Re. Ri ao "K Y" ARTES V1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | لام TUEBOR SIQUEKS PENINSULAM AMⱭNAM MSPICE AHLILERFILLERISIMINIMUMITTEMMIII. Received IN EXCHANGE FROM Rhode Island State College Library Samael B. Wright, J. W., Ph. D. A TREATISE Sorm OF Lasising Line MECHANICS, THEORETICAL, PRACTICAL, AND DESCRIPTIVE. BY OLINTHUS GREGORY, OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH, VOL. II. CONTAINING Remarks on the Nature, Construction, and Simplification of Machinery, on Friction, Rigidity of Cords, First Movers, &c. AND Descriptions of many curious and useful Machines. Talem intelligo Philosophiam naturalem, quæ now abeat in fumos speculationum subtilium, aut sublimium; sed que efficaciter operetut, ad sub- levandi vitæ humanæ incommoda. BACON. De Aug. Sci. LONDON: PRINTED FOR GEORGE KEARSLEY, FLEET-STREET; 1806. Efeti Dia Library Rhode Island State carlyc 3-7-1941 vet z CONTENTS. 1 4 or VOLUME II. PRACTICAL MECHANICS: On the Conftruction and Simplification of Machinery On Rotatory, Rectilinear, and Reciprocating Motions On Bevel-Geer, and Proportioning the Number of Teeth On Uniformity and Smoothness of Motion On the Operation and Ufe of a Fly On Friction and the Stiffness of Cords, with the Experiments of Vince, Coulumb, &c. Page 2 12 17 An Example of the Power of the Capftan, allowing for Fric- tion and the Rigidity of Cords 42 On Water as a Mover of Machinery · 44 On Wind as a Mover of Machinerÿ, with Smeaton's Rules relative to Wind-mills 46 On the Strength of fired Gunpowder 52 On Steam as a Mover of Machinery, with the Reſults of Bettancourt and Dalton 54 On Animal Strength, Men 65 Herfes 68 DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINES. Air-pump, by Mendleſſöhn 80 Atwood's Machine for variable Motions 84 Balance, Hydrostatic Balance, Danish Balance 91-100 Balance of a Watch 100 Bark-mill 103 42 5 ir CONTENTS. Barker's Mill Page 106 Barometers of various kinds Beer-drawing Machine Bellows for Forges Bramah's Hydrostatic Prefs The Camel Capftan 112 et feq. 117 117 120 122 124 Cellar Crane 124 Centrifugal Pump 125 Chimney-cleansing Machines 125 Churn 129 Clocks 130 Treatifes on Clocks and Clock-making, &e. 140 Gaining, and Coining-mill $46 Beam Compaffes, by Walton 149 Condenser 150 Condenser of Forces, by Prony 151 Crab for Artillery 153 Cranes of various Kinds, and a lowering Regulater, by Hardie Crane, or Syphon, with an Account of Clofe's Apparatus të 154 et seq. raife Water above its Level 165 Cylinders, boring of, for Steam-engines 168 Ellipfograph 169. Engine to let down great Weights 170 File-cutting Machine 171 Fire-escape 173 Fire-engines 175 Writings on Fire-extinguiſhers 179 Flax-mill 182 Flour-mill, with Tables 184 Fly 195 } Foot-mills 196 Forcer, temporary, by Trevithack 196 CONTENTS, Page Gibbet of a Crane Gimbals Glazier's Vice Gravimeter, by Guyton Hand-mills Heart-wheel Hydraulic Engines, the Tympanum $197 198 109 199 202 203 204 De la Faye's Wheel the Noria the Perfian Wheel 204 206 206 Chain Pumps, Paternofter Work, &c. 208 Hero's Fountain 209 Darwin's Engine: 210. Hungarian Machine 210 Bofwell's Improvement of Ditto 214 the Spiral Pump at Zurich 216 Defaguliers's Drawer and Bucket 223. Sarjeant's Machine -224 Dearborn's Pump-engine 226 Catalogue of Treatifes reſpecting 228 Hygrometers of various Kinds 231 et feq. Jack to raife Loads 235 Smoke-jack and Kitchen-jack. 237 Joints, univerfal 237 Kneading-mill 237 Lathe 239 Lens-grinding Machine ..239 Lever, univerfal ·240· Loading and unloading Goods, Machine for 241. Locks 242 Mangle 243 Machine at Marly & 244 Mill and Bolter, for Families 248 Mills, Account of Treatifes relative to 250 vi CONTENTS. Page Muller, Concave 253 Qii-mill 254 Ordnance Boring, Machine for 262 Parallel Motions, Contrivances for 264 Pendulums of various Kinds 267 Penstock 273 Pile-engines, Vauloue's and Bunce's 274-276 Pipe-borer 276 Planet-wheel 278 Preſſure-engines Prefs, Binder's, Printing, Rolling, &c. Pulleys, White's, Garnett's, &c. Pumps, a great Variety, with Remarks on Piſtons, Valves, &c Pyrometers, by Muschenbroek, Graham, Wedgwood, &c. Ramfden's Machine for dividing Inſtruments 279 283 286 288 et feq. 306 311 Reverſing of Motions, Contrivances for 320 Ratatory. Apparatus, Woolf's 323 Saw-mills, by Mr. Smart and others 324 Scapements, various 329 et feq. Screw, Archimedes's 343 : 352 Shoemakers' Implement Steam-engines, by Savary, Newcomen, Blakey, Gainsborough, Watt, Hornblower, Cartwright, Murray, Bettancourt, Woolf, &c. Steelyard, by Paul of Geneva 353-405 405 Steelyards to afcertain Human Strength 411 Stream-weaſurers 412 Surface-planer, &c. by Bramah 415 Teeth of Wheels, &c. Formation of 422 Telegraphs, by Hooke, Amontons, Chappe, &t. 434 Thermometers, of various Kinds 442 et fege Thrashing Machines 458 Tide-mills 462 CONTENTS. vii Page Turning Apparatus, by Maudflay 47 Teeth-cutting Apparatus, by Maudflay 47! Turning Apparatus, by Smart 475 Watch, Repeating ditto 477 480 Watchman's Noctuary, or Labourer's Regulator Water-mills, Undershot, Overfbot, Floating, &c. Weighing Machines for Carriages 483 Weighing Apparatus for Goods, by Hardie Wheels without Cogs Wind-mills, by Verrier, Beatfon, &c. Wipers, their beft Forms Yarn-mill 493 496 498 499 508 511 } 1 MECHANICS 7. I. Remarks on Machinery in General. MECHANICS, according to the original import of the word, treats of the energy of Machines: and theſe machines are no- thing more than organa, or tools, interpofed between the work- man or natural agent and the taſk to be accompliſhed, in order to render that work capable of being performed, which under the limits and circumftances propofed would have been difficult, if not impoffible, without the intervention of fome of theſe con- trivances. • 45 Machines are interpoſed, as was remarked (art. 379. vol. 1.), chiefly for three reaſons. 1. To accommodate the direction of the moving force, to that of the reſiſtance which is to be over- come. 2. To render a power which has a fixed and certain velocity efficacious in performing work with a different ve- locity. 3. To enable a natural power, having a certain de terminate intenſity, to balance or to overcome another power or obſtacle, whoſe intenſity or reſiſtance is greater. Each of theſe purpoſes may be accompliſhed in different ways: i. e. either by machines which have a motion round ſome fixed and ſupported point, as the lever, the pulley, and the wheel and axle; or by thoſe which, inſtead of being fupported by a fixed point, about which they move, furniſh to the refiftance, or body to be moved, a ſolid path, along which it is impelled, as the inclined plane, the wedge, and the fcrew. Compound machines are peculiar combinations of theſe fix, of which we have treated individually in the firſt book of our firſt volume: fome remarks likewife upon their combination have been given in Book I. Chap. IV. art. 161. and Book II. Chap. VI. And we have treated of the ftrength of the materials of which machines may be compofed, in Book I. Chap. V. Such farther obfervations as appear neceffary to complete a theoretical and practical knowledge of Machinery in general, previous to our alphabetical deſcription of particular machines, will now be prefented to the ſtudent. VOL. II. B ་་ : N MECHANICS. 1 2. Simplicity in the conſtruction of machines cannot be too warmly recommended to the young engineer: for multiplicity of parts and of motions increaſes the expence of erection, augments the friction, and multiplies the danger of failure by the bending or by the inaccurate adjuſtment of the parts. In confequence of the effects of friction (of which we ſhall ſpeak more fully, art. 24, &c.), it is well known to all engaged in the practice of mechanics, that by no combination of wheels, or levers, or other powers, can one weight be made to move an- other with a greater or even an equal momentum: and by the multiplication of wheels, levers, &c. the effect of the machine, inſtead of being increaſed, is diminiſhed in proportion to the augmented friction of the moving parts. Hence it follows that in practice, effect is loft by mechanical combination, but gained by fimplification; and that the most perfect machine is that which operates by the feweft moving parts. In order to con- trive a fimple machine to be theoretically equivalent in power to a complex one, the following rule may be obferved: Conſtruct the various parts of the fimpler machine fo that the velocity of the impelled point (art. 365.) fhall be to that of the working point, in the fame ratio as they are in the compound machine; then will the effects of theſe two machines be the fame, fo far as depends upon pure theory: but in practice the fimpler will be the more efficacious, in confequence of the diminution of friction. 3. For an example, fuppofe the compound machine fig. 1. pl. II. were to be propofed, in order that a more fimple one might be conftructed to perform the fame work. Let CA, the lever to which the power is applied, be 10 feet, DE five feet in diameter, EF=2 feet, HI= 3 feet, GH = 5 feet, and KL= I foot, the latter being the cylinder on which the rope raiſing the weight W folds. Now the diameter of the circle defcribed by the power at A is 20 feet: and to find the diameter of the circle whofe circumference is equal to the ſpace paffed over by W in one revolution of the lever CA, reduce the following frac- tion, viz. X } DE GH KL X = 2/3/18 × 1/2 × 3 = of 2 AC; confe 2 AC EF HI 5 20 5 24 5 24 24 quently the velocity of the weight is of that of the power. And hence, if upon the vertical axis CM (fig. 2. pl. II.) a wheel be fixed the diameter kl of which is equal to 4 feet (that is, of 2 AC), the weight W will be raiſed the fame height by the fimple as by the compound machine, at every revolution of the power A. So that, the fimple machine ACM kl, will be at leaft equal in effect to the compound one ACMDEFGHIKL, and the wheels DE, EF, GH, HI, and KL, are extraneous, and probably prejudicial. Simplification of Machinery. 3 4. For another example take the following, In the common wheel and axle, the advantage gained is in the ratio of the radius of the winch to that of the barrel: fo that when it is propofed to increaſe that advantage, either the handle muſt be lengthened, or the diameter of the axle diminiſhed; neither of which, how- ever, is practicable beyond certain limits, becauſe the handle might be too long for convenient management, or the axle too flender to ſupport the load: in ſuch caſes it is ufual to annex another wheel and pinion, or a tackle of pulleys. But the fol- lowing conftruction is greatly preferable. In fig. 7. pl. I. the part A of the barrel is larger than the part B, and the rope which paffes under the pulley C and fuftains the weight D is wound upon each in contrary directions. Whenever, therefore, the handle EF is turned, fo as to gather the rope upon the larger cylinder, it will be given off by the fmaller: and for every turn of the larger, or its correfpondent portion of rope wound up, there will be given off a portion of rope anfwering to the circum- ference of the fmaller. Confequently, the quantity of unwound rope will be lefs after fuch a turn, by a portion equal to the difference between the circumferences of the two cylinders; and the weight D will be raiſed through half that ſpace. Whence, fince the radii of circles are as their circumferences, we may uſe this analogy: As the radius of the winch, To half the difference of the radii of the cylinders; So is the weight, To the power balancing it. In fig. 8. is exhibited a fimple capftan in which the fame con- trivance is adopted. Here, if the upper barrel A were 17 inches diameter, and the lower B 16 inches, the pulley C being alfo 16 inches diameter; it will be obvious that this fimple capftan will be equivalent to an ordinary capftan of the fame length of bar EF, and diameter of barrel B, combined with a 16-fold tackle of pulleys; and at the ſame time free from the great lofs by friction and bending of ropes, which would abſorb at leaſt a third of the power of a 16-fold tackle. One peculiar advantage of this engine is, that the half differ- ence of the radii of A and B may be diminiſhed ad libitum, with- out weakening the cylinder, increafing the friction, or requiring any rapid curvature of the rope. This windlafs has likewife the peculiar property of holding the weight at any part of its rife or fall without needing a ratchet wheel and catch. Its only practical diſadvantage, that a great quantity of rope muſt be ufed to produce a moderate change in the poſition of the weight; but the quantity of rope will be much leſs than what is requiſite for an equivalent tackle of pulleys. This ingenious B 2 4 MECHANICS. { contrivance is generally afcribed to the celebrated George Eckhardt; and he probably invented it without knowing that it had been uſed elſewhere: but we have ſeen a figure, from which our figure 8. is merely a copy, in fome Chineſe drawings of nearly a century old. 5. The methods of communicating motion from one thing to another, or from one point to another, are almoſt infinitely di- verſified: fo that it will not be expected that they fhould all be defcribed here. It is manifeſt that the communication of mo- tion will in different circumſtances be better effected by means of one ſimple machine (or, as they are ufually called, mecha- nical power), than by another; and much of the ſkill of the engineer confifts in chooſing the inftrument moſt proper for the purpoſe propofed and the fame will be the caſe with regard to more complex machines. In fome inftances a fimple lever, or a fimple unbent cord, will anſwer better than any combination: in others it may be highly advantageous to ufe a combination of levers acting upon each other, by means of fo many fulcra; and by theſe the direction may be changed at pleaſure: in others, as when motion is communicated to a ſeries of wheels and axles in fucceffion, it may be effected by a rope running in grooves round one wheel and the fucceeding axle; or by what was de- ſcribed in vol. I. art. 246. under the name of tooth and pinion work in others again, by a barrel and winch with an endleſs fcrew, And many other contrivances will readily fuggeft them- felves to an ingenious artiſt. 6. But fuch fimple methods cannot always be adopted. Thus when it is required by means of a rotatory motion to produce a reci- procating one, as the alternate motion of the piftons of pumps, for example; one of the following contrivances may be uſed. To a vertical ſhaft as AP (fig. 6. pl. II.) fix a large horizontal wheel MOIL, the lower part of which is indented in waves MSO, OQI, &c. of which the conftituent arches are either circular or parabolic. On a convenient point D of an upright poſt as a centre of motion, let a lever EDC move; one end of it carrying the moveable vertical wheel CR, in fize properly adjuſted to the waves of the horizontal wheel; the other EF being a circular arc to which is applied the chain EG of the pump. Then whilft the great wheel is turned by the lever NA from O towards I, the wave Q preffes down the wheel QR, and raiſes the end E of the lever, and thus draws up the water in the pump G. But when the deepeſt part O of the wave is paft the higheſt part of the wheel CR, the wheel riſes up into the hollow S, and ſo the chain EG defcends till the next wave raiſes it again. Thus the paffage of every wave by the wheel CR caufes a ftroke of the pump. If the number of waves be odd, and another pump wheel and lever be placed diametrically Reciprocating and Rotatory Motions. oppoſite on the other fide of the great wheel; then thefe two levers acting by turns, will keep the motion tolerably uniform, and the power at N will have nearly a uniform action. The wheel CR is introduced for the fake of ſoftening the friction : but it muſt be carefully adjuſted to the magnitude of the waves, or elſe the motion will be hobbling and irregular. On this ac- count the following method of obtaining a reciprocating motion is more uſual. Inftead of making the axis AB (fig. 3. pl. II.) in one con- tinued ſtraight line, let it be bent at right angles in the points d, e, f, g, h, &c. fo that the portions ef, gh, fhall be parallel to AB, and in the courſe of a rotation of the lantern or trundle EF, they will defcribe cylindrical furfaces: if, then, piftons and their handles Ib, Ib, be hung upon the cranks I, I, as the ro- tatory motion of the trundle EF (when worked by another wheel) proceeds, the piſtons are alternately forced up and down in the pumps; and thus make one complete ftroke of each pump for every turn of the lantern. It will be adviſable to place pulleys or rollers at a, b, a, b, for the handles or chains to work againft, when the obliquity of the motion of the cranks I, I, carries them out of the vertical poſition. Other methods of obtaining reciprocating by means of cir cular motions may be feen under the articles Air-pump and Saw-mill. 7. To produce a rotatory motion by means of a reciprocating one. Suppoſe it is required to give to the wheel SVTO (fig. 4. pl. II.) a rotatory motion about the centre C. In the plane of the wheel, attach to a fixed point F as a centre of motion a lever FQ, which may move freely up and down: let a pin be fixed in the wheel as at R; and let an inflexible bar QR hang upon the pin at R at one end, while the other end is attached to the lever FQ by a ſtirrup; the motion being quite eafy at both ends. Then, while the point Q is raiſed upwards the bar pulls up- wards the pin R, and fo continues to do until the points Q, R, and C, fall in a right line; at that time the effort of the bar to turn the wheel is nothing; but the wheel by its anterior rotation has acquired a quantity of motion which will carry it on in the ſame direction, till by the downward motion of the extremity Qof the lever, the bar begins to push forward the pin to which it is attached: thus the motion is continued till the points Q, C, and R, are again in a right line, R being now the fartheft from Q: in this pofition the bar has no tendency to move the wheel along; but here the effort of momentum continues the motion, as before, till the bar begins to draw the point R up- wards. And thus a reciprocating motion of the lever FR gives a complete rotation to the wheel; and the velocity of the cir- MECHANICS. cumference of the wheel may be made as rapid as we pleafe, by making the diſtance CR ſo much the ſmaller in compariſon of CV. If the lever FQ be below the wheel, the general effect will be the fame, but the particular circumſtances of the motion will fucceed each other in a contrary order. In practice it is common to ſubſtitute for the pin at R the handle of a bent winch, as repreſented by the dotted lines in the figure. It is not abfolutely neceffary that the lever and wheel fhould be in the fame plane; but deviations from it are not often to be recom- mended, except in fmall machinery, fuch as a common fpin- ning wheel worked by the feet, &c. When it is not required to have a complete rotation of the wheel, for every afcent and deſcent of the lever FQ, we may change the relation of the two motions in any proportion, by the intervention of tooth and pinion work. 8. To defcribe a rectilinear reciprocating motion, by means of an angular or circular reciprocating motion. Let it be propofed, for example, to move the end F of the beam FH to and fro in the line EC. Fix a beam AB (fig. 9. pl. I.) perpendicularly to the given line EC, and cut in that beam a groove CD equal in length to the beam FH: let the end H of the beam FH be confined by a pin to run along the groove CD; and let two other pins be fixed, one at G the middle point of the beam FH, the other at C the lower point where the reciprocating motion of the point F terminates: take an iron bar CG equal in length to half FH, and let it move upon the pins C and G as joints. Then while the end G of the bar or guide CG moves through the quadrantal arc Lg GK; the point H of the beam will ſlide along the groove from Ď to C, and the point F along the line CE from C to E: and when the guide returns from K by G to L, the end F of the beam will return along the line EC. For, when CG=GF =GH, ſuppoſing a line drawn from C to F, the angle FGC⇒ GCH+GHC=2 GCH; and CGH GCF+GFC2 GCF. Hence we have 2 GCF + 2 GCH = FGC + HGC = 2 right angles, and confequently GCF+GCH=HCF=1 right angle: that is, the point F falls in a right line drawn through C at right angles to CD. And when FH is in any other poſition, as ƒh, the fame may be fhewn. - 9. To communicate motion in any direction by wheels, and to con- Struct the wheels for that purpoſe. This may be done by placing the wheels fo that their fhafts or axles thall be inclined in given angles, as reprefented in figs. 1 and 7. pl. III. And in this cafe the wheels are ſeldom portions of cylinders, but moſt commonly portions of cones. When the wheels do not make an angle of 90°, the adjuſtment of the ſhape and magnitude of the conic fruftums which conſtitute the wheels, is known among Bevel Geer millwrights by the name of bevel-geer work; a concife account of which is here added. If two cones A and B (fig. 2. pl. III), whoſe ſurfaces always touch in a right line, as a e, revolve on their axes ab, ac, rolling the one upon the other; and if the bafes and altitudes of thefe cones be equal, they will perform complete revolutions in one and the fame time. For fince the bafes and altitudes are equal, circles on either cone parallel to the baſe, and at equal diſtances from the vertex, as the diſtances a 2, a 2, for instance, will be equal: and therefore while the furfaces of the cones roll one upon another, every point in the circumference of one of theſe circles will be brought fuccef- fively into contact with a correſponding point on the circum- ference of the other, and they will both have revolved in an equal time. The fame will hold of the correſponding circles at any other equal diſtances from the vertex, a 1, a 3, a 4, &c. and confequently the two cones will form their rotations in equal times. Again, if the cone ade (fig. 3. pl. III.) have the diameter of its baſe double that of the cone adf while their ſlant heights are the fame; and if thefe two cones turn on their axes a c, ab, their ſurfaces during the rotation always touching one another in a right line; then, fince the circumference of the baſe de is double that of the baſe df, and the circumference of every cir- cular ſection parallel to the former baſe, double that of every correfponding ſection parallel to the latter bafe, it follows that when the cone afd has performed one rotation, the cone a dé will have made but half a rotation, The times of rotation being in the ratio of their baſes. In like manner, if the cone aed, (fig. 4. pl. III.) have the diameter of its bafe, to the diameter of the bafe of a df, as m ton, the flant heights being the fame; and if theſe cones turn upon their axes a c, ab, their furfaces being always in contact in ſome right line as a d; then will the time of a complete ro- tation of the cone aed, be to the time of rotation of a df, as m to n; and confequently the number of rotations of the former cone to the number of rotations of the latter in any given time, as n to m. And if theſe cones were fluted, the flutes diverging continually from the apex a to the baſe they would become co- nical wheels, and conftitute bevel-geer. 10. Thus, if Bb and B d (fig. 5. pl. III.) be the bafes of two cones turning on their axes, having teeth cut in them diverging from the common vertex A to thoſe baſes, fuch teeth will work freely into one another from one end to the other: but, as fuch teeth would be very difficult of adjuſtment towards the point A, and becauſe in practice the two axes could not both be properly 8 MECHANICS. fixed to one and the fame point; it is neceffary to cut off a portion, as AFE, from the upper part of both cones, and apply the axles to the lower parts in the fame manner as in common wheels. The great advantages of theſe conical wheels are, that their teeth may be made of any breadth, according to the ſtreſs they are to ſuſtain; and that the friction will be fmall in com- pariſon of that occafioned by most other methods of com- municating motion in oblique directions. yg { 11. Now, to determine the dimenfions of two conical wheels to communicate motion in any oblique angle, the following graphic method may be uſed. Suppoſe ab (fig. 6. pl. III.) to reprefent the fhaft or axle of one wheel, and de the axle of another wheel, the angle x in which they interfect each other being equal to the angle in which the motion is propoſed to be communicated: let it be required for the ſhaft de to revolve m times while the ſhaft a b revolves n times; and let the line i i be drawn parallel to de at a diſtance equal to the radius of the baſe of the wheel whoſe axle is de. Then draw a line k k parallel to a b, and at a diſtance from it, which ſhall be to the diſtance y h as m to n through the point of interfection of the lines firft propofed, and y the interfection of the two lines ii, kk, refpectively parallel to the two former, draw the line xy w, which will be the pitch line of the two conical wheels, or the line in which the teeth of thoſe wheels act upon one another; and gy, hy will reprefent the exterior radii of the wheels, which will work one againſt the other after the manner fhewn in fig. 7. where the correfpond- ing parts are marked by the fame letters. A third ſhaft and wheel may eaſily be applied to communicate motion in a dif- ferent direction from either of the former: as the ſhaft and wheel rstu in fig. 7. · I It is manifeft from what is done above, that this is nothing more than to divide an angle bxh into two parts whoſe fines fhall have a given ratio of m to n: a well-known problem, which folved algebraically gives the theorem, 2 fin. 4 g xy= 2 fin. gxh. m+n• (Simpſon's Select Exerciſes, pa. 138.). Sə that all which is required here may be eaſily calculated by the common rules of plane trigonometry; and thus the accuracy of the conſtruction may be eſtabliſhed. m 12. Univerſal joints (invented by Dr. Hooke) are fometimes ufed to communicate motion obliquely, inftead of conical wheels. Fig. 8. pl. III. repreſents a ſingle univerfal joint which may be employed where the angle does not exceed 40 degrees, and when the fhafts are to move with equal velocity. The fhafts A and B being both connected with a crofs, will move on Uniformity and Smoothneſs of Motion. 1 the rounds at the points CE and DF, and thus if the fhaft A is turned round, the ſhaft B will likewife turn with a fimilar mo- tion in its reſpective pofition. The double univerfal joint (fig. 9. pl. III.) conveys motion in different directions when the angle is between 50 and go de- grees. It is at liberty to move on the rounds at the points G, H, I, K, connected with the fhaft B; alfo on the points L, M, N, T, connected with the ſhaft A: thus the two fhafts are fo connected that one cannot turn without caufing the other to turn likewiſe. Theſe joints may be conſtructed by a crofs of iron, or with four pins faftened at right angles upon the circum- ference of a hoop or of a folid ball: they are of great uſe in cotton-mills, where the tumbling fhafts are continued to a great diſtance from the moving power: for by applying a univerfal joint, the fhafts may be cut into convenient lengths, and ſo be enabled to overcome a greater reſiſtance. 13. When the number of teeth in each of two wheels is given, and the diameter of one of them, the diameter of the other fhould be fo found that one wheel may drive the other without ſhaking: and for this purpoſe there will be a different proportion of diameters or of radii, according to the number of teeth which are to be in contact. Let ADE, BDF (fig. 1o. pl. III.) reprefent por- tions of the wheels, C the point where the teeth ought first to come into contact: draw CD perpendicular to AB the right line joining the centres of the wheels; and if this be reckoned the radius, CB will be the fecant of the angle DCB, and AC the fecant of the angle DCA. Confequently, CB: CA :: fecant DCB: fecant DCA :: cofec. DBC: cofec. DAC. But, the number of teeth in each wheel being given, the angles DBC, DAC, vary as half the number of teeth in contact. Therefore, divide the arch of the femicircle, or 180 degrees, by half the number of teeth in each wheel, and proportion the radii of the wheel to the cofecants of the quotients, or of double, or of treble the quotients, according to the depth of the wheels running, viz. according as they are to have two, four, or fix teeth, in contact; fo fhall the motion be regular and free from fhaking. In art. 147. of the firft volume, we defcribed the beſt forms for the teeth of wheels: in many cafes, however, a ſmall de- viation from thefe perfect forms is not of great importance. But in caſes where the utmost accuracy is required, as in the pallets of clocks and watches, the form of the teeth muſt be carefully attended to. 14. To regulate any motion and make it uniform, one of the moſt obvious methods it that by means of a pendulum and fcapement. Thus, (fig. 5. pl. II.) as the pendulum AB vibrates, it cauſes EFG to vibrate alfo, about the axis FG: whilft the pendulum vibrates towards D a tooth of the wheel KL goes of the pallet 10 MECHANICS. I, and another catches the pallet H: and when the pendulum returns towards C, it draws the pallet H off the tooth, and an- other catches the pallet I; and fo on alternately. So that, at every vibration of the pendulum, a tooth goes off one or other of the pallets: and, as the vibrations of the pendulum are ifo- chronous, the teeth move from the pallets uniformly, the whole rotation of the wheel KL is made regularly, and by reafon of the connection of the teeth and pinions the defcent of W is uni- form, which would otherwiſe have been accelerated. 15. Profeffor Robifon has given fome general obfervations on the conſtruction of machines, and on the regulating of their motions, which appear highly worthy of the reader's attention, and are therefore extracted, as below. "When heavy ſtampers are to be raiſed, in order to drop on the matters to be pounded, the wipers by which they are lifted ſhould be made of fuch a form, that the ſtamper may be raiſed by a uniform preffure, or with a motion almoſt perfectly uni- form. If this is not attended to, and the wiper is only a pin ſticking out from the axis, the ftamper is forced into motion at once. This occafions violent jolts to the machine, and great ſtrains on its moving parts and their points of fupport; whereas when they are gradually lifted, the inequality of defultory motion is never felt at the impelled point of the machine. We have ſeen piſtons moved by means of a double rack on the pifton-rod. A half wheel takes hold of one rack, and raiſes it to the required height. The moment the half wheel has quitted that fide of the rack, it lays hold of the other fide, and forces the piſton down again. This is propofed as a great improvement; cor- recting the unequable motion of the piston moved in the com- mon way by a crank. But it is far inferior to the crank motion. It occafions fuch abrupt changes of motion, that the machine is fhaken by jolts. Indeed if the movement were accurately ex- ecuted, the machine would be ſhaken to pieces, if the parts did not give way by bending and yielding. Accordingly, we have always obferved that this motion foon failed, and was changed for one that was more ſmooth. A judicious engineer will avoid all fuch fudden changes of motion, eſpecially in any ponderous part of a machine. When ſeveral ſtampers, piftons, or other reciprocal movers, are to be raiſed and depreffed, common fenfe teaches us to diftribute their times of action in a uniform manner, ſo that the machine may always be equally loaded with work. When this is done, and the obfervations in the preceding paragraph attended to, thé machine may be made to move almoſt as ſmoothly as if there were no reciprocations in it. Nothing fhews the ingenuity of the author more than the artful yet fimple and effectual con- trivances for obviating thoſe difficulties that unavoidably ariſe Uniformity and Smoothness of Motion. 11 from the very nature of the work that must be performed by the machine, and of the power employed. 16. There is alſo great room for ingenuity and good choice in the management of the moving power, when it is ſuch as cannot immediately produce the kind of motion required for effecting the purpofe. We mentioned the converfion of the continued rotation of an axis into the reciprocating motion of a pifton, and the improvement which was thought to have been made on the common and obvious contrivance of a crank, by fubftituting a double rack on the pifton-rod, and the incon- venience ariſing from the jolts occafioned by this change. We have ſeen a great forge, where the engineer, in order to avoid the ſame inconvenience arifing from the abrupt motion given to the great fledge hammer of feven hundred weight, refifting with a five-fold momentum, formed the wipers into ſpirals, which communicated motion to the hammer almoſt without any jolt whatever; but the refult was, that the hammer rofe no higher than it had been raiſed in contact with the wiper, and then fell on the iron bloom with very little effect. The cauſe of its inefficiency was not gueffed at; but it was removed, and wipers of the common form were put in place of the ſpirals. In this operation, the rapid motion of the hammer is abfolutely neceffary. It is not enough to lift it up; it must be toffed up, fo as to fly higher than the wiper lifts it, and to ftrike with great force the strong oaken fpring which is placed in its way. It compreffes this ſpring, and is reflected by it with a confiderable velocity, fo as to hit the iron as if it had fallen from a great height. Had it been allowed to fly to that height, it would have fallen upon the iron with fomewhat more force (becauſe no oaken ſpring is perfectly elaftic); but this would have required more than twice the time. 17. In employing a power which of neceffity reciprocates, to drive machinery which requires a continuous motion (as in ap- plying the ſteam engine to a cotton or a grist mill), there alſo occur great difficulties. The neceffity of reciprocation in the firſt mover waſtes much power; becauſe the inftrument which communicates fuch an enormous force muſt be extremely ſtrong, and be well fupported. The impelling power is wafted in imparting, and afterwards deftroying, a vast quantity of motion in the working beam. The fkilful engineer will attend to this, and do his utmost to procure the neceffary ſtrength of this firſt mover, without making it a vaſt load of inert matter. He will alſo remark, that all the ftrains on it, and on its fupports, are changing their directions in every ftroke. This requires particular attention to the manner of fupporting it. If we obferve the ſteam engines which have been long erected, J 12 MECHANICS. we ſee that they have uniformly fhaken the building to pieces. This has been owing to the ignorance or inattention of the en- gineer in this particular. They are much more judiciouſly. erected now, experience having taught the moft ignorant that no building can withstand their defultory and oppofite jolts, and that the great movements muſt be ſupported by a frame- work independent of the building of maſonry which contains it *. The engineer will alſo remark, that when a fingle-ſtroke fteam engine is made to turn a mill, all the communications of motion change the direction of their preffure twice every ſtroke. During the working ſtroke of the beam, one fide of the teeth of the intervening wheels is preffing the machinery forward; but during the returning ftroke, the machinery, already in motion, is dragging the beam, and the wheels are acting with the other fide of the teeth. This occafions a rattling at every change, and makes it proper to faſhion both fides of the teeth with the fame care. It will frequently conduce to the good performance of an en- gine, to make the action of the refifting work unequable, accom- modated to the inequalities of the impelling power. This will produce a more uniform motion in machines in which the mo- mentum of inertia is inconſiderable. There are ſome beautiful fpecimens of this kind of adjuſtment in the mechaniſm of ani- mal bodies. 18. It is very cuſtomary to add what is called a FLY to ma- chines. This is a heavy diſk or hoop, or other mafs of matter balanced on its axis, and fo connected with the machinery as to turn briſkly round with it. This may be done with the view of rendering the motion of the whole more regular, notwithſtanding unavoidable inequalities of the accelerating forces, or of the reſiſtances occafioned by the work. It becomes a REGULATOR. Suppoſe the refiftance extremely unequal, and the impelling power perfectly conftant; as when a bucket wheel is employed to work one pump. When the piston has ended its working ſtroke, and while it is going down the barrel, the power of the wheel being ſcarcely oppofed, it accelerates the whole machine, and the piſton arrives at the bottom of the barrel with a confi- derable velocity. But in the rifing again, the wheel is oppofed * The gudgeons of a water-wheel ſhould never reft on the wall of the building. It shakes it; and if fet up foon after the building has been erected, it prevents the mortar from taking firm bond; perhaps by fhat- tering the calcareous cryſtals as they form. When the engineer is obliged to reft the gudgeons in this way, they fhould be ſupported by a block of oak laid a little hollow. This foftens all tremors, like fprings of a wheel carriage. This practice would be very ſerviceable in many other parts of the conſtruction. 1 Operation and Use of a Fly. 13 + • by the column of water now preffing on the pifton. This im- mediately retards the wheel; and when the pifton has reached the top of the barrel, all the acceleration is undone, and is to begin again. The motion of fuch a machine is very hobbling: but the fuperplus of accelerating force at the beginning of a return- ing ftroke will not make fuch a change in the motion of the machine if we connect the fly with it. For the accelerating momentum is a determinate quantity. Therefore, if the radius. of the fly be great, this momentum will be attained by com- municating a ſmall angular motion to the machine. The mo- mentum of the fly is as the fquare of its radius; therefore it re- fifts acceleration in this proportion; and although the overplus of power generates the fame momentum of rotation in the whole machine as before, it makes but a ſmall addition to its velocity. If the diameter of the fly be doubled, the augmenta- tion of rotation will be reduced to one-fourth. Thus, by giving a rapid motion to a fmall quantity of matter, the great acceleration during the returning ftroke of the pifton is pre- vented. This acceleration continues, however, during the whole of the returning ftroke, and at the end of it the machine has acquired its greateſt velocity. Now the working ftroke begins, and the overplus of power is at an end. The machine ac- celerates no more; but if the power is juft in equilibrio with the reſiſtance, it keeps the velocity which it has acquired, and is ſtill more accelerated during the next returning ſtroke. But now, at the beginning of the fubfequent working ftroke, there is an overplus of refiftance, and a retardation begins, and con- tinues during the whole rife of the piſton; but it is confiderable in compariſon of what it would have been without the fly; for the fly, retaining its acquired momentum, drags forward the reft of the machine, aiding the impelling power of the wheel. It does this by all the communications taking into each other in the oppofite direction. The teeth of the intervening wheels are heard to drop from their former contact on one fide, to a contact on the other. By confidering this procefs with at- tention, we eaſily perceive that, in a few ftrokes, the overplus of power during the returning ftroke comes to be ſo adjuſted to the deficiency during the working ſtroke, that the accelerations and retardations exactly deſtroy each other, and every fucceeding ftroke is made with the fame velocity, and an equal number of ſtrokes is made in every fucceeding minute. Thus the machine acquires a general uniformity with periodical inequalities. It is plain, that by fufficiently enlarging either the diameter or the weight of the fly, the irregularity of the motion may be rendered as ſmall as we pleaſe. It is much better to enlarge the diameter. This preferves the friction more moderate, and the pivot wears 14 MECHANICS. lefs. For thefe reafons, a fly is in general a confiderable improve- ment in machinery, by equalifing many exertions that are na- turally very irregular. Thus, a man working at a common windlafs exerts a very irregular preffure on the winch. In one of his pofitions in each turn he can exert a force of near 70 pounds without fatigue, but in another he cannot exert above 25; nor muſt he be loaded with much above this in general. But if a large fly be connected properly with the windlaſs, he will act with equal eaſe and ſpeed againſt 30 pounds. This regulating power of the fly is without bounds, and may be uſed to render uniform a motion produced by the moſt de- fultory and irregular power. It is thus that the moſt regular motion is given to mills that are driven by a fingle-ſtroke ſteam engine, where for two or even three feconds there is no force preffing round the mill. The communication is made through a maffive fly of very great diameter, whirling with great ra- pidity. As foon as the impulfe ceaſes, the fly, continuing its motion, urges round the whole machinery with almoft unabated ſpeed. At this inftant all the teeth, and all the joints, between the fly and the firſt mover, are heard to catch in the oppofite direction. If any permanent change fhould happen in the impelling power, or in the refiftance, the fly makes no obftacle to its pro- ducing its full effect on the machine; and it will be obſerved to accelerate or retard uniformly, till a new general ſpeed is ac- quired exactly correfponding with this new power and re- fiftance. 19. Many machines include in their conſtruction movements which are equivalent with this intentional regulator. A flour mill, for example, cannot be better regulated than by its mil- ſtone; but in the Albion mills, a heavy fly was added with great propriety; for if the mills had been regulated by their milftones. only, then at every change of ftroke in the fteam engine, the whole train of communications between the beam, which is the first mover, and the regulating milftone, which is the very laft mover, would take in the oppofite direction. Although each drop in the teeth and joints be but a trifle, the whole, added together, would make a confiderable jolt. This is avoided by a regulator immediately adjoining to the beam. This continually preffes the working machinery in one direction. So judiciouſly were the movements of that noble machine contrived, and fo nicely were they executed, that not the leaft noiſe was heard, nor the flighteſt tremor felt in the building. 20. Mr. Valoué's beautiful pile engine employed at Weft- miniſter Bridge is another remarkable inftance of the regulating power of a fly. When the ram is dropped, and its follower Operation and Uſe of a Fly. 1.5 difengaged immediately after it, the horfes would inſtantly tumble down, becauſe the load, againſt which they had been ftraining hard, is at once taken off; but the gin is connected with a very large fly, which checks any remarkable acceleration, allowing the horſes to lean on it during the deſcent of the load; after which their draught recommences immediately. The fpindles, cards, and bobbins, of a cotton mill, are alſo a fort of flies. Indeed all bulky machines of the rotative kind tend to preferve their motion with fome degree of fleadineſs, and their great momentum of inertia is as ufeful in this reſpect as it is prejudicial to the acceleration or any reciprocation when wanted. 21. There is another kind of regulating fly, confiſting of wings whirled briſkly round till the refiftance of the air prevents any great acceleration. This is a very bad one for a working machine, for it produces its effect by really wafting a part of the moving power. Frequently it employs a very great and un- known part of it, and robs the proprietor of much work. It ſhould never be introduced into any machine employed in ma- nufactures. 22. Some rare cafes occur where a very different regulator is required: where a certain determined velocity is found neceffary. In this caſe the machine is furniſhed, at its extreme mover, with a conical pendulum, confifting of two heavy balls hanging by rods, which move in very nice and ſteady joints at the top of a vertical axis. It is well known, that when this axis turns round, with an angular velocity fuited to the length of thoſe pendulums, the time of a revolution is determined. Thus, if the length of each pendulum be 393 inches, the axis will make a revolution in two feconds very nearly. If we attempt to force it more ſwiftly round, the balls will recede a little from the axis, but it employs as long time for a revolution as before; and we cannot make it turn ſwifter, unleſs the impelling power be increaſed beyond all probability; in which cafe the pendulum will fly out from the centre till the rods are horizontal, after which every increaſe of power will accelerate the machine very fenfibly. Watt and Boulton have applied this contrivance with great ingenuity to their ſteam engines, when they are employed for driving ma- chinery for manufactures which have a very changeable refift- ance, and where a certain ſpeed cannot be much departed from without great inconvenience. They have connected this recefs of the balls from the axis (which gives immediate indication of an increaſe of power or a diminution of refiftance) with the cock which admits the fteam to the working cylinder. The balls flying out cauſe the cock to cloſe a little, and diminiſh 16 MECHANICS.. the ſupply of ſteam. The impelling power diminiſhes the next moment, and the balls again approach the axis, and the rota- tion goes on as before, although there may have occurred a very great exceſs or deficiency of power. 23. A fly is fometimes employed for a very different purpoſe from that of a regulator of motion-it is employed as a collector of power. Suppofe all refiftance removed from the working point of a machine furnifhed with a very large or heavy fly imme- diately connected with the working point. When a fmall force is applied to the impelled point of this machine, motion will begin in the machine, and the fly begin to turn. Continue to prefs uniformly, and the machine will accelerate. This may be continued till the fly has acquired a very rapid motion. If at this moment a refifting body be applied to the working point, it will be acted on with very great force; for the fly has now ac- cumulated in its circumference a very great momentum. If a body were expofed immediately to the action of this circum- ference, it would be violently ſtruck. Much more will it be ſo, if the body be expoſed to the action of the working point, which perhaps makes one turn while the fly makes a hundred. It will exert a hundred times more force there (very nearly) than at its own circumference. All the motion which has been accu- mulated on the fly during the whole progrefs of its acceleration is exerted in an inftant at the working point, multiplied by the momentum depending on the proportion of the parts of the ma- chine. It is thus that the coining prefs performs its office; nay, it is thus that the blackſmith forges a bar of iron. Swinging the great fledge hammer round his head, and urging it with force the whole way, this accumulated motion is at once extinguiſhed by impact on the iron. It is thus alſo we drive a nail, &c. This accumulating power of a fly has occafioned many to imagine that a fly really adds power or mechanical force to an engine; and, not underſtanding on what its efficacy depends, they often place the fly in a fituation where it only adds a uſeleſs burden to the ma- chine. It fhould always be made to move with rapidity. If in- tended for a mere regulator, it ſhould be near the firſt mover: and if it be intended to accumulate force in the working point, it fhould not be far feparated from it. In a certain fenfe, a fly may be faid to add power to a machine, becauſe by accumulating into the exertion of one moment the exertions of many, we can ſome- times overcome an obſtacle that we never could have balanced by the ſame machine unaided by the fly. And it is this ac- cumulation of force which gives fuch an appearance of power to fome of our first movers. See Supplement, Encyclopædią, Britan. art. Machinery. Friction. 17 On Friction, and the Stiffneſs of Ropes. 24. Moſt of the propofitions laid down in the firſt volume of this work have been conducted upon the fuppofition that all bodies are perfectly fmooth, that they flide over one another without any friction, and that cords and ropes are perfectly flexible. But fince there is no fuch thing as perfect ſmoothneſs in bodies, no machine can move without a mutual rubbing of its parts, at all points of communication: and when we con- fider the mode of operation of the teeth of wheel work, the wipers and lifts, the gudgeons of the different axes, &c. we ſhall ſee that friction, by which we mean the refiſtance a body meets with from the furface on which it moves, has confider- able effect in retarding the motion of machines, or gives oc- cafion for the exertion of much more power in order that the machine may move with the requifite velocity. Indeed in many machines, as poliſhing mills, grinding mills, boring and fawing mills, the ultimate task performed is either friction or very much reſembles it. So that fome knowledge of the nature of friction ſeems abfolutely neceffary, to enable us to apply the principles of the fimple theory to any uſeful practical purpoſe. 25. Much attention has, therefore, been paid to this fubject by many ingenious men; but as yet their labours have not greatly added to the ftock of knowledge as to the real nature of friction and although fome ingenious theories have been de- duced from the experiments which have already been made, they reft upon very limited hypotheſes, and are of little, if any, actual utility. This being our opinion, the reader will not expect a minute expofition of the theory in this place. We fhall merely preſent a ſingle propofition, which tends to an obvious practical purpofe, and does not require the admiffion of more than one new principle, viz. that the friction varies nearly as the preſſure. PROP. A power which moves a body along a horizontal plane, acts with the greatest advantage when the line of direction makes an angle of about 181 with the plane. Let B (fig. 2. pl. I.) be the body which is to be moved along the horizontal plane BC, by a given power eſtimated in quantity and direction by BA. Demit the perpendicular AC; and let the given line AB=1=radius, AC fine ABC=x, BC= √ √ the force moving the body horizontally. The power by its oblique action diminiſhes the preffure of the weight on the horizontal plane in the ratio of 1: *, therefore B x=that part of the preffure which is taken off, and the actual preffure-B-Bx. Let friction be VOL. II. 1 18 MECHANICS. 112 th part of the weight or preffure: that is, let it be=B- *Bx. 2 n Then the force requifite to move B horizontally muſt be equal to the horizontal force diminiſhed by friction, or = m B (1 − x²) * — — B+™ Bx. This is to be a minimum, or its . n n fluxion m Bxx m B-(1-2) =o: hence we find x= = // (m² + n²) / = fine of the angle ABC. And if, as has been concluded from many ex- I periments,=, then will x= =fine of 18° 26' nearly. If the plane along which the body is to be moved be in- clined to the horizon, the fine of the angle which the line of di- rection or traction of the power makes with the plane, when it acts with the greateſt advantage, will be nearly C being +9cbeing the cofine of the angle of elevation to radius=unity. 26. The principle affumed in the inveſtigation above is, how- ever, by no means general in its application: as there are many circumſtances which modify the operation of friction, and cauſe deviations from this law. Thefe circumftances will be beſt learnt by reflecting upon fome of the experiments which have been made relative to the friction of bodies in motion. Of ſuch experiments we fhall firſt deſcribe thoſe of Mr. Profeffor Vince, which were conducted with great care and ingenuity, and led to fome important refults. The object of this phi lofopher was to determine the following queftions: 1. Whether friction be a uniformly retarding force? 2. What is the quantity of friction? 3. Whether the friction varies in proportion to the preffure or weight? 4. Whether the friction be the fame on whichever of its fur- faces a body moves? (1.) With refpect to the firſt of theſe queſtions, the author truly obſerves, that if friction be a uniform force, the difference between it and the given force of the moving power employed to overcome it muſt alſo be uniform; and that therefore the moving power, if it be a body defcending by its own weight, muft de- foend with a uniformly accelerated velocity, juft as when there was no friction. The fpaces deſcribed from the beginning of the motion will indeed be diminiſhed in any given time on ae Friction. 19 count of the friction; but ftill they muſt be to each other as the ſquares of the times employed. (2.) A plane was therefore adjuſted parallel to the horizon, at the extremity of which was placed a pulley, which could be elevated or depreffed, in order to render the ſtring which con- nected the body and the moving force parallel to the plane. A fcale accurately divided was placed by the fide of the pulley per- pendicular to the horizon, by the fide of which the moving force defcended; upon the ſcale was placed a moveable ſtage, which could be adjuſted to the ſpace through which the moving force defcended in any given time; which time was meaſured by a well-regulated pendulum clock vibrating ſeconds. Every thing being thus prepared, the following experiments were made to aſcertain the law of friction. (3.) Exp. 1. A body was placed upon the horizontal plane, and a moving force applied, which, from repeated trials, was found to defcend 524 inches in 4"; for by the beat of the clock, and the found of the moving force when it arrived at the ſtage, the ſpace could be very accurately adjuſted to the time: the ſtage was then removed to that point to which the moving force would defcend in 3", upon fuppofition, that the fpaces de- ſcribed by the moving power were as the ſquares of the times; and the ſpace was found to agree very accurately with the time: the ftage was then removed to that point to which the moving force ought to deſcend in 2″, upon the fame fuppofition, and the defcent was found to agree exactly with the time: laftly, the ſtage was adjuſted to that point to which the moving force ought to defcend in 1', upon the ſame ſuppoſition, and the ſpace was obferved to agree with the time. Now, in order to find whether a difference in the time of deſcent could be obſerved by removing the ſtage a little above and below the pofitions which correfponded to the above times, the experiment was tried, and the deſcent was always found too foon in the former, and too late in the latter cafe; by which the author was affured, that the ſpaces first mentioned correfponded exactly to the times. And, for the greater certainty, each deſcent was repeated eight or ten times; and every caution uſed in this ex- periment was alſo made uſe of in all the following. Exp. 2. A fecond body was laid upon the horizontal plane, and a moving force applied which deſcended 414 inches in 3 the ftage was then adjuſted to the ſpace correſponding to 2 upon fuppofition that the ſpaces defcended through were as the fquares of the times, and it was found to agree accurately with the time; the ſtage was then adjuſted to the space correfpond- ing to ", upon the fame fuppofition; and it was found to agrée with the time. Exp. 3. A third body was laid upon the horizontal plane, and C 2 20 MECHANICS. ! : a moving force applied, which deſcended 59§ inches in 4"; the ftage was then adjuſted to the fpace correfponding to 3", upon ſuppoſition that the ſpaces defcended through were as the fquares of the times, and it was found to agree with the time; the ftage was then adjuſted to the ſpace correfponding to 2", upon the fame fuppofition, and it was found to agree with the time; the ſtage was then adjuſted to the ſpace correfponding to 1", and was found to agree with the time. I Exp. 4. A fourth body was then taken and laid upon the ho- rizontal plane, and a moving force applied, which deſcended 55 inches in 4"; the ftage was then adjufted to the ſpace through which it ought to defcend in 3″, upon fuppofition that the ſpaces defcended through were as the fquares of the times, and it was found to agree with the time; the ſtage was then adjuſted to the ſpace correfponding to 2", upon the ſame ſup- pofition, and was found to agree with the time; laſtly, the ſtage was adjuſted to the fpace correfponding to 1", and it was found to agree exactly with the time. Befides thefe experiments, a great number of others were made with hard bodies, or thoſe whofe parts fo firmly cohered as not to be moved inter fe by the friction; and in each expe- ment, bodies of very different degrees of friction were chofen, and the reſults all agreed with thoſe related above; it was therefore concluded, that the friction of hard bodies in motion is a uniformly retarding force. But to determine whether the fame was true for bodies when covered with cloth, woollen, &c. experiments were made in order to aſcertain it; when it was found in all caſes, that the retarding force increaſed with the velocity; but, upon covering bodies with paper, the confequences were found to agree with thoſe related above. (4.) Having proved that the retarding force of all hard bodies arifing from friction is uniform, the quantity of friction, con- fidered as equivalent to a weight without inertia drawing the body on the horizontal plane backwards, or acting contrary to the moving force, may be immediately deduced from the foregoing experiments. For let M=the moving force expreffed by its weight; F-the friction; W=the weight of the body upon the horizontal plane; S=the ſpace through which the moving force defcended in the time t expreffed in feconds; r=16 feet; then the whole accelerative force (the force of gravity being unity) will be ; hence, by the laws of uniformly accele- rated motions, M-F M+W M F M+W I xr²=S, conſequently FM-M+W × s, r ta To exemplify this, let us take the cafe of the laſt experiment, Friction. 21 where M=7, W=25%, S=47% feet, t=4"; hence F=7- 32 × 4½-6.417; confequently the friction was to the weight 16 × 16 of the rubbing body as 6.4167 to 25.75. And the great ac- curacy of determining the friction by this method is manifeſt from hence, that if an error of 1 inch had been made in the defcent (and experiments carefully made may always determine the ſpace to a much greater exactnefs) it would not have affect- ed the conclufion part of the whole. I (5.) We come in the next place to determine, whether fric- tion, cæteris paribus, varies in proportion to the weight or pref- fure. Now if the whole quantity of the friction of a body, meaſured by a weight without inertia equivalent to the friction drawing the body backwards, increafes in proportion to its weight, it is manifeft, that the retardation of the velocity of the body arising from the friction will not be altered; for the re- Quantity of friction tardation varies as Quantity of matter; hence, if a body be put in motion upon the horizontal plane by any moving force, if both the weight of the body and the moving force be increaſed in the fame ratio, the acceleration arifing from that moving force will remain the fame, becauſe the accelerative force varies, as the moving force divided by the whole quantity of matter, and both are increaſed in the fame ratio; and if the quantity of friction increaſes alſo as the weight, then the retardation arif- ing from the friction will, from what has been ſaid, remain the fame, and therefore the whole acceleration of the body will not be altered; confequently the body ought, upon this fuppofition, ftill to defcribe the fame ſpace in the fame time. Hence, by obſerving the ſpaces defcribed in the fame time, when both the body and the moving force are increaſed in the ſame ratio, we may determine whether the friction increaſes in proportion to the weight. The following experiments were therefore made in order to afcertain this matter. Exp. 1. A body weighing 10 oz. by a moving force of 4 oz. deſcribed in 2″ a fpace of 51 inches; by loading the body with 10 oz. and the moving force with 4 oz. it defcribed 56 inches in 2"; and by loading the body again with 10 oz. and the moving force with 4 oz. it defcribed 63 inches in 2″. of Exp. 2. A body whofe weight was 16 oz. by a moving force 5 oz. defcribed a ſpace of 49 inches in 3"; and by loading the body with 64 oz. and the moving force with 20 oz. the ſpace deſcribed in the fame time was 64 inches. Exp. 3. A body weighing 6 oz. by a moving force of 24 oz. deſcribed 28 inches in 2"; and by loading the body with 24 oz. 22 MECHANICS. L and the moving force with 10 oz. the ſpace defcribed in the fame time was 54 inches. Exp. 4. A body weighing 8 oz. by a moving force of 4 oz. deſcribed 33 inches in 2"; and by loading the body with 8 oz. and the moving force with 4 oz. the ſpace deſcribed in the fame time was 47 inches. I Exp. 5. A body whoſe weight was 9 oz. by a moving force of 4 oz. deſcribed 48 inches in 2'; and by loading the body with 9 oz. and the moving force with 4 oz. the ſpace deſcribed in the fame time was 60 inches. Exp. 6. A body weighing 10 oz. by a moving force of 3 oz. deſcribed 20 inches in 2"; by loading the body with 10 oz. and the moving force with 3 oz. the ſpace deſcribed in the fame time was 31 inches; and by loading the body again with 30 oz. and the moving force with 9 oz. the ſpace deſcribed was 34 inches in 2". From theſe experiments, and many others which it is not ne- ceffary here to relate, it appears, that the ſpace deſcribed is always increaſed by increafing the weight of the body and the accelerative force in the fame ratio; and as the acceleration arifing from the moving force continued the fame, it is manifeft, that the retardation arifing from the friction muſt have been di- miniſhed, for the whole accelerative force muſt have been increafed on account of the increaſe of the ſpace defcribed in the fame time; and hence (as the retardation from friction varies as Quantity of friction) the quantity of friction increaſes in a lefs ratio than Quantity of the quantity of matter or weight of the body. (6.) We come now to the last thing which it was propoſed to determine, that is, whether the friction varies by varying the furface on which the body moves. Let us call two of the furfaces A and a, the former being the greater, and the latter the leſs. Now the weight on every given part of a is as much greater than the weight on an equal part of A, as A is greater than a; if therefore the friction was in proportion to the weight, cæteris paribus, it is manifeft, that the friction on a would be equal to the friction on A, the whole friction being, upon fuch a fuppofition, as the weight on any given part of each furface multiplied into the number of fuch parts or into the whole area, which products, from the proportion above, are equal. But from the laſt experiments it has been proved, that the friction on any given ſurface increaſes in a lefs ratio than the weight; confequently the friction on any given part of a has a lefs ratio to the friction on an equal part of A than A has to a, and hence the friction on a is lefs than the friction on A, that is, the ſmalleſt ſurface has always the leaſt friction. Friction. 23 As this conclufion is contrary to the generally received opi- nion, Mr. Vince though it proper to confirm it by a fet of ex- periments made with different bodies of exactly the fame degree · of roughneſs on their two furfaces. Exp. 1. A body was taken whoſe flat furface was to its edge as 22: 9, and with the fame moving force the body deſcribed on its flat fide 33 inches in 2″, and on its edge 47 inches in the fame time. Exp. 2. A fecond body was taken whoſe flat ſurface was to its edge as 32:3, and with the fame moving force it deferibed on its flat fide 32 inches in 2", and on its edge it defcribed 374 inches in the fame time. Exp. 3. He took another body and covered one of its ſurfaces, whofe length was 9 inches, with a fine rough paper, and by apply- ing a moving force, it deſcribed 25 inches in 2″; he then took off fome paper from the middle, leaving only of an inch at the two ends, and with the fame moving force it defcribed 40 inches in the fame time. Exp. 4. Another body was taken which had one of its fur- faces, whofe length was 9 inches, covered with a fine rough paper, and by applying a moving force it defcribed 42 inches in 2″; fome of the paper was then taken off from the middle, leaving only 1 inches at the two ends, and with the fame moving force it deſcribed 54 inches in 2"; he then took off more paper, leaving only of an inch at the two ends, and the body then deſcribed, by the fame moving force, 60 inches in the fame time. In the two laft experiments the paper which was taken off the ſurface was laid on the body, that its weight might not be altered. Exp. 5. A body was taken whoſe flat ſurface was to its edge as 30: 17; the flat fide was laid upon the horizontal plane, at moving force was applied, and the ftage was fixed in order to ftop the moving force, in confequence of which the body would then go on with the velocity acquired until the fric- tion had deſtroyed all its motion; when it appeared from a mean of 12 trials that the body moved, after its acceleration ceaſed, 53 inches before it ſtopped. The edge was then applied, and the moving force defcended through the fame ſpace; and it was found, from a mean of the fame number of trials, that the ſpace deſcribed was 7 inches before the body loft all its motion, after it ceafed to be accelerated. Exp. 6. Another body was then taken whofe flat furface was to its edge as 60: 19, and by proceeding as before, on the flat ſurface it deſcribed, at a mean of 12 trials, 5 inches, and on 24 MECHANICS. the edge 6 inches, before it ſtopped, after the acceleration ceafed. Exp. 7. Another body was taken whoſe flat ſurface was to its edge as 26: 3, and the ſpaces defcribed on theſe two ſurfaces, after the acceleration ended, were, at a mean of ten trials, 43 and 7 inches refpectively. From all theſe different experiments its appears, that the ſmalleſt ſurface had always the leaſt friction, which agrees with the conſequence deduced from the confideration that the friction does not increaſe in ſo great a ratio as the weight; we may therefore conclude, that the friction of a body does not continue the fame when it has different furfaces applied to the plane on which it moves, but that the smallest furface will have the leaft friction. To the experiments inſtituted by Mr. Ferguſon and others, from which conclufions have been drawn fo different from thefe, this author makes the following objections: It was their object to find what moving force would just put a body at reft in motion; and having, as they thought, found it, they thence concluded, that the accelerative force was then equal to the friction. But it is manifeft, as Mr. Vince obferves, that any force which will put a body in motion must be greater than the force which oppoſes its motion, otherwiſe it could not overcome it; and hencé, if there were no other objection than this, it is evident, that the friction could not be very accurately. obtained: but there is another objection, which totally deſtroys the experiment fo far as it tends to fhew the quantity of friction, which is the ftrong coheſion of the body to the plane when it lies at reft; and this is confirmed by the following experiments. ft, A body of 122 oz. was laid upon an horizontal plane, and then loaded with a weight of 8lb. and fuch a moving force was ap- plied as would, when the body was juſt put in motion, continue that motion without any acceleration; in which caſe the fric- tion muſt be juſt equal to the accelerative force. The body was then ſtopped, when it appeared, that the ſame moving force which had kept the body in motion before would not put it in motion, and it was found neceffary to take off 4 oz. from the body before the fame moving force would put it in motion; it appears, therefore, that this body, when laid upon the plane at reft, acquired a very strong cohefion to it. 2dly, a body whoſe weight was 16 oz. was laid at reft upon the hori- zontal plane, and it was found that a moving force of 6 oz. would just put it in motion; but that a moving force of 4 oz. would, when it was just put in motion, continue that motion without any acceleration, and therefore the accelerative force muſt then have been equal to the friction, and not when the moving force of 6 oz. was applied. Friction. 25 I 39 From theſe experiments therefore it appears, how very con- fiderable the coheſion was in proportion to the friction when the body was in motion; it being, in the latter caſe, almoſt, and in the former it was found to be very nearly equal to the whole triction. All the conclufions therefore deduced from the experiments, which have been inftituted to determine the fric- tion from the force neceffary to put a body in motion (and very few have been deſcribed but upon fuch a principle), have manifeftly been totally falfe; as fuch experiments only fhew the refiftance which arifes from the coheſion and friction conjointly. Mr. Vince concludes this part of the ſubject with a remark upon art. 5. "It appears (fays he) from all the experiments. which I have made, that the proportion of the increaſe of the friction to the increaſe of the weight was different in all the different bodies which were made ufe of; no general rule there- fore can be eſtabliſhed to determine this for all bodies, and the experiments which I have hitherto made have not been fufficient to determine it for the fame body." Such are the refults of Mr. Vince's ingenious experiments. He founds upon them a theory which the curious reader may perufe in the Philofophical Tranfactions, Vol. 75. or Nos. 65. 66. of Tilloch's Philofophical Magazine, but which is not inferted here, as it does not feem readily applicable to any practical cafes. 27. An ingenious engineer, Mr. John Southern of Bir- mingham, made a feries of experiments upon mills uſed for turning grindstones, with a view of corroborating Mr. Vince's poſition that Friction is a uniform retarding force. And theſe experiments are the more worthy of notice as they were made on heavy machinery, with confiderable variation of velocity of the rubbing ſurface, and great ſpaces rubbed over: the weight which caufed the friction being upwards of 33 cwt., the velocity of the rubbing furfaces 4 feet per fecond at the greateſt, and the length of furface rubbed over about 1000 feet at a medium. Theſe experiments feem to confirm the opinion that friction is a uniform reſiſtance, at leaſt where the rubbing ſurface moves with a velocity of from 9 inches to 4 feet per fecond; and Mr. Southern concludes from them, that in favourable cafes it does not exceed the fortieth part of the pressure or weight that oc- cafions it. The experiments from which thefe inferences are deduced, are defcribed in No. 66 of the Philofophical Magazine juft re- ferred to. 28. M. Coulumb has an extenfive paper on the fubject of Fric- tion, in vol. 10. "Des Memoires des Savants étrangers ;" where he deſcribes his experiments at conſiderable length, and deduces + : 1 j 26 MECHANICS. from them an elaborate theory. We cannot here enter into the detail of all theſe experiments: but ſhall merely ſtate M. Cou- lumb's principal refults. This gentleman's conclufions are widely different from Mr. Vince's in one important particular: for he afferts that (cateris paribus) the friction is proportional to the preſſure. The mean ratios of friction to preffure, given by M. Coulumb's expe- riments for different kinds of wood, are as follow, the preffure being denoted by unity. Oak againſt oak Oak againſt fir Fir againſt fir Elm againſt elm • • 0'43 0.65 0.56 0'47 the friction being made in the direction of the threads or fibres of the wood. But when the friction is made across the grain of the wood, or ſo that the direction of the fibres forms a right angle with that of the motion, the friction is lefs than in the former caſe, but ſtill in a conſtant ratio to the preffure; the re- fults being then as below: Oak againſt fir Fir againſt fir Elm againſt elm 0.158 0.167 Ο ΙΟΟ Theſe ratios are conftant quantities, not depending upon the ve- locities, except in the cafe of elm when the preffures are very fmall, for then the friction increaſes fenfibly with the velocity. M. Coulumb gives the following general ſummary. “(1.) The friction of wood ſliding over wood (both being dry) oppoſes after a fufficient time of quiefcence a refiftance proportional to the preffure; that refiftance fenfibly increafing in the firſt inſtants of repoſe: but after fome minutes it uſually arrives at its maximum or its limit. "(2.) When wood glides dry over wood with any velocity whatever, the friction is ftill proportional to the preffure; but its intenfity is much leſs than that which is experienced in de- taching the furfaces after fome minutes of reft: it has been found, for example, that the force neceffary to detach and produce a fliding motion in two furfaces of oak after fome minutes of quiefcence, is to that neceffary to overcome the fric- tion when the furfaces have obtained any degree of velocity whatever, nearly as 9 to 2. (3.) The friction of metals fliding over metals, without oiling, is alſo proportional to the preffures; but its intenſity is the fame, whether the furfaces are detached after having been any time in repofe, or whether they preferve any uniform ve- locity whatever. “(4.) Heterogeneous furfaces, ſuch as woods and metals ſlid- A Friction. 27 ing the one over the other, without oiled furfaces, give for their friction reſults very different from the preceding ones: for the intensity of their friction relatively to the time of repofe in- creaſes flowly, and does not attain its limit till after four or five days, and ſometimes more; inftead of which, in metals the limit is attained in an inftant, and in wood in a few minutes: this augmentation is even fo flow that the refiftance due to the friction in infenfible velocities is almoſt the ſame as that which we muſt furmount in moving or detaching the furfaces after three or four feconds of reft. And this is not all: in wood gliding unoiled over wood, and in metals fliding over metals, the velocity has very little influence upon the friction; but here the friction increafes very fenfibly in proportion as the velocities are augmented; in fuch manner that the friction in- creafs nearly according to an arithmetical progreffion, when the velocities increaſe in a geometrical progreffion." The ratio of the friction to the preffure (1) when oak was made to flide over iron, was found, from forty experiments, to be as here ftted: when the velocity was almoft infenfible, *0894, -773, 0785, and 0736: when the velocity was about a foot per fecond, 1698, 1722, 1817, and 1573- 29. When metals flide upon wood done over with greaſe, the friction. fays M. Coulumb, "appears much foftened, and we may produce infenfible velocities with degrees of traction lefs confiderable than in all the other fpecies of friction; but when the velocities have been a little augmented, we have found that the friction increaſes greatly with refpect to the velocity, as was the caſe when we made unoiled metals flide upon wood; and we have, for the relation of the augmentation of velocities and the degree of traction which produced that augmentation, nearly the fame law with that we fought to de- termine in the friction of metals fliding dry upon wood: but if the greaſing be not renewed at each experiment, it coagulates, changes its nature, and the friction fucceffively augments." "When the furfaces are done over with tallow, the ratio of the friction to the preffure is greater under preffures of about 50 pounds, than under greater preffures. ず ​"With coatings (enduits, plafters) of cart-greafe the friction is never less than of the preffure. Its refiftance depends upon the confiftence of the coating, and the friction augments fen- fibly as this coating is fofter. When the furfaces are done over with tallow, and are of great extent, the friction corrupts or changes the nature of the tallow, and augments fenfibly as we continue the motion without renewing the coating: yet it is always found less than of the preffure. But when the tallow is diffolved to an oil, this effect is lefs fenfible." vy B 28 MECHANICS. " M. Coulumb's experiments on the friction of axes will be deſcribed farther on. On comparing the reſults of Mr. Vince's experiments with thofe of M. Coulumb's, already referred to, it will be ſeen that our knowledge on this branch of the ſubject is very far from being fo certain and fatisfactory as is defirable. We may, however, now deduce a few practical inferences from the preceding articles. (1.) Friction is diminiſhed by making the furfaces fmooth which move upon each other. But there is a limit to this ſmoothneſs: for the furfaces may be fo highly polished as to render the at- traction of coheſion very ſenſible. (2.) Friction is diminiſhed by anointing the rubbing ſurfaces with fome unctuous matter. Thus, in wood acting against wood, olive oil reduces the friction to nearly its half, and metals oiled have leſs friction than when poliſhed. (3.) Friction is diminiſhed by diminiſhing the furfaces in contact. But this has a limit: for if the moving ſurface be very thin, and the other ſoft, the former will plough a groove in the latter, and thus have the friction increaſed. (4.) Friction is diminiſhed by difpofing the parts of a ma- chine in ſuch a manner, that the ratio of the velocity of the parts which rub againſt each other to the velocity of the power, may be as fmall as poffible. (5.) Friction is greatly diminiſhed by cauſing the body to roll inftead of fliding along the furface. This is in fact a diftinct fpecies of friction, and will come under confideration more fully foon. (6.) Hence in machines, left the friction fhould employ a great part of the power, care is to be taken that no part of the machine flide along another if it can be avoided; but rather that the parts fhould roll or turn upon each other. With this view it will be proper to lay the axes of cylinders, &c. not in a groove or concave matrix, as uſual, but upon a horizontal bar with two vertical pieces to keep fuch axes from rolling off, or, between little wheels called friction wheels, moveable on their refpective axes: for, by this contrivance the friction is transferred from the circumference of thoſe wheels to their pivcts. And in like manner the friction may be ftill farther diminiſhed by making the axes of thoſe wheels reft upon other friction wheels that turn round with them. For the fame reaſon friction balls or rollers have been placed within the naves of carriage wheels s; and lately a Mr. Garnett had a patent for an improved manner of applying friction-wheels to any axis, as of carriages, blocks, pulleys, fcale-beams, &c. in which the enclofed wheels or rollers are kept always at the ſame diſtance by connecting rods or bars. Stiffness of Cords: 29 - (7.) Friction is diminiſhed by cauſing the ſurface of one kind of ſubſtance to run not upon the fame kind of matter, but a furface of another material equally polished. Thus, pivots of fteel meet with lefs friction when they flide in grooves of copper, than when the grooves are of ſteel alfo. (8.) As to friction in the mechanical powers: 1. The fimple lever has no fuch refiſtance, unleſs the place of the fulcrum is changed during the operation. 2. In the wheel and axle, the friction on the axis is nearly as the weight upon it, the diameter of the axis, and the angular velocity. This fort of friction, however, is very fmall. 3. The friction of the pulley is very confiderable when the fheaves rub againſt the blocks. 4. There is alſo very great friction in the ſcrew: if the fcrew has a ſquare thread it will raiſe a weight more eaſily than one with a tri- angular thread: but in most if not all fcrews the friction is equal to the power. 5. In the inclined plane the friction varies according as the body rolls or flides; the friction in the latter cafe being far the greateft. 6. In the wedge the friction is at leaſt equal to the power, fince the wedge retains any poſition it is driven into. 30. Since cords and ropes are not perfectly flexible, it be- comes neceffary in eftimating the advantages of pulleys, cap- ftans, &c. to make fome allowance for this want of flexibility: in this caſe we may have recourſe to a theory which is far more fatisfactory than any which has yet been invented with regard to friction, and which accords far better with experiment. The moſt uſeful formulæ may be deduced in a very ſmall compaſs. Thus, let AC=CB=r, the radius of a pulley (fig. 3. pl. I.) and two weights W and Q in equilibrio: if W fhould prevail, it is obvious that the cord DQ becomes in the upper part bent fo as to fit to the groove of the pulley, and in the lower part bent inwards fo as to fall into the vertical b W: if the cord be tolerably flexible, the curving is pretty regular from B almoſt down to W: but if the cord be very rigid, BEW and ADQ are found to be nearly ftraight lines, but neither of them ver- tical; the weight Q being found to hang vertically below ſome point as a, making a greater than CA, and the weight W hanging below fome point b where Cb is lefs than CB. So that as the arm of the lever at which one of the forces act is be- come greater, and that of the other leſs than r, the condition of equilibrium is no longer W=Q When the cord is only moderately rigid, as in moſt practical cafes, the diſtance Bb is always found fo extremely ſmall that it may be fafely neglected in the difcuffion; that is, we need in ſuch caſes pay no regard to the want of flexibility in the part BEW correfponding to the weight W which is fuppofed to pre- • 30 MECHANICS. vail; but merely enquire into that of the part ADQ by which the other weight is fufpended. Hence, if we put Aa=q, the condition of equilibrium will be expreffed thus: Wr=Q (r-+-g). From this it refults, that if W-Q be the magnitude by which we ſhould augment the power, that it may be on the point of prevailing; and if we have regard to the fiffneſs of the cord, this magnitude will be W-Q-Q Confequently, to in- troduce the confideration of the stiffness of the cord employed in a ma- chine, we have only to fuppofe that the arm of the lever at which the refiftance acts is greater than it really is, by a determinate quantity q. It remains, then, to afcertain this quantity 9: in order to which, it may be obſerved that a cord refifts, on two accounts, the efforts which are made to bend it. The firft is due to the tenfion of the cord, and is proportional to it, it will therefore be=bQ; the ſecond is due to its warping or twifting, and we may repreſent by a the force employed to overcome it. Here. a and b are, as is manifeft, variable coefficients. Thus, for one and the fame cord a+bQ_may repreſent the force required to bend it: but, if the cord be changed, the diameter d will be different, and we may conclude that, cæteris paribus, the force which muſt be employed will be proportional to a certain power n of d; for the force neceffary to bend a cord will increaſe with its diameter: this power will decreaſe on the contrary with the dn radius r of the pulley; therefore (a+bQ) may repreſent the force neceffary to overcome the ſtiffneſs of the cord; ʼn being as yet an indeterminate quantity. This value being the augment- ation which muſt be given to the force or weight W that it may be on the point of prevailing over the refiftance Q, muſt, from what is before ſhewn, be equal to Q. Thus we have dn d" (a+bQ)=Qq, or q = = (a+b Q) (A). This equation, it is true, is only furniſhed by general con- fiderations, and not by a rigorous inveſtigation: it contains, moreover, the unknown coefficients n, a, and b, varying for dif- ferent cords. But there is a fimple method of finding theſe co- efficients, and of affuring ourfelves that the expreffion is fuf- ficiently exact in practice. 31. Chooſe any cord, and after bending it along the groove of a pulley, as the cord QDABEW (fig. 3.), attach to it two equal weights, and augment one of them till it is just on the t Rigidity of Cords. 31 point of prevailing fo as to give motion to the ſyſtem, marking the difference of the weights. Make a fimilar experiment four times, taking as many different values of W and of Q, alfo of r: fo fhall there be obtained four values of W-Q, that is to ſay, dn of (a+bQ), which will furniſh four equations. Putting e, ጕ f, g, h, thefe values, and denoting by r, r', r'", "", the feveral radii of the pullies, and Q, Q, Q", Q", the weights employed in their turns, we ſhall have dn e= (a+bQ) r dn 8 = = = (a+bQ'). go!! dn ƒ===(a+bQ') dn b ====== (a+bQ"") Of theſe equations the three first ferve to diſcover the values of n, a, and b; and the laſt enables us to affure ourſelves whether the formula (A) has the accuracy we wish. 32. As to experiments on the rigidity of ropes and cords, we know none of any great importance and extent befides thoſe of M. Coulumb. Thefe experiments were made with two kinds of apparatus, one contrived by M. Amontons, the other by M. Coulumb himſelf: the experiments made by means of one in- ftrument corroborated the reſults of thoſe made by the other : but we ſhall here merely deſcribe the experiments by means of M. Coulumb's apparatus, which we prefer becauſe it was con- trived to aſcertain at the fame time that kind of friction which is occafioned by the rolling of cylinders upon horizontal planes. The apparatus confifts of two treffels of 6 feet in height, and fufficiently folid and firm, on which there are laid two pieces of fquared wood; upon theſe two pieces of wood are fixed two rulers of oak well planed, DD, D' D' (fig. 4. pl. I. nos. 1. 2.), and poliſhed with a little fiſh-ſkin: then two cylinders of lignum vitæ are procured, one of 6 inches diameter, the other of two inches; together with feveral cylinders of elm from 2 to 12 inches in diameter. Theſe things prepared, in order first to find the friction of the rollers, they are laid horizontally upon the two rulers of oak, and croffing their directions perpendicularly, as repreſented in fig, 4. no. 2. the rulers being in a perfectly horizontal poſition: then fufpend on each fide of the roller in ufe a weight of 50lbs. with very fine and flexible packthread; or indeed by means of feveral fuch threads diftributed over the roller, and charged each with 50 lbs. on each fide, produce upon the rulers any de terminate preffure; and afcertain by the aid of little counter- 32 MECHANICS. weights fufpended alternately on the different fides of the roller what will be the force neceffary to give it a motion barely. fenfible. The friction of the rollers being eftimated by the preceding method, it will be eaſy to allow for it, when inftead of the very flexible packthread, the cords or ropes of which the ſtiffneſs is to be determined are fubftituted. And this new determination will be made in the fame manner as with reſpect to the naſcent friction by fufpending the little weights alternately on each fide of the roller, fo that they fhall give it a motion juft perceptible. It is obvious to remark that this method of eftimating the effects of the rigidity of cords will furniſh reſults directly ap- plicable to the preceding formula: for the weights which pro- duce the very ſmall motion in the cylinders will be precifely equal to the augmentation of the refiftance arifing from the ftiffneſs of the cord, eftimated in the direction of that portion of the cord to which the reſiſtance is applied that repreſents the uſeful effect of the machine. 33. We ſhall firſt exhibit the refults of M. Coulumb's ex- periments, on the ſecond ſpecies of friction, produced by rollers of lignum vitæ of 6 and of 2 inches diameter. Charge of the rollers, their weight being] comprised. Weights which produce an extremely slow motion, the diameter of the rollers being 100 lb. 500 1000 6 inches 0.6 3'0 6'0 2 inches 1.6 9'4 18.0 From this table M. Coulumb infers that the friction of cy- linders which roll upon horizontal planes, is directly as the preffures, and inverfely as the diameters of the rollers. He alfo found that greafing the furfaces did not here cauſe any fenfible diminution in the friction. Note. The foot and the pound ſpoken of throughout theſe experiments are thofe of the ancient Paris ftandard: we have not reduced them to English meaſures, fince the deductions founded upon the experiments does not render this neceffary. 2 Rollers of elm produced a friction of about the greater than lignum vitæ. And under fmall preffures the friction was rather greater than would refult from the law of friction being proportional to the preffure. 34. We fhall next preſent the reſults of M. Coulumb's ex- periments upon the rigidity of cords, and different rollers be- tween 2 and 12 inches in diameter: the deduction for the friction is ſtated in the table, and a comparative column exhibits the rigidity deduced from the experiments made with the ap- Rigidity of Cords. 33 paratus of Amontons. The cords were of three kinds: No. 1, of 6 threads in a yarn, or 2 in a ftrand, the circumference 12 lines, and weight of a foot in length 4 drams. No. 2, of 15 threads in a yarn, or 5 in a ftrand, circumference 20 lines, weight of a foot in length 12 drams. No. 3, of 30 threads in a yarn, or 10 in a ftrand, circumference 28 lines, weight of a foot in length 24 drams. Kinds of the rulers Friction Stiffness of the Cord. No. of experiments. | Cords used in wood: diameter and the expe- riments. weight of Weights hung on each side the roller Addition. weight to sur- Total charge of mount friction of roller and which support of the Valued by Cou- roller. lumb's the in lbs. the Valued by Amon- tons' ap- stiffness appa- paratus. rollers. roller. ratus. of cords. Elm Cord No. 3. of 100 5 lbs. 315 1'5 3.5 4.4 12 inches I 30 threads diameter, 300 II 721 3.6 7'4 10'4 in a yarn. weight IIO lbs. 500 20 1130 5.6 14'4 16.4 Elm 6 inches 2 Idem. diameter, 200 18 443 weight 25 lbs. Guiacum 6 inches 3 Idem. diameter, 200 16 466 2.8 13.2 14.8 weight 50 lbs. Guiacum 2 inches 25 II 651 Idem. 4 diameter, weight 200 52 456/1/ 4 lbs. Cord Guiacum 25 I IOI No. 2. of 6 inches 100 6 256 15 threads diameter, 200 II 461 2.8 8.2 7.6 in a yarn. weight 500 24 i074 6.4 17:6 17.8 50 lbs. Cord No. 1. of 100 Idem. 6 threads 200 36 30 253 456 2.7 3.3 3.I in a yarn. From this table it will be ſeen that the method of Amontons and that of Coulumb furniſh nearly the fame refults: M. Coulumb aſcribes the differences where greateſt to the circum- ftance of the cords having been more ufed previous to their being taken for one kind of experiment than for the other. $5. M. Coulumb, before he commenced the experiments upon the friction of axes, cauſed the pulley to turn on its axis during ſuch a time and with ſuch a velocity as was neceſſary to VOL. II. D t 34 MECHANICS.. enable the furfaces in contact to acquire all the polish and glibnefs of which they were fufceptible. The chief object held in view in the experiments of which we now ſpeak was to de- termine the friction of the axes of machines in motion. M. Coulumb therefore caufed the fufpended weights to run over a ſpace of 6 feet, and to meaſure ſeparately by half feconds the time employed to run over the first three feet, and that occupied in running over the laſt three feet. The following table con- tains the reſults of experiments on the friction of axes of iron in boxes of copper: the axis ufed was 19 lines in diameter, and had a play of 12 lines in the copper box, the pulley was 144 lines in diameter, and weighed 14 pounds. ! 1 } } 36 MECHANICS. Weight Weight Addi- Fric- Ratio No. of experi- ments. hung tional Kind of cord Kind of greas- used. used to Jon each weight Motion of the weight suspended Pres- tion of fric- sure on reduc. tion to ing. bend side of to move on each side of the the to the the cord. over the the the pulley. axis. surface pres- pulley. pulley. pulley. of axis. sure. Very flexi- ble thread of Friction with- O'O 103 6 Slow and irregular. 226 42 0.186 3 lines cir- out-greasing. cumference, 10.5 Slow and irregular. 424 65 0.153 Cord No. 1. The first 3 ft. fallen of 6 threads Idem. 1'5 200 13.5 thro' in 6", the last in a yarn. 3 in 3″. 21 Slow but continual. 825 130 0'156 The first 3 feet de- 28 scribed in 5″5, the 3 Idem, Idem. 3'0 400 39 last three in 2"5. First 3 ft. described in 3", the last 3 in I{". Very flexi- 2.5 Slow but continual. 216.5 17.5 0·08x ble thread, tallow. O'O 100 The first 3 feet de- of 2 lines cir- 6 cumference. Cord No. I. 6.5 5 of 6 threads Idem. 1'5 200 in a yarn. 10'0 scribed in 3″5, the last 3 in 1"5. Slow but continual. The first 3 feet, de- scribed in 3"-5, the 420 36 0'086 last 3 in 1"5. 13 Slow and continual. 827 72 24 0°087 The first 3 feet, de- 6 Idem. Idem. 3.0 400 18 scribed in 5″-5, the last 3 in 2" first 3 feet in 3", 24 last 3 feet in 2". Table of Friction, &c. continued. ፣ ་ Thread of 2 lines in cir- cumference. Cart grease. 8 Idem. Idem. 9 Idem. Idem. ៖ ៖ ៖ 100 150 Cord No. 1. IO of 6 threads Idem. IOO 8 58 5 2'5 Slow and continual. 117 17'5 · 0.15 3.7 Idem. 218 26 0'119' 5'7 Idem. 320 40. O'125 4.3 Slow and uncertain. 218 26 0.119 9 first 3 feet in 3", in a yarn. last 3 feet in 1½". 8.5 Uncertain, 422 50 0.118 II Idem. Idem. 1'5 200 14 first 3 feet in 4″, last 3 feet in 2". 20 all 6 feet in 3"5. 17 Uncertain. 831 101 O'121 12 Idem. Idem. 3'0 400 22 28 The cart first 3 feet in 6″·5, last 3 feet in 2" 5. first 3 feet in 4", last 3 feet in 1"5. From 200 to 1200 lbs. 0'127 > 13 14 x5 grease of prec. exp. wiped, the pores of the metal re- mained unc- tuous. The surface fresh done with oil. The greasing not renewed of a long time, though the machine bad been much used. 1 វ i O'127 0'133 0*133 38 MECHANICS. The weights employed to bend the cord, and which are con- tained in the 4th column, were calculated from the tenfions ex- preffed in the 5th column, by means of the formulæ already given, and the refults of fome previous experiments. Thefe weights being fubtracted from thofe of the 6th column, which put the fyftem in motion, leave the weights employed in over- coming the friction. Thefe latter weights acting at a di- ſtance from the centre of rotation equal to the fum of the radii of the pulley and the cord; the friction which is exerted upon the axis, and which in the cafe of a very flow motion may be confidered as making an equilibrium with thoſe weights, is therefore equal to the product of thoſe weights into the ratio of the fum of the radii of the pulley and the cord, to the radius of the axis, which ratio is very nearly 7 to 1, when the weight fufpended by a thin packthread, and nearly 72 to 1, when it is fufpended by the cord No. 1. From theſe confidera- tions the 9th column was calculated. The weights compriſed in the 8th column are compofed, 1. Of the weight of the pulley or cylinder; 2. Double the correfponding weight in the 5th column; 3. The weights contained in the 6th column; for the fum of thefe evidently compofe the preffure upon the axis. Hence, to find the ratio of the friction to the preffure, as ex- preffed in the 10th column, it is only neceffary to divide any number in the 9th column by the correfponding one in the 8th. 36. When it is proper to have regard to the velocity of the weight, to afcertain the effort which furmounts the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cord, we may obſerve at once that in this caſe the motion is nearly a uniformly accelerated motion, fince the firſt 3 feet are deſcribed in a time about double that employed in running over the laft 3 feet. It remains, therefore, to learn what part w of the additional weight ftated in the 6th column, which we call w, was employed in accelerating the motion of the ſuf- pended weight; for the other part of the additional weight, w', is manifeftly that which furmounts the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cords. Now t being the time of the whole deſcent, the accelerating force which has place is equal to 2X6; viz. w tz and, naming W the total fum of the weight hanging upon the pulley compriſing in it 7 pounds for the inertia of the pulley, which weighed 14 pounds, and g the accelerating force of gra- vity, the mafs put in motion will be maſs by the accelerating force will be W g' and the product of that 2 X 6 W g ta ; which being fub- tracted from the additional weight which put the pulley in mo- \ Stiffness of Cords. 39. tion, gives the quantity w-w', or the part of the weight w em- ployed to overcome the ſtiffneſs of the cord and the friction. It appears from the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th ex- periments, that the friction of axes of iron in boxes or cheeks of copper is much lefs foftened by the cart-greafe than by tallow. 37. M. Coulumb has likewife endeavoured to afcertain the friction of axes of rotation made of the different kinds of wood which are commonly found in rotatory machines. To render the friction more fenfible he uſed pulleys of 12 inches mounted upon axes of 3 inches; fometimes the axes were immoveable, at others they moved, but in both cafes the friction was the fame the proper precautions were adopted to ſmoothen the fur- faces in contact, and thence to avoid the uncertainty and irre- gularity which might otherwife have attended the refults. Kinds of wood uſed in the experiments. Ratio of friction to pressure. Axis of holm-oak, box of lignum vitae, coated with 0·038 tallow Ditto the coating wiped, the furface remaining oily Axis and box as before, but uſed ſeveral times with- out having the coating refreſhed '} Axis of holm-oak, box of elm, coated with tallow. Ditto both axis and box wiped, furfaces remaining oily Axis of boxtree, box of lignum vitæ, coated with tallow Ditto the coating wiped, the furfaces remaining oily Axis of boxtree, box of elm Ditto the coating wiped off Axis of iron, box of lignum vitæ, the coating wiped off, and the pulley turned for ſome time d'oб : 0°06 d'o8 0.03 0'05 0043 007 0'035 -0.05 0.0.5 The velocity does not appear to influence the friction in any fenfible manner, except in the firft inſtants of motion: and in every caſe the friction is leaft, not when the ſurfaces are plaſtered over, but when they are merely oily. 38. The experiments on the ſtiffneſs of cords defcribed (art. 34) were made in cafes of motions nearly infenfible; but M. Coulumb enquired whether with a finite velocity the refulting effect of the ſtiffneſs of the cord were augmented or diminiſhed. For this purpoſe he took a pulley and box of copper, and an axis of iron done over with tallow the diameter of the pulley was 144 lines, and that of the axis 20 lines; and the cord was one of 30 threads to a yarn, or No. 3. of which the ſtiffneſs with refpect to infenfible velocities was determined by ſome of the foregoing experiments. The enfuing table fhews the re- fults of the experiments: the weights were made to run over a diftance of 6 feet, and the times of defcribing the firſt three and the laſt three feet were meaſured by a half-fecond pendulum. + 40 MECHANICS. Weight No. of hung experi-on each ments. side the Addi- Part of tional wt. to weight over- to come 1 move friction pulley. the and ri- pulley. gidity. • Motion of the weights hung upon the pulley.. [Weight] Stiffness | Stiffness acting Pres- at ex- of the cord sure on tremity deduced the of pul- from the axis in ley, ba- weights 3. lancing which the move the of the cord esti mated from its tension and for- mer ex- friction pulley. perimts. 7.5 lbs. 75 lbs. Slow and continued 221 lbs. 2.6lbs. 4'9 lbs. 4'0 lbs. 'first 3 feet in 3 I roolbs. 12 7.6 last 3 feet in 1" 15 first 3 feet in 2″ 7.6 last 3 in 14" II II Slow and uncertain 425 4'9 6.1 6.6 99 first 3 feet in 6" 15 12.9 2 200 last 3 in 3" first 3 feet in 31" 19 12.2 last 3 in 14" 20.5 20'5 Slow and uncertain 834 -9'7 10.8 11.8 S 3 'first 3 feet in 6" 24 19'9 3 400 last 3 in 3" 3x 17.6 first 3 feet in 3″ last 3 in 2" 31°5 31.5 Doubtful and conti. 1235 14.5 17.0 17.0 4 600 137 first 3 feet in 6″ 31'5 last 3 in 3½" 7 : It appeared in the table (art. 34.) that to bend the cord no. 3. of 30 threads in a yarn, about a roller of 12 inches di- ameter, and with a tenfion of 500lbs, would require a weight of 14 4 lbs of which weight the conftant part due to the fabrication of the cord is about 1'4 lbs: this value may be retained; but it will be here proper to deduce the part due to the tenfion of the cord by the quintal to (14°4 −1·4) 13=2.6lbs. From theſe data the laſt column to the right of the above table was computed. 典 ​ड 39. To complete the object of the experiments it is neceſſary to have the ſtiffneſs of the cord without afferting any thing à priori on the values which had been previously found for fuch rigidity. To this end M. Coulumb has eſtimated the friction of the axis from its charge and the experiments of art. 35; where it appeared that this friction was independent of its velocity and equal to o'087 of the preffure. This friction which is exerted at the furface of the axis being computed, and the radius of the axis being to the diſtance between the centre of rotation and the middle of the cord as 1 to 75, it will be eafy to calculate the weight which acting in the vertical di- rection of the middle of the cord may be in equilibrium with the friction in each experiment; and theſe weights are con- tained in the ſeventh column. Subtracting theſe weights from f Stiffness of Cords. 41 the additional weights contained in the third column, namely thoſe which put the pulley in motion, we have in the caſe of a very flow motion the values of the weights which juſt ſurmount the ſtiffneſs of the cord; theſe weights are compriſed in the 8th column, and differ but little from thoſe calculated immediately and contained in the 9th column. 8 12 40. Now to know if the greater or lefs velocity of the weight fufpended upon the pulley has any influence upon the reſiſtance due to the ſtiffneſs of the cord, we muft in the cafe of the motion calculate what portion of the ad- ditional weight hung upon the pulley is employed in over- coming the friction and the rigidity of the cord. Here the formula of a preceding article has its application, w'=2X6w :for, the time occupied by the weight in deſcribing the laſt three feet being nearly the half of that employed in defcribing the firſt three feet, the motion may be confidered as uniformly accele- rated, and the quantities w-w', which refult, and are con- tained in the 4th column, differ but little, as is manifeft, from the weights employed to overcome the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cords, in the cafe of an extremely flow motion. And, as it appeared from the preceding experiments that the friction was independent of the velocity, or that it oppoſed the fame refiſtance to the motion in the different trials for each ex- periment; it hence follows that the reſiſtance arifing from the stiffness of the cord was likewife conſtant in the fame trials, and depended not upon the velocity, at least in any fuch fenfible manner as to merit our regard in computing the powers of machines. 41. The invariableneſs of the refiſtance occafioned by the ftiffness of cords, under different velocity, appears alfo imme- diately from the refults compriſed in the 5th column of the table, which, as before obferved, proves that the motions were nearly uniformly accelerated. And from this property it fol- lows, that there is always a conftant part of the weight or power employed in furmounting the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cords. "Nevertheleſs," adds M. Coulumb, " it muſt be acknow- ledged, that it is not ftrictly true, that the augmentation of ve- locity does not augment the refiftance due to the rigidity of cordage. This augmentation appears eſpecially perceptible when the cords are ftretched with weights or by forces that are under 100 pounds. I have eſtimated, by many trials, that in fuch caſes a velocity of 8 feet per fecond would increafe by nearly a pound the refiftance occafioned by the ſtiffneſs of our cord of 30 threads in a yarn : but this augmentation of refiſtance feems to be a conftant quantity for the fame degree of velocity, 1 42 MECHANICS. whatever the tenfion may be; in fuch fort that it ceaſes to be perceptible under great tenfions, and that there are but very few circumſtances in which it may not be neglected in practice: this augmentation with regard to the velocity appears, befides, much greater in new than in old cords, and in tarred cords. than in thoſe which are white or untarred”” 42. M. Coulumb deduces from theſe experiments the follow- ing general conclufions : (1.) That with refpect to practice, in all rotatory machines the ratio of the preffure to the friction may always be fuppofed conſtant, and that the influence of the velocity is too ſmall to need our regard. (2.) That the refiſtance which must be overcome to bend a cord over a roller or pulley is reprefented by a formula com- poſed of two terms; the firft is a conſtant quantity independent a dn of the tenfion, and of the form (art. 31.) where a is a con- T ftant quantity determined by experience, d" is a power of the diameter d of the cord, and the radius of the roller; the b dn fecond term is Q, where b is a conſtant quantity, d, n, and r, T as before, and Q the tenfion of the cord. Thus the complete Q_the dn formula expreffing the ſtiffneſs of the cord is (a+bQ). The power ʼn varies according to the flexibility of the cord, but is ufually about 1'7 or 1-8, or the refiftance is nearly proportional to the fquare of the diameter of the cord: when the cord is much uſed n decreaſes to 1.5 or even 1.4. The following is a fummary of refults. of 30 threads in a yarn White Cord, Sof -15 6 Tarred Cord, 12 of 30 threads in a yarn -15 6 15 lbs. dn -b. 100 = 9°0 dn a=4.2 • =1°2 =0°2 =6·6. = 5'1 = 2.2 =2.0 =0°4 =11:6 = 56 = 24 be 43. Our knowledge of the nature of the friction of axes, and ſtiffneſs of cords, though confeffedly very imperfect, may introduced into the computation of the power of machines: this may be illuftrated by an example of a capftan or windlafs, where the general formula for an equilibrium will be this: r2 PR=QR'+ √i+}; +dr (a+bQ) where P reprefents the power, and the other letters as below, 1 The Capftan, allowing for Friction, &c. 43 The weight to be elevated, is Q=1000 lbs. The radius of the axis or pivot, which is of iron, is r=2 inches. This axis turns in a box of copper: the radius of the cylinder about which the cord is rolled, is R'10 inches. The arm of the capftan, or the radius, or diſtance at which the men exert their force, is R=10 feet 120 inches. The pivots are ſuppoſed to have been plaſtered with tallow ſome time, and the inftrument often uſed, till the ratio of the fric- tion to the preffure is reduced to that of experiment 15 in the table of article 35. whence we have that ratio, or f=0*133, and +7:5851. ff The cord is fuppofed tarred, and of 120 threads in a yarn, which will fupport 12 or 14000 lbs. without breaking. Now a tarred cord of 30 threads in a yarn requires a conſtant effort equivalent to 6·6 lbs. to bend it about a roller of 2 inches radius, and an effort proportional to the tenſion, of 11.6 lbs. for a quin- tal, or 116 lbs. for 1000 lbs. Here the radius of the cylinder being 10 inches, we muſt, firſt ſuppoſing the cords equal, diminiſh theſe efforts in the ratio of 10 to 2, viz. make their fum (66+116) for fooo lbs., and = (6·6+8x116) for 8000. And as the cord is of 120 threads in a yarn inſtead of 30, we muſt increaſe the laſt refult, in the ratio of 30 to 120, fo fhall we have × (6·64·928)=7477 for the effort which will fur- mount the ſtiffneſs of the cord, that is ? dn R' 2 To (a+bQ)=747*7. And fince R'10, we have d" (a+bQ)=7477- 2 To Thefe values being fubftituted in the general formula it be- comes PX 120 (8000 x 10)+ 8000 X 2 7.5851 +7477. P=666·6+1.7°577+62·3=746.5 lbs. or, It will be neceffary therefore to diſtribute at the extremities of the bars of the capftan efforts whofe fum fhall be equivalent to 746.5 lbs.: that is, if a man makes an effort balancing 25 lbs., 30 men will be required to move the weight of 8000 lbs. Had there been no friction and were the cords perfectly flexible, the 8000 force neceffary would have been only or 666 6, lefs than 12 the other by almoſt 80 pounds, a difference which is more than equivalent to the force of three men. So that in this example મ 44 MECHANICS. the friction and rigidity of the cord, require an increaſe of be- tween an 8th and a 9th of the whole power which would other- wife have been requifite, This, however, we wish to be received only as an approxima- tion. The details which have been here entered into will, we truft, be found of fome utility in directing the practice, and may furniſh ſome hints to thoſe who have time and inclina- tion to adopt other feries of well-conducted experiments; and thus fupply theſe moſt important defiderata in practical mechanics. On the Energy of First Movers. 44. The confideration of the abfolute and relative forces of different kinds of first movers is of too great confequence in the application of mechanics to be entirely omitted in this perform- ance: we fhall, therefore, prefent the reader with fome ob- fervations and tables refpecting the chief claffes of powers ufed to drive machinery, viz. water, air, fteam, gunpowder, and animal exertion. Water is generally made to operate upon machines by means of its momentum when in motion: but it may alſo be uſed, and that as a very powerful mover, when acting by its preffure merely. In the theory of hydroftatics (art. 387.) we ex- plained the principle of the hydroftatical paradox, in which it is afferted that any quantity of water or other fluid may be made to fupport any other quantity or any weight however great, and indeed to raise the greater weight until it reaches fuch a height as enfures the equilibrium. Thus in the hydro- ſtatic bellows the weight of a few ounces of water is made to raiſe ſeveral hundred pounds. And in like manner Otto Gue- ricke of Magdeburg made a child balance, and even overcome, the pull exerted by the emperor's fix coach horfes, merely by fucking the air from beneath a pifton. This great power de- pends upon the fundamental property of fluids, that they prefs equally in all directions. Mr. Bramah, an ironmonger in Pic- cadilly, has lately obtained a patent for a machine acting as a prefs on this principle of the quaqua verfum preffure of fluids: A pifton of of an inch diameter forces water into a cylinder of 12 inches diameter, and by this intervention raiſes the piſton of the cylinder: ſo that a boy acting with a fourth part of his. ftrength on the ſmall pifton by means of a lever can raiſe about 94080 lbs. or 42 tons preffing on the great piſton; the increaſe of power being as I to 4 x 12 or 1 to 2304. This contrivance will be more minutely explained under the article Bramah's-ma- chine, in the alphabetical part of this volume. 4 First Movers. 45 45. As to the effect of water in motion, it will manifeftly depend upon the quantity of fluid and its velocity jointly. When the water runs through a notch or an orifice of a regular form fituated in the bottom or fide of a refervoir, the quantity diſcharged in any given time may be determined by the rules laid down for thoſe purpoſes in vol. 1. Book IV. If s² be the area of any plane ex- pofed to the action of a current of water, and the velocity per fecond with which the fluid ſtrikes the plane, then will the force of the fluid be equivalent to the weight of a volume of water expreſſed by, where g repreſents 32% feet, on the ſup- 2 g บ pofition that the water ſtrikes the plane dire&ly: but if the fluid ftrike the plane obliquely and I repreſent the angle of incid- ence, the force will be equivalent to the weight of the column 22 52 2 g fin.2 I. Or, fince a cubic foot of water weighs 62 lbs 6240²sk averd. if v and s be expreffed in feet we ſhall have 2 g fin. I =971502 fin.² I v² s² lbs. averd. for the equivalent weight, which becomes barely 971502v's² lbs. when the plane is directly oppofed to the fluid. 46. In the determination of the velocity of the ſtream it will be neceffary either to aſcertain the height h through which the water has fallen freely, as from the end of a ſpout, when √√2gh, or nearly 8 h, will fhew the velocity, b being in feet; or when the water iffues through an orifice in the bottom or ſide of a refervoir, to have recourſe to Chap. 1 and 2. Book IV. vol. I. before referred to. If the ftream be ample without much fall, fuch as muſt neceffarily be applied to move an underfhot wheel by its impulfe, the power will be determinable from the ve- locity of the water and the quantity which paffes through the fection of its bed. Dr. Defaguliers, in his Experimental Phi- lofophy, vol. II. pa. 419. gives the following eafy method of afcertaining theſe data: Obferve a place where the banks of the river are fteep and nearly parallel, fo as to make a kind of trough, for the water to run through, and by taking the depth at various places in croffing make a true fection of the river. Stretch a ftring at right angles over it, and at a ſmall diſtance another parallel to the firft. Then take an apple, an orange, or other ſmall ball, juft fo much lighter than water as to fwim in it, and throw it into the water above the ftrings. Obferve when it comes under the firft ftring, by means of a half fecond pen- dulum, a ftop watch, or any other proper inftrument; and ob- ferve likewife when it arrives at the fecond ftring. By this means the velocity of the upper furface, which in practice may 46 MECHANICS. generally be taken for that of the whole, will be obtained. And the fection of the river at the ſecond ſtring muſt be aſcertained by taking various depths, as before. If this fection be the fame as the former, it may be taken for the mean fection: if not, add both together, and take half the fum for the mean fec- tion. Then the area of the mean fection in ſquare feet being multiplied by the diftance between the ftrings in feet, will give the contents of the water in folid feet, which paffed from one ftring to the other during the time of obfervation; and this by the rule of three may be adapted to any other portion of time. Suppofe, for example, the time were 12", and the hourly expen- diture of water were required, the proportion would be, as 12": 3600" :: the number of cubic feet between the two ftrings: the hourly expenditure in cubic feet. If the mere ve- locity be required with reference to any fixed interval of time, a fimilar proportion will give it, only obferving to take, inſtead of the folid content or capacity in the third term, the diſtance between the two ftrings. The operation may often be greatly abridged by taking notice of the arrival of the floating body oppofite two ſtations on the fhore, eſpecially when it is not convenient to ftretch a ftring acroſs. An arch of a bridge is a good ſtation for an expe- riment of this kind, becauſe it affords a very regular fection and two fixed points of obfervation: and in fome inſtances the fea practice of heaving the log may be advantageous. Where a time-piece is not at hand, the obferver may eaſily conſtruct a half-feconds or quarter-feconds pendulum: the former may be made by fufpending a ſmall round (not flat) button, or other ſpherical weight, by a thread looped over a pin of fuch a length that the diſtance from the point of fufpenfion to the centre of the weight fhall be 9.8 inches: the quarter-feconds pendulum muſt be a fourth of this length. If, by obfervations at ſeveral ſtations above and below any particular point of the river, the velocity does not appear to vary, the ſection of the river in all that ſpace may be confidered as uniform; and it will not be neceffary to determine more than one fection by actual meaſure- ment. 47. The effect of underſhot and overfhot wheels has been very variouſly ſtated by different authors; the moſt valuable and correct obfervations are thofe of Mr. Smeaton, an abſtract of which was given in Chap. 4. Book IV. vol. I. The numerous practical remarks and experiments related in that chapter and the fecond chapter of the fame book, will render it unneceffary for us now to dwell longer upon the effects of water as a mover of machinery. 48. AIR is the next natural mover we propoſe to confider. And this like water may be regarded either as at reft, or in mo Air as a Mover of Machinery. 47 } tion. The preffure of the atmoſphere in a medium ftate is equivalent to the weight of 14 or 15 lbs. averdupois on a ſquare inch; and this preffure will fupport, and, by means of a fucking pump, raife water to the height of about 33 feet; it fupports mercury in the barometer at the height of 28 to 32 inches. ། The denfity of air is, at a medium, about 833 times leſs than that of water: if we take round numbers and reckon 800 to `I for the ratio of the denfities, and put s² for the ſurface on which the wind ſtrikes, v for the velocity with which it moves, and I for the angle of incidence, then the force of the wind will be equal to the weight of a volume of water expreſſed by go 72 st 2g fin. 'I=0012144 v² s² fin.² I lbs. averdupois. I This formula, however, is only an approximation, and would lead to confiderable errors when the velocities are great: on this ſubject we have treated pretty fully in art. 554, &c. Book V. vol. I. where the tables of Dr. Hutton, Mr. Roufe, &c. are exhibited: the following is Mr. Roufe's table of velocity and correfponding force in the form it was originally given by Mr. Smeaton; but the form in which it is thrown in art. 554 is more uſeful. Velocity of the Wind. Miles! feet in 1 Perpendi- cular force onone fquare foot, in in one one averdupois hour. fecond. pounds. I I'47 *005 2 2'93 *020 3 4°40 *044 4 5.87 *079 5 7*33 *123 10 14.67 *492 1 2 no 15 20 22'00 1'107 29'34 1'968 25 36.67 3'075 30 44'01 4'429 35 51.34 6.027 40 58.68 7-873 45 66.01 9*963 50 73.35 12.300 60 88.02 17.715 80 117.36 31'490 TOO 146'70 49°200 48 MECHANICS. 49. As it is not eaſy to obferve the true velocity of the wind, and thence determine its force, ſeveral philofophers have in- vented inſtruments called Anemometers or wind gages, by which the force of the wind may be afcertained independent of its velocity. M. Bouguer contrived a very fimple inſtrument for this purpoſe: it is a hollow tube AABB (fig. 5. pl. I.) in which a ſpiral ſpring CD is fixed, that may be more or lefs compreffed by a rod FSD paffing through a hole within the tube at AA. Having obferved to what degree different forces or given weights are capable of compreffing the ſpiral, put di- vifions upon the rod in fuch a manner that the mark obferved at S in all poſitions of that rod fhall indicate the weight requifite to force the ſpring into the correfponding poſition CD. After- wards join perpendicularly to this rod at F a plane ſurface EFE of a given area, either greater or leſs, as may be judged proper: then nothing more is neceffary than to oppofe this inftrument to the wind, in order that it may ftrike the furface in the direc- tions VE, VE, parallel to that of the rod; and the mark at S will fhew the weight to which the wind is equivalent. It will then be eaſy to reduce any obſerved force to a volume of water equivalent to it in energy; and fo in all caſes afcertain the mag- nitude of the force which the wind exerts. 50. The moſt uſual method of applying wind as a mover of machinery is in the conftruction of windmills for different purpoſes, in which the wind produces its effect by impulſe upon the fails. In theſe machines, therefore, whatever varieties there may be in the internal structure, there are certain rules with regard to the pofition, fhape, and magnitude of the fails, which will bring them into the beſt ſtate for the action of the wind, and the production of uſeful effect. Theſe particulars have been confidered much at large by Mr. Smeaton: for this purpoſe he conſtructed a machine of which a particular deſcription is given in the Philofophical Tranſactions, vol. 51. By means of a determinate weight it carried round an axis with an horizontal arm, upon which were four ſmall moveable fails. Thus the fails met with a conftant and equable blaſt of air; and as they moved round, a ftring with a weight affixed to it was wound about their axis, and thus fhowed what kind of fize or con- ftruction of fails anſwered the purpoſe beft. With this ma- chine a great number of experiments were made; the reſults of which were as follow: (1.) The fails fet at the angle with the axis, propoſed as the beſt by M. Parent and others, viz. 55°, was found to be the worst proportion of any that was tried. (2.) When the angle of the fails with the axis was increaſed from 72° to 75°, the power was augmented in the proportion Wind as a Mover of Machinery. 49 of 31 to 45; and this is the angle moſt commonly in ufe when the fails are planes. See art. 547. vol. I. (3.) Were nothing more requifite than to cauſe the fails to acquire a certain degree of velocity by the wind, the pofition recommended by M. Parent would be the beft. But if the fails are intended with given dimenfions to produce the greateſt effects poffible in a given time, we muſt, if planes are made ufe of, confine our angle within the limits of 72 and 75 degrees. (4.) The variation of a degree or two, when the angle is near the beft, is but of little confequence. (5.) When the wind falls upon concave fails it is an advan- tage to the power of the whole, though each part feparately taken fhould not be difpofed of to the beft advantage. (6.) From ſeveral experiments on a large fcale, Mr. Smeaton has found the following angles to anfwer as well as any. The radius is ſuppoſed to be divided into fix parts; and th, reckon- ing from the centre, is called 1, the extremity being denoted 6. N° Angle with that axis. 1 72° 2 71 3 72 4 74 Angle with the plane of motion. 18° 19 5 6 772 83 18 middle 16 12 7 extremity. (7.) Having thus obtained the best method of weathering the fails, i. e. the moſt advantageous manner in which they can be placed, our author's next care was to try what advantage could be derived from an increaſe of ſurface upon the fame radius. The refult was, that a broader fail requires a larger angle; and when the fail is broader at the extremity than near the centre, the figure is more advantageous than that of a parallelogram. The figure and proportion of enlarged fails, which our author determines to be moſt advantageous on a large fcale, is that where the extreme bar is one-third of the radius or whip (as the workmen call it), and is divided by the whip in the pro- portion of 3 to 5. The triangular or loading fail is covered with board from the point downward of its height, the reft as uſual with cloth. The angles above mentioned are likewife the moſt proper for enlarged fails; it being found in practice, that the fails ſhould rather be too little than too much expoſed to the dire& action of the wind. Some have imagined, that the more fail the greater would be the power of the windmill, and have therefore propofed to fill up the whole area; and by making each fail a fector of an ellipfis, VOL. II. E 50 MECHANICS. according to M. Parent's method, to intercept the whole cy- linder of wind, in order to produce the greateſt effect poffible. From our author's experiments, however, it appeared, that when the furface of all the fails exceeded feven-eights of the area, the effect was rather diminished than augmented. Hence he concludes, that when the whole cylinder of wind is intercepted, it cannot then produce the greateſt effect for want of proper interftices to escape. "It is certainly defirable (fays Mr. Smeaton), that the fails of windmills ſhould be as fhort as poffible; but it is equally defirable, that the quantity of cloth fhould be the leaft that may be, to avoid damage by fudden fqualls of wind. The beft ſtructure, therefore, for large mills, is that where the quantity of cloth is the greatest in a given circle that can be on this condition, that the effect holds out in proportion to the quan- tity of cloth; for otherwife the effect can be augmented in a given degree by a leffer increaſe of cloth upon a larger radius than would be required if the cloth was increafed upon the fame radius.” (8.) The ratios between the velocities of windmill fails un- loaded, and when loaded to their maximum, turned out very different in different experiments; but the moſt common propor- tion was as 3 to 2. In general it happened that where the power was greateft, whether by an enlargement of the furface of the fails or an increaſed velocity of the wind, the fecond term of the ratio was diminiſhed. (9.) The ratios between the leaft load that would ſtop the fails and the maximum with which they would turn, were con- fined betwixt that of 10 to 8 and 10 to 9; being at a medium about 10 to 8.3, and 10 to 9, or about 6 to 5; though on the whole it appeared, that where the angle of the fails or quantity of cloth was greateſt, the ſecond term of the ratio was lefs. (10.) The velocity of windmill fails, whether unloaded or loaded, fo as to produce a maximum, is nearly as the velocity` of the wind, their ſhape and poſition being the fame. On this fubject Mr. Ferguſon remarks, that it is almost incredible to think with what velocity the tips of the fails move when acted upon by a moderate wind. He has feveral times counted the number of revolutions made by the fails in 10 or 15 minutes ; and, from the length of the arms from tip to tip, has computed, that if an hoop of the fame fize was to run upon plain ground with an equal velocity, it would go upwards of 30 miles in an hour. (11.) The load at the maximum is nearly, but fomewhat lefs than, as the fquare of the velocity of the wind; the shape, and pofition of the fails being the fame. Smeaton's Rules for Windmills 51 (12.) The effects of the fame fails at a maximum are nearly, but fomewhat lefs than, as the cubes of the velocity of the wind. (13.) The load of the fame fails at a maximum is nearly as the fquares, and the effect as the cubes of their number of turns in a given time. (14.) When fails are loaded fo as to produce a maximum at a given velocity, and the velocity of the wind increaſes, the load continuing the fame; then the increaſe of effect, when the increaſe of the velocity of the wind is fmall, will be nearly as the fquares of thefe velocities: but when the velocity of the wind is double, the effects will be nearly as 10 to 27; and when the velocities compared are more than double of that where the given load produces a maximum, the effects increaſe nearly In a fimple ratio of the velocity of the wind. Hence our author concludes, that windmills, fuch as the different fpecies for draining water, &c. lofe much of their effect by acting againſt one invariable oppofition. (15.) In fails of a fimilar figure and pofition, the number of turns in a given time will be reciprocally as the radius or length of the fail. (16.) The load at a maximum that fails of a fimilar figure and pofition will overcome, at a given diftance from the centre of motion, will be as the cube of the radius. (17.) The effects of fails of fimilar poſition and figure are as the fquare of the radius. Hence augmenting the length of the fail without augmenting the quantity of cloth, does not increaſe the power; becauſe what is gained by length of the lever is loft by the flowneſs of the motion. Hence alfo, if the fails are increaſed in length, the breadth remaining the fame the effect will be as the radius. (18.) The velocity of the extremities of the Dutch fails, as well as of the enlarged fails, either unloaded or even when loaded to a maximum, is confiderably greater than that of the wind itſelf. This appears plainly from the obfervations of Mr. Ferguſon, already related, concerning the velocity of fails. (19.) From many obfervations of the comparative effects of fails of various kinds, Mr. Smeaton concludes, that the enlarged fails are fuperior to thofe of the Dutch conftruction. (20.) He alfo makes ſeveral juſt remarks upon thoſe wind- mills which are acted upon by the direct impulfe of the wind againſt fails fixed to a vertical fhaft: his objections have, we believe, been juftified in every inftance by the inferior efficacy of theſe horizontal mills. "The diſadvantage of horizontal windmills (fays he) does not confiſt in this, that each fail, when directly oppofed to the wind, is I 2 £9 MECHANICS. capable of a lefs power than an oblique one of the fame di- menſions; but that in an horizontal windmill little more than one fail can be acting at once: whereas in the common wind- mill, all the four act together; and therefore, fuppofing each vane of an horizontal windmill to be of the ſame ſize with that of a vertical one, it is manifeſt that the power of a vertical mill will be four times as great as that of an horizontal one, let the number of vanes be what they will. This difadvantage arifes from the nature of the thing; but if we confider the further diſadvantage that arifes from the difficulty of getting the fails back again againſt the winds, &c. we need not wonder if this kind of mill is in reality found to have not above one-eighth or one-tenth of the power of the common fort; as has appeared in fome attempts of this kind.” 51. Another first mover, of whofe effects it may be proper to give fome account, is fired gunpowder. Theſe effects are too violent and fudden to allow of their being applied to many practical purpoſes (the chief ufe of gunpowder being in the difcharge of balls and fhells from guns and mortars); but they are fo prodigious and extraordinary, and are fo important in the art of war, that it may be naturally expected we ſhould give ſome eſtimate of them in this place. Now to underſtand the force of gunpowder it must be confidered that whether it be fired in a vacuum or in air, it produces by its explofion a permanently elastic fluid: and it appears from experiment that the elaſticity or preffure of the fluid produced by this firing of gunpowder is, cateris paribus, directly as its denfity. • To determine the elaſticity and quantity of this fluid, pro- duced from the exploſion of a given quantity of gunpowder, Mr. Robins premifes, that the elafticity increaſes by heat, and diminiſhes by cold, in the fame manner as that of the air; and that the denſity of this fluid, and confequently its weight, is the fame with the weight of an equal bulk of air, having the fame elaſticity and the fame temperature. From theſe principles, and from the experiments by which they are eſtabliſhed (for a detail of which we muſt refer to the book itfelf), he concludes that the fluid produced by the firing of gunpowder is nearly of the weight of the generating powder itself; and that the volume or bulk of this air or fluid, when expanded to the rarity of common atmoſpheric air, is about 244 times the bulk of the faid generating powder.-Count Saluce, in his Mifcel. Phil. Mathem. Soc. Priv. Taurin. p. 125, makes the proportion as 222 to 1; which he fays agrees with the computation of Meffrs. Haukfbee, Amontons, and Belidor. 3 Hence it appears, that any quantity of powder fired in any Strength of Fired Gunpowder. 53 confined ſpace, which it adequately fills, exerts at the inftant of its exploſion againſt the fides of the veſſel containing it, and the bodies it impels before it, a force at leaft 244 times greater than the elaſticity of common air, or, which is the fame thing, than the preffure of the atmoſphere; and this without con- fidering the great addition arifing from the violent degree of heat with which it is endued at that time; the quantity of which augmentation is the next head of Mr. Robins's enquiry. He determines that the elasticity of the air is augmented in a proportion fomewhat greater than that of 4 to 1, when heated to the extremeft heat of red-hot iron; and fuppofing that the flame of fired gunpowder is not of a lefs degree of heat, in- creafing the former number a little more than 4 times, makes nearly 1000; which fhews that the elaſticity of the flame, at the moment of exploſion, is about Icoo times ftronger than the elaſticity of common air, or than the preffure of the atmoſphere. But, from the height of the barometer, it is known that the preffure of the atmoſphere upon every fquare inch is on a medium 143 lb; and therefore 1000 times this, or 14750 lb. is the force or preffure of the flame of gunpowder, at the mo- ment of exploſion, upon a fquare inch, which is very nearly equivalent to 6 tons and a half. This great force, however, diminiſhes as the fluid dilates itſelf, and in that proportion, viz. in proportion to the ſpace it oc- cupies, it being only half the ftrength when it occupies a double ſpace, one-third the ſtrength when triple the ſpace, and ſo on. Mr. Robins further fuppofes the degree of heat above men- tioned to be a kind of medium heat; but that in the caſe of large quantities of powder the heat will be higher, and in very fmall quantities lower; and that therefore in the former cafe the force will be ſomewhat more, and in the latter fomewhat lefs, than 1000 times the force of the atmoſphere. He further found that the ftrength of powder is the fame in all variations in the denfity of the atmoſphere: but that the moiſture of the air has a great effect upon it; for the fame quantity which in a dry feaſon would diſcharge a bullet with a velocity of 1700 feet in one fecond, will not in damp weather give it a velocity of more than 12 or 1300 feet in a fecond, or even lefs, if the powder be bad, and negligently kept. Robins's Tracts, vol. 1, p. 101, &c. Further, as there is a certain quantity of water which, when mixed with powder, will pre- vent its firing at all, it cannot be doubted but every degree of moiſture muſt abate the violence of the exploſion; and hence the effects of damp powder are not difficult to account for. The velocity of expanfion of the flame of gunpowder, when fired in a piece of artillery, without either bullet or other body $4 MECHANICS. before it, is prodigiouſly great, viz. 7000 feet per fecond, or upwards, as appears from the experiments of Mr. Robins. But M. Bernoulli and M. Euler fufpect it is ftill much greater. And Dr. Hutton ſuſpects it may not be leſs, at the moment of exploſion, than 4 times as much. It is this prodigious celerity of expanſion of the flame of fired gunpowder which is its peculiar excellence, and the circum- ftance in which it fo eminently furpaffes all other inventions, either ancient or modern; for as to the momentum of theſe projectiles only, many of the warlike machines of the ancients produced this in a degree far furpaffing that of our heavieſt cannon fhot or fhells; but the great celerity given to theſe bodies cannot be approached with facility by any other means than the exploſion of powder. 52. Since the important invention of the Steam-engine another ſpecies of firſt movers has come under the confideration of the mechanical inveſtigator, namely, fuch as ariſe from the volatiliſation of different fluids. Of theſe the one moſt com- monly choſen is the STEAM raiſed from hot water, which is an elaſtic fluid, and which when raiſed with the ordinary heat of boiling water is almoſt 3000 times rarer than water, or more than 3 times rarer than air, and then has its elafticity equal to that of the common atmoſpheric air: by great heat it has been found that the ſteam may be expanded into 14000 times the ſpace of water, and then exerts a force of nearly 5 times the preffure of the atmoſphere: and there is no reaſon to fuppofe this is the limit: indeed fome accidents which have happened prove clearly that the elaſtic force of fteam may at leaft equal that of gun- powder. Σ The obfervations on the different degrees of temperature acquired by water in boiling, under different preffures of the atmoſphere, and the formation of the vapour from water under the receiver of an air-pump, when with the common tem- peratures the preffure is diminiſhed to a certain degree, fhew clearly that the expanfive force of vapour or ſteam is different in the different temperatures, and that in general it increaſes in a variable ratio as the temperature is raiſed. Previous to de- fcribing the method which has been adopted to meaſure the force of team under different temperatures, it will be proper to defcribe briefly the method by which the Chemifts account for the production of aeriform fluids. 53. The term Caloric is uſed to denote the cauſe, whatever it may be, of heat, and of the phenomena which accompany heat: it is now almoft univerfally admitted to be a highly elaſtic fluid. Every body is, according to its nature, capable of con- taining under a given volume a certain quantity of caloric, Elaftic Force of Steam. $5 either greater or leſs: this property was firft obferved by Dr. Black, and the Engliſh chemiſts deſignated it by the term Ca- pacity of a body to contain the matter of heat. Profeffor Wilcke and M. Lavoifier firſt made ufe of the term ſpecific caloric, de- noting by it the quantity of caloric refpectively neceffary to elevate to the fame number of degrees the temperature of fe- veral bodies of equal weight. Subſtances volatiliſed and reduced to gas or aeriform fluids, are nothing elſe than ordinary folid or fluid bodies which by ſome circumſtance are found fuperabundantly combined with caloric, in ſuch a manner that the conftituent particles of thefe bodies are feparated the one from the other, by a quantity of ambient caloric much more confiderable than that which fur- rounds the fame particles in the natural ſtate of the bodies. The extreme elaſticity of the caloric the effect of which is aug- mented by its condenfation, and the weakening of the reci- procal attraction or of the coheſion of the particles of the bodies (a weakening or diminution produced by the increaſed diſtance of thoſe particles) concur to diminiſh the denſity of the bodies in ſuch a manner that they become reduced to an aeriform state. 54. As to the elaſticity of gaſeous fluids thus formed, it ap- pears in great meaſure to be produced by the elaſticity of ca- loric itſelf, which, when bodies are reduced to the gafeous ftate, occupy a very great part of their volume. This eminent elaſti- city of caloric tends continually to produce expanfion; on the other hand, this fluid, by a particular deftination of nature, is more or lefs diffeminated between the molecule of all bodies, in fuch fort that we may ſay with M. Lavoifier that even in the folid ftate theſe molecule do not touch, but, as it were, ſwim in the caloric at a certain diſtance from each other. There muſt, therefore, be a perpetual conteſt between the expanſive force of caloric which tends to diffeminate the molecule, and the coheſive attraction of the molecule which tends to join them together. From the reciprocal intenfity of theſe two powers refults the folid and liquid ftates of bodies: thus, water only differs from ice by the greater or lefs condenſation of ca- loric, which permits more or leſs of the molecule of the liquid to yield to the effect of their attraction or reciprocal coheſion. When fubftances pafs from the liquid to the aeriform ftate, there is a third power to combine with the expanfive effort of caloric, and the aggregative or attractive effort of the mole- culæ ; namely, the preffure of the atmoſphere, or of any elaftic fluid whatever which compreffes the fluid, and oppoſes itſelf to the ſeparation of its parts. This third power has a certain in- duence alfo upon the paffage from the folid to the fluid ftate, 56 MECHANICS. but it is moſt frequently (in this caſe) very ſmall, and even evaneſcent in compariſon of the refiftance arifing from the mutual coheſion of the molecule. The contrary effect has place in the courſe of the paffage from the liquid to the gafeous or aeriform ſtate; the coheſion of the fluid molecule being ex- tremely fmall, the elaſticity of the caloric has fcarcely any thing to furmount to produce volatilisation befides the preffure of the atmoſphere, or gas which actually compreffes it. 55. Hence it reſults that the fame liquid under different preffures ought to volatilife at different temperatures. M. Lavoifier proved the truth of this refult, by placing ether under the receiver of an air-pump and producing volatiliſation ſolely by taking off a part of the preffure of the atmoſphere. See Chymie, tome I. pa. 9. And we know by many experiments of M. Deluc and others, that water boils the more fpeedily as it is lefs preffed by the weight of the atmoſphere. Lavoifier notices a curious confequence of what has been here faid; which is, that if our planet revolved upon its axis with ſuch a velocity as to leffen the preffure of the atmoſphere, or if the temperature of the air were raiſed, then ſeveral fluids which we now fee under a liquid ftate would only exiſt in the aeriform ſtate; for example, if under the temperature of ſum- mer the preffure of the atmoſphere were only equivalent to 20 or 24 inches of the barometrical tube, that preffure would not retain ether in the fluid ftate, it would be changed into gas; and the like would happen, if while the preffure of the air was equivalent to 28 or 30 inches of the mercury the habitual tem- perature were 105 or 110 degrees on Fahrenheit's ſcale. 56. The principles which have been here exhibited are fuf- ficient for the underſtanding of all which relates to the action of water or other fluids reduced to vapour. Now, it has ap- peared from frequent experiments that water heated in common air volatiliſes at 80° of Reaumur's thermometer, or 212° of Fahrenheit's, the height of the barometer being 28 French, or 29.0 Engliſh inches: and fpirits of wine under a like preffure volatilifes at between 63° and 64° of Reaumur, or nearly 175° of Fahrenheit. The expanfive force of the vapour muft, there- fore, in both thefe cafes, according to the principles juſt ex- plained, be meaſured by a column of mercury of 28 French, or 29.9 Engliſh inches, in like manner as fuch a column meaſures the preffure of the atmoſphere, or the elaſticity of common air. And at any more elevated temperatures the elaftic force of the vapour will furpaſs the preffure of the atmoſphere by a quantity which has a certain relation with the excefs of the temperaturę above thoſe juſt ſtated. 57. Till lately there was wanting on this important fubject a Elaftic Force of Steam. ST ſeries of exact and direct experiments by means of which, having given the temperature of the heated fluid, the expanſive force of the fteam rifing from it might be known, and vicè verfa. There was likewiſe wanting an analytical theorem expreffing the re- lation between the temperature of the heated fluid and the preffure with which the force of the fteam was in equilibrio. Theſe defiderata have, however, been lately ſupplied by M. Bettancourt, an ingenious Spanish philofopher, after a method which we ſhall now conciſely explain. 58. M. Bettancourt's apparatus confifts of a copper veffel or boiler, with its cover firmly foldered on: this cover has three orifices which cloſe up with fcrews: at the firſt the water or other fluid is put in and out; through the fecond paffes the ſtem of a thermometer which has the whole of its ſcale or gra- duations above the veffel, and its ball within, where it is im- merſed either in the fluid or in the fteam according to the dif- ferent circumſtances; through the third hole paffes a tube, making a communication between the cavity of the boiler and one branch of an inverted fyphon, which contains mercury, and acts as a barometer for meaſuring the preffure of the elaſtic vapour within the boiler. In the fide of the veſſel there is fourth hole into which is inferted a tube with a turncock, mak- ing a communication with the receiver of an air-pump, in order to extract the air from the boiler and to prevent its return. The apparatus being prepared in good order, and diftilled water introduced into the boiler at the firſt hole, and then ſtop- ped, as well as the end of the inverted fyphon or barometer, M. Bettancourt furrounded the boiler with ice, to lower the temperature of the water to the freezing point, and then, hav- ing extracted all the air from the boiler by means of the air- pump, the difference between the columns of mercury in the two branches of the barometer fhewed the meaſure of the elaſtic force of the vapour arifing from the water in that temperature. Then lighting the fire below the boiler, he gradually raiſed the temperature of the water from o to 110° of Reaumur's ther- mometer, that is, from 32° to 279° of Fahrenheit's thermo- meter; and for each degree of elevation in the temperature he obferved the height of the mercurial column which meaſured the elasticity or preffure of the vapour. Thefe experiments were repeated various times and with dif ferent quantities of water in the veffel; their reſults were ar- ranged in different columns for the fake of compariſon, and it appeared that the preffures for different temperatures agreed yery nearly, however much the quantity of fluid in the veffel was varied. It was alfo feen that the increaſe in the expanfive force of the vapour is at firſt very flow; but increaſes gradually $8 MECHANICS. unto the higher temperatures, where the increaſe becomes very rapid, as will be obvious from an examination of the tables in fome of the following pages. 59. To exprefs the relation between the degrees of tem- perature of the vapour and its elaftic force, this philofopher employs a method fuggeſted hy M. Prony, which confifts in imagining the heights of the columns of mercury meaſuring the expansive force to reprefent the ordinates of a curve, and the degrees of heat the correſponding abfciffæ of that curve; making the ordinates equal to the fum of feveral logarithmic ones which contain two indeterminates, and afcertaining thefe quantities in fuch manner that the curve may agree with a tolerable number of obfervations taken throughout the whole extent of the change of temperature, from the lowest to the highest extreme of the experiments. Then a formula or equation to a curve is in- veſtigated, and when the curve correfponding to that equation is conftructed, if it coincide (with the exception of a few trifling anomalies) with the curve conftructed by the refults of the experiments, the formula may be looked upon as correct, and furniſhing a true analytical reprefentation of the pheno- mena. This was done by M. Bettancourt, and the curve con- ftructed from his equation has a point of inflexion at about the 102° of Reaumur, as it ought to have, becauſe the ſecond dif- ferences of the barometrical meaſures of the elaftic force be- came negative at that temperature. 60. In a fimilar manner M. Bettancourt made experiments on the ſtrength of the vapour from alcohol or fpirit of wine; con- structing the curve and deducing the requifite analytical formula. This curve had likewiſe a point of inflexion at about 88 of Reaumur, the fecond differences in the table of barometrical meaſures becoming then negative. From a compariſon of the experiments on the vapour of water with thofe on the vapour of alcohol, a remarkable conclufion was derived: for it appeared that, after the first 20° of Reaumur, the ftrength of the va- pour of fpirit of wine was to that of the vapour of water, nearly in the fame conflant ratio of 23 to 10, or 7 to 3, for any one and the fame degree of heat. Thus, at the tempe- rature of 40° of Reaumur, the strength of the ſteam of water is measured by 2.9711 Paris inches in the barometer, and that of vapour of alcohol by 6·9770, the latter being about 23 times the former. 61. The equations to the curve of temperature and preffure, denoting the relation between the abfciffe and ordinates, or be- tween the temperature and the elafticity of the vapour, as given by M. Bettancourt, were of the following form. Elaftic Force of Steam. 89 a. For water, y pe tax µé táx e μtax µ'+xx e 20.0 e ox-§. o'x-g' te +e dx-g - A. 2. alcohol, y=e te Where y repreſents the height of the column of mercury which meaſures the expanfive force, x the correfponding degrees of Reaumur's thermometer, and the other letters certain values which are affigned to them in the inveſtigation. 62. But M. Prony, in the 2d volume of his Architecture Hy- draulique, has thrown theſe equations into a rather more con- venient form, though analogous to thofe of Bettancourt. His formula for the vapour of water is this, X GIV y = μ, §, " + ", e,, * +μ * + The method which he followed confifted in fatisfying the refults between o° and 80°, by means of the two firft terms, and to interpolate by means of the other two, the differences between the obferved values, and thofe computed by the two firſt terms, from 80° up to 110°. In this manner he fucceeded to exprefs fo exactly the obſervations in their whole extent, that the curves of the calculus and the experiments were only diſtinguiſhable the one from the other by fuch little anomalies, as were ma- nifeftly the effect of fome trifling though inevitable errors in the obſervations, and in the graduations of the ſcales in the ap- paratus. He afterwards employed an equation of three terms, giving to the different coefficients the following values: §, 1*172805 §₁=1'047773 S-1028189 μ₁ = ~ o'¯¯Ò¯Ñ072460407 th +0.8648188803 -0.8648181057 • log. §, =0.0692259 log. =0'0202661 Ç'll log. 00120736 log. 78601007 μ, log. μT-936927 I log. T-9369248 Subſtituting theſe ſeveral values in the equation y = μ, B, * + μ, Su 20 it ſatisfies not only the numbers employed in its formation, but all the intermediate obfervations, as may be concluded from the following table, which exhibits to every 10 degrees of Reau- mur's thermometer the barometrical refults both of obfervation. and the calculus. 40 MECHANICS. Tempe- Preſſures given by Ano- rature. malies. Experim. Calculus. O 0'00 in. 0'00 in. o'00 in. ΙΟ 0*15 0°24 20 0.65 0.69 +0·09 +0:04 30 1.52 1°51 Ο ΟΙ 40 2.92 2.95 +0.03 50 5'35 5'42 +0:07 бо 9'95 9.62 -0.33 70 16.90 16.57 -0.33 80 28.00 27.92 ·0·08 90 46.40 45.87 -0°53 100 71.80 7194 +0.14 IIO 98.00 98.36 +0:36 The anomalies are generally much more minute than in the formulæ of four terms: we may therefore regard the equation juft preceding the table, which is more fimple than that of Bet- tancourt, as reprefenting the phenomena and meaſuring the effects of the expanfive force of the ſteam of water with all de- firable accuracy. M. Prony remarks, that the ſmallneſs of the coefficient μ, will allow the term, or to be neglected in reckon- ing between o° and 80°; and thus from the temperature of ice up to that of boiling water, the equation of two terms alone will fuffice, that is to ſay....y μ,, §₁, x + μ,,, },!, " 63. M. Prony's equation for the vapour of alcohol compriſes 5 terms originally: but in moſt cafes three of thoſe terms will give refults fufficiently accurate. The numeral values of the coefficients are as below: }, = 1'11424 R₁ = 1'05714 Lu= '79943 0.0021293 fle, μ₁ =+ 0°9116186 log. 19027776 log. f log. g, f. 0'04697771 002413079 f = log., 5-3282330 log., T-9598132 " μιν Hiv + 0.2097778 11192671 • log.μ-3217595 Theſe numbers cauſe the experiments and calculus to co- incide very nearly, when introduced into the equation X I y=µ, gx + v,,, §,,x + μ,,, ļ,, * +μv• The magnitude of the anomalies will be feen by inspecting the following table. Elafticity of Vapour of Water and Alcohol. 61 Tempe- rature. Preffures given by Experim. Calculus. Ano- malies. • o'o in. o'oo in. O'00 10 0'47 0'45 -0'02 20 1.52 1.56 +0.04 30 3'49 3'54 +0.05 40 6.90 6.97 +0.07 50 13.05 12'93 - O'12 бо 23.65 23.05 -0°50 7༠ 39°30 39'31 +00: 80 63.80 $4.35 +0.55 90 98.00 98.28 +0.28 1 Thus the formula for the vapour of ſpirit of wine is found as fimple as that for the vapour of water, without ceafing to re- preſent the experiments with all defirable exactneſs. But more than this, we may retrench one of the variable terms; for in the first degree has no greater value than o∙18, and when x is 2, 3, or any other poſitive value, this third term may be ſafely neglected. The equation therefore is reduced to JC y=μ, 1, y = μ, gx + μ, ç, * +μiv; a form much more fimple than Bettancourt's original equation, and indeed more ſimple than Prony's improved equation for the vapour of water. 64. To fave the trouble of inveſtigating the ftrength of the vapour by theſe formula for every feparate cafe that may occur, we add a table (calculated from thefe principles) in which the ftrength of the vapour both of water and of ſpirit of wine is ſhewn for every degree of Reaumur's thermometer up to 110°, or for every 24 degrees of Fahrenheit, from 32 to 280°: the ſtrengths are expreffed, not in Engliſh or in French inches upon the barometer, but in terms whoſe unit is the medium preſſure of the atmoſphere, fuppofing that medium equivalent to 29'9 Engliſh, or 28 French inches of mercury. The preffure upon a ſquare inch in pounds averdupois correfponding to any tem- perature may be found by multiplying the correfponding num- ber taken from the table by 14'75: and the preffure for any in- termediate degree of Fahrenheit may be found pretty nearly, by proportioning, as is uſual in tables of Logarithms, &c. 62 MECHANICS. Degrees of Thermometer. Pressure in terms of At- mospheric Pressure. Vapour Vapour Degrees of Thermometer. Pressure in terms of Atmospheric Pressure. Vapour Vapour of of of of Reau. Fahr. Water. Alcohol. Reau. Fahr. Water. Alcohol. Ham+mo zoo ao I 34 2 36/2/2 3 38/ mich mica maha ·00063. ·00015 56 18 *27481 •65864 *00124 *00074 57 160 *29076 •69671 *00192 *00171 58 7 162플 ​*30650 ·73673 4 41 •00267 *00299 59 164 *32525 •77167 434 ·0037.1 *00449 60 167 *34386 •82337 45/ ⚫00433 ·00641 61 169 •36345 •86946 7 474 ·00539 •00849 62 171 *38249 '91467 50 ·006 ZI στο 8ο 63 1732 *40572 *96587 9 52 *00740 01333 64 176 *42849 I'0231 544 00823 01608 65 1784 *45245 1·0795 II 564 ·00971 •01832 66 1804 *47765 1.1385 12 59 •01085 ·02163 67 1824 *50414 I'2004 13 614 ⚫01221 ·02514 68 185 *53199 1.2652 14. 631/2 01384 *02884 69 187 *56126 I'3330 15 654 01521 ·03276 70 1891/ *59203 1*4038 16 68 ·01706 *03689 71 191 •62436 1*4778 17 70/1 •c1860 *04126 72 194 •65832 1*5552 18 72 *02046 *04588 73 1961 •69403 1·6359 19 744 *02244 ·05076 74 198 **74589 I'7199 20 77 *02454 *0559! 75 2.00 ·77096 1·8075 21 794 *02677 ·06136 76 22 23 24 25* : 26 60 00 00 00 00: 83弄 ​86 884 90 222 27 ·924 28 95 136∞ ON 5 814 02914 c6711 77 ·03165 *07319 78 81 8 203 81236 1·8985 2054 ·85.588 1'9932 2072/2 *96214 2.0855 03432 ·07961 79 209 *94957 2.1895 *03715 •08641 80 112 *1·0000 2·2983 *04014 *09358 81 214 1'0519 2.4074 *04331 •10116 82 21641 I'1064 2.5177 *04667 *10917 83 218 I'1634 2·6345 29 97 05023 ∙11763 84 223 1'2232 2.7527 30 99 ·05364 •12657 85 2234 1.2851 2.8739 3r 101 ·05833 •13603 86 225 // 1*3500 2.9977 32 104 '06219 '1460 I 87 227条 ​1'4177 3.1236 33 сб *06668 *15656. 88 230 1.4872 3*2548 34 108 *07136 •16771 89 2.324 1.5618 3.3806 2 mm og en 35 FIO ·07634 *17949 90 2341/ 1.6382 3'5099 37 38 160 200 36 ∙113 •08159 *19193 91 2363 1-7176 1154 *c87₤4 201;1 92 239 1*8003 1172 *09302 *21893 93 241 1·8851 39 40 4I 1194 122 1241 *09921 *23366 94 2431 1'9733 •10011 *24921 95 245 2'0643 '11266 ·26557 96 248 2*1579 42 126 1/2 •11994 •28289 97 250 2.2539 43 1284 •12762 *30120 98 252 1/2 2*3527 44 131 *13573 *32054 99 254章 ​2.4533 1334 •14428 *34098. 100 257 2'5554 13512 *15329 •36256 101 2594 2.6587 47 137 •16279 •38538 102 261 2·7628 48 140 *17281 *40931 103 2634 2.8667 49 142 18338 *43500 104 266 2.9735 50 144 *19447 *46193 105 268 3'0711 51 1463 •20609 *49036 106 270/1 3'1691 52 149 •21855 *52043 107 272 3°2631 53 •23155 *55218 108 275 3°3505 54 1534 *24524 •58571 109 2774 3.4299 55 1553 •25228 •62117 IIO 2792 35127 Vapour of Water and Alcohol. 63 - Several curious and in fome refpects uſeful confequences might be deduced from theſe experiments and theorems. M. Bettancourt fhews for inftance, that the effect of ſteam engines muft, in general, be greater in winter than in fummer, owing to the different degrees of temperature in the water of injection. And from the greatly fuperior ftrength of the vapour of fpirit of wine over that of water, he argues that, by trying other fluids, fome may be found, not very expenfive, whofe vapour may be fo much ftronger than that of water, with the fame degree of heat, that it may be fubftituted inſtead of water in the boilers of ſteam engines, to the great faving in the expence of fuel: nay, he even afferts, that fpirit of wine itſelf might thus be employed in a machine of a particular conſtruction, which, with the fame quantity of fuel, and without any in- creaſe of expence in other things, fhall produce an effect far fuperior to what is obtained from the fteam of water. Another uſe of theſe reſearches ſuggeſted by M. Bettancourt is, to mea- fure the height of mountains by means of a thermometer im- merfed in boiling water; which he thinks may be done with a precifion equal, if not fuperior, to that of the barometer. But` this, being foreign to our preſent enquiries, cannot be entered upon here: a comparison of the refults of this method with fome deduced from the more cuftomary procefs may be feen in Dr. Hutton's Dictionary, vol. II. pa, 756, to which fuch as are defirous of further information on this point are referred. 65. Our ingenious countryman Mr. Dalton, of Mancheſter, is of opinion that M. Bettancourt's deductions are not quite ac- curate. His chief error confifls in having affumed the force of vapour from water of 32° (Fahrenheit) to be nothing; which makes his numbers eflentially wrong at that point and in all the lower parts of the fcale: and in the higher part, or that which is above 212°, the force is determined too much; owing, as Mr. Dalton apprehends, to a quantity of air, which being dif engaged from the water by heat and mixing with the ſteam, in- creaſes the clafticity. Mr. Dalton's first experiments with ſpirit of wine led him to adopt the fame conclufion as M. Bettancourt, with refpect to the conftant ratio between the force of the vapour from this ſpirit and that from water and inferred the fame with regard to the vapour from other fluids. But, on purſuing the ſubject, he concluded that this principle was not true, either with re- ſpect to ſpirit of wine or any other liquid. His experiments upon fix different liquids agree in eſtabliſhing as a general law, "That the variation of the force of vapour from all liquids is the " fame for the fame variation of temperature, reckoning from vapour "of any groen force: thus, affuming a force equal to thirty inches ર } MECHANICS. #C " of mercury as the ſtandard, it being the force of vapour from any liquid boiling in the open air, we find aqueous vapour lofes half its force by a diminution of 30 degrees of tem- perature: fo does the vapour of any other liquid lofe half its "force by diminiſhing its temperature 30 degrees below that " in which it boils; and the like for any other increment or de- "crement of heat. This being the cafe, it becomes unneceffary " to give diſtinct tables of the force of vapour from different "liquids, as one and the fame table is fufficient for all." The experiments on which this conclufion refts, are related in the fifth volume of the Manchester Memoirs: they may alſo be feen in the 6th volume of the New Series of Mr. Nicholſon's Journal. Mr. Dalton has calculated a table of the force of vapour of water from the temperature of 40° below zero of Fah- renheit, to 325° above it. From this table we have extracted the following; in which we have, as before, reduced the force to the medium preffure of the atmoſphere for the meaſuring unit, that the ſmall differences in the reſults of the Engliſh and the Spaniſh philofopher may be the more readily traced. Tempe- Force of rature aqueous on Fahr. Vapour. Tempe- Force of rature aqueous on Fahr. Vapour. 80° *0333 212° I'000 90 *0453 220 1*166 100 ·0620 230 I'391 110 *0843 240 1·655 120 *II10 250 I'940 130 *1446 260 2.257 140 *1913 270 2.595 150 *2473 280 2.958 160 '3153 290 3'337 170 *4043 ३०० 3.727 180 *5050 310 4'117 190 ·6333 315 4'309 200 ·7880 320 4'500 210 *9613 325 4.690 66. There remains for us to conſider another kind of mover of machinery, which is ANIMAL EXERTION, and which is of fo fluctuating a nature that it is not eaſy to ſubject it to any eftimate. Phyfical caufes muft affect both the magnitude and duration of the efforts either of man or beaſt, and befides this, Animal Strength-Men. 65 the ftrength of man is confiderably influenced by his moral habits. The various combinations of theſe different cauſes have occafioned a variety of eſtimates of animal labour to be ad- vanced by different authors. In the first volume of this work (art. 378.) we ftated the average force of a man at reft to be 70 lbs., and his utmoſt walking velocity when unloaded to be about 6 feet per fecond; and we thence inferred that a man would produce the greateſt momentum when drawing 314 lbs. along a horizontal plane with a velocity of 2 feet per fecond. But this is not the moſt advantageous way of applying human ſtrength. 67. Dr. Defaguliers afferts, that a man can raiſe of water or any other weight about 550 lbs., or one hogfhead (weight of the veffel included), 10 feet high in a minute: this ſtatement, though he ſays it will hold good for 6 hours, appears from his own facts to be too high; and is certainly fuch as could not be continued one day after another. Mr. Smeaton conſiders this work as the effort of haſte or diſtreſs; and reports that 6 good Engliſh labourers will be required to raiſe 21141 folid feet of fea water to the height of four feet in four hours: in this cafe the men will raiſe a very little more than 6 cubic feet of freſh water each to the height of 10 feet in a minute. Now the hogfhead containing about 8 cubic feet, Smeaton's allowance of work proves lefs than that of Defaguliers in the ratio of 6 to 8 or 3 to 44 And as his good English labourers who can work at this rate are eſtimated by him to be equal to a double fet of common men picked up at random, it ſeems proper to ſtate that, with the probabilities of voluntary interruption, and other incidents, a man's work for feveral fucceffive days ought not to be valued at more than half a hogfhead raiſed 10 feet high in a minute. Smeaton likewiſe ſtates, that 2 ordinary horfes will do the work in three hours and twenty minutes, which amounts to little more than two hogfheads and a half raiſed 10 feet high in a minute. So that, if theſe ſtatements be accurate, one horſe will do the work of five men. I 2 68. Mr. Emerſon affirms, that a man of ordinary ſtrength turning a roller by the handle can act for a whole day againſt a refiftance equal to 30 pounds weight; and if he works 10 hours a day he will raiſe a weight of 30 lbs. through 34 feet in a fecond of time; or, if the weight be greater, he will raife it- to a proportionally lefs height. If two men work at a windlaſs or roller, they caif more eaſily draw up 70 lbs. than one man can 30 lbs.; provided the elbow of one of the handles be at right angles to that of the other. Men ufed to hear loads, ſuch as porters, will carry from 150 lbs. to 200 or 250 lbs. according to their ſtrength. A man cannot well draw more than 70 lbs. VOL. II. F 66 MECHANICS. or 80 lbs. horizontally: and he cannot thruft with a greater force acting horizontally at the height of his ſhoulders than 27 or 30 lbs. But one of the most advantageous ways in which a man can exert his force is to fit and pull towards him nearly horizontally, as in the action of rowing. 69. M. Coulumb communicated to the French National Inftitute the refults of various experiments on the quantity of action which men can afford by their daily work, according to the different manners in which they employ their ftrength. In the firſt place he examined the quantity of action which men can produce when, during a day, they mount a ſet of ſteps or ſtairs, either with or without a burthen. He found that the quantity of action of a man who mounts without a burthen, having only his own body to raife, is double that of a man loaded with a weight of 68 kilogrammes, or 223 lbs. aver- dupois*, both continuing at work for a day. Hence it appears how much, with equal fatigue and time, the total or abfolute effort may obtain different values by varying the combinations of effort and velocity. But the word effect here denotes the total quantity of labour employed to raiſe, not only the burthen, but the man himſelf; and, as Coulumb obferves, what is of the greateſt importance to confider is the useful effect, that is to ſay, the total effect, de- `ducting the value which reprefents the transference of the weight of the man's body. This total effect is the greateſt poffible when the man afcends without a burthen; but the ufeful effect is then nothing: it is alſo nothing if the man be ſa much loaded as to be fcarcely capable of moving: and confe- quently there exifts between theſe two limits a value of the load fuch that the uſeful effect is a maximum. M. Coulumb ſuppoſes that the lofs of quantity of action is proportional to the load (an hypothefis which experience confirms), whence he obtains an equation which, treated according to the rules of maxima and minima, gives 53 kilogrammes (1734 lbs. averd.) for the weight with which the man ought to be loaded, in order to produce during one day, by aſcending ſtairs, the greateſt uſeful effect: the quantity of action which refults from this determination has for its value 56 kilogrammes (1833 lbs. averd.) raiſed through one kilometre, or nearly 1094 yards. But this method of working is attended with a lofs of three-fourths of the total action of men, and confequently coſts four times as much as work in which, after having mounted a fet of ſteps without any burthen, the man fhould fuffer himſelf to fall by any means, ſo as to raiſe a weight nearly equal to that of his own body. * The kilogramme is = 22966 grs. — 3'28 lbs. averd. Animal Strength-Men. 67 From an examination of the work of men walking on a ho- rizontal path, with or without a load, M. Coulumb concludes that the greateft quantity of action takes place when the men walk being loaded; and is to that of men walking under a load of 58 kilogrammes (1904 lbs. averd.) nearly as 7 to 4. The weight which a man ought to carry in order to produce the greateſt uſeful effect, namely, that effect in which the quan- tity of action relative to the carrying his own weight is de- ducted from the total effect, is 50'4 kilogrammes, or 165.3 lbs. averdupois. • There is a particular caſe which always obtains with reſpect to burthens carried in towns, viz. that in which the men, after having carried their load, return unloaded for a new burthen. The weight they ſhould carry in this cafe, to produce the greateſt effect, is 61 25 kilogrammes (2007 lbs. averd.). The quantity of uſeful action in this cafe compared with that of a man who walks freely and without a load is nearly as 1 to 5, or, in other words, he employs to pure lofs of his power. By.caufing a man to mount a fet of fteps freely and without burthen, his quantity of action is at leaſt double of what he affords in any other method of employing his ftrength. When men labour in cultivating the ground, the whole quan- tity afforded by one during a day amounts to 100 kilogrammes elevated to one kilometer, that is, 328 lbs. raiſed 1094 yards. M. Coulumb comparing this work with that of men employed to carry burthens up an aſcent of ſteps, or at the pile-engine, finds a lofs of about part only of the quantity of action which may be neglected in refearches of this kind. 2 In eftimating mean refults we ſhould not determine from experiments of ſhort duration, nor fhould we make any de- ductions from the exertions of men of more than ordinary ftrength. The mean refults have likewiſe a relation to climate. "I have cauſed," fays M. Coulumb, "extenſive works to be executed by the troops at Martinico, where the thermometer (of Reaumur) is feldom lower than 20° (77° of Fahrenheit). Ì have executed works of the fame kind by the troops in · France: and I can affirm that under the fourteenth degree of latitude, where men are almoſt always covered with perfpira- tion, they are not capable of performing half the work they could perform in our climate*." Bulletin de la Soc. Philomath, No. 16. * In the preceding account of the effects of human exertion, fince the profeffed object was to ftate the mean refults of regular and uniform la- bour, we have taken no notice either of feats of extraordináry ftrength, or of fuch as were in appearance fuch, while in reality they were the ef fect of contrivance and ſkill, and might have been performed by almoſt F 2 68 MECHANICS. 70. Among quadrupeds the moſt uſeful as a firſt mover of machinery is the horse. The ſtrength of this animal is pro- any men who had fufficient knowledge of the ſubject to exert their ftrength under ſimilar circumſtances. But as it may be expected that fome notice fhould be taken of fuch matters, we fhall throw into this note a few remarks which have formerly been made in reference to them. M. de la Hire, in an Examination of the Force of Men, given in the Me- moirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1699, fays, "There are men whoſe ſpirits flow fo abundantly and ſo ſwiftly into their muſcles, that they exert three or four times more ftrength than others do; and this ſeems to me to be the natural reafon of the furpriſing ftrength that we fee in fome men who carry and raiſe weights which two or three ordinary men can hardly fuftain, though theſe men be fometimes but of a moderate ſtature, and rather appear weak than ftrong. There was a man in this country a little while ago, who would carry a very large anvil, and of whom were reported ſeveral wonderful feats of ftrength. But I faw an- other at Venice, who was but a lad, and did not ſeem able to carry above 40 or 50 lbs. with all poſſible advantages; yet this young fellow, ſtanding upon a table, raiſed from the earth, and ſuſtained off the ground, an aſs, by means of a broad girt, which, going under the creature's belly, was hung upon two hooks that were faftened to a plat of ſmall cords coming down in treffes from the hair on each fide of the lad's head, which were in no great quantity. And all this great force depended only upon the muf- cles of the fhoulders and thofe of the loins: for he ftooped at firft whilſt the hooks were faſtened to the girt, and then raiſed himſelf, and lifted up the afs from the ground, bearing with his hands upon his knees. He raiſed alſo in the fame manner other weights that feemed heavier, and uſed to fay he did with more eaſe, becauſe the afs kicked and ftruggled when firft lifted from the ground." Dr. Defaguliers, in fome annotations upon De la Hire's paper, fays, "What he attributes here to the muscles of the loins was really per- formed by the extenfors of the legs; for the young man's ftooping with his hands upon his knees was not with his body forwards and his knees ftiff, but his body upright and his knees bent, fo as to bring the two cords with which he lifted to be in the fame plane with his ancles and the heads of his thigh bones; by which means the line of direction of the man and the whole weight came between the ſtrongeſt part of his two feet, which are the ſupports: then as he extended his legs he raiſed him- felf, without changing the line of direction. That this muſt have been the manner I am pretty well affured of, by not only obferving thoſe that perform ſuch feats, but having often tried it myſelf. As for the muſcles of the loins, they are incapable of that ſtrain, being above 6 times weaker than the extenfors of the legs; at leaſt I found them fo in myſelf. "About the year 1716, having the honour of fhewing a great many experiments to his late majeſty king George the firft, his majeſty was defirous to know whether there was any fallacy in thoſe feats of ſtrength that had been ſhewn half a year before, by a man, who ſeemed by his make to be no ftronger than other men: upon this I had a frame of wood made to ftand in (and to reft my hands upon), and with a girdle and chain lifted an iron cylinder made uſe of to roll the garden, fuftain- ing it eaſily when once it was up. Some noblemen and gentlemen who were preſent tried the experiment afterwards, and lifted the roller; ſome with more eaſe, and fome with more difficulty, than I had done. This roller weighed 1900lbs. as the gardener told us. Afterwards I tried to lift 300 lbs, with my hands, (viz, two pails with 159 lbs. of quickfilver Animal Strength-Horfes. €9 bably about fix times that of a man. Defaguliers ftates the proportion as 5 to 1; coinciding with the deductions of Smea- in each), which I did indeed raiſe from the ground, but ſtrained my back fo as to feel it three or four days: which fhews that, in the fame perſon, the muſcles of the loins (which exerted their force in this laſt experiment) are more then fix times weaker than the extenfors of the legs: for I felt no inconveniency from raifing the iron roller." During the time occupied in printing the fecond volume of Dr. Defaguliers's Philoſophy, a man of great natural ſtrength exhibited him- felf in London: of this man the doctor gives an account, from which the following is extracted : "Thomas Topham, born in London, and now about 31 years of age, five feet ten inches high, with mufcles very hard and prominent, was brought up a carpenter, which trade he practifed till within theſe fix or feven years that he has fhewed feats of ftrength: but he is entirely igno- rant of any art to make his ſtrength more ſurprifing. Nay, fometimes he does things which become more difficult by his diſadvantageous fituation; attempting, and often doing, what he hears other ſtrong men have done, without making uſe of the ſame advantages. "About fix years ago he pulled againſt a horfe, fitting upon the ground with his feet againſt two ftumps driven into the ground, but without the advantages which might have been attained by placing him- ſelf in a proper fituation; the horſe, however, was not able to move him, and he thought he was in the right poſture for drawing againſt a horſe : but when, in the fame pofture, he attempted to draw againſt two horſes, he was pulled out of his place by being lifted up, and had one of his knees ſtruck againſt the ſtumps, which fhattered it ſo, that, even to this day, the patella, or knee pan, is fo looſe, that the ligaments of it ſeem either to be broken or quite relaxed, which has taken away moſt of the ftrength of that leg." 66 The exploits which Dr. Defaguliers ſaw him perform were theſe : 1. By the ſtrength of his fingers (only rubbed in coal aſhes to keep them from flipping,) he rolled up a very ſtrong and large pewter diſh. 2. He broke ſeven or eight ſhort and ſtrong pieces of tobacco-pipe with the force of his middle finger, having laid them on the firſt and third finger. 66 3. Having thruſt in under his garter the bowl of a ſtrong tobacco- pipe, his legs being bent, he broke it to pieces by the tendons of his hams, without altering the bending of his leg. << 4. He broke fuch another bowl between his firſt and ſecond finger, by preffing his fingers together fideways. 5. He lifted a table fix feet long, which had half a hundred weight hanging at the end of it, with his teeth, and held it in an horizontal pofition for a confiderable time. It is true the feet of the table reſted againft his knees; but, as the length of the table was much greater than its height, that performance required a great ſtrength to be exerted by the mufcles of his loins, thofe of his neck, the maffeter and temporal (mufcles of the jaws), befides a good ſet of teeth. "6. He took an iron kitchen poker, about a yard long, and three inches in circumference, and, holding it in his right hand, he ftruck upon his bare left arm, between the elbow and the wrift, till he bent the poker nearly to a right angle. 66 7. He took fuch another poker, and holding the ends of it in his hands, and the middle againſt the back of his neck, he brought both ends of it together before him; and, what was yet more difficult, he pulled it 1 1 70 MECHANICS. ton, before mentioned. The French authors commonly reckon 7 men for 1 horſe. As a mean between theſe, we took, in almoſt ſtraight again: becauſe the muſcles which feparate the arms horizontally from each other are not ſo ſtrong as thofe that bring them together. "8. He broke a rope of about two inches in circumference, which was in part wound about a cylinder of four inches diameter, having faſtened the other end of it to ftraps that went over his fhoulders. But he exerted more force to do this than any other of his feats, from his awkwardneſs in going about it; for the rope yielded and ſtretched as he ſtood upon the cylinder, fo that when the extenfors of the legs and thighs had done their office in bringing his legs, and thighs ftraight, he was forced to raiſe his heels from their bearings, and uſe other muſcles that are weaker. But if the rope had been ſo fixed that the part to be broken had been ſhort, it would have been broken with four times lefs difficulty. 9. I have feen him lift a rolling ftone of about 800 lbs. with his hands only, ſtanding in a frame above it, and taking hold of a chain that was faſtened to it. By this, I reckon he may be almoſt as ſtrong again as thoſe who are generally reckoned the ftrongeft men, they generally lifting no more than 400lbs. in that manner. The weakest men who are in health, and not too fat, lift about 125 lbs. having about half the ftrength of the ſtrongeſt. "N. B. This fort of comparifon is chiefly in relation to the muſcles of the loins; becaufe in doing this one muft ftoop forwards a little. We muſt alſo add the weight of the body to the weight lifted. So that if the weakest man's body weigh 150 lbs. that added to 125 lbs. makes the whole weight lifted by him to be 275 lbs. Then if the ftronger man's body weighs alfo 150 lbs. the whole weight lifted by him will be 550 lbs. that is 400 lbs. and the 150 lbs. which his body weighs. Topham weighs about 200lbs. which, added to the 800 lbs. that he lifts, makes 1000 lbs. But he ought to lift 900 lbs. befides the weight of his body, to be as ftrong again as a man of 150 lbs. weight who can lift 400 lbs.' Again: About thirty years ago one Joyce, a Kentish man, famous for his great ſtrength, fhewed feveral feats in London and the country, which fo much furpriſed the ſpectators, that he was by moſt people called the fecond Sampfon. But though the poftures which he had learnt to put his body into, and found out by practice without any mechanical theory, were fuch as would make a man of common ftrength do fuch feats as would appear furpriſing to every one who did not know the advantage of thofe pofitions of the body; yet nobody then attempted to draw againſt horſes, or raiſe great weights, or to do any other thing in imitation of him: because, as he was very strong in the arms, and grafped thofe that tried his 'ftrength that way fo hard that they were obliged immediately to defire him to defift, his other feats (wherein his manner of acting was chiefly owing to the mechanical advantage gained by the pofition of his body,) were entirely attributed to his extraordinary ftrength. "But when he had been gone out of England, or had ceaſed to fhew his performances for eight or ten years, men of ordinary ſtrength found out the way of making fuch advantage of the fame poftures as Joyce had put him£lf into as to paſs for men of more than common ftrength, by drawing againſt horfes, breaking ropes, lifting vaft weights, &c. (though they could in none of the poftures really perform fo much as Joyce, yet they did enough to amaze and amuſe, and get a great deal of money), fo that every two or three years we had a new ſecond Sampfon. Animal Strength-Horfes. 71 art. 378. vol. I. the proportion of 6 to 1, and ſtated the ſtrength of a horfe as equivalent to 420 lbs. at a dead pull. But the pro- portion is by no means conftant, for it varies greatly according to the different kinds of work. Thus the worst way of apply- ing the ftrength of a horfe is to make him carry a weight up at fteep hill; while the organization of a man fits him very well for this kind of labour: hence, three men climbing up fuch a hill with a weight of 100 lbs. each will proceed fafter than a horſe with a load of 300 lbs. This, we believe, was firſt ob- ſerved by M. de la Hiré. We are not acquainted with any feries of experiments which have been made with a view of determining the weights horfes can carry when moving up floping roads, making given angles with the horizon: but, fortunately, this deficiency is not of much confequence, becauſe the carrying of weights is far from the beſt manner of employing the ftrength of a horſe. It is known, however, that, in general, a horfe loaded with a man and his equipage, weighing altogether about 2 cwt. may, without being forced, travel, in 7 or 8 hours, the diſtance of 43000 yards, or nearly 25 miles, upon a good road. When a horfe travels day after day without ceffation, either the weight he carries or the diftance paffed over muft undergo fome diminu tion, as well as the time actually employed in travelling: but we do not pretend to affign a mean value in this place. "About fifteen years ago a German of middle fize, and but ordinary ftrength, fhewed himſelf at the Blue Pofts, in the Haymarket, and, by the contrivances above-mentioned, paffed for a man of uncommon ftrength, and got confiderable fums of money by the daily concourſe of ſpectators. After having feen him once, I gueſſed at his manner of impofing upon the multitude; and being refolved to be fully fatisfied in the matter, I took four very curious perfons with me to fee him again, viz. the lord marquis of Tullibardin, Dr. Alexander Stuart, Dr. Pringle, and a mecha- nical workman who uſed to affift me in my courfes of experiments. We placed ourſelves in fuch manner round the operator, as to be able to obferve nicely all that he did; and found it fo practicable, that we performed feveral of his feats that evening by ourfelves, and after- wards I did the moſt of the reít, as I had a frame to fit in to draw, and another to ſtand in and lift great weights, together with a proper girdle and hooks. I likewife fhewed fome of the experiments before the Royal Society; and ever fince at my experimental lectures I explain the reafon of fuch performances, and take any perſon of ordinary ftrength that has a mind to try, who can eafily do all that the German above- mentioned uſed to do, without any danger or extraordinary ſtraining, by making uſe of my apparatus for that purpoſe.' The Doctor then proceeds to explain the principles on which thefe achievements depended, and illuſtrates his poſitions by various diagrams. He likewiſe deſcribes fome contrivances to determine the ſtrength which men exert in different ways; for an account of the chief of which, the reader may turn to the article STEELYARD, to aſcertain the Strength of Men, in a fubfequent part of this volume. + 72 MECHANICS. ! ! 71. In the Memoirs of the French Academy for 1703, are inferted the comparative obfervations of M. Amontons, on the velocity of men and of horſes; in which he ſtates the velocity of a horfe loaded with a man and walking to be rather more than 54 feet per fecond, or 3 miles per hour, and when going a moderate trot with the fame weight to be about 8 feet per ſecond, or about 6 miles per hour. Thefe velocities, however, are ſomewhat lefs than what might have been taken for the mean velocities. 72. But the best way of applying the ftrength of horfes is to make them draw weights in carriages, &c. To this kind of labour, therefore, the enquiries of experimentaliſts ſhould be directed. A horfe put into harneſs and making an effort to draw bends himſelf forward, inclines his legs, and brings his breaſt nearer to the earth; and this fo much the more as the effort is the more confiderable. So that when a horſe is em- ployed in drawing, his effort will depend, in fome meaſure, both upon his own weight and that which he carries on his back. Indeed it is highly uſeful to load the back of a drawing horſe to a certain extent; though this, on a flight confideration, might be thought to augment unneceffarily the fatigue of the animal: but it muſt be confidered that the mafs with which the horfe is charged vertically is added in part to the effort which he makes in the direction of traction, and thus difpenfes with the neceffity of his inclining fo much forward as he muſt other- wife do; and may, therefore, under this point of view, relieve the draught more than to compenfate for the additional fatigue, occafioned by the vertical preffure. Carmen, and waggoners in general, are well aware of this, and are commonly very careful to diſpoſe of the load in ſuch a manner that the fhafts fhall throw a due proportion of the weight on the back of the ſhaft horfe. 73. The beſt diſpoſition of the traces during the time a horſe is drawing is to be perpendicular to the pofition of the collar upon his breaſt and ſhoulders: when the horſe ſtands at eaſe, this pofition of the traces is rather inclined upwards from the direction of the road; but when he leans forward to draw the load, the traces fhould then become nearly parallel to the plane over which the carriage is to be drawn; or, if he be employed in drawing a fledge, or any thing without wheels, the inclination of the traces to the road, fuppofing it to be horizontal, ſhould (from what we obferved when treating of friction) be about 1810. 74. From the preceding obſervations it will be eaſy in moſt cafes to adapt the fize of the wheels to that of the animal which is to draw in the fhafts, fo that when he leans forward to his Animal Strength-Horſes. 73 work the traces may be nearly parallel to the road, whether that road be horizontal or not: always recollecting that, if there be any variation from the parallel pofition, it muſt be rather inclining upwards than downwards; as the former will fomewhat diminish the friction, while the latter, inſtead of raifing the wheels from any hollow into which they may fall, will tend to draw them down lower, and much increaſe the labour of the animal. 75. When ſeveral horſes are harneffed one before another, fo that they may all draw at the fame load, and the flope on which they are drawing changes, as from DA to AB (fig. 6. pl. I.), the effort of the horſe which draws along the road AB is decompofed into two parts, of which one tends to pull up the load, the other to pull down the horſe which is in the fhafts and is drawing along the ſlope DA. This latter compofant is always greater as the traces of the foremoſt horſe are the longer; and it may be worth while to find its values, and its augmentation with regard to an increaſe in the length of the traces. To this end let EA' be the height above AD of the breaſt of the horſe which draws in the ſhafts near the point A, and let ER and ER' be two different lengths of the traces; the breaſt of the horſe when harneffed to either of theſe traces being at the fame diſtance from the plane AB', that is, BR= B'R' EA'. Take EF-EF' to reprefent the effort of the horſe in the direction of the trace; draw E q parallel to DA, EQ perpendicular to BA produced, Eg parallel to AB, and Fq, Fq, perpendicular to E q. The effort which tends to pull the horſe down whoſe breaſt is at E is reprefented by Fq, when the breaſt of the other horfe is at R, and by F'q' when it is at R'; and q E, q'E are the correſponding efforts tending to raiſe the load along the flope DA. Make EA'=RB=R'B'=a, ER=λ, ER'=', angle A'EQ=q Eg= ſupplem. DAB=s, and EF= EF=4. Then, when the trace ER is uſed, the effort which tends to pull down the fhaft horfe when he just reaches the fummit of the flope will be . fin. 7 EF fin. (q Eg- 7. FEg), and the effort tending to raiſe the load will be = cofin. (q Eg-FE g). In like manner, when the foremoſt horfe draws by the trace ER', the effort tending to pull down the fhaft horfe will be reprefented by o fin. (9 Eg'-F'Eg'), and that which tends to draw up the carriage by cofin. (q Eg' and fin. FEg= R g FEg). Now we have fin. FEg=ER' R' g ER' R g ER $ But Rg=BREQ=a-a cofin. s=a (I cofin.). Recollecting, therefore, that the angles FEg, F'Eg, 74 MECHANICS. are always ſo ſmall that the arcs differ very little from the fines, we have FE g= a (1-cosin, s) a(1-cosin.s) and FEg'- እ : thefe values being fubſtituted in the preceding expreffions, give a (1) ...Fq=0 • Fq=4 fin. (s — ª (1—cosin. s)). (2) ... F'q'=q fin. (s (3) ... E q=9 cofin. (s λ a (1-cosin. a (1-cosin. λ (4) ……..Eq'=ø ……. E q'=q cofin. (s—ª (1 — cosin. s.)) a — — λ' Suppoſe, for example, that AB is horizontal, and that the afcent DA is ſuch that for every fix feet, as CN in a horizontal plane, the vertical riſe NA ſhall be one foot: this flope is too steep for any common road, but may be fometimes met with in afcents from ftone quarries, &c. In this cafe the angle s will be nearly 9° 28′, which, expreffed in decimal parts of the ra- dius, gives s=0'16522, and cofin. s=0'98638. Let the effort =200 lb., a=34 feet, λ = 8 feet, and λ=12 feet. Then thall we have, (1) ... Fq=200 fin. (0·16522—3′5 (1−0·98638)) 8. =200 fin. 9° 7′ 29″=31716 lbs. (2) – ... F'q'=200 fin. (0·16522 — 3'5 (1—0′98638) (3) (4) 12 =200 fin. 9° 14′ 29″=32.25 lbs. Eq=200 cofin. 9° 7′ 29″17747 lbs. Eq=200 cofin. 9° 14′ 29″ 197 404 lbs. Hence it appears, that the horſe whofe breaft is at E is pulled downwards by the other horſe, with a force equivalent to about 32lbs: this weight is fmall for a horſe that is not fatigued; but we ſhould confider, that when drawing up a ſteep road the animal's ftrength is much weakened, fo that it may be obliged to yield to a very ſmall effort. A lengthening of four feet to a trace of eight feet will produce an augmentation of 32.25-31716=0.534 lbs. in the effort which tends to pull the fhaft horfe down, and a diminution of 197°47—197°404= 0*066 lbs. in the effort which raifes the load up the hill. Thefe quantities are not confiderable; but it appeared deſirable to explain the method of afcertaining their magnitude. And it may be added, that when a horſe pulls for only a ſhort time, as a few minutes, he will often exert a force equivalent to 500 or 600 lbs.: in which cafe, the tendency to pull down a ſhaft horfe rifing a hill would be thrice as much as we have ſtated `Animal Strength-Horſes. 773 * it above: a force againſt which no horfe could ftand in ſuch a difadvantageous pofition. • 76. When a horfe is made to move in a circular path, as is often practifed in mills and other machines moved by horſes, it will be neceffary to give the circle which the animal has to walk round, the greateft diameter that will comport with the local and other conditions to which the motion muſt be ſubjected. It is obvious, indeed, that, fince a rectilinear mo- tion is the moſt eaſy for the horſe, the leſs the line in which he moves is curved, with the greater facility he will walk over it, and the lefs he need recline from a vertical pofition: and be- fides this, with equal velocity the centrifugal force will be leſs in the greateſt circle, which will proportionally diminiſh the friction of the cylindrical part of the trunnions, and the labour of moving the machine. And, further, the greater the dia- meter of the horſe-walk, the nearer the chord of the circle in which the horſe draws is. to coincidence with the tangent, which is the moſt advantageous pofition of the line of traction. On theſe accounts it is that, although a horſe may draw in a circular walk of 18 feet diameter, yet in general it is advifeable that the diameter of fuch a walk fhould not be leſs than 25 or 30 feet; and in many inftances 40 feet would be preferable to either. : 77. It has been ftated by Defaguliers (vol. I. pa. 251) and fome others, that a horfe employed daily in drawing nearly horizontally can move, during eight hours in the day, about 200 lbs. at the rate of 24 miles per hour, or 33 feet per fecond. If the weight be augmented to about 240 or 250 lbs., the horſe cannot work more than fix hours a day, and that with a leſs velocity. And, in both cafes, if he carry fome weight, he will draw better than if he carried none (art. 72.) M. Sau- veur eſtimates the mean effort of a horſe at 175 French, or 189 averd. pounds, with a velocity of rather more than three feet per fecond and this agrees very nearly with our deduć- tion in art. 378. vol. I. But all thefe are probably too high to be continued for eight hours, day after day; for in our in- veſtigation juſt referred to we affumed 10 feet per fecond, as the utmoſt walking velocity of a horſe; a velocity which we conceive no horſe would be able to continue long. In another place Defaguliers ftates the mean work of a horfe as equivalent to the raiſing a hogfhead full of water (or 550 lbs.) 50 feet high in a minute. But Mr. Smeaton, to whofe authority much is due, afferts, from a number of experiments, that the greateſt effect is the raiſing 550 lbs. forty feet high in a minute. And, from fome experiments made by the Society for the Encourage- 1 "B MECHANICS. ment of Arts, under the direction of their late able fecretary, Mr. Samuel Moore, it was concluded, that à horſe moving at the rate of three miles an hour can exert a force of 80 lbs. Unluckily, we are not fufficiently acquainted with the nature of the experiments and obſervations from which theſe deduc- tions were made to inftitute an accurate compariſon of their refults. Neither of them ought to exprefs what a horſe can draw upon a carriage; becauſe in that cafe friction only is to be overcome (after the load is once put into motion); ſo that a middling horſe, well applied to a cart, will often draw much more than 1000 lbs. The proper eſtimate would be that which meaſures the weight which a horſe would draw up out of a well; the animal acting by a horizontal line of traction turned into the vertical direction by a fimple pulley, or roller, whoſe friction fhould be reduced as much as poflible. It would, in- deed, be far the beft, in all the inftances of experiments, to uſe no fuch combinations of machinery as would make the ve- locity of the load or weight different from that of the animal:- we could then readily compare the different reſults by means of the expreffion M∞ (W-V)², or Mx (W – V)³ (art. 378. vol. I.), where V repreſents the velocity in feet per fecond with which the animal moves the maſs M, and W his greateſt walking velocity, or that in which he can move no weight but his own. Thus might we obtain a mean eſtimate of the ani- mal's ftrength at any one velocity, and could thence infer his maximum of uſeful effort; namely, that when V is nearly W. As to the abfolute power of the animal, it might be in- ferred in any cafe of railing a weight with his own velocity, by means of the formula =(M+H) V+Mgt, where M and Vare as before, H the weight of the horfe, its power, g= 32% feet the meafure of the force of gravity, and t the time in feconds during which the animal continues his uniform exertion. 78. It follows, from what has been faid, and from the con- fideration of the ftrengths of horſes variouſly employed, fuch as waggon horfes, dray horfes, plough horfes, heavy horfes, light coach horfes, &c. that what is called "horse-power" is of fo fluctuating and indefinite a nature, that it is perfectly ridi- culous to affume it as a common meaſure, by which the force of ſteam-engines and other machines fhould be appreciated, In most of the deductions which have been hitherto made we apprehend there may be fomething of temporary effort and we think, on the whole, that about 70 lbs., at three miles an hour, or 43 feet per fecond, may be a fair eftimate for the regular work of ftout London cart horſes; though we would Animal Strength-Horfes. 77 infer, with Mr. Nicholſon, "that the animal can double his "ftrength for a fhort time, fuch as 10 minutes, without re- ceiving any injury from the exertion.” દ Thus have we preſented a view of the moſt uſeful and cor- rect information we have been able to collect, on the different energies of firſt movers: what is here done is not ſo ſatisfactory as might be wifhed; but our knowledge on many of thefe points muſt remain imperfect, till freſh light is diffuſed over it by the diligent and able enquiries of future obfervers. : { • : DESCRIPTIONS 1 OF MACHINES: ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. AIR-PUMP is a machine by means of which the air may be exhauſted out of proper veffels, fo as to make what is popularly called a vacuum, but which is, in fact, only a very high de- gree of rarefaction. The invention of this noble inftrument, to which the prefent age is indebted for ſo many admirable diſcoveries, is afcribed to Otto de Guericke, a conful of Magdeburg, who exhibited his first public experiments with his pump before the emperor and the ftates of Germany at the breaking up of the imperial diet. at Ratiſbon, in the year 1654. Guericke, indifferent about the folitary poffeffion of an invention which afforded fuch en- tertainment to the numerous perfons who, from time to time, witneffed his experiments, gave a minute defcription of all his pneumatic apparatus to Gafper Schottus, profeffor of mathe- matics at Wirtemberg, who publifhed it, with the conſent of the inventor, with an account of fome of its performances, first in 1657, in his Mechanica Hydraulico-pneumatica; and then, in 1664, in his Technica Curiofa. Guericke's own ac- count was not publiſhed till 1672. About the time of Guericke's invention the foundations of the Royal Society of London were laid. Boyle, Wren, Brounker, Wallis, and other learned men, held frequent meetings at Oxford, in which accounts were received and re- lated of all important advances in the ftudy of nature; and many experiments were exhibited. The refearches of Galileo, Torricelli, and Paſcal, concerning the preffure of the air, had 80 MACHINES. } : greatly engaged their attention, and thus prepared them for the invention of Guericke. Mr. Boyle, in particular, as foon as he heard what had been accompliſhed by the philofopher of Magdeburg, and before any defcription of his machine had been publiſhed, fet about the conftruction of one, to anſwer the fame purpoſes; and fucceeded in the attempt: though he frankly acknowledges that it was but ſeldom, and with great difficulty, that he could produce an extreme degree of rare- faction; fuch as it appeared, from the account of Schottus, was obtained by means of Guericke's machine. Boyle's inftrument was fomewhat improved by Hawkſbee, and further by Martin; with fome flight modifications to par- ticular views, it ſtill remains the moſt approved form. The air-pump we defcribed in art. 521. vol. I. is only fo far va- ried from Hawkfbee's improvement of Boyle's original con- trivance, as to render it more portable. The machine, in its primitive ſtate, is deſcribed in the article Pneumatics, English Encyclopædia; where, alfo, the fucceffive improvements of Smeaton, Cuthbertſon, &c. are defcribed at large. Many other ingenious attempts have been made, during the laſt ten or twelve years, to improve the mechaniſm of the air- pump; to deſcribe a fourth part of which would extend this article to more than its due length. Juftice, however, to the authors of theſe improvements, as well as a defire to gratify the reader, induces us to refer to Nicholfon's Journal, vols. I and II. 4to. for deſcriptions of the air-pumps invented by meff. Prince, Sadler, Little, sir G. Mackenzie, &c. and to Mr. Vince's Hydrostatics for an account of the pump uſed by that gentleman in his lectures. Notwithſtanding the many improvements which have fuc- ceffively followed each other in the conftruction of the air- pump, it was ftill, however, defirable that it ſhould be further fimplified in its mechaniſm, while it poffeffed the fame advan- tages as attended thoſe of more complicated ftructure. Cuth- bertſon, Haas, and fome others, have fo contrived their inftru- ments, that their mechanical power, and not the preffure of air, ſhould open the valves: but, although the air-pumps in- vented by theſe gentlemen are exceedingly ingenious, they are in ſome reſpects fo complex, that it must be very difficult for many perſons who poffefs thefe inftruments to clean them, or to keep them in proper order for experiments. Mr. N. Mendleffohn, a mathematical inftrument-maker, of Surrey-ſtreet, Black-friars, having reflected upon the difficul ties juft alluded to, was led to the conſtruction of a more fimple air-pump, which is capable of being put together in leſs Air-pump. 81 than half an hour, whenever it is cleared, and requires that operation very ſeldom. He has rejected the tube which, in common air-pumps, leads from the valves to the receiver, toge- ther with the cock that ferves to fhut this pipe: the receiver is placed immediately upon the valves, theſe being put on the top of the cylinders, which, confequently, required the rackwork and pinion being underneath, and inverted the whole inftru- ment. See the drawing, pl. IV. where AB and CD reprefent the two cylinders of glafs ground and poliſhed infide. E and F are the two valves that allow the cylinders to communicate with the receiver O through two very fhort canals AB and CD (fig. 2: plate IV.) and the cock G. Two other valves that open into the atmoſphere are within the covers i and k, as may be ſeen in fig. 1, where e reprefents one of them. MN is the receiver- plate of glafs ground flat; PQ_a barometer-guage, upon the plan of the firft Torricellian tube, as the eafieft to conſtruct and the moſt infallible in its effects. It will be found to be. here quite out of the way, fecure from being broke by accident, and the moſt in fight. HK and IL are two brafs pillars that ſupport the whole. RSVW the ufual rackwork, having a double winch Im, which, upon trial, will be found preferable to a fingle one. It will now be neceffary to fhew how this pump acts, in which it will be fufficient to explain the action of one cylinder, becauſe the other is in all parts like it. E is a conical metallic valve, from which a canal goes through the cock G up to the receiver, as is feen in fig. 1 and 2, where all the parts aré marked with the fame letters. ET is a fteel rod going through a leather box in the piton U. The top of this rod is fixed to the valve E, and its bottom part flides in a ſmall hole with an allowance of o'i inch up and downward, confequently the valve E can move no further. When the piſton deſcends, it firſt opens the valve by puſhing the rod to the bottom of the hole. Then it flides down along the rod ET, and the air from the receiver has now free access to the cylinder. When the piſton returns it lifts the rod ET, and thus fhuts up the valve. Then the piſton flides again along the rod up to the top of the cylin der, condenſing the air above it, which air, by the leaft con- denfation, opens a velve e, fig. 2, and eſcapes freely into the atmoſphere. This laft valve has neither fpring nor additional weight to fhut it, but fhuts by its own weight (about a quarter of an ounce) as foon as the piſton is arrived to the top of the cylinder. The cylinders are made of glaſs, and the piſtons of tin, fo well fitted as to be air-tight, without the interpofition of any leathers. VOL. II. G 32 MACHINES. 1 The friction of theſe two bodies is fmall beyond expectation, a fufficient proof that they will be durable. They poffefs the further advantage of being capable of ftanding for even fix months, after which time they will ſerve without being cleaned or repaired, becauſe they are not liable to be corroded by the oil which they contain, an inconvenience too general in brafs cylinders. After all, if the preſent pump fhould want cleaning, it is an eafy operation to take off the top piece g h, by unfcrew- ing the nuts H and I, when this piece, with all the apparatus upon it, will come off. Then each cylinder may very eaſily be flid off from the pifton, wiped out and replaced, after having greaſed it infide with a little of the cleaneft fweet oil: the top is then to be put again in its place, and the two nuts H and I being ſcrewed upon it, the inftrument is ready. Neither racks nor pinion need to be taken out of their places, the cylinders ſtanding above them. The cock is conftructed fo, that, being in the fituation re- prefented in fig. 1, the communication is open between the cylinders, the receiver, and the barometer-guage, and, by a quarter of a revolution, the cylinders are excluded, the receiver and guage being ftill left in communication. A little ſtopper in fig. 2, ground into the cock, being open, air is admitted to the receiver, if required. The receiver-plate is of glaſs ground flat, as was mentioned before this will be found preferable to brafs, becauſe cleaner, and never corroded by acids or water; it will befides often prove very convenient in making electrical experiments in the vacuum. The whole inftrument is fixed upon a mahogany-table, which ferves as a ſtand for it. Mr. Mendelsſhon concludes his deſcription by obſerving that "neither the employing of glaſs cylinders, nor the method of opening the valves, is new; but, for aught he knows, this is the firft inftrument of the kind ever executed: and the idea of putting the valves at top, and thus fimplifying the inftrument, feems to have eſcaped the attention of the eminent artiſts, both here and abroad, as, to my beſt knowledge, it has never been done or deſcribed any where. The metallic piftons, without leathering, muſt certainly add to the durability, and diminiſh the great labour that ufually attends working an air-pump." Nicholson's Journal, New Series, No. 39. Mr. Vream, who was Dr. Defaguliers's operator for philofo- phical machines, made fuch an alteration in Hawkfbee's air- pump, as produced the alternate reciprocating motion of the piftons, without turning the handle to and fro :while the handle turns conſtantly one way in its operation, a crank by means of Rigidity of Cords. 33 No. of experiments. | Cords used in and weight of Weights hung on each side the roller Addition. weight to sur- mount、 friction of the in lbs. rollers. roller and stiffness of cords. I páratus of Amontons. The cords were of three kinds : No. 1, of 6 threads in a yarn, or 2 in a ſtrand, the circumference 12 lines, and weight of a foot in length 4 drams. No. 2, of 15 threads in a yarn, or 5 in a ftrand, circumference 20 lines, weight of a foot in length 12 drams. No. 3, of 30 threads. in a yarn, or 10 in a ftrand, circumference 28 lines, weight of a foot in length 24½ drams. the expe- riments. Kinds of wood: diameter the rulers Friction Stiffness ofthe Cord.t Valued by Cou Valued by Amon- lumb's tons' ap- appa- paratus. ratus. Total charge of which support of the roller. the roller. Elm 100 Cord 5 lbs. 315 1.5 3.5 44 12 inches No. 3. of I 30 threads diameter, 300 II 721 3.6 7'4 10'4 in a yarn. weight IIO lbs. 500 20 1130 5.6 14.4 16.4 Elm 6 inches 2 Idem. diameter, 200 18 443 weight 25 lbs. Guiacum 6 inches 3 Idem. diameter, 200 16 466 2.8 13.2 14.8 weight J 50 lbs. Guiacum 2 inches 25 II 65/1/2 Idem. 4 diameter, weight 200 52 456/1/ 4 lbs. Cord Guiacum 25 No. 2. of 6 inches 璟 ​IOI 100 6 5 15 threads diameter, 256 200 II 461 2.8 8.2 7.6 in a yarn. weight 500 24 1074 6.4 17:6 17.8 50lbs. Cord No. I. of 100 6 threads Idem. 200 36 253 456 2'7 3.3 3'x ? in a yarn. From this table it will be feen that the method of Amontons and that of Coulumb furniſh nearly the fame refults: M. Coulumb aſcribes the differences where greateſt to the circum- ftance of the cords having been more uſed previous to their being taken for one kind of experiment than for the other. 35. M. Coulumb, before he commenced the experiments upon the friction of axes, caufed the pulley to turn on its axis during ſuch a time and with ſuch a velocity as was neceſſary to VOL. II. D 34 MECHANICS.. : enable the furfaces in contact to acquire all the polish and glibnefs of which they were fufceptible. The chief object held in view in the experiments of which we now fpeak was to de- termine the friction of the axes of machines in motion. M. Coulumb therefore caufed the fufpended weights to run over a ſpace of 6 feet, and to meaſure ſeparately by half feconds the time employed to run over the first three feet, and that occupied in running over the last three feet. The following table con- tains the reſults of experiments on the friction of axes of iron in boxes of copper: the axis ufed was 19 lines in diameter, and had a play of 12 lines in the copper box, the pulley was 144 lines in diameter, and weighed 14 pounds. } ! : 1 : 36 MECHANICS. Weight Weight Addi- Fric- Ratio No. of hung tional experi- Kind ofcord used. Kind of greas- ing. used to Jon each weight Motion of the weight suspended Pres- sure on tion reduc. of fric- tion to ments. bend the cord. over the side of the to move the on each side of the pulley. the to the axis. surface pres- pulley. pulley. | pulley. of axis. sure. Very flexi- ble thread of Friction with- O'O 3 lines cir- out greasing. 103 6 Slow and irregular. 226 42 0.186 cumference, 10'5 Slow and irregular. 424 65 0.153 Cord No. 1. The first 3 ft. fallen of 6 threads Idem. 1'5 200 13'5 thro' in 6", the last in a yarn. 3 in 3". 21 Slow but continual. 825 130 0.156 The first 3 feet de- 28 scribed in 5″5, the 3 Idems Idem. 3'0 400 last three in 2″5. First 3 ft. described 39 in 3", the last 3 in Very flexi- I{". 2.5 Slow but continual. 216.5 17'5 0'081 ble thread, tallow. O'O 100 The first 3 feet de- of 2 lines cir- 6 scribed in 3″5, the cumference. last 3 in 1"5. Cord No. 1. 6.5 Slow but continual. 420 ·36 0'086 of 6 threads Idem. 1'5 200 in a yarn. 10'0 13 6 Idem. Idem. 3'0 400 18 24 t3 The first 3 feet, de- scribed in 3″.5, the last 3 in 1"5. Slow and continual. The first 3 feet, de- scribed in 5″.5, the last 3 in 2". first 3 feet in last 3 feet in " 827 25 0*087 3″ Table of Friction, &c. continued. ་ Thread of 2 lines in cir- cumference. Cart grease. IO ∞ a a 8 Idem. Idem. 9 Idem. Idem. ៖ ៖ ៖ O'O O'O 100 O'O 58 55 2.5 Slow and continual. 117 1.7°5 0.15 Idem. 218 26 0.119 3'7 ldem. 5'7 320 40. O'125 Slow and uncertain. 218 26 0.119 Cord No. I. 4.3 of 6 threads Idem. 0'7 100 9 first 3 feet in 3", in a yarn. last 3 feet in 1½". 8.5 Uncertain. 422 50 0.118 Idem. Idem. 1'5 200 14 first 3 feet in 4″, last 3 feet in 2". 20 all 6 feet in 3″5. 17 Uncertain. 831 IOI O'121 12 Idem. Idem. 3.0 400 22 28 The cart grease of prec. first 3 feet in 6"·5, last 3 feet in 2"*5. first 3 feet in 4″, last 3 feet in 1"5. From 200 to 1200 lbs. 0.127 13 14 15, exp. wiped, the pores of the metal re- mained unc- tuous. The surface fresh done with oil. The greasing not renewed of a long time, though the machine had been much used. O'127 O'133 O'133 38 MECHANICS. The weights employed to bend the cord, and which are con- tained in the 4th column, were calculated from the tenfions ex- preffed in the 5th column, by means of the formulæ already given, and the refults of fome previous experiments. Thefe weights being fubtracted from thoſe of the 6th column, which put the fyftem in motion, leave the weights employed in over- coming the friction. Thefe latter weights acting at a di- ſtance from the centre of rotation equal to the ſum of the radii of the pulley and the cord; the friction which is exerted upon the axis, and which in the cafe of a very flow motion may be confidered as making an equilibrium with thoſe weights, is therefore equal to the product of thoſe weights into the ratio of the fum of the radii of the pulley and the cord, to the radius of the axis, which ratio is very nearly 7 to 1, when the weight is fufpended by a thin packthread, and nearly 72 to 1, when it is fufpended by the cord No. 1. From theſe confidera- tions the 9th column was calculated. The weights compriſed in the 8th column are compofed, 1. Of the weight of the pulley or cylinder; 2. Double the correfponding weight in the 5th column; 3. The weights contained in the 6th column; for the fum of thefe evidently compofe the preffure upon the axis. Hence, to find the ratio of the friction to the preffure, as ex- preffed in the 10th column, it is only neceffary to divide any number in the 9th column by the correfponding one in the 8th. 36. When it is proper to have regard to the velocity of the weight, to afcertain the effort which furmounts the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cord, we may obſerve at once that in this caſe the motion is nearly a uniformly accelerated motion, fince the firſt 3 feet are deſcribed in a time about double that employed in running over the laft 3 feet. It remains, therefore, to learn what part w of the additional weight ftated in the 6th column, which we call w, was employed in accelerating the motion of the ſuſ- pended weight; for the other part of the additional weight, viz. ww', is manifeftly that which furmounts the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cords. Now t being the time of the whole defcent, the accelerating force which has place is equal to 2x6; tz and, naming W the total fum of the weight hanging upon the pulley compriſing in it 7 pounds for the inertia of the pulley, which weighed 14 pounds, and g the accelerating force of gra- vity, the mafs put in motion will be mafs by the accelerating force will be W g' • and the product of that 2 X 6 W & 12 ; which being fub- tracted from the additional weight which put the pulley in mo- Stiffness of Cords. 39. tion, gives the quantity w-w', or the part of the weight w em- ployed to overcome the ſtiffneſs of the cord and the friction. It appears from the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th ex- periments, that the friction of axes of iron in boxes or cheeks of copper is much lefs foftened by the cart-greafe than by tallow. 37. M. Coulumb has likewiſe endeavoured to afcertain the friction of axes of rotation made of the different kinds of wood which are commonly found in rotatory machines. To render the friction more ſenſible he uſed pulleys of 12 inches mounted upon axes of 3 inches; fometimes the axes were immoveable, at others they moved, but in both cafes the friction was the fame the proper precautions were adopted to fmoothen the fur- faces in contact, and thence to avoid the uncertainty and irre- gularity which might otherwife have attended the refults. Kinds of wood used in the experiments. Axis of holm-oak, box of lignum vitæ, coated with tallow Ditto the coating wiped, the furface remaining oily Axis and box as before, but uſed ſeveral times with- out having the coating refreſhed Ratio of friction to pressure. } Axis of holm-oak, box of elm, coated with tallow Ditto both axis and box wiped, furfaces remaining oily Axis of boxtree, box of lignum vitæ, coated with tallow Ditto the coating wiped, the furfaces remaining oily Axis of boxtree, box of elm Ditto the coating wiped off. Axis of iron, box of lignum vitae, the coating wiped off, and the pulley turned for fome time 0.038 d'oб : 0°06 d'o8 0°03 0'05 0.043 007 0.035 0.05 0.05 The velocity does not appear to influence the friction in any fenfible manner, except in the firſt inſtants of motion: and in every caſe the friction is leaft, not when the furfaces are plaſtered over, but when they are merely oily. 38. The experiments on the ſtiffneſs of cords defcribed (art. 34) were made in cafes of motions nearly infenfible; but M. Coulumb enquired whether with a finite velocity the refulting effect of the ſtiffneſs of the cord were augmented or diminifhed. For this purpoſe he took a pulley and box of copper, and an axis of iron done over with tallow: the diameter of the pulley was 144 lines, and that of the axis 20 lines; and the cord was one of 30 threads to a yarn, or No. 3. of which the ſtiffneſs with respect to infenfible velocities was determined by ſome of the foregoing experiments. The enfuing table fhews the re- fults of the experiments: the weights were made to run over a diſtance of 6 feet, and the times of defcribing the first three and the last three feet were meaſured by a half-fecond pendulum. 篮 ​40 MECHANICS. Weight Stiffness | Stiffness acting of the Addi-Part of Weight No. of hung experi-jon each ments. side the to come tional wt. to weight over- 'Motion of the weights hung upon the pulley. the Pres- at ex- sure on tremity deduced axis inley, ba- weights cord of the cord esti- mated of pul- from the from its tension move friction )3. lancing which and for- pulley. the land ri- the move the mer ex- pulley.gidity. friction pulley. perimts. 75 lbs. 7.5 lbs. Slow and continued 221 lbs. 2.6lbs. 4'9 lbs. 4'0 lbs. Sfirst 3 feet in 3' Ioolbs. 12 7.6 last 3 feet in 1½" 15 7.6 Sfirst 3 feet in 2″ last 3 in 1½" II II Slow and uncertain 425 49 6.1 6.6 first 3 feet in 6″ 15 12.9 2 200 last 3 in 3" first 3 feet in 31" 19 12.2 last 3 in 14″ 20.5 20'5 | 24 3 400 19'9 { first Slow and uncertain 8349'7 10.8 11.8 f first 3 feet in 6" last 3 in 3" 31 17.6 { last 3 in 2 first 3 feet in 3″ (315 31.5 Doubtful and conti. 1235 14.5 17.0 17.0 4 600 first 3 feet in 6" 37 31.5 last 3 in 3½" It appeared in the table (art. 34.) that to bend the cord no.. 3. of 30 threads in a yarn, about a roller of 12 inches di- ameter, and with a tenfion of 500lbs, would require a weight of 14'4 lbs of which weight the conftant part due to the fabrication of the cord is about 14 lbs: this value may be retained; but it will be here proper to deduce the part due to the tenfion of the cord by the quintal to (144-14)= ×13=2.6lbs. From theſe data the laſt column to the right of the above table was computed. ड 39. To complete the object of the experiments it is neceſſary to have the ſtiffneſs of the cord without afferting any thing à priori on the values which had been previouſly found for fuch rigidity. To this end M. Coulumb has eſtimated the friction of the axis from its charge and the experiments of art. 35; where it appeared that this friction was independent of its velocity and equal to o'087 of the preffure. This friction which is exerted at the furface of the axis being computed, and the radius of the axis being to the diſtance between the centre of rotation and the middle of the cord as 1 to 75, it will be eafy to calculate the weight which acting in the vertical di- rection of the middle of the cord may be in equilibrium with the friction in each experiment; and thefe weights are con- tained in the feventh column. Subtracting theſe weights from Stiffness of Cords. 41 • the additional weights contained in the third column, namely thoſe which put the pulley in motion, we have in the cafe of a very flow motion the values of the weights which juſt ſurmount the ſtiffneſs of the cord; theſe weights are compriſed in the 8th column, and differ but little from thofe calculated immediately and contained in the 9th column. 40. Now to know if the greater or lefs velocity of the weight ſuſpended upon the pulley has any influence upon the refiſtance due to the ſtiffneſs of the cord, we muſt in the cafe of the motion calculate what portion of the ad- ditional weight hung upon the pulley is employed in over- coming the friction and the rigidity of the cord. Here the formula of a preceding article has its application, w’= :for, 2X6W 812 the time occupied by the weight in defcribing the laſt three feet being nearly the half of that employed in defcribing the firſt three feet, the motion may be confidered as uniformly accele- rated, and the quantities w-w', which refult, and are con- tained in the 4th column, differ but little, as is manifeft, from the weights employed to overcome the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cords, in the cafe of an extremely flow motion. And, as it appeared from the preceding experiments that the friction was independent of the velocity, or that it oppoſed the fame refiſtance to the motion in the different trials for each ex- periment; it hence follows that the reſiſtance arifing from the ſtiffneſs of the cord was likewife conftant in the fame trials, and depended not upon the velocity, at least in any fuch fenfible manner as to merit our regard in computing the powers of machines. 41. The invariablenefs of the refiftance occafioned by the ſtiffneſs of cords, under different velocity, appears alfo imme- diately from the refults compriſed in the 5th column of the table, which, as before obferved, proves that the motions were nearly uniformly accelerated. And from this property it fol- lows, that there is always a conftant part of the weight or power employed in furmounting the friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cords. "Nevertheleſs," adds M. Coulumb, "it muſt be acknow- ledged, that it is not ftrictly true, that the augmentation of ve- locity does not augment the refiftance due to the rigidity of cordage. This augmentation appears eſpecially perceptible when the cords are ſtretched with weights or by forces that are under 100 pounds. I have eſtimated, by many trials, that in fuch caſes a velocity of 8 feet per fecond would increafe by nearly a pound the reſiſtance occafioned by the ſtiffneſs of our cord of 30 threads in a yarn : but this augmentation of refiſtance feems to be a conftant quantity for the fame degree of velocity, 42 MECHANICS. whatever the tenfion may be; in fuch fort that it ceaſes to be perceptible under great tenfions, and that there are but very few circumftances in which it may not be neglected in practice: this augmentation with regard to the velocity appears, befides, much greater in new than in old cords, and in tarred cords than in thoſe which are white or untarred"” 42. M. Coulumb deduces from theſe experiments the follow- ing general conclufions : (1.) That with refpect to practice, in all rotatory machines the ratio of the preffure to the friction may always be ſuppoſed conftant, and that the influence of the velocity is too ſmall to need our regard. (2.) That the refiſtance which must be overcome to bend a cord over a roller or pulley is repreſented by a formula com- poſed of two terms; the firft is a conſtant quantity independent a dr of the tenſion, and of the form (art. 31.) where a is a con- T α ftant quantity determined by experience, d" is a power of the diameter d of the cord, and the radius of the roller; the b dn fecond term is Q, where b is a conſtant quantity, d, n, and r, T as before, and Q the tenfion of the cord. Thus the complete dn formula expreffing the ſtiffneſs of the cord is (a+bQ). The power n varies according to the flexibility of the cord, but is ufually about 1'7 or 1·8, or the refiftance is nearly proportional to the fquare of the diameter of the cord: when the cord is much uſed n decreaſes to 1.5 or even 1.4. The following is a fummary of reſults. White Cord, Tarred Cord, of 30 threads in a yarn Sof -15 6 of 30 threads in a yarn -15 lbs. dn a=4.2 • 7 =1°2 =0°2 =6·6. =2'0 =0.4 dn -b. 100 = 9°0 = 5°1 =2.2 =11:6 = 5'6 = 24 43. Our knowledge of the nature of the friction of axes, and ſtiffneſs of cords, though confeffedly very imperfect, may be introduced into the computation of the power of machines: this may be illuftrated by an example of a capftan or windlafs, where the general formula for an equilibrium will be this : r 2 PR=QR'+ Wit +d" (a+bQ) where P reprefents the power, and the other letters as below, The Capftan, allowing for Friction, &c. 43 The weight to be elevated, is Q=1000 lbs. The radius of the axis or pivot, which is of iron, is r=2 inches. This axis turns in a box of copper: the radius of the cylinder about which the cord is rolled, is R'10 inches. The arm of the capftan, or the radius, or diftance at which the men exert their force, is R=10 feet 120 inches. = The pivots are ſuppoſed to have been plaſtered with tallow fome time, and the inftrument often uſed, till the ratio of the fric- tion to the preffure is reduced to that of experiment 15 in the table of article 35. whence we have that ratio, or ƒ=0'133, and √1+4=7:5351. ff The cord is fuppofed tarred, and of 120 threads in a yarn, which will fupport 12 or 14000 lbs. without breaking. Now a tarred cord of 30 threads in a yarn requires a conſtant effort equivalent to 6·6 lbs. to bend it about a roller of 2 inches radius, and an effort proportional to the tenfion, of 116 lbs. for a quin- tal, or 116lbs. for 1000 lbs. Here the radius of the cylinder being 10 inches, we muſt, firſt ſuppofing the cords equal, diminiſh theſe efforts in the ratio of 10 to 2, viz. make their fum 78 (66+116) for rooo lbs., and (6'6+8x116) for 8000. And as the cord is of 120 threads in a yarn inftead of 30, we muft increaſe the laſt reſult, in the ratio of 30 to 120, fo fhall we have × (6·6+·928)=7477 for the effort which will fur- mount the ſtiffneſs of the cord, that is dn R' = 2 ΤΟ (a+bQ)=747°7- And fince R'10, we have d" (a+bQ)=7477- 2 Thefe values being fubftituted in the general formula it be- comes Px 120=(8000 × 10) + 8000X 2 7.5851 +7477. or, It will be neceffary therefore to diftribute at the extremities of the bars of the capftan efforts whofe fum fhall be equivalent to 746.5 lbs.: that is, if a man makes an effort balancing 25 lbs., 30 men will be required to move the weight of 8000 lbs. Had there been no friction and were the cords perfectly flexible, the P=666·6+1.7*577+62·3=746'5 lbs. 8000 force neceffary would have been only or 666 6, lefs than 12 the other by almoſt 80 pounds, a difference which is more than equivalent to the force of three men. So that in this example 1 MECHANICS. 44 the friction and rigidity of the cord, require an increaſe of be- tween an 8th and a 9th of the whole power which would other- wife have been requifite, This, however, we wish to be received only as an approxima- tion. The details which have been here entered into will, we truſt, be found of fome utility in directing the practice, and may furniſh ſome hints to thoſe who have time and inclina- tion to adopt other ſeries of well-conducted experiments; and thus fupply theſe moſt important defiderata in practical mechanics. On the Energy of First Movers. 44. The confideration of the abfolute and relative forces of different kinds of firſt movers is of too great confequence in the application of mechanics to be entirely omitted in this perform- ance: we fhall, therefore, prefent the reader with fome ob- fervations and tables refpecting the chief claffes of powers ufed to drive machinery, viz. water, air, fteam, gunpowder, and animal exertion. Water is generally made to operate upon machines by means of its momentum when in motion: but it may alſo be uſed, and that as a very powerful mover, when acting by its preffure merely. In the theory of hydroftatics (art. 387.) we ex- plained the principle of the hydroſtatical paradox, in which it is afferted that any quantity of water or other fluid may be made to fupport any other quantity or any weight however great, and indeed to raise the greater weight until it reaches fuch a height as enfures the equilibrium. Thus in the hydro- ftatic bellows the weight of a few ounces of water is made to raiſe ſeveral hundred pounds. And in like manner Otto Gue- ricke of Magdeburg made a child balance, and even overcome, the pull exerted by the emperor's fix coach horſes, merely by fucking the air from beneath a pifton. This great power de- pends upon the fundamental property of fluids, that they prefs equally in all directions. Mr. Bramah, an ironmonger in Pic- cadilly, has lately obtained a patent for a machine acting as a prefs on this principle of the quaqua verfum preffure of fluids: A pifton of of an inch diameter forces water into a cylinder of 12 inches diameter, and by this intervention raiſes the pifton of the cylinder: fo that a boy acting with a fourth part of his. ſtrength on the ſmall pifton by means of a lever can raife about 94080 lbs. or 42 tons preffing on the great piſton; the increaſe of power being as I to 4× 122 or 1 to 2304. This contrivance will be more minutely explained under the article Bramah's-ma- ' chine, in the alphabetical part of this volume. First Movers. 45 # 45. As to the effect of water in motion, it will manifeftly depend upon the quantity of fluid and its velocity jointly. When the water runs through a notch or an orifice of a regular form fituated in the bottom or fide of a reſervoir, the quantity difcharged in any given time may be determined by the rules laid down for thoſe purpoſes in vol. 1. Book IV. If s² be the area of any plane ex- poſed to the action of a current of water, and v the velocity per fecond with which the fluid ſtrikes the plane, then will the force of the fluid be equivalent to the weight of a volume of water expreffed by where g repreſents 32% feet, on the fup- pofition that the water ſtrikes the plane directly: but if the fluid ftrike the plane obliquely and I reprefent the angle of incid- ence, the force will be equivalent to the weight of the coluinn Or, fince a cubic foot of water weighs 62 lbs 22 32 2 g fin. I. 2 v2 sz 2 g averd. if v and s be expreffed in feet we fhall have 2 62 ½ v²sk 28 fin.² I =971502 fin. I v² ² lbs. averd. for the equivalent weight, which becomes barely 971502v's² lbs. when the plane is directly oppofed to the fluid. 46. In the determination of the velocity of the ſtream it will be neceffary either to afcertain the height b through which the water has fallen freely, as from the end of a ſpout, when √2 gh, or nearly 8 h, will fhew the velocity, h being in feet; or when the water iſſues through an orifice in the bottom or fide of a refervoir, to have recourſe to Chap. 1 and 2. Book IV. vol. I. before referred to. If the ſtream be ample without much fall, ſuch as muſt neceffarily be applied to move an underſhot wheel by its impulfe, the power will be determinable from the ve- locity of the water and the quantity which paffes through the fection of its bed. Dr. Defaguliers, in his Experimental Phi- lofophy, vol. II. pa. 419. gives the following eafy method of afcertaining thefe data: Obferve a place where the banks of the river are fteep and nearly parallel, fo as to make a kind of trough, for the water to run through, and by taking the depth at various places in croffing make a true fection of the river. Stretch a ftring at right angles over it, and at a ſmall diſtance. another parallel to the firft. Then take an apple, an orange, or other ſmall ball, juft fo much lighter than water as to fwim in it, and throw it into the water above the ftrings. Obferve when it comes under the firft ftring, by means of a half fecond pen- dulum, a ftop watch, or any other proper inftrument; and ob- ferve likewife when it arrives at the ſecond ſtring. By this means the velocity of the upper furface, which in practice may 46 MECHANICS. generally be taken for that of the whole, will be obtained. And the fection of the river at the fecond ſtring must be afcertained by taking various depths, as before. If this fection be the fame as the former, it may be taken for the mean ſection: if not, add both together, and take half the fum for the mean fec- tion. Then the area of the mean fection in fquare feet being multiplied by the diſtance between the ftrings in feet, will give the contents of the water in folid feet, which paffed from one ftring to the other during the time of obfervation; and this by the rule of three may be adapted to any other portion of time. Suppofe, for example, the time were 12", and the hourly expen- diture of water were required, the proportion would be, as 12": 3600" :: the number of cubic feet between the two ftrings: the hourly expenditure in cubic feet. If the mere ve- locity be required with reference to any fixed interval of time, a fimilar proportion will give it, only obferving to take, inſtead of the folid content or capacity in the third term, the diſtance between the two ftrings. The operation may often be greatly abridged by taking notice of the arrival of the floating body oppofite two ſtations on the fhore, eſpecially when it is not convenient to ftretch a ftring acrofs. An arch of a bridge is a good ftation for an expe- riment of this kind, becauſe it affords a very regular ſection and two fixed points of obfervation: and in fome inſtances the fea practice of heaving the log may be advantageous. Where a time-piece is not at hand, the obferver may eaſily conftruct a half-feconds or quarter-feconds pendulum: the former may be made by fufpending a ſmall round (not flat) button, or other fpherical weight, by a thread looped over a pin of fuch a length that the diſtance from the point of ſuſpenſion to the centre of the weight ſhall be 9.8 inches: the quarter-feconds pendulum muſt be a fourth of this length. If, by obfervations at ſeveral ſtations above and below any particular point of the river, the velocity does not appear to vary, the fection of the river in all that ſpace may be confidered as uniform; and it will not be neceffary to determine more than one fection by actual meaſure- ment. 47. The effect of underſhot and overſhot wheels has been very variouſly ſtated by different authors; the moſt valuable and correct obfervations are thofe of Mr. Smeaton, an abftract of which was given in Chap. 4. Book IV. vol. I. The numerous practical remarks and experiments related in that chapter and the ſecond chapter of the fame book, will render it unneceffary for us now to dwell longer upon the effects of water as a mover of machinery. 48. AIR is the next natural mover we propofe to confider. And this like water may be regarded either as at reft, or in mo- Air as a Mover of Machinery. 41 } tion. The preffure of the atmoſphere in a medium ſtate is equivalent to the weight of 14 or 15 lbs. averdupois on a fquare inch; and this preffure will ſupport, and, by means of a fucking pump, raife water to the height of about 33 feet; it fupports mercury in the barometer at the height of 28 to 32 inches. The denſity of air is, at a medium, about 833 times leſs than that of water: if we take round numbers and reckon 800 to I for the ratio of the denfities, and put s² for the ſurface on which the wind ftrikes, v for the velocity with which it moves, and I for the angle of incidence, then the force of the wind will be equal to the weight of a volume of water expreſſed by · fin. 2 I='0012144 vs fin. I lbs. averdupois. 2g I This formula, however, is only an approximation, and would lead to confiderable errors when the velocities are great: on this ſubject we have treated pretty fully in art. 554, &c. Book V. vol. I. where the tables of Dr. Hutton, Mr. Roufe, &c. are exhibited: the following is Mr. Roufe's table of velocity and correſponding force in the form it was originally given by Mr. Smeaton; but the form in which it is thrown in art. 554 is more uſeful. Velocity of the| Perpendi- Wind. cular force on one fquare Miles] feet in foot, in in one one averdupois hour. fecond. pounds. I 1'47 *005 2 293 *020 3 4'40 044 4 5.87 *079 5 7*33- 123 10 14'67 *492 15 22'00 I'107 20 29'34 1'968 25 36.67 3'075 30 44'01 4'429 35 51'34 6.027 40 58.68 7.873 4 45 66.01 9'963 50 73.35 12.300 60 88.02 177715 80 117.36 31'490 100 146.70 49°200 43 MECHANICS. 49. As it is not eaſy to obferve the true velocity of the wind, and thence determine its force, feveral philofophers have in- vented inftruments called Anemometers or wind gages, by which the force of the wind may be aſcertained independent of its velocity. M. Bouguer contrived a very fimple inftrument for this purpoſe: it is a hollow tube AABB (fig. 5. pl. I.) in which a fpiral ſpring CD is fixed, that may be more or lefs compreffed by a rod FSD paffing through a hole within the tube at AA. Having obferved to what degree different forces or given weights are capable of compreffing the ſpiral, put di- vifions upon the rod in fuch a manner that the mark obſerved at S in all pofitions of that rod fhall indicate the weight requifite to force the ſpring into the correſponding pofition CD. After- wards join perpendicularly to this rod at F a plane furface EFE of a given area, either greater or lefs, as may be judged proper: then nothing more is neceffary than to oppoſe this inftrument to the wind, in order that it may ſtrike the ſurface in the direc- tions VE, VE, parallel to that of the rod; and the mark at S will fhew the weight to which the wind is equivalent. It will then be eaſy to reduce any obferved force to a volume of water equivalent to it in energy; and ſo in all caſes aſcertain the nitude of the force which the wind exerts. mag- 50. The moſt ufual method of applying wind as a mover of machinery is in the conftruction of windmills for different purpoſes, in which the wind produces its effect by impulfe upon the fails. In theſe machines, therefore, whatever varieties there may be in the internal ſtructure, there are certain rules with regard to the pofition, fhape, and magnitude of the fails, which will bring them into the beſt ſtate for the action of the wind, and the production of uſeful effect. Theſe particulars have been confidered much at large by Mr. Smeaton: for this purpoſe he conſtructed a machine of which a particular deſcription is given in the Philoſophical Tranſactions, vol. 51. By means of a determinate weight it carried round an axis with an horizontal arm, upon which were four ſmall moveable fails. Thus the fails met with a conftant and equable blaſt of air; and as they moved round, a ftring with a weight affixed to it was wound about, their axis, and thus fhowed what kind of fize or con- ftruction of fails anſwered the purpoſe beſt. With this ma- chine a great number of experiments were made; the reſults of which were as follow: (1.) The fails fet at the angle with the axis, propofed as the beſt by M. Parent and others, viz. 55°, was found to be the worst proportion of any that was tried. (2.) When the angle of the fails with the axis was increaſed from 72° to 75°, the power was augmented in the proportion Wind as a Mover of Machinery. 49 of 31 to 45; and this is the angle moſt commonly in ufe when the fails are planes. See art. 547. vol. I. (3.) Were nothing more requifite than to cauſe the fails to acquire a certain degree of velocity by the wind, the pofition recommended by M. Parent would be the beſt. But if the fails are intended with given dimenfions to produce the greateſt effects poffible in a given time, we muft, if planes are made ufe of, confine our angle within the limits of 72 and 75 degrees. (4.) The variation of a degree or two, when the angle is near the beft, is but of little confequence. (5.) When the wind falls upon concave fails it is an advan- tage to the power of the whole, though each part feparately taken fhould not be difpofed of to the beſt advantage. (6.) From ſeveral experiments on a large fcale, Mr. Smeaton has found the following angles to anfwer as well as any. The radius is ſuppoſed to be divided into fix parts; and th, reckon- ing from the centre, is called 1, the extremity being denoted 6. N° Angle with that axis. 72° Angle with the plane of motion. 18° 2 3 71 72 4 5 74 77/1/2 83 19 18 middle 16 121 7 extremity. (7.) Having thus obtained the beſt method of weathering the fails, i. e. the moſt advantageous manner in which they can be placed, our author's next care was to try what advantage could be derived from an increaſe of ſurface upon the fame radius. The refult was, that a broader fail requires a larger angle; and when the fail is broader at the extremity than near the centre, the figure is more advantageous than that of a parallelogram. The figure and proportion of enlarged fails, which our author determines to be moſt advantageous on a large fcale, is that where the extreme bar is one-third of the radius or whip (as the workmen call it), and is divided by the whip in the pro- portion of 3 to 5. The triangular or loading fail is covered with board from the point downward of its height, the reſt as uſual with cloth. The angles above mentioned are likewiſe the moſt proper for enlarged fails; it being found in practice, that the fails fhould rather be too little than too much expoſed to the dire& action of the wind. Some have imagined, that the more fail the greater would be the power of the windmill, and have therefore propofed to fill up the whole area; and by making each fail a ſector of an ellipfis, VOL. II. 50 MECHANICS. according to M. Patent's method, to intercept the whole cy linder of wind, in order to produce the greateft effect poffible. From our author's experiments, however, it appeared, that when the ſurface of all the fails exceeded ſeven-eights of the area, the effect was rather diminiſhed than augmented. Hence he concludes, that when the whole cylinder of wind is intercepted, it cannot then produce the greateſt effect for want of proper interſtices to escape. "It is certainly defirable (fays Mr. Smeaton), that the fails of windmills ſhould be as fhort as poffible; but it is equally defirable, that the quantity of cloth fhould be the leaft that may be, to avoid damage by fudden fqualls of wind. The beft ftructure, therefore, for large mills, is that where the quantity of cloth is the greatest in a given circle that can be on this condition, that the effect holds out in proportion to the quan- tity of cloth; for otherwife the effect can be augmented in a given degree by a leffer increaſe of cloth upon a larger radius than would be required if the cloth was increafed upon the fame radius." : (8.) The ratios between the velocities of windmill fails un- loaded, and when loaded to their maximum, turned out very different in different experiments; but the moſt common propor- tion was as 3 to 2. In general it happened that where the power was greateft, whether by an enlargement of the furface of the fails or an increaſed velocity of the wind, the fecond term of the ratio was diminiſhed. (9.) The ratios between the leaft load that would ftop the fails and the maximum with which they would turn, were con- fined betwixt that of 10 to 8 and 10 to 9; being at a medium about 10 to 8.3, and 10 to 9, or about 6 to 5; though on the whole it appeared, that where the angle of the fails or quantity of cloth was greateft, the ſecond term of the ratio was lefs. (10.) The velocity of windmill fails, whether unloaded or loaded, fo as to produce a maximum, is nearly as the velocity` of the wind, their ſhape and pofition being the fame. On this fubject Mr. Fergufon remarks, that it is almost incredible to think with what velocity the tips of the fails move when acted upon by a moderate wind. He has feveral times counted the number of revolutions made by the fails in 10 or 15 minutes; and, from the length of the arms from tip to tip, has computed, that if an hoop of the fame fize was to run upon plain ground with an equal velocity, it would go upwards of 30 miles in an hour. (11.) The load at the maximum is nearly, but fomewhat leſs than, as the fquare of the velocity of the wind; the shape and pofition of the fails being the fame. Smeaton's Rules for Windmills 51 (12.) The effects of the fame fails at a maximum are nearly, but fomewhat lefs than, as the cubes of the velocity of the wind. (13.) The load of the fame fails at a maximum is nearly as the fquares, and the effect as the cubes of their number of turns in a given time. (14.) When fails are loaded fo as to produce a maximum at a given velocity, and the velocity of the wind increaſes, the load continuing the fame; then the increaſe of effect, when the increaſe of the velocity of the wind is fmall, will be nearly as the fquares of thefe velocities: but when the velocity of the wind is double, the effects will be nearly as 10 to 27; and when the velocities compared are more than double of that where the given load produces a maximum, the effects increafe nearly In a fimple ratio of the velocity of the wind. Hence our author concludes, that windmills, fuch as the different fpecies for draining water, &c. lofe much of their effect by acting againſt one invariable oppofition. (15.) In fails of a fimilar figure and poſition, the number of turns in a given time will be reciprocally as the radius or length of the fail. (16.) The load at a maximum that fails of a fimilar figure and pofition will overcome, at a given diſtance from the centre of motion, will be as the cube of the radius. (17.) The effects of fails of fimilar pofition and figure are as the fquare of the radius. Hence augmenting the length of the fail without augmenting the quantity of cloth, does not increaſe the power; becauſe what is gained by length of the lever is loft by the flowneſs of the motion. Hence alfo, if the fails are increafed in length, the breadth remaining the fame the effect will be as the radius. (18.) The velocity of the extremities of the Dutch fails, as well as of the enlarged fails, either unloaded or even when loaded to a maximum, is confiderably greater than that of the wind itſelf. This appears plainly from the obſervations of Mr. Ferguſon, already related, concerning the velocity of fails. (19.) From many obfervations of the comparative effects of fails of various kinds, Mr. Smeaton concludes, that the enlarged fails are fuperior to thofe of the Dutch conſtruction. (20.) He alfo makes ſeveral juſt remarks upon thoſe wind- mills which are acted upon by the direct impulfe of the wind againſt fails fixed to a vertical fhaft: his objections have, we believe, been juftified in every inftance by the inferior efficacy of thefe horizontal mills. "The diſadvantage of horizontal windmills (fays he) does not confiſt in this, that each fail, when directly oppofed to the wind, is I 2 £9 MECHANICS. capable of a lefs power than an oblique one of the fame di- menſions; but that in an horizontal windmill little more than one fail can be acting at once: whereas in the common wind- mill, all the four act together; and therefore, fuppofing each vane of an horizontal windmill to be of the ſame ſize with that of a vertical one, it is manifeſt that the power of a vertical mill will be four times as great as that of an horizontal one, let the number of vanes be what they will. This difadvantage arifes from the nature of the thing; but if we confider the further diſadvantage that arifes from the difficulty of getting the fails back again against the winds, &c. we need not wonder if this kind of mill is in reality found to have not above one-eighth or one-tenth of the power of the common fort; as has appeared in fome attempts of this kind.” 51. Another firſt mover, of whofe effects it may be proper to give fome account, is fired gunpowder. Thefe effects are too violent and fudden to allow of their being applied to many practical purpoſes (the chief uſe of gunpowder being in the diſcharge of balls and ſhells from guns and mortars); but they are fo prodigious and extraordinary, and are fo important in the art of war, that it may be naturally expected we ſhould give ſome eſtimate of them in this place. Now to underſtand the force of gunpowder it must be confidered that whether it be fired in a vacuum or in air, it produces by its exploſion a permanently elaſtic fluid: and it appears from experiment that the elasticity or preffure of the fluid produced by this firing of gunpowder is, cæteris paribus, directly as its denfity. To determine the elaſticity and quantity of this fluid, pro- duced from the exploſion of a given quantity of gunpowder, Mr. Robins premifes, that the elafticity increaſes by heat, and diminiſhes by cold, in the fame manner as that of the air; and that the denfity of this fluid, and confequently its weight, is the fame with the weight of an equal bulk of air, having the fame. elaſticity and the fame temperature. From theſe principles, and from the experiments by which they are eſtabliſhed (for a detail of which we must refer to the book itſelf), he concludes that the fluid produced by the firing of gunpowder is nearly of the weight of the generating powder itſelf; and that the volume or bulk of this air or fluid, when expanded to the rarity of common atmoſpheric air, is about 244 times the bulk of the faid generating powder.-Count Saluce, in his Mifcel. Phil. Mathem. Soc. Priv. Taurin. p. 125, makes the proportion as 222 to 1; which he fays agrees with the computation of Meffrs. Haukſbee, Amontons, and Belidor. To Hence it appears, that any quantity of powder fired in any Strength of Fired Gunpowder. 53 confined ſpace, which it adequately fills, exerts at the inftant of its explofion againſt the fides of the veſſel containing it, and the bodies it impels before it, a force at leaft 244 times greater than the elaſticity of common air, or, which is the fame thing, than the preffure of the atmoſphere; and this without con- fidering the great addition arifing from the violent degree of heat with which it is endued at that time; the quantity of which augmentation is the next head of Mr. Robins's enquiry. He determines that the elafticity of the air is augmented in a proportion fomewhat greater than that of 4 to 1, when heated to the extremeft heat of red-hot iron; and fuppofing that the flame of fired gunpowder is not of a lefs degree of heat, in- creaſing the former number a little more than 4 times, makes nearly 1000; which fhews that the elafticity of the flame, at the moment of exploſion, is about Icoo times ftronger than the elaſticity of common air, or than the preffure of the atmoſphere. But, from the height of the barometer, it is known that the preffure of the atmoſphere upon every fquare inch is on a medium 143 lb; and therefore 1000 times this, or 14750 lb. is the force or preffure of the flame of gunpowder, at the mo- ment of exploſion, upon a fquare inch, which is very nearly equivalent to 6 tons and a half. This great force, however, diminiſhes as the fluid dilates itſelf, and in that proportion, viz. in proportion to the ſpace it oc- cupies, it being only half the ftrength when it occupies a double ſpace, one-third the ftrength when triple the ſpace, and ſo on. Mr. Robins further fuppofes the degree of heat above men- tioned to be a kind of medium heat; but that in the caſe of large quantities of powder the heat will be higher, and in very fmall quantities lower; and that therefore in the former cafe the force will be ſomewhat more, and in the latter fomewhat lefs, than 1000 times the force of the atmoſphere. He further found that the ftrength of powder is the fame in all variations in the density of the atmoſphere: but that the moiſture of the air has a great effect upon it; for the fame quantity which in a dry feaſon would diſcharge a bullet with a velocity of 1700 feet in one fecond, will not in damp weather give it a velocity of more than 12 or 1300 feet in a fecond, or even lefs, if the powder be bad, and negligently kept. Robins's Tracts, vol. 1, p. 101, &c. Further, as there is a certain quantity of water which, when mixed with powder, will pre- vent its firing at all, it cannot be doubted but every degree of moiſture muſt abate the violence of the exploſion; and hence the effects of damp powder are not difficult to account for. The velocity of expanſion of the flame of gunpowder, when fired in a piece of artillery, without either bullet or other body $4 MECHANICS. [ before it, is prodigiously great, viz. 7000 feet per fecond, or upwards, as appears from the experiments of Mr. Robins. But M. Bernoulli and M. Euler fufpect it is still much greater. And Dr. Hutton fufpects it may not be leſs, at the moment of exploſion, than 4 times as much. It is this prodigious celerity of expanſion of the flame of fired gunpowder which is its peculiar excellence, and the circum- ftance in which it ſo eminently furpaffes all other inventions, either ancient or modern: for as to the momentum of theſe projectiles only, many of the warlike machines of the ancients. produced this in a degree far furpaffing that of our heaviest cannon fhot or fhells; but the great celerity given to theſe bodies cannot be approached with facility by any other means than the exploſion of powder. 52. Since the important invention of the Steam-engine another ſpecies of firft movers has come under the confideration of the mechanical inveſtigator, namely, fuch as ariſe from the volatiliſation of different fluids. Of theſe the one moſt com, monly choſen is the STEAM raiſed from hot water, which is an elaſtic fluid, and which when raiſed with the ordinary heat of boiling water is almoſt 3000 times rarer than water, or more than 3 times rarer than air, and then has its elaſticity equal to that of the common atmoſpheric air: by great heat it has been found that the ſteam may be expanded into 14000 times the ſpace of water, and then exerts a force of nearly 5 times the preffure of the atmoſphere: and there is no reaſon to ſuppoſe this is the limit: indeed fome accidents which have happened prove clearly that the elaſtic force of fteam may at leaft equal that of gun- powder. The obfervations on the different degrees of temperature acquired by water in boiling, under different preffures of the atmoſphere, and the formation of the vapour from water under the receiver of an air-pump, when with the common tem- peratures the preffure is diminiſhed to a certain degree, fhew clearly that the expanfive force of vapour or fteam is different in the different temperatures, and that in general it increaſes in a variable ratio as the temperature is raifed. Previous to de- fcribing the method which has been adopted to meaſure the force of fteam under different temperatures, it will be proper to deſcribe briefly the method by which the Chemifts account for the production of aeriform fluids. 53. The term Caloric is uſed to denote the cauſe, whatever it may be, of heat, and of the phenomena which accompany heat: it is now almoft univerfally admitted to be a highly elaſtic fluid. Every body is, according to its nature, capable of con- taining under a given volume a certain quantity of caloric, Elaftic Force of Steam. $5 LA either greater or lefs: this property was firft obferved by Dr. Black, and the Engliſh chemiſts deſignated it by the term Ca- pacity of a body to contain the matter of heat. Profeffor Wilcke and M. Lavoifier firſt made ufe of the term fpecific caloric, de- noting by it the quantity of caloric reſpectively neceffary to elevate to the fame number of degrees the temperature of fe- veral bodies of equal weight. Subſtances volatiliſed and reduced to gas or aeriform fluids, are nothing elſe than ordinary folid or fluid bodies which by fome circumſtance are found fuperabundantly combined with caloric, in fuch a manner that the conftituent particles of thefe bodies are feparated the one from the other, by a quantity of ambient caloric much more confiderable than that which fur- rounds the fame particles in the natural ſtate of the bodies. The extreme elafticity of the caloric the effect of which is aug- mented by its condenfation, and the weakening of the reci- procal attraction or of the coheſion of the particles of the bodies (a weakening or diminution produced by the increaſed diſtance of thoſe particles) concur to diminiſh the density of the bodies in ſuch a manner that they become reduced to an aeriform state. 54. As to the elaſticity of gaſeous fluids thus formed, it ap- pears in great meaſure to be produced by the elaſticity of ca- loric itſelf, which, when bodies are reduced to the gafeous ſtate, occupy a very great part of their volume. This eminent elaſti- city of caloric tends continually to produce expanfion; on the other hand, this fluid, by a particular deftination of nature, is more or lefs diffeminated between the moleculæ of all bodies, in fuch fort that we may fay with M. Lavoifier that even in the ſolid ſtate theſe moleculæ do not touch, but, as it were, fwim in the caloric at a certain diſtance from each other. There muſt, therefore, be a perpetual conteſt between the expanſive force of caloric which tends to diffeminate the moleculæ, and the coheſive attraction of the molecule which tends to join them together. From the reciprocal intenfity of theſe two powers refults the folid and liquid ftates of bodies: thus, water only differs from ice by the greater or lefs condenfation of ca- loric, which permits more or lefs of the molecule of the liquid to yield to the effect of their attraction or reciprocal coheſion. When fubftances pafs from the liquid to the aeriform ſtate, there is a third power to combine with the expanfive effort of caloric, and the aggregative or attractive effort of the mole- cula; namely, the preffure of the atmoſphere, or of any elaftic fluid whatever which compreffes the fluid, and oppofes itfelf to the ſeparation of its parts. This third power has a certain in- Auence alfo upon the paffage from the folid to the fluid ſtate, : 56 MECHANICS. but it is moſt frequently (in this cafe) very ſmall, and even evanefcent in compariſon of the refiftance arifing from the mutual coheſion of the molecule. The contrary effect has place in the courſe of the paffage from the liquid to the gafeous or aeriform ſtate; the coheſion of the fluid molecule being ex- tremely ſmall, the elaſticity of the caloric has ſcarcely any thing to furmount to produce volatilisation befides the preffure of the atmoſphere, or gas which actually compreffes it. • 55. Hence it reſults that the fame liquid under different preffures ought to volatilife at different temperatures. M. Lavoifier proved the truth of this refult, by placing ether under the receiver of an air-pump and producing volatiliſation ſolely by taking off a part of the preffure of the atmoſphere. See Chymie, tome I. pa. 9. And we know by many experiments of M. Deluc and others, that water boils the more fpeedily as it is lefs preffed by the weight of the atmoſphere. Lavoifier notices a curious confequence of what has been here faid; which is, that if our planet revolved upon its axis with fuch a velocity as to leffen the preffure of the atmoſphere, or if the temperature of the air were raiſed, then feveral fluids which we now fee under a liquid ftate would only exiſt in the aeriform ſtate; for example, if under the temperature of fum- mer the preffure of the atmoſphere were only equivalent to 20 or 24 inches of the barometrical tube, that preffure would not retain ether in the fluid ftate, it would be changed into gas; and the like would happen, if while the preffure of the air was equivalent to 28 or 30 inches of the mercury the habitual tem- perature were 105 or 110 degrees on Fahrenheit's fcale. 56. The principles which have been here exhibited are fuf- ficient for the underſtanding of all which relates to the action of water or other fluids reduced to vapour. Now, it has ap- peared from frequent experiments that water heated in common air volatiliſes at 80° of Reaumur's thermometer, or 212° of Fahrenheit's, the height of the barometer being 28 French, or 29.0 Engliſh inches: and fpirits of wine under a like preffure volatilifes at between 63° and 64° of Reaumur, or nearly 175° of Fahrenheit. The expanfive force of the vapour muft, there- fore, in both theſe cafes, according to the principles juft ex- plained, be meaſured by a column of mercury of 28 French, or 29.9 Engliſh inches, in like manner as fuch a column meaſures the preffure of the atmoſphere, or the elafticity of common air. And at any more elevated temperatures the elaſtic force of the vapour will furpaſs the preffure of the atmoſphere by a quantity which has a certain relation with the excefs of the temperaturę above thoſe juſt ſtated. 57. Till lately there was wanting on this important fubject a Elaftic Force of Steam. ST feries of exact and direct experiments by means of which, having given the temperature of the heated fluid, the expanfive force of the ſteam rifing from it might be known, and vicè verfa. There was likewife wanting an analytical theorem expreffing the re- lation between the temperature of the heated fluid and the preffure with which the force of the fteam was in equilibrio. Theſe defiderata have, however, been lately fupplied by M. Bettancourt, an ingenious Spaniſh philoſopher, after a method which we ſhall now conciſely explain. 58. M. Bettancourt's apparatus confifts of a copper veffel or boiler, with its cover firmly foldered on: this cover has three orifices which cloſe up with fcrews: at the firſt the water or other fluid is put in and out; through the fecond paffes the ſtem of a thermometer which has the whole of its ſcale or gra- duations above the veffel, and its ball within, where it is im- merfed either in the fluid or in the fteam according to the dif- ferent circumſtances; through the third hole paffes a tube, making a communication between the cavity of the boiler and one branch of an inverted fyphon, which contains mercury, and acts as a barometer for meaſuring the preffure of the elaſtic vapour within the boiler. In the fide of the veffel there is a fourth hole into which is inſerted a tube with a turncock, mak- ing a communication with the receiver of an air-pump, in order to extract the air from the boiler and to prevent its return. The apparatus being prepared in good order, and diftilled water introduced into the boiler at the firſt hole, and then ſtop- ped, as well as the end of the inverted fyphon or barometer, M. Bettancourt ſurrounded the boiler with ice, to lower the temperature of the water to the freezing point, and then, hav- ing extracted all the air from the boiler by means of the air- pump, the difference between the columns of mercury in the two branches of the barometer ſhewed the meaſure of the elaſtic force of the vapour arifing from the water in that temperature. Then lighting the fire below the boiler, he gradually raiſed the temperature of the water from o to 110° of Reaumur's ther- mometer, that is, from 32° to 279° of Fahrenheit's thermo- meter; and for each degree of elevation in the temperature he obſerved the height of the mercurial column which meaſured the elaſticity or preffure of the vapour. Thefe experiments were repeated various times and with dif ferent quantities of water in the veffel; their refults were ar- ranged in different columns for the fake of compariſon, and it appeared that the preffures for different temperatures agreed very nearly, however much the quantity of fluid in the veffel was varied. It was alſo ſeen that the increaſe in the expanſive force of the vapour is at firſt very flow; but increaſes gradually \ • 58 MECHANICS. unto the higher temperatures, where the increaſe becomes very rapid, as will be obvious from an examination of the tables in fome of the following pages. 59. To exprefs the relation between the degrees of tem- perature of the vapour and its elaftic force, this philofopher employs a method fuggeſted by M. Prony, which confifts in imagining the heights of the columns of mercury meaſuring the expanfive force to reprefent the ordinates of a curve, and the degrees of heat the correfponding abfciffe of that curve; making the ordinates equal to the fum of feveral logarithmic ones which contain two indeterminates, and afcertaining thefe quantities in fuch manner that the curve may agree with a tolerable number of obfervations taken throughout the whole extent of the change of temperature, from the lowest to the higheſt extreme of the experiments. Then a formula or equation to a curve is in- veſtigated, and when the curve correfponding to that equation is conftructed, if it coincide (with the exception of a few trifling anomalies) with the curve conftructed by the refults of the experiments, the formula may be looked upon as correct, and furniſhing a true analytical repreſentation of the pheno- This was done by M. Bettancourt, and the curve con- ftructed from his equation has a point of inflexion at about the 102° of Reaumur, as it ought to have, becauſe the ſecond dif- ferences of the barometrical meaſures of the elaftic force be- came negative at that temperature. mena. of 60. In a fimilar manner M. Bettancourt made experiments on the ſtrength of the vapour from alcohol or fpirit of wine; con- ftructing the curve and deducing the requifite analytical formula. This curve had likewife a point of inflexion at about 88 of Reaumur, the fecond differences in the table of barometrical meaſures becoming then negative. From a compariſon of the experiments on the vapour of water with thoſe on the vapour alcohol, a remarkable conclufion was derived: for it appeared that, after the first 20° of Reaumur, the ftrength of the va- pour of fpirit of wine was to that of the vapour of water, nearly in the fame conflant ratio of 23 to 10, or 7 to 3, for any one and the fame degree of heat. Thus, at the tempe- rature of 40° of Reaumur, the strength of the fteam of water is meaſured by 2.9711 Paris inches in the barometer, and that of vapour of alcohol by 6·9770, the latter being about 24 times the former. 61. The equations to the curve of temperature and preffure, denoting the relation between the abfciffe and ordinates, or be- tween the temperature and the elafticity of the vapour, as given by M. Bettancourt, were of the following form. Elaftic Force of Steam. 39 : 1. For water, y = pe tax µé' táx μtax μétáx e σ e ** o'x - g' te dx-g' te - A. 2. - alcohol, y=e te Where y repreſents the height of the column of mercury which meaſures the expanfive force, x the correfponding degrees of Reaumur's thermometer, and the other letters certain values which are affigned to them in the inveſtigation. 62. But M. Prony, in the 2d volume of his Architecture Hy- draulique, has thrown theſe equations into a rather more con- venient form, though analogous to thofe of Bettancourt. His formula for the vapour of water is this, X y = μ, §, " + ", c₁ * + * + LIV * /// The method which he followed confifted in fatisfying the reſults between o° and 80°, by means of the two firft terms, and to interpolate by means of the other two, the differences between the obferved values, and thoſe computed by the two firſt terms, from 80° up to 110°. In this manner he fucceeded to exprefs fo exactly the obſervations in their whole extent, that the curves of the calculus and the experiments were only diſtinguiſhable the one from the other by fuch little anomalies, as were ma- nifeftly the effect of fome trifling though inevitable errors in the obſervations, and in the graduations of the ſcales in the ap- paratus. He afterwards employed an equation of three terms, giving to the different coefficients the following values: P₁ =1'172805 {₁ = 1'047773 Lui μ₁ = -0.00000072460407 де #11 1*028189 +0·8648188803 −0·8648181057 • log. g, =0·0692259 log. 00202661 log.P00120736 log. 7-8601007 • log. μ, T9369271 log. 1-9369248 2, Subſtituting theſe ſeveral values in the equation y = μ, §," + μ, §,, " + 1, it fatisfies not only the numbers employed in its formation, but all the intermediate obfervations, as may be concluded from the following table, which exhibits to every 10 degrees of Reau- mur's thermometer the barometrical reſults both of obſervation . and the calculus. 40 MECHANICS. Tempe- Preffures given by Ano- rature. Experim. Calculus. malies. O O'00 in. 0'00 in. o'oo in. ΙΟ 0.15 0°24 20 0.65 0.69 +0:09 +0.04 30 1.52 1°51 Ο ΟΙ 40 2.92 2.95 +0·03 50 5'35 5'42 +0.07 бо 9'95 9.62 -0.33 70 16.90 16.57 -0.33 80 28.00 27'92 -0·08 90 46.40 45.87 -0°53 100 71.80 7194 +0.14 IIO 98.00 98.36 +0:36 The anomalies are generally much more minute than in the formulæ of four terms: we may therefore regard the equation juft preceding the table, which is more fimple than that of Bet- tancourt, as repreſenting the phenomena and meaſuring the effects of the expanfive force of the ſteam of water with all de- firable accuracy. M. Prony remarks, that the fmallneſs of the coefficient, will allow the term p, pa to be neglected in reckon- ing between 0 and 80°; and thus from the temperature of ice up to that of boiling water, the equation of two terms alone will fuffice, that is to fay • ;=μ,, &₁, x + μ, " " ". 63. M. Prony's equation for the vapour of alcohol compriſes 5 terms originally: but in moft cafes three of thoſe terms will give refults fufficiently accurate. The numeral values of the coefficients are as below: g, = 1'11424 P₁ = 1'05714 } = 0*79943 file, 0.0021293 μ, +0.9116186 ار صلاح P₁ =+ 0·2097778 μιν H₁ == 1'1192671 log. f log. f 0.04697771 =0'02413079 log. = T9027776 log.μ, 3-3282330 log. u,, 19598132 log. M 13217595 Theſe numbers cauſe the experiments and calculus to co- incide very nearly, when introduced into the equation y = μ, ex + ~,, §,,x +μ,,, ļ,, * +μ... ད་• The magnitude of the anomalies will be feen by inſpecting the following table. Elafticity of Vapour of Water and Alcohol. 61 Preffures given by Tempe- rature. Experim. Calculus. Ano- malies. • o'o. in. o'co in. 0'00 10 0'47 0'45 -0'02 20 1'52 1'56 +0:04 30 3'49 3'54. +0:05 40 6.90 6.97 +0.07 50 13.05 12.93 O'12 бо 23.65 23.05 -0.50 70 39°30 39'31 +ooi 80 63.80 64.35 +0.55 90 98.00 98.28 +0.28 Thus the formula for the vapour of ſpirit of wine is found as fimple as that for the vapour of water, without ceafing to re- preſent the experiments with all defirable exactnefs. But more than this, we may retrench one of the variable terms; for in the first degree has no greater value than o 18, and μ,,, Bui when x is 2, 3, or any other pofitive value, this third term may be fafely neglected. The equation therefore is reduced to y = μ, gx + μ, §,,x +μiv; a form much more fimple than Bettancourt's original equation, and indeed more fimple than Prony's improved equation for the vapour of water. 64. To fave the trouble of inveftigating the ſtrength of the vapour by theſe formula for every ſeparate cafe that may occur, we add a table (calculated from theſe principles) in which the ftrength of the vapour both of water and of fpirit of wine is fhewn for every degree of Reaumur's thermometer up to 110°, or for every 24 degrees of Fahrenheit, from 32 to 280°: the ſtrengths are expreffed, not in Engliſh or in French inches upon the barometer, but in terms whofe unit is the medium preffure of the atmoſphere, fuppofing that medium equivalent to 29′9 Engliſh, or 28 French inches of mercury. The preffure upon a fquare inch in pounds averdupois correfponding to any tem- perature may be found by multiplying the correfponding num- ber taken from the table by 14'75 and the preffure for any in- termediate degree of Fahrenheit may be found pretty nearly, by proportioning, as is uſual in tables of Logarithms, &c. 62 MECHANICS. Pressure in terms of At- Pressure in terms of Degrees of Thermometer. mospheric Pressure. Vapour Vapour Degrees of Thermometer. Atmospheric Pressure. Vapour Vapour of of of of Reau. Falır. Water. Alcohol. Reau. Fabr. Water. Alcohol. I Her✡ 5g 20 a 2 3 4 ♪ www 344 361 383/2 41 468 1 ·00063 ·00015 56 148 *27481 ·65864 *CO124 *00074 57 160 *29076 69671 ·00192 '00171 58 162플 ​*30650 ·73673 ·00267 *00299 59 1643 *32525 •77167 434 •00371 *00449 60 167 *34386 .82337 6 45 *00433 *00641 61 169 36345 •86946 7 47& ·00539 •00849 62 1712 *38249 •91467 8 50 •00621 στοδο 63 173 *40572 *96587 9 52 '00740 01333 64 176 •42849 I'0231 TO 544/2 00823 *01608 65 1784 *45245 1*0795 II 12 13 14. 5566 56 *00971 59 614/ •01085 *02163 67 •01832 66 18011 *47765 1.1385 1823 *50414 I'2004 15 6312 65/3/20 milch makes nolch 01221 '02514 68 185 *53199 1.2652 •01384 *02884 69 187/ *56126 1.3330 •01521 '03276 70 1891/ *59203 1.4038 16 68 ·01706 •03689 71 191 •62436 1'4778 17 701 •c1860 ·04126 72 194 •65832 1.5552 18 722/12 ·02046 *04588 73 1961 ·69403 1·6359 19 74季 ​•02244 ·05076 74 198/1/1 *74589 1*7199 20 77 *02454 *0559! 75 2.00 •77096 1·8075 21 2 2 2 2 MM 22 794 814 23 834- 24 25* 26 86 27 923 28 29 95 97 30 31 101 #fifa mteng malt 78∞ ∞ ∞ ON O 94 36∞ ON In mejoj meding en jeg 02677 ·06136 76 203 81236 1·8985 *02914 ·C6711 77 03165 *07319 78 70 2054 ·85588 1'9932 207/ *96214 2.0855 03432 ·07961 79 209 *94957 2.1895 884 *03715 ·08641 80 212 1.6000 2.2983 90€/ '04014 *09358 81 214 1'0519 2.4074 '04331 •10116 82 216 1'1064 2.5177 *04667 *10917 83 2182 1*1634 2·6345 05023 11763 84 223 1'2232 2.7527 992 ·05364 •12657 85 2233 1*2851 2·8739 ·05833 13603 86 225/ 1*3500 2.9977 32 104 06219 •14601 87 227 I'4177 3.1236 33 хоб ·06668 *15656. 88 230 1.4872 3·2548 34 1081 *07136° •16771 89 232 1*5618 3·3806 35 110 ·07634 *17949 90 2341 1.6382 3*5099 36 113 •08159 19193 91 2364 1'7176 37 1154 •€8714 *2ĆI I 92 239 1*8003 38 117 '09302 *21898 93 241 1.8851 39* 1194 *09921 *23366 94 2431 1'9733 40 122 •10611 *24921 95 2454 2'0643 4I 1344 11266 *26557 96 248 2.1579 42 1261 •11994 •28289 97 150/ 22539 43 1281 •12762 *30120 98 2522/2 2°3527 44 131 *13573 *32054 99 2544 2.4533 .45 1334 *14428 *34098 100 257 2*5554 46 1351 *75329 •36256 100 2594 2·6587 47 137 48 1'40 49 142 50 •16279 •38538 102 •17281 *18338 1442 *19447 *46193 2611 2.7628 *40931 103 263 2.8667 *43500 I04 266 2.9735 105 268 3'0711 51 1463 •20609 *49936 106 27022 3'1691 52 149 •21855 *52043 107 272 3.2631 53 151 *23155 *55218 108 275 3.3505 54 153 *24524 •58571 109 2774 3.4299 55 1554 •25228 •62117 IIO 279/ 35127 Vapour of Water and Alcohol. 63 I r - Several curious and in fome refpects uſeful confequences might be deduced from theſe experiments and theorems. M. Bettancourt fhews for inftance, that the effect of ſteam engines muft, in general, be greater in winter than in fummer, owing to the different degrees of temperature in the water of injection. And from the greatly ſuperior ſtrength of the vapour of fpirit of wine over that of water, he argues that, by trying other fluids, fome may be found, not very expenfive, whofe vapour may be fo much stronger than that of water, with the fame degree of heat, that it may be fubftituted inftead of water in the boilers of ſteam engines, to the great faving in the expence of fuel: nay, he even aflerts, that fpirit of wine itſelf might thus be employed in a machine of a particular conftruction, which, with the fame quantity of fuel, and without any in- creaſe of expence in other things, fhall produce an effect far fuperior to what is obtained from the fteam of water. Another ufe of theſe reſearches fuggefted by M. Bettancourt is, to mea- fure the height of mountains by means of a thermometer im- merſed in boiling water; which he thinks may be done with a preciſion equal, if not fuperior, to that of the barometer. But this, being foreign to our preſent enquiries, cannot be entered upon here: a compariſon of the refults of this method with fome deduced from the more cuftomary procefs may be feen in Dr. Hutton's Dictionary, vol. II. pa, 756, to which fuch as are defirous of further information on this point are referred. 65. Our ingenious countryman Mr. Dalton, of Mancheſter, is of opinion that M. Bettancourt's deductions are not quite ac- curate. His chief error confifls in having affumed the force of vapour from water of 32° (Fahrenheit) to be nothing; which makes his numbers effentially wrong at that point and in all the lower parts of the ſcale: and in the higher part, or that which is above 212°, the force is determined too much; owing, as Mr. Dalton apprehends, to a quantity of air, which being dif engaged from the water by heat and mixing with the ſteam, in- creaſes the clafticity. Mr. Dalton's first experiments with ſpirit of wine led him to adopt the fame conclufion as M. Bettancourt, with refpect to the conftant ratio between the force of the vapour from this fpirit and that from water and inferred the fame with regard to the vapour from other fluids. But, on purſuing the ſubject, he concluded that this principle was not true, either with re- ſpect to ſpirit of wine or any other liquid. His experiments upon fix different liquids agree in eſtabliſhing as a general law, That the variation of the force of vapour from all liquids is the * fame for the fame variation of temperature, reckoning from vapour "of any given force: thus, affuming a force equal to thirty inches 1 1 ** MECHANICS. " of mercury as the ftandard, it being the force of vapour from any liquid boiling in the open air, we find aqueous vapour lofes half its force by a diminution of 30 degrees of tem- હૃદ "perature: fo does the vapour of any other liquid loſe half its "force by diminiſhing its temperature 30 degrees below that " in which it boils; and the like for any other increment or de- "crement of heat. This being the cafe, it becomes unneceffary "to give diſtinct tables of the force of vapour from different liquids, as one and the fame table is fufficient for all.” The experiments on which this conclufion refts, are related in the fifth volume of the Manchester Memoirs: they may alfo Be feen in the 6th volume of the New Series of Mr. Nicholſon's Journal. Mr. Dalton has calculated a table of the force of vapour of water from the temperature of 40° below zero of Fah- renheit, to 325° above it. From this table we have extracted the following; in which we have, as before, reduced the force to the medium preffure of the atmoſphere for the meaſuring unit, that the ſmall differences in the reſults of the Engliſh and the Spaniſh philofopher may be the more readily traced. Tempe-Force of rature aqueous Tempe- Force of rature aqueous on Fahr. Vapour. on Fahr. Vapour. 80° *0333 212° 1'000 ୨ଦ *0453 220 1*166 100 ·0620 230 1.391 110 *0843 240 1·655 120 'II10 250 I'940 130 1446 260 2.257 140 *1913 270 2.595 150 *2473 280 2.958 160 '3153 290 3.337 170 *4043 300 3°727 180 : ·5050 310 4'117 190 •6333 315 4'309 200 *7880 320 4'500 21@ *9613 325 4.690 66. There remains for us to confider another kind of mover of machinery, which is ANIMAL EXERTION, and which is of fo fluctuating a nature that it is not eaſy to ſubject it to any eftimate. Phyfical caufes muft affect both the magnitude and duration of the efforts either of man or beaſt, and beſides this, Animal Strength-Men. 65 the ftrength of man is confiderably influenced by his moral habits. The various combinations of theſe different cauſes have occafioned a variety of eſtimates of animal labour to be ad- vanced by different authors. In the first volume of this work (art. 378.) we fſtated the average force of a man at reft to be 70 lbs., and his utmoſt walking velocity when unloaded to be about 6 feet per fecond; and we thence inferred that a man would produce the greateſt momentum when drawing 31 lbs. along a horizontal plane with a velocity of 2 feet per fecond. But this is not the moſt advantageous way of applying human ſtrength. 67. Dr. Defaguliers afferts, that a man can raife of water or any other weight about 550 lbs., or one hogfhead (weight of the veffel included), 10 feet high in a minute: this ftatement, though he ſays it will hold good for 6 hours, appears from his own facts to be too high; and is certainly fuch as could not be continued one day after another. Mr. Smeaton confiders this work as the effort of haſte or diſtreſs; and reports that 6 good Engliſh labourers will be required to raiſe 21141 folid feet of fea water to the height of four feet in four hours: in this cafe the men will raiſe a very little more than 6 cubic feet of freſh water each to the height of 10 feet in a minute. Now the hogfhead containing about 84 cubic feet, Smeaton's` allowance. of work proves leſs than that of Defaguliers in the ratio of 6 to 82 or 3 to 44. And as his good English labourers who can work at this rate are eſtimated by him to be equal to a double fet of common men picked up at random, it ſeems proper to ſtate that, with the probabilities of voluntary interruption, and other incidents, a man's work for feveral fucceffive days ought not to be valued at more than half a hogfhead raiſed 10 feet high in a minute. Smeaton likewife ftates, that 2 ordinary horfes will do the work in three hours and twenty minutes, which amounts to little more than two hogfheads and a half raiſed 10 feet high in a minute. So that, if theſe ſtatements be accurate, one horſe will do the work of five men. 68. Mr. Emerſon affirms, that a man of ordinary ftrength turning a roller by the handle can act for a whole day againſt a refiſtance equal to 30 pounds weight; and if he works 10 hours a day he will raife a weight of 30 lbs. through 34 feet in a fecond of time; or, if the weight be greater, he will raife it to a proportionally lefs height. If two men work at a windlafs or roller, they can more eafily draw up 70 lbs. than one man can 30 lbs.; provided the elbow of one of the handles be at right angles to that of the other. Men uſed to bear loads, fuch as porters, will carry from 150 lbs. to 200 or 250 lbs. according to their ſtrength. A man cannot well draw more than 70 lbs. VOL. II. F 66 MECHANICS. or 80 lbs. horizontally: and he cannot thruft with a greater force acting horizontally at the height of his ſhoulders than 27 or 30 lbs. But one of the moſt advantageous ways in which a man can exert his force is to fit and pull towards him nearly horizontally, as in the action of rowing. 69. M. Coulumb communicated to the French National Inſtitute the refults of various experiments on the quantity of action which men can afford by their daily work, according to the different manners in which they employ their ftrength. In the firſt place he examined the quantity of action which men can produce when, during a day, they mount a fet of ſteps or tairs, either with or without a burthen. He found that the quantity of action of a man who mounts without a burthen, having only his own body to raiſe, is double that of a man loaded with a weight of 68 kilogrammes, or 223 lbs. aver- dupois*, both continuing at work for a day. Hence it appears how much, with equal fatigue and time, the total or abfolute effort may obtain different values by varying the combinations of effort and velocity. But the word effect here denotes the total quantity of labour employed to raife, not only the burthen, but the man himſelf and, as Coulumb obferves, what is of the greateſt importance to confider is the uſeful effect, that is to fay, the total effect, de- ducting the value which reprefents the transference of the weight of the man's body. This total effect is the greateſt poffible when the man afcends without a burthen; but the useful effect is then nothing: it is alfo nothing if the man be fa much loaded as to be ſcarcely capable of moving: and confe- quently there exifts between thefe two limits a value of the load fuch that the uſeful effect is a maximum. M. Coulumb fuppofes that the lofs of quantity of action is proportional to the load (an hypothefis which experience confirms), whence he obtains an equation which, treated according to the rules of maxima and minima, gives 53 kilogrammes (1734 lbs. averd.) for the weight with which the man ought to be loaded, in order to produce during one day, by afcending ftairs, the greateſt uſeful effect: the quantity of action which reſults from this determination has for its value 56 kilogrammes (1833 lbs. averd.) raiſed through one kilometre, or nearly 1094 yards. But this method of working is attended with a lofs of three-fourths of the total action of men, and conſequently coſts four times as much as work in which, after having mounted a fet of ſteps without any burthen, the man fhould ſuffer himſelf to fall by any means, ſo as to raiſe a weight nearly equal to that of his own body. * The kilogramme is 22966 grs. = 3°28 lbs. averd. Animal Strength—Men. 67 ► From an examination of the work of men walking on a ho- rizontal path, with or without a load, M. Coulumb concludes that the greateſt quantity of action takes place when the men walk being loaded; and is to that of men walking under a load of 58 kilogrammes (190 lbs. averd.) nearly as 7 to 4. The weight which a man ought to carry in order to produce the greateſt uſeful effect, namely, that effect in which the quan- tity of action relative to the carrying his own weight is de- ducted from the total effect, is 50'4 kilogrammes, or 165.3 lbs. averdupois. There is a particular caſe which always obtains with reſpect to burthens carried in towns, viz. that in which the men, after having carried their load, return unloaded for a new burthen. The weight they ſhould carry in this cafe, to produce the greateſt effect, is 61.25 kilogrammes (2007 lbs. averd.). The quantity of uſeful action in this cafe compared with that of a man who walks freely and without a load is nearly as 1 to 5, or, in other words, he employs to pure lofs of his power. By .caufing a man to mount a fet of ſteps freely and without burthen, his quantity of action is at leaſt double of what he affords in any other method of employing his ftrength. When men labour in cultivating the ground, the whole quan- tity afforded by one during a day amounts to 100 kilogrammes elevated to one kilometer, that is, 328 lbs. raiſed 1094 yards. M. Coulumb comparing this work with that of men employed to carry burthens up an aſcent of ſteps, or at the pile-engine, finds a lofs of about part only of the quantity of action which may be neglected in refearches of this kind. 20 In eftimating mean refults we ſhould not determine from experiments of ſhort duration, nor ſhould we make any de- ductions from the exertions of men of more than ordinary .ftrength. The mean reſults have likewiſe a relation to climate. "I have cauſed," fays M. Coulumb, "extenfive works to be executed by the troops at Martinico, where the thermometer (of Reaumur) is feldom lower than 20° (77° of Fahrenheit). Ì have executed works of the fame kind by the troops in France: and I can affirm that under the fourteenth degree of latitude, where men are almoſt always covered with perfpira- tion, they are not capable of performing half the work they could perform in our climate*, Bulletin de la Soc. Philomath, No. 16. * In the preceding account of the effects of human exertion, fince the profeſſed object was to ſtate the mean refults of regular and uniform la- bour, we have taken no notice either of feats of extraordináry ſtrength, or of ſuch as were in appearance fuch, while in reality they were the ef- fect of contrivance and ſkill, and might have been performed by almoſt F 2 1 65 MECHANICS. 70. Among quadrupeds the moſt uſeful as a firſt mover of machinery is the horse. The ftrength of this animal is pro- any men who had fufficient knowledge of the fubject to exert their ſtrength under fimilar circumſtances. But as it may be expected that fome notice ſhould be taken of fuch matters, we fhall throw into this note a few remarks which have formerly been made in reference to them. M. de la Hire, in an Examination of the Force of Men, given in the Me- moirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1699, fays, "There are men whofe fpirits flow fo abundantly and ſo ſwiftly into their muſcles, that they exert three or four times more ftrength than others do; and this ſeems to me to be the natural reaſon of the ſurpriſing ſtrength that we fee in ſome men who carry and raiſe weights which two or three ordinary men can hardly ſuſtain, though theſe men be ſometimes but of a moderate ftature, and rather appear weak than ftrong. There was a man in this country a little while ago, who would carry a very large anvil, and of whom were reported ſeveral wonderful feats of ftrength. But I ſaw an- other at Venice, who was but a lad, and did not ſeem able to carry above 40 or 50 lbs. with all poffible advantages; yet this young fellow, ftanding upon a table, raiſed from the earth, and fuftained off the ground, an aſs, by means of a broad girt, which, going under the creature's belly, was hung upon two hooks that were faſtened to a plat of ſmall cords coming down in treffes from the hair on each fide of the lad's head, which were in no great quantity. And all this great force depended only upon the muſ- cles of the shoulders and thoſe of the loins: for he ſtooped at firft whilft the hooks were faſtened to the girt, and then raiſed himſelf, and lifted up the afs from the ground, bearing with his hands upon his knees. He raiſed alſo in the fame manner other weights that ſeemed heavier, and uſed to fay he did with more eaſe, becauſe the afs kicked and ſtruggled when firft lifted from the ground." Dr. Defaguliers, in fome annotations upon De la Hire's paper, fays, "What he attributes here to the muscles of the loins was really per- formed by the extenfors of the legs; for the young man's ftooping with his hands upon his knees was not with his body forwards and his knees ftiff, but his body upright and his knees bent, ſo as to bring the two cords with which he lifted to be in the fame plane with his ancles and the heads of his thigh bones; by which means the line of direction of the man and the whole weight came between the ſtrongeſt part of his two feet, which are the fupports: then as he extended his legs he raiſed him- felf, without changing the line of direction. That this muſt have been the manner I am pretty well affured of, by not only obſerving thoſe that perform ſuch feats, but having often tried it myſelf. As for the muſcles of the loins, they are incapable of that ſtrain, being above 6 times weaker than the extenfors of the legs; at least I found them fo in myſelf. "About the year 1716, having the honour of fhewing a great many experiments to his late majefty king George the firft, his majefty was defirous to know whether there was any fallacy in thofe feats of strength that had been fhewn half a year before, by a man, who feemed by his make to be no ftronger than other men: upon this I had a frame of wood made to ftand in (and to reft my hands upon), and with a girdle and chain lifted an iron cylinder made uſe of to roll the garden, fuftain- ing it eaſily when once it was up. Some noblemen and gentlemen who were preſent tried the experiment afterwards, and lifted the roller; fome with more eafe, and fome with more difficulty, than I had done. This roller weighed 1900lbs. as the gardener told us. Afterwards I tried to lift 300 lbs. with my hands, (viz. two pails with 150 lbs. of quickfilyer Animal Strength—Horfes. €9 bably about fix times that of a man. Defaguliers ſtates the proportion as 5 to 1; coinciding with the deductions of Smea- in each), which I did indeed raiſe from the ground, but ſtrained my back fo as to feel it three or four days: which fhews that, in the fame perſon, the muſcles of the loins (which exerted their force in this laſt experiment) are more then fix times weaker than the extenfors of the legs: for I felt no inconveniency from raifing the iron roller." During the time occupied in printing the fecond volume of Dr. Defaguliers's Philoſophy, a man of great natural ſtrength exhibited him- felf in London: of this man the doctor gives an account, from which the following is extracted: "Thomas Topham, born in London, and now about 31 years of age, five feet ten inches high, with mufcles very hard and prominent, was brought up a carpenter, which trade he practiſed till within theſe fix or feven years that he has fhewed feats of ftrength: but he is entirely igno- rant of any art to make his ſtrength more ſurpriſing. Nay, fometimes he does things which become more difficult by his difadvantageous fituation; attempting, and often doing, what he hears other ſtrong men have done, without making ufe of the fame advantages. "About fix years ago he pulled againſt a horfe, fitting upon the ground with his feet againſt two ſtumps driven into the ground, but without the advantages which might have been attained by placing him- ſelf in a proper fituation; the horſe, however, was not able to move him, and he thought he was in the right pofture for drawing againſt a horfe but when, in the fame poſture, he attempted to draw againſt two horſes, he was pulled out of his place by being lifted up, and had one of his knees ftruck againſt the ſtumps, which fhattered it fo, that, even to this day, the patella, or knee pan, is fo looſe, that the ligaments of it ſeem either to be broken or quite relaxed, which has taken away moſt of the ſtrength of that leg." The exploits which Dr. Defaguliers faw him perform were theſe : 1. By the ſtrength of his fingers (only rubbed in coal aſhes to keep them from flipping,) he rolled up a very ſtrong and large pewter diſh. 2. He broke feven or eight fhort and ftrong pieces of tobacco-pipe with the force of his middle finger, having laid them on the firſt and third finger. 3. Having thruſt in under his garter the bowl of a ſtrong tobacco- pipe, his legs being bent, he broke it to pieces by the tendons of his hams, without altering the bending of his leg. 66 4. He broke fuch another bowl between his firſt and ſecond finger, by preffing his fingers together fideways. 5. He lifted a table fix feet long, which had half a hundred weight hanging at the end of it, with his teeth, and held it in an horizontal pofition for a confiderable time. It is true the feet of the table reſted against his knees; but, as the length of the table was much greater than its height, that performance required a great ſtrength to be exerted by the mufcles of his loins, thofe of his neck, the maffeter and temporal (muſcles of the jaws), befides a good ſet of teeth. "6. He took an iron kitchen poker, about a yard long, and three inches in circumference, and, holding it in his right hand, he ſtruck upon his bare left arm, between the elbow and the wrift, till he bent the poker nearly to a right angle. 66 7. He took fuch another poker, and holding the ends of it in his hands, and the middle againſt the back of his neck, he brought both ends of it together before him; and, what was yet more difficult, he pulled it 70 MECHANICS. { ton, before mentioned. The French authors commonly reckon 7 men for 1 horfe. As a mean between thefe, we took, in almoſt ſtraight again: becauſe the mufcles which feparate the arms horizontally from each other are not ſo ſtrong as thoſe that bring them together. "8. He broke a rope of about two inches in circumference, which was in part wound about a cylinder of four inches diameter, having faſtened the other end of it to ftraps that went over his fhoulders. But he exerted more force to do this than any other of his feats, from his awkwardneſs in going about it; for the rope yielded and ſtretched as he ftood upon the cylinder, fo that when the extenfors of the legs and thighs had done their office in bringing his legs, and thighs ftraight, he was forced to raiſe his heels from their bearings, and ufe other muſcles that are weaker. But if the rope had been fo fixed that the part to be broken had been ſhort, it would have been broken with four times lefs difficulty. 9. I have ſeen him lift a rolling ftone of about 800 lbs. with his hands only, ftanding in a frame above it, and taking hold of a chain that was faftened to it. By this, I reckon he may be almoft as ftrong again as thoſe who are generally reckoned the ftrongeft men, they generally lifting no more than 4c0lbs. in that manner. The weakest men who are in health, and not too fat, lift about 125 lbs, having about half the ftrength of the ſtrongeſt. "N. B. This fort of compariſon is chiefly in relation to the muſcles of the loins; becaufe in doing this one muft ftoop forwards a little, We muſt alſo add the weight of the body to the weight lifted. So that if the weakest man's body weigh 150 lbs. that added to 125 lbs. makes the whole weight lifted by him to be 275 lbs. Then if the ftronger man's body weighs alfo 150 lbs. the whole weight lifted by him will be 550 lbs. that is 400 lbs. and the 150 lbs. which his body weighs. Topham weighs about 200lbs. which, added to the 800 lbs. that he lifts, makes 1000 lbs: But he ought to lift 900 lbs. befides the weight of his body, to be as ftrong again as a man of 150 lbs. weight who can lift 400 lbs.” "C Again: About thirty years ago one Joyce, a Kentish man, famous for his great ftrength, fhewed feveral feats in London and the country, which fo much ſurpriſed the ſpectators, that he was by moſt people called the ſecond Sampfon. But though the poſtures which he had learnt to put his body into, and found out by practice without any mechanical theory, were fuch as would make a man of common ftrength do fuch feats as would appear furprifing to every one who did not know the advantage of thoſe poſitions of the body; yet nobody then attempted to draw againſt horſes, or raiſe great weights, or to do any other thing in imitation of him: because, as he was very, ftrong in the arms, and grafped thofe that tried his 'ftrength that way fo hard that they were obliged immediately to defire him to defift, his other feats (wherein his manner of acting was chiefly owing to the mechanical advantage gained by the pofition of his body,) were entirely attributed to his extraordinary ftrength. "But when he had been gone out of England, or had ceaſed to fhew his performances for eight or ten years, men of ordinary ſtrength found out the way of making fuch advantage of the fame poftures as Joyce had put himself into as to pafs for men of more than common ftrength, by drawing againſt horſes, breaking ropes, lifting vaſt weights, &c. (though they could in none of the poftures really perform fo much as Joyce, yet they did enough to amaze and amufe, and get a great deal of money), fo that every two or three years we had a new ſecond Sampfon. Animal Strength-Horfes. 71 J art. 378. vol. I. the proportion of 6 to 1, and ſtated the ſtrength of a horſe as equivalent to 420 lbs. at a dead pull. But the pro- portion is by no means conftant, for it varies greatly according to the different kinds of work. Thus the worſt way of apply- ing the ſtrength of a horfe is to make him carry a weight up a fteep hill; while the organization of a man fits him very well. for this kind of labour: hence, three men climbing up ſuch a hill with a weight of 100 lbs. each will proceed faſter than a horſe with a load of 300 lbs. This, we believe, was firft ob- ferved by M. de la Hire. We are not acquainted with any ſeries of experiments which have been made with a view of determining the weights horſes can carry when moving up floping roads, making given angles with the horizon: but, fortunately, this deficiency is not of much confequence, becauſe the carrying of weights is far from the beſt manner of employing the ftrength of a horſe. It is known, however, that, in general, a horfe loaded with a man and his equipage, weighing altogether about 2 cwt. may, without being forced, travel, in 7 or 8 hours, the diſtance of 43000 yards, or nearly 25 miles, upon a good road. When a horfe travels day after day without ceffation, either the weight he carries or the diftance paffed over muft undergo fome diminu tion, as well as the time actually employed in travelling: but we do not pretend to affign a mean value in this place. "About fifteen years ago a German of middle fize, and but ordinary ftrength, fhewed himſelf at the Blue Pofts, in the Haymarket, and, by the contrivances above-mentioned, paffed for a man of uncommon ftrength, and got confiderable fums of money by the daily concourſe of ſpectators. After having feen him once, I gueffed at his manner of impofing upon the multitude; and being refolved to be fully fatisfied in the matter, I took four very curious perfons with me to fee him again, viz. the lord marquis of Tullibardin, Dr. Alexander Stuart, Dr. Pringle, and a mecha- nical workman who uſed to affift me in my courfes of experiments. We e placed ourſelves in fuch manner round the operator, as to be able to obſerve nicely all that he did; and found it fo practicable, that we performed feveral of his feats that evening by ourſelves, and after- wards I did the moſt of the reſt, as I had a frame to fit in to draw, and another to ſtand in and lift great weights, together with a proper girdle and hooks. I likewiſe fhewed fome of the experiments before the Royal Society; and ever fince at my experimental lectures I explain the reafon of ſuch performances, and take any perfon of ordinary ſtrength that has a mind to try, who can eafily do all that the German above- mentioned uſed to do, without any danger or extraordinary training, by making uſe of my apparatus for that purpoſe.' The Doctor then proceeds to explain the principles on which thefe achievements depended, and illuftrates his pofitions by various diagrams. He likewiſe deſcribes ſome contrivances to determine the ſtrength which men exert in different ways; for an account, of the chief of which, the reader may turn to the article STEELYARD, to ascertain the Strength of Men, in a fubfequent part of this volume. 72 MECHANICS. 1 : 71. In the Memoirs of the French Academy for 1703, are inferted the comparative obfervations of M. Amontons, on the velocity of men and of horſes; in which he ſtates the velocity of a horſe loaded with a man and walking to be rather more than 54 feet per fecond, or 3 miles per hour, and when going a moderate trot with the fame weight to be about 8 feet per fecond, or about 6 miles per hour. Theſe velocities, however, are ſomewhat less than what might have been taken for the mean velocities. 72. But the beſt way of applying the ftrength of horfes is to make them draw weights in carriages, &c. To this kind of labour, therefore, the enquiries of experimentalifts fhould be directed. A horfe put into harneſs and making an effort to draw bends himſelf forward, inclines his legs, and brings his breaſt nearer to the earth; and this fo much the more as the effort is the more confiderable. So that when a horſe is em- ployed in drawing, his effort will depend,fin ſome meaſure, both upon his own weight and that which he carries on his back. Indeed it is highly uſeful to load the back of a drawing horſe to a certain extent; though this, on a flight confideration, might be thought to augment unneceffarily the fatigue of the animal: but it muſt be confidered that the mafs with which the horfe is charged vertically is added in part to the effort which he makes in the direction of traction, and thus difpenfes with the neceffity of his inclining ſo much forward as he muſt other- wife do; and may, therefore, under this point of view, relieve the draught more than to compenfate for the additional fatigue, occafioned by the vertical preffure. Carmen, and waggoners in general, are well aware of this, and are commonly very careful to diſpoſe of the load in fuch a manner that the fhafts fhall throw a due proportion of the weight on the back of the ſhaft horfe. 73. The beſt difpofition of the traces during the time a horſe is drawing is to be perpendicular to the pofition of the collar upon his breaſt and ſhoulders: when the horſe ſtands at eaſe, this pofition of the traces is rather inclined upwards from the direction of the road; but when he leans forward to draw the load, the traces fhould then become nearly parallel to the plane over which the carriage is to be drawn; or, if he be employed in drawing a fledge, or any thing without wheels, the inclination of the traces to the road, fuppofing it to be horizontal, fhould (from what we obferved when treating of friction) be about 1810. 74. From the preceding obfervations it will be eaſy in moſt cafes to adapt the fize of the wheels to that of the animal which is to draw in the shafts, fo that when he leans forward to his Animal Strength-Horfes. 73 [ work the traces may be nearly parallel to the road, whether that road be horizontal or not: always recollecting that, if there be any variation from the parallel pofition, it muſt be rather inclining upwards than downwards; as the former will fomewhat diminish the friction, while the latter, inftead of raifing the wheels from any hollow into which they may fall, will tend to draw them down lower, and much increaſe the labour of the animal. 9, 75. When feveral horfes are harneffed one before another, fo that they may all draw at the fame load, and the flope on which they are drawing changes, as from DA to AB (fig. 6. pl. I.), the effort of the horſe which draws along the road AB is decompofed into two parts, of which one tends to pull up the load, the other to pull down the horſe which is in the ſhafts and is drawing along the flope DA. This latter compofant is always greater as the traces of the foremoſt horſe are the longer; and it may be worth while to find its values, and its augmentation with regard to an increaſe in the length of the traces. To this end let EA' be the height above ÅD of the breaſt of the horſe which draws in the fhafts near the point A, and let ER and ER' be two different lengths of the traces; the breaſt of the horſe when harneffed to either of theſe traces being at the fame diſtance from the plane AB', that is, BR= B'R' EA. Take EF-EF' to reprefent the effort of the horfe in the direction of the trace; draw E q' parallel to DA, EQ perpendicular to BA produced, Eg parallel to AB, and F Fq, perpendicular to Eq. The effort which tends to pull the horſe down whoſe breaſt is at E is reprefented by Fq, when the breaſt of the other horfe is at R, and by F'q' when it is at R'; and q E, q' E are the correſponding efforts tending to raiſe the load along the flope DA. Make EA'=RB=R'B'=a, ER=λ, ER'=', angle A'EQ=q Eg= fupplem. DAB=s, and EF= EF'. Then, when the trace ER is ufed, the effort which tends to pull down the ſhaft horfe when he juſt reaches the fummit of the flope will be. fin. q EF-4 fin. (q Eg- FEg), and the effort tending to raiſe the load will be cofin. (qEg-FE g). In like manner, when the foremoft horſe draws by the trace ER', the effort tending to pull down the fhaft horfe will be reprefented by ₫ fin. (q Eg' — F’E g'), and that which tends to draw up the carriage by p cofin. (q Eg'. FEg). Now we have fin. FEg= ER and fin. FEg= But Rg=BREQ=a-a cofin. s=a (1— R'g' ER' R g ER' 1 R. g cofin.). Recollecting, therefore, that the angles FE g, F'Eg, 74 MECHANICS. are'always ſo ſmall that the arcs differ very little from the fines, we have FE g= a (1-cosin. s) a(1-cosin.s) and F'Eg'= : theſe values being ſubſtituted in the preceding expreffions, give (1) …..Fq=4 fin. (s—a (1-cosin. s)). (2) ... F'q'=q fin. (s -s) (3) ... E q= cofin. (s- λ a (1-cosin. λ' a (1-cosin. (s_ª (1—0 (4) …….Eq'=4 cofin. (s • 5.)). a (1-cosin. s.) λ' Suppofe, for example, that AB is horizontal, and that the afcent DA is ſuch that for every fix feet, as CN in a horizontal · plane, the vertical rife NA fhall be one foot: this flope is too steep for any common road, but may be ſometimes met with in afcents from ftone quarries, &c. In this cafe the angle s will be nearly 9° 28', which, expreffed in decimal parts of the ra- dius, gives so'16522, and cofin. so'98638. Let the effort =2c0lb., a=34 feet, λ = 8 feet, and λ=12 feet. Then fhall we have, (1) ... ••• Fq=200 fin. (0*16522—3′5 (1—098638)) =200 fin. 9° 7' 29"=31716 lbs. (2) ……. – F'q'=200 fin. (0·16522 — 3'5 (5—098638) (3) (4) 12 =200 fin. 9° 14′ 29″=32.25 lbs. Eq=200 cofin. 9° 7′ 29″177°47 lbs. Eq=200 cofin. 9° 14′ 29″-197 404 lbs. Hence it appears, that the horſe whofe breaſt is at E is pulled downwards by the other horſe, with a force equivalent to about 32lbs: this weight is fmall for a horſe that is not fatigued; but we ſhould confider, that when drawing up a ſteep road the animal's ftrength is much weakened, fo that it may be obliged to yield to a very fmall effort. A lengthening of four feet to a trace of eight feet will produce an augmentation of 32.25-31716=0'534 lbs. in the effort which tends to pull the fhaft horfe down, and a diminution of 19747-197°404= o*066 lbs. in the effort which raifes the load up the hill. Thefe quantities are not confiderable; but it appeared defirable to explain the method of afcertaining their magnitude. And it may be added, that when a horfe pulls for only a fhort time, as a few minutes, he will often exert a force equivalent to 500 or 600 lbs.: in which cafe, the tendency to pull down a ſhaft horfe rifing a hill would be thrice as much as we have ſtated `Animal Strength-Horfes. 773 it above: a force against which no horfe could ſtand in ſuch a difadvantageous poſition. } ཟ 76. When a horſe is made to move in a circular path, as is often practifed in mills and other machines moved by horſes, it will be neceffary to give the circle which the animal has to walk round, the greateft diameter that will comport with the local and other conditions to which the motion muſt be fubjected. It is obvious, indeed, that, fince a rectilinear mo- tion is the moſt eaſy for the horſe, the leſs the line în which he moves is curved, with the greater facility he will walk over it, and the lefs he need recline from a vertical pofition: and be- fides this, with equal velocity the centrifugal force will be lefs in the greateſt circle, which will proportionally diminiſh the friction of the cylindrical part of the trunnions, and the labour of moving the machine. And, further, the greater the dia- meter of the horſe-walk, the nearer the chord of the circle in which the horſe draws is to coincidence with the tangent, which is the moſt advantageous pofition of the line of traction. On theſe accounts it is that, although a horfe may draw in a circular walk of 18 feet diameter, yet in general it is adviſeable that the diameter of fuch a walk fhould not be leſs than 25 or 30 feet; and in many inſtances 40 feet would be preferable to either. 77. It has been ftated by Defaguliers (vol. I. pa. 251) and fome others, that a horfe employed daily in drawing nearly horizontally can move, during eight hours in the day, about 200 lbs. at the rate of 24 miles per hour, or 33 feet per fecond. If the weight be augmented to about 240 or 250 lbs., the horfe cannot work more than fix hours a day, and that with a leſs velocity. And, in both cafes, if he carry fome weight, he will draw better than if he carried none (art. 72.) M. Sau- veur eſtimates the mean effort of a horſe at 175 French, or 189 averd. pounds, with a velocity of rather more than three feet per fecond: and this agrees very nearly with our deduc- tion in art. 378. vol. I. But all theſe are probably too high to be continued for eight hours, day after day; for in our in- veſtigation juſt referred to we affumed 10 feet per fecond, as the utmoſt walking velocity of a horfe; a velocity which we conceive no horſe would be able to continue long. In another place Defaguliers ftates the mean work of a horſe as equivalent to the raiſing a hogfhead full of water (or 550 lbs.) 50 feet high in a minute. But Mr. Smeaton, to whofe authority much is due, afferts, from a number of experiments, that the greateſt effect is the raifing 550 lbs. forty feet high in a minute. And, from fome experiments made by the Society for the Encourage- 1 76 MECHANICS. ment of Arts, under the direction of their late able fecretary, Mr. Samuel Moore, it was concluded, that a horſe moving at the rate of three miles an hour can exert a force of 80 lbs. Unluckily, we are not fufficiently acquainted with the nature of the experiments and obfervations from which theſe deduc- tions were made to inſtitute an accurate compariſon of their refults. Neither of them ought to exprefs what a horſe can draw upon a carriage; becauſe in that cafe friction only is to be overcome (after the load is once put into motion); ſo that a middling horſe, well applied to a cart, will often draw much more than 1000 lbs. The proper eſtimate would be that which meaſures the weight which a horfe would draw up out of a well; the animal acting by a horizontal line of traction turned into the vertical direction by a fimple pulley, or roller, whoſe friction fhould be reduced as much as poflible. It would, in- deed, be far the beft, in all the inftances of experiments, to uſe no fuch combinations of machinery as would make the ve- locity of the load or weight different from that of the animal: we could then readily compare the different reſults by means of the expreffion M∞ (W− V)², or M∞ (W – V)³ (art. 378. vol. I.), where V reprefents the velocity in feet per fecond with which the animal moves the maſs M, and W his greateſt walking velocity, or that in which he can move no weight but his own. Thus might we obtain a mean eſtimate of the ani- mal's ftrength at any one velocity, and could thence infer his maximum of uſeful effort; namely, that when V is nearly W. As to the abfolute power of the animal, it might be in- ferred in any cafe of raifing a weight with his own velocity, by means of the formula (M+H) V+Mgt, where M and V are as before, H the weight of the horfe, its power, g= 32 feet the meaſure of the force of gravity, and t the time in feconds during which the animal continues his uniform exertion. 78. It follows, from what has been ſaid, and from the con- fideration of the ſtrengths of horſes variouſly employed, fuch as waggon horfes, dray horfes, plough horfes, heavy horfes, light coach horfes, &c. that what is called "horſe-pcaver" is of fo fluctuating and indefinite a nature, that it is perfectly ridi- culous to affume it as a common meaſure, by which the force of fteam-engines and other machines fhould be appreciated, In moſt of the deductions which have been hitherto made we apprehend there may be fomething of temporary effort: and we think, on the whole, that about 70 lbs., at three miles an hour, or 4 feet per fecond, may be a fair eſtimate for the regular work of ftout London cart horfes; though we would Animal Strength-Horfes. 77 infer, with Mr. Nicholfon, "that the animal can double his "ſtrength for a fhort time, ſuch as 10 minutes, without re- "ceiving any injury from the exertion.” Thus have we preſented a view of the moſt uſeful and cor- rect information we have been able to collect, on the different energies of firſt movers: what is here done is not fo fatisfactory .as might be wifhed; but our knowledge on many of theſe points muſt remain imperfect, till freſh light is diffuſed over it by the diligent and able enquiries of future obſervers. * 1. $ DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINES: ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. AIR-PUMP is a machine by means of which the air may be exhauſted out of proper veffels, fo as to make what is popularly called a vacuum, but which is, in fact, only a very high de- gree of rarefaction. The invention of this noble inftrument, to which the prefent age is indebted for fo many admirable diſcoveries, is afcribed to Otto de Guericke, a conful of Magdeburg, who exhibited his first public experiments with his pump before the emperor and the fates of Germany at the breaking up of the imperial diet at Ratisbon, in the year 1654. Guericke, indifferent about the folitary poffeffion of an invention which afforded fuch en- tertainment to the numerous perfons who, from time to time, witneſſed his experiments, gave a minute defcription of all his pneumatic apparatus to Gafper Schottus, profeffor of mathe- matics at Wirtemberg, who publifhed it, with the confent of the inventor, with an account of fome of its performances, firft in 1657, in his Mechanica Hydraulico-pneumatica; and then, in 1664, in his Technica Curiofa. Guericke's own ac- count was not publifhed till 1672. About the time of Guericke's invention the foundations of the Royal Society of London were laid. Boyle, Wren, . Brounker, Wallis, and other learned men, held frequent meetings at Oxford, in which accounts were received and re- lated of all important advances in the ftudy of nature; and many experiments were exhibited. The refearches of Galileo, Torricelli, and Paſcal, concerning the preffure of the air, had 1 80 MACHINES. greatly engaged their attention, and thus prepared them for the invention of Guericke. Mr. Boyle, in particular, as foon as he heard what had been accompliſhed by the philofopher of Magdeburg, and before any defcription of his machine had been publiſhed, fet about the conftruction of one, to anſwer the fame purpoſes; and fucceeded in the attempt: though he frankly acknowledges that it was but feldom, and with great difficulty, that he could produce an extreme degree of rare- faction; fuch as it appeared, from the account of Schottus, was obtained by means of Guericke's machine. Boyle's inftrument was fomewhat improved by Hawkfbee, and further by Martin; with fome flight modifications to par- ticular views, it ftill remains the moſt approved form. The air-pump we defcribed in art. 521. vol. I. is only ſo far va- ried from Hawkfbee's improvement of Boyle's original con- trivance, as to render it more portable. The machine, in its primitive ſtate, is defcribed in the article Pneumatics, English Encyclopædia; where, alfo, the fucceffive improvements of Smeaton, Cuthbertfon, &c. are defcribed at large. Many other ingenious attempts have been made, during the laft ten or twelve years, to improve the mechaniſm of the air- pump; to deſcribe a fourth part of which would extend this article to more than its due length. Juftice, however, to the authors of theſe improvements, as well as a defire to gratify the reader, induces us to refer to Nicholfon's Journal, vols. I and II. 4to. for deſcriptions of the air-pumps invented by meff. Prince, Sadler, Little, sir G. Mackenzie, &c. and to Mr. Vince's Hydroſtatics for an account of the pump uſed by that gentleman in his lectures. Notwithſtanding the many improvements which have fuc- ceffively followed each other in the conftruction of the air- pump, it was ftill, however, defirable that it fhould be further fimplified in its mechaniſm, while it poffeffed the fame advan- tages as attended thofe of more complicated ftructure. Cuth- bertſon, Haas, and ſome others, have fo contrived their inftru- ments, that their mechanical power, and not the preffure of air, fhould open the valves: but, although the air-pumps in- vented by theſe gentlemen are exceedingly ingenious, they are in ſome reſpects fo complex, that it must be very difficult for many perfons who poffefs thefe inftruments to clean them, or to keep them in proper order for experiments. Mr. N. Mendleffohn, a mathematical inftrument-maker, of Surrey-ſtreet, Black-friars, having reflected upon the difficul ties juft alluded to, was led to the conſtruction of a more fimple air-pump, which is capable of being put together in lefs Air-pump. 81 than half an hour, whenever it is cleaned, and requires that operation very feldom. He has rejected the tube which, in common air-pumps, leads from the valves to the receiver, toge ther with the cock that ſerves to ſhut this pipe: the receiver is placed immediately upon the valves, theſe being put on the top of the cylinders, which, confequently, required the rackwork and pinion being underneath, and inverted the whole inftru- ment. See the drawing, pl. IV. where AB and CD reprefent the two cylinders of glaſs ground and poliſhed infide.. E and F are the two valves that allow the cylinders to communicate with the receiver O through two very ſhort canals AB and CD (fig. 2: plate IV.) and the cock G. Two other valves that open into the atmoſphere are within the covers i and k, as may be ſeen in fig. 1, where e reprefents one of them. MN is the receiver- plate of glafs ground flat; PQ a barometer-guage, upon the plan of the firft Torricellian tube, as the eafieft to conftruct and the moſt infallible in its effects. It will be found to be. here quite out of the way, fecure from being broke by accident, and the moſt in fight. HK and IL are two brafs pillars that ſupport the whole. RSVW the ufual rackwork, having a double winch Im, which, upon trial, will be found preferable to a ſingle one. It will now be neceffary to fhew how this pump acts, in which it will be ſufficient to explain the action of one cylinder, becauſe the other is in all parts like it. E is a conical metallic valve, from which a canal goes through the cock G up to the receiver, as is feen in fig. 1 and 2, where all the parts are marked with the fame letters. ET is a fteel rod going through a leather box in the piton U. The top of this rod is fixed to the valve E, and its bottom part flides in a ſmall hole with an allowance of 0.1 inch up and downward, confequently the valve E can move no further. When the piſton deſcends, it firft opens the valve by pushing the rod to the bottom of the hole. Then it flides down along the rod ET, and the air from the receiver has now free acceſs to the cylinder. When the piſton returns it lifts the rod ET, and thus fhuts up the valve. Then the pifton flides again along the rod up to the top of the cylin der, condenfing the air above it, which air, by the leaft con- denſation, opens a velve e, fig. 2, and eſcapes freely into the atmoſphere. This laft valve has neither fpring nor additional weight to fhut it, but fhuts by its own weight (about a quarter of an ounce) as ſoon as the pifton is arrived to the top of the cylinder. The cylinders are made of glaſs, and the pistons of tin, fo well fitted as to be air-tight, without the interpofition of any leathers. VOL. II. G { 82 MACHINES. The friction of theſe two bodies is fmall beyond expectation, a fufficient proof that they will be durable. They poffefs the further advantage of being capable of ſtanding for even fix months, after which time they will ferve without being cleaned or repaired, becauſe they are not liable to be corroded by the oil which they contain, an inconvenience too general in brafs cylinders. After all, if the prefent pump fhould want cleaning, it is an eaſy operation to take off the top piece gb, by unſcrew- ing the nuts H and I, when this piece, with all the apparatus upon it, will come off. Then each cylinder may very eaſily be flid off from the pifton, wiped out and replaced, after having greaſed it infide with a little of the cleaneft fweet oil: the top is then to be put again in its place, and the two nuts H and I being ſcrewed upon it, the inftrument is ready. Neither racks nor pinion need to be taken out of their places, the cylinders ſtanding above them. The cock is conftructed fo, that, being in the fituation re- preſented in fig. 1, the communication is open between the cylinders, the receiver, and the barometer-guage, and, by a quarter of a revolution, the cylinders are excluded, the receiver and guage being ftill left in communication, A little ftopper in fig. 2, ground into the cock, being open, air is admitted to the receiver, if required. The receiver-plate is of glaſs ground flat, as was mentioned before this will be found preferable to brafs, becauſe cleaner, and never corroded by acids or water; it will beſides often prove very convenient in making electrical experiments in the vacuum. The whole inftrument is fixed upon a mahogany-table, which ferves as a ſtand for it. Mr. Mendelsfhon concludes his defcription by obferving that "neither the employing of glaſs cylinders, nor the method of opening the valves, is new; but, for aught he knows, this is the firft inftrument of the kind ever executed: and the idea of putting the valves at top, and thus fimplifying the inftrument, feems to have eſcaped the attention of the eminent artiſts, both here and abroad, as, to my beſt knowledge, it has never been done or deſcribed any where. The metallic piftons, without leathering, muſt certainly add to the durability, and diminiſh the great labour that ufually attends working an air-pump." Nicholfon's Journal, New Series, No. 39. Mr. Vream, who was Dr. Defaguliers's operator for philofo- phical machines, made fuch an alteration in Hawkfbee's air- pump, as produced the alternate reciprocating motion of the piftons, without turning the handle to and fro :while the handle turns conftantly one way in its operation, a crank by means of Air-pump. two leading pieces, gives the wheel that moves the racks a motion of about two-thirds (or more when required) of its circumference, every time the crank goes round. The advan- tages which Mr. Vream thought would refult from this altera- tion, he deſcribes in the following words: "I hope I have improved Mr. Hawkfbee's pump by a contrivance whereby in turning the winch quite round the emboli, or piſtons, are alternately raiſed and depreffed; whereas in Mr. Hawkfbee's way, the moving of the hand backward and forward is not only more troublefome, but ſhakes the pump; becauſe it is required to preſs the barrel hard againſt the bottom piece under the barrels, to diſcharge the water from the valves at every ſtroke. Befides if the pump ſhould at any time happen to leak, when an experiment ſhould be made in hafte; you may exhauſt ſo faſt this way as to make your experiment without being at the trou- ble to pull the pump to pieces, in order to make it tight, except in fuch cafes as require the recipient to be perfectly exhauſted." Fig. 11. pl. III. will fhew in what this improvement of Mr. Vream's confiſts. The axis DB on which the crank A a b and handle BF turn, is perpendicular to the plane of the wheel WE which moves the racks S,T: two leaders N,N, of equal length, are hung by one end upon the crank A a, and by the other upon the two ends of a pin I which paffes through the wheel at a ſuitable diſtance from the centre. While the crank is rifing the pin I is raiſed from its pofition in the figure to fome higher point, as R, thus caufing the wheel to turn upon its centre E, and raiſe the rack S, while it depreffes the rack T: afterwards, while the crank is defcending through the other half of its revo- lution, the pin is puſhed back again from R to I, the wheel E turns the contrary way, the rack T is raifed, and S depreffed. So the racks are alternately raiſed and depreffed as the circular motion of the handle F carries round the crank A a. The radius. a b of the crank muſt be rather leſs than the diſtance EI of the pin I from the centre of the wheel, in order to enſure the alter- nate motion of the piftons: and the more extenſive the motion of theſe is required to be with refpect to the motion of the crank, the more muſt the radius of the wheel EW exceed the diſtance EI. This contrivance, however ingenious, has been ſeldom applied to air-pumps; probably becaufe there is a confiderable variation of requifite moving force in the different parts of the revolution of the crank; a variation which may produce jolts in the motion. But this inequality of force upon the crank, being occafioned by the variable obliquity in the pofition of the leaders N,N, may be much reduced by making the diſtances a b, EI, as ſmall as G 2 84 MACHINES. • • can be conveniently, with refpect to the length aI of the leaders. ANEMOMETER. See art. 49. of the introductory part of this volume. ATWOOD'S MACHINE, the name which is now commonly applied to the ingenious apparatus invented by Mr. Atwood of Trinity college, Cambridge, to illuftrate the doctrines of ac- celerated motion. This machine has been found to anſwer the purpoſe far more completely than any other; fubjecting to ex- perimental examination, the quantity of matter moved, the meaſure of the force which moves it, the ſpace deſcribed from quiefcence, the time of deſcription, and the velocity acquired. The theory of this inftrument depends upon the principles ex- hibited in art. 267. vol. i. But we ſhall here give ſo much of the theory and deſcription as ſeems neceffary to fhew its nature and uſe, chiefly in the words of the ingenious inventor. 1. Of the mass moved.-In order to obferve the effects of the moving force, which is the object of any experiment, the inter- ference of all other forces ſhould be prevented: the quantity of matter moved, therefore, confidering it before any impelling force has been applied, fhould be without weight; for although it be impoffible to abſtract the natural gravity or weight from any fubftance whatever, yet the weight may be fo counteracted as to be of no fenfible effect in experiments. Thus in the in- ftrument conſtructed to illuftrate this fubject experimentally, A, B, fig. 1. pl. V. reprefent two equal weights affixed to the extremities of a very fine and flexible filk line: this line is ſtretched over a wheel or fixed pulley abcd, moveable round an horizontal axis: the two weights A, B, being preciſely equal and acting againſt each other, remain in equilibrio; and when the leaft weight is fuperadded to either (ſetting aſide the effects of friction), it will preponderate. When AB are fet in motion by the action of any weight m, the fum A+B+m would confti- tute the whole mafs moved, but for the inertia of the materials which must neceffarily be uſed in the communication of mo- tion: theſe materials confift of, 1. The wheel abcd, over which the line fuſtaining A and B paffes. 2. The four friction- wheels, on which the axle of the wheel abcd refts: the uſe of theſe wheels is to prevent the lofs of motion, which would be occafioned by the friction of the axle if it revolved on an im- moveable furface. 3. The line by which the bodies A and B are connected, fo as when fet in motion to move with equal velocities. The weight and inertia of the line are too ſmall to have fenfible effect on the experiments; but the inertia of the other materials juſt mentioned conftitute a confiderable propor- Atwood's Machine. 85 tion of the mafs moved, and muſt be taken into account. Since when A and B are put in motion, they muft neceffarily move with a velocity equal to that of the circumference of the wheel abcd, to which the line is applied; it follows, that if the whole mafs of the wheels were accumulated in this circumference, its inertia would be truly eſtimated by the quantity of matter moved; but fince the parts of the wheels move with different velocities, their effects in refifting the communication of mo- tion to A and B by their inertia will be different; thofe parts which are furtheft from the axis refifting more than thoſe which revolve nearer in a duplicate proportion of thoſe diſtances. If the figures of the wheels were regular, from knowing their weights and figures, the diſtances of their centres of gyration from their axes of motion would become known, and confe- quently an equivalent weight, which being accumulated uni- formly in the circumference abcd, would exert an inertia equal to that of the wheels in their conftructed form. But as the figures are wholly irregular, recourſe muſt be had to experi- ment, to affign that equivalent quantity of matter, which being accumulated uniformly in the circumference of the wheel abcd, would refift the communication of motion to A in the fame manner as the wheels. In order to afcertain the inertia of the wheel abcd, with that of the friction-wheels, the weights AB being removed, the fol- lowing experiment was made. A weight of thirty grains was affixed to a filk line (the weight of which was not fo much as 4th of a grain, and confequently too inconfiderable to have fen fible effect in the experiment); this line being wound about the wheel abcd, the weight 30 grains by defcending from reft communicated motion to the wheel, and by many trials was obferved to defcribe a ſpace of about 38 inches in 3 feconds. From thefe data the equivalent mafs or inertia of the wheels will be known from this rule: Let a weight P (fig. 2.) be applied to communicate mo- tion to a fyftem of bodies by means of a very flender and flexible line going round the wheel SLDIM, through the centre of which the axis paffes (G being the common centre of gravity, R the centre of gravity of the matter contained in this line, and O the centre of ofcillation). Let this weight defcend from reft through any convenient ſpace s inches, and let the obferved time of its defcent be t feconds;. then if I be the ſpace through which bodies defcend freely by gravity in one fecond, the equivalent weight fought = PX 121. -P. See art. 314. vol. i. WX SRX SO SD2 86 MACHINES. Here we have p=30 grains, t = 3 feconds, /=193 inches, s = 38.5 inches; and or 24 ounces. PXR P= S 30X9X 193 385 30=1323 grains This is the inertia equivalent to that of the wheel abcd, and the friction wheels together: for the rule extends to the eſti- mation of the inertia of the maſs contained in all the wheels. The reſiſtance to motion therefore arifing from the wheels' inertia, will be the fame as if they were abfolutely removed, and a maſs of 22 ounces were uniformly accumulated in the cir- cumference of the wheel abcd. This being premiſed, let the boxes A and B, fig. 1. be replaced, being fufpended by the filk line over the wheel or pulley abcd, and balancing each other: ſuppoſe that any weight m be added to A ſo that it fhall defcend, the exact quantity of matter moved, during the deſcent of the weight A, will be aſcertained, for the whole maſs will be A+ B + m + 23 oz. : In order to avoid troubleſome computations in adjuſting the quantities of matter moved and the moving forces, fome deter- minate weight of convenient magnitude may be affumed as a ftandard, to which all the others are referred. This ftandard weight in the fubfequent experiments is of an ounce, and is, repreſented by the letter m. The inertia of the wheels being therefore = 22 ounces, will be denoted by II m. A and B are two boxes conftructed ſo as to contain different quantities of matter, according as the experiment may require them to be varied: the weight of each box, including the hook to which it is fufpended, = 1 oz. or according to the preceding eftimation, the weight of each box will be denoted by 6 m; thefe boxes contain fuch weights as are repreſented by fig. 3. each of which weighs an ounce, fo as to be equivalent to 4 m; other weights of — oz. = 2m, 1=m, and aliquot parts of m, fuch as, m, may be alſo included in the boxes, according to the conditions of the different experiments hereafter deſcribed. If 4 oz. or 19 m, be included in either box, this, with the. weight of the box itſelf, will be 25 m; fo that when the weights A and B, each being 25 m, are balanced in the manner above repreſented, their whole maſs will be 50 m, which being added to the inertia of the wheels 11 m, the fum will be 61 m. More- over, three circular weights, ſuch as that which is reprefented at fig. 4. are conftructed; each of which 4oz. or m: if one of theſe be added to A and one to B, the whole mafs will now become 63 m, perfectly in equilibrio, and moveable by the leaſt . weight added to either (fetting afide the effects of friction), in the fame manner precifely as if the fame weight or force were Atwood's Machine. 87 : applied to communicate motion to the mafs 63, exifting in free ſpace and without gravity. 2. The moving force. Since the natural weight or gravity of any given fubftance is conftant, and the exact quantity of it eaſily eſtimated, it will be convenient here to apply a weight to the mafs A as a moving force: thus, when the fyftem confifts of a maſs = 63 m, according to the preceding deſcription, the whole being perfectly balanced, let a weight 4 oz. or m, ſuch as is repreſented in fig. 5. be applied on the mafs A; this will communicate motion to the whole fyftem: by adding a quantity of matter m to the former mafs 63 m, the whole quantity of matter moved will now become 64 m; and the moving force being=m, this will give the force which accelerates the defcent of A= › or part of the accelerating force by which the m 647 I 64 bodies defcend freely towards the earth's furface. By the preceding conftruction, the moving force may be altered without altering the mafs moved: for fuppofe the three weights m, two of which are placed on A, and one on B to be removed, then will A balance B. If the weights 3 m be all placed on A, the moving force will now become 3 m, and the mafs moved 64 m as before, and the force which accelerates the deſcent of A=33 parts of the force by which gravity 3m 64m 64 accelerates bodies in their free defcent to the furface. I 2 Suppoſe it were required to make the moving force 2m, the mafs moved continuing the fame. In order to effect this, let the three weights, each of which=m, be removed; A and B will balance each other; and the whole mafs will be 61 m: let m, fig. 5. be added to A, and m to B, the equilibrium will ftill be preſerved, and the mafs moved will be 62 m; now let 2 m be added to A, the moving force will be 2 m, and the mafs moved 64 m, as before; wherefore the force of acceleration 32 2 part of the acceleration of gravity. Thefe alterations in the moving force may be made with great eafe and convenience in the more obvious and elementary experiments, there being no neceffity for altering the contents of the boxes A and B but the proportion and abfolute quantities of the moving force and maſs moved may be of any affigned magnitude, according to the conditions of the propofition to be illuftrated. I 3. Of the space defcribed. The body A fig. 1. deſcends in a vertical line; and a fcale about 64 inches in length graduated into inches and tenths of an inch is adjusted vertically, and fo placed that the defcending weight A may fall in the middle of a fquare ftage, fixed to receive it at the end of the deſcent: the beginning of the deſcent is eſtimated from o on the ſcale, when 88 MACHINES, the bottom of the box A is on a level with o. The defcent of A is terminated when the bottom of the box ftrikes the ftage, which may be fixed at different diftances from the point o; fo that by altering the pofition of the ftage, the ſpace deſcribed from quiefcence may be of any given magnitude leſs than 64 inches. 4. The time of motion is obferved by the beats of a pendulum, which vibrates feconds; and the experiments, intended to illuf- trate the elementary propofitions, may be eafily fo conftructed that the time of motion ſhall be a whole number of ſeconds: the eſtimation of the time, therefore, admits of confiderable exact- hefs, provided the obſerver takes care to let the bottom of the box A begin its defcent preciſely at any beat of the pendulum; then the coincidence of the ftroke of the box againſt the ſtage, and the beat of the pendulum at the end of the time of motion, will ſhew how nearly the experiment and the theory agree to- gether. There might be various mechanical devices thought of for letting the weight A begin its deſcent at the inftant of a beat of the pendulum W: let the bottom of the box A, when at o on the ſcale, reft on a flat rod, held in the hand horizontally, its extremity being coincident with o, by attending to the beats of the pendulum; and with a little practice the rod which ſupports the box A may be removed at the moment the pendulum beats, ſo that the deſcent of A fhall commence at the fame inſtant. 5. Of the velocity acquired. It remains only to defcribe in what manner the velocity acquired by the defcending weight A, at any given point of the fpace through which it has de- fcended, is made evident to the fenfes. The velocity of A's deſcent being continually accelerated, will be the fame in no two points of the fpace defcribed. This is occafioned by the conftant action of the moving force; and fince the velocity of A at any inftant is meaſured by the ſpace which would be de fcribed by it, moving uniformly for a given time with the ve locity it had acquired at that inſtant, this meaſure cannot be ex- perimentally obtained, except by removing the force by which the defcending body's acceleration was caufed. I In order to fhew in what manner this is affected practically, let us again fuppofe the boxes A and B = 25 m each, fo as to- gether to be 50 m; this, with the wheel's inertia 11 m, will make 61 m; now let m, fig. 3. be added to A, and an equal weight m to B, thefe bodies will balance each other, and the whole maſs will be 63 m. If a weight m be added to A, motion will be communicated, the moving force being m, and the maſs moved 64 m. In eftimating the moving force, the circular weight m was made uſe of as a moving force: but for the preſent purpoſe of fhewing the velocity acquired, it will be convenient • Atwood's Machine. to uſe a flat rod, the weight of which is alfom. Let the bottom of the box A be placed on a level with o on the ſcale, the whole mafs being as deſcribed above =63 m, perfectly balanced in equilibrio. Now let the rod, the weight of which = m, be placed on the upper furface of A; this body will deſcend along the ſcale preciſely in the fame manner as when the moving force was applied in the form of a circular weight. Suppoſe the maſs A, fig. 6, to have defcended by conftant acceleration of force of m, for any given time, or through a given ſpace: let a circular frame be fo affixed to the fcale, contiguous to which the weight defcends, that A may pafs centrally through it, and that this circular frame may intercept the rod m, by which the body A has been accelerated from quieſcence. After the moving force m has been intercepted at the end of the given •fpace or time, there will be no force operating on any part of the fyftem which can accelerate or retard its motion: this being the cafe, the weight A, the inftant after m has been removed, muſt proceed uniformly with the velocity which it hadacquired that inftant: in the fubfequent part of its deſcent, the velocity, being uniform, will be meaſured by the ſpace deſcribed in any convenient number of feconds. Other uses of the inftrument it is needleſs to deſcribe particu- larly, but it may not be improper to mention fome of them; fuch as the experimental eftimation of the velocities communi- cated by the impact of bodies elaſtic and non-elaſtic; the quantity of refiftance oppoſed by fluids, as well as for various other pur- pofes. Thefe ufes we fhall not infift on; but the properties of retarded motion being a part of the preſent ſubject, it may be neceffary to fhew in what manner the motion of bodies refifted by conftant forces are reduced to experiment by means of the inftrument above defcribed, with as great eaſe and precifion as the properties of bodies uniformly accelerated. A fingle in- ſtance will be fufficient: Thus, fuppofe the mafs contained in the weights A and B, fig. 6, and the wheels to be 61 m, when perfectly in equilibrio; let a circular weight m be applied to B, and let two long weights or rods, each = m, be applied to A, then will A defcend by the action of the moving force m, the maſs moved being 64 m: fuppofe that when it has defcribed any given ſpace by conftant acceleration, the two rods m are in- tercepted by the circular frame above deſcribed, while A is de- fcending through it, the velocity acquired by that defcent is known; and when the two rods are intercepted, the weight A will begin to move on with the velocity acquired, being now retarded by the conftant force m; and fince the maſs moved is 62 m, it follows, that the force of retardation will be part of I हर 90. MACHINES. that force whereby gravity retards bodies thrown perpendicularly upwards. The weight A will therefore proceed along the gradu- ated fcale in its defcent with an uniformly retarded motion, and the ſpace defcribed, times of motion, and velocities deftroyed by the refifling force, will be fubject to the ſame meaſures as in the examples of accelerated motion above defcribed. In the foregoing defcriptions, two fuppofitions have been affumed, neither of which is mathematically true: but it may be eaſily fhewn that they are fo in a phyfical fenfe; the errors occafioned by them in practice being infenfible. 1. The force which communicates motion to the fyftem has been affumed conftant; which will be true only on a fuppofition that the line, at the extremities of which the weights A and B, fig. 1. are affixed, is without weight. In order to make it evident that the line's weight and inertia are of no fenfible effect, let a cafe be referred to, wherein the body A defcends through 48 inches from reft by the action of the moving force 297, when the maſs moved is 64 m; the time wherein A defcribes 48 inches is increaſed by the effects of the line's weight by no more than 7th parts of a fecond: the time of defcent being 3.9896 feconds, when the ſtring's weight is not confidered, and the time when the ftring's weight is taken into account=4.0208 feconds; the difference between which is wholly infenfible by obfervation. 2. The bodies have alſo been fuppofed to move in vacuo, whereas the air's refiftance will have fome effect in retarding their motion: but as the greateſt velocity communicated in thefe experiments cannot much exceed that of about 26 inches in a fecond (fuppofe the limit 26.2845), and the cylindrical boxes being about 1 inches in diameter, the air's refiftance can never increaſe the time of defcent in fo great proportion as that of 240: 241; its effects therefore will be infenfible in experiment. I 2 The effects of friction are almoſt wholly removed by the friction wheels; for when the furfaces are well polifhed and free from duft, &c. if the weights A and B be balanced in per- fect equilibrio, and the whole mafs confifts of 63 m, according to the example already defcribed, a weight of 1 grain, or at moft 2 grains, being added either to A or B, will communicate motion to the whole; which fhews that the effects of friction will not be fo great as a weight of 1 or 2 grains. In fome cafes, however, efpecially in experiments relating to retarded motion, the effects of friction become fenfible; but may be very readily and exactly removed by adding a fmall weight of 1.5 or 2 grains to the defcending body, taking care that the weight added is fuch as is in the leaft degree ſmaller than that which is juft + Balance. 91 fufficient to ſet the whole in motion, when A and B are equal, and balance each other before the moving force is applied. Atwood on Motion, p. 316. BALANCE, as diftinguiſhed from the Steelyard, is a lever with equal arms, whofe fulcrum or centre of motion is fituated immediately above the centre of gravity of the beam, when hori- zontal: it is uſed chiefly in determining the equality or differ- ence in the weights of different bodies. Some remarks on the nature of the balance were made when we treated of the lever in the firſt volume; where alſo we fhewed how to correct the deception occafioned by a falfe balance in addition to what was there ftated, we fſhall now preſent a few fuch obſervations as may be moſt ſerviceable in directing the accurate conftruction of this inftrument. 1. The axis of motion of the balance fhould be above the centre of gravity of the beam. 2. A flender index, or tongue (as it is called), paffes through the centres of gravity and motion of the beam, perpendicular to its axis by this index the horizontal pofition of the beam, when loaded, in the compariſon of weights, is determined. 3. When the balance unloaded is quiefcent, and therefore horizontal, if the index which paffes through the fulcrum be directed to any fixed point; and again when the balance is re- verſed, it be directed to the fame fixed point; it is in the right line which joins the centre of gravity and the fulcrum. By this means the poſition of the index is adjuſted. 4. The perpendicular diſtances of the points of application of the weights to be compared, from the right line which joins the centres of gravity and of motion, ſhould be equal, that is, the arms of the balance ought to be equal. 5. The points of application from which the weights are ſuſ- pended, ſhould be in the fame right line perpendicular to the line joining the centres of gravity and of motion. 6. The nearer the right line joining the points of application is to the centre of motion, the larger vibrations of the balance, and a more fenfible effect, will be produced. 7. If the centre of motion be fituated below the line joining the points of application, the beam, when loaded with equal weights, will overſet, reft in any pofition, or equilibrate, accord- ing to the weight. 8. When two given weights, fufpended from the arms of a balance, are in equilibrio, if theſe weights when transferred to the oppofite ſcales be ftill in equilibrio, the arms of the balance are equal. 9. The various adjustments of the balance are theſe: 1ft. equal weights are readily found, whatever be the ſtate of the $ 02 MACHINES. 1 balance; for, if they reduce the beam to the fame pofition, when fucceffively applied to the fame arm, they muſt be equal: then if theſe equal weights tranfpoſed do not diſturb the poſition of the beam, the arms are equal. 2dly. If unequal weights tranfpofed produce equal deflections of the beam, the points of fufpenfion are in the fame right lines, perpendicular to that which joins the centre of gravity and motion; and therefore the line joining theſe points will be horizontal when the beam hangs freely. 3dly. Let the index be directed to any fixed point, then the beam being reverſed, if it ftill pafs through the fame point, the index is perpendicular to the axis of the beam. 10. The equilibrium of the balance will be affected by the tongue, unless it be continued below the centre of motion, fo that the momenta on both fides may be equal and oppoſite. 11. Minute differences of weight. are rendered more dif- cernible by diminishing the friction upon the axis, as by fufpend- ing it in a fork with fprings, &c. Indeed when balances are required for accurate philofophical purpoſes, much caution is requifite in the various parts of the conftruction, and many peculiar contrivances have been adopt- ed: fome of the beſt of theſe are given in the following article. Hydrostatic BALANCE, is an inftrument contrived to determine accurately the fpecific gravity of both folid and fluid bodies. One of the moft ingenious forms of this balance is exhibited in fg. 5. pl. VI. where VCG is the ſtand or pillar, which is to be fixed in a table. From the top A hangs by two filk ftrings the horizontal bar BB, from which is fufpended by a ring i the fine beam of a balance b; which is prevented from defcending too low on either fide by the gently fpringing piece tx y z, fixed on the ſupport M. The harneſs is annulated at o, to fhew dif tinctly the perpendicular pofition of the examen, by the finall pointed index fixed above it. The ftrings by which the balance is fufpended, pafling over two pulleys, one on each fide the piece at A, go down to the bottom on the other fide, and are hung over the hook at v; which hook, by means of a ſcrew P, is moveable to about the diſtance of an inch and a quarter backward and forward, and therefore the balance may be raiſed or depreffed fo much. But if a greater elevation or depreffion be required, the fliding piece which carries the fcrew P, is readily removed to any part of the fquare brafs rod VK, and fixed by means of a fcrew. The motion of the balance being thus adjuſted, the reſt of the apparatus is as follows: HH is a ſmall board fixed upon the piece D, under the fcales d and e, and is moveable up and down in a low flit in the pillar above C, and faſtened at any part by a fcrew behind. From the point in the middle of the bottom of Hydrostatic Balance. 93 each ſcale hangs, by a fine hook, a brafs wire a d, and ar: theſe pafs through two holes m, m, in the table. To the wire ad is fufpended a curious cylindric wire rs, perforated at each end for that purpoſe: this wire rs is covered with paper graduated by equal divifions, and is about five inches long. In the corner of the board at E is fixed a brafs tube, on which a round wire h l is ſo adapted as to move neither too tight nor too freely, by its flat head I. Upon the lower part of this moves another tube Q, which has fufficient friction to make it remain in any pofition required: to this is fixed an index T, moving horizontally when the wire bl is turned about, and may therefore be eaſily ſet to the graduated wire rs. From the lower end of the wire rs hangs a weight L; and from that a wire pn, with a ſmall braſs ball g about one fourth of an inch diameter. On the other fide from the wire a c hangs a large glafs bubble R, by a horfe-hair. Now, let us fuppofe the weight L taken away, and the wire p n fufpended from s: and on the other fide let the bubble R be taken away, and a weight, as F, fufpended at c in its room. This weight F we fuppofe to be fufficient to keep the ſeveral parts hanging from the other fcale in equilibrium; at the fame time that the middle point of the wire pn is at the ſurface of the water in the veffel O. The wire pn is to be of ſuch a ſize that the length of one inch ſhall weigh four grains. Now it is evident, fince braſs is about eight times heavier than water, that for every inch the wire finks in the water, it will become half a grain lighter; and half a grain heavier for every inch it riſes out of the water: confequently, by finking two inches below the middle point, or rifing two inches above it, the wire will become in effect one grain lighter or heavier. If, therefore, when the middle point is at the furface of the water in equilibrio, the index T be fet to the middle point of the graduated wire r s, and the diſtance of r and of s from the index be each reckoned to contain 100 equal parts; then, if in weighing bodies the weight is required to the hundredth part of a grain, it may be eafily obtained by proceeding thus:-Let the body to be weighed be placed in the fcale e; and let this be fo determined that one grain more fhall be too much, and one grain leſs too little. Then the balance being moved gently up or down by the fcrew P till the equilibrium be nicely fhewn at o, if the index T be at the middle point of the wire rs, it fhews that the weights put into the ſcale e are juſt equal to the weight of the body. But if the index T ftand nearer to r than to s, as ſuppoſe 36 of the 100 parts, it fhews the number of grains in the fcale e were leſs than equal to the weight of the body in ſcale d, by 36 94 MACHINES. hundredths of a grain: and if, on the other hand, the index had ftood at the divifion 36 below the middle point of rs, then would the grains in the ſcale e indicate more than the real weight in d by 36 hundredths of a grain. Inftead of putting the body in the ſcale d as before, let it be appended with the weight F at the hook c by a horſe-hair, as at R, fuppofing the veffel of water were away; then obſerve the equilibrium, and as it hangs, let it be immerfed in the water of the veffet O, and it will become much lighter; the number of grains and parts of grains, determined as before, required to reftore the equilibrium, will fhew the weight of water equal in bulk to the body immerfed. In practice, the wire p n ſhould be oiled, and then wiped as clean as poffible; enough will remain to prevent the water ad- hering to it. The balance ought to be raiſed very gently, and when brought to an equilibrium fhould be gently agitated, to fee whether it will return to the equilibrium again. For the defcription of M. Paul's accurate fteelyard to anſwer the fame purpoſes, ſee the article STEELYARD. M. Prony, of whom we have often had occaſion to ſpeak, has invented a ſtand or fupport for balances of all dimenfions, which is calculated to render the operations for which thefe inſtruments are uſed, more expeditious and convenient, without diminiſhing their accuracy. His account is publiſhed in the Annales de Chimie, xxxvi. 50. "Several experiments," fays he, "in which I was engaged during the courfe of the laft winter, put me under the neceflity of contriving a fupport which might be applied promifcuously to every kind of balance, whether provided with a fufpending handle or not, and which, without detriment to its accuracy, ſhould afford me commodious means of fucceffively raifing and lowering it. It is well known how embarraſſing and laborious the operation of weighing is, when performed with balances fupported by the hand; though this is often only the ſmalleſt in- convenience with which their uſe is attended. "Various artiſts have contrived fupports, commodious in their uſe, and ingenious in their principle; but as each of theſe fupports can only be adapted to a fingle balance, they become fo expenfive as to be out of the reach of the majority of artifts and experimentalifts. I think, therefore, I fhall do them an acceptable fervice by publiſhing, in compliance with the re- queft of feveral eminent chemifts, the defcription of a fupport, which, befides the advantage of being adapted for all kinds of balances, poffeffes that of being conſtructed, at a ſmall expenfe, either in wood or metal. "A triangular foot of brafs A a, a, a (figs. 1. and 2. plate Hydrostatic Balance. 95 VI. reprefenting the elevation and fection of my apparatus), has its three extremities a, a, a, firmly fcrewed down upon a table or horizontal plane. Into the part A of this foot is ſcrewed a cylindrical rod A B, which may be of any arbitrary length: it may even be convenient to have two of theſe of different lengths, in order that they may be changed, when we wish to employ the machine for very large balances. Thoſe which I have made ufe of are, the one half a metre, and the other one metre (39′4 inches) in length. "A vertical pulley, P, is placed at the top of the ſtem A B, in fuch a manner that the fame vertical plane paffes through the axis of the rod, and through the horizontal axis of the pulley; the block or collar CD of this pulley has at its lower part a tube CB, into which enters, with a gentle friction, the fuperior ex- tremity of the rod AB; a fcrew, E, ferves to keep the pulley in a fixed pofition. "Another pulley, P, is fixed at the bottom of the rod AB, in fuch a pofition that the tangent of the pulleys P and P is parallel to the axis of the rod AB. I "A cord Ktp HGPF, to the end of which is fufpended on the outſide of the vertical table K a ſmall weight k, paffes through a hole t made in the foot a, rolls over the pulleys p and P, and is attached at F to a piece m m¹ n q, which has the form of a fork, and to which are fufpended (as I fhall fhortly explain) the balance, the weights, and the fubftances that are to be weighed. Fm is a button, which being fcrewed at the top of the fork, receives the end of the cord, and by means of a knot made on it fuftains the fork. "The tail or handle of this fork is of a priſmatic form at the part m'n; this prifmatic part enters a groove ƒ ƒ made at the ex- tremity N of the horizontal piece NO, ſo that it can ſlide freely in this groove either upwards or downwards, its courfe being however limited at m', where it is ſtopped by the enlarged handle of the fork, and at n by the greater width produced by the fepa- ration of the two branches of the fork. "The piece NO, which is hollow, and interfected at O by the ſtem AB, can flide along and turn round this ftem: when it is brought to its proper height, it is fecured by means of the ſcrew V, and it is then neceffary, firſt, that it ſhould be at ſuch a height that, when the ſtop m refts on the fide of the groove ƒƒ, or when NO can move no further down, the ſcale of the balance ſhall be in contact with the table or horizontal plane, in order that we may afterwards be able to raiſe it the whole height of ƒn; ſecondly, that the cord FF be in one and the fame vertical plane with HG. 96. MACHINES. "The groove at N ought to be fituated in fuch a manner that the axis of the prifmatic part of the tail of the fork, and the cord FF', fhall always be in the fame verticle plane, or in a parallel line with the axis of the ftem AB. "Theſe difpofitions being made, let us imagine the two branches n g of the fork to be perforated with holes of different diameters, in order to receive horizontal pins (gg) of different fizes; and we ſhall have all that is requifite for the ordinary operations of weighing, performed in the air with balances, the beams of which are fufpended from above. "In fact, whatever kind of balance we ufe, we are to intro- duce the extremity of its ſuſpending handle into the fork nq, and infert into the round hole, which the handle of the balance always has at its fuperior extremity, any one of the pins that will enter with cafe; we then apply the piece ON in fuch a manner as to fulfil the conditions above laid down for the pofition of this piece; after which, it is to be fixed by the fcrew V. This being done, the ſcales of the balance are to be charged, which being in contact with the table, or horizontal plane, can have no motion. When the ſcales are charged, we lay. hold of the fmall ball k, and draw the cord which fufpends it fo as to raiſe the balance very flowly: if the ſcales be not in equilibrio, the cord is to be loofened till they reft again upon the table, and fo fucceffively. "A counterpoife, Q, fufpended to the cord FG, ought to preferve the equilibrium with the weight of the balance. By means of this precaution, it comes to paſs, that the common centre of gravity of all the forces fupported by the pulley P, falls in all cafes upon the axis of the ftem AB, which thus has no tendency to bend. “If we wiſh now to uſe a hydroftatic balance, we adapt to the ſtem AB a ſmall board ON, fig. 3. which, by means of a cylindrical hole at O, may flide along the rod AB, and be fixed at any arbitrary height by a ſcrew at V. Another piece, or board, K' K', is placed upon V'N', in fuch a manner that the holes TT correfpond with the centre of the fcales, under which are placed the hooks intended for holding the ſubſtances ſuſpended in the water, and K' K' is fixed upon V¹ N' by means of fcrews V¹. I "Theſe arrangements being made, let the piece N' O¹and the board K'K', be placed in fuch a manner that, first, the whole height of the balance be placed between this piece and the board, and that the ſcales LL be in contact with the board K¹K, their centres correfponding with holes made in TT Secondly, that K'K' be fufficiently elevated to enable us to འ Aret } Hydrostatic Balance. place under it the veffels WW, filled with water, and cont veniently to immerfe, in one of thefe veffels, the fubftances which we wiſh to weigh hydroſtatically. "According to the common practice, thefe fubftances are fufpended by a very thin wire; but by placing. after my method, two veffels, and fufpending to the two ſcales wires of equal diameter, the one of which fupports the ſubſtance that is to be weighed, and the other merely in part immerfed, the magnitude of the diameter will have no influence upon the accuracy of the operation; for, let us fuppofe the apparatus to be adjuſted in fuch a manner that at firſt the two wires were in equilibrio with each other (which may eaſily be obtained by varying the height of the water in the veffels), theſe two wires will ſtill be in equilibrio, when the beam FF¹, being elevated, will remain in its horizontal pofition: whence it follows, that if one of the wires have fufpended from it a fubftance immerfed in the water, and we place in the oppoſite ſcale, and confequently out of the water, a weight adequate to keep the equilibrium with the im- merſed ſubſtance, for a horizontal pofition of the beam, the equilibrium will ſtill be maintained, whatever may be the eleva- tion or depreffion of the beam, provided it continue in a hori zontal pofition; for the lengths of the wires, either above or below the furface of the water, being equal, the difference be- tween the ſpecific weight of the water and that of the metal will operate equally upon both extremities of the beam. It is evident that this advantage will not be obtained if we employ only the wire to which the fubftance is fufpended, and that the equilibrium, eſtabliſhed for a certain elevation and a horizontal poſition of the beam, will not apply to other elevations of the beam by preferving it in the horizontal pofition. "It is to be remarked, that my method compenfates not only for the exceſs of the ſpecific weight of the wires over that of the water, but alſo for that which depends upon the adheſion of the fluid to the wires, and the covering of water which they carry along with them. "All that has been faid hitherto applies only to balances that are provided with ſuſpending handles; but, in order to render this fupport abfolutely univerfal in its ufe, it was necef- fary that it ſhould be poffible to adapt it to a beam which had nothing but its centres; for which purpoſe I contrived an ap- paratus, which is fufpended, like thofe of a common balance, to the fork n q, and which may receive the centres of any beam. The engraved plates of my machine reprefent it pro- vided with this apparatus, the conftruction of which is as follows. A "A piece ♪♪ has a fcrewed hole bored into it at sinto VOL. II. H MACHINES. which the fcrew dd is inferted half its length. Another hole, made at is, in a perpendicular direction to the firft, receives the pin g g, to which all the inferior apparatus is fufpended. This hole s fupplies the place of that which is found at the upper ex- tremity of the fufpending handle of balances. "The two other vertical pieces r, r, fig. 4, have at their upper part cylindrical holes not fcrewed, in which the ſcrew dd can turn freely. Theſe ſuperior parts are placed at an arbitrary di ftance, and retained in their fituation by means of four nut-ſcrews u, u, u, u, each of the pieces being faftened between two of thefe nut-ſcrews. A cylindrical rod bb traverfes the inferior parts of thefe pieces rr, and is fixed there by means of nut- fcrews, in fuch a manner that the fuperior and inferior points of the pieces rr are invariably at the fame diſtance. "Each of theſe pieces r r has, upon the furface which is per- pendicular to the direction of dd and bh, a groove e e, and a cir- cular aperture X, having at its lower part a fmall bracket of poliſhed ſteel a a, intended to ſupport one of the centres of the beam. Into the upper part of the grooves e e a rule e' e' is in- troduced, which must enter with tightnefs, and which, with the pieces d d and bh, give ſuch a ſolidity to the apparatus, that the adjuſtment of its parts cannot be in the ſmalleſt degree de- ranged. The remainder of the groove, which is not occupied by e' e', ought to be of a length fomewhat greater than that of the largeſt cock or index adapted to the beams which we ſhall have to uſe. "The method of uſing the apparatus which I have juſt de- fcribed is very fimple. The beam which we intend to em- ploy is placed between the two branches rr, which are re- moved from each other till the centres can be brought oppofite to the circular holes X; the pieces r, r, are then brought to- gether in fuch a manner that the centres enter theſe holes X, and fo as ftill to leave fome room for motion between theſe pieces and the body of the beam, in order that the oſcillations. of the balance may be perfectly free. The pieces r, r, are brought parallel with each other, and the adjustment of the apparatus is rendered perfectly firm, by means of nut-fcrews, by the ſmall cylindrical rod bh, and by the rule e' e'. The apparatus being adjuſted in this manner, it is fufpended to the fork nq, by inferting the pin g g into the hole s, and the balance is uſed in the manner that has already been explained. We know the equilibrium to be eſtabliſhed, and the beam to be horizontal, when the index y y divides the breadth of the fpace e e into two equal parts; but, in order to aſcertain the circumftance with greater accuracy, I have attached to the rule e' e' a plummet e' i', by means of which we may diftinguiſh the 7 + " Danish Balance 99 flightest deviations of the index from the perpendicular di rection." + Danish BALANCE, is a kind of balance or fteelyard in common ufe in many parts of the continent of Europe, and is of a very fimple conftruction. It is thus defcribed in the Encyclopedia Britannica (art. Steelyard): "It confifts of a batten of hard wood, having a heavy lump K (fig. 7. pl. VI.) at one end, and a fwivel hook b at the other. The goods to be weighed are fuf- pended on the hook, and the whole is carried in a loop of whip- cord F, in which it is flid backward and forward till the goods are balanced by the weight of the other end. The weight of the goods is eſtimated by the loop on a ſcale of divifions in harmonic progreffion. They are marked (we prefume) by trial with known weights." It would feem, then, that the writer of the article, whence the above is extracted, was not aware that the divifions on the Daniſh balance might be effected by a method purely geo- metrical: yet M. Roemer pointed out ſuch a method more than a century ago, in Recueil des Machines appr. par L'Acad. Roy. Sci. tom. I. pa. 80. It is in fubftance as follows. Let AC (figs. 7. 8.) be the diſtance between the point A from which the body whoſe weight is to be determined is fufpended, and C the centre of gravity of the balance when the weight W is not at- tached to it. From the point C draw an indefinite line CD, making any angle ACD with the line AC on which the divifions of the balance are to be marked; and through A draw another right line AN parallel to CD. Set off any equal distances CE, EF, FG, GH, HI, &c. along the line CD; and upon AN. fet off the diftance AB equal to one of the equal diſtances, as CE, upon CD. From B as a fixed point draw lines BE, BF, BG, BH, &c. to the ſeveral points of divifion on CD; and they will interfect the line AC, in the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. where the ſubdiviſion marks ought to ftand in the balance, fig. 7. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. fig. 8. denote fo many times the actual weight of the balance and its knobs, independent of the adven- titious weight W. Thus if the unloaded balance weigh 6lbs, the diſtances marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. in fig. 8. would corre- fpond to the fubdivifion marks, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, &c. in fig. 7. M. Roemer has not demonftrated the truth of this conftruc- tion: but it may be eaſily fhewn thus: Let w be the weight of the balance and knob, and W that of the body which is to be afcertained by the inftrument. Then, when the point of fuf- penſion is that marked 1, fig. 8. we have in the triangles AB r ICE, the fides AB and CE equal, alfo angle BA I=1CE, and B 1 A=E1 C; therefore thefe triangles are both equi angular and equiláteral; confequently, A I≈ 1 C, and by the H 2 100 MACHINES. natures of the lever, and the centre of gravity W=w. Again, în like manner when the point of fufpenfion is 2, the triangles AB 2, 2 CF, are equiangular; and fince FC=2 AB, we have C 2= 2 A 2, and W=2 w. So alfo the triangles AB 3, 3 CG, are equiangular; whence becaufe CG=3 AB, C 3=3 A 3, and W=3 w. And fo on, through the whole divifion. This balance has been defcribed more on account of its curioſity than actual utility: for in aſcertaining large weights it would be extremely cumberſome and difficult to manage. In the determination of weights not exceeding twenty or thirty pounds, it might, however, be rendered very manageable: for it might be about the length of an excifeman's rod, or a walking ftick, having a knob of lead at one end; and in this caſe the diviſions near the knob might be ſo numerous as to enable a perſon to weigh accurately to quarters of pounds, if not to ounces: the rod might be moved to and fro upon a chair-back, or the edge of a treffel; and thus this inftrument might often be more conveniently uſed than a ſpring ſteelyard. BALANCE of a Clock or Watch, is that part which, by its motion, regulates and determines the beats. The circular part of it is called the rim, and its fpindle the verge; there belong to it alſo two pallets or nuts, that play in the fangs of the crown- wheel: in pocket watches that ſtrong ftud in which the lower pivot of the verge plays, and in the middle of which one pivot of the crown-wheel runs, is called the potence: the wrought piece which covers the balance, and in which the upper pivot of the balance plays, is the cock; and the ſmall ſpring in the new pocket watches is called the regulator. The motion of a balance, as well as that of a pendulum, being reciprocating, while the preffure of the wheels is con- ſtantly in one direction, it is obvious that ſome art must be uſed to accommodate the one to the other. When a tooth of the wheel has given the balance a motion in one direction, it muſt quit it, that it may get an impulfion in the oppofite direction. The balance or pendulum thus eſcaping from the tooth of the wheel, or the tooth eſcaping from the balance, has given to the general conſtruction the name of fcapement among our artiſts. See SCAPEMEnt. Some of the most important propofitions relative to watch balances may be conciſely ftated as follows: 1. The balance of a watch is analogous to the pendulum in its properties and uſe, The ſimple balance is a circular annulus, equally heavy in all its parts, and concentrical with the pivots of the axis on which it is mounted. This balance is moved by a ſpiral ſpring called the balance ſpring, the invention of Mr. Hook, 2. The pendulum requires a lefs maintaining power than Balance of a Watch. 101 : the balance. Hence the natural ifochroniſm of the pendulum is leſs diſturbed by the relatively ſmall inequalities of the main- taining power. 3. The elaftic force of the fpring which impels the circum- ference of the balance is directly as the tenfion of the fpring; that is, the weights neceffary to counterpoiſe a ſpiral ſpring's elaftic force, when the balance is wound to different diftances from the quiefcent point, are in the direct ratio of the arcs through which it is wound. 4. The vibrations of a balance, whether through great or fmall arcs, are performed in the fame time. For the accelerat- ing force is directly as the diſtance from the point of qui- efcence: hence, therefore, the motion of the balance is analo- gous to that of a pendulum vibrating in cycloidal arches (vol. i art. 276.) 5. The time of the vibration of a balance is the fame as if a quantity of matter, whoſe inertia is equal to that by which the mafs contained in the balance oppofes the communication of motion to the circumference, defcribed a cycloid whofe length is equal to the arc of vibration, defcribed by the circumference, the accelerating force being equal to that of the balance, 6. The times of vibration of different balances are in a ratio compounded of the direct fubduplicate ratios of their weights and femidiameters, and the inverfe fubduplicate ratio of the tenfions of the fprings, or of the weights which counterpoife them, when wound through a given angle. 7. The times of vibration of different balances are in a ratio compounded of the direct fimple ratio of the radii and direct fubduplicate ratio of their weights, and the inverſe ſubduplicate ratio of the abfolute forces of the fprings at a given tenfion. 8. Hence the abfolute force of the balance fpring, the di- ameter and weight of the balance being the fame, is inverfely as the fquare of the time of one vibration. 9. The abfolute force or ftrength of the balance ſpring, the time of one vibration, and the weight of the balance being the fame, is inverſely as the fquare of the diameter. 10. The weight of the balance, the ftrength of the ſpring and time of vibration being the fame, is inverſely as the fquare of the diameter. Hence, a large balance, vibrating in the fame time with the fame ſpring, will be much lighter than a ſmall one. II. If the rim of the balance be always of the fame breadth and thickneſs, fo that the weight fhall be as the radius, the ſtrength of the ſpring muſt be as the cube of the diameter of the balance, that the time of vibration may continue the fame, 1 102 MACHINES. 12. The momentum of the balance is increafed better by in- creaſing its diameter than its weight. 13. The longer a detached balance continues its motion the better. 14. The greater the number of vibrations performed by a balance in a given time, the leſs ſuſceptible is it of external agitations. 15. Slow vibrations are, to a certain extent, preferable to quick vibrations: but there is manifeftly a limit; for if the vibrations be too flow, the watch will be liable to ftop. 16. A balance fhould defcribe as large arches as poffible, as fuppofe 240°, 260°, 300°, or an entire circle. Firſt, becauſe the momentum of the balance is thus increaſed; and therefore the inequalities in the force of the maintaining power bear a lefs proportion to it, and of confequence will have lefs influence. 2dly. The balance is leſs fufceptible of ex- ternal agitations. 3dly. A given variation in the extent of the vi- brations produces a lefs variation in the going of the machine. But care muſt be taken that in thefe great vibrations, the ſpring ſhall neither touch any obftacle, nor its fpires touch each other in contracting. 17. The time of the vibration of the balance is increaſed by heat, and diminiſhed by cold. Firft, becauſe the length of the fpiral fpring is increaſed by heat, and therefore its force di- miniſhed; and the contrary by cold. 2dly. The diameter of the balance is increaſed by heat, and therefore alfo the time of vibration; and the contrary by cold. 18. That balance is the moft perfect which, without the compenfation of a thermometer, is moft fubject to the influ ence of heat and cold. Becauſe the obftructions from oil and friction act as a compenſation to the expanſion or contraction of the ſpring and balance; therefore that balance which is moſt affected is moft free from the influence of oil and friction. 19. The errors in the going of a watch, arifing from the change of temperature, may be corrected by varying the length of the balance fpring. Nevertheleſs, as it is extremely difficult to form an ifochronal ſpiral, any variation in its length is danger- pus, becauſe we fhall thus probably loſe that point which de- termines its iſochroniſm. 20. The errors in the going of a watch, occafioned by the variation of temperature, may be corrected by varying the di- ameter of the balance. This may be effected by a peculiar contrivance which has obtained the name of the expanfion balance, being compofed of two different metals which poffefs different degrees of ex- panfibility, as braſs and fteel, for inftance; of which two metals Bark-mill. 103 it has been obferved, that the increaſe of dimenſions by ex- panfion, in like elevations of temperature, is nearly as 2 to 1. For, according to Mr. Smeaton's experiments (vol. 48, Phil. Trans.), the correfponding expanfions of hard fteel and brafs wire are as 147 and 232, the expanſions being occafioned by a change from a medium temperature to that of 180° of Fahren- heit's thermometer. One of the moſt approved conftructions of an expanſion balance, is exhibited in plate VII. and is thus deſcribed by Mr. Nicholſon: The outer part of the rim is braſs, and the inner ſteel. After this compound rim is brought to its figure by turning, it is cut through in three places, A; B, C, which fets one end of each third part of the periphery at liberty to move outwards, when the temperature is diminiſhed, or in- wards when it is increaſed. D, E, F, are three fimilar and equal maffes of metal, fitted upon the circular bars in a proper manner to admit of their being fixed at any required diſtance from the extremity, where the motion is moft confiderable. G, H, I, are three ſcrews, the heads of which may be ſet nearer to, or further from, the centre, and ferve as weights to effect the adjuſtments for pofition and rate. The peculiar advantage of this, balance may be explained as follows: when an increaſe of heat di- miniſhes the elaſtic force of the pendulum fpring K, the outer braſs rim being lengthened more than the ſteel, muſt throw the weights D, E, F, nearer to the axis, and diminiſh the effect of the inertia of the balance, which confequently is as fpeedily carried through its vibration as before. And on the contrary, when cold weather adds to the elaſtic force of the ſpring, the fame weights are alſo thrown further out, and prevent the ac- celeration which would have followed. The exact adjuſtment of the weights is found by trial of the going of the machine: if it gain by heat, the weights do more than compenfate, and muſt be moved further from the extreme ends of the circular compound bars; but if the gain be produced by cold, the ſpring predominates, and the weights will accordingly require to be fet further out. BARK-MILL, a mill conftructed for the purpofe of grinding and preparing bark, till it is fit for the uſe of a tanner. Bark-mills, like moſt other mills, are worked ſometimes by means of horſes, at others by water, and at others by wind. One of the beſt mills we have feen deſcribed for theſe purpoſes, is that invented by Mr. Bagnall, of Worfley in Lancaſhire: this machine will ſerve not only to chop bark, to grind, to riddle and pound it; but to beam, or work green hides and ſkins out of the maftering or drench, and make them ready for the oufe or bark liquor; to beam fheepskins and other ſkins for the fkinner's ufe; and to ſcour and take off the bloom from tanned 104 MACHINES. leather, when in the currying ftate. The nature and connee- tion of the different parts of this contrivance may be under- ſtood from the three figures on the right-hand fide of plate VII. together with the following defcription. Fig. 1. is a horizontal plan of the mill. Fig. 2. longitudinal fection of it. Fig. 3. tranfverfe fection of it. A, The water-wheel, by which the whole machinery is ¿worked. B, The (hafts. C, The pit-wheel, which is fixed on the water-wheel fhaft B, and turns the upright fhaft E, by the wheel F, and works the cutters and hammer by tapets. D, The fpur and bevil-wheel at the top of upright ſhafts. E, The upright ſhaft. F, The crown-wheel, which works in the pit-wheel C. G, The fpur-nut to turn the ftones I. P, The beam, with knives or cutters fixed at the end to chop or cut the bark; which bark is to be put upon the cutters or grating i, on which the beam is to fall. The tryal that receives the bark from the cutters i, and conveys it into the hopper H, by which it defcends through the fhoe J to the ftones I, where it is ground. K, The fpout, which receives the bark from the ftones, and conveys it into the tryal L; which tryal is wired to fift or drefs the bark, as it defcends from the ftones I. ¿M,. The trough to receive the bark that paffes through the tryal L. R, The hammer, to cruſh or bruiſe the bark that falls into the difh S, which ſaid diſh is on the incline, ſo that the hammer keeps forcing it out of the lower fide of the faid diſh, when bruifed. k, A trough to receive the duſt and moſs that paffes through the tryal Q T, 1 he bevil-wheel, that works in the wheel D, which works the beam-knife by a crank V at the end of the ſhaft u W, The penetrating rod, which leads from the crank V to the start.x , The ſtart, which has feveral holes in it to lengthen or fhorten the ſtroke of the beam-knife. .. 4 y,. The fhaft, to which the flide rods b, h, are fixed by the ſtarts n,n. bal h, The flide rod, on which the knife fis fixed; which knife is to work the hides, &c. On the knife are two ſprings a, to let it have a little play as it makes its ſtroke backwards and for wards, ſo that it may not fcratch or damage the hides, &c. Is a catch in flide-rod, which catches on the arch-head es Bark-mill. 100 and the faid arch-head conveys the knife back without touching the hide, and then falls back to receive the catch again. 1, The roller to take up the flide-rod b, while the hides are fhifting on the beam b by pulling at the handle m. b, The beam to work the hides, &c. on. Each beam has four wheels p, p, working in a trough road g, g, and removed by the levers c,'c. When the knife has worked the hide, &c. fuf- ficiently in one part, the beam is then fhifted by the lever cas far as is wanted. d, A prefs, at the upper end of the beam, to hold the hide faft on the beam while working. e, An arch head, on which the ſlide-rod b catches. ƒ, The knife fixed on the flide-rod b, to work the hides, &c. i, Cutters or grating to receive the bark for chopping. The beam P, with knives or cutters, may either be worked by tapers, as defcribed, or by the bevil-wheel T, with a crank, as a as to cut the fame s fhears. The knife ƒ is fixed at the bottom of the ftart, which is fixed on the flide rod b; the bottom of the ſtart is ſplit open to admit the knife, the width of one foot; the knife ſhould have a gudgeon at each end, to fix in the open part of the ſtart; and the two fprings a, a, prevent the knife from giving too much way when working; the knife fhould be one foot long and four or five inches broad. The arch-head e will ſhift nearer to, or further from, the beam , and will be fixed fo as to carry the knife back as far as is wanted, or it may be taken away till wanted. The roller is taken up by pulling at the handle´m, which takes up the ſlide-rod ſo high as to give head-room under the beam-knife. The handle may be hung upon a hook for that purpoſe. The flide-rod will keep running upon the roller all the time the hide is fhifting; and when the hide is fixed the knife is put on the beam again by letting it down by the handle m. There may be two or more knives at work on one beam at the fame time, by having different flide-rods. There should be two beams, fo that the workmen could be ſhifting one hide, &c. while the other was working. The beam must be flat, and a little on the incline. As to the breadth it does not matter; the broader it is the lefs fhifting of the hides will be wanted, as the levere will ſhift them as far as the width of the hide, if required. Mr. Bagnall has formed a kind of prefs d, to let down, by a lever, to hold the hide faſt on each fide of the knife if required, fo that it will fuffer the knife to make its back ftroke without pulling the hide up as it comes back. The flide-rod may be weighted, to cauſe the knife to lay ftreſs on the hide, &c. ac- cording to the kind and condition of the goods to be worked. 106 MACHINES. Hides and ſkins. for the ſkinner's ufe are worked in the fame way as for the tanners. Scouring of tanned leather for the currier's uſe will be done on the beam, the fame as working green hides. It is only taking the knife away, and fixing a ſtone in the fame manner as the knife by the faid joint, and to have a bruſh fixed to go either before or after the ſtone. The leather will be better fecured this way than by hand, and much fooner. The whole machinery may be worked by water, wind, fteam, or any other power. And that part of the machinery which relates to the beaming part of the hides may be fixed to any horſe bark-mill, or may be worked by a horfe or other power feparately. BARKER'S MILL is a kind of water-mill, invented by Dr. Barker, which without either wheel or trundle performs the operation of grinding corn. This mill is repreſented in fig. 3, pl. IV. in which A is a pipe or channel that brings water from a refervoir to the upright tube. The water runs down the tube, and thence into the horizontal trunk C, which has equal arms; and, laſtly, runs out through holes at d'and e, opening on contrary fides near the ends of thofe arms. Thefe orifices d, e, I have fliders fitted to them, ſo that their magnitude may be in- creaſed or diminiſhed at pleaſure. The upright ſpindle D is fixt in the bottom of the trunk, and ſcrewed to it below by the nut g; and is fixt into the trunk by two cross bars at f: ſo that, if the tube B and trunk C be turned round, the fpindle D will be turned alfo. The top of the ſpindle goes fquare into the rynd of the upper mill-ftone H, as in common mills; and as the trunk, tube, and ſpindle, turn round, the mill-ſtone is turned round thereby. The lower or quiefcent mill-ftone is reprefented by I; and K is the floor on which it reſts, in which is the hole L to let the meal run through, and fall down into a trough which may be about M. The hoop or cafe that goes round the mill-ftone reſts on the floor K, and fupports the hopper, in the common way. The lower end of the ſpindle turns in a hole in the bridge-tree GF, which fupports the mill-ftone, tube, ſpindle, and trunk. This tree is moveable on a pin at h, and its other end is fupported by an iron-rod N fixed into it, the top of the rod going through the firſt bracket O, and having a ſcrew-nut o upon it, above the bracket. By turning this nut forward or backward, the mill- ftone is raiſed or lowered at pleaſure. Whilſt the tube B is kept full of water from the pipe A, and the water continues to run out from the ends of the trunk; the upper mill-ftone H, together with the trunk, tube, and ſpindle, turn round. But if the holes in the trunk were ftopt, no motion Barker's Mill. 107 would enfue; even though the tube and trunk were full of water. For, if there were no hole in the trunk, the preffure of the water would be equal againſt all parts of its fides within. But when the water has free egrefs through the holes, its preffure there is entirely removed: and the preffure againſt the parts of the fides which are oppofite to the holes turns the machine. Mr. James Rumfey, an American gentleman, has rather im- proved this machine, by conveying the water from the reſervoir, not by a pipe as ADB, in great part of which the ſpindle turns, but by a pipe which defcends from A, without the frame LN, till it reaches as low, or lower, than G; and then to be convey- ed by a curvilinear neck and collar from G to g, where it enters the arms, as is fhewn by the dotted lines at the lower part of the figure. A like improvement was made by M. Segner, a German. Moſt of the authors who have attempted to lay down the theory of this mill have fallen into error: the moſt ingenious theory we have yet ſeen is by Mr. Wm. Waring (given in the American Tranfactions, vol. iii.); which, with fome fuch cor- rections as appeared neceffary to adapt his rules to practical purpoſes, is nearly as follows: 1. The first enquiry relates to the magnitude of the pipe which conveys the water from the refervoir to the centre of the hori- zontal tube ed, at g. To this end, let A = the area of the orifice by which the water is admitted at g; h = the perpen- dicular height of the furface of the water in the refervoir above g; d = the vertical depth of any horizontal ſection of the pipe below the fame furface; S the ſurface or area of the hori- zontal ſection of the pipe, at the depth d. Then fince the areas in the ſeveral parts of the pipe ſhould be inverſely as the velocities, and the velocities (art. 439, cor 2. vol. I.) are in the fubduplicate ratio of the depths below the head, thofe areas muſt be inverſely in the fubduplicate ratio of the depths; confe- =V, and S = A So that the pipe muſt S quently, A h have its bore increaſed from the level of g upwards in the ratio √ h d? of 1 to be affigned by this ratio, the water will be obftructed in its paffage. and if a ſection in any part be leſs than would 2. Of the initial force with which the machine commences its motion. If we conceive the water preffing in the tube from g towards e, previous to the opening of the aperture, there will manifeftly be no motion occafioned; becauſe the forces on the oppoſite ſides of the tube balance each other, and the force 1 108 MACHINES. A against the end C is refifted by the fixed axle D g, or, if we confider both arms, it is balanced by the equal force acting upon the equal end at d, in an oppoſite direction. But if one of the apertures, as d (its area being=a), is opened, the preffure upon that portion of the tube is taken away, and the equal and oppofite preffure upon an equal portion of the contrary fide of the tube, having now nothing to keep it in equilibrio, tends to move the arm Cg about the axis Dg: in like manner when the aperture e (alfo=a) is opened, the preffure, which was previouſly counter- balanced by the oppofite preffure on the orifice e, now exerts its tendency to produce a rotatory motion about the axis Dg: fo that combining together the effects of both theſe unbalanced preffures, and confidering that the preffure of water upon any point is proportional to the depth of that point below the upper furface of the fluid, we fhall have 2 a hw, for the force which cauſes the rotatory motion to commence; the values of a and being taken in feet, and w repreſenting 624 lbs. avoirdupois, the weight of a cubic foot of water. But as the velocity of rotation increaſes, the preffure depending upon the relative velocities of the water and the fides of the tube diminiſhes, and confequently the power is diminiſhed, notwithſtanding what is gained by that which we now proceed to confider. 3. The centrifugal force. This may be found in a fimilar manner to that which was adopted when conſidering the theory of the centrifugal pump (art. 537, vol. i.). Thus, if befides the preceding notation we take / for the length of each arm gd, ge, t for the time of rotation, g for 32% feet, the meaſure of the force of gravity, and 7 for 3.141593; fince a is the fection of the flowing water at right angles to its motion, we ſhall have, by T મ proceeding as in the article juſt referred to, = the length 27212 gt z of a column of water, whofe preffure is equal to the centrifugal force, or 4 m² e re l² 812 = 76.70625 a 12 12 the weight of a column of water in lbs., which is equivalent to the centrifugal force of the fluid in both arms. And this is equivalent to the augmentation of power at the apertures, becauſe fluids prefs equally in all directions. 4. The inertia of the fluid greatly counteracts the effects of the centrifugal force. The inertia of the rotatory tube with the contained fluid would not continue to refift the moving power after the velocity became uniform, were the fame fluid retained in it as was in it when the motion was firſt imparted: but as this paffes off, and there is a continual fucceffion of new matter acquiring a motion in the direction of the rotatory, there muſt Barker's Mill. 109 be a conftant re-action againſt the fides of the tube, equal to the communicating force. Now this re-action is very different from that of a fluid confined in the tube, when it begins to move; becaufe a particle at the extremity of the tube is not to re- ceive its whole circular motion there, but gradually acquires it by a uniform acceleration during its paffage along the tube: ſo that we muſt here enquire what force will give to the quantity of water a l'w, in the time of its paffing through its reſpect- D ive horizontal arm, the velocity 277, in the direction of the aperture. Managing this according to the rules given for forces in the Dynamics, we ſhall have 12:273 alo 8·0208 X = 19.6878 t 5 10, for the refiftance in lbs. oppoſed to each arm, ſuch refiſt- ance being eſtimated as if accumulated at the diſtance from the centre of motion. I 5. Acquired velocity of the water. According to the theory of Hydraulics, the velocity of water iffuing through an aperture at the depth h below the upper furface of a refervoir is expreffed by 8.0208/b, which when reduced, in conformity with the ex periments of Boffut and others, becomes 5b very nearly; and this is the velocity of the water paffing out of the tubes at the commencement of the rotation. Then, as √2abw:5b:: (2 a b + 7670625): 5 √(b+38′35312) = 5 W w = 5 '(b + ·61365 ") = v, the acquired velocity of the water. 6. Ratio of the central force to the inertia. This will be aſcer- tained by ſubſtituting for v in the expreffion 19.6878 alu, its value juft found; ſo that we have 98-439/(-61365 + h) for the inertia, while the centrifugal force is meaſured by 76-70625 . Now we find that 76:706252 : 98-439 2 £12. 61365)::: 192833 (61365), or as 1; ( 110 MACHINES. ', +646) very nearly; which is the ratio of the power gained 2 by the centrifugal force to the obftruction arifing from inertia. Whence it appears that the latter is greater than the former, except when t=o, h=o, or /= ∞, cafes never occurring in prac- tice; and that the longer the arms, the leſs the fall of water, and the greater the velocity of rotation, the nearer theſe forces ap- proach to the ratio of equality. 6. Adjustment of the parts and motion. Here it muſt be par- ticularly obſerved, that the centrifugal force ſhould not exceed the gravity of the water revolving in the arms gd, ge; for in that cafe the water would be drawn into the tube fafter than it could be naturally ſupplied at its entrance, by the velocity proper to that depth, and of confequence a vacuum muſt be occafioned: nor fhould the velocity of the apertures be greater than half that of the water through them; for the apertures being ſtill adapted in point of magnitude to the velocity, the effluent quantity or number of acting particles is as the time, the momentum is in the fimple ratio of the relative velocity, and therefore (art. 472, cor. 3, vol. i.) the greateſt effect will be produced when the velocity of the apertures is equal to half that due to the head of water. Theſe two conditions expreffed alge- braically will furniſh the equations, 76.70625 al² = 2 alw.. =2alw.... w.... 2 x 1 = 3/ t2 t from which eqnations we deduce the following, viz. ť Sb = 9*293451 = 15*1446 ← { 1 = 16296 t = 1076 h t = √613651= √06603 h b+1: ; Whence it appears that h, l, and t, are nearly in the conſtant ratio of 15,94, and 1. Still it ſhould be obſerved that while and t are preferved in a 12 a conſtant ratio, the values of 76-70625 and of 12.273 α als i.e. of the central force and of the inertia muſt remain the fame: fo that the brachia may be made of any length at plea fure (not lefs than 1076 b) if the time of revolution be taken in a correfponding proportion, or fo that the velocity of the apertures undergo no variation, which will be enfured by mak ing t = √61365 1: for a double or triple radius, revolving in a double or triple time, or with half or a third the angular velocity, has the fame abfolute velocity at the extremity; and, with the fame power there applied, will produce the fame effect Hence, + 7. The moving force and velocity of the machine, when the effect is a maximum, may be found. For, if we put 61365 / for ť², Barker's Mill: 111 and 9-29345 / for %, in the expreffion /(1+1-646h) it be- Vi comes 1 + 3 = 2; in which caſe the refiftance of inertia is juſt double the central force, or the gravity of the water in the tube=125 al, which taken from the impelling force leaves 62'5 (ab+1)—125 a l=62·5 a (b−1) = 55.775 a b lbs. avoirdupois = the real moving force, at the distance of the centres of the apertures from the centre of motion, / being taken = 1076 h. And by a like fubftitution the velocity + 1, becomes 21*1076 h = 2*63205 √/h, feet per fecond. 8. Area of the apertures. If A= the area of a ſection of the race perpendicular to the direction of its motion, V = its velocity per second, both in feet, a and b as before; then it will be AV = 10 a a (b+·61365 — ) cubic feet = the quantity of water emitted per fecond, by both apertures: hence a = 070066 AV√h, the area proper for one of the AV 14:2722/h apertures. h From the preceding inveſtigation we may deduce the follow- ing Eafy practical rules. 1. Make each arm of the horizontal tube, from the centre of motion to the centre of the aperture, of any convenient length,, not less than of the perpendicular height of the water's ſurface above theſe centres. 2. Multiply the length of the arm in feet, by 61365, and take the fquare root of the product for the proper time of a re- volution in ſeconds; and adapt the other parts of the machinery to this velocity: or, 3. If the time of a revolution be given, multiply the fquare of this time by 16296 for the proportional length of the arm in feet. 4. Multiply together the breadth, depth, and velocity per fecond of the race, and divide the laft product by 14°27 times the fquare root of the height, for the area of either aperture: or, multiply the continual product of the breadth, depth, and velocity, of the race, by the fquare root of the height, and by the decimal 07; the laſt product, divided by the height, will give the area of the aperture. 5. Multiply the area of either aperture by the height of the head of water, and the product by 55.775 (or 56 lbs), for the moving force, eftimated at the centres of the apertures in pounds avoirdupois. 112 MACHINES. 6. The power and velocity at the apertures may be eafily reduced to any part of the machinery, by well-known rules. BAROMETER, a well-known inftrument for meaſuring the weight or preffure of the atmoſphere, and the variations that happen therein, in order to indicate the changes in the weather, or the changes in vertical diftance from any point upon the earth's furface. We fhall here deſcribe a few of the moſt uſeful conſtructions of the barometer, and fhall begin with I Σ The Common Barometer. This is repreſented at fig. 1. plate VII. fuch as it was invented by Torricelli. AB is a glafs tube, of 4, or, or ½ inch wide, the more the better, and about 34 inches long, being clofe at the top A, and the open end B im- merſed in a bafin of quickfilver CD, which is the better the wider it is. To fill this, or any other barometer, take a clean new glafs tube, of the dimenfions as above, and pour into it well- purified quickfilver, with a ſmall funnel either of glaſs or paper, in a fine continued ſtream, till it wants about half an inch or an inch of being full; then, ftopping it cloſe with the finger, invert it flowly, and the air in the empty part will afcend gradually to the other end, collecting into itfelf fuch other fmall air bubbles as unavoidably get into the tube among the mercury, in filling it with the funnel: and thus continue to invert it fe- veral times, turning the two ends alternately upwards, till all the air bubbles are collected, and brought up to the open end of the tube, and till the part filled fhall appear, without fpeck, like a fine poliſhed ſteel rod. This done, pour in a little more quickfilver, to fill the empty part quite full, and fo exclude all air from the tube: then, ſtopping the orifice again with the finger, invert the tube, and immerſe the finger and end, thus ftopped, into a bafin of like purified quickfilver. In this pofition withdraw the finger; fo fhall the mercury deſcend in the tube to ſome place, as H, between 28 and 31 inches above that in the bafin at F, as theſe are the limits between which it always ftands in this country on the common ſurface of the earth. Then meaſure, from the furface of the quickfilver in the baſin at F, 28 inches to K and 31 inches to L, dividing the ſpace between them into inches and tenths, which are marked 'on a fcale placed againſt the fide of the tube; and the tenths are fubdivided into hundredth parts of an inch by a fliding index carrying a vernier or nonius. Thefe 3 inches, between 28 and 31, fo divided, will anfwer for all the ordinary purpoſes of a ſtationary or chamber barometer; but for experiments on altitudes and depths it is proper to have the divifions carried on a little higher up, and a great deal lower down. In the proper filling and otherwiſe fitting up of the barometer,feveral circum- Barometer. 113 ſtances are to be carefully noted; as, that the bore of the tube be pretty wide, to allow the freer motion of the quickfilver, without being impeded by an adheſion to the fides; that the bafin below it be alfo pretty large, in order that the furface of the mercury at F may not fenfibly rife or fall with that in the tube; that the bottom of the tube be cut off rather obliquely, fo that when it refts on the bottom of the bafin there may be a free paffage for the quickfilver; and that, to have the quickſilver very pure, it is beft to boil it in the tube, which will expel all the air from it. This barometer is commonly fitted up in a neat ma- hogany cafe, together with a thermometer and hygrometer. 2. As the fcale of variation is ſmall in the common baro- meter, being not more than 3 inches, feveral contrivances have been deviſed to enlarge the ſcale, or to render the motion of the quickfilver more perceptible. Among the beſt of theſe is that known by the name of Diagonal Barometer, and is repreſented in fig. 2. where ABC is a tube hermetically fealed at C, and immerſed in a bafin of mercury at A. This tube is perpen- dicular from A to B, where the ſcale of variation begins; but is there bent into the form BC, making an acute angle FBC. This part BC extends to the higheſt limit in the ſcale of varia- tion, viz. IC; and confequently while the mercury rifes from K to I, in the common barometer, it will move in this from B to C, enlarging the ſcale of variation in the proportion of BC to FB; that is, of the diagonal to the leaft fide of the paral- lelogram. p But this barometer is attended with one great inconvenience, which leffens its utility. Quickfilver being a very heavy body, and ſupported on the part BC, forming an inclined plane, it muſt have a very confiderable degree of friction, which will be increaſed in proportion as the part BC is more oblique; and confequently the very fmall and nice variation of the air's preffure cannot be fo accurately indicated in this as in the common form. It alfo very often happens, from the inclina- tion of the part BC, that the quickfilver divides into feveral parts, and thence frequently requires the trouble of re-filling the tube. This barometer was invented by Sir Samuel More- land. 3. Caffini invented another kind of barometer, in order to enlarge the ſcale of variation; an invention which was after- wards completed by M. John Bernoulli. It confiſts of a tube ACDF (fig. 3.) hermetically fealed at A, and bent to a right angle at D; whence it has acquired the name of the horizontal rectangular barometer. The mercury ftands in both the legs from E to B; the fcale of variation from A to C is made in a larger part; and it is evident, that in moving three inches from VOL. II. I 114 MACHINES. A to C it will move through ſo many times three inches in the ſmall leg DF as the bore of DF is lefs than the bore of AC; whence the motion of the mercury at E muſt be extremely fenfible. But the inconvenience here too is, that the mercury is very apt to break off in the leg E, and alſo to run out at the end E. Here is alſo a great degree of friction, and at the ſame time the attraction of cohefion will, from the fmallneſs of the bore DF, impede the free motion of the mercury. 4. The Pendant Barometer is made in another form, confiſting of a fingle tube ſuſpended by a ſtring faſtened to the end A (fig. 4.). This tube is of a conical or tapering form, the end A being a little leſs than that at B. It is hermetically fealed at A, and filled with mercury: then will the mercury fink to its common ſtation, and admit a length of altitude CD, the fame with that in the common barometers. But, from the conical bore of the tube, the mercury will defcend as the air becomes lighter, till it reaches its loweft altitude, when the mercury will ftand from the loweſt part of the tube B to E; fo that BE = 28 inches: and confequently the mercury will, in fuch a tube, move from A to E, or 32 inches, if the tube be five feet long; ſo that the ſcale AE may here be made more than 10 times greater than that of the common barometer. The inconvenience at- tending this barometer is, that as the tube muſt be made of a very ſmall bore, to prevent the mercury from falling out by an accidental ſhake, the friction and adheſion to the fides of the tube prevent that freedom of motion neceffary to fhew a very ſmall variation in the weight of the air. 5. Mr. Rowning had ſeveral contrivances for enlarging the fcale, and that in any proportion whatever. One of theſe is deſcribed in No. 427. Phil. Trans. and has now obtained the name of Rowning's Barometer: it is repreſented at fig. 5. where ABC is a compound tube, hermetically fealed at A, and open at C; empty from A to D, filled with mercury from thence to B, and thence to E with water. Here, by varying the proportions of the two tubes AF and FC, the ſcale of variation may be changed in any degree. 6. Dr. Hooke's Wheel Barometer was invented about 1668, and is likewife intended to render the alterations in the ſtate of the air more perceptible. Here the barometer tube has a large ball AB at the top (fig. 9. pl. VII.), and is bent up at the lower or open end, where an iron ball, G, floats on the top of the mercury in the tube, to which is connected another ball, H, by a cord, hanging freely over a pulley, turning an index KL about its centre. When the mercury rifes in the part FG it raiſes the ball, and the other ball defcends and turns the pulley with the index round a graduated circle from N towards M and P; and the contrary way when the quickſilver and the ball fink in the Portable Barometer. 115 bent part of the tube. Hence the fcale is eafily enlarged ten or twelve fold, being increaſed in proportion as the length of the index exceeds the radius of the pulley. But then the friction of the pulley and axis greatly obftructs the free motion of the quickfilver. Contrivances to leffen the friction are deſcribed in Phil. Trans. vol. 52 and 60. In Nicholſon's Journal, No. 9, New Series, the rev. James Wilfon has deſcribed a method of increafing the fenfibility of the baro- meter, ad libitum, which is very ingenious; but need not be in- ferted here: for this, and all contrivances, having the fame end in view, are not ſuperior, but often inferior, to the common barometer, for all philofophical purpoſes; and that for a reaſon which admits of no reply. Their ſcale muſt be determined in all its parts by that of the common barometer; and, therefore, notwithſtanding their great range, they are fufceptible of no greater accuracy than that with which the common barometer can be obſerved and meaſured. And befides this, theſe com- pound barometers have an additional fource of error, in the action of cohefion, the operation of friction, &c. So that, ex- cept (perhaps) for mere chamber purpoſes, the common con- ftruction of the barometer, with a nonius applied to its ſcale, is greatly preferable; and our attention ſhould be entirely directed to its improvement and portability. 7. This leads us to ſpeak of the conſtruction of a portable Baro- meter, which may be carried from one place to another without being rendered unfit for ufe; and is, therefore, ready to be. adopted at all times in the menſuration of altitudes, &c. In this barometer the end of the tube is tied up in a leathern bag, not quite full of mercury; which being preffed by the air forces the mercury into the tube, and keeps its fufpended at its height. This bag is ufually encloſed in a box, through the bottom of which paffes a fcrew, by whofe means the mercury may be forced up to the top of the tube, and prevented from breaking it by daſhing againſt the top when the inftrument is removed from one ftation to another. Mr. Patrick was, we believe, the firſt who made a contrivance of this kind; but the portable barometer has received various improvements fince by M. de Luc, Sir Geo. Shuckburgh, Col. Roy, Mr. Ramfden, and others. Fig. 8. pl. VII. repreſents this inftrument as en- cloſed in its mahogany cafe by means of three metallic rings b, b, b. This cafe is a hollow cone, fo fhaped within as fteadily to contain the body of the barometer, and is divided into three branches from a to c, forming three legs or fupports for the inftrument when obfervations are making, and ſuſtaining it at the part g of the cafe; by an improved kind of gimbals, as it appears in fig. 7. in which its own weight renders it fufficiently 12 116, MACHINES. ſteady at any time. In the part of the frame a g where the barometer tube appears a long flit or opening is made, ſo that the column of mercury may be feen againſt the light, and the vernier piece, a, brought down to coincide very nicely with the edge of the mercury. When the inftrument is fixed in its ftand, the fcrew, f, is to be turned to let the mercury down to its proper pofition, and a peg at p muſt be looſened, in order that the external air may be admitted to act upon the mercury con- tained in the box b. The proper adjuſtment or mode of obſerv- ing the zero or o divifion of the column of mercury is by ob- ferving it in the tranſparent part of the box b, which has a glafs reſervoir for the quickfilver, and an edged piece of metal at- tached to the external part of it; with the edge of which the mercury is to be brought into contact, by turning the fcrew f to the right or left, as occafion requires. The vernier piece at a, which determines the altitude of the mercurial column, is firſt brought down by the hand to a near contact, and then accurately adjuſted by turning the fcrew h at the top. The divifions annexed to the tube of this inftrument may be of any kind, or of any degree of minutenefs, according to the purpoſe it is intended to ferve. To accommodate it to the ufe of foreigners as well as the English, there are commonly added ſcales of both French and Engliſh inches, with the requifite fubdivifions. It is ufual to place the French ſcale of inches on the right fide, at ag from 19 to 31 inches, meaſured from the zero or furface of the mercury in the box b; each inch being divided into lines. or 12th parts, and each line fubdivided by the vernier into 10th parts: fo that the length of the mercurial column may be deter- mined to the 120th part of a French inch. The other ſcale, which is placed on the left fide of the inftrument, is divided into 20th parts of inches, and theſe again into 25th parts by means of the vernier; thus meaſuring to 500ths of an English inch: and the divifions on the vernier fcale are marked double what they really are, in order that the meaſures may be expreffed in thouſandth parts of an inch, for the convenience of cal- culation. To this inftrument a thermometer is always attached, as a neceffary appendage; being faftened to the body at c, and ſunk into the furface of the frame to preferve it from injury: the degrees of this thermometer are generally marked fo as to indi- cate the divifions both of Fahrenheit's and of Reaumur's fcale. (See THERMOMETER.) Alfo on the right-hand of theſe two ſcales is a third, called ſcale of correction, with the words add and ſubtract marked; thus ferving to fhew the neceffary correction of the obferved altitude of the mercury, at any given temperature of the air indicated by the thermometer. Bellows. 117 Several minutiæ in the mechanical conftruction of this in- ftrument will be more obvious from a few minutes' infpection than by any further details here. The rules for its uſe in the aſcertaining of altitudes may be learnt by turning to the theo- retic part of this work: book iv. BEAM COMPASSES. See COMPASSES. BEER-DRAWING MACHINES are contrivances by means of which the beer is drawn from three or four caſks at once, from cocks ſtanding in one frame, in the bar of a tavern, or any con- venient place above a cellar. Theſe machines are nothing elſe than an affemblage of fmall pumps, either fucking or forcing, whofe pipes of communication are attached to the lower parts of the reſpective caſks from which the liquor is drawn. The motion is given to the piſton ſometimes by levers, at others by cranks; moft frequently, we believe, by means of a hammer- formed lever moving in a vertical plane. BELLOWS, an inftrument conftructed for the purpoſe of alternately drawing and expelling air. In the common culinary bellows the air rufhes in at a hole or holes in the bottom, called feeders, over which is a flapping valve, and is expelled through a conical pipe called the nozzle, by means of a kind of mechaniſm which is too well known to need any defcription here. It is not the impulfive force of the blaſt that is wanted in moſt caſes, but merely the copious ſupply of air to produce the rapid combuſtion of imflammable matter; and the fervice would, in general, be better performed if this could be done with mo- derate velocities and an extended ſurface. What are called air-furnaces, where a confiderable furface of inflammable matter is acted on at once by the current which the mere heat of the expended air has produced, are found more operative, in pro- portion to the air expended, than blaft-furnaces animated by bellows. There is, indeed, a great impulfive force required in fome cafes; as, for blowing off the fcoriæ from the furface of filver or copper in refining furnaces, or for keeping a clear paffage for the air in great iron furfaces. But in general we cannot procure this abundant fupply of air in any other way than by giving it a great velocity by means of a great preffure or impulfe; the air is admitted into a very large cavity, and then forcibly expelled from it through a ſmall orifice. The method of producing a continual blaft by a centrifugal force has been long known, being mentioned by Agricola de Re Metallica, lib. 6. p. 62. But the firft bellows acting upon this principle, of which we recollect a diftinct account amongſt the moderns, is that invented by M. Teral, in 1729, and de- fcribed in the Recueil des Machines approuvées par L'Academic 118 MACHINES. 1 Roy. des Sciences, tome 5. This machine is reprefented in fig. 7. pl. VIII. where AB is a cubical box, with a top rather arched : to this box is adapted a hollow pyramidal fruftrum C, at the extremity of which is the tube or nozzle D; the capacity of the pyramid not being feparated from that of the box. This box contains an arbor or ſhaft carrying vanes, as GF, pofited hori- zontally, and which are here placed, as it were, out of the box, that their ſhape and number may be feen. The ends of the arbor run in a proper collar on each fide of the box, and one end, as F, paffes through the fide of the box, and carries a pulley: over this pulley paffes a cord or band, which alfo runs round part of a wheel HI, fituated at ſome diſtance from the bellows, and which is turned by the handle M. Thus it will be mani- feft, that as this handle turns the wheel HI, it will, by means of the band, turn the pulley F and the arbor and vanes, with a velocity which will be to that of the wheel as the radius of the wheel to that of the pulley. Hence the greater the diameter of the wheel, and the lefs that of the pulley, the more rapidly will the exterior air (which enters by ſmall holes h h, into the top of the box) be driven by the vanes, and compreffed into the trunc- ated pyramid c, and thence expelled at D, in a continued blaſt; which will likewiſe be the more violent the greater the action at the handle M. This machine, being very ſimple, is eaſily conſtructed, and at a ſmall expence. Another bellows, furniſhing a uniform blaft, is deſcribed in the article PNEUMATICS, Encyclopædia Britannica, as below: one cylinder is made to deliver its air into another cylinder, which has a pifton exactly fitted to its bore, and loaded with a fufficient weight. The blowing cylinder ABCD (fig. 3. pl. VIII.) has its pifton P worked by a rod NP, connected by double chains with the arched head of the working beam NO, moving round a gudgeon at R. The other end O of this beam is con- nected by the rod OP with the crank PQ of a wheel machine; or it may be connected with the piſton of a ſteam-engine, &c. &c. The blowing cylinder has a valve or valves E in its bottom, opening inwards. There proceeds from it a large pipe CF, which enters the regulating cylinder GHKI, and has a valve at top, to prevent the air from getting back into the blowing cylinder. It is evident that the air forced into this cylinder muſt raiſe its piſton L, and that it muſt afterwards deſcend, while the other pifton is rifing. It muft defcend uniformly, and make a perfectly equable blaſt, Obferve, that if the pifton L be at the bottom when the ma- chine begins to work, it will be at the bottom at the end of every ftroke, if the tuyere T emits as much air as the cylinder ABCD furniſhes; nay, it will lie a while at the bottom; for, while it Bellorus. 119 was rifing, air was iffuing through T. This would make an interrupted blaft. To prevent this, the orifice T muſt be leffened; but then there will be a furplus of air at the end of each ſtroke, and the pifton L will rife continually, and at laft get to the top, and allow air to eſcape. It is juſt poffible to adjuſt circumſtances, fo that neither fhall happen. This is done eaſier by putting a ftop in the way of the pifton, and putting a valve on the piſton, or on the conducting pipe KST, loaded with a weight a little fuperior to the intended elaſticity of the air in the cylinder. Therefore, when the piſton is prevented by the ſtop from rifing, the ſhifting valve, as it is called, is forced open, the fuperfluous air eſcapes, and the blaft preferves its uni- formity. The Hydraulic Forge Bellows, of Mr. J. C. Hornblower, is a véry ingenious contrivance, and is, therefore, defcribed here. This invention is fhewn in plate V. A. The plunger, or working part of the bellows, 18 inches fquare within, which receives the air by a valve in the hinder part opening inwards, which at the ftroke by the rockftaff E throws it down the tube indicated by the dotted lines, which has a valve opening into the reſervoir D, whence it is led to the tuyere by the pipe P. Length of the plunger 20 inches, ſtroke nine inches. Diameter of P three inches; of the nozzle o‘6. The whole is placed in a pit or ciſtern, having water fuffici- ent to riſe to the lower end of the tube where the valve hangs; this tube is the only communication between the upper part and the reſervoir D: when as much water is poured in round the working part, over the waſh-boards, as will rife within five inches. of the upper edge of them, the bellows is ready for uſe. The little frame-work ferves to keep it from rifing, and affords a convenient fupport for the balance and the rockftaff. The area of the pit or ciftern ought to be at leaſt twice as much as that of the plunger A. • Mr. Hornblower mentions a very ſtriking difference between the effect of this bellows and a common leathered 30-inch bellows in the fame ſhop. The leathered bellows throws con- fiderably more air to the fire, and its nozzle compared with this is as 73 to 60 in diameter, but it does not produce fo great an effect in bringing on the heat, and the voice of this is fo great as almoft to drown that of the common one. only difference in other refpects is, that in the hydraulic bellows the pipe goes underground for about eight feet, and the conduct- ing pipe of the other comes down about the fame diſtance from the fhop above. Nicholson's four. N. S. vol. I. BORING of Cylinders, Ordnance, Wooden Pipes, &c, See CYLINDERS, ORDNANCE, and PIPES. The 120 MACHINES. 1 BRAMAH'S MACHINE, Bramah's Hydrostatic Prefs, &c.— names which are now commonly given to the contrivances of Mr. Bramah of Piccadilly, by which he applied the quaqua verfum preffure of fluids as a very powerful agent in many kinds of machinery requiring motion and force. Theſe con- trivances (for which Mr. Bramah took out a patent in March 1796) confift in the application of water, or other denfe fluids, to various engines, fo as, in fome inftances, to cauſe them to act with immenfe force; in others, to communicate the motion and powers of one part of a machine to ſome other part of the fame machine; and, laftly, to communicate the motion and force of one machine to another, where their local fituations preclude the application of all other methods of connection. The firſt and moſt material part of this invention will be clearly underſtood by an inſpection of fig. 4. pl. IX. where "A is a cylinder of iron, or other materials, fufficiently ſtrong, and bored perfectly ſmooth and cylindrical; into which is fitted the piſton B, which must be made perfectly water-tight, by leather or other materials, as ufed in pump-making. The bottom of the cylinder muſt alſo be made fufficiently ftrong with the other part of the furface, to be capable of refifting the greateſt force or ſtrain that may at any time be required. In the bottom of the cylinder is inferted the end of the tube C; the aperture of which communicates with the infide of the cylinder, under the piſton B, where it is ſhut with the ſmall valve D, the fame as the fuction-pipe of a common pump. The other end of the tube C communicates with the ſmall forcing-pump or injector E, by means of which water or other denfe fluids can be forced or injected into the cylinder A, under the piſton B. Now, ſuppoſe the diameter of the cylinder A to be 12 inches, and the diameter of the pifton of the fmall pump or injector E only one quarter of an inch, the proportion between the two furfaces or ends of the faid piftons will be as I to 2304; and ſuppoſing the intermediate ſpace between them to be filled with water or other denſe fluid capable of fufficient refiftance, the force of one piſton will act on the other juſt in the above proportion, viz. as I is to 2304. Suppofe the fmall pifton in the injector to be forced down when in the act of pumping or injecting water into the cylinder A, with the power of 20 cwt. which could eaſily be done by the lever H; the piſton B would then be moved up with a force equal to 20 cwt. multiplied by 2304. Thus is conſtructed a hydro-mechanical engine, whereby a weight amounting to 2304 tons can be raiſed by a fimple lever, through equal ſpace, in much lefs time than could be done by any apparatus conftructed on the known principles of me- chanics; and it may be proper to obferve, that the effect of all • 1 Bramal's Prefs, c. 121 other mechanical combinations is counteracted by an accumu- lated complication of parts, which renders them incapable of being uſefully extended beyond a certain degree; but in ma- chines acted upon or conftructed on this principle every dif- ficulty of this kind is obviated, and their power fubject to no finite reftraint. To prove this, it will be only neceffary to remark, that the force of any machine acting upon this principle can be increaſed ad infinitum, either by extending the proportion be- tween the diameter of the injector and the cylinder A, or by applying greater power to the lever H. Fig. 5. reprefents the fection of an engine, by which very wonderful effects may be produced inftantaneouſly by means of compreffed air. AA is a cylinder, with the pifton B fitting air-tight, in the fame manner as deſcribed in fig. 4. C is a globular veffel made of copper, iron, or other ftrong materials, capable of refifting immenfe force, fimilar to thofe of air-guns. D is a ſtrong tube of ſmall bore, in which is the ſtop-cock E. One of the ends of this tube communicates with the cylinder under the piſton B, and the other with the globe C. Now, ſuppoſe the cylinder A to be the fame diameter as that in fig. 4. and the tube D equal to one quarter of an inch diameter, which is the fame as the injector fig. 4.: then, ſuppoſe that air is in- jected into the globe C (by the common method), till it preffes againſt the cock E with a force equal to 20 cwt. which can eafily be done; the confequence will be, that when the cock E is opened the pifton B will be moved in the cylinder AA with a power or force equal to 2304 tons; and it is obvious, as in the cafe fig. 4. that any other unlimited degree of force may be ac- quired by machines or engines thus conftructed. "Fig. 6. is a fection, merely to fhew how the power and motion of one machine may, by means of fluids, be transferred or communicated to another, let their diſtance and local fituation be what they may. A and B are two ſmall tubes, ſmooth and cylindrical; in the infide of each of which is a piſton, made water and air-tight, as in figs. 4. and 5. CC is a tube conveyed under ground, or otherwife, from the bottom of one cylinder to the other, to form a communication between them, notwith- ftanding their diſtance be ever fo great; this tube being filled with water or other fluid, until it touch the bottom of the piſton; then, by depreffing the piſton A, the pifton B will be raiſed. The fame effect will be produced vice verfa: thus bells may be rung, wheels turned, or other machinery put invifibly in motion, by a power being applied to either. "Fig. 7. is a fection, fhewing another inftance of communi- cating the action and force of one machine to another; and how water may be raiſed out of wells of any depth, and at any di- 1 122 MACHINES. ftance from the place where the operating power is applied. A is a cylinder of any required dimenfions, in which is the working pifton B, as in the foregoing examples: into the bottom of this cylinder is inferted the tube C, which may be of lefs bore than the cylinder A. This tube is continued, in any re- quired direction, down to the pump cylinder D, fuppoſed to be fixed in the deep well EE, and forms a junction therewith above the piſton F; which pifton has a rod G, working through the ftuffing-box, as is uſual in a common pump. To this rod G is connected, over a pulley or otherwiſe, a weight H, fufficient to overbalance the weight of the water in the tube C, and to raiſe the piſton F when the pifton B is lifted: thus, fuppofe the pifton B is drawn up by its rod, there will be a vacuum made in the pump cylinder D, below the pifton F; this vacuum will be filled with water through the fuction pipe, by the preffure of the atmoſphere, as in all pumps fixed in air. The return of the pifton B, by being preffed downwards in the cylinder A, will make a ſtroke of the pifton in the pump cylinder D, which may be repeated in the ufual way by the motion of the piſton B, and the action of the water in the tube C. The rod G of the piſton F, and the weight H, are not neceffary in wells of a depth where the atmoſphere will overbalance the water in the fuction of the pump cylinder D, and that in the tube C. The fmall tube and cock in the cistern I are for the purpofe of charging the tube C." By theſe means it is obvious moft commodious machines of prodigious power, and fufceptible of the greateſt ſtrength, may readily be formed. If the fame multiplication of power be attempted by toothed wheels, pinions, and racks, it is fcarcely poffible to give ſtrength enough to the teeth of the racks, and the machine becomes very cumberſome and, of great expence. But Mr. Bramah's machine may be made abundantly ſtrong in very_fmall compafs. It only requires very accurate execution. Mr. Bramah, however, is greatly miſtaken when he publiſhes it as the diſcovery of a new mechanic power. The principle on which it depends has been well known for nearly two centuries; and it is matter of ſurpriſe that it has never before been applied to any uſeful practical purpoſe. CAMEL is the name given to a machine employed by the Dutch for carrying veffels heavily laden over the fand-banks in the Zuyder-Zee. In that fea, oppofite to the mouth of the river Y, about fix miles from the city of Amfterdam, there are two fand-banks, between which is a paffage called the Pampus, fufficiently deep for ſmall veffels, but not for thoſe which are large and heavily laden. On this account fhips which are out- ward bound take in before the city only a ſmall part of their cargo, receiving the reft when they have got through the Pam The Camel. 123 : pus. And thofe that are homeward bound muft, in a great meaſure, unload before they enter it. For this reafon the goods are put into lighters, and in theſe tranſported to the warehouſes of the merchants in the city; and the large veffels are then made faſt to boats, by means of ropes, and in that manner towed through the paffage to their ſtations. Though meafures were adopted fo early as the middle of the fixteenth century, by forbidding ballaft to be thrown into the Pampus, to prevent the further accumulation of ſand in this paffage, that inconvenience increaſed ſo much from other cauſes as to occafion ftill greater obftruction to trade; and it at length became impoffible for fhips of war, and others heavily laden, to get through it. About the year 1672 no other remedy was known than that of making faft to the bottoms of fhips large. chefts filled with water, which was afterwards pumped out; fo that the ſhips were buoyed up, and rendered fufficiently light to paſs the ſhallow. By this method, which was attended with the utmoſt difficulty, the Dutch carried out their numerous fleet to ſea in the abovementioned year. This plan, however, gave rife ſoon after to the invention of the camel, by which the labour was rendered eafier. The camel confifts of two half fhips, conftructed in fuch a manner that they can be applied below water, on each fide of the hull of a large veffel. On the deck of each part of the camel are a great many horizontal windlaffes, from which ropes proceed through apertures in the one half, and, being carried under the keel of the veffel, enter fimilar apertures in the other, from which they are conveyed to the windlaffes on its deck. When they are to be uſed, as much water as may be neceffary is ſuffered to run into them; all the ropes are caft loofe, the veffel is conducted between them, and large beams are placed horizontally through the port-holes of the veſſel, with their ends refting on the camel on each fide. When the ropes are made faſt, ſo that the fhip is fecured between the two parts of the camel, the water is pumped from them; by which means they rife, and raiſe the ſhip along with them. Each half of the camel is often about 127 feet in length; the breadth at one end is 22, and at the other 13. The hold is divided into ſeveral compartments, that the machine may be kept in equili- brio while the water is flowing into it. An Eaft-India fhip that draws 15 feet of water can, by the help of the camel, be made to draw only 11; and the heaviest fhips of war, of 90 or 100 guns, can be fo lightened as to pafs, without obftruction, all the fand-banks of the Zuydee-Zee. Leupold, in chap. 6. of his Theatrum Machinarum, publiſhed 124 MACHINES. in 1725, at Leipfick, deſcribes this machine under the head Bef chreibung der fe genannten Camele zu Amfterdam, womit die befrach- ten Schiffe über dem Pampus gebracht werden, and fays it was in- vented by Cornelius Meyer, a Dutch engineer. But the Dutch writers almoſt unanimouſly aſcribe this invention to a citizen of Amfterdam, called Meuves Meindertſzoon Bakker. + As ſhips built in the Neiva cannot be conveyed into harbour, on account of the fand-banks formed by the current of that river, camels are employed alfo by the Ruffians, to carry ſhips over theſe fhoals: and they have them of various fizes. Ber- noulli faw one, each half of which was 217 feet long, and 36 broad. Camels are uſed likewife at Venice. An engraving of the camel may be ſeen in L'Art de batir les Vaiffeaux, Amfter- dam, 1719, 4to. vol. ii. pa. 93. CANALS, motion of water in. See STREAM. CAPSTAN, a large maffy column, ſhaped like a truncated cone, placed perpendicularly on the deck of a fhip, and turned by levers or bars, which pafs through holes pierced in its upper extremity; ferving, by means of a cable which winds round the barrel, to draw up burdens faftened to the end of the cable. The power of this machine in its fimpleſt ſtate is manifeſtly re- ducible to that of the axis in peritrochio. There is frequently attached to it a tackle of pulleys, but the ingenious contrivance deſcribed in art. 4 of the introductory part of this volume is far preferable. CELLAR CRANE, a machine reprefented in fig. 6. pl. VI.; and is very uſeful to wine-merchants, brewers, &c. in drawing up and letting down caſks full of wine, beer, &c. It faves the trouble and inconvenience of horſes, and in many places can be uſed where horſes could not. AA are two wooden props, about 6 feet in height, and jointed together like a ruler at B. They are connected to each other by an iron round bar C, and wooden bar at the bottom D. The iron prongs EE faſten the uprights ſteadily to the edge of the cellar; F is the axis round which two ropes are coiled, the ends of which are faſtened to the two clamps GG. On the axis F is fixed the iron wheel H, of 3 feet in diameter: in the teeth of this works the pinion I, of about 6 or 7 inches in diameter, and is turned by the handle at K. It is evident, by a bare inſpection of the figure, that when the two ropes are flipt over the ends upon the barrel, either at the top or bottom of the cellar, by turning of the winch K to- wards or from you, the barrel can be fafely and expeditiously taken out or lowered down. When the crane is done with it shuts up, by unscrewing the nut at B, taking the wheel and axis. Chimney Cleanfers. 125 away out of the loops at L, and folding the fides at A together, like a jointed rule; it may then be taken away in the cart or dray, or taken in the men's hands. CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, a very curious machine, invented by Mr. Erskine, for raifing water by means of a centrifugal force combined with the preffure of the atmoſphere. It confifts of a large tube of copper, &c. in the form of a crofs, which is placed perpendicularly in the water, and refts at the bottom on a pivot. At the upper part of the tube is an horizontal cog- wheel, which touches the cogs of another in a vertical poſi- tion; ſo that by the help of a double winch the whole machine is moved round with very great velocity. Near the bottom of the perpendicular part of the tube is a valve opening upwards; and near the two extremities, but on the contrary fide of the arms or croſs part of the tube, are two other valves opening out- wards. Theſe two valves are, by the affiftance of fprings, kept ſhut till the machine is put in motion, when the centrifugal ve- locity of the water forces them open, and diſcharges itſelf into a ciſtern or refervoir placed there for that purpoſe. On the upper part of the arms are two holes, which are cloſed by pieces fcrewed into the metal of the tube. Before the machine can work thoſe holes muſt be opened, and water poured in through them, till the whole tube be full; by this means all the air will be forced out of the machine, and the water fupported in the tube by means of the valve at the bottom. The tube being thus filled with water, and the holes clofed by the fcrew-caps, it is turned round by means of the winch, when the water in the arms of the tube acquires a centrifugal force, opens the valves near the extremities of the arms, and flies out with a ve- locity nearly equal to that of the extremities of the faid arms. The theory of this pump may be ſeen in arts. 537, 538, of our firft volume. CHIMNEY CLEANSING MACHINES have been lately invented, in order, as far as poffible, to diminiſh the number of infant vic- tims of a filthy and difgufting operation, performed under the infpection of unfeeling mafters. Thoſe who have long viewed the wretchedneſs to which many of the children are expoſed who are ſtill employed in climbing chimneys, will be happy to hear of any contrivances which have a tendency to leffen their fufferings: we therefore mention here two machines which have been deviſed for the purpoſe of fweeping chimneys; either of which may, we doubt not, be made ufe of with confiderable fuccefs. The firft is that invented by Mr. George Smart, of Ord- nance-wharf, Westminster-bridge. Its principal parts are the bruſh, the rods for raifing the bruth, and the cord for connect. 126 MACHINES. " ing the whole together. The brush confifts of four fan-ſhaped or wing-like portions, which are hung upon hinges, in order that in aſcending the chimney the bruſh may take up as little ſpace as poffible, and in defcending may ſpread out and ſweep the fides of the flue: this bruſh is prevented from falling down into its contracted form by a contrivance exactly like that which is made uſe for umbrellas. The ſubſtance made uſe of in ge- neral for the bruſh is what is called whisk. The rods are hol- low tubes, with a metal focket at the lower end; fome of the fockets have screws in them, for the purpoſe of confining the cord, and preventing the rods from feparating. The upper ends of the rods are now made without ferrules, and are rather tapered, which allows of a small motion within the fockets. Each rod is about 2 feet long. The cord runs from the top of the brush through all the rods, and when drawn tight keeps the whole of the machine together. Method of using the machine. Having firſt aſcertained, by looking up the chimney, what courſe the flue immediately takes, the cloth is then to be fixed before the fire-place, with the hori- zontal bar, and the fides to be clofed with two upright bars. The next part of the operation is to introduce, through the opening in the cloth, the brufh in its contracted form: this opening is then to be buttoned or tied up, to prevent the foot coming into the apartments; then one of the rods is to be paffed up the cord into the focket, on the lower end of the rod which fupports the bruſh; the other rods are in like manner, one by one in fucceffion, to be brought up, until the brush is raiſed fomewhat above the top of the chimney, obferving to keep the cord conſtantly tight; and when thoſe rods which have a ſcrew in the focket are brought up they are to be placed on the pur- chaſe, when the cord is to be put round the pulley and drawn very tight, and fcrewed down, by which all the rods above will be firmly connected together, and the whole may be confidered one long flexible rod. When the operator thinks that the brush is near the top of the chimney he fhould move it up and down, as he will then find the bruſh, if out, stop, in returning, on the top of the pot or chimney. When it is known to be out the machine is to be pulled down: in doing which the edges of the bruſh, ftriking againſt the top of the chimney, will cauſe it to expand; and there being a fpring to prevent its contracting again, it will ſweep the foot down before it: the whisk being long and elaftic, makes the bruſh capable of filling flues of different diameters. In draw- ing down the machine the perſon fhould grafp with his left hand the rod immediately above that which he is feparating 1 Chimney Cleanfers. 127 with his right hand, otherwife he may chance to have thofe above loofen and flide down the cord, which will render the operation unpleaſant and difficult: the rods, as they are brought down, are to be laid carefully one by one in as small a compafs as they conveniently can be, that they may not dirt the apart- ments: with a little attention they may be placed like a bundle of ſticks, fide by fide, in very little compafs. When the bruſh is quite down it is to be fhaken within-fide the cloth, then the ſpring muſt be puſhed in, and the bruſh which was expanded will flap down into the ſtate it went up. If, as fometimes happens, there is any difficulty found in drawing the bruſh into the upper part of the chimney, the rods muſt be thruſt up again ſomewhat higher, in order to alter the direction, then carefully drawn down. It will be proper to let the cloth remain a ſhort time up (where great cleanlineſs is re- quired), in order to let the finer particles of foot fubfide with- in it. For extinguiſhing a chimney on fire a coarſe cloth is to be tied over the bruſh and dipped into water, then paffed up as above directed. It is now nearly three years fince this machine was invented, and its uſe has been attended with very confiderable ſuccess; for it appears that there is ſcarcely one chimney in a hundred in the vicinity of the metropolis but what may be properly ſwept by it. The following perfons have undertaken to fweep chimneys with Mr. Smart's machines, at the uſual prices :-Thomas Bad- ger, chimney-sweeper, No. 2, Whalebone-court, oppofite Token- houſe-yard, Great Bell-alley, Coleman-ftreet.-John Bedford, chimney-fweeper, 56, Swallow-street, Piccadilly.-Thomas Murless, chimney-fweeper, Bell-yard, near the Bridge, Hack- ney.-Richard Page, chimney-fweeper, 23, Colonnade, near Guildford-street, Foundling-hofpital.-George Smart, 15, Great Bell-alley, Coleman-street; and at his timber yard, Pratt's-place, Camden-town; and at Ordnance-wharf, Weftminfter-bridge.- Thomas Taylor, 9, Well's-ftreet, Oxford-road.-George Turner and James Laver, Walthamſtow.-Thomas Wood, 36, Poland- ftreet, Oxford-road. Another machine for the fame benevolent purpoſe has been invented by Mr. J. C. Hornblower, engineer, Eaft-place, City- road: The apparatus is 'simply this: a veffel into which air is condenſed communicates with a tube charged with ſmall gra- vel, which being blown up the chimney brings down the foot. The body of the machine is made of copper, of about 3 pound to the fquare foot, and its capacity is about three cylin- drical feet. In the middle of the cover, which is foldered on, is a ſyringe or condenſer, having its handle above the cover. 128 MACHINES. On one fide of the cover is inferted a crooked pipe, having a valve opening inward in its inner or lower end, the ftem of which comes up through the pipe, and terminates with a but- ton. The pipe is continued by a flexible leather one, to which is united a tube of tin plate. This latter tube has a croſs bar of tin plate, fixed edgewife in the bottom or breach of the tube which detaches from the leather pipe, ſomewhat like a piſtol barrel, leaving a piece of tube about fix inches remaining to the leather pipe, into the bottom of which this cafe bar is fixed, and ferves to receive a charge of ſmall gravel, having a piece of paper firft laid on the croſs-bar; the other part of the tube is then to be replaced, and the air-veffel fuppofed to be full, the valve is preffed down by a little lever accompanying the ma- chine, and its contents are difcharged into the fhaft of the chimney; and if there is any fuch quantity of foot as really needs fweeping away, it will come down. The veffel contains nearly three cylindrical feet, and we can crowd three atmoſpheres of air into it, in which cafe there will be 42 lbs. per inch ſquare, at round numbers, preffing againſt the charge in the tube, or rather againſt the valve, the tube being 24 inch diameter, which amounts to 168 lbs. for the whole area. This air will all be diſcharged in one fecond, the mean velocity of which may be fairly reckoned at 50 feet, in that time having impetus in itſelf fufficient to carry away any foot of conſequence in a chimney of 100 feet high; but when we take into the account the charge of gravel, being alternately incident and reflected on all fides of the chimney, we need not fear to affirm that it is perfectly applicable to its intention. To render it as univerfal as poffible there muſt be another tube, to be occafionally ufed, when the fide of the chimney near the fire place is gathered over, in order to bring the throat of the flue over the fire: or it ſhould be in ſeveral pieces, to conform to the height of this gathering, and in this caſe the charge muſt be at the upper fiffure, and the pipe ftayed as per- pendicularly as can be conveniently done; for which purpoſe there is a piece made to fix on the pipe, having two ſtems, which, if put in the bearing fide of the pipe, will keep it up- right and in the crater of the flue. The machine thus con- ftructed is to be laid on a little truck, and tranfported from houſe to houſe, with a gallon of gravel to begin with; becauſe, until it has obtained the good opinion of the public, it would not be neceflary to attempt fuch regulations as would after- wards be deemed requifite to facilitate the operation. The inventor of this condenfing machine, in a letter on the ſubject in Nicholſon's Journal, N. S. No. 28, has made ſome Churn. 129 ingenious obfervations on the peculiarity of its conftruction, and what he thinks its advantages, compared with the machine previouſly deſcribed in this article.-" One circumſtance," fays he, "prefents itſelf, by which the air machine muſt have a de- cided preference over the brushes; which is this, you must know the height of the chimney, and adapt the length of the rods to that height, or elſe you will not know when you are in the flue or out of it. Whereas, my machine knows no neces- fity for fuch a punctilio; all that is neceffary being only to give fo many fhocks of the condenfer to a chimney of two ftories, and fo many to one of three, and ſo on. And again, thefe brushes in the very outſet of trial made with them are ſubject to accidents, and will moſt affuredly wear out very faſt. What muſt become of thoſe whalebone rods when the fewing is rub- bed through in paffing up and down againſt the projections of unceremonious bricks and mortar? What repairs will they not be ſubject to in the courſe of one day's action? Whereas the air machine will fweep a hundred chimneys, and be repaired for two-pence; it wanting only a little oil in the condenfer." Our readers will decide for themſelves, from the preceding deſcriptions, which contrivancé deferves the preference. We are gratified in having an opportunity of ſpeaking of both, deeming that a laudable endeavour which is intended to recom- mend to the public the uſe of one or other of two machines well calculated for the purpoſe of performing a moft difagree- able and ſometimes dangerous operation; thereby relieving a de- graded clafs of our fpecies from very inhuman treatment, and reſtoring them to their rank in civil fociety. CHUCK, UNIVERSAL. See TURNING CHURN, a well-known veffel in which butter, by long and violent agitation, is feparated from the ferous part of the milk. The inferiority of the churns in common ufe has induced feveral ingenious mechanics to exert their ſkill in contriving others that would render the procefs of making butter lefs tedi- ous and expenfive. Of theſe, one of the most valuable is Mr. William Bowler's improved churn, with which the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. were fo well fatisfied as to preſent the inventor with thirty guineas. As it renders the operation of churning far lefs fatiguing; and has, befides, fome peculiar advantages, we thall fubjoin a deſcription. This churn is of the barrel kind; being a cylinder 18 inches in diameter, and 9 wide; the fides are of wood, and the rim a tin plate, which has two openings, one 8 inches in length, and 4 in width, through which the cream is poured into the churn, and the hand introduced for cleaning it; the other a ſhort pipe, one inch in diameter, by which the butter-milk runs out of the VOL. II. K } 130 ¡ MACHINES. churn when the operation is finiſhed. The firſt of theſe open- ings has a wooden cover, fastened down by two fcrews; and the other a cork fitted to it, while the butter is churning. There is further, near the larger opening, a ſmall vent-hole with a peg, to admit the paffage of any air that may be diſcharged from the cream at the beginning of the operation. An axle alfo paffes through the churn, terminating in two gudgeons, on which it. hangs; its lower part being immerfed in a trough, in order to hold occafionally either hot or cold water, according to the fea fon of the year. On the infide of the rim are four projecting pieces of wood, with holes, ferving to agitate the cream by the motion of the churn. This movement is cauſed by a pendulum 3 feet 6 inches long, that has an iron bob weighing 10 lbs. and at its upper end a turning pulley 10 inches in diameter, from which a rope goes twice round another pulley about 3 inches in diameter fixed on the axis of the churn, which it caufes to make a partial revolution by each vibration of the pendulum. There are likewiſe fliding covers to the machinery, and ans other to the water trough; in order, when hot water is uſed, to ſecure the ſteam, and keep the cream in a proper degree of warmth. The motion of the pendulum is given, and con tinued, by means of a wooden rod about 3 feet 9 inches in length, which turns on a pin 3 inches above the bob of the pen- dulum. If there be a tranfverfe handle at the upper end of this wooden rod a boy may give motion to the churn, with great facility, even while fitting; the action being then much like that of rowing, one of the moſt advantageous methods of ap- plying human force... + AA, fig. 8, pl. XII, is the body. B, an opening by which the cream is put in. C, the cover of the large opening: the fmall hole on the oppofite fide of the churn cannot be fhewn in this view. D, the gudgeon on which the body of the churn hangs E, the upper or larger pully. F, the fmaller pulley fixed on the axis or gudgeon of the churn. GG, the rod of the pen dulum hanging from the upper pulley E. H, the bob of the pendulum. II, the handle, moveable on a pin at a, by which the pendulum is moved to and fro, making a traverſe in form of the dotted line KK. L, the trough for the hot or cold water. M, a projecting piece of wood, with a fhoulder, by which the handle I is fupported when the churn is not at work. CLOCK, a machine now conftructed in fuch a manner, and fo regulated by the uniform motion of a pendulum, as to meaſure time, and all its fubdivifions, with great exactnefs. Before the invention of the pendulum a balance, not unlike the fly of a kitchen-jack, was ufed inftead of it. Clocks were at firft called Clocks 131 25 nocturnal dials, to diſtinguiſh them from fun-dials," whic fhewed the hour by the fhadow of the fun bon is and agri The invention of clocks with wheels is aferibed to Pacificus, archdeacon of Verona, in the 9th century, on the credit of an epitaph quoted by Ughelli, and borrowed by him from Panvi- nius. Others attribute the invention to Boethius, about the year $10. Mr. Derham, however, makes clock-work of a much older rate; ranking Archimedes's ſphere, mentioned by Claudian, and that of Pofidonius, mentioned by Cicero, among machines of this kind: not that either their form or ufe was the fame with thoſe of ours, but that they had their motion from ſome hidden weights or ſprings, with wheels or pulleys, or fome fuch clockwork principle. 1 In the Difquifitiones Monaftica of Benedictus Haëften, pub™ liſhed in the year 1644, he ſays, that clocks were invented by Silvefter the 4th, a monk of his order, about the year 998, ası Dithmarus and Bozius have fhewn; for before that time they had nothing but fun-dials and clepfydræ to fhew the hour.- Conrade Gefner, in his Epitome, page 604, fays, that Richard Wallingford, an Engliſh abbot of St. Albans, who flourished in the year 1326, made a wonderful clock by a moft excellent art, the like of which could not be produced by all Europe:-Moreri, under the word Horologe du Palais, fays, that Charles the Fifth, called the wife king of France, ordered at Paris the firſt large clock to be made by Henry de Vie, whom he fent for from Germany, and ſet it upon the tower of his palace in the year 1372.John Froiffart, in his Hiftoire & Chronique, vol. 2, chap. 28, fays, the duke of Bourgogne had a clock which founded the hour, taken away from the city of Courtray in the year 1382: and the ſame thing is faid by William Paraðîn in his Annals de Bourgogne. Clock-makers were firft Introduced into England in 1368, when Edward the Third granted a licence for three artifts to come over from Delft, in Holland, and practife their-occupation in this country. $ לוג V The water-clocks or clepfydræ, and fun-dials, have both a much better claim to antiquity The French annals mention one of the former kind, fent by Aaron, king of Perfia, to Charle magne, about the year 807, which it would feem bore fome rez femblance to the modern clocks: it was of brafs, and fhewed the hours by 12 little balls of the fame metal, which at the end of each hour fell upon a bell, and made a found. There were alſo figures of 12 cavaliers, which at the end of each hour came out through certain apertures or windows in the fide of the clock, and fut them again, &e. K 2 132 MACHINES. 7 + The invention of pendulum clocks is owing to the happy induſtry of the laft age; and the honour of that discovery is diſputed between Galileo and Huygens. The latter, who wrote an excellent volume on the ſubject, declares it was firſt put in practice in the year 1657, and the deſcription of it print- ed in 1658. Becher, De Nova Temporis dimetiendi Theoria, anno 1680, contends for Galileo; and relates, though at fecond- hand, the whole hiftory of the invention; adding, that one Trefler, clock-maker to the father of the then grand-duke of Tuſcany, made the firſt pendulum clock at Florence under the direction of Galileo Galilei, a pattern of which was brought to Holland. And the Academy del Cimento fays exprefsly, that the application of the pendulum to the movement of a clock was firſt propoſed by Galileo, and put in practice by his ſon Vincenzo Galilei in 1649. But whoever may have been the inventor, it is certain that the invention never flouriſhed till it came into the hands of Huygens, who infifts on it that, if ever Galileo thought of fuch a thing, he never brought it to any degree of perfection. The firſt pendulum clock made in England was in the year 1662, by one Fromantil, a Dutchman. After this brief ſketch of the hiftory of clocks, which may be interefling to ſome of our readers, we ſhall give a deſcription of a modern clock according to the most approved conftruction. The firſt figure of plate VIII. is a profile of fuch a clock; P is a weight which is fufpended by a cord that winds about the cylinder or barrel C, which is fixed upon the axis a, a; the pivots b, b, go into holes made in the plates TS, TS, in which they turn freely. Thefe plates are made of brafs or iron, and are connected by means of four pillars, Z, Z; the whole together being called the frame. The weight P, if not re- ftrained, would neceffarily turn the barrel C, with an uniformly accelerating motion, in the fame manner as if the weight were falling freely. But the barrel is furniſhed with a ratchet-wheel, K, K, the right fide of whofe teeth ftrikes against the click, which is fixed with a fcrew to the wheel DD, as repreſented in fig. 2; ſo that the action of the weight is communicated to the wheel DD, the teeth of which act upon the teeth of the fmall wheel d, which turns upon the pivots c, c. The commu- nication or action of one wheel with another is called the pitch- ing; a fmall wheel like d is called a pinion, and its teeth are called leaves of the pinion. Several things are requiſite to form a good pitching, the advantages of which are obvious in all ma- chinery where teeth and pinions are employed. The teeth and pinion-leaves fhould be of a proper fhape, and perfectly equal among themſelves: the fize alfo of the pinion fhould be of juſt proportion to the wheel acting into it. Clocks. 133 1 The wheel EE is fixed upon the axis of the pinion d; and the motion communicated to the wheel DD by the weight is tranſmitted to the pinion d, confequently to the wheel EE, as likewife to the pinion e and wheel FF, which moves the pinion f, upon the axis of which the crown or balance wheel ĠH is fixed. The pivots of the pinion ƒ play in holes of the plates LM, which are fixed horizontally to the plates TS. In a word, the motion begun by the weight is tranfmitted from the wheel GH to the palettes IK, and by means of the fork UX rivetted on the palettes, communicates motion to the pendulum AB, which is fufpended upon the hook A. The pendulum AB de- ſcribes, round the point A, an arc of a circle alternately going and returning. If, then, the pendulum be once put in motion by a puſh of the hand, the weight of the pendulum at B will make it return upon itſelf, and it will continue to go alternately backward and forward till the refiftance of the air upon the pendulum, and the friction at the point of fufpenfion at A, deſtroys the original impreffed force. But as at 'every vibra- tion of the pendulum the teeth of the balance-wheel GH act ſo upon the palettes IK (the pivots upon the axis of theſe palettes play in two holes of the potence s t), that after one tooth Ḥ has communicated motion to the palette K, that tooth efcapes; then the oppofite tooth G acts upon the palette I, and eſcapes in the fame manner; and thus each tooth of the wheel eſcapes the palettes IK, after having communicated their motion to the palettes in fuch a manner that the pendulum, inſtead of being ſtopped, continues to move. The wheel EE revolves in an hour; the pivot c of this wheel paffes through the plate, and is continued to r; upon the pivot is a wheel NN, with a long focket faſtened in the centre; upon the extremity of this focket r, the minute-hand is fixed. The wheel NN acts upon the wheel O; the pinion of which p acts upon the wheel gg, fixed upon a focket which turns along with the wheel N. This wheel gg makes its revolution in 12 hours, upon the focket of which the hour-hand is fixed. From the above deſcription it is eaſy to fee, 1. That the weight P turns all the wheels, and at the fame time continues the motion of the pendulum. 2. That the quickness of the motion of the wheels is determined by that of the pendulum. 3. That the wheels point out the parts of time divided by the uniform motion of the pendulum. When the cord upon which the weight is fufpended is en- tirely run down from off the barrel, it is wound up again by means of a key, which goes on at the fquare end of the arbor at Q by turning it in a contrary direction from that in which the weight defcends. For this purpoſe the inclined fide of the 134 MACHINES. teeth of the wheel K (fig. 2.) removes the click C, fo that the ratchet-wheel R turns while the wheel D is at reft; but as foon as the cord is wound up, the click falls in between the teeth of the wheel D, and the right fide of the teeth again act upon the end of the click, which obliges the wheel D to turn along with the barrel; and the fpring A keeps the click be- tween the teeth of the ratchet wheel R. · + We fhall now explain how time is meaſured by the motion of the pendulum; and how the wheel E, upon the axis of which the minute-hand is fixed, makes but one precife revòlu- tion in an hour. The vibrations of a pendulum are performed in a fhorter or longer time in proportion to the length of the pendulum itfelf. A pendulum of 39 inches in length makes 3600 vibrations in an hour: i. e. each vibration is performed in a Tecond of time, and for that reafon it is called a fecond pendulum. But a pendulum of 93 inches makes 200 vibrations in an hour, or two vibrations in a fecond of time, and is called á half- Second pendulum. Hence, in conftructing a wheel whofe revo- lution must be performed in a given time, the time of the vibra- tions of the pendulum which regulates its motion must be con- fidered, Suppofing, then, that the pendulum AB makes 7200 vibrations in an hour, let us confider how the wheel E fhall take up an hour in making one revolution. This entirely de- pends on the number of teeth in the wheels and pinions. If the balance-wheel confifts of 30 teeth, it will turn once in the time that the pendulum makes 6e vibrations: for at every turn of the wheel the ſame tooth acts once on the palette I, and once on the palette K, which occafions two ſeparate vibrations in the pendulum; and the wheel having 30 teeth it occafions twice 30, or 60 vibrations. Confequently this wheel muſt per- form 120 revolutions in an hour; becauſe 60 vibrations, which it occafions at every revolution, are contained 120 times in 7200, the number of vibrations performed by the pendulum in an hour. Now, in order to determine the number of teeth for the wheels E F, and their pinions ef, it muſt be remarked "that one revolution of the wheel E muft turn the pinion e as many times as the number of teeth in the pinion is contained “in the number of teeth in the wheel. Thus, if the wheel E contains 72 teeth, and the pinione 6, the pinion will make 12 revolutions in the time that the wheel makes 1 for each tooth of the wheel drives forward a tooth of the pinion, and when the 6 teeth of the pinion are moved, a complete revolution is per- formed; but the wheel E has by that time only advanced 16 teeth, and has ftill 66 to advance before its révolution be com- pleted, which will occafion 1 more revolutions of the pinion. For the fame reafon the wheel F having 60 teeth, and the .. 3 Clocks. 135 心 ​pinion f6, the pinion will make 10 revolutions while the wheel performs 1. Now the wheel F being turned by the pinion e makes 12 revolutions for one of the wheel E; and the pinion f makes to revolutions for one of the wheel F;-confequently the pinion fperforms 10 times 1-2, or-120, revolutions in the time the wheel E performs one. But the wheel G, which is turned by the pinion f, occafions 60 vibrations in the pendulum each time it turns round; confequently the wheel G occafions. 60 times 120, or 7200, vibrations of the pendulum while the wheel E performs one revolution; but 7200, is the number of vibrations made by the pendulum in an hour, and confequently the wheel E performs but one revolution in an hour; and fo of the rest. From this reafoning it is eafy to diſcover how a clock may be made to go for any length of time without being wound up. 1. By increafing the number of the teeth in the wheels. 2. By diminishing the number of teeth in the pinions. 3. By increaf ing the length of the cord that fufpends the weight. 4. By increafing the length of the pendulum. And, 5. By adding to the number of wheels and pinions. But in proportion as the time is augmented, if the weight continues the fame, the force which it communicates to the laft wheel GH will be dimi nifhed. # It only remains to take notice of the number of teeth in the wheels which turn the hour and minute-hands. The wheel E performs one revolution in an hour; the wheel N N, which is turned by the axis of the wheel E, muft likewife make only one revolution in the fame time; and the minute-hand is fixed to the focket of this wheel. The wheel N has 30 teeth, and acts upon the wheel O, which has likewife 30 teeth, and the fame diameter; confequently the wheel O takes one hour to a revolution: now the wheel O carries the pinion p, which has 6 teeth, and which acts upon the wheel qq of 72 teeth; con- fequently the pinion p makes 12 revolutions while the wheel 4.9 makes one, and of courſe the wheel qq takes 12 hours to, one revolution and upon the focket of this wheel the hour-hand is fixed. Much that has been faid here, concerning revolutions of wheels, &c. is equally applicable to watches as to clocks. But it is time to fpeak of the ftriking part; in which, indeed, as well as the other part of a clock, there is room for great variety and choice in the conftruction. The wheels ufually compofing this part are, the great or firft wheel, which is moved by the weight or fpring at the barrel, in fixteen or thirty-hour clocks, this has ufually pins, and is called the pin- wheel in eight-day pieces the fecond wheel is commonly the pin-wheel, or ſtriking-wheel, which is moved by the former ede nás naar od gairí i basqw adi noen vond von T 136 MACHINES. • Next to the ſtriking-wheel is the detent-wheel, or hoop-wheel, having a hoop almoſt round it, wherein is a vacancy at which the clock locks. The next is the third or fourth wheel, accord- ing to its diſtance from the reft, called the warning-wheel. The laft is the flying pinion, with a fly or fan, to gather air, and fo bridle the rapidity of the clock's motion. To thefe muft be added the pinion of report; which drives round the locking- wheel, called alfo the count-wheel; ordinarily with eleven notches in it, unequally diftant, to make the clock ftrike the hours. Befides the wheels, to the clock part belongs the rash or ratch; a kind of wheel with twelve large fangs, running concentrical to the dial-wheel, and ferving to lift up the detents every hour and make the clock ftrike: the detents or ftops, which being lifted up and let fall, lock and unlock the clock in ſtriking;- the hammer, which ftrikes the bell; the hammer-tails, by which the striking pins draw back the hammers; latches, where- by the work is lifted up and unlocked; and lifting-pieces which lift up and unlock the detents. In the year 1803 the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. prefented to Mr. John Prior of Nefsfield, Yorkshire, a reward of 30 guineas, on account of his contrivance for the Striking part of an eight-day clock. As this invention is likely to be uſeful, we fhall defcribe it here. It confifts of a wheel and fly, with fix turns of a ſpiral line, cut upon the wheel for the purpoſe of counting the hours. The pins below this ſpiral elevate the hammer, and thofe above are for the uſe of the de- tent. This fingle wheel ferves the purpoſe of count-wheel, pin- wheel, detent-wheel, and the fly-wheel, and has fix revolutions in ftriking the 12 hours. If we fuppofe a train of wheels and pinions uſed in other ftriking parts to be made without error, and that the wheels and pinions would turn each other without ſhake or play: then, allowing the above fuppofition to be true (though every mechanic knows it is not), Mr. Prior's ftrik- ing part would be found fix times fuperior to others, in ftrik- ing the hours 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11; twelve times fuperior in ſtriking 4, 6, 8; and eighteen times, in ftriking 3, 9, and 12. In ftriking 2, the inventor purpoſely made an imperfection equal to the ſpace of three teeth of the wheel; and, in ſtriking 3, an imperfection of nine or ten teeth; and yet both theſe hours are ftruck perfectly correct. The flies in clocks turn round, at a mean, about fixty times for every knock of the hammer, but this turns round only three times for the fame pur- pofe; and ſuppoſe the pivots were of equal diameters, the in- fluence of oil on them would be as the number of revolutions in each. It would be better for clocks if they gave no warning Curious Clocks. 137 at all, but the fnail-piece to raife a weight fomewhat fimilar to the model Mr. P fent for the infpection of that refpectable Society. Reference to Mr. PRIOR's Striking Part of his Clock. Plate X. fig. 1. A, the large wheel, on the face of which are funk or cut the fix turns of a ſpiral. B, the fingle worm fcrew, which acts on the above wheel, and moves the fly C. D, the ſpiral work of the wheel A. The black ſpots fhew the grooves into which the detents drop on ftriking the hour. E, the groove into which the locking-piece F drops when it ftrikes one, and from which place it proceeds to the outward parts of the ſpiral in the progreffive hours, being thrown out by a lifting piece H at each hour: the upper detent G being pump- ed off with the locking piece F, from the pins in the wheel A. In ftriking the hour of twelve, the locking-piece, having arrived at the outer fpiral at H, rifes up an inclined plane, and drops by its own weight to the inner circle, in which the hour one is to be ftruck, and proceeds on in a progreffive motion through the different hours till it comes again to twelve. I. the hammer-work made in the common way, which is worked by thirteen pins on the face of the ſpiral. Fig. 2.-K, the thirteen pins on the face of the ſpiral, which work the hammer-work. L, the outer pins, which lock the detent. M, the pump-fpring to the detent. For other information reſpecting clockwork, fee the articles BALANCE, PENDULUM, and SCAPEMENT, in this volume. Some very fimple contrivances for clocks, by Mr. Ferguſon, and Dr. Franklin, may be ſeen in Ferguſon's Select Exercifes. In the fourth century an artiſt named James Dondi con- ſtructed a clock for the city of Padua, which was long confidered as the wonder of that period. Befides indicating the hours, it repreſented the motion of the fun, moon, and planets, as well as pointed out the different feſtivals of the year. On this ac- count Dondi obtained the furname of Horologio, which became that of his pofterity. A little time after, William Zelander conftructed for the fame city a clock ftill more complex; which was repaired in the fixteenth century by Janellus Turrianus, the mechanift of Charles V. · But the clocks of the cathedrals of Straſburgh and of Lyons, are much more celebrated. That of Strafburgh was the work of Conrad Daſypodius, a mathematician of that city, who finiſh- ed it about 1573. The face of the baſement of this clock ex- hibits three dial-plates; one of which is round, and confifts of. 138 MACHINES. feveral concentric circles, the two interior ones of which per- form their revolutions in a year, and ferve to mark the days of the year, the feſtivals and other circumstances of the calendar. The two lateral dial-plates are fquare, and ferve to indicate the eclipfes both of the fun and the moon. Above the middle dial- plate, and in the attic space of the basement, the days of the week are reprefented by different divinities, fuppofed to prefide over the planets from which their common appellations are derived. The divinity of the current day appears in a car rolling over the clouds, and at midnight retires to give place to the fucceeding one. Before the bafement is feen a globe, borne on the wings of a pelican, around which the fun and moon revolved; and which in that manner reprefented the motion of theſe planets: but this part of the machine, as well as feveral others, has been deranged for a long time,. The ornamental turret, above this bafement, exhibits chiefly a large dial in the form of an aſtrolabe; which thews the annual motion of the fun and moon through the ecliptic, the hours of the day, &c. The phafes of the moon are feen alfo marked out on a particular dial-plate above. This work is remarkable alfo for a confiderable affemblage of bells and figures, which perform different motions. Above the dial-plate laft mentioned, for example, the four ages of man are reprefented by fymbolical figures: one paffes every quarter of an hour, and marks the quarter by ftriking on fmall bells thefe figures are followed by Death, who is expelled by Jefus Chriftrifen from the grave; who, however, permits it to found the hour, in order to warn man that time is on, the wing. Two ſmall angels perform movements alfa; one ftriking a bell with a fceptre, while the other turns an, hour-glafs at the expiration of an hour. In the last place, this work was decorated with various animals, which emitted founds fimilar to their natural voices; but none of them now remains, except the cock, which crows immedi ately before the hour, ftrikes, firft ftretching out its neck and clapping its wings. Indeed it is to be regretted that a great part of this machine is now entirely deranged, { A The clock of the cathedral of Lyons is of lefs fize than that of Strafburgh, but is not inferior to it in the variety of its move ments; it has the advantage alfo of being in a good condition. It is the work of Lippius de Bafle, and was exceedingly well res paired in the last century by an ingenious, clock-maker of Lyons named Nouriffon. Like that of Strafburgh, it exhibits on differ ent dial-plates the annual and diurnal progrefs of the fun and moon, the days of the year, their length, and the whole calendar, Civil as well as ecclefiaftic. The days of the week are indicated by fymbols more analogous to the place where the clock is erected; the hours are announced by the crowing Jofua cock, E Treatifes on Clockwork. 139 three times repeated after it has clapped its wings, and made various other movements. When the cock has done crowing, angels appear, who, by ftriking various bells, perform the air of a hymn; the annunciation of the Virgin is reprefented alſo by -moving figures, and by the deſcent of a dove from the clouds; and after this mechanical exhibition the hour ſtrikes. On one of the fides of the clock is feen an oval dial-plate, where the hours and minutes are indicated by means of an index, which lengthens or contracts itſelf, according to the length of the femi- diameter of the ellipfis over which it moves. A very curious clock, the work of Martinot, a celebrated clock-maker of the feventeenth century, was formerly to be ſeen in the royal apartments at Verfailles. Before it ftruck the hour, two cocks on the corners of a ſmall edifice crowed alter- nately, clapping their wings: foon after two lateral doors of the edifice opened, at which appeared two figures bearing cymbals, beat upon by a kind of guards with clubs. When theſe figures had retired, the centre door was thrown open, and a pedeſtal, fupporting an equeftrian ftatue of Louis XIV. iffued from it, while a group of clouds feparating, gave a paffage to a figure of Fame, which came and hovered over the ftatue. An air was then performed by bells: after which the two figures re-entered; the two guards raiſed up their clubs, which they had lowered as if out of refpect for the preſence of the king, and the hour was then ſtruck- While, however, we have thought it right to defcribe thefe ingenious performances of foreign artiſts, we must not neglect to mention the equally ingenious workmanship of fome of our own countrymen. We now refer to two clocks made by Eng- lith artifls, as a prefent from the East-India company to the emperor of China. Thefe two clocks are in the form of chariots, in each of which a lady is placed in a fine attitude, leaning her right hand upon a part of the chariot, under which appears a clock of curious workmanſhip, little larger than a fhilling, that ftrikes and repeats, and goes for eight days. Upon the lady's finger fits a bird, finely modelled, and fet with diamonds and rubies, with its wings expanded in a flying pofture, and actually flutters for a confiderable time on touching a diamond button below it: the body of the bird, in which are contained part of the wheels that animate it as it were, is less than the 16th part of an inch. The lady holds in her left-hand a golden tube little thicker than a large pin, on the top of which is a fmall round box, to which is fixed a circular ornament not larger than a fixpence, fet with diamonds, which goes round in near three hours in a conftant regular motion. Over the lady's head is a double cumbrella, fupported by a ſmall fluted pillar not thicker 140 MACHINES. than a quill, and under the larger of which a bell is fixed, at a confiderable diftance from the clock, with which it feems to have no connection; but from which a communication is fe- cretly conveyed to a hammer, that regularly ſtrikes the hour, and repeats the fame at pleaſure, by touching a diamond button fixed to the clock below. At the feet of the lady is a golden dog. As the ſubject of clock and watch making is very important, we think the following copious catalogue of the chief writings relating to it, both in theory and practice, may be acceptable and beneficial to many of our readers. Carmen de aftronomico horologio argentoratenfi, fcriptum a M. Nicodemo Frifchlino Balingenfi, academiæ Tubingenfis pro- feffore. A. D. 1575· Defcriptio brevis et fuccincta horologii rariffimi æque ac pre- tiofiffimi, ab ingeniofiffimo mechanico Jo. Davide Lieberkühn conftructi. 1576. Conradi Dafypodii heron mechanicus. Ejufdem horologii aftronomici, &c. 1580. Brevis defcriptio artificiofi novi et aftronomici automati horologii, cujus fimile ante hac non exftitit; inventi primum ftudio et induftria M. Jacobi Cunonis. 1581. Traité de géométrie et d'horologiographie pratique, par Jean Bullant. 1602. Horologium aftronomicum Upfalienfe, cujus artificiofiffima ftructura, analyfis, et ufus, &c. Auctore Laurent. Fornelio, 1630. Fo. Sarazini horographum catholicum feu univerfale, quo omnia horologia fciotherica defcribuntur. 1630. Le nouveau fciatère pour fabriquer d'horloges. 1633. Athanafii Kircheri ars magnis lucis et umbræ. 1646. Johannis Baptifta Trotta novum horologium nocturnam e ftellis. 1651. Chriftiani Hugenii a Zulichem Conft. F. horologium, 1658. [It was in this elegant little piece that Huygens firſt treated of the regulation of time by the pendulum; and on this he entered more at large in his celebrated work, Horologium ofcillatorium.] A narrative concerning the fuccefs of pendulum watches at fea for finding the longitude, by Major Holmes. Phil. Trans. No. 1. 1665. Antonio Tempera l'horologio giufto utiliffimo a naviganti. 1668. Chr. Hugenii Zulechemii Conft. F. horologium ofcillatorium, five de motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demonſtrationes geometricæ. Parisüs. 1673. I. S. Horological dialogues, in three parts; fhewing the Treatifes on Clockwork. 141 nature, uſe, and right managing of clocks and watches: with an appendix, containing Mr. Oughtred's method for calculating of numbers. 1675. Very exact portable watches, by Mr. Huygens. Phil, Trans. No. 112. A. D. 1675- M. Leibnitz on his portable watches. Phil. Trans. No. 113. A. D. 1675. Compendium horologico-fciotericum et geometricum. Chr. Zuicker. 1675. Factum de M. l'abbé de Hautefeuille touchant les pendules de poche, contre Mr. Huyghens. 1675. M. Campani de Alimenis horologium folo naturæ motu atque ingenio, &c. 1677. Traité d'horologiographie du père de la Magdeleine. 1680. D. I. I. Becheri, de nova temporis dimetiendi ratione, et ac- curata horologiorum conftructione, theoria et experientia, Lon- dini. 1680. Horologia fcioterica prælibata ad delineandum - ſciotericôn declinationis, folaris quantum indies eft perceptibilis, per N. Hanbury. Lond. 1683. Horologium horologiorum defcriptum et explicatum, ab Joanne Bartholo. Fichelli. Venetiis. 1685. Henrici Coetfii Arnhemienfis horologiographia plana, feu methodus in fuperficiebus planis omnia horologiorum genera defcribenda methodus. Lugd. Batav. 1689. Horological difquifitions. A work very neceflary for all that would underſtand the true way of rightly managing clocks and watches. By John Smidt, C. M. 1694. The artificial clock-maker, a treatiſe of watch and clöck- work, by W. D. [W. Derham.] 1696. [This ufeful little work has gone through many editions. It was tranflated into the German language in 1708, and into the French in 1731.] Remarques fur la conftruction des horloges à pendule, par M. de la Hire, mem. R. Acad. 1700, pa. 161. De la figure des fusées des horloges à reffort, par M.Va- rignon, mem. R. Acad. 1702, pa. 122. Mécan. The invention of making clocks to keep time with the fun's apparent motion afferted by W. J. Williamfon. Phil. Trans. No. 363. • Regle artificielle du tems pour aprendre la divifion naturelle et artificielle du tems, et connoitre toutes fortes d'horloges et de montres, et la maniere de s'en fervir adroitement, par H. S. de Londres. Imprimé à Vienne. 1714. This curious work, the author Henry Sully, went through various editions in different languages.] . 142 MACHINES. Conftruction d'un horloge qui marque le tems vrai avec le moyen. Par M. de la Hire. mem. R. Acad. 1717. Horologiographie pratique, ou la manière de faire des horloges à poids et les montres, par le religieux Auguſtin P. B. à Rouen. 1719. الله Defeription d'une grande et merveilleufe horloge portative en pèndule, la plus admirable et furprenante que aye jamais para au monde: digne de l'admiration des beaux efprits: étant l'uni- que au monde de fon efpèce; nouvelle parachevée par l'in venteur, qui eſt le Sr. T. Paftre, ci-devant marchand fabriquant en bas de foye et laine, à la ville de Nimes en Languedoc. 1721. Conſtruction nouvelle de trois montres portatives d'un nouveau balancier en forme de croix, qui fait les oſcillations des péndules très-petites, &c. par M. de Hautefeuille. 1722. Deſcription d'une horloge d'une nouvelle invention pour la juſte meſure du tems fur mer, par Sully. 1726. A contrivance to avoid the irregularities in a clock's motion, occafioned by the action of heat and cold on the pendulum rod, by Mr. George Graham, watchmaker, F. R. S. Phil. Trans. No. 392. A. D. 1726. Traité général des horloges, par le père Dom Jacques-Alex- andre. 1734- Moyens de conftruire un pendule qui ne peut s'alonger par la chaleur ni fe racourcir par le froid, par M. Caffini, mem. R. Acad, 174!. Traité de l'horlogerie mechanique et pratique, approuvé par l'Académie Royal des Sciences, par M. Thiout l'aine. 1741. [Much alfo on the fubjects of pendulums, fcapements, &c. may be feen in the account of machines et inventions approuvées par l'Acad. Roy. des Sciences. vol. 1 to 5.] Job. George Hartmanns Klein-Uhrmachers zu Jena nöthiger Unterricht von Verbefferung der Sackuhren, durch den waager echten Stand, Berechnung, Aufarbeitung, Beurtheilung, Ge- brauch, Stellung, Kennzeichen und Probirung derfelben. 1752. Traité d'horlogerie, par M. 7. A. le Paute. 1755- Difcours fur l'horlogerie, et expofition d'une nouvelle mé chanique de pendule, approuvée par Mefs. de l'Académie Roy. des Sci. par le fieur Mazurier. 1756. Jul. Le Roy anweifung die einfachen fowohl als Repe- tiruhren wohl einzurichten und zu gebrauchen. Drefden. 1759. L'art de conduire et de régler les pendules et les montres, &c. par M. Ferdinand Berthoud. 1759. Molitor's anweiſung, wie Geh-, Schlag-, Repetir-, und Sackuh- ren richtig berechnet, probirt und traktirt werden. Frankfurt am Mayn. 1762. Effai fur l'horlogerie, dans lequel on traite de cet art relative Treatifeson-Clockawork. 143. ment à l'ufage civil, à l'aftronomie, et à la navigation, en établif fent des principes confirmés par l'experience, par Fer. Berthoud. Bertligyd 1763. Elements of clock and watch work, by, Alexander Cumming. 1766. An account of the going of Mr. Harriſon's watch at the Royal Obfervatory from May 5th, 1766, to March 4th, 1797- Together with the original obfervations and calculations of the fame. By the rev. Nevil Mafkelyne, aftronomer, royal, &c. 1767. Principles of Mr. Harrifon's time-keeper, with plates of the fame, publiſhed by order of the commiffioners of jongitude. 1767. Remarks on a pamphlet lately publiſhed by the reverend Mr. Mafkelyne, by Mr. Harrison. 1798, A defeription concerning fuch mechanifm as will afford a nice or true menfuration of time, by John Harrison. 1775 £ Effay de la montre marine de M. le Roy, mem, Roy. Acad. 1767. Relation du voyage de M. Caſſini, fils, fait par ordre du roi, pour examiner les montres marines de M. le Roy, laine, mem. Roy. Acad. 1769. Suite du précis fur les montres marines, avec un fupplement au mémoire fur la meilleure maniere de mefurer le tems au mer par M. le Roy, à Leyd. 1776. Recherches fur le vrai moyen de perfectionner les pendules à fecondes, deſtinés à indiquer les équations journalières du foleil, &c. par le fieur Ridereau. 1770 A 1, sdi ro che Juja. On the going of Mr. Arnold's pocket chronometer made on a new conſtruction, by Dr. N. Majkelyne, 1770 buah Defcription nouvelle de la cathédrale de Strasbourg, et de fa fameufe tour, par M. Jofeph Schweighaeufer. 179YŰ D'une montre particulière, nommée almanach en montre, ou montre à la Jablonowiky, par M. Paffament, 1776. tet, dapaid "Steph. Ramaufki experimenta circa longitudinem penduli fimplicis minuta, fecunda, Kolae et Archangelopoli ofcillantis. Nov. Com, Acad. Petrop, 1775me a Traité des horloges marines, contenant la théorie, la con ftruction, la main-d'œuvre de ces machines, et la manière de des les éprouver, pour parvenir par leur moyen à la rectification, des cartes marines et à la determination des longitudes, &c, par M. Ferdinand Berthoud. 1773, et 1793 Eclairciffemens, fur d'invention, la théorie, la conftruction, et les épreuves des nouvelles machines proposées en France pour la détermination des longitudes en mer par 'le mefure du tems, par M. Ferd. Berthoud, 177365 Scienc Rapport fait à l'Académie des Sciences par Meffrs. Montigni 144 MACHINES. et Vaucanfon, fur un nouvel échappement à détente, imaginé et préfenté par M. Platier, horloger et méchanicien de S. A. S. Monfeigneur le Prince de Conti. 1774. Leonh. Euler, de oſcillationibus minimis penduli quotcunque pondufculis onufti. Nov. Com. Acad. Petrop. 1775. Leonh. Euler, de motu oſcillatorio binarum lancium ex libra fufpenfarum. Nov. Com. Ac. Petrop. 1775. Dan. Bernoulli commentatio phyfico-mechanica, &c. Nov. Com. Acad. Petrop. 1775- Reflexions fur l'échappement, par M. de la Grange, mem. Acad. Berlin. 1777. Dan. Bernoulli fpecimen philofophicum de compenfationibus horologicis et veriori menfuria temporis. Act. Acad. Imp. Petrop. 1777. Lettre de M. Magellan à M. le chevalier de Bory, de l'Aca- démie Royale des Sciences, rélativement à la montre marine. de M. Mudge, éleve du célébre Graham, et l'un des plus habiles horlogers de ce fiècle. [This is inferted in Rozier's Obfervations fur la phyfique, fur l'hiſtoire naturelle, et fur les arts, tom. xi. 1778.] Abraham Gotthelf Käftner, über die Aenderung des Ganges der Pendeluhren un Sommer und Winter. Gottingen. 1778. Various papers relative to the contrivances in watch-work, by François Arlaud, François Callet, &c. in the Mémoires de la fociété établie à Genève pour l'encouragement des arts et de l'agriculture, tom. i. ii. &c. 1778. Leonhard Euler de motu ofcillatorio pendulorum ex filo tenſo dependentium. A&t. Acad. Imp. Petrop. 1779. Defcription d'une machine pour refendre plufieurs roues d'horlogerie en même temps, inventée par M. Pingeron, capitaine de l'artillerie, &c. 1780. Balancier de pendule à fecondes d'une nouvelle conftruc- tion, par le fieur Grenier. Rouen. 1780. L'art de faire les refforts de montres, fuivi de la manière de faire les petits refforts de répétitions et des refforts fpiraux, par W. Blakey. Amfterdam. 1780. A letter from Mr. Chriftian Mayer, aftronomer to the elector palatine, to Mr. N. N. on the going of a new pendulum clock, made by Mr. John Arnold, and ſet up in the elector's obferva- tory at Manheim. (Tranflated from the German.) London, Becket. 1781. Der neue engliſche Uhrmacher, oder vollständige Anweis fung alle Geh-, Schlag-, und Repetiruhren richtig zu berechnen und gehörig zufammenzufetzen, nebft der Befchreibung einer Univerfal-Sonnenuhr, mit nöthigen Kupfern, &c. 1781. Extrait d'une lettre de M. L. H. Magellan à un de fes amis de Paris, ſur la préférence des grand arcs de vibration pour le Treatises on Clockwork. 145 régularité des pendules aftronomiques, avec la defcription d'us echappement libre, pour des petites pendules à demifecondes qui battent des fecondes entières. [This is inferted in tom. XX. of Rozier's Obfervations, &c. 1782.] Nic. Fufs Determinatio motuum penduli compofiti bifili ex primis mechanicæ principiis petita. Nov. Act. Petrop. tom. I. 1783. Leonh. Euler De motu oſcillatorio, &c. Nov. Act. Petrop tom. I. 1786. Three regiſters of a pocket chronometer, by count de Brühl. 1785. Mémoire fur l'horlogerie; contenant une nouvelle conftruc tion des montres fimples et à repetition à roues de rencontre, approuvées par l'Acad. Roy. des Sciences. Par Heffen. 1785.- Der felbftlehrende uhrmacher, oder genugthuende anweifung, alle ſchlag-, geh-, repetir-, und fonnen-uhren richtig zu ber- echnen, nebft allen vortheilen, auf die neuefte und einfachfte art fie zu verfertigen ohne einen weitern mündlichen unterricht nöthig zu haben. Von einem Freunde der Künfte. 1786. Deſcription of the two-part chime-clock invented by Robert Sampfon. Tranfactions of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. for 1786, vol. iv. [Defcriptions of many other in- genious inventions of Engliſh artiſts may likewife be found in the different volumes of the Tranfactions of this reſpectable and uſeful ſociety.] An account and deſcriptions of three pendulums invented and conftructed by John Crofthwaite. Trans. Roy. Iriſh. Acad. 1788. Horlogerie pratique à l'ufage des apprentifs et des amateurs. par M. Vioniaux, à Toulouſe. 1788. Tratado general y matematico de la reloxeria, que comprende el modo ex hacer reloxes de todas claffes, y del de faberlos com- poner y arreglar por dificiles que fean; acompanado de los elementos neceffarios para ella. Su autor Em. de Cercella é Icoaga. Madrid. 1789. Sopra la teoria de pendoli e fulla legge della forza centripeta proporzionale alla femplice diftanza del centro e fulla fua appli- cazione alla dottrina de' pendoli; difcorfi del fign. Gregoria Fontana. Pavia. 1789. Whitehurst's Verfuch durch zeitmeffung unveränderliche maſſe zu erhalten; uberſetzt von J. H. Wiedmann. Nürnberg. 1790. Differtation fur l'horlogerie, par Fr. Huet. 1791. Tratado methodico de la reloxeria fimple; efcr. por Ph. y Pl Chaboft. Madrid. 1791. VOL. II. 146 MACHINES. } Der uhrmacher, &c. von J. G. Geissler. 1793-1799. Account of a new pendulum, by Geo. Fordyce, M. D. F.R.S. Phil. Trans. 1794. Part I. Inveſtigations, founded on the theory of motion, for determin- ing the times of vibrations of watch balances, by Geo. Atwood, F.R.S. Phil. Trans. 1794. Part. I. Beytrag zur zeitmeſs kunft fur freunde und liebhaber von uhrwerken aller art. Von Friedrich Auguft Schmidt. Leipzig. 1797. Suite du traité des montres à longitudes, &c. par F. Ber- thoud. 1797. Verfuch einer gefchichte der entſtlehung und fortſchritte der theoretiſch-praktiſchen uhrmacherkunft. Von Joh. Heinr. Mortitz Poppe. Gottingen. 1797. Theoretisch-praktiſches worterbuch der uhrmakerkunft, &c. Von 7. H. M. Poppe. 1799-1800. Leipzig. Ausführliche gefchichte der theoretisch-praktiſchen uhr- macherkunft, &c. Von f. H. M. Poppe. Leipzig. 1801. [The two latter are deemed to be very valuable performances.] The article WATCHWORK in the Supplement to the Encyclo- pædia Britannica, and different parts of Nicholſon's Philofophical Journal, and Tilloch's Philofophical Magazine, contain much ufeful information on the fubjects of pendulums, fcapements, &c. COINAGE, or COINING, the art or act of making money. Coining is either performed by the hammer or the mill. The first method is now little uſed in Europe, eſpecially in England, France, &c. though the only one known till the year 1553, when a new machine, or coining mill, invented by an engraver, one Antoine Brucher, was firſt tried in the French king's palace at Paris, for the coining of counters: though fome attribute the invention of the mill to Varin, a famous engraver, who, in reality, was no more than an improver of it; and others to Aubry Olivier, who had only the inſpection of it. The mill has met with various fate fince its first invention; being now uſed, and again laid by, and the hammer refumed; but it has at length got that footing, by the neatneſs and perfec- tion of the fpecies ftruck with it, that there appears no great probability of its ever being again diſuſed. In either kind of coining, the pieces of metal are ſtamped or ftruck with a fort of punchions or dyes, wherein are engraven the prince's effigies, with the arms, legend, &c. : Coining by the mill, or milled money. The bars or plates being taken out of the mould, and ſcraped and bruſhed, are paffed feveral times through a mill, to flatten them further, and bring them to the just thickneſs of the' fpecies to be coined; with Coining Prefs, &c. 147 this difference, however, that the plates of gold are heated again in a furnace, and quenched in water, before they undergo the mill; which foftens and renders them more ductile: whereas . thofe of filver paſs the mill juſt as they are, without any heating; and when afterwards they are heated they are left to cool again of themſelves, without water. The plates, whether gold, filver, or copper, thus reduced as near as poffible to their thickneſs, are cut into round pieces, called blanks or planchets, near the fize of the intended fpecies, with a cutting inftrument faſtened to the lower extremity of an arbor, whoſe upper end is formed into a ſcrew; which, being turned by an iron handle, turns the arbor, and lets the fteel, well ſharpened, in form of a punch-cutter, fall on the plates; and thus is a piece punched out. Theſe pieces are now given to be adjuſted, and brought by filing, or rafping, to the weight of the ftandard, whereby they are to be regulated: and what remains of the plate between the circles is melted again, under the denomination of ſizel. The pieces are adjuſted in a fine balance: and thoſe which prove too light are feparated from thofe too heavy; the firſt to be melted again, and the fecond to be filed down. For it . may be obſerved, that the mill through which the plates are paffed can never be fo juft but there will be fome inequality, whence will arife a difference in the blanks. And this inequality, indeed, may be owing to the quality of the matter as well as of the machine; fome parts being more porous than others. When the blanks are adjusted they are carried to the blanch- ing or whitening-houſe, i. e. the place where the gold blanks have their colour given them, and the filver ones are whitened; which is done by heating them in the furnace, and, when taken out and cooled, boiling them fucceffively in two copper veffels, with water, common falt, and tartar; and, after that, fcouring them well with fand, and waſhing them with common water, drying them over a wood fire, in a copper fieve, wherein they are put when taken out of the boilers. Formerly the planchets, as foon as blanched, were carried to the prefs, to be ftruck, and receive their impreffions; but now they are firft marked with letters or graining on the edges, to prevent the clipping and paring of the fpecies, which is one of the ways wherein the ancient money ufed to be damaged. The machine uſed to mark the edges is very fimple, yet ingeni ous; it conſiſts of two plates of ſteel, in form of rulers, about the thickneſs of a line, on which the legend or edging is en- graven, half on the one, and half on the other. One of thefe plates is immoveable, being ſtrongly bound with ferews to a copper plate; and that again to a ftrong board, or table: the L 2 148 MACHINES. other is moveable, and flides on the copper plate by means of a handle, and a wheel, or pinion of iron, the teeth whereof catch in a kind of other teeth, on the ſurface of the fliding plate. Now, the planchet, being placed horizontally between theſe two plates, is carried along by the motion of the moveable one; fo as by that time it has made half a turn it is found marked all round. See fig. 1. pl. XIV. This machine is fo eafy, that a fingle man is able to mark twenty thouſand planchets in a day. Savang pretends it was invented by the fieur Caftagin, engineer to the French king, and firſt uſed in 1685. But it is certain we had the art of let- tering the edges in England long before that time; witneſs the crowns and half-crowns of Oliver Cromwell ftruck in 1658, which for beauty and perfection far exceed any French coins we have ever ſeen. Laſtly, the planchets, being thus edged, are to be ſtamped, i. e. their impreffion is to be given them in a fort of mill, or prefs, by the French called a balancier, invented towards the latter end of the fixteenth century. See its figure in fig. 2. pl. XIV. Its chief parts are a beam, fcrew, arbor, &c. all contained in the body of the machine, except the first, which is a long iron bar, with a heavy ball of lead at each end, and rings, to which are faſtened cords, which give it motion: this is placed hori- zontally over the body of the machine. In the middle of the beam is faſtened a fcrew, which, by turning the beam, ferves to preſs the arbor underneath it; to the lower extremity of which arbor, placed perpendicularly, is faſtened the dye, or matrice, of the reverſe, or arm fide, in a kind of box, or caſe, wherein it is retained by ſcrews: and under this is a box, or cafe, contain- ing the dye of the image-fide, firmly faſtened to the lower part of the engine, fig. 3. Now when a planchet is to be ſtamped it is laid on the image-matrice, upon which two men draw, each on his fide, one of the ropes of the beam, and turn the fcrew faftened in it; which by this motion lowers the arbor to which the dye of the arms is faſtened: by which means the metal being in the middle, at once receives an impreffion on each fide, from either dye. As to the prefs formerly uſed, it has all the effential parts of a balancier, except the beam, which is here, as it were, di- vided, and only drawn one way. 2 The blanks having now all their marks and impreffions, both on the edges and faces, become money; but they have not cur- rency till they have been weighed and examined. For the Coining of Medals the progreſs is the fame, in effect, with that of money: the principal difference confifts in this Beam Compaſſes 149 that money, having but a ſmall relievo, receives its impreffion at a ſingle ſtroke of the engine; whereas, for medals, the height of their relievo makes it neceffary that the ſtroke be repeated ſeveral times: to this end the piece is taken out from between the dyes, heated, and returned again; which proceſs, in medallions, and large medals, is fometimes repeated fifteen or twenty times, before the full impreffion be given; care being taken, every time the planchet is removed, to take off the fuper- fluous metal ſtretched beyond the circumference, with a file. An improvement has been lately fuggefted in the coining- prefs, by a Mr. Huigenan, we believe, who has introduced the principle of the heart-wheel both in this contrivance and in his univerfal lever. The method Mr. H. recommends may be underſtood by referring to fig. 4. pl. XIV. CB is part of a table or plane on which is fixed the box containing the dye F of the image fide of the coin, and CA is a lever to which is attached the dye E of the reverſe fide in a cafe retained by ſcrews; and this is fo pofited, that by turning CA on the centre C the parts E and F may be brought the one immediately above the other. G is an elliptical or heart-wheel turning upon a fixed centre by the handle or winch H, and, acting upon the friction wheel D, gradually forces down the end A of the lever, and carries with it the dye E, caufing it to prefs very hard upon the metal placed on the lower dye F, at the time the extremity I of the elliptical wheel is in contact with the upper part of the wheel D. Then the motion of the winch proceeding, the fpring S raiſes up the lever CA, and thus leaves room to remove the metal: place another at F, and repeat the operation. The whole, it is obvi- ous, may be carried on with confiderable expedition; but whether the method is on the whole preferable to that before deſcribed is what we do not here attempt to decide. COMPASSES (BEAM), a kind of compaffes uſed to draw large arcs, and to take large extents, &c. Theſe compaffes confift of a ſtraight beam or bar, of 18 inches, 2 feet or more in length, carrying two braſs curfors; one of theſe being fixed at one end, the other fliding along the beam, with a fcrew to faſten it on occafionally. To the curfors may be ſcrewed points of any 'kind, as of ſteel, braſs, pencils, &c. The fixed curfor has fome- times an adjuſting or micrometer fcrew applied to it, for the more nice obtaining of extents. The beam is divided commonly into inches, tenths, and half tenths: but Mr. Walton, an ingenious mechanic, in the proof department of the Royal Arfenal, Woolwich, has improved this inſtrument and much extended its utility, by applying a nonius to its ſcale, which renders it fit to take diſtances to hundredth parts of an inch. Part of a beam with the additions of Mr. Walton are fhewn in fig. 1. pl. XVIII. where IK repreſents } 150 MACHINES. more than 4 inches in length of a beam, which is made of ebony, the divifions being marked upon braſs laid into the ebony. ABCD and EFGH are two brafs cafes which nearly fit the beam, and may flide to and fro upon it: theſe braſs cafes carry the curfors and points L and M, which are faſtened into fockets by means of fcrews at N and O. The cafe ABCD has two fcrews bc and a, both of which are turned by means of forked turnfcrews: the firſt of theſe ſcrews, bc, ferves to move the braſs cafe backwards and forwards on the beam, in order to adjuſt the point L fo as to correſpond with the commencement of the divifions on the beam; and when that is done the ſcrew a, by preffing a ſpring, makes the whole faft to the beam. The other brafs cafe EFGH carries the curfor and point M, as well as the moveable nonius ei: this nonius is at the extremity of a piece. ef g h ki, which is moved to and fro upon the cafe EFGH by means of the ſcrew o p q s, which is turned by the milled head rst: the ſhoulders at p and q prevent the fcrew from moving either backward or forward with reſpect to the line FH, while the threads of the fcrew between o and p, by taking upon moveable piece efgb ki, cauſe the nonius to move along the edge of the graduated ſcale of the beam: turning the head of the ſcrew in the drection rst moves the nonius in the direc- tion from K towards I on the beam; and turning that head in the direction tsr advances the nonius according to the in- creafing meaſure upon the ſcale from I towards K. The fcrew d with its milled head P, by preffing upon a ſpring, will at any time make the cafe EFGH faft to the beam, and thus prevent, when neceffary, any change of diftance between L and M. Fig. 2. is a tranfverfe fection of the braſs caſe EFGH: it ſerves to fhew the form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, of the beam, bevelled off to an edge at 4; alſo the bevel of the nonius at e; the dovetail at againſt which one fhoulder of the micrometer fcrew preffes; and the piece fv, into which the three fcrews l, m, n (fig. 1.) enter. Other parts of the conſtruction will be fufficiently obvious from thefe figures. the q, CONDENSER, a pneumatic engine or fyringe, by which an extraordinary quantity of air may be crowded or puſhed into a given fpace; fo that frequently ten times as much air as an equal fpace would contain out of the engine may be thrown in by means of it, and its egrefs prevented by valves properly diſpoſed. The condenfer is made either of metal or of glafs, and either in a cylindrical or globular form; and the air is forced into it by an injecting fyringe. The receiver, or veffel containing the condenfed air, fhould be made very ſtrong, to bear the force of the air's elafticity thus increaſed: for which reafon it is com- monly made of braſs. When glafs is uſed it will not fuftain ſo Prony's Condenfer of Forces. 151 great a condenſation of air; but the experiment will, notwith- ſtanding, be rendered more entertaining, as the effect of the condenſed air upon any ſubject put within the receiver may be viewed through the glaſs. CONDENSER of Forces, a name given by M. Prony to a con- trivance for obtaining the greateft poffible effect from a firſt mover, the energy of which is ſubject to augmentation or dimi- nution within certain limits; and in general to vary at pleaſure the refiſtance to which the effort of the first mover forms an equilibrium in any machine whatever, without changing any part of their conftruction. The general problem in mechanics, of which this condenfer is intended as a practical folution, is enunciated by M. Prony in theſe terms: "Any machine being conftructed, to find, without making any change in the conftruction, a means of tranfmitting to it the action of the first mover, by fulfilling the following condi- tions; viz. cr "1. That it may be poffible at pleaſure, and with great ſpeed and facility, to vary the reſiſtance (againſt which the effort of the first mover muft continually make an equilibrium) in limits of any required extent. "2. That the refiftance, being once regulated, fhall be rigorously conftant until the moment when it is thought proper to increaſe or diminiſh the fame. 66 3. That in the moſt ſudden variations of which the effort of the first mover may be capable, the variation in velocity of the machine ſhall never undergo a folution of continuity." M. Prony applies his folution of this problem to the dynamic effect of wind: it will be eafy to make the fame general when the other firft movers are uſed. The fection and plan of the machine are exhibited in plate XIV. OO reprefents the vertical arbor to which windmill fails are adapted; eeee is an affemblage of carpentry, of which one of the radii, O e, bears a curved piece, bd, of iron or fteel: vertical axes of rotation a a a, being placed round the axis OO, alſo divide the circumference in which they are found into equal parts. • 2 Each of theſe axes carries a curve, a f, of iron, fteel, or copper; fo fituated, that when the wind acts upon the fails the curve bd preffes againſt one of the curves af, and cauſes the vertical axis to which this laft curve is fixed to make a portion of a revolution. The curves b d and aƒ muſt be ſo diſpoſed, that when bd ceaſes to preſs on one of the curves af, it fhall at the fame in- 152. MACHINES. ftant begin to act upon the following curve: the number of axes which are provided with theſe curves muſt be determined by the particular circumſtances of each caſe; and it is alſo practicable to fubftitute, instead of bd, a portion of a toothed wheel having its centre in the axis 00, and to place portions of pinions inſtead of the curves a f; but the difpofitions repre- fented in the figure are preferable. Each of the axes aa aa (which are all fitted up alike, though, for the fake of clearneſs, only one of them has its ap- paratus repreſented in the drawing), carries upon it a drum or pulley ttrr, on which is wound a cord that paffes over a pulley p, and ferves to ſupport a weight Q by means of the lever FG, upon which this weight may be flided and faſtened at different diſtances from the point of motion G. The fame axes a a paſs through the pinions q q, to which they are not fixed; but theſe pinions carry clicks or ratchetts, which bear againſt the teeth rr; ſo that, when the weight Q_tends to rife, the ratchett gives way, and no other effect is produced on the pinion qq, either by the motion of the axis or of the drum ttrr, excepting that which cauſes the afcent of the weight q q. But the inftant that the curve or tooth b d ceafes to bear againſt one of the curves af, after having caufed the correfponding weight Q to rife, that weight Q tends to redefcend, and then the toothed wheel rr acts againſt the ratchett, fo that Q cannot deſcend without turning the pinion qq along with the drum The pinion qq takes in the wheel a b, from the motion of which the uſeful effect of the machine immediately refults; fo that the effect of the defcent of one of the weights Q is to folicit the wheel AB to motion, or to continue the motion in con- currence with all the other weights Q, which defcend at the fame time. This wheel AB carries beneath it oblique or bevelled teeth GD, which take in a like wheel CE, and cauſe the buckets at S to riſe. From the preceding deſcription it is feen that the machine, being ſuppoſed to ſtart from a ſtate of repofe, the wind will at firſt raiſe a number of weights Q, fufficient to put the machine into motion, and will continue to raiſe new weights while thoſe before raiſed are fallen; fo that the motion once impreſſed will be continued. Among the numerous advantages of this new mechaniſm we may remark the following: 1. No violent fhock can take place in any part of the me- chanifm. 2. The uſeful effect being proportioned to the number of Crab for Artillery. 153 } weights Q, which deſcend at the fame time, this effect will in- creaſe in proportion as the wind becomes ftronger, and cauſes the fails to turn with more velocity. 3. The weights Q being moveable along the levers FG, it will always be very eafy to place them in fuch a manner as to obtain that ratio of the effort of the first mover to the reſiſt- ance which will produce the maximum of effect. 4. From this property it refults that advantage may be taken of the weakest breezes of wind, and to obtain a certain product in circumſtances under which all other windmills are in a ftate of abfolute inactivity. This advantage is of great importance, particularly with regard to agriculture: the windmills employed for watering lands are fometimes inactive for feveral days, and this inconvenience is more particularly felt in times of drought. A machine capable of moving with the flighteſt breeze muſt therefore offer the most valuable advantages. CRAB or GIN, an engine ufed for mounting large guns on their carriages, &c. It is compofed of three long and ftout legs, meeting together at their tops; thefe legs are round poles of about 12 or 13 feet long, whoſe diameters at the lower end are about four inches, five juft below the roller, befides the cheeks that are added to them in that place, and about 3 inches above. Two of theſe poles can be fixed at a certain diſtance from each other, by means of two iron bars placed horizontally, one being about four feet long, the other about feven; and a roller is made to run upon pivots turning on, or in, theſe two poles: this roller is commonly 7 inches in diameter, and fix feet long. A portion of 20 inches is left fquare at each end, and holes made in each to receive the handſpikes by which the men turn the roller: but the middle part is made cylindrical, to wind the cable upon. The tranfverfe iron bars are fixed with one end to one of the poles by means of a bolt, and with the other end to the other pole with a bolt and key; fo as to be readily taken out, in order that when the gin is to be removed from place to place the poles may lie clofe together upon the carriage. There are two iron bands and two iron bolts to faften each cheek (for the pivots) to the poles, and iron plates round the poles where the iron bars are fixed. The poles are hooped at each end; and the upper ends have ftraps through which an iron bolt paffes: this bolt keeps the upper ends together, as well as ferves to fupport the iron to which the windlafs is hooked. The wind- lafs contains two braſs pullies, about which the cable goes, which is fixed to the dolphins of the gun or mortar with another windlafs, containing two braſs pullies likewiſe. When this machine is ufed the whole is laid flat on the ground, the lower end of the fingle pole extending the contrary way, in 134 MACHINES. order to faſten the upper windlafs after the cable has been turned round both: after this the upper end is raiſed gradually till the feet of the three poles (each of which has an iron prong) ftand nearly at equal diſtances; in fuch a manner as the legs of a theodolite or plain table, when ſet up for uſe in the practice of furveying. CRANE, a machine uſed in building, on wharfs, and in warehouſes, for raifing and lowering huge ftones, ponderous weights, packages, &c. 1. Cranes until of late years were commonly conſtructed as follows: the principal member is a ftrong upright beam or arbor, firmly fixed in the ground, and fuftained by eight arms, coming from the extremities of four pieces of wood laid acrofs, through the middle of which paffes the foot of the beam. About the middle of the arbor the arms meet, and are mortifed into it: its top ends in an iron pivot, on which is borne a tranf- verfe piece, advancing out to a good diſtance, ſomething after the manner of a crane's neck, whence the machine has its name. This projecting piece is now more commonly called the jib or gibbet. The middle and extremities of this are again fuftained by arms from the middle of the arbor: and over it comes a rope or cable, to one end of which the weight is fixed; the other is wound about the ſpindle of a wheel, which when turned (com- monly by means of men walking upon the infide of the rim of the wheel) draws the rope, and that heaves up the weight; which may afterwards be applied to any fide or quarter by the mobility of the tranfverfe piece on the pivot. Thefe crahes have ufually been made of two kinds: in the firft, called the rat- tailed-crane, the whole machine with the load turns upon a ſtrong axis: in the ſecond kind the gibbet alone moves on its axis. But in either kind, if the machinery be put into motion by men walking within the wheel, as has been till lately the nearly univerfal practice in this country, the labourers employed are expofed to extreme danger, and have frequently met with the moft ſhocking and fatal accidents. It is not then to be won- dered at, that ſkilful mechaniſts ſhould at length have deviſed cranes that are not only more fafe, but more powerful in their operations, than the common walking crane: a few of the beſt of theſe will be defcribed in the prefert article. 2. The late Mr. Ferguſon invented a crane which has three trundles, with different numbers of ftaves, that may be applied to the cogs of a horizontal wheel with an upright axle; round which is coiled the rope that draws up the weight. This wheel has 96 cogs; the largeſt trundle 24 ftaves, the next 12, and the ſmalleſt 6, fo that the largeft, revolves 4 times for one revolution of the wheel; the next 8, and the fmalleft 16. Á Cranes. 155 winch is occafionally fixed on the axis of either of theſe trundles for turning it; and is applied to the one or the other according as the weight to be raiſed is fmaller or larger. While this is draw- ing up, the ratch-teeth of a wheel flip round below a catch that falls into them, prevents the crane from turning backwards, and detains the weight in any part of its aſcent, if the man who works at the winch fhould accidentally quit his hold, or wifh to rest himſelf before the weight is completely raiſed. Making a due allowance for friction, a man may raiſe by fuch a crane from three times to twelve times as much in weight as would balance his effort at the winch; viz. from 90 to 360lbs. taking the average labour. Other ingenious contrivances by Mr. Ferguſon may be ſeen in his Select Exerciſes; but as the book is in the hands of almoſt every practical mechanic, we would rather refer to it than ex- tract accounts of theſe inventions. 3. The crane prefented in plate VII. is a portable one, mount- ed in a wooden frame and ftage, which is judged to be very ufeful for loading and unloading carts with large heavy ſtones. It is moveable to any part of a flone-yard or ground; the frame is fufficiently wide for a cart to draw under the crane, and at any time it may be taken to pieces. The frame AAAA is made of wood, is about 9 or 10 feet high, and about 9 feet fquare. The wheels BB are of iron, and are about 3 feet in diameter; and the pinion D, that is fixed to the axis of the firſt wheel B,, 8 inches in diameter: on the axis of the ſecond wheel B the axis round which the rope coils is fixed. Now the ftone being corded and hooked at the end of the rope, it is very evident that the man at C will either raiſe or lower them as may be neceffary, according as he turns the winch towards or from him, and in a fafe and very eaſy manner. The advantage in point of power being in proportion as the product of the radii of the wheels to thoſe of the pinions. 4. Fig. 7. pl. XII. is a repreſentation of a crane-carriage which Mr. Gottlieb conceives to be very uſeful in moving large ftones in quarries, where carts and horfes cannot be conveniently or at all managed. Its principle is evidently clear from a bare view of the figure. It confifts only of two fets of crane-wheels applied to the two ſets of wheels belonging to the carriage; fo. that two men, one at each winch AA, turning the pinions and wheels round, fhall act upon the carriage-wheels and move it along. By their both turning forwards or backwards, the carri- age goes accordingly; but if they turn contrary ways, the carri- age will be turned round, or partly fo, as may be wanted. The pinion B is 6 inches in diameter, which turns the wheel C of } 15.6 MACHINES. 3 feet diameter, on the axis of which is fixed the pinion D of foot diameter, which works into 2 wheels E, E, of 3 feet 6 inches diameter, that are fixed upon the carriage-wheels, and give motion to the whole machine. 5. Mr. Abraham Andrews, of Higham Ferrers, in North- amptonſhire, has invented a crane which weighs the body fufpended at the time it is raifing: an improvement for which the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. granted him a premium of 15 guineas. This crane is fhewn in fig. 3. pl. IX. The jib of the crane ftands on a horizontal beam, moveable on a centre at A: and the diſtance of the centre A, from the bear- ing of the upright, being to the diſtance B, in proportion of 1 to 20, the weight placed at B determines that of the body fuf- pended in the fame proportion. C is a ftub, or piece of wood, which projects from the weight hanging at the end of the jib, and ferves to prevent the beam from rifing to too great a height. This jib fhould be placed in the fame vertical plane with the part BA of the crane, at the time the weight is adjuſted; other- wife it will occaſion a friction which may prevent the moveable beam from playing freely. The other parts of the crane are ſo obvious in their conftruction as not to require a more minute defcription. 6. The fociety juſt mentioned have lately voted 40 guineas to Mr. Robert Hall, jun. of Basford, near Nottingham, for his ingenious invention of a method to expand a fet of bars parallel to the axis of a crane, by which means the velocity of the rope in raising weights may be increaſed or diminiſhed in proportion to the load to be raiſed. A defcription and engraving of this crane are given in the twelfth volume of the Society's Tranfactions, from which we have drawn up the following account of it: The ends of the reel (fig. 1. and 5. plate III.) confiſt each of two flat plates or circular pieces, fhewn feparately in fig. 2. and 3. Thefe circular plates form the two ends of the reel, and are held faft on the fpindle or axis by pins paffed through its ends, of which one may be ſeen at a, fig. 2. and another in the end fhewn in fig. 5. The outer circular plate (fig. 3.) of each end of the reel has a fpiral groove cut in it, as fhewn at b; and the inner circles have each eight mortices cut quite through them, as fhewn at c, fig. 2. (feen partly alfo in fig. 1. and 5.) The outer plates have alſo an iron tube, d, made faft to them by means of a flange or collar, and the fcrews, ee, fig. 2. When the parts are all joined (as fhewn in fig. 1.), the axis paffes through the tube d, and thus the ends are connected. In fixing the crofs bars, two of which are fhewn detached in Cranes: 157 fig. 4., the parts g g ſlide in the mortices c of the inner circular plates, and the fmall ends or tenons h h go fairly through the inner and enter the ſpiral grooves of the outer plates. The inner and outer circular plates are locked together by a catch (i, fig. 1. 2. and 6.) the ſtationary part of which is made faft to the inner plate (fee fig. 2.), while the catch itſelf, by means of a ſpring, is kept in a notch on the edge of the outer plate. When the diameter of the reel is to be enlarged or di- miniſhed, it is effected by bringing the reel round to the pofition fhewn in fig. 6., when a hook k is put into a hole 1, which keeps the inner circular plate in that pofition till the adjuſtment is made by lifting the catch from the notch of the outer end-plate far enough to be kept difengaged by the hook k, before mentioned, being thruft quite through the hole 1: the handle m being then turned, the outer plate only is carried round, and the tenons of fmall ends of the crofs bars (being prevented from being carried round with it, by the mortices of the inner plates through which they pafs being ſtationary) are obliged to change their diſtance from the axis by the ſpiral groove fliding over them, while they are able to move nearer or further from the axis by fliding in the radial mortices of the inner end plate. The handle m being turned till the reel is of the fize required, the hook k is withdrawn or puſhed out, and the crane is then ready for work. It is neceffary to obſerve that the tenons ↳ ½ muſt be cut, ſo that the outſide of all the bars next the rope fhall be at an equal diſtance from the centre. If the tenon of the first bar that is placed in the reel be cut like the tenons b 5, fig. 4. the laſt of them muſt be cut the fame as the tenons n n, fig. 4.; and all the other tenons, at the extremities of the feveral bars, muſt be at proper diſtances between theſe extremes, as is fhewn by the dots P in the mortices fig. 2. The other parts of the crane may be fo eafily underſtood from an infpection of the engraving, that any further defcrip- tion is unneceffary. Phil. Mag. No. 71. 7. But the feveral cranes defcribed in this article as prefer- able to the commön walking-crane, while they are free from the dangers attending that machine, lofe at the fame time one of its advantages; that is, they do not avail themſelves of that addition to the moving power which the weight of the men who are employed may furnish. Yet this advantage has been long fince enfured by the mechaniſts on the continent, who caufe the labourers to walk upon an inclined plane, turning upon an axis, after the manner fhewn in the figure referred to under the article Footmill, where we have deſcribed a contrivance of that kind, well known in Germany nearly 150 years ago. The • 158. MACHINES. fame principle has been lately brought into notice, probably without knowing it had ever been adopted before, by Mr. James Whyte, of Chevening, in Kent: his crane is exhibited in fig. 3. and 4. pl. X. as it was defcribed in the Tranſactions of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts. A (fig. 3.) is a circular inclined plane, moving on a pivot underneath it, and carrying round with it the axis Ē. A perſon walking on this plane, and preffing againſt the lever B, throws off the gripe D, by means of an iron rod C; and thus admits the plane and its axis to move freely, and raiſe the weight G by the coiling of the rope F round the axis E. To fhew more clearly the conſtruction and action of the lever and gripe, a plan of the circular inclined plane, with the lever and gripe, is added (fee fig. 4.), where B repreſents the lever, D the fpring or gripe. In this plan, when the lever B is in the fituation in which it now appears, the fpring or gripe D preffes againſt the periphery of the plane, as fhewn by the double line, and the machine cannot move; but when the lever B is preffed out to the dotted line H the gripe is alſo thrown off to the dotted line I, and the whole machine left at liberty to move. One end of a rope or cord, of a proper length, is fixed near the end of the lever B, and the other end made faſt to one of the uprights, ferving to prevent the lever moving too far when preffed by the man. The fuppofed properties of this crane, for which the premium of 40 guineas was adjudged by the ſociety to the inventor, are as follows: · 1. It is fimple, confifting merely of a wheel and axle. 2. It has comparatively little friction, as is obvious from the bare inſpection of the figure. 3. It is durable, as is evident from the two properties above-mentioned. 4. It is fafe; for it can- not move but during the pleaſure of a man, and while he is. actually preffing on the gripe-lever. 5. This crane admits of an almoſt infinite variety of different powers, and this variation is obtained without the leaft alteration of any part of the ma- chine. If, in unloading a veffel, there fhould be found goods of every weight, from a few hundreds to a ton and upwards, the man that does the work will be able ſo to adapt his ſtrength to each as to raiſe it in a ſpace of time proportionate to its weight; he walking always with the fame velocity as nature and his greateſt eaſe may teach him. → It is a great difadvantage in fome cranes, that they take as long time to raiſe the ſmalleſt as the largeſt weight, unleſs the man who works them turn or walk with ſuch velocity as muft foon tire him. In other cranes, perhaps, two or three different powers may be procured; to obtain which, fome pinion must Cranes. 159 be ſhifted, or freſh handle applied or reforted to. In this crane, on the contrary, if the labourer find his load fo heavy as to permit him to aſcend the wheel without its turning, let him only move a ſtep or two toward the circumference, and he will be fully equal to the taſk. Again, if the load be fo light as ſcarcely to refift the action of his feet, and thus to oblige him to run through ſo much ſpace as to tire him beyond neceffity, let him move laterally towards the centre, and he will foon feel the place where his ftrength will fuffer the leaſt fatigue by raifing the load in queſtion. One man's weight applied to the extremity of the wheel would raiſe upwards of a ton; and it need not be added, that a ſingle-ſheaved block would double that power. Suffice it to fay, that the fize may be varied in any required ratio; and that this wheel will give as great ad- vantage at any point of its plane as a common walking-wheel of equal diameter, as the inclination can be varied at pleaſure, as far as expediency may require. It may be neceffary to ob- ſerve, that what in the figure is the frame, and ſeems to form a part of the crane, muſt be confidered as a part of the houſe in which it is placed; fince it would be moftly unneceffary fhould fuch cranes be erected in houfes already built. With reſpect to the horizontal part, by walking on which the man who attends the jib occafionally affifts in raifing the load, it is not an eſſential part of this invention, where the crane is not immediately contiguous to the jib, although, where it is, it would be certainly very convenient and economical. Notwithſtanding, however, the advantages which have been here enumerated, Mr. Whyte's crane is fubject to this theo- retical objection, that it derives leſs uſe than might be wiſhed from the weight of the man or men: for a great part of that weight (half of it, if the inclination be 30 degrees) lies directly upon the plane, and has no tendency to produce motion. Be- fides, when this crane is of fmall dimenfions, the effective power of the men is very unequal, and the barrel too ſmall for winding a thick rope: when large, the weight of the materials added to that of the men put it out of fhape, and give it the appearance of a large, unwieldy, moving floor. We know one large crane of this conſtruction, which has an upright poſt near the rim on each fide, to fupport it and keep it in ſhape; and, as much as poffible to prevent friction, each poft had a vertical wheel at its top. We were informed this crane was feldom uſed, and that it was foon put out of order.. Nor, moreover, is it every fituation that will allow the crane-rope to form a right angle with the barrel on which it winds, and when this angle is oblique the friction muſt be much increaſed. The friction arifing from the wheels at top of the vertical crutches might, 160 MACHINES. indeed, be got fhut of, by making the inclined wheel very ftrong; but this would add greatly to the friction of the lower gudgeon of the oblique fhaft, and confiderably enhance the ex- pence of the machine. 8. There remains, then, another ſtage of improvement with regard to the ſtructure of cranes, in which the weight of the labourers fhall operate, without diminution, at the end of a borizontal lever; and in which the impulfive force thus arifing may be occafionally augmented by the action of the hands either in puſhing or lifting. This ftep in the progreſs has been lately effected by Mr. David Hardie, of the Eaft-India Company's Bengal warehouſe. After a few preliminary obſervations, we fhall point out the diſtinguiſhing particulars of this gentleman's invention. The capitan, the wheel and pinion, with a winch, and the walking-wheel, are the cranes in common ufe at the prefent time; though a flight view of the method of working theſe machines might be fufficient to fhew that they are effentially defective in regard to the grand object in procuring the force of men, on which the quantity of work performed neceffarily depends. The capftan and walking-wheel call for little or no uſe of the arms; and the crane of the wheel and pinion derives very little advantage from the legs, while the force of the men acting upon the winch muft of neceflity be very fluctuating. At the capftan, and wheel, and pinion, a confiderable force is expended unproductively in giving action to the greater part of the men's weight, which does not contribute to the moving power of the machines; the power actually exerted feldom ex- ceeding 20 lbs. at a moderate velocity. The merchants and wharfingers would inſtantly diſcharge from their ſervice any porter who would refufe to carry a load of more than 20 lbs., yet theſe very merchants and wharfingers are daily paying full wages to cranemen for exerting a force which, when duly applied, is greatly within the power of a boy of 10 or 12 years of. age. And as to the common walking-wheel, the men who are fta- tioned within it expend a great portion of their ſtrength in moving themſelves forward; which proves unproductive, be- cauſe the effective velocity is only according to the fum of the heights attained, and the waſte of force through fuch unprofit- able deviation from the vertical direction renders the men in- capable of the due velocity of afcent: befides, the velocity of deſcent, which ought to be proportional to a due velocity of afcent, is materially impaired by fhortening of the effective lever in the courfe of its depreffion, and a confequent diminu- tion of mechanical power; and theſe obſtructions are frequently aggravated, by placing men in the wheel to walk behind the Cranes. 161 others. And when this lofs of labour by the often counter- operation of a rear rank is avoided by applying an additional wheel, the machine occupies much ſpace, becomes extremely expenſive, and is attended with extraordinary friction. Al- though nothing but neceflity can juſtify the hazarding of the lives of men, yet the walking-wheel is attended with imminent danger; and being a very defective engine, employed without either neceffity or expediency, thoſe perſons who uſe them are refponfible to humanity for the fhocking difafters they fre- quently occafion. But the various evils juft enumerated, as well as many others which attend the cranes now adverted to, have been obviated in a very effectual manner by Mr. Hardie; whoſe crane is at once fo fimple and efficient, as to render it no eafy taſk to point out any faults which it has not avoided, or any defects which it has not ſupplied. It is a walking-crane; but the men walk on the outſide of the wheel, inſtead of infide of the rim; and during the whole of their labour they are expoſed to no kind of danger, and they can walk in an upright poſture, well fuited to free refpiration. Five cranes of the kind are at work at the Eaft-India warehouſes: and as the contriv ance (for which Mr. Hardie has obtained a patent) muſt ulti- mately prove a confiderable acquifition, we have examined the conftruction and mode of operation of two of thefe machines with particular attention, that we might be enabled to furniſh the public with the following defcription. The reader may turn to plate XI. where fig. 1. is an elevation of the fide of the crane on which the men operate. Fig. 2. An elevation of the end of the ſtage to affift the men in ftepping on and off the wheel, as well as to fupport a feat for them to rest upon, in the intervals between the operations. The edge ƒ of this ſtage does not ftand more than 4 inches from the points by which the edge of each ſtep paffes. Fig. 3. An elevation of the end of the wheel. Fig. 4. An elevation of the fide of the crane, oppofite to that given in fig. 1. The fame letters of reference being put to the correfponding parts in theſe figures. AA is a wheel (on the principle of the wheel ufed in China for men working at the chain-pump, for raifing water to the higher grounds, employed in the culture of rice), on the outfidé of which are placed 24 fteps for the men to tread upon, at a fituation where the fteps are found at a height equal to that of the axis, or where the plane of the ſteps become horizontal; the diameter of the wheel being 6 feet, fteps included. The crane reprefented in the figure is adapted for 4 men; though they may easily be contrived for 5, 6, or 8. At one end is B, the crane rope barrel, of a diameter fuited to the drafts of goods commonly raiſed, and the number of men generally allowed, VOL. II. 1 162 MACHINES. with Ca brake-wheel, all fixed on the fame axis, and D a brake attached to the framing of the crane, to prefs on the brake-wheel, occafionally to ftop or retard the motion; being conducted by a man at the loop-hole by means of E, a lever of wood, loaded with a piece of lead or caft-iron at the ex- tremity, to give it fufficient weight to ftop the motion of the wheel; a rope faſtened to the end of this lever, and conveyed over two pulleys, terminates in a handle for the loop-hole man, with an iron ring at the lower part thereof to receive a pig, fixed at the fide of the loop-hole for the purpoſe of keeping it down, that the lever might difengage the brake from the brake- wheel during the operation of raifing the goods. G, G, G, G, G, are vertical handles, and H, H, H, H, H, horizontal handles for the men to take hold of with both hands, when treading on the fteps: fometimes both hands are applied to the vertical handles; at others, one hand to a vertical, and the other to a horizontal handle; and at others, both hands to the horizontal handles; thus producing a variety in the action, and, when neceffary, a confiderable augmentation to the force. I (fig. 1. and 3.) is a pawl which drops in at every ſtep, to prevent the wheel and its incumbent weight from overpowering the men at any time: it has at its lower part a cord with a loop to pass over one of the horizontal handles, near the extremity of which there is a notch fufficiently deep to retain the loop when drawn into it, for the purpoſe of raifing the pawl, to difengage it from the wheel preparatory to the operation of lowering the goods or crane- rope. Now it is obvious, that by treading on the ſteps as they arrive at the poſition t, t (figs. 1. 3.), juſt above the horizontal plane, paffing through the axis, the men both aſcend and deſcend nearly in the vertical direction: of confequence, the greateft poffible velocity is produced without any unproductive labour; and the men are enabled to maintain the action by means of a hold of an upright handle on each hand; or occafionally to augment the action, by pushing at theſe handles. Further, by taking hold of the horizontal handles, each man can, by an act fimilar to that of lifting, augment the force arifing from his weight through all the degrees, from about 150 to 300 lbs. So that the fame number of men can perform many operations of raifing greater drafts than ufual; fuch as with the common walking-wheel or moſt other crancs could not be accompliſhed without ad- ditional men; and the pawl which drops in each, ftop provides in the moſt effectual manner for the fafety of the men, even if the crane had not been fo conftructed that their feet need never be more than 12 inches diftant from the ftage Sƒ, and the di- ſtance fs far too fmall to admit of falling through. Thus the very judiciouſly chofen dimenfion of a 6-feet diameter unites Hardie's Crane Regulator.. 163 the advantages of a weight acting on a horizontal inſtead of inclined lever with thofe accruing from the vertical and hori- zontal handles; while it completely precludes the danger which attends the common walking-wheel, and has by no means fo much friction as neceffarily attends Mr. Whyte's crane. Mr. Hardie has likewife contrived a truly advantageous mode of operating without a gibbet, which he has carried into effect with four of his cranes. He has placed the crane at the top of the warehouſe, fo as to allow the crane-rope to drop directly down from the barrel of the crane in front of the loop- holes; and at the upper floors, where the fhortness of the rope diminiſhes the fwing of the goods in or out of the loop-holes, he has provided a fliding floor immediately under the floor of the warehouſe, which one man draws out or in, by pulling a cord, with the greateſt eaſe, to receive or deliver the goods by a truck at the loop-hole. The part of the warehouſe floor which is im-' mediately above the fliding floor confifts of a thin plate of caſt iron, which allows the truck to run off the one on the other without any obſtruction. Thus more than one man's labour in five or fix is faved, by getting rid of the friction of the pulley of a gibbet; and a ftill greater faving of labour is effected by accelerating all the movements at the loop-holes. 9. The common method of lowering goods by the brake and brake-wheel, even with the affiftance of a counter-weight, is liable to injurious accidents to the men, as well as to the goods, when they confift of periſhable articles, fuch as wine, fpirits, glafs, &c. Sometimes, from the rapid motion of the crane, parts of it fly off with violence, and kill or wound the perſons near it at other times the brake-rope becomes entangled by turning off the pulleys or otherwiſe, or the rope flips out of the hand of the man who conducts it: in either of which caſes the goods might defcend with all the accelerated velocity of a fall- ing body, receiving damage, and killing or maiming the men, horfes, &c. which happen to be under them. But theſe evils are completely remedied by a lowering regulator of the following defçription, invented by Mr. Hardie. Pl. XI. fig. 5. A ſection of the regulator.. Fig. 6. An elevation of one end of the regulator. The fame letters of reference being put to the correfponding parts in theſe figures. AA, a caft-iron box fixed to the floor B, divided into two compartments, each 10 inches long, one of 4 inches. diameter, and the other of 2 inches diameter: theſe are both filled with oil, a liquid not fubject to any material change by froft; or they may be filled with water in fummer and mild weather, and fome fpirituous liquor (gin, for instance) in frofty weather. The M 2. ' # 164 MACHINES. T + two cylinders communicate with each other by C, an aperture at their top, and D, an aperture at their bottom; the fmaller com- partment having a cock E, with its axle paffing through the ſide of the iron box, guarded by a ſtuffing-box, and G a quadrant with notches fixed at its end, to receive H the iron claw, which keeps the cock in its proper fituation, and fhews the extent of its apertures when opened. The larger compartment has a pifton F, with its rod paffing through I, the top of the iron box (guarded here alfo by a ftuffing-box), and paffing through a guide: this rod is connected with a joint moved by a crank, which is turned by a pinion P of about 6 teeth; and this pinion is moved by a wheel, of a fize fuited to the diameter of the barrel of the crane and the weight of the goods commonly lowered: this latter wheel is fixed to the axle of the crane by a fimple mode of connection, which admits of its being difengaged during the operation of rifing; it is alfo provided with the barrel rope and counter-weight, which are commonly uſed for the purpoſe of winding up the flack crane rope on the barrel of the crane, to be ready to repeat the operation of lowering. If the cock E were quite ſhut, the oil or other liquid confined between it and the pifton would prevent the piſton from mov- ing, and of courſe hinder the goods hanging from the wheel, &c. connected with P from defcending: but if the cock were opened a very little the oil would pass flowly through it, and would therefore allow the pifton F to move up and down flowly, and the goods to defcend flowly alfo: and, in like manner, a further opening of the cock will permit the load to defcend with a greater velocity: thus the cock, by being more or lefs opened, gives the precife velocity defired to the deſcent of the goods, whatever their weight may be. When a fmall pinion turned by a winch is applied to the tooth-wheel, occafionally employed to turn the pinion of the crank, one man with eafe raiſes the goods an inch or two, in order to be fwung from the floor preparatory to lowering; the natural defect of the winch as a raiſing inftrument being of no confideration in fuch cafe, where the goods are raiſed merely to clear the floor: fo that this crane and lowering apparatus "poffeffes a much higher degree of perfection in lowering than any of the other cranes. The means afforded of regulating it to lower either ſmall or great weights with facility, expedition, and fafety, and without depending, during the operation, on the precarious attention and management of a man, render it, in our opinion, far preferable to the hazardous and limited mode of lowering goods by the brake: while, with refpect both to afety and great faving of labour, it obvioully furpaffes the modes of lowering by the capftan and the walking-wheel, which Crane or Syphon. 166 require nearly the fame number of men to lower that they take to raiſe any weight. We have dwelt the longer upon the fubject of cranes, becauſe it is manifeftly of the firft importance in a commercial nation: fomething further, of too much utility to be entirely omitted, may perhaps be found under the articles ENGINE to let down weights, GIBBET, and LOADING and unloading of goods. CRANE is alſo a popular name for a ſyphon employed in draw- ing off liquors. This crane or fyphon is nothing elſe than a bent tube, as ABG (fig. 5. pl. X.). If the fhorter end AB be immerſed in a veffel of water or other fluid C, then by applying the mouth to the end G, and fucking till the liquor arrives there, it will con- tinue to flow out at the end G, as long as that end is lower than the furface of the fluid in the veffel C. If there be a mouth-piece at E, then fucking at that mouth-piece (while the end G is ftopt with a finger or otherwife) will make the fluid flow when the obſtruction is taken away from G. When the fluid has begun to flow, the hole at E muſt be ftopped up, or the fluid will flow no longer than till the furface in the veffel be as low as E. The reaſon of the motion of the liquor in the fyphon is this: the perpendicular height of the column BG being greater than that of BA, the preffure at G is greater than at A; and the preffure of the atmoſphere being the ſame at both orifices (fup- pofing them of equal area), therefore the weight at G will cauſe the fluid to flow out there, while the preffure of the at- moſphere will force more liquor up the end A; and thus the motion will continue fo long as there is any fluid in the veffel, provided the end G is lower than the end A of the fyphon. Hence it is manifeft that the height from the ſurface of the fluid in the veffel to the top B of the fyphon muft not exceed the altitude of a column of the fluid whofe weight is equal to the preffure of the atmoſphere on the fame baſe. The operation of fucking out the liquor at G, which is often both difagreeable and troubleſome, may be prevented by having an aperture at the top B, through which the fyphon may be completely filled, and then that aperture clofed again. Or a fmall fyphon may be inverted, and filled with the fluid, which may be kept in by a finger applied at each end until it is placed in the proper poſition for work, when the fingers may be re- moved. The fyphon will raiſe a ſtream of water through an exten, five fpace in every fituation where a little defcent can be pro- cured; but while the operation continues no water can be taken r 166 MACHINES. directly out of the ſtream above the loweſt part of the tube. When, however, the two open ends of a fyphon are cloſed, a quantity of water may be let out of the higheſt part, and its place fupplied by introducing a like quantity which is of no other ufe: all the avenues for the purpoſe being then cloſed, and the ftream fuffered to flow through the tube, the uſeleſs water will be difplaced, and a freſh quantity may be foon after drawn off. This mode of exchange may be uſeful in furniſh- ing a fupply for waſhing, and fome other purpoſes; but there are feveral domeftic uſes for which the water drawn off will not be thought fufficiently pure. A method of taking water out of the ſyphon at any height within the limits of the elevation, without retarding the ſtream or introducing another quantity, has long been thought very defirable. Mr. William Clofe, of Dalton, made a number of experiments and obſervations to determine the practicability of the project; from which he at length deduced the following arrangement for extracting a quantity of water out of a fyphon at any elevation (within its limits), and ſupplying its place with air. う ​Into any part except the top fide of a vertical fyphon SY ´(fig. 5. pl. X.) infert two ſmall pipes, and let their apertures in the infide of the tube be divided by a projecting piece about a quarter of an inch thick; wherever the pipes are inſerted, the piece muſt be placed in fuch a poſition that the current will ftrike against one of its flat fides. The pipe which opens on that fide of the obſtacle or dam ſtruck by the ſtream may be called the water-pipe, and that on the other fide the air-pipe. Infert their other ends into a veffel a w. The air-pipe oppofite to a muſt riſe to near the top of this veffel, but the water-pipe w need not ariſe above the place of its infertion. A cock, per- fectly air-tight, muſt be fixed in each pipe between the veffel and fyphon: the veffel a w muft have a tube t in its lower part, for letting out water; and this tube muſt have a cock fixed in it, or a valve covered with leather to cloſe its lower end. To haften the delivery of the water in this veffel, the external air may be admitted, in fuch manner as is moſt convenient. The communication between the veffel and fyphon being in- tercepted by turning the cocks in the pipes a w, and the branches of the fyphon clofed at their lower ends, the tube may be filled with water through an aperture in the top. After this aperture is clofed, and a ſtream of water let into the ciftern C for fupply- ing the fyphon, the ends of the branches may be opened, and a continued ſtream will flow through the tube. When it is required to fill the veffel a w with water, exclude the external air, and open the pipes between it and the fyphon, Crane or Syphon. 167 'The veffel will foon be filled, and the water may be let out by opening the tube t, after the ſmall pipes a wu are again clofed by turning their cocks. The water may be let out of the veffel without attendance, by a quantity of water paffing through four veffels placed in the following order one below another, and each provided with a fyphon. • 1. The higheſt, an immoveable veffel filled in a given time. 2. A defcending veffel, fufpended from a lever or a wheel, which turns the cocks in the tubes oppofite a w in its axis. This vef- fel muſt have a tube open at both ends, fixed in the middle of its bottom. 3. A defcending veffel, to open the valve for letting water out of the veffel a w. It muſt be fufpended upon the valve by a cord or wire paffing through the tube, in the middle of the fecond veffel. 4. The loweft, a veffel of the fame width with the fecond. The brim of it must be connected to the outfide circumference of the bottom of the ſecond, by wires or chains. In this arrangement the first veffel will empty itſelf into the fecond, which will cloſe the cocks in the pipes oppofite a and w, before air is admitted into the veffel a w. The third will be filled from the ſecond, and the water in the veffel a w will be let out again; the third will deliver its contents into the fourth or loweft, which will keep the cocks in the ſmall pipes oppofite a and w cloſe, until after the third veffel is empty, has rifen up, and the external air can no longer enter the veſſel a w. The fourth being then emptied by its fyphon, the pipes between the veffel a w and fyphon SY will open. The diameter of the fecond veffel fhould be fomething lefs than either that above or below it. The fourth fhould be filled before the ſecond is empty: the third will deſcend laſt, and rife firft: the fecond and fourth will rife together, immediately after the third. If the ſecond and fourth were to riſe before the third the fyphon would directly receive a quantity of external air, and its operations would ceafe. It will, therefore, require much caution to manage the cocks and valves, if another veffel fimilar to a w is to be filled while this laſt is emptied, and emptied while it is filled. The veffel a w ſhould not be large; and, in order to over- come the buoyance of the extracted air, it is adviſable to make the length of the deſcending branch of the fyphon exceed the length of the afcending one as much as circumftances will ad- mit, and to let the loweſt part of it be made of a conical divergent form. The velocity of the ſtream will be thus en- creaſed; the veffel a w will be ſooner filled with water; and the depreffion of the two columns will be leſs liable to happen from 168 MACHINES. very flight imperfections of workmanship. Nicholson's Journal, 4to, vol. IV. p. 55º. Mr. Cloſe made many ſubſequent trials, to bring this appara- tus to the greateſt perfection it would admit of: the reſult of the whole may be ſeen in No. 45. of the New Series of Nichol fon's Journal, where Mr. Clofe has given the deſcription and effects of an apparatus for raiſing water by means of air con- denſed in its deſcent through an inverted fyphon. CYLINDERS for STEAM ENGINES, boring of, is an operation uſually carried on at the foundery where they are caſt. Though the moulder purſues the moſt correct method his art is capable of, yet it is impoffible to be certain that when the mould has received the metal from the furnace it fhall come out quite straight; and if it ſhould come out crooked it muſt remain fo; for the old method of boring will never make it otherwiſe in that refpect. It is not like boring a piece of metal which is quite ſolid, as in boring guns, &c. All the old boring can do to a cylinder is to make it round and ſmooth, for there is no- thing to conduct the boring bit in its progreſs through the piece but the form given it by the moulder; and a piece bored after this manner may look very well, yet if it is not ſtraight it is not a cylinder: and an engine executed with fuch a veffel as that will be good or ill in that refpect, as it approaches to or is further off the degree of exactnefs conftituting it a cylinder. The new method of boring (which, as is obſerved, article STEAM ENGINE, was first practifed at Burham, a foundery be- longing to Mr. Wilkinſon, iron-maſter) insures all the per- fection the ſubject is capable of; and when the process is con- ducted by an intelligent workman, if the cylinder should be caft ever fo crooked, or ever fo thick on one fide more than another, he can take out the redundancy on that fide, and but ſcarcely touch the other. This will be eaſily admitted when it is un- derstood that, whereas in the old method of boring the inftru- ment which performs the part of cutting the metal is guided in its progrefs by the already incorrect form of the piece itself; but in the new method the cutting apparatus is conducted along a thing, which in itself is a maſterpiece of workmanſhip, a per- fect cylinder, and is what the workmen call the boring bar, and is caft of the beft pigs that can be procured, and turned with the utmoſt care and preciſion: confequently, whatever is con- ducted along this bar will proceed in a right line; and as it is in- tended that this fhall be the conductor of the cutter-block, being furniſhed with proper cutters, it muſt cut the interior furface of the piece quite ftraight, though it may have been ever fo crooked. before. Then this bar being turned very true, it is to have a groove of T Ellipfograph. 160 two cut oppofite to each other, in a line parallel to its axis; then there is a focket of caſt iron of ſuch dimenſions as to fuit for cylin ders of various diameters, and this focket is to be nicely bored and ground on the bar; and then it muft have a fillet or two (ac- cording to the groove or grooves in the bar) let in on the infide, fo as to flide along the bar, but not to turn round upon it: the external part must be made conical, with four or fix ftuds upon the baſe of it to receive the cutter block. The next thing is to give a progreffive motion to this focket and cutter block while the bar is turning on its own axis; and that is done by fome with a collar of metal fitted on the focket, and to that collar are connected two racks, long enough to reach through the cylinder and communicate with a pair of pinions, by which the focket is drawn or puſhed along the boring bar by the means of two levers, carrying a weight at each ſufficiently heavy to overcome all re- fiftance in the operation. Another method of giving a progreffive motion to the block is to drill a hole through the whole length of the bar, to admit a fingle rod, to be communicated to the focket by finking the groove (for in this cafe there can be but one) entirely through one fide of the bar, fo as to come into the hole that has juft been drilled through the bar. Then a branch from the inter- nal part of the focket muft be fitted into the groove with an eye to receive the end of the rod, which is then to be furniſhed with a key, or a nut and waſher, to keep it in its place while the bar and focket is turning round, and a weight with a rope over a pulley is applied to give motion to the focket along the bar. This is the beſt way of applying this method to boring of ſmall cylin ders, becauſe there is no incumbrance upon the focket; and if the bar is fufficiently ftrong it will move with great ſteadineſs. ELLIPSOGRAPH is the name given by the anonymous author of a German publication, entitled "Beſchreibung eines Ellipfograph, womit man wahre Ellipsen ohne Berechnung der Brennpunkte fehr leicht befchreiben kann, &c. publiſhed at Gotha in 1794, to a ſimple and univerfal inftrument for drawing ellipfes. The inftrument has been long known to our mathematicians, and has been deſcribed, though not in fach general terms as it admits of, in Emerfon's Conics, Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary, and other works; but as it has not yet been adopted for practical purpoſes, though it is far preferable, in our opi nion, to any inftrument for drawing ellipfes now in uſe, we take this opportunity of recommending it to general notice. The ellipfograph confifts of three flat and moderately thin rulers of wood or brafs, two of which must be of equal lengths; and it may be as well if the length of theſe two together be equal to that of the third ruler. Let the two fhorter of these rulers be { 170 MACHINES. = pierced with a number of holes at equal diſtances, the holes being capable of receiving either a pin on which the rulers may turn as upon a joint, or a pencil by which the curve may be deſcribed: then by connecting thefe rulers either as in fig. 5. or fig. 6. pl. XIV. an ellipſe may be readily deſcribed. Thus, in fig. 5. hang one end of the ruler AB upon a pin in the middle of the ruler KL, and take the point B fuch that AB ≈ BD, and AB +BI) femiconjugate + femitranſverſe of the ellipſe, the ruler BD turning upon a pin in B as a joint: take the point E fo that DE femiconjugate, and put a pencil into the hole of that point: then, if the end D of the ruler BD be flidden along the edge KL of the ruler which paffes through the centre A, the pencil at E will defcribe a true ellipfe having the propofed diameters. Again, taking the method repreſented in fig. 6. upon the ruler AC, hang the ruler BG at B, fo that AB+ BE = femitranfverfe, while AB = BD half the differ- ence of the femitranfverfe and femiconjugate axes: then, while a pin at D flides along the edge of the ruler KL the pencil at E will defcribe the ellipfe required. The truth of this method of conftruction is demonftrated in Emerfon's Conics, prop. 75. ellipse. This inftrument may, it is obvious, be eafily made either fo as to conſtruct ſmall ellipfes, now commonly defcribed by means of the elliptical compaſſes; or upon a larger ſcale, for the purpoſe of defcribing elliptical centring for arches of bridges, &c. In the latter cafe the ellipfograph may be made fufficiently ftrong without being any way cumberſome in practice. In the actual conftruction of the inftrument the ruler KL ſhould be the thickeft, and the other two legs made to run upon friction rollers, as in the conftruction of the pentagraph. It may not be altogether uſeleſs juft to remark, that in both methods of ufing the inftrument the point B will defcribe a circular arc; and if the ruler DB had a part above B, equal tọ DB, the upper extremity of that part would, during the motion of the point D along KL, defcribe a right line. This follows evidently from what was fhewn in art. 8. of the introductory part of this volume. ENGINE to let down heavy weights. The fimple method we are now about to defcribe was invented by father Reffin, in 1714. Suppofé it were required to lower large ftones from the top of a wall which is intended to be taken down: erect a frame, or fet up a gin clofe by the fide of the wall, and let the pulley P (fig. 4. pl. IV.) be firmly attached to this frame. Over this pulley muſt paſs a cord, one end of which C has a hook to which the ftone, &c. can readily be faftened; the other end D carries a veffel, which may be filled with water from the re- File-cutting Machine. 171 fervoir M, on the ground at the bottom of the wall. Then, while one man is fixing the ftone to the hook at the top of the wall, let another put water into the veffel D at the bottom till it nearly equals the weight of the ftone: after, which, leaving both to the free operation of gravity, or checking the motion a little if neceffary, the ftone will gradually deſcend to the ground, while the veffel D will be carried up to a funnel A, into which the water may be poured, and thence conveyed by a wooden or a leather pipe to the refervoir M. Then the veffel D may be fuffered to defcend, and the hook C will be raiſed to be fixed to another ftone: and thus the operation may be repeated as often as is neceſſary. The fame method may likewiſe be adopted in lowering facks from a high granary, or packages from an upper warehouſe, The velocity of the defcending weight may be fo regulated as to have any proportion to that which gravity imparts to bodies falling freely: thus, if W denote the weight to be lowered, V that of the veffel of water, we ſhall have I W-V W+v' for the fraction expreffing the ratio of the velocity to that freely imparted by gravity when denoted by unity. Thus, if V=W, the weight will fall through of 16½, or about 5 feet in the firft fecond; if V=W, the weight will fall through of 16,2, or about 35 feet in the firft fecond: the friction of the pulley being in both inſtances difregarded. I FILES, machine for cutting of. There have been various con- trivances for this purpofe; but the beſt we are acquainted with is deſcribed in the Tranfactions of the American Philofophical Society, and is as follows: AAAA fig. 6. pl. X. is a bench made of well-feafoned oak, the face of which is planed very fmooth. BBBBB the feet of the bench, which fhould be fub- ftantial. CCCC the carriage on which the files are laid, which moves along the face of the bench AAAA parallel to its fides, and carries the files gradually under the edge of the cutter or chifel HH, while the teeth are cut: this carriage is made to move by a contrivance fomewhat fimilar to that which carries the log againſt the ſaw of a faw-mill, as will be more particu- larly defcribed. DDD are three iron rods, inſerted into the ends of the carriage CCCC, and paffing through holes in the ftuds EEE, which are ſcrewed firmly against the ends of the bench AAAA, for directing the courfe of the carriage CCCC, parallel to the fides of the faid bench. FF two upright pillars, mortifed firmly into the bench AAAA nearly equidiftant from each end of it, near the edge, and directly oppofite to each 172 MACHINES. # and other. G the lever or arm which carries the cutter HH (fixed by the fciew I), and works on the centres of two ſcrews KK, which are fixed into the two pillars FF in a direction right across the bench AAAA. By tightening or loofening theſe fcrews the arm which carries the chifel may be made to work more or leſs ſteadily. L is the regulating fcrew, by means of which the files may be made coarfer or finer; this ſcrew works in a ftud M which is fcrewed firmly upon the top of the ftud F: the lower end of the ſcrew L bears againſt the upper part of the arm G, and limits the height to which it can rife. Ñ is a ſteel fpring, one end of which is ſcrewed to the other pillar F, the other end prees againſt the pillar O, which is fixed upon the arm G; by its preffure it forces the faid arm upwards, until it meets with the regulating fcrew L. P is an arm with a claw at one end marked 6, the other end is fixed by a joint into the end of the ítud or pillar O; and, by the motion of the arm G, is made to move the ratch-wheel Q. This ratch-wheel is fixed upon an axis, which carries a finall trundle-head or pinion R, on the oppoſite end; this takes into a piece SS, which is in- dented with teeth, and fcrewed firmly againſt one fide of the carriage CCCC: by means of this piece motion is communicated to the carriage. Tis a clamp for faftening one end of the file ZZ in the place or bed on which it is to be cut. V is another clamp or dog, at the oppofite end, which works by a joint W, firmly fixed into the carriage CCCC. Y is a bridge, likewiſe fcrewed into the carriage, through which the fcrew X paffes, and preffes with its lower end againſt the upper fide of the clamp V; under which clamp the other end of the file ZZ is placed, and held firmly in its fituation while it is cutting, by the preffure of the faid clamp V. 7777 is a bed of lead, which is let into a cavity formed in the body of the carriage, fomething broader and longer than the largeſt fized files; the upper face of this bed of lead is formed variouſly, fo as to fit the different kinds of files which may be required. At the figures 22 are two catches which take into the teeth of the ratch-wheel Q, to prevent a recoil of its motion. 33 is a bridge to fupport one end 4 of the axis of the ratch-wheel Q. 5 a ftud to fupport the other end of the axis of that wheel.. When the file or files are laid in their place, the machine muft be regulated to cut them of the due degree of fineneſs, by means of the regulating fcrew L; which, by fcrewing further through the arm M, will make the files finer, and; vice verfa, by un- fcrewing it a little, will make them coarfer; for the arm G will, by that means, have liberty to rife the higher, which will occafion the arm P, with the claw, to move further along the Fire-efcape. 178 periphery of the ratch-wheel, and confequently communicate a more extenfive motion to the carriage CCCC, and make the files coarfer. When the machine is thus adjuſted, a blind man may cut a file with more exactneſs than can be done in the ufual method with the keeneft fight: for by ſtriking with a hammer on the head of the cutter or chifel HH, all the movements are fet at work; and, by repeating the ftroke with the hammer, the files on one fide will at length be cut: then they muſt be turned, and the operation repeated, for cutting the other fide. It is need- lefs to enlarge much on the utility or extent of this machine; for, on an examination, it will appear to perfons of but indif- ferent mechanical ſkill, that it may be made to work by water as readily as by hand, to cut coarſe or fine, large or ſmall, files, or any number at a time; but it may be more particularly uſe- ful for cutting very fine fmall files for watchmakers; as they may be executed by this machine with the greateſt equality and nicety imaginable. As to the materials and dimenfions of the feveral parts of this machine, they are left to the judgment and ſkill of the-artift who may have occafion to make one; only ob- ferving that the whole ſhould be capable of bearing a good deal of violence. FIRE-ESCAPE, a machine for removing perfons from the up per ſtories of houfes on fire. It confifts of a pole, a rope, and a baſket. The pole is of fir, or a common fcaffold pole, of any convenient length from 36 to 46 feet. The diameter at bottom, or greateft end, about five inches; and at the top, or ſmalleſt end, about three inches. At three feet from the top is a mortife through the pole, and a pulley fixed to it of nearly the fame diameter with the pole in that part. The rope is about three quarters of an inch diameter, and twice the length of the pole, with a ſpring hook at one end, to paſs through the ring in the handle of the baſket when uſed: it is put through the mortife over the pulley, and then drawn tight on each fide to near the bottom of the pole, and made faft there till wanted. The baſket fhould be of ftrong wicker-work, three feet and a half long, two feet and a half wide, rounded off at the corners, and four feet deep, rounding every way at the bottom. To the top of the baſket is fixed a ftrong iron curve or handle, with an eye or ring in the middle; and to one fide of the baſket, near the top, is fixed a ſmall cord, or guide-rope, of about the length of the pole, When the pole is raiſed, and fet againſt a houſe over the window from which any perfons are to eſcape, the manner of ufing it is fo plain and obvious, that it need not be defcribed. The moft convenient diſtance from the houſe for the foot of the pole to ftand, where practicable, is about 12 or 14 feet. If two ſtrong 1 174 MACHINES. iron ftraps, about three feet long, riveted to a bár crofs, and ſpreading about 14 inches at the foot, were fixed at the bottom of the pole, this would prevent its turning round or flipping on the pavement: and if a ſtrong iron hoop, or ferrule, riveted (or welded) to a femicircular piece of iron ſpreading about 12 inches, and pointed at the ends, were fixed on at the top of the pole, it would prevent its fliding againſt the wall. When thefe two laft-mentioned irons are fixed on, they give the pole all the ſteadineſs of a ladder; and becauſe it is not eafy, except to perfons who have been uſed to it, to raiſe and fet upright a pole of 40 feet or more in length, it will be convenient to have two fmall poles or ſpars of about two inches diameter, fixed to the fides of the great pole at about two or three feet above the middle of it, by iron eyes riveted to two plates, fo as to turn every way; the lower end of theſe ſpars to reach within a foot of the bottom of the great pole, and to have ferules and ſhort ſpikes to prevent fliding on the pavement, when ufed occafionally to fup- port the great pole like a tripod. There should be two ſtrong afh trundles let through the pole, one at four feet and one at five feet from the bottom, to ftand out about eight inches on each fide, and to ſerve as handles, or to twist the rope round in lowering a very heavy weight. If a block and pulley were fixed at about the middle of the rope, above the other pulley, and the other part of the rope made to run double, it would diminiſh any weight in the baſket nearly one-half, and be very useful in drawing any per- fon up to the affiſtance of thoſe in the chambers, or for removing any effects out of a chamber, which it might be dangerous to at- tempt by the ſtairs. It has been proved, by repeated trials, that fuch a pole as we have been ſpeaking of can be raiſed from the ground, and two or three perfons taken out of the upper windows of a houfé, and fet down fafely in the ſtreet, in the ſpace of 35 feconds, or a little more than half a minute. Sick and infirm perfons, women, children, and many others, who cannot make ufe of a ladder, may be fafely and eafily brought down from any of the windows of a houfe on fire by this machine, and, by put- ting a fhort pole, through the handles of the basket, may be removed to any diftance without being taken out of the baſ ket. The pole muſt always have the rope ready fixed to it, and may be conveniently laid up upon two or three iron hooks un- der any fhade or gateway, and the baſket fhould be kept at the watch-houſe. When the pole is laid up, the two ſpars fhould always be turned towards the head of it. The baſket fhould be made of peeled rods, and the pole and fpars painted of a light ftone-colour, to render it more viſible when uſed in the night. Fire-engine. 175 FIRE-ENGINE, the name now commonly given to a machine by which water is thrown upon fires in order to extinguiſh them. Various machines have been contrived for that purpofe at differ- ent times; the moſt effential particulars in a few of which we fhall here defcribe. The ufual conftruction of the fire-engine, after the great im- provements were made in it by Mr. R. Newfham, was nearly that which is exhibited in fig. 2. pl. XV. where we have repre- fented a vertical fection of the engine. The motion of the water in this machine is effected by the preffure of the atmo- fphere, the force of men acting upon the extremities H', H", of a lever, and thence giving motion to the piſtons, and by the elafticity of condenfed air, in the following manner :-When the pifton Ris raiſed a vacuum would be made in the barrel TU if the water did not follow it from the inferior canal EM (through the valve H), which rifes through the tube EF im- merfed in the water of a veſſel by the preffure of the atmoſphere on its furface. The water of the barrel TU, by the fucceeding depreffion of the pifton R, fhuts the valve H, and is forced, through the ſuperior canal ON, to enter by the valve I into the air-veffel a b c d; and the like being done alternately with re- ſpect to the other barrel WX, and its pifton S, the air-veffel is, by theſe means, continually filling with water, which greatly compreffes the air above the furface of the water in that veffel, and thereby proportionally augments its fpring; which at length is ſo far increaſed as to re-act with great force on the furface YZ of the fubjacent water, and compel it to aſcend through the ſmall tube e f to the ftop-cock e g, where upon turning the cock the water is fuffered to paſs through a pipe h fixed to a ball and föcket; from the orifice of which it iffues in a continued ftream with a great velocity, to a confiderable height or diſtance; and it is ufually kept from diverging too foon in its progreſs by means of a long feries of flexible leather pipes, properly joined to- gether, and known among the fire men by the name of the hofe. Defaguliers remarks (vol. I. p. 257.) that Mr. Newham contrived his engines in fuch a manner," that part of the men who work them exert their force by treading, which is more effectual than any other way that men can work at ſuch engines; the whole weight of the body being fucceffively thrown, on "the forcers of the pumps: and even part of a man's strength may be added to the weight by means of horizontal pieces to which he can apply his hands when he is treading: whereas, by applying the hands to move levers or turn winches, the power muſt act very unequally. This is the reaſon why with the fame number of men he has generally thrown water further, higher, and in 39 176 MACHINES. Į greater quantities, with the fame fized engines, than other en- gineers who have tried their engines against his." Notwithſtand- ing the truth of this remark, we are not aware that the com- bination of human weight and ſtrength here recommended has been practifed in any ſubſequent fire-engines, or indeed in any machines whatever, except the ingenious walking crane of Mr. Hardie. The greateſt artifice in the engine according to the con- ftruction just defcribed is the contrivance to produce a continual Stream, which is done by the compreffion and proportional elaſti- city of air in the barrel a b c d, called the air-veffel. For the air, being an elaſtic fluid, will be fufceptible of compreffion in any degree by the water forced in through the valves at IK; and, fince the force of the air's fpring will always be inverſely as the fpace it poffeffes (art. 489. vol. I.), it follows that when the air- veffel is half full of water the air will be compreffed into half the ſpace it poffeffed at firſt, and therefore its fpring will be twice as great as at firſt. But this fpring at firft was equal to the preffure of the at- moſphere on the ſame ſurface: for if it were not it could not have ſuſtained or refifted the preffure of the atmoſphere which ſtood over it, and conſequently could not have filled the veffel before the water was driven in; which yet we find it did, and maintained an equilibrium with the common air. The veffel then being half filled with water, or the air compreffed into half the firſt ſpace, its ſpring will in this cafe be equal to twice the preffure of the atmofphere; and therefore when the ftopcock at p is turned, the air within, preffing on the fubjacent water with twice the force it meets with from the external air in the pipe ef will cauſe the water to ſpout out of the engine to the height of 32 or 33 feet, if the friction is not too great. 423 When the air-veffel is full of water, the air takes up part; whence its fpring will be three times as great as that of the common air, and it will project the water with twice the com- mon atmoſpheric preffure; confequently, it will rife to the height of 62 or 64 feet. When the air-veffel is full of water the air will be compreffed into its part, and fo will protrude the water with three times the atmoſpheric preffure, and carry it to the height of 96 or 99 feet. Hence it will be eaſy to ſtate the law by which the ſpring of the air will act on the ſurface of the water below it, as in the following table. 4 1 Fire-Engine. 177 Height of water in air-bar. Of the air compressed. Proportion of air's elasticity. Height of the spout. 2 33 3. 66- 99 132 6 165 T 7 198 8 231 9 264 10 To To 297 2- I I n (n − 1) 33 n • Various alterations and improvements have been made from time to time in the conftruction of Fire-engines. The con- trivers of fome of theſe improvements, as Meffrs. Bramah, Dickenſon, Simpkin, Rowntree, and Phillips, have fecured their inventions from infringement by patents; the ſpecifications of moſt of which may be ſeen in the Repertory of Arts and Manu- factures. In the year 1785 the filver medal and twenty guineas were conferred by the "Society for the Encouragement of Arts," &c. on Mr. Furft, as a reward for his contrivance to increaſe the effect of engines in extinguiſhing fires; of which the follow- ing is a fhort defcription: from a platform riſes an upright pole or maft, of fuch height as may be judged neceffary; a gaft flides upon it in an afcending direction, and along both is conveyed the leather hofe from the engine. The branch or nofe-pipe of the engine projects at the extremity of the gaft; towards which an iron frame is fixed, whence two chains are fufpended; and from thefe hang ropes, which ferve to give an horizontal di- rection to the branch; while other ropes, that run through proper pullies, and are thus conveyed down the maſt, ſerve likewife to communicate a vertical motion to it. By theſe means, the branch or nofe-pipe of the engine is conducted into the window of any room where the fire more immediately rages; and the effect of the water diſcharged is applied in the moft efficacious manner to the extinguiſhing of the flames. A very cheap and fimple fire-engine is that invented in Ame- rica by Mr. Benjamin Dearborn, who communicated it to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, from whoſe Memoirs for 1794 we extract the following particulars: Fig. 4. pl. XV. AB and CD are the edges of two planks, con- fined by four bolts; a b and c d are two cylindrical barrels, in each of which a piston, with a valve, is faftened to the fpear e, and is moved up and down alternately by the motion of the arms EE. Beneath each barrel a hole is made through the VOL. II. 178 MACHINES. ? plank ÁB, which is covered with a valve. The arms EE are fufpended on the common centre f: there are alſo arms parallel to theſe on the oppofite fide: g g are the ends of handles which are faſtened acroſs the ends of the arms. At h a bolt goes acrofs from arm to arm, to which the piece i k is affixed, and on which it plays; the lower end of this piece is faftened to the top of the fpear e. Glf is a ſtandard for the purpoſe of ſupporting the arms, to which there is a correfpondent one on the oppofite fide; both are notched into the edges of the planks, where they are fecured by a bolt, which paffes through them at 7, and has a nut or fore-lock on the oppoſite fide. HI, HI, are ſquare braces, anſwering the purpoſe of ducts, through which the water af- cends from the barrels, paffing through the plank at m. KL, KL, are irons in the form of a ftaple, in order to confine the braces: the lower ends of theſe irons meet, and are fecured by a bolt paffing through them, and MN n o, which is a piece that goes up through a mortice in the centre of the planks. This piece is ſquare from the lower end, till it reaches the top of the braces; whence they become cylindrical to the top, the upper end being perforated fufficiently low down, in order to com- municate with the braces. OP is an iron ring that ſurrounds the tube, and has two ſhanks which afcend through the head, which ſcrews on the top at p q r s is a ferule nailed round the tube. Fig. 5. is the fame engine; the arms and ſtandards being taken off, in order to delineate more clearly the mode of fecur- ing the braces; an object which is completely effected by a wedge driven into the mortice a: beneath the upper plank bis a hole for admitting a paffage to the bolt,' which fecures the ſtandards. In this figure a fide view of the head is given, with the pipe in a perpendicular direction. The machine is confined within a box, fet on wheels, as in the common fire-engines. The whole is made of wood, ex- cepting the ſpears of the pumps, and a few bolts, &c. The advantages of this machine are, that it can be made in any place where common pumps are manufactured; the interior work will not exceed one-fourth of the price of thoſe which are conſtructed on the uſual plan; and that they are incom- parably more eafy to work than the common ones: circum- ſtances which ſtrongly recommend the American fire-engine to the attention of the public. Since the conftruction of engines for the extinguiſhing of fires has long been confidered of very great importance, it is no wonder that many perfons have devoted much of their time and talents to this fubject. Various treatifes have been written upon it; the chief of which are mentioned below. Writings on Fire-Extinguishers. 179 Beſchreibung eines wafferkrahns, welcher in groffen und gefahrlichen feuerfbrünften ſehr nutz-lich zu gebrauchen, und mit gar geringen unkoften angeſchafft werden kann; zugleich in einem kupferftuck vorgeſtellt. 1665. Deſcription d'une machine hydraulique, pour éteindre le feu dans les incendies, tirée des regiſtres de L'Acad. Roy. des Sci. de Paris. 1675- Sur une nouvelle machine pour le feu, par M. de Reaumur. Mém. de l'Acad. Roy. des Sci. &c. 1722. Misflungene verfuche mit der Greyliſchen maſchine, von Thum- mig. Auch. Brefl. Samml. 1721. A new method of extinguiſhing fires by exploſion and ſuffo- cation, by Mr. Godfrey. 1724. Lettre de Londres, du 5 Juin, 1761, par M. Defchamps; fur rine expérience publique touchant la nouvelle manière d'eteindre le feu, inventée par M. Godfrey, faite par la Société formée pour l'Encouragement des Manufactures et du Commerce en Angleterre. Mr. Ambros Godfrey's erfindung von gefchwinder auflöſchung der feuerfbrünfte. Hannöveriſche Beytrage. v. J. 1761. [The "Greyliſchen machines," mentioned above, were intro- duced into this country by a Mr. Zachary Greyl: they were made of wood, and contained only water; they were exhibited before feveral of the nobility, but did not meet with encourage- ment. A few years after, Dr. Godfrey produced certain veſſels ``which in every reſpect fucceeded. They are fuppoſed to have been an improvement on Mr. Greyl's, were conſtructed with wood, and filled with a chemical liquor, confifting of water, oil of vitriol, and fal-ammoniac. When thrown into rooms and other places that were purpoſely fet on fire, they burſt, and by their exploſion completely extinguiſhed the flames: it is to be ob ferved, that they were uſeleſs after the roof had fallen in. Thefe contrivances, however, are evidently more calculated for fhips than to be employed on land; as they would be of great fervice for fuppreffing fires in veffels at ſea, and might be confidered as neceffary a part of their cargo as naval ftores or ammunition.] Nouvelle manière d'eteindre les incendies, avec pleufieurs autres inventions utiles à la ville de Paris; par M. Moitrell d'Ele- ment. 1725. Jacob Leupold's beſchreibung und abbildung eines druckwerks mit dem krummen zapfen und fchwungrad, welches als eine feuerfpritze oder andere maſchine an unterſchiedenen orten kann gebraucht werden. See his Theatri machinarum hydrauli- carum. tom. II. cap. 5. 1725. Defcription d'une machine ou pompe pour élever l'eau dans les incendies, propofée par un armurier de Semur en Auxois. See N 2 180 MACHINES. Receuil mach. et invent. approuvées par l'Acad. Roy. Paris, tom. II. 1735. Architecture hydraulique, par Belidor, tome II. 1739. A deſcription of the late Mr. Richard Newfham's engines to put out accidental fires. See Defaguliers's Experimental philo- fophy, vol. ii. 1744. Joh. Gottfr. Dobe, fchloffers und fpritzeumachers in herzberg, nachright von ſeiner neu erfundenen fpritze mit zwey auf- guffröhen, aus welchen in gleicher quantität und entfernung, jedoch in verfchiedenen direktionen, das waffer zu gleicher zeit auſgeſpritzt warden kann. Leipz. Int. Bl. 1767. Abhandlung und berechnung über die neubertſchen ſpritzen, von Kampe, ſtadtbauherrn in Göttingen. 1769. Nachricht von Feuerfpritzen von J. L. Riepenhauſen, me- chanicus in Göttingen. 1770. D. Wilh. Gottlieb Haffe praktiſche abhandlung zu verbefferung der feuerfpritzen, welche auf die aufgeftellte preifsfrage von Kurfürftl. Maynzifcher akademie nützlicher Wiffenfchaften zu Erfurt den beyfall erhalten. Gotha, bey Karl. Wilhelm Ettinger. 1778. Lukas V'och's abhandlung von feuerfpritzen, &c. 1781. Ueber den zweckmaffigen gebrauch der feuerfpritze und anderer löſchmaſchinen. Zürch, b. Fuesfli. Tubing, gel. Anz. 1790. Erfindung einer feuerfpritze, welche ganz ohne röhrwerk, ohne kolben und ventile durch die kraft zweyer menſchen eine überaus groffe menge waffer zu einer beträchtlichen höhe in die luft treibt, durch den dritten mann nach allen gegenständen gerechtet wird, und mit geringen koften nebft derfelben an- wendung auf handfpritzen herzuftellen ift, von Karl Imanuel Löscher. 1792. Various fire-engines are deſcribed in the articles HYDRO- STATICS and FIRE-engine, in the English Encyclopædia and the Supplement to that work. Entwurf die feuerfpritzen mittelft einer mechaniſchen vorrich- tung vor dem einfrieren zu fichern, nebft einigen bemerkungen über die löfchanftalten überhaupt, vorzüglich aber bey brand- fällen im winter, bearbeitet von J. L. J. von Gerstenbergk. Jena, in der akademifchen buckhandl, 1801. pp. 1 to 89. This will not be altogether an improper place to ſpeak of the means of extinguiſhing accidental fires in fhips, recommended by Mr. Alexander Tilloch, the editor of the Philofophical Maga- zine. Mr. Tilloch begins his paper on this fubject by ſome account of the theory of combuftion; in which he takes occafion to ſtate, that fire is more fupplied from the oxygen of the air ! Fires in Ships, to extinguish. 181 than from the combuftible body; and that water may itſelf act as an inciter to fire, inftead of extinguishing it, when expofed to a fufficient temperature, in circumftances which fhall decompofe it into its conftituent gafes, hydrogen, a combuſtible, and oxygen the only fupporter of flame. Mr. Tilloch ftates, alfo, that water acts as an extinguiſher, merely by interpofing itſelf between the flame and the air, and excluding the latter, thus acting "as a wall of feparation be- tween the burning materials and the atmoſphere:" for this reaſon he recommends mixing fand, or mould, or clay, with the water employed to extinguiſh fire, to render its effect in this refpect more powerful. Mr. Tilloch ſtrongly ſtates the fuperior efficacy of cutting off all communication between the burning bodies and the atmo- ſphere, as the moſt certain means of ſtopping conflagration: wherefore, when this takes place in a fhip, the hatches fhould be cloſed, and all hands employed in ſtopping every crevice, by which the air could pafs to the burning body, with oakum or any other matter: by which means the fhip would become “ large extinguiſher," and the fire go out when it had conſumed the oxygen of the confined air. By this method, if the fire forced its way through the lower deck, it might be ſtopped in the fecond deck, by clofing the ports, hatches, and all other apertures belonging to it in every direction. one To haften the confumption of the oxygen of the confined air, Mr. Tilloch recommends, before clofing the hatches, to light as many other fires below, in pots, pans, and other veffels, as time will permit; likewife to light up as many candles as poffible, each of which confuming a gallon of air in a minute, will affift in fooner rendering the enclofed air unfit for combuſtion. Mr. Tilloch alfo propoſes, that a quantity of chalk or lime- ftone fhould be ftowed on board, and an adequate proportion of vitriolic acid; by means of which a quantity of fixed air might be produced, which would alſo aſſiſt in extinguiſhing the fire. When the flames are ſtopped by theſe means, caution muſt be uſed to carefully ventilate all the encloſed places by every poff- ble means, before the men are fuffered to go down; otherwife their inftant fuffocation muſt enfue. When a fire takes place above deck, the uſe of water mixed with fand or mould is recommended; and the ftrewing fand on the decks, three inches thick, both to ftop and prevent fire in that part, and to form a road by which the men can get at the burning body, fo as to apply mops wet with the above mixture to it, which Mr. Tilloch thinks would be more effectual than 182 MACHINES. } the efect of a fire-engine: in this operation the application of the mop ſhould proceed from below upwards. It is alſo adviſed to ſeparate the part of the fhip where fires are moſt likely to originate from the reft, by air-tight partitions (or bulk-heads), ſo that when a fire happened there it would be only neceffary to cloſe and caulk up the entrance to this part to put it out. It is further recommended to cover all the upper works with fheet-copper, to prevent their taking fire by any accident which might happen on deck, and to encloſe the maſts in the fame manner, having metallic chains added along the fhrouds, to fecure them in cafe of the rigging being burned away. Some of the particulars in this paper will appear fo chimerical to a nautical man as to make him fet lefs value upon the reſt than is due to them: but, as every thing which may tend to fubdue fo dreadful an enemy as fire on board a thip deferves being known and confidered, and as many of the fuggeftions in this paper may undoubtedly be applied to moſt important practical purpoſes, we thought it a duty to advert to it; and would beg to refer to No. 82. of the Phil. Mag. for Mr. Tilloch's obſervations at large. FLAX-MILLS have been conftructed in great variety: but one of the beſt we are acquainted with is deſcribed in Gray's Experienced Millwright, in nearly the following terms. Fig. 1. pl. XVI. is the plan. AA, the water-wheel. CC, the ſhaft or axle upon which it is fixed. BB, a wheel faſtened upon the fame fhaft, containing 102 teeth, to drive the pinion D, having 25 teeth, which is fixed upon the middle bruifing- roller: E, a pinion in which are 10 teeth, turned by the wheel B, which is faſtened upon the under end of the perpendicular ſhaft that carries the fcutchers. MM, the large frame that fupports one end of the ſhaft C, and the perpendicular axle. NN are frames in which the rollers turn that break or bruiſe the rough flax. IA and L, the machine and handle to raiſe the fluice when the water is to be let on the wheel AA to turn it round. GG, doors in the fide-walls of the mill-houfe. IK, windows to lighten the houſe. HH, ftairs leading up to the loft. Fig. 2. Elevation. AA, the water-wheel upon its fhaft CC, on which ſhaft the wheel BB is alſo fixed: this latter wheel con- taining 102 teeth, to turn the wheel E, having 25 teeth, which is faſtened upon the middle bruifing-roller. FF is a vertical fhaft, upon the lower end of which is fixed a pinion having 10 teeth, which is driven by the wheel B. There are two arms that paſs through the ſhaft F; and upon theſe arms are faſtened, Flax-mill. 183 with fcrewed iron bolts, the fcutchers that clear the refuſe off the flax. DD, the frames which fupport one end of the axle C, the vertical fhaft, and the breaking-rollers: L, a weight fuf- pended by a rope, the other end of which is faftened to a bearer, as is feen in fig. 3. SS a lever, the ſhort arm of which is attached to the frame that the gudgeons of the upper roller turn in; and by puſhing down the long arm, the upper roller is, when neceffary, fo raiſed as to be clear of the middle one. NN, the end-walls of the mill-houſe. RR, the couples or frame of the roof. H, a door in the fide-wall. IK, windows. Fig. 3. Section. AA, the great water-wheel fixed upon its fhaft, and containing 40 aws or float-boards to receive the water which communicates motion to the whole machinery. BB, a wheel faſtened upon the fame axle, having, as before mentioned, 102 cogs, to drive the wheel C of 25 teeth which is fixed upon the middle roller, No. 1. The thick part of this roller is fluted, or rather has teeth all round its circumference. Theſe teeth are of an angular form, being broad at their baſe, and thinner towards their outward extremities, which are a little rounded, to prevent them from cutting the flax as it paffes through betwixt the rollers. The other two rollers Nos. 2. and 3. have teeth in them of the fame form and fize as thofe in the middle roller, whofe teeth, by taking into thoſe of theſe two rollers, turns them both round. The rough flax is made up into ſmall parcels, which being introduced betwixt the middle and upper rollers, paſs round the middle one; and this either having rollers placed on its off fide, or being incloſed by a curved board that turns the flax out betwixt the middle and under rollers, when it is again put in betwixt the middle and upper one, round the fame courſe, until it be fufficiently broken or ſoftened, and prepared for the fcutching machine. The bearer in which the gudgeon of the roller No. 1. turns is fixed in the frame at C; and the gudgeons of the rollers Nos. 2. and 3. turn in fliders that move up or down in grooves in the frames SS. The under roller is kept up to the middle one by the weights DD, fufpended by two ropes going over two ſheeves in the frames SS; their other ends being faſtened to a tranſverſe bearer below the fliders in which the gudgeons of the roller No. 3. turn. The weights DD muſt be. confiderably heavier than the under roller and fliders, in order that its teeth may be preffed in betwixt the teeth of No. 1. to bruiſe the flax when paſſing between the rollers. The whole weight of the roller No. 2. preffes on the flax which paffes between it and No. 1. There is alſo a box fixed on the upper edge of its two fliders to contain a parcel of ftones, or lumps of any heavy metal, ſo that more or leſs weight can be added to the roller, as is found neceffary. OO, is the large frame that 184 MACHINES. ſupports one end of the ſhaft which carries the two wheels A, B, and vertical axle FF; on the lower end of which is fixed the pinion turned by the wheel B, and having 10 teeth. In the axle F are arms upon which the fcutchers are faſtened with fcrewed bolts, as feen at GG, fig. 2. Theſe fcutchers are incloſed in the cylindrical box EE, having in its curved furface holes or porches at which the handfuls of flax are held in, that they may be cleaned by the revolving fcutchers. HH, the fall or courfe of the water. TT, the fluice, machine, and handle, for raiſing the fluice to let the water on the great wheel. The gudgeons of the axles ſhould all turn in cods or buſhes of brafs. KK, the fide-walls of the mill-houſe. GG, doors. LL, windows. FLOUR-MILLS are put into motion in various ways: fome times the firſt mover is wind, at others water, at others the force of ſteam, at others the muſcular energy of animals. See Foot- mill, Hand-mill, Wind-mill, &c. The mechaniſm of the grinding part of moſt of theſe is nearly the fame, and well underſtood; fo that it will not be neceſſary to enter much into minutiæ, but merely to preſent a general deſcription of a well-conftructed mill, with any firſt mover; and fubjoin to this defcription fome remarks, rules, and tables. In plate XVII. we have given a fection of a double Flour- mill, reduced from Gray's Experienced Millwright, with the following account. AA, the water-wheel. BB, its fhaft or axle. CC, a wheel fixed upon the fame fhaft, containing 90 teeth or cogs, to drive the pinion No. 1. having 23 teeth, which is faftened upon the vertical ſhaft D. No. 2. a wheel fixed upon the ſhaft D, containing 82 teeth, to turn the two pinions FF, having 15 teeth, which are faſtened upon the iron axles or fpindles that carry the two upper mill-ftones. EE, the beam or fill that fupports the frame on which the under mill-ftones are laid. GG, the cafes or boxes that encloſe the upper mill- ftones; they ſhould be about 2 inches diftant from the ftone all round its circumference. TT, the bearers, called bridges, upon which the under end of the iron ſpindles turn. Thefe fpindles paſs upward through a hole in the middle of the nether mill- ftones, in which is fixed a wooden bufh that their upper ends turn in. The top part of the ſpindles, above each wooden buſh, is made fquare, and goes into a fquare hole in an iron croſs, which is admitted into grooves in the middle and under- furface of the upper mill-ſtone. By this means that ſtone is carried round along with the trundles FF, when turned by the wheel No. 2. One end of the bridges TT is put into mortifes in fixed bearers, and the other end into mortices in the bearers that move at one end on iron bolts, their other ends hanging by Flour-mill. 185 + iron rods having fcrewed nuts, as UU; fo that when turned forward or backward they raiſe or deprefs the upper mill-ftones, according as the miller finds it neceffary. SS, the feeders, in the under end of each of which is a fquare focket that goes upon the fquare of the fpindles above the iron crofs or rind, and having three or four branches that move the ſpout or fhoe, and feed the wheat conſtantly from the hoppers into the hole or eye of the upper mill-ftone, where it is introduced betwixt the ftones; and by the circular motion of the upper ftone ac- quires a centrifugal force; and proceeding gradually from the eye of the mill-ftone towards the circumference, is at length thrown out in flour or meal. RR, the fluice, machine, and handle, to raiſe the fluice, and let the water on the wheel A to drive it round. No. 3. is a wheel fixed upon the fhaft D, containing 44 teeth, to turn the pinion No. 4. having 15 teeth, which is faſtened upon the horizontal axle H. On this axle is alfo fixed the barrel K, on which go the two leather belts that turn the wire engine and bolting mill. L, an iron ſpindle, in the under end of which is a fquare focket that takes in a fquare on the top of the gudgeon of the vertical fhaft D. There is a pinion M, of 9 teeth, fixed on the upper end of the ſpindle L, to turn the wheel MM, having 48 teeth, which is faftened upon the axle round which the rope ZZ rolls, to carry the facks of flour up to the cooling benches. By pulling the cord OO a little, the wheel MM and its axle are put into motion, in con- ſequence of that wheel and its axle being moved horizontally, until the teeth of the wheel are brought into contact with thoſe of the pinion at the top of the ſpindle L: and, on the contrary, by pulling the cord PP, the wheel M and its axle are moved in the oppofite horizontal direction, till they are thrown out of geer with the pinion, and the rotatory motion of that wheel ſtops. But when the fack of flour is raiſed up to the lever Q, it puſhes up that end of the lever, and of courſe the other end down; by which means the pinion M is diſengaged, and thus that part of the machine ftops of itſelf. NN are two large hoppers, into which the clean wheat is put to be conveyed down to the hoppers SS, placed on the frame immediately above the mill- ftones. WW, the fide-wall of the mill-houſe. V, the couples or frame of the roof. XX, windows to lighten the houſe, Fig. 1. in the margin repreſents the furface of the under grinding mill-ftone; the way of laying out the roads or channels; the wooden buſh fixed into the hole in its middle, in which the upper end of the iron fpindle turns round; and the cafe or hoops that furround the upper one, which ought to be two inches clear of the ſtone all round its circumference. Fig. 2. the upper grinding mill-ftone, and iron crofs or rind 186 MACHINES. in its middle; in the centre of which is a fquare hole that takes in a ſquare on the fop of the iron fpindle, to carry round the mill-ftone. When the working fides or faces of the mill-ftones are laid uppermoft, the roads (or channels) muft lie in the fame direction in both; fo that when the upper ftone is turned over, and its furface laid upon the under one, then the channels may croſs each other, which affifts in grinding and throwing out the flour; the fharp edges of the two furrows then cutting againft each other like fciffors. The roads are likewife laid out according to the way the upper ftone revolves. In thoſe repreſented in the figures the running mill-ftone is ſuppoſed to turn "fun- way," or as in what is called a right-handed mill: but if the ſtone revolves the other way the channels must be cut the re- verfe of this, and then the mill is termed a left-handed one. The elevation of this mill may be ſeen in Gray's Millwright, pl. XXXI. $ It will not be expected that we ſhould allot much space to the theory of flour-mills, though it may not be adviſeable to pafs it over entirely. We fhall therefore give two or three theorems for a ſingle flour-mill of the common conſtruction, which may be applied with facility, fo far as they are uſeful, to double or triple mills. Let the weight of the upper ftone when furrowed be=W, the reſiſtance of the corn reduced to the diſtance of the centre of gyration, or at of the radius of the upper ftone=R, then, according to Belidor, R'- W 23 W 35 while according to Fabre R But when the upper ftone to work moft advantageously in every reſpect goes round 60 times in a minute, we have R = 60 2 W 60 2 W DW N 35 450D 35 1314 This, however, would require an upper mill-ftone of about 7 feet diameter: for when the diameter of that ftone is D in feet, and N the moſt advantageous number of rotations in 1 minute, 450 we have, from many obfervations, N= as introduced into D the preceding theorem; and this, when N = 60, gives D-74. Let the whole friction when reduced to of the radius of the upper ftone be repreſented by F, and the effective diſtance of the force or power from the axe on which the ſtone revolves =r, the number of teeth in the first or commanding wheel M, and the number of ſtaves in the trundle =m, the number of revolutions of the water-wheel in 1 minute = n, the power Flour-mill. 187 which at the distance r from the axe of the water-wheel is necef- ſary to retain the whole load in equilibrium=p; ſo ſhall we have rp M m whence, p = or, becauſe M 772 ÷ D (R + F). 2MD (R+ F) 3 m r : 2ND we have p = (R+F). 3nr Let the time in feconds in which the water-wheel revolves be =t, the velocity with which any point in its circumference moves =v, the height due to this velocity being =ḥ,π= 3'141593, and g = 16 feet, then is ΤΣ 2π T 60 t= and n = 600/8 h Ngh t Tr m But it is alfo n = N = M m 450 M D therefore 450 m DM 60/gh, and r = πr 10 DM ✔gh 450 mm An underſhot-wheel produces the greateſt uſeful effect, when the height due to the velocity of the impinging water being H, we have b=H, or v: V:: √//:::24 nearly: retaining theſe as fufficiently exact for practice, the moſt advantageous radius of the underfhot water-wheel, the water puſhing againft fhovels or float-boards, is ୧ 60 DM₁g H 0.019 DM₁g H 450 π Μ or again g OIOг DMV m m where V is the velocity of the impinging water. But in underfhot-mills the fall is feldom, if ever, more than 15 or 16 feet: in that cafe the moſt advantageous pofition of the work is to have · M m 122°27 DV Further, let L = the number of pounds of meal which are produced every hour, s = the ſpecific gravity of the upper mill- ftone, that of water being unity, and B the folid content of the ftone in cubic feet: the remaining letters having the fame ac- ceptation as before: then 185 MACHINES. for rye and wheat L = 0°021 D²s s B for old barley L = 0·06 D²s B M m r pounds. pounds. mr MU Mr. Ferguſon has made fome practical obſervations on mills, which, as they are not far from coincidence with the preceding theorems, may be introduced here. When the diameter of the upper ftone is about 6 feet, as is generally the caſe, the lower is about an inch more: the upper ftone then contains about 22 cubic feet, and weighs rather more than 19000 pounds. A ftone of this kind ought never to revolve more than 60 or 70 times in a minute; for a more rapid motion would heat the meal. Nor muft the water-wheel be too large, for in that cafe its angular motion will be too flow; on the contrary, if the wheel be too fmall, it will be de- ficient in moving power: 18 feet diameter is recommended as a proper medium. And Mr. Ferguſon, on the fuppofition that the floats of the wheel ought to move with a third part of the velocity of the water-a fuppofition, however, which is not ftrictly confiftent either with theory or with Mr. Smeaton's experiments (fee vol. I. arts. 473, 483, &c.)-gives the follow- ing rules for conftructing the chief parts of the mill. 1. Meafure the perpendicular height of the fall of water in feet above that part of the wheel on which the water begins to act, and call that the height of the fall. 2. Multiply this conftant number 64-2882 (or rather 64) by the height of the fall in feet, and extract the fquare root of the product, which will be the velocity of the water at the bottom of the fall, or the number of feet the water moves per fecond. 3. Divide the velocity of the water by 3; and the quotient will be the velocity of the floats of the wheel in feet per fecond. 4. Divide the circumference of the wheel in feet, by the velocity of its floats; and the quotient will be the number of feconds in one turn or revolution of the great water-wheel, on the axis of which is fixed the cog-wheel that turns the trundle. 5. Divide 60 by the number of feconds in one turn of the water-wheel or cog-wheel; and the quotient will be the number of turns of either of theſe wheels in a minute, 6. Divide 60 (the number of turns the millftone ought to have in a minute) by the abovefaid number of turns; and the quotient will be the number of turns the millstone ought to have for one turn of the water or cog wheel. Then, 7. As the required number of turns of the millſtone in a minute is to the number of turns of the cog-wheel in a minute, ſo muſt the number of cogs in the wheel be to the number of Flour-mill. 189 ſtaves or rounds in the trundle on the axis of the millftone, in the neareſt whole number that can be found. By theſe rules the following table is calculated; in which the diameter of the water-wheel is fuppofed 18 feet, and con- fequently its circumference 56: The Mill-wright's Table. Per-Velocity | Velocity | Number | Required? Nearest Number Num- of turns of number of uum. of cogs of turns ber of the wheel | turns of and staves of the turns of in a mi- the mill- for that pur-millstone themill- stone for pose. for one stone in pendi- of the cular water in height feet per of the wheel in feet per of the second, second. fall of water. nute. each turn of the wheel. Stares. Cogs. turn of a min, the wheel by these by these cogs cogs and and stares. staves, 2 ~ that 8.02 257 2.83 21'20 11*40 3.78 4.00 3 13.89 4.63 4.91 12'22 16:04 5:35 5.67 10.58 17.93 5.98 6.34 9.46 II 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 6 78 9 0 1 2 ∞ 4 Yo No a 19.64 6.55 6.94 8.64 21*21 7:07 7:50 8.00 £5.00 127 105 98 95 85 78 72 22.63 7.56 8:02 7.48 776 679 200 in 500 ~ 996 21.17 59.91 15.00 60.00 12.25 60.14 9 10.56 59.87 9 9'44 59.84 9 8.66 60.10 9 8.00 60.00 67 9 7'44 59.67 24.05 8.02 8.51 7:05 70 IO 7'00 59'57 ΙΟ 25*35 8.45 8.97 6·69 67 ΙΟ 6.70 60·09 2.6.59 8.86 9.40 6.38 64 10 6.40* 60.16 27.77 9.26 9.82 6.11 61 10 6.10 59'90 28.91 9.64 10.22 5.87 59 ΙΟ 5.80 60.18 30.00 10'00 10'60 5.66 56 10 5.60 59.36 31.05 10.35 10.99 5:46 55 ΙΟ 5'40 60.48 32.07 10.69 1134 5.29 53 10 5°30 60.10 33.06 II'02 II 70 5.13 SI ΤΟ 5'10 59.67 34.02 II.34 12'G2 4'99 50 10 5'00 60.10 34'95 11.65 12.37 4.85 49 ΙΟ 4.80 69.61 20 35.86 11.92 12.68 4.73 47. IO 4.70 59'59 Mr. Fenwick, the author of "Effays on Practical Mechanics," made a numerous fet of experiments on fome of the beſt mills for grinding corn, in order to form a fet of tables illuſtrative of the effect of a given quantity of water, in a given time, applied on an overshot water wheel of a given fize. His obſervations, tables, and examples, will form the remaining part of this article, The quantity of water expended on the water-wheel was meaſured with great exactnefs; the corn ufed was in a medium ſtate of drinefs; the mills, in all their parts, were in a medium working ftate; the millftones, making from 90 to 100 revolu- tions per minute, were from 4 to 5 feet in diameter. Σ The refult of the experiments was, that the power requifite to raiſe a weight of 300lbs. avoirdupois, with a yelocity of 190 feet per minute, would grind 1 boll of good rye in 1 hours 190 MACHINES. but, for the fake of making the following tables hold in practice, where imperfection of conſtruction exifts in ſome ſmall degree, it is taken at 300lbs. raiſed with a velocity of 210 feet per minute, (being 1-10th more); and for grinding 2, 3, 4, or 5 bolls of rye per hour requires a power equal to that which could raife 300lbs. with the velocity of 350, 506, 677, or 865 feet per minute refpectively. The difference of the power re- quifité to grind equal quantities of wheat from that for rye will be very trifling. The power required to raiſe a weight of 300lbs. avoirdupois, with a velocity of 390 feet per minute, will prepare properly I ton of old rope per week, for the purpoſe of making paper; and for preparing, in like manner, 2 tons of the fame kind of materials per week, requires a power able to raiſe 300 lbs. with a velocity of 525 feet per minute, the mill working from 10 to 12 hours per day. A SET OF TABLES, fhewing the quantity of water (ale meaſure) requifite to grind different quantities of corn, from 1 to 5 bolls (Winchester meaſure) per hour, applied on overshot waterwheels from 10 to 32 feet diameter; alfo the fize of the cylinder of the common fteam-engine to do the fame work. The water-wheel, 10 feet di- The water-wheel, 12 feet di- corn ameter. Bolls of Quantity of Diameter of water requisite the cylinder ground in ale gallons, of a steam-en- per hour. per minute. gine to do the corn ameter. Bolls of Quantity of | Diameter of water requisite the cylinder in ale gallons of a steam-en- per minute. [gine to do the ground per hour. same work, in inches. same work, in inches. I 786 12.5 I 655 플 ​1056 14.6 11 873 12.5 14.6 2 1341 16.75 2 1091 16.75 2플 ​1517 18.5 2호 ​1343 18.5 3 1894 20'2 3 1576 20'2 3 2220 21.75 3/1/20 1840 21.75 2541 23.25 4 2117 23.25 41 2891 24.75 4를 ​2408 24.75 3242 26.25 5 2700 26.25 The water-wheel, 11 ft. diam. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in hour. per minute. inches. The water-wheel, 13 ft. diam. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in per minute. inches. hour. 2 Cn. p p. (A) G3 N 13, kad put, I 705 12.5 I it 945 14.6 1188 16.7,5 2월 ​1454 18.5. 1723 20'2 3/ 2014 21.75 2306 23.25 1122 cm 4 606 12.5 806 14.6 1009 16.75 22/2 1234 18.5 3 1458 20'2 31/ 1705 21.75 1952 23.25 4€ 2626 24.75 4/2 2223 24.75 2944 26.25 5. 2494 26.28 Flour-mill. 191 The waterwheel, 14 feet di- The water-wheel, 17 feet di- "ameter. Bolls of Quantity of Diameter of corn waterrequisite the cylinder ground in ale gallons, of a steam-en- per hour. per minute. gine to do the same work, in inches. corn ground ameter, Bo'ls of Quantity of Diameter of water requisite the cylinder in ale gallons, of a steam-en- per hour, per minute. gine to do the same work, in inches. I 564 I 12°5 458 12.5 MAN 1 / Hier 740 14.6 1/ 628 14.6 927 16,75 2 770 16.75 2/ 1140 18.5 2/ 943 18:5 3 5 HA Mr erg ný og leg 1353 20'2 3 1117 20'2 fer 1583 21.75 3/ 1300 21.75 1811 23.25 1482 23.25 2060 24.75 1695 24.75 2306 26.25 5 1906 26,25 The water-wheel, 15 feet di- The water-wheel, 18 feet di ameter. Rolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in ameter, Bolls per Water, gallons] Cylinder, in hour. per minute, inches. hour. per minute. inches. M IN 2 M 535 12.5 I I 2 21. 3 3/1/2 710 14.6 894 16.75 1090 18.5 2 1290 20.2 3 1503 21.75 4 1717 23.25 4/1/20 1967 ·24.75 HİN 122 mm 4 + 440 12:51 11/ 595 14.6 730 16.75 860 18.5 1054 20'2 3/1/20 1227 21.75 1400 23.25 4/2 1600 24'75 · 5 2211 26.25 5 +8co 26.25 ! : The water-wheel, 16 feet di- The water-wheel, 19 feet di- ¡ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in ameter, Bolls perWater, gallons! Cylinder, in hour. per minute. inches. hour. per minute. inches. I 491 1 / 650 £2.5 14.6 811 16.75 HHN I 4II 550 12:5 14:6 2 690 16.75 993 18.5 2폴 ​845 18.5 3. 1176 20.2 3 1000 20°2 31. 1380 21.75 3/1/ 1165 21.75 4 1582 23.25 4 1330 23.25 1802 24.75 44 1517 24.75 2023 26.25 5 1707 26.25 192 MACHINES. The water-wheel, 20 feet di-The water-wheel, 23 feet di- Corn ameter. Bolls of Quantity of Diameter of waterrequisite the cylinder ground in ale gallons, of a steam-en- per hour per minute. gine to do the same work, in inches. ameter. Bolls of Quantity of corn Diameter of water requisite the cylinder ground in ale gallons, of a steam-en- per hour. per minute. gine to do the same work, in inches. I .392 12.5 530 14.6 2 675 16:75 2골 ​808 18.5 3 945 20'2 HHN 2 ~ I 338 12:5 NM 454 14.6 2 570 16.75 2 1/2 HIN 707 18.5 3 824 20°2 31 ΙΙΙΟ 21.75 3 964 21.75 4 1270 23°25 4 1445 24.75 +4 I [24 23.25 1258 24.75 5 1623 26.25 1412 26.25 The water-wheel, 21 feet di- The water-wheel, 24 feet di- ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in hour. ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in hour. per minute. per minute. inches. inches, I I મા Mex HH22 cam the 1 370 12.5 I 327 12.5 500 14.6 11 436 14.6 635 16.75 2 545 16.75 2/1/2 767 18.5 21/ 671 18.5 900 20.2 3 788 20'2 3/2/2 4 1060 21.75 34/ 920 21.75 1212 23°25 4 1055 23.25 41 1379 24.73 41 1204 24.75 5 1547 26.25 5 1350 26.25 The water-wheel, 22 feet di- The water-wheel, 25 feet di- ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons, Cylinder, in hour. per minute. inches. bour. per minute. inches. I 359 12.5 I 316 12.5 11 473 14.6 I L 418 14.6 2 594 16.75 2 520 16.75 23 722 18.5 21 635 18.5 3: 860 20*2 3 752 20'2 3/1/2 1007 21.75 31/2 876 21.75 4 1153 23°25 985 23°25 4½ HIN 1313 24.75 1150 24.75 ૐ 1472 26.25 5 1302 26.25 Flour-mill. 193 The water-wheel, 26 feet di-The water-wheel, 29 feet di- corn ameter. Bolls of Quantity of Diameter of water requisite the cylinder ground in ale gallons, of a steam-en- per hour per minute. gine to do the same work, in inches. corn ameter. Bolls of Quantity of Diameter of water requisite the cylinder in ale gallons, of à steam én- per minute. gine to do the ground per hour. same work, in inches. I 2 2 3 5 MIN HHN 2 en es et fi dey 303 12.5 I 1/ 403 14.6 504 617 16.75 18.5 730 20*2 3 Hel Mica HHN 2 M 274 12.5 2 2 플 ​363 455 14.6 16.75 557 18.5 660 20°2 31 852 21'75 3 1/ 770 21.75 4 45 975 23.25 4 880 23.25 IIII 24*75 4/1/2 1005 24775 12:47 26.25 1130 26.25 The water-wheel, 27 feet di-The water-wheel, 30 feet di- ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons] Cylinder, in ameter. Bolls perfWater, gallons Cylinder, in hour. per minute. inches. hour. per minute, inches. I 293 12.5 Ι 267 12.5 I 1 // 385 14.6 1/1/ 355 14'6 2 482 16.75 2 447 16.75 2 // 593 18.5 2 545 18.5 3 703 20.2 3 645 20:2 3 1/2 82.2 21.75 3 -/-/ 750 21.75 4 940 23.25 4 858 23°25 1070 24.75 4풀 ​983 24.75 1200 26.25 5 1106 26.25 The water-wheel, 28 feet di-The water-wheel, 31 feet di- ameter. ameter. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in hour. inches. inches. Bolls per Water, gallons Cylinder, in hour. per minute. inches. WW N 2 -- I 282 플 ​370 12.5 14.6 I 463 2/2 3 HIN 570 676 16.75 18.5 20.2 3 HIN 791 21.75 905 23.25 4골 ​1030 24.75 5 1153. 26.25 HIN HH22 c c 4 4 4 256 12'5 I플 ​340 14.6 426 16.75 2/ 520 18.5 620 20.2 717 21.75 827 23.25 4플 ​940 2475 5 1058 26.25 VOL. II. * 1 194 MACHINES. The water-wheel, 32 feet diameter. per hour. Bolls of corn ground Quantity of water re- Diameter of the cylin- quisite in ale gallons, der of a steami-engine to do the same work, per minute. in inches. I 245 I 325. 12.5 14.6 406 16.75 2₤ 496 18.5 3 588 20°2 3 /1/10 690 21.75 4 791 23°25 4/ 900 24.75 1012 26.25 5 To make the foregoing tables applicable to mills intended to be turned by underſhot or breaft water-wheels: from Smeaton's experiments it appears that the power required on an under- fhot water-wheel, to produce an effect equal to that of an over- fhot (to which the tables are applicable), is as 2'4 to 1; and alſo the power required on a breaft water-wheel, which receives the water on ſome point of its circumference, and afterwards deſcends on the ladle boards, to produce an equal effect with an overſhot water-wheel, is as 175 to 1. A TABLE, fhewing the neceſſary fize of the cylinder of a common Steam-engine to grind different quantities of corn, from 1 to 12 balls (4 to 48 bufbels Wincheſter meaſure), per hour. Bolls of corn ground, Diameter of the cylinder, per hour. I 11/ 2 21/ 3/2/2 in inches. 1223 14.6 16.75 18.5 20'2 21.75 4 23.25 44 24.75 5 26.25 27.25 28.1 6/1/ 29 Ha 728 81 9 IO 10/1/ II 12 29.8 31'I 32 33.3 34.2 35°2 36 373 38 38.85 39'5 N.B. This table will be applicable to any improved steam-engine, as well as that of the common kind, if the ratio of their efficacies is known. -} 195 Fly. Application of the tables. EXAMPLE İ.—If a ftream of water, producing 808 gallons ale meaſure per minute, can be applied on an overfhot water-wheel 20 feet diameter, what quantity of corn will it be able to grind per hour? Look in the tables under a 20 feet water-wheel, and oppo- fite 808 gallons will be found 2 bolls of corn ground per hour. EXAMPLE II.—If a ftream of water, producing 808 gallons ale meaſure per minute, can be applied to an underfhot water- wheel 20 feet diameter, what quantity of corn can it grind per hour? It is found by the tables, that, if applied on an overshot water-wheel 20 feet diameter, the ftream will grind 2½ bolls. per hour; and, from page 194, the power required by the under- hot to that of the over hot water-wheel, to produce an equal ef- fect, is as 2.4 to 1; therefore, as 2'4: 1:25: 1'04 bolls of corn ground per hour by means of the ſtream. EXAMPLE III.-If a ſtream of water, producing 808 gal- lons ale meaſure per minute, can be applied on a breaft water- wheel 20 feet diameter, what quantity of corn can it grind per hour? It is found by the tables, that, if applied on an overſhot water wheel of equal fize, 24 bolls of corn will be ground per hour; and, from page 194, the power of a breaft water-wheel to that of an overfhot water-wheel, to produce an equal effect, is as 175 to 1; therefore, as 1751 :: 25: 1'42 bolls of corn ground per hour by the ſtream. EXAMPLE IV. Of what diameter muft the cylinder of a common ſteam-engine be made, to grind 10 bolls of corn per hour? By looking in the table, page 194, oppofite 10 bolls ground per hour, the diameter of the fteam cylinder will be found to be 36 inches. FLY, is a name given to a certain appendage to many ma- chines, either as a regulator of their motions, or as a collector of power. When uſed as a regulator, the fly is commonly a heavy diſk or hoop balanced on its axis of motion, and at right angles to it: though fometimes a regulating fly confifts of vanes or wings, which as they are whirled round meet with confiderable refiſtance from the air, and thus foon prevent any acceleration in the motion: but this kind of regulator fhould rarely, if ever, be introduced in a working machine, as it waftes much of the moving force. When the fly is ufed as a collector of power, it 02 196 MACHINES. ↑ it is frequently feen in the form of heavy knobs at the oppofite ends of a ſtraight bar; as in the coining-prefs. In arts. 18..23. of the introductory part of this volume the reader will find feve- ral remarks on the nature and operation of the different kinds of flies uſed in machines. FOOT-MILL, is a mill for grinding corn or any other fub- ſtance, moved by the preffure of the feet of men or animals. In fome foot-mills, a horſe or an ox is fixed to a ſtall upon a floor above a vertical wheel; and a hole is made in the floor in the place where the hind feet of the animal ſhould ſtand, thus ad- mitting thofe feet to prefs upon the rim of a wheel, and cauſe the wheel to turn upon its axle, and give motion to the whole mill. But in this kind of machine the animal will be obliged very unnaturally to move his hind feet while his fore feet will be at reft: and further, the motive force being applied near the vertex of the wheel will act but with little advantage; and the work done will be comparatively trifling. A much more judicious conftruction of a foot-mill is given in G. A. Bockler's Theatrum Machinarum, publiſhed at Nu- remburgh, in 1661. This mill is reprefented in fig. 1. pl. XV. A is an inclined wheel, which is turned by the weight of a man, and the impulfive force of his feet while he ſupports himſelf, or occafionally puſhes with his hands at the horizontal bar H. The face of this wheel has thin pieces of wood nailed upon it at proper diftances, to keep the feet of the man from flipping while he puſhes the wheel round; and the under fide has pro- jecting teeth or waves which catch into the cogs of the trun- dle B, and by that means turn the horizontal fhaft G with its wheel C: this latter wheel turns the trundle D, the axle of which carries the upper millſtone E. This kind of footmill will anfwer extremely well to grind malt, &c. when no very great power is required. The advantages and diſadvantages of the inclined wheel have been ſtated under the article CRANE, when deſcribing the contrivance of Mr. Whyte, which is the fame as this of Bockler's in refpect to the wheel. FORCER, TEMPORARY, for a pump, is a contrivance to pro- duce a conſtant ftream. A very fimple forcer of this kind has been devifed by Mr. R. Trevithick: it confiſts in fixing a barrel with a folid pifton along the fide of the common pump, in ſuch a manner, that the lower ſpace of the additional barrel may com- municate with the ſpace between the two valves of the pump; and, laftly, by connecting the rods fo that they may work to- gether. This is fhewn in fig. 1. plate IX.; and the effect is, that when the piſtons are raiſed, the ſpaces beneath, A and B, be- come filled by the preffure of the atmoſphere, at the ſame time that the upper column flows out at E. But again, when the Gibbet of a Crane. 197 piſtons defcend, the valve C fhuts, and, confequently, the water driven by the piſton in B muſt aſcend through A, and continue to produce an equal diſcharge through E in the down ſtroke. Nich. Journ. No. 7. N. S. FOUNTAIN, HERO'S. See HYDRAULIC machines, No. 6. GIBBET, or JIB, of a crane, the projecting beam, upon the extremity of which is fixed a pulley for the rope to paſs over that raiſes the weight: it is reprefented by DEF, in fig. 3. pl. IX. Jibs of the ufual conftruction turn on two folid gudgeons. The rope by which the goods are raiſed paffes over the upper gudgeon, and is confined between two ſmall vertical rollers, in order that it may conftantly lead fair with the pulley or fheave at the extremity of the jib. According to this conftruction, whenever the crane turns round its axis, the rope is bended fo as to form an angle more or leſs acute, which cauſes a great in- creaſe of friction, and produces a continual effort to bring the arm of the jib into a parallel poſition to the inner part of the rope. Theſe inconveniences may appear to be trifling on paper, but in actual practice they are of no ſmall importance, for they neceffarily imply a much greater exertion of power in raifing goods, and the application of a conſtant force to keep the jib in the pofition that may be requifite; while the partial ftrefs which is exerted on only a few ftrands of the rope, when bended into an acute angle, infallibly deſtroys it in a very ſhort time. The fimple conftruction propoſed by Mr. J. Bramah obviates all theſe defects, and at the fame time poffeffes the very defirable- property of permitting the jib of what is termed a campſhut or landing crane wholly to revolve round its axis, and to land goods at any point of the circle defcribed by the arm of the jib. It confifts in perforating the axis or pillar of the crane, and in conducting the rope through this perforation by means of an ad- ditional pulley fixed on the top of the arm of the jib. The rope proceeds from the goods which are hoifted, through a pulley fixed as uſual at the extremity of the jib; it then paffes over another pulley fixed at the oppofite extremity of the jib, and is by this pulley conducted through the perforated axis or pillar to a third pulley; whence it is immediately directed to the crane by which the weight is elevated. It is almoſt unneceſſary to ſtate that the lower axis is ufually fixed in an oil box, and that friction rollers are applied to the axis wherever the circumstances may render it neceffary. When great weights are to be raiſed, as large ftones from a quarry, or pieces of ordnance from a fhip to a quay, the crane is commonly a fixed one, and only the gibbet moveable, from .198 MACHINES. • which the weight hangs. Here, in the common way of work- ing a crane, the rope of which runs between two vertical rollers, there is often much danger in turning the gibbet upon its axis. A fmall rope, called a guide-rope, is faftened to the weight, or to the upper part of the gibbet near its extremity, which a man pulls to bring the weight over the place where it is to be lowered. Now, in performing this, the main rope not con- tinuing parallel to the arm of the gibbet, gives the weight a tendency towards that fide to which it deviates, and that fome- times fo fuddenly, that without care and much force applied, the load will fwing with great violence, and do much mischief. To prevent this, Mr. Ralph Allen of Bath, about the year 1728, recommended the following method: Upon the ſhaft of the gib- bet let there be fixed an iron wheel with ſeveral teeth or cogs, to be carried round by a pinion fixed upon a horizontal axis, fuch axis paffing through the wall or frame-work behind the ſhaft of the gibbet, and having at its further extremity a vertical wheef with handles projecting from the rim in the plane of the wheel, A man ſtanding at this wheel is out of the reach of danger from the load, and by applying a ſmall portion of his ftrength at the handles of the wheel he can eaſily bring the gibbet and its load to any pofition required, and retain it as long as necef- fary in that pofition. A figure reprefenting this contrivance is given in the Phil. Tranf. No. 411. and in Ferguſon's Select Lec- tures. GIMBALS, a contrivance by means of which barometers, veffels of oil, mariner's compaffes, &c. may be fufpended fo as to arrange their upper parts horizontally. The nature of this contrivance will be at once underſtood by fhewing its applica- tion to a mariner's compafs. It confifts of a hoop or ring ſupported upon two pins diametrically oppofite each other, and iffuing from the external furface of the ring in fuch a direction that both lie in the fame diametrical line. When the hoop is fufpended on theſe pins it is at liberty to turn freely about the diameter of which they conſtitute the prolongation. The notches or holes of fupport are difpofed horizontally. The compaſs-box itſelf is placed in a fimilar ring with two project- ing pivots; and theſe pivots are inferted in holes made in the former ring at equal diftances from each of its pivots. If there- fore the whole be left at liberty, the compafs-box may vibrate upon the diametral line of the outer ring, as well as upon a line formed by its own pivots, at right angles to that diametral line. The confequence of this arrangement is, that the centre of gravity of the compafs-box will difpofe itſelf immediately be- neath the interfection of both lines on which it is at liberty to movethat is to fay, if the weight of the box and its component Glazier's Vice.--Gravimeter. 199 parts be properly difpofed, the compaſs will affume a poſition in which the upper furface fhall be horizontal. GIN. See CRAB. I GLAZIER'S VICE, is an inftrument for drawing window lead. See fig. 3. pl. XII. PG, OH, are two axles running in the frame KL, ML. C, D, two wheels of iron cafe-hard- ened, 14inch broad, and of the thickneſs of a pane of glaſs'; thefe wheels are fixed to the axles, and run very near one an- other, their diſtance not exceeding of an inch: acrofs their edges feveral nicks are cut, the better to draw the lead through. E, F, are two pinions each of twelve leaves, turning one another and going upon the ends of the axles, which are ſquare, being kept faft there by the nuts P, Q, which are fcrewed faſt with a key.. A, B, are two cheeks of iron, cafe-hardened, and fixed on each fide to the caſe with ſcrews; theſe are cut with an open- ing where the two wheels meet, and ſet fo near to the wheels as to leave a ſpace equal to the thickneſs of the lead; ſo that between the wheels and the cheeks there is left a hole of the form repreſented at N, which is the ſhape of the lead when cut through. The frame KLML is held together by croſs bars paff- ing through the fides, and ſcrewed on: and a cover is put over the machine to exclude the duft. The whole is fcrewed down faſt to a bench by ſcrew nails LL. When the vice is uſed, the lead to be drawn is firft caft in moulds, into pieces a foot long, with a gutter on each fide. One of thefe pieces is taken, and an end of it ſharpened a little with a knife; then, being put into the hole between the wheels, by turning the handle I the lead is drawn through the vice, and receives the form defigned. GRAVIMETER, the name given by M. Guyton to an in- ftrument for meaſuring ſpecific gravities: he adopts this name rather than either areometer or hydrometer, becauſe theſe latter terms are grounded upon the ſuppofition that the liquid is always the thing weighed; whereas, with regard to folids, the liquid is the known term of compariſon to which the unknown weight is referred. Guyton's gravimeter is executed in glafs, and is of a cylin- dric form, being that which requires the fmalleft quantity of fluid, and is on that account preferable, except ſo far as it is neceffary to deviate for the ſecurity of a vertical poſition. Like Nicholſon's Hydrometer (art. 404. vol. I.) it carries two bafins; one of them fuperior, at the extremity of a thin ftem, towards the middle of which the fixed point of immerfion is marked. The other, or lower bafin, terminates in a point; it contains the ballaft, and is attached to the cylinder by two branches. The moveable ſuſpenſion by means of a hook has the incon 1 200 MACHINES. > venience of ſhortening the lever which is to fecure the vertical pofition. The cylinder is 22 millimetres (0.71 inch) in diameter; and 21 centimetres (6.85 inches) in length. It carries in the upper bafin an additional conftant weight of 5 grammes (115 grains). Thefe dimenfions might be increaſed fo as render it capable of receiving a much more confiderable weight; but this is unne- ceffary. M. Guyton has added a piece which he calls the plongeur, becauſe in fact it is placed in the lower baſin when ufed, and is confequently entirely immerfed in the fluid. It is a bulb of glaſs loaded with a fufficient quantity of mercury, in order that its total weight may be equal to the conſtant ad- ditional weight, added to the weight of the volume of water dif- placed by this piece. It will be readily underſtood that the weight being determined at the ſame temperature at which the inftrument was originally adjuſted, it will fink to the fame mark on the ftem, whether it be loaded with a conſtant ad- ditional weight in the upper bafin, or whether the effect of this weight be produced by the additional piece in the lower difh. From this explanation there will be no difficulty in feeing how this inftrument may be adapted to every caſe in practice. It may be uſed, 1. for folids. It differs not in this reſpect from. Nicholſon's hydrometer. The only condition will be, as in his inſtrument, that the abfolute weight of the body to be examined fhall be rather lefs than the conftant additional weight, which in this inftrument is 5 grammes, or 115 grains. 2. For liquids of leſs ſpecific gravity than water, the inftru- ment, without the additional weight above mentioned, weighs about 2 decagrammes (459 grains) in the dimenfions before laid down. It would be eafy to limit its weight to the utmoſt ac- curacy. We have therefore the range of one-fifth of buoyancy, and conſequently the means of aſcertaining all the intermediate denfities from water to the moſt highly rectified ſpirit of wine, which is known to bear in this refpect the ratio of 8 to 10 with regard to water. 3. When liquids of greater fpecific gravity than water are to be tried, the conftant weight being applied below, by means of the additional piece, which weighs about 6 grammes (138 grains), the inftrument can receive in the upper baſin more than 4 times the ufual. additional weight, without lofing the equilibrium of its vertical pofition. In this ftate it is capable of fhewing the ſpecific gravity of the moſt concentrated acids. 4. It poffeffes another property common to Nicholſon's in- Arument, namely, that it may be ufed as a balance to determine Gravimeter. 201 the abfolute weight of fuch bodies as do not exceed its additional load. 5. Laſtly, the purity of the water being known, it will indicate the degrees of rarefaction and condenſation in proportion to its own bulk. This inftrument may be readily conſtructed by any workman in glaſs. The additional piece for the lower bafin will require ſome attention to make it perfectly agree with the conſtant upper weight, as to the immerfion of the inftrument. But this object may, by careful adjuſtment, be aſcertained with the ut- moſt certainty and accuracy. The bulb of glafs is for this pur- pofe drawn out to a fine point; a fufficient quantity of mercury is then introduced to fink it, and the aperture cloſed with a little piece of wax. The bulb being then placed in the lower balın of the inſtrument, the upper baſin is to be loaded until the mark on the ſtem becomes accurately coincident with the ſurface of the water. The fum of the weights added above is preciſely equal to that of the quantity of mercury neceffary to be added to that in the glaſs bulb; which done, nothing more is needed than to feal the point by fufion, taking care not to change its bulk. The whole is rendered portable by means of a cafe in which all the delicate parts are fecured from preffure, and the heavier parts ſupported in ſuch a manner as to refift the exceſs of motion they are capable of acquiring by virtue of their maſs. This laft circumftance is frequently overlooked by ſuch workmen as are employed in the package of inftruments; whence it neceffarily follows, that fome ftrain or fracture must be produced when mat- ters of very unequal denſity are expoſed to receive a common im- pulfe. To find the ſpecific gravity of any folid by the gravimeter, obferve this rule: "From the weight in the upper diſh, when the inſtrument is properly immerfed in the unknown fluid, take the weight which is placed with the body in the ſame ſcale at the like adjuſtment. The remainder is the abſolute weight of the folid. Multiply this by the ſpecific gravity of the fluid, and referve the product. From the additional weight when the body is placed in the lower bafin, take the weight when it was placed in the upper. The remainder will be the loſs of weight by immerfion. Divide the referved product by the lofs by im- merſion, and the quotient will be the ſpecific gravity of the folid with regard to diſtilled water at the ſtandard temperature and preffure. >> To find the ſpecific gravity of a fluid proceed thus: “ To the weight of the gravimeter add the weight required in the upper bafin to fink it in the unknown fluid. Again, to the weight of 票 ​202 MACHINES. the gravimeter add the weight required in the fame manner to fink it in diftilled water. Divide the firft fum by the latter, and the quotient will be the ſpecific gravity of the fluid in queftion.", 4 For figures of the gravimeter, fee Annales de Chimie, tome 21, or Nicholfon's Journal, vol. I. 4to. HANDMILLS, are commonly uſed for fome culinary pur- pofes, as the grinding of coffee, pepper, and the like. Some- times handmills of larger fize are ufed to grind malt, wheat, &c. and in fuch cafes the hand is generally applied to a winch. handle. But in Beckler's Theatrum Machinarum there is a de- ſcription of a mill, in which the effort of a man is applied to a lever moving to and fro horizontally, nearly as in the action of rowing as this is a very advantageous method of applying hu- man ftrength, the effort being greatly affifted by the heavinefs of the man in leaning back, we fhall give a brief de feription of this kind of mill, which is represented in fig. 4. pl. XII. The verti- cal ſhaft EG carries a toothed wheel C, and a ſolid wheel F; the latter being intended to operate as a regulating fly. Upon the crank AB hangs one end of an iron bar I, the other end of which hangs upon the lever HK; the motion being pretty free at both ends of this bar I. One end of the lever HK hangs upon the fixed hook K, about which as a centre of motion it turns. Then, while a man, by pulling at the lever HK, moves the extremity H from H to N, the bar I acting upon the crank AB gives to the wheels C and F half a rotation; and the mo- mentum they have acquired will carry them on, the man at the lever fuffering it to turn back from N to H, while the other half of the rotation of the wheels is completed. In like manner an- other fufficient pull at the lever HK gives another rotation to the wheel C, and fo on, at pleaſure. The wheel C turns by its teeth the trundle D, the ſpindle of which carries the upper mill- ftone, just as the fpindle D carries round the upper ftone in fig. 1. pl. XV. In this mill the nearer the end of the bar I upon the lever HK is to the fixed hook K, the eaſier, cæteris paribus, will the man work the mill. If the number of teeth in the wheel C be 6 times the number of cogs in the trundle D, then the la- bourer by making 10 pulls at the lever H in a minute will give 60 revolutions to the upper mill-ftone in the fame ſpace of time. The Society of Arts have lately adjudged a filver medal to Mr. Garnett Terry, of City Road, Finfbury-fquare, for his in- vention of a mill to grind hard ſubſtances, by means of a wheel turning upon a horizontal axis inſtead of a vertical one, as in the common construction. Mr. Terry has conſtructed this mill on 1 Heart-wheel-Hydraulic Engines. 203 large fcale; there is alſo a model depoſited in the collection of that fociety. Plate VIII. fig. 4. A. The hopper or receptacle of the articles which are intended to be ground. B. A fpiral wire, in the form of a reverfed cone, to regulate the delivery of them. C. An inclined iron plate, hung upon a pin on its higher end; the lower end refts on the grooved axis D, and agitates the wire B. D. The grooved axis, or grinding cylinder, which acts againſt the channelled iron plate E. F. A fcrew on the fide of the mill, by means of which the iron plate E is brought nearer to or removed further from the axis D, according as the article is wanted finer or coarſer. G. The handle by which motion is given to the axis. H. The tube from whence the articles, when ground, are re- ceived. * ** The front of the mill is taken off, in order to fhew its in- terior conftruction. HEART-WHEEL is the name given in England to a well known method of converting a circuitous motion into an alter- nating rectilinear one, which is common in cotton-mills. It is an ellipfe turned either on an axle, or by means of a winch änd handle on one of its foci, or its centre, on whoſe edge a move- able point or circle preffes; the latter receives an alternating motion from the circumference of the ellipfe, and preffes it in its revolution to different diſtances from the centre of motion. This method was contrived, we believe, by fir Samuel Morland, about the year 1685. The practical difadvantages of this con- trivance are the inequality of preffure and of moving force which will be required at different parts of the rotation of the ellipfe, and the conſequent wearing of fome parts of it much faſter than others, which will render it frequently neceffary to have new elliptical wheels. A late application of the heart-wheel has been already mentioned, under the word COINING. HOOKE'S JOINTS, or, as they are often called, univerfat joints, have been defcribed in the introductory part of this vo- lume. HUNTER'S DOUBLE SCREW, was defcribed in art 161. vol. I. HYDRAULIC MACHINES, are ftructures contrived for the purpoſe either of conveying water from one fituation to an- other, particularly from a lower to a higher; or, by means of the force or preffare of water, to perform fome mechanical operation, as grinding, boring, fawing. The former kind of 1 204 MACHINES. hydraulic engines will only be ſpoken of here; the latter being defcribed under the various heads FLOUR-MILL, FLAX-MILL, SAW-MILL, &c. 1. Of all the machines the ancients invented to raiſe water, it appears that though Archimedes's fcrew (fee Archimedes's SCREW in this volume) was the most curious, the tympanum, mentioned by Vitruvius, elevated the greateſt quantity at once: a brief de- fcription of this may fuffice, as preparatory to the account of a machine made in imitation of it, but more ingenious and more perfect. The tympanum is a great hollow wheel, forming a kind of barrel or drum (as its name imports), compoſed of feveral planks joined together, well calked and pitched, and having a horizontal axle on which it turns: the interior of this drum is divided into 8 equal ſpaces by as many partitions placed in the direc- tions of the radii; each ſpace or cell has an orifice of about half a foot in the rim of the drum or wheel, fo fhaped as to facilitate the admiffion of the water: moreover, there are 8 hollow chan- nels running contiguous to each other and parallel to the axle of the wheel, each correfponding to one of the 8 large cells; into thefe channels the water paffes out of the cells juſt mentioned, and, after running along the channels to a convenient diſtance, it efcapes through orifices into a refervoir placed juſt under the axle. Thus the water is elevated through a vertical ſpace equal to the radius of the hollow wheel. When the tympanum is ufed to raiſe water from a running ftream, it is moved by means of float boards which are impelled by the ftream: but when it is employed to raiſe ſtagnant water, there is commonly a ſmaller wheel on the fame fhaft, which is turned by men walking in it, as in the old walking crane. The chief defect of this machine is that it raiſes the water in the moſt diſadvantageous ſituation pof- fible for the load being found always towards the extremity of a radius of the wheel, the arm of the effective lever which an- fwers to it increafes through the whole quadrant the water deſcribes in paffing from the bottom of the wheel to the altitude of its centre; ſo that the power muſt act in like manner as if it were applied at a winch handle, and cannot, therefore, act uni- formly. 2. To remedy this defect M. de la Faye devifed a machine which may here be deſcribed, together with the proceſs of rea- foning that led to it. When we develope the circumference of a circle, a curve is deſcribed (i. e. the involute) of which all the radii are fo many tangents to the circle, and are likewife all refpectively perpen- dicular to the ſeveral points of the curve deſcribed, which has for Hydraulic Engines. 205 its greateſt radius a line equal to the periphery of the circle evolved. The truth of which is fhewn by geometricians when treating of the genefis of evolute and involute curves. Hence, having an axle whofe circumference a little exceeds the height which the water is propoſed to be elevated, let the cir- cumference of the axle be evolved, and make a curved canal whoſe curvature ſhall coincide throughout exactly with that of the involute juſt formed: if the further extremity of this canal be made to enter the water that is to be elevated, and the other extremity abut upon the fhaft which is turned; then in the courſe of the rotation the water will riſe in a vertical direction, tangential to the fhaft, and perpendicular to the canal in what- ever pofition it may be. Thus the action of the weight an- fwering always to the extremity of a horizontal radius will be as though it acted upon the invariable arm of a lever, and the power which raiſes the weight will be always the fame and f the radius of the wheel, of which this hollow canal fervès ás á bent ſpoke, is equal to the height that the water is to be raiſed, and confequently equal to the circumference of the axle or fhaft, the power will be to the load of water reciprocally as the radius of a circle to its circumference, or directly as 1 to 64 nearly. In M. de la Faye's opinion, the machine ought to be compofed of four of theſe canals: but it has often been conftructed with 8, as reprefented in fig. 1. pl. XIX. The wheel being turned by the impulfion of the ſtream upon the float-boards, the orifices F, E, D, C, &c. of the curvilinear canals, dip one after another into the water which runs into them; and as the wheel revolves the fluid rifes in the canals f, e, d, c, &c. and runs out in a ſtream P from the holes at O; it is received into the trough Q, and conveyed from thence by pipes. By this conſtruction the weight to be raiſed offers always the fame refiftance, and that the leaft poffible, while the power is applied in the moſt advantageous manner the circumſtances will admit of: theſe conditions both fulfilled at the fame time furniſh the moſt deſirable perfection in a machine. Further, this ma- chine raiſes the water by the ſhorteſt way, namely, the perpen- dicular, or vertical; in this reſpect being preferable to Archi- medes's fcrew, where the water is carried up an inclined path and befides this, each curved channel in this wheel empties all the water it receives in every revolution, while the fcrew of Ar- chimedes delivers only a ſmall portion of the fluid it is charged with, being often loaded with 20 times as much water as is diſcharged in one rotation; and thus requiring an enormous increaſe of labour when a large quantity is intended to be raiſed by it. +4 208 MACHINES. The nature and advantages of this wheel evince very forcibly how far the fpeculations of geometers are from being fo unfruit ful in uſeful applications, as is often infinuated by practical men. 3. The wheel juſt deſcribed would we think be the moſt per- fect of any that could be employed for raiſing water, had it not the diſadvantage attending the tympanum, which is, that it can only raiſe water to the height of its femidiameter. As in many cafes water is to be raiſed higher than the radius of any wheel can well be made for practice, we ſhall next deſcribe a machine called the Noria, common in Spain, which raiſes water nearly through a diameter. This Noria confiſts of a vertical wheel of 20 feet diameter, on the circumference of which are fixed a number of little boxes or fquare buckets, for the purpoſe of raiſing the water out of the well, communicating with the canal below, and to empty it in a reſervoir above, placed by the fide of the wheel. The buckets have a lateral orifice, to receive and to diſcharge the water. The axis of this wheel is embraced by four fmall beams, croffing each other at right angles, tapering at the extremities, and forming eight little arms. This wheel is near the centre of the horſe-walk, contiguous to the vertical axis, into the top of which the horſe-beam is fixed; but near the bot- tom it is embraced by four little beams, forming eight arms fimilar to thoſe above deſcribed, on the axis of the water-wheel. As the mule which they ufe goes round, theſe horizontal arms, fupplying the place of cogs, take hold, each in fucceffion, of thoſe arms which are fixed on the axis of the water-wheel, and keep it in rotation. This machine, than which nothing can be cheaper, throws up a great quantity of water; yet undoubtedly it has two defects: the firft is, that part of the water runs out of the buckets and falls back into the well after it has been raiſed nearly to the level of the refervoir: the fecond is, that a confiderable propor- tion of the water to be diſcharged is raifed higher than the re- ſervoir, and falls into it only at the moment when the bucket is at the highest point of the circle, and ready to defcend. Theſe inconveniences are both remedied by the contrivance mentioned in the next paragraph. 4. The Perfian wheel is a name given to a machine for raiſing water, which may be turned by means of a ſtream AB acting upon the wheel CDE according to the order of the letters; (fig. 1. pl. XIX.) The buckets a, a, a, a, &c. inſtead of being firmly faftened, are hung upon the wheel by ſtrong pins, b, b, b, b, &c. fixed in the fide of the rim; which muſt be made as high as the water is in- tended to be raiſed above the level of that part of the ſtream in which the wheel is placed. As the wheel turns, the buckets on Hydraulic Engines. 207 the right hand go down into the water, where they are filled, and return up full on the left hand, till they come to the top at K; where they ſtrike againſt the end n of the fixed trough M, by which they are overfet, and fo empty the water into the trough; from whence it is to be conveyed in pipes to any place it is intended for: and as each bucket gets over the trough, it falls into a perpendicular pofition again, and fo goes down empty till it comes to the water at A, where it is filled as before. On each bucket is a fpring r, which going over the top or crown of the bar m (fixed to the trough M) raiſes the bottom of the bucket above the level of its mouth, and fo cauſes it to empty all its water into the trough. To determine the due relation of the power and the weight fo that this wheel may be capable of producing the greateſt effect, the following may be taken as a good approximation. After having fixed the diameter of the wheel, which must be fome- thing greater than the altitude to which the water is to be raifed; fix alfo upon an even number of buckets to be hung at equal diſtances round the periphery of the wheel, and mark the pofition of their centres of motion in ſuch a manner that they will ſtand in correfponding pofitions in every quarter of the circle conceive vertical lines drawn through the centre of motion of each bucket in the rifing part of the wheel; they will interfect the horizontal diameter of the wheel in points at which if the buckets were hung they would furnish the ſame reſiſtance to the moving force as they do when hanging at their reſpective places on the rim of the wheel. Thus, fup poſing there were 18 equidiftant buckets; then while & hung on each fide a vertical diameter of the wheel there would be 8 on the other fide, and 2 would coincide with that diameter: in this caſe the reſiſtance ariſing from all the full buckets would be the fame as if one bucket hung on the prolongation of the horizontal diameter at the diſtance of 2 fin. 20° +2 fin. 40° + 2 fin. 60° + 2 fin. 80°, theſe being the fines to the common radius of the wheel. To know the quantity of water that each bucket ſhould con- tain, take of the abſolute force of the ſtream, that is, of the weight of the priſm of water whoſe baſe is the ſurface of one of the float-boards, and whofe height is that through which water muft fall to acquire the velocity of the ſtream; fo have we the power that should be in equilibrio with the weight of water in the buckets of the rifing femicircle. Then fay, as the ſum of the fines mentioned above is to radius, fo is the power juſt found to a fourth term, the half of which will be the weight of water that ought to be contained in one bucket. Laftly, as the velocity of the wheel will be to that of the ſtream nearly 208 MACHINES. as I to 23, the quantity of revolutions it makes in any deter- minate time becomes known, and, of conſequence, the quantity of water the wheel will raiſe in the fame time; fince we know the capacity of each bucket, and the number of them emptied in every revolution of the wheel. 5. Another mechanical contrivance for the purpoſe of railing water is a chain-pump. This is now generally made from 12 to 24 feet in length; confifts of two collateral fquare barrels, and an endleſs chain of piftons of the fame form fixed at proper diſtances. The chain is moved round a coarſe kind of wheel- work, fixed fometimes at one end, but often at both ends of the machine. The teeth of the wheel-work are fo contrived as to receive one half of the flat piſtons and let them fold in; and they take hold of the links as they riſe. A whole row of the piſtons (which go free of the fides of the barrel by about a quarter of an inch) are always lifting when the pump is at work; and, as this machine is generally worked briskly, the piftons or pallets bring up a full bore of water in the pump. Chain-pumps are wrought fometimes by men turning winches, fometimes by horfes, and fometimes by the impulſe of a ſtream of water: they are likewiſe ſo contrived that by the continual folding in of the piſtons, ftones, dirt, or whatever comes in the way, may be cleared off: they are therefore often uſed to drain ponds, fewers, and remove foul water, when no other pump could be employed. Chain-pumps are not merely fixed in a vertical poſition, but are often inclined; and in the latter cafe they are in a ſtate of the greateſt perfection, or raiſe the moſt water, when the breadth of the pallets is equal to their diſtance from each other, and the plane is inclined under an angle of 24° 21'. It is not unuſual for chain-pumps to be erected without a barrel to receive the piftons, after the manner reprefented in fig. 3. pl. XIX. The pallets are converted into ſquare boxes 5, s, &c. which are raiſed by means of hexagonal axles, each fide of the hexagon being equal to the diſtance from box to box: the boxes defcend with their mouths downwards, and forententhe water. Another contrivance for raifing water fimilar to the chain- pump is an endleſs rope with ftuffed cufhions hung upon it, which, by means of two wheels or drums, are cauſed to rife in fucceffion in the fame barrel, and to carry water with them. From the refemblance of this apparatus to a string of beads, it is ufually called paternofter-work. But in this, as well as the chain- pump, the magnitude of the friction is a formidable practical ob- jection. 6. Jets and fountains are not now confidered as conducive to Hydraulic Engines. 209 pictureſque beauty; nor can they be reckoned of much utility, except perhaps in hot climates: we have not therefore defcribed any in this work. But in the fountain of Hero of Syracuſe a principle is introduced which has been found of great utility in larger works; for the head of water is actually lower than the orifice, but the preffure is communicated by the intervention of a column of air: the conſtruction of this fountain is as follows. It conſiſts of two veffels KLMN (fig. 5. pl. XIX.) and OPQR, which are cloſe on all fides. A tube AB, having a funnel at the top, paffes through the uppermoſt veffel without communi- cating with it, being foldered into its top and bottom. It alſo paffes through the top of the under veffel, where it is likewiſe foldered, and reaches almoft to its bottom. This tube is open at both ends. There is another open tube ST, which is foldered into the top of the under veſſel and the bottom of the upper vef- fel, and reaches almoſt to its top. Theſe two tubes ferve alſo to fupport the upper veffel. A third tube GF is foldered into the top of the upper veffel, and reaches almoſt to its bottom. This tube is open at both ends, but the orifice G is very fmall. Now ſuppoſe the uppermoft veffel filled with water to the height EN, Ee being its furface a little below T. Stop the orifice G with the finger, and pour in water at A. This will.defcend through AB, and compreſs the air in OQRP into lefs room. Suppoſe the water in the under veffel to have acquired the furface Cc, the air which formerly occupied the whole of the ſpaces OPQR and KL e E will now be contained in the ſpaces o P c C and. KL e E; and its elafticity will be in equilibrio with the weight of the column of water, whoſe baſe is the furface E e, and whofe height is A c. As this preffure is exerted in every part of the air, it will be exerted on the furface E e of the water of the upper veffel; and if the pipe FG were continued upwards, the water would be fupported in it to a height e H above E e, equal to A c. Therefore, if the finger be now taken from off the orifice G, the fluid will fpout up through it to the fame height as-if it had fallen through a tube whofe altitude is e H. So long as there is any water in the veffel KLNM there will be a dif- charge through the orifice: therefore the play of the fountain will continue whilst the water contained in the upper veffel, having ſpouted out, falls down through the pipe AB: the height of the water meaſured from the bafm VAW to the furface of the water in the lower veffel OPQR is always equal to the height meaſured from the top of the jet to the furface of the water in the veffel KLMN. Now, fince the furface Ee is al- ways falling, and the water in the lower veffel always rifing, the height of the jet must continually decreafe, till it is fhorter VOL. II. · P / 210 MACHINES. by the deph of KLMN, which is empty, added to the depth of OPQR, which is always filling; and when the jet is fallen fo low it immediately ceafes to play. 7. A machine defigned to raiſe water to a great height for the irrigation of land, in fuch ſituations as have the advantage of a ſmall fall, is deſcribed in Dr. Darwin's Phytologia: as it depends on the principle of Hero's fountain, it may properly be inſerted here. Fig. 4. pl. XIX. a, b, is the ſtream of water. b, c, c, repreſents the water-fall, fuppofed to be 10 feet. d, e, are two leaden or iron veffels, containing a certain quan- tity of water, which may be computed to be about 4 gallons each. f, g, h, i, k, l, are leaden veffels, each holding about two quarts. o, p, two cocks, each of which paffes through two pipes, open- ing the one and clofing the other. q, r, is a water-balance, that moves on its centres; and by which the two cocks o and p are alternately turned. t, u, and w, x, are two air-pipes of lead, both internally one inch and a quarter in diameter. Z y, ≈ ; y, z ; y, z ; are water-pipes, each being one inch in diameter. - The pipe b, e, c, is always full from the ftream a, b: the fmall cifterns g, i, 1, and the large one d, are fuppofed to have been previouſly filled with water. The fluid may then be admitted by turning the cock o, through the pipe c, e, into the large ciftern e. This water will prefs the air confined in the cifterne, up the air-pipe w, x, and will force the fluid out of the cifterns g, i,, into thoſe marked h, k, and C.-At the fame time, by opening B, the water and condenſed air, which previouſly exiſted in the large ciftern d, and in the ſmaller ones marked ƒ, h, k, will be diſcharged at B.-After a fhort time, the water-balance, q, r, s, will turn the cocks, and exclude the water, while it opens the oppofite ones: the cisterns f, h, k, are emptied in their turns by the condenfed air from the ciftern d, as the water progref- fively enters the latter from the pipe b, c. 8. A very ingenious application of the fame principle has been made in the celebrated Hungarian machine, at Chemnitz. The beſt account we have been able to obtain of this is the fol- *lowing. In fig. 3. pl. XVIII. A reprefents the fource of water elevated 136 feet above the mouth of the pit. From this there runs down a pipe D of four inches diameter, which enters the top of a copper cylinder B, 84 feet high, 5 feet diameter, and 2 inches Hydraulic Engines. 211 thick, and reaches to within 4 inches of the bottom: it has a cock at I.* This cylinder has a cock at Q, and a very large one at N. From its top proceeds a pipe VEC two inches in diameter, which goes 96 feet down the pit, and is inferted into the top of another braſs cylinder C*, which is 64 feet high, 4 feet diameter, and two inches thick: the latter containing about 83 cubic feet, which is nearly one half of the capacity of the former, viz. 170 cubic feet. There is another pipe FO of 4 inches diame- ter, which riſes from within 4 inches of the bottom of this lower cylinder, is foldered into its top, and rifes to the trough Z which carries off the water from the mouth of the pit. This lower cylinder communicates at the bottom with the water O, which collects in the drains of the mines. A large cock P ferves to exclude or admit this water: another cock M at the top of this cylinder communicates with the external air. Now, fuppofe the cock I fhut, and all the reft open: the upper cylinder will contain air, and the lower cylinder will be filled with water, becauſe it is funk fo deep that its top is below the ufual furface of the mine-waters. Shut the cocks Q, N, M, P, and open the cock I. The water of the fource A muft run in by the orifice J, and rife in the upper cylinder, com- preffing the air above it and along the pipe VEC, and thus acting on the furface of the water in the lower cylinder. It will therefore cauſe it to rife gradually in the pipe OF, where it will always be of fuch a height that its weight balances the elafticity of the compreffed air. Suppofe no iffue given to the air from the upper cylinder, it would be compreffed into one- fifth of its bulk by the column of 136 feet high; for a column of 34 feet nearly balances the ordinary elafticity of the air. Therefore, when there is an iffie given to it through the pipe VEC, it will drive the compreffed air along this pipe, and it will expel water from the lower cylinder. When the upper cylinder is full of water, there will be 34 cubic feet of water expelled from the lower cylinder. If the pipe OP had been more than 136 feet long, the water would have rifen 136 feet, being then in equilibrio with the water in the feeding pipe D by the intervention of the elaſtic air; but no more water would have been expelled from the lower cylinder than what fills this pipe. But the pipe being only 96 feet high, the water will be * In the figure thefe veffels are in form of parallelopipeds, and there are fome pipes and cocks which are not referred to in this defeription but this happens, becauſe one diagram is made to ferve for both the original machine, and Mr. Bofwell's improvements mentioned directly after. P 2 · 212 MACHINES. thrown out at Z with a confiderable velocity. If it were not for the great obftructions which water and air muſt meet with in their paffage along pipes, it would iffue at Z with a velocity of more than fifty feet per fecond. It iffues however much more flowly, and at laft the upper cylinder is full of water, and the water would enter the pipe VE and enter the lower cylin- der, and, without diſplacing the air in it, would rife through the difcharging pipe OP, and run off to wafte. To prevent this there hangs in the pipe VE a cork ball or double cone, by a brafs wire which is guided by holes in two crofs pieces in that pipe. When the upper cylinder is filled with water, this córk plugs up the orifice V, and no water is wasted; the influx at J now ftops. But the lower cylinder contains compreffed air, which would balance water in a difcharging pipe 136 feet high, whereas OP is only 96. Therefore the water will continue to flow at Z till the air has fo far expanded as to balance only 96 feet of water, that is, till it occupies one-half of its ordinary bulk, that is, one-fourth of the capacity of the upper cylinder, or 42 cubic feet. Therefore 42 cubic feet will be expelled, and the efflux at Z will ceafe; and the lower cylinder is about one-half full of water. When the attending workman obferves this, he fhuts the cock I. He might have done this before, had he known when the orifice V was ftopped; but no lofs enfues from the delay. At the fame time the attendant opens the cock N the water iffues with great violence, being preffed by the condenfed air from the lower cylinder. It therefore iffues with the fum of its own weight and of this compreffion. Theſe gradually decreaſe together, by the efflux of the water and the expanfion of the air; but this efflux ftops before all the water has flowed out; for there is 42 feet of the lower cylinder occupied by air. This quantity of water remains, therefore, in the upper cylinder nearly the workman knows this, becauſe the dif charged water is received first of all into a veffel containing three-fourths of the capacity of the upper cylinder. When- ever this is filled, the attendant opens the cock P by a long rod which goes down the fhaft; this allows the water of the mine to fill the lower cylinder, and the air to get into the upper cylinder, which permits the remaining water to run out of it. Thus every thing is brought into its firft condition; and when the attendant fees no more water come out at N, he fhuts the cocks N and M, and opens the cock I, and the operation is re- peated. There is a very furprifing appearance in the working of this engine. When the efflux at Z has stopped, if the cock Q be opened, the water and air ruth out together with prodigious violence, and the drops of water are changed into hail or lumps Hydraulic Engines. 213 T of ice. It is a fight uſually ſhown to ftrangers, who are defired to hold their hats to receive the blafts of air: the ice comes out with fuch violence as frequently to pierce the hat like a piftol bullet. This rapid congelation is a remarkable inftance of the general fact, that air by fuddenly expanding generates cold, its capacity for heat being increaſed. The above account of the procedure in working this engine fhows that the efflux both at Z and N becomes very flow near the end. It is found convenient therefore not to wait for the complete diſcharges, but to turn the cocks when about 30 cubic feet of water have been diſcharged at Z: more work is done in this way. A gentleman of great accuracy and knowledge of theſe ſubjects took the trouble of noticing particularly the per- formance of the machine. He obferved that each ſtroke, as it may be called, took up about three minutes and one-eighth ; and that 32 cubic feet of water were diſcharged at Z, and 66 were expended at N. The expence therefore is 66 feet of water falling 136 feet, and the performance is 32 raiſed 96, and they are in the proportion of 66 x 136 to 32 x 96, or of 1 to 0,3422, or nearly as 3 to 1. This is fuperior to the performance of the moft perfect underſhot mill, even when all friction and irregu- lar óbftructions are neglected; and is not much inferior to any overſhot pump-mill that has yet been erected. When we re- flect on the great obftructions which water meets with in its paffage through long pipes, we may be affured that, by doubling the fize of the feeder and difcharger, the performance of the machine will be greatly improved; we do not hesitate to fay, that it would be increaſed one-third: it is true that it will ex- pend more water; but this will not be nearly in the fame pro- portion, for moſt of the deficiency of the machine arifes from the needlefs velocity of the firft efflux at Z. The diſcharging pipe ought to be 110 feet high, and not give ſenſibly lefs water. Then it must be confidered how inferior in original expence this fimple machine must be to a mill of any kind which would raiſe 10 cubic feet 96 feet high in a minute, and how fmall the re- pairs on it need be, when compared with a mill. And, laftly, let it be noticed that fuch a machine can be uſed where no mill whatever can be put in motion. A ſmall ſtream of water, which would not move any kind of wheel, will here raiſe one-third of its own quantity to the fame height; working as fast as it is fup- plied, For thefe reafons, we think that the Hungarian machine emi- nently deferves the attention of mathematicians and engineers, to bring it to its utmoft perfection, and into general ufe. There are fituations where this kind of machine may be very ufeful. Thus, where the tide rifes 17 feet, it may be uſed for compreff- 214 MACHINES. } + ing air to ſeven-eighths of its bulk; and a pipe leading from a very large veffel inverted in it may be uſed for raiſing the water from a veffel of one-eighth of its capacity 17 feet high; or if this veſſel has only one-tenth of the capacity of the large one fet in the tide-way, two pipes may be led from it; one into the fmall veffel, and the other into an equal veffel 16 feet higher, which receives the water from the firft. Thus one-fixteenth of the water may be raiſed 34 feet, and a ſmaller quantity to a ſtill greater height; and this with a kind of power that can hardly be applied any other way. Machines of this kind are deſcribed by Schottus, Sturmius, Leupold, and other old writers; and they fhould not be forgotten, becauſe opportunities may offer of making them highly beneficial. 9. Mr. John Whitley Bofwell has deviſed an apparatus which when attached to fuch a machine as that at Chemnitz will enable it to work itſelf without attendance. The defcrip- tion of this will be preſented to the reader in Mr. Bofwell's own words. Fig. 3. pl. XVIII. A is the refervoir, or upper level of water. B, a chamber made of fufficient ftrength to bear the internal preffure of a column of water the height of A above it, multiplied by its own bafe. C, a chamber of the ſame ſtrength as B, but of a ſmaller fize; it is placed at the bottom of the pit from which the water is to be raiſed, and under the level of the water. Theſe chambers would be ftronger with the fame materials, if of a globular or cylindrical form; but the fquare fhape is ufed in the drawing merely for the facility of repreſenting the poſition of the parts. D, a pipe from the refervoir A which paffes through the top of B, and ends near its bottom, to convey water from A to B. E, a pipe from the top of B to the top of C, to convey air from B to C. F, a pipe from the bottom of C to the level of the ground at the top of the pit, to carry off the water from the pit. G, a pipe from the bottom of B to carry off the water from H, a yeffel to contain the water uſed in working the cocks; it is only placed on the top of B to fave the conftruction of a ſtand on purpofe for it. 1, a cock, or moveable valve (worked by the lever there re- prefented), in the large pipe D. K, a ftop-cock in the fmall pipe which conveys water from D to H. Its ufe is to make the engine work fafter or flower, by letting water more or lefs quick into H; or to stop it altogether from working when required. ރ Hydraulic Engines. 215 * L, a moveable valve, or cock in the fmall pipe LK. The lever which works it is connected by a strong wire with the lever which works I, and is balanced by a weight at its oppofite ex- tremity, fufficient to open both theſe cocks and ſhut N, when not prevented by a counter weight. N, a cock in the pipe G to open and ſhut it as wanted. O, a felf-moving valve in the pipe F, which permits the water to paſs upwards, but prevents its return. P, a felf-moving valve at the bottom of C, which permits the water to pafs into C, but prevents any from paffing out of it; it is furniſhed with a grating, to prevent dirt getting in.. R, a veffel fufpended from the levers of I and L, capable of containing a weight of water ſufficient to ſhut them. S, a veffel fufpended from the lever of N: it muſt contain water enough by its weight to open N: it is connected by a chain to R, to keep it down as long as N is open. T, a fyphon paffing from the bottom of H, near its. upper edge, and down again to the mouth of R. V, a ſelf-moving valve of a fufficient levity to rife, when the water in B comes up to it, and cloſe the pipe E; into which no water would elſe paſs from B. A ball-cock, fuch as uſed in common water cifterns, would do here. X, a ſyphon from the bottom of R rifing within an inch of its top, and paffing down again to the mouth of S. Y, a fmall pipe at the bottom of S: this may have a ſtop- cock to regulate it, which, when stopped, will alfo ftop the engine. The mode of this engine's working is as follows: fuppofe the veffels V, H, R, and S empty of water, and the cocks K and Y open, and the veffel C full of water. The weight on the lever of L will then open the cocks L and I, on which the water from A will flow into B and H. As the water rifes in B, it will force the air through E into C, which ſtrongly preff- ing on the water in C, will force it up through the pipe F, till the water in B rifes to the level of V and clofes it, at which time H will be full of water (the quantity flowing in being fo regulated by the cock K), and the water will flow from it through the fyphon T into the veffel R, which as it fills fhuts the cocks I and L, and prevents any more water coming into B and H. When R is full, the water flows through its fyphon X, which fills S, and by it opens N, which empties B of water, and keeps N open as long as there is any water in H. When H is empty, B will be fo too (being fo regulated by the cock K), on which, in a moment or two, R and S will alſo be empty; which will cauſe the cocks I and L to open, and all 216 MACHINES. things will be again in the ſtate firſt fuppofed, for a repetition of the operations defcribed. + * To stop the engine, the cocks at K and Y fhould be ſhut, while S is full of water. To fet it working, they ſhould be open; and this is all the attendance it will require. As no one but an engineer fhould attempt to conftruct fuch an gine as this, it was uſeleſs to repreſent the manner of connect- ing the pipes by flaches or otherwife; or the proper methods of faſtening and clofing the parts, which are all well known to fuch as have made this art their ſtudy. Nicholſon's Journal, 4to. vol. I. In No. 5. of the New Series of Nicholſon's Journal, Mr. Bofwell has made fome further improvements in the application of the Hungarian machine. • L 10. The Spiral pump is a very curious hydraulic engine, which operates on nearly the fame principle as the Hungarian ma- chine. The first engine of this kind, of which we have ſeen any account, was invented and erected by H. Andreas Wirtz, a tipplate-worker of Zurich, at a dye-houfe in Limmat, in the vicinity of that city. It confifts of a hollow cylinder, like a wery large grindstone, turning on a horizontal axis, and partly plunged in a ciſtern of water. The axis is hollow at one end, and communicates with a vertical pipe. This cylinder or drum is formed into a fpiral canal, by a plate coiled up within it like the main ſpring of a watch in its box; only the ſpires at a distance from each other, ſo as to form a conduit for the water of uniform width. This fpiral partition is well joined to the two ends of the cylinder, and no water efcapes between them. The outermost turn of the ſpiral begins to widen about ths of a circumference from the end, and this gradual enlargement continues nearly a femicircle, this part being called the horn: it then widens fuddenly, forming a fcoop or fhovel. The cylinder is fo fupported that this fhovel may, in the courſe of a rotation, dip feveral inches into the water. As the cylinder turns upon its axis,the fcoop dips and takes up a certain quantity of water before it emerges again. This quantity is fufficient to fill the horn; and this again is nearly equal in capacity to the outermoft uniform ſpiral round. L After the fcoop is emerged, the water paffes along the ſpiral by the motion of it round the axis, and drives the air before it into the rifing pipe, where it efcapes. In the mean time, air comes into the mouth of the ſcoop; and when the ſcoop again dips into the water, it again takes in fome of that fluid. Thus there becomes a part filled with water and apart filled with air. Continuing this motion, a fecond round of water will be to 941 i allt lie na. *¨ Hydraulic Engines. 217 received, and another of air. The water in any turn of the fpiral will have its two ends on a level; and the air between the fucceffive columns of water will be in its natural ſtate; for fince the paffage into the rifing pipe or main is open, there is nothing to force the water and air into any other pofition. But Since the fpires gradually diminiſh in their length, it is plain that the column of water will gradually occupy more and more of the circumference of each. At laft it will occupy a complete turn of fome fpire that is near the centre; and when fent further in by the continuance of the motion, fome of it will run back over the top of the fucceeding fpire. Thus it will run over into the right-hand ſide of the third fpire; and confe quently will push the water of this ſpire backwards, and raiſe its other end, ſo that it will likewife run over backwards before the next rotation be completed. At length this change of difpofition will reach the outermoſt ſpire, and fome water will run over into the horn and fcoop, and finally into the ciftern. But as foon as water gets into the rifing pipe, and rifes a little into it, it ſtops the efcape of the air when the next fcoop of water is taken in. Hence there are then two columns of water acting against each other by hydroftatic preffure, and the inter- vening column of air: they muft compreſs the air between them, and the water and air columns will now be unequal: this will have a general tendency to keep the whole water back, and cauſe it to be higher on the left or rifing fide of each ſpire than on the right or defcending fide: the excefs of height being juft fuch as produces the compreffion of the air between that and the preceding column of water. This will go on increaſ ing as the water mounts in the rifing pipe; for the air next to the rifing pipe is compreffed at its inner end with the weight of the whole column in the main: and it muſt be as much compreffed at its outer end, which muſt be done by the water column without it; and this column exerts this preffure partly by reaſon that its outer end is higher than its inner end, and partly by the tranfmiffion of the preffure on its outer end by air, which is fimilarly compreffed from without. Thus it will happen that each column of water being higher at its outer than at its inner end, compreffes the air on the water column beyond or within it, which tranfmits this preffure to the air beyond it, adding to it the preffure arifing from its own want of level at the ends. Confequently, the greatest compreffion, viz. that of the air next the main, is produced by the fum of all the tranfmitted preffures; and theſe are the fum of all the differ- ences between the elevations of the inner ends of the water _columns above their outer ends: and the height to which the water will rife in the main will be juft equal to this fum. 218 MACHINES. T Suppoſe the left-hand fpaces of each fpire to be filled with water, and the right-hand fpaces filled with air, as is fhewn, in regard to one fpire, in fig. 3. pl. XVII. There is a certain gradation of compreffion which will keep things in this pofition: for the ſpaces manifeftly decreaſe in arithmetical progreffion; and fo do the hydroftatic heights and preffures: if, therefore, the air be denfe in the fame progreffion all will be in hydroſtatical equilibrium. Now this may obvioufly be produced by the mere motion of the machine; for fince the denſity and com- preffion in each air column is fuppofed inverfely as the magni- tude of the column, the quantity of air is the fame in all; there- fore the column firft taken in will pafs gradually inwards, and the increaſing compreffion will caufe it to occupy precifely the whole right-hand of every fpire. The gradual diminution of the water columns will be produced, during the motion, by the water running over backwards at the top from ſpire to ſpire, and ultimately coming out by the fcoop. Since the hydrostatic height of each water column is now the greateſt poffible, viz. the diameter of the fpire, it is evident that this difpofition of the air and water will raife the water to the greateſt height. This difpofition may be obtained thus; let CB be a vertical radius of the wheel, C being the center, and B the highest point. [the figure may eaſily be drawn]; upon CB, take CL to CB, as the denfity of the external air to its denfity in the laſt column. next the rifing pipe or main; that is, make CL to CB as 34 feet (the height of the column of water which balances the preffure of the atmoſphere), to the fum of 34 feet, and the height of the rifing pipe: then divide BL into fuch a number of turns that the fum of their equal diameters fhall be equal to the height of the main; lastly, bring a pipe ftraight from L to the centre C. Such is the conftruction of the fpiral pump, as originally in- vented by Wirtz: it certainly indicates very confiderable me- chanical knowledge and fagacity. T • But when the main is very high this conſtruction will require either an enormous, diameter, of the drum, or many turns of a very narrow pipe. In fuch cafes it will be much better to make the fpiral in the form of a corkscrew, than of this flat form like a watch-fpring. The pipe which forms the fpiral may be wrapped round the fruftrum of a cone, whofe greateft diameter is to the leaft (which is next to the rifing pipe) in the proportion juft affigned to CB and CL. By this conftruction the water will fo ftand in every round as to have its upper and lower fur- faces tangents to the top and bottom of the ſpiral, and the water columns will occupy the whole afcending fide of the ma- chine, while the air occupies the defcending fide. This form is far preferable to the fat form; it will allow us to employ Hydraulic Engines. 219 many turns of a large pipe, and therefore produce a great eleva- tion of a large quantity of water. The fame thing will be ſtill better accomplished by wrapping the pipe on a cylinder, and making it gradually tapering to the end, in fuch a manner that the contents of each ſpire may be the fame as when it is wrapped round the cone. It will raiſe the water to a greater height (though certainly with an increaſe of the impelling power), by the fame number of fpires, becauſe the vertical or preffing height of each column is greater. In the preceding deſcription of this machine, that conftruc- tion has been chofen which made its principle and manner of working moft evident, namely, that which contained the fame material quantity of air in each turn of the ſpiral, more and more compreffed as it approaches to the rifing pipe. But this is not the beſt conſtruction: for we fee that in order to raiſe water to the height of a column of 34 feet, the air in the laſt ſpire is compreffed into half its fpaće; and the quantity of water de- livered into the main at each turn is but half what was received into the firſt fpire, the reft flowing back from ſpire to ſpire, and being difcharged at the ſpout. But the conftruction may be fuch that the quantity of water in each fpire may be the fame that was received into the firft; by which means a greater quantity (double in the inſtance now given) will be delivered into the main, and raiſed 'to the fame altitude by very nearly the fame force. This may be done by another proportion of the capacity of the fpires; either by a change of their caliber, or of the diameters of the folid on which they are folded. Suppoſe the bore to be uniform throughout, the diameters muft fo vary that the conftant column of water and the column of air, compreffed to the proper degree, may occupy the whole circumference. Let A be the column of water which balances the preffure, and H the height to which the water is to be raifed. Let A be to A + H as I to m. Then it is plain that m will repreſent the denſity of the air in the laft fpire, if its natural denfity be 1, becauſe it is preffed by the column A+ H while the common air is preffed by A. Let 1 reprefent the conftant water column, and confequently it will be nearly equal to the air column in the firſt ſpire: then the whole circumference of the laſt ſpire muſt be 1 + I m in order to hold the water 1, and to compreſs the air into the ſpace I or 772 A A+H The circumference of the firft fpire is 1 + 1 or 2: and if D and d be the diameters of the firſt and laſt ſpires we 220 MACHINES. m have 2 : 1 + 1 :: D: d, or 2 m:m+1::D:d. If, therefore, a pipe of uniform bore be wrapped round a conic fruftrum, of which D and d are the end diameters, the fpirals will be very nearly fuch as will answer the purpoſe. It will not be quite exact, for the intermediate fpirals will be rather too large: the conoidal fruftrum fhould in strictnefs be formed by the revolu- tion of a logarithmic curve. With fuch a fpiral the full quantity of water which was confined in the firſt ſpire will find room in the laſt, and will be fent into the main at every rotation. This is a very great advantage, eſpecially when the water is to be much raifed. The faving of power by this change of con- ftruction is always proportional to the greatest compreffion of the air.. * The chief difficulty in any of thefe forms is in determining the form and pofition of the horn and the fcoop; yet on this the performance of the machine greatly depends. The follow- ing instructions will render this tolerably eafy. Let ABEO (fig. 3. pl. XVII.) reprefent the firft or outermoft fpire, of which the axis is C. Suppofe the machine immerged up to the axis in the water whofe furface is VV': it has been ſeen that it is moſt effective when the furfaces KB and On of the water columns are diftant from each other the whole diameter BO of the ſpire. Let therefore the pipe be first conceived of equal caliber to the very mouth Ee, which we ſuppoſe to be just about to dip into the water: the furface On is kept there in oppofition to the preffure of the water column BAO by the compreffed air contained in the quadrant OE, and in the qua- drant which lies behind EB: and this compreffion is fupported by the columns behind, between this fpire and the rifing pipe, But the air in the outermoft quadrant ÉB is in its natural ſtate, becauſe it as yet communicates with the external air. When, however, the mouth Ee has come round to A, it will not have the water ftanding in it in the fame manner, leaving the half fpace BEO filled with compreffed air; for it took in and con- fined only what filled the quadrant BE. It is obvious, there, fore, that the quadrant BE muſt be ſo ſhaped as to take in and confine a much greater quantity of air; fo that when it has come to A, the ſpace BEO may contain air fufficiently denſe to ſup- port the column AO. But this is not enough: for when the wide mouth now at A a' rifes up to the top, the furface of the water in it rifes alfo, becauſe the part AO oa' is more capaci- ous than the part of uniform bore OE e o that fucceeds it, and that cannot contain all the water which it previously held. Since then the water in the ſpire rifes above A, it will prefs the water back from On to fome other poſition m'n', “and the ས Hydraulic Engines. 221 ** preffing height of the water column will be diminished by this rifing on the other fide of O... Hence it will appear that the horn muft begin to widen, not from B, but from A, and muft occupy the whole femicircle ABE, while its capacity mult be to the capacity of the oppofite fide of uniform bore as the fum of BO and the height of a column of water which balances the atmoſphere to the height of that column for then the air which filled it when of the common denſity will fill the uniform fide BEO, when compreffed fo as to balance the vertical column BO. But even this is not fufficient: for it has not taken water enough. When it dipped into the ciftern at E it carried air down with it, and the preffure of the water in the cistern cauſed that fluid to rife into it a little way; and fome water muſt have come over at B from the other fide, which was drawing narrower. When, therefore, the horn is in the pofition EOA it is not full of water: confequently, when it comes into the fituation OAB it cannot be full, nor çan it balance the air on the oppofite fide. Hence fome will come out at O, and rife up through the water. The horn muſt therefore extend at leaſt from O to B, or occupy half the circumference; and it muft contain at leaft twice as much water as would fill the fide BEO. Nay, if it be much larger, there may be no difadvantage; becauſe the furplus of air which it takes in at E will be difcharged as the end Ee of the horn rifes from O to B, and it will leave the precife quantity that is wanted. The overplus water will be difcharged as the horn comes round to dip again into the ciſtern. • We muſt alſo fecure the proper quantity of water. When the machine is fo much immerfed as to be up to its axis in water, the capacity which thus fecures the proper quantity of air will alſo take in the proper quantity of water. But it may be erected ſo as that the ſpirals fhall not even reach the water: and in this caſe it will anſwer the purpoſe if a ſcoop or fhovel be joined to the horn, and fo formed as to take in at leaft as much water as will fill the horn. This is all that is wanted in the beginning of the motion along the fpiral, and more than is neceffary when the water has advanced to the fucceeding fpire; but the overplus is difcharged in the way juft mentioned. The fcoop, it fhould be obſerved, must be very open on the fide next the axis, that it may not confine the air as it enters the water; for this would hinder it from receiving enough of that fluid. As an example we fhall give the dimenfions of a machine erected at Florence, whofe performance correfponded extremely well with the theory. The fpiral is formed on a cylinder of 10 feet diameter, and the diameter of the pipe is 6 inches. The $ : 222 • MACHINES. fmaller end of the horn is of the fame diameter; it occupies & of the circumference, and is 7-8 inches wide at the outer end: here it joins the fcoop, which lifts as much water as fills the horn, which contains 4340 Swediſh cubic inches, each 1-577 Engliſh. The machine makes 6 revolutions in a minute, and raifes 1354 pounds of water, or 22 cubic feet, 10 feet high in a minute. Thus it raiſes more than ths of what the theory would lead us to expect, and yet it is not perfect; for the fpiral is throughout of equal caliber, and is formed on a cylinder inſtead of a conoid. In this machine the friction is fo inconfiderable that it need not be mended: but the great excellency is, that whatever im- perfections there may be in the arrangement of the air and water columns, it only affects the elegance of the execution, cauſing the water to make a few more turns in the ſpiral before it can mount to the required height; but it waftes no power, becauſe the power employed is always in proportion to the fum of the vertical columns of water in the rifing fide of the ma- chine, and the altitude to which the water is raiſed by it is in the very fame proportion. The machine fhould be made to move very flow, that the water be not always dragged up by the pipes, which would cauſe more to run over from each column and di- miniſh the preffure of the remainder. If the rifing pipe be made wide, and thus room be made for the air to eſcape freely up- wards through the water, it will rife to the height affigned; but if the pipe be narrow, fo that the air cannot rife freely, it rifes almoſt as flowly as the water; and by this circumſtance the water mixed with, the air is raiſed to a much greater height, and this with hardly any augmentation of the power. Thus it is that the great performance of the Florentine machine (which is almoft triple what a man can do with the beſt conſtructed pump) is accounted for. Laftly, we may obferve that the entrance into the rifing pipe fhould be no wider than the laſt part of the fpiral; and it would be adviſeable to divide it into four channels by a thin partition, and then to make the rifing pipe very wide, and to put into it a number of flender rods, which would divide it into feveral flender channels that would ferve completely to entangle the air among the water: this pro- cedure will greatly increase the heights to which the heterogene- ous column may be carried. We earnestly recommend the application and improvement of this machine to practical engineers: the principles on which its theory depends are confeffedly intricate; but when judici- oufly conftructed it is very powerful and effective" in its opera- tions: on which accounts we are forry that hitherto it has not, Hydraulic Engines. 223 - as far as we recollect, been defcribed in more than two British works, the Tranfactions of the Society of Arts, for 1776, and the Encyclopædia Britannica. ! 11. Defaguliers deſcribes, in the fecond volume of his Ex- perimental Philoſophy, a very fimple contrivance to raiſe water, which is this: to one end of a rope is fixed a large bucket, having a valve at its bottom, opening upwards; to the other end is faſtened a ſquare frame, and the cord is made to pafs over two pulleys, each of about 15 inches diameter (and fixed in a horizontal plane), in fuch manner that as the bucket de- fcends the frame afcends with equal velocity, and vice verfa. The frame is made to run freely upon 4 vertical iron guide- rods paffing through holes at its four corners: and when the bucket is filling with water at the well, the frame ftands at the horizontal plane to which the water is to be raiſed: when the bucket is full a man ſteps upon the frame (his weight, together with that of the frame, exceeding the weight of the veſſel and its contained water); this gives an afcending motion to the bucket, and cauſes the valve in its bottom to clofe. When the bucket is raiſed to the proper height a hook fixed there catches into a hafp at the fide of the bucket, turns it over, and cauſes it to empty its water into a trough which conveys it where it is required: at this time the man and the defcending frame have arrived at a platform which prevents their further defcent, where the man remains till he finds the bucket above is empty; when he ſteps from the frame, and runs up a flight of ftairs to the place from which he deſcended: the bucket in the mean while, being ſomewhat heavier than the frame, defcends to the water, and raiſes the frame to its original pofition. Thus the work is continued, the man being at reſt during his deſcent, and labouring in the aſcent. Defaguliers employed in this kind of work a "tavern drawer, who weighed 160 lbs. whom he defired to go up and down 40 fteps of 6 inches each (in all about 22 feet) at the fame rate he would go up and down all day. He went up and down twice in a minute: fo that allowing the bucket with a quarter of a hogfhead in it to weigh 140 lbs. he is able to raiſe it up through 22 feet twice in a minute: this Defaguliers eftimates as equivalent to a whole hogshead raiſed 11 feet in a minute; and rather exceeds what he has affigned as a maximum of human exertion. This machine is in many caſes not only the moſt fimple, but the best that can be devifed; yet it is one that without due precautions is likely to be a very bad one. The frame on which the man ſteps must be brought up to its place again by a preponderancy in the machine when unloaded: it fhould arrive 224 MACHINES. • preciſely at the fame time with the man; but it may arrive fooner or later. If fooner, it is of no uſe, and waſtes power in raiſing a counterpoife which is needlefsly heavy, or in fact lefs water is elevated than the man is able to elevate; if later, there is a lofs of time. Hence the perfection of this truly fimple ma- chine requires the judicious combination of two maximums, each of which varies in a ratio compounded of two other ratios. It will not be difficult, however, to adjuſt the propor- tions of the weight of the bucket and that of the frame: for if B denote the weight of the bucket, F that of the frame, and the force neceffary to overcome the friction and the inertia of the pulleys, g denoting 32% feet, t the time occupied in walking up the ſteps, and s the ſpace afcended or defcended, then muſt B and F be fo adjuſted as to fatisfy the following equation, viz. B-F I B+F+p • ½ 8 1º. 12. If there be a fpring affording but a fmall quantity of water, or having but a fmall fall, it is poffible by the lofs of fome of the water to raiſe the reft to ſupply a gentleman's feat, or any place where it is wanted; but in a lefs quantity than what runs wafte, if the place to which the water is to be raiſed is higher than the ſpring or refervoir from which the water falls. Schottus long ago contrived an engine for this purpoſe: but the firſt who put fuch a thing in execution was Gironimo Finugio, at Rome, in 1616; and the first in this country was George Gerves, a carpenter, who, in the year 1725, erected an engine called the Multiplying-wheel Bucket-engine, at the feat of Sir John Cheſter, at Chichley, in Buckinghamſhire. This engine was much approved by Sir Ifaac Newton, Dr. Deſaguliers, and Mr. Beighton, and was certainly very ingenious. The water from a fpring defcended in a large bucket hanging by a cord from an axle, while a ſmaller quantity was raiſed from the fame place by a cord hanging from a wheel on the fame axle: a fly and other regulating apparatus were added, to make the en- gine work itſelf, which it did for many years without being out of order. As a whole, however, the contrivance is complex; and we are not aware that any other engines of the fame kind have been erected. A defcription, with a plate, may be ſeen in Defaguliers's fecond volume. Mr. H. Sarjeant, of Whitehaven, contrived a very cheap engine for railing water, for which the Society for the En- couragement of Arts awarded him a filver medal in the year 1801. A ſketch of this fimple invention is given in fig. 2. pl. XIX. This engine was erected at Irton-hall, which is ſituated on an aſcent of 60 or 61 feet perpendicular height; at the foot of 1 Hydraulic Engines. 225 this elevation, about 140 yards diftant from the offices, there runs a ſmall ſtream of water; and, in order to procure a con- ſtant ſupply of that neceffary fluid, the object was to raiſe fuch ftream to the houſe for culinary and domeftic ufes. With this view, a dam was formed at a fhort diſtance above the current, ſo as to caufe a fall of about four feet: the water was then conducted through a wooden trough, into which a piece. of leaden pipe, two inches in diameter, was inferted, and part of which is delineated at A. The ſtream of this pipe is directed in fuch a manner as to run into the bucket B, when the latter is elevated; but, as foon as it begins to defcend, the ſtream paffes over it, and flows progreffively to fupply the wooden trough or well, at the foot of which ftands the forcing-pump C, being three inches in diameter. D is an iron cylinder attached to the pump-rod, which paſſes through it: fuch cylinder is filled with lead, and weighs about 240 lbs. This power works the pump, and forces the water to afcend to the houſe through a pipe one inch in di- ameter, and which is 420 feet in length. • At E is fixed a cord, which, when the bucket approaches to within four or five inches of its loweſt projection, extends, and opens a valve in the bottom of the veſſel through which the water is diſcharged. An engine in a great degree fimilar to this was erected fome years ago by the late James Spedding, efq. for a lead mine near Kefwick, with the addition of a ſmaller bucket which emptied itſelf into the larger near the beginning of its deſcent, without which addition it was found that the beam only acquired a libratory motion, without making a full and effective itroke. To anſwer this purpofe in a more fimple way, Mr. Sarjeant conſtructed the fmall engine in fuch manner as to finiſh its ftroke (ſpeaking of the bucket end) when the beam comes into an horizontal poſition, or a little below it. By this means the lever is virtually lengthened in its deſcent in the proportion of the radius to the cofine, of about thirty degrees, or as feven to fix nearly, and confequently its power is increaſed in an equal proportion. It is evident, that the opening of the valve might have been effected, perhaps better, by a projecting pin at the bottom; but Mr. S. chofe to give an exact deſcription of the engine as it ftands. It has now been fome years in ufe, and completely anfwers the purpoſe intended. The only artificers employed, except the plumber, were a country blackſmith and carpenter; and the whole coft, excluſive of the pump and pipes, did not amount to 5.. VOL. II. 1 226 MACHINES. In a letter, dated Whitehaven, April 28, 1801, Mr. Sarjeant obferves, that the pump requires about eighteen gallons of water in the bucket to raiſe the counter-weight, and make a freſh troke in the pump; but it makes three ftrokes in a minute, and gives about a half-gallon into the ciftern at each ſtroke. He adds, "I fpeak of what it did in the driest part of laſt fummer; when it ſupplied a large family, together with work- people, &c. with water for all purpoſes, in a fituation where none was to be had before, except fome bad water from a com- mon pump which has been fince removed. But the above fupply being more than fufficient, the machine is occafionally opped to prevent wear, which is done by merely cafting off the ftring of the bucket valve." * 13. Mr. Benjamin Dearborn, whofe fimple fire-engine has already been mentioned, has contrived an hydraulic engine which may be conveniently added to a common pump, and there- by renders it uſeful in further elevating water, and particularly in extinguiſhing fires: the following deſcription of his apparatus is extracted from the Memoirs of the American Academy. Plate XIX. fig. 7. A, B, C, D, repreſents a pump, the form of which is fimilar to that of the pumps commonly employed on ship-board. E, the fpout. F, a kopper. D, d, a plank-cap, that is fitted to the pump, and provided with leather on its lower furface; being fecured by the fcrews 4, b: in the centre is a hole, through which the fpear of the pump paffes, and round which a leather collar is made, as re- prefented at the letter c. g, a nut for the ſcrew b. f, a fquare piece of wood that is nailed acrofs one end of the plank-cap, through both which the fcrew a is introduced: a hole is made through fuch piece and the cap, that communicates with the bore of the pump. G, G, a wooden tube, which may be of any requifite length, and confiſt of any number of joints: it is made fquare at the lower extremity, and perforated for the reception of the cock; the upper end being made with a nice fhoulder. e, a wooden cock that opens or shuts the communication be- tween the pump and the tube; being furniſhed on the oppofite fide with a handle and with a lock, in caſe it ſhould be found neceflary. h, h, are two ferules, the object of which is to prevent the tube from ſplitting. H, H, braces, each of which ought to be croffed over an, other, as nearly at right angles as poſſible.. Hydraulic Engines. 22T i, i, are irons in form of a ftaple, which ſurround the tube, and paſs through the braces; their ends being perforated with holes for fore-locks. .K, L, M, N, is a head made of five pieces of wood; k, l, m, n, a fquare piece, in the lower part of which is a hole for the reception of the extremity of the tube, and which piece reſts on the ſhoulder o, p; to the lower end of this head is nailed a piece of leather, with a hole in its centre, fimilar to that made in the wood. Another piece of leather of the fame form is placed on the top of the tube, and between both is a circle of thin plate brafs; the two pieces of leather and the brafs being preffed between the lower end of the head and the fhoulder of the tube. Their edges are delineated at o, p. K, N, and L, M, are the edges of two pieces of plank, of a fimilar width with the head, to which they are cloſely nailed each being provided with a tenon, that paffes through a mortice in the end of the piece O, P: both tenons have holes for fore-lock at q. O, P, a piece of plank of the fame width as the fides; the centre of which is perforated, in order that the tube may pafs through; and in each end of which is a mortice for the res ception of the tenons. N, M, a cap. r, r, are two pieces nailed to the fide of the tube; the lower extremity of each is provided with a truck, with a view to leffen the friction of the head in its horizontal revolution. q, q, repreſent fore-locks, the deſign of which is to faſten down the head, and prevent the water from eſcaping at the joint o, p. Q, R, is a wooden conductor; the extremity marked with the letter Q being folid, while the oppofite end, R, is bored with a ſmall auger. s, a bolt that paffes through the conductor and head, and being fecured on the back with a fore-lock or nut: this bolt is rounded near the head, and fquare in the middle. t, u, w, x, repreſents a piece of iron or brafs, defigned to prevent the head of the bolt from wearing into the wood. S, S, are ropes for the direction of the conductor. Fig. 8. reprefents the head without fuch conductor. a, b, c, d, is a thick braſs plate, the centre of which is perfor ated, fo as to admit a paffage to impurities, that might other wife obftruct the conductor: for which purpoſe a piece of leather is nailed under it to the head. The fquare hole in the centre is adapted to the fize of the bolt, which it prevents from turning. The conductor has a hollow cut round the bolt on the infide, of the fame fize as the circle of holes in the brafs: 2 228 MACHINES. round fuch cavity is nailed, on the face of the conductor, a piece of leather, that plays on the margin of the braſs-platě when the conductor is in motion. In the conclufion of his Memoir, Mr. Dearborn obſerves, that he has raiſed a tube of 30 feet on his pump; and, though the ſeverity of the feafon had prevented him from completing it, ſo that one perſon only could work at the brake, yet he is enabled to throw water on a contiguous building, the neareſt part of which is 37 feet from the pump, and between 30 and 40 feet in height. 14. It will be expected that fome notice fhould be taken in this place of two celebrated hydraulic engines, viz. the water- works at London-bridge, and thofe at Marly. Of theſe, the former has been fo often defcribed in well-known Engliſh works, that a minute defcription appears quite unneceffary: the latter will be briefly defcribed under the article Marly in this volume. Other contrivances for raiſing water, ſuch as the centrifugal machine, preffure engines, pumps, and Archimedes's screw, are likewife treated under the reſpective words. After all, it is not poffible within the limits to which the fubject of hydraulic engines muft neceffarily be confined in this work, to deſcribe a tenth part of thoſe which, by the in- genuity of their conftruction, and their great utility, deſerve the attention of thoſe who are likely to be engaged in the erection of ſuch machines. To fupply the deficiency in fome meaſure, a catalogue is here added of the moſt important and valuable writings on theſe kinds of engines. Defcriptio machine hydraulice curiofæ conftructa Joh. Geor. Faudieri. Venet. 1607. Nouvelle invention de lever l'eau plus haut que la fource, avec quelque machines mouvantes par le moyen de l'eau, &c. par Ifaac de Caus. 1657. Jofephi Gregorii a Monte Sacr. Principia phyfico-mecha- nica diverfarum machinarum feu inftrumentorum pneumatices ac hydraulices. Venet. 1664. Nouvelle machine hydraulique, par Francini. Journ. des Sçav. 1669. [An account of this machine is likewife given in the Archi- tecture hydraulique of Belidor, tom. 2. and in the 2d vol. of Defaguliers's Experimental philofophy: in both which perform- ances many other hydraulic machines are defcribed.] An undertaking for raifing water, by Sir Samuel Moreland. Phil. Trans. 1674. No. 102. An hydraulick engine, by No. 128. • Phil. Trans. 1675. A cheap pump, by Mr. Conyers. Phil. Trans. 1677. No.136. Hydraulic Engines, Writings upon. 229 M. de Hautefeuille, Reflexions fur quelques machines à elever les eaux, avec fa deſcription d'une nouvelle pompe, fans frotte- ment et fans piſton, &c. 1682. Elevation des eaux par toute forte des machines, reduite à la mefure, au poids, à la balance, par le moyen d'un nouveau pifton et corps de pompe, et d'un nouveau mouvement cyclo-elliptique, et rejetant l'ufage de toute forte de manivelles ordinaires, par le Chevalier Morland. 1685. A new way of raiſing water, enigmatically propoſed, by Dr. Papin. Phil. Trans. 1685. No. 173. The folutions by Dr. Vincent and Mr. R. A. in No. 177. M. du Torax, Nouvelles machines pour épuifer l'eau des foundations, qui, quoi très fimples, font un effet fupprenant. 1695. Journ. des Sçav. 1695. p. 293. An engine for railing water by the help of fire, by Mr. Tho. Savery. Phil. Trans. 1699. No. 253. D. Papin, Nouvelle manière pour lever l'eau par la force du feu: à Caffel. 1707. Memoire pour la conftruction d'une pompe qui fournit con- tinuellement de l'eau dans le refervoir, par M. de la Hire, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1716. Deſcription d'une machine pour elever des eaux, par. M. de la Paye, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1717. Joh. Fac. Bruckmann's und Joh. Heinr. Weber's Elementar- maſchine, oder univerfal-mittel bey allen waffer-hebungen. Caffel.. 1720. Jacob Leupold, Theatri machinarum hydraulicarum. 1724, 1725. Joh. Frid. Weidleri Tractatus de machinis hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyenfi et Londinenfi, &c. 1727. Vide A&. erudit. Lips. 1728. A deſcription of the water-works at London-bridge, by H. Beighton, F. R. S. Phil. Trans. 1731. No. 417. An account of a new engine for raifing water, in which horſes or other animals draw without any lofs of power (which has never yet been practiſed); and how the ftrokes of the pifton may be made of any length, to prevent the lofs of water by the too frequent opening of valves, &c. by Walter Churchman. Phil. Trans. 1734. Sur l'effet d'une machine hydraulique propofée par M. Segner, par M. Leon. Euler, Mem. Acad. Sci. Berlin. 1750. Application de la machine hydraulique de M. Segner à toutes fortes d'ouvrages, et de fes avantages fur les autres machines hydrauliques, par M. Leon. Euler, Mem. Acad. Sci. Berlin. 1751. [M. Segner's machine is no other than the fimple yet truly 1 230 MACHINES. ingenious contrivance known by the name of Barker's mill, which had been defcribed in the 2d volume of Defaguliers's Philofophy, fome years before the German profeffor made any pretenfions to the honour of the invention. The theory of it is likewife treated by John Bernoulli at the end of his Hydraulics.] Recherches fur une nouvelle manière d'elever de l'eau pro- *pofée par M. de Mour, par M. L. Euler, Mem. Acad. Berlin. 17513 Difcuffion particulière de diverſes manières d'elever de l'eau par le moyen des pompes, par M. L. Euler, Mem. Acad. Ber. 1752. Maximes pour arranger le plus advantageufement les ma- chines deſtinées à elever de l'eau par le moyen des pompes, par M. L. Euler, Mem. Acad. Ber. 1752. Reflexions fur les machines hydrauliques, par M. le Chevalier D'Arcy, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1754 Memoire fur les pompes par M. le Chevalier de Borda, Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1768. Dan. Bernoulli Expofitio theoretica fingularis machinæ hydrau- licæ. Figuri helvetiorum, exftru&tæ. Nov. Com. Acad. Petrop. 17720 Abhandlungen von der wafferſchraube, von D). Scherffer, Priefter. Wien. 1774. Recherches fur les moyens d'exécuter fous l'eau toutes fortes de travaux hydrauliques, fans employer aucun epuiſement, par M. Coulumb. 1779: Saemund Magnuffen Holm, Efterretning om ſkye pumpen. Kiobenhavn. 1779. Moyen d'augmenter la viteffe dans le mouvement de la vis d'Archimede fur fon axe, tire des mémoires nanufcrits de M. Pingeron, fur les arts utiles et agréables. Journ. d'Agric. Juin, 1780. The theory of the fyphon, plainly and methodically illu̟- ftrated. 1781. (Richardfon.) Memoria fopra la nuova tromba funiculare umiliata, dal Can. Carlo Caftelli. Milano. 1782. Differtation de M. de Parcieux, fur le moyen d'elever l'eau par la rotation d'une corde verticale fans fin. Amfterdam et Paris. 1792. Theorie der wirzifchen fpiral pumpe, erläutert von Heinr. Nicander. Schwed. Abhandl. 1783. Fac. Bernoulli, Effai fur une nouvelle machine hydraulique propre à elever de l'eau, et qu'on peut nommer Machine Pitoti- enne. Nov. A&t. Acad. Petrop. 1786. K. Ch. Langsdorf's Berechnungen über die vortheilhæftere benutzung angelegter_fammelteiche zur betreibung der maſ chinen. Act. Acad. Elect. Mogunt. 1784, 1785. Hygrometers. 231 Nicander's Theorie der ſpiral pumpe. 1789. Nouvelle architecture hydraulique, par M. Prony. 1796. $790, A fhort account of the invention, theory, and practice of fire- machinery; or introduction to the art of making machines vulgarly called fteam-engines, in order to extract water from mines, convey it to towns, and jets d'eaux in gardens; to procure water-falls for fulling, hammering, ſtamping, rolling, and corn- mills, by W. Blakey. 1793. (Egerton.) To theſe may be added the Tranfactions of the Society of Arts, the Repertory of Arts, Nicholſon's Philofophical Journal, and Tilloch's Philofophical Magazine, in different places. HYDROMETERS. See vol. I. arts. 401, 409. HYGROMETER, or HYGROSCOPE, or NOTIOMETER, an in- ftrument contrived to meaſure the humidity of the air. 'The inftruments hitherto invented for this purpoſe, have not been attended with that accuracy which there was reaſon to expect and to hope for. We have hygrometers, it is true, which indicate that the air has been more or lefs moift; but they have often this fault, that they indicate a greater degree of moiſt- ure than really exifts in the atmoſphere: befides, they are not comparable; that is to fay, it is not poffible by their means to compare the moisture of one day, or of one place, with that of another. It may not, however, be improper to defcribe a few of the contrivances of this kind, if it be only that their utility may be examined. i. As fir wood is very ſuſceptible of participating in the dry- neſs and moiſture of the atmoſphere, fome have conceived the idea of applying this property to the conftruction of an hygrometer. For this purpoſe, a ſmall, very thin fir board, is placed acroſs between two vertical immoveable pillars, fo that the fibres ftand in a horizontal direction; for it is in the lateral direction, or that tranſverſal to its fibres, that fir and other kinds of wood are extended by moisture. The upper edge of the board ought to have a ſmall rack, fitted into a pinion, connected with a wheel, and the latter with another wheel, having on its axis àn index. It may be eaſily perceived, that by theſe means the leaft motion communicated by the upper edge of the board to the rack, by its rifing or falling, will be indicated in a very fenfible manner by the index; confequently, if the motion of the index be regulated in fuch a manner, that from extreme dryness to extreme moiſture it may make a complete revolution, the di- vifions of this circle will indicate how much the preſent ſtate of the atmoſphere is diſtant from either of theſe extemes. This invention is ingenious, but it is not fufficient. The wood retains its moifture a long time after the air has loft that 232 MACHINES. with which it was charged; befides, the board gradually be comes lefs fenfible to the impreffions of the air, and therefore produces little or no effect. 2. Suſpend a ſmall circular plate by a fine ſtring, or piece of catgut, faftened to its centre of gravity, and let the other end of the ftring be attached to a hook. According as the air is more or lefs moift, you will fee the ſmall plate turn round in one direction or in another. The hygrometers commonly fold are conftructed on this principle. They confift of a kind of box, the fore part of which repreſents a building with two doors. On one fide of the metal plate which turns round, ftands the figure of a man with an umbrella, to defend him from the rain, and on the other a woman with a fan. The appearance of the former of theſe figures indicates damp, and that of the other dry, weather. This pretended hygrometer can ſerve for no other purpoſe than to amuſe children; for the philofopher muſt obſerve that, as the variations of humidity are tranfmitted to this inftrument only by degrees, it will indicate moiſture or drought when the ftate of the atmoſphere is quite contrary. 3. Some have tried to conftruct an hygrometer, by making faft a piece of catgut at one extremity, winding it backwards and forwards over different pulleys, and fufpending from its other extremity a ſmall weight, behind which is placed a gradu- ated fcale. Others difpofe the extremity of the catgut in fuch a manner, as to cauſe it to move an index round a graduated plate, the different degrees of which indicate the dryneſs or moiſture of the atmoſphere. This inftrument, however, is fub- ject to the fame inconveniences as that before mentioned. 4. Put into one fcale of a balance any falt that attracts the moiſture of the air, and into the other a weight, in exact equi- librium with it. The fcale containing the falt will fink down during damp weather, and thereby indicate that fuch is the ftate of the atmoſphere. An index, to determine the different degrees of drought or moiſture, may be eaſily adapted to it. This inftrument however is worſe than any of the reft; for a falt immerfed in moist air becomes charged with a great deal of humidity, but lofes it very lowly when the air becomes dry: fixed alkali of tartar even imbibes moiſture till it falls in deli- quium, that is to fay, till it is reduced to a liquid or fluid ſtate. 5. Mufic may be employed to indicate the drynefs or moiſture of the air. The found of a flute is higher during dry than during moiſt weather, and the ftring of a violin exhibits the fame pheno- menon; but neither of thefe can fhew the immediate ſtate of the air in regard to drynefs or humidity. 6. M. De Luc's contrivance for an hygrometer is on this Hygrometers. 233 principle. Finding that even ivory fwells with moiſture, and contracts with drynefs, he made a ſmall and very thin hollow cylinder of ivory, open only at the upper end, into which is fitted the under or open end of a very fine long glafs tube, like that of a thermometer. Into thefe is introduced fome quick- filver, filling the ivory cylinder, and a fmall part of the length up the glaſs tube. The confequence is this: when moisture fwells the ivory cylinder, its bore or capacity grows larger, and confequently the mercury finks in the fine glafs tube; and, vice verfa, when the air is drier, the ivory contracts, and forces the mercury higher up the tube of glafs." It is evident that an in- ſtrument thus conftructed is in fact alfo a thermometer, and muſt neceffarily be affected by the viciffitudes of heat and cold, as well as by thofe of drynefs and moiſture; or that it muſt act as a thermometer as well as an hygrometer. The contriv- ances in the ftructure and mounting of this inftrument are deſcribed in the Philos. Trans. vol. 63, art. 38; where it may be ſeen how the above imperfection is corrected by fome fimple and ingenious expedients, employed in the original conftruction and fubfequent ufe of the inftrument; in confequence of which, the variations in the temperature of the air, though they produce their full effects on the inftrument as a thermometer, do not interfere with or embarraſs its indications as an hygrometer. 7. In the Philof. Tranf. for 1791, M. De Luc has given a fecond paper on hygrometry. This has been chiefly occafion- ed by a Memoir of M. De Sauffure on the ſame ſubject, entitled Effais fur l'Hygrometrie, in 4to, 1783. In this work M. De S. deſcribes a new hygrometer of his conftruction, on the follow- ing principle. It is a known fact that a hair will ſtretch when it is moistened, and contract when dried: and M. De Sauffure found, by repeated experiments, that the difference between the greatest extenfion and contraction, when the hair is properly prepared, and has a weight of about 3 grains fufpended by it, is nearly one 40th of its whole length, or one inch in 40. This circumftance fuggefted the idea of a new hygrometer. To ren- der theſe ſmall variations of the length of the hair perceptible, an apparatus was contrived, in which one of the extremities of the hair is fixed, and the other, bearing the counterpoife above- mentioned, furrounds the circumference of a cylinder, which turns upon an axis to which a hand is adapted, marking upon a dial in large divifions the almoſt infenfible motion of this axis. About 12 inches high is recommended as the moſt convenient and uſeful: and to render them portable, a contrivance is added, by which the hand and the counterpoife can be occafionally. fixed. But M. De Luc, in his Idées fur la Meteorologie, vol. i. 234 MACHINES. anno 1786, fhews that hairs, and all the other animal or veget- able hygroſcopic ſubſtances, taken lengthwife, or in the direction of their fibres, undergo contrary changes from different variations of humidity; that when immerfed in water, they lengthen at firft, and afterwards fhorten; that when they are near the great- eft degree of humidity, if the moisture be increafed, they fhorten themſelves; if it be diminished, they lengthen themſelves first before they contract again. Theſe irregularities, which render them incapable of being true meafures of humidity, he fhews to be the neceffary confequence of their organic reticular ftructure. De Sauffure takes his point of extreme moiſture from the vapours of water under a glafs bell, keeping the fides of the bell continually moiftened; and affirms, that the humidity is there conftantly the fame in all temperatures; the vapours even of boiling water having no other effect than thoſe of cold. De Luc, on the contrary, fhews that the differences in humidity under the bell are very great, though De Sauffure's hygrometer was not capable of dicovering them; and that the real unde compofed vapour of boiling water has the directly oppofite effect to that of cold, the effect of extreme drynefs: and on this point he mentions an intereſting fact, communicated to him by Mr. Watt, viz. that wood cannot be employed in the ſteam- engine for any of thoſe parts where the vapour of the boiling water is confined, becauſe it dries fo as to crack as if expofed to the fire. To theſe charges of M. De Luc, a reply is made by M. De Sauffure, in his Defence of the Hair Hygrometer, in 1788; where he attributes the general difagreement between the two inftruments to irregularities of M. De Luc's; and affigns fome aberrations of his own hygrometer, which could not have pro- ceeded from the above caufe, but to its having been out of order, &c. This has drawn from M. De Luc a fecond paper on hygro- metry, publiſhed in the Philof. Tranf. for 1791, p. 1. and 389. This author here refumes the four fundamental principles which he had ſketched out in the former paper, viz. 1ft, That a fire is a fure, and the only fure, means of obtaining extreme dryneſs. 2d. That water, in its liquid ftate, is a fure, and the only fure means of determining the point of extreme moiſture. 3d. There is no reafon, à priori, to expect from any hygroscopic fub- flarice, that the meaſurable effects produced in it by moisture, are proportional to the intenſities of that cauſe. But, 4th, per- haps the comparative changes of the dimenfions of a fubftance, and of the weight of the ſame or other ſubſtances, by the fame variations of moisture, may lead to fome diſcovery in that re- fpect. On theſe heads M. De Luc expatiates at.large in this Fárk to raife Loads. 235 paper, fhewing the imperfections of M. De Sauffure's principles of hygrometry, and particularly as to a hair, or any fuch ſubſtance when extended lengthwife, being properly uſed as an hygrometer. On the other hand, he fhews that the expanſion of fubftances across the fibres, or grain, renders them, in that refpect, by far the moſt proper for this purpoſe. He chooſes ſuch as can be made very thin, as ivory or deal fhavings, but he prefers whale- bone, as far the beſt. The preceding general deſcription of the principal hygro- meters will, we truft, be fufficient to fhew that great imper- fection and uncertainty attends the uſe of any of them; and, at the fame time, to justify us in not entering more into detail, re- fpecting the conſtruction of theſe inftruments. JACK, an inftrument in common uſe for raiſing heavy tim ber, or very great weights of any kind; being a powerful com- bination of teeth and pinions, and the whole incloſed in a ftrong wooden ſtock or frame BC, and moved by a winch or -handle HP; the outfide appearing as in fig. 5. pl. VIII. In fig. 6. the wheel or rack work is fhewn, being the view of the infide when the ſtock is removed. Though it is not drawn in the juft proportions and dimenfions, for the rack AB muſt be fuppofed at leaft four times as long in pro- portion to the wheel Q, as the figure reprefents it; and the teeth, which will be then four times more in number, to have about 3 in the inch. Now if the handle HP be 7 inches long, the circumference of this radius will bè 44 inches, which is the diſtance or ſpace the power moves through in one re- volution of the handle: but as the pinion of the handle has but four leaves, and the wheel Q fuppofe 20 teeth, or 5 times the number, therefore to make one revolution of the wheel Q, it requires 5 turns of the handle, in which caſe it paffes through 5 times 44 or 220 inches: but the wheel having a pinion R of 3 leaves, theſe will raiſe the rack 3 teeth, or one inch, in the fame fpace. Hence, then, the handle or power moving 220 times as fast as the weight, will raife or balance a weight of 220 times its own energy. And if this be the hand of a man who can ſuſtain 50 pounds weight, he will, by help of this jack, be able to raiſe, or ſuſtain, a weight or force of 11000 lb. or about 5 tons weight. This machine is fometimes open behind from the bottom almoſt up to the wheel Q, to let the lower claw, which in that cafe is turned up as at B, draw up any weight. When the weight is drawn or puſhed fufficiently high, it is kept from going back by hanging the end of the hook S, fixed to a ſtaple, over the curved part of the handle at b. The Society of Arts rewarded a Mr. Mocock, of Southwark, 236 MACHINES. with a premium of 20 guineas, for his contrivance to prevent a jack' from taking a retrograde courſe whenever the weight by any accidental circumftance overbalances the power. The im- proved jack only differs from thofe in common ufe in this re- ſpect, that it has a pail or clock, and ratchet, applied in fuch manner as to ſtop the motion of the machine as foon as it begins to run back again. As the difference in the mechanifm is very trifling, the improvement may be eaſily applied to any common jacks already made. JACK is alfo the name of a well-known engine in the kitchen, `ufed for turning a fpit. Here the weight is the power applied, acting by a ſet of pulleys; the friction of the parts, and the weight with which the fpit is charged, are the forces to be over- come; and a ſteady uniform motion is maintained by means of a fly. The common worm-jack is reprefented at fig. 2. pl. XII. ABC is the barrel round which the cord QR is wound: KL the main wheel, commonly containing 60 teeth. N the worm wheel of about 30 teeth, cut obliquely. LM the pinion, of about 15. O the worm or endleſs fcrew, confifting of two fpiral threads, making an angle of 60 or 70 degrees with its axis. X the ftud, and Z the loop of the worm fpindle. Pa heavy wheel, or fly, connected with the fpindle of the endleſs fcrew to make the motion uniform. DG the ftruck wheel fixed to the axis FD. S, S, S, are holes in the frame, by which it may be nailed to a board, and thence to any wall, the end D being permitted to pafs through it. HI the handle going upon the axis ET, to wind up the weight when it has run down. R is a box of fixed pulleys, and V a correfponding one of moveable pulleys carrying the weight. The axis ET is fixed in the barrel AC, which axis being hollow, both it and the barrel turn round upon the axis FD, which is fixed to the wheel KL, when it turns in the order BTA; but cannot turn the contrary way, by reafon of a catch nailed to the end AB, which lays hold of the crofs-bars in the wheel LK. The weight by means of the cord QR, in confequence of its defcent, carries about the barrel AB, which by the action of the catch carries the wheel KL, and this moves the pinion LM and wheel N, the latter moving the worm O and the fly P. Alfo the wheel LM carries the axis FD with the wheel DG, which carries the cord or chain that goes about the wheel or pulley at the head of the fpit. But when the handle H gives motion to the axis in a contrary order to that given by the weight, the catch is depreffed; fo that although the barrel BC moves and winds the cord upon it, the wheel DG continues at reft. The time which the jack will continue in motion de- Kneading-mill. 237 7 pends upon the number of pulleys at R and V: and as theſe increaſe or decreaſe, ſo muft the weight which communicates the motion, in order to perform the fame work in the ſame time. SMOKE-JACK is an engine uſed for the fame purpoſe as the common jack; and is fo called from its being moved by means of the ſmoke, or rarefied air, aſcending the chimney, and ftriking againſt the fails of the horizontal wheel AB (plate XII. fig. 1.), which being inclined to the horizon, is moved about the axis of the wheel, together with the pinion C, which carries the wheels D and E; and E carries the chain F, which turns the fpit. The wheel AB fhould be placed in the narrow part of the chimney, where the motion of the ſmoke is ſwifteft, and where alſo the greateſt part of it muſt ſtrike upon the fails.- The force of this machine depends upon the draught of the chimney, and the ſtrength of the fire. Smoke-jacks are fometimes moved by means of ſpiral flyers coiling about a vertical axle; and at other times by a vertical wheel with fails like the float-boards of a mill: but the aboye is the more customary conftruction. JOINT, UNIVERSAL. See the introductory part of this vo- lume. KNEADING-MILL, is a contrivance by which large quan- tities of flour may be mixed and incorporated into dough. In many places bakers follow the diſguſting practice of knead- ing the dough with their bare feet: and in others the buſineſs is effected by a wooden implement, being a lever; which, faftened at one end by a moveable hinge, is worked up and down ſo as to preſs and knead the dough. But the machine we are about to defcribe is far preferable, as it will knead the dough very completely, with a great faving of time and labour. It is ufed at the public baking-houſes of Genoa, and was firſt deſcribed in the Atti della Societa Patriotica di Milano, vol. II. A, in fig. 4. pl. XVIII. is a frame of wood which ſupports the axis of the machine: a wall 14 palms high from the ground may be made ufe of inſtead of this frame. B a wall, three palms and a half thick, through which the aforefaid axis paffes. C another wall fimilar to the former, and facing it, at the diſtance of 21 palms. D, the axis, thirty palms in length, and one palm and one-third in thickneſs. E the great wheel, fixed to the faid axis, between the frame and the wall; its diameter is 28 palms; and its breadth, which is capable of holding two men occafionally, is five palms. F, are ſteps, by treading on which the men turn the wheel very fmartly; they are two palms diftant from each other, and one third of a palm in height. G, a ſmall wheel with cogs, fixed almoft at the further 238 MACHINES. 3 I Σ extremity of the axis: its diameter is 12 palms. H a beam of wood which extends from one wall to the other; being 21 palms in length, and one and a third in thickneſs. A fimilar beam, not ſeen in the figure, is on the oppofite fide of the axis. I, a tranſverſe piece of wood, placed near the wall C; it is fixed into the two beams, and ferves to fupport the further extremity of the axis: its length is 14 palms, and its thickneſs one and a third: there is likewife a tranfverfe piece (which cannot be ſeen. in the figure) 14 palms long, and half a palm thick, płaced cloſe to the wall B. K is a ſtrong curved piece of oak, fixed tranf verfely in the fidebeams H, to receive the axis of the trundle: its length is 14 palms, and its thickneſs 14. L is a trun- dle of 5 palms in diameter, and 1 in height, which is moved. by the cogged-wheel G. M is an axis proceeding from the trundle L, and continued through the croſs N to the bottom of the tub P; its centre is made of iron, partly fquare and partly round, and it turns in a focket of brafs. The first part of this axis between the trundle L and the crofs N is of fquare iron, furrounded by 2 pieces of wood, held together by iron hoops, which may be removed at pleaſure to examine the iron within : its length is 3 palms, its diameter about 1 palm. The fecond part of the axis which is within the tube, is made like the firft part: its height is 14 palm, its diameter 1. The wooden fheath of this part of the axis is fixed to the bottom of the tub, by means of three fcrews with their nuts. This axis is diftant one-third of a palm from the neareft triangular beater of the crofs. N the croſs, formed of two bars of wood unequally divided, ſo that the four arms of the crofs are of different lengths: one of the two pieces of wood of which the croſs is made, is 6 palms in length, the other 5 their thickneſs is of a palm, and their breadth 1 palm. Ö, four pieces of wood, called beaters, of a triangular fhape, fixed vertically into the extremities of, and underneath, the arms of the fore-mentioned crofs: they are 12 palm in length, and half a palm in thickneſs; and beat or knead the dough in the tub at unequal diſtances from the centre. P is a ftout wooden tub, about a quarter of a palm thick, well hooped with iron: its diameter is 6 palms, its height 14 in the clear. 7 Fig. 5. is a box or trough of wood, 4 palms long, and 3 wide, in which the leaven is formed (in about an hour) in a ſtove, and in which it is afterwards carried to the tub P. Fig. 6. exhibits a view of the trundle, crofs, &c. with a fection of the tub. Fig.7. is a bird's-eye view of the croſs and tub, with the upper ends of the triangular beaters. This tub, P, will contain 18 rubbi (about 19 bushels) of flour, Lathe. Lens-grinder. 239 2 which is carried to it in barrels: the leaven is then carried to it in the box or trough, fig. 5. and when the whole is tempered with a proper quantity of warm water, the men work in the wheel till the dough is properly and completely kneaded. ; In general a quarter of an hour is fufficient to make very good dough; but an experienced baker who fuperintends, determines that the operation fhall be continued a few minutes more or lefs, according to circumſtances. The meafures in the preceding defcription are given in Ge- noeſe palms, each of which is very nearly equal to 9.85 of our inches. The machinery may be varied in its conftruction ac- cording to circumftances, and the energy of the first mover much better applied than by men walking in a common wheel. LATHE, a very uſeful engine for the turning of wood, ivory, metals, and other materials. The invention of the lathe is very ancient: Diodorus Siculus fays, the first who ufed it was a grandſon of Dædalus, named Talus. Pliny afcribes it to Theo- dōre of Samos; and mentions one Thericles, who rendered him- felf very famous by his dexterity în managing the lathe. With this inftrument the ancients turned all kinds of vafes, many whereof they enriched with figures and ornaments in baffo re- lievo. Thus Virgil: " Lenta quibus torno facili fuperaddita vitis." The Greek and Latin authors make frequent mention of the lathe; and Cicero calls the workmen who uſed it vafcularii. It was a proverb among the ancients, to fay a thing was formed in the lathe, to exprefs its delicacy and juſtneſs. The common lathe is compofed of two wooden cheeks or fides, parallel to the horizon, having a groove or opening be- tween: perpendicular to theſe are two other pieces called pup- pets, made to ſlide between the cheeks, and to be fixed down at any point at pleaſure. Thefe have two points, between which the piece to be turned is ſuſtained: the piece is turned round backwards and forwards by means of a ſtring put round it, and faſtened above to the end of a pliable pole, and underneath to a tredle or board moved with the foot. There is alfo a reft which bears up the tool, and keeps it fteady. But the moſt ingenious. lathes now conſtructed are different from the above: we ſhall defcribe them under the article TURNING. LENS GRINDING MACHINES, have been invented of many different kinds; but, fince it has been admitted that, on the whole, ſpherical lenfes are the moſt practically uſeful, the con- ftruction of lens-grinders has become comparatively fimple. One of the beſt we have ſeen was invented by Mr. Sam. Jenkins, and deſcribed in No. 459. vol. xli. of the Phil. Tranfac. It is contrived to turn a ſphere at one and the fame time on two axes, cutting each other at right angles, and will produce the fegment 240 MACHINES: 4 of a true ſphere merely by turning round the wheels, without any care or ſkill of the workmen. A (fig. 1. pl. XX.) is a globe covered with cement, in which are fixed the pieces of glafs to be ground: this globe is faftened to the axis, and turns with the wheel B. C is the brafs cup which poliſhes the glaſs: this is faſtened to the axis, and turns with the wheel D. The motion of the cup C, therefore, is at right angles to the motion of the globe A; whence it follows, demonftrably, that the pieces of glafs ground by this double motion, muſt be formed into the fegments of ſpheres. THE LEVER, treated as one of the mechanical powers, fell under our notice in book I. ch. iii. vol. I. where the theory of the various kinds of levers, whether ſtraight or bent, was laid down. Our prefent object is to defcribe a combination of the lever with the axis in peritrochio, by means of which the re- ciprocating motion of the lever is made uſeful in giving a con- tinued rectilinear motion to a heavy body, without changing the fituation of the fulcrum of the lever. This contrivance is de- ſcribed by Belidor (Archit. Hydraul. tom. I.) under the name of le levier de la Garouffe, and is generally called in England the univerſal lever. FGH (fig. 2. pl. XX.) is a ſtraight lever, whoſe centre of motion is G: on its extremity F, hang two bars FD, FE, the former of which has a hook to catch into the teeth of the wheel ACD, and the latter has its end flightly bent, ſo as to flide over the outer parts of thoſe teeth. The axle A has a cord wound about it, to the lower end of which is attached the weight W. Now fuppofe the end H of the lever raiſed from H by I, while the other end defcends from F to B; the bar FE will then pufh the point E of the wheel from E to C, while the hook D flides over an equal ſpace on the other fide of the wheel. After this, on the end H. of the lever being brought down again by I to H, the end F afcends through BF, and the hook Draifes up the left hand fide of the wheel through a ſpace equal to EC. Thus the reciprocating motion of the lever is made to communicate a continued rotatory motion to the wheel, and confequently to raiſe the weight W fufpended from its axle by the cord. Here the advantage gained, neglecting friction and the ſtiffneſs of the cord, will be in the ratio compounded of the ratio of HG to GF, and the ratio of the radius of the wheel to that of the axle. Thus if HG were 10 times GF, and the radius of the wheel 10 times that of the axle, the power would then be to the weight raiſed nearly as 1 to 100. This machine has been advantageously applied in drawing heavy loads along a plane nearly horizontal: in that cafe, the cord has been carried from A in nearly an horizontal direction, paffed round a pulley p, attached to the load w or its carriage, Loading-machine. 241 and its end fixed to a poft as at a, or perhaps to the frame of the wheel and axle. The pulley, it is obvious. almoſt doubles the advantage of the power; and fince the force to be over- come when once the fyftem is put in motion is not equiva- lent to the whole load w, but merely to the friction, and the rigidity of the rope, a very great weight may be moved in this manner by a comparatively ſmall power. If the lever have an- other arm to the left of G (as it appears in the figure) equal to GH, a man may then work at each end, either by preffing upon it or by pulling downwards with a cord; and thus the labourers will alternately relieve each other. Sometimes a heart-wheel has been combined with this univerſal lever: but it is not, we think, a combination to be recommended in practice. If the centre of motion G were vertically above the centre of the wheel, and if another bar and hook fimilar and equal in length to FD hung from the point f,f G being equal to GF; thefe two hooks would then catch alternately into the teeth on the rifing fide of the wheel, and thus produce the continual ro- tatory motion: but this conftruction has a practical diſadvan- tage; for when both bars work on the fame fide of the wheel, they will be in great danger of catching together and impeding each other's motions. Univerfal levers have long been introduced into faw-mills, for the purpoſe of drawing along the logs to be fawn. See SAW- MILL, alfo PIPE-BORER. LINT-MILL. See FLAX-MILL. * LOADING AND UNLOADING MACHINE, an invention of Mr. G. Davis, of Windſor, for the purpoſe of removing ponderous fubftances to or from waggons, &c. with fafety and convenience. This portable machine is repreſented in fig. 6. pl. XV. where A is the winch turning the bar B, on which are two endleſs ſcrews, or worms, CC, that work in the toothed wheels DD. Theſe wheels are fixed to the barrels EE, round which the ropes FF coil, wind up, or let out the fame occafionally: the ropes pafs over the pulleys GG; are brought round; and their ends, being furniſhed with hooks for that purpoſe, are hitched into ſtaples fixed to the front of the cart, or other carriage. Within theſe ropes, the load H is placed on a common ftep-ladder I, that forms an inclined plane, up which, by turning the winch, the ropes are wound upon the barrels; and thus the load is raifed into the carriage. KK, the frame, intended to fhew the part of the cart, or other carriage, on which the machine is to be occafionally placed. The whole of the barrels and cogged wheels are contained in an iron box L; the fides of which are repreſented in the plate, as VOL. II. R 1 249 MACHINES. t taken off, in order that the arrangement of the different parts may be better conceived. The pulleys on the ſtage (GG) may, in moſt caſes, be affixed to the machine itself; which is adapted to every direction, and will fuit carriages of every conftruction. The model correfponding to the preſent engraving is made on the ſcale of about four inches to a foot; and the inventor ftates, that it will raiſe upwards of five cwt.-He is therefore confident, that his machine, when conftructed of its intended fize, will be capable of loading a ton weight by one man only; and that, even upon this enlarged plan, it does not exceed 112lb. in weight. The Society of Arts in 1797 awarded 40 guineas to Mr. Davis, for this uſeful invention. LOCK, a well-known inſtrument uſed for faſtening doors, chefts, &c. generally opened by a key. The lock is reckoned the maſter-piece in fmithery; a great deal of art and delicacy being required in contriving and varying the wards, ſprings, bolts, &c. and adjuſting them to the places where they are to be ufed, and to the feveral occafions of uſing them. From the various ſtructure of locks, accommodated to their different in- tentions, they acquire various names. Thofe placed on outer doors are called stock locks; thofe on chamber-doors, ſpring-locks; thoſe on trunks, trunk-locks, padlocks, &c. Of theſe the ſpring- lock is the most confiderable, both for its frequency and the curioſity of its ſtructure. Its principal parts are, the main-plate, the cover-plate, and the pin-hole: to the main-plate belong the key-hole, top-hook, croſs-wards, bolt-toe or bolt-knab, drawback- fpring tumbler, pin of the tumbler, and the ſtaples; to the cover- plate belong the pin, main-ward, croſs-ward, ſtep-ward or dape ward; to the pin-hole belong the hook-ward, main croſs-ward, ſhank, the pot or bread, bow-ward, and bit. The principle on which all locks depend is the application of a lever to an interior bolt, by means of a communication from without; fo that, by means of the latter, the lever acts upon the bolt, and moves it in ſuch a manner as to fecure the lid or door from being opened by any pull or push from without. The fecurity of locks in general therefore depends on the number of impediments we can interpoſe betwixt the lever (the key) and the bolt which fecures the door; and theſe impediments are well known by the name of wards, the number and intricacy of which alone are ſuppoſed to diſtinguiſh a good lock from a bad If thefe wards, however, do not in an effectual manner preclude the accefs of all other inftruments befides the proper key, it is ftill poffible for a mechanic of equal ſkill with the lock- maker to open it without the key, and thus to elude the labour one. of the other. Mangle. 243 The excellence of locks confifts in the fecurity they afford; and as numberlefs ſchemes are continually brought forward by defigning men, to elude every contrivance of the moſt inge- nious mechanics, the invention of a durable lock, ſo conſtructed as to render it impoffible for any perfon to open it without its proper key, has ever been an object of confiderable import- ance. In the year 1784 the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. conferred their filver medal on Mr. Taylor, of Petworth, for his improvement on the latch or fpring-bolts of common locks. This is effected by fimply reverfing the tumbler, ſo that its curved fide acts againſt two ſtubs fixed on the tail of the latch, and thruſts back the latter with eafe; whether the knob be turned to the right or to the left, when the lock is opened. Mr. Taylor has alfo, behind the tail of the latch, fixed a guide con- taining a groove, in which runs a ſmall friction-wheel, that ferves to keep the latch in its direct fituation, and at the ſame time to diminith its friction: the arms of his tumbler are fomewhat contracted, in order that the latch or fpring-bolt may move with greater facility. By this conftruction, the parts of the tumbler and latch, which are in contact, move in a line, fo that they pafs over the greateſt ſpace, under the ſmalleſt angle; and the lock it felf may be conftantly uſed for feveral years, without requiring the application of oil. Various patents have been obtained for the conftruction of locks, fo as to prevent the poffibility of picking them: the prin- cipal of theſe is Mr. Bramah's, regiſtered in 1784; and Mr. Spears's, in 1795: but as the account of thofe inventions would be unintelligible without the aid of ſeveral engravings, the curious reader will confult the 5th and 8th vols. of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, where they are minutely fpe- cified. MANGLE, a valuable domeftic machine, employed for the purpoſe of ſmoothing fuch linen as cannot be conveniently ironed. Various patents have been granted for improvements in this machinery; but, as they are not expired, and too complicated to be underflood without very tedious details, we have annexed the figures in pl. XII. reprefenting an improved mangle contrived by Mr. Jee, of Rotherham; to whom the Society for the En- couragement of Arts, &c. in 1798, voted their filver medal, for the ingenuity diſplayed on that occafion. The following is a defcription of Mr. Jee's improved mangle: A (fig. 5.) points out the great wheel, which, in machines of a full fize, is 15 inches in diameter. B, the arbor, on which R 2 244 MACHINES. the nut, C, is fixed. D, the handle of the winch. E, the crank, 21 inches in length. F, the rod of the crank. GG, reprefents the hollow ftuds, by which the ends of the bed are lifted up. HH, the levers. IIII. the four pulleys fixed on the moveable bed K. LL, the ends of the rollers. Fig. 6. repreſents a front view of one of the hollow ftuds. G, to fhew its form, when ſtanding at the end of the bed; and into which the levers enter alternately, as often as it becomes neceffary to elevate the bed, in order to put in, or take out, the rollers. Mr. Jee's mangle is ſo conſtructed, that the handle requires to be turned one way only, in confequence of which the ma- chine moves with greater facility, and with incomparably leſs injury to the linen, than by varying the turnings, and in a man- ner cutting the different folds. Befides, it poffeffes the great advantage, that a woman and one boy are fufficient to work it, and can perform as much labour in the fame period of time as three or four perſons with mangles of the common con- ſtruction. The machine at MARLY, being ſo much celebrated, on ac- count of its magnificence and the multiplicity of its parts, we fhall here give ſome account of it, with a few remarks upon its conſtruction. • This machine, which was erected by one Rannequin, of the country of Liege, and began to work in 1682, is fituated be- tween Marly and the village de la Chaussée: in that place the river is barred up, partly by the machine and partly by a dam which keeps up the water; but that the navigation may not be interrupted, two leagues above Marly a canal has been cut. for the paffage of boats and barges: there has alſo been erected (about 30 fathoms from the machine) a contrivance called an ice-breaker, to prevent floating pieces of ice or timber which come down the ſtream from damaging the machine; and the better to fecure the penftocks and the channels in which the wheels move, there is a grate of timber to stop whatever may come through the ice-breaker. The water is raiſed to its deftined height by means of 14 wheels which ſerve to work the pumps, by three different ftages: first, from the river to a refervoir, at the elevation. of 160 English feet above the level of the Seine; then to a fecond refervoir, 346 feet higher; and from the latter to the ſummit of a tower rather more than 533 feet above the river. The breadth of the machine comprehends 14 gets, or water- courſes, ſhut by fluices or penſtocks, which are raiſed and de- preffed by racks; and in each of theſe gets is placed a wheel : ; Engine at Marly. 245 theſe wheels are difpofed on three lines; in the firft, on the fide which points up the ſtream there are ſeven, fix in the ſecond, and only one in the third. The ends of the axle of each wheel go beyond their bear- ing pieces, and are bent into a crank, which makes a lever of two feet; and it is to be obſerved, that the crank which is to- wards the mountain fucks and lifts up the water of the river, to drive it into the firſt ciſtern, and the other crank gives motion to the balances. Six of the wheels on the first line give motion by one of their cranks to an engine of eight pumps, without reckoning the feeder: theſe engines are compounded of a regulator, at each end of which hangs a fquare piece of wood, that carries and directs four piſtons; the regulator is put in motion by two beams or leaders, one of which lying along anfwers to the crank of the wheel and a vertical regulator, and the other hanging down is united to the fame regulator and to the balance. Of the fix wheels we have mentioned, there are five which by their other crank give motion to the pumps that work in the ciſtern of the firft lift, by means of horizontal levers and chains that communicate the motion. The fixth wheel, which is the firſt towards the dam, moves a long chain that works the pumps of one of the wells of the upper ciftern, which is called the ciſtern of the great chevalets. Each of the cranks of the ſeventh wheel of the first line moves a chain which goes to the first ciftern. The fix wheels of the fecond line move, by each of their cranks, a chain that goes to the upper ciftern, which (reckoning the chain that comes from the fixth wheel of the firſt line) makes 13 chains. Theſe chains go over one of the ciſterns of the firſt lift; and five of them at the fame time give motion to the piſtons of thirty pumps, whilft the other chains go on ftraight to the upper ciſtern. Laftly, the wheel which is on the third line, by each of its cranks, works an engine of eight fucking and lifting pumps, and of itſelf fupplies one conduit pipe. The feven chains of the wheels of the firft line in going along work alfo eight fucking pumps placed a little below the ciftern of the first lift, becauſe in that place there are the waters of a confiderable ſpring brought thither by an aqueduct; and theſe fame chains take up that water the fecond time to force it by 49 pumps into the upper refervoir, through two conduit pipes of eight inches, and three others of fix inches diameter. The thirty pumps of the cistern of the firſt lift drive their water alfo through two pipes of eight inches diameter, which carry it inta the upper ciftern. 246 MACHINES. The water raifed at the two cifterns in the way up the hill diſcharges itſelf into a great refervoir, and thence, by two conduit pipes of a foot diameter each, it runs into refervoirs of commu- nication to be diſtributed into the feveral wells or little cifterns of the upper ciftern, whence it is raiſed by 82 pumps, through 6 conduit pipes of 8 inches diameter, up into the tower which anfwers to the aqueduct. The eight great chains that go ftraight to the upper ciſtern, without moving any engines by the way, work 16 pumps behind the upper ciftern, to bring back into the refervoir of the faid ciftern the water which is loft out of the fix pipes that go to the tower. The eight engines which fuck and lift the water from the river contain 64 pumps: the two cifterns in the way up the hill together contain 79 pumps, and the upper cifterns 82, to which adding the fucking pumps called feeders, and the 8 others which are below the midway ciftern, and befides the 16 pumps which we mentioned as placed behind the upper ciftern, the machine has in all 253 pumps. The bafin of the tower which receives the water raiſed from the river, and fupplies the aqueduct, is 610 fathoms diftant from the river. The water having run along an aqueduct of 36 arches is feparated into different conduits which lead it to Marly, and formerly conveyed it alſo to Veṛfailles and Trianon. Such is the mechaniſm of the machine of Marly. Its mean produce is from 30000 to 40000 gallons of water per hour. We fay mean produce, becauſe, under certain favourable circum- ftances, it raifes more than 60000 gallons per hour. But during inundations, or when the Seine is frozen, when the water is very low, or when any repairs are making, the machine ftops in great meaſure, if not entirely. The annual expence of the machine, including the ſalaries of thofe who fuperintend it, and the "wages of the workmen em- ployed, together with repairs, neceffary articles, &c. may amount to about 3300/. fterling, or gl. per day: which makes about I farthing for 90 gallons. Or, taking into the account the in- tereft of 33300cl. the original expence of erection, 90 gallons will coft three halfpence, which is at the rate of a farthing for 15 gallons*. * This is very far from the price which the king of Denmark thought he might ſet on this water; for that prince, when he vifited Marly in 1769, being aftoniſhed at the immenfe magnitude of the machine, the multiplicity of its movements, and the number of workmen it employed, conjectured that the water probably coſt as much as wine. 1 Hydraulic Engine at Marly. 247 Whoever has an opportunity of examining this machine, or perufes attentively the minute account of it given by Belidor in his fecond volume, will be convinced that Rannequin was an in- genious practical machanic, but no mathematician or philofo- pher. In feveral poſitions the moving forces act unneceflarily obliquely, which occafions a great lofs of power, and renders the machine lefs effectual. About 2 of the whole moving power of fome of the water-wheels are employed in giving a re- ciprocating motion to a fet of rods and chains, which extend from the wheels to the ciftern nearly three-fourths of a mile diſtant, where they work a fet of pumps. By fuch injudicious conſtruction, this engine is no lefs a monument of ignorance than of magnificence. It is probable Rannequin thought his moving force would not be fufficient to raiſe the water to the height of 533 feet, at once; but this is not agreeble to theory: for a proper calculation would fhew that the force of one crank is more than fufficient to raiſe a cylinder of water of that altitude, and above 8 inches in diameter. To effect this with fafety, however, the conftruc- tion of the machine must be varied in feveral refpects. But even according to the preſent conftruction, the water might be raiſed in one jet to the ſecond refervoir. This is manifeft from two experiments, one made in 1738, and the other in 1775. In the firft M. Camus endeavoured to make the water rife in one jet to the tower: his attempt was not attended with fuccefs; but he made the water rife to the foot of the tower, which is con- fiderably higher than the fecond refervoir. During this experi- ment the machine was prodigiouſly ſtrained, and it was found neceffary to fecure fome parts of it with chains. The object of the fecond trial, made in 1775, was to raiſe the water only to the fecond well. It indeed afcended thither at different times, and in abundance: but the pipes were exceedingly ftrained at the bottom, fo that feveral of them burſt; and it was neceffary to fufpend and recommence the experiment feveral times. This however arofe from the age of the tubes and their want of ftrength, a fault which might easily have been remedied. Hence, it refults from this trial, that the chains which proceed from the river to the firſt well might be fuppreffed, together with the firſt well itſelf and this perhaps is all that is to be expected without a complete change in the machinery. MILL, properly denotes a machine for grinding, or pulverifing fubftances, as corn, &c. ; but, in a more general fignification, is now applied to many machines whofe action arifes in great mea- fure from a circular motion. Of theſe there are various kinds deſcribed in different parts of this volume, as Bark-mill, Barker's : 248 MACHINES. mill, Flax-mill, Flour-mill, Foot-mill, Hand-mill, Kneading-mill, Oil-mill, Paper-mill, Saw-mill, Tide-mill, Water-mill, &c As a well-conftructed, yet cheap, family-mill cannot but be highly uſeful in many parts of the country, we fhall here pre- fent a deſcription of the Family-mill and Bolter of Mr. T. Ruftall, of Purbrook-heath, near Portſmouth, who received a premium of 40 guineas from the Society of Arts for his in- vention*. • In pl. XX. fig. 4. A, is the handle of the mill; B, one of the mill-ftones, which is about 30 inches in diameter. and 5 inches in thickneſs, moving with its axis C: D, is the other mill-ſtone, which, when in ufe, is ftationary; but which may be placed near to, or at a diſtance from, the moveable ftone B, by means of three fcrews paffing through the wooden block E, that ſupports one end of the axis C; after it has been put through a hole or perforation in the bed ftone. The grain likewife paffes through this perforation from the hopper F, into the mill. F, reprefents the hopper, which is agitated by two iron pins on the axis C, that alternately raiſe the veffel con- taining the grain, which again finks by its own weight. In confequence of this motion the corn is conveyed through a ſpout that paffes from fuch hopper into the centre of the mill behind, and through the bedſtone D. G, a paddle, regulating the quantity of corn to be delivered to the mill; and, by raiſing or lowering which, a larger or ſmaller proportion of grain may be furniſhed: H, the receptacle for the flour, into which it falls from the mill-ftones, when ground: I, repreſents one of the two wooden fupporters on which the bedſtone, D, refts. Theſe are ſcrewed to the block E, and likewife mortifed into the lower frame-work of the mill at K, which is connected by means of the pins or wedges L, L, L, that admit the whole mill to be eaſily taken to pieces: M, a fly-wheel, placed at the furtheſt extremity of the axis C, and on which another handle may be occafionally fixed; N, a fmall rail, ferving to keep the hopper in its place; the furtheft part of fuch hopper refting on a ſmall pin, which admits of fufficient motion for that veffel, to fhake forward the corn: O, a fpur-rail, for ftrengthening the frame- work of the mill; P, the front upright, that is mortifed into the frame-work, and ſerves as a reft for the end of the iron axis C, which is next to the handle. On each extremity of fuch axis there is a fhoulder, which keeps it fteady in its place. Laftly, there is a cloth-hood fixed to a broad wooden hoop, which is * Mr. Ruſtall engages to furniſh the whole apparatus, and deliver it free of carriage, in London, for the moderate price of twenty guineas. 1 · Family-mill. 249 } placed over the ftones while working, to prevent the finer parti- cles of flour from eſcaping. Fig. 5. repreſents the bolter, with its front removed, in order to diſplay its interior ſtructure; the machine being 3 feet 10 inches in length, 19 inches in breadth, and 18 inches in depth, A, is a moveable partition, fliding about four feet backwards or forwards, from the centre of the box, upon two wooden ribs, which are fixed to the back and front of the box, and one of which is delineated at the letter B, C, the lid of the bolter, re- preſented open; D, a ſlider, which is moveable in a groove made in the lid, by means of two handles on the back of fuch lid; E, a forked iron, fixed in the flider D, and which, when the lid is fhut, takes hold of the edge of the fieve F, and moves it back- wards and forwards on the wooden ribs B, according to the agi- tation of the flider; G, reprefents a fixed partition in the lower centre of the box, which it divides into two parts, in order to ſeparate the fine from the coarſe flour; from this partition the ſlider A moves each way about four inches, and thus affords room for working the fieve: H, a board that is parallel to the bottom of the bolter, and forms part of the flider A; this board ferves to prevent any of the fifted matter from falling into the other partition: I, repreſents two of the back feet, which ſupport the bolter. Fig. 6. of the plate above mentioned is a view of the top, or upper part, of the lid of the bolter; K, the flider that moves the length wife of the bolter; L, L the handles by which the flider is worked; M, a fcrew, ferving to hold the fork, which imparts motion to the fieve. Fig. 7. repreſents the forked iron, E, feparately from the lid. ► Both the mill and bolter may be conſtructed at a moderate expence, and they occupy only a ſmall ſpace of ground. The former may even be worked in a public kitchen, or within a room in a farm-houſe, without occafioning any great incum- brance. The particular excellence of the mill confifts in this circum- ftance, that, from the vertical pofition of its ftones, it may be put in action without the intervention of cogs or wheels. It may be employed in the grinding of malt, the bruising of oats for horſes, and for making flour, or for all theſe purpoſes: it may likewiſe be eaſily altered, fo as to grind either of thoſe articles to a greater or lefs degree of fineness. Another advantage peculiar to Mr. Ruftall's contrivance is, that one man is fufficient to work it; though, if two perfons, namely, a man and a boy, be employed, they will be able to I 230 MACHINES. 1 produce, in the courfe of two hours, a quantity of flour faf- ficient to ferve a family, confifting of fix or eight perfons, for a whole week:-repeated fatisfactory trials have proved, that this milk grinds the corn completely, and at the rate of one bufhel of wheat within the hour. Befides, the induftri- ous farmer will thus be enabled to make comparative experi- ments on the quality of his grain, and may furnish himself, at a trifling expence, with flour from his own wheat, with- out apprehending any adulteration; or without being expofed to the impofitions, or caprice, of fraudulent and avaricious millers. Lastly, though Mr. R.'s bolter be more particularly calculated for hfting flour, it may alfo be applied to various other ufeful purpofes, and efpecially with a view to obviate the inconveniences neceffarily attendant on the levigation of noxious fubftances, and to prevent the waste of their finer particles. The fubject of mill-work has engaged the attention of many authors in different countries: the following is a catalogue of the chief writings, both theoretical and defcriptive. Kinftliche abrifs, allerhand waffer wind- rofs- und hand- muhlen, &c. von Jacob. de Strada à Rofberg. 1617: Georg Chriftoph Luerner Machina toreutica nova; oder, bef- chreibung der neu erfundenen Drehmühlen. 1661. Theatrum machinarum novum; das iſt, neu vermehrter Schauplatz der mechanifchen Künfte, handelt von allerhand waffer- wind- rofs- gewicht- und hand- muhlen. Von Geo. And. Bocklern. 1661. Contenta difcurfus mechanici, concernentis defcriptionem optimæ formæ velorum horizontalium pro ufu molarum, nec non fundamentum inclinatorum velorum in navibus, habita coram Societate Regia, a R. H. tranflata ex collectionibus philo- fophicis M. Dec. num. 3. pà. 61. 1681. Differtatio hiftorica de molis, quam præfide Job. Phil. Treuer defend. Fo. Tob. Mühlberger Ratifbonens. Jenae. 1695. Martin Marten's Wilkundige befchouwinge der wind-of wadermoolens, vergeleken met die van den heer Jobann Lulofs. Amfterdam. 1700. { Vollſtändige mühlen-baukunft, von Leonhard Chriftoph. Sturm. 1718. Jacob Leupold's Theatrum machinarum. 1724, 1725. Remarques fur les aubes ou pallettes des moulins, et autres machines mues par le courant des rivières. Par M. Pitat mem. Acad. Roy. Paris. Joh. van. Zyl theatrum gemeen moolen-bock, &c. 1729. machinarum univerfale of groot al- Amfterdam. · 1734. Writings relative to Mill-work. 251 fo. Caral. Totens Differ. de machinis molaribus optime con- ftruendis. Lugd. Batav. 1734. Kurze, aber deutliche anweiſung zur conftruction der wind- und waffer-muhlen, von Gottfr. Kinderling. 1735. Defaguliers's experimental philofophy. ~ 1735, 1744. Architecture hydraulique, par M Belidor. 1737, 1753. Part of a letter from Mr. W. Anderſon, F. R. S. to Mr. Baker, F. R. S. containing a defcription of a water-wheel for mills invented by Mr. Philip Williams. Phil Tranſ. vol. 44, 1746. Leonh. Euleri, De conftructione aptiffima molarum alatarum difp. Nov. Com. Acad. Petrop. tom. 4. 1752. Mémoire dans lequel on démontre que l'eau d'une chûte deftinée à faire mouvoir quelque machine, moulin ou autre, peut toujours produire beaucoup plus d'effét en agiffant, par fon poids qu'en agiffant par fon choc, et que les roues à pots qui tournent lentement produifent plus d'effet que celles qui tournent vite, relativement aux chûtes et aux dépenfes, Par M. de Parcieux, Acad. Roy. Paris. 1754. Jo. Alberti Euleri Enodatio queftionis: quo modo vis aquæ aliufve fluidi cum maximo lucro ad molas circumagendas, aliave opera perficienda impendi poffit, præmio à focietate Regia. Sci. Gotting. 1754- Recherches plus exactes fur l'effet des moulins à vent, par M. Euler. Hift. Acad. Roy. Berlin. 1756. An experimental enquiry concerning the natural powers of wind and water to turn mills and other machines depending on a circular motion. By Mr. 7. Smeaton, F. R. S. Phil. Tranf. 1759. [Abstracts of this and Mr. Smeaton's other papers on water and wind mills have been given in book iv. of our firſt volume, and the Introduction to this. They were collected and pub- lifhed by Taylor, Holborn, in 1794.] Mémoire dans lequel on prouve que les aubes des roues mûes par les courans des grandes rivières feroient beaucoup plus d'effet fi elles étoient inclinées aux rayons, qu'elles ne font étant appliquées contre les rayons mêmes, comme elles le font aux moulins pendans et aux moulins fur bateaux qui font fur les rivières de Seine, de Marne, de Loire, &c. Par M. de Parcieux, mem. Acad. Roy. Paris. 1759- Joh. Albert Euler's Abhandlung von der bewegung ebener flächen, wenn fie vom winde getrieben werden. 1765. Schauplatz des mechaniſchen mühlenbaues, darinnen von verfchiedenen hand- trett- rofs- gewicht- waffer- und wind- mühlen gehandelt wird, durch Johann Georg Scopp I. C. iter Theil. 1766. 252 MACHINES. Theatrum machinarum molarium, oder ſchauplatz der mü- ħlenbaukunſt. als der neunte theil von des fel hru Jac. Leupolds theatro machinarum, von Joh. Mathias Beyern. 1767, 1788, 1802. A memoir concerning the most advantageous construction of water-wheels, &c. by Mr. Mallet of Geneva. Phil. Trans. 1767. Mémoire fur les roues hydrauliques, par M. le Chevalier de Borda, mem. Acad. Roy. Paris. 1767. Kurzer unterricht, allerley arten von wind- und waffer- mühlen auf die vortheilhafteſte weiſe zu erbauen, nebst einigen gedanken über die verbefferung des räderwerks an den mühlen, von Joh. König. 1767. G. G. Bifchoff's Beyträge zur mathefis der muhlen. 1767. Sur la pofition des ailes des moulins à vent. D'Alembert. Opufc. mathema. tom. 5. 1768. Determination générale de l'effet des roues mûes par le choc de l'eau, par M. l'abbé Boſſut, mem. Acad. Roy. Paris. 1769. Andreas Kaovenhöfer, Deutliche abhandlung von den rädern der waffermühlen, und von dem einrandigen werke der ſchnei- demühlen. 1770. Manuel du meûnier et du charpentier des moulins, redige par Edm. Bequillet. 1775- Rémarques fur les moulins à vent, par M. Lambert. Rémarques fur les moulins et autres machines, où l'eau tombe en deffus de la roue, par M, Lambert, Experiences et rémarques fur les moulins que l'eau meut par en bas dans une direction horizontale, par M. Lambert. Rémarques fur les moulins et autres machines dont les roues prennant l'eau à une certaine hauteur, par M. Lambert. [The laft four articles are inferted in Mem. Acad. Roy, Berlin. 1775-1 Of the degrees and quantities of winds requifite to move the heavier kinds of wind-machines, by John Stedmann, M. D. Phil. Trans. 1777. Ausführliche erklärung der vorſchläge für die längere dauer der muhlenwerke, nebít ähnlichen gegenstanden, in ein geſpräch verfaffet, von Johann Chriftian Fullmann, Mühlenmeiſter. 1780. Obfervations théoriques et experimentales fur l'effet des moulins à vent, et fur la figure de leurs ailes, par M. Coulumb, mem. Acad. Roy. Paris. 1781. Tratado de los granos y modo de molerlos con economia, dẹ la confervacion de aftos y de las harinas; efcr. en Fr. par M. Beguillet, y extract, y trad. al Caft. con algun notas y un ſupplem, por Ph. Marefcaulchi. Madrid. 1786. Suite de l'architecture hydraulique, par M. Fabrre, 1786. Concave Muller. 253 Mémoires fur les moyens de perfectionner les moulins, et la mouture économique, par C. Bucquet. 1786. Manuel ou vocabulaire des moulins à pot. A Amſt. 1786. Die nothigſten kenntniffe zur anlegung, beurtheilung und berechnung der waffermühlen, und zwar der mahl- oehl- und säge- mühlen, sür anfänger und liebhaber der mühlenbaukunft, von Joh. Chrift. Huth. 1787. An effay proving iron far fuperior to ftone of any kind for breaking and grinding of corn, &c. by W. Walton. 1788. Mühlenpraktik, oder unterricht in dem mahlen der brod- früchte, für polizeybeamte, gaverkſleute und hauſwirthe, von L. Ph. Hahn. 1790. The young millwright and miller's guide, by Oliver Evans. Philadelphia. 1790. Manuel du meûnier et du conftructeur des moulins à eau et à grains, par C. Bucquet. 1791. Praktiſche anweifung zum mühlenbau, von Lr. Claufen. 1792. Beſchreibung zweir maſchinen zur reinigung des korns, von Lr. Claufen. 1792. Inftructions fur l'ufage des moulins à bras, inventés et per- fectionnés par les Citoyens Durand père et fils, mécaniciens. 1793- Theoretiſch-praktiſche abhandlung über die befferung der muhlräder von dem verfaffer der zweckmäffigen luftreiniger, &c. 1795. A treatise on mills, in four parts, by John Banks. 1795. Handbuch der maſchinenlehre, fur praktiker und akademiſche lehrer, von Karl Chriftian Langsdorf. 1797, 1799. On the power of machines: including Barker's-mill, Weft- garth's engine, Cooper's-mill, horizontal water-wheel, &c. by John Banks. 103. The experienced millwright, by Andrew Gray, millwright. 1804. The tranfactions of the Society of Arts and Manufactures; feveral of the volumes of which contain improvements in mill- work. See alſo the Repertory of Arts, in ſeveral places. MULLERS for grinding colours, according to the common conſtruction, are too well known and too fimple to need a par- ticular deſcription here. But Mr. James Rawlinfon, of Derby, has invented a concave muller, for which the Society of Arts preſented him a filver medal and ten guineas, on account of its ingenuity. He has uſed his machine for feveral years, and has found it much more effectual and expeditious in reducing the colour to extreme fineness than the uſual method, and much 254 MACHINES. 鸞 ​lefs injurious to the health of the workman, who frequently has done as much with it in three hours as he could in twelve with the muller and ſlab. The machine conſiſts of a flat cylinder of black marble, fix- teen inches and a half diameter, and four and a half thickneſs, with an axle traverfing its centre (thus fomewhat refembling a common cutler's grindstone). It is fufpended on a fimilar frame, in a vertical poſition, and turned round in the ſame manner by a winch: a concave piece of marble is provided, of the fame breadth as the circular ftone, forming a fegment of the fame cir- cle one third of the circumference in extent: this, which may be confidered as the muller, is fitted into a piece of folid wood of fimilar ſhape, one end of which is fecured 'lcofely by a hinge or otherwife to the frame; the other end, rifing over the circular ftone and ſupported by it, is further preffed down on it by a long fpring bent over from the oppofite extremity of the ſtand, and regulated as to its preffure by a fcrew, whofe end turns againſt the concave muller: a flight frame of iron in front, moveable on a hinge, by which it is fecured to the frame, fupports a fera- per, for taking off the colour, formed of a piece of watch-fpring, which is turned back out of the way when not in uſe. Mr. R. thinks the circular grindstones might be made much larger than that he uſed, to advantage, and that one of two feet diameter would not occafion too much labour to one man to turn it: he computes that in his machine there are ſeventy ſquare inches of furface of the concave muller in conftant work on the paint, while in the common muller not more than ſixteen fquare inches are uſually in contact with the flab. The machine will be found equally ferviceable for the colours ground in water as for thoſe prepared with oil, according to Mr. R., who highly recommends its ufe to all colourmen. Mr. R. adviſes, in making up the colours in bladders, to in- fert a bit of quill or reed in the neck of the bladder, which will thus bind better in tying; and, admitting of a fecure ftopper, will be more cleanly and leſs wafteful than the uſual method of ftopping with a nail, and keep the colour more fafe from the air. Retrofpect, &c. No. 1. NORIA. See HYDRAULIC-machines, No. 3. OIL-MILL, a mill for expreffing the oils from fruits, or grains, &c. As theſe kingdoms do not produce the olive, it would be needlefs to defcribe the mills which are employed in the fouthern parts of Europe. We fhall content ourſelves, there- fore, with a defcription of a Dutch oil-mill, employed for grind- ing and preffing lint-feed, rape-feed, and other oleaginous grains. Further, to accommodate our defcription ftill more to our local Oil-mill. 255 circumſtances, we fhall employ water as the firft mover; thus avoiding the enormous expence and complication of a windmill. In plate XXI. fig. A, 1. Is the elevation of a wheel, over or under-fhot, as the fitua tion may require. 2. The bell-metal focket, fupported by mafonry, for receiving the outer gudgeon of the water-wheel, *3. The water-courſe. Fig. B. 1. A ſpur-wheel upon the fame axis, having 52 teeth. 2. The trundle that is driven by No. 1. and has 78 ftaves, 3. The wallower, or axis for raiſing the peſtles. It is furniſh- ed round its circumference with wipers for lifting the peftles, fo that each may fall twice during one turn of the water-wheel, that is, three wipers for each peſtle. 4. A frame of timber, carrying a concave half-cylinder of bell-metal, in which the wallower (cafed in that part with iron plates) reſts and turns round. 5. Mafonry fupporting the inner gudgeon of the water-wheel and the above-mentioned frame. 6. Gudgeon of the wallower, which bears againſt a bell- metal ſtep fixed in the wall. This double fupport of the wallower is found to be neceffary in all mills which drive a number of heavy ſtampers. Fig. C, is the elevation of the peſtle and prefs-frame, theiṛ furniture, the mortars, and the prefs-peftles. 1. The fix peſtles. 2. Crofs pieces between the two rails of the frame, forming, with thefe rails, guides for the perpendicular motion of the peſtles. 3. The two rails. The back one is not feen. They are check- ed and bolted into the ſtandards No. 12. 4. The tails of the lifts, correfponding to the wipers upon the wallower. See the article WIPER. 5. Another rail in front, for carrying the detents which hold up the peſtles when not acting. It is marked 14 in fig. M. 6. A beam a little way behind the peftles. To this are fixed the pulleys for the ropes which lift and ſtop the peſtles. It is reprefented by 16 in fig. M. 7. The faid pulleys with their ropes. 8. The driver, which ſtrikes the wedge that preffes the oil. 9. The diſcharger, a ftamper which ſtrikes upon the inverted wedge, and loofens the prefs. 10. The lower rail with its crofs pieces, forming the lower guides of the peftles. 11. A ſmall cog-wheel upon the wallower, for turning the 256 MACHINES. fpatula, which ſtirs about the oil-feed in the chauffer-pant. fe has 28 teeth, and is marked No. 6. in fig. M. 12. The four ſtandards, mortifed below into the block, above into the joiſts and beams of the building. and 13. The fix mortars hollowed out of the block itſelf, and in fhape pretty much like a kitchen pot. 14. The feet of the peftles, rounded into cylinders, and fhod with a great lump of iron. 15. A board behind the peſtles, ſtanding on its edge, but in- clining a little backwards. There is fuch another in front, but not repreſented here. Thefe form a fort of trough, which pre- vents the feed from being fcattered about by the fall of the peftles, and loft. 16. The firſt preſs-box (alſo hollowed out of the block), in which the grain is fqueezed, after it has come for the first time from below the mill-ftones. M 17. The fecond prefs-box, at the other end of the block, for fqueezing the grain after it has paffed a fecond time under the peftles. 18. Frame of timber for fupporting the other end of the wallower, in the fame manner as at No. 4. fig. B. 19. Small cog-wheel on the end of the wallower, for giving motion to the mill-ftones. It has 28 teeth. 20. Gudgeon of the wallower, bearing on a bell-metal ſocket fixed in the wall. 21. Veffels for receiving the oil from the prefs-boxes. Fig. D. Elevation and mechaniſm of the mill-ftones. 1. Upright ſhaft, carrying the great cog-wheel above, and the runner mill-ftones below in their frame. 2. Cog-wheel of 76 cogs, driven by No. 19. of fig. C. 3. The frame of the runners. 4. The innermoft runner, or the one neareſt the ſhaft. 5. Outermoft ditto, being further from the ſhaft. 6. The inner rake, which collects the grain under the outer runner runner. 7. The outer-rake, which collects the grain under the inner In this manner the grain is always turned over and over, and cruſhed in every direction. The inner rake lays the grain in a flope, of which fig. O is a ſection; the runner flattens it, and the fecond rake lifts it again, as is marked in fig. P; fo that every fide of a grain is prefented to the mill-ftone, and the reft of the legger or nether mill-ftone is fo fwept by them, that not a fingle grain is left on any part of it. The outer rake is alſo furniſhed with a rag of cloth, which rubs againſt the border or hoop that furrounds the nether mill-ſtone, fo as to drag out the few grains which might otherwife remain in the corner. • Oil-mil. 257 8. The ends of the iron axle which paffes through the up- right ſhaft, and through the two runners. Thus they have two motions: Imo, A rotation round their own axis; 2do, That by which they are carried round upon the nether mill-ftone on which they roll. The holes in theſe mill-ftones are made a little wide; and the holes in the ears of the frame, which carry the ends of the iron axis, are made oval up and down. This great freedom of motion is neceffary for the runner mill-ſtones, becauſe frequently more or lefs of the grain is below them at a time, and they muft therefore be at liberty to get over it without ftraining, and perhaps breaking, the fhaft. 9. The ears of the frame which lead the two extremities of the iron axis. They are mortifed into the under fide of the bars of the fquare frame, that is carried round with the ſhaft. 10. The border or hoop which furrounds the nether milk- ftone. 11. and 12. The nether mill-ſtone, and maſonry which fup- ports it. Fig. K. Plan of the runner mill-ftones, and the frame which carries them round. I, I. Are the two mill-ftones. 3, 3, 3, 3. The outfide pieces of the frame. 4, 4, 4,4. The croſs-bars of the frame which embrace the upright fhaft 5, and give motion to the whole. 6, 6. The iron axis upon which the runners turn. 7. The outer rake. 8. The inner ditto. Fig. L. Repreſents the nether mill-ftone feen from above. 1. The wooden gutter, which furrounds the nether mill-ftone 2. The border or hoop, about fix inches high, all round, tó prevent any feed from being ſcattered. 3. An opening or trap-door in the gutter, which can be opened or fhut at pleaſure. When open, it allows the bruifed grain collected in and fhoved along the gutter by the rakes to paſs through into troughs placed below to receive it. 4. Portion of the circle defcribed by the outer runner. 5. Portion of the circle defcribed by the inner one. By thefe we fee that the two ftones have different routes round the axis, and bruiſe more ſeed., 6. The outer rake. 7. The inner ditto. 8. The ſweep, making part of the inner rake, occafionally let down for fweeping off all the feed when it has been fufficiently bruifed. The preffure and action of theſe rakes is adjusted by means of wooden fprings, which cannot be eaſily and diſtinctly reprefented by any figure. The oblique pofition of the rakes VOL. II. $ 1 " + 258 MACHINES. 7 (the outer point going foremoſt) cauſes them to fhove the grain inwards or toward the centre, and at the ſame time to turn it over, fomewhat in the fame manner as the mould-board of a plough fhoves the earth to the right hand, and partly turns it over. Some mills have but one fweeper; and, indeed, there is great variety in the form and conftruction of this part of the inachinery. Fig. M. Profile of the peftle frame. 1. Section of the horizontal ſhaft. 2. Three wipers for lifting the peſtles. See WIPer. 3. Little wheel of 28 teeth, for giving motion to the ſpatula. 4. Another wheel, which is driven by it, having 20 teeth. 5. Horizontal axle of ditto. 6. Another wheel on the fame axle, having 13 teeth. 7. A wheel upon the upper end of the ſpindle, having 12 teeth. 8. Two guides, in which the fpindle turns freely, and ſo that it can be ſhifted higher and lower. 9. A lever, moveable round the piece No. 14. and having a hole in it at 9, through which the fpindle paffes, turning freely. The fpindle has in this place a ſhoulder, which refts on the border of the hole 9; fo that by the motion of this lever the fpindle may be difengaged from the wheel-work at pleaſure. This motion is given to it by means of the lever 10, 10, move- able round its middle. The workman employed at the chauffer pulls at the rope 10, 11, and thus difengages the ſpindle and Spatula. 11. A peſtle feen fidewife. 12. The lift of ditto. 13. The upper rails, marked No. 3. in fig. C. 14. The rail, marked No. 5. in fig. C. To this are fixed the detents, which ſerve to ſtop and hold up the peſtles. 15. A detent, which is moved by the rope at its outer end. 16. A bracket behind the peftles, having a pulley, through which paffes the rope going to the detent 15. 17. The faid pulley. 18. The rope at the workman's hand, paffing through the pulley 17, and fixed to the end of the detent 15. This detent naturally hangs perpendicular by its own weight. When the workman wants to ftop à peftle, he pulls at the rope 18, during the rife of the peftle. When this is at its greateſt height, the detent is horizontal, and prevents the peſtle from falling by means of a pin projecting from the fide of the peſtle, which refts upon the detent, the detent itſelf being held in that pofition by hitching the loop of the rope upon a pin at the work- man's hand. Oil-mill. * 19. The two lower rails, marked No. 10. fig. C. 20. Great wooden, and ſometimes ſtone, block, in which the mortars are formed, marked No. 21. in fig. €. 21. Veffel placed below the prefs-boxes for receiving the oil. 22. Chauffer, or little furnace, for warming the bruiſed grain. 23. Backet in the front of the chauffer, tapering downwards, and opening below in a narrow flit. The hair bags, in which the grain is to be preffed after it has been warmed in the chauffer, are filled by placing them in this backet. The grain is lifted out of the chauffer with a ladle, and put into theſe bags; and a good quantity of oil runs from it through the flit at the bottom into a veffel fet to receive it. 24. The ſpatula attached to the lower end of the ſpindle, and turning round among the grain in the chauffer-pan; thus preventing it from ſticking to the bottom or fides, and getting too much heat. The first part of the proceſs at an oil-mill is bruifing the feed under the runner ftones*. That this may be more expeditiously done, one of the runners is fet about 3ds of its own thickneſs nearer the ſhaft than the other. Thus they have different treads; and the grain, which is a little heaped towards the centre, is thus bruiſed by both. The inner rake gathers it up under the outer ſtone into a ridge, of which the ſection is repreſented in plate XXI. fig. O. The ftone paffes over it and flattens it. It is gathered up again into a ridge, of the form of fig. P, under the inner ftone, by the outer rake, which confifts of two parts. The outer part preffes clofe on the wooden border which fur- rounds the nether ſtone, and ſhoves the feed obliquely inwards, while the inner part of this rake gathers up what had ſpread toward the centre. The other rake has a joint near the middle of its length, by which the outer half of it can be raiſed from the nether ftone, while the inner half continues preffing on it, and thus fcrapes off the moift pafte. When the feed is fuffici- ently bruiſed, the miller lets down the outer end of the rake, This immediately gathers the whole paſte, and ſhoves it obliquely outwards to the wooden rim, where it is at laſt brought to a part that is left unboarded, and it falls through into troughs placed to receive it. Thefe troughs have holes in the bottom, through which the oil drips all the time of the operation. This part of the oil is directed into a particular ciftern, being confidered as the * We are told, that in a mill at Reichenhoffen, in Alface, a confider- able improvement has been made by paffing the feed between two fmall iron rollers, before it is put under the mill-ftones. A great deal of work is faid to be ſaved by this preliminary operation, and finer oil produced: which we think very probable. The amping and preffing go on as in other mills. $ 2 200 MACHINES. pureft of the whole; having been obtained, without preffure, by the mere breaking of the hull of the feed. In ſome mills this operation is expedited, and a much greater quantity of this beft oil is obtained, by having the bed of mafonry which fupports the legger formed into a little furnace, and gently heated. But the utmoft care is neceffary to prevent the heat from becoming confiderable. This, enabling the oil to diffolve more of the fermentable fubftance of the feed, expofes the oil to the riſk of growing foon yery rancid; and, in general, it is thought a hazardous practice, and the oil does not bring fo 'high a price. When the paſte comes from under the ftones it is put into the hair bags, and ſubjected to the first preffing. The oil thus obtained is alſo eſteemed as of the firft quality, fcarcely inferior to the former, and is kept apart: (the great oil ciftern being divided into ſeveral portions by partitions). The oil cakes of this preffing are taken out of the bags, broken to pieces, and put into the mortars for the firſt ſtamping. Here the pafte is again broken down, and the parenchyma of the feed reduced to a fine meal. Thus free egrefs is allowed to the oil from every vehicle in which it is contained. But it is now rendered much more clammy, by the forcible mixture of the mucilage, and even of the finer parts of the meal. When fufficiently pounded, the workman ftops the peſtle of a mortar, when at the top of its lift, and carries the contents of the mortar to the first chauffer pan, where it is heated to about the temperature of melting bees-wax (this, we are told, is the teft), and all the while ftirred about by the fpatula. From thence it is again put into hair bags, in the manner already defcribed; and the oil which drips from it during this operation is con- fidered as the beft of the fecond quality, and in fome mills is kept apart. The paſte is now ſubjected to the fecond preffing, and the oil is that of the fecond quality. All this 'operation of pounding and heating is performed by one workman, who has conftant employment by taking the four mortars in fucceffion. The putting into the bags and conduct- ing of the preffing gives equal employment to another work- man.' # In the mills of Picardy, Alface, and moſt of Flanders, the operation ends here; and the produce from the chauffer is in- creafed, by putting a ſpoonful or two of water into the pan among the paste. But the Dutch take more pains. They add no water to the paste of this their firft ftamping. They fay that this greatly lowers the quality of the oil. The cakes which refult from this preffing, and are there fold as food for cattle, are ſtill fat and Oil-mill. 261 foftiſh. The Dutch break them down, and fubject them to the peſtles for the ſecond ſtamping. Thefe reduce them to an impalpable paſte, ftiff like clay. It is lifted out, and put into the ſecond chauffer pan; a few fpoonfuls of water are added, and the whole kept for fome time as hot as boiling water, and carefully ſtirred all the while. From thence it is lifted into the hair bags of the laſt prefs, fubjected to the preſs; and a quantity of oil, of the loweſt quality, is obtained, fufficient for giving a fatisfactory profit to the miller. The cake is now perfectly dry, and hard, like a piece of board, and is fold to the farmers. Nay, there are ſmall mills in Holland which have no other employment than extracting oil from the cakes which they purchaſe from the French and Brabanters; a clear indication of the fuperiority of the Dutch practice. The nicety with which that induſtrious people conduct all their buſineſs is remarkable in this manufacture. In their oil cistern, the parenchymous part, which unavoid- ably gets through, in ſome degree, in every operation, gradually fublides; and the liquor, in any divifion of the ciftern, comes to confift of ftrata of different degrees of purity. The pumps which lift it out of each divifion are in pairs; one takes it up from the very bottom, and the other only from half depth. The laft only is barrelled up for the market, and the other goes into a deep and narrow ciftern, where the dreg again fubfides, and more pure oil of that quality is obtained. By fuch careful and judicious practices, the Dutch not only fupply themſelves with this important article, but annually fend confiderable quantities even into thoſe provinces of France and Flanders where they bought the feed from which it was extracted. When we re- flect on the high price of labour in Holland, on the want of timber for machinery, on the expence of building in that country, and on the enormous expence of wind-mill machinery, both in the firft erection and the fubfequent wear and tear, it muſt be evident, that oil-mills erected in England on water falls, and after the Dutch manner, cannot fail of being a great national advantage. The chatellanie or feigneurie of Lille alone makes annually between 30,000 and 40,000 barrels, each containing about 26 gallons. What is here delivered is only a ſketch. Every perfon ac quainted with machinery will underſtand the general move- ments and operations. But the intelligent mechanie well knows, that operations of this kind have many minute circumftances which cannot be deſcribed, and which, nevertheleſs, may have a great influence on the whole. The rakes in the bruifing-mill have an office to perform which reſembles that of the hand, di- 262 MACHINES. rected by a careful eye and unceafing attention. Words cannot communicate a clear notion of this; and a mill, conſtructed from the beſt drawings, by the moſt ſkilful workman, may ga- ther the feed fo ill, that the half of it ſhall not be bruiſed after many rounds of the machinery. This produces a fcanty re- turn of the fineſt oil; and the mill gets a bad character. The proprietor loſes his money, is difcouraged, and gives up the work. There is no fecurity but by procuring a Dutch mill- wright, and paying him with the liberality of Britons. Such unhoped-for tafks have been performed of late years by ma chinery; and mechanical knowledge and invention are now fo generally diffuſed, that it is highly probable that we ſhould ſoon excel our teachers in this branch. But this very diffuſion of knowledge, by encouraging fpeculation among the artists, makes it a ftill greater riſk to erect a Dutch oil-mill with- out having a Dutchman, acquainted with its moſt improved prefent form, to conduct the work.—Supp. Encyclo. Britan. ¿ Boring of ORDNANCE. Till within a few years, iron ordnance were caft with a cylindrical cavity, nearly of the di- menſions of the caliber of the piece, which was afterwards en- larged to the proper caliber by means of feel cutters fixed into the dog-head of a boring bar-iron. Three equidiftant ſide-cutters were requifite to preſerve the caliber ftraight and cylindrical and a fingle cutter was uſed at the end of the bar to fmooth the breech of the piece. In boring ordnance caft hollow, the piece was fixed upon a carriage that could be moved backwards and forwards in a direct line with the centre of a water-wheel; in this centre was fixed the boring-bar, of a fufficient length to reach up to the breech of the piece, or more properly to the further end of the caliber. The carriage with the piece being drawn backwards from the centre of the water-wheel to intro- duce the boring and finiſhing bars and cutters, it is then preffed forwards upon this bar by means of levers, weights, &c. and the water-wheel being fet a going, the bar and fullers are turned round, and clean out and ſmooth the caliber to its proper di- menfions. Experience at laft pointed out many inconveniences arifing from the method of cafting guns hollow, and widening the cali- bers by thefe boring bars. For the body of iron of the hollow gun, being, at cafting, in contact with the core that made the caliber within-fide, and with the mould without-fide, began to confolidate towards theſe fides in the firft place fooner than in the intermediate ſpace, where of courſe the contraction of the iron takes place; by which means, all guns caft hollow became more or lefs fpongy where they ought to have been moſt com- Borers for Ordnance. 263 A pact; and numberleſs cavities alſo were created round the cores, from ftagnated air generated in them, which were too deep to be cut out by the boring. To remedy thefe defects, iron ordnance as well as braſs is now univerfally caft folid, by which means the column of metal is greatly enlarged, and the grain more compreffed; and the con- traction becomes in the heart of the column, and conſequently is cut out by the perforation for the caliber. Guns are bored out of the folid reverſely from the hollow method. The piece A (pl. XXI.) is placed upon two ſtandards BB, by means of two journeys, turned round by a water-wheel; the breech D being introduced into the central line of the wheel, with the muzzle towards the fliding carriage E, which is preffed forwards by a ratch F, and weights in the fame way as the gun- carriage was in hollow-boring. Upon this fliding carriage is fixed, truly horizontal and central to the gun, the drill-bar G, to the end of which is fixed a carp's tongue drill or cutter H. which, being preffed forward upon the piece whilft it is turning round, perforates the bore, which is afterwards finiſhed with bars and cutters as the hollow guns were. The machinery for boring of ordnance is fometimes put in mo- tion by a fteam-engine: and in this way, from 18 to 24 great guns have been boring at the fame time; the borer in each piece being brought up to its proper place in the gun, by a lever and weights. In this method of bringing up the borer the preffure may always be made equable, and the motion of the borer regular; but the difadvantage is, that without due attention the borer may work up too far towards the breach, and the piece be ſpoiled. In the Royal Arſenal at Woolwich, only one piece is bored at a time in the fame mill: the gun to be bored lies with its axis parallel to the horizon, and in that poſition is turned round its axis by means of wheel-work, moved by one or more horſes. The borer is laid, as above deſcribed, in the direction of the axiş of the gun, and is incapable of motion in any direction ex- cept that of its length; and in this direction it is conſtantly moved by means of a fmall rack-wheel, kept in proper mo- tion by two men, who thus make the point of the borer fo to bear againſt the part of the gun that is boring, as to pierce and cut it. The outfide of the gun is ſmoothed at the fame time by men with inftruments fit for the purpoſe, whilft it turns round, ſo that the bare may be exactly in the centre of the metal. In this way the boring is performed with great nicety, the guns fcarcely ever failing in the examination. But in thefe mills the horſes work to great diſadvantage, the diametersof the walks ' 264 MACHINES. in which they move being far too fmall. See the introductory part of this volume, art. 76. PARALLEL MOTION, is a term ufed among practical me- chanics to denote the rectilinear motion of a piston rod, &c. in the direction of its length: and contrivances by which fuch al- ternate rectilinear motions are converted into rotatory ones, and vice verfa, in pumps, fteam-engines, faw-mills, &c. are ufually called contrivances for parallel motions. In motions of this kind it is generally thought a defirable thing to give the piston rod, the faw, or the like, a uniform velocity through the whole of its progrefs; then to bring it at once to reft, again to give it inftantaneously a finite velocity in the oppofite direction, and ſo on. But this feems impoffible in nature; all changes of motion which we obferve are gradual, becauſe all im- pelling bodies have fome elafticity or foftnefs by which they yield to compreffion; and, in the way in which piſtons are commonly moved, viz. by cranks, or fomething analogous to them, the motion is very fenfibly gradual. Hence, it may be ob- ferved that most attempts to correct thefe inequalities in motion are miſplaced; and if they could be accomplished would greatly injure the pump or other machine. One of the best methods of producing this effect is to make the piſton-rod confift of two parallel bars, having teeth in the fides which front each other. Let a toothed wheel be placed between them, having only the half of its circumference furniſhed with teeth. It is evident, without any further defcription, that if this wheel be turned uniformly round its axis, the piſton-rod will be moved uniformly up and down without intermiflion. This has often been put in practice, and the piſton-rod made to work between grooved rollers; but the machine always went by jolts, and feldom lafted a few days. Unfkilled mechanifts.attributed this to de- fect in the execution: but the fault is effential, and lies in the principle. The machine could not perform one ftroke if the first mover did not flacken a little, or the different parts of the machine did not yield by bending, or by compreffion; and no ftrength of materials could withstand the violence of the trains at every reciprocation of the motion. This is chiefly experi- enced in great works which are put in motion by a water-wheel, or fome other equal power exerted on the mafs of matter of which the machine confifts. The water-wheel being of great weight moves with confiderable fteadineſs or uniformity; and when an additional refiftance is oppoſed to it by the beginning of a new ſtroke of the pifton, its great quantity of motion is but little affected by this addition, and it proceeds very little retarded; and the machine muſt-either yield a little by bending and com Parallel Motions. 265 preffion, or go to pieces, which is the common event. Cranks are free from this inconvenience, becauſe they accelerate the piſton gradually, and bring it gradually to reft, while the water- wheel moves round with almoft perfect uniformity. The only inconvenience (and it may be confiderable) attending this flow motion of a piſton at the beginning of its ftroke is, that the valves de not ſhut with rapidity, fo that fome water gets back through them. But when they are properly formed and loaded, this is but trifling. It would feem, then, that thofe contrivances in which the pifton-red communicates the rotatory motion by means of a crank, or fomething fimilar in its effect, are moſt fit to be adopted in practice; and that the attempts of mechaniſts in this point of view may in all probability be properly reſtrained to the methods of keeping the pifton-rod, &c. from deviating to any fide, during its alternate motion. Two or three of the beft methods of performing this, with which we are acquainted, are the following. 1. Let a fixed circular ring whofe diameter is equal to the Stroke of the pifton have teeth all round the interior part of its circumference; and let a fmaller wheel whofe diameter is only half that of the ring have equal teeth on the exterior part of its rim, to play into the teeth of the ring: let the axis of the wheel to which the rotatory motion is to be communicated pafs through the centre of the larger ring; and let a moveable bar join the centre of this ring to that of the ſmaller wheel. Then, if the upper extremity of the pifton-rod be attached to a pin fixed on the rim of the inner wheel, at the place where the two wheels are in contact in their loweſt point, and the rod be put into motion, it will cauſe the ſmall wheel to revolve upon the inner part of the fixed ring, and by this means give the propoſed rotatory motion to the axis paffing through the centre of the ring. At the fame time the extremity of the pifton-rod will be confined to move in the vertical diameter of the ring: be- cauſe it is made to defcribe an epicycloid of that kind which is formed by a circle rolling along the infide of another circle of double diameter; in which cafe, it is well known, the epicycloid becomes a diameter of the larger circle, and the fmaller circle makes two complete revolutions while it is mov- ing from any one point of the larger circle to the fame point again. 罩 ​This contrivance was devifed, we believe, by Mr. White, an Anglo-American. It is almoft unneceffary to obferve that the converfe is equally applicable in the conve fion of a rotatory into a parallel mction. 2. Another method is reprefented in figure 10. pl. XXIII. 286 MACHINES. where the piston rod is kept from deviation. A is the cylinder, B the pifton, C the pifton-rod, D the crank, and E the connect- ing rod of the crank and piſton-rod. When the piſton is at e, the crank is at a; when the pifton is at B, the crank is either at g or b; and when the piſton is at g, the crank is atƒ: ſo that when the motion of the crank is uniform that of the piſton is variable. The rod H equal in length to the crank D moves about the centre F, and is joined to one end of the rod I, to the other end of which is connected the ſocket L that receives the top end of the pifton-rod. A certain point m is taken at pleaſure in the rod I, to carry a ſhort axle for the rods K, which are broken in the figure to fhew the focket L. To find the centre of motion of the rods K, move the end L of the rod I up and down in the vertical line Cfa, and mark three pofitions #, m, r, of the point m on that rod: defcribe a circle to pafs through thofe three points; its radius will be equal to the length of the rods K, and its centre will be the point where thofe rods muft be fixed to a bolt or axle in the framing. This contrivance cauſes the top of the pifton-rod to move from P by L to O, and back again by L top; and the dotted lines ſhew the poſition of the feveral rods at the extremities of the motion. In fig. 11. pl. XXIII. we have given a horizontal ſection, to fhew the connection of H, I, K, &c. pointing out in what way I grafps L, and E both. The inequality of the pifton's motion will be reduced by making the connecting rod E as long as cir- cumftances will permit. If the rod I were extended to the left of the point p, the fame kind of apparatus would become a lever with a moveable fulcrum, by means of which a weight might be raiſed in a verti- cal line from P to O; or a pump pifton-rod worked without de- viation. 3. A third method is exhibited in fig. 8. pl. XXIII. where there are three rods A, B, and C, befides the connecting rod D. The rods A and C are of equal lengths, and the connecting rod is attached to the middle point of the rod B. The guides A, and C, are fixed at their ends E, and F, by bolts to the framing. Thus the point B, to which is fixed the top of the pifton-rod, is made to move in the right line b B b'; and the dotted lines fhew the poſitions of the rods at the extremities of the ſtroke. Fig.7. thews in what way the pifton-rod P and connecting rod D might be joined to the guides B and C. This method and the preceding were deviſed by Mr. Wil- liam Dryden a mechanic whofe ingenuity needs not our en comium. 4. Another method is fhewn in fig. 12. pl. XXIII. A and B are two bolts in the framing at equal diſtances on oppoſite ſides Pendulums + of the vertical line in which the pifton is to move. AC, BD, two bars of equal length, each equal to about half the diſtance AB. CL, DL, two other equal bars, rather more than double the length of the former, moving freely on joints at C and D. At L is a focket, as in fig. 10. to receive the top of the piſton- rod, and to which the bars CL, DL, and the connecting rod E, are attached. By this contrivance it is obvious, that as the rods BC, BD, turn upon the centres A, B, in contrary directions, the pifton-rod will be made to move in the right line PM without deviation; NM being the length of the ſtroke. The relative lengths of the bars AC, CL, may be varied at plea fure: but thoſe we have mentioned will be found as well as any in practice. 5. A pifton-rod may alſo be kept from deviating to either, fide, while it gives motion to a crank, and vice verfa, thus: place a croſs-bar at a diſtance from the end of the cylinder rather greater than the ftroke of the pifton, and make the pifton-rod play in a hole made in this croſs-bar; let an axle be fixed to a proper point of the pifton-rod between the end of the cylinder and the croſs-bar, and from this axle let two equal connecting rods paſs to the crank, one on each fide the croſs-bar: by this fimple contrivance the alternating and circular motions may be communicated to the different parts of the machine with great facility. PARCIEUX'S AREOMETER. See Vol. I. art. 401, 400. PATERNOSTER-WORK. See HYDRAULIC Engines, No. 5- PENDULUM, in mechanics, any heavy body, fo fufpended as that it may fwing backwards and forwards, about fome fixed point, by the force of gravity. Thefe alternate afcents and defcents of the pendulum are called its ofcillations, or vibrations; each complete ofcillation being the defcent from the higheſt point on one fide down to the loweſt point of the arch, and fo on up to the higheſt point on the other fide. The point round which the pendulum moves, or vibrates, is called its centre of motion, or point of ſuſpenſion, and a right line drawn through the centre of motion, parallel to the horizon, and perpendicular to the plane in which the pen- dulum moves, is called the axis of ofcillation. There is alſo a certain point within every pendulum, into which, if all the mat- ter that compoſes the pendulum were collected, or condenſed as into a point, the times in which the vibrations would be per- formed would not be altered by fuch condenſation; and this point is called centre of ofcillation. The length of the pendu- Tum is always eſtimated by the diftince of this point below the centre of motion; being ufually near the bottom of the pendu- Jum; but in a cylinder, or any other uniform priſm or rod, it is 268 MACHINES. at the diſtance of one-third from the bottom, or two-thirds be- low the centre of motion. + The length of a pendulum, fo meaſured to its centre of ofcil- lation that it will perform each vibration in a ſecond of time, thence called the fecond's pendulum, has, in the latitude of Lon- don, been generally taken at 39 or 39 inches; but by fome very ingenious and accurate experiments, the late celebrated Mr. George Graham found the true length to be 39,12%, inches, or 39 inches very nearly.·´ The length of the pendulum vibrating ſeconds at Paris was found by Varin, Des Hays, De Glos, and Godin, to be 440ģlines; by Picard 440 lines; and by Mairan 44037 lines. In our first volume (book II. ch. ii.), where the theory of pendulums was laid down, we remarked that the length of the fecond pendulum was different in different parts of the earth. It would not be eafy to exhibit a completely accurate theorem for the length of the pendulum at all places on the earth's fur- face: but the beſt and moſt fimple with which we are ac- quainted was firſt given by Mr. Krafft in the New Peterſburgh Memoirs, vol. vii. It is this: if x be the length of a pendulum that fwings feconds in any given latitude l, and in a tem- perature of 10 degrees of Reaumur's thermometer, then will the length of that pendulum, for that latitude, be thus expreffed, viz. x=(439·178+2*321 × fin.) lines of a French foot. And this expreffion agrees very nearly, not only with all the ex- periments made on the pendulum in Ruffia, but alſo with thoſe of Mr. Graham, and thofe of Mr. Lyons in 79° 50' north latitude, where he found its length to be 241.38 lines. Since metals expand by heat and contract by cold, pendulums, which are conftituted chiefly of metal, muſt be ſubject to varia- tions in confequence of fuch expanfion and contraction; and various are the contrivances which have been deviſed to correct the errors in the eſtimates of time which have been thus pro- duced: a few of theſe will here be deſcribed. The vulgar method of remedying the inconvenience, arifing from the extenfion and contraction of the rods of common pen- dulums is by applying the bob, or fmall ball, with a fcrew, at the lower end; by which means the pendulum is at any time made longer or fhorter, as the ball is fcrewed downwards or upwards; and thus the time of its vibration is kept continually the fame. The gridiron PENDULUM was the invention of Mr. John Har- rifon, a very ingenious artist, and celebrated for his invention of the watch for finding the difference of longitude at fea, about Pendulums. 269 the year 1725; and of feveral other time-keepers and watches fince that time: for all which he received the parliamentary re- ward of between 20 and 30 thouſand pounds. It confifts of 5 rods of ſteel, and 4 of brafs, placed in an alternate order; the middle rod being of ſteel, by which the pendulum ball is fufpended: theſe rods of brafs and fteel, thus placed in an alternate order, and ſo connected with each other at their ends, that while the expanſion of the fteel rods has a tendency to lengthen the pendulum, the expanſion of the braſs rods, acting upwards, tends to fhorten it. And thus, when the lengths of the braſs and ſteel rods are duly proportioned, their expanſions and contractions will exactly balance and correct each other, and fo preferve the pendulum invariably of the ſame length. The fimplicity of this ingenious contrivance is much in its fa- vour; and the difficulty of adjuſtment ſeems the only objection to it. Mr. Harriſon, in his first machine for meaſuring time at fea, applied this combination of wires of brafs and fteel, to pre- vent any alterations by heat or cold; and in the machines or clocks he has made for this purpofe, a like method of guarding againſt the irregularities arifing from this cauſe is ufed. The principal objections to this mode of compenfation are, ft. The difficulty of exactly adjuſting the lengths of the rods. 2dly. Of proportioning their thickneſs, fo that they fhall all begin to expand or contract at the fame inftant. 3dly. The connecting bars of a pendulum thus conftructed are apt to move by tarts. 4thly. This kind of pendulum is more ex- pofed to the air's refiftance than a fimple pendulum. Another excellent contrivance for the fame purpoſe is de- fcribed by M. Thiout, a French author on clock-making. It was uſed in the north of England by an ingenious artiſt about 40 years ago. This invention is as follows: a bar of the fame metal with the rod of the pendulum, and of the fame dimen- fions, is placed againſt the back part of the clock-cafe: from the top of this a part projects, to which the upper part of the pendulum is connected by two fine pliable chains or filken ſtrings, which juſt below paſs between two plates of brafs, whofe lower edges will always terminate the length of the pen- dulum at the upper end. Thefe plates are fupported on a pe- deſtal fixed to the back of the cafe. The bar refts upon an immoveable baſe at the lower part of the cafe, and is inferted into a groove; by which means it is always retained in the fame pofition. From this conftruction, it is evident that the extenfion or contraction of this bar, and of the rod of the pendulum, will be equal, and in contrary directions. For, fup- 270 MACHINES. pofe the rod of the pendulum to be expanded any given quan tity by heat; then, as the lower end of the bar refts upon a fixed point, the bar will be expanded upwards, and raiſe the upper end of the pendulum juft as much as its length was in- ereafed; and hence its length below the plates will be the fame as before. In Voigt's Magazin fuer den neveſten Zuſtande de Na- turkunde, vol. iv. are deſcribed the gridiron pendulums of Mr. Benzenberg, which are compofed of lead and iron. Mr. B. was in- duced to employ lead on account of its great dilatability, which is to iron as 2:57 to 1, fo that 16'5 inches of lead compenfate 13 of iron; and he chofe iron in preference to ſteel, becauſe eafier to work. The compenfation was made by a fingle rod in the centre, 15 inches long, French meaſure, and half an inch thick. It was fimply pinned into gorges in the cross-piece of cop- per; but the other parts of the gridiron were rivetted in the nfual way. The iron rods were made of the beſt thick iron wire. The materials of this pendulum are cheap, and it may be made in a couple of days. As the preffure takes place in a vertical di- rection, there is no danger, according to Mr. B., of rods of theſe dimenfions bending. To correct the compenfation, the central rod of lead muſt be left fo long that we may be fure the compenfation is in exceſs. The quantity of error may then be found by the freezing appara- tus, and how much it is requifite to cut from the rod may be calculated with the greateſt exactneſs. The mercurial PENDULUM was the invention of the ingenious Mr. Graham, in confequence of feveral experiments relating to the materials of which pendulums might be formed, in 1715. Its rod is made of braſs, and branched towards its lower end, fo as to embrace a cylindric glafs veffel 13 or 14 inches long, and about 2 inches diameter; which being filled about 12 inches deep with mercury, forms the weight or ball of the pendulum. If upon trial the expanfion of the rod be found too great for that of the mercury, more mercury muſt be poured into the veffel: if the expanfion of the mercury ex- ceeds that of the rod, fo as to occafion the clock to go faſt with heat, fome mercury muſt be taken out of the veffel, ſo as to fhorten the column. And thus may the expanfion and con- traction of the quickfilver in the glafs be made exactly to ba- lance the expanſion and contraction of the pendulum rod, fo as to preſerve the diſtance of the centre of ofcillation from the point of ſuſpenſion invariably the fame. Mr. Graham made a clock of this fort, and compared it with one of the beft of the common fort, for three years together; when Pendulums. 271 he found the errors of his but about one-eighth part of thofe of the latter. Philof. Tranf. numb. 392. The only defect we have ever heard aſcribed to this pendulum, is that the expanſion of the mercury commences fooner than that of the rod: but, after all, there are many ftrong proofs of its practical excellence. The lever PENDULUM. From all that appears concerning this conſtruction of a pendulum, we are inclined to believe that the idea of making the difference of the expanſion of different. metals operate by means of a lever originated with Mr. Graham, who in the year 1737 conftructed a pendulum, having its rod compofed of one bar of fteel between two of brafs, which acted upon the fhort end of a lever, to the other end of which the ball or weight of the pendulum was fuf- pended. This pendulum however was, upon trial, found to move by jerks; and therefore laid afide by the inventor, to make way fo the mercurial pendulum, juſt mentioned. J Mr. Short informs us in the Philof. Tranſ. vol. 47, art. 88, that a Mr. Frotheringham, a quaker in Lincolnſhire, caufed a pendulum of this kind to be made: it confifted of two bars, one of brafs, and the other of fteel, faftened together by fcrews, with levers to raiſe or let down the bulb; above which theſe levers were placed. M. Caffini too, in the Hiftory of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, for 1741, deſcribes two forts of pendulums for clocks, compounded of bars of brafs and fteel; and in which he applies a lever to raiſe or let down the bulb of the pendulum, by the expanſion or contraction of the bar of brafs. Mr. John Ellicott alſo, in the year 1738, conftructed a pendu- lum on the fame principle, but differing from Mr. Graham's in many particulars. The rod of Mr. Ellicott's pendulum was com- poſed of two bars only; the one of brafs and the other of ſteel. It had two levers, each ſuſtaining its half of the ball or weight; with a ſpring under the lower part of the ball to relieve the le- vers from a confiderable part of its weight, and ſo to render their motion more ſmooth and eaſy. The one lever in Mr. Graham's conftruction was above the ball: whereas both the levers in Mr. Ellicott's were within the ball; and each lever had an adjuſting ſcrew, to lengthen or ſhorten the lever, fo as to render the adjuſt- ment the more perfect. See the Philof.Tranf. vol. 47, p. 479; where Mr. Ellicott's methods of conftruction are defcribed, and illuftrated by figures. Notwithſtanding the great ingenuity diſplayed by theſe emi- nent artiſts on this conftruction, it muſt further be obferved, in the hiſtory of improvements of this nature, that Mr. Cum- } 272 MACHINES. ming, another eminent artift, has given, in his Effays on the Principles of Clock and Watch-work, Lond. 1766, an ample defcription, with plates, of a conſtruction of a pendulum with levers, in which it ſeems he has united the properties of Mr. Graham's and Mr. Ellicott's, without being liable to any of the defects of either. The rod of this pendulum is compofed of one flat bar of brafs, and two of fteel: he ufes three levers within the ball of the pendulum; and, among many other in- genious contrivances, for the more accurate adjuſting of this pendulum to mean time, it is provided with a fmall ball and crew below the principal ball or weight, one entire revolution of which on its ſcrew will only alter the rate of the clock's going one fecond per day; and its circumference is divided into 30, one of which divifions will therefore alter its rate of going one fecond in a month. Mr. Edward Troughton has lately invented a tubular pendu- lum, which acts on the principle of the gridiron pendulum: in this conſtruction the apparent rod is a tube of brafs reaching from the bob nearly to the top; this contains another tube and five wires in its belly, fo difpofed as to produce altogether (like the nine-bar gridiron of Harriſon) three expanfions of ſteel downwards, and two of brafs upwards; whofe lengths being inverſely proportioned to their dilatation, when properly com- bined, deſtroy the whole effect that either metal would have fingly. The fmall viſible part of the rod near the top is a braſs tube, whofe ufe is to cover the upper end of the middle wire, which is fingle, and otherwife unfupported. Drawings of this pendulum may be ſeen in Nicholſon's Journal, No. 36. N. S.. After all, fo long as the vibration of pendulums is performed in a medium of varying denfity we muſt not look for an accu- rate time-piece for aſcertaining the longitude, &c.; unleſs a felf-corrrecting mercurial pendulum could be contrived, adapted to counteract the fmalleft variations effected by the ambient air. The errors of a time-piece are but half corrected by the fabrication of pendulums adapted to obviate the expanfion of metals by increaſe of temperature, if the works themſelves ſtill remain conftructed of fuch expanfible materials. A correct time-piece, therefore, will be that of which not only the works and pendulum are conftructed of the leaft expanfible materials, but the pendulum itſelf fhall vibrate in a medium of unalterable denfity; a defideratum only to be obtained by cauſing the vibra- tions to be performed in vacuo, or by a felf-correcting pendu- Jum, as above alluded to. Mr. 'G. J. Wright, of Kennington, who has fome obfervations on this fubject in Tilloch's Philo- fophical Magazine, No. 57. fays the beft fubftance to compofe the works of a correct time-keeper is ivory, or the horn of the Penstock 273 T narwhal or fea-unicorn (which is almost entirely compofed of enamel); eſpecially if any means were known of increafing their hardneſs ſo as to vie with the metals. The moſt general remedy againſt the chief inconveniences of pendulums, is to make them long, to vibrate in ſmall´ares, and to have the bobs as ponderous as is confiftent with the ſtructure of the machine. In thoſe caſes where it is wiſhed to increaſe the time of vibration without increafing the length of the pen- lum, recourſe muſt be had to the angular pendulum, the theory of which has been given in art. 311, vol. I. PENSTOCK is a fluice or floodgate, ferving to retain or let go at pleaſure the water of a mill-pond. The following is a defcription of a pentrough and ſtock for equalifing the water falling on water-wheels, by George Quayle, efq. To inſure a regular ſupply of water on the wheel, and to ob viate the inconveniences arifing from the uſual mode of deliver- ing it from the bottom of the pentrough, this method is deviſed of regulating the quantity delivered by a float, and taking the whole of the water from the ſurface. Section of the pentrough. (Plate XVI. fig. 4.) A, the en- trance of the water. B, the float, having a circular aperture in the centre; in which is fufpended C, a cylinder, running down in the cafe E below the bottom of the pentrough. This is made water tight at the bottom of the pentrough at F, by a leather collar placed between two plates, and ſcrewed down to the bottom. The cylinder is fecured to the float fo as to follow its rife and fall; and the water is admitted into it through the opening in its fides, and there, paffing through the box or cafe E, rifes and iffues at G on the wheel. By this means, a uniform quantity of water is obtained at G; which quantity can be increaſed or dimi- niſhed by the affiftance of a ſmall rack and pinion attached to the cylinder, which will raife or deprefs the cylinder above or under the water line of the float; and, by raifing it up to the top, it ſtops the water entirely, and anfwers the purpoſe of the common fhuttle. This pinion is turned by the handle H, fimilar to a winch-handle; and is fecured from running down by a ratchet- wheel at the oppofite end of the pinion axis. K and L are two upright rods to preferve the perpendicular rife and finking of the float, running through the float, and fe- cured at the top by brackets from the fides. M, a board let down acroſs the pentrough nearly] to_the bottom, to prevent the horizontal impulfe of the water from diſturbing the float.' Fig. 5. A tranfverfe fection, fhewing the mode of fixing the rack and pinion, and their fupports, on the float. The rack is VOL.II. T 1 274 MACHINES. inſerted into a piece of metal running acroſs the cylinder near the top. That the water may paſs more freely when nearly ex- hauſted, the bottom of the cylinder is not a plane, but is cut away fo as to leave two feet, as at C, fig. 4. The float is alſo kept from lying on the pentrough bottom by four ſmall feet; fo that the water gets under it regularly from the firft. Fig. 6. An enlarged view of the cylinder, fhewing the rack and ratchet-wheel, with the click, and one of the openings on the fide of the cylinder: the winch or handle being on the op- pofite fide, and the pinion, by which the rack is raiſed, incloſed in a box between them. Tranfactions of the Society of Arts, vol. XI. A. D. 1793. PERSIAN-WHEEL. See HYDRAULIC Engines. No. 4. PILE-ENGINE, a machine by which piles are driven into the earth for the foundations of piers and other ftructures. In pile-engines the contrivance confifts in drawing up a great weight, called a ram or hammer, to a moderate height, and then letting it fall freely with a confiderable momentum upon the head of the pile. In the moft fimple pile engines the ram is drawn up by men pulling at a cord running over a fixed pulley, and fuffering the cord to flip from their hands when the weight is fufficiently elevated. Among more complex engines, the beſt we have ſeen are thoſe invented by Mr. Vauloue and by Mr. S. Bunce. A is a Deſcription of Vauloue's pile-engine. (See pl. XXII.) great upright fhaft or axle, on which are the great wheel B and the drum C, turned by horfes joined to the bars S, S. The wheel B turns the trundle X, on the top of whoſe axis is the fly O, which ferves to regulate the motion, as well as to act againſt the horſes, and to keep them from falling when the heavy ram Q is diſcharged to drive the pile P down into the mud in the bottom of the river. The drum C is loofe upon the ſhaft A, but is locked to the wheel B by the bolt Y. On this drum the great rope HH is wound; one end of the rope being fixed to the drum, and the other to the follower G, to which it is conveyed the pulleys I and K. In the follower G is contained the tongs F, that take hold of the ram Q by the ſtaple R for drawing it up. D is a ſpiral or fuſee fixed to the drum, on which is wound the fmall rope T that goes over the pulley U, under the pulley V, and is faſtened to the top of the frame at 7. To the pulley-block V is hung the counter- poiſe W, which hinders the follower G from accelerating as it goes down to take hold of the ram; for, as the follower tends to acquire velocity in its defcent, the line T winds downwards upon the fufee on a larger and larger radius, by which means the counterpoife W acts ftronger and ftronger against it; and fq al- Pile Engine. 275 → lows it to come down with only a moderate and uniform ve- locity. The bolt Y locks the drum to the great wheel, being puſhed upward by the ſmall lever 2, which goes through a mor- tife in the fhaft A, turns upon a pin in the bar 3, fixed to the great wheel B, and has a weight 4, which always tends to push up the bolt Y through the wheel into the drum. L is the great lever turning on the axis m, and reſting upon the forcing bar 5,5, which goes through a hollow in the fhaft A, and bears up the little lever 2. By the horſes going round, the great rope H is wound about the drum C, and the ram Q is drawn up by the tongs F in the follower G, until the tongs come between the inclined planes E; which, by fhutting the tongs at the top, opens it at the foot, and diſcharges the ram, which falls down between the guides b b upon the pile P, and drives it by a few ſtrokes as far into the mud as it will go; after which, the top part is fawed off cloſe to the mud by an engine for that purpoſe. Immediately after the ram is diſcharged, the piece 6 upon the follower G takes hold of the ropes a a, which raiſe the end of the lever L, and cauſe its end N to defcend and prefs down the forcing bar 5 upon the little lever 2, which, by pulling down the bolt Y, unlocks the drum C from the great wheel B; and then the fol- lower being at liberty comes down by its own weight to the ram; and the lower ends of the tongs flip over the ſtaple R, and the weight of their heads cauſes them to fall outward and ſhut upon it. Then the weight 4 puſhes up the bolt Y into the drum, which locks it to the great wheel, and fo the ram is drawn up as before. As the follower comes down, it cauſes the drum to turn back- ward, and unwinds the rope from it, whilft the horſes, great wheel, trundle, and fly, go on with an uninterrupted motion; and as the drum is turning backward, the counterpoife W is drawn up, and its rope T wound upon the fpiral fuſee D. There are ſeveral holes in the under fide of the drum, and the bolt Y always takes the firſt of them that it finds, when the drum ftops by the falling of the follower upon the ram; until which ſtoppage the bolt, has not time to flip into any of the holes. The peculiar advantages of this engine are, that the weight called the ram, or hammer, may be raiſed with the leaft force; that, when it is raiſed to a proper height, it readily difengages itfelf and falls with the utmoſt freedom; that the forceps or tongs are lowered down fpeedily, and inftantly of themfelves again lay hold of the ram and lift it up. This engine was placed upon a barge on the water, and fo was T 2 י 276 MACHINES. eafily conveyed to any place defired. The ram was a ton weight; and the guides bb, by which it was let fall, were 30 feet high. Defcription of Bunce's Pile-engine. Fig. 1 and 2. plate XXII. repreſent a fide and front ſection of the machine. The chief parts are, A, fig. 1. which are two endleſs ropes or chains, connected by crofs pieces of iron, B (fig. 2.), correſponding with two crofs grooves cut diametrically oppofite in the wheel C (fig. 1.), into which they are received; and by which means the rope or chain A is carried round. FHK is a fide-view of a ſtrong wooden frame moveable on the áxis H. D is a wheel, over which the chain paffes and turns within at the top of the frame. It moves occafionally from F to G upon the centre H, and is kept in the pofition F by the weight I fixed to the end K. In fig. 3. L is the iron ram, which is connected with the croſs pieces by the hook M. N is a cylindrical piece of wood fufpended at the hook at O, which, by fliding freely up the bar that connects the hook to the ram, always bring the hook upright upon the chain when at the bottom of the machine, in the pofition of GP. See fig. 1.. When the man at S turns the uſual crane-work, the ram being connected to the chain and paſſing between the guides, is drawn up in a perpendicular direction; and when it is near the top of the machine, the projecting bar Q of the hook ſtrikes againſt a croſs piece of wood at R (fig. 1.), and confequently dif- charges the ram; while the weight I of the moveable frame in- ftantly draws the upper wheel into the poſition fhewn at F, and keeps the chain free of the ram in its defcent. The hook, while defcending, is prevented from catching the chain by the wooden piece N for that piece being ſpecifically lighter than the iron weight below, and moving with a lefs degree of velocity, cannot come into contact with the iron till it is at the bottom and the ram ftops. It then falls, and again connects the hook with the chain, which draws up the ram as before. In this machine, as well as Vauloue's, the motion of the firſt wheel is uninterrupted, fo that very little time is loft in the operation with a flight alteration it might be made to work with horfes. It has the advantage over Vauloue's engine in point of fimplicity; it may be originally conftructed at lefs expence, and is not fo liable to be deranged. Both, how- ever, are ingenious performances, and part of their conftruc- tion might be advantageoufly introduced into other machines. PIPES, for conveying of water, for pumps, water-engines, &c. are ufually of lead, iron, earth, or wood: the latter are uſually made of oak or elder. Thoſe of iron are caſt in forges; Pipe-borer. : 277 their uſual length is about two feet and a half: feveral of theſe are commonly faſtened together by means of four ſcrews at each end, with leather or old hat between them, to ftop the water. Thoſe of earth are made by the potters; theſe are fitted into one another, one end being always made wider than the other. To join them the clofer and prevent their breaking, they are co- vered with tow and pitch: their length is uſually about that of the iron pipes. The wooden pipes are trees bored with large iron augers of different fizes, beginning with a lefs, and then proceeding with a larger fucceffively; the firft being pointed, the reſt being formed like ſpoons, increaſing; in diameter from one to fix inches or more: the pipes are fitted into the extremi- ties of each other (as repreſented in pl. XXII. fig. 1.), and are fold by the foot. Wooden pipes are bored either by a borer advancing hori- zontally while the wood to be pierced is turned round, in ſome ſuch manner as in boring of ordnance; or, by cauſing the tim- ber to be gradually advanced, while the borer turns round: the latter method is the moſt common. The apparatus moſt fre- quently adopted, when the first mover is a ftream of water, is that invented by M. Morel, and defcribed by Belidor (Archi- tecture Hydraulique, tom. I.). This machinery is repreſented at pl. XXII. fig. 1. where the vertical wheel A is put into mo- tion by water defcending upon it through a trough or floping canal: upon the horizontal axle of this wheel is a cog-wheel B, which gives motion to the lanterns C, D, the common axis of theſe lanterns being in a vertical pofition. The lantern D turns at the ſame time two cog-wheels E and F: the first, E, which is vertical, turns the auger that bores the wood; and the ſecond, F, which is horizontal, has attached to it by a pin which is at a ſmall diſtance from its centrè, a lever or arm H, with a hook at its end, taking into the indentations of one of the wheels of the carriage that carries the wood to be bored. An- other lever, I, hanging upon the former, is prevented from falling by a ſpring, and pushes by its extremity againſt the notches in the lower end of the fame wheel. Thus, as the cog-wheel turns round, the carriage-wheel is first pulled for- ward by the hook and lever H, and then pushed backward as far by the arm I; by this means cauſing a pinion upon the axle of the carriage-wheel to advance the rackwork above it, to- gether with the timber to be bored: fo that the timber is ad- vanced by a flight reciprocating motion of the carriage. The auger, being generally fome feet in length, plays in holes in two pieces L, L, which retain it in its horizontal pofition; and thus it forms a cylindrical cavity in the wood, as required. - 273 MACHINES. + PLANET WHEELS are wheels by whoſe mutual connection a variable angular motion, fuch as that of the radius vector of a planet in its orbit, may be exhibited. The common con- trivance now in ufe for this purpoſe was invented, we think, by Defaguliers: it confifts of two elliptical wheels connected either by teeth running into each other, or by a band; theſe wheels revolve on their foci, and while the driving ellipfes move uniformly, the radius vector of the other has the required motion. A much older, and at the fame time far better, method than that of Defagulier's, is deſcribed in the first volume of the Recueil des Machines et Inventions approuvées par l'Acad. Roy. des Sci. 1699: it was the invention of M. Joli de Dijon. The following account of this method is tranflated from the work just mentioned. If it be defired to move a wheel of 24 teeth by a pinion of 6, in ſuch a manner that in ſome parts of its revolution it ſhall move as ſwiftly as if it had but 12 teeth, and in other parts as flowly as if it had 48 teeth, the method of accompliſhing this is as follows: i. Deſcribe the rectangle LMNO (fig. 1. pl. XXIII.) having its fide NO equal to the radii of the great wheel and the pinion taken together, and its breadth LN equal to their thickneſs; which laſt muſt be greater the more confiderable the inequality of the propofed movement. Let NO be ſo divided in Q, that QO may be to QN as 6 to 48, that is to fay, reciprocally as the velocity of the pinion to the greateſt velocity of the wheel. Alfo divide LM in P in the proportion of 6 to 12, or reciprocally as the velocity of the pinion to the leaft velocity of the wheel. Then join PQ, and draw as many lines SR parallel to LM, as there are intended to be teeth in the great wheels; upon which write the degrees of velocity they exprefs, which are in the in- verſe ratio of their lengths. 2. Let two truncated cones be formed in the lathe; one équal to that which would be formed by the revolution of the trape- zoid LPQN about LN as an axis; and the other equal to what would be formed by the revolution of the trapezoid POMO about the axis MO. On the largeſt of theſe two cones let the circles generated by the revolution of the points P, T, Q, be marked and diſtinguiſhed by the fame numeral figures as the correfponding parallels of the rectangle LO. Upon the two baſes of the conic fruftrum defcribe radial lines, which ſhall make angles at the centre (fig. 3.) in the fame proportion to each other as the intended velocities of the wheel, as expreffed in fig. 2. and let teeth be cut in the curve ſurface of the cone Preffes 279 correfponding with theſe lines: after this, look on the circles that exprefs the different velocities, and have been traced on the fame ſurface, to find what part of each tooth ought to remain oppofite its correfponding radius, and cut or file the reft away. Thus will the teeth lie in an oblique or ellip- tical curve on the conical ſurface, as is exhibited in the figure by a darker ſhade. The pinion muſt be made of a regular conic ſhape, as is fhewn at MÕ in fig. 3. By this contrivance the largeft or wideft teeth will always meet the largeſt part of the pinion, and the narroweft will cor- refpond with the ſmalleſt part: on which account, though the motion of the pinion be uniform, the wheel will be carried un- equably, according to the affigned law. In a fimilar manner may planet-wheels be defcribed to exhibit any other propoſed variation. PRESS, a machine of wood, or iron, ferving to fqueeze any body very cloſe. Preffes ufually confift of fix pieces: two flat fmooth planks, between which the things to be preffed are laid; two fcrews or worms faſtened to the lower plank, and paffing through two holes in the upper; and two nuts in form of an S, that ferve to drive the upper plank, which is moveable, againſt the lower, which is fixed. - PRESSES fed for expreffing Liquors are in moft refpects the fame with the common preffes, only the under plank is perfo- rated with a great number of holes for the juice to run through. Others have only one fcrew, or arbor, paffing through the mid- dle of the moveable plank, which defcends into a kind of ſquare box full of holes, through which the juices flow as the arbor ís turned. · PRESS uſed by Joiners to keep cloſe the pannels, &c. of wain- ſcot, confifts of two fcrews, and two pieces of wood, four or five inches fquare, and two or three feet long, whereof the holes at two ends ferve for nuts to the ſcrews. Founders' PRESS, is a ſtrong ſquare frame, confiſting of four pieces of wood firmly joined together with tenons, &c. It is of various fizes: two of them are required to each mould at the two extremes whereof they are placed; fo as that, by driving wooden wedges between the mould and fides of the prefs, the two parts of the mould for the metal may be preffed clofe together. PRESS, binders' cutting-, is a machine ufed equally by book- binders, ftationers, and pafteboard-makers; confifting of two large pieces of wood in form of cheeks, connected by two ftrong wooden fcrews; which, being turned by an iron bar, draw together, or ſet aſunder, the cheeks, as much as is necef- 280 MACHINES. fary for the putting in the books or paper to be cut. The cheeks are placed lengthwife on a wooden ſtand; in form of a cheft, into which the cuttings fall. Afide of the cheeks are two pieces of wood of the fame length with the ſcrews, ſerving to direct the cheeks, and prevent their opening unequally. Upon the cheeks the plough moves, to which the cutting-knife is faftened by a fcrew; which has its key, to difmount it, on occafion, to be ſharpened. The plough confifts of feveral parts; among the rest, a wooden ſcrew or worm, which, catching within the nuts of the two feet that ſuſtain it on the cheeks, brings the knife to the book or paper which is faſtened in the prefs between two boards. This fcrew, which is pretty long, hastwo directories, which re- ſemble thoſe of the fcrews of the prefs. To make the plough flide ſquare and even on the cheeks ſo that the knife may make an equal paring, that foot. of the plough where the knife is not fixed, flides in a kind of groove, faftened along one of the cheeks. Laftly, the knife is a piece of ſteel, fix or feven inches long, flat, thin, and ſharp, terminating at one end in a point, like that of a ſword, and, at the other, in a ſquare form, which ferves to faften it to the plough. : As the long knives ufed by us in the cutting of books or papers are apt to jump in the cutting thick books, the Dutch are faid to ufe circular knives with an edge all round; which not only cut more ſteadily, but last longer without grinding. Various other preffes are uſed in different arts and manu- factures; but it does not feem neceffary to give particular de- fcriptions of any others, except the prefs ufed in printing of books, and the rolling prefs uſed in copper-plate printing. The common PRINTING-prefs reprefented in plate XXIII. is a curious and rather complex machine. The body confifts of two ftrong cheeks, a, a, ftanding perpendicularly, and joined together by four crofs-pieces; the cap b, and the head c, which is moveable, being partly fuftained by two iron pins or long fcrew- bolts that paſs the cap; the till or shelf dd, by which the ſpindle and its apparatus are kept in their proper pofition; and the winter e, which bears the carriage, and fuftains the effort of the prefs beneath. The ſpindle ƒ is an upright piece of iron pointed with ſteel, having a male fcrew, which goes into the female one in the head about four inches. Through the eye g of this fpindle is faſtened the bar k, by which the preffman makes the impreffion. The fpindle paffes through a hole in the middle of the till; and its point works into a braſs pan or nut, ſupplied with oil, which is fixed to an iron plate let into the top of the platen. The body of the fpindle is fuftained in the centre of an open frame of poliſhed iron, 1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3,. fixed to it in Printing-prefs. 281 fuch a manner as, without obſtructing its free play, to keep it in a ſteady direction; and at the fame time to ſerve for fufpending the platen. This frame confifts of two parts; the upper called the garter, 1; 1; the under called the crane, 2, 2. `Theſe are connected together by two fhort legs or bolts, 3, 3; which being fixed below in the two ends of the crane, pafs upward through two holes in the till, and are received at top into two eyes at the ends of the garter, where they are fecured by fcrews. The carriage is placed a foot below the platen, having its fore-part fupported by a prop called the fore-ftay, while the other refts on the winter. On this carriage, which fuftains the plank, are nailed two long iron bars or ribs; and on the plank are nailed ſhort pieces of iron or fteel called cramp-irons, equally tempered with the ribs, and which flide upon them when the plank is turned in or out. Under the carriage is fixed a long piece of iron called the pit, with a double wheel in the middle, round which leather girts are faſtened, nailed to each end of the plank: and to the outfide of the ſpit is fixed a rounce m, or handle, to turn round the wheel Upon the plank is a fquare frame or coffin, in which is incloſed a poliſhed ſtone on which the form n is laid; at the end of the coffin are three frames, viz. the two tympans and frifket: the tympans o are ſquare, and made of three flips of very thin wood, and at the top a piece of iron ſtill thinner; that called the outer tympan is faſtened with hinges to the coffin: they are both covered with parchment; and between the two are placed blankets, which are neceſ- fary to take off the impreffion of the letters upon the paper. The friſket p is a ſquare frame of thin iron, faſtened with hinges to the tympan: it is covered with paper cut in the neceffary places, that the fheet, which is put between the friſket and the great or outward tympan, may receive the ink, and that nothing may hurt the margins. To regulate the margins, a fheet of paper is faſtened upon this tympan, which is called the tympan fheet; and on each fide is fixed an iron point, which makes two holes in the fheet, which is to be placed on the fame points when the impreffion is to be made on the other fide. In pre- paring the prefs for working, the parchment which covers the outer tympan is wetted till it is very foft, in order to render the impreffion more equable; the blankets are then put in, and fecured from flipping by the inner tympan: then, while one preffman is beating the letter with the balls covered with ink taken from the ink-block, the other perfon places a fheet of white paper on the tympan fheet; turns down the friſket upon it, to keep the paper clean and prevent its flipping; then, bring- ing the tympans upon the form, and turning the rounce, he brings the form with the ftone, &c. weighing about 300 lbs. • · 282 MACHINES. weight, under the platen; pulls with the bar, by which means the platen preffes the blankets and paper cloſe upon the letter, whereby half the form is printed; then eafing the bar, he draws the form ftill forward; gives a fecond pull, and letting go the bar, turns back the form, takes up the tympans and frisket, takes out the printed ſheet, and lays on a freſh one; and this is repeated till he has taken off the impreffion upon the full num- ber of fheets the edition is to confift of. One fide of the ſheet being thus printed, the form for the other is laid upon the preſs, and worked off in the fame manner. The Rolling-PRESS ufed in copper-plate printing, is repreſented in fig. 3. pl. XV. This machine, like the common prefs, may be divided into two parts, the body and carriage, analogous to thoſe in the other. The body confifts of two cheeks PP of different dimenſions, ordinarily about four feet and a half high, a foot thick, and two and a half apart, joined at top and bottom by crofs pieces. The cheeks are placed perpendicularly on a wooden ftand or foot, LM, horizontally placed, and fuftaining the whole prefs. From the foot likewife rife four other perpendicular pieces, c, c, c, c, joined by other crofs or horizontal ones d, d, d, which may be confidered as the carriage of the preſs, as ſerving to ſuſtain a fmooth, even plank, HIK, about four feet and a half long, two feet and a half broad, and an inch and a half thick; upon which the engraven plate is to be placed. Into the cheeks go two wooden cylinders of rollers DE, FG, about fix inches in diame- ter, borne up at each end by the cheeks, whoſe ends, which are leffened to about two inches diameter, and called trunnions, turn in the cheeks between two pieces of wood, in form of half- moons, lined with poliſhed iron, to facilitate the motion. The fpace in the half-moons, left vacant by the trunnion, is filled with paper, pafteboard, &c. that they may be raiſed and lowered at difcretion; fo as only to leave the space between them necef- fary for the paffage of the plank charged with the plate, paper, and blankets. Laftly, to one of the trunnions of the upper roller is faſtened a crofs, confifting of two levers AB, or pieces of wood, traverſing each other. The arms of this croſs ſerve in lieu of the handle of the common prefs; giving a motion to the upper roller, and that to the under one; by which means the plank is protruded, or paffed between them. The practice of printing from copper-plates is nearly as fol- lows. The workmen take a fmall quantity of the ink, on a rubber made of linen rags, ſtrongly bound about each other, and with this fmear the whole face of the plate as it lies on a grate over a charcoal fire. The plate being fufficiently inked, they firſt wipe it over with a foul rag, then with the palm of their left Preſſure Engine. 283 hand, and then with that of the right; and to dry the band and forward the wiping, they rub it from time to time in whiting. The addrefs of the workmen confifts in wiping the plate per- fectly clean, without taking the ink out of the engraving. The plate thus prepared is laid on the plank of the prefs; over the plate is laid the paper, firft well moistened, to receive the im- preffion; and over the paper two or three folds of flannel. Things being thus difpofed, the arms of the croſs are pulled, and by that means the plate with its furniture is paſſed through between the rollers, which pinching very strongly, yet equally, preffes the moiſtened paper into the ftrokes of the engraving, whence it licks out the ink, and receives the required im- preffion. PRESSURE ENGINES for raifing water by the preffure and deſcent of a column inclofed in a pipe, have been lately erected in different parts of this country. The principle now adverted to was adopted in fome machinery executed in France about 1731 (fee Belidor de Arch. Hydraul. lib. iv. ch. 1.), and was likewife adopted in Cornwall about forty years ago. But the preffure engine of which we are about to give a particular de- fcription, is the invention of Mr. R. Trevithack, who probably was not aware that any thing at all fimilar had been attempted before. This engine, a fection of which, on a ſcale of a quarter of an inch to a foot, is fhewn in pl. XXIII. was erected about fix years ago at the Druid Copper Mine, in the parish of Illogan, near Truro. AB repreſents a pipe fix inches in diameter, through which water defcends from the head to the place of its delivery to run off by an adit at S, through a fall of 34 fathom in the whole; that is to fay, in a cloſe pipe down the flope of a hill 200 fathoms long, with 26 fathoms fall; then perpen- dicularly fix fathoms, till it arrives at B, and thence through the engine from B to S two fathoms. At the turn B the water enters into a chamber C, the lower part of which terminates in two brafs cylinders four inches in diameter; in which two plugs or piſtons of lead, D and E, are capable of moving up and down by their piſton rods, which paſs through a cloſe packing above, and are attached to the extremities of a chain leading over and properly attached to the wheel Q, ſo that it cannot flip. - 1 • The leaden piecés D and E are caft in their places, and have no packing whatever. They move very eafily; and if at any time they should become loofe, they may be ſpread out by a few blows with a proper inftrument, without taking them out of their place. On the fides of the two braſs cylinders, in which D and E move, there are fquare holes communicating towards F and G, which is an horizontal trunk or fquare pipe, four inches 284 MACHINES. wide and three inches deep. All the other pipes G, G, and R, are fix inches in diameter, except the principal cylinder wherein the piſton H moves; and this cylinder is ten inches in diameter, and admits a nine-foot ftroke, though it is here delineated as if the ſtroke were only three-foot." The piſton-rod works through a ſtuffing-box above, and is at- tached to MN, which is the pit-rod, or a perpendicular piece divided into two, fo as to allow its alternate motion up and down and leave a fpace between, without touching the fixed apparatus or great cylinder. The pit-rod is prolonged down into the mine, where it is employed to work the pumps, or if the engine were applied to mill-work, or any other uſe, this rod would form the communication of the firft mover. KL is a tumbler or tumbling-bob, capable of being moved on the gudgeons V, from its prefent pofition to another, in which the weight L fhall hang over with the fame inclination on the oppofite fide of the perpendicular, and confequently the end K will then be as much elevated as it is now depreffed. The pipe RS has its lower end immerſed in a ciſtern, by which means it delivers its water without the poffibility of the external air introducing itſelf; fo that it conftitutes a torricellian column or water barometer, and renders the whole column from A to S effectual: as we fhall fee in our view of the operation. The operation. Let us fuppofe the lower bar KV of the tumbler to be horizontal, and the rod PO fo fituated, as that the plugs or leaden piſtons D and E fhall lie oppofite to each other, and ſtop the water-ways G and F. In this ſtate of the engine, though each of theſe piſtons is preffed by a force equi- valent to more than a thouſand pounds, they will remain motion- lefs, becauſe theſe actions being contrary to each other, they are conftantly in equilibrio. The great piſton H being here fhewn as at the bottom of its cylinder, the tumbler is to be thrown by hand into the pofition here delineated. Its action upon OP and confequently upon the wheel Q, draws up the plug D, and depreffes E, fo that the water-way G becomes open from AB, and that of F to the pipe R: the water confequently de- fcends from A to C; thence to G G G, until it acts beneath the pifton H. This preffure raiſes the pifton, and if there be any water above the pifton, it cauſes it to rife and paſs through Finto R. During the rife of the piſton (which carries the pit- rod MN along with it), a fliding block of wood I, fixed to this rod, is brought into contact with the tail K of the tumbler, and raiſes it to the horizontal poſition, beyond which it overfets by the acquired motion of the weight L. + The mere riſe of the piſton, if there were no additional mo- tion in the tumbler, would only bring the two plugs D and E Preſſure Engine. 285 to the pofition of reft, namely to cloſe G and F, and then the engine would ftop; but the fall of the tumbler carries the plug D downwards quite clear of the hole F, and the other plug E upwards, quite clear of the hole G. Theſe motions require no confumption of power, becauſe the plugs are in equilibrio, as was juft obferved. In this new fituation the column AB no longer communi- cates with G, but acts through F upon the upper part of the pifton H, and depreffes it; while the contents of the great cylinder beneath that pifton are driven out through G G G, and paſs through the opening at E into R. It may be ob- ferved, that the column which acts againſt the piſton is affifted by the preffure of the atmoſphere, rendered active by the co- lumn of water hanging in R, to which that affifting preſſure is equivalent, as has already been noticed. When the piſton has defcended through a certain length, the flide or block at T, upon the pit-rod, applies againſt the tail K of the tumbler, which it depreffes, and again overfets; producing. once more the pofition of the plugs DE, here delineated, and the conſequent afcent of the great piſton H, as before deſcribed. The afcent produces its former effect on the tumbler and plugs; and in this manner it is evident that the alternations will go on without limit: or until the manager fhall think fit to place the tumbler and plugs DE in the pofitions of reft; namely, ſo as to ftop the paffages F and G. The length of the ſtroke may be varied by altering the pofi- tions of the pieces T and I, which will fhorten the ſtroke the nearer they are together; as in that caſe they will fooner alter- nate upon the tail K. As the fudden ſtoppage of the defcent of the column AB, at the inſtant when the two plugs were both in the water-way, might jar and ſhake the apparatus, thofe plugs are made half an inch ſhorter than the depth of the fide holes; fo that in that cafe the water can efcape directly through both the fmall cylin- ders to R. This gives a moment of time for the generation of the contrary motion in the piſton and the water in G G G, and greatly deadens the concuffion which might elſe be pro- duced. Some former attempts to make preffure engines upon the principle of the fteam-engine have failed; becauſe water, not being elaſtic, could not be made to carry the pifton onwards a little, lo as completely to fhut one ſet of valves and open an- other. In the prefent judicious conftruction, the tumbler per- forms the office of the expanfive force of fteam at the end of the ſtroke. 28.6 MACHINES. Mr. Bofwell fuggefts, as a confiderable improvement, that the action of this engine fhould be made elaſtic by the addition of an air-chamber, on the fame principle as that uſed in fire- engines; this, he thinks, might be beft effected by making the pifton hollow, with a fmall orifice in the bottom, and of a larger fize, to ferve for this purpoſe, as the fpring of the air would then act both on the upward and downward preffure of the water. Nich. Four. N. S. vols. i. ii. PULLEY, one of the fimple machines, or, as they are com- monly called, mechanical powers: its theory is laid down in arts. 148-151, 267, &c. of our first volume. The prefent article is in- troduced for the purpoſe of mentioning fome ingenious practical combinations of pulleys, in addition to thofe exhibited in pl. VI. vol. i. The ufual methods of arranging pulleys in their blocks may be reduced to two. The first confifts in placing them one by the fide of another upon the fame pin: the other, in placing them directly under one another upon feparate pins. Each of thefe methods however is liable to inconvenience; and Mr. Smeaton, to avoid the impediments to which theſe combinations are fubject, propofes to combine theſe two methods in one. • A very confiderable improvement in the conftruction of pulleys has been made by Mr. James White, who obtained a patent for his invention, of which he gives the following de- fcription. Fig. 6. pl. XIX. fhews the machine, confifting of two pulleys, Q and R, one fixed and the other moveable. Each of thefe has fix concentric grooves capable of having a line put round them, and thus acting like as many different pulleys, having diameters equal to thofe of the grooves. Suppofing then each of the grooves to be a diftinct pulley, and that all their diameters were equal, it is evident that if the weight 144 were to be raiſed by pulling at S till the pulleys touch each other, the firſt pulley muſt receive the length of line as many times as there are parts of the line hanging between it and the lower pulley. In the prefent cafe there are 12 lines b, d, f, &c. hanging between the two pulleys, formed by its revolution about the fix upper and lower grooves. Hence, as much line muſt paſs over the uppermoft pulley as is equal to twelve times the di- ftance of the two. But, from an infpection of the figure, it is plain that the fecond pulley cannot receive the full quantity of line by as much as is equal to the diſtance betwixt it and the firft. In like manner, the third pulley receives leſs than the first by as much as is the diſtance between the firſt and third; and fo on to the laft, which receives only one-twelfth of the whole. For this receives its fhare of line from a fixed point Pulleys. 287 in the upper frame, which gives it nothing; while all the others in the fame frame receive the line partly by turning to meet its and partly by the line coming to meet them. e bleno. Suppofing now theſe pulleys to be equal in fize, and to move freely as the line determines them, it appears evident, from the nature of the ſyſtem, that the number of their revolutions, and, confequently their velocities, muſt be in proportion to the num- ber of fufpending parts that are between the fixed point above. mentioned and each pulley refpectively. Thus the outermoft pulley would go twelve times round in the time that the pulley under which the part n of the line, if equal to it, would revolve only once; and the intermediate times and velocities would be. a ſeries of arithmetical proportionals, of which, if the firft num- ber were 1, the laſt would always be equal to the whole number of terms. Since then the revolutions of equal and diſtinct pulleys are meaſured by their velocities, and that it is poffible to find any proportion of velocity on a fingle body running on a centre, viz. by finding proportionate diftances from that centre; it follows, that if the diameters of certain grooves in the ſame ſubſtance be exactly adapted to the above feries (the line itſelf being ſuppoſed inelaſtic, and of no magnitude), the neceffity of ufing feveral pulleys in each frame will be obviated, and with that fome of the inconveniences to which the uſe of the pulley is liable. In the figure referred to, the coils of rope by which the weight is fupported, are repreſented by the lines a, b, c, &c.: a is the line of traction, commonly called the fall, which paffes over and under the proper grooves, until it is faſtened to the upper frame juſt above n. In practice, however, the grooves are not arithmetical proportionals, nor can they be fo; for the diameter of the rope employed muft in all cafes be deducted from each term; without which the ſmaller grooves, to which the faid diameter bears a larger proportion than to the larger ones, will tend to riſe and fall fafter than they, and thus intro- duce worſe defects than thoſe which they were intended to obviate, } The principal advantage of this kind of pulley is, that it de- ſtroys lateral friction, and that kind of ſhaking motion which is fo inconvenient in the common pulley. And left (fays Mr. White) this circumftance fhould give the idea of weakneſs, I would obferve, that to have pins for the pulleys to run on, is not the only nor perhaps the beft method; but that I fometimes. ufe centres fixed to the pulleys, and revolving on a very ſhort bearing in the fide of the frame, by which ſtrength is increaſed, and friction very much diminiſhed; for to the laſt moment the motion of the pulley is perfectly circular: and this very circum- 288 MACHINES. ftance is the caufe of its not wearing out in the centre as foon as it would, affifted by the ever-increafing irregularities of a gullied bearing. Thefe pulleys, when well executed, apply to jacks and other machines of that nature with peculiar advant- age, both as to the time of going and their own durability; and it is poffible to produce a fyftem of pulleys of this kind of fix or eight parts only, and adapted to the pocket, which, by means of a ſkain of ſewing filk, or a clue of common thread, will raiſe upwards of a hundred weight. The friction of the pulley is now reduced to nothing, as it were, by Mr. Garnett's ingenious patent friction-rollers, which produce a great faving of labour and expence, as well as in the wear of the machine, both when applied to pulleys and to the axles of wheel-carriages. His general principle is this; between the axle and nave, or centre pin and box, a hollow ſpace is left, to be filled up by folid equal rollers nearly touching each other. Thefe are furniſhed with axles inferted into a circular ring at each end, by which their relative diſtances are preferved; and they are kept parallel by means of wires faftened to the rings between the rollers, and which are rivetted to them. PUMP, an hydraulic machine for raifing water by the preffure of the atmoſphere. The moſt important and certain part of the theory of pumps has been laid down in arts. 524-538, of our firſt volume: and the conftruction of two or three kinds has been already de- fcribed in this volume under the articles CENTRIFUGAL machine, FIRE-engine, FORCER, and HYDRAULIC engines. A few other ufeful, yet not complex, pumps, will be defcribed in the prefent article: and fome account will be added of the moſt ingenious piftons and valves. 1. A modification of the fucking-pump which has been much recommended, is exhibited in plate XXV. fig. 17. Here the fuction-pipe CO comes up through a ciftern KMNL deeper or longer than the intended ftroke of the piſton, and has a valve C at top. The piſton, or what acts in lieu of it, is a tube AHGB, open at both ends, and of a diameter fomewhat larger than that of the fuction-pipe. The interval between them is filled up at HG by a ring or belt of ſoft leather, which is faſt- ened to the outer tube, and moves up and down with it, fliding along the ſmoothly polifhed furface of the fuction-pipe with very little friction. There is a valve I on the top of this pifton, opening upwards. Water is poured into the outer ciftern. The outer cylinder or pifton being drawn up from the bot- tom, there is a great rarefaction of the air which was between them, and the atmoſphere preffes the water up through the fuction-pipe to a certain height; for the valve I keeps thut by Pumps. 289 the preffure of the atmoſphere and its own weight. Puſhing down the piston cauſes the air, which had expanded from the fuction-pipe into the pifton, to eſcape through the valve: I; drawing it up a fecond time allows the atmoſphere to prefs more water into the fuction-pipe, to fill it, and alſo part of the piſton. When this is pushed down again, the water which had come through the valve C is now forced out through the valve I into the ciftern KMNL, and now the whole is full of water. When, therefore, the pifton is drawn up, the water. follows, and fills it, if not. 33 feet above the water in the cistern; and when it is pufhed down again, the water which filled the pifton is all thrown out into the ciftern; and after this it de- livers its full contents of water every ftroke. The water in the ciſtern KMNL effectually prevents the entrance of any air be- tween the two pipes; ſo that a very moderate compreffion of the belt of ſoft leather at the mouth of the piſton cylinder is fuffici- ent to make all perfectly tight. It might be made differently. The ring of leather might be faſtened round the top of the inner cylinder at DE, and flide on the infide of the pifton cylinder: but the firft form is moft eafily executed. Muſchenbroeck has given a figure of this pump in his large fyftem of natural philofophy, and fpeaks very highly of its performance. But we do not fee any advan- tage which it poffeffes over the common fucking-pump. He indeed fays that it is without friction, and makes no mention of the ring of leather between the two cylinders. Such a pump will raife water extremely well to a ſmall height, and it ſeems to have been a model only which he had examined: but if the fuction-pipe be long, it will by no means do without the leather; for on drawing up the pifton, the water of the upper ciftern will rife between the pipes, and fill the piſton, and none will come up through the fuction-pipe. In We may take this opportunity of obferving, that the many ingenious contrivances of pumps without friction are of little importance in great works; becauſe the friction which is com- pletely fufficient to prevent all eſcape of water in a well-con- ftructed pump is but a very trifling part of the whole force. the great pumps which are uſed in mines, and are worked by a fteam-engine, it is very ufual to make the piftons and valves without any leather whatever. The working barrel is bored truly cylindrical, and the piſton is made of metal of a fize that will juſt paſs along it without ſticking. When this is drawn up with the velocity competent to a properly loaded machine, the quantity of water which eſcapes round the piſton is infigni- ficant. The pifton is made without leathers, not to avoid fric- tion, which is alfo infignificant in fuch works; but to avoid the VOL. II. U 290 MACHINES. neceffity of frequently drawing it up for repairs through ſuch a length of pipes. If a pump abfolutely without friction is wanted, the fol- lowing feems preferable for fimplicity and performance to any we have ſeen, when made uſe of in proper fituations. Let NÓ (fig. 18.) be the furface of the water in the pit, and K the place of delivery. The pit muſt be as deep in water as from K te NO. ABCD is a wooden trunk, round or fquare, open at both ends, and having a valve P at the bottom. The top of this trunk muſt be on a level with K, and has a ſmall ciftern EADF. It alſo communicates laterally with a rifing pipe GHK, furniſhed with a valve at H opening upwards. LM is a beam of timber fo fitted to the trunk as to fill it without ſticking, and is of at leaſt equal length. It hangs by a chain from a working beam, and is loaded on the top with weights exceeding that of the column of water which it difplaces. Now ſuppoſe this beam allowed to deſcend from the poſition in which it is drawn in the figure; the water muſt riſe all around it, in the crevice which is between it and the trunk, and alſo in the rifing pipe; becauſe the valve P fhuts, and H opens; fo that when the plunger has got to the bottom, the water will ſtand at the level of K. When the plunger is again drawn up to the top by the action of the moving power, the water finks again in the trunk, but not in the rifing pipe, becauſe it is ſtopped by the valve H. Then allowing the plunger to deſcend again, the water muſt again riſe in the trunk to the level of K, and it muſt now flow out at K; and the quantity diſcharged will be equal to the part of the beam below the furface of the pit-water, deducting the quantity which fills the ſmall ſpace between the beam and the trunk. This quantity may be re- duced almoſt to nothing; for if the inſide of the trunk and the outfide of the beam be made tapering, the beam may be let down till they exactly fit; and as this may be done in ſquare work, a good workman can make it exceedingly accurate. But in this cafe, the lower half of the beam and trunk muſt not taper; and this part of the trunk muſt be of fufficient width round the beam to allow free paffage into the rifing pipe. Or, which is better, the rifing pipe muſt branch off from the bottom of the trunk. A diſcharge may be made from the ciſtern EADF, ſo that as little water as poffible may defcend along the trunk when the pifton is raiſed. One great excellence of this pump is, that it is perfectly free from all the deficiencies which in common pumps refult from want of being air-tight. Another is, that the quantity of wa- ter raiſed is precifely equal to the power expended; for any want of accuracy in the work, while it occafions a diminution Pumps. 291 鳖 ​of the quantity of water diſcharged, makes an equal diminution in the weight which is abfolutely neceffary for pufhing down the plunger. We have ſeen a machine confifting of two fuch pumps fufpended from the arms of a long beam, the upper fide of which was formed into a walk with a rail on each fide. A man ſtood on one end till it got to the bottom, and then walked gently up to the other end, the inclination being about twenty-five degrees at firſt, but gradually diminiſhed as he went along, and changed the load of the beam. By this means he made the other end go to the bottom, and ſo on alternately, with the eaſieſt of all exertions, and what we are moft fitted for by our ſtructure. With this machine, a very feeble old man, weighing 110 pounds, raiſed 7 cubic feet of water 11 feet high in a minute, and continued working 8 or 10 hours every day. A ftout young man, weighing nearly 135 pounds, raiſed 8 to the fame height; and when he carried 30 pounds, conveniently flung about him, he raiſed 94 feet of this height, working 10 hours a-day without fatiguing himſelf. This exceeds Defagulier's maximum of a hogfhead of water 10 feet high in a minute, in the proportion of 9 to 7 nearly. It is limited to very moderate heights; but in fuch fituations it is very effectual. Belidor ap- plies a nearly fimilar contrivance to the working of double pumps in general. 3. The moft ingenious contrivance of a pump without friction is that of Mr. Hafkins, defcribed in Phil. Tranf. No. 370, and called by him the QUICKSILVER PUMP. Its conftruc- tion and mode of operation are pretty complicated; but the following preliminary obſervations will, we hope, render it abundantly plain. Let there (fig. 19.) be a cylindrical iron pipe, about fix feet long, open at top, alſo another cylinder, connected with it at bottom, and of ſmaller diameter. It may either be ſolid, or, if hollow, it muſt be cloſe at top. Let a third iron cylinder, of an intermediate diameter, be made to move up and down between the other two without touching either, but with as little interval as poffible. This middle cylinder communicates, by means of the pipe AB, with the upright pipe FE, having valves C and D (both opening upwards) adjoining to the pipe of communication. Suppofe the outer cylinder fufpended by chains from the end of a working beam, and let mercury be poured into the interval between the three cylinders till it fills the ſpace to about three- fourths of their height. Alfo fuppofe that the lower end of the pipe FE is immerfed into a ciſtern of water, and that the valve D is leſs than 33 feet above the furface of this water. Now ſuppoſe a perforation made fomewhere in the pipe AB, and a communication made with an air-pump. When the U 2 1 292 MACHINES. air-pump is worked, the air contained in CE, in AB, and in the ſpace between the inner and middle cylinders, is rarefied, and is abſtracted by the air-pump; for the valve D imme- diately fhuts. The preffure of the atmoſphere will cauſe the water to rife in the pipe CE, and will cauſe the mercury to riſe between the inner and middle cylinders, and fink between the outer and middle cylinders. Let us fuppofe mercury 12 times. heavier than water: then for every foot that the water riſes in EC, the level between the outfide and infide mercury will vary an inch; and if we fuppofe DE to be 30 feet, then if we can rarefy the air fo as to raiſe the water to D, the outfide mercury will be depreffed to q, r, and the inſide mercury will have risen to s, t, sq and tr being about 30 inches. In this ftate of things, the water will run over by the pipe BA, and every thing will remain nearly in this pofition. The columns of water and mercury balance each other, and balance the preffure of the atmoſphere. While things are in this ſtate of equilibrium, if we allow the cylinders to defcend a little, the water will rife in the pipe FE, which we may now confider as a fuction-pipe; for by this motion the capacity of the whole is enlarged, and therefore the preffure of the atmoſphere will ſtill keep it full, and the fitua- tion of the mercury will again be fuch that all ſhall be in equi- librio. It will be a little lower in the infide fpace and higher in the outfide. Taking this view of things, we fee clearly how the water is fupported by the atmoſphere at a very confiderable height. The apparatus is analogous to a ſyphon which has one leg filled with water and the other with mercury. But it was not néceffary to employ an air-pump to fill it. Suppofe it again empty, and all the valves fhut by their own weight. Let the cylinders deſcend a little. The capacity of the ſpaces below the valve D is enlarged, and therefore the included air is rare- fied, and ſome of the air in the pipe CE muſt diffuſe itſelf into the ſpace quitted by the inner cylinder. Therefore the atmo- ſphere will preſs ſome water up the pipe FE, and fome mercury into the inner ſpace between the cylinders. When the cylinders are raiſed again, the air which came from the pipe CE would return into it again, but is prevented by the valve C.—Raiſing the cylinders to their former height would compreſs this air; it therefore lifts the valve D, and efcapes. Another depreffion of the cylinders will have a fimilar effect. The water will rife higher in FC, and the mercury in the inner ſpace; and then, after repeated ſtrokes the water will pafs the valve C, and fill the whole apparatus, as the air-pump had cauſed it to do before. The pofition of the cylinders, when things are in this ſituation, Pumps. 293 is reprefented in fig. 20. the outer and inner cylinder in their loweſt poſition having defcended about 30 inches. The mer- cury in the outer ſpace ſtands at q, r, a little above the middle of the cylinders, and the mercury in the inner ſpace is near the topts of the inner cylinder. Now let the cylinders be drawn up. The water above the mercury cannot get back again through the valve C, which fhuts by its own weight. We therefore attempt to compreſs it; but the mercury yields, and defcends in the inner ſpace, and riſes in the outer till both are quickly on a level, about the height vv. If we continue to raise the cylinders, the compreffion forces out more mercury, and it now ftands lower in the inner than in the outer fpace. But that there may be fomething to balance this inequality of the mercurial columns, the water goes through the valve D, and the equilibrium is reftored when the height of the water in the pipe ED above the furface of the internal mercury is 12 times the difference of the mercurial columns (on the former fup- pofition of ſpecific gravity). If the quantity of water be ſuch as to rife two feet in the pipe ED, the mercury in the outer ſpace will be two inches higher than that in the inner ſpace. Another depreffion of the cylinders will again enlarge the ſpace within the apparatus, the mercury will take the poſition of fig. 19. and more water will come in.. Raifing the cylinders will fend this water four feet up the pipe ED, and the mercury will be four inches higher in the inner than in the outer space. Repeating this operation, the water will be raiſed ſtill higher in DE; and this will go on till the mercury in the outer ſpace reaches the top of the cylinder; and this is the limit of the performance. The dimenfions with which we fet out will enable the machine to raiſe the water about 30 feet in the pipe, ED; which, added to the 30 feet of CF, makes the whole height above the pit-water 60 feet. By making the cylinders longer, we increaſe the height of FD. This machine muſt be worked with great attention, and but flowly; for at the beginning of the forcing ſtroke the mercury very rapidly finks in the inner ſpace and rifes in the outer, and will dash out and be loft. To prevent this as much as possible, the outer cylinder terminates in a fort of cup or diſh, and the inner cylinder ſhould be tapered at the top. The machine is exceedingly ingenious and refined; and there is no doubt but that its performance will exceed that of any other pump which raiſes the water to the fame height, becauſe friction is completely avoided, and there can be no want of tightneſs of the pifton. But this is all its advantage; and from what has been obſerved, it is but trifling. The expence would be enormous; for with whatever care the cylinders are made, 294 MACHINES. the interval between the inner and outer cylinders muſt contain a very great quantity of mercury. The middle cylinder muſt be made of iron plate, and muſt be without a feam, for the mercury would diffolve every folder. For fuch reafons, it has never come into general ufe. But it would have been unpar- donable to have omitted the deſcription of an invention which is fo original and ingenious; and there are ſome occafions where it may be of great ufe, as in nice experiments for illuſtrating the theory of hydraulics, it would give the fineſt piftons for meaſuring the preffures of water, in pipes, &c. The following pump, without friction, may be conſtructed in a variety of ways by any common carpenter, without the affiftance of the pump-maker, or plumber, and will be very effective for raiſing a great quantity of water to fmall heights, as in draining marſhes, marle pits, quarries, &c. or even for the fervice of a houſe. 4. ABCD (pl. XXV. fig. 21.) is a fquare trunk of carpenter's work open at both ends, and having a little ciftern and fpout at top. Near the bottom there is a partition made of board, perforated with a hole E, and covered with a clack. ƒƒƒƒ repreſent a long cylindrical bag made of leather or of double canvas, with a fold of thin leather, ſuch as ſheepſkin, between the canvas bags. This is firmly nailed to the board E with ſoft leather between. The upper end of this bag is fixed on a round board having a hole and valve F. This board may be turned in the lathe with a groove round its edge, and the bag faſtened to it by a cord bound tight round it. The fork of the pifton- rod FG is firmly fixed into this board; the bag is kept diftended by a number of wooden hoops or rings of ftrong wire ƒfƒ,ff, ff, &c. put into it at a few inches diſtance from each other. It will be proper to connect theſe hoops before putting them in, by three or four cords from top to bottom, which will keep them at their proper diftances. Thus will the bag have the form of a barber's bellows powder-puff. The diſtance between the hoops ſhould be about twice the breadth of the rim of the wooden ring to which the upper valve and piſton-rod are fixed. Now let this trunk be immerſed in the water. It is evident that if the bag be ſtretched from the compreffed form which its own weight will give it by drawing up the piſton-rod, its capacity will be enlarged, the valve F will be ſhut by its own weight, the air in the bag will be rarefied, and the atmoſphere will prefs the water into the bag. When the rod is thruſt down again, this water will come out by the valve F, and fill part of the trunk. A repetition of the operation will have a fimilar effect; the trunk will be filled, and the water will at last be diſcharged by the ſpout. Pumps. 295 Here is a pump without friction, and perfectly tight. For the leather between the folds of canvas renders the bag imper- vious both to air and water. And the canvas has very con- fiderable ſtrength. We know from experience that a bag of fix inches diameter, made of fail-cloth No. 3. with a fheep- fkin between, will bear a column of 15 feet of water, and ſtand fix hours work per day for a month without failure, and that the pump is confiderably ſuperior in effect to a common pump of the fame dimenſions. We must only obſerve, that the length of the bag muſt be three times the intended length of the ſtroke; ſo that when the piſton-rod is in its higheſt poſition, the angles or ridges of the bag may be pretty acute. If the bag be more ſtretched than this, the force which must be exerted by the labourer becomes much greater than the weight of the column of water which he is raifing. If the pump be laid aflope, which is very uſual in thefe occafional and hafty draw- ings, it is neceffary to make a guide for the piſton-rod within the trunk, that the bag may play up and down without rubbing on the fides, which would quickly wear it out. The experienced reader will fee that this pump is very like that of Goffet and De la Deuille, defcribed by Belidor, vol. ii. p. 120, and moft writers on hydraulics. It would be ſtill more like it, if the bag were on the under fide of the partition E, and a valve placed further down the trunk. But we think that our form is greatly preferable in point of ftrength. When in the other fituation, the column of water lifted by the piston tends to burſt the bag, and this with a great force, as the intelligent reader well knows. But in the form recommended here, the bag is compreſſed, and the ſtrain on each part may be made much lefs than that which tends to burſt a bag of fix inches diameter. The nearer the rings are placed to each other the ſmaller will the ſtrain be. The fame bag-piſton may be employed for a forcing-pump, by placing it below the partition, and inverting the valve; and it will then be equally ftrong, becauſe the refiftance in this cafe too will act by compreffion. 5. An ingenious variation in the conftruction of the fucking- pump, is that with two pifton-rods in the fame barrel, invented by Mr. Walter Taylor, of Southampton. A vertical ſection of this pump is given in fig. 1. pl. XXIV. The pifton-rods have racks at their upper parts working on the oppofite fides of a pinion, and kept to their proper pofitions by friction-rollers. The valves uſed in this pump are of three kinds, as fhewn at a, b, and c. The former is a fpheric fegment which flides up and down on the piſton-rod, and is brought down by its own weight: the ſecond, b, is called the pendulum-valve: and the third, c, is 296 MACHINES. £ a globe which is raiſed by the rifing water, and falls again by its own weight. Each of thefe valves will difengage itſelf from chips, fand, gravel, &c. brought up by the water. In this kind of pump the pistons may either be put in motion by a handle in the uſual way, or a rope may pafs round the wheel de in a proper groove, the two ends of which, after croffing at the lower part of the wheel, may be pulled by one man or more on each fide. A pump of this kind, with a feven-inch bore, heaves a ton twenty-four feet high in a minute, with ten men, five only working at a time on each fide. 6. Another improvement of the common pump has been made by Mr. Todd of Hull. This invention in fome particulars bears a refemblance to the ordinary one, but he has contrived to double its powers by the following means: Having prepared the pifton-cylinder, which may be twelve feet high, he cuts from the bottom thereof about three feet; at the end of the great cylinder he places an atmoſpheric-valve, and to the top of the fmall cylinder a ferving-valve. In the bottom of the ſmall cylinder, which contains the ferving-valve, is inferted an oblong elliptical curved tube, of equal calibre with the principal cylinder, and the other end is again inferted in the top of the great cylinder. This tube is divided in the fame manner as the first cylinder, with atmoſpheric and ferving valves, exactly parallel with the valves of the firſt cylinder. The pump, thus having double valves, produces double effects, which effects may be ftill further increafed by extending the dimenſions. The cylinder is fcrewed, for fervice on a male tube-ſcrew, which projects from the fide of a refervoir or water ciftern, and is worked by hand. The piſton-plunger is worked by a toothed fegment-wheel, fimilar to the principle of the one uſed in working the chain- pumps of fhips belonging to the royal navy; and the wheel receives its motion from a hand-winch, which is confiderably accelerated by a fly-wheel of variable dimenfions, at the oppofite end. This pump, in addition to its increafed powers, poffeffes another very great and prominent advantage. By fcrewing to it the long leather tube and fire-pipe of the common engine, it is in a few minutes converted into an effective fire-engine. Hence, whoever poffeffes one may be faid to have a convenient domeftic apparatus againſt fire. Three men can work it; one to turn the winch, another to direct the fire-pipe, and a third to ſupply the water. 7. Double, triple, or quadruple pumps, admit of great variety in their conſtruction, to fuit different purpoſes. The beſt col- }. Pumps. 297 lection of theſe with which we are acquainted, is to be found in Leupold's Theatrum Machinarum Hydraulicarum: fome in this collection are very fingular and ingenious, and have par- ticular advantages to fuit local circumſtances, and give them a preference. The late Mr. Benjamin Martin invented a curious and powerful pump with two piftons, the friction of which was exceedingly fmall. An admirable engraving of this pump, by Lowry, is given in vol. 20. of Tilloch's Philofophical Magazine. The triple pump, a fketch of which may be feen in fig. 9. pl. XXIV. is taken from Bockler's Theatrum Machinarum; the nature of the machinery by which this pump is worked, will be fufficiently obvious to any perſon after an inſpection of the figure: the horizontal wheel C, and its fhaft A, are turned by the capftan bars B, this wheel drives the pinion D, on the axle of which is the equalizing fly E, and the crank F: the rotatory motion of the crank alternately raiſes and depreffes the bar G, with the lever H turning on a roller and pivots, and thus works the pump I: at the fame time the connecting rods K move in like manner the lever M, and work the pump O; and the rods K move the lever N, and work the pump P. If the levers H, M, N, are not ſo contrived that the extremities of each fhall move through equal ſpaces, the bores of I, O, and P, muſt be made in the inverſe ratio of thoſe ſpaces, otherwiſe one or other of the refervoirs may be drawn dry; a defect that ſhould be carefully guarded against. 8. Our attention may now be directed to ſome of the differ- ent forms which may be given to the pistons and valves of a pump. 霉 ​*. The great defideratum in a piſton is, that while it be as tight as poffible, it ſhould have as little friction as is conſiſtent with this indifpenfable quality. The common form, when carefully executed, poffeffes theſe properties in an eminent degree. This piſton is a fort of truncated cone, generally made of wood not apt to ſplit, ſuch as elm or beech. The fmall end of it is cut off at the fides, ſo as to form a fort of arch, by which it is faſtened to the iron rod or fpear. The two ends of the conical part may be hooped with braſs. This cone has its larger end furrounded with a ring or band of ſtrong leather faſtened with nails, or by a copper hoop, which is driven on it at the fmaller end. The further this band reaches beyond the baſe of the cone, the better; and the whole must be of uniform thickneſs all round, fo as to fuffer equal compreffion between the cone and working barrel. The feam or joint of the two ends of this band muſt be made very clofe; but not fewed or ftitched to- gether, as that would occafion bumps or inequalities, which would fpoil its tightnefs; and no harm can refult from the want 293 MACHINES. of it, becauſe the two edges will be fqueezed clofe together by the compreffion in the barrel. Nor is it by any means necef- fary that this compreffion be great: this is a very detrimental error of the pump-makers. It occafions enormous friction, and deftroys the very purpoſe which they have in view, viz. render- ing the piston air-tight; for it cauſes the leather to wear through very foon at the edge of the cone, and it alſo wears the working barrel. This very foon becomes wide in that foon becomes wide in that part which is con- tinually paffed over by the piſton, while the mouth remains of its original diameter, and it becomes impoffible to thrust in a pifton which ſhall completely fill the worn part. Now, a very moderate preffure is fufficient for rendering the pump perfectly tight, and a piece of glove leather would be fufficient for this purpofe, if loofe or detached from the folid cone; for fuppofe fuch a loofe and flexible, but impervious, band of leather put round the pifton, and put into the barrel; and let it even be fuppofed that the cone does not compreſs it in the fmalleſt degree to its internal furface. Pour a little water carefully into the infide of this fort of cup or difh; it will cauſe it to fwell out a little, and apply itſelf cloſe to the barrel all round, and even adjuſt itſelf to all its inequalities. Let us ſuppoſe it to touch the barrel in a ring of an inch broad all round. We can eaſily compute the force with which it is prefs- ed. It is half the weight of a ring of water an inch deep and an inch broad. This is a trifle, and the friction occafioned by it not worth regarding; yet this trifling preffure is fufficient to make the paffage perfectly impervious, even by the moſt enor- mous preffure of a high column of incumbent water: for let this preffure be ever fo great, the preffure by which the leather adheres to the barrel always exceeds it, becauſe the incumbent fluid has no preponderating power by which it can force its way between them, and it muſt infinuate itſelf preciſely fo far, that its preffure on the infide of the leather ſhall ſtill´exceed, and only exceed, the preffure by which it endeavours to infinuate it- felf; and thus the pifton becomes perfectly tight with the ſmalleſt poſſible friction. This reafoning is perhaps too refined for the uninftructed artift, and probably will not perfuade him. To fuch we would recommend an examinátion of the piſtons and valves contrived and executed by that artiſt, whoſe ſkill far furpaffes our higheſt conceptions, the all-wife Creator of this world. The valves which ſhut up the paffages of the veins, and this in places where an extravafation would be followed by inftant death, are cups of thin membrane, which adhere to the fides of the channel about half way round, and are detached in the rest of their circumference. When the blood comes in the oppofite direction, it puſhes the membrane afide, and has a Pump-piftons. 299 1 paffage perfectly free. But a ftagnation of motion allows the tone of the (perhaps) mufcular membrane, to reſtore it to its natural fhape, and the leaft motion in the oppofite direction cauſes it inſtantly to clap cloſe to the fides of the vein, and then no preffure whatever can force a paffage. We fhall recur to this again when deſcribing the various contrivances of valves, &c. What we have faid is enough for fupporting our direc- tions for constructing a tight pifton. But we recommend thick and ſtrong leather, while our prefent reaſoning feems to render thin leather preferable. If the leather be thin, and the folid pifton in any part does not prefs it gently to the barrel, there will be in this part an unbalanced preffure of the incum- bent column of water, which would inftantly burſt even a ſtrong leather bag; but when the folid pifton, covered with leather, exactly fills the barrel, and is even preffed a little to it, there is no fuch riſk; and now that part of the leather band which reaches beyond the folid pifton performs its office in the com- pleteft manner. We do not heſitate, therefore, to recommend this form of a piſton, which is the moſt common and fimple of all, as preferable, when well executed, to many of thoſe more artificial, and frequently very ingenious, conſtructions, which we have met with in the works of the firſt engineers. Belidor, an author of the firft reputation, has given the de- ſcription of a piſton which he highly extols, and is undoubtedly a very good one, conftructed from principle, and extremely well compofed. 9. It confifts of a hollow cylinder of metal (XXV. fig. 22.) pierced with a number of holes, and having at top a flanch, whoſe diameter is nearly equal to that of the working barrel of the pump. This flanch has a groove round it. There is another flanch below, by which this hollow cylinder is faſtened with bolts to the lower end of the piſton, repreſented in fig. 23. This confifts of a plate with a grooved edge fimilar to AB, and an intermediate plate which forms the feat of the valve. The compofition of this part is better underſtood by inſpecting the figure than by any defcription. The pifton-rod HL is fixed to the upper plate by bolts through its different branches at G, G. This metal body is then covered with a cylindrical bag of leather, faſtened on it by cords bound round it, filling up the grooves in the upper and lower plates. The operation of the piſton is as follows. A little water is poured into the pump, which gets paſt the fides of the piſton, and lodges below in the fixed valve. The pifton being pushed down dips into this water, and it gets into it by the valve. But as the piſton in defcending compreffes the air below it, this compreffed air alfo gets into the infide of the 300 MACHINES. piſton, ſwells out the bag which ſurrounds it, and compreffes it to the fides of the working-barrel. When the pifton is drawn up again, it muſt remain tight, becauſe the valve will fhut and keep in the air in its moſt compreffed ſtate; therefore the piſton muft perform well during the fuction. It muſt act equally well when pushed down again, and acting as a forcer; for, however great the reſiſtance may be, it will affect the air within the piſton to the ſame degree, and keep the leather cloſe applied to the barrel. There can be no doubt therefore of the pifton's per- forming both its offices completely; but we imagine that the adhesion to the barrel will be greater than is neceffary: it will extend over the whole furface of the pifton, and be equally great in every part of its furface; and we fufpect that the friction will therefore be very great. We have very high authority for ſup- pofing that the adheſion of a piſton of the common form, care- fully made, will be fuch as will make it perfectly tight; and it is evident that the adheſion of Belidor's pifton will be much greater, and it will be productive of worfe confequences. If the leather bag be worn through in any one place, the air efcapes, and the piſton ceaſes to be compreffed altogether; whereas in the common piſton there will very little harm reſult from the leather being worn through in one place, eſpecially if it project a good way beyond the baſe of the cone. We ftill think the common piſton preferable. 10. Belidor defcribes another forcing piſton, which he had executed with fuccefs, and prefers to the common wooden forcer. It confifts of a metal cylinder or cone, having a broad flanch united to it at one end, and a ſimilar flanch which is ſcrewed on the other end. Between theſe two plates are a number of rings of leather ftrongly compreffed by the two flanches, and then turned in a lathe like a block of wood, till the whole fits tight, when dry, into the barrel. It will fwell, fays he, and ſoften with the water, and withſtand the greateſt preffures. We cannot help thinking this but an indifferent pifton. When it wears, there is nothing to ſqueeze it to the barrel. It may indeed be taken out and another ring or two of leather put in, or the flanches may be more ftrongly fcrewed together: but all this may be done with any kind of piſton; and this has therefore no peculiar merit. 11. The following will, we prefume, appear greatly prefer- able. ABCD (fig. 24.), is the folid wooden or metal block of the pifton; EF is a metal plate, which is turned hollow or difh- like below, fo as to receive within it the folid block. The pifton-rod goes through the whole, and has a ſhoulder above. the plate EF, and a nut H below. Four fcrew-bolts alfo go through the whole, having their heads funk into the block, and Pump-piſtons. 301 i nuts above. The packing, or ſtuffing, as it is termed by the workmen, is reprefented at NO. This is made as folid as poffi- ble, and generally conſiſts of foft hempen twine well foaked in a mixture of oil, tallow, and rofin. The plate EF is gently ſcrewed down, and the whole is then put into the barrel, fitting it as tight as may be thought proper. When it wears loofe, it may be tightened at any time by fcrewing down the nuts which cauſe the edges of the difh to fqueeze out the packing, and compreſs it againſt the barrel to any degree. The greateſt difficulty in the conſtruction of a piſton is to give a fufficient paffage through it for the water, and yet allow a firm ſupport for the valve, and fixture for the piſton-rod. It occafions a confiderable expence of the moving power to force a piſton with a narrow perforation through the water lodged in the working barrel. When we are raiſing water to a ſmall height, fuch as 10 or 20 feet, the power fo expended amounts to a fourth part of the whole, if the water-way in the piston is leſs than one-half of the ſection of the barrel, and the velocity of the pifton two feet per fecond, which is very moderate. There can be no doubt, therefore, that metal piſtons are preferable, becauſe their greater ftrength allows much wider apertures. 12. The following piſton, deſcribed and recommended by Belidor, feems as perfect in theſe reſpects as the nature of things will allow. We fhall therefore defcribe it in the author's own words, as a model which may be adopted with confidence in the greateſt works. "The body of the piſton is a truncated metal cone CCXX (fig. 25.), having a ſmall fillet at the greater end. Fig. 26. ſhows the profile, and fig. 27, the plan of its upper baſe; where appears a crofs bar DD, pierced with an oblong mortife E for receiving the tail of the pifton-rod. A band of thick and uniform leather AA (fig. 26. and 28.) is put round this cone, and fecured by a brafs hoop BB firmly driven on its fmaller end, where it is previouſly made thinner to give room for the hoop. "This pifton is covered with a leather valve, fortified with metal plates GG (fig. 29.). Theſe plates are wider than the hole of the pifton, fo as to reſt on its rim. There are ſimilar plates below the leather of a ſmaller fize, that they may go into the hollow of the piſton; and the leather is firmly held between the metal plates by fcrews H, H, which go through all. This is reprefented by the dotted circle IK. Thus the preffure of the incumbent column of water is fupported by the plates GG, whofe circular edges reft on the brim of the water-way, and thus ftraight edges reft on the croſs-bar DD of fig. 26. and 27. This valve is laid on the top of the conical box in ſuch a man, 302 MACHINES. ner that its middle FF refts on the croſs-bar. To bind all to- gether, the end of the piſton-rod is formed like a croſs, and the arms MN (fig. 30.) are made to reft on the diameter FF of the valve, the tail EP going through the hole E in the middle of the leather, and through the mortife E of the croſs-bar of the box; as well as through another bar QR (fig. 28. and 29.) which is notched into the lower brim of the box. A key V is then driven into the hole T in the pifton-rod; and this wedges all faft. The bar QR is made ftrong; and its extre- mities project a little, fo as to fupport the braſs hoop BB which binds the leather band to the pifton-box." This piſton has every advantage of ſtrength, tightneſs, and large water-way. The form of the valve (which has given it the name of the butterfly-valve) is extremely favourable to the paffage of the water; and as it has but half the motion of a complete circular valve, lefs water goes back while it is fhutting. 13. The following pifton is alſo ingenious, and has a good deal of merit. OPPO (pl. XXIV. fig. 5.) is the box of the piſton, having a perforation Q, covered above with a flat valve K, which reſts in a metal plate that forms the top of the box. - ABCBA is a ftirrup of iron to which the box is fixed by fcrews a, a, a, a, whofe heads are funk in the wood. This ftirrup is perforated at C, to receive the end of the piſton-rod, and a nut H is fcrewed on below to keep it faft. DEFED is another ftirrup, whoſe lower part at DD forms a hoop like the fole of a ftirrup, which embraces a ſmall part of the top of the wooden box. The lower end of the pifton-rod is fcrewed; and before it is put into the holes of the two ftirrups (through which holes it flides freely) a broad nut G is fcrewed on it. It is then put into the holes, and the nut H firmly fcrewed up. The packing RR is then wound about the pifton as tight as poffible till it completely fills the working-barrel of the pump. When long uſe las rendered it in any degree looſe, it may be tightened again by fcrewing down the nut G. This caufes the ring DĎ to compreſs the packing between it and the projecting fhoulder of the box at PP; and thus caufes it to fwell out, and apply itfelf cloſely to the barrel. Prony, in his Architecture Hydrau- lique, afcribes this invention to M. Bettancourt. 14. We fhall add only another form of a perforated piſton; which being on a principle different from all the preceding, will fuggeſt many others; each of which will have its peculiar ad- vantages. OO in fig. 3. pl. XXIV. reprefents the box of this piſton, fitted to the working-barrel in any of the preceding ways as may be thought beft. AB is a crofs-bar of four arms, which is fixed to the top of the box. CF is the pifton-rod going Pump-valves. 303 L through a hole in the middle of AB, and reaching a little way beyond the bottom of the box. It has a fhoulder D, which prevents its going too far through. On the lower end there is a thick metal plate, turned conical on its upper fide, ſo as to fit a conical feat PP in the bottom of the pifton-box. When the piſton-rod is pushed down, the friction on the barrel prevents the box from immediately yielding. The rod therefore flips through the hole of the croſs-bars AB. The plate E, therefore, detaches itſelf from the box. When the ſhoulder D preffes on the bar AB, the box muft yield, and be puſhed down the barrels, and the water gets up through the perforation. When the piſton-rod is drawn up again, the box does not move till the plate E lodges in the feat PP, and thus ſhuts the water-way; and then the piſton lifts the water which is above it, and acts as the piſton of a fucking-pump. This is a very ſimple and effective conftruction, and makes a very tight valve. It has been much recommended by engineers of the firſt reputation, and is frequently uſed; and, from its fimplicity, and the great folidity of which it is capable, it ſeems very fit for great works. But it is evident that the water-way is limited to leſs than one-half of the area of the working- barrel. For if the perforation of the piſton be one-half of the area, the diameter of the plate or ball EF muſt be greater; and therefore leſs than half the area will be left for the paffage of the water by its fides. 15. We come now to confider briefly the forms which may be given to the valves of an hydraulic engine. The requifites of a valve are, that it fhall be tight, of fufficient ſtrength to refift the great preffures to which it is expoſed, that it afford a fufficient paffage for the water, and that it do not allow much to go back while it is fhutting. The butterfly-valve reprefented in figures 29, &c. is free from moſt of the inconveniences, and feems the moſt perfect of the clack valves. Some engineers make their great valves of a pyramidal form, confifting of four clacks, whofe hinges are in the circumference of the water-way, and which meet with their points in the middle, and are ſupported by four ribs which riſe up from the fides, and unite in the middle. This is an ex- cellent form, affording the moft fpacious water-way, and ſhut- ting very readily. It feems to be the beſt poffible for a piſton. The rod of the pifton is branched out on four fides, and the branches go through the piſton-box, and are faſtened below with ſcrews. Theſe branches form the fupport for the four clacks. We have ſeen a valve of this form in a pump of fix feet diameter, which difcharged 20 hogfheads of water every ftroke, and made 12 ſtrokes in a minute, raiſing the water above 22 feet. 304 MACHINES. 16. There is another form of valve, called the button or tail valve. It confifts of a plate of metal AB (fig. 4. pl. XXIV.) turned conical, fo as exactly to fit the conical cavity a b of its box. A tail CD projects from the under fide, which paffes through a croſs-bar EF in the bottom of the box, and has a little knob at the end, to hinder the valve from rifing too high. This valve, when nicely made, is unexceptionable. It has great ſtrength, and is therefore proper for all fevere ſtrains, and it may be made perfectly tight by grinding. Accordingly it is ufed in all cafes where this is of indifpenfable confequence. It is moſt durable, and the only kind that will do for paffages where ſteam or hot water is to go through. Its only imper- fection is a ſmall water-way; which, from what has been ſaid, cannot exceed, nor indeed equal, one-half of the area of the pipe. If we endeavour to enlarge the water-way, by giving the cone very little taper, the valve frequently ſticks fo faft in the feat that no force can detach them.-And this fometimes hap- pens during the working of the machine; and the jolts and blows given to the machine in taking it to pieces, in order to diſcover what has been the reaſon that it has diſcharged no water, frequently detaches the valve, and we find it quite looſe, and cannot tell what has deranged the pump. When this is guarded against, and the diminution of the water-way is not of very great confequence, this is the beſt form of a valve. • 17. Analogous to this is the fimpleft of all valves. It is nothing more than a ſphere of metal, to which is fitted a ſeat with a ſmall portion of a ſpherical cavity. Nothing can be more effectual than this valve; it always falls into its proper place, and in every pofition fits it exactly. Its only imper- fection is the great diminution of the water-way. If the di- ameter of the ſphere do not confiderably exceed that of the hole, the touching parts have very little taper, and it is very apt to ſtick faft. It oppofès much lefs refiftance to the paffage of the water than the flat under-furface of the button-valve. The ſpherical valve muſt not be made too light, otherwiſe it will be hurried up by the water, and much may go back while it is returning to its place. Belidor deſcribes with great minutenefs (vol. ii. p. 221, &c.) a valve which unites every requifite. But it is of fuch nice and delicate conſtruction, and its defects are fo great when this exactneſs is not attained, or is impaired by ufe, that we think it hazardous to introduce it into a machine in a fituation where an intelligent and accurate artiſt is not at hand. For this rea- fon we have omitted the defcription, which cannot be given in few words, nor without many figures; and defire our curious Pumps. 305 readers to confult that author, or peruſe Dr. Defaguliers's tranſ- lation of this paffage. Its principle is preciſely the ſame with the following rude contrivance. 18. Suppoſe ABCD (fig. 2. pl. XXIV.) to be a ſquare wooden trunk. EF is a piece of oak board, exactly fitted to the trunk in an oblique pofition, and ſupported by an iron pin which goes through it at I, one-third of its length from its lower extremity E. The two ends of this board are bevelled, fo as to apply exactly to the fides of the trunk. . It is evident, that if a ftream of water come in the direction BA, its preſſure on the part IF of this board will be greater than that upon EI. It will therefore force it up and rufh through, making it ftand almoſt parallel to the fides of the trunk. To prevent its rifing fo far, a pin muſt be put in its way. When this current of water changes its direction, the preffure on the upper fide of the board being again greateft on the portion IF, it is forced back again to its former fituation; and its two extremities reft- ing on the oppofite fides of the trunk, the paffage is completely ftopped. This board therefore performs the office of a valve; and this valve is the moſt perfect that can be, becauſe it offers the freeft paffage to the water, and it allows very little to get back while it is fhutting; for the part IE brings up half as much water as IF allows to go down. It may be made ex- tremely tight, by fixing two thin fillets H and G to the fides of the trunk, and covering thoſe parts of the board with leather which apply to them; and in this ſtate it perfectly reſembles Belidor's fine valve. 19. This conftruction of the valve fuggefts, by the way, a form of an occafional pump, which may be quickly fet up by any common carpenter, and will be very effectual in fmail heights. Let a b c d e (fig. 2.) be a fquare box made to flide along this wooden trunk without ſhake, having two of its fides projecting upwards, terminating like the gable ends of a houſe. A piece of wood e is mortifed into theſe two fides, and to this the piſton-rod is fixed. This box being furniſhed with a valve fimilar to the one below, will perform the office of a pifton. If this pump be immerſed ſo deep in the water that the piſton fhall alfo be under water, we fcruple not to ſay that its per- formance will be equal to any. The pifton may be made abundantly tight, by covering its outfide neatly with foft lea- ther. And as no pipe can be bored with greater accuracy than a very ordinary workman can make a fquare trunk, we think this pump will not be very deficient even for a confiderable fuction. Thus much will, we hope, fuffice for the defcriptive part of theſe uſeful machines: as to the theory of the motion of water in VOL. II. X 1 306 MACHINES. pumps, at the fame time that it is extremely intricate, it prefents but few reſults that are of any practical utility. The curious student may be referred to the Mafchinenlehre of Langfdorf, the Hydrodynamique of Boffut, the Hydraulique of Buat, the Architec- ture Hydraulique of Prony, and the article Pump in the Encyclo- pædia Britannica. The laſt two pieces have furniſhed us with the moſt valuable parts of the prefent article. Some remarks on the variable motion of the pifton-rod may be feen under the title PARALLEL motion in this volume. PYROMETER, a machine contrived to meaſure the ex- panſion of metals, and other bodies, occafioned by heat. Mufchenbroeck was the original inventor of the Pyrometer: the nature and conſtruction of his inftrument may be underſtood from the following account. If we fuppofe a ſmall bar of metal, 12 or 15 inches in length, made faft at one of its extremities, it is obvious that if it be dilated by heat it will become lengthened, and its other extremity will be pushed forwards. If this ex- tremity then be fixed to the end of a lever, the other end of which is furniſhed with a pinion adapted to a wheel, and if this wheel move a ſecond pinion, the latter a third, and ſo on, it will be evident that by multiplying wheels and pinions in this manner, the laſt will have a very fenfible motion; ſo that the moveable extremity of the ſmall bar cannot pafs over the hundredth or thouſandth part of a line, without a point of the circumference of the laft wheel paffing over ſeveral inches. If this circumference then have teeth fitted into a pinion, to which an index is attached, this index will make feveral revo- lutions, when the dilatation of the bar amounts only to a quantity altogether infenfible. The portions of this revolution may be meaſured on a dial-plate, divided into equal parts; and by means of the ratio which the wheels bear to the pinions, the abfolute quantity which a certain degree of heat may have ex- panded the fmall bar can be afcertained: or, converfely, by the dilatation of the ſmall bar the degree of heat which has been applied to it may be determined. Such is the conftruction of Mufchenbroeck's pyrometer. It is neceffary to obferve that a fmall cup is adapted to the ma- chine, in order to receive the liquid or fufed matters, fubjected to experiment, and in which the bar to be tried is immerfed. When it is required to meaſure, by this inftrument, a con- fiderable degree of heat, fuch as that of boiling oil or fufed metal, fill the cup with the matter to be tried, and immerſe the bar of iron into it. The dilatation of the bar, indicated by the index, will point out the degree of heat it has affumed, and which muſt neceffarily be equal to that of the matter into which it is immerſed. Pyrometer. 307 This machine evidently ſerves to determine the ratio of the dilatation of metals, &c.: for by fubftituting in the room of the pyrometric bar other metallic bars of the fame length, and then expofing them to an equal degree of heat, the ratios of their dilatation will be fhewn by the motion of the index. Mufchenbroeck has given a table of the expanſion of the dif- ferent metals, in the fame degree of heat. Having prepared cylindric rods of iron, fteel, copper, braſs, tin, and lead, he ex- poſed them firſt to a pyrometer with one flame in the middle then with two flames; and fucceffively to one with three, four, and five flames. But previous to this trial, he took care to cool them equally, by expoſing them fome time upon the ſame ſtone, when it began to freeze, and Fahrenheit's thermometer was at thirty-two degrees. The effects of theſe experiments are di- geſted in the following table, where the degrees of expanſion are marked in parts equal to the part of an inch. Expanſion of By one flame I Iron Steel Copper Brafs Tin Lead 80 85 89 110 153 155 By two flames placed clofe together 117 123 115 220 274 By two flames 2 inches diftant 109 94 92 141 219 263 By three flames placed clofe together 142 168 193 275 By four flames placed 211270 270 361 230310 310 377 clofe together By five flames It is to be obſerved of tin, that it will eafily melt, when heated by two flames placed together. Lead commonly melts with three flames, placed together, eſpecially if they burn long. From theſe experiments, fo far as they are correct, it ap pears, at firft view, that iron is the leaſt rarefied of any of theſe metals, whether it be heated by one or more flames; and there- fore is moft proper for making machines or inftruments which we would have free from any alterations by heat or cold, as the rods of pendulums, for clocks, &c. So likewife the meaſures of yards or feet ſhould, if of metal, be made of iron, that their length may be as nearly as poffible the fame, fummer and winter. The X 2 308 MACHINES. ' expanſion of lead and tin, by only one flame, is nearly the fame; that is, almoſt double of the expanſion of iron. It is likewife obfervable, that the flames placed together caufe a greater rarefaction than when they have a fenfible interval between them; iron, in the former cafe, being expanded 117 degrees, and only 109 in the latter; the reafon of which difference is obvious. By comparing the expanſions of the ſame metal, pro- duced by one, two, three, or more flames, it appears, that two flames do not caufe double the expanſion of one; nor three flames three times that expanfion, but always lefs; and theſe expanſions differ fo much the more from the ratio of the num- ber of flames, as there are more flames acting at the fame time. It is alſo obſervable, that metals are not expanded equally, at the time of their melting, but fome more, fome lefs. Thus tin began to run, when rarefied 219 degrees; whereas braſs was expanded 377 degrees, and yet was far from melting. By the help of this inftrument Mr. Ellicott found, upon a medium, that the expanſions of bars of different metals, as nearly of the ſame dimenfions as poffible, by the fame degree of heat, were as follow; Gold, Silver, Brafs, Copper, Iron, Steel, 89 60 56 103 95 Lead, 149 73 The great difference between the expanſions of iron and brafs has been applied with good fuccefs to remedy the irre- gularities in pendulums arifing from heat. Phil. Tranſ. vol. xlvii. p. 485. See PENDULUM. Mr. Graham uſed to meaſure the minute alterations, in length, of metal bars, by advancing the point of a micrometer- fcrew, till it fenfibly ſtopped against the end of the bar to be meaſured. This fcrew, being fmall and very lightly hung, was capable of agreement within the three or four-thouſandth part of an inch. On this general principle Mr. Smeaton contrived his pyrometer, in which the meaſures are determined by the contact of a piece of metal with the point of a micrometer- fcrew. The following table fhews how much a foot in length of each metal grows longer by an increaſe of heat, correfponding to 180° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, or to the difference between freezing and boiling water, expreffed in fuch parts of which the unit is equal to the 10,000 part of an inch. 1. White glaſs barometer tube, 2. Martial regulus of antimony, 3. Bliſtered steel, 4. Hard fteel, 1 1 100 130 138 147 Pyrometer. 309 5. Iron, 6. Biſmuth, 7. Coppered hammered 8. Copper eight parts, with tin one, 9. Caft brafs, 10. Brafs fixteen parts, with tin one, 11. Brafs wire, 12. Speculum metal, 1 151 167 204 218 1 225 229 232 232 13. Spelter folder, viz. braſs two parts, zinc one, 247 14. Fine pewter, 274 15. Grain tin, 298 16. Soft folder, viz. lead two, tin one, 301 323 18. Lead, 344 353 373 17. Zinc eight parts, with tin one, a little hammered, 19. Zinc or fpelter, 20. Zinc hammered half an inch per foot, M. de Luc, in confequence of a hint fuggefted to him by the late Mr. Ramfden, invented a pyrometer, the bafis of which is a rectangular piece of deal board two feet and a half long, 15 inches broad, and one inch and a half thick; and to this all the other parts are fixed. This is mounted in the man- ner of a table, with four deal legs, each a-foot long and an inch and a half ſquare, well fitted near its four angles, and kept to- gether at the other ends by four firm crofs pieces. This fmall table is fufpended by a hook to a ftand; the board being in a vertical fituation in the direction of its grain, and bearing its legs forward in fuch a manner as that the croſs-pieces which join them may form a frame, placed vertically facing the obſerver. This frame fuftains a microſcope, which is firmly fixed in another frame that moves in the former by means of grooves, but with a very confiderable degree of tightneſs; the friction of which may be increaſed by the preffure of four fcrews. The inner ſliding frame, which is likewiſe of deal, keeps the tube of the microſcope in a horizontal pofition, and in great part with- out the frame, infomuch that the end which carries the lens is but little within the ſpace between the frame and the board. This microſcope is conſtructed in ſuch a manner as that the object obſerved may be an inch diſtant from the lens; and it has a wire which is fituated in the focus of the glaffes, in which the objects appeared reverſed. At the top of the apparatus there is a piece of deal, an inch and a half thick and two inches broad, laid in a horizonal direction from the board to the top of the frame. To this piece the rods of the different ſubſtances, whoſe expanſion by heat is to be meaſured, are fufpended: one end of it flides into a focket, which is cut in the thickneſs of the board; and the other end, which reſts upon the frame, meets there with 310 MACHINES. a ſcrew which makes the piece move backward and forward, to bring the objects to the focus of the microſcope. There is a cork very strongly driven through a hole bored vertically through this piece; and in another vertical hole made through the cork, the rods are fixed at the top; fo that they hang only, and their dilatation is not counteracted by any preffure. In order to heat the rods, a cylindrical bottle of thin glaſs, about 21 inches high, and four inches in diameter, is placed in the infide of the machine, upon a ſtand independent of the rest of the apparatus. In this bottle the rods are fufpended at a little leſs than an inch diſtance from one of the infides, in order to have them near the microſcope. Into it is poured water of different degrees of heat, which muſt be ſtirred about, by moving upwards and downwards, at one of the fides of the bottle, a little piece of wood, faftened horizontally at the end of a ſtick: in this water is hung a thermometer, the ball of which reaches to the middle of the height of the rods. During theſe opera- tions the water rifes to the cork, which thus determines the length of the heated part; the bottle is covered, to prevent the water from cooling too rapidly at the furface; and a thin caſe of braſs prevents the vapour from fixing upon the piece of deal to which the rods are fixed. The late Mr. Ferguſon alfo invented two pyrometers, deſcrip- tions and figures of which are given in his Lectures. Mr. Wedgwood, the ingenious manufacturer of the fineſt earthenware from baſaltic maffes, or terra cotta, has contrived a curious pyrometer: he employs fmall cubes of dry clay; be- cauſe that ſpecies of earth has the remarkable property of con- tracting in its bulk, when ſubmitted to the fire, and not again expanding on fuddenly expofing it to the cold air. In order to afcertain the precife degree of heat in an oven, he puts one of his clay-cubes into it; and, after having acquired the tempera- ture of the place, he immediately plunges it into cold water, Now, the fize of the cube (that was exactly adjuſted to half an inch ſquare) is meaſured between two brafs rules, the fides of which are ſomewhat obliquely difpofed, fo as to form an inclin- ing groove, into which the cube may be flidden. In proportion as the bulk of the latter has been contracted by heat, it paffes down deeper between the ſcales, on which the various degrees of temperature have been previously marked. Thus, when the divifion of the ſcale commences from the point of red heat viſible in day-light, and the whole range be divided into 240 equal parts, it will be found that Swediſh copper melts at 28; gold at 32; iron at from 130 to 150 degrees: above this point, the cubes could not be heated. But if one of theſe clay fquares be put into an oven where other materials, fuch as bread, Ramfden's Dividing Machine. 311 earthen-ware, &c. are to be baked, they may be uſefully em- ployed, for regulating the neceffary degree of heat. M. Fourmy has lately given, in the Journal des Mines, a paper "On the Thermometers of baked Earths, termed Py- rometers;" in which he fhews that the effect of fhrinking, upon which Wedgwood's pyrometer is founded, does not re- fult folely and invariably from the caufe to which it-is af- cribed; that it is not neceffarily proportionate to it; that, what- ever may be the graduation and the continuity of temperature applied to an aluminous mixt, its fhrinking is not only not neceffarily graduated, or neceffarily continuous, but it alfo does not always neceffarily take place; and therefore that a pyrome- ter founded upon fuch fhrinking does not afford fo conſtant and accurate a meaſure for the highest degrees of heat, as the dila- tation of mercury or of alcohol does for the lower. A tranf lation of M. Fourmy's obfervations is inferted in the Repertory of Arts, &c. No. 38. N. S. RAMSDEN's MACHINE for dividing MATHEMATICAL IN- STRUMENTS is an uſeful invention, by which theſe divifions can be performed with exceedingly great accuracy, fuch as would formerly have been deemed incredible. On difcovering the method of conftructing this machine, its inventor, Mr. Jeffe Ramſden, received 615/. from the commiffioners of longitude; engaging himſelf to inftruct a certain number of perfons, not exceeding ten, in the method of making and uſing this ma- chine from the 28th October 1775, to 28th October 1777: alſo binding himſelf to divide all octants and fextants by the fame engine, at the rate of three fhillings for each octant, and fix fhillings for each brafs fextant, with Nonius's divifions to half-minutes, for as long time as the commiffioners fhould think proper to let the engine remain in his poffeffion. Of this fum of 6151. paid to Mr. Ramſden, 300% were given him as a reward for the improvement made by him in diſcover- ing the engine, and the remaining 3157. for his giving up the property of it to the commiffioners. The following deſcription of the engine is that given upon oath by Mr. Ramfden him- felf. "This engine confifts of a large wheel of bell-metal, fup- ported on a mahogany ftand, having three legs, which are ftrongly connected together by braces, fo as to make it perfectly fteady. On each leg of the ſtand is placed a conical friction- pulley, whereon the dividing wheel refts: to prevent the wheel from fliding off the friction-pulleys, the bell-metal centre under it turns in a focket on the top of the ſtand. "The circumference of the wheel is ratched or cut (by a method which will be defcribed hereafter) into 2160 teeth, in ? 312 MACHINES. which an endleſs ſcrew acts. Six revolutions of the ſcrew will move the wheel a ſpace equal to one degree. "Now a circle of braſs being fixed on the fcrew arbor, having its circumference divided into 60 parts, each divifion will confe- quently anſwer to a motion of the wheel of 10 ſeconds, fix of them will be equal to a minute, &c. "Several different arbors of tempered ſteel are truly ground into the ſocket in the centre of the wheel. The upper parts of the arbors that ſtand upon the plane are turned of various fizes, to fuit the centres of different pieces of work to be divided. "When any inftrument is to be divided, the centre of it is very exactly fitted on one of theſe arbors; and the inftrument is fixed down to the plane of the dividing wheel, by means of fcrews, which fit into holes made in the radii of the wheel for that purpoſe. "The inftrument being thus fitted on the plane of the wheel, the frame which carries the dividing point is connected at one end by finger fcrews with the frame which carries the endleſs ſcrew; while the other end embraces that part of the fteel arbor which ſtands above the inftrument to be divided, by an angular notch in a piece of hardened ſteel: by this means both ends of the frame are kept perfectly ſteady, and free from any ſhake. "The frame carrying the dividing-point or tracer is made to flide on the frame which carries the endleſs ſcrew to any diſtance from the centre of the wheel as the radius of the inftru- ment to be divided may require, and may be there faſtened by tightening two clumps; and the dividing-point or tracer being connected with the clumps by the double-jointed frame, admits a free and eaſy motion towards or from the centre for cutting the divifions, without any lateral fhake, "From what has been faid, it appears that an inftrument thus fitted on the dividing-wheel may be moved to any angle by the fcrew and divided circle on its arbor, and that this angle may be marked on the limb of the inftrument with the greateft exact- nefs by the dividing-point or tracer, which can only move in a direct line tending to the centre, and is altogether freed from thoſe inconveniences that attend cutting by means of a ftraight edge. This method of drawing lines will alfo prevent any error that might ariſe from an expanſion or contraction of the metal dur- ing the time of dividing. "The fcrew frame is fixed on the top of a conical pillar, which turns freely round its axis, and alfo moves freely to- wards or from the centre of the wheel, ſo that the ſcrew-frame may be entirely guided by the frame which connects it with the centre; by this means any eccentricity of the wheel and the w Ramfden's Dividing Machine. 313 arbor would not produce any error in the dividing; and by a particular contrivance (which will be deſcribed hereafter), the fcrew when preffed againſt the teeth of the wheel always moves parallel to itfelf; fo that a line joining the centre of the arbor and the tracer continued will always make equal angles with the fcrew. "Fig. 1. in Pl. XXVI. repreſents a perſpective view of the engine. "Fig. 2. in Pl. XXVII. is a plan of which fig. 3. repre- fents a fection on the line II A, "The large wheel A is 45 inches in diameter, and has ten radii, each being ſupported by edge-bars, as reprefented in fig. 3. Theſe bars and radii are connected by the circular ring B, 24 inches in diameter and 3 deep; and, for greater ftrength, the whole is caft in one piece in bell-metal. "As the whole weight of the wheel A refts on its ring B, the edge bars are deepeſt where they join it; and from thence their depth diminiſhes, both towards the centre and circum- ference, as reprefented in fig. 3. worked very even and The ring C, of fine circumference of the "The furface of the wheel A was flat, and its circumference turned true. brafs, was fitted very exactly on the wheel; and was faftened thereon with fcrews, which, after being ſcrewed as tight as poffible, were well rivetted. The face of a large chuck being turned very true and flat in the lathe, the flattened furface A (fig. 3.) of the wheel was faſtened againſt it with hold-fafts; and the two furfaces and circumference of the ring C, a hole through the centre and the plane part round [b] it, and the lower edge of the ring B, were turned at the ſame time. "D is a piece of hard bell-metal, having the hole, which receives the ſteel arbor [d], made very ftraight and true. This bell-metal was turned very true on an arbor; and the face, which refts on a wheel at [b], was turned very flat, ſo that the ſteel arbor [d] might ſtand perpendicular to the plane of the wheel: this bell-metal was faſtened to the wheel by fix fteel fcrews [1]. "Abraſs focket Z is faftened on the centre of the mahogany ſtand, and receives the lower part of the bell-metal piece D, being made to touch the bell-metal in a narrow part near the mouth, to prevent any obliquity of the wheel from bending the arbor: good fitting is by no means neceffary here; fince any ſhake in this focket will produce no bad effect, as will appear hereafter when we defcribe the cutting-frame. "The wheel was then put on its ftand, the lower edge of the ring B (fig 1, 2, and 3.) reſting on the circumference of three 314 MACHINES. 1 conical friction-pulleys W, to facilitate its motion round its centre. The axis of one of theſe pulleys is in a line joining the centre of the wheel and the middle of the endleſs ſcrew, and the other two placed ſo as to be at equal diſtances from each other. "(Fig. 1.) is a block of wood ftrongly faſtened to one of the legs of the ftand; the piece [g] is fcrewed to the upper fide of the block, and has half-holes, in which the tranfverfe axis [h] (fig. 4.) turns: the half-holes are kept together by the fcrews [i]. "The lower extremity of the conical pillar P (fig. 1. & 4.) terminates in a cylindrical ſteel pin [k], (fig. 4.) which paffes through and turns in the tranſverſe axis [b], and is confined by a cheek and fcrew. "To the upper end of the conical pillar is faſtened the frame G, (fig. 4.) in which the endleſs ſcrew turns: the pivots of the ſcrew are formed in the manner of two fruftums of cones joined by a cylinder, as reprefented at X (fig. 5). Thefe pivots are confined between half-poles, which prefs only on the conical parts, and do not touch the cylindric parts: the half-holes are kept together by fcrews [a] which may be tightened at any time, to prevent the fcrew from fhaking in the frame. "On the fcrew-arbor is a ſmall wheel of brafs K (fig. 1, 2, 4, 5.), having its outſide edge divided into 60 parts, and num- bered at every 6th divifion with 1, 2, &c. to 10. The motion of this wheel is ſhown by the index [y] (fig. 4 & 5.) on the fcrew-frame G. "H (fig. 1.) repreſents a part of the ftand, having a parallel flit in the direction towards the centre of the wheel, large enough to receive the upper part of the conical braſs pillar P, which carries the fcrew and its frame and as the refiftance, when the wheel is moved by the endleſs-fcrew, is againſt the fide of the flit H which is towards the left hand, that fide of the flit is faced with brafs, and the pillar is preffed againft it by a fteel ſpring on the oppofite fide: by this means the pillar is ſtrongly ſupported laterally, and yet the fcrew may be eafily preffed from or againſt the circumference of the wheel, and the pillar will turn freely on its axis to take any direction given it by the frame L. "At each corner of the piece I (fig. 4.) are ſcrews [n] of tempered ſteel, having poliſhed conical points: two of them turn in conical holes in the ſcrew-frame near [o], and the points of the other two fcrews turn in the holes in the piece Q; the fcrews [p] are of fteel, which being tightened, prevent the conical pointed fcrews from unturning when the frame is moved. Ramfden's Dividing Machine. 315 "L (fig. 1, 2, 6.) is a braſs frame, which ſerves to connect the endleſs-ſcrew, its frame, &c. with the centre of the wheel: each arm of this frame is terminated by a ſteel ſcrew, that may be paſſed through any of the holes [q] in the piece Q_(fig. 4.), as the thickneſs of work to be divided on the wheel may require, and are faſtened by the finger-nuts [r] (fig. 1. & 2.) "At the other end of this frame is a flat piece of tempered fteel [b] (fig. 6.), wherein is an angular notch: when the endleſs- fcrew is preffed againſt the teeth of the circumference of the wheel, which may be done by turning the finger-ſcrew S (fig. 1 & 2.) to preſs againſt the ſpring [t], this notch embraces and preſſes againſt the ſteel arbor [d]. This end of the frame may be raiſed or depreffed by moving the prifmatic flide [u] (fig. 2.), which may be fixed at any height by the four ſteel- fcrews [v] (fig. 1, 2, 6.). "The bottom of this flide has a notch [k] (fig. 1. & 6.), whoſe plane is parallel to the endleſs-fcrew; and by the point of the arbor [d] (fig. 3.) refting in this notch, this end of the frame is prevented from tilting. The fcrew S (fig. 1, 2.) is pre- vented from unturning, by tightening the finger-nut [w]. "The teeth on the circumference of the wheel were cut by the following method: "Having confidered what number of teeth on the circum- ference would be moft convenient, which in this engine is 2160, or 360 multiplied by 6, I made two fcrews of the fame dimen- fions, of tempered ſteel, in the manner hereafter deſcribed, the interval between the threads being fuch as I knew by calculation would come within the limits of what might be turned off the circumference of the wheel; one of theſe ſcrews, which was in- tended for ratching or cutting the teeth, was notched acroſs the threads, ſo that the ſcrew, when preffed againſt the edge of the wheel and turned round, cut in the manner of a faw. Then having a ſegment of a circle a little greater than 60 degrees, of about the fame radius with the wheel, and the circumfer- ence made true, from a very fine centre, I deſcribed an arch near the edge, and fet off the cord of 60 degrees on this arch. This fegment was put in the place of the wheel, the edge of it was ratched, and the number of revolutions and parts of the ſcrew contained between the interval of the 60 degrees were counted. The radius was corrected in the proportion of 360 revolutions, which ought to have been in 60 degrees, to the number actually found; and the radius, fo corrected, was taken in a pair of beam-compaffes: while the wheel was on the lath, one foot of the compaffes was put in the centre, and with the other a circle was deſcribed on the ring; then half the depth of the threads of the fcrew being taken in dividers, was ſet 7 316 MACHINES. from this circle outwards, and another circle was deſcribed cutting this point; a hollow was then turned on the edge of the wheel of the fame curvature as that of the ſcrew at the bottom of the threads: the bottom of this hollow was turned to the fame radius or diſtance from the centre of the wheel, as the outward of the two circles before mentioned. “The wheel was now taken off the lathe; and the bell-metal piece D (fig. 3.) was fcrewed on as before directed, which after this ought not to be removed. ΤΟ "From a very exact centre a circle was deſcribed on the ring C (fig. 1, 2, 3.), about of an inch within where the bottom of the teeth would come. This circle was divided with the greateſt exactneſs I was capable of, firſt into five parts, and each of theſe into three. Theſe parts were then bifected four times (that is to fay), fuppofing the whole circumference of the wheel to contain 2160 teeth, this being divided into five parts, each would contain 432 teeth; which being divided into three parts, each of them would contain 144; and this ſpace bifected four times would give 72, 36, 18, and 9: therefore each of the laft divifions would contain nine teeth. But, as I was apprehenſive fome error might arife from quinquefection and trifection, in order to examine the accuracy of the diviſions, I deſcribed another circle on the ring C (fig. 7.) inch within the former, and divided it by continual bifections, as 2160, 1080, 540, 270, 135, 67, and 33; and as the fixed wire (to be de- fcribed preſently) croffed both the circles, I could examine their agreement at every 135 revolutions; (after ratching, could examine it at every 334): but, not finding any fenfible difference between the two fets of divifions, I, for ratching, made choice of the former; and, as the coincidence of the fixed wire with an interſection could be more exactly determined than with a dot or divifion, I therefore made ufe of interfections in both circles before defcribed. I ΤΟ "The arms of the frame L (fig. 7.) were connected by a thin piece of braſs of 2 of an inch broad, having a hole in the middle of of an inch in diameter; acroſs this hole a filver wire was fixed exactly in a line to the centre of the wheel: the coincidence of this wire with the interfections was examined by a lens inch focus, fixed in a tube which was attached to one of the arms L*. Now a handle or winch being fixed on the end of the fcrew, the divifion marked 10 on the circle K was ſet to its index, and, by means of a clamp and adjuſting- ſcrew for that purpoſe, the interſection marked 1 on the circle The interfections are marked for the fake of illuſtration, though properly invifible, they lying under the brafs plate. Ramfden's Dividing Machine. 317 : C was fet exactly to coincide with the fixed wire; the fcrew was then carefully preffed againſt the circumference of the wheel, by turning the finger-fcrew S; then, removing the clamp, I turned the fcrew by its handle 9 revolutions, till the interfection marked 240 came nearly to the wire; then, un- turning the finger-fcrew S, I releafed the fcrew from the wheel, and turned the wheel back till the interfection marked 2 exactly coincided with the wire; and, by means of the clamp before mentioned, the divifion 10 on the circle being fet to its index, the ſcrew was preffed againſt the edge of the wheel by the finger-fcrew S; the clamps were removed, and the ſcrew turned nine revolutions till the interfection marked I nearly coincided with the fixed wire; the ſcrew was releaſed from the wheel by unturning the finger-fcrew S as before; the wheel was turned back till the interfection 3 coincided with the fixed wire; the divifion 10 on the circle being fet to its index, the fcrew was preffed againſt the wheel as before, and the ſcrew was turned 9 revolutions, till the interfection 2 nearly coincided with the fixed wire, and the ſcrew was releaſed; and I proceeded in this manner till the teeth were marked round the whole circum- ference of the wheel. This was repeated three times round, to make the impreffion of the fcrew deeper. I then ratched the wheel round continually in the fame direction without ever difengaging the ſcrew; and, in ratching the wheel about 300 times round, the teeth were finiſhed. I "Now it is evident, if the circumference of the wheel was even one tooth or ten minutes greater than the ſcrew would require, this error would in the first inftance be reduced to 240 part of a revolution, or two feconds and a half; and theſe errors or inequalities of the teeth were equally diſtributed round the wheel at the diſtance of nine teeth from each other. Now, as the ſcrew in ratching had còntinually hold of ſeveral teeth at the fame time, and theſe conftantly changing, the above- mentioned inequalities foon corrected themſelves, and the teeth were reduced to a perfect equality. The piece of braſs which carries the wire was now taken away, and the cutting-ſcrew was alſo removed, and a plain one (hereafter defcribed) put in its place: on one end of the ſcrew is a ſmall braſs circle, having its edge divided into 60 equal parts, and numbered at every fixth divifion, as before mentioned. On the other end of the ſcrew is a ratchet-wheel C, having 60 teeth, covered by the hollowed circle [d] (fig. 5.), which carries two clicks that catch upon thẻ oppofite fides of the ratchet when the fcrew is to be moved forwards. The cylinder S turns on a ftrong fteel arbor F, which paffes through and is firmly fcrewed to the piece Y: this piece, for greater firmnefs, is attached to the fcrew-frame G 318 MACHINES. (fig. 4.) by the braces [v]: a ſpiral groove or thread is cut onì the outſide of the cylinder S, which ferves both for holding the ſtring, and alſo giving motion to the lever J on its centre by means of a ſteel tooth [n], that works between the threads of the fpiral. To the lever is attached a ſtrong ſteel pin [m], on which a braſs ſocket [r] turns: this focket paffes through a flit in the piece [p], and may be tightened in any part of the flit by the finger-nut [f]: this piece ferves to regulate the number of revolutions of the ſcrew for each tread of the treadle R. "T (fig. 1.) is a brafs box containing a ſpiral ſpring; a ftrong gut is faftened and turned three or four times round the circumference of this box; the gut then paffes feveral times round the cylinder S, and from thence down to the treadle R (fig. 1.). Now, when the treadle is preffed down, the ſtring pulls the cylinder S round its axis, and the clicks catching hold of the teeth on the ratchet carry the ſcrew round with it, till, by the tooth [n] working in the fpiral groove, the lever J (fig. 4.) is brought near the wheel [d], and the cylinder ftopped by the ſcrew-head [x] ftriking on the top of the lever J; at the fame time the fpring is wound up by the other end of the gut paffing round the box T (fig. 1.). Now, when the foot is taken off the treadle, the fpring unbending itſelf pulls back the cylinder, the clicks leaving the ratchet and ſcrew at reft till the piece [t] ſtrikes on the end of the piece [p] (fig. 1.): the number of revolutions of the ſcrew at each tread is limited by the number of revolutions the cylinder is allowed to turn back. before the ſtop ſtrikes on the piece [p]. "When the endleſs-ſcrew was moved round its axis with a confiderable velocity, it would continue that motion a little after the cylinder S (fig. 1. and 4.) was ftopped: to prevent this, the angular lever was made; that when the lever J comes near to ftop the fcrew [x], it, by a fmall chamfer, preffes down the piece x of the angular lever; this brings the other end of the fame lever forwards, and ftops the endleſs-ſcrew by the fteel pin u ftriking upon the top of it: the foot of the lever is raifed again by a ſmall ſpring preffing on the brace [v]. ทุ "D, two clamps, connected by the piece a, flide one on each arm of the frame L (fig. 1, 2, 6.), and may be fixed at pleaſure by the four finger-ſcrews, which preſs againſt ſteel ſprings to avoid ſpoiling the arms: the piece [q] is made to turn without fhake between two conical pointed fcrews [f], which are pre- vented from unturning by tightening the finger-nuts N. "The piece M (fig. 6.) is made to turn on the piece [q], by the conical pointed ſcrews [f] refting in the hollow centres [e]. "As there is frequent occafion to cut divifions on inclined Ramfden's Dividing Machine. 319 planes, for that purpoſe the piece y, in which the tracer is fixed, has a conical axis at each end, which turn in half holes: when the tracer is ſet to any inclination, it may be fixed there by tightening the ſteel ſcrews ß. "Deſcription of the Engine by which the Endleſs-ſcrew of the Divid- ing-engine was cut. "Fig. 9. reprefents this engine of its full dimenfions ſeen from one fide. << Fig. 8. the upper fide of the fame as feen from above. "A repreſents a triangular bar of steel, to which the tri- angular holes in the pieces B and C are accurately fitted, and may be fixed on any part of the bar by the ſcrews D. "E is a piece of ſteel whereon the fcrew is intended to be cut; which, after being hardened and tempered, has its pivots turned in the form of two fruftums of cones, as reprefented in the drawings of the dividing-engine (fig. 5.). Theſe pivots were exacly fitted to the half-holes F and T, which were kept together by the fcrews Z. "H repreſents a ſcrew of untempered fteel, having a pivot I, which turns in the hole K. At the other end of the fcrew is a hollow centre, which receives the hardened conical point of the fteel pin M. When this point is fufficiently preffed againſt the fcrew, to prevent its fhaking, the fteel pin may be fixed by tightening the ſcrews Y. "N is a cylindric nut, moveable on the ſcrew H; which, to prevent any ſhake, may be tightened by the fcrews O. This nut is connected with the faddle-piece P by means of the inter- mediate univerſal joint W, through which the arbor of the ſcrew H paffes. A front view of this piece, with a fection acroſs the ſcrew-arbor, is reprefented at X. This joint is con- nected with the nut by means of two fteel flips S, which turn on pins between the cheeks T on the nut N. The other ends of theſe flips S turn in like manner on pins (a). One axis of this joint turns in a hole in the cock (b), which is fixed to the faddle-piece; and the other turns in a hole (d), made for that purpoſe in the fame piece on which the cock (b) is fixed. By this means, when the fcrew is turned round, the faddle-piece will flide uniformly along the triangular bar A. · "K is a ſmall triangular bar of well-tempered fteel, which ſlides in a groove of the fame form on the faddle-piece P. The point of this bar or cutter is formed to the ſhape of the thread intended to be cut on the endlefs-fcrew. When the cutter is ſet to take proper hold of the intended fcrew, it may be fixed ! 320 MACHINES. f by tightening the fcrews (e), which prefs the two pieces of brafs G upon it. "Having meaſured the circumference of the dividing-wheel, I found it would require a ſcrew about one thread in a hundred coarfer than the guide-fcrew H. The wheels on the guide- fcrew arbor H, and that on the fteel E, on which the fcrew was to be cut, were proportioned to each other to produce that effect, by giving the wheel L 198 teeth, and the wheel Q_200. Theſe wheels communicated with each other by means of the intermediate wheel R, which alſo ſerved to give the threads on the two ſcrews the fame direction. "The faddle-piece P is confined on the bar A by means of the pieces (g), and may be made to flide with a proper degree of tightneſs by the ſcrews (n).” REVERSING OF MOTIONS, contrivances for. We do not here mean to ſpeak of alternating or reciprocating motions after intervals of ſhort continuance; thofe being already treated of in the introductory part of this volume, alfo under the title. PARALLEL motions, befides that they occur incidentally in the ſeparate deſcriptions of ſeveral machines. We fhall now mention fome methods of reverfing motions after much longer intervals; as in the cafe of drawing up buckets from wells or mines, where no change of direction may be required for ſeveral minutes; or in different kinds of mill-work, where the direction may not be changed for fome hours. Contrivances to effect fuch reverfion of motion are very numerous; but almoſt all of them may be reduced to two general methods: for the required change is generally produced either by making two equal pinions on one and the fame axis take alternately into the teeth of thoſe parts of a larger wheel which are nearly diametrically oppofite; or, by means of an additional wheel which may, as the practical mechanics term it, be thrown in and out of gear alternately. In many engines for drawing buckets out of mines that are moved by horſes, the motion is frequently reverſed by turning round the animal, and caufing him to retrace his fteps and draw the contrary way: but this is found very injurious to the horfe, a circumftance which has frequently led to the adoption. of other methods. In Emerfon's Mechanics a fimple con- trivance is deſcribed, confifting merely of a horizontal face- wheel upon the fame vertical ſhaft as the horſepole is attached to, and two equal pinions upon the fame axle as carries the drum or barrel on which the rope winds. The axle which carries the drum and pinions is fixed horizontally a little above a diameter of the face-wheel; and firft one and then the other Reverfing of Motions. 321 of the pinions is made to be driven by that wheel; thus, mani- feftly, reverfing the motion as required. There are two methods of attaching theſe pinions to the axle, and making them to be acted upon by the face-wheel: in one of them, the pinions are faſtened upon the axle at a diſtance from each other exceeding the diameter of the face-wheel only 3 or 4 inches; then, the axle being moved horizontally through this ſmall diſtance brings firft one and then the other pinion into contact with the wheel at oppofite extremities of a diameter, and thus changes the direction of the motion; but this method is at- tended with the diſadvantage of having often to move a heavy weight with the horizontal axle, befides that there is much danger of breaking the teeth of the pinions and wheel when they first come to embrace each other. In the ſecond method, the lanterns or pinions both turn conftantly with the face- wheel, but they play freely upon their common axle, except they are ſtopped by a pin which fixes them; the application of fuch pin to firft the one and then the other of the lanterns pro- duces the alternating motion, as propofed. M. Prony has two contrivances for reverfing the motion in horſe-whims, without changing that of the animal: in both of which, however, the general principle is the fame as that adopted by Mr. Emerfon. In the firſt a horizontal wheel, toothed at its face, lay juſt above two vertical pinions, fixed on the oppofite extremities of an axis of the length of its diameter. This wheel was fo contrived as to incline a little from its hori. zontal pofition to either fide at pleaſure; fo that on the one inclination its teeth locked with thoſe of one pinion, and receded from the other; and on the other pofition, its operation on the pinions was reverfed: by which the axis of the pinions turned round first in one direction, and afterwards in the contrary. M. Prony, finding this method fubject to fome inconveni- ences, contrived the following, which he eſteems much fuperior to it. An horizontal wheel, toothed at its face, and attached to a perpendicular arbor (which gives it motion), turns two pinions, moveable on the fame axis, which it meets at the oppofite fides of its circumference: thefe pinions are not attached to the axis, but turn round freely upon it: the inter- mediate part of the axis is fquare, and has, adjoining to each pinion, boxes which flide back and forwards on it, each of which fupport a faced wheel, with ftrong ferrated teeth; the ferration being in a different direction on the oppoſite wheels: the boxes are connected by two iron bars, fo as to change their places by one movement; to the pinions there are alſo ferrated faced wheels attached, fo as to lock on thoſe oppoſite to them VOL. II. Y 322 MACHINES. on the fliding boxes. From this conftruction it follows, that when the boxes are flidden to one extremity of the axis, the pinion at that fide will be connected with the axle, and com- municate its motion to it in one direction; and when the boxes are moved to the other extremity, then the first pinion will be difengaged, and the fecond be locked to the axle, and cauſe it to turn round in a direction the reverſe of that in which it moved before. There is a lever on another axle, whofe office is to move the before-mentioned boxes backwards and forwards: an arm projects from the axis, which moves between two pieces, proceeding from the frame connected with the boxes: the lever rifes upwards, and has a weight at its top, by which it preffes Itrongly in either direction, when it paffes the perpendicular polition; forming thus the contrivance vulgarly called a tumbling- bob, which is uſed in various engines for a fimilar purpoſe. Upon the fame axle on which the pinions move is faſtened a drum-wheel, round which paffes the chain or cord to which the buckets are attached; another chain or cord is placed below the buckets, from the bottom of one to that of the other, to form an equilibrium between the whole of the appendage of one bucket and that of the other in all poſitions. A bar is fo placed, that, on one of the buckets rifing to a certain height, it catches the bar, forces it upwards, and thereby throws over the tumbling- bob connected with its other extremity: this reverſes the movement of the buckets; and, on the other bucket rifing, it operates in the fame way on another lever, which throws the bob to the other fide, and caufes the first bucket to rife again. M. Prony has annexed a contrivance to this engine by which the horfe that puts it in motion is difengaged when any accident happens, which would tend to ftop the movement of the wheels: for this purpoſe the traces pafs under two pulleys in the ends of the yoke; and their extremities, which have loops wrought in them, are thereby attached to two pins in a roller, round which a cord is wound two or three turns, and paffes from thence through rings in the lever, which caufes the arbor to revolve, and over a pulley on the arbor to a weight which hangs befide it. When the draught exceeds this weight, it is evident the roller will be drawn round by the traces, and that they will flip off the pins, and be difengaged during the firſt revolution. The method of reverfing motion by caufing pinions to be operated upon by the oppofite parts of a face-wheel, has been long known and practifed by mill-wrights; and they have various contrivances for performing the alternation, as by levers, fcrews, tumbling-bobs, &c. One of theſe will be illuſtrated by a figure, when we come to the article TIDE-mill. Rotatory Apparatus. 325 As to the fecond general method, it has perhaps an ap- pearance of greater fimplicity; though, when reduced to practice, it is commonly found more expenfive than the former. Suppoſe that while the horizontal wheel A (fig. 2. pl. XXVIII.) con tinues to turn always one way, it is required to have the hoti zontal wheel B turn, fometimes in one direction, and fometimes in another by means of an additional wheel C, equal in diameter and number of teeth (fuppofing the velocities in both directions to be equal), this may be accompliſhed, thus: Let the two wheels B and C have the lower pivots of their axles refting in boxes or cafes that may be moved up and down by means of fcrews; and, while the wheels A and B are nearly of equal thickneſs, let the wheel C be fomewhat more than double the thickness of either : when the motion of the wheel B is to be in a contrary direction to that of A, let the wheel C be lowered fo much that its teeth play neither into thofe of A nor B, while the teeth of A take into thofe of B and drive it round: when, on the contrary, B is to be moved in the fame direction as A, let the wheel B be lowered till its teeth do not come into contact with thoſe of A, and let C be raiſed until the upper parts of its teeth take between thofe of the wheel A, while the lower parts of other teeth play into the teeth B; fo fhall the rotation of Bhave the direction required. If the motion of the wheel A were ſometimes in one direction and ſometimes in another, the motion of B might all along be preferved in one direction, by the occafional application of C as an intermediate wheel. REGULATOR of defcending motions. See Hardie's CRANE ROTATORY MOTION, when produced by a reciprocating motion, requires fome contrivance to render it uniform, or nearly fo. The ufual method of equalizing is by attaching a fly-wheel to fome part of the machinery: but Mr. Arthur Woolf has invented an apparatus to be fubftituted for the fly in fteam-engines, which poffeffes the advantage of equalizing the motion, with the property of being flopped and fet to work at any part of the ftroke. Plate XXIII. fig. 4. A reprefents part of the engine-beam; B the connecting-rod; C the crank-arm; D a cog-wheel, working into another cog-wheel E, of half the fize; Fa crank- arm on the fhaft of the ſmall wheel; G a cylinder cloſed at bottom, in which a folid or unperforated pifton moves, leaving a vacuum beneath. This acts fimply inſtead of a weight on the crank F, by the conftant preffure of the atmoſphere; and the diameter of the pifton must be fuch as nearly to equal one- third of the power of the engine. In fig. 5. the outer circle is the line defcribed by the crank; the circumference of the inner circle is equal to twice the X 2 $24 MACHINES. ; 1 diameter of the outer, and the fquare has the fame circum- ference: this laft exhibits the inequality ftill remaining, which by this method is reduced to about one fifth; but by the affiftance of a ſmall fly on the fecond motion, the effect will become nearly the fame as that of a rotative engine, with the advantages here mentioned. The fame motion may be applied to a pump, but in this caſe the two cranks muſt be horizontal at the fame time. Nich. Jour. No. 23. N. S. SAWMILLS, conftructed for the purpoſe of fawing either timber or ſtone, are moved by animals, by water, by wind, or by fteam. They may be diftinguiſhed into two kinds: thoſe in which the motion of the faws is reciprocating, and thoſe in which the faws have a rotatory motion. In either cafe the reſearches of theorists have not yet turned to any account: inſtead, therefore, of giving any uncertain theory here, we fhall proceed to the defcriptive part, and refer thoſe who wiſh to fee fome curious inveſtigations on this fubject to a Memoir on the Action of Saws, by Euler, in Mem. Acad. Roy. Berlin, 1756. Reciprocating fawmills for cutting timber and moved by water, do not exhibit much variety in their conftruction. The fawmill repreſented in pl. XXVIII. is taken from Gray's Experienced Millwright; but it only differs in a few triding particulars from fome which are defcribed in Belidor's Archi- tecture Hydraulique, and in Gallon's Collection of Machines approved by the French academy. 1. The plate juft referred to fhews the elevation of the mill. A A the fhaft or axle, upon which is fixed the wheel BB (of 17 or 18 feet diameter), containing 40 buckets to receive the water which impels it round. CC a wheel fixed upon the fame Thaft containing 96 teeth, to drive the pinion No. 2. having 22 teeth, which is faftened upon an iron axle or ſpindle, having a coupling box on each end that turns the cranks, as DD, round: one end of the pole E is put on the crank, and its other end moves on a joint or iron bolt at F, in the lower end of the frame GG. The crank DD being turned round in the pole E, moves the frames GG up and down, and theſe having faws in them, by this motion cut the wood. The pinion, No. 2. may work 2, 3, or more cranks, and thus move as many frames of faws. No. 3, an iron wheel having angular teeth, which one end of the iron K takes hold of, while its other end rolls on a bolt in the lever HH. One end of this lever moves on a bolt at I, the other end may lie in a notch in the frame GG ſo as to be puthed up and down by it. Thus the catch K pulls the wheel round, while the catch L falls into the teeth and prevents `it from going backwards. (See Univerſal LEVER.) Upon the * Sawmills. .32,5 axle of No. 3. is alfo fixed the pinion No. 4. taking into the teeth in the under edge of the iron bar, that is faftened upon the frame TT, on which the wood to be cut is laid by this mean the frame TT is moved on its rollers SS, along the fixed frame UU; and of courſe the wood faſtened upon it is brought forward to the faws as they are moved up and down by reafon of the turning round of the crank DD. VV, the machine and handle to raiſe the fluice when the water is to be let upon the wheel B B to give it motion. By pulling the rope at the longer arm of the lever M, the pinion No. 2. is put into the hold or grip of the wheel CC, which drives it; and by pulling the rope R, this pinion is cleared from the wheel. No. 5. a pinion containing 24 teeth, driven by the wheel CC, and having upon its axle a ſheave, on which is the rope PP, paffing to the heave No. 6. to turn it round; and upon its axle is fixed the pinion No. 7. acting on the teeth in an iron bar upon the frame TT, to roll that frame backwards when empty. By pulling the rope at the longer arm of the lever N, the pinion No. 5. is put into the hold of the wheel CC; and by pulling the rope O it is taken off the hold. No. 8. a wheel fixed upon the axle No. having upon its periphery angular teeth, into which the catch No. 10. takes; and being moved by the lever attached to the upper part of the frame G, it puſhes the wheel No. 8. round and the catch No. 11. falls into the teeth of the wheel, to pre- vent it from going backwards while the rope rolls in. its axle, and drags the logs or pieces of wood in at the door Y, to be laid upon the moveable frames TT, and carried forward to the faws to be cut. The catches No. 10. II. are eafily thrown out of play when they are not wanted. The gudgeons in the fhafts, rounds of the cranks, fpindles, and pivots, fhould all turn round in cods or buſhes of brafs. Z, a door in one end of the mill- houſe at which the wood is conveyed out when cut. WW walls of the mill-houfe. QQ, the couples or framing of the roof. XXX, &c. windows to admit light to the houſe. A plan of this mill is given in pl. 43. of Mr. Gray's book. 2. Sawmills for cutting blocks of ſtone are generally, though not always, moved horizontally: the horizontal alternate motion may be communicated to one or more faws, by means of a. rotatory motion, either by the ufe of cranks, &c. or in fome fuch way as the following. Let the horizontal wheel ABDC (fig. 3. pl. XX.) drive the pinion OpN, this latter carrying a vertical pin P, at the diſtance of about of the diameter from the centre. This pinion and pin are reprefented feparately in No. 2. of fig. 3. Let the frame WSTV, carrying four faws, marked 1, 2, 3, 4, have wheels V,T,W,W, each running in a groove or rut, whofe direction is parallel to the propofed * 326 1 MACHINES. 2. direction of the faws: and let a tranfverfe gropve PR, whofe length is double the distance of the pin P from the centre of the pinion, be cut in the faw frame to receive that pin. Then, as the great wheel revolves, it drives the pinion, and carries round the pin P: and this pin, being compelled to flide in the ſtraight groove PR, while by the rotation of the pinion on which it is fixed its diſtance from the great wheel is conſtantly varying, it cauſes the whole faw frame to approach to and recede from the great wheel alternately, while the grooves in which the wheels run confine the frame ſo as to move in the direction Tt, Vv. Other blocks of ſtone may be fawn at the fame time by the motion of the great wheel, if other pinions and frames running off in the directions of the refpective radii EB, EA, EC, be worked by the teeth at the quadrantal points B, A, and C. And the contrary efforts of theſe four frames and pinions will tend to foften down the jolts, and equalize the whole motion. The fame contrivance, of a pin fixed at a fuitable diſtance from the centre of a wheel, and fliding in a groove, may ſerve to convert a reciprocating into a rotatory motion: but it will not be preferable to the common converfion by means of a crank. 3. When faws are uſed to cut blocks of ftone into pieces having cylindrical furfaces, a ſmall addition is made to the apparatus. See figs. 8, 9. pl. XX. The faw, instead of being allowed to fall in a vertical groove as it cuts the block, is attached to a lever or beam FG, fufficiently ſtrong; this lever has ſeveral holes pierced through it, and fo has the vertical piece ED, which is likewife moveable towards either fide of the frame in grooves in the top and bottom pieces AL, DM. Thus, the length KG of the radius can be varied at pleaſure, to fuit the curvature of NO; and as the faw is moved to and fro by proper machinery, in the direction CB, BC, it works lower and lower into the block, while, being confined by the beam FG, it cuts the cylindrical portion from the block P, as required. When a completely cylindrical pillar is to be cut out of one block of ftone, the firſt thing will be to aſcertain in the block the poſition of the axis of the cylinder; then lay the block fo that fuch axis fhall be parallel to the horizon, and let a cylin- drical hole of from one to two inches diameter be bored entirely through it. Let an iron bar, whofe diameter is rather lefs than that of this tube, be put through it, having juft room to flide freely to and fro as occafion may require. Each end of this bar fhould terminate in a fcrew, on which a nut and frame may be faftened: the nut frame ſhould carry three flat pieces of wood or iron, each having a flit running along its middle nearly from one end to the other, and a fcrew and handle muſt be adapted to each flit: by thefe means the frame-work at each Circular Sawvs. 48270 ; end of the bar may readily be ſo adjuſted as to form equal ifofceles or equilateral triangles; the iron bar will connect two correfponding angles of theſe triangles, the faw to be uſed two other correfponding angles, and another bar of iron or of wood the two remaining angles, to give fufficient ftrength to the whole frame. This conftruction, it is obvious, will enable the work- men to place the faw at any propofed diſtance from the hole drilled through the middle of the block; and then, by giving the alternating motion to the faw frame, the cylinder may at length be cut from the block, as required. This method was firſt pointed out in the Collection of Machines approved by the Paris academy. 9.121. If it were propofed to faw a conic fruftum from fuckca block, then let two frames of wood or iron be fixed to thofe parallel ends of the block which are intended to coincide with the baſes of the fruftum, circular grooves being previously eat in theſe frames to correfpond with the circumferences of the two ends of the propoſed fruftum; the faw being worked in thefe grooves will manifeftly cut the conic furface from the block. This, we believe, is the contrivance of fir George Wright. W The beſt method of drilling the hole through the middle of the propofed cylinder feems to be this on a carriage running upon four low wheels let two vertical pieces (each having sa hole juft large enough to admit the borer to play freely) be fixed two or three feet afunder, and ſo contrived that the pieces and holes to receive the borer may, by fcrews, &c. be raiſed or lowered at pleaſure, while the borer is prevented from fliding to and fro by fhoulders upon its bar, which are larger than the holes in the vertical pieces, and which, as the borer revolves, preſs againſt thofe pieces: let a part of the boring bar between the two vertical pieces be fquare, and a grooved wheel withe a fquare hole of a fuitable fize be placed upon this part of the bar; then the rotatory motion may be given to the bar by an endleſs band which fhall paſs over this grooved wheel and a wheel of a much larger diameter in the fame plane, the latter wheel being turned by a winch handle in the uſual way. As the boring proceeds, the carriage with the borer may be brought nearer and nearer the block, by levers and weights, in the fame manner as is deſcribed under the article boring of ORD- NANCE. : Shin 4. Circular faws, acting not by a reciprocating, but by a rotatory, motion, have been long known in Holland, where they are uſed for cutting wood ufed in veneering. They were intro- duced into this country, we believe, by general Bentham, and are now uſed in the dock yard at Portfmouth, and in a few 晶 ​328 MACHINES. 1 f other places: but they are not, as yet, fo generally adopted as might be wifhed, confidering how well they are calculated to abridge labour, and to accomplish with expedition and accuracy what is very tedious and irkſome to perform in the uſual way. Circular faws may be made to turn either in horizontal, vertical, or inclined, planes; and the timber to be cut may be laid upon a' plane inclined in any direction; fo that it may be fawn by lines making any angle whatever, or at any propoſed diſtance from each other. When the faw is fixed at a certain angle, and at a certain diſtance from the edge of the frame, all the pieces will be cut of the fame fize, without marking upon them by a chalked line, merely by cauſing them to be moved along and keeping one fide in contact with the fide of the frame; for then, as they are brought one by one to touch the faw revolving on its axle, and are preffed upon it, they are foon cut through. · Mr. Smart, of Ordnance Wharf, Weftminster-bridge, has ¨ ſeveral circular faws, all worked by a horſe in a moderate fized walk: one of thefe, intended for cutting and boring tenons uſed in this gentleman's hollow mafts, is reprefented in fig. 2. pl. XXVI. -NOPOR is a hollow frame, under which is part of the wheel-work of the horſe-mill.-A, B, D, C, E, F, are pulleys, over which pafs ftraps or endleſs bands, the parts of which out of fight run upon the rim of a large vertical wheel: by means of this fimple apparatus, the faws S, S', are made to revolve upon their axles with an equal velocity, the fame band paffing round the pulleys D, C, upon thoſe axles; and the rotatory motion is given to the borer G by the band paffing over the pulley A. The board I is inclined to the horizon in an angle of about 30 degrees; the plane of the faw S' is parallel to that of the board I, and about 4 of an inch diſtant from it, while the plane of the faw S is vertical, and its loweſt point at the fame diftance from the board I. Each piece of wood K out of which the tenon is to be cut is 4 inches long, an inch and a "quarter broad, and of an inch thick. One end of fuch piece is laid fo as to flide along the ledge at the lower part of the board I; and as it is pushed on, by means of the handle H, it is firft cut by the faw S', and immediately after by the faw S: after this the other end is put loweft, and the piece is again cut by both faws: then the tenon is applied to the borer G, and as foon as a hole is pierced through it, it is dropped into the box beneath. By this procefs, at leaſt 30 tenons may be com- pleted in a minute, with greater accuracy than a man could make one in a quarter of an hour, with a common hand-ſaw and gimblet. The like kind of contrivance may, by flight alterations, be fitted for many other purpoſes, particularly all fuch as may require the fpeedy fawing of a great number of pieces into 1 Scapements- 1 829 exactly the fame fize and fhape. A very great advantage · attending this fort of machinery is, that, when once the pofition of the faws and frame is adjuſted, a common labourer may per- form the buſineſs juſt as well as the beſt workman. ; SCAPEMENT, from the French word echappement, a tèrm ufed among clock and watch-makers, to denote the general con- trivance by which the preffure of the wheels, which move always in one direction, and the reciprocating motion of the pendulum or balance, are accommodated the one to the other. When a tooth of a wheel has given the balance or pendulum a motion in one direction, it must quit it, that it may get an impulfion in the oppofite direction; and it is this efcaping of the tooth of the wheel from the balance or pendulum, or of the latter from the former, whichever we pleaſe to call it, that has given rife to the general term. * * • i From the nature of a pendulum, it follows, that it need only to be removed from the vertical, and then let go, in order to - vibrate and meaſure time. Hence it might feem that nothing is wanted but a machinery fo connected with the pendulum as to keep a regifter, as it were, of the vibration. It could not be difficult to contrive a method of doing this; but more is wanted: the air must be difplaced by the pendulum. This requires fome force, and must therefore employ fome part of the momentum of the pendulum. The pivot on which it wings occafions friction the thread, or thin piece of metal by which it is hung, in order to avoid this friction, occafions fome ex- penditure of force by its want of perfect flexibility or tafticity. Thefe, and other caufes, make the vibrations grow more and more narrow by degrees, till at laſt the pendulum is brought to reft. We muft, of courfe, have a contrivance in the wheelwork which will reſtore to the pendulum the ſmall portion of force which it lofes in every vibration. The action of the wheels therefore may be called a maintaining power, becauſe it keeps up the vibrations. But this may affect the regularity of vibration. If it be fuppofed that the action of gravity renders all the vi- brations ifochronous, we muſt grant that the additional impulſion by the wheels will deftroy that ifochroniſm, unleſs it be fo applied that the fum total of this impulfion and the force of gravity may vary fo with the fituation of the pendulum as ſtill to give a feries of forces, or a law of variation, perfectly fimilar to that of gravity. This cannot be effected, unleſs we know both the law which regulates the action of gravity, producing ifochroniſm of vibration, and the intenſity of the force to be de- rived from the wheels in every fituation of the pendulum. Thus it appears that confiderable ſcientific ſkill as well as mechanical ingenuity may be diſplayed in the conftruction of 1 330 MACHINES. fcapements; and the judicious confideration of them becomes of great importance to the artift: yet, notwithstanding this, no material improvement was made in them from the first appli- cation of the pendulum to clocks till the days of Mr. George Graham; nothing more was attempted before his time than to apply the impulfe of the fwing-wheel, in ſuch manner as was attended with the leaft friction, and would give the greateſt motion to the pendulum. Dr. Halley difcovered, by fome experiments made at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, that by adding more weight to the pendulum, it was made to vibrate larger arcs, and the clock went fafter; by diminiſhing the weight of the pendulum, the vibrations became fſhorter, and the clock went flower: the refult of thefe experiments being diametrically oppofite to what ought to be expected from the theory of the pendulum, probably firſt rouſed the attention of Mr. Graham, who was not only fkilful in practice, but had much mathematical knowledge, and was well qualified to examine the fubject fcientifically: he foon made fuch further trials as convinced him, that this feeming paradox was occă- fioned by the retrograde motion, which was given to the ſwing- wheel by every conftruction of fcapement that was at that time in ufe; and his great fagacity foon produced a remedy for this defect, by conftructing a fcapement which prevented all recoil of the wheels, and reftored to the clock pendulum, wholly in theory, and nearly in practice, all its natural properties in its detached fimple ftate. This fcapement, with a few others of the molt approved conftruction, will now be briefly deſcribed. I J. 1. The fcapement which has been in ufe for clocks and watches ever fince their first appearance in Europe is extremely fimple, and its mode of operation is too obvious to need much explanation. In fig. 1. pl. XXIX. XY repreſents a horizontal axis, to which the pendulum P is attached by a flender rod, or otherwife. This axis has two leaves C and D attached, one near each end, and not in the fame plane, but ſo that when the pendulum hangs perpendicularly, and at reft, the piece C in- clines a few degrees to the right hand, and D as much to the left. They commonly make an angle of from 70 to 90 de- grees: they are called by the name of pallets. AFB repreſents a wheel turning round on a perpendicular axis EO, in the order of the letters AFEB. The teeth of this wheel are cut into the form of the teeth of a faw, leaning forward, in the direction of the motion of the rim. As they fomewhat refemble the points of an old-faſhioned royal diadem, this wheel has got the name of the crown-wheel. In watches it is often called the balance- wheel. The number of the teeth is generally odd; fo that when one of them B is preffing on a pallet D, the oppofite pallet C is Recoiling Scapements. 331 整​村 ​in the ſpace between two teeth A and I. The figure repreſents the pendulum at the extremity of its excurfion to the right hand, the tooth A having juſt eſcaped from the pallet C, and the tooth B having juft dropped on the pallet D. It is plain, that as the pendulum now moves over to the left, in the arch PG, the tooth B continues to prefs on the pallet D, and thus accelerates the pendulum, both during its defcent along the arch PH, and its afcent along the arch HG. It is no lefs evident, that when the pallet D, by turning round the axis XY, raiſes its point above the plane of the wheel, the tooth B eſcapes from it, and I drops on the pallet C, which is now nearly perpendicular. I preffes C to the right, and accelerates the motion of the pen- dulum along the arch GP. Nothing can be more obvious than this action of the wheel in maintaining the vibrations of the pendulum. We can eaſily perceive, alſo, that when the pen- dulum is hanging perpendicularly in the line XH, the tooth B, by preffing on the pallet D, will force the pendulum a little way to the left of the perpendicular, and will force it ſo much the further as the pendulum is lighter; and, if it be fufficiently light, it will be forced fo far from the perpendicular that the tooth B will efcape, and then I will catch on C, and force the pendulum back to P, where the whole operation will be re- peated. The fame effect will be produced in a more remarkable degree, if the rod of the pendulum be continued through the axis XY, and a ball Q put on the other end to balance P. And, indeed, this is the contrivance which was firft applied to clocks all over Europe, before the application of the pendulum. They were balance clocks. The force of the wheel was of a certain magnitude, and therefore able, during its action on a pallet, to communicate a certain quantity of motion and velocity to the balls of the balance. When the tooth B efcapes from the pal- let D, the balls are then moving with a certain velocity and momentum. In this condition, the balance is checked by the tooth I catching on the pallet C. But it is not inftantly top- ped. It continues its motion a little to the left, and the pallet C forces the tooth I a little backward. But it cannot force it fo far as to eſcape over the top of the tooth I, becauſe all the mo- mentum of the balance was generated by the force of the tooth B; and the tooth I is equally powerful. Befides, when I catches on C, and C continues its motion to the left, its lower point applies to the face of the tooth I, which now acts on the ba- lance by a long and powerful lever, and foon ftops its further motion in that direction; and now, continuing to prefs on C, it urges the balance in the oppofite direction. Thus we fee that in a fcapement of this kind the motion of the wheel muſt be very hobbling and unequal, making a great ftep forward, and $ + 1 KOLISH Cop 110) • 332 MACHINES. • a ſhort ſtep backward, at every beat. This has occafioned the contrivance to get the name of the recoiling fcapement, or the Scapement of recoil. In this fcapement the vibrations are quicker than if the ba- lance or pendulum vibrated freely: for the recoil fhortens the afcending part of the vibration, by contracting the extent of the arc, and the re-action of the wheel accelerates the defcending part of the vibration. In this ſcapement, too, if the maintain- ing power be increaſed, the vibrations will be performed in larger arcs, but in leſs time: becauſe the greater preſſure of the crown-wheel on the pallet will cauſe the balance to vibrate through larger arches; and the time will be lefs increaſed on this account than it will be diminiſhed by the acceleration that preffure gives to the balance and the diminution of the time of recoil. 2. The preceding ſcapement not being well adapted to fuch vibrations as are performed through arcs of a few degrees only, another conftruction has been made which has been in conſtant ufe for about a century in clocks, with a long pendulum beating feconds. In fig. 2. AB reprefents a vertical wheel called the fwing-wheel, having thirty teeth. CD repreſents a pair of pal- lets connected together, and moveable in conjunction with the pendulum on the centre or axis F. One tooth of the wheel, as fhewn in the figure, refts on the inclined furface of the inner part of the pallet C; on which its difpofition to flide tends to throw the point of the pallet further from the centre of the wheel, and confequently affifts the vibration in that direction. While the pallet C moves outwards and the wheel advances, the point of the pallet D of courſe approaches towards the centre in the opening between the two neareſt teeth; and when the acting tooth of the wheel flips off, or eſcapes from the pallet C, another tooth on the oppofite fide immediately falls on the exterior inclined face of D, and by a fimilar operation tends to puſh that pallet from the centre. The returning vibration is thus affifted by the wheel, while the pallet C moves towards the centre, and receives the fucceeding tooth of the wheel, after the eſcape from the point of D. Thus may the alternation be conceived to go on without limit. In this fcapement, as well as the former, the vibrating part is conftantly under the influence of the maintaining power, ex- cept during the interval of the drop, or actual efcape of the wheel from one pallet to the other. One principal recommenda- tion of this fcapement ſeems to have been the facility with which it affords an index for feconds in the face of the clock. Though the pendulum, according to this conftruction, is conftantly connected with the maintaining power in a clock, yet the va- Dead-beat Scapements. 233 riations of that power have not the fame mischievous effect as in a watch, becauſe the momentum of the pendulum, compared with the impulfe of the maintaining power, is prodigioufly greater in the former of theſe inſtruments. A very confiderable change in the maintaining power of a clock with a long pen- dulum will only caufe a variation of a few feconds in the daily rate. 3. Mr. Graham's ſcapement, already ſpoken of, was a confi- dérable improvement upon that juft defcribed. He took off part of the flope furtheft from the points of the pallets; and in- ftead of that part he formed a circular or cylindrical face, having its axis in the centre of motion. Pallets of this kind are fhewn at the lower part of fig. 2. at E and G, having H for their centre or axis. A tooth of the wheel is feen refting upon the circular inner furface of the pallet G, which therefore is not affected by the wheel, excepting fo far as its motion, arifing from any other cauſe, may be affected by the friction of the tooth; and this re- fiſtance is exceedingly minute, not amounting to one-eighth of the preffure on the arch. Nay, we think it appears from the experiments of Coulomb, that, in the cafe of fuch minute preffures on a furface covered with oil, there is no fenfible re- tardation analogous to that produced by friction, and that what retardation we obferve arifes entirely from the clamminefs of the oil. If the vibration of the pendulum be fuppofed to carry G outwards, the flope furface will be brought to the point of the tooth, which will ſlide along it, and urge the pallet outwards during this ſliding action. When the tooth has fallen from the point of this pallet, an oppofite tooth will be received on the circular furface of E, and will not affect the variation, excepting when the ſlope ſurface of E is carried out fo as to fuffer the tooth to ſlide along it. This contrivance is known by the name, of the dead beat, the dead fcapement; becauſe the feconds index ftands ſtill after each drop, whereas the index of a clock with a recoiling ſcapement is always in motion, hobbling backward and forward. In this fcapement, an increaſe of the maintaining power ren ders the vibrations larger and flower: becauſe the greater preffure of the tooth on the edge of the pallet throws it round through a greater arch; and its increaſed preffure on both fur- faces of the pallet retards its motion. 4. The effect of the fcapement which has been called ho rizontal, becauſe the laft wheel in watches of this conftruction. has its plane parallel to the rest of the fyftem, is fimilar to that of the dead-beat fcapement of Graham. In fig. 5, the ho- rizontal wheel is feen with twélye teeth, upon each of which is fixed a ſmall wedge fupported above the plane of the wheel, as 334 MACHINES. may be feen at the letters A and B. On the verge of the ba lance there is fixed part of a hollow cylinder of ſteel or other hard material, the imaginary axis of which paffes through the pivots of the verge. Čreprefents this cylindrical piece, into which the verge D may be ſuppoſed to have fallen. While the vibration cauſes the cylindrical piece to revolve in the direction which carries its anterior edge towards the axis of the wheel, the point of the wedge will merely rub the internal ſurface, and no otherwife affect the vibration of the balance than by retarding its motion. But when the return of the vibration clears the cylin- der of the point of the wedge D, the wheel will advance, and the flope furface of the wedge acting againſt the edge of the cylinder will affift the vibration of the balance. When the edge of the cylinder arrives at the outer point of the wedge D, its pofterior edge muft arrive at the pofition denoted by the dotted lines of continuation; immediately after which the wedge or tooth E will arrive at the poſition é, and reft on the outer ſurface of the cylinder, where it will produce no other effect than that of re- tardation from friction, as was remarked with regard to the wedge D, until the courſe of the vibration fhall bring the po- fterior edge of the cylinder clear of the point of the wedge. In this.laft fituation, the wedge will act on the edge of the cylin- der, and aſſiſt the vibration, as in the former cafe, until that edge fhall arrive at the outer or pofterior point of the wedge; immediately after which the leading point will fall on the inner furface of the cylinder in the firſt poſition, as was fhewn in the wedge D. 1 Horizontal watches were greatly eſteemed during the laſt thirty years, until lately, when they gave place to thoſe con- ſtructions which are known by the name of detached or free fcapements. In the common fcapement, fig. 1, an increaſe of the maintaining power increaſes the recoil, and accelerates the vibrations: but with the horizontal ſcapement there is no re- coil; and an increaſe of the maintaining power, though it may enlarge the arc of vibration, will not neceffarily diminish or alter the time. It is accordingly found, that the experiment of altering the maintaining power by the application of the key does not alter the rate in the fame perceptible manner as in common watches. 5. Fig. 6, reprefents the free fcapement of our beſt portable time-pieces. Fig. 4, exhibits the fcapement on a large fcale. On the verge of the balance is fixed a circular piece of ſapphire, or of hard fteel, EL, out of which a fectoral piece is cut. HG is a ftraight ſpring fixed near its extremity H, and having at the -other extremity a pin G, againſt which one of the teeth of the wheel D reſts when the train is at reft.. This fpring has a flight 1 Detached Scapements. 335 tendency towards the centre of the wheel, but is prevented by the ftop K from throwing the pin further inwards than juſt to receive the point of the tooth. I is a very flender ſpring fixed at the end I, and preffing very flightly against the pin G, in a direction tend ing to throw it from the wheel D, but which on account of the greater power of HG it cannot effect. It may be obferved that the fpring I proceeds a little beyond the pin G-F is a lever pro- ceeding from the verge of the balance directly oppofité the end of the fpring I, and long enough to ſtrike it in its vibration. The action is as follows:-From the preffure of the main fpring the wheel (fig. 4.) is urged from D towards F, but is prevented from moving by the pin G. Let the balance be made to vi brate, and the lever F will move through the arc Ff, ftrike the inner extremity of the fpring I, and diſplace the pin G. At this inftant the face E, which may be called the pallet, will have arrived at the pofition e, againſt which the tooth of the wheel will fall, and communicate its impulfe through about 15° or 16° of the vibration. But F quits the fpring I fooner than the wheel quits the pallet E, and confequently the pin G will have returned to its firft ftation before the wheel can have advanced a whole tooth, and the ſpring or detent HG will re- ceive the wheel as before, immediately after its eſcape from the pallet. The returning vibration of the balance will be made with the piece EL perfectly at liberty between two teeth of the wheel, as in the ſketch, and the back ftroke of the lever F againſt the tender fpring I will have no effect whatever on the pin G; this fpring being like the back ſpring of the jacks of the harpfichord, active in one direction only. The third vibration of the balance will unlock the detent as before; the impulſe will again be given, and the whole proceſs will be repeated: and in this manner, the balance, though it may vibrate through the greatest part of the entire circle, will be entirely free of the works, except during the very ſmall time of the drop of the wheel. It is hardly neceffary to make any remark on this fcapement. It requires little or no oil; and when all the parts, particularly the pendulum fpring, are duly adjusted, it is found that a very great variation in the first mover will remarkably alter the arc of vibration without affecting the rate. The piece EL might have confifted of a ſingle pallet or arm, inſtead of a portion of a circle or cylinder; but fuch a piece would have been rather lefs conve nient to make in fapphire, or ruby, as in the beſt time-piecès, and would alfo have been lefs uſeful. For if by any accident or 'fhock the pin G ſhould be difplaced for an inſtant, the wheel D will not ran down, becauſe it will be caught upon the eir- cular furface of EL. It is indeed very easy to obfervé, that the 336 MACHINES. piece EL would operate without the detent, though with much friction during the time of repofe. The tooth of the wheel would in that cafe reft upon its circular face. * 6. In the two laft fcapements we have ſeen the variable effects of the maintaining power almost entirely removed, as far as can be practically difcerned. Fig. 7, exhibits the fcapement of Mudge; in which the balance is perfectly detached from the train of wheels, except during the extremely fhort interval of ftriking out the parts which ferve the purpofe of detents. ONEBQ is the circumference of the balance, vibrating by the action of a ſpiral fpring as ufual on its axis CA DH paffing through the centre C: the axis is bent into a crank, AXYD, to make room for the other work. LM, ZW, are two rods fixed to the crank at the points L and Z, parallel to XY. cdefrs are fixed parts of the machine. TR is an axis con- centric with that of the balance, and carrying an arm Go nearly at right angles to it, and a ſmall auxiliary fpring u, which is wound up whenever the arm Go is moved in the direction o h. p is a curved pallet fixed to the axis TR, which receives the tooth of the balance wheel near the axis. The tooth, proceed- ing along the curved furface, by the force of the main fpring turns the axis and its arm Go, and winds up the ſpring z A fmall projection at the extremity of the curved furface of the pallet p prevents the further progrefs of the tooth, when the arm G has been turned through an arc oh, of about 27°; and con- fequently the fpring u has been wound up through the fame angle or arc, o Gh 27°. FS is another. axis exactly fimilar to TR. It carries its arm Io, and fpring v, and the tooth of the balance-wheel Im winds up the fpring v, by acting on the pal- let q, and is detained by a projection, after having carried it through an angle of 27°, exactly as in the former cafe. The arcs paffed through by the arms Go and Io, and marked in the figure, are alfo denoted by the fame letters on the rim of the balance. The effect of this fcapement may be thus explained: let the ba lance be in the quiefcent ftate, the main ſpring being unwound, and the branch or crank in the pofition repreſented in the figure. If the quiefcent points of the auxiliary fprings coincide with that of the balance-fpring, the arm Go will juft touch the rod LM, and in like manner the arm Io will just touch the rod WZ; the two arms Go and I in this pofition are parallel to the line CO. This pofition of the balance and auxiliary fprings remains as long as the main ſpring of the machine continues unwound; but when- ever the action of the main fpring fets the balance-wheel in motion, a tooth thereof meeting with one or other of the pallets or q, will wind up one of the auxiliary ſprings: fuppofe it Mudge's Scapements. 337 : po Thould be the ſpring u. The arm Go being carried into the fition Gb, by the force of the balance-wheel acting on the pal- let p, remains in that poſition as long as the tooth of the ba lance-wheel continues locked by the projection at the extremity of the pallet; and the balance itſelf not being at all affected by the motion of the arm Go, nor by the winding up of the fpring u, remains in its quiefcent pofition: confequently no vi- bration can take place, except by the affiftance of fome external force to fet the balance in motion. Suppoſe an impulfe to be given fufficient to carry it through the femi-arc OB, which is about 135° in Mr. Mudge's conftruction. - The balance, during this motion, carries with it the crank AXYD, and the affixed rods LM, ZW. When the balance has deſcribed an angle of about 27° the angle o Ch, or o Gh, the rod LM meets with the arm GH, and by turning the axis TR, and the pallet p in the direction of the arc o b, releaſes the tooth of the balance-wheel from the projection at the extremity of the pallet p: the balance-wheel immediately revolves, and the lower tooth meeting with the pallet q, winds up the auxi- liary ſpring, and carries the arm Io with a circular motion through the angle. Ik, about 27°, in which poſition the arm' Io remains as long as the tooth of the balance-wheel is locked by the pallet q. While the fpring vis winding up through the arc ok, the balance defçribes the remaining part of the femi-arc b B, and during this motion the rod LM carries round the arm Gh, caufing it to defcribe an angle h CB, or h·GB, which is meaſured by the arc bB 108°. When the balance has ar- rived at the extremity of the femi-arc OB 135°, the auxiliary fpring u will have been wound up through the fame angle of 130°, that is to fay, 27°, by the force of the main-fpring acting on the pallet p, and 108° by the balance itſelf, carrying along with it the arm Go, or Gb, while it defcribes the arc h B. The balance therefore returns through the arc-BO, by the joint action of the balance fpring and the auxiliary fpring u; the accelera- tion of both ſprings ceafing the inftant the balance arrives at the quiefcent point o. When the balance has proceeded in its vi- bration about 27 beyond the point O, to the pofition Ck, the rod. ZW meets with the arm Ik, and by carrying it forward re- leaſes, the tooth of the balance-wheel from the pallet q. The balance-wheel accordingly revolves, and the upper tooth meeting with the pallet.pwinds up the auxiliary ſpring u as before. The balance with the crank proceeding to deſcribe the remain- ing femi are kE, winds up the fpring v through the further angle CE108, and returns through the femi-arc E6, by the joint action of the balance-ſpring and the auxiliary ſpring VOL. H. Z } : 338 MACHINES. v, both of which ceafe to accelerate the balance the inftant it has arrived at O. It may be remarked, in this curious ſcapement, that the mo- tion of the balance in its femi-vibration from the point of qui- eſcence is oppoſed through an arc of no more than 108, but is accelerated in its return through the whole arc of 135˚, and that the difference is what maintains the vibrations; and more- over, that the force from the wheel being exerted to wind up each auxiliary ſpring during the time it is totally difengaged from the balance, this laſt organ cannot be effected by its irre- gularities, except fo, far as they may render it more difficult to difengage the rim of the pallet from the tooth. The balance defcribes an arc of about 8° during this difengagement. Count Bruhl, in his pamphlet " On the Inveſtigation of Aftronomical Circles," after defcribing Mudge's fcapement, proceeds thus: " By what has been faid, it is evident, that whatever inequality there may be in the power derived from the main ſpring (provided the latter be fufficient to wind up thofe little pallet-fprings), it can never interfere with the regu- larity of the balance's motion, but at the inſtant of unlocking the pallets, which is ſo inſtantaneous an operation, and the re- fiſtance ſo exceedingly ſmall, that it cannot poffibly amount to any fenfible error. error. The removal of this great obſtacle was cer- tainly never fo effectually done by any other contrivance, and deferves the higheſt commendation, as a probable means to per- fect a portable machine that will meaſure time correctly. But this is not the only, nor indeed the principal, advantage which this time-keeper will poffefs over any other; for, as it is im- poffible to reduce friction to ſo ſmall a quantity as not to affect the motion of a balance, the conſequence of which is, that it deſcribes fometimes greater and fometimes fmaller arcs, it be came neceflary to think of ſome method by which the balance might be brought to deſcribe thoſe different arcs in the fame time. If a balance could be made to vibrate without fric- tion or refiftance from the medium in which it moves, the mere expanding and contracting of the pendulum-ſpring would probably produce the fo much wiſhed for effect, as its force is ſuppoſed to be proportional to the arcs deſcribed; but as there is no machine void of friction, and as from that cauſe, the ve- locity of every balance decreaſes more rapidly than the ſpaces gone through decreafe, this inequality could only be removed by a force acting on the balance, which affuming different ra- tios in its different ftages, could counterbalance that inequality. This very material and important remedy, Mr. Mudge has effected by the conſtruction of his fcapement; for his pallet- * Mudge's Scapements. 339 fprings having a force capable of being increaſed almoſt at plea- fure, at the commencement of every vibration, the proportion in their different degrees of tenfion may be altered till it an- fwers the intended purpofe. This fhews how effectually Mr. Mudge's fcapement removes the two greateſt difficulties that have hitherto baffled the attempts of every other artiſt, namely, the inequalities of the power derived from the main fpring, and the irregularities ariſing from friction, and the variable refift- ance of the medium in which the balance moves." 7. Fig. 8, is the ſketch of an adaptation of Mudge's fcape- ment to a clock. LM is a part of the periphery of the wheel. GA, GB, are two arms ſeparately moveable on the fame axis, and terminating in the pallets A, B. Theſe pallets have in- clined faces, with a claw or detent at the lower part of each. GO, IO, are tails proceeding from each pallet-piece refpec. tively, and the dark ſpot at N reprefents a pin proceeding from the pendulum rod, and capable of moving either of the tails ac- cording to the courſe of the vibration. The dotted circles u and v reprefent weights which are ſtuck upon two pins, and may be changed for others, greater or ſmaller, until the moſt fuitable quantity is found. Suppofe the wheel to be urged from L towards MM, and the pendulum made to vibrate by ex- ternal impulfe. The pin N proceeding towards L will ftrike the tail GO, raiſe the pallet A, and fet the wheel at liberty: which fliding along the inner ſurface of the pallet B, will raifè it, and ftop againſt the claw at its lower end. IO will confe- quently be carried into the pofition IP; and the pallet A in its return will be oppofite a vacancy, which will permit the tail GO to follow the pin N as far as the perpendicular fituation. The pendulum will therefore be affifted by the weight u through a longer arc in its defcent, than it was impeded by it in its afcent. In the oppofite femi-vibration toward M, the pen dulum will proceed unoppofed by v, while it paffes through the angle OIP, when it will raiſe B, and permit the wheel to elevate the pallet A. In the motion on this fide of the perpen dicular, it is alſo clear that the deſcent will be more affifted than the afcent was impeded. Whence it follows, that the clock will continue to go: and no variation of the force of the wheel LM, which raifes the pallets in the abfence of the pen dulum, will affect the vibration, except fo far as it may afford a variable refiftance at the detent or claw. 8. Mr. Mudge has alfo given another detached ſcapement, which he recommends for pocket-watches, and executed en- tirely to his fatisfaction in one made for the queen. A dead- beat pendulum fcapement is interpofed between the wheels and the balance. The crutch EDF (fig. 3.) has a third arm Z 2 340 MACHINES. SUF • DG ftanding outwards from the meeting of the other two, and of twice their length. This arm terminates in a fork AGB. The verge V has a pallet C, which, when all is at reft, would ftand between the points A, B, of the fork. But the wheel, by its action on the pallet E, forces the fork into the pofition Bg b the point A of the fork being now where B. was before, juft touching the cylindrical furface of the verge. The fcapement of the crutch EDF is not accurately a dead-beat, fcapement, but has a very fmall recoil beyond the angle of impulfion. By this circumſtance the branch A (now at B) is made to prefs moft gently on the cylinder, and keeps the wheel locked, while the balance is going round in the direction BHA. The point A gets a motion from A to B by means of a notch in the cylinder, which turns round at the fame time by the action of the branch AG on the pallet C; but A does not touch the cylinder during this, motion, the notch leaving free room for its paffage. When the balance returns from its excurfion, the pallet Cftrikes on the branch A (ſtill at B), and unlocks the wheel. This now acting of the crutch-pallet F, caufes the branch.b of the fork to follow, the pallet C, and give it a ftrong impulfe in the direction in which it is then moving, caufing the balance to make a femi- vibration in the direction AHB. The fork is now in the fi- tuation A ga, fimilar to B gb, and the wheel is again locked on the crutch-pallet E. . The intelligent reader will admit this to be a very ſteady and effective fcapement. The lockage of the wheel is procured in a very ingenious manner; and the friction on the cylinder, ne- ceffafy for effecting this, may be made as fmall as we pleafe, notwithſtanding a very ſtrong action of the wheel: for the preffure of the fork on the cylinder depends entirely on the de- gree of recoil that is formed on the pallets E and F, Preure of the cylinder is not indifpenfably neceffary, and the crutch- fcapement might be a real dead-beat. But a fmall recoil, by keeping the fork în contact with the cylinder, gives the moft: perfect fteadinefs to the motion. The ingenious inventor, a man' of approved integrity and judgment, declares that her ma- jetty's Watch was the belt pocket-watch he had ever feen. We are not difpofed to question its excellency. 9. Another fcapement, in which a confiderable degree of in-.. genuity is is united with comparative fimplicity is that of Mr. De Lafons. The inventor's defcription, and fome of his obferva- tions, as prefented to the Society of Arts, are as follows: 967 Although the giving an equal impulſe to the balance has been already moft ingeniouſly done by Mr. Mudge and Mr. Haley (from whofe great merit I would not wifh to detract), yet the extreme difficulty and expence attending the firſt, and ་ De Lafon's Scapement. 341 the very compound locking of the ſecond, render them far from completing the defired object. "The perfections and advantages arifing from my improve- ments on the remontoire detached fcapement for chronometers, which gives a perfectly equal impulfe to the balance, and not only entirely removes whatever irregularities arife from the dif ferent ſtates of fluidity in the oil, from the train of wheels, or from the main fpring, but does it in a fimpler way than any with which I am acquainted. I truft it will not be thought improper in me to anfwer fome objections made at the examina tions before the committee, as I am fully perfuaded the more mathematically and critically the improvements are inveſtigated, the more perfect they will prove to be. "It was firft obferved, that my method did not ſo com- pletely detach the train of wheels from the balance as another ſcapement then referred to. I beg leave to remark, that the train of wheels in mine is prevented from preffing againſt the locking, by the whole power of the remontoire-fpring; fo that the balance has only to remove the fmall remaining preffure, which does away that objection, and alfo that of the difadvan- tage of detents, as this locking may be compared to a light ba- Fance turning on fine pivots, without a pendulum-fpring; and has only the advantage of banking, fafe at two turns of the ba- lance, and of being firmer, and lefs liable to be out of repair than any locking where fpring-work is uſed, but likewife of unlocking with much lefs power. It was then obferved, it required more power to make it go than ufual. Permit me to fay, it requires no more power than any other remontoire- fcapement, as the power is applied in the moft mechanical manner poffible.—And, laftly, it was faid, that ſet or re- quired the balance to vibrate an unuſually large arch before the piece would go. This depends on the accuracy of the execution, the proportionate diameter and weight, of the ba lance, the ftrength of the remontoire-fpring, and the length of the pallets. If thefe circumftances are well attended to, it will fet but little more than the most generally detached fcape- ments.” A, fhews the fcape-wheel, pl. XXIX. B, the lever-pallet, on an arbor with fine pivots, having at the lower end C, the remontoire or ſpiral ſpring fixed with a collar and ſtud, as pendulum-fprings are. D, the pallet of the verge, having a roller turning in ſmall pivots for the lever-pallet to act againſt. E, Pallets to difcharge the locking, with a roller between, as in fig. 10. $42 MACHINES. 1 J G F, the arm of the locking-pallet continued at the other end to make it poife, having ftuds and fcrews to adjuft and bank quantity of motion. the a and b, the locking-pallets, being portions of circles, faſtened on an arbor turning on fine pivots. G, the triple fork, at the end of the arm of the locking pallets. The centre of the lever-pallet in the draft, is in a right line be- tween the centre of the fcape-wheel and the centre of the verge, though in the model it is not: but may be made fo or not, as beſt fuits the calliper, &c. the "The fcape-wheel A, with the tooth 1, is acting on the lever-pallet B, and has wound up the fpring C: the verge- pallet D (turning the way reprefented by the arrow) ment it comes within the reach of the lever pallet, the dif charging pallet E, taking hold of one prong of the fork, removes the arm F, and relieves the tooth 3 from the convex part of the lock a. The wheel goes forward a little, juft fufficient to për- mit the lever-pallet to pafs, while the other end gives the im- pulſe to the balance: the tooth 4 of the wheel is then locked on the concave fide of the lock b, and the lever-pallet is ſtopped againſt the tooth 5, as in fig. 11. So far the operation of giving the impulfe, in order again to wind the remontoire-fpring (the other pallet at E, in the return, removing the arm F the con- trary direction), relieves the tooth 3 from the lock b. The wheel again goes forward, almoft the whole fpace, from tooth to tooth, winds the ſpiral ſpring again, and comes into the fitua- tion of fig. I, and thus the whole performance is completed. The end of the lower pallet B refting on the point of the tooth 1, prevents the wheel exerting its full force on the lock a, as in fig. 1. The fame effect is produced by the pallet lying on the tooth 5, by preventing the wheel from preffing on b; and thus the locking becomes the tighteft poffible. This fcape- ment may be much fimplified by putting a ſpring with a pallet made in it, as in fig. 12. inftead of the lever-pallet, and fpiral- fpring. The operation will be in other reſpects exactly the fame, avoiding the friction of the pivots of the lever-pallet. This method I prefer for a piece to be in a ftate of reft, as a clock; but the difadvantage, from the weight of the fpring in different pofitions, is obvious. The locking may be on any two teeth of the wheel, as may be found moft convenient." “ Many other ingenious fcapements have been contrived by Harrifon, Hindley, Ellicot, Lepaute, Le Roy, Berthoud, Ar- nold, Whiethurſt, Earnshaw, Nicholfon, &c. But defcriptions of them would extend this article to much too great a length. What is here collected will, we truſt, furniſh fome infight into Archimedes's Screw. 343 the nature of a few of the most approved fcapements; and thoſe who need further information will do well to confult fome of the beſt treatiſes mentioned in the general catalogue given under the word CLOCKWORK. ARCHIMEDES'S SCREW, or the Waterfnail, is a machine for raiſing water, which confifts either of a pipe wound ſpirally round a cylinder, or of one or more fpiral excavations formed by means of fpiral projections from an internal cylinder, covered by an external coating, fo as to be watertight. This fcrew is one of the moſt ancient, and at the fame time ingenious, ma- chines we know, being truly worthy of the name it bears, fup- pofing Archimedes to be the real inventor. Though Timple in its general manner of operation, its theory is attended with fome difficulties which could only be conquered by the modern analyſis: it was firft ftated correctly, as far as we have been able to afcertain, by M. Pitot, in the Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, and afterwards more elaborately by Euler in Nov. Comment. Petropol. tom. 5. Later attempts by Langsdorf in his Handbuch der Maſchinenlehre, and fome other authors, are not to be relied on. That the nature of this curious machine may be the better underſtood, we ſhall firſt ſtate generally it's manner of operation; and then prefent a more particular view of the cal- culus neceffary to fhew the work it will really perform, and the force required as a firſt mover. } 1. If we conceive that a flexible tube is rolled regularly about a cylinder from one end to another; this tube or canal will be a fcrew or ſpiral, of which we ſuppoſe the intervals of the fpires or threads to be equal. The cylinder being placed with its axis in a vertical pofition, if we put in at the upper end of the ſpiral tube a ſmall ball of heavy matter, which may move freely, it is certain that it will follow all the turnings of the fcrew from the top to the bottom of the cylinder, defcending always as it would have done had it fallen in a right line along the axis of the cylinder, only it would occupy more time in running through the fpiral. If the cylinder were placed with its axis horizon- tally, and we again put the ball into one opening of the canal, it will defcend, following the direction of the firft demi-fpire; but when it arrives at the loweſt point in this portion of the tube it will stop. It must be remarked that, though its heavi- nefs has no other tendency than to make it defcend in the demi- fpire, the oblique pofition of the tube, with refpect to the horizon, is the cauſe that the ball, by always defcending, is always advancing from the extremity of the cylinder whence it commenced its motion, to the other extremity. It is impoffible that the ball can ever advance more towards the further, or as we fhall call it, the fecond extremity of the cylinder, if the 344 MACHINES. هم cylinder placed horizontally remains always immoveable: but if, when the ball is arrived at the bottom of the first demi-ſpire, we caufe the cylinder to turn on its axis without changing the pofition of that axis, and in fuch manner that the lowest point of the demi-fpire on which the ball preffes becomes elevated, then the ball falls neceffarily from this point upon that which fucceeds, and which becomes loweft; and fince this fecond point is more advanced towards the fecond extremity of the cylinder than the former was, therefore by this new defcent the ball will be advanced towards that extremity, and fo on through- out, in fuch a manner that it will at length arrive at the fecond extremity by always defcending, the cylinder having its rotatory motion continued. Moreover, the ball, by conftantly following its tendency to defcend, has advanced through a right line equal to the axis of the cylinder, and this diſtance is horizontal be- caufe, the fides of the cylinder were placed horizontally. But if the cylinder had been placed oblique to the horizon, and we fuppofe it to be turned on its axis always in the fame direction, it is eafy to fee that if the first quarter of a fpire actually de- fcends, the ball will move from the lower end of the fpiral tube, and be carried folely by gravity to the lowest point of the firft demi-fpire, where, as in the preceding cafe, it will be abandoned by this point as it is elevated, by the rotation, and thrown by its heavinefs upon that which has taken its place: whence, as this fucceeding point is further advanced towards the fecond ex- tremity of the cylinder, than that which the ball occupied juft before, and confequently more elevated; therefore the ball while following its tendency to deſcend by its heavineſs, will be always more and more elevated by virtue of the rotation of the cylinder. Thus it will, after a certain number of turns, be ad- vanced from one extremity of the tube to the other, or through the whole length of the cylinder; but it will only be raiſed through the vertical height determined by the obliquity of the pofition of the cylinder. Inftead of the ball let us now confider water as entering by the lower extremity of the ſpiral canal, when immerſed in a reſervoir: this water defcends at firft in the canal folely by its gravity; but the cylinder being turned, the water moves on in the canal to occupy the loweſt place; and thus by the continual rotation is made to advance further and further in the ſpiral, till at length it is raiſed to the upper extremity of the canal where it is expelled. There is, however, an effential difference between the water and the ball: for the water, by reaſon of its fluidity, after having defcended by its heavinefs to the lowest point of the demi-fpire, riſes up on the contrary fide to the original level; on which account more than half one of the ſpires may foon Achimedes's Screw. 345 be filled with the fluid. This is an important particular, which, though it need not be regarded in a popular illuſtration, muſt be attended to in the more particular exhibition of the theory to which we now proceed. 2. The moſt fimple nethod of tracing a fcrew or a helix upon a cylinder is well known to be this: take the height or length of a cylinder for ne leg of a right-angled triangle, and make the other leg equa to as many times the circumference of the baſe of the cylinde, as the ſcrew is to make convolutions about the cylinder itſelf, then if this triangle be enveloped about the ſurface of the folid, the two legs being made, the one to lie parallel to the ais of the cylinder, the other to fold apon the circumfererice of its bafe, the hypothenufe will form the contour of the fcrew Suppofe therefore here, that upon the cylinder ABCD (fig.6. pl. XXIV.) we have rolled the right-angled triangle BDE, and that its hypothenufe DE traces upon the cylinder the contour of the helix or the fpires BF, GH, &c. Then if a tubebe formed according to the direction of this ſpiral, and a fmall all put into it, if the cylinder were place upright, the ball would roll to the bottom with the fame veli city and the fame force, as it would have defcended upon the plane DE, if BĘ were orizontal and BD vertical. But if the cylinder be inclined until it makes with the vertical CL an angle ACL equal to the angle BED, or the angle which the threads of the fcrew make conftantly with the bafe of the cylinder, in that cafe DE will be parallel to the horizon; and whether the ſpires be few or many, they will all be parallel to the horizon: fo' that there being nothing to occafion the ball F. to move toward either G'er H, it will remain immoveable, fup- pofing the cylinder to be it reft: but if the cylinder be turned on its axis in one directiot, the ball (abftracting from friction) will move the contrary way, in conformity with the first law of motion. P 3. The inclination ACL BED which we have juft affign- ed, is the leaft we can give, ſo that the ball fhall not defcend of itself: but if we'augment this inclination, or, make the angle LAC ſmaller, then by turning the cylinder in the direction CMD, the ball will always lave a defcent on the fide towards- H, and will mount, fo to fpák, by defcending. The reaſon is very fimple: the plane which carries it makes it rife more in confe- quence of the rotatory motion, than it defcends by virtue of the force of gravity. 4. There are feveral methods of determining the ratio of the weight of the ball P to the force F, neceffary to make it rife by turning the ſcrew: The following is perhaps the moft fimple { the force or power is to the weight elevated, as the vertical * 346 MACHINES -- fpace paffed over by the weight, is to the ſpace paffed through by the power in moving it. Here the vertical ſpace is CL, and if the moving force act at the circumference of the cylinder, the Space paffed over by that force will be equal to as many times the circumference of the cylinder's bae, as there are convolu- tions of the helix: thus we fhall haveBE: CL : : P : F. Example. Let the diameter AB of he cylinder be 14 inches, the vertical altitude CL 12 feet a 144 inches, and 12 the convolutions of the fpiral, the cylinder being fo placed that the angle LAC is lefs than BED; the wight to be raiſed being a 48 lb. ball. Then the circumferene of the cylinder will be nearly 44 inches, and the 12 turns equal to 12 × 44 528 = BÉ. Hence we have 528: 144 :: P: F::48:133 lbs. the meafure of the requifite force at the furface of the cylinder. If the moving force deferibe a circle whofe diameter is 3 times that of the cylinder, or act at a wincl, whoſe diſtance from the axis of motion is 21 inches, that force will then be reduced to of 13 or 44 lbs. which is lefs that of the weight of the ball. The friction upon the pivots, &c. is not here confidered. I To Thus it appears that Archimedes's fcrew may be uſed for other purpoſes than raifing of water. It might be adapted with advantage in raifing cannon balls from a fhip to a wharf: and with the addition of a bevel-wheel or two and their pinions, might be worked either by men or horfes. 5. The helix folded about a cylinder is a curve fimilar in all its parts; that is, all the demi-fpires, as AIC, CR, RS, are fimilar and equal; it is alſo the ſame of the thirds, the fourths, &c. of the fpires, and generally of all he equal portions of the curve. But when the cylinder is incined, if we refer all the points of a demi-fpire, fuch as AIC,by perpendiculars, to the horizontal fection of the cylinder (vhich fection is elliptical, though repreſented in fig. 7. pl. XXIV. by a right line AD to prevent confufion in the diagram), we fhall find that this demi- fpire has, with regard to the horizontal plane AD, a higheſt point E, a loweſt point E, and a man point I. In order to become acquainted with the effect of the fcrew in raiſing water, it is important to determine theſe three points. 6. The mean point I is a point of inflection very eaſy to determine. To this end put the diameter AB 2 r, the half- circumference AMB = c, the abſéſſa AP = x, the indeter- minate arc AMs, the ordinate ME of the ſpiral = y; and the height BC of a demi-ſpire = b. Hence, fince we may con- fider the demi-fpire AIC as having been formed by the hypo- thenuſe of a right-angled triangle, one leg of which is equal to the half-circumference AMB, and the other equal to the line BC, we have this proportion, AMB: BC: AMME, or c´: B C Archimedes's Screw. SIT sy; whence, s= , the fluxion of which is s But by the nature of the circles = √(27-2²) TI */ {2rx — x²) сў TJ ; fo that cy. Therefore, following the ufual method for points of inflexion, by taking the ſecond fluxions and fup- pofing conſtant, we have h r x x² — h r² x² = ÿ = o, which y c₁(2rx-x²) gives x = r, and indicates that the point of inflexion I is in the middle of the demi-fpire AIC. 7. To find the higheft and loweſt points E, E', in addition to the characters before uſed, put BD = a, and ADf: we እያ have from the foregoing article y, and the fimilar triangles .C ABD, APF, give AB: BD :: AP: PF, or 2 r:a::x: PF. Therefore EF PE - PF = ks T 27; for fince we confider PM as perpendicular to PE, it follows that ME and hs PE will be equal, and confequently PE = . The fimilar tri- angles ABD, EFG, give AD : AB :: EF: EG, or, ƒ:2 ri: = EG. This value of EG ought to hs a x 2 hrs 27 cƒ a a be a maximum; its fluxion, therefore, that is, ! 2 hrs a x cf ƒ But from the nature of the circle we have s Subftituting for sin the preceding equation this value of it, and reducing, we foon find x = r ± a c a² c² - 4 b² Ÿ². Of these two values of x, the lower determines the value AP * 書 ​correſponding to the higheſt point E; the upper fhews the value AP' correfponding to the loweſt point E'. 8. Through the higheſt point E having drawn the horizontal plane EO, this plane will cut the demi-ſpire COS in the point O fig. 8. pl. XXIV.), thus determining the arc ECO which carries water, or as it is fometimes called the hydrophorous arc; for all the points of this arc being below the points E, O, and theſe C. 348 MACHINES. two points being in the level of the furface, the water will be in equilibrio in that arc. To find the magnitude, and of confe quence the quantity of water carried by an hydrophorous arc, the diameter of the tube which forms the fcrew being given, it is evident that we have only now to determine the point O or extremity of the arc ECO, the other extremity having been found by the preceding article. In order to this, denote AB, BD, by the fame letters as before; the variable abfciffa BQ by z, and its are BN by: the line EF (found as in art. 7.), or its equal OR put = e. Then the fimilar triangles ABD, AQR, give AB BDAQ:QR, or 2 r:a::2r-z: # 1 therefore QO bic th⋅s 2 ar- 2 T a 223 2 ar 2 T az =QR: + e. Now, by the property of the frew, we have AMB: BC:: AMBN: NO, or ch::c+s: = NO. But QO and NO being two lines perpen- dicular to the baſe of the cylinder, and both of them terminat- ing in the plane of the ellipfe, or of the cylindric fection EO, it follows that QQ = NO; that is, from what has gone before, C zar—az 2ri. hcths + +e= or²² + hs+b-a-e = o. As the re- C 2. 27 folution of this equation depends upon the rectification of the arcs, we can only fubftitute the value of s in terms of z, by an infinite feries formed of z and its powers; where the refulting equation becoming more and more complex and embarraffing, as a greater number of terms of the ſeries is taken, we ſhould, by purſuing it, be involved in a very long and tireſome opera- tion: to avoid this we ſhall have recourſe to the following table caculated by M. Pitot. This table contains values of the arcs BN = s, correfponding to thoſe of BQ➡z, given in parts of the diameter AB ± 213 divided in 200 parts. This granted, having found by the pre- ceding article the value of e, we reduce b-a-e to one number only, which let be reprefented by #: then have we aiz 2 r + hs C Laftly, we take in the table different values of z and of the correfponding arc, till we have difcovered that which renders .ช -h's + equal to the number », or nearly ſo. To find the length of the hydrophorous arc ECO, having de termined the arcs AM and BÑ, it is proper to obferve that, by the formation of the fcrew (art. 2.), the length of one of the demi-ſpires AEC is equal to the hypothenufe of a right-angled Archimedes's Screw. 349* triangle, of which. AMB=c, and BC= b are the legs: thus bare the demi-fpire AEC ce+bb. If now we put m for the known arc MBN, we may take this analogy, viz. AMB AEC :: MBN : ECO, or c : √ e² + b²³ : : m : "Ve² + b² ECO, and thus obtain the value of the arc which carries the water, or of the hydrophorous arc fought. Table of arcs correſponding to parts of radius divided into 100 equal parts. Part of Ares in parts Arcs in deg. Parts of Arcs in parts Arcs in deg. Radius. of radius. and-niin. radius.. of ra dius and min. I; 14:14: 8° 6' 18: 60.88 34 $4 2 20° II 28 19 62.62 35.54 3 24.54 14 4 20 64'31 30 52° 4 28:35 1615 21 65.94 37 48 31*72 18 11 2 22 67*57° 38 44- 6 34.77 19 56 *23 69.17 39.39 37*59 2133 24 70°74 40 33. 40 24 23 4 25 72 73 41 25 9 * 42*71: 24 29 26 73.73. 42 16 10. 45'06: 25 50. 27 75*2x 43 7 II. 47.30 27 7. 28 76.66 43 57 P. 12 L 49 45 2821: 29 78.16% 44 46 : 1.3 5452. 2932 30 79°52 45*35. 14. 53°52 3041 31 80'90 46 22 15.. 55'44 3547 32 82.25 47 9 16: * 57.30 32.51 33. 83.62 47 56 17 1. 59:16: 33 55 9. Example of the calculation of an hydrophorous arc. For an example of this kind of calculation for the length of the hydro- phorus arc ECO, let us take the diameter AB 2 r of 200 - parts, the height BC= 80 of the fame parts, BD =a=100 parts; then the femi-circumference AMB will be nearly 314 of thofe parts. Subftituting theſe values in the expreffion x = √ a²c² - 4 b²² (art. 7.), there refults AP = 1345 of the fame parts: and by means of the table. juft given, the: arc AMs, is found 53:3. Subftituting thefe values of x and s in the equation ks. a x =e, we find the value, e, of EF or RO=6·86;· 350. MACHINES. ¿ To have at the fame time the value of BQz, and of the arc BN which we now calls; theſe values of a, b, c, 2 r and e a % h s muſt be ſubſtituted in the equation 2 T to have z + 805 157 + = a−b+e, ſo as = 53°72. By means of the preceding table it is foon found that BQ = z = 21, and BN = s = 66, very nearly. = Then to find the arc MBN, which we have called m, we have the whole arc AMBN = 314 + 66 = 380, from which de- ducting the arc AM 53.3, there remains MBN m=326′7. The length of the demi-fpire AEC =✔c² + b² = 324.03 : and finally √²+b² = 337′13 the length of the hydrophor- ous,arc ECO. m G 10. The diameter of the cylinder of the fcrew being given with that of the tube which forms the fpiral, and the given length of the fcrew, to find the quantity of water carried by the hydrophorous ares, and the height to which the water is elevated, the inclination of the fpiral being as before. Let the diameter AB of the ſcrew be I foot, that of the fpiral tube in which the water is raiſed 3 inches, and the length of the fcrew 30 feet. This granted, to have the length in feet and inches of an hydrophorous arc, fay, as the 200 parts of the diameter of the table: I foot or 12 inches :: 337 13 before found: 20:2278 inches, the real length of the hydrophorous arc. Every fuch arc then carries a cylinder of water 3 inches di- ameter and 20 2278 inches long. Let us next enquire how many fuch arcs there will be in the whole length of the fcrew, or 30 feet. It is evident, in the first place, that every turn or convolution of the helix on the arbor of the fcrew carries one- hydrophorous are: to find, therefore, the number of turns, it must be obſerved that the height BC of one of the demi-fpires is in our example 80 parts, or the height AS of an entire fpire 160 parts; the diameter AB of the bafe, which is r foot, being 200 of thofe parts: hence 200: 12:160:96 inches, the height of one fpire. Dividing the inches in 30 feet by 9:6, the quotṛ- ent gives more than 37 for the number of fpires; confequently there will be 37 hydrophorous arcs. The quantity of water in all thefe hydrophorous arcs is equal to the quantity in a cylinder the diameter of whoſe baſe is 3 inches, and height=20°2278*** 37748 4286 inches, or nearly 62 feet. Such a cylinder of water is eafily found to weigh 191313 lbs. avoirdupois. We have now to determine the vertical height to which the Archimedes' Scretu. 351 ! fcrew we have taken pr an example will elevate the water: and this may be accomplihed very eafily; for, the triangles ADB, BYZ, being fimilar, we have AD: AB:: BY: YZ=26.833 feet. Finally, under this lead, to find the angle which the arbor or axle of this fcrew makes with the horizon, fay, as BD: BA:: rad.: tan. ADB = tal. YBZ the angle fought: thus the angle YBZ is found 63°26'. 11. Computation of the force requifite to turn the fcrew.-In the example we have talen, the weight of the water contained in the 37 hydrophorous arcs being 191313 lbs. to find the force neceffary to be applied at the circumference of the cylinder, we muft fay, according to the rule in art. 4. as 37 times the cir- cumference of the cylinder's bafe (= 1395 714 inches) is to the vertical height through which the water is elevated (= 26f. 10i. = 322 inches), o is the weight of water (=191-313 lbs.) to the weight 44'14 lbs. equivalent to the force which must be applied to the circumference of the fcrew to keep it in motion when once it has begun to turn. But if this force or power, inſtead of being applied at the circumference of the fcrew, acts by a handle and winch at the diſtance of 10 inches from the axis of the cylinder, the requifite force will only be 1% or 3 of the former; it will, therefore, be 26:48 lbs. • + 12. Computation of the quantity of water which the fcrew will raife in a given time. To find the quantity of water raifed by the fcrew propofed as our example, we muſt know the velocity with which the affigned force carries round the handle. Sup- pofe, for inftance, the handle, and confequently the ſcrew, makes one rotation in 5 feconds, it is very manifeft the ſcrew will then expel the quantity of water contained in 1 hydro- phorous arc in 5 feconds; and in 37 times 5 feconds, that is 185 feconds or 35, it will raiſe a quantity weighing 191.313 lbs. To find the quantity raiſed in an hour, fay, as 185: 3000 (feconds in an hour):: 191313: 3719 lbs. nearly. Or, if the quantity be calculated in ale gallons, it will be found equal to 364 62. If the velocity with which the handle is moved be tripled, which it may be, without rendering the work too fatiguing, the quantity raiſed will be tripled, and nearly 1094 gallons will be raiſed 26 feet 10 inches, in an hour. This coincides very nearly with Defaguliers's eſtimate of the water which a man can raiſe by almoſt any hydraulic engine. 1 #5 气 ​13. Having dwelt thus long upon the theory of Archimedes's fcrew, but little remains to complete our obfervations. It is obvious from what has been remarked, that this fcrew can never raiſe water when the angle which the central line of the ſpiral makes with the baſe of the cylinder is larger than the angle included between the bafe of the cylinder and the horizon; that 152 MACHINES. + is, it is always neceflary that BAZ fhoull be equal to, if not greater than, BED (fig. 6. pl. XXIV). In practice, indeed, it is advifeable that CAL be between 40° anc60°, and BAZ – BED between 10 and 20°. The mean of boh thefe is moft to be recommended. Sometimes Archimedes's fcrew, infteal of being worked by men at a winch, is turned by means of flat-boards fixed about the circumference of its lower end, upon which a ſtream of water acts: if the water have a moderae fall,, it will have fufficient efficacy to turn two fcrews, ont above another; the top of the lower fcrew and the bottom of the upper fcrew may act, the one upon the other, by means of a wheel upon each. with an equal number of teeth taking into each other: in this, cafe the upper fcrew will turn in a contrary direction from the other, and confequently the fpiral tube nuft be wound about the cylinder in an oppofite direction. A folid wheel, or a light wheel with a heavy rim, turning upon the middle of the fcrew. as an axis, will operate like a fly, and ir fome cafes be very uſeful. In the preceding inveſtigations no notice has been taken of the effects of the air included in the ſpiral: yet if the fpiral had been folded upon a cone inſtead of a cylinder, or if it had been formed of a flexible tube of varying diameter, theſe effects would have been important: fome of them are confidered in our account of the ſpiral pump. See Hydraulic Machines, No. 10. a Z SHOEMAKERS' IMPLEMENT, to enable them to work in a funding pofture. This inftrument has been lately contrived by Mr. Thomas Holden of Fettleworth, Suffex, and its inventor has been rewarded with fifteen guineas by the Society of Arts.. It reſembles a ſtand, fuch as is ufed for reading-deſks at the top of which is a ſmall block of wood, excarated fo as to proper bed for the laft, and the moulds or nftruments uſed in making boots, which are kept firm upon it, by a ftirrup or endlefs ftrap. The hollow block is joined into another piece (which connects it to the ftand), fo as to admit of a vertical motion, and it is retained, at any angle, in this motion, by a circular eatch, with notches formed in its fide, to faften it on an iron catch projecting from the lower piece. This lower piece is thaped into a fmall cylinder beneath, which entering into a hole formed for it in the top of the pillar of the ftand, permits the hollow block to be moved round about, without ftirring the ftand; fo that, by the combination of theſe two motions, it may be placed in any pofition. Behind the hollow block, and on a level with it, an horizontal piece of board is fupported by a fmall pillar, rifing from one of the feet of the.. ftand, and fecured firmly by a brace to the ftand itfelf; this board Steam Engines. 353- fupports the tools and implements wanted,ready at hand for the workman's uſe. The defign of this invention is to obviate the neceffity of ufing that very unwholeſome poſture in which fhoemakers are accuſtomed to work; which compreffes the lungs and bowels in fuch a manner, as to occafion.confumption, inflammation of the bowels, and a variety of other frightful complaints. The efficacy of the alteration of pofture permitted by this inftrument, which enables the workman to ftand at his work, is very well proved in the caſe of the inventor of it; who has produced a medical certificate, that he was, for many years, fo afflicted with bowel complaints and piles, that he was under the neceffity of leaving off his trade entirely, if he could not contrive to work flanding; and that, fince he has made uſe of this implement, his complaints are entirely removed, and he is fo improved in fleſh and countenance, that he “looks not like the fame man ;" and, for fome years, has had no occafion for medicine. He has made many hundred pair of fhoes on this ftand, and recommends alfo its uſe, as "the quickeſt way of clofing all the thread work.” This implement might be made ftill more fimple, by leaving out the part uſed to give the hollow block a circular motion, which does not appear always neceffary, from the facility which the workman has, when ſtanding at it, to place himſelf inſtantly at any fide of the work he pleaſes; it would, as appears to us, be full as little, if not lefs, trouble to him to let the inftrument remain unmoved, and turn himſelf round inſtead of it, as to ftand ſtill while he turned it about: though a ſmall quantity of light confined to one direction may in fome cafes render the increaſed apparatus neceffary. A wooden vice of a proper height, fixed to a ſtake, and fecured even by a wedge, if a fcrew fhould be deemed ex- penfive, would alſo hold a laft in any pofition required for the workman. Theſe additional obfervations are given, becauſe any con- trivance which will enable fhoemakers to work in poſtures lefs injurious to their health muſt be confidered as important and valuable and whatever may fuggeft to the workman cheap inftruments for this purpofe, eafily conftructed, and pleaſant in the practice, cannot but be beneficial to the public. SIPHON. See CRANE. i SPIRAL-PUMP, at Zurich. See HYDRAULIC Engines. No. 10. STEAM-ENGINE, an engine originally contrived for raifing water by means of the expanfive force of the fteam or vapour produced from water or other liquids in a ſtate of ebullition. This has been often called the Fire-engine, becauſe of the fire voi ir. A A 354 MACHINES. uſed in boiling the liquid; but the latter term has, of late, been properly confined to machines for extinguifhing fires. The fteam-engine is juftly deemed one of the moſt curious, im- portant, and ferviceable mechanical inventions, not only of modern, but of any, times; particularly when it is conſidered with regard to fome of its late improvements, which render it applicable to all kinds of mill-work, to planing, fawing, boring, and rolling machines, and indeed to almost every purpoſe that requires a powerful firſt-mover, whofe energy may be modified at the pleaſure of the mechanift. The principles and manner of operation of the ſteam-engines of Savery, Newcomen and Cawley, and of Watt, may be under- food from the following brief explanations and remarks, which are meant as preparatory to the more detailed accounts of feveral engines with which we have been favoured. 1. Let there be a fucking pipe with a valve opening upwards at the top, communicating with a clofe veffel of water, not more than thirty-three feet above the level of the refervoir, and the team of boiling water be thrown on the furface of the water in the veffel, it will force it to a height as much greater than thirty-three feet as the elaftic force of the fteam is greater than that of air; and if the fteam be condenfed by the injection of cold water, and a vacuum thus formed, the veffel will be filled from the reſervoir by the preffure of the atmoſphere; and the fteam being admitted as before, this water will alſo be forced up; and fo on fucceffively. 1 Such is the principle of the firſt ſteam-engine, ſaid by the English to be invented by the marquis of Worcester; while the French afcribe it to Papin: though we believe the fact is that Brancas, an Italian, applied the force of ſteam ejected from a large œlopile as an impelling power for a ftamping-engine fo early as 1629. The hint fo obfcurely exhibited in the marquis of Worcester's Century of Inventions was carried into effect by captain Savery. 2. If the team be admitted into the bottom of a hollow cylinder, to which a folid piſton is adapted, the piſton will be forced upwards by the difference between the elaftic forces of fteam and common air; and the fteam being then condenfed, the piston will defcend by the preffure of the atmoſphere, and fo on fucceffively. This is the principle of the fteam-engine. first contrived by Meffieurs Newcomen and Cawley, of Dartmouth. This is fometimes called the atmoſpherical engine, and is com- monly a forcing-pump, having its rod fixed to one end of a lever, which is worked by the weight of the atmoſphere upon a pifton at the other end, a temporary vacuum being made below it by fuddenly condenſing the ſteam, that had been admitted Steam-Engines. 355 into the cylinder in which this piſton works, by a jet of cold water thrown into it. A partial vacuum being thus made, the weight of the atmoſphere preffes down the piſton, and raiſes the other end of the ftraight lever, together with the water, from the well. Then immediately a hole is uncovered in the bottom of the cylinder, by which a freſh quantity of hot ſteam ruſhes in from a boiler of water below it, which proving a counterbalance for the atmoſphere above the pifton, the weight of the pump- rods, at the other end of the lever, carries that end down, and raiſes the pifton of the fteam-cylinder. The fteam hole is then immediately fhut, and a cock opened for injecting the cold water into the cylinder of ſteam, which condenſes it to water again, and thus making a vacuum below the piſton, the atmo- fphere again preffes it down and raifes the pump-rods, as before; and fo on continually. 3. The great features of improvement made by Mr. Watt upon the engine of Newcomen and Cawley are, as Mr. Nicholſon remarks, firft, that the elaſticity of the ſteam itſelf is uſed as the active power in this engine; and fecondly, that befides various other judicious arrangements for the economy of heat, he condenſes the ſteam, not in the cylinder, but in a ſeparate veffel. In the cylinder or fyringe, concerning which we have ſpoken, in mentioning the engine of Newcomen, let us fuppofe the upper part to be clofed, and the pifton-rod to flide air-tight through a collar of leathers. In this fituation, it is evident that the piſton might be depreffed by throwing the fteam upon its upper furface, through an aperture at the fuperior end of the cylinder. But if we fuppofe the external air to have acceſs to the lower furface of the piſton, we fhall find that ſteam no ftronger in its elafticity than to equal the weight of the atmo- ſphere would not move the pifton at all; and confequently that this new engine would require much denfer fteam, and con- fume much more fuel than the old engine. The remedy for this evil is to maintain a conftant vacuum beneath the piſton. If fuch a vacuum were originally produced by fteam, it is certain that its permanency could not be depended on, unleſs the engine contained a provifion for conftantly keeping it up. Mr. Watt's contrivance in his fimpleft engine is as follows: The fteam is conveyed from the boiler to the upper part of the cylinder through a pipe, which alfo communicates occafionally with the lower part, and beyond that ſpace with a veffel im- merſed in a trough of water; in which veffel the condenſation is performed by an injected ftream of cold water. This water is drawn off, not by an eduction-pipe but by a pump, of which A A 2 356 MACHINES. the ſtroke is fufficiently capacious to leave room for the elaſtic fluid, feparated during the injection, to follow and be carried out with the injection water. Suppoſe now the piſton to be at its greateſt elevation, and the communication from the boiler to the upper as well as to the lower parts of the cylinder to be opened. The ſteam will then paſs into the whole internal part of the engine, and will drive the air downwards into the con- denfer, and thence through the valves of the air-pump. In this fituation, if the communication from the boiler to the lower part of the cylinder be ftopped, and an injection be made into the condenfer, a vacuum will be produced in that veffel, and the fteam contained in the lower part of the cylinder and com- munication pipe will expand itſelf with wonderful rapidity towards the condenſer, ſo that in a period of time too minute to be appreciated the whole of the fteam beneath the pifton will be practically condenfed. The fteam which continues to act above the piston will immediately depreſs it into the vacuum beneath; at the fame time that by connection with the external apparatus the piſton of the air-pump alfo defcends in its barrel. When the ſtroke is nearly completed downwards, the requifite part of the apparatus fhuts the communication with the boiler, opens that between the upper and lower parts of the cylinder and condensing veffel, and turns the injection-cock. At this very.inftant the pifton lofes its tendency to defcend, becauſe the fteam preffes equally on both furfaces, and continues its equality of preffure while the condenſation is performed. It therefore rifes; the injection is stopped; and the air-pump making its ſtroke, fuffers the injection water and a confiderable part of the elaftic fluid to paſs through its lower valve. The vacuum is thus kept up through the whole internal capacity of the engine. As foon as the pifton has reached the upper part of the cylinder, the communication to the under part of the cylinder is ftopped, and that with the boiler opened, as before; the confe- quence of which is, that the piston again defcends; and in this manner the alternations repeatedly take place. The principal augmentation of power in this engine, com- pared with that of Newcomen, arifes from the cylinder not being cooled by the injection water, from its being practicable to ufe fteam, which is more powerful than the preffure of the atmoſphere, and from the employing of this team both to elevate and to deprefs the pifton. In general, theſe engines are worked by fteam, which would ſupport a column of four or five inches of mercury befides the preffure of the atmoſphere, and ſometimes more, for Mr. Nicholſon fays, he has fometimes feen the gage as high as eight inches. Mr. Watt has made Steam-Engines. 357 ſeveral fucceffive modifications and additions to the engine juft defcribed, ſome of which will be further ſpoken of in the courſe of this article. 4. It has been cuſtomary, when treating of fteam-engines, to preſent ſeveral theorems for the computation of their power and effects. But as all which has hitherto been advanced on theſe points feems to us very vague and unfatisfactory, we ſhall not delude the ftudent with an appearance of mathematical accuracy, when it is fo far from being attained. It is obvious enough that the abfolute power of a ſteam-engine is in the compound ratio of the area of the pifton, the preffure upon each inch of it, the length of the ftroke, and the number of ftrokes in any affigned time: but the preffure upon any portion of the piston can only be afcertained by experiment and ob- fervation, and that with difficulty, becaufe of our uncertain methods of eſtimating friction and other ſpecies of refistance; while judicious obfervations would with much leſs labour determine the work actually performed, either when the ſteam- engine works pumps, or gives motion to any kind of mills. The quantity of water raiſed by pumps in a given time may foon be eſtimated; and when the alternating motion of the fteam-piſton is converted into a rotatory one, the real effect the engine is capable of producing may be aſcertained by obſerving the velocity with which a given weight is raiſed when fufpended from the axle to which the rotation is firſt given. The ufual method of eſtimating the effects of engines by what are called "horfe powers" muft inevitably be very fallacious, unleſs all engineers could agree as to the quantity of work which they would arbitrarily affign to one horſe, and in that cafe the term would manifeftly be nugatory. It may alſo be obferved, that in determining the comparative value of different fteam-engines, it is not fufficient to compare the quantities of work each will perform in equal times; for the expence of erection, the probability of repairs being more or leſs frequent on account of the complexnefs or fimplicity of conſtruction, and the quantities of fuel confumed by each, muſt likewife be taken into the account. Thefe particulars might eafily be enlarged upon : but it will probably be more beneficial to the reader if we now ſuſpend our own remarks, in order to preſent them with the communi- cations with which we have been favoured: thefe are, one from Mr. J. C. Hornblower, engineer, containing a ſketch of the later hiftory, with deſcriptions of the principal engines; another from Mr. 7. Farey, jun. of Crown-ftreet, Weltminfter (a young gentleman of remarkable mechanical attainments), being an 358. MACHINES. J account of an engine erected in 1802 by Meffrs. Murray and Wood, of Leeds. I. It is remarkable that we have nothing handed to us on this fubject that is worthy of our reception, notwithſtanding the number of our Cyclopedias and Encyclopedias, unleſs it be what is publiſhed in the Minor's Friend by Mr. Thomas Savery, and afterwards in Harris's Lexicon Technicum; and thefe, but efpe- cially the former, with all the frankneſs and faithfulneſs of undiſguiſed fact, have put to the bluſh thoſe pompous conceits and abfurdities that have either wilfully or ignorantly been trumped up to allure the undiſcerning multitude, or to prattle the praiſe of the ingenious inventors. It will be unneceffary to go over the ground already beaten ſo bare by Defaguliers and his followers, though there are ſome things which do deferve notice. The first thing is as to the degree of credit that is to be attached to the doctor's account of what paffed in the fucceffive improvements of what was then, and for a long while after, called the fire-engine. No doubt there were many accidental diſcoveries in the improvement of this as well as other pieces of machinery; and it cannot be a reflection on the underſtanding of any man when we are told that it is in this way that many, if not moſt, of our acquifitions in chemiſtry and experimental philoſophy are brought to light; forcing themſelves, as it were, upon us, challenging our judg- ment and humbling our pride. But to proceed. The doctor has met with an unhappy inftance of this fort when he tells us that the way of leathering the pifton was found out by accident, which he relates thus: "Having ſcrewed a large broad piece of leather to the pifton, which turned up the fides of the cylinder two or three inches, in working it wore through and cut that piece from the other, which falling flat on the pifton wrought with its edge to the cylinder, and, having been in a long time, was worn very narrow: which being taken out, they had the happy difcovery whereby they found that a bridle rein, or even a foft thick piece of rope or match going round, would make the piſton air and water tight." We need not fay any thing to the practical engineer about leathering a team-pifton, nor is it ne ceffary to comment on the doctor's acquaintance with ſteam and leather in contact. The next thing is the refult of an experiment made by Mr. Beighton to determine the bulk of ſuch ſteam uſually applied to working a fire-engine, in com- pariſon with the bulk of water which produces it, which he Steam-Engines. 359 makes out to be as 13338 to 1; and our bookmakers, in their expanding regard to the interefts of the rifing generation, have quoted this experiment one edition after another, till it is doubtful whether it will be poffible to undeceive them. Nay, the editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica has improved upon this eſtimate, and calls it 14000 to 1. 191 16 But let us ſee what it is according to the data we can collect from Mr. Beighton's ſtatement. Griff cylinder held 113 gallons, wrought 16 ftrokes per minute, and took 5 pints of water to ſupply ſteam for that number of ſtrokes, each pint containing 38.2 inches. Now 38.2 x 5 = 191 inches in 5 pints; 12, the number of inches required to make ſteam for 1 ftroke. Then 113× 282=the inches contained in the cylinder=31866, and this divided by 12 gives 26551, the number of times the water is rarefied, or as 2655 to 1. But this being an atmoſpherical engine expoſed to all the defects which we have been fo anxious to improve, muſt have given a very different re- fult: this being even more than what may be obſerved in fome of the moſt improved engines of the prefent time. In fhort, little dependence muſt be placed on the relation of experiments at fo remote a period, or even on the experiments themſelves, being in general very looſely conducted. But it ſeems rather fingular that at the firſt dawn of the fteam-engine its principles and mode of operation ſhould be related with ſo much more accuracy than what fucceeded it, or even at any period of improvement is to be found any where in print, at leaſt in this country. However, we may ceaſe our recurrence to thefe former times, which, though they afforded examples of indefatigable zeal and ardour in the purſuit of a prime object, yet we perceive little ſketch of thought, little difplay of genius, and a fond conclufion that when one of their favourite defiderata had been accom- pliſhed, there remained nothing more of much conſequence even to wish for. Friction and inertia were become the moſt important objects to be done away; except that fome different modes of condenſation had been tried, but with little effect. The principal of them were to keep the jet from applying itſelf to the fides of the cylinder: for this purpoſe a plate of iron was placed horizontally over the aperture of the injection-pipe, fo as to prevent the water from ftriking the bottom of the pifton, and being thereby diſperſed over the lower part of the cylinder: but it was found that it would not produce fo prompt a con- denfation as the general mode. Another mode was tried alfo, which was to form the nether fide of the pifton into a ſort of inverted cup, nearly the whole area of the pifton, and the jet was thrown up into it. This produced a remarkable change 660 MACHINES. in the temperature of the cylinder, and preferved all the advantages of the former mode of injection: but no ſucceſs was obtained in point of power, for the vacuum was as incomplete as before; occafioned by the fides of the cylinder being con- ſtantly layed by the water on the pifton, and the temperature of the cylinder being raiſed ſo much above what it was before. In the common method of injection there was an inſtantaneous generation of vapour from the fides of the cylinder, which could not fail to vitiate the vacuum; added to that, the water in the pifton wherever it was a tight one (which was feldom the cafe) grew hot, and the vapour carried off a deal of heat; and no attempts were made to prevent theſe unexpected effects. Many projects were fuggefted for the improvement of boilers, fome of which fucceeded, and are ſtill in ufe: but the great obſtacle was referved to be overcome by. Mr. Watt. It is neceffary. here to obferve, that hitherto the mode of boring cylinders was the moft vile that can be imagined. The way ufually was, at fome of our first founderies, to put the cylinder on a carriage, infert the cutter block, fet the mill a going, hang a cloth at the open end to keep in the duft, and let it bore away, which it would be doing on a large cylinder for three weeks, or a month: and if it was tolerably fmooth, it was faid to be well done. But this was not all: in thoſe engines which were dependent on the water drawn from the mine for the condenſation of the fteam, the fides of the cylinder were corroded in a few months in fuch a manner that no kind of packing could keep the piſton tight; and as theſe inconveniences increaſed like a fpreading ulcer, it became neceffary to ram the packing fo hard, as in many cafes to fuftain the whole preffure of the atmoſphere without making one ftroke: all the while a cock of at leaft a round inch water-way from a cistern 12 feet high was neceffary to fupply the leaking of the piston. This was not the cafe in collieries, or any-where befide thoſe mines the water of which contained the vitriolic acid; but fo great was that at fome mines, that wherever the water fell on the working gear, or any other part conftructed of iron, it had the appearance of being fabricated from copper intirely. · It was in this ſtate of things that Mr. Watt brought forth his improvement, when he engaged to grant licences to uſe his engines for the confideration of receiving one third part of the profits arifing from the abatement of coal uſually confumed in the miferable ſtate of the old engines; and the favings turned out to be very advantageous, but more to him than to the pro- prietors for there opened other channels of expenditure on the new engines which were not taken into the account, and which Steam-Engines. 361 5 1 овам were never heard of in the account of the old ones. Firſt, in the expence of erection, which was generally cent per cent above the coſt of the old engines; and fecondly, the monthly expence for maintainance; for as there was a neceffary degree of accuracy to be obſerved in getting up the various apparatus belonging to them, ſo it was neceſſary that this accuracy ſhould be preſerved: this made a difference in the pay of thoſe perfons who had the care of the engines. To this was added a con- fiderable conſumption of oil and tallow over and above what was common to the old way of working; fo that it has been more than mere conjecture that had they the advantages of the improvements in boring cylinders and in fitting up the other acting parts of the engine on the atmoſpherical principle, they would have been benefited nearly as much as they were by the new improvement. Here too we muſt be allowed to obſerve, that much of the merit aſcribed to the fertile mind of Mr. Watt really originated with Mr. John Wilkinfon, who was always foremoſt in the improvement of any thing which related to the iron foundery. It was there the true method of boring cylinders originated, and they were executed in a manner which has not fince admitted of improvement; and whatever may be affirmed of the eminence of Mr. Watt as an engineer, it is ftill in the minds of fome yet in exiſtence that the firft engines which were erected, particularly the Bloomfield engine, and the engine at Bedworth, exhibited but miſerable fpecimens of his mechanical abilities. This declaration is confirmed by his own confeffion in his application to the parliament for an extenfion of the term of his patent, where he ſays, on account of the many diffi- culties which always arife in the execution of fuch large and complex machines, and of the long time requifite to make the neceffary trials, he could not complete his intention until 1774," though he had his patent in January, 1769; nor muſt it be forgotten, that fome fterling acknowledgments are due to Mr. Watt's coadjutors, of which he availed himſelf in a region of rare talents*. r Nevertheleſs, let it be remarked that Mr. Watt took up the fubject of improvement with a large and important object in view; it was not only to renovate the principle, but to affimilate this moft grand affemblage of philofophical and mechanical ſkill to thoſe machines which, on a fmaller fcale, had hitherto engroffed the talents of our moſt ingenious artificers, and been the admiration of other nations wherever they came ; nor do we * Thefe obfervations had not come into view, if it had not been for the partial, yea fulfome, compliments paid to this gentleman by the writer of the article fteam-engine in the Encyclopedia Britannica. 362 MACHINES. mean to withhold the acknowledgment, that through his means it now ranks foremost among the productions of the philofo- phical or mechanical world. In this ſhort hiftory, however, we must not omit to notice a circumſtance known but to few. About the time that Mr. Watt was engaged in bringing forward the improvement of the engine, it occurred to Mr. Gainsborough, the paftor of a dif- fenting congregation at Henly-upon-Thames, and brother to the painter of that name, that it would be a great improvement to condenſe the ſteam in a veffel diftinct from the cylinder, where the vacuum was formed: and he undertook a fet of experiments to apply the principle he had eſtabliſhed; which he did by placing a ſmall veffel by the fide of the cylinder, which was to receive juft fo much ſteam from the boiler as would diſcharge the air and condenfing water in the fame manner as was the practice from the cylinder itſelf in the Newcomenian method; that is, by the fnifting valve and finking pipe. In this manner he uſed no more ſteam than was juſt neceffary for that particular purpoſe, which, at the inſtant of diſcharging, was entirely uncommunicated with the main cylinder; fo that the cylinder was kept conftantly as hot as the ſteam could make it. Whether he clothed the cylinder as Mr. Watt does is un- certain but his model fucceeded fo well as to induce fome of the Cornifh adventurers to fend their engineer to examine it; and the report was fo favourable as induced an intention of adopting it. This, however, was foon after Mr. Watt had his act of parliament paffed for the extenfion of his term; and he had about the fame time made propoſals to the Cornifh gentle- men to fend his engine into that country. This neceffarily brought on a competition, in which Mr. Watt fucceeded; but it was afferted by Mr. Gainsborough, that the mode of condenſing out of the cylinder was communicated to Mr. Watt by the officious folly of an acquaintance, who was fully informed of what Mr. Gainsborough had in hand. This circumftance, as here related, receives fome confirmation by a declaration of Mr. Gainsborough the painter to Mr. S. More, late fecretary to the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, who gave the writer of this article the information; and it is well known that Mr. Gainsborough oppoſed the petition to the houſe of commons through the intereft of general Conway. Perhaps it may not be unacceptable to mention, that before this period an attempt was made to drain the deep mines in. Cornwall by a new application of Savery's engine, for which patent had been obtained by Mr. William Blakey, who pro- poſed to employ the expanfive force of fteam, with an inter- medium of air between it and the water; this air was to ferve Blakey's Steam-Engines. 363 as a means of preventing the condenfation of the fteam, by keeping it from coming in contact with the water. Great con- tention aroſe among fome of thoſe who counted themſelves men of ſcience as to the practicability of fuch a project: fome giving it as their opinion, that if the principle were to be ad- mitted it would be very difficult to apply it in mines, where it would require ten atmoſpheres at leaft: while others, with exalted pretenfions, declared it poffible to conduct its influence to the centre of the earth. But an accident terminated the event as to this engine in Cornwall, by one of the ſteam-veffels burft- ing through the force of the ſteam, though much under the de- gree of power required for the end propofed to the Cornifh gentlemen. This being the first date of the application of trong fteam to raiſing water, and, by an eaſy tranſition, to do any thing elſe, we fhall give a ſketch of the boiler and fire- place of this engine, copied from the author's ſmall tract on the fubject, publiſhed in French at the Hague, in 1776; (ſee fig. 9. pl. XXIII.) by which it will be feen, that the method of ge- nerating ſteam lately publiſhed in the Philofophical Magazine has been made ufe of nearly thirty years ago, and has nearly as long fince received its final condemnation: but fuch is the de generacy of man, that while the Academy of Sciences at Paris, and the delegates of the ftates-general in Holland, were plum- ing the author with the gaudieft expreffions of their approbation, not one inſtance can be found where he received the encourage- ment he was led to expect. But ftill this engine is no other than Savery's engine, fur- niſhed with apparatus intended to open and thut the ufual communications by cocks and valves. The fame may be faid of Papin's and Defaguliers's engines; they were all nothing elſe than Savery's, without the advantage which Blakey had con- nected to it; and had nothing but a mere nick-name to conceal their legitimacy. As to the application of the expanfive power of the ſteam to the purpoſe fet forth by Mr. Blakey, or indeed we may ſay by Mr.Savery, it was by no means an impoffible thing; but the diffi- culty would not be here to obtain veffels capable of refifting the action of ten atmoſpheres, but how to preſerve them in a ſtate of fecurity, the decay of veffels placed in circumſtances like thefe, which cannot be acceffible to the inſpection of the moſt diligent attendant, and the conftant anticipation of probable evil circumſtances, muſt render life painful to endure. But there is another cafe which ought to be noticed, viz. the difficulty of preſerving the ſteam in the degree of temperature by which it was generated; for it is well known that it is condenfible to a very great degree by the common temperature indicated by the 364 MACHINES. thermometer; and this extent of expanfibility is not to be ob- tained without the acceffion of a fuperadded quantity of heat. Then, unless the veffels in which the fteam is to operate are kept up to that temperature, the extra expanſion is annihilated. We have heard of patents being paffed for this mode of uſing fteam; but we never heard that we were to be forbid to uſe ſteam of any particular intenſity, efpecially where cafes quite unexpected have compelled engineers to the prompt uſe of it as a neceffary expedient; and we ſhould imagine that, after reading Mr. Watt's fpecification of 1769, no perſon would attempt a mono- poly of the uſe of ſteam at any intenſity whatever. It ſhould be obſerved, that in treating on the principle and operation of the atmoſpherical engine thoſe who have taken up the fubject have done it in a very loofe and imperfect manner, fo far as relates to the power and effect; accounting for the lofs of the former and want of the latter from falfe premiſes: but we ſhall adjuſt that matter in a review of what has been publifhed in the Encyclopedia Britannica, of the improvement of the fteam-engine by Mr. Watt. This article Teems to have been written for a different purpofe than merely to inform the public of the gradations and accidents by which Mr. Watt ac- compliſhed his projected improvement; and either the writer muft have been misinformed, or he had greatly mifunderflood the fubject. It has been an egregious error among thoſe who have taken upon them to difcriminate the defects of Newcomen's engine, by expreffing the effect for the power, faying, that the application of the principle to the purpoſe of pumping, &c. will not admit of more than feven or at moft feven and one-half pounds per inch in the area of the pifton: but this is evidently a looſe un- guarded expreffion; for it is well known, that by attending to the various lifts of pumps in the engine-fhaft of a coal or a copper mine, taking into the account the altitudes and the dia- meters, the friction of the buckets, and the water on the fides of the pumps, the opening of ftrong double-leathered valves, together with the ftones and gravel that enter at the foot of the pump, the inertia of the pump-rods, the chains, the maflive lever placed between the cylinder and the pumps, all operating against this feven and one-half pound, if it were only fo, muft have produced a very different effect to what has been done: The fact is, that with all thefe impediments, added to the fric- tion of the pifton in a very bad cylinder, the columns of water only have been equal to feven and one-half pounds per fquare inch on the pifton. This could not have been accompliſhed by fuch a vacuum as afforded only a preffure of ſeven and one-half pounds per square inch on the pifton. Atmoſpherical Steam-Engines. 365 This has alſo been the outcry againſt the various attempts to improve boilers and fire-places; and the queſtion ufually was, on the report of fuch a new boiler being fet, " How many pounds do you get to the inch ?" Surely it cannot but excite admiration, that the queſtion feldom or ever came to, " What can you do with a chaldron of coals ?" Another fubject of complaint has been the neceffity of a counter-weight to return the piſton for another ftroke: this has been very ſeriouſly diſcuffed by many who have had opportu- nities of feeing an engine in their fummer's tour; and very in- genious formula have been invented to enable the practical en- gineer to come at the maximum of effect in engines particu- larly circumſtanced in this refpect: and we are congratulated on the annihilation of the injurious effects attendant on this matter in the old engines by the improvements of Mr. Watt. We are by no means difpofed to detract one atom from the advantages refulting to the community through the perfection. of Mr. Watt's engine: but we fee it made ufe of for invidious purpoſes; not to elevate Mr. Watt above his inherent merit, but to fubordinate every other profeſſional man in the ſcale of compariſon, to reprefs the energies of his cotemporaries, and give a deadly blow to competition. The operation of the counter-weight in the atmoſpherical engine is not affected in the manner this writer has fet forth: it may be fo, indeed, in an engine conftructed on purpoſe for amuſement or experiment; but we have to do only with en- gines prepared to fome important execution, many particulars of which muft fubmit to exifting circumſtances. If we underſtand the precife meaning of the writer of this article in the Encyclopedia Britannica, it is, that in atmoſphe- rical engines the weight on the outer end of the lever is em- ployed to overcome part of the preffure of the atmoſphere at the return of the ſtroke of the engine: that is not the cafe, and we muft first of all confider what is the defign of the engineer in giving or allowing a preponderance to that end of the lever. It is fimply that the buckets may deſcend, and the piſton may rife without any further combination of apparatus employed for that purpoſe. Now let us obferve its operation in an engine juſt erected; in which cafe the mathematician and the unlet- tered artift ftand on the fame level in eftimating the quantum of outſide ballaſt for the engine, with the water already up to the top of the pumps, or in other words to the level of the adit. But the fteam being admitted into the cylinder, the ope- rator fhuts the fteam-cock, and without any injection the en- gine makes a firſt ftroke, though very quietly: perhaps he then gives ſteam again to the cylinder, and according as he feels the 366 MACHINES. pifton's tendency to rife, he ſuits his judgment to the degree of opening in the cock: if it rifes too slow, he puts old iron or ftones upon the pump end of the lever; and if it riſes too quick, he places theſe weights on the inner end. Here then are three important circumftances to be attended to in this regula- tion: first, that the pump-buckets fhall defcend, but without fuch force as fhall endanger the breaking of the pump-rods; fecondly, that this deſcent ſhall nevertheleſs be as quick as pof- fible; but, thirdly, that it fhall not impede the diſcharging functions of the engine: and here are three caſes before which the vulgar ſtoker may turn up his nofe at the acuteſt mathema- tician in the world; cafes to which the higher powers of the human mind muft bend in filent fubjection to mere mechanical inftin&t. It is the first object (when an engine is erected on a mine), to get out the water with the leaft delay poffible; and at this time the engine goes ding dong, night and day: but as the water gets down, this counter-weight must be adjuſted, if the rods were hung on for more than one lift of pumps: the principal thing within the engine indicating the neceffity of this adjuſt- ment is the discharging of the engine, getting rid of the air and condenfing water; and unleſs theſe are performed punctually the engine foon ceafes to work. Now, neither the air nor the water can be diſcharged inftantaneoufly, but require a certain time in proportion to the quantity of each and the degree of ftrength in the fteam; and therefore the pifton muſt not rife fo quick as to prevent the fteam's action on the air and condenſing water, which it will do when the engine is thus employed, and the fteam is low; for if the piſton afcends faſter than the boiler ſupplies there can be no diſcharge, and after a ſtroke or two the engine will ſtop. Now, then, let us fee how far this counter-weight has to do with "overcoming the unbalanced part of the preffure of the atmoſphere." It is granted on all hands, that working ſteam muſt more than balance the preffure of the atmoſphere; and where this is not the cafe (except in very lightly burdened en- gines) the engine will ftop, as juft now obſerved; yet not by want of any thing to balance the atmoſpheric preffure on the pifton, but for want of fleam ftrong enough to diſcharge by: for let the counter-weight be ever fo fmall (and in engines hea- vily loaded we are obliged to let the pump-end preponderate but flowly), unleſs the engine is a very bad one, a moderate ſupply of fteam will reſtore the equilibrium: nay even no fteam at all, if a ſpigot is taken out of the flanch piece at the fnifting clack, to let in the air. But without any reflection on the application of ſteam on ! Atmospherical Steam-Engines. 367 the piſton, which we are given to underſtand is one ground of fuperiority over the atmoſpherial engine, there is an advantage in the atmoſpherial engine in this point of view which Mr. Watt's fingle engines cannot admit. It is well known, that when a mine is going down, and the engine-ſhaft is conftituted to receive all the water from different parts of the mine, that the gait of the engine must depend on the uniform influx of the water, and the engine must be fo nicely regulated to this quantity of water as that it muſt fup it up at every ftroke. Now, if this fupping is violent, the air which enters at the conclufion of the ftroke will, at the return of the buckets, blow a deal of the water out of the pumps, which will fall to the bottom, and become ſo incommodious as to prevent the miners from working; and on the other hand, if the ſtrokes of the engine are not quick enough the water will gain on the men, and they muſt give over working. Now the old engine man can retard or accelerate the ſtrokes of the engine, merely by the regulation of the fire; for, if the engine ſhould return too quick he lets down the damper, and if it is too flow he raiſes the damper: by theſe means, he can vary the action of the fteam on the nether fide of the pifton from 0 to 2 pounds on the inch over the preffure of the atmo- ſphere, which in a fixty-inch cylinder will be from 0 to 7200 pounds this cannot be done in the new engine; for the piſton rifes in one uniform medium. Thus is this counter-weight re- lieved from the charge of hinderance to the engine, and proves to be of importance rather than impediment; particularly when it may be depended on that it may be fo adjuſted as to admit the elafticity of ſteam to have a great ſhare in the power of the engine: for let the counter-weight be fo adjufted as to leave all in equilibrium; then it is manifeft, if the engine will work at all, it muſt be by the elaſtic force of the ſteam acting on the under fide of the pifton: and to compenfate that quantity of fteam we have the fuperabundant weight on the pifton-end of the lever to act in concert with the preffure of the atmoſphere; which in the cafe ftated above, in a cylinder of 60 inches dia- meter, may be ſo much as 7200 pounds. Concerning the ftate of the vacuum in the old engines we 'know but little; but it muſt be confiderably more than has been ſuggeſted: for an engine carrying a load of 7 pounds on the ſquare inch of the pifton, together with the friction and inertia, eſpecially in large engines, can hardly be leſs than 14 pounds on the inch. The writer of this article, about thirty years ago, tried the va- cuum of ſeveral engines in the county of Cornwall; and one which was reckoned the leaft brought the gauge to 23, and fometimes 368 MACHINES. 24. If we take the extreme, it will be 11.6 pounds on the fquare inch but that is not enough to work an engine with that load, taking in the other confiderations; and we have no heſitation in ſaying, that where engines have raiſed a column of water equal to 7½ pounds on the inch of the pifton it muſt have little inertia and friction, or it muſt be laid to the account of the aforefaid impulfe of the fteam in elevating the piston. This was one way which Mr. Gainsborough propofed to increaſe the power of an engine then erected in the county of Cornwall, in a mine which ſtood in need of fome prompt af- fistance: but the timid had the majority; and Mr. Gainsborough having it not to boast that he had erected feveral large engines as fpecimens of his invention, could not come forward with the fame confidence and fuccefs as Mr. Watt. But had Mr. Gainsborough fucceeded to have a fair experiment with a good cylinder, and have accepted a reaſonable premium, Mr. Watt's engines would not have obtained the degree of celebrity they fo foon acquired in that county. Since the application of the fteam-engine to the purpoſes of giving motion to mill-work, it has been a defideratum to main- tain an uniform force or action on the crank, in order to have the fame effect on the fly. When the engine was firft applied for the purpoſes of rota- tion, it had not then the advantage it has at preſent of the double ſtroke; and the mode of equalifing (as near as could be in thoſe circumftances) the working and returning ftrokes was by making the rod which connected the engine and the mill to- gether (and ftill called the connecting rod) equal to half the power of the engine, being of caft-iron; and when the weight was not in the rod, it was laid on the lever at that end: but this could not well apply by the old engine, except in cafes where the work was nearly the fame throughout the day; for as the diſcharging muſt be performed at every ſtroke, it would require a quantum of fteam proportionate thereto, and that in- variably; fo that in breweries, and thoſe works which demanded attention to varying refiftance, this could not apply; for when they had ftruck off the grinding, for inftance, if fomething did not operate to retard the effect of the counter-weight, the en- gine would increaſe in its gait beyond all bounds, fo as to work itſelf to pieces: and as the only remedy was to check the quantity of fteam at the returning ftroke, fo the dif charge must be interrupted, and the engine muſt ſtop. But Mr. Watt's fingle engine accommodated this circumftance, from the mode of diſcharging being conftant, and not poffible to be effected by the work applied to it, be it uniform or var riable: hence to leffen the momentum of the rod it was only Steam-Engines, 369 to check the entrance of the ſteam, by any contrivance that would prevent the plenum valve from opening to its greateſt limit. One mode of giving a uniform action on the crank was at- tempted in an engine erected about nine years fince at the brewery of Meffrs. Meux and Co., where the power was at a conftant diſtance from the centre of the lever, while the other end, which was connected to the crank by the connecting-rod, varied nearly its whole length. This engine had two cylinders in alternate action on a band- wheel by means of two chains. The wheel which carried the connecting-rod was fixed on the fame fhaft with the band- wheel, and had a pin near its periphery on which the con- necting-rod was attached. This pin traverſed about 120° of the whole circle, and may be denominated the end of the lever, which, in its action upward and downward, accedèd and re- ceded to and from the centre of motion; and had it traverſed through the remainder of the femicircle it would then have preffed on the crank, proportionate to the fines of every angle it makes in its revolution. But confidering the infinite preffure on this pin in the crank-wheel, it would have demanded a de- gree of ftrength at that part, which would have been prepo- fterous compared with the reſt of the work. See the ſketch of this contrivance at fig. 13. pl. XXX. This engine has its merits and its, defects: it is fubject to a deal of friction, by having double cylinders, and their append- ages; and unleſs the communication between the cylinders is clothed with the beſt materials for that purpoſe, a great lofs of heat muſt enſue. From the unfiniſhed ſtate in which the en- gineer left it, and. the prejudices of the proprietor, and the people he employs about it, we can hardly imagine that it can have derived much advantage; but the work uſually laid on it was, the grinding with four pairs of ftones, the liquor-pump, houſewater-pump, ftanding-pump, beer-pump, wort-pump, maſhing-machine, befide fack-tackle, all at once, and a very extenfive communication by vertical and horizontal fhafts, in which alone the effect was equal to thirty-eight horfes, accord- ing to Boulton and Watt's eſtimate. Its form was ſuch as to ad- mit an appearance of novelty and elegance; and might have been fo modified as to abridge much of the principal defect, had it not been for the glorious uncertainty of the law. If it had not been for the negligent manner of delineating and explaining the principles of Mr. Watt's engine in the Encyclo- pedia Britannica, we needed not have gone any further into the matter than merely to particularife fome circumftances which chance or defign is ſeemingly always calling forth at this VOL. II. B B 370 MACHINES. · * 2 period of philofophical inquiry: but let any judicious mechani look at the plate containing. Mr. Watt's engine in that Ency- clopedia, and then let him ride from Berwick-upon-Tweed to the Land's-end, and fee if he can find ſuch an one, or if he can hear tell of fuch an one being erected any-where. If we are right in our conjectures, this fly at the pifton-end of the lever, together with many other fanciful and ridiculous projects, were inftituted to equalise the action of the fteam in its expanfive force on the pifton, according to the disco- very noticed by Mr. Watt's hiftoriographer at No. 70, article Steam-engine: all which may be found in the Rolls chapely where Mr. Watt's ſecond ſpecification on ſteam-engines is fafely depofited. But if this drawing is given as a fpecimen of the in- genuity of the inventor, it muſt have been intended according to the inverſe ratio of things. A We ſhall therefore prefent our readers with a genuine appli- cation of the principle of Mr. Watt's engine, as far as is pof- fible in a work of this extent. But the whole volume would not have afforded ſpace fufficient to develope and exemplify many particulars which muft pafs unnoticed here; not on account of their infignificance, for the fmalleft parts are to the whole as the hand or the foot to the body: but it will be neceffary to ob- ferve here, that within theſe five-and-twenty years we have a fpecies of ſteam-engine invented, which until then was not known; and that is the fteam-engine applied to produce a ro- tative motion from a reciprocating one, whereas the other is applied principally to pumping water from mines, &c.; and each will require a diftinct confideration. The engines ufually erected for drawing water have been what are termed Jingle en- gines; though there are not wanting inftances enough where the double engines have been applied to that purpoſe; fome of which we have feen fo unwieldy and complicated, that it ſeemed to us like the fport of genius having nothing elſe to do. It is true it was in a latitude where money bears no compariſon with the calls of the moment, and where beauty and fimplicity have no charms. But while we touch as lightly as poſſible on many other particulars, we muſt cenfure exceedingly that enormous affemblage of materials which, even in a state of reft, tend pow- erfully to cruſh each other; but when put into motion by fuch a powerful agent, the relaxation of which depends on the con- nection of a wooden pin perhaps, or a ſtrap of leather, we deem it not inconfiftent with the province of an engineer to affign a limitable magnitude to machinery of this fort, without being fa- tisfied of the practicability of the accompliſhment: it is a daring outrage of art upon nature, for the former may have the knack of piling together, nature has not the like: facility in preferving Watt's Steam-Engines. 371 texture, componency, divifibility, &c. efpecially under pref- ſure and agitation, like what is to be obſerved in a double en- gine of a fixty-fix inch cylinder*; yet it is recorded in the En- cyclopedia Britannica, that the engine at the Albion Mills, though the largeſt in the kingdom, had its movements ſo judi- ciouſly contrived and fo nicely executed, that not the leaſt noiſe was heard, nor the flighteft tremor felt in the building !!! · In giving a clear explanation of the principle of this machine, it will be neceffary to deviate from the precife difpofition of the parts as they are ufually put together: but in fig. 1. pl. XXX. this deviation is very little, and repreſents a ſingle engine. A the cylinder in which the piston moves, B the fteam-pipe, D the condenfer, E the difcharging-pump, F a bottom common to the pump and condenſer, in which is an occafional communication by a hanging valve at F: g is a valve to be lifted by the engine at every ſtroke, for the purpoſe of condenfing the fteam; b is a valve placed outſide the ciftern (of which xxxx is a ſection on purpoſe to ſhew the contents), but communicates only with the condenfer by a pipe paffing through the fide of the cistern, and is inferted at the fide of the condenfer; i is a valve to be lifted by the engine, and opens a communication between the cylinder and the condenſer; k is a valve to be lifted by the en- gine, and opens a communication between the lower part of the cylinder and the fteam-pipe; and is alſo a valve of the ſame kind, opening a paffage from the boiler to all parts of the engine. * The pifton-rod, which is here broken off at m, is çonnected by a chain to the lever or beam, which is fupported on a wall of good maſonry, with proper pivot-blocks for ſupport to the gudgeons; and as this kind of engine is ufually employed for pumping water, another fet of chains at the other end of the beam is appropriated to connect to the pump-rods. Then to ſet the engine to work, the firſt thing is to lift the three valves i, k, and I (for which there are apparatus too mi- nute to lay down on this ſcale); theſe being opened, the ſteam occupies every cavity and crevice of the engine, and in a little while difplaces all the air in the cylinder, condenfer, &c. which is diſcharged at the valve h: this valve is always covered with water in a ſmall ciftern attached to the fide of the large ope; for it is hardly in the power of art to fit it to that degree of ac- * It is better in many reſpects to have two moderate fized engines · than one of theſe unwieldy things, but particularly for management and durability. It is with regret we recollect an error of this kind by one of the first engineers this country ever faw, where he erected one of thoſe machines, the lever of which was fo large as would require a cylinder equal to the power of near 40 horſes to give it motion. BB 2 372 MACHINES. 1 curacy as to enfure its tightneſs: but here the air is diſcharged at firſt ſetting the engine to work; and this valve is called the blowing valve. When the cylinder and other veffels are properly heated and the air diſcharged, which is well known by a very fmart crackling noiſe at that valve, like a violent decrepitation of falt in a fire *: theſe valves k and i are to be fhut; and after waiting a few feconds, gently open the valve i: and if the en- gine does not move, the injection-valve g muſt be opened a little+; and if the engine does not move, then the operation of blowing muſt be performed again, though but for a few ſeconds, and the engine in general will go off fmartly ‡. In treating on this ſubject, it is neceffary to obſerve, that if we were to attempt a thorough information to the various claffes of readers into whofe hands this may come, it muſt have been taken up on a ſcale of greater magnitude than what is conſiſtent with the plan of this publication: we muſt there- fore ſuppoſe our readers are not entirely ignorant of the general outline of this invention; to fuch readers only will thefe expla- nations be of any importance. In all engines on this principle, it is neceffary that the parts appropriated to condenſation of the ſteam fhould be kept as cold as poffible, and that thoſe parts intended for the operation or paffage of the ſteam be kept as hot as poffible: hence the dif- charging-pump § and condenſer are placed in a ciſtern of cold water kept conftantly full, and a little running away; and if the injection-valve is placed low in this ciftern, it will take the water in the coldeft ftate. See the injection-cock in fig. 2. As the condenſer is immerſed in water to be kept cold, fo the cylinder fhould if poffible be immerfed in fteam to be kept kot: for which purpoſe Mr. Watt formerly fed a cafing round the cylinder, and at the top and bottom; and this would have * This noife is occafioned by the air being all gone, and the water pro- ducing a fudden and rapid condenfation of the team. + The valve i being opened, there is a paffage made from the cylinder to the condenfer; but on account of long blowing, the fides of the con- denfer become hot, and the water in the ciftern hot likewife: fo that the condenſation muſt needs be very flow, even at the firſt injection of the water into the condenfer.: We believe, that until Mr. Watt went into Cornwall, this blowing valve had never been applied to any of his engines, it being the ufual method to pump out the air by a temporary brake attached to the dif charging-pump; and that this valve was first applied by Mr. Horn- blower at an engine on a mine called Ting Tong; which engine he put up for the proprietors of the work, not for Meffrs. Boulton and Watt. § We chooſe to call it thus from the nature of its office. It diſcharges all whatever comes into the engine, but eſpecially the water and the air 5 and it is no more an air-pump than it is a water-pump, exclufively; in fact, it is both、-` Watt's Steam-Engines. 373 been attended with very beneficial effects if it did not enlarge the ſteam ſurface, and expofe it to a more rapid condenſation when it ought to be preferved; for to have the vacuum as per- fect as poffible, it is neceffary that the cylinder be kept up to ſuch a temperature as to prevent the leaft' condenſation on the internal ſurface either above or below the pifton: becauſe, if the fides of the cylinder were to be wet, as in the common at- moſpherical engine, the vacuum would be vitiated, as it is there occafioned by this wetnefs or moiſture gradually forming to fteam, which the outfide cafing prevents, being filled with ſteam from the boiler. But if it were poffible to cover this outward cafe with any fort of fübftance which would entirely prevent the tranfmiffion of heat for that cafing, it would. fuperfede the uſe of the caſing altogether, and would apply with more advantage to the cylinder itſelf. But we do not know of any fubſtance which will not admit this tranfmiflion more or lefs. They who wiſh for information on this fubject may find it in count Rum- ford's Effays. But the first circumftance of importance to the proportion and difpofition of the ſeveral parts, is the folidity of the veffels and the pérfection of the joints. Copper tubes are apt to be unfound at the feams, and other parts which are required to be bent out of a right line; and iron caftings, which require any parti- cular fort of ſtay in the moulding to keep the core from the out- fide, as thefe ftays are made moftly of wrought iron, they con- tract more in cooling than the caft-iron does about them, even fo as to become loofe fometimes; in fuch cafes, it is unutter- ably perplexing to find out the places or cauſe of this defec- tion; the joints are fufpected for the most part, but even remaking them fometimes proves no amendment; and this muſt be the cauſe in general why one engine from the fame patterns is better or worſe than others. And we have reaſon to fear that this matter of complaint is on the increafe; for felf-intereft has fo powerful a preponderancy, eſpecially in the metropolis, that we fhall deſpair of having theſe objects regarded as they were for- merly; ſemblance being for the greateſt part the order of the day. Mr. Watt has adopted a gauge (very improperly called a ba- rometer), to indicate the degree of vacuum in his engines; and we deem it of important confequence to the well-going of the engine, the profit of the proprietor, and the credit of the en- gineer: yet in many engines in London we fee this important inſtrument either out of repair, or wholly laid afide. The form is given at fig. 3. They have been made of glaſs; but if the quickfilver is not very pure, the alloy with which the venders of this article adulterate it is by conſtant action brought to the furface, and that and the vapour together make the tube fo foul a 374 MACHINES. + that no precifion can be obtained. Iron therefore is the beft material: both parts of the tube ſhould be correctly of one dias meter, or elſe the refult will be erroneous. This tube muſt communicate with the condenſer by a ſmall copper pipe, and a ftop-cock be placed between the gauge and condenfer. The index in this inftrument is a light deal rod, which is put into the ſhorter tube; and quickfilver being poured into it within three inches of the end, the rod is put into the tube, and it floats on the quickfilver. It is almoſt needleſs to remark, that the graduations on this inftrument muſt be inverted with regard to thofe of a ſingle tube. Perhaps it ſhould have been noticed before, that the rod of the diſcharging pump is connected with the lever at ſome point determinable by the length of the ftroke; and in this figure it rifes with the pifton, and brings up the air and water with it, both of which are difcharged at the branch p, in which is a hanging valve opening outward. It is intimated in the large account of Mr. Watt's engine, that this is the moſt preferable mode of working this pump, viz. at the inner end of the lever; but we do not fee why: as far as our judgment would lead us, we ſhould prefer the outer end, where the conftruction will admit of it; and we think we have ſeen ſome engines fo conftructed that have made a better vacuum than when it is connected infide: depending, as we think, on an impulſe given to the remaining air of the laſt ſtroke at the inftant the bucket begins to rife; for na fooner is the valve i opened than the ſteam rufhes towards the condenfer, and giving a momentary tendency to a plenum, does give a puſh to the air through the hanging valve between the pump and the condenfer; and hence we are warranted to conclude, that more air enters the pump by this means than if it be left to its own expanſion. We muſt obſerve how this pump affects the power of the engine. By fome obfervations of thofe who have confidered the fubject, we ſhould be led to conclude, that it is an addition to the load of the engine: but if we attend to its conftruction, having a valve to keep off the preffure of the atmoſphere, it is certain it can have but little weight until the bucket is near the higheſt limits of the ſtroke; and taking the ſum of the reſiſtance from the commencement of the ftroke to its termination, it will be found to be very little in compariſon with the power of the cylinder. But if the weight of the atmoſphere was conftantly on, it could make no other difference in a well-conftructed en- gine than what arifes from the friction. From fome authentic reports on the fuccefs which attended Mr. Watt's labours in applying the principle of this engine, it Watt's Steam-Engines. 375 # appears he did not imagine it would require fo large a portion of the content of his cylinder to be transferred to his pump as he afterwards found neceffary *. And on this account, one experi- ment among many others, which is related in the Encyclopedia Britannica, we must be permitted to enter our proteſt againſt : it is this, viz. fection 57," a globular veffel communicated by means of a long pipe to a cylinder of four inches diameter and thirty inches long: the globe was immerſed in water: the pipe had a ſtop-cock: the cylinder was filled with ftrong fteam: the cock was turned (nay ſcarcely turned), when the fides of his cylinder were crushed together like an empty bladder.” Not to notice the ſtriking figure of the crufhing, let us take a view of the experiment: a veffel of the form of a ſphere was connected to the cylinder by a pipe of an inch diameter; this veffel was immerfed in the water unexhausted, we may fairly fuppofe the cylinder, containing 390 cylindrical inches, was filled with ſtrong fteam; the cock was hardly turned when a complete vacuum took place in the cylinder.-Now the credi- bility which the relation of this experiment demands muſt de- pend on fome particulars unrelated by the reporter: for if we admit that this globe and a part of the pipe alfo contained the air of the atmoſphere, what could there be, befides mere magic, to induce the ſteam to leave the cylinder in fuch a hurry? No : we have ſeen the experiment tried again and again; and the naked truth is-it cannot be. We will advert to another experiment or two of this kind. Encyclopædia Britannica, Steam-Engine, fection 10. "Expe- riments have been made on ſteam-veffels, fix feet in diameter and ſeven feet high and it has been found that about four ounces of water as warm as the human blood will produce a complete condenfation in lefs than a fecond." "In another experiment with the fame veffel, no cold water was allowed to get into it; but it was made to communicate by a long pipe four inches diameter with another veffel. The condenfation was fo rapid, that it could not be meaſured." Upon thefe expe- riments a deal of hypothetical reafoning fucceeds, all which is evaporated in the Supplement to the above work. See STEAM- ENGINE. Now here is a fact related, which afterwards is acknowledged to be no fact at all. We fhould not have thought ſo much about it, if it had not been related fo circumftantially. So, in the experiment made with fuch fcrupulous care as the ex- panfion of boiling water in a veffel holding 12600 grains of In the best engines we have feen, or hear of, this proportion is not lefs than one-eighth of the content of the cylinder for a single engine 376 MACHINES. 1 fteam, which weighed not more than one grain; making the expanſion to a certainty 10000 to 1: and here, in the Supplement aforefaid, it comes to 1800 to-1. Now the question is, Which of them is true? But, to proceed:-The moſt novel circumftance in the opera- tion of this engine is, that when the fteam has been permitted to act on the piſton to the limits of the ſtroke, it has permiffion to enter the cylinder a ſecond time beneath the pifton; and fo the pifton rifes in a medium of ſteam more or leſs rare as it happens: nor is that point of any fignificance, even if it were all to be condenſed in its paffage from the upper to the nether fide of the piſton; and it is a beautiful accompaniment of the prime object of the improvement. To make this part of the evaporation as perfect as poffible, the valve k ſhould be placed at the top of the pipe B, juft under the valve 7; otherwiſe that pipe full of steam is wafted every ſtroke. But it generally happens in engines erected for pumping water, that they are calculated to go deeper than the preſent bottom of the mine; and therefore, if all the fteam which enters the cylinder for one ftroke was to be condenſed, the en- gine would act with its whole power, and the effect would be to deſtroy itſelf: on which account, in engines thus circum- ſtanced, the injection is to be ftopped long before the termina- tion of the ſtroke, which leaves a refiduum of fteam at the bot- tom of the cylinder, that proves an effectual banking to the pi- ſton; even fo far as to fupport it while the chains to which it is appended are become quite flack by the momentum given to the lever during the action of the ſteam on the piſton. We believe it was this circumſtance that indicated to Mr. Watt the advan- tage of ſhutting off the fteam from the boiler foon after the commencement of the ſtroke; which is done in the following manner. The valve 1, the office of which is to open or ſhut the com- munication between the cylinder and the boiler, is ſo parti- cularly connected with the working gear, that by altering the place of a pin it is fhut fooner or later, as occafion requires; and when the pifton has proceeded half way down, if this valve is fhut at that inftant, the piflon is carried through the remainder of the ſtroke, partly by the momentum it has already acquired, and partly by the remaining expanſion of the ſteam, which, notwithſtanding its growing rarer and rarer, is fufficient with its momentum to complete the ſtroke. We have obſerved, that' in order to give action to the engine at its firſt onſet, and indeed at every fucceeding ftroke, the valve i is to be lifted. Thialve is kept down by a weight equal to the preſſure of the atmoſphere, added to the elaſticity of the Steam-Engines. 37H } " fteam above that preffure; there being a vacuum beneath it, and the action of the ſteam upon it. Hence, in large engines it requires a great force to lift it up, in fome engines equal to ICOO or 1200 lbs. and it muſt be lifted in an inſtant, if poffible. The ufual method of doing this was by an apparatus being a part of the working gear, conſtructed after the following man- ner. Let c, fig. 4. be the centre of the ſection of a ſtrong bar of iron about two inches fquare: on one of the angles of this bar a piece of iron, in the form repreſented at b, is welded on; and on the next fide but one there is an arm fixed in the form d. This bar, which is ufually about three feet long, or little more, is made to work between two poſts, and is called a Y ſhaft, and the pofts are called Y pofts, conformably to the old plan of working gear. This Y fhaft, with its arm d, is brought to the pofition fhewn in the figure to be ready for opening the valve, when a ſmall pin in the plug p lifts a detent x, that is made to preſerve the whole in its proper poſition, and a balance- weight w brings this arm or branch into the action of turning up againſt the ſpanner or lever h attached to the valve v, and working on the fpindle or centre g: by this means here is a very powerful force at the firſt inſtant applied to the very end of the lever b, which is continually diminiſhing as the valve riſes; for the preffure on the valve and the very end of the lever is, or ought to be, exactly the fame in every pofition of the crooked C arm. Still it was a heavy load on the hand to manage this part of the working gear; and in converfation on the fubject, it was fuggefted to Mr. Watt to make theſe large valves of two valves, that is, by making a ſmaller-fized valve in the middle of the large one, and then, after the ſmaller one was lifted a little, the whole would rife together-and it was adopted: but it being difficult to keep in order fo as to be tight, we believe it was laid afide. We cannot help taking notice of another illiberal infinuation of the writer of this article in the Encyclopædia Britannica : when in ſetting forth a contrivance to render the opening of this valve as eafy as was poffible, and which was abfolutely invented at an engine at Radſtock near Bath, he ſays, "it has been ſervilely copied from Mr. Watt," as if it could not be copied from any one befides; and if copied, it muſt be copied fervilely: now although hundreds are ſaid to have copied from Mr. Watt, it might rather perhaps have been faid Mr. Watt copied from hundreds *. But it does not appear that the writer underſtood } * We do not directly implicate Mr. Watt as being the illiberal coad- jutor in this indiſcriminate ſcandal and defamation: but it would not 378 MACHINES. the modus operandi of this wonderful project, by the figure he has given of it, or by what he advanced in the text, both of which are alike falfe. He fays, "though the valve has not moved the hundredth part of an inch, the preffure is over.' It would be wasting time, and an affront to the underſtanding of our intelligent readers, to go about formally to prove the re- verfe of this affertion; but as he has fo awkwardly reprefented it, we will explain it at fig. 6. Let A be the valve, BB a lever attached for the purpoſe of raiſing it; CC is a rod with a joint in it at i; D is an arm ftretching horizontally, with a weight W hung to it. This arm D and the part of the pointed rod C have motion round the centre : fo that when the weight W is at liberty to fall, it carries the arm D round the common centre downwards, and raiſes C round the fame centre upwards in the direction of the dotted arch, at which the whole apparatus affumes a new po- fition according to the dotted lines. From this ſketch, the prin- ciple by which this valve is opened may be eaſily comprehended: but it must be added, that this valve is not opened by the plug (here and throughout in the Encyclopedia Britannica called the plug-frame), but by the action of a weight which is raifed by the plúg*. " It is neceffary to the good performance of an engine, that this valve be opened as fuddenly as poffible, that the fteam may have its releaſe quite inftantaneoufly, if it could be done; for until the valve is opened the engine has not its full power. Hence the reaſon why in the beft engines univerfally a weight or fpring is applied to open it, and all the plug does is to return the weight to its former elevation. But a much better method than this, or any of them, has been fuggefted by a delicate thought of Mr. Jof. Hornblower, of Chare- water near Truro, and confifts in conſtructing the valve on an entirely new principle: we fhall give a repreſentation of this valve in fig. 7. AAAA, is the box containing the valve, BB is a valve inverted, and fixed firmly to the bottom of the focket S; this focket ferves as a guide to that part of the valve that is to be lifted by a fhort cylindrical rod, as is very common. have difhonoured him if he had, in the fupplement to this farrago of falfehood and abfurdity, demanded a recantation of whatever may have been previouſly inferted either through prejudice or miſinformation; and we would never have interfered with the difgufting panegyric that per- vades the whole ſubject. * The plug is that vertical piece of timber which is alternately rifing and falling by the motion of the engine; and by the pin's being fet inta particular holes, the ftroke of the engine is adjufted to a very great nicety.. .A. # Watt's Steam-Engines. 879 The part which is to be lifted is DD EE: which lifting is per- formed by any of the ufual methods attached to the eye F, which is a part of the croſs-bar EE in the figure below, which is a plan of the upper ſurface of the valve and upper feat; for it muſt be obſerved that it has two feats, and that the principal paffage for the ſteam is at the lower feat; for the fteam in its paffage goes down through the body of the valve: indeed it has always access to the lower ſeating, the body of the valve being entirely open, except what is taken up by the croſs-bar EE; fo that in this fenfe we lift the thickneſs of the metal only of which the body of the valve is conftructed. To help our ideas of the operation of this valve, we must conceive the upper ſpace in the box to be always full of ftram, and confequently the inner part OO of the valve (which, for better underſtanding it, is fhewn by a fection along the croſs-bar); then the lower fpace of the box will be a vacuum, when upon lifting the valve (which is a cylinder open at both ends) the fteam will paſs through it, and into the lower ſpace at the inverted lid BB. In this figure the cylinder part is raiſed a little, to fhew how it feparates from the lower lid BB. We have prefumed on this mode of applying the principle, not knowing the precife manner in which the inventor has thought moſt proper to do it, but we have no doubt of its being a very welcome improvement in thoſe large engines in the county where he refides. Adverting to the other parts of the engine, fig. 1. On the top of the cylinder n is a box to contain fomething foft, yet pretty cloſe, but not leather, to embrace the piſton-rod m in its motion up and down; and this is uſually a fort of plaited rope of white yarn, nicely laid in and rammed down gently, occupying about a third of its depth: then upon that is placed a fort of tripod, having a flat ring of braſs for its upper, and another for its lower, part; and thoſe rings are in breadth equal to the ſpace between the pifton-rod and the fide of the box; that being put on over the end of the pifton-rod, another quantity of this rope is to be put upon it, and gently rammed as before: then there is a hollow fpace between theſe two packings, and that ſpace is to be fupplied with ftrong fteam from the boiler. Thus is the packing about the pifton-rod kept in fuch a ſtate as to pre- vent the air from entering the cylinder when at any time there may be a partial vacuum above the piston. This then is a deſcription of Mr. Watt's improvement as to what he originally had in view, and as to what prefented itſelf in perfecting his primary notions of the conftruction; and in addition to what is paft, we have only to recapitulate, the references belonging to the figure 1. A reprefents the cylinder * 1 380 MACHINES. with its piſton ſuppoſed to be within it; B a pipe occafionally communicating with the upper and lower fide of the pifton. E the difcharging pump with its bucket within; y its dif charging nozzle with a hanging valve opening outwards; ( part of the bucket-rod to be connected with the great lever; D the receiver or condenfer, having communication with the cylinder by the valve i; F the place of a hanging-valve placed between the pump and receiver opening towards the pump; g the injection-valve; b the blowing-valve, the outer part of it being immerſed in water in a ſmall ciftern; x x x x a ſection of the condenfing-ciftern, to fhew the lower parts of the engine; k a valve for opening a communication between the upper and nether fides of the pifton; b is a box and valve, for receiving and giving the ſteam from the boiler; n the box containing the packing for the piſton-rod ;.and m part of the piſton-rod broken off for want of room. Such was the moſt perfect ſtate of Mr. Watt's engine until circumstances demanded what was impoffible, at leaſt what ought not to be. It was found that fome of the mines in Cornwall, already at a great depth, wanted to go ftill deeper; but, alas! no fingle engine, unleſs it were a monſter, could be large enough: but "Mr. Watt's genius, always fertile in re- fources," found out the means of making two engines in one, and the double-ftroke engine came forth in two-fold cumbrous majefty to what had ere been ſeen before. It would take more room than is allotted to this department to develope the enor- mous limbs and features of this creature as fet up at fome of the mines in Cornwall: which, even on a more manageable ſcale, applies but very difcompofedly to drawing, or, as we ought to fay, thruſting, water from ſuch a depth. But it is here in London and its vicinity that he has applied the principle to a purpofe that enobles both him and it, and where we conceive it to have reached its acme both in deſign and execution. We have reprefented this mode of working at fig. 2. where we muſt deviate largely from the practical application, in order to give a comprehenfive explanation. A is the cylinder, as in the fingle engine; B is a pipe appropriated to deliver the ſteam from the boiler through the branch L; from thence it enters the cylinder alternately by the valves v, w, both opening towards the ſteam fide. The pipe C has alfo two valves, one at the upper end of the pipe in the box t, and one which we muſt defignate at the joint r, both opening toward the cylinder. The condenser D has a blowing-valve, like the former figure in the fingle engine; but the injection is made by a cock G, which has a pipe reaching near the bottom of the cistern; and when Hornblower's Steam-Engines. 381 the engine is at work this cock is always open, and the injection always running in, becauſe the ſteam is conftantly coming from the cylinder either above or below the piſton, and its operation is as follows: When the air is blown out of the engine, and the pifton happens to be in its upper fituation, the valve v on the fteam fide is lifted, and the valve r on the exhauſting fide is opened: the exhauſting-valve r takes the ſteam from below the piſton, while the ſteam by the valve v enters on the upper furface, and a ftroke is made; and at the inſtant the piſton comes to its place at the bottom of the cylinder, theſe valves are both ſhut, and the valves w and t are opened, and the upward ſtroke com- mences, and fo on alternately. Ի It muſt be obſerved here that, whereas the pifton in the fingle engine is pendant on the lever by the chains lying in the arch of the inner end, this must be connected by a mode that ſhall render the rod rigid in its action upward; for which purpoſe there is a ſyſtem of tranſverſe joints which compel the rod to a motion, parallel to itſelf, exhibiting at once a moft ingenious and pleaſant piece of machinery. At the other end of the beam or lever is a rod which connects the motion of the engine to a fly; and Mr. Watt has chofen to do this by a very ingenious application of one wheel fixed on the axis of the fly, and another fixed on the rod that is connected to the lever, by which means the fly makes one entire revolution, while the engine makes but one ſtroke; and thus the fly makes as many revolutions as the engine does ſtrokes: but we are inclined to give the preference to a fimple crank with a fly of fuch weight as fhall have the defired momentum with lefs velocity, fimplicity being ever a defideratum in the conftruction of machinery. It is related in the Encyclopædia Britannica that a Mr. Fitz- gerald took out a patent for communicating a rotative motion from the ſteam-engine, and it may be fo: but the firſt notice we ever had of a patent being obtained for that invention was about the year 1778, when a young man at Briſtol, Mr. Matthew Wafbrough, obtained letters patent for that purpoſe, and did apply it to his own works for turning lathes, &c. and alſo one at Southampton at Mr. Taylor's works, befides two or three for grinding corn. However, this was previoufly to Mr. Watt's patent for that purpoſe; and, little as it was thought of at that period, it is now become of mighty confequence to the kingdom at large. We are glad to have an opportunity of preſenting the public with an improvement on the fingle engine of Mr. Watt by Meffrs, Hornblower, a patent for which was taken out by M Jonathan Hornblower of Penryn, in the year 1781. We will $82 MACHINES. give a fhort account of this engine, not only that our readers may ſee what attempts have been made to carry on the progreſs of improvement, but that they may have an opportunity of comparing it with the account given of it in the Encyclopedia Britannica; as various opinions are ftill entertained on the merit of that invention. The intention of this improvement was to obtain a greater power by a complicated force of the fteam than was fuppofed could be done by its action in a fimple way; and, as it ne- ceffarily involves a novelty of conftruction, we will give a re- prefentation of the whole at fig. 8. where A and B are two cylinders of different capacities; and in this figure A is double the capacity of B: both of the cylinders are furniſhed with a pifton with their connection with the lever, as in the figure. The boiler is fuppofed to be placed on one fide, having a pipe communicating it with the engine at G, and by occafional communication through the branches by means of the four cocks dr valves, the ſteam is fent through the engine in the following manner: but here alfo we must deviate from the precife con- ftruction to give a clear, an unequivocal idea of what paffes in thefe two cylinders: therefore let A B fig. 9. be two cylinders, and let A be double the capacity of B, and let them be fet one on the other each having a piſton, and both piſtons fixed on the fame rod, and this rod to a lever having a weight at the other end; then if we ſuppoſe the upper piſton to be 1 inch diameter, the lower one will be the fquare root of 2 = = the fquare root of 2 = 1'414 + of any determinate length, which we will fay here 10 inches: and that we may not have our conceptions warped by complex notions, we will employ the preffure of the atmofphere in this experi- ment, instead of fteam; and we will, for the fake of round numbers, allow 12 lb. on every circular inch wherever the whole preffure is employed. The first thing, then, that is to be done is to let the lower pifton come very nearly in contact with the upper end of its own cylinder; that is, coming exceedingly near to a a, as in the figure: then both theſe piftons working with very great niceneſs, being well oiled, let the atmoſpheric air enter between the two piftons at the cock x, while there is a perfect vacuum in the larger cylinder under its pifton. If the whole of this little engine is at liberty, it will begin to make a ſtroke with 23 lbs. hanging on the outer end of the lever; becauſe there is 12 lbs. on the upper pifton, and 12 lbs. on the exceſs of area on the lower pifton. Then certainly it will balance a weight of 24 lbs. on the outer end of the lever; but next put a weight of 23 lbs. inſtead of 24, and we fhall fee that it will begin to make a troke a little way downward: but it will foon ftop, becauſe the Hornblower's Steam-Engines. 383 atmoſpheric air between the two piſtons begins to be attenuated, and therefore its preffure on the lower pifton will diminish; and this will be the cafe, gradually diminiſhing until it comes to the bottom, where its preffure will be but half of what it was at the beginning; that is, 6 lbs. But let us now take notice of what has been going on with the ſmall pifton; and that is, that while the lower pifton has been defcending with a decreasing preffure this piſton has had the whole preffure of the atmo- 1phere upon it all the time; fo that whereas it did equilibriate with 24 lbs. on the rod, it now ceafes with the whole preffure on the ſmaller piſton, and one half of the original preſſure on the excess of the larger pifton above the fall one, or one fourth of the preffure of the whole lower pifton,, making in the whole 18 lbs. at the termination of the ftroke; and taking the fum of the preffures it will amount to 21. Now let us ſee what is the true ſtate of the cafe with refpect to Mr. Watt's application of the fteam in what is called his expanſive engine, according to the reprefentation in fig. 1. Let A, fig. 10. reprefent the pifton of a cylinder equal to the capacity of the largeſt of the before mentioned 1414 + diameter, and 10 inches long, with its rod pendant to the lever as before: making uſe of air of the fame denfity, for its effects must be the fame, 12 lbs. on the circular inch. Then, fuppofing an entire vacuum in the cylinder, let the pifton be brought as near the top of the cylinder as poffible: being nicely oiled as before; let the air have acceſs to the upper fide of the pifton, and it will ſupport a weight of 24 lbs. as before. Let this piſton defcend half way down the cylinder, being fupplied with air, and it ftill fupports 24 lbs. Now let the air-cock be fhut, and no more air fuffered to enter; and take off the 24 lb. weight and hang on a 12 lb. and they will be in equilibrium at the termination of the ftroke. Here then we may compare the different refults; for different they are, and will be, notwithſtanding the high authority to the contrary. If we obtain the accumulated preffure by taking a mean of the extremes, we fhall find Mr. Watt's application to be 24+24+12 =20, leaving 12 lbs. at the termination of the 3 ftroke. Application of the principle in the preſent inſtance by taking the mean of the extremes, will be →⇒21, having 2 beaving 2419 18 at the termination of the ſtroke; which, in point of advantage in favour of the double cylinder, is as 3 2, a point of no ſmal magnitude in the practical application of this principle, and which feems to have been overlooked by all thofe who have taken up the ſubject. Even the learned profeffor himſelf has not SSTINY 384 MACHINES. taken into the account this diftinguishing peculiarity, as he has only brought out the accumulated preffure of both in a com parative view. Indeed the method he has adopted to investi!! gate this problem does not account for the ultimate expenditure of fleam. • But we are warranted to preſent this to our readers in this popular and experimental manner by a very ſcrupulous attention to an engine erected in the vicinity of Bath fome years ſince on this very principle, and under very diſadvantageous circum- ftances. The engine had its two cylinders 19 and 24, with #trokes on each fuitable to the occafion, that is 6 feet and 8 feet refpectively. The condenfing apparatus a very bad one, through a fervile fear of infringement on a patent which in- fringed on every body; by which the greateſt degree of vacuum obtained was no more than 27 inches. The engine wrought 4 lifts of pumps to the depth of 576 feet, 4500 lbs. 14 ftrokes in a minute, 6 feet each, with a cylinder 6 feet long, and 19 inches diameter, with a deal of inertia and friction in the rods and buckets; fome of the latter of which were not more than 34 inches diameter: and this it did under all theſe diſad- vantages, with 70 lbs. of coal, light coal, per hour; which would have required a 24-inch cylinder of Mr. Watt's fingle engine making a 6-foot ſtroke, with all the ſteam he could apply. * Two remarkable circumstances prefented to fhew the ad- · vantage of this application of the principle. The one was, that, in defiance of all order and regularity, the man who tended the engine, and pretended to underſtand it better than his mafter, would clandeftinely detach the ſmaller cylinder from the other, and work only with the large one: but whenever detected, an idle excufe only intervened between it and the reſtoration of things; and whereas the boiler (which was proverbially ex- cellent) would ſcarcely by hard firing raife fteam enough to keep the engine going: but no fooner was the fmall cylinder rod hung to the lever than the engine refumed its wonted activity, and the ſteam would blow up the fafety valve; and the boiler without great attention would boil over, nearly to emptying. The next circumſtance is, that when the detent which kept the exhaufting-valve fhut happened to mifs ftays, as we may call it the pifton would be balked, as it were, not being per- mitted to rife the whole of the returning ftroke; when it would, as by an inſtructive nature, come down' again and again until the detent performed its office-a practical' argument for the power of the engine at the termination of a ſtroke; but we believe nobody faw, this effect with jealous eye but Mr. Watt, and hence the production of Mr. Watt's fecond patent Hornblower's Steam-Engines. 385 } Here, then, was an engine working with the effect of 16 lbs. on the fquare inch of the pifton; for all the fteam that was employed in producing this effect, was no more than what fupplied the ſmaller cylinder. The various diſputes and con- tentions about the fuperiority of Mr. Watt's engines comparing the effects with this engine, fubfifted only on account of the difficulty of making a fair comparative experiment which, unleſs they could be done with engines on the fame circumſtances, could not be done at all, and on account of the nature of drawing the water in different mines, no circumſtances could be found to juſtify this compariſon. We are told in the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica, that the form of the engine mentioned in the 766th page of the body of that work was put in practice about the year 1775, and that this is mentioned," becauſe we have been told Mr. Horn- blower puts in a prior claim to the invention ;" and then adds, "We do not think that Mr. Hornblower erected any of his engines before 1782; and as Mr. Hornblower was, we believe, working with Boulton and Watt before that time, we think it fully more than probable that he has in this refpect profited by the in- ſtruction of fuch intelligent employers." We forbear to defcant on the mechanical intelligence of the employers, at that period; but we are authoriſed to ſtate this as an unjuſtifiable libel on Mr. Hornblower. In the firſt place, Mr. Hornblower never worked with Boulton and Watt; and fuppofing Mr. Hornblower never put up any of his engines until 1782, are we to infer from thence that the principle was not thought on, nor any experiments inftituted to afcertain the beft mode of applying that principle? We have likewiſe to ſtate that Mr. Hornblower took up the fubject of his engine early in the year 1776, if not before, and continued it until he made a large working model whoſe cylinders were 11 and 14 inches diameter, and that a drawing of this engine was fent to the editor of the Encyclo- pedia Britannica, with a proper defcription and references accompanying it; that Dr. Gleig returned the drawing to Mr. Hornblower with a very polite letter of acknowledgment for the favour done to his work, adding, that it would appear with Dr. Robifon's marks of peculiar approbation, who was to under- take the writing on that article, &c. &c. and that when theſe marks of high approbation were publiſhed, it was to ſet forth how ingeniouſly Mr. Hornblower had contrived the framing of the lever, his valves, and ftuffing-box, but that the engine was in no refpect preferable to Mr. Watt's with a fingle cylinder, but in ſome accounts very much inferior! That Mr. Hornblower addreffed a letter of furpriſe and refentment to Dr. Robiſon at ſuch an indirect inftance of behaviour, which probably brought VOL. II. CC 386 MACHINES.. the prejudices of the candid philofopher into view whenever he had accafion to refer to Mr. Hornblower's name. We have to Date further, that we do not believe that Mr. Watt's use of the expanſion-valve had ever been put in practice until lazig after Mr. Hornblower projected his defign of the double engine. However, we are certain that this engine brought forth Mr. Watt's fecond patent for the moſt arrant fyftem of abſurdities that ever came into view in the mechanical world, to avail himfelf of the means of continuing the preffure on his piston with as much effect as he faw inherent in the principle on which Mr. Hornblower's engine was conftructed; but we have never ſeen one inſtance in which any of the prepofterous methods fanctioned by the patent referred to were put in practice. We are now to take notice of another engine of Mr. Horn- blower's, for which letters patent have been lately granted, having a rotary motion within itſelf by the immediate action of fteam on 4 revolving pistons. We confefs our inability to do juftice to this moft fimple fteam-engine we ever faw, fo novel in its conftruction, yet fimple in its operation. The pistons just mentioned are four vanes like thoſe of a ſmoke-jack, though not of thin iron, but of fome confiderable thicknefs, fufficient to form a groove to hold fome ftuffing for the purpoſe of being tight in their action. They are mounted on an arbor, which has a hollow nave in the middle. Into this nave the tails of the vanes are inferted, and each oppofite vane is affected alike by having a feady connection with each others: for inſtance, if we ſhould alter the angle of one of the vanes with the arbor, the oppoſite one will be altered too, and they are not fet in the fame plane, but at right angles to the plane of each other; fo that, if we (in retaining the notion of the vanes of a fſmoke-jack) conceive theſe vanes to be held in a vertical poſition as the fails of a windmill, when one vane is flatly oppofed to the wind, the oppofite vane will prefent its edge to the wind, and this they are conftantly doing in their rotation on their common arbor, fo at the team acts againſt the vane on its face in propelling it and this it does for about of a circle or 90 degrees where it is defined to act; and as foon as it has gone through the quarter of the circle, it inftantly turns its edge to the ſteam, while at the fame inftant another vane has entered the working part of the box, and the rotation proceeds without interruption.. a t It muſt be obferved, that though the engine has the power of prefenting the edge of the vanes to the team in returning to its place of active force, that yet there must be fame power loft according to the re-action on the thickness of the edge, and this lofs of power is greatest only in ſmall engines; but in a ſyſtem Hornblower's Steam-Engines. 3987 } * + • of vanes extending 5 or 6 feet, moving at the rate of 30 revolu- tions in a minute, there must be a great accumulation of force'; and that this accumulation is in favour of the principle of the engine, where the velocity of the power may be of any deter- minate ratio to the velocity of the weight, according to the exifting circumftances. It muft alfo be understood that this engine is to be furniſhed with condenfer and diſcharging-pump, according to the new mode of condenſation eſtabliſhed by Mr. Watt; but Mr. Hornblower has (as we think) an improved method of difcharging, whereby he takes all the air from the condenſer in a most perfect manner. This apparatus is to be connected to one end of the arbor which carries the vanes or piſtons, while the other end is connected with the work. Fig. 1. is the plan of horizontal fection of the engine where AA is the exterior box or cafing; BC two of the vanes; C prefenting its whole furface of one, and B. fhewing the edge of the other; pppp forms an entire partition; fo that all the communication between the upper and nether parts of the box are at BC; D is the nave through which the vanes are con- nected, and OO is the arbor. Fig. 12. fhews a vertical fection through the fame line; C and B fhew the fame vanês in the fame pofition as before. The nave in the middle is open to thew how the two vanes are connected. Another two being connected in the ſame manner, will have liberty to turn a quarter round without obftruction by the crooked part of the communicating axis; this is the fteam-pipe, and the exhauſting- pipe may be placed any-where above the partition*. 1... The author, at the fame time that he entertains the greateſt refpect for the practical talents of the ingenious contributor of this defcriptive hiftory, and of the inventor of the ſteam-wheel juft deſcribed, ftill thinks. it right to ſtate his apprehenfions that it may not be found in practice to poffefs all the advantages which at firſt view one would be inclined to afcribe to it. Is there not fome ground to fear that in this contrivance, befides the force loft by the action of the ſteam upon the edges of the vanes, there will be a confiderable lofs arifing from the greater friction attending its opèrations than thoſe of a common fteam-engine? In this fteam-wheel there will be a great quantity of rough ſurface (that of the ftuffing) expofed to frequent contact, and confequent refiftance to the moving from the fixed parts. Befides, as the ftuffed parts are here of great extent with regard to the magnitude of the machinery, and exhibit rapid variations of ſhape, they may, when brought into conſtant work, be found difficult to keep in order. Whether the diſadvantages which may ariſe from thefe caufes, may be as great as thofe that are known to attend the other engines, and particularly whether they will be equi- valent to the force abforbed by giving a new impulfe to the whole mafs of matter fubject to the reciprocating motion at every change thhe direction, can only be fatisfactorily afcertained by fübjecting both engines to comparative work in as nearly the fame circumftances as the difference in conſtruction will admit. But if by further attention to this ingenious CC 2 J 388 MACHINES. It would be employing time to very little purpofe te enu- merate the various projects which are fet up to rival Mr. Watt's engine; and if we had not ſeen that the moſt palpable abfur- dities are not without patronage, not in engineering only, but in concerns of greater or lefs importance, we ſhould not be able to account for the preference fhewn to fome of as im meritorious productions as have peſtered the world at any age: but the misfortune in our country is, that we all are great mechanics and ſage politicians, and while one engine is con- demned on account of its complex conſtruction, however ef fential, others are celebrated for their fimplicity, however abfurd. We muſt however redeem from this charge an engine in- vented by Mr. Edmund Cartwright, which has as much merit as can poffibly be attributed to a gentleman engaged in the purfuit of mechanical ftudies for his own amufement. Mr. Cartwright has two very important defiderata in view, a tight pifton and a vacuous condenfer; that is to fay, a condenfer from which the atmoſpheric air is excluded: to accomplish which it is made of as thin copper as it will admit, expoſing a large furface to the water, then the ſteam internally comes in contact with the metal of the fame temperature, and hence the condenfation. We wish it were poffible to put this grand defign into a decided effect: but from fome particulars we have obferved in the doctrine of condenfation, no method yet ex- plored will obtain fo rapid a condenfation as actual contact with the water: we do not account for this by any chemical affinity, but by the expoſure of ſurface; for the experiment has been tried to our fatisfaction, that when the jet was not in a difperfive ftate, the condenfation was tardy and inactive; and if it were poffible to difperfe the jet into a miſt, we ſhould obtain the moft prompt condenfation poffible. P 1 But. ftill we do not conceive an inftantaneous condenfation is abfolutely neceflary; for if it is performed during the time of the required ftroke, that is all which is wanted. We cannot fay whether Mr. Cartwright has fucceeded ultimately to this point or not. We remember to have feen preparations for an apparatus for this mode of condenfing fome years fince, by an affemblage of taper pipes, of about a quarter of an inch diameter, expofing a furface of between 90 and 100 feet to a 20-inch cylinder; but 1. contrivance, Mr. Hornblower fhould be able to work his fteam-wheel in a manner free from any material draw-back upon the advantage arifing from its conftant rotatory motion in one direction, it would then un- doubtedly be fuperior to any fteam-engine, of which we have ever heard, or that has probably been yet invented. 1 Cartwright's Steam-Engines. 389 an acendent from a rude hand prevented its application for that time, and we do not think it was ever refumed. • } The packing of Mr. Cartwright's pifton is compofed of a feries of fegments of brafs, the arches of which conform exactly to the circumference of the cylinder; theſe are to be laid on the verge of the pifton fo as to make one entire difk, then another and another ftratum fuper ftratum until the defigned thickneſs is acquired: then to keep thefe fegments in conſtant tendency to the place of action, there are a fet of ſprings very nicely con trived to act on the concave edge, which, no doubt, will keep them to their work; but the difficulty is how to preferve the fit at the junctures: it is impoffible for the fegment of a fmall circle to become the fegment of a larger circle*. But we do not ſuppoſe Mr. Cartwright to have intended this metallië packing to compenfate the irregular figure of the fteam-veſſel, for it is impoffible; befide, Mr. Cartwright's notions of accuracy would never ſuffer him to admit a ſteam-veffel to his engine which was not a perfect cylinder; in which caſe theſe fegments may have but little wear, though, if they were of metal in any degree ſofter than the cylinder, the duft which will find its way there, would wear away the cylinder fo as to be fenfibly detri mental: added, that this packing could never apply to a double engine. It, however, ferves as a very elegant fpecimen of the inventor's inclination to accurate working. A Since the above was written, we have ſeen an engine of Mr. Cartwright's at a tan-yard near Horfley-Down, which gives great fatisfaction to the proprietor. The pifton, by the account of the tender of the engine, has not even been looked at for many months, nor has he any indications that it will be neceffary for many more. This account receives ſtrong confirmation by the appearance of the quantity of condenſed fteam which is dif- charged from the engine every ſtroke, which, as it is not effected in the common way (by injection), can be very exactly eſtimated. Its conftruction is very fimple, and it performs its operations very ſmoothly and effectually†. Admitting that theſe ſegments wear away on the outer arches, the inner arches muſt recede from the centre, and therefore will be one con tinued deduction from the entire circle. ✦ Mr. Cartwright's contrivance for preferving the parallel motion of the piſton-rod, at the fame time that it communicates the rotatory motion to the fly, is very ingenious, and is therefore fhewn in plate XXXV. fig. 3. where P is the top of the pifton-rod, upon which is fcrewed a tranfverfe bar B: to the ends of this bar, at equal diſtances from the top of the pifton-rod, are attached the two equal connecting rods H, H, which as the pifton rifes and falls turn the cranks and the two equal wheels W, W; theſe two equal wheels work into each other, and one of them drives the pinion C upon the ſame axis as the fly-wheel O; thus communicat ing the rotatory motion to the other parts of the machinery. AUTHORI A A 390 MACHINES. To conclude this fubject: Mr. Watt's engine, as it now. ftands, is the work of fix-and-thirty years, and we may hold it as complete in its kind as it poffibly can be. It has exerciſed all the ingenuity of the inventor, befide frequent acceffions from the ingenuity of other men: various pretensions and conceits no doubt will abound to rival its excellency, and time only, the arbiter in human affairs, will determine their fate, We would rather fee a laudable competition prevail to ſimplify its parts, without affecting the principle, either by reducing their number, or by difpenfing with their coftly finiſh, or per- haps both, that it may come within the compaſs of the middle ranks as well as of the more opulent: and the man who fets the example will deferve well of his country. Wie II. A communication from Mr. Farey, junior. + + Pl. XXXI. fig. 1. reprefents a STEAM-ENGINE, erected in 1802, by Meffrs. Murray and Wood of Leeds, for Francis. Brewin, efq. at his tan-yard in Willow Walk, Bermondſey; and fig. 2. reprefents fome parts thereof on a larger ſcale: AA is the fhaft for conveying the power of the engine to work a bark-mill and feveral pumps. The fteam from the boiler en- ters through the pipe B into the affemblage of pipes, technically termed nofsels, or valve-boxes, reprefented feparately in fig. 2, which contain the valves for diftributing the fteam at proper intervals into the cylinder CC, and letting the fame off again to the condenfer M. The cylinder CC, which is cafed with wood to keep in the heat, has a folid pifton moving in it, whoſe poliſhed pifton-rod D paffes through a ſtuffing-box; the upright motion of this rod is converted into a rotary one by the following contrivance: the circular rim E, three feet diameter, with feventy-two teeth on the infide, is firmly fixed and fuf-, pended from the floor, by two caft-iron pillars FF and braces LL; the ſmall wheel G, of eighteen inches diameter and thirty-fix teeth, is made to revolve within-fide of the rim, fo as always to touch the teeth by a pin (the end of which is re- prefented in the centre of the wheel G), firmly fixed on the wheel H, parallel to its axis AA, with which it always moves; and nine inches from its centre, on the circumference of the wheel G, is a bolt I, fcrewed on perpendicular to its plane, in fuch a place, that when the wheel G is at the bottom of the rim E, the bolt is on the loweft tooth; and when the fmall wheel is at the top of the rim, it is on the higheft: to this bolt the pifton-rod D and the air-pump-rod K are attached, and the tops of thefe rods, by moving up and down in right lines, paffing. Murray and Wood's Steam-Engine. 391 - through the axis of the wheel H, will communicate a fotatory motion to that wheel, and all on the fame fhaft. (See the article PARALLEL Motion). The wheel a, on the axis AA of the fly-wheel NN, commu- nicates its motion by the wheels fhewn in fig. 2, to the wheel which wheels are fo contrived, that one revolution of the fly will produce one of the wheel b, on wheſe axis are two ec- centric wheels cand d, which alternately raife the rods e and f for opening the valves contained in the fhort cylinders or valve- boxes gg and bb: each of theſe boxes has three divifion's; thể upper divifion of the upper box contains a valve 1, called the upper fleam-valve; its ufe is to admit fteam from the boiler through the pipe B, into the middle divifion which communi- cates with the cylinder; in this box is a valve 2 (which is moved by a rod paffing through the rod of the other valve †), called the upper condenfing-valve (or exhausting-valve); it is for opening a paffage from the top of the cylinder to the condenfer by the pipe q. In the fame manner, the upper valve 3 of the lower box is called the tower fteam-valve, and is for admitting team into the lower part of the cylinder by means of the pipe r; the valve 4 is for connecting the bottom of the cylinder with the condenfer, and is therefore called the lower condenfing-valve. The rod ƒ connects at its top with the upper condenſing-valve (2), and the lower Ream-valve (3) at its bottom; it will therefore, when it is lifted up by the eccentric wheel d, open thofe valves, and by catifing a vacuum above, and a preffure of feam be- neath, the pifton, force it upwards, and move the machinery alfo the rod é, connecting with the upper feam-valve 1 at its top, and the lower condenfing-valve 4 at its bottom, being lifted up by the eccentric wheel c, will caufe the piſton to deſcend; but this will not be the cafe, uffles one rod is permitted to de- ſcend by its own weight, as the other is lifted, otherwife the fteam will leave free paffage from the boiler to the condenfer which operation is called blowing through. + The condenfer M is a cylindric veffel, into which is admitted a fmall jet of cold water, by the cock, called the injection- cock: the bottom of the condenfer communicates by a fhort pipe O (which pipe contains a valve fhutting towards the con- denfer), with the air-pump P, four inches diameter and three feet ftroke; the pifton of the arr-pump has a valve in it, and is moved by the rod K, as before defcribed; the air-pump's office is to extract the water of the condenſed fteam, injection, &c. from the condenfer, and keep the vacuum perfect. The air- pump and condenfer must be in a well or ciftern of cold water. To work this engine, the fteam must be made of fufficient elafticity to ruth forcibly out of the boiler when permitted; . 392 ….. MACHINES. draw the handles n and o:apart from each other, which ading as levers againſt the ſtubs on the rods e.and fy will raife.them up in a ſmall degree, and open all the valves at once; and the fteam by blowing through, will expel the water, air, &c. which may have filled the cylinder and condenfer, at a valve fhutting outwards in the condenſer for that purpoſe...When it is thought that the air, &c. is all driven out, one or other of the handles must be dropped (according to the pofition of the wheel G); the injection cock is then opened by its handle p, which fud- denly cooling the ſteam, reduces it to the bulk it formerly pof- feffed in the boiler, and forms a vacuum in the condenser, the Steam from the cylinder which ruſhes in to reſtore the equili- brium is condenfed as it goes, and almoſt inſtantaneouſly a nearly perfect vacuum is formed on one fide of the piſton; and the fteam from the boiler preffing on the other, deftroys the equilibrium on it, and puts the engine in motion. When the pifton is at the top of its stroke by the arrangement of the wheels in fig. 2, the eccentric wheel & will lift the rod e (at the time the rod fis permitted to defcend by its weight), and cauſe the pifton to defcend; and when at the bottom the rod ƒ will be lifted, and e will fall, which forces it upwards again. To ftop the engine, nothing is neceffary but to lift up both the handles and shut the injection-cock (which ſhould always be hut when the engine is not at work), to prevent the con- denfer from filling with water; and as foon as the mornentum of the fly-wheel is ſpent, the motion of the engine will ceaſe; it might alſo be ſtopped by only cutting off the injection, which would, after a confiderable number of ſtrokes, render the va- cuum fo imperfect as to deſtroy its deſtroy its power. The cylinder of this engine is twelve inches diameter, and has a three-feet ftroke; its power is computed at four horſes, it makes about fifteen ftrokes per minute, and burns about nine bushels of coals in fourteen hours, being the uſual period of working. III. M. Bettancourt, whofe curious and valuable experiments. on the expanfive force of fteam are mentioned in the introduc- tory part of this volume, was employed by the court of Spain to make a collection of refearches and of models for the perfection of hydraulics: when in England he took occafion (according to M. Prony) to vifit the fteam-engines (machines à feu) of Meffrs. Boulton and Watt. He faw, in part, the exterior con- ftruction and operation of thoſe machines; but the interior me- chamim was to concealed, that M. Bettancourt could only Bettantourt's Steam-Engine. 8893 му gnefs at the nature of the construction. He obferved that the chains were fuppreffed, which are ufually put at the extremi- ties of the great beam; and feparating walls, &c. prevented him from examining all even of the exterior parts, fo as thoroughly to underſtand their correfpondence and complete effect: he concluded, notwithſtanding, from his obfervations, that the pifton of the cylinder was urged with the fame effort, both in its deſcent and its afcent; and this, in fact, was diſco- vering the double effect which conftitutes effentially the chief improvement made in theſe machines by Meffrs, Boulton and Watt. : · M. Bettancourt foon after devifed fome fteam-engines of double effect; one of which being very fimple and ingenious, may here be defcribed, at leaſt all which is peculiar to it. See fig. 3. pl. XXXI. The fteam coming in the ordinary way from the boiler, which is omitted to render the defign more fimple, paffes through the tube b, and introduces itſelf by the aperture into the ſpace of which the circle ee reprefents the profile or vertical ſection. This chamber ee' has, befides the orifice v, two others, the one placed by the fide of the canal d, to com- municate by means of that canal with the fuperior part B of the cylinder BB'; the other placed below at v', and communicates by means of the tube or canal v'd' with the inferior part B of the cylinder, of which the pifton is reprefented in X. The ſpace, or circular chamber e" e", communicates in a fimilar man- ner with the upper and lower parts of the cylinder, by means of the tubed, and the canal d. Moreover, this chamber ee" communicates by means of the orifice" with the cham- berff, where the valve j is found adapted to the aperture through which iffues the water of injection deftined to condenfe the vapour: this valve is always open, except when we would ftop the machine; but it may approach the orifice more or leſs, according to the velocity which we would give to the piston. The outlets v and "" are, in like manner, always open. 1 v • The orifices v', v", and thofe which eftablish the communica- tion with the cylinder by means of the canals d and d', are cloſed alternately by the valves gb, or g'b' of a particular kind. Fig. 3. no. 2. reprefents the profile of either of thefe valves. The part g h curved into the arc of a circle of the fame radius as that of the vertical fections eé, é" e", and turning upon an axis placed at the centre o, may in its revolution clofe any aperture what- ever placed upon the circumference of thofe fections."" This being understood, fuppofe things in the ftate repre- fented in fig. 3. no. 1. and the vacuum eſtabliſhed in the part of the cylinder above the pifton. The ſteam entering by the orifice, finds the canal d cloſed, paffes through the tube 394 MACHINES. > vd, but cannot introduce itſelf into the chamber e"" bez caufe of the valve g'b'; it therefore enters wholly into the lower part B' of the cylinder. Hence it acts upon the piston X, with all the energy of which it is capable: the piſton pufhes" the great beam by means of the pifton-rod XK, and the oppo fite part of that beam acts with a like effort upon the rod or bar deſtined to give the rotatory motion to the fly. The pifton X having thus arrived at the highest point of its courſe, the valve g' h makes a part of a rotation, ſo as to cloſe the orifice " and open the canal d'; in the ſame time the valve gʼn makes part of a revolution likewife, to cloſe the aperture v' and open the canal d. The aqueous gas continuing to enter at v, which is conftantly open, finds the orifice v clofed, penetrates into the canal d, and not having any paffage through the orifice v", goes entirely into the upper part of the cylinder: during this time, the ſteam which was in B' is expelled through d', penetrates into v", which is always open, and becomes condenſed about the valvej. By thefe means the fteam which enters B, acting with all its energy upon the piſton X, makes it defcend, and pro duces, by defcending, equal effects to thofe it caufed when afcending. The piſton, then, having arrived at the loweſt point of its courfe, the valve gh which clofed the orifice v', and the valve gb', which clofed the orifice v", return both to their primitive fituation; and fo on throughout. V The extent of the ftroke of the piſton muſt manifeftly be fuch- that the apertures of the canals at d, and d', placed in the fide of the cylinder, are never stopped by the piston. It is almoſt needlefs to fay, that the interior mechanifm re- lative to the valves gh, g'h', may be moved by various con- trivances, each depending upon the alternating motion of the pifton: fo that no other agents will be required diftinct from the machinery, than what are wanted for keeping up the fire. IV. Before we entirely quit the ſubject of ſteam-engines, we fhall preſent the reader with fome account of the late improve- ments in their conftruction, &c. by Mr. Arthur Woolf. Mr. Woolf founds his improvements on a very important diſcovery which he has made refpecting the expanfibility of fteam when increaſed in temperature beyond the boiling point, or 212° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. It has been known for, ſome time-and for this diſcovery the world is indebted to Mr. Watt, the principal improver of the ſteam-engine—that ſteam: acting with the expanfive force of four pounds the fquare inch againſt a ſafety-valve expoſed to the atmosphere, is capable of ་ Woolf's ´Steam-Engines. 395 expanding itſelf to four times the volume it then occupies, and ſtill to be equal to the preffure of the atmoſphere. Mr. Woolf has difcovered that, in like manner, fteam of the force of five pounds the fquare inch can expand itſelf to five times its volume; that maffes or quantities of fteam of the like expanfive force of fix, feven, eight, nine, or ten pounds the fquare inch, can expand to fix, feven, eight, nine, or ten times their volumes, and ftill be refpectively equal to the at- moſphere, or capable of producing a fufficient action againſt the pifton of a ſteam-engine to cauſe the fame to rife in the old engine (with a counterpoife) of Newcomen, or to be carried into the vacuous part of the cylinder in the improved engines firft brought into effect by Meffrs. Boulton and Watt; that this ratio is progreffive, and nearly if not entirely uniform, ſo that fteam of the expanfive force of twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty pounds the ſquare inch of a common fafety-valve will ex- pand itſelf to twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty times its volume; and that, generally, as to all the intermediate or higher degrees of elaftic force, the number of times which fteam of any tem- perature and force can expand itſelf is nearly the fame as the number of pounds it is able to fuftain on a ſquare inch expofed to the common atmoſpheric preffure; provided always that the ſpace, place, or veffel, in which it is allowed to expand itfelf, be of the fame temperature as that of the team before it be allowed room to expand. Refpecting the different degrees of temperature required to bring ſteam to, and maintain it at, different expanfive forces above the weight of the atmoſphere, Mr. Woolf has found, by actual experiment, fetting out from the boiling point of water, or 212°, at which degree ſteam of water is only equal to the preffure of the atmoſphere, that in order to give it an increaſed elaftic force equal to five pounds the ſquare inch, the tempera- ture muſt be raiſed to about 2274°, when it will have acquired' a power to expand itſelf to five times its volume, ſtill be equal in preffure to the atmoſphere, and capable of being applied as fuch in the working of fteam-engines, according to his inven- tion; and with regard to various other preffures, temperatures, and expanfive forces of fteam, the fame are shown in the fol- lowing table: } 596 MACHINES. and Table of the relative preffure per square inch, temperature. expanfibility of fream at degrees of heat above the boiling point of water, beginning with the temperature of fteam of an elastic force equal to five pounds per square inch, and extending to fleam able to fuftain forty pounds on the fquare inch. ( Pounds per square Inch. Degrees of heat. Expan- fibility. Steam of 57 82272 7 I 57 an elaftic force pre- dominat- ing over the pref- Hare of 6 230/1/ 6 times its and at 78 requires 232 theſe re- 7 volume, to be 235 8 9 maintain- 237/1/2 237를 ​ſpective and con- degrees of 9 tinue ΙΟ ed by a 239 2 heat, 10 equal in 15 250/1/ the atmo- tempera- fteam can 15 elasticity 20 2591 20 to the fphere ture equal 25 to about 267 expand I itſelf to 25 preffure upon a 30 273 about 30 of the at fafety- 35 278 35 moſphere valve. 140! (282 J L40] So in like manner, by fmall additions of temperature, an ex- panfive power may be given to fteam to enable it to expand to fifty, fixty, feventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, two hun- dred, three hundred, or more times its volume, without any li- mitation but what is impofed by the frangible nature of every material of which boilers and the other parts of ſteam-engines have been or can be made; and prudence dictates that the ex- panfive force fhould never be carried to the utmoſt the materials can bear, but rather be kept confiderably within that limit. Having thus briefly explained the nature of Mr. Woolf's dif- covery, we ſhall proceed to give a defcription of his improve- ments grounded upon them; and for which he has obtained the ufual fecurity of a patent. Mr. Woolf in his fpecifica- tion ftates, that in defcribing his invention he has found it ne- ceflary to mention the entire fteam-engine and its parts, to which, as an invention well known, he neither can nor does affert any exclufive claim: he obferves, however, that from the nature of his aforefaid diſcovery, and its application, there can be no difficulty in diftinguifhing his faid improvements from the improved engine (of Mr. Watt) as to its other common and well-known parts, and then gives the following account of an engine embracing his new improvements. "If the engine be conftructed originally with the intention of adopting my faid improvement, it ought to have two ſteam- Woolf's Steam-Engines. 397 veffels of different dimenfions, according to the temperature or the expanſive force determined to be communicated to the ſteam made uſe of in working the engine; for the fmaller fteam- veffel or cylinder must be a meaſure for the larger. For ex- ample, if team of forty pounds the fquare inch is fixed on, then the ſmaller fteam-veffel fhould be at leaſt one-fortieth part the contents of the larger one; each ſteam-veffel ſhould be fur- niſhed with a piſton, and the ſmaller cylinder fhould have a communication both at its top and bottom (top and bottom be- ing here employed merely as relative terms, for the cylinders may be worked in a horizontal or any other required pofition, as well as vertical), the fmall cylinder, I fay, ſhould have a communication both at its top and bottom with the boiler which fupplies the ſteam; which communications, by means of cocks or valves of any conftruction adapted to the uſe, are to be al- ternately opened and fhut during the working of the engine. The top of the ſmall cylinder fhould have a communication with the bottom of the larger cylinder, and the bottom of the fmaller one with the top of the larger, with proper means to open and fhut theſe alternately by cocks, valves, or any other well-known contrivance. And both the top and bottom of the larger cylinder or fteam-veffel fhould, while the engine is at work, communicate alternately with a condenfing veffel, into which a jet of water is admitted to haften the condenſation, or the condenfing veffel may be cooled by any other means cal- culated to produce that effect. Things being thus arranged, when the engine is at work, fteam of high temperature is ad- mitted from the boiler to act by its elaſtic force on one fide of the ſmaller piſton, while the ſteam which had laft moved it has a communication with the larger fteam-veffel or cylinder, where it follows the larger pifton now moving towards that end of its cylinder which is open to the condenfing veffel. Let both pi- ftons end their ftroke at one time, and let us now ſuppoſe them both at the top of their refpective cylinders, ready to de- fcend; then the fteam of forty pounds the fquare inch entering above the ſmaller pifton will carry it downwards, while the fteam below it, inftead of being allowed to efcape into the at- moſphere or applied to any other purpoſe, will paſs into the larger cylinder above its pifton, which will take its downward ftroke at the fame time that the pifton of the finall cylinder is doing the ſmall thing; and while this goes on, the fteam which laft filled the larger cylinder, in the upward ftroke of the engine, will be paffing into the condenfer to be condenfed during the downward ftroke. When the piftons in the fmaller and larger cylinder have thus been made to defcend to the bottom of their refpective cylinders, then the fteam from the boiler is to be ſhut off from the top and admitted to the bottom of the ſmaller $98 MACHINES. cylinder, and the communication between the bottom of the fmaller and the top of the larger cylinder is alfo to be cut off, and the communication, to be opened between the top of the fmaller and the bottom of the larger cylinder; the fteam, which in the downward ftroke of the engine filled the larger cy- finder, being now open to the condenfer, and the communica- tion between the bottom of the larger cylinder and the condenfer fhut off; and fo on alternately, admitting the ſteam to the dif- ferent fides of the ſmaller pifton, while the ſteam laſt admitted Into the ſmaller cylinder paffes alternately to the different fides of the larger pifton in the larger cylinder, the top and bottom of which are made to communicate alternately with the con- denfer. "In an engine working with the improvements which have been juft defcribed, while the fteam is admitted to one fide of the pifton in the fmaller cylinder, the fteam on the other fide has room made for its admiffion into the larger cylinder, on one fide of its pifton, by the condenſation taking place on the other fide of the large pifton which is open to the condenfer; and that wafte of fteam which takes place in engines worked only by the expanfive force of ſteam, from fteam paffing the pifton, is prevented; for all fteam that páffes the piſton in the ſmaller cylinder is received into the larger. "In fuch an engine, where it may be more convenient for any particular purpoſe, the arrangement may be altered, and the top of the fmaller made to communicate with the top of the larger, and the bottom of the fmaller with the bottom of the larger cylinder; in which cafe the only difference will be, that when the piston in the fmaller cylinder defcends, that in the larger will afcend; and while the other defcends, the former will afcend; which for fome particular purpoſes may be more conve- nient than the arrangement before defcribed." Mr. Woolf, in his fpecification, deſcribes various other mo- difications of his invention; and points out means for applying his improvements, before ftated, to the working of fteam- engines already conftructed, and in ufe; that is, to the working of engines with one fteam-veffel only, without taking advantage of the expanfive force of the fteam on a pifton in another cy- finder. Suffice it to fay, that proper means being employed to keep the fteam-veffel or working cylinder at the required tem- perature, the fteam is admitted into it in quantities proportioned to its expanfive power: for example, if the fteam be of a force equal to forty pounds the fquare inch, the throatle-valve is fo ad- jufted as to admit into the working cylinder a quantity of ſteam equal to only one-fortieth part of its capacity, which ſteam ex- pands as it enters, fo as to fill completely the whole cylinder. In this firft improvement of Mr. Woolf, though the faving Woolf's Steam-Engines. 329 of fuel might be carried to a confiderable length, and, with an engine erected by Meffrs. Murray and Cay of Leeds, has actually been proved to be more than one-half of the whole quantity employed in a well-constructed double engine of the fame power, it was ftill neceffarily limited by the ſtrength of materials; for in the employment of high fteam, there muft always be ſome danger of an explofion. Mr. Woolf, however, by a happy thought, has completely obviated every danger of this kind, and can now take the full advantage of the expanfive principle without the leaft danger whatever. This he effects by throwing into common fteam the additional temperature neceffary for its high expanſion, after the fteam is admitted into the working cylinder, which is heated by means adequate to the end intended to be obtained; and the advantage which he thus gains, he effectually fecures by a moft ingenious improvement in the pifton. It may be safily conceived that fteam of fuch high rarity as Mr. Woolf employs, could not be made fully effective with the pifton in common ufe; for in proportion to its rarity, fo maft be the facility with which a portion of it would eſcape, and paſs by the fide of the pifton to the vacuous part of the Cylinder: but Mr. Woolf's contrivance, which confifts in em- ploying upon the pifton a column of mercury or other metals in a ſtate of fufion of an altitude equal to the preffure of the fteam, feems perfectly adapted to prevent the lofs of even the fmalleft portion of the fteam. Befides thefe improvements on the common fteam-engine, he has alſo found means to apply the fame principles to the old engine, known by the name of Savary's, in fuch a way as to fender the fame a powerful and economical engine for a great variety of purpoſes. Such is the outline of Mr. Woolf's new improvements on this moſt uſeful engine: but, for the general information of practical engineers, we fhall here fubjoin a more technical deſcription in Mr. Woolf's own words, extracted from his fpecification of his fecond patent. "I have found out and invented a contrivance, by which the temperature of the fteam-veffel or working-cylinder of a fteam-engine, or of the fteam-veffels or cylinders where more than one are uſed, may be raiſed to any required temperature, without admitting fteam from the boiler into any furrounding receptacle, whether known by the name of a ſteam-cafe, or by 'any other denomination. That is to fay, inſtead of admitting fleam of a high temperature into fuch receptacle or fteam-cafe, which is always attended with a risk of exploſion proportioned to the elafticity of the fteam employed, I put into the faid fur- rounding receptacle, or cafe, oil or the fat of animals, or wax or other fubftances capable of being melted by a lower tempera- 400 MACHINES. : ture than the heat intended to be employed, and of bearing that heat without being converted into vapour: or I put into the faid cafe or cafes mercury or mixtures of metals, as of tin, biſmuth, and lead, capable of being kept in a ſtate of fufion in a lower temperature than that intended to be employed in working the Ateam-engine and I fo form the furrounding cafe or cafes as to make it or them admit the aforefaid oil, or other ſubſtance em- ployed, to come into contact not only with the fides of the team veffel or veffels, or working cylinder or cylinders, but alſo with the bottom and top of the fame, fo that the whole may be as much as poffible maintained at one uniform tempe- rature; and this temperature I keep up by a fire immediately under or round the caſe or cafes that contain the aforefaid oil or other ſubſtance, or by connecting the ſaid cafe or caſes with a feparate veffel or veffels, kept at a proper temperature, filled with the oil or other fubftance made ufe of as aforefaid. In fome circumſtances, or whenever the fame may be convenient or deſirable, I employ the fluid-metals, or mixtures of metals, in the part of the cafe or veffel expofed to the greateſt actión of the fire, and in the parts leſs expoſed to the action of the fire I put oil, or other ſubſtances capable of bearing the requifite heat without being converted into vapour. "By this arrangement, and method of applying the fur- rounding heat, I not only obviate the neceffity of employing fteam of a great expanſive force round the fteam veffel or veffels, or the working cylinder or cylinders, as already men- tioned, to maintain them at the temperature required, but F am enabled to obtain from ſteam of a comparatively low tem- perature, or even from 'water itſelf, admitted into the fteam veffel or veffels, all the effects that can be obtained from ſteam of a high temperature, without any of the riſk with which the production of the latter is accompanied, not only to the boiler and other parts of the machinery, but even to the lives of the workmen for fuch low fteam, or even water (but in every cafe fteam is preferable), being admitted into a ſteam veffel or vef- fels, or working cylinder or cylinders, kept at the requifite higher temperature by the forementioned means, will there be expanded in any ratio required, and produce an effect in the working of the engine, which cannot otherwiſe be obtained but at a greater expence of fuel, or with the risk of an explofion. By this means I can make uſe of ſteam expanded in any required ratio, or of any given temperature, without the neceffity of ever having the fteam of any greater elaſticity than equal to the pref fure of the common atmoſphere. ; "Another improvement which I make ufe of in ſteam-en- gines confifts in a method of preventing, as much as poffible, the paffage of any of the ſteam from that ſide of the piſton Woolf's Steam-Engines. 401 + which is acted upon by the faid fteam to the other fide which is open to the condenfer; and this I effect in thofe fteam engines known by the name of double-engines, by employing upon or above the pifton mercury or fluid metal or metals in an altitude equal to the preffure of the fteam. The efficacy of this arrange ment will appear obvious, from attending to what must take place in working fuch a piston. When the pifton is aſcending, that is, when the ſteam is admitted below the piiton, the ſpace on its other fide being open to the condenfer, the fteam endea- vouring to paſs up by the fide of the pifton is met and effectually prevented by the column of metal equal or fuperior to it in preffure, and during the down-ftroke. no fteam can poffibly paſs without first forcing all the metal through. In working what is called a fingle engine, a, lefs confiderable altitude of metal is required, becauſe the fteam always acts on the upper? fide of the pifton. For fingle-engines, oil or wax, or fat of animals, or fimilar fubftances, in fufficient quantity, will an-. fwer the purpoſe, if another improvement, which conftitutes part of my faid invention, be applied to the engine, namely, to take care that in either the double or fingle engine fo to be worked, the outlet that conveys the fteam to the condenſer fhall be fo pofited, and of ſuch a fize, that the ſteam may paſs without forcing before it or carrying with it any of the metal or other fubftance employed that may have paffed by the pifton; taking care at the fame time to provide another exit for the metal or other ſubſtance collected at the bottom of the Ateam- veffel or working-cylinder to convey the fame into a refervoir kept at a proper heat, whence it is to be conveyed to the upper fide of the pifton by a ſmall pump worked by the engine or by any other contrivance. In order that the fluid metal or metals ufed with the pifton may not be oxidated, I always keep fome oil or other fluid fubftance on its furface to prevent its coming in contact with the atmoſphere; and to prevent the neceffity of employing a large quantity of fluid metal, I generally make my pifton of the depth of the column required, but of a diameter a little less than the fteam-veffel or working-cylinder, excepting where the packing or other fitting is neceffary to be applied; fo that, in fact, the column of fluid metal forms only a thin body round the pifton. In fome cafes I make a hollow metallic piſton, and apply an altitude of fluid metal in the infide of the fame to prefs its outfide into contact with the ſteam-veſſel or working-cylinder. * "It may be neceffary, however, to ſtate, that in applying my improved method of keeping the ſteam-veffels of ſteam-engines at any required temperature to the engine known by the name of Savary's in any of its improved forms, in which a ſeparate VOL. II. DD 7 402 MACHINES. par- condenfer has been introduced, I fometimes employ oil, or any other ſubſtance lighter than water, and capable of being kept fluid in the temperature employed, without being con- verted into vapour, in the upper part of the tube or pipe at- tached to the ſteam-veffel; by which means fteam of any tem- perature may be uſed without being expoſed to the riſk of tial condenſation by the admiſſion of any colder body into the ſteam-veffel; for the oil, or other ſubſtance employed for this purpoſe, foon acquires the requifite temperature; and to pre- vent unneceffary eſcape of heat, I conftruct of, or line with, an imperfect conductor of heat, that part of the tube or pipe attached to the ſteam-veffel which may not be heated exteriorly. And further (as is already the practice in fome engines, and therefore not exclufively claimed by me), I cauſe the water raiſed by the engine to paſs off through another aſcending tube than the one attached to the fteam-veffel, but connected with it at ſome part lower than the oil or other fubftance employed in it is ever ſuffered to defcend to the working of the engine. The improvement which I have juſt mentioned, of introducing oil into the pipe attached to the fteam-veffel of fuch engines, may alſo be introduced without applying heat externally to the fteam-veffel; but in this cafe, part of the effect which would otherwife be gained is loſt.” From the foregoing details, there feems to be a reaſonable ground to hope that a great defideratum, a real faving of fuel, will be effected by Mr. Woolf's improvements, founded on his difcovery of the ratio in which fteam of any high temperature can expand itſelf. It is certainly a new and curious fact, that team may, by mere additions of temperature, be increaſed in volume in the way he ftates, and ftill be equal in force to the common atmoſphere. The advantage which he gains, or, in other words, the faving which he effects in the quantity of fuel, depends entirely on the correctneſs of this fact; for, ac- cording to the ideas hitherto entertained, ſteam of the ftrength of about thirty pounds the inch, above the common atmoſphere,. ought only to effect the work of two atmoſpheres more than fteam of 212°; but according to Mr. Woolf, by proper ma- nagement, it may be made to produce the work of thirty at- moſpheres! : By what we have juſt ſtated, we would not be underſtood to call in queſtion the accuracy of Mr. Woolf's experiments; for he has had ſo much practical experience in his capacity of en- gineer to one of the largeſt concerns in London (Meffrs. Meux's brewhouse), that it would be difficult to believe he could be miſtaken on a point of fo much importance. His in- vention will foon be put to the teft of experience; a large en- . • Woolf's Steam-Engines. 403 gine being now erecting under his direction at Meffṛs. Meux's, Beſides others in different manufactories. Should they answer the expectations that have been formed of them, Mr. Woolf's diſcovery will form a new and fingular epoch in the hiſtory of an engine, which had previously been brought to a ftate of fuch high perfection as almoft to exclude the hope of any further improvement. Mr. Woolf has alſo invented fome boilers for ſteam-engines, different from the ufual conſtruction; in which, befides employ- ing fafety-valves, he has introduced a valve of a new construc- tion to regulate the quantity and power of the fteam paffing from the boiler. In theſe the fteam-box is joined to the neck or outlet for the fteam by flanges. The top or cover of the ſteam-box, which is well fecured in its place, has a hole through it for the rod of the valve, fo contrived as to anſwer the pur- poſe of a ſtuffing-box to make the rod work up and down ſteam- tight, the ſtuffing being kept in its place by the uſual means, well known to engineers. By means of a pin or nail, and two yer- tical pieces, the pifton-rod is made faſt to a cover joined to the hollow cylinder. The cover fits ſteam-tight into a collar, which is made faft on the flange before mentioned. The cylinder is open at the bottom, having a free communication with the main cylinder, and has three vertical flits. The fum of the ſurface of all theſe flits or openings is equal to the area of the opening of the collar in which the cylinder works. When the fteam acquires a fufficient degree of elaſtic force to raiſe the valve (that is, the hollow cylinder with its cover and rod), and what- ever weight it may be loaded with, then the openings, getting above the ſteam-tight collar, allow the fteam to pafs into the fteam-box. The quantity of ſteam that paffes is proportioned to the elaſtic force it has acquired, and the weight with which the valve is loaded; and the riſe of the openings above the col- lar will be in the fame proportion. This valve may be loaded in any of the ufual methods; but Mr. Woolf prefers one in which the upper part of the rod is joined by means of a chain to a quadrant of a circle with an arm projecting from it, which carries a weight that may be moved near to or further from the centre of the quadrant, according as the preffure of the valve is wiſhed to be increaſed or diminiſhed. As the valve rifes, the weight moves upward, giving an increaſed refiftance to the fur- ther rifing of the valve, proportioned to the greater horizontal diſtance from the centre of the quadrant, which the weight at- tains by its rife in the faid arch, that diftance being meaſured in the horizontal line by a perpendicular from the faid line pafs- ing through the centre of the weight. Thus the rod joining the quadrant and the great weight, may be made to ſerve at the DD 2 404 MACHINES. fame time as an index to the perſon who attends the hire, no- thing more being neceffary for this purpoſe than to graduate the arch deſcribed by the end of the rod. In the fide of the fteam-box there is an opening to allow the fteam to paſs from it by a pipe or tube to the fteam-engine, or to any fecondary boiler, or for the purpoſe of conveying and applying it to any. other veffel or ufe to which fteam is applicable. A figure of this ſteam-valve may be feen in Tilloch's Philofophical Maga- zine, No. 66. As to Mr. W.'s propoſed improvements in boilers, they con- fiſt, first, of two or more cylindrical veffels properly connected together, and ſo difpofed as to conftitute a ftrong and fit recep- tacle for water, or any other fluid intended to be converted into ſteam, whether at the ufual heats or at temperatures and under preffure's uncommonly high; and alfo to prefent an extenfive portion of convex furface to the current of flame, or heated air or vapour from a fire: fecondly, of other cylindrical receptacles placed above thefe cylinders, and properly connected with them, for the purpoſe of containing water and fteam, and for the re- ception, tranfmiffion, and uſeful application of the fleam ge- nerated from the heated water or other fluid: and, thirdly, of a furnace ſo adapted to the cylindrical parts juſt mentioned, as to cauſe the greater part of the furface of all and each of them, or as much of the faid furface as may be convenient or deſirable, to receive the direct action of the fire, or heated air and vapour. : The principal of theſe improvements, if they be really fuch, occurred to Mr. Blakey long ago, as was obferved by Mr. Horn- blower. Blakey's boiler and furnace are reprefented in fig. 9. pl. XXIII. Mr. Woolf's may be ſeen in No. 65 of the Phi- loſophical Magazine. * From the whole of the preceding accounts the reader will, we hope, be able to obtain more correct and uſeful informa- tion relative to the nature and manner of operation of the prin- cipal ſteam-engines than can be obtained from any Treatife of Mechanics yet publifhed in this country. Yet, as the ſubject is of great importance, and furniſhes variety fufficient to fill a volume of itſelf, we beg to refer thoſe who wiſh to learn the conſtruction-of other kinds of theſe uſeful machines, to the different volumes of Nicholson's Journal, Tillock's Magazine, the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, and the Architecture Hy- draulique of Prony. - • J We fhall conclude with a fint refpecting the economical Steel-yard. 405 fupply of fteam-engines. In many manufactories and public works the fteam may be generated by the waste heat arifing from ſome effential branch of the concern; and thus great part of the daily expence of the machine may be faved. Mr. Blakey, who paid confiderable attention to this point, fays, in his Mif- cellaneous Works, "The moſt complete engine I made was in 1783 at Namur, for a rolling mill; it raiſed 7500 pounds of water every condenſation, which fell on wheels of 15 and 16 fect diameter; the wafte heat for heating the metal was fufficient, to make more fteam than was wanted to work the engine." Again, "I have brought my engines to work fugar-mills with no other power than that of the wafte heat coming from the fire for boil- ing ſugar; by which means all the charge of cattle and of water- mills for fugar works will be faved." And, once more, there is "a capital amendment made by General Conway, and which defrays the whole expence of fuel. This is done by means of the flame or heat that comes from coaking ovens, which heat creates all the ſteam neceffary to work the engine. By theſe means all iron foundries heated with coke can work their engines clear of all expence of fire." · STEEL-Ý ARD, an inftrument uſed for weighing of goods, &c.; the theory of which was conciſely ſtated in art. 138 of our firſt volume, and fucceeded by a few remarks on its conve- niences and inconveniences. In addition to what was there obferved we may now ftate, that ſteel-yards, in the common purpoſes of commerce, have two advantages over balances. 1. That their axis of fufpenfion is not loaded with any other weight than that of the merchandiſe, the conftant weight of the apparatus itſelf excepted; while the axis of the balance, befides the weight of the inftrument, fuftains a weight double to that of the merchandiſe. 2. The uſe of the balance requires a confiderable affortment of weights, which caufes a propor- tional increaſe in the price of the apparatus, independently of the chances of error which it multiplies, and of the time em- ployed in producing an equilibrium, Thefe motives induced C. Paul, inſpector of weights at Geneva, to employ his thoughts on the means of fo far improving ſteel-yards, that, either in delicate operations of the arts, or in thofe of the fame kind which are often fo neceffary in the practice of the phyfical ſciences, theſe inſtruments might be ſubſtituted with advantage for common balances. In order that we may better explain in what the improvements of thefe fteel-yards confift, it will be proper to point out what were the faults of the common ones, 1. There were none of them, in which the points of fuf- penfion were exactly in the prolongation of the line of the divifions of the beam; a circumftance which neceffarily changed 406 MACHINES. the relation between the arms of the lever, the power, and the reſiſtance, according as the direction of the beam was changed from a horizontal pofition. We have ſeen ſteel-yards, in which a degree only of difference in the inclination of the beam pro- duced the difference of more than a pound in the reſult. 2. When the fhell, the beam, and weight, are made at hazard, a perſon who poffeffes a ſteel-yard cannot know when the inſtrument is deranged; and even an artiſt cannot repair it, but by repeated trials, and with a great lofs of time. 3. The conftruction of the common ſteel-yards, which have a fmall and a large fide, renders it neceffary to invert them frequently: a laborious operation when theſe inſtruments are heavy, and which expoſes the axes to the danger of damage by the effect of the ſhocks which that turning occafions. As thefe double fides renders it neceffary to have a beam very ftraight, in order that it may be lefs faulty, it readily bends, which is a new fource of error; and, the face which bears the numbers being narrow in proportion, it is difficult to form on it numbers fufficiently vifible. Theſe inconveniences are all avoided by the conſtruction of C. Paul, which preſents, befides, ſeveral other advantages not poffeffed by the old ſteel-yards. 1. The centres of the movement of ſuſpenſion, or the two conftant centres, are placed on the exact line of the divifions of the beam; an elevation almoſt imperceptible in the axis of the beam, deſtined to compenfate for the very flight flexion of the bar, 'alone excepted. 2. The apparatus, by the construction of the beam, is balanced below its centre of motion; fo that when no weight is fufpended, the beam naturally remains horizontal, and re- fumes that pofition when removed from it, as alſo when the fteel-yard is loaded and the weight is at the divifion, which ought to fhew how much the merchandiſe weighs. The horizontal ſituation in this ſteel-yard, as well as in the others, is known by means of the tongue, which riſes vertically above the axis of fufpenfion. 3. It may be difcovered that the ſteel-yard is deranged, if, when not loaded, the beam does not remain horizontal. 4. The advantage of a great and a fmall fide (which in the others augments the extent of their power of weighing) is ſupplied by a very fimple procefs, which accompliſhes the fame end with fome additional advantages. This procefs is to em- ploy, on the fame divifion, different weights. The numbers of the divifions on the bar, point out the degree of heaviness expreffed by the correfponding weights. For example, when the large weight of the large fteel-yard weighs eighteen pounds, each divifion it paffes over on the bar is equivalent to a pound; Steel-yard of C. Paul. 407 the mall weight, weighing eighteen times lefs than the large one; will reprefent, on each of theſe divifions, the eighteenth part of a pound or ounce; and the oppofite face of the bar is marked by pounds at each eighteenth divifion. In this con- ftruction, therefore, we have the advantage of being able, by employing both weights at once, to aſcertain, for example, almoſt within an ounce, the weight of 500 pounds of mer- chandiſe. It will be fufficient to add what is indicated by the ſmall weight in ounces, to that of the large one in pounds, after an equilibrium has been obtained by the pofition of the two weights, viz. the large one placed at the next pound below its real weight, and the ſmall one at the divifion which determines the number of ounces to be added. 5. As the beam is graduated only on one fide, it may have the form of a thin bar, which renders it much leſs fufceptible of being bent by the action of the weight, and affords room for making the figures more visible on both the faces. 6. In theſe fteel-yards the difpofition of the axes is not only fuch that the beam repreſents a mathematical lever without weight; but in the principle of its divifion, the interval between every two divifions is a determined and aliquot part of the diſtance between the two fixed points of fufpenfion; and each of the two weights employed has for its abfolute weight the unity of the weight it reprefents, multiplied by the number of the divifions contained in the interval between the two`conſtant centres of motion. Thus, fuppofing the arms of the ſteel-yard divided in ſuch a manner that ten divifions are exactly contained in the diſtance between the two conftant centres of motion, a weight to exprefs the pounds on each divifion of the beam muft really weigh ten pounds; that to point out the ounces on the fame divifions, muſt weigh ten ounces, &c. So that the fame fteel-yard may be adapted to any fyftem of meaſures whatever, and in particular to the decimal fyftem, by varying the abſolute heavineſs of the weights, and their relation with each other. The application of this principle will be feen hereafter in the defcription of the fteel-yard, to which C. Paul, with great pro- priety, has given the name of univerſal feel-yard. } But to trace out, in a few words, the advantages of the ſteel-yards conſtructed by C. Paul for commercial purpoſes, we thall only obferve, 1. That the buyer and feller are certain of the correctneſs of the inftrument, if the beam remains hori- zontal when it is unloaded and in its ufual pofition. 2. That theſe ſteel-yards have one ſuſpenſion leſs than the old ones, and are ſo much more fimple. 3. That by theſe means we obtain, with the greateſt facility, by employing two weights, the exact weight of merchandiſe, with all the approximation that can be 408 MACHINES, deſired, and even with a greater precifion than that given by common balances. There are few of theſe which, when loaded with 500 pounds at each end, give decided indications of an ounce variation; and the fteel-yards of C. Paul poffefs that advantage, and coſt one-half leſs than balances of equal do- minion. 4. In the laft place we may verify, every moment, the juſtneſs of the weights, by the tranfpofition which their ratio to each other will permit; for example, by obſerving whether, when the weight of one pound is brought back one divifion, and the weight of one ounce carried forwards eighteen diviſions, the equilibrium ſtill remains. If, instead of ascertaining the weight of the merchandiſe in pounds, you wiſhed to find it according to the new ſyſtem in decagrammes, hectogrammes, and kilogrammes, it will be fuffi- cient to ſubſtitute, for the ordinary weights, an aſſortment of three weights bearing the above names. Theſe three weights are the decuple one of the other; and the abfolute weight of that called kilogramme, is to the abfolute weight of that called pound, in the exact ratio of theſe two quantities. It may be here feen, that, by adapting to the fteel-yard a fyftem of three weights, we may arrive at the fecond decimal, or the centiemes of the unity of the weights employed, and even without adding or changing any thing in the divifion of the beam. It is on this fimple and advantageous principle that C. Paul has conſtructed his univerſal ſteel-yard. It ferves for weighing in the uſual manner, and according to any ſyſtem of weights, all ponderable bodies to the precifion of half a grain in the weight of hundred ounces; that is to fay, of a ten-thouſandth part. It is employed, befides, for aſcertaining the ſpecific gravity of folids, of liquids, and even of the air itſelf, by proceffes ex- tremely fimple, and which do not require many ſub-divifions in the weights. + The beam of this fteel-yard when unloaded reſts in equilibrio in a horizontal pofition. The fhears are fufpended by a ſcrew to a croſs horizontal bar of wood fupported by two vertical pillars, which rest on the two extremities of a ſmall wooden box furniſhed with three drawers, and which ferves as the ſtand of the apparatus. This beam is divided into 200 equal parts, beginning at its centre of motion. The divifion is differently marked on the two faces: on the anterior face the numbers follow each other from 10 to 200, proceeding towards the extremity; and on the other face, the numbers are marked in the oppofite direction. We shall foon explain the uſe of this difference in the order of numeration. · A ſmall vertical frame hangs from the croſs-bar nearly at the further extremity of the fleel-yard, and is deſtined to prevent the Steel-yard of C. Paul. 409 ofcillation of the beam; it is placed at the proper height by means of the nut and ſcrew by which it is fufpended. Above the beam is a fmall croſs-bar of brafs, fufpended by its two extremities from the croſs-bar of wood. Different weights are hooked to it, each having marked on it its particular value. And, in the laft place, a fmall mercurial thermometer having the two moft ufual divifions, viz. Fahrenheit's and Reaumur's and deſtined to point out the temperature of the air and the water during the experiments. The axis of ſuſpenſion of the fteel-yard refts upon two beds of very hard well-poliſhed ſteel. The cafe is the fame, but in a reverfed fituation, with the axis which ſupports the hook, that ferves for fufpending different parts of the apparatus, according to the purpoſe to `which it is to be applied. When you wish to employ it as a common ſteel-yard, yoù fufpend from it a hrafs fhell, which is an exact counterbalance for the weight of the beam when unloaded. The latter then affumes of itſelf a horizontal fituation. You then fearch for the equilibrium of the ſubſtance put into this fhell, by placing at the proper place, on the beam, the weight and its fractions correfponding with the fyftem of weights adopted; and when you have found the equilibrium, you obferve the weight in- dicated by the divifions on which each of the weights employed is found, exactly in the fame manner as is done in regard to the common ſteel-yard. There is alfo, as part of the apparatus, a glafs fhell fufpended occaſionally in a jar filled to a certain height with water. This ſhell is intended for experiments relative to the fpecific gravity of folids. It is in equilibrium, if, when immerfed into water at 20° of Reaumur, as far as the junction of the three filver wires by which it is fupported, it exactly balances the weight of the beam unloaded. When you wish then to try the fpecific gravity of a folid, you firft weigh it in air; but by putting it into the braſs fhell, and then fubftituting the glafs one, you weigh it in water. It is well known that the difference of theſe weights, employed as a divifor of the total weight in air, gives for quotient the fpecific gravity. Care must be taken, as in all experiments of the kind, that no bubble of air adheres to that part of the apparatus immerſed in the water, or to the fubftance, the weight of which is required, and which is immerſed alſo. There is likewife a folid glass ball deftined for the purpoſe of afcertaining the ſpecific gravity of liquids, in the following manner :-This piece is furniſhed with a hook of fine gold, that it may be immerſed without inconvenience in acids. When it is fuſpended to the hook of the ſteel-yard, and in the air, it is in 410 MACHINES. • equilibrium with the beam loaded at its extremity (either at the divifion marked O (nothing) on the back fide of the beam) with weights entitled ſpecific, and of fpecific hooked on at the other. . This ball, immerſed in diſtilled water at 12° of Reaumur as far as the end of the straight metal wire which fufpends it, is ftill in equilibrium with theſe two weights placed in the fol lowing manner, viz. the large one at the divifion in the middle of the beam marked water on the backſide of the beam, and the fmall one at the divifion O, that is to fay, the extremity. When the apparatus is thus prepared, you fill a jar with the liquid, the specific gravity of which you wish to afcertain; fufpend the glaſs ball to the hook of the fteel-yard, and immerfe it into the liquid till it rifes exactly above the ring from which the ball hangs, obferving the temperature, and difengaging carefully all the air-bubbles that may adhere to the ball; then remove the ſmall, weight to the diviſion O at the end of the beam, and convey the large one as far as that divifion, preceding that where the weight of the ball would raiſe the beam; and afterwards move the fmall weight as far as the divifion where the equilibrium will be restored, the beam being horizontal. Mark the diviſion at which the large weight is found, and add two cyphers; to this number add the indication immediately refulting from the poſition of the ſmall weight, and the fum of theſe two numbers gives the ſpecific gravity of the liquid, or its ratio with the weight of diftilled water, to a ten-thousandth part. The larger balloon is uſed in trying the weight of any given kind of gas compared with that of atmoſpheric air, in the following manner-The weight entitled air-tare is arranged in fuch a manner that when placed in a notch, at the further extremity of the beam beyond the divisions, it forms an equili brium with the balloon exhauſted by the air-pump and fufpended from the hook of the fteel-yard. If the fteel-yard is not then in equilibrium, it is an indication that the inſtrument is deranged, or that the vacuum is not perfect. The air, the relative weight of which in regard to atmoſpheric air you wiſh to afcertain, is to be introduced into the balloon, and the weight marked air is to be moved along the beam. The divifion at which it ftands when an equilibrium is produced will indicate, in hundredth parts of the weight of the volume of atmoſpheric air that could be contained in the balloon, the weight of the gas actually incloſed in it. This indication is read about the middle. of the anterior part of the beam, where the words atmo fpheric air are marked. Not ſatisfied with having procured to philofophers, and thoſe fond of accurate experiments, an inſtrument extremely con- Steel-yards to afcertain Animal Strength. 411 venient for the cloſet, and of very extenfive ufe, C. Paul has endeavoured to render this apparatus 'portable, and has con Aructed various pocket fteel-yards, with which the niceft ex- periments may be made, and the quality of gold coin be afcer- tained by the trial of its fpecific gravity. They are conſtructed exactly on the fame principles as the Roman ſmall ſteel-yard, but are neceffarily lefs extenfive in their uſe. They cannot be employed, for example, in determining the ſpecific gravity of an aëriform fluid, and do not extend beyond 100 deniers of weight; but as they poffefs all the advantages of a balance, beſides thofe peculiar to themſelves, they are extremely con- venient for philofophers who are obliged to travel. A figure of this ſteel-yard and apparatus may be ſeen in Tilloch's Philof. Magazine, vol. iii. STEELYARDS to afcertain animal ftrength, may feadily be attached to almoſt any kind of machinery in which animals are the firſt movers: and it is much to be wifhed that experiments were frequently made with them, in order that our knowledge on this point might be increaſed. A The following contrivance falling under this head, has been lately propoſed for determining the power of horfes drawing in mills. Let AB (fig. 10. pl. XXXII.) be the vertical fhaft to which the horizontal horfe- poles AC, AD, are attached. Let one horſe work the machine by drawing at the ear E; but inſtead of the tranſverſe ſplinter-bar, to which the harneſs is fixed, being fimply hung upon the hook b, let a good fpring fteel-yard be interpofed between that crofs-bar and the hook, the graduations of which fhall, when the machinery is put into motion, indicate the reſiſtance (in lbs.) overcome by the animal, including the weight of the maſs moved, the friction, &c. Near the extremity of the oppofite horſe-pole AD, let there be fixed a ſtrong and correct common fteel-yard, whofe divifions ſhall fhew the various weights from 40 or 50 to 200 lbs. and whoſe centre of motion ſhall be at the point fon the fixed ſtand. Let the cord c, which is faſtened to the ſhorter arm of this ſteel- yard, pafs (with as little friction as poffible) over the pulley p, and thus, being turned into the horizontal direction, or rather inclining a little upwards, let it be fixed to the croſs-bar of the harneſs of a ſecond horfe, equal in point of ſtrength to the former. Then, if the two horfes thus attached to the ears E and F be made to pafs over the walk in the fame direction, following each other conftantly at the diftance of a femi-cir cumference; while that which draws at the ear E overcome's the whole preffure and refiftance oppofed by the work, the other which draws at F by the cord over the pulley p, will raife the * 412 MACHINES. weight w of the ſteel-yard; which, therefore, by being moved to and fro upon the arm fi, may be brought to exhibit an exact counterpoiſe, or meaſure of the exertion and power of the horſe. And in order to enfure the greatest degree of accuracy in this re- ſpect, the motion of the two animals and the pofition of the weight w, fhould be fo adjuſted, that the fame weight ſhould be fhewn by the graduations both of the fpring and of the lever fteel-yard. The fhaking of the machinery will in fome meaſure difturb the effect: but an ingenious manager of the experiments will find means of checking this: and as to the centrifugal force to which the weight w is expofed, it will never be of ma- terial confequence in any of the flow motions which will be produced by this kind of work. Each experiment fhould occupy the place of a fair day's work for the horſes; for the conclufions deduced from fhorter and irregular efforts are always erroneous in excefs, and fhould be guarded againft. The rate at which the animals move may readily be afcertained from the known circumference of the walk, and the number of rounds they are obſerved to make in ten or fifteen minutes. A flight modification will adapt this contrivance to the deter- mination of the power of men puſhing at the bars of a capſtan: to this end it will only be neceffary to have a fufficiently ftrong frame in form of a T, one end of which may be faftened to a nooſe in the cord paffing round the pulley p, while a man puſhes at the ⚫anfverfe bar of the frame, with the fame energy as he would employ at the capftan bar. By means of fuch fteel-yards properly applied to waggons, &c. upon tolerably fmooth roads, and two horfes marching abreaft (one drawing the load, the other raifing the weight), ex- periments might be inſtituted to afcertain the magnitude of the efforts of horfes when drawing in rectilinear paths. In Defaguliers's Experimental Philofophy, vol. 1. fome fteel- yards are deſcribed, by which the ftrength of men may be aſcer- tained when ſtanding ſtill, and pulling or pufhing upwards or downwards: we had, at firſt, propoſed to defcribe them in this place; but as all theſe contrivances are nearly on the fame prin- ciple, and may eaſily be adapted to any particular purpofe, we omit the minute delcriptions and drawings to make room for other fubjects. STREAM-MEASURERS, are inftruments by which the velo- city of currents of water in rivers, mill-ponds, &c. may be de- termined. In the introductory part of this volume, we ſpoke of the common and grofs methods of aſcertaining the velocity of run- # Stream-Meaſurers. 413 ning water in canals, &c. But as more ſcientific and accurate methods have been deviſed, it ſeems proper to infert the beſt of them with which we are acquainted, in this place. 1. M. Pitot invented a ſtream meaſurer of a ſimple conſtruc- tion, by means of which the velocity of any part of a ſtream may readily be found. This inftrument is compofed of two long tubes of glaſs open at both ends; one of theſe tubes is cy- lindrical throughout; the other has one of its extremities bent into nearly a right angle, and gradually enlarges like a funnel, or the mouth of a trumpet: theſe tubes are both fixed in grooves in a triangular prifm of wood; fo that their lower extremities are both on the fame level, ftanding thus one by the fide of the other, and tolerably well preferved from accidents. The frame in which theſe tubes ftand is graduated, cloſe by the fide of them, into divifions of inches and lines. $ To ufe this inftrument, plunge it perpendicularly into the water, in ſuch manner that the opening of the funnel at the bottom of one of the tubes fhall be completely oppoſed to the direction of the current, and the water paſs freely through the funnel up into the tube. Then obferve to what height the water rifes in each tube, and note the difference of altitudes; for this difference will be the height due to the velocity of the ſtream. It is manifeft, that the water in the cylindrical tube will be raiſed to the fame height as the furface of the ftream, by the hydroſtatic preffure: while the water entering from the current by the funnel into the other tube, will be compelled to rife above that furface by a ſpace at which it will be fuftained by the impulfe of the moving fluid: that is, the momentum of the ſtream will be in equilibrio with the column of water ſuf- tained in one tube above the furface of that in the other. In eftimating the velocity by means of this inftrument, we muſt have recourſe to the theory in art. 439. &c. vol. I. as corrected by the experiments in art. 460. Thus, if b, the height of the column fuftained by the ſtream, or the difference of heights in the two tubes, be in feet, we fhall have v 65√b, nearly, the velocity, per ſecond, of the ſtream; if b be in inches, then v = 22:47 v. b, nearly. = It will be eafy to put the funnel into the moſt rapid part of the ftream, if it be moved about to different places until the dif- ference of altitude in the two tubes becomes the greatest. In ſome caſes it will happen, that the immerſion of the inftrument will produce a little eddy in the water, and thus difturb the accuracy of the obfervation; but keeping the inftrument im- merſed only a few feconds will correct this. The wind would alfo affect the accuracy of the experiments.; it is, therefore, ad- viſable to make them when there is little or no wind. By means 414 MÁCHINES. • of this inftrument a great number of curious and uſeful obs fervations may eaſily be made: the velocity of water at various depths in a canal or river may be found with tolerable accuracy, and a mean of the whole drawn, or they may be applied to the correcting of the theory of waters running down gentle flopes. The obſervations may likewiſe be applied to aſcertain whether the augmentations of the velocities are in proportion to the in- creaſe of water paffing along the fame canal, or what other rela- tion fubfiſts between them, &c. Where great accuracy is not required, the tube, with the fun- nel at bottom, will alone be fufficient; as the furface of the water will be indicated with tolerable precifion, by that part of the prifmatic frame for the tube which has been moiſtened by the immerſion. M. Pitot likewife propoſed that a fimilar înftrument ſhould be uſed inſtead of a log to determine the rate at which a ſhip fails. For this purpofe, place in the middle of the veffel, or as near as can be at the centre of its ofcillations two tubes of metal of three or four lines in diameter, one of them being ftraight, the other bent at bottom, and enlarged into a conical funnel; the bottoms of both are to dip into the water of the fea in which the veffel fails, and there will be no evil to appre- hend from orifices fo minute: into theſe metallic tubes are cloſely fitted two others of a convenient height for the obferva- tions. The water will rife in the firſt of theſe tubes up to its level on the outſide of the ſhip; and in the fecond up to a certain height, which will indicate, as above, the velocity of the veffel: for the funnel being turned towards the prow of the ſhip, it will, in confequence of the motion, be affected in like manner, as if it were plunged into the ſtream of a running water; and thus the velocity of the veffel is found by the fame theorem as that of the current. This method has lately been re-propofed in this country, without any acknowledgments to M. Pitot. We do not, however, recommend its adoption aboard a fhip; for, not- withſtanding its theoretical ingenuity, it is liable to many fources of error in the practice, and would not, it is probable, furniſh more accurate meaſures of a fhip's way than thofe deduced from the log. 2. Another good and fimple method of meaſuring the velo- city of water in a canal, river, &c. is that deſcribed by the Abbé Mann, in his Treatife on Rivers, Philofophical Tranfactions, vol. 69. It is this:-Take a cylindrical piece of dry light wood, and of a length fomething leſs than the depth of the water in the river; about one end of it let there be fufpended as many fmall weights as may keep the cylinder in a vertical or upright pofition, with its head juft above water. To the centre of this Surface-planing Machinery. 415 end fix a ſmall ſtraight rod, preciſely in the direction of the cylinder's axis: to the end that, when the inftrument is fuf- pended in the water, the deviations of the rod from a perpen- dicularity to the ſurface of it, may indicate which end of the cylinder goes foremost, by which may be difcovered the dif- ferent velocities of the water at different depths; for when the rod inclines forward, according to the direction of the current, it is a proof that the furface of the water has the greateſt velo- city; but when it reclines backward, it fhews that the ſwifteſt current is at the bottom; and when it remains perpendi- eular, it is a ſign that the velocities at the top and bottom are equal. This inftrument, being placed in the current of a river or canal, receives all the percuffions of the water throughout the whole depth, and will have an equal velocity with that of the whole current from the ſurface to the bottom at the place where it is put in, and by that means may be found, both with exact- nefs and eaſe, the mean velocity of that part of the river for any determinate diſtance and time. But to obtain the mean velocity of the whole fection of the river, the inftrument must be put fucceffively both in the middle and towards the fides, becauſe the velocities at thoſe places are often very different from each other. Having by this means found the ſeveral velocities, from the fpaces rum over in certain times, the arithmetical mean proportional of all theſe trials, which is found by dividing the common fum of them all by the number of the trials, will be the mean velocity of the river or canal. And if this 'medium velocity be multiplied by the area of the tranſverſe ſection of the waters at any place, the product will be the quantity running through that place in a fecond of time. If it be required to find the velocity of the current only at the furface, or at the middle, or at the bottom, a ſphere of wood loaded, or a common bottle corked with a little water in it, of fuch a weight as will remain fufpended in equilibrium with the water at the furface or depth which we want to meaſure, will be better for the purpofe than the cylinder, becauſe it is only affected by the water of that fole part of the current where it remains fufpended. ༈ Both the cylinder and the globe may be eafily guided into that part which we want to meaſure by means of two threads or fmall cords, which two perfons, one on each fide of the canal or river, muſt hold and direct; taking care at the ſame time neither to retard nor accelerate the motion of the inftru- ment. SURFACE-PLANING Machinery. In October, 1802, a patent } 416 MACHINES. was taken out by Mr. Jofeph Bramah for machinery for the purpoſe of producing ſtraight, ſmooth, parallel furfaces, and curvilinear furfaces, on wood, and other materials requiring ac- curacy, in a manner much more expeditious and perfect than can be performed by the ufe of axes, faws, planes, and other cutting inftruments, uſed by hand. As many particulars in the fpecification of this patent are highly curious, and cannot fail to be very beneficial, we ſhall extract the greater part of it from the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, vol. ii. N. S. "The principal parts of my invention are as follows; that is to fay, to fhorten and reduce manual labour, and the confequent expences which attend it, by producing the effects ſtated in my patent by the uſe of machinery, which may be worked by ani- mal, elementary, or manual force; and which faid effects are to produce ſtraight, true, fmooth, and parallel furfaces, in the preparation of all the component parts of work confifting of wood, ivory, horn, ftone, metals, or any other fort of mate- rials, or compofition ufually prepared, and render it (them) true and fit for ufe, by means of edge-tools of every deſcrip- tion. I do not reft the merits of this my faid invention on any novelty in the general principle of the machinery I employ, be- caufe the public benefit I propofe will rather depend on new effects, produced by a new application of principles already known, and machinery already in ufe for other purpoſes, in various branches of Britiſh manufacture. This machinery, and the new manner of ufing it, with fome improvements in the conftruction, together with fundry tools and appendages never in uſe before, are particularly defcribed and explained hereunder. "I mean to uſe and apply for the purpoſes above ſtated, every kind of edge-tool, or cutter, already known, either in their preſent ſhape, or with fuch variations and improvements as the variety of operations I may encounter may feverally call for. But the tools, inftead of being applied by hand, as ufual, I fix, as judgment may direct, on frames drove (driven) by machinery: fome of which frames I move in a rotary, direction round an upright ſhaft; and others having their ſhaft lying in a horizontal pofition, like a common lathe for turning wood, &c. In other inftances I fix thefe tools, cutters, &c. on frames which flide in ftationed grooves, or otherwife, and like the former calculated for connexion with, and to be driven by, ma- chinery, all of which are hereafter further explained and paṛti- cularifed. "The principal points on which the merits of the invention reft are the following. First, I caufe the materials meant to be wrought true and perfect, as above defcribed, to flide into con- Surface-planing Machinery. 417 tact with the tool, inftead of the tool being carried by the hand over the work, in the uſual way. "Secondly, I make the tool, of whatfoever cutting kind it be, to, traverſe acroſs the work in a fquare or oblique direction; except in ſome caſes, where it may be neceflary to fix the tool or cutter in an immoveable ſtation, and cauſe the work to fall in contact with it by a motion, confining it ſo to do, ſimilar to the operations performed on a drawing-bench. Thirdly, in fome caſes I uſe, inſtead of common ſaws, axes, planes, chifels, and other fuch inftruments, ufually applied by hand; cutters, knives, fhaves, planes, and the like, variouſly, as the nature of the work may render neceffary; ſome in form of bent knives, fpoke-fhaves, or deep-cutting gouges, fimilar to thoſe uſed by turners for cutting off the rougheft part. I alſo apply planes of various fhapes and conftruction, as the work may require, to follow the former in fucceffion, under the fame operation; and which latter I call furnishers. "Fourthly, theſe cutters, knives, &c. I fix on frames of wood, or metal, properly contrived for their reception, and from which they may be eafily detached for the purpoſe of ſharpen- ing, and the like-thefe I call cutter-frames. Theſe cutter- frames I move in cafes like thoſe on which the faws are fixed in a fawing-mill, and fometimes to reciprocate in a horizontal direction, confined and ftationed, by grooves or otherwiſe, as may be found beft, calculated to anſwer the feveral works in- tended. In other inftances, and which I apprehend will gene- rally have the preference, I fix cutter-frames on a rotary upright fhaft, turning on a ftep, and carrying the frame round in a direc tion fimilar to the upper mill-ftone; and ſometimes I caufe the frames to turn on a horizontal fhaft, juſt reſembling the man- drel of a common turning-lathe, or thofe machines uſed for cutting logwood, &c. for the dyers' ufes. When thefe frames are mounted in any of the foregoing directions for cutting, planes, &c. are fixed fo as to fall fucceffionally (fucceffively) in contact with the wood or other materials to be cut, fo that the cutter or tool calculated to take the rough and hilly part operates the firſt, and thofe that follow muft be fo regulated as to reduce the material down to the line intended for the fur- face. Thefe cutter-frames muft alfo have the property of being regulated by a ſcrew or otherwiſe, ſo as to approach nearer the work, or recede at pleaſure, in order that a deeper or ſhallower cut may be taken at difcretion, or that the machine may repeat its action without raiſing or depreffing the materials on which they act. The manner of thus regulating the cutter-frames, when on an upright ſhaft, is particularly defcribed below., Thefe cut- ter-frames may be made of any magnitude and dimenſions the VOL. II. E E 418 MACHINES,SM work requires, only obferving to make the diameter of thoſe on the rotary plane fo as to exceed twice the width of the ma terials to be cut, as the faid materials muſt ſlide ſo as to paſs the fhaft on which the cutter-frame revolves, when on the upright principle. Fifthly, when I uſe upright ſhafts, for the purpoſe of carry- ing the cutter-frame as above deſcribed, I do not mean that the lower end or point of fuch fhafts fhall come in contact with, or reſt on, the bottom of the ftep or box in which they ſtand; neither do I mean that fuch faid fhafts fhall reft or turn on any ftationed unalterable point at reft, but the pivot or lower point of the shaft ſhall actually reft and turn on a fluid body, fuch as oil, or any other fluid proper for that purpoſe, a conſiderable portion of which is always to be kept between the lower point of the fhaft and the bottom of the ſtep in which it works. The faid fhafts may be either raifed or depreffed at pleaſure to any required altitude, by means of a greater or lefs quantity of the faid fluid being confined as aforefaid between the end of the fhaft and the bottom of the ftep. This device* I deem of great confequence in the fabrication of all kinds of machinery, where mally and heavy loaded upright fhafts are ufed; and I perform it in the following manner; that is to fay: The lower part of the fhaft muſt be turned perfectly fmooth and cylindrical, to a height fomething above the greateft diftance or length the ſhaft will ever be required to be raiſed or depreffed when in ufe. This part of the Thaft I immerſe or drop into a hollow cylinder, which fits its circumference near enough to allow freedom of inotion, but fufficiently fitted to prevent thake. This cylinder I call the ſtep-cylinder, and (which) muſt be of a length nearly équal to that of the cylindrical part of the ſhaft above mentioned, fo that when the point of the fhaft refts on the bottom of the ey linder, the parallel or cylindrical part may be ſomething above the top or upper end of the ftep-cylinder. In the upper end of this flep-cylinder I make a fluffing-box, by means of a double cupped leather, or other materials, furrounding the cylindrical part of the ſhaft, in ſuch a way as will cauſe the junction, when the ſhaft is paffed through it, to remain water-tight under any preffure that may be felt from the efforts of the fluid retained as before mentioned, to make its efcape upwards through this part, (which) I have called the ftuffing-box, when the fhaft, with all its load, is paffed through it, and immerfed in the cy- linder below. When this is done, the injecting-pipe of a ſmall foreing-pump, fimilar to thofe I ufe in my patent prefs, muft form a junction with the ftep-cylinder in fome part below the P * See Count de Thiville's ſpecification, published in the fourteenth volume of the firſt ſeries of the Repertory, or the Engliſh Encyclopædia, art. WATER- WORKS, for the developement of a fimilar invention. Surface-planing Machinery. 419 ftuffing-box; then the pump being worked, the oil, or other fluid injected by it, will, by preffing in all directions, caufe the ſhaft to be raiſed from its reft, on the bottom of the cylinder, and to be flided up through the ſtuffing-box just the fame as the piston of my patent prefs; and by this means the fhaft, with all its incumbrance, and whatever may be its weight, may be raiſed to any given point at pleaſure, and at the fame time it will be left refting on the fluid under it, whatever the quantity or thickneſs of ſuch fluid may be between its point and the bot- tom of the ſtep-cylinder. By this means the fhaft, with all its incumbent load, as aforeſaid, ſhould it even amount to hun- dreds or thouſands of tons, can be eaſily raiſed and depreſſed to any required point at pleaſure, by the alternate injunction (in- jestion) or difcharge of the fluid uſed, exactly the fame as per- formed by my patent prefs as aforefaid; and at the ſame time all friction will be avoided, except that of the ftuffing-box, which will be comparatively trifling to that which would refult from the refting of ſuch a ſhaft on the bottom of the ſtep, in the ufual way. Thus will be gained the properties above ftat- ed; and in addition thereto, I think it may be inferred, that, provided the ſtuffing-box is kept perfectly fluid tight, fuch a fhaft, thus buoyed up by and turning in a proper fluid, may continue working for years, or perhaps hundreds of years, with- out a freſh ſupply of oil, or whatever other fluid fubftance is found the moſt proper to apply. " Sixthly, the material that is to be cut and made true must be firmly fixed on a platform, or frame, made to flide with perfect truth, either on wheels or in grooves, &c. fimilar to thoſe frames in a faw-mill on which the timber is carried to the faws. Thefe frames must be moved in a steady progreflive manner, as the cutter-frame turns round either by the fame power which moves the latter, or otherwife, as may be found to anſwer beſt in practice. This motion alfo muſt be under the power of a regulator; fo that the motion of the fliding- frame may be properly adjusted according to the nature of the work. The motion of the cutter-frames muſt alſo be under the_control of a regulator; fo that the velocity of the tool in paffing over the work may be made quicker or flower, as ſuch work may refpectively require, to cauſe the cutter to act pro- perly, and to the beſt advantage. ► 46. Seventhly, I regulate the motions of both theſe parts of the apparatus, as aforementioned, by means of a new invention, which I call a univerfal regulator of velocity, and which is compoſed as follows; viz. I take any number of cog-wheels, of different diameters, with teeth, that will exactly fit each other through the whole, fuppofe ten, or any other number, but for example fay ten, the fmalleft of which shall not exceed E E 2 420 MACHINES. 1 ' one inch in diameter, and the largeſt ſuppoſe ten inches in di- ameter, and all the reft to mount by regular gradations in their diameters from one to ten. I fix theſe ten wheels faft and im- moveable, on an axis perfectly true, ſo as to form a cone of wheels. I then take ten other wheels, exactly the fame in all reſpects as the former, and fix them on another axis, alſo per- fectly true, and the wheels in conical gradation alfo; but theſe latter wheels I do not fix faft on their axis, like the former, but leave them all looſe fo as to turn upon the ſaid axis, contrary to the former which are fixed. All theſe latter wheels I have the power of locking by a pin, or otherwiſe, ſo that I can at diſcretion lock or fet faft any fingle wheel at pleaſure. I then place the two axises (axes) parallel to each other, with the wheels which form the two cones, as above deſcribed, in re- verſe poſition, ſo that the large wheel at the one end of the cone may lock its teeth into the ſmalleſt one in the cone oppo- fite, and likewife vice verfa. Then ſuppoſe the axis on which the wheels are permanently fixed to be turned about, all the wheels on the other axis will be carried round with an equal velocity with the former, but their axis will not move. Then lock the largest wheel on the looſe axis, and by turning about the faſt (fastened) axis as before, it muſt make ten revolutions, while the oppofite performs but one: then by unlocking the Jarget wheel and locking the ſmalleſt one at the contrary end of the cone in its ftead, and turning as before, the faft (faften- ed) axis will then turn the oppofite ten times while itfelf only revolves once. Thus the axes, or ſhafts, of theſe cones, or conical combination of wheels, may turn each other recipro- cally, as one to ten, and as ten to one; which collectively pro- duces a change in velocity under a uniform action of the pri mum mobile, as ten to a hundred: for when the fmall wheel on the looſe axis is locked, and the faft one makes ten revolu- tions, the former will make one hundred. And by adding to the number of thoſe wheels and extending the cones which may be done ad infinitum, velocity may be likewife infinitely varied by this fimple contrivance-A may turn B with a ſpeed equal to thouſands or millions of times its own motion; and by changing a pin and locking a different wheel, as above de- fcribed, B will turn A in the fame proportion, and their power will (be) transferred to each, in proportion as their velocities, reciprocally. Here is then a univerfal regulator at once for both power and velocity.. In fome inftances I produce a like effect by the fame neceſſary number of wheels, made to corre- fpond in conical order, but inftead of being all conftantly mounted on the axises (axes) or fhafts, as bove defcribed, they will reciprocally (be) changed from one axis to the other in Gingle pairs, match according to the speed or power wanted, Surface-planing Machinery. just as in the former inflance. This method will have in all reſpects the fame effect, but not fo convenient as when the wheels are all fixed, &c. " "Eighthly, when ſpherical furfaces are to be produced perfect- ly true, and parallel to (equidiftant from their centres in all directions, I uſe a tool, or cutter, of a proper shape, according to the nature of the materials to be cut. This tool must be fixed on a cutter-frame, faftened to the rest of any common lathe, fo as to preſent its point exactly to a line drawn through the centre of the mandrel of the lathe horizontally, and the faid frame on which the cutter is fixed muſt have the capacity of drawing out, at pleaſure, to any required diſtance, to accom. modate the diameter of the fphere to be cut or turned true. This cutter-frame muſt be likewife made to turn upon a centre or pin, very firm, and ſteadily fixed on the reſt above mens tioned, ſo as to enable the cutter to be turned by its frame round a centre exactly perpendicular to the centre of the lathe or line, before mentioned, by which the altitude of the tools point is to be regulated; when this is done, and the wood or other materials fixed on the lathe in the ufual way, the cutter frame muſt be drawn nearer, or farther diſtant from the cent tre on which it turns, to acommodate the diameter, just the fame as the common reft. If the materials be rough, and re- quire to be reduced to a ſpherical form by gradations, the work may be repeatedly gone over by the cutter, before it reaches the diameter propofed.. By this fimple apparatus the difficul ty of turning perfect fpheres is overcome; as it must be obvi ous to any perſon of the moſt ordinary capacity in mechanics, that while the work is turning in the lathe in a vertical direc tion,,and the tool or cutter is by the hand, or otherwiſe, turn- ed, at the ſame time, in a perfectly horizontal direction, round a centre, oppofite to the actual centre of the fphere, the point of the tool or cutter, muft, of neceffity, generate or turn a per fect ſphere, true in all directions, without the ſmalleſt attention or aſſiſtance-from the uſe of the inftrument. I mention here the application of the cutter-frame to a common lathe, conceiv? ing it will, by fuch an explanation, be more familiarly under- flood without a drawing; but, by this method, fpheres of any practical magnitude may be cut with perfect eafe and certainty. 7 " • A Ninthly, when concave furfaces are to be produced perfect- ly true, ſmooth, and parallel to (equidiftant from) their re- ſpective ſpherical centres, the work is fixed on a machine the fame in all refpecs as the common turning lathe, as in the inftance last referred to: I then fix a tool or cutter on ¹á centre, exactly in a line, both perpendicular to, and on a level with the exact centre of the fhaft or mandrel on which the 422 MACHINES. 1 work revolves: and which cutter or tool projects to the re- quired radial diſtance with its point, fo that when the work goes round by the revolution of the lathe, the tool or cutter at the fame time revolving round its centre, a ſpherical concave will be generated and produced by the fluction* of its point, as in the inftance of the convex ſphere. 60 Tenthly, I convert folid wood, or other materials, into a thin concave fhell, fimilar to a diſh, I cut them alternately out of each other, beginning at the fmalleft, by means of another tool or cutter, likewife moving on a ſtationed centre, as before, exactly on a level with, and perpendicularly true with the cen. tre of the mandrel or ſhaft of the machine on which the work is fixed. This tool, or cutter, is made at its exterior point, or cutting end, of fuch a ſhape as beſt ſuits the nature of the work; and its thank, or ſtem, is bent to the exact circle the concave is meant to be; it is then fixed on an arm or frame calculated to receive others of different circles, according to the work; in fact the fame frame may be ufed which is above deſcribed to hold the tool for cutting ſpheres, either of the concave or con- vex kind. The tool muſt be fixed on this frame or arm, as above mentioned, at fuch a radial diſtance from the centre on which the frame or arm turns, fo as to form a quadrant with one leg, turning on its centre, and the tool forming the periphery with its cutting point projecting to the line of the deficient leg. Before this tool begins its action, a common reft muft be applied close to the face of the work, in order to fupport the tool when it begins its cut; and on which reft the tool will Alide till its point proceeds under the control of the centre on which its frame is fixed, until it reaches the horizontal line of the lathe's centre, when the part cut off, or the inner diſh, will fall from the flock, and leave the reft for the operation of an- other tool, of a larger circle. Thus the operation may be re- peated till the whole lump is converted according to the in- tentions of the owner. SYPHON, with Mr. Clofe's new application of it to con- vey water above the level of the refervoir. See CRANE. TEETH OF WHEELS, and LEAVES of pinions, require great care and judgment in their formation, that they may neither clog the machinery with unneceffary friction, nor act fo irre- gularly as to produce any inequalities in the motion, and a confequent wearing away of one part before another is much affected by the work. Several eminent mathematicians upon the continent, and a few in England and Scotland, have directed their inveftiga. * Compared with the record, Teeth of Wheels. 423 tions towards a fubject ſo eſſential to the perfection of machi- nery: yet, although Roemer, Varignon, De la Hire, Camus* Euler,* Kaeftner, and Robiſon, have turned their thoughts to this object, and have ftruck out fome rules of ready applica- tion in practice, it is to be regretted that thefe rules have been little followed by practical mechanics, most of whom have in this caſe been more inclined to follow in their conftructions the rules of Imifon and others, though completely deftitute of mechanic principle. As the conftruction of teeth of a proper form is exceedingly eafy, we beg to recommend it earneſtly to practical men, and as we merely touched upon the ſubject in our first vol. (art. 147,) it may not be amifs to enter a little into detail here, availing ourfelves, for the most part, of the judicious remarks juſt pub- lithed by Mr. Brewfer. - It has been long known to mathematicians, and need not here be demonftrated, that one wheel will not drive another with uniform velocity, unleſs the teeth of one or of both wheels have their faces formed into a curve, generated after the manner of an epicycloid, comprehending, under curves of this kind, thofe which are formed by evolving the circumfer ences of circles. But in order to insure a uniformity of preffure and velocity in the action of one wheel upon another, it is not abfolutely neceffary that the teeth either of one or both wheels be exactly epicycloids, in the ſenſe to which geometers commonly reftrift that term. If the teeth of one of them be either circular or triangular, with plain fides, or like a triangle with its fides.converging to the centre of the wheel, or, in fhort, of any other form, this uniformity of force and motion will be attained, provided that the teeth of the other wheel have a figure which is compounded of that of an epicycloid, and the figure of the teeth of the firft wheel. De la Hire has fhewn, in a variety of cafes, how to find this compound curve: and w have lately examined a mill in which fome teeth have been thus conftru&ted with great fkill and fuccefs. But as it is often difficult to defcribe this compound curve, and fometimes impof- ſible to diſcover its nature, we ſhall endeavour to felect fuch a form for the teeth as may be easily deſcribed by the practical me- chanic, while it enfures a uniformity of preffure and velocity. In order to avoid circumlocution and obfcurity, we ſhall call, * Camus's popular differtation on this fubject may be found in the fecond vol. of his Courſe of Mathematics, the edition of 1767; the edition of 1751 does not contain it. Euler's paper is inferted in Nov. Comment. Petropol. tom. 5. 1754, 1755. It will be interefting to mathematicians, as it exhibits frong traces of his maſterly hand: but it is too abftrufe to be recommended to the practical mechanic. 1424 MACHINES. as is cuſtomary with practical men, the ſmall wheel (which is fuppofed always to be driven by a greater one) the pinion, and its teeth, the leaves of the pinion. The line which joins the centres of the wheel and pinion may be called the line of cen- tres. Now there are three different ways in which the teeth of one wheel may act upon the teeth of another; and each of thefe modes of action requires a different form for the teeth.. I. When the teeth of the wheel begin to act upon the leaves of the pinion juft as they arrive at the fine of centres; and, * when their mutual action is carried on after they have palled this line. II. When the teeth of the wheel begin to act upon the leaves of the pinion, before they arrive at the line of centres, and conduct them either to this line, or a very little beyond it." III. When the teeth of the wheel begin to act upon the leaves of the pinion, before they arrive at the line of the centres, and continue to act after they have paffed this line. + • I. The firſt of theſe modes of action is recommended by Ca- mus and De la Hire, the latter of whom has inveftigated the form of the teeth folely for this particular cafe. When this mode of action is adopted, the acting faces of the leaves of the pinion fhould be parts of an interior epicycloid generated by a circle of any diameter rolling upon the concave fuperficies of the pinion, and the acting faces of the teeth of the wheel ſhould be portions of an exterior epicycloid formed by the fame gene rating circle rolling upon the convex fuperficies of the wheel. A Now it is demonftrable (fee the article CYCLOID, Supp. English Encyclo.) and has before been mentioned in our ar- ticle PARALLEL motions, that when one circle rolls within another, whoſe diameter is double that of the rolling circle, the line generated by any point of the latter will be a traight line, tending to the centre of the larger circle. If the generating circle, therefore, mentioned above, ſhould be taken with its dia- meter equal to the radius of the pinion, and be made to roll upon the concave fuperficies of the pinion, it will generate a ftraight line tending to the pinion's centre, which will be the form of the acting faces of its leaves; and the teeth of the wheel will, in this cafe, be exterior epicycloids, formed by a generating circle, whoſe diameter is equal to the radius of the pinion, rolling upon the convex fuperficies of the wheel. This form of the teeth, viz. when the acting faces of the pinion's leaves are right lines tending to its centre, is exhibited in fig. 14. pl. XXXII. and is perhaps the most advantageous, as it re- quires lefs trouble, and may be executed with greater accuracy than if the epicycloidal form had been employed; it is juſtly re- Teeth of Wheels. 425 commended both by De la Hire and Camus as particularly ad- vantageous in clock and watch work. The attentive reader will perceive that, in order to prevent the teeth of the wheel from acting upon the leaves of the pini- on, before they reach the line of centres, and that one tooth of the wheel may not quit the leaf of the pinion till the fucceed- ing tooth begins to act upon the fucceeding leaf, there muſt be a certain proportion between the number of leaves in the pi- nion and the number of teeth in the wheel, or between the ra❤ dius of the pinion and the radius of the wheel, when the di- itance of the leaves is given.. But in machinery the number of leaves and teeth are always known from the velocity which is required at the working point of the machine: it becomes a matter, therefore, of great importance, to determine with accu- racy the relative radii of the wheel and pinion. For this purpoſe let A, fig. 14. be the pinion, having the act- ing faces of its leaves ftraight lines tending to the centre, and B (not fhewn in the figure) the centre of the wheel; AB will be the diſtance of their centres. Then, as the tooth C is ſuppoſ ed not to act upon the leaf A m'till it arrives at the line AB, it ought not to quit A m till the following tooth F has reached the line AB. But fince the tooth always acts in the direction of a line drawn perpendicular to the face of the leaf A m from the point of contact, the line CH, drawn at right angles to the face of the leaf A m, will determine the extremity of the tooth CD, or the last part of it, which fhould act upon the leaf Am, and will alſo mark out CD for the depth of the tooth. Now, in order to find AH, HB, and CD, put a for the number of teeth in the wheel, b for the number of leaves in the pinion, for the diſtance of the pivots A and B, and let.x repreſent the radius of the wheel, and y that of the pinion. Then, fince the circumference of the wheel is to the circumference of the pi- nion as the number of teeth in the one to the number of leaves in the other, and as the circumferences of circles are propar- tional to their radii, we fhall have a: b :: x: y, or by compofi, tion a+bb::c:y (c being equal to x+y), and confequently the radius of the pinion, viz. y=then, by inverting the firſt analogy, we have b:a::y:x, and conſequently the radius of the ay * cb 3 wheel, viz. x= ;y being now a known number, t Now, in the triangle AHC, right-angled at C, the fide AH is known and likewife all the angles (HAC being equal to 360 ); the fide AC, therefore, can be eaſily found by plane trigo, nometry. Then, in the oblique-angled triangle ACB, the an- #26 MACHINES. gle CAB, equal to HAC, is known, as well as the two fides AB, AC, which contain it; the third fide, therefore, viz. CB, may be determined; from which DB, equal to HB, already found, being ſubtracted, there remains CD for the depth of the teeth. When the action is carried on after the line of centres, it often happens that the teeth will not work in the hollows of the leaves. In order to prevent this, the angle CBH muſt alı ways be greater than half the angle HBP. The angle HBP is equal to 360 degrees, divided by the number of teeth in the wheel, and CBH is eaſily found. ·Inſtead of pinions our mill-wrights frequently ſubſtitute lan terns or trundles, confifting of round flaves fixed by both ends nearly at the circumferences of two equal circular pieces of board; and theſe may often be adopted with great propriety, provided the teeth of the wheel have a proper form affigned to them. As the form recommended by feveral writers, and even by Belidor, is by no means accurate, we ſhall here call the 1 read- er's attention to the conſtruction pointed out by Mr Brewſter, which turniſhes a ready method of greatly diminiſhing the frica tion arifing from the mutual action of the teeth. Let A, pl. XXXII. fig. 13. be the centre of the pinion or fmall wheel TCH, whofe teeth are circular like ICR, having their centres in the circle PDE. Upon B, the centre of the large wheel, at the distances BC, BD, deſcribe the circles FCK, GDO; and with PDE, as a generating circle, form the exte rior epicycloid DNM, by rolling it upon the convex fuper ficies of the circle GDO. The epicycloid DNM thus formed would have been the proper form for the teeth of the large wheel GDO, had the circular teeth of the ſmall wheel been infinitely ſmall; but as their diameter must be confiderable, the teeth of the wheel ſhould have another form.. In order to de- termine their proper figure, divide the epicycloid DNM into a number of equal parts, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. as fhewn in the figure, and let-thefe divifions be as fmall as poffible. Then, upon the points 1, 2, 3, &c. as centres, with the distance DC equal to the radius of the circular tooth, deſcribe portions of circles fimilar to thoſe in the figure; and the curve OPT, which touches theſe circles, and is parallel to the epicycloid DNM, will be the proper form for the teeth of the large wheel. In order that the teeth may not act upon each other till they reach the line of centres AB, the curve OP ſhould not touch the circular tooth ICR till the point O has arrived at D. The tooth OP, therefore, will commence its action upon the cir. cular tooth at the point I, where it is cut by the circle DRE. On this account, the part ICR of the cylindrical pin being fu- Teeth of Wheels. 427 perfluous, may be cut off, and the teeth of the fmall wheel will be fegments of circles fimilar to the fhaded parts of the figure.. If the teeth of wheels and the leaves of pinions be formed according to the directions already given, they will act upon each other, not only with uniform force, but alſo without fric tion. The one tooth rolls upon the other, and neither flides nor rubs to ſuch a degree as to retard the wheels, or wear their teeth. But as it is impoffible in practice to give that perfect cur vature to the acting faces of the teeth which theory requires, a certain quantity of friction will remain after every precaution has been taken in the formation of the communicating parts. This friction may be removed, or at leaſt greatly diminiſhed, in the following manner. If, inftead of fixing the circular teeth, as in fig. 13, to the wheel DRE, they are made to move upon axles or fpindles fixed in the circumference of the wheel, all the friction will be taken away except that which arifes from the motion of the cylindrical tooth upon its axis. The advantages which attend this mode of conftruction are many and obvious. The cylin drical teeth may be formed by a turning-lathe with the great- eft accuracy; the curve required for the teeth of the large wheel is eaſily traced; the preffure and motion of the wheels will be uniform; and the teeth are not ſubject to wear, becauſe whatever friction remains is almoft wholly removed by the res volution of the cylindrical ſpokes about their axes. The reader will alfo obferve, that this improvement may be moft eafily introduced when the ſmall wheel has the form of a trundle or lantern; and that it may be adopted in cafes where lanterns could not be conveniently uſed. It however can only be adopted where the machinery is large. For fmall works, the teeth of the pinion or ſmall wheel fhould be rectilineal, and thoſe of the large wheel epicycloidal. II. Having hitherto ſuppoſed, that the mutual action of the teeth does not commence till they arrive at the line of centres, let us now attend a little to the form which muſt be given them when the whole of the action is carried on before they reach the line of centres, or when it is completed a very little below this line. This mode of action is not fo advantageous as that which we have been confidering, and ſhould, if poſſible, always be avoided. It is evident that the tooth of the wheel acts upon the leaf of the pinion before they arrive at the line of centres, that it quits the leaf when they reach this line, and that the tooth works deeper and deeper between the leaves of the pia nion the mearer it comes to the line of centres. From this laft circumftance a confiderable quantity of friction arifes, becauffe the tooth does not, as before, roll upon the leaf, but flides upon 428 MACHINES. it; and from the fame cauſe the pinion foon becomes foul, as the dust which lies upon the acting faces of the leaves is puſh- ed into the hollows between them. One advantage, however, attends this mode of action, for it allows us to make the teeth of the large wheel rectilineal, and thus renders the labour of the mechanic lefs, and the accuraey of his work greater, than if they had been of a curvilineal forin. If the teeth therefore of the wheel are made rectilineal, having their ſurfaces directed to the wheel's centre, the acting faces of the leaves muſt be epicycloids formed by a generating circle, whofe diameter is equal to the fum of the radius of the wheel, added to the depth of one of its teeth, rolling upon the circumference of the pinion. But if the teeth of the wheel and the leaves of the pinion are made curvilineal, the acting faces of the teeth of the wheel muſt be portions of an interior epicy cloid formed by any generating circle rolling within the concave. fuperficies of the large circle, and the acting faces of the pinion's leaves muſt be portions of an exterior epicycloid produced by rolling the fame generating cncle upon the convex circumference of the pinion. When the teeth of the large wheel are cylindrical ſpindles either fixed or moveable upon their axes, an exterior epicycloid mufl be formed like DNM in fig. 13. pl. XXXII, by a gene- rating circle whofe radius is AC, rolling upon the convex cir. cumference FCK, AC being in this cafe the diameter of the wheel, and FCK the circumference of the pinion. By means of this epicycloid a curve OPT muſt be formed as before de- fcribed, which will be the proper curvature for the acting faces of the leaves of the pinion, when the teeth of the wheel are cy- lindrical. The relative diameter of the wheel and pinion, when the number of teeth in each is known, may be found by the fame theorems which were given for the firft mode of action, with this difference only, that in this cafe the radius of the wheel is reckoned from its centre to the extremity of its teeth, and the radius of the pinion from its centre to the bottom of its leaves. H. The third way in which one wheel may drive another, is when the action is partly carried on before the acting teeth arrive at the line of centies, and partly after they have paſſed this line. This mode of action, which is reprefented in fig. 5, plate XXXI, is a combination of the two firft modes, and confequent- by partakes of the advantages and disadvantages of each. It is evident from the figure that the portion e h of the tooth acts upon the part b c of the leaf till they reach the line of centres AB (B the centre of the wheel is here alfo omitted in the figure), and that the part e d of the tooth acts upon the portion Teeth of Wheels.. 429 ba of the leaf after they have paffed this line. It follows, therefore, that the acting parts eh and b c muſt be formed ac cording to the directions given for the firft mode of action, and that the remaining parts ed, ba, muſt have that curvature which the fecond mode of action requires; conſequently eh fhould be part of an interior epicycloid formed by any generat. ing circle rolling on the concave circumference. m n of the wheel, and the correſponding part bc of the leaf fhould be part of an exterior epicycloid formed by the fame generating circle rolling upon b EO, the convex circumference of the P nion: the remaining part c d of the tooth fhould be a portion of an exterior epicycloid, engendered by any generating circle rolling upon e L, the concave fuperficies of the wheel; and the correſponding part b a of the leaf fhould be part of an in- terior epicycloid defcribed by the fame generating circle, rolling along the concave fide b EO of the pinion. As it would be extremely troubleſome, however, to give this double curva ture to the acting faces of the teeth, it will be proper to uſe a generating circle, whoſe diameter is equal to the radius of the wheel BC, for defcribing the interior epicycloid e hand the exterior one bc, and a generating circle, whofe diameter is equal to AC, the radius of the pinion, for deſcribing the inte rior epicycloid ha, and the exterior one ed. In this cafe the two interior epicycloids eh, ba, will be ftraight lines tending to the centres B and A*, and the labour of the mechanic will by this means be greatly abridged. • In order to find the relative diameters of the wheel and pinion, when the number of teeth in the one and the number of leaves in the other are given, and when the diſtance of their centres is alſo given, and the ratio of ES to CS, let a be the number of teeth in the wheel, b the number of leaves in the pinion, c the diſtance of the pivots A, B, and let m be to n as ES to CS, then the arch. ES, or the angle SAE, will be equal to b and LD, or the angle LBD, will be equal to 360° a 360° But at 'ES: CS::m:n; conſequently LD: LC::m:n, and LCLD xn 360° m. but LD is equal to therefore by fubftitution we have LC 360 xn ·am· a Now, in the triangle APB, AB is known, and also PB, which is the cofine of the angle ABD, PC being perpendi cular to DB, AP therefore may be found by plain trigo * Traité des Epicycloids, par M. De La Hire. Prop. V.1 130 MACHINES. nometry. The point P marks out the parts of the tooth D and the leaf SP where they commence their action; and the point I marks out the parts where their mutual action ccafes*; AP therefore is the proper radius of the pinion, and BI the proper radius of the wheel, the parts of the tooth L without the point I, and of the leaf SP without the point P being fuperfluous. Now, to find BI, we have ES: CS::m:n, confequently CS= ; but ES was formerly ES xn m 360 therefore, CS= 360 X# Now the b ·b m 360 b > and CS, or the fhewn to be equal to arch ES, or angle EAS, being equal to their difference EC, or the angle CAȘ, being equal to 360 x n b m 360. b > 360 X n -> or = bm angle EAC, will be equal to 360° x (m—n) b m The angle EAC being thus found, the triangle EAB, or IAB, which is nearly equal to it, is known, becauſe AB is given, and likewife Al, which is equal to the cofine of the angle IAB, AC being radius, and AIC being a right angle; conſequently IB the radius of the wheel may be found by trigonometry. It was formerly fhewn that AC, the radius of what is called the primitive pinion, was equal to a+b₁ and that BC, the radius of the primitive wheel, was equal to ACX. If then we fub- cb b a tra&t: AC or AS from AP, we ſhall have the quantity SP, which must be added to the radius of the primitive pinion, and if we take the difference of BC (or BL) and DE, the quantity, LE will be found, which must be added to the radius of the primitive wheel. We have all along fuppofed that the wheel drives the pinion, and have given the proper form of the teeth upon this fuppofition. But when the pinion drives the wheel, the form which was given to the teeth of the wheel, in the first caſe, muſt in this be given to the leaves of the pinion; and the hape which was formerly given to the leaves of the pinion muſt now be transferred to the teeth of the wheel. • Another form for the teeth of wheels, different from any which we have mentioned, has been often recommended. Á perfect uniformity of action may be fecured, by making the acting faces of the teeth involutes of the wheel's circumfer ence. Thus, in pl. XXXV, fig. i. let AB be a portion of the * The letter L marks the interſection of the line BL with the arch e m, and the letter E the interfection of the arch b O with the upper ſurface of the leaf. The letters D and S correfpond with L and E reſpectively, and P with I. - Teeth of Wheels. 481 bea wheel on which the tooth is to be fixed, and let A thread wrapped round its circumference, having a loop-hole at its extremity a. In this loop-hole fix the pin a, and with i defcribe the curve or involute, abcdek, by unwrapping the thread gradually from the circumference A pm. This curve will be the proper form for the teeth of a wheel whoſe diame ter is AB. As this form admits of feveral teeth to be afting at the fame time (twice the number that can be admitted in M. De la Hire's method), the preffure is divided among feveral teeth, and the quantity upon any one of them is fo diminished that thofe dints and impreffions which they unavoidably make upon each other are partly prevented. This form however, which we have before mentioned (vol. I. art. 147.), is only a modification of the general principle; as an involute may be reckoned, and indeed is called, by De la Hire, the laft of the exterior epicycloids. The involute a b c d, &c. may alfo be produced by an epi cycloidal motion; for, fince the circumference of a generating circle, whoſe centre is infinitely diſtant, must be a ftraight line, we may form the involute a b c, by making a ſtraight rules roll upon the circumference of the circle to be evolved. In fig. 1. let on be a ftraight ruler at whofe extremity is fixed the pin nj and let the point of the pin be placed upon the point m of the circle, then by rolling the ftraight ruler upon the circular bafe, fo that the point in which it touches the circle may move grai dually from m towards B, the curve m n will be generated ex actly fimilar to the involute a b c, &c. As nothing can be of greater importance to the practical me chanic, than to have a method of drawing epicycloids with fas pility and accuracy; we give the following from Mr. Brewer as an ample mechanical method. Take a piece of plain wood GH, fig. 2, pl. XXXV, and fix upon it another piece of wood E, having its circumference mb of the fame curvature as the eir- cular baſe upon which the generating circle AB is to roll. When the generating circle is large, the fhaded fegment B will be fufficient: in any part of the circumference of this fegment fix a fharp-pointed nail a, floping in fuch a manner that the diſtance of its point from the centre of the circle may be e actly equal to its radius; and faften, to the board: GH a piece of thin braſs, or copper, or tin plate a b, diftinguiſhed by the dotted lines. Place the fegment B in fuch a pofition that the point of the nail a may be upon the point b, and roll the feg- ment towards G, fo that the nail a may rife gradually, and the point of contact between the two circular, fegments may advance towards m; the curve a b deſcribed upon the braſs plate will be án accurate exterior epicycloid. Remove, with a file, the part ex A CEW 1 432 MACHINES. of the brafs on the left hand of the epicycloid, and the remain. ng concave arch or gage a b will be a pattern tooth, by means of which all the reft may be easily formed. When an interior epicycloid is wanted, the concave fide of its circular bafe mult be ufed. The cycloid, which is ufeful in forming the teeth of rack-work, is generated precifely in the fame manner, with this difference only, that the baſe on which the generating circle rolls muſt be a ſtraight line. 0 Although, in general, it is neceffary to give the proper curve ature only to one fide of the teeth, yet it may be proper to form both. fides with equal care, that the wheels may be able to move in a retrograde direction. This is particularly necef, fary when a reciprocating power is employed. In the cafe of a mill moving by the force of a fingle-ſtroke fteam-engine, the direction of the preffure on the communicating parts of the machinery is changed twice every firoke. During the work- ing ftroke, the teeth of the wheels which convey the motion from the beam to the machinery are acting with one fide of their teeth; but during the returning ftroke the wheels act with the other fide of their teeth. In order that the teeth may not embarraſs one another before their action commences, and that one tooth may begin to act upon its correfponding leaf of the pinion, before the preced- ing tooth has ceafed to act upon the preceding leaf, the height, breadth, and diftance of the teeth must be properly proportion, ed. For this purpoſe the pitch line or circumference of the wheel which is repreſented in pl. .XXXI. fig. 5. by the dotted arches mult he divided into as many equal fpaces as the num- ber of teeth which the wheel is to carry. Divide each of theſe ſpaces into 16. equal parts; allow 7 of theſe for the greateſt breadth of the tooth, and 9 for the diftance between each. If the wheel drives a trundle, each ſpace, fhould be divided into 7.equal parts, and 3 of theſe allotted for the thickneſs of the tooth, and 3 for the diameter of the cylindrical ftave of the trundle. If each of the fpaces already mentioned, or if the diſtance between the centres of each tooth, be divided into 3 equal parts, the height of the teeth must be equal to 2 of theſe. Thefe diftances and heights, however, vary according to the mode of action which is employed. See Wolfi Opera Ma themat. tom. i. pa. 696.. Belidor, Arch. Hydraulique, tom.i. chap. 2. Camus Courfe, tom. ii. and Brewfter's Ferguson,vol. ii. Such are fome of the methods fuggefted by theory for the formation of the teeth of wheels; but it is feldom indeed that any of them are made ufe of by practical mechanics. Among them. feveral methods are practifed, almoft every, celebrated mill-wright or engineer having his favourite conftruction; of J Teeth of Wheel's. 433. thefe we ſhall only defcribe one in this place; and that, being tolerably eaſy in application, allowing much ftrength to the teeth, while it is pretty free from friction in compariſon with many practical methods, may fometimes, perhaps, be fafely adopted. Let A and B (fig. 11. pl. XXXV.) be two fpur-wheels of different diameters, of which the cogs are intended to work into each other half the pitch. The dotted circular arcs GH, EF, touching each other between s and d, are the centre or pitch lines, from which the teeth are formed. If the teeth of both wheels are iron, as is generally the cafe in the first mo- tions of works, thoſe teeth are then made nearly both of a fize at the pitch line: but if the teeth of one be wood and the other, iron, then the iron ones are made to have a good deal lefs pitch than the wooden ones; for then they are found to wear better. In the figure both are fuppofed of iron. Suppoſe the wheels to move from G towards H, and from E towards F, and that the fides of the teeth at b, c, and d, e, are in contact. From b as a centre with a radius equal to bp, defcribe the arcs p d, I m; from das a centre with the fame radius the arcs ki, fg, c k. Thus the fame opening of the compaffes, and a centre chofen where the wheels are in contact on the pitch line, will mark the contour of the upper part of a tooth of one wheel, and the lower part of a correfponding tooth of the other wheel: and by taking feveral centres on the two pitch lines, the various teeth may be formed. To prevent the cogs from bottoming, as the workmen call 'it, let the lower part re of one tooth be made rather longer than the upper part pd of the other which is to play into it. The way in which cogs thus conftructed will work into one another may be understood by confidering the motion of two of them, n and o for example: when they firſt they come into contact, they will appear as at the curve xó Pi; when they arrive at Q the fame fides will appear as in the dotted lines there repreſented; and when the fame arrive at RS, they are in contact on their middle points. ८. ,لا and In bevel work (ſee fig. 7, pl. III.) when this method of forming the teeth is adopted, the radii hy, gy, of the wheels muft not be taken as thofe of the fpur-wheel; but drawing a. line through y perpendicular to xy, till it meets x g, and x h, produced, the fegments of that line intercepted between the produced lines xg, xh, muſt be uſed as the radii of the fpur-wheels, and the other part of the conftruction will be as above. The line through y drawn perpendicular to xy, is called by mill-wrights fquare of the bevel. For more on the fubject of bevel geer, confult the introductory part of this volume. And for Mr. Maudlay's contrivance for cutting teeth of wheels, fee the article TURNING. VOL. II. FF ! . . I 484 MACHINES. TELEGRAPH (derived from ryλs and yeapw), is the name very properly given to an inftrument, by means of which in- formation may be almoſt inftantaneously conveyed to a confi- derable diſtance. The telegraph, though it has been generally known and uſed by the moderns only for a few years, is by no means a modern invention. There is reaſon to believe that amongst the Greeks there was ſome ſort of telegraph in ufe. The burning of Troy was certainly known in Greece very ſoon after it happened, and before any perſon had returned from thence. Now that was al- together fo tedious a piece of buſineſs, that conjecture never could have ſupplied the place of information. A Greek play begins with a ſcene, in which a watchman defcends from the top of a tower in Greece, and gives the information that Troy was taken. "I have been looking out theſe ten years (fays he) to ſee when that would happen, and this night it is done." Of the antiquity of a mode of conveying intelligence quickly to a great diſtance this is certainly a proof. The Chineſe, when they fend couriers on the great canal, or when any great man travels there, make fignals by fire from one day's journey to another, to have every thing pre- pared; and moſt of the barbarous nations uſed formerly to give the alarm of war by fires lighted on the hills or rifing grounds. Polybius calls the different inftruments uſed by the ancients for communicating information Tugosial, pyrfia, becauſe the fignals were always made by means of fire. At firft they commu- nicated information of events merely by torches; but this me- thod was of little uſe, becauſe it was neceffary before-hand to fix the meaning of every particular fignal. Now as events are exceedingly various, it was impoffible to exprefs the greater number of them by any premeditated contrivance. It was eafy, for inſtance, to exprefs by fignals that a fleet had arrived at fuch a place, becauſe this had been foreſeen, and fignals accordingly had been agreed upon to denote it, but an un- expected revolt, a murder, and fuch accidents, as happen but too often, and require an immediate remedy, could not be communicated by fuch fignals; becauſe to foreſee them was impoffible. A new method was invented by Cleoxenus (others fay by Democritus), and very much improved by Polybius, as he him- ſelf informs us. He defcribes this method as follows: Take the letters of the (Greek) alphabet, and divide them into five parts, each of which will confist of five letters, except the laſt divi- fion, which will have only four. Let theſe be fixed on a board in five columns. The man who is to give the fignals is then to begin by holding up two torches, which he is to keep 1 Telegraphs. 435 aloft till the other party has alfo fhewn two. This is only to ſhew that both fides are ready. Theſe firft torche are then withdrawn. Both parties are provided with boards, on which the letters are difpofed as formerly deſcribed. The perfon then who gives the fignal is to hold up torches on the left to point out to the other party from what column he fhall take the letters as they are pointed out to him. If it is to be from the firft column, he holds up one torch; if from the fecond, two; and ſo on for the others. He is then to hold up torches on the right, to denote the particular letter of the column that is to be taken. All this muft have been agreed on before-hand. The man who gives the fignals muſt have an inftrument (diolgay), confifting of two tubes, and fo placed as that, by looking through one of them, he can fee only the right fide, and through the other only the left, of him who is to anſwer. The board muſt be fet up near this inftrument; and the ſtation on the right and left muſt be ſurrounded with a wall (rapareρxxxı), ten feet broad, and about the height of a man, that the torches raifed above it may give a clear and strong light, and that when taken down they may be completely concealed. Let us now ſuppoſe that this information is to be communicated—A number of the auxiliaries, about a hundred, have gone over to the enemy. In the first place, words must be chofen that will convey the information in the feweft letters poffible; as, A hundred Cretans have deferted, Κρείες εκατον αφ' ημών ηυτομόλησαν. Having written down this fentence, it is conveyed in this manner.. The firft letter is a K, which is in the fecond column; two torches are therefore to be raiſed on the left hand to inform the perfon who receives the fignals to look into that particular column. Then five torches are to be held up on the right, to mark the letter k, which is the left in the column. Then four torches are to be held up on the left to point out the g (r), which is in the fourth column, and two on the right to show that it is the fecond letter of that column. The other letters are pointed out in the fame manner. Such was the pyra or telegraph recommended by Polybius. + But neither this nor any other method mentioned by the an- cients feems ever to have been brought into general ufe: nor does it appear that the moderns had thought of fuch a machine as a telegraph till the year 1663, when the marquis of Wor- cefter, in his Century of Inventions, affirmed that he had dif- covered “a method by which, at a window, as far as eye can difcover black from white, a man may hold difcourfe with his correfpondent, without noiſe made or notice taken; being ac- cording to occafion given, or means afforded, ex re nata, and no need of provision beforehand; though much better if fore- FF 2 436 MACHINES. f ſeen, and courſe taken by mutual confent of parties." This could be done only by means of a telegraph, which in the next fen- tence is declared to have been rendered fo perfect, that by means of it the correfpondence could be carried on " by night as well as by day, though as dark as pitch is black." Dr. Hooke, whofe genius as a mechanical inventor was per- haps never furpaffed, delivered a "Difcourfe to the Royal Society, May 21, 1684, fhewing a way how to communicate one's mind at great diftances." In this diſcourſe, he afferted the poffibility of conveying intelligence from one place to another at the diſtance of 30, 40, 100, 120, &c. miles, " in as fhort a time almoft as a man can write what he would have fent." He takes to his aid the then recent invention of the teleſcope, and explains the method by which characters expoſed at one ſtation may be rendered plain and diftinguiſhable at the others. He di- rects," First, for the ſtations; if they be far diftant, it will be neceffary that they ſhould be high, and lie expoſed to the fky; that there be no higher hill, or part of the earth beyond them, that may hinder the diftinctneſs of the characters that are to appear dark, the ſky beyond them appearing white: by which means alſo the thick and vaporous air near the ground will be paffed over and avoided." "Next, the height of the fta- tions is advantageous, upon the account of the refractions or infections of the air."Next, in choofing of theſe ſtations, care muſt be taken, as near as may be, that there be no hill that interpoſes between them, that is almoſt high enough to touch the vifible ray; becauſe in fuch cafes the refraction of the air of that hill will be very apt to diſturb the clear appearance of the object.” “The next thing to be confidered is, what tele- fcopes will be neceffary for fuch ftations." "One of theſe te- lefcopes muft be fixed at each extreme ftation, and two of them in each intermediate; fo that a man for each glaſs, fitting and looking through them, may plainly diſcover what is done in the next adjoining ftation, and with his pen write down on paper, the characters there expofed in their due order; ſo that there ought to be two perfons at each extreme ftation, and three at each intermediate; fo that, at the fame time, intelligence may be conveyed forwards and backwards." "Next, there must be certain times agreed on, when the correfpondents are to ex- pect; or elfe there mult, be fet at the top of the pole, in the morning, the hour appointed by either of the correfpondents for acting that day: if the hour be appointed, pendulum clecks may adjust the moment of expectation and obferving." "Next, there must be a convenient apparatus of characters, whereby to communicate any thing with great eaſe, diſtinctneſs, and fe crecy. And thoſe muſt be either day characters or night cha- Telegraphs. 437 racters The day characters "may all be made of three flit. deals" the night characters" may be made, with links, or other lights, difpofed in a certain order." The doctor invented 24 fimple characters, each conftituted of right lines, for the letters of the alphabet; and feveral fingle characters, made up of femicircles, for whole fentences. He recommended that three very long mafts or poles fhould be placed vertically, and joined at top by one ſtrong horizontal beam; that a large fcreen ſhould be placed at one of the upper corners of this frame, be- hind which all the deal-board characters fhould hang, and by the help of proper cords fhould quickly be drawn forwards to be expoſed, and then drawn back again behind the ſcreen. "By thefe means," fays the doctor, "all things may be made fo convenient that the fame character may be feen at Paris, within a minute after it hath been expofed at London, and the like in proportion for greater diftances; and that the characters may be expofed fo quick after one another, that a compofer fhall not. much exceed the expofer in fwiftnefs." Among the ufes of this contrivance, the inventor ſpecifies thefe: "The firft is for. cities or towns befieged; and the fecond for fhips upon the fea; in both which cafes it may be practifed with great cer- tainty, fecurity, and expedition." The whole of Dr. Hooke's paper was publiſhed in Derham's collection of his Experiments and Obfervations; from which it appears, that he had brought the telegraph to a ſtate of far greater maturity and perfection than M. Amontons, who attempted the fame thing about the year 1702; and indeed to a ſtate little inferior to feveral which have been propoſed during the last twenty years. It was not, however, till the French revolution that the tele- graph was applied to uſeful purpoſes. Whether M. Chappé, who is faid to have invented the telegraph firft ufed by the French about the end of 1793, knew any thing of Hooke's or of Amonton's invention, it is impoffible to fay; but his tele- graph was constructed on principles nearly fimilar. The man- ner of uſing this telegraph was as follows: at the first ftation, which was on the roof of the palace of the Louvre at Paris, M. Chappe, the inventor, received in writing, from the committee of public welfare, the words to be fent to Life, near which the French army at that time was. An upright poſt was erected on the Louvre, at the top of which were two tranverfe arms, moveable in all directions by a fingle piece of mechaniſm, and with inconceivable rapidity. He invented a number of pofitions for theſe arms, which ſtood as figns for the letters of the al- phabet; and thefe, for the greater celerity and fimplicity, he reduced in number as much as poffible. The grammarian will eaſily conceive that fixteen figns may amply fupply all the • 438 MACHINES. letters of the alphabet, fince fome letters may be omitted, not only without detriment, but with advantage. Theſe ſigns, as they were arbitrary, could be changed every week; fo that the fign of B for one day might be the fign of M the next; and it was only neceffary that the perfons at the extremities fhould know the key. The intermediate operators were only inftructed generally in theſe fixteen fignals; which were fo diftinct, fo marked, fo different the one from the other, that they were eafily remembered. The conftruction of the machine was fuch, that each fignal was uniformly given in preciſely the fame man- ner at all times: it did not depend on the operator's manual ſkill; and the pofition of the arm could never, for any one fignal, be a degree higher or a degree lower, its movement being regulated mechanically.. M. Chappe having received at the Louvre the fentence to be conveyed, gave a known fignal to the ſecond ſtation, which was Mont Martre, to prepare. At each ſtation there was a watch- tower, where teleſcopes were fixed, and the perfon on watch gave the fignal of preparation which he had received, and this communicated fucceffively through all the line, which brought them all into a ftate of readineſs. The perfon at Mont Martre then received, letter by letter, the fentence from the Louvre, which he repeated with his own machine; and this was again repeated from the next height, with inconceivable rapidity, to the final ſtation at Liſle. The firſt deſcription of the telegraph was brought from Paris to Frankfort on the Maine by a former member of the parlia ment of Bourdeaux, who had feen that which was erected on the mountain of Belville. As given by Dr. Hutton from fome of the English papers, it is as follows. AA is a beam or maſt of wood placed upright on a rifing ground (fig. 1. pl. XXXIII.), which is about fifteen or fixteen feet high. BB is a beam or balance moving upon the centre AA. This balance-beam may be placed vertically or horizontally, or any how inclined, by means of ftrong cords, which are fixed to the wheel D, on the edge of which is a double groove to receive the two cords. This ba- lance is about eleven or twelve feet long, and nine inches broad, having at the ends two pieces of wood CC, which likewife turn upon angles by means of four other cords that paſs through the axis of the main balance, otherwiſe the balance would derange the cords; the pieces C are each about three feet long, and may be placed either to the right or left, ftraight or fquare, with the balance-beam. By means of theſe three the combination of movement is very extenfive, remarkably fimple, and eafy to perform. Below is a fmall wooden gouge or hut, in which a perfon is employed to obferve the movements of the ma- 2 ・・・ Telegraphs. -439 chine. In the mountain neareſt to this, another perfon is to repeat theſe movements, and a third to write them down. The time taken up for each movement is twenty feconds; of which the motion alone is four feconds, the other 16 the machine is ftationary. Two working models of this inftrument were exe- cuted at Frankfort, and fent by Mr. W. Playfair to the duke of York and hence the plan and alphabet of the machine came to England. the Various experiments were in confequence tried upon tele- graphs in this country; and one was foon after fet up by go- vernment in a chain of ſtations from the admiralty-office to the fea-coaft. It confifts of fix octagon boards, each of which is poiſed upon an axis in a frame, in fuch a manner that it can be either placed vertically, fo as to appear with its full ſize to obferver at the neareſt ſtation, as in fig. 2. or it becomes invi- fible to him by being placed horizontally, as in fig. 3. fo that the narrow edge alone is expofed, which narrow edge is from a diſtance invifible. Fig. 2. is a reprefentation of this telegraph, with the parts all fhut, and the machine ready to work T, in the officer's cabin, is the teleſcope pointed to the next ſtation. Fig. 3. is a repreſentation of the machine not at work, and with the ports all open. The opening of the firft port (fig. 2.) ex- preffes a, the fecond b, the third c, the fourthed, the fifth e, and · the fixth f, &c. Six boards make 36 changes, by the moft plain and fimple mode of working; and they will make many more if more were neceffary: but as the real fuperiority of the telegraph over all other modes of making ſignals confifts in its making letters, we do not think that more changes than the letters of the alphabet, and the ten arithmetical cyphers, are neceffary; but, on the con- trary, that thoſe who work the telegraphs fhould avoid com- municating by words or figns agreed upon to exprefs fentences; for that is the fure method never to become expert at fending unexpected intelligence accurately.. 、 Several other telegraphs have been propofed to remedy the defects to which the inſtrument is ſtill liable. The dial-plate of a clock would make an excellent telegraph, as it might exhibit 144 figns fo as to be vifible at a great diftance. A telegraph on this principle, with only fix divifions inftead of twelve, would be fimple and cheap, and might be raiſed 20 or 30 feet high above the building without any difficulty: it might be fupported on one poft, and therefore turn round, and the contraft of co- lours would always be the ſame. A very ingenious improvement of the telegraph has been propofed in the Gentleman's Magazine. It confifts of a femi- di nolraq 377 J and son tea an m en 440 MACHINES. circle, to be properly elevated, and fixed perpendicularly on a Atrong ftand. The radius 12 feet; the femicircle confequently ſomewhat more than 36. This is to be divided into 24 parts. Each of theſe will therefore compriſe a ſpace of 18 inches, and an arch of 7° 30' on the circumference. Thefe 24 divifions to be occupied by as many circular apertures of fix inches dia- meter; which will leave a clear ſpace of fix inches on each fide between the apertures. Thefe apertures, beginning from the left, to denote the letters of the alphabet, omitting K, J con- fonant, V, X, and Q. as ufelefs for this purpoſe. There are then 21 letters. The four other ſpaces are referved for fignals. The inftrument to have an index moveable by a windlafs on the centre of the femicircle, and having two tops, according as it is to be uſed in the day or night; one, a circular top of lac- quered iron or copper, of equal diameter with the apertures (and which confequently will eclipſe any of them againſt which it refts); the other, a fpear or arrow-fhaped top, black, and highly polished, which in ftanding before any of the apertures in the day-time, will be diftinctly vifible. In the night, the apertures to be reduced by a diaphragm fitting cloſe to each, fo as to leave an aperture of not more than two inches diameter, The diaphragm to be of well-poliſhed tin; the inner rim lac- quered black half an inch. All the apertures to be illuminated, when the inſtrument is uſed in the night-time, by ſmall lamps; to which, if neceffary, according to circumstances, convex lenfes may be added, fitted into each diaphragm, by which the light may be powerfully concentrated and increafed. Over each aperture one of the five prifmatic colours leaft likely to be mif- taken (the remaining two being lefs diftinguishable, and not wanted, are beft omitted) to be painted; and, in their natural order, on a width of eighteen inches and a depth of four, red, orange, yellow, green, blue; or, ftill to heighten the contraft, and render immediately fucceffive apertures more diftinguish- able, red, green, orange, blue, yellow. The whole inner circle beneath and between the apertures to be painted black. When the inſtrument is to be uſed, the index to be fet to the fignal apertures on the right. All the apertures to be covered or dark when it begins to be ufed, except that which is to give. the fignal. A fignal gun to be fired to apprife the obferver. If the index is ſet to the first aperture, it will denote that words are to be expreffed; if to the fecond, that figures; if to the third, that the figures ceafe; and that the intelligence is carried on in words. When figures are to be expreffed,. the alternate apertures from the left are taken in their order, to denote from 1 to 10 mclufively; the fecond from the right denotes 100; the Telegraphs. 441 fifth rooo. This order, and theſe intervals, are taken to pre vent any confufion in fo peculiarly important an article of the intelligence to be conveyed. Perhaps, however, none of the telegraphs hitherto offered to the public exceeds the following, either in fimplicity, cheap nefs, or facility in working; and it might, perhaps, with a few trifling additions, be made exceedingly diftinct. It is thus de- ſcribed in the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures: for a noc- turnal telegraph, let there be four large patent reflectors, lying on the fame plane, parallel to the horizon, placed on the top of an obfervatory. Let each of theſe reflectors be capable, by means of two winches, either of elevation or depreflion to a certain degree. By elevating or depreffing one or two of the re- flectors, eighteen very diftinct arrangements may be produced, as the following ſcheme will explain, 3194 A B O 000 O 8 DE F O O IK L M N Na oo o 000 O P R S 00 T Ο SURS groddsib oda med 2orld baisup dt neder OT both ornings hatmoor 00 98 $10 pers has bai ada dreaded For the fake of example, the above arrangements are made to anſwer to the most neceflary letters of the alphabet; But al terations may be made at will, and a greater number of changes produced, without any addition to the reflectors. In the first obfervatory there need only be a ſet of ſingle reflectors, but in the others each reflector fhould be double, fo as to face both the preceding and fubfequent obfervatory and each obs fervatory fhould be furnished with two teleſcopes. The proper diameter of the reflectors, and their diftarice from each other, will be aſcertained by experience; and it muſt be obſerved, that * 442 MACHINES. each reflector, after every arrangement, must be restored to its place. To convert this machine into a diurnal telegraph, nothing more is neceffary than to infert, in the place of the reflectors, gilt balls, or any other confpicuous bodies. Since theſe inventions were made public, telegraphs have been brought to fo great a degree of perfection, that they now convey information fpeedily and diftinctly, and are fo much fimplified, that they can be conſtructed and maintained at little expence. The advantages too which reſult from their uſe are almoſt inconceivable. Not to ſpeak of the ſpeed with which in- formation is communicated and orders given in time of war, by means of them, the whole kingdom could be prepared in an in- ftant to oppoſe an invading enemy. A telegraph might be alſo ufed by commercial men to convey a commiffion cheaper and ſpeedier than an exprefs can travel. An eſtabliſhment of tele- graphs might be made like that of the poſt; and inſtead of being an expence, it would produce a revenue. Something of this Lind has lately been fet up to facilitate the intercourfe between Norwich and Yarmouth. THERMOMETER, an inftrument for meaſuring the de- gree of heat or cold in any body. The thermometer was in- vented about the beginning of the 15th century; but, like many other uſeful inventions, it has been found impoffible to afcer- tain to whom the honour of it belongs. The firſt form of this inftrument for meaſuring the degrees of heat and cold was the air-thermometer. It is a well-known fact that air expands with heat fo as to occupy more ſpace than it does when cold, and that it is condenfed by cold fo as to occupy leſs ſpace than when warmed, and that this expan fion and condenfation is greater or lefs according to the de- gree of heat or cold applied. The principle then on which the air-thermometer was conftructed is very fimple. The air was confined in a tube by means of fome coloured liquor; the liquor rofe or fell'according as the air became expanded or con- denfed.*** → This inftrument was extremely defective: for the air in the tube was not only affected by the heat and cold of the atmo- there, but alfo by its weight. The air being found improper for meaſuring with accuracy the variations of heat and cold according to the form of the thermometer which was firft adopted, another fluid was pro- pofed about the middle of the 17th century by the Florentine academy. This fluid was fpirit of wine, or alcohol, as it is now generally named. The alcohol being coloured, was in- clofed in a very fine cylindrical glaſs tube previouſly exhaufted Thermometers. 443 3 of its air, having a hollow ball at the lower end, and hermeti- cally fealed at the other end. The ball and tube are filled with rectified fpirit of wine to a convenient height, when the wea- ther is of a mean temperature, which may be done by inverting the tube into a veffel of ſtagnant coloured fpirit, under a re- ceiver of the air-pump, or in any other way. When the ther- mometer is properly filled, the upper end is heated red-hot by a lamp, and then hermetically ſealed, leaving the included air of about of its natural denſity, to prevent the air which is in the ſpirit from dividing it in its expanfion. To the tube is applied a ſcale, divided from the middle into 100 equal parts, upwards and downwards. 4-3 As ſpirit of wine is capable of a very confiderable degree of rarefaction and condenfation by heat and cold, when the heat of the atmoſphere increaſes the ſpirit dilates, and conſequently rifes in the tube; and when the heat decreaſes the fpirit de- fcends, and the degree or quantity of the motion is ſhown by a fcale. The fpirit of wine thermometer was not fubject to fome of the inconveniences which attended the air-thermometer. In particular, it was not affected by variations in the weight of the atmoſphere: accordingly it foon came into general ufe among philofophers. It was, at an early period, introduced into Britain by Mr. Boyle. To this inftrument, as then uſed, there are, however, many objections. The liquor was of dif ferent degrees of ftrength; and therefore different tubes filled with it, when expofed to the fame degree of heat, would not correfpond. There was alfo another defect; the fcale which was adjuſted to the thermometer did not commence at any fixed. point. The higheſt term was adjuſted to the great fun fun-fhine. heats of Florence, which are too variable and undetermined; and frequently the workman formed the ſcale according to his own fancy. While the thermometer laboured under fuch dif- advantages it could not be of general uſe. - 91 To obtain fome fixed unalterable point by which a deter mined fcale might be difcovered, to which all thermometers might be accurately adjuſted, was the ſubject which next drew the attention of philofophers. Mr. Boyle, who feems at an early period to have ſtudied this fubject with much anxiety, pro- pofed the freezing of the effential oil of annifeeds as a conve- nient point for graduating thermometers; but this opinion he foon laid afide. Dr. Halley next propofed that thermometers fhould be graduated in a deep pit under ground, where the temperature both in winter and fummer is pretty uniform; and that the point to which the fpirit of wine fhould rife in fuch a fubterraneous, place fhould be the point from which the Icale BRITY S01 MOSDAO EM DOO 444 MACHINES. *** fhould commence. But this propofal was evidently attended with fuch inconveniences that it was foon abandoned. He made experiments on the boiling point of water, of mercury, and of spirit of wine; and he ſeems rather to give a preference to the fpirit of wine. He objected to the freezing of water as a fixed point, becauſe he thought that it admitted confiderable latitude. It ſeems to have been reſerved to the genius of Newton to determine this important point, on which the accuracy and va- Jue of the thermometer depends. He chofe, as fixed, thofe points at which water freezes and boils; the very points which the experiments of fucceeding philofophers have determined to. be the moſt fixed and convenient. Senfible of the diſadvan- tages of fpirit of wine, he tried another liquor which was ho- mogeneous enough, capable of a confiderable rarefaction, about- 15 times greater than ſpirit of wine. This was linfeed oil. It has not been obferved to freeze even in very great colds, and it bears a heat about four times that of water before it boils. With thefe advantages it was made ufe of by Newton, who diſcovered by it the comparative degree of heat for boiling water, melting wax, boiling fpirit of wine, and melting tin; beyond which it does not appear that this thermometer was applied. The mc-. thod he uſed for adjuſting the ſcale of this oil-thermometer was as follows: fuppofing the bulb, when immerged in thawing fnow, to contain 10,000 parts, he found the oil expand by the heat of the human body fo as to take up th more ſpace, or 10,256 fuch parts; and by the heat of water boiling ftrongly 10,725, and by the heat of melting tin 11,516. So that reckon- ing the freezing point as a common limit between heat and cold, he began his fcale there, marking it o, and the heat of the human body he made 12°; and confequently, the degrees of heat being proportional to the degrees of rarefaction, or 256:725:12:34, this number 34 will exprefs the heat of boiling water; and by the fame rule, 72 that of melting tin. This thermometer was conftructed in 1701. To the application of oil as a meafure of heat and cold there are infuperable objections. It is fo vifcid, that it adheres too ftrongly to the fides of the tube. On this account it afcends and defcends too lowly in cafe of a fudden heat or cold. In a fud- den cold, fo great a proportion remains adhering to the fides of the tube after the reft has fubfided, that the furface appears lower than the correſponding temperature of the air requires. An oil thermometer is therefore not a proper meaſure of heat and cold. D All the thermometers hitherto propoſed were liable to many inconveniences, and could not be confidered as exact ſtandards Thermometers: A 443 for pointing out the various degrees of temperature. This led Reaumur to attempt a new one, an account of which was publiſhed in the year 1730, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. This thermometer was made with fpirit of wine. He took a large ball and tube, the dimenfions and capacities of which were known: he then graduated the tube, ſo that the ſpace from one divifion to another might contain 1000th part of the liquor; the liquor containing 1000 parts when it ſtood at the freezing point. He adjufted the thermometer to the freezing point by an artificial congelation of water: then put- ting the ball of his thermometer and part of the tube into boil- ing water, he obferved whether it rofe 80 divifions: if it ex- ceeded thefe, he changed his liquor, and by adding water, low- ered it, till upon trial it ſhould juſt riſe 80 divifions; or if the liquor, being too low, fell short of 80 divifions, he raised it by adding rectified fpirit to it. The liquor thus prepared fuited his purpofe, and ferved for making a thermometer of any fize, whofe fcale would agree with his ſtandard. تھے This thermometer was far from being perfect. As the bulbs were three or four inches in diameter, the furrounding 'ice would be melted before its temperature could be propagated to the whole ſpirits in the bulb, and confequently the freezing point would be marked higher than it ſhould be. Dr. Martine accordingly found, that inftead of coinciding with the za degree of Fahrenheit, it correfponded with the 34th, or a point a little above it. Reaumur committed a miſtake alſo refpecting the boiling point; for he thought that the fpirit of wine, whether weak or ftrong, when immerged in boiling water, received the fame degree of heat with the boiling water. Båt it is well known that highly-rectified fpirit of wine casinot be heated much beyond the 175th degree of Fahrenheit, while boiling water raiſes the quickfilver 37 degrees higher. There is another thermometer that goes by the name of Reaumur's, which fhall be afterwards deſcribed. + At length a different fluid was propofed, by which thermo meters could be made free from moſt of the defects hitherto mentioned. This fluid was mercury, and feems firft to have occurred to Dr. Halley in the laft century; but was not adopted by him, on account of its having a ſmaller degree of expanfibility than the other fluids. ufed at that time. Boerhaave fays that the mercurial thermometer was first conftructed by Olaus Roemer; but the honour of this invention is generally given to o Fahrenheit of Amfterdam, who prefented an account of it to blog but the Royal Society of London in 1724. Mercury is far fuperior to alcohol and oil, and is much more manageable than air, . As far as the experiments! already } 1 446 MACHINES. ** made can determine, it is of all the fluids hitherto employed in the conftruction of thermometers that which meaſures moft exactly equal differences of heat by equal differences of its bulk: its dilatations are in fact very nearly proportional to the augmentations of heat applied to it. 2. Of all liquids it is the moft eafily freed from air. 3. It is fitted to meaſure high degrees of heat and cold. It fuftains a heat of 600° of Fahrenheit's fcale, and does not congeal till it falls 39 or 40 degrees below o. 4. It is the moſt fenfible of any fluid to heat and cold, even air not excepted. Count Rumford found that mercury was heated from the freezing to the boiling point in 58 feconds, while water took two minutes 13 feconds, and common air 10 minutes and 17 feconds. 5. Mercury is a homogeneous fluid, and every portion of it is equally dilated or contracted by equal variations of heat. Any one thermometer made of pure mercury is, cæteris paribus, poffeffed of the fame properties with every other ther- mometer made of pure mercury. Its power of expanſion is indeed about fix times less than that of ſpirit of wine, but it is great enough to anſwer moft of the purpoſes for which a ther- mometer is wanted. The fixed points which are now univerfally chofen for ad- jufting thermometers to a ſcale, and to one another, are the boiling and freezing water points. The boiling water point, it is well known, is not an invariable point, but varies fome degrees according to the weight and temperature of the atmoſphere. In an exhauſted receiver, water will boil with a heat of 98° or 100°; whereas in Papin's digefter it will acquire a heat of 412°. Hence it appears that water will boil at a lower point, according to its height in the atmoſphere, or to the weight of the column of air which preffes upon it. In order to enfure uniformity therefore in the conftruction of thermometers, it is now agreed that the bulb of the tube be plunged in the water when it boils violently, the barometer ftanding at 30 English inches (which is its mean height round London), and the temperature of the atmoſphere 55°. A thermometer made in this way, with its boiling point at 212°, is called by Dr. Horley Bird's Fahrenheit, becauſe Mr. Bird was the firſt perſon who attended to the ſtate of the barometer in conftructing thermometers. As artifts may be often obliged to adjuſt thermometers under very different preffures of the atmoſphere, philofophers have been at pains to diſcover a general rule which might be applied on all occafions. M. de Luc, in his Recherches fur les Mod. de l' Atmoſphere, has given, from a ſeries of experiments, an equation for the allowance on account of this difference, in Paris meaſure, which has been verified by Sir George Schuckburgh; alſo Dr. Horſley, Dr. Mafkelyne, and Sir George Schuckburgh, have Thermometers: 447 27 adapted the equation and rules to Engliſh meafures, and have reduced the allowances into tables for the ufe of the artift. Dr. Horfley's rule, deduced from De Luc's, is this: 99 8990000 log. z-92·864=h. 2−92.804=k. where denotes the height of a thermometer plunged in boiling water, above the point of melting ice, in degrees of Bird's Fahrenheit, `and z the height of the barometer in 10ths of an inch. From this rule he has computed the following table for finding the heights to which a good Bird's Fahrenheit will rife when plunged in boiling water, in all ſtates of the barometer, from 27 to 31 English inches; which will ferve, among other ufes, to direct inftrument-makers in making a true allowance for the effect of the variation of the barometer, if they fhould be obliged to finiſh a thermometer at a time when the barometer is above or below 30 inches; though it is beft to fix the boiling point when the barometer is at that height. Equation of the Boiling Point. + Barometer. Equation. Difference. 310 + 1'57 ·0.78 30.5 + 0.79. 0.79 30°0 0.00 0·80 29'5 9.80 0.82 29'0 1.62 0.83 28.5 2.45 0.85€ 28.0 3:31 0'86 27.5 4.16 0·88 27.0 5'04 The numbers in the firft column of this table exprefs heights of the quickfilver in the barometer in Engliſh inches and decimal parts: the fecond column fhows the equation to be applied, according to the fign prefixed, to 212° of Bird's Fahrenheit, to find the true boiling point for every ſuch ſtate of the barometer. The boiling point for all intermediate ftates of the barometer may be had with fufficient accuracy, by taking proportional parts, by means of the third column of differences of the equation. See Phil. Tranf. lxiv. art. 30. alfo Dr. Mafkelyne's Paper, vol. lxiv, art. 20. Sir George Schuckburgh alſo has given the following general table for the uſe of artiſts in conftructing the thermometer, both according to his own obfervations and thofe of M. de Luc. تھے J 4 448 MACHINES. # Height of the Correct. of the Correct.accord. Difference. Difference. Barometer. boiling point. to M. de Luc. • 26'0 7'09 6.83 '91 26′5 6.18 5'93 '91 فاوا •89 27.0 5.27 5°04 •88 *90 27'5 4'37 - 4°16 •89 .87 280 · 3'48 3°31 ⚫89 .86 28.5 2.59 2.45 .87 .83 1.62 29'0 1.72 ·87 •82 29'5 0.85 0.80 .85 '80 30'0 0'00 0'00 30.5 +0·85 •85 *79 .84 +0.79 ·78 31.0 + 1.69 +1.57 The Royal Society, fully appriſed of the importance of adjuſting the fixed points of thermometers, appointed a com- mittee of ſeven gentlemen to confider of the beft method for this purpoſe; and their report is publiſhed in the Phil. Tranf. vol. Ixvii. part ii. art. 37. They obferved, that though the boiling point be placed fo much higher on fome of the thermometers now made than on others, yet this does not produce any confiderable error in the obfervations of the weather, at leaft in this climate; for an error of 14° in the pofition of the boiling point will make an error only of half a degree in the pofition of 92°, and of not more than a quarter of a degree in the point of 62°. It is only in nice experiments, or in trying the heat of hot liquors, that this error in the boiling point can be of much importance. In adjuſting the freezing as well as the boiling point, the quickfilver in the tube ought to be kept of the fame heat as that in the ball. When the freezing point is placed at a con- fiderable diſtance from the ball, the pounded ice ſhould be piled to ſuch a height above the ball, that the error which can ariſe from the quickſilver in the remaining part of the tube, not being heated equally with that in the ball, ſhall be very ſmall, or the obferved point must be corrected on that account according to the following table: Y Thermometers: £ 44.0 Heat of the Air. Correction. 42° *00087 52 '00174 62 *00261 72 •00348 82 •00435. The correction in this table is expreffed in 1000th parts of the diſtance between the freezing point and the furface of the ice: e. g. if the freezing point ftands feven inches above the furface of the ice, and the heat of the room is 62, the point of 32° fhould be placed 7x00261, or '018 of an inch lower than the ob- ferved point. A diagonal fcale will facilitate this correction. The committee obferve, that in trying the heat of liquors, care fhould be taken that the quickfilver in the tube of the thermometer be heated to the fame degree as that in the ball; or if this cannot be done conveniently, the obſerved heat ſhould be, corrected on that account; for the manner of doing which, and a table calculated for this purpoſe, we muſt refer to their. excellent report in the Phil. Tranf. vol. lxvii. part ii. art. 37 With regard to the choice of tubes, they ought to be exactly cylindrical. But though the diameter fhould vary a little, it is eafy to manage that matter in the manner propofed by the Abbé Nollet, by making a ſmall portion of the quickfilver, e. g. as much as fills up an inch or half an inch, flide backward and forward in the tube; and thus to find the proportions of all its inequalities, and from thence to adjuſt the divifions to a ſcale of the most perfect equality. The capillary tubes are preferable to others, becauſe they require fmaller bulbs, and they are alſo more fenfible, and lefs brittle. The moſt convenient fize for common experiments has the internal diameter about the 40th or 50th of an inch, about 9 inches long, and made of thin glaſs, that the rife and fall of the mercury may be better feen. * It is commonly obferved of thermometers, that upon equal augmentations and diminutions of heat they feldom vary equally, though they are filled with the fame liquor. To account for this circumſtance it ſhould be recollected that the variation of a thermometer is directly as the capacity of the ball, and inverſely as the baſe of the ftem. Thus, if there be two mercurial thermometers, for example, and we call the capacites of the balls C and c, and the bafes of the ſtems B and b, the variations will be as C to c directly, and as B to bin- verſely, or as ğ to 5. Confequently the variations will not be to. VOL. II. C G G J 430 MACHINES. + equal in thoſe thermometers unless and this cannot be : = B the caſe unleſs C: c :: B: b; therefore, to render the variations in the two thermometers equal, the capacities of their balls muſt be to each other as the baſes of their cylindrical ſtems. The next thing to be confidered, is of what number of degrees or divifions the fcale ought to confift, and from what point it ought to commence. As the number of the divifions of the ſcale is an arbitrary matter, the fcales which have been. employed differ much from one another in this circumftance. Fahrenheit has made 180 degrees between the freezing and boiling water point. Amonton's made 73, and Sir Ifaac Newton only 34. There is, however, one general maxim, which ought to be obferved: That fuch an arithmetical number should be chofen as can eafily be divided and fubdivided, and that the number of divifions should be fo great that there shall feldom be occafion for fractions. The number 80 chofen by Reaumur anfwers ex- tremely well in this refpect, becauſe it can be divided by feveral figures without leaving a remainder; but it is too fmall a number: the confequence of which is, that the degrees are placed at too great a distance from one another, and fractions muft therefore be often employed. We think, therefore, that 160 would have been a more convenient number. Fahrenheit's number 180 is large enough; but when divided its quotient foon becomes an odd number. As to the point at which the fcale ought to commence,. various opinions have been entertained. If we knew the be- ginning or loweſt degree of heat, all philofophers would agree that the lowest point of the thermometer ought to be fixed there; but we know neither the loweft nor the highest degrees. of heat; we obferve only the intermediate parts. All that we can do, then, is to begin it at fome invariable point, to which thermometers made in different places may eafily be adjuſted. If poffible, too, it ought to be a point at which a natural well- known body receives fome remarkable change from the effects of heat or cold. Fahrenheit began his fcale at the point at which fnow and falt congeal. Kirwan propofes the freezing point of mercury. Sir Ifaac Newton, Hales, and Reaumur, adopted the freezing point of water. The objection to Fahren- heit's lowest point is, that it commences at an artificial cold never known in nature, and to which we cannot refer our feelings, for it is what few can ever experience. There would be feveral great advantages gained, we allow, by adopting the freezing point of mercury. It is the lowest degree of cold to which mercury can be applied as a meafure; and it would render unneceſſary the uſe of the figns plus and minus, and the Thermometers. 431 extenfion of the ſcale below o. But we object to it, that it is hot a point well known; for few, comparatively ſpeaking, who ufe thermometers; can have an opportunity of feeing mercury congealed. As to the other advantage to be gained by adopting the freezing point of mercury, namely; the abolition of negative numbers, we do not think it would counterbalance the advantage to be enjoyed by afing a well-known point. Befides, it may be aſked, Is there not a propriety in ufing negative numbers to exprefs the degree of cold, which is a negative thing? Heat and cold we can only judge of by our feelings: the point then at which the fcale fhould commence, ought to be a point which can form to us a ſtandard of heat and cold; a point familiar to us from being one of the moſt remarkable that occurs in nature, and therefore a point to which we can with moſt clearneſs and precifion refer in our minds on all occafions. This is the Freezing point of water choſen by Sir Ifaac Newton, which of all the general changes produced in nature by cold is the moſt remarkable. It is therefore the moft convenient point for the thermometers to be uſed in the temperate and frigid zones, or we may fay over the globe, for even in the hotteſt countries of the torrid zone many of the mountains are perpetually covered with fnow. Having now explained the principles of the thermometer as fully as appears neceffary in order to make it properly under- ftood, we will here fubjoin an account of thoſe thermometers which are at preſent in moſt general uſe. Theſe are Fahren- heit's, De l'Ifle's, Reaumur's, and Celfius's. Fahrenheit's is ufed in Britain, De l'Ifle's in Ruffia, Reaumur's in France, and Celfius's in Sweden. They are all mercurial thermometers, Fahrenheit's thermometer confifts of a flender cylindrical tube and a ſmall longitudinal bulb. To the fide of the tube is annexed a ſcale which Fahrenheit divided into 600 parts, beginning with that of the ſevere cold which he had obferved in Iceland in 1709, or that produced by furrounding the bulb of the thermometer with a mixture of fnow or beaten ice and fal ammoniac or ſea falt. This he apprehended to be the greateſt degree of cold, and accordingly he marked it, as the beginning of his fcale, with o; the point at which mercury begins to boil, he conceived to fhew the greateſt degree of heat, and this he made the limit of his ſcale. The diſtance between theſe two points he divided into 600 equal parts or degrees; and by trials, he found that the mercury ftood at 32 of thefe divifions, when water juſt begins to freeze, or fnow or ice juft begins to thaw; it was therefore called the degree of the freezing point. When the tube was immerfed in boiling water, the mercury rofe to 212, which therefore is the boiling point, and is juft 180 degrees GG 2 Y 452 MACHINES. # above the former or freezing point. But the prefent method of måking the fcale of theſe thermometers, which is the fort in most common uſe, is firſt to immerge the bulb of the thermo- meter in ice or fnow juſt beginning to thaw, and mark the place where the mercury ftands with a 32; then immerge it in boiling water, and again mark the place where the mercury ftands in the tube, with the num. 212, exceeding the former by 180; dividing therefore the intermediate ſpace into 180 equal parts, will give the fcale of the thermometer; which may afterwards be continued upwards and downwards at pleaſure. Other thermometers of a fimilar conftruction have been accommodated to common uſe, having but a portion of the above ſcale. They have been made of a ſmall ſize and portable form, and adapted with appendages to particular purpoſes; and the tube with its annexed ſcale has often been encloſed in another thicker glaſs tube, alſo hermetically fealed, to preferve the thermometer from injury. And all theſe are called Fahren- heit's thermometers. In 1733, M. De l'Iſle of Peterſburgh constructed a mercurial thermometer on the principles of Reaumur's ſpirit thermometer. In his thermometer, the whole bulk of quickfilver, when im- merged in boiling water, is conceived to be divided into 100,000 parts; and from this one fixed point the various degrees of heat, either above or below it, are marked in theſe parts on the tube or ſcale, by the various expanſion or contraction of the quick- filver, in all imaginable varieties of heat.-Dr. Martine appre- hends it would have been better if De l'Iſle had made the integer. 100,000 parts, or fixed point, at freezing water, and from thence computed the dilatations or condenfations of the quickfilver in thofe parts; as all the common obfervations of the weather, &c. would have been expreffed by numbers increafing as the heat increaſed, inftead of decreafing, or counting the contrary way.. However, in practice it will not be very eafy to determine exactly all the divifions from the alteration of the bulk of the contained fluid. And befides, as glafs itſelf is dilated by heat, though in a lefs proportion than quickfilver, it is only the excefs of the dilatation of the contained fluid above that of the glaſs that is obferved; and therefore if different kinds of glafs be differently affected by a given degree of heat, this will make a ſeeming difference in the dilatations of the quickfilver in the thermometers conſtructed in the Newtonian method, either by Reaumur's rule or De l'Ifle's. Accordingly it has been found,. that the quickfilver in De l'Ifle's thermometers has stood at different degrees of the fcale when immerged in thawing ſnow : having ſtood in fome at 154, while in others it has been at 156, or even 158°. Thermometers. 453 The thermometer at preſent uſed in France is called Reau- mur's; but it is very different from the one originally invented by Reaumur in 1730, and deſcribed in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. The one invented by Reaumur was filled with ſpirit of wine; and though its fcale was divided by the author into 80 parts, of which o was the freezing point, and 80 the boiling water-point, yet in fact 80 was only the boiling point of the ſpirit of wine that he employed, which, as Dr. Martine computes, correfponded with 180. of Fahrenheit. But the thermometer now in ufe in France is filled with mercury; and the boiling water point, which is at 80, correfponds with the 212th degree of Fahrenheit. The ſcale indeed commences at the freezing point, as the old one did. The new thermo- meter ought more properly to be called De Luc's thermometer, for it was firſt made by De Luc; and is in fac as different from Reaumur's as it is from Sir Ifaac Newton's. When De Luc had fixed the ſcale, and finiſhed an account of it, he fhewed the manuſcript to M. De la Condamine. Condamine adviſed him to change the number 80; remarking, that ſuch was the inattention of philosophers, that they would probably confound it with Reaumur's.., De Luc's modefty, as well as a predilection for the number 80, founded, as he thought, on philofophical reaſons, made him decline following this advice. But he found by experience that the prediction of Condamine was too well founded. * The thermometer of Celfius, which is uſed in Sweden, has a ſcale of 100 degrees from the freezing to the boiling water point. Theſe are the principal thermometers now uſed in Europe; and the temperatures indicated by any of them may be reduced into the correſponding degrees on any of the others by means of the following fimple theorems; in which R fignifies the degrees on the ſcale of Reaumur, F thoſe of Fahrenheit, and S thoſe of the Swediſh thermometer. 1. To convert the degrees of Reaumur into thofe of Fah- renheit; +32= F. RX 9 4 2. To convert the degrees of Fahrenheit into thoſe of 'Reaumur ; (F-32) × 4 9 =R. 3. To convert the Swediſh degrees into thoſe of Fahrenheit; SX9 5 +32=F. 4. To convert Fahrenheit's into Swediſh; (F-32) X5 =S. 9 454 MACHINES. 5. To convert Swedish degrees into thofe of Reaumur $ x 4 5 ~R. .6. To convert Reaumur's degrees into Swedish; =S. RX5 4 To fuch readers as are unacquainted with the algebraic ex- preffion of arithmetical formulæ, it will be fufficient to exprefs one or two of theſe in words to explain their ufe.-1. Multiply the degree of Reaumur by 9, divide the product by 4, and to the quotient add 32, the fum expreffes the degree on the ſcale of Fahrenheit.-2. From the degree of Fahrenheit fubtract 32, multiply the remainder by 4, and divide the product by 9, the quotient is the degree according to the ſcale of Reaumur, &c. As in meteorological obfervations it is neceffary to attend to the greateſt riſe and fall of the thermometer, attempts have been made to conftruct a thermometer which might regiſter the greateft degree of heat, or greateſt degree of cold, which took place during the abfence of the obferver. In 1782 Mr. Six propofed a felf-regiſtering thermometer. It is properly a fpirit-of-wine thermometer, though mercury is alfo employed for fupporting an index. ab (fig. 10. pl. XXXVII.) is a thin tube of glafs 16 inches long, and 5-16ths of an inch caliber: c d e and fg b are ſmaller tubes, about 1-20th of an inch caliber. Theſe three tubes are filled with highly rectified ſpirit of wine, except the ſpace between d and g, which is filled with mercury. As the fpirit of wine contracts or expands in the middle tube, the mercury falls or rifes in the outfide tubes. An index, made of thin wire with a knob, is placed on the furface, within each of theſe tubes, fo light as to float upon it. k is a ſmall glaſs tube 3-4ths of an inch long, hermetically fealed at each end, and inclofing a piece of fteel wire nearly of its own length. At each end l, m, of this fmall tube, a ſhort tube of black glafs is fixed, of fuch a diameter as to paſs freely up and down within either of the outfide tubes of the thermo- meter ce or fb, From the upper end of the index is drawn a fpring of glaſs to the fineness of a hair, and about 5-7ths of an inch long; which being placed a little oblique, preffes lightly against the inner furface of the tube, and prevents the index from defcending when the mercury defcends. Theſe indexes being inferted one into each of the outfide tubes, it is eaſy to underſtand how they point out the greateſt heat or cold that has happened in the obferver's abfence. When the ſpirit of wine in the middle tube expands, it preffes down the mercury in the tube hf, and confequently raiſes it in the tube ec; confequently the index on the left hand tube is left behind and marks the • • Thermometers. 455 greateſt cold, and the index in the right hand tube riſes and marks the greateſt heat. In 1790 a paper was prefented to the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, defcribing two thermometers, newly invented, by Dr. John Rutherford of Middle Balilish; the one for regiſtering the higheft and the other for regiſtering the loweſt degree of heat to which the thermometer has rifen or fallen during the abſence of the obferver. An account of them may be found in the third volume of the Tranfactions of the Society. A new felf-regiſtering_thermometer has more lately been invented by Mr. Keith of Ravelftone, which we confider as the moft ingenious, fimple, and perfect, of any which has hitherto appeared. Its fimplicity is fo great, that it requires only a very fhort deſcription to make it intelligible. It is conftituted, firſt, of a thin glafs tube about fourteen inches long, and 3-4ths of an inch caliber, cloſe or hermetically fealed at top. To the lower end, which is open, there is joined a crooked glaſs tube feven inches long, and 4-1oths of an inch caliber, and open at its top, which, of courſe, is level with the middle of the firſt tube. The former tube is filled with the ſtrongeſt ſpirit of wine, and the latter tube with mercury. This is properly a ſpirit-of-wine thermometer, and the mercury is uſed merely to fupport a piece of ivory or glaſs, to which is affixed a wire for raiſing one index or depreffing another, according as the mercury rifes or falls. There is a fmall conical piece of ivory or glafs, of ſuch a weight as to float on the ſurface of the mercury. To the float is joined a wire called the float-wire, which reaches upwards, where it terminates in a knee bent at right angles. The float-wire, by means of an eye at its extremity, moves eafily along a fmall vertical harpsichord wire. There are two indexes made of thin black-oiled filk, which flide upwards or downwards with a force not more than two grains. The one placed above the knee points out the greateſt riſe, and the one placed below it points out the greateft fall, of the thermometer. When the inftrument is to be prepared for an obfervation, both indexes are to be brought clofe to the knee. It is evident, that when the mercury rifes, the float and float-wire, which can be moved with the fmalleft force, will be pushed upwards till the mercury becomes stationary. As the knee of the float- wire moves upwards it will carry along with it the upper index. When the mercury again fubfides, it leaves the index at the higheſt point to which it was raifed, for it will not defcend by its own weight: as the mercury falls, the float-wire does the fame; it therefore brings along with it the lower index, and continues to deprefs it till it again becomes ftationary or aſcends in the tube; in which cafe it leaves the lower index behind it as 456 MACHINES. ་ it had formerly left the upper. The fcale to which the indexes point is placed parallel to the flender harpfichord wire. That the ſcale and indexes may not be injured by the wind and rain, a cylindrical glafs cover, cloſe at top, and made fo as exactly to fit, is placed over it. 1 The ingenious inventor has another improvement, which, if upon trial it be found to anſwer, will make this thermometer, as perfect as can be defired, provided there do not ariſe ſome errors from the variable preffure of the atmoſphere. He própofes to adapt clock-work to this thermometer, in fuch a way as to regiſter with the utmoſt preciſion the degrees of heat and cold for every month, day, and minute, in the year. An account of this latter improvement may be feen in Nicholfon's Journal, vol. iii. 4to feries, or Edin. Tranfac. vol. iv. The common contrivance for a ſelf-regiſtering thermometer, now fold in moſt of the London fhops, confifts fimply of two thermometers, one mercurial and the other of alcohol (fig. 4. pl. XXXI.) having their ftems horizontal: the former has for its index a ſmall bit of magnetical ſteel wire, and the latter a minute thread of glaſs, having its two ends formed into ſmall knobs by fuſion in the flame of a candle. The magnetical bit of wire lies in the vacant fpace of the mercurial thermometer, and is pushed forward by the mercury whenever the temperature rifes, and puſhes that fluid againſt it : but when the temperature falls and the fluid retires, this index is left behind, and confequently fhews the maximum. The other index, or bit of glaſs, lies in the tube of the ſpirit thermo- meter immerſed in the alcohol, and when the ſpirit retires by depreffion of temperature, the index is carried along with it in apparent contact with its interior furface: but on increaſe of temperature the fpirit goes forward and leaves the index, which therefore fhews the minimum of temperature fince it was fet. As theſe indexes merely lie in the tubes, their reſiſtance to motion is altogether inconfiderable. The ſteel index is brought to the mercury by applying a magnet on the outſide of the tube, and the other is duly placed at the end of the column of alcohol by inclining the whole inſtrument. Mr. Nicholſon explains the operation of this inftrument thus: "When the furface of the column of ſpirit is viewed by a magnifier, it is ſeen to have the form of a concave hemiſphere, which thews that the liquid is attracted by the glafs., The glafs in that place is confequently attracted in the oppofite direction by a force equal to that which is ſo employed in main- taining that concave figure; and if it were at liberty to move, it would be drawn back till the flat ſurface was reftored. Let us fuppofe a ſmall ſtick or piece of glafs to be loofe within the Differential Thermometer. 457 tube, and to protrude into the vacant ſpace beyond the ſurface of the alcohol. The fluid will be attracted alſo by this glaſs, and form a concave between its furface and that of the bore of the tube. But the ſmall interior piece being quite at liberty to move, will be drawn towards the fpirit fo long as the attractive force poffeffes any activity; that is, fo long as any additional fluid hangs round the glaſs; or, in other words, until the end of the ftick of glaſs is even with the furface. Whence it is feen that the ſmall piece of glaſs will be refifted, in any action that may tend to protrude it beyond the furface of the fluid; and if this refiftance be greater than the force required to flide it along in the tube (as in fact it is), the piece muſt be flided along as the alcohol contracts; fo as always to keep the piect within the fluid. And this fact is accordingly obſerved to take place." Nich. Jour. N. S. N°. 47. ▼ Mr. Leflie, well known for his ingenious "Experimental Enquiry into the Nature and Propagation of Heat," has invented a Differential Thermometer for the meaſurement of minute varia- tions of temperature. It confifts of two tubes, each terminating in a ſmall bulb of the fame dimenſions, joined by the blow- pipe, and bent in the form of a U, a ſmall portion of dark coloured liquor having previouſly been introduced into one of the balls. After many trials, the fluid beft adapted to the purpoſe was found to be a ſolution of carmine in concentrated fulphuric acid. By managing the included air with the heat of the hand, this red liquor is made to ftand at the required point of the oppofite tube. This is the zero of a ſcale faftened to that tube, and divided into equal parts above and below that point. The inftrument is then fixed on a ftand. It is manifeft that when the liquor is at reft, or points at zero, the column is preffed in oppofite directions by two portions of air equal in elafticity, and containing equal quantities of caloric. Whatever heat, then, may be applied to the whole inftrument, provided both bulbs receive it in the fame degree, the liquor muſt remain at reſt. But if the one ball receives the flighteſt exceſs of temperature, the air which it contains will be proportionally expanded, and will puſh the liquid againſt the air in the other bulb with a force, varying as the difference between the tem- peratures of thoſe two portions of air: thus the equilibrium will be deftroyed, and the fluid will rife in the oppofite tube. The degrees of the ſcale through which it paffes will mark the fucceffive augmentations in the temperature of the, ball, which is expoſed to the greatest heat. So that this inftrument is a balance of extreme delicacy for comparing the temperatures of its two ſcales. It is a fmall variation from this thermometer that conſtitutes 458 MACHINES. Mr. Lellie's Photometer. Thoſe who wish to learn more of the nature of this latter-mentioned inſtrument, may confult Mr. Leflie's Treatife on Heat, Nicholfon's Journal, vol. iii. 4to. or fome acute remarks in the Edinburgh Review, No. 13. When thermometers are deviſed to meaſure very great de- grees of heat, they are uſually called by another name. See PYROMETER. The thermometer and barometer together are very uſeful in determining the altitudes of mountains, &c. according to the rules delivered in our firft volume, book v. For this purpoſe they are fixed in fuch a frame as to be conveniently portable. (See BAROMETER.) Other portable inftruments by Mr. M'Guire and M. Humbolt, which we omitted mentioning in that article, are deſcribed, the former in the Tranfactions of the Royal Irish Academy for 1787, the latter in Journal de Phyfique, an 7. or Tilloch's Philofophical Magazine, No. 15. THRASHING MACHINES, in a country like ours, where agriculture has been fo fuccefsfully cultivated, can hardly be denied to be of great utility: for which reaſon, although theſe machines are not yet brought to fuch a ſtate of perfection as is to be wifhed, we conceive it will not be improper to give an account of ſome of the moſt ingenious. The first thrashing machine which has come to our know- ledge is that manufactured in 1732 by Mr. Michael Menzies of Edinburgh it confifted, as far as we have been able to aſcer- tain, of numerous inftruments, refembling flails, which were attached to a moveable beam, and inclined to the latter in an angle of ten degrees. On each fide of fuch beam were placed floors, or benches, on which the fheaves were fpread; the flails being moved forward and backward on theſe benches by a crank that was fixed to the end of an axle, revolving about thirty times in a minute. The fecond machine was inventedin 1753 by Mr. Michael Sterling of Dumblaine, Perthfhire: his firft models were very imperfect; but, after repeated alterations, he completed it in its prefent form, in 1758; and it now confifts of an outer, or water-wheel, having an inner wheel, furniſhed with forty-eight cogs, and turning on the fame axle. With this cog-wheel is connected a vertical trundle, or pinion, with feven notches; and the axle of which paffes through a floor above the wheel; its upper pivot being fecured in a beam fix inches above the floor. At the height of three feet three inches from the latter, two ftraight pieces of fquared wood (each being four feet in length) are inferted through the axle of the pinion, at right angles, ſo as to form four arms that are moved round horizon- tally. To the end of thefe arms are affixed four iron plates, Thrafbing Mashines. 439 each twenty inches in length, and eight inches in breadth at the extremity neareſt to the arms, but tapering to a point at the op- pofite ends. The horizontal fly, here defcribed, conftitutes four thrashers, and is incloſed in a cylindrical wooden box, that is three and a half feet high, and eight feet in diameter: on the top of this box is an opening eight inches in width, extending a foot and a half from the circumference to its centre, and through which the fheaves of corn defcend; the latter being previoufly opened, and laid feparately on a board provided with two ledges, gra- dually declining towards fuch port, or opening. Within the cylindrical box there is an inclined plane, along which the ſtraw and grain fall into a wire-riddle two feet ſquate, that is placed immediately beneath a hole of a fimilar fize: the riddle is jerked at each revolution of the fpindle, by means of a knob fixed on its fide; and is thruſt backward by a fmall ſpring that preſſes it in a contrary direction. Thus, the fhort straw, to- gether with the grain and chaff, that pafs through the wide riddle, fall inſtantly into an oblong ſtraight riddle, one end of which is raifed, and the other depreffed, by a fimilar con- trivance. And, as the riddle laft-mentioned is not provided with a ledge at the lower end, the long chaff, which cannot pafs through, drops thence to the ground, while the gram and fmaller chaff defcend into a pair of common barn-fanners, and are thus feparated with great exactneſs. Theſe fanners are moved by means of a rope, that runs in a fhallow groove cut on the circumference of the cog-wheel. In the mean tinre, the ftraw collected in the lower part of the box over the wide riddle, and through an opening two feet and a half ſquare, is drawn down to the ground with a rake, by the perfons em ployed to form it into truffes. In 1772 another thrashing-machine was invented by Mr. Alderton of Alnwick, and Mr. Smart of Wark, Northumber- land. The operation was performed by rubbing: the theaves being carried round between an indented drum fix feet in dia meter, and numerous indented rollers, that were arranged round; and attached to, this drum by means of ſprings; fo that during the revolution of the machinery, the corn was fe- parated from the ftraw by conftant friction against the flutings of the drum. But this contrivance was foon difufed; as many grains were thus cruſhed between the rollers. The next invention is that of Mr. Andrew Meikle, in 1785, who obtained a patent, which is now expired: we have there- fore given a plate (XXXIV), reprefenting in fig. 1. the plan. of elevation in fig. 2, the ground plan; and in fig. 3. the 1 460 MACHINES. effential parts of the machinery, fo as to convey a tolerably ac- curate idea of his principle. A (fig. 1. and 2.) is a large horizontal fpur-wheel, which has 276 cogs, and moves the pinion B, having fourteen teeth. The latter imparts motion to a crown-wheel, C, that is pro- vided with eighty-four cogs, and moves a fecond pinion, D, which is furniſhed with fixteen teeth. This pinion D, turns the drum H I K L (fig. 1. 2. and 3.), being a hollow cylin- der, three feet and a half in diameter, and placed horizontally: on its outfide are fixed, by means of fcrew-bolts, four fcutchers, or pieces of wood, one fide of which is faced with a thin iron plate; and which are difpofed at an equal diſtance from each other, and at right angles to the axis of the drum. P (fig. 2. and 3.) is an inclined board, on which the fheaves are ſpread, and whence they are introduced between two fluted cast-iron rollers, G, G (fig. 3.), that are three and a half inches in diameter, and revolve about thirty-five times in one minute. Thefe rollers being only three-fourths of an inch from the fcutchers or leaves of the drum HIKL (fig. 1. and 2.), ſerve to keep the fheaves ſteady, while the fcutchers a, b, c, d (fig. 2. and 3.), move with confiderable velocity, and thus feparate the grain from the ftraw, while both are thrown on the concave rack M (fig. 2.), which lies horizontally with flender parallel ribs; fo that the corn may paſs through them into the fubjacent hopper N (fig. 1. and 3.). O (fig. 3.) is a riddle or harp, through which the corn drops into a pair of fanners, P (fig. 1. and 3.), and from theſe it is generally obtained in a ftate fit for the market. Q R´T S is a rake, conſiſting of four leaves, or thin pieces of wood; at the extremity of each is placed a row of teeth, e, f, g, h, that are five inches long. This rake moves in the concave rack M, (fig. 2.), in a circular direction; while the teeth catch the ſtraw that had been thrown by the fcutchers a, b, c, d, into the rack, and remove it to the contiguous place, V. W (fig. 1.) reprefents the horſe's courſe, which is twenty- feven feet in diameter. X (fig. 1. and 2.) is the pillar for ſupporting the beams on which the axle of the fpur-wheel is fixed. Y, Y, Y (fig. 1.), and Y, Y (fig. 2.), fhew the ſpindles, the defign of which is to move the two fluted rollers, the rake, and the fanners. To the deſcription now given we have only to add, that the drum has a covering of wood at a ſmall diſtance above it, for the purpoſe of keeping the fheaves cloſe to the fcutchers. Thrashing Machines. 461 The number of perfons requifite for attending the mill when working is fix: one perfon drives the horſes.; a fecond hands the fheaves to a third who unites them, while a fourth fpreads them on the inclined boards, and preffes them gently between the rollers; a fifth perſon is neceſſary to riddle the corn as it falls from the fanners, and a fixth to remove the ſtraw. This machine can be moved equally well by water, wind, or horfes. Mr. Meikle has made fuch improvements on the wind- mill as to render it much more manageable and convenient than formerly; and we are informed many wind-mills are now erect- ing in different parts of the country. As to the comparative ex- pence of theſe different machines, the erection of the horſe-ma- chine is leaft; but then the expence of employing horfes muft be taken into confideration. One of this kind may be erected for 70l. A water-mill will coſt ic/ more, on account of the expence of the water-wheel. A wind-mill will coſt from 2001. to 300l. fterling. In thrashing machines, however, cheapnefs fhould not be the only confideration. It often happens in machinery, that things apparently cheap are ultimately very dear. Thrashing of corn requires a ſtrong power, which neither weak men nor flight machines are competent to. On this account, ftrong and durable machines are to be recommended as cheapeſt in the end; performing more work, in a better manner, and not need- ing frequent repairs. Some other well-conftructed thrashing-machines are defcribed in Gray's Experienced Mill-wright, and in the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. + With respect to the quantity of corn which a machine will thraſh in a given time, it is not eaſy to give any preciſe in- formation: the moſt important we have yet met with is given by Mr. Fenwick, who found from numerous experiments that a power capable of raiſing a weight of 1000 pounds with a uniform velocity of fifteen feet per minute, will thrash two bolls- (eight bushels) of wheat in an hour; and that a power fufficient. to raiſe the fame weight with a velocity of twenty-two feet per minute, will thrash three bolls of the fame grain in an hour. From theſe facts, this gentleman has computed the following table, which is applicable to machines that are driven either by water or horſes. 462 MACHINES: TABLE of the power of thrashing-machines. Gallons of Gallons of [Gallons of water per water per water per minute, ale-minute, ale-minute, ale- measure, micastre, measure, discharged discharged discharged fon an over-on an over-on an over- shot wheel shot wheel 10. feet in Number of horses working shot wheel 9 hours. 20 feet in diameter. Bolts of Bolls thrash- wheat ed in 94 thrashed in an hour. hours actual working, or in a day diameter. 15 feet in diameter. 230 160 130 I 390 296 205 528 380 272 660 470 340 790 565 400 970 680 500 2357 1234 esto 19 28/12/ 47- 9 85 32/25 to 95 I 2 3 4 5 6 The firft four columns of the preceding table contain different quantities of impelling power, and the laft two exhibit the number of bolts of wheat in Winehefter meaſure, which fuch powers are capable of thrashing in an hour, or in a day. Six horfes, for example, are capable of thrashing ten bolls of wheat in an hour, or ninety-five in the ſpace of nine hours and a half, or a working day; and 680 gallons of water diſcharged into the buckets of an overfhot water-wheel during a minute, will thrash the fame quantity of grain. TIDE-MILLS, as their name imports, are fuch as employ for their firſt mover the flowing and ebbing tide, either in the fea or a river. Mills of this kind have not often, we believe, been erected in England, though feveral of our rivers, and particularly the Thames, the Humber, and the Severn, in which the tide rifes to a great height, furnish a very powerful mover to drive any kind of machinery, and would allow of tide-mills being very advantageouſly constructed upon their banks. The erection of fuch mills is not to be recommended univerfally, as they are attended with a confiderable original expence; befides that fome of their parts will require frequent repairs: but in fome places where coals are very dear they may, on the whole, be found leſs expenſive than ſteam-engines to perform the fame work, and may on that account be preferred even to them. We have not been able to aſcertain who was the firft con- triver of a tide-mill in this country, nor at what time one was firft erected. The French have not been fo negligent refpecting the origin of this important invention as to let it drop into ob- Tide-mills. 463 fcurity; but have taken care to inform us that fuch mills were uſed in France early in the last century. Belidor mentions the name of the inventor, at the fame time that he ſtates ſomę pe- culiar advantages of this fpecies of machine. "L'on en at- tribue," fays he, "la première invention à un nomme Perfe, maître charpentier de Dunkerque, qui mérite affurément beau- coup d'éloge, n'y ayant point de gloire plus digne d'un bon citoyen, que celle de produire, quelqu' invention utile à la fo- cieté. En effet, combien n'y a-t'il point de chofes effentielles à la vie, dont on ne connoît le prix que quand on en eft privé: les moulins en général font dans ce cas-là. On doit fçavoir bon gré à ceux qui nous ont mis en état d'en conftruire par-tout: par exemple à Calais, comme il n'y ferpente point de rivieres, on n'y a point fait juſqu'ici de moulins à eau, & ceux qui vont par le vent chômant un partie de l'année, il y a des tems où cette ville fe trouve fans farine, & j'ai vu la garnifon en 1730, obligée de faire venir du pain de Saint-Omer, au lieu qu'en ſe ſervant du flux & reflux de la mer, on pourroit conftruire autant de moulins à eau que l'on voudroit: il y a d'autres villes dans le voifinage de la mer fujettes au même inconvénient, parce qu' apparemment elles ignorent le moyen d'y remédier." Mills to be worked by the rifing and falling of the tide admit of great variety in the effential parts of their conftruction; but this 'variety may perhaps be reduced to four general heads, ac- cording to the manner of action of the water-wheel. 1. The water-wheel may turn one way when the tide rifes, and the contrary when it falls. 2. The water-wheel may be made to turn always in one direction. 3. The water-wheel may fall and rife as the tide ebbs and flows. 4. The axle of the water-wheel may be fo fixed as that it fhall neither rife nor fall, though the Fotatory motion ſhall be given to the wheel, while at one time it is only partly, at another completely, immerſed in the fluid. In the mills we have examined, the firſt and third of thefe di- viſions have been ufually exemplified in one machine; and the fecond and fourth may readily be united in another: we fhall, therefore, fpeak of them under two divifions only. I. When the water-wheel rifes and falls, and turns one way with the rifing tide, and the contrary when it ebbs. In order to explain the nature of this fpecies of tide-mill, we fhalf defcribe one which has lately been erected on the right bank of the Thames at Eaft-Greenwich, under the direction of Mr. John Lloyd, an ingenious engineer of Brewer's-green, Weftminſter. 'This mill is intended to grind corn, and works 8 pairs of ftones. The fide of the mill-houſe parallel to the courfe of the river arcaſures 40 feet within; and as the whole of this may be opened to the river by fluice-gates, which are carried down to < 464. MACHINES. 驾 ​น the low water-mark in the river, there is a forty-feet waterway to the mill: through this waterway the water paffes during the rifing tide into a large reſervoir, which occupies about 4 acres of land and beyond this refervoir is a ſmaller one in which water is kept, for the purpoſe of being let out occafionally at low water to cleanſe the whole works from mud and ſediment, which would otherwife in time clog the machinery. The water-wheel has its axle in a pofition parallel to the fide of the river, that is, parallel to the fluice-gates which admit water from the river: the length of this wheel is 26 feet, its diameter 11. feet, and its number of float-boards 32. Theſe boards do not each rum on in one plane from one end of the wheel to the other, but the whole length of the wheel is divided into four equal portions, and the parts of the float-boards belonging to each of thefe portions fall: gradually one lower than another, each by one fourth of the diſtance from one board to another, meaſuring on the circumference of the wheel. This contriv ance, which will be better understood by referring to fig. 6. pl. XXXV. (fhewing a part of the wheel), is intended to equal- ize the action of the water upon the wheel, and prevent its moving by jerks. The wheel, with its incumbent apparatus, weighs about 20 tons, the whole of which is raiſed by the im- pulfe of the flowing tide when admitted through the fluice- gates. It is placed in the middle of the water-way, leaving a paffage on each ſide of about 6 feet for the water to flow into the refervoir, befides that which in its motion turns the wheel round. Soon after the tide has rifen to the higheſt (which at this mill is often 20 feet above the low water-mark), the water is permitted to run back again from the reſervoir into the river, and by this means it gives a rotatory motion to the water-wheel, in a contrary direction to that with which it moved when im- . pelled by the rifing tide: the contrivance by which the wheel is raiſed and depreffed, and that by which the whole interior mo- tions of the mill are, preferved in the fame direction, although that in which the water-wheel moves is changed, are fo truly ingenious as to deferve a diftin&t defcription, illuftrated by dia- grams: Let, then, AB (fig. 5. pl. XXXV.) be a fection of the water wheel, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. its floats, CD the first cog-. wheet upon the fame axis as the water-wheel: the vertical ſhaft Picarries the two equal wallower-wheels E and F, which are fo fituated on the fhaft that one or other of them may, as oc- cafion requires; be brought to be driven by the firft wheel CD; and thus (by what has been faid under the article REVERSING of motions the firft. wheel acting upon Fand E at points dia- metrically oppofite, will, although its own motion is reverſed, communicate the rotatory motion to the vertical fhaft ways in $ • } Tide-mills. 465 gear, the fame direction. In the figure the wheel E is fhewn in while F is clear of the cog-wheel CD; and at the turn of the tide the wheel F is let into gear, and E is thrown out: this is effected by the lever G, whofe fulcrum is at H, the other end being fufpended by the rack K, which has hold of the pinion L on the fame axle as the wheel M; into this wheel plays the pinion N, the winch O on the other end of whoſe axle fur niſhes ſufficient advantage to enable a man to elevate or de- prefs the wallower-wheels, as required. The centre of the lever may be shewn more clearly by fig. 6. pl. XXXV. where ab is a fection of the lever, which is compofed of two ſtrong bars of iron, as ab: there are two fteel ftuds or pins which work in the grooves of the grooved wheel I, this wheel being fixed on the four rods furrounding the ſhaft, of which three only can be ſhewn in the figures, as c, d, e ; the ends of theſe are ſcrewed fast by bolts to the fockets of the wallower-wheels, and they are nicely fitted on the vertical ſhaft ſo as to flide with little friction: thus the wallowers may be raiſed or lowered upon the upright shaft, while the gudgeon on which it turns retains the fame pofition. When the top wallower is in gear, it reſts on a ſhoulder that prevents it from going too far down; and when the bottom one is in gear there is a bolt that goes through the top wheel ſocket and ſhaft, which takes the weight from the lever G, at the fame time that it prevents much fric- tion on the ftuds or pins of the lever which works in the grooved wheel I. When the tide is flowing after the mill has ftopped a fuffi- cient time to gain a moderate head of water, the fluid is fuffered to enter and fall upon the wheel at the fluice Q (fig. 5.), and the tail water to run out at the fluice R. The hydrostatic preffure of the head of water acting againſt the bottom of the wheel-frame S, and at the fame time acting between the fold- ing-gates TW, which are thus converted into very large hydro- ſtatic bellows, buoys up the wheel and frame (though weigh- ing, as before obferved, nearly 20 tons), and makes them gra- dually to rife higher and higher, fo that the wheel is never, as the workmen express it, drowned in the flowing water; nor can the water efcape under the wheel-frame, being prevented by the folding-gates, which pafs from one end to the other of the wheel. In this way the wheel and frame are buoyed up by a head of 4 feet; and the mill works with a head of 5 or 54 feet. When the tide is ebbing, and the water from the reſervoir running back again into the river, it might perhaps be expected that in confequence of the gradual fubfiding of the water the water-wheel thould as gradually lower: but left any of the VOL. II. HN 466: MACHINES. ! + water confined between the wheel-frame at S and the folding- gates TW fhould prevent this, there are ſtrong rackworks of caft-iron, by which the wheel-frame can be either fufpended at any altitude or gradually let down fo as to give the water re- turning from the refervoir an advantageous head upon the wheel: then the fluice R is fhut, and V opened as well as X, the water entering at X to act upon the wheel, and flowing out at R. The upper furface of the wheel-frame is quadrangular, and at each angle is a ſtrong caft-irón bar, which flides up and down in a proper groove, that admits of the vertical motion, but prevents all fuch lateral deviation as might be occafioned by the impulfion of the ftream. At each end of the water-wheel there is a vertical fhaft, with wallowers and a firft cog-wheel, as F, E, and CD; and each of theſe vertical fhafts turns a large horizontal wheel at a ſuitable diſtance above the wallowers, while each horizontal wheel drives 4 equal pinions placed at equal or quadrantal diſtances on its periphery, each pinion having a vertical fpindle, on the upper part of which the upper millstone of its refpective pair is fixed. Other wheels driven by one or other of thefe pinions. giving motion to the bolting and dreffing machines, and differ- ent fubordinate parts of the mill. Although the vertical ſhaft at each end of the water-wheel rifes and falls with that wheel, yet the large horizontal wheel turning with fuch fhaft does not likewife rife and fall, but re- mains always in the fame horizontal plane, and in contact with the four pinions it drives. The contrivance for this pur- pofe is very fimple, but very efficacious: each great horizontal wheel has a nave, which runs upon friction-rollers, and has a fquare aperture pafling through it vertically, juft large enough to allow the fhaft P to flide freely up and down in it, but not to turn round without communicating its rotatory motion to the wheel: thus the weight of the wheel cauſes it to prefs upon the friction-rollers, and retain the fame horizontal planes, and the action of the angles of the vertical fhaft upon the cor- refponding parts of the fquare orifice in the nave caufes it to partake of the rotatory motion, fuch motion being always in one direction in confequence of the contrivance by which one or other of the wallowers EF is brought into contact with the oppofite points of the first cog-wheel CD. Several of the fubordinate parts of this mill are admirably conftructed; but we can only notice here the means by which The direction of the motion in the dreffing and bolting machines may be varied at pleaſure. On a vertical thaft are fixed, at the tiffance of about 15 or 18 inches, two equal cog-wheels, and an- other toothed wheelattached to a horizontal axle is made fo as to * Tide-mills. - 467 be moveable up and down by a ſcrew, and thus brought into contact with either the upper or lower of the two cog-wheels on the vertical ſhaft; thus, it is manifeft the motion is reverfed with great facility by changing the poſition of the horizontal axle fo that the wheel upon it may be driven by the two cog wheels alternately. A wheel and pinion working at the other end of the horizontal axle will communicate the motion to the dreffing-machines.. 16 t TO ROUTLoraind MR 29ES TA ་་ Mr. W. Dryden, Mr. Lloyd's foreman, employed in the erec- tion of this mill, fuggefts that a nearly fimilar mode may be advantageouſly adopted in working the dreffing-machines ini wind-mills: three wheels, all of different diameters, may be employed, two of them, as A and C, turning upon a vertical fhaft, and the third, B, upon an inclined one. In fig. 10. pl. XXXV. the wheels A and B are fhewn in gear, while C is out; and if A be ftruck out by fome fuch contrivance as is adopted with regard to the firft cog-wheel and wallowers (fig. 5.6.), C would come in contact with B, while A would be free, and fo communicate a motion to B the reverfe way. By this contrivance it, would be eafy, when the winds are strong and give a rapid motion to the vertical axle, to bring C to drive B the wheel on the axle of the dreffing-machines, and on the contrary, when the wind was flack, and the confequent motion of the machinery flow, let C be thrown out of gear and the wheel B driven by the larger wheel A, as fhewn in the figure. { We ſhould have been glad to fee adopted in this well-con- ſtructed mill a contrivance recommended and purſued by the American millwrights, for raifing the ground corn to the cool- ing-boxes or beaches from which it is to be conveyed into the bolting-machine. In this mill, as in all we have feen, the corn is put into bags at the troughs below the mill-ftones, and thence raifed to the top of the mill-houfe by a rope folding upon bar- rels turned by fome of the interior machinery of the mill. In the American method a large fcrew is placed horizontally in the trough which receives the flour from the millstones. The thread or fpiral line of the fcrew is compofed of pieces of wood about two inches broad and three long, fixed into a wooden cy- linder feven or eight feet in length, which forms the axis of the fcrew, When the fcrew is turned round this axis, it forces the meal from one end of the trough to the other, where it falls into another trough, from which it is raifed to the top of the mill-houfe by means of elevators, a piece of machinery fimilar to the chain-pump. Theſe elevators confift of a chain of buckets or concave veffels like large teacups, fixed at proper diftances upon a leathern band, which goes round two wheels, one of which is placed at the top of the mill-boule, and, the MH 2 1. 0.1% 10. SOGEIN 465 MACHINES. } other at the bottom, in the meal-trough. When the wheels are put in motion, the band revolves, and the buckets, dipping into the meal-trough, convey the flour to the upper story, where they diſcharge their contents. The band of buckets is inclofed in two fquare boxes, in order to keep them clean, and preferve them from injury. But it is time to direct our attention, 2. To tide-mills in which the axle of the water-wheel neither rifes nor falls, and in which that wheel is made always to revolve in the fame direction. A water-wheel of this kind muft manifeftly at the time of high-tide be almoft if not entirely immerfed in the fluid: and to conſtruct a wheel to work under fuch circumftances is, ob- viouſly, a matter which requires no fmall ſkill and ingenuity. The firft perfons who deviſed a wheel which might be turn- ed by the tide, when completely immerfed in it, were Meffrs, Goffet and de la Deuille. Their wheel is defcribed by Belidor in nearly the following terms: Suppofe GH (fig. 12. pl. XXXV.) to denote the furface of the water at high-tide, the line LM the furface at low water, and that the current follows the direction of the arrow N; the problem is to construct the wheel fuch that it may always turn upon its axis IK. The figure juft referred to is a profile of an affemblage of carpentry which must be repeated feveral times along the arbor, accord- ing to the length which it is propoſed to give to the float-boards; and the planks or plates which compofe thefe floats must be hang to the other parts of the frame by as many joints as are neceffary to enable them to fuftain the impulfe of the water without bending. The fole peculiarity of this wheel confifts in hanging upon the tranfverfe beams in the frame-work, by hinges, the planks which are to compofe the float-boards; fo that they may prefent themſelves in face, as D,D,D, when they are at the bottom of the wheel, to receive the full ftroke of the ftream; and, on the contrary, they prefent only their edges, as at A, A, A, when they are brought towards the fummit of the wheel: hence, the water having a far greater effect upon the lower than the upper parts of the wheel, compels it to revolve in the order of the letters; inftead of which, if the floatboards were fixed, as in the ufual way, the impulfe of the fluid upon the wheel would be nearly the fame in all its parts, and it would remain immoveable. We fee, at once, that the boards D, D, D, having moved to- wards M, then begin to float, as at E, E, E, and more ftill at EF, F, but that it is not till they arrive at A,A,A, that they attain the horizontal poſition; after that, having arrived at B, B, B, they begin to drop towards the beams to which they Tide-mills. 469 are hooked, and as foon as they have paffed the level of the axle IK, the ftream commences its full action upon them, which it attains completely between C, C, C, and E, E, E, and this whether the furface of the water be at GH or at EM! for even in the latter cafe it is manifeft that the float-boards are entirely immerſed when in the vertical pofition PQ. · Belidor fays he was prefent at the firſt trial of fuch a wheel at Paris, and that it was attended with all the fuccefs that could be defired. A water-wheel has been lately invented by Mr. Dryden,:: which will work when nearly immerfed in the water of a flow- ing tide. Fig. 4. pl. XXXV. is an elevation of this wheel, its upper parts being fuppofed to ftand a foot or two higher than the tide ever rifes: the axis of this wheel remains always in one place, and the wheel will work at high water when the head is at B and the tail-water at the dotted line A; it will alſo perform nearly the fame work when the head is at C, and the tail-water level with the bottom of the wheel. The floats are all fet at one and the fame angle with the reſpective radit of the wheel, as may be ſeen in the figure, and are made fo as to have an opening of at leaſt an inch between each float and the drum-boarding of the wheel. This opening is intended to prevent the wheel from being impeded by the tail-water for as the bucket riſes out of the water there can be no vacuum” formed in it, there being a full fupply of air, in confequence of which the water leaves the wheel deliberately. The cafe is different with regard to wheels made in the common way for if fuch are open wheels, the floats are made in fuch a manner as to throw the tail-water if they are immerſed any depth in it; or, if they are close, the wheel wants proper vent for the air to prevent the formation of a vacuum in the rifing bucket, or what is called by the miller "fucking up the tail-water." At D is planking made circular to fit the wheel pretty cloſe for rather more than the ſpace of two floats, fo as to confine the water nearly cloſe to the wheel. E, F, G, H, are fuites which are all connected together by the iron bar I, and lifted with the alliſtance of a wheel, two pinions, and a winch, the fifft pinion working into the rack K: thefe fluices are merely for ftopping the wheel when occafion requires, although one might be fuf ficient to fupply the wheel. The rings of this wheel may be made either of caft-iron or of wood; the floats may be on plates riveted together. The flanches on the arms of the wheel exhibited in the ketch are intended to facilitate the fixing of the first cog-wheel: the ring of the wheel may be fixed to the Hanches at the extremity of the arms, and the large flarel made faft to the axle will receive the middle part of the wheel! { 1 470 MACHINES. Fig. 4. pl. XXXVII. is a plan of the houfe in which either of the two latter wheels may be fixed, fhowing in what manner the water may be conveyed always on one fide of the wheel by the affiftance of the four gates A,B,C, and D. When the mill is working from the river, A and B are open, the arrows point out the way the water runs from the river to the bafin; and the dotted lines on the contrary the courſe from the baſin to the river, when A, B, are fhut, and C, D, opened. Thefe gates are made to turn on an axle, which is about fix inches from the middle of the gate; and on the top of the axle is a half-wheel : by fome crane-work connected to it, the gate can be opened or fhut at pleaſure: when a head of water preffes againſt the gates, they will open great part of the way of themſelves, by only letting the catches that keep them fhut be lifted out of their place. X, Y, are two knees of caft-iron, to fupport the poſts that the gates are fixed to. The walls of the building are repreſented at a, b, c, and d. The reader will now be able to form an eſtimate of the com- parative value and ingenuity of the two kinds of tide-mills here defcribed. The fimplicity of conſtruction of the wheels of Goffet, de la Deuille, and Dryden, recommend them ſtrongly; but we entertain fome doubts of their being completely fuccefs- ful in practice: had the curious wheel with the folding gates, &c. figs. 5. 6. pl. XXXV. been placed with its axle perpendicular inſtead of parallel to the courſe of the river, the water might then have always been admitted to act upon the ſame fide of it, and the hydrostatic preffure would have operated as completely in lowering it continually during the time of ebb, as in raifing it continually during the rifing of the tide : thus, as appears to us, would the labour of a man be faved, who according to the prefent conftruction must attend the water-wheel; and all the additional apparatus now requifite to fhift the fpur-wheels would at the fame time be faved, and a confequent diminution of original expence. TURNING, the art of forming hard bodies, as wood, ivory, iron, into a round or oval fhape by means of a machine called a atbe. This art was well known to the ancients, and feems to have been carried by them to a very great degree of perfection; at leaſt, if we believe the teftimony of Pliny and ſeveral other authors, who tell us, that thofe precious vafes enriched with figures in half-relief, which ſtill adorn our cabinets, were turned on the lathe. The art of turning is of confiderable importance, as it contri- butes effentially to the perfection of feveral other arts. The architect uſes it for many ornaments both within and without highly finiſhed houſes. The mathematician, the aſtronomer, Maudflay's Turning Apparatus. 471 * and the natural philofopher, have recourfe to it, not only to embelliſh their inftruments, but alſo to give them the neceffary dimenfion and precifion: and it is an art abfolutely neceflary to the goldfmith, the watchmaker, the joiner, and the fmith. Turning is performed by the lathe, of which there are various kinds, and feveral inftruments, as gouges, chifels, drills, formers, fcrew tales, uſed for cutting what is to be turned into its proper form as the lathe turns round. The molt fimple kind of lathe is a well-known inftrument, and need not be defcribed here: the improved lathes manufactured by Mr. Henry MaudЛlay, of Margaret-ftreet, Cavendish-ſquare, are the moſt curious as well as the moft uſeful of any we have feen, Mr. 7. Farey, jun. who took the drawings of thefe elegant fpecimens of mechanical ingenuity, has accompanied them with a defcription, nearly as below. A (pl. XXXVI. fig. 1.) is the great wheel, with four grooves on the rim : it is worked by a crank B and treadle C, in the common way; the catgut which goes round this wheel paffes alfo round a fmaller wheel D, called the mandrel, which has four grooves on its circumference of different diameters for giving it different velocities, corre- fponding with the four grooves on the great wheel A. In order to make the fame band fuit, when applied to all the different grooves on the mandrel D, the wheel A can be elevated or depreffed by a fcrew a, and another at the other end of the axle; and the connecting-rod C can be lengthened or fhortened by fcrewing the hooks at each end of it further out of, or into it. The end M, fig. 2., of the fpindle of the mandrel D, is pointed, and works in a hole in the end of a ſcrew, put through the ftandard E, fig. 1.; the other end of the bearing F, fig. 2. is conical, and works in a conical focket in the ſtandard F, fig. г. fo that by tightening up the fcrew in E, the conical end F may at any time be made to fit its focket: the puppet G has a cylindric hole through its top to receive the polished pointed rod d, which is moved by the fcrew e, and fixed by the fcrew f the whole puppet is fixed on the triangular prifmatic bar H, by a clamp fig. 8., the two ends of which, a, b, are put through holes, b, in the bottom of the puppet under the bar, and the whole is fixed by the fcrew e preffing againſt it: by this means, the puppet can be taken off the bar without firft taking off the ftandard I, as in the common lathes: and the triangular bar 15 found to be far preferable to the double rectangular one in coms mon ufe. The reft J is a fimilar contrivance; it is in three pieces; fee figs. 3, 4, and 5. Fig. 4. is a piece, the opening (a, b, c) which is laid upon the bar H, fig. 1.; the four legs dddd of fig. 5. are then put up under the bar (into the receffes in fig. 4. which are made to receive them) fo that the notches in dura Weddled pidgi " N. C 11 472. MACHINES. may be level with the top of fig. 4., the two beads eƒ in fig. 3. are then flid into the notches in the top of dddd, fig. 4. to keep the whole together; the groove is to receive a correſponding piece on ef, fig. 3., to fteady it; the whole of fig. 3. has a metallic cover, to keep the chips out of the grooves. It is plain, that by tightening the fcrew h in the bottom of fig. 4. the whole will be fixed and prevented from fliding along the bar H, and fig. 3. from fliding in a direction perpendicular to the bar;. the piece, fig. 3., on which the tool is laid, can be raiſed or lowered at pleaſure, and fixed by the fcrew m. On the end n of the fpindle P, figs. 1, and 2., is fcrewed occafionally an· univerfal CHUCK for holding any kind of work which is to be turned. (fee fig. 6.). A is the female fcrew to receive the fcrew 7, fig. 1., near the bottom of the fcrew A is another fcrew BB, which is prevented from moving endways by a collar in the middle of it fixed to the fcrew Ã: one end of the fcrew BB is cut right handed, and the other left handed; fo that by turning the ſcrew one way, the two nuts EF will recede from each other, or by turning it the contrary way, they will advance towards each other: the two nuts EF país through an opening in the plate C, and project beyond the fame, carrying jaws like thofe of a vice, by which the ſubject to be turned is held. C " For turning faces of wheels, hollow work, &c. where great accuracy is wanted, Mr. Maudflay has contrived a curious apparatus which he calls a ſlide-tool, reprefented by fig. 7., where EEE is the opening to receive the bar H, fig. 1., and it is fixed by the clamp, fig. 8. as before deſcribed: the tool for cutting, &c. is fixed in the two holders bb by their ſcrews; theſe holders are faſtened to a fliding plate 4, which can be moved backwards and forwards by the fcrew c, caufing the tool to advance or recede; fig. 9. reprefents the under fide (turned upward) of the part AA, in which the ſcrew is feen fixed at each end, and the nut d, which is attached to the underfide of the plate a, working upon it. When it is neceffary, as in the turning of the infide of cones, &c. that the tool ſhould not be parallel to the fpindle P, the ſcrew e and another fimilar one behind muſt be loofened, the tool ſet at the proper angle, and then be fcrewed tight again. In order to make the piece AA move truly when it is turned round, there is a hole f, fig. 9., to receive a knob g, fig. 14., upon the plate B, which acts as a centre, and keeps it in its place: there are three holes on each fide in the plate B, fig. 12., to put the ſcrew e in at different times, thus giving to the tool a greater range than the circular openings SS will admit. The part EEEE, reprefented feparately, and inverted in fig. 10, is of caft-iron, and has a fcrew b working in it fimilar to fig. 9.; the nut of this fcrew is attached to the bottom of the . 4 MaudЛlay's Turning Apparatus. 473 flide H, fig. II., at t, which flides in the groove i, figs. 7. and ro.; at one end of it is a box containing a fcrew m, to be hereafter defcribed, and at the other is a frame of brafs KK. Near the fame end of the flide is a pin L, projecting above the plate, which is put through an opening, Jin fig. 12., to ſteady it, while the other end, C of fig. 12., is put through an opening M in the box D, fig. 11. In the part C is an oblique flit // to receive a ſtub which projects from the bottom of the nut n, worked by, the fcrew m, fig. 11.: by this arrangement it is obvious that in the ſcrew m` is worked, the ftub of the nut n, acting againſt the flide of the ſlit // as an inclined plane, will move it either back- wards or forwards through the opening M; a metal cover r, fig. 14, is occafionally put over the opening for the nut z and fcrew m, to prevent the chips from falling in. Near the four corners of the frame, fig. 12., are four fmall projections 0000, with inclined fides, which fit into the four openings pppp of figs. 13. and 7.; theſe openings are cut out in two brafs plates, which are ſcrewed on at right angles to the plate BB, figs. 7. and 13.; the ends qqqq of thefe plates flide between the edges of the frame KK and the box D, fo as to prevent any other motion than a vertical one. When this fide-tool is uled, the puppet G is to be removed or pushed back further from F, and the tool is put upon the bar H, figs. 1., and fixed in the place of the reft J by the clamp, fig. 8.; the diſtance from the centre z is adjuſted by the fcrew b, which moves the flide, fig. 11. in the grooves i, fig. 7. and 10. with the whole apparatus upon it: by the fcrew m, figs. 7. and 11., as before deſcribed, the flide, fig. 12., may be moved in a direction perpendicular to the bar H, fig. 1.; and its projections oo acting againſt the flits pp, figs. 7. and 13., as inclined planes, will raife or lower the plate B as is required. - 1 The tool, which has been before fixed in the holders bb, can be fet at the proper angle, by loofening the ſcrew e, as previouſly deſcribed : and, laſtly, the tool with the holders and flider a can be advanced or withdrawn by working the fcrew e. The nuts of the ſcrews cand b, fig. 7., are not fcrewed faſt to the fliding plates, but are held by two pins t, fig. 11., which fit into grooves u, fig. 10., in each fide of the nut: by thefe means, the fliding plate can at any time be taken out by only unſcrewing one of the braſs fides from the groove i, without taking out the fcrew and nut. In order to make the grooves always fit their flides, the two pieces of braſs yÿ, fig. 7., which compofe the fides of the groove, have elliptic holes for their ſcrews v, ſo as to admit, when the fcrews are flackened, of being pushed inwards by the ſcrews w, which work in a lump of metal caft with the part AA,d berior te , 1 474 MACHINES. 1 The large lathes which Mr. Maudflay ufes in his manufac tory, inſtead of being worked by the foot, as repreſented in fig. 1., are worked by hand; the wheel and fly-wheel which the men turn works by a ſtrap on another wheel, fixed to the ceiling directly over it; on the axis of this wheel is a larger one, which turns another ſmall wheel or pulley, fixed to the ceiling, directly over the mandrel of the lathe; and this laft has on its axis a larger one which works the mandrel D, by a Band of catgut. Theſe latter wheels are fixed in a frame of caſt- iron, moveable on a joint; and this frame has always a ſtrong tendency to rife up, in confequence of the action of a heavy weight; the rope from which, after paffling over a pulley, is faftened to the frame: this weight not only operates to keep the mandrill-band tight, when applied to any of the grooves therein, but always makes the ftrap between the two wheels on the ceiling fit. As it is neceffary that the workman ſhould be able to ftop his lathe, without the men ſtopping who are turning the great wheel, there are two pulleys or rollers (on the axis of the wheel over the lathe), for the ftrap coming from the other wheel on the ceiling; one of theſe pulleys, called the dead pulley, is fixed to the axis and turns with it, and the other which flips round it, is called the live pulley: theſe pulleys are put cloſe to each other, ſo that by flipping the ftrap upon the live pulley, it will not turn the axis; but if it is flipped on the other it will turn with it: this is effected by an horizontal bar, with two upright pins in it, between which the ſtrap paffes. This bar is moved in fuch a direction as will throw the ftrap upon the live pulley, by means of a ſtrong bell-fpring; and in a contrary direction it is moved by a cord faftened to it, which paffes over a pulley, and hangs down within reach of the workman's hand to this cord is faftened a weight, heavy enough to counteract the bell-fpring, and bring the ſtrap up to the dead pulley, to turn the lathe; but when the weight is laid upon a little ſhelf, prepared for the purpoſe, the ſpring will act and ſtop it. + → Mr. Maudflay has likewife fome additional apparatus for cut- ting the teeth of wheels, in which the face of the mandrel D, fig. 1., has ſeventeen concentric circles upon it, each divided into a different number of equal parts, by ſmall holes. There is a thin ftop, x, fig. 1., which moves round on a ſcrew, fixed in the ftandard F: this ftop is made of thin fteel, and is fo fixed, that when it is turned up, and its point inferted into any of the divifions of the mandrel, it will have a fufficient fpring to keep it there the wheel to be cut is faftened, by means of a chuck, to the fcrew n, and after it has been turned, and brought to the proper fhape, the relt J is to be taken away, and the flide-tool fubftituted: alquare bar is then put into the two holders, bb, fig.7. i : Smart's Turning Apparatus. 475 • this bar has two branches for holding the ends of a ſpindle, near one end of which is a pulley, and at the other are four chifels; fixed perpendicularly into the fpindle for cutting out the teeth (inftead of the circular faw commonly ufed): the pulley is turned (with the intervention of feveral wheels to augment the velocity) by the fame great wheel as the lathe, with 7300 re- volutions per minute; the mandrel is then fixed by the ftopx, fig. 1., and the cutter advanced towards the wheel, by the fcrew c, fig. 7. When it has cut that tooth, the cutter is withdrawn and the mandrel turned to another divifion, and a tooth is cut again as before. At that part of the frame of the cutting- ſpindle where the bar which is fixed in the holders of the flide- tool connects with the two branches there is a joint, by which the cutting-ſpindle can be ſet in an inclining pofition, for cut- ting oblique teeth like thoſe which are to work with an endleſs ferew. The great velocity with which this fpindle turns foon generates, by friction and refiftance, a degree of heat fufficient to expand it very fenfibly: but this ingenious mechanift, fore- ſeeing fuch a circumftance, has judiciously compenfated for it in his conftruction, by making the fpindle fo fhort as to play looſely in its fockets at the commencement of the motion; but after a few ſeconds the expanfion is fuch as to caufe the whole to fit together as it ought to do, and the work of cutting to proceed with accuracy and fafety. * } Another ſkilful mechanic, Mr. Smart, of Ordnance Wharf, Weſtminſter, whofe chimney-cleanfers, and faws, have been noticed in earlier parts of this volume, has made fome very ufe- ful improvements in the art of turning, and particularly has ftruck out a fimple method of turning cylinders and cones, in wood. The figures to illuftrate his turning machinery are given in pl. XXVI. (figs. 3. 4.), where the legs or ftiles L, the puppets A, B, the cheeks 0, 0, the pikes and ferews, M, N, R, with the handle D, are but flightly varied from the ufual con- ftruction. Round the mandrel E paffes a band F, F, which alſo encompaffes a large wheel not fhewn in the figure; and when this large wheel is turned round with moderate fwiftnefs, it communicates a rapid velocity to the mandrel E, and the long piece of wood G, which is propofed to be made cylindrical. This piece is previouſly hewn into an octagonal form. The cutting-frame H contains a fharp iron tool, which is to anfwer the purpoſe of the common turning-gouge, and which is fitted into the frame ſo as to project a little beyond its inner part, after the manner of a carpenter's plane-iron for round or ogee work. Then, while the piece G is turning ſwiftly round by a man 476 MACHINES. working at the great wheel, another man pushes the frame H gently on from L towards M, the lower part of that frame fitting between the cheeks o, o, and fliding along between them. By this procefs, the piece G is reduced to a cylinder, moderately ſmooth ; ˇand, in order to render the ſmoothneſs as complete as need be, a fecond cutter, and its frame I, adapted to a rather fmaller cylinder than the former, is puſhed along in like man- ner from I to M. This operation may be performed with ſuch ſpeed, that a very accurate cylinder of 6 feet long, and 4 inches diameter, may be fixed to the lathe and turned in much lefs than a minute. Mr. Smart turns a conical end to one of theſe cylinders with great facility, by means of a cutting-blade fixed in an iron hol- low conical frame K, the ſmaller end of which admits the pike from the ſcrew S (fig. 4.), to which one end of the cylinder G is attached as the cylinder turns rapidly round, the cutter K is conducted gently along it by means of the hollow frame, and foon gives the conical fhape to the end of the cylinder, as re- quired. : Some important directions for turning ſcrews, ovals, cubes, rofe-work, fwaſh-work, &c. may be feen in Moxon's Mechanic Exerciſes the infertion of them here would occupy more room than is compatible with the plan of this work. See alfo, "Tour pour faire fans Arbre toutés Sortes de Vis, par M. Grandjean,” in.“- Recueil dés Machines et Inventions, approuvées par l'Acad. Roy. des Sciences," tom. v.; and Mr. Healy's method of cutting fcrews in the common turning-lathe, in Tilloch's Phil. Mag. vol. xix. -- WATCH,a fmall portable machine for meafuring time; having its motion commonly regulated by a fpiral fpring. Per- haps, ſtrictly speaking, watches are all fuch movements as fbew the parts of time; as clocks are fuch as publiſh them, by ftriking on a bell, &c. But commonly, the term watch is appropriated- to fuch as are carried in the pocket; and clock to the large movements, whether they ftrike the hour or not. > Spring or Pendulum WATCHES ftand pretty much on the fame principle with pendulum clocks. For if a pendulum, defcrib ing fmall circular arcs, make vibrations of unequal lengths, in equal times it is becaufe it deferibes the greater arc with a greater velocity; fo a fpring put in motion, and making greater and lefs vibrations, as it 16 more or leſs ſtiff, and as it has a greater et lefs degree of motion given it, performs them nearly in equal times. Hence, as the vibrations of the pendulum had been applied to large clocks, to rectify the inequality of their motions; fo, to correct the unequal motions of the balance in watches, a fpring is added, by the fochronifm of whofe vibra- Watch. 477 tions the correction is to be affected. The fpring is ufually wound into a ſpiral; that, in the little compaſs allotted it, it may be as long as poffible; and may have ftrength enough not to be maſtered, and dragged about, by the inequalities of the balance it is to regulate. The vibrations of the two parts, viz. the ſpring and the balance, fhould be of the fame length, but fo adjuſted, as that the ſpring, being more regular in the length of its vibrations than the balance, may occafionally communicate its regularity to the latter. + ▸ C Striking WATCHES are fuch as, befides the proper watch- part for meaſuring of time, have a clock-part for ſtriking the hours, &c. Repeating WATCHES are fuch as by pulling a firing.ì &c. repeat the hour, quarter, or minute, at any time of the day or night. This repetition was the invention of Mr. Barlow, and firſt put in practice by him in larger movements or clocks about the year 1676. The contrivance immediately fet the other artiſts to work, who foon contrived divers ways of effecting the fame but its application to pocket-watches was not known before king James the Second's reign; when the ingenious in- ventor above mentioned, having directed Mr. Thompfon to make a repeating watch, was foliciting a patent for the fame. The talk of a patent engaged Mr. Quare to reſume the thoughts of a like contrivance, which he had had in view fome years be- fore: he now effected it; and being preffed to endeavour to prevent Mr. Barlow's patent, a watch of each kind was pro- duced before the king and council; upon trial of which, the preference was given to Mr. Quare's. The difference between · them was, that Barlow's was made to repeat by puſhing in two pieces on each fide the watch-box; one of which repeated the hour, and the other the quarter: whereas Quare's was made to repeat by a pin that fuck out near the pendant, which being thruft in (as now it is done by thruſting in the pendant itſelf), repeated both the hour and quarter with the fame thruſt. A Of the Mechaniſm of a WATCH, properly ſo called. Watches, as well as clocks, are compofed of wheels and pinions, and a regulator to direct the quickneſs or flowneſs of the wheels, and of a ſpring which communicates motion to the whole machine. But the regulator and fpring of a watch are vaftly inferior to the weight and pendulum of a clock, neither of which can be employed in watches. Inftead of a pendulum, therefore, we are obliged to ufe a balance (pl. XXXIII. fig. 1.) to regulate the motion of a watch; and a fpring (fig. 2.) which ferves in- ſtead of a weight, to give motion to the wheels and balance, The wheels of a watch, like thofe of a clock, are placed in a frame formed of two plates and four pillars. Fig.3., repreſents 478 MACHINES. the infide of a watch, after the plate (fig. 4.) is taken off. A is the barrel which contains the fpring (fig. 2.); the chain is rolled about the barrel, with one end of it fixed to the barrel A, (fig. 5.), and the other to the fufee B. When a watch is wound up, the chain which was upon the barrel winds about the fufee, and by this means the fpring is ftretched; for the interior end of the ſpring is fixed by a hook to the immoveable axis about which the barrel revolves; the exterior end of the fpring is fixed to the infide of the barrel, which turns upon an axis. It is therefore eaſy to perceive how the ſpring extends itfelf, and how its elasticity forces the barrel to turn round, and confequently obliges the chain which is upon the fuſee to unfold and turn the fuſee: the motion of the fufee is communicated to the wheel C (fig. 5.); then, by means of the teeth, to the pinion c, which carries the wheel D; then to the pinion d, which carries the wheel E; then to the pinion e, which carries the wheel F; then to the pinion f, upon which is the balance-wheel G, whofe pivot runs in the pieces A called the potance, and B called a follower, which are fixed on the plate fig. 4. This plate, of which only a part is repreſented, is applied to that of fig. 3. in ſuch a manner that the pivots of the wheels enter into holes made in the plate, fig. 3. Thus the impreffed force of the ſpring is communicated to the wheels: and the pinion ƒ being then connected to the wheel F, obliges it to turn (fig. 5.) This wheel acts upon the palettes of the verge 1, 2 (fig. 1.), the axis of which carries the balance HH (fig. 1.). The pivot I, in the end of the verge, enters into the hole in the potance A (fig. 4.). In this figure the palettes are repre- fented; but the balance is on the other fide of the plate, as may be ſeen in fig. 6. The pivot 3 of the balance enters into a hole of the cock BC (fig. 7.), a perfpective view of which is repreſented in fig. 8. Thus the balance turns between the cock and the potance (fig. 4.), as in a kind of cage. The action of the balance-wheel upon the palettes 1, 2 (fig. 1.), is the fame with what we have deſcribed with regard to the fame wheel in the clock; i. e. in a watch, the balance-wheel obliges the ba- lance to vibrate backwards and forwards like a pendulum. At each vibration of the balance a palette allows a tooth of the ba- lanée-wheel to eſcape; ſo that the quickneſs of the motion of the wheels is entirely determined by the quickneſs of the vibra- tions of the balance; and theſe vibrations of the balance and motion of the wheels are produced by the action of the ſpring. But the quickneſs or flowness of the vibrations of the balance depend not folely upon the action of the great fpring, but chiefly upon the action of the fpring a, b, c, called the Spiral ¿ fpring (fig, 9.), fituated under the balance H, and repreſented 1 Watch! 479 * in perfpective (fig. 6.). The exterior end of the ſpiral is fixed to the pin a (fig. 9.). This pin is applied near the plate in a (fig. 6.); the interior end of the fpiral is fixed by a peg to the centre of the balance. Hence if the balance is turned upon it- felf, the plates remaining immoveable, the fpring will extend itſelf, and make the balance perform one revolution. Now, after the ſpiral is thus extended, if the balance be left to it- felf, the elasticity of the fpiral will bring back the balance, and in this manner the alternate vibrations of the balance are produced. In fig. 5. all the wheels above defcribed are reprefented in fuch a manner, that it may be eaſily perceived at firſt fight how the motion is communicated from the barrel to the balance. In fig. 1o. are reprefented the wheels under the dial-plate by which the hands are moved. The pinion a is adjuſted to the force of the prolonged pivot of the whee! D (fig. 5.), and is called a cannon pinion. This wheel revolves in an hour. The end of the axis of the pinion a, upon which the minute-hand is fixed, is fquare; the pinion (fig. 10.) is indented into the wheel b, which is carried by the pinion a. Fig. 11. is a wheel fixed upon a barrel, into the cavity of which the pinion a enters, and upon which it turns freely. This wheel revolves in twelve hours, and carries along with it the hour-hand. ! t Such in brief is the general mechaniſm of a watch: to treat the fubject to the extent its importance demands would require a volume: fome parts of the conftruction are further explained under the words BALANCE and SCAPEMENT in this volume; but for more ample information the reader muſt con- fult fome of the treatifes mentioned in our general catalogue of writings on CLOCK-WORK. Mr. Elliot, of Clerkenwell, has lately invented a very fimple repeating watch, in which the motion is performed with much fewer parts than in the uſual conſtruction, by which means he is enabled to reduce the price fo low as eight guineas for a good repeater on this principle, or to add the repeating-work to an- other watch for three. The method by which this repeater is fo much fimpli- fied is by the ufe of a finglé part, fo contrived as to perform the operations of feveral: this is, a flat ring, or centreleſs wheel, of nearly the' fame diameter as the watch, fupported'in its place, to as to admit of circular motion, by four grooved pulleys placed round its external circumference, in the fame manner as the part in common clocks which denotes the moon's age. "This part is put in motion by turning the pendants whófe extremity is formed into a ſmall vertical wheel, which works in teeth cut on the external part of the flat ring for almoſt a third 480 MACHINES. : of its circumference. The lower part of the ring contains the pins, at right angles to its face, which lift the hammers for ftriking the hours and quarters; the internal part of the ring contains indentations of regularly increaſing depths, which, re- ceiving the tails of the levers, whofe other extremities are preffed by their ſprings againſt the hour-fnail and the quarter- Inail, is by them prevented from moving beyond a certain de- gree proper for the time: after the pendant is turned, the ring is brought back to its firft pofition, by a box-fpring, round which a fine chain is coiled, whofe extremity is connected with the inner part of the ring. By turning the pendant to the left the hour is struck, and by turning it to the right the quarters are repeated; and the re- turning fpring juft mentioned is made to operate in both di- rections, by its chain paffing between two little pulleys, which on either fide convert the direction of the chain to the line of traction of the fpring. $ Hence it is evident this fingle flat ring performs all the fol- lowing operations. 1. It receives the motion for ftriking the hour from the pen- dant. 2. — The fame for ftriking the quarters. 3. 4. 5.: 6. It carries the pins, or teeth, which lift the hour-hammer. The fame for the quarter-hammer. It contains the indentations by which the hour-fnail ope rates on it by its lever. The fame, by which the quarter-fnail operates on it. 7. It carries the part that recoils the movement which tells the hour to its firſt pofition. 8. It carries the part, for the fame purpafe, for the quarter- movement. ; 9. It contains a cavity, which moves over a fixed pin, that prevents the pendant from turning it too far. In this ring, the fame parts, in three inſtances, are made to perform double operations, by which fimplicity of conſtruction * is advanced, apparently to its greateft extent.´* WATCHMAN'S NOCTUARY, the name given to an inſtru ment lately contrived to remedy a great defect in an import- ant branch of the police of great cities, that of night watching Every twenty-four hours furnishes fome inftance of the inef ficacy of the prefent fyftem, by the depredations which have been committed in the night, or by the fatal accidents which occur from a neglect of giving-families timely warning in eafes of fudden fires. A refpectable magibig (8amuel Day, Efq. of: Charter-houfe, Hinton, Somerfetare) has directed his latt tention to the application of a mechanical check upon the di • \ Watchman's Noctuary. 481 gence and regularity of watchment, labourers, and all other claffes of men whoſe duty requires that they ſhould attend at certain places at appointed times: the inftrument he has in- vented for this purpoſe he calls a Watchman's noctuary, or La- bourer's regulator. P The invention confifts principally of a large horizontal wheel, which is moved uniformly round every 12 hours by clock-work. The upper side of this wheel is divided by two circles, one within the other; the outer one, or periphery, having the hours and quarters marked on it, which may be called the lateral side; the inner circle having also a dial, which may be called the vertical one. The ſpace between theſe circles or dials is divided into cells, each cell correfponding with a quarter or half-hour of the different hours marked on the dials; and, if thought proper, the cells might be fo multiplied, as that each would correſpond within a period of five minutes. Such is the upper fide of the horizontal wheel, which may be made of copper, or tin, or various other materials, and is about 9 inches in diameter. The under fide of the fame has a brafs wheel with teeth, diameter 34 inches, fixed to its central part; the teeth of which, letting in with thoſe of a ſmaller wheel or pinion, give motion in conſequence to the large horizontal wheel (of which it forms a part) by the motion it receives from the pinion. This pinion being fet in motion by the common clock-work and a weight or ſpring, the revolution of the hori- zontal wheel is completed once in twelve hours, and thus, re- gularly going round, will at all times fhew the time of day or night. As it moves round it carries the cells above-mentioned under a kind of chink, juft large enough to receive a token of about the fize of a farthing. This chink finks down from an external brafs box, which is fufficiently large to admit a man's fingers to drop in the token by an external aperture or mouth of the chink, the token being directed perpendicularly through this chink into fuch cell as is immediately under it, and which muſt correſpond with the time of night or day. The head of the cafe of the machine has double doors in front; the outward. door covers the whole face together, leaving a fufficient ſpace above the horizontal wheel for examining the tokens and taking --. them from the cells, or for removing the wheel when neceffary. A faller door opens in this large one upon the brass box above- mentioned, the opening of which belongs folely to the watch: man, of ſuch other perſon as may be required to uſe the ſame, for the purpoſe of feeing the time and dropping his tokens, a minute-dial alfo being placed under the hour-index. If it be found more convenient, a common dial-plate, to fhew the hours COL. 4. 11 482 MACHINES. and minutes, may be placed inftead of the minute-diak The great outer door first mentioned is. to be opened only by the in- ſpector or examiner of the tokens, and ought to be well feeured; but, for greater fafety, both againſt thieves and weather, there is an infide door, in which the fore-mentioned brass box is fixed; and this inner door being opened, throws into view the hori zontal wheel, for the purpoſe juſt ſpecified. Theſe are the eſ- Lential parts of the invention: the different appendages may be variouſly modified. One fuch inftrument as this being placed at each end of a watchman's round, it will be afcertained how the man continued his movements through the night, to a nicety of 10 minutes (or lefs if required) at any period of the watch; and the flighteft irregularity or omiffion will be detected the next morning by the perſon whofe office it fhall be to open the machine. No trick or fraud on the watchman's part can counteract the move- ment of the horizontal wheel comprising the cells into which the tokens are to be dropped; each cell is, by this contrivance, like time itſelf, irrevocable. when past: the watchman has no command over it, and the whole will be a kind of ſpeaking wit- neſs of his diligence and fidelity in going his rounds, anfwering the next morning to the exact periods he either was or ought to have been there. ´…. I 4 By this means the calls of the watchmen, which were only inftituted for the purpoſe of his giving notice of being on his duty, will be fuperfeded; and a confiderable expence of animal exertion will be faved to the individual, which might better be converted into that of going his rounds twice, where he now only-goes once. Warnings to the nightly thief of timely attack or retreat will likewife be taken away; and if inſtead of an open, the watchman was to carry a dark, lanthorn, the robber would have no fecurity whatever in calculating the moment of his depredation, and might be detected in the very outlet of his at- tack, as the flighteſt found would alarm the watchman walking in filence, and not drowning diftant: noife by that of his own voice. Of the objections to this new mode of ameliorating the watch ing of cities, the only one feems to be the expence of the times pieces; and confidering the number which the larger parishes will have occafion for, this expence will be ſuppoſed importante but let it be confidered that it will never amount to more than three-pence in the pound of a rate on houſes, and that the first will be the fole expence probably to be faved by diminiſhing the number of patroles to one half (or defs) of what they now are. But trifling indeed will be the expence when compared f S Water-mills& 483 • with the loffes fuftained by the public in depredations, which, according to a late work on the police of the metropolis, amounts to two millions and upwards annually. The beſt fituation for theſe machines will be at each end of a watchman's round, perhaps certain rounds will require three. They ought to ſtand in a convenient recefs in the ſtreet, fecured by rivetings of iron, or let into a wall, or placed on a ſtrong bracket within the iron railing of an area; and, if the dial- plates were fuffered to appear, would be uſeful in the day as well as in the night: as an eight-day clock it would require no attention to its movement but once a week, and the morning infpector might attend to the flight duty of winding it up. The annual expence of keeping it in repair is too trifling to be taken notice of. The fame machine will anfwer in cuftom-houfes, ware- houſes, banking-houſes, manufactories, bleaching-grounds, and every place where watching or other attendance, to be uſeful must be exact: even fentinels on military duty might be re- quired to leave tokens as memorials of their vigilance. Mr. Day has, we underſtand, obtained the uſual patent for fecuring to himſelf the right of making and felling this inftru- ment; yet furely not to the exclufion of others invented for the ſame purpoſe: for the late Marquis of Exeter informed the public more than two years ago, through the medium of Ni- cholſon's Philofophical Journal, that a clock for a fimilar pur- pofe had been invented by Meffrs. Boulton and Watt of Bir- mingham, which costs no more than thirty fhillings. His lord- fhip had then had two of them at Burleigh-Hall more than four years; and he gives the following defcription of them: "They go eight days, and have a face like a clock, but do not ſtrike. The dial goes round, and the hour-finger is fixed: round the edge of the dial are moveable iron pins, correfponding with the quarters in each hour. A fmall hammer placed behind the hour-finger, when moved downwards, puſhes into the dial one of the pins which happens to be under it at the time, which pin remains fo abafed until the dial nearly returns to the fame place, when by an incloſed plane the pin is raiſed up into its firft pofition. This gives time to have the machine examined in the morning, to fee how many pins have been ftruck, and at what time they were puſhed downwards. The hammer is moved by the pulling of a chain with a handle, like houſe-door bells, which, by cranks' and wires, is attached to it. I have one in my library, the handle is out of doors. The other machine is placed in a build- ing at the other end of my premiſes. 1 22 WATER-MILLS, the general term by which all kinds of mills which have a ftream of water for their firſt mover, are 112 484 MACHINES. defignated. The term is alfo fometimes applied to machines driven by wind for the purpoſe of draining water out of fen lands; but it is with more propriety confined to the preceding acceptation. ? It is not our intention in the prefent article to enter minutely mto the defcription of the various kinds of machinery driven by water as an active power, but to confine ourſelves to a few general remarks upon the conſtruction of that part only which is effential to water-mills, the water-wheel: for the axis of this wheel may be employed to tranfmit the force impreffed upon it to any fpecies of machinery. A concife view of the theory of Water-wheels, together with a tolerably copious ſtatement of the experiments and refults of Smeaton, have been laid before the reader in book iv. of our firft volume: we propofe now to pre fent fome obfervations on their fhape, magnitude, and velocity. The moft general divifion of water-wheels is into two kinds, refulting from the manner in which the fluid is made to act: when water is made to act by its weight, it' is delivered from the fpout as high on the wheel as poffible, that it may continue. long to prefs it down; but when it is made to ftrike the wheel, It is delivered as low as poffible, that it may have previouſly ac- quired a great velocity: thus are the wheels faid to be overfbat. or underfoot. The four kinds of wheels mentioned in art. 467. vol. i. belong, in fact, to one or other of theſe general divifions. 1. An over hot-wheel is nothing but a frame of open buckets to difpofed round the rim of a wheel as to receive the water delivered from a ſpout in fuch a manner that one fide of the wheel is loaded with water while the other is empty: of confe- quence the loaded fide muft defcend; and by this motion the fluid runs out of the lower buckets, while the empty buckets of the rifing fide of the wheel, in their turn, come under the fpout, and are filled with water. A flight infpection of the figure of an overſhot water-wheel, in plate XVIII, of our first volume, will convince the ftudent of the impoffibility of constructing. the buckets fo as to remain completely filled with water tilk they reach the bottom of the wheel; indeed, if the buckets are. formed by partitions directed to the axis of the wheel, the whole water muft be run out by the time that they have de-> fcended to the level of the axis; and, of confequence, there, muft' be a great diminution in the mechanical effect of the wheel. Millwrights have, therefore, turned their chief atten- tion to the determination of a form for the buckets which shall enable them to retain the water along a great portion of the circumference of the wheel. It would require much more room than we can align to this article, to defcribe half the contriv- ances which have been propoſed: we fhall therefore only men- - فير "7 Water-mills. 483 tion one or two of the beft, as defcribéd by Dr. Robifon in the Encyclopedia Britannica. 307 In fig. 11. pl. XXXII. AM is part of the throuding or ring of buckets of an overſhot containing 40 buckets. GOFABCD is the form of one of thefe buckets. The fhoulder AB of the bucket ſhould be one half of AE, the depth of the throuding AF fhould be more than AE. The arm BC of the bucket muft be fo inclined to AB, that HC may be of AF and CD, the wrift of the bucket, muft make fuch an angle with BC I the direction of the arm, that D n may be of En. 4 L उ از i, Iofe From this conftruction it follows, that the area HABC is very nearly equal to DABC: fo that the water which will fill the ſpace HABC will all be contained in the buckes when it hall come into fuch a poſition that AD is a horizontal fine and the line AB will then make an angle of nearly 35 with the vertical, or the bucket will be 35 from the perpendicular pafs ing through the axis of motion. If the bucket defcend ſo much lower that one-half of the water runs out, the line AB make an angle of about 241° with the vertical. Therefore the wheel, filled to the degree now mentioned, will begin to water at about of the diameter from the bottom, and half of the water will be discharged from the loweft bucket about 4th of the diameter further down. Had a greater proportion of the, buckets been filled with water when they were under the ſpout, the diſcharge would have begun at a greater height from the bottom, and a greater portion of the whole fall of water would be loft. The lofs by the preceding conftruction is lefs than th (fuppofing the water to be delivered into the wheel quite at its top), and may be eftimated at about th; far the lols is as the verfed fine of the angle which the radius of the bucket makes with the vertical. The verfed fine of 35° is 18085 nearly 4th of the radius, orth of the diameter. Had only of this water been fupplied to each bucket as it paffes the fpout, it would have been retained for 10° more of a revolution, and the loſs of fall would have only been about th Τ A very confiderable improvement in the conftruction of the bucket has been made by Mr. Robert Burns of Cartfide, Ren- frewshire. He divides the bucket by a partition m B, of fuch a height, that the portions of the bucket on each fide of it may be of equal capacity. Dr. Robifon juftly obferves, that this principle is fufceptible of confiderable extenfion, and recom- mends two or more partitions, particularly when the wheel is made of iron. By this means the fluid is retained longer in the lower buckets, and when there is a ſmall ſupply of water, it may be delivered into the outer portion of the bucket, which, being at a greater diftance from the centre of motion, increafes ་ į 486 MACHINES. the power of the water to turn the wheel. The doctor adviſes that the rim of the wheel, and confequently the breadth of the buckets, fhould be pretty large, in order that the quantity of water which they receive from the ſpout may not nearly fill the bucket. The fpout which conveys the water fhould be con- fiderably narrower than the breadth of the bucket; and the houlder AB thould be perforated with a few holes, in order to prevent the water from being lifted up by the afcending buckets,, The diſtance of the fpout from the receiving bucket fhould, în general, be two, three, or four inches, that the water may be delivered with a velocity a little greater than that of the rim of the wheel; otherwife the wheel will be retarded by the impulfe of the buckets againſt the ftream, and much power would be loft by the water dafhing over them. With refpect to variations in the fall of water, fince the ac- tive preffure is meaſured by the pillar of water reaching from the horizontal plane where it is delivered on the wheel, to the horizontal plane where it is fpilled by the wheel, it has been concluded, that preffure must be proportional to the wheel; and therefore the water muſt be delivered as high and retained as long as poffible. This maxim, however, is fubject to limita- tions, and is not perhaps ftrictly confiftent with found theory. When the fall is exceedingly great, a wheel of an equal diameter becomes enormoufly big and extremely expenfive. In cafes like this where we are unwilling to lofe any part of the force of a fall-ftream, the best form of a bucket-wheel is an inverted chain-pump. The velocity of an overfhot-wheel is a matter deferving of great care and attention; and different authors have arrived at very oppofite conclufions refpecting it. The most accurate feems to be that an overfhot-wheel does the more work, as it moves flower: the popular reafoning adduced to prove this has been of the following kind. Suppoſe that a certain wheel has 30 buckets, and that 6 cubic feet of water are delivered in a fecond on the top of the wheel, and diſcharged, without any loſs by the way, at a certain height from the bottom of the wheel. Let this be the cafe whatever is the rate of the wheel's motion, the buckets being of a fufficient capacity to hold all the water which falls into them. Suppofe this wheel employed to raiſe a weight of any kind, water, for inftance, in a chain of 30 buck- ets, to the fame altitude and with the fame velocity. Suppoſe, further, that when the load on the rifing fide of the machine is one-half of that on the wheel, the wheel makes 4 revolutions in a minute, or one turn in 15 feconds. During this time 90 cubic feet of water will have flowed into the go buckets, and cach have received 3 cubic feet. In that cafe, each of the rifing Water-mills. 487 buckets contains 14 feet; and 45 cubic feet are delivered into the upper ciftern during one turn of the wheel, and 180 cubie feet in one minute. Now, fuppofe the machine fo loaded, by making the rifing buckets more capacious, that it makes only 2 turns in a minute, or I turn in 30 feconds; then each defcending bucket melt contain 6 cubic feet of water. If each bucket of the rifing e contained 3 cubic feet, the motion of the machine would be the fame as before. This is a point none will controvert. When two pounds are fufpended to one end of a ſtring which paffes over a pulley, and one pound to the other end, the velocity of defcent of the two pounds will be the fame with that of a four- pound weight, which is employed in the fame manner to draw up two pounds. Our machine would therefore continue to make four turns in a minute, and would deliver go cubic feet during each turn, and 360 in a minute. But, by ſuppoſition, it is making only two turns in a minute; which muſt proceed from a greater load than 3 cubic feet of rifing water in each rifing bucket. The machine muft, therefore, be raising more than go fect of water during one turn of the wheel, and more than 180 in a minute. - Thus it appears that if the machine is turning twice as flow as before, there is more than twice the former quantity in the rifing buckets; and more will be raiſed in a minute by the fame ex penditure of power. In like manner, if the machine go three times as flow, there muſt be more than three times the former quantity in the rifing buckets, and more work will be done. But further we may affert, that the more we retard the ma- chine to a certain practical extent, by loading it with more work of a fimilar kind, the greater will be its performance; and the truth of the affertion may be thus demonftrated; Let us call the firſt quantity of water in the rifing bucket, Q; the water raifed by four turns in a minute will be 4 × 30 × Q 120 Q. The quantity in this bucket, when the machine goes twice as flow, has been fhewn to be greater than 2 Q; call it @ Q + x; the water raiſed by two turns in a minute will then be 2 × 30 × (2 Q + x) = 120 Q + 60 x. Suppoſe, next, the machine to go 4 times as flow, making but one turn in a minute; the rifing bucket muft now contain more than twice the quantity. 2 Qx, or more than 4 Q+2*, call it 4 Q + 2+y. The work done by one turn in a minute will now be, 30 × (4 Q + 2 x + y) = 120 Q + 60 x + 30* By fuch an induction of the work accompliſhed, with any rates of motion we chooſe, it is evident that the performance of the ma- chine increafes with every diminution of its velocity that is pro- duced by the mere addition of a fimilar load of work, or that it 40$ MACHINES. does the more work the flower it goes. This however is ab- tracting from the effects of the friction upon the gudgeons of the wheel, a caufe of refiftance which increaſes with the load, though not in the fame ratio. e have alfo fuppofed the machine to be in its ſtate of per manent uniform motion. If we confider it only in the begin- sing of its motion, the refult is ftill more in favour of flow mo- tion: for, at the first action of the moving power, the inertia of the machine itſelf confumes part of it, and it acquires its per- anent velocity by degrees, during which the refiftances arifing from the work, friction, &c. increafe, till they exactly balance the preffure of the water; and after this the machine no longer. accelerates. Now, the greater the power and the refiftance arising from the work are, in proportion to the inertia of the machine, the fooner, it is obvious, will it arrive at its ftate of permanent velocity. 1 The preceding difcuffion is fufficient to demonstrate, in gene- the advantage of flow motion; but does not, it is confeffed, point out in any degree the relation between the rate of motion and the work performed; nor even the principles on which it depends. This, however, is not neceflary for the improvement of practical mechanics: but it is fufficiently manifeft that there is not, in the nature of things, a maximum of performance at- tached to any particular rate of motion, which' fhould, on that account, be preferred. All, therefore, we have to do, is to load the machine, and thus to diminiſh its ſpeed, unleſs other phyfi- cal circumftances throw obftacles in the way: but there are fuch obftacles; for in all machines there are fmall inequalities of action which are unavoidable. In the action of a wheel and pinion, though made with the utmoſt judgment and care, there are fuch inequalities. Thefe increafe by the changes of form occafioned by the wearing of the machine; and much greater inequalities arife from the fubfultory motions of cranks, ftam- pers, and other parts which move unequally or reciprocally. Now, a machine may be fo loaded as juſt to be in equilibrio with its work in the favourable pofition of its parts, and when this changes into one lefs favourable, the machine may ſtop, or at all events hobble, and work very irregularly; thus, the rub- bing parts bear long on each other, with enormous preffures, cut deep into one another, and greatly augment friction; to that fuch flow motions as thefe must be avoided. A little more ve locity enables the machine to overcome thofe increaſed refifte ances by its inertia, or the great quantity of motion inherent in it: great machines pollefs this advantage in a fuperior degree, and will, confequently, work steadily with a fmaller velocity.v atcieux, the inventor of the arcometer deſcribed in ↓ ! Water-mills. arts. 401, &c. vol. i. was, we believe, the firft who deduced both from theory and experiment, the important refult that the work done by a water-wheel was increaſed by diminishing its velocity. His differtations on this fübject were firit inferten in Mem. Paris. Acad. Sciences, 1754: but lately the fubftance of them has appeared in various places. This philofopher made experiments upon a fmall wheel 20 inches in diameter, ONE niſhed with 48 buckets, which received the water like a breaft- wheel. On the axis of this wheel were placed cylinders of different ſizes, the ſmalleſt being inch and the largeft 4 inches in diameter, around which was wrapped a cord, with a weight attached to it. When the one-inch cylinder was ufed, a weight of 12 ounces was elevated to the height of 60 inches and lines; and a weight of 24 ounces was elevated 40 inches. Whet the four-inch cylinder was employed, a weight of 12 ounces was raiſed to the altitude of 87 inches and 9 lines, and a weight? of 24 ounces to the height of 45 inches and 3 lines. From theſe reſults it is evident, that with the four-inch cylinder, when the motion was floweft, the effect was greateft, and that when a double weight was uſed, which diminished the wheel's Velo- city, the weight was raiſed to more than half its former height. The ftudent, by turning to page 455 of our firft volume, will fee that Mr. Smeaton arrived at the fame conclufion; although the greater extent and variety of his experiments enabled him to afcertain that this general pofition was fubject to a limitation varying with circumftances, which a judicious engineer will always carefully diſcriminate. î 1 2. Underfhot-wheels. To this clafs may be referred all wheels in which the motion of the water is more rapid than that of the float-boards of the wheel, ſo that the fluid impels them. “The theory of this kind of water-wheels being fo exceedingly im- perfect, we can do little elſe than recommend to the ſtudent cautious examination of the experiments of Smeaton. We have little to add to them here, except fome refults of De Parcieux and Boffut, who have fhewn by very good experiments that there is a fenfible advantage gained by inclining the float-boards to the radius of the wheel about 20 degrees, fo that each float-board when loweft fhall not be vertical, but have its edge turned up the ftream about 20 degrees. Such inclination cauſes the water to heap up along the float-board, and act by its weight: the floats fhould therefore be made much broader than the vein of water interrupted by them is deep. Some engineers obferving the great fuperiority of overfhot above undershot wheels, driven by the fame expence of power, have propofed to bring the water home to the lower part of the wheel on an even bottom, and to make the float-board no deeper 480 MACHINES. than the aperture of the fluice, which would permit the water to run out. The wheel they propofe to be fitted with a clofe fole and fides, exactly fitted to the end of this trough, ſo that if the wheel is at reft, the water may be dammed up by the fole and float-board; it will, therefore, prefs forward the float-board with the whole force of the head of water. But this, however Ipecious, cannot anſwer; for if we fuppofe no float-boards, the water will flow out at the bottom, propelled in the manner thefe gentlemen fuppofe; and it will be fupplied from behind, the water coming fowly from all parts of the trough to the hole below the wheel. But now add the floats, and fuppofe the wheel in motion with the yelocity that is expected. The other floats, muft drag into motion all the water which lies between them, giving to the greatest part of it a motion far greater than it would have taken in confequence of the preffure of the water behind it; and the water out of the reach of the floats will re- main ftill, which it would not have done independent of the float-boards above it, becauſe it would have contributed to the expence of the hole, So that the motion which the wheel will acquire by this conftruction must be widely different from what us projectors fuppofe. 1 As far as we are able to judge, the best way of delivering the water on an underfhot-wheel in a clofe mill courfe is, to let it lide down a very ſmooth channel, without touching the wheel till near its bottom, where the wheel thould be exactly fitted to the courfe; or, to make the floats much broader than the depth of the vein of water that glides down the courfe, and allow it to be partly intercepted by the firft floats, and heap up along them, acting by its weight, after its impulfe has been expended. If the bottom of the courfe be an arch of a circle deſcribed with a radius much greater than that of the wheel, the water which flides down will be thus gradually intercepted by the floats. Attempts have been made to conftruct water-wheels which receive the impulfe obliquely, like the fails of a common wind- mill. This would, in many fituations, be a great advantage. A very flow but deep river could in this manner be made to drive our mills; and although much power is loft by the obli- quity of the impulfe, the remainder may be very great. Dr. Robison (peaks of a wheel of this kind which was very power- ful it was a long cylindrical frame, having a plate ſtanding out from it about a foot broad, and furrounding it with a very oblique fpiral, like a corkscrew. This was immerfed about th of its diameter. (which was nearly 12 feet), having its axis in the direction of the ftream. By the work which it was perform- ing, it feemed more powerful than a common wheel which oc- cupied the fame breadth of the river. Its length was not leſs “Water-mills. 491 than 20 feet: had it been twice as much, it would have nearly doubled its power without occupying more of the waterway. Perhaps fuch a ſpiral, continued quite to the axis, and moving in a hollow canal wholly filled by the ftream, might be a very advantageous way of employing a deep and flow current. In July, 1803, Mr. John Norton, of Rolls-buildings, took out a patent for an improvement in the conftruction of water-mills, which is exactly this of the Spiral wheel. How far an inven- tion which had been publicly defcribed feven years before in the Encyclopedia Britannica ought to be fecured to Mr. Nor- ton by a patent, we need not decide. • An underſhot-wheel, with oblique float-boards, was invented by the late Mr. Befant of Brompton; on whofe widow the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. in 1801, conferred a reward of ten guineas: and, as it promiſes to be of great fer- vice in many fituations, we have given a repreſentation of it in pl. XXXV. Fig. 7, A reprefents the body of the water-wheel, which is hollow, in the form of a drum, and is fo conftructed as to refift the admiffion of water. B is the axis on which the wheel turns. C the float-boards, placed on the periphery of the wheel, each of which is firmly fixed to its rim and to the body of the drum, in an oblique direction. D is the reſervoir that contains the water. E the penſtock, for regulating the quan- tity of water which runs to the wheel. F reprefents the cur- rent that has paffed fuch wheel. Fig. 8. is a front view of the water-wheel, exhibiting the oblique direction in which the float-boards, C, are placed on the face of the wheel. In the common water-wheels, more than half the quantity of that fluid paffes from the gate through the wheel, without af- fording it any affiftance: the action of the floats is refifted by the incumbent atmoſphere, at the moment when thefe leave the furface of the tail-water; and, as a fimilar proportion of water with that which paffed between the floats at the head necef- farily flows between them at the tail, the motion of the wheel is greatly impeded. On the contrary, by Mr. Befant's contriv- ance, no water can pafs, excepting that which acts with all its force on the extremity of the wheel; and, as the floats emerge from the water in an oblique direction, the weight of the atmo- ſphere is thus prevented from taking any effect. Although his new wheel is confiderably heavier than thofe conftructed on the old plan, yet it revolves more eaſily on its axis; the water hay- ing a tendency to float it. Laftly, repeated experiments have proved Mr. Befant's wheel to be fo decidedly fuperior, that, when working in deep tail-water, it will carry weights in the 善 ​492 MACHINES. proportion of three to one; on which account it will be parti cularly ferviceable to tide-mills. Mills with oblique floats are moſt uſeful for employing ſmalk ftreams which can be delivered from a fpout with a great velo- city. M. Boffut has confidered theſe with much attention, and has afcertained the beſt modes of construction. There are two which have nearly equal performances: 1. The vanes being placed like thofe of a wind-mill round the rim of a horizontał or vertical wheel, and being made much broader than the vein of water which is to strike them perpendicularly. By theſe means it will be ſpread about on the vane in a thin fheet, and exert a preffure nearly equal to twice the weight of a column whofe bafe is the orifice of the fpout, and whofe height is the fall producing the velocity. Mills of this kind are much in uſe in the fouth of Europe. The wheel is horizontal, and the ver- tical axis carries the millftone; fo that the mill is of the ut- moft fimplicity, and this is no fmall recommendation. Draw- ings of fuch mills may be feen in Bockler, Leupold, and Bẹ- lidor. + 2. The vanes may be arranged round the rim of the wheel, not like the fails of a windmill, but in planes inclined to the radii, though parallel to the axis, or to the planes paffing through the axis. They may either ftand on a fole, like the oblique. floats recommended by De Parcieux, as before mentioned; or they may ftand on the fide of the rim, not pointing to the axis, but afide from it. This difpofition will admit of the ſpout being more conveniently difpofed either for a horizontal or a vertical wheel. In the fouthern provinces of France, where horizontal wheels are very generally employed, the float-boards are made of a curvilineal form, fo as to be concave towards the ſtream. The Chevalier de Borda obferves, that in theory a double effect is produced when the float boards are concave, but that this effect is diminiſhed in practice from the difficulty of making the fluid enter and leave the curve in a proper direction. Notwithstand- ing this difficuity, however, and other defects which might be pointed out, horizontal wheels with concave float-boards are always Tuperior to thoſe in which the float-boards are plane, and fometimes to vertical wheels, when there is a ſufficient head of water. If the fall of water be five or fix feet, a horizontal wheel with concave float-boards may be erected, whoſe maxi mum effect will be to that of ordinary vertical wheels as 3 to 2 Floating WATER MILLS. Although we are in this country provided with many contrivances, in which the different powers of water,iftazm,, wind, and animal force, have been fuccefsfully applied to the purpoſe of grinding corn into flour, yet we have Weighing-engines. 499 not, till very lately, met with floating water-mills to be worked by tides or currents; and which are further defigned to put in motion machinery adapted to any kind of manufacture.Meffrs. Polfreeman, of Long-acre, in conjunction with Meffrs. Allen, Foffenden, and Gray, have purchaſed the patent-right of Mr." Hawkins, and have lately completed one of thofe mills, which; by permiſſion of the Board of Navigation, is ftationed between London and Blackfriars-bridge. Such grant was obtained with the laudable view of reducing, if poffible, the price of flour in the metropolis, and furniſhing a conftant fupply of that necef- fary article of fubfiftence. The fimplicity of this invention renders a long defcription fuperfluous; as it confifts in merely applying the force of two or three water-wheels on each fide of a barge, or any other veffel better calculated to contain the interior part of the machinery. Were ſeveral mills of this kind to be ſtationed on the Thames, or any other river where the tide ebbs and flows, there would doubtleſs be numerous advan- tagés refult; for they would be far lefs expenfive than fteam- engines in the original erection, befides that they would lead to a confiderable annual faving in the important article of coals." Some other remarks connected with the fubject of water mills, will be found under the words FLOUR-MILLS, PENSTOCK, STREAM-MEASURERS, and TIDE-MILLS, in this volume and chaps. 3. and 4. book iv. of our first volume. For further in formation, confult Fabre fur les Machinës Hydrauliqués, "Langf- dorf's Handbuch der Maschinenlehre, zweyter band, or fome other of the treatiſes mentioned in the general catalogue under the word MILL. WEIGHING-ENGINES are often conftructed in order to afcertain the weight of the loads on waggons and carts palling along turnpike-roads. To prevent the roads from being toq much worn, it has been found expedient to fix by an act of- parliament a certain load for each breadth of wheel; and, that: fuch loads may not be exceeded, there are weighing-machines at ſeveral of the toll-gates, by which the loads of the feveral waggons, &c. paffing through them can be determined. + In fome of theſe machines the contrivance is fuch, that the carriage whofe load is to be weighed is lifted clear from the ground by means of four ftrong chains and hooks attached to large ſteel-yard, whofe fulcrum is raifed commonly by a com- bination of tooth and pinion-work, moved by a winch-Handle but it is far better to have the bufinefs performed by means of” apparatus plaeed under a horizontal frame on which the carriage aan ditu hobifon may be drawn.:{ The most compendious and economical machine of this kind that we have féén is one firſt uſed for weighing the riders of 1 + 494 MACHINES. race-horſes, and afterwards applied to the more reputable fer- vice of weighing loaded carriages. Fig. 5. pl. XXXVII. is a plan of the machine; KLMN is the plan of a rectangular box, which has a platform lid or cover, of fize fufficient for placing the wheels of a cart or wag- gon. The box is about a foot deep, and is funk into the ground till the platform cover is even with the furface. In the middle of the box is an iron lever fupported on the fulcrum pin i k formed like the nail of a balance, which refts with its edges on arches of hardened fteel, firmly faſtened to the bottom of the box. This lever goes through one fide of the box, and is fur- nifhed at its extremity with a hard ſteel pin / m, alſo formed to an edge below. In the very middle of the box it is croffed by a third nail of hardened fteel g b, alfo formed to an edge, but on the upper fide. Theſe three edges are in one horizontal plane, as in a well-made balance. • In the four corners A, A', E', E, of the box are firmly fixed four blocks of tempered fteel, having their upper furfaces form- ed into ſpherical cavities, well poliſhed, and hard tempered. ABCDE repreſents the upper edge of an iron bar of con- fiderable ſtrength, which refts on the cavities of the steel-blocks in A and E, by means of two hard ſteel ſtuds projecting from its under edge, and formed into obtufe-angled points or cones. Thefe points are in a straight line parallel to the fide KN of the box. The middle part C of this crooked bar is faced with hard-tempered fteel below, and is there formed into an edge parallel to AE and KN, by which it reſts on the upper edge of the fteel pin g h which is in the lever. In a line parallel to AE, and on the upper fide of the crooked bar ACE, are fixed two ftuds or points of hardened fteel B and D projecting up- wards above half an inch. The platform-cover has four short feet like a ſtool, terminated by hard ſteel ſtuds, which are ſhaped into fpherical cavities, and well poliſhed. With thefe it refts on the four ſteel points B, B', D',D. The bar ACE is kneed in fuch a manner vertically, that the points A, B, D, E, and the edge are all in a horizontal plane. Theſe particulars will be better underſtood by looking at the elevation in fig. 6. What has been faid of the bar ACE muſt be underſtood as alſo ſaid of the bar ACE'. 1 P Draw through the centre of the box the line a be perpendi cular to the line AE, BD. It is evident that the bar ACE is equivalent to a lever abc, having the fulcrum or axis AE re- ing with its extremity C on the pin bg, and loaded at b. It is allo evident that a C is to a b as the load on this lever to the preſſure which it exerts on the pin gh, and that the fame pro- portion fubfifts between the whole load on the platform and Weighing engines. 405 the preffure which it exerts on the ping b. It will alfo appear, on an attentive confideration, that this proportion is nowife deranged in whatever manner the load is placed on the plat form. If very unequally, the two ends of the pin gb may be unequally preffed, and the lever wrenched and ftrained a little gr but the total preffure is not changed. If there be now placed a balance or ſteel-yard at the fide EK, in fuch a manner that one end of it may be directly above the pin lim in the end of the lever EOF, they may be connected by a wire or flender rod, and a weight on the other arm of the ba- lance or ſteel-yard may be put in equilibrio with any load that can be laid on the platform. A fmall counterpoife being firft hung on to balance the apparatus when unloaded, any additional weight will meaſure the load really laid on the platform. If ab be to a cas 1 to 8, and EO to EF alſo as 1 to 8, and if a Common balance be uſed above, 64 pounds on the platform will be balanced by one pound in the ſcale, and every pound will be balanced by one-fourth of an ounce. This would be a very con venient partition for moſt purpoſes, as it would enable us to uſe ≈ common balance and common weights to complete the ma- chine: or it may be made with a balance of unequal arms, or with a ſteel-yard. ' Some have thought to improve this inftrument by uſing edges like thoſe of the nails of a balance inftead of points. But unleſs made with uncommon accuracy, they will render the balance very dull. The fmall deviation of the two edges A and E, or of Band D, from perfect parallelifm to KN, is equiv lent to a broad furface equal to the whole deviation. ¨'We ima- gine that, with no extraordinary care, the machine may be made to weigh within th of the truth, which is exact enough for any purpoſe in commerce. I It is neceffary that the points be attached to the bars. Some have put the points at A and E in the blocks of ſteel faftened to: the bottom, becaufe the cavity there lodged water or dirt, which foon destroyed the inftrument with ruft. But this occafions a change of proportion in the firft lever by any fhifting of the crooked bars; and this will frequently happen when the wheels of a loaded cart are pushed on the platform. The cavity in the ſteel ſtud ſhould have a little rim round it, and it fhould be kept fall of oil. In a nice machine, a quarter of an inch of quick- ſilver would effectually prevent all theſe inconveniences. 鲁 ​The ſimpleft and moft economical form of this machine is to have no balance or fecond ſteel-yard; but to make the hirit fteel-yard EOF a lever of the first kind, viz. having the full-~ crum between O and F and allow it to project far beyond the boys The long or outward arm of this lever is then divided" into a ſcale of weights, commencing at the fide of the box. 496 - MACHINES. A counterpoife muft be chofen, fuch as will, when at the begin ning of the ſcale, balance the fmalleſt load that will probably be examined. It will be convenient to carry on this ſcale by means of eke-weights hung on at the extremity of the lever, and to uſe but one moveable weight. By this method the divifions of the ſcale will have always one value. The beft arrangement is as follows: place the mark o at the beginning of the fcale, and let it extend only to 100, if for pounds; or to 112, if for cwts.; or to 10, if for ftones; and let the eke-weights be numbered 1, 2, 3, &c. Let the lowest weight be marked on the beam. This is always to be added to the weight fhewn by the opera- tion. Let the eke-weights ftand at the end of the beam, and let the general counterpoife always hang at o. When the cart is put on the platform, the end of the beam tilts up. Hang on the heavieſt eke-weight that is not fufficient to prefs it down. Now complete the balance by fliding out the counterpoife., Suppoſe the conſtant load to be 312 lb. and that the counter- poiſe ſtands at 86, and that the eke-weight is 9; we have the Îoad = 986 + 312, 1298 lbs. +312, = WEIGHING-apparatus for goods. Account of a new patent weighing-apparatus, invented by Mr. Hardie, of the Bengal warehouſe. Although the operation of weighing goods for ſale or pay- ment of duty requires to be conducted in the way beft calcu- lated to avoid miſtakes, yet we find that the ſeveral modes now in uſe are fubject to frequent error through the complicated proceſs of reckoning the totals of hundreds, quarters, and pounds reſpectively, and retaining them in memory until called to the book-keepers, generally amidst the buftle of porters, carmen, cranemen, and others, at a time when the laborious exertions of lifting the heavy weights on and off the board render the weighers incapable of the cloſe attention which an accurate performance of the operation demands. Experience fhews, that in cafes of menfuration the uſe of a fcale greatly contributes both to accuracy and diſpatch. Mr. Hardie, therefore, by means of giving the weights a certain form, has converted the operation of weighing into an opera- tion of menfuration, for the purpoſe of obtaining the important advantages of a ſcale in the following manner, viz. Fig. 1. pl. XXXII. Plan of a board for the weights, about 38 inches by 32 inches, capable of weighing a ton, on which are delineated two ſcales, one of larger divifions for the half- hundred weights, and the other of fmaller divifions for the pound weights. Fig. 2. Plan of a half-hundred weight of caft-iron. A an excavation forming the handle without projecting. Fig. 3. Elevation of a half-hundred weight. A an ex-. Hardie's Weighing Apparatus. 497 cavation forming the handle, with B a hole for lead to adjuſt it. Fig. 4 and 5. Plans of two half-hundred weights, fhewing the manner they are placed to fill a fquare allotted for the amount of one hundred weight. Fig. 6. End elevation of the pound weights of brafs fitted to the ſcale of one inch to a pound, the part: ſcooped out at the fides being to receive the points of the fingers and thumb to lift them without handles. The larger weights are placed on their particular fcale be- ginning at A on the left, and proceeding to the right, and ſo on with each row. The firft hundred weight covers the blank ſquare; the ſecond, the fquare marked 1; the third, that marked 2; and ſo on, reſpectively. The pound weights are placed on their particular ſcale, be- ginning at B on the left, and proceeding to the right. . • There is no fcale for the quarter weights, being at moſt only two in number, namely, a half-hundred weight and a quarter-hundred weight, of which the total is evident by mere infpection, and which may be of any convenient ſhape, and placed confpicuously above the two weights which complete the hundreds. The totals of the hundreds and pounds are in- dicated by the numbers next to the weights refpectively on the right hand. Hence it follows that the amounts of the weights on the board in hundreds, quarters, and pounds, are accurately known to the weighers by mere inſpection; and that the book- keeper has it in his power, with a glance, to diſcover whether the weighers call the proper weight; which is impracticable by the prefent modes of weighing. Boards for weighing ſmaller quantities than a ton might be made on the fame principle, for weights of the fame dimenfions, with fcales adapted to the fize of the board. It is to be underſtood that the weighing is performed without "ftriking the weights," which is the com- mon phraſe for lifting all the weights off the board each opera- tion: therefore an appropriate mode, according to fituation and circumſtances, muſt be adopted to ſupport the board with the weights, while the package weighed is removing from its board to give place to another; when, in fome inftances, the large- nefs of the package bulges out the ropes of the board, render- ing it neceffary to raiſe the board with the weights a little higher In fome cafes the prop, fig. 7., will anfwer the pur- pofe, the pinion being moved by a winch. In other cafes the lever, fig. 8., might be adopted, and, in particular inſtances, the whole beam and fcales, with the goods and weights, might be raiſed and lowered by the lever, fig. 9., affifted by the wheel and pinion. VOL. II. K 498 MACHINES. 1 4 The greateſt individual weight, for the purpoſe of being portable, is a half-hundred weight. The common balance is uſed with this weighing apparatus, as it proves to be the beſt kind of balance known; being more true for very ponderous bodies than the ſteelyard, which is fometimes uſed where great accuracy is not required. When a very light package is to be weighed with a board adapted for a much greater weight, a hook and eye are to be uſed at each of the two cords, fufpend- ing the board for the weights at A and C, in order to fhorten them and prevent the board from leaning to one fide. Where a chain inſtead of a rope is uſed, one of its links will ferve as an eye to the hook. I WHEELS acting upon each other are the inftruments by which the tranſmiſſion of mechanic force from one part of a fyftem of machinery to another is commonly and conveniently effected. The due connection of the moving parts is accom. plished, either by the mutual action of proper formed teeth (fee the article TEETH in this volume), by ftraps or endleſs bands, or by the friction of one face of a wheel againſt another. The latter method has, when adopted, been generally in ſmall light works, where the preffure upon the different parts of the machinery is never confiderable. Mr. Nicholfon faw a drawing of a fpinning-wheel for children, at a charity ſchool, in which a large horizontal wheel with a flip of buff-leather glued on its upper furface, near the outer edge, drove 12 fpindles, at which the fame number of children fat. The fpindles had each a fmall roller likewife faced with leather, and were capable, by. an eafy and inftantaneous motion, of being thrown into con- tact with the large wheel at pleaſure. Each child, therefore, could throw her own part of the apparatus into work, or cauſe it to ftop, as often or as long as the pleafed. The winding bobbins for yarn at the cotton-mills operate on the fame fimple and elegant principle, which poffeffes the advantage of drawing the thread with an equal velocity, whatever may be the quan- tity on the bobbin, and cannot break it. We are not aware that the fame mode of communication has been adopted in large work, except in a faw-mill, by Mr. Taylor, of South- ampton. In this the wheels act upon each other by the contact of the end grain of wood inftead of cogs: the whole makes very little noiſe, and wears very well,it has now been in ufe nearly twenty years. There is, of confequence, a contrivance to make the wheels bear firm againſt each other, either by wedges at the fockets, or by levers. This principle and method o tranfmitting mechanic power certainly deferves every attention particularly as the cuſtomary mode by means of teeth requires much fkill and care in the execution; and, after all, wants fréquent repairs. Wind-mills. 499 WIND-MILL, as its name imports, is a mill for any purpoſe, which receives its motion from the impulſe of the wind. The internal ſtructure of wind-mills is, of courſe, much the fame as thoſe of water-mills: the difference between them lying chiefly in the exterior apparatus, the one to receive the force of the water, the other that of the wind. The external apparatus in a wind-mill confifts chiefly of the fails or vanes, which are commonly four, placed in nearly a vertical poſition, and as they turn giving a rotatory motion to an axis inclining but a little from the horizon. The uſual conſtruction and ap- pearance of the fails are too well known to need any minute deſcription. As the direction of the wind is very uncertain, it becomes neceſſary to have fome contrivance for turning the fails towards it, in order to receive its force in whatever way it may turn ; and for this purpoſe two general methods are in uſe. In the one, the whole machine is ſuſtained upon a moveable arbor or axis, perpendicular to the horizon, which is fupported by a ftrong ftand or foot very firmly fixed in the earth; and thus, by means of a lever, the whole machine may be turned round as occafion requires. In the other method, only the roof, which is circular, can be turned round by means of a lever and rollers, upon which the circular roof moves. This laft kind of wind- mill is moſtly built of ſtone, in the form of a round turret, having a large wooden ring on the top of it, above which the roof, which muſt likewiſe be of wood, moves upon rollers, as has been already mentioned. To effect this motion the more eafily, the wooden ring which lies on the top of the building is furniſhed with a groove, at the bottom of which are placed a number of brafs truckles at certain diftances, and within the groove is placed another ring, by which the whole roof is fupported. Beams are connected with the moveable ring, and a rope is faftened to one of them, which at the lower ex- tremity is fitted to a windlaſs or axis in peritrochio; and this rope being drawn through an iron hook fixed at the ground, and the windlafs turned round, the fails and roof will be turned round alſo, in order to catch the wind in any direction. Both theſe methods of conftruction have their advantages and dif- advantages. The former is the leaſt expenſive, as the whole may be made of wood, and of any form that is thought proper; while the other requires a more coftly building and the roof being round, the building muſt alfo be fo; while the former can be made of any form, but has the inconvenience of being liable to be carried off altogether by a very high wind. In art. 50, of the introductory part of this volume, we have ftated the principal refults of the experiments and reſearches of K2 500 MACHINES. Smeaton, relative to the ſhape, pofition, and magnitude of fails, when four is the number adopted. To thefe it might be proper to add here fome of the remarks which have been made by Parent, Euler, and other philofophers: but as none of them, except a few by Coulumb, which will be mentioned preſently, appear any way comparable in point of practical utility with thofe of Smeaton; and as they include, befides, fome very in- tricate inveſtigations; we conceive they may be omitted without any ſerious diſadvantage to the ſtudent. We fhall now, there- fore, proceed to defcribe a wind-mill, varying in many reſpects from the common conftruction, invented by Mr. James Verrier, who received a premium from the Society of Arts, for this ufe- ful ſpecimen of his ingenuity. I This mill, which has 8 quadrangular fails, is reprefented in fig. 7. pl. XXXVII. where AAA are the three principal poſts, 27 feet 7 inches long, 22 inches broad at their lower ex- tremities, 18 inches at their upper, and 17 inches thick. The column B is 12 feet 24 inches long, 19 inches in diameter at its lower extremity, and 16 inches at its upper: it is fixed in the centre of the mill, paffes through the firſt floor E, having its upper extremity fecured by the bars GG. EEE are the girders of the firft floor, one of which only is feen, being 8 feet 3 inches long, 11 inches broad, and 9 thick: they are mortifed into the pofts AAA and the column B, and are about 8 feet 3 inches diſtant from the ground floor. DDD are three poſts, 6 feet 4 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 6 inches thick : they are mortifed into the girders EF of the firſt and ſecond floor, at the diſtance of 2 feet 4 inches from the pofts A, &c. FFF are the girders of the fécond floor, 6 feet long, 11 inches broad, and 9 thick: they are mortifed into the pofts A, &c. and rest upon the upper extremities of the pofts D, &c. The three bars GGG are 3 feet 1 inches long, 7 inches broad, and 3 thick: they are mortifed into the poſts D and the upper end of the column B, 4 feet 3 inches above the floor, P is one of the beams which fupport the extremities of the bray-trees or brayers its length is 2 feet 4 inches, its breadth 8 inches, and its thickneſs 6 inches. I is one of the bray-trees into which the extremity of one of the bridge-trees K is mortifed. mortifed. Each bray-tree is 4 feet 9 inches long, 91 inches broad, and 7 thick; and each bridge-tree is 4 feet 6 inches long, 9 inches broad, and 7 thick, being furniſhed with a piece of brafs on its upper furface to receive the under pivot of the mill-ſtones. LL are two iron fcrew-bolts, which raiſe or deprefs the extremities of the bray-trees. MMM are the three mill-ftones, and NNN the iron ſpindles or arbors on which the turning mill-ftones are fixed. O is one of three wheels or trundles which are fixed Wind-mills. 501 on the upper ends of the fpindles NNN: they are 16 inches in diameter, and each is furniſhed with 14 ftaves. fis one of the carriage-rails on which the upper pivot of the fpindle turns, and is 4 feet 2 inches long, 7 inches broad, and 4 thick. It turns on an iron bolt at one end, and the other end flides in a bracket fixed to one of the joifts, and forms a mortife in which a wedge is driven to fet the rail and trundle in or out of work: t is the horizontal ſpur-wheel that impels the trundles; it is 5 feet 6 inches diameter, is fixed to the perpendicular fhaft T, and is furniſhed with 42 teeth. The perpendicular fhaft T is 9 feet 1 inch long, and 14 inches in diameter, having an iron Ipindle at each of its extremities: the under fpindle turns in a brafs block fixed into the higher end of the column B; and the upper ſpindle moves in a brafs plate inferted into the lower furface of the carriage-rail C. The fpur-wheel r is fixed on the upper end of the fhaft T, and is turned by the crown wheel v on the windshaft c; it is 3 feet 2 inches in diameter, and is furniſhed with 15 cogs. The carriage-rail C, which is fixed on the fliding kerb Z, is 17 feet 2 inches long, I foot broad, and 9 inches thick. YYQ is the fixed kerb, 17 feet 3 inches diameter, 14 inches broad, and 10 thick, and is mortifed into the pofts AAA, and faſtened with fcrew-bolts. The fliding kerb Z is of the fame diameter and breadth as the fixed kerb, but its thickneſs is only 7 inches. It revolves on 12 friction-rollers fixed on the upper furface of the kerb YYO, and has 4 iron half-ftaples, Y, Y, &c. faftened on its outer edge, whofe perpendicular arms are 10 inches long, 2 inches. broad, and 1 inch thick, and embrace the outer edge of the fixed kerb, to prevent the fliding one from being blown off. The capfills X, V, are 13 feet 9 inches long, 14 inches broad, and i foot thick: they are fixed at each end with strong iron fcrew-bolts to the fliding kerb, and to the carriage-rail C. On the right hand of w is feen the extremity of a cross-rail, which is fixed into the capfills X and V by ftrong iron bolts: e is a bracket 5 feet long, 16 inches broad, and to inches thick; it is buſhed with a ſtrong braſs collar, in which the inferior ſpindle of the windshaft turns, and is fixed to the cross-rail w: bis another bracket 7 feet long, 4 feet broad, and 10 inches thick; it is fixed into the fore ends of the capfills, and, in order to embrace the collar of the windshaft, it is divided into two parts which are fixed together with fcrew-bolts. The windfhaft'c is 15 feet long, 2 feet in diameter at the fore end, and 18 inches at the other its pivot at the back end is 6 inches diameter; and the fhaft is perforated, to admit an iron rod to paſs eafily through it. The vertical crown-wheel is 6 feet in diameter, and is furniſhed with 54 cogs which drive the fpur wheel r 602 MACHINES. उ The bolfter d, which is 6 feet 3 inches long, 13 inches broad, and half a foot thick, is faſtened into the cross-rail w, directly under the centre of the windſhaft, having a brafs pulley fixed at its fore end. On the upper furface of this bolfter is a groove In which the fliding bolt R moves, having a braſs ftud at its føre end. This fliding bolt is not diſtinctly ſeen in the figure, but the round top of the brafs ftud is viſible below the letter h: the iron rod that paffes through the windshaft bears againſt this brafs ftud. The fliding bolt is 4 feet 9 inches long, 9 inches broad, and of a foot thick. At its fore end is fixed a line which paffes over the brafs pulley in the bolfter, and appears at a with a weight attached to its extremity, fufficient to make the fails face the wind that is ftrong enough for the number of ftones employed; and when the preffure of the wind is more than fufficient, the fails turn on an edge, and prefs back the fliding bolt, which prevents them from moving with too great velocity; and as foon as the wind abates, the fails, by the weight a, are preffed up to the wind till its force is fufficient to give the mill a proper degree of velocity. By this apparatus the wind is regulated and juftly proportioned to the reſiſtance or work to be performed; an uniformity of motion is alſo ob- tained, and the mill is lefs liable to be deftroyed by the rapidity of its motion. That the reader may underſtand how theſe effects are pro- duced, we have repreſented, in fig. 8., the iron rod, and the arms which bear againſt the vanes: ab is the iron rod which paffes through the windfhaft e in fig. 7.; b is the extremity which moves in the brafs ftud that is fixed upon the fliding bolt; a i, a i, &c. are the croſs-arms at right angles to a h, whofe extremities i, i, fimilarly marked in fig. 7., bear upon the edges of the vanes. The arms a i are 6 feet long, reckoning from the centre a, 1 foot broad at the centre, and 5. inches thick; the arms n, n, &c. that carry the vanes or fails, are 18 feet long, their greateſt breadth is 1 foot, and their thickneſs 9 inches, gradually diminiſhing to their extremities, where they are only 3 inches in diameter. The 4 cardinal fails, m, m,m,m, are each 13 feet long, 8 feet broad at their outer ends, and 3 feet at their lower extremities; p, p, &c. are the four affiftant fails which have the fame dimenfions as the cardinal ones, to which they are joined by the line SSSS. The angle of the fail's inclination when firft oppofed to the wind is 45 degrees, and regularly the fame from end to end. It is evident from the preceding deſcription of this machine, that the windſhaft c moves along with the fails: the vertical crown-wheel v impels the ſpur-wheel r, fixed upon the axis T, which carries alfo the fpur-wheel t. This wheel drives the Wind-mills. 503 three trundles H, one of which only is feen in the figure, which being fixed upon the ſpindles N, &c. communicate mo- tion to the turning mill-ftones. That the wind may act with the greateſt efficacy upon the fails, the windſhaft or principal axis muſt always have the fame direction as the wind. But as this direction is perpetually changing, fome apparatus is neceffary for bringing the windſhaft and fails into their proper pofition. As both the common methods of adjuſting the windshaft require human affiftance, it would be very defirable that the fame effect ſhould be pro- duced folely by the action of the wind. This may be done by fixing a large wooden vane or weathercock at the extremity of a long horizontal arm which lies in the fame vertical plane with the windshaft. By this means, when the ſurface of the vane and its diſtance from the centre of motion are fufficiently great, a very gentle breeze will exert a fufficient force upon the vane to turn the machinery, and will always bring the fails and windſhaft to their proper pofition. This weathercock, it is evident, may be applied either to machines which have a move- able roof, or to those which revolve upon a vertical arbor. Prior to the French revolution, wind-mills were more nu- merous in Holland and the Netherlands than in any other part of the world, and there they ſeem to have been brought to à very high ftate of perfection. This is evident not only from the experiments of Mr. Smeaton, from which it appears that fails weathered in the Dutch manner produced nearly a maxi- mum effect, but alſo from the obſervations of the celebrated Coulomb. This philofopher examined above fifty wind-mills in the neighbourhood of Lifle, and found that each of them per- formed nearly the fame quantity of work when the wind moved with the velocity of 18 or 20 feet per fecond, though there "were fome trifling differences in the inclination of their wind- fhafts, and in the difpofition of their fails. From this fact, Coulomb juſtly concluded that the parts of the machine muſt have been fo difpofed as to produce nearly a maximum effect. t In the wind-mills on which Coulomb's experiments were made, the distance from the extremity of each fail to the centre of the windſhaft or principal axis was 33 feet. The fails were rectangular, and their width was a little more than 6 feet, 5 of which were formed with cloth ftretched upon a frame, and the remaining foot confifted of a very light board. The line which joined the board and the cloth formed, on the fide which faced the wind, an angle fenfibly concave at the commencement of the fail, which diminiſhed gradually till it vaniſhed at its extremity. Though the furface of the cloth was curved, it may be regarded as compofed of right lines 504 MACHINES. perpendicular to the arm or whip which carries the frame, the extremities of theſe lines correfponding with the concave angle formed by the junction of the cloth and the board. Upon this fuppofition theſe right lines at the commencement of the fail, which was diſtant about 6 feet from the centre of the windſhaft, formed an angle of 60 degrees with the axis or windſhaft, and the lines at the extremity of the wing formed an angle increaſing from 78 to 84 degrees, according as the inclination of the axis of rotation to the horizon increaſed from 8 to 15 degrees; or in the millwright's terms, the greateſt angle of weather was 30 degrees, and the leaft varied from 12 to 6 degrees, as the inclination of the windſhaft varied from 8 to 15 degrees. A pretty diftinct idea of the furface of wind- mill fails may be conveyed by conceiving a number of triangles ſtanding perpendicular to the horizon, in which the angle con- tained between the hypothenufe and the bafe is conſtantly diminishing; the hypothenufe of each triangle will then be in the fuperficies of the vane, and they would form that fuperficies if their number were infinite. Mr. Richard Hall Gower, a gentleman in the fea fervice of the Eaft India Company, made fome judicious experiments with a view of determining the proper angles of weather which ought to be given to the vanes of a vertical wind-mill: his general con- clufion is, that each vane fhould be a fpiral, generated by the circular motion of a radius, and of a line moving at right angles to the plane of a circular motion. The conftruction he de- duces from his enquiries is fimple, being this: The length, breadth, and angle of weather at the extremity of a vane being given; to determine the angles of weather at different diftances from the centre. Let AB, fig. 9., pl. XXXV. be the length of the vane; BC its breadth; and BCD the angle of weather at the extremity of the vane, equal to 20 degrees. With the length of the vane AB, and breadth BC, conftruct the ifofceles triangle ABC: from the point B draw BD perpendicular to CB, then BD is the proper depth of the vane. Divide the line AB into any number of parts (five, for inſtance); at thoſe divifions draw the lines 1E, 2F, 3G, and 4H, parallel to the line BC; alfo, from the points of divi- fion 1, 2, 3, and 4, draw the lines II, 2K, 3L, and 4M, perpendicular to 1E, 2F, 3G, &c. all of them equal in length to BD. Join EI, FK, GL, and HM: then the angles EI, 2FK, 3GL, and 4HM, are the angles of weather at thofe divi- fions of the vane; and if the triangles be conceived to ftand perpendicularly to the plane of the paper, the angles I, K, L, M, and D, becoming the vertical angles, the hypothenufe Horizontal Wind-mills. 505 of theſe triangles will, as before ſuggeſted, give a perfect idea of the weathering of the vane as it recedes from the centre. Phil. Mag. No. 14. Some theoretical remarks on this fubje& are inſerted in vol. i. art. 547- Mr. John Bywater, of Nottingham, took out a patent in September, 1804, for a method of clothing and unclothing the fails of windmills while in motion (provided they are made after the Dutch manner), by which the mill may be clothed either in whole or in part, in an eafy and expeditious manner, by a few revolutions of the fails, whether they are going falt or flow, leaving the ſurface ſmooth, even, and regular in breadth from top to bottom; and in like manner the cloth, or any part, of it, may be rolled or folded up to the whip at pleaſure, by fimple and durable machinery. The invention confifts in either folding or unfolding the cloths while the fails are in motion, by means of cylinders or rollers of any ſhape, as long as the fails, with a toothed wheel at one end of each, working either directly or indirectly into two wheels without arms, which are hung fo as to turn upon a ring of iron fixed to the fhaft-head clofe behind the back-stocks, and which may be alternately stopped; fo that the wheels at the ends of the cylinders muſt directly, or by means of a connection of wheels called carriers or nuts, work into them by revolving round them through the power of the wind acting on the fails; fo that the cylinders muſt neceſ- farily turn round, and roll up or fold, or unroll or unfold the cloth which is fastened to them, according to the reſpective wheel without arms, which is ſtopped for that purpoſe. Such is the general contrivance: a detailed account, with figures, may be ſeen in the Repertory of Arts, &c. vol. vi. N. S. To Horizontal WIND-MILLS. A variety of opinions have been entertained reſpecting the relative advantages of horizontal and vertical wind-mills. Mr. Smeaton, with great juftice, gives a decided preference to the latter; but when he afferts that hori- zontal wind-mills have only or of the power of vertical ones, he certainly forms too low an estimate of their power. Mr. Beatſon, on the contrary, who has received a patent for the conſtruction of a new horizontal wind-mill*, feems to be prejudiced in their favour, and greatly exaggerates their com- parative value. From an impartial inveſtigation, it will probably appear that the truth lies between theſe two oppofite opinions; but before entering on this difcuffion, we muſt firſt conſider the nature and form of horizontal wind-mills. In fig. 9. of plate XXXVII. CK is the vertical axis or the * See Repertory of Arts, &c. vol. ii. pa. 13. N. S. 506 MACHINES. I ነ • wind-fhaft, which moves upon pivots. Four croſs-bars, CA, CD, IB, FG, are fixed to this arbor, which carry the frames APIB, DEFG. The fails AI, EG, are ftretched upon theſe frames, and are carried round the axis CK, by the perpendicular impulſe of the wind. Upon the axis CK a toothed wheel is fixed, which gives motion to the particular machinery that is employed. In the figure, only two fails are reprefented; but there are always other two placed at right angles to theſe. Now, let the fails be expofed to the wind, and it will be evident. that no motion will enfue; for the force of the wind upon the fail AI is counteracted by an equal and oppofite force upon the fail EG. In order, then, that the wind may communicate motion to the machine, the force upon the returning fail EG muſt either be removed by fcreening it from the wind, or di miniſhed by making it preſent a lefs furface when returning against the wind. The first of thefe methods is adopted in Tartary, and in fome provinces of Spain; but is objected to by Mr. Beatſon, from the inconvenience and expence of the machinery and attendance requifite for turning the ſcreens into their proper pofitions. Notwithſtanding this objection, how- ever, this is probably the beſt method of diminiſhing the action of the wind upon the returning fails; for the moveable ſcreen may eaſily be made to follow the direction of the wind, and affume its proper pofition, by means of a large wooden weather- cock, without the aid either of men or machinery. It is true, indeed, that the refiftance of the air in the returning fails is not completely removed; but it is at leaſt as much diminiſhed as it can be by any method hitherto propoſed. Befides, when this plan is reforted to, there is no occafion for any moveable flaps and hinges, which muft add greatly to the expence of every other method. The mode of bringing the fails back againſt the wind, which Mr. Beatfon invented, is, perhaps, the fimpleft and beſt for that end. He inakes each fail AI to confift of 6 or 8 flaps or vanes, AP b 1, b 1 c 2, &c. moving upon hinges repreſented by the dark lines, AP, b 1, ¢ 2, &c. fo that the lower fide b 1 of the firſt flap wraps over the hinge or higher fide of the ſecond flap, and ſo on. When the wind, therefore, acts upon the fail AI, each flap will prefs upon the hinge of the one immediately below it, and the whole furface of the fail will be expoſed to its action. But when the fail AI returns againſt the wind, the flaps will revolve round upon their hinges, and preſent only their edges to the wind, as is reprefented at EG, fo that the re- fiftance occafioned by the return of the fail muſt be greatly diminiſhed, and the motion will be continued by the great fuperiority of force exerted upon the fails in the poſition AI, Horizontal Wind-mills. 507 1 I 2 In computing the force of the wind upon the fail AI, and the refiftance oppoſed to it by the edges of the flaps in EG, Mr. Beatfon finds, that when the preffure upon the former is 1872 pounds, the refiſtance oppofed by the latter is only about 36 pounds, or part of the whole force; but he neglects the action of the wind upon the arms, CA, &c. and the frames which carry the fails, becauſe they expofe the fame furface in the pofition AI, as in the poſition EG. This omiffion, how- ever, has a tendency to miſlead us in the prefent cafe, as we ſhall now fee; for we ought to compare the whole force exert- ed upon the arms, as well as the fail, with the whole refiftance which theſe arms and the edges of the flaps oppofe to the motion of the wind-mill. By infpecting fig. 9., it will appear, that if the force upon the edges of the flaps, which Mr. Beatſon fuppofed to be 12 in number, amounts to 36 pounds, the force fpent upon the bars CD, DG, GF, FE, &c. cannot be less than 60 pounds. Now, fince thefe bars are acted upon with an equal force, when the fails have the pofition AI, 1872+66=1932 will be the force exerted upon the fail AI and its appendages, while the oppofite force upon the bars and edges of the flaps when returning againft the wind will be 36460= go pounds, which is nearly of 1932, inftead of as computed by Mr. Beatfon. Hence we may fee the advantages which will pro- bably arife from uſing a fereen for the returning fail inftead of moveable flaps, as it will preferve not only the fails, but the arms and the frame which fupport it, from the action of the wind *. 20 I 32 8 1 TO Mr. Brewfter makes alfo the following remarks on the com- parative power of horizontal and vertical wind-mills. It has been already ſtated, that Mr. Smeaton rather under-rated the former while he maintained that they have only or the power of the latter. He obferves, that when the vanes of a hori zontal and a vertical mill are of the fame dimenfions, the power of the latter is 4 times that of the former, becaufe, in the first cafe, only one fail is acted upon at once, while, in the ſecond cafe, all the four receive the impulſe of the wind. This, however, is not ſtrictly true, fince the vertical fails are all oblique to the direction of the wind. Let us fuppofe that the area of each fail is 100 ſquare feet; then the power of the horizontal fail may be called foo × fin. 70° (which is the common angle of *The fails of horizontal wind-mills are fometimes fixed like float- boards on the circumference of a large drum ór cylinder. Theſe fails move upon hinges fo as to ftand at right angles to the drum, when they are to receive the impulſe of the wind; and when they return againſt it, they fold down upon its circumference. See Repertory of Arts, vól. 6. 1 508 MACHINES. I 1 • 4.409 leſs inclination) 88 nearly; but fince there are 4 vertical fails, the power of them all will be 4 × 88 = 352: ſo that the power of the horizontal fail is to that of the 4 vertical ones as I to 3.52, and not as 1 to 4, according to Mr. Smeaton. But Mr. Smeaton alſo obſerves, that if we confider the further difadvantage which arifes from the difficulty of getting the fails back against the wind, we need not wonder if horizontal wind-mills have only about or of the common fort. We have already feen that the refiftance occafioned by the return of the fails amounts to of the whole force which they receive; by ſub- tracting, therefore, from, we ſhall find that the power of horizontal wind-mills is only 4%, or little more than than that of vertical ones. This calculation proceeds upon a fup- pofition that the whole force exerted upon vertical fails is employed in turning them round the axis of motion; whereas a confiderable part of this force is loft in preffing the pivot of the axis or wind-fhaft against its gudgeon. Mr. Smeaton has overlooked this circumftance, otherwife he could never have maintained that the power of 4 vertical fails was quadruple the power of one horizontal fail, the dimenſions of each being the fame. Taking this circumftance into the account, we cannot be far wrong in ſaying that, in theory at leaſt, if not in practice, the power of a horizontal wind-mill is about or of the power of a vertical one, when the quantity of furface and the form of the fails are the ſame, and when all the parts of the hori- zontal fails have the fame diſtance from the axis, of motion as the correſponding parts of the vertical fails. But if the horizon- tal fails have the pofition AI, EG, in fig. 9, inſtead of the pofition CA dm, CD on, their effect will be greatly increaſed, though the quantity of furface is the fame, becauſe the part CP 3 m being transferred to BI 3 d, has much more power to turn the fails. Having this method, therefore, of increafing the effect of horizontal fails, which cannot be applied to vertical ones, we would encourage every attempt to improve their con- ſtruction, as not only laudable in itſelf, but calculated to be of effential utility in a commercial country, Brewster's Ferguſon, vol. ii. See also CONDENSER of Forces in this vol. 4 An ingenious horizontal mill by Meffrs. Claude François and Jean Claude du Boft, is deſcribed in Recueil des Machines et Inventions approuvées par l'Acad. Roy. des Sciences. tom. vii. WIPERS, in fome kinds of machinery, as oil-mills, powder- mills, fulling-mills, are pieces projecting generally from horizon- tal axles, for the purpofe of raifing ftampers, pounders, or heavy piſtons, in vertical directions, and then leaving them to fall by their own weight. When the wipers are only fmall cylinders projecting per- Wipers. 509 pendicularly from the furface of the horizontal arbor on which they are fixed, the force with which they elevate the reſpective ftampers will not act uniformly during the whole time in which. they are rifing: yet a uniformity of force and velocity is gene- rally a defirable thing to be attained, and may always be effected by affigning a proper form to the wipers and communicating parts. A few directions for the determination of the due fhape are here given for the uſe of the mechanic. Suppofe that in fig. 15. pl. XXXII. the circle defcribed about the centre a is a vertical ſection of the arbor on which the wipers are placed; and that the line b a fhews the diftance of an arm of one of the ſtampers from the centre a: deſcribe with centre a and radius ab an arc bed...k, on which ſet off the equal parts bc, cd, de, ef, &c. as ſmall as can conveniently be done: draw the radii ac, ad, a e, &c. on the extremities of which erect perpendiculars equal to the refpective arcs c b, d b, eb, &c. and continue them until the laft of them Nk is equal to the height to which the ſtamper is to be elevated: this being done, draw the curve Nb through the extremities of the ſeveral perpendiculars to the radii, it will form an involute of the circular arc bk (which indeed may be either conſtructed thus, or in the ufual way at once, with a thread), and will be the figure that may be given to the upper ſurface of a wiper, when it is to give a uniform motion to the riſing ſtamper. For as all the radii of curvature of Nb are tangents to the circumference of the generating circle bk, the arm Mb of the ſtamper can never touch the wiper in more than one point (or horizontal line, whofe fection is a point). When it is the point 8, for example, the radius ad which answers to the tangent dd will be horizon- tal; of confequence &d will be perpendicular to the horizon, and its extremity & alone will touch Mb; dd at the fame time will be the height to which the ftamper will be raiſed. As the fame thing will obtain at all the points where the arm M touches the wiper, the arm of the lever which communicates the force will be conftantly the fame, that is, it will be, equal to a b; and the arm of the lever at which the reſiſtance acts being always equal to M b, it follows that the ſtampers will be raiſed entirely with a uniform force, and in a direction perpendicular to the horizon. To determine the poſition of the point k, or the magnitude of the arc kb, the diſtance ab muſt be known, and the circumfer- ence e of the circle found correfponding to this radius: then make the line L equal to the height to which the ſtamper is to be raiſed; and fay as C to L, fo is 360° to the degrees and parts in the arc bk or the angle bak: draw from a the line b k, mak¬ ing with ba the angle thus found, and k is then aſcertained. 510 MACHINES. Divide the line L and the arc bk into an evenly even number of parts, fet off from the points c, d, e, &c. of the arc the tangents in arithmetical progreffion, and equal to the refpective parts on the line L meafured from one of its extremities; and thus the curve Nb will be traced with great facility. The ſhape of the wipers, as they are fixed fingly in the arbor, will alſo appear from the fame figure. In the figure we have reprefented only one ftamper and one wiper: but it often happens that 6, 8, 10, or more ftampers are worked by wipers projecting from one horizontal arbor: in this cafe the wipers fhould be fo diftributed that the refiftance arifing from all the ftampers fhall be as nearly as poffible a con- ftant quantity to effect this, let all the ftampers be placed at equal diſtances in a line parallel to the axle or arbor; let alſo a ſingle ſpiral run once completely round from one end of the arbor to the other, and let the wipers be at equidiftant poſitions on this ſpiral; then will all the ſtampers be raiſed and permitted to fall at equidiftant intervals during every rotation of the arbor. Sometimes a ſmall roller is fixed to the extremity of the arm Mb, to diminish the friction; and in this cafe a curve muſt be drawn within N b, parallel to it, and at a distance equal to the radius of the roller; this new curve exhibiting the shape and pofition of the upper face of the wiper. : In fome machines ftampers or piftons are raiſed by giving a proper curvature to the arm M b, and fixing the roller upon the extremity of a bent bar, whofe end is in the direction of a radius produced: in this cafe the arm muſt be ſhaped into part of a cycloid, the radius of whofe generating circle is equal to the distance from the extremity of the wiper to the centre of the arbor; and this curve muſt be placed at the outer part of the rollers, to form the lower face of the arm. The wiper may often be formed with great propriety like the Archimedean fpiral, and thus raiſe a ftamper with a uni- form motion. To this end let AH (fig. 12. pl. XXXII.) be a wheel put into motion by any power which is fufficient to taife the weight MN, by its extremity O, from O to e, in the fame. time that the wheel moves round one fourth of its circumfer- ence, it is required to fix upon its rim a wing OBCDEH which fhall produce this effect with an uniform effort. Divide the quadrant OH into any number of equal parts Om, mn; &c. the more the better, and oe into the fame number ob, bc, c d, &c. and through the points m, n, p, H draw the indefinite lines AB, AC, AD, AE, and make AB equal to Ab, AC to A c, AD to A d, and AE to Ae; then through the points O, B, C, D, E, draw the curve OBCDE, which is a portion of the ſpiral of Archimedes, and will be the proper form for the wiper or wing Yarn-mill. 511 OHE. It is evident that when the point m has arrived at O, the extremity of the frame will have arrived at b, becauſe AB is equal to A b; and for the fame reaſon, when the points n, p, H, have fucceffively arrived at O, the extremity of the frame will have arrived at the correfponding points c, d, e. The motion therefore will be uniform, becauſe the ſpace deſcribed by the weight is proportional to the fpace defcribed by the moving power, Ob being to O cas Om to On. If it be re- quired to raiſe the weight MN with an accelerated or retarded motion, we have only to divide the line Oe, according to the law of acceleration or retardation, and divide the curve ÖBCDE… ás before. It is fcarcely neceffary to add, that the vertical bar between N and M must be kept from lateral deviations, by. Being made either to run between rollers, or to flide in a groove. We have all along ſuppoſed that the wheel or the arbor which carries the wipers turns upon a horizontal axis: we might exhibit methods by which ſtampers, &c. could be raiſed uni- formly by wheels moving at right angles to the plane in which theſe ſtampers move; but fuch methods are intricate and not, much to be recommended, as they may always be avoided by a fmall addition to the machinery, or fome flight modifications. in its general diſtribution. YARN, in general, denotes the manufacture of wool,. hemp, flax, cotton, &c. converted into filaments or threads, which are ſubſervient to a variety of uſeful purpoſes. + Formerly all yarn was fpun or twifted by means of the, diſtaff, or the wheel; but lately, the ingenuity of mechanics, and the powers of machinery, have been called in aid to facilitate that operation. In June, 1787, Meffrs. John Kendrew and Thomas Porthouſe obtained a patent for their invention of a machine, upon new principles, defigned to ſpin yarn from hemp, tow, flax, or wool.-As this privilege is now expired, and ſuch contrivance promifes to be very uſeful in the woollen: as well as other manufactures, we ſhall fubjoin an account of the conſtruction, as extracted from the ſpecification inſerted in the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. This machine may be worked by water, or as a horſe-mill, or in any other way, and is made and uſed in the following manner: There is a cylinder, marked A in the drawing, fig. 1. plate XXXVII., three feet diameter, and ten inches broad, made of dry wood or métal, turned true, and covered on its circumfer- ence with a fmooth leather, upon which are placed the rollers: marked D, covered with leathers and ſupported in their fitua- tions by the flits in the covered piece of wood marked K, in which the iron axes of the rollers turn, but fuffers them to preſs on the wheel marked A. There muſt be another piece fimilar 4 512 MACHINES. to the above, to fupport the other end of the rollers. Thefe rollers are of different weights. The upper roller marked DI is two ſtone, the reft decreafing to the laft, which is only two pounds weight and one half. There is an iron fluted roller, marked F, furniſhed with a toothed wheel at each end, and a wood one, marked G, covered with cloth, and over it a ſmooth leather. There is an affifting roller, marked H, of fluted iron. Theſe rollers are fupported by their axes, turning in the flit, marked 2, of the piece of wood, marked M (fig. 3.), which is here feparated from the end of the frame marked 8, to fhew the rollers and wheelwork. The rollers marked G and F are fqueezed together by means of the lever marked p, and its weight marked w (fig. 3.). The roller marked H is preffed to the mark G by its axis, acting upon the inclined plane marked x (fig. 3.). There is a rubbing roller covered with woollen cloth, and on its axis is a ſmall wheel, marked I, driven by the wheel marked S. This roller refts upon the roller marked G, and by its motion prevents any dirt or fibres from adhering to it. There is a cloth, marked N, revolving over two rollers marked O, O, which has motion given to it from the wheel marked C, by means of another wheel marked P. This cloth moves at the fame rate as the furface of the wheel marked A. There is a fupporter, marked Y, of the axis of the wheels marked O, P, but is removed, in order to fhew them; it is fixed by its tenons in the mortifes marked Z, Z. The roller marked B is kept in action by its endeavour to flip down the inclined plane at the top of the piece marked Y, thereby preffing againſt the revolving cylinder; and another piece, fimilar to this, must be underſtood. to fupport the other end of the roller's axis. By the fide of this. revolving cloth is a table placed, of the fame length and breadth as the cloth is, to which belong two fmooth cloths or leathers, of the fame fize as the table. The machine being thus prepared, the attendant or workman muſt take a quantity of hemp, tow, flax, or wool, more or lefs, according to the fineneſs of the thread to be made, and lay or fpread it evenly upon one of the fmooth cloths on the table; then place it on the revolving cloth marked N, motion being communicated to the roller marked F by wheel-work, as ufual, from a water, horſe, or other kind of mill, which wheel-work is-communicated to the wheel marked Q, on whofe axis is a nut, which turns the wheel marked C; and thereby the cylinder marked A moves, and with it all the rollers; by which motion the hemp, tow, flax, or wool, is drawn. forward. The cloth turns down, but the hemp, tow, flax, or wool, go upon the cylinder marked A, under the roller marked B, and fo forward under all the rollers marked D, then falls in between the rollers marked G, F, turns under the roller marked, Yarn-mill. ૐ13 Ĝ, and over the roller marked H, which, as it gives the rollers hold of the hemp, tow, flax, or wool, in two places, enables them to draw forward the long fibres thereof, though many of them are to draw from under the marks 4 br 5 of the preffing-rollers, marked D; it then falls into a cannifter, marked R, and as by the wheel-work the rollers marked F, G, H, move three times fafter than the cloth and cylinder, the fliver muft be three times longer than when prefented. By the time this is drawing, the other cloth is filled with hemp, tow, flax, or wool, as before, and laid upon the revolving roller, laying the hemp, tow, flax, or wool, over the end of the other, which goes forward as be- fore, and thus a continued fliver is produced as long as the machine continues its motion. But in order that this fliver may come out of the cannifter marked R, without entangle- ment, it muſt paſs through an inftrument marked 5 (fig. 3.), placed over the rollers marked F, G, its open fide marked T, to the cylinder at mark 4, fupported by its ends marked V, V, in the flit marked W, of the before-deſcribed pieces marked K. The aperture X is fo fmall as to prefs the fibres clofe to each other in their paffage through it previous to their paffing the rollers, by which means they remain preffed fide by fide in the fliver, and will not entangle. Theſe thick flivers are drawn fmaller by a fimilar procefs, and in the fame manner is uſed for cotton, but the machines for drawing are all of the fame structure as the above, except that they have no revolving cloth. The fliver is applied to the cylinder under the roller marked B which draws it forward under all the rollers, as before de- ſcribed, drawing it out, or lengthening it, every freſh machine through which it preffes, till it be ſmall enough for the ſpinning machine. It must be remarked, that the cylinders are made lefs in diameter, according to the different fmallneſs of the fliver intended to be drawn upon them at the firft; whilft the fliver is at its greatest thicknefs, the cylinder is required to be three feet diameter, as above deſcribed, the next rather lefs, and ſo on to the laft, which is only two feet. The aperture of the bottom of the contractor belonging to each machine is alſo made one third part ſmaller than another in fucceffion, from the greateſt to the ſmalleſt cylinder; as alfo the drawing rollers marked F, G, H, are furtheft from the preffing-roller marked D in the longeft cylinder, and neareſt at the fmaller cylinder. At the largeſt cylinder the diftance is about nine inches, and the ſmalleſt about four inches; but their diſtance cannot in all caſes be fixed, as it depends on the different length of the flivers of the hemp, tow, flax, or wool; long ones requiring the di- ſtances mentioned, and ſhort ones requiring the diftances much ſhorter than is here ſpecified. VOL. II. L L 514 MACHINES. The following feveral letters or marks are in the machine figured 2. The fpinning machine, as to its drawing principle, is the fame as the drawing machine. The flivers are prefented to it in canniſters marked 4, and drawn over a cylinder marked B, covered with rollers marked D. The fibres which are to form the thread are drawn from the cylinder by the rollers marked C, the under roller of which is made of fluted iron, the other of wood, covered with leather; they move fix or eight times faſter than the cylinder marked B; are enabled to draw the hemp, tow, flax, or wool, forward from under the preffing-rollers marked D, by being ſqueezed together with the weights and crooks marked a, a, locked to the fmall part of the rollers marked C. There is a belt of fmooth cloth, marked E, moving on two rollers, which are turned by the wheel marked F, on the axis of the fluted roller; at the oppofite end of which, as at the mark G, is a nut, which turns the wheel marked H, on whofe axis is another nut, turning the wheel marked I, and thereby the cylinder marked B, with all its rollers. Thefe rollers move in curved pieces of wooden metal, marked K, which, to prevent confufion, are not reprefented in their places: they have flits in them, in which the rollers' axes are guided, but fo deep as at all times to fuffer the rollers to preſs upon the cylinder. Thefe rollers are covered with cloth and leather. The top roller is about ten pounds weight, decreafing to the fixth roller, which is only about one pound weight: the yarn is turned by the ſpindles marked L, and rubbed over the wet cloth belt if ſpinning linen yarn, but if ſpinning worſted yarn the belt muſt be removed, that it may not touch it as it paffes to the fpool, which it coils round as faſt as the rollers let it out. The fpindles marked L, are turned by a bolt from the wheel marked M, which derives its motion from the mill, and by a wheel on its axis communicates it to the roller under the mark C by the wheel marked F, and fo to the reſt, as above deſcribed. The hemp, tow, flax, or wool, is twined in the fame manner as cotton is by mills. 1 > FINIS. INDEX. A The figures refer to the articles or paragraphs.) A ABUTMENTS, Amplitude,.. Air, mechanical properties of, 484--490 -, density and elasticity of, 489 motion of,.. Air-pump, theory of, Alembert, De. See D'Alembert. Altitudes, measured by barometer and thermometer, of impression, 510-520 521-523 • 502-510 • 250. • 330 Angle of position, • 250 Angular accelerating force, 302 pendulum, 311 Animal force, 376-378 Arches and piers,. 199-208 Archivolt, 199 Areometer, 401-409 Art. 199 Banks, on comparative strength of materials, 197 --, on velocity of air, 517 Barometer,.. 483 Barometer, altitudes meas. by, 502,&c. Bettancourt on steam, vol. II. Billiards,... Block of a pulley, Body,.. hard, soft, and elastic, Bossut's experiments on discharge of fluids, , on resistance of water,.... 559 Brachystochronon, Breast-wheels, 367 148 ... 329 ··458–46¤ 2:77 • 467, &c Ascent of bodies,,... Attraction, centre of, Art and nature, difference between,173 Atmosphere homogeneous,. . 495-498 Atmospherical logarithmic, —-, capillary, ...... 426–435 C 240-245 Capillary tubes, 498 Catenarian curve,. 426-433 ..198 279 Celerity, .15 Central forces,..... 279-299 of spheres, &c. • 293 Centre of attraction,. 279 universal, Axioms, 294 21-27 gravity, • • • • * . . . 102-124 gyration,.. 309-312 Axis in peritrochio,...... in motion,.... 267, 331, 367, 372 143--147 oscillation, 305-318 percussion, ...... 317-320 pressure, 391-393 spontaneous rotation, B 322-326 velique, note, 425 Palance. See Lever, and vol. II. Ballistic pendulum, Centrifugal force,.... .279 313 -pump, · 537538 INDEX. Art. Centripetal force, • 279 Equivalent, Att. 201 Centrobaryc method, 125 Circular motion, 282-288 Extrados, Clock, problem concerning the Expansions of mercury and air, . . 503 Eytelwein, on hydraulics, 199 ·463 junction of its hands, 223 Collision, • 329-362 Composants, • 29 F Composition of forces, 28-101 of motions, Conservatio virium vivarum, Cords, • Condorcet on resistance of water, 559 on weight and gravity, 103 Coulumb on friction, vol. II. 217 Flanks of an arch,... Floatation, plane of,.. Float-boards,.. ....● 341 193-198 Fluid,...... , compressible and incom- pressible, Crown of an arch, Curves, descents along, Cycloid,... 199 Fly. See vol. II. Cupola, of swiftest descent,.. 277, 278 209 Force, 263,&c. > accelerating, retarding,. 272 Forcing pump, D Friction. See vol. II. Fulcrum, -, pressure upon,.. 133, 140, 321 Funicular polygon, 193-197 199 411 480 3,380 381 17, 212 224 224 527 .. 131 D'Alembert's principle of dy- namics, on varied motion,.. Deflecting force, De Luc on altitudes by barom. .506 .267 • 234 G 279 ·· Galileo, on falling bodies,. 246 Density, of the planets,. Depth of impression,.. Desaguliers's hydrometer, Diminution of gravity, Direction, line of, IO, 211 on the lever, 132 • 294 330 on the resist. of solids, 167,&c. Girard, on the distinction between 403 Descents occasioned by gravity, 240-247 Gravity, 287 " 16 the operations of nature and art,173 Gravimeter. See vol. II. 102, 106, 237, 240 its proper measure, 242 centre of, .102-124 106 diminution of, 287 Discharge of fluids through orifices, 438-457 specific,.. 383,396-410 ; table of, 410 expr. relative to, 457-466 Divisibility, Gunpowder, force of, vol. II. 4 Domes, 209 Gyration, centre of, • •, ... 309,&c. Dynamics, 210-389 E Effects of machines, ..363—380 Efflux of water,.... Elasticity, 329 Elevation in projectiles, Elliptical motion,.. 250 290, 291 190 Emerson on relative strength of materials, English, on stability of canal boats, 425 Equator, centrifugal force at, 285 Equilibrium, 19, 28 of elastic fluids, 491–502 Horse, strength of, Hunter, Mr. his screw, 161 Hutton, on altitudes by barom. ..508 > on practical gunnery,255--2 57 ,on resistance of fluids,555--558 Hydraulics, 2.0 H Halley, on altitudes by barom.. 499 Hammer, stroke of, • 354 438, &c. Hands of a clock, . 223 Height due to a velocity, Homogeneous bodies, • 244 106 atmosphere, • 495 378 INDEX. 545 Hydrometer,.. Hydrodynamics,. Hydrostatical paradox, Hydrostatics, Art. Art. 401-409 Metacentre, 411 • 436-483 Mobility, 8 387 Moment, or momentuin, 31, 212 380--435 Momentum of impulse, 365 of inertia, 302 Motion, .. II A I Immateriality of the Supreme →, absolute and relative,.. 12, 219 > uniform, &c. laws of,....* Being, 18 Muffle, 215 21, 27 148 Impact oblique, 360-362- Impelled point. 3.65 Impetus, 250 N Impost of an arch,. Inertia,.. centre of, Inclined plane, 199 3, 18 108 152-157 motion along,.. 258, 260, 167, Nature and art, difference between,173 Newton on the lever, · 140 • Intrados,... 315, 369, 371 199 on resistance of fluids,....541 Newtonian axioms,.... Nicholson's hydrometer, 21--27 404 J Oblique impact, 360--362 Joints of fracture,.. 199 Orbit,: ·279 Juan, Don, on percussion.... 330, &c. Orifice, discharge of water through, 438--457 Oscillation, centre of, 305-308 K of pendulums,. 268 of vessels, 423, 424 Keystone of an arch, 199 Overshot-wheels, 467, &c. I P Laws of motion, Lever, , angular, heavy,. Lifting-pump, Line of direction, of support, ....21--27 131--142, 366 140, cor.7. 135,136 526 Logarithmic, atmospherical, M • À 106 4!1 •498 Papin, on motion of air into a · vacuum,.,. 49, 4,0 Paradox, hydrostatic, Parallelogram of forces, Parcieux's areometer, Pendulum, angular, ballistic, compound, conical, cycloidal, 51* 387 • 42 ·405 311 313 simple,... Percussion, centre of, Machines, ...126 -, theory of, maximum, effects of 363--380 Periodic time, Man, strength of, .... Mass,. Materials, strength of, Matter, Measure of the force of gravity, Mechanics, Mechanical powers, VOL. I. Machinery, simplification of, vol. II, 9, 211 167--192 Perpetual screw, Piers and arches, its mean distance solely, 378 Pinion and tooth, 2 Piston, .. 242 Pivots, pressure upon, 145 I Place, absolute and relative,. • 7 126--166 Plane, inclined,. .. 152-157 308 288 273-276 268--272 317--320 • 329-362 280 of planet depends on ...291 160 199--208 146 524 ee 546 INDEX. Art. Art. Plane, motion along, 258, 260, 267, Solid, 315, 369 Planets, double motion of, 327 Solids, equal in equal times, Space, absolute,.. 298 Pneumatics, 484--560 Polyspacton',. 148 relative, • Position, centre of, 109 Power,.. ... 17 Pressure, centre of, 391-393 of non-elastic fluids, 384-395 Pulley, Projectile force, Projectiles, .. ; motion of, .279 , initial,. Span of an arch, Spandrils, Specific gravity, Spouting fluids,. Spring of an arch, Stability of vessels, 383, 396--410 454-456 199 6 • 192. • 199 248--257 indifferent, 148--151 negative, 267,321,372 positive, Pumps, theory of,.. • 524--538 Statics, Steam, its effects, vol. II. Steelyard, 411--425 412, 418- 21--209 • 137, 138 2 Quantity of matter. See Mass. of motion, Strain, Strength and stress, Sucking-pump, 212, 213 Symmetrical bodies, 168 167-192 524 107 Ꭱ Radii of small cylinders, to esti- mate, Radius vector, Random, or range, Rarity, or rareness, Reduction of forces, Resistence of solids, of fluids, Resolution of forces, of motions, Resultant, T Tautochrones, 276 • note, 408 279 Teeth of wheels, the best forms of, 147 Tension of a cord,... 193 250 Time, absolute and relative, 14 .. 211 55 Time in which the planets would fall to the sun, ..... • 292 167 Tooth and pinion-work, 146 539-560 Trajectory, 279 28--101 Tubes, capillary, 426--435 • 217 to measure their diamet. note,426 29 540 254 Retardation, Ricochet firing, • Robins's experiments on the re- sistance of fluids, ..... 553--554 Robison, on altitudes by barom. on domes, on relative strength,. ... 505 • 209 U Undershot-wheels,.... 467, &c. Uniformly varied motion, .. 224-230 Unit of time, 14 190 Rotation, spontaneous,. 322 ---, centre of, • 322-326 V Rotatory motion, 300-328 Roy, on expansion of mercury, &c. 503 Variable motion, Velique centre,. Velocity,... 231--239 note, 475 15 S Sailing of ships,.... Screw, accelerated, or retarded, 15 virtual,. . . . . .………… note, 130 angular, due to a height, Vena contracta, Venturi on motion of fluids,. 549 158--161 .. 411 ·425 .507 477--483 Vessels, stability of, vol. II. oscillations of,. Vertical projectiles, 279 .244 440, 457 .... 462 245 411 425 Ships, stability of, , oscillations of,. • Shuckburgh, on alt. by barom. Smeaton, on water-wheels on windmills,... ન INDEX. 547 Vibrating cone,. Vibration of pendulums, i Art: Art. 2311 268 Weight, Wheel and axle,.. 143-147, 367, 372 104 465 See vol. II. -, pressure upon,...... 145, 321 Whirling motion of fluids, 444 note, 130 Windmill-sails, 547 199 Smeaton on. See vol.11. 1 Working point, 365 Vince, on motion of fluids, --, on friction. Virtual velocities, Voussoirs, W Y Water-wheels, ....467-476 Wedge,. ,Smeaton on, 477-483 162--166 Young, Dr. M. on the motion of fluids,.... .464 1 ! : ↓ : Fago. Line ERRATA. T • 22, ,23, 35, 17, 17 from bottom, for o read O. 9, for magnitude read magnitudes. 17 and 19 from bottom, for Pr read Pr. 16, for into read in. 24, 9 from bottom, for Ç'= read C"- "cos. a'' P ď P d' 27, 14 from bottom, for sin, r= cos. a Y read sin. r= R R 37, 66, 93, 119, 135, 136, 173, 181, 188, .t 18 from bottom, for HG, IG, read HG"" IG””, 4 from bottom, for 112 read 119. A from bottom, for he angle read of the angle. 15, for angle o read angle O, 9 from bottom, for zx read xx. 2 from bottom, √ X² +Ÿ³ read √ X² +Ÿ³, 24, for has read have. 2 from bottom for tread i. 12 from bottom, for 230 read 228. 14, for fig. 6 read fig. 5, 207, 226, 3, for P read O. 10. 254, 20, for fig. 4 read fig. 14. 294, II, for a work read in a work, 3741 bottom line, for W sin. È read W sin. É. : 7 Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars. 1 : 500 * The following Works have been lately published by the Author of this Treatise: 1. In One large Volume 8vo. with Nine Folding Plates, Price Fifteen Shillings in Boards, A TREATISE ON ASTRONOMY; In which the Elements of the Science are deduced in a natural Order from the Appearances of the Heavens to an Ob- server on the Earth; demonstrated on Mathematical Principles, and explained by an Application to the various Phenomena. From the different testimonies in favour of this Work, the following are selected: "There is undoubtedly much to commend in Mr. Gregory's plan : but how is it executed? This is the most important question. We may briefly answer--with ability. Many of the chapters are written with great perspicuity: some subjects of discussion, which are in ge- neral loosely treated, are stated with unusual precision, and those Truths, which at most are but probable, are not dogmatically main- tained as certain. That the book should contain much new matter could not reasonably be expected; nor does the Author rest his claim to distinction on this point but there are few things in Astronomical Science which it does not notice. The Author seems, with great care and diligence, to have consulted all preceding Astronomical Treatises; and his selections reflect credit on his judgment. Satisfied, therefore, with this result of his researches, and this specimen of his talents, we cannot but wish that he could devote more time to the Improvement of Science." : "We cannot conclude without recommending this Performance, as, on the whole, valuable and useful; nor without hoping that the Author's zeal and indefatigable industry may meet with a suitable reward from the favour of the Public."; MONTHLY REVIEW, Aug. 1802. The Editor of the Philosophical Magazine, after observing that we were far behind some of our Neighbours on the Continent in regard to good Works on Astronomy, proceeds thus “As Professor Vince's work is too bulky and expensive for the greaf mass of the public, it gives us pleasure to find that a gentleman so well qualified for the task as Mr. Gregory seems to be, has turned his atten- tion to this deficiency, and supplied the public with a comprehensive, clear, and well arranged Elementary Treatise on this noble and useful Science. We have no hesitation in saying, that we consider it as the best practical work on the subject published since the time of Leadbetter. The Author's rules are simple and easy, and the whole rendered so familiar, by a variety of examples, that any person initiated in the principles of the Mathematical Sciences must readily comprehend them. It will be of great utility to young persons in particular who are study ing Astronomy; and those who have made considerable proficiency will find it exceedingly convenient to refer to. The Author has omitted none of the Modern Discoveries, and the Tables he has given at the end are taken from the best sources, and improved by the lateſt cor rections." PHILOSOPHICAL MAG. Feb. 180%, No. 45. ני + #. Now in the Press, the 3d Edition, enlarged and improved, with an engraved Frontispiece, representing the Northern and Southern Celestial Hemispheres on the Plane of the Equator; Price 4s. in Boards; LESSONS ASTRONOMICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL, FOR THE AMUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTION OF BRITISH YOUTH. Being an attempt to explain and account for the most usual Appearances in Nature, in familiar Manner, from established Principles. The whole interspersed with Moral-Reflections. Testimonies in favour of this Work. "Elementary treatises upon philosophical subjects comprised within a portable compass, and written in popular terms, are deserving of every attention from those who engage in the instruction of youth. Bew treatises appear on this principle more entitled to that attention than the little work before us. It is divided into 37 Lessons or Lectures the first fifteen of which treat on astronomical subjects only, the re- maining Lectures are devoted to philosophical doctrines at large. The writer has selected the most useful and impressive topics, in each of these departments; and accounted for the different phenomena, in a manner at once clear and satisfactory. An additional value accrues to these Lectures, from the moral reflections and apposite quotations with which they are interspersed and accompanied ****. We feel sensible, that, in recommending the work to the instructors of youth, we are equally doing an act of justice to the author, and of service to the public? BRITISH CRITIC, Oct. 1797- >> "This work consists of 37 Lessons*, which contain an account of the motions of the heavenly bodies, according to the Newtonian system; the principles of projection and gravity, by which they are retained in their orbits; and a theory of winds, hail, snow, ice, and those more uncommon appearances in nature which to an uninformed mind are strange and portentous; the whole conveyed in a familiar manner, well calculated for the instruction of youth." MONTHLY REVIEW, Jan. 1798. See also the CRITICAL REVIEW, for Otober, 1797. * In the present edition the number of Lessons is increased to 40, Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars.