, relating to the Riſing and Setting of the Sun or Stars, Óc. and that theReprelentation of the ſame Circles upon the Plane of the Horizon is preferr'd before others for the Solution of Sciotherical Pro- Hems, and that the Projection of the ſame Circles upon the Plane of the Equator, for the repreſenting the Cæleftial Images or Constel- tations, &c; becaufe) the ſeveral Triangles that are requiſite for the Solution of the various Problems peculiar to each Branch of Science, 1 are of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 559 are exhibited to very grear Advantage in thoſe ſeveral Repreſentaci- ons, and the Ules for which they are ſeverally deſigned, are per- formed with the greateſt Eaſe and Certainty: And altho the Ortho- graphic Repreſentations in general, fall ſhort of theſe, in the conſtruc- ting of the Problems and their Solutions by the Proje&ions themſelves, upon account of the Circles that are inclined to the Plane of the Pro- jection, being repreſented by Ellipfis's, which being not Geometrical Curves, muſt be drawn per puncta, requiring conſequently more cime in the Performance than in the drawing of Circles, and being fubje& to leſs degrees of Accuracy; yer as every particular Proje&ion of the Sphere, has its particular Advantage above another in the So- lution of ſome kind of Problems, fo the Representation of the Cir- cles of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Solftitial Colure, when it is ſuppoſed to lye under the Meridian, has ics peculiar Excellencies in giving Solutions to the uſual Problems ariſing from the diurnal Motion of che Sun, &c. with greater Expedition and Exactneſs in moſt Caſes, than any other kind of Projection whatſoever will doe, as will more evidently appear in the Sequel of this Section From what has been ſaid concerning Orthographic Projection, it is abundantly manifeſt, that any Part or Portion of a greatCircle that is projected into a Right-line, which for diſtin&ion Sake is called a Right Circle, intercepted between the Center and any other point ta- ken in the ſame proje&ted great Circle, is equal to the Right-fine of the Arch of that great Circle that it repreſents.; thus in Plate the 4th it is manifeft, that rw the Repreſentative of the Arch A $ of the great Circle APON, is equal to D the Right-line of the ſame Arch A %; and conſequently any Part or Portion of the ſame pro.. jected Right Circle, intercepted between any two given points, is equal to the Sum of the Sines of the two Arches intercepted bes tween the Pole of the Projection and each Extremity of the given Arch, if the Pole lye within the given Arch, but to the Difference of the Right-fines of the fame two Arches if the Pole of the Plane of the Projection lye without the given Arch'; or which is the fame thing, if the given Arch lye intirely on the ſame ſide of the Pole, for in the Figure in Plate the 4th, the Arch Ww of the projected greaca Circle PS, is equal to rw trw, the Sum of the Sines of the Arches t so and Ave, the diſtance of each of the Extremities of the given Arch % vp, of which the given Right-line Ww is the Repre lentative, from A (in this Cafe the Pole of the Proje&ion) upon che Surface of the Sphere, but w7 the Repreſentative of the Arch of the Peria 560 of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere Periphery sa, is equal to the Difference of the Right- fines ro and rw, of the Arches A a and AS, the diſtances of the Extremi- ties a and 5 of the Arch l, from the Pole A of the Proje&ion. And becauſe the ſmall Circle deſcribed upon the Surface of the Sphere, of which the Right-line sec, is the Repreſentative, in- alniuch as it is parallel to the Equator, and conſequently with the Equator cuts off equal Portions of the ſeveral Hour Circles or Cir- cles of Right Aſcenſion deſcribed upon the Surface of the Sphere : And inalmuch as the fame happens to every other ſmall Circle that is parallel to the Equator, or to any other great Circle whatſoever. it is manifeſt that the ſeveral Parts or Portions AS, Z 7, un ys, &c. of the ſeveral projected Hour Circles PAS & P755, Pwr S, &c. contained or intercep-ed between the Diameter A2, the Repreientative of the Equator, and the Right-line © wc, the Repreſentative of a ſmall Circle parallel to the Equator, ſuppoſe the Tropic of Cancer, or of any other Portio is 40 A, m 7Ir, 12.5, &c. contained or intercepted between the Repreſentatives 40 m, 1, n, 40, of any otheriſmallCircle parallel to the Equater, and conſequently the Portions of any other Number of great Circles, that cut any proje&ted Right Circle at Right-angles, contained be tween the projected Right Circle and the Repreſentative of any ſmall Circle parallel to its ſelf, are equal to each other, and to the Right-fine of that ſmall Circies diftance from the great Circle 10 which it is parallel ; whence it follows univerſally, that any Part or Portion of any proje&ed great Circle intercepted between any two Parallels, is equal to the Sum of the Sines of the diſtances of thoſe fmall Circles from the great Circle to which they are paral- lel, if the ſmall Circles lye on contrary ſides of the great Circle to which they are parallel, but to the Difference of the Right-lines of the diſtances of each of thoſe ſmall Circles from the great Circle to which it is parallel, if the ſmall Circies lye on the ſame ſide of the great Circle to which they are parallel ; thus in Plate the 4th, the Arch Zz of the projected great Circle PZ2 S, contained or inter- cepted between the Parallel c and x , is equal to r Wtrw, Sum of the Sines of the Arches A % and Ax, the diſtances of the Parallel se and x v, from the great Circle Ae to which they are parallel, but the Arch Z m of the ſame proje&ed great Circle PZ Z S contained or intercepted between the Parallels A la and and A 40, is equal to the Difference of r I and rw, the Sine of the Arches y w, the Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 561 1 Arches A 40 and AS, the diſtances of the Parallels from the great Circle AL, to which they are parallel. And Hence we are caught how to lay off any Number of Degrees in any projected great Circle from any given point, or to meaſure any Part or Portion of it when projected ; and becauſe every Spherical Angle is mealured by an Arch of a great Circle deſcribed about the angular point as a Pole, and intercepged between the two Cie: - cles that conſtitute the Angle. Hence we are taught how to conſtru& any Angle Orthographical- ly, or to meaſure any Angle when projected. And inaſmuch as any two great Circles which interfed each o- ther in any given point, formirg thereby with each other any given Angle, cut off between themſelves, equal Portions of all the finall Circles that are drawn about the angular point, or point of Inter- ſedion as a Pole, equal to each other, and to the Arch of the great Circle the Meaſure of the given Circle: it follows, becauſe ihe great Circles P 8 S, P7 S, PrS, &c. form equal Angles with each other, that the Portions xm, ml, I n, nyo &c. and Si, ih, hk, k , &c. of the Parallels 401 40 and 30 h 30, drawn about the an gular point P as a Pole, are equal to each other, and to the Arches 87, 7 r r 5, &c. of the great Circle Al, deſcribed about the angular point P as a Pole, and intercepted between the given great Circles P 8 S, P7S, Prs, &c. And again, inaſmuch as the ſeveral Portions al, m6, 6 h, im, &c. of the ſmall Circle 401, 30 m, &c. are Ordinates in the El- lipfis, and conſequently are to each other as the correſpondent Or- dinates 40 l, 30 in, of the circumſcrbing Circle APOS: And in aſ much as the Ordinates in the Circle ars, are the Sines of their reſpective diſtances from the Pole of the great Circle to which they are parallel, it follows that the ſeveral Portions él, ml, bh, and ib, are as the Sines of their reſpective diſtances from their common Pole P, to the ſeveral Radij 401, 30 m, &c. and hence we are taught a ready way to mealure any Part or Portion of a projected ſmall Circle, that is projected into a Right-line, or to lay off any Num- ber of Degrees upon it when projected, AS aný Part or Portion of a ſmall Circle that is projected into a Circle, is meaſured after the ſame manner as a common Rectilinear Angle is, and any Number of degrées laid off upon it, in the ſame manner as we conſtruct a Plane Angle ; and inaſmuch as any part or portion of a ſmall Circle that is projeâed into an Ellipfis is meaſu- red * .. . 다 ​2 : 6 10 440 -H A me - L 10 110 2 해 ​N 562 of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere red, and any Number of Degrecs laid off upon it, after the ſame manner as we meaſure any Aich, or lay off any Number of degrees in a projected great Circle inclined to the Plane of the Projection, regard being had to the tranſverſe Axis and conjugate Diameter of the given Ellipfis. Hence we are taught univerſally, how to lay off any Number of Degrees in a projected ſmallCircle, or to meaſure any Part or Portion of it when projected- The great Analogy between the Repreſentatives of the ſeveral Portions of every projceted great or ſmall Circle, and their corre- ſpondent Sines, which in great Circles that are either inclined to, or ſtand at Right-angles to the Plane of the Proje&tion, as well as in every ſmall Circle that cuts the Periphery of the Plane of the Projection at Right angles, are ever equal to the Sines of the Arches they repreſent upon the Surface of the Sphere, and may therefore be fublticuted in the room of the Arches themſelves, is a peculiar Property of Orthographic Proje{tion ; and renders the Solution of all Allronomical Problems, by the Projection of the Sphere upon the Plane of the Meridian, much more ſimple and eaſy than any other kind of Proje&tion of the Sphere upon any other Plane can do; as will more evidently appear from the following Examples. Let it therefore be required by the figure in Plate the 4th, which is an Orthographic Projection of the Prolemaic Sphere; ſuppoſing the Eye placed at an infinite diſtance upon the Line produced from the Center, thro the vernal Section, the Solſtitial Colure- beirg under the Meridian, and the whole adapted to the Latitude (ſuppoſe) of London, which is 5 i deg. 32 min. North, to find (the Sun's place being firft ſuppoſed to be known or given.) 1. His Right Aſcenſion. 2. His preſent Declination, the greateſt Obliquity of the Eclip- tic being fixed at 23 deg. 29 min, whence ånd from the Latitude vf 3. His Amplitude, Rifing and Setting, that is how many degrees he riſes and fers from the true Eaſt or Weft points of the Horizon. 4. His Aſcenſional Difference, or how long be riſes or ſets before or after the Hour of Six. 5. His height, at the hour of Six. 6. His Azimuth, or on what point of the Compaſs he ſtands, from the points of Eat and Weft, at the hour of Six. the Place, 7. His of the Orthographic Proje&tion of the Sphere 563 . 7. His Height when he appears due Eaſt or Weft. 8. The Time when he appears due Eaſt or Weft. 9. His Height at any Time when he is in the Equator. 10. His Azimuth at any time when he is in the Equator. 11. His Height at any time when he is in any point of the Ecliptic. 12. His Azimuth on the ſame point at any given Hour; and of theſe in their Order, And let us ſuppoſe the Sun to be in 8 degrees of Taurus, and let it be required to find his correſpondent Right Aſcenſion and Declination Now becauſe in this caſe the Sun is diſtant from the nextEquinoctial point 38° oo' if the Right-line of 38° oo' to theRadius of the Proje&ion Ai, be ſet off in the Ecliptic from r towards % to o, it will give O for the Place of the Sun in this Proje&ion; and if thro this point O and the Poles P. and S, a Circle of Right Aſcenſion as POR be drawn, it will cut off an Arch 1 R, of the Equino&ial equal to the Right-fine of 35 deg. 37 min. to the Radius of the Proje&tion Ar, and the Arch Ó R of the Circle of Right Aſcenſion POR, equal to 14 deg. 12 min. will be the correſpondent Right Aſcenſion, which is found by drawing a Right-line as TO D, thro the Place of the Sun parallel to Arl, till it cut the Periphery of the Plane of the Proje&ion in T; for then the Arch of the Meridian TA, will be e- qual to the Arch of the Ellipfis OR, which may be meaſured by the Line of Chords. Bar inaſmuch as the ſmall Circle To D is parallel to the Equator, it is manifeſt that r D equal to o R equal to TD, is the Sine of the Arch TA the Meafure of the Arch of the Ellipfis O R, the pre- fent Declination ; wherefore if the neareſt diſtance of the point o from the Equator AQ, be applied to a Line of Sines of the ſame Radius with the Radius of the Proje&ion, it will give at once the correſpondent Declination. And inaſmuch as the Quadrant of the Right Aſcenſion POR, cuts of proportional Arches RT, D, c. from the great Circle Are, and all Imall Circles as To D parallel to it, it follows, that O D has the ſame proportion to TD, as the Arch of the Equi- no&ial FR has to rA; but r R is the Right-line of the Right Aſcenſion, in the preſent Cafe to the Radius of the Proje&ion r A; wherefore D will be the Right-line of the ſame Right Aſcenſion to the Radius TD, wherefore if theArch OD be applied to a Line of Sikes of the fame Radius with TD, it will give the RightAſcenſion requi- Dddd * Icd A . 