A 523088 THE TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION UNWIN TA 410 U62 LONGMANS & CO. LIGERETVRT AUDIT KABINETTA NA G ARTES LIBRARY 1837 *HINA- VERITAS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E PLURIBUS UNUM TUE BUR SCIENTIA OF THE SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAMI CIRCUMSPICE NINJAJAJAJNIKAOS GONZAGO DEPARTMENT OF GİNEERING ༢༠༣༢ YENERAL LIBRARY. } 1 .. THE TESTING OF GEN, LIBRARY. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 TA 410 .262 2 3 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON ▸ AUTOTYPE Plate I. 3.BUCKTON LEEDS 1.TON ENGINEERING BUCKTON & COLP LEEDS LABORATORY AT THE CENTRAL INSTITUTION OF THE GUILDS OF LONDON. THE TESTING OF 7 22 27 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION A TEXT-BOOK FOR THE ENGINEERING LABORATORY AND A COLLECTION OF THE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT BY WILLIAM CAWTHORNE UNWIN, F.R.S. M. INST. C.E. PROFESSOR OF ENGINEERING AT THE CENTRAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE: FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF HYDRAULIC AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK: 15 EAST 16th STREET 1888 All rights reserved /Teala ES PREFACE. THE present work is a treatise on the Strength of the Materials used in Construction, considered in connection with the instruments and methods by which the pro- perties of materials are investigated experimentally. The data on which the engineer relies in designing structures cannot be fully understood without some knowledge of the methods by which they are ascertained. But for several reasons a knowledge of the methods of testing has become of late of greater importance. With the introduction of new materials the engineer has been forced to make greater use of the testing machine, both in estimating the constructional value of materials and to escape the danger of employing material which is unsuitable. A considerable advance has been made in the construction of all the apparatus used in testing, and the operations of testing are carried out with more care and skill. Lastly, the establishment of Engineering Laboratories in connection with Schools of Engineering 72221 vi TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION has made experimental investigation an essential part of engineering education. Bud The following treatise consists of three parts. In the first, the mechanical properties of materials are ex- plained—that is, the phenomena of elasticity and plasti- city, and the relations between stress and deformation, so far as they have been scientifically ascertained. In the second, the apparatus used in the engineering laboratory is described. The author has had opportunities of ex- amining nearly every form of testing machine, and of using very nearly all the subsidiary measuring and other apparatus here described. Lastly, the third part contains a collection of the most complete and trustworthy results of testing, of all the ordinary materials of construction. This third part, no doubt, traverses ground occupied by several excellent treatises. Nevertheless, it will be found to contain a large amount of information, either new or at least not easily accessible to English readers. The mass of data accumulated in the last forty years is enormous, and in the selection of results of testing for the present work some definite principles have been steadily kept in view. Where laws were established first by careful and adequate experiment, it seems historically just to reproduce the original investigation. When, as in some of Hodgkinson's experiments, very simple PREFACE vii means of measurement were used, accurate enough for the purpose in view, this adds value to these early results. But beyond question more recent investiga- tions have, on the whole, been carried out with better appliances, and with greater skill and knowledge. In selecting amongst these, the point of greatest importance seemed to be that the investigations should be complete. That is, that all the facts useful to observe about a material should have been ascertained. If the tenacity of one sample of a material is determined, the shearing strength of a second, the crushing strength of a third -these results are less instructive than if one sample of material had been tested in all three ways. In giving tables of results they have all been reduced to common units, so as to be most easily understood and compared. It will be noted that a large number of the results. are borrowed from German and American sources. The establishment of Testing Laboratories, supported by Government, in Berlin, Munich and Vienna, and more recently at Watertown in the United States, is perhaps a procedure not likely to be followed in this country. But it can hardly be doubted that those laboratories have in a very important degree assisted foreign engineers and manufacturers. No mechanical investi- gations of the properties of materials at all comparable viii TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION in completeness to those undertaken in the Berlin and Munich laboratories have been carried out in this country. Whether or no the minuteness and delicacy of measurement and elaboration of method have been pushed beyond practical needs there may be difference of opinion. But everyone who studies the memoirs issued by the accomplished directors of the Continental laboratories must admire the patience and insight and skill which they exhibit. It is perhaps true that the full and unreserved publication of methods and results, so necessary for scientific progress, is hardly possible except in the case of public Institutions directed by men of acknowledged eminence. Results obtained by the author himself have been introduced sparingly, and chiefly where they filled gaps in the information available. Kensington February 1888. ; CHAPTER INTRODUCTION I. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON STRESSES II. PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS III. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS IV. TESTING MACHINES V. SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS VI. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS VII. VIII. ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS IX. CAST IRON X. IRON AND STEEL XI. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, AND MISCELLANEOUS TESTS OF METALS 12. CONTENTS. AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS XIII. TIMBER XIV. STONE AND BRICK XV. LIMES AND CEMENTS 90 XII. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS. ENDURANCE TESTS INDEX BY 3 · • a PAGE 1 17 45 56 106 171 192 228 246 259 276 339 356 394 410 441 483 LIST OF PLATES. PLATE I. ENGINEERING LABORATORY AT THE CENTRAL INSTITUTION OF THE GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE II. 100-TON TESTING MACHINE OF MESSRS. BUCKTON & Co. . III. OLSEN AND GRAFENSTADEN TESTING MACHINES IV. GENERAL VIEW OF THE WATERTOWN 450-TON TESTING MACHINE V. PLAN AND ELEVATION OF THE WATERTOWN TESTING MACHINE Frontispiece to face 136 "" PAGE "" "" 142 160 160 → Erratum. Page 159, line 8 from bottom. For one per cent.' read 'one-tenth of one per cent.' 1 $ t 4. ; THE TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. INTRODUCTION. THE arts of construction probably arose out of simple need of shelter, and in house-building men were first driven to apply natural materials to purposes involving the consideration of their mechanical properties. As communities were formed and social relations became more complex, the builder's art developed and extended. Roadways were necessary for traffic, temples for wor- ship, fortresses for defence. Now, in all works of construction are involved questions of the strength of materials. In the rudest house-building, materials must have been selected because they were strong, and proportioned with some reference to the forces to which they would be sub- jected; with every increase of size and complexity in the structures erected reconsideration was necessary of the materials available, and more attention would be given to securing adequate strength. Other considera- tions would have weight. Granite might be chosen for B C 2 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION durability, marble for polish, bronze for lustre, gold for costliness, metal to be beaten, wood to be carved. But in no case could considerations of strength be entirely ignored. The forms which give character to mediæval architecture—arch, buttress, groin, and tracery— are due to the desire to obtain great structural strength consis- tently with other requirements. And amongst those other requirements one must always have been to economise the amount of material used. It is, however, under the pressure of quite modern necessities that the problem of using materials to the greatest advantage in securing strength has come to be before all other considerations in the mind of the designer. In modern structures and machines, what- ever other objects are in view, the designer has always to consider what are the straining actions to which the structure will be subjected, and what is the safest material, and the best disposition of it, and the least amount of it necessary to resist those straining actions. The cause may be the increased value of labour, or the greater use in construction of artificial or manu- factured materials, or the greater scale of modern works, or the commercial conditions under which they are undertaken. Whatever the cause, the modern engineer or constructor has always to consider what is the least amount of material required to give adequate strength. The simplest mode of ascertaining the safety of a structure, say of a railway bar, or a bridge, is to apply to it a testing-load greater than the maximum load to INTRODUCTION 3 which it is likely to be subjected. To a certain extent this testing of completed structures is, and always will be, carried out. Before a boiler is put under steam it is tested by hydraulic pressure; before ordinary traffic passes over a railway bridge, a heavy testing-load is placed on it. Such tests sometimes reveal unknown or unsuspected sources of weakness. But little informa- tion is derivable from tests of completed structures, from the necessary limitation of the testing-load. No load can be applied likely to injure or deform the structure, unless it is quite seriously ill-proportioned or ill-con- structed. And an extreme testing-load may damage a structure, such as a boiler or bridge, without any possibility of the injury being detected at the time. It would also be very inconvenient if structures were erected at hazard with a chance of breaking down under the testing-load. Such tests of completed struc- tures have become to a great extent superfluous. They are useful as affording a final guarantee of security, but they do not supply very important or specific informa- tion as to the margin of safety which exists. In by far the largest number of cases no testing-load can be applied except the ordinary working load. It is here that purely theoretical studies come to the assistance of the engineer. For the materials he uses, the deformations due to the stresses are small, and within working limits of stress they are very nearly proportional to the stresses. Assuming the deforma- tions to be small and proportional to the stresses, it is B 2 4 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION possible to reduce the straining actions in the most complex structures to comparatively simple straining actions in their separate members. With that part of applied mechanics which deals with the determination of the simpler straining actions on the members of complex structures we have not in this treatise to deal. Supposing, however, this reduction made, then experi- ment on pieces of material subjected to such simple straining actions will show how the members of complex structures should be proportioned. Hence, for a hundred years or more, engineers have been constantly experi- menting on small pieces of different materials subjected to simple straining actions. Experiments of this kind are called tests of the strength of the material, and the machines for making these tests are called testing machines. There are two distinct objects in view in subjecting materials to mechanical tests. The one is scientific, the other commercial. When the object is scientific, the experimenter aims at the determination of the physical constants of the material and at verifying the assump- tions on which theoretical calculations proceed. When the object is commercial, the experimenter endeavours to ascertain whether samples of a material comply with certain more or less arbitrarily chosen standards of quality. That the methods of testing for scientific and for commercial purposes more or less coincide should not be allowed to obscure an essential difference. Absolute results are wanted in scientific testing, rela- INTRODUCTION 5 tive results in commercial testing. What is the elastic limit, the modulus of elasticity, the working limit of stress in given conditions of a given material, are ques- tions in the one case. Which of two samples of mate- rial is the better sample on the whole, is the kind of question in the other case. Scientific Testing.-The object of scientific testing being to determine the physical constants for a material, it will be useful to enumerate those which for the pur- poses of the engineer are most important. The definite physical constants required in the ap- plication of theories of the resistance of materials are as follow: 1. The density or heaviness. A great part of the straining action in most structures is due to the weight or inertia of the structure itself. Besides this, in many materials the density is directly connected with other properties of the material. 2. For some purposes and for certain materials it is useful to determine the hardness or resistance to abrasion. 3. Certain co-efficients of elasticity or ratios of stress to strain. For practical purposes it is usually accurate enough to assume a material to be elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic. In that case its deformation by any straining action can be determined if two elastic co- efficients are known-the co-efficient of elasticity of form, and the co-efficient of clasticity of volume. But, for application, other elastic co-efficients dependent on 6 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION these are also convenient. These co-efficients are re- quired for two reasons. A structure must be designed so that not only does it resist the straining action without breaking, but also without prejudicial deforma- tion, and the elastic co-efficients are required to deter- mine the deformations from the stresses. Next, in many cases the stresses depend on the deformations and the co-efficients of elasticity appear in the equations for determining the stresses. 4. Limits of Elasticity.-Certain materials, like cast- iron, are not perfectly elastic in their initial condition for any straining action. They are permanently de- formed, or take a permanent set with very small loads. But many materials are almost perfectly elastic, and most important materials of construction become so for a certain range of stress. It is only within that range of stress that the ordinary rules of strength of materials are applicable. The limits of elasticity must be known to determine the extent to which the rules can be trusted. If the limits of elasticity of a material were fixed by the conditions of its manufacture, the modulus of elas- ticity and limit of elasticity, once directly ascertained by experiment, would furnish all the data necessary to the engineer in applying the theory of elasticity and fixing the working limits of stress. That, however, is not the It has long been known that the elastic limit of a bar is not a fixed limit. By loading and straining a bar in one direction the elastic limit for that kind of case. INTRODUCTION 7 stress is raised. More recently it has been shown that if the bar is loaded and strained in different directions the elastic limit may be lowered. One of the most ordinary conditions of a structure or machine is that it is subjected to reiterated working stresses, all lying between a minimum and maximum value, or between a maximum stress of one kind and a maximum of the opposite kind. In such conditions, new elastic limits are produced differing from the original or primitive elastic limits. The determination of what those limits are in given circumstances is the object of remarkable and difficult researches, which are beyond the range of ordinary testing. No doubt it is accurate enough to treat ordinary structures and machines as perfectly elastic and to determine the distribution of stress on that assumption, for experience has fixed the limits of working stress far within the primitive elastic limit. But it is by no means clear that the working stress is commonly so fixed as to secure equal safety in different cases, and, if the proper working stress is to be determined on rational principles, the study of the conditions in which the elastic limits change becomes essential. 5. Breaking Stresses.-In the case of some materials an increasing load produces simply an increasing defor- mation. Generally, however, a limit is reached at which the bar suddenly fractures. Under defined conditions of loading—for instance, with a gradually increasing statical load applied in a short time-the breaking stress 8 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION „PÉSZTAŁE ZELAN is a perfectly definite constant for a material, and is nearly independent of the form and dimensions of the bar tested. As ordinarily stated in tables of strength of materials, the breaking stress is a somewhat fictitious quantity. Most materials commonly tested are ductile. Suppose the bar subjected to tension. With such materials a maximum load is reached before the bar breaks. At that point the elongation becomes very rapid and the section rapidly diminishes. The bar will no longer support the maximum load, and it finally breaks with a load 10 or 20 per cent. less than the maximum load. What is ordinarily understood as the breaking stress is the maximum load divided by the initial sec- tional area of the bar. That is, it is a load which is not the breaking load, estimated on an area which no longer existed when the bar broke. There are, of course, reasons of convenience for estimating the breaking stress in this way, and no error need arise if the mode of estimating the breaking stress is remembered. But, further, the early experiments of the Railway Commission, the experiments of Fairbairn for the Board of Trade on a small plate girder, the splendid series of researches by Wöhler, continued by Spangenberg and Martens, and confirmed by similar experiments of Bau- schinger and Baker, all show that bars subject to contin- ually varying stress break with loads of from one-half to two-thirds the statical breaking stress. The greater the range through which the stress varies and the greater INTRODUCTION 9 the number of repetitions, the lower is the breaking stress. These results are explainable if it is supposed that, instead of fixed limits of elasticity, these limits. depend on the range and kind of variation of stress, and that, if the range of perfect elasticity possible in given conditions is exceeded, deformations are produced which, accumulating with successive repetitions of load, finally lead to fracture. General experience accords with this conclusion. Under a purely statical stress a bar not too ductile would probably be safe with seven- eighths of the ordinary so-called breaking stress. But with a varying load no working stress as high as that would be safe. If the range of variation is small, the working stress may still be comparatively high. The Conway Bridge, in which the rolling load is small compared with the permanent weight of the bridge, is subjected daily to stresses reaching 7 tons per square inch, or nearly one-third of the breaking stress. But ordinary iron bridges with a larger proportion of rolling load, and therefore a greater variation of stress, are not sub- jected to more than 5 tons or at most a quarter of the statical breaking stress. Even this limit proves to be too high for bridges of very short span, in which the range of variation of stress is greater. Ordinary shafting and axles are rarely loaded beyond 4 tons to the inch, and in many parts of machines subjected to alternating ten- sions and compressions the stress does not exceed 2 tons per square inch, or one-twelfth of the breaking stress. It has been common to assume that the margin - 10 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION between the calculated working stress and statical breaking stress, as determined by ordinary testing, is merely an allowance for contingencies. But it is in no way clear that in cases where this margin is in practice greatest the probability of the working stress being exceeded is greatest also. Further, the need of an allowance of 400, 600, or 1,100 per cent. for mere con- tingencies neglected in calculating the stresses in the structure is incredible. It is much more probable that the elastic limit really fixes the safe limit of working stress, and that this varies with the range of variation of stress. Hence, besides the ordinary so-called breaking stresses determined in ordinary statical testing, it is distinctly one object of scientific testing to determine the breaking stresses under conditions of variation of stress, and especially to ascertain the conditions of time under which such variations of stress are effective in altering the breaking stress. But besides these dynamical conditions which affect the physical constants of a material, it is the object of scientific testing to determine how far different con- ditions of manufacture, of mechanical treatment in the forge, of chemical constitution, of temperature, and so forth, affect the physical constants of the material, and inferentially its value as a material of construction. It is by researches of this kind that guidance is obtained in seeking the improvement of any given manufacture. 6. The Yield Point.-In iron and steel, and perhaps - INTRODUCTION 11 other rolled or hammered materials, at a stress exceed- ing more or less the elastic limit, there occurs a large and almost sudden increase of deformation in the ordinary method of testing, and the deformation is per- manent or plastic deformation. For greater stresses the plastic deformation increases, and it amounts, before fracture is reached, to many hundred times the whole elastic deformation. The point at which this almost sudden augmentation of plastic deformation occurs is termed the yield point or breaking-down point. It is obvious that a general plastic yielding of a structure would ruin it for practical purposes, hence the yield point seems to fix a limit of stress independent of that determined from considerations of safety against frac- ture, which the working stress should not exceed. The yield point is raised by loading, which exceeds the primitive yield point, but it is not usually practicable to raise the yield point of a material artificially before using it in a structure, and consequently the primitive yield point due to the mechanical operations of manufacture fixes with respect to deformation the dangerous limit of stress. Professor Kennedy has especially insisted on the yield point as fixing the greatest working limit of stress.¹ But the case is not quite so simple as at first it appears. In almost all actual structures the maximum stresses are confined to very limited portions of the structure. It is not quite clear that a riveted joint is either sensibly deformed or permanently injured, even 1 ¹ Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers, vol. x. 1884. 12 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION I if the yield point at the dangerous section is exceeded. In testing large riveted girders the deflections are regular and proportional to the loads, almost to the breaking weight, and show no indication of a yield point. By careful scientific testing most of the constants enumerated above have been determined for the various materials which are used by the engineer. But a ques- tion arises which should not be entirely passed over. How far do such tests as have been made afford a trustworthy foundation for the wide extension which is given to their results by the aid of applied mechanics? It is, perhaps, desirable at least to point out some of the differences between the conditions of even the most careful testing and those which obtain in engineering structures. In the first place, most experiments have been made on test specimens of very small size; and it is not always safe to infer that the material in the small test-bar, and that in the large structure, are of identical quality and in precisely similar conditions. In the case of timber, for instance, Professor Lanza's experiments. show a wide discrepancy between small and large specimens. In another respect, at least, there is still a considerable difference between engineering structures and ordinary test-bars. Engineering structures are almost always compound structures made up of me- chanically connected parts. To what extent a com- pound structure of that kind can be taken to be equivalent to a simple homogeneous structure is at INTRODUCTION 13 present, at least, so far as direct experiment is con- cerned, very imperfectly known. Happily, the very defect of elasticity in ordinary materials tends to dimi- nish the variation of stress in compound structures which is due to imperfection of the mechanical connec- tions. But it is probable, and, to a certain extent, it is in accordance with practice, that the limiting stress should be rather lower in a compound than in a simple structure; that stresses, for instance, are safe in a simple railway bar or axle, which under similar conditions would be unsafe in a riveted girder. The differences between ordinary tests and actual structures as to time and frequency of repetition of load have already been spoken of. Lastly, in many actual cases in practice, the parts of a structure are subjected to combined stresses, and but little progress has been made experimentally in determining the effect of such combined stresses. Commercial Testing. The materials used by the engineer are natural or artificial products, and generally several sources of supply are available. It is important to be able to distinguish the quality of the materials coming from different localities or from different manu- facturers, or which differ considerably in quality or cost. A manufacturer may be skilful or careless; may use good raw materials or bad raw materials; or acci- dental circumstances may interfere with the processes of manufacture. The conditions involved in the success of a manufacture are numerous and complex. No mere P 14 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION supervision of the processes or examination of the re- sulting product is an adequate guarantee of quality. Now, the engineer requires to know if he is getting material good of its kind, and suitable for the purpose intended. To determine this no method is so convenient or safe as the selection of sample portions of the mate- rial, which are then subjected to appropriate tests, and, since a rapid and definite judgment is required, more or less arbitrary standards of quality must be accepted. Qualitative or comparative testing of this kind may be called Commercial Testing, to indicate its character without any intention of depreciating its importance. Since the physical constants of a material really determine its value for constructive purposes, com- mercial tests may be made to approximate as closely as is practicable to tests for scientific purposes. But this is by no means always convenient. Shorter and readier methods are often sufficient for comparative purposes. What the user of a material requires to know is whether a material supplied is as good as material previously employed in similar cases; or, of two materials equally available, which is the better. Generally he is content to adopt one or two easily applied tests, and to judge by comparison of the results of these alone. All that needs to be noted at present is that these commercial standards of quality are often arbitrary to an extent which has been too much overlooked. In testing steel, for instance, it has been common to look to the breaking stress and the ultimate elongation INTRODUCTION 15 as marks of quality. Admitting that a steel of 30 tons tenacity and 30 per cent. elongation is better than a steel of 28 tons tenacity and 25 per cent. elongation, the results are relative merely, and give no absolute measure of the difference in constructional value of the two materials. If one steel has 30 tons tenacity and 25 per cent. elongation, and the other 28 tons tenacity and 30 per cent. elongation, it even remains doubtful which is the better material. Neither the breaking stress nor the elongation represent conditions of stress or deformation which can be even approached in the actual application of the material. Again, it is sometimes convenient to make chemical analyses of materials instead of mechanical tests. No doubt the physical properties of a material are often closely connected with, and can, to a certain approxi- mation, be inferred from its chemical composition. Particular defects, such as adulteration, are better de- tected by chemical analysis than by mechanical tests, and in some cases particular constituents have a defi- nite effect on quality. Sulphur and phosphorus are prejudicial when present in iron. The physical pro- perties of steel depend somewhat closely on the amount of carbon, silicon, and manganese it contains. Lime and gypsum are sometimes mixed with cement, and injure its quality. But, in fact, the engineer has to do with the mechanical properties of materials; and the indications furnished by chemical analysis, though valuable, are indirect, and not for the engineer's pur- 16 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION pose completely reliable. Steels made from the same raw materials, and having identical chemical consti- tuents, may, from difference of mechanical treatment and other causes, have differences of quality of im- portance to the engineer. The engineer is, therefore, in most cases obliged to use mechanical tests in discriminating the quality of his materials. Then there arises the question, what are the mechanical tests most readily applied and most trustworthy in their indications? Complete experiments on the physical properties of the material are in general too laborious and costly. Certain physical properties must be selected as marks of good quality. For practical purposes, limited tests of this kind have been established, and contracts are made for the supply of material under specified test conditions. What tests of this kind are commonly applied will be discussed later on. At present it is only necessary to point out that, in proportion as the test is limited to a few properties of the material, and especially when it differs widely from the conditions in which the material is used, it is an empirical test of quality and sometimes misleading. Examples are not wanting of the general adoption of commercial tests which have tended to pre- vent the production of the best material, and to retard the progress of a manufacture. S PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 17 CHAPTER I. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES. THE systems of forces to which bodies are subjected, due to their weight or to the loads they support, or to other causes, are termed stresses. These stresses pro- duce in the body on which they act alterations of size or of shape, and these alterations are termed strains. One of the principal objects of testing materials is to determine the relation between stresses and the strains they produce. Very commonly stress is considered as the mutual action of two bodies at their plane of con- tact, or the mutual action of two parts of a body at an imaginary plane of division. A hanging chain carrying a load is in a condition of stress due to the upward re- action at the point of support and the downward pull of the load. Each link is in a condition of stress due to the upward and downward pull of the two neighbour- ing links; and if a link be considered divided by a horizontal plane, the stress at that plane is the upward and downward action of the half link on either side. 1. Elastic and Plastic Materials.-The most important с 18 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION distinction between bodies, from a mechanical point of view is that some are elastic and others non-elastic or imperfectly elastic. Elastic bodies recover their form after the stress is removed; non-elastic bodies or imper- fectly elastic bodies undergo a permanent change of shape when a stress is applied. The most important materials of construction are nearly perfectly elastic for a certain range of stress, and imperfectly elastic for greater stresses. But there are materials which can be greatly changed in form without losing continuity or breaking into fragments. To these we give the names malleable, ductile, or plastic, according to the mode of application of the stress. Gold is beaten into leaves, copper is drawn into wire, clay is moulded by pressure. The word which best expresses the property of suffering an indefinitely large deformation is the word plastic. A material is termed brittle if it breaks under an increasing stress before any great permanent de- formation is caused. It is called tough if, under an increasing stress, it becomes plastic and undergoes a large permanent change of shape. 2. Summary of the Elastic Properties of Materials.- When a body is subjected to the action of external forces, it undergoes a deformation which is either a deformation which disappears if the load is removed (elastic deformation), or a deformation which remains after the load is removed (plastic deformation). Ac- cording to the best experiments, and especially those of Bauschinger, all the materials used in construction, PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 19 except perhaps hard tool steel, show a small amount of permanent set after loading the first time, even if the loads are comparatively small. But in many materials, and up to a certain limit of stress called the elastic limit, the permanent sets are very small, and may perhaps rather be ascribed to initial want of straightness of the bars tested or to small defects of homogeneousness than to any inherent property of the material. 6 Within the limit of elasticity a very simple relation holds between the stresses or deforming forces and the strains or deformations. This law was published in 1676 by Robert Hooke, in the form of an anagram: The true theory of elasticity or springiness, ce iii n o sss tt uu.' The key to this anagram was given, two years later, in the phrase, 'Ut tensio sic vis; the power of any spring is in the same proportion with the tension thereof.' Using more modern terms, we say the stress is propor- tional to the strain. Later it will be shown to what extent actual materials conform to this law and behave with sensibly perfect elasticity. At present it is enough to assume that with most materials, and for straining actions within the elastic limit, the plastic or permanent deformations are so small that they may be neglected, and that the temporary or elastic deformations conform to Hooke's law. - 3. Tension and Compression. When a prism is sub- jected to a stress parallel to its axis and uniform on cross-sections perpendicular to the axis, it extends in length and diminishes in section or shortens and in- c 2 20 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION creases in section. Let p be the stress reckoned on unit of area, and a the extension or compression reckoned per unit of length. Then, by Hooke's law- 1 (1). This constant is termed the coefficient of direct elasticity, or Young's modulus. It has the same value for tension and compression. 4. Poisson's Ratio.-When a bar is extended or com- pressed by a simple longitudinal stress of the kind de- scribed above, it contracts or dilates laterally. If±a is FIG. 1. 1 2 ?? λ I * - d (1-1)· » 1 = E, a constant λ Į (1 + ^) I wy G a ਸ d(2+) 7 不 ​1 V(1-^) the longitudinal extension or compression, reckoned per unit of length, then the contraction or dilation trans- versely is a/m, where 1/m, the ratio of lateral con- traction to longitudinal extension, is a constant termed Poisson's Ratio. For most solid bodies m has values between 3 and 4, and for metals its most general value is nearly 4; for india-rubber, m = 2 nearly, when the deformation is small. Hence a simple longitudinal stress, p, per unit of PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 21 area produces a longitudinal strain, λ =p/E, and a transverse strain, - λ!m = - p/m E. M It might be questioned whether a should be reckoned per unit of original or per unit of stretched length of the bar. For ordinary solids a is so small that it makes no sensible difference, and a is calculated per unit of original length. But for india-rubber, equation (1) is much more nearly satisfied if a is calculated per unit of stretched length. If a is the elongation per unit of original length, is the elongation per unit of stretched length. 7 1+ λ 5. Change of Volume under simple Direct Stress.— Suppose the prism has initially the length and cross- section a. Subjected to a longitudinal tension, the length becomes 1 (1 + x), and the section a (1-2)²? กาว Consequently the initial volume al is changed to al (1 + 2 − 2) very nearly, since the deformations are small. The change of unit volume is a 22/m. Thus, if m = 4, as for metals, the change of volume of one cubic unit is, the volume being increased by longitudinal tension; if m = 2, as for india-rubber, there is no change of volume. Similarly, for com- pression, the change of unit volume is a for metals, the volume being diminished. Work done in Extending or Compressing a Bar.-If the stress is gradually increased from zero to a limit p, - 22 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION since equal increments of stress produce equal incre- ments of strain, the mean stress is p/2, and the work per unit volume done on the bar is Material (2). 6. Numerical Values of the Constants.-In order to have some idea of the numerical importance of the quantities which are under discussion it is desirable to examine a few cases. The following are values of the modulus E in tons per sq. inch, and the extension a and lateral contraction a/m per unit length for each ton per sq. inch for some materials : Wrought iron Mild steel Cast iron Glass Bronze Yellow deal • W = 1 p a 2 • · E 13,250 12,200 14,400 13,250 6,250 10,020 3,530 4,400 715 Extension per ton per sq. inch per unit length ·000075 •000082 '000069 •000075 ·00016 ·00010 •00028 ⚫00023 ·00139 - 1 Lateral con - traction per ton per sq. inch per unit width ·000019 *000020 •000017 ·000019 ⚫000040 ⚫000025 •000071 ·000058 Taking ordinary Bessemer steel, such as is used in riveted work, the elastic limit will not be below 10 tons per sq. inch. Up to that limit the extension will be 0007, or about Tooth of its initial length. Hence the lateral contraction will be about th of its initial width. The increase of volume when stretched will be aboutth. The work in stretching the bar up to 1 56 PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 23 1 10 tons per sq. inch will be (10 × 2240) 1400×12 of a foot-pound per cubic inch of the bar. FIG. 2. 7. Superposition of Two simple Direct Stresses at Right Angles. Consider a small cube, of unit length of side, with simple stresses normal to two pairs of faces and parallel to the third pair. Under the action of p₁ there P1 will be the following strains : Pr parallel to OC, Adding the parallel strains, parallel to OC, 21 0 C OA, 23 = ag P1 E parallel to OB and OA, Under the action of p2, the strains are : parallel to OB, P E parallel to OA and OC, P₁ E OB, λ₂ = p² E A P2 mE' P1 mE' Pi B P1 ME' P1 P2 mE ME Pi P2 mE P2 alm شر 24 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Now let the stresses P1, P2, be of equal intensity, P, but opposite sign. The strains become or putting 1-λ V P p (1 + 1); - (1+1) and 0... (3), い ​E E m the lengths of the sides of the cube will be 1+λ; 1-2; and 1 and the volume neglecting a² is unchanged. Fig. 3 shows the distorted cube. A A square traced on the side of the original cube will be distorted into a rhombus, the angles of which are greater and less than a right angle by the equal amount 0. Now FIG. 3. -1+A S 1-λ 1+2 Or, as is small, // (1 + 1) = x, P E K 1 لا F tan 1 2 (3 - 0) ( - Ө 1 2 P tan 1 + tan and 0 = 2λ A 2 Mag 2 (4), (5). 8. Isotropy.-A material is quite conceivable which, tested by a direct tension for instance, should give one PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 25 value of E for a stress in one direction and a different value of E for a stress in another direction. The materials used in construction are produced by processes of forging, rolling, &c., in which the mechanical actions have definite directions with reference to the piece pro- duced. The pressure of the rolls on a bar is perpen- dicular to its axis, and while the bar is squeezed down vertically it has different degrees of freedom of expan- sion in all horizontal directions. It is quite conceiv- able that this mechanical action should make the elastic properties in the direction in which the bar was com- pressed different from those in the direction in which it expanded. The bar would then be said to be not isotropic. Now, fortunately, most of the mechanical operations in producing iron and steel are effected at temperatures at which the material is almost perfectly plastic, and they do not produce such great differences in the elastic properties in different directions as similar operations at lower temperatures would do. We may for most purposes treat ordinary materials as isotropic, always remembering that the assumption can only be approxi- mate. The extent to which there are variations of isotropy in ordinary materials has hardly been experi- mentally examined. 9. Normal and Tangential Components of Stress.— Shearing Stress.-Suppose a simple stress, P, applied parallel to the axis of a bar, so that the distribution on cross-sections perpendicular to the axis is uniform. If 26 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION a is the area of such a cross-section the intensity of stress is a p (6). To find the stresses on an oblique section, a b, it is con- venient to resolve P into normal and tangential compo- nents. Let be the angle between the nor- mal to the section and the axis of the bar, then N = P cos 0 and T = P sin 0. As the tan- gential stress T tends to cause sliding at the section, it is called the shearing stress, while the normal component is often termed the direct stress. The area of the oblique section a b is a sec 0. Hence the intensities of normal and tangential stress on a bare (7). (8). N π P 2: T FIG. 4. Normal stress = Pn = Tangential stress = p, α Р α -0 for 0, we get P cos 0 a sec o b P sin 0 a sec o For an oblique section at right angles to a b, substituting p cos 20. = p sin 0 cos 0. Normal stress = p'₂ = p sin 2 0. Tangential stress = p = p sin cos 0. 0 PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 27 So that the intensity of tangential stress is the same on two oblique sections at right angles. The shearing stress is greatest and = p for planes at 45° with the 1 2 axis. Now let us consider a case in which the stresses can be reduced to simple shearing stresses. angle A B C D represent a parallel- Let the rect- opiped, the stresses on which can be reduced to tangential stresses on two pairs of the faces. it can be shown that the stresses on the faces at right angles are equal. For the lengths of the sides represent the areas of the faces, so that the total stresses on the faces are P₂ × A B and p₁ × AD. Equating the moments of the P1 two couples, p₂ × AB × BC = î₁ × AD × A B, that 21 is, P2= P1. 2 Let Fig. 6 represent a cube of unit length of side, subjected to equal shearing stresses on two pairs of faces at right angles A in directions parallel to the third pair of faces. The effect of these s stresses will be to distort the square face of the cube into a rhombus, each angle being altered by an amount 0. Assuming Hooke's law, 8 = C 0 A Pi Then P D D FIG. 5. P2 FIG. 6. S▾ .S B C B C (9), where C is a modulus of elasticity of a somewhat dif- ferent kind from that already described. For Young's 28 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION D modulus applies to a case where there is a change both of volume and figure. In this case there is a distortion of shape only. C is called the modulus of transverse elasticity or coefficient of rigidity. FIG. 7. 1552 The tangential stresses here assumed as acting on the faces of the cube are equivalent to a tension and compression along its dia- gonals. For obviously half the stresses on each adjacent pair of sides is equivalent to a stress S✓2 along a dia- gonal, and the shearing stress. on the four faces is therefore equivalent to a tension along one diagonal and an equal thrust along the other. But the section of the cube along the diagonals is 2. Hence the intensity of the tension and thrust is p= s. 4552 い ​The case is, therefore, identical with that previously treated, in which a tension and thrust at right angles were superposed. In that case it was found that 0 = 2λ -S52 st S Therefore S یں S \\-S√2 7 Ө (10). But by the definition of the coefficient of rigidity, remembering that the shearing stresses and direct stresses to which they are equivalent are equal, Ꮯ Ꮎ . P E' ( 1 + 1/12). m2 + 1 m 2 p E PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 29 Hence с c = ? พ Ꮎ For metals in which m = 4, 2 C = E. = 124 mE m + I K = / V 10. Coefficient of Elasticity of Volume.-When a body is acted on by a stress uniform all round, like a fluid pressure, its volume is increased or diminished. Let v be the change of volume reckoned per cubic unit of the body under a stress, P, per sq. unit of area. Then (12) is called the coefficient of elasticity of volume. All systems of stress acting on a body may be resolved into distorting or shearing stresses, which do not alter the volume, and a fluid stress. P-P . (11). The relation between K and the other constants is easily found. For suppose a cube of unit length of side acted on by a longitudinal stress, 3 p, on two opposite faces. It will in no way alter the condi- tion of stress to introduce stresses, + p and -p, on each of the remaining four faces. Considering the stress shown in the figure, a +p on each horizontal face and a -p on opposite vertical faces together form a shearing or distorting stress; simi- FIG. 8. iP ip tp be to tp JL L 30 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION larly, another + p on each horizontal face, and a p on the two other vertical faces. These produce no change of volume. There remains, therefore, a stress +p on every face, together constituting a fluid stress of intensity, p. But it has already been shown that a longitudinal stress, 3p, would produce a change of volume equal to 3(2 – 22). Therefore, discarding the distorting stresses, a simple longitudinal stress, 3 p, produces the same change of volume as a fluid stress, p. Hence- M K= or since But E K ทาว K = 2 (2-2) 2 λ = p/E Em 3m 6 S 2C (m + 1) በጊ 2C (m + 1) 3m 6 mandag g 6K + 2C 3K-20 ; A (13). According to the view generally adopted in this country C and K are the fundamental coefficients in the theory of elasticity of isotropic bodies. 11. Examples of the Value of Constants.-The follow- ing short table gives values of the constants discussed above in tons per square inch :- - PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 31 Water Flint glass Brass Steel Wrought iron Cast iron Copper COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY. Volume elasticity K Simple rigidity C 141 2,204 to 2,636 1,492 to 1,524 6,363 to 6,890 2,185 to 2,560 11,690 5,200 9,245 4,883 6,123 3,378 10,690 2,794 to 2,839 splat Ma Young's modulus E 3,645 to 3,829 6,020 to 7,112 12,820 to 15,560 12,470 8,567 7,442 to 7,836 B 12. Torsion. When a prismatic bar is fixed at one end and a couple is applied at the other end, in a plane at right angles to the axis of the bar, it suffers a de- formation termed torsion, which gives rise to simple shearing stresses in the bar. The theory of torsion of prismatic bars in general is difficult. It is sufficient for testing purposes to con- sider a cylindrical bar, the theory of which is simple. FIG. 9. In such a bar A A, B B, each plane transverse sec- tion remains plane after twisting and its dimensions are unaltered. The dis- tance between two trans- verse sections is un- changed, so that the length of the bar is unaltered. A longitudinal strip on the surface of the bar initially parallel to the axis becomes a helix in the twisted bar. b el ロ ​ні у Reciprocal of Poisson's Ratio *-10 B a 4.1 3.0 3.25 3.6 3.7 2.6 1 } In 1 J 32 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Any small square on the surface of the bar becomes a rhombus, ef gh. This deformation corresponds to that produced by equal shearing forces on the opposite sides of the square e f g h, or to stresses of tension and com- pression of equal intensity with the shearing stresses along the diagonals of e f g h-that is, at 45° with the axis of the bar. Hence the general condition of stress in the bar is that there are shearing stresses on transverse sections and on radial longitudinal sections. Or there are ten- sions and compressions along helixes drawn on concentric cylindrical sec- tions at an inclination of 45° with the axis. Let be the angle through which the bar is twisted, per unit of length, That is, if a b is the arc surface of the bar at the expressed in circular measure. through which a point on the radius ¹ turns, then-- 2 e FIG. 10. "V π 180 dating Τι Ө a b 2.11 Mag [If n is the torsion angle per unit length of bar in degrees, n.] Consider the slice between two transverse sections at a distance dl. One twists relatively to the other through an angle fofdl. A square, ef gh, on the PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 33 surface of the slice becomes a rhombus, ef' g' h. Now the arc ff' =rdl. For any intermediate cylindrical section of the slice at radius r, the corresponding de- formation is kk' rol. The angle of deforination of the rhombus on the surface of the bar is ff' /eƒ = 1 = 1; and the corresponding angle of deformation of a rhombus on the cylinder of a radius » is $ = ‚· 6. π5 Now consider the stress on a ring between radii and r + dr at the end of the slice. The area of the ring is 2 dr. If f is the stress per unit of area, the whole stress on the ring is 2 fr dr, and the moment of this stress about the axis of the bar is 2 fr² dr. Hence the whole moment of stress on the end of the bar, which must be equal to the external twisting moment, must be— π and at radius r = But in shearing, the relation of stress and strain gives, at the surface of the bar, Hence- T = 2 = √ ƒ r² dr. 75 Å ƒ₁ = C &₁ = Cr, 0, 1 ƒ = C & = C » 0. T = 2 π CO √ √³ dr = 1 π Cor₁₂+ O 1 (14). Or putting in fi the shearing stress at the surface of the bar, 3 1 T = { # fir³· (15). D 34 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION When the section of the bar is not circular, the determination of the relation of the moment of torsion, greatest stress, and angle of twist is difficult. The greatest stress is in the cases most likely to occur at those points of the boundary of the section which are nearest the centre. The following are the equations obtained by St. Venant :- Let A be the area of the section. I the polar moment of inertia of the section relatively to its centre of gravity. where I' the moment of inertia relatively to an axis through the centre of gravity, and coinciding with its greater diameter. a, b, the greater and less semi-diameters if the section is elliptical, the greater and less half- lengths of the sides if rectangular. fi the greatest stress. Then Ө fr k TI CA¹ T γ I' b k = 42 for elliptical sections, (15α), 7 = 0.5 for elliptical sections, = 0.75 for rectangular sections. (156), 40 approximately for rectangular sections; PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 35 It may be pointed out that experiments on torsion, in which the stresses are within the elastic limit, afford the easiest means of determining the coefficient of trans- verse elasticity C. 13. Determination of C by Torsional Vibrations.- When the value of C is required for thin cylindrical bars or wires the method of torsional vibrations may be used. It can be shown that torsional vibrations of a wire fixed above and supporting a weight are nearly isochronous, and that the time of a single oscillation is given by the relation t = π T π 2 с I where t is the time in seconds, I the moment of inertia of the vibrating system about its axis of rotation, and T the twisting couple when 16 = 1. Hence, since с י' T 2:3 ין 2 π I l ť² jot (16). 14. Bending Stress.-A bar is subjected to simple plane bending when the following conditions are satis- fied: (1) the unstrained bar is straight, and has a longitudinal plane of symmetry; (2) the bending forces are applied in that plane normally to the axis. These conditions are easy to obtain, and the deforma- tion which occurs is one of the easiest to observe. Hence materials are often tested by bending. D 2 36 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The nature of the stresses to which the bending forces give rise is not difficult to trace. Suppose a prismatic bar (Fig. 11), fixed at one end and loaded with W at the other. If the bar were divided at a b, equilibrium might be re-established by introducing a vertical force-S, equal to W, and a pair of equal horizontal forces F,-F, forming a tension and thrust, and having a moment Fh equal and opposite to the moment WI of the couple formed by W and S. This illustration serves to show that at a cross- section of a bent bar, normal to the axis, the molecular forces must in general consist of a shearing stress cor- responding to S, and of direct stresses of tension and compression having resultants corresponding to F F. The existence of these direct tensions and compres- sions at the upper and lower edges of the bar is easily shown, thus:- F+ F FIG. 11. Thoma Sigm 2 ㅈ ​W FIG. 12. е Suppose a rectangular bar of wood to have thin pieces of steel fitted in grooves in its top and bottom PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 37 surfaces. Let these be fixed to the bar at one end, but otherwise free to slide longitudinally. If the bar is now bent it will be found that the bar has shortened a distance c on one side and lengthened a distance e on the other, as shown by the projection or retraction of the thin steel plates. Further, the compression c will be equal to the extension e if the bar is symmetrical above and below its axis. C The following table gives measurements made in this way by M. Morin and M. Tresca on a deal bar, 8 inches deep, 5 inches wide, and 152 inches long, between supports. It was loaded in the middle. Load in lbs. 440 880 1,320 1,760 2,204 2,644 Bar reversed Again reversed Deflection in ins. Total •1056 •2160 •3840 *4352 •5360 *6512 • per 220 lbs. *0528 *0544 *0640 *0472 *0524 *0576 Means "" "" Compression, per 220 lbs. с ·01036 •01020 ·00992 ·00968 •01000 *00984 •01000 *00944 •01012 Extension, per 220 lbs. e ·01020 *00992 *00972 ·00928 *00976 •00984 ·00980 ·00976 •01048 These observations suggest a conception of the action which occurs in bending, which proves to be exact enough for nearly all purposes. Suppose that plane parallel transverse sections of the unstrained bar remain plane after bending, and then radiate to the axis of curvature. It follows, since the bar is lengthened on one side and shortened on the other, that at some intermediate surface, termed the neutral 38 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION surface, the material is neither lengthened nor shortened. Further, for other parts of the material, the elongation or shortening (parallel to the longitudinal axis) will be proportional to the distance from the neutral surface. The stresses will therefore also be proportional to that distance. 15. Generally, as has been shown, there is a shear- ing force at the transverse sections of the bar, and the p K - a * P FIG. 13. ed ab FIG. 14. 1 り ​D 2π (p + ?) 275 P P moment of the bending forces varies along the bar. In one particular case the action is simpler (Fig. 13). Suppose equal couples of moment Pa applied at the ends of the bar, then between A and B the bending moment is uniform and the curvature circular, Let P be the radius of curvature measured to the neutral surface a b. Then a fibre of the length a b before cur- vature has the length c d after bending. But рту P a V PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 39 and the extension (or compression, if y is negative) is /p per unit of length. Hence, if ƒ is the stress at a distance y from the neutral surface, = E EY (17). P On an element of area a the stress is fa, and the total stress on the whole section of the bar is, therefore, Σ (fa) = Σ (E ¼ a). Y P f But, since the pressures and tensions across the section form a couple, (E 2 a) = 0 ; P Σ (Ε or, since E/p is constant, y a = 0. Σ This equation is only true if the distances y are measured from a line passing through the centre of gravity of the section. Hence the neutral surface of the bar passes through its longitudinal axis of figure. The moment of the stress fa about the neutral axis of the section (intersection of neutral surface with the section) is fay= Ey2a The total moment of the couple P formed by the tensions and pressures at the section is- 2 Σ (Ex² a) or E P Σ a y². Now, the quantity a y² is known as the moment of inertia, or second moment of the section, and is usually denoted by I. Hence, putting M for the moment of 40 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the forces on one side of the section, which is equal to the moment of the molecular forces at the section, M (18), which expresses the relation between the bending moment and the curvature of the bar. Let f and f be the tension and pressure at distances y, and y, from the neutral surface. Then f E M P EI P ____ Y₁r fo fe fi I E (19). Generally it is necessary to consider the greatest tension and pressure at any point of the cross-section. Then Yt and y must be taken as the distances of the parts of the section furthest from its neutral axis. It is convenient to call the quantities I/y, I/y, the moduli of the section for tension and compression. If Z, Z. are put for these moduli, M = f₁ Z₁ = fc Zc Y P fo I Y Yo (20), which gives the relation of the bending moment to the stresses induced. If the bending moment varies along the beam the radius of curvature also varies. Then Eq. 18 gives p P for the section at which the bending moment is M. If I varies, then Eq. 18 gives different values of M or at different sections. f 16. Deflection of a Beam.--Let a be a point on the PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 41 neutral axis, and b a neighbouring point; let x and y be co-ordinates of a, c the centre of curvature, and a c = p. Then a cbd is equal to the angle between || 0, ! Ө 0 the tangents to the neutral surface at a increment of slope of the beam. Let ab and, since ds = de very nearly, = Y FIG. 15. do dx Ꮯ ido 1 Р =fdx=/da (21), which can be integrated when M and I are expressed in terms of x. Further, if the deflection of O below a = y, dy/dx (22), which again is integrable. iy M EI = = So dx. and b, or the ds = d s = p d 4, } ! 42 17. Application to the Simplest Cases occurring in Testing. The value of I and Z for the simplest forms of section is as follows:- TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION B H h S S B 050 Hollow rectangle, or I, with equal flanges 1 h H I يلا Area, A. b h Π شمار ہیں A4 d² BH-bh Moment of Inertia, I. 1 12 b h³ 1 12 π 64 $1 d¹ B H³ -- b h³ 12 I = 0.126 A h², Z = 0.2525 A h. Modulus of Section, Z. 1 10 6 = ·b h² 1 6 دری Τ 32 ·0982 d³ d³ BH³-bh3 6 H For irregular sections, such as rail sections, the area and moment of inertia must be determined by well- known graphic methods. But the following approxi- mation is suitable for ordinary rails. Let A be the area of section, h the height of the rail. Then PROPERTIES OF BODIES ACTED ON BY STRESSES 43 The greatest bending moment for the simplest modes of loading is as follows :-- I. Beams encastré at one end, length 7. Load W at the free end I from support- M at support W l. Load w per unit of length uniformly distributed- M at support 1/12/12 20 w 12. II. Beams supported at each end, span l. Load W in centre- 1 W 7. 4 M at centre Load w per unit of length uniformly distributed— M at centre // w 12. The greatest longitudinal tension or compression for a given bending moment and section is- Rectangular section f Circular section I section 11 б 11 1 W 73 3 EI 6 M bh2. 10.2 M d³ 3 The greatest deflection & is as follows for beams of uniform section : 6 HM BH³ - bh³° 3 I. Beam encastré at one end, length 7. Loaded at free end with W- at the free end. 44 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Loaded uniformly with w per limit of length- าย б 1 w 14 8 EI II. Beam supported at each end, span /. Loaded at the centre with W 8 at the free end. W13 48 EI at centre. Uniformly loaded with w per unit of length-- 5 w 14 384 EI E at centre. If there is a concentrated and distributed load, the deflections due to each may be added. - 18.-Determination of Young's Modulus by Experi- ments on Bending.-If a uniform prismatic bar is en- castré at one end and loaded at the other with a weight W, and the deflection è is measured, E 1 W 73 381 (23). sup- Similarly, if a prismatic beam of uniform section is ported at the ends and loaded at the centre with W, (24). It is assumed, of course, that the stresses do not exceed the elastic limit, and that the observations are repeated often enough and the measurements sufficiently delicate to give trustworthy values of the deflection. W 73 4881 45 CHAPTER II. PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS. 19. Plasticity in materials has long been recognised, and the terms malleable (capable of being hammered into sheets), ductile (capable of being drawn into wire), plastic (capable of being moulded), have been used with more or less clearness to denote the property of under- going an indefinitely large deformation and retaining it permanently. The characteristic of plasticity is not the largeness of the deformation but its permanence when the stress is removed. Cork may be compressed to one-eighth of its volume by a fluid stress, but it recovers its original volume again if the stress is removed, so much so that it has been proposed to use cork in gun compressors to absorb the force of recoil and restore it again. Cork is compressible in volume, not plastic. Indiarubber can be extended to eight times its original length with little change of volume, but it recovers its figure when the tension is relaxed. It has a long range of somewhat imperfect elasticity. But iron at welding heat takes any figure given to it in the rolls or under the hammer and retains it. It is almost perfectly plastic. In a paper by M. Henri Tresca, who first studied scientifically and carefully the plastic properties of 46 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION solids, there is a passage which precisely indicates the relation of the phenomena of plasticity to those observed in ordinary testing :-¹ 1 'For all bodies two distinct periods are recognised : the period of perfect elasticity, which corresponds to variations of length proportional to the forces applied; and the period of imperfect elasticity, during which, on the contrary, the changes of dimension increase more rapidly than the forces producing them. If the second phase of deformation be alone considered, it is easily understood that it tends towards an ultimate condition in which a given force, sufficiently great, would continue to produce deformation, so to say, without limit-as may be observed in the process of drawing lead wire. This particular condition, in which the deformation is indefinitely augmented under the operation of a suffi- ciently great force, constitutes in fact the geometrical definition of a third period, which has been designated by the author as the period of fluidity. The period of fluidity is more extended for plastic substances; it is more restricted, and will even disappear altogether, for some vitreous or brittle substances. But it is perfectly developed and extremely extended in the case of clays and of the most malleable metals.' M. Tresca observed in early experiments with lead G 1 Proc. Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, 1878, 'The Flow of Solids,' by M. H. Tresca. See also a paper in the same Proceedings in 1876. Also Cours de Mécanique Appliquée, professé à l'École Centrale, by H. Tresca. Also numerous Mémoires sur l'Ecoulement des Solides in the Comptes Rendus. PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 47 and similar plastic metals that the large plastic defor- mation was unaccompanied by any sensible change of density. Assuming a deformation without change of volume, M. Tresca has chiefly studied the geometrical conditions of the phenomena of plasticity. There is another feature of plastic deformation, however, and that is the dependence of the deformation on time. Even within the elastic limit there is an internal mole- cular friction or viscosity resisting deformation of shape, and greater as the rate of deformation is greater. But the time influence is very much more marked in plastic deformation. Under a stress producing plasticity the deformation gradually increases, either indefinitely or at a diminishing rate, as the time during which the stress acts is indefinitely prolonged.' The following simple cases of nearly pure plastic deformation, selected chiefly from M. Tresca's Memoirs, will serve to indicate the geometrical laws of the defor- mation. 20. Suppose a cylindrical block of plastic substance supported on a die-block and perforated by a punch. It will be found that the height of the punching or wad (Fig. 16) is in general much less than that of the FIG. 16. block. Thus with a block 10 c.m. H ↓ h 止 ​high, through which a hole, 2 c.m. diameter was punched, the wad was only 3 c.m. high. 1 See the article on Elasticity' in the Encyclopædia Britannica, by Sir W. Thomson, F R.S. 48 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 17. A precise determination showed that there was no increase of density in the wad. Consequently during punching seven-tenths of the metal must have flowed laterally into the block. A partially- punched nut (Fig. 17) showed a wad having a thickness visibly less than the penetration of the punch. Some super- posed discs of lead punched similarly and then divided showed the appearance sketched in Fig. 18. The wad, FIG. 18. like the original block, con- sisted of a series of discs, the lowest being nearly of the thickness of the original discs and the higher ones thinner. Of the metal forced laterally, therefore, the higher layers furnished the larger part. What hap- pens in punching thick blocks is therefore now obvious. The metal under the punch becomes plastic and flows, till the remaining metal is so thinned that its resistance to shearing is less than the pressure on the punch. 21. Formation of a Jet by Plastic Flow.-Suppose a series of lead discs are placed in a strong cylinder (Fig. 19) and subjected to pressure in an hydraulic press. If the pressure exceed a certain limit, and if there is an orifice in the bottom of the cylinder, the lead will flow like a liquid, forming a jet exhibiting contraction. PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 49 Each disc originally superposed in the box contributes to form part of the jet. Let the thickness of the layers originally in the box be H, and let this be diminished after flow to h, while the jet attains a length ; let R be the radius of the box, and r that π R² (H−1) = = 12 1 1 H-h R2 222 F H | h of the jet; then from the con- stancy of density of the lead, we obtain the equation— с a C FIG. 19. Concentric Contraction of Central Cylinder.-Imagine in the block a cylinder of radius → (Fig. 20) forming a prolongation of the jet, so that the lead in the chamber FIG. 20. ۔ ہم |- 1. consists of an annulus of radii R and r, and a cylinder of radius When the thickness of the metal in the chamber diminishes by a c = dh, the material forced out of the annulus can es- cape neither towards the piston nor towards the sides of the chamber. It must necessarily flow into the space occupied by the central cylinder. From symmetry that cylinder will remain a cylinder, " diminishing to r-dr. Equating the volume forced I I } - - T ;--p- -R d - E (1). r 16 ¿ → 50 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION out of the annulus to the diminution of volume of the central cylinder-- vend π (R² −7·2) d h = 2 hr dr, 75 dh h (2). Proportional Contraction of Cylinders forming the Central Cylinder.-Let Fig. 20 represent in plan a sec- tion of the central cylinder. When that cylinder changes radius from to r-dr, from matter forced in from the external annulus, any other cylindrical space of radius must also diminish in radius. It is natural to sup- pose that the areas diminish proportionally, so that--- Integrating, 2 r dr R2-2.2 2 πrdr_ 2 πpdp To giz πρά dr グ ​(3). Transformation of Central Cylinder.--Let p be now the radius of the cylinder which was initially of radius 7. From (2) Replacing d r from (3), dh h log h d p Р dh 2rdr h R2-72 27.2 R2-29 27.2 R2-7.2 d P P. log p+c. PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 51 Let H, as in (1), be the initial height of the layers in the chamber. For h = H, pr. Then,- log H Eliminating c, log h H P " 27.2 R2-7.2 2.2 R2 — p² (1/4) A C log r+c. ~ R2 (4). Which gives the radius p of the portion of the central cylinder initially of radius r after any amount of flow into the jet. If A B (Fig. 21) is the original surface of the lead, CD the surface after ā 9 log? 1' 2 r the flow of the jet cdgh, then the matter initially occupying the central cylinder abcd will be found occupy- ing the space ef gh, ef being the diameter to which the original cen- tral cylinder is now reduced. Also klis the value of when so P much of the jet was formed that kl was at c d, and Ok = λ was then the length of the jet. J e ir 1 FIG. 21. I f h d D B I h H 1 I 1 1 Τ E 2 52 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Now, in the equation R t = (44) " 2' H اد р let p be the radius length of the jet is l. h = H · W 22 of the central cylinder when the But from (1) 1.2 R2 when 72 R2 72, or r = = – * ?= (1 - 1/1/11) R2 H ጥ of the second degree. If r = R2 G (5), which is the equation to the curve fh, p being the abcissa when the ordinate measured above O X is l. If that pi 2.2 The curve varies with the value of 2 . R² - 7.2° quantity is greater than 2 the curve may be regarded as a parabola of a higher degree. R √2 If it is equal to 2, the curve is a parabola R √3 27.2 the curve reduces to a straight line. M. Tresca has experimentally verified the law; the verification proved entirely satisfactory. 22. Pressure of Fluidity.-These experiments show that a ductile body is deformed when the pressure exceeds a certain amount according to geometric laws, and permanently, so that there is no indication of elasticity or tendency to return to the primitive shape. PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 53 M. Tresca designates by the term 'pressure of fluidity' the stress necessary to induce this state. 23. Application to the case of Prisms subjected to Tension or Compression.-M. Tresca perceived perfectly well that, in testing, a bar passed from the elastic state through an imperfectly plastic state to an almost per- fectly plastic condition, but he has not investigated the phenomena which occur in testing. There is, however, a general relation deducible on the assumption of a condition of perfect plasticity which will be useful hereafter. Suppose that in the deformation of a plastic bar the volume does not change. Let be the initial length 7 and d the initial diameter of a bar which, when elongated plastically, has the length 1 + λ and the diameter d − ò. From the constancy of volume we get-¹ 1 Hence, 75 2 I d² l = = ( 1 − s)² (1 + x) 4 4 4 2 7. (1² = ³)² = 1 = x (1-3) + Now, the contraction of area is- K 7 I d² - (d = 8)² } = = d² + x - 4 4 ι λ contraction of area initial area So that for a perfectly plastic material the percentage 1 This deduction was given in the Engineer, May, 1885. 2 1+ λ 54 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION of contraction of area is not proportional to the per- centage of elongation calculated on the original length of the bar, but to the percentage of elongation calculated on the stretched length of the bar. Now, during plastic elongation the intensity of the stress remains constant. Hence, the initial load on the bar when the plastic condition is reached is, if p is the pressure of fluidity— P₁ Hence, π 4 d² p. Similarly, when the elongation is λ, 75 2 P = (d — 8)² p. 4 2 Р P₁ = (d¹² = ³)² = 1/4 x (1-2) 1+ 1 the load diminishing as the bar stretches. It will be seen that this phenomenon occurs in the last stage of a tensile test. If the stress is compressive, dilatation of area (d + d)² original area d² 1 Τηλ || - P P₁' the load increasing as the prism shortens, as occurs in crushing short prisms. 24. Work done in Plastic Deformation.-Consider the case of a prism which shortens a length da while PLASTIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 55 the load increases from P to P + d P. The work done in compression is P da. But But P₁ prism, P d λ = P₁ l Hence the work in compression from an original length I to a length 1-2 is- W = f. P₁ / αλ レーズ ​αλ 1 - λ - P₁l log. T W = p V logε ī ι レーズ ​π d² p, and, putting V for the volume of the 4 Z 1-% 56 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Chill 25. Suppose a cylindrical bar of uniform diameter placed in a testing machine, and the load gradually increased while measurements are made of the length of a marked portion of the bar. For every value of the stress there will be a corresponding value of the strain. The strains may be plotted as abcissæ and the stresses as ordinates, and points will be obtained on a curve giving the rela- tion of stress and strain for the whole test. This may be called the stress- strain curve for the bar. For a perfectly elastic. bar the stresses are pro- portional to the strains. Hence the curve is a straight line, such as AOB. F By setting off compressions to the left, extensions to the right, thrusts downward and tensions upward, a continuous line is obtained representing the relation of COMPRESSIONS L FIG. 22. TENSIONS 10 B C STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS. 0 CHAPTER III. 5 E EXTENSIONS 10 A THRUSTS D STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 57 stress and strain for the whole range of perfect elasticity of the bar. P₁ = P For a perfectly plastic bar, the load would have to attain some value, POC or -POE, these being the so-called 'pressures of fluidity,' before plastic de- formation commenced. In a bar in compression the section increases as it shortens. Hence, since the pres- sure per unit of area in a plastic material is constant, the load must increase. In a bar in tension the section contracts as the har elongates, and hence the load must be diminished as the elongation increases, if it is to be kept in equilibrium with the resistance of the bar. Hence curves giving the relation of stress. and strain during plastic deformation are curves such as CD or E F. It has been shown that the relation of stress and strain dur- ing plastic deforma- tion is- V 7 1 ± 2 where P, is the load 1 which causes a de- G I 1 1 ! 1 1 1 } H 2-. F о FIG. 23. E D X formation ±a in a length 7. This shows that the curves CD, EF are parts of hyperbolas having OX 58 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and GO' H as asymptotes, where G O' II is at a dis- tance from COE.¹ Before examining some stress-strain diagrams for different materials it may be pointed out that quite similar diagrams are obtained by plotting moments of torsion and angles of twist, or bending moments and deflections. 26. Stress-strain Curves for a Brittle Material.-A brittle material may be defined as a material which breaks without any considerable plastic deformation. Cast metals may be taken as examples of materials approaching to this description. The right-hand curve in Fig. 24 shows the stress- strain diagram from Hodgkinson's experiments on long cast-iron bars. No part of the curve, except a short portion, perhaps, near the origin, is quite straight. Materials like cast iron take a sensible though small set even with comparatively small loads, and the set increases regularly with the loads. Such materials have, strictly speaking, no elastic limit when first subjected to stress. Further, in materials like cast iron or steel castings the bar breaks before any great plasticity is exhibited. The curve runs to the break- ing-points in tension and pressure without any great or significant change of curvature. ¹ An account of stress and strain diagrams, indicating the different character of the elastic and plastic portions of the curve, was given by the author in the Engineer for May 22, 1885, and also in a lecture at the Society of Arts on Autographic Diagrams, February, 1886. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 59 0.002 Load in tons per sq. in 30 29 28 0-001 Compressions. Tension. 27 65 ~~~~~ 26 25 24 23 22 21 19 18 17 16 5432 - 15 14 13 12 496665&M ~ 8 7 3 2 1 23456789-23456 ན 12 13 14 15 16 ∞ a 18 19 20 21 ~~~ 22 23 24 25 Held Point -26 0.001 Compression FIG. 24. Field Point ·003 ·002 ·001 Compressions 0.002 0.003 Extensions. 7 5 3 רא Tons per sq. inch ہے۔ 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 10 - +2 13 15 HE 17 18 19 .002 Extensions 20 21 22 23 24 ·001 Stress-strain Curves for Cast Iron and Mild Steel. Bruke 60 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The following short table gives a comparison of the extensions and compressions for different loads : Load in tons per sq. in. 123420 6 7 9 12 Extension per unit length ·000166 ⚫000347 •000544 *000765 ·001021 ⚫001338 Compression per unit length ·000174 ·000351 ·000531 ·000714 ·000899 ·001090 ·00128 ·00167 *00229 Increase of Exten- sion per ton per unit length ·000166 •000181 ·000197 ⚫000221 ⚫000256 ⚫000317 Increase of Com- pression per ton per unit length •000174 ·000177 ⚫000180 ·000183 ⚫000185 ·000191 ·000190 ·000195 ⚫000207 27. Elastic Stress-strain Curve.-Most rolled materials are almost perfectly elastic, both for tension and com- pression, for a considerable range of stress. The left- hand curve in Fig. 24 gives the stress-strain curves, up to points just beyond the elastic limits in tension and compression, for two bars of mild steel, tested by the Committee of Civil Engineers.' The steel was cast steel suitable for piston rods. The bars were 1 inch diameter, and the deformation was measured by verniers in a length of 10 feet. The numbers given in the following table are taken from a plotting of the results to a large scale. The steel broke at 41.85 tons per sq. in. in tension. It will be noticed that the deformation per ton per sq. in. is nearly constant and nearly the same for ten- sion and compression. Hence the results plot nearly into a continuous straight line. Beyond 26 tons per ¹ Experiments on the Mechanical and other Properties of Steel. By a Committee of Civil Engineers, 1870. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 61 Stress in tons per sq. in. sq. in. the elastic limit in tension and compression is passed, and the deformations quite abruptly become larger. 7 10 15 20 25 30 Extension per unit length Means ⚫00054 •00076 ·00112 ·00150 ·00192 *U0583 Compression per unit length ⚫00050 ⚫00072 ·00108 ·00146 ·00188 STRESSES TENSION COMPRESSIONS Extension per ton per sq. in. per unit length •000077 ⚫000076 ⚫000075 *000075 •000077 EXTENSIONS ·000076 28. Stress-strain Diagram for Indiarubber.-India- rubber supplies an example of a solid in which the deformations are not small compared with the origi- nal length. It has besides great incompressibility FIG. 25. Compression per ton per sq. in. per unit length ·000071 ·000072 *000072 ·000073 ·000075 ·000073 PRESSURE The strong line shows the immediate strain. The dotted that after some minutes. of volume, so that under considerable alterations of form its volume is nearly constant. Dr. Winkler has 62 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION given the following results of experiments on india- rubber in tension and compression :- p is the load in kilograms per sq. cm. a is the elongation or compression of unit length. a' is the elongation or compression when the load has been some time on the bar. signs refer to compression; the signs to The tension :-- P -0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Compression λ -.036 ·076 109 •139 ·163 •185 λ' Ei -.036 ·082 •115 •147 173 •198 P1 2 P + 0·5 1.0 p 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Tension 1+ λ 7 λ Fig. 25 shows these results plotted. It will be seen that the stress-strain curve is without any straight portion, the elongations increasing faster and the com- pressions less fast than the stresses. The modulus of elasticity Ep/a, calculated in the ordinary way, is therefore extremely variable. The section contracts so that the volume of the bar remains constant. Then the real stress in the bar is p₁ = p(1+a). Then the modulus of elasticity, calculated from the real stress and the elongation per unit of initial length, is- M + 046 •121 •207 316 •548 •859 1.309 1.794 λ E + P ; + '052 ·137 .264 •396 *698 1.135 1.572 2.110 K STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 63 and the modulus, calculated from the real stress and the elongation λ, per unit of stretched length, is-- Load p - 3.0 - 2.5 - 2.0 - 1.5 - 1.0 -0.5 0 +0.5 +1.0 +1.5 +2·0 +3·0 The following table gives values of E, E1, and E2. It will be seen that for a considerable range of stress E₂ is even more constant than E1, and both are more constant than E : 2 + 4·0 +5·0 +6·0 E₂ = P₁ E2 71 Real stress Pi 2.45 2. 09 1.72 1.34 •92 '48 0 •52 1.12 1.81 2.63 4.64 7.44 11.55 16.76 E₁ (1 + λ) 1 = E₁ + P₁ = E + p (2 + 2). E 2 p (1 + x)² λ 16.2 15.3 14.4 13.8 13.2 13.9 10.9 8.3 7.2 6.3 5.5 4.7 3.8 3.4 E1 =E+ P 13.2 12.8 12.4 12.3 12.2 13.4 11.4 9.3 8.7 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.8 9.4 E2 E₁ + Pi 15.6 14.9 14.11 13.6 Mean 13.1 13.7 13.9 11.9 10.4 10.5 10.9 13.1 16.1 20.3 26.2 Mean 11.4 D 29. Stress-strain Curve for Ductile Materials. - In. soft wrought iron and steel the stress-strain curve has the form shown in Fig. 26. Between the elastic limits A and C the curve is a straight line. The parts A B and CD correspond to a partly plastic condition of the material in which the larger part of the deformation is 64 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ▼ E permanent. In tension a maximum stress is reached at D, but the deformation can be continued with a diminishing stress till the bar breaks at some point E. During the part DE the curve falls very rapidly, because generally a local drawing out begins, and the deformation is confined to a small portion of the bar. In the compression curve A B there is a more gradual change of curvature, because nothing like local deformation occurs. Up to the points A and C there is almost immediate equili- brium between the stress FIG. 26. TENSION COMPRESSIONS O A D EXTENSIONS PRESSURE B and strain. But in the parts A B and C D the deforma- tion is gradual, and requires time for its completion. The deformation hardens the material, and at last ceases. In the part D E probably no definite relation of stress and strain is reached, and the deformation increases without limit. Yield Point, or Breaking-down Point in Tension.- It is somewhat remarkable that, amongst the ordinary materials used in construction, a tolerably perfect straight clastic line is chiefly found in the case of mate- rials, like wrought iron or rolled steel, which have been subjected to severe mechanical pressure in manufacture. For such materials, up to some point A, the line O A is STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 65 extremely straight, and the stresses and strains are almost exactly proportional. Between A and B a sensible, but slight, curvature appears in the diagram, and a sensible, though small, deviation from proportion- ality begins to appear in the TENSION FIG. 27. stresses and strains. Bau- B A D schinger calls the point A the limit of proportionality, but it would be better to call it the elastic limit. A little beyond the elastic limit, at B, there is, for some rolled o ( or hammered materials, a very singular and marked jump, or inflection B C in the stress-strain diagram. This point is very clearly marked in the diagrams of the Committee of Civil Engineers appointed to make experiments on steel,¹ and is shown in Fig. 24, which is a plotting of two of their experiments on steel. The Committee call this point the yielding point.' The behaviour of the material at this point was very accurately described by Bauschinger in 1879,2 and he adopted for it the term 'Streck grenze.' Bauschinger indicated the very great suddenness of the increase of extension, lateral contraction, and tempera- ture. In 1881 Prof. Kennedy, in a Report on Riveted Joints to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, called attention to this peculiarity in rolled steel, and gave to с E 1 Experiments on Steel, 1870. 2 Civilingenieur, Bd. xxv. s. 81. F 66 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the point A the name 'breaking-down point.' On the whole this term seems very suitable, if by breaking down is understood a breaking down of the primitive molecular arrangement. The phenomenon of breaking down is not due to any action of the testing machine, for it is shown in diagrams from a machine in which the load is auto- matically adjusted to the resistance of the bar, and in machines in which the loading is effected entirely by hydraulic pressure. Probably the breaking-down point is a kind of physical record of the condition of constraint in the bar at the moment of rolling or hammering. Not that the stress at the breaking-down point is identical with the stress in rolling, for the temperature conditions are different in rolling and testing. But still, it is pro- bable that at the breaking-down point a mechanically produced condition of aggregation is passed, and the artificially-created rigidity suddenly gives way. Beyond the inflection at the breaking-down point the partly plastic, partly elastic, extension proceeds regularly, again. But the precise extension for any load between B and C depends more or less on the time during which the load acts. During any pause in this part of the curve the extension increases without increase of load, and when the load is increased again the rigidity of the bar is found to be greater than before, and the curve becomes steeper (Figs. 35, 39). Next to the breaking-down point the most important point to observe is the point D, where the maximum load is STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 67 10.8 reached. For this point it would be convenient to have a name, and, by analogy with elastic limit, the term 'plastic limit' may be proposed. This implies, what seems to be the case, that at the point C the pressure of fluidity is reached for the part of the bar at which frac- ture ultimately occurs. It is probably at the point C, i or very near it, that the local contraction begins which is so characteristic of the last stage of testing of ductile materials. D 30. Form of the Stress-strain Curve at the Yield Point. The form of the stress-strain curve near the yield 2.5 3 a a 2.C FIG. 28. 19/ CO Extensions in inches. 0-1 13·0 B 12 2 TONS OF TOTAL PULL 18 15 point is very variable, being greatly affected by small stress differences and by differences in the time rate of extension. Further, in most autographic arrangements 12 6 F 2 68 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the record of stress is affected, when the specimen is yielding rapidly, by the inertia of the load. In Professor Kennedy's autographic apparatus the effect of the inertia of the load is eliminated, and Fig. 28 gives some auto- graphic diagrams taken in this apparatus. It is difficult to believe, however, that the irregular curves near the yield point are not due to time differences, or perhaps to small stress differences arising out of the inertia of the elastic system formed by the test bar and testing machine. The diagrams are, however, the most satis- factory autographic diagrams yet obtained.¹ 31. Behaviour of a Ductile Material when broken by Tension; Local Drawing Out, or Local Contraction.-A bar or plate of ductile material such as soft steel is placed in the testing machine and subjected to a gradu- ally increasing stress till it is broken. At first, as the extensions are small, it is easy to keep the lever of the testing machine floating with almost any rate of loading. At the yielding point, however, the stretching suddenly becomes rapid, and with most testing machines it is not possible to keep the lever floating. The lever can only be kept floating if the pumps which work the hydraulic press are capable of moving the press ram as rapidly as the rate of increase of stretch. With a single-lever testing machine the author finds it possible in most cases, but not always, to just keep the lever floating during the 4 ¹ In Professor Kennedy's diagrams the ordinates are curved :—a is a diagram for a Swedish iron bar; b, Shelton bar iron; c, Swedish iron; d, Landore rivet steel; e and f, Landore steel plate; g, cast steel; h, mild-steel bar. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 69 stretching at the yielding point, but to do this it is often necessary to run the weight back a little to diminish the stress. When the rapid stretch at the yielding point is ended, and the bar has again become capable of sup- porting an additional stress, it is quite easy, in general, to adjust the rate of loading so that the press just takes up the stretch, and the lever remains floating almost without movement. And this continues till the maximum load is reached. Beyond that point the drawing out of the specimen at a restricted portion of its length begins, and the reduction of area is so rapid that the stress must be diminished. It is here again difficult to keep always the lever floating. Finally, the bar breaks sud- denly with a load considerably less than the maximum load it was sustaining just before the local drawing out commenced. Suppose the bar ruled with straight lines at right angles to the direction of the stress. As the bar stretches the distance between these lines increases, but, so far as can be judged, they remain straight and parallel during the increase of stress till the maximum load is reached. During the local drawing out the lines become curved in the part which is drawing out. The line exactly at the centre of the part which is draw- ing out, however, remains straight. Professor Kennedy¹ has inferred from this curvature of the lines that the stress becomes very ununiform on the section of fracture, being greatest at the centre of the bar. Some slight 1 Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 1881, p. 218. 70 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION variation of stress probably is produced, but the author doubts if the variation is at all large. In fact, the ex- tension measured along the curved edges of the bar is not very different from the extension at the centre, and if the material is plastic great variation of deformation is possible with small variation of stress. - Fig. 29 is from photographs of a strip of mild-steel plate taken during the process of testing. A was taken just when the maximum load was on the bar. No be- ginning of the drawing out is visible, and the lines drawn on the bar are still straight, as far as can be ob- served. Fig. B was taken just after the drawing out became visible, and when the stress on the bar had been a little diminished. At the centre of the part drawn out the line is still accurately straight, but the lines on each side are curved. Fig. C was taken at the very moment before fracture. The drawing out is here more considerable. Fig. D is the bar after fracture. 32. Distribution of Drawing Out along the Bar.-If a bar is divided into inch lengths before testing, and these are measured again after the bar is broken, the plastic extension in each inch length will be determined. It will be found that the amount of extension is more or less irregular along the bar. In the inch length in which local contraction and fracture occur the exten- sion is very great. On either side it diminishes, at first rapidly, afterwards more slowly, and is least near the enlarged ends at which the specimen is held. But there are irregularities, showing that there are differences of STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 71 A B FIG. 29. Drawing out of Mild Steel. C W D 72 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION plasticity along the bar, and in rare cases two local contractions form at different parts of the length. It is possible that some of the irregularities are due to the fact that the elongation is usually measured on one side of the bar only. It is desirable that the measurements should be taken on opposite sides of the test bar and averaged. The following table gives some measured values for different materials :- ELONGATIONS IN ONE INCH LENGTH OF BAR AT DIFFERENT DISTANCES FROM THE FRACTURE. (The elongation in the division in which fracture occurred is indicated in italic type). Lead Brass Material ↑ Wrought iron; Angle iron Channel iron Rivet iron Square bar Flat bar Steel: • Steel plate Steel axle Steel tire 1 2 Co 3 Inches along the Bar 4. 4 | 5 | 6 Q 0.18 15 30 17 14 22 0.23 20 7 9 10 16 17 1·01 2030 21 22 24 21 21 21 ❤ O 0·05·06 |06|06|·06 |·065| 07 | 08 || 135·08 009 11 08 10 23 141110 10 09 0·17·195 23 51 26 2325 23 23 18 . 0.24 22 22 22 21 27 5050 0 11 16 14 10 10 10 26 10 10 10 19 19 15 15 16 ་ 070 30 22 0.16 17 21 21 18 17 21 65 0·02-06 0·02 06·08 21 67 22 05 02 11 12 18 17 17' 46 17 13 102 03 03 0608·122 It follows that the ultimate extension, reckoned as a percentage of the length of the bar, varies as the length is greater. Thus, taking the square wrought-iron bar, ¹ H. R. Towne, 2. Steel Committee. The other measurements are the author's. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 73 and taking lengths symmetrically situated with respect to the fracture, the ultimate extension per cent. is- In two inches, including fracture. In four inches six "" "" "" "" "" eight ten twelve, "" ;> "" • + Extension in fourth inch (fracture). Extension in divisions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Double extension in division 8 Extension in division 9 . 50 per cent. 38 32 29 27 26 Extension in ten inches symmetrical with fracture Elongation per cent., 25·35. "" "> "" "" "" "" "" "" >" "" But not only does the ultimate extension depend the length measured, it depends also, in bars of a given length, on the position of the fracture. It is desirable for comparative purposes to calculate the extension for all bars in such a way as to give the nearest approxi- mation to the extension of a bar which broke at the centre of the measured length. Thus the ultimate ex- tension of the rivet-iron bar in a length of ten inches is best obtained thus- 0.51 1·335 0.46 0.23 2535 This has not been the usual method of calculating the ultimate extension, but it obviously gives results more comparable than the usual method, and it has been recommended for adoption by the German testing laboratories. Further results on the variation of ex- tension with distance between gauge points will be given in the chapter on the form of test pieces. 74 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Extension in Each Inch •80 •70 -60 .50 ·40 .30 ⚫20 .10 с 6 Distribution от Drawing out. 4 FIG. 30. a. Lead. b. Brass. c. Angle Iron. d. Channel Iron e. Steel Plate. f. Steel Axle. Rivet Iron. 2 0 2 Distances from Fracture in Inches 4 5 g 6 the bar is obtained by plotting the extensions per inch A good idea of the distribution of drawing out along STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 75 as ordinates at the centre of each inch length, and con- necting the points by a curve. Fig. 30 shows some of the results so plotted. It may easily be seen that the length of the part in which local contraction occurs must depend in some way on the sectional dimensions. The local contraction will be longer for a larger bar. Hence it might be ex- pected that two bars of the same material and the same length, but differing in section, would draw out differ- ently, and give different values of the ultimate elonga- tion. The following results obtained by M. Barba show that this is so :- Diameter, inches DIFFERENCES OF ELONGATION IN BARS WITH DIFFERENT PROPORTIONS OF LENGTH TO DIAMETER. *787 •394 (Pieces cut from bar of soft steel rolled to 14 inch diameter and annealed. Also on a harder steel.) •197 *787 ·394 •197 Length between gauge points in inches 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 Length Diameter 092492 5 10 5 10 Limit of elasticity, tons per sq. in. 15.85 15.72 16.00 21.90 21.25 20.94 Breaking stress, tons per sq. in. 23.47 23.40 23.85 37.CO 37.67 38.05 Elongation per cent. 37.5 30.2 A 25.0 25.9 21.0 17.0 Similar Test Bars (Barba's Law).-M. Barba inferred that to get identical values of the drawing out from dif- ferent pieces of the same material they must be either of identical dimensions or of similar form. This law can 76 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION hardly be considered to have been absolutely established, but the following results show that it is at least a good approximation IDENTITY OF PERCENTAGE OF ELONGATION IN SIMILAR BARS (BARBA). A billet of extra soft steel was hammered to an octagon of 34 × 34 inches, rolled to a bar 14 inch diameter and annealed. Three test pieces gave the following results:- Diameter, inches *787 ·394 •197 Means Diameter, inches •272 *407 •543 *679 .815 •950 1.090 1.22 Means *272 *407 •543 *697 ·815 •950 1.090 1.22 Lengths be- tween gauge points, inches Means 7.87 3.94 1.97 Lengths be- tween gauge points 1.97 2.95 3.94 4.92 5.91 6.89 7.87 8.86 Length Diameter 1.97 2.95 3.94 4.92 5.91 6.89 7.87 8.86 999 10 10 EXPERIMENTS ON TWO HARDER QUALITIES OF STEEL, ROLLED TO BARS 1 INCH DIAMETER AND ANNealed. 9 16 10 Length Diam. 1 to 7.24 Limit of elasticity, tons per sq. in. 1 to 7.24 15.72 15.68 15.72 15.71 Limit of elasticity, tous per sq. in. 15.22 15.22 15.34 15.16 15.10 15.22 15.28 15.22 15.22 20.76 23.21 22.65 24.10 25.76 24.16 24.16 Breaking stress, tons per sq. in.. 23.53 26.77 26.65 26.70 26.45 26.40 25.95 25.40 25.11 Breaking stress, tons per sq. in. 26 20 23.85 23.35 23.90 41.11 41.20 40.50 40.17 40.30 39.34 40.10 23.70 40.35 Contrac- tion per cent. 69.3 69.0 69.7 68.6 69.2 69.7 68.8 69.5 69.2 Elongation per cent. 36.5 38.0 37.4 38.4 31.8 35.8 34.4 36.1 31.0 30.5 31.4 31.0 Elonga- tion per cent. 32.8 33.2 33.0 33.5 33.6 33.2 33.0 34.0 33.3 20.0 18.8 18.2 18.1 18.0 18.1 19.5 18.6 STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 77 Dimensions of test bar Width Thickness .787 •197 1.575 ·394 2.362 •591 EXPERIMENTS ON PLATES. Width Thickness 4 to 1 Length between gauge points 1.97 3.94 5.91 Limit of Length elasticity, tons per area sq. in. 10 10 10 Breaking stress, tons per sq. in. 10.67 23.60 10.86 24.25 13.14 24.70 Elonga- tion per cent. 39 39 39 33. Suppression of the Drawing Out.-The drawing out in ordinary test bars is measured on a portion of uniform section, and the measurements are not extended quite up to the enlarged ends by which the specimen is held. The enlarged ends diminish the drawing out of the parts nearest them, and if the part between the enlarged ends is very short the drawing out, contrac- tion, and strength are all affected. For the present, cases will be considered in which the change of section is gradual not abrupt. 1 A plate perforated with a row of holes, or formed like B or C (Fig. 31), is virtually a very short test bar. In reporting on riveted joints for the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, the author noticed that in some cases a perforated plate was stronger than a plain test bar of the same material. Shortly after, this was shown more distinctly in some experiments of the Board of Trade on riveted joints,2 and in experiments by Professor Kennedy for the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. In these last experiments, perforated steel plates inch 1 Proc. Inst. of Mech. Engineers, 1881, p. 319. 2 Experiments on Steel. Memorandum of the Board of Trade, 1881, P. 18. 78 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION thick were 10.7 per cent. and 3-inch plates 11.9 per cent. stronger than plain test bars of the same material.¹ PERFORATED PLATES. BOARD OF TRADE REPORT, 1881. Mild-steel plates. Unperforated Punched Punched and annealed Punched and bored to size Drilled Unperforated Punched Punched and annealed Punched and bored Drilled Ultimate or breaking stress per sq. in. of initial net section, in tons 3" plate 27.84 22.94 29.31 28.81 30.23 • "plate 30.17 28.32 31.6 31.23 31.46 "/ 4″ plate 53.3 24.1 41.3 24.0 36.6 plate 1 It will be seen that the punched plates lose from 6 per cent. of strength in 1-inch plates to 25 per cent. in 1-inch plates. But in all other cases there is a gain of strength in the perforated plates. This amounts to about 4 cent. in the 1-inch plates, 10 per cent. in the -inch per plates, 5 per cent. in the 2-inch plates, and 23 per cent. in the 1-inch plates. That this is due to the diminution. of contraction the following table shows. In punched plates the contraction is diminished, but the metal is also injured by the process of punching. 27.69 25.33 29.39 30.86 31.37 Contraction of arca per cent. "plate 3" plate 50.0 19.1 37.4 28.9 32.7 1" plate 28.17 21.26 29.12 29.15 28.43 39.4 13.0 30.7 19.4 32.1 ¹ Proc. Inst. of Mech. Engineers, 1881, p. 215. 1" plate 388 5.4 24.7 15.9 33.2 STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 79 Some experiments by Mr. Strohmeyer¹ illustrate very clearly the dependence of the breaking stress, es- timated in the usual way by dividing the breaking load by the initial section, on the amount of drawing out before fracture. Form A B с Dimensions Width Thickness ს t mm. mm. 35 46.8 31.8 18.0 12.5 The test bars of the forms shown in Fig. 31 were all cut from the same plate, and the holes were in all cases 24 mm. (0.96 inch) diameter. The width b varied in different test bars. 54.0 44.0 34.0 28.4 23.3 18.6 13.0 7.6 12 2222 22 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Ratio b d B 1.94 1.32 0.75 0.52 2.25 1.83 1.42 1.18 0.97 0.77 0.54 0.32 d m 50 40 273 21 54 50 46 > Elongations per cent. of hole in in 200 50 mm. mm. 413 37 33/ 25 21 FIG. 31. ? 26 18 14 12 را 28 26 22 22 20 16 14 10 Ċ 25 m 44.0 Ab Breaking stress, kilos. per sq. mm. 47:4 48.0 47.7 48.0) 46.6 47.0 45.8 45.0 48.8 45.2 45.5 45.1 Mean 47.8 Mean 45 7 It will be seen that form B is 9 per cent. and form C 4 per cent. stronger than the simple test bar A. This is the effect which the author attributes to diminution 1 Prcc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, 1884. 80 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION of the contraction of area by the neighbourhood to the breaking section of less strained material. Now, as the breadths at corresponding points of B and C are exactly equal, it looks, at first sight, as if B and C ought to behave exactly alike, whereas, apparently, in the ex- periments B is stronger than C. It will be seen, how- ever, that the material near the point of fracture is not in identical conditions in the cases B and C. Suppose two bars of the form D are placed back to back and broken. The material at the place of fracture is now identically in the same state as in form C, and contrac- tion takes place not only round the semicircular holes, but along the edges m m. Weld together the pieces along this line, and the contraction along m m can no longer occur. The piece is then identical with form B, it has less contraction than C, and ought to be stronger The experiments show that it is so. ~ Mr. Richards made a very interesting series of ex- periments at the Barrow Company's Steel Works on test bars similar to Mr. Strohmeyer's bars A and B. The material was mild steel made by the Siemens pro- cess. The plate was inch thick. Two pieces had parallel sides like ordinary test bars. The other speci- mens were indented on each side by a semicircular. drilled hole, leaving a section between of varying width. The results are given in the following table. Here the plates of form B, equivalent to perforated plates, are on the average 12.6 per cent. stronger than the parallel-sided bars of form A, and the strength is STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 81 Form A B Width b inches 1 1 •645 •650 ·995 •995 1.47 1.46 2.28 2.27 Thickness t *495 ·490 495 ·500 *502 ·495 •502 •50 *495 ·495 • Contrac tion of area per cent. 52.5 53.5 129999995 45 46 47 42 31 36 42 43 Contrac- tion of width per cent. 27.0 27.5 19 19 11 12 8 10 9 8 Contrac- tion of thickness per cent. 33.3 35.9 32 33 37 34 26 30 36 37 Breaking stress in tons per sq. in. 32.01 32.47 36.64 36.52 36.82 37.05 36.18 35.88 35.72 35.72 very uniform considering the different widths of the specimens. The contraction of area in form A is 53 per cent., while in form B it is only 41 per cent., so that there is a diminished contraction to account for the increase of strength. Further, while the con- traction of thickness is nearly the same in form A and form B, the contraction of width, which is what would be affected by the form of the specimen, is 27.2 per cent. in form A, and only 11.9 per cent. in form B. The shortest possible bar is formed by turning a groove with a very slightly rounded bottom. The following experiment on two bolts of Whitworth com- pressed steel gives the strength of a bar of extremely tough material thus shaped. The heads and nuts of the bolts were turned to fit spherical seatings, so that the stress was quite fairly applied. A groove, a little rounded at bottom, precisely like a Whitworth screw thread, was turned in the body of one bolt as at A (Fig. 32), and the other was turned in the form shown at B. G - 82 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Form A B 2 4 A "" B elongated 60 per area was 54.6 per cent. FIG. 32. ---- ~ سرامهر →→ Diameter 1.560 1.487 244 Plain bar Collar bar 1호 ​С B Grade P • + Decrease Breaking load, Breaking stress, in tons per sq. in. in tons 101.77 62.35 extension of other metal near it. If the material were perfectly elastic the stress at any re-entrant angle would be infinite, but the plasticity of all ordinary materials diminishes very greatly the inequality of stress. Never- theless the inequality exists, and it counteracts the gain of strength due to suppression of drawing out. Two pieces of the same cast iron were tested, one in the form of an ordinary test bar, the other with a square collar in the middle of its length. The re- entrant angles at the collar were virtually nicks. The breaking weights were- • cent., and the contraction of For A the elongation and contraction were practically nil. 34. Abrupt change of Sec- tion-Nicked Specimens.-At any abrupt change of section the stress on cross sections cannot be uniform. The less strained metal hinders the 13.875 tons per sq. in. 11.980 99 1·895 "" showing a loss of 13.6 per cent. of strength, due to · 53.25 35.87 "" "" STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 83 the inequality of distribution of stress caused by the collar. Mr. Baker made some interesting experiments on steel plates with artificially produced cracks." A fine saw-cut was made at one or both edges of the specimen, and then, raising the specimen nearly to welding heat, the saw-cut was closed up so far as to be rendered invisible. Fig. 33 shows a set of specimens of the same steel. Specimen a was an ordinary test a FIG. 33. b XOX 31.40 24·70 32.50 36.30 e 28.00 bar b d was a bar with semicircular notches, so that it was virtually a short bar; was a bar with a saw- cut or crack on both sides; e a bar with a saw-cut or crack on one side; e a bar perforated with a crack on each side of the hole. The breaking weights in tons per sq. in. are given under the figures. It will be seen that the short bar d is stronger than the plain test bar a by 3.8 tons, or 12 per cent. ; but the nicked bar bis weaker by 11 ton, or 34 per cent. short bar, b should have carried as Considered as a much as d, the ¹ Minutes of Proc. of Inst. of Civil Eng., vol. lxxxiv. p. 165. G 2 84 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION G inequality of distribution of stress has therefore re- duced its strength by 15 per cent. Similarly e is weaker than d by 8 tons, or 22 per cent. It is clear, therefore, that, in the case of nicked bars, the increase of strength which would result from the virtual short- ness of the bar is more than counteracted by the inequality of stress on the section of fracture. Mr. Baker found with specimens of indiarubber a loss of strength in nicked specimens of 60 or 70 per cent., and that is probably due to the fact that india- rubber, although it deforms enormously, is really less plastic than steel, and consequently the variation of stress is greater. Relation of ultimate Elongation to Contraction of Area. It is now common, in testing iron and steel by tension, to record the ultimate elongation in a length of 8 or 10 inches, and the contraction of area at fracture, as data useful for deciding on the value of a material. Both the ultimate elongation and the contraction are supposed to indicate the ductility of the material, and a good deal of confusion arises from the discrepancy between these two quantities. It has already been shown (§ 23) that for a per- fectly plastic material contraction of area initial area 2 i+a' polare supper) that is, the percentage of contraction is equal to the percentage of elongation, calculated on the stretched STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 85 · Material length of the bar. Hence, a definite relation between the elongation and contraction will only be found for the short length of the bar, which becomes almost per- fectly plastic, and draws out during the last stage of the test. That a definite relation does exist between the elongation and contraction in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the fracture is easily shown. From the experiments on steel by a Committee of Civil En- gineers, Tables A, B, C, D, it is possible to get the elongation in a length of 1 inch or 2 inches of the bar in the neighbourhood of the fracture, and to compare it with the contraction of area. Bessemer steel Crucible steel Means No. of bar 943 1,194 1,285 1,028 1,174 1,305 923 1,038 1,184 1,295 1,275 1,255 1,265 873 1,078 1,147 1,068 Length, in inches ι 2011 QI d O ON IN THI∞ 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 Contraction Initial area W Ω •32 ·55 ·44 •58 •56 •37 •47 •50 ⚫44 ·41 •34 •42 *09 •44 •37 •54 *03 ·40 Elongation Stretched length λ 1 + λ •22 •31 •35 •34 ·36 *30 •35 •42 •32 •27 •27 •30 *09 •29 •25 ⚫40 ⚫03 •28 Here the agreement is as close as could be expected, the percentage of elongation (estimated on the stretched length) being three-fourths of the percentage of con- . 86 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION traction of area. Had it been possible to measure the elongation in, say, a 4-inch length, the approach to agreement would, no doubt, have been closer. The following numbers are from some measurements by the author- Iron bar "" "" "" Angle iron Iron plate. Steel plate Delta metal 99 Material • • M • Length NNNNNNNNN 2 2 2 2 2 2 312 •24 •28 •42 •15 •12 •39 ·09 •27 << λ •20 •20 .27 •15 •11 $29 ·07 ⚫32 If there is this near agreement in the contraction and elongation in the short, plastically-yielding part of the bar near the fracture, then there can be no agree- ment in the contraction and elongation in greater lengths of bar. The contraction does measure in a definite way the plasticity of the material under the breaking stress. The ultimate elongation in an 8- or 10-inch length measures partly the plasticity of a short length under the breaking stress, partly the plasticity of the rest of the bar before drawing out commenced. The two measures of the ductility are only in agreement when the elongation is taken for a very short length of bar near the fracture. 35. Influence of Time on the Stress-strain Curve.-It has been seen that plastic yielding is gradual, either increasing indefinitely or at a diminishing rate under a STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 87 given stress. Hence it might be expected that the plastic part of the stress-strain curve would be flatter the slower the rate of loading. Professor Ewing gives the stress-strain curves shown in Fig. 34 for two similar pieces of soft-iron wire, one loaded to rupture in minutes, four the other at a rate about 5,000 times slower. In the same way, in taking autographic stress-strain diagrams there is a notch in the diagram at any pause in the increase of loading. Fig. 35 shows a diagram for a manganese steel bar, tested with a pause of five minutes at each successive ton. 20 Stress, Tons per sq. in. 010 0 Falst Slow FIG. 34. 20 10 Extension Fer Cent 30 Fig. 36 shows the stress-strain curves for four pieces of wrought iron cut from the same bar. For bar 319 the extensions were measured on a length of 4 inches; for the other bars on a length of 9 inches. In the case of bars 319 and 154 the extension increased at a nearly uniform rate during the plastic stage. In the case of bar 313 there were four-minute pauses at each successive ton, and the diagram is notched. In the case of bar 88 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ► • Load Tons 20 15 10 Fons 20 15 10 5 6 1 Extension 39 1 1 FIG. 35. r 2 Inches. in 8 inches. FIG. 36. 313 164 2 Inches 314 314 the load was taken off and a pause of six minutes allowed at each successive ton. It may be noticed that STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 89 ▸ the breaking-down point is more marked with the longer bars. The following table gives a summary of the tests: No. of bar 319 154 313 314 Tons per sq. in. Yield point 12.97 14.37 13.68 14.23 Maximum load 22.19 22.10 22.34 22.47 Elongation per cent. 34.7 25.8 29.5 28.2 36. Influence of Time on the ultimate Elongation.- Some remarkable experiments of Colonel Maitland at Woolwich¹ show that, contrary to a common prejudice, the ultimate elongation is increased by very rapid load- ing. Colonel Maitland experimented on a steel which, in unhardened specimens of 2 inches in length between shoulders, broke in the testing machine at 26 tons per sq. in. and with 27 per cent. of elongation. A specimen was then screwed into blocks arranged so as to fall ver- tically in a slide. After a certain height of fall the top block was arrested by stops and the specimen broken by the momentum of the lower block. Broken in this sudden way the ultimate elongation was 47 per cent. Specimens. were then screwed into plugs fitting a strong tube and broken by exploding gunpowder and guncotton between the plugs. The plugs were driven out in opposite directions, breaking the specimen connecting them. Under these circumstances the ultimate elongation was 'The Treatment of Gun Steel.' Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxix. p. 120. 90 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION from 47 to 62 per cent. The explanation of these results appears to be that with very rapid increase of stress there is not time for the formation of a short local contraction, but the general extension continues up to the breaking point. 1 Hardening Effect of long-continued Stress.-Experi- ments on the influence of time on the extension and breaking stress of wires have been made by Mr. J. T. Bottomley in Sir W. Thomson's laboratory. Eight specimens of soft-iron wire were tested by gradually increasing stress, applied in ten minutes of time in each case. They broke with 43 to 46 lbs. (mean, 45.2 lbs.), with elongations varying from 17 to 22 per cent. Another specimen, left with 43 lbs. hanging on it for 24 hours and then broken by gradual increase of stress during 25 minutes, broke with 491 lbs., with 15 per cent. elongation. Another, left for 3 days with 43 lbs. hanging on it and then broken by increasing stress, bore 51 lbs. and elongated 14-4 per cent. A bar, loaded first with 40 lbs. and broken by gradual addition of load during two months, broke with 57 lbs. The slower loading had therefore increased the strength by nearly 27 per cent. The increase of breaking stress and diminution of elongation is commonly attributed to a hardening effect of long-continued stress. But the result seems complicated by the influence of time on the local drawing out in the neighbourhood of the fracture. Generally the more slowly the load is applied ¹ Article 'Elasticity,' in the Encyclopædia Britannica. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 91 the shorter is the local contraction and the less the contraction of area. 37. Correction of the Stress-strain Diagram to show the actual Stress in the Bar.-In ordinary stress-strain dia- grams the loads are plotted as ordinates, and the elonga- C I TONS! 45 40 35 30 25- d 20 15 10- 5 0 8"---* te a • # 9.3″ FIG. 37. π # 1 2" 1 1 Steel Plate!Nº 75 Area ·904 sq. in. h k 1 រ 1 I' X tions of the bar between two gauge points initially marked on the bar as abcissæ. By a mere alteration of vertical scale the ordinates represent equally the stress per sq. in. of the initial section of the bar. Thus, in Fig. 37 a represents the elongation la in 7 inches length of bar which has extended a per inch when the load is that represented by ab. If the bar is 92 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION w sq. ins. section, ab will measure on a scale o times that for the loads the stress per sq. in. of initial section of the bar. Up to the yield point the section of the bar changes very little, but beyond the yield point the deformation is so large that the section sensibly changes. Then ab does not represent the stress per sq. in. of the actual section of the bar at the moment. To find this it is approximate enough to consider that the change of density is small compared with the deformation. Hence, so long as the deformation is general over the marked length of bar-that is, up to the maximum load point i, the section of the bar can be found from the measured length. Let 1, wo be the length between gauge points and sec- tion of the bar initially, and / (1 + 2) and w, the length and section when the load is P. Then, w / = w₁ / (1+2), (0) @ 1 Pi If p is '/w, the stress reckoned on the initial section, then the real stress on the actual section is- p (1 + 2). In the diagram take OC to the same scale as 7 that on which O a = 12. Draw bd horizontal. Through d draw C'de, cutting ab in e. Then ae represents P1, the actual stress on the reduced section, to the same scale as that on which ab represents p, the stress calcu- lated on the initial section. If several points are thus (0) 1 + λ P Wy STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 93 found we get a curve feg, lying above the ordinary stress-strain curve and extending to the point of maxi- mum load. This is sometimes called the curve of true cohesive strength. It is simply a curve giving the relation of the actual stress and strain. Beyond the point of maximum stress the construc- tion fails, for the extension becomes chiefly local and the in the formula above is no longer the length between the gauge points. But another point in the curve may still be found. If the contracted section is measured after the bar is broken, then the breaking load hk divided by that section gives the real stress km at the moment of fracture. It is obvious, however, that the part gm of the curve is distorted, for while the abcissæ up to the point i represent extensions of a fixed length 1, the abcissæ from i to h represent extensions of an undetermined portion of l. The real elongation per unit of length at the moment of fracture in the part which is drawing out is given by the equation- λι W W 1 W1 ▬▬▬ and if Ok' is taken equal to la₁, and k' m' set off equal to km, the general form gm' of the final portion of the real stress-strain curve is determined. It is quite possible to measure the contracted section at inter- mediate loads between i and h during testing and to calculate intermediate points along gm'. So far as can be judged from one or two instances, the portion gm' of 94 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the curve shows a regular increase of tenacity with increasing strain without the abrupt inflection of the distorted curve gm. 38. Stress-strain Diagrams for nearly Plastic Materials. When very ductile materials are loaded with pressures which approach or reach the pressure of fluidity the strains follow approximately the plastic law, and the stress-and-strain curve becomes nearly a hyperbola. In tension experiments a difficulty arises from the extension becoming local instead of general. It is im- possible after local contraction sets in to determine what length of bar is being elongated, and hence the strain per unit length cannot be determined. In com- pression experiments this difficulty does not arise. But, on the other hand, it is difficult to keep long bars straight during compression, and hence experiments must be made on short cylinders, for which accurate measurements are more difficult. Besides this, in short cylinders a barrel-shaped distortion occurs, due partly, no doubt, to friction at the ends against the plates which apply the pressure. Nevertheless, these results are interesting as showing an approach to a perfectly plastic condition. Fig. 38 shows the stress-strain curves for short cylinders of lead, copper, and wrought iron. The lead curve is from an experiment by Prof. Kick.¹ The cylinder was initially 50.05 mm. diameter, • 1 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. 1. p. 188. The lead curve is plotted with loads on specimen as ordinates, not stress per sq. in. STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS. 95 Pressure in Tons per sq. inch 01 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 1 0.2 Hyperbola FIG. 38. Compressions 0.3 Wrought Iron -0- Lead O Copper ---0--0--0--0--Q 0:4 0--2--0 D " 0.5 0.6 96 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and 64.4 mm. in height. The following table gives the loads and compressions :- CRUSHING OF A LEAD CYLINDER (Kick). Load, in tons Height, in inches 2.9 3.25 3.35 3.45 3.95 5.65 2.576 2.312 1.904 1.716 1.636 1.376 1.128 Compression, in inches *264 *672 •860 ·930 1.200 1.448 Diameter at centre, in inches 2.00 2.16 2.40 2.52 2.60 2.84 3.16 Stress, in tons per sq. in. of central area ¹ Industries, March 25, 1887. •79 .72 *67 .65 .62 .72 It appears that the pressure of fluidity was reached at about 0·75 tons per sq. in., and the stress remained approximately constant notwithstanding the large de- formation. Fig. 38 shows a similar curve for a wrought-iron cylinder. The experiment was made by Fairbairn, and the results are discussed in are discussed in Cotterill's Cotterill's Applied Mechanics,' p. 418. 1 24 1 Plastic Compression of Copper Cylinders.-Small copper cylinders made of the softest and purest copper are used in crusher-gauges for determining the powder pressure in the bore of the gun. The copper cylinders are made in two sizes, 4 sq. in. and sq. in. in section, and the initial length is 05 inch. Tables have been published¹ giving the compression of these cylinders when compressed by hydraulic pressure, the compressions being measured by a Whitworth measur- ing machine. Iz STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 97 Compression, in inches λ •10 •11 •12 •13 •14 •15 •16 ∙17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •24 •25 Cylinder initially 0.5 in. long and 2 sq. in. area 24 Compressed length, in inches ι λ *40 •39 .38 •37 ⚫36 *35 ⚫34 •33 •32 •31 *30 •29 *28 •27 •26 •25 Pressure, in lbs. P 2,091 2,225 2,359 2,494 2,628 2,763 2,897 COMPRESSION OF SOFT-COPPER CYLINDERS. 3,031 3,162 3,296 3,431 3,565 3,700 3,834 3,968 4,103 Pressure per sq. in. of compressed area, in tons 17.9 18.7 19.3 19.8 20.3 20.7 21.1 21.4 21.6 21.9 22.1 22.2 22.2 22.1 22.1 22.0 Compression, in inches ለ •10 •11 •12 •13 •14 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •24 •25 *26 .27 •28 Cylinder initially 0.5 in. long and sq. in. area *29 30 31 Compressed length, in inches λ ι M *40 *39 *38 *37 .36 •35 •34 •33 ⚫32 31 •30 •29 •28 *27 *26 *25 *24 •23 *22 *21 *20 •19 Pressure, in lbs. P 4,000 4,333 4,666 5,000 5,333 5,666 6,000 6,333 6,666 7,000 7,333 7,666 8,000 8,333 8,666 9,000 9,333 9,666 10,000 10,333 10,666 11,000 Pressure per sq. in. of compressed area, in tons 17.1 18.1 19.0 19.8 20.5 21.2 21.8 22.3 22.8 23.2 23.5 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.7 23.5 23.2 22.8 22.4 : II 98 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The preceding table gives the compressions 2, com- pressed length - λ, and observed pressure producing 7 the compression. Neglecting the barrel-shaped distor- tion the stress reckoned on the deformed prism is- pl - a Pi " ωι No. of bar and the values of this have been calculated and placed in the tables. When the material is completely plastic, P₁ is the pressure of fluidity. 1 It will be seen that for compressions exceeding two-fifths of the original length the pressure on the actual deformed section is nearly constant. Further, the numbers for the cylinder of sq. in. area are almost exactly double those for the cylinder 4 sq. in. area. According to both tables the pressure of fluidity for soft copper must be about 22 tons per sq. in.¹ 24 1 39. Raising the Elastic Limit by Stress.-It has long been known that for iron, steel, and other metals a load exceeding the elastic limit raises that limit. Thus, Bauschinger gives the following results of ex- periments on five gun-metal bars, of a section about 2.8 × 0.5 inches. The elongations were measured in - 8 inches by the mirror apparatus :— 123 LO 4 5 Original elastic limit, in tons per sq. in. Stress applied, in tons per sq. in. 6.56 6.10 6.56 5.85 6.02 Permanent set, in inches Raised elastic limit, in tons per sq. in. ⚫00061 '00061 *00067 ⚫00054 •00057 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 4.62 3.82 3.84 3.50 3.77 1 See also Treatise on the Manufacture of Guns (official), p. 92. 6.15 5.74 5.77 5.80 5.66 14.2 14.9 13.3 12.9 13.2 - STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 99 Load in Tons 23 In these experiments the second loading was effected only a few minutes after the first loading. Bauschinger noticed that if a bar after loading beyond the elastic limit was left for twenty-four hours O 21 19 f ια 0 с FIG. 39. α I IN. Extensions. 2 IN, چه or more at rest it recovered partially the set previously taken, and if then the elastic limit was again determined H 2 Uor M 100 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION it was in some cases raised not only up to but beyond the load previously applied. Fig. 39 shows a stress-strain diagram of a piece of steel plate, taken autographically by apparatus which will be described. The yielding point, or break- ing-down point, is strongly marked at a load of about 18 tons. At 19 tons, 21 tons, and 23 tons the load was almost completely removed, the pencil tracing downwards and retracing upwards almost exactly straight lines parallel to the primitive elastic line. Thus, at 19 tons the pencil described while the load was removed and replaced the straight line a b. The distance ob represents the permanent set produced by the load of 19 tons, and the stress-strain diagram for the material altered by loading is the line bac.... Similarly for the other points at which the load was removed. The peculiarity specially to be noted, and which indeed is only shown in such autographic diagrams as this, is the steepness and almost straightness of the curve at a The material is not only nearly perfect in its elasticity in the reimposition of the load up to the point a, corre- sponding to a load of 19 tons, but is nearly perfect in elasticity to the point f, corresponding to a higher load. More accurately, ƒ is a new yielding point in the material altered by loading. Viscosity of Solids. Elastic After-Working.-If a wire carrying a heavy vibrator is set in vibration tor- sionally within its limits of elastic stress, the vibrations subside more rapidly than can be accounted for by - STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 101 external causes or by heating effects. There must, therefore, be an internal molecular friction or viscosity. In a wire kept vibrating constantly more molecular friction is found than in one allowed to rest between each experiment' that is, the arc of vibration dimin- ishes more rapidly.2 This is due to an 'elastic after- working,' by which the strained metal recovers its original condition gradually during a period of rest. If the limit of elasticity has been exceeded, there is a still more marked change of the material after straining and during subsequent rest, due to elastic or plastic after- working. 3 40. Bauschinger's Experiments on the Influence of Rest after Drawing Out on the Elastic Limit.-Bauschinger first indicated that, by drawing out a metal by stress beyond its elastic limit, the elastic limit is raised, not merely during the continued action of the load, but during a period of some days after the load is removed. The elastic limit may in certain cases rise above the stress corresponding to the load imposed. In a later paper¹ he gives a series of experiments on different metals loaded successively up to a point at which yielding just began. In one series, the successive ¹ Sir W. Thomson, Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xiv. 1865, p. 289. Article, Elasticity,' in Encyclopædia Britannica, § 34. 2 Mr. Tomlinson states that this fatigue of elasticity does not occur if the stresses are kept well within the elastic limit.—Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. clxxvii. part 2, 1886. 3 Dingler's Journal, Bd. 224, s. 5. 4 Ueber die Veränderung der Elasticitätsgrenze,' Civilingenieur, 1881, s. 290. 102 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 20 1.5 Tons per Sq: inch. Note O ·002 = e " Ingot Iron. >= Flastic limit. • = Yield point. - " · 004' === B رے 002” ·0'02' ezee a - 006° # ·004" اقدام -008 22.0 H " FIG. 40. Extensions. ·006′ · 010 ·008′ // A 1.014" A. Reloaded without interval. B. 1 - First loading 2 3 4 010 51 hours after 1 47 2 46 -012" " ·014' "" "" 3 -016 STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 103 loadings followed each other immediately; in the other, a pause of one or more days was allowed after each loading before again loading. Generally the results were of the character indicated in the plotting of two series of the results in Fig. 40. Four stress-strain curves for cach series are shown, plotted to a very large scale for the extensions, and each line extends up to the point (marked by a dot) at which yielding just sensibly commenced. The elastic limit (or exact limit of proportionality) is shown by a circle marked e. In the series A the bar was reloaded without any sensible interval of time. The yield point rises at each loading but the elastic limit falls, in the second loading almost to zero. In series B an interval of about fifty hours was allowed between each loading. In this case the yield point rises as before, but the elastic limit rises also at each successive loading. Comparing the two series, it appears that the elastic or plastic recovery during the fifty-hour pause (unloaded) raised the elastic limit from the positions shown in A to those shown in B. Bauschinger's results seem to be expressed in the following conclusions :— If a material is strained to or beyond the yield point, unloaded, and again immediately loaded :- (a) The breaking extension is diminished, and the breaking load somewhat increased. (b) The clastic limit is lowered sometimes to zero, and the modulus of elasticity is a little diminished. 104 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION (c) The yield point is raised to the stress corre- sponding to the previous load. If after the first loading a period of quiescence is allowed before the second loading:- (a) The clastic limit rises sometimes above its initial value. (b) The yield point rises gradually above the stress corresponding to the previous load. 41. Use of the Stress-strain Diagram in estimating the Work done on the Bar.-Let Fig. 41 be a stress-strain diagram, the ordinates being as usual loads, in tons, on the section a of o the bar, and the abcissæ extensions of a length 7 between gauge points. Draw verticals through B, C, D. Then, the work done on the bar up to the yield point is the area OBE, work done up to the and work done in break- The areas are easily mea- sured by a planimeter. If m inches = 1 ton, and n inches O E plastic limit is OBC F, ing the bar is OBCDG. 1 inch of extension, then- B 1 FIG. 41. } 1 F I Ꮐ Work in inch tons = S area of diagram in sq. ins. M N STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS 105 By dividing by the volume al of the bar we get the work per cubic inch of material. From what has already been said the elongation at rupture varies for the same material with the length between gauge points, and to a certain extent with the section of the bar. It is only with similar test bars that the work in breaking the bar, estimated per cubic inch of material, will furnish comparable numbers. But further, the part CD of the diagram is in most diagrams, if not in all, somewhat badly determined, and at any rate is ex- tremely affected by time differences in the rate of exten- sion. The work represented by FCDG is almost entirely work expended in local drawing out of the bar. If this is discarded, the area OBCF represents the work up to the plastic limit, at which, so far as carry- ing a load is concerned, the bar is virtually destroyed. If this is divided by the volume of the bar, values are obtained nearly independent of the dimensions of the bar, and therefore affording a good measure of its joint strength and ductility. 106 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER IV. TESTING MACHINES. A TESTING MACHINE is simple or complex according as it is intended for a few or a greater number of purposes. If the machine is to be used for determining the quality of one kind of material subjected to one kind of strain- ing action it may be of very simple construction. In that case it will be desirable that all the test pieces should be of one size and form, and this simplifies the construction of the machine. In an ordinary cement testing machine simplicity is obtained by the limitation of the purposes for which it is available. If, however, a testing machine is to be used for varied investigations on many materials, under different kinds of straining action, for specimens of different shapes and sizes, then the machine must be more complicated, and accessory apparatus must be provided. In the adaptation of a machine to diverse purposes there must be some sacri- fice of convenience, some compromise between conflict- ing requirements. Hence, there is no testing machine absolutely preferable to all others. Almost Almost every form of testing machine has special merit for some particular kind of work. TESTING MACHINES 107 It must be remembered that, with every increase of complexity in the machine, and with every addition to the accessory apparatus, greater difficulty in using the machine, more care in adjustment, and more loss of time in adapting it to particular experiments is involved. Hence, the extent to which it is desirable to combine different functions in a single machine is a matter for careful consideration in any given case. Some testing machines are like special tools in a workshop, doing one kind of work only, and with these the rapidity of work is greatest, and the liability to errors of oversight or ill- adjustment is least. - 42. The simplest mode of testing is to apply a dead load directly to the test bar. Many of the earlier experimental investigations were made in this way, and the method is still used in testing the weaker materials. It is, however, laborious and inconvenient to have to handle a load equal to the stress required. By using a lever between the load and specimen the weight to be handled is diminished in the ratio of the lever arms. Many of the earlier testing machines were little more than a lever for applying the stress. But here a prac- tical inconvenience arises. If the specimen is held between a fixed abutment and the lever, the position of the lever alters as the specimen deforms, and so much the more the greater the ratio of the lever arms. Some arrangement must be made for neutralising the effect of the deformation. The abutment must be moved to keep the lever horizontal. In some machines a screw 108 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and nut afforded the only means of adjustment. In these cases it was necessary to remove or reduce the load while the adjustment of the abutment was made. Some- times the load was lifted by a crab and tackle while the nut was screwed up. To escape some of the difficulties of a lever arrange- ment a hydraulic press has been used to produce the stress in the specimen. The specimen being held at one end by a fixed abutment, the other is strained by attach- ment to the ram of the press, the movement of which takes up the deformation. In such machines the stress in the specimen must be inferred from the fluid pressure on the plunger, indicated by a pressure-gauge. Then, an allowance must be made for the friction of the cup- leather or packing of the ram. As this allowance is large, and varies with the condition of the ram and the packing, machines of this type are not susceptible of great accuracy. Katt According to experiments of Mr. John Hick, the friction of a press cup-leather on a ram d inches diameter, with a pressure of p lbs. per sq. in., is— F = cdp, π 4 where c is a constant. But the whole pressure on the ram is 1 d2p. Hence, the fraction of the load on the ram expended in friction and not transmitted to the specimen is 4 c/ d; that is, it decreases as the diameter of the ram is greater. Hence, the proportional error likely to be introduced by miscalculation of the cup- 75 TESTING MACHINES 109 leather friction is less as the size of the ram increases. Machines of this type are, therefore, most suitable for testing test pieces of large section. However, the law of cup-leather or packing friction is not really known, and its amount is certainly extremely variable.¹ It next appeared possible to combine the advantages of the hydraulic press machine and the lever machine in this way. The test bar was placed between a hydraulic press and a lever, or system of levers, acting as a steel- yard. Roughly speaking, it may be said that in such a machine the stress is applied by the hydraulic press and measured by the steelyard. All good modern machines are essentially arranged in this way, though in some screws and gearing are substituted for the hydraulic press, and in others a manometric arrangement is substituted for the steelyard. 2 43. Machines for Testing in various ways Iron, Steel, and other Strong Materials.-Machines for general testing purposes almost always now consist of:- (1) A lever, or system of levers, with weights, forming a complete weighing apparatus. This is con- nected with one end of the specimen, and its purpose is to indicate from moment to moment the exact stress applied to the specimen. In a few cases, in place of the lever and weights a manometric apparatus is em- 1 The friction in testing machine rams is certainly greater than Mr. Hick's formula gives. Probably the friction is greater at very slow speeds than it was in his experiments. 2 This arrangement appears to have been first used by Bramah, in a machine constructed for Woolwich Dockyard, earlier than 1837. 110 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ployed, the stress being balanced by fluid pressure, which is measured by a mercury column or a pressure- gauge. (2) A system of shackles for holding the specimen to be tested, so guided that the straining action is exactly of the kind required. Shackles must be provided suit- able for the different sizes and forms of specimens to be tested, and different shackles for each different kind of straining action to be applied. (3) To neutralise the effect of the deformation of the specimen on the position of the weighing apparatus, a movable abutment must be provided to hold one end of the specimen. This is most commonly the ram of a hydraulic press, which can be actuated by a pump, a screw-compressor, or an accumulator. In other cases, worm-gearing acting on a nut and screw, or even a sliding-wedge driven by mechanism, has been used. The object of all these arrangements is to take up regularly and smoothly the deformation of the speci- men, so that the point of attachment of the weighing apparatus is practically immovable. 44. With regard to their general arrangement, testing machines may be divided into-(a) Horizontal testing machines, in which the stress is exerted hori- zontally; and (b) Vertical machines, in which the stress is exerted vertically. The difference is one of con- venience chiefly. Where very long specimens have to be tested the machine must be horizontal. All chain- cable testing machines, for instance, are horizontal. TESTING MACHINES 111 But there is a difference of action not entirely unim- portant in horizontal and vertical machines. In hori- zontal machines the weight of the shackles and other parts connected with the specimen acts transversely to the load applied by the machine. If not neutralised by guides the weight would produce straining actions not measured by the weighing apparatus. No guides can quite perfectly prevent this transverse action, though they may render it comparatively harmless. And the guides themselves introduce some frictional resistance which gets measured as part of the stress. In vertical machines, on the other hand, the weight of the shackles acts in the direction of the load, and can be balanced, without guides, so as not to affect the measurement of the stress. 45. In designing a testing machine the qualities to be aimed at are as follows: (1) The machine must have adequate sensitiveness- that is, the power of indicating decisively and accurately small differences of stress. To obtain sensitiveness in a lever machine, the fulcrum on which the lever rests and the supports of the shackles and weight are hard steel knife-edges acting on hard steel planes. The sen- sitiveness depends on the smallness of radius of the knife-edges and their accurate straightness. If initially, or under the action of the load, the knife-edge bends, it virtually becomes broader, and the sensitiveness is diminished. Now, the amount of sensitiveness required in a good machine is not a quantity which can be M 112 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION may definitely assigned, nor is it easy to measure in an actual machine, except in the case of an unloaded machine. But there is no doubt that the sensitiveness attained in good machines is in excess of practical requirements. This point will be discussed later; but it be pointed out that two specimens cut from the same plate quite commonly differ in strength by more than 1 per cent. Supposing the strength of the test bar to be 20 tons, 1 per cent. of this would be 4 cwt., and a reasonably good machine indicates differences of stress of far less amount than this. In most machines, probably, the sensitiveness varies with the load and increases as the load is greater. That is, the ad- ditional stress required to distinctly move the weighing apparatus becomes a less fraction of the load as the load increases. In a good 100-ton machine, carrying its full load, the lever will be distinctly moved by an addition to the stress of ton. That is, the sen- 1 10000 sitiveness is such that Too of the load is indicated. This is equal to the sensitiveness of a good chemist's balance. The sensitiveness of machines with mano- metric apparatus may be made still greater. (2) The machine must be accurate in the indications given that is, the stress indicated by the machine must differ very little from the real stress. A sensitive machine may be inaccurate if the ratio of the leverage is imperfectly known, and it must be inaccurate if, from any flexure of the parts, the leverage changes with the load. Hence, it is of much more importance than has 1 100 TESTING MACHINES 113 generally been supposed that a testing machine should be so arranged that it can itself be tested. The weights used to load the lever can, of course, easily be stan- dardised. But in many machines the leverage, or ratio of the weight applied to the stress on the specimen, has only been determined by measurement of the distances between the knife-edges, and very generally the original determination of the leverage by the maker is accepted as sufficient, however long the machine may have been in use. It is clear that, however carefully the leverage was determined in the first instance, the wear or dis- placement of the knife-edges may seriously alter it in course of time. If the fulcrum distance is 2 inches, a displacement of inch would introduce an error of 1 per cent. into all measurements made by the machine on the assumption that the leverage had remained 50 constant. C The determination of the leverage of the machine by measurement of the knife-edge distance only is not. satisfactory, and in machines used for scientific pur- poses direct means of testing the leverage by weighing should be provided. (3) Facility of adjustment for different kinds of straining action, and for specimens of different dimen- sions. The importance of this quality in a machine depends very much on the kind of work it is intended to do. But it should be remembered that the shackles used for different kinds of stress are somewhat heavy and cumbrous, and the operation of changing the I 114 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION arrangements for various kinds of work is somewhat laborious. (4) Capability of easy and rapid manipulation during a test. In commercial testing it is of great importance that the testing should be accomplished rapidly. The means of gripping the specimen must be convenient, and often the manipulation of the weighing and hydraulic apparatus can best be effected by engine power. (5) Autographic apparatus for registering the results is very convenient, and is a safeguard against errors in recording the results. Some machines are adapted, and others are not adapted, for the addition of autographic apparatus. (6) It is very objectionable if, during a test, the specimen is subjected to shocks and vibrations. Shocks or vibrations may arise either in the weigh- ing apparatus (in adding loads, for instance); or in the hydraulic press (by the action of a pump); or, lastly, from the energy acquired by parts of the machine which move when the specimen more or less suddenly takes an increment of deformation. Suppose a cubic inch of water suddenly forced into the hydraulic press by the pump. If the lever and weights had no inertia, no harm would result. But, in fact, the movement of the press ram induces a movement of the whole system, and the stress in the specimen is for the moment increased by the inertia of the whole system connected with it. If the specimen suddenly TESTING MACHINES 115 1 1000 extends 16 inch, the weights on the lever move through a not inconsiderable distance. They acquire energy in falling, which again is expended in momen- tarily increasing the stress on the specimen. The question whether a machine with small leverage or large leverage is likely to produce greater stresses in the specimen in consequence of its inertia has been a good deal discussed. If a specimen is loaded with a dead weight M, the inertia of the load reckoned at the specimen is M. But if the same specimen is put in a machine with a leverage n, with a load M/n producing the same stress, the inertia of the load reckoned at the specimen is (M/n) n², or Mn. Hence it has been argued that the stresses due to shock increase directly as the leverage of the machine. All that the calculation shows is that, with a given velocity of movement at the specimen, the stored energy of the load liable to be expended in straining the specimen increases with the leverage. But the inference ignores the practical con- ditions in which testing machines are used. In propor- tion as the leverage of a machine is greater, its movements are more narrowly limited by the stops at the free end of the lever. The greater the leverage the more easily is any tendency to acquire velocity in the machine detected and controlled. Hence, practically, it is probable that the greater the ratio of the leverage, the less is the liability to unknown and prejudicial stresses due to inertia of the machine. In the Buckton machine the maximum leverage is 50 to 1; in the Werder I 2 116 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION machine it is 500 to 1; while in some compound-lever machines it is 20,000 to 1, or more. If the mere amount of leverage produced so serious an effect as that inferred above it would long ago have been detected in the use of the machines. In fact, however, in skilful hands, each machine is used in a manner suited to its construc- tion and so as to reduce any action of this kind to a negligable amount. 46. Arrangement of the Lever or Steelyard and Weights. -In the oldest form of lever machine a bent lever FIG. 42 IV (Fig. 42) was used, the three principal knife-edges being in one straight line. The object of this arrangement was to secure a constant leverage notwithstanding some change of position of the lever. The leverage is the ratio of the perpendiculars from the fulcrum f on the directions of the load w and stress s, and if the knife- edges are not in one straight line the ratio of those dis- tances sensibly changes with the alteration of inclination of the lever. In more modern machines the lever is left straight, and is formed of sufficiently rigid side plates (Fig. 43), between which are the knife-edges, fixed in rigid cross supports. TESTING MACHINES 117 In the older machines and in some modern machines the loading is effected by placing separate weights in a scale-pan. Unless the leverage is large this is laborious, and, unless the lever is supported when weights are FIG. 43. I added, shocks are produced on the specimen. Two modes of overcoming this difficulty have been found. In one the separate weights are successively added by mechanical arrangements; in the other a single travel- ling, or jockey, weight is rolled out along the lever. In the former, the leverage is constant; in the latter, the leverage varies as the jockey weight is rolled out. Fig. 44 shows diagrammatically these arrangements. At A is the ordinary lever and scale; B and C are two arrangements in which jockey weights are used. In C the weight is so contrived that its centre of gravity lies in the line through the knife-edges. In order that the variation of position of the lever may not affect the stress on the specimen the centre of gravity of the lever must be on the line through the knife-edges, and the jockey weight must either have its centre of gravity on that line or must be hung from a knife-edge which travels on that line. At D is shown the mechanical 118 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The arrangement for adding weights to the lever. weights are carried by a frame which can be raised or O ロ ​Mi O FIG. 44. A B C D Pla -6- ·u* Comunio E lowered by a screw. As the frame is lowered the weights are deposited in succession on projections upon the rod connected with the lever. In Fig. 45 this mode of carrying the weights is shown in more detail. The central rod a is suspended from the lever. The side rods b, b are connected with a screw raising or lowering arrangement; w, w are the carefully-adjusted weights. When not in use the weights rest on lugs on the side rods b, b. By lowering b, b the weights are successively dropped without shock on the corresponding lugs on a. TESTING MACHINES 119 FIG. 45. a 1 There is one other arrangement of the lever which should be mentioned. In the testing machines of Thurston, Michaelis, and Polmeyer, a bent pendulum lever is used (E, Fig. 44), carrying a single heavy load. As the pull on the specimen is increased, the pendulum - bob moves outwards and upwards. If a and b are the perpendicu- lars from the principal fulcrum on the directions of the load and stress, the varying leverage is the ratio b/a. 47. Principal Types of Testing Ma- chines. It is proposed in the following paragraph to indicate the principal types of testing machine which have been used as a key to the more detailed description of some of these machines which will be given later. It must be understood, however, that the figures are merely diagrams. It will be seen that the most obvious arrangement is to place the weighing apparatus at one end of a speci- men and the straining apparatus at the other. In fact, a large number of machines are thus constructed. Later, it appeared that certain advantages were obtainable by placing both weighing and straining apparatus at the same end of the specimen. Simplest of all arrangements, probably, is that adopted first in a complete shape in the testing machine I' b TINE (01 b W W 120 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION at St. Chamond, and later adopted by Wicksteed, Martens, and Michaelis. In this machine (Fig. 46) the specimen s is held between a shackle attached to a horizontal weighing lever above and the ram of a es S P FIG. 46. - Wicksteed Martens Michaelis hydraulic press below. The weighing of the stress is effected by rolling out a jockey weight along the lever, or, in the Martens machine, by the arrangement shown in Fig. 45. Somewhat similar is the arrangement of the test- ing machine of Messrs. Fairbanks & Co., of New York (Fig. 47). In this case a worm-wheel and screw are substituted for the press. The Fairbanks machine is virtually an ordinary platform weighing machine adapted TESTING MACHINES 121 to the purpose of testing. It should be pointed out that, instead of the simple-lever system shown in this diagram, the actual Fair- banks machine has a com- pound-lever system, involv- ing the use of nine levers and twenty-seven knife- edges, the object being to gain so enormous a lever- age (in some cases 24,000 to 1) that the stress is balanced by very small weights. Fig. 48 shows diagrammatically the Thomasset machine, the (O (0% S FIG. 48. Thomasset 1J FIG. 47. O Fairbanks S d WW general arrangement of which is the same, but in which a manometric arrangement d is substituted for the 122 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION weights used in other machines. The end of the lever presses on what is virtually a frictionless diaphragm supported by fluid pressure. A pressure-gauge or mer- cury column, indicating the amount of fluid pressure mmm! S Tľ FIG. 49. w.w Grafenstaden 26t ? T on the diaphragm, gives data for determining the stress when the area of the diaphragm and leverage is known. Fig. 49 shows the machine of the Grafenstaden Company at Mulhouse, which has a peculiarity adopted in the testing machines of Riehle Brothers, extensively used in America. In order to get a very short knife- edge distance on the main lever the fulcrum is not placed in the lever itself but in a subsidiary lever below, connected to the main lever by links. The TESTING MACHINES 123 W ι X distance x is the virtual fulcrum distance, or the short arm of the lever. It is obvious that this may be made as small as desired on this arrangement without intro- ducing any mechanical difficulties of construction. Fig. 50 shows the arrangement of the testing machine of Messrs. Greenwood & Batley, of Leeds, d FIG. 50. Greenwood Yo S is which has perhaps been more generally adopted than any other in this country. It is adapted to give a horizontal pull, and has a compound-lever system. This involves the use of a bent lever between the weighing lever and specimen. Fig. 51 is a sketch of the Maillard machine, in which manometric arrangements are substituted for a lever FIG. 51. Emery P system. To a certain extent this is also the arrange- ment of the great 500-ton testing machine at Water- town Arsenal. Lastly, Fig. 52 shows the Werder machine, which 1 124 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION has been adopted very extensively in Germany. This differs from all the preceding machines in this, that both the weighing and straining apparatus are at one S P FIG. 52. ι Werder W end of the specimen. Hence, the expensive parts of the machine being all at one end, arrangements can be made to take in specimens of almost any length, by prolonging the bed of the machine, without much extra expense. All the German Werder machines take in specimens in both tension and compression 30 feet in length, a result not obtained in any other type of testing machine except that at Watertown, and there only with greater difficulty, as the press must be movable. In the Werder machine the hydraulic press acts on the short arm of a single bent lever l. This lever is carried by the specimen, so that the other end of the specimen requires only a fixed abutment. By the action of the press the lever is kept horizontal, notwithstanding the deformation of the test bar. The Werder machine may be described as a machine in which the principal lever is supported on a moving fulcrum. The great advantage of having only a fixed abutment to provide for the back end of the specimen is obvious. Another advantage in this machine is, that TESTING MACHINES 125 1 6 the short arm of the lever can be reduced as much as one pleases without shortening the knife-edges. It will be shown presently that actual Werder machines for testing specimens up to 30 feet in length, and up to a load of 100 tons, have a short lever arm of 4 m.m., or inch in length only. Thus a leverage of 500 : 1 is easily obtained, and the loads to be handled are small. On the other hand, these very considerable and practi- cal advantages are not obtained without some sacrifice. The sensitiveness of the main lever is so great that it must be adjusted by a spirit-level. Further, the ratio of the leverage must be determined by direct experiment with a control lever and weights. 48. The Woolwich Dockyard 100-ton Machine.- This machine, which embodies nearly every feature of importance in modern testing machines, is described and figured in the first edition of Barlow's Strength of Materials,' and must therefore have been constructed at a very early date.¹ It was intended chiefly for testing cables, but was used for ordinary testing also. Barlow describes its principle thus:-'The Admiralty have had constructed in Woolwich Dockyard for testing iron cables a machine in which the strain is brought on by hydrostatic pressure, but its amount estimated by a sys- tem of levers, balanced on knife-edges, which act quite independently of the strain there is on the machine, and exhibit sensibly a change of pressure of ton, 1 ' Treatise on the Strength of Timber and Iron. By P. Barlow, F.R.S. London, 1837, p. 237. 126 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The even when the total strain amounts to 100 tons.' machine, which was constructed by Bramah, had a hori- zontal cast-iron frame of 104 feet in length. On one end of this was a hydraulic press, the position of which could be adjusted by gearing. At the other end was a system of levers, taking the pull and weighing it. The first lever was a bell-crank lever, as in most horizontal testing machines, and there were two other levers. The total leverage was 2,240 to 1, so that 1 lb. in the scale-platform balanced 1 ton of stress. The hydraulic press was worked by pumps, arranged with great ingenuity to suit the varying pressure re- quired. Friction-grip shackles are shown for ordinary test bars, to which reference will be made later. The distinctive features of this machine reappear in all modern testing machines. 49. Fairbairn's Machine.-The testing machine con- structed by Fairbairn and used in many of Eaton Hodgkinson's experiments, consisted of a heavy wrought- iron lever, with arms in the ratio of 8 to 1 and of the bent form (Fig. 42). The lever rested on a short knife- edge at the top of a box-shaped casting, and at its free end carried a scale-platform. There was no hydraulic press, and the deformation of the specimen was taken up by a nut on a screwed rod. The lever was used in several ways both for tension and crushing 1 J P 1 This lever machine, which has a certain historical interest from the importance of some of the researches made with it, is figured in its original form in Fairbairn's paper on the ‘Strength of Wrought-iron Plates and Riveted Joints,' Phil. Trans. 