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(e) Water. sº ~-, ...” rº I.—BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Bibliography of municipal government and reform. (in Na- º conference for good city government. I894, p. 341- 38I. Bliss, W. D. P. A bibliography of economic and social sub- jects. (in Strong, J. Social progress. I904. p. 234-47; 1905. p. 26I-280.) Bowker, R. R. Readers guide in economic, social and pol- and Iles, G. itical science, I892. Brookings, Municipal ownership of natural monopolies. D. and [Briefs and references.] (in their Briefs. Rigºlº for debate. I896. p. 132-134.) Brooks, R. C. Bibliography of municipal problems. 1897. Same in Mun. Aff. v. I : I-224, 1897. Bibliography of municipal problems. 1901. Same in Mun. Aff. v. 5: 1-346. Chicago Public Selected reading list on municipal govern- Library. ment. (Special bulletin No. 5. Jan., 1905.) Fairlie, J. A. Municipal improvements. Authorities. (in - his Municipal administration. 1901. p. 270-271.) Le Rossignol, Municipal monopolies, Chief secondary J. E. Sources. (in his Monopolies past and present. C.I90I. p. 118.) - i89239 3 Municipal Affairs. 1897-1906. v. 1-6. Bibliography in every quarterly issue. Municipal ownership [Index to articles in technical periodi- cals. 1896-1900. Annotations]. (in Engineering Index. v. 3: 660-662.) ... • - - Ringwalt, R. C. Municipal transportation [Briefs and refer- ences]. (in his Briefs on public ques- tions. p. 184-93.) St. Louis Public The city and its problems. (Bulletin, Dec., Library. I904.) |I.—BOOKS. Baker, C. W. Municipal monopolies. (in his Monopolies and the people. I900. p. 59-7I, 285-302.) Inclines toward public ownership. Baker, M. W. Water-works. (in . Bemis, E. W., ed. Municipal monopolies. c.1899. p. 3-52.) Argues for public ownership. Bemis, E. W. Gas. (in his Municipal monopolies. c.1899. p. 587-628.) Takes up the history of gas manufacture. Gives experience of cities at home and abroad. Latest electric light reports. (in his Mºral monopolies. c.1899. p. 183- 29O. - Reports from many sources tending to uphold the idea of mu- nicipal ownership. Municipal monopolies. c.1899. Papers by experts on waterworks, lighting, telephone and street railways. Favors municipal ownership. A. L. A. cat. Municipal ownership of gas in United States. 1891. History of gas production and ownership in U. S. Regulation or ownership. (in his Munici- pal monopolies. c.1899. p. 631-680.) Takes up both sides, giving extracts from speeches and the final argument for municipal ownership. Street railways. (in his Municipal monop- Olies. c.1899. p. 505–583.) Reports from cities in U. S. and Europe. 4 Bliss, W. D. Encyclopaedia of social reform. 1897.- Articles on gas, water, street railways, etc. References. Carey, F. K. Municipal ownership of natural monopolies. I900. Coler, B. S. Municipal government. I900. Favorable to public ownership. Commons, J. R. Municipal electric lighting. (in Bemis, E. W., ed. Municipal monopolies. c. 1899. p. 55-18O.) Believes that better service can be given under municipal own- ership. Municipal monopolies. (in his Social re- form and the church. c.1894. p. 123-I55.) Argues that monopolies should be owned by the municipality. Cook, W. W. Corporations, as owners of natural mon- opolies. (in his Corporation problem. 1891, p. 208-213.) Early article in favor of public ownership. Dolman, F. Municipalities at work. I895. Account of six towns in Great Britain advocating municipal ownership. £dison Electric Municipal electric lighting for Brooklyn. Illuminating Co. 1905. Unfavorable report with newspaper comments. Ely, R. T. Problems of to-day. m. d. While the whole book is valuable, chapters 20 and 21 bear most directly on the subject. Fairlie, J. A. Municipal ownership. (in his Municipal administration in the United States. I90I, p. 273-313.) Takes up the subject in all its phases. Ends with discussion pro and con. Bibliography. Foote, A. R. Municipal public service industries. 1899. Takes up both sides of the question. Howe, F. C. City the hope of democracy. 1905. Does municipal ownership pay? (in his City the hope of democracy. I905. p. I36-158.) Decides that it does pay. Howe, F. C. Way out, municipal ownership. (in his City the hope of democracy. 1905. p. II3-135.) Thinks municipal ownership the best solution of problem. Le Rossignol, Municipal monopolies. (in his Monopolies . E. past and present. c.190I. p. II7-I42.) Both sides are presented. Bibliography. Monopolies past and present. c.1901. Municipal ownership. (in New International Encyclopaedia. I903. v. 9: 720-722.) Municipal year book. M. N. Baker, ed. 1902. Tables and statistics in regard to municipal ownership. Myers, G. History of public franchises in New York City. I900. Same in Mun. Aff. v. 4: .. 71-206. (Mar., 1900). National conference for good city government. Proceedings. 1894 to date. Articles and discussions by experts. New York (City). Inquiry into telephone service rates. 