964 of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere red: So that having found the point , if the neareſt diſtance of that point be applied to the Line of Sines upon the Se&tor, and fitted to the Radius r A, it will give the preſent Declination, and the near- eft diitance of the fame point from the Axis or Equino&ial Colure, being applied to a Line of Sines whoſe Radius.is. equal to TD will give the preſent Right Aſcenſion: So that in the preſent Caſe having found the point. C, there is no need of drawing the Ellipfis POR, in order to give a Solution to the Problem, but only of applying the neareſt diſtance of that point O to the Equino&ial and Equino&ial Colure, to proper Scales of Sines, and the proper Requiſites will then be diſcovered. And in order to adapt the sector to any Scale whatſoever, we have no more to do, but to take the given Radius as ſuppoſe I D, be- tween the points of a pair of Compatles, and to open the Sector till one foot of the Compafles being placed in the 90 Degree point of one of the Line of Sines, the other foot of the Compaſles will juſt reach to the 90 Degree point in the Line of Sines upon the other Leg of the sector, and after this manner is the sector fitted to mea- ſure any Part or Portion of any great or ſmall Circle The Sun's Declination being thus determined, let it be required from thence and the Latitude of the Pace of Obſervation, ſuppoſe London, which is placed in so deg: 32 min. of Northern Declina- tion, and to which this Projection is adapted, to find the Amplitude and Aſcenſional Difference; and that the Arches may be the more conſpicuous, let us ſuppoſe the Sun to be in the firſt point of Can- cer, when his Declination is 23 deg. 29 min. North. Wherefore, Having drawn the ſmall Circle S wc parallel to the Equator, and to repreſent the parallel of the Sun's diurnal Courſe, where this inter- ſeats the Horizon as in the point B, it will give the point of the Sun's riſing or ſetting, and conſequently the diſtance of this point B from the point r, which repreſents the Eaſt and Weſt points of the Hori- zon, will be the Righc-line of the Sun's Amplitude ; and being ap- plied to a Line of Sines whore Radius is ro, it will be found to give 39 deg. 50 min. the San's Amplitude in the preſent Cafe, and if the Arch B. w of the Parallel % C, or Parallel of the Sun's diur- naj Courſe, be meaſured by a Ljæe of Sines, whofe Radius. is equal to s wor w C, the Semi-Length of the Parallel, it will give 33 deg. q9 min. equal to 2 hor. 12 min. 36 ſec. for the Aſcenſional Diffe- rence, or time that the Sun riſes before, and lets after the Hour of Six. For if chro the point Ba Quadrant of an Ellipfis or Hour- Circle Of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere 505 ? Wenn Circle be drawn, as PBM, it is manifeſt that rm equal in Value to w B, the diſtance between the aſcending points r'and m is the preſent Aſcenſional Difference. Again, the Sun being ſuppoſed to be in the ſame point of the E- cliptic as before, and it be regiuired to find the sth and 6th Regui- ſites, that iş his Height and Azimuth at the Hour of Six, if from the point w The Interfe&tion of the parallel of the Sun's diurnalCourſe with the Axis or Six a Clock Hour Circle, the Right-line w C, be drawn, it will be equal to the Right-line of 150 07' the Sun's Azimuth at that time from the Eaſt or Weſt points of the Horizon the Radius C 60, as will a perpendicular Line let fall from the ſame point w upon the Horizon H0, give 18 deg, 11 min. for the Sun's Altitude at that time, if meaſured by a Line of Sines adapted to the Radius of the Proje&ion, as is very maniteſt, if thro the Pole P and the point w, a Quadrant of an Ellipſis or Hour Circle as ZW Fbe drawn. Again, the ſame things being given as before, and it be required to find the 7th and 8th Requiſites, that is the time when he will ap- pear due Eaſt or Weſt, and his Height above the Horizon at that tiinc, if thro the point y the common Interfe&ion of the Parallel of thie Sun's diurnal Courſe and the Prime Vertical Zr N, a Qua- drant of an Ellipſis as Prz, be drawn or imagined to be drawn, fine of 30 deg. 35 min. to the Radius of the Projection « Z for his Alcitude, and the Arch of the parallel yw, cqual to the Right ſine min. equal to or h. 20 m. 44 f. to the Radius 6 w oř wc, for i he time after Six in the Morning, when the sun will appear due Eaſt, but before Six in the Afternoon when he will ap- pear due Weſt. Again," ſuppoſing the Sun to be in the Equator, and it be requi- red to find the 9th and 10th Requiſites, that is his Height and A- zimuth at any Hour of that Day, as ſuppoſe at Three in the After- noon or Nine in the Morning. If thro the points 9 3, where the 3 or 9 a Clock Hour Circle cuts the Equator, in this caſe the path of the Sun's diurnalCourſe, and the Zenith Z a Quadrant of an Ellipfis or Azimuth Circle be drawn, we ſhall have the Arch 93 k for his Altitude at that time above the Horizon; and which will be found to be 26 deg. 6 min. by apply. ing the neareſt diſtance of the point 9 3, from the Horizon, to a Line of Sines, whoſe Radius is equal to the Radius of the Proje&ion, and the Arch of the Horizon r k for his Azimuth, from the Prime Vertical Dddd 2 * of 20 deg im at 566 of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere I fame thing, ' at that time equal to 38°04', and which may be found by applying the Arch of the Horizon r K to a Line of Sines, whoſe Radius is equal to the Radius of the Projeâion, or by applying the neareſt diſtance of the point 9 3, from the Prime Vertical Z ? N, to a Line of Sines whofe Radiusis equal to half the Diameter of the ſmall Circle drawn thro the point 93, parallel to the Horizon po. And laſtly, ſuppofing the Sun to be in the firſt point of Cancer as before, and it be required to find what ſhall be his Height at 40 min. paſt 3 in the Afternoon, or at 20 min. paft 8 in the Morning, each of which cimes are equally diſtant from Noon, and on what point of the Compaſs he will appear at either of thoſe times, and which are theilth and 12th Requiſites. Having drawn a Quadrant of an Ellipſis as P LR, anſwering to the given time, where this incerfects the Parallel of the Sun's diurnal Courſe s C asin L, it will give the Place of the Sun ; or which is the the Hour from Noon, to the Radius ® w from w to L, it will give L for the Place of the Sun at that time; and if chro that point L and the Zenith point Z, a Quadraně of an Ellipſis be drawn, where it interlects the Horizon as in the point m, it will give r m the Right fine of 12 deg. 42 min. to the Radius * H,, for the Azimuth from the Eaft or Weft point of the Horizon, and the Arch Lm of the El- lipfis 2 Lm equal to 40 degrçes nearly, for the Altitude, which may be meaſured by drawing a ſmall Circle thro the point L parallel to the Horizon, till it cut the Meridian, or by applying the Arch of the Prime Vertical intercepted between that Line and the point: T, to a Line of Sines çqual to the Radius of the Proje&ion: And by apply- ing the Portions of the fame Line contained between the point i and the Prime Vertical, to a Line of Sines whoſe Radius is equal to half the Length of the ſmall Circle, drawn thro the point L parallel to the Horizon, we fball have the Azimuth of the Sun at that time from the Eaſt or Weſt point of the Horizon, without being at the pains of drawing the Azimuthal Ellipricat Quadrant ZIM. After the fame manner. may all Allronomical Problems relating to to the Sun or Stars be reſolved by this Projection, by the help of the Line of Sines only. And if any Diameter as Al, each half of it as Ar and als being firſt divided as the Ling of Sings is, be made to move about the Center r, and the ſeveral Hour Circles and Parallels be drawn, the Periphery of the Primiçre Circle being divided into degrees 6. of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere $67 si N the Proje&ion thus prepared, will readily give Solutions to all Pro- blems relating to it by Inſpection only ; and being ſo very cafy for Practice it is uſually paſted upon Boards, and called the Analemma, and is one of the beſt Contrivances for conveying a juft Idea to the Mind of the manner how the ſeveral Triangles are formed by the Interfe&ion of the ſeveral great Çircles deſcribed upon the Sphere in Plano. And as a farther Inſtance of the Excellency of this Property of the Orthographic Projection that I have already exemply- fied, and to thew that Solutions are given by Conſtructions, with leſs Labour and more Exa&tneſs than by the Stereographic Projetion : I ſhall give a Solution to one of the moſt uſeful and common Prob- lems in Astronomy, and that is ſuppoſing it were required to find the Azimuth of the Sun and the Hour of the Day, the Latitude of the Place, the Declination of the Sun, and his Altitude being given Having drawn the Meridian ZONH, the Horizon HO, the Prime Vertical Z N, the Equator al as in the Ste- reographic Proje{tion, draw the ſmall Circle mn parallei to the Equator, at the diſtance of the Sun's. Declination, dia and the ſinall Circle ab parallel to the H Horizon, at the diſtance of the Sine of the Sun's Altitude, where theſe two in- terſéet it will give the Place of the Sun, Band and se will be the Sine of the Sun's A- zimuth from the Prime Vertical to the Radius ac, as will sd be the Sine of the Hour from Noon to the Radius md; and after the ſame manner may all Aſtronomical Problems be er- folved, by the help of the Sines only, without being at the pains- of drawing of Ellipſis's upon this Principal of Orthographic Projection ; and inaſmuch as theſe are all perform'd by Right-lines only, hence it is that Proje&ions of this Kind are called Projections of the Sphere in Plano, as are the Solutions themſelves, uſually called Solutions by the Projection of the Sphere in Plang. How the Triangles are form'd, and how the proper Requiſitos may be found by Calculation, has been ſufficiently ſhewn in the 24 Volume, and therefore I ſhall proceed to lhew in the next Section, how all the former Problems may be reſolved from that true Hypothefis that is grounded upon the Motion of the Earth, it being the moſt con- fontaneous to Reaſon, Experience, and common Obſervation, . 568 Of the Solution of Aſtronomical Problems & 2AAQATALA JSEMARRAZ Section XXII . 1 Containing a Solution of the chief and primary Problems in Aſtronomy, according to the ancient Pythago- rean or Copernican Syſtem of the World. 1 N accounting for the diurnal Phænomena of the heavenly Bodies, and computing the times when the moſt remarkable Appear- ances will happen, we have in the preceding Seation, as well as thro- out the sth Part of the Second Volume, ſuppoled in common with the reft of the Writers upon this Subje&, that the Earth is fixed im- moveable in the Center of the Univerſe, and that the Sun as well as the reſt of the Cæleſtial Bodies, are carried round about this ſlender Ball of ours once in the Space of Twenty-tour Hours nearly, and that beſides-this-diurnal Motion of the Sun, he is carried by his own proper Møtion thro the 'Ecliptic in the Space of 365 Days and 6 Hours nearly, according to the Series or Succeſſion of the Signs from the Weſt towards the Eaſt, moving at the Rate of one degree nearly each Day, and contrary to the Motion of the whole Sphere it ſelf, which is from Eaſt to Weſt; and that inaſmuch as the Axis of the Ecliptic is inclined to the Axis of the Earth, ar an Angle of 23 deg. 29 min. the Sun in moving from the Vernal Equinox to the Tropic of Cancer, or from the Autumnal to the Tropic of Capricorn, and which is performed in the Space of 91 Days nearly; ſeems to deſcribe a Spiral Line in the Heavens, of ſo many Turns or Windings growing narrow- er one than another, till he reaches either Tropic; and after that to go back again in the ſame Spiral Path, till he arrives at the Equino&ial again, from which Motion of his proceeds the variety of Seaſons throughout the habitable World, and the Increaſe and Decreaſe of the Days, in all Places fcituated between the Equator and the Poles, at different times of the Year Let us now proceed to thew how the ſame Appearances may be ac- counted for, and the time when they will happen be determined from the following Suppoſitions, which are allow'd of to be true by the moſt skil- by the Copernican Syſtem 569 skilful Aſtronomers, and have the concurrent Teſtimony of the beſt Obſervations to ſupport them. And 1. That the Sun is placed in the common Center of Gravity of this our Planetary Syſtem, having no Motion proper to himſelf be- fides a Rotation about his ownAxis once in 25 Days 9 Hoursnearly. 2. That the Earth turns round her own Axis once in 24 Hours : and that this diurnal Motion is always equable, uniform, and the fame in every point of its Orbit. 3. That beſides its diurnal Motion about the Axis of the Equator, it is carried round the Sun in a large Path, betwixt the Orbs of Mars and Venus once in a Year. 4. That the Axis of the Earth during its whole Revolution thro its Annual Orb, is conſtantly inclined to the Plane of its Orb at che fame Angle, and is in all points of ic nearly parallel to its ſelf. 5. That the whole Diameter of its Orb, is but as a point in com- pariſon o the inconceiveable immenſe diſtance of the Fixed Stars. Theſe Poſtulata being granted, In Plate the 6th, let r not so repreſent the Annual Orb, in the Periphery of which the Earths Center is carried about the Sun 0, placed near the Center once in a Year, according to the ſucceſſion of the Signs. Thro o draw the Diameter 79 O, this will repreſent the great Equirođial Colure, and at Right-angles to it and thro the fame point , if the Diameter som be drawn, it will be the Repre- fentative of the great SolſtitialColure in the Heavens. On each of the four points, and where thele Lines interſee the great Orb defcribe lo many (mall Circlesæt os, theſe will repreſent the Disk and Pofi- tion of the Earth, at the commencement of the four remarkableSea- fons of the Year. And inaſınuch as the Sun illuminates only one half of the Terrer trial Globe at the fame Moment of Time, (for the Difference ari- fing from the great Diſproportion between the Magnitudes of the Sun and Earth is of no Conſideration in this Place) if thro each of the points e in the four ſeveral Scituations, the Lines set dec, set, & ec be drawn at Right-angles to the Line OE, there will divide- the illuminated part of the Disk from the Obſcure, and are there- fore termed the ſeveral Horizons of the Disk in the four different Poſitions, and conſequently in what Part foever of the Orb the Earth is ſcituated, if thro the Center e, a Right-line be drawn perpendi- cular to the Line conneđing the. Centers of the Sun and Earth, in- aſmuch 570 of the Solution of Aſtronomical Problems af much as this Line is the Repreſentative of that Circle, that is the Bounder or Terminator between Light and Darkneis it becomes the Horizon of the Disk in that Scituation. If the Plane of the great Orb be imagined to be extended infinitely every way, it will form in the Sphere of the Fixed Stars, that Circle which the Center of the Earth to the Eye placed in the Sun will ſeem to delcribe or trace out, by her annual Motion round her Orb; this therefore is called the Great Ecliptic in the Heavens, and inaſmnch 16 the Periphery atos of the ſmall Circle es etc, repreſenting the Disk of the Earth in every point of the Orb, will lye in the ſame Plane with the great Ecliptic before determined, this Circle therefore is called Tbe Ecliptic on the Surface of the Globe, and where there is no Occafion to conſider the annual Orb, it is called the Ecliptic ſimply, as is its Center e the Center of the Ecliptic. And becauſe when the Earth is in the Solftitial points of Cancer and Capricorn, the Diameter set of the Earths Disk is coincident with the Diameter of the Orb $ UW, the Repreſentative of the great Solſtitial Colure in the Heavens, this therefore is called the Solſtitial Colure upon the Surface of the Earth; and when we have no Occaſion to conſider the great Orb, it is called the Solstitial Colure ſimply. In like manner, becauſe when the Earth is ſcituated in the Equinoctial points of Aries and Libra, the Diameter æe c of the Earths Disk, is coincident with the Diameter 1 o of the great Orb, the Repre- ſentative of the great Equino&ial Colure before deſcribed, this Dia- meter a et of the Earths Disk is called the Equinoctial Colure upon the Surface of the Globe; and when we have no Occafion to conſider the annual Orb, it is called the EquinoEtial Colure ſimply. Conceive the Eye placed in the Superficies ut ine Earth perpen. dicularly under the point e, and which muſt therefore be the infe- rior Pole of the Ecliptic, to the Eye thus placed the Northern Pole of the Globe, or the upper Extremity of the Axis about which the diuinalRevolutions are made, will appear at p 23 deg. 29min. diſtant from the Pole of the Ecliptic e, to which if it be joyned by the Line pe, this will repreſent the conſtant diſtance between the two Poles, or the Inclination of the Axis of the Globe and Eclipric to each other, as will the whole Diameter Spezi, the Repreſentative of the Sol- ſticial Colore be the Repreſentative of the whole Axis it felf; this therefore is called the Line of the Direttion of the Earths Axis. Thro P the Pole in each of the fmall Circles Sæt.c, let the great Circles eps, bpb, P8, 8cc. be drawn forming Angles with each by the Copernican Syſtem 571 each other of 15 deg. 30 deg. 45 deg. &c. according to the Di. rections given in Problem the 4th of Scilion the 2d, of Part the sth, theſe will repreſent the ſeveral Hour Circles in the ſeveral Scituations of the Earths Disk, and if spzt repreſent the Meridian, as it does in the Solſtitial points of Cancer and Capricorn, the great Circle & pc will repreſent the Six a Clock Hour Circle, &c. As the Earth turns round upon her Axis, cvery point upon the Surface therof will deſcribe a Circle; wherefore if about the point p as a Pole, the great Circle æqc be drawn, after the manner taught in Problem the 41h, of Section the 2d, of Part the sth, it will be the Repreſentative of the Equator upon the Earths Disk, or of the Cir- cle that any Place ſcituated under the Equator ſeems to deſcribe by the diurnal Revolution of the Earth ; and after the manner taught in the ſame 4th Problem, if about the ſame point p as a Pole, the ſmall Circles strc, x nem, be deſcribed one at the diſtance of 66 deg. 31 min. the other at the diſtance of 23 deg. 29 min. they will be the Repreſentatives one strc of the Tropic of Cancer, the other x nem of the Artic Circle, or of the Circles that any one place ſcituated un- der either of thoſe Circles upon the Earths Surface ſeems to deſcribe upon this Proje&ion. And becauſe the diſtance of any Place upon the Surface of the Globe, is equal to the Complement of the Lati- tude of that Place, or of its diſtance from the Équator, if about the Pole point p, the ſmall Circle l z c be drawn, at the diſtance of 38 deg. 28 min. the Complement of the Latitude of London, it will be the Repreſentative of that Circle that London will deſcribe by theCir- cum-Rotation of the Earth upon her own Axis; and univerſally, if about either Pole a ſmall Circle be deſcribed, at the diſtance of the Complement of the Latitude of that Place, it will be the Repreſen- tative of the Circle which thatPlace deſcribes by the diurnal Revoluti- on of the Earth; and how theſe may be done has been ſhewn at large in the 4th Problem of Se&tion the ad of Part, the 5th, and elſe- where. The ſeveral ſmall Circles thus deſcribed are called the Paths of the Vertices of thoſe Places to which they refpe&ively belong, and are of the ſame Uſe in determining the time of the riſing and ſetting of the Sun and Fixed Stars, in finding their Amplitudes, Azimuths, &c. as the Parallels of Declination were in the Ptolomaic Proje&tions, deſcri- bed at large in the 5th Part of this work, as will appear hereafter. Eeee * Ву 572 of the Solution of Aſtronomical Problems By the help of the leveral Repreſentations of the Disk of the Earth thus prepared, in the ſeveral points of the annual Orb, may all the commonCæleftialAppearances be eaſily and very naturally accoun- ted for ; and our felves at one view be inſtructed, how it comes to paſs why under the Equator the Days and Nights are of an equal Length all the Year long, why within the Polar Circles the Days at ſometimes are longer than 24 Hours, and why at the oppoſite Times of the Year the Nights are as long, and why under each Pole there is but one Day and one Night during the whole Year, and why in all other Places the Days are not of the ſame Length at the ſame time of the Year, and why in the ſame Place the Days differ in Length at different Times of the Year ; how it comes to paſs that the Sun approaches to, and receeds from the Vertex of any Places at different times of the Year, and why ſome Stars are always viſible when the Sun is ablent, and others never appear, c. For let us ſuppole the Earth in the firſt point of Libra viewing the Sun in che firſt point of Aries, its oppofite point in the Ecliptic, becauſe in this caſe the Line connecting the Centers of the Sun and Earth coincides with the Equino&ial Colure, the Horizon of the Disk will coincide with the Solſtitial Colure, in this caſe the Repre- ſentative of the Axis of the Earth, and confequently the Repreſen- tatives of all the Paths of the Vertices of every Place deſcribed upon the Disk of the Earth, and of all others that can be deſcribed, will be biſected or cut into two equal Parts by the Horizon of the Disk; one half of which will fall in the illuminated Part of the Disk, and the other half in the obſcure Part. And inaſmuch as while the Vertex is tranfiting over the illumi- nated Part of the Disk, it fees the Sun and it is called Day, and while it is travelling over the obſcure Part it fees him not, and it is called Night, it follows, that the obſcure or darkned Parts of the ſeveral Paths, are equal to the illuminated or diurnal Arches of the ſame, and conſequently the Days inuft of neceſſity be equal in Length to the Nights in all Places of the Earth. Let us now imagine the Earth to have moved from Libra to Ca- pricorn, the Line of Direction keeping ſtill nearly parallel to its ſelf, and to the great Solſtitial Colure, becauſe in this Scituation the Line connecting the Centers of the Sun and Earth, coincides with the Repreſentative of the great Solſtitial Colure, and conſequently with the Earths Solſtitial Colure spezto in this caſe, the Axis of the Earths Equinoctial Colure & ec becomes the Horizon of the Disk, and by the Copernican Syſtem. 573 and inaſmuch as the Horizon of the Disk in this caſe touches the Artic Circle in the point e, it follows, that all Places that lye be- twixt the two Poles of the Globe and Ecliptic, or within the Artic Circle, ſee the Sun, and are illuminated during the whole time of their Revolutions, wherefore the Vertexes of all Places that lye within that Space, ſee the Sun longer than 24 Hours, and that ſtill longer, as the Places are leſs diſtant from the Pole but inafmuch as in this Scituation the Artic Circle it ſelf juft touches the Horizon of the Disk, it follows, that the Inhabitants under this Circle juſt ſee the Sun in the Northern Part of the Horizon 90 Degrees from the Vertex, and conſequently ſo loon as he is paſt it, view him aſcending again, whence their longeſt Day is equal to juſt 24 Hours, and bea cauſe the Paths of the Vertexes of all other places that lye without this Circle, are cut by the Horizon of the Disk into unequalParts, the greater Part of which lye in the illuminated part of the Disk, and the leffer in the obſcure, and as theſe Portions ſtill approach to a Ratio of Equality, till at laſt in the Equator they become equals Inaſmnch as the Equator and the Horizon of the Disk are great Cir- cles, and conſequently divide each other into equal Parts, from the knowo Property of the Sphere, it follows, that the Length of the Days to all the Northern Inhabitants at this time is leſs than 24 Hours, but greater than the Length of the Night, and that this In- equality grows leffer the nearer the Places are ſcituated to the E- quator ; and the farther they are removed from the Artic Circle, till at laſt under the Equator it ſelf the Days and Nights become equal 10 each other. Let us now conceive the Globe to have moved from v to or the Axis of the Globe or Line of Direction ſtill preſerving its Paralleliſm to it felf, hecauſe in this Scituation, as well as in its oppofireScituation the point, the Horizon of the Disk spezt which ſtands at Right- angles to the Repreſentative of the great EquinoctialColure, coincides with the Solſtitial Colure, in this caſe the Repreſentative of the Farths Axis it felf, it follows, that the Paths of the ſeveral Vertic- es will be all biſested by it, that therefore the enlightened Arches will become equal to the obſcure ; and conſequently the Days will become equal to the Nights in all Places of rhe Earth. And laſtly, if we imagine the Earth to be carried again from A ries to Capricorn, the Axis ſtill retaining its Paralleliſm, the Ho. rizon of the Disk æ ec will again become coincident with the Sol- ftitial Colure, and becauſe the Artic Circle juft touches the Hori- Eeee 2 * : zon $74 of the Solution of Aſtronomical Problems zon of the Disk in the point e, the Sun will never appear above the Horizon, but ſo ſoon as he touches it in the Southern Part, will immediately begin again to deſcend, and conſequently the Night will be equal in Lengch to 24 Hours; and inaſmuch as the whole Artic Circle lies intirely within the obſcure part of the Dísk, the Nights will be longer than 24 Hours each ; and ſo much the longer as the Places are removed nearer to the Pole, or the farther from the Equator; and inaſmuch as the Paths of the Vertexes of all Pla- ces that lye without the Artic Circle, are cut unequally by the Ho- rizon of the Disk, the leſſer part of which lying within the illumi- nated part of the Disk, and the greater within the obſcure part, ma- king thereby the Nights ſo much longer than the Days ; juft equal and contrary to what they were when theEarth was ſcituated in the op- poſite part of its Orb at v: And inaſmuch as theſe unequal Se&ions of the Paths in this Scituation alſo approach nearer to a Ratio of Equality, till when under the Equator, the no&urnal and diurnal Arches are equal, it follows, that the Length of the longeſt Night is lels than 24 Hours, but greater than the Length of the Day; and that this Inequality likewiſe diminilhes the nearer the Places are fcit- uated to the Equator or the farther from the Pole, till at laſt the Days and Nights become equal to fall the Inhabitants that are ſcitu- ated under the Line. While the Earth is carried from by w to r, the Northern Pole will be always in the illuminated part of the Disk, whence a con- tinual¡Day at that time under the Pole will neceſſarily follow; but whilſt ſhe is running from r by to it will be conſtantly in the obſcure part of it, where of Confequence it will be perpetual Night ; whence it is evident that under the Poles the Day is ever equal to the Night, and each equal to one half of the whole Year. And it in any of the intermediate Stations between Libra and Ca- pricorn, we imagine or cauſe the Earths Disk to be drawn, furniſhed with the ſeveral great and ſmall Circles, we ſhall manifeſtly ſee that the illuminated Parts of the Paths will be greater than the obſcure Parts, and that this continually increaſes as the Earth travels from Libra when they are equal, toCapricorn, at which Place when ſhe ar- rives they will be greateſt of all, and the longeſt Days will happen to all the Northern Inhabitants; and that as the Earth travels from we to 7 they will ſtill grow lefs and leſs, till at laſt when the Earth arrives at r, they will again become equal ; and that after this, as the Earth moves from 1 to $, the obſcure Parts of the Paths will. CON- by the Copernican Syſtem 575 continually grow greater than the enlightened, till at laſt when ſhe arrives at the point %, they will be the greateſt of all, and at which times the Days will be the ſhorteſt and the Nights the longeſt, to all the Inhabitants in the Northern Hemiſphere; and that after the Earth has left this Scituation the Arches themſelves will approach nearer to a Ratio of Equality, till at laſt when the Earth arrives at again, they will become mutually equal to each other, and the Days and Nights will become equal to all the Inhabitants upon the Earth. And if we imagine the point p to repreſent the Southern Pole of the World, the ſmall Circle anem to repreſent the Antartic Circle, the Circle'strc the Tropic of Capricorn, the Circle I z u to repre- ſent the Path of the Vertex of the Place in 51 deg. 32 min. of South Latitude, and the whole Circle e Sæt i to repreſent the Southern half of the Disk, the point to repreſent =, and the points to re- preſent vo; whatever has been ſaid of Places that lye in the North- ern Hemiſphere, will hold good of Places that lye in the Southern Hemiſphere, and conſequently the general Appearances in all Places on the Earth will be juſtly and truly accounted for. The general and moſt remarkable Appearances ariſing from the an- nual Motion of the Earth being thus accounted for, I ſhall next pro- ceed to ſhew how ſome of the moſt uſeful Problems ariſing from the di: urnal Motion, may be reſolved upon the ſame Hypotheſis, and in S Prob. I. Let it be required from the Sun's Place, or the Longitude of che point in the Earths Disk oppoſite to him from the next Equino&ial point, and the Inclination of the Axis of the Earth to the Plane of her Orb, and which is fixed at an Angle of 66 deg. 31 min. to find out the diſtance of the Sun's Place from the North Pole of the Globe, and the Right Aſcenſion of the ſaid Place. . Example. Let us ſuppoſe the Sun to appear to an Eye placed upon the Suc- face of the Earth in 27 deg. 33 min. 57 ſec. of Taurus, and lec ic be required to find the Right Afcenfio. 1 of that point, and the diſtance that the Sun appears from that point in the Heavens that is oppoſite to the Northern Pole of the Earth... The. : 576 Of the Solution of Aſtronomical Problems The Stereographic Solution. 1. Having drawn the Ecliptic R % TW, the Equino&ial Colure Per. and at Right-angles to it and thro the Center e, the Solſti- tial Colure e V, ſet off the Se- P mi-tangent of 23 deg. 29 min. the conſtant Inclinations of the Axises of the Equator and Ecliptic from the point e the Repreſentative of the Pole of the Ecliptic in the Sol- ftitial Colure, from e towards * N to p, this will give the Place of the 78 North Pole in this Proje&ion. 2. Becauſe the Sun appears 57 deg. 33 min. 57 ſec. from the next Equinoctial point Aries, ſet off the Chord of 57 deg. 33 min. 57 ſec. in the Ecliptic from 1 towards s to , this will give the Place of the Sun. 3. Thro the point and the Pole of the Equator P, draw the Circle of Right Aſcenſion OPN, by Cafe the ad of Problem the iſt, of Sestion the ad of Part the 4th, then will po repreſent the appa- rent diſtance of the Sun from the North Pole, which may be mea- ſured by Caſe the 3d of Prob. the 7th, of Sext. the ad of Part the 4th, and the Angle “Po the Right Aſcenſion from the Solſtitial point O, which may be meaſured by Caſe the 3d of Problem, the 10th of the ſame Section, and to pronounce their juſt Quantity by Calculation. In the Spherical Triangle P SO, Right-angled at 5, are given ps the fnclination of the Earths Axis to the Plane of the Ecliptic, and the diſtance of the Sun from the next Solftitial point %, whence, firſt to find Po the apparent diſtance of the Sun from the North Pole, it will be by the firſt Caſe of Right-angled Spherical Iria anglesy as R:cs,p::cs, %:cs,P O. That is As the Radius To the Co-fine of the Inclination of the Axis 66.31.00-9.6004090 E quinoctial point Aries 57.33.57 9.9263467 To the Co-line of its diſtance from the North Pole} 9.5269557 70.20:49 10.0000000 1 2. To by the Copernican Syſtem 577 2 To find the Angle Ops, the Right Afcenfion from the Solfti al point , it will be by the ad Caſe of Right-angled Spherical Tri angles, As S. PSR :: t, % 0 :t, <% PO; that is, As the Sine of the Inclination of the Axis 66,31.00 9.9624527 10.0000000 To the Radius So is the Tangent of the Sun's Longitude from the Sol-? ſticiai point Caneer 32-26.03 9.8030856 To the Tangent of the Right Aſcenfion from the Solſtitial point Cancer 34 42.563: 9.8406329 Which taken from a Quadrant, will leave 55 deg: 17 min. 03 ſec ả, for the Right Aſcenſion from the Equino&ial point of Aries, or by the ſame Caſe, thesRight Aſcenſion from the Equinoctial point sries may be found at once, by ſaying As R:ct, P0::ct, $ 0:ct,, in the former Geometrical Series ; and conſequently the ſeveral Lines which ftand againſt **, *', *°, 47, 6c. which are ſuppoſed to be a Geometrical Scale of Progreſſional Lines; infinite in Number, will repreſent the feveral Terms **, *, *, *, &c. in the geometric Series of Progreffional Numbers, beginning from Unity and increaſing towards the Right-hand; and it the Lines which ſtand againt -", -2, 6c, on the contrary Sides of the Line reprefenting U- nity, be ſuppoſed to diminiſh in the ſame Ratio as the Lines x'; xoc, increaſe on the contrary Side, we ſhall have a Geometri- cal Scale of Progreſſional Lines infinite in Number ; which will be equal in Value and Analogous, to the ſeveral Terms of the infinite Progreſional Series of Quantities following, which are here fuppoſed to repreſent an infinite Series of Numbers. Óc 5 X of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms 661 * $ &c. x-², x , 1, ****, **, **, **, *", x', &c. For as the Terms 1, *, *', are in a continued Ratio of 1 to x, and as the Indices affixed to each proportional Term pronoun- ce the Place or Diſtance that each Term obtains from Unity, lo the Magnitudes of the ſeveral Lines 1, *, *?, &c. have the ſame Ratio of I to *; and the Indices of the Powers of the ſeveral Lines, ſhew the Order that each Line is placed in, or obtains from the Line repreſenting Unity; for as the Term $3 is in the third place from Unity, in the Series of Geometrical Proportionals, ſo the Line repreſenting x?, is the third in Order from the Line re- preſenting Unity, and is placed at three times the diſtance from the Line repreſenting Unity, as the Line repreſenting the Quantity %, which immediately follows, Again, as between 1 and x in the progreſſional Series of Propor- tionals, there may be inſerted a Geometrical Proportional as Vx or 1 / ſo between the Lines repreſenting Unity and the Line x may be found and inſerted a Geometrical mean Proportional Line, which will repreſent and be equal in Value to the Term in the Pro- greſſional Scale of Quantities, which will have the ſame Ratio to the Line repreſenting Unity, as the Term ** in the progreſſion- al Series has to Unity it felf; and the fame will hold good if be- tween any other two Lines there be found a Mean Proportional . Again, as between 1 and Vx or x ž in the progreſſional Series of Proportionals, there may be inſerted a Geometrical mean Propor- tional as V* or x Px orx, fo between the Line repreſenting Unity and 12 the Line repreſenting %], may be found and inſerted a Geometri- cal mean Proportional Line which will repreſent and be equal in 124 Value to the Term x* in the progreſſional Scale of Quantities, which will have the ſame Ratio to the Line repreſenting Unity, as the Term x4 in the progreſſional Series has to Unity it ſelf; and univerſally, as between 1 and xin the progreſſionalScale of Quantities there may be inſerted an infinite Number of Geometrical mean Pro- portionals, ſo between the Line repreſenting Unity and the Line x, may be found and inſerted an infinite Number of Geometrical mean Proportional Lines, which will be every way Analagous to Q9992 the 662 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. the infinite Series of proportional Numbers or Quantities between 1 and the Number repreſented by *; and the ſame will hold good between any other two Terms whatſoever. In the following Figure therefore upon the Line AG infinitely ex- tended cath way, let there be taken AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, &c. towards the Right-hand, alſo A, OP, &c, towards the Left- 3 : P O A b Bc Cd De E F F G Ꭹ R 8 Q Q S р q k K 1 L 1 i m M T n n N hand, all equal among themſelves, and from the ſeveral points P, 0, A, B, C, D, E, F, &c. let there be drawn the Lines RP, OQ, А н, of the Nature and Conſtrution of Logarithms. 663 را - -2, AH, BI, CK, DL, EF, FN, &c. equal in Length to the ſeveral Lines x2, 1, *, **, *, **, *', '', *", &c. in the Geometrical Scale of Progreſſional Lines infinite in Number, theſe therefore will repreſent ſo many Terms in the Progreſſional Series of Proportionals, of which the Line AH reprefents Unity, and confequently the Lines 4B, AC, AD, AE, AF, &c. -AO-AP, &c. will expound the Diſtances of the ſeveral Terms in the Pro- greſſion from Unity, or the Place and Order that each Term in the Geometrical Scale obtains, according to the Unites Place; thus, if AD be triple the Diſtance of AB, the Line DL will repreſent the third Term or x?, in the Geometrical Series of Quantities, of which B I repreſents the firſt, or x'. In like manner, if AF be quintuple the Diſtance of AB, the Line FN will repreſent the fifth Term or x', in the Series of Progreſſional Quantities or Numbers : Again, inaſmuch as AP is double the Diſtance of A B, but on the contrary Side of the Line AH repreſenting Unity, PR will repreſent the ſecond Term in the Geometrical Series or x on the Left- hand of the Unites Place, O. Now if the Extremities R, G, H, I, K, L, M N, &c of the Geometrical Scale of mean Proportionals, be connected together by Right-lines, the Figure PRNF will be a Poligon, conſiſting of more or fewer Sides, according as the Terms in the Scale of mean Pro- portionals are more or fewer in Number. If the Diſtances AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, &c. are biſe&ed in the points b, c, d, e, f, &c. and from theſe points be drawn Lines, as bi, ck, dl, em, fn, &c perpendicular to AG, which will be ſo many Proportionals between A H, BI, CK, DI, EM, FN, &c. there will ariſe a new Scale or Series of Propor- tionals, double in Number to thoſe in the former Scale ; and conſequently the Difference between the Terms will be leſs, and the Terins themſelves will approach nearer to a Ratio of Equality than the Terms in the former Series, and inaſmuch as in this New Scale of Proportionals the Lines AP, and AB, expound the Diſtan- ces of the Terms FN, and B I, from Unity ; it is manifeſt, that as AF is removed ten times as far as Ab, the Term FN will be the tenth Term of the Series from Unity; of which Ab is the firſt. In like manner, as A c is triple the Diſtance of Ab, the Line c K', will repreſent the third Term in the New Scale of Proportionals; and as between AH and CK there are three mean Proportionals, fo 664. Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. ſo between AH and FN, which is three times the Diſtance, there will be nine mean Proportionals. Now it the Extremities H,,, I, k, Kl, S, &c. of this new Scale of Proportionals be connected together by Right-lines, there will ariſe a new Poligon, which will conſiſt of a greater Number of Sides; but each Side lefſer in Magnitude. If we conceive the Diſtances Āb, b B, B c, &c. to be again bi- fc&ted in the middle, and between every two Terms a new Scale of mean Proportionals be inſerted, there will ariſe a new Scale of mean Proportionals, double in Number to thoſe in the former Scale, from the Place of Unity ; the Difference of which Terms will be ſtill lefler, and the Terms themſelves will approach ſtill 'nearer to a Ratio of Equality than the former. And, If the Extremities of this new Scale of mean Proportionals bc con- nected together by Right Lines, we ſhall have a new Poligon of double the Number of Sides to the former ; but each Side will be ſtill leſs in Magnitude, inaſmuch as the diſtance of the Terms from each other, is ſtill leſs than before. Moreover, in this New Scale the diſtances AF and AB, ſtill de- termine the Order or Place that the Terms FN and BG obtains from Unity; and if A F be quintuple the diſtance of A B from Unity, and FB the fourth Term in this new Scale of Proportion- als, the Line FN will repreſent the twentieth Term in the ſame Scale. After the ſame manner, if the diſtance between every two Terms be continually biſe&ed, and to each of the Points ſo found, there be applied a Series of mean Proportionals, the Number of Terms in this new Scale, as alſo the sides of the Poligon will by this means become infinite ; and each side of the Poligon will be leſs than any given Right line, and conſequently the Poligon will be changed into à Curve-lined Figure ; ſince every Curvilinear Figure may be con- ſidered as a Poligon, compoſed of an infinite Number of Sides, each of which are infinitely ſmall in Magnitude, The Curve-line thus deſcribed is called the Logarithmic Curve, in which it the Right-lines AH, BI, &c. which ſtand at Right-angles to the Axis AG, reprefent ſo many Terms in a Series of Numbers in a Geometrical Progreſſion, the Portions of the Axis AB, BC, &c. between the Place of Unity and any given Term, will fhew the Place or Order that each Number in the scale of Geometrical Proportionals obtains from the Place of Unity in the ſame Series : For of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 665 For Example, if AF be quincuple of AB, and between Unity and FN, there are jooo mean Proportionals between Unity and B1, there will be 200 of the lame mean Proportionals; or B I will be the 200th Term of the Scale of Geometrical Proportionals from U- nity; and univerſally, whatever be the Number of Terms between Unity and FN, between Unity and BI, there will always be one fifth of the fame Number of mcan Proportionals; and the ſame will obtain between any other two Terms in the Progreſſional Series, This Curve may be concieved to be deſcribed by a two-fold Motion, the one equable and uniform, the other acceler, ated or retarded in a given Ratio : For Example, if the Right- line AH moves uniformly along the Right line' AG, ſo that the point A deſcribes equal Spaces in equal Times, while the Live it felf AH increaſes in ſuch manner as to acquire Increments in equal times, which ſhall be conſtantly proportional to the whole increa- fing Line ; that is, if while the Line AH is moving into bi, it acquires the Increment i 0, and in moving from thence into B l in the ſame Space of time, it is increaſed by a ſimilar part Ip, which ſhall be to bi as the Increinent io is to AH: In like manner while the fame Line A Hin moving from BI into the Place of ek in the ſame time acquires an Increment qk, which ſhall be to Blas 1p to ib; or as i o to A H: That is, that the Increments acquired in equal times, may always be proportionnal to the Wholes. Or, If the Line AH in moving backwards from its place in AH di- miniſhes in a conſtant Ratio, that is, while it moves over equal Spaces AO, OP, it is leſſened by equal Decrements H x and gy, which are proportional to the whole Lines 20, and PR, the Ex- tremity H of this flowing Line, will deſcribe what is called the Logarithmic Curve For becauſe AH:10: :ib: 1p: :1Bkq; it will be by com- pounding AH:ib (=botoi): ib: : (Bp-+pi=BI: B1:(09+ ck=) e k, &c From this Conſtru&ion it is manifeft, that all the Terms that are placed at equal diſtances from each other, are continually propor- tional; and that of any four Terms as AH, BI, EM, FN, if the diſtance between the firſt and ſecond Term be equal to the diſtance between the third and fourth, whatſoever the diſtance be, thoſe Terms will be proportional. For, becauſe the diſtances AE and e fare equal, A H will be to the Increment IS, as E M to the Increment NT; wherefore by compounding, A H will be to B i as E M to FM 666 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms FM; and on the contrary, if any four Terms are proportional, the uiſtance between the firſt and ſecond Term, will be equal to the dist- ance between the third and fourth. The diſtance therefore between any two (Terms, which repre- ſent ſo many) Numbers in this continued Scale of Geometrical Proportions, is the Logarithm of the Ratio of thoſe two Numbers the one to the other; and is meaſured and eſtimated not by the Ratio it felf, but by the Number of mean Proportionals in the continued Scale of Geometrical Proportionals contained between the two Numbers, and expounds the Number of equal Ratiunculæ, of which the given Ratio is compounded For if the Diſtance berween any two Numbers be the double of the diſtance between any other two Numbers, then the Ratio between the two former Numbers will be the duplicate of the kario between the two latter Numbers : For Example, if the di- (tance between the two Terins E M and FN, be double of the dif- rance of Ab, which is contained or intercepted between the two Terms A H and bi, then the Ratio of EM FN will be dupli- care of the Ratio of AH to bi. Let EF be biſected in the point f, becauſe Ab=Ef=fF, the Ratio of EM to Pn, will be equal to the Ratio of AH to bi, but the Ratio of EM to FN is duplicate of the Ratio of EM to fn; wherefore the Ratio of EM to FN will be duplicate of the Ratio of A H to bi: In like manner, if the dif- tance CF be triple of the diſtance AB, then the Ratio of CK to FN, will be triplicare of the Ratio of AH to BI ; for becauſe the di- Itance between CK and FN is criple of the diſtance between AH and B I, there will be triple the Number of mean Proportionals between C K and FN, as there is between AH and BI; but the Ratio of CK and FN, and of AH to BI, is compounded of all the inter- mediate equal Ratio's ; wherefore inaſmuch as the Number of e- qual Ratio’s between CK and F N are treble the Number of the fame, and equal Ratio's contained between AH and BI, the Ratio of CK to FN, will be triplicate of the Ratio of AH tó BI; alſo for the ſame Reaſon, if the diſtance D F be quadruple of the diſtance Ab, the Ratio of DL to F N, will be quadruplicate of the Ratio of AH to bi, c. The will be Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithmis 667 The Logarithm therefore of any Number, is the Logarithm of the Ratio of Unity to the Number it ſelf; or it is the diſtance between Unity and the ſame Number, in the Geometrical Scale of Propor- tionals, and is meaſured by the Number of Proporcionals contained between them: Logarithms theretore expound the Dignity, Place, or Order that cvery Number obtains from the Units Place in the continued Series or Scale of Proportionals, infinite in Number; thus, if between Unity and the Number 10 there be ſuppoſed 10. 000.000 6c mean Proportionals, that is, if the Number 10 be placed in the 10,000,000th Place from Unity between 1 and 2, there will be found to be 3010300 of ſuch Proportionals; that is, the Num- ber 2 will be placed in the 3010300oth Place from Unity, between 1 and 3, there will be found .4771213 of the ſame Proportionals, and the Number 3 will be found to ſtand in the 4771213th Place in the Scale of Proportionals infinite in Number, which Numbers 10000000, 3010300, 4771213, are therefore the Logarithms of 10, 2 and 3 ; or more properly the Logarithms of the Ratio's of thoſe Numbers one to the other. Again, if between Unity and the Number 10 there be ſuppoſed an infinite Scale of mean Proportionals whoſe Number is 2.3025851, Oc. that is, if the Number 1o be placed in the 2.3025851t, c. place from Unity, in the infinite Scale of Proportionals between 1 and 2, there will be found to be 6931471, c of ſuch Proportionals; that is, the Number 2 will ſtand in the 693 1471th, &c. Place from Uniry, between 1 and 3, there will be found to be 5.0986122 of the fame Proportionals; and the Number 3 will be found to ſtand in the 1098612 zih Place, in the fame Geometrical Scale of Pro- portionals, &c. ſo that if the firſt Term of the Series from Unity be called x, the ſecond Term will be xạ, the third Term will be x?, c. and if the Number to be luppoled to be the 1000000th Term in the Series, the Number 2 will the 3010300th Term, and the Number 3 will be the 4771213th Term in the ſame Series ; and conſequently ſince shodóóooo=10, *3016300=2, and 34170303 3, &c. and again, if the Number 10 be ſuppoſed the 23025857th Term in the Series, the Number 2 will be the 69314711 Term, 3 ries, and conſequently in this caſe 10=*23025851, 4093147152, and x'0986122=3, . And inaſmuch as the infinite Number of mean Proportionals be- tweet any two Numbers may be affumed at Pleaſure, hence Loga- rithms Rrrr allir a 665 of the Nature and Conferaction of Logarithms. rithms may be of as many different Forms (that is, there may be as many different Scales of Logarithms) as there can be affumed different infinite Scales of mean Proportionals 'between any two Nurnbers. Every Number therefore is ſome certain Power of that Number which is placed next to Unity, in the infinite Scale of Pro- portionals between Unity and the given Number, and the Index of that Power is the Logarithm of the Number: Logarithms therefore may be of as many Sorts as you can al- fume different Indices of the Power of that Number whoſe Logaa rithm is required. If the Index be affumed equal to 10000000, Oc infinitely, the Logarithms produced will be thoſe invented by Neper bug if the Index be afumed equal to 23025851, 6c, che Loga- rithms produced, will be thoſe that wețe made by Mr. Briggs, And inaſmuch as the Ratio of Uniry to any Number, is meaſured by the Number of Raliuncula contained in that Ratio. Hence we may value Ratio's by the Number of Ratiuncula con- tained in eacb Ratio, and may conſider them as Quantitates Süi, ge- mative when the Ratio is increaſing, as of Unity to a greater Number; but Negative when decreaſing, as of Unity to a leffer Number. So that Ratio's are one to another as the Number of like and e. qual Ratiuncula contained between the two Terms of the Ratio wherefore, if the Ratio of 1 to 10 contain roo00000,6c equal Ra- tiuncula, that of its duplicate or of 10 to 100, will contain 20000- 000, OC that of its iriplicate, or of 100 to 1000, will contain 30000000, 6c. and that of its quadruplicate, or of iooo to 10000, will contain 40000000, 6c of the ſame like and equal Ratiuncula; lo that the Logarithms of Numbers, or the Values of Ratio's, are in an Arithmetical Progreſſion; and hence ariſes that vulgar Definition Arithmetic Progreſſion, fitted or aſſigned to a Rank of Numbers in a Geometrical Progreſſion. If the diſtance between Unity and any Number be ſuppoled cô confift always of the ſame equal Number of mean Proportionals, as ſuppole 1000000o, Sc. or which is the ſame thing, it we ſhall take the Ratio of Unity to any Number, to conſiſt always of the fame infinite Number of Ratiuncula, the Magnitudes of each in this Cale, will be, as their Number in the former; ſo that it between Unity 3 N -n. 22 Alſo nD=SELL Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 669 Unity and any Number propoſed, there be taken any Infinity of mean Proportionals, the infinitely little Augment or Decrement of the firſt of thoſe means from Unity, will be a Ratiuncula ; and fee- ing this is ever proportionable to the Momentum or Fluxion of the Ratio of Unity to the ſaid Number ; and inaſmuch as in theſe con- tinual Proportionals all the Ratiuncula are equal, their Sum or the whole Racio, will be as the ſaid Momentum or Fluxion is directly: wherefore, if the Root of the infinite Powers be extracted out of a- ny Number, the Difference between that Root and Unity, will be, as the Logarithm of that Number ; ſo that the infinite Root of any Number being found, the Logarithm of that Number is eaſily had; how the infinite Root of any Number may be found, comes next to be ſhewn. Let pt px be a given Quantity, whoſe n Root is to be extracted where n ltands for any Power or Number taken at Pleaſure. Then will p+px=pxitx 3 4 5 Aflume 1+x= 1+Ax+B x +Cx+DxtEx, &c. n-1 : 3. 4: Then, nx1 *x* xAx+2 Bxx+ 3 Cxx+4 Dxx+s Exx, Oc: 3 4 And nx1+x A +2Bx+3 C*44Dxts Éx, or. n. nxi + x A 42Bx + 3Cx4Dx: +5 Ex4, Go. And -122 ITAx+ Bx + 2xy + Dx+y Ex', 6c 1+x And, n+nAx+nBx' +nCx' +cDx“, t..=A+2Bx**3 C14DX34-5Ex*, &c +AX-+-2Bx211-3 Cx-t4Dx4, So And n=A, alſo, nA=2B+A alſo nB=C+28. And, nA-AZ2B, And, nB-2B=30 And n-1 XA=2B, And n–2XB=3C, B- Antti Stringan XiAEB And, *B-C. Alſo, fic=4D13C And, nC-3C=4D, And, 11D-4D=5E, And, n4-3*C=4D, And, r-4xD=SE, 3 And, XC=D. And, XD=E. 5 2 +; - 2 2 3 1 n 4-3 n - 6:9, Rrrr 2 * Where- 670 Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithons. Wherefore, A=n, B=nx = C=nx 2, D=nx 2 > n-3 n ! 2 x 2 3 n-3 n-3 n-4 Х Х x 3. 4 nI n-2 xtnx 3. I and E-nx 2 X 3 X 4 n nat And, 1 tx=i+nx - x 2 11 -2 X X xº, pc. 3 4 5.,. * 2 tnx X 2 -3 N-I n 0 2 n 3 Il-11 2 рх n n ng Х 2 2 n n2 n n •B xt text + 2 ره 1 I 1 And, pfpx =pta putnx px tnx 3 n 1 DI x 3 Put pA, npx= B, nx I p x:=C, nx 3 P = EC. n! 4 Then, p FnAx* ptpx= 3 5 Ex, c. Which is the celebrated Binomial Series invented by the great Sir ſaac Newton, for railing of a given Quantity to any given Power, or extra&ing any Root out of the ſame Quantity ; inaſmuch as n ſtands for any Number whether it be a whole Number or a Frac- tion, wherefore, becauſe when n is finite. I - 30tann 1--ontrinon3 ontonon ta *3.-+ Itx"==+ 63 **, &c. when it becomes infinite. 1 I I n=1X xx- tx - X 4+-X', 66. n 20 3n 4n nn being infinitely infinite, and conſequently whatſoever is divided thereby vaniſhing, whence it follows, that ñ multiplied into x- *x*-+*x-_***, &c. is the Augment of the firſt of the mean Pro- portionals between Unity and itx, and is therefore the Logarithm of the Ratio of 1 to itx. I But becauſe the infinite Root of 1–x, or 1-X is l_nX-2n 1x* c. therefore multiplied into x++ x2+ {x' + 3n 4n x ola n 2 nn 24n4 I I it x 5n n. I 4x4 1 I 1 X 13 *4 do 11 1/2 2 { z b . b = Log. a 5253 &c. or 927&c. will be Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 671 1*++*', &c. will be the Logarithm of the Ratio of 1 to 1-%, of the Logarithm of a Number leſs than Unity ; and whereas the in- finite Index n may be taken at pleaſure, the ſeveral Scales of Lo- garithms to ſuch Indices will be reciprocally as nı or the ſeveral In- dices, and if the Index be taken 10000000, &c, the reſpe&ive Lo- garithms will be ſimply. - to X', &c . 3 n -|-4n 5n Let a repreſent the leaſt of any two given Numbers, and b the greateſt, x the Sum of the two Numbers, and d the Difference, and let us ſuppoſe the Ratio of a to b, to be divided into that of a to 1%, and of į < to b; that is into the Ratio of a to the A- rithmetical mean between the two Numbers and the Ratio of the faid Arithmetical mean to the greater Number 6, then becauſe = the Log. of an t- Log. Log in or becauſe 1/2 z b b the Log. of {2+- Log Log. 5, that is the Sum of XT the Logarithms of theſe two Ratio's will be the Logarithms of the Ratio of a to b; and to find the Value of each of theſe Ratio's, in the Terms of 1 and 1 x we muſt ſay, { 2:2 ::1:1-*) d whence x = and again, as i 2:6: :111tx, whence b./ d and ſubftituting d in the room of x, in each cf d d? the former Series, we ſhall have. ds d d: 5253 &c. for the Log : of the Ratio of a to {z, and 2 m dº d + 나 ​&c. for the Logarithm of the Ratio of į z 2d, 2 d3 b; and conſequently the Sum of theſe two Series comx d ds d? -X 2.X fo 아 ​7 Zbora the Logarithm of the Ratio of a to b, whoſe Difference is d and Sum z; whence to find the Logarithm of any Prime Number, we have this General Rule, то + 1 / 2 11 % 2 = > d+ I -- X / -- 2 N 22 3 2 4277 and-* 2 d? + 32 3 4 4% 525 to xoto 323 Z 2 d's 1 d 07 1 + N 2 32 5 z' : 67: Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms To the the given Number add 1 for a Denominator or Diviſor, and ſubftra& from the ſame given Number for a Numerator or Dividend, then of the Vulgar Frađion thence relulting, compoſe all the odd Powers thereot, theſe will form a Series of Numbers which being divided by their reſpective Exponents, viz. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. will produce a Series of Quotes, whoſe Sum will be the Natural Logarithm of the Number propoſed, and being doubled, will give the Logarithm of the ſame Number, according to Nepers form. This Rule is not only very eaſy to be retained in the Memory, but very proper for the Practice of making of Logarirhms, which it performs with very great Expedition, as will appear hereafter ; and is ſo very plain that it may be taught to Perſons of a mean Cam pacity. It was firſt publiſhed by Mr. James Gregory, in a Treatiſe of his written by himſelf, and princes in the Year 1668, wherein that ex- cellent Geometrician has fhewn che Analogy between the Loga- rithms and certain Hyperbolic Spaces, and by ſhewing us how to (quare the one, he has taught us how to conſtruct the other; and the Truth of the ſame Law has long ſince that time been demonſtrated, independent of the Hyperbola ; from a Conſideration of the Pro- perties of the Logarithms only, and by the help of Sir Iſaac Newton's General Theorem, (demonſtrated in the former Page) for Excrading of Roots and raiſing of Powers. Let it be required to find the Logarithm of 2, the firſt Prime Number Becauſe a=1, and b= 2, therefore, d=b-a=2-1=1, d da 46=1+2=3 ; wherefore, and =ý: Hence ;-1X,-|--*,7*txtér, &c. equal to titos f-1, &c will be the Natural Logarithm of 2, and conſequent- ly 18i-1-121, Trios, &c. will be the Logarithm of the fame Num- bor in Neper's Form, whercfore if the ſeveral Fra&ions be ad- ded together and reduced into an Equivalent Decimal, we fhall have the Logarithm of the Number given ; but becauſe to mul- tiply by, and divide by 9, will produce the ſame Efect. If the firſt FraAion be reduced into a Decimal Fraction, and that be divided by 9, and each fucceffive Quotient by the fame, we ſhall have a Series of Quotients, which being divided by the leve- ral Co-efficients 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6c the Sum of theſe laſt Quotients will give the Logarithm of the Number given ; and in order to. and za obtain of the Nallire and Conſtruction of Logarithmis. 673 obtain the Logarithm true to any Number of Places, it is neceflary to continue the Fraction to one or two more Places than the in- tended Number of Places the Logarithm is to conſiſt of ; ſo that to have the Logarithm true to 10 places, it will be convenient to find the Value of į in Decimals to it or 12 places. The Operation is as follows. I I 7 1 ja lamamin na mambo mlahat ng na = 333.333333333= 37.037 037.037 its its : -457.247.371 its -50.805.263 its 글 ​5.645.029 its 627.225 its : -69.691 its , 7.743 irs_.! 860 its 90 irs, 333.333-333-333-4- 12.345.679.012+ 823.045.268- 65.321.053 5.645 029+ 513.185m 48.248 4646 I 1 : 3 456 45+ . 5 The Nat. Logarithm of 2 is 346.573.590280 2 . The Neper Logarithm of 2 is 693.147.180.560 42 Hence 346. 573. 590. 280. the Natural Logarithm of 2 being do bled will give 693. 147. 180. 560. for the Natural Logarithm of 4; and this again, being doubled, will give 1386. 294. 361. 120, c. for the Natural Logarithm of 16, c. in like manner 1386. 294. 361. 520. the double of 693. 147. 180. 560. the Ne- per's Logarithm of 2 will give the Neper's Logarithm of and this again being doubled, will give 2772. 588.722. 2 40. for the Neper's Logarithm of 16, obc Again, as the Natural Logarithm of 2 being multiplied by 3, will produce 1039. 720. 770. 840. for the Natural Logarithm of 8; ſo the Neper's Log. of 2 being trebled, will give 2079. 441. $41. 68o. for the Logarithm of 8, c. I Again, 674 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. Again, it the Logarithm of 8 be multiplied by the Logarithm of 1., we hall have the Logarithm of 10 ; and to find the Loga- rithm of 1 ) we have given, a=1, b=14=, whence z=*, and d. d=s, and conſequently š, and more d - LIIII1.111.111 -1.371.742.112 its 16 935.087 its of 209 075 its 2.581 its JI1.III III.111 457.247.371 3.387.017 TT 3 29.868 287 -3 32 its i The Natural Logarrithm fit I11.571.775.657 657 The Neper's Logarithm 1= 223 143.551.314 As 1039. 720.770. 840. the Natural Logarithm of 8 being added to 11. 571. 775.657. will give 1151.292. 546. 497. for the Natural Logarithm of 10 ; ſo 2079. 441. 541. 680. the Ne- per's Logarithm of 8 being added to 223. 143. 551.314. the New per Logarithm of 1 i will give 2302.585.092. 994. for the Neper's Logarithm 10. As theſe Logarithms which are called Neper's Logarithms, were thoſe that were firſt publiſhed by Neper the Inventor himſelf in the Year 1614 ; ſo theſe that are called the Natural Logarithms were thoſe that were published in the Year 1619. by John Spidel, then a Profeffor of Mathematics in London, to which they fitted Tables of Artificial Sines, Tangents, and Secants; but as theſe were found not ſo proper for the Buſineſs as could be withed for, the Inventor himſelf, with the Aſſiſtance of Mr. Henry Briggs, alter'd the Form, and made the Logarithm of 10 to be 1,0000000000, &c. and not 2,30258509299, &c. that is, he made the Number 10 the 10000000000 th, c. Term in the Series, whence the logarithm of 100 will be 20000000000, 6c that is the Number 100, will be placed in the 200000090ooth place in the Series, and the Loga- rithm of 1000 will be the 30000000000, c. that is, the Num- ber 1000 will be the 3000000000oth Term in the Series, c. whence the Logarithm of all Numbers between 1 and so wil! begin from o, that is they will have c, for the firſt Term towards the . of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 075 the Left Hand, inaſmuch as they are each of them leſs than the Lo- garithm of 10, which has Unity in the firſt place ; in like manner the Logarithms of all Numbers between 10 and 100 begin from Unity, inaſmuch as they are all greater than 1,00000000, G. and leſs than 2,0000000000, &c. for the ſame Reaſon the Logarithms of all Numbers between 100 and 1000 begin from 2, ſince they are all greater than thc Logarithm of 100, which is fixed at 2, and leſs than the Logarithm of 1000, which is made equal to 3, after the ſame manner the Logarithm of all Numbers between roooard 10000 will begin from 3, and the Logarislims of all Numbers betweco 10000 and 100000 will begin from 4; that is, they wiil have a 4 for the firſt Figure towards the Lelt Hand, c. The firſt Figure of every Logarithm towards the i cft Hand, which is ſeparated from the reſt by a Point is called the Index or Charaâerillic of that Logarithm, inaſmuch as it ſhews or points out the higheſt or remoteſt Place of that Number from the place of Unity in the infinite Scale of Pro- portionals towards the Left Hand. Thus if the Index of the Lo- garithm b: 1, it ſhews that its higheſt place towards the Left Hand is the Tenth Place from Unity. If the Index be 2, it ſhews that its higheſt place towards the Left Hand from the place of Unity is the Hundredth place; and, as all the Logarithms that have 1 for heir Index will be found between the roth and looth place from Unity in the Order of Numbers ; ſo all the Logarithms which have 2 for their Index, will be found between the rooth and 100oth place, in the order of Numbers, c. whence the Index or Chara&eriſtick of any Logarithm is always leſs by one than is the Number of Figures, which correſpond or anſwer to the Given Logarithm. Now inaſmuch as all Scales of Logarithms are made up of fimi- lar Quantities, it will be eaſy from any Scale of Logarithms whatloe- Ver to form another Scale of Logarithms in any given Racio, and conſequently to reduce any Table of Logarithis into arother of any given Form, by ſaying as any one Logarithm in the given Form is to its Correſpondent Logarithm in the New Form ; ſo is any other Logarithm in the given Form to its Correſpondent Lo- garithm in the required Form ; and hence we are taught how to reduce either Veter's or the Natural Logarithms into the form of Briggs; and the con fary For as 2,302, 585, 092, 994, the Neper Logarit'im of 10 to 1.0000000000, the Brigg's Logarithm of 10; fo is any other Loga- rithm in Neper's Form to the Corre pondent Tabular Logarithm in Brigg's Form; and inaſmuch as the ż firſt Numbers conſtantly re- Ssss main %6 Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. given. main the ſame; if the Neper's Logarithms of any one Number be divided by 2.302,585 oC. or multiplied by 434,294,481,903, the Ratio of 1,000,000; &i. to 2,302,585, c. as is found by divi- ding 1,000,000, c. by 2302,58, &c. the Quotient in the firſt Cafe and the Product in the laſt Cafe will give the Correſpondent Brigg's Logarithm, and the contráry. And again as 1,151, 292,546, 497 the Natural Logarithm of 10 is to 1,000,000,000,000 the Brigg's Logarithm of 10; ſo as any other Natural Logarithm to the Correſpondent Logarithm in Brigg's Form; wherefore if the Natural Logarithm of any one Number be divided by 1,151, 292, 546, &c. or multiplied by (the Quotient of 1,000,000, c. divided by 1,151,89, c. equal to) 868,588,963, 806. the Quotient in the firſt Caſe, and the Product in the latter Caſe will give the Brigg's Logarithm Correſpondent to the Number Hence by dividing the Neper's Logarithm of 2, which has been found to be 693,147,180,56, by 2,302,585,092,9, or by multiplying the ſame Logarithm of Neper, viz. 693,147,180,56 by 434,294, 481, 903, the Quotient in the firſt Caſe and the Product in the lat- ter Caſe will give 301,029,995,66, for the Brigg's Logarithm of 2. Again, by dividing 346,573,590,28, the Natural Logarithm of 2 by 1151,292,546,497, Øc or by multiplying the fame Natural Logarithm by 868,588,963,806, we ſhall have in either Caſe 305, 029,995,66 for the Brigg's Logarithm of 2, as was before found. d If inſtead of finding a Decimal Fraction equal to we divide the Reciprocal Ratio of the the Neper or Natural Logarithm to the Brigg's by the reciprocal Ratio of d to 2, and divide that Quo- tient by the Square of z, and each ſucceſſive Quotient by the ſame Square of 2, we ſhall have a Series of Quotients, which being divi- ded reſpectively by the ſeveral Co-efficients 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, c. will produce a New Series of Quotients whoſe Sum will give the Brigg's Logarithm of the Number propoſed. If we make uſe of the Reci- procal Ratio of the Natural Logarithm to the Brigg's; but the half Sum if we uſe the Reciprocal Ratio of the Nepers to the Brigg's Logarithm. Let it therefore be required to find the Brigg's Logarithm of 2 to 10 places, which is as far as the largeſt Tables now publiſhed extend, from the Reciprocal Ratio of the Natural to the Brigg's Logarithm. Put therefore R=868,588,963,806, and Becauſe a=1, b=2, d=1, and 2=3; therefore Rx+x=;xšxist1x2,567, 6o=L, 2. 289 Z Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 677 I 5 on ki o moje 289.529.654605 32.169.961.62 its 3.574-440:18 its 397.360.02 its ; 44.128.89 its 4.903.21 its i -544.80 its 60.53 its 6.72 its T? 289.5 29.654.60 10.723.320.54 -714.888.04 56.737.14 4.903.21 445.75 41.91 4.03 40 4 I jarja 74 its The Briggs Logarithm of 2 is 301 029.995.66 Z R 2 + x 1 32 Again, if it be required to find the Brigg's Logarithm of 3. d Becauſe a=1,b=3, d=2, and z=4; therefore, =. And, R R tx &c. will be the Logarithm of 3 ; where- 8 fore, if half of R be divided by 4, and each Quotient ſucceſſively by the fame Number, and thoſe again by the Indices of the odd Powers, the Sum of theſe laft Quotients will be the Brigg's Loga- rithm of 3; but inaſmuch as this Series converges very ſlow, the ſame Logarithm of 3 may be found much quicker, by finding the Difference between the Logarithm of 2 already known, and the Logarithm of 3 required. Put therefore 8=2, b=3, then will z=5, and d=1,7= , and d? the common Multiplicator equal to 1', wherefore if R be di- vided by 5, and that Quote by. 25, s. and thele ſeveral Quotes 3, , 7, Quotes 3. d 2 2 garithm of 2, "will give the Logarithelaf Ruotes added to the Lo- 2 The SS SS 2 7 678 of the Nature and Conſtručtion of Logarithms The Operation is as follows, ; -868.588.963 80=R asam 173.717 792.765 25-6.948.711.71 its 277.948 47 its 11.117.94 its 444.73 its 17.79 its 2 ई 3 5 173.717.792.76 2.316.237-24 55.589.69 1.588.28 4941 -1.62 5 I 9 3 -71 its I I 13 Diff. between the Log. of 2 & 3= 176.091.25905 Wherefore if to the Logarithm of 2, equal 301:029.995.66, be added 176.019.259,055, the Sum 477.121.254.71, will be the Lo- garithm of the given Number 3. Again, becauſe 2x2=4. There- fore. To find the Logarithm of 4. Add 301.029.995 66, the Logarithm of 2, to its ſelf; or multi- ply the ſame Logarithm of 2 equal to 301.029.995.66 by 2, the Produa 602.059.991.37, will be the Logarithm of 4 And again, becauſe 2x5=10. To find the Logarithm of 5. From the Logarithm of 10 y.c00.000 000.00 Take the Logarithm of 2 There remains the Logarithm of s 698 970.004:34 And becauſe 2x3=6. Therefore, To find the Logarithm of 6. To the Logarithm of 3 Add the Logarithm of 2 477.12 1.254.72 301.029.995 66 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 6 - 778.151.250.38 The Logarithm of 6 being known, the Logarithm of 7 will be readily had by the General Theorem. For Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 679 d 2² For putting 4-6, 6-7, we ſhall have z=13 and d=1, and = =ıss, whence xR will be equal to 66.814.535.68, and conſe- quently, 176 66.814.535.68= 66.814,535 68 -395.352.28 its 131.784.09 467,87 1.98 1 ju 3 177 1m 2.339.30 its 13 84 its 9 t's 8 The Diff of the Log. of 6 & 7= 66-946 789.63 Wherefore, To the Logarithm of 6 Add the Difference found 778 151.250.38 66 946 789.63 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 7 845 098 040:01 And becauſe 23=8, if 3.301.029.995.66 be trebled, the Product 0.903.089.986.99, will be the Logarithm of 8. Again, becauſe, 3x3=9=3?, therefore 2 L3=L9'; wherefore, To find the Logarithm of 9 Multiply the Logarithm of 3 equal to 477.12 1.254.719 By the Number 3 2 The Product will be the Logarithm of 9 954.2424509:438 From the Logarithm of 10 equal to 1.000 000 000.00, may the Lo- garithm of 11 be eaſily found, by the General Theorem For putting a =10, b=11, and <=21, and d equal to 1, and dd d = จาก and XR=41.361.379.23, and conſequently, 71 * 41.361.37923 41 361,379 23, **1 31.263 32 141 42.53, z z 3 93.789.97 its 212.67 its 49 its I 7 The Diff between the Log of 10 & 11 41392.685.15 This therefore added to 1.000.000 000.00 the Logarithm of ro, will give 1.041392-685.15, for the Logarithm of 11. And 680 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. And again, beacauſe 6x2=12, if to the Logarithm of 6 equal to 778.151.250.38, be added the Logarithm of 2 equal to 301.029 .995.66, 'the Sum, will be the Logarithm of 12. Whence, To find the Logarithm of 13 the next Prime Number. Putting -d a=12, b=13, z=25, d=1, we ſhall have XR=34.743.558 -552; and conſequently, 34.743.55855 34 743.558.55 55.589.69 its 18.529 90 88.94 its 1 625 [ 625 ohnt enim 6 2 5 17.79 1 63 14 its The Diff between the Log, of 12 & 13 34.762.106.26 of 13: Which being therefore added to the Logarithm of 12 equal to, will give 1.113.943.352.30, for the Logarithm And again, becauſe 7x2=14 Therefore, If to the Logarithm of 7 0.845.098.040.01 Be added the Logarithim of 2- -0.301.029.995.66 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 14 ---1, Again, becauſe 5x3=15. Therefore, If to the Logarithm of s 0.698.970.004.33 Be added the Logarithm of 3 -0.477.121.254.72 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 15 Again, becauſe 4X4=4'=16. Therefore, If the Logarithm of 4 equal to -0.602.059.991.32 2. Be multiplied by 2 The Product will be the Logarithm of 16-1:204.119.982.64 2 Hence the Logarithm of 17 may be eaſily computed : For put- d ting n=16, b=17, %=33, and d=1, we fhall have XR = 26. 3 20,877.69; and confequently, ܝܐ 26 of the Nature and Conſtruétion of Logarithint. 681 175 26.320.877.69 26.320.87769 24.169.77 its 22.19 its 8.056.52 3 7099 I099 1 5 4.44 The Diff ' betw, the Log. of 16 & 17 26.328.938.72 17 Which therefore added to 1.204,119.982-69 the Logarithm of 16 before found, will give 1.230 448.921.3, for the Logarithm of Again, becauſe 2x9=18. If to the Logarithm of 9 equal to - 0'954 242.509 44 De added the logarithm of 2 equal to 0:301 029.995.66 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 18 equal to — Whence to find the Logarithm of 19, the next Prime Number, d? d put a=18, b=19, then will z=37, and d=1, and = 1367, and XR=23 475.377.400. Whence, 23 475 377.40 23.475.377.40 17 147.83 its 5.715.94 2.51 2 z T 1379 er mwl T 3 I 1 '13 12-52 its The Dif.betw. the Log of r8 & 19 23.481.095.85 This therefore added to the Logarithm of 18, will give 1.278.753.600.95, for the Logarithm of 19; and becauſe 2X10=4x5=20, therefore, If to the Logarithm of 10 20 Be added the Logarithm of 2 301.029.995.66 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 20 1.301.029.995.16 Or, If to the Logarithm of 4 equal to Be added the Logarithm of s equal to - 0.602.059.991.33 0.698.970.004:33 The Sum will be the Logarithm of 20 1.301.029.995.66 Hence 682 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms Hence the Logarithm of 1 being oc0,000,000, &c. The Logarithm of 3 is 0,301,029,995,66 3 0,477,12 1,254,72 0,602,059,991,33 0,698,970,004,34 6 0,778,151,250,38 7 0,845,098,040,01 8 0,903,089,986,99 9 0,954,242,509,43 1,000,000,000,00 1,941,392,685,16 . 1,079,181,246,05 13 1,113,943,352,3 1 1,146,118,035,68 15 1,176,091,259,06 16 1,204,119,982,66 17 1,230,448,921,38 18 1,255,272,525,10 19 1,278,753,600,95 1,301,029,999,56 o con ant 10 II 1.2 JA 20 After the ſame manner may the whole Table be conſtructed. But if the Logarithm be computed to Seven Places only, which is as far as the Tables commonly uſed do extend ; which are ſufficient- ly exa& for all Uſes, except in very extraordinary Caſes, two Thirds of the Trouble will be ſaved, The Excellency of this Method will better appear, by comparing the ſeveral preceding Computations of the Prime Numbers toge- ther; by which it is obvious, that as the Prime Number it ſelf in- creaſes, the Operation decreaſes; and the fewer Steps are requiſite, till at laſt the firſt Step will fuffice to find the Difference to any Num- ber of Places requifite. Thus in the common Tables which extend but to Seven Places in Decimals, when the Difference d becomes the one Two Hun- d dredth Part of the Sum 2, the firſt ſtep-R, will give the Diffe. rence between the Logarithms true to the ſame Number of Places 2 For of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 683 For if 868.588.9 be divided by 201, the Sum of the Numbers 100 and 101, the Quotient 0043213, will give the Difference between the Log. of 100 and 101 true to 7 Places, which therefore being addd to 2.0000009, will give 2.0043213 for the Logarithm of 101 ; fo that the Logarithms of the Prime Numbers under 100 being found, the Logarithm of all the Prime Numbers above 100 may be found by one ſingle Diviſion, and the Logarithms of all the intermediate Numbers by the Addition and Subſtraction of those already found. As the Addition of Logarithms anſwers to the Muiciplication of the Numbers they repreſent, and the ſubſtracting one Logarithm from another, produces the Logarithm of the Quotient reſulting from the Diviſion of the one of the correſponding Numbers by the other, ſo when we are about to find the Logarithm of any Prime Nun:ber, if the Numerator of the Frađion reſulting (by adding and ſubſtract- ing of 1, to and from the given Number; be more than 1, (inaſ- much as the Series formed from it deverges but very ſlowly) the Logarithm of ſuch a Number is more readily inade by the Loga- rithms of its two Compoſers or Factors, whoſe Fac or Product is equal to the given Number, wherein one of the Factors is ſuch a Number whoſe Logarithm is already known, the other ſuch a Num- ber as that by Addition and Subſtraction of 1, there may reſult ſuch a Vulgar Fra&tion as ſhall have i for its Numerator ; by which means the ſeveral Powers thereof may be formed with greater Eale, and conſequently all the Operations more expedited and facilitated than when the Numerator is a Number greater than Unity ; and by how much the greater is the Denominator than Unity, by ſo much the ſwifter does the Series converge. And in the Choice of theſe Factors conſiſts chiefly the Expeditious and Eaſy Conſtruation of a Table of Logarithms. Thus if we are about to make the Logarithm of 3 by two Num- bers whoſe Fac is 3, the two Numbers moſt convenient will be 2 and I i, for the Logarithm of 2 being known, and í being added to, and ſubſtracted from 1i, will give * ; the Square of which be- ing zs, will give us 2,5 for a continual Divilor, which will cauſe the Fraction to converge inuch ſwifter than by dividing by +, the Denominator of the Fraction reſulting from the Addition and Sub- ftra&ion of 1, to and from the given Number 3: Again, if we are about to make the Logarithin of 7, the next Prime Number, it is much eaſier performed by conſidering the Number 7 as made up,or produced by the Multiplication of o by it, (which Logarith. of 6) being a Compound of the Logarithms of 2 and 3, Titt ſup- ز 684 Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. w fuppoſed to be salready found) whence the Derfominator of the re- ſulting Fraction will be 13, and its Square 169 for a common Di. viſor,) then by the Additionof 1, to or from the given Number 7, which will produce &, the Square of which is is for a common Multiplicator. In like manner the Logarithms of the firſt three Prime Numbers 2, 3 and 5, are much more eaſily formed by their component Factors I, I, I, than by the Numbers themſelves; as any one may ſee who will but be at the Pains to compute them. As the Logarithms cfi, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, c. in Nepers Form, are made equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6c. Hence it is that the Logarithms of all Numbers which increaſe or decreaſe in a Ten-fold Proportion, differ from each other only in their Characteriſtics or Indices, the Fractional Number remain- ing conſtantly the ſame : And hence it is, that the Fractional Number .30102.99956.6 which is the Logarithm of 2, when the Index is a Cypher, becomes the Logarithm of 20, when the Index is made equal to 1. the Logarithm of 200, when the Index is put equal to 2, and the Logarithin of 2000, when the Index is put equal to 3, &c. and the ſame Logarithm of .30102.99956.6 which is the Logarithm of 2 when it has nothing for its Index, becomes the Logarithm of Tö, when the Index is made - the Logarithm of tão, when the Index is --2 the Logarithm of toot, when the Index is made ---3, Gr. the Frađional Number remaining ſtill the ſame ; for becauſe r is to 2, as ro to 20; as 100 to 200; as 1000 to 2000;c the diſtance between the Numbers 1 and 2, 10 and 20, 100 and 200, 1000 and 2000, c. are equal to each other, and the Number of Termis in the infinite Scale of Proportionals between the Number 1 and 2, 10 and 20, 100 and 200, 1000 and 2000, that is the Logarithm of that diſtance will be the ſame; and ſince the Logarithm of 1 is 5.000.000. 000 0, of 10 is, of 100 is o, and the Logarithm of 2 is 30102.99956.6 the Logarithm of 20 will be 1.30102 99956.6, of 200 2.30102299956.6, of 2000 3,3010299956, and of 20000 4:30 102.999566 &c. wherefore, inaſmuch as the Numbers 37251, 3725.1, 372.51, 37.251, 3.7251-37251, 037251, .100.37251, are concinual Propoportionals, viz. in the Ratio of 10 to 1, the Number of Terms between each in the in- Sinite Scale of Proportions will be equal : And inaſmuch as the Logarithm of 37251 is 4 57113.79358, the Logarithm of the other Numbers will be 3-57113.79358 2.57113.79358; 157113.79358, 0.57113.79358,-1.57113.79358, -2.57113.79358, -3.57113. 79358,0 This , of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 685 This Property of having the ſame Number repreſent or become the Logarithm of an infinite Series of Numbers by increaſing or dimi- niſhing the Characteriſtic by Unicy, is peculiar only to the Brigg's Form, and gives it a Preference beyond all other Kinds of Loga- ritlims hitherto known, not only for the ready finding of the Lo- garithm to any given Number, and the contrary; but for finding Logarithms to Numbers and Numbers to Logarithms which exceed the Bounds of the Table. It has been already thewn, if z ſtand for the Sum of any two d Numbers a and b, and d for their Difference, that R, will give the Difference of the Logarithms between a and b true to 7 Places when the Number is greater than 100; and the ſame will hold good to 10 Places when the Number is greater than 1000. Let it therefore be required to find the Logarithm of 37 271 256, from the next leſs Tabular Logarithm to the given Number, by the ſame Law. inaſmuch as the next leſs Tabular Numer to the given Numter is 37271000, if 868.588 963,8 equal to R, be divided by 291181, the Ratio of 74542256, the sum of the given Numbers 37271256 and 37271000 to their Difference 256, the Quotient 29829 added to 57137.10453, the Frađional part of the Logarithm anſwering to 37271000, will give -5713740282 for the 'ractional part of the Logariihm required ; to which prefixing 7 for the Index becauſe the given Number conſiſts of 8 Figures, we ſhall have 7.5713740282 for the true Logarithm of the given Number 37271256. But inaſmuch as while the Numbers themſelves increaſe, the Dif- ference of their correſpondenc Logarithms conſtantly decreaſe, and approach nearer and nearer to an Equality of Ratio with the Num- bers themſelves; if the given Number conſiſts but of a few Figures more than the Tabular Numbers, the proportional Logarithmic Augment or Decrement may be found, from the common Difference between the next greater and lefler Tabular Numbers, to the given Number, by the common Rule of Proportion, by ſaying; As Unity (with as many Cyphers as the Number of Figures in the given Number, exceeds the next leſs Tabular Number) Is to the Difference between the Tabular Logarithm of the two next Numbers, above and below the given Number : So is the Exceſs of the given Number above the next leſs Tabu- lár Number: Tttt 2* To 686 Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. To a fourth Proportional; which being added to the Tabular Logarithm of the next leſſer Number to the given Number, will give the Logarithm of the given Number. Thus in the foriner Example, to find the Log. of 37271256, from the Logarithm of the next greater and lefler Tabular Numbers, it will be, As 1000 tO 116521 the Difference between 57138.26974 the Fractional Part of 3727200, the next greater Tabular Namber to the given Number, and 573710453 the Fractional Part of the next leſler Number, to the given Number; fo is 256 the Exceſs of the given Number above the next leſs Tabular Number, to 29829 the proportional Augment; which therefore added to 5713710453, the Fractional Part of the Logarithm of the next leſs Tabular Num- ber will give 5713740282, for the Fractional Part of the Number to which prefixing 7 for the Index, we ſhall have 7.5713740282 for the Logarithm of the Number 37271256, the ſame as was found before, Hence the Natural Sine, Tangent, or Secant of any Arch being given, we are taught how to find the Artificial Sine, Tangent, or Secant of the ſame Arch, viz. by entering the Logarithmic Table, and finding out the Tabular Logarithm of the given Number, expreſſing the Artificial Sine, Tangent or Secant of the given Arch; for thatNumber will be the Logarithmic Sine, Tangent or Secant of the Arch propoled : Thus the Natural Sine of 80 deg. being 9848,0775.30 ſuch parts as the Radius is 1.0000 0000.00 the correſpondent Logarithmic Sine will be found to be 9.9933. 514589, the Radius of the Artificial Sine being 10.0000 0000.00. In like manner the Logarithmic Secant of 10 degrees will be found to be 10.0066485411, the Natural Secant being 1.0154.267 and the Logarithmic Tangent of so Degrees, will be found to be 10.076 1.864698, the Natural Tangent being 11917536. After the ſame manner may the Logarithmic Siue, Tangent, or ecant of any Arch be found, and conſequently the whole Table of Artificial Sines. Tangents and Secants may be readily formed; the Tables of Logarithms and Tables of Natural Sines, Tangepts, and Si cants, beirg firſt given. But the Logarithmic Sine, Tangent or Secant, of any Arch may be directly found, independent of the Tables of Logarithms; for S-1 by putting S for the Sine of any Arch, and 9 St. we ſhall have 1 Of the Nature and Conſtru&tion of Logarithms. 687 1. N 72 6 8 IO Ioney 25 2 a 15 14 15 xatiqi t'; q*+*9', &c. for the Logarithmic Sine of the fame Arch ; and if in the room of S in the former Series, we put t for the Tangent, or C for the Secant of any Arch, the ſame Series will produce the Logarithmic Tangent or Secant of the given Arch. But if inſtead of Š the Right-line in the former Series, we put a for the Length of the Arch it felf, then will xn-a-vat a a &c. be the Logarithinic Co-ſine of the ſame Arch in Brigg's Form, the Radius being aſſumed equal to 10.000 000.0, and n equal to 1.30585, Oc. Thus, Suppoſe it were required to find the Logarithmic Sine of 8. De- grees, from the ſame Series Becauſe by Se&t. the ad of Part the 2d, where the Radius is af- ſumed equal to Unity, the Arch of the Semicircle will be 3 1415. 9265.358, if this be divided by 18, the Quotient 1745.3292.519 will be the Length of the Arch of 10 Degrees in the ſame Parts: Put this therefore equal to , Then will {a? be equal to 0152-3087.10 And , at equal to 7732.65 And aequal to 62.81 And são a' equal to 58 And conſequently, ta’tréat+45 as tajži na = 0152.0883.14 ܘ ܕ ܪ ܐ This therefore taken from n=23025.8509.29, will leave 2.2872• 7626.15, which being multiplied by 4342.9448.190, will give 9933.5145.89 for the Fractional Part of the Logarithmic Sine of 80 Degrees, to which therefore prefixing 9 for the Index, becauſe the Radius is put equal to 10, we ſhall have 9.9933514589 for the Brigg's Logarithmic Sine of 80 Degrees; and after the ſame manner may the Logarithmic Sine of any other Aich be found, independant of the Logarithmic Tables, and the whole Table of Sines con-.. ſtructed. The Logarithmic Sines being thus obtained, the Logarithmic Tangents and Secants may be found, by the ſimple Addition and Subſtradion of the Logariihmic Sines, to or from each other. For becauſe the Co-line of any Arch is to its Right-fine, as the - Radius is to the Tangent of the ſame Arch. If 688 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms If from theSum of the Logarithms of the Radius and Right-line of an Arch be taken the Logarithmic Co-fine, the Remainder will be the Logarithmic Tar.gent of the ſame Arch: Thus if it were re- quired to find the Logarithmic Tangent of 80 Degrees, from the Logarithmic Sine and Co-fine of the ſame Arch. To the Logarithmic Sme of 8o deg. 9.99335.14589 Add the Logarithmic Radius IO 00000,00000 From this Sum- Take the Logarithmic Co-fine of 8o deg. 19.99335.14589 9.23967.02300 The Remain will be the Log. Tangent of 80 deg. 10.75368.52289 Again, becauſe the Radius is a mean Proportional between the Co-fine and Secant of the ſame Arch, if from twice the Radius be taken the Logarithmic Co-fine of an Arch, the Remainder will be the Logarithmic Secant of the ſame Arch: Thus, if it were required to find the Logarithmic Secant of 10 Degrees, from the Logarithmic Co-ſine of the ſame Arch From twice the Logarithmic Radxus- 20 20000.00000 Take the Logarithmic Co ſine of 10 deg. -9.99335.14589 Remains the Logarithmic Secant of so deg. - 10 00664.85411 Again, inaſmuch as the Radius is a mean Proportional between the Logarithmic Sine and the Logarithmic Co-ſecant of the fame Arch. If from twice the Logarithmic Radius 20 00000,00000 Be taken the Logarithmic Sine of ro deg. 9.23967.02300 There will remain theLogarithmic Secantof 80 deg. 10-76032.97700 So that the Logarithmic Sine and Co-fine of any Arch being known, the Logarithmic Tangent, Secant, and Co-ſecant of the ſame Areh is readily found. But the Logarithmic Secant it ſelf of any Arch may be dire&tly found, without the help of the Logarithmic Sine. For if we put a for the length of the given Arch, then + ka't11m trsa', ci will be the Logarithmic Secant of the fame 1 XR of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 689 ſame Arch : Thus if it were required to find the Logarithmic Se- cant of so Degrees, from the length of the Arch of 10 Degrees e- equal to 1745,3293,52, &c. before found, To į a' equal to 0152.3087.10 Add at equal to 7732.65 Alſos a equal to 62.81 And 51: aequal ro -58 I The Sum equal to 0153.0883.14 Being added to n equal to 2 3025 8509 29, will give 2.3178. 9392.43, which being multiplied by 4342.9448.1903, and adding the proper Index, will give 10.0066.485411, for the Logarithmic Secant of 10 Degrees. The Logarithinic Secant being thus obtained, the Logarithmic Sines and Tangents themſelves may be found, by the Addition and Subſtraction of the Logarithmic Secants, to and from each other, according to tlae former Rules. xatárt }& equal to the Logarithmic Tangent of 45 Degrees to the given Arch a in Brigg's Term. If it be required to find the Logarith- mic Tangent of 50 Degrees, put a =1745.3292.52, &c. the length of the Arch of 10 Degrees, the Radius being 1,000000, &c. Then, Toa the length of the Arch of 10 deg. 1745.3292.42 Add al egaal to 8.8609.52 Allo 4a' equal to 674.80 And 74 aequal to -5.97 And 77fc a? equal to - -6 The Sum 1754.2582.97 Being multiplied by 4342:9448.19, will give 0761.8646 98, to which prefixing 10 for the Index we ſhall have 10.07618.64698 for the Brigg's Logarithmic Tangent of so Degrees Again, becauſe the Radius is a mean Proportional between the Tangent and Co-tangent of an Arch. If from twice the Radius be taken the Logarithmic Tangent of an Arch, the Remainder will be the Logarithmic Tangent of the Complement of that Arch to a Quadrant: Sup- 690 Of the Nature and Com Praption of Logarithms Suppoſe it were required to foc Logarithmic Targent of 40 Degrees, from the Logarithmic te gent of 50 Degrees first given From twice the Logarithinic Rasius Take the Logarithmic Tangent of 50 Degrees-10 07618.64098 The Remainder will be the Log. Tang. of 40 Deg: 9.92381.35302 20.00000.00000 Hence the Logarithmic Tangent being made for either half of the Quadrant, the reſt may be found by Subftra&ion. The Logarithmic Tangents being thus obrained, the Logarith- mic Sine and Secant may be readily found by Addition and Sub- ſtraction only, by the Rules delivered in Page 688. And hence we are taught various Methods for computing the Logarithmic Sines, Tangenes and Secarts of any Arch, and conſe- quently a ready and expeditious Way of Conſtructing the Tables themſelves. It has been already ſhewn, that Xx—***+*—*%4, 6. I 7 I N I •N N L' + equal to 1-tox. I will be the Logarithm of the Ratio of 1 to 1+x, where n repreſents any infinite Index, and x any Number taken at Pleaſure. Now if I be put for the Logarithm it felf, then 11 / 을 ​itxho will be equal to L, conſequently, itx will be equal to I+1, and itx equal to Łti and becauſe Ltr =it nit 2 n-n ni +3ni tan n4613-trinon L? + L*, &c. by 24 the General Theorem, in Page the 669th, when n is finite, when n becomes infinite L+I will be equal to itnL+in’L+?n?L? + n°14 tiça n'L' +10nºl•+574om"",=1+x. In like *************4+*3 bx', &c. e- 22 qual to 1-1q is the Logarithm of the Ratio 1 to 1-X, 1-14 2 6 •N I manner, becauſe N 2 n n will be equal to L, conſequently i-*=1-1, and Ix=1- L, where- of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 691 n + f 2 I Or, et wherefore by the ſame General Theorem, 1-x=1-1, will be e- qual to 1-nl to n? L'—*n'Z' trin'24-36 n'l'ttt néL'- soon? L', &c. Whence I +nl+fm?***n'I.' + ts mit L n' L', &c. which is a General Theorem for finding the Number from the Logarithm given, of any Form whatſoever. + And becauſe n=1000000,6c. in Nepers Form i +2+ iĽ+IL’t zil+ tris L', &c. will give the Number anſwe- ring to any Logarithm in Nepers Form. Hence any one Term of the Ratio whereof L is the logarithm, being given, the other Term will be obtained readily; for putting a for the lefler of the two Terms, and b for the greater, axl - +L. L' +424 FEL', &c. will give the greater ; and bx i -L+ {L'-;L+TL', &c. will give a the lefler, in Ne- per's Form. axiton Ltın? L’tn 13 + sänt 1++:L', &c.=b: And, axi-nLt į n’L'- n L +24n+ L+ - 1L", &c=a, in any Form Let d ſtand for the Difference between the given Logarithm and the next neareſt Tabular Logarithm; then will axitd. tid + *d +24 d'+its d', &c.=N. Or, bx,1-d.Lid-d +2nd+mikod', &c.=N, the Number requi- red in Nepers Form. AXIn d+ d+3 aº d+s4=* 4*+s nº dº, &c=N. And, bxr-nd + Ž na d—ind tzant d' thons d', &c, =N, the correſpondent Number in Logarithms of any Species Let it therefore be required to find the Number anlwering to 7,5713770282 in Brigg's Form. Becauſe 7.5713710453 (the neareſt tabular Logar. to this) is leſs than the given Number, put 37271000 the Number anlwering to it, equal to a, and the Difference between the two Logarithms 0000029827 equal to d, then will n equal to 2.30258, &c, multipli- ed by d produce o000068683 ; which being increaſed by s, and mul- tiplied by 37271000, the next neareſt Number in the Table, will give 37271255.988 for the Number anſwering to the given Loga- rithm : Or, if oooo068683 be multiplyed by a, equal to 37271000, Uuuu * the 7 Or, ol 692 of the Nature and Conſtrution of Logarithms. the Product 255.998 increaſed by a, equal to 37271000 will give 37271:55,988 for the Number required; and after the ſame inanner inay the Number anſwering to any given Logarithm be found Hence and from the General Theorem, may the Number anſwering to any Logarithm be found, and conſequently an Anti Logarithmic Carion be conſtructed, ſhewing the Natural Numbers anſwering to every Logarithm, fet down in a Natural Order from 1 to 100 000, whence the Number anſwering to any Logarithm might be fo: nd with the fame Eaſe as we find the Logarithm for any Num- ber in the Logarithmic Canon, which would render the Logarith- mic Tables compleat, and ſich a Canon was confirućt :d ma- ny Years ago, as Dr. Wallis informs us, but loſt for want of due Encouragement to Prin: it. But the Number anſwering to any given Logarithm may be found much more eaſily, and ſufficiently exact for common Uſes, by the common Rules of Proportion. For having found out in the Logarithmic Canon, the rext leſs Logarithm to the given Logarithm, fubftract it from the next greater Tabular Logarithm, and call the Remainder the Tabular Difference. Then ſay, As the Tabular Difference, To an Uaire, with as many Cyphers as there are Places wanting So is the Exceſs of the given Logarithm above the next lefs Ta- bular Logarithim, To a fourth Proportional Number. Or, So is the Defect of the given Logarithm, to the next greater Tabu- iar Logarithin, To a tourth Proportional: Which fourth Proportional being added in the firit Cafe to the Tabular Number, ſtanding againſt the next lefs Tabular Logarithm ; to the given Logarithm but in the ſecond Caſe ſubſtracted from the Tabular Number ſtanding againſt the next greater Tabular Loga- rithm, to the given Logarithm, will give the abſolute Number an- ſwering to the given Logarithm. Thus if it were required to find the abſolute Number anſwering to 7.5713740282, a given Logarithm, as in the former Example. Searching the Tabular Canon, I find the next leſs Tabular Lo- garithm to che given Logarithm to be 7.5713710453, and the ab- ſolute Number anſwering to it to be 37271.000; Likewiſe in the fame ; of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 693 fame Canon I find the next greater Logarithm to the given Loga- rithm to be 7.5713826974, and the abſolute Number anſwering to it to be 37272000; then I ſay, as 116521, the Difference betwixo te two Tabular Logarithms, to 1000; lo is 29829, the Exceſs of the given Logarithm above the next leſs Tabular Logarithm, to 255.99, the fourth Proportional; which being therefore added to 37271000, the Number anſwering to the next lefs Tabular Loga- richin, will give 37271255-99, or 37271256, for the abſolute Num- ber anſwering to the given Logarithm ; or ſo is 86692, the Exceſs of the next greater Tabular Logarithin above the given Logarithm, to 744, a fourth Proportional; which being ſubtracted from 37272000, the Number anſwering to the next greater Tabular Lo- garithm, will give 37271256, for the Number anſwering to the gi- ven Logarithm agreeing with the former Aníwers. From the Principles here laid down, leveral other Series might be drawn, and conſequently ſeveral other Methods inight be thew'ı for the coſtructing of Logarithms, and the contrary; but as the chict End of this section was only to explain the Nature of them, and ſhew the Manner how they may be made, I fall leave the far- ther Proſecution of them for this time, being well aſſured that there is norning here delivered, but may be ciearly underſtood by any Perſon who is but moderately skill'd in the Fundamental Rules of coinmon Algebra. As my chief View in this Section, as well as throughout the whole Work, has been to deliver every thing in as plain a manner as can be, and ſo as that it may be underſtood by the meaneſt Capacity ; 'cis for this Reaſon that I have explained the Nature of Logarithms by the lielp of the Logarithmic Curve ; wherein the Logarithms or Sum of the Ratio's are expounded by Right-lines, and the Rario's themſelves by the Magnitudes of the Lines compared with each other. For altho' the Subject of Logarithuns be a Thing purely Arith- metical, wherein nothing beſides the Nature and Properties of Numbers are to be conſidered, yet this Way of repreſenting them by Lines, as it is a Thing allowed of, and practiſed by the greateſt Geometricians, ſo it certainly fixes a more juſt, diſtinct, and laſting Idea in the Mind than can be done from the Conſideration of abſtra- Eted Numbers only ; wherein the forming a true Conception of the Nature of Ratio's and Ratiunculæ, is a Thing nor ſo eaſily attain- ed by Beginners; and of theſe as well as of other parts of purc Mathematicks, that Perſons have formed to themſelves falſe Notions, U uu u 2 * and 694 Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms, and their Minds have not rightly been informed, there need: no greater Proof than the ſeveral Miſtakes and Blunders that have been committed by Perſons, in Things purely Mathematical, and which would admit of the ſtrictest Demonſtration. Logarithms are not only very uſeful in facilicating Trigonometrical Calculations, for which they were principally invented; but in the Solution of all Arithmetical Queſtions wherein Multiplication and Diviſion is concerned, and are capable of giving Solutions to jome Problems that are ſo operoſe by the common Way,that it is next to an Impoſſibility to give an Anſwer; for inaſmuch as Multiplication is performed by the Addition of the correſpondent Logarithms, and Diviſion by ſubſtracting of one Logarithm from the other, ſo Powers are raiſed by inultiplying the Logarithm of any Number by the Ir.dex of the Power, and Roots are extracted by dividing the Lo- garithm of the Number, by the Index of the given Power, and this it performs to ſufficient degrees of Exactneſs for almoſt all Uſes, let the Powers be never ſo high ; which is impoſible to be done by the common Methods of Operation; and of this I ſhall give an Inſtance, and that is in the purchaſing of Annuities. If a be put for any Annuity, p for the preſent Value, x the A- mount of one Pound for one Year at any Rate, and n for the Num- ber of Years. Then, Becauſe x :1: :2: the preſent Value at the iſt Years End. * And, x:1: : the preſent Value at the 2dYearsEnd, * * And, * :1:: the preſent Value at the 3d YearsEnd *** a a. + + will &c. to 3 X د کی Then + + X be the preſent Value equal to p. 72 But as : or as x : 1:: pa : 0 n X go Therefore, - no X-R. And, p x-p=- 2. And Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 695 And p n XI 3 i X2 Let it therefore be required to find the preſent Value of an An- nuity of sol. per Ann. to continue for Ninety Years, at the Rate of 5 per cent. per Ann. here a =Son=90, and x =1.05. Now in order to obtain the Anſwer, we inuſt find the Ninetieth Power of x, or of 1.05 ; that is, we muſt mulcipiy 1.05 Ninety times into its ſelf, and how operoſe that is by the Common Way any one may jiunge ; but by the Logarithms it is done with the greateſt Eaſe ; for if .c211893 the Logarithm of 1.05 be multiplied by 90, the Product 19070370 will be the Logarithm of the Nintich Power of 1.05, which being therefore ſubſtracted from 1.6989706, the Logarithm of a equal to so, will leave 9.7918330, the Lo- garithm of .619203, which being ſubfiracted from so, and divi. ded by x-15.05, will give 987.61594 equal to 9871. 12 s. 3 d. for the Value of the Annuity fufficiently exact. And as from the gencral Equation - px - may Theorems be deduced for finding the Value, Anruity, Rate or Time, and as the principal Dif- ficulty in applying thele Theorems to Pra&ice confifts in raiſing the Powers of x in the Theorems, and as theſe are performed with the greatet Eaſe by the Help of thele Artificial Numbers, it ſhews of what greac Benefit the Invention of theſe Numbers are to · Mankind. I ſhall give one Inſtance more of the great Uſe of Logarithms in Arithmetical Calculations, and that is in the Caſe of Sefa an Indian, as it is relared by Dr. Wallis in his Opus Arithmeticum from Alſephad (an Arabic Writer) in his Commentaries upon Tograius's Verſes, who having firſt found out the Game of Chere, and ſhew'd it to his Prince Sheram, the King who was highly pleaſed with it, bid him ask what he would for the Reward of his Invention; whereupon he asked that for the firſt liicle Square of the Chelſe-board he might have one Grain of Wheat given him; for the ſecond, two, and ſo on; doubling continually according to the Number of the Squares of the Chelle-board, which was ſixty four. And when the King, who intended to give a very noble Reward was much diſpleaſed that he had asked ſo trifling an one, Sella declared that he would ! 696 of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms would be contented with this finall one The Reward he had fixed upon was ordered to be given him, but the King was quickly aſto- niſhed, when he found that this would riſe to ſo vaſt a Quantity that the whole Earth it ſelf could nor furniſh our ſo much Wheat; and how great the Number of theſe Grains is, may be found by doubling One continually 63 times; ſo that we may get the Num- ber that ftands in the laſt Place, and then one time more, tor to have theSum of all, ſince the double of the laſt Term, leſs by one, is the Sum of all the Terms : Now thiswill be nore expeditioully done by the help of Logarithms and accurately cnough too for this purpoſe. For if to the Logarithm of 1 (which is o) we add the Logarithm of 2, (which is 3010300) multiplied by 64, the Product will be 19,2659200, and the abſolute Number agreeing to this will be great er than 18446,00000,00000,00000, and leſs than 18447,00000, 00000,00000. And laſtly, as all Operations in Natural Numbers that are performed by Multiplication and Divilion, are performed by the Ad- dition and Subſtraction of theſe Artificial Numbers, he that knows how to manage the one cannot be ignorant how to apply the o- ther, in all Arithmetical Caſes whatſoever. But before I conclude this Sestion, it may not be amiſs to give fome Account of the Manner how the Lines upon the Gunter Scale are formed. The Line of Numbers is no other than a Logarithmic Scale of Proportionals, wherein the Diſtance between each Diviſion is equal to the Number of mean Proportionals contained between the two terins, in ſuch Parts as the Diſtance between 1 and 10 is 1000, Gr. Wherefore, If the Diſtance between 1 and 10 upon the Scale be made equal to 10000, 6c. cqual Parts. And.954, the Logarithm of 9 of the fame Parts be ſet of from 1 to 9, it will give the Diviſion ſtanding a gainſt the Number 9. In like manner, if 903, c. 845, c. 778,&c. which are the Logarithins of 8, 7, and 6, &c. of the ſame equalParts be ſet off from 1 to 8, to 7, to 6, &c. they will give the Diviſions anſwering to the Number 8, 7, 6, c. upon the Scale. Again, If 995,991, 986, 6c of the ſame equal Parts, which are the Logarithims of 99, 98, 97, &c. be ſet of from 1, &c to- wards 10, they will give the ſeveral Diviſions upon the Scale that anſwer to theſe Logarithms, and after the ſame manner may the whole Line be disided. Again, Of the Nature and Conſtruction of Logarithms. 697 Again, If Numbers anlwering to the Natural Signs and Tan- gents of any Arch, in ſuch Parts as the Radius is 10000, oc be found out upon the Line of Numbers right againſt them in the ſame Scale will ſtand the reſpective Diviſions anſwering to the rulocatie Arches, for becauſe the Narural Siae of 30 Degrecs is 5000, cc. right againſt 80, upon the Line of Numbers ſtands the Sie 9: 30 degs. upon the line of Sines; and becauſe the Natural Tannent of zo dets. is 577 of the ſame Parts right againſt 577 in the Line of Numbers ſtands thc Tangent of 30 deg, upon the Line of Tan- gents, or which is the ſame thing, If the Diſtance between 50 and 100 upon the Line of Numbers be ſet of in the Line of Sines from go towards the Left-hand it will give the Point anſwering to the Sine o zo deg. lipon the Scale; alſo if the Diſtance between 57,7 and 100 upon the Line of Numbers be ſet off in the Line of Tangenes from 45 towards the Left-hand, it will give :le Point upon the scale anſwering to the Tangene of 30 deg. and after the faine manner may the whole Line of Sir's Tangents and Verſed Sines be divided The Lines being thus conſtructed all Problems relating to Arith- meric, Trigonometry, and their dependent Sciences may be reſolved by the Extent of the Compailles only; and as all Queftions whatſo- ever are reduceable into Proportions, the general Rule is this, to extend the Compaſes from the firſt term to the ſecond, and the fame Extent of the Compaſſes will reach from the third term to the fourth, which fourth Term muſt be ſo contrived as to be the thing required, which a little Practice will render eaſy. The End of the firſt VOLUME, Jul 12 1920 . 1 ! - : * , 1 1 i . . 1 3 : ( , 1 WONINIWASANNONS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06725 2174 C the most .