1850; Useful Information for Engineers, TESTING MACHINES 127 Creusot 30-ton Machine.- This is a single-lever machine, arranged very similarly to the Fairbairn ma- chine in its original form. But worm-gear is added to neutralise the effect of the deformation of the speci- men, and a ram is placed under the lever to lift the load off the specimen when necessary. The leverage is 17 to 1. Machine of Major Wade.-In tests of cast iron for guns in America in 1855 a machine was used designed by Major Wade, and a similar machine was used for many years at Woolwich. It is chiefly noticeable for being one of the first compound-lever machines. One lever had a ratio of 20 to 1, and the second lever, to which the specimen was attached, a ratio of 10 to 1. Consequently, the loads on the specimen were two hun- dred times the applied weights. It was only adapted for very short specimens.² Machine at St. Chamond, for tensions up to 50 tons.³ This rather remarkable single-lever machine has some peculiarities adopted in more modern machines. The lever is constructed of two I-beams of wrought iron, about 14 feet long and 12 inches deep. A rigid knife- Fairbairn, p. 252. The same machine, somewhat altered in arrange- ment, and in the form in which the author often used it between 1855 and 1865, is figured in a paper on 'The Strength of Iron at Different Temperatures,' Brit. Assoc. Report, for 1856. See also Downing, Practical Construction, pp. 3, 68, and Plate I. ¹ Lebasteur, Les Méteaux, 1878, Plate I. 2 'Report on Metal for Cannon,' by the American Ordnance Depart- ment, pp. 305, 315. 9 M.M. Denizeau and Lechien, Mémorial de l'Artillerie et de la Marine, 1883. 128 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION edged bar fixed between these side beams rests on the top of a strong iron standard. At 0.6 inch only from the fulcrum knife-edge is the knife-edge supporting the shackle. The lever is prolonged backwards, and carries a counterweight for putting it in balance initially. A travelling jockey weight runs along the lever, which is virtually a steelyard, and so balances the strain in the specimen. A peculiar arrangement is adopted to take up the deformation and keep the lever horizontal. This is a wedge, sliding in guides, and driven by a screw and gearing. As this arrangement produces no shock, it is probably very meritorious, at least for light machines. SINGLE-LEVER MACHINES. 50. The Werder 100-ton Testing Machine.-In 1852 a testing machine was designed for the Railway Com- mission of Bavaria by Ludwig Werder, and con- structed by Messrs. Klett & Co., of Nuremberg. Similar machines have been built for the Government testing laboratories at Berlin and Munich, for the Polytechnic Schools at Zurich and Vienna, and for several manufactories and railways. Probably it is not too much to say that by far the largest part of the original mechanical investigations carried out in the last fifteen years has been accomplished by the aid of Werder machines. In the hands especially of Dr. Bauschinger, of Munich, tests of materials have been made with this machine with a precision and accuracy never before attained. TESTING MACHINES 129 The Werder machine is a horizontal testing machine with hydraulic press worked by pumps and single-lever weighing apparatus. By an ingenious arrangement the press and lever are kept on the same side of the specimen. All the complicated and expensive parts of the machine being thus brought to one side of the specimen, com- paratively simple and inexpensive arrangements can be made for extending the machine to take in specimens of very great length. Usually the Werder machine is made to test specimens both in tension and compression up to 30 feet in length. The general principle of the arrangement of this machine has already been indicated. Fig. 53 shows a sectional elevation of the more important working parts, and detailed drawings will be found in the treatises - cited below.1 R is the hydraulic press ram, which acts against a knife-edge on what is really a bent lever L₁. The crosshead C₁, which holds one of the shackles S₁, is connected by the long bolts t, t with a crosshead car- rying the other knife-edges which support the lever. If the specimen stretches, C, moves to the right, and the lever falls; if the press ram is then moved to the right the lever is again lifted. The back crosshead C₂, which holds the other shackle S2, slides on a cast-iron railway behind the machine. It is spaced at any distance from the fixed frame of the machine by the loose distance pieces d, d. ¹ Mittheilungen a. d. mechanisch-technischen Laboratorium in Mün- chen, Heft 1 & 3. Maschine zum Prüfen der Festigkeit der Materialien und Instrumente zum Messen der Gestaltsveränderung der Probekörper. München, 1882. Also Lebasteur, Les Métaux. K 130 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 53. Da m C₁₁ P d C₁₂ L₁₂ L₂ 17 g 201 JP Mimanais. 4 PT At s is a tension test-bar, and m is Bauschinger's mirror arrangement for measur- ing extensions. In testing, weights are placed on the scale platform of the lever L₁, and then by the pumps the ram R is moved out till the lever is in balance. To obtain a high ratio of leverage, so that the weights to be handled may be small, the short arm of the lever L₁ is reduced to the extraordi- narily small distance of 4 mm. or inch. The lever is of - 3 16 such a length that the lever- age is 500: 1. Of course the short-arm length of the lever cannot be directly mea- sured with accuracy enough to determine the leverage of the machine. Hence a second lever (control lever) L, is provided, acting on the cross- head C₁. This lever has a ratio of 10:1, and its arms can be accurately measured. TESTING MACHINES 131 By putting weights acting on L, in balance with weights acting on L, the leverage of the principal lever L, is determined. With so small a fulcrum distance as 13/65 inch the width of the knife-edges is a quantity com- parable with the short arm-length of the lever. It is necessary, therefore, that the lever L, should have an R₁ R a с =2 A FIG. 54. t t Y L₁ l- extremely small range of motion. placing a spirit-level on the lever. returning the press ram after a test. The arrangement of the hydraulic press and lever will be better understood from the diagrammatic sketch, Fig. 54. Here R, is the press cylinder cast in one with This is secured by g is hand-gear for ** K 2 132 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the frame of the machine, and R, is the press ram. The press ram, cased in gun-metal, is 12 inches diameter. The hand-pumps for working the press have rams of 1.2 and 0·4 inch diameter. The ram R₂ carries a horn a, with cross-shaft, from which the great lever L₁ is sus- pended by links, and also the crosshead C connected with the front shackle. The back part of the lever L₁ is a large U-shaped casting, partly surrounding the press, so that the centre of gravity is near the knife- edges. It carries a scale platform and adjusting weight. The pair of crossheads C pass through the lever, and are connected each by two longitudinal tie-rods t to the shackle crosshead. The press ram carries in front a hard steel prism 14 inches long, against which one knife-edge on the lever acts. The crossheads C each carry a prism 75 inches long, against which the other knife-edges act (shown dotted). The distance between the upper and lower knife-edges, reduced to inch in the actual machine, is the short-arm length h of the bent lever, the long arm being 1. 16 Fig. 53 shows the arrangement of the machine for testing bars in tension. For crushing cubes and short specimens the space between C, and the back of the press is utilised, proper seatings being introduced. Longer specimens can be crushed between C, and C2, the tie-bars t, t being then extended to the cross-head C2. Convenient arrangements for transverse testing and for torsion are also easily fixed. 51. Single-lever Testing Machine of Messrs. Buckton TESTING MACHINES 133 and Co., of Leeds.—This machine was described at the Leeds meeting of the Institution of Mechanical En- gineers.¹ The machines then constructed were 50-ton machines for testing ordinary short commercial test- bars. It appeared to the author in 1883 that a larger machine, capable of taking in moderately long speci- mens, could be constructed on the same general plan. In correspondence with Mr. Hartley Wicksteed, plans were made for a 100-ton machine, which would take specimens 6 feet long. Two very satisfactory machines were built of this size, under the author's direction, for the engineering laboratories at Cooper's Hill and at the Central Institute of the Guilds of London. Other machines of the same power have since been made. Considered as an instrument of general scientific re- search, the Buckton machine, even on the larger scale, is inferior to the Werder machine. But it is more handy for ordinary testing, and probably it is more easily kept in trustworthy adjustment. - Fig. 55 shows the general arrangement of the 50-ton Buckton machine. H is a rigid cast-iron standard bolted to the foundations, and having at top a horn pro- jecting back to carry the principal knife-edge or fulcrum of the lever. The great lever L, L, with its jockey- weight W, forms the weighing apparatus, and the hydraulic ram F, F takes up the deformation of the specimen. A tension specimen is shown at S, between the friction-grip shackles A, B. The knife-edges of the 1 Proc. Inst. of Mech. Eng., 1882. 134 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 55. A 11 MARUSTUSVANAKOVAT CARI PETRTINJUAL T H " A ** H G S Jato D B TUMBLRAU B 1 O " || " 11 4 W TESTING MACHINES 135 lever L, L are 3 inches apart, one resting on the standard H, the other supporting the shackle A. To support the knife-edges and prevent flexure, they are gripped by rigid castings bolted between the side plates of the lever. The hydraulic press F has a stroke of 6 inches to take up elongation and slip of the test-bar in the grips. The press is worked by means of a 'quiet compressor.' This is a press with a ram driven by a pair of screws, which again are driven by gearing and belting. This secondary press, which is a substitute for the pumps ordinarily employed, forces water into the main press F quietly and without shock, and works very satisfactorily indeed. More power, however, is required than with pumps. The press is so used that the lever is kept 'in balance'—that is, floating freely between the stops which limit its motion. The jockey- weight weighs exactly one ton, and can be moved along the lever by a screw driven at will, either by belting or by the hand-wheel in front of the standard. Before a test the jockey-weight is run back till the lever is in balance with the test-bar free. A vernier, attached to the jockey-weight, is set to zero on a scale running along the lever. Then the specimen is fixed, and the jockey- weight moved out along the lever, while the press is used to keep the lever horizontal. Each 3 inches of movement of the jockey-weight adds a ton to the load on the speci- men, and the vernier easily reads on the scale to 1 ton. 100 52. 100-ton Testing Machine of Messrs. Buckton and Co.-The photographic frontispiece shows a general 136 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION view of the engineering laboratory at the Central In- stitute, with the 100-ton testing machine. Plate II. is a general elevation of the same machine. F, F is the main standard of such a height that moderately long specimens can be tested. To the foot of this standard is bolted the principal hydraulic press R, the ram of which acts downwards on a crosshead c₁, connected by adjusting side screws to an upper crosshead c₂, to which the lower specimen shackle S₂ is attached. There is worm-gearing to the side screws to adjust the length between the shackles S1, S2. The press-ram is kept home by the balance-weight B, attached to it by spring shackles. To work the press there is a second press or compressor C, the ram of which is driven by the twin screws s₂ and gearing 92. The crossed belts b, and fast-and-loose pulleys behind the standard drive the compressor ram in or out, and so force water into or allow it to flow back from the main press R. r₂ is a hand-lever to the fork actuating the belts b₂, which drive the compressor. The great main lever L, of wrought-iron side-plates, rests on the top of the standard F, F by means of a knife-edge, and a second knife-edge behind this supports the upper shackle S₁. These knife-edges are 20 inches long, and are formed of hardened steel ground into a rectangular groove in steel bars 4 inches in diameter. These bars are further supported by castings bolted to the side-plates. The distance between the knife-edges is 4 inches. The free end of the lever plays in a space g W I TON [de] W S PGESTAWACHSE WACHAAVAA Annay S AUTH ĥ S 25 制 ​L R راما K с ALMANA C₁ O 126 TEA GUAVAY WN TOT ↓ Lai!: 2~ -F- F b KODERMA ILM B.YILALIVAH a k h WYKH WWWWW C B ་ SOWSE K K E K KY ADAMIAUSI นาม AAAAAA ALTA ANAKANO vilniu 2002 MEMEK MAS PALILIL London; Longmans & Co. ניו 9 2 THE LMA K muliuiiiik 12 9 6 3 0 į ¡ MINKY 11 14440 nhuu bi Sz maitutiilliċimit A+ ་་ ་་་ ་་ 1 S Maa 2 L Austriimimattiajerosenidet SINCERERILISI ULTI ND 3 a HIERINNERIMA KASKALA KERAJAAKKOJA D # 0 " W Scale, We 5 CATERING IN THE plater wrote ܡܘܢ ܡܬܒܐ ܐܟܢ ܥܠܐܬܘܕܙ ܐܬ Plate II P 100 TON TESTING MACHINE. Messrs Buckton & Co Leeds. a motor - internet ww ཀྱི ལྡག པ ད 1 - 8 10 ft. EdwdWeller, lith. TESTING MACHINES 137 in the supporting pillar P. J is the jockey-weight, weighing one ton, and straddling the lever so that its centre of gravity is as nearly as possible on the plane through the knife-edges. This runs on four rollers on rails fixed each side of the lever, and is moved by the long screws, S. The jockey-weight can be put in motion either by the crossed belts by connected with the reversing handle ri, or by the hand-wheel hand countershaft k, if very slow motion or fine adjustment is required. Along the lever is the graduated scale a, a, and a vernier v on the jockey-weight indicates the posi- tion of the jockey-weight. Initially the lever is put in balance, and the vernier set to read zero on the scale. Then each 4 inches the jockey-weight moves adds a ton of stress on the specimen. The scale is 200 inches long, so that with the jockey-weight at the end of the lever a stress of 50 tons is measured. For greater stresses the jockey-weight is run back to zero, and the 25-cwt. load W is attached to the lever by a screw coupling. As this hangs at a leverage of 40, it balances a stress of 50 tons. The jockey-weight is then run out again. The vernier easily reads to ton. Although the arrangement of a double weight may seem cumbrous, it is not so in practice, and the author prefers it to the plan of making the jockey-weight 2 tons. In three- fourths of ordinary testing, or more, the stresses do not exceed 50 tons, and the coupling up of the extra load is very easily managed. 1 200 The tension shackles S1, S2 are shown in place, and will 138 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION be described in a later chapter. The lower crosshead is guided by a slide on the frame F, F. For compression tests a table guided by the same slide is hung from the upper knife-edge by four long suspension rods, and specimens are crushed between this table and the lower side of the crosshead C2. It will be seen that, standing by the standard, the experimenter has complete control of the machine. The specimen is in sight on the left; the floating of the lever can be seen to the right, and the two handles to the belt-gear r₁, r, and the hand-wheel hare within reach 71, 72 without moving. The author has now had considerable experience in the use of this machine, and has found it extremely convenient and accurate. The specimen is very con- veniently placed for measurement during a test, and specimens of a considerable range of size and form can be tested. The sensitiveness of the lever on its knife- edge is such that although, with the jockey-weight, it weighs about five tons, it is very perceptibly moved by half a pound placed on the shackle. 53. 50-ton Single-lever Machine of the Société Alsa- cienne of Grafenstaden, Mulhouse.-A larger compound- lever machine made by this firm was described in Engineering,' June 25, 1880. The neatly arranged machine shown in Plate III., Fig. 2, is a single-lever machine of the type shown in Fig. 49. The specimen is held between the shackles A1, A2. The upper shackle is connected to the straining mechanism, which in this 6 TESTING MACHINES 139 case is a screw having on it a long nut, driven by gearing G. The screw is prevented from rotating by a slide. The lower shackle is attached to the main lever F at a knife-edge. This lever is connected by links to the subsidiary beam F1, which carries the fulcrum knife-edge. The links have knife-edges at the points at which they rest on F and F₁. A jockey-weight runs on the graduated lever F. The lever F₂ carries a counterweight to put the main lever in balance. The Grafenstaden machines are said to be in use at Essen, Creusot, and Terrenoire. 2 COMPOUND-LEVER MACHINES. 54. 100-ton Testing Machine of Messrs. Adamson and Co., of Hyde, near Manchester.-The machine shown in Fig. 56 is a compound-lever horizontal machine.¹ Mr. Adamson attaches great importance to getting a fairly large distance between the principal knife-edges, and at the same time to having a very great leverage. Hence a compound-lever system is necessary. This machine is specially designed for use in large iron and steel works, where specimens are required to be tested for commercial purposes, rather than for very accurate scientific work, although with care and pre- cision on the part of the operator very good results may be obtained. The machine, with all its appliances, is entirely self- contained; it is mounted on a heavy cast-iron founda- Engineering, June 17, 1887. 1 140 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 56. UTIZOSI d FRAUMS AUGU *** ** $10. TESTING MACHINES 141 tion, which requires no bolting down. It is capable of testing all kinds of materials in tension, compression, and bending; by a special arrangement it inay also be used for torsion. The testing stress is obtained by an hydraulic cylinder and ram 63 inches in diameter. The cylinder is of forged steel, and is intended to carry a working pressure of about three tons per square inch. The pressure is obtained by a small double cylinder pump, driven by cranks, and is provided with a fly- wheel, pulleys, and handle for hand or power driving. The plungers are made on the compound principle, one small one working inside an annular plunger. When it is required to pump rapidly at low pressures both of them are coupled together, forming one large plunger; but for high pressures the inner one only is used: then the speed has to be sacrificed for pressure. This arrangement permits two men to pump up to the full power of the machine, viz. 100 tons. The pressure on the ram is transmitted to a substantial cast-steel cross- head by means of two steel ties, 3 inches in diameter, running along either side of the machine. These ties are screwed at the ends to allow of the crosshead being adjusted for various lengths of specimens. The gripping-jaws for holding the specimens are turned on the outside and then fitted into a circular hole. This arrangement insures the perfect gripping of bars or plates having tapered cross-sections. In or- dinary rigid jaws the thick side is gripped first, and consequently a tearing action is produced instead of a - 142 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION fair and uniform pull. The other end of the bar is similarly held by a second crosshead which is attached to a set of three levers, and a steelyard provided with a travelling weight, the position of which indicates the load on the specimen under test. The leverage obtained is 15,000 to 1, so that a very small travelling weight can be used, viz. 4 lbs. ; when greater loads are required, other weights of 3 lbs. each are hung on the end of the steelyard. All the levers and steelyard are arranged in a case to protect them from dust and injury. The handle for adjusting the traversing weight is placed outside of the case, so that it never need be opened except for clean- ing; the steelyard is visible through a glass door. By means of very simple attachments this machine may be adapted for testing specimens in compression or bending. The hydraulic ram is provided with a chain. and weight to bring it back to its original position after the fracture of the specimen. All the knife-edges on the levers are of hardened steel, and specially arranged to prevent warping in hardening. This machine is very conveniently arranged for getting at the specimens when under test; it is also very compact. 55. Olsen Compound-lever 100-ton Testing Machine Plate III., Fig. 1).—This is of the type largely adopted in America, the mechanism being in principle the same as that of a platform weighing machine. Four columns on the platform E carry the steel plate B, to which one end of the specimen is attached. Four straining screws Plate III Fig. 1. FLOOR CH.S: H TIN Ε F LE B с H Olsen 100 Ton Machine. F3 F T + F2 THE V 0 www. Fig.2. Grafenstaden 59 Ton Machine. 1 1 1 ! 2 F₂ F U AMERICAN AND ALSATIAN TESTING MACHINES. 3 در - 5 $ G Ę 7 A₂ F A 2 FLOOR 8 FEET TESTING MACHINES 143 carry the plate C, to which the other end of the speci- men is attached. The columns supporting B rest on the lever system F, F. The straining screws carry the large driving-nuts H, which are put into action by the gearing below the levers. The nuts abut against the frame through roller bearings, to diminish friction. The platform E rests on three main levers, acting as a single lever. Beyond the platform the three levers act through a stirrup on the second lever F2, and this again is connected with the third lever or graduated steelyard F. A small poise or jockey-weight gives the measurement of stresses from 0 to 5,000 lbs. ; a larger poise, stresses from 5,000 to 100,000 lbs. ; and an addi- tional weight on the end of the lever adds 100,000 lbs. The screws and driving-nuts take the place of the hydraulic press used in other machines. A crossed belt on the pulley T, and open belt on the pulley U, drive the gearing. A friction clutch engages either pulley with the driving-shaft. There is also a slow motion by friction-gear V. SIMPLE HYDRAULIC PRESS MACHINE. 56. 600-ton Testing Machine of the Union Bridge Company, at Athens, Pa.-This machine was constructed with the object primarily of testing the full-size eye- bars which are so largely used in American bridge construction. Two horizontal riveted girders B, B (Fig. 57) 60 feet in length, supported by cross-girders on five 144 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 57. PLAN H B B ŏ Si S₂ R © с B CIVALUMAIL ELEVATION آنها 90 о с ین R O ა с с (), O с C a Q Q ·A· SLOP 10 FEET 5 masonry piers, form the frame of the machine. At one end of the frame is a large hydraulic press cylinder R, with a freely moving pis- ton. This has four to piston - rods, which is attached a crosshead carry- ing shackles S₁ for one end of the test- There is a bar. movable tail-piece C, which can be attached point in the length of the frame, which at any carries a similar crosshead and shackle S, for the other end of the test-bar. The cross- heads are carried on accurate wheels r, r, running on a track fixed to the sdag TESTING MACHINES 145 lower flange of the frame girders. The tail-piece having been fixed to the girders at a suitable distance from the hydraulic press, the specimen is introduced. Then pressure is applied to the piston of the press, and in- creased till the specimen breaks. The pressure on the piston is measured by a Shaw mercury column and by a spring pressure-gauge. The load on the specimen is taken to be equal to the pressure on the press cylinder. It will be seen that in this very large and important machine the principle of construction is simple, the lever weighing apparatus being dispensed with. The hydraulic press cylinder R is of cast steel, 4 feet 3 inches bore and 6 feet 0 inch long. It has an area of 2,039 inches, and an effective stroke of 4 feet 11 inches. The maximum water-pressure for which provision has been made is 600 lbs. per square inch. The cylinder is secured to the girders by bolts, and its back end is left open, so that the piston can be seen. The main girders B, B are of wrought iron, 60 feet long, 3 feet 6 inches high, built of plates and angle bars, rolled in one length. Holes, 6 inches diameter and 18 inches apart, are bored through the web for the bolts of the tail-block. Along this part of the web it is 2 inches thick. The tail-block C is a steel casting, which may be attached to the main girders by two pins each side, fitting the 6-inch holes. Geared steel nuts g give a L 146 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION further adjustment of the distance of the shackle from the tail-block. To provide for recoil between the shackle and tail- block there is a rod attached to the shackle passing through a friction-clamp on the tail-block. The eye- bars are attached to the shackles by a 7-inch pin in an elongated hole 7 x 9 in the shackle. This permits the specimen to recoil independently of the shackle. When smaller pins must be used collars reduce the size of the pin-hole. The shackle attached to the hydraulic press piston is similar. The piston has a gland and hemp packing, and the piston-rods also pass through stuffing-boxes. The piston-gland is tightened till the leakage, with maximum pressure, is reduced to a thin film of water discharging uniformly round the piston. After a spe- cimen is broken a discharge-cock is opened to a tank 4 feet 6 inches below the cylinder. The small vacuum thus formed, equivalent to 1½ lbs. per square inch on the piston, is found sufficient to move it home. Hence it has been assumed that 3,000 lbs. represents the maximum allowance to be made for the friction of the hydraulic press. For practical purposes this allowance is disregarded. The pressure is obtained by a pump with three single-acting plungers, 24 inches in diameter and 10 inches stroke, working at slow speed. An engine with two cylinders, 8 inches diameter and 8 inches stroke, works the pumps. TESTING MACHINES 147 Main girders. Steel castings With a maximum load the stresses on the parts of the machine are as follows:- "" Connecting rods Bolts 7,100 lbs. per sq. in. compression. 15,000,, 13,000 15,000 12,000,, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" tension. "" shear. All these stresses are for the net effective sections, and the margin of safety appears to have proved suffi- cient under the shock of sudden release of load. Bars varying from 5 to 18 square inches section have been broken in the machine. It is intended to construct compression apparatus for this machine. The machine was designed by Mr. Charles Kellogg. The idea involved in its design is thus stated by Mr. Macdonald :-'It is not contended that this is an instru- ment of precision, or that in sensitiveness or accuracy it is the equal of the testing machine at Watertown Arsenal. Mr. Kellogg would be the last person to in- vite comparison in that respect with the superb inven- tion of Mr. A. Emery. What he has accomplished has been the construction of a machine at moderate cost which will test to destruction full-sized sections as they are required for structural purposes, with rapidity and reasonable accuracy.' ¹ The Railroad and Engineering Journal, vol. Ixi. p. 71. C The particulars and description of this machine have been taken from a paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers by Mr. Charles Macdonald, M.Am. Soc.C.E.¹ L 2 148 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION MANOMETER MACHINES. 57. The Thomasset Machine¹ (Fig. 48).-M. H. Thomasset, of Paris, constructed, apparently about 1872, a machine differing in its mode of action from previous machines in two ways. (1) To force water into the hydraulic press a 'quiet compressor' ('compresseur sterhydraulique'), like that used in oil presses, is em- ployed instead of pumps. It has the advantage of convenience, and of preventing the pulsatory action pro- duced by pumps. However, it requires more power to drive it. (2) In the weighing apparatus the pressure of a liquid column acting on a large diaphragm, which forms a virtually frictionless piston, is employed to balance the stress on the specimen. This has the advantage of convenience, cumbrous weights being dispensed with. It has the further very important advantages that the inertia of the weighing apparatus becomes very small, and that the load adjusts itself perfectly automatically to the stress. The slightest variations of stress are indicated by the rise of the liquid column, which balances the stress independently of any manipulation by the operator. Apart from the question of the suc- cess of M. Thomasset in overcoming the difficulties of a new problem, his machine has very great merit from a theoretical point of view. Other makers have proceeded on the same lines, and probably the Thomasset machine 1 Lebasteur, Les Métaux, p. 52. ; TESTING MACHINES 149 is in some degree the parent of the great machine at Watertown. One shackle of the machine being attached to the ram of a press, the other is attached to the short arm of a knee lever. The longer arm presses on the centre of a diaphragm covering a circular cistern of mercury, or of water communicating with the cistern of a mercury The diaphragm is a vulcanised rubber sheet fixed round its edge by a ring, and receiving the load from the lever on a loose circular metal plate only slightly less in diameter than the cistern. manometer. Let be the area of the circular diaphragm in sq. centimeters; P the stress on the specimen in kilograms; n the leverage of the bent lever. The total pressure 'on the diaphragm is P/n kilograms, and the pressure in the cistern is P/2n kilograms per sq. c.m. But if h is the height in c.m. of the mercury column in the manometer, measured from the level of the cistern (or, strictly, from the point where the mercury stands with no stress on the specimen),— h 76 P Ως η ; 1 If = 5,000 sq. c.m. (about 2.6 feet) in diameter n = 5; then a column of mercury 1 meters (5 feet) high will balance 50,000 kilograms (50 tons) of stress. As the section of the mercury column is only 3000 of the area of the diaphragm, the whole movement of the diaphragm for a load of 50 tons is only half a millimeter (0.02 inch). 150 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 58. The Maillard Testing Machine (Fig. 51).—A very interesting machine,¹ based on the same principles as the Thomasset machine, was designed by Colonel Maillard for use in the French arsenals, and one of these machines is now in daily use at Woolwich. Broadly speaking, it is a Thomasset machine in which the lever is got rid of, and the pull taken directly on the diaphragm. This involves an enlargement of the size of the diaphragm, and some other changes. The machine as hitherto constructed is only suitable for short specimens, and is only arranged for tension. In this machine the specimen is held horizontally between shackles, one attached to the ram of an hydraulic press, the other to a crosshead which pulls on a dia- phragm in a cistern containing fluid. This short cylindrical cistern has the same axis as the hydraulic press, and necessarily the diaphragm which receives the pressure is on the side furthest from the test-bar, so that the crosshead is forked to surround the cistern. The diaphragm is of caoutchouc, protected by a metal plate. The cistern communicates by a pipe with a Galy-Cazalet manometer, or a mercury manometer. The cistern is carried on trunnions upon a carriage sliding horizontally. By means of a screw and hand- wheel the position of this carriage can be adjusted to suit different lengths of specimen. The stress in the test-bar, transmitted through the shackle and crosshead to the plate or piston at the 1 Lebasteur, p. 53. G TESTING MACHINES 151 back of the cistern, is exactly balanced by the fluid pressure. The diaphragm moves at most only a small fraction of a millimeter, so that the friction and bending resistance of the diaphragm is quite negligable. Con- sequently, if the graduation of the manometer is correct, the stress is determined with great accuracy. If P is the stress on the bar, h the rise of the mercury column in the manometer above the zero at which it stands when no stress is applied, & the density of the mercury, S the area of the diaphragm, s, and s, the large and small areas of the manometric piston,— 1 P = hd S $1. S2 To eliminate errors due to uncertainty as to the areas of the diaphragms, to capillarity, and so on, the manometer is graduated by experiment. The cistern is removed from the machine, laid horizontally, and loaded with standard weights. In a good manometer the tube must be at least 3 centimeters in diameter (14 inches); with a smaller column, drops of mercury remain attached to the tube when the column falls. The manometric piston in the manometer used is so arranged that the centi- meter rise of column corresponds to the kilogram per square centimeter on the smaller piston, and conse- quently on the diaphragm of the main cistern of the testing machine. Hence if n is the rise of column in cen- timeters, and S the area of diaphragm in centimeters, P = n S. 152 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION In the machine at the Ruelle Foundry the diameter of the large diaphragm is 9 feet. 59. Wire-testing Machine of Messrs. W. H. Bailey and Co., of Salford.-Fig 58 shows a very nicely arranged small tension machine, on the same principle as Col. Maillard's. One end of the specimen is held in friction- grips in a shackle attached to a screw and hand-wheel, which takes up the elongation. The other shackle is attached to crossheads and links, which surround the diaphragm chamber, and apply the load on the back of the diaphragm. The pressure in the diaphragm chamber is transmitted to a pressure-gauge and to a mercury column, either of which can be used. There is a valve. on the pipe allowing flow towards the pressure-gauge or mercury column, but preventing back flow. This holds the gauge at the maximum pressure, and and prevents injury when the specimen breaks and the load is sud- denly removed. A small hand-wheel A small hand-wheel opens this valve and lets off the pressure slowly. The machine will give a tension of 4,500 lbs. EMERY MACHINES. 60. The 450-ton Emery Testing Machine at Water- town Arsenal, U.S.A.-In 1872 a committee of Ameri- can engineers was formed to urge on the Government of the United States the importance of a thorough and complete series of tests of American iron and steel. Subsequently, by direction of the Government, a Board was constituted for the purpose of carrying out tests TESTING MACHINES 153 S AIG FIG. 58. TRENDUMIN2ZHABAILEYS PATENT untu 21151/ $300 4100 3900 3700 MAN 13500 410 3300 But.. 3100. JP! 2900 2700 2501 2300 2100 1900 Fo 1700 1500 100 1900 700 500 300 Ba………… 100% …………… 4400 4200 4000 3800 muhim 360 3400 3206 3000 #2600 2800 2400 2200 2000 1400 13001 Hi, SAGE ܘܐ ܕ - . . 1800 --- .... 1600 F 1200 ik. 1000 800 600 400 200 154 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION of iron, steel, and other metals, and an appropriation was made of 75,000 dollars for the construction of the necessary apparatus. In 1875 a contract was made with Mr. A. H. Emery for the construction of a testing machine capable of exerting a stress of 800,000 lbs., and of taking in specimens for testing 30 feet in length. In 1879 the machine was completed satisfac- torily, and it is probably the largest and most accurate testing machine in the world. Before acceptance by the Board, a link of hard iron, 5 inches in diameter, was placed in the machine, and slowly strained in tension till it broke at 722,000 lbs. Without any readjustment, a horse-hair was then fixed in the machine, and broken at an indicated stress of 1 lb. No other testing machine would have permitted the observation of so great a range of stress. To give an idea of the sensitiveness of the weighing apparatus of the Watertown machine, it may be com- pared with a delicate chemist's balance. A good assay balance will carry 1 gram, and turn with of a milli- gram, or 1oooo of the load. A fine balance exhibited at Philadelphia, with 1 lb. in each scale, would turn 10 10000 1 1 500000 1 with 3000 of its load.¹ Ordinary fine balances weighing to 1 lb. will turn with 1 grain, or 7000 of the load. Now before the Emery machine was com- pleted it was arranged as a balance. In seven weigh- ings of a load of 100 lbs. the greatest difference in the observed weights was 175000 of the load. In nine 1 ¹ Mechanics, November 3, 1883. TESTING MACHINES 155 weighings of 200 lbs. the difference between the greatest and least observed weight was only 235 0 0 0 0 1 of the load. Since the construction of the Watertown testing machine, smaller machines of the same kind have been made by the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company of Stamford, U.S.A. The ingenuity displayed in the mechanical arrangement of these machines, the perfec- tion of their workmanship, and the delicacy and pre- cision of their indication of the smallest differences of stress are so remarkable, that it is difficult to speak of them without seeming to exaggerate. In a 75-ton machine, which the author examined in Paris, every half-pound of load was precisely and instantly indi- cated, whatever the stress the machine was exerting. At the same time, in no other machine is the stress exerted in such a purely static manner. It is almost impossible for any shock or inertia stress to be exerted on the specimen. As a machine of precision the Emery machine is far in advance of any other. It may seem that the delicacy of the machine must be such as to unfit it for ordinary rough commercial testing. On this point the author cannot speak from personal experience, but, so far as he can judge, this is not the case. Igno- rance and want of skill are certain to lead to false results, even when the roughest machine is used. Granted a reasonable amount of skill in the operator, the Emery machine may be used for ordinary rough testing as easily and safely as machines of less precision. 156 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The Emery machines differ essentially in principle from any others. They are really compound lever machines, with an hydraulic press acting on one end of the specimen, and a lever weighing apparatus on the other end. But their greatest peculiarity is that a kind of hydraulic lever is introduced between the speci- men and the weighing apparatus. The pull of the specimen is taken on an 'hydraulic support,' the action of which is like that of the diaphragm in the Maillard machine. The fluid pressure in the hydraulic support, which is exactly proportional to the stress on the test- bar, is transmitted through a very small pipe to act on a frictionless diaphragm of comparatively small size, and it is the pressure on this diaphragm only which has to be balanced by the lever weighing apparatus. The weighing apparatus can therefore be made of small size, and of the utmost refinement and accuracy. In the 75-ton machine the ratio of areas of the dia- phragms is 20 1, so that the lever weighing apparatus has to balance 3.75 tons only with the full load. There are three levers with ratios of 1 : 20, 1 : 20, and 1 : 40, so that the resultant leverage is 320,000 to 1. The action of the Emery machine may, perhaps, be made clear by the diagrammatic sketch of a vertical machine (Fig. 59). A tension specimen is shown between the shackles S1, S2. The upper shackle is held by the ram of the hydraulic press, which can be adjusted on the guide-screws G, G. These screws are fixed on the frame F, F of the machine. The lower shackle is TESTING MACHINES 157 attached to a yoke or frame Y, Y, which transmits the load to the hydraulic support. At s is a thin circular brass sac, filled with alcohol and glycerine, supported over all its area, except a ring inch wide at its cir- cumference, by the strong and rigid crossheads P1, P2. 1 8 When the machine is acting as shown in tension the yoke transmits the load to the crosshead P, and thence through the sac s to P₁, which rests against the stops a, a on the frame. For com- pression the yoke presses downwards on P₁, through s to P₂, and P₂ then rests on the stops b, b. The whole play of the crossheads be- tween the stops a and b is only 50 inch. 2 1 00 The movement of the yoke and compression of the hydraulic support is determined by the amount of motion permitted in the lever weighing apparatus. With the 75-ton machine, when the indicating lever moves 4 inches (2 inches above or below mean position) 29 a 6 ADCETROGI GEOONSGOT G FIG. 59. HILIIST Y Y 1 BOHINOOR! S₂ F P₁ P F COMODALODOVODBOLDS G THE a 7 158 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 8000 1 4000 200 10 the greatest compression of the sac s is only gooo inch. The movement of the smaller diaphragm and of the fulcrum of the first lever is 40 inch; the free end of the first lever moves inch, and that of the second lever inch. Mr. Henning assures me that it is easy to keep the indicating lever within inch of its mean position, and the movements of the system are then only of the amounts just stated. It is on the small- ness of the movement that the exactitude of the action of the hydraulic support depends. It is a peculiarity of the lever weighing system that knife-edges are replaced by an arrangement more sen- sitive and exact, and less liable to injury by wear. In FIG. 60. a 石 ​ 11021 place of the knife-edge Mr. Emery uses a thin flat blade of steel rigidly fixed in the lever and its support. If the lever moves, this bends. But the resistance becomes insensibly small if the motion of the lever is small and the blade of steel thin. Fig. 60 shows two arrange- ments of these substitutes for knife-edges.¹ In a the steel blades are in tension; in b they are in compression. The steel is 0.004 to 05 inch thick, and the blades are 1 A somewhat similar device seems to have been proposed by Weber at Gottingen in 1841, and by M. Taurines in 1867. TESTING MACHINES 159 so wide that the stress in the steel does not exceed 18 to 30 tons per sq. inch. The blades are fixed by forcing them into grooves by hydraulic pressure, about three times as great as the working load. A somewhat similar arrangement is adopted to get rid of all sliding friction in the moving parts of the testing machine (Fig. 59). The yoke and crossheads do not slide in the frame, but are free. They are guided without friction, and for a minute amount of motion without sensible resistance, by four flat flexible plates attached to each piece and to the frame. In the vertical machine the change of arrangement from tension to compression or transverse stress is extremely simple. Gripping wedges of a new pattern for test-bars not machined are used, which are designed to ensure a perfectly fair pull, and to ensure the speci- men not breaking inside the clips. In some cases the lever weighing apparatus is dispensed with, a very large and accurate pressure-gauge being used instead. This pressure-gauge has a pressure diaphragm and lever system made on the same plan as the lever weighing apparatus, The accuracy of the pressure-gauge to one tenth on per cent. is guaranteed. The machine can be easily calibrated by placing a standard weight on the lower shackle and weighing it by the weighing apparatus. 7 Plate IV. gives a general view and Plate V. a plan and elevations of the Watertown Emery machine. The bed of the machine consists of a long track, built in sections set on masonry. At the right hand is the 160 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION any hydraulic press 1569 (Fig. 1), with its shackle or holder 1475. At the left is the hydraulic support, the cross- heads of which are seen at 1455, 1456, with the other shackle 1475. The frame at the left end is connected with the press by the guide-screws 1450. The hydraulic press is carried on a four-wheel truck, and can be set at distance from the hydraulic support, to suit different lengths of test-bar. The guide-screws are 48 feet long and 8 inches diameter, and are driven by the geared nuts 1569 and the gearing at the extreme right of the figure. When the gearing is not acting the press is locked to the screws. The press has a 20-inch ram, with a piston-rod 10 inches diameter. The press is worked by accumulators, and acts in both directions, according as tension or compression is required. In each of the test-bar holders there are two 14-inch hydraulic presses, which grip the specimen with a force of 500 tons. The space for the ends of the specimen is 10 inches deep in the middle and 5 inches at the sides, and it is 30 inches wide. The hydraulic support rests on a longitudinal slide, its motion being controlled by powerful buffer-springs, which absorb the recoil when the specimen breaks. In ordinary conditions the buffer-springs merely hold the hydraulic support in its middle position. When a specimen breaks, the press and hydraulic support recoil in opposite directions, the forces developed being op- posed by the guide-screws. But as the recoiling forces Plate IV ה 22101111111999- KENNESKE KEYLŻĘ WODI PUJ HARMAL IL KULAKLJAJTOVO NA LOMARKKIN » [PROD+ *****. BALJI ATRASTEKAS (26.06. Mac Um !!!*!! NEUROLO MOU (MEE 1 ZUZU WO į THRIF MENU MUS DE WATERTOWN 450 TON TESTING MACHINE. FORE FIFELT Adhors JE 4ERUSTE Plate V 1455 1434 1466 O 8888 milta. I 1456 ↑ tris van me per vår af svo para se AE DE DOPPIO DE Sàn nhà hàng t 1456 |**, 14| Fo 1475 1450 Cate ► DONNA TO M▬▬▬ de m 1450 DONAT DEFENSA se je de secoue ver het CALZE KEUKENDEAU Faded 1475 1450 1591 Fig.3. 100 001 Fig.1. male bag volant on an on an plate da vat hy, ha d 159.1 12:0 Loo WEATHER. 23: 1703 GO DEL 1708 Ku VAIKU 1703 9 1704 GUMMIERTELNI Dan va c A SELASA la Mitume Masa si gadiem 1590. - 1702 1590 C LOS MET JE MONTE 70 DENEN TUNTIN matka kada si dÁN 1702 1708 1707 1702 18d 1 1706 1705 11 FAN 1708 los voi 1603 | | || | \ 1707 147.6 1475 T603 mm 17.02 DEEREEDY SEEMA" Ꮕ 1563 JEFBI! 钅​建​$ THI 1569 1603 1569 租 ​VIVE 1603 O WATERTOWN 450 TON TESTING MACHINE. כי 1591 05 Marker allege t 30 E 1589 Fig.2 // // // / / / / / / /////// REST 1708 1434 1669 1589 WEI O Fig.4 11 Scale Te03 1702 Muca LAOI 1603 TESTING MACHINES 161 are not exactly balanced, the buffer-springs come into play and gradually bring the machine to rest. In ten- sion, the pull is transmitted from the test-bar holder, through a great central link, to the back crosshead 1455, and so through the brass sack and front crosshead to the frame. In compression, the thrust comes first on the crosshead 1456. The fluid pressure in the hydraulic support is trans- mitted through a small pipe to the pressure-gauges 1708, and also to the secondary diaphragm and the lever weighing apparatus in the case 1705. In the general view (Plate V.) the hydraulic support is on the right, and the press and lever weighing apparatus on the left. SPECIAL TESTING MACHINES. G 61. Torsional Testing Machines.- In some testing machines a special shackle is used for torsional stresses. But an ordinary large testing machine is too clumsy for a comparatively delicate test of this kind, and some of the shackles used in this way are defective in arrange- ment. For torsional tests a special small machine is desirable, but hitherto no sufficient attention seems to have been given to the best arrangement of such a machine. A very neat little machine of this kind, by M. Thomasset, is figured in Lebasteur.¹ One end of the specimen is turned by worm-gear, while the other acts through a lever on a diaphragm and ¹ Les Métaux, Lebasteur, Plate V. M 162 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION manometer. This seems to contain the essentials of a perfect torsion machine, but the shackle arrangements for holding torsion specimens do not seem as yet to have been fully thought out. Prof. Kennedy gives details of a small torsional machine.1 Thurston's autographic torsional machine will be described in a later chapter.2 62. Machines for Transverse or Cross-breaking Tests. -Shackles for cross-breaking are provided with most large testing machines, and will be described in the next chapter. For transverse tests of cast iron small special testing machines are useful. Bars of cast iron 3 feet × 2 inches × 1 inch, laid on supports 3 feet apart, with the deeper side vertical, break with from 25 to 40 cwts. placed at the centre, so that the loads to be dealt with in tests of this kind are not very great. 'ONI JA 4k of th (18: L M N T T W T F S T U $10 CASTIRONIQARIL I'M.SQUARE |||| FIG. 61. Tuc JELMATTE الدليل الأسد MEMANATIO HO Fig. 61 shows a small machine, made by Messrs. Tangye Brothers, for tests of this kind. The bar rests on knife-edges on the base-plate, and is loaded at the 1 6 Engineering Laboratories.' Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxviii. 2 First described in Proc. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, 1874, p. 350. TESTING MACHINES 163 centre by a lever and jockey weight. Somewhat similar machines are made by Messrs. W. H. Bailey & Co., and probably by other engineers. 4 M. Kuhlmann has introduced a machine of rather more elaborate construction for breaking cylindrical test-bars inch in diameter and 8 inches in length. It is suggested that small test-bars of this kind can be more easily and accurately cast, can be cast vertically, and arc, if desired, easily turned in the lathe, so as to be quite accurate in form. The pattern for casting them is a polished metal bar. There is an arrangement in the machine for indicating deflections. Another convenient arrangement, known as the 'Balance Monge,' is in use in some gun factories. It consists of a bracket (Fig. 62), fixed to a wall, having two opposed knife-edges. By a bridle and block a scale-plat- form is attached to the bar. FIG. 62 63. The Bending and Temper Test.-A very convenient practical test of the ductility of a material is to bend a strip about 1 inch wide over a corner of small radius, and observe the angle at which it cracks on the extended side. Sometimes the test is made on strips in the condition in which the material is received. In the case of steel, strips are heated to cherry red and plunged M 2 164 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION in water of a temperature of 80° before bending. This shows whether the steel tempers or hardens by sudden cooling. Sometimes the strips are simply sheared strips. At other times the edges of the strips are planed or the strips annealed, and they then bend to greater angles before cracking. The roughest plan of bending is to put the strip of plate over a V-block, and bend it by blows of a heavy swage; the bending is continued by light endway blows of a steam hammer. A press for bending angle iron may be used in a somewhat similar way, the pressure being applied first transversely, then endways. In experiments by Prof. Kennedy,¹ bars 11 inch square were supported on knife-edges 6 inches apart. A load was applied steadily on a central bearing-piece of 13 inch radius. When the angle reached 90° the bear- ing-piece was reduced to inch radius. In experiments for the Board of Trade, strips were placed on supports 10 inches apart and bent by hydraulic pressure to an angle of 90° by a ram with a rounded end of 2 inches radius. The bending was then continued till the strip cracked or the angle reached 180° by quiet pressure ap- plied at the ends, in the testing machine. Mr. Stroh- meyer2 clamped pieces between a steam hammer and its anvil, hammering the projecting end till the strip was bent through an angle of 45°. It was then reversed and 7 - 1 The Use of Steel Castings,' Parker. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. 2 'The Working of Steel,' Strohmeyer. Proc. Inst. of Civil Engi- neers, vol. lxxxiv. TESTING MACHINES 165 bent in the opposite direction, and the bendings con- tinued till fracture occurred. The number of bendings is taken as a measure of the ductility of the material. To ensure accurate bending to a given angle, an anvil mould, with a radius of curvature of 13 inch, was used below the test piece. 4 A lever apparatus for quietly bending strips of plate is described in the work cited below. Fig. 63 shows a small apparatus of this kind introduced by Mr. A. FIG. 63 TRU. M H. Kuhlmann. It has a screw worked by a handwheel or by a ratchet lever. The piece to be tested is bent in the middle, and the angle measured subsequently. It will bend strips 2 inches wide and 2 inch thick. 4 64. Testing Pipes. As water mains of cast iron are ordered in very large quantities, special arrangements for testing them before delivery are generally adopted. The general quality of the metal used is determined by testing sample bars cast once or twice a day from the same metal as the pipes. These are most commonly bars 2 ins. × 1 inch × 40 ins., which are broken trans- ¹ Die Eigenschaften von Eisen und Stahl. Wiesbaden, 1880. 166 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION versely on supports 36 inches apart. In some cases, however, a tension test is made; and this is no doubt the more rational proceeding. A 4 Next to this, the regularity of form of the pipes is tested. The thickness is tested by callipering, long cal- lipers of special construction being used. A variation of inch in thickness is the most generally allowed. A pipe with inch variation in thickness should be re- jected unless the working pressure is light. In rolling the pipes they usually come to rest with a thin side uppermost, and this is some guide in determining the thickness. Ordinary callipers are 18 inches in length; special callipers have been made up to 6 feet in length, but these, from their springiness, require a good deal of care and skill in use. Deviation in weight is also noted. Usually pipes with a deviation of 2 to 5 per cent. are rejected. Socket and spigot gauges for the inside of the socket and outside of the spigot are also used. A disc with a long handle passed through the pipe is used to show deviations from cylindrical form. The disc is usually inch less in diameter than the nominal bore of the pipe. This disc should pass fairly through the pipe while held square. The most important test, however, is the hydraulic pressure test. The testing machine consists of two standards on a frame, carrying discs which are pressed against the ends of the pipe. One disc is fixed, the other movable. A grummet, consisting of an iron ring served with tarred rope or yarn, is inserted between the 1 4 TESTING MACHINES 167 discs and pipe to make a joint. The movable head is forced up by a screw, which exerts considerable pres- sure. Water is then run in till the pipe is full from a cistern, the air escaping by an air-vent. The air-vent and supply-pipe are then closed, and a pressure pro- duced by a small force-pump. A weighted valve and a pressure-gauge show when the pressure required for testing is attained. For pipes of 30 inches or more in diameter 4 to 5 lengths can be tested per hour. The pressure prescribed is usually double the working pres- sure. While under pressure the pipes are struck hard with a hammer of 5 to 7 lbs. Leakage through the pipe is indicated by the fall of pressure shown by the gauge. If proved before coating with tar or asphalte defects are more easily seen. 64 a. Calibration of a Testing Machine.-Experi- mental verification of the accuracy and sensitiveness of a testing machine is absolutely necessary, both in the first instance and at intervals afterwards. It will be sufficient to describe the process of verification adopted for the 100-ton Buckton testing machine. The stress in this machine is weighed by a jockey weight, and the first point to verify is that this jockey weight is exactly 1 ton. The jockey weight was adjusted at the Standards Office, and certified by the inspector. It is not difficult to verify this weight from time to time by lifting it, with one of the convenient steelyard weigh- ing machines interposed between the crane-hook and weight. 168 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Adjustment to Zero of Scale.—The adjustment is easily effected, and is necessary after any change of the shackles used. The jockey weight is run back till the lever rests in absolute equilibrium midway between the stops. The vernier attached to the jockey weight is then set to zero on the scale. Verification of the Jockey Weight by the use of the Lever. A very simple test of the accuracy of the jockey weight is made in this way. A uniformly graduated scale runs along the lever. Division 5 co- incides with the principal knife-edge on which the lever rests, and at division 45 a subsidiary knife-edge has been fixed. Bring the lever to balance, and set the vernier to zero. Then run back the jockey weight to 1 on the scale. A weight of 56 lbs., hung at divi- sion 45, or forty divisions from the fulcrum, ought to be in balance with the jockey weight moved one division back. If it is not, the jockey weight is not a ton. This simple test, which can be made in ten minutes, is suffi- cient at any time to check the accuracy of the jockey weight to about 12 lbs. Verification of the Agreement of the Scale Divisions with the Short-arm Length of the Lever.-The fulcrum distance in this machine is 4 inches, and the unit of the scale must be 4 inches also. The agreement of the scale unit with the short-arm length is best determined by weighing. For this purpose a standard 1-ton weight, made of a suitable form, is hung from the shackle of the machine. The lever is balanced, and the vernier TESTING MACHINES 169 set to zero. The ton weight is then hung in the shackle, and balanced by the jockey weight. The vernier ought then to read 1 ton on the scale. If it does not, the fulcrum distance must be altered, as it is inconvenient to alter the scale. Perhaps it is still more accurate to balance 56 lbs. at a leverage of 40 by the ton weight in the shackle without moving the jockey weight. Test of Sensitiveness.-In this machine the lever and jockey weight, with the parts attached to them, weigh altogether about 5 tons, and this is therefore the minimum weight on the knife-edge. With this weight resting on the knife-edge there is a perceptible move- ment of the lever when lb. is placed on the shackle, and a return if the weight is removed. If the friction of the knife-edge is assumed to be proportional to the load, the error in 100 tons of stress would only be 10 lbs. Probably a greater sensitiveness than this could be obtained if necessary. The knife-edge of this machine is of the exceptionally great length of 22 inches. Any initial or induced flexure virtually broadens the knife- edge and reduces the sensitiveness. Hence a very long knife-edge, though more durable, is likely to be less sensitive than a shorter one. Test of Neutrality of the Lever.-The centre of gravity of the lever and jockey weight should be on the line passing through the knife-edges. If it is not so, the leverage alters, either decreasing or increasing as the inclination of the lever alters. The author has tested 170 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION this directly by ascertaining the pull, with the lever in different positions, by a weighing machine suspended in the shackles. The following tests were made by first placing weights on the shackle and taking them off; afterwards, by repeating the operation with weights on a small scale suspended from the long arm of the lever. Throughout the whole of these tests the lever was absolutely untouched, so that no vibration or swing was given to neutralise any friction in the machine. The weights placed on the shackle were, of course, at 4 inches from the fulcrum; the weights on the other side are reduced to equivalent weights, also at 4 inches. from the fulcrum. The figures are the mean of the rise and fall in two series of tests taken at different times; the rise and fall in the two series of tests differed very little: Weight on shackle, in lbs. 1 2 7 Movement of end of lever, in inches. *09 •26 *48 1.10 1.53 Movement per lb. *09 •13 •16 •22 22 Weight on long arm 1.4 2.9 5.7 8.6 11.5 Movement of end of lever, in inches •12 •52 1.21 1.98 2.49 Movement per lb. *08 •18 •21 •23 •21 SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS. I. TENSION SHACKLES. 65. The load required to fracture a bar varies with the mode of holding it in the testing shackles. The proper form of test bars to ensure comparable results in different tests will be discussed later. But the follow- ing general remarks may serve as an introduction to the examination of the methods of holding test bars in the machine. a Let o be the section of a bar A (Fig. 64), which breaks at ab with a tension T normal to a b. Then, if the direction of T passes through the centre of figure of T CHAPTER V. T 171 A FIG. 64. P 1813 P с D P P B a c bi id E ab, the stress is uniformly distributed, and T/w is the real tenacity of the bar. But, if these conditions are not satisfied, the stress is not uniformly distributed, and 172 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION T/w is the apparent tenacity, which may be less than the real tenacity to almost any extent. (1) The stress on the cross section will cease to be uniform if the resultant of the load P (Fig. 64, B), does not pass through the centre of figure. The stress is then a varying stress, varying uniformly so long as the elastic limit is not passed, and according to some other law if it is passed. The specimen tears from the edge where the stress is greatest. At C the load is also eccentric, and this indicates how non-uniformity of stress may be produced by unhomogeneousness of the material itself. A patch of material of different extensi- bility from the rest produces a similar effect to a hole. (2) The stress on cross sections may be rendered non-uniform by the local action of contiguous material. Thus, bars of the form D are known to break with a low apparent tenacity. The unstrained material a pre- vents the elongation of the adjoining material b, and virtually renders the material unhomogeneous. In the form E a similar action occurs; but here the less strained material on either side of the section of fracture hinders contraction so much as to raise the apparent tenacity (see § 33). 66. Pin Grips.-The oldest way of holding plate specimens is to drill a hole at each end and narrow the bar in the middle by slotting or milling. The test bars are then of the form A (Fig. 64). A steel pin in the jaws of the testing machine shackles passes through each pinhole in the specimen. This method of holding SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 173 plate specimens is convenient and satisfactory, especially when the test bar is of large size. The pinholes must be accurately on the axis of the narrowed part of the bar to ensure uniformity of stress. But, besides this, it is important that the pins should be so large as not only to be safe against shearing, but so that the crushing pressure on the surface of the pin- holes is not great enough to largely deform them. If this is not attended to the bar will almost certainly break from the pinhole across the enlarged ends, even when these are considerably larger than the narrow part of the test bar. Let a be the area of section of the bar at ab, and d the diameter of the pin. Then, the shearing section of the pin will be sufficient if FIQ 2 d² f₁ = k f, a, where f, and f, are the tearing and shearing resistances of the plate and pin, and k a factor of safety not less than 3. If f, =ƒ1, d = 1·38 √a. α. Thus, for breaking specimens of 4 sq. ins. area, a pin is required of 23 inches diameter. Now let t = thickness of test bar, and f. the pressure at which it crushes. Then, in order that the pinhole may be safe against deformation, f a must be less than f. dt. 174 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Suppose the pinhole is safe if the crushing pressure is not greater than f, then d 2α t ; or d must be twice the width at the narrow part of the bar. This gives a very large diameter to the pin, much more than has generally been allowed. The calculation is of course based on assumption, but it indicates why plate specimens with pinholes often give trouble by breaking through the ends. With cast-iron test pieces the ends may be thickened, and then a smaller diameter of pin suffices. With wrought iron, cheeks may be riveted on. Sometimes a number of smaller pins are used instead of one large pin. The objection to this is the great difficulty of drilling a number of holes so accurately that all the pins bear equally. Some specimens tested in this way break through the pinholes at sections very much larger than the middle of the bar, clearly showing a want of uniformity of bearing of the pins. 67. Friction Grips.-In the 'Journal of the Society of Arts,' vol. li. 1837, there is a description of what are termed 'nippers' for iron bars by Mr. J. Kingston, of Woolwich Dockyard. These nippers appear to be precisely the friction grips used at the present time for holding test bars. The shackles consisted of two iron blocks with a rectangular hole, having the two opposite sides inclined. Two gripping pieces, or wedges, fitted SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 175 in the mortice gripped the specimen. As the tension on the bar increased, the pressure of the gripping pieces increased proportionately, in consequence of their sliding down the inclined surfaces of the shackle. The inside of the gripping pieces was formed like a coarse screw- thread to give greater bite. The paper contains in- teresting details of experiments on copper, Muntz metal, and iron bars made with these nippers.¹ About 1860 the author used at Sir W. Fairbairn's suggestion some wedge grips of a similar kind. These were for cylindrical bars, and were made in three parts, like the cone keys at one time used for fixing pulleys on shafts. The wedges had a taper of 1 in 8, and fitted in a conical hole in the shackle. Of late, pairs of flat wedge grips have been very generally used in testing plate specimens. Fig. 65 shows a shackle for wedge grips designed by Mr. Wicksteed, and not unlike the shackles used in many machines. The hardened-steel wedges with serrated faces are seen at w, with the test bars between them. These wedges have a slope at the back of 1 in 6. They are held in slots in two conical pieces b which fit a conical hole in the shackle. These seatings allow the wedges to swivel, so as to hold test bars with faces not quite parallel. For round and square bars V-shaped grooves are formed in the face of the wedges. 1 Mr. Trueman Wood pointed out this very early record of testing appliances to the author. The grips are figured also in the 1837 edition of Barlow's Strength of Materials. 176 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 8 MIN S W 8 FIG. 65. 11 " es ! 18 Fig. 66 shows the arrangement of the wedge-grip shackles in the Werder Machine. This shackle differs from those most used in this country-(1) in the short- SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 177 ness of the wedges; (2) in the slot in the shackle being open at the ends, so that any width of plate can be held. On the other hand, there is no provision for fairly B Ş FIG. 66. Q 5 | holding test pieces the faces of which are not parallel. Perhaps this is less important when the wedges are short. For with short wedges the serrations bite deeply into the bar, and so to a certain extent adjust themselves to a small defect of parallelism in the faces. Richle's Wedges.—In order to ensure the coincidence of the tension with the axis of the specimen, Messrs. Riehle Brothers, of Philadelphia, adopt a plan different from that used in this country. The shackle has a rectangular recess, so that the wedges which grip the specimen cannot swivel. There would, therefore, with ordinary flat-faced wedges be a likelihood that the wedges would grip the specimen more on one side than N 178 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the other; in fact, if the specimen were thicker on one side they would inevitably do so. To avoid this the wedges are made with a round face. Ⓡ Fld B mil B FIG. 67. ܢܚ: KenangananeTTERESTARTETTE. MOKING MADININOS CAMERAS ELEMENT: 12 B mammACHTIRANËVERTAA FIG. 68. The shackle is shown at A (Fig. 67), and the round- faced wedges at C, C, with the specimen between them; e is a pin used to adjust the specimen between the wedges. Fig. 68 shows on a larger scale the form of one of Riehle's wedges. Shackles of the Emery Testing Machine. These are as original and ingenious as the other details of the machine, and more nearly comply with the conditions required for perfectly holding a test bar than any other shackle. Fig. 69 shows the shackle. g is the end of the press ram, or yoke, to which the shackle is to be attached. f is a nut forming part of the shackle. In the shackle two oblique cylindrical holes are bored, forming the seats for the sliding wedge pieces b. In these wedge pieces are fitted the various gripping SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 179 pieces c, to suit flat plates of different thicknesses or round or square bars. The wedges b slide so that their faces are perfectly paral- G lel. The gripping pieces are cylindrical, so that they can adjust them- selves to plates of un- equal thickness. The wedges b are not, as in other machines, loose, but form a permanent part of the shackle; a toothed rack is formed on the side of them, en- gaging a pinion driven by the shaft h, so that they can be moved for- ward to grip the test piece. A ratchet and click prevents the slack- ing back. The wedges are traversed by a bar d carried by the rod e, which is pressed by a spring, against which the rotation of the shaft h moves them. Under fis an elastic packing to pre- vent injury by shock. - b FIRES!! * e FIG. 69. a ale te 4 a a ん ​ h h N 2 180 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The gripping pieces c are each in two parts, the back part being roughened with teeth, the front part plain. This allows a certain stretch of the specimen in the length of the gripping pieces, and at the same time holds them by a double bite. This prevents fracture of the test piece inside the shackle. 68. Colonel Maillard's Grips.- In the Maillard machine very convenient grips are used in the form of FIG. 70. n n ޔކ two half-rings n, n, screwed on the outside. The test bar is formed with shoulders at the ends. A pair of grips enclose the shoulder, and these are then screwed into the shackles of the machine. Fig. 70 shows these grips, which are extremely simple and convenient to use. 69. Shackles with Spherical Bearing-surfaces.-For very accurate experiments, especially for experiments on the modulus of elasticity, the coincidence of the ten- sion with the axis of the bar is of great importance. It is best secured by carrying the bar on bearing- surfaces which are spherical. This has been done in several testing machines for round bars, but has not been accomplished for plates. The easiest way of supporting round bars is to form SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 181 a screw-thread on the ends, and then fix on the bar a steel nut with hardened spherical face. Fig. 71 shows two arrangements the author has used, and found both convenient and simple. The screwing of the end of the test bar, which should be done in the lathe, is tolerably inexpensive. The steel nuts may have the forms shown, and they rest on steel rings which drop into the conical recess of the ordinary shackles. Cast-iron specimens are con- veniently tested in this way, the screwed end being made rather extra large. Spherical Seatings for Bars with Shouldered Ends.-Pro- FIG. 71. 1 вечето порно =====" WHAT IS IN bably the most satisfactory form of test bar for very accurate tension experiments is that adopted as the standard form in Germany. The round bar is turned in the lathe, leaving square shoulders at each end. As a seating for these shoulders two half- rings may be used, as shown in Fig. 72. The author has used both forms. In one the displacement of the half-nuts during the test is impossible. But even with the other form, which is simpler, displacement does not The half-rings should be of hardened steel. Fig. 73 shows the shackles used in the machine of occur. 182 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the Grafenstaden Engine Co., of Mulhouse. Two hinged boxes grasp the test bar, which is formed with shoulders. FIG. 73. FIG. 72. + Cual B es TO 20 Between the shoulders of the bar and the boxes half-rings with spherical seats are inserted, so that the bar may swivel into the line of pull. Of 70. Bauschinger's Ten- sion Shackle for Specimens of Wood.-Fig. 74 shows a cast-iron shackle for specimens of timber used in Bauschinger's researches. The dovetailed end of the shackle fits into the ordinary tension shackle of the SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 183 The shackle is in two halves, and the In order to get testing machine. specimen is centred by the set screws. JUECOLD LOURDOND S FIG. 74. 「 es S a uniform distribution of stress in the neighbourhood of the shoulders, two thin wedges, or keys, are driven in at the back of the specimen. 71. Kortum's Patent Rope Attachment.-Ropes are amongst the most difficult of materials to hold satisfac- torily in the testing machine. Fig. 75 shows a form of attachment which appears to have been used satisfac- torily both for hemp and wire ropes. The figure shows an ordinary attachment, and not one made specially for testing. But shackles of precisely this kind, made some- what more strongly, have been used in the testing laboratory at Berlin for testing ropes. By any process of splicing or knotting the rope is injured, or at least bending stresses are introduced which weaken the rope in the neighbourhood of the shackle. 184 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 75. Kortum's shackle consists of a conical shell or thimble, provided with a hook or loop, and having internal gripping wedges k which compress the rope be- tween them. The wedges are so formed as to compress the rope concentrically, and, having a greater taper than the thimble, the pressure is greatest at the free end of the rope and least near the mouth of the thimble. Hence the bite on the rope increases regularly from the mouth backwards. The wedges have teeth on the inside, which indent the rope without sensibly injuring it near the mouth of the shackle. They are easily fixed, and adjust themselves automatic- ally as the tension comes on the rope. a-b a II. SHACKLES FOR OTHER TESTS. 72. Fig. 76 shows a crushing shackle, designed by the author for short specimens. There s is the speci- men, a cube of stone, for instance, which rests between the two parts of the shackle. The pull on the shackles exerts a crushing force of equal amount on the stone. The shackles are guided by the side bolts, so that the opposite faces remain parallel. To distribute fairly the load on the stone block, which may be, to a small SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 185 extent, out of truth, a cup-and-ball distance piece, with well lubricated surfaces, is placed between the upper face of the stone and the shackle. FIG. 76. 73. Kennedy's Torsion Shackle. - Fig. 77 shows a form of friction grip used by Prof. Kennedy for holding specimens subjected to torsion; s is the specimen, held between two V-shaped fixed jaws and a third movable jaw. This last is centred eccentrically to the curvature of its surface, so that the slight rotation of the specimen, 186 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION I tending to turn the jaw, produces a considerable fric- tional grip.¹ FIG. 77. 74. Transverse or Cross-breaking Shackles.-Fig. 78 shows shackles for transverse tests supplied with the machine of Messrs. Buckton. A vertical machine lends itself less conveniently to transverse test- ing than a horizontal machine, but, on the other hand, no slides interfere with the accuracy of the test. The shackles shown are steel castings. The specimen s s (in the figure a rail bar) is shown supported between two standards a a, fixed on the lower shackle, and the centre shackle b. The standards a a can be adjusted through a limited range for different lengths of span. There are rough knife- edges at the points of sup- port. The shackle shown is intended for loads up to 50 tons. S FIG. 79. 1 T [C B+0 the Werder machine. be held in the ordinary tension shackles. The rivet or bolt to be sheared is in double shear. 75. Shearing Shackles.- Fig. 79 shows a simple form of shearing shackle used in The shackle is formed so as to 'Iron and Steel,' by P. V. Appleby. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. vol. lxxiv. SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 187 FIG. 78. ୪ b 20 S S " B OD Blood Exp D с 日 ​ TE 76. Shackle for Indenting Bars to determine the Hard- ness. It is for certain purposes necessary to determine the relative hardness of different specimens. For this 188 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 80. purpose the plan generally used is to indent the speci- men by a given load, and measure the depth of indenta- tion. Major Wade used a hardened- steel pyramidal point, or knife-edge, as shown at A (Fig. 80), held in a guide-block which could be placed in the testing machine. A A pressure of 5 tons was used to force the point or edge into the specimen, and the relative hardness was taken to be proportional to the volume of inden- tation. Colonel Rosset has improved this arrangement by adopting the form of point shown at B. The point consists of two knife-edges inclined at 163°, the angle of the knife-edges being 90°. Mr. Turner has used a quite different method. He fixes a diamond in a wooden lath, so that it rests nor- mally on the specimen. The weight in grams which must be placed on the lath to cause the diamond to scratch the specimen is taken to be proportional to the hardness. A B ida 77. Forms of Test Bars for Tension.-In Fig. 81, a shows the old form, used by Hodgkinson for cast iron, with pin shackles; b shows a form suitable for cast iron, used by Professor Kennedy. For cast iron the author prefers the form k, with screwed ends and nuts with spherical seatings. For ductile materials, such as wrought iron and soft SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 189 36" I 8" · 12"- __ I.. → 答 ​k---4 * FULL SIZE α 25 2 13 25 2" 321 ટદ k---oor-- * 564 —— dist ស 100 FIG. 81. -4"- * 40 * ←35→ -3" 1 *-50-*30* 25 dia. \ ← 12 to 15 rad 25-2050 20 " 192 4 25.23 16" b 200- с - 10″- d 16 to 18 e 10" to 12 /03 f -240- h 9 7 k m 15/00 200 ~* 20 dia "} 10 to 12 Less 240 rad. - -2종 ​4 32 -30- +50+20-251 < AUDONO +1½ steel, the forms c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l are used, and the ordinary size of these is marked in metric or English 190 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION dimensions. c, d, e are ordinary forms for plates, the two last being for wedge grips. The recessed form d is better than e, but in ductile materials the form e, which is cheaper, may be adopted without much fear of the specimen breaking in the shackles ; ƒ is a form for round bars, held in wedge grips with V-shaped recesses in the faces; g and h are standard forms in the German Imperial testing laboratories; k is a very convenient form, the ends being chased to a screw-thread in the lathe-nuts are put on when the specimen is tested; 7 is the general form for which the shackles of the newer American machines are adapted, and is often made of greater length; m is the form adopted by Bauschinger for wood. FIG. 82. Fig. 82 shows the most usual form of briquette for tension tests of cement. The briquette is made in a mould. Stone and similar materials may be tested for tension in wedge grips, and test specimens are then generally simple prisms. 78. Shearing and Torsion Test Specimens.-Fig. 83 shows a specimen prepared for shearing of the form * I · -1-1883 99 a 22 -- - 16 FIG. 83. ← 2 → k-2-d FIG. 84. .6 25 ← 1′* 1' " b used by Professor Kennedy. Two narrow grooves are cut, so that the shearing planes are defined. Fig. 84 SHACKLES FOR HOLDING TEST BARS 191 shows Thurston's form of torsion test piece, the ends being square to fit the shackles and the centre part cylindrical. Test Specimens for Crushing.- Fig. 85 shows the ordinary forms of test specimens for compression. For metals such as iron, steel, cast iron, or brass, small FIG. 85. a b -12- -P 4 cube- 3% 4. 33- 6 *སྙལ с cylinders a are used. For cement, stone, &c., cubes, as at b. For wood, Bauschinger has found it to be de- sirable to protect the ends with a metal plate, a sheet of paper being interposed. The form he adopts is that shown at c. 192 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ·} CHAPTER VI. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS. ORDINARY graduated measuring instruments are re- quired in the engineering laboratory to determine the dimensions of test bars. In some cases the deforma- tions (elongations, deflections, &c.) can be measured accurately enough by the same instruments. For the more accurate measurement of strains, however, special measuring instruments are required. 79. The Graduated Straight-edge.-Steel straight- edges of different lengths, graduated on the edge, are used for several purposes. For the rougher tests dimen- sions may be callipered, and the callipers placed on the graduated straight-edge. Extensions of ductile ma- terials can be measured in a similar way. Two slight centre punch-marks are made on the bar, and the dis- tance between these is taken by a beam compass, which is then placed on the graduated straight-edge. The differences of successive measurements are the elonga- tions. The most convenient graduated straight-edges are made by the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company, of Providence, U.S.A. These have gradua- My MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 193 tions into inch and inch, and into millimeters 10 and fifths of millimeters. ساسيالسيليسيلسياسالمسلسلسيليسيا 1 100 80. The Straight Vernier Calliper.-The beam com- pass of the draughtsman is very commonly graduated along the beam, and a vernier is fixed on the sliding head. The fault of the beam compass, however, is the springiness of the points, and want of perfect truth of the sliding surfaces of the beam. A straight vernier calliper is, in fact, a beam compass with very rigid points and a metal beam. Fig. 86 shows the construction of CAME FIG. 86. CUBA TEEMAMO اللسان B 120 15 10 in 10: Ices a vernier calliper as made by Messrs. Brown & Sharpe. A steel straight-edge of very accurate form is bent down at b to form one leg. On this slides very accu- rately the sliding head B, carrying the second leg a. For more accurately adjusting the position of the sliding head B there is a third slide C, which can be clamped to the bar, and from which the position of B can be ad- justed by a fine-pitched screw. The face of B is cut away to show the scale, and the bevelled face of the slot is graduated as a vernier. The most convenient graduation for English mea- sures is for the scale to be divided into tenths, and each O 194 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION tenth into quarters. A quarter-tenth reads twenty-five thousandths. If now on the vernier a length of twenty- five quarter-tenths is divided into twenty-five, the vernier will read off thousandths of an inch. The outside diameter, or width, of bars is obtained by placing them between the jaws a b, and sliding the moving head till contact with gentle pressure is obtained. The calliper should be held lightly in both hands, and by slight movements it is easy to determine if the jaws are square with the bar to be measured. No excessive pressure must be used or the instrument will be injured. Inside diameters of rivet-holes and similar measure- ments may be obtained by using the rounded outsides of the jaws a b. There is then a fixed quantity to be added to the reading on the scale. Some callipers, how- ever, have two verniers, so placed that one reads out- sides and the other insides. - The steel vernier callipers of Messrs. Brown & Sharpe are extremely useful and trustworthy, and will even bear moderate rough usage without much injury. The shortness of the jaws is, however, sometimes incon- venient. Instruments of the same kind, somewhat more finely graduated, and with longer jaws and heavier slides, are made by Messrs. Holtzapfel and Messrs. Elliott Brothers. 81. The Screw Micrometer.-This instrument (Fig. 87) is a kind of calliper, and is useful for determining the dimensions of the smaller test bars. At one end of MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 195 a bent frame is a fixed abutment, at the other a cylin- drical bar C, moved by a fine-pitched screw. By turning the sleeve D, the bar C advances to or retires from the abutment. An object to be measured is placed с FIG. 87. α 10 D in the jaws, and C is advanced till there is contact with gentle pressure. Some tact is required, and it should be remembered that a force applied to the sleeve pro- duces a much greater pressure between the jaws. There is a graduation along the straight cylinder at a into tenths of an inch and quarter-tenths, and the edge of the sleeve D is itself graduated into twenty-five divi- sions, each of which corresponds to a movement of the 1 Τ jaw of Too inch. As the divisions are open, it is quite possible to read the scale by estimation to one-fifth of 1000 inch. But although this reading is easy, it is not equally easy to ensure the delicacy of touch required for so great accuracy. In the Brown & Sharpe micrometer calliper the adjustment to zero, if the instrument wears, is effected by withdrawing the sleeve D, and applying a small wrench to a nut inside. • 0 2 196 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The instrument should be tried occasionally to see whether, when screwed home till the faces of the jaws touch, the scale really reads zero. If not, adjustment is required. The accuracy of this instrument depends entirely on the accuracy with which the fine-pitched screw is cut. When obtained from a really trustworthy maker the screw can generally be relied on to read accurately to the nearest To'so inch. Beyond this degree of accuracy, however, no screw can be trusted which has not been independently tested. Usually these instruments take between the jaws either 1 inch or 2 inches at most. 1 1000 82. Professor J. E. Sweet's Screw Micrometer.-This instrument (Fig. 88) is made by the Syracuse Twist FIG. 88. falfa teftifie Drill Company. It has a ratchet-threaded measuring screw, the working face of the screw-thread being MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 197 wear. normal to the axis of the screw, and the back face inclined. The tops of the thread, both in screw and nut, are removed, so that after wear a perfect bearing is still obtained by closing the split-nut. A slight looseness of the nut will not affect the measurement, on account of the square bearing of the thread. The screw and nut are of equal length (3 inches), to ensure equality of The screw is moved by a sleeve provided with a milled head and held between washers, one of steel and the other of felt, to produce an adjustable friction, so that equal pressure may always be obtained between the measuring points. The index-bar projecting over the divided circle is adjustable. The pitch of the most carefully made screw is more or less variable, and no two screws are absolutely of the same pitch. This error is corrected by inclining the index-bar forward for a screw of too fine pitch, backward for one too coarse. Each instrument is adjusted by the makers to a standard 1-inch distance-piece. The index-bar is mounted on a split-sleeve, threaded upon the extended end of the measuring nut with a thread of correspond- ing pitch. This allows the index-bar to be thrown backward or forward to a convenient position for read- ing, or even turned a half-revolution, if desired, to measure work on the lathe, and read the dimension in that position. The above, which may be termed the head-gearing, is used only for determining the fractional parts of an inch. Whole inches are measured by the aid of standard distance-pieces, furnished with the 198 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 1000 1 64 instrument. The tail-spindle is unclamped, drawn back, and a distance-piece inserted, and the spindle again clamped. No special pains need be taken to do this accurately, as the final adjustment is effected by setting the index-bar and its sleeve. The milled head is double, being graduated for Too inch, and for binary fractions as small as 4 of 32, or 2048 inch. The milled head by which the screw is turned is mounted freely on the spindle, and held between a washer of felt and one of steel dowelled upon the end of the spindle, and tightened by an adjusting screw. The friction thus produced secures uniform pressure between the measuring points, and eliminates the 'personal equation.' A variation of 10000 inch can be recognised. The capacity of the in- strument is 0 to 4 inches. 83. Whitworth's Millionth Measuring Machine and Workshop Measuring Machine.-These are fixed instru- ments, of heavier and much more accurate make than the ordinary screw micrometer. The screw has 20 threads to the inch, the screw wheel 200 teeth, and the micrometer wheel is divided into 250, so that each division represents 1000000 inch. The end of the fast headstock and the end of the movable headstock are true parallel planes. The ends of the piece to be mea- sured must also be true parallel planes. In measuring to an accuracy beyond 1000 a feeling-piece is used. This is a piece of steel about 2 inch thick, with parallel faces. It is introduced between the bar to be measured and the fast headstock. When proper adjustment has 1 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 199 been reached, the movement of one division of the micrometer wheel will set fast the feeling-piece. Without the feeling-piece it is said that a movement of 40 000 inch can be distinctly felt and gauged. Fig. 89 shows a machine of this type of American construction (Richard's machine), with a standard test piece in the jaws. The machine consists of a solid THOMAE amanda.app.mklaasi padains FIG. 89. KOHTELIAIMLEREating me da EULARn van deLIDIN DAN bed, something like a lathe-bed, with two headstocks, one fixed, the other moved by the accurate fine-pitched screw. The screw has a graduated head, and sometimes with a vernier also. The machines are guaranteed to be correct to 1000 inch. They will read to 25000 inch, but, without special means of ascertaining the pressure at the point of contact, such accuracy of reading is stated to be fallacious. INSTRUMENTS FOR MEASURING STRAINS. 84. In almost all experiments on the elastic proper- ties of materials it is necessary to measure the strains or deformations which correspond to different stresses. Thus, in tensile tests the elongations are measured, in torsional tests the twist, in bending tests the deflection. 200 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 50 In ordinary commercial tests of the quality of ductile materials, such as wrought iron and steel, only the ultimate permanent deformation is measured, and since, in such cases, this deformation is considerable, compara- tively rough measurements are sufficient. Thus, if a soft-steel bar is broken by tension, the permanent stretching of an 8-inch length may amount to 2 inches. An error of even inch in measuring this would be only 1 per cent. of the elongation, and that is accuracy enough for practical purposes. Of course, for somewhat more rigid material, such as wrought-iron plates, the extension is less, and it is desirable to make the measurement more closely. But even in that case no very refined measurement is practicable, because of the difficulty of fitting together the broken pieces. To ascertain the strains in ductile materials during the progress of a test, after the elastic limit is passed, some- what rough measurements are also sufficient. But it is altogether different in observing the strains within the elastic limit. A mild-steel bar, 10 inches long, is stretched less than inch when the elastic limit is reached. For an accuracy of 1 per cent. the error of measurement must, therefore, not exceed 1000 inch; and measurement to this degree of accuracy is more difficult than is commonly supposed. If the true elastic limit is to be determined, measurements to at least 100000 inch are necessary. The smallness of this quantity may be realised by the aid of an illustration due to Sir J. Whitworth: 100000 inch is only 400 of the 1 100 1 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 201 thickness of a sheet of thin foreign letter-paper. In the case of standard measures of length, with bars of the most suitable form, the measurement, even to this degree of accuracy, is comparatively easy. But mea- surements of deformation have to be made on test bars of a form less suited for measurement and under con- ditions of some difficulty. Hence special methods are necessary, and instruments specially arranged for the purpose. FIG. 90. In the case of test bars, a difficulty of measurement arises out of the occurrence of a change of curvature of the bar during the test. The bar may initially have a small curvature, and be straightened by the load; or, if the load does not act accurately along the axis of the bar, it may become curved during the test. Suppose a bar curved like the bar in Fig. 90 in the plane of the paper. If the bar straightens by loading, the dis- tance between a and b will in- crease, not only by the amount of the elongation, but by the difference of the chord and arc length ab. Suppose two clips fixed on the bar normal to its axis, and measurements taken between two points 2, b2. By straightening of the bar the clips will become parallel, and the distance a b₂ will be lengthened by the alteration of inclination of the clips still more seriously. It is important to ~ ( b3 (2 1 202 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION notice that if the points a, b, had been taken on the other side of the bar, an opposite error would have arisen, the distance being shortened by the straighten- ing of the bar. Consequently, we may infer at once that the mean of measurements on opposite sides of the bar will be much more free of error due to curvature than any single measurement. Suppose a, b are two points on the axis of a bar initially bent in the plane of the paper. Let arc length a b = 2c, chord ab = 2 a, versed sine h. = h. Then- C = = √(a² + }} h²), nearly. 50 If now measurements are taken on a straight scale between a and b, and the bar straightens by tension, it will have an apparent elongation 2 (c-a), due merely to change of curvature, and this will enter as an error into the measurement of the extensions. For instance, suppose the chord length a b is 10 inches, and the versed sine of the curve inch. The bar would then have a curvature probably as great as could occur in a reasonably good test bar. Then the arc length would be 10.000026 inches, and an error might arise, from the straightening of the bar during a test, of 0.000026 inch. This, however, is a quantity too small to be of import- Con- ance in any ordinary measurements of extension. sequently, if measurements were really made between points on the axis of the bar, it does not appear that serious error would arise from any probable amount of initial curvature of the bar. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 203 In fact, however, in all measuring instruments the measurement is made at a distance from the axis of the bar. Under the best circumstances the bar would be measured at two points a, b, on its surface, which, in the straightening of the bar, would move apart to a distance equal to the arc length ab, the lines o a, ob becoming parallel. In most measuring instruments the case is much worse; the measurements are made between two points, such as a₂, b₂, rigidly connected with the bar, and the error introduced into the measurements is the difference of the length a, b, and the arc length ab. Since, as has been shown, the difference of the arc and chord length ab is very small, it will be a sufficient approximation to say that the error of measurement will be the difference of the straight lengths a, b, and ab. Let a a₂ = ∞, and o a = r. Then- a2 b₂ a b ?? x ?? a² + h² - 2 h x a² + h² If, as before, ab 10 inches, h = 10 inches, h = inch, and Then, if by X 9.968 inches. 2 a 2 a = x = 2 inches, then a b₂ the straightening of the bar the lines o a, ob become parallel, an error is introduced in the measurements of 0.032 inch; a very appreciable quantity, even in rough measurements of elongation. The error is more than 1,000 times as great as it would be if the measurements were really taken directly at the axis of the bar. If the measurements are taken on the surface of the bar at a₁, b₁, the error will be less. Thus, if a α₁ = x 1 50 204 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION = 0.375 inch, we get a b₁ 9.994 inches, and the error due to straightening would not exceed 0.006 inch; a quantity much less, but still large enough to be of con- sequence in elastic measurements. If measurements are taken at points symmetrically placed on either side of the bar, the error due to curvature is nearly elimi- nated, the lengthening of the distance on one side being compensated by shortening on the other. 85. The Wedge Gauge.-The wedge gauge is a tri- angular plate, with sides sloping at 1 in 10, graduated FIG. 91. a ¿ а 3 FIG. 92. along the longer side. If this is pushed between two pins, or shoulders, the distance between them can be read off on the scale, magnified by the ratio of the sloping sides ten times. Professor Eaton Hodgkinson used wedge gauges, and the author also used wedge gauges, for measuring ex- tensions, about 1856. Two loose picces, a, b (Fig. 92), were clamped on the test bar, and the wedge gauge pushed between them. They were made to bite into the test bar سلسل السلسال 2 M IN ŏ - slightly at two points on the test bar, at a distance l. As the test bar extended, the wedge gauge slipped MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 205 1 500 further in, and the differences of readings gave the elon- gations to inch. 86. Micrometer Screw Extensometer.-A screw is equivalent to a wedge gauge in a more convenient form. It is virtually a wedge gauge wrapped round a cylinder. If p = pitch of screw, d = diameter of graduated head of the on which readings are taken, the distance to be measured parallel to the axis of the screw, A the dis- screw 8 tance on the circumference of the head which corre- sponds to an axial movement à, then- Δ 100 πα P = π dò/p. πα A = " FIG. 93. 1 20 Let the screw have 25 threads to the inch (p = 0·04), and the head be about 2 inches in diameter, and 1 2500 F 1 ΤΟ 00 divided into 100 parts of about inch each. Then each division corresponds to inch, and can be read by estimation to quarter-divisions, or Tooo inch. The accuracy of the instrument depends on the uni- formity of pitch of the screw, which is often less accu- rate than it is intended to be. A difficulty also arises in consequence of the elasticity of the instrument. Differences of pressure at the point of contact cause differences of reading. 1 Professor Thurston ¹ appears to have first used an ¹ Materials of Engineering. Thurston. Vol. ii. p. 369. 206 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION instrument with two micrometer screws placed symme- trically on each side of the axis of the test bar. These screws were carried in a clamp fixed on the test bar, and were brought into contact with steel pins fixed on a second clamp. By using twin micrometer screws the error due to curvature of the bar is nearly eliminated ; for if the straightening of the bar, by tilting the clips, lengthens the distance on one side, it shortens it equally on the other. To get rid of the error of different pres- sures at the point of contact, Professor Thurston con- nected the two clips with the poles of a battery, so that contact of the micrometer screw and abutment completed circuit and gave a signal. It is not quite clear, however, that circuit is always established with just the same pressure, and the clips were of very imperfect form, leaving uncertain the length which was extending. 87. Electric Contact Screw Micrometer, by Messrs. Henning & Marshall. The micrometer shown in Fig. 94 is probably the most accurately and carefully designed screw micrometer which has hitherto been used. It is described in a paper read before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1885, and the instru- ment was made by the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company. It consists of two clips, or carrying frames, A and B, which grip the specimen s symmetrically between two steel points and two knife-edges on each clip. As the distance between the clips increases with the extension of the specimen, the increment is measured by two - 1 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 207 symmetrically placed micrometer screws m m, carried by one clip, and brought into contact with a pair of plugs g g on the other clip. The pointed screws which grip the test bar are at hh, and the spring-pressed knife-edges at c c. The bars d d are used in fixing 7 g f QUIÛIJAM PLAČILA ZELF LEAST DIE AL MARE AS THEI m ! A B n CMMANER N TILBU STEFNIRJINAN kn τ 2 Li RUDEL S C S S FIG. 94. h d n BACK VITALO FLUKE FREE TIME ι บ UJ g LV FLAME m the clips initially at the right distance apart. They are then moved out of the way while the instrument is in use. Vertical scales ee are provided, as well as the graduation on the heads of the micrometer screws mm. Each of the frames is connected with an electric bell, a circuit being established when the point f of either micrometer screw touches the contact-plug g. To 208 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ensure proper adjustment in a plane normal to that of the micrometer screws, the centring screws hh are brought to bear on the surface of the test bar, after the rods dd have been thrown into gear, and the points of the micrometer screws placed over the centre of the contact-plugs. Then the centring screws are forced slightly into the test piece, so as to hold securely. After this, the side bars d d are gently removed, and the electric wires attached. The plane of contact of the micrometer screws and contact-plugs is in the middle of the measured length. It is claimed for this apparatus that :--- (1) Its construction is symmetrical. (2) It is applicable to various shapes of test bar. 3) It can be adjusted with certainty, so that the screws are symmetrical with the test bar. (4) The micrometer screw-heads are of large size, giving readings of small extensions. 88. Screw Extensometer with Levels.'-Fig. 95 shows diagrammatically an arrangement the author has adopted, and which obviates most of the difficulty of employing a micrometer screw. Two clamps grip the specimen between pointed set screws, a a and bb, at points on a plane passing through the axis of the bar. The lower clip carries the micrometer screw e, on the hardened point of which the upper clip rests. If, then, the clips can be kept exactly normal to the axis of the test bar, the micrometer screw measures the distance between Proc. Physical Society, vol. viii. p. 178. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 209 C two points on the axis of the test bar-namely, the points on the intersection of a a and b b with the axis. Or, to put it another way, the micrometer screw being at the middle of the width of the clips, it measures the mean extension of the two sides of the bar. Now to set the clips accurately normal to the axis of the bar they are provided with delicate levels. Before taking a reading these are ad- justed. The lower clip is first set level by the adjusting screw c d. Next, the upper clip is set level by the micrometer screw e; lastly, the reading is taken on the graduated head of the micrometer screw. Fig. 96 is a general view of the instru- ment applied to a flat test bar. C1 C2 are clips; ll levels; m the micrometer screw;r a bar of adjustable length to suit dif- ferent test bars. The instru- ment is very easy to use; the pressure on the micrometer screw is constant, being the weight of the upper clip; and lastly, the measurements are virtually measurements made on the axis of the bar, so that errors due to curvature are nearly eliminated. The instrument constructed reads to 10 inch. с 1 FIG. 95. MEDIT لسلسلسلبيلسا e е d COO P 210 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION an FIG. 96. 89. The Cathetometer. The cathetometer is instrument for determining the difference of level of two points by a telescope sight. It may therefore be applied to determining the elonga- tion of a bar under stress by reading the length between two fine diamond scratches before and after the stress is c applied. It consists of a telescope with cross wires, carrying a sensitive level, and sliding on a very accurately formed vertical slide. The slide is carried on a support, round which it can rotate. Suppose the axis of rotation adjusted accurately vertical, and the slide adjusted accurately parallel to the axis of rota- tion. Lastly, let the axis of the telescope be adjusted to the horizontal by the aid of its level-tube. Then if the し ​LOKALAMA m T 7 Pllana, pana wonde 7 Са A g telescope be set in succession on two points, and readings taken on a scale attached to the telescope-slide by a vernier attached to the telescope, the difference of the readings will be the difference of level of the points. The cathetometer is for certain purposes extremely MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 211 valuable. The readings are taken from any convenient distance, without its being necessary to touch or even approach the bar to be measured. The measurements are taken directly on an accurate scale, and are absolute measures, not needing any reduction, and not depending on any other measurements. On the other hand, in determining elongations or deflections the cathetometer is laborious in use. The need of taking two vernier readings for each measurement of the bar wastes a good deal of time. The author has used a cathetometer by Breithaupt, of Cassel. This has a cylindrical central support, which can be set by a circular level indicating to 10 seconds. The prism on which the telescope slides is of cast iron, with an inlaid silver scale 1 metre in length, divided into millimeters. This prism is balanced by a weight on the other side of the axis of rotation. To adjust this prism accurately vertical a special separate adjusting- level of great sensitiveness is provided. The telescope, fixed in Y's on a brass slide-block, is reversible, and carries a striding-level, also reversible. By a clamp and tangent screw the telescope cross wire can be brought into accurate coincidence with the object. The block carrying the telescope has a vernier reading on the silver scale on the prism to mm. (or 30 inch). 500 1 20 By means of a micrometer eyepiece a cathetometer may be used to read to obʊ inch. In connection with one of the testing machines at Berlin there is a 1 10000 P 2 212 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION cathetometer with two telescopes, having micrometer eyepieces, so that both marks on the bar can be read on the cathetometer at the same time. 90. Touch Micrometer.-Every mechanic is accus- tomed to take dimensions in callipers with very great accuracy. Hence it appeared that a process equivalent to callipering would be delicate enough even for mea- suring small elastic extensions. The author constructed an instrument of this kind in 1883 which proved simple and convenient. Suppose two clips fixed on a test bar in some way which strictly defines the length of bar which in extend- ing carries the clips. Let there be on the clips case- A C B be (- you FIG. 97. (D WWE JUL (3 hardened plugs in pairs opposite each other. If the distance between these plugs is callipered during a test the amount of extension can be determined. Fig. 97 shows a kind of micrometer calliper. It consists of a frame having a sliding-piece A, which slides without shake, and can be fixed by a set screw. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 213 The piece D is merely an adjusting piece, ordinarily clamped, which can be replaced by a longer piece if necessary, to suit different lengths of test bar. Both the sliding-pieces A and D have hard-steel plugs at their ends. In use the instrument is held in the hand between the clips on the test bar, and the steel plugs brought into contact with those on the clips with gentle pressure. The slide is then clamped, and the reading taken. The sliding-piece has two scales, A and B. The scale A is read by sight against a vernier on the frame to hundredths of an inch; the other scale is read through the microscope micrometer. Fig. 98 shows the field of view in the microscope: ab is a fixed cobweb, corresponding with the zero on the scale A. In the field is rather more than a tenth of an inch on the scale B, the tenths being divided into fifths of tenths (or fiftieths) of an inch. From the reading on the scale A the precise tenth in the field of view is known. Suppose that e reads on the fixed scale 2.2. Between e and the zero g are two fiftieths and a fraction of a third. The point ƒ therefore reads 2.24, and it only remains to measure the distance fg. This is done oy bringing the crossed cobwebs to ƒ by means of the graduated head C of the micrometer, when the number of tenths of thousandths of an inch which measure FIG. 98. 77 Ap ď f g is read off on the graduated head. The process is 214 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION tedious to describe, but it is extremely simple in practice. Further, as the same tenth of an inch usually remains in view for the whole period of a test in which the elastic extension is measured, it is in general only necessary to note the reading on the graduated head C after the first reading. The instrument is simple; the readings are taken on a finely graduated scale, and the errors of the micro- meter screw are virtually reduced, because an enlarged image of the scale is measured. The author has found it easy to read to to read to ʊʊ inch, with an error of not more than 5th, and even more delicate reading is possible. It is also more rapid to use than without experience would be expected. Two or more readings on different sides of the bar can be taken if desired. 1 500 Cowper's Extensometer.-Mr. Cowper has described an extensometer used in testing long bars for the Kieff Bridge in 1850. It consisted of a light iron tube about 4 feet long, with a small brass fork at each end which fitted against pins attached to the test bar. One fork slid on an accurate slide and carried a vernier. This fork was pushed home against the pin by a spiral spring. For comparatively rough measurements the author has used a vernier extensometer of the same kind on short 8-inch or 10-inch bars. It gives readings. to To inch. 1 1000 91. Lever Extensometers.-Many instruments have been used in which the extensions of a bar are me- Proc. Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, 1878, p. 256. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 215 chanically magnified by a lever. The defect of such instruments is that the extension is measured between clips often attached to the bar in an unsatisfactory way, and that, to obtain sufficient magnification, the short arm of the lever is so short that the range of indication is very small. Col. Paine's Lever Extensometer.-In Mr. A. V. Abbott's work¹ on testing machines there is described a neat and simple form of lever extensometer shown in Fig. 99. This was used by Col. Paine in tests made at the East River Bridge. The apparatus con- sists of two bars, A and B, arranged to slide parallel to each other. At one end of each bar there is a knife-edge F in a brass slide, and initially these knife-edges are adjusted to a known distance apart. The instrument is clamped to the test bar K by springs G G, which press the knife- edges into small indentations N N A FIG. 99. H K DU E PTTTTT G in the bar. A lever C is fixed on the bar B. Its short arm bears on a projection O on the bar A, while its long arm moves a vernier D, which slides in the projecting guide E. Abbott, Testing Machines (Van Nostrand's Science Series), p. 86. 216 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Kennedy's Lever Extensometer.-Prof. Kennedy has designed and very largely used the simple lever extenso- meter shown in Fig. 100. This consists of a light frame C i FIG. 100. i f S с W พ f carrying a simple lever i. The two steel points, one on the frame ƒ, the other on the lever i, are 10 inches apart. These are placed in centre punch marks on the ¹ Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxiv.; also lxxxviii. p. 24. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 217 specimens, the apparatus being held in position by elastic bands cc, a weight w helping to preserve the balance. The lever i turns on two set screw points, and the other end moves over a plane covered with section paper, attached rigidly by an arm to the frame on the test bar. As the piece extends the steel points move apart, turn- ing the lever round its axis. The leverage is 100 to 1, and readings can be taken to 10 inch. The ratio of magnification was determined by measurement with vernier callipers. 10000 Dupuy's Extensometer for Actual Structures.-The object of this apparatus is to ascertain by direct measurement the alterations of length of different mem- bers of iron structures by loads. Assuming that a bar of iron is elongated or shortened Tobooth part of its 10000th length by stress in tension or compression of 1.27 ton per sq. in., it is possible to calculate from the observed alterations of length the stresses in the bars produced by the loads. To the bar to be tested a fulcrum pin is attached, on which works a lever arm, with a leverage of 20 to 1, terminating in a pointer moving over a graduated arc carried by the fulcrum piece. To the short end of the lever is jointed a bar 1 metre (3.28 feet) in length, a pin at the other end of this bar being also attached to the bar to be tested. With the proportions adopted, each millimeter of movement of the pointer on the scale corresponds to a stress of a kilogram 1 Ann. des Ponts et Chaussées, 5th series, vol. xiv. p. 381. 218 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION per sq. mm. in the bar to be tested (0.635 ton per sq. in.) 92. Differential Cathetometer. This instrument was exhibited by Dr. Heinrich Streinitz, of Gratz, at South Kensington in 1876,¹ and appears to have been used by him some years earlier in researches on the FIG. 101. elasticity of wires. Dr. Streinitz appears to have originated a method of measurement which is ex- tremely delicate. Fig. 101 shows the principle of the apparatus: a a is a stout glass rod carried by a heavy foot; on this are clamped the two frames bb; cc are rods sliding in the frames bb, and dd are jointed prolongations, serving to adjust the instrument; mm are light touch levers, which by weights or springs are kept in contact with the bar s to be measured. a MALAD LAB b C SATUAJ FIN d d m m These levers rotate in the plane of the sketch on pins at the ends of the bars dd, and each lever carries a mirror m perpendicular to the plane in which it rotates. Every movement of either end of the bar s will cause a rotation of the corresponding mirror. Now, suppose a telescope and scale so placed that the gradua- ¹ Catalogue of the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington Museum, 1877, p. 60. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 219 tions of the scale are seen after reflection at the mirror in the telescope. Then, as either mirror rotates, the graduations will move in the field of the telescope. Now let be the movement of one end of the bar to be measured, and ▲ the corresponding change of scale reading. Let L be the distance of telescope and scale from the mirror, and r the radius of the lever m to the point of contact with the bar s. Then- 2 L Δ GS I' 1 Now, as can be made as small as one centimeter, and L as much as 5 meters, the movement can be magnified 1,000 times. If a good telescope is used, tenths of milli- meters can be read on the scale, and consequently the movement of the end of the bar can be determined to 100 millimeter. The difference of the movement of the two ends of the bar gives the change of length of the bar. It is obvious that the method of measurement is one of extreme delicacy. The apparatus in no way interferes with the free movement of the bar. There is some labour in taking the two readings and computing the difference, and perhaps some difficulty in deter- mining with sufficient accuracy the small radius of the lever r. Dr. Streinitz determined r by using a sphero- meter. The rod a a is of glass on account of its small coefficient of expansion. Moreover, the glass tube may be filled with water, and the temperature ascertained by thermometers. A correction for any change of tem- perature can then be applied. C Uor M 220 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION In 1879 Prof. Kennedy exhibited at the Institution of Civil Engineers a two-mirror arrangement similar in principle to that of Dr. Streinitz.¹ But he has given up its use in favour of the lever extensometer already described. 93. Bauschinger's Roller and Mirror Extensometer.2 To Prof. Bauschinger belongs the credit of first sys- tematically taking double measurements on opposite sides of a test bar. A pair of clips, formed like parallel vices, are clamped on the bar at a and b (Fig. 102). FIG. 102. e1 -> b J1 92 di dz 2 C1 C2 a a These grip the bar between knife-edges. The clip b carries a pair of hard ebonite rollers d1, d2, on accu- rately centred spindles. The spindles are prolonged upwards and carry the mirrors J1 J2, which rotate in the plane of the figure as the spindles rotate. The rotation of the mirrors is measured by reading-telescopes (1, 2, ( 1 Engineering Laboratories,' Kennedy. Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxviii. p. 22. 2 Maschine zum Prüfen der Festigkeit der Materialien, construirt von Ludwig Werder, und Instrumente zum Messen der Gestaltsveränderung der Probekörper, construirt von Joh. Bauschinger. München, 1882. Also Mittheilungen a. d. Mech. Techn. Laboratorium in München, Hefte 1 und 3. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 221 t 2 and scales f at a distance of 10 or 15 feet. The scale- divisions, seen by reflection in the mirrors, cross the wire in the field of view of the telescope. The mirrors have vertical and horizontal adjustments for bringing initially the scale into the field of view of the telescope. To turn the rollers d₁, d₂ proportionally to the extension of the test bar, the clip a carries a pair of spring pieces C1, C2, which touch the rollers d₁, d». The face of these spring pieces is slightly roughened by a file or by attaching a strip of the finest emery-paper, and they turn the rollers by frictional contact. It will now be obvious that any extension of the distance between the vices a and b will cause a rotation of the mirror g through an angle /r, where is the radius of the roller. The apparatus is equivalent to a lever ap- paratus having for small arm the radius of the roller I, and for long arm the double distance of the scale. from the mirror. Suppose, for instance, as in one of Bauschinger's instruments, the radius of the roller is 0.3214 cm., and the scale distance 160.7 cm. Then the magnification of the extension is (1607 × 2) 1 0.3214 = 1,000. The scale is divided into fifths of centimetres. Each division has, therefore, in measuring extensions the value of 50 millimeter, or about 10b60 inch. As it is possible to estimate tenths of oooo divisions, the readings can be taken to 5 millimeter. Since in Bauschinger's apparatus there are two mirrors, two readings are taken, giving the extensions on the two sides of the bar. The mean of these is 1 5000 222 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION taken to be the true extension, free from error due to initial or induced curvature of the test bar. Bauschinger used instruments similar in principle for measuring compression of stone, the lateral con- traction of metals, &c. For rougher measurements the mirror and telescope are abandoned, and a light index- finger moving over a scale is substituted. Cat An apparatus similar in principle to Bauschinger's was used by Col. Flad in the tests of material for the St. Louis Bridge. This apparatus had, however, only one roller and mirror, which for delicate measurements is essentially defective. According to the St. Louis Bridge experiments, the modulus of elasticity of the steel deduced from the measurements varies from 11,000,000 to 50,000,000 lbs. per sq. in. But it is almost cer- tain that the modulus has only a range of about 27,000,000 to 33,000,000. Prof. Bauschinger pointed out this to the author as an indication of the error of taking measurements on one side only of the bar. 94. The Author's Roller and Mirror Micrometer.¹-The author has attempted to get rid of the trouble of taking two readings by a device similar in principle to that used in the screw extensometer. Two clips, a and b (Fig. 103), are attached to the test bar s by pointed set screws on a plane passing through its axis. The lower clip is supported by the adjusting screw d, and the two clips are spaced apart by a distance-piece e with knife- edge ends. A roller r, carrying a mirror m, is fixed 1 Proc. Physical Society, vol. viii. p. 178. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 223 FIG. 103. in the upper clip at the same distance in front of the distance-piece e as the set screws are behind it, so that if the bar extends the roller approaches the lower clip by the same amount that the set screw a retires from it. In moving it rotates against the finger-piece f, and turns the mirror. By a reading-telescope and scale the amount of rotation of the mirror is observed. The roller being at the middle of the clip between the set screws gets a movement propor- tional to the mean extension of the two sides of the bar. 95. Strohmeyer's Roller Extenso- meter.¹-Mr. Strohmeyer has designed an apparatus acting similarly to Bau- schinger's, though the principle is car- ried out in a different way. A wire of small diameter is used for the roller, and a light index-finger attached to the wire, moving over a graduated arc, gives the extensions magnified sufficiently. · 1886. d M S α 18 Fig. 104 shows one form of the apparatus. clips are fixed on the bar by pointed set screws. of these carries two flat plates of steel, about 1 inch wide, one on each side of the test bar. The pairs of plates on each side of the test bar are pressed together Two Each 1 'A Strain Indicator for use at Sea.' Trans. Inst. of Naval Architects, 224 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION by springs, and between them is placed the wire roller, carrying a light index-finger. As the bar extends, the plates slide relatively and rotate the rollers. Mr. rotnog Elman mony II FIG. 104. Kw አስገባ Md. Lion 11000 1 Strohmeyer states that he has obtained good results with a wire of 0.015 inch circumference. Then, the graduated are having divisions equal to of the cir- cumference, each division corresponds to Tooo inch extension. 150 1 Comparing Strohmeyer's apparatus with Bauschin- ger's, it is obvious that the most essential difference is MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 225 the extreme smallness of the rolling pin which Mr. Strohmeyer uses. That this is convenient may be easily granted. It is more difficult to believe that such very small wires can be trusted to be circular in section. Further, the absolute measurement of the elongations depends on the exact measurement of the diameter of this very small wire; and this must in fact be impossible to anything like the same proportionate degree of accuracy as in the case of the larger rollers of Bau- schinger. It would seem, therefore, that Mr. Strohmeyer's apparatus is rather better adapted to cases where relative extensions only are required. To such cases Mr. Strohmeyer has applied it with remarkable skill. By its means he has determined the relative extensions of members of bridges, and of different parts of the skin of a ship and the shell of a boiler, under their ordinary loads. 96. Instrument for Measuring the Compression of Short Blocks. For measuring the compression of short blocks, such as cubes of stone, extremely minute measurement is necessary. The author has employed the arrange- ment shown in Fig. 105, which combines lever and optical magnification, and at the same time gives by a single reading the mean compression of the two sides of the block. A A rectangular frame c₂ C, with adjustments for blocks of varying size, is clamped on the base of the stone cube by four pointed set screws. It carries an Q 226 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 105. FS QUERIES top, on which rests the knife-edge of an upper frame c₁, which is clamped on the cube by two set screws near the middle and near the top. The frames are prolonged by the levers 11, 12, so that the ends a and i move two and a half times as much as as the points of the frames fixed in the cube. The ends of the levers carry silver plates with a fine. diamond scratch, and these plates are adjusted to be near together in- itially by the ad- justing screws at p and a. The lever l₂ has a constant W LINKUTTA S₂ IN Tuustraia C1 71 VUOMI UTITU BILSTONE P M We are 273 1 2 C 2 1000 O DOMES upright pillar p, with a hardened- steel adjustable MUUTA. T MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 227 position relatively to the plane through the points in the set screws in the frame c₂. The lever 4, turning on its knife-edge on the pillar p, rises at i two and a half times as much as the stone compresses between the set screws on c₁ and those on c. Further, as the instrument is entirely carried by the stone cube, it is not affected by any movement or elasticity of the machine. During the test the distance between the diamond scratches on a and i is measured by the microscope M- and micro- meter m. Readings too and 5000 inch can be taken with moderately powerful object glasses. The chief difficulty is to get the diamond scratches fine enough. The fixed cross wire of the micrometer is first set on one diamond scratch, the movable wire on the other. Then the reading of the micrometer head gives the distance. 1 0 Q 2 228 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER VII. AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS. 97. ALL ordinary testing is largely concerned with the determination of the relation of stress and strain at different loads. In Chapter III. it has been shown that the relation of stress and strain throughout a test can be graphically exhibited by a stress-strain diagram. If a testing machine could be made itself to describe a stress-strain diagram, it would be a very interesting record of the behaviour of the test bar.¹ Such a diagram would show the yield point, if there was one, the maximum load and breaking load, and the elonga- tion at each period of the test. From sufficiently detailed measurements during the test such a diagram can be plotted, and many such plotted diagrams are given in the Report of the U.S. Testing Board. But such plotting is laborious, and it is very convenient to have it done mechanically. Further, an autographic diagram is free from personal bias and accidental errors. of record. ¹ Much of the information in this chapter was given in a lecture on "The Employment of Autographic Records in Testing,' at the Society of Arts, February 1886. AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 229 It has been stated that an autographic diagram taken in the absence of an inspector of materials might be accepted as equally satisfactory as the inspector's report. But that is claiming too much for the autographic dia- gram, which could be tampered with as easily as any other record of a test. The datum line can be dis- placed to increase the loads, and a finger on the pencil will increase the extension record. Still, a perfectly continuous record, showing all that has happened during a test, is no doubt extremely useful. 98. Thurston's Autographic Testing Machine.'-This machine is intended to test the quality of materials by means of inferences from the torsional strength and rigidity. Tests of that kind are convenient because the specimens do not require to be large, and the twist- ing moments necessary can be produced by comparatively small forces at a moderate leverage. The deformation before fracture is also large and easily measurable. Inferences from torsional experiments, however, are hardly so trustworthy as those from direct stresses, except in the case where a material is intended to be C This machine has been very often figured and described. Professor Thurston's papers will be found chiefly in the Trans. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, and the following may be referred to: The Mechanical Pro- perties of Materials of Construction,' 1874, vol. ii. p. 349; vol. iii. p. 1. This paper contains the first account of the autographic torsion machine. 'Note on Resistance of Materials,' 1875, p. 334; 'Strength of Materials deduced from Strain Diagrams,' vol. v. p. 9; 'Resistance of Materials as affected by Flow,' vol. v. p. 199; 'New Method of Detecting Overstrain,' 1878, vol. vii. p. 53. It may be pointed out that the regression of the stress-strain curve at the yield point (see § 30) appears to have been first shown in some of the diagrams in these papers of Thurston. 230 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION used to resist twisting. Hence it is with some reserva- tion that assent can be given to Professor Thurston's claim, that 'the machine is capable of revealing charac- teristic properties upon which to base sound practical judgment as to the relative usefulness of materials for the various purposes for which they may be required, and under the different conditions of their production or manufacture.' The test bar for this machine is a small cylindrical bar inch to inch in diameter, with square ends. It is placed in a pair of jaws, one connected with a heavily weighted pendulum, the other with a worm and wheel. By driving the screw-gearing one end of the specimen is rotated, and the twisting moment is balanced by the weighted pendulum, acting at the other end and is measured by the sine of the angle through which the pendulum is moved. A drum covered with a sheet of specially ruled section paper is fixed to the worm-wheel shackle, and a pencil attached to the pendulum turns with it. Hence, the pencil traces on the drum a circumferential line pro- portional to the difference of motion at the two ends, or to the twist of the specimen. The pencil has another movement parallel to the axis of the test bar; as it rotates with the pendulum, it is forced by a guide curve to move a distance axially proportional to the twisting moment (sine of angle of inclination of pendulum). Hence, the pencil draws a stress-strain curve, curve, the abscissæ of which are the strains or angles of twist, and the ordinates the twisting moments. Professor AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 231 Thurston's machine is simple and ingenious, and its use enabled him to detect directly that when a load is applied, removed, and reapplied, the yield point is found to be raised. But the machine has defects. It is wrong in principle to take the register of the strains from the clips which hold the specimen. The crushing of the ends gets registered as part of the deformation. The arrangements do not secure perfectly that there is no longitudinal or bending stress. The friction of the pendulum journal and the momentum of the pendulum may both influence the results. Professor Ewing's Experiments.-In 1880 Professor Ewing made some experiments in Japan on the stress- strain curve for small wires.¹ The wire was loaded by filling a bucket with water. A pencil attached to the wire marked a line on a sheet of paper, which at the same time moved transversely a distance proportional to the load. The paper was moved by a string attached to a float. The diagrams are very similar to the earlier diagrams of Thurston. 99. The Polmeyer Autographic Apparatus.-In 1882 the author saw at Dortmund a 50-ton tension testing machine, designed by Professor Polmeyer expressly for autographic testing. It is a pendulum machine, with a very long pendulum, having a ton weight at the end. As one end of the specimen is pulled by a hydraulic press, the other pulls on the pendulum, and the stress is related to the angular rise of the pendulum. It is easy ¹ Proc. Royal Society, 1880. 232 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION * to see that a paper connected by one wire to the pendulum, and a pencil connected by another wire to the specimen, can be so arranged as to draw a true autographic diagram. Fairbanks' Autographic Apparatus.-In Mr. Abbott's little treatise on Testing Machines there is described in considerable detail a large testing machine, constructed by Messrs. Fairbanks in America, with an autographic apparatus attached. The machine is a 100-ton machine, and adapted for tension, compression, bending, and other tests. It is a compound-lever machine, in which the final lever is a steelyard with travelling weight or counterpoise. Now to effect the adjustment of the counterpoise on the steelyard to the stress on the specimen, a very ingenious electrical arrangement is used. As the steel- yard rises or falls against its stops it completes an electric circuit, which starts an electro-magnetic engine, which moves the poise. Thus, if the lever rises, showing that the stress exceeds the load applied by the steelyard, the electro-magnetic engine moves outwards the counter- poise till, balance being restored, the circuit is broken. Geared to the arrangements for moving the counterpoise is a drum or cylinder on which the record is made, and the rotation of this drum is therefore exactly proportional to the movement of the counterpoise on the steelyard. Consequently, a pencil held fixed over the drum would trace a circumferential line the length of which is pro- portional to the load on the specimen. AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 233 The pencil, however, has a second motion parallel to the axis of the cylinder, derived from a thin flexible steel tape attached to two clips on the specimen. This is led off over pulleys, so as to move the pencil axially along the cylinder. The defect of the arrangement is that the elongation is not magnified, and the tape is so long that it is hardly possible it can give the pencil a quite true movement free from any error due to slack in the tape. It is stated, however, that the error does exceed inch. 1 100 100. Mr. Wicksteed's Autographic Apparatus.-This is an apparatus fitted to the Buckton testing machine, shown in Fig. 55, p. 134. The motion of the pencil which indicates the load is derived from the fluid pres- sure in the hydraulic press, and not from the weighing apparatus. A pipe from the hydraulic press F is led to a small cylinder like an indicator cylinder, with a piston of 1 sq. in. in area. This piston is controlled by a strong spring, 15 inches long when unloaded, 5 inches long when loaded with 22 cwt., the full pres- sure on the piston when the pull of the machine is 50 tons. During a test, as the pull and consequently the fluid pressure, increases, the spring is compressed, and the pencil P moves horizontally along the recording drum D. On the test bar s are two clips J J, and a wire attached to weights resting on the lower clip is carried over a pulley on the upper clip, and over the links G, finally serving to rotate the recording drum D by an amount proportional to the elongation. Hence, 234 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the pencil having an axial motion proportional to the load, and the drum a motion of rotation proportional to the extension, a stress-strain diagram is described. To eliminate the influence of the friction of the small indicator piston, it is kept in rotation by the pulleys shown at the end of the recording apparatus. The friction at a high speed is small, and practically the friction of the cup-leather of the small piston appears to be neutralised by this rotation. The object of the link-work, G, is to eliminate the influence of the motion of the test bar as a whole, due to the sway of the lever or slipping in the clips. The arrangement is perfectly correct in principle. There is some practical convenience in taking the load indication from the hydraulic press instead of the weighing apparatus. But although the author believes that practically correct diagrams of small size are obtained by Mr. Wicksteed's apparatus, yet he has not altered his opinion that it is faulty in principle to infer the load from the pressure in the press cylinder, and likely in unskilful hands to lead to errors. The pressure in the hydraulic press is chiefly due to the tension of the specimen, but a not unimportant part of it is due to the unbalanced part of the counter-weight, to the friction and inertia of the crosshead and slides, and to the cup-leather friction of the main ram. The diagram can only have a uniform scale so far as these additional pressures are proportional to the load on the specimen. Further, the cup-leather friction acts upwards AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 235 or downwards according to the direction in which the ram is moving, and therefore has a doubled effect on the position of the pencil. Mr. Wicksteed determines the scale of the diagrams by occasionally checking them by the use of the lever. He has also found that for the small diagrams taken, the scale is practically uniform, if the ram is kept moving in one direction. Mr. Goodman has added an electrical arrangement, by which a second pencil marks the diagram as the jockey weight passes each ton. 101. The Author's Autographic Apparatus.-In 1882, when selecting a testing machine for Cooper's Hill Col- lege, the author perceived that Mr. Wicksteed's type of testing machine, with a single jockey weight, moved by a screw, lent itself very conveniently to the application of autographic apparatus, and of autographic apparatus of a very simple kind, which would not interfere with the ordinary operations of testing. About that time the author saw the Polmeyer machine, and was convinced that, if only a small diagram was required, say, 5 or 6 inches square, the movement of the pencil corresponding to the elongation could be perfectly well transmitted by a thin wire. An apparatus on a somewhat large scale was completed at Cooper's Hill in 1883, and subsequently, at the Central Institute, in 1885, the smaller apparatus on the same principle which is shown in Fig. 106. The chief merit of the apparatus is its extreme simplicity, while at the same time it is accurate in principle. In the Buckton type of testing machine (Plate II.) 236 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION O € B COMPREH d alotim FIG. 106. M Q f a Autographic Apparatus есе at O ш S C KO C O the stress is weighed by a steelyard, on which there is a travelling jockey weight weighing one ton. This is driven by a large screw; consequently, the rotations of AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 237 the screw are exactly proportional to the movement of the weight, and to the stress on the specimen. It is from this screw that a vertical paper cylinder d is driven. A small catgut belt drives a worm, acting on a worm-wheel of 200 teeth on the paper cylinder. As the resistance of the paper cylinder is very small, the motion given by the belt is quite accurate, and it has this convenience, that by means of a stepped pulley a several scales are available for the diagram. Neces- sarily, the specimens vary in size and strength, and it is extremely convenient to enlarge the load scale of the diagram for small specimens, and diminish it for large ones. The pencil p slides on guides parallel to the axis of the paper, and it is connected to the speci- men by a very fine wire w, kept strained by a counter- weight e. The wire is so fine that a counter-weight of 2 or 3 ounces is quite sufficient to keep the wire taut, and overcome the friction of the slides. - On the specimen s are two clips c c, the construc- tion of which is so arranged that they are perfectly rigid in position on the bar, and which define exactly the length in which the elongation is taken, and do not become slack as the bar contracts. It is extremely con- venient to magnify, more or less, the elongation, so as to get a larger diagram. The author has tried several plans. That most generally convenient is very simple. The thin wire is attached to the top clip, taken over a pulley on the bottom clip, again over a pulley on the top clip, and then horizontally to the guide pulley ƒ on 238 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the autographic apparatus. In this way the extension is exactly doubled. At first it was feared that movements of the speci- men would affect the record of extension, and the author adopted a plan of taking two wires from the specimen, one neutralising any error in the motion of the other. He has since found that, by properly placing the appa- ratus, and leading off the wire from the specimen parallel to the knife-edge of the testing machine, no measurable error is introduced due to motions of the specimen. Parallel to the knife-edge the specimen has no motion. It has a small vertical motion, due to variation of position of lever, slipping in clips, &c. But the greatest possible motion of this kind would not intro- duce an error in the diagram of inch. 102. Electric Semi-Automatic Recording Apparatus. — All the ordinary forms of autographic apparatus fail to register in any useful way the small strains within the elastic limit. The strains are indicated on the dia- grams, but on a scale too small to be measured. A lever arrangement has been tried to magnify the exten- sions, but with a great magnification the difficulty and error introduced render the arrangement worthless. It occurred to the author that a totally different method of registration would in some cases be very convenient. A large recording drum is connected with the screw of the jockey weight so as to turn circumferentially a distance accurately proportional to the load on the specimen. A pencil moves on a slide parallel to the 1 100 AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 239 axis of the cylinder. To give motion to the pencil there is an arrangement of electro-magnets and ratchet wheels. With a commutator in hand the observer can send a signal which makes the pencil move a step forwards or backwards at any moment. Now suppose a test proceeding, and that by the telescope mirror and scale the extensions are being FIG. 107. +56 1:55 .58 .62 .61 60 59 -63 468 1.64 67 66 65 59 61 1.60 56 £55.5+ +63 62 1.64 58 58 1.57 [57 1.52 715 1.56.5 185-1·65 f.65 1.64 +68 68.5 67 67 66 59 J.61 -60 62 63 1.66 1.59 157 161 58 .60 56.5 163 62 -65 64 +66 67 68 Papago małaln .57 .59 58 -61 LEO 56.5 ·63 62 64 -60- ·67 .66 .65 .59 57 .60 L58 62 .64 68 468 .63 67 65 Tons per Sq. Inch 10 Sq buck 9 B 7 6 5 4 3 2 A 1 observed. If a signal is sent at each increase of ex- tension of, say, Toooo inch, a stepped figure will be obtained, from which the extension at any moment and 240 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the corresponding load can easily be read off. And the record in this way is effected with great ease and rapidity. 1 Fig. 107 shows one of the diagrams obtained, and contains a record of more than 150 extensions, taken in less than half an hour. Half the readings are taken with an increasing load, the other half while the load was being removed. The figure is about one-fourth the actual size of the diagram, and the steps correspond to 5000 inch of extension. The diagram is one of the first taken in this way by students at the Central Institute. It is not a particularly perfect diagram, but it illustrates the kind of record obtained by this method. 103. Professor Kennedy's Autographic Apparatus.— An apparatus devised by Professor Kennedy and Mr. A. G. Ashcroft is of a different kind. The following description is taken from Professor Kennedy's paper :¹- The apparatus cannot be said to be suitable for general use, but for a laboratory, where it is in skilled hands, and not subject to rough usage, Professor Kennedy believes it to give more trustworthy diagrams than any of the other forms yet devised. It has also the advan- tage that it is wholly independent of either the poise or the ram, or even any part of the framing of the testing machine, and that its own parts are so light that the diagram may be assumed to be free from any errors due to inertia. The test-piece a (Fig. 108) is placed in 1 1 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxviii. p. 30. A detailed drawing of the apparatus is given. AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 241 the machine in series with a stronger bar b, called a spring piece, and the two, which are connected directly by simple coupling, are pulled simultaneously, the one through the other. The spring piece is of such a material that its limit of elasticity occurs only at a load greater than that which will break the test piece. It must also be of material ascertained by previous ex- periment to be perfectly elastic, so that its extension is strictly proportional to the pull on it, and therefore to the pull on the test bar. By a simple arrangement a very light pointer c is made to swing about an axis b FIG. 108. d a P through an angle proportional to the extension of the spring piece, and proportional, therefore, to the pull on the test bar. The end of this pointer touches a sheet of smoked glass d, to which is given a travel-in its own plane-proportional to the extension of the test piece, and in this way the diagram is drawn. After the experiment the glass is varnished to fix the black, the necessary particulars are written on it with a scribing point, and the whole is used as a negative, and multiplied by photography.' Some of the diagrams taken with this apparatus are shown in Fig. 28, p. 67. It is a small and not serious R 242 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION objection that the load ordinates are curved. The great merit of the instrument is the very perfect registration of the stress, free from errors due to any accidental action of the machine. Some particulars of a machine acting in a similar way, and taking a very small diagram, which could afterwards be magnified, were given by Herr Martens in the correspondence which is appended to Professor Kennedy's paper. Elastic-strain Diagrams.-The only apparatus for drawing purely autographic diagrams of the strains within the elastic limit is also devised by Professor Kennedy. It acts on the same principle as the last FIG. 109, U B III 10,000 POUNDS 5000 PER O INCH E 1000 apparatus, but the swinging pointer is placed on the test piece and used to record its extensions. The frame is carried by the test piece, and is moved by the poise - weight of the testing machine. Fig. 109 shows three elastic strain diagrams taken by this apparatus for a piece of cast iron 0.75 inch in AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 243 diameter and 10 inches long. The distance A B is the set after the first loading. There is a small further set, B C, at the third loading. Exaggeration of extension, 150 to 1. 104. Autographic Extensometers, recording Time and Extension.-Many attempts have been made to study ex- perimentally the action of a travelling load on a structure such as a bridge. In such cases the train which forms the travelling load moves with uniform speed across the structure, each member of which passes through a cycle of changes of stress related to the position of the moving load. If a diagram can be drawn with the strains (extensions or compressions) as ordinates and the time as abscissæ, it is possible to infer the stresses corresponding to each position of the moving load. The first instrument of this kind was designed by Dr. W. Frankel, and constructed by Oscar Leuner in Dresden.¹ Fig. 110 is a diagram of the instrument. Two clips C1, C2 are attached to the member of the structure the strain of which is to be recorded. Between these is the tubular link attached to the clip C₁ at b, and acting at the other end a on the unequal-armed lever . The lever is toothed at the edge and drives the lever l₂, and this, in turn, gears with a small pinion on the spindle of the drum D. The levers form a spur-wheel train magnifying the extension 200 times, and the drum D moves under the pencil P a distance proportional to ¹ Civilingenieur, 1881; vol. xxvii. § 250. 1 R 2 244 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the strain. The clock F at the same time moves the pencil axially at a uniform speed, driving the pinion and rack n. Consequently, a diagram is obtained with FIG. 110. D ELI A 2 12 ITL C₂ ? လ F 1717 & celib bond l 7, m-4(0-1 BEDDED C₂ abscissæ proportional to the time and ordinates pro- portional to the strain. The most ingenious mechanical contrivance in Dr. Frankel's instrument is that by which loss of time, or backlash in the spur-wheel multiplying gear, is pre- vented. Each toothed driver consists of two parts, connected by a spring only, which presses one part AUTOGRAPHIC RECORDING APPARATUS 245 forwards and the other backwards against the two faces of contiguous teeth of the driven wheel. There is always contact, therefore, between driving and driven teeth for motion in both directions, and any motion in either direction is communicated instantly and without loss of time. Autographic Deflectometer of Askenasy.-This is a small apparatus for drawing the deflection curve of a beam during the passage of a load over it. A paper recording-drum, moved by clockwork, is clamped on the beam or bridge. An independently supported style traces a curve on the drum. The style is on a vertical rod, at any point of which it can be fixed, and this can be clamped to a wooden beam supported independently of the deflecting beam. The curve has time abscissæ and deflection ordinates. 246 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Į CHAPTER VIII. ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS. 105. THE accurate determination of the coefficients of elasticity and limits of elasticity depends on the measure- ment of extremely small deformations. Some of the practical difficulties of measurement have been discussed in Chapter VI. These difficulties are not the only ones. in the path of the experimenter. For many materials the elastic constants change with the amount of stress. applied and with every repetition of stress, and, to add to the confusion, there is not complete agreement as to the definition of the constants or the methods of deter- mining them. The nature of the coefficients of elasticity has been explained in Chapter I. Let it be proposed from observations on a bar of cast iron to determine its co- efficient of direct elasticity. When a bar is subjected to simple longitudinal stress, the coefficient of direct elasticity E is the ratio of the stress p per unit of section to the extension or compression 7 per unit of length. That is, E=p/l. But the total extension of an inch of bar / consists of two parts-an clastic extension e, and a plastic extension or set s. If the bar is again strained, ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS 247 the set s will be smaller and the modulus of elasticity p/l will be different. What is, then, the real coefficient of elasticity? If a coefficient of elasticity E' =p/e is calculated, values will be obtained which vary less with repetition of loading than the values of E. In most cases, also, E' will be more constant than E for different ranges of stress. Hence it is a temptation to an observer to get rid of the sets, and to give values of the coefficient of elasticity which are values of E', not values of E. Virtually this is often done; and either the sets are determined and deducted from the extension used in calculating the coefficient of elasticity,' or, what amounts to the same thing, the bar is loaded once or twice nearly up to its elastic limit before proceeding to measure the extension used in calculating the coefficient of elas- ticity. The following table contains Hodgkinson's results for the tension and compression of long bars of cast iron. These results on long bars are chosen because, although the methods of measurement were somewhat crude and rough, they are free from any possible objection arising out of complexity in the measuring apparatus. It will be seen that both E and E' diminish as the stress increases, but that E' varies much less than E. The coefficients are in tons per sq. in. The next table contains some results on bars of gun-barrel steel, 1 See Lanza's statement as to what is done at Watertown. Applied Mechanics, p. 419. 248 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION HODGKINSON'S EXPERIMENTS ON CAST-IRON BARS. MEAN RESULTS ON NINE BARS, REDUCED TO 10 FEET LENGTH AND 1 SQ. IN. AREA. Stress, in tons per sq. in p •9404 Total extension, in inches 120 7 •0186 ⚫0391 •0613 TENSION Total set, in inches 120 s Total elastic extension 120 e •0006 •0180 ·0018 ⚫0373 •0037 •0576 •0793 1.881 2.821 3.762 •0859 ⚫0066 4.703 •1136 •0106 5.644 •1448 •0161 6.603 •1859 ·0241 •1030 •1287 •1618 Ordinary coefficient of direct elasticity E Coefficient E' 6,067 6,269 5,775 6,053 5,525 5,879 5,257 5,694 4,968 5,480 4,677 5,262 4,262 4,898 Stress, in tons per sq. in. • P .9212 1.843 2.765 3.685 4.607 5.530 6.451 Total com- pression, in inches 120 / •0188 •0388 ⚫0598 •0788 ·0994 •1203 •1416 PRESSURE Total set, in inches 120 s Total elastic compres- sion 120 c Ordinary coefficient of direct elasticity E ⚫0005 ·0183 5,879 ⚫0023 •0365 5,701 ⚫0040 •0558 5,549 ⚫0065 ⚫0723 5,611 ·0085 •0909 5,560 ⚫0109 •1094 5,516 •0141 •1275 5,467 Coefficient E' 6,039 6,059 5,947 6,116 6,080 6,066 6,071 ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS 249 • made by the Committee on Steel, and which are chosen for similar reasons. For wrought iron and steel the set in the earlier part of the test is comparatively in- significant. Yet E' is more constant than E, even in the earlier part of the test, and is nearly constant even for stresses considerably beyond the elastic limit. For wrought iron and steel E diminishes almost to zero ast the breaking weight is approached. EXPERIMENTS OF STEEL COMMITTEE. (Bars, 14 inch in diameter. Extensions and compressions in 10 feet.) Stress, in tons per sq. in. p 6.80 7.94 9.07 10.21 11.34 12.48 13.61 17.01 6.92 10.38 13.84 15.28 16.15 17.31 18.46 Total extension, in feet 120 l •0053 *0062 •0071 ·0079 *0089 *0098 •0108 •0143 ⚫0047 *0078 ⚫0105 •0117 •0125 ⚫0138 •0172 Set, in feet 120 s 1 ·0001 ·0002 •0002 ·0003 •0004 ·0016 ·0001 ⚫0003 ·0006 •0007 ·0011 ·0035 Elastic extension, in feet 120 e TENSION *0070 •0077 ⚫0087 ⚫0095 •0104 0127 PRESSURE *0047 *0077 ⚫0102 ·0111 •0118 0127 •0137 Ordinary coefficient of direct elasticity E 12,830 12,800 12,770 12,920 12,750 12,740 12,600 11,900 13,300 13,180 13,060 12,920 12,540 10,740 Coefficient E' 12,830 12,800 12,960 13,260 13,030 13,140 13,090 13,400 13,480 13,570 13,770 13,690 13,620 13,480 No doubt in most cases values of E are given as the coefficient of elasticity, and it will be understood that it is so in what follows. But then materials like cast iron and all the brasses and bronzes have no definite coefficient of elasticity. 250 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 106. If in loading a bar the yield point is passed, the material is altered, and generally this is shown in an alteration of the coefficient. With a rest of a day or more after loading the bar partially recovers, so that the alteration of the coefficient is less. The follow- ing table gives some results from Bauschinger's paper on the Change of the Elastic Limit':-1 ( COEFFICIENT OF DIRECT ELASTICITY IN SUCCESSIVE LOADINGS OF THE SAME BAR, IN TONS PER SQUARE INCH. Weld iron. "" "" Ingot iron "" Copper Bronze "" "" Material ;" Weld iron "" "" "" 19 "" "" "" Ingot iron "" • • "" • • "" Bessemer steel Copper Bronze • • Bars unloaded and reloaded after a pause varying from 3 to 80 hours. 12,920 12,590 12,680 12,720 12,860 12,970 13,040 13,080 12,600 13,270 12,790 12,720 12,800 12,780 12,760 14,240 14,270 14,240 14,530 14,400 14,390 14,500 14,180 14,150 13,330 13,200 7,150 3 7,278 12,950 7,144 7,176 5,575 First loading Bars unloaded and reloaded immediately. 13,080 13,080 13,960 14,460 Second loading 7,436 3 5,372 ¹ Civilingenieur, 1881. 12,470 12,360 12,640 14,170 7,702 5,575 Third loading · I • 3 7,188 5,503 7,494 5,499 14,060 13,370 7,214 5,683 Fourth loading 12,300 11,930 13,610 12,600 2 7,042 3 Yield point not reached in first loading. 12,610 12,580 12,810 12,900 2 13,210 2 14,470 13,880 2 14,100 2 13,460 7,036 6,910 In these experiments the measurements of exten- sions were probably as perfect as any such measure- ments which have been made. The differences of the 2 Vibrated after each loading. - ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS 251 coefficients for the same bar may seem not very large, but they are large compared with the variation of the coefficient in different qualities of the same material, and, indeed, in some cases exceed 10 per cent. With iron the coefficient generally diminishes with repetition of loading if there is no pause. It diminishes less if there is a pause. With bronze the coefficient increases with repetition if there is no pause, and is practically constant if there is a pause between the loadings. With copper the coefficient diminishes in either case. 107. The following are some of the best values of the modulus of elasticity which have been obtained. Kupffer's values were obtained by bending and trans- verse vibrations, and represent values of the coefficient for small stresses: COEFFICIENT OF DIRECT ELASTICITY (KUPFFER). Iron plate, in direction of rolling across "" "" "" "" Rolled English band iron bar iron "" "" Forged Swedish Soft cast steel. Steel adapted for files "" • "" • Density 7.676 7.678 7.643 7.641 7.832 7.842 7.819 Coefficient E, in tons per sq. in. 11,200 12,160 12,710 12,850 13,560 13,540 13,440 The following table gives a summary of the values of the coefficient, determined by Knut Styffe, for iron and steel. According to these experiments the co- efficient increases slightly by annealing. 1 Styffe also 1 Iron and Steel. Styffe. Translated by Sandberg, p. 147. 252 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION made experiments on the change of the coefficient with change of temperature. He found that it decreased about 0·03 per cent. for each degree rise of temperature (Centigrade). After a permanent stretching of the bar it diminished by 4 to 9 per cent. COEFFICIENT OF DIRECT ELASTICITY OF IRON AND STEEL FROM TENSION EXPERIMENTS. Hammered Bessemer steel "" ,, ,, "" "9 Lowmoor iron Dudley >" Motala "" "" Rolled cast steel Krupp Rolled puddled steel "" "" "" "" ,, >" "" Surahammar iron "" "" "" "" "" "" Charcoal iron (Aryd) "" • "" • "" "" iron "" "" • • • • (Hallstahammar) Probable percentage of carbon 1.35 1.26 1.05 0.1 0.15 1.22 0.61 0.66 0.56 0.2 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.2 0.14 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.07 0.07 Coefficient E, in tons per sq. in. After heating to slight redness Initially 13,450 13,660 14,430 15,290 13,940 14,000 13,360 14,280 12,680 12,260 13,510 13,200 13,880 13,610 11,960 12,410 12,940 13,760 14,220 13,640 14,060 15,440 14,340 13,540 Reduced from tables in Civilingenieur, 1879. 13,740 13,720 13,050 13,760 108. The following table¹ gives values for steel, obtained by Bauschinger, and the tables are interesting as giving the coefficient for bending, tension, and pressure. The coefficient of rigidity was also deter- mined by experiments on torsion. From the values of ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS 253 E and G we can deduce values of Poisson's ratio m. (See §§ 4 and 10.) COEFFICIENT OF ELASTICITY. Percent- age of carbon Degree of hardness 70543 0.19 0.46 0.54 0.57 13,720 0.66 14,480 0.78 14,980 0.80 13,660 0.87 13,880 0.96 6 Coefficient of direct elasticity, E From bending tests From tension tests 13,780 14,300 13,690 1 (?) 14,740 From pressure tests 16,540 13,020 14,730 14,640 13,090 14,220 16,140 12,900 14,480 14,290 13,080 13,840 15,940 14,350 14,480 13,460 14,440 14,730 14,100 13,590 13,820 14,640 13,080 13,970 13,450 13,090 13,370 BESSEMER STEEL FROM TERNITZ. Coefficient of rigidity, C From tension tests 13,390 13,620 Mean 14,800 13,960 14,500 13,520 13,340 13,480 13,430 13,390 15,040 14,480 14,160 13,900 SIEMENS-MARTIN STEEL FROM NEUBERG-MARIAZELL. Coefficient of direct elasticity, E From bending tests Mean 13,460 13,210 13,400 13,400 13,340 From torsion tests 5,575 5,420 5,450 5,320 5,520 5,405 5,670 5,400 5,560 1 Bessemer steel from Teschen. Mean 5,625 Coefficient of rigidity, с 5,470 5,260 5,295 m = E 20 •32 ⚫30 ·33 ·30 *36 •34 •25 •29 •26 0.305 0.29 m= E 20 •25 •25 •27 5,401 •24 5,150 •30 Mean 0.262 1 1 The following values are from experiments at Watertown Arsenal, and are, it is believed, values obtained after deducting the permanent set. They are values of E' therefore. 254 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION For 10 rolled bars, single refined "" For 9 For 10 For 9 "" For 10 Phoenix eye-bars For 6 steel "" "" Cast copper. Cast zinc Cast tin Brasses Bronzes Lead Gold Wrought iron • • "" "" "" • "" "" double refined. "" • Platinum wire Rolled brass Copper, hard-drawn annealed "" Steel castings Aluminium bronze Delta metal. Gun-metal Phosphor bronze . • "" Thurston has obtained from bending experiments the following values for the bronzes. The values given are values of E for small stresses, the coefficient diminish- ing with increase of stress just as in cast iron. A few other values are added:- • • • • E = 6,240 to 4,555 3,118 3,006 5,130 to 6,580 5,935 to 6,840 1,116 Mon 5,130 10,710 5,800 5,580 5,133 8,400 to 14,000 6,704 to 6,536 5,555 to 6,060 4,762 to 5,376 5,950 Coefficient of elasticity Lowest Highest 13,790 13,100 15,200 13,105 12,070 13,510 • 12,040 12,310 12,335 11,410 9,996 13,230 • • Thurston. "" "" "" "" "" Wertheim. "" Unwin. "" Bauschinger. Wertheim. "" Mean 12,540 12,530 12,950 12,680 11,150 13,345 "" رد "" 109. The Elastic Limit.-The difficulty of determin- ing definitely the elastic limit is even greater than that of determining the coefficient of elasticity. The earlier writers took the elastic limit to be the stress at which a noticeable permanent set was first observed. But then the stress which is fixed on as the elastic limit depends ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS 255 1 on the delicacy of the measuring instruments used. In proportion as delicacy of measurement increased, it began to be apparent that for most materials (for all, perhaps, except very hard steel or glass) some set occurs with the smallest stresses. To avoid this difficulty, and get a definite measure of relative elasticity of different materials, Wertheim proposed the arbitrary rule of fix- ing the elastic limit at that stress at which the total permanent set amounted to zooooth of the length of 20000th the bar.¹ Apart from the purely arbitrary nature of this rule, it makes the determination of the elastic limit. extremely difficult, and it leaves out of consideration the fact that part of the apparent set is not really permanent, but disappears slowly during a rest. Bauschinger has shown that for all ordinary materials Wertheim's elastic limit is considerably above the point at which propor- tionality of stress and strain sensibly ceases. In the stress and strain curve of iron and steel the curve bends somewhat sharply for stresses near those at which marked permanent set occurs. Thalén proposed to take for the elastic limit the point of maximum curvature. This makes the elastic limit depend on the scales to which the stresses and extensions are plotted, and gives a point even further from the limit of proportionality than Wertheim's. Knut Styffe attempted to fix a definite elastic limit, depending on the rate of increase of set as dependent on the time rate of loading. This, again, gives a point far above the limit of proportionality of stress and strain. 'Poggendorff's Annalen, Ergänzungsband II. 256 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION In commercial testing of iron and steel some rough estimate of the elastic limit is usually made. Thus, it has been proposed to take the elastic limit at the stress at which peeling of the skin is first visible (Styffe, p. 36), or at the stress at which the testing machine lever drops (Kennedy), or at the stress at which a rough measurement of the elongation by compasses is first possible (Lanza). All these measures are extremely rough, and what they really determine is the yield point, not the elastic limit. In almost all tables what is given as the elastic limit is the yield point, and this may differ from the limit of proportionality to any extent. More- over, for materials other than wrought iron and steel there is no definite yield point. Where there is a yield point it is best determined from an autographic diagram. 110. The only definition which agrees with the theoretical conception of an elastic limit, and which is practically available in testing, is that which makes the elastic limit to be the stress at which proportionality between the stresses and strains first visibly ceases when measurements of considerable delicacy are being made. Bauschinger has re-adopted this definition, and it is to his observations chiefly that we must look for any know- ledge of the elastic limit thus defined. - The following measurements of the extension of a piece of iron from old Hammersmith Bridge will show how the limit of proportionality can be determined. In this case the limit in successive loadings, none of which reached much beyond the elastic limit, slowly rises. ELASTIC CONSTANTS FOR METALS 257 Link from old Hammersmith Bridge, received from B. Baker, Esq. 3 This was planed all over to get surfaces for accurate measurement, and its section was about 12 sq. in. Ex- tensions for each ton, taken with mirror apparatus : 4 Load in tons per sq. in. 1234+G 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Set, load re- moved "" "" "" } Mean Distance of gauge points, 7·94 inches. Extensions per ton in ths of an inch 00 First loading Second loading Third loading Fourth loading 1st loading, 1 to 7 tons 2nd 3rd 1 to 7 1 to 8 1 to 9 4th • 55 57 58 58 58 58 E. L. 61 60 62 || + 13 "" "" "" • 58 56 58 57 58 57 59 E. L. 60 11888 -2 54 56 58 58 58 58 58 E. L. 0.003437 0.003449 0.003996 0.004619 89811 60 59 +2 Total extension 58 56 58 58 58 58 58 58 E. L. 60 63 75 + 32 Mean extension per ton 0.000573 0.000575 0.000571 0.000577 0.000574 Coefficient of elasticity, 7.94/000574-13,830. 111. So long as the limit of proportionality is not exceeded, the value of the coefficient of elasticity in ordinary metals is tolerably constant in successive load- ings. The following are extensions in successive load- ings of two pieces of Hammersmith Bridge links :- S 258 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1st loading 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th "" "" "" ,, "" "" "" Material Weld iron Ingot iron "" "" Copper. Bronze. "" "" "" Bronze "" If, however, the yield point is passed, the limit of elasticity very sensibly alters, as is shown in the following results deduced from Bauschinger's tables. A plotting of some of these is given in Fig. 40, p. 102. ELASTIC LIMIT, IN TONS PER SQ. IN., IN BARS LOADED UP TO THE YIELD POINT. Ingot iron Bessemer steel Copper. • • Ingot iron • • : • • P First piece Bars loaded, unloaded, and reloaded after a pause of 2 to 80 hours Weld iron 15.84 17.45 15.78 18.80 7.92 1 (3·91) ¹ 3.61 8.98 15.78 16.91 ⚫00344 ⚫00345 ⚫00342 ⚫00338 2.45 2 3.43 8.98 10.34 10.22 10.30 15.09 11.60 Extensions for six tons Bars loaded, unloaded, and reloaded immediately 6.41 6.66 4.01 6.57 3.92 4.13 1.14 2 2.61 2 2.50 Original state. Second loading Third loading Fourth loading First loading 12.38 8.98 15.15 16.48 Second piece 2.58 3.59 4.06 1 No pause between loadings. ⚫00346 ⚫00343 *00347 ⚫00339 12.94 12.29 14.22 (6·57) ¹ 5.13 19.32 3.27 3.59 4:07 Second piece, after three days 11.93 11.93 ·00341 ⚫00342 ⚫00340 ⚫00343 Bars loaded, unloaded, subjected to vibration, and reloaded after a pause Weld iron 11.14 14.89 12.13 8.28 5.26 5.39 17.10 17.60 5.18 19.56 ⚫00342 ·00344 ·00343 4.62 3.82 6.90 4.12 6.77 5.11 17.45 20.35 18.94 (6.81) 6.83 6.69 5.14 6.87 2 Yield point not reached. 1 259 CHAPTER IX. CAST IRON. 112. Down to a recent period the ferrous materials used in construction could be divided into three groups, marked equally by difference of manufacture, of chemical composition, and of mechanical properties. Cast iron, the product of the blast furnace; wrought iron, the product of the puddling forge, and steel, produced from wrought iron by cementation, had characteristics so marked that it mattered little which of their differences was taken as a basis of classification. As their content of carbon seemed essentially connected with their pro- perties, that was generally selected as a means of discrimination. As to cast iron no difficulty arises; both its method of production, its properties, and its engineering uses leave it in a class apart. It is otherwise with wrought iron and steel. Since the development of the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin processes an essentially new material has been introduced, which is commonly and commercially termed steel, but which differs from the s 2 260 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION older material of that name. The plates and bars of so-called steel, which are superseding in construction the old wrought iron, contain carbon, but in a quantity varying without break, in different cases, from a percent- age as small as that in wrought iron to a percentage as high as that in cementation steel. Such plates vary in tenacity from that of wrought iron to a tenacity at least double that of wrought iron. Lastly, by far the larger part of this new material has not the characteristic pro- perty of the older steels of hardening when suddenly cooled. There is, however, a difference between wrought iron and the new material which is replacing it im- portant enough to justify a difference of classification. Wrought iron, and cementation steel as made from wrought iron, have been in the condition in the puddler's forge of granular or spongy masses bathed with liquid slag. This slag is never entirely got rid of, and remains in the forged material, not in great quantity indeed, but so distributed as to give rise to a visible structure. Bessemer, Siemens-Martin, and crucible steel, on the other hand, have all been fused and more perfectly cleared of mechanically mixed impurity. They have, when rolled, a homogeneousness and absence of grain which is definite and important. If the difference between puddled and cast material is recognised it will be found that there are two parallel series of products, first clearly arranged by M. Greiner, of Seraing :- CAST IRON 261 PERCENTAGE OF CARBON, 0.0 to 0.15 0.15 to 0:45 | 0:45 to 0.55 | 0:55 to 1.5 Ordinary iron Extra soft steel | SERIES OF THE IRONS. Granular Puddled steel iron SERIES OF THE STEELS. Soft steel | Half-soft steel Cemented steel Hard steel | This classification ignores the property of tempering as a mark of distinction between iron and steel, which is in some respects inconvenient. Hence in Germany it is becoming common to class one series as weld metal, the other as ingot metal. Weld iron and ingot iron are those materials which will not temper; weld steel and ingot steel those which harden when suddenly cooled. 113. Constituents of Cast Iron.-Cast iron consists. of iron mixed or combined with carbon, silicon, man- ganese, sulphur, and phosphorus. Popularly, and with partial truth, the carbon is regarded as chiefly determining its characteristics. The carbon exists in cast iron either combined with the iron or mixed with it in the form of graphite. The greyer irons contain most graphitic carbon, and are weaker, more fusible, and softer than whiter iron. The white iron contains most combined carbon; but the other constituents have an influence on the mechanical properties. The composition of cast iron varies within the following limits, if extreme qualities, unsuited for foundry use, are excluded :- - 262 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Combined carbon Graphite. Silicon Sulphur. Phosphorus Manganese Iron • • A • Per cent. 0.15 to 1.25 1·85,, 3.25 • • • • • Per cent. 2.0 to 4.5 0.15 5.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.5 90.0 95.0 در "" "" "" "; Silicon tends to hinder the combination of carbon with the iron, and to render it greyer. Manganese appears to have a reverse effect. 1 Lately, attention has been paid to the influence of silicon, and in some cases silicon is now added to cast iron to improve its working properties. Ferro-silicon, a cast iron with 10 per cent. of silicon, is used to mix with other cast iron ¹ to render it greyer, stronger, and more suitable for foundry purposes. The softest iron used in the foundry has about 0.15 per cent. of com- bined carbon. With 1 per cent. the transverse strength is greatest; with more the crushing strength increases, but the tenacity and transverse strength diminish. The amount of graphitic carbon has less influence. The silicon, when it does not exceed 3 per cent., appears to be advantageous in securing a soft, grey, strong iron. Manganese in small quantity appears to be advantageous, but when it exceeds 1 per cent. the iron becomes white, and weak except for crushing. Sulphur should not ¹ See papers by Mr. Thomas Turner: 'On the Influence of Silicon on the Properties of Cast Iron,' Journal of Chemical Society, August, 1885; December, 1885; and March, 1886. 'On the Influence of Remelting,' ibid., July, 1886. 'The Constituents of Cast Iron,' Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. See also a paper by Ferd. Gauthier, of Paris, ‘On Silicon in Foundry Iron,' Journal o Iron and Steel Institute, 1886. CAST IRON 263 Graphite Combined carbon Silicon . exceed 0.15 per cent. Phosphorus in small quantity renders the iron fluid, but with much phosphorus the metal is brittle. Remelting cast iron improves its strength, but if the remelting is repeated too long the tensile and transverse strength suffer, though the crushing strength and hardness increase. This change of properties is connected with a change of the iron from grey to white by increase of combined carbon and decrease of silicon. The following analyses, by M. Gauthier, show the kind of change which occurs in remelting : Greatest softness "" "" "" "" رد • hardness. general strength stiffness. In Mr. Turner's very valuable paper (Trans. Iron and Steel Institute,' 1885) an attempt is made, from an examination of all existing data, to determine the best composition of cast iron to obtain certain definite quali- ties. From this the following table of percentages is compiled :- tensile strength crushing strength 1 • Original pig 2.73 0.66 2.42 Combined carbon Fourth melting 0.15 0.50 2.54 0.80 1.88 Graphitic carbon 3.1 2.8 | over 10 under 2·6 Sixth melting 2.08 1.28 1.16 Silicon 2.5 under 0.8 1.42 1.0 1.8 about 0.8 264 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The density varies with the composition in the following way :- Material Dark grey foundry iron Grey Mottled White iron "" "" "" "" • • p = 6,220 e Density = 5,773 c - 6.80 7.20 7.35 7.60 The specific heat is 0.140 for grey iron, and 0.127 for white iron. Cast iron melts at about 2,732° Fahr. Weight of a cubic foot, in lbs. 114. Mechanical Properties of Cast Iron.-The elastic properties of cast iron have already been discussed. In tension and compression tests there is strictly no range of stress for which the stresses and strains are propor- tional, and there is no fixed coefficient of elasticity or elastic limit. It has, however, already been shown that the extensions and compressions are nearly the same for equal stresses (§ 26). Mr. Hodgkinson found that the relation of stress and strain in cast iron was given very nearly by the follow- ing equations. Let p be the stress in tons per sq. in., e the extension, and c the compression per unit of length. Then- 425 450 458 474 1,298,000 €2 233,500 c². G The author has found the following inverse relations still more exact :-- 3 C 1.503 p³ × 10-6 +1.685 p × 10-4 c = 966 p³× 10-8 + 1·782 p × 10-4. CAST IRON 265 These are from experiments on very long bars. For 8-inch bars- e = 0·39 p³ × 10-6 + 1·62 p × 10-4. The following table gives a few measurements of extension in short cast-iron bars. The cast iron was the ordinary mixture of a good foundry : EXTENSIONS OF CAST-IROn Bars. (Extensions in 8 inches, measured by touch micrometer. Bars screwed at ends and fixed in nuts with spherical seatings.) Load in tons 2.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 2.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 Breaking weight, in tons per sq. in. Diam. 1.0005 1.005 Area •7862 •7862 ⚫0043 ⚫0073 ·0093 0114 0139 •0168 ·0215 ·999 ·7832 12.94 Extensions in 8 inches, in inches ·0036 ⚫0034 ·0069 ·0062 ·0087 ·0080 •0107 •0105 ⚫0132 ⚫0134 1.000 ·7854 Extensions per ton in 8 inches, in inches •00172 ·00144 ·00136 ·00148 ⚫00162 ⚫00153 ·00138 ·00153 ·00169 ·00158 ·00162 ·00175 ·00165 ·00172 ·00185 ·00176 ·00189 ·00196 ⚫00226 *00145 ·00162 ·00178 ⚫0037 •0069 ·0089 ·0112 0142 14.37 13.87 13.04 *999 •7832 •993 •7743 ⚫0039 ⚫0034 •0074 •0061 ·0096 ·0083 •0116 0147 ⚫0104 ·0131 ·00156 ·00136 ·00165 ·00136 ·00175 ·00151 ·00178 ·00160 ·00196 ·00175 14.21 13.90 115. Ultimate Tensile Strength of Cast Iron.-Tensile tests give much the best indication of the quality of cast iron for structural purposes. The crushing strength is greatest in qualities of iron quite unsuitable for foundry use, and the transverse strength depends in part on the crushing strength. 266 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION area. In making and in comparing tensile tests the follow- ing points must be kept in mind. A few not entirely satisfactory experiments show that in small castings the strength varies a good deal with the size, the smaller castings being stronger. Hodgkinson found test bars of 1, 2, and 3 sq. ins. section to have tenacities propor- tional to 100, 80, and 77. The form of the test bar has less influence. Hodgkinson found that bars of cruciform section were about 1 per cent. stronger than bars with circular or rectangular sections of the same Tensile tests are most commonly made on rough bars with the skin on, and there is a popular impression that it weakens a bar to take off the skin. This is almost certainly erroneous, and, as accurate measure- ments cannot be made on a rough bar, the test bars ought to be turned. Tensile tests should be made with shackles having spherical seats, as cast iron is greatly weakened by non-axiality of the stress. In very careful tests the test bars should be cast in one with the work for which the cast iron is used, and not separately. They can be broken off, and turned to the required form. The short table on the following page gives a sum- mary of the most trustworthy results of tensile tests. Mr. Turner attributes the higher tenacity observed in some recent experiments to distinct improvement of the metal, in consequence of more careful selection and greater knowledge of the properties of the iron. He states that a contract has been carried out in which a CAST IRON 267 **** Experimenter Minard and Desormes Hodgkinson and Fair- bairn Hodgkinson and Fair- bairn Woolwich Wade "" Turner 3 Rosebank Foundry Unwin Wade No. of tests 13 0.23 to 0.5 1 to 4 3 to 41/2 81 53 6 4 23 Section of bars in sq. ins. 6 1.0 | 0.75 TENACITY OF CAST IRON. Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Highest Lowest Mean 9.08 5.09 7.19 9.76 6.00 -7.37 4.9 6.83 15.3 4.2 10.5 15.7 18.2 20.55 4.75 6.5 10.4 13.7 1 9.12 15.34 13.7 Probable No. of fusion 2nd 2nd 2nd and 3rd 2nd 2nd Condition of test bars 1815. Love. Résistance de la Fonte 1837. 'Brit. Assoc. Rep.' VI. 1849. 'Report on App. Iron' 1856. Report of 1858 1856. Report on Metal for Cannon 1856. Report on Metal for Cannon Rough{ Rough Rough ? Rough 1885. 'Journ. of Chem. Soc.' 'Industries,' April 1887 Turned ¹ Selected as good iron. 2 Selected as bad iron. 3 Special series of experimental test bars, with varying proportion of silicon. 4 Mean of ten best specimens. 5 Highest result obtained. 268 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION minimum tenacity of 12 tons was stipulated for, and only Cleveland iron was used. Some qualities of iron are greatly improved by re- melting or by being kept long in fusion. The follow- ing results were obtained by Major Wade :- Fusion Tenacity in tons per sq. in. Pig 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 5 to 6 9.32 11.06 11.96 12:45 116. Crushing Strength of Cast Iron.-Hodgkinson used for compressive tests small cylinders and square and triangular prisms, having heights equal to from one to three times the transverse dimensions. He placed a sheet of lead on the faces of the prisms. It is not clear that this may not have diminished the strength. The most common form of fracture is shearing at an oblique plane making an angle of about 56° with the axis. The crushing resistance is much increased if the height is so decreased that the plane of least resistance to shear cuts the faces at which the pressure is applied. The following results were obtained by Hodgkinson on cylinders inch in diameter :- 938 1280 11 2 4 Height of cylinder, in ins. 3312 Crushing strength, in 69.3 63.5 60.0 55.0 53.3 53.3 49.6 344 tons per sq. in. 34 The strength is pretty uniform if the height is between one and three diameters. 117. Transverse Strength of Cast Iron.-Tests by cross-breaking are so easily made that this kind of test has been very generally adopted as the commercial test CAST IRON 269 Authority Hodgkinson "" Woolwich Wade Turner Fairbairn { Form of test piece Cylinders and prisms Cylinders Cylinders Cylinders Transverse dimensions, in inches to 23/ 1 to 4 Cal+ 0.6 0.75 CRUSHING RESISTANCE OF CAST IRON. | Height No. of Width tests 1 to 3 1 to 2 2 3 81 273 11 | Crushing strength in tons per sq. in. Highest Lowest 64.9 53.8 62.5 74.5 92.5 95.9 2 36.5 24.7 44·6 Mean 34.11 48.0 19.8 40.6 38.5 'Brit. Assoc. Rep.' v. VI. 1837 'Com. on App. of Iron,' 1849 Report, 1858 Thurston.' Materials of Construc- tion 'Journ. of Chem. Soc.' 1885 1 Series of special test bars, with varying percentage of silicon. 2 Highest result after repeated remeltings. 270 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION for cast iron. Square bars of 1″ × 1″ cross section, or more commonly of 2" x 1" cross section, are cast, and these are placed on supports and loaded at the centre. The distance between supports is most commonly 3 feet. The ordinary formula for cross-breaking, which, however, is an empirical expression when thus used, is M = ƒZ, where M is the bending moment, Z the modulus of the section, and ƒ the coefficient of bending strength. For a bar of rectangular section, loaded at the centre, this becomes W alm f b d 2 / " where W is the centre breaking weight in tons of a bar of breadth b, depth d, and length 7 in inches; ƒ is f the coefficient of bending strength, which varies with the quality of the iron and with the form of the section. Even when the section is rectangular the propor- tions of the section affect the coefficient, and for bars of the same proportions the coefficient is lower as the sec- tion is larger. The values of the coefficient, as given in the table on next page, have been calculated from comparable series of experiments. It will be seen that, generally, a wide bar gives a higher, and a deep bar a lower, coefficient. Comparing Clark's results 1, 4, and 7, and again Millar's 1 and 2, the coefficient decreases as the section is larger. The cir- cular section has a higher coefficient than the rectangular. CAST IRON 271 Authority COEFFICIENT Or Bending StrENGTH, f, FOR RECTANGULAR Bars. Centre breaking f, in weight, tons per in tons sq. in. W Clark, E. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Millar "" Segundo and Robinson 2 6 Dimensions of bars, in inches d b 123HDONIQSIQ 11∞∞∞∞∞ II 2 3 1 2 131∞∞∞∞HI 2 2 し ​0.252 20.41 0.429 15:45 1.376 18.58 0.475 14-43 1.800 16.20 2 54 2.410 16.27 1.436 12.92 162 36 1.67 22.6 0.358 19.6 36 36 0.785 21.3 54 216 27 162 108 0.9 2.93 20 2.93 0.9 20 3 2 ins. diam. 20 1 4.82 1.50 3.35 18.75 19.05 24.28 D. K. Clark, Rules,' &c., p. 562 Proc. I. C. E.' lviii. p. 222 'Proc. I. C. E.' lxxxvi. p. 248 in. The actual tenacity of the iron of Mr. Millar's bars, determined from 66 tests, was 9.45 tons per sq. That of Messrs. Robinson and Segundo's bars was 11.06 tons per sq. in. It is obvious, therefore, that the coefficient of bending strength for such bars differs widely from the tenacity, as has indeed long been known. In Mr. Millar's experiments the ultimate deflection was in (1) 0·4 inch; in (2) 0.58 inch; in (3) 0·84 inch. Results which agree with the formula 3 8 = 8 W 1³/b d³. The values of the coefficent in some other experi- ments may now be given. According to Mr. Millar, tapping a bar with a hammer during test reduces considerably its strength. Mr. Millar found no difference of strength in planed 1 Single experiment. 2 These bars were planed or turned. 272 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION bars and rough bars with the skin on. Messrs. Segundo and Robinson found the rough bars to be somewhat stronger than the planed bars. Mr. Millar found that bars run with hot metal were a very little weaker and deflected a little more than bars run with dull metal. COEFFICIENT OF BENDING STRENGTH FOR CAST-IRON BARS. Coefficient, f, in tons per sq. in. Highest Lowest Mean "" Authority Fairbairn and Hodgkinson Woolwich. Millar Stephenson, 1847 Turner, 1886 · • Dimensions of bars, in inches No. of tests b d l X 1 × 1 × 54 2 × 2 × 20 1 × 2 × 36 1 × 1 × 36 270 21.0 12.9 564 30.0 6.9 1,344 50 25.6 16.5 28.31 16.3 18.9 22.6 19.6 For the ordinary test bar, 3 feet span, 2 inches deep, and 1 inch wide, the central breaking weight varies for different qualities of iron from 6 to 42 cwts. Common iron ought to carry 20 cwts., good iron 30 cwts., and Mr. Turner states that iron carrying 40 cwts. can be produced with tolerable regularity if necessary. The most common tests imposed in specifications vary from 25 to 32 cwts. It is usual to take the average breaking weight of the bars of each cast, as from flaws, cold shots, &c., individual bars vary a good deal. The breaking weight in cwts. of the ordinary test bar is 40/27ths of the coefficient of bending strength. 118. Resistance of Cast Iron to Shearing.—The resist- ance of cast iron to shearing is imperfectly known. Mr. Stoney found a resistance of 8 to 9 tons per sq. in. ¹ Maximum of special series of test bars. CAST IRON 273 The following results are from a paper by Messrs. Platt and Hayward,¹ the experiments having been made at University College. The cast iron had a tenacity of about 11.4 tons per sq. in. The specimens were about inch in diameter: 4 Cast iron, No. 1, turned No. 2, "" No. 2, skin on 99 Material "" • • No. of tests 13 12 7 Shearing strength, in tons per sq. in. T = 0 196 ƒ d³. f 5.29 5.08 3.92 It is extremely difficult in shearing experiments to ensure a uniform distribution of stress on the section, and it is possible these values are too low. 119. Resistance of Cast Iron to Torsion.-The ordi- nary expression for resistance to torsion is T =ƒZ; f Ꮓ where T is the twisting moment, Z the polar modulus of the section, and ƒ the shearing stress in the most strained layer. For a circular section of diameter d this becomes- When T is the twisting moment which breaks the bar, this expression becomes an empirical one, and ƒ then has values greater than the real shearing stress, just as in the case of bending. It is better to call the values of f which correspond to the breaking twisting moment coefficients of torsional strength. Experiments by Messrs. Platt and Hayward on the ¹ Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, vol. xc. p. 406. T 274 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION same cast iron as that used in their experiments on shear gave the following results. The bars were about ğ inch in diameter. Some Woolwich results on 276 specimens of cast iron 1.8 inch in diameter are also given, and some American results :- "" Cast iron, No. 1, turned skin on "" No. 2, turned skin on "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Material "" highest lowest mean highest lowest • • • • • Coefficient of torsional strength f Tons per sq. in. ¡ Tons per sq. in. 15.9 3,197 18.1 3,402 17.1 2,947 15.3 3,147 22.0 8.25 Coefficient of rigidity 13.5 23.5 12.5 Authority Platt and Hayward Woolwich American MALLEABLE CAST IRON. 120. Malleable cast iron is obtained by heating castings to red heat in contact with hematite iron ore, for a period varying from some hours to two or three days. The amount of carbon in the cast iron diminishes, and it becomes to a certain extent malleable and capable of being bent or hammered. The following tests were made by Professor P. C. Ricketts, at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Van Nostrand's Magazine, 1885). The cast iron had a tenacity ranging from 6.5 to 13.1 tons per sq. in., the mean tenacity being 101 tons per sq. in. The elastic limit given appears to be the yield point. The exten- sion was measured in series i. in a length of 5 inches ;; CAST IRON 275 } Form of bars in the other experiments in a length of 7½ inches, except in experiments 6 to 10, series iv., where it was measured in a length of 10 inches. TENSILE STRENGTH OF MALLEABLE CAST IRON. Square "" 1-8 11-14 Rectangular, 1–7 Circular 1-9 1-13 1-8 "" "" · Mean Approxi- elastic limit, in mate size POPPYH -10 × X 1x 34 00/30 diam. "" "" tons per sq. in. 0.45 1.01 1.33 1.02 •65 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Highest Lowest Mean 19.7 16.1 17.8 14.5 15.3 16.5 14.6 19.8 16.1 18.2 12.8 Elonga- Con- tion per traction cent. per cent. 5.6 6.9 2.0 4.7 2.4 6.6 17.4 3.5 10.0 15.2 1.7 4.3 13.4' 0.8 3.5 1 Skin turned off. 2 Mitt. a. d. K. Techn. Versuchsanstalt zu Eerlin, 1886, Short prisms and cylinders carried loads of from 48 to 71.5 tons per sq. in. before crushing. In bars broken by bending the coefficient of bending strength varied from 20 to 40 tons per sq. in. Martens 2 found the ultimate tensile strength of malleable cast iron to be 16.4 tons per sq. in.; contraction, 8.2 per cent. ; exten- sion in 8 inches, 2.5 per cent.; limit of elasticity, about 4.4 tons per sq. in. p. 131. T 2 276 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER X. IRON AND STEEL. 121. Constituents of Weld Iron.-Broadly speaking, wrought iron is softer, more ductile, more trustworthy, and more valuable the purer it is. All commercial iron, however, contains some carbon, which renders it harder and stronger, and some other constituents or impurities. Amongst these sulphur, while little affecting its quality when cold, makes it red-short and difficult to roll. Phosphorus has an effect similar to that of carbon, but phosphoric iron is cold-short and treacherous. Other constituents are present in quantities so small that their effect is not well marked. Constituents of Ingot Iron and Ingot Steel.-It is to the homogeneousness due to the mode of manufacture that these materials probably owe their great ductility as compared with wrought iron. Consequently they will bear, and as commercially manufactured do in fact contain, a greater proportion of those hardening con- stituents, which add to the strength at the price of some loss of ductility. The purest of them, the low basic steels, of a tenacity of 24 tons per sq. in., are the most ductile. In proportion, generally, as alloying materials D IRON AND STEEL 277 - increase, the strength increases and the ductility di- minishes. Carbon, manganese, phosphorus, and silicon are all hardening constituents, but, either in conse- quence of inducing differences of fusibility or differences of density, they are not equally safe constituents of steel. Phosphorus, sulphur, and silicon are dangerous constituents, while manganese and carbon are the most useful and least prejudicial. Carbon may exist in steel in proportions varying from 0·15 to 1.5 per cent., the hardness, strength and capability of tempering increas- ing as the proportion of carbon is greater. Manganese appears to be necessary in the manufacture of steel. In the fluid metal it reduces the iron oxide, and forms with silica a fluid slag. The manganese which remains acts like carbon in hardening the steel, but less energetically. Perhaps, also, it diminishes the ductility less. Usually steel contains 0.25 to 0.5 per cent. of manganese. Chromium and tungsten have also been used in pro- ducing hard and yet ductile steels. In obtaining steel castings silicon is added in such quantities that the cast metal contains 0·2 to 0·3 per cent. of silicon. To neutralise the prejudicial action of silicon on the stability of the iron-carbon compound, there should be also manganese to an amount exceeding the silicon by one-half.¹ It is beyond the purpose of the present work to give in detail analyses of wrought iron and steel, but the 1 Chernoff. Proc. Inst. of Mech. Eng., 1880, p. 174. 278 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION following short summary is a guide to the ordinary composition of these materials :- Man- ganese Wrought Iron 0.02-0.25 0-0·3 Steel: Tyres' Rails¹ Mild Plates 2 Med.-hard do. Carbon •24-'63 •21-52 •35-'60 ·80-1.0 •115 •504 1·008 •33 Per cent. Phos- phorus 0-0·015 0-0·15 99-99.5 Silicon Sulphur 0-0.2 Iron 98 74 | 98.44 ·16-3301-·09 ·04-05 04-10-07-14 03-07 ·055 ·028 *037 99.35 ⚫065 ⚫022 *075 98.40 122. Interpretation of Observations in a Tensile Test of Ductile Material.-For wrought iron and steel the. tensile test is the most trustworthy. It is desirable to examine fully what can be deduced from observations taken in a careful tensile test, without considering at present what indications of quality are attended to in ordinary commercial testing. The table on next page gives the observations taken in testing a piece of Low- moor plate. The direct observations are the loads and corresponding elongations. The final elongation is measured after the bar is broken, and at the same time the area of the fractured section. The maximum stress is 23.2 tons per sq. in., reckoned on the original area. Beyond this stress local contraction begins, and the load has to be reduced. All through the test the section is diminishing, and on the principle stated in § 23 the reduced section may ' Mr. R. Routledge of the North Eastern Railway Laboratory. 2 Mr. John Rogerson. Proc. Inst. of Mech. Eng., 1881, p. 564. IRON AND STEEL 279 • • PLATE OF LOWMOOR IRON, No. 142. (Broken with stress in the direction of rolling. Section, 1 sq. in. Elongations measured in 8 inches.) (1) (2) Stress, in tons per Elongation, in ins. sq. in. P 7302 17 18 19 21 22 23 23.2 22.7 λ ·025 •14 •20 •28 •38 •56 •90 1.34 [1.65] (3) Area of section (1)1 W₁ = w •997 •983 •976 •966 •955 ·935 ·899 •857 [777] 7 1+2 9 (4) Stress per sq. in. of re- duced section Pi 17.05 18.31 19.47 20.69 22.00 be calculated. If w is the section when the length is l, the section when the length is +2, then and wi w l = w₁ (1 + x), and 23.54 25.59 27.08 29.20 and the corresponding real stress at the section is P1 P₁ = p/w₁. Columns (3) and (4) give values thus calculated. It will be seen that the real stress increases faster than the nominal stress. The final measured extension 1.65 consists of an extension 1.34 due to the load of 23.2 tons, and dis- tributed over the 8-inch length, and a further exten- sion, while the load was diminished, in the local contrac- tion. By reversing the equation above, the rate of extension at the section of fracture may be calculated. It is easily seen to be (w-w₁) 1/w1. This gives for the rate of elongation at the section of fracture 2.29 inches in 8 inches, or 28 per cent., which may be called the - : 280 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION elongation at the contraction.¹ How far these deduc- tions are useful in practically determining the quality of the material remains to be determined. Obviously, however, they represent the actual facts of the test more closely than the usual mode of calculation. For com- parison a test of Lowmoor plate crossways of the grain is appended p 16.0 17 18 19 19.7 Stress, in tons per sq. in. P 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 λ 26.43 25.5 •015 ⚫06 •115 •20 [*32] The area of fracture corresponds to an elongation of 0.316 inch in 8 inches, which agrees closely with the measured elongation. This shows there was no local contraction. The following table gives similar calculations for a steel plate Elongation in 10 ins., in ins. λ MILD STEEL PLATE. Area, 1 sq. in. (Elongations measured in 10 inches.) *09 ⚫33 W1 •40 ⚫49 •998 •993 •986 •976 [*962] •56 •70 .87 1.20 2.15 [2.55] Pi Reduced section W1 16.03 17.13 18.26 19.47 20.48 ·991 •968 •962 •954 III •947 •935 •920 ⚫893 •823 [576] Stress per sq. in. of re- duced section P₁ 19.17 20.65 21.84 23.08 24.29 25.68 27.17 29.12 32.11 44.27 ¹ M. Considére proposes to call the elongation up to the maximum load the proportional elongation, and the elongation calculated from the contracted section the elongation due to striction. . IRON AND STEEL 281 30 The fractured area corresponds to an elongation of 7.3 inches in 10 inches, or 73 per cent. The yield point of this steel was 16·6 tons per sq. in. 123. Stress at which Local Contraction begins.—M. Considére¹ has indicated that local contraction must Tons per square inch ~ No 143 X ot +SET.N DEFTON FIG. 111. Lowmoor Iron Plates N:42 L XLVI ON JOSION 0.5 1 Extensions in 8 inches * 2 begin when the load on the bar is a maximum. The total load on the actual section is p₁ w₁, which is in- creasing so long as maximum load is not reached. Hence, the stress p, a given section will carry increases ¹ L'emploi du fer et de l'acier, p. 22. 282 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION faster than the section diminishes. Consequently if any section contracts more than the rest it thereby becomes capable of carrying a greater load. But when the maximum load is passed this condition, analogous to B5 B0 Load in Tons 25 20 15 10 SOV IN N°460 N° 456 FIG. 112. Landore Siemens Steel 45/ N 462 2 Extensions in 10 inches stable equilibrium, no longer exists. Then p₁ wi is diminishing, and p₁ does not increase so fast as w diminishes. If any section contracts more than the rest, it becomes less capable than they are of carrying # IRON AND STEEL 283 the load, and the deforming action gets concentrated at that part. 124. General form of Autographic Diagrams of Different Qualities of Weld and Ingot Iron and Steel. Fig. 111 shows a series of autographic diagrams from pieces of Lowmoor plate, 8 inches in length be- 40 35 Tons per square inch 30 25 @20 15 10 es No 557 BESON FIG. 113. Gun Steel ESSON 099.N N°561 1/½° P Scale of Extensions Extensions in 2″ W1/2 tween the clips, at which the extension was taken. Half these are plates broken in the direction of rolling (marked L), and half across the grain (marked X). The yield point is less abruptly marked than in the 284 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION case of steel. The smaller plasticity of the material Many of the plates break across the grain is evident. at the maximum load. 50 40 Tons per square inch 30 20 No 3G FIG. 114. Steel Rails 46 ON No 38 '5" 1″ 24/2 Extensions in 2¼½ 1.5 Fig. 112 shows diagrams from plates of Landore Siemens steel. The extensions are given for a 10-inch IRON AND STEEL 285 length. The yield point is very definite, and the plastic elongation beyond the yield point is very large. All draw out locally, so that the final load is less than the maximum load. Fig. 113 shows diagrams for some specimens of a harder steel used for guns, the elongations being taken in 2 inches. The yield point is distinct. Fig. 114 shows diagrams for some pieces of steel rails. The steel here is harder, and the yield point almost disappears. The drawing out, which seems characteristic of very homogeneous rolled materials, is well marked.' 1 2 125. Influence of amount of Carbon in Steel on its Strength. The results given in table on page 286 are from Styffe. The steel was made at Surahammar, and the carbon determined at the School of Mines in Fahlun. Styffe states also that for Bessemer and Uchatius steel the strength is increased and the extension diminished by an increase in the percentage of carbon, until it reaches 1.2 per cent., when the strength is 61 tons per sq. in. If the amount of carbon is increased 1 The drops of the stress-strain diagram line beyond the maximum load are easily understood if the extremely small amount of the elastic extension on which the stress depends is remembered. These specimens extended a great deal plastically just when the maximum load is reached, as is shown by the flatness of the curve at maximum load. It was im- possible then to keep the lever floating. The moment the lever came on its stops the pump was stopped, and the weight run back till the lever lifted again. A minute plastic extension goes on during running back, so that the lever does not lift till the lowest point of the drop is reached. In running out the weight again an elastic line is described till plastic extension again suddenly begins. 2 Iron and Steel, p. 46. 286 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION "" Puddled steel "" "" "> "" "" "" " "" Material "" Iron "" "" "" "" >> "" "" "" "" "" "" Mark NP. 1 B. 1 NP. 2 >> NH. 1 NH. 2 G. 2 P. 1 P. 2 B. 2 B. 3 G. 2 B. Iron I 1 Percentage of carbon J. Cockerill Terre Noire Creusot, Series A (ordinary steels) B (superior steels) to 1.5 per cent. the strength and extension are both diminished. The most complete experiments on the influence of carbon on the strength of steel were made by Bauschinger on twelve charges of steel made at the Ternitz Steel Works. For tension, plates 24 inches long, 2.8 inches wide, and 0.48 inch thick, were used. For compression, prisms 3.6 inches long, and 1.2 x 12 inch in section were used. The shearing test bars were 6 inches long, 2.8 inches wide, and 0.4 inch thick. The results are given in the next table. 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.5 0.2 Various purely empirical formulæ have been pro- posed to express the relation of the tenacity of steel to the amount of carbon and manganese it contains. Thus M. Marché has given the following equations for the tensile strength T of steel, in tons per sq. in., in terms of the percentage of carbon C:- Breaking strength, in tons per sq. in. T 49.9 40.5 37.6 37.3 37.4 35.0 32.8 Mittheilungen, IV. 1874. 36.7 38.8 31.7 35.0 21.5 19.05 +44·4 C. 20.32 + 47.6 C. 13·33 + 50·8 C. 15.90 + 50·8 C. IRON AND STEEL 287 Percentage of carbon •14 •19 •46 •51 •54 •55 •57 •66 .78 ·80 .87 .96 Mean coefficient of elasticity in tension within elastic limit, tons per sq. in. } 14,300 13,780 14,300 14,040 13,720 14,100 13,720 14,480- 14,980 13,660 13,900 13,820 Strength at limit of elas- ticity in ten- sion, tons per sq. in. 18.73 21.02 21.90 21.62 22.15 20.98 21.02 23.77 23.80 25.45 27.24 30.90 Breaking tensile strength, tons per sq. in. 28.1 30.4 33.8 35.6 35.3 35.9 35.6 40.0 41·1 45.9 46.7 52.7 of area per cent. Elongation in Contraction 16 inches per cent. 21.8 20.1 18.1 14.3 17.8 17.6 18.4 13.7 11.4 9.0 8.1 6.6 49.2 41.7 30.5 25.1 32.8 27.9 30.7 19.7 19.1 14.0 16.5 10.0 Coefficient of elas- ticity in compres- sion, in tons per sq. in. 17,080 16,580 14,660 14,540 16,130 15,040 14,280 15,940 14,480 14,480 14,100 14,600 Limit of elasticity in compression, in tons per sq. in. 17.65 19.20 21.85 20.64 21.85 22.22 21.85 23.95 23.95 28.20 25.00 31.75 Ultimate shearing re- sistance, in tons per sq. in. 21.7 23.6 22.8 25.5 25.0 25.4 23.1 27.2 26.3 30.6 31.7 37.0 ¦ 288 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Bauschinger's results on Ternitz steel agree well with the formula- T=27·62 (1+C²). M. Deshayes, of Terre Noire, gives the following equations for the tenacity T and elongation in 4 inches, per cent., in terms of the percentage of carbon, manga- nese, and phosphorus :- T = 19·5 + 11·4 C+ 30 C² + 11.4 Mn + 9.5Ph. Elongation=4236 C5.5 Mn 6 Si. - Col. Maitland gives for steel used for guns at Woolwich, after oil hardening- T = 140 C + 20 Mn-10. V p 126. Increase of Strength from Reworking.- By repeated piling and rolling wrought iron improves in quality; but, if experiments by Mr. Clay, of the Mersey Steel Works, are to be trusted as giving a general law, there is a point beyond which reworking injures the iron. He took some puddled bar and rolled it repeatedly, trying the elongation each time. The following are the results- Original State Second Working Third Sixth Ninth Twelfth "" "" "" "" (maximum) • Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 19.6 23.5 26.6 27.5 26.0 19.6 Influence of the Amount of Reduction in Rolling on the Strength of Iron Bars.-In the Report of the United States Testing Board, for 1881, data are given showing IRON AND STEEL 289 that the amount of work put on a bar considerably affects its tenacity and elastic limit. Tests of iron for chain cables showed differences of strength for different diameters, and this led to a special series of experiments, in which bars of the same iron were rolled so that the section of the finished bar had greatly different ratios to the area of the pile from which it was rolled. These bars were very uniformly heated, as it was found that underheating in rolling tended to give an increased tenacity and higher elastic limit, and overheating a reduced tenacity and lower elastic limit. Size of bar INFLUENCE ON THE TENACITY AND ELASTIC LIMIT OF THE AMOUNT OF REDUCTION IN THE ROLLS. IRON BARs. 4 oo on ∞ c~~N~HHHHHH 3/30 3 1/ 31/1 233 23 2/1 2 ت ستر سات ساتر 1/3 1 13 XPA¡-IfIC XSARXH 1 3 1 13/ HUKKIG IKAWIH Area of bar in per cent. of area of pile 15.7 13 8 12.0 10.4 8.8 7.4 6.1 5.5 4.4 7.7 6.7 5.8 4.9 4.1 3.4 4.0 3.1 4.9 3.6 2.5 2.2 3.7 1.6 Tensile strength, tons per sq. in. Rough bar 21.1 21.6 21.4 22.2 22.5 22.5 22.7 23.6 23.5 22.3 23.1 22.6 22.6 23.3 23.3 24.1 25.4 Core, or bar turned down Rough bar 20.6 20.8 21.0 21.0 21.3 20.7 21.1 22.0 21.6 22.0 21.8 21.9 23.1 21.8 22.2 22.5 22.8 22.5 22.4 22.9 23.5 24.1 26.6 Elastic limit (approximate), tons per sq. in. 11 13.25 13.9 16.0 15.9 16.1 15.8 15.6 17.4 17.6 15.8 17.4 15.1 15.1 15.4 17.1 17.2 Turned bar 10.45 10.5 11.1 11.0 11.8 11.7 13.3 14.3 14.2 16.5 17.4 15.2 16.3 18.1 16.8 17.2 14.8 16.0 15.4 17.4 17.9 U 290 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION # It is no doubt due to an analogous difference in the amount of work done on the material in hammering and rolling that large forgings are found to be weaker than small bars, and the interior of large forgings weaker than the exterior. Thus, for instance, a propeller shaft of the U.S. despatch-boat Dolphin broke on the trial trip, and test bars cut from the shaft gave the following results : From centre of shaft From surface of shaft Elastic limit, Tenacity, tons per sq. in. tons per sq. in. 15.2 14.3 24.1 35.7 Elongation per cent. 2 18 Some very interesting tests of wrought iron, cut in different directions from forgings of large size, are given by Mr. Mallet, in a paper on the 'Coefficients of Elas- ticity and Rupture in Massive Forgings.' Mr. Mallet was engaged in the construction of some 36-inch built- up mortars, and at the same time the Mersey Company were engaged in constructing the first large forged wrought-iron gun. The weakest wrought iron was some cut radially from the end of a heavy cylindrical forging, which had been exposed during forging to heating during about six weeks. Its elastic limit in tension was only 31 tons, and it broke at 6½ tons per sq. in. Mr. Mallet concluded that the iron of very heavy shafts, forged guns, or cranks may be expected 1 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. xviii., Session 1858-9. This paper is interesting from containing probably the earliest carefully plotted stress- strain diagrams for tension and pressure. IRON AND STEEL 291 Material to have an elastic limit of 7 tons per sq. in., and to break at a tension of 15 tons per sq. in. are a few of Mr. Mallet's results :-- The following Hammered slab (12″ × 4′) Rolled slab (12″ × 4″) Forged slab (48″ × 48″ × 12´´). Mersey gun: Original faggot bars Longitudinal cuts Circumferential cuts Transverse cut Borings from gun, reforged and rolled into a bar • Tension, in tons per sq. in. At elastic limit 15.3 10.9 8.75 12.0 9.8-10.9 6·6-5·5 3.28 5.47 At fracture 24.1 23.0 18.6 21.9 19.7 17·9 16.4-16.7 6.56 22.32 127. Effect of Quick and Slow Rates of Loading on the Strength of Test Bars.-Before deciding on the details of the tests of the steel for the East River Bridge, ex- periments were made to determine whether the strength of the specimens was affected by the rate of loading. Nine test bars of steel, 1 inch square and 24 inches long, were cut from the same rolled bar, and these were used without further preparation. Three test bars were broken in periods of 3 minutes, three in periods of 6 minutes, and three in periods of 20 minutes. No difference in ultimate strength was found which could be attributed to the quicker or slower rate of loading.¹ The influence of time on the elongation has been dis- cussed in § 36. M. Barba has stated that in rapid ¹ Mr. W. Denny appears to have made experiments leading to the same result. See Hackney, 'Forms of Test Pieces,' Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxvi. ༦ 2 292 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION testing the resistance is somewhat greater and the elongation less than in slow testing. But this conclu- sion is certainly doubtful. 128. Form and Size of Test Pieces.-The forms gene- rally adopted for test pieces have been described in § 77. Unfortunately no general agreement has been come to as to the size to be adopted. The ordinary Admiralty test pieces of plates are of the form d, Fig. 81, p. 189, and for all thicknesses of plates are of such a width that the section is about 1 sq. in. The extensions are measured in 8 inches. Other engineers adopt a length of 10 inches for measuring the extension, and a constant width of 2 inches for all thicknesses of plates. In the recent German conferences it has been recommended that the standard width for all plate specimens shall be 30 mm. (12 inch), and the extension measured in 200 mm. (7.87 inches). The French Admiralty com- monly adopt test pieces 30 mm. wide and 200 mm. between gauge points. Undoubtedly plate specimens 11 or 11 inch wide, with the extension measured in 2 4 S 8 inches, would be very convenient, and the results would be comparable with the greatest number of earlier English, German, and French results. For many cases very much shorter test pieces are unavoidably used. Thus in the case of tyres it is neces- sary, and in that of rails it is convenient, to adopt much shorter test pieces. Probably in such cases a diameter of inch and a length for extension of 2 inches is the most convenient size. IRON AND STEEL 293 The criterion of ductility for practical purposes is either the contraction of area at fracture or the exten- sion between the gauge points. One objection to the contraction of area is the difficulty of measuring it, especially in the more rigid materials; another is the probability that it is considerably affected by local conditions of hardness and homogeneousness at the point of fracture. The extension is less open to these objections, but then the percentage of extension varies with the form and proportions of the test piece. This variation is almost entirely due to the variation of length of the local contraction. If the extension is taken, either (1) up to the maximum load before local contraction begins, or (2) from the broken bar after discarding the contraction in the neighbourhood of the fracture, or (3) deduced from the contracted diameter in parts not near the fracture, the variation of the per- centage of extension with different forms and propor- tions of test bar disappears.¹ In the discussion on Mr. Hackney's paper the author suggested that the bar should be marked in 1-inch or -inch lengths before testing, and the exten- sion measured, omitting the inch or two in which the fracture occurred. In the appendix to the discussion Prof. Styffe made the same proposal. Professor Kennedy has made experiments on the effect of varying the form of the ends of plate test bars According to Barba, the extension up to maximum load is rigor- ously independent of the proportions of the test bar. 294 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION on the strength and elongation.' The most important forms tried are shown in Fig. 115. With soft basic steel, annealed, there was no difference of strength or extensibility distinctly traceable to the form of the ends of the test bar. Even form II broke fairly in the middle, and not at the shoulder. Some pieces of common wrought-iron plate, however, showed marked differences when tested in the forms II and VII. Hard or inferior material seems, therefore, to be affected by the form of the ends. I I VI FIG. 115. 129. Variation of Quality in Pieces cut from the same Plate. Some experiments seem to show a more or less considerable difference of quality in pieces cut from the same plate. No doubt in some of these cases the differences are due to errors in testing. If the testing machine is not itself inaccurate, still imperfect centring of the specimen in the machine, or imperfect gripping of the specimen in the shackles, may give rise to considerable apparent differences of strength. But in other cases there appear to be real differences in the quality of the material, and the limits of such differences are not at present determined. Mr. Baker 1 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxvi. VII IRON AND STEEL 295 RESULTS OF TESTS OF TWO STRIPS OF BASIC STEEL, UNANNEALED, AND FOUR STRIPS OF WROUGHT-IRON PLATE-ALL SIMILAR EXCEPT IN FORM OF ENDS (KENNEDY). (Plates about 3 inch thick and 1½ inch wide.) Basic steel, II "" Form "" VII Wrought iron, II II "; Means "" Means Wrought iron, VII VII "" Means Limit of elasticity, in tons per sq• in. 18.87 17.46 18.16 15.95 15.55 15.75 16.05 17.81 16.93 Breaking stress, in tons per sq. in. 28.18 29.12 28.65 21.40 23.60 22.5 Extension per cent. in a length (always including fracture) of 10 inches 8 inches | 6 inches 4 inches 2 inches 21.8 23.9 20.8 22.5 21.3 4.6 4.8 6.4 6.7 5.5 24.58 14.0 25.28 14.0 23.2 24.93 14.0 5.7 14.2 14.5 14.4 27.6 25.8 26.7 4.7 6.7 5.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 31.7 31.5 31.6 4.5 7.2 5.8 17.2 18.0 17.6 44.5 44.5 44.5 5.0 8.5 6.7 Contrac- tion of 22.0 area, per cent. 51.3 51.0 51.2 9.3 11.0 10.2 23.0 21.2 21.0 18.9 20.1 Square corners Hollow corners ! Square corners "" "" "" Hollow corners ); 296 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION has stated that entire bars, 16 feet long, 10 inches wide, and 1 inch thick, gave an average tenacity of 19 tons per sq. in.; while ordinary test pieces, cut from the same bars, broke at a stress 35 per cent., and even in some cases 75 per cent., higher. An iron plate was cut up in the workshops of the Compagnie des Chemins-de-fer de P. L. M. into 32 test pieces. The strength length- ways varied from 20:32 to 29.21 tons per sq. in., and crossways from 20-32 to 23.50. The stretch varied from 12.5 to 21.5 per cent. lengthways, and from 7.0 to 14.5 per cent. crossways. 2 HARDENING, TEMPERING, AND ANNEALING. 130. If steel containing carbon, manganese, or phos- phorus in sufficient quantity is heated to about 1,450° or higher, and then suddenly cooled by plunging into a bath of cold liquid, it becomes harder, stronger, and less plastic. The more of the hardening elements in the steel (up to a certain limit), and the lower the tempera- ture, and the greater the power of absorbing heat in the cooling liquid employed, the greater the hardness produced. Water hardens steel more actively than oil, and pure water has a greater effect than soapy water. In plunging the heated steel into a cooling liquid the exterior loses heat first, and contracts on the 1 Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, vol. lxxvi. p. 95. 2 Lebasteur. Les Métaux, p. 194. IRON AND STEEL 297 interior. There thus result tensions in the exterior, which may exceed the elastic limit and cause per- manent stretching or even fracture. Afterwards, the interior cools and contracts. But it is now attached to the stretched exterior, and in turn is put into tension. Thus there may arise in hardening a condition of great internal stress. The cracking and twisting which often occur in hardening are indications of this condition of stress. M. Caron has observed that the volume in- creases in hardening. M. Considére states that if a hardened bar is cut in two by a parting tool in the direction of its length the pieces become curved, with the concavity on the planed side.¹ By reheating hardened steel and allowing it to cool slowly, the hardening previously induced is diminished. This is termed tempering, or letting down the temper. If the steel is raised to 1,300° or higher, the whole of the induced hardening disappears, and the process is then termed annealing. In annealing the temperature must be high enough, but should not approach the fusing- point or other changes occur. The cooling must be slower the larger the mass to be annealed, and in the case of large masses requires days or even weeks. Alternate hardening and annealing alter the steel, somewhat in the same way as mechanical forging.2 The steel, originally coarsely crystalline, and with ¹ L'emploi de l'acier, p. 10. 2 Colonel Maitland, R. A., 'On the Treatment of Gun Steel.' Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, 1887. 298 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION small elongation, changes to a condition of finer grain and greater toughness. The hardening is most safely effected with oil. Sir F. Abel has studied the chemical changes which occur in hardening and annealing. He finds that in *Tons per sq. inch. 35 30 2.5 20 15 10 5 0 Hardened. ***** FIG 116. 619 613 Hardened and afterwards anneuled. Gul. Not treated. ULÉKAMAALAJ KR 1 Manganese Steel Bars. Extensions in 10 in. 2 CJ 3ins. annealed steel the carbon exists almost entirely in the form of carbide of iron of definite composition (Fe,C), uniformly distributed through the metallic iron. In hardening, the sudden lowering of temperature appears IRON AND STEEL 299 to have the effect of arresting the separation of the car- bon as a definite carbide. In tempered steel the condition is intermediate between that of hardened and annealed steel. There is less carbide than in annealed steel, but what there is is of the same composition.' The autographic diagrams (Fig. 116) show clearly the changes in the condition of the material due to hardening and annealing. They are diagrams from three similar bars of manganese steel, one of which was tested without preparation, the second hardened in water, and the third hardened and subsequently an- 'nealed. The yield point disappears in the hardened bar, the strength is increased, and the plastic clonga- tion diminished. Annealing restores the steel very nearly to its original condition, the annealed bar, how- ever, having a raised yield point and slightly increased elongation. Manganese steel Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Elongation in 10 inches, per cent. Stress at yield point Contraction of area, per cent. Original state 24.71 29.8 16.73 51.6 Hardened 32.69 20.1 55.3 Hardened and annealed 25.17 30.3 18.76 62.3 alien In the discussion on Mr. Strohmeyer's paper Mr. Milton gave the following results of tensile tests of plates, some of which were tested in their ordinary state, the others after heating to red heat and quenching in water at 80° 1 Proc. Inst. of Mech. Eng., 1885, p. 47. 300 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION "" Very mild steel. Harder mild steel steel "" Material Carbon, per cent. "" Original state Tenacity, Elongation in tons per in 10 inches, sq. in. per cent. Elastic limit 20 1919 0.150 11.57 23.11 32.5 0.490 14.61 | 30·48 24.8 0.709 19.56 43.31 10.0 0.875 20.83 44.39 8.4 1.050 25.08 54.61 5.2 25 29 35 35 24 23 22 1 22 The following results are given by Lebasteur on steel from Terre Noire, showing the increased effect of tempering as the carbon increases :-- 3 (The bars were 0.8 inch diameter and 7·9 inches between gauge points. Stress in tons per sq. in.) Original state Hardened in oil 20.83 29.72 28.6 28.32 44.77 12.0 43.69 68.00 4.0 57.47 67.31 1.0 Broke in tempering Hardened in oil Elastic limit Breaking stress After heating and quenching Elongation per cent. Tenacity, Elongation in tons per in 10 inches, sq. in. per cent. 0.521 16.70 32.90 24.5 26.48 48-58 12.0 0.060 19.81 38.80 41.28 62.87 21.4 17.4 1.305 26.16 48.58 2.008 30.29 56.20 10.5 38 43 50 43 2 Cracked in tem- pering A corresponding series of tests of steels containing different proportions of manganese was also made, the other constituents of the steel being kept constant. Original state 10 5 0 11 Hardened in water 19.56 28.83 30.48 49 53 Broke in tempering Elongation per cent. Elastic limit Breaking stress 19.0 2.5 Hardened in water Elongation per cent. 1 In 7 inches, and after annealing. 2 Quenched in soapy water. 3 Lebasteur. Les Métaux, p. 72. IRON AND STEEL 301 A similar series of tests was made with steel con- taining 0.247 to 0.398 per cent. of phosphorus. The action of phosphorus was similar to that of carbon or manganese, but less energetic. EXPERIMENTS ON THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF STEEL AT THE TERRE NOIRE WORKS.¹ (Diameter of bars, 0.55 inch.) Material Forged steel (containing about per cent. of manganese and a trace of silicon) The same, after hardening in oil 3 Cast steel, not forged (contain- about per cent. of man- ganese and per cent. of i silicon) 1 The same, after hardening in oil and annealing Percent- age of carbon •15 *49 709 .875 •15 •49 *709 19.69 .875 21·31 •287 *459 •750 •875 Stress, in tons per sq. in. Elastic limit •287 •459 13.70 16.32 20.43 27.79 42.86 56.38 13.08 16.51 19.00 24.42 19.69 20.87 750 22.30 28.66 .875 At Breaking Elonga- tion in 22.24 34.0 30.40 24.0 42.36 15.0 9.5 46.16 66.72 66.14 4 inches, per cent. 28.16 28.6 43.92 12.0 4.0 1.0 27.85 26.98 40.00 40.18 8.8 3.0 3.5 1.5 32.27 24.6 34.58 19.2 46.23 14.3 51.46 3.5 131. Injurious Effect when Steel is worked at a 'Blue' Heat or Colour Heat.-It has long been known, in a more or less vague way, that in cooling from a welding heat steel passed through a condition in which it be- came brittle and dangerous to work. First, it should be noted that there is a temperature at which the steel is brittle and little capable of being bent. In 1881 the ¹ Proc. Inst. of Mech. Engineers, 1880, p. 182. 302 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Board of Trade, in a Memorandum on Steel, published the result of experiments made at the works of the Steel Company of Scotland. Forty-eight plates were taken, and strips cut from each. Half the strips were bent cold to an angle of 180° round a bar of a diameter equal to twice their thickness. The whole of the strips stood the test. Corresponding strips were heated in boiling tallow and bent at that temperature. Every one of the strips cracked before the bending reached 180°. Second, a plate heated and allowed to cool is no worse for the operation; but this very curious action appears to occur. If, while in cooling the steel is at blue heat or colour heat, mechanical work by hammering or bending is done on the then brittle plate, it will be found when cold to be seriously injured in quality. Prominent attention was first directed to the in- jurious effect of working steel at a blue heat in a paper by Mr. Strohmeyer.¹ The most interesting results were obtained by the bending test. The test strips were bent alternately in opposite directions till they broke, and the number of bendings was taken to be an index of the ductility of the material. The test strip was clamped between a steam-hammer and its anvil, and the projecting end was bent down by hammering (over a mould with rounded angle) through an angle of 45°. The test strip was then turned over and bent in the opposite direction. Mr. Strohmeyer takes 'blue heat' * Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, 1886. IRON AND STEEL 303 as a convenient expression for any tenperature between 470° and 600°. Broadly, it was found that while a test strip bent cold would stand twenty to twenty-six bend- ings before cracking, if it was once bent while at blue heat and allowed to cool, it broke afterwards with very few bendings. The following table gives a summary of the results : Conditions to which the strip had been brought • Unprepared or annealed Bendings while at blue heat Bent at blue heat once and cooled Bent at blue heat twice and cooled Bent once cold twice "" four times cold eight "" 19 " 25 "" Average No. of bendings before cracking Medium- hard steel, inch Mild steel, inch Very mild Lowmoor steel, iron, 3 inch inch 16 21 21 CO 3 113 20 193 124 1/1 2/ - ∞ 1913 -2-2 26 2 11 6851 33 19 coro 13 20 00 3 12 10 13 11 2 The first two lines show that both steel and wrought iron suffer much fewer bendings at blue heat than cold. That is in accordance with the Board of Trade results quoted above. Next, if a strip is bent once at blue heat and allowed to cool, it is afterwards a quite different material, much more brittle, and capable of suffering very little bending. The last series of results show that simple cold bending reduces the ductility much more slowly, though iron reaches its limit of endurance sooner than steel. 304 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ( All these results,' says Mr. Strohmeyer, 'point unmistakably to the great danger which is incurred if iron or steel is worked at a blue heat. The differ- ence between good iron and mild steel seems to be that iron breaks more easily than steel while being bent, when either hot or cold; that iron suffers more injury than steel by cold working; but, if it has withstood successfully bending when hot, there is little proba- bility of its flying to pieces when cold, as is almost sure to be the case with mild steel.' Mr. Strohmeyer thinks that there is no foundation in fact for the opinion that local heating of a plate sets up strains which may cause fracture. But some qualities of steel are considerably injured if made red hot or blue hot and cooled by holding them with one edge in water. The following table gives these results :- Material Unprepared or annealed Made red hot and quenched in boiling water Made red hot and quenched in cold water Red hot. Edge quenched in water Blue hot. Edge quenched in water No. of bendings before cracking Very mild steel Medium- hard steel 21 24 1 3 3 Co Mild steel 12/1/ 10 10 8 63/1 26 19 25 19 Low- moor iron 20 20 27 18/1/ The following experiments were suggested to the author by Mr. Strohmeyer's paper. A plate of mild 27-ton steel was broken in the testing machine in the IRON AND STEEL 305 ordinary way. The longer picce after this test was heated to a temperature a little below redness, and while at that temperature it was bent to a shallow curve and straightened again. It was then tested in the ordi- nary way. The results were these :— Tenacity Contraction • First test 27.0 51.0 per cent. Second test, after bending while hot 32.0 21.0 per cent. These results seem to show that the increased at the expense of the ductility. pieces of the same mild steel were heated to red heat, placed on a V block, and quietly bent to an angle of about 15° at each end out of straight. The bending pressure was put on just as the redness disap- peared. The test pieces were then straightened in the same way. Lastly, they were tested by tension. Fig. 117 shows the result obtained. In the place which was the middle of the curvature in bending there is scarcely any measurable contraction of area, or extension. On each side of the middle of the bar, where there was hardly any bending, the material is still ductile and draws down. The tenacity is Some test FIG. 117. Bent once Thickness 1-655439 464-1578- Bent twice 1-729-573 -570-1731 1·518 +472 *1·3062·160 - ·476−1·613 •356 • 1·306 ▾ figure shows the widths and thicknesses of the bars. The elongations in each inch length were as follows:- X 306 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ELONGATIONS IN EACH INCH. Bar bent and straightened twice. 0.120 0.154 Bar bent once and straightened. 0.048 0.152 0.138 0·080 0.020 0.010 0.156 0.064 T: 1: Heated part. 0.000 Heated part. 0.138 0.287 0.622 Break. 0.002 0.082. 0.174 0.610 Break. 0.232 0.160 0.100 In the part heated and worked (by bending) the steel is not weaker but it is stiffer. The bar has been rendered unhomogeneous, and consists of portions of quite different extensibility. It is easy to see that by locally treating a plate in this way it may be rendered extremely treacherous, even without assuming that the heating and bending has created a condition of internal stress. The results in the following table, obtained by Mr. Webb, at Crewe, carry the same lesson of the gain of strength with the loss of ductility. For convenience of comparison the results for plates bent or hammered at blue heat, and not annealed after, are separated from the others. All were tested cold, except those marked as tested hot. 132. Hammer Hardening and Cold Rolling.-It is well known that ductile materials can be rendered more elastic and harder by hammering, planishing, or wire- drawing cold, and this action is identical with that which occurs in mechanical operations in many ways, sometimes with useful, sometimes with prejudicial, IRON AND STEEL 307 Ordinary plate, annealed Hammered while blue hot and annealed Bent while blue hot and annealed . Bent red hot and cooled Annealed plates bent cold and annealed Test No. "" 36 37 Condition of material Bent three times blue hot Hammered while blue hot Bent once blue hot Tested while blue hot 38 40 "" Hot end "" 46.37 45.03 46.73 Cola' end 49.84 No. of tests 2 inches, per cent. 3 22.0 26.0 22.0 17.6 CO CO CO CO DO W results. Whenever a ductile material is subjected to deformation by pressure at temperatures below those at which the metal is plastic, the strength and elastic limit are raised, but the elongation at fracture is dimi- nished. The elasticity is increased, but the plasticity is diminished. The author has noticed that, in very long rail bars, the colder end which passes last through the rolls has a higher yielding point and strength, but less elongation at fracture, than the hotter end. The following are some results from pieces cut from steel rails rolled 150 feet long 2 1232 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Tenacity, in Extension in Contraction tons per sq. in. 30.96 30.26 30.74 31.65 32.42 30.60 49.17 54.63 46.85 33.17 of area, per cent. Elonga- tion in 10 ins. p.c. 38.04 4.3 10.05 35.24 31.95 7.5 38.80 11.4 23.6 23.8 22.1 22.5 12.5 23.63 Work done per cub. in. in inch tons up to max. stress 5.15 6.72 5.45 7.07 The work done was measured from an autographic diagram. X 2 308 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Many years ago an American process of cold roll- ing was introduced. Round bars passed through rolls cold were straightened, polished, and rendered stronger and stiffer. The following experiments by Sir W. Fairbairn on a bar of good Dudley iron show how the mechanical properties of the material were affected by the process : Material Rough rolled bar, 1 inch diameter, in or- dinary state The same, turned down to 1 inch diameter in lathe Bar, cold, rolled to 1 inch in diameter Material The strength increased one-third, and the plastic elongation diminished more than one-half. The following results are given by M. Consi- dére :—1 Very mild steel in ordinary 16-07 state The same, compressed by hydraulic press at 32 tons per sq. in. Ship steel in natural state The same, reduced by cold rolling from 10 to 9:45 mm. thick Iron plate, natural state The same, reduced by cold rolling from 8 to 7.1 mm. thick Tensile strength Elongation in tons per sq. in. 10 ins. per cent. 26.0 26.7 38.4 Elastic limit, in Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. tons per sq. in. 22.67 18.80 26.92 14.48 26.42 26.99 28.32 33.34 34.61 23.75 29.78 20.3 22.4 8.0 ¹ L'emploi du fer et de l'acier, p. 148. Elongation, per cent. 26.5 17.0 18.0 11.5 15.0 7.0 - IRON AND STEEL 309 The gain of ultimate strength is here not large, but the rise of the elastic limit (probably the yield point) is very marked. The diminution of plasticity, shown by the ultimate elongation, is also marked. Wiredrawing is a process similar to cold rolling, and in wiredrawing the increase of strength is very con- siderable. The effect produced by hammer hardening or cold rolling is entirely removed by annealing; and doubtless it is to the removal of some effect of this kind, due to rolling at too low a temperature, that the diminution of strength by annealing, which sometimes occurs, is due. Mr. W. Parker's Experiments.-Mr. W. Parker has recently shown that any mechanical deformation, such as bending, has a similar effect to cold rolling or ham- mering. In the autographic diagram the yield point disappears, and the true elastic limit is lowered. The following table shows very simply the analogy in the effect of hardening by sudden cooling and hardening by mechanical pressure in the case of very ductile material. Similar bars of Siemens-Martin steel plate, 3 inch thick and 2 inches wide, were taken. No. 1 was tested in its ordinary state. No. 2 was bent cold to a radius of 8 inches, and straightened. No. 3 was treated similarly at blue heat. No. 4 was heated, and quenched in cold water. No. 5 was treated like No. 2, and then annealed. It gave a diagram almost exactly like No. 1. 4 310 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION No. Tenacity, in of tons per Test sq. in. 1 2 27.2 27.75 31.2 32.7 27.1 Yield point, tons per sq. in. 14.9 No yield point "" "" 15.3 Elongation Contraction in 10 ins., per cent. 27.8 25.7 20-7 17.6 29.2 of area, per cent. 53.6 52.6 50.5 32.0 53.5 Ordinary state Bent cold Bent hot Quenched Annealed 133. Local Hardening.-If a plate is sheared or punched a very considerable lateral pressure is exerted on the metal near the cut edge. The action diminishes rapidly from the cut edge towards the interior of the mass, like the stress in a thick cylinder subjected to in- ternal pressure. For about inch from the cut edge the metal is hardened, and its power of extension greatly diminished. M. Barba cut from a punched plate the ring of metal surrounding a punched hole, and found it to be extremely brittle and incapable of bending. M. Considére has shown that a permanent condition of compressive stress is induced in the ring immediately round the hole. That the diminution of strength of a punched plate is due to the hardening of the metal round the hole is now established. M. Barba showed that rimering out a ring inch thick round the punched hole, or anneal- ing the plate, entirely removed the prejudicial effect of punching. The punching is more injurious the thicker the plate, and this is obviously due to the increase of lateral pressure in punching thick plates. It is less in- jurious if the die-block hole is larger than the punch, for that diminishes the lateral pressure. Sheared strips of IRON AND STEEL 311 ductile material are known to be brittle when bent. Mr. Baker has mentioned a case of a steel plate which had been sheared which cracked in several places while being straightened cold. Some experiments of M. Barba showed that the diminution of strength in a bar in which a hole had been punched (reckoned on the net section) was greater the wider the bar. Thus, some steel test bars 0.28 inch thick were punched with a hole 068 inch in diameter. The normal tenacity of the steel was 327 tons per sq. in. The punched bars of different widths gave the following results: "" Width of bars, in inches Tenacity-cylindrical holes 27.1 conical holes 1.28 2.0 2.72 3.44 4.16 4.88 25.9 25.3 22.7 24.3 23.1 31.7 28.3 26.3 22.4 22.9 23.7 • Further experiments have been made by M. Con- sidére on a plate of Siemens-Martin steel, containing 0.34 per cent. of manganese and 0.22 per cent. of car- bon, and a plate of Bessemer steel, containing 0.38 per cent. of manganese and 0.33 per cent. of carbon. The normal tenacity of these plates was 32.7 and 38:1 tons per sq. in. M. Considére first verified M. Barba's result, and determined that the increase of strength in the narrow plates was not due to the lateral expansion of the narrow bar under the action of the punch. He then tried bars with a punched semi-hole on each side, leaving 312 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION a strip of metal between them. The following were the results : Material Martin steel Bessemer steel • • Normal tenacity 32.7 38.1 Tenacity of bar when distance between the holes was, in inches, +2 •24 42.6 41.5 •32 •56 1.2 2.0 40.6 33.3 28.6 27.2 46.8 39.6 33.6 30.6 Here a new result appears. When the distance between the holes is less than inch, the punched bar is stronger than the unpunched bar. For wider bars the reverse is the case. Part of the excess of strength in the narrow bars is no doubt due to the suppression of drawing-out, explained in § 33. By tests on plates with drilled holes, M. Considére found that 5 tons increase of strength in the 0.2 inch bar was due to this cause. There remains another 5 tons increase, due directly to the punching. In this very narrow bar the whole of the metal between the holes was hardened by the action of punching, and the increase of strength is that due to cold working. As the bar is made wider it comes to consist of hard metal near the holes, and softer metal, unaffected by punching, between. The hetero- geneousness of the material involves unequal distribu- tion of stress. The bar tears at the rigid material, and the tear doubly weakens the bar, partly by loss of section, partly by the unsymmetry which results. Suppose Fig. 118 represents at Of the normal stress-strain diagram of the material, and at Oe the stress-strain diagram for the material hardened by IRON AND STEEL 313 punching. If the bar stretches an amount O a, the stress near the hole will be a d, and that of the un- injured material a c. The bar must tear at the edge of the hole when the strain reaches the value O b. FIG. 118. The application of these considerations is far wider and more important than the question of the deteriora- tion of plates by punching. It has been seen that in many ways the plasticity of the material may be altered, so that the yield point disappears and the extensibility is greatly diminished-by rolling at too low a temperature, by sudden cooling, by bending, hammer- ing, cold rolling, or by shearing or punching. So long as such an action is general, the only effect is that a more rigid material is made out of a ductile one. But if, as must often happen, the action is local, then the effect on the strength, like that of the thin ring of hard metal round a punched hole, is far more serious. To know the danger, however, is sufficient. Either local harden- ing can be avoided, or, if unavoidably produced, it can be destroyed by annealing. 134. Influence of Temperature on the Strength and Ductility of Iron and Steel.-The results of experiments on the influence of temperature on the strength and ductility of iron and steel are somewhat discordant. A d ང་ e 1 0 a b 314 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION paper by Sir W. Fairbairn in 1856¹ gave experiments on wrought-iron plate and rivet iron for a considerable range of temperature. With plate iron there was no well-marked effect of temperature till dull red was approached, and then the tenacity rapidly diminished. With rivet iron the strength was slightly greater at - 30° Fahr. than at 60°. With rise of temperature the strength increased from 28 tons per sq. in. at 60° to 38.4 tons at 435°. At red heat the strength fell to 16 tons. Knut Styffe made similar experiments in a more perfect way. He found the strength and extensi- bility of iron and steel were not diminished by cold. At temperatures between 212° and 392° the strength of steel is the same as at ordinary temperature, but the strength of iron is greater than at ordinary temperature. The results in the following table show no loss of strength at very low temperatures. At about 300° there is an increase of strength, greatest for the iron with least carbon. In steel there is no great difference in strength or extensibility in the range of temperature in these experiments. Mr. Webster 2 made experiments on the tenacity of iron, steel, and malleable cast iron at temperatures of 5° and 60°. He found almost exactly the same strength, and nearly the same elongation, at these temperatures. M. Papkoff made experiments on soft steel and iron 3 1 Report of the Brit. Assoc. 1857, p. 405. 2 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lx. p. 161. 3 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxiii. p. 513. IRON AND STEEL 315 Description of material INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE STRENGTH OF IRON AND STEEL. (STYFFE'S EXPERIMENTS.) (Temperatures in Fahr. degrees. Bars of 01 to 0.13 sq. in. area.) Bessemer steel "" "" "" ,, "" Uchatius "" ,, "" "" "" iron "" "" Cast steel (Krupp) "" "" "" steel "" "" ,, "" Lowmoor iron Puddled steel" (Surahammar) "" "" "" "" "" • "" • • "" "" • "" • Percentage of carbon 1·14 0.68 0.33 0.33 0.42 1.78 0.69 0.62 0.62 0.8 0.7 0.55 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. At -40° 40° | to - 13° 56.27 34.37¹ 63.28 41.81 42.63 54.98 42.73 27.35 28.61 At 50° to 60° 62.92 51.37 55.20 29.59 34.59 33.29 59.33 51.12 42.76 41.81 52.81 45.76 40.06 32.80 25.21 29.10 26.37 At about 300° 61.17 58.49 34.67 34.11 61.97 51.86 41.63 31.35 28.64 29.19 29.62 plates at temperatures of 63° and -2° Fahr. There was an increase of strength and of elongation at the lower temperature. Mr. C. Huston 2 made experiments on iron and steel at ordinary temperatures, and at 572° Fahr. and at 932° Fahr. They show generally a gain of strength and decrease of elongation with increase of temperature. A small hole in the test bar was filled with an amalgam of known melting-point, and this was kept in a semi- fluid condition by a blowpipe. According to Barba, steel has at 400° Fahr. an increase of strength of 30 per cent., and a decrease of elongation of 30 per cent. The 1 At 5° Fahr. 2 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. liii. p. 304. Journal of Franklyn Inst. 1878, p. 90. 316 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION maximum strength is reached at 572°, and for higher temperatures decreases rapidly. Amongst the most careful of the experiments on the effect of temperature are those by Kollmann, at Ober- hausen. Three materials were used, the quality of which may be judged from the following summary of the properties when tested at ordinary temperature :— Fibrous iron Fine-grained iron Bessemer steel Material 0° • 100 300 500 700 1,000 1,500 2,000 Temperature. Fibrous Fahr. wrought iron 100 100 97 92.5 81.5 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 26 10 These experiments show a regular decrease of strength with increase of temperature in all cases. The following table, calculated by Roelker,¹ gives the strength at different temperatures in terms of the strength at ordinary temperatures. For comparison the results of some experiments made by the Franklin Institute are added: 3.5 23.5 25.4 37.8 Fine-grained iron 100 100 100 98.5 90 36 Stress at elastic limit, in tons per sq. in. 15.5 5 17.1 17.4 24.5 Bessemer steel 100 100 100 Elongation, per cent. 98.5 68 31 12 5 17.5 20.0 14.5 Wrought iron, Franklin Institute 96 102 106 104 92.5 36 Mr. Barnaby made some experiments on iron and steel for the Admiralty, and these experiments are ¹ Proc Inst. Civil Engineers, vol. lxvii. p. 437. IRON AND STEEL 317 important, both as being recent and made on test bars of reasonably large size. The bars were partly heated in oil, partly in sand; generally, however, they were taken out of the hot bath and broken as quickly as possible. The temperature was judged from the colour of the fractured surface, or in some cases by observing whether tin or lead melted when placed in contact with the bars. EXPERIMENTS ON THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE STRENGTH AND ELONGATION OF IRON AND STEEL. By Mr. BARNABY. (Elongations in 8 inches.) BB Boiler iron lengthways The same across fibre Bowling iron Tempe- Tenacity, rature. Fahr. 60° 450 490 60 500 530 60 450 490 490 500 550 850 to 900 tons per sq. in. 60 420 23.93 27.08 27.4 60 21.1 24.4 23.2 27.6 19.3 21.75 24.6 22.6 24.8 30.3 Elonga- tion, per cent. 22.39 13.28 27.15 10.93 26.3 10.15 23.95 8.38 12.5 9.3 6.24 3.12 15.62 12.5 9.37 17.18 18.75 23.43 21.87 Bessemer plate Siemens-Martin plate Bessemer plate Tempe- Tenacity, rature. tons per Fahr. sq. in. 60° 26.07 40.5 38.7 24.02 450 520 880 60 29.10 430 33.45 490 610 630 34.5 28.0 30.83 Elonga- tion, per cent. 60 430 550 580 18.56 27.34 14.06 17.18 26.56 25.78 14.06 18.75 18.7 18.74 28.49 38.4 33.08 17.18 25.0 21.87 18.75 COLLECTED TABLES OF TESTS OF IRON AND STEEL. 135. In giving tables of the results of tests of iron and steel, the object has been to select some of the most 318 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION trustworthy results, on very various qualities of material, and to give them fully enough to permit some judgment to be formed of the range of quality in materials nomi- nally the same. A very large and valuable collection of tests of iron and steel will be found in a treatise referred to below.¹ An abstract of these tables, giving merely mean values of very variable materials, would be of little use. Knut Styffe's Researches.-The following summary is useful, as showing the general relation of the quantities observed in ordinary testing in various qualities of iron and steel. Knut Styffe's investigation is a very con- scientious piece of scientific work. His measuring in- struments were excellent, and the test bars were long, so that the proportionate error is probably small. On the other hand, he had perhaps the worst testing machine ever used for so important an investigation. Probably this in no way affected the accuracy of his results, as care was taken to prevent any error, but it increased very much the trouble of the inquiry. Then, and this is a more serious defect, his bars were small in section, varying from 0·2 to 0·3 sq. in. in sectional area. In the following table Styffe's numbers for bars of the same kind have been averaged. Where two values are given for the amount of carbon, the earlier is the estimate of the manufacturer, the second the result of a special analysis. J - ¹ Die Eigenschaften von Eisen und Stahl. Supplementband, Organ für die Fortschritte des Eisenbahnwesens. Wiesbaden, 1880. IRON AND STEEL 319 Description of material "" "" "" Tilted Bessemer steel. 1.2-1.35 34.6 1·0-1·14 36.6 0·9-1·05 30.2 0·6-0·68 30.8 0·3-0·33 21.6 1.85 26.6 2.16 28.7 0.99 29.4 1.29 30.7 '40-'42 15.3 0.32 15.9 37.2 32.3 28.5 23.6 16.9 14.5 14.1 15.6 13.8 12.5 18.3 26.74 12.2 22.67 12.2 20.92 TABLE I. TENSILE STRENGTH OF STEEL AND IRON (STYFFE). Limit of elasticity, in tons per Breaking Contrac- stress, in tons per tion of area, per cent. 8q. in sq. in. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Rolled Bessemer steel "" 99 "" "" "" "" ۱۱ iron "" "" Swedish iron "" Rolled Uchatius steel. "" 33 "" "" "" Tilted Krupp steel Lowmoor iron Cleveland iron Dudley iron Lowmoor engine tyre Rail from Wales. Motala puddled iron Rolled charcoal iron "" • Percent- age of carbon 1.57 1.19 0.69 0.62 0.21 0.07 0.09 47.39 56.50 0.2 0·07-0·18 0.07 0.07 45.97 46.40 31.33 42.29 41.20 47.99 61.57 31.07 29.17 53.10 63.01 49.59 37.49 24.73 26.81 22.30 23.86 21.43 21.62 15 41 56 36 62 244 24 53 59 12 33 53 53 42 20 34 11 47 16 65 70 Elonga- tion, per cent. in 5 feet 2.4 2.9 CONN 3.4 4.2 7.3 1.4 3.4 3.8 4.8 16.0 17.2 2.2 4.5 11.1 6.0 19.6 17.3 8.5 12.1 6.6 14.1 7.2 18.4 21.1 136. Report of the Steel Committee, 1868-70.-The Committee made a series of experiments of a very in- teresting kind. They were experiments on bars of iron and steel of 10 feet length between the measuring points, a very exceptional length for test bars. The experiments were made in a chain testing machine at Woolwich Dockyard. The specimens were placed in a trough 11 feet in length, with cross diaphragms at 12 inches apart, having a level planed V groove to support the specimen. A V cap was fitted above and pressed down tightly by screws. Sliding verniers were placed on both sides of the bar, reading to Too foot. It 1 10 • 320 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION is probable that, from the great length in which the elongations and compressions were measured, and from the use of two symmetrical verniers, eliminating to a great extent the effect of initial bending, the measure- ments in these experiments were very trustworthy. One important result of this mode of experimenting was the observation, in a clearer way than previously, of the remarkable behaviour of ductile bars at the yielding point or breaking-down point. The Committee arrived at the following important conclusion from these experiments:- 'It would appear from these experiments that within the yielding point of steel the amount of length - ening from tension, or shortening from compression, produced by equal forces per unit of area, is nearly the same, and also that the amount is rather less with steel than with wrought iron.' The experiments show also that the stress at which the material yields or breaks down is nearly the same for tension and compression. There are two other points very worthy of notice. The first is the great uniformity of mechanical pro- perties within the elastic limit for all the bars, however diverse their mode of manufacture. The other is the much greater uniformity of the results of different tests of the same material than in the more ordinary tests of very short bars. The compression and extension per ton per inch given in the tables are the mean values before yielding began. IRON AND STEEL 321 Mark Y SC с SC NB NB NB 46 но KA A A K K K 31 кв H H H K SLW SLW "" Crucible cast steel "" "" >" "" Cast steel "" >" "" "} "" "" Crucible steel >> >> "" TABLE II. TENSION AND COMPRESSION OF STEEL BARS (STEEL COMMITTEE). (1½ inch diameter. Measurements of extension and compression made on a length of 10 feet.) Make "" "" "" "" "" 99 "" "" Bessemer steel "" "" 19 >> "" Cast steel Crucible cast steel Bessemer steel 33 "" >> "" "" "" ?? "" "" >> "" "" Intended use tyres piston rods gun barrels "} piston rods rolled tyres and axles ," "" Mean exten- sion per ton per inch *000075 ·000075 *000075 •000076 •000075 *000076 •000076 •000076 •000077 •000079 *000078 •000077 ⚫000077 •000075 ⚫000077 •000076 •000077 •000076 •000077 •000075 ·000075 ⚫000074 *000077 *000078 *000076 ·000078 *000079 Tension Yielding Ultimate stress, in tons stress, in tons per sq. in. per sq. in. 26.50 26.50 25.00 26.00 24.50 26.00 26.00 27.00 20.50 17.00 17.00 16.50 25.00 20.00 19.50 19.50 19.50 26.75 20.50 19.50 19.50 21.00 18.00 17.00 17·50 16.00 16.00 53.74 53.33 51.21 52.30 46.00 54.74 43.48 41.85 40.54 38.14 39.61 37.79 37.05 35.47 35.61 35.26 3534 33.65 34.44 34·09 34.16 34·33 34.30 33.07 33.27 34.05 33.66 Contrac- tion of area, per cent. 5.7 20.0 5.2 0.0 4·1 4.3 Ultimate elongation per cent. in 120 inches 5.29 41.2 7·29 4.74 1.12 4.13 7.95 13.54 9.63 1.5 48.7 44.2 11.13. 1.3 0.89 2.9 2.02 45.6 11.90 19-2 11.48 13.61. Compression Mean com- pression per ton per inch *000073 ·000073 ·000073 ·000074 •000076 ·000075 ·000071 ·000071 ·000076 ·000077 ·000076 ·000076 ·000071 ·000071 ·000073 ·000071 ·000073 ·000073 -000074 *000076 ·000076 •000076 ·000076 •000074 ·000076 ·000076 •000077 ¦ Yielding stress, in tous per sq. in. 26.50 26.00 26.50 26.50 27.00 25.00 25.50 26.00 18.00 16.50 16.00 16.00 24.00 19.50 17.00 18.50 18.50 27.00 24.00 22.00 20.50 21.00 17.00 15.00 16.00 15.50 16.00 322 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION · Mark LS LS LS L L L K C кс K C FRS. C. FR FR Lowmoor "" "" "" "" >> Yorkshire "" "" "" Make "" TABLE III. TENSION AND COMPRESSION OF IRON BARS (STEEL COMMITTEE). (1½ inch in diameter. Extensions and compressions measured on a 10-foot length of bar.) Tension Use ││││ | │ 1 1 Mean exten- sion per ton per inch •000076 •000076 •000077 ⚫000078 •000078 *000078 *000078 •000078 ⚫000080 ⚫000083 •000081 •000078 Yielding Ultimate stress, in tons stress, in tons per sq. in. per sq. in. 14.00 14.00 14.00 11.00 12.50 12.00 13.00 13.00 13.50 11.50 11.50 12.50 27.80 29.53 29.33 24.60 25.72 24.07 23.62 24.16 23.29 22.48 22.48 22.92 Contrac- tion of area per cent. 5.9 >48.8 51.4 47.7 Elonga- tion in 120 inches, per cent. 7·01 12.65 17.87 17.50 Compression Mean com- Yielding pression per stress, in tons ton per inch per sq. in. •000074 •000075 •000075 •000077 ⚫000077 *000079 *000076 *000076 *000077 •000079 •000080 ⚫000082 13.50 13.50 13.00 12.50 10.50 11.50 13.00 13.00 11.50 11.50 12.00 IRON AND STEEL 323 1 137. Board of Trade Experiments on Iron and Steel.' -The plates were furnished by the Steel Company of Scotland, as material suitable for ships and boilers. The following table gives the mean results of tensile tests of plates of different thicknesses. The elastic limit recorded is properly the yielding stress. The plates were tested lengthways and across the direction of rolling, but in mild steel no sensible difference is found in the strength, and only a small difference in elonga- tion and contraction. The large contraction of area of the steel plates indicates great ductility, and in this re- spect steel compares favourably with iron. With regard to the iron plates, the boiler plates are more uniform than the ship plates, and contract and extend more be- fore fracture. ¹ Memorandum issued by the Board of Trade upon the Use of Mild Steel, 1881. Y 2 324 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION TABLE IV. TENSILE STRENGTH OF IRON AND MILD-STEEL PLATES ('BOARD OF TRADE REPORT,' 1881). Thickness of plates, in inches I HAWA|WNHNHALA 1 1 Means Means A/WIHAT Means HaHamNETA 1 Means Means Direction of stress = + = + = + = + + = 11 11 = + = + = + += Stress at yield point, in tons per sq. in. Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. STEEL PLATES 19.0 19.1 15.8 15.7 15.8 15.6 14.9 14.8 31.0 31.4 28.9 28.6 29.5 29.1 28.0 28.0 16.3 16.3 IRON SHIP PLATES 24.00 22.62 19.42 29.3 29.2 22.01 IRON BOILER PLATES 21.20 19.03 21.40 18.67 20.86 17.74 21.15 18.48 Elongation in 10 inches, Contraction, per cent. per cent. 23.5 21.2 29.8 28.9 29.2 26.6 30.6 25.6 28.2 25.5 7·0 6.7 3.6 5.7 9.0 2.7 10.1 3.8 9.8 3.1 9.6 3.2 46.0 39.9 53.2 40.9 46.8 38.3 50.4 42.4 49.1 40.3 6.8 4.7 4.8 5.4 12.91 4.28 13.30 5.08 13.00 3.87 13.07 4.41 Tests of Iron Plates by Dr. Böhme.'-Table V. con- tains a very complete series of tests of material, chiefly for boilers, made on similar test pieces. They are chosen partly because the measurements were made with great care. 1 Mitth. aus den K. Techn. Versuchs-Anstalten zu Berlin. 1884. IRON AND STEEL 325 123+ 1 Boiler plate 4 5 7∞∞OLLRCULEBR2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 16 © bv=b¥~b {So{&6 16 TABLE V. TESTS OF IRON BOILER PLATES (BÖHME). (The test bars were 24 inches wide, and to inch thick.) 16 "" 40 41 42 43 44 "" "" "" " | "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 20 21 7 Ship plate 76 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 29 Harkort 30 31 Wohlert 32 33 "" 34 Boiler plate 35 36 37 38 39 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" · • • ► · • . Thickness, in inches •563 *559 •520 •508 •516 Stress, in tons per sq. in., ·516 •543 *539 •520 •386 *406 *398 •461 •461 ⚫445 *449 •455 •465 •465 •425 •465 •315 •315 *472 •472 •472 *394 •295 •532 •521 •516 *557 ·569 •500 413 ·394 •413 •398 •433 ·421 ·413 ·449 *480 •476 at yield point Tests in direction of rolling 14.10 24.03 15.62 26.42 14.08 16.15 17.14 17.00 13.64 14.21 13.70 14.27 13.70 13.83 14.52 13.90 14.08 16.68 15.72 16.00 at maxi- mum load 15.66 17.82 15.82 Elongation, per Contrac- cent., tion of area, per cent. in 8 in 4 inches inches 20.8 20.8 21.60 15.7 25.35 19.0 27.54 21.5 25.11 17.3 23.54 29.3 33.6 23.97 29.6 33.9 23.35 24.3 26.9 21.95 22.83 25.7 29.4 22.65 22.5 25.6 24.10 21.4 23.6 22.84 15.4 22.57 17.7 19.2 26.04 21.0 24.05 24.2 23.38 15.2 24.18 25.1 27.35 23.3 23.75 24.2 21.45 5.6 6.4 24.93 11.4 12.6 21.75 7.2 7.5 21.75 5.7 6.4 9.6 8.8 11.95 13.20 15.22 15.60 15.40 23.60 15.66 24.23 15.40 22.95 22.90 18.14 17.70 22.83 21.3 13.76 26.95 21.3 16.18 25.25 18.7 16.36 26.40 18.7 16.06 24.74 14.50 23.00 11.0 5.7 6.2 6.9 7.3 13.7 17·44 25.80 19.3 22.6 15.75 25.35 16.1 17.8 14.78 24.35 25.5 15.60 25.05 17.70 25.57 14.46 25.57 18.20 16.50 28.4 22.3 24.7 29.7 31.4 23.8 35.4 33.2 28.0 29.5 21.0 22.2 25.7 26.7 15.0 33.1 17.0 6.4 6.6 I 4.0 5.3 19.3 25.0 27.9 27.8 23.4 24.2 22.9 40.2 45.1 33.4 29.0 14.9 19.6 17.7 27.6 25.1 30.2 25.3 28.2 25.70 24.3 28.6 24.55 27.0 33.4 16.18 24.48 25.4 28.2 24.9 32.9 29.1 34.0 30.6 326 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 47 48 49 50 51 45 Boiler plate 46 19-199 16 7 16 16 1 Boiler plate (Nos. 7-9 above) Plate Axle Plate. '' 2 3 4 Boiler plate (Nos. 10-11 above) J "" 5 6 7 Boiler plate (Nos. 13-15 above) 8 9 "" "" "" • "" "" "" "" • "" "" "" "" Means "" Iron plate "" Description ور "" "" TESTS OF IRON BOILER PLATES-continued. Stress, in tons per sq. in., "" Billet from axle Plate. • } · Thickness, in inches •464 •472 *457 ·464 *469 •469 *469 Section of ingot at yield point •524 •524 *527 ⚫394 ⚫394 ⚫394 *464 ⚫464 *409 •315 •315 •472 ·394 12" x 12" 15" x 15" 12" x 12" 15" x 15" 15" x 15" 19" x 19" 19″ × 19″ 19" x 19" 27″ × 12″ 19″ × 19″ Tested across the direction of rolling 13.00 20.36 10.2 13.06 8.8 21.75 12.8 15.9 19.46 12.94 13.45 20.16 8.4 9.4 14.08 19.84 7.8 8.2 14.46 21.82 13.76 21.05 7.2 8.4 13.35 20.18 7.4 7.6 15.02 21.25 15.2 17.0 14.33 21.95 7.4 7.6 15.34 23.27 15.34 20.42 14.70 22.82 at maxi- mum load TABLE VI. TENSILE STRENGTH OF BASIC STEEL (GILLOT, PROC. INST. C. E.,' LXXVII. p. 304). 17.56 25.40 24.2 29.1 30.9 14.46 24.23 23.5 15.15 25.05 22.7 27.6 15.40 25.45 23.9 29.8 16.00 25.55 23.9 28.8 14.84 25.50 23.4 28.2 15.53 25.25 22.1 26.5 Section of test piece, in inches Elongation, per cent., X 2.015 × 46 1" diam. 2.03 × 37 1·99 × 755 2.035 × 59 1·52 × ·68 1" diam. 1·765 × 69 1·52 × 705 | 2·0 × 565 in 8 in 4 inches inches Tena- city, in tons per sq. in. in 10 inches Contrac- tion of area, per cent. எம். in 8 inches 29.2 31.5 27.6 30.8 31.7 30.8 27.8 6.8 7.7 10.2 4.4 5.0 7.5 7.1 25.0 27.5 31.3 34.1 35.0 37.5 30.0 31.3 16.8 15.1 9.6 10.2 14.9 Elongation, per cent., Con- in 2 traction inches per cent. 53.1 53.1 1.7 6.1 55.8 25.89 22.29 62.9 62.7 24.96 23.00 63.5 24.16 56.5 27.5 30.5 28.1 34.2 23.92 59.4 58.3 25.98 24.4 26.6 40.6 50.0 26.68 23.8 25.0 43.8 46.6 26.68 26.3 28.5 53.1 49.8 24.07 28.8 31.3 50.0 48.9 24.76 28.0 30.6 53.1 55.5 62.5 62.5 IRON AND STEEL 327 TABLE VII. KENNEDY'S TESTS OF LANDORE SIEMENS STEEL. inch plates, suitable for furnaces (along fibre) 3 inch similar plates (along fibre) (across fibre) Description of plates "" Rivet steel 3 16 "" "" "" Description of plates • "" inch plate, hard steel, unannealed . annealed inch plate, mild steel, unannealed . annealed inch plate, mild steel, unannealed . annealed "" "" "" Limit of elas- ticity, in tons per sq. in. TABLE VIII. TESTS OF STEEL PLATES, ANNEALED AND UNANNEALED. Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Elongation in 8 inches, per cent. "" "" "" inch steel boiler plate, unannealed . annealed • 17.6 14.92 14.84 20.65 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 29.33 27.27 26.93 29.12 32.97 28.52 26.60 24.05 28.55 26.95 28.25 25.75 Elongation in 10 inches, per cent. 23.2 27.2 22.3 21.4 16.65 24.12 24.32 29.87 25.05 26.90 21.25 1 28.75 1 1 The results on inch and inch plates are given by Mr. W. Denny; that on the thick plate by Mr. Traill. 138. The Testing of Rails.-The testing of rails is of very great importance, from the extent of the manufac- ture, and the serious consequences which may follow the use of unsuitable material. The ordinary tensile test. so trustworthy for ordinary materials of construction, is comparatively useless, sometimes even misleading, as a guide to the quality of rails. For rails two require- ments have to be attended to, which are to a great extent antagonistic. The rail must be strong and tough, for it has to carry great weights, and suffers 1 Elongation in 10 inches. 328 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION severe shocks. But it also must be hard enough to resist abrasion or lamination on the surface. The earlier tests adopted aimed chiefly at securing tough- ness, and led to the introduction of rails too soft to stand the wear of traffic. Tests of Rails.-The following table contains tests of 30 steel rails, after use on the Furness Railway for eight years ('Proc. I. C. E.' vol. xlii. p. 74), and of 36 mean values of tests taken weekly during the years 1869-70 (Proc. I. C. E.' vol. xxx.) :— TABLE IX. TENSILE STRENGTH OF STEEL FOR RAILS. Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Furness rails (Smith) Means given by Berkley Maximum Minimum Mean Maximum Minimum Mean 50.4 30.1 35.4 45.5 33.8 40.5 Elongation in 2 inches, per cent. 37.5 3.0 29.5 No convenient direct test of hardness suitable for rails has as yet been found. Indirectly, the bending test gives indications of the hardness of the rail. A rail which will carry a heavy load with a high elastic limit in bending is likely to be a hard rail. But if the rail is too hard it is brittle. To control the bending test a falling-weight test has been used. A monkey, or ball, weighing 300, 600, or 1,000 lbs., and falling 6, 12, or more feet on the rail, bends it more or less; the number of blows the rail will stand before twisting or breaking, or the deflection with one blow, is taken as an index of its toughness. IRON AND STEEL 329 Without attempting any complete account of rail testing, the following suggestions, taken from Mr. Sandberg's paper,¹ may paper,¹ may be made. Mr. Sandberg advises (1) that the bending test should be severe, but that no maximum of deflection should be stipulated for -the rail should be required to carry a certain load without sensible permanent deflection; (2) the falling- weight tests should be regulated according to the weight of the rail. The table below, prepared by Mr. Sandberg, gives the tests he proposes, and the ordinary deflections observed. TABLE X. PROPOSED TESTS FOR RAILS. (Distance of bearings, 3 feet for all tests. Deflection and set measured on a 6-foot length of rail. In the bending test, the load A applied at the centre should produce no permanent set. Deflection means temporary deflection.) Weight of rail, lbs. per yard 33 35 40 45 50 56 JASTU 60 A Load, in tons 0000249 6 8 5 0.125 10 12 14 16 18 70 20 75 22 80 23 85 24 90 26 95 28 100 30 Usual deflec- tion, in inches "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ;) "" "" Bending tests "" >> B Load, in tons 11 13 18 22 25 26 32 35 41 43 45 48 50 51 ར 52 Usual deflec- Usual tion, in set, in inches inches 00000100100 tolocks Alcotch no!— 00f29, COCHINTA -- 4 -2 3 13 ") "" "" "" 3 ور "" "" ت منظر موت 400-100-1000/000 2400TCH HA- 1 CO/ES CO/ES NO{-00300/0 } "" 99 "" "" "" "" >" دت سه ستا سرام Weight Height of ball, of fall, cwts. feet 10 "" "" 20 : "" "" "" >" "1 "1 "" 3 Impact tests "" 6789679ERDE 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Usual deflec- Con- stant, tion, in с inches 2.0 ور 3 3 "" "" 2.5 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.8 5.0 ¹ Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxiv., p. 387. 2-4 "" "" "" "" "" "" ") "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 330 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The constant C is weight of ball multiplied by height of fall, and divided by weight of rail per yard. Tetmajer¹ has made a considerable number of tests of rails, with a view of determining the connection between the bending test and the hardness of the rails. The pieces were 4.6 feet long, and were supported on bearings 3.28 feet apart. The supporting knife-edges and that of load-shackle were rounded to a diameter of 1 inch. The quantities determined were the elastic limit in bending (or limit at which there was no mea- surable set), the deflection with 35 tons load, the ulti- mate, or breaking, load; diagrams were constructed from which the work of deformation was calculated. The rails varied from 67 to 75 lbs. per yard. The moment of inertia of the sections varied from 21.5 to to 25·1 (inch units). The table below gives the re- sults on some of the rails from the Swiss Central Line, weighing 74 lbs. per yard, and 511 inches high. Moment of inertia, 24.8. TABLE XI. EXPERIMENTS ON RAILS (TETMAJER). Elastic limit in bending, tons Breaking load, tons Deflection at limit, inches Deflection at 35 tons, inches Deflection at breaking, ins. Work of deformation up to limit, inch tons Work of deformation up to 35 tons, inch tons. • 67 52 51 60 54 56 23-0 27.5 26.0 28.5 33.5 35.5 41.0 39.8 39.7 47.7 45.0 51.2 0.165 0.208 0.177 0·201 0·209 0.244 0.216 1.300 1.24 0.84 0.59 0.224 5.63 5.16 4.64 4.72 4.37 5.12 1.92 2.88 2.32 2.84 3.48 4.32 61.68 37.32 38.76 23.96 16.52 3.96 ¹ Stahl und Eisen, 1886, p. 408. Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxvii., p. 480. IRON AND STEEL 331 The variation of the deflection is much greater than the variation of the tenacity in tensile tests, and is therefore likely to be of service in determining hard- ness. EXPERIMENTS ON SHEARING AND TORSION. IV JIL 139. Let Fig. 119 represent a portion of iron or steel plate, the large arrow indicating the direction of rolling. FIG. 119. امرات VI T π V - Then there are six directions in which the plate can be sheared, differently placed with reference to the struc- ture developed by rolling. In the course of an inquiry into the causes of a boiler explosion at Hapburg, Bauschinger experimented on the shearing resistance of wrought iron in all these directions. The test bar was a rectangular block, fixed in the machine between two cutting edges, and sheared in single shear. The shear- ing was sometimes sudden, with a loud crack, sometimes more gradual. In directions I and II the sheared sur- faces were laminated, or scaly; for the directions III 332 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and IV, fibrous; in the directions V and VI, irregu- The following are the mean values ob- larly torn. tained : TABLE XII. SHEARING RESISTANCE OF IRON AND STEEL (BAUSCHINGER). Shearing resistance, in tons per sq. in., in the directions Description of plates Iron: Plates from exploded} boiler at Puddled plate (Leon Magis & Co.) Puddled plate (Leon Magis & Co.) an- nealed Charcoal plate German Lowmoor plate . Rolled iron bar Rolled iron bar, annealed Plates from exploded boiler at Wurtzburg, from uninjured plate Plates from exploded boiler at Wurtzburg, from injured plate New locomotive plate Cast steel: Bessemer plate "" "" I II III IV 18.36 17.84 19.68 19.68 17.78 17.30 20.16 20:00 18.64 17.60 22:05 21.95 22.15 17.16 22.55 19.00 21 20 19 68 23-23 20-25 15.42 15.06 17.62 17.68 V 16.50 16.64 18.91 19.80 8.46 8.44 17.18 16.25 20 20 19 10 10:30 10:33 VI 14.40 14.38 17.26 16.28 5.20 16.00 16.38 19.10 19.90 10.01 1 8.89 9.20 9.20 8.06 10.05 9.17 11.70 10.15 10 60 13-27 6.95 7.23 4.76 9.58 24.12 23.42 26.45 27 35 22.90 21.45 26.30 26.40 29.20 29-20 25 05 25.70 The resistance of steel in different directions is much more uniform than that of iron. The following are mean values of torsional tests, made by Messrs. Platt and Hayward at the engineering laboratory of University College. For comparison, values of the tenacity and shearing strength from direct experiments on tension and shearing of the same mate- rials are also given : 1 Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, vol. xc. p. 382. IRON AND STEEL 333 Material TABLE XIII. TORSIONAL STRENGTH OF IRON AND STEEL (PLATT AND HAYWARD). Limit of elasticity, in tons per sq. in. Calculated shear- ing stress at fracture, in tons per sq. in. Final twist in revolutions in 9- inch length Coefficient of rigidity, in tons per sq. in. Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Ultimate shearing stress, from shear- ing tests, in tons per sq. in. 18.76 8.99 25.2 8.90 20.28 44.64 3.84 19.36 42.30 4.36 5,714 21.60 5,750 52.20 6,098 52.16 35.21 33.30 Wrought iron, Crown best Bessemer steel Crucible steel. Landore rivet steel, 0.18 carbon, 0·6 manganese Crown rivet iron Steel cut from cast- 10.40 ing Siemens-Martin steel 10.16 10.20 29.85 7.85 5,834 28.40 23.00 10.36 28.87 6.90 6,116 25.01 21.21 34.7 4.15 5,822 38.04 27.60 28.13 9.92 5,981 25.75 20.94 10.22 29.5 7.45 6,213 24.56 20.75 Wrought iron, S. C. } The apparently high shearing stress in the torsion experiments is no doubt due to the false assumptions involved in the formula for torsional resistance when applied to stresses at rupture. STEEL CASTINGS. 140. Steel castings are now largely used, sometimes in place of cast iron, and sometimes instead of forgings. Roughly, they are usually assumed to have nearly double the strength of cast iron. Tests, however, show wide divergence in the quality of different specimens, both as to strength and ductility. The steel melts at about 3,500° Fahr., a temperature much higher than that of cast iron. Consequently, the contraction of the cast- ings is nearly double that of cast iron. To obviate danger 334 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION from this contraction annealing is necessary, and in some cases the casting is removed from the mould as soon as set, and placed in an annealing furnace, kept at a temperature of 1,700° Fahr., for not less than 24 hours. Hardening in oil and annealing afterwards improves the strength, and still more the ductility, of the casting, the effect being similar to that of forging. Unannealed castings may have a strength of 24 tons, with 1 to 5 per cent. of elongation. Annealed, a strength of 27 to 30 tons, with 3 to 8 per cent. of elongation. Hardened and again annealed, a strength of 27 tons, with 20 per cent. of elongation, or 36 tons, with 12 per cent. elongation.¹ The amount of carbon varies from 0.25 to 1 per cent.; a small amount of phosphorus makes the casting sounder. The manganese varies from 0.3 to 0.7 per cent. Silicon, added just before casting, in quantity depending on the amount of carbon, prevents ebullition of gas during solidification.2 The following table, from Mr. Hill's paper, shows the effect of annealing TABLE XIV. INFLUENCE OF ANNEALING ON STEEL CASTINGS. Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. Extension in 5 in., per cent. Contraction of area, per cent. Not annealed Annealed Not annealed Not annealed Annealed Annealed 33.79 32.10 24.01 32.80 36.60 32.30 28.40 30.08 12.00 4.16 1.00 22.00 14.60 15.00 13.00 21.90 ¹ Considére. L'emploi du Fer. 2 Hill. 8.16 2.90 2.80 Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, vol. xc., p. 359. 38.70 28.11 38.70 15.90 23.05 1 IRON AND STEEL 335 The following results were given by Mr. W. Parker as to four specimens of a steel casting made at Terre Noire :--1 First specimen, unprepared Second specimen, annealed Third specimen, annealed and tempered in oil No. of test Fourth specimen, annealed and twice tempered in oil 1234 LO 6 17 Condition of material 10 11 Valuable experiments on the strength of steel cast- ings have been made by Mr. H. Foster, of Newburn Steel Works :—2 231 TABLE XV. PROPERTIES OF STEEL CASTINGS AS DEPENDENT ON COMPOSITION (FOSTER). 14 • • 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.96 0.96 0.96 Composition, per cent. Carbon Silicon Manga- nese 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.63 Tenacity in tons Elongation in 5 per sq. in. inches per cent. 0.61 0.61 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.64 0.64 0.64 32.07 33.70 38.60 41.10 31.0 30.4 Tenacity, in Elongation, Contraction tons per per cent. in of area, per sq. in. 1.75 inch cent. 33.4 33.0 36.0 44.0 45.2 42.2 39.8 39.0 33.6 31.0 38.0 35.6 16 17 17 15 1 Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute. Castings.' 2 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. xc., p. 365. 24.0 24.0 24.0 22.2 21.5 12.0 5.0 9.0 1.0 1.9 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 43.8 43.8 41.0 41.0 37.1 16.8 6.3 12.3 1.4 3.3 1.8 2.2 0.8 1.8 'On the Use of Steel 336 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Some very complete experiments on steel castings, obtained from the manufacturers in America, were made by Mr. A. V. Abbott.¹ The tests were made on the test bars as taken from the sand without re- moving the skin. The dimensions of the test bars were as follows For tension, 1 inch diameter, 10 inches between gauge points. For For pressure, 2 inches square and 24 feet long. For bending, 2 inches square, 2 feet long; loaded at the centre. The average tensile elastic limit was 13.1 tons per sq. in., and the elongation in 10 inches 9 per cent. The mean coefficient of elasticity was 10,900 tons per sq. in. No. of sample 1223 7 9 9A 9A 10 Elastic limit in tension, tons per sq. in. 12.9 11.4 11.4 10.3 9.5 13.9 16.0 15.8 17.0 17.0 7.8 TABLE XVI. STEEL CASTINGS. Breaking stress in tension, tons per sq. in. 19.5 16.5 18.9 19.7 17.1 20.6 25.3 23.3 28.2 28.0 15.4 1 Elongation, per cent., in 10 ins. 6.0 0.4 0.8 6.0 10.0 2.0 10.0 9.0 29.9 20.5 8.0 Elastic limit in compression, tons per sq. in. 15.6 14.0 limit transverse stress, lbs. Elastic for 9.1 6,000 2,500 2,600 10.9 3,000 11.9 3,950 13.2 4,000 breaking load, Transverse in lbs. 8,000 .72 3,870 •45 3,950 *52 4,181 .88 5,720 •15 6,259 •60 •20 16.1 4,000 5,480 12.0 4,000 6,810 •21 in 4,010 Deflection, inches •35 Some experiments by the author on steel castings, turned to ordinary test bars about 1 inch in diameter, gave less favourable results, as shown in table XVII. ¹ Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxiii., p. 512. IRON AND STEEL 337 below. of these bars. 24 per square inch #:164 Tons 15 Test No. Fig. 120 gives autographic diagrams for some 162 163 164 165 166 167 Diameter, in inches SOLLA •997 •997 •620 •615 •619 •621 " FIG. 120. Cast Steel Extensions in 8 inches TABLE XVII. TESTS OF STEEL CASTINGS. Tenacity, tons per sq. in. 16.26 13.05 15.07 19.86 997 AL 20.53 14.52 Extension, per cent., in 10 ins. in 8 ins. 0.61 0.30 0.68 LarÒN 0.37 0.75 0.25 1.4 Contraction of area, per cent. 0.76 0.38 0.60 Coefficient of elasticity, tons per sq. in. 10,930 14,050 9,138 9,972 10,220 8,384 There were flaws in the fractured sections of 163, 164, and 166. 2 Mitis Castings.-These are castings of wrought iron to which about 0.05 to 0.1 per cent. of aluminium has Ꮓ 338 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION been added. The aluminium lowers the fusing point of the iron 300° or 400°. The furnace used is a petro- leum furnace, and the iron is melted in crucibles of plumbago or of fireclay. The tenacity is said to be 20 per cent. greater than that of wrought iron, and the ductility about equal to that of wrought iron. D 339 CHAPTER XI. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, AND MISCELLANEOUS TESTS OF METALS. 1 141. Copper. This is a deep red metal of great duc- tility, and, relatively to most metals except iron, of great tenacity. Its density is 86 to 8.9 when cast, 88 to 8.9 when rollel. It weighs on the average 546 to 552 lbs. per cubic foot. Its fusing point is about 2000°. Its tenacity when cast is about 8 to 12 tons per sq. in. Hammering or rolling increases its strength at the ex- pense of its ductility, but the ductility is restored by a process of annealing. Phosphorus is added to facilitate casting, and the strength is greater the larger the per- centage of phosphorus used. The phosphorus reduces the oxides formed in melting the alloy. - The table on next page gives some of the most trustworthy results on the strength of copper. The coefficient of elasticity of cast copper is given as 4,460 to 6,700 (Thurston); that of hard drawn wire as 7,650, and of annealed wire 6,680 to 7,650 tons per sq. in. (Wertheim). The coefficient of bending strength is 8.9 to 17.8 • z 2 340 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Cast copper Forged copper "" "" "" "" Description of material Ingot copper Cast copper Rolled copper¹ Tons her są inch • 20 15 Rolled copper,inch thick Hard copper wire Annealed "" ❤ 0.015 phosphorus ⚫02 ⚫03 ·04 • "" "" № 631 N 632 "" №:633 • · • • J" · • · FIG. 121. Copper Plates Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 8.5 to 11.2 15.2 17.0 20.1 21.4 22.3 11.6 to 13.3 6.5 to 9.2 12.9 to 14.3 13.3 to 14.2 26.0 20.0 tons per sq. in. for cast copper, and reaches 26.7 for rolled copper (Thurston). Authority Fig. 121 gives autographic diagrams for copper. The highest diagram is a normal diagram for rolled Anderson " Extension in 41/2 "" "" "" "" Thurston "" Bauschinger Unwin Wertheim "" copper. The other diagrams are for the same copper, heated, and allowed to cool. 1 Contraction of area, 30 to 45 per cent. 2 Extension in 8 inches, 20 to 43 per cent.; mean, 37 per cent. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 341 I Tin is chiefly valuable in engineering for alloying with copper to form bronze. Its density is 7.3 to 7·4 (weight, about 456 lbs. per c. ft.). Thurston gives its tenacity as ranging from 0.89 to 2.68 tons per sq. in., and its coefficient of elasticity as ranging up to 3,125 tons per sq. in. 142. Zinc, known also as spelter, is used for alloy- ing with copper to form brass. It is malleable within narrow limits of temperature, and can be rolled into sheets for roofing. It fuses at 750° to 930°. Clean iron immersed in melted zinc gets a protective coating, the process being termed galvanising. The zinc being electro-positive protects the iron from oxidation, and its own oxide is insoluble in water. If, however, sulphuric acid is present, a sulphate is formed, and the zinc coating perishes. The tenacity of cast bars is 2.0 to 2.9 tons per sq. in. (Thurston). The author found a tenacity of 1∙1 to 1.5 tons per sq. in. Cast zinc breaks without sensible elongation or contraction. Trautwine gives for sheet zinc a tenacity of 7-14 tons per sq. in., and for wire 9.8 tons per sq. in. Wertheim gives the coefficient of elasticity as 5,360. Lead is a very valuable metal for certain purposes from its great ductility. Its density is 114 (711 lbs. per c. ft.). It fuses at 620° Fahr. In testing it con- tracts in section very much. Its tenacity is about 1.1 ton per sq. in., reckoned on the original area of the bar. 143. Alloys.-The most complete and extensive 342 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 investigation of the properties of alloys is that made by Professor Thurston, for the United States Testing Board.' Only a very brief account of the most useful alloys can be given here. As to the general properties of an alloy Professor Thurston says, 'The physical properties of an alloy are often quite different from those of its con- stituent metals. In most cases, however, the hardness, tenacity, and fusibility will be greater than the mean of the same properties in the constituents, and sometimes greater than in either; while the ductility is usually less, and the density sometimes greater, sometimes less. The colour is not always dependent upon the colours of the constituent metals, as is shown by the brilliant white of speculum metal, which contains 67 per cent. of copper.' BRONZES. 144. Bronzes are alloys of copper and tin. With a moderate amount of tin the alloy is tough and strong. With more than 20 per cent. of tin it becomes weak and brittle. Up to 17 per cent. of tin the elastic limit, according to Thurston, lies between 0.5 and 0.6 of the breaking strength. With 25 per cent. it rises up to the breaking weight. With more than 40 per cent. it falls again till it reaches about 0-3 of the breaking strength in pure tin. Gun-metal for bearings may contain 88 to 95 per cent. of copper. Gun-metal for guns contains usually Report of the United States Testing Board, vol. i., 1878. Also Mate- rials of Engineering. Thurston. Part III. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 343 90 per cent. Bell-metal contains 72 to 82 per cent., and speculum metal 67 to 75 per cent. The following table gives values of the tenacity with different proportions of tin: Composition Copper 92.0 91.7 91.0 90.0 84.3 82.8 81.1 79.0 76.3 73.0 Tin 8.0 8.3 9-0 10.0 15.7 17.2 18.9 21.0 Copper 96.27 92.8 92.5 90.0 87.5 86.57 82.5 80.0 23.7 27.0 Composition 1 Tin Description 3.73 7.2 7.5 10.0 12.5 13.43 17.5 20.0 Gun-metal "} ?" "", Bell-metal Density "" "" ,, "" "" Tenacity, tons per sq. in. tons per sq. in. 12.95 13.84 14.73 16.96 16.1 15.2 8.65 8.69 8.68 8.67 8.65 8.68 8.79 30.32 8.74 25.32 17.7 13.6 9.7 4.9 Authority 14.83 6,132 19.52 6,368 17.26 6,063 22.05 6,255 26.96 5,568 Anderson The following table gives a reduction of those of Thurston's results which relate to the more useful bronzes: 6,762 5,938 tons per sq. in. 14.29 12.74 12.46 "" 11.99 13.88 :> Mallet Coefficient Coefficient of bending of elasti- of elasti-Tenacity, Elongation strength, ticity, tons per sq. in. 13.14 16.16 14.72 "" "" ;" 11 "" in 5 inches per cent. 14.29 5.53 7.43 3.66 3.56 3.33 0.71 0.40 The bars for bending were 1 inch square and 22 inches between supports. The test bars for tension were about 2 inch in diameter. 1 From original mixing, not analysis. 344 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION BRASSES. 145. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, sometimes with a little lead added. Ordinary brass contains from 66 per cent. copper and 34 per cent. zinc, to 70 per cent. copper and 30 per cent. zinc. Muntz metal, which can be rolled hot, contains 60 per cent. copper and 40 per cent. zinc, or sometimes 66 per cent. copper, 33 per cent. zinc, and 1 per cent. lead. Mallet obtained the following values for the tenacity of brass: Copper 90.7 87.7 85.4 83.0 50.0 Zinc 9.3 12.3 14.6 17.0 50.0 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 12.05 13.37 14.28 13.83 8.93 The author obtained for ordinary brass used for machinery a tenacity of 10:43 to 11:62 tons per sq. in., an extension of 13 to 22 per cent. in 8 inches, and a contraction of area of 16 to 27 per cent. The coefficient of elasticity is about 5,080 for rolled brass. The table on next page gives a selection of Thur- ston's results for brasses. The test bars were similar to those for the bronzes already described. The great change in the character of the alloy when the zinc exceeds 45 per cent. is best marked in the tension results. The coefficient of bending strength is calculated from the load which deflected the bar 31 inches, or which broke it within that limit. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 345 ench 4Q. squgre Copper Tons no Composition 82.5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 Tin 17.5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Density 8.63 8.60 8.53 8.44 8.37 8.41 8.28 8.29 1 Coefficient Coefficient offic of bending of elasti- strength, ticity, tons per sq. in. No 432 plo tons per sq. in. FIG. 122. 10.35 9.46 9.97 10.92 12.70 17.40 18.95 4,258 14.94 5,167 21.63 6,261 10.78 Fig. 122 gives an autographic diagram for brass. 146. Ternary Alloys of Copper, Zinc, and Tin.- Thurston has made experiments on ternary alloys, with No 159 Brass Bar Nº 432 Aluminuum Bror Bar 1 Extensions. No 159 in Broches No 438 - 6,440 5,567 5,985 6,265 10 - 2 6,175 5,461 Tenacity, Elongation tons per in 5 inches sq. in. per cent. 14.55 14.59 13.62 13.62 16.88 18.33 19.77 13.84 26.7 31.4 35.8 29.2 37.7 20.7 15.3 5.0 0.8 35 a view to determining the strongest of the bronzes. But these results are less completely given, and the tenacities for most appear to be estimated from torsional experiments. Thurston terms the bronzes of composi- tion lying between copper 58 to 54, zinc 44 to 40, and 346 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION tinto 2 maximum bronzes. Some of these have tenacities of 31 tons per sq. in., and elongations of 47 to 51 per cent. The alloys appear, however, to be subject to great variation of quality as ordinarily made. Delta Metal-Mr. Dick has discovered a method of obtaining copper-zinc alloys, combined with a definite percentage of iron, which have remarkable strength and ductility. Iron is dissolved in melted zinc till the zinc is saturated. This iron-zinc alloy is then used in proper proportions in making brass. To prevent oxidation in remelting, and the resulting variation of quality, a small amount of phosphorus is added, in combination with copper. The density of delta metal is 84; its melting point 1800°. It can be worked hot and cold. It can be brazed. Cast in sand it has a tenacity of about 21 tons per sq. in. Forged at a dark red heat the tenacity is 33 or 35 tons per sq. in. Hammered cold its tenacity is 40 tons per sq. in. TESTS OF DELTA METAL, SUPPLIED BY MR. DICK (UNWIN). "" Material Cast bar "" Hexagon tilted bar Rolled bar. Ring cast while rotat- ing Ring cast while rotat- ing, hammered cold Elastic Tenacity, limit, tons tons per per sq. in. sq. in. 8.89 23.79 7.38 16.73 7.47 17.05 10.65 29.22 22.91 33.26 23.47 39.75 Elonga- tion, per cent. in 8 inches Contrac- tion of area, per cent. Coefficient of elas- ticity, tons per sq. in. 7.74 11.93 5,052 9.80 15.42 5,503 8.10 5.90 7,021 12.15 18.44 6,423 11.10 50.40 5,945 25.8 21.1 COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 347 Aluminium Alloys produced in the Electric Furnace.~ Messrs. Cowles have been engaged for some time in perfecting an electric furnace, in which a temperature is reached at which most of the more difficult metals are reduced. A mixture of coarsely pulverised gas carbon mixed with the ores to be reduced is introduced into a fireclay retort, and subjected to the current from a very powerful dynamo. The products at present obtained are-aluminium and silicium bronzes, aluminium silver, and alloys of aluminium with other metals. The 10- per-cent. aluminium-copper alloy has a tenacity of 48.65 tons. per sq. in. The 5-per-cent. alloy 3035 tons per sq. in. Copper with 2 to 3 per cent. aluminium is stronger than brass. Boron in small quantity affects copper much in the same way as carbon does iron. The alloy has a tenacity of 22 to 27 tons per sq. in. without loss of conductivity. A copper-nickel-aluminium alloy, termed Hercules metal, broke without sensible elonga- tion at 44.6 tons per sq. in. Another alloy of the same kind broke at 49 tons per sq. in. with 33 per cent. elongation.¹ The following results on alloys made at the Cowles Company's works were obtained by Mr. E. D. Self at the South Boston Iron Works. The test bars were 6 inches long between the shoulders : 1 The above data are taken from a paper in Am. Journal of Science, 1885. Also Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. lxxxiii. p. 510. 348 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Alloy 10 p. c. aluminium bronze 10 10 9 9 8/3/ 7호 ​8 29 "" "" "" "" "? "" "" "" "" Temperature. Fahr. "" 122 302 545 "" "" "1 "" ?? Tenacity Elongation in 10 inches Contraction. Elastic limit. Tenacity, Elastic limit, tons per sq. in. tons per sq. in. 40.8 41.3 43.0 Tenacity, tons per sq. in. 14.73 13.84 11.16 34.4 32.0 32.1 27.1 32.0 25.8 A bar of aluminium bronze of a more ductile character was scnt to the author by the London branch of the Cowles Company. This bar, about inch in diameter, gave the following results:- 26.7 38.0 23.1 19.6 20.3 Elongation in 6 ins., per cent. In Fig. 122 the autographic diagram for this bar is given, showing the great toughness of the material. 147. Effect of Temperature on the Strength of the Alloys.-Old experiments by a Committee of the Franklin Institute show that the tenacity of copper diminishes with increase of temperature. The following are some of the results :- 1.5 2.5 1.0 9.0 9.0 28.5 6.0 8.25 1 Temperature. Fahr. 801 1016 2032 12.5 1 36.78 tons per sq. in. 33.26 per cent. 39.87 "" 17.74 tons per sq. in. 2 Tenacity, tons per sq. 8.48 4.95 0.0 in. 1 These two tests were made at Watertown, and the elongations were measured in 4 inches. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 349 In 1877 experiments were made, under the direction of the Admiralty, at Portsmouth Dockyard, on the effect of temperature on bronzes. The test bars were heated in an oil bath, and then quickly removed to the testing machine and broken, the operation lasting only about a minute. This is not quite so satisfactory as breaking specimens in an oil bath. All varieties of gun-metal in these experiments show a slow decrease of tenacity up to a certain temperature, at which the tenacity suddenly falls to about half its previous value and the ductility is almost lost. The temperature at which the change occurred was about 370° in series I. and 250° in series II. Phosphor-bronze was less affected. Rolled Muntz metal and copper did not suffer serious loss of strength below 500°. 148. Influence of Mechanical Action on the Strength of Bronze.¹-The specimens of bronze were 3 inches in length and 0.077 sq. in. section. They were subjected to the following preparation I. Metal as cast. II. Metal subjected to a continued tensile stress of 49 cwts., which produced an elongation of 16.7 per cent. III. Metal subjected to a compressive stress of 15.87 tons per sq. in. for ten minutes before testing. IV. Metal elongated 20 per cent. by rolling. Experiment II. shows, in Major-General Uchatius's opinion, that homogeneous bronze is susceptible of ¹ Uchatius. Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. xlix. 284. 350 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Atmo- spheric 100° 150° 200° 250° 300° 350° 400° 450° 500° TENACITY OF METALS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. T = = Loads in lbs. on testing machine lever. D Ductility. Constant of testing machine, 50 25. The actual tensile strength of the samples is found by multiplying the figures in columns T by 50-25. 2 2nd set. Temperature Copper 87-75 Copper 87.75 Fahr. Tin 975 Tin 9.75 Zinc 2.5 Zinc 2.5 T 1 D T 535 505 10 525 11 485 10 505 10 500 10 450 245 265 Nil 250 Nil 8.25 295 0.75 10 D 5 Gun-metal rods, 1 inch diam. Copper 91 Tin 7 Zinc 2 T CO 260 275 D 4 Copper 85 Tin 5 Zinc 10 Nil T D T 525 21 480 26 12.5 575 8.75 525 16 525 15.5 550 18 525 14 530 19.5 19.5 535 8.75 460 9 523 19 385 450 450 25.5 255 3 515 16 460 26 25 440 440 26 360 18.25 435 23 255 495 17 435 25 295 0·66 265 Nil 531 Nil 260 2 435 25 250 2 152 1.2 Nil 230 2 152 Nil 10 Copper 83 Tin 2 Zinc 15 : 5 D 6 Copper 92.5 Tin 5 2.5 Zinc 485 26 1 T D Phosphor- bronze rods, 1 in. diam. 562 20 Copper 92.5 Tin 7 Phos. 0.5 T D 10 ++ Muntz metal rods, 74 in. diam. 10 Copper 62 Zinc 38 T 609 17.5 700 2.5 460 614 17 680 2.5 465 610 18 720 3.9 445 11 605 18 685 3.9 440 580 15 670 5 430 6 0.66 575 12 650 2.5 430 470 7 650 2.25 430 424 600 2.25 420 380 4 615 3.75 415 420 620 5 390 D Copper rods, 72 in. diam. T D 2.5 2.5 4 10 7 6 6 6 6 6 COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 351 having its elasticity greatly increased by mere stretching without compression. A bronze with an elastic limit of 15.75 tons and a ductility such that it elongates 37 per cent. was previously unknown. Bar I. II. III. IV. Breaking stress in tons per sq. in. 19.4 21.1 24.8 32.2 Elastic limit in tons per sq. in. 2.54 15.75 3.17 10.79 Elongation per cent. Ultimate 50.0 37.3 29-5 2.1 At elastic limit ·040 .478 ·058 ∙170 Density 8.863 8.856 8.957 8.975 149. Strength of Screw Bolts.-The metal in an ordi- nary bolt with screw thread and nut is weakened by the removal of metal in cutting the thread. At the same time the apparent tenacity is diminished from the cause discussed in § 34. The following experiments by Major W. R. King are interesting as giving the results of experiments on actual screw bolts of wrought iron. Major King is of opinion that ordinary screw threads are too coarse in pitch, and therefore he tried both the standard pitch of six threads to the inch and finer pitches. The iron of the bolts in series I. had a tenacity of 26·1 tons per sq. in. of original section. In the case of the bolt with eighteen threads, the diameter diminished with the stress so as to allow the bolt to draw out without stripping the threads. The tenacity of the bolts has been calculated on the assumption that the threads were of standard Whitworth section. 352 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Series 1 2 Diameter of bolt, in inches 1 "" "" "" "" No. of threads to inch B BaBa 12 6 12 5. English Bessemer 6. Swedish Bessemer 7. Swedish charcoal 18 Description of wire Breaking load, in tons 1. BB puddled iron 2. BB piled iron, puddled 3 Extra BB, puddled and Eng- lish charcoal • 29.62 35.00 34.21 41.50 42.07 150. Strength of Wire.-Wire is stronger than the material out of which it is made, in consequence of the greater amount of mechanical work expended on it. When in the condition in which it leaves the draw-plate it is virtually 'cold rolled.' Annealing reduces this excess of strength. Mr. Preece gives the following table of the strength of various specimens of wire, when annealed for telegraphic purposes :- 4. Extra special BB, puddled and English charcoal • Fo Diameter "" 1 abt.0.171in "" Tenacity, reckoned on section at bottom of thread, in tons per sq. in. "" "" "" 22.77 22.98 26.30 27.26 26.21 Elongation in 7ins. per cent. Elongation, per cent. 14.6 14.5 15.0 14.9 15.2 16.1 12.5 2.0 4.3 2.5 6.0 8.0 Breaking weight, lbs. 1,379 1,266 1,461 1,449 1,946 1,386 1,218 The tenacity is about 22 tons per sq. in. for iron and 30 tons per sq. in. for steel. Mr. Preece gives the table on next page for copper and silicium bronze wire. 1 Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxv. COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 353 Diameter, in inches Silicium bronze : ·080 ·059 ·044 ·036 ·081 Copper: ·081 *082 ⚫0847 ·081 Elongation, per cent. 15:10) 12·0:20 nil nil nil 15:10 1.5 1.0 nil 1.5: 2.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 Mean tenacity, tons per sq. in. Elongation, per cent. Bendings at right angles before breaking Bigny charcoal iron wire 46 0.30 18 M. Albert Bonnaud gives the following results of tests of three qualities of wire-I. Iron wire; II. Martin steel wire; III. Crucible steel wire. The tensile tests were made on pieces 14 W.G. (087 inch diameter) and 16 inches long: No. I. Iron آد: 0.37 Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 19 27.61 29.37 47.41 50.07 29.02 27.47 30.32 29.16 30.31 28.42 Firminy wire No. II. Martin steel 86 0.91 20 No. III. Crucible steel 102 0.75 28 The bendings were over the jaw of a vice of 0·4 inch radius. Lest the high strength here shown should be attributed merely to hard drawing, tests were made on four pieces in each of the following conditions:-(a) Rod from rolling mill ready for drawing; (b) unfinished wire, drawn down as far as it could be before annealing, A A 354 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and then annealed in the case of iron, and specially tem- pered in the case of steel; (c) finished wire, drawn down to 087 inch diameter; (d) finished wire, annealed. Firminy wire Samples about 16 inches long, 087 inch in diameter Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. "" >> Elongation, per cent. )) "" "" "" "" "" "" 1 "" "" Bendings at right angles "" Lowest Highest Mean "" "" "" "" >> "" Unannealed. About 0.6 in. diameter α b Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. с d 43.6 71.2 56.3 a b с d a b с d No. I. Iron 27.0 28.5 39.3 31.1 7.5 to 16.8 22.0 0.31 to 0.74 20.6 8 to 11 20 to 22 21 to 29 31 The iron wire retains an increased strength, due to drawing down, even after annealing. The steel wire, on the contrary, is weaker after annealing than the original bar. To utilise the value of the steel fully it must be tempered in such a way that a sufficient flexibility is retained. Mr. D. K. Clark gives the following values for phosphor-bronze wire ¹:- 1 No. II. Steel Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 63.4 88.6 101.6 54.9 22.6 28.8 24.4 6.2 to 7·0 3.0 to 5.7 1.2 to 1.8 6.8 to 8.0 1 Rules and Tables, p. 629. 2 to 4 4 to 10 16 to 37 12 to 13 Annealed. About 0-11 inch diameter Extension, per cent. 88888 33 47 39 COPPER, COPPER ALLOYS, ETC. 355 The following table gives a few miscellaneous tests of the strength of wire made by the author :- No. of specimen 112 113 124 125 127 128 Description Brass wire. Black cast-steel rod "" Gilding metal (no tin) "" "" Soft German silver "" "" 109 Black shear-steel rod . 110 103 102 106 107 "" Black soft-steel wire "" "" "" Bright hard-steel rod. • "" Diameter •191 •191 •249 •249 •267 •267 •194 •192 •196 •196 Sq. in. area •197 •198 Tenacity, Extension in 8 ins., per cent. •1929 ·0290 25.23 ⚫0286 62.04 ·0286 62.44 ·0487 20.17 *0487 20.62 ·0560 29.89 ·0560 29.10 ·0296 50.90 ·0289 52.52 ·0302 39.17 ·0302 38.07 ·0305 51.96 ⚫0308 51.45 tons per sq. in. 25.5 4.12 5.76 6.25 8.7 47.0 47.7 7.0 6.25 11.25 15.6 7.5 6.5 Steel pianoforte wire has been produced with a tenacity of 150 tons per sq. inch. A A 2 356 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER XII EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS. ENDURANCE TESTS. 151. In 1871 was published a Report by Herr A. Wöhler on the endurance of bars subjected to repetitions of stress.¹ It occurred to Herr Wöhler that most structures, especially such machine parts as railway axles, springs, and piston-rods, are subjected to a continual variation of stress, and that direct experiment in conditions imitating those which occur in practice might afford useful infor- mation as to the limits of stress permissible in such cases. Herr Wöhler carried out a series of experiments, extending over a period of twelve years, and undoubt- edly the results are of great importance. It may be mentioned that Herr Wöhler's machines were handed over to the Royal Institute for testing materials in Berlin. Further experiments have been made with them by Spangenberg, some of the results of which have been published. Since Prof. Spangenberg's - 1 Uber die Festigkeitsversuche mit Eisen und Stahl. Angestellt von A. Wöhler, Ober-Maschinenmeister an der Königl. Nieder-Schlesisch- Märkischen Eisenbahn. Berlin. A good account of Wöhler's results is given in Engineering, vol. ii. No other tolerably complete account has appeared in English. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 357 death they have been used by Herr Martens, but the later results obtained have not been published. Wohler's Machine for Repetitions of Torsional Stress (Fig. 123).— The test bar was a simple cylindrical bar with enlarged ends. An oscillating lever c, driven by a connecting-rod, is attached by a links to the lever l' on the back end of the test bar. The stroke of the lever c can be adjusted by moving the connecting-rod pin in a slot in the lever. At the upper end of the link h N h' Prop f PHWW FIG. 123. 9 رود f C s there are nuts, which come in contact with knife-edges on the lever h', and which give a further means of adjusting the stroke of the lever h'. To ensure the bar from being strained beyond the exact stress intended, the opposite or front end of the test bar is fixed in the double-lever h. This lever presses on the short ends of the levers g, g', the other ends of which rest on the bearing screws k, k, and which are held down by the long springs f,f. If the torsion given by the lever h' is in excess of a fixed amount, the lever h lifts either the 358 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION lever g or g' against the spring. By adjusting the springs, the exact stress at which the levers g or g' lift can be arranged. If the test bar is to be twisted in one direction, only one of the levers g or g is required. If the stroke of the lever l' is large enough it twists the bar alternately in opposite directions, and then both levers, g and g', are used to limit the stresses. When working in adjustment, the stroke of his sufficient to just lift one or both the levers g or gat each stroke. Wöhler's Machine for Repeated Tensions (Fig. 124). -This consists of a wrought-iron bed-plate, at the left- FIG. 124. A b JO 0. h ป O 10 L O O m O O O K KALIM f hand end of which is a cast-iron standard, supporting the knife-edge of the principal lever h. The test bar A is held in a shackle attached to the lever; the other shackle is attached to an adjusting-screw b. The long arm of the lever is connected by a link to the equal-armed beam m. The centre of this beam is pulled down by a lever worked by a connecting-rod, a bent spring g being interposed to prevent shock. The other end of m rests EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 359 on the short arm of the lever k, which has a bearing- screw and long spring f, as in the torsion machine. If the pull on m exceeds a certain value the lever k lifts, and by adjusting the spring f the tension can be regu- lated as desired. To facilitate the adjustment the rod d, which the pull is applied to the beam m, is in two parts, connected by a long coupling nut with right and left hand screws. The rod d is continued down through a bracket, and a nut under this bracket serves to limit the extent to which the test bar is relieved of stress. - In adjusting the machine to give a range of tension between a fixed lower and fixed upper limit, the spring fis first adjusted to the minimum stress. The nut on the end of d can then be adjusted, so that when d rises it just keeps the lever lifted. Then the spring ƒ is k adjusted for the maximum stress, and the machine is ready for use. As made by Wöhler the machine had four sets of levers, so that four bars could be tested simultaneously. Wöhler's Machine for Repetition of Bending Stresses. -For applying repeated bending stresses to bars, the stress ranging between a fixed lower and upper limit, Wöhler employed the machine shown in Fig. 125. The test bar A rests on knife-edges carried by pairs of links. At a the links are suspended from a fixed bracket. At b they hang from the short arm of the lever d. This lever has a bearing-screw at its longer end, and it is held down by a spring f. The bar is bent by the rod. I 7, furnished with an adjusting coupling, and moved up 360 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and down by a lever and connecting-rod. When the bar is not to be entirely released from stress, but to be strained between a fixed upper and lower limit of stress, the screw m is used. As the bar unbends it comes in contact with m at some fixed amount of de- flection. To adjust the screw m, the spring f is set to the desired minimum tension, and the screw m is then α 魚 ​Grain FIG. 125. in 9 A b d f Ümumi adjusted till it just lifts the lever d. Then the spring f is set to the maximum tension, and the machine is ready for use. Wöhler's Machine for Repeated Bending in Opposite Directions. For repeated bendings in opposite direc- tions Wöhler used the very simple machine shown in Fig. 126. It consists of a wooden frame carrying in bearings the axle a, which is rotated by a belt. In the ends of a are conical recesses, into which can be fixed by driving two test bars. After being fixed, the test bars are turned in the lathe so as to run truly. At the ends EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 361 of the test bars are fixed spring balances, which can be adjusted to any required stress. As the bar rotates b. S α " FIG. 126. S b wwww. wwww every fibre is subjected to bending alternately in oppo- site directions, precisely as is the case with journals of railway axles. 152. Results of Wöhler's Endurance Tests.-The fol- lowing tables contain all Wöhler's more important results. Table I. gives some ordinary statical tests of the materials used in the subsequent endurance tests. The elongation was probably measured in 8 inches, but the length is not given. b 362 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION No. of bar 1934 LON∞ 6 7 8 9 10 11 23LE 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2872** 29 30 31 TABLE I. STATICAL TENSILE STRENGTH OF THE MATERIALS EXPERIMENTED ON BY WÖHLER. 32 33 34 WROUGHT IRON : Phoenix Co.'s axle. "" "" Bar iron from Königshütte Rivet'iron (Berlin, Borsig) "" Boiler stay iron (Borsig). 12 Krupp, steel axles "" HOMOGENEOUS IRON : Pearson, Coleman, & Co. "" "" Material "" "" CAST-STEEL AXLES AND BARS: "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" >> "" "" Borsig, steel axles "" "" Bochum Company, steel axles "" "" Borsig "" "" Vickers, Sons, & Co., steel axles Werner, hardened-steel axle "" Krupp, cast-steel rails CAST-STEEL PLATES: Krupp, • · "" "" Firth & Sons, tool steel. "" "" "" "" "" same axle annealed • direction of rolling. "" "" || direction of rolling. "" · "" • • • ❤ • • • Tenacity, in tons per sq. in. 21.1 21.5 29.2 24.4 33.0 34.0 29.6 24.4 27.5 27.7 29.2 49.0 49.7 49.7 41.8 41.8 42.0 42.5 39.4 37.3 29.2 26.3 52.3 60.2 48.7 47.8 48.7 55.0 33.9 36.3 32.0 36.3 37.7 33.0 Elongation, per cent. 17.8 21.8 7.0 20.8 22.0 23.6 17.0 19.0 24.6 16.2 21.7 12.1 18.6 11.7 23.7 17.4 18.3 19.0 21.7 22.3 19.5 15.8 1.1 2.2 2.7 15.8 15.4 9.1 12.2 10.8 10.2 9.5 22.0 22.3 Only a few endurance tests with the torsion machine are given. These consist of some experiments with EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 363 Krupp's axle steel, twisted in one direction only and in opposite directions alternately. No. of bar 1234+ B TABLE II. WÖHLER'S EXPERIMENTS ON BARS SUBJECTED TO REPEATED TWISTINGS. 6789 Material Krupp's axle steel Stress applied (at surface of bar), in tons per sq. in. Maximum Minimum Krupp's axle steel I. Torsion in one direction only 0 22.9 21.5 20.1 19.1 18.1 Range of stress, in tons per sq. in. +13·4 + 12.4 +11·5 +10.5 22.9 21.5 20.1 II. Equal alternate torsions in opposite directions - 13.4 26.8 - 12.4 24.8 - 11.5 23.0 - 10.5 21.0 19.1 18.1 No. of repeti- tions before fracture 1 198,600 ¹ 373,800 334,750 879,700 [23,850,000] 187,500 3 1,007,550 859,700 19,100,000] For any given stress a certain number of repeti- tions of load produce fracture, the smaller the greater the intensity of the stress. But below a certain limit of stress a practically unlimited number of repeti- tions of load is required to cause fracture. Roughly speaking, the stress for which an unlimited number of repetitions is required to cause fracture is only half as great when the bar is alternately strained in opposite directions as when it is strained in one direction. A bar strained in one direction will stand 24 million repetitions of a stress of 18 tons per sq. in., a much larger stress than would ordinarily be considered safe. 1 Had previously suffered 286,000 repetitions of stress of 21.5 tons per sq. in. 2 Not broken. 3 Had previously suffered 1,070,000 repetitions of a stress of from 9 5 to 12.4 tons per sq. in. 364 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Table III. gives Wöhler's results on the endurance of bars subjected to repetitions of tensile stress, the stress in some cases varying from zero to a maximum limit, in others from a minimum to a maximum value. Two forms of bars were tried. The bars marked A had well-rounded corners at the point where the small middle part joined the enlarged end. Those marked B had square corners. It may be noted at once that for any given stress the bars B broke with far fewer repetitions of stress than the bars A. Thus, bar 5 of form A stood 480,000 repetitions of a stress of 17.19 tons per sq. in., while bar 9 of form B stood only 37,000 repetitions of a stress of 17·10 tons per sq. in. Bar 16 of form A was not broken with 13,000,000 repetitions of a stress of 22 tons per sq. in., while bar 21 of form B broke with 35,000 repetitions of this stress. The next most important point in Table III. is that the amount of variation of stress, not the absolute amount of the stress, determines the number of repetitions before fracture. Thus, bars 7 and 8 endured nearly as many repetitions as bar 6, though in the former case the maximum stress was 21 tons and in the latter 15. But then the load was not entirely taken off bars 7 and 8, and the range of stress was only 9 and 11 tons. Again, bar 18 is not broken with 12,000,000 repetitions of a stress of 38 tons per sq. in., the minimum load being 19 tons per sq. in. ; but bar 10 broke with 19,000 re- petitions of a stress of 38 tons, the minimum stress being zero. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 365 TABLE III. WÖHLER'S EXPERIMENTS ON BARS SUBJECTED TO REPEATED TENSIONS BETWEEN DEFINITE LIMITS. No. Form of of Material bar bar 123 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OD 228 BB 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AA A A 322333 AAAAB AAAAAAAAAA B B B 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 A A AAAAAAA Iron axle, Phoenix Company Krupp's axle steel Krupp's axle steel Cast iron from loco- motive cylinder Stress applied, in tons per sq. in. Maximum Minimum 22.92 21.01 19.10 17.19 17.19 15.28 + 21.01 + 21.01 17.10 38.20 33.40 28.65 26.14 23.87 22.92 21.95 +38·20 38.20 38.20 23.89 21.97 20.08 19.10 17.18 15.29 14.34 7.62 6.69 6.22 5.73 5.26 5.03 5.03 4.78 4.78 4.78 0 + 9.55 + 11·46 0 0 + 23.87 19.10 16.70 0 1 Not broken. Number of Range of stress, in tons repetitions before fracture per sq. in. 22.92 21.01 19.10 17.19 17.19 15.28 11:46 9.55 17.10 38.20 33.40 28.65 26.14 23.87 22.92 21.95 14.33 19.10 21.50 23.89 21.97 20.08 19.10 17.18 15.29 14.34 7.62 6.69 6.22 5.73 5.26 5.03 5.03 4.78 4.78 4.78 800 106,910 340,853 409,481 480,852 10,141,645 2,373,424 [4,000,000]¹ 37,828 18,741 46,286 170,170 123,770 473,766 [13,600,000]¹ [13,200,000]¹ [1,801,000 [12,100,000]¹ [12,000,000] 23,546 35,486 65,658 75,343 208,883 274,970 [1,100,000]¹ 3,140 4,000 10,342 45,028 78,682 27,885 35,599 208,439 [7,200,000] [7,600,000]¹ 1 366 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION This table contains some results on cast iron which are interesting. Although this material is somewhat more irregular in quality than wrought iron or steel, it evidently behaves in the same general way. In Table IV. are given the results of the experi- ments on the endurance of bars subjected to bending. These exactly confirm those obtained with torsion and simple tension. Further, as bending tests are made more easily than other tests, and the deflections are large and easily determined, these experiments are numerous and very regular. The stress given in the tables is that of the extreme fibres, calculated from the load, by the usual formula ƒ = M/Z; and of course this f stress, for all cases in which the elastic limit is exceeded, is greater than the real stress due to the load. It has several times been alleged that this discrepancy destroys the value of any deductions from these experiments by bending. This view is put forward by those who hesi tate to accept the conclusion that the breaking stress with repetition of loading is so much smaller than the statical breaking strength. It seems to have been over- looked that whatever error there is in the calculated stress given in Wöhler's tables is in the opposite direc- tion, and that the bars broke, in fact, with smaller stresses than those calculated and recorded in the tables. Bend- ing experiments are not less trustworthy than tension experiments, and for stresses considerably less than the statical breaking weight probably the error in the calcu- lated stress is not a large one. *g EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 367 TABLE IV.--WÖHLER'S EXPERIMENTS ON BARS SUBJECTED TO REPETITIONS OF TRANSVERSE STRESS (REPEATED BendingS) BETWEEN DEFINITE LIMITS. No. of bar 123+ 67 8 9 10 ERRED 0022 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 2****~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 *2*7***3 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 Bars marked H were hard- ened = = = = = = = I I I H H H H H H H H H 1 Not broken. Material Iron for axles, Company made by Phoenix -ошон geneous iron Krupp's cast-steel axles Bochum Company's steel axles Krupp's steel plates Stresses applied, in tons per sq. in. Krupp's spring steel Maximum Minimum 26.25 23.87 21.50 19.10 17.18 15.28 14.33 38.20 33.41 19.10 26.25 25.07 24.83 23.87 23.87 33.41 28.65 26.25 23.87 23.87 21.50 25.07 23.15 23.87 22.93 28.65 26.10 0 19.10 14.31 0. 0 0 0 0 0 52.50 47.75 42.95 38.20 35.85 35.85 33.40 33.40 33.40 28.65 2 Across direction of rolling. 0 Range of stress, in tong per sq. in. 26.25 23.87 21.50 19.10 17.18 15.28 14.33 19.10 19.10 19.10 26.25 25.07 24.83 23.87 23.87 33.41 28.65 26.25 23.87 23.87 21.50 25.07 23.15 23.87 22.93 28.65 26.10 No. of repetitions of load before fracture 169,750 420,000 481,950 1,320,000 4,035,400 [3,420,000] [48,200,000] ¹ 1 475,500 1,234,600 [34,500,000] 1,762,300 1,031,200 1,477,400 5,234,200 [40,600,000] ¹ 104,300 317,275 612,500 729,400 1 1,499,600 [43,000,000]¹ 175,300 2 387,700 2 [4,100,000]¹ 271,800 2 420,100 3 [3,600,000]13 52.50 47.75 42.95 38.20 35.85 35.85 389,200 33.40 293,300 33.40 455,700 33.40 28.65 268,900 [36,500,000] 3 In direction of rolling. 54,600 76,300 200,100 339,150 330,750 1 368 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION No. of bar 88&=*** 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 བྱསྐྱབ 78 79 Bars marked I were Material hard- ened H H H H H H H H ==== H H H Η Krupp's spring steel Krupp's spring steel Krupp's spring steel Bochum Company's spring steel TABLE IV.-continued. Stresses applied, in tons per sq. in. Maximum Minimum 47.75 42.95 38.20 38.20 33.40 28.65 23.87 21.50 57.30 "" ,, "" "" "" "" ,, 47.75 "" "" "" 42.95 "" "" "" "" " 38.20 "" "" "" "" "" "" 33.41 "" "" "" 52.50 47.75 42.95 38.20 0 14:33 19.10 23.87 28.65 33.42 33.42 38.20 42.95 7.92 15.92 23.87 27.83 31.52 9.55 14·33 19.10 23.87 23.87 28.65 4.77 9.55 14.33 14.33 19.10 19.10 26.75 4.77 9.55 11.94 14.33 1 Not broken. Range of stress, in tons per sq. in. 47.75 42.95 38.20 38.20 33.40 28.65 23.87 21.50 42.97 38.20 33.43 28.65 23.88 23.88 19.10 14.35 39.83 31.83 23.88 19.92 16.23 33.40 28.62 23.85 19.08 19.08 14.30 33.43 28.65 23.87 23.87 19.10 19.10 11.45 28.64 23.86 21.47 19.08 52.50 47.75 42.95 38.20 No. of repetitions of load before fracture 39,950 72,450 132,650 117,000 197,400 468,200 [40,600,000] ¹ [32,942,000] 1 22,900 35,600 86,000 191,100 50,100 251,400 [35,600,000] 33,478,700 62,000 149,800 400,050 376,700 [19,673,300]¹ 81,200 156,200 225,300 1,238,900 300,900 [33,600,000] ¹ 99,700 176,300 619,600 2,135,670 [35,800,000] [38,000,000] [36,000,000] 1 286,100 701,800 [36,600,000] [31,150,000] 45,850 108,850 93,800 148,400 1 1 1 1 EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 369 Bars No. of marked H were bar 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 88888 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 hard- ened H = = = = H H H H II Material Mayr's spring steel Seebohm's spring steel Seebohm's spring steel TABLE IV.-continued. Stresses applied, in tons per sq. in. Maximum Minimum 47.75 33.42 31.04 28.65 23.87 62.10 57.30 52.50 47.75 45.35 42.95 38.30 33.42 28.65 26.25 23.87 Range of stress, in tons. per sq. in. 47.75 33.42 31.04 28.65 23.87 62.10 57.30 52.50 47.75 45.35 42.95 38.30 33.42 28.65 26.25 23.87 No. of repetitions of load before fracture 39,860 212,700 360,100 [30,500,000] [26,260,000] 28,350 45,500 46,550 141,750 190,050 80,850 154,000 210,000 471,800 538,850 1,165,500 1 Lastly, Table V. gives the results of experiments on rotating bars subjected to bending. As the bar turns round while bent in a fixed direction by the spring, every fibre is alternately in compression and tension, and these are the only experiments of Wöhler in which alternate opposite stresses of tension and compression were obtained. The torsional experiments agree with the bending experiments as to the effect of stresses in opposite directions. Wöhler tried three forms of bars in this research. Two of these had square corners at the enlarged end. These two forms were relatively much weaker than the bars of the third form with rounded corners, and only 1 Not broken. BB 370 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the results of these latter are given in the following table : TABLE V. WÖHLER'S EXPERIMENTS ON BARS SUBJECTED TO REPETITIONS OF TRANSVERSE STRESS (ROTATING BARS) BETWEEN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE LIMITS OF STRESS. No. of bar 123HON∞~ 4 6 7 9 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1281985 /** 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Material Iron for axles, Phoenix Company Homogeneous iron Krupp's cast-steel axles Cast-steel axles, Bochum & Co. Stress applied, in tons per sq. in. Maximum +15.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 11.5 10.5 9.6 8.6 7.6 + 23·9 22.9 21.9 18.2 16.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 11.5 + 20·1 17.2 16.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 14.3 14.3 +17·2 16.3 15.3 15.3 14.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 Minimum -15.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 11.5 10.5 9.6 8.6 7.6 - 23.9 22.9 21.9 18.2 16.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 11.5 - 20.1 17.2 16:3 15.3 15.3 15.3 14.3 14.3 - 17·2 16.3 15.3 15.3 14.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 1 Not broken. Range of stress, in tons per sq. in. 30.6 28.6 26.8 24.8 23.0 21.0 19.2 17.2 15.2 47.8 45.8 43.8 36.4 32.6 28.6 26.8 24.8 23.0 40.2 34.4 32.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 28.6 28.6 34.4 32.6 30.6 30.6 28.6 28.6 26.8 24.8 No. of repetitions before fracture 56,430 99,000 183,145 479,490 909,840 3,632,588 4,917,992 19,186,791 [132,250,000]' 2,375 4,986 11,636 31,586 94,311 161,262 464,786 636,500 3,930,150 55,100 127,775 797,525 642,675 1,665,580 3,114,160 4,163,375 45,050,640 127,775 342,850 627,000 20,467,780 2,845,250 [57,360,000] 3,558,700 [14,176,171] 1 EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 371 No. of bar 54 55 56 57 58 C168500 RENK 63 64 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Material steel axles Borsig's cast Vickers & Sons' cast steel axles Firth & Sons' tool steel Copper "" "" "" >> 1 "" TABLE V.--continued. Stress applied, in tons per sq. in. Maximum +18·2 17.2 16.3 15.3 14.3 +16·3 15.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 11.5 10.5 +17·2 16.3 15.3 14.3 +7·64 7.64 6.69 6.21 5.97 5.73 4.78 Minimum -18.2 17.2 16.3 15.3 14.3 -163 15.3 14.3 13.4 12.4 11.5 10.5 - 17.2 16.3 15.3 14.3 7.64 7.64 6.69 6.21 5.97 5.73 4.78 Range of stress, in tons per sq. in. 36.4 34.4 32.6 30.6 28.6 32.6 30.6 28.6 26.8 24.8 23.0 21.0 34.4 32.6 30.6 28.6 15.28 15.28 13.38 12.42 11.94 11.46 9.56 No. of repetitions before fracture 157,700 239,875 553,850 1,373,225 1,023,625 51,240 72,940 205,800 278,740 564,900 3,275,860 [8,660,000]¹ 370,975 694,450 233,700 1,528,550 30,875 67,725 480,700 663,100 798,000 2,834,325 19,327,460 153. Wöhler's Conclusions.-In certain structures the whole load is a permanent, or dead, load. With such cases Wöhler's investigation is not concerned. But in most cases a part or the whole of the load is occasional, or varying. In those cases the engineer has to allow for a practically unlimited number of repetitions of load. Railway axles, for instance, may make 300 million revolutions, involving reversal of stress, before being put out of service. Now, with such varying conditions 1 Not broken. B B 2 372 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION of straining action, safety depends, according to Wöhler, not at all on the maximum stress, but only on the range of variation of stress. The following table gives the stresses and ranges of stress which Wöhler considers to be the limiting values which, in the materials he experimented on, would only produce fracture after an indefinitely large number of repetitions :- TABLE VI. LIMITS OF STRESS FOR UNLIMITED REPETITION OF Load (WÖHLER). "" Wrought iron "" "5 "" Cast-steel axles Material "" "" "" A. Bars subjected to simple tension, compression, or bending "" "" ,, Untempered cast-steel springs "" ,, Cast-steel axles "" "" "" +38·20 +23·90 +33·50 +38.30 + 43·00 B. Bars subjected to shearing or torsion 10.50 18.20 "" "" Maximum Minimum stress, tons per stress, tons per sq. in. sq. in. "" "" + 7·65 +15·80 + 21.00 + 13:38 + 23:00 7.65 0 + 11.50 - 13.38 J 0 +16·70 0 + 11.50 + 19·10 + 28.70 -10.50 0 Range of stress 15.30 15.80 9.50 26.76 23.00 21.50 23.90 22.00 19.20 14.30 21.00 18.20 154. Experiments by Spangenberg with Wöhler's machines entirely support Wöhler's conclusions. If the stresses are plotted as abscissæ, and the number of repetitions causing fracture as ordinates, curves are obtained such as those in Fig. 127. These curves cut the axis of abscissæ at the statical breaking stress, and they are asymptotic to a vertical, the abscissa of which EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 373 is the stress which the bar will carry if repeated an un- limited number of times. 155. Endurance Tests made by Mr. B. Baker.'-Mr. B. Baker has given the results of a series of experiments Repetitions uril 1000 4 500 4.000 3.500- 3.000 2.500 8.000 1.500F 1.000 800 1 - Axle Iron (Bending) 10 Stress tons per sq. in. FIG. 127. 15 Estphalia O Westphalia Iron (Bending) 20 ❤ (Bending) Krupp Steel Krupp 25 Steel on iron and steel made with a machine like that shown in Fig. 126. The rotating bars were 1 inch in diameter 1 Notes on the Working Stress of Iron and Steel.' Am. Soc. of Mech. Engineers. 1886. 374 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and the weight was hung at 10 inches from the fixed end. The bars rotated 50 to 60 times a minute. The soft steel was fine rivet steel, with a tenacity of 26.8 to 28.6 tons per sq. in., and an elongation of 28 per cent. in 8 inches. The hard steel was fine drift steel, having a tensile strength of 54 tons per sq. in., and an elongation of 14 per cent. in 8 inches. The iron was best rivet iron, with a tenacity of 25.9 to 27.3 tons per sq. in., and an elongation of 20 per cent. in 8 inches. Some further experiments by Mr. Baker on simple bending are also given :- TABLE VII. No. 123 LO 6 78 PREDRER 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 EXPERIMENTS ON THE ENDURANCE OF ROTATING Bars SUBJECTED TO BENDING (B. BAKER). Material Soft steel "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Hard steel + 29·9 29.1 23.9 23.9 20.8 22.8 18.1 15.2 "" 95 55 "" "" "" Maximum stress, tons per sq. in. Best bar iron +16.1 16.1 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 11.6 + 15.2 15.6 15.2 14.3 13.5 14.3 13.8 Minimum stress, tons per sq. in. - 16.1 16.1 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 11.6 - 29.9 29.1 23.9 23.9 20.8 22.8 18.1 15.2 - 15.2 15.6 15.2 14.3 13.5 14.3 13.8 Range of stress, tons per sq. in. 32.2 32.2 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 23.2 59.8 58.2 47.8 47.8 41.6 45.6 36.2 30.4 30.4 31.2 30.4 28.6 27.0 28.6 27.6 Number of repeti- tions to cause fracture 40,510 60,200 68,400 92,070 107,415 128,650 155,295 14,876,432 5,760 7,560 14,600 16,300 26,100 32,445 157,815 472,500 108,160 110,000 141,750 389,050 408,000 421,170 480,810 .. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 375 The following table gives results of experiments on flat bars, some bent alternately in opposite directions, the others bent one way only. The soft steel had a tensile strength of 31.3 tons per sq. in., and an elonga- tion of 20 per cent. in 8 inches. The iron was best bar iron. The bars were 32 inches long, 1 inch wide, and inch thick. TABLE VIII. ENDURANCE TESTS. BARS SUBJECTED TO BENDING (B. BAKER). Stress applied, in tons per sq. in. No. K 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 22885 34 35 36 Material Soft steel "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Best bar iron Maximum + 19.7 19.7 19.7 18.8 18.8 16.1 15.4 15.2 12.3 15.4 +15.2 15.2 15.2 Minimum - 19.7 19.7 19.7 18.8 18.8 16.1 15.4 15.2 12.3 0 -15.2 15.2 0 Range of stress, in tons per sq. in. 39.4 39.4 39.4 37.6 37.6 32.2 30.8 30.4 24.6 15.4 Number of repeti- tions before fracture 12,240 12,325 12,410 18,100 18,140 72,420 147,390 262,680 1,183,200 [3,145,020] 30.4 184,875 250,513 15.2 [3,145,020] 30.4 The bars 33 and 36 were not actually broken, but when taken out of the machine were found to have deep flaws. 156. Bauschinger's Experiments on Repeated Tensions. -Table IX. contains a summary of all Bauschinger's experiments on the endurance of a bar subject to re- peated stresses. He constructed a machine of the same kind as Wöhler's, in which a bar could be subjected to stresses ranging from 0 to an upper fixed limit in 376 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION I tension. He ascertained both the initial elastic limit and the elastic limit acquired under repeated repetition of stress; the initial breaking strength and the strength after the bar had been broken in the Wöhler machine. TABLE IX. ENDURANCE TESTS. BARS SUBJECTED TO TENSION (BAUSCHINGER). Stresses in tension varying from 0 to an upper limit.) Endurance test Material Wrought- iron plate Mild-steel plate Bar iron 1 Elastic limit, in tons per sq. in. Original 6.84 6.84 6.84 6.84 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 Acquired Load during applied, repetition tons per of loads sq. in. 12.3 13.2 14.4 16.4 19.4 18.0 20.0 16.4 19.1 19.0 19.0 19.9 16.4 15.3 20.0 16.9 17.9 12.3 11.5 21.4 10.7 10.8 10.6 10.9 16.3 18.6 11.9 7.1 9.85 13.1 16.4 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 19.7 19.7 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 13.2 16.4 19.7 19.7 19.7 13.8 17.2 19.7 No. of repetitions before fracture, in millions 5.17 5.19 5.18 2.28 6.68 3.55 [11.03] 7.35 0.67 1.01 0.32 0.76 0.16 0.44 0.62 0.34 0.49 0.07 0.11 0.04 9.11 7.40 0.64 0.24 0.84 16.48 9.31 0.67 Tensile strength, in tons per sq. in. Original 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.7 26.7 26.7 After breaking by repeti- tion of loads 23.6 24.3 24.5 1 1 28.2 2 11 27.1 26.6 Not yet broken in endurance test. 2 Elastic limit rose to 167, and then fell near the end of the en- durance test. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 377 Material Thomas steel axle Thomas steel rail Mild-steel boiler plate Elastic limit, in tons per sq. in. Original 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 TABLE IX.-continued. 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 Acquired during repetition of loads 20.4 20.8 24.0 17.6 18.0 18.4 18.0 16.0 Endurance test Load applied 16.3 26.2 19.7 26.2 26.2 16.4 19.7 26.2 26.2 18.4 21.0 21.0 21.0 16.4 18.7 16.4 18.7 No. of repetitions before fracture, in millions [9.58] 0.62 9.04 0.22 0.06 10.19 7.91 0.57 0.56 Tensile strength, in tons per sq. in. Original 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.1 39.0 39.0 39.0 39.0 4.85 0.40 0.49 26.6 0.88 26.6 6.34 26.6 0.40 26.6 [6.54] 26.6 [4.87] 26.6 26.6 26.6 After breaking by repeti- tion of loads 41.0 39.4 37.7 All the published experiments on endurance have now been brought together and reduced to common measures, because the subject of safe limits of stress, especially in bridges, must before long be reconsidered, and because, while experiments of this kind take a long time to make, it is the number and consistency of the results which are most impressive. A few results of bars breaking with comparatively small stresses might be put aside as possibly accidental or abnormal. But here are four completely independent series of researches, by different observers, with stresses of different kinds, on Not yet broken. 378 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION very various materials; and the whole of the results are very singularly consistent. In all cases the number of repetitions of loading the bar will bear diminishes with increased range of variation of stress. Further, it is very striking how regularly progressive the diminution of the number of repetitions is as the range is increased. It is impossible not to conclude that, whatever the cause of decreased life of the bar may be, it is a cause which acts con- tinuously, altering in some way the structure or the properties of the bar. Gal Undoubtedly it would appear likely that any gradu- ally progressive alteration or fatigue of the bar would be manifested in some way in alteration of the strength, the elastic limit, or the elongation of the bar when tested in the ordinary way. But this, so far, appears not to be the case. A bar subjected to so many repetitions of loading that it is known to be on the point of breaking, or a piece of a bar already broken in an endurance test, gives in the testing machine no indications that the strength or ductility has been altered. Both Mr. Baker's and Professor Bauschinger's results agree in this, and it is in accordance with experiments on pieces of structures long subjected to loading. Professor Kennedy has given a series of tests of old rails, tyres, and other long used material,¹ and no one would guess from the results that these test pieces were in any way different from new material. But this in no way gets over the fact ¹ Prof. Papers of Royal Engineers, 1884. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 379 that material subjected to repeated loading is different from new material. The material, after a certain num ber of repetitions with a given range of stress, does break with fewer subsequent repetitions. For some reason the ordinary testing machine observations are too coarse to detect the difference. Whatever the alteration produced by repetition may be, it certainly does not appear to be a loss of strength (statical resistance). If it is a loss of ductility or power of elongation, then it must be a loss confined to very short portions, or planes of weakness, in the bar, for if not it would be shown in ordinary testing. In certain cases flaws or fissures have been found to be present in bars subjected to so many repetitions of load that they were on the point of breaking. It is at least conceivable that repetition of stress picks out sections. of weakness in the bar, and that the deterioration is almost confined to such planes; the deterioration may be primarily a loss of power of yielding in the particles near the plane of weakness, and not a loss of tenacity. Such a loss of ductility at a section might well show itself finally in a rapidly-spreading fissure or crack. This explanation is purely hypothetical, but it is at least in accordance with a very curious fact ob- served in the fracture of bars in Wöhler machines. Such bars after fracture usually show no trace of draw- ing out, however ductile the material may be, when tested statically. The bars break as if the material was perfectly brittle. This peculiar fracture, without 380 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION indication of any plastic drawing out, is not uncommon in fractures of tyres, axles, and other structures in ordinary experience. On what principle, then, is the limit of working stress in different cases to be decided? As to structures subjected to a purely resting load there is not much practical doubt. There is no evidence that the deforma- tions due to ordinary dead loads on ordinary materials increase with time, however indefinitely prolonged. Se- cular experiments, such as Sir W. Thomson is making at Glasgow, will probably show that a structure may be loaded with a considerable fraction of its breaking weight and will carry it for a practically unlimited time without sensible increase of deformation. What is exactly the safe limit of stress in this case is not known, but pro- bably there is a limit of stress, such that smaller loads are safe and greater loads unsafe. 157. Account of the Adoption of Fixed Limits of Working Stress independent of the Conditions of Loading.- Nothing has hindered so much the recognition of the importance of Wöhler's researches as the existence of officially sanctioned rules for the limits of working stress, and the prevalence of opinions having no better origin than the habit of working to such rules. It will, therefore, not be out of place to indicate how such rules originated. It will appear that they are rather the acci- dental product of momentary exigencies than the result of any scientific induction. No doubt the ordinary practice of engineers is to divide the statical breaking D EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 381 strength of a material by an assumed 'factor of safety to find the proper limit of working stress; and it has, or had, come to be tacitly accepted that the ratio of the working stress to the statical breaking strength measures. in all cases the margin of safety. The so-called factor of safety has been supposed to be required to allow for the following possible causes of weakness :-- 1. Variation in the quality of the material. 2. Imperfections of workmanship, causing either scant dimensions or unequal distribution of stress. 3. Corrosion, wear, and other deterioration arising gradually with lapse of time. 4. Errors of calculation, or straining actions neglected. 5. Vibration, shock, and other dynamical actions. A margin of safety between the working and break- ing stresses is undoubtedly required to allow for the contingencies thus enumerated. But it would be im- possible, with these contingencies alone in view, to explain the varying factors of safety which are adopted in practice; and, if Wöhler's results are true, it is absolutely false to reckon as the margin of security the difference between the calculated working stress and the statical breaking stress. Previous to 18492 no defined rule, recognised " 1 1 Or, to use an American phrase, 'factor of ignorance.' 2 See a very complete account of the Board of Trade rules, in a paper on the Design of Girder Bridges,' by W. Shelford and A. H. Shield. Brit. Assoc. Report, 1886. 382 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION officially, appears to have existed, limiting the discretion of the engineer in the design of bridges and other struc- tures. In 1847 a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the conditions which should be observed in the application of iron to structures. The Commis- sion reported against fettering engineers by legislative enactments. But they made some recommendations with respect to cast-iron bridges which were adopted as rules by the Board of Trade. According to these recommendations, the breaking weight of a cast-iron bridge was to be six times the live load added to three times the dead load. They also recommended that an allowance should be made for dynamic action in bridges of less than 40 feet span. A discussion arose shortly afterwards as to the safety of the Torksey Bridge, and then, for the first time, a proposal was made to limit the stress in all wrought-iron bridges to 5 tons per sq. in. The Torksey Bridge appears to have been finally passed in a condition in which the working stress probably reached 6 tons per sq. in. In 1858 a further dispute arose as to the safety of the bridge over the Spey,¹ built by Sir W. Fairbairn. An attempt was made to get the Board of Trade to allow for wrought-iron bridges, as for cast iron, a different factor of safety for the stresses due to the dead and live loads. But the Board of Trade then formally adopted the rule that the stress in wrought iron should not exceed 5 tons per sq. in., and 1 It was in connection with the discussion about the Spey Bridge that Sir W. Fairbairn made the experiment on the action of repetition of stress on a wrought-iron girder. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 383 that without reference to the quality of the iron or the character of the loading. Later, for steel bridges, a limiting stress of 6 tons has been allowed, under certain restrictions as to the testing of the material. 2 It will be seen that as early as 1847 the Railway Commission recognised a difference between the action of a dead and a live load. Unfortunately, they were disposed to ascribe this difference entirely to the dyna- mical action of the live load causing increased deflection, and therefore increased stress. Since the publication of Wöhler's results a quite different view of the differ- ence between the action of a fixed, or deal, and a vary- ing or live, load has been recognised by the more thoughtful engineers. Although the official rules in this country have remained unaltered, practice no longer strictly conforms to those rules; and in other countries varying limits of working stress, depending on the range of variation of stress, have been boldly adopted. - Mr. Baker states that the short spans of the Elevated Railway in New York were designed for a stress of 3.6 tons per sq. in. on the flanges, 34 tons on the web bracing, and 2-0 tons for members subjected to alternate tension and compression; that a recent German bridge over the Danube was designed for limits of stress vary- ing with the range of stress from 31 tons to 5'8 tons per sq. in.; and that a Hungarian bridge over the same river was designed for stresses varying from 3.9 to 5 tons per sq. in. On the other hand, Mr. Baker estimates that on the Conway Bridge, which carries the heavy 384 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION traffic of the London and North Western, and in which the ratio of dead to live load is large, the stresses reach the value of nearly 6 tons per sq. in.' 1 158. Bauschinger's Later Researches on the Variation of the Elastic Limit.—It has been an obstacle to the adop- tion of rules based on Wöhler's experiments that they stand apart as empirical results unexplained on any theory of the resistance of materials. The old view of the condition which fixes the limit of safe stress was that, up to some definite stress, the material was perfectly elastic. Any load producing a less stress might be imposed and removed without in any degree altering the material. The molecules strained by the load returned on its removal absolutely to their original condition. But a load exceeding the elastic limit altered the material-the molecules after straining assumed new positions. If it could be shown that Wöhler's ranges of stress were ranges within which the material was perfectly elastic, and that when those ranges were exceeded a plastic or permanent deforma- tion occurred, then an explanation of Wöhler's results would be found. For deformations, however small, accumulating with repetition of the load, would ulti- mately cause fracture. But here two obvious and con- siderable difficulties have to be met:- G 1. A bar subjected to alternate pressure and ten- sion breaks after a sufficient number of repetitions with a stress less than its primitive elastic limit. - 1 'Notes on the Working Stress of Iron and Steel.' By B. Baker. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 1886. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 385 2. It has long been known that the application of a stress exceeding the elastic limit raised the elastic limit. In certain cases it appeared that the elastic limit could be raised by strain nearly to the breaking stress. This appeared inconsistent with the view that the safe limit of stress could depend on the elastic limit. A very important memoir by Prof. Bauschinger throws some light on the difficulties thus raised.¹ Prof. Bauschinger's conclusions rest on extremely delicate measurements of the behaviour of bars in ordi- nary testing, and are not likely to be generally accepted without further and independent investigation. But this may be said, that the memoirs of Prof. Bau- schinger represent an amount of scientific work in testing materials to which there is no parallel in this country, either in the extent and completeness of the researches or the accuracy of the measurements. Prof. Bau- schinger believes that his measurements are minute enough to determine definitely the true elastic limit of a material, the limit at which proportionality of the stress and strain first sensibly ceases. Let it be assumed for the moment that such a limit can be defi- nitely ascertained. Then, take this very simple point. It is known that applying a tension to a bar greater than its elastic limit in tension raises its clastic limit in tension. No one has cared to inquire whether such M 1 Ueber die Veränderung der Elasticitätsgrenze und die Festigkeit des Eisens und Stahls. Mittheilungen aus dem Mech. Techn. Laboratorium in München. 1886. CC 386 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION raising of the elastic limit in tension affected the limit in compression. Suppose that initially the elastic limits in tension and compression were 10 tons per sq. in., and that by a load of 15 tons the elastic limit in tension has been raised to 15 tons-it has been universally assumed that the bar would then be perfectly elastic from 10 tons compression to 15 tons tension.¹ But this is exactly what Bauschinger's experiments appear to conclusively disprove. The elastic limit in tension cannot be raised without lowering the limit in compression, and vice versa. Even a moderate raising of the tension limit may lower the compression limit to zero. This furnishes a complete solution of one of the difficulties in accepting Wöhler's laws. When a bar is subjected to alternating compression and extension the elastic limit cannot be raised. Any attempt to raise it in one direction lowers it in the other. The law that the elastic limit can be raised by stress does not apply to a bar subjected to alternate stresses of opposite sign. Why the elastic limit in this case is even lower than the primitive elastic limit in most cases will be dis- cussed presently. At present, it is enough that under alternating stresses we cannot expect that the elastic limit will rise, and therefore cannot expect a bar to be safe under a range of stress greater than that between its primitive elastic limits. ¹ One single exception should be noted. Prof. James Thompson, in 1877, stated that the common assumption that the elastic limit could be extended both for compression and tension was unproved, and that the determination of the point was a matter of importance in the theory of elasticity. Encyclopædia Britannica, Elasticity.' EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 387 Next consider the case of a stress of one kind only. Bauschinger's experiments, like earlier experiments, show that under stresses of one kind only, the elastic limit of a bar can be raised by strain nearly to the breaking stress. But they show, at the same time, that these artificially produced elastic limits are extremely unstable. The following table illustrates these points. TABLE X. BAUSCHINGER'S EXPERIMENTS ON THE CHANGE OF POSITION OF THE ELASTIC LIMIT. (Bar subjected to tension only. Tons per sq. in.) Treatment Bar of Bessemer steel, No. 939c: 1. Original condition. 2. One day after 3. Immediately after (2) 4. Immediately after (3) 5. One day after (4) . Broke with 34 tons Bar 9396. Same steel: 1. Original condition 2. 69 hours after (1) . 3. Half an hour after (2) straightened in the lathe 4. 68 hours after (3) . 5. 3 years after (4) 6. 2 days after, and after being vibrated by hammering on end • 7. After 2 years, and after heat- ing to cherry-red and cool- ing in water Broke at 35 8 tons Elastic limit 11.6 8.05 12.0 20.0 4.05 6.9 33.0 12.5 0 Yielding Greatest stress stress or breaking- imposed on down point bar 17.4 24.8 27.0 28.3 32.4 18.6 24.0 25.6 33.0 33.0 32.0 24.6 22.6 26.8 28.3 29.6 34.0 21.3 26.6 32.3 33.0 33.0 32.0 25.2 It will be seen, in the case of the first bar, that loading again immediately after stretching to the yield- ing point, the elastic limit is lowered from 11.6 to 8.05 tons. In the case of the second bar, similarly strained C cc 2 388 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION but with a period of rest of 69 hours allowed, the elastic limit is raised from 12 to 20 tons. But on reloading immediately the elastic limit is lowered to 4.05 tons. With a three years' period of rest it is raised to 33 tons, just the load with which it had previously been strained. But this artificially produced elastic limit is so unstable that on hammering the bar on the end and reloading it has fallen to 12.5 tons. Now, to return to the case of a bar subjected to alternate compressions and tensions. It was seen that one of the difficulties of Wöhler's laws was, that the limit of safe stress for alternate tensions and compres- sions is a stress less than the primitive tensile elastic limit. Bauschinger explains this by advancing the view that the primitive elastic limit of many materials is an artificially raised elastic limit. The material has been subjected to mechanical operations in manufacture which are equivalent to straining actions. Now, Bau- schinger found that alternate compression and extension had the effect of raising an artificially lowered, or lower- ing an artificially raised, elastic limit. By subjecting a bar to a few alternations of equal stresses, which are equal to or somewhat exceed the elastic limits, they tend towards fixed positions which Bauschinger calls the natural elastic limits. The range of stress for which a bar is perfectly elastic after a few repetitions of such alternating stresses appears to agree very closely with Wöhler's range of stress for unlimited repetitions of alternating stresses. EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 389 TABLE XI. BAUSCHINGER'S EXPERIMENTS ON ALTERNATING TENSION AND COMPRESSION. (Tons per square inch.) Time between the loadings Wrought-iron bar : 1. Original condition 2. 6 days. 3. 1 hour 4. 5 minutes 5. 20 hours 6. 1 hour 7. 46 minutes 8. 30½ hours 9. 15 hours 10. 2 hours 11. 9 minutes 12. 27 hours 13. 30 minutes 14. 3 days. 15. 2 days. 16. 2 days. 17. 5 hours 18. Next day 19. 2 days. 20. 24 hours 21. 4 hours 22. 1 day 23. 9 hours • • • 3. 5 hours 4. 4 days. 5. 2 days. 6. 5 hours 7. 21 hours 8. 2 days. 9. 4 hours 10. 2 hours 11. 16 hours 12. 23 hours · Bessemer steel bar : 1. Original condition 2. 23 hours Elastic limit Tension 13.7 4.8 6.35 7·15 8.75 17.7 1.6 5.55 8.85 10.5 9.65 Compression | 4.8 9.65 12.9 12.7 4.8 7.15 1 1 7.95 7.95 3.24 4.85 8.85 | | 9.65 9.65 Load imposed Tension 13.7 14.5 14.5 │1 6.45 7.25 7.25 17.5 6.35 7·15 7.95 8.75 I 24.0 24.0 8.5 9.7 11.3 11.3 Compression | 1 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 6.45 17.3 17.5 6.35 7.15 7.15 8.75 9.55 24.3 | 8.5 9.7 9.7 11.3 11.3 The preceding table illustrates Bauschinger's attempt to find the natural elastic limits by alternating stresses in tension and compression. It will be seen that after a 390 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION succession of loads in tension which lower the limit in compression, and of loads in compression which lower the limit in tension, the elastic limit settles down-as the loads are diminished towards an amount not greatly exceeding the elastic limit-to a value not greatly dif ferent in tension and compression, and below the initial elastic limit. Further, the limits thus obtained-about 8 tons for wrought iron and 9tons for mild steel- differ very little from the stresses which Wöhler found to be the greatest which a bar would bear indefinitely when subjected to equal alternating stresses. The tables given are only a sample of the numerous tables in Professor Bauschinger's memoir. But these may serve to show that the elastic limits of a material are variable limits, restricted only by this, that the range of perfect elasticity seems to be a fixed range. In this a point of agreement is found with Wöhler's results. Elastic Limit in Bauschinger's Endurance Tests.—In the endurance tests given in Table IX. the initial elastic limit, which was determined from measurements on a 5-inch length of bar, and the elastic limit ac- quired during repetition of stress, are given. It will be seen that the elastic limit usually rises with repeti- tion of stress to a point above the load applied. When that is the case, the bar suffers a large number of repetitions of load before fracture. If the elastic limit is very near to, or below, the load applied, the bar breaks with comparatively few repetitions of load. As far as the statical strength of the bar is concerned, it EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 391 does not appear to be diminished by any number of repetitions of load. There is a small diminution in wrought iron, and an increase in other cases. 159. Gerber's Parabola.-Suppose the ranges of stress for unlimited repetition known for any material. Then it has been shown that, if the ranges of stress are plotted as ordinates, and the minimum stress as abscissæ, the points fall on a parabolic curve. Let fmax, fmin be the limits of stress, and A=fmax fmin be the range of stress. The upper sign is to be taken if the stresses are of the same kind, and the lower if they are of different kinds. Let f be the sta- tical breaking strength. Then Gerber's equation is- 2 ( ƒmin + ½ ▲ )² + k ▲ = ƒ ² ; where k is a constant for any material. If the statical strength ƒ is known, and the value of fmin and fmax for any one range of stress at which the bar stands a practically unlimited number of repetitions before breaking, then k can be determined, and the limits of stress for all conditions of loading can be calculated. The values of k have been calculated for all Wöhler's and Bauschinger's experiments in which the bars stood over 5 million repetitions of load, and from the equations the parabolas in Fig. 128 have been drawn. It will be seen that these quite independent experiments give fairly consistent values for the ranges of stress under all conditions of loading. Bauschinger's results are specially valuable in connection with 392 CONSTRUCTION TESTING MATERIALS OF OF ug 30 bs ad sugg Stress in 20 Range of 10 15 -10 + Bur Iron 0 WOHLER'S FIG. 128. Wrought Iron Plate. AND ENDURANCE TESTS. **I*X BAUSCHINGER'S ܀ Steel Axle. Steel Rail Wrought Iron Mild Steel Boiler Plate. Bessemer Steel Plate. Bar Iron 10 20 30 Minimum Stress in tons per square inch. WOHLER'S RESULTS IN FULL LINES BAUSCHINGER'S DOTTED LINES. Untempered Spring Steel. Krupp's Axle Steel. 40 50 1 60 EXPERIMENTS ON REPETITION OF STRESS 393 Wöhler's, because in two of the materials used by Wöhler the statical strength was exceptionally high. The following tables give the values of fmax and fmin for the most useful cases, recalculated from the same equations. The last column is of course the experi- mentally determined breaking strength of the material used: TABLE XII. BAUSCHINGER'S ENDURANCE TESTS. (Stresses requiring 5 to 10 million repetitions to cause fracture. Tons per sq. in.) Material Wrought-iron plate Bar iron Bar iron Bessemer mild steel plate. Steel axle Steel rail. Mild steel boiler plate • Material Opposite stresses One stress zero Similar stresses Wrought iron Krupp's axle steel Untempered spring steel Least Greatest Least Greatest Least Greatest 7.15 + 7·15 0 7.85 + 7·85 8.65 + 8.65 0 0 0 0 6 8.55 + 8.55 - 10.5 +10.5 9.7 + 9.7 8.65 + 8.65 Opposite stresses 13.10 14.4 15.75 15.70 19.70 18.4 8.6 + 86 0 - 14.05 +14.05 0 - 13.38 +13:38 0 15.8 11.4 19.2 13.3 22.02 13.2 21.92 14.3 23.8 20.0 32.1 19.5 30.85 13.3 22.55 TABLE XIII. LIMITS OF STRESS, FROM WÖHLER'S ENDURANCE TESTS. (Stresses, in tons per sq. in., for which fracture occurs only after an indefinitely large number of repetitions.) One stress zero Similar stresses Least Greatest Least Greatest Least Greatest Range zero. Ultimate statical strength 15.25 12.0 20.5 26.5 17.5 37.75 25.5 12.5 22.8 26.6 26.4 28.6 40·0 39.0 26.6 Range zero. Ultimate statical strength 22.8 52.0 34.75 57.5 394 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER XIII. TIMBER. 160. Unlike the materials hitherto examined, timber has, in consequence of its organic origin, a remarkable and definite structure, so that its mechanical properties cannot be understood without reference to its mode of growth. Nor is this all. The quality of timber is largely influenced by the soil and climate, the age of the tree and season of felling, and the duration of the seasoning process. Hence, experiments on timber, to be valuable, should be made on logs the history of which is known, and should be directed so as to deter- mine the relative influence of all the circumstances which affect its mechanical properties. Timber is composed of vegetable cells, and, chiefly, very elongated cells, termed wood-fibres, arranged A stress nearly parallel to the axis of the stem. applied to a transverse section must break the fibres across, while a stress applied to a longitudinal section separates them from each other. The strength along the grain depends on the strength of the fibres; that across the grain on their adhesion. Hence, in pine wood the lateral strength is only one-tenth to one-twentieth ; TIMBER 395 of the longitudinal; in leaf wood, one-sixth to one- fourth. All the timber commonly used in construc- tion is derived from exogenous trees. In the section of an exogenous stem there may be recognised the pith, the woody tissue forming the greater part of the section, and the bark. The growth of the stem occurs by the addition, annually, of a ring of new fibres be- tween the bark and the already formed timber. Hence most exogenous stems indicate, by distinct annual rings, the age of the tree. The timber is sometimes broadly marked, so as to be distinguishable into two portions-the heart-wood, and sap-wood; and usually, but not invariably, the sap-wood is weaker and less sound than the heart-wood. In some trees, plates of cellular tissue extend radially from the pith towards the bark. These are termed medullary rays, and are planes of weakness in the timber. From the joiner's point of view, timber is broadly distinguished into soft wood and hard wood. The dis- tinction roughly agrees with a distinction between timber derived from the needle-leaved trees (coniferous trees), and timber derived from broad-leaved trees. By far the largest part of the timber used in construction is the soft wood derived from needle-leaved coniferous trees. In Europe the most important timber tree is the northern pine (Pinus sylvestris), yielding timber known as red or yellow fir, Memel, Dantzig, or Riga fir, or yellow deal. Next to this, the spruce fir (Abies excelsa) yields the valuable timber known as white 396 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION deal. Similar timber, coming from America, the pro- duce of allied species, is commonly known as pine. The yellow pine of the pattern maker, and the pitch pine of the joiner are examples. All timber, after felling, requires to be seasoned, and in ordinary season- ing timber loses one-fifth to one-seventh of its weight. When perfectly dried it may lose one-third of its weight. During this seasoning it shrinks, and much more in a transverse direction, and especially along the annual rings, than longitudinally. A plank of oak may shrink in width one-twelfth, and one of pine or fir one- thirtieth to one-fortieth. This shrinkage, which con- tinues a long time, is one of the determining conditions in the arrangement of timber in construction. It is during seasoning that the shrinkage causes the heart shakes (radial), or cup shakes (along the rings) which often detract so much from the value of timber. W Till recently, nearly all tests of timber have been made on comparatively small specimens. Such test specimens are virtually selected, not average, specimens. They are more homogeneous and better seasoned than larger pieces, and are free from knots, shakes, and other serious defects. Hence they give values for the strength of the timber very much in excess of the strength of large pieces. To furnish useful data for construction, tests must of necessity be made on large pieces. Hence very few of the mass of tests hitherto made need here be quoted. The following short table gives the general relation of the strengths for a few of the more important timbers: TIMBER 397 PROPERTIES OF TIMBER, FROM SMALL TEST SPECIMENS. Coefficient of elasti- Length of Kind of timber seasoning, tension, city for years Yellow pine. Spruce Red pine. British oak Teak, Indian Mahogany White oak • "" • "" Spruce Yellow pine Lignum vitæ Pitch pine White pine Ironbark. Blue gum Jarrah • • • • 4 1-2 13-18 1 1-6 434 tons per sq. in. 714 750 656 1,071 871 910 317 Tenacity along fibre, tons per sq. in. 5.54 5.80 6.70 6.70 5.51 8.70 8.93 5.44 6.87 7.14 5.09 5.10 7.12 8.97 1.31 Crushing Coefficient Shearing strength of bending resistance along strength, along fibre, tons tons per fibres, tons sq. in. per sq. in. per sq. in. 2.41 2.59 4:46 5.36 3:30 2.81 2.88 2.66 3.60 4:40 3.99 2.24 4.54 3:45 3.20 4.91 3.71 5.27 6.92 4:46 4.46 4.69 2.68 4.51 7.18 3.03 8.15 5.86 4.13 0.27 0.29 1·03 161. Bauschinger's Investigation of the Elasticity and Strength of Pine Wood. - By far the most thorough and valuable investigation of the properties of timber is contained in two papers in the 'Mittheilungen,' of the Munich Laboratory. 1 In Bauschinger's earlier investigation the object was to determine the condi- tions which should be observed in testing timber, the relative value of different modes of testing, the in- fluence of conditions of growth, time of felling, and seasoning on the strength of timber, and the rela- tions between the physical constants of the material. Bauschinger immediately found that the amount of moisture in the timber had a very great influence on ¹ Mittheilungen aus dem Mech. Techn. Laboratorium in München. 1883 and 1887. 398 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION its density and strength, so that comparative values could only be obtained by reducing experimental re- sults to a uniform standard dryness. He determined the dryness for every test piece. At first this was done by taking a few grams of sawdust, raspings, or chips from the timber, drying them at 101° C. in a current of dried air for about eight hours, and then reweighing to determine the loss. The percentage of moisture was calculated on the original weight of the specimen. In later trials the whole test specimen was dried in an oven kept at 101° to 105° till it ceased to lose weight The drying usually lasted two to four days. To deter- mine at all accurately the strength or density at a standard dryness, it is necessary to experiment on three test specimens in three stages of dryness. If the results are plotted, a curve can be drawn giving the relation of strength or density to dryness, and from this the required value at standard dryness can be deter- mined. Bauschinger takes 15 per cent. of moisture as the most convenient standard dryness, that being the condition most often reached by simple exposure to air. The bending tests were made on beams about 20 inches square and 9 feet long. These were broken with a clear span of 98.4 inches. The tension tests were made on small test bars of the form m shown in Fig. 81, and with the shackles shown in Fig. 74. These tests presented difficulty from the tendency of the wood to draw out of the part in the shackles by TIMBER 399 shearing along the fibres. The bar had to be well bedded against its shoulders by driving the wedges at the back, and the side screws had to be strongly tight- ened during the test. The elastic limit in tension almost coincides with the breaking point. The coefficient of elasticity was determined from the extension with a load of about one-third the breaking load. Pressure tests were made with specimens of the form shown in Fig. 85, and afterwards with simple square prisms, about 3 to 4 inches length of side, and about 6 inches long. Shearing tests were also made on radial planes in the timber. - The tension results show very great differences, due partly to the small section of the test pieces, which allowed the greatest influence to original differences of quality in the timber. The tenacity is very great, ex- traordinarily so if the large amount of vacant space is allowed for which is observable in microscopic sections. Pieces cut near the heart of the tree are much weaker than pieces cut nearer the periphery; and this is con- nected generally, but not always, with less density in the wood near the heart. The strength does not directly depend on the width of the annual rings. But it ap- pears to be more directly connected with the propor- tionate width of the summer zone of the annual rings as compared with the spring zone. In tension experi- ments the influence of time of felling is not recognisable a short time after felling. The coefficient of elasticity varies very significantly with the strength, increasing C 400 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION and decreasing with it. The bending tests on beams of the full useful section of the log showed generally that the strength and coefficient of elasticity varied directly with the density. The results were, however, influenced by the presence of knots and other defects. The pressure tests gave, on the whole, the most uniform results, the section of the test pieces being fairly large, and a uniform distribution of stress being fairly well obtained. But the elastic limit and coefficient of elasticity are difficult to ascertain accurately in pressure tests. The strength increases with the density, but the heart pieces are weak. In timber tested within three months of felling, the winter-felled timber was 25 per cent. stronger than summer felled. But later researches showed that this difference disappeared after a longer time of seasoning. The strength increases in seasoning, but the increase probably ceases after about one year. Bauschinger concludes that when the question is the average quality of a timber, as in inquiries with reference to the influence of time of felling or seasoning, or the influence of the soil or locality of growth, then the pressure tests are the easiest and most trustworthy. Discs about 6 inches thick should be sawn from each end and the middle of the log, and these then divided into four sectors. From each of these a square prism should be cut, the height being 1 times the length of side. The compressive strength should then be ascertained for as nearly as possible the standard dryness (15 per cent. of moisture). The test pieces should be measured, 1 TIMBER 401 The co- and weighed to determine the density. efficient of elasticity is best determined from bending tests of a beam of the whole useful section of the log. As this depends on the quality of the whole section, and is determined for stresses within the elastic limit, it is probably a very valuable indication of the structural value of the timber. By plotting his results, Bauschinger shows that there is a definite relation between the co- efficient of elasticity and the bending and crushing strength, and that this can probably be expressed by a linear equation. There is also a definite relation in pine wood between the density and the strength, ex- pressed by the following equation :- Red pine Spruce >" where ẞ is the crushing strength in tons per sq. in., and the density at a standard dryness of 15 per cent. The following are some of the results in the earlier research, the timber being tested about three months after felling "" Timber B = 6·35 0.635, d d − TENSION EXPERIMENTS. (Test pieces, 1·6 × 0·4 inch section. Mean values as tested.) Locality Lichtenhoff Frankenhofen Regenhütte Schliersee Summer felled. Tenacity, tons per sq. in. Cir- Mean cum- Heart of ference Winter felled. Tenacity, tons per sq. in. Cir- cum- log ference 6.67 1.46 5:01 4.76 6.16 1.97 4.76 7.87 6·542·60 | 5·24 6·10 6.44 184 359 | 3-68 Mean Heart of log 1.84 3.78 2.19 5.97 1·90 4.70 1.62 2.99 D D 402 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION PRESSURE EXPERIMENTS. (Test pieces, about 34 × 3} inches, and 6 inches long. Mean strength, as tested, and also reduced to a standard dryness-10 per cent. of moisture.) "" Red pine Spruce "" Timber "" Spruce "" Timber "" "" "" "" · Red pine Lichtenhoff Locality Lichtenhoff Frankenhofen Regenhütte Schliersee BENDING EXPERIMENTS. (Beams, about 7 × 7 inches, and 98 inches span. Mean values. The upper value for each timber is for a summer, and the lower for a winter, felled tree.) Locality 2.03 [26] 1.78[19] 1.56 [20 1.49 [27] 1.03 [20] 1.99 17 1.78/20 1.43 [19] The figures in brackets give the moisture per cent. "" 686 654 "" Frankenhofen 698 737 730 698 Regenhütte Schliersee Summer felled. Compressive strength, in tons per sq. in. As tested Coeffi- cient of elasticity, tons per sq. in. 464 438 Standard dryness Elastic limit, tons per sq. in. 1.28 1.40 1.45 1.66 1.37 1.44 0.93 0.84 Winter felled. Compressive strength, in tons per sq. in. 2.37 2.13 2.41 1.41 As tested Coefficient of bending strength, Density tons per sq. in. Standard dryness 3:00 0.50 2.86 0.55 2.66 0.45 2.86 0.45 2.64 0.46 2.83 0.43 1.87 0.355 1.63 0.375 3.20 2.50 2.43 1.89 Content of mois- ture, per cent. 23 33 29 27 34 31 23.5 25 I These results are directly comparable with Lanza's results, given below. These latter were also on pretty large beams. The influence of a longer time of seasoning is shown in the following table :- TIMBER 403 AVERAGE CRUSHING STRENGTH OF WHOLE SECTION OF Loc. (Ten per cent. moisture. Tons per sq. in.) Lichtenhoff Frankenhofen Regenshütte Time of felling Summer felled Winter felled Ꭺ 2.34 3.03 B A B A B 3.21 2.15 2.86 2.37 2.81 2.83 2.51 2.95 2.39 2.83 A. Tested 3 months after felling. B. Tested 5 years after felling. Schliersee A B 1:40 2.04 1.89 2.13 162. American Tests of Timber, with Large-sized Test Pieces. It has already been stated that tests of large test pieces give values of the strength of timber con- siderably smaller than those obtained from small test pieces. Of tests with large test pieces the most im portant are those made in the United States, chiefly under the direction of Prof. Lanza, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.¹ Prof. Lanza appears to have failed to make satisfac- tory tension experiments on large specimens. He con- cludes that tie bars used in construction will always give way in some other manner than by direct tearing- for instance, by pulling out the fastenings, and shearing and splitting the timber. Tests of crushing strength are much less difficult. The following table gives a summary of a series of tests of wooden posts, generally 7 to 10 inches in diameter, made for an insurance com- pany under Prof. Lanza's direction. In all these tests 1 Applied Mechanics. Lanza, p. 497. Also, 'Report on Strength of Wooden Columns,' Lanza; and Executive Document 12, Forty-seventh Congress, First Session. DD 2 404 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the strength was simply proportional to the area of cross section, the deflection laterally being insignificant. TESTS OF WOODEN POSTS AND BLOCKS, USUALLY WITH FLAT ENDS (LANZA). Crushing strength, in tons per sq. in. Form Round "" "" Rectang. "" Round Round 99 Round "" "" "" Approximate size Length, feet 22~2~ 12 12 12 | 12 12 12 13 133 Section, sq. ins. 32-63 47-93 30-65 45-61 48-86 100 81-103 45-48 2.18 Max. 24 25 79-87 60-65 YELLOW PINE 2.10 2.05 2.10 | Min. 1.63 1.82 1.93 1.61 WHITE OAK 1.69 1.99 1.34 1.40 Mean 1.97 1.94 2.01 2.331 2.41 1.90 1.56 1.57 OLD AND SEASONED WHITE OAK 2.69 2.05 1.89 131 2.08 1.73 2.18 1.53 2.28 1.55 2 1.92 1.82 Coefficient of elasticity, tons per sq. in. 728-984 949 734-1091 545-781 493-582 823-955 646-916 Another series of tests on large rectangular posts of white and yellow pine timber was made with the Water- town machine. The lengths varied up to 30 feet. The results are too numerous to give here, but they have been plotted by Mr. E. F. Ely, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and from the plotting the fol- lowing rule is derived. The posts had flat ends, and the load was evenly distributed. Let I be the length, and r the least sectional dimen- sion. Then, the crushing stress ƒ per sq. in. of section in tons is as follows:- - 22 1 One end flat, one with rectang. pintle. * Maple cap and oak base. TIMBER 405 し ​ř 0-10 10-35 35-45 45-60 White pine ~ W = ƒ 1 4 1.116 ·893 *669 •446 ƒ b h² 2 ι 163. Bending Tests.-The American bending tests are not on so large a scale as those on crushing, but, with the exception of those of Bauschinger already given, they afford the most trustworthy data as to the strength of timber beams. They were made under Prof. Lanza's direction. The beams were 2 to 6 inches wide, and 2 to 12 inches deep. The span varied from 4 to 20 feet. Usually, in bending tests, the beam is supported at the ends and loaded at the centre. Let W be the load at the centre; b and h the breadth and depth of the beam; the span of the beam; the dimensions being in inches, and the load in tons. Let f be the greatest direct stress on the fibres furthest from the neutral axis ; f the shearing stress at the neutral axis, in tons per in.; & the deflection at the centre, in inches. Then, so long as the elastic limit for bending is not exceeded, sq. W 18 E b h 3 ; f = 3 ; ƒ₁ = 3/13 fs E 0-15 15-30 30-40 40-45 45-50 50-60 W b h INF T 1 4 Yellow pine W l bh2 f W 73 dbh s 1.785 1.562 1.339 1.116 893 *669 · (1). (2). (3). 406 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Equation (1) may be used to determine the dimen- sions for a given limit of stress; and equation (2) to determine the coefficient of elasticity of the timber, from observations within the elastic limit. When, however, W is the load which breaks the beam, the value of ƒ obtained from equation (1) is no longer the f real stress in the beam. Since, however, it is a con- venient measure of the strength of the timber for practical purposes, it may be called the coefficient of bending strength. The coefficient of bending strength is always greater than the real breaking stress. stress. From the great weakness of timber along the grain, beams give way about as often by shearing along the neutral surface as by tearing the extreme fibres. Then the shearing stress f, calculated by equation (3), bears a similar relation to the real shearing stress that f bears to the real tenacity of the timber. The following summary gives the most important results of Professor Lanza's bending tests :- Spruce beams. "" "" "" Yellow pine beams. Max. Min. . Mean "" "" "" "" "" در "" "" "" Oak beams. Max. Min. Mean "" "" "" "" White pine. Max. Min. "" Mean Max. Min. Mean "" i Coefficient of bending strength, tons per sq. in. 3.910 1.337 2.180 5.071 1.769 3.255 3.419 2.225 2.712 3.237 1.535 2.146 Coefficient of elasticity, tons per sq. in. 709 401 594 1,063 519 779 789 381 577 572 413 484 TIMBER 407 Beams which gave way by Shearing.-In Lanza's tests six spruce beams and five yellow pine beams gave way by longitudinal shearing near the neutral axis. The intensity of the shearing stress varied from 117 to 248 lbs. per sq. in. in the spruce beams, and from 153 to 397 lbs. per sq. in. in the yellow pine beams. The mean values were— Spruce beams Yellow pine beans • Ash. Yellow birch White maple Red oak White oak. White pine Yellow pine Spruce Whitewood • Shearing strength, lbs. per sq. in. 191 248 • On the beams which did not fail by shearing the mean intensity of shearing stress was about the same. Hence it may be concluded that, for soft wood timber, beams give way by shearing at the neutral axis or by tearing at the convex surface almost indifferently. 164. Direct Experiments on Shearing along the Grain. -Direct experiments on the shearing resistance along the grain were made at the Watertown Arsenal, and gave somewhat higher values of the shearing strength. This is probably due to the fact that, in shearing experi- ments, the timber is forced to shear at a selected section, while in the beam experiments the shearing occurred along the weakest of the planes near the neutral axis of the beam. The specimens were also comparatively small. SHEARING TESTS (WATERTOWN ARSENAL). Shearing strength, lbs. per sq. in. 458 to 700 563 815 367 647 726 999 752,, 966 267 366 286 415 "" "" رو "" "" tons per sq. in. 0·0853 0.1107 253 374 382 406 >> >> 408 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The greater shearing strength of the leaf woods is noticeable. 1 165. Influence of Time on Bending Strength and Elas- ticity.-Experiments by Herman Haupt, and more recent experiments by Thurston and Kidder," show: (1) That the deflection of a beam of pine under a¸ statical load increases with time, or the modulus of elasticity is less for a prolonged than for an immediate loading; (2) that the beam breaks in course of time with a statical load a good deal less than that required to break it immediately. In Thurston's experiments a plank of yellow pine was selected. Bars 1 to 3 inches square, and 40 to 54 inches long, gave a density of 0.75 to 1·0, a coefficient of bending strength of 4·91 to 5.36 tons per sq. in., and a coefficient of elasticity of 1,005 tons per sq. in. Kiln dried, the coefficient of bending strength increased one-fifth, and that of elas- ticity one-ninth. For a bar 1 inch square on supports 40 inches apart the centre breaking load was 375 lbs. Nine bars of this size were prepared, three being loaded with 350 lbs., three with 300 lbs., and three with 250 lbs. at the centre. All the first three broke in less than 43 hours; all the second three in from 80 to 719 hours; and all the third set, loaded with only 60 per cent. of the immediate breaking weight, broke in from 6,000 to 11,000 hours. These experiments seem to ¹ Proc. Am. Assoc. for Advancement of Science, 1881. Proc. Inst. C.E. lxxi. p. 428. * Journal of Franklyn Institute, 1882. Proc. Inst. C. E. lxxi. p. 431. TIMBER 409 show that a statical load of 60 per cent. of the imme- diate breaking weight is not safe. When broken imme- diately, the ultimate deflection was about 18 inch; with 350 lbs. it was 2.3 inches; with 300 lbs. 3.0 inches, and with 250 lbs. 2.5 inches. Hence the de- flection is greater with a prolonged load. In Mr. Kidder's experiments on dry spruce beams 12 inch square, the deflection increased with time, even when as small as th of the immediate breaking weight. He concluded that one-half the immediate breaking weight could not be permanently supported. 1 Single leather. LEATHER BELTING. The following few results may find place here :- STRENGTH OF LEATHER BELTS AND FASTENINGS. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Double belt, copper sewn. Single belt, ordinary laced joint "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Max. Min. Mean Max. Min. Mean • butt laced joint scarfed and glued. grip fastener • Crowley's fastener. hose riveted, 12, rivets in two rows. 3 Tenacity, Dimensions, in in lbs. per inches inch of width 2·0 × 0·2 2.5 × 206 2·5 × 314 2.5 × 203 3·0 × 21 3·0 × 21 2·5 × 22 3·0 × 21 7·0 x 22 1,600 700 1,280 1,272 616 964 1,110 473 265 544 242 635 394 Authority Riehle Bros. •• Unwin' F *? ** : 11 > >> >> ܕ Watertown 410 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER XIV. STONE AND BRICK. 166. Building stone is derived from rocks of widely different origin and very various age. The rocks may be distinguished into volcanic or plutonic rocks con- solidated from igneous fusion, and stratified rocks deposited under water. The former are crystalline in the granites, less obviously crystalline in the traps, and glassy in other cases. The stratified rocks, which show more or less distinctly lamination or bedding, are some- times aggregates of detritus derived from denudation of land surfaces, cemented by subsequent infiltration. Sometimes they are precipitates from solution in water. Sometimes they are of organic origin, and consist largely of siliceous or calcareous skeletons. In some originally stratified rocks a slaty cleavage has been developed by pressure, which is more conspicuous than the original bedding. The value of stone for building depends on its strength, its durability, and the facility with which it can be worked. The durability depends partly on its hardness and chemical composition, but also largely on its power of resisting the absorption of water. The most abundant constituents of the rocks are STONE AND BRICK 411 silica, alumina, oxide of iron, lime, and magnesia. Silica occurs nearly pure as quartz, flint, and sand, and is almost universally present in combination with other earthy bases. Alumina, combined with silica, occurs in clay, and in mica and felspar. Magnesia occurs com- bined with silica in soapstone, augite, and hornblende, and as a carbonate in some limestones. Lime occurs as a carbonate, nearly pure, in some limestones. The most important building stones may be classed as granite, clayslate, sandstone, or limestone. Granite consists normally of quartz, colourless and transparent; felspar, opaque, red, yellow, or grey, giving the prevailing tint to the rock; and mica. Hornblende and tale are sometimes associated with or replace the mica. Granite is an extremely valuable building stone. It is heavy, strong, non-absorbent, and capable of taking a fine polish. On the other hand, it stands fire badly, and is difficult to work. The horn- blendic varieties have great resistance to abrasion. Inferior granites sometimes decay, either by decomposi- tion of the felspar, or by surface disintegration by frost. Trap, Greenstone and Basalt have some of the qualities of granite. They are compact crystalline rocks, composed of felspar, hornblende, and augite. They are strong, but difficult to dress. Clayslate, composed of quartz and mica, is some- times a very compact rock, yielding a fine-grained and strong building stone. Sometimes the slaty cleavage is so developed that it yields slabs and roofing slates. 412 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Sandstones are stratified rocks, composed largely of quartz grains, with a siliceous, clayey, or calcareous cement. The fineness of grain varies greatly. In some sandstones the cement is nearly pure silica, and these are strong, durable, and non-absorbent. The best sandstones for building, in England, are obtained from the millstone grit and coal measures, and from the new and old red sandstone formations. Limestones are of very various texture and quality. Marble is a nearly pure carbonate of lime, hard enough to take a polish. Granular and oolitic limestones con- sist of grains of carbonate of lime cemented by a calcareous or siliceous matrix. Some of these yield excellent, durable, and easily-worked building stone. Generally, however, limestones are softer, more ab- sorbent, and less durable than sandstones. Shelly limestones consist of shells embedded in a more or less crystalline matrix, and some of these are useful as building stone. Magnesian Limestones, or dolomites, consist of car- bonates of lime and magnesia. When properly crystal- line in structure they yield a good, easily-dressed, and durable stone. Steatite, or silicate of magnesia, is valuable from its power of resisting fire. 167. Strength of Stone.-In most cases stone is used in compression. A block of stone at the base of a pier or in an arch ring is subject to a thrust due to the weight of the structure, and, as far as the condition can be secured, the thrust is normal to the faces of the block. p STONE AND BRICK 413 Generally the pressure does not reach 10 tons per sq. ft., though in some lofty structures it reaches 20 to 30 tons, and possibly in some arch rings 40 or 50 tons, per sq. ft. Now, the crushing resistance of stone, tested in small cubes, is seldom less than 250 tons, and often reaches 1,000 tons or more per sq. ft. Hence it has been argued that the strength of stone is of little consequence, its lowest strength being in excess of what is required. It must be remembered, however, that small cubes of stones are selected specimens, more homogeneous and free from defect than large blocks. The cubical form is a stronger one than that of the blocks used in building, and single blocks are stronger than aggre- gates of blocks. Further, it is quite impossible in any actual structure to secure a simple condition of crushing stress. Settlement, imperfect bedding, unequal compres- sibility of different blocks, and other causes, introduce unforeseen and incalculable straining actions. Hence, the real factor of safety is not nearly as great as the nominal one. 168. Mode of Crushing in Rigid Materials.—In duc- tile materials like wrought iron the mode of yielding to pressure is nearly the inverse of the mode of yielding to tension, and the two resistances are not widely different. But in cast iron and stone and other rigid materials, the tenacity of which is small compared with the resistance to crushing, the mode of yielding is quite different. It has been shown in § 9 that the stress on any oblique plane in a prism subjected to a pressure p in the direction 414 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION of its axis may be resolved into a tangential component p sin cos 6, and a normal component p cos² 6. On a plane making 45° with the axis the intensity of the shearing stress is greatest, and equal top. Now small cylinders of cast iron frequently give way exactly as shown in Fig. 4, and Coulomb inferred that the action was then a simple shearing. But that this is not an exact view of the matter is shown, partly because the inclination of the plane of yielding to the axis often differs a good deal from 45°, partly because the intensity of the stress on the plane of yielding is usually con- siderably greater than the shearing strength of the material when not in compression. Obviously, the normal component p cos² is not without influence on the angle and intensity of stress at which the prism breaks. It produces a frictional resistance to sliding which balances part of the tangential stress. But this, also, is probably an incomplete account of the mode of resistance of rigid materials. The axial pressure and longitudinal compression correspond to a lateral dilata- tion and transverse tension (§ 4). In some cases stone breaks up into nearly vertical prisms, splitting up at a number of almost vertical planes. In these cases it appears to yield to the lateral tension. Any cause which increases the lateral tension readily produces this kind of fracture, as will be seen presently. • In a square prism there are four symmetrical planes similarly situated with respect to the axis. Hence such prisms frequently yield simultaneously at these four STONE AND BRICK 415 FIG. 129. planes. Thus, a cube breaks into six similar and equal pyramids (Fig. 129; see also Fig. 132). With a rect- angular base a prism breaks similarly, but the upper and lower pyramids are termi- nated by an edge instead of a point. A cylindrical prism shows, after fracture, two cones with the sides split off all round. In an even- - 17: grained material like sandstone these forms are often very regularly developed. FIG. 130. Fig. 130 shows a cube of cement concrete after frac- ture. Here the pyramidal form of fracture is pretty obvious, in spite of the irregularity of the material. The 416 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION middle part, near the apex of the pyramids, is really loose and fissured. Fig. 131 exhibits a cylinder of cement mortar showing very distinctly the conical fracture. When the height of the prisms is greater than their length of side, the two pyramids which stand on the surfaces at which the pressure is applied are often of unequal height. re- 169. Preparation of Specimens for Crushing. -The specimens quired for crushing may be obtained by sawing, or by dressing with ham- mer and chisel. It is of the greatest import- ance that the surfaces at FIG. 131. which the crushing pressure acts should be plane and parallel, a requirement sometimes too little attended to. To obtain plane parallel surfaces a planing machine may be used, with a black diamond for a cutting tool; or the surfaces may be ground smooth with emery on a plate of stone or metal. As these processes are troublesome, especially when dealing with bricks, concrete blocks, and other rough material, the author has adopted a plan. which is simpler and appears to be quite as satisfactory. When the surfaces are approximately right, they are covered with a thin layer of Parian cement or plaster of Paris, which can be easily strickled so as to be plane. STONE AND BRICK 417 This thin layer does not crush under even the heavy pressures required, and it does not yield or flow. It is, for all practical purposes, a part of the block. 1 To avoid the trouble of getting parallel plane sur- faces, it has been common to make crushing experiments with a layer of pinewood, or lead, or other weak material interposed between the block to be crushed and the cast-iron crossheads of the testing machine. The idea has been that the wood or lead distributed the pressure over the surface, and virtually annulled the inequalities of surface. This, however, can be shown to be erro- neous. Any weak material may very greatly alter the crushing pressure, and falsify the result of the experi- ment. It is important that the block to be crushed should be placed directly between the parallel metal surfaces by which the pressure is applied. The only thing the author uses between is a sheet of hard mill- board. This is nearly as incompressible as iron, and is not indented by the crushing pressure. It does no harm, and it is doubtful if it does any good. To neu- tralise, as far as possible, the effect of any want of parallelism of the surfaces of the block and machine, a spherical joint, like that shown in Fig. 105, p. 226, should invariably be used. - 170. Diminution of the Crushing Resistance of Stone when bedded on Lead.-Twenty years ago it was common, in experiments on crushing, to bed the test specimens of rigid materials like stone on lead plates, with an idea of ¹ In some cases leather has been used, and in some a layer of sand. E F 418 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION securing uniform distribution of pressure on the faces at which the crushing pressure is applied. The author has long had the opinion that to support blocks for crushing on a plastic support is wrong in principle. Hence, in experiments on the crushing of stone and of Portland cement and concrete, he has adopted the plan of preparing the faces on which the crushing pressure acts with a thin layer of plaster. This can easily be worked to smooth and parallel surfaces, which receive the iron plates of the crushing shackles directly, if necessary; but sometimes a sheet of millboard is interposed, which is a very hard and only slightly compressible material. It seemed desirable to try what was the difference of the crushing strength of blocks supported in these two ways. Two series of 4-inch cubes of Portland stone and Yorkshire grit were obtained of very uniform quality. The results of the tests are given below. The great reduction of strength when a thin plate of plastic material like lead is used on the faces to which the crushing pressure is applied is interesting both practically and scientifically. It will be seen that the crushing pressure of blocks between lead plates is in one case only three-fifths, and in another only three-sevenths of that of blocks prepared with plaster and crushed between millboard. One block was cemented carefully between two rigid iron plates with parallel surfaces, and this carried a little more, but only a little more, load than the block prepared with plaster and crushed between loose millboards. An examination of STONE AND BRICK 419 Description of stone the mode of fracture of the blocks shows why the lead has so dangerous an effect on the strength. The blocks crushed between millboards sheared approximately at 45°, forming regular pyramids; but the blocks crushed between lead broke up into a number of vertical prisms. The lead, flowing under the crushing pressure, pro- duced by friction a tension in the block at right angles to the crushing pressure, and this, added to the tension due to lateral expansion, tore the block in pieces, com- pletely altering the angle of fracture. The pressure of fluidity of lead is from 1 to 3 tons per sq. in., and these pressures were exceeded in the crushing experiments. CRUSHING OF STONE BLOCKS, 4-INCH CUBES (APPROXIMATELY). Crushing load, in tons Portland: 535 536 538 537 Yorkshire grit: 539 542 540 541 57·665 52.600 45.65 33.50 79.72 80.05 56.20 35.90 Stress, in tons per sq. ft. 516.38 469.87 408.8 299.95 712.08 716.86 504-43 322.27 Remarks Between two mill- boards on each face One plate of lead on each face 1 One plate of lead on each face, inch smaller than face all round Three plates of lead on each face The lead plates were 0.085 inch thick. Between two mill- boards on each face Cemented between two strong iron plates with plaster of Paris One lead plate on each face Three plates of lead on each face EE 2 420 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION FIG. 132 541 540 539 The result seems im- portant, because it is still a common practice to use lead, or deal, or some other plastic or compressible material in crushing ex- periments, and it is not generally known that this has the effect of diminishing the crushing resistance. Fig. 132 shows three of the blocks of the Yorkshire grit series after crushing. Block 539, crushed between millboards, has crushed in the normal way, a central wedge being formed, and the sides shearing on the four faces of the wedge. But in the two other blocks, supported on lead, the shearing angle is completely altered by the horizontal tension induced by the flow of the lead. The blocks are broken into a series S of prisms or wedges, the di- viding planes being nearly vertical. STONE AND BRICK 421 6 In a note in the Trans. Am. Soc. of Civil Engi- neers,' 1872, p. 192, it is mentioned that the Commis- sion of 1851 on the Selection of Stone for the Capitol at Washington discovered the remarkable fact that the crushing stress of stone was reduced to about one-half if pieces of lead were interposed between the stone and the steel faces of the shackles. 171. Influence of the Form of the Test Piece on the Crushing Strength.—Building stone is most commonly tested in cubes, and cubes of 4 inches length of side are convenient. For some of the stronger stones, it may be necessary to use cubes of 2 to 3 inches side in many testing machines. Portland cement is often tested in cubes of 4 inches length of side. For cement mortar the author has used cylinders of 7 inches diameter and 10 inches height. Irregular artificial material like cement concrete is best tested in the largest practicable blocks. Cubes of 7 to 10 inches length of side are convenient. It will be obvious, from the account given of the way in which materials of this kind crush, that know- ledge of the crushing strength of different forms and sizes of specimen is purely experimental. The first attempts to examine precisely the laws of crushing strength of such materials were made by Rondelet,¹ Vicat,² and Hodgkinson. More recently, Bauschinger has made a very much more complete investigation. A 3 1 L'Art de Bâtir, t. iv. 2 Annales des Ponts et Chaussées. 1833 3 Mitth. aus dem Mech. Tech. Laboratorium. 1876. - 422 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION brief account of the results will here be given-partly because test specimens are sometimes unavoidably of exceptional form, and it is necessary to reduce the results to those on a standard form; partly because a knowledge of these results is useful in applying the results of testing in practice. For test blocks of geometrically similar form, all experiments show that the crushing strength varies as the area of the surface on which the crushing pressure. acts. Thus, Rondelet experimented on cubes of 12, 1.6, 2.0, and 2.4 inches length of side, of three different kinds of stone. The crushing pressures per unit of area were, in tons per sq. ft. : First series Second series Third series. 246 107 50 243 104 50 243 114 50 248 112 51 More generally this law may be stated thus: The strength of geometrically similar test pieces varies as the square of homologous sides. The variation of the crushing strength of prisms with the form of the cross section is less obvious. Hodgkinson concluded that the form of the cross sec- tion had little influence. But Rondelet found, with prisms of circular, square, and triangular bases of equal area, that the strengths were proportional to 1:0·93: 0·86; and for prisms on a square base and rectangular base, with sides as 1: 2, of equal area, the strengths were as 1: 0.95. These numbers are nearly STONE AND BRICK 423 7 in the reciprocal ratio of the square roots of the circum- ferences. When cubes are used, placed on each other, the strength diminishes with the number of cubes. Thus, for columns of one, two, and three cubes of 2 inches length of side, Rondelet found the strengths in two series of experiments to be 1: 0·61: 0·54, and 1 0 80: 0·75. : The strength in prisms of similar base but different heights diminishes as the height is greater, and that for heights within the limit at which any bending occurs. Vicat concluded that for prisms of less height than the cube the strength could be expressed by the equation- f = a + b. h · (1), where f is the strength per unit of area, and a and b constants for each material. Lastly, a single block is always stronger than a compound block of the same form made of separate blocks without cement. Thus, a cube made up of four blocks of gypsum had a strength only 0.78 of that of a single block of the same size. A block of eight small cubes had a strength of 0.84 of that of a single cube of the same size. ƒ= (YA) + (~+~A). f 入​十 ​C h 4 Bauschinger has found that all these results can be expressed by the relation- (2), 424 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION where A is the area of section of prism, C its circumfer- ence, h height of prism, f strength per unit of section, and λ and are constants for each material. It gives at once the law that prisms and cylinders of geometrically similar form have the same strength. Also, that in prisms of the same height and sectional area the strength varies inversely as the square root of the circumference. Thus, prisms of circular, square, and triangular base, of the same height, should have strengths varying as 1 0.94 0.88. For square prisms of different heights the equation becomes- • : cs S f=λ + v h 1 (3),. where s is the side of the square. According to Bau- schinger, this equation is valid up to values of h = 4 s or 5 s. This agrees with Vicat's formula. A series of experiments on square and rectangular prisms of dif ferent heights, varying from 06 to 12 inches, of fine Swiss sandstone, gave the following values of the con- stant (f, in tons per sq. in.)- λ = 239.5 V = 292.5, when the axis of the prism was parallel to the layers. In another series of experiments on prisms of the same sandstone, crushed perpendicular to the layers, the height, however, not exceeding that of the cube, บ 316. λ= 283.5 A third series of tests on rectangular and square STONE AND BRICK 425 prisms of Perlmooser Portland cement, hardened ninety days, gave- P λ = 139 น 98.6. Tests were made on rectangular and cylindrical prisms, of about 4 inches diameter or length of side and very different heights, cut out of fine-grained Bunter sandstone, and crushed parallel to the layers. These gave- For prisms. cylinders 99 Mean. λ=317 337 327 "" "" v=111 105 ,, 107.5. 22 A series of tests with square and rectangular prisms of different heights, having sides with the ratios 1: 2, 3 4, and 1 1, also of a fine-grained sandstone, gave- λ = 356·5 • v = 97. Bauschinger shows that the agreement of the equa- tion with the results is throughout satisfactory. Bauschinger made a further research on the crush- ing strength of cubes when on one surface the crushing load was con- fined to a portion of the area. Sup- pose Fig. 133 is the plan of a cube, d and that either by bevelling the edges, or by using a small steel pressure- plate, the load is confined to the area of the small rectangle. If o is the centre of the rectangle, and ob = e₁; o d = С2 ; o α = FIG. 133. b ία = c2 ; o α = & ; o c = e'', 5 426 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION f = crushing pressure per unit of area when pressure is uniform on whole face of cube ; fi crushing pres- sure per unit of area of pressure-plate. Then, 3 2 f₁ = ƒ √ / 98 fi f If A and a are the areas of the surface of the cube and pressure-plate, then, when the pressure-plate is central— f₁ = ƒ √ √ A a 2 If two equal pressure-plates on both faces of the cube are used, then the strength becomes that of the prism of material between the pressure-plates, and is nearly independent of the amount of material surrounding this prism. It is easy to see, therefore, how much a block of stone may be weakened by imperfect bedding.¹ 172. Determination of the Porosity of Stone.-Speci- mens for this purpose should be cubes, and should be well dried. The stone should be brushed, weighed, and then gradually immersed in water. The stone is allowed to remain under water till saturated. It will become nearly saturated in twenty-four hours, but it may, for certainty, be left for five days. It is then taken out, care fully dried on the surface, and weighed. The gain of weight is estimated in per cent. of gross weight. Sometimes the process is hastened by removing the air pressure by an air-pump and allowing it to return.² 1 A similar research by M. Flamant is given in Ann. des Ponts et Chausseés, vol. xiv., and Proc. I. C. E. vol. xci. D 2 Hatfield. Trans. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, 1872, p. 145.. STONE AND BRICK 427 Granites (various) Syenite Porphyry Granites For strictly comparable results the specimens should be of the same volume and surface. • Trachyte Slate Roofing slate Old red sandstone New red sandstone Lias sandstones. Craigleith Kenton Mansfield. "" Sandstones (various) . Coal-measure sandstones · • Limestones (various). Portland Ancaster • • • • Box ground (Bath) Ketton Chilmark Roche Abbey Oolitic limestones Shelly limestones (Purbeck) Kent rag • POROSITY OF STONES. Dolomite Magnesian limestone. • Per cent. of water absorbed 0·42-1·2 0.50 0.4-2.8 0·2-3·0 2.0-4.5 •54-70 0.5 0·7-8·2 1·0-7·0 1.6-3.8 6·0-10·0 3·0-8·0 8.0 9.9 10.4 2.6-4.8 0·31-6·4 13.5 16.6 17.0 15.1 8.6 17.2 4·0-12·0 4·0-2·0 0.5 1.5 3.5 No. of hours immersion 125 125 125 24 125 125 24 125 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 125 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 125 24 Authority Böhme ر, "" Wray Böhme "" Wray Böhme Wray "" "" "" Royal Com. "" "" Wray Böhme Royal Com. 99 "" "" "" Wray "" "" Böhme Wray The table on next page gives the density and absorp- tion of water of a series of 3-inch cubes of English stone. The blocks were weighed dry and then immersed in water for from seven to fifteen days. The weighings were carefully made for the author by Mr. H. M. Martin. 428 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Aberdeen granite, red grey Clayslate "" SANDSTONES: Red Grinsell "" Red Mansfield White Red "" "" White Grinsell Scotgate Head (coal measure) Corse Hill (new red). Robin Hood (coal measure) Hollington Attleborough Hansworth Flag-rock Grinsell Red Alton (new red) Derbyshire grit Billstone Howley Park Sydanope. Kenilworth Duston (ironstone) Ispatria LIMESTONES : • • • White Portland Portland Brown Portland • Ancaster Ketton Stoke ground Corsham Down Westwood ground Caen Box ground Church Anson Doulting. Material • • • • • · · • • · • • • • Density 2.62 2.68 2.76 2.76 2.16 2.15 2.39 2.29 2.32 2.19 2.35 2.30 2.37 2.21 2.16 2.18 2.21 2.33 2.02 2.32 2.12 2.17 2.16 2.06 2.31 2.31 2.27 2.15 2.21 2.17 2.19 2.01 1.96 1.88 2.39 2.19 Per cent. of water absorbed 0.70 0.81 0.31 0.23 5.49 6.89 3:43 5.05 5.41 6.42 4.44 5.55 4.67 5.08 7.43 6.06 6.03 4.28 9.52 3.84 10.10 8.07 6.06 9.11 8.64 5.23 6.22 8.52 9.00 8.90 9.49 12.75 12.56 10.10 6.29 7.99 Resistance to Frost.-The power of resisting frost can be inferred to some extent from the porosity. It is better, however, to saturate a stone with water and then freeze it, repeating the operation ten or more STONE AND BRICK 429 times. The percentage loss of weight is the measure of the injury done by frost. Brard's test is to immerse the stone for half an hour in a boiling saturated solu- tion of sulphate of soda, and then hang it up for the absorbed salt to crystallize. The process is repeated daily for a week. It is a test of doubtful value. Resistance to Wear.-The only method of satisfac- factorily testing the resistance of stone to wear is one devised by Bauschinger. A block of the stone, with a face 4 × 4 inches, is placed on a horizontally-revolving cast-iron plate at a radius of 18 inches. The con- ditions are found to be most constant when the block is loaded with 66 to 68 lbs. Emery is regularly supplied between the block and plate and cleaned off. The best rate of supply is twenty grams for each ten turns. 173. Coefficient of Elasticity for Stone.-The measure- ment of the compressions and extensions of stone is very difficult, partly from the limitation of size of specimen, partly from the smallness of the deformations, partly from the difficulty of securing uniform distribu- tion of stress. Professor Bauschinger appears to have overcome these difficulties' by the use of a modification of his mirror apparatus. Plottings to a very large scale of the stresses and deformations show that stone has no elastic limit. It takes permanent sets with very small loads, and the deformation does not increase GO 1 'Uber den Elasticitäts-Modul Baustein.' Mitth. aus dem Mec. Tech. Laboratorium in München. 1875. 430 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION at first proportionally to the loads and afterwards de- viate from proportionality. For very hard and dense stone the compressions and extensions are indeed initially nearly proportional to the loads, but this remains so up to the breaking stress. For all others, especially for the weaker stones, the greatest departure from proportionality is for the smaller stresses. The greater the loads the more do the deformations approach to proportionality. For sandstone and the less hard granites, the compressions increase first more quickly than the loads and afterwards less rapidly. Hence, the stress-strain curve is at first convex and afterwards concave to the axis of loads. With repetition of load- ing the reversal of curvature gradually disappears. In the later research on Bavarian stone in 1884, Bauschinger had an opportunity of re-examining the elastic properties of stone with somewhat more perfect test specimens. He found for the hardest stone, and especially limestone, that the coefficient of elasticity was nearly constant, equal for tension and compression, and very large. For most other stone the coefficient of elas- ticity for tension diminishes with increasing loads. For pressure it sometimes increases with increasing loads, but for the weaker kinds it diminishes at first and then increases. The stress-strain curves for tension and pressure pass into each other at the origin of co-ordinates with- out forming a cusp. But three cases are distinguish- able (1) If the coefficient of elasticity is nearly - STONE AND BRICK 431 constant, the two curves for tension and pressure are nearly straight lines and inclined at nearly the same angle to the axis. (2) If the coefficient of elasticity diminishes with increasing loads in tension, the curve is concave to the axis of deformations. Then, (a) if the coefficient of elasticity for pressure increases from the beginning, or is nearly constant, the two curves form a regular line always concave in the same direction. But if (b) the coefficient of elasticity for pressure diminishes first and then increases, there is a point of contrary flexure at the origin of co-ordinates. Bauschinger is inclined to attribute this appearance to a disintegration of the test block in dressing it by hammer and chisel. The author has obtained measurements of compression of stone similar to Bauschinger's. It seems possible Granite (Metten) "" "" COEFFICIENT OF ELASTICITY FOR STONE (BAUSCHINGER). (Stresses and coefficients, in tons per sq. ft.) "" "" (Passau) "" "" "" Nummulite limestone Bunter sandstone (Phalz). • "" "" 104,000 41 40,000 73 Jura limestone (Kelheim). 315,000 1.5 58,500 27 685,000 "" • "" • (Würtzburg) > Molasse sandstone (Kemp- ten) Molasse sandstone (Kemp- ten) Bending Coefficient E At a stress of Tension Coefficient E At a stress of Pressure Coefficient E At a Istress of 192,000 2.2 216,000 2.6 264,000 27 125,000 86 54,000 35 244,000 460 202,000 0.6 113,000 14 28,000 33 199,000 410 175,000 13 310,000 1.8 | | | 71,500 12.5 185,000 172 475,000 26,600 0.6 27,400 1.1 17,000 28 11,900 6 562,000 60,200 0.9 172,000 207 137,000 0.9 93,000 13 113,000 0-6 35,600 57 35,600 19 165,000 340 173,000 1.1 116,000 2.2 153,000 1.4 43,000 56 29,200 31 240,000 530 432 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION that, in a granular substance like stone, the action of the pressure may be to bring the particles to a bearing, and that this may explain the decrease of the coefficient with increase of pressure. 174. Bauschinger's First Research on the Strength of Stone (Mitth. aus dem Mech. Techn. Laboratorium, in München.' 1874).-A few results will be selected from this paper as giving very conveniently the relative resist- ance to different kinds of straining action. The pres- sure tests were made on cubes with accurately ground surfaces, on which the cast-iron pressure-plates acted directly. For the shearing strength, three directions of shearing may be distinguished. The shearing plane may be normal to the lamina, or beds, of the stone, and is then distinguished by the symbol ; or it may be in the plane of the beds, and is then indicated by the symbol . Bauschinger experimented in some cases in || a third direction also; but these results are omitted. The same symbols apply to the bending experiments, and indicate the position of the plane of fracture. 1 Bauschinger's Second Research on the Strength of Bavarian Building Stones.'-In this series of tests paral- lelopipeds about 44 inches long and 10 inches x 8 inches square were used for bending tests, with a span of 40 inches. From one of the broken pieces a prism was cut for pressure parallel to the lamina. From the other, a test piece for tension parallel to the lamina, and also afterwards for shearing. Cubes were also obtained for 1 Mitth. aus dem Mech. Tech. Laboratorium in München. 1884. STONE AND BRICK 433 F F GRANITE: Coarse-grained grey (Selb, in Oberfranken) "" Fine-grained yellow "" "" Black and white of mean coarseness (Hauzenberg) Hard coarse-grained (St. Gotthard) "" "" "" Dolomite "" "" "" Yellow, rather fine-grained (Passau) "" "" Limestone (Pappenheim) "} "" "" "" "" LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE White marble (Schlanders, in Tyrol) Muschelkalk (Wurtzburg) (Kronach) "" "" "" "" SANDSTONE: Bunter sandstone (Kronach) "" 39 " "" (Konigstein) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Strength of BUILDING STONES (BAUSCHINGER). "" "" "" "" Keuper sandstone, red and fine-grained (Wurtemburg) "" "" "" "" ** red and fine-grained (Wertheim) • "" "" "" "" Molasse sandstone, blue, fine-grained (Allgau) "" "" "" "" white, fine-grained (Coburg). "" "" "" · "" 1 · Pressure Crushing stress, tons per sq. ft. 725 750 930¹ 940¹ 820 720 810 850 850 820 400 1,460 740 1,000 695 1,190 1,080 500 Bending Direc- Coefficient of Shearing Direc- tion of stress, tons] tion of bending pressure per sq. ft. shearing strength, tons per sq. ft. 300 174 720 760 580 420 290 240 465 4=4 1 || 1 + t = 1 +4=4 1 1 || 1 = 1 1 11 1 ↓ 11 1 34 46 100 72 55 52 Shear 83 61 53 54 43 61 40 64 47 2131 20 61 68 47 14 12 39 29 Cubes not crushed with this stress. 1 !! 1 1 11 || 1 11 1 ÷ 4 = 4 1 1 1 44 + =4 = 192 136 84 1 .84 89 63 | | | | 165 73 105 27 22 Direction of plane of fracture || 1 || 1 L | 1 L 141 Tension Tenacity, tons per sq. ft. 1981 GE 40 30 25 20 17 。 | № ! | | | No 9 | | 14 4 Direc tion of pull 11 + = 1 !! 1 - 434 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION pressure tests parallel and perpendicular to the laminæ. Some cubes were kept in water, and as opportunity served taken out and exposed to frost. After being frozen about twenty-five times, they were dried, and crushed in a direction parallel to the layers. Granite (Metten) (Passau) STRENGTH OF BAVARIAN BUILDING STONE (BAUSCHINGER). (Stresses in tons, per sq. ft.) "" w "" (Kempten) Nummulite limestone (Rosenheim) • Diabase (Ochsenkopf) Lyenite (Wölsau) Coefficient of bending strength, to bed Tenacity, || to bed Jura limestone (Kelheim) Bunter sandstone (Pfalz) (Wurtzburg) "" Green sandstone (Kel-} 10 6 177 277 heim) Molasse sandstone} (Kempten) ne 38 21 545 930 Molasse sandstone ne 62 33 930 1,120 Crushing strength of prism, 1 : 1 : 21 40 87 830 77 44 850 3013-7 226 Mortar 1 cement, 3 sand 1 6 Crushing strength of cubes 30 7 334 63 40 710 • Il to bed "" "" 1 cement, 7 lime, 16 sand 1 lime, 2 sand 1,210 1,290 560 1,380 1,230 88 9 1,310 | 1,230 93 55 213 210 460 32 19 435 435 23 525 37 780 835 63 35 302 22 870 43 24 1,850 64 49 115 58 1,220 1,320 1,200 1,240 95 73 2,500 2,340 1,700 1,740 286 455 970 to bed after freezing I to bed 260 • Shearing strength The following tests were made by Dr. Böhme¹ of cubes about 10 × 10 × 10 inches of rubble limestone masonry, set in different mortars. The cubes were three months old :- I to to bed bed 123.4 69.6 64.3 46.5 1 ¹ Mitt. aus der k. techn. Versuchsanstalt zu Berlin. 1884, p. 86. 21 Mean crushing strength, in tons, per sq. ft. STONE AND BRICK 435 GRANITES: Mount Sorrel Description Aberdeen grey (2-inch cube) (cylinder, 21/1 inches diameter, 34 inches high) "" Aberdeen red (2-inch cube) "" "" inches diameter, 34 inches high) Quartz BASALTS: "" "" Penmaenmawr (2-inch cube) Hornblendic greenstone Felspathic CRUSHING STRENGTH OF STONE. Tons per sq. ft. LIMESTONES : "" Slate. Valencia (Irish) (1-inch cubes) Killaloe "" "" (cylinder, 21/1 SLATES: Compact Welsh clayslate (3-733-1,052 SANDSTONES : Bramleyfall Craigleith (2-inch cube) Darley Dale Giffneuk "" "" "" "" "" Kenton Morley Moor Park Spring Stanley Runcorn (sixteen 4-inch cubes) six 3-inch cubes) (six 4 inch cubes) York grit (3-inch cube) "" Red Mansfield "" "" "" "" "" White Italian marble White statuary Portland 99 White Red Alton (3-inch cubes) Sydanape "" "" • "" "" (2-inch cubes) ་ (4-inch cube) (2-inch cube) • • 19 Purbeck (13-inch cube) D 832 1,412 1,162 1,614 1,357 1,270 • 1,086 1,580 1,106 1,205 720 1,974 389 504 455 310 318 318 487 383 267-443 295-416 427-514 712 609 327 337 309 490 1,400 206-389 239-292 516 250 587 Authority Fairbairn Unwin "" ", "" Mallet Fairbairn Wilkinson Unwin Mallet Wilkinson 99 Rennie Roy. Com. "" "" "" "" "1 "" Unwin "" "" "" "" "> "" Unwin ". Rennie 99 "" Unwin "" "> Roy. Com. "" "" ,, "" "" Roy. Com, Rennie FF 2 436 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CRUSHING STRENGTH OF STONE-continued. Description Tons per sq. ft. Ancaster (2-inch cube) 150 Barnac 114 Ketton 164 312 577 95 484 380 295 104 409 259 278 278 250 "" "" (3-inch cube) Bolsover (2-inch cube) Bramham Moor Brodsworth Cadeby Chilmark Hamhill Huddlestone Park Nook Roche Abbey Tottenhoe "" Ketton rag (2-inch cube) Bath, Box ground (2-inch cube) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Caen (3-inch cube) • • I • · • 124 198 Authority Roy. Com. "" "" Unwin Roy. Com. "" "" 13 "" "" "" "" "') "" "" "" Unwin "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ,, 99 "" BRICKS. 175. Bricks are made from clays, loams, or marls containing silicate of alumina, mixed with sand, oxide of iron, and carbonates of lime and magnesia. The plastic, strong, or pure clays contract very much in burning, and do not vitrify, so that the bricks are not durable. Sand diminishes contraction, and permits partial vitri- fication in burning. Iron acts as a flux, facilitating fusion of the silica, and, in many cases, determines the colour of the bricks. Lime diminishes contraction, and acts as a flux; but lumps of lime become quick- lime in burning, and slaking afterwards cause the brick to crack. The following short summary gives the composition of some clays: 1 1 Notes on Building Construction. Part. iii. p. 88. STONE AND BRICK 437 Material 6 Silica and alumina Oxide of iron. Carbonate of lime Carbonate of magnesia Burham London clay brick clay 63.3 5.0 18.9 0.1 83.8 7.7 1.4 5.1 Loam 93-7 13 0.5 Marl 43·0 3.0 46.5 3.5 Malm is clay mixed with chalk in a wash mill. Bricks are either hand-moulded or machine-moulded. In the latter case the clay may be wet and plastic, or dry or semi-dry. Hand-made bricks have usually a cavity, or frog, on one side, which is supposed to afford a key for the mortar. Wire-cut machine-made bricks have necessarily no cavity or frog. Some pressed bricks have frogs on both sides. Bricks are either clamp burned' or 'kiln burned.' The weight of bricks varies a good deal. London stocks weigh about 6.8 lbs. Pressed bricks and blue bricks may weigh 10 lbs. Ordinary red bricks weigh about 7 lbs., while some of the lightest weigh only 5 to 6 lbs. The absorption of water by bricks also varies. Staffordshire blue bricks absorb 2 to 6 per cent. of their weight; ordinary stocks and red bricks, 7 to 10 per cent.; and the softer and more porous bricks 20 per cent. The following table gives the crushing strength of a sufficient variety of bricks. It may be added, how- ever, that Mr. Ward gives some tests of bricks of exceptional strength. In these tests, Staffordshire blue bricks carried 650 to 1,064 tons per sq. ft., and bricks made of slate débris 1,056 tons per sq. ft. 1 ¹ Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, lxxxvi. p. 24. 438 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION CRUSHING STRENGTH OF BRICKS (UNWIN). (Single bricks. Faces made smooth and parallel by plaster of Paris. Crushed between two millboards, or the iron pressure-plates of the testing machine.) "" London stock . "" "" Description "" "" >> ,, 99 "" Aylesford, common. 8.9 "" "" 8.9 pressed 9.1 × 43 Rugby, common 9.5 x 4.2 Lodge Colliery, Notts "" Digby Colliery, Notts "" "" Ruabon, pressed Grantham, wire cut Leicester, wire cut. Candy, pressed Gault, wire cut "" "" "" U "" "" "" "" Cranleigh, pressed. "" "" • • "" • Terracotta block "" "" Staffordshire blue, common Staffordshire blue, "" • common Staffordshire blue, "" • common Staffordshire blue, pressed Glazed brick Red rubbers, three in column, bedded in putty • • • • · Dimensions, in inches 4.6 × 4.1 × 2.4 2·4 4.6 x 40 × 2:45 9.2 × 4·1 × 2.8 8.9 × 4.2 × 2·3 8.9 × 4.25 × 2.5 × 44 × 2.7 × 44 × 2.7 × 2.7 × 2·9 9.0 × 4.2 × 30 9.0 x42 x34 9.0 × 4.2 × 3.25 93 x 41 4.6 × 4.2 8.8 × 43 9.2 × 4.4 44 x4·1 ×2·6 4.3 × 4.1 × 2.6 9·06 × 4·2 × 2·8 4.7 × 4.6 × 2.5 4.6 × 4.6 × 2.5 8.8 × 43 × 2·8 8.7 x 4.1 × 3·0 44 × 4.2 × 2.5 8.7 x 4.1 × 2.9 2·9 4.5 × 43 × 3·0 4.3 × 4.2 × 3·0 8.9 × 43 × 3·1 9.0 × 43 × 3·1 88 × 44 × 3.3 8.9 × 44 × 2.9 9.0 × 4.5 × 8.0 6 sq. ins. 15 15 6 "" ,, x 3.25 × 3.2 × 2.7 × 3.2 "" 99 "" · Cracked, at tons per sq. ft. 128 133 48 111 71 158 251 109 115 149 120 127 159 55 122 248 [353] 414 414 361 [361] 165 80 111 119 ft. Crushed, at tons per sq. 216 69 166 103 183 228 141 190 237 381 173 145 169 464 152 386 240 [353] 275 166 174 177 Yellow Half-brick 181 129 113 Colour 25 168 139 267 104 "" Pink 99 "" "" Red "" "" "g >> "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 83 337 Pale red Half-brick "" 308 229 181 "" "" "" White "" "" "" 2 "" Blue "" "" "" Remarks Deep frog Between pine boards "" Not crush'd Half-brick Not crush'd "" "" Half-brick, frog Half-brick, frog Half-brick 17 Half-brick "" Not crush'd Frog STONE AND BRICK 439 176. Strength of Brickwork.-Comparatively few accurate tests have been made of the strength of brick- work masses. The following results of tests of brick cubes, with different mortars, were made at Berlin by Dr. Böhme. The brick cubes were approximately 10×10 × 9.5 inches, and were three months old. Two kinds of brick were used :- 05 ti Beneckendorfer brick : 1. 1 lime, 2 sand 2. 7 lime, 1 cement, 16 sand 3. 1 cement, 6 sand ,, "" 33 5. 1 cement, 3 sand 6. Mortar "" "" >> Hertzfelder brick : 7. 1 lime, 2 sand 8. 7 lime, 1 cement, 16 sand 9. 1 cement, 6 sand 10. "" "" "" 11. 1 cement, 3 sand 12. >> • "" • "" • "" "" • For mortar of 1 lime, 2 sand >> >" • "" Mean crushing Condition strength, in tons per sq. ft. Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet 116.2 130.4 139.4 141.9 158.8 169.8 70.0 73.3 93.2 87.4 Dry 100.7 Wet 104.6 7 lime, 1 cement, 16 sand. 1 cement, 6 sand 1 cement, 3 sand Crushing Crushing strength strength of of single mortar in brick, tons cubes, tons! per sq. ft. per sq. ft. 263·2 15 > "" "} "" 160.9 "" " This gives for the ratios of strength of brickwork to strength of single bricks :- ?? "> 11.4 42.0 112.4 0.44 0.48 0.55 0.63 192.9 "" 11.4 42.0 112.4 "" 192-9 A "; The following experiments on bricks and brickwork pillars were made by Curioni.' The bricks were placed flat. All the bricks were of the same clay. The mortar ¹ Proc. Inst. of Civil Engineers, lxxiii. p. 385. 440 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION consisted of equal parts of Casale Monferrato cement and fine sand, and was allowed fifty days to set:- Single bricks, between lead Single bricks, with faces made even with Description "" mortar Pillars of 2 bricks, mortar faces 4 "" "" "" "" "" • "" 99. "" Crushing stress, in tons per sq. ft. Machine-made bricks Hand- made bricks 119.8 237.8 142.6 86.9 "" Second First pattern pattern 214.9 142.7 282.6 211.2 150.0 142.6 The reduction of strength by using lead is obvious. If we take the length of a brick to be twice the width and 4 times the thickness, Bauschinger's formula for pillars of this kind takes the form b f=a+b 12 127·1 114.3 where f is the strength per sq. ft., n the number of bricks in height, and a and b are constants. The formula agrees pretty well with the results, if the following values are taken :— Hand-made bricks. 225 f=13+ N 225 Machine-made bricks (1st) f= 58 + 22 136 22 (2nd) ƒ= 75 + which at least seems to show that the diminution of strength is due to form, and not to influence of the mortar joints. 441 CHAPTER XV. LIMES AND CEMENTS. 177. Limes and cements are of the greatest impor- tance to the engineer, and, being artificially manufactured products, they vary in quality according to the care exercised in the selection of the materials of which they are made, and the skill and attention with which the processes of manufacture are carried on. To secure a uniform and trustworthy cement, the engineer has been driven to test regularly the cement supplied. To Mr. Grant is largely due the credit of establishing sys- tematic tests of cement, with the result that, from the pressure brought to bear on manufacturers, and the knowledge gained of the conditions on which the strength of a cement depends, there has been achieved a very considerable and general improvement of quality. In large works, like the Metropolitan Main Drainage, it was perceived that a considerable sum might economically be spent on systematic and regular tests of the quality of the cement supplied. A com- paratively large sum spent in testing formed but a small percentage on the value of the cement, and as the quality of cement may vary through very wide limits, 1 442 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION from qualities absolutely trustworthy to qualities abso- lutely dangerous, the cost of testing was fully repaid by the greater value of the cement obtained, and the thorough confidence with which after testing it could be used. The cementing materials ordinarily used are classi- fied thus:- 1. Rich or fat limes. 2. Poor limes. 3. Hydraulic limes. 4. Hydraulic cements. The rich or fat limes are produced by the calcination of nearly pure limestones, and they consist of lime nearly free from other ingredients. Such lime, when mixed with water, slakes violently, and afterwards sets or hardens extremely slowly, if at all, by the absorption of carbonic acid from the air. Such lime makes very weak mortar. Poor limes contain 10 to 40 per cent. of sand or other inert matter. They slake much less violently, or even imperfectly, and also make a very weak and very slowly setting mortar. Hydraulic limes and cements are those which contain ingredients capable of combining and hardening apart from any absorption of carbonic acid from the air. They will, therefore, set under water. The hydraulic limes contain a large amount of pure lime, so that they slake. But they contain also clay, silica, or other ingredients in a condition capable of pro- ducing chemical action in the presence of water. LIMES AND CEMENTS 443 This action results in the setting of the lime, which hardens and becomes insoluble. Feebly hydraulic lime makes mortar which hardens enough to resist a finger- nail in a month. The Lias and Mountain limestones yield limes more actively hydraulic. Artificial hydraulic limes or cements are mixtures of lime and clay in proportions which produce eminent hydraulic or setting properties. The mixture is calcined to clinker at a suitable temperature, and then ground to a fine powder. Such a cement hardly slakes at all, but sets with great rapidity, becoming in course of time extremely hard. The name Portland cement, given to the first successful artificial cement of this kind, has become a general name for all artificial cements formed by calcining mixtures of chalk or limestone and clay. 178. Portland Cement.-About the year 1850 there was first produced a new cement, which from its resem- blance to Portland stone when set was called Portland cement. It has the properties of setting rapidly and setting under water, and it slowly hardens to a condition in which it is nearly as strong as natural stone. In hardening, it has the very important quality of altering extremely little in volume. It rapidly established its superiority as a constructive material to Roman cement, and it bids fair, in spite of its greater cost, to largely supplant hydraulic lime. It can be kept with little deterioration and shipped to distant countries. Its use has extended till its manufacture has become one of the 444 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION most important industries in this country, in Germany, in France, and in the United States. Success in its manufacture depends on careful judg- ment and the rigid observance of essential conditions. It may be produced from a great variety of natural rocks, but, broadly speaking, it consists of 72-79 per cent. of chalk and 28-21 per cent. of clay. Experience shows the exact proportion of the natural materials used which is most suitable. These materials must be so mixed that the cement is absolutely homo- geneous and invariable in composition. At first, the chalk and clay were ground together with a large volume of water into a liquid slip. Now, it is found that grinding with only 35 per cent. of water is not only economical, but prevents the segregation of materials which took place in fluid slip. With some materials no water is used in grinding. The mixed materials are then calcined to a clinker at a temperature just short of that which produces fusion or vitrification. Underburned clinker is weak, and overburnt clinker is an almost inert cement. Lastly, the clinker must be broken up and ground to a powder, so fine that the cement particles expose a maximum surface at which chemical actions may occur, and are not too large to fill the smallest interspaces in the sand with which the cement is mixed in use. According to Michaelis, the hydraulicity of a cement is due to the silica, alumina, and oxide of iron. In a good cement the sum of these should be about one- LIMES AND CEMENTS 445 1 third of the total weight, the rest being chiefly lime. The calcination removes carbonic acid and water, and leads to the formation of calcium silicate, calcium alu- minate, and calcium ferrate. In the setting and harden- ing of a paste formed of the cement, there is probably a hydration of the silicates, and perhaps the formation of double hydrated silicates. Silica Alumina Oxide of iron Lime Magnesia The composition of a Portland cement varies more or less, but generally lies between the limits given in the following table :- Agata • Per cent. 20-26 5-10 2-6 67-58 ww 0.5-3 179. Ordinary Cement Tests for Strength.-The ordi- nary test is a tensile test of a small briquette of neat cement, made in a brass or gun-metal mould, left twenty- four hours to harden in air, and then placed in water. The cement is tested in seven days, and, if possible, at later dates also. At least five briquettes should be tested at each date, and the mean result taken. The form of the briquettes has a considerable in- fluence on the strength. Fig. 134 shows some of the forms which have been used. Form a, used in all the earlier tests, is a very bad form, the square corners producing unequal distribution of stress with a rigid material. The most common form now is e, known In the French rules a cement in which the ratio of silica and alumina combined to lime is less than 0:44 is regarded as doubtful. 446 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION sometimes as Grant's, and this is universally used in Germany. A few engineers use forms like ƒ and g. A small metal plate is placed in the holes at the ends, and a knife-edge of the shackle passes through each hole. In some of Mr. Grant's tests, briquettes of the same cement gave strengths ranging from 280 lbs. per sq. in. for form a, to 460 lbs per sq. in. for form e, at seven days after gauging. For some time briquettes with a sec- FIG. 134. b с ISXX XX! е tion of 24 sq. ins. were used, but it is far more usual now to make the section 1 sq. in. The smaller bri- quettes are more easily moulded, and give more uniform results. The briquettes are broken in small lever testing machines, of which there are now many in the market. It is very important that the load should be applied at a regular rate and without shock. Adie's machine is a single-lever machine with a rolling weight. Reid & Bailey's machine is a single-lever machine, with a LIMES AND CEMENTS 447 A cistern at the end which fills with water to apply the stress. In Michele's machine, a bent or pendulum lever is used. Mr. Faija has designed a neat single- lever machine with a spring balance at the end. worm and sector, acting on the spring balance, regu- larly increase the load. The ordinary German ma- chine is a double-lever machine, and is loaded with shot. Precautions in Gauging Briquettes.-A sample of the cement should be taken from every twenty-five or fifty barrels or sacks; the samples should be mixed, anl a portion taken for gauging. To obtain the best re- sults, the gauging must be done with the smallest amount of water which will make a smooth stiff paste. Preliminary tests must be made, to ascertain exactly the quantity of water necessary. A small quantity of the mortar, dropped from the trowel at a height of 20 inches, should leave the trowel clean, and retain form without cracking. It should be capable of being moulded into a ball by hand which can be dropped 20 inches without cracking. Having ascertained how much water is necessary (18 to 25 per cent. of the weight of the cement usually), the cement and water for gauging should be accurately weighed. The cement is generally gauged on a slate or marble slab with a light trowel, and the more rapidly this is done and the moulds filled the stronger are the bri- quettes. Usually mortar to fill five or six moulds is gauged, six ounces of cement being necessary for each 448 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION mould. The mixing with the trowel should take five minutes, and then the moulds, placed on a glass or slate slab, are filled and rammed and shaken. It is important. that the operation should be finished before setting begins. Mr. Faija has introduced a very convenient cement- gauger, which gauges the cement in less time and more uniformly than it can be done by hand. The briquettes are removed from the moulds when set, and in twenty-four hours they are placed in water. The temperature during all the operations should, if possible, be 15° to 18° C. In testing the briquettes, the load should be applied at the rate of 100 lbs. in fifteen seconds. Briquettes of Sand and Cement.—Briquettes of sand and cement give far more trustworthy indications of the value of a cement than neat cement tests. The ce- ment is always used in construction mixed with other materials, and the cement which is strongest neat is not always strongest tested with sand. The gauging of the briquettes also is easier, and the results are less affected by small variations of procedure. On the other hand, the briquettes must harden twenty-eight days before being tested, and this is in many cases a longer time than can be allowed. The greatest difficulty of the sand test is securing an identical quality of sand for all tests which are to be compared. A sharp pit sand is best, which should be carefully washed and sifted. The sand used should be LIMES AND CEMENTS 449 the portion which passes through a 20-mesh, and remains on a 30-mesh, sieve. In Germany, a special sand has been selected, and washed and sifted portions of this normal or standard sand are sold by the Go- vernment laboratories. In France, a standard sand is obtained by crushing quartzite, and sifting through sieves of practically the same sized mesh as is given above. In the ordinary sand test, the mortar is gauged with one part by weight of cement and three of dried sand. The water required is about 12 per cent. of the weight of cement and sand. The sand and cement are mixed dry, the water added, and the mortar is gauged for five minutes. The briquettes are placed in water twenty-four hours after gauging. M 180. Increase of Strength in Hardening. Initial Strength, and Rate of Gain of Strength.-The construc- tional value of a building cement depends on two quite distinct elements-on its power of setting into a rigid form soon after it is gauged, and on its power of at- taining in course of time a considerable strength. In the actual process of building, especially building under water, it is important that the cement should set rapidly, and gain strength enough to keep its form. But, generally, it is only after the lapse of months, or even of years, that the structure is called on to exert its full strength. Hence any strength acquired by harden- ing during that time is advantageous. Consequently, in judging of a cement from tests of G G 450 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION its strength, both the initial strength acquired in a short time and the rate of gain of strength with age require to be considered. Now, suppose experiments have been made, say, at seven days, four weeks, and twelve weeks. One would still like to be able to predict the strength at a greater age, and even in judging of the data in hand some difficulty arises from the discrepancies and anomalies incident to such experiments, and due to the difficulty of making the experiments numerous enough to get true average values. If anything were known. of the law of increase of strength with age, if we could put our results in a formula, their meaning would be much clearer. Now beyond the first week, and up to a period at which the full strength of the cement is reached, the rate of hardening follows very approximately a simple law. For ordinary tension briquettes, for instance, the gain of strength is nearly proportional to the cube root of the time of hardening, and that both for neat cement and cement mortar. It is possible, therefore, to repre- sent the results of a series of tests in a simple formula, the constants of which indicate the character of the cement with very great clearness. Let Y be the strength of a cement, or cement mortar, in lbs. per sq. in., at an age of a weeks after mixing. From some preliminary tentatives the author found for the relation between x and the expression- Y y = a + bx” M (1), LIMES AND CEMENTS 451 In this where a, b, and n are empirical constants. form the equation would not be very convenient to use, for it would require at least three sets of experiments at three different ages of the test pieces to determine the three constants; and a still greater number would be required for satisfactory results in consequence of the discrepancies which occur in cement testing. It appeared, however, that for any given kind of cement, and any given kind of straining action, n had a constant value. Further, by a modification of the formula, a might always be the strength of the cement at seven days' age. Consequently there would remain only one constant to determine. The formula then is y = a + b (x−1)" (2), where y is the strength of a cement or mortar, at a weeks after mixing, the initial strength of which at seven days is a lbs. per sq. in. The constant n has values which can be assigned beforehand, and only the constant b remains to be determined by experiments on test pieces more than one week old. It will be seen hereafter that, though b varies, its variation is not within very wide limits, so that when the characters of cements are better known it may be possible to assign for it a probable value, even if experiments are wanting in any given case. Now since in this equation a is the initial strength of the cement, and b a constant, varying with the rate of increase of strength with time, the two con- G G 2 452 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION stants exhibit very clearly the character of a cement. If their values are determined for any given cement, and inserted in the equation, a numerical equation is obtained which may be termed the characteristic equa- tion for the cement. 181. Application of the Characteristic Equation to Tension Tests. To examine the applicability of the for- mula, let the constants be determined for the series of tests of Portland cement briquettes extending over seven years given in Mr. Grant's first paper.¹ Mr. Grant's table gives in each case the mean strength of ten briquettes, 21 sq. ins. in section. In one series the cement was gauged neat ; in another series the cement was mixed with an equal weight of clean Thames sand. Grant's numbers, reduced to lbs. per sq. in., are as Mr. follow :- 7 days 1 month 3 months 6 9 12 "" "" "" 2 years 3 "" • • • Age • · • • • Strength per square inch Neat cement 363 415 470 525 542 547 590 585 1 cement + 1 sand 157 202 244 285 307 320 351 350 1 Now, for Portland cement in tension, n = ; the constant a has the values 363 and 157 for the two series, ¹ Minutes of Proceedings Inst. C.E. vol. xxv. p. 89; also vol. xxxii. p. 280. LIMES AND CEMENTS 453 1 and it only remains to determine the most probable value of b in the equation- y = a + b 3 x −1. Age X This is best done by calculating b for each of the experiments, except that at seven days, and taking the mean of the values so found. Thus- 1 4 13 26 39 52 104 156 Age a يع 1 4 13 26 39 52 104 156 208 260 Strength У 363 415 470 525 542 547 590 585 Mean Strength Y 157 202 244 285 307 320 351 350 363 365 Neat cement. Cement mortar NEAT CEMENT. y-a 52 107 162 J 179 184 227 1 CEMENT + 1 SAND. y-a 45 87 128 150 163 194 193 Mean • b = У By 3 Y Ꮖ Y b= y-a 36 47 56 53 49 48 48 t 31 38 44 45 44 41 36 40 a = Hence the characteristic equations for this cement and cement mortar are- = 1 Strength Y by formula 363 431 471 503 525 541 588 Strength У by formula 157 214 249 274 292 305 345 372 363 + 48 3/x 157 + 40 3/x - 1 454 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Hence, the sand reduces the initial strength of the cement by rather more than one-half (from 363 to 157 lbs. per sq. in.), and the gain of strength at any age is less for the mortar than for the neat cement in the proportion of 40 to 48. By comparing the calculated and observed values of y, it will be seen that the formula FIG. 135. LBS. 650 600 500 400 300 200 100 O 10 20 40 1 1 1 60 1 1 I 1 } NEAT CEMENT I CEMENT + 3 SA 80 100 120 140 WEEKS agrees closely enough with experiment for practical purposes. Mr. Grant's figures show that the neat cement reached its maximum strength in one hundred and four weeks, and the cement and sand in one hun- dred and fifty-six weeks. Hence values of b are cal- culated from data up to those dates only. In Fig. 135 the experimental values are shown by LIMES AND CEMENTS 455 small circles, connected by a broken dotted line, and the calculated values lie on the curves. In the case of cement mortar the briquettes gain in LBS 850 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 6- 10 20 FIG. 136. 30 40 1 " 1 1 P 50 WEEKS strength up to any period to which experiments are usually extended. But with neat cement briquettes a maximum strength appears to be reached, often in 456 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION about three months, after which the strength remains constant or slightly falls off. For example, in the ex- periments given by Mr. Grant on the relative strength of briquettes made on an impervious slab, and on a porous (gypsum) slab,¹ the strength slightly diminishes after thirteen weeks. Hence, for such results the value of b must be deduced from experiments before the maxi- mum is reached, and the formula ceases to apply beyond the maximum. The following characteristic equations were deduced for these experiments from the results for four, eight and a half, and thirteen weeks. Impervious slab Gypsum slab x Weeks 1.0 4.0 8.5 13.0 26.0 39.0 52.0 • Impervious base Y Observed 449 687 765 808 NEAT CEMENT. 731 746 718 Y Calculated 449 681 765 819 x = 449 + 161 3x-1; x = 257 + 164 3x-1. Gypsum slab Y Observed 257 454 634 626 620 655 608 Calculated 257 493 577 631 These results are plotted in Fig. 136. 182. Values of Constants for different Cements.-First some data have been selected from the Table XLVII., p. 169, of Mr. Grant's paper. The only principle of selection adopted was to take those cements for which the completest series of data are given. The following 1 Minutes of Proceedings Inst. C.E. vol. lxii. p. 142. LIMES AND CEMENTS 457 table gives the characteristic equations obtained for neat cement briquettes, the constants being in all cases de- duced from the strengths given at one, four, and thir- teen weeks. In none of these cements did the strength increase beyond that period. No. 1 12 13 "" "" 15 "" 19 CHARACTERISTIC EQUATIONS FOor Mr. Grant's CEMENTS. (Units, lbs. per sq. in., and wecks. Gauged neat.) Water Setting used, time, in Characteristic equation per cent. minutes 18.5 Slow 22.5 15 20.0 600 21.2 22.5 20.0 480 "" 22.5 22.5 "" 6 رد "" y=558+ 963½ – 1 422 + 118 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 614+ 91 610 + 91 520 + 112 626+ 56 576 + 140 422 +188 "" "" "" "" >> "" "" Initial strength 558 422 614 610 520 626 576 422 Strength at 13 weeks Observ. Calc. 815 778 744 692 846 824 840 820 783 780 824 755 833 896 793 852 Strength at 52 weeks 825 694 813 779 772 718 785 747 The tests of cement which form the most complete series are, however, to be found in the publications of the Engineering Laboratories of Munich and Berlin. In the Mitt, aus den Mech. Techn. Laboratorium in München,' for 1879, there is a remarkable series of ex- periments on the tensile strength of cements, by Pro- fessor Bauschinger. In Table II. are given no less than three hundred and sixty results, each the mean of ten separate experiments. Ten different cements were used, and these were made into test pieces of 72 sq. cms. (11 sq. ins.) section. From these results the author obtained the following equations, those for neat cements being deduced from results on test pieces one week to sixteen weeks old, and those for cement and 1 458 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION sand from results on test pieces one week to one hundred and nine weeks old. The extreme regularity of the constants for a great variety of cements and their limited variation in value is remarkable. The comparatively low initial strength may be partly due to the cement being fresh, partly to the size of the test pieces. CHARACTERISTIC EQUATIONS FOR TENSILE STRENGTH OF BAUSCHINGER'S CEMENTS. (Units, lbs. per sq. in., and weeks.) Cement Setting time, mark minutes ABCDEFGIRE с Ꮐ H Ꭱ T 80 49 195 136 13 416 9 to 17 14,, 26 344 146 Neat cement y == 199 +403x-1 121 +49 199 + 95 199 +53 185 +42 256 + 37 227 + 64 227 + 36 299 + 61 227 + 61 Mean 54 1 cement + 3 sand y = 81+293/x-1 46 +36 108 +40 53 +61 85 + 40 112 +41 91 + 40 80+ 46 136 +37 114 + 28 Mean 40 1 cement + 5 sand y = 43 +313/x-1 26 + 30 78+37 37 +47 60 + 28 67 +38 67 + 33 50+ 36 105 + 31 71+24 Mean 33.5 The French official standard of strength for neat cement briquettes is a minimum of 284 lbs. per sq. in. at 7 days, 498 lbs. at 28 days, and 640 lbs. at 84 days after gauging. This agrees nearly with the equation- y=284+ 155x-1. The strength is taken to be the mean of the three highest of each set of six tests. 183. Values of the Constants in Shearing Tests.-Parts of the briquettes used in Bauschinger's tension tests LIMES AND CEMENTS 459 Cement mark given above were subjected to shearing. The following are equations for a few of them :— ARRE B T Neat cement y = 270 +433/x- − 1 142 +67 412 + 57 242 × 92 1 cement + 3 sand y = 112 + 493% −1 46 +53 185 + 55 131 +43 1 cement + 5 sand = Y 60+523/- 1 31 + 57 131 + 61 105 + 44 184. Characteristic Equation for Tests of other Cement- ing Materials.-Some experiments by Dr. Böhme on These are hydraulic lime have also been examined. not very extensive, and they were carried to an age of thirteen weeks only. However, they agree well with a formula of the same general form with n = 1. The equation is therefore- y = a + b (x−1). The following were deduced from the data :- Tension; 1 lime + 1 sand, y = 20 + 11 (x-1). Tension; 1 lime + 3 sand, y= 31 + 17 (x-1). Compression; 1 lime + 1 sand, y = 97 +44 (x−1). Compression; 1 lime + 3 sand, 122 + 22 (x-1.) Y 185. Fineness of Grinding.-The greater part of the improvement in the quality of cement which has been effected in the last ten years has been due to the dis- 460 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION covery of the importance of grinding the clinker to ex- treme fineness. The amount of surface the particles of cement expose increases inversely as the diameter of the particles. A cubic inch of cement would have 150 sq. ins. of surface if the particles were spherical and inch in diameter, and 600 sq. ins. if they were To inch in diameter; so that the area on which chemical action occurs increases as the cement is ground more finely. But probably this is only part of the explana- tion of the greater value of very finely ground cement. 255 1 100 If cement is taken and sifted through a sieve of fifty meshes to the inch, the residue on the sieve of particles larger than the holes in the sieve will not adhere to- gether sufficiently to form a briquette. They are almost absolutely without cementitious value. But if these same particles are reground, they are converted into valuable cement. The extremely small value of these larger particles in the cement was not for some time perceived. For a long time all tests of the strength of cement, or nearly all, were made with neat cement, the reason being that tests of this kind can be made more rapidly than any others. Now, a good cement will bear the addition of a certain amount of inert matter without any sensible reduction of strength; indeed, with a certain gain. Hence it happens that in neat cement tests a somewhat coarsely ground cement gives results higher than a finely ground one. But cement is never, in fact, used neat; it is used mixed with three to seven or more LIMES AND CEMENTS 461 times its weight of the cheaper material, sand or gravel. In the German laboratories, therefore, it was thought desirable not to test the cement neat, but to test it in the condition in which it is used in practice, mixed with sand; and directly this was done, it was found that the cements which were strongest tested neat were by no means always strongest tested as mortar mixed with sand. There may be more reasons for this than one, but the principal reason is that the more finely ground cement will bear a considerable addition of sand with less loss of strength than the coarsely ground cement. The coarse cement has, in fact, a proportion of matter as inert as sand already mixed with it. Suppose a cement has 10 per cent. of inert matter; then, when mixed with sand in the proportion of 2: 1, the true ratio of cement to inert matter is 1 to 2:33; but if the cement initially contains 40 per cent. of inert matter, then, when mixed with double its weight of sand, the true ratio of cement to inert matter is 1:4. It may also be noted that the cement and sand test is to some extent a test of adhesion, the neat cement test being a test of tenacity only. The fineness of grinding is determined by careful sifting through copper or brass wire sieves with square meshes, and these should be carefully and accurately made. Obviously, in specifying the sieves to be used, it is necessary to state not only the number of meshes to the inch but the size of wire used. The following are the sieves most commonly used in cement-testing:-- 462 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION For cement 3S. 750 700 600 500 400 For sand. 300 200 100 50 "" "" "" "" "" ور UNSIFTED SIFTED NEAT CEMENT 10 20 • • • LBS 450 30 WEEKS 400 300 200 100 50 0 No. of meshes to in. 929995 50 74 100 120 180 20 28 145 625 2,500 5,476 10,000 14,400 32,400 400 774 FIG. 137. SIFTED UNSIFTED /CEMENT J SAND No. of meshes to sq. in. 10 20 LBS 300 30 WEEKS 200 100 Diameter of wire 50 inches .01.2 ·005 ⚫0044 ·0031 ⚫0146 ⚫01.23 SIFTED /CEMENT INSIFTED SAND 0 10 20 30 WEEKS The best German cements are ground so fine that they leave a residue of only 3 to 10 per cent on a 76-mesh sieve.¹ English cements are more commonly 1 The German standard for fineness is that not more than 10 per cent. remains on a 76-mesh sieve, the wire of which has a thickness equal to half the width of mesh; lb. of cement is used for this test. LIMES AND CEMENTS 463 specified to pass entirely through a 25-mesh sieve, and to leave not more than 10 per cent. on a 50-mesh sieve. Fig. 137 shows the results of a series of tests by Messrs. Dyckerhoff, given in Mr. Grant's paper. The same cement was used in all the tests; but in one series the cement was used as manufactured, in the other after sifting through a fine sieve. The former left 10 per cent. on a 50-mesh sieve; the latter all passed through a 180-mesh sieve. Neat cement. The equations corresponding to the curves in the diagrams are as follows:- Neat unsifted cement- y = 353 + 122x-1 Neat sifted cement- Y 346 + 36x-1 1 cement + 3 sand. Cement unsifted- t 3 y = 75+ 69x-1 Cement sifted— y = 252 + 53x-1 1 cement + 5 sand. Cement unsifted— Cement sifted— 3 y = 31 +46 V-1 3 y = 136 + 47 Va-1. A series of experiments, given in Mr. Elliot Clarke's very interesting 'Report on the Boston Main Drainage 464 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION Works,' shows the effect of fineness of grinding still more strikingly. An English Portland cement was taken and divided into portions, which passed through a 50, 70, 100, and 120 sieve. Briquettes made with these and with different proportions of sand were tested at different periods, from one week to fifty-two weeks. The following equations give the results: EFFECT OF FINENESS OF GRINDING (BOSTON). Percentage which would not pass through a 100 sieve 55 33 28 18 8 0 1 cement + 3 sand y = 39+283x − 1 92 + 42 97 +45 117 +44 123 + 50 154 + 44 M 1 cement+ 5 sand y = 19+ 193/x- 43 + 32 47 +35 65 + 35 73 +36 86 + 35 1 186. Heaviness of Cement. It was early discovered that heavy, well-burnt clinker produced better cement than the lighter under-burnt clinker. Hence for a long time it was prescribed in all specifications that the cement should have a certain weight per bushel. measure. To get uniform results the cement is sifted through a very coarse sieve, and allowed to fall through a funnel 18 inches to 3 feet high into the standard The cement is strickled off, and the measure weighed without shaking. The size of the measure must be defined, as the cement packs closer in a large than in a small measure. Bauschinger found 13 per cent. difference between the weight of cement in a 50- litre and a 1-litre vessel. But another influence affects LIMES AND CEMENTS 465 the result. A cement ground coarsely will give a heavier weight than the same cement ground finely, so that the weight test is a premium on coarse grinding. Since this has been understood, the weight test has been generally abandoned. 1 The weight per cubic foot of the same cement of different degrees of fineness was determined at Boston, with the following results :- Per cent. retained on 120 sieve PER CENT LEFT ON 120 SIEVE 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 0 • LBS. 75 FIG. 138. • 80 90 85 WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT Weight per cubic foot 95 75 79 82 86 90 100 Fig. 138 shows these results plotted in a curve. It is still, however, convenient to know the weight per 1 'Boston Main Drainage.' By Elliot C. Clarke. p. 115. H H 466 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION cubic foot, and if the fineness is taken into account it affords some indication of the quality. The French official weight test is free from the objections to the ordinary weight test. The cement is sifted through a sieve of 180 meshes to the inch, and only the sifted cement is used for weighing. This is filled into a litre measure. The weight of 1 litre must be within 100 grams of that of a litre of cement of similar fineness ground from specially selected heavy clinker produced at the same factory. 187. Influence of the kind of Sand used in making Cement Mortars.-The sand used with cement in making mortar is commonly directed to be clean, sharp, siliceous sand. It is usually specially directed that the sand should be free from clay. Experiment seems to show that a percentage of clay does not really harm the But leaving this question aside, and suppos- ing we have got a clean siliceous sand, tests will give very different results, according to the quality of the sand. For instance, experiments given by Mr. Grant with Berlin standard sand and a coarser sand give the following equations :-- cement. Standard Berlin sand. Briquettes pressed- y = 73 + 31x-1 Standard sand. Briquettes not pressed 89+ 19x-1 Y Coarser sand- Y = 172 + 28 x - 1 3 -- P Ma LIMES AND CEMENTS 467 - These experiments extended over a year. The ex- periments are plotted in Fig. 139. Fig. 140 shows some experiments on a Portland and American (Rosendale) cement,¹ made with a sand un- sifted (marked mixed on the diagram), and on portions of the same sand of different degrees of fineness obtained by sifting. It will be seen that the coarser sands give lbs 300 200 WH 13 13 8/2 26 39 52 1 8/2 26 39 52 1 WEEKS WEEKS 100 FIG. 139. 1 300 200 100 13 0 82 26 39 52 WEEKS briquettes of greater strength; but the unsifted sand is nearly as strong as the coarsest. For use on works the mixed sand would be good, but for comparative experi- ments sand of a definite size is preferable. ¤ и 2 By coarseness of the sand we mean, primarily, size of grain. Large-sized sand is good for exactly the Boston Main Drainage.' Clarke. p. 123. 468 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION inverse reason that fine cement is good. Fine cement coats a large surface, and fits well into the interspaces of the sand. Large-grained sand has less surface to coat, and its spaces are more easily filled with cement. Now, uniform size of grain may be obtained by sifting. Standard Berlin sand is passed through a 20- and is re- tained by a 28-mesh sieve. But sands of uniform size lbs 400 300 200 100 0 Very Fine. PIC 25 R P. R. IC Fine IC. IC R IC. FIG. 140. 13 S 2 S 13 S 12 S 9 MONTHS MONTHS 2 WEEKS 4 WEEKS I WEEK Medum w Very Coarse Mixed of grain do not make equally good mortar. Two sands sifted through and retained on the same sieves give different tests. There is something in the form of the grains and the kind of space between them-possibly even something in the chemical condition of the sand- which affects the initial strength and rate of hardening of the briquette. These different qualities are shown very clearly in the following characteristic equations, B LIMES AND CEMENTS 469 deduced from experiments by Mr. Harbour Works at Wilhemshaven. cement to 3 sand, the same cement used throughout Arnold, at the The tests are 1 Wilhemshaven blue sand, fine-grained and sharp— y = 101 + 22x-1 Dangast normal sand, sifted in the same way as Berlin normal sand, not very sharp- = 124 + 23x-1 Y Dangast common building sand- y = 165 + 13-1 Wangeroog, coarser, clean and sharp- 3 193 + 41 x − 1 Y Berlin normal, clean sharp quartz sand— y = 250 +44 V-1 3 188. Influence of Proportion of Sand on the Strength of the Mortar.-Cement mortars are weaker than neat cement, probably because the adhesion of the cement to the sand is less than the tenacity of the cement. The larger the proportion of the sand, the weaker the mortar. It appears that, even with a proportion of 1 cement to 3 sand, the whole of the interstices of the sand cannot be filled with cement, and as the pro- portion of sand increases the proportion of unfilled space must increase, and therefore there must be a less section to break. From a series of tests, by Mr. Elliot Clarke, of about 500 briquettes, all made with the same cement 470 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 (the tests extending over two years), the following very uniform series of equations are obtained :-- PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR, WITH DIFFERENT PROPORTIONS OF SAND (BOSTON). Neat cement 1 cement + 1 sand 1 1 "" "" 55 100A Mixture +2 +3 + + 90A + 10B 90A + 100 90A + 10D 90A + 10E 90A + 10F 50A +50F 235 + 5 >> 11 "" y = 303 + 613x 160 + 57 126 +44 95 + 36 55 +26 Neat 15 y=583+ 883/x-1 498 + 93 526+ 69 469 + 77 452 + 107 514+ 71 262 + 88 >> Below are given the results of experiments by Dr. Böhme on the influence of the addition of various sub- stances to cement. Some of these, such as gypsum, have been added at times with an idea that they im- proved the cement; others have been added occasionally as adulterations. Slacked lime has sometimes been used with cement in very cold weather. It will be seen that, with the exception of sifted cement, every one of these additions reduces the strength of the cement :- " PORTLAND CEMENT WITH VARIOUS ADDITIONS (BÖHME). (A, Cement; B, Sifted cement; C, Fine sand; D, Slag; E, Brick-dust ; F, Slack-lime.) "" M 1 1 cement to 3 sand y 199 +483/x-1 213 + 45 128 +65 128 +59 137 +58 155 +48 82 +44 189. Determination of the Setting Time.-The roughest means of determining the time in which a cement sets is to observe when a flat pat can no longer be indented by the finger-nail. A more accurate method is to use a LIMES AND CEMENTS 471 2 loaded needle or wire. Perhaps the French standard test is as definite as any. The cement paste, as soon as possible after gauging, is filled into a metal box 1½ inch deep and 3 inches diameter. Over this is suspended, by a pulley and balance weight, a needle of 101 oz. weight, with a square section of 1 sq. mm. (side of square, 0·04 inch). The cement is said to have taken initial set when the needle fails to penetrate the whole depth if lowered gently on it, and final set when its sur- face just supports the needle. A cement commencing to set in less than 30 minutes, or setting finally in less than three hours from commencement of gauging, is re- jected. For certain purposes quicker cements are useful. In America a needle inch in diameter, loaded with -1 12 1 lb., and a needle 24 inch in diameter, loaded with 1 lb., are used to determine setting time. 4 Effect of Time of Setting on the Qualities of a Cement.- There is a prevalent opinion that quick-setting cements do not continue long to gain in strength, but reach a maximum, and then fall off, or diminish in strength. This curious diminution in strength, often shown in experiments, may be due to minute and imperceptible cracks, but perhaps it is rather an error of testing than a real loss of strength. The cement, no doubt, gets more brittle, and that has the effect of making the test more difficult, and increasing the chance of break- ing the briquette with a load rather less than the real tenacity. Mr. Grant has given a table of tests of quick and 472 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION slow cements, which give the following characteristic equations. Mr. Grant does not say, but I believe these are 28-day tests of mortar gauged 1 to 3 of sand :— Set, in minutes 2289 10 20 30 45 Quick cements y= 7+ 953/x-1 34 + 113 83+ 86 23+ 90 Set, in hours Gauged neat 1 cement to 3 sand 5 7 10 11 2 Quick cements These results show that the slower cements have very much greater initial strength than the quick cements, but the quick cements in this table are some- what exceptional. The means of four series of tests on quick cements and four on slow cements, from Bau- schinger's tables, give the following equations. y = 183 + 483/x − 1 y= 76 +363/x 1 - Slow cements y = 166 +803/x-1 101 + 94 143 + 70 140 + 67 Slow cements y = 220 + 55.3/x 1 y = 88+473/x-1 Here the slow cements have greater initial strength and greater rate of gain with age than the quick cements, but the difference is not so great as in Grant's table. At any rate, the opinion is general that the slower cements are more trustworthy. The German manufac- turers propose different standard tests for quick and slow cements, the standard being higher for the slow cements. 190. Influence of Quantity of Water on the Strength of Neat Cement and Cement Mortar.—A certain quantity of LIMES AND CEMENTS 473 LBS. 500 water must be used in gauging cement or cement mortar, which varies with the character of the cement. The finest ground and quickest cements require most water. Now, unfortunately, every drop of water added beyond what is necessary weakens the cement, and this is the chief source of the discrepancies which occur in cement- testing. In purely commercial testing it is naturally 400 300 200 100 0 15 SLIGHTLY DAMP 20 DAMP I YEAR 6 MONTHS I WEEK STIFF PASTE 25 FIG. 141. / MONTH/ SOFT 30 NEAT PORTLAND GROUT 35 THIN CROIT 40 PER CENT and not unfairly desired to get the best result possible out of the cement. In this country the briquettes are moulded on an impervious slab of slate or marble or glass. The cement is gauged neat with the least amount of water which will permit moulding, and the very stiff paste into which the cement is formed is pressed into the moulds as rapidly as possible. To get uniform results the water used must be very accurately measured. } ¡ I 1 | i i { 1 474 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ¦ It varies from 18 to 25 per cent. of the weight of cement. In Fig. 141 are shown the results of some experi- ments at Boston, on the same cement, mixed with different proportions of water. The greatest strength is obtained with between 20 and 25 per cent. of water. The proportionate difference of strength as the time of hardening increases is less; so that it is for short, one- week tests that the quantity of water makes the greatest difference. 191. Test for Soundness.-One of the most dangerous qualities of a cement is a tendency to blow or crack after setting, in consequence of expansion due to the chemical actions which are going on. Expansion of this kind, producing cracks, is commonly due to the presence of unslacked lime in the cement; gypsum added as an adulteration is open to the same objection. These substances are the more dangerous that they rather add to than detract from the strength of the cement, and hence escape detection by the ordinary test. That Portland cement does expand in hardening may be shown easily by filling lamp glass chimneys with the cement, and placing them for hardening in water. With both neat cement and cement and sand the chimneys invariably crack about the third day, and in the course of ten days the glass is cracked all over. 1 The ordinary test for soundness is to make a pat or cake, 2 or 3 inches in diameter and inch thick, with thin edges, and place it in water. If the cake, in LIMES AND CEMENTS 475 hardening, shows any tendency to crack or contort, the cement is dangerous. It is often extremely important to determine the soundness of a cement in a shorter time than this pro- cess requires. Now, heat accelerates greatly the harden- ing process, and hence sometimes the pats of cement are placed on an iron plate heated by a gas jet. Then any tendency to crack shows itself in a short time. This may be called the baking process. Tetmajer re- commends that a pat 4 inches diameter and 3 inch thick should be baked in a drying chamber at 120° C. for three or four hours. A still better process is to heat the pats in a steam bath. Mr. Faija makes a convenient apparatus, consist- ing of a double bath with regulated gas jet. The water in the outer bath is kept at 110°, and the pats are placed at first on a slip of glass in the steam, in the inner bath, in vapour at about 100°. After five or six hours the pat is hard enough to be placed in the water, and may be kept cooking for twenty hours. If at the end of that time the pat is still adherent to the glass, and without cracks, the cement is perfectly sound. German Standard Test.-The minimum tensile strength of briquettes of 1 cement to 3 sand by weight, after hardening 1 day in air and 27 days in water, is 2274 lbs. per sq. in. The crushing strength is 2,275 lbs. per sq. in. 192. Measurement of Expansion of Cement.-Bau- schinger took cubes of cement of 4.8 inches length of side. 476 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION I 10 Twenty-four hours after mixing, a small brass plate, about inch diameter, was fixed into two opposite sides of the cube, by cementing. After forty-eight hours' hardening, the accurate measurements between the brass plates were commenced. The cube was placed in a measuring instrument, having a spring touch-lever on one side and a micrometer screw on the other. The touch-lever ensured the constancy of pressure between the measuring points and the block to be measured. The pitch of the screw was very accurately determined ; and as a perfectly constant temperature cannot be insured in experiments lasting a long time, a correction for the expansion of the cement blocks by heat was determined. Neat cement briquettes hardened in air sometimes showed a small expansion at first, but all ultimately shrank in volume. Neat cement briquettes hardened in water all showed a very small expansion, generally less than 05 m. in 120 mm. length in sixteen weeks. With briquettes mixed with sand the changes of volume were of the same kind, but smaller. Quickness of Loading.-I believe Mr. Faija first pointed out that the rate of loading a briquette affected the breaking weight. The quicker a briquette is loaded, the greater the load which can be got on before it gives way. In some definite experiments, Mr. Faija found a difference of 23 per cent. in the breaking weight of exactly similar briquettes, broken quickly and broken slowly. It is now generally recommended that the weight should be added at the rate of 100 lbs. LIMES AND CEMENTS 477 in fifteen seconds.¹ Mr. Adie has devised an ingenious arrangement for regulating the speed of loading. Mr. Deacon, I believe, puts half the probable breaking weight on the briquette, and leaves it twelve hours, and then completes the test. 193. Tests by Pressure.-Almost all that has been said thus far relates to the ordinary mode of testing cements and cement mortars by tensile stress. That mode of testing was adopted for mere reasons of convenience. The cement has only about one-tenth the strength in tension which it has in compression. Hence, for tension tests a small, cheap, easily managed testing machine can be used. For compression tests, the testing machines. must be much larger and more costly. But as a matter of fact cement is but little used in positions in which its resistance to tension is in play. The most important works in which cement is used are expressly designed to avoid tension in any part. If, indeed, in some positions structures are exposed to the possibility of tensile strains, due to failure of foundations or backing, still the tensile stresses so developed are small com- pared with the normal crushing stresses for which the structure is designed. Tension tests having been adopted, and being con- venient no doubt, find defenders. Broadly speaking, a cement with high tenacity will be strong to resist crushing; but the correspondence in the resistance to 1 The German rate of loading is lb. per second, the briquettes being 0.775 sq. ins. section. 478 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION the two kinds of stress is far from exact. Bauschinger has found that the ratio of resistance to crushing to re- sistance to tension varies from eleven to one to seven to one; and that the order of merit for cements tried for tension is not the same as the order for crushing. It has even been said that crushing tests are useless and inaccurate. If they have proved so, it is only because the proper conditions of accurate testing have been neg- lected. In Bauschinger's tests of 5-inch cubes, the results are considerably more uniform than the tests of the same cements in small briquettes by tension. In proper crushing experiments two conditions must be fulfilled, which have hitherto been too much neglected in crushing experiments. (1) The faces of the block on which the crushing pressure acts must be plane parallel surfaces. (2) The crushing pressure must be uniformly distributed on those surfaces. In moulded blocks of cement or cement concrete the surfaces are hardly ever as parallel as is desirable. The surfaces are generally more or less rough, and more or less warped. By striking over the faces a thin layer of gypsum or Parian cement, which sets immediately, perfectly plane and parallel faces can be obtained, with- out in any way altering the strength of the block. Weak as these cements are, thin layers stand the crush- ing pressure perfectly. To ensure the equal distribution of the crushing pressure on the faces it is only necessary, in a properly constructed testing machine, to interpose a spherical joint between the block and the face of the machine. LIMES AND CEMENTS 479 It may be useful to examine if the rate of hardening in pressure tests can be expressed as simply as that in tension tests. In Bauschinger's paper already referred to there are a series of pressure tests of the same series of cements as that used in the tension tests. fore- 1 The test pieces were cubes of 144 sq. cms. (22.3 sq. ins., or 4.75 inches length of side). Either from the large size of the cubes, or the nature of the stress, or some other cause, it is necessary to take n in the general equation, instead of its value for tension. With this change, the equation fits the compression results satisfactorily. The equation for compression is there- y = c + d √ x−1, where y is the compressive strength in lbs. per sq. in. at x weeks after mixing. Cement mark ABCDEFGHRE K The equations obtained from Bauschinger's results are as follow, the equations being all applicable to an age of two years at least :- с Ꭱ T Neat cement y = 1,877 +206/x − 1 953 +227 1,991 + 490 1,770 + 327 1,592 + 341 2,404 +299 1,582 + 270 1,436 + 334 2,631 +441 1,920 + 455 Mean 339 1 cement + 3 sand y= 953+299/x- -1 313+248 1,038 +313 427 + 412 668 + 320 825 + 334 782 + 270 711 + 270 1,507 + 341 1,024 + 313 Mean 312 1 cement + 5 sand y = 469 +299/x-1 199 +199 740 + 305 284 + 313 356 +263 540 + 284 483 + 249 341 + 256 995 + 341 626 +227 Mean 274 1 480 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION TESTS OF NINE-INCH CUBES OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE. (When the block did not crush the greatest load is given in brackets. The dates in the second column are taken from Mr. Deacon's letter.) No. of block Nov. Dec. Jan. 9 11 Mar. 3 May June June Sept. 78a CO TH LO co 4 5 6 2*# **2 12 13 14 18 19 20 Date of moulding 21 22 23 24 25 Dec. Mar. June Date of testing 1883 Dec. 2, 1885 1884 Nov. 27, 1885 1884 Dec. 2, 1885 1882 Nov. 30, 1885 1882 Dec. 3, 1885 | 1883 Dec. 1, 1885 9.02 × 8.93 8.95 × 8.96 8'96 × 9.02 1883 Nov. 28, 1885 8.93 x 8.99 1883 Nov. 12, 1885 1883 Nov. 12, 1885 1883 Nov. 13, 1885 1883 Nov. 13, 1885 9.02 × 8.95 9.05 x 9.05 8.82 × 9.02 8.98 × 9.00 June Sep. 1885 Nov. 28, 1885 1885|Nov. 28, 1885 Sep. 22, 1885 Dec. 8, 1885 Sep. 29, 1885 Dec. 8, 1885 Oct. 14, 1885 Dec. 9, 1885 9, 1885 9, 1885 9, 1885 Mean horizontal Mean dimensions section Oct. 27, 1885 Dec. Nov. 4, 1885 Dec. Nov. 11, 1885 Dec. Inches 9.05 × 9·05 9.00 × 9.04 9.06 × 9.02 9.02 × 9.02 9.03 × 9.03 9.02 × 9.02 9.02 × 9.02 9.01 × 9.02 9.04 × 9.03 9.02 × 9.02 9.02 × 9.02 Sq. ft. Load at which first Crushing crack load was ob. served Tons 90.3 •559 •557 .561 •558 •563 82.23 91.12 •569 41.80 81.08 •552 89.30 [100-10] .561 29.35 62.69 72.95 Tons 94.86 54.00 •569 •565 •568 99.50 Time between moulding and testing 103.6 36 [104.52] 35 [104.16] 31 100.6 32 29/1/20 28/1/ 99.51 92.4 106.33 Months 51.27 69.73 *565 •566 40.44 51.30 *565 50.10 63.32 •565 32.30 47.61 70 •564 44.50 53.52 56 64.68 43 •567 61.97 •565 60.50 •565 61.75 60.51 35 80.21 28 28/1/ 25/ 33223 20 17 10 2 5 77 days "" 35 "" "" * "" Crushing pressure Tons per sq. ft. 185.4 [187·6] [185·7] 180.3 161.8 142.5 [181-3] 111.7 174.9 163.6 187.2 122.4 90.6 112.10 84.23 94.90 114.10 107.10 141.99 Crushed between Millboards " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" * "" * "" "" ง "" ,, "" 15 "" Remarks [not crushed Parian cement on top face; Ditto, not crushed Badly cracked, not crushed Parian cement on top face "" " "", "" "" "" "" LIMES AND CEMENTS 481 Here the first constant, which can be obtained by tests lasting one week only, varies a good deal; but the second constant has no very great range of variation about its mean values. If the initial strength of the cement is known therefore, the strength at any age up to two years can be inferred with a certain degree of approximation. Strength of Concrete.-The table on opposite page, from the Report of Mr. G. F. Deacon on the Vyrnwy Masonry Dam, gives the strength of a series of nearly cubical blocks of Portland cement concrete, made at various dates during the progress of the work. The following summary gives a general view of the average strength at different ages :- Age of block, in months 32-36 28-29/1/ 17-251/ 2-5 1-2 Main strength. in tons per sq. ft. over 180 162 159 102 114 The blocks prepared with Parian cement to ensure a plane face give rather higher crushing pressures than the others. Some blocks cut out of the work itself gave crushing pressures somewhat greater still. Detection of Adulteration.—The means of detecting adulteration of cement have been examined by Drs. R. and W. Fresenius. Adulteration by lime is shown by too low a specific gravity, great loss by ignition, high alka- linity of aqueous solution, and too great absorption of I I 482 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION " carbonic anhydride. An adulteration by slag is shown by slightly lowered specific gravity, lowered alkalinity, and by the large amount of chamaeleon solution which may be added. The details of the methods of testing are given in a paper abstracted recently for the Institute of Civil Engineers. Ay 3 INDEX. ABB ABBOTT, experiments on steel castings, 336 Abel, Sir F., on hardening and annealing, 298 Adamson, testing machine, 139 Admiralty experiments on effect of temperature on strength, 349 Adulteration of cement, 481 Alloys, 341 Aluminium alloys, 347 Annealing, 296; tests of plates, 327; tests of steel castings, 334 Askenasy, deflectometer, 245 Autographic diagrams, time curves, 87; effect of removing load, 99; elastic diagrams, 239, 242; time extension curves, 243; of iron and steel, 281; of hardened and annealed steel, 298; of steel castings, 337; of copper, 340; of brass and bronze, 345 Autographic recording apparatus, 228, 243 BAILEY, testing machine, 152 Baker, B., on perforated and nicked plates, 83; variation of strength in pieces cut from one plate, 294; endurance tests, 373; on limits of working stress, 383 Barba's law, 75; on effect of punching, 310 Barnaby, influence of temperature on strength of iron and steel, 317 BOH Basic steel, tests of, 326 Bauschinger, on yield point, 65; raising of elastic limit, 98; in- fluence of rest after loading, 101 ; shackle for wood, 183; mirror extensometer, 220; change of elastic limit in successive load- ings, 250; ín bars loaded beyond yield point, 258; strength of steel, 286; shearing tests of iron and steel, 331; experiments on repeated tensions, 375; variation of elastic limit, 384; alternate tensions and pressures, 389 ; endurance tests, 393; strength of timber, 397; influence of form on crushing strength, 421; elastic constants for stone, 429; strength of stone, 432; of cement, 457; expansion of cement, 475; crush- ing strength of cement, 479 Bell-metal, 342 Belting, leather, strength of, 409 Bending and temper test, 163 Bending strength, of cast iron, 268; of rails, 329; of copper, 339; of brass and bronze, 343, 345; of timber, 402, 405; of stone, 433 Bending stress, 35 Blue heat, influence on strength of steel, 301 Onl Board of Trade, tests of iron and steel, 323; experiments punched plates, 77 Böhme, tests of iron plates, 324; of limes, 459; on addition of 484 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION BOH various substances to cement, 470; on strength of masonry, 434; strength of brickwork, 439 Bottomley, hardening effect of long-continued stress, 90 Bramah testing machine, 109, 125 Brasses, 344 Breaking stresses, 7 Brick, 410, 436 Brickwork, strength of, 439 Bronzes, 342 Buckton & Co., testing machine, 132 CAL YALIBRATION of testing ma- chine, 167 Carbon, in iron and steel, 259; in cast iron, 261; influence on steel, 285, 300, 319; in steel cast- ings, 335 Cast iron, extension and compres- sion of, 248; definition of, 259; composition of, 261; properties of, 264; tensile strength, 265; crushing strength, 268; trans- verse strength, 268; shearing strength, 272; resistance to tor- sion, 273 Cathetometer, 210; differential, 218 Cement, 441; tests for strength, 445; form of briquettes, 445; gauging briquettes, 447; sand and cement briquettes, 448; rate of hardening, 449; characteristic equation of, 450; shearing tests, 459; fineness of grinding, 459; heaviness, 464; influence of kind of sand used, 466; proportion of sand, 469; setting time, 470; quantity of water in gauging, 472; soundness, 474; expansion, 475; pressure tests, 477; adul- teration, 481 Clarke, Elliot, on cements, 463, 469 DUP Clay, on the effect of, in reworking iron, 288 Coefficient of bending strength, 270; for cast iron, 271; for bronzes, 343; for brasses, 345; for timber, 402, 406; for stone, 433 of elasticity, 20, 246; for different materials, 251; for iron and steel, 252, 287; for bronzes, 254, 343; for steel castings, 337; for brasses, 345; for delta metal, 346; for timber, 402, 406; for stone, 429 of volume, 29 of rigidity, 28, 253; determina- tion by torsion, 35; for cast iron, 274; for iron and steel, 333 Cold rolling, effect of, 306 Compression of lead, copper, and iron, 94 Concrete, tests of, 480 Considére, stresses in hardened bars, 297; effect of cold working, 308; experiments on punching, 311 Contraction, local, 281; relation to elongation, 84, 278 Copper, 339 Cowper, extensometer, 214 Creusot testing machine, 127 Cross-breaking, machines for, 162; shackles for, 186 Crushing strength of cast iron, 268; of stone, 435; of brick, 438; of cement, 479 Curioni, strength of brickwork, 439 EFLECTION of a beam, 40 Deflectometer, 245 DE Delta metal, 346. Drawing out, 68; distribution along bar, 72; suppression of, 77; in bars broken by repetition of stress, 379 Ductility, 18, 293, 302 Dupuy, extensometer, 217 INDEX 485 ELA LASTIC constants, 246 ELASTIC Elasticity, limits of, 6; raised by stress, 98; influence of rest after loading, 101; change in suc- cessive loadings, 250; mode of de- termining, 254; variation of, 384 Emery testing machine, 152; shackles, 179 Endurance tests, 361 Ewing, time curves, 87; auto- graphic arrangement, 231 Expansion of cement, 475 Extensions and compressions of cast iron, 58; of steel, 60; of indiarubber, 61; in bars of dif- ferent lengths, 75; of stone, 429 Extensometer, 205, 206, 208 FAIJA, cement testing machine, 477; gauging machine for cement, 448; test for soundness of cement, 475 Fairbairn, testing machine, 126; on cold rolling, 308 Fairbanks, testing machine, 120; autographic apparatus, 232 Fineness of cement, 459 Flow of solids, 47, 96 Foster, tests of steel castings, 335 Frankel, extensometer, 243 Friction grips, 174 Friction of cup-leathers, 108 Frost, resistance of stone to, 428 GA AUGING briquettes, 447 Gerber's parabola, 391 Grafenstaden testing machine, 122 Granite, 410 Grant on cement testing, 441, 446, 452, 456, 466 Greenwood & Batley, testing ma- chine, 123 Gun-metal, 342 LOA HAMMER hardening, 306 M Hardness, determination of, 187 Hardening of cement, 449 of steel, 296 Heaviness of cement, 464 Henning & Marshall, extensometer, 206 Hercules metal, 347 Hill, strength of steel castings, 334 Hodgkinson, experiments on cast iron, 58, 247; relation of stress and strain in cast iron, 264; crushing strength of cast iron, 268 Hydraulic limes, 442 INDIARUBBER, curve of, 61 Ingot metal, 260, 276 Isotropy, 24 stress-strain ENNEDY, on yield point, 65 stress-strain curves, 67; tor- sion shackle, 185; lever extenso- meter, 216; mirror extenso- meter, 220; autographic appara- tus, 240, 242; on form of test bars, 294; tests of steel, 327 Kortum, rope shackle, 183 Lead, 341 LANZA, experiments on strength of timber, 403 Lebasteur on tempering iron and steel, 300 Limes, 441 Loading, influence of rate of, in testing, 291, 476 486 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION MAI MAILLARD, testing machine, 123, shackles, 180 Maitland, Col., influence of time in testing, 89; on oil hardening, 297 Malleable cast iron, 274 Mallet, tests of heavy forgings, 290 Manganese in steel, 277, 286, 300 Martens, testing machine, 120 Masonry, strength of, 434 Measuring instruments, 192; for strains, 199 Millar, strength of cast iron, 270 Milton, effect of quenching on steel, 299 Mitis castings, 337 Modulus of section, 42 Moment of inertia, 42 Monge balance, 163 Morin and Tresca on bending, 37 OLSEN, LSEN, testing machine, 142 PAR ARKER, W., effect of bending on strength of steel, 309; on steel castings, 335 Phosphor bronze, 354 Phosphorus in steel, 277, 301; in copper, 339 Pin grips, 172 Pipes, testing of, 165 Plasticity, 17, 45, 53, 96 Platt and Hayward, on strength of cast iron, 273; on iron and steel, 332 Poisson's ratio, 20 Polmeyer, autographic apparatus, 231 Porosity of stone, 426 Preece, strength of wire, 352 Pressure of fluidity, 46, 52 Pressure tests of cement, 477 Proportionality, limit of, 256 Punching, 47, 78, 310 STE AILS, tests of, 327 Repetitions of load, 356 RAIL Ꭱ Richard, measuring machine, 199 Richard's experiments on perforated plates, 80 Ricketts on malleable cast iron, 274 Riehle, testing machine, 122; wedges, 177 ST. T. CHAMOND testing machine, 127 Sand, standard, for cement-testing, 449 Sandberg on rail tests, 329 Screw bolts, strength of, 351 Screw micrometer, 194; extenso- meter, 205 Self on aluminium bronze, 347 Sensitiveness of testing machine, 111, 169 Shackles for tension, 171; for crushing, 184; for torsion, 185; for shearing, 186; for cross- breaking, 186; for indenting, 187 Shearing stress, 25; tests of iron and steel, 331; of cement, 458 Sieves for cement and sand, 449 Silicon in cast iron, 262 Spangenberg, endurance tests, 372 Steel, extension and compression of, 249; composition of, 277; castings, 277; influence of car- bon, 285; hardening, tempering, and annealing, 296; influence of carbon, manganese, and phos- phorus on properties, 300 ; in- jurious effect of blue heat, 301; influence of temperature on strength, 313; Styffe's experi- ments, 319; Steel Committee's experiments, 319; Board of Trade experiments, 323; shear- ing strength, 332; torsional strength, 333 INDEX 487 STE Steel castings, 333 Steel Committee's experiments, 319 Stone, 410; influence of bedding on crushing strength, 416; strength of stone, 412; porosity, 426; Bauschinger's experiments, 433; crushing strength, 435 Straightedge, 192 Streinitz, differential cathetometer, 218 Stress-strain curve, correction of, 91 Stress-strain diagrams, 56; for brittle material, 58; for elastic material, 60; for ductile material, 63, 94. See also Autographic diagrams Strohmeyer, experiments on per- forated plates, 79 ; roller extenso- meter, 223; on influence of blue heat, 302 Styffe, definition of elastic limit, 255; on properties of iron and steel, 285; influence of tempera- ture on strength, 314; experi- ments on iron and steel, 318 Superposition of stresses, 23 Sweet, Professor, micrometer, 196 TANGYE, testing machine, 162 Tempering steel, 296 Temper test, 163 Temperature, effect on strength of iron and steel, 313; on alloys, 348 Test bars, 188, 292, 446 Testing machines, 106; types of, 119; Woolwich machine, 125; single-lever machines, 128; com- pound-lever machines, 139; Union Bridge Co.'s machine, 143; manometer machines, 148; emery machines, 152; special machines, 161; cement-testing machines, 446 Tests of cement, 440; of pipes, 165 UNW Tetmajer, tests of rails, 350 Thalen on elastic limit, 255 Thomasset, testing machine, 121, 148 Thurston, extensometer, 205; tor- sion machine, 229; on copper, 339; on bronzes, 342 ; on brasses, 344; on other alloys, 345 Timber, 394; strength of small specimens, 397; elasticity of, 397; tensile strength of, 401; crushing strength of, 402; bend- ing strength of, 402; American tests, 403; strength of posts, 404; of beams, 405; shearing strength, 407; influence of time on strength, 408 Time, influence in testing, 291, 476; on strength of timber, 408 Tin, 341 Torsion, 31; machine, 161; shackle, 185; of cast iron, 273; of iron and steel, 331 Touch micrometer, 212 Tresca on plasticity, 46 Turner on cast iron, 262 UCHATIUS, [CHATIUS, strength of bronze, 349 Union Bridge Company's testing machine, 143 Unwin, extensometer, 208; touch micrometer, 212; mirror extenso- meter, 222; instrument for measuring compressions, 225; autographic apparatus, 235; elec- tric semi-autographic apparatus, 238; change of ductility in steel when worked hot, 304; experi- ments on steel castings, 337; on delta metal, 346; on aluminium bronze, 348; on wire, 355; on strength of stone, 417; on porosity of stone, 428 488 TESTING OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION I VER VE ERNIER calipers, 193 Vicat on strength of stone blocks, 424 Viscosity of solids, 100 WADE, testing machine, 127; strength of cast iron, 268 Watertown testing machine, 152 Wear, resistance of stone to, 429 Webb on working steel at colour heat, 306 Wedge gauge, 204 Weld iron, 261, 276 Werder, testing machine, 123, 128 Wertheim on elastic limit, 255 Whitworth measuring machine, 198 Wicksteed, testing machine, 120; apparatus, 233; autographic shackles, 175 Wire, strength of, 352 Wöhler's experiments on repetition of stress, 356 Woolwich testing machine, 125 Work done in tension and compres- sion, 21; in plastic deformation, 54; measured from stress-strain diagram, 104 Working stress, 9; history of limits adopted, 380 ZIN Wrought iron, composition of, 276; tenacity, 278; effect of reworking, 288; effect of cold rolling, 308; effect of temperature, 314; tensile strength, 318; tests of, 324; shearing strength, 332; torsional strength, 333 YIELD point, 10, 64 Young's modulus, 20; deter- mination by bending, 44 Z INC, 341 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON A CATALOGUE OF WORKS 7 GENERAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. 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