1905. Merchants’ As- Sociation. Statistics. Parsons, F. City for the people. n. d. “Valuable work. Will have a great influence in increasing the rising tendency to adopt the lines of policy, urged by writer. Annals of Amer. Acad. Legal aspect of monopoly. (in Bemis, E. W., ed. Municipal monopolies. c.1899. p. 425-50I.) Telephone. (in Bemis, E. W., ed. Munic- ipal monopolies. c. 1899. p. 299-361.) Shows that the United States is behind in its control of the telephone. Seabury, S. Municipal ownership and operation of pub- lic utilities in New York City. I905. Takes up public franchises, monopolies, functions, of govern- ment,..,etc. Argues in favor and shows, legal methods by which the city may acquire and operate its public utilities. 6 Seligman, Development of public ownership. (in his E. R. A. jºire of economics. 1905. p. 562- 575. Municipal ownership but private management. References. Shaw, A. Municipal government in continental Europe. I90I. “Full suggestions for American students and reformers.” —Brooks. Municipal government in Great Britain. 1895. “A most...inspiring picture of the possibilities of an intense municipal life.” Strong, J. Social progress. I904. Same. I905. Handbook of information. Bibliography. U. S. Commis- Water, gas and electric light. (14th Report. sioner of Labor. 1899.) Gives tables and statistics. West, M. Municipal franchises in . New York. (in Bemis, E. W. Municipal monopolies. c.1899. p. 362-422.) Takes, up the history of the different franchises in New York City and argues for public ownership. Whinery, S. Municipal ownership. (in his Municipal public works. 1903. p. 189-218.) Municipal public works. Igo3. Zueblin, C. American municipal progress. Igo2. “Presents in its true light the possibilities of our present munici- pal situation.” r Ill.—MAGAZINE ARTICLES. (Arranged by years; alphabetically under each year.) (a) GENERAL. Shaw, A. Glasgow, a municipal study. (in Century, v. 17: 72I-736. Mar., 1890.) §ºnt of the city in which municipal ownership was first stic- CCSSIti 7 Francisco, M. J. Fallacy of municipal ownership. (in En- gineering Mag., v. 5: 725–30. Sept., I893.) Opposes from a financial standpoint, giving statistics. Ogden, R. Municipal monopolies. (in Nation, v. 58: Apr. 19, 1894.) 285. Criticism of Common’s “Social reform and the church.” Bernheim, A. C. Chapter of municipal folly. (in Century, v. 28: I49-52. May, 1895.) Gives reasons for advocating public control. Francisco, M. J. Municipal ownership of public corporations. § Frºm Mag., v. 9: 41-49. Apr., I895. Control, not ownership. Bemis, E. W. Some problems of municipal ownership. (in Forum, v. 21 : 53-64. Mar., 1896.) Thinks that a revolution, in our ethical conception of public right- eousness is needed as well as industrial reorganization. Loomis, F. M. Fallacy of municipal ownership of fran- chises. (in Engin. Mag., v. II: 814-20. Aug., 1896.) Shows. that municipal ownership is robbery under form of law. Municipal control is true solution. Wilcox, W. F. Methods of determining the economic pro- ductivity of municipal enterprises. (in American Journal of Sociology, v. 2: 378-91. Nov., 1896.) Shows that municipal ownership is more economical. Bowker, R. R. Public control, ownership or operation of municipal franchises. (in Municipal Affairs, v. I : 605-31. Dec., 1897.) Considers that if the city owned its franchises the opportunities for political corruption would be the most serious menace to really democratic and American institutions. Clark, W. Rights of public over quasi-public services. (in Arena, v. 18: 470-84. Oct., 1897.) Against extravagance. Francisco, M. J. Municipal ownership. (in Electrical World, v. 29: 707-9. June 5, 1897.) Against municipal ownership. 8 Godkin, E. L. Peculiarities of American municipal gov- ernment. (in Atlantic, v. 8o: 620–34. Nov., 1897.) Thinks that the greatest care should be taken to get good men to administer the laws. Municipal ownership. (in Nation, v. 65: 26-7. July 8, 1897.) Editorial on Mr. Grout's and Mr. Foote's articles in Municipal 311' 3. Papers read at Niagara Convention. (in Street Railway Journal, v. I3: 751-55. Nov., 1897.) While each paper took up a different phase of the question, all were in favor of public ownership. Problems of public ownership. (in Independent, v. 49: 582-3. May 6, 1897.) Editorial. Shaw, A., and Public ownership. (in Independent, v. 49: others. 567-79. May 6, 1897.) Discussion by experts. Statistics of public ownership. (in Independent, v. 49: 578– 82. May 6, 1897.) Douglas, F. T. Municipal socialism in Boston. (in Arena, v. 20: 545–58. Dec., 1898.) In favor of all sorts of municipal ownership. Flower, B. Corporation against people. (in Arena, v. 19: 218–28. Feb., 1898.) For municipal ownership. Forest, J. D. New plan for the control of quasi-public works. (in Amer. Jour. of Sociology, v. 3: 837-47. May, 1898.) Legal rather than political control. Maltbie, M. R. Municipal functions. (in Municipal Af- fairs, v. 2: 587–794. Dec., 1898.) “A study of the development, scope and tendency of municipal socialism.” Municipal progress in London. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 2: 221-36. June, 1898.) Article in favor. Mason, A. L. Municipal proprietorship. (in Arena, v. 19: 43-53. Jan., 1898.) Thinks the change, from private to public ownership would make the people better and happier. 9 Smith, T. C. Objection to municipal ownership. (in Hºrns Mag., v. I4: 780–82. Feb., IöQö. Pºusses it under headings of legal rights, moral rights, good policy. Woodruff, C. R. Municipal franchise. (in Independent, v. 50: 538. Apr. 28, 1898.) Favors municipal ownership. Baker, M. N. Municipal co-operation vs. Municipal con- solidation. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 3: I8-32. Mar., 1899.) Inclines toward co-operation. Jones, S. M. Municipal expansion. (in Arena, v. 2I: 766-67. June, 1899.) For municipal ownership. . Martin, J. W. Trend in American cities. (in Contempor- ary Review, v. 76: 856-67. Dec., 1899.) Claims reform in politics easier when cities have ousted corpo- rations. Potts, A. F. Successful substitute for municipal owner- ship. (in Review of Reviews, v. 20: 576-8. Nov., 1899.) Digest in Engineering Mag., v. I4: 18I. Nov., 1899.) Co-operation rather than ownership. Proposed solution of municipal franchise problems. (in Street Railway Journal, v. 15: 537-8. Aug., 1899.) Digest of Foote's Public service industries. Tremain, H. E. Franchises or monopolies. (in Annals of the American Academy, v. I4: 3IO-42. Nov., 1899.) For joint ownership, increasing to public ownership. Arguments against municipal ownership. Street Railway Journal, v. Io: 183, 210, 421. Apr. 15 and 22, 1900.) Editorials. Austin, (Tex.), argument against municipal ownership. (in Independent, v. 52: 844-45. Apr. 5, 1900.) IQ Avebury, Lord. Municipal trading. (in Contemporary Re- view, v. 78: 28-37. July, 1900.) Argues against municipal ownership from an economic stand- point. Cahoon, J. B. State control of corporations, (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 4: 520–5. Sept., 1900.) City and corporation should be partners. Chase, J. C. Municipal socialism in America. (in Inde- pendent, v. 52: 249-51. Jan. 25, 1900.) Outlines the work done in Haverhill and its results. Coler, B. S. Municipal ownership of docks. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 4: 207-II. Mar., 1900.) Considers it a profitable undertaking and an advantage to com- 11 lefce. Cutting, R. F. Public ownership and social conscience. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 3-12. Mar., 1900.) Considers that municipal ownership will be “a vivifying force.” Donald, R. Municipal trading, a defence. (in Con- temp. Rev., v. 78: 227–40. Aug., 1900.) A reply to Lord Avebury. Gladden, W. Public Service companies and city govern- ment. (in Outlook, v. 66: 502-8. Oct. 27, 1900.) Believes that public ownership will give the best service. Gray, J. H. Difficulties of control as illustrated in his- tory of gas companies. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. I5: Sup. 31-59. Jan. I900.) - Looks at the subject from all sides. Myers, G. History of public franchises in New York City. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 71- 206. Mar., 1900.) Gives history of different franchises and closes with good sum- mary. Rowe, L. S. Possibilities and limitations of municipal control. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. I5: sup. 7-2O. May, 1900.) Able article showing that municipal control must be subordi- nated to the larger interest of the state. II Bowker, R. R. Piracy of public franchises. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 5: 886-904. Dec., 1901.) Same. (in Atlantic, v. 88: 463–82. Oct., I901.) Thinks remedy a “municipal spirit and civic courage to stand firmly against corruption.” Commons, J. R. Municipal administration of public utilities. (in Independent, v. 53: 2633–36. Nov. 7, I90I.) Takes up administrative difficulties. Ely, R. T. Municipal ownership of natural monopolies. (in North Amer. Rev., v. 172: 445-55. Mar., 1901.) For a gradual outcome of municipal ownership. Future of municipal franchises. (in Nation, v. 73: 371. Nov. I4, 1901.) Believes that all franchises should be owned by the city. Martin, J. Municipal ownership. (in World's Work, v. 2: 833-6. June, 1901.) Article in favor of municipal ownership. Watkins, A. Outlook for public ownership. (in Forum, v. 32: 2OI-16. Oct., 1901.) Believes that, the vast consolidations of telegraph, railway and º; interests is giving a tremendous impetus toward public own- erSnip. Woodruff, C. R. All sorts of municipal ownership. (in Out- look, v. 68: III-I4. May II, 190I.) Takes up all sorts of activities and shows how they can be made a power for good. Adams, H. C. Municipal ownership and corrupt, politics. (in Outlook, v. 70: 726-7. Mar. 22, 1902.) Discussion. Agar, J. G. Problem of municipal ownership. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 5II-I4. Dec., I902.) t “We must understand full meaning of acts before taking first step. Bemis, E. W. Franchise situation in Cleveland. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 26.1-7. Dec., I902.) Shows conditions and suggests improvements. I2 Bowker, R. R. Public control of corporations. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 6: 843-6. Dec., 1902.) Municipal ownership, but private management. Donald, R. Attacks on municipal ownership in Great Britain. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 579-613. Dec., 1902.) Strong article in favor. Foote, A. R. Regulation and taxation of public service corporations. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 749-64. Dec., 1902.) For control and franchise tax. Haskins, C. W. Municipal ownership in United States. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 524–39. Dec., 1902.) Strong article showing progress made by many cities. Heyn, E. T. Municipal ownership in Germany. (in * Affairs, v. 6: 614-21. Dec., I902. Shows beneficial results in Germany. Maltbie, M. R. Conditions of municipal success. (in Mu- nicipal Affairs, v. 6: 800-2, Dec., 1902.) fakes up conditions without which municipal ownership must all. Marriott, Socialism sub rosa. (in Fortnightly Rev., J. A. R. n. S., v. 72: 962-73. Dec., 1902.) Forcible article against municipal ownership. Object lesson in municipal government. (in Arena, v. 28: 432-3. Oct., 1902.) Contrasts Boston and Santa Clara. Porter, R. P. Municipal operation abroad. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 6: 539-78. Dec., 1902.) Compares progress here and abroad. Bibliography. Seligman, Taxation of franchise values. (in Muni- E. R. A. cipal Affairs, v. 6: 765-73. Dec., 1902.) For franchise tax. Shepard, E. M. City owning and leasing. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 714-20. Dec., 1902.) Control rather than ownership. I3 Urquhart, T. Public franchises in Toronto. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 6: 795-800. Dec., 1902.) Article on progress in Toronto, showing how many franchises are owned by city. Woodruff, C. R. Growth of demand for municipal owner- # ship. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 787- 90. Dec., 1902.) The public demands that all expenditures shall be made known and that opportunities for graft be lessened. Donald, R. Case for municipal trading. (in Contemp. Rev., v. 83: 485-500, 623-39. Apr.-May, I903.) Argues for municipal trading and answers objections. Holmes, Adams, C. F. Mistakes about public own- W. P. B. ; (in Arena, v. 30: 505-9. Nov., I903. Discusses a letter of Mr. Adams which was unfavorable to municipal ownership. Home rule of city monopolies. (in Outlook, v. 74: 261-2. May 30, 1903.) Gives features of Mueller law. Howe, F. C. Municipal character and achievements of Chicago. (in World’s Work, v. 5: 3240– 46. Mar., 1903.) Article on what Chicago has done and will do in the future. Municipal ownership. (in Street Railway Journal, v. I3: 200. Apr. 20, 1903.) Editorial. Questions the result of public ownership. Municipal ownership convention. (in Arena, v. 29: 473-88. May, 1903.) Digest of proceedings. In favor. Municipal reform in America. (in Outlook, v. 73: 509-10. Mar. 7, 1903.) Editorial on National Convention. Parsons, F. Public ownership. (in Arena, v. 29: II8- 24. Feb., 1903.) In favor of public ownership. Public wnership conflicts. (in Outlook, v. 74: II-13. May 2, I903. Account of defeat of Elsberg and Monroe bills. I4 Cruice, D. L. Chicago election. (in Arena, v. 32: 21-8. July, 1904.) Gives an account of the campaign for municipal ownership. Fear º municipal socialism. (in Outlook, v. 76: 965. Apr. 23. I904. §ests that New York should follow example of Chicago and OSt011. Head, J. M. Municipal construction vs. the contract sys- tem. (in Arena, v. 3I: 337-52. Apr., 1904.) Public control. How, the richest town (Brookline, Mass.) is ruled by refer- endum. (in Arena, v. 32: 377-91. Oct., 1904.) For municipal ownership. Ingram, F. F. Municipal ownership vs. private control. (in Arena, v. 31: 458–63. May, 1904.) Favorable. Monopoly of natural products. (in World's Work, v. 7: 4287- 90. Jan., 1904.) Statistics. Municipal advance. (in Arena, v. 32: 203-4. Aug., 1904.) Editorial. Municipal ownership and reform in Chicago. (in Chautau- quan, v. 39: 313-15. June, 1904.) How and why the people voted for municipal ownership. Municipal ownership in Paris. (in Arena, v. 32: 659-60. Dec., 1904.) Editorial, showing improvement since the city took the street railways. Municipal ownership in Tokio. (in Rev. of Rev., v. 29: 342-3. Mar, 1904.) Municipal ownership law in Chicago. (in Outlook, v. 76: 902. Apr. 16, 1904.) Editorial on election. Municipal progress. (in Arena, v. 32: 318-19. Sept., 1904.) Strongly in favor of public ownership. Parsons, F. Glasgow’s great record. (in Arena, v. 32. 46I-71. Nov., 1904.) Shows that a business owned by the people is more apt to be run in their interests than otherwise. I5 Yarros, V. S. Chicago's election and referendum. (in Rev. of Rev., v. 29: 584-7. July, 1904.) Account of election and what it stood for. Bemis, E. W. Mayor Johnson, one of the strongest lead- ers in municipal progress in America. (in Arena, v. 34: 576-7. Dec., 1905.) A characterization of the Mayor of Cleveland. Bemis, E. W., and How the people should acquire public Ingram, F. F. ...” (in Arena, v. 34: 45-7. July, I905. Reply to Mr. Brown's paper in April Arena. Brown, W. R. Municipal ownership and league organiza- º (in Arena, v. 33: 377-82. Apr., I905. Offers a, solution as to the management of corporations after they have become municipalized. Colby, C. B. What Glasgow is doing for the people. (in Arena, v. 33: 361-69. Apr., 1905.) Strong article in favor of municipal ownership. Fairlie, J. A. Recent extension of municipal functions in United States. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 25: 299-310. Mar, 1905.) Favorable, Immediate ownership in Chicago. (in Nation, v. 81: 334-5. Oct. 26, 1905.) Editorial on before and after election. King, H. Reform movement in Chicago. (in Annals of * Acad., v. 25: 235-247. March, I905. Story of the political uplift of the city. Municipal advance. (in Arena, v. 34: 644-49. Dec., 1905.) Reasons, etc., why the problem is of such interest. Municipal ownership. (in Outlook, v. 80: 266-8. June 3, 1905.) Editorial, in favor. Municipal ownership in American cities. (in Outlook, v. 8o: 4II-13. June 17, 1905.) Editorial, in favor. I6. Municipal ownership in Liverpool. (in Arena, v. 33: 98-9. Jan., 1905.) Editorial, in favor. Parker, F. W. Municipal ownership and graft. (in Inde- pendent, v. 59: 220-2. July 27, 1905.) For municipal ownership as against private graft. Parsons, F. Municipal ownership methods. (in Arena, v. 33: 596. June, 1905.) Short discussion of Mr. Brown’s article in April Arena. Progress and beneficent results of municipal ownership. (in Arena, v. 34: 316-18. Sept., 1905.) Takes up the progress made by municipal ownership in London and Manchester; also shows the gain to Jamestown, N. Y., in having public waterworks. Public ownership in Great Britain. (in Arena, v. 34: 88. July, 1905.) Shows public ownership works against graft in Glasgow. Robbins, H. Public ownership vs. public control. (in Amer. Jour. of Sociology, v. Io: 787-813. May, 1905.) Public control rather than ownership. Russell, C. E. Soldiers of the common good, (in Every- body's Mag., v. 13, 14. Dec., 1905-April, 1906. To be continued.) Series of articles on European economic conditions, with especial reference to railroads. Strongly favors municipal ownership. Whitney, E. B. Public ownership in New York. (in Inter- national Quarterly, v. I2: I-I2. Oct., I905.) Considers the subject from several standpoints but on the whole views it with favor. Crawford, R. Glasgow's experience with municipal own- ership. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 27: I-19. Jan., 1906.) Strongly in favor. Donald, R. Principles of municipal ownership. (in Outlook, v. 82: 504-II. Mar. 3, I Able article in favor of municipal ownership. Grosser, H. Movement for municipal ownership in Chi- cago. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 27: 72-90. Jan., 1906.) Shows progress of movement. 17 Howe, F. C. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. (in Bulletin of Bureau of Labor, No. 62: I-I23. Jan., 1906.) Full and authoritative report based on study of leading cities of Great Britain during summer of 1905. Municipal ownership abroad not successful. (in Commercial and Financial Chronicle, v. 82: , 189-90. Jan. 27, 1906.) Municipal ownership of public utilities. (in Commercial and Financial Chronicle, v. 82: 71-72. Jan. 13, 1906.) For regulation. Municipal ownership of street railways in Germany. (in Arena, v. 35: 81-2. Jan. I9, 1906.) In favor. Abstract of Prof. Rowe's article in Bradstreet. (b) LIGHTING. Keeler, B. C. Municipal control of gas works. (in Forum, v. 8: 286-96. Nov., 1889.) Favors public control as serving the best interests of the com- munity. Mikkelsen, M. A. Electric street lighting in Chicago. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 2: 715-20. May, 1892.) Gives Chicago as an example of what cities can do in the owner- ship of public franchises. Bemis, E. W. Municipal gas making in United States. (in Rev. of Rev., v. 7: 61-7. Feb., 1893.) Believes strongly in municipal ownership. Meyers, W. J. Municipal electric lighting in Chicago. (in Political Science Quarterly, v. Io: 86-94. Mar., 1895.) Favorable. Parsons, F. People's lamps. (in Arena, v. 13: II8-30, 381–400; v. I4: 86-Io9, 439–63; v. I5: 95-III. June–Dec., 1895.) Advocates public ownership for the best service. Foote, A. R. No government, should operate an indus- try. (in Municipal Affairs, v. I : 242-89. June, 1897.) #. ownership. Reply to Mr. Grout’s “Why New York should own its gas supply.” I8 Grout, E. M. Why New York should own its gas supply. § Muir, Affairs, v. I : 225-44. June, I897. Strongly in favor. Rogers, J. I. Municipal gas in Philadelphia. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. I : 730-44. June, 1897.) For ownership; tables, comparisons, etc. Bemis, E. W. Some recent municipal gas history. (in Forum, v. 25: 72–82. Mar., 1898.) Believes there would be less corruption under municipal owner- ship than now. Gray, J. H. Relation of gas supply to the public. (in Mºgºl Affairs, v. 2: 183-94. Mar., I In favor of public ownership. Municipal ownership of electric lights. (in Electrical World, v. 3 I: 210. Feb., 1898.) Against. Public lighting in relation to public ownership and operation. (in Electrical World, v. 31: 738. June 18, 1898.) Proposed policy in regard to municipal ownership. Woodruff, C. R. Philadelphia gas works. (in Amer. Jour. of Sociology, v. 3: 601-13. Mar., 1898.) “History of Philadelphia’s shame.” Bemis, E. W. Municipal lighting. (in Outlook, v. 62: 884-7. Aug. 19, 1899.) Believes that municipal ownership will not only lower the cost # lighting but will prevent graft and lobbying for sale of fran- ChISCS. Commons, J. R. Municipal electric lighting. (in Municipal Affairs, v. I : 631-73. Dec., 1899.) Believes municipal ownership gives best results. Bachi, R. Municipal gas in Italy. (in Municipal Af- fairs, v. 4: 595-605. Sept., 1900.) Tells of good results in Italy. Fairlie, J. A. Municipal electric lighting in Detroit. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 606-13. Sept., 1900.) Brief historical sketch, showing good work done in Detroit. I9 James, E. J. Municipal gas and electric light in Ger- many. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 574- 94. Sept., 1900.) Shows progress and beneficial results in Germany. Maltbie, M. R. Gas light in Great Britain. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 538-73. Sept., 1900.) History of gas industry in Great Britain. Results show success of public ownership. Why some municipal electrical plants do not pay better. (in Street Railway Journal, v. Io: 445. Aug. I5, 1900.) Editorial. Adams, A. A. Municipal gas and electric plants in Mass. (in Political Science Quarterly, v. 17: 247-56. Jan., 1902.) Thinks the corporations ask too high a price for their plants. Adams, A. D. Causes and results of municipal gas plants. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 648–55. Dec., I902.) Strong article in favor. Allen, W. S. Gas supply and public ownership. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 656-67. Dec., 1902.) Believes that public ownership will fail. Cahoon, J. B. Municipal electric lighting opposed. (in ºral Affairs, v. 6: 636-47. Dec., I902. Opposes a change on ground of electric lighting, being a ...Som- paratively new industry in progress of development and will be hampered by municipal ownership. Commons, J. R. Economic and social factors in Chicago municipal lighting. (in Municipal Af- fairs, v. 6: Io9-15. Mar., 1902.) Strongly in favor. Ellicott, E. B. Chicago's experience with municipal light- ing. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 815-20. Dec., 1902.) Shows that Chicago's venture has been and will continue to be profitable. Municipal lighting, convention proceedings. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 815-40. Dec., 1902.) Articles in favor. 2O Municipal monopoly and Holyoke. (in Outlook, v. 72: 568, Nov. 8, 1902.) tº sºme Shows defects of lighting bill. Rosewater, V. Case, for municipal ownership of electric lighting. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 622-35. Dec., 1902.) Favorable. Ingram, F. F. Should people, or corporations light our cities? (in Arena, v. 30: 392–400. Oct., I903.) For public ownership. Monroe, R. G. Lighting service and water supply, city of of New York. (in International Quar- terly, v. I2: 23-33. Oct., 1905.) Favorable to municipal ownership. Municipal public lighting in Cleveland. (in Arena, v. 33: 214. Feb., Igos.) For public ownership, short and to the point. Monroe, R. G. Gas, electric light, water and street-railway services in N. Y. City. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 27: III-II9. Jan., 1906.) Relation of American municipalities to gas and electric light ; (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 27: 200-33. Jan., I A symposium representing 15 American cities. (c) RAILROADS. Powers, S. L. Uses of public ways by private corpora- tions. (in Arena, v. 5: 680-86. May, 1892.) Believes that private ownership is best in the long run. Schindler, S. Uses of public ways by private corpora- tions. (in Arena, v. 5: 687–93. May, 1892.) Reply to Mr. Powers. Baxter, S. Public control of urban transit. (in Cos- mopolitan, v. 18: 54-60. Nov., 1894.) Under public control the wage earner may live in the country §: yet be able to go comfortably and cheaply to and from his 11S1116SS, 2I Foote, A. R. Control of public service corporations. (in Engineering Magazine, v. 9: 50-56. Apr., 1895.) Control rather than ownership. Francisco, M. J. Municipal ownership of public corporations. § gaineering Mag., v. 9: 41-49. Apr., Iö95. Private ownership has given good service, why change? Jones, D. A. Relations of railways to municipalities. (in flººrs Mag., v. 8: 813–819. Feb., I895. Inclines to public control. Parsons, F. People's highways. (in Arena, v. 12: 218- 32; 392-4IO. Apr.-May, 1895.) Takes up the subject in all its phases and argues strongly for public ownership. Stevens, E. R. Financial value of street railway franchises. § Quº. v. 51: 600-61. Apr. 13, I895. tºwing from a financial point of view the importance of fran- CI11S6S. Bowker, R. R. Public control, ownership or operation of municipal franchises. (in Municipal Af- fairs, v. I : 605-31. Dec., 1897.) Unfavorable to public ownership. Case for municipal operation of street railroads. (in Street Railway Journal, v. 13: 852-3. Dec., 1897.) Against Å; ownership, reviewing Mr. Warner’s article in Municipal Affairs. Higgins, E. E. Public vs. private operation of street rail- ways. (in Municipal Affairs, v. I : 458- 90. Sept., 1897.) Does not believe the public would be as well served under public ownership as it is now. Sullivan, P. F. Municipal ownership and operation of street railways. (in Electrical World, v. 30: 487-8. Oct. 23, 1897.) Abstract of paper read before convention of American Street R. Association. Unfavorable. 22 Vreeland, H. H. Municipal ownership and operation of street railways. (in Electrical World, v. 30: 332-34. Sept. 18, 1897.) Objects from an economic standpoint. Warner, J. D. Public vs, private operation of street rail- ways. (in Municipal Affairs, v. I : 421- 57. Sept., 1897.) Favorable to public ownership. Bemis, E. W. Detroit's efforts to own her street railways. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 3: 473-90. Sept., 1899.) For public ownership. Moore, C. S. Public and street railroads. (in Outlook, v. 62: 665-6. July 22, 1899.) From ethical point of view, against corporations. Municipal ownership of tramways in the United Kingdom. (in Engineering Mag., v. 16: 381-8. May, 1899.) Argues strongly for private ownership. Proposed solution of municipal franchise problems. (in Street Railway Journal, v. 15: 538. Aug., 1899.) Gives suggestions which will solve the franchise problem. Tremain, H. E. Franchises or monopolies. (in Annals of Amer. Acad., v. 14: 3IO-26. Nov., 1899.) ‘dīusiou Ao oil qud on 3UIseo.Iouſ ‘drusiou Ao quioſ Iog Agar, J. G. Shall American cities municipalize. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: IS-23. Mar., I900.) Favors short leases. Donald, R. Street railways in British towns. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 31-39. Mar., I900.) Contrasts private and public ownership. Gladden, W. Public service companies and city govern- ment. (in Outlook, v. 66: 502-8. Oct. 27, 1900.) Favorable. Higgins, E. E. Some differences between American and British city transportation methods. (in Street Railway Jour., v. 16: 357-60. Apr. 7, 1900.) Defense of private ownership. 23 Ideal franchise, (in Street Railway Jour., v. 16: 715-16. Dec. I5, 1900.) Gives ideas of leading traction men. Maltbie, M. R. Glasgow's municipal tramways. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 4: 40-59. Mar., 1900.) Considers that Glasgow has solved the problem of municipal own- ership of street railways. Street railways too large for cities to control. (in Street Railway Jour., v. Io: 276. May 15, 1900.) Editorial. Vreeland, H. H. Failure of municipal ownership. (in Inde- pendent, v. 52: II65-8. May 17, 1900.) Thinks it would be a failure from a financial point of view. Ely, R. T. Municipal ownership of natural monopolies. (in North American Rev., v. I72: 445-55. Mar, Igoi.) For gradual outcome of municipal ownership. Future of municipal franchises. (in Nation, v. 73: 37I. Nov. I4, 1901.) Believes that in future the city will be sole owner of all fran- chises. Parsons, F. City ownership of street railways. (in Arena, v. 25: 198–209. Feb., 190I.) Discussion. Street Filway problems. (in Nation, v. 72: 250. Mar. 28, IQOI. Editorial, unfavorable. Winslow, W. Boston municipal subway. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 5: 427–32. June, 190I.) Shows that Boston by owning subways controls the transit prob- II]. Woodruff, C. R. Philadelphia street railway franchises. (in Amer. Jour. of Sociology, v. 7: 216-33. Sept., 1901.) Account of “franchise looting” and defiance of public opinion. Bellamy, C. R. Street railways. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 706-II. Dec., 1902.) Points out gain to public and employees in municipal ownership of Liverpool tramways. 24 Brandeis, L. D. Experience of Massachusetts in street rail- ways. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 721-9. Dec., 1902.) Benefit of Boston’s owning its subways. Foote, A. R. Regulation and taxation of public service corporations. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 749-64. Dec., 1902.) Lewis, C. T. How should public service corporations be controlled? (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 738–48. Dec., 1902.) Takes up the matter of control rather than ownership. Shepard, E. M. City owning and leasing [of railroads]. (in Mºral Affairs, v. 6: 714-20. Dec., I902. For short leases. Sloan, H. M. Municipal ownership and operation of street railways. (in Street Railway Jour., v. 12: 2II-I3. Apr. 9, 1902.) Believes that the city could not own and operate railroads with- out increase of graft. Warner, J. D. Municipal operation needed to correlate local franchises. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 515–23. Dec., 1902.) b1 Believes the correlation of local franchises desirable and inevita- €. Yerkes, C. T. Private control of street railways. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 712-13. Dec., I902.) Strongly opposed to municipal ownership. Sikes, G. C. Questions of franchises. (in Atlantic, v. 9I: 408-15. Mar., 1903.) For public ownership of all franchises. Flower, B. O. Public ownership of street railways. (in Arena, v. 32: 417-20. Oct., 1904.) A criticism and a reply. Parsons, F. Glasgow's great record. (in Arena, v. 32: 46I-7I. Nov., 1904.) Article showing Glasgow's progress. 25 Parsons, F. Public ownership and low rates. (in An- nals of Amer. Acad., v. 24: 361-3. Sept., 1904.) Argues that rates of fare will be lower under municipal owner. Ship. Smith, E. B. Street railway legislation in Illinois. (in Atlantic, v. 93: 109-18. Jan., 1904.) Takes up legal side of question. Coler, B. S. Shall New York city own its subways? (in Outlook, v. 79: 934-8. Apr. 15, 1905.) For municipal ownership. Cutting, R. F. Shall New York city own its subways? (in Outlook, v. 79: 931-34. Apr. 15, 1905.) For municipal ownership. Darrow, C. S. Chicago traction. (in International Quar, v. I2: I3-22. Oct., 1905.) History of Chicago's traction question. Donald, R. Municipal ownership of street railways in Glasgow. (in Outlook, v. 8o: 431-5. June 17, 1905.) Considers Glasgow has carried municipal ownership to a logical conclusion. Experimental municipalization in Cleveland. (in Nation, v. 8o: 367-68. Mar. II, 1905.) Considers Mayor Johnson’s plan superior to any previous model. John Ruskin on government ownership of railroads. (in Arena, v. 34: 630. Dec., 1905.) Extract from letter to London Daily Telegram, 1868. Knowlton, H. S. Street railway fares in large cities. (in Rev. of Rev., v. 32: 80-84. July, 1905.) Believes present fares are the lowest which will give good service. Robbins, H. Public ownership vs. public control. (in Amer. Jour. of Sociology, v. Io: 787-813. July, 1905; same condensed, in Rev. of Rev., 32: IO6. July, 1905.) Contrasts street railways of Boston and Glasgow. Does not think fares could be lowered and give good service. Shall New York city own its subways? (in Outlook, v. 79: 924-6. Apr. 15, 1905.) Editorial, in favor. 26 (d) TELEPHONE. Clark, Walter. Telegraph and telephone part of Post Office system. (in Arena, v. 5: 464-7I. Mar., 1892.) Considers this their logical place. Falkenburgh and Municipal telephones in Amsterdam. - (in Van Zanten. Municipal Affairs, v. 4: 24-39. Mar., 1900.) Shows how much cheaper the public can telephone under public ownership. Bennett, A. R. Municipal telephony in Great Britain. (in * Affairs, v. 6: 701-II. Dec., I902. Bethell, U. N. Superiority of corporation ownership of telephones. (in Municipal Affairs., v. 6: 668-82. Dec., 1902.) Believes in corporation ownership. Thinks America cannot safely rely on European experiences. Parsons, F. Reasons for public ownership of telephone. (in Municipal Affairs, v. 6: 683-700. Dec., 1902.) Would give better service, better wages, lower cost of operation. Municipal telephones in Great Britain. (in Outlook, v. 76: 9IO. Apr. 16, 1904.) Gives statistics as to the low rates prevailing in Great Britain. Municipal telephones in Great Britain. (in Arena, v. 33: 213-15. Feb., 1905.) Points out the good service Great Britain has under municipal ownership. (e) WATER. 13aker, M. N. Public and private ownership of water ; (in Outlook, v. 59: 80. May 7, IöOö. Thinks public ownership only logical plan. Hill, W. R. City ownership of water supply. (in Muni- cipal Affairs, v. 6: 730-7. Dec., 1902.) Shows the success of city ownership. 27 Philadelphia water works. (in Outlook, v. 73: 846. Apr. 11, 1903.) Editorial on bill to sell Philadelphia water works. Monroe, R. G. Lighting service and water supply, City of New York. (in International Quarterly, v. I2: 23-33. Oct., Igos.) Points out how well the public has been served by municipal water works and argues for municipal electric lighting. seAGLE PRESS, BROOKLYN-NEW YORK, ºzº &. §§§§ §¶√∞. §§¿% ș** §§§ }, ? :::::::::::. ;: º §§ ſąžºſ ĶĒĶžģ3;: ¿ #: łºś. É. *,x* #: *S*Hº: iš - º º: $º º º :* º § # - º sº § - ::… **** º: º§: § º - - - §º º ; : rº 3. § § §: § º § - §§ * ºšº §ºr. £º: