A 546452 OHN SURVENC DLEYS HOA La. State University. No Class LIBRARY. 14p9 12 ener X ca lach. Division ? Shelf Class 500 Book M36 Library of the Louisiana State University, A. and M. College. v, 2 A Accession No. 3 1 A NEW and COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM OF MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTIONS, Agreeable to the PRESENT STATE OF THE NEWTONIAN MATHESIS. MO Le ΟΙ JIN' Containing the Inftitutes, or Principles of I. The Phyfico-Mechanical MA-IV. OxODROMICS, or NAVI- THESIS. II. Univerfal OPTICS. III. Univerfal PERSPECTIVE. GATION. V. BALLISTICS, or GUNNERY. VI. HOROLOGY, or CLOCK- WORK. By BENJAMIN MARTIN. LONDON: Printed and fold by W. OWEN, near Temple-Bar, and by the AUTHOR, at his Houſe in Fleet-ftreet. MDCCLXIV. ARTES 1817 VERITAS LIBRARY ՀԱՍԱ SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM AMⱭNAM, CIRCUMSPICE RECEIVED IN EXCHANGE FROM Louisiana State University ! 510 A M 360 TO THE KIN JUTON RAV 3.5- M38 G This NEW and COMPREHENSIVE WAR Y ST E M SY OF MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTIONS, Publiſhed, By his ROYAL PERMISSION, Under His Moft Gracious and Aufpicious PATRONAGE, Is now, with all Humility, Infcribed, By his MAJESTY'S Moft Loyal, Dutiful, and Obedient Subject and Servant, BENJ. MARTIN. Lowserve Eich. Clutchin t Meterisind INSTITUTIONS OF THE PHYSICO-MECHANICAL MATHESIS. 938. CHA P. I The MENSURATION of SUPERFICIES. EFORE we can give any rational Account of the philofophical and mathematical Sciences, and their practical Application, it is neceffary to premife thofe mechanical Principles which are founded in the Nature of Things, and make the Bafis of all that Sort of Knowledge; without thefe no Man can underſtand Philoſophy, or make any Progrefs in the true Mathefis. We fhall propofe them if a natural Order, and in the moft perfpi- cuous Method we can, and begin firft with the practical Men- furation of Superficies and Solids, which is the firft Doctrine of practical Science. } $ 939. The Dimenſions or Content of all Superficies are eſti- mated in that of a Square; as a Square Inch; a fquare Foot; a Square Yard, Rod, Mile, &c. and what Number of each leffer Denomination is contained the greater, is fhewn in the follow- ing Table: Square Inçlies. 144 1 Foot fquare. 1296 9 1 Yard ſquare. T 39204 22 1568160 16890 1210 6272840 43560 4840 40 160 1 Rood fquare. 4= 1 Acre fquare. 303- 1 Pole fquare: 4014489600278784003097600 102400 2560 6401 Mile fquate. = = 940. To measure a SQUARE ACD B. Suppoſe the Length of each Side be Inchies, Feet, Yards, &c. then A B=4; and 4 ABXACA B² = 4 × 416, fquare B2 X Inches, Feet, Yardi, &c. as is evident, by In- fpection, in the Figure. A C VOL. II. B D git Is INSTITUTIONS 941. To measure a PARALLELOGRAM ABDC. = Admit the Length AC = 6, and the Breadth AB = 4; then AC × A B 24 fquare Inches, Feet, &'c. according to the Meaſure in which the Sides were taken. A B D 942. To measure a TRIANGLE BDE. A E C It is evident by Inſpection, the Tri- angle A D B is equal to half the Paral- lelogram ABD C; but becauſe AC BD, the Triangles ADB and BED are equal (635). Therefore the Tri- angle BED (BAD) ABXAC EFX BD. Therefore if the perpendicular Altitude EF (= A B) = 4: and the Bafe BD6; then EFX BD 2×6=12= = the Area of the Triangle BED, as required. 2 B F = 943. To measure the RHOMBUS ABDC. The Rhombus ABDC is equal to the Parallelogram A E F C, becauſe A C|| BF, and AC-FE (655.) Therefore the Rhombus is AE XAC-AE = ✰ BD. Hence let the Bafe B D 4, B A ED D F and the perpendicular Height A E = 3,5; then is the Area of the Rhombus ABDC= 4 × 3.5 14. 944. To measure the RHOMBOIDES ABDC. Here again the Rhomboides is = to the Parallelogram AEFC (655) Therefore let the Bafe B D = 6, the Altitude AE (CF) = 4; then is Area of the Rhomboides A B D C = 4 × 6 = 2:44. A BE D F 945. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 945. To measure a TRAPEZIUM A B C D. Draw the Diagonal AC; on which, from the Angles B, D, let fall the Per- pendiculars B g, De; then is the Tri- A angle ACB Parallelogram Aae C, .I 2 a E and the Triangle A CD = Parallelo- 6 D d gram Abd C. Confequently the whole Trapezium A B C D Ι half the Parallelogram abcd; ab x b d = ÷ Bg + D ¢ = 1 1 Thus, fuppofe the Diagonal A C = 6, and half X A C. the Sum of the Perpendiculars = B g + De 2 =12, the Area of the Trapezium, as required. 2; then 6 × 2 946. To meaſure a CIRCLE EGF H. A E C We have fhewn the Area of the Circle whofe Diameter is 1, is 0,785398 (828) and the Areas of all Circles are as the Squares of their Diameters (840.) Let A, D, be the Area, and Diameter of the given Circle. Then, as 12: 0.7854 DD: A. Therefore the Area A 0.7854 DD. Thus let D= 4, = D4, then DD 16, and 0,7854 DD = 12,5664 = Area fought. B HD 947. Let A = Area, D = Diameter, and P = Periphery of a Circle; then any one of theſe being given, the other may be found by the following Equations, (fee 824, 830, 840,) viz. Given D, then 3.1416 DP; and 0.7854 D² = A. A P ÷ 3.1416.≈ D, or 0,3183 P = D. P² ÷ 12.5664 = A, or 0.07957 P² = A. A ÷ 0,7854 = D, or /1.2732 A = D. 12.5664 A — P, or ✔ A÷0,07957 – P. 948. To measure any regular POLYGON. For Example, the Hexagon ABCDEF. Now fince theſe Figures confift of as many Ifofceles Triangles ANF as they have B 2 Sides 4 INSTITUTIONS Z C A N E F Sides; and the equal Sides of thofe Triangles ANN F, are the Radii of the circum- fcribing Circles, and the perpendicular Heights B NG, the Radii of the infcribed Circles; and becauſe AFX NG Area of the Tri- angle ANG (942); therefore the Sum of all the Areas (or Area of the whole Polygon) will be equal to GNX Sum of all the Bafes or Sides. Now in the Hexagon, the Triangle ANF is equiangular and equilateral; and therefore putting ANAF = 1, we have NG ✓ A N A G2 0,866; let the Sum of the Sides be S6, then GNX 풀 ​$ = 0,866 X 3 + 2,598 the Area of the Hexagon re- quired. 949. But fince regular Polygons are fimilar Figures, they will be to each other as Squares of their Sides (670.) There- fore the Area of any Polygon, whofe Side is 1, being mul- tiplied by the Square of the Side of any other Polygon of the fame Sort, will give the Area of that other Polygon. Thus, let the Side of any Hexagon be 15; the Square of which is 225, then 225 × 2,598 = 583,05, the Area of the Hexagon, whofe Side is 15, as required. 950. And that the Area of any regular Polygon may be had in the fame Manner directly, the Areas of each, fuppofing the Side 1, are computed by the above Method, as in the Table following. (Art. 847.) 1 17 १ Sides. Names. Areas. 3 Trigon, 0.433013 4 Tetragon, 1.000000 5 Pentagon, 1.720477 6 Hexagon, 2.598076 Heptagon, 3.633959 Octagon, 4.828427 9 Enneagon, 6.181827 Decagon, 7.694209 Endecagon, 9.365675 12 Dodecagon, II,197920 CHAP. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. CHA P. II: The MENSURATION of SOLIDS. 951. THE Solidity, or folid Content of Bodies is eftima- ted in that of a Cube; as an Inch Cube, Foot Cube, c. which are more generally called, a cubic Inch, Foot, &c. A Table of this Sort of Meaſure from the leaft to the greateſt Denomination here follows; Cubic Inches. 17283 46656 7762329: 1963885176= 15711081408 I cubic Foot. 27 4492 то 1136507100 & 9092061 TO 1 cubic Yard. 166_3 42092 8 336743 I cubic Pole, 253 2024 I cubic Rood. 8= I c.Acre. 254358061056000147197952000 5451776000 =32770584=129528=16191=1 c,M. 952. To measure a CUBE A G. Suppoſe the Length of the Side AB =4 Inches, then A B× ABA B² = 16; and A BX A B A B³ bic Inches for the folid Content. (See 64 cu- E F A 622.) B 953. To measure a PARALLELOPIPEDON. Let the Length AC = 6 Inches, the Breadth AE=3; and the Depth AB 4. Then A G E F = Multiply the Length AC 6 A By the Breadth And that Product A C× AE AF AE= 3 18 By the Depth AB 4 B D This Product is the fold Con- tent ACX AEX AB 72 (by 622.) 954 INSTITUTIONS 954. To measure a PRISM AC. Suppoſe it a triangular Priſm, and let the Sides of the Bafe be equal, and A B = 4 In- ches. Then A B² = 16; and 16 × 0,433 =6,928 fquare Inches, the Area of the Bafe ADB (942.) Then let the Height be alfo AC4; then 6,928 4 × 27,712 = 27 cubic Inches, the Solidity required. I C A 955. To measure a PYRAMID A E DB. = Let it be a triangular Pyramid; and each Side of the Bafe, viz. A B = 4 Inches, then the Area of the Bafe A D B 6,928; and fup- pofing its perpendicular Height ED 4, the Product 6,928 × 4 = Solidity of a Priſm, whoſe Bafe and Altitude are the fame as thofe of the 4 A E E B Pyramid (954), one Third of which, viz. × 6,928 = Solidity of the Pyramid, (by 833.) 9,237= 3 956. To measure a CYLINDER CF. C G Let the Diameter of its circular Bafe EF-4 Inches, then the Area will be 12,5664, (by 946.) And fuppofing the Height of the Cylinder EC 4; then 12,5664. X 4 50,2656 Solidity of the Cylinder required. E (See 830, 831.) 957. To measure a right CoxE EDF. A Let the Diameter of its Bafe be EF- 4, then is the Area of the Bafe = 12,5664. Suppoſe the perpendicular Height DC = 3,46; then 12,5664 × 3,46 — 43,478; one Third of which is the Solidity of the 43,478 Cone, viz. 3 835.) D H E = 14,492. (See 834, F H 958 of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 958. To measure a SPHERE, or GLOBE. Let the Diameter of the Sphere be EF ≈ 4; then is the Area of its greateſt Cir- cle = 12,5664; this multiplied by 4 is = 50,2656 = the circumfcribing Cy- linder. Then two Thirds of this, viz. 2 3 F E H × 50,2656=33,51, &c. the Solidity of the Sphere, (by 873.) Superficies of the Sphere, N. B. 4 × 12,5664 = 50,2656 in Square Meafure, (by 838.) 959. Or thus; becauſe Spheres are as the Cubes of their Di- ameters (841.) Then fince the Solidity of the Sphere whofe Diameter is 1, is 0,5236, (837, 847) if the Diameter of any other Sphere be given, as EF4; fay, as 1:0,5236:: 4ª =64: 0,5236 × 64 = 335515 &c. the Solidity of the Sphere, as above. 960. After the fame Manner may be meaſured the Spheroid of (844.) Alfo the Segment of a Sphere may be eaſily mea- fured, by the Theorem in (836,) and of the Spheroid by the Theorem in (844.) CHA P. III. The Philofophical PRINCIPLES and Laws of Mo- TION and GRAVITATION. 961. M MATTER, ATTER, or SUBSTANCE, of which Bodies are compofed, in itſelf confidered, or in refpect of its Effence is unknown to us; this is acknowledged by Sir ISAAC NEWTON, and all Mankind befides. All that we know of Matter is what relates to its various Properties and Qualities which preſent themfelves to our Senfes. 962. The firft and principal of which is what Sir I. New- ton calls the vis inertia of Matter, or its natural İnactivity. No Man ever yet obferved any Part of Matter to have a Principle of Action in itself; but on the other Hand, it is abfolutely paffive, and 00 INSTITUTIONS and fubject to the Influence of every external Agent. And from hence is deduced the Firft of thoſe, which are called the General Laws of Nature, viz. 963. LAW I. Every Body will perſevere in its State of Reft or moving uniformly in a right Line, unless it be compelled to change its State by Forces imprefed. Thus a Bullet would continue at Reft in the Gun for ever, if it was not expelled by the Force of Powder; but being thereby put into Motion, it would for ever move on in the Direction of the Axis of the Barrel, if not retarded by the Refiftance of the Medium, and carried downwards from that right Line by the Power of Gravity. We fhew by Experi- ment, that the lefs the Friction is of the Axis of a moving Wheel, the longer its Motion continues. And we obferve the vaft Bodies of the Comets and Planets preferve their Motions undiminiſhed (as to Senfe) for many 1000 Years in unrefifting Mediums. 964. Since by Reaſon of the Inactivity of Matter (962,) there is nothing in any Body that can augment, diminiſh, or any Ways alter or vary the Action or Effect of any Force im- preffed, we thence deduce the fecond General Law of Mo- tion, viz. 5 LAW II. The Change of Motion is proportional to the moving Force im- prefs'd, and is made according to the right Line, in which that Force is imprefs'd. If any Force generate any Motion, a double, or triple Force will generate twice or thrice as much. But the Altera- tion in reſpect of the Direction of the Motlon, is a compli- cated Affair, which we ſhall farther confider hereafter. 965. When Bodies act upon each other, they do it by Contact or Gollifion, and fince in this Cafe, the Action itfelf is but one and the fame between both; the Effects which it pro- duces muft of Courſe be equally divided between both Bodies, and thence an equal Mutation of their State previous to the Stroke 1 of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. Stroke muft needs follow. From this Confideration is deduced the third General Law of Nature, viz. LAW III. Re-action is always equal and contrary to Action; or the Actions of two Bodies mutually upon each other are always equal, and direc- ted towards contrary Parts. 966. The Truth of this is abundantly confirmed by Experi- ments. If the Finger preffes a Stone, the Stone re-acts and preffes the Finger. The Hammer ftriking the Anvil, receives the fame Stroke from it, and is thereby made to rebound. The LoadЛtone, if fixed, attacts the moveable Iron; and the fix'd Iron equally attracts the moveable Magnet. The Horfe draws the Stone, and the Stone equally draws the Horſe, becauſe the Action, or Force in the Rope which connects them is one and the ſame, and muſt act equally at each End, viz, upon the Horſe and Stone. 967. But before we can reafon well upon the Subject of Motion, we muſt underſtand by juft Definitions, what Ideas we are to fix to that Word. For the Word Motion is become am- biguous, and is uſed in a fimple and complex Senſe. Motion, in its fimple Acceptation, is only a Change of Place in Bodies. But in the complex, or phyfical Senfe, it implies all the Change that is made in the State of a Body in regard both to its Quantity of Matter and Velocity of Motion. And in this Respect, it is properly called the Momentum, or Quantity of Motion, and which is always e- qual to the Force which produces it by Law II. (964.) 968. That the Quantity of Motion is as the Mafs of Mat- ter, (cæteris paribus) is evident from hence, that the Motion of the whole Maſs is the Sum of the Motions. of all the Parts, or Particles; as the Number of Particles moved, therefore, is greater or lefs, fo will be the Sum of all their Motions, and confequently fo will be the Aggregate, or whole Motion or Momentum of the Body. 969. Again, the Momentum, or Quantity of Motion, is (cæteris paribus) as the Velocity of the fimple Motion. For fince Velocity has Regard to the Space defcribed in the fame Time, (778) it is evident, that if a Body deſcribes twice the Space that an- VOL. II. other C ΤΟ INSTITUTIONS other equal Body defcribes in the fame Time, it is plain there is twice the Change of Place, and therefore twice the fimple Motion (967) produced in the ſame Time. But the Velocity is alſo twice as great; therefore the Motion is as the Velocity. 970. Since then the Quantity of Motion is as the Maſs of Matter fimply, and the Velocity fimply; it will be conjointly as the Rectangle or Product of both, when no Regard is had to either fingly. Therefore putting M Maſs of Matter, V = the Velocity, and Q = the Momentum or Quantity of Motion; then in Symbols we have Q: M × V; and thence * V ! : O M I I : ех M; and M: QX V 971. Let S Space deſcribed by a Body in Motion, and Tthe Time of deſcribing it. Now fince in equal Times the Spaces deſcribed will be as the Celerities of Motion (969,) therefore S: V; alfo it is manifeft, that in deſcribing the fame Spaces, the Times will be greater as the Celerities of Motion are lefs; that is, the Time is inverſely as the Celerity or T : I ; and ſo alfo V. Whence fince V is fimply as S, and V: ㄓ​ˊ I S T' it will be conjointly V: or V T : S. Τ' S 972. Becauſe V= M (970) = — (971,) therefore QT T MS SM; and Q = = T I MS X Τ That is the Quan- tity of Motion is in the compound Ratio of the Space and Maſs di- rectly, and inverſely as the Time. 973. The Quantity of Matter (M) is (cæteris paribus) as the Bulk (B) of a Body; for in twice the Bulk there will be twice the Matter; therefore it is M: B. Again, the Quan- tity of Matter (M) will be (cæteris paribus) as the Denſity (D), that is, as the Number or Sum of the Particles in equal Bulks: Q * The Reader is defired to obferve once for all, that V: M denotes only, that V is always proportional to V is the fame as M ; but V = and fhews that the Ratio of 1 to V is M I M the fame as the Ratio of M to Q of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. II Bulks; therefore M: D. Wherefore conjointly it will be M : B × D. QT (972) 974. Becauſe M = ет S I S B D × —; (972) = BD; therefore Q or the Quantity of Motion is compounded of the direct Ratio of the Space, Bulk and Denfity, and the inverfe Ratio of the Time. 975. Of Forces that actuate the Particles of Matter, we obferve the following Variety. (1.) A Force or Power of one Kind cauſes the Particles to adhere firmly to each other; and hence it is called the Force or Power of COHESION. (2.) Another Sort of Power obliges the Particles of Matter, under fome Circumftances, to recede and fly from each other; which Power is therefore called the Repellent, or repulfive Force. (3.) A third Power caufes all large Portions of Matter, or Bodies, to tend mutually towards each other, in Directions to their Centers; and hence it is called a Centripetal Force. 976. What thoſe Powers are in themſelves, or how they differ, I fhall not pretend to enquire; nor alſo what is the par- ticular Modus agendi, or Manner of actuating the Particles of Matter, viz. whether it be by Attraction, Implufton, or other- wife; fince in theſe Reſearches, there is but little Reafon hi- therto to expect any fuccefsful Discoveries. It will be quite fufficient, if we can make ourfelves thoroughly acquain- ted with their Phanomena and Effects, and apply them in a pro- per Manner to the various Ufes of Life. 977. The PowER OF COHESION refpects the ſmalleſt Particles of Matter, and extends to but very fmall Diſtances, as is plain by numberlefs Experiments; it is therefore propor- tional to the Surfaces in contact between two Corpufcles, or their Coheſion is fo much the greater, by how much the Sur- faces are larger in which they touch. 978. Hence, according to the various Figures of Particles, they touch by different Quantities of Surface, and cohere with different Degrees of Firmneſs. Thus, for Inftance, if all were nearly cubical, they would touch by a great Quantity of Surface, and conftitute a very hard and firm Body. But on the other Hand, if we fuppofe Particles truly ſpherical, they C 2 will 12 INSTITUTIONS will touch but by a very ſmall Portion of their Surfaces, and cohere very flightly; and of Courſe, will conftitute a Body whoſe Parts will be very eafily moved among themſelves, and yield to any impreſſed Force, which Cafe we call the Fluidity of Bodies. Hence Bodies receive their various Degrees of Hardneſs and Softneſs, Fixity and Fluidity, Firmness or Looſeneſs of Texture, and all other Qualities depending thereon. ड 979. That this Power is exceeding great appears by many Experiments. Thus two Balls of Lead, having their Surfaces pared fmooth, will cohere with a Force equal to 150 lb. tho' they touch upon no more than of an Inch fquare. Two Braſs poliſhed Planes, 2 Inches Diameter, fmeared over with Greafe and put together very hot; will, when cold, cohere fo firmly as to require 950 lb. to ſeparate them. And Wires of feveral Sorts of Metal of an Inch Diameter required the Weights to pull them afunder, as in the following Table are Specified. I TO Lead Tin Copper Brafs Silver Iron Gold 29 lb. 49 lb. 299 lb. 360 lb. 370 lb. 450 lb. 500 lb. 980. Though this Power acts with fuch prodigious Force near the Surface, it decreaſes in fuch a Manner as to become nearly infenfible in the leaft fenfible Diſtance from the Surface; not only fo, but at a certain ſmall Diſtance it is converted into another Kind of Force, or at leaſt, it acts in a Manner exact- ly contrary to what it did before; for it now caufes the Parts of Matter to recede from each other, and to remain at certain equal Diſtances or Intervals among themſelves. And thus mo- dified, it is called the Repulfive Power in Matter. 981. That this is Fact we are affured from divers Experi- ments, and many Phanomena of Bodies. Thus the Magnetic Needle will be ſtrongly attracted by either Pole of the Magnet in contact with it, but at a very ſmall Diſtance the fame Power becomes repulſive in one Pole, and repels the faid Needle from it. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 13 it *. So the Particles of Fluids cohere by this Power, while in a State of Contact, but when feparated by Heat, they repel each other, and exift in the Form of VAPOUR or STEAM. Again, 'tis well known by numberless Experiments, that in all folid Bodies there is a certain Matter which, while in contact with the other Parts, does firmly adhere, and is ftrongly con- nected with them by this Force; but when by natural or artifi- cial Fermentation, it is difengaged or fet at Liberty, it imme- diately (by a repellent Power among its Particles) expands in- to a fine etherial Fluid, every Way like common Air. But of this we ſhall ſpeak more hereafter. 982. The Confequence of ſuch a repulfive Power among the Particles of Matter, is, that they having attained an Equi- librium, act mutually upon each other, and become fufceptible of Compreſſion and Condenſation; and of Expanſion and Rarefac- tion; as is well known by common Experiments on Air, Va- pour, &c. Again, as Action and Re-action are equal (966,) it follows, that when any Force is impreffed upon the Parti- cles of fuch a Fluid, they all jointly refift the fame; and when the impreffed Force is removed, by Virtue of this Power, the Particles all retreat to their primitive equidiftant Stations, with a Force equal to that impreffed. And this Renitency or refti- tuent Force, is what we call the SPRING, or ELASTICITY of fuch Sort of Bodies. 983. We alfo further learn by Experiments of Thermome- ters, &c. that Heat augments and Cold diminiſhes this elaftic or expanfive Force in Bodies; and that their natural Dimen- fions are hereby continually altering, as is evident not only in Air, but in denfer Fluids, as Spirit of Wine, Water, and even Mercury itſelf. Yea, folid Bodies difcover the fame Pro- perties in feveral Degrees; Ivory is found to be very elaſtic; Metals of all Sorts expand and contract with Heat and Cold, as we fhew by the PYROMETER, and is otherwiſe known by common Experience. 984. The third Sort of Power, or Agent, (mentioned 975,) is * Though it be denied by fome, that the North Pole of the Mag- net does attract the North End of the Needle juſt upon the Ends, it is certain, by Experiments, that this attracting Force appears ex- tremely near the Ends; and there at a fmall Diſtance it becomes repulfive. 14 INSTITUTION'S is a centripetal Force, and this we obferve to take Place among the largeſt Bodies or Syftems of Matter. The Phenomena which demonftrate fuch a Power moſt fenfibly to us are thofe of heavy Bodies falling to the Earth. This Power we call GRA- VITY, and this Tendency of Bodies to the Earth is called Gravitation. 985. That this is a centripetal Force, or that Bodies are thereby made to tend to the Center of the Earth is hence evident, that all Bodies are obſerved to fall in right Lines to the Surface of the Earth every where. But becauſe the Earth is fpherical, thofe Lines which are perpendicular to the Surface do all pass through the 6 E е Center of the Earth, as is evident from a View of the Figure annexed. For let A B D E be the Earth, Cits Center, then fuppofe a Body (a) falling in the right Line a A to the Earth in A, that Line if produced muft go through the Center C. The fame is to be ſaid of any other Bodies at b, d, e. 986. But any Virtue propa- gated in right Lines to or from a H с I Center, will have its Energy on Bodies every where, as the Square of the Distance from the Center inverfely. For, fuppofe a Cone of this gravitating Virtue be reprefented by IHC, termi- nating in the Center of the Earth C. If then we make CA- AFFH; the Energy of the Virtue will be at thofe Diftan- ces inverſely as the circular A- D F G A B C E- reas A B, F G, and HI; for the more it is expanded and ra- rified, the lefs will its Effect be upon the fame Body. But thefe circular Areas are as the Squares of their Diameters (840,) or of the Semidiameters A a, Fb, He; which are as the Squares of the Diſtances CA, CF, CH, (by 656.) Therefore of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 15 Therefore the Energy of this Power decreases as the Square of the Diſtance from the Center increaſes. 987. But becaufe the Semi-diameter of the Earth is near 4000 Miles, and the greateft Height to which we can elevate Bodies above the Earth's Surface being but a Mile or two, 'tis evident this Force in fo fmall a Diſtance will not fenfibly vary; and therefore may be efteemed as acting uniformly through any Spaces near the Earth's Surface. 988. The Action of this Power is conflant or perpetual; this appears from hence, that the Velocity of falling Bodies is conftantly accelerated or increafing, as we know by Experiments. If a Body be put into Motion by a fingle or inftantaneous Im- pulfe, the Velocity of that Body would be uniform (by Law I. 963,) and its Motion rectilineal. If the Power which puts a Body in Motion be temporary, or acts only for a certain Time, the Velocity during that Time will be accelerated, and af- terwards become uniform. But if the Power acts inceſſant- ly, the Body is every Moment impelled, and its Velocity muſt every Moment increaſe. Such therefore is the Power of Gra- vity. 989. Since Gravity acts conftantly and uniformly, the Velo- city of Bodies will be equably accelerated in their Deſcent to the Earth; for fince the Impulfe communicated each Moment is the fame, it will generate equal Velocities in the ſeveral equal Moments, which conftantly added together, make an uniform- ly increafing Sum, and therefore an equably accelerated Velocity. For the Velocity at any Moment is equal to the Sum of all the momentary Increments of Velocity from the Beginning. 990. Hence the Velocity (V) of the Fall is proportional to the Time (T). Becauſe fince the Action of Gravity is uniform, (987), whatever Velocity is generated in one Particle of Time, a double Velocity will be generated in twice that Fime, a tri- ple Velocity in thrice that Time; and fo on continually, therefore it will be always T: V. 991. The Space (S) defcribed by falling Bodies will, in e- qual Times, be greater as the Velocity is fo; and therefore in this Cafe, we have S: V. Allo the Velocity remaining the fame, the Space will be as the Time of deferibing it (971.) Therefore in this Cafe S: T. Confequently, when neither the 16 INSTITUTIONS the Velocity nor Time is given, the Space will be in the com- pound Ratio of both, viz, S = T V. But it is T : V (990.) Therefore ST2, or S: V2; that is, the Spaces defcribed by falling Bodies are as the Squares of the Time or of the Velocity. And this we prove true by Experiments. D 992. To illuftrate this Matter o- therwiſe; let A B repreſent the Time A of the Fall, and B C the Velocity acquired at the End of that Time; and draw A C. Then if we conceive the whole Time A B to be divided into an indefinite Number of equal Moments, the Velocity in each of thofe Moments will be as the right Line drawn from A B parallel to BC, correfponding to the given Moment. Now for a fingle Moment the Velocity may be efteemed as uniform, and fo the Space defcribed that Moment will be as the Velocity (by 971,) therefore the Sum of the Spaces de- fcribed in all the Moments (or whole Time AB) will be as the Sum of all the momentary Velocities, or right Lines which repreſent them, but the Sum of thefe Lines make the Area of the Triangle ABC; this Area, therefore, is as the whole Space deſcribed in the Time AB. And becauſe this Area is as A B², or B C² (670,) therefore alſo the Space (S) is as T², or V2, as above (991.) E C 993. Compleat the Parallelogram A B C D. Then if we ſuppoſe another Body (A) to commence Motion at the fame Time with the falling Body (B,) and the Velocity of the Body (A) to be uniform and equal to the Velocity BC acquired at the End of the Fall; then it is evident the Space deſcribed by the Body (A) in the Time A B will be repreſented by the Paral- lelogram A B C D; which Space is therefore double of that (ACB) defcribed by the falling Body B. 994. What has been ſaid of defcending Bodies is in the fame Manner applicable to afcending Bodies. For the Motion in the latter Cafe will be retarded equably by the contrary Action of Gravity, as it was in the former Cafe accelerated. Thus let B C be the Velocity, with which any Body is pro- jected of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 17 jected upwards from the Point B, then in every Moment of Time there will be an equal Decrement of this Velocity, fo that at the End of the Time BA it will be all deftroyed, and the Space it will defcribe in that Time will be as the Area of the Triangle ABC. Therefore, &c. 995. Hence it follows, (1.) That the Velocity every where, at equal Intervals of Time from the Moments B and A, in the Afcent and Deſcent is the fame. (2.) That the Time of the Afcent and Defcent is the fame, or half the whole Time of the Flight of the Projectile. (3.) That the Body by defcending, acquired a Velocity equal to that (BC) by which it was pro- jected. All that we have hitherto faid of Motion, is upon a Suppofition that the Body moves in Vacus, or in a Medium with- out Refiflance. 996. From what has been faid, it is evident, that if the Space a Body deſcribes in any given Time in Vacuo be known, the Space through which it will fall in any propofed Time, will from thence be known alfo. Thus by Experiments very accu- rately made*, it has been found, that a Glaſs Globe filled with Mercury, defcended through the Height of 220 Feet in four Se- conds; and that a Ball of Lead fell thro' 272 Feet in 41", and #and allowing for the Refiftance of the Air, the Motion in both theſe Cafes was at the Rate of 1934 Inches, or 16,11 Feet in the firſt Second of Time. For the 4" in Air will make but 3,75" in Vacuo; then 3,75″*: 220 F.:: 12: 16,11 Feet, for the Space in the firft Second, (by 991.) 997. Hence 12: 16,11 F.:: T: S; therefore 16,11 T- S = the Space defcribed in any Time T expreffed in Seconds. Hence alfo T= Space S. √ S 16,11 Time of defcribing any given 998. The Power of Gravity (G) will be as the Velocity (V) generated in the fame Time, becauſe that Velocity is the whole Effect of the Power, and Effects are always as their Caufes; therefore G: V. Again, Gravity (G) will always be inverſely as the Time (T) in which the fame Velocity is ge- nerated; for 'tis evident, a double Force (2 G) will generate VOL. II. D See the Principia, Edit. 3. p. 346. the 18 INSTITUTIONS the fame Velocity in half the Time (T) that the Force (G) does; or the greater the Force, the lefs will be the Time for pro- ducing the fame Effect; therefore G:: Therefore when nei- V ther the Velocity nor Time is given, we have G= or GT- Τ' I V, and T = V × 1/1. G 999. Since when the Time T is given, G is as V, and in that Cafe V is as S (991,) therefore alſo G will be as S; or the Power of Gravity will be as the Space deſcribed in any given Time. 1000. Since GTV= Q M (972,) we have GTM- Q, and when the Time T is given it is GMQ; that is, the whole Quantity of Motion in falling Bodies is compounded of the accelerating Force (G) of Gravity, and the Mafs of Matter (M) in the Body. V G IOOI. Since T = (998,) = S M е (972,) therefore QV GSM. Hence whence the Space (S) is given, it is QV GM. But we have always G: V (998.) Therefore it is always Q: M; that is, the Quantity of Motion (Q) is always proportional to the Quantity of Matter (M); and fince Gravity (G) is always the fame near the Earth's Surface, the Velocity (V) of falling Bodies will be every where the fame too; be the Quan- tities of Matter in what Proportion you pleafe. 1002. Since QM, therefore the Momentum, or Force, by which Bodies tend towards the Earth's Center, is as the Quan- tity of Matter. But this Force or Tendency of Bodies, is what we vulgarly call their WEIGHT; hence it appears, that the WEIGHTS of Bodies are always proportional to their Quantities of Matter. And thus having premifed the effential Principles of Philoſophy, we next proceed to the Laws of Motion, obferved in ftriking Bodies; for nothing ufeful can be known, 'till they are firſt aſcertained. CHA P. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 19 CHAP. IV. The Philofophical THEORY of PERCUTIENT BO- DIES, and of the COMPOSITION and RESOLU- TION of FORCES. 1003. T O determine the feveral Particulars relating to the Motion, Velocities, and Direction of Percutient Bo- dies A, and B; we reprefent the Quantities of Matter by M- and m, and their Velocities by V and v; then will Q=MV (970,) Momentum of A, and q = mv 1004. If the + Body B ftrikes X the Body A in B Motion, and Momentum of B. + Z A both move the fame Way, or towards the fame Parts, (as from X to Z) then the Sum of their Motion towards the Part Z, will be MV + m v, and the Velocity of both the Bodies after MV + m v the Stroke towards the fame Part, will be M+ m = V. For the Velocity is always as the Momentum, divided by the Mafs of Matter (970.) 1005. If one of the Bodies, as A, has a con- trary Direction, X B N or tend towards X, in which Cafe the Bodies will meet, then the Momentum of A will have a negative Sign, viz. — MV; and fo the Sum of the Motions towards the fame Part Z will be mv- MV; and the Velocity after Collifion will be ทย MV m+ M =V. 1006. Becauſe in what we have hitherto faid, we fuppofe the Bodies A and B deftitute of Elafticity, therefore after the Stroke, there being nothing in the Bodies to caufe a Refilition or Separation, they will both go on together with the fame Ve- locity V. 1007. The Sum of the Motions towards the fame Parts is the fame before and after the Stroke. For let them both move the D 2 20 INSTITUTIONS the fame Way (1004,) and let B ſtrike A; then by that Im- pulfe, the Motion of A, viz. Q, will be augmented and be- come Q+x after the stroke; but becauſe Action and Reaction is equal (965,) the Body A will re-act upon B, and produce an equal Effect by the Stroke, that is, it will diminish the Motion of B by the fame Quantity x, fo that its Motion after the Stroke will be qx; but the Sum of the Motions of both Bodies after the Stroke Q+x+4x=Q+q, the Sum of the Motions before the Stroke, fee (1004.) And the fame is to be fhewn, if the Bodies meet, as (1005). 1008. The Magnitude of the Stroke will be proportional to the Quantity (x,) becauſe that is the whole Effect or Mutation produced in the Motion of each Body. The Greatness of the Stroke is therefore meaſured by the Lofs (x), which the moſt powerful, or percutient Body fuftains in its Motion. 1009. In the above Theorems (1004, 1005,) if the Body A be ſuppoſed at Reſt, then V = 0, and MV vanishes; the Velocity then after the Stroke is M V M+m =V; and fo mv = VM+mV. Whence V:v::m: M + m, and y = X V. M + m m 1010. If we fuppofe the Bodies equal, viz. A=B, or Mm; then if the Bodies tend the fame Way, the Velocity after the Stroke will be V+vV; or V —v=V, if they meet. 1011, If the Bodies are equal, and one of them at Reft, then m v M+ m V 2 =V; or the Velocity after the Stroke is equal to - half that of the striking Body. 1012. If A at Reft exceed B infinitely in Magnitude; then becauſe m is infinitely ſmall in reſpect of M+m; therefore fa is Vin respect of (1009,) confequently will vaniſh, or the Body B impinging againſt any firm immoveable Object, will after the Stroke be at Reft. 1013. If equal Bodies moving with equal Velocities, meet; they will mutually deftroy each other's Motions; for in this Caſe MV = my; therefore MV — mvo, confequently M¡V— m v M+m of the Phyfico-Mechanical Matheſis. 21 MV M V M + m M+ m at Reft after the Stroke. =V=0; or both the Bodies remain 1014. The Momentum of the Body B, after the Stroke is MV m± m² v MV m± m² v mV = (1004,) therefore m v — M+m M+m MV mm v M m + M M m M+m xVv=the Lofs of Motion in the Body B after the Stroke; but M m M + m is a conftant Quan- tity therefore the Loſs of Motion in B is as Vv, and con fequently the Magnitude of the Stroke in Bodies tending the fame Way, is as V — v; and as V+v, if they meet (1008.) And if A be at Reft, then Vo, the Stroke will be as v, the Velocity of the percutient Body. 1015. If the impinging Bodies A and B are perfectly elaftic; then this elaſtic Force is ever equal in its Action to the compreſ fing Force (982.) And whatever Action is exerted upon A by the Impulſe of B, the fame is doubled by Virtue of this reni- tent, or elaſtic Force; and the Re-action of A upon B is dou- bled likewiſe (965;) and as the Parts of each Body are mutu- ally compreffed and flatted by the Stroke, fo thoſe Parts are thrown out again by an equal Force, and by this Means the Bodies are made to recede from each other, after the Stroke with the fame Forces, or Momenta, by which they came toge- ther, or ftruck each other. 1016. But fince the Force of Collifion is as V v, (1014,) that will alſo be as the Force of Refilition, or that by which they ſeparate after the Stroke. Let x and y be the Velocities of the Bodies A and B after the Stroke; and then VvY ; and y =V‡ v±x, and fo M x = the Motion of A after the Stroke, and that of B will be my mV mv ±mx. And fince the Sums of the Motion before and after the Stroke to- wards the fame Parts are equal (1007,) we have MV ± m v = Mx + mV Fmv±mx; and thence Mx ± m x = M V MV±2 m v— mV fo± ±2m v m V, and fox= M + m 1017. 22 INSTITUTIONS" 1 ¿ 1 1017. Alfo the Velocity of B, after the Stroke will be M V m V ± 2 m v y = V + v ± x = V + v ± 2 MV + M v ±mv M + m M+ m From whence 'tis evident, if the Bo- dies tend the fame Way, the Motion of B will be always pofi- tive; but when the Bodies meet, the Body B will proceed or recede, according as Mv is greater or leffer than 2 MV- M U. { 1018. The Momentum of A after the Stroke, will be M⋅ m` V ± 2 M m v M² V 2 M V m F M+m. Mm v + m² v M + m. will be MV : And that of B will be ; Whence the Motion loft in A M2V-MmV+2 Mmv 2 Mm V2 Mmv M+m M+ m ; and that gained in B will be found the fame; whence it is evi- dent, that the Effect of the Stroke on each Body is equal, and double of that in non-elastic Bodies (1014.) 1019. If the Body B be at Reft before the Stroke, then vo, and the Theorem becomes + x MV m V M + m Mm XV. Hence it appears, the Velocity of the Body M + m بایر (A) after the Stroke, will be affirmative or negative, that is, forwards or backwards, as M is greater or leffer than m, or as A is greater or leffer than B. 1020. If B be at Reft and equal to A; then vo, and M m, and fox о 2 M o; that is, the Body A will in this Cafe be at Reft after the Stroke; and the Body B will move on with the Velocity of A, for y= V in this Cafe, (by 1016.) * I021. After we have given the Phyfical Principles of the Newtonian Phi fophy, we fhall illuftrate and confirm every Pofition and Doctrine by Experiments, and defcribe the Machines by which they are perform- ed in the belt Manner; and in that Part the Reader will fee how ex- adly all the Cafes of percutient Bodies here premiſed are verified by a practical Inftance of each of them. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 23 1021. Let A, B, C, be three Bodies; and let A ftrike B at Reft; the Velocity generated in B by the Stroke, will be y = 2 M V M+m. A (1017, fince v = 0;) and therefore the Momentum of B will be 2 MV m M+m =my. With this Momentum B will ſtrike Cat Reft, and contiguous to it; the Velocity generated in C will be 2 my M+ C' 2 my C and its Momentum will be ; and if in- m + C 2 M V ſtead of y, we reſtore its Value M+ m will be 2 m C m + C 2 M V X = M+ m ; the Momentum of C 4 MV m C Mm+MC+ Cm + m² 1022. If now we make B a variable Quantity, while A and C remain the fame, we may determine the Proportion of B to A and C, that ſhall give the Momentum of C the greateſt pof- fible, by making the Fluxion thereof equal to nothing, viz. 4 M² C² V m 4 M C m² MC+Mm+m C + m² 2 772 = 0. Whence we get MC → Whence M:m::m: mm=0; and therefore M C — m m. C, or A: B: B: C; therefore B is a mean Proportional between A and C. 1023. Hence if there be any Number (n) of Bodies in a geometrical Ratio (r) to each other; and the Firſt be A, the Second will be r A, the Third r2 A, &c. to the laft, which will be r¹¹A: Alfo the Velocity of the Firft being V, that of I the Second will be that of the Third 2 V 4 V 2 M V (for I+r M+ m 2 V 2 X I + r I + r 11 I 2 city of the laft, which will be I + r Motions of the Bodies would be, 2 AV r 2 AV A+rA I + r = 2 V =) I + r. &c. to the Velo- V. The Momenta, or of the Firſt A V, of the Se- cond 4 A V 2 of the Third > ; and to the laft IA I + r 27 24 INSTITUTIONS 2 r I + r viz. AV, as they are exhibited in the following Series, Bodies, A, r A, µ² A, µ³ A, µª A, &c. gì”—´¹ A. Itr 4 V 8 V 16 V 2) 3' itr I+r Itr 4. 2 &c. V. I+r 12. I } Velocities, V, 2 V J Motions, AV, &c. C. Itr i tr 3 4 I tr I+r 2AVr 4AV, 8 AV r³ 16AVr4 2r I + r 1024. If the Number of Bodies be 10n, and r = then will A ¦ r” — ¹ A ¦ ¦ I ¦ p² − 1 :: I: 512. 2 I + r n AV. 2 Alſo V: ::1:0.026::38,45: 1. Laftly, 2 V:: 1: I + r 11 I 2 r AV: AV:: 1: 2 r I tr : : 1 : 1 37³· I tr 1025. If n = 100, and r2, then will the firft Body A be to the laſt "-A, as 1 to 633825300,000000000000000000000 nearly, and its Velocity to that of the laft, as 2710220000000 ooooo to I nearly, and the Momentums will be as I to 2338480000000, very near. 1026. Let 21 I + r =R, and let the Motion of the firft Bo- dy be to that of the laſt, as 1 to M, that is, let M =R”—¹; if L = the Logarithm, then L, M = Alfo L, M L, R I +1=n= L, M x L, R L, R f 2 r I+ — 1×L, R. 1027. By theſe Theorems, whatever relates to the Motion of Bodies elaſtic, or non-elastic, acted upon by a fingle Impulfe, may eaſily be determined. I fhall therefore now proceed to confider the Motion of a Body, as acted upon by two or more Forces at once, and determine the Direction thereof by the fore- going Laws; as upon this Doctrine depends the whole Ratio- nale of the Mechanical Philofophy, (which alone can be true) and therefore it is of the higheſt Confequence to be thoroughly and rightly understood. Thus of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 25 Thus let C be a Body impelled in the Direction AD by a Body A, with fuch a Force as fhall cauſe it to move uniformly o- ver the Space CD in a Second of Time. At the fame Inftant let it re- Fore •G ceive a Stroke by F D E another Body B, in the Direction B F, with fuch a Force as ſhall cauſe it to paſs over the Space C F in the fame Time. 1028. Now it is evident the Body C cannot move in both theſe different Directions; and therefore will not move in ei- ther, but in a Direction compounded of them both, which is thus determined. Draw D E parallel to BF; then, though the Ac- tion of B prevents the Body from proceeding in the Right Line CD, yet it can no Ways alter its Velocity of approaching to the Line D E in the given Time, by Virtue of the Force im- preffed by A. At the End therefore of a Second of Time, the Body C will be fomewhere in the Line D E. By the fame Way of Reaſoning, it will at the End of the fame Time be found fomewhere in the Line F E, parallel to CD; and there- fore in the Concourfe of both, in the Point E. Its Courſe then is the Line CE, which is a Right Line by Law I. (963). 1029. Hence appears the Method of compounding a direct Force CE, out of any oblique Forces CD, and DE; and on the Contrary, of refolving any direct Force CE into two other oblique Forces CD and DE. Wherefore repreſenting any two oblique Forces by the two Sides of a Parallelogram, the direct Force equivalent to them will be the Diagonal thereof. And the Truth of this Doctrine is abundantly confirmed by Experi- ments. 1030. Thus for Example; if the Body C be drawn with a Weight of 3 Ounces in the Direction CD, and by another of 2 Ounces in the Direction C F; then make CD to CF as 3 VOL. II. E to 26 INSTITUTIONS to 2, and compleat the Parallelogram C D E F, and draw the Diagonal CE, which will meaſure 4 upon the fame Scale, (when the Angle DCF is of a certain Magnitude) which fhews the Body C is in the fame Circumftance, as if it was drawn by a 4 Ounce Weight in the Direction CE; and this is proved true, by cauſing a Body as G, of 4 Ounces, to draw the Body C the contrary Way, viz. from C to G, for then the Body C will remain at Reft, or be in Equilibrio with all the Forces. 1031. Hence it farther appears, that if a Body C be acted upon by three different Forces at one and the fame Time, thofe Forces will be to each other, as the three Sides of a Triangle CDE, which are feverally parallel to their Directions. This is fo plain from what has been faid, that nothing more can be. added. 1032. Hence we learn how to eftimate the Quan- B H tity of any oblique Stroke. For let the a D Body A ftrike the Body Cin a Direc- tion paffing thro' its Center, as A C. Then it is certain, that it acts upon it F E with its whole Force; and the Stroke is faid to be direct. But if the fame Body A ftrikes the Body C in any Direction AB, which does not pafs through the Center C, then the Stroke is faid to be oblique; and its Force to move the Body is thus At the Point of impact B draw the Tangent ab, paral- lel to which draw A G to meet B C produced in G. 1033. Let A B repreſent the whole Force of the percutient Body A; this is refolvable into the two Forces AG and G B (1029,) of which the Former is parallel to the Tangent a b, and ſo does not at all affect the Body C; but the other Force GB pafles through the Center C, and is that alone by which the Body C is compelled to move. But A B: GB::CB: BH (657.) That is, The whole Force, or direct Stroke, is to the refidual of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 27 reſidual Force, or oblique Force, as the Radius to the Sine of the Angle of Obliquity BCH (710.) 1034. But CB: BH:: CE:EF, or CD; and therefore if in any Cafe CE denote the whole Force, the diminiſhed Force or oblique Stroke will be denoted by CD; and will be greater or leſs, as the Angle of Obliquity FC E = B C H is fo. 1035. That the extenfive Ufe of this Doctrine of the Com- pofition and Refolution of Force in Mechanical Philofophy, may ap- pear, I ſhall ſubjoin the following Examples thereof in the moſt interefting Parts of the Science. B FE H D K Thus let A G be the perpendicular Section of any Plane, as the SAIL of a WINDMILL, &c. expofed directly to the Stream or Current of any Flu- id, as Air, &c. reprefented by HIK; and let BG be the Section of the fame Plane in an oblique Situation thereto. Then it is evident (1.) That the Number of fluid Particles which ftrike upon the Plane in the direct Pofition A G will be to the Number of thoſe which fall on it in the oblique Pofition BG, as AG to DG; becauſe all the Particles be- tween H and I will pafs by the Plane B G, and not touch it. (2.) The Force with which the Particles ftrike the Plane in the direct Pofition, will be to that with which they ftrike it in the oblique Pofition B G, as A G to DG (1033.) Wherefore the whole Force of the Fluid upon the Plane in the direct Pofition, will be to the whole Force in the oblique one, as ĀG² to DG², or as the Square of the Radius to the Square of the Sine of the Angle of In- clination. 1036. Let A B be the Axis of the WINDMILL, CD one of the Sails placed in an ob- lique Pofition EC to the Di- rection of the Wind G C, D which is parallel to the Axis AB. If then GC' exprefs C AR B the abfolute Force of the Wind upon the Sail in a direct Po- E 2 fition, 28 INSTITUTIONS fition, GE will exprefs the Quantity of the fame Force in the oblique Pofition of the Sail, (becaufe GE is the Sine of the Angle of Incidence GCE to the Radius GC;) but the Force GE is refolvable into the two Forces EF, and GF, of which the Latter being parallel to the Axis avails nothing in turning the Sail about it. But the Force E F being perpendicular thereto, is wholly fpent in compelling the Sail to turn round. But the Force GE is to the Force EF as (G C to CEX GE CE,) GE² to GC 2 which therefore will exprefs the Force which is employed to turn each Sail, 1037. If therefore we put the Radius GC a, and E Ç aa-xx, and confequently the Force =, we have GE 2 CEXGE Q a x x x GC a ; which if we make it a Maximum, its Fluxion aax-3xxx=0, and fo a a≈ 3xx and x = a a 3 20,00000 which in Logarithms is 0,477121 =9.761439, the 2 Logarithm Sine of 35° 16′ equal to the Angle CG E, and therefore the Angle ECG is equal to 54° A B 44', when the Sail MUGATURE WH C D E G receives the greateſt Force from the Wind. 1038. If A B be the Rud- der of a Ship A H, placed in the oblique Situation FC, and the Water ſtrike againſt it in the Direction GC; then making CE Radius, the Sine of the Angle of Incidence will be E F; and fo the Force of the Water againſt the Rudder in a direct Pofition, is to the Force against it in the oblique Pofition FC, as CE to EF; but EF may be refolved into the two Forces ED, and FD; of which the firft is parallel, and the laſt perpendi- cular to the Direction of the Ship. Therefore F D is the Force which compels the Ship to turn. But the Force EF is to the Force FD (as CE to CF) as EF to CFXEF² CE 2 ; that is, (by of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 29 by putting CE a, CF=x). As a a x-x³ a P ; whence the D C E ليم A IR Angle of Incidence ECF-54° : 44′ (as before) when the Force of the Water againſt the Rudder to turn the Ship is a Maximum. 1039. After a like Manner is determined the Angle of Pofition BA E ABE of the GATES AE, BE of a Lock, or SLUICE upon a River PQRS; fuch that the faid. Gates fhall refift the Preffure of the Water with the greateſt poffible Force. For fince the Reſiſtance of the Gate A E diminiſhes in B Proportion as the Preffure of Water, and as the Length of the Gate increaſes; and in the fame Depth of Water, both theſe are ast the Line A E; therefore A E will exprefs the whole Refiftance of the Gate A E. On the Diameter A B defcribe the Semi- circle A D B, and continue A E to D, and draw BD and E C; then becauſe A E²: AC²:: A B²: AD' by fimilar Triangles ; and fince A D² is inverſely as A E², it will expreſs the Force of the Water upon the Gate, or the Strength of the Gate re- quifite to fuftain it, which increaſes as the Reſiſtance of the Gate decreaſes. 2 S 1040. Again, the Force with which the Gates preſs each other is proportional to the Magnitude of the Angle A E B ; let B E expreſs the Force with which the Gate BE preffes the Gate AE obliquely, this is refolvable into the two Forces DE, which is parallel to A E, and BD which is perpendicu- lar to it; therefore that Strength of the Gate A E (equal to the Force of the Water, multiplied by the perpendicular Preffure of the Gate BE, viz. AD² × BD,) ought to be a Maximum. Wherefore putting AB-a, and BD, we have DA = = aa-xx, and fo A D'x BD aax-x³, whofe Fluxion a a x − 3 x x x = o, gives x = 3*x*0, Jaa 3 ; which fhews the An- gle BA E = 35° : 16', as in the above Examples. 1041. 30 INSTITUTIONS 1041. Let AD be a Beam in the hori- zontal Pofition, fupported at the End A by the upright Piece A E, and it is re- quired to find the Angle of Pofition of a- nother Piece BC, of a given Length, fuch that it ſhall ſupport the Beam A D with the greateſt Force poffible. Let BC E ་་ལས་པ་་་ F a, and AC=x, then if BC exprefs the abfolute Strength of the Piece BC; CF will expreſs fo much thereof as ſupports the Beam AD, wherefore this perpen- dicular Force multiplied by the Diftance A C, or Lever*, is to be determined a Maximum. Now CF AB=√aa and foCF× AC=x×√ aa—xx,whofe Fluxion ✔✅ x x x ✔aa xx and fo x = =0; which gives a a xx= a a 2 ✯ ✅aa x x xx, XX- ; Vaa-xx which fhews the Angle ABC 45 De- grees, or Half a right one. A F B I' E 1042. Let A E be a Beam, or Piece of Wood, fo fixed in A as to make a given Angle E AB with the Horizon A B; it is required to find the Poſition of another Piece BC, of a given Length, fuch that it ſhall ſupport the Beam A E with the grea- teft poffible Force. From C let fall the Perpendicular CF; and becauſe the Angle at A is given, the Ratio of C to A F is alfo given, which let be as n to m; and put BC a, and BD; then if BC exprefs the abfolute Strength of the Piece BC, BD will exprefs fo much thereof as fupports the Beam AE. Now as CF:AF::BD:AD = m n x, and DC * N. B. What relates to the Distance A C, confidered as a Force derived from the Lever, will be explained in the next Chapter. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 3I a a xx, whence AC = x ± √ Vaa aa-xx, which m n Diſtance, or Lever AC multiplied by DB muſt be a Maxi- m mum, viz. n *√aa-xx ✓ x x a a xx±x√ a² —x², whofe Fluxion सर के ✓ аа XX =0, whence 2 m n 2 m * * ± n A Q -—- X X o, and by Reduction we fhall have x = aa±am, which will determine the Angle of Pofition ABC. Note, The Equation above requires the acute Angle A BC to be the Compliment of this obtuſe one A B C to two right Angles. 1043. If we put this Value of x into the Equation ±x √ aa—xx + m n aam + 2 am m + 2 ann x x, we fhall have A C × BD = when the Angle is obtuſe; and 2 n aam + 2 amm 2 ann =ACX BD, when the Angle is 2n acute; whence 'tis evident, the Pofition of the Piece in the firſt Cafe is much more advantageous than in the laft. CHA P. V. The Application of the foregoing PRINCIPLES to fuch MACHINES as are called MECHANI- CAL POWERS. 1044. HAVING confidered the Laws of Motion and mo- ving Forces, under the Circumftances of Collifion and Percuffion; we now proceed to confider thofe Forces which are otherwiſe applied; particularly in fuch Cafes where they be- come ſubſervient to all the Purpoles of moving heavy Bodies, and overcoming Refiftances. And as this is effected by Machines properly applied, fo this Part of Philofophy has acquired the Name of MECHANICS, 1045. 32 INSTITUTIONS 1045. The Force of Bodies acting upon each other, either immediately, or by Means of a B E Machine, is ftill de- rived from the fame Principles of Mat- ter and Velocity (968, 969.) When therefore any two Bodies A and B act upon each other, by the Interpofition of the inflexible Rod A B (the moſt. fimple of all Machines,) 'tis eafy to affign the Quantity of Motion in each, while they move about any given Center of Motion F. 1046. For fuppofe the Rod AB to be moved out of its horizon- tal Poſition into the oblique one a F b, then will the Space deſcribed by A be the Arch A a, and that deſcribed by B be the Arch Bb. Theſe Spaces then as they are deſcribed in the fame Time, by the fimilar Motions of A and B, will be as the Velocities of thofe Motions (by 971.) But fince the Sectors A Fa, BF b, are fimilar, it will be A a: Bb::AF: BF (6.57.) Therefore the Velocities of A and B will be denoted by their Diſtances. from the Center of Motion, viz. AF and B F. 1047. If the Bodies be homogeneous, or of the fame Kind, their Quantities of Matter will be as their Bulks A and B (973,) and fince their Velocities are as AF and B F; therefore the Momentum, or Quantity of Motion in A will be as the Rect- angle A × AF; and that of B will be as B x B F (by 970.) The Expreffions of their Forces as required. 1048. This Theory is general, and holds good for every Sort of Motion, which Bodies fo circumftanced are capable of. But that Sort of Motion which refults from the Action of Gra- vity, ought to have the Velocity expreffed by the perpendicu- lar Spaces ac and bd, by which one accedes to, and the other recedes from the Center of the Earth. Becauſe Gravity acts in thoſe Directions only (985,) and therefore its Force muſt be eftimated thereby in given Quantities of Matter. But becauſe of fimilar Triangles a c F, and bd F, it is ac: bd::aF:bF:: AF of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 33 AFBF. Whence it appears that A Xa and B x bd, are the fame Momenta as thofe above (1047.) 1049. Hence for Bodies in Motion there is a threefold Ex- preffion of their Forces, as follows: Q= = A x A a 1. Q: For A 2. Q е A XAF 3. Q = Axa c B x B b For BQ 1050. If we fuppofe the Forces in the two → BX BF B x bd. Bodies equal, that is, AX AFBX BF, or AXA a B x Bb, or A x ac ÷ B x bd, then it is, A : B :: BF:AF:: Bb: A a ::bd: ac. Therefore in cafe of an Equilibrium, the Bodies are interfely as their Distances from the Center of Motion, or as the circular Arches, or the perpendicular Spaces deſcribed in the fame Time, and this is the fundamental Principle of every me- chanical Power, Machine, or Proceſs whatfoever. 1051. To apply this Doctrine. Suppoſe B a very heavy Weight laid upon the End of a long The LEVER. A tained by, and moveable Pole or Rod A B, fuf- F B upon the Prop, or Fulcrum F; and inſtead of the Weight A, fuppofe a Perfon's Hand were applied at the End of the LEVER A, to raiſe or move the Weight B. Then the muſcular Force of the Arm is now to be compounded with the Velocity of Motion to conſtitute a Force equivalent to that of the Weight B. And fince, in fuch a Cafe, the Force of the Arm is to the Weight of the Body B, as BF to FA, it is evident, that though the Weight B encreaſes in any Proportion, and the intenfive Force of the Arm remains the fame, yet by taking the Diſtance A F to B F, in the fame Proportion in which B is encreaſed, the Perfon will ſtill have it in his Power to move the Body B. And this will be the Cafe in what Manner or Form foever the Lever be applied. 1052. From what has been faid, the Nature of the BA- LANCE muft fully appear; for this is nothing more than a Lever, whofe Brachia, or Arms AF, BF are equal; in which Cafe the Weights A and B appended at each End will have VOL. II. F equal 34 INSTITUTIONS equal Velocities; and therefore, in Cafe of an Equilibrium, the Weights will be equal alfo (by 1047.) But the Weights of Bodies are as the Quantities of Matter (1002,) whence equal Quantities of any Sorts of Matter are eaſily determined by the Equilibrium of the Balance, which is its only Ufe. G D E F.C A B 1053. The STEELYARD is evident nothing but a ſuſpended Lever, where the Weight A is applied at different Diſtances from F, the Point of Sufpenfion, to make an Equilibrium with B, the Body to be weighed; and when this happens, then on the Arm EF is fhewn how many Times the Diſtance C F is contained in G F, and juſt ſo many Times is the Weight A con- tained in B, the Thing required to be found * The PULLEY. 1054. A Tackle of Pullies is another me- chanical Power, which Action or Force is deriv'd from the general Principles of (1045,1046,1047.) For let W be a Weight to be raifed (by Means of the Tackle of five Pullies AB) by the Power, or Weight P. Then it is evident, that when the faid Weight W is raiſed one Inch, each Rope belong- ing to the lower moveable Box of Pullies will be fhortened one Inch, and the Rope to which the Power P is appended will be lengthened juſt ſo many Inches; confequently, the Spaces paffed through in the fame Time, and therefore the Ve- locities of the Bodies W and P will be to each other as Unity to the Number of Ropes belonging to A P PO W the *Note, The Beam of the Steelyard is fuppofed to be without Weight in what has been faid; and in Practice, the Weight of the Steelyard is compenfated by a large Weight D; and further it is to be of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 35 the lower Sheave of Pullies, which is here as 1 to 5; therefore by fuch a Structure of Pullies the Force of P is encreaſed five Times. And in this Manner you compute the Force of every other Form or Conftruction of Pullies. The WHEEL and AXLE. 1055. The Axis in Peritrochio, or WHEEL and AXLE, is another mechanical Machine, in which the Power P hanging from the Peri- phery of the Wheel CD, acts a- gainſt the Weight W hanging from the Axis at A; and it evi- dent when the Wheel moves, the Spaces deſcribed by the Bo- dies P and W, and confequently their Velocities, will be as the Pe- ripheries of the Wheel and of the Axle, and theſe are as the Dia- B 12 E F P meters (823;) therefore in cafe of an Equilibrium, we have the Power P: the Weight W:: Diameter of the Axis: the Di- ameter of the Wheel; which in the Fig. is as I to 12; and thus the Force of P is encreaſed 12 Times. Hence as the Pe- ripheries RS, TV, are lefs, the Effect of the Machine is alſo leſs in Proportion: And on the other Hand, the Force of the Machine is encreaſed by Means of the Spokes I F, in Pro- portion as the Diſtance IF is greater than CD, as is extreme- ly obvious from (1047.) The INCLINED PLANE. 1056. The INCLINED PLANE does not (like other Ma- chines) become a mechanical Power, by encreafing the Veloci- ty of the Agent, but by diminiſhing the abfolute Weight of the Body to be moved; which it does by its Reſiſtance or Re-action, thus; let the Body A lie on the Inclined Plane BD; and from the Center C let fall the Perpendicular CG to the Bafe of the Plane HD, cutting the Plane in F; alfo draw CE perpendi- cular to the Plane B D. Now fince the Body gravitates to- wards F 2 be obſerved, that in Practice we do not regard the Refiftance of the Air to the Weight B, by which its real Weight will be a fmall Mat- ter diminiſhed, as we fhewed in our Treatise on AIR, in the YOUNG GENTLEMAN and LADY'S PHILOSOPHY. 36 INSTITUTIONS wards the Earth in the Direction CG, let CF reprefent the Whole, or abfolute Gravity of the Body. This Force is re- folvable into two others, viz. CE and E F (1027,) of which CE is that by which it acts on the Plane directly, and is de- ftroyed by the equal Re-action of the Plane (965,) the other Part E F is parallel to the Plane, and confequently, that by which the Body is carried down the Plane, and is called the refidual Gravity or Weight of the Body. 1057. Now this refi- dual Weight which is to B be overcome, is to the abfalute Weight, as E Fis to CF; but becauſe the Triangles CFE, DFG, Ac E F D G FL DBH are fimilar, it is EF:CF::FG:FD::BH: BD. Therefore the Weight of the Body A is diminiſhed by. the Plane in the Ratio of the Length of the Plane BD to its Height HP. Hence the more inclined the Plane is, or the leſs the Angle at D, the more eafily will a Body be moved thereon. Therefore when BD coincides with 'D H, or when the Plane becomes horizontal, the whole Gravity of the Body is deſtroyed; and hence it appears that the heaviest Body laid upon an horizontal Plane (perfectly smooth) may be moved with the leaft Force; as having in that Caſe no reſidual Weight to overcome. 1058. The Wedge has been hitherto, by all Writers, reckoned among the fim- ple mechanical Powers; but when it is confidered that any Wedge ACB is only a double inclined Plane, or compoſed of the two fingle Ones ACH and BCH, it will eafily appear that the Wedge is the fame Thing with the inclined Plane; for to double any Thing makes no Alteration in its Nature or Properties, and confe- quently cannot make it a different Spe- A H B V F G cies; this Sort of Logic does not become Mathematicians whoſe Characteriſtic it is to uſe the juftest Method of Reasoning. Be- fides, it is idle to pretend that the Force which overcomes the Cohefion of Wood is derived from the Wedge, when it is fo evi- dently of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 37 dently no other than the Momentum of the Bittle, or Sledge which drives it into the Wood; the Wedge being uſed as a con- venient Inftrument only, to keep the diffevered Parts of the Wood, &c. aſunder. Therefore we take the Liberty of dif- charging the Wedge from the Office and Rank of a mechanical Power. 1059. We muſt alſo treat the Screw with the fame Free- dom, as it is fo evidently no- thing more or less than an in- clined Plane of a ſpiral Form applied to a Cylinder AB, and 'tis as plain that whatever moves up and down upon a Screw moves all that white up- on an inclined Plane in a circu- lar inſtead of a rectilineal Di- T هلا B rection. In this Screw-plane the Length is the Circumference of the Cylinder, and the Height the Diſtance between two neareſt Threads or Helices, which is feldom in greater Proportion than 10 to 1, a Trifle to mention for a mechanical Power. The Le- ver FG added to the Screw-plane, make a compound mechanical Power of very great Force and Ufe, for Motion, Power, Com- preffion, &c. as is too well known to be farther infifted upon. Here the Power is to the Force as the Distance of the Helices to the Circumference defcribed by the End F of the Lever FG, which may be encreaſed at Pleaſure. We therefore reduce the Number of Simple mechanical Powers to four only, making the moſt of them at the fame Time; for it is certain the Lever, Pulley, and Axis in Peritrochio, differ only in Form, and not in their Properties whence their Power is derived, which is the fame in them all, as we have ſhewn. We therefore refer it to the Metaphyfician to determine if there be really any more than two abfolutely dif ferent mechanical Powers, viz. the Lever and the inclined Plane. 1060. It is alfo, on the other Hand, a Wonder that we meet with nothing in our mechanic Treatiſes, on the Subject of an Arch confidered as a mechanical Power, as its Nature and the com- mon Uſe we make of it ſeems to entitle it to that Denomina- tion, and cfpecially that the Catenarian Curve fhould be paffed by 38 INSTITUTIONS by in fuch general Silence, when it is a Subject that merits in the higheſt Degree the Confideration of every Mechanic, Archi- tect, or Engineer, as we have heretofore obferved *, and may more largely fhew in a future Part of this Work. 1061. In the fimple mechanical Powers, I have fuppofed no Friction, or Impediment thence arifing to the moving Power, to interrupt the Theory; yet becauſe there are no Bodies in Na- ture which move one upon another without fome Degree of Reſiſtance or Friction arifing from the Roughnefs of the Parts, this muſt be accounted for in Calculation of Forces, and it is not to be found but by Experiments, by which it appears to be (at a Mean) about a third Part of the Weight in Machines in general; in fome it is much more, and in others lefs. 1062. To one or other of thefe Machines, moſt of the Inftruments uſed in the common Affairs in Life are reducible. Thus a LADDER to be raiſed up upon one End, is one Sort of Lever; a WHEEL-BARROW is another; as alfo the CROW, for forcing up Shrubs and fmall Trees by the Roots. The HAMMER applied in drawing a Nail is a third Sort; the SCISSARS, and SHEARS act on the fame Principle. The CAP- STAN and WINDLASS, is the fame with the Wheel and Axle; the JACK for raifing up Bodies is the fame in Effect. The KNIFE and the Ax are both in the Nature of the inclined Plane; and every Body that acts with any Kind of Force upon another, will be found when rightly confidered, to do it on the Prin- ciples above explained. 1063. As to compound Machines, their Force or Power may eaſily be computed, and the Reaſon of their Effects may be clearly underſtood, from the Nature of the fimple Machines of which they are compofed. Or thus, let the Machine be ever fo complicated, confider the l'elocities of the Motion of the Power and Weight, and their Ratio will expound the Force of the Engine, as well as in any of the foregoing fimple Ma- chines. For the Principle of (1045, c.) holds good of all Kinds of Motion whatſoever. But left we fhould be thought deficient in not giving fome further Account of compound En- gines, the following general Theory is fubjoined. 1064. See Mifcellaneous Correfpondence for July, 1756, and the Plate of a Bridge there conftructed on fuch Arches. } of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. $39 1064. Suppoſe the Power P by Means of the Wheel AKI and its Pinion BLO, fuftain in Equilibrio the Weight W, hanging from the Axis EM N of the Wheel GFH; then putting A Ca, CB = b; DF = c, D Nd; we G E M N K C FB L H I W PXAC W x DN Pa have (by 1045, 1046, 1047,) or > CB DF Ъ = wa W d and therefore PacWbd. Or thus, let (w) be C , the Weight equivalent to P on the Wheel AKI, and its Axle Pa b BLO, then P: w::b:a; therefore =w. Again, let w be now confidered as a Power with Regard to W on the Wheel GFH, and its Axle DN, then w: W::d:c; and Wd Pa as above. Now fince the Ma- ww C b v = ย therefore w= chine is at Reft, the Point A is urged with the whole Power of Gravity or Momentum of P; but if the Weight W be dimi- niſhed to a leffer Weight x, the Machine will move, and the Point A will have a Motion confpiring with that of P. Let V Velocity with which the Point A endeavoured to defcend with the Gravity of P, and Velocity of the Point A ari- fing from the Diminution of the Weight W; then will V-v be the relative Velocity with which it would endeavour to de- fcend by the fame Power P, counterpoifing the Weight x at Reft. But the Effects of the Power P with the Velocities V, and V, in a given Time, will be as the Spaces through which it would defcend in that Time, which are as the Squares of thofe Velocities, viz. as V to V. And thefe Effects are as W and x, who counter-act them; therefore fince V2 : V² :: W:x, we have V2 x W x V-v', and V V✔ V W X V V — o = V √W—W x; whence v = v ↓ Ŵ — V ✓ x But when the Machine is in Motion, ✓ W the Velocity of the Power P, or v, is to the Velocity of the Weight 40 INSTITUTIONS Weight x, as ACxDF b d x v = b d V X ас Which Velocity ac, to CB x D Nbd; or ac W - √ * ✓ W = Velocity of the multiplied by the Weight x, will :bd: :v : a c Weight x. b d V x give ✓ W X W - √x ac ✓ W Effect of the Machine. 1065. If now x be a variable Quantitity, and all the reft conftant, the Value of x may be determined, when the above Expreffion of the Effect of the Machine is a Maximum, or the greateſt poffible, by putting its Fluxion equal to nothing. Now the Fluxion of b d V ac✓ w хх ✓ W ✓ x 2√x √x= X 2 √x 2 хх × × × √ W -√x, is * O, whence we have ✔ W — and fo 2 / W x = 3x, and x = W. Hence + if any Engine be charged with of ſuch a Charge or Weight as will just keep it in Equilibrio, it will produce the greatest Effect poffible. 1066. Hence, if inſtead of x, we fubftitute its Equivalent 4W, we have when the Engine is in its greateſt Perfec- b d V x ✔ X ac W - √x ✔ W 4 b d V W 27 ac 4 V P 27 W b d (becauſe P = a c 44 V √ W - V √ x we ✔ W 4 b d V W 27 ас by 4 W, we tion. Alſo putting W for x in v = have v V. Laftly, if we divide = bd V have 3ac उ Velocity of the Weight x, when the Machine is in its utmoſt Perfection. 1067. If the Power P inftead of a Weight, as here repre- fented, were a Current of Water, Air, &c. then is V the Ve- locity thereof V-v, the Difference or relative Velocity with which the Fluid ftrikes the Floats of the Wheel. Whence 'tis eafy to apply the foregoing Calculus to any mechanical En- gine whatſoever, as we fhall more particularly fhew under the Subject of Hydraulics, in the Theory of Mill-work. 1068. The Velocity here mentioned is fuppofed to be that of an uniform Motion; for though all Machines actuated by a conftant of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 4 1 conftant Power will have their Motion at firft accelerated for fome Time; yet will the Increments of Velocity continually decreaſe by the Friction, or Refiftance of the feveral Parts, 'till at laſt they become totally deftroyed, and the Motion, by that Means, rendered equable and uniform. CHAP. VI. The Method of investigating the CENTER OF GRAVITY in Bodies. 1069. T HAT Point F, which in the Lever was called the Fulcrum, (ſee Fig. to Art. 1051,) is otherwiſe called the common Center of Gravity; for as in every fingle Bo- dy there is one common Point which tends to the Center of the Earth, with the united Forces of all the gravitating Particles which compoſe that Body, and which therefore is called its Cen- ter of Gravity; fo in any Syftem of two or more Bodies, which are any how connected or depend on each other, there is one certain Point in which their whole Forces of Gravity are united, and which being fufpended, keeps the Bodies in Equilibrio, fuch as is the Point F with refpect to the Bodies A and B, and it is therefore their common Center of Gravity. В Br F E 1070. If to the Bodies A and B, we fuppofe two others added, as C and D, at fuch Diftances from F, that C: D:: DF: CF; then Cx CFDxDF, (by 1047,) and be- cauſe it is alfo AX AFBX B F; therefore thefe Equa- tions added together, make A × AF + D× DF = B × B F + CXCF. Thus it appears the Point F is the common Center of Gravity of all the Bodies. 1071. Hence a general Rule for finding the Diſtance of the common Center of Gravity from any given Point E in a right VOL. II. G Line! 42 INSTITUTIONS = = Line E B paffing through all the Centers of the Bodies A, B, C, D. Thus put EA a, ED = b, EF = x, EC = c, EB d, then AF xa, DF-x-b, CFc-x, BF = d- -x. Whence the general Equation above (1070) will become Ax— Aa+Dx — Db — B d- B x + Cc — Cx. And by tranfpofing the Terms we have A x + B x + C x + D x = Aa+Bd+Cc + Db A+B+C+D Aa+Bď+Cc+D3. Confequently x= EF the Diſtance required. - 1072. The general Rule therefore for finding the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity from the extreme Part of any Body, is this, divide the Sum of all the Momenta by the Sum of all the Weights, and the QQuotient will be the Distance required. Hence in a right Line A B we may confider all the Particles which compoſe it, as ſo A many very ſmall Weights, each, = x. C B which is therefore the Fluxion of the Weights, or Line A B Therefore the Weight multiplied by its Diſtance from A, viz. x, is xx, its Momentum; that is, xx is the Flux- ion of all the Momenta in the Line AB; whofe Fluent xx is the Sum of all the Momenta, which divided by the Sum of all the Weights x, gives x = A B, the Diſtance of the Cen- 1× ter of Gravity C from the Point A. In a PARALLELOGRAM. 1073. Thus in the PARALLE- LOGRAM BEGF, whofe Length AD=x, and Breadth G E — ỹ, if you draw a b infinitely near E G, the Areola a bEGyx will be the Fluxion of all the Weights y, which A. F 2 го D C B & E make the whole Weight of the Parallelogram, which multi- plied by the Diſtance A D = x, gives y xx, the Fluxion of the Momenta; whofe Fluent ments, which divided by the 2 xxy is the Sum of all the Mo- Sum of all the Weights (xy), quotes AD AC, the Diſtance of the common // x = 2 2 Center of Gravity from A, as required. In of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis, 43 In a TRIANGLE. 1074. In the TRIANGLE ABG, the common Center of Gravity is found thus; draw A D (a) to biſect the Baſe B G (= b) in the Point D, and the Parallel EF in the Point C. Put E F ba ACx, and we have a b::*: B : D G Q b x x EF. Which (as a Weight) multiplied by x, gives Fluxion of the Weights; this again multiplied by xA C a b x x x (the Diſtance from A) gives a Fluxion of the Momen- b x³ divided by the ta; whoſe Fluent or Sum of the Moments b x² Fluent of the Weights › = x = 24 quotes * за AC, for the Dif tance of the Center of Gravity from A in the Triangle A EF; and when x = AD, then AD gives the fame for the Tri- angle A B G. In a TRAPEZIUM. 1075. To find the Center of Gravity G of the Trapezium BD. Let the fame be divided into two Triangles ABC and A CD, and find their Centers of Gravity F, E (448.) Join EF, which divide in fuch a Manner in the Point G, that it may be FG GE:: BɅ G A E ADC: ABC, which is done by this Analogy, ABCD: ACD:: EFF G, and the Point G is determined as ed. This is evident from (1050, and 648.) requir- G 2 In 44 INSTITUTIONS In the PARABOLA. 1076. The Center of Gravity in a PARABOLA BAC. Let AD =x, and BC= 2yz; then will px: zz (740;) and putting p = * I 1, it is x : zz, and z : ✔✅✅ ✯ ( = x²), Whence z✰✰✰, the Fluxion of 2 : x x A G. B D ť the Weights, which multiplied by x gives xxx, the Fluxion 5 2 2 x² x of the Momenta; whofe Fluent divided by the Fluent of ✯ x², viz. 3׳, gives 4x=ADA G, for the Diſtance zx of the Center of Gravity from the Vertex A. In the ARCH of a CIRCLE. in MO E N F D 1077. To find the Center of Gra- vity N of the Arch of a Circle MEF fixed to the Radius C E. 'Tis evident the Particles M, F, equidiftant from E, have their common Center of Gravity at D, in the Radius CE; and fince the fame is true of all the other Particles, it is manifeft the common Center of Gravity of the whole Arch MEF is fomewhere in the faid Radius CE. Put MC a, MD PC = x; then PM (= DC) = = aa-xx (828.) аа (a) :: Mo (= *) : A P G DC) = And PM (aa-xx): MC Mm, the Fluxion ай Jaa x x of the Arch ME multiplied by the z. PM, gives Vaa a x Now the Fluxion of the Weights ż Diſtance of the Center of Gravity CD Vaa- xx X √ a a xx = ax = Fluxion of the Momenta; the Fluent of which, viz. ax divided by the Weights or Arch ME, gives CN, the Diſtance from C required. MCxMD, ax ༢ MCX MD ME In of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 45 In a QUADRANT. 1078. Hence when the Arch E M becomes the QUA- a x DRANT AE then M C2 1 A E -CN, the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity N of the Semicircle AEG. if CM=1, then will the Quadrant AME = 1,57079, (fee 826,) and M C2 AE =0,6366= C N, the Diſtance of the Center of Gra- vity from the Center of the Circle C. In the SECTOR of a CIRCLE. 1079. To find the Center of Gravity N, of the SECTOR of a Circle M C F. Defcribe the Arch mef, and draw the Chord mf. = a, ME = 2, Ce = Put CE = a, M E D m d. Z X x; then a: z::x: = me; and A G a b x putting MDb, we have a: b a:b::x: m d. Now a mdx Ce bx is the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity of me Z Z X the Arch m ef (1077.) And the Arch me — multiplied by a ZXX a *, gives = the Fluxion of the Weights, which multiplied be by the Diſtance of common Center of Gravity > b x x x gives Z a b x³ Fluxion of the Momenta, whoſe Fluent divided by the за XXX 2 b x Fluent of the Weights gives (or when xa) 2 A 3z 2 ba Diſtance required. 3% In 46 INSTITUTIONS In a SEMICIRCLE. 1080. Hence when the Arch MEF becomes a Semicircle 2 ACXCE AEG, we fhall have 3 AE Diſtance of the common Center of Gravity of the Semicircle A E G, from the Center C. If Radius A C≈ 1, then that Diſtance will become =0.424+. 2 4.71237 In a CYLINDER. 1081. To find the Center of Gra- vity in the CYLINDER ECBF. Put AD, and the Area of the Circle on B Fap (830;) then isap Fluxion of the Weights; and ½ ap x x = the Fluxion of the x A C E B F Momenta; whofe Fluent apxx, divided by the Fluent of the Weights a px, gives ap 4 X 2 AD the Diſtance of the 2 faid Center from A. In a CONE. 1082. To find the Center of Gravity in a CONE AH B. The Fluxion of the Cone II (or Weights) is pax²x 266 (834,) and the a Fluxion of the Momenta pax³ x 77. 177 ; whoſe 266 Fluent ap x4 8bb divided by ap x3 A B 6bb' will quote C E x=4HC, the Diſtance of the Center from H. In the SEGMENT of a SPHERE. 1083. To find the Center of Gravity in any SEGMENT of a Sphere a Db. The Fluxion of the Segment is p xx — 2 px² x (ſee 2 a of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis, 47 therefore be p x² x p x³ x fee Fig. to Art. 836,) and the Fluxion of the Momenta will x3 + whoſe Fluent p x³ — A 3 di- 2 a a px3 quotes a vided by the Fluent (of the Weights) ½ p x² ୪ Diſtance of the Center of Gravity from D. In an HEMISPHERE. 1084. Hence when xa, or De DC, that is, when the Segment becomes the Hemifphere AD B, then the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity will be or CD from the Center C. the Diſtance of the Center of g of CD from the Point D, In like Manner you will find Gravity in the Semi-Spheroid ABD to be of CB from the Center C. 38 1085. From this Method of finding the Center of Gravity in Bodies, there reſults a general Rule or Canon for finding the fu- perficial and folid Content of Bodies, viz. The Periphery defcri- bed by the Center of Gravity, multiplied into the generating Line or Plane, is ever equal to the Superficies or Solid generated by the Rota- tion of the faid Line or Plane about an Axis. For Example; the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity in a Semicircle is $ (1080.) And it is a :p :: 8 a a 3 3P = 3 a a a Periphery defcribed by the Center of Gravity. Now the generating Plane or Semi- 8 J circle is = ap (830,) then a x pa = paa 4 4 of the Sphere, (by 836, 837.) Solidity CHA P. 48 INSTITUTIONS CHAP. VII. The Method of computing the CENTER of FORCE, or PERCUSSION, in moving Bodies. 1086. T HERE is nothing of greater Confequence to be rightly understood in all mechanic Arts, than the Doctrine of Momenta and Forces of moving Bodies. The For- mer of which we have treated of; and the Latter, viz. the Forces of Bodies in Motion, and what is called the Center of Force, or Percuffion in a striking Body, comes now to be con- fidered. 1087. In order to render the Idea, or Notion of this percuf- five Force as natural and eaſy as poffible, we are to confider, that what has been hitherto delivered concerning the Momenta of Bodies, refpects them in a State of Reft, under the Influ- ence of Gravity; but when we confider the Body in actual Motion, there will another Force arife from the Velocity of that Motion; by which Means the Body will be rendered capable of acting upon another, in the Mode we call Striking, or Percuf fion. 1088. This percuffive Force, therefore, arifes from three Sources, viz. (1.) From the Mafs of Matter in the percutient Body. (2.) From its gravitating Force, in regard to its Dij- tance from the Center of Motion; and (3.) From the actual Velo- city of the Motion itſelf. The two firſt of theſe make the Mo- mentum; and this compounded with the Latter, conftitutes the percuſſive Force. 1089. Thus, fuppofe any uniform Rod A B, were to move or vibrate about the Point or Axis A; let it firft be fufpended in the horizontal Pofition A B at the Extre- mity B; then will every Particle D, C, B F have a Tendency to defcend in Proportion to the Quantity of Matter in each (968;) E ADC B this Tendency will be farther augmented in proportion to the Diſtance from the Center of Motion (1047, &c.) the Momentum of the Particle at D, C, and B. Laftly, if the and this makes Rod of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 49 Rod A B be left at Liberty, it will commence Motion, and the actual Velocity of the Particle D, C, or B will enable it to ſtrike an Obſtacle at G, F, or E, with a Force propor- tional to the ſaid Velocity, conjointly with the refpective Ma- mentum. 1090. Now though each Particle in the Rod has a percuf- five Force greater on all theſe Accounts, as it is more remote from the Point A, if we confider it fingly in itſelf, and inde- pendent of the reft; yet when we confider them all connected together by the Force of Coheſion, their feveral Forces will conftitute one compound Force of the whole Line or Rod A B, which will not be greateft at B, but in fome other Point C, between the Extremes A and B ; and this Point C will ftrike a fixed Obſtacle at F in ſuch a Manner, that the whole Force of the faid Rod will be exerted upon it, and by the equal Re-action of the Obſtacle, it will be deftroyed (965,) and fo the Rod in the Pofition AE, will be motionleſs at the Moment of the Stroke, though difengaged from the Point A. And this Point C is therefore called the Center of Percuffion in the Rod A B. 1091. In order to this, it is neceffary this Point C ſhould have the whole percuffive Force on each Side, in the Parts A C and C B, equal; for if it were greater in the Part A C, than in C B, the Part A C would, after the Stroke, move forwards, not being counteracted by an equivalent Force in the Part CB; alfo if the Force in the Part C B were fuppofed fupe- rior to that in AC, then it would continue to move forwards alſo after the Stroke, and fo the Motion of the whole Rod would not be ſpent upon the Obſtacle, as it is when the per- cuffive Force is greatest of all. 1092. Now fince when this percuffive Force is not equal, the Rod (fuppofed difengaged from the Point A at the Time of the Stroke) muſt turn upon the Obſtacle as a Center of Mo- tion, it follows, that the Force of each Particle on each Side of the faid Center, or Obſtacle, will be as its Momentum multi- plied into its Velocity, or Diſtance from that Point (1089,) a- bout which it then vibrates; and that therefore the Momenta of the Particles must be reciprocally as their Diſtances from the Point VOL. IL H (C) 50 INSTITUTIONS (C) which ſhall be the Center of Percuffion, or Point of concentrated Forces. D B N 1093. But to exemplify this Matter, and A to inveſtigate a general Rule for finding the Center of Percuffion in all Bodies, let us firft fuppofe the leaft compound Cafe, viz. of two Bodies B, C, fixed to an inflexible right Line A C, and call their Maffes of Matter Q, 9; let their Tendency to Motion, or the Diſtance A B, A C, be G, g; and their actual Velocity in Motion, be V, v. Then if each of theſe Bodies be confidered by itſelf in Motion, the whole percuffive Force of B, and C, upon Obſtacles at D and E would be denoted by QG V, and q g. And the Sum of thefe For- ces united, viz. QGV + 9g v, is the whole conjoint Force exerted upon an Obftacle, ftruck by the Center of Percuffion. 1094. Let G be the Center of Gravity between the two Bodies, and N the Center of Percuffion to be found; put A G QG÷98 =m, and A N≈n; then will 9 8 Q+ 9 = m (1045;) alſo fince B Nn G, and NC=g-n; it will be QG: 98::g―nn~G (1092.) Whence QGn-QG² = 98² qgn, and fo QGn+qgn=QG²+9g², and fon= Q G² + 9 82 QG+98 Q G V + q g v QG + 98 or (becauſe G is as V, and g as v) it is =AN; that is, the Sum of the Forces of the two Bodies divided by the Sum of the Momenta, quotes the Dif tance of the Center of Percuffion from the Point of Sufpenfion A. Which is the general Cannon required. 1095. Coroll. Put the Maffes of Matter in both Bodies Q+q=M, and the Sum of the Forces QGV + q g v = F ; then becauſe Q G + q g = Q + q × m = M m ; we fhall have QG+98 F x M I Mn, or F=Mm n, whence we have F m Theorem it will be of Ufe hereafter to remember. I X Which 72 • 1096. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 51 1096. Let the Line A B (in Article 1089,) be denoted by ; then will the gravitating Force of the Point B be as *, (1088;) and the Velocity of the ſaid Point, when in Motion about A, will be as likewife; therefore fuppofing the Line in its nafcent State at B, it will be then as, and ÷ × × × = i = Fluxion of the Forces; the Fluent of which +3 3 will be as the whole percuffive Force in the moving Line, or Rod A B. But the Sum of all the Momenta is as (by 1072.) 2 3 2 Therefore x = Difiance of the Center of Percuf- 2 3 fion from the Point of Sufpenfion A, by the general Rule at Art. (1094.) 1097. Thus alfe in the Parallelogram BE GF, (1073) moving about the Axis B F, the Fluxion of the Momenta was yxx, and fo the Fluxion of the Forces will be y xxx, whoſe Fluent y³, divided by the Momenta y x², will give 3 x = A D, for the Center of Percuſſion from the Axis of Motion. 1098. Again, the Fluxion of the Momenta in the Tri- angle ABG (1074) was found 3 b x² x therefore the Flux- b x* a b 23 x ion of the Forces will be the Fluent whereof a 4 a b x3 divided by the Momenta will quote = AD, the Dif за 3 a' tance of the Center of Percuffion, from the Axis of Motion at A. 1099. Thus alfo the Center of Percuffion is found in a Cylinder E BCG (1081,) vi- brating about an Axis in the Point A. For the Fluxion of the Momenta was apxx, and therefore the Fluxion of the Forces will be apx³ 6 Lap²x, whofe Fluent divided by the Moments ap x² will quote = AD 4 واست L B for the Center of Force from the Axis A, the fame as in the right Line (in 1072.) H 2 G H 1100. 52 INSTITUTIONS II00. To find the Center of Percuffion in a CYLINDER EBCG, vibrating about any diftant Point L. Here it muſt be confidered, that if two or more Bodies con- nected together, fo as to move with equal Velocities, then will the Sum of the Forces of theſe Bodies be equal to the Force of their common Center of Gravity. And therefore the Sum of the Forces of all the Particles in the fluxionary Circle (Pa p x 2 =) CFGH, will be equal to the Force of their common Center of Gravity D, or the Momentum of that Point multiplied by its Diſtance from the Center of Motion L D. Wherefore put- ting AL=b, and A D = x, as before; we have X a b p x apx x b + x = + 2 2 a p x 2 Fluxion of the Momenta, which again multiplied by b+x, gives the Fluxion of the Forces = b b a p x + 2 b p a xx + pa***, whofe Fluent paхха xx > b b pa x + 2 2 враха pax³ + divided by the Sum of the Momenta, bap x 2 6 2 pax² + will quote 3 b b + 3b x + × × * for the Diſtance re- 4 36 + 3 x quired from the Point L. b 2 Or, if we put LD = g = b + x, then will x = g b, and the Expreffion will become 88 + gb + b b z X g + b ΙΙΟΙ. 3 1101. From what has been fhewn, it is evident, that fince a Walking-cane is generally but little tapering, and when a Stroke is made therewith, the Center of Motion is in the Hand, the Center of Percuffion will be near the Part which is of the Cane from the Hand, but fomewhat nearer to the Hand, on Account of the Cane's not being a perfect Cylinder, but really the Fruftum of a Cone. So like- wife a Stroke made with a Sword, (becauſe the Blade is nearly of a triangular, or rather of a pyramidal Form) will be in a Part much nearer to the Hand than in the other Cafe; but to determine preciſely where that Point is in a Sword, (or any Bedy not of an uniform Figure) by an analytical Proceſs, would of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 33 would prove too intricate an Affair for this Place; but it may be eaſily found by Means of a Pendulum, as fhewn in the next. Chapter. CHA P. VIII. Of the DESCENT of BODIES on INCLINED PLANES, and the DOCTRINE of PENDULUMS. HE Doctrine of PENDULUM s de- II02. T pends on that of the Deſcent of Bodies on inclined Planes; which D C therefore comes next to be con- G 玉 ​B fidered. It has been fhewn (1057) that an heavy Body (as A) upon an inclined Plane A E, E has its Gravity diminiſhed in the Ratio of the Length of the Plane A E to the Height A B. About the Height of the Plane A B, as a Diameter, defcribe the Semicircle ADB cutting the Plane in D, and join DB; then is the Angle ADB a right one (645,) and fo the Triangles ABD and AEB are fimilar; and therefore AE:AB::AB: AD: : abfolute Gravity of the Body: refidual Gravity, by which it defcends on the Plane. 1103. Again, fince Spaces defcribed in the fame Time are proportional to the accelerating Forces of Gravity (999;) the Forces which are as A B and AD, will carry the Body A through the perpendicular Space AB, and the flant Space A Din the fame Time; that is, in the Time a Body would fall freely from A to B through the Height of the Plane, another will arrive from A to D upon the Plane. 1104. By the fame Argument it is fhewn, that a Body will deſcend on any other Plane A F (of the fame Height) to the Point G in the fame Time it would defcend freely through the Height A B; and therefore it follows, any two Chords AD, AG`of the Semicircle will be defcribed in the fame Time. 1105. 54 INSTITUTIONS — 1105. Suppoſe AG DB, then becauſe the Angle FAB ABD, we have the Angle AFBDBF; and fince both the Planes A G and DB are equal, and both alike inclined to the Horizon, it is evident a Body will defcribe them both in the fame Time; and fo the Time of defcribing the Chord D B will be the fame as is fpent in defcribing AD. Thus the Time of Deſcent in A G and GB will be the fame. Confe- quently, the Times of Defcent thro' any Chords D B, GB, will be equal. 1106. Since the Times of Defcent through AD and A B are equal (1103,) the Time (t) of Defcent through AD (or AB) is to the Time (T) of Defcent through A E, as AD to the VAE (991;) and fo t²: T²:: AD: AE; but (be- caufe AD:AB::AB:AE) we have AD: AE: AD: AB, (672) and therefore t²: T²:: A D²: A B²; and fo t: T:: AD:AB::AB: AE. That is, the Time of the perpendicu lar Deſcent through A B is to the Time through the Plane A E, as the Height of the Plane to the Length. AD to ✅✔✅ AE (991;) 1107. The Velocity acquired in falling from A to D is to the Velocity acquired in defcending from A to B, as AD to A B, (for fince they are generated in the fame Time, they will be as the Powers which produce them, (998.) Alſo the Ve- locity at D is to that at E, as that is : V:: ✔✅AD: AE, and fo v²: V²:: AD: AE; but becauſe AD:AB::AB: A E, it will be AD: AE: A D² : A B³. Therefore v² : V² : : A D² : A B²; and ſo v : V::AD: AB. Hence, fince the Velocities at B and at E have the fame Ratio to the Velocity at D, they must be qual to each other (198.) 1108. In the fame Manner it is fhewn, that the Velocity acquired in the Point F, in defcending through the Plane AF, is the fame with that at B. Confequently the Velocities acquired in Defcents through any inclined Planes AE, AF, of the fame Height, are equal to each other. 1109. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis, 55 D A F ہو 1109. Hence a Body deſcend- ing through ſeveral inclined Planes AC CD, DE, contiguous to each other, will acquire the fame Velocity in the Point E, as it would have at B in falling through the fame perpendicular Height A B. For at C the Velocity is the fame as it would be in de- fcending through FC (1107;) and at D, it is the fame as it would be in deſcending through AD; conſequently it is the fame at E as it would be in defcending through A E, that is, the fame as it would be in defcending from A to B, the fame perpendicular Height: EX B B III. If now we fuppofe the Number of thofe contiguous Planes infinite, and their Lengths infinitely ſmall, they will then conftitute a Curve Line; whence it follows, that a Body defcending through the Arch of any Curve Line A B, will acquire the fame Velocity at the lowest Point B, as it would have at B, by defcending through the ſame perpendicular Height A B▾ IIII. On the Diameter A B deſcribe the Semicircle A GB, and draw any two Chords D B and G B ; join AD, and from D and G let fall the Perpendiculars DE, GF to the Diameter A B. Then will the Velocities ac- G quired in defcending through the Chords be as their Lengths refpectively. For the Velo- cities acquired through D B and GB will be D A E F B the fame as would be acquired in the perpendicular Defcents through EB and FB (1105,) that is, as EB to FB (991.) But fince AB: DB::DB: EB (659,) we DB2 EB have A B = ; in the fame Manner it is fhewn, that A B G B2 1 ; therefore FB DB2 EB GB2 FB' and fo B D G B':: EB: FB; confequently DB: GB::VEB: VFB:: Ve- locity acquired through D B : Velocity acquired through G B. 2. E. D. 1112. 56 INSTITUTIONS III2. F A D B If two Planes A E and CD fimi- larly fituated, or alike inclined to the Hori- zon BE, then the Time of Deſcent on CD will be to that on A E, as CD to VAE. For the Time on CD is to that of the Deſcent thro' C B, as CD to CB, and the Time on AE is to that through A B, as A E to AB (1111.) But the Times through CB and AB are as ✔CB to AB. But we have (by fimilar Triangles) ✔BC: VAB ::✔DC:✔AE. Confequently the Time on DC is to the Time on A E, as VDC to the ✔ A E. 1113. APENDULUM (or pendulous Body) is in any Body A hanging at the End of a String A C, and moveable a- bout the fixed Point C as a Center. Hence 'tis manifeft, if the ſaid Pendulum be in the Pofition AC, and there left to move freely by the Force of Gravity, it will in its Deſcent defcribe the Arch of a Circle Aa E; and when it arrives at the loweſt Point E, it will there acquire a Velocity equal to what it would have acquired, by falling freely through the fame per- pendicular Height GE (1108, 1109.) A a B D C G E 1114. The Body having deſcended to E, will, with the Ve- locity there acquired, continue its Motion forwards (963,) and deſcribe an Arch E F in its Afcent equal to A a E, (ſuppo- fing the Motion were in an unrefifting Medium, and without Friction at C;) for there muſt be the fame Time ſpent in ge- nerating and deſtroying any given Quantity of Motion by the fame Agent acting uniformly, and confequently the fame Space or Arch E F will be deſcribed in the Aſcent, as was before de- ſcribed in the Deſcent. 1115. Draw the Chord of the Arch A E, then will that be an inclin❜d Plane, whofe Height is ABGE. Now 'tis evi- dent, that when the Arch A a E is very fmall, the Chord AE will nearly coincide with it, and the Motion of the Body de- fcending on the inclined Plane or Chord, and that of the Pen- dulum of the Phyfico-Mechanical Matheſis. 57 dulum in the Arch will nearly agree in their Properties, òr at leaft be infenfibly different. 1116. Hence, if there be two Pen- dulums of different Lengths CA, CD, the Times in which they will defcribe the Arches of Defcent A B and DE, will be as the Square Roots of the Lengths of thefe Arches, or their re- fpective coincident Chords AB, DE (by 1112.) But becauſe of fimilar Triangles ABC and DEC, it will be ✓AB:✓DE::✓CA:✔✅CD ::t: T. Therefore CA: CD :: t² : T2. That is, the Lengths of Pendulums are as the Squares of the Times of Vibration. D C B 1117. The Time in which the Pendulum would defcend a- long the Chord A E, (fee Fig. of Art. 1113,) is eafily deter- mined, being that in which it would defcend through DE (1103, 1105,) = 2 A C; and the Time in which it would pafs from A to F on the two Chords A E and E F, will be equal to that in which a Body would defcend perpendicularly through a Space = 8 AC (991, &c.) But this is not the Time in which the Pendulum will vibrate through the whole Arch AEF. And therefore to determine what relates to the Time of a Pendulum's Vibration, (which is a primary Confideration) we muſt take to our Affiftance the Properties of the Curve called the CYCLOID, which muft therefore be next demonftrated. 4 DE H } D G E Z IL I. K 1 it B 1118. If a Circle A B C infifting on a Right Line A L begin to revolve from A towards L, the Point A will by its twofold VOL. II. I Motion 58 INSTITUTIONS Motion defcribe the aforefaid Curve or Cycloid ACDIL. Whence we obferve, (1.) The Baſe A L is equal to the Peri- phery of the generating Circle A BC. (2.) The Axis of the Cycloid FD is equal to the Diameter of the Circle. (3.) The Part of the Baſe KL is equal to the Arch of the Circle I K. (4.) Therefore KF (= ME) is equal to the remaining Arch IHGD. (5.) The Angle HIK being always a right one, the Chord KI will be perpendicular to the Cycloid, and the Chord I Ha Tangent thereto in the Point I. (6.) Laftly, Drawing IE parallel to the Baſe AL, the Tangent IH will be parallel and equal to the Chord G D; and IK to G F. 1119. Parallel to E I draw e i indefinitely near, and In per- pendicular thereto; then by fimilar Triangles DGE, DGF, Ini, we have DE: DG::DG:DF:: In: Ii; that is, (put- a, D E = x, DI= x) x : √ ax :: Vax:a:: ting DF * : * = 1; = I i ent is 2 ✔ cloid DIL a x a x √ ax Fluxion of the Arch DI, whoſe Flu- (803,) = 2 DG=DI. Whence the Semicy- 2 D F, the Diameter of the generating Circle. A L E I D K R f S B b 1120. Let A ID be a Semicycloid inverted; and fuppofe a flexible String faftened at one End in A, and ftretched along the faid Curve AID, fo that the other End of the String may coincide with the Point D, and thus the Length of the String will be equal to that of the Curve. If now a Ball or heavy Body were tied to the End D, and left freely to deſcend, it would defcribe in one Vibration the Cycloid D C L, provided there of the Phyfico-Mechanical Matheſis. 59% there be placed on the other Side another Semicycloid A EL. Of this I might here give a Demonftration, but it is needlefs. 1121. The Velocity acquired by the Pendulum deſcending through any Arch RC of the Cycloid, is the fame a Body would have in deſcending thro' the fame perpendicular Height OC(1109,) and therefore is as✔✔OC; but (becauſe O C: SC::SC: KC 1,) OC is as the Chord SCRC (1119.) Therefore the Velocity in the lowest Point C, is ever pro- portional to the Space paffed through, or to the Arch of the Cycloid defcribed in the Defcent. I I II22. But in all Kinds of Motions, the Space (S) is as the Rectangle of the Time (T) and Velocity (V,) that is, S: TV (by 971, &c.) therefore if in any Cafe (as that above 1121) it be S: V, it will be T: 1, that is, the Time of the Motion will be a given Quantity, or always the fame. Hence all the Vibrations through any Arches of a Cycloid, great or ſmall, are per- formed in equal Time. a a 1123. If we put CK = a, KO=x, then 2 SCRC = 2√ ax. If the Defcent be from L to R, the Ve- locity at R will be as ✔✅KO= √(1111.) Now (by fi- milar Triangles) it is CO (ax): CS ( √ a a — a x) (: : CS: CKa): Rq= (*): Rr= a x Jaa- ax == the Fluxion of the Arch L R, which divided by the Velocity ✔x, a x gives ✓ аах Q X X ай I X † = the ✔ax- x x 1/2 a x ✔ a ✔ax- --- X X Fluxion of the Time. But is the Fluxion of the circular Arch K S, (875.) (therefore 2 KS is the Fluent of twice a x that Fluxion, viz. Confequently the Fluent of √ ax-xx 2 K S the Time of Defcent through LR is Hence when S co- Va incides with C, LR will become L C; and fo the Time of Deſcent thro' the Semicycloid LC is I 2 2 KSC va 1124. 60 INSTITUTIONS 1124. Therefore the Time of a Vibration through the whole Cycloid LCD is 4 KSC But the Time of Defcent thro' а the Perpendicular KC-a, is as 4 KS C : 2 Va:: 2 KSC: a. a bration in the Cycloid, is to the Time 2 Va*; therefore we have That is, The Time of Vi- of Defcent through Half the Length of the Pendulum, as the Circumference of a Circle to the Diameter, or as 3,14159 to 1. 1125. Let the Time of Vibration of the Pendulum A C be 1 Second, then its Length is thus found. It is known by Experiments, that a Body defcends freely through the per- pendicular Height of 193 Inches in a Second of Time. And fince the Spaces defcended are as the Squares of the Times (991,) therefore 3.14159: 12: 1931: 19,6 = ; AC; whence A C = 39,2 Inches. And fince the Lengths alfo are as the Squares of the Times of Vibration (1116,) therefore 4:139,2 9,8 Inches - 39,2:9,8 Length of a Pendulum vibrating in a Second. 2 : ऊ 1126. Hence fince the Length of a Second Pendulum is ſo confiderable, the Bob will defcribe (without the cycloidal Cheeks AID, A EL,) an Arch of a Circle ƒC b, which will nearly coincide with the Cycloid for a ſmall Space h gi Hence all the Properties of the common Pendulum vibrating through very ſmall Arches bg, will have the fame Properties as though it moved in the Arch or Curve of the Cycloid. 1127. To make this plain, we have S = V T (971.) Therefore S -VT. Therefore T S ent of VS is 2 VS s V 21 S (becauſe V:VS) but the Flu- 2 ✔a, when S = a. (See 803, 804,) of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. bi A в 1127. Let A B be any Sort of Body go fufpended from an Axis a b, and move- able freely about it; then will it be- come a Pendulum, and vibrate in the fame Manner with the common Pen- dulum C F. For if it be taken out of the perpendicular Pofition AE into any other A B, and there let go, it will by its Gravity defcend, and pafs the faid Perpendicular À E to a Dif- tance on the other Side equal to E B, and ſince every Particle in the Rod en- deavours thus to defcend, and all thofe Particles are connected together, their Forces will be all united in one parti- cular Part as G, and that Force will fo act upon the Body A B, as if all the Matter thereof were collected in that Point; and hence the Point G is called the CENTER OF OSCILLATION in fuch a Sort of Pendulum. D E G B 1128. Hence it follows, that any Body A B being hung upon an Axis to vibrate, the Time of a Vibration will always be e- qual to the Time of Vibration in a fimple Pendulum FC, whoſe Length is equal to the Distance A G of the Center of Oſcillation from the Axis of Motion in the Pendulum AB. And therefore a Method is hence obvious of finding the faid Point G, or Diftance A G in any Body whatſoever, viz. by taking a ſingle Pendulum F C that ſhall vibrate in the fame Time. 1129. From the above Definition of the Center of Ofcillation, it is eaſy to underſtand that it is the very fame with the Center of Percuffion in the Body or Rod A B, for fince the Point G is that in which the Forces of all the Particles are united to gene- raté Motion in the Body, and the Center of Percuſſion is that in which alone the Motion of the Body can be all deftroyed (1090;) it neceffarily follows, they are both one and the fame Point; and therefore if A B be of an uniform Figure, it will be ifo- chronal (or vibrate in the fame Time) with the common Pen- dulum FC AG AB, (1099.) 1130. 621 INSTITUTIONS 1130. From what has been premiſed concern- ing the Center of Ofcillation, 'twill be eafy to folve the following Problem, viz. Any Body B being fixed to the End of an inflexible Line CB void of Gravity, 'tis required to find the Diſtance of the Cen- ter of Ofcillation, when another Body A is fixed to the fame Line, fuch that the Pendulum compounded of thofe two given Bodies, fhall perform its Vibrations in the leaft Time poffible. Let CB = a, CA — x, and CD=n, the Diſtance of the common Cen- ter of Oſcillation, which must be a Minimum by the Condition of the Problem ; now 12 a a В + x x A (1094,) whofe Fluxion muft there- 2 x x a A B + x² x A² C D B A a B+ x A a a x A B fore be 2, a B+x A which will give x x + 2a B A a a B A ; whence by compleating the Square, and extracting the Root, we fhall find x = ✔ A B+ B B - a B 2 A 1131. Having thus found x CA, if we fubftitute its Va- a A = a a В + x x A lue in the Equation ʼn — the Distance CD of B aВ+xA' the Center of Ofcillation of the compound Pendulum becomes known, and thus any fingle Pendulum of the Length CD-n, will vibrate in the fame Time with the compound one. 1132. Since the Lengths of Pendulums will alter with Heat and Cold (as we fhall hereafter fhew by the PYROMETER) the Times of their Vibrations will vary alſo on that Account (1116,) and therefore when applied to Clock-work and other Ufes, the Compound Pendulum will be preferable to the fingle one, in as much as the Body A may be confidered as a Corrector of the Motion of the Pendulum CB, fince its Center of Ofcillation D may be always kept on the fame Point by moving the Ball A up or down by Means of a Screw on the Rod CD. But in this Cafe great Skill and Caution will be required for a proper Adjuftment. 1133. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 63 1133. Hence it appears, the Nature of the Pendulum (of any Sort) conftitutes it one of the beft Kind of CHRONOME- TERS, or Inftrument for measuring Time; and alfo by this Means it is applicable to fome Cafes of ALTIMETRY, LONGI- METRY, &c. and thofe too, where Trigonometry is either wholly deficient, or cannot be ſo eaſily applied. It moreover ferves for the Meaſure of Forces of Percuffion, Refiftance, Velocity, &c. and in fuch Cafes where the common Methods of Art will fail us, and which yet make the moſt effential and fundamen- tal Part of the genuine Theory of GUNNERY. The PENDULUM is alfo the only Original and Philofophical STANDARD of Mea- fure of LENGTH; and if the Length of the Pendulum vibra- ting Seconds, had at firft been made the STANDARD YARD, to all Nations, we fhould have had no Doubt about their other Meaſures, or Dimenfions, which now lie involved in the grea- teſt Uncertainty and Obſcurity; all thefe Particulars will fully appear in the Sequel of this Work. CHA P. IX. The Phyfico-Mechanical PRINCIPLES of BALIS- TICS, or the Doctrine of PROJECTILES applied to the Solution of all Cafes in GUN- NERY. 1134. IN N uniform Motion, or that whofe Velocity is always the fame, if the Time (T) be given, the Space (S) paffed over will be as the Velocity (V); and if the Velocity be given, the Space will be as the Time; but if neither the Time nor Velocity be given, the Space defcribed will be as the Product or Rectangles under both, viz. S: :: TV: tv. This we have largely fhewn (971, &c.) 1135. If the Motion be not uniform and equable, but ac- celerated by a continual Action of the Force which generates the Motion; and this continual Action of the Force be equa- ble and uniform, or in every Moment the fame, then will the Velocity 64 INSTITUTIONS Velocity be equably and uniformly accelerated, or increaſe e- qually with the Time, and will therefore be proportional to the Time; and this is the Cafe of Bodies falling by their Weight or Gravity, which near the Earth's Surface is every where the fame. Therefore in this Sort of Motion T:t:: V: v. 1136. Now though in reſpect of any large Interval of Time, the Motion of falling Bodies is accelerated, yet in the fluxionary Moments of Time the Acceleration is fo fmall or inconſidérable, that with respect to any proximate Moments the Motion may be eſteemed equable; and confequently the Space deſcribed in thoſe Moments will be as the Rectangle under the Moments or Fluxion of the Time and Velocity, that is, ŝ s =tv(1134.) Alfo fince T:t:: V: v; we have t T fo i= V T have s T V v; and , which if fubftituted for i in siv, we fhall vvv; and therefore S = t T 2 V vv. Whence the Space defcribed by a Body falling freely by its Gravity, is always propor- tional to the Square of the Velocity, fince T and V are given Quan- tities. This agrees with what was ſhewn in (991, &c.) T V v, 'tis plain the D I 1137. Since t Motion is rectilinear, and the Space de- fçended fuch as may be reprefented by a Triangle, one of whofe Sides repre- ſents the Time, the other the Velocity. Thus, if the Triangle A BC repreſent the Space defcended through in any gi- ven Time A B, and BC be the Velocity acquired at the End of that Time; then will the Triangle ADE be the Space de- ſcribed in the Time A D (992,) and DE be the Velocity acquired in that Time. น E C (parallel to BC) will And fo the Triangle A B C (S): A DE (s) : : A B² (T²): AD² (t²) : : B C² (V²) : 2 Dɲ (v²). And therefore A B (T): AD (t) : : BC (V) : DE (v); (671) which gives the Equation, expreffing the Nature of a Triangle, as above. 1138. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 65 1138. Hence we may eaſily compare the Spaces paſs'd thro' by a Body moving with an accelerated Velocity in the Time A B, and afterwards with an uniform Velocity, equal to the laft acquired Velocity B C, in the fame Time. For the Flux- ion of the latter Space is st VD dg G; and the Fluxion of the Former, or that defcribed by the accelerate Velocity, is s = T V T 2 V vi =D de E, whofe Fluents t V and v v are the Spaces themſelves; but fince by the Suppofition T=t, and Vv; therefore t V: = T 2 V v v :: V: 2 T V V : T V V : : 2 : 1. That is, the Space deſcribed by the equable Motion is to that by the accelerate, in the fame Time, as 2 to 1; or as the Rectangle ABCF to the Triangle ABC. (See 993.) 1139. If the Times are not in the fimple Ratio of the Ve- locities, but as any Power t" to any Power v"; that is, if t": m m v”, and ſo t:v″; then fince this is a Ratio expreffing the Na- ture of a Paraboliform Figure, 'tis evident the Motion will now be Curvilinear; and the Tract which the Body deſcribes will be the Curve of fome Kind of Parabola. If n = 1, and m = 2, then t:v²; or AD: DE', then will the Curve A EC which the Body will defcribe, be that of the common Parabola. If n = 1, and m = 3, then will t: v³; and the Curve will be that of the cubical Parabola. If n = 2, and m = 3; then t² : 3 v³, or t: v2, and the Curve will be that of the Semicubical Pa- > rabola; and fo of others in infinitum. 1140. Here alfo, the Space defcri- bed is repreſented by the Parabolic A- rea A B C, which is to the Space ABCF defcribed by an equable Mo- tion in the fame Time A B, and with the laſt Velocity BC, as 2: 3, or as nin+m, as we have before fhewn (827.) 1141. This accelerated Motion in the Curve of a Parabola is the fame with the TL A HG F I E K D B с Motion of a PROJECTILE. For if the Body be projected (as VOL. II. K from 66 INSTITUTIONS from a Cannon) from the Point A, in the horizontal Direction AF, it will proceed with an equable Motion; and therefore the Spaces AH, AG, AF will be as the Times of defcribing them; but while the Body is going from A towards F, it is con- ſtantly acted upon by Gravity, and drawn downwards towards the Earth's Center, and therefore in a Direction A B, perpen- dicular to AF; by which Means the Motion towards F is not at all impeded. 1142. Therefore fuppofe in the Time it would by the equa- ble Motion arrive at F, it defcends by its Gravity through the Space AK, then drawing KI parallel to A F, and HI to A B, 'tis evident by this compound Motion the Body will be found at the End of the Time AH in the Point I. But AH, the Time, is as✔AK, the Space defcribed by the accelerated Motion, or A K is as A H², or KI, confequently the Point I is in the Curve of a common Parabola (740, &c.) and the fame may be proved of all the other Points E, C. Therefore the Path of a Projectile is the Apolonian Parabola. 1143. If the Projection be not in the Horizontal Direc- tion, but in oblique Direction AN, then alſo will the Curve or Path of the Projectile A EM be that of a Parabola, as is demonftrable in the very fame Manner, as before in the other Cafe. 1144. As the equable Mo- tion, or that in the Direction N I F GⓇ H E A M B of the Ordinate KI, is in the Point A and every where the fame; but the accelerate Motion, or that in the Direction of the Abſciſs A K, is nothing in the Point A, but there begins and conftantly encreaſes; it must happen at fome Point in the Curve that the Velocity of the accelerate Motion is equal to the Velo- city of the equable Motion, viz. there where the Fluxion of the Ordinate and Abfcifs are equal. Which Point is thus eafily de- termined from the Equation of the Curve px=yy; which, in Fluxions, is p≈ 2yỳ, and making ✰ =y, we have p≈ 2 y, j, = or of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 67 ory; therefore y ypppx; hence x = ÷ p = AK; whence K is the Focus of the Parabola. 1145. Hence, if in the Axis produced, we take AL=*= of the Parameter of the Point A, then will the Point L be the Altitude, from which if a Body fall, it will in the Point A acquire fuch a Velocity, that if it be from thence reflected in the Direction AF, it will defcribe the given Parabola AEC. 1146. Now fince it requires the fame Force to project a Body from the Point A to the Altitude L, as the Body will acquire in the Point A, by falling from the faid Altitude L, it follows, that this Altitude is given from the Time of the Af- cent and Deſcent of the Ball projected perpendicularly up- wards from the Muzzle of the Cannon; and conſequently the Trajectory or Curve which the Ball will defcribe, when projec- ted with the fame Charge of Powder in any Direction A F whatſoever, will be given alfo; and the Solution of the common Problems of Gunnery very eaſy. L i E F H E IK Κ C F H E I A D B B M. M 1147. Thus, for Example, if about A L as a Diameter you defcribe the Semicircle A K L; then as AL is the Mea- ſure of the Effect of the direct Force of the given Charge; fo the Chord of the Circle A H will meaſure or repreſent the Effect of the ſame Charge in the oblique Direction AH. For the direct is to the oblique Force, as Radius AL to the Sine AH of the Angle of Incidence ALH = HAD; as is evident from the Refolution of compound Forces, (1027, &c.) 1148. Now fince A H is as the Force of the Engine in that oblique Direction, fo this may be refolved by two o- thers, K 2 68 INSTITUTIONS thers, viz. HD perpendicular to the Horizon, and AD pa- rallel to the fame. Therefore will HD BE, be the grea- teft Height to which the Ball will rife in that Projection; and 4 A DA M, the horizontal Diſtance, Random, or Amplitude thereof. For fince AL: AH:: AH: HD; the Height to which the Ball will rife with the Celerity HD is to the Height it will rife with the Celerity AH, as HD² AH: HD: AL; but AL is the Height with the Cele- rity A H; therefore HD is the Height with the Celerity HD. Again, the horizontal Velocity AD, being uniform, will carry the Body through twice the horizontal Distance AD in the Time it will rife to the Altitude H or E; and therefore thro' four times AD, while it afcends and defcends thro' the Alti- tude D H or B E. 1149. But thefe Matters are beft inveſtigated by Fluxions, in the Method de Maximis & Minimis, by finding the Rela- tion of the Abfcifs AD to the Ordinate D I. In order to which let Radius, Sine, and Cofine, of the Angle of Elevation HAD be called 1, s, &c. and put A D = x. AD تان C: I ::: C =AH. And c :s::x: SX = DH. C Then will 1150. Alſo let mSpace which the Body would deſcribe by an equable Velocity in the Timet, and n = Space it would deſcend by its own Gravity in that Time. Then m:t X C 7722 c² : i x mc : 7: = Time of defcribing A H= And as ²: nx x² m² c² C HI, the Space through which the Body defcends in the fame Time. (1136.) 1151. Hence DH-HI= 5x nx2 C m² c² c m² s x x² 12 m² cz =DI, which is to be determined to a Maximum, by making its Fluxion csm² x 2 12 x x m² c² =2nx; and therefore x = a Maximum, and BE jection. o, (S18.) which gives cs m² c s m² A B, becauſe now DI is 2n s² m² the Height of the Pro- 4 n 1152. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. ·69 1152. If we make DI — c m² s x n x² =0; then c5 m² m² c² csm² nx; and therefore : - = AM, the Amplitude of 72 stm will become = the Time n the Projection. And then tx m C of the whole Projection. 1153. If we make the Angle H AD a Right one, then will AH coincide with A L, and AL will be the Height, or Im- petus of the perpendicular Projection, and will be equal to m² 4 n > s² m² becauſe in this Cafe sI in the Expreffion of the Height 4 n 7722 4 1 1154. If now we put AL= = a; then will the Height of the Projection in the Direction AH be B Eas², and the Amplitude A M=4acs. And fince I:s::a: sa=AH; therefore I :c::sa:acs=AD sa: ac s = A D = ÷ AM, as was ſhewn be- fore, (1148.) 1155. Hence 'tis plain the greateſt Random or Amplitude will be AM, made upon the Elevation AK, of an Angle KAD=45°, because then AD becomes a Maximum, or equal to CK, and the Height of the Projection will be BE — ACALAM; and therefore the horizontal Ran- dom AM is in this Cafe the Parameter, and B the Focus of the Parabola A E M. 1156. In this Cafe only the Perpendicular HD touches the Circle in the Point K; in every other Cafe it will interfect it in two Points H, H, which therefore give two Elevations AH, A H, for ftriking the fame Object M on the Horizon, either of which may be taken as the Exigence of the Cafe fhall require. 1157. There is, befides the above, another Method very con- cife and fimple, and yet general for all Cafes in the Science of BALISTICS, by Means of the Tangent instead of the Sine and Cofine of the Angle of Elevation as before. AL = a, the Velocity of the Projection will Thus, put be as a (1145.) 7༠ INSTITUTIONS Xr * (1145) Alfo let A H=t, and HI. Then for the Di- rection A H we have t: 2 z::a: (992.) Whence 2 =40%, I √ ≈ z 1158. Again in the Triangle AD H, we have Radius: Tangent :: 1 ::: AD: DH, and putting A D = x, and DI=y, we have DHnx; and HIDH—DI=nx y= 2. 1159. Alfo A H² HD2+A D²; that is, t²x² + n² x². Hence ² + n² x² = 4 a z, (1156;) and therefore & nx y = x² + n²x² 4a · (1157;) from whence we get 4 a n x — 4 ay = x² + n² x² = x² × 1 + n n. From hence the prin- cipal Cafes of Gunnery are eaſily folved. 1160. CASE I. With a given Impetus (or Charge of Powder) a, to strike a given Point O, at a given horizontal Diſtance A B. Put A Bb, and OB = c; then will xb, and yc, and the Equation a- bove (1159,) will become IL H n n + i x b b = 4 nab. 4 ac, from whence we get the Tan- E gent of the re- quired Angle of Elevation n D B M F 2 a I b + √ 4 a² 4 ac b². b Whence it appears there are two fuch Angles or Pofitions of the Cannon that may be taken, agreeable to (1156.) 1161. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 71 1161. If the Point O be in the Horizon, then OВ=c=e, and n n = 22±√4a²-6²; and if O be below the Ho- b + I b rizon, it will be negative, or c; and then n = 2 a b + ✓ 4a² + 4ac-bb. In every Cafe 4 a a muſt be equal to, or greater than 4 ac + bb, elſe the radical Quantity will be ne- gative and render the Solution impoffible. 1162. CASE II. To find the Elevation that ſhall produce the greatest horizontal Ran- dom poffible, with a given Charge of Powder. Here we have A M≈✯ 4 n nn + I Xa, whofe Fluxion or n = ✔ I=1, and fhews madeo, will give n² = 1, that the Angle fought is 45°, (as in 1155.) 1163. CASE III. To find the Charge of Powder requifite to strike the given Point ○ on a given Elevation of the Piece. nn + I In this Cafe we have 4nb-40 bba, which gives the Ve- locity of the Ball at the Muzzle of the Gun, (1146.) 1164. If we make the Fluxion of this Value of (a) = 0, it will give n✔bb+cc; and if this be ſubſtituted for n, in the foregoing Equation, we ſhall have a = 1/2 c + 1/3/ bb + c c, the leaft Charge of Powder that will throw the Ball on the given Object 0. 1165. Join A O= √ b b + c c; then fince the leaft Im- petus a AL = ÷ BO ÷ ÷AO; if inOB continued out we — take O C = AO; then B C is the Tangent of the Angle BAC, and AC the Elevation of the Mortar, for ftriking the given Object O̟ with the leaft Charge. For Radius: Tangent :: 1: 7:: 72 INSTITUTIONS n : : b ( = A D) : c + √ b b + c (=BO + O C) whence n= c + √ b b + c c b as before. 1166. In this Cafe, fince AO-OC, the Angle OAC = OCA, and fince B C and A L are parallel, the Angle AC B CAL; and therefore the Angle CALCA B, whence it is evident, the Line of Direction AC bifects the Angle LAO. 1167. Therefore if E F be a reflecting plain Surface, placed on the Cannon, perpendicular to its Axis, and the Cannon be moved up and down, 'till an Eye placed over the Glafs, fees the Object O in the Pependicular AL (confidered as a Plumb- Line) then that will be the required Elevation of the Piece for ſtriking the Object O with the leaſt Charge. And this mecha- nical Method was firft invented, or obferved from the Theory by the late Dr. HALLEY. 1168. We might here largely infift on ftating the Ratios, and finding the Values of the Time, Direction, Height, Ampli- tude, Impetus, &c. of Projections; but as they are eaſily de- ducible from the foregoing Theorems, and we are not now on the practical Part of Gunnery, it will be befides our Purpoſe to dwell any longer on this Head. 1169. And eſpecially, if it be confidered, that this Theory of Projectiles in Vacuo is only of uſe in two Cafes, viz. of Swift Motions in Vacuo, fuch as thofe of the Planets; and Slow Motion in a Refifting Medium, as that of Spouting Fluids, &c. but for Swift Motion in a Refifting Medium, fuch as is that of a Bullet or Bomb in the Air, it can be of little or no Service; as we purpoſe to ſhew further on, when we ſhall treat profeffedly on the ELEMENTS of MILITARY PHILOSOPHY, and from thence deduce a NEW and GENUINE THEORY of GUNNERY, which though the moſt neceſſary, has hitherto been the leaſt improved Part of the MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, CHA P. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis, 73 CHA P. X. Of the PROJECTILE and CENTRAL FORCES by which Bodies defcribe CIRCLES, or any Species of Circular MOTION; a Comparison and Computa- tion of the FORCES, VELOCITIES and periodi- cal TIMES. 1170. LET C be any large attracting Body, A any leffer Body attracted by it at the Diſtance A C; again, fuppofe a projectile Force im- preſſed on the Body A in the Direction A H, perpendicular to A C, and in fuch Proportion to the attractive Force of C, as that the Body being at Liber- ty, and urged by both, may I M K G/O A H E F P N E D defcribe the Circle A F P B A about the central Body C. 1171. Let A F➡, be the fluxionary Arch deſcribed in the firſt Moment; and from F let fall the Perpendicular F E, FG, on the Right Lines AC, and A H; then will AG be to A E (=GF,) as the Projectile Force to the Attractive Force, at the Diſtance AC. Which latter Force is called the Centripetal Force, as being thereby carried towards the Center of Attrac- tion C. Draw the Radius CF and the Chords A F and B F, and put A C=x, and A B = d. Then by the Nature of the AF2 AB Circle, AB AF::AF: AE= : : Now becauſe the Sine FE, the Arch AF, the Chord AF, and the Tangent. A G are all equal to each other in their firft, or nafcent State; therefore AF2 AB ×× will in that Caſe be =*; whence ✰ d :::d:: the Centrifugal Force: the Projectile Force; and be- VOL. II. L caufe 74 INSTITUTIONS cauſe ¿ is infinitely leſs than d, therefore & the Projectile Force does infinitely exceed, the Central Force in circular Motion. 1172. In any other Circle ILD, the fame Things are re- preſented by Roman Symbols ż ż Z Z i i d = x; then we have ✰ : x 22:27; that is, the Central Forces in two different Circles, are d d as the Squares of the Projectile Forces, or circular Velocities applied to the Diameters of the Circles. [F, f, reprefent the Central Forces x, x. the circular Velocities ż, ż the periodical Times or Revo- lutions. the Diameters of the Circles, or Radii. V, v, T, t, 1173. Let D, d, P, t f V V Then will the Equation above. become d d Ꭰ Fvv I ; and fo F: f:: VV x :v v x that is, the For-. d D d -the Peripheries of the Circles. X Z ż x ż ż ces are as the Squares of the Velocities directly, and as the Diameters reciprocally, as before. 1174. If the Bodies I and A fo move as to deſcribe equal Areas in equal Times, (viz. ILC = ACP,) that is, if d'= dź, then ż:ż: :d:d; and fo 2 : 2² :: d² : d²; confequent- ༧ 2 ly :x:: * ( 2 d² d2 ::) d d d d d³: d³. That is, the Cen- trifugal Forces are reciprocally as the Cubes of the Diameters, (ox Radii) of the Circles. =v; 1175. If D=d, then F: f:: V²: v²; or the Forces are di- rectly as the Squares of the Velocities in the fame Circle. If V v; then F: f:: I I D' d ::d: D; or the Forces are inversely as the Diſtances or Diameters, when the Velocities are equal. 1176. Since the Motion in a Circle is equable, the Spâces will be as the Times; and therefore as V: P:: 1:T; hence P √d* TV = P, and fo V ===✔DF (becauſe ✰ = √ d* T 1171;) of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 75 I 1171;) therefore P² = T²DF = 3,1416 DD; whence TF = 3,1416 D; and fince 3,1416 is a conftant Quantity, we 2 fhall have F always as D T2 ; or F: f:: D d Tis that is the central Forces in different Circles will be as the Diameters directly, and reciprocally as the Squares of the periodical Times. 1177. When Tt, then Ff:: D: d; that is, when the periodical Times are equal, the central Forces are as the Diſtances from the Center directly. 1178. When D=d, F: f::t: T; or the Forces are re- ciprocally as the Squares of the periodical Times in the fame Circle. 1179. If F = f, then D T₂ d and fo Tt::D: V2 ✔ d; that is, the periodical Times are in the fubduplicate Ratio of the Distances, when the Forces are equal. Alfo then we have D and ſo V²: v³:: D: d; or the Squares of the Veloci- ties are then as the Diſtances directly from the Center. Hence alfo T:t(:: √D:√) :: V : v; that is, when the cent. Forces are equal in two different Circles, the periodical Times will be as the Celerities. 1180. Again; when Vv, we have T: t:: (P:p :) D d; that is, when the Velocities are equal, the periodical Times will be as the Diameters directly. And when Dd, then T:t::v : V; that is, in the fame Circle the Times will be inverſely as the Velocities. 1181. Since when Ff, we had T:t::✅✔✅D:✔✅✔✅d; and when Vv, we had T:t:: D: d; therefore when neither F, nor V are given, it will be T:t::DD:dd, or T² : ť³ : : D³ : d³; that is, the Squares of the periodical Times are univerfally as the Cubes of the Distances of Bodies circulating about the fame Center C. d 3 1182. Or thus more generally; let F: f:: D: dm :: I D T3 ; whence dm Dt=D" dT²; ord"-'t² = D-1 T³, and fo L 2 T: 76 INSTITUTIONS #--- I 771 T 171 I 112 T: t(:: d dz 2 :D 2 ::) D Dz : d 2. Now if mo; then T:t :: D: d: :D:✓; as before when F = f. When m=1, then T:t:: D° : d° : : 1 : I. viz. when the Forces are as the Diſtances, the Times of the Periods will be equal, in any Circles whatfoever. Laftly, if m2; then T:t:: 3 2 ³ : d², or T² : t² : : D³ : d³ ; but in this Cafe F: f::D-2 :d-²:: d²: D²; that is, when the centripetal Forces are in- verfely as the Squares of the Diſtances, then will the Squares of the periodical Times be as the Cubes of the Diſtances. And this is that univerfal Law of Nature which is found to obtain in the Mo- tions of all the heavenly Bodies. 1183. In the above Theorems and Analogies, we have ex- hibited the Ratios of the Forces, Velocities, and Times of Revolution in different Orbits, but to express them in their proper Meaſures for any given Orbit whofe Radius is r, we muft proceed in the following Manner: The Force is meaſured by the Velocity that may be uniformly generated in a given Time, 1. which let us expound by the Power r" (the n Power of the Radius (r.) Then the Diſtance through which a Body will free- ly defcend in the fame Time will be exprefs'd by (993.) Therefore if AF be an Arch deſcribed in the Time (t,) the Diſtance AE defcended in that Time, will be found by this T² × // r" Analogy; as 12: T² : : ; r" : 2 12 2 2 = AE (992.) 1184. Now from the Nature of the Circle, we have A F2 = T² t ABXAE= 2 ACXAE=2AEXAC=- xr= I 12 n + I T² get + I 12 therefore A F - ✔ T² p” + Txr 2 I = Space defcribed in the Circle in the Time t. 11 1185. But in equable Motions, the Spaces defcribed with a given Velocity (") will be as the Times (971;) therefore T: Tr n+1 2 " + I I :r 2 the true Meaſure of the Celerity in the Circle. This might have been deduced from (1173) where v = √ + f = √ rx p = y +¹ "+ 1 1186. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 77 1186. Then by putting 9 = 3,14159, &c. we fhall have # + I 4 2 :279 1:2qr cal Time. • ❤ I 2 the true Meaſure of the periodi- St 1187. To find the Space S through which a Body muſt de- fcend, to acquire the Velocity n+ I > we have r²n: jn + s r x gr2 Th = 2 n 71 p2 n 2n+1 //r": S = 2 = 1r (992.) The Velocity in the Circle therefore is acquired by a Defcent through half the Radius. 1188. To accommodate thefe Expreffions for Ufe; fuppofe the Force we ſpeak of be that of GRAVITY; then its Meaſure go2s=321 Feet, becauſe it is known by Experience, that 1/2 r" = 8 = 16 Feet for the Deſcent in the firft Second of 77 to I ΤΖ Therefore + = 2 sr, and r - Time. ✓ 2sr= the Velocity per Second, in any given Circle whofe Radius is (r.) 219 2 r 2rs: 2rq:: 1: = 9 S √2rs 1189. Again, T, the periodical Time, as is evident from (1186); becauſe 2r=D, the Diameter, and 2 r q = C = the Circumference of a Circle, therefore ✔Ds = Velocity, and 9 C S = peri- odical Time; which Expreffions are now in the moft fimple Forms. 1190. Suppoſe a Circle equal to 8000 Miles, or 42000000 Feet in Diameter, which is nearly equal to that of our Earth's Circum- ference, and the centripetal Force be equal to that of Gravity ; then will D = 42000000, and s = 16,083; and foVDs = 26000 Feet the Velocity; and q C S = 5075″ = 1¹: 24′ : 35″ nearly the periodical Time, at the Diſtance of the Earth's Sur- face. 1191. In any Circle, whofe Diameter is d, and t the Time of Revolution in Seconds, then the central Force in fuch a Circle may be compared with Gravity. For fince q C S T, 78 INSTITUTIONS Ꭰ d T, we have by (1176,) T T2 :: F: f, that is, (fuppofing Ds ď I : tt q C d Dstt q² d f, the Gravity, or F = 1) C central Force required. 1192. For Example, fuppoſe A a Ball of one Ounce, whirled about the Center C, fo as to defcribe the Circle A B DE, and each Revolu- tion be made in Half a Second; and let the Length of the Cord AC be two Feet. Then t = stt B D C and d 4, and 92 = 0,6136; $ therefore q² ď stt E 9,818 the central Force, or that by which D String A C is ſtretched, viz. 10 Ounces nearly. 1193. If the String and Ball be fuf- pended from a Point D, and defcribes in its Motion a conical Surface ADB; then putting DC = h, A C = r, and AD=g; and putting F = 1, the Force of Gravity, as before; then will the Body A be affected with three Forces, viz. Gravity acting in the Direction DC, a centrifugal Force, in the Direction CA, and the Tenfion of the String, or Force by which it is ftretched in the Direction DA; hence thefe, three Powers will be as the three Sides of the Triangle CAD refpectively, (1031) and therefore as CD ( = h) : A D (= 8) : : 1 : g) g b B C A Tenfion of the String com- pared with the Weight of the Body. 1194. And CD (= b): CA (= r) :: 1 : q² d I (1191,) that stt is, h:r:: 1 : 292 r whence 2q²r b stt =r, therefore 2 h × q² 1 stt 2 b stt; and fot = q have t = 1,108 √ to the periodical Time. or becauſe 292 1,2272, we S 1195. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 79 1195. We farther obferve, that stt=S= the Space any Body defcends in the Time t, fince 12: t²:: s: S (992, ) therefore fince 2 h x q² = s t t x 12, we have 13: q² (= 3,141597): : 2h: (stt) S; that is, as the Square of the Diameter is to the Square of the Periphery of any Circle, fo is twice the Height of the Cone to the Space through which a heavy Body will defcend in the Time of one Revolution. 1196. Since the mean Diſtance of the Moon is nearly 60 Semidiameters of the Earth, or 1257696000 Feet; if C be the Earth and A the Moon, (Fig. to 1170) then willAB=251539200; and the Circumference of her Orbit A F B A = 7897834380, which is deſcribed in 278 : 7h : 43′ = 2360580″. Hence the Feet paffed over in one Second will be 3346 AFV. 11128976 Therefore A F² = 11128976; whence = 0.00443 = = 2515392000 AE, the Diſtance through which the Moon would defcend in the Time of one Second, if the circular Motion were to ceaſe. Now on the Earth's Surface Bodies defcend in the fame Time 16,14 Feet; but 0,0c443: 16,14::: 3643; which is very near as I to 3600, the Squares of the Diſtances from the Earth's Center reciprocally; and therefore confirms the Law of central Forces above laid down (1182.) 1197. Again, fince T2: t²:: D3 d³, we have as D³- 60³ d³ 13: T² = 2360580"/2: : = 2360580 60 32 = t = 83': 53″, the periodical Time at the Earth's Surface, nearly the fame as in (1190.) t² 1198. And fince when Dd, we had T2 t2: f: F; therefore as 24h 1440, the Square of the Time of the Earth's diurnal Rotation is to 84, the Square of the periodi- cal Time when the Force is equal to Gravity, fo is 1 to I or fo is 293,8 to I 293,8' of the Earth arifing from the Rotation. Hence the centrifugal Force, viz. that by which Bodies endeavour to fly off from the Earth's Surface directly from its Center, is to Gravity, nearly as 1 to 293,8 under the Equator. the central Force on the Surface 1199. 80 INSTITUTIONS 1199. But at all Diſtances from the Equator to the Pole, this centrifugal Force continually diminiſhes in the Ratio of the Velocities of the Places (1177); but theſe Velocities are as the Diſtances from the Earth's Axis, or as the Co-fines of the Latitude; therefore the centrifugal Force isevery where to Gra- vity as the Co-fine of the Latitude to 293,8; the Radius being = 1. 1200. Let AFB, and ILD be the Orbits the Moon deſcribes about the Earth and Sun (Fig. to 1170); then will the Semidiame ters of thoſe Orbits be A C = 240000, and IC= 80000000; and if we put the Earth's annual Revolution, or periodical Time =1, then will that of the Moon be 27,3 365 0.0748; the Squares of which Times will be 1, and 0,005594. And there- fore fince F: f:: D d T₂ t² ; we have 82000000 240000 : I 0,005594 80000000 : 43800000 :: 800: 438 :: F: f. That is, the Gravity of the Moon to the Sun is to its Gravitation to the Earth, as 800 to 438, or as 1,82 to I nearly. 1201. Laftly, we may compare in this Manner the centrifugal Forces arifing from the diurnal and annual Motions of the Earth, for the Times are, as 1 to 365, whofe Squares are 1 and 133125; and the Diſtances in Semidameters of the Earth are, as I to D d 20500 20500; therefore F: f:: T₂ tz 133125 :1:: 15: 100. And fuch are the Forces arifing from the annual and diurnal Motions of the Earth, by which Bodies endeavour to fly off from its Surface. } 1202. What we have faid may fuffice for the Doctrine of circular Motion and central Forces; in which, I prefume, we have been as full and as plain as the Nature of the Subject will admit; for this is a Species of Knowledge of great Delicacy as well as Uſe; and is to be reckoned among the firſt Principles of Aftronomy, and fome other Sciences. We next proceed to confider the Curves, or Trajectories, that will be deſcribed by a Body urged with different projectile Forces, compounded with a given centripetal Force. 1 СНАР. . } of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 81 CHA P. XI. The general DOCTRINE of TRAJECTORIES, or ORBITS defcribed about a CENTER, by a Given FORCE tending thereto, and compounded with a variable PROJECTILE FORCE: Alſo of the Proportionality of AREAS and the TIMES in which they are defcribed. 1203. HAVING difpatched the Doctrine of Circular Motion, where both the Projectile and Centripetal Forces were given, or conftant Quantities, in every Part of the Curve; we will now confider one of them, (viz. the Pro- jectile Force) as variable, while the other remains the fame, and obſerve from thence the different Kinds of Trajectories, or Curves, that a Body impelled by fuch a Compofition of Forces will deſcribe about a given Center. And fince at any Diſtance from the Center the Projectile Force, by which it may deſcribe a Circle, is given (1187.) therefore that Force may be made the Standard for Compariſon, by which the Quantity of other Forces whereby other Curves are defcribed may be difcovered; as we ſhall ſhew in the following eaſy and perfpicuous Me- thod. 1204. Let a Body be projec- BCDFG X Hó ted from the Point A, with S KLM N ſuch a Velocity AC=1, as com- pounded with the centripetal Force A E, may cauſe it to de- P 9 foribe a Circle AKP about the Q T R Sun, or Center of Force S. Then let it be projected from VOL. II. M the 82 INSTITUTIONS the fame Point, and in the fame Direction A X, with any o- ther Degree of Velocity AD≈n, to determine the Conic Sec- tion, or Curve it will deſcribe. By Suppofition A X is perpendicular to A S, let Eab be drawn parallel to A X, cutting the Circle and Curve in the Points a and b. Put A Sd; the Semi-tranfverfe Diameter a, the Semi-conjugate b; and A Ex. Then will 24 x = b y= Ea in the Circle; and -✔ 2 a x + x x xxy= yEb, in the Conic Section. Ordinates E a and E b, z. a F x x x √20 x 2 a x I xx a Now the Fluxions of the d — x x x √2d and X a x x will be as the Velocities in every Point of Curves in the Direction A X; but thefe Fluxions are as d X b and - X a = x (dividing each by 2 d a √2a + x ✓ X and therefore when A Exo, then the Ratio of theſe Fluxions will become d √2 d b a b X or as " a ✓ 2 2 a in the Point A. Confequently✔d: b I:n; and ſo n a b b b = and therefore n n d= Whence n n ad= a a b b b bb. But fince in the Equation above,✓2 axxx=y= a a (whenx=d,) (766) therefore 2 addd=bb=nnad; whence a I d = 21 n ; and b I nd 2 Having therefore the Di- 72 72 2 ameters 20, and 2b, we have the Conic Section given in Specie. b b 1205. Since in the Ellipfe 2 a-d= == ; and in the Hyper- b b bola 2a + d = ; and in the Parabola 2 à — d b b d = Infini- ty: Therefore it is evident, that putting n n = AF² = 2, the of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 83. 1 the Equation above for (a), will be a = I d о ; whence a is infi- nite; and therefore the Curve defcribed with a Velocity in the Vertical Point, which is as V2, will be a PARABOLA A MR. 1206. If nn be lefs than 2, then it is plain that a will be affirmative, and b negative, or + a, and-b; and therefore the Curve defcribed will be an ELLIPSIS. If n be greater than 1, that is, if Eb A D, be greater than E a A C, then will the Ellipfis ALQ be without the Circle, and the Sun, or Center of Force in the upper Focus. But if n be less than 1, or Eb AC AB less than E a = A C = 1, : n then will the Ellip-- fis AIO be deſcribed within the Circle, and have the Sun or Center of Force S in its lower Focus. Laftly, when » = 0, the Body A will defcend in a right Line A S to the Sun S. 1207. If nn be greater than 2, then will d be affirmative, or +d; and confequently the Curve A NT deſcribed will be an HYPERBOLA. 1208. Hence it appears, that the Curves defcribed with all Degrees of Velocity n, between 0 and 2, will be ELLIP- SES, (for the Circle defcribed with the Velocity n = 1, is really one Species of Ellipfes) and all the Velocities from 2 to In- finity will produce Trajectories of the hyperbolic Kind, by a Centrifugal Force. The PARABOLA with the Velocity= ✔2 being the common Limit between them; and where the Centripetal becomes a Centrifugal Force, or where Gravity may be faid to be changed into Levity. 1209. In any determinate Orbit, defcribed as abovemen- tioned, the Areas generated by a right Line connecting the Center and revolving Body, will always be proportional to the Times in which they are deſcribed; the Velocity in any Part of the Orbit; the Times of defcribing equal Parts, or Arches; and the Expreffion of centripetal Force every where, may all be determined and demonftrated in a general Manner, as fol- lows. 1210. Let S be an immoveable Center of Force or Attrac- tion, and A any Body, urged by a Projectile and Centripe- tal Force conjointly. In the Point A let the Projectile Force M 2 be 84 INSTITUTION S be fuch, as would carry the Body through the Space A B in an indefinite fmall Particle of Time; then in the fame Time it would deſcribe BFA B, were it not drawn from the Tangent AF to fome other Point C, by the Centripetal Force F C, acting in a Direction parallel to BS. In like Manner, in the Third equal Particle of Time, it would de- ſcribe CH CB, but is drawn to the Point D by the Cen- tripetal Force HD in a Direction parallel to CS; and fo on. 1211. Now all thefe tri- angular Areas AS B, BSC, CSD, DSE, &c. defcribed about the Center S in equal Times, are equal to each o- ther. For joining SF, the Triangle A S B is equal to the Triangle B SF, as being upon equal Baſes and of the fame per- pendicular Altitude. (635) Alſo the Triangles BSF BSC; as being both on the fame Baſe BS, and between the fame Parallels BS and CF; there- fore the Triangles ASB = BSC. In the fame Manner the Triangle CSD is proved I E F H C B 4 S equal to BSC, and therefore to ASB; and fo of all the Reft; whence the Propofition is evident. 1212. Hence, when the Particles of Time, or the Spaces. A B, B C, &c. are taken infinitely ſmall, the Polygon A B C DE, &c. will become a Curve; and the Areas defcri- bed by any Radius AS will be always proportional to the Times of their Deſcription. x bb, 1213. Alſo, becauſe in equal Triangles HB = b b, whofe Bafes B, b, are unequal, thofe Bafes are reciprocally as their Heights H, h, (viz. B: b::b: H;) it follows, that the Velocities in every Part of the Orbit of the revolving Body are reciprocally as the Perpendiculars let fall from S to the Tangenis of the Orbit in thofe Points. #214. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 85 1214. 2 And becauſe Triangles upon equal Bafes are as their Altitudes, (viz. HB:bB::H:h;) it follows, that the Times in which equal Parts, or Arches of the Orbit are defcri bed, are directly as thoſe Perpendiculars to the Tangents. 1215. Draw A G, GC, parallel to BC, BF; then will BG=FC, or be as the Centripetal Force in the Point B, and becauſe the Diagonal A C biſects B G in Q, and this is every where the Cafe; therefore in every Part of the Orbit the Centripetal Force will be as the Sagitta BQ of the indefinitely Small Arch A B C. 1216. From what has been faid, it follows, that every Body which moves in a Curve about an immoveable Point S, fo that by a Radius drawn to that Point, it defcribes Areas proportional to the Times, I fay, fuch a Body is urged by a Centripetal Force tending to that Point. For fuch a Body in the Point B is drawn from the Tangent by a Force which acts in the Direction of a Line parallel to CF, that is, in the Direction BS; and in the Point C it acts in fome Line parallel to HD, viz. in the Line CS; and therefore in every Point, it acts in Lines tending to the Center S. 1217. But if the Areas are not proportional to the Times, 'tis evident that CF, HD, &c. are not parallel to BS, CS, &c. and therefore the Direction of the Centripetal Force is not to the fixed Point S; but to fome other uncertain and variable Point, on this Side or that, as the Areas defcribed in equal Times increaſe or decreaſe, as is evident from the Con- ſtruction of the Figure. CHA P. 86 INSTITUTIONS CHA P. XII. A Determination of the LAW of the Centripetal Force, tending to a given Point any where placed in the Axis of a CONIC SECTION, by which the Curve pertaining thereto may be de- fcribed. 1218. T O determine what the Law of the Centripetal Force muſt be, that if the Point to which it tends be placed any where in the Axis of a Conic Section, the Body fhall be made to defcribe the Curve proper thereto, is a Pro- blem of the greateſt Importance, and may be folved either by Lineal Geometry, or by Fluxions. In the firſt Way it has been often done, but it is moft general and expeditious in the Lat- ter, which here follows. } 1219. Let VAB be a Part of the Curve, TV C its Axis, C the Center, S a Point in the Axis to which the revolving Body tends, A the Place of the Body, A B the Arch deſcribed in an indefinite ſmall Part of Time; AD=y, an Ordinate, VD = x, the Abfcifs belonging thereto, A T a Tangent, and AS the Diſtance of the Body; DH a Line drawn parallel to AS. Let VSd, AS=z; the Semi-tranfverfe Di- ameter (a,) the Semi-conjugate (b;) and let the Abfcifs V D (x) flow uniformly, fo that its Fluxion A a, may bẹ conftant; while the Fluxion of the Ordinate AD, viz. Ba j, is variable. I220. Then the Equation of the Conic Section being a a 2 a x x x = yy (767,) we have 2 a x 2 x x = a a bb bb a² y y 2yj; and fox - Alſo Ae: eg::AD:TD; a bz + b² x x y that is, jx : : y نو TD=(* 干 ​X 3/ =TD, the Sub-tangent. Therefore a² ÿ a” I TD = (x = - b b x ) ======= I a F x abz X 2 a x I x x = X a b² b² x 2 a x + x x a F ť a x 1221. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 87 B H A a T C V D d S Q X A + x 1221, Again, DT-VD=VT= ax ; TS therefore T S = a F x 2 a x + × × a = x by Reaſon of the fimilar Triangles TSA, and TD H, we =) +d= a F x a x + ad I d x Idx ; and a x + ad I d x 2 ax + xx have T S = :ASZ:: DT= a = x a Ix Z × 2 a x = x² :DH= a x + a d = d x ac a c y x dx and fo Bej + 1222. And lastly, DS d-x: DAy:: A a = : yx dx now the Triangle Bbc is fimilar to Scd, and therefore to SAD, whence SA:SD::Bc: Bb; and fo SA x B b j d ~ j x + y x 2 2 SD x B c 2 Area of the Triangle AS B, which is the Fluxion of the Area S V A, or the Space that is uniformly deſcribed in the fame Time with x. x j d − j x + y * d- b 1223. And becauſe y = √2axxx, we have j a b x x a = x a b x x ; and j = ; therefore theſe Va- a√ 2a x ✔2ax + 3 x x j it to this Expreffion lues of y and fubftituted in the above found Area, will bring z a √ 2 a x + x x for the Time of b x × a x + ad ‡ d x defcribing 88 INSTITUTIONS defcribing the conftant Space ; or, if a = x = m, and 2 a x − x x = n, the faid Area or Time will be abridged to b x x a x + d m this Form 2 an 1224. Then fince the Body arrives at the Point A with the Velocity in the Direction of the Axis V S, and with the Velo- city y in the Direction of the Ordinate DA; let DA be continued on, and take AC = j in the Point A, and compleat the Pa- rallelogram e a. And fince the Abfcifs flows uniformly, the Body will arrive at the Point with a Velocity which will ſtill be as x, or the Space A a uniformly deſcribed in that Time in the Direction VS: But the Velocity with which it arrives at B in the Direction dB or AD is different from j, or Ae; and is ÿ 9 Ba, and fo j-Baq=Bg, which differential Quantity being the Variation of the Fluxion j, will be the fe- cond Fluxion of y, or ÿBg= a b x x 2 ax = x x = 2 a b x² n v n and therefore will be as the Space paffed over in the Direction AD or dB, in the fame Time with by a uniform Velocity, gene- rated in that Time in the Fluxion j. 1225. Since then we have the Space the indefinite Particle of Time a b x 2 12 V 12 paffed over in > we can find b x x a x + dm 2 an the Space paffed through in the conftant Particle of Time 1, in the Direction DA, by the following Analogy of the Squares of the Times to the Spaces, viz. As a b xz 4 a3 d m 2 2 6² +² xax+ d m 4 a² 112 2 : 1 =Space defcribed in the n ✓ n b √ n x a x + given Particle of Time 1, by the Velocity that is uniformly generated in that Time in the Body A, in the Direction A D. 1226. Laftly, fince the Spaces run over in equal Times are as the Velocities, and the Velocities as the Forces by which they are generated; 'tis evident, the Force by which the Body is urged in the Direction AD muſt be every where, or in any given Particle of Time, proportional to the Space 483 of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 89 4 a³ 2 which Diſtance or Force let be repre- b v n x a x + d m ſented by A k, and through k draw i parallel to the Tangent T A. Then will the Force A k be refolved into the two For- ces ki, and Ai; of which the Latter is in the Direction of A S, and therefore the fame with the Centripetal Force by which the Body A tends to S, in every equal or given Mo- ment of Time. And becauſe the Triangle A ki is fimilar to Dkl, and therefore to A DH, we have the following Ana- logy for the Expreffion of the Force Ai, viz. As AD= b n Z n :DH = a a x + d m 4 a4 Z b² × a x + d m 1227. Becauſe 3 4 a³ b √ n x a x + d m = Ai, the Centripetal Force required. 4 a4 b b is a conftant Quantity, the ſaid Centri- petal Force will be every where as AS DC3 x TS Z 3 Z a x + dm³ ax + ad I d x ; becauſe DC=ax. 1228. If now we fuppofe da, or V S = V C, then will the Center of Force be in the Center of the Curve, and in the Ellipfis we have Z a x + da — d x - 3 (becauſe we may put a = 1.) a is negative, or a, we have a a² + ax = Z Z ax+aa- 3 во 6 a a x Alfo in the Hyperbola, becauſe A X - da + dx = ax — a²; and fo the Force will in this Cafe alfo be as Z. In the Parabola, a will be infinite, and a x and ± dx will vaniſh out of the Equation, and leave only Z Z : z, as a ď before. And therefore in every Section the Force will be di- rectly as the Diſtance S A. 1229. If the Center of Force be in the Vertex of the Curve V, then do; and the Force will be every where as 2 When the Ellipfis becomes a Circle, then x = (660,) VOL. II. N 2. and 90 INSTITUTIONS and the Force is every where as 8a3 or inverſely as the fifth Power of the Diſtance from the Vertex. But if the Center S be removed to an infinite Diftance, then will the Force be as Z I Z Z X but 3 3 a d I d x d =1, as being each in- a+x finite and equal; whence, in this Cafe, the Force will be every where as I DC3 1230. If the Center of Force be placed in the Focus of the Section; then (per Conics) we ſhall have A S✔ AD²+DS³ a x + a d = dx : I Z Z Q z; and therefore Z a x + ad I d x 3 Force A i; That is, the Centripetal Force is every where inverſely as the Square of the Diſtance, when the Center of Force is in the Focus of the Section. And this is the Cafe with reſpect to the Sun and Planets, and eſpecially the Comets, whoſe Orbits are very eccentric Ellipfes. 1231. From the above Demonftrations, we may obſerve the following Particulars, viz. that when the Center of Force S was fuppofed in the Center of the Curve, then the Force was every where as the Diſtance z, which was demonſtrated alfo of the Circle; when, in different Circles, the periodical Times are equal; whence the perisdical Times alſo in fimilar Ellipfes are all equal, if made about the fame Center C. 1232. Or thus, more univerfally of all Ellipfes. Let A = Area of an Ellipſe, T = periodical Time. V Velocity at = the Vertex; therefore fince A (S) TV, we have = A ī A =T, and fo in any other Ellipfe 7 =T; whence T:T::Ax I I I I V :Ax : 1× 7:ab xab×; and when the Ellipfes have the fame common Tranfuerfe, that is, when a = a, it will bẹ I I b b T: 7 :: bx b x V : 6 × 1 : : b V : 6 V ; but V² = and ad Ꮴ. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 91 b b a d (1204); and therefore fince a dad, it is V:V:: b : b ; and ſo V b = b; confequently T = T. So that univerſally Bodies revolving in ſimilar elliptic Orbits about the fame common Cen- ter C, will all perform their Periods in equal Time. I I ≤½³ ad 1233. Since T:T::abab; and a b = (a √ n² a d 3 I =nd¹a³ = ) V d² a³, and a bn da²; therefore T: T 3 2 3 T²:: až; a d a²; and fo T²: T² : : da³ : da³. Now let r and be the Radii of two Circles, and t, t, the periodical Times. of thoſe Circles; then it will be T2: t::da³: dr³:: a3 : r³, T²: (when dr); and in like Manner T::: (d a³ : dr³ : :) a³ : r³, (when d = r.) But fince t² : t² : : r³ : r³; therefore T²: ::a: a³; That is, The Squares of the periodical Times are as the Cubes of the tranfverfe Axes, in Bodies revolving in elliptic (as well as circular) Orbits about a Center of Force, pofited in the Focus. 1234. Hence the periodical Times in Ellipfes are the fame as in Circles, whofe Diameters are equal to the greater Axes of the Ellip- fes; and therefore when the conjugate Diameter (or projectile Force) is 0, the Curve will become a ftrait Line, which the Body will deſcribe in the Time it would deſcribe a Circle, whofe Diameter is equal to that Line. 2 1235. Since the Velocity of a Body is every where as the Perpendicular (= p) let fall from S to the Tangent to the Curve in the Point A (1213); and when the Point A is the Extremity of the conjugate Axis, then will the Velocity be V: I I b I I Val Va (by putting the Latus Rectum l= 1). Let Semidiameter of a Circle; then fince the periodical Times in fuch a Circle, and the Ellipfis are equal; and in the Circle when T² is as a³, we have V : I a every where ; it follows, that the Velocity of a Body revolving in an Ellipfis, is at its mean Distance from the Focus, or Center of Force, equal to the Velocity of a Body revolving in a Circle, whofe Semidiameter is equal to that mean Diſtance. N 2 1236 92 INSTITUTIONS 1236. The greatest, leaft, and mean Velocities of a Body re- volving in an Ellipfis ApQ, and s p, will be as SQ, SA, and (ſee Fig. to Article 1204.) becauſe thofe Lines are the Per- pendiculars to the Tangents in the Points Q, A, and p. In the Parabola, the Velocity will always be as the Square Root of the Distance from the Center of Force; becauſe the Perpendicular to the Tangent is always as the Square Root of the Diſtance in that Curve (1205.) 1237. As in the Ellipfis, the Force is Centripetal, fo in the Hyperbola it will be Centrifugal; but in the Parabola it will be neither one or the other; for fince the Center of Force is there at an infinite Diſtance, the Body cannot be properly ſaid to move to or from fuch a Center. And in this Cafe the Direc- tions in which the Power acts are all parallel; and therefore, è converfo, when the Directions in which a Power acts upon a Body are parallel, that Body will defcribe in its Motion the Curve of a Parabola. Whence it follows, that fince the Cen- ter of the Earth is not at an infinite Diſtance, the Directions in which Bodies near its Surface are attracted towards it are not quite parallel, and therefore the Curves which Projectiles defcribe are not truly (tho' very nearly) Parabolas, but really the Arches of very eccentric Ellipfes. CHA P. XIII. The ELEMENTS of a PLANET's MOTION, dedu- ced from the foregoing PRINCIPLES. : 1238. W E have hitherto been confidering fuch Phyfico-Ma- thematical Principles of Motion, particularly, with regard to revolving Bodies, as will enable us to account very naturally and eafily for the Motion of a Planet, or Comet, in its Orbit about the Sun; and therefore the preceding Inftitutions are to be regarded as the firft, or elementary Principles in Af- tronomy, without which, the Rationale of that celeftial Science can by no Means appear. 1239. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 93 1239. The Motion of a Planet is known to reſult from a Pro- jectile Force, in the Direction of a Tangent to its Orbit, and a Centripetal Force directed to the Center of the Sun, both which are ſo compounded together, that the Curve which the Planet deſcribes, in Confequence thereof, approaches very nearly to the Form of a Circle; becauſe in the Cafe of the Planet, the Projectile Force is almoſt infinitely greater than the Force of Gravity, by which the Planet tends to the Sun; in which Caſe, an Orbit nearly circular must be deſcribed, as was fhewn (1171.) 1240. But in regard to the Comets, this Difproportion of the Projectile and Central Forces is much lefs, if we confider it, as put in Motion at the Aphelion Point, or greateſt Diſtance from the Sun, as is evident from (1206.) But if we confider the Comet, as put in Motion at its Perihelion, then will the Projectile Force be greater, than that by which it would be carried about the Sun in a Circle at that Diſtance. 1241. Hence we ſee the general Reaſons, why a Comet revolves in an Ellipfis about the Sun; for when it is in the Aphelion, the Force in its Orbit is not great enough to carry it in a Cir- cle about the Sun at that Diftance. It will therefore defcend from that Point towards the Sun with a variable Velocity in its Orbit always increaſing (by 1213,) till at Length it arrives to the Perihelion Point, where its Velocity is greateſt of all. - 1242. But, as in this Situation its Projectile Force, or Velocity in its Orbit, is greater than that by which it can defcribe a Circle about the Sun, it will neceffarily fly off, and recede from the Sun to greater and greater Diſtances, but with a Velocity al- ways decreaſing, all which is evident, from the variable Ratio of theſe two Forces above and below what is neceffary to pro- duce a circular Motion. 1243. But farther, it has been fhewn, that a Body, actuated by a Centripetal Force, which is every where inversely, as the Square of the Distance, muſt deſcribe a conic Section about that Body, or Point, fuppofed to be placed in the Focus of the Section (1230,) and in all Cafes where the projectile Force is to that which would carry it in a Circle, at the fame Diſtance in a Ra- tio leſs than that of 2 to 1, the Section will be an Ellipfis by (1206.) 1244. 94 INSTITUTIONS G V N 12 P A F 772 H I M E I K S B 1244. When the projectile Force is nearly equal to that of the Circle at the fame Diſtance, the Ellipfis will differ but little from a Circle; and this we find is the Cafe of all the planetary Or- bits. And, on the other Hand, when the Projectile Force com- pared with that of a Circle (=1), is nearly equal to ✔2, then will the Orbit be extremely elliptical, and its extreme Parts, or Apfides will nearly coincide with a Parabola, and fuch are the Orbits we find pertaining to all the Comets, and this is the Rea- fon why Aftronomers generally make uſe of the Curve of a Parabola for calculating the Motion, Places, and other Pha- nomena of Comets, in the perihelion Parts of their Orbits, which admits of greater Eafe, Expedition, and hardly any fenfible Error. 1245. But to be more particular, with regard to the Mo- tion of the Comet in every Part of its Orbit, it muſt be remem- bered, that the Forces, circular Velocities and Distances, were all defined by the following Equation F D vv=fdV V (1172.) And fince the Comet is actuated by the Force of Gravity, which of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 95 which every where increaſes in Proportion, as the Square of the Diſtance decreaſes; that is, F:ƒ:: d²: D²; this will give V:v:: √d: ✔D, or the circular Velocity will be every where inverſely as the Square Root of the Diſtances; but the Velocity of the Comet in its Orbit is every where inverſely as the Perpendicular to the Tangent. 1246. From hence it will follow, that the Comet defcends from the Aphelion A, towards the Sun S, becauſe its Velocity is there leſs than the circular Velocity; as it defcends to lef- ſer Diſtances P S, its Velocity in its Orbit increaſes in a higher Proportion than the circular Velocity at the Diſtance PS; and this will be the Cafe every where, till the Comet arrives at the loweſt Point, or Perihelion B, where the Propor- tion of its Velocity to that which it had at A, will be as AS to BS, by (1213,) but the Proportion of the circular Veloci- ties at B and A will be, as AS to BS. Suppoſe S B = 1, and SA = 4, then will the Velocity of the Comet at B be four Times greater than at A, but the Velocity in the Circle at B will only be twice as great as that in a Circle at A. 1247. Whence it eaſily appears, that the Velocity in the Orbit, getting the better of that in the Circle, will carry the Comet off again from the Sun, when it has attained the loweſt Point B, fince there it is greater than the Velocity of the Circle at the fame Diſtance; and, as it recedes from the Sun, the Velocity in the Orbit will decreaſe much fafter than the circular Velo- city; the Latter will prevail by Degrees, and caufe the Co- met to deſcribe in its Afcent a Semi-ellipfe B D A, equal to that in its Deſcent A E B, till at laſt, having attained the higheſt Point A, its Motion is then in the Direction of the Circle AG, but for want of a fufficient Projectile Force, to continue in that Circle, it will defcend again from thence towards the Sun as before. Therefore the Velocity in the Circle prevailing in the higher Apfis A, and the Velocity in the Orbit in the lower Apfis B alternately, will occafion the Comet to de- ſcribe the fame Ellipfis perpetually about the Sun. We here ſuppoſe the Planet, or Comet, is not affected by any other Force than that of Gravitation to the Sun. 1248. 96 INSTITUTIONS 1248. To make this Matter ftill more evident, we may confider the Proportion of the Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces. We have fhewn (1230,) that the Centripetal Force every where encrea- fes, as the Squares of the Distances decreafe; alfo it has been fhewn (1174,) that the Centrifugal Force arifing from the cir- cular Motion about the Sun S, does increaſe in Proportion, as the Cubes of the Diſtances decreaſe; ſo that, when the Comet arrives to the Perihelion B, its Gravity is but 16 Times greater than at A; but the Centrifugal Force, or that by which it en- deavours to fly off from the Sun, is 64 Times greater than in the Aphelion A, fuppofing, as before, that AS be 4 Times greater than BS. 1249. Hence it will follow, that tho' Gravity prevails in the higher Part of the Orbit, the Centrifugal Force (as it increaſes much fafter) will prevail over it in the lower Part, and ſo prevent the Comet from approaching any nearer to the Sun. But at B, as the Comet recedes from the Sun, by Virtue of a fuperior Cen- trifugal Force; fo in its Afcent, this Force will be conftantly checked by Gravity, which, as it decreaſes in a much lower Proportion than the Centrifugal Force, will, at length, prevail over it at the higheſt Apfis A, and there put a Stop to any far- ther Recefs from the Sun. Here the Comet again begins to defcend, by Virtue of a fuperior Gravity, and ſo alternately defcends and aſcends, according as the Action of theſe two Powers prevails. 1250. Such are the mechanical Laws and Principles of a pla- netary or cometary Motion; and it may be worth while to obferve, that were the Centripetal Force to be in any other Ratio than that of the Squares of the Diſtances reciprocally, fuch a re- gular and beautiful Order could not have obtained in the Syftem. Thus, for Inftance, fuppofing that the Centripetal Force as the Cubes of the Diſtance inverfely, (or that F:f:: d³ : D³) then from the foregoing Equation (1245,) we fhall have D: d::v: V, or the circular Velocities will be in the inverſe Proportion of the Diſtances. But that is the very fame Proportion that the Velocities in the Orbit have at A and B. And therefore, fince the Velocities in the Circles and in the Orbit at A and B, vary in the fame Proportion, it is evident, that the fame which prevails at one Diſtance, muft prevail at the other; of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis, 97 others; and therefore, if the Velocity in the Orbit at A be leſs than the circular Velocity, there the Comet will begin to de- fcend, and it muft always continue to defcend, for the fame Reaſon that it first of all began to do fo, and confequently will, after an infinite Number of Revolutions, fall into the Sun. But if, on the other Hand, the Comet be ſuppoſed at B, there the circular Velocity, being greater than that in the Orbit, will car- ry it off from the Sun and becauſe it continues always in the fame Proportion greater, the Comet muſt ever keep rifing in fpiral Revolutions from the Sun. Therefore, in this Law of Gravity, the prefent Frame of Nature could not in the leaft exiſt. 1251. The fame Thing would alſo appear from what we have faid of the Centrifugal Force; for as that Force every where increaſes in the reciprocal Ratio of the Cube of the Dif- tance, which is the very fame Ratio as that in which Gravity is ſuppoſed to increaſe, it muſt follow, that, if Gravity once pre- vail, as in the higher Apfis A, it muſt ever prevail over the Centrifugal Force, and caufe the revolving Body conftantly to deſcend in a ſpiral Orbit toward the Sun. But if, on the con trary, the Centrifugal Force prevail in any Point, as at B, then that Force will ever prevail over Gravity, and not only make the Body begin, but cauſe it continually to recede from the Sun. 1252. If the Gravity increaſes in a higher Proportion than as the Cube of the Diſtance decreafes; then will the circular Ve- locity increaſe in a higher Proportion than the Diſtances decreaſe, and conſequently, in a higher Proportion than the Velocity in the Orbit increaſes from A to B; fo that, as the circular Velo- city exceeds the Velocity in the Orbit at A, it will much more exceed it at B, and confequently, the Body will every where continue to defcend to the Sun with an accelerated Velocity; and the higher the Power of the Distance is, to which the Gravity is reciprocally proportional, ſo much the quicker, or in a leſs Number of Revolutions, will the Body defcend to the Center of Force. On the other Hand, if once the Body recede from the Center, it muſt continue to do fo for ever. 1253. Again, if Gravity increaſe in the reciprocal Propor- tion of fome Power of the Distance between the Square and VOL. II. Cube, O 98 INSTITUTIONS Cube, the Body will take more than half a Revolution to de- fcend from the higher to the lower Apfis; for it takes half a Revolution, when the Gravity is reciprocally as the Square of the Diſtance, and it has no lower Apfis, when it is reciprocally as the Cube of the Diſtance, whence the above Propofition is evident. 1254. If the Gravity increaſe in Proportion as fome Power of the Diſtance less than the Square decreaſes, the circular Veloci- ties will increaſe in a lower Ratio than that, in which the Ve- locity in the Orbit increaſes, and confequently, the latter will more eaſily prevail; alfo the Centrifugal Force will fooner ex- ceed the Gravity, and therefore the Body will defcend to the lower Apfis in lefs than half a Revolution, and return to the higher Apfis, in leſs than a complete Revolution. 1255. From all that has been faid, it appears, that were the Planets, or Comets, affected in their Motions by one attracting Body only, whofe Power is reciprocally as the Squares of the Diſtances, then they would defcribe what one might call a fixed Ellipfis, whofe Apfides have no Motion at all. But if it hap- pens, that any foreign, attractive Force be added to that of the Sun, fo as to make the Sum, or Difference of thoſe Gravities, vary in a higher or lower Proportion than that of the Squares of the Diſtances inverſely, it will occafion the Apfides to move forward or backward, and the elliptic Orbit to become, as it were, moveable. The Excentricity of fuch an Orbit will alfo be changed, and the periodical Times confiderably varied; and this is really the Cafe with regard to the primary and ſecondary Planets, and Comets; but particularly in the Caſe of our own Moon, the gravitating Force of the Earth, added to, or ſub- ftracted from that of the Sun, makes her Phænomena very va- riable in all the abovementioned Circumftances. Alſo the For- ces of Jupiter and Saturn will fenfibly diſturb the Motions of the Comets, in regard to their Velocity, Aphelion Diſtance, peri- odical Times, &c. CHA P. of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 99 CHA P. XIV. The Method of eftimating and comparing the Circu- lar, Elliptical, Paracentric, and Angular VELO- CITIES; alfo of CENTRIPETAL and CETRIFU- GAL FORCES, by which a PLANET is affected in the different Parts of its ORBIT. S a farther Illuftration of the aſtronomical Elements 1250 of a Planet's Motion, we fhall next fhew how to A eſtimate the real Values of the Velocity of a Planet in its Or- bit, and of the Velocity in a Circle at the fame Diſtance; alfo, of the Planet's Paracentric Velocity, and of the Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces for any given Diſtances of the Planets from the Sun. It has been already fhewn, in a general Manner, what is to be underſtood by circular Velocity, and by the Velocity of a Planet in its Orbit, and how the Ratio may at all Times be ſtated, but we have as yet faid Nothing of the Paracentric Velo- city of the Planet's Motion, by which we are to underſtand its Access to, or Recefs from the Sun, eftimated in a right Line, joining the Planet and the Sun. Thus, let a Planet be in the three Points of its Orbit, P, N, in its Defcent towards the Sun S, and join SP, SN, and SM; on the Center S, with the Diſtance SN, defcribe the Arch N p, and with the Diſtance S M, deſcribe the Arch M m, then it is evident, when the Pla- net comes to N, it will be nearer the Sun than it was at P, by the Diſtance P p; and at M it is nearer the Sun than at N, by the Diſtance N m; now theſe two Diſtances, or Lines, P p and Nm, are called the Paracentric Velocities of the Planet's Motion in thoſe Parts of its Orbit. M, 1257. On the Center S, defcribe the Arch P V, and from P let fall the Perpendicular Pv; alfo, from N and M draw the Perpendiculars Ng, Mo. Laftly, draw Mn parallel to the Tangent LP, and L M parallel to S N, then V v, or p q de- notes the Planet's Centrifugal Force at the Points P or N; alſo, mo denotes the fame Thing at M: And L M is the Expreffion of the Centripetal Force, as is evident from what we have faid in the XIIth Chapter. 0 2 1238. 100 INSTITUTIONS 1258. From the Points Pand M, draw the Lines P v, Mo, perpendicular SN; then نام P & e- NSM are qual,(the Times being fuppofed angles P S N, becauſe the Tri- V N L 77. 772 M 2 A E equal) therefore C (becauſe the Bafe S N is common to F ! # D both) the Alti I K tudes Pv, Mo S are equal; take B N n = LM, then the Tri- angles P N v, M no will be equal and fimilar, and PN again, in the right Line SN (produced) Mn and Nvon; fince S V = SP, and SN, and Nm-SN---- (N v) n o + V v, and Nm = Nn + no om; therefore N VN m NmV v + mo Vo+mo Sm SM, we have NVSP Sm=SM, SM; and confequently NV A Nn. 1259. If now we put SPy, then Ppj, and NV (or Pp)-Nmj; then becauſe Vv=pq=mo, therefore j 2mo = − Nn, or Fluxion of the Paracentric Velocity. Now it is evident, that while the Paracentric Velocity increaſes, its Fluxion ÿ will be Negative orÿ Nn 2mo (932) till at Length it becomes Nothing, or 2 mo-Nno, in which Cafe 2 moN n. After this, the Paracentric Velocity į Nn. decreaſes, and its Fluxion is affirmative, or +ÿ 2 mo—Nn; till the Planet arrives at B, where it entirely vanifhes. From hence we learn 1260. First, that in the Defcent of the Planet from its Aphe- lion Diſtance A, toward the Sun, its Paracentric Velocity, be- gins and increaſes till it arrives at a certain Point; after which it j de- of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. decreaſes continually, till it vaniſhes in the Aphelion Point B, or its Velocity of Acceſs to the Sun is accelerated in the firſt Part of its Orbit, and retarded in the laſt; and vice verfâ in regard to its Recefs in the other Part of its Orbit. 1261. Secondly, the Fluxion of the Paracentric Velocity -ÿ = N n — 2 mo fhews, that fo long as the ſaid Velocity con- tinues to increaſe, or be accelerated, Twice the Centrifugal Force (2 mo) will be less than the Centripetal Force N n. 1262. Thirdly, when the Paracentric Velocity is a Maximum, or greateſt of all, the Centripetal Force (Nn) is equal to twice the Centrifugal Force (m o.) 1263. Fourthly, from the Time the Paracentric Velocity continues to decreaſe, till it vanifheth at B, the Centripetal Force, or Gravity (Nn,) will be less than twice the Centrifugal Force (mo.) But that Gravity Nn can never decreaſe ſo far, as to become equal to the Centripetal Force mo, even in the Perihelion Point B, is what we ſhall ſhew by and by. 1264. Let the Triangles P S N and M S N be equal, or de- fcribed in equal Times; then will SNxNp SMxMm, then it will be Np: Mm::SM: SN. Let IK be the Latus Rectum, or Parameter of the elliptic Orbit, and L × a be a conftant Rectangle, equal to SM x M m. Put S MD, and I KL. La L² a² and mo= D2 M m² 2 SM Then the Arch M m - a² L² (1171) = 2 D3 and M m² D' = Centrif. Force. 1265. Again, the Centripetal Force, or Gravity L M, is in- verſely as D², or directly, as M m², (1264,) or as that is, (dividing by the conſtant Quantity † L,) 2 La² D² a² L² D¹ D . is as the Force of Gravity. Wherefore Gravity is to the Centrifu- gal Force, as 2 La² D2 to L² a² 2 D3 or as D to L. That is, The Force of Gravity is to the Centrifugal Force every where, as the Diſtance of a Planet to a fourth Part of the Latus Rectum of the Ellipfis. 1266. Let IO=ISL, then in the Point I, Gra- vity is to the Centrifugal Force, as IS is to IO, or as 2 to 1, and conſequently, the Paracentric Velocity in the Point I, will be the greateſt of all, or a Maximum (1262.) 1267. 102 INSTITUTIONS 1267. That the Centrifugal Force is always lefs than Gravi- ty, will be evident, when we confider, that the Perihelion. Diſtance S B, does, in an Ellipfis, always exceed SO, or of the Parameter, becaufe in a Parabola, which lies without the Ellipfis, the faid Line S B is then but juft equal to of that larger Parameter (742.) 4 1268. Hence it will again appear, that a Planet in the A- phelion Point A, will defcribe a Circle A G, when the Force of Gravity is there equal to twice the Centrifugal Force. But if it be greater, the Planet will defcend in an Ellipfis towards the Sun, and in the loweſt Point B, Gravity, being leſs than double the Centrifugal Force, can carry the Planet no nearer to the Sun from that Point; therefore, it muft of Courſe begin to afcend with an increaſing Paracentic Velocity of Recefs, till it arrives to the Point K, where Gravity becomes equal again to twice the Centrifugal Force. After this, the Centrifugal For- ces leffening much fafter than Gravity, the Latter will prevail, and the Paracentric Velocity of receding from the Sun will confequently decreafe, till the Planet arrives to its Aphelion A, where it will entirely vaniſh. 1269. And thus we fee, more particularly now, by the Dif- ference of theſe two Forces, how the Planet is made conftantly to revolve to and from the Sun, and in fo conftant and regular an Order, as to give us the cleareft Ideas of a Uniformly Vari- -able, and Perpetual Motion. 1270. Befides the Velocity of a Planet's Motion hitherto mentioned, there is one other, which is called the Angular Velocity of a Planet in its Orbit. In order to eſtimate this, it muſt be confidered, that any Angle is greater in Propor- tion, as the Arch defcribed with a given Radius is fo. And alſo, when the Arch is given, the Angle will be lefs in Proportion, as the Radius is greater; and therefore every Angle will be in a Ratio compounded of the direct Ratio of the Arch, and reciprocal Ratio of the Radius, and far- ther we have juſt now fhewn (1264,) that in the Cafe of de- ſcribing equal Areas, the Arches are inverſely as the Radii ; therefore, in this Cafe of a Planet's Motion, the Angles deſcribed in equal Times will be inverfely as the Squares of the Radii. 1271. But it has been fhewn, that the Force of Gravity is every of the Phyfico-Mechanical Mathefis. 103 every where inverſely as the Radius, and confequently, directly as the angular Motion of a Planet in its Orbit; and therefore the Latter will be an adequate Meaſure of the Former. 1272. Therefore the Impetus, or Sum Total of all the Im- preffions of Gravity, which the Planet acquires in moving from A to P, is to the Impetus acquired at M, as the Angle ASP is to the Angle AS M. Hence likewife it appears, that the Impetus acquired in defcending from A to I, is juſt Half that which is acquired in defcending from A to B; and therefore the Impreffions of Gravity upon the Planet, as it paffes from I to B, are equal to all it receives before, in its Paf- ſage from A to I. 1273. Having thus ftated the Ratios of the Velocities and Forces concerned in a Planet's Motion, we fhall next pro- ceed to illuftrate the fame by a familiar Inftance, where all thofe Quantities will be expreffed in proper Numbers, and therefore be more eafily comprehended and understood. In order to this, let AS reprefent the Diſtance from the Center of the Earth to the Circumference H A G, a Circle on the Surface of the Earth; it was fhewn, that a Body revolving in this Circle (1190) with a Centrifugal Force, equal to that of Gravity, muſt be projected from A with a Velocity of 26000 Feet Per Second. 1274. Now, fuppofe it was required to find the Velocity, with which a Body ſhould be projected from the ſaid Point A, to deſcribe the Ellipfes AE BD; fo that SB may be equal to 1000 Miles. Then as AS is equal to 4000 Miles, the whole tranfverfe Diameter A B will be equal to 5000, and ED will be equal to 4000; and I K will be 3200; fuch are the Dimenfions of the Ellipfis. Then by the Theory in (1204,) n = b b ad 2000 X 2000 4000 X 2500 0,63246. Therefore I V : : n : v, or 1: 26000 :: 0,63246: 16444 : : Feet per Second, the Velocity required. 1275. Thus, the Velocity in the Circle and the Ellipfis, at the Point A, is known, and the Velocity at B in the Circle is to the Velocity at A in the Circle as AS to ✅✔✅BS, or as 2 to 1, that is, the Circular Velocity at B will be at the Rate of 52000 Miles per Hour (1245.) 1276. But the Velocity in the Orbit at B will be to that by 104 INSTITUTIONS which it was projected at A, in Proportion as AS to S B, or as 4 to I. Therefore the Velocity of the Planet in B will be 16444×4 65776 Feet per Second, which, as it greatly exceeds the Velocity in the Circle, will prevent the Planet from revolv- ing in a Circle about the Sun, and carry it off in its own proper Orbit, in the Manner before-mentioned (1247.) 1277. Then, as to the Forces, that in the Circle at A is e- qual to Gravity, which ſuppoſe to be 100 Pound Weight, and we have ſhewn, that Gravity is every where to the Centripetal Force of revolving Bodies, as the Diſtance to of the Parameter, that is, in the Point A, it will be as AS to SO, or as 40 to 8, or 5 to 1. Therefore the Centrifugal Force of the Body in A is but 20 Pound. 1278. In the Point B, Gravity is 16 Times greater than at A, or equal to 1600 Pound Weight, and fince there the Gra- vity is to the Centrifugal Force as SB to SO, or as 10 to 8, the Centrifugal Force at B will be equal to 1280 Pounds, which tho' it be confiderably lefs than Gravity, will yet prevent any nearer Approach of the Planet to the Sun. 1279. Laſtly, it appears, that the angular Velocity of the Planet at A, is 16 Times lefs than that at B, or to an Eye placed at S, the Space deſcribed in one Second at A will appear 16 Times leſs than that which is deſcribed in the fame Time at B, agree- able to (1270.) Since A S= 4S B, (1274.) =4SB, 1280. Thus we have applied the Phyfico-Mathematical Prin- ciples of Motion to the Theory of Aftronomy, as far as it can be done without the Affiftance of OPTICS; but, as the greateſt Part of Aftronomy, both theoretical and practical, depends entirely upon optical Principles, nor can by any Means be un- derſtood without them, it will be neceffary here to defift, and proceed to the Elements of the Science of Vifion; nor will the Principles of common Optics be fufficient to anſwer our Pur- poſe, with regard to finiſhing a complete Treatife of Aſtrono- my. The Doctrine of PERSPECTIVE must be well underſtood, as alfo the general Principles of the Projection of the SPHERE in Plano, and that too in a different Manner from that in which they have uſually been treated, theſe will all be found neceſſary in the various Branches of that Science. We fhall therefore, in the next Place, proceed to lay down a Series of Inftitutions, con- taining the Principles of univerfal Optics. INSTI B OPTICS D G 1 1 Fig.5. F E Fig.4. V B and D PERSPECTIVE, Fig.3. D A D C D B B E B D E A C Fig. 12. Fig. 11. Я B 1 P.- B D E D F with F Fig.1 Plate I I. a A B B Fig.2. c A E D B C A C C B A E/F H Fig.9. E Fig.10 Fig. 8 Fig.7 D Fig.18. F C Fig.14 ୯ A E C M A KE H F C Fig.6. V Fig.13. B Fig.16. с I a M B B Fig.15. D IN M K D Fig. 17. b. F DI E Fig.22. C D Fig.21 C C B A A с a B D Fig.23. A a B I H G F G F C I N B M b Fig.28. + k m K Fig.20. Fig. 19. D O BY N B с C. A a C A G G 。 Fig. 25. Fig.24. I K A I A B E D Y W I X Fig.31. Fig. 29. R B LA B H İM H a 2 Fig 27 H K H G A B I Ꮐ F D E B B E Fig.26. G C 數 ​Fig.30. .A D ( 105 ) INSTITUTIONS O F Univerfal OPTICS: CONTAINING The ELEMENTS of CATOPTRICS, DIOPTRICS, and PERSPECTIVE. CHA P. I. The Phyfico-Mathematical ELEMENTS of CATOP- TRICS, or VISION, by reflected LIGHT, from all Sorts of polished SPECULUMS, or MIRRORS. 1281. S INCE the Particles of Light are found to be real Matter, they will obferve the Laws of Motion common to all other Bodies a- rifing from Attraction and Repulfion; and therefore if a Particle of Light proceeds from the Point A to the Plane BE, and ſtrikes it in the Point C, it will there meet. with a repulfive Force, by which it will be reflected from the faid Plane in the Direction CD, making therewith the Angle ECD. Now it is required, to find the Point C in the Plane BE, fuch, that the Ray of Light impinging thereon ſhall be reflected to the Point D, fo that its Paffage from the given Point A to another given Point D ſhall be the leaſt poffible. 1282. Let the Perpendicular AB-a, and the Perpendicular DE = b; BE➡c, and BC Then CE=G =X. x, and A C = √ aa+xx; allo CD = √bb + cc-26x+xx. A D B C E P Now 106 INSTITUTIONS Now, fince AC + CD, that is, ✓ b b xc c x x fore its Fluxion + Vaa a a + x x + 2 cx + x x muſt be a Minimum, and there- x x ✔aa + xx ✓ bb + c c c x 2 c * + x* 26x+ = o, confequentlyx+bb + c c −2cx + xx+x-c+ aa+xxc. Therefore x x b b + c c = 2 cx + x² ----- ✔ = c − x √ aa + xx, or B C + CD CE x AC, and fo BC:AC::CE: CD. Hence the Triangles ACB and DCE are equiangular (657;) and fo the Angle of Incidence ACB = DCE, the Angle of Reflection; and that this is really the Cafe in regard to the Reflection of Light, we are well affured from Experiments. 1283. The Nature of the Curve AMD, the Diſtance of the lu- minous Point B, and the Pofition of the in- cident Ray BM being given, it is required to find in the reflected Ray M F, the Point, or Focus F, where all the Rays iffuing from. the Point B will be united. In order to this, let CM be the Radius of Curvature to D G O m ..... F S MKR A E BI ་་་་་་ C the Point of Incidence M, and take the Arch Mm infinitely fmall, and draw the right Lines B m, m F; on the Cen- ters B and F defcribe the little Arches MR, MO; and draw the Perpendiculars CE, Ce, GG, Cg, to the Rays of In- cidence and Reflection; and fuppofe the Diſtance BM = ₫ and ME or MG = a; then 'tis evident, that the Triangles MR m, MO m, are equal and fimilar, and confequently M R is MO; and becauſe the Angles of Incidence and Reflec- tion are equal (1282,) therefore CECG, and C e — Cg, and confequently CE-Ce, or E Qis to CGC g, br EQ SG: And becauſe the Triangles BMR, BEQ, FM O, FGS Of CATOPTRICS. 107 FGS are fimilar, it is, BM+ BE (2 da): BM (d) :: MR + EQ, or MO+GS: MR, or MO:: MG (a): a ḍ MF= 2d-a 1284. If the radiant Point B fall on the other Side of the Point E in reſpect of M, or (which is the fame Thing) if the Curve AMD be contex towards the Radiant B, then d will be negative, ord; and therefore M F = ad - ad 2 d a Hence in this Cafe, the Focus F will always be pofi- 2 d + a tive, or on the fame Side the Curve with the Point C; and the Rays after Reflection will diverge. 1285. When the Radiant B is on the concave Side of the Curve, the Value of MF (= ल ad 2 d. a will be pofitive when d exceeds a ; but negative when dis lefs than a; and infi- nite, when da. 1286. If the Radius of Curvature M C be infinite, then alſo ME a will be infinite, and M F = ad 2 d = a will become d. In this Cafe the Curve, or ſmall Arch M m becomes a ftrait Line. Therefore in both Cafes, when it is the Rays, after Reflection, will diverge. d, or + d₂ d, 1287. If any two of M the three Points B, C and M be given, the Third may be found. Thus, if the Curve AMD be an ELLIP- A B F D SIS, and the Radiant Point B be in one Focus, 'tis evident all the re- E flected Rays MF will C be united in the other Focus F (772.) Whence MF- a d 2 d =f, and a = a 2df d+ f hence a X d+ f = dƒ; and d + f therefore dar: 2 f; that is, BM: ME :: AD: 2 P 2 MF. 108 INSTITUTIONS MF. Hence likewife, when the Points B and M are given, the Point E or C may be found, for then a = 2df or AD d+f' MF: BM: ME; and a Perpendicular on the Point E gives the Point C in a right Line MC, bifecting the An- gle BMF. Note, The fame Demonſtration ferves for the Hyperbola, where a = 2 d f d-f 1288. In the PARABOLA AMD, the Focus F is re- moved to an infinite Diſtance; and the Radiant being in the D E M Focus B as before, 'tis evident the reflected Rays MFA B G will be parallel to the Axis C E a d AG; and therefore fince MF =f=zd—a 2 is infinite, we have 2 da, or 2 B M = ME. Therefore a Perpendicular E C erected on the Point E will affign the Point C for the Center of Curvature to the Point M, in the Perpendicular M C. 1289. If AMD be a CIRCLE, fince ad f= 2 d. a we have 2 d — a: a :: d f. If therefore in the Line B M con- tinued out, we make MO 2 d — a; then it will be MO: ME:: MB: MF, whence the Point F, or Focus is found. B E A M D 1290. Since in the Circle the Radius of Curvature is a conftant Quantity, a Per- pendicular to the Point E will ever paſs through C the Cen- ter of the Circle; therefore when the Point M is infinitely near to the Vertex D, the Line E Ma, will be equal to CDr Radius, and the general Theorem for finding the dr a d Focus F, viz. MF = will become > 2 d a 2 d. r :f, in this particular Cafe; the Curve, and the Focus F will be in the Axis of 1291. Of CATOPTRICS. 109 1291. If the Radiant B be at an infinite Diſtance, then d be- ing infinite, gives 2 dr. 2 d r r=f, or the Focus is then e- qual to Half the Radius. If 2 d. be greater than r, the Focus f is pofitive, or on the fame Side with the Radiant. If 2 d be leſs than r, then the Focus will be negative, A D F C M E or on the contrary Side, in regard to the Radiant. If d be negative ord, that is, if the Radiant be placed on the con- dr vex Side of the Curve, the Theorem becomes dr 2 d + r f, always poſitive, as before (1284.) ·2d-r 1292. Since dr = 2 d f + rf, and confequently df +rf = dr- df, we have d+r:d::r-f:f; that is, B C: BD::CF: D F. And therefore the Axis of the Curve, or Line B C is harmonically divided in the Points C, F, D, B, as will appear, when we treat of Harmonical Proportions. 1293. Let A MB D be a Semicircle de- B fcribed on the Dia- M F I meter A D, and ex- N pofed to parallel Rays; then thoſe Rays which H fall by the Axis CB A will be reflected to ƒ, E G C D the middle Point of CB(1291,) and thoſe which fall at A, as they touch the Curve only, will not be re- flected at all; and any intermediate Ray EM will be reflected to a Point F, fomewhere between A and ƒ; and alſo, ſince every different incident Ray will have a different focal Point, therefore thofe various focal Points will conftitute a Curve- line A Fƒ in one Quadrant, and fI D in the other, which Curve is called the Cauftic by Reflection. 1294 110 INSTITUTIONS 1294. Since d is infinite, we have d a 2 d a =MF = a* ME every where; therefore if we bifect the Radius C M in H, and drawn HF perpendicular to M F, the Point F will be in the Cauftic Curve; for the Triangles MFH and MEC are always fimilar, and give MH: MC:: MF: ME. E 1295. Alſo, ſince the Angle M F H is a right one by Con- ftruction, the Point or Focus F will ever be in the Circumfe- rence of a Circle defcribed on the Diameter M H M C. Therefore the Cauſtic A Ff is a Semi-epicycloid, deſcribed by the Revolution of a Circle MF H, on the Periphery of a Cir- cle G H ƒ about the Center C, whofe Radius CHMH, the Diameter of the generating Circle. 1296. If the Angle A CM be Half a right one, than be- cauſe the Angle EMC = CMF = MCE, the reflected Ray MF will be parallel to A C, and will therefore touch the Cau- ftic A Ffin the higheſt Point F.. 1297. This Theory, with refpect to the Caustic by Reflec- tion, is moſt evidently confirmed by Experiment; for if a cy- linder Bowl, or Glafs, be expofed to the Sun-beams, or Can- dle-light, this Curve A FƒID will appear very ſtrongly deli- neated on any white Surface placed horizontally within the fame. CHA P. II. The popular Doctrine of CATOPTRICS, deduced from the foregoing Theory. 1298. A (PLATE I.) CCORDING to the different Modification of the Rays of Light, they receive a threefold Di- Atinction. (1.) They are faid to be parallel when they proceed in Directions equidiftant, or parallel to each other; as at A in Fig. 1. (2.) Converging Rays are fuch as tend to one Point F, as thoſe at B. (3.) Diverging Rays are fuch as proceed from a Point F, in different Directions, as reprefented at C. 1299 Of CATOPTRICS. IIf 1299. With regard to reflecting Surfaces, uſually called SPE- CULUMS, or MIRRORS, there are likewife three different Forms, viz. (1.) A Plane Speculum, or Looking-glafs, as A B in Fig. 2. (2.) Concave Speculum, which is the Segment of a hollow Sphere, foliated on the Outſide A V B, or poliſhed on the Infide, as Fig. 3. (3) Convex Speculum, the fame Segment of a Sphere, but foliated on the Infide A CB, or polifhed on the Outfide, as in Fig. 4. 1300. If we confider a fingle Ray of Light DC, falling on theſe three Surfaces, as it refpects but one fingle Point C in each of them, fo the Law of Reflection will be the fame in all, viz. That the Angle of Incidence DCE is equal to the Angle of Reflection ECF (1282,) EC being fuppofed perpendicular to the ſeveral Mirrors in the Point C. 1301. Let A VB (Fig. 5.) be a Concave Mirror, E the Center, V its Vertex, and VG the Axis. Then let G be a radiant Point taken any where in the Axis, from whence a Ray of Light G C proceeds to any Point C very near to the Vertex V, and draw E C, the Perpendicular to the Point C, and make the Angle E Cf GCE, and Cƒ will be the reflected Ray, meeting the Axis in f, which is called the proper Focus, or that which refpects the Diſtance G V only. (See 1283.) 1302. All parallel Rays, DC falling on the Part CV, ex- tremely near the Vertex V, will be reflected to a Point F, fo that DCE the Angle of Incidence be equal to ECF the Angle of Reflection; which Point, or Focus F is the middle. Point between E and V, or VF Radius V E (1291.) 1303. And fince this is the Cafe, with regard to the Sun- beams, which, by fuch a Mirror are all reflected or converged to the Point F, that Point is called the Solar Focus, or Focus of parallel Rays; and is relative to fuch Objects only as are at a very great or infinite Diftance. 1304. Again, as the Point F is that where all the Rays of the Sun, falling on the Speculum, are collected into a very fmall Space, they will be there greatly condenſed, and their Action on Bodies, with refpect to Light and Heat, fo very much encreaſed, as to produce accenfion, or burning of any combustible Body placed in that Point F, whence it is called 112 INSTITUTIONS called the Focus, or Burning Place, and all fuch Speculums are called BURNING GLASSES. 1305. What we have faid of a fingle Ray holds good for any Number, or Quantity of Rays iffuing from a given Point; and hence it will follow, that all the Rays which flow from any particular Point of an Object on a reflecting Speculum, will all be converged to one Point nearly, or made to diverge from one Point; and that Point, therefore, will be a Repreſentation of the faid Point in the Object, and confequently, fince every Point in the Object may eafily be conceived to be thus form'd in the Focus of the Speculum, the whole Object will be there repre- fented, formed, or depicted in Imagery; or there will be an IMAGE formed in the Focus of every diftant OBJECT to which it is expofed. 1306. To explain this Matter more particularly, let OB be any Object placed before any Speculum C V D, (Fig. 13.) at the Diſtance AV in the Axis; let E be the Center of the Mirror, through which, from each extreme Part of the Ob- jest O and B, draw the Lines, or Rays OED and BEC to the Mirror, and as they paſs through the Center E, they will be perpendicular to the Surface in the Points D and C. Alſo from each Point O and B draw the Rays O V, BV, to the Vertex of the Mirror V. Laftly, join O C and B D. OC 1307. Now it is evident, that fince the incident Ray O V on the Vertex on one Side the Axis A V, makes the fame An- gle OVA, as the reflected Ray V M does on the other, therefore the reſpective Focus M will be on the contrary Side of the Axis from the radiant Point O. And the fame is to be obſerved with regard to the other extreme Point B, and its Fo- cus I. Therefore the Pofition of the Image I M before the Concave Mirror is inverted with respect to that of the Object O B. 1308. The Points O, A, B, in the Object being repreſen- ted by M, a, I, in the Image, it will be found by Computation, that the Form of the Image is curvelineal, when the Speculum CD is large, tho' very little fo, when it is ſmall in Diameter. The Rule for finding the focal Diſtances MD, a V, IC, for the refpective Diſtances of the Radiant OD, AV, BC is this. Multiply the Distance of the Radiant by the Radius of the Speculum, and divide that Product by the Difference between twice the Of CATOPTRICS. 113 the faid Diſtance and the Radius; the Quotient will will be the Focal Distance required. 1309. The Object and Image fubtend the fame Angle at the Ver- tex V and Centre E of the Speculum. For at the Vertex they are both feen under the fame Angle OV B; and at the Centre of the Angle which the Object fubtends OEBIEM the Angle fubtended by the Image. 1310. The Lineal Dimenfions, or Magnitude of the Object and Image, are as their Diftances from the Speculum. For OB: IM:: AV: a V. 1311. Therefore when the Diſtance of the Object is equal to the Radius, (viz. when it is placed in the Centre E) then the Image there meets it, and is equal to it. 1312. When the Distance of the Object exceeds the Radius EV, then will that of the Image be lefs; and the Image in all fuch Cafes will be leſs than the Qbject. 1313. On the contrary, when the Diſtance of the Object is leſs than the Radius, that of the Image will be greater; and the Image will be in Proportion larger than the Object. 1314. Thus ſuppoſe IM a fmall Object placed at (n) between the Center and Solar Focus (1291) then will OB be its enlarged or magnified Image; and this is the Cafe and Structure of what is properly called a REFLECTING MICRO- SCOPE, by a ſmall Speculum CV D. 1315. If CVD (Fig. 14.) reprefent the fame Concavę.. Speculum and E its Center, then if I M be any Object placed nearer to it than the Solar Focus (or half V E,) then by the fame Reaſoning we ſhall have OB to repreſent its enlarged and magnified Image on the other Side of the Speculum (1291); which Image is in this Cafe erect, or in the fame Poſition with the Ob- ject. And thus it is, that all large Concaves become Magnify- ING MIRRORS. 1316. Thus it appears that a Concave Speculum has a poſitive and a negative Focus, and will magnify or enlarge the Appearance of an Object in either. And alſo, that it will diminiſh Objects in the pofitive Focus only.. 1317. If CVD be a Convex Speculum (Fig. 14) then any Object O B placed before it will have a Virtual Focus only, or Vol. I. the · 114 INSTITUTIONS. the Rays will be fo reflected from it as if they came diverging from a Point behind it (1291) thus the Ray OV will be fo reflected from V to B as if it came from the Point M, and the Ray BV will be reflected diverging from the Point I, and the fame may be faid of all other Rays from the Points O and B; therefore MI will be the Image of the Object O B. 1318. With respect to this Image we obferve (1.) That it is always on the contrary Side of the Glafs from the Ob- ject. (2.) That it is always erect: (3.) That it is ever leſs than the Object, the Proportion being that of their Diftances IV to VO from the Vertex, as before. Hence a Convex Mirror, when large, will exhibit a delightful Landscape of diftant Objects, which is its principal Uſe. 1319. As to a Plain Mirror or Common LOOKING-GLASS, it appears from the Theory (1286). (1.) That the Focus is a ways Negative, or behind the Glafs. (2.) That the Diſtance of the Image behind is equal to the Diſtance of the Object before the Glafs. (3.) That it is erect, and fimilarly fituated with the Object. (4.) That it is of equal Magnitude with the Object. (5.) Therefore at the Diſtance of the Object, its Image on the Surface of the Glafs will appear but of half that Length, and confequently a Perſon of fix Feet Height will require a Glafs 3 Feet long to view himſelf compleatly. CHA P. III. The Phyfico-Mathematical ELEMENTS of Drop- TRICS, or VISION by LIGHT refracted thro' dif- ferent Mediums, particularly adapted to LENSES for OPTICAL USES. 1320. WE are taught to underſtand, by Sir J. NEWTON, that there is a reflecting and refracting Power which acts near the Surface of every Medium, or Body, in fuch Manner as to reflect the Rays of Light at ore Inftant, and at another to tranfmit and refract them thro' the Subftance of the Medium. And Of DIOPTRICS. 115 And tho' the Modus Agendi, or particular Action of the Power be not fo accurately afcertained, yet that Author has made it moft certain by Experiments, that ſuch a Mode of Action there is, and that its Effects on the Particles of Light are the Inflec- tion, Reflection, and Tranfmiffion thereof in and thro' different Media. And the particular Modifications of Light from thence arifing, he calls Fits of eafy Reflection, and Fits of eafy Tranf- miſſion. D 1321. Then admit DC were a Ray of Light incident in one Me- dium X, upon another Y of a different Denfity and refractive Power, in the Point C; and fup- H poſe it there in a Fit of eafy Tranf- miffion, then if Y be the Denfer Me- dium, or has the greatest Refrac-Y tive Power, the Ray, by the Action of this Power, will be bent or refrac- ལ་ས་ཡབ LA X L ted from its firft Direction DCE into another CF, fo as to make the refracted Angle F CE of a lefs Quantity than the An- gle of Incidence DCA. The Line AB being fuppofed perpen- dicular to the Surface HO of the Medium Y in the Point C. 1322. Theſe Things premifed, the next, and indeed the fun- damental Principle in Dioptrics, is to fhew that the Sine DL of the Angle of Incidence ACD has a conftant Ratio to the Sine IG of the Angle of Refraction BCG; and this will appear, if we confider that when the Particle of Light arrives at or near C it is affected with a new and additional Force from the Medium, which Force acting in a Direction perpendicular to the Surface HO will cauſe the Ray DC to deflect from its Courſe to E into fome other Direction CG towards the Perpendicu- lar CB; which may be thus determined. Let CE be the Space defcribed in a given Time by the Uniform Velocity of Light in the Medium X; then will the faid Line C E be as the Force which produces that Velocity, (998). From the Point E draw E F parallel to C B, and let E F reprefent the new ac- quired Force of the Medium upon the Particle in the Point C, and join CF, then will that be the new Direction of the Ray and 116 INSTITUTIONS and the Space deſcribed in the fame Time thro' the Medium Y, refulting from the two Forces CE and EF (1028). But CF is to CG (or CE) as BF (or KE) is to IG. That is, the Sine of Incidence KE or DL is to the Sine of Refraction IG as the Velocity CF, in the Medium Y, to the Velocity of the Ray C E or DC, in the Medium X. But thele Velocities of Light in different Media are as conftant as the Powers of Nature which produce them; therefore fo is the Ratio of the Sines DL to IG in every Inclination of the Ray D C. 1323. In the fame Manner it is fhewn, that if a Ray of Light FC be incident from a Denfe Medium Y upon a Rarer Me- dium X in the Point C, then by the fuperior Force of the Denfe Medium it will be deflected towards its Surface HC, and confequently be refracted from the Perpendicular AC into the Direction CD, making DL to IG as FC to CD, as before. 1324. Let B M be a Ray of Light incident on a Refracting Medium Y bounded with a curved Surface AM D, and let MF be the Refracted Ray, and F the Focus to which all the Rays falling on or near the Point M will be refracted. It is re- quired to find the Point F by having given the Nature of the Curve A MD, the Radiant Point B, the Ray BM, and the Refraction of the Mediums X and Y. X R B A e D E Y F H 1325. In order to this, let M C be the Radius of Curvature to the Point M, and draw Bm infinitely near B M, and join m F and m C; from the point Clet fall the Perperdiculars CE, Ce, on the Incident Rays continued; and CG, Cg, on the Refracted Rays; and on the Centers B and F defcribe the fmall Arches MR, MO. And put B Md, ME a, MG=b; the Of DIOPTRICS. 117 the little Arch MR, and MO=y, and the Sine of Incidence CE to the Sine of Refraction CG as m to n (the Radius being MCr) then the right angled Triangles M E C, MR m; MGC, MOm; BMR, BQE, are Similar; becaufe, if from the right Angles RME, CM m, we fubtract the Angle EMm, there will remain the Angle R Mm EMC; and if from the right Angles GMO, CM m we fubduct the An- gle GMm, there will remain OM m GMC. Therefore we have the following Analogies, ME: MC:: MC: Mm; Mm. Again, MG: MC:: MO: That is, 'a:r::: x x a Mm; that is, b:r::j: a:b : * j = MO= 7290 rx a ; therefore abx; and b*. Then BM:BQ(=BE)::MR: a Qe; that is, d:d+a::: d x + a x d =Qe. But (1322) Ce: Qe : Sg :: Cg::CE:CG::m:n::Ce-CE:Cg―CG:: a x + d x n a x + ndx d md = Sg. Laftly, the Similar Triangles F MO and FSg, give MO: Sg:: MF: SF or GF; there- fore MO-Sg: MO:: MF-SG, or MG: MF; that a a nx andź b b x amd b m d x is bbm d b: a bmd- —aan—and MF, the Focal Diftance required. X D M B A C F f 1326. If the Curve AMD be a Circle, then CM=ris conſtant, and the Points E and G will be in a Semicircle de- fcribed on the Diameter MC; and when the Point M is very near A the Vertex, then ME and MG are both equal to each other, and to MC; that is, a br; and the Theorem will become } 118 INSTITUTIONS become rm d mid- nd r n the Axis of the Sphere. Mf, in which Cafe the Focus f is in 1327. If the Diſtance of the Radiant B (d) be infinite, or the Rays parallel, then the Theorem will be Focus of the parallel Rays. in r m 22 =Mf= 1328. If the Rays fall diverging on the Convex Surface A MD; thend being Negative, ord, the Theorem will become bbm d bm d bbm d aan + and bmd- and + aan -MF (Fig. to 1324) and when A MD is a Circle, and M infinitely near to A, then will the Theorem be і mr d m d + d n + rn =Mf. 1329. If the Curve AMD were ſpherically Concave to- wards the Radiant B, then will the Radius be Negative orr, and the Theorem is -rm d md- n d + r n Mf the focal Dif tance; which, becauſe m is greater then n, will be Negative, or on the fame Side with the Raidant B, or the Rays after Refraction will diverge. 1330. In the Cafe of Parallel Rays falling on the Spherical Goncave, we have rm 772- n Mf, Negative alfo, becauſe dis infinite, 1331. But Converging Rays incident on the faid Concave will have r m d nd + nr- m d =Mf, which will be Pofitive or Ne- gative, as n x d + r is greater or leſs then m d. 1332. If the Surface AMD be a right Line, or the Radius M C =r infinite, T then the Theo- > rem (1325) D' B X A E G M 包 ​will be m b b d ña a MF; for in this Cafe a and b are alfo infinite; and Of DIOPTRICS.. 119 and conſequently ſince a a = bb, we have Y m a A the focal Diſtance; and therefore md-af, and fo :m: :d : — f; whence it appears the Ray will be refracted towards the Per- pendicular MC, having a negative Focus ƒ on the fame Side with the Radiant B (1321). 4 1333. Thefe are the feveral Cafes of a fimple Refraction, and they are the fame when we confider the Ray coming out of a denſer Medium Y into a rarer X, only the Ratio of n to m is in that Cafe to be uſed inftead of m to n in this; or in the foregoing Theorems, putting n far m, and m for n, inter- changeably, and other Things altered as required. Y M D X C D 1334. Thus for Example; Suppofe it required to find the For cus of Rays paffing out of a denfer Medium Y into a rarer X in a converging State, and refracted at a concave Surface of the Medium X. Then it is plain the Theorem in (1326) will equally ferve here with the following Alterations, viz. (1.) Becauſe the Refraction is into a rarer Medium, we muft write n for m, and m for n. (2.) Becauſe the refracting Surface is Concave, the Radius will be Negative, and the Sign where (r) is found muſt be changed. (3.) Becauſe the Rays are converging, the Diſtance is negative, and the Sign where (d) is found muſt be changed. (4.) Therefore the Sign where d and r are both found, will continue the fame. The Theorem therefore, with r nd md—nd + r' m all theſe Alterations, will become the focal Diftance required. =fDf f = D f, 1335. Now it is evident, that if the incident Ray MN in this Caſe be confidered as Part of the refracted Ray Mƒ in the former (1326), then will the Focus f in that Cafe be the radiant Point in this; and therefore if we fubftituteƒ for 4, and Put 120 INSTITUTIONS put r for the Radius of Concavity CD, the laft Theorem will be nr f mf→nf+mx -Dff. M N CA D C 1336. If now we fuppofe the two refracting Surfaces A M and ND to be very near together, fo that the Diſtance AD be inconfiderable, then may the Focus f be determined for the in- cident Ray BM after both Refractions at M and N; for the mfr laft Theorem gives 1326) Therefore nx + nf — m f = f = Afor Dƒ. (Fig. to m fr nr + nf- m f m dr m d — n d — nr ; and con- fequently we have nd r r f Df, as required. m m r d — n r d + mdr - n d r — n r x 1337. This Theorem may be abbreviated by putting n n =a, (or if n = 1, and m—1—a) it will become drr ard+ard—y r f; and is thus accommodated to all Opti- cal Purpoſes, and for a Lens AMN D of any Sort, on which Rays diverging, parallel, or converging can fall. 1338. Thus if parallel Rays fall on the Lens, then A B=d, being infinite, we have ry artar = f. 1339. If the Rays B M are converging, then d being nega- tivę, we have drr -ard-ard-rr drr = f. ard + ard +rr 1340, If the Lens be equally Convex on both Sides, or r=r; ar then the Theorem for diverging Rays is ad = f; for 2 paralle Of DIOPTRICS. 121 1' parallel Rays where d is infinite,f. And for converging 24 dr dr Rays, where d is negative, f, al- —2 ad — r 2ad + r ways pofitive. 1341. If one Side ND be plane, or the Radius r infinite, then the Theorem for fuch a Plano-Convex Lens, for diverging dr adr " f; for parallel Rays f; and for conver- Rays, is ging Rays, adr = dr ad + r = f. - dr is 1342. If one Radius r be Negative, or the Side N D be Con- vex towards AM, then the Lens is a Convexo-Concave, or Menifcus; and the Theorem for diverging Rays, is ΥΓ f; for parallel Rays, drr adr-ads + re f; and for converging Rays arar } drr it is = f. adr-adr + rr 1343. If rr, then for diverging Rays, parallel Rays, -rr 0 df; for f; and for converging Rays, d= f. 1344. If both the Radii r and r be Negative the Lens be- comes a double Concave, and the Theorem for diverging Rays, is drr —adr-adr—rr fr ar - ar =f, always negative. For parallel Rays f, ever negative. And for converging Rays drr f. adr + adr—re 1345. If one Radius →r be infinite, then the Lens is a Plano-Concave; and the Theorems become r verging Rays; == f, for parallel; and converging Rays. a dr =f, for di- ad tr dr = f for ad-r 1346. If the negative Radii are both equal, it makes an 'equally Concave Lens; where the Focus of, diverging Rays is L VOL. II. R fouod -122 INSTITUTIONS found by this Theorem. 24 have - dr 2 ad + r =f, and of parallel Rays =f, in each Cafe always negative. Converging Rays dr 2 ad + r =f. 1347. Theſe are all the Caſes that can happen in the Theory of common Dioptrics, and may all of them be very eaſily applied in Practice by fubftituting ſuch Numbers for the Ratio of m to n as we find by Experiments agreeing to Mediums we uſe. Water, Thus in Glafs, m:n:: 4 : 3, whence a = 0,3333- 4:3, m:n:: 31: 20 31:20 Diamond,m: n::52 a = 0,573 a 1,5. But for a larger View of this Subject fee my New PRINC PLES of OPTICs, lately publiſhed. CHA P. IV. The THEORY of DIOPTRICS continued; the Na- ture of the Diacauſtic CURVE explained; and the Method of finding a GEOMETRICAL FOCUS for Rays ifſuing from a given Point in the Axis of a LENS of a Mechanical Figure. I 1348. T has been ſhewn (1325) how the Focus H, F, N, &c. of any Rays B A, B M, B N, &c. falling on the Curve AMD may be found, after Refraction, from pro- Data; and the Curve N F H, which is the Locus of all thoſe Points, is called the DIACAUSTIC, or Cauflic by Refraction. per 1349. If Of DIOPTRICS. 123 4349. If the Cauftic HFN be involved (fee 914.) be- ginning at the Point A, the faid Point A will defcribe the Curve ALK, the Involute of the faid cauftic Curve; whence the Tangent LF+ the Part of the Cauftic H F, will always be equal to the right Line AH; that is, LF+HF (orKN+HN) = AH. 1350. Suppofe the other Lines of the Figure drawn as directed (1325,) and moreover the Arch AP de- fcribed on the Point B. Then becauſe the right-angled Tri- angles MRm and MO, are fimilar to the Triangles MEC and MG C refpec- tively, they give Rm: Om:: CE:CG:: min. 1351. Now becauſe R m =d, the Fluxion of B M =d, and Om = Fluxion of LM, and becauſe BP = BA is a conſtant Part of BM, the contemporary or B A S II द Ju E N K proper Fluents of the foreging Fluxions are P M and LM; and fince in this Cafe, the Fluxions and Fluents in the fame Ratio (788) therefore P M : L M :: m : n :: B M — BA÷AH - MF-FH; and conſequently nx BM-BA = mx AH— M F — FH; from which Equation, we get FH- AK-MF+BA- BM, which is the Rectification 22 in of the diacauflic Curve. n ก 1352. When the Radiant B is at an infinite Diſtance, then BA BM; and AP is a right Line perpendicular to thoſe R 2 incident 124 INSTITUTIONS incident Rays, in which Cafe we have the Cauftic FHAH -MF, or NH AH-NK; &c. 1353. It is evident from the foregoing Theory, that no fpherical Surface (or any other we have treated of) can refract all the Rays incident upon it from a given Point B, to another given Point F, in the Axis; and therefore it becomes neceflary to fhew the Conftruction of Curves that will do this. Let the Curve required for this Purpoſe be A MD, and the incident. Rays B M, B m be infinitely near each other, and M F, m F, the refracted Rays; and draw the Tangents Dm and MN perpendicular to the fame in the Point M. Laftly, draw m C, m R perpendicular to the incident Ray BM, continued out, and refracted Ray MF. Then the Angle M m C Angle of Inci dence CMN, becauſe each being added to the Angle m MC D R P B A E N makes a right Angle; and, for the fame Reaſon, Mm R = the Angle of Refraction F MN: Therefore if we make Mm Ra- dius, MC will be the Sine of Incidence, and MR the Sine of Refraction; and as thefe are in a given Ratio m to n (1322) we have MC:MR::m: n. But MC is the Fluxion of the incident Ray, and MR the negative Fluxion of the refracted Ray; the contemporary Fluents therefore of theſe Fluxions will be in the fame Ratio of m to n. On the Point B deſcribe the Arches P A and M G, and on the Point F deſcribe the Arch ME, then PM and A E are the Fluents mentioned; and con- ſequently we have PM or AG: AE::m:n. Which is the Property of the Curve A MD. 1354. Therefore when the refpective Foci B and F, and A, the Vertex of the Curve required, are given, the Curve may be thus conſtructed. Take A G at Pleaſure, and fay min:: AG Of DIOPTRICS. 125 n AG:-AG=AE; then on the Center B with the Radius 37 A G defcribe the Arch M G; and on F, with the Radius FE deſcribe the Arch ME to interfect the Arch GM in M, and the Point M will be in the Curve A M required; and thus all other Points of the faid Curve may be found, and the Curve AMD drawn thro' them, 1355. By cauſing the Point B or F to go off fometimes to an in- finite Diſtance, or fometimes to lie both on the fame Side the Point A, we fhall obtain all thofe Oval Figures which Cartefius has exhibited in his Geometry and Dioptrics, relating to Refractions, P P M B A EG F 1356. Thus if the Rays B M, B A, are parallel, then the Arch G M becomes a right Line, perpendicular to the Axis BF, and the Curve A MD will be an Ellipfis, whofe tranf- verfe Axis AD is to the Distance between the Foci as m to n. For put A Fa, AP=MG=y, PMAG = x; and ſuppoſe m:n: 3:2 (1347) Then GF-a-x, and MF Vaa- 2 ax + xx + yy; and by the Nature of the Curve (1354) it is PM + MF AF, which gives this Equation 3 x + √ a² −2 a x + x²+y² = a. And by Tranſpoſition and Involution (212) we have a² —2 a x + x² + y² = a² fax + x; and confequently y² = ax-xx; and fo yy =ax-x². Put at AD, then tx-xx= {yy; 6 * 3 therefore the Curve is an Ellipfis (764.) And, confequently :: P :p::9:5. Let d Diſtance between the Foci, then :tp 95, and 2-tpd (768) therefore 2- =ď², or 512 9 9 1² - 51² = 9 d², therefore 2:9 :: d² : 9 − 5 = 4, that is t: d 126 INSTITUTIONS # :d :: 3 : 2 :: m :n, or, the tranſverſe Axis is to the Diſtance be- tween the Foci as the Sine of the Angle of Incidence to the Sine of the Angle of Refraction, as Cartefius has fhewn in his Dioptrics. 1357. On the other hand, if the Point F be fuppofed at an in- finite Diſtance, or the Incident Rays FM, FA, parallel, then ME becomes a right Line; then A Ba, AE=x, and EM-y; 3x, and E Ba+ x; כם P/M F F D AEG then alfo A G=x, BM= a + whence (as before) we get a²+3ax + 2 x x = a² + 2 a x + x² + y²; and thence a x + { x² = y²; and putting at, we get tx + xxyy, which fhews the Curve A M in this Cafe is an Hyperbola (765) whence t P 4 and p; therefore t+= d; therefore 4t² +5t² = 4 d² = 9 ť²; fo that t²: d²:: 49, which gives t:d::2:3 ::n: m. Or, the tranfverfe Axis of the Hyperbola is to the Dif tance between the Foci of the oppofite Sections, as the Sine of Inci- dence to the Sine of Refraction. 1358. Thus we have fhewn what Curves will refra& all Rays iffuing from any one Point to any other given in a different Medium, or by a fingle Refraction. It remains now to fhew how the fame Thing may be effected by two Refractions; in order to which it will be neceflary to premiſe the following LEMMA. 1359. To describe the Curve G M, fuch, that from any Point M,two right Lines BM, KM M may be drawn to two given Points B and K, B G RK C which shall be to each other in the given Ratio of m to n, or that BM: KM::m: n. Draw M R perpendicular to BK, and put B K≈a, BR = *, and M R = y; then becauſe of the right-angled Triangles BRM, KRM, we have BM√xx+y, and K M= √ a². Of DIOPTRICS. 127 a 2 2 a x + x² + y²; and therefore it muſt be✅✔✅x² + y²: a 2 a x + x² + y²::m:n; which gives yy — = aam m xx m m nn 2.amm mm-nn ; and fince the Co-efficient of the Square of the Ordinate (yy) is Unity, (764) it is evident the Curve GM is a Circle. aamm 1360. When y yo, then 2 am n⋅ x mm — N N * IN M n 13 a m a m X = カル ​n m + n BG × BQ(330.) Therefore GQ (= BQ-BG) is the Diameter of the Circle which is the Locus of the Point M. 1361. The Curve A M, the radiant Point B, with the Ratio of m to n being given, it is required to defcribe the Curve N D, that ſhall re- fract the first refracted Rays MN, and make them converge to any given Point C. M K F C H B A D Suppofe FH to be the Cauftic by Refraction to A M, the radiant Point being in B; it is evident that the fame Curve F H will alſo be the Cauſtic by Refraction to the Curve N D (1352) and therefore FH-DH-NF- n n 72 DC+ NC = 773 m AH-MF + BA-BM, which Equation will give n n m n 711 n 1 AB- BM+ DC+AD = MN↓ NC. 712 m m m 1362. Therefore to conſtruct the Curve N D, in any re- fracted Ray A H, take at Pleaſure the Point D, for one of the Points in the Curve required. And in any other Ray as MF sake MK-BA-BM+ 77 ZIL DC+AD; and find 128 INSTITUTIONS find the Point N (by 1360) fo that NK: NC::n:m, or NK n NC, and the Point N will be in the Curve required; and m thus a fufficient Number of Points may be found thro' which to draw the Curve DN. 1363. From the foreging Theory it appears, that it is pof- fible to determine the Figure for any Mechanical Lenfes, Con- vex or Concave, by which either fingly or conjointly, Rays of Light proceeding from any one given Point B in the Axis of the Lens may be accurately refracted to any other Point or Focus f, which in this Cafe may be called the Geometrical Focus. But certain it is, that no Figure for Glaffes can be found for fuch a Focus of Rays proceeding from a Point out of the Axis; and therefore it is naturally impoffible that the Defects of Dioptric Vifion arifing from the Figure of Glaffes, fhould ever be rectified by Art. We have here given the Subſtance of all that has been publiſhed by KEPLER, DESCARTES, HUGENIUS, Dr. BARROW, Sir J. NEWTON, and Dr. HALLEY, the greateſt Maſters in this Science. CHA P. V. The popular Doctrine of DIOPTRICS deduced from the THEORY; with the Rules for finding the FOCAL DISTANCES of all Sorts of LENSES, alfo the Proportion, Magnitude, Pofition &c. of IMAGES formed thereby. (Plate I. of OPTICS and PERSPECTIVE.) 1364.Heed to make fuch practical Deductions from it as AVING thus premiſed the Theory, we now pro- will be fufficient to acquaint our Readers (not verſed in Ma- thematics) with all the uſeful Part of Dioptrics, and its Appli- cation to Optical Inftruments in every Branch of the Viſual Science. 1365. Therefore let A B (Fig. 6.) be the Surface of any re- fracting Medium BK denfer than Air, as Water, Glass, &c. and let DC be a Ray of Light incident thereon in the Point C ; thro' Of DIOPTRICS. 129 thro' the Point draw E H perpendicular to the Surface A B, and the Angle ECD is the Angle of Incidence. When the Ray arrives at C it is refracted or bent out of its firſt right- lined Direction D CK into another C F towards the perpen- dicular C H, and the Angle F CH is the Angle of Refraction, lefs than the Angle of Incidence K CH by the fmall Angle F C K, which is called the refracted Angle. 1366. On the other hand, if a Ray of Light CF in a denſe Medium be incident at C upon any rarer Medium, it will be refracted out of its firft Direction F C into another C D which will be farther from the perpendicular C E. And the greater the different refractive Powers of the Mediums, the greater will be the Difference of the Angles ECD and FCH. All which is evident from the Theory (1322.) 1367. If the refracting Surface ACB be not plain, but fpherical; then let E be the Center of the Sphere, and V E F, the Axis thereof. Let CD be a Ray of Light falling on the convex Surface (Fig. 7) in the Point C and parallel to the Axis V.F; from the Center E draw the perpendicular E C H and it is evident the Ray D C will be refracted in the denſer Medium towards the perpendicular E C (1365), and therefore can be no longer parallel to the Axis, but muft interfect it at fome Point F which will be the Focus of all the Rays parallel to the Axis, and very near it, as was fhewn (1327.) 1368. In Caſe of a concave Surface A C B (Fig. 8) a Ray of Light DC parallel to the Axis E V, will, at its Entrance into the denſer Medium, be refracted alfo towards the perpendicular CH, in fuch a Manner to F, that were F C to be produced, it would cut the Axis produced in the rarer Medium (fuppofe Air) beyond F. (1329) The Diſtance of the Piont F from the Vertex V in Water, is four Times the Radius of the Sphere, viz. VF4V E; and in Glafs it is V F = 3VE (1347) VF or the Focus is diftant three Semi-diameter of the Sphere. 1369. If a Ray of Light be twice refracted, firſt into a denſe Medium and then into a rare one, its Courfe after the fe- cond Refraction will be variable, according to the Figure of the Surfaces which bound on each Side the denfer Medium, and may eaſily be determined by the Theory (1336.) This Caſe in practical Dioptries brings us to the Confideration of Lenſes, VOL. II. which S 130 INSTITUTIONS which are the effential Parts of Teleſcopes, Microſcopes, and all other Inftruments of the Dioptric Kind. 1370. Let A VB (Fig. 9) be a Plano-convex Lens, then Rays of Light DC, DC, which fall upon it parallel to the Axis VE will, after Refraction thro' it, be converged to a Focus in the Axis at the Point F, which is nearly equal to the Diſtance of the Diameter of the Sphere V F (from the Vertex V) of which the Lens is a Segment (1341.) 1371. On the contrary, it follows that if Rays of Light diverge from a Point F, at the Diſtance of twice the Radius VE of Convexity in any Plano-convex Lens AV B, they will, after Refraction thro' it, proceed parallel to the Axis V E. 1372. In like Manner, if AV B (Fig. 10) be a double and equally convex Lens. Then parallel Rays D C falling upon it will be refracted to a Focus F very near the Point E or Cen- ter of Convexity, as is demonftrated (1340.) 1373. Therefore on the contrary, when Rays of Light F A, F B, diverge from a Point in any Object in the Focus F of an equally convex Lens A V B, they will, after Refraction thro' it, proceed parallel to the Axis of the Lens V E. 1374. Let parallel Rays DC, D C, fall upon a Plano-con- cave Lens A C B (Fig. 11) then will they be fo refracted thro' it to f, f, as if they came diverging from a Point or Focus F at the Diſtance of the Diameter of the Sphere of Concavity of the Lens (1345) and the Point F is in this Cafe called the virtual Focus. 1375. If parallel Rays DC fall upon a double and equally concave Lens (Fig. 12.) then they will be refracted to f and f diver- ging from a Point E which is the Center of Goncavity (1346) and the virtual Focus of the Lens. 1376. In each of theſe two laſt Caſes, if Rays f C, f C, con- verging to a Focus F or E, are intercepted by a fingle or double concave Lens A B placed at the Diſtance of the Diame- ter or Radius of Concavity from the faid focal Point, then the Rays, after Refraction, will proceed parallel among themſelves, and to the Axis of the Lens. 1377. If the Lens be not equally convex on both Sides, then the Focus of parallel Rays will be found by the following RULE. Of DIOPTRICS. 131 RULE. Divide the Product of the Radii, by half their Sum, and the Quotient will be the focal Diſtance required. (1338) * Example. Suppofe one Radius 15 Inches, the other 9; their Product is 135, which divided by half the Sum 12, gives 11 Inches for the focal Diſtance of fuch a Lens. II TO 1378. If the incident Rays are not parallel, but come diver- ging from a diſtant radiant Point in the Axis of a Lens of equal Convexity, then the focal Diſtance is found by this RULE. Multiply the Diſtance of the Radiant by the Radius of the Lens 3 and divide that Product by the Difference between the faid Diſtance and Radius ; and the Quotient will be the focal Distance required. ($340.) Example. Let the Radius of the Convexity be 15 Inches, and the Diſtance of the Radiant 60; then their Product is 900, and their Difference 45; therefore 45)900(20 the focal Diſ- tance in Inches, for that Diſtance of the Radiant. = 1379. When the Radii of Convexity are unequal, the Focus of diverging Rays is found by the following RULE. Multiply twice the Product of the Radii by the Diſtance of the Radiant; and then divide by the Difference between the Sum of the Radii multiplied by the Distance, and twice the Product of the Radii and the Quotient will be the focal Diſtance required. (1337) Example. Let one Radius be 15 Inches, the other 9; and the Diſtance of the Radiant 60; then twice the Product of the Radii is 270, which multiplied by 60 makes 16200; the Sum of the Radii 24 multiplied by 60, is 1440, from which take 270, there will remain 1170; then 1170)16200(13 focal Diſtance required. $5 100 Inches, the 1380. If the Rays fall converging on the Lens, then if we divide by the Sum inſtead of the Difference, the Rule will in all other Refpects be the fame, in each of the two laft Cafes, for finding the focal Diſtance for any given Diftance to which the Rays tend (1339.) S 2 1381. In *This Rule is in general exact enough for Ufe, fince in common Glafs the Value of (a) in (1338) is very little more than (1). 132 INSTITUTIONS 1381. In all that has been hitherto faid, it is ſuppoſed that the Lenſes are of Glafs, and that the Sine of Incidence is to that of Refraction in Glafs as 3 to 2; agreeable to (1347.) But as there is a confiderable Difference in the refractive Powers of different Kinds of Glafs, if we have Regard to that (as in fome Cafes will be neccffary) then the Rules above will be fomewhat more complicated, and we muft operate ac- cording to the Theorems referred to, and take in the Value of (a) as it is found by Experiment, in each particular Sort of Glafs. † "5 placed at a Diſtance from Then it is evident that a 1382. Let OB be any Object the convex Lens CD (Fig. 15.) Pencil of Rays CAD which flow from the Point A in the Axis will all be converged to another Point (a) in the Axis (if the Diameter of the Lens CD be but fmall (by 1336) whoſe Distance V a may be found (by 1377 or 1378) and this Point (a) will be the Repreſentation or Image of the Point A in the Object (1305.) 1383. Let O be a Point in the extreme Part of the Object which fends a Pencil of Rays DOC to the Lens CD; a- mong theſe one Ray O V will be refracted thro' the Center of the Lens, and therefore the Pofition of the refracted Part V M will be fimilar or parallel to the incident Ray OV (as will ap- pear from 1332) and when the Thickneſs of the Lens- CD is inconfiderable (as in moft Optical Cafes it is) then O V and V M may without fenfible Error be efteemed one right Line; and therefore the Axis of that Pencil of Rays, in which at the Point M they will all be united after Refraction, wherefore M will be the Image of the Point O in the Object. 1384. And in like Manner I will be the Image of the Point. B in the Object, and fo the whole Object O B will be repreſented in its Image I M. And by calculating by the above Rules it will be found that the Image I a M will be curvelineal, more or lefs, as the Aperture C D of the Lens is greater or ſmaller. 1385.. The Pofition of the Image, with refpect to the fimilar. Parts of the Obje&, is inverted. The Reafon of this is evi- dent by Inspection of the Figure, fince the Axis of the Pencils. from each extreme Part of the Object crofs each other in the Center of the Lens. 1386. The + See my NEW PRINCIPLES OF OPTICS, lately publiſhed. Of DIOPTRICS. 133 1386. The Object and Image fubtend equal Angles at the Center of the Lens. For fince OM and BI may be confidered as ftrait Lines, the Angle B V O, under which the Object ap- pears, will be equal to the Angle IV M, under which the Image is ſeen from the Center or Vertex V of the Lens. 1387. The lineal Dimensions of the Object and Image are as their Diſtances from the Lens respectively; for fince the Tri- angles O V B and IV M are fimilar, we have OB, the Length of the Object, to IM the Length of the Image, in the fame Proportion as OV or AV the Diſtance of the Object, to IV or a V the Diſtance of the Image. Hence their Surper- ficies will be as the Squares, and their Solidities as the Cabes of the Diſtances from the Lens. 1388. The Object and Image are reciprocal; for if I M be confidered as an Object, then will O B be the Image thereof and A, a, are called the conjugate or respective Focuſes, for thoſe Diſtances of the Object and Image. 1389. Hence it appears, that the nearer the Object is to the Lens, the farther off the Image will be formed; and when the Object comes to the Focus of the Lens, the Image will ther be at an infinite Diftance, fince the Rays from every Point. will after Refraction be parallel among themſelves (1373.) Laſtly, if the Object be nearer the Lens than the Focus, the Rays after Refraction will diverge, and in this Cafe no real Image can be formed of that Object at all by the ſingle Lens. 1390. There is another Form of a Lens called a Meniſcus, which is concave on one Side, and convex on the other (Fig.16.) But tho' it was in great Ufe and Efteem fome Years ago, it is now entirely uſelefs, as the Plano-convex Lens is known now much to exceed it in thofe Properties for which it was then ſo much valued. SCHOLIU M. 1391. The Lenfes hitherto confidered are of a ſpherical. Form, and will not admit of a Geometrical Focus, not even of Rays flowing from a Point in the Axis (1348, &c.) and therefore it is impoffible that any fuch Lens fhould form a perfect Image of any Object, not fo much as in a fingle Point thereof. We have fhewn indeed from the Theory, (1361) that a Lens may 134 INSTITUTIONS may be formed that ſhall have a Geometrical Focus for any radiant Point of its Axis, but not for any other; and therefore it is plain, no Image of an Object can be formed in any Degree per- fect by any Lens whatſoever; and confequently, that refracting Teleſcopes will ever be, in their own Nature, imperfect, if conſtruc- ted with a ſingle convex object Lens. But this Imperfection from the Figure will admit of a little Correction from the Addition of another convex Lens, but will be increaſed by joining there- with a concave one, as I have largely fhewn in my NEW PRINCI- PLES of OPTICS. * CH A P. VI. Of the NATURE and STRUCTURE of the EYE; and the ELEMENTS of VISION explained from the foregoing THEORY. ROM the Elements delivered in the preceding 1392. Chapter we are enabled to explain the true THEORY OF VISION, as it is performed by the most exquifite of all Dioptric Inftruments, the EYE. For which Purpoſe it will be neceffary *Before we leave this Subject it may be neceffary to obferve, that the Hypothefis of the Paffage of a Ray of Light by Reflection, from A to C and D (ſee 1282) being a Minimum, or the leaft Poffible, is not an arbitrary Pofition; for if we confider the Reflection of Light as an Operation of Nature, and that perfect Wiſdom has eſtabliſhed the Oeconomy of Nature's Laws, it is neceffary to conclude, that every Thing is done in the moſt direct and fimple Manner, and there- fore that the Paffage of the Ray A C+CD is the leaſt Poffible from A to D, by Reflection from the given Plane BE; for this cannot be denied, without afferting, that the Author of Nature has not taken the most direct and ready Way of doing Things; which is inconfiſtent with our natural Notion of Deity, and confequently is irreligious, as well as abfurd. Therefore it ought to be eſteemed an Axiom, or a primary Poftulate in Optics, on which the whole Science depends. And notwithſtanding it is a felf-evident Principle, it is at the fame Time the Reſult of the ſtricteſt Mathematical Theory; it is alfo de- monftrable on the Principles of Mechanics; and all Experiments teftify that the Angles of Incidence and Reflection are equal, and therefore that the Paſſage of the Rays of Light from one given Point to ano- ther, either by Reflection or Refraction, must be the least poffible. Of DIOPTRICS. 135 neceſſary to deſcribe the ſeveral Parts that are immediately con- cerned in producing this wonderful Effect. 1393. And here it muſt be obſerved, that Vifion is effected by a Refraction of Light thro' the Humours of the Eye to the Bottom or Fundus, where the Images of external Objects are formed on a fine Expanſion of the Optic Nerve called the Retina, and therefore the anterior Part of the Eye muſt ne- ceffarily be of a convex Figure, and of fuch a precife Degree of Convexity as the particular refractive Power of the feveral Hu- mours require for forming the Image of an Object at a given focal Diſtance, viz. the Diameter of the Eye. 1394. Hence we find, First; The external Part of the Eye- ball CD (Fig. 17.) is a Pellucid, properly convex, and ſtrong Subftance, which, when dried, has fome Refemblance to a Piece of tranſparent Horn, and is therefore called the Cornea, or horney Coat of the Eye. 1395. Secondly; Immediately behind this Coat there is a fine clear Humour which from its Likeness to Water (in a general View) is called the Aqueous or watery Humour, and is contained in the Space between CD and G F E. 1396. Thirdly; In this Space there is a Membrane or Dia- phragm, called the Uvea, with a Perforation or Hole in the Middle as at F, of a muſcular Contexture for altering the Di- menfions of that Hole (or Pupil) for the adjuſting a due Quantity of Light. 1397. Fourthly; Juft behind this Diaphragm is placed a lenticular Subſtance G E, called from its Transparency, the Gryftaline Humour, tho' it be not a fluid Body, but of a confi- derable Confiftence. It is contained in a fine Tunic called the Arachnoides, and is ſuſpended in the Middle of the Eye by an Annulus of muſcular Fibres called the Ligamentum Ciliare, as at Gand E. By this Means it is capable of being moved a little nearer to, cr farther from the Bottom of the Eye. 1398. Fifthly; All the remaining interior Part of the Eye is made up of a large Quantity of a jelly-like Subftance called the Vitreous or glaffy Humour, tho' there is not the leaft Likeneſs to Glaſs in it, except its Tranſparency; it being moſt like the White of an Egg of any Thing. 1399. Sixthly; On one Side of the hinder Part of the Eye as at K, the Optic Nerve enters it from the Brain, and is ex- panded 138 INSTITUTIONS panded over all the interior Part of the Eye to G and E alf around. This delicate Part is by Nature appointed the imme- diate Organ of SIGHT. On this wonderful Membrane the Image I M of every external Object OB is formed according to the Optic Laws of Nature, in the following Manner. 1400. Let OB be any Object, placed at a great Diſtance A L, from the Eye. Then a Pencil of Rays proceeding from any Point L will fall on the Cornea D C, and be refracted by the Aqueous Humour under it to a Point in the Axis of that Pencil continued out. Then fuppofing the Radius of Convexity of the Cornea to be 3,3 Tenths of an Inch; and the Sine of Incidence in Air to that of Refraction in the Aqueous Humour to be as 4 to 3 (as it is nearly) then if the Object be infinitely diftant, or the Rays parallel, we fhall find (per Theorem 1327) that the focal Distance after the firft Refraction will be 13,3 Tenths of an Inch from the Cornea. 1401. The Rays thus refracted by the Cornea, fall conver- ging on the Cryſtaline Humour, and tend to a Point 12,28 Tenths of an Inch behind it; alfo the Radii of Convexity in the faid Humour are 3,3 and 2,5 Tenths refpectively; and the Sine of Incidence is to that Refraction of the Aqueous into the Cry- taline Humour as 13 to 12. Therefore (per Theorem 1328) the focal Diſtance after Refraction in the Crystaline will be 10,6 Tenths of an Inch from the fore Part thereof.‡ 1402. The Rays now paſs from the Crystaline to the Vitreous Humour still in a converging State, and the Sines of Incidence. and Refraction being here as 12 to 13 (as found by Experi- ment); and fince the Surface of the vitreous Humour is Concave which receives the Rays, and is the fame with the Convexity of the pofterior Surface of the Cryftaline, the Radius will be the fame, viz. 2,5 Tenths of an Inch. Then the focal Dif- tance after this third Refraction will be found (by 1331) to be 6,1 Tenths from the hinder Surface of the Cornea. 1403. Now the Diſtance from the hinder Part of the Cryſtaline to the Bottom of the Eye, or Retina, is nearly equal to that focal Distance; and therefore all Objects at a great Dif Lance have their Images formed on the Retina in the Fund of the Eye, In 1328 for diverging, read converging. and Of DIOPTRICS. 137 and thereby diſtinct Vifion is produced by this Organ of Optic Senfation. 1404. When the Diſtance of Objects is not very great, the focal Diſtance, after the laft Refraction in the Vitreous Humour, will be a little increaſed, and to do this we can move the Cryf- talline a little nearer the Cornea by Means of the Ligamentum Ciliare (1397) and thus on all Occafions it may be adjuſted for a due focal Diſtance for every Diſtance of Objects, excepting that which is lefs than fix or feven Inches, in good Eyes. Many, I know, are of Opinion, that this is effected by a Power in the Eye to alter the Convexity of the Cryftalline Humour as Occafion requires, but this does not very eaſily appear. 1405. By what has been faid, it appears that Rays of Light flowing from every Part of an Object O B, placed at a proper Diſtance from the Eye, will have an Image I M formed there- by on the Retina in the Bottom of the Eye; and fince the Rays OM, BI, which come from the extreme Parts of the Ob- ject, croſs each other in the Middle of the Pupil, the Pofition of the Image I M will be contrary to that of the Obje&, or in- verted, as in the Cafe of a Lens (1385.) 1406. The apparent Place of any Part of an Object is in the Axis and conjugate Focus of that Pencil of Rays by which that Part or Point is formed the Image. Thus O M is the Axis, and O the Focus proper to the Rays by which the Point M in the Image is made; therefore the Senfation of the Place of that Part will be conceived in the Mind to be at O; in like Manner the Idea of Place belonging to the Point I, will be referred, in the Axis I B, to the proper Focus B, therefore the apparent Place of the whole Image I M will be conceived in the Mind to occupy all the Space between O, B, and at the Distance A L from the Eye. 1407. Hence likewife appears the Reaſon why we fee an Ob- ject upright by Means of an inverted Image; for fince the apparent Place of every Point M will be in the Axis M O at O; and this Axis croffing the Axis of the Eye HL in the Pupil, it follows, that the fenfible Place O of that Point will lie, without the Eye, on the contrary Side of the Axis of the Eye to that of the Point in the Eye; and fince this is true of all other Parts or Points in the Image, 'tis evident the Pofition of every Part of the Object VOL. II, T will 138 INSTITUTIONS will be on the contrary Side of the Axis to every correfponding Part in the Image, and therefore the whole Object OB will have a contrary Pofition to that of the Image I M, or appear up- right. 1 1408. The Dimenfions, or Magnitude, of an Object OB, we judge of by the Quantity of the Angle OA B which it fubtends at the Eye. For if the fame Object be placed at two different Diftances L and N, the Angles O AB and o Ab, which in theſe two Places it fubtends at the Eye, will be of different Magnitude; and the lineal Dimenſions (viz. Length and Breadth) will be at N and at L as the Angle o A b is to the An- gle OAB. And the Surfaces and Solidities of the Objects will be as the Squares and Cubes of thofe Angles (670, 675, 1387). 1409. It is found by Experience, that two Points O, L, in any Object will not be diftinctly feen by the Eye till they are near enough to fubtend an Angle OAL of one Minute. Hence when Objects, however large in themſelves, are ſo remote as not to be ſeen under an Angle of one Minute, they cannot pro- perly be faid to have any apparent Dimenfions or Magnitude at all; fuch as is the Cafe of the large Bodies of the Planets, Comets, and fixed Stars. But the Optic Science has fupplied Means of enlarging this natural fmall Angle under which moſt diftant Objects appear, and thereby encreafing their apparent Magnitudes to a very furpriſing and delightful Degree in that noble Inftrument we call a TELESCOPE, as we fhall elfewhere. explain.* * 1410. On the other hand, we find in the Creation an Infinity of Objects, whofe Bulks are fo fimall, that they will not fub- tend the requifite Angle (1409) if brought to the neareſt Limits of diftinct Vision, viz. 6, 7, or 8 Inches from the Eye, as found by Experience; and therefore in order to render them vifible at a very near Diſtance, we have a Variety of Glaffes, and Inftruments of different Conftructions, which we ufually call MICROSCOPES, by which thoſe minute Objects appear many Thouſands, yea Millions of Times larger than to the naked Eye; and thereby enrich the Mind with Diſcoveries of the fublimeft Nature, in re- gard to creating Power, Wisdom, and Oeconomy. 1411. If * The practical Part of Optics containing the Deſcription and Ufe of TELESCOPES, MICROSCOPES, and other Optical Inftruments, the Reader will hereafter find in the Young Gentleman and Lady's Philofophy. aƒ DIOPTRICS. 139 1411. If the Convexity of the Cornea CD happens not exactly to correfpond to the Diameter of the Eye, confidered as the natural focal Diſtance, then the Image will not be form- ed on the Retina, and confequently no diftinct Vifion can be ef- felled in fuch an Eye. 1412. If the Cornea be too convex, the focal Diſtance in the Eye will be leſs than its Diameter, and the Image will be form- ed fhort of the Retina. Hence the Reaſon why People having fuch Eyes are obliged to hold Things very near to them, to lengthen the focal Diſtances (1340) and alfo why they ufe con- cave Glaffes to counter-act or remedy the Excefs of Convexity, in order to view diſtant Objects diſtinctly. 1413. If the Eye has less than a juft Degree of Convexity, or is too flat, as is generally the Caſe with old Eyes, by a natural Do- ficiency of the Aqueous Humour, then the Rays tend to a Point or Focus beyond the Retina or Bottom of the Eye; and to fupply this Want of Convexity in the Cornea, we uſe convex Lenfes in thoſe Frames we call Spectacles, or VISUAL GLASSES.† 1414. Since the Rays of Light OA, BA, which conftitute the viſual Angle O AB, will, when they are intercepted by a Lens, be refracted fooner to the Axis, (1380) the faid Angle will thereby be enlarged, and the Object of Courſe become magnified; which is the Reaſon why thofe Lenfes are called Magnifiers, or READING GLASSES. T 2 CHAP, + Theſe Viſual Glaſſes are very different from Spectacles in two Particulars; for (1.) They are made with proper Apertures to ad- mit of no more Light than what is requifite. (2.) They are bent to an Angle, that the Rays may fall directly and not obliquely on the Eye; both which Precautions are neceffary for eaſy and diſtinct Vi- fion. 140 INSTITUTIONS CHA P. VII. Of the different Refrangibility of Light; and the DOCTRINE of COLOURS from thence explained by the PRISM, and applied to refracting TELE- SCOPES. 1415. 5.T HE SCIENCE of COLOURS is one of the moſt delightful Parts of Phyfics; is but of modern In- vention; depends entirely on Optical Principles; and is the Life of all painting and pictureſque Arts, both Natural and Artificial. Therefore it will be neceffary here to lay down the Elements which explain it. 1 1416. We have already fhewn the general Nature of the Re- fraction of Light in different Mediums, (1312) from which it appears that when the two Surfaces of a refracting Medium are parallel, the Ray after Emergence will proceed in a Direction parallel to that which it had at its Incidence; ‡ and farther, we have taken for granted, that all Rays of Light are equally refrangible, or uniformly refracted by any Medium. But when we confider that the Rays are really very differently refrangible in the fame Medium, and that the Direction of the Incident and emergent Rays will be different alfo, when the Surfaces of the refracting Medium are not parallel, but inclined to each other, I fay, when thefe Things are confidered, we ſhall find Matter for new Speculation, and foon unfold the Doctrine of Colours. 1417. The Form of a PRISM, it is prefumed, is well known, confifting of three plain Sides inclined to each other in certain Angles; and therefore if a Beam of Light, as D C (Fig. 18) fall on one Side A B of the Priſm in the Point C, it will leave its firſt Direction, and be refracted to the other Side at E (1312) At its Emergence into the Air at E it will be refracted from the Perpendicular PE to the Side of the Prifm, and therefore make ſtill a greater Angle with the Direction of the incident Ray D C. (1323.) 1418. And † This is evident from the Theorem in (1337) by making r, and r, infinite, in the ufual Method. Of DIOPTRICS. 141 1418. And becauſe it is found by Experience, that the Rays of common folar Light are differently refrangible, that is, ſome Rays are more and others lefs refrangible by the ſame Medium, it will follow, that at the firſt Refraction at C, and at the fecond at E, the Beam of Light will be dilated, and rendered of a different Form from that of the incident Beam D C. Thus for Inftance, at E the Part of the Beam which is leaft refrangi- ble, will be refracted to (r) making the leaſt Angle rEP with the Perpendicular EP; and thofe Rays in the Beam which are moſt refrangible will be refracted to (v) making the Angle v EP the greateſt of all; fo that the Beam by Refraction at E, is dilated or diffipated into the Form v Fr, very different from that of the incident Beam. 1419. And moreover, we obſerve the different Rays of the Beam at r, o, y, &c. appear of a different Colour ; thus the Rays at r are Red; thofe at o are Orange; thoſe at y, Yellow; at g, Green; at b, Blue; at i, Indico; and at v, Violet-colour'd. Now its evident, that the different Colours of the Rays must be owing to fome peculiar Mode of Action in them on the Optic Nerve, 1420. That the Senfation of Colour is the Effect of Light alone, is manifeft from hence, that no Sort of Object on which the refracted Beain falls, nor any Difference in the Mediums by, and in which it is refracted does ever change the Colours peculiar to the feveral Parts of the refracted Beam. They are more or leſs intenſe, according to the greater or leffer refractive Powers of the Mediums, but ftill the Colours of the fame Parts of the refracted Beam are always the fame. 1421. Hence then it follows, that the Senfation or Idea of Colours is excited in the Mind by the Action of Light, as the efficient Cauſe; and that the different Phænomena of Colours are the Effects of different Rays of Light, varying in fome Pro- perty or Quality, which perhaps we do not certainly, if at all, comprehend. Sir Ifaac Newton fuppofes, with great Reaſon, that this colorific Quality of the Rays depends on the different Sizes or Magnitudes of the Particles of Light which compoſe them; but to this Hypothefis there are fome Objections; and we know of none without any. 1422. It 142 INSTITUTIONS 1422. It muſt fuffice therefore to know, that Light is the Cauſe of Colour; and that where there is no Light there can be no Colour; and as Darkness, or total Shadow, is nothing more than the Abfence, or Privation of Light, fo BLACKNESS is no other Thing in itſelf than a Want of the natural Operation of Light; and with reſpect to us, it is the Want of all Colour in Bodies. Hence Black is, properly fpeaking, no Colour at all. 1423. Since all the various colour-making Rays r E, 。 E, y E, &c. before they are ſeparated by the Priſm A B, compound one common Beam of Light, whofe Colour is White; we may eafily thence infer that WHITENESS is not a fimple Colour, but only the Reſult or Compound of all the fimple Colours be- fore mentioned (1419) blended together. 1424. Therefore fuch Bodies which imbibe all the Light in- cident upon them, or reflect none, will appear abfolutely black, or colourless. And thoſe which reflect all the Light which falls on them, will appear White; and the fame in regard to Refraction. 1425. But fuch Bodies as reflect or refract one fimple Sort of Light only, will appear of the Colour peculiar to that homoge- neous Ray; thus if any Object reflects or refracts only the Rays Er, its Colour will be Red; if the Rays E g, it will be Green; and the Ray Ev will, when reflected or refracted alone, thew the Object of a Violet-colour (1419) and fo of the reft. 1426. Again, if Bodies reflect one fimple Colour, and re- fract another, they will appear of one Colour by Reflection, and another by Refraction; as is the Cafe of Leaf-gold, De- coction of Lignum Nephriticum, &c. 1427. Rays of Light are alfo differently reflexible, and thofe which are moſt or leaft refrangible, are alſo moſt or leaft reflexible; therefore Bodies will appear of different Colours in the fame Part, if made to receive the Beam of Light under fuch Angles of Incidence as are proper to each reſpective Sort of Rays, for a given Pofition of the Object and the Eye. 1428. Thoſe Objects which reflect or refract two or more of the homogeneal Rays will appear of a Colour compounded of them; and it is obfervable, that of three different Rays (next to each other) the two extreme ones produce nearly the Colour of the middle One; thus Red and Yellow made an Orange; Yellow and Blue make a Green; Blue and Purple make an Indigo- colour; Of DIOPTRICS. 143 colour; and from hence all the Phænomena of Colours in natural Bodies ariſe, and are eaſily confirmed by Experiments. 1429. The Image of any Object, formed by reflected or re- fracted Light, muſt be of the fame Colour in every Part with the Object; for the Rays of Light which proceed from the fe- veral Parts of the Object are not altered or changed in their Nature by Reflection or Refraction; and therefore whatever Colour they excite in the Object, the fame muft they fhew in the correſponding Part of the Image; the whole Image will therefore be variegated and painted with the fame Colours in every Reſpect as we view in the Object itſelf. 1430. I think, then, it deferves to be confidered, that every PICTURE formed by an Optic Glass, ought to be looked upon as the Portrait of Nature itſelf, and confequently deferves a much greater Regard than we ufually pay to it. The Per- formance of Titian's Pencil being as much inferior to the PAINT- INGS of NATURE, as a created Being is below the CREATOR. 1431. For the fame Reaſon that a Priſm ſeparates the Beam of Light into its original or fimple Rays, fo likewiſe does a Lens, viz. becauſe its Sides are inclined to each other (1369) and therefore the Image in the Focus of a fingle Lens muſt be as compounded as Light itfelf, and confequently in fome Mea- fure confuſed; for each particular Species of Rays does in Reality form a diftinct Image in its own peculiar Focus. And of Courſe, when this compound Image is viewed with a deep Magnifier, it will appear both coloured and confuſed, as we find by Experience in all our Microſcopes, Teleſcopes, &c. of the refracting Sort. 1432. But Images formed by reflected Light are not fubject to either of thofe Imperfections, becauſe there is no different Reflection of Light while the Angles of Incidence are the fame; and therefore only one fimple Image is formed in the Focus of a Speculum; and fo perfect, that it will bear to be magnified a fe- cond Time with fufficient Diftinctnefs; and confequently a double Power of magnifying in a REFLECTING TELESCOPE will have the fame Effect in a fmall Length as we have in a very great Length by Refraction; and this is the Reaſon of that noble In- vention. 1433. There 144 INSTITUTIONS } 1433. There have been Methods invented to remedy, or rather to palliate, the Imperfections of a refracting Teleſcope, which I have confidered at large in my New Elements of Optics, to which I refer the Reader, as being a Subject too prolix for a Syflem of elementary Principles only. In that Treatife I prefume, it is demonſtrated, that as there are two Defects in refracting Teleſcopes, viz. one from the different Refrangibility of Rays, and the other from the Figure of Glaffes, fo the very Means of correcting the former will inevitably augment the latter; || and in thoſe very Teleſcopes where this Correction has been applied, by joining a Concave with a convex Object Glass, the Rays are afterwards made to pafs thro' a fingle convex Lens before the Image is formed, and therefore if the Colours were taken away by the two Glaffes, they must be again produced by the firft of the five next the Eye. And therefore we have not yet any fuch Thing as an achromatic Refractor, or one that will ſhew Objects entirely free from Colours. 1434. But as in the abovementioned Treatife I had omitted one or two Particulars, relative to this new Refractor, and alfo for the Sake of the Inquifitive, I fhall here give the following Diffec- tion of the compound Object Glaſs as I found it in one of thoſe Teleſcopes I purchaſed for 3½ Guineas, and was three Feet long. 1435. The convex Lens was of Crown-glafs, doubly and equal- ly convex on both Sides; and its folar focal Diſtance was preciſely 9 Inches. The concave Lens was of White-flint, or Cryſ- tal; it was a Plano-concave, and its focal Diftance by Reflec- tion was four Inches from its Surface. The focal Diſtance of will I 2 both theſe combined together, was juſt 29 Inches. 1436. The Radius of the convex Lens was 10,1 Inches, as appear from (1340,) for in Crown-glaſs, a = 0,532, and 2 a 1,064; then 1:2a::f:r, or 1: 1,064::9,5:10,1. But with regard to the Plano-concave of White-flint, fince the Radius is double the folar Focus by Reflection, (1291) it is in that 8 Inches. The two Radii, therefore, in theſe two Ob- ject Glaffes, are as 10,1 to 8, or as 160 to 127 nearly: That is This is to be underſtood of a convex and a concave Lens of the Jame Sort of Glafs; and how little the Cafe will be altered, by hav- ing one of Crystal and the other of Crown-glafs, will appear bye and bye. Of DIOPTRICS. 145 · is (if R be put for the Radius of the Plano-concave) r: R:: 160: 127. 1437. Now it is known by Experience, and is by all confefs'd, that two Lenſes, one a Plano-convex of Crown-glaſs, and the other a Plano-concave of Flint, muſt have their Radii of Spheri- city very nearly as 2 to 3, in order to prevent the Error of Re- fraction arifing from the different Refrangibility of the fame Beam of Rays, and that in fuch a Cafe, we have R:r: : 3:2::8: 5,35; therefore in a double and equally convex Lens of Crown- glafs to produce the fame Effect, the Radius muſt be r = 10,7; but that in the Teleſcope is only 10,1 and therefore too convex to prevent a coloured Image, when compounded with a Plano-con- cave of Flint whofe Radius is 8 Inches. 1438. Then if the Sine of Incidence be to the Sine of Re- fraction (of the fame Ray) out of Crown-glafs into Air as n to m, and out of White-flint into Air as n to M; it is demonftrated by Sir Isaac Newton* the Error of Refraction arifing from the Figure of the Lens is in White- m² 2,3 4 n² r² 2 in Crown-glaſs, or M² y³ 4722 R2 flint, in a Lens of a Plano-convex Form. In thefe Expreffions, (y) is the Semi-aperture of the Lens. 1439. Becauſe there is the fame Refraction, and Error from thence arifing, in an equally Plano-concave Lens, and being made the contrary Way, therefore when the Errors are equal in a Plano-convex of Crown-glafs, and a Plano-concave of White- flint, they will deftroy each other; or when two fuch Lenſes are combined together they will correct each other, and prevent any Aberration of Rays from the Figure. 1440. Therefore let m² M² 2 R 2 m² y3 M² y³ 2 2 4 n² r pz 4 π² R2 1 from whence we have or this Analogy M:R::m:r; but by Experi- ments it appears, that M: m :: 160: 153 in Crown and Cryſtal. And therefore fuppofing, the Radius R of a Plano-concave to be 8 Inches, (as in the abovementioned Teleſcope) then 160: 1538:7=r, the Radius of a Plano-convex Crown-lens that combined with the other, fhall prevent any Error from the fpherical Figure. VOL. II. U * See alfo Philofophia Britannica, 2d Edit. 1441. Now 146 INSTITUTIONS 1441. Now fince the Effect or Refraction is the fame in a double and equally convex Lens, of a double Radius, viz. r = 15½ Inches; therefore fuch a Lens only, combined with a Plano- concave of White-flint, whofe Radius is 8 Inches, can caufe the Aberration of Rays from the Figure of the Glaffes to vaniſh. But that in the Teleſcope has a Radius of 10 In- ches only; whofe Sphericity is therefore much too great to an- fwer this Purpoſe. 1442. Therefore fince in a Plano-convex of Crown-glafs, and a Plano-concave of White-flint, the Radii for preventing the Error from the different Refrangiblity of Rays muſt have the Ratio following, viz. R:r:: 3:2:: 160: 107; and for annihilating the Error from the Figure, the Ratio muſt be R: r::160:153; it appears to be impoffible, that the fame two Glaffes, viz. Crown and Cryftal, which correct one Error, fhould at the fame Time correct the other; and farther it appears, that the Ratio of the Radii of the Object Glaffes in the Refractor under Confideration, being in a Ratio different. from either of thefe (1436), can correct neither of the Errors. 1443. But we are told, “That the Surfaces of ſpherical Glaf- fes admit of great Variations tho' their focal Distances be limited. With regard to parallel Rays on a Plano-convex, or Plano-con- cave, we have ſhewn (1341, 1345.) the focal Diſtance is ƒ = 7 a and for fa; but (ƒ) is limited or given by Suppofition, and (a) is the Refraction of the particular Species of Glaſs (1347) and therefore is given of Courfe; how then does it appear, that the Radius (r) or fpherical Surface of the Glafs can admit of fuch great (or indeed any) Variation at all? 'Tis true, the fame Degree of Sphericity may be divided and variouſly proportioned between the two Surfaces, but while the focal Diſtance is limited, the Refraction, and the Error occafioned thereby, will be ſtill the fame. 1444. Therefore the "Poffibility of making the Aberrations of any two Glaſſes equal, is a Thing that does not appear;" no more than how, a "Perfect Theory for making Object Glaffes can be obtained, from any Principles of Optics hitherto publiſhed." A Demonſtration of theſe great Pofitions is a Satisfaction we have yet Of DIOPTRICS. 147 yet to come, and which the Public has long, and with great Impatience, waited for. 1445. In the mean Time it may not be unacceptable to ma- ny Perſons to be informed and directed how to make this compound Object Lens for their own Ufe; and fo procure at an eaſy Rate a Teleſcope, which they have been told is of in- finite Service to Mankind. For this Purpoſe, take a double Convex and a Plano-convex of Crown-glafs, and a double Concave of White-flint, all ground upon the fame Tool, and let the Con- cave be put between the two Convexes, and place them in the End of the Teleſcope with the Plano-convex outwards, and they make the triple compound Lens for taking away Colours in Refractors of a ſmall Length. 1446. But if the Teleſcope is to exceed the Length of 18 or 24 Inches, then two Glaffes will do, viz. one Convex of Crown-glafs, and the other Concave of Flint, whofe folar focal Diſtances are to each other as 3 to 4† very nicely; and they will form an Image without Colours, for the Teleſcope propoſed. If theſe two Lenfes are held together in the Sun-beams, they will converge them to a Focus, and thereby fhew the focal Dif- tance of the compound Object Glaſs, and conſequently of the Teleſcope itſelf. 1447. But as to the Error from the Figure of the Glaffes, I confeſs it is not in my Power to give any Directions for preventing or extenuating the fame in any great Degree. If any Perfon can find among the different Sorts of Glafs, or any tranfparent Mediums, any two, which being formed into Priſms, ſhall bave their refracting Angles, which take away Colours, reciprocally pro- portioned to their Sines of Refraction into Air, reſpectively; then he may be affured of a perfect Theory of making Object Glaſſes. And he that fhall do this, erit mihi plufquam Magnus Apollo. INSTI U 2 R + For let 2 ƒin a Plano-convex of Crown-glaſs, and = F, a in the Plano-concave of White-flint. Then f: F: R6 N 0,53 : a 3 0,6 :: 0,376: 0,5:34, as in the Prefcript above. (148) INSTITUTIONS O F PERSPECTIVE: CONTAINING The Mathematical THEORY thereof deduced from OPTICAL PRINCIPLES, and applied to a General PRAXIS. CHA P. I. The Optical ELEMENTS of Lineal PERSPECTIVE. 1448. W E are now prepared to treat of the Elements, or first Principles of PERSPECTIVE, the moft de- lightful and neceffary of all the Mathematical Sciences. Theſe Elements are immediately. derived from Optics; for the Art of deline- ating Objects as they appear on a given tranfparent Plane, or Super- ficies, to an Eye at a given Height and Distance, is the true DE- FINITION of PERSPECTIVE. 1449. The Want of theſe preliminary Principles has rendered the Treatifes on this Subject defective in the moft effential Part, and the Art of Perfpective itſelf very difficult to be underſtood: In ſhort, it would be abfurd to fuppofe any Man can underſtand Perſpective, without being acquainted at leaſt with as much of the Optic Theory as we have premiſed, and fhall here fuperadd in this Chapter. 1450. It appears by the above Definition, that in order to delineate the true Appearance of an Object on a given Plane, it will be firſt neceſſary to know the Law according to which the apparent linear Dimenfions of Object increafe or decreaſe; and here we muſt obſerve (1.) That the viſual Angle, or the apparent Magnitude of a Line will be lefs at a greater Diftance; and vice versa. (1408) (2.) That it will be lefs as the faid Line is viewed INSTITUTIONS, &c. 149 viewed more obliquely. (3.) Therefore the Law of Diminution will be nearly in Proportion to the Distance and Obliquity of the View conjointly. 1451. It is true, the Diminution of any Line viewed direct- ly increaſes with the Diſtance, but not exactly in Proportion thereto, unleſs the Diſtances be very great. Let OB (Fig.19) be an Object viewed directly by an Eye at C. On the Center C, with the Radius C B defcribe the Semi-circle A D B, and join CO; then will O C B be the Angle under which the Object O B appears at C. Again, fuppofe the Eye at A, and draw AO; then the Angle OA B is the viſual Angle under which it ap- pears at A. Now A B is double the Diſtance B C, but the An- gle OA B is more than half the Angle OCB; for the Angle OAB or E AB is juſt half the Angle O CB or ECB (642.) But at great Diſtances, the differential Angle E AO will be- come inſenſible; and therefore in fuch Caſes, the Diminution will be directly as the Diſtance of the Object. 1452. When any Object as BD (Fig. 23) is viewed oblique- ly (that is, when the Angles A D B and A B D are not equal) then a Diminution of its apparent Magnitude will enfue; for in all fuch Cafes, the Length B D is reduced to B O, which fubtends the vifual Angle DAB at the Diſtance A B. There- fore the Propofition is evident. (1408) 1453. It is further evident, that if the fame Object BD were removed to twice the Diſtance of A B, then the Angle of ap- parent Magnitude O AB would be but one half fo large (642); and therefore the apparent Magnitude of any Object on Ac- count of its Obliquity, is alfo diminiſhed in Proportion to its Diſtance; and therefore the whole Diminution of Magnitude on Account of its Diſtance and oblique Pofition jointly, is pro- portional to the Square of the Distance 1454. But we have a more direct Demonſtration of this fundamental Propofition in Perſpective, in the Diagram of (823) which we fhall here infert. P If TP be any Object viewed oblique- T ly by an Eye at C, at the Height of CD above it, then the vifual Angle is PCT, and its Meaſure the Arch Bb to the Radius C B, or P Q to the Radius C P. D And 150 INSTITUTIONS And becauſe TP:QP::CP:CD; and PQ:Bb:: CP: CBCD; therefore (c Equo 652.) it is T P: Bb:: CP2: CD2. But when T P is a given Quantity, then (fince Radius I CD = 1) we have Bb: p2 or the vifual Angle B b of apparent CP2 Magnitude is ever in the inverse Proportion of the Square of the Dif- tance C P. 1455. Hence it appears, that in any Line AF (Fig. 20.) equal Parts A B, BC, CD, DE, E F, are feen by an Eye at C under fuch Angles, whofe Meaſures gh, hi, ik, kl, lm, are reciprocally as the Squares of the Diſtances A C, BC, C C, CD, CE. Therefore the Circle I K may be called the Line of Meaſures in Optical Perspective, or fuch Delincations as are made on Spherical and cylindrical Surfaces. 1456. If the right Line G H be parallel to the Line A F, then will the viſual Rays A C, BC, &c. divide the Line G H in a fimilar Manner to that in which they divide the Line A F; that is, if the Divifions in A F are equal, they will alſo be equal in GH; but if they are unequal in A F, they will have the very fame Ratio of Inequality in G H. For the Triangles FCE and fCe, alfo E C D and e C d, are fimilar; which give theſe Analogies ef: EF:: eC:: EC; and ed: ED::e C: EC; confequently ef:ed:: EF: ED; and fo of the Reft. are ſeen by the will they be as the For in the fore- 1457. If any Objects A B, CD, (Fig. 21.) Eye at C under equal Angles a b, and cd, then Squares of their Diflances from the Eye directly. going Figure to (1454) we had TP: Bb:: CP2: CD2; and therefore fince in this Cafe Bb and C D are conftant Quantities, TP will be directly as CP2; that is (in Fig. 21.) A B:CD::. B C D C². 1458. The Object B D (Fig. 22.) of a given Length, placed at a given Height AB will be feen by the Eye at C in a right Line perpendicular to A B, under an Angle BCD, which will be of a variable Magnitude as the Eye approaches to, or recedes from the Point A ; and there is one Diſtance A C where that Angle of apparent Magnitude will be a. Maximum, or greateſt of all others; and is determined in the following Manner. 1459. Every Of PERSPECTIVE, 151 1459. Every Angle PCQ (fee Fig. to 1454) is as the Arch P Q directly, and the Radius PC inverfely or as alſo we · PQ PC TP XCD But TC: CD::TP:PQ= TC D² TP x CD PCQ is as That is, if (in Fig. 22) TCX/CD² + DP² have PC/CD2+ DP. Therefore the vifual Angle we put A b = a, B D = b, A D = a+b=c, and AC= x; then will the Angle BCD be as x b x √ √2 a² + x² × √ c² + ü then by taking the Fluxion thereof (800) and making it equal to Nothing (818) we ſhall get ²=ac, whence a : x : : x : c, or the Diſtance AC is a geometrical Mean between A B and A C, when the viſual Angle B C D is the greateſt poffible. then 1460. If any Line (Fig. 25) O B appears to an Eye at A, under the fame Angle with another Line CD, then at any o- ther Point E, the two Lines will have the fame apparent Mag- nitude (however the vifual Angle CAD may vary) if the Dif tances of the Eye from each Line preferve the fame Ratio. For leto b be equal and parallel to O B, and draw CE and DE; by fimilar Triangles, we have AH:AK::CH: OK; and EH: ELCH:0 LOK; therefore A H:AK::EH: EL. Alfo a right Line paffing from the Eye to thofe Lines di- vides them in the fame Ratio; for it is GH:HD::OK: KB:: L:Lb. 1461. The Appearance of any diftant Line or Object O B upon another Line or Plane CE given in Pofition, will in- creaſe or decreaſe with the Diſtance from the faid Line or Plane, tho' not in the fame Ratio; for at the greater Diſtance A it will occupy the Length CE, but in a lefs or nearer Diſtance at D, it occupies only the Space ce, much lefs than before, as is evident. by Inſpection. 1462. Having thus premiſed fuch Optical Principles of lineul Perſpective, or the Appearance of LINES among themſelves with regard to their Pofitions, and Diſtance of the Eye; we ſhall now proceed to a generally THEORY of univerſai PER- SPECTIVE, and demonftrate the fame from its genuine Princi- ples. And tho' the common Methods of making Perfpective Draughts 152 INSTITUTIONS 1 Draughts are very eaſy, and in every ones Hands, yet as the judi cious Architect, Defigner, Painter, &c. will find it no eafy Matter to come at a concife and plain Theory, or eafy Rationale of this ne- ceffary or fundamental Part of his Art, in any of the Books hither- to publiſhed; it is prefumed, the following new Method of de- monftrating the Reafon of fuch uſeful and common Rules will not be unacceptable to the ingenious Artifts of all fuch Profef- fions, as require the Affiftance of this excellent Science. CHA P. II. The THEORY of PERSPECTIVE demonftrated from the PRINCIPLES of OPTICS and GEOMETRY. 1463. F [PLATE II. of PERSPECTIVE. ] ROM the Definition of Perſpective, (1448) it ap- pears, that in order to give a Rationale of the com- mon Practice, we muft premiſe a Theory of the Vifion of Objects on a tranſparent Plane at a given Diſtance and Height of the Eye. Thus fuppofe the Eye of the Spectator at I, and E F G H the Plane on which it obferves the Appearance of Objects, (Fig. 1.) This is called the Perſpective Plane. 1464. As the Appearance of Objects will be variable ac- cording to the Situation of the Planes in which they are pofited in regard to the Perspective Plane; theſe particular Situations of Object-planes are principally to be confidered. And, firſt,-it is evident, that any Plane paffing thro' the Eye cannot be ſeen as a Plane, but as a Line only on the perspective Plane; for the Eye having no Elevation above fuch a Plane, car fee no Part of its Surface; the Edge or bounding Line of ſuch a Plane being all the Appearance it can have to the Eye. 1465. Of theſe Ocular Planes, there are two of principal Note, viz. the horizontal Plane O K L M parallel to the Hori- zon; and the vertical Plane N R QP, which is perpendicular thereto. The first interfects the perſpective Plane in the Line IK, G Y Fig.3 H " Fig.5 G Fig.1 L Υ · B K I E H m P K D T I V L E Z 1 \M R Alz B IN 1 ए Fig. 4 B Fig.6. I AR A k 2 P ME P M A H G B 1 2 3 4 5 / Fig. 8 A a I K BR E L C B R Z G F k Q The THEORY of PERSPECTIVE Plate II Fig. 2 H. X Z M 5 4 B 3 B R H L Fig. 9. B 3 D B 4 3 2 C. Fig. 7. D め ​F K P M Fig. 10 D K Of PERSPECTIVE. 153 LÊ, which is therefore called the horizontal Line; and the other, in the Line QP, which is called the vertical Line, on the per- fpective Plane. 1466. Secondly; thofe Planes which do not paſs thro' the Eye, will have a direct or an oblique Situation with reſpect thereto. If it be a direct Situation, it will be parallel to the perspective Plane which is ſuppoſed to be placed directly before the Eye. Thus the Plane A B C D is a direct one, and parallel to the per- ſpective Plane H F. And among all Planes fituated obliquely to the Eye, that which is in the Plane of the Horizon, as A E HD, is the moſt confiderable; and is called the Ground Plane. This is perpendicular to the perfpective Plane HF. 1467. From what has been faid, it appears, that Objects in the Surfaces of the horizontal and vertical Planes cannot be ſeen at all by the Eye at I; and therefore they are not to be regard- ed in Perſpective. We must therefore confider of Objects in and upon the direct and oblique Planes, and the Appearance they make on the perſpective Plane. 1468. Thus let O B be an Object in the direct Plane; and from the extreme Points O and B draw the vifual Rays OI, BI, to the Eye at I. They will pafs thro' the perſpective Plane in the Points o and b; and by joining thoſe Points with the tight Line o b, that Line will be the Picture of the Line or Object O B, upon the perſpective Plane. Thus alſo the Perſpective of the Line OA is oa; and the Proportion of Objects and their perſpective Appearances is the fame in this direct View, viz. that of their Diftances from the Eye; for OB:ob::OA: 0a :: OI: 0I, by fimilar Triangles. 1469. Thus (br) and (an) will be the Perſpectives of the Lines BR and A N in the object Plane; and rban will be the Per- fpect of RBA N of half the Plane A C, and a b c d the Per- ſpective of the whole Plane A BCD. And all Lines parallel to A B or C B in the object Plane, will have their perſpective Lincs parallel to a b and c d in the Picture on the perfpective Plane. And in what Manner foever the object Plane AC is divided by Lines drawn upon it, their Repreſentatives will divide the Pic- ture (ac) in a fimilar Manner. (1456.) 1470. Any Point B in a direct Plane has the fame Ratio of Diſtance from the horizontal and vertical Planes, as its perfpec- VOL. II. X tive 154 INSTITUTIONS tive (b) has from the horizontal and vertical Lines, viz. that of the Diſtances of the Planes from the Eye. For BR:br:: BO: bo::10:10:: Iz: Ii, from the Nature of fimilar Triangles; hence it is eaſy to delineate the Appearance of any Objc&s, or form their Pictures on the perspective Plane when they are pre- ſented in a direct View; as in the Front of Buildings, &c. as will be exemplified hereafter. 1471. The laft Sort of Plane, in and upon which we are fup- poſed to view Objects, is that of the Horizon itfelf, as ADHE, above which the Eye has an Elevation, more or leſs, as i P = IY. This is therefore called the ground Plane, and its Inter- fection H E with the perfpective Plane, is called, the ground Line. And this is the most confiderable of all others, as being the common Table or Plan of all perspective Views, Land- ſcapes, and picturefque Draughts of every Kind. 1472. With regard to this horizontal Plane, it has been ſhewn (1469) that the two remote Angles thereof A and D are reprefent- cd by a and d, in the perfpective Plane; and the other two Angles E and H, are in the faid Plane alfo, as being common to both; therefore by drawing the Lines a E and d H, there will be form- ed the Figure E and H on the perſpective Plane which will be the true perspective Appearance of the ground Plane ADHE. 1473. Hence it follows, that a E is the Perſpective of A E, n P of NP, and H of DH. Whence it appears that Lines which are parallel in the ground Plane, and perpendicular to the perfpective Plane, are not fo in their perſpective Picture, but they all converge to a Point i, which is called by the Point of Sight in the perſpective Planc as being exactly oppoſite to the Eye, or that Point in which a Perpendicular from the Eye falls on the Plane. 1474. In the ground Plane draw V W parallel to A D; its perfpective vw will be parallel to ad, in the Picture; and adwo will be the Perfpective of the Part ADW V in the original Plane. But for a Demonftration of what relates to forming the Picture or perſpective Appearance of the ground Plane and Objects upon it, and confequently, of the common Practice of Perſpective, we muſt have Recourfe to the following Method of Reprefentation, which is the most natural, concife, and per- fpicuous, of any I have been able to think of. 1475. Let Of PERSPECTIVE. 155 1475. Let ABCD be a right-lined Figure in the ground Plane VGKT, contiguous to and at right Angles with the perſpective Plane YZSR; FH the Diſtance of the Plane; and H I the Height of the Eye at I. HE is parallel to G B or CK and bifc&s A D and B C in the Points F and E. On the Point E raiſe the perpendicular EM HI, and draw the Lines BM, CM, GI, KI. 1476. Draw the vifual Lines IA, I B, and I M, which is called the principal Ray, and is perpendicular to the perfpective Plane in the Point i. Then it is evident the Plane I G B M in- terſects the perſpective Plane in the Line Ai, and the Ray BI being in the faid Plane G M, muſt inerfect the Line A i in ſome Point (b) which is therefore the Perfpective of the Point B ; and of Courſe Ab is the Perfpective of the Line A B. 1477. In like Manner it is fhewn, that as the Plane IK CM interfects the perfpective Plane R Z in the Line DI; and the Ray IC being in that Plane and interfecting the Line ID in the Point (c), that Point (c) will be the Perſpective of the Point C; and D c the Perſpective of the Line DC. And joining the Points b, c, the Line be will be the Perſpective of the Line B C in the ground Plane. 1478. Let A B = DC, then B C will be parallel to AD, and fince in this Cafe AbD, therefore be will be parallel to A Dalfo. And hence it appears, that all right Lines, as B C, in the ground Plane which are parallel to the ground Line A D, will alſo be parallel to the fame in their Picture on the perspective Plane. 1479. Hence alio it is evident, that the Perspectives Ab, Fe, Dc, of all Lines AB, FE, DC, which are perpendicular to the ground Line A D, do converge or tend to the Point of Sight (i) in the perspective Plane. 1480. If the Line A B be continued out in Infinitum, towards V, then fuppofing the Point B to move along that Line con- tinually, the vifual Ray BI, will keep rifing on the Plane IGBM towards IM making the. Angle BIM ftill lefs and lefs, till the Point B arrives to an infinite Diftance, and then the Ray I B will coincide with IM; and confequently the Line A i will be the Perſpective of A B continued to an infinite Length. Thus alfo D i will be the Perspective of the Line D C infinitely continued towards T. And therefore the Triangle AiD will X 2 #56 INSTITUTIONS on the perſpective Plane be the Picture, or true Perspective, of the Plane ABCD continued out upon the Plane of the Horizon to an infinite Length. 1481. Hence the Line Y i Z, is the Perspective of the Horizon, or Boundary of the Sight at an infinite Diftance; and therefore all Objects on the Plane of the Horizon, will, in their perſpective Appearance, or Landſcape, keep rifing from the ground Line, or Bafe AD, towards the Point of Sight (i); and leffen in their Dimenſions as they are more remote, till at laſt they vaniſh in the horizontal Line Y Z. 1482. We have feen how Lines parallel or perpendicular to the ground Line AD are to be delineated or drawn in Perfpective; and we are next to fhew how thoſe right Lines appear, or are to be drawn upon the perfpective Plane, which lie oblique to, or make any Angle with the ground Line A D, or any other parallel to it. In order to this, make AL = AG = 1 i, and draw Ap to make any Angle p AR or pAD with the Baſe A D, acute or obtufe. Then in the horizontal Line Y Z, take iXLp; and drawp X and IX; and the Plane IXpA will interfect the perfpective Plane in the Line A X. Draw the viſual Ray I p which as it is in the Plane I Xp A must go thro' the perſpective Plane fomewhere in the Line A X, which fuppofe at (r), then is the Point (r) the Perſpective of (p); and fince while the Point p is fuppofed to paſs from A top in deſcribing the Line A p, its Perſpective (r) will move in the Plane A Z from A to r, and deſcribe the Line Ar; which therefore will be the Perſpective of the Line Ap. 1483. If the Line Ap were continued out to an infinite Length, and the Point (p) ſuppoſed to move conſtantly therein, its perſpective (r) will appear to move towards X, till at length the Point (p) being at an infinite Diftance, the Point (r) ar- rives at, and coincides with X, in the horizontal Line; the Line A X is therefore the Perfpective of the Line Ap infinitely continued; and X is called the accidental Point, to which the Perſpectives of all Lines parallel to A p tend. 1484. Let LP be taken equal to AL; and iZ equal to i I, and then joining A, P, and I, Z; we have the Triangles APL, and iZI, equal to each other; then will the Plain IAP Z interfect the prefpective Plane in the Linę A Z, which will Of PERSPECTIVE. 157 will be the Perfpective of the Line A P continued out to an in- finite Diſtance. 1485. But fince ALLP, and LP is parallel to A D ; therefore A P is the Diagonal of a Square, and contains an An- gle DAP of 45 Degrees with the ground Line AD; there- . fore the Point of Diſtance Z is that to which all Rays parallel to AP tend in the perspective Plane. 1486. Let A B AD, then is ABCD a geometrical Square, and its Diagonal A C, of which the Perſpective is Ac; and the Point (c) is therefore that in which the perſpective diagonal A Z interfects the Ray or radial Line i D. Make ¡Y =iZ, = i I; and join D Y, then will that Line DY be the perſpective Diagonal of D B, (the other Diagonal of the Square A C) infinitely continued, and Db the Perſpective of the Diagonal DB determined by the Interfection of the Lines. DY and Ai, as before. 1487. Thus it is demonftrated that A b c D on the perſpective Plane A SZY is the true Picture or perſpective Delineation of the original Square A B CD, on the ground Plane, as required. And from hence is deduced the Rationale of the common Method of drawing the Perfpective of a given Square or any Figure infcribed therein; as alfo of a ſtill more univerſal Me- thod of affigning the Perfpective of any Point, Line, Superficies, or Solid, on the Plane or perfpective Table, which we fhall next proceed to explain. CHA P. · III. The RATIONALE of the common METHODS of drawing the PERSPECTIVES of OBJECTS, ex- plained from the preceding Theory. [PLATE II. of PERSPECTIVE. } 1400. TIVE are much better known than the Reaſon of TH HE common Methods of Drawing in PERSPEC- them; we ſhall here give both together, and then our Endea- your will at least have the Face of Novelty. Let T G (Fig. 3.) be 158 INSTITUTIONS be the Bafe or ground Line, in any perspective Plane or Table TGYZ. The Method of drawing the perſpective Appearance of any Object on this Table is as follows. 1489. Let it be required to draw the Perspective of the given SQUARE A BCD and all its Parts, in a front View. The Square is fuppofed to be contiguous to the Perſpective Table, and there- fore its Side A D will be in the ground Line. As the View is direct, or in Front, the Eye muſt be fuppofed directly againſt the Middle of the Side AD; and therefore in the Perpendicular EF continued out, take F I equal to the given Height of the Eye, and (I) will be the Point of Sight (1476) fet off the given Diſtance of the Eye from the Table each Way from I, to Y and Z; and theſe will be the Points of Distance (1486) in the horizontal Line Y Z. 1490. From the Points A and D draw the Radials I A, ID; and the Diagonals A Z, and DY, interfecting the Radials in the Points b, and c; then draw be; and the Figure Abe D is the Perſpective of the given Square ABCD as required. For Ac is the Perſpective of the Diagonal A C, and D b that of Db (by 1486); therefore Ab and Dc are the Perfpectives of the Sides A B and DC (1479) and be of the remote Side BC (1477.) Alfo the Point n is the Perfpective of N the Interfection of the Diagonals in the Square; and oq, Fe are the Perſpectives of OQ and FE which bifect the Square orthogonally, (1478, 1479.) 1491. It is not neceffary to make ufe of more than one Point of Diſtance, Z; becauſe one Diagonal A Z, gives the Point. (c) in the Radial ID which determines the Perſpective of the Diagonal A C; and then by drawing thro' the Point (c) the Line bc parallel to the ground Line A D, the Perſpective of the Square ABCD is compleated as before (1477.) 1492. From hence we may derive a Demonſtration of an univerfal Rule for putting all Objects into Perſpective from given Point therein. The Rule is this. ! From the given Point in the ground Plane, let fall a Perpendicular on the ground Line, from whence draw a Radial to the Point of Sight; then from the Radial fet off that perpendicular Diſtance in the ground Line, and from thence draw a Diagonal to the Point of Diſtance, the Interfection of the Radial and Diagonal will give the Seat gr Of PERSPECTIVE 159 or Place of the Perspective of the given Point. And thus the Per- Spectives of any Number of Points may be found, which being con- nected will form the Perfpective of the given Figure which they ter- minate. 1493. To exemplify this Rule; let C be any given Point in the ground Plane, from which let fall the Perpendicular CD to the ground Line TG; and from the Point D draw the Radial DI to the given Point of Sight I. Then in the ground Line make DA=DC, and from the Point A draw the Diagonal A Z to the given Point of Diftance Z, which will croſs the Radial in the Point (c) the Perſpective of the Point C as required. This is evident from the common Method beforegoing (1476), be- cauſe AC is the Diagonal of a Square. 1494. Suppoſe B any other given Point; let fall the Per- dicular BA, and draw the Radial A I; then make AG AB, and drawn the Diagonal G Z, it will alfo interfect the Radial in the Point (b) the Perſpective of B as required. To prove which, let us ſuppoſe B C = AD=DC=AB. Then join- ing (bc) that must be the Perfpective of B C, the fame as be- fore determined by the commen Method; and fo it will prove. For in the fimilar Triangles AID, b Ic, we have AD: bc::IA: Ib (656,) according to the common Method; alfo from the fimilar Triangles Z GA, Zbc, we have Z G: Zb:: AG: be, according to the Rule; but from the fimilar Triangles b GA and bZI, we have I A:Ib:: ZG: Zb; and therefore it is AD: bc:: AG: be; but AD AG, by fuppofition; therefore the Line (bc) is the fame in both Cafes. 1495. Hence we have eafy Methods of drawing the Perſpec- tives of any fuperficial Figures whatſoever; for if they are cir- cumſcribed with a Square, and Lines drawn thro' their termina- ting Points and Angles to the Sides of the Squares, then by taking the Perſpective of the Square you will at the fame Time have the Seat of every Point or Line therein which bounds the Figure propoſed, and theſe being connect.d, the Perſpective of the Figure is formed as required. 1496. Thus fuppofe any Line BK were to be put into Per- fpective, then one Extreme being placed on the ground Line at K, let the Angle B of the Square be placed on the other; then the Points K and (b) being connected in the Perſpective, will give 160 INSTITUTION 9 give Kb, for the Perſpective of the Line K B required. Or if from the Point B you let fall the Perpendicular B A, and make AGA B; then drawing the Radial A I, and Diagonal G Z, they will interfect each other in the Point (b), which therefore is the Seat of the Point B, and fo K b is of Courſe the Seat of the Line K B, according to the Rule (1492.) 1497. Since any right Line is fo eafily put into Perſpective, there can be no Difficulty in finding the perſpective Appearance of any given right-lined Figure. Thus the Perfpective of the Parallelogram CEFD is ceFD; the Perfpective of the Square D FN Qis DFng, and the Perfpective of the remote Square CEN Qis ceng, all determined by infcribing them in the geometrical Square A B C D. 1498. If the Figure be not right-lined, but bounded by a Circle or ſome other Curve, yet if they are properly circumscribed by a Square, the Interſections of the Diagonals and other Lines with one another in the feveral Parts of the Perimeter of the Curve, will give a fufficient Number of Points in the Perfpec- tive Table, thro' which to draw the Perfpective of the Circle or Curve propofed. Thus for Example (Fig. 4), if in the Square ABCD you draw the Circles OFQE, and TVWS; then by drawing the Diagonals of the Square and other proper Lines GH, IK, LM, RP, OQ, EF, &c. their Interfections in the Periphery of the Circle, being all found in the Perſpec tive Table, and a curve Line drawn thro' them; fuch curve Lines are the Perſpectives of the Circles, as required. 1499. The Square OFQE with an Angle F in Front, has its Perſpective Foeq at the fame Time determined. Alſo the Triangle X V Z, is projected by the vifual Rays into its Per- ſpective xv z on the Table; and the Perſpectives of its ſeveral Parts (which are fix Triangles and a Trapezium) are formed by the Lines which divide it; all which is evident by Inſpection of of the Figure. 1500. If it be required to delineate the Perſpective of a Square A B CD viewed obliquely (as in Fig. 5.) then the given Obliquity of the View will determine the Pofition of the Point of Sight I in the horizontal Line, and the given Diſtance being ſet off from I to Y; then if the Radials I A, ID, are drawn, and one Diagonal DY to interfect the Radial I A in ( 6 ) 1 that Of PERSPECTIVE. 161 that will be the Perfpective of the Point B; be drawn parallel to AD, will be the Perfpective of BC; and A be D will be the Perſpective of the Square ABCD as required. Theory (1475) being in this Cafe the fame as in a direct View, the Practice must be conducted by the fame Rules of Courfe. The 1501. We muft not quit this Subject without a Remark on the Abfurdity of feveral Writers on Perſpective, viz. that tho' they give the practical Rule of drawing the Perfpective of any Superficies right, yet they place the Perspective itſelf wrong. Or they place that Part of it nearest the ground Line, which is in Reality moft remote from it; for Example (in Fig. 4.) the Perſpective vzx of the Triangle V Z X, they place contrary to its Pofition here, viz. with its Bafe z towards the ground Line AD, and its Vertex v towards the Point of Sight I. In fhort, they give the fame Pofition to all the Parts of the Per- fpective, which the Originals themfelves have in the ground Plane, contrary to what really appears to the Eye viewing thofe Objects thro' a tranfparent Plane, as we have fhewn. This er- roneous Repreſentation of Gardens, Fortifications, &c. gives fuch an unnatural Idea thereof as must be very difagreeable to a nice Genius. Many Inftances of this you will find in the JESUITS PERSPECTIVE. And even Pozzo himfelf has puzzled his Readers with this Piece of Nonfence. CHA P. IV. The THEORY of the PERSPECTIVE of CIRCLES, and circular AREAS, demonftrated; with the Solution of fome very useful PROBLEMS relative. thereto. (PLATE I. of OPTICS and PERSPECTIVE.) 1502. A S there is fomething very curious in the Speculation of the Perspective of a Circle, and very little known, as being rarely found in Treatifes on this Subject; I prefume it will be agreeable to the ingenious Reader, if I employ a Page or two, in order to fet that Matter in a clear Light. VOL. II. Y 1503. I * 162 INSTITUTIONS 1503. In the first Place, then, it is to be confidered, that the Rays which proceed from a Circle to the Eye (in any Ele- vation above the Plane in which it lies) do form a Cone; whofe Bafe is the Circle, and whofe Vertex is in the Eye. (625.) 1504. If this Circle be viewed thro' a tranfparent Plane pual to the ground Plane of the Circle, then its Perfpective will be a CIRCLE alfo; becauſe in this Cafe, the viſual Cone is cut by a Plane parallel to its Baſe, and therefore the Figure of the Section will be the fame as that of the Bafe, in any Po- Tuon of the Fye above the pcrfpective Plane. 1505. If the perfpective Plane pafs thro' any Part of the Cir- cle or Bafe of the Cone, and the Pofition be parallel to either Side of the Cone, then that Part of the Circle's Periphery which is feen through, or under the Plane, is projected on the faid Plane in the Figure of a PARABOLA, (by what has been faid of the Genefis of that Curve in (740); for the Eye at F will view the Pointe at R on the Plane, and the circular Periphery Be B will by the viſual Rays of the Cone be depicted in the Curve of the Parabola BR B, which will therefore be the true Per- fpective of that Part of the Circle in this Cafe. * 1506. If the perfpe&uve Plane paffes thro' the circular Baſe of the vifual Cone, in a Pofition not parallel to either Side, and yeɩ lo as not to pass thro' both in the fame Cone if they were continued out beyond the Circle or Bafe, then fo much of the Circle as could be feen thro' the Plane would be projected there- on in the Form of an HYPERBOLA (by 765); for the Eye at C will project the Point c on the Plane at V, and the circular Periphery Be B into the hyperbolic Curve B V B on the Plane, which therefore will be its perfpective Appearance. 1507. In all other Pofitions of the perfpective Plane with re- gard to the Sides of the Cone of Rays, the Perſpective of the Cicle will be an Ellipfis therein (by 763.) For fuppoſe the Plane to cut the Cone in the Line TV, then to an Eye at the Vitex L, the Point F will appear at T, and the Point P at Von the faid Plane; and of Courfe the whole circular Baſe will be projected i. the Ellipfis T B V B, which is therefore its per- fpective Appearance. 1508 It a Circle ED be placed on an horizontal Plane A E, and viewed thro' a perpendicular transparent Plane DG (Fig. 28.) * See the Figures of the conic Sections here referred to. by Of PERSPECTIVE. 163 น by an Eye at F at the Diſtance D B, and Height BF; then its Perſpective D C will be an Ellipfis alfo. But becauſe the viſual Cone EFD is in this Cafe in an oblique Pofition (and what they call a ſcalenous Cone), and as the Obliquity of the Cone, or its Inclination to the Horizon, will vary with the Distance and Height of the Eye, fo it will be cut in a various Manner by the Plane D G, producing as many different Ellipfes by thofe Sections in fome of which the Diameter ED of the Circle will be the longer Diameter of the Ellipfe, in others it will be the ſhorteſt; confequently, between both there will be one Cafe were the Ellipfe will become a Circle, or have all its Diameters equal on the perſpective Plane. 1509. Now this will happen when the Cone E F D is cut in a fimilar Manner by both the Planes, viz. the ground Plane A E, and the perfpective Plane D G, or when the Angle. GDF is equal to the Angle DEF; for if we fuppofe the Eye to move thro' the Arch of a Circle GFA from the ver- tical to the horizontal-Plane, it is evident, when the Eye is at G the Angle DEC will be of fome Quantity lefs than a right Angle; and the Angle FDC will be Nothing. But as the Eye departs from G, the faid Angle FDC begins, and en- creaſes to a right Angle when the Eye arrives at A; on the other hand, during all that Time the Angle DEC decreafes, and at laft vanifhes; and therefore at fome Moment of that In- terval the two Angles must be equal, which let us fuppofe to happen when the Eye is in the Pofition F. 1510. Then are the Triangles E F D and DCF fimilar for the Angle CDF DEC, and the Angle CFD is common to both; therefore the Angle E D F D C F, and confequently the vifual Rays of the Cone make fubcontrarily the fame Angles with each Plane A E and DG; therefore the Section of the Cone made by each Plane muſt be of the fame Figure, and confequently fince ED is a Circle its Perſpective DC will be a Circle alfo. 1511. From hence fome curious Problems wil arife of the laft Importance in Perfpective. The first is, To determine the Po- fition of the Point F, or Point of Sight, from the gin ņ of the original Circle DE, and Defiance from the In order to this, let D E = D, DB = s; alſo pr Y 2 1 양 ​> 164 INSTITUTIONS of the Eye B F = b; the Diameter of the perfpective Circle DC=d; and let E Fe, and DFf. Then D:e::d:f (1510) let D + s = r; then e = p² + b² and ƒ = ✓ ✔ 3²+s² (636) alfo D: d::r: h, therefore d= Dh Whence D: * r we get b² b f ᎠᏏ I: : : √ r² + b² : √h²+s²; whence =rs =D + s X s; and therefore h = BF, the Height of the Eye at F required. * D + sx s 1512. The above Equation gives this Analogy, D+s:b:: hs, whence it appears (645, 660) that the Locus of the Point F is the Circle EF A. Hence A B BDs; AF=DF; = the Diameter A E≈ D + 2s; and the Radius A N D+25 2 DE + 2 DB 2 the Problem is evident, from whence the Conftruction of 1513. The fecond Problem is, the Diameter of the Circle DE. and Height of the Eye B F being given, to find the Distance DB from the perſpective Table. The Solution is thus; h²- Ds + ssg (1511); let the Square be compleated (338) then b² + D= ss+Ds + D, and therefore s+ D = √ b² + ÷ D; con- fequently s = b² + D D = DB the Diſtance re- quired. 1514. A third Problem, is to determine the Distance D B, at which the Perspective DC of a given Circle D E ſhall be a Circle, and its Area be to the Area of the given Circle in any given Propor- tion of z toy. To folve this Problem, it muſt be confidered that fince D BBA, (1512) we have D F F A; and fince the Areas of Circles are as the Squares of their Diameters (840) we have DE: DC:: EF2: DFF A² (1512) but E F2; FA²:: EB: A B, (660) therefore DE: D C²:: (y: z::) EB: AB( :: D+s:s) whence we have ysz D+z5; zsz D, therefore y- z:z:: D:s= and y s DB, the Diſtance required, 2 z D Y-Z 1515. The Center of the original Circle will not be projec- ted into the Center of the perſpective Circle; neither will the Diameters Of PERSPECTIVE. 165 Diameters of the latter be the Perfpectives of the Diameters of the former. Nor will any right-lined Figure (as a Square, Tri- angle, Polygon, &c.) infcribed or circumfcribed about the original Circle have its Perſpective in, or about the perſpective Circle of the fame Kind or fimilar to it; for that of a Square will be a Trapezium; that of a Triangle a diffimilar Triangle, that of a Pentagon will be an irregular Polygon; and fo of others. All which the Reader will be eaſily affured of by drawing this Cafe in the ufual Manner and Form as directed (1492.) CHA P. V. The Theory of CATOPTRIC PERSPECTIVE; or the perspective Appearance of Objects on a REFLEC- TING PLANE. [PLATE I. of OPTICS and PERSPECTIVE.] 1516. W E have confidered the Dioptric THEORY of PER- SPECTIVE ſo far as it relates to Lines and Super- ficies; and before we go farther it will be proper to confider the perſpective Appearance of the fame Objects by Light reflected from a polifhed Plane; in as much as we ſhall find the Perſpective of any Line or Superficies is identically the fame on the Catoptric or reflecting Plane as it is on the Dioptric or refracting one. 1517. Preparatory to a Demonftration of this Pofition, let HD (Fig. 26) be a Line or Section of the Speculum, perpen- dicular to the ground Line A F, and B the Place of the Eye at the given Diſtance A D, and Height A B; from any Point E in the Line A D, let a Ray of Light proceed to the Speculum in the Point C, and be reflected from it to the Eye at B; then continuing the reflected Ray out beyond the Speculum, it will interfect the Line A F in the Point F, making the Line DF = DE; and confequently, the Point E by reflected Light will ap- pear upon the Speculum in the fame Point C with another Point F viewed 166 INSTITUTIONS viewed by the Eye thro' a tranſparent Plane HD, ana placed at the fame Distance behind it. 1518. The Demonftration is eafy; let C G be perpendicular to the Plane H in the Point C, it therefore will alſo be parallel to the Line A F; then becauſe the Angle GCB GCE (1282) and GCBCF D, and GCE=CED (631) therefore we have the Angle CED-CFD; and therefore the Line CE= CF, and confequently the Line DE DF. Wherefore the apparent Place of the Point F, by Reflection, is the Point F at an equal Distance beyond the Speculum. 1519. Proceeding in the fame Steps of Demonftration here as in Dioptric Perſpective (1475), we ſhall find the fame Appearance alfo of Lines and Superficies on a reflecting Plane as we did there on the refracting one. Let A YZD (Fig. 27.) be the Speculum, ABCD be a Square placed before, and contiguous to it; ex- tend the Sides A B, and D C indefinitely on each Side, and draw EH between and equidiftant from both. Let I be the Place of the Eye at the Diſtance F H, and Height HI; take FEFE; and thro' E and H, draw BC and GK; alſo on the Point E erect the Perpendicular E MH I, and draw IM paffing thro' the Speculum in the Point i; and join IG, IK; M B, M C. 1520. Then becauſe the Point B of the Square is in the Plane IG B M which inter..&ts the reflecting Plane A Z in the Line Ai; and because the incident and reflected Rays are in the fame Plane (1282) therefore the Ray of Light which proceeds from the Point B and is by the Speculum reflected to the Eye at I, muft imping on the Speculum in fome Point (b) in the Line Ai; and the reflected Ray will be bI. If this Ray be continued out, it will meet the Side of the Square A B produced in B, making ABA B. (1518) 1521. Now becauſe the fame Thing is demonftrable of every other Point in the Side of the Rectangle A B, therefore the Perspective of the Line A B by Reflection is the Line A b, or that very Part of the Radial A i which is the Perspective of the equal Line A B by Refraction thro' a tranſparent Plane (1476). 1 1522. In like Manner it is demonftrated, that the Perſpective of the Side DC by Reflection is Dc, the fame Part of the Radial as is that of the equal Line D C by tranfmitted Rays. By Of PERSPECTIVE 167 By joining bc, the Line (b c) is the Perfpective equally of BC by reflected, and B C by refracted Light. And confequently, Abc Dis the perspective Appearance of the Rectangle ABCD by Reflection, and every Way the very fame as it was fhewn to be of an equal Rectangle A B C D beyond the pellucid Plane (1487). 1523. Therefore whatever was demontrated relative to the Perfpective of Lines and Superficies any how pofited or formed with respect to a common tranfparent Plane in the Sequel of the Dioptric Theory, will hold equally true here in Catoptric Per- ſpective. And tho' this Part of the Science has been the leaft of all confidered by Writers on this Subject, yet when compared with common Perfpective it will be found not only more delicate in its Nature, but alſo more adapted to Ufe. This we fhall illuftrate more particularly when we come to treat of Pictu- refque Perſpective, or that Part of the Science which treats of the PRINCIPLES of PICTURES or LANDSCAPES formed by OPTICAL GLASSES both of the reflecting, and refracting Sort. CHA P. VI. Of INVERSE PERSPECTIVE; where the Nature ana Principles of the ANAMORPHOSIS or Deforma- tion of Figures, and their Rectification, are ex- plained. 1524. ΤΗ HE inverfe Method of Perſpective is not leſs pleaſant than uſeful, nor is it in the leaſt Degree difficult, as it is only going backwards in the fame Steps we took in the direct Method; and it must be obſerved, that with regard to any Science, unleſs the Student can go backwards as well as forwards, he makes but an imperfect Proficiency. 1525. Inverfe Perspective fhews how from a given Piece of Perſpective to determine the Original or Prototype thereof under the Circumstances of Size, Situation, Distance, &c. And here, as in the direct Method, we must begin with finding the Original of a Point, then of a Line, and lastly of a Superficies; and 168 INSTITUTIONS and being able to determine theſe, there will remain no Dif- ficulty with reſpect to Solids, becauſe the Perſpective of a Solid is only the complex Perfpective of its fuperficial Parts; and for this Reaſon, we think this the moſt proper Place to treat of the Inverfion of a perfpective Piece, and the Nature of Anamor– phofis or the Deformation of Pictures, which naturally reſults from thence. 1526. For by the direct Method it appears, that the Per- ſpective is very diffimilar to its Original, and therefore if the latter be formofe and regular, the former will be diform and irregular, or in the ufual Phrafe, deformed and diftorted. So on the other Hand, if any natural and well-formed Picture be confidered as a Piece of Perfpective, formed on a perfpective Plane, then when it is refolved into its Prototype, that muſt be a very unnatural, miſhapen, and ill-proportioned Figure; all which will be evident from the following Proceſs. 1527. Let TV W X be a Perſpective Table (Fig. 29.) ſtanding on the ground Line S V. Alfo let I be the Point of Sight, and Y the Diagonal Point of Diſtance; and then fup- poſe it required to find in the ground Plane the Seat of the Original of a given Point P in the Perſpective Table. You proceed thus; from the Point of Sight I, draw thro' P the Radial I K, and on K in the ground Line erect the Perpen- dicular KG; then from Y draw thro' the given Point P, the Diagonal Y L to meet the ground Line in L. Laftly, on the Point K, with the Diſtance K L, defcribe the Arch IH to in- terſect KG in H; and the Point H is the Original of the Point P, as required (1476, 1493.) 1528. In the fame Manner any other Point Qin the Table will have its Prototype determined in C; and the Distances of any of thoſe original Points H, and C, from the ground Line SV will always be equal to the Diſtances K L and LS con- tained in the ground Line between the Interfections of the re- ſpective Radials and Diagonals. 1529. To find the Original of a given Line P Q in the Per- fpective Table; nothing is required but to determine the Original Seats H and C of its two extreme Points P and Q (1494) then by connecting the Points H, C, the Line H C is formed on the ground Plane and is the Original of the Perfpec- tive Of PERSPECTIVE. 169 tive PQ, as required. The Diſtance of this Original at each Extreme from the ground Line, as alfó it's Magnitude or Length, is meaſured on the faid Line SV, in Inches, Feet, &c. according to the Meaſure by which that Line is di- vided. 1530. In the fame Manner any other Perfpective Line OP is found to have it Prototype BC, on the ground Plane; and thus any Perspective Angle OPQ on the Table V X, will have its original Angle BCH determined on the ground Plane; whofe Quantity is there alfo meaſured in the ufual Manner. 1531. Therefore, to find the Original or Prototype of any given. Perſpective Figure or Superficies, OP QR on the Table, nothing more is neceffary than to find the original Seats E, B, C, H, of it's angular Points O, P, Q, R, (1493) for thefe being connected, from the Figure EBCH, which is the true Origi- nal of the Perſpective given; whoſe Diſtance and Dimenfions will then be eafily known by common Geometry. 1532. As in the direct Method, the Perſpective or every regu- lar Figure is irregular and diffimilar, (1487) fo in the Inverſe Method, the Original of every regular Piece of Perſpective, muft itſelf be irregular and of a different Form; and therefore, if the Perfpective Figure OPQR be a Square, the Original EBCH is a Trapezium, (1531) and if that Square be divided into equal Parts, by Lines drawn thro' the equidiftant Points f, e, d, the Original will be divided very unequally by correfpondent origi- nal Lines drawn thro' the original Points a, b, c, at unequal Diſtances in the Line HC, the Original of P O. 1533. Therefore it will follow, that if any Portrait, or other Picture be drawn on the Perfpective Square, it will, when pro- jected by the viſual Rays in the original Trapezium, be there deformed, or appear of a monftrous Shape. For the natural Form and juſt Proportion of Parts in the Portrait, which de- pend on equal and fimilar Spaces which they fill in the Square, will be all deſtroyed, when projected on the Trapezium into unequal and very diffimilar Spaces. And this Distortion of the Figure is called, an Anamorphofis, Deformation, or monftrous Projection. 1534. The Anamorphofts is eaſily effected in any Degree by the Rules of Art. For if the Perfpective Square P R be divided VOL. II. Z inte 170 INSTITUTIONS into a Number of finall Squares, or other equal or fimilar Spa- ces; then fince by the Rules above the Original of the Square and all its Parts are to be found, and drawn on the ground Plane, it remains only to draw the fame Parts of the Picture in each irregular Space of the Trapezium, as you fee in the cor- refponding Part of the Perfpective Square; and the Deformation will be compleated, as required. 1535. The Diftortion or Deformation will be in Proportion to the Height and Diſtance of the Eye from a given Perſpective Figure OPQR. For if the Diſtance of the Eye IY continue the fame, the Breadth of the Projection at each End, viz. EH and BC will leffen as the Height of the Eye WV increaſes, and confequently, the Deformity of the Picture will be the greater, as its Length continues the fame nearly. 1536. Alfo, if the Height of the Eye be the fame, but the Diſtance greater, then will the Deformation or Trapezium vaſt- ly encreaſe, both in Length and Breadth, in all the remote Parts towards BC, in Compariſon of thoſe towards HE; and therefore the Deformation becomes greatly augmented in this refpcct alfo; and, indeed, much more than by altering the Height of the Eye at the fame Diſtance. 1537. Hence it appears, that there is a certain Pofition of the Eye, in which it will view any given artificial Deformation or monftrous Picture E BCH, fo that it fhall appear perfectly natural, or in a juſt Proportion and Symetry of all the Parts of the Object it is intended to reprefent. For it is evident, from the foregoing Theory, if the Deformation EBCD be placed on the Horizon, at the Diſtance ME, from the Perſpective Table V X, then an Eye placed at I, at the Diſtance IY, and Height TX, will view that monstrous Projection on the ground Plane, as a regular and perfett Square on the Table; and the de- formed Image contained in it; as a well-proportioned and natural Portrait or Picture. 1538. Now, becauſe the Image in the Eye is every Way fimilar to the Object it views on a Plane placed before it, and parallel to the Fundus or Bottom of the Eye; therefore, fince this Image on the Retina in the Eye is the fame as would be formed of a Picture well drawn or defigned on the Plane or Table VX, and fince it does no ways depend on the faid Of PERSPECTIVE 171 faid Table, but on the peculiar Pencil of Rays paffing through it only, which is ftill the fame when the Table V X is removed; it follows, that the Eye in the Pofition affigned at !, will view, by itſelf alone, the Deformation contained in BEHC, as a juft and well drawn Picture. 1539. This Invention has given Rife to thoſe common Ana- morphofes of King Charles's Head, St. George and the Dragon, &c. on long Slips of Paper (like Fig. 30.) fold at the Shops, which being held in a Pofition parallel to the Horizon, and viewed at the proper Diſtance ED, and ſmall Height of the Eye at I, do very agreeable furprize the Spectator (inconfcious of the Defign) with a regular and beautiful View of thofe Objects, of which in the Deformation they faw fcarce any Appearance. 1540. From what we delivered in the Theory of Catoptric Per- fpective, it is evident, that if T V W X be confidered as a re- flecting Speculum, and EBCH a Deformation placed before it, then its Appearance OPQR, in the Speculum, will be a regu- lar Picture; for that will be the true Perſpective of the Figure on the ground Plane, in the fame Manner by a reflected, as by a tranfmitted Pencil of Rays (1522) 1541. Since the Law of Reflection is the fame in Surfaces of every Figure (1300) it will follow, that if we conceive the Spe- culum TV W X to be pliable and formed into a Cylindrical Sur- face, as ABCD (Fig. 31.) There will ftill be a regular Per- ſpective Picture formed by Reflection from a proper Deformation EFGH; the greater Divergency of Rays in this Cafe, caufing only a greater Diſtortion in the Anamorphofis, and a Diminution of the Picture in the Speculum. 1542. Hence arife all thofe Experiments of polished Cylinders, Cones, and other figured Speculums, which rectify the Appear- ance of thoſe ſeemingly unmeaning and ludicrous Deformations painted round about them, on the Planes on which they are placed; any of which are eafily drawn by any Perfon fkilled in the Theory of Catoptrics; but thofe who are not, may very fuc- ceſsfully uſe the following practical Method which is univerſal for all Speculums. 1543. Let a fquare Hole be cut in a Piece of Paper, Paft- board, Vellum, &c. and fine Threads pafted on the Paper over the Hole, horizontally and perpendicularly, fo as to divide Z 2 the 172 INSTITUTIONS the fquare Hole into a proper Number of leffer Squares; then paſt this Paper with the Lattice-Square on the Surface of your poliſh Cone, Cylinder, Looking-Glaſs, &c. and place a Can- dle at a proper Diſtance and Height (ſuch as you intend the Eye fhall have to view the Picture) then will that polliſhed Lattice be reflected on the Table in the Form of the required Anamor- phofis, with the Shadow of the Threads, dividing it in a pro- per Manner for drawing the Deformation of any propofed Ob- ject, whoſe Picture is drawn in a Square, of the fame Size with that on the Speculum. CHAP. VII. Of SCENOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE; or the ME- THOD of drawing FIGURES of THREE DIMEN- SIONS in PERSPECTIVE, 1544. THE HE Superficies which terminate or bound a Solid, conftitute its Form, or external Appearance; and therefore the PERSPECTIVE of a SOLID, is nothing more than the complex Perſpective of all its fuperficial Parts; ſo that, pro- perly ſpeaking, there is nothing beyond fuperficial Perspective in Nature, for that rightly applied, gives the Perſpective of every Figure or Form of Solids, or rather Figures of three Dimen fions*; as will appear in the following Articles, 1546. We ſhall begin with the moft regular and fimple Form of a Solid, viz. that of a CUBE, whofe Sides are fix in Num- ber, and all equal; but if a Cube be placed direct before the Eye, only one or two of the fix Sides can then appear. For if Fig. 1. (Plate II.) be confidered as a Cube, then, becauſe its Height We have thought proper here to make a Diſtinction between a Solid, and a Figure of three Dimenfions; for though every Solid has always three Dimenfions, yet a Figure of three Dimenfions may not be a Solid, but a hollow or concave Body; thus there may be a fuper ficial Cubic Inch, as well as a Solid one, but the Perfpective of both is the fame; for this Art is not concerned with the Solidity or internal Parts of Bodies that do not appear to the Eye. Of PERSPECTIVE. 173 Height QP exceeds the Height of the Eye IY, it will be im- poffible for the Spectator to ſee more than the Side in Front, EG. For Rays of Light proceeding from any Point in the two fide Planes EB, HC, and that on the Top GB, can never come to the Eye at I; and the Bottom ED, and fartheft Side DB, are precluded from the Sight by the Solidity of the Cube, ſo that one Side only can in this Caſe appear. 1546. But if the Height of the Eye IE (Fig. 4.) exceeds the Height of the Cube A B, then not only the Front-fide ABCD, but likewife the Top or uppermoft Side will appear to the Eye. And only theſe two can appear for the Reafons before-mention- ed (1545.) The Perfpective of the Side A B C D of the Cube in Front, will be fimilar to the Side of the original Cube, and therefore a Square, as is evident from (1468, 1469, 1470.) 1547. But fince the Top, or upper Side of the Cube is below the Eye, and parallel to the Horizon, it may be conceived as placed on a ground Plane at the Height of the Cube above it ; and its Perſpective on the Table, will therefore be the fame as of any Square ABCD for the Height IF, and Diſtance IY of the Eye, (1487) that is, Abc D will be the Perfpective of the upper Side of the Cube; and confequently, the Perſpective of the whole Cube, viewed in Front, will confift only of thoſe two Sides, as in the Figure. 1548. A Cube of a lefs Height than that of the Eye, placed with one Side parallel to the perspective Table, but removed from the direct Ray IF towards either Side, to more than half it's Width AF or FD, will difcover a third Side to the View; and in a folid Cube, three Sides are the moſt that ever can be feen; this is called a View in Profile. 1549. Therefore to give the moft general and eaſy Idea of the Perſpective of a Cube (or any folid Body) it will be beſt to diveſt it (as it were) of its Solidity, and reprefent it as hollow, or confifting only in Form, or the external Sides or Super- ficies. 1550. Wherefore (Fig. 7.) let ABCD be the Side of a hollow Cube, placed contiguous the perſpective Table, and viewed in Profile. Then will the Perfpective of the Bafe be BbcC (by 1487.) This is called ICHNOGRAPHY or perspective Plan of the Cube. The Perfpective A adD of the Top of the Cube 174 INSTITUTIONS Cube is determined in the fame Manner, by fuppofing AD the ground Line in regard thereto. The Perfpective of the Front ABCD, as it coincides with the Table, is the very Side itſelf. And the Perfpective of the Oppofite or remote Side, as it is parallel to that Front and to the Table, will be of the fame Fi- gure, viz. a Square abcd (1468, 1469.) 1551. Therefore the fame Part A a of the Radial AI which bounds the Perſpective of the Top of the Cube, terminates alſo the upper Part of that Side of the Cube which is in View, as be- ing the common Interfection of both thofe Sides or Planes. For the fame Reaſon Bb terminates the lower Part of the viſible Side of the Cube on the Table; therefore the Perfpective of that Side of the Cube is Aab B. And fince the Cube is hollow, and the Sides open, the other Side will appear internally; and its perſpective Profile will be D de C. 1552. All we have faid is evident from the Confideration of the mutual Interfection of Planes, as indeed from the Figure itſelf; for if we turn the Figure Side-ways, and look upon CD conti- nued out to M as a ground Line, then will the two Sides, which are now perpendicular to the Horizon, be parallel to it, or they will be the Bottom and Top of the Cube, and the Height of the Eye above thofe Sides or Planes will be I M, as it is now CM. And CedD, Aab B, will be their Perfpectives, drawn by the common Rules (1489, 1492.) as Bbc C, AadD, are for the lower and upper Sides in the prefent Pofition of the Cube. 1553. If the Bafe of the Cube be divided by Lines parallel to the ground Line, like the Square in Fig. 5. then by fetting off thofe equal Divifions in the ground Line from B to 4, 5, 6; and from them drawing Diagonals to the Point of Diſtance Z, they will cut the Side Bb in the Points I, O, G, thro' which the Lines IK, OQ, GH, are to be drawn for their Perſpectives in the ichnographic Plan BbcC (1478, 1479.) and they will be all parallel to the ground Line BC, as in the original Baſe: 1554. In the fame Manner, if CD be confidered as a ground Line, and the equal Divifions in the Side CD, be fet off front D towards M, then Diagonals drawn from them to the proper Point of Distance in this Cafe, will interfect the Side D d in the Points Of PERSPECTIVE. 175 Points F, q, k, through which the Lines FK, qQ, Hk, be- ing drawn parallel to DC (1552) will be true Perſpectives of the original Lines in the Side of the Cube. 1555. Hence we ſee that the perſpective Parallels IK, OQ, GH, on one Side, contain right Angles with the perſpective Parallels KF, Q, HK, on the other adjacent Side, and are therefore perpendicular to each other, as in the original Cube. And confequently, the perſpective Sections of the Cube through thofe Lines, viz. EIKF, OQ9, IGHk, will be all of them Squares, and parallel to the Side ABCD, as they are in the Cube itſelf. 1556. If each Side CB, CD, be divided by perpendicular Lines in the Points 1, 2, 3; then if from thofe Points, Radials are drawn to the Point of Sight I, they will in the Plains Bbc C, CedD, be the Perfpectives of the original Lines in the Sides of the Cube reſpectively (1552). And thus it appears, that to put a Cube into a Perfpective, is nothing more than to find the Per- ſpective of a Square for its feveral Sides feparately, and that thoſe fix perſpective Plans together compleat the Perſpective of the Cube, which is ufually called the SCENOGRAPHY of it. 1557. The Cube having an Angle placed in Front, or in fuch Manner that a Diagonal of its Baſe may be perpendicular to the ground Line, is put into Perfpective by the fame Rules, and with the fame Eafe, as the other; in this Cafe we ſee the upper Side of the Cube, and have an equal Profile of two of its Sides. Thus Fig. 8. is the Scenography of a Cube, whofe Side is equal to the Square EOFQ in Fig. 4. Then abbg is the Perſpective of the upper Surface (the fame as Foeq in Fig. 4.) and EOFQ is the Ichnography of its Bafe, found as directed (1485) for the Height EI, and Diſtance IZ, of the Eye: Having thefe two Plans, the Perfpective of the Cube is com- pleated by drawing the Lines a E, b0, hF, gQ 1558. Becauſe the Sides of the Cube, or parallelopiped in this Cafe, make an Angle of 45 Degrees with the ground Line, therefore their Perſpectives ag, eq, will converge to the Point of Distance Z, (as in the other Cafe they converged, to the Point of Sight I.) As will all other Lines drawn parallel to them on the Sides of the original Solid. (1485) 1559. 176 INSTITUTIONS 1559. If on any one Part, the Solidity of the Cube be ſuppo- ſed to be uniformly continued for any given Length Ee, then the Cube becomes a Parallelopiped, the Perfpective of which is ſtill determined by the fame Rules, as is evident from the Figure. 1560. And if any Side of the Parallelopiped be divided by parallel Lines perpendicular to the Baſe; then by ſetting off the Diſtance of thofe Lines from e to C in the ground Line to the Points 3, 2, 1, reſpectively; if a Ruler be laid from each of thoſe Points, to the Point of Sight I, it will give the Points in the Line eq of the perfpective Bafe, through which, if Lines are drawn parallel to ae, the Side of the Perfpective of the Cube or Parallelopiped, will be divided in the fame Manner as the Prototype. All which is evident from the Figure, and what we have before taught (1552). For the Radials divide the Baſe Lines in this Cafe, as Diagonals did in Fig. 7. where the Cube was viewed by the Side. But this Divifion is to be made equally by Radials or Diagonals at Pleafure, as the Reader will eafily underſtand from the Theory. CHA P. VIII. The RATIONALE of the practical METHODS of SCE- NOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE, with the THEORY of Perspective MEASURES for that Purpoſe. 1561. A S in fuperficial Perfpective there are two practical Methods of putting any plane Figure in Perſpective, viz. one by infcribing them in a Rectangle, (1488) the other by given Points (1492). So in like Manner we here proceed to draw the Perſpective of any Upright, Solid, or fuperficial Figure of three Dimenſions, two different Ways, viz. The first by inſcribing the given Figure, if regular, în a Cube, or proper Pa- rallelopiped; the Second, is by finding the Perſpective of the ſe- veral Lines which are formed by the Interfection of Planes, com- pofing Fig.3 m Fig 7 n h K Fig.1 2 BAB 9 a b h d Fig.10 Fig.4 100 m d b a Fig. 8 3 Fig. 2 Plate III. Fig.5 Fig.6 a D F E B A Fig.n Fig.9 b Of PERSPECTIVE. 177 pofing the Superficies of the given Figure; and theſe Lines con- nected, from the Scenography thereof. This fecond Method is general for all figured Bodies, regular, or irregular. 1562. As a Specimen of the firft Method, let it be required to put a PRISM into Perſpective; to do this, we may conceive it circumfcribed by a hollow Parallelopiped, whofe Bafe and Height are equal to thofe of the given Prifm; then draw the Scenography or Perſpective of this Parallelopiped, which let be AB bade CD, the Bafe of which Bb c C is alſo the Perſpective of the Baſe of the Priſm; and fince the Edge of the Prism tou- ches the Surface of the Parallelopiped, let the Diſtance thereof be meaſured, and ſet off on the ground Line from B to 4; then a Ruler laid from Z to the Point 4, will cut the Side B b in I: Draw IE parallel to A B, and it will be the Perſpective of the Perpendicular let fall from the Edge or Angle of the Priſm on the Rafe. Therefore drawing EF parallel to AD, it ſhall be the Perſpective of the Edge of the Prifm. Then drawing the Lines BE, bE, and CF, F, they compleat the Perspective of the Priſm in the Figure BE bc F C, which is fhaded for the Sake of DiftinAneſs. C 1563. After the fame Manner, a Pyramid, Cone, Globe, &c. may be drawn in Perſpective, which cannot be difficult to thoſe who underſtand the foregoing Principles. What I here fpeak of relates to Matters merely Perfpective; but to give a natural Re- lievo to conical and ſpherical Figures, whether Convex or Con- cave, requires more a ſkilful Management and Difpofition of Lights and Shadows, as we ſhall hereafter ſhew. 1564. The fecond Method for determining the Scenography of Solids, is by finding the Perſpective of Lines which are formed by their interfecting Planes. To underſtand the Reafon of this Method, the following Theorem muſt be premiſed. Let ID be a given Line, placed on the ground Line CD (Fig. 10.) then from any two Points A, B, in the horizontal Line, draw the Radials AD, AI; BD, BI; and parallel to CD draw any Line LK, cutting the Radials AD, BD, in G and E; from thofe Points in H and F. This done, I fay, the Line GH is equal to the Line EF. The Demon- ftration is from fimilar Triangles (656.) draw G H, EF, cutting the Radials AI, BI, VOL. II. A a For 178 INSTITUTIONS For AG: AD:: GH: DI. And BE:BD:: EF: DI. Alfo AD: BD:: AG: BE. Therefore ADXBE BDXAG. Therefore alfo DIxEF=DI × GH. (652.) Confequently EF=GH. 2 E. D. 1565. If FD (in Fig. 9.) be made equal and parallel to ID (in Fig. 10.) and from the Point of Sight I, the Radials IF, ID, be drawn; then if any Line LM be drawn parallel to the common. ground Line DCD, interfecting the Radials ID, AD, in the Points L and M; and LG and MO be drawn parallel to F D or ID, they will be equal to each other alfo, as is demonftrable in the fame Manner as the above Theorem, 1566. Therefore let BL KI be the Perfpective of the Baſe of the Solid (Fig. 9.) drawn for an oblique View; and neither Side or Angle in Front. Then when the oppofite Sides of the Solid are equal and parallel, and one Angle placed in the ground Line at B; if AB be the Height of the Solid, then through L draw the Radial ILD, meeting the ground Line in D; on the Point D draw D F equal and parallel to A B, and join IF; on the Point L erect the Line LG parallel to DF in- terfecting the Radial IF in G; and join A G; then is A BLG the Perſpective of one Side of the Solid. In like Manner you find the perfpective Lines IE, KH; and drawing A E, EH, and GH, the Perfpective of the whole Solid is compleated. 1567. Or thus more univerfally, let ID be the Meaſure of the Solid's Height, and placed on the ground Line at D (Fig. 10.) and make any Triangle AID at Pleafure, whofe Vertex A is in the horizontal Line; then from the Angles of the per- fpective Baſe I, L, K, (Fig. 9.) draw Lines IC, LM, KP, interfecting the Radial A D in C, M, and P, on which Points erect the Lines CN, MO, PO, and they will be the perfpec- tive Heights of the Solid at the Angles I, L, K; that is, CN =IE, MO= LG, and PQ=KH; (by 1564) which Heights are all determined by the parallel Lines EN, GO, and HQ, (in Fig. 9, 10.) 1568. Hence it appears, that if any Line be perpendicular to the ground Plane, and its Diftance from the ground Line, and Height, Of PERSPECTIVE. 179 Height, be given; then its Perfpective may be eafily drawn. For the perſpective Seat of any given Point on the ground Plane is found by (1492) and the Perfpective of any given Height or Line is found for that Seat or Point, by (1494.) 1569. If the given Line be perpendicular to the ground Plane, but placed above it, at a given Height; then that Height is to be added to the given Length of the Line, and both confidered as one Line; whofe Perſpective is to be found for the Whole firft, and then for the lower Part or Height above the Plane; then this latter fubducted from the Whole, leaves the Perſpective of the given Line. 1570. A Line of a given Length, Pofition, and Inclination to the ground Plane, if placed upon it, is thus put into Per- fpective. First let the Perfpective of its Seat on the ground Plane be found (1492) then from the elevated End let fall a Perpendicular to the ground Plane, and find the Perfpective of that Perpendicular (1494). Laftly, draw a Line from the perfpective Seat to the Top of the perfpective Perpendicular, and that will be the Perfpective of the given Line. 1571. For Example; fuppofe (c) the Seat of the Line in the perfpective Plane (Fig. 7.) and K the Seat of the Perpendicular, then through K draw the Radial IC, cutting the ground Line in C; upon the Point C erect CD equal to the Perpendicular, and draw ID; and from the Point K draw KF parallel to CD; and it will be the Perfpective of the faid Perpendicular; then join c F, and it will be the Perſpective of the Oblique Line, as re- quired. 1572. If the Line be wholly elevated above the ground Plane,, then its Perspective may be drawn two Ways; for, firſt, you may continue the given Line to the ground Plane; and then finding the Perspective of the Whole, and its Parts, that of the given Line will be known of Courſe. Or; fecondly; from each End of the elevated Line let fall a Perpendicular to the ground Plane, and then find the Perfpective of thofe Perpendiculars, the Summits of which being joined, give the Perfpective of the Line, as required. 1573. Having thus fhewn how all Lines may be drawn in Perfpective of any given Length, Pofition, or Elevation on, or above the ground Plane, it follows, that all Bodies of what Form A a 2 Of 180 INSTITUTIONS or Figure foever they may be, are drawn in Perſpective at the fame Time, and by the fame Rules. Since the Lines formed by their various interfecting Planes will be given in Length, Po- fition, and Inclination from the Nature of the Solid; their Per- fpectives therefore are eaſily drawn by the Rules above (1492 to 1495) and the Extremities of thofe perfpective Lines being joined, give the Scenography or Perſpective of the Body re- quired. • 1574. It farther appears how, by the menfural Triangle AID (Fig. 10.) the perſpective Heights of Men, Houſes, Trees, Beafts, Birds on the Wing, &c. may all be duely adjuſted and meaſured; and their proper Diminutions proportioned to their Distances from the ground Line in Landſcapes, Prints, and alk perspective Views. Thus fuppofe ID were a Tree on the firſt Ground of a Landſcape, then the Radials AI and AD deter- mine the Diminution of Trees of the fame Height in all remote Diſtances from the ground Line. So that at C the Height is CN; at P, it is PQ; at G, it is GH, and fo on, till it va- niſhes in the Horizon at A. 1575. But by fimilar Triangles we have CN: ID:: AC: AD; and PQ:ID::AP: AD; and GH:ID::AG: AD, &c. Therefore CN : GH:: AC:A G ; or the Linear Dimenſions of Objects, in a Piece of Perſpective or Landſcape, are directly as the Distances from the Point of Sight. 1576. Again, the Diminutions of the Heights of Objects in a Landscape, will always be as the Diſtances from the fore Ground, or ground Line; for AD AC: ID-NC:: AD-AG:ID-HG (649.) That is, ID- NC: ID -GH:: CD: DG. 1577. Hence it appears, that while Objects are at the ſame perpendicular Diſtance from the perſpective Plane, their per- ſpective Appearance or Magnitude will always be the fame; and therefore if a Bird, or any other Body afcend or defcend in a perpendicular Direction through any Height, it will ftill have the fame Dimenfions in every Part of the Afcent or Defcent on the perfpecuve Plane, and muſt be ſo repreſented in Drawing, as we obferved before. And thus we have premifed every Thing necefiary in the THEORY and PRACTICE of common PERSPECTIVE: We now proceed to illuftrate the fame by a Variety Of PERSPECTIVE 181 Variety of uſeful Examples; with Obfervations thereon, as Occafion requires. CHA P. IX. The RULES of PERSPECTIVE, illuftrated by a Va- riety of ufeful EXAMPLES, with proper Obferva- tions thereon relative to a general PRAXIS. 1578. [PLATE III. Of PERSPECTIVE.] A$ As we S we have given the fundamental Rules for drawing all Kinds of Superficies and Solids in Perfpective; it remains now, that we illuftrate the fame by proper Examples, with fuch farther Obfervations and Inftructions as may tend to facilitate the Practice of thofe Rules to the young Deſigner. 1579. In Fig. 1. we have Inftances of a long Parade, gravel Walks, grafs Plats, a Canal, &c. all put into Perſpective ac- cording to the Rules laid down (Chap. III.) by drawing the pro- per Radials and Diagonals from the Point of Sight (i) and Di- ftance (z); as alfo the Scenography of a whole Row or Street of Buildings on one Side, and of Trees on the other, by the Rules contained in Chap. VII. Here we may obſerve, that in order to preſerve Uniformity, and Identity of Meaſures, in any Per- ſpective or Landſcape, there ought to be but one Point of Sight, and Distance; for if the Breadth or Diſtances of the Houfes were determined from the Point of Diftance (z) and the Diſtances of the Trees from another (y) there could be no Meaſure found, nor any Judgment formed, of any Diſtances at all in fuch a Piece. 1580. To the fame Point of Sight (i) the fame Rules of Per- ſpective are applicable for Objects on all Planes in any Situation about the Eye; for the Elevation of the Plane above the Eye, and the Elevation of the Eye above a Plane, are the fame Thing in Per- ſpective; and confequently the Diminution of Objects in the Air follow that fame Rules as thofe on the ground Plane. Thus Birds 182 INSTITUTIONS Birds (Fig. 1.) diminiſh as they recede from the fore Ground of the Sky (if we may uſe that Expreffion) to remoter Diſtances, and at Length vaniſh at the Point of Sight in the horizontal Line. 1581. Thus alfo (in Fig. 2.) which is a direct perfpective. View of the Infide of a Room, the CIELING above, the Floor below, and each Side, are to be confidered as ſo many Planes put into Perſpective from the given perpendicular Diſtance of the Eye from each (called the Height of the Eye) and the given Di- ftance (iy) from the Front of the Room. For fince the Inter- fections of the fide Planes with the Cieling above, and the Floor below, are fuppofed perpendicular to the ground Line, or per- fpective Plane, they will converge to the Point of Sight (i) ac- cording to (1479) and thereby terminate the Perſpective of the whole infide View; which, indeed, cannot be difficult, as it contains the plaineft Cafes of direct, fuperficial, and Scenographic Perspective. 1582. In Fig. 3. you have a fide View of the PEDESTAL Of a Pillar, whofe Front being formed by the Meaſures proper to the Order, you proceed to form the Perſpective of its Bafe and Capital for the given Height and Diſtance of the Eye, as in the Figure. Then the Scenography of the Whole is finiſhed by the Rules in Chap. VII. and VIII. 1583. This Figure is added to fhew how the Pillar is to be placed on its Pedeſtal in Perſpective; for it is eafy to obferve, that the Axis or central Line of the Pillar muſt be perpendicu- larly over the perfpective Center (c) of the Bafe, and comfe- quently the Perpendicular (cd) is that Axis or Line which de- termines the perſpective Pofition of the Pillar on its Pe- deftal. 1584. Fig. 4. contains the Perſpective of two PILLARS or COLUMNS in Front; one in a Direct, the other in a Side View; the geometrical circular Bafe (a b d) being given, the per- Spective elliptic Baſe of each is determined by (1498) and then the Pillars themſelves are drawn or defined by the two parallel Lines which are perpendicular to the ground Line, and touch the El- lipfis on either Side. 1585. Hence it appears, that a Colonade of Pillars, viewed in Front, will not have all an equal perfpective Magnitude, or they muft Of PERSPECTIVE. 183 muft not be drawn all of an equal Size; but that which is near- eft to, or directly before the Eye, has the leaft perfpective Mag- nitude; and others appear larger on the perſpective Plane, as they are farther removed from the Eye or Line of direct View. However paradoxical this may feem, it is thus eafily demonftra- ted The Ellipfis (gchk) of the fame Circle on the fame ground Line is greater or lefs in Proportion to the Obliquity or Diſtance of the View, as is evident from the Figure here, but more ſo in Fig. 4, 5. of Plate II. And fince the Sides of the Pillars are Tangents to thofe Ellipfes, and perpendicular to the ground Line, they muſt be at a greater Diſtance in an oblique than in a direct View, and therefore give a greater perfpective Magnitude of the Pillar. 1586. It may be proper alfo to give an optical Demonftration of the Truth of this Pofition; let (ad) be the Diameter of the geometrical Bafe; this in the direct View fubtends the greateſt Angle (aid) under which the Baſe of the Pillar (gchk) can appear, and the perfpective Diameter is gh; but ac and g h are the fame in both Views, and a Pillar on that Diameter would be the fame in both Cafes. But the apparent Magnitude of a Pillar is in Proportion to the Angle which is fubtended by that Diameter that is perpendicular to the vifual Ray (i c.) Suppofe (ef) to be that Diameter, and draw the Rays (ie) and (if) which produce to the ground Line at (m) and let (i e) crofs it in (1) then it is evident the Diameter (ef) will eclipſe from the Eye a Part of the ground Line equal to (lm) in the oblique View; and therefore the perfpective Magnitude of the Pillar will be as much greater here than it is in the direct View, as (m) is greater than (a d.) 1587. Hence it appears, that though it is always the Prac- tice of Architects to reprefent all Pillars in a front View of an equal Size, yet the Abſurdity of fo doing is as great as it would be to give the fame Objects the fame Heights at different Di- ftances from the ground Line. And thoſe who vindicate fuch a Proceedure, muſt be looked upon as either very ignorant, or elſe prevaricating with the Rules of Art in a moft licentious De- gree. 1588. The Axis of a Pillar in a direct View is equidiftant for either Side; but it is not fo in the oblique View; for as it rifes 184 INSTITUTIONS rifes from the Center of the elliptic Bafe, it will, in that Cafe, be nearer to that Side next the Eye than to the other, as is evi- dent by Inſpection of the Figures. The fame Thing is to be underſtood of any other regular Body in an oblique View. 1589. In Fig. 5. we have two PARALLELOPIPEDS, or ſquare Columns, put into Perſpective, on their proper Bafes (abcd, eƒgh) which are ſuppoſed to be fquare; one in a direct View, in which only one Side can be feen; the other in an oblique View, fhews the fame equal Side in Front, and a Profile of the other Side (defh) next the Eye at (i) the Point of Diftance being (z). Theſe are Cafes fimilar to thofe before obſerved of the Cube (1546 to 1549) in the fame Points of View. 1590. The Manner of placing a SPIRE OF STEEPLE on the Top of the Tower of a Church, &c. in Perſpective, is ſhewn in Fig. 6. The Spire is fuppofed to be a Square Pyramid, the Per- ſpective of whofe Bafe is (a b de) (being a fide View, like that in Fig. 1.) Here alſo you can fee only two triangular Sides (viz.' bgd and a gb) fo far as they rife above the Top of the Tower. If from the Center (c) of the perfpective Bafe a Perpendicular be raiſed, and its perfpective Height (cg) proper to the perpen- dicular Height of the Pyramid, than (g) will be the Vertex of the Spire, which will be much nearer to that Side of the Tower next the Eye, than to the other, for the Reafon before-men- tioned. 3 1591. To place a TABLE, CHAIR, &c. on a Floor, as (abcd,) in true Perſpective, is no difficult Thing by the Rules prefcribed. For Example, let ad be 10 Feet, and fuppofe the Table 4 Feet long, and to ftand 3 Feet from the Side of the Floor (a b) and 1 Foot from the ground Line (a d) as in Fig. 7. is evident; let the Height of the Table be 21 Feet, and its Width 16 Inches, then on (a) crect the Perpendicular (a m) and from (a) to (e) fet off 2, the Height of the Table, and draw (ei) to conſtitute the menfural Angle (cia). Then draw Parallels to the ground Line at the Distance 12, and 3 Feet; they will cut the Radial (i a) in (g and h) then the Perpendicu- lars gf, kl, will be the perſpective Heights of each Side of the Table; all which, with every other Circumftance, is directed by the Rules in Chap. VIII. 3 1592; Of PERSPECTIVE. 185 1592. As to the CHAIR, if the Perfpective of its Bafe be found, then the Height of the Seat and Back are in the fame Manner determined by an Angle of Meaſures, or by the com- mon Rules. The Bottom or Seat of the Chair not being a Square but a Trapezium, will have its Perfpective determined by the Point of Sight (i)-and accidental Point ≈ (1483) with re- gard to the two Sides which are parallel; but the other two which are inclined converge to a Point before they arrive at the hori- zontal Line, which is fuppofed at an infinite Diſtance from the Eye, and where only parallel Lines can meet, nor they neither but in Perſpective. 1593. If a Box is to be opened in Perfpective, then the Pofi- tion with regard to the ground Line is to be confidered. If the End be parallel thereto, then the Corner of the Lid, in opening, will defcribe a Circle in Perſpective, as (a df) Fig. 8. (1469, 1504) and therefore if a Circle be deſcribed on each End of the Box, with a Radius equal to the perfpective Width of the Box, and the given Angle to which the Lid is opened, be fet off from (a) to (b); then you will have the four angular Points of the Lid by which it may be drawn as required. 1594. But if the Side of the Box be placed parallel to the ground Line, then the angular Point of the Lid, in opening, will deſcribe a Semi-ellipfis in Appearance on the perſpective Plane, as (abdf), fuppofing the End of the Box contiguous to the Side of a Room. Here the elliptic Angle (acb) is determined from the given circular Angle in which the Lid of the Box ftands. open, as directed (1498), or if the Angle (b) has its perpendi- cular Height meaſured, and its Perſpective found (1570) the Perſpective of the Lid or Cover is thereby determined. 1595. Again, if Doors, Windows, &c. are to be put into Perſpective as they ftand open in any given Angle; the Rules for doing it are ſtill the fame. Thus fuppofe the Door be 2 Feet wide AC (Fig. 9.) then on the Center C defcribe the Semicircle ADF, upon which the angular Point of the Door moves; ſuppoſe the given Angle to which it is opened be ACB; then if on the perſpective Floor (hefd) you find the Perſpective of the Semicircle ADF; and therein make the elliptic Angle (a cb) correspondent. to the given Angle ACB in the Proto- type; you will have the Pofition of the Point (b) on which you VOL. II. B b raife 1186 INSTITUTIONS raiſe the perpendicular Perſpective (bo) of the given Height of the Door (1568) and then, laftly, by forming the Perſpective of the Door-place or Aperture (am ne) in the Side of the Room, you will have the four angular Points of the Door determined, by which it may be readily drawn in the Pofition required. 1596. In the fame Manner the Windows on the upper Part of the Room may be drawn. But it is to be obſerved, that fince the Angle is given in which the Door or Window is opened, and alſo the Diſtance on, and Height, above the ground Plane, the Angles of the Door, or Cafement, may be moſt eafily de- termined by the Method of Perpendiculars as directed in (1567.) 1597. If a Perfon in a Room, on one Side of a Street, views through the Windows the Buildings on the other Side, the Window then becomes the perſpective Plane or Table for the orthographic Delineation of whatever appears in Front on the other Side of the Way, (1649,) as is here reprefented in Fig. IO. 1598. The whole Scenography or perſpective View of the In- fide of a Shop is prefented in Figure 11. in order to compare it with the Picture made thereof by a Speculum or Lens which we fhall hereafter have Occafion to take Notice of. CHA P. X. The PRINCIPLES of Catoptric and Dioptric PER- SPECTIVE confidered with regard to VIEWS, PIC- TURES, LANDSCAPES, &c. formed by MIRRORS and LENSES; with the RULES for exhibiting them in any required Proportion to the OBJECTS, 1599. E have already confidered fo much of Catoptric Per- Spective as relates to reflecting Planes; but it was neceffary to treat of Scenographic Perspective before we could pro- perly handle the Doctrine of Optical Perspective univerfally as con- cern'd in the Formation of Images, Pictures, Landscapes, and all Kind Of PERSPECTIVE. 187 Kind of Views by reflected and refracted Light from and through Convex and Concave Glaffes of every Kind. 1600. The Subject we are now entering upon, though the moft effential and exquifite Part of the Science, has not (that we know of) been touched upon by any Author on Perfpective, and therefore we fhall be the more particular and explicit on this Head. In order therefore to determine how far the Picturesque IMAGES of OPTICAL GLASSES agree and coincide with the Drawings made by the Rules of commm Perfpe&ive, it must be re- membered, that the Linear Dimenfions of an Obje& and its Per- ſpective are proportioned to their Diſtance from the Eye (1468) that is (in Fig. 1. Plate II.) RN: rn::IZ: Ii:: AB: ab ::AD: ad. 1601. Now fuppofe A G were an open Cube or other rectan- gular Body whofe oppofite Sides are equal, and let the Side E G in Front be called the Profcene; the hinder Side AC the Post- fcene; the Sides E B, HC, the Lateral Scenes; the ground Plane AH, the Primary SCENE, and CB the Erial Scene, if placed a- bove the Eye; or Secondary Scene, if below it. Then conceive a perſpective Plane placed contiguous to the Profcene, on which the whole Scenography of the Body will be viewed in Perſpective by the Eye at I. 1602. Put the linear Dimenfion of the Profcene E H or EF P, and the Perfpective of the Poftfcene ad or abp; alio let their Distances from the Eye be Ii D, and IZ = d. Then we have Pp::d: D. d: D. And this Analogy will hold for any Situation of the perſpective Plane, between the Eye and the given Cube. 1603. If inſtead of the Eye, a Convex or Concave Speculum were placed at I, then an Image will be formed of the faid Cube or Body, and the linear Dimenſions of every Part will be proportioned to the Diſtance from the Glafs, as we have fhewn (1310) Then, if we call AB or AD an Ob- ject, and put it equal to O, and its Image = i; we ſhall have O:i:: df = focal Diftance of the Image; and therefore fin all Kinds of Speculums. di O Bb 2 1604. 188 INSTITUTIONS 1604. In a CONVEX MIRROR, we had dr therefore dr 2d + r =f(1291) id = ; from whence we get Or 2 id + 2 d + r ir, which gives this Analogy, O:i:: 2d+r: r. Or, the Proportion of the Length or Breadth of the Poftfcene is to that of the Image thereof, as twice the Distance added to the Radius, is to the Radius of the Speculum. 16c5. The Profcene being equal to the Poftfcene (1601) its Length or Breadth EF or EH will ftill be denoted by O, but its Diſtance being lefs, let that be = D; and becauſe the Image will be larger in Proportion, put it I, and proceed as be- fore; we have Or 2 ID + Ir, and the fame Analogy O: I :: 2 D + r:r. = 1606. But becauſe in both Cafes Or is the fame, therefore we have 2 id + ir = 2 ID + Ir, and therefore I :i:: 2 d From hence we have the Ratio of the linear + r: 2 D + 1. Dimenſions of the Profcene to that of the Poftfcene; and con- fequently the Optic Scenography of the Solid is thereby determined, and its Difference from that in common Perſpective. 1607. In the CONCAVE Speculum, = becauſe dr 2d- =f, (1291) we have Orir 2 di Ir-2 DI; whence 1:i::r 2 d: r-2 D. From whence it appears, that when the Radius of the Speculum exceeds twice the Diſtance of the Objects, then the Images will be pofitive or behind the Glafs; but otherwiſe negative or before it, agreeable to (1315, 1316.) 1608. In Cafe of a LENS, it is every where O :i:: d:f, and id о = f(1340). Alfo for a double and equally Convex Lens we dr id have ƒ==(1387) and therefore Or = id—ir =ID—Ir; whence we have I:i::d-r: D—r; or in the Scenography of the Image of fuch a Lens, the linear Dimenfions of the Profcene and Poftfcene are as the Differences between the Di- ftances and Radius of the Lens respectively. 1609. After the fame Manner the Scenography of Images for all different Forms of Lenfes may be found, and compared with thoſe Of PERSPECTIVE. 189 * thofe of common Perfpective. And fince, in all, the Terms of Compariſon confift of the Sums or Differences of the Radius and Equimultiples of the Diſtances; therefore while the Radius of the Glaſs bears any confiderable or fenfible Proportion to the Diſtan- ces of Object, the optical SCENOGRAPHY of their IMAGES will dif- fer more or leſs from the common Perſpective thereof. 1610. But it is evident, when the Diſtances are fo great that the Radius of the Glafs bears no fenfible Proportion thereto, it will then vaniſh out of the Terms of the Compariſon, and then the Analogies Convex Mirror, I:i:: 2d: 2D::d : D. become in the Concave Ditto, I:i:: -2d: - 2 D:: d: D. Convex Lens, I:i:: d: D. 1611. Confequently, in all fuch Cafes the optical Scenogra- phy of the Image is the very fame with that of common Perfpec- tive on the tranſparent Plane; for by all the Glaffes, we have Iid: D, and on the perfpective Table, we have P::: d:D (1468) therefore I :i:: P: p. Whence it appears, that all the Parts in the optical and perſpective Scenography are per- fectly fimilar, and that, therefore, the IMAGES of OPTICAL GLASSES in fuch a Cafe, are PICTURES, PROSPECTS, or LANDSCAPES in true Perspective. 1612. Hence the excellent Ufe of a Convex Speculum, in exhi- biting to the Eye a genuine perſpective View of all diftant Objects, as a perfect Copy for the Artift to draw by. It prefents him with an inſtantaneous Conftruction of the perfpective Sceno- graphy of the interior Parts of a Room, and all its Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Scrutores, Book-cafes, Pier-glaffes, Pictures, &c. juft as they ought to be drawn. An Inftance of its Ufe in this reſpect, is Fig. 11. Plate III. which is a perſpective View of a Mathematical SHOP, with its Counters, Spheres, Globes, Air- pumps, Teleſcopes, Glafs-cafes, &c. actually delineated from the perspective PICTURE of a CONVEX MIRROR (1598.) * 1613. Another great Uſe of ſuch a Speculum, is to exhibit the true Perfpective of an Object diminiſhed in any given Degree. For, becaufe Or = 2id + ir (1607) it is Or-ir= 2 id, 190 INSTITUTIONS 2 id, and therefore d = For Example, fuppofe. Orir 2 1 i • 4 I; and let the Radius of the it required to draw a Microſcope, Air-pump, &c. 4 Times lefs than the Life; then O: i Speculum ber 12 Inches; then d = 48- 12 2 = 18 In- ches, the Diſtance from the Mirror to make the Image 4 Times leſs than the Object. 1614. Since the Image is larger in Proportion as the Radius of Convexity is fo, it appears how excellently well adapted fuch Mirrors are, when very large, for exhibiting the moſt perfect LANDSCAPES of diftant SCENES, whether Gardens, Fields, Lawns, Woods, Mountains, Vales, Rivers, Sea, &c. with all the natural COLOURS, LIGHTS, and SHADES, MOTION, and every other Incident which can tend by this perſpective Miniature, to improve and out-vie even NATURE itſelf. 1615. The fame Things may be faid of a Concave Mirror, with regard to the Form and Proportion of the feveral Parts of the Image, and the juft Perfpective of the Whole, but then the inverted Pofition of the Picture before the Glafs, and the Incon- venience of obſerving it, renders it not fo uſeful in the Arts of drawing and defigning, as that of the Convex Form. 1616. But then it has this moft entertaining Property of re- folving the perſpective Picture, or Landſcape formed by the Con- vex Mirror into its Original or Prototype, and gives each Part Diſtances, Size, and Situation. In this Cafe it is ſuppoſed that the Radius in both Speculums is the fame. Thus, for Illuftra- tion, fuppofe a View of 7 Miles round St. PAUL'S were drawn from a Convex Mirror of 10 Feet Radius, that Drawing held at the fame Diſtance before an equal Concave Mirror as it appear- ed to be behind the Convex One, the faid Concave would revert the Landſcape, and prefent the Eye with a delightful Fiew of the large City of London, and County about it, as large as the Life, and at the fame Diflance in every Part, as appears to the naked Eye. The Reafon of all which, is very evident from the Theo- ry we have above premifed. Hence the great Ufc of Concave Mirrors in viewing perſpective Prints, in the portable Camera OBSCURA. 1617. Of PERSPECTIVE 191 1617. From the fame Theory (1608) it appears, that a Convex Lens does alſo preſent us with the fame perspective Figure or Image of diſtant Objects in the Focus, which as the Radius is longer, will be larger in Proportion; and therefore, in a real Camera Obſcura, when fuch a Lens is applied in a ſcioptric Ball and Socket, you view upon a Screen, at a proper Diſtance, the Scenography of Buildings, and a LANDSCAPE of every rural Scene, fo heightened by Colours, and animated by Motion, as justly excite our Admiration, and we readily pronounce the Pencil of Nature perfect, and all her Paintings inimitable. 1618. Upon the Whole we may conclude, that as all artifi- cial Paintings are but Copies of Nature, the more they ap- proach to, and are regulated by the Art of Perſpective, the more natural and valuable they will be, and Beauty and Harmony will fo much the more evidently appear; for we have ſhewn in the Theory (1292) that in all Nature's Painting the ftricteft barmo- nical Proportion is obferved; and confequently NATURE is all PERSPECTIVE and HARMONY. CHA P. XI. Of the PERSPECTIVE APPEARANCE of OBJECTS on INCLINED PLANES. [PLATE IV. Of PERSPECTIVE.] 1619. Ware fuppofed to be taken on Planes perpendicular WE have hitherto treated of ſuch perſpective Views as to the ground Plane; but as it will, on many Occafions, be ne- ceffary to confider them on Planes or perſpective Tables inclined in any Angle thereto, I ſhall here deliver the Theory and Rules for that Purpoſe. 1620. Let A DNR be a perfpective Table inclined to the ground Plane BCGK in a given Angle (Fig. 1.) A B C D is a Rectangle viewed upon the Table by an Eye at I, at the Height ĮH, and Diſtance from the ground Line HF. Biſect BC in E, 192 INSTITUTIONS E, and draw EH, and I i parallel thereto, then will (i) be the Point of Sight on the Table, and RY, drawn through it paral- lel to AD, will be the horizontal Line, in the fame Manner as in the upright Plane (1465). = 1621. Produce CK and E F indefinitely, and make the An- gle IMH Angle of the Plane's Inclination; then will I M be parallel to i F. Draw the Radials i D, ¿A; make KL- HM, and join IL, which is then parallel to iD. From the Points B and C, draw the vifual Rays IB, IC; they will in- terfect the Radials i A, iD, in the Points S and P, then join- ing SP, the Area ASPD will be the Perfpective of the Rect- angle ABCD; the Demonftration is the fame as was uſed for the upright Table (1475, &c.) 1622. But for a practical Method, the following Theorem in this Cafe may be preferable. In the ground Line A D produ- ced, take DO DC; and in the horizontal Line RY, take ¿Y = iI, the Diſtance of the Eye from the Table; draw YQ parallel to iD, and draw YO, which will interſect the Radial iD in p, the fame as the Point P found by the other Theory. For in the fimilar Triangles L CI and DCP, we have IC: DC::LI: DP; and in the fimilar Triangles YOQ and pOQ, we have QO: DO: YQ: Dp. But the three firſt Terms of each Analogy are feverally equal to each other; for LCLD + DC QD + DOQO; and DC- DO, by Conftruction; alfo LI= iD=YQ. Therefore, alſo DP = Dp, and conſequently the Points P and p coincide or are the fame. 2. E. D. 1623. Whence the practical Rule for finding the Perfpective of a given Point C on the ground Plane, upon a given inclined Table is this. From the given Point draw a perpendicular CD to the ground Line, and draw the Radial iD; in the ground Line A D produced, take DO=DC, and iY = iI, and draw YO, which will cut the Radial iD in the Point P, the Seat or Perspective of the given Point C, as required. · 1624. The Diſtance of the Eye from the Plane is equal to its perpendicular Diftance from the ground Line, together with the Cotangent of the Plane's Inclination; for i I=FM = FH + HM, but H M is the Tangent of the Angle HIM, the Y Z T W I V Plate IV D Fig.1 10 B N E A R S LA F D O I Fig.2 H M R 770 B K L M N Fig.4 G F d Fig.3 H C 10 D 20 30 40 20 Fig.7 30 40 B 50% бо 60% A Fig. 8 a K D E H C P 19 Fig.5 G E 50 60 E H Fig. 6. TU 0 H B Of PERSPECTIVE. 193 the Complement of the Inclination HMI to the Radius IH the Height of the Eye. 1625. Hence it will be eafy to draw the Perfpective of any given Object upon an inclined Table BCTV (Fig. 2.) Let the Object be a hollow Cube whoſe Side is M N O P; ſuppoſe it to touch the Plane on its upper Part; and that the Inclination is equal to the Angle W CV. I is the Point of the Sight on the Plane, and X, Z, the Points of Diftance, as in the upright Plane. Then, becauſe the Diſtance of the Cube from the Table at Bottom is CP, if we draw the Radials I C, I B, and the Diagonal Y P, the Point of Interiection F will be the Seat of the Point P; and drawing the Line YO, it gives the Point H for the Seat of the Point O. Therefore drawing EF and GH parallel to the ground Line B C, the Area EFGH will be the Perſpective of the Square Baſe of the Cube, by the Theory (1487.) 1626. The inclined Table being juft the Width of the Cube, we have A D = MN; continue AD to S, which is now to be confidered as a ground Line, for the Top of the Cube; there- fore taking AR MN, and drawing RZ it will cut the Ra- dial IA in K; and then drawing KL parallel to AD, it will give AKLD for the Perfpective of the Top of the Cube. Laftly, by joining A E, FD, GK, and HL, the whole Scens- graphy of the Cube will be compleated. 1627. From this Procedure for the Cube, I prefume the Me- thod of finding the Perſpective of any Points, Lines, Superficies and Solids, will not be difficult to the young Drafts-man; for this one Example includes them all, either contiguous to, or at a Diſtance from the Table; and parallel and perpendicular to the ground Plane, ground Line, &c. 1628. I need not obferve, that the Sides of the Cube in Front, are not Squares in the Perſpective, as they are in upright Planes, but Trapeziums; for EF is less than AD; and G H leſs than KL. And this will be the Cafe of all Lines and Superficies not parallel to the perspective Table. 1629. The Inclination of the Plane may be fuch that the Per- fpective of a Circle on the ground Plane fhall be a Circle alío. Let DE (Fig. 3.) be the Diameter of the given Circle; HD the Diſtance, and HI the Height of the Eye; draw the Rays ID, IE; and let the Plane HF cut them fubcontrarily in e and d; VOL. II. (1510) Сс 194 INSTITUTIONS (1510) then fince all the Angles in the Triangles DHI, and EHI, are known; and by Suppofition the Angle HD e= HdE, and the Angle H Ed He D; therefore fince He D = IHe+HIe; we have HeD-HIe 1 He, the Incli- nation of the Plane HF required for that Purpoſe. = 1630. Hence alſo it is eaſy to affign the Inclination of a Plane wherein the Seat or Perſpective of a given Point fhall be the fame as in the perpendicular Poſition. Thus (Fig. 2.) ſuppoſe CV the upright Plane, the Eye at Y views the Point O thereon at (a); on the Center (C) with the Distance C a, crofs the Ray YO in (b,) and through that Point draw CQ which is the Po- fition of the Plane required, fince Cb Ca. 1631. Let CW be perpendicular to the Ray YO, then is the Angle VC WaOC; and confequently the Angle a Cb =2aOC. 1632. Since the right Line CO occupies the fame Space Cb, Ca, on the inclined and upright Planes, it will follow that any Line CP at a lefs Diſtance will take up a lefs Space, and any Line CX at a greater Diſtance will take up a greater Space on the inclined Plane, than on the fame in the erect Pofition. Much more might be faid on this Head, which we fhall leave to the Reader's Invention, having premiſed the Principles, which is here all that is propofed. CHA P. XII. Of Theatrical PERSPECTIVE; or, the RULES of PER- SPECTIVE applied to the SCENERY of a THEATRE. [PLATE IV. Of PERSPECTIVE. } 1633. THE Wed in PERSPECTIVE. For as we are to be •THE HE whole Artifice or Deſign of a THEATRE, is founded entertained with an Imitation of ſome memorable Actions paſſed, fo in order to render the Performance more natural and pleaſing, the Scenes on which they were tranſacted ought to be reprefen- ted as they appear to the Eye of a diftant Spectator, that is, in Perspective. For whether there be a tranfparent Plane, or not, be- Of PERSPECTIVE. 195 between us and the Scene of Action, the Image in the Eye is equally in Perſpective, and excites the fame Idea in the Mind, as if the whole Affair were viewed on a perſpective Plane. 1634. Hence it is, that the whole HOUSE, internally, is only one large Scenography, or perſpective View of an hollow Paral- lelopiped, or large Room, about three or four Times as long as it is Wide or Deep. Hence it is, that you fee the Body of the Houfe fo contrived, as to reprefent the Perfpective of the firft Part of fuch a large Room, the Ceiling, Sides, and Floor, all Converge, by the Rules of Perſpective, to a Point of Sight at the fartheft End, which is the remoteſt Part of the Stage. 1635. For the STAGE is only the Floor of the other Part of the Scenography of the large Room, ſuppoſed to have been the Scene of Action; and therefore alfo the Sides and Ceiling, Pro- fcenes, and Poftfcenes, are all in regular Perſpective. But in or- der to give a more exact Idea of this Matter, we muſt have Re- courfe to perſpective Reprefentation alfo. 1636. Therefore let ABCD (Fig. 4.) reprefent the ground Plane or Floor of a long and large Room, on one Part of which toward A B, fuppofe fome great Action or Converſation to have happened, and the fame to have been obſerved by the Eye Y at the other End of the Room. Then it is evident, if in any in- termediate Part a tranfparent Plane E F GK had been erected, the Obferver would have viewed the Whole tranſacted perfpec- tively on the Plane EG, in that Part ac EK which includes the Scene of Action AEK B. (1487.) 1637. Now though we have fhewn how fuch an Event may be truly repreſented in a perſpective View, yet this is ftill but a Picture of it; there, it is true, we fee the Place, the Perfonages, the Manner, the Time, and fome other concurring Circumſtances, that altogether, give fome Idea of the Thing; but real Life, Action, Voice, and Variety of Scenes, Attitudes, Paffions, &t. are wanting to animate and realize the perfpective View, of Picture. 1638. Now all this is effected by the ARTIFICE of a STAGE or THEATRE. For let Y X be the Height of the Eye placed over the middle Line of the Room, and drawing Y I parallel to HX, the Point of Sight will be I in the horizontal Line (/m) of he perſpective Plane. And now, inftead of the upright Plane Cc 2 EG, 196 INSTITUTIONS EG, we fuppofe another Plane fEK g placed on the fame Line EK, and fo far inclined, that its Elevation iL be juft equal to the Eye's Height Y X, it is evident, the perfpective Horizon (m) will coincide with the End fg of the inclined Plane; the perſpective Scene a c E K will be projected into the large One e E Kk, and all above it on any other perpendicular Plane at (ek) or (no) behind. 1639. This new inclined perfpective Plane fE Kg is the Stage or Theatre we ſpeak of, and is a Scene of real Action in a perspective View at the fame Time. The Area e E Kk is here the perſpective Scene of Action (or Scena Dramatis) and inſtead of Men and Women in the Picture acEK, we have fufficient Room for real Perfons (Perfonae Dramatis) to act the feveral Parts of the intended Repreſentation (or Drama); here now are the Profcene, the lateral Scenes, the Poftfcene, &c. all in Per- fpective, and moveable to the moſt convenient Situations. Not only the whole Scenography of the Stage is by this Means formed and adjuſted by the Rules of Perſpective, but the very Actors themſelves, as they advance or retreat, have their Appearance. encreaſed or diminiſhed to the View of the Spectators (especially thoſe remote in the Pit and Gallaries) according to the Laws of optical Perspective. 1640. On this inclined Plane, or perspective Stage, the dramatic Scene may be encreaſed at Pleafure, and thereby very diftinct Views and Profpects agreeably rife to the Sight, by the artful Paintings and Defigns on the Lateral and Poftfcenes; thus e E Kk may be enlarged to oEKn; and fekg which was before the Poſtſcene, may now be confidered as the Profcene, to a diftant Dramatic Scene (oe kn) whofe Poftfcene is (nopq.) And thus the Stage, or Scene of the Drama, may be extended to comprehend the moft diftant View or Scenes of Action, even to the Horizon itſelf, for the remote End of the Stage, viz. the Line fg, is the horizontal Line in this theatrical perſpective Plane. 1641. As the Dramatic Scene e E Kk is variable according to the Nature and Circumftances of the particular Parts or AЯions of the Play, fo the Lateral and Poſtſcenes must be conformable thereto, and confequently variable, and of different Sorts; thus if the Stage repreſent the Infide of any particular Building, as a Ca- + Of PERSPECTIVE 197 Caftle, Prifon, Church, &c. the Side and Back-fcenes muſt correfpond to the fame in all the Characters appropriate to fuch Edifices. If the Stage be a Street, the lateral Scenes repreſent Houſes, &c. on each Side, and the Poftfcene gives a perfpec- tive View of all at the far End, or beyond it. If you fuppofe the Scene a Vista, then Rows of Trees, &c. defcend in Perfpec- tive on either Side. If Fields or Lawns be the primary Scene, and Swains, Shepherdeffes, &c. the Perfons of the Drama, then Trees, Woods, Cottages, &c. make the Perspective of the Sides; and diftant Views of Countries, funny Hills, and horizontal Clouds are portray'd on the Poftfcene. 1642. With regard to the Scenes, they are variable and dif- ferent in the different Parts of the Scenography; when the Stage is not open, the Profcene is only a plain Curtain, to be drawn up and let down as Occafion requires. The Poftfcene is either a Curtain with Defigns or Drawings in Perfpective; or elſe it con- fifts of two fliding Parts, which being put together, from each Side the Stage, make one uniform perſpective Piece ſuitable to the Nature of the Part of the Play then acting. 1643. The lateral Scenes, and thofe above the Stage, confift of many different Parts; thofe on the Sides are moveable in Grooves made in the Floor of the Stage; and may by this Con- trivance be variouſly changed, and being placed oppofitely one a little before the other, they make together but one united View or perſpective Scene, and by this Means produce an agree- able Deception, and at the fame Time give an Opportunity for the Actors to come on, and go off, on any Part of the Stage, as the Circumſtances of the Action may require. In the fame Manner the aerial Scene may be compoſed of ſeveral Parts of fpar- ticular Curtains, or moveable Pieces, defcending one below the other, and uniting in one perfpective Defign. 1644. But to ſee more clearly how thefe Things are contrived and difpofed, let Fig. 5. reprefent a front View of the Stage in Perſpective. One Half of which is plain and naked, and the other Half diſguiſed and decorated with perfpective Paintings, &c. EFGK is the Front; Eek K, the Stage; GgkK the plain Side, confifting of ſeveral lateral Planes projecting beyond each other in their proper Grooves; (ef g k) is the Pofticene, half plain, and half painted; E Ffe is the other Side, covered, as it 198 INSTITUTIONS 1 it were, with perſpective Drawings and Defigns; and making but one piece in Appearance. Ffg G is the aerial Scene, open on one Part, and properly formed on the other; (i) is the Point of Sight by which the Whole is regulated. This Piece of Per- ſpective is the proper Scenography of that Part of the Stage in Fig. 4. which is denoted by EFGK kgfe. 1645. Hence it is evident, that the Heights of the ſeveral Planes, or Sliders, on the Sides of the Stage, are to be adjuſted by the Inclination of the Line Fi, or Gi, to the Line Ei, or Ki, on the Stage; fo that the Height EF or GK, of the firſt Sliders, and (ef) or (gk) of the laft, in the perſpective Stage Fig. 5. are the fame as the Lengths of the Lines denoted by the fame Letters in Fig. 4. And the fame is to be obferved, for the Sliders in any other Scene (ek no) in a remote Part of the Stage. 1646. Another Figure is yet neceffary to fhew how the Grooves are to be made on the Sides of the Stage, and their Diſtan- ces aſcertained and proportioned. In order to this let Kk (Fig. 4.) be the Perſpective of the ground Line for the Length of the Stage divided into equal Parts (as directed in 1554,1555.) Then let Fig. 6. be the whole Length of the Stage; A B the Width of the Houſe, and EiK the Area of the Stage, as in Fig. 4. and draw the Lines Ai, and Bi. Then from the Points of equal Divifion in the perſpective Line Kk (Fig. 5.) raiſe Perpendicu- lars, and they will terminate the fore Parts of the lateral Sliders- reſpectively, in that Perſpective of the Stage. 1647. Let the middle Line Hi of Fig. 6. be in a right Line with Hi in Fig. 5. Then from the feveral Points of equal Divi- fion in the Line Kk of Fig. 5. let fall Perpendiculars to the Line K k in Fig. 6. and they will interſect it in the Points K, r, s, t, u, w, x; through which, if Lines are drawn parallel to the ground Line AB, they will affign the Places and Diſtances of the Grooves (r 1, ƒ2, t 3, &c.) on each Side the Stage K k and Ee. And the Figures 7 and 8 denote the Grooves of the Poft- ſcene. But there is in different Stages, a different Difpofition of the Parts and Machinery; what we have faid is fufficient for a general Rationale of theatrical Perspective, which is all that is here intended. CHAP. T Of PERSPECTIVE. 199 CHAP. XIII. The Doctrine of PERSPECTIVE DECEPTION EX- 1648. WE plained, and exemplified. [PLATE IV. Of PERSPECTIVE.] E have already confidered the various Illuſions and Deceptions which the viſual Senfe is ſubject to from Catoptrics and Dioptrics; that is, how different the Magnitude, Pofition, Place, Diftance, &c. is of any Object, as it is con- ceived in the Mind by the vifual Faculty, from Rays reflected or refracted to the Eye in regard to the Idea of the fame Thing ex- cited by direct Rays. 1649. Of theſe Deceptions fome are very ufeful, witneſs the Looking glafs, Reading-glafs, &c. Others afford us a very rati- onal Amuſement; as thofe Lenfes and Speculums which give an agreeable Relievo to perſpective Views, Prints, &c. ufed in optical Machines. And fome on the other Hand gives us a great deal of Trouble, as in Cafe of Refractions through the Atmof- phere in Matters of Aftronomy and Navigation, by which the Celeſtial Phænomena are fhewn in very different Circumftances. from thoſe which are real. 1650. But the Deceptions we here intend to ſpeak of are purely Perſpective, and are defigned to impoſe on the vifual Fa- culty in the moſt agreeable and advantageous Manner. In- deed all Perſpective is a Sort of Illufion, as it repreſents Things not as they really are, but as they appear on an intervening Plane by refracted or reflected Light. And therefore, if in any particular Cafe Things are not juſt as we could wiſh to have them, we can, at leaſt, by this Art, make them appear to be fuch, and to an inadvertent Obferver, the Difference from the Truth will not be difcovered, and that which is only Perspective fhall be taken for the real Thing it reprefents. 1651. We fhall illuftrate this Matter by an Example or two. Let A B C D be the ground Plane of the perfpective Vista Cb a D, (Fig. 7.) at the far End of which, ſuppoſe a high Wall (bcde) at right Angles thereto; and let the Length of the Walk BC 200 INSTITUTIONS BC be 40 Yards. Now if it be defired to make this Viſta or Walk to appear longer than it really is, it may be thus effected. Suppoſe it were required to lengthen it by one Half, or to make it appear to be 60 Yards long. Then fince on the ground Line CE, the Diſtance C 40 determines the Length of the Viſta Cb; if from the Point 40 you fet off 20 Yards more, it will give the Point 60, from whence drawing a Line to the Point of Diſtance Z, it will give the Point (f) in the perfpective Side Cb of the Viſta continued out; by which Means the perſpective Cfg D may be compleated for a Walk CF on the ground Plane 60 Yards in Length. 1652. Therefore fince the additional Part of the perſpective Vista (abfg) may be painted on the Wall contiguous to the End (ab) and as it will be a perfect Continuation of the faid Viſta, it will exhibit to the Eye of a Spectator, at a proper Di- ftance, the View of a Walk A FGD juft 60 Yards long; nor will he be ſenſible of the Deception, or that the Part (abfg) is drawn or painted on the lower Part of the Wall. The Truth and Pleaſure of fuch perfpective Illufions any one may be con- vinced of by the notable Inftances of fuch Pieces of Art in Vaux- hall Gardens, and in many other Places. 1653. After a like Manner you may rectify the Appearance of an irregular Room. Thus for Inftance, fuppofe the Floor of the Room was in Form of the Trapezium AEFKB (Fig. 8.) deficient from a Quadrangle by the Part EIF; then in order to make the Room appear of the ufual Form to a Perſon viewing it at ſome Diſtance, it will be neceffary to compleat the perfpec- tive Trapezium, or Floor A E F K Binto the Rectangle AIK B, which is done by drawing the Line B Z, interfecting the Side AE continued out in I, and joining IF. Therefore on the Side of the Room E F G H, you draw the Perſpective of the feveral Parts deficient, viz. (1.) The perfpective Triangle EIF for the Floor. (2.) The correfponding Triangle G HM for the Cieling. (3) The Part E HMI to compleat the Perfpective of the Side. (4.) IMGF to compleat the farther End or Side of the Room. And (5.) on theſe ſeveral perſpective Sup- plements, are to be drawn Windows, Doors, Glaffes, Pic- tures, &c. to make the Perfpective reprefent the Room in the Man- Of PERSPECTIVE. 201 Manner you propoſe to compleat the View of it; and then it will have the agreeable Effect defired. 1654. We have already taken Notice of the great Uſe, yea, abfolute Neceffity of perfpective Diſguiſe in all theatrical Pur- poſes; the very Effence of a Theatre confifting in that Sort of Illufion. Here all the Scenery is a Contrivance to repreſent Things which are not as tho' they really were; and, in fhort, all the Incidents to a Draina, are one united Syftem of Decep- tion; and by the Price that is paid for it, one would think there was no Pleaſure fo great as that of being deceived; and which, therefore ought to be confidered as a high Recommendation of Perſpective, which above all other Arts does moſt agreeably and innocently impoſe upon our Senſes. CHA P. XIV. The RULES of PERSPECTIVE applied to ARCHITEC- TURE, in raiſing the Perſpective ELEVATION of BUILDINGS. 1655. T [PLATE V. Of PERSPECTIVE.] HERE is certainly no Art in which the Science of PERSPECTIVE is fo immediately concerned as Ar- chitecture, fince whatever Edifice, or Fabric, is propofed, the Ground Plan thereof muſt firſt be made; then the Ichnography or Perſpective of the Plan muſt be drawn; and, laftly, the Scenogra- phy or perfpective Elevation of all the Parts muſt be compleated, before a proper Idea can be given of the Defign; and therefore the Architect, above all Men, is under a Neceffity of under- ſtanding the Rules of Perspective, and the Reafon of them like- wife, if poffible. 1656. Wé fhall illuftrate this Matter in regard to the perſpec- tive Elevation of an Edifice by the following Example. Let ABCD be a geometrical Square, on the Ground Plane, in which another Square EFGH is infcribed; and in that a CROSS, KL MN, which is the Form of the Plan on which VOL. II. Dd 28 202 INSTITUTIONS 1 an Edifice is to be erected. Suppoſe it to be viewed obliquely, with an Angle in Front; then, by the Rules delivered (Chap. III.) you find the perspective Plan (klmn) for the given Point of Sight I, and Diſtance I Z. 1657. Let us now fuppofe this perſpective Plan, or Croſs, drawn more at large, and for a lefs Height of the Eye in Pro- portion to the Diſtance, as (k l m n) in Fig. 2. Then it is evident, that if from the feveral angular Points you raife Per- pendiculars, and give to each of them their proper Heights (ac- cording to their respective Diſtances from the Ground Line A D) by the Line of MEASURES, (as directed in Chap. VIII.) You will then, by joining their Apices in a pro- per Manner by right Lines, form the Scenography of the Building in its linear Extremities; after which its front Sides, gable Ends, &c. are to be filled up, and pannelled with Win- dows, Doors, and architectural Ornaments, with a juft Dif pofition of Light and Shadow upon the Whole; in all which there can be no Sort of Difficulty, if the foregoing Pre- cepts be underftood, as appears by this Example, wherein the feveral Parts of the Edifice receive their Form and Proportion immediately by the Radial and Diagonal Lines, drawn to the Points of Sights and Diftance, I, Z; it would therefore be fuperfluous to ſay any Thing more on this Head. 1658. And becauſe the above Rules of Perſpective are in the higheſt Degree neceſſary in truly defigning and repreſenting the Ruins of Building and Monuments of Antiquity, we thought it would be proper, likewife, to give a Specimen of fuch a per- ſpective View in all the Variety of Architecture. 1659. In Figure 3. there is a Side View of a Colonade of Pillars, all diminiſhing in juſt Perſpective to the Point of Sight at I. There are alfo three Pillars in a Front View, but entirely out of Perſpective, being all of an equal Size, (fee 1587) this is one Reaſon why I made Choice of this Piece (for all the Figures of this Plate except the firft, are borrowed,) being willing the Reader fhould fee in what an imperfect State the Practice of Perſpective is in at this Day, and how ridiculouſly the Laws of this Science are tranfgreffed, even by the Profeffors themſelves. 1660. Having Of PERSPECTIVE. 203 "I 1660. Having faid all I think can be neceſſary for perſpective Draughts and Deſigns, either of Superficies or Solids; I have added, for further Illuftration, two other Figures (viz. Fig. 4, and 5.) to fhew how vaulted Arches, Roofs, the interior Parts of Churches, winding Stairs, diftant Views thro' Buildings, and many other Particulars, relative to Architecture, appear in perfpective Defigus. In thefe the Reader will find not a fingle Article but what is ftrictly conformable to, and ex- ecuted by the Methods and Rules of Perſpective above laid down. CHA P. XV. Of Sciagraphic PERSPECTIVE, or the ART of SHADOWS. 1661. it is a mere negative, and therefore can not, pro- AⓇ S SHADOW is nothing but the Abfence of LIGHT, perly be the Subject of Art. However, there is what we ufually call the Art of Shadows, and as it is a neceſſary Article in Paint- ing and Deſign, and is, for the moſt Part, conducted by the Rules of Perſpective, we shall here treat of it in a few Words. 1662. Since whatever intercepts the Rays of Light muft pro- duce Shadow, it is evident, that all Bodies, or Objects which are opake, muſt be attended with Shadow, if placed in the Light which can fall obliquely on them. 1663. Again, it is neceffary that the Pofition of the Shadow be contrary to that of the luminous Object, whether a Candle, the Sun, a Window, &c. becauſe the Rays of all Light are rectilineal. 1664. The Figure of the Shadow depends partly on the Fi- gure of the Object, and partly on the Form of the Rays. For it is evident, that in any Light the Shadow of a Triangle will be different from that of a Circle, or a Square; and the Sha- dow of a Cone will not be the fame as that of a Globe or Cube. And, on the other Hand, it is as certain, that the fame Dd 2 Body 204 INSTITUTIONS Body will have its Shadow varied according to the Form of the Rays. For a Cone will caft a Shadow of a greater Length by intercepting diverging Rays, as thoſe of a CANDLE, than it will do from parallel Rays, as thofe from the SUN or a Window. 1665. But it will be fufficient here to obferve, that the Laws of Shadow, proceeding from a Privation of diverging Rays, are ſtrictly conformable to, as they refult immediately from, the Rules of common Perspective; by ſuppoſing a Candle inſtead of the Eye, and confidering the Rays of this Light in lieu of the viſual Rays coming from the Object to the Eye. 1666. To demonftrate this we need only have regard to the foregoing perſpective Figures. Thus, in Plate II. Fig. 1. if a Candle be fuppofed to be placed at I, and (antv) an opake Object at any Height, Pt, above the Horizon, or Ground Plane, then, fince all the Rays which fall thereon are intercept- ed, it is evident, if the Rays which pafs by the extreme Parts thereof be continued to the Ground-plane, as I a A, InN, It T, Iv V, they will include a Space A NTV, which will be wholly deprived of Light; and that dark Space is therefore called the Sha- dow of that Object, and gives, of Courſe, its true Limits, Fi- gure, and Dimenſions. 1667. Again, (in Fig. 2.) let a Candle, or radiant Point be fuppofed at I, and let Abc D be any opake Object on the Ground or horizontal Plane, then the Rays IcC, IbB will project its Shadow into the Space ABCD, as is evident by Inſpection. 1668. The Figure and Dimenfions of the Shadow is deter- mined in the fame Manner, in any Pofition of the Plane whatſoever. Thus fuppofe (abcd) (Plate II. Fig. 1.) were an opake Surface; then from a Radiant at I, the Rays, Ia A, IbB, IcC, IdD, will project its Shadow into the Space ABCD on any Plane ftanding on the Ground Plane; and if the Plane which receives the Shadow be parallel to that in which the Object is, then the Shadow will be fimilar to the Object.. In short, every Thing, with regard to the Object and its Shadow, will be inverſely the very fame as has been demonftrated of the various Relations between the Object and its perfpective Repreſentation, and therefore, if thefe be undertoo the Doctrine of Shadows can admit Of PERSPECTIVE 205 admit of no Difficulty, unleſs in that Cafe, where the Shadow is not projected wholly on one Plane, but partly on feveral. 1669. For Example fuppofe (brtva) were an irregular, opake Object, and ſo fituated, with regard to the Radiant at I, that its Shadow falls partly on the Ground Plane, and partly on fome other Plane elevated above it. Then even in this Cafe, you have nothing more to do, than, by the Rules of Inverſe Perfpec- tive, to determine the Prototype of the given Perſpective (brtva) and how much of it is on one Plane, and how much on the other. See Chap. VI. 1670. Or thus; ſuppoſe Rays drawn thro' all the angular Points a, b, r, t, v, to the feveral Planes, they will there de- termine the Extent and Figure of the Shadow; thus It T and Iv V will determine its Limit TV on the Ground Plane; and the Rays Ir R, IbB will mark out the fame on the other Plane, as RB; and therefore, all the Space between R B on the ele- vated Plane, and TV on the Ground Plane, will be occupied by the Shadow. 1671. Or, laſtly, by Calculation, thus; let the Diſtance of the Object Y Pa, the Height of the Radiant or Candle YI H; the Height of the Point t, or Pth, and PT = x, the Diſtance ſought of the Point T, where the Shadow com- mences. Then, by fimilar Triangles, IYT and PT, we have IYP: TY: TP; that is, H:b:: a + x:x; ab = x. In Words thus, multiply H— b whence this Theorem મ the Distance of the Perpendicular Y P by the Height tP of the Sha- dowing Point; and divide that Product by the Difference between the perpendicular Height of the Radiant and given Point t, and the Que- tient will be the Distance PT of the Shaddow T, from the Foot of the Perpendicular P, as required. 1672. In the fame Manner the Point N is determined for the Shadow of the Point (") in the Object; and from thence the Length of the Shadow TN for the Part of the Object (tn). Alfo, if the Shadow falls upon a Wall, you find its Height on the faid Wall by the fame Rule, knowing the Diſtance of the Wall from the Radiant, and the Point to which the Ray tends beyond it, found as above. 1673. It 206 INSTITUTIONS 1673. It is evident, that the Shadows of all perpendicular Lines converge to a Point perpendicularly under the Radiant ; and confequently, if we fuppofe the Radiant removed to a very grea: Ditance thofe Shadows will become parallel, which, therefore, is the Cafe of all fuch Shadows produced by inter- cepting the Rays of the Sun. 1674. Hence the Shadow of a Parallelogram will diverge from the Point under the Radiant, if a Candie; but if the Sun, the Sides of the Shadow will be parallel. The fame may be obferved with Regard to the Shadow of a Cylinder. 1675. It is alſo evident, that the Shadow of a round Table on the Floor will be circular, both from the Candle ftanding upon it on any Part, and alfo from the Sun-beams (1504.) only in the firſt Cafe, the Shadow will exceed the Dimenfions of the Table; in the latter, it will be juft equal to it. 1676. The Shadow of a Globe lying on a Table muſt ne- ceffarily be elliptical; for the Cone of Rays are intercepted by a Plane perpendicular to its Axis, and paffing thro' the Globe in ſuch Fofition as to make an Angle with the Horizon, or Ta- ble, juft equal to the Co-Altitude of the Radiant whether Can- dle or Sun. In this Caſe the Cone is never Scalenous, and can ad- mit of no Subcontrary Sections from the two Planes, therefore the Elliptic Shadow can never become Circular. (See Chap. IV.) 1677. As we have fhewn a general Method how the Sha- dow may be determined for any given Line on given Planes, and as the Shadow of any Superficies is determined by that of each bounding Line, and the Shadow of a Solid refults from thoſe of its connected Superficies, it is evident that the fame general Per- fpective Rule for Shadows (1671.) of Lines extends to the De- termination of the Shadow of any Body whatſoever; the parti- cular Application of which is left to, and is no fmall Part of the Praxis of the young DESIGNER. 1678. The Art of Shadows, in one particular Branch, con- ftitutes a Science of itſelf alone, viz. GNOMONICS, or the ART of DIALLING; to which therefore we proceed to apply it; but it will be firſt neceſſary to teach the Projection of the Sphere from the Principles of Perſpective above laid down; and then the Ratio- nale of making a DIAL will appear in a new Light. CHAP. Of PERSPECTIVE. 207 CHA P. XVI. The RULES of PERSPECTIVE applied to the Geogra- phical PROJECTION of the SPHERE, for the Con- Atruction of MAPS, CHARTS, &c. 1679. Charts by a PROJECTION of the Sphere in Plang is T HE Method of making Geographical and Aftronomical as ancient as any Mathematical Science; but as it is in that Way limited and intricate, we fhall here fhew how general and eaſy it is by the Principles and Rules of Common PERSPECTIVE, which is not only new, but the natural Source of fuch a Doctrine. 1680. For if (Fig. 1. Plate II.) the Plane of Projection HF, the Vertical Plane QN, and the Horizontal Plane L O, were all of a circular Form, and of an equal Radius, they would repre- ſent the Planes of three great Circles of the Sphere whoſe common Interſections would all paſs thro' the Center (¿). 1681. Let the Planes of three fuch great Circles of the Sphere be EQTR, QKPR, and EPLT (Plate VI. Fig. 1.) of which the firſt is fuppofed perpendicular to the Viſual Ray pro- ceeding from the Center C to the Eye at Y, and is therefore the Plane of Projection. The Second is the Vertical Piane, and the Third, the Horizontal Plane, as all the three are ſuppoſed to in- terfect each other at right Angles. Confequently QR is the Vertical Line, and ET the Horizontal Line of the Projection. 1682. Let O be the Place of any Object on the Surface of the Globe or Sphere, then its Diſtance from the Plane of Projection is the Sine OB of the Arch O G, which meaſures its Latitude or Declination from that Plane. Its Distance from the Vertical Plane is the Sine OD of the Arch O K of a lefler Circle KOL, whoſe Plane is parallel to the Plane of Projection, and its Dif- tance from the horizontal Plane is the Co-Sine ON of the fame Arch OK, or the Sine of the Arch O I. All which Sines or Di- tances bear a known Proportion to the Radius of the Globe or Sphere, and therefore are to be eftimated in that meafure, as found in the Trigonometrical Canon. (7c8 to 716.) 1683. The Diſtance of the Eye CY is alfo eftimated in the fame Meaſure, viz. in Parts of the Radius: That is, if Radius 208 INSTITUTIONS =r, then CY = 11, 1, 21, 31, &c. or nr, which may re- preſent any Diſtance of the Eye indefinitely, and thereby render the Theory of Projection, this way confidered, univerfal. There- fore let us fuppofe, 1. The EQUATOR, the PLANE of PROJECTION. 1684. Since the Circle F QT R, in this Cafe, is the Equator, the Vertical Circle QP R, and the Horizontal One E PT will be Meridians; and P the Pole in the Hemifphere remote from the Eye; and if O be the Place of an Object in that Hemiſphere, then we have CG:GH::CB (MO): BI(= OD.) BI{=OD.) that is, as Radius is to the Sine of the Difference of Right Afcenfion or Longitude fo is the Co-Sine of Declination or Latitude to the Dif tance of the Point O from the Verticle Plane. 1685. Again, we have CG: GF :: CB (= MO): BS (=ON.) That is, as Radius is to the Co-Sine of the Difference of Longitude or right Afcenfion, fo is the Co-Sine of Latitude or Declina- tion, to the Diſtance of the Point O from the Horizontal Plane. 1686. Or thus in Symbols; let H G = p, G F = 4, O B÷ x, OM = y; Then by (1684.) DO Diſtance of the Ру = 7 - Point O from the vertical Plane; and by (1685.) ON = - 97 r Diſtance from the horizontal Plane; and x = Diſtance from the Plane of Projection. Having theſe Diſtances from the three Planes, we determine the Diſtances from the vertical and horizontal Lines, in the Plane of Projection, by the common Rules of Perspective. 1687. Thus, fuppofe the Equator between the given Point py npy O and the Eye Y, we have nr + x : nr :: : ĵ nr + x a Diftance of the Point O from the vertical Line of the Projection; (1470.) whence we have npy anr + ax; and therefore nr + x: ny::p:o; the Analogy for find- ing .. 1688. Again, we have nr + x: nr:: gy 12 qy : 7 nr + x b; (1470.) which gives nrxny: qb, the Analogy for finding b, the Diſtance from the Horizontal Line. 1689. If Fig.1 Ꮓ I Fig.2 I น B K סופון Z BUIBIRUAI A } } } Fig.4 ભારતમાં વર J 1 Fig.3 5000001 Fig.5 Plate V. of PERSPECTIVE. ןןןןןןם D Of PERSPECTIVE. 209 1689. If the Eye be placed in the Pole oppofite to P, then n = 1; and the two Analogies become (1.) r + x : y :: p:a, 扎​=I the Diſtance from the vertical Line; and (2.) r + x : y :: q: b₂ the Diſtance from the horizontal Line; in this Cafe, the Projec- tions is that of Ptolemy; and is reprefented in Fig. 2. = 1690. If the Eye be at an infinite Diftance, then n is infinite, and the two Analogies become (1.) ry::p: a Distance from the Vertical; and (2.) ry:: q:b Diftance from the horizontal Line. In both theſe Cafes the Meridians are projec- ted into right Lines (1464) and the Parallels into concentric Circles (1504). 1691. If the Eye were placed in the other Part of the Axis at z, then the Point O is between the Eye and Plane of Projection; and in ſuch a Caſe the Analogies will be (1.) nr x: ny :: p :a; and (2.) nr — x: ny :: q: b; for the Diſtances from the vertical and horizontal Lines, as is evident from (1470). The firft of theſe Cafes is called the STEREOGRAPHIC, and the other the ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION of the SPHERE. II. Of the PROJECTION of the SPHERE on the Plane of the MERIDIAN. 1692. If the Meridian be chofe for the Plane of the Projection, as EP TR, (Fig. 3.) then in the Cafe of common Maps of the World, the Equator EQT is the horizontal Plane; and the Six o'Clock Hour-circle PQR is the vertical Plane. P and R are the two Poles; and the Eye Y is placed in the common In- erfection QC of the vertical and horizontal Planes continued out. 1693. Let O be the given Point, as before, through which draw the Meridian POG; then will the Sines and Co-Sines GH, GF, O B, OM, be the fame as before, and denoted by the fame Letters. Alfo ODP the Diſtance from the Vertical 7' Plane, ON= = 22 = Diſtance from the Plane of Projection ? x as in the laſt, and OB = the Diſtance from the horizontal Plane. Then by the Analogies of Perspective (1687, 1688.) 91 we have nr + ar::*: VOL. II. nr 7x Diſtance from the n r r + q y E e hori- 210 INSTITUTIONS y horizontal Line. And as ur +22 nr Diſtance from the vertical Line. : nr:: ру : nr py r n r r + q y IT 1694. If the Diſtance of the Eye nrr, as in the common Stereographic Projection, then n = 1; and the two Expreffions become rr x rrt gy and 2 r py rr + qy And when rx ; which are to each other, as rx to py. py; then r:p : : y : x : : r : { (712); that is when of the Tangent Latitude O G is equal to the Sine of Difference of Longitude, then the Point O in the Projection will be equally diflant from the vertical and horizontal Lines. 1695. When the Point O is in the Equator, xo and y = r; and the Distance from the vertical Plane is then rp r + q But the Ratio of rq to p, is the fame as that of p to r q; as will appear if we place the Arch QG in another View; let QTR (Fig. 4.) be the Plane of Projection, or primitive Circle, as it is ufually called. Then by the Eye at R the Point G is projected into the Point O in the horizontal Line CT. GH = p, G F = HC = 4, and QH = r Line RG. Then by the Property of the Circle RH: HGHG : HQ; that is, r+q:pp: r-q, and therefore prr-q². p² Put CR = 1, 9; and draw the (658) we have 1696. Now becauſe QH = and CO = r + q rp r + q > there- and confe- fore QHCO:: p²: rp :: p÷r :: GH: QC; quently QO is the Arch of a Circle. Therefore all great Cir- cles of the Sphere are projected into Arches of Circles of different Di- menfions. 1697. Let the Radius of the Circle DOE be R, the Cen- ter B, and Diameter AO. Alfo put CQ= P, and BC = Q, then becaufe Cơ - да rp P₁ (1696) we R + Q R + Q r + q p and fo R + Q: r::r + q :p :: QC 1 +9 have R + Q : CO; therefore AC: CQ:: RH: GH; and confequently the Angle QAC = QRG (657) and the Angle QB C = GCH Of PERSPECTIVE. 211 GCH (642) therefore making the Angle LCTQCG, the Line LC will be parallel to B Q, and give the Center B. 1698. Or thus; CO is the Tangent of half the Angle QCG (705); whence it appears that the Tangent of half the Angle or Arch GQ fet from the Center C, gives the Point O; then through the three Points QOR the Meridian is drawn with Eafe (695). 1699. The Projection, as hitherto confidered, is the vulgar Stereographic One, which on every Account, is the worst that can be for Maps and Charts; becauſe of the great Diſproportion and Diſtortion it occafions in all the Parts of the Earth's Surface repreſented upon it, as appears from the very unequal Parts of the horizontal Line or Equator intercepted between Meridians equally diftant on the Globe; therefore this Projection muſt give a very falfe Idea of the geographical Relations of Places, and is confequently the most unfit for fuch Purpoſes. (See Fig. 5.) 1700. To remedy this Imperfection in a confiderable Degree, we may ſuppoſe the projected Quadrant of the Equator CT, or CE divided into equal Parts, of any Numbers, and let CO be any Number of them denoted by t; that is, let CO be the S 1 † q npr t Part of r, then will or S nr + q snp = ntr +1 9, and we get n = s nr q np ; whence = Diſtance of sp - tr the Eye to project that Meridian; for Example, let the Meri- dian of 10 Degrees from the vertical Plane be projected by the Eye; then s 90, and r = 10; n = Parts of which r = 100. 90p 109 = 175 10 r 1701. In Practice, by dividing the Diameter or horizontal Line into equal Parts; you have the Points given thro' which to draw the Meridians (695). And this is uſually called the GLOBULAR PROJECTION; forafmuch as the Meridians and Parallels are circular, and at equal Diftances in the Equator and Meridian or vertical Line; and confequently fuch a Projection is greatly preferable to the former for general Maps of the World; E e 2 212 INSTITUTIONS a Specimen of which fee in that Map we have prefixed to our PHILOSOPHICAL GEOGRAPHY.* 1702. There is another very uſeful geographical Projection, viz. on the Plane of the Horizon, of which we have given a Spe- cimen in Fig. 6. and though any particular Point may be deter- mined on the faid Plane by the Rules of Perſpective, yet the Whole of it is with more Eafe and Readinefs laid down from Calculations founded on the Principles of ſpherical Geometry hereafter to be explained. CHA P. XVII. The RULES of PERSPECTIVE applied to Aftronomi. cal PROJECTIONS for the Conftruction of Celeſtial PLANISPHERES, the ANALEMMA, &c. INCE the Surface of the Celestial Globe may be pro- 1703. SINCE jeed in Plano, in the fame Manner as that of the Terreſtrial One, it follows, that the fame Theorems which ferve for the Conftruction of MAPS, may alfo be adapted to CELE- STIAL CHARTS or PLANISPHERES. 1704. For this Purpoſe, inſtead of the Latitude and Longitude of Places on the Earth, we muft, in regard to the Sun and Stars, ufe the Words Declination, and Right Afcenfion; and then the fame Symbols will ferve; that is, Sine of Right Afcenfion. q= Co-Sine of that Right Afcenfion. x= Sine of Declination. y Co-Sine of that Declination. 1705. Alfo the fame Diagrains (in Fig. 1, and 3.) may here be ufed; if O be the Place of a Star, then its Diftance from ру the vertical Plane is P 9.1 } Ĵ = DO; from the horizontal Plane NO; and from the Plane of Projection = OB; the fame as before (1686). 1706. * Alfo in a New Map of the World entitled, The PRINCIPLES of GEOGRAPHY and ASTRONOMY explained, &c. Of PERSPECTIVE. 213 1706. If the Equator be the Plane of the Projection; then the Pole of the World is the Center, and the Circles of Declina- tion are projected into right Lines, alfo the Parallels of Declina- tion are concentric Circles; all as before (1685.) But in this Planifphere the Pole of the Ecliptic is alſo projected, and all the Circles of Latitude, together with the Ecliptic itſelf, are pro- jected into circular Arches, by the ufual Methods. 1707. In this Projection the folftitial Colure is the vertical Plane, and the equinoctial Colure the horizontal Plane; the Di- ftance of any Star from the former will be the latter, ngy nr + x пру nr + x ; and from But if the Eye be placed in the Pole on the Globe's Surface, the Diſtances of the Star becomes gy and 1 + x py r + x ; and thus all the Stars may be readily laid down from a Table of their Declinations and right Afcenfions. Such celeſtial Planiſpheres we have by the late Mr. Senex, of 24 Inches Diameter. 1708. If the ECLIPTIC be the Plane of Projection, then is its Pole the Center, and all the Circles of Latitude are right. Lines; alfo O B = x, and O M = y, are the Sine and Co- Sine of the Star's Latitude; GH = p, and GF 4, are the Sine and Co-Sine of its Longitude (Fig. 1.) and the vertical and horizontal Planes are thofe of two Circles of Latitude paffing through the folftitial and equinoctial Points, as before. And the Stars may therefore by the fame Formula py r + x and qy r+x be laid down in this Projection from Tables of their Latitude and Longitude. Such Planifpheres we have of all the Stars in the Bri- tish Catalogue by the fame Hand. 1709. There is alfo a very uſeful Projection of the Heavens on the Plane of the Horizon. In this Cafe the Meridian is the vertical Plane, and the prime Vertical the horizontal Plane. Here the Star's Diftance from the vertical Line is rpy as be- rr + qy fore (1695). Then if a, b, t be the Sine, Co-Sine, and Co- Tan- 214 INSTITUTIONS Tangent of the Star's Azimuth, we have a:b:: rit:: tpy rpy r r t qu Star's Diſtance from the horizontal Line of the rr + qy Projection. But when the right Afcenfion and Declination of a Star is known, together with the Latitude of the Place, or Pole's Height, then the Azimuth of a Star is known alfo; whence its Place on this Projection is eaſily affign'd. 1710. It is not common to project the ſtarry Heavens on the Plane of the Meridian, or Circle of Latitude paffing through the Poles of the World; but if it be required, it may be done by the Formulæ in (1694.) by fubftituting as directed (1704). How- ever, this Projection is not confined to Geography, but is the Ground-work of that celebrated aftronomical Inftrument called the ANALEMMA, or ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION of the SPHERE. 1711. For if the Eye be ſuppoſed at an infinite Diſtance, then n r p y n r r + q y the Stereographic Forms (1694) ру nr rx nr r + q y and , become x and for the Diſtances of any Point from the hori- zontal and vertical Lines of the Projection. And in this Cafe, the Meridians, Parallels, and other Circles, Oblique to the Plane of Projection, are projected into ELLIPSES. A Specimen of this Projection you have in Fig. 7. 1712. That every Oblique Circle PGS is projected into an Ellipfis Pa F S by parallel Rays is thus demonftrated (Fig. 8.) Let CP CG a, CFb Semi-Conjugate of the Curve PFS. Alfo put CM, and OM and N My. Then by the Property of the Circle (658) we have SM ×PM = =O M², that is, a + x × a—x = a² ха a 1-2 y, x²= y². Hence y MO. Draw OB parallel to CM, and Bb parallel to GF; then OM: NM:: FC; that is, y: y::a: b; therefore y = which is the Property of an Ellipfis (765) by py ↑ a (BC; ¿C : : ) G C : b b y = = a a but y = NM == ; forra, pb, (766) therefore the Curve PFS is an Ellipfis. 1713. Of PERSPECTIVE. 215 1713. When the Point O coincides with G, or is in the E- quator, then y = r, and the Diſtance CF or Semi-Conjugate of the Ellipfis, r == Sine of right Afcenfion from the Point Q 1744. Hence, as r:p::p: r Half the Latus Rectum of the Ellipfis (766); but in this Cafe; therefore y = p ** =OM, when M is the Focus of the Ellipfis; whoſe Diſtance therefore C M from the Center, is equal to the Co-Sine right Afcenfion, which is then equal to the Sine (x = OB) of Decli- nation. 1715. Hence if CF, the Semi-Conjugate of the Ellipfis, be made Radius; then, fince in this Cafer = p, we have the Di- ру ftance from the vertical Line every where =y; that is, all T the Semi-Ordinates N M of the Ellipfis will be equal to the Co-Sines of Declination, to the Radius C F. 1716. And whatever has been demonftrated of the MERIDI- AN POG, and its orthographical Projection, may be applied. in the fame Manner to any PARALLEL AOL when pofited obliquely to the Plane of Projection. For in this Cafe, PCS may be confidered as the horizontal Line, and AML as the vertical One; and then, if ML Radius, O D and = OD ON will be the Sine and Co-Sine of right Afcenfion from K; and confequently the Distances from the horizontal and vertical Planes. Alſo O D p will be the Diſtance from the hori- zontal Line, and its Diſtance from the vertical Line will be (1711). ↑ ド ​1717. Hence when O coincides with R, then q=r; and *, the Sine of Declination (or Obliquity) from the vertical Plane is then the Semi-Conjugate of the Ellipfis of the projected Paral- lel. And therefore, becaufer:x:x: -Latus Rectum ** g 2 (766) = 2, it is q = x, at the Focus of the Ellipfis; where the 216 INSTITUTIONS the Diſtance of the Focus, from the Center M, is equal to the Sine of right Afcenfion, or Co-Sine of Declination. 1718. From all which it appears, that fince the Diameters, and Foci, of the Ellipfis of any projected oblique Circle are given by this Method, therefore fuch an Ellipfis may be drawn, by Points, or mechanically (785) or from a Table of Sines, or laftly, by the Sector, which is the moft ready Method of all. 1719. The ANALEMMA (Fig. 7.) is that particular Species of the orthographic Projection, where the Eye is placed in the common Interfection of the Ecliptic and Equinoctial, at an infi- nite Diſtance. Thefe Planes will therefore be projected into right Lines; and the Equinoctial will be the horizontal Line; and the equinoctial Colure the vertical Line; as the other Colure is the Plane of Projection. 1720. Here alfo the Parallels of Declination are all right Lines, as they ſtand at right Angles on the Plane of Projection. The Meridians here drawn, are thoſe of 15 Degrees interval; and confequently are the Hour Circles of the Sphere. As to the Ufes of the Analemma in Aftronomy, fuch as are confiderable will appear in the Sequel of this Work, it fuffices, at prefent, that we have fhewn its Nature and Conftruction from the Principles of Per- fpective. In the mean Time we refer the Curious to Sutton's Analemma of 18 Inches Diameter, in which the Meridians and Parallels are drawn thro' every Degree, and many of the princi- pal Stars laid down; but this Inftrument is yet capable of great Improvements, as we may hereafter fhew. CHA P. XVIII. The PRINCIPLES of PERSPECTIVE applied to the Computation of SOLAR and LUNAR ECLIPSES. 1721. T H IE PRINCIPLES of PERSPECTIVE are applica- ble to Projections for Solar and Lunar ECLIPSES; and the fame Rules ferve here as in all the foregoing Cafes. For let S be the Center of the Sun A C B (Fig. 9.) E the Center of the Of PERSPECTIVE. 217... " * the Earth QW; and LEP a Part of its Orbit. Alfo let XIMF be a Circle defcribed about the Earth's Center in the Plane of its Motion, or of the Ecliptic, at the Ditance of the Moon. And let HK be the Orbit of the Moon, making the given Angle HK G, with the Ecliptic, at the Time of a folar Eclipfe; and K the defcending Node. 1722. Now in Projections of this Kind, the moft-commodi- ous Pofition of the Eye is in the Center of the Sun at S, in which Cafe the horizontal Plane will be that of the Ecliptic; the vertical Plane will be that Circle of Latitude which cuts the E- cliptic in the Points of Conjunction X, and Oppofition M; `and the Plane of Projection is that which paffes thro' the Earth's Centre E, and touches its Orbit, when it is in the Line of Eclip- tic Conjunction or Oppofition S M. 1723. It is evident from the Diagram that the Angle AQS is that under which the Sun's Semidiameter appears at the Earth. The Angle ESQ is that under which the Semidiameter of the Earth appears at the Sun, and is call'd, the Sun's horizontal Parallax. The Angle E,XQ or EM Q is that under which the Earth's Semidiameter appears at the Diftance of the Moon, and is call'd the Moon's horizontal Parallax. And the Angle XQS is the Difference of the horizontal Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon. For XSQ+XQ S =Q XE, (632) therefore XQS =Q XE XS Q 1724. By the Word Parallax, is only meant the different Place in which the Sun, or Moon appears, when viewed from the Center of the Earth at E, and from any Point of it's Surface as Q And, therefore, at the Diſtance of the Phænomenon,it must be equal to the Angle under which the Semidiameter of the Earth appears. It muft, therefore, be greateſt of all when in the Horizon of the Place Q; and vanifh for Objects at an infinite Diftance; fo that the Stars have no Parallax at all; and that of the Sun ESQ is almoft immeasurably fmall. 1 1725 Thefe Things premifed, we may proceed: Let K be the Place of the Node, and O that of the Moon in her Orbit HK, then it is plain, her Distance from the horizontal Plane is the Sine of her Latitude OG; her Distance from the vertical and her Distance from the Plane of Projec py. Plane is OD VOL. II. Ff & tion } 218 INSTITUTIONS tion is ON = 22; for here we retain ftill the fame Symbols as before (1686, 1704.) only OG is here the Moon's Latitude from the Ecliptic, and G K the right Afcenfion. 1726. Then becauſe the Place of the Moon O is between the Eye at S, and the Plane of Projection at E; the perſpective A- nalogies (1693.) will be for an ECLIPSE of the Sun. 1727. As nr ау ру n r p y : nr:: : = r nr r qy ftance of the Moon from the vertical Line. nr rx 7 to the Di- And as nr : nr::x: rrr - her Diftance from the horizontal Line. 97 But in Eclipfes, the Latitude and Diftance of the Moon, from the vertical Plane, are fo very ſmall, that we have yr, very nearly; therefore in fuch Cafes the Analogies become nr nr ::p: pnr 9 nr 111 x ; and nr q : nr : : x: 72 1* 1728. Now becauſe nr - 9: ES the Diſtance of the Sun, and 9 = r = EX nearly, the Diſtance of the Moon; and ſonr q=SX; therefore fince SX: SE (SQ) :: Angle SQX: Angle SXQ or EXQ (718) the first Analogy is, in Words; as the Difference between the horizontal Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon, is to the Parallax of the Moon; fo is the Moon's Longitude (at the given Inftant) from the vertical Plane, to her Distance from And, fo is her Latitude, to her Diſtance from the horizontal Line. Note, the Longitude and Latitude are here put for their Sines, there being no fenfible Difference in fuch very fmall Arcs. the vertical Line. 1729. If therefore from the aſtronomical Tables you take the Moon's horizontal Parallax, and with it, as a Radius, you deſcribe a Circle on E, as QYWZ; then will QW be the horizontal Line, and Y Z, the vertical Line, on the Plane of Projection, which if it be about 10 or 12 Inches in Diameter will be fufficient for the Delineation of all the Phafes of a folar Eclipfe. 1730. For fince the Diſtance of the Sun SE is vaftly great in reſpect of the Earth's Semidiameter EQ, therefore the Hour Circles and Parallels will all be orthographically projected, and may be ſo drawn on the ſaid Plane (by 1711 1718.) and fince by Of PERSPECTIVE. 219 by the above Analogies, the Path of the Moon over the Diſk of the Earth (or Plane of Projection) is determined by finding her Place thereon at two Inftants of Time, one juft before the Be- ginning, the other after the End of the Eclipfe; it will be eaſily feen how the Moon, and any particular Place, as LONDON, are fituated in reſpect of each other, and what are their Diſtances a- part at any given Moment, during the Paflage of the Sha- dow. 1731. For if from aftronomical Tables you take the Sun's Semidiameter in your Compaffes, and with one Foot placed on the given Moment of Time in the Parallel of London, vou deſcribe a Circle; and then from the faid Tables you take the Moon's appa- rent Semidiameter, and with one Foot of the Compaffes, placed in the fame Moment in the Moon's Path, you defcribe another Cir- cle; theſe two Circles will fhew how the Diſks of the Sun and Moon are related to each other in the Heaven, in regard to a Spectator at London. 1732. Thus if the Circles do not touch, the Eclipfe is not begun, or over; if the Circles juft touch, the Eclipfe is then juſt beginning or ending. But if the Circle of the Moon lies over that of the Sun, there is an Eclipfe. If the Diameter of the folar Diſk or Circle be divided into 12 equal Parts, or Di- gits, then the Number of thefe covered by the lunar Circle, will fhew the Phaſe and Quantity of the Eclipfe. But on theſe Particulars we muft not enlarge any further at prefent. Of a LUNAR ECLIPSE. 1733. When the Moon is fo near the Node at the Oppofition M, that her Latitude is lefs than the Semidiameter V M of the Earth's Shadow QT W, it will be more or leſs immerſed into, and eclipsed by it. And then by having the Moon's Latitude, and Longitude (or Diſtance reduced to the Ecliptic) from the Plane of the Circle of Latitude paffing through M, the Point of Oppofition, you will by the fame Analogies find her Place for any Inftants of Time on the Plane of Projection, and thereby be able to delineate her Path. Only here, becauſe the Plane IF is between the Eye and the Object, the Sum of the Parallaxes is to be taken; for now it is SM:SQ:: SQM (or R QM) : F f 2 SMQ: 220 ' '; INSTITUTIONS و } SMQ; but RQMQMS + Q'S M (632) the Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon. · Sum of ', 1734. But to reprefent the lunar Eclipfe, the Diameter of the Earth's Shadow at the Point M must be known. In order to that, it is to be obferved, that the Angle M QR confifts of two others, viz. RQV and V QM; of which R QV = AQ M apparent Semidiameter of the Sun; and the other V QM= apparent Semidiameter of the Shadow at M. But R Q M QMS+QSM; therefore QSM + QMS-RQV = VQM. That is, from the Sum of the horizontal Parallaxes of the Sun and Moon, fubtract the apparent Semidiameter of the Sun, the Remainder is the Semidiameter of the Earth's Sha- dow at M, and is therefore given from the aftronomical Ta- bles. 1735. With this Semidiameter, as a Radius, defcribe a Cir- cle on the Plane of Projection about the Point E, and fhade it to reprefent the Section of the Earth's Shadow. From this Point. E, let fall a Perpendicular to the Path of the Moon, and that will fhew the neareſt Diſtance of the Centers of the Shadow and Moon. And by defcribing feveral lunar Circles at given In- ftants of Time in the Moon's Path, the Phafe and Quantity of the Eclipfe will appear at each particular Inſtant (1732.) And as the Shadow of the Earth, at the Moon, is in Diameter near three Times as large as the Moon, therefore a lunar Eclipfe may be total to all the World for a confiderable Time, whereas an Eclipfe of the Sun can be little more than momentarily fo, as the Difk of the Moon but very little exceeds that of the Sun, and that too but really happens in Eclipfes. 1736. We have now explained and applied the perspective Principles to the Doctrine of Eclipfes, and though there may be readier Methods of conftructing an Eclipfe, there is none fo punctual and exact as this, when applied by the Method of Inter- polation; but that will be the Subject of a future Part of this Work. + 1737. The fame perfpective Analogies are applicable to the TRANSIT of VENUS and MERCURY over the Sun's Difk; and as there is no Difference in the Method of delineating the Path of the Planet, and that of the Moon in a folar Eclipfe, but what L Of PERSPECTIVE. 221 what is merely verbal; and that the Difk of the Sun is to be put for the Diſk of the Earth, it is prefumed what has been ſaid is fufficient for the Conftruction of any Tranfit of thofe Planets. CHA P. XIX. GNOMONICS; or the PRINCIPLES of PERSPECTIVE applied to the ART of DIALLING. 1738. N the Application of PERSPECTIVE to DIALLING, IN the EN the Pofition of the Eye and Plane of Projection are in- terchanged; or the Eye is in this Cafe placed in the Center of the Sphere, and the Planc in Contact with its Surface. For in de- lineating the Hour-lines on a given Plane, it must be confidered, that the vifual Ray which connects the Sun, and the Eye de- fcribes the Plane of each Hour-circle, and of Courfe, in its Mo- tion through any Plane on the Surface of the Sphere, it will trace out the Hour-line on that Plane. 1739. And it is quite the fame Thing whether we confider the Plane of any Hour-circle projected on a given Plane at the Surface of the Sphere by Rays from the Sun, or by viſual. Rays from the Eye in the Center; for fince both the Sun and the Eye are in the projected Hour-plane, the Projection itſelf muſt be a Right-line on the given Plane (1464). 1740. And, in fhort, fince all great Circles of the Sphere pafs through the Eye in the Center, therefore they will all be projected into Right-lines on a Plane in any Pofition whatfo- ever. But with regard to leffer Circles, they will be of one or other of the Conic-fections, as they are pofited relative to the Plane. 1741. Let AP QS (Fig. 1.) be a great Circle of a Sphere, then will it be projected into the Right-line A B, infinitely con- tinued on a Plane touching the Sphere in the Zenith Z. And any Part or Arch ZP is projected into Z D the Tangent there- of. 1742. 222 INSTITUTIONS 1742. Let IL be the Diameter of any leffer Circle parallel to the Plane A-B, then will its Center K be in the Perpendicular N Z, and is projected into the Point Z; its Semidiameters I K and KL into the Tangents ZE and ZF, which as they are. equal to each other, fhews the Projection of a leffer Circle paralle! to the Plane, is a CIRCLE upon the Plane. 1743. Let LG be a Diameter of a leffer Circle in fuch an oblique Pofition to the given Plane A B, that it may be wholly projected upon it within a finite Diftance Z B; then it is evident the Center M will be projected into the Point D on the Plane, the Semidiameter I M into the Right-line FD, and the Semi- diameter M G into the Right-line DB; and fince it is evident that D B muſt exceed DF, the Projection cannot be a Circle. But confidering LNG as a right Cone, its Section (if continued out) by the Plane A B, muſt be an ELLIPSIS (763). 1744. Again, it is as evident, that if the Diameter GO of any leffer Circle paffes through O, the extreme Part of the Dia- meter HO parallel to the given Plane A B; then, becauſe the Cone GNO (infinitely continued) is cut by a Plane parallel to one of its Sides NO, the Projection of any Circle GO on that Plane will be a PARABOLA (740). 1745. A fmall Circle pofited in any other Manner than what is above ſpecified, will be projected into an HYPERBOLA, as is manifeft from the fame Principles of the Section of a Cone (765). any 1746. We have fhewn that the Interfection of the Plane of Hour-circle, with a given Plane on the Surface of the Sphere, is the true Hour-line on that Plane (1738) and the Cafe is the fame if the given Plane paffes through the Sphere in any Part, provided it be in a parallel Pofition; for the Planes of the fame Hour-circles will interfect two or more parallel Planes in the fame Manner; and therefore the Hour-lines will be the fame in all; this is evident from (615 and 631.) 1747. Hence it is common to repreſent the given Dial-plane as paffing thro' the Center of the Sphere, as in Fig. 2. where it is denoted by DW BE. The Sphere with its Hour-circles, is there orthographically projected (1711) EQ is the Equator; ÆP QS is the Meridian, or Hour-circle of XII; and a, b, 6₂ d, e, f, N, are the Elliptic-projections of the Hour-circles of 12, Of PERSPECTIVE. 223 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, in the Morning, which are all at the equal Diſtance of 15 Degrees on the Sphere; for 24) 360° (= 15° per Hour in the Sphere's Revolution. 1748. The Planes therefore, of thefe Circles, will interfect. the given Plane DW BE in the Lines N 12, N 11, N 10, N9, &c. which will therefore be the Hour-lines on that Plane; and thus they are to be confidered in all the other Quadrants of the Plane. t 1749. But when the Hour-lines are affigned or delineated on a Plane, it is neceffary there fhould be fome Contrivance to in- dicate or point out the Moment of Time when the Sun is fuc- ceffively in thoſe horary Planes; now if the Plane of the Dial paſs through the Center of the Sphere, the Expedient we require is found in the Axis of the Sphere PS. For fince all the Planes of the Hour-circles interfect each other in the faid Axis, the Sun when it comes on any one horary Plane will project that Axis into the Hour-line on the Dial-plane proper to that Hour-circle. 1750. Moreover, as the Axis PS of the Sphere is that Line about which its Motion is performed, it muft in it's felf be confidered as abfolutely at Reſt. For any Line parallel to the Axis, in the Plane of any Hour-circle, has lefs Motion in Pro- portion as it is nearer to the Axis; and confequently when it coincides with, or becomes the Axis, it can have no Motion at all. 1751. The Axis therefore of the Sphere retaining always the fame Poſition, if it be fuppofed to confift of a fine inflexible Wire, it will intercept the Sun's Rays in the Planes of the Hour-cir- cles, and therefore its Shadow muft conftantly fall on the Hour- lines of the given Dial-plane, correfponding to the reſpective Planes of the faid Hour-circles; fo that the Axis of the Sphere, by Means of its Shadow, will conflantly indicate the Moment of Time when the Sun is in any Meridian. 1752. Now the Plane DW BE is called the horizontal Plane with reſpect to the Place Z, becauſe it is parallel to the horizontal Line AB, touching the Sphere in that Point; and when all the Hour-lines are drawn upon the Plane for all the Meridians or Hour-circles the Sun can be in above the Plane, then 224 INSTITUTIONS then this Plane with its Hour-lines, and Semiaxis N P com- pleats the HORIZONTAL DIAL in the Sphere. 1753. The Semiaxis N P is called the GNOMON or STILE of the DIAL; and its Elevation or Height BNP above the Plane of the Dial, is always equal to Z the Latitude of the Place. For EP ZB Quadrant; from each of which take away the common Arch ZP, and there will remain AZ PB. Therefore alfo the Stile's Height is equal to the Elevation of the Pole in the Latitude Z. t 1754. If the Plane be in a vertical Pofition, or paffes thro' the Zenith and Nadir Points Z and D, and is the Plane of the prime Vertical (as Fig. 3.) then fince the Sun cannot be on or above fuch a Plane, from VI to VI; no other Hour-lines need be drawn upon it. And in this Cafe, the Oppofite or South Pole S is elevated above it in the Angle DNS = ZNP Complement of the other Elevation PNB to a Quadrant. Here alſo the other Semiaxis NS is the Stile; and this is called an erect and dire& SOUTH DIAL. And the other Side of the Plane is a North Dial, for the Hours before VI, and the Stile is NP. » the 1755. It is eafy to obferve, that this vertical Dial is an hori- zontal One in the South Latitude D, which is the Co-Latitude of the Point Z, fince Z D 90 Degrees. The Meridian Line N D or Hour-line of XII is directly under the Gnomon or Stile NS, and is therefore called the Subftilar-line or Sub- Stile. 1756. If we fuppofe the Plane to continue vertical, but to de- cline or move towards the Eaft or Weft; then it becomes an Eaft or Weft declining DIAL; and it is evident in fuch Cafes, the Angle which the Stile NS makes with the Plane is leffened, and the Subftile departs from the Hour line of XII, or rather, this departs from that, towards the Eaft or Weft. 1757. When the vertical Dial has a Pofition directly Eaft or Weft, then the Axis PS of the Sphere is in the Plane; and con- fequently the Stile of an Eaft or Weft Dial, muſt be parallel to the Plane thereof, and the Height of it may be taken at Pleaſure, and will be always equal to the Diſtance of the Hour-lines of III and IX, from the Middle-line of VI. And as the Plane of the Dial is E Z F A D B I 'P V Æ H -- ལ་ བ་མའ If **** **** - འ མ A τη Fig Fig 2. D IV T N R A 1 Æ H H F P G Τ VI V Prime Meridian XI 12 VII Vertical B Plate VII PERSPECTIVE DIALLING. D B ୯ Z – ' A B H R a N Fig 6. V VI ச IV એ M IX X d Z XI XII 4. G Fig I II e. d Fig. 5. W P Fig. 3. B 20 00 B H G D ΠΛ ДА, М T DO B A ZH MÁ ITA E E 1 Fig 7 ୯ Of PERSPECTIVE. 225 is now in the Plane of a Meridian, it is an horizontal Dial under the EQUATOR every where, and is therefore called an EQUA- TORIAL DIAL. : 1758. With refpect to the horizontal Plane D W BE (Fig. 2.) it is evident, that as the Point Z approaches the Pole P, the Plane will approach to that of the Equator Q in which Cafe the Axis PN becomes perpendicular to the Plane, and marks out the Hour by dividing the Plane into 24 equal Parts; and fuch an One is called a POLAR DIAL, as being an horizon- tal Dial under the Pole P. 1759. This POLAR DIAL (commonly called an equinoctial Dial) with a perpendicular Stile, being drawn on a Plane, and that Plane elevated to the Latitude of a Place, the Hour of the Day will be fhewn upon it, by the Shadow of the Perpendicular, with the fame Exactnefs as on a common horizontal Dial for that Latitude; and therefore this Dial is, in its own Nature, an UNIVERSAL DIAL, for all Latitudes or Parts of the World. 1760. The Eye being in the Center N of the Sphere projects the Parallels of the Sun's diurnal Motion on a given horizontal Plane into one of the Conic Sections; for let EC be the Sun's Declination, then CR is the Diameter of the Parallel of its Motion on that Day, and CNR the Section of the Cone de- ſcribed in the Sphere by the vifual Ray drawn from the Eye to the Sun. Now fince CR is parallel to the Equator EQ, the Axis PS will be perpendicular thereto; and therefore upon a hori- zontal Plane at the Pole P, which is parallel to CR, the Pro- jection of the Parallel, which is a Circle, will be a CIRCLE alfo (1504). 1761. Produce the Side of the Cone R N to V; then ÆC =ÆV; and on V R erect the perpendicular L N on the Cen- ter N. Then upon an horizontal Plane in the Latitude L, which will be parallel to the Side of the Cone N R or VR, the Projection of the Cone's circular Bafe, or parallel of the diurnal Arch, will be a PARABOLA (1505). 1762. Hence upon every horizontal Plane between the Pole P and the Latitude L, the circular Bafe, or Parallel muſt be pro- jected into an ELLIPSIS, more eccentric in Proportion as the VOL. II. G g Plane 226 INSTITUTIONS Plane is nearer the Point L (1507) for every fuch Plane will cut both the Sides of the Cone CNR produced. 1763. And on the other Hand, upon every horizontal Plane, between the Equator and the Latitude L, the Baſe of the Cone will be projected by the Eye into a HYPERBOLA (1506) be- caufe fuch a Plane muft cut the Side CN of the Cone CNR, and the Side VN of the oppofite Cone V NT, when pro- duced. 1764. Becauſe EC LP, therefore L = CP = Complement of the Sun's Declination; therefore in all Lati- tudes less than the Co-Declination, the Projection is an Hyper- bola; in all Latitudes greater, it is an Ellipfis; and in the Lati- tude equal thereto, it is a Parabola. In the Latitude 90°, the Ellipfis becomes a Circle; and in the Latitude oo, or in the E- quator, the Hyperbola degenerates into a Right line. 1765. Hence we have an eafy Tranſition to the Shadows caft by a Gnomon on the Plane of any horizontal Dial. For the faine Ray which projected the Sun's diurnal Path or Parallel on a Plane, projects alfo the Shadow from the Point of the Gnomon on the fame Plane. Thus fuppofe a Plane (abc d) placed pa- rallel to A B, below the Center N of the Sphere, cutting the Axis in E, fo that the Part of the Axis EN becomes the Gno- mon on that Plane, then it is evident, the fame Ray NC pro- jects the Parallel of CR on the Plane at A B on one Hand, and the Shadow of the extreme Point N of the Gnomon on the Plane (abc d) on the other; and that when the Sun is in the Meridian at C, the Shadow of the Gnomon falls in the Subftile Ef on the Point I, at the Diſtance F I from the perpendicular F N. • 1766. Now becauſe of the Parallelifmn of the Planes, the Curves defcribed by the Shadow will be exactly the fame as thoſe of the projected Parallel of the Sun's diurnal Path; that is to fay, (1 Under the Pole P, the Shadow of the Point N will defcribe a CIRCLE. (2.) At the Latitude L, equal to the Co- Declination of the Sun, it will defcribe a PARABOLA. (3.) On all other Planes between P and L it will defcribe ELLIPSES. (4.) In all Latitudes from the Equator to the Point L, the Path of the Shadow will be a HYPERBOLA. And (5.) When they Sun is in the Equator at E, the Shadow will fall on K, at Noon, Of PERSPECTIVE. 227 Noon, and its Path will that Day be the Right-line g Kh. (1760 to 1765.) 1767. Hence it appears, that when the Sun enters Cancer, and ÆC = 23° 30', then L is in Latitude 66° 30°, and confe- quently, the Shadow can defcribe Ellipfes only in the frigid Zone LP, when the Sun is altogether above that Horizon; and its Altitude on the South and North Part of the Meridian un- equal. 1768. If the Height of the Gnomon N F be made. the Radius, then the Angle NIF CNH is the Sun's Meridian Altitude, and the Angle IN F its Co-Altitude; then fay, as Radius to NF, fo is Co-Tantent of the Meridian Altitude, to the Di- ftance of the Shadow FI; when the Sun is in C. If CI be the Ecliptic, then the Points I, K, and W, will be found by this Analogy for the folftitial and equinoctial Days. 1769. Hence if the Dial-plane be of a fufficient Length, all the Parallels of the Sun's Declination may be deſcribed thereon at his Entrance into each of the 12 Signs. Thofe of the firft Six, or Summer half Year, will fall between K and I; and thofe for the Winter, between K and W. In our Latitude of 51° 30', we have Radius Tangent of 75° :: FN FW:: 13,7 ncarly. : 1770. Suppoſe ÆZQS a graduated Brafs Meridian, ſuſ- pended from a Ring at Z, which is moveable and fet to the La- titude of the Place; then if CR be the Tropic of Cancer, and VT the Tropic of Capricorn; and (nm) a Plate of Braſs in the Axis of the Sphere, with a moveable Piece containing a ſmall Hole which may be placed any where between n and m; the Ray of Light paffing through that Hole, when properly ad- jufted, will, from the Meridian Sun, always fall on the North Point of the Equator, for when the Sun is in Cancer at C, and the Hole at (n) the folar Ray will be # Qparallel to CN; and when the Sun is in Capricorn at V, and Hole at (m) the Ray will be in Q parallel to V N, and therefore every Day, at Noon, the Ray will pass through the Hole to the Point Q, or Hour of XII in the Equator. 11 1771. Alſo when the Sun is on any other Hour-circle before or after Noon, it will ftill pafs through the Hole, (adjuſted to the Day,) to the Equator, but just as far from Q, as the Hour-cir- Gg 2 cle 228 INSTITUTIONS cle is from the Meridian; becauſe the diurnal Motion of the Ray N C, and the Motion of the Ray nQ parallel to it, will neceffarily be the fame; therefore the Ray through the Hole in the Axis will ever point out the Hour on the Periphery of the Equator. And this is the Rationale of the Conſtruction of the univerfal RING-DIAL, the Form of which is exhibited in Fig. 5. 1772. We fhall finiſh this Theory of perspective Dialling, with obferving that the Hour-lines of any Dial are laid off by the Tangents of the Angles which the projected Meridians make on the Horizon of the Place. For let W NES (Fig. 6.) be the Horizon of LONDON, Latitude 51° 30', on which pro- ject the Sphere, and the horary Meridians will interfect the Ho- rizon in the Points 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. The Eye being in the Center C; let the Plane of Projection touch the Sphere in N; then is (ab) the horizontal Line, and NC the vertical Line; and then to fhew from the Rules of Perfpective, that the Hour- line of II paffes thro' (2) the Point of Interſection of the 2 o'Clock Meridian with the Horizon; we have CN=r, c2 = Ng= verfed Sine, or Diſtance from the horizontal Line; and Nc = g 2 = s = Sine of the Arch N 2, or, Diftance of the Point (2) from the vertical Plane. Then becauſe that Point is between the Eye and Plane of Projection, the Analogy is (1691) as nr - piri:s: rs * S (becauſe here n = 1) nr V V == (putting = Co-Sine Cg) which therefore is the Di- C c ftance Nd of the Hour-line of II from the vertical Plane CN. rs But But =t=Nd Tangent of the Arch N2; (for s:c:: r CN:Cd(711.) it, or Cg : C 2 :: CN: Cd (711.) Therefore the Hour-lines of a horizontal Dial are drawn from the Center C thro' the Points of Inter- fection of the Hour-circles with the Horizon of the Place.* INSTI * N. B. Fig. 7. is here inferted from Bion, repreſenting a general borizontal Dial; a particular Defcription of which will hereafter be given. (229) INSTITUTIONS O F 1 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. CHA P. I. Of the Nature of SPHERICAL TRIANGLES, with a SOLUTION of all their CASES. 1773. WE have heretofore confidered the Dimenfions of a SPHERE with regard to its fuperficial, and folid Contents in the Inftitutions of plain Geometry; that which we call Spherical Geometry being converfant chiefly about the Relation, Magnitude, and Inclination of the GREAT CIRCLES of the SPHERE; and more particularly the various TRIANGLES that are form'd by their Interfections on its Surface; whofe Properties and Affections we now proceed to treat of. And firft of thoſe which are Rectangular. 1774. A Spherical Triangle, is that whoſe three Sides are feve- rally the Arches of three great Circles of the Sphere, interfecting each other in the three Angular Points. And the Angles of every Triangle are meaſured by the Arches of Circles; therefore the Arches of Circles are the Meaſures of every Part of a Spherical Triangle. 1775. And as the Quanity of the Arches themfelves is deter- minable only from the Relations of thofe right Lines which are called their Sines, Tangents and Secants, as they ftand con- ſtructed with the Radius in a plain Triangle, (706 to 708.) Therefore the Solution of a ſpherical Triangle, differs in no- thing 230 INSTITUTIONS thing effential to the Operation, from that of a common plain Triangle, 1776. Let ABC (Fig. 1.) be a right-angled ſpherical Tri- angle on the Surface of the Sphere, and ſuppoſe the Sides con- tinued out indefinitely in the Baſe AB to E; the perpendicular AC to H; and the Hypothenufe BC to J. On the Angle B draw the great Circle GFE thro' D the Pole of the Baſe AB; and on the Angle C, draw the great Circle G H I thro' G, the Pole of Hypothenufe B C. Then will there be form'd the four Triangles E B F, EDA, ICH and IGF, each having two right Angles, and two quadrantal Sides, as is evident by Infpec- tion. 1777. There are alfo form'd two other right Angled ſperical Triangles. viz. CDF right Angled at F, and G D H, right Angled at H, which may be called complemental Triangles with reſpect to the Original, or given Triangle A B C. 1778. For in the first CED the Bafe CF is the Comple- ment of the Hypothenufe BC, and the Angle at the Perpendi- cular, DA E, is the Complement of the Baſe A B. And the Hypothenufe CD, is the Complement of the Perpendicular A C. And, laftly, the Perpendicular D F is the Complement of EF B, the Angle at Bafe; the Angle C at the Perpendi- cular, being the fame in both. 1779. And in the other Triangle DG H, the Bafe G H is the Complement of HIC in the given Triangle ABC. The Per- pendicular DHAC, becaufe A D and CH are Quadrants. The Hypothenufe D G EF = B the Angle at Bafe. = The Angle at Bafe GIF BC the Hypothenufe of the given Triangle. And the Angle at the Perpendicular, D AE, the Complement of the Bafe A B. 1780. Now by help of thefe Quadrantal and Complemental Triangles, the Canons or Analogies for the Solution of all the Cafes of a right Angle, fpherical Triangle ABC, may be eaſily derived from the two following Theorems. THEOREM I. In a right Angled Spherical Triangle, the Radius (or Sine of 90 De- grees) to the Sine of the Bafe, as the Tangent of the Angle at Bafe is to the Tangent of the Perpendicular. For let BP (Fig. 2.) be a fourth Part of the Orthographic Projection of the Sphere on the Plane Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 231 Plane of the Meridian (1710.) And let A B C be a right-an- gled ſpherical Triangle form'd on the Globe, by the three great Circles B, BF, and AP. Then is B C the Sine of the Hy- pothenufe, and A B the Sine of the Bafe (1690.) CH is the Sine of the Perpendicular A C, and F E the Sine of the Angle at Bafe B; alfo A D, and Æ G, are the Tangents of the fame Parts. And becauſe of fimilar Triangles A BD and ÆBG, (657) we have as E B Radius is to A B the Sine of the Baje, ſo is Æ G the Tangent of the Angle at Bafe, to AD the Tangent of the Perpendi- · cular A C. Q. E. D. 1781. THEOREM II. The Radius (or Sine of 90 Degrees) is to the Sine of the Hypothenuſe, as the Sine of the Angle at Bafe is to the Sine of the Perpendicular, in every right-angled ſpherical Triangle. For by Reaſon of the fimilar Triangles CBH, and F BE, we have FB: CB:: FE: CH. 2. E. D. 1782. By theſe two Theorems, all the Cafes of a right An- gled ſpherical Triangle are folved. That is, of the three Sides and three Angles, if any two are given, befides the right An- gle, the other three Parts may be found; and here it must be ob- ſerved, that either of the two Sides A B or A C is reckon'd the Baſe, as the Angle B or C is given. And therefore there can be but a fixfold Variety, or different Cafes in regard to any right- angled Triangle, which here follows. 1783. CASE I. Given the Bafe AB, and Angle B; Perpendicular AC. In the quadrantal (Fig. 1.) to find the Triangle EBF; it is SBE: SBA::tFE:tAC; that is R:BA:: 1B: tAC (1780). 1784. To find the Hypothenuſe BC; in the quadrantal Trian- gle ADE, we haves DE: s DF::t AE : ¡CF; that is, R : cs B: ct A B: ct BC. 1785. To find the Angle C. In the quadrantal Triangle F G I, we have, as s FG: DG; SD:sGH; that is, R: B : cs AB :cs C (1781). s S 1786. CASE 232 INSTITUTIONS 1786. CASE II. Given the perpendicular AC, and Angle at Baſe B; to find the Baſe AB. In the quadrantal Triangle FBE we have EF: tAC::SBE: SBA; .tBtAC:: R: sBA. 1787. To find the Hypothenufe BC; we have sEF: SAC:: SBF: SBC; .. SB: SAC:: R: SBC. 1788. To find the Angle C. In the quadrantal Triangle HCI, it is, s DCs DH::s DF:SHI; . cs AC: R::cs Ba Bi SC. 1789. CASE III. Given the Hypothenufe BC, and the Angle at Bafe B; to find the Bafe A B. In the quadrantal Triangle ADE, we have s DF :S DE CF tAE; .. csB: R:: ct BC ct AB, or Rcs B::tBC: tA B. :s :: : AB.* 1790. To find the Perpendicular AC. angle EBF, there is sBF: SBC SBCSB: SAC. In the quadrantal Tri- EF: SAC; .. R: រ 1791. To find the Angle C. In the quadrantal Triangle HCI, it is CFCI:: DF:tHI; that is, csBC: R:: ct B s SCI::tDF: :t C. 1792. CASE IV. Given the Bafe A B, and Perpendicular AC; to find the Hypo- thenufe BC. In the quadrantal ADE, there is sAD: DC :: SAE: SCF; that is, R: csCA::cs AB: cs BC. 1793. To find the Angle B; we have s A B R::tAC:t B (1786). 1794. To find the Angle C; s AC: R::AB: C; by the fame Reaſon as in the laſft. 1795. CASE V. Given the Hypothenuſe BC, and the Perpendicular AC. T find the Bafe AB. Ascs AC:R::cs BC: csAB (1792). 1796. To find the Angle B; s BC: R: :SAC: SB (1787). 1797. To find the Angle C; in the quadrantal IGF, we have tIF : ƒ DH ::sGI:sGH; that is, t BC: R::tAC: CSC. 1798. CASE * Becauſe the Co-Tangents of any two Arches are inverſely as their Tangents, as is fhewn hereafter at (1831). Plate I. Of Spherical TRIGONOMETRY. H Fig. 1. B X H B Fig.3. E I D F A 2 E A a I C M R a F D À Fig.5. B D N A tal P Fig. 2. AH B B Fig.4. H F G A P Q P Fig.9 B F E Fig. 6. A E れ ​D A ୯ Fig. 8. B ក្ម H ・Fig.7 D M R H m I 1 K P Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 233 1798. CASE VI. Give the Angles B and C; to find the Bafe AB. As sB: CSC:: R:cs AB (1785). 1799. To find the Perpendicular AC. As sC: csB::R: ESAC (1785). 1800. To find the Hypothcnufe BC; in the quadrantal IC H, we have tHI:tDF:: SCI:CF; which gives t C: ctB ::R:cs BC. 1801. The two Angles B and C of every right-angled ſphe- rical Triangle, are together greater than the right Angle A; for the Angie B EF GD; and the Angle CIH; is greater than IH + HG 90 Degrees, but I H + DG, or a right Angle, whence the Theorem is evident. CHA P. II. The Method of determining the FLUXIONS of the SIDES and ANGLES of a right-angled SPHERICAL TRIANGLE. 1802. [PLATE I. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY.] F the Semi-diameter of the Earth bore no fenfible Pro- portion to the Diſtance of the heavenly Bodies; if we could view them not through a refi acting Medium; if the Pofi- tion of the Earth's Axis were immutable, and laftly, if there were no Obliquity of the Ecliptic, then the Subject of this Chapter would be unneceſſary. 1803. But asthe Cafe now ftands, we find a fenfible Difference between the true and apparent Place of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, on Account of their Parallax (1724.) Refraction (1321.) Motion of the Earth's Axis, &c. by Means of all which the Latitude, Longitude, Right-Afcenfion, Declination, Altitude, Azimuth, Am- plitude, Hour-Angle, &c. will all be affected in the fare Man- ner as if the great Circles by which they are aſcertained were continually moveable through a very finall Space, one Way and the other, about their Axis in the Sphere. Hh VOL. II. 1804. 234 INSTITUTIONS 1804. Therefore it becomes neceffary, where Exactneſs is required, (as in Aftronomy, Navigation, &c.) to make a proper Correction of the Computations made by ſpherical Triangles, by fuppofing fuch a fmall Motion in any one of the Circles of which that Triangle confifts, and from thence to find the Fluxi- qnary Increaſe or Decrease of its other Sides and Angles refpective- ly, occafioned thereby; which will exprefs the Quantities fought from the Parallax, Refraction, &c. given. 1805. Therefore (in Fig. 1.) if we fuppofe the Circle HD A to be moveable upon the Pole D; and to change its Situation from HDCA to bDca; then it is evident, that in the three variable Triangles ABC, DCF, and DH G, there will (be- fides the Right-angle) be one Part conftant in each, and the other Parts all variable; thus the Angle B EF, is conftant in ABC; the Side DF in DCF; and the Hypothenufe GD in DG H. = 1806. For Diftinction Sake, let X, Y, Z, denote the Hy- pothenufe, Bafe, and Perpendicular of the Triangle ABC, and let Cd be drawn at Right-angles to the Circle bDq. Then is AaY, the Fluxion of A B; but Ỷ is the Fluxion of and dc = and deŻ. Alio the X, its Complement AE; Cc = X, Fluxion of the Angle CIH, is He onary Parts are thus determined. C. Which Fluxi- 1807. In the fluxionary quadrantal Triangle A D a, we have (1780.) $ DA: SDC:: Aa: Cd, or RsDC:: Aa: Cd s DC x Ỷ cs AC X Y R R 1808. The ſmall fluxionary Triangle Cd may be eſteemed Rectilineal, which gives this Analogy. As tC (= c) : R :: Cd CSAC XY SAC Ý : cd; that is, tC: R:: R × Y=cd= tC Ż (1807). 1809. Alfo, in the fame Triangle, as sC: R:: Cd: Cc:: es AC CSAC X x Ÿ=Cc = X. 7 R SC 1810. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 235 1810. Laftly, s DA: sDH:: Aa: He (1781); but DH } AC; therefore R: SAC:: Ý: SAC R He e X × Ỷ = H = C, or the Fluxion of the Arch IH which meaſures the Angle C. 1811. In the Triangle CDF, having one Side DF conftant, the Fluxions of the other Parts are derived from the above Equa- tions by Subſtitution of equal Parts; for becauſe cs AC = ¿DC, and + X=-X in Quantity; therefore Ý Ỷ = Bafe CF. SDC SC X (1809), the Fluxion of the decreaſing Side or 1812. For the fame Reafon s DC tC × Ÿ -Ż = cd, the Fluxion of the decreafing Hypothenufe D C (1808). CS 1813. Laftly, we have SCD R × Ỷ = Ċ=He, the Flux- ions of the increafing Angle C, or Arch IH. The Fluxion of the Angle D, or Arch A E is negative, or Aa- Ÿ R cs C D × Ċ. 1814. In the Triangle DGH, the Hypothenufe DG being conftant; the Fluxions of the variable Parts are found by Subfti- tution of Equals as before. Thus C S DH ctGH × ÝŻ, or Fluxion of the Side D H, which is Pofitive (1808). C S DH csGH 1815. Alfo, it is x Ý X, the Fluxion of the An- w gle G, which is alſo poſitive (1808). 1816. And then for the Fluxion of the Side GH, (which will be, in this Cafe, negative) we have s DH R × Y = ¿. 1817. In the Demonftrations hitherto, the Letters X, Y, Z, are uſed in Reference to three Triangles, and fometimes they ſeparately denote an Angle, and fometimes a Side. But if we have regard to one Triangle only, we muft ufe fuch Symbols as will denote the feveral Parts abfolutely. Therefore let H be the Hypothenufe; A and a, the two Sides; and D, b, the two Hh 2 An- 236 INSTITUTIONS Angles adjacent to them refpectively. Then will the Equations in each Cafe or Triangle be transformed, in the following Manner. 1818. CASE I. X When one Angle B is invariable, we have c 1 A C × Ỷ = † C × Ż (1808.) become c sa × Å = tb × a, and fo of the Reft, whence we derive the following Equations and Analo- gies. 1. csaÀ = tba; . . Å ‡ à : : t b : c sa (1808). 2. c s a Å — s b È ; ... A: H:: sb: csa (1809). 3. sa Å = .'. Ab:: Rb; .. A : b :: R : sa (1810). 4. tba sb H; .. sb: tb :: csb: R:: a: H. = 1819. CASE II. When one Side A is invariable. 1. s H B SHB – sb a; .. В : a :: sb: sH (1811). s 2. SHB = tb Ĥ; .. В B: H::tb: sH (1812). B 3. cs HВ = R b; .. B: b:: R:cs H (1813). 1820. CASE III. When the Hypothenufe H is conftant. • 1. c s AВ = c t a Å‚ ‚ À : В ¦ ¦ e s A : cta (1814). 2. cs AB = csa b;.. Bb:: esa: es A (1815). 3. sA B = — R à; ... B: — à :: R: SA (1816). - a : 4. cta Acsa b;..csa:cta:: sa: R:: A b. 1821. From thefe Equations, it is evident, there is a three- fold Value or Expreffion for the Fluxion of every variable Part; and many Equations to exprefs the Ratio of any two Fluxions, befides thofe here fpecified. The great Ufe of this Doctrine of Fluxionary Trigonometry we fhall hereafter particularly illuftrate and exemplify in all the above-mentioned Cafes. CHAP. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 237 CHA P. III. THEOREMS for the SOLUTION of the CASES of Ob- lique Spherical TRIANGLES. 1822. THEN each of thefe three Angles of a ſpherical Triangle is greater or lefs than a Right-angle, it is called an Oblique Triangle, as BCD (Fig. 3.) In fuch an one all the Angles are uncertain, and therefore three Parts out of the Six muſt here be given, to find the Reft; and confequently there will alſo be Six Cafes in the Solution of an Oblique Triangle. In order to which, the Ten following Theorems must be pre- mifed. 1823. THEOREM I. In every oblique ſpherical Triangle, the Sines of the Sides are pro- portional to Sines of the oppofite Angles. To demonftrate this; let fall the Perpendicular CA on the Side 'BD (continued out Fig. 3.) and it will be as Rs BC:: SB: SAC; and again, R: SCD::SD: SAC (1781). Therefore RX SACSBC X SB SCD X D; whence 3 C: DC: D:s B. Q; E. D. S $ 1824. THEOREM II. In an oblique ſpherical Triangle BDC, drawing the Perpendicu- lar CA, the Tangents of the Sides BC and CD are reciprocally proportional to the Co-Sines of the vertical Angles. For in the right-angled Triangle ACE, it is, R:csACB::BC: tAC (1789.) and in the Triangle ACD, it is R: cs DCA :: tDCA C. Therefore csACBXtBC-RX1AC = c s DCA x tDC; confequently t BC: tDC :: cs A CD :csACB. 2; E. D. 1825. THEOREM III. In the oblique Triangle BDC, with the Perpendicular AC, the Co-Sines of the Sides B C and CD are directly propertiened to the Co-Sines of the Parts of the Bafe A B and AD. For in the right- angled Triangle ACB, it is, ResAC::csAB:es BC. (1792) 238 INSTITUTIONS 1 (1792) and for the fame Reafon R: cs AC::es AD:cs DC.. Therefore (as above) cs A B AB: Q; E. D. csBC 1826. THEOREM IV. cs AD: cs DC. In the fame oblique Triangle B D C, the Co-Sines of the Angles at Baſe are directly as the Sines of the vertical Angles. For as R: SACB:: SAC:cs B (1785) and as Rs ACD::csAÇ cs D. Therefore cs B: csD:: SACB: SACD. 2. E. D. 1827. THEOREM V. In the fame oblique Triangle B CD; the Sines of the Parts of the Baſe AB and A D, are inversely as the Tangents of the Angles at the Baſe. For Rs AB For RsABtB: tAC (1783.) and R: SAD:: tD: tA C. Therefore s A B XtB (RXtAC) SAD XtD, whence s AB: SAD::tD: t B. 2; E. D. 1828. THEOREM VI. As the Sum of the Sines of two unequal Arches is to their Diffe- rence; fo is the Tangent of half their Sum to the Tanget of half their Difference. For let AC M be a Quarter of a Circle (Fig. 4.) in which take the two unequal Arches AB, AC; their Diffe- rence is BC, which is bifected by the Radius O D. Then AD is half their Sum, and D C DB half their Difference. The Sines of the Arches are BG and CH; and the Co-Sines OG and OH. Through the Points B and C draw the right Line IP, and parallel to it draw KQ touching the Circle in the Point D; alfo draw NE parallel to A O, and E F perpen- dicular thereto. And lastly, through C draw OL, then is DQ the Tangent of half the Sum of the Arches AD, and DL the Tangent of half their Difference CD; and DK is the Tan- gent of D M the Complement of A D. Then becauſe CD BD, or CE EB, we have alfo HF FG, and therefore = CH + BG=2EF, and CH-BG2 CS (221). But 2 EF: 2CS: EF: CS (656.) :: EP: EC:: DQ:DL (657.) therefore CH + BG: CH-BG :: DQ (Tangent of A D) : DL (Tangent of DC). Q; E. D. • 1829. THE- Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 239 1829. THEOREM VII. The Sum of the Co-Sines of two unequal Arches is to their Diffe- rence, as the Co-Tangent of half the Sum of the Arches to the Tangent of half their Difference. For OG + OH = 20 F, and OG - OH = 2 HF (221.) Therefore 2OF: 2 HF:: OF: HF ( EN: SE): EI:EC:: DK: DL; therefore the (::EN: Sum of the Co-Sines OG + OH: OGOH (their Diffe- rence) :: DK (the Co-Tangent of A D): D L, the Tangent of DC. 2, E. D.- 1830. THEOREM VIII. In any oblique Triangle B DC, (having drawn the Perpendicular AC, and bifected the Bafe in E,) it will be, as the Co-Tangent of balf the Sum of the two Sides is to the Tangent of half their Difference, fo is the Co-Tangent of half the Bafe, to the Tangent of the Diſtance (AE) of the Perpendicular from the middle Point (E) of the Baſe. For we have csAB: csAD :: csBC csDC (1824). Whence es BC + cs DC csBCcs DC :: csAB : +csAD:cs AB-csAD, (648, 649.) But cs BC + BC + DC BC-DC cs DC: csBC-cs DC :: ct (1829.) 2. : t 2 Alſo es A B + cs AD: cs A B — cs AD: AB+ AD AB-AD ct : t ::ctBE:tAE; and hence by 2 2 BC + DC BC-DC Equality (652) c t : t :: ct BE: 2 2 tAE. 2. E. D. 1831. THEOREM IX. In any oblique ſpherical Triangle, the Tangent of half the Bafe is to the Tangent of half the Sum of the Sides, as the Tangent of half the Difference of the Sides is to the Tangent of the Diſtance of the Per- pendicular from the middle Point of the Bafe. For fince KOQ (Fig. 4) is a Right-angle, and OD perpendicular to the Bafe KQ; it is DQ:DO:: DO: DK (660.) Therefore DO2 DQ' DK= or becauſe DO2 is conftant, it is DK: I DQ, There-- or the Co-Tangent of Arches are as the Tangents reciprocally. 240 INSTITUTIONS BC + D C BC+ DC Therefore ct :ctBE::tBE: t 2 2 BC-DC t 2 1 : tAE (1829.) Q; E. D. 1832. THEORem X. As the Co-Tangent of half the Sum of the Angles at Bafe, is to the Tangent of half their Difference, fo is the Tangent of half the verti- cal Angle to the Tangent of the Angle which the Perpendicular makes the Line bijecting the vertical Angle. Let the Circle C F bifect the vertical Angie BCD (Fig. 3.) Then it is, R: SACB:: cs AC :csB (1798) and R: SACD::cs AC:cs D. Therefore by Equality (652) and Permutation, we have cs B: csD::SACB SACD; and therefore it is csB+cs D:cs Bcs D: : B. D s AC B÷s A CD: SACB — SACD SACD (:: ct B-D :: 2 2 (1829):: t BCF: 1 ACF (1828.) 2; E. D. Q; CHA P. IV. The SOLUTION of the SIX CASES of Oblique Sphe- G rical TRIANGLES. 1833. CASE I. } IVEN the two Angles B and D; and the Side B C oppofite to one of them; to find the other Angle and Sides (Fig. 3.) The Analogy for the Side CD is, as s D: s BC:: SB :s CD, (1823.) 1834. To find the Angle BCD; we have cs BC: R::ct B :tACB (by 1791.) Then, it is, csB: cs D: SACB :s ACD (1826); whence the whole Angle BCD is known. 1835. To find the Side or Bafe BD; we have R:cs B:: tBC:t AB (1784, 1831.) Then, as tD:t B:: SAB: SAD (1827.). Whence AB+ AD = BD required. 1836. CASE Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 241 1836. CASE II. Given two Angles B and B C D, and a Side B C between them; to find the other Angle D. First, R: cs BC:t B: ct BCA (1791, 1831); whence ACD is alſo known. Then s ACB: SACD :cs B: csD (1826). Then 1837. To find the Side DC. Say as, R:cs BC::tB; et ACB (1791, 1831) whence A CD is known. es DCA:cs BCA::tBC: tDC (1824). 1838. To find the Side BD. The Procefs is here the fame, as for the Side CD, if from the End B of the given Side B C, you let fall the Perpendicular B A oppofite to the given Angle BCD. 1839. CASE III. = Given two Sides BC and CD, and an Angle B oppofite to one of them; to find the other Side B D. Say, as Rcs BtBC: tAB (1789, 1831). Then cs BC: cs DC::csAB: csAD (1825). Whence AB+ AD BD ſought. 1840. To find the included Angle BCD. es BC: B: ctACB (1791, ::cs ACB:cs ACD (1824). BCD. Firſt ſay, as R': 1831). Then t DC: tBC Whence ACB + ACD= 1841. To find the oppofite Angle D. Say, as s DC: SB:: $ B C : s D (1823). N. B. It muſt here be obferved, that when the Side DC is lefs than BC, this Cafe will be ambiguous in all its Parts; fince it will be uncertain from the Data, whether the Angle D iş Obtufe or Acute; fince the Sine of an Angle, and of its Comple- ment to 180 Degrees, is the fame. 1842. CASE IV. Given two Sides BD and BC, and the included Angle B ; to find the other Side CD. Say, as Rcs B :: t BC: t A B (1789, 1831.) whence AD is also known; then es A B csAD:: c s BC : c s CD (1825). 1843. To find the Angle D. (1791, 1831.) whence A D tBtD (1827). VOL. II. : c5 Say, as Rcs B: BC:t AB is known; then s AD: SBD:: I i 1844. 242 INSTITUTIONS 1844. To find the Angle C. Let fall the Perpendicular Da on the given Side BC, and oppoſite to the given Angle B; then R:cs BtBD: 1 Ba, and then a C is known; confequent- ly s a C : s a B : : t B: tC as above (1843). 2 1845. CASE V. Given all the three Sides BD, BC, and CD; to find an Angle, fuppofe B. Say t BD:t BC + CD::BC-CD 1 ½ : tAE, the Diſtance of the Perpendicular from the middle. Point E of the Bafe BD (1831.) whence A B is known. Then t BC:AB:: R:cs B (1797). = 1846. CASE VI. Z Given all the three Angles, B, C, and BCD; to find a Side, fup- pofe BC. Then fay, as ct B+ D B + D : 1 ÷ B — D B-D::BCF ACF Angle included between the Perpendicular A Ç, and the Line CF, which bifects the vertical Angle C; from whence the Angle BCA is known. Then fay, as 7 B: ct BCA :: R:cs BC (1800, 1831). N. B. There are other Methods of ſolving the Cafes of oblique ſphe- rical Triangles, but they are more complex and difficult both in Theory and Operation, and therefore are not to be expected in an Elementary Inftitution. Nor fhall we here infift on thofe Solutions of Triangles which depend on the given Sums and Differences of Sides and Angles, or of their Sines, Tangents, Verfed-fines, &c. as they are very in- tricate, and rarely neceflary in Practice. CHAP. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 243 CHA P. V. The Method of determining the FLUXIONS of the SIDES and ANGLES of Oblique Spherical TRIAN- GLES. 1847. CASE İ. L' ET ABC be an oblique ſpherical Triangle, (Fig. 5.) and let the Side AC move on the Point or Angle A, and by its Motion defcribe a fmall Portion of a Parallel Cr; at the fame Time let Cd be Part of a Parallel defcribed by BC on the Pole B; and draw the great Circle Be interfecting Cd in d. Then let D, E, and F, denote the three Sides AB, AC, and BC refpectively, of which AB and AC are confiant, and all the other Parts variable. 1848. Then we fhall have R: SE :: SCAc: sCc (1781) for the fluxionary Triangle CcA is right-angled at (c); and be- cauſe the Sine of a very fmall Arch is nearly equal to the Arch itfelf, therefore R sE: CA (A): C c = X À. 1849. Alfo, R: SF :: C B d ( = B) : C d = = SE R s F R × B. Again becauſe A Cr=dCB Right-angle (1847); therefore ACB =dC, and becauſe of the Right-angle at d, and the fluxion? ry Triangle d Cc Rectilineal, we have R: sd Cc (ACB): SE R Cc: cd :: ×À: F = SEX SC R* 1850. But sC:s D :: s B : §E (1823); therefore sE × sC =SD x sB; confequently it is alſo ƒ = × â (1848). SD x SB × Å. R2 SE Cd:: X A: R ¡EX SC R SEX csC XA= F R × B (1849). Whence we have B X A. Rx F 1851. Again; R : cs.d Ce ( = C) :: C c Ii 2 1852. 244 INSTITUTIONS 1852. And lastly, ct.c Cḍ (= C): R :: Cd: cd :: X B: F F = SF ct C X B. s R 1853. In the fame Manner it is fhewn (by making the like Conftruction at B) that C s D X cs B × Å; and Rx s F s F c t B X ċ Co-Secant of an Arch E B 1854. Let f Secant, and cf (Fig. to Inft. 705) then it is, CH (= ED): CE :: CG (=CE): CF; that is, sEB: R: R/GE, or cfBE; therefore R² - sBE × c/B E. cЛBE. 1855. Hence becauſe R2 = s D x s B F XA (1850) = sD × cfD (1854.) Therefore we have, from the above Equa- tions, the following Analogies for the Fluxions of the Sides and Angles of this Triangle, viz. 1. A: FcfD:s B. I. sF 2. A BR× SF:SEX csC (1851). 3. A:ċ :: Rx sF: SD x csB (1853): 4. BF: ctCsF (1852). 5. ċ : F :: c t B : s F (1853). : 6. BċctCctB (1851, 1853). :: tB: tC (1831). CASE II. 1856. If one Side D, and an adjacent Angle B be invariable, then this Cafe will be reduced to that of a right-angled Triangle, by letting fall the Perpendicular AG (from the End of the given Side, and oppofite to the given Angle B) on the Side BC con- tinued out. For then there will be found the right-angled Tri- angle Á CG, in which the Side AG (and the Segment GB) is conftant; and ſo this Cafe becomes the fame with Cafe II. (1811, 1819). 1857. CASE III. If one Side D, and an oppofite Angle C, be invariable (Fig. 6.); then are the other Parts variable by the Motion of the given Side Dor AB. Let the Side AB move into the Situation (ab) and be- Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 245 becauſe it is ever ab A B, it is impoffible that (ab) ſhould be parallel to AB (631); therefore ab will meet A B, conti- nued out, in fome Point Q. On the Point Q, as a Center, defcribe the ſmall Arches bn, am; then becauſe AB = ab nm, if from the firſt and laſt, you take away the common Part An, there will remain Bn =Ạm. 1858. Then fince the fluxionary Triangles Am a and Bnb may be confidered in their Nafcent State as Rectilineal, and right- angled at m and n; therefore we ſhall have Am: Aa::csA: R; and Bn: Bb:: csB: R; whence Am x R = A a × X csA BnX R= Bb xcs B; therefore A a: Bb::cs B: CSA: E: F. s 1859. Again, we have s C: SD::s B: s E (1823) :: B: ; E. For becauſe the flowing Quantities or Sines of B and E are in the conſtant Ratio of s Ctos D(1856). The Fluxions of the Sines, viz. ; B and ; E will be in the fame conſtant Ratio (788). But the Fluxion of the Sine is to the Fluxion of its Arch as Co-Sine CS B to Radius (874). Therefore B= R CS E R δ X B, and E- s XE; Whence s C: SD::cs BX B: csEXE, which gives BESCxcsE: SDXcs B. 1860. In the fame Manner it is proved that AFCX CSF: SDXcs A. 1861. By comparing the Analogies in (1858, and 1859,) we get BF:CxcsE:sDXcs A. 1862. And by comparing this with the Analogy in (1860) we have AB csF:cs E. 1863. The Analogies in (1859, 1860) may be more fimply exprefs'd by Tangents; thus, it is B::: sD i SC:SD: B: SE; therefore SC s D cs B ; but CSE s B E :: s E cs B CSE ::B :t E, becauſe the Sine has the fame Ratio to the Co-Sine as the Tangent has to Radius = 1. (ſee Fig. to 705.) Thus alfo, it is At At F. 1864. 246 INSTITUTIONS 1864 CASE IV. When two Angles A, and D, in the Triangle A E D (Fig. 7.) are invariable. But this is reduced to the firft CASE (1847) by confidering, that the Angles of the Triangle A E D, are equal to the Sides of another Triangle F G H, formed by Circles con- necting the Poles G, F, H, of the Sides of the Triangle AED. For let the Sides DE, DA be produced to Quadrants in O and C, and on the Point D deſcribe a Circle BKO G. Let G be the Pole of the Circle C D B, F the Pole of the Circle OD I, and H the Pole of the Circle A E Q. Then is GC FO= 90°, from which take the common Part F C, and there remains F G = CO = Angle D. In the like Manner F N = HM = 90°; Subduct HN, and there remains F H NM = Angle A. Laftly, GL=HP = 90°, take away H L, and we have GH =LP Angle PEL, the Complement of the Angle A E D. 1865. Hence alſo it appears, that the Sixth Cafe of oblique Triangles (1846) is reducible to the Fifth, by changing the given Angles A, E, D into Sides of another Triangle FGH. 1866. I have now premiſed all that I judge does properly be- long to the Elementary Part of the Doctrine of fpherical Triangles. As to the Five circular Parts of Lord Neper, I think it an Artifice of more Ingenuity in the Invention, than of Ufe in Practice, and have here omitted it. Alfo thofe Methods of folving oblique fpherical Triangles by given Sums, Differences, Products, &c. of their feveral Parts, are not to be confidered as fift Principles, but rather the Inventions of Art refulting from thoſe Principles, and may be explicated by them when ever they occur in Practice. However we cannot think theſe Elements compleat without ſuch as determine the Arca of a fpherical Triangle, which therefore we fhall add in the next Chapter. CHAP. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 247 CHAP. VI. The Method of determining the AREA of a SPHERI- CAL TRIANGLE. 1867, TN Fig. 8. Let A CF be a Quadrant of the Equator, the Pole D; SBT a Parallel to the Equator; ABE an oblique Circle croffing the Equator in A; AK V an oblique Circle below the Equator; DBK a Meridian, and D L O an- other drawn indefinitely near to it. By this Means there will be form'd an oblique fpherical Triangle A BK which is divided into two right angled Ones ABC, and A CK, by the Equa- tor A F. 1868. Let p Periphery of a great Circle, and xs BC, or Sine of BC, the Latitude of the Zone A HEF, whofe Sur- face is x x AFX p; becauſe xp Surface of the whole Zone continued round the Globe, (838.) therefore alfo the Sur- face of the indefinitely fmall Part LOCB is × OC = $ BC X OC. But this is also the Fluxion of the Triangle ABC; for that of the Zone, and of the Triangle at the Point B will be the fame (792) as is evident from the Reaſoning there ufed. * SBC 1869. The Fluxion of the Angle ABC is = XOC R I (1810.) But s B C × OC : × OC: I : ::R: 1. R SBC R That is, the Fluxion of the Triangle A B C is to the Fluxion of the Angle B, is in the conftant Ratio of Radius to Unity. And therefore the contemporaneous Fluents will be in the fame Ratio. 1870. In the Nafcent State of the Triangle, when the Sides may be confidered as Rectilineal, the Angle at B is equal to the Complement of the Angle A to a Right-angle (633). But as the Triangle flows, or encreafes, this Angle B alfo flows and encreaſes to a larger Quantity, till at laft the Triangle ABC becomes the quadrantal Triangle A E F, and the Angle B be- comes a Right-angle at E, the whole Increafe therefore of the Angle 248 INSTITUTIONS Angle B is equal to the Angle A. And it is this increaſing Part of the Angle B, which is the Fluent of the Fluxion $BC R * OC. Therefore the Area of the Triangle ABC is to the Increase of the Angle B, or the Excess of A + B above a Right-angle, in the conftant Ratio of R to 1. 1871. The fame Thing is fhewn with regard to the Triangle ACK; therefore it is evident, that the Area of any oblique ſpheri- cal Triangle A B K is conftantly proportional to the Encrease of the three Angles above two Right-angles. - 1872. Hence in regard to the Triangles A B C and A EF, it will be as A: AEF:: A + B 90: ABC; and in the fame Manner in the Triangle CA K and F A V, it is A: FAV :: A+ C— 90: ACK. Therefore with regard to the whole oblique Triangle A BK, we have the Angle B A K to the whole quadrantal Area EA V, as A + B + K 180° to the Area of the Triangle ABK. = 1873. Let S Surface of the Globe, T Area of the Triangle A B K, Q Area of the quadrantal Area EA V, N Angle BAK≈ EV, and M = Sum of the three Angles of the Triangle N+B+ K, then it is felf-evident, that the quadrantal Space EAV is fuch a Part of a Hemisphere as the Arch EV is of a great Circle; that is, Q: S :: N: p; but N: Q :: M-2p:T (1870); therefore p:S:: Mip: T, or 2p: M-2p:: S: T; that is, as 720: N+B+K- 180: the Surface of the Globe S: Surface of the Triangle A BK. 2 1874. But the Surface of a Globe or Sphere is equal to four Times the Area of its great Circle, or S = 4 A (839); there- forep: S: 180: A :: M 180: T. But Apr, or half the Radius (r) multiplied into the Periphery (830); there- fore (180 180r::) Ir:: M 180: T. — 1875. The Radius (r) expreffed in Degrees is = 57°, 2957795 (884); therefore if the three Angles of a Triangle leſſened by 180°, be multiplied by 57,2957795, the Product will be the Area of that Triangle in Square Degrees. And becauſe in one Square De- gree, there are 3600 Square geographical Miles, or 4830,25 Eng- lifh Miles, therefore the Area of the Triangle may be expreffed in Miles of either Sort. CHAP. Fig. 1. Plate II. Of Spherical Trigonometry. Z 2 H H 72 F E Z Fig. 4. B Z H B B Fig. 6. Fig. 8. F 하 ​H I I A A A P Fig. 2. B H F D D L P Fig. 5. H C. B Z F D е W T 1 M Fig. 7. B 1 F B F Z Fig. 3. G D H N N D 72 G E F Fig. 9. A Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 249 CHAP. VII. The foregoing PRINCIPLES applied to the SOLUTION of PROBLEMS in ASTRONOMY, GEOGRAPHY, NAVIGATION, DIALLING, &c. HE Conftruction of a Diagram for prefenting at 1876. TH one View the greateſt Numbers of ſpherical Trian- gles, in order to the Solution of aftronomical Problems, is that of Fig. 9. which is a ſtereographical Projection of the Sphere on the Plane of that Meridian ENQS, which is called the folftitial Colure (1707).* 1877. In this Scheme, ÆQ is the EQUINOCTIAL, and its two Poles N, S. EL is the ECLIPTIC, and its Poles P, T. HO is the HORIZON, its Poles Z, the Zenith, and D the Na- dir. Z D, the prime VERTICAL, and its Poles H, O. E is the Tropic of Cancer; L, the Tropic of Capricorn. O is the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic; NOS a Hour-circle, and ZOD a vertical Circle paffing through the Sun →. PRT a Circle of Longitude, and NRS a Circle of Declination paffing through a Star at R. 1878. Now thefe various Circles of the Sphere by their Inter- fections, form many ſpherical Triangles, both Rectangular and Oblique. In a right-angled Triangle, if any two Parts are given, it is a Problem to find the reft. And in oblique Triangles, the Problem requires three different Parts to be given, as we have fhewn (717-721). But one Angle in moft Triangles, Right or Oblique, is of no Confequence in aftronomical Problems, and therefore does not enter the Data. 1879. In a right-angled Triangle, there are, therefore, four fignificant Parts, viz. three Sides, which call a, b, c; and one Angle, which let us denote by (n). Then fince there are fix Combinations of two Quantities in four, viz, an, bn, en, ab, be, a c, there will be at leaft fix Problems refulting from every right-angle Triangle. VOL. II. Kk 1880. *It is here fuppofed, the Reader is acquainted with the Names and Ufes of the CIRCLES of the SPHERE, as they have been at large explained in the GENTLEMAN and LADIES PHILOSOPHY. 250 INSTITUTIONS 1880. Again, in an oblique Triangle there will be five figni- ficant Parts, viz. three Sides, a, b, c; and two Angles, m, n; and there will be ten Combinations of three Quantities in five, viz; abm, bcm, a cm, abn, ben, acn, amn, bmn, cmn, abc; therefore ten aftronomical Problems will arife from every oblique Triangle. 1881. We fhall now ſpecify thoſe right-angled Triangles that are of moft Ufe in Aftronomy, which are as follow, first, the Triangle BCO, right-angled at B; in which BC is the Sun's right Afcenfion, or its Complement to the Point C. Co is the Sun's Longitude, or Complement to C. BO is the Sun's Declination; and the Angle BCO the Obliquity of the E- cliptic. 1882. Secondly; the Triangle AO C, right-angled at A ; in which the Side CO is the Sun's Longitude in the Ecliptic from C; the Side A O, its Altitude above the Horizon. AC is the Azimuth from the Point C. And the Angle ACO is the Sum of the Co-Latitude and Obliquity of the Ecliptic, viz. ÆH + E. 1883. Thirdly; Let the Sun be in the Tropic of Cancer, and in the Point G in the prime Vertical, when due Eaſt or Weft. Then in the Triangle V CG, right-angled at V, the Side V C is the Hour from Six. The Side VG EE, the Sun's De- clination. The Side CG the Sun's Altitude when East or Weft. And the Angle VCG ÆZ, the Latitude of the Place. 1884. Fourthly; On the fame Day the Sun is at I, at the Hour of Six precifely; then in the Triangle ICM, right-an- gled at M; the Hypothenufe CI is the Sun's Declination; IM, the Sun's Altitude at Six; and CM the Azimuth from C. And the Angle ICM = NO=ÆZ the Latitude of the Place. 1885. Fifthly; On the fame Day the Sun is in the Horizon at K, and there is formed the Triangle W CK right-angled at W; in which WK is the Sun's Declination. CW is the afcenfio- nal Difference, or the Hour from Six of its Rifing and Setting; CK, the Amplitude of Rifing and Setting from the Eaſt or Weft. And the Angle WCK OQ, is the Co-Latitude of the Place. = 1886. Sixthly; In the Triangle NKO, right-angled at O, the Side NO is the Latitude; the Side N K the Co-Declination; and Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 251 and the Side KO the Co-Amplitude or Azimuth from O. And the Angle KNOW Q the Hour from Midnight. 1887. What we have faid with Refpect to the Sun in Cancer, is the fame for its Place in any other Part of the Ecliptic; and the fame Triangles are to be drawn for the fame Purpoſes in the Winter Signs, as we have here done for the Summer. And fur- ther, it is to be obſerved, that fince any Star may be fuppofed at O, it is evident all the fame Triangles ferve for a Star as for the Sun. Therefore in the fix Triangles already enumerated, no Hefs than feventy-two Problems may be ftated in Reference to the Sun and Stars; beſides many other Triangles that might be ad- ded to thefe, to encreaſe the Number of aftronomical Pro- blems. 1888. In the oblique Triangle OZN, the Side O Z is the Co-Altitude of the Sun; ON, the Co-Declination; ZN, the Co-Latitude of the Place. The Angle ZNO is the Hour from Noon, and the Angle O ZN or OZE is the Azimuth from the North or South Part of the Horizon. 1889. This Triangle, therefore, affords ten Problems more in reſpect of the SUN (1878) and if we confider the oblique Triangle Z RN, we fhall find the Sides and Angles the fame in regard to a STAR at R, and confequently other ten Problems will thence be produced. 1890. Again; in the oblique Triangle RNP, the Side RN is the Star's Co-Declination; the Side RP, its Co-Latitude; and the Side NP = Æ E the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Also the An- gle NPR is the Star's Longitude from the Point E; and the Angle RNP its Azimuth. From hence we have ten Problems more; and therefore this and the last Triangle afford twenty prin- cipal Problems about the Stars only. 1891. In the laft Place, let o be the Moon or a Planet, then if we draw a great Circle through O and R, the Place of a Star; we ſhall have an oblique Triangle o ZR, in which the Side OZ is the Moon's Co-Altitude; ZR, that of the Star, and OR the Distance of the Moon from the Star. Alfo the Angle OZR the Difference of the Azimuths of the Moon and Star. This Triangle affords four very ufeful Problems relative to the Moon and Stars. Upon the Whole, in theſe few Triangles in this one Projection only, more than one hundred aftronomical Pro- blems are contained. Kk 2 1892. 252 INSTITUTIONS 1892. In regard to GEOGRAPHY, if we ſuppoſe Z and R to repreſent two Places on the Surface of the Terreftrial Globe; then in the Triangle Z RN, the Side ZN is the Co-Latitude of the Place Z; the Side RN is the Co- Latitude of the Place R; and the Side Z R is the Diſtance of the two Places on the Sur- face of the Globe. The Angle ZNR EV, is the Diffe- rence of Longitude of the two Places, and the Angle RZN is the Bearing of the Place R from Z. This one Triangle there- fore furnishes ten principal geographical Problems, which depend on the Doctrine of the sphere. 1893. In NAVIGATION, particularly that Part of it called ORTHODROMICS, which treats of the Art of Sailing on a great Circle of the Sphere, a fpherical Triangle is concerned. Thus let Z be the Port from whence a Ship is to fail to another Port X; then in the Triangle ZNX; the Side ZN is the Co-Lati- tude of the Port Z; the Side N X is the Co-Latitude of the Port X; the Side Z X is the nearest Diflance between them or the Ship's Way. Alfo the Angle N Z X is the Courfe to be ſteered at Z; and the Angle Z N X is the Difference of Longitude be- tween the Ports. 1894. But in failing from Z to X, the Courfe is perpetually altering, or the Angle made by the Ship's Way on the great Cir- cle Z X with every Meridian is different, or the Latitudes always changing, therefore it is neceflary to calculate this for every 5 or 6 Degrees of Longitude, that the Ship may be kept upon, or near the circular Arch ZX, every where; and this is the whole Art of great Circle-failing, which is entirely converfant in the Solu- tion of spherical Triangles. A great Variety, therefore, of nautical Problems here offer themfelves from this one View of a ſpherical Triangle. 1895. As to LoXODROMICS, or failing upon a Spiral, or Rhumb-line, as the Theory of that Curve has not yet been con- fidered, nor the Rationale of that Sort of Sailing been fully ex- plained by Writers on Navigation, we have determined to treat of that Subject more particularly in another Chapter. 1896. In DIALLING, the Triangle NOK, right-angled at O, is uſed in finding all the Angles N KO, which the feveral Hour-circles NKS make with the Horizon. For NO being the Latitude of the Place, and the Angle ONK being given, } 鼈 ​the Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 253 the Arch of the Horizon OK is found by Cafe I. of right-an- gled Triangles (1783). But this is only touched upon here, to fhew how very uſeful and extenſive the Doctrine of spherical Trigonometry is in moſt Arts and Sciences. What relates to the Conftruction of the Scale of Latitudes and Hours in practical Dial- ling, as alſo of a new Dialling Sector, and a new univerſal Ho- RIRONTAL DIAL, fhewing the Hour by the fame Guomon in all Latitudes, will be treated of more fully hereafter. CHA P. VIII. The Application of FLUXIONARY SPHERICS in aftronomical COMPUTATIONS, relative to PARALLAXES, REFRACTIONS, equal AL- TITUDES, PRECESSION of the EQUINOXES, &c. 1897. W E have fhewn how the Places of the heavenly Bo- dies, the Times of their Rifing, Setting, c. and their various Phænomena in regard to their Right-afcenfion, Decli- nation, Amplitude, Azimuth, Longitude, Latitude, &c. are to be calculated by the common Proceffes of spherical Trigonometry. But the minute Variations and Alterations which happen in thoſe Quantities by Means of a Parallax, Refraction, Receſſion of the Equinoxes, ſpiral Motion of the Sun, &c. are of too much Mo- ment in Aftronomy not to be moft fcrupulouſly attended to; and as they are best of all computed by Fluxionary Spherics, the Principles of which have been explained, we therefore now illuftrate that Method by fome Examples. 1898. As the moft confiderable of thefe Variations are of that Sort which ariſe from a Parallax, and greatly affect the moſt interefting Subjects of this Science, viz. the MOON and the PLANETS, it will be neceffary to premife the following Theorem, viz. The Parallax of a Planet is always proportioned to the Sine of its apparent Distance from the Zenith, which is thus fhewn. Let C be 254 INSTITUTIONS be the Center of the Earth, P the Place of a Spectator on its Surface; Z the Zenith, and let N and n be two Places of a Planet in an Azimuth-circle ZO; draw PN and CN, alfo Pn and Cn, then are the Angles PNC, Pn C, the Parallaxes of the Planet at the Altitudes NO, nO, (1724). To com- pare which, we have PC: CN :: SPNC: SNPCs NPZ. Alfo PC: Cn (= CN): : s Pn C:s CP n s n P Z; there- fore it is s PNC: Pn C::sZPN:s ZP n. But theſe pa- rallatic Angles at N and n, being very fmall, are as their Sines; whence the Propofition is evident. 1899. Hence it follows, that any Parallax at N is to the hori- zontal Parallax at O (viz. that of the Planet feen from P in the Horizon at O) as the Sign of its Zenith Diftance (nearly) to the Radius. Alſo it appears, that the parallatic Angle vanishes at the Zenith Z; and alfo when the Diſtance P N or CN becomes immeaſurably great. So that the fixed Stars can have no Parallax of this Kind. Laftly, we have, the Distance of a Planet N C from the Sun, to the Semidiameter of the Earth CP, as the Sine of the Parallax CNP, to the Sine of the Zenith Distance Z P N. 1900. As the Angle ZPN is greater than ZCN by the Quantity of the Parallax P N C, it is evident the apparent Zenith Diſtance of a Planet exceeds the true, by juft that Quantity. There- fore let A be the true Place of a Planet; Z A its Zenith Diſtance, P the Pole of the Ecliptic; and PA a Circle of Latitude paffing thro' the Planet. Alfo let (a) be the apparent Place, and draw the Circle of Latitude P a b thro' the Planet A. Let E A L be drawn parallel to the Ecliptic; and let HLO be the Horizon. (Fig. 2.) a 1901. Then in the oblique Triangle A Z P, the Side Z P, and the Angle Z adjacent, are conſtant (1855). And the fluxionary Parts are (1) Aa = à (1817, 1818) the Parallax in Altitude. (2.) The Parallax in Longitude APd B. And (3.) The Parallax in Latitude ad = ǹ. Then becauſe the Parallax in Altitude is known from the horizontal Parallax (1898) in aftro- nomical Tables; therefore we have sH: sb: : (1819). That is, in Words, as the Co-Sine of the Planet's La- titude, is to the Sine of the Angle ZAP, fo is the Parallax in Alti- tude to the Parallax in Longitude. a AP : B = A P d 1902. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 255 1902. Again, to find the Parallax in Latitude; it appears from the fluxionary Triangle A a d, right-angled at d, that Aaad: R: sa AdsEAZ, that is, R: csZAP:: Aa: ad: :: H; which is in Words, Radius is to the Co-Sine of the Angle ZAP, as the Parallax in Altitude, is to the Parallax in Latitude. a 1903. If EL be the Ecliptic itſelf, and the Planet be in, or very near it, then s HS APR; and the sbsZAP = csZAE; therefore sH: sb:: R:csZAE (1899): tZA: t EA (1797): å: B; that is, as the Tangent of the Planet's Ze- nith Distance is to the Tangent of its Distance from the Nonagefima Degree E, fo is the Parallax in Altitude, to the Parallax in Longitude. a 1904. Alfo, in this Cafe, we have Rcsb::RsZAE :: sZA:s ZE (1795) :: å: Ĥ; that is, the Sine of the Zenith Difance, is to the Co-Sine of the Altitude of the Nonagefima Degree a as the Parallax in Altitude to the Parallax in Latitude. 1905. If we put M = horizontal Parallax; then, becauſe SZA Ꮓ Ꭺ R (1898) xM=i= sZAXtAE 1 tZA AE X B, (1903) we have i s Z A x s ZAP XM = RXtZA R² × M = (1823) SZPXsZPA Ꮲ Ꭺ × M. Therefore RsZP x sZPA:: R² M: B. That is, the Square of Radius is to the Rectangle of the Sines of Altitude of the Nonagefima Degree, and the Planet's Lon- gitude from thence, as the horizontal Parallax is to the Parallax of Longitude. 1906. Again, × M = SZA R SZA SZE Xi (1904) whence SZAXSZE s Z E A = x M = R X M. Which gives R: 3 RX SZA sZĘ:: M: H; that is, Radius is to the Co-Sine of the Altitude of Ꮓ Ꭼ the Nonagefima Degree, as the horizontal Parallax to the Parallax in Latitude. Hence becaufe R and M are conftant Quantities, the Parallax in Latitude will ever be as the Co-Sine of the Alti- tude of the Nonagefima Degree. 1907 As to the Parallax in Right-afcenfion and Declination, the Analogies are the fame as before; for H ZO. being the Meri- dian, EQ, the Equinoctial, its Pole N, HO the Horizon, A the 256 INSTITUTIONS the Place of the Planet, ZD a vertical Circle, and NF a Hour-circle paffing through it (Fig. 3.) it is evident the Trian- gle Z AN, and its fluxionary Parts A a, a d, Ad, are all the fame as in the foregoing Figure, and therefore the fame Analo- gy as was uſed (1903) for finding the Parallax of Longitude, finds here the Parallax of Right-afcenfion, viz. sH (SAN): sb (= s Z AN) : : å ( = A a) : Ẻ ( = BN b). Alfo for the Pa- rallax of Declination (ad) it is (1904) as R : csb::a: H= a d. a 1908. The Effects of Refraction of Light thro' the Atmosphere, are next to be confidered; the general Nature of refracted Light has been ſhewn at large (1321, &c.) and that Effect is to ele- vate Objects in Appearance, or to make them appear higher than their true Places, which is juft contrary to the Effect of the Pa- rallax which depreffes them (1899). 1909. It appears alfo from the Theory, that the more oblique the Rays are, the more they will be refracted; or the Rays will be more refracted as they are nearer to the Horizon; therefore the horizontal Refractions are greateſt of all, and in the Zenith there is no Refraction at all, which is the Caſe alſo in regard to the Parallax. 1910. Therefore if (a) be the true Place of a Planet (Fig. 2.) then by Refraction it will be elevated to A in the vertical Z D, which Refraction a A in Altitude being found by Obfervation, you will from thence find the Diminution d PA in Longitude, and the Alteration (a d) of Latitude, correfponding to the fame by the Analogies for the Parallax (1903, 1904). And alfo . thofe of Right-aſcenſion and Declination (Fig. 3.) 1911. The horizontal Refraction makes a Difference in the Time of Rifing and Setting of the heavenly Bodies, and alſo of their Amplitude from the Eaft or Weft Points of the Horizon. Thus let (cc) be a Parallel of the Sun or Star's Declination, then without the Refraction P would be the Point in which it would aſcend the Horizon, QP the true Amplitude; and PÑO the Hour from Midnight. But if the horizontal Refraction be e- qual to R M, then will the Sun or Star be thereby elevated to the Horizon in the Point M, and its apparent Amplitude will be QM, and the apparent Time of Rifing will be M N O. 1912. Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 257 = D, the Side NP-E, B, the Angle PNZ, C. And we have 1912. In the Triangle ZN P, the two Sides ZN and NP are conſtant (1847). The Side ZN the Side ZP F; the Angle P ZN or PNO A, and the Angle ZPN sB: cfD::: A (1855) that is, the Co-Sine of the true Ampli- tude QP is to the Secant of the Latitude EZ, as the horizontal Re- fraction R M = is to the Angle PN M, which is the Difference in Time of the Rifing or Setting of the Sun er Star thereby occafioned. Or otherwife thus; becauſe s B: sE :: sA: sF = R (1828) therefore s B = R² D SEX SA R R² Again, cfD = SD (1854) there- R² X F SEX SA ¿DX A fores B: ::FA, hence s B = R 3 which Equation gives this Analogy sD x sEx SA: R³ :: F: A, as before. 1913. Again, for the fluxionary Variation of the Amplitude PM, we have sF: ct CF: B, (1855) but in this Cafe, SFR, and ctCtNPO, therefore R:NPO::sB (= SPO) NO (1780). Therefore s B: t NO :: F: B ; that is, the Co-Sine of the true Amplitude is to the Tangent of the Latitude, as the horizontal Refraction is to the Difference PM be- tween the true and apparent Amplitude. 1914. This apparent Amplitude is neceffary to be known, ef- pecially by Navigators, becauſe the Variation of the Needle de- pends upon it, fince that important Article is nothing more than the Difference between the obferved Amplitude on the real Horizon, and that of the magnetical Card. 1915. It appears from what we have formerly fhewn, that the Orbit of a Planet about the Sun is elliptical; and fince that is the Caſe of the Earth, its Motion will be variable, fome- times quicker, and fometimes flower, fuch as is expreffed in Se- conds of a Degree in the following Table per Hour, for the ſeveral Months of the Year. January December 153" February - November 152 March October 150 April September 148 May Auguft 145 June July 143 VOL. II. LI 1915. } 258 INSTITUTIONS 1 1916. In Fig. 4. let Æ Q be a Quadrant of the Equinoctial, EC of the Ecliptic; BAN an Hour-circle paffing through the Sun at A, and in one Hour after let its Place be at (a). In the right angled Triangle ABQ, the Angle at Q is conſtant; the Declination is AB; whofe Fluxion is found from the Equation tba sbi (1818) which gives tb: sb:: R: csb:: H(Aa) AB ab. In Words, Radius is to the Co-Sine of the An- gle QA B, as the horary Motion in Longitude A a to the horary Va- riation in Declination. a = • 1917. Since à is always as cs.b, it is evident that the hourly Increaſe or Decreaſe of Declination will be leaft of all when the Sun enters Cancer and Capricorn, and greateſt of all at the E- quinoxes Q, where it amounts to a whole Minute of a Degree. 1918. Therefore fuppofe HPOQ (Fig. 5.) be the Hori- zon, Z the Zenith, N the Pole of the Equinoctial HCO; alſo let A B E be an Almicanter or Circle of Altitude interfecting the Equinoctial in the Points A and a ; and draw Z A D and Z a F; alſo the Hour-circles N A G and Na I at equal Diſtances from the Meridian P N Q. Then if the Sun or Star had no Motion in Longitude, its Altitude above the Horizon at equal Times before and after Noon, would be the fame, that is A DaF; alfo the Declination would continue the fame, or NA N a. But, as we have fhewn, the Declination alters hourly; and when the Circle of Declination NA is thereby leſſened, as in all the afcending Signs, it is evident the Sun which croffed the Almi- canter at A in the Morning, will not crofs it at (a) in the Af- ternoon, but at a Point more wefterly, becaufe Nd is by Suppo- fition less than Na; therefore the Time or Hour-angle CNd will exceed that of the Forenoon CNA. On the other Hand, when the Declination N a from the North increaſes to Nb (as in all the defcending Signs) then the Sun comes fooner to the Almican- ter at (b) and ſince the Decrease or Increaſe of Declination is known for any interval of Time in defcribing the Arch AC a by (1916) therefore the fluxionary Angle a N d, or a N b is known from the Triangle Za N, where the two Sides Za and ZN are conftant. 1919. For by Cafe I. (1855) we have this Analogy for find- ing the Fluxion of the Angle N (there called B) viz. s F: ct C : : Ŕ ( = ad) ; В (≈ aNd) that is, as the Co-Sine of the Sun's Decli : Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 259 Declination (saN F) is to the Co-Tangent of the Angle ZaN (C) fo is the horary Difference of Declination (ad) in the Time between the two equal Altitudes, to the Seconds contained in the fiuxiona- ry Angle aNd. On the equinoctial Days N A≈ 90°, or s F becomes Radius. 1920. If the Moments of equal Altitudes at A and d before and after Noon, be obferved by a Clock or Watch, then the fmall Equation of Time aNd, juft found, is to be fubducted from that interval of Time, and the Remainder will be the Time of moving through Aa; and the Half thereof will give the Moment of the Sun or Star's Appulfe to the Meridian at C, or the equated Time at Noon. And this muſt be done in the fix Signs from Capricorn to Cancer, and in the other Six, the Equa- tion will be a Nb to be added to the obferved Time of equal Altitudes at A and b. 1921. To find the Variation of the Azimuth a Zd or a Z b, we have the firſt Analogy (1855) viz. s B (= a NZ): cfD (= ZN) :: F (= aNdN): AbZF. In Words, as the Sine of the Angle A N C, or Time before Noon, is to the Secant of the Latitude, fo is the Variation of Declination in the Interval of equal Altitudes to the l'ariation of the Azimuth Fh, or F k. 1922. The Poles of the World, or Equinoctial, are found to have a Motion about the Poles of the Ecliptic, contrary to the Order of the Signs, and therefore the Interfections of thefe two Circles or equinoctial Points muſt have a real retrograde Mo- tion; and conſequently the fixed Stars will have their Diſtances from the equinoctial Coloure continually increafing. Now this Motion is at the Rate of 50" per Annum, at a Mean; and ſo much therefore will the Longitude of the Stars be annully aug- mented. The phyfical Caufe of this Motion will be hereafter explained. fo 1923. Let HZO be the Meridian N, the Pole of the equi- noctial Æ Q, and P the Pole of the Ecliptic E Q. Alſo let A be the Place of a Star, PA Ca Circle of Latitude, and N A B a Circle of Declination paffing thro' it, make CPc 50″, and let e q be parallel to the Ecliptic EQ, cutting cP in (a). Then is A a the Space through which the Star advances in one Year in its Parallel, and Ce its Difference of Longitude in the Eclip- tic. And the Difference of Declination, viz. A Babis found LI 2 260 INSTITUTIONS found by the first Analogy (1855) viz. cƒD (≈ NP) : s B (≈ ANP) :: Å (= Cc) ; F = Ą B — a b, the Difference of Declination required. 1924. And to find the Difference of Right-afcenfion, we make uſe of the fourth Analogy of (1855) VIZ. SF (AN): ctC (A): FB:: Difference of Declination: Difference or Increaſe of Right-afcenfion. N. B. Moſt of thoſe fluxionary Quantities, which we have given Rules for calculating here, are exemplified in Numbers, and applied to Ufe, in my NEW PRINCIPLES OF GEOGRAPHY and NAVIGATION. CHA P. IX. Theorems for the Stereographic PROJECTION of the SPHERE in Plano. 1925. T HE Doctrine of Spherical Projections, whether Stere- ographic, Globular, Orthographic, or Gnomonical, iş wholly derived from the Principles of Perfpective as we have largely fhewn, and from thence demonſtrated the Properties of each particular Species of Projection in a general Manner; but before we can proceed to an Application of this Art, to the Projection of spherical Triangles, Dialling, Aftronomy, &c. we muft premiſe a few more Principles, efpecially with regard to the ftereographic Projection, in this Place. 1926. If we look back to Fig. 4. Plate VI. of perſpective Projections, we ſhall obſerve, that if any great Circle of the Sphere be oblique to the Plane of Projection, or of the primitive Circle QTR; then if the Arch G T meaſures its Obliquity or Elevation above the Plane of the Primitive, that Circle will be fo projected by an Eye at R, that its higheſt Point at G will bẹ in the Diameter at O, diftant from the Center C, by the Tan- gent CO of half the Complement QG of its Elevation (1698). / 1927: Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 261 1927. Again, becauſe the Arch QL = GT (1697) and QB parallel to CL, the Angle BQC = QCL = Elevation of the Circle; therefore the Diſtance of the Center B, from the Center C of the Primitive, is CB = Tangent TD of the Circle's Elevation TCD. 1928. Let the Arch QOR (Fig. 7.) be compleated into a Circle A O EP, and draw the Diameter A BE; then this may be confidered as another primitive Circle, on which any oblique. Circle may be projected by fetting off the Tangent of its Eleva- tion from the Center B either Way in the Diameter A E (1927). Thus becauſe the Tangent EK (= BO) of an Arch ES of 45° is equal to Radius B E or AB, therefore the Point A is the Center of the oblique Circle O HP elevated above the Primitive. in an Angle of 45° = ES = EOH. If the Elevation be of a lefs Number of Degrees than 45, the Center will fall in the Di- ameter within the Circle; if greater, without. Thus let BL be the Tangent of 30°, then L is the Center of the Circle O M P, whofe Elevation is the Angle A O M = 30°. If BV be= Tangent of 75 Degrees, then V is the Center of the Circle OY P, making the Angle YOE = 75° its Elevation above the Primitive; and fo for any other oblique Circle. 1929. Hence appears the Method of drawing two oblique Circles through any given Point O in the Primitive, to contain a given Angle with each other, by Means of the Tangents of their Elevations. But the Centers of thofe Circles are alſo found by the Secants of their Elevation, fet off from the Point O, the extreme Point of the projected Diameter OP; for fince the Angle QBO = GCQ (1697) the Angle CQB = Q BA = DCT; and therefore the Triangles CTD and CBQ are equiangular and equilateral; for CTCQ = Radius; and TD=CB = Tangent of GT (1927); therefore CD= BQ=OB = Secant of GT the Elevation; whence the Center B is thereby given. 1930. Hence the Angle OQT made by the Interſection of two Circles QT and OQ is equal to the Angle made by their Radii; for CQ= Radius of QT, and B Q= Radius of QO, and the Angle CQB=TCD=0QT the Elevation. 1931. Since, therefore, the Angle contained by the Radii of the two Circles in the Projection is equal to the Inclination of the 262 INSTITUTIONS the Planes of thofe Circles, it is evident, the Planes themselves in the Projection muſt contain the fame Angle as they do in the Sphere; that is, any Angle OQT is of the fame Quantity in the Projection as it is on the Globe itſelf. 1932. But as this is a principal Point in the Doctrine of Pro- jections, we fhall give another Demonftration of it, thus. Let the Eye at A (Fig. 8.) project the Angle S BR upon the Plane ES placed right before it; and ſuppoſe BD a Tangent to the Circle S B, and BC to the Circle R B, in the Point of the Inter- fection B. Therefore the Plane in which the Tangents BD and BC are contained, as alſo the Plane of the Circle ES are both perpendicular to the Plane of the Circle BE AS; and fo their common Interfection CD will be perpendicular to the Line ES produced. Now the Eye at A projects the Tangent BD into FD, and the Tangent BC into FC, becauſe the Point B is projected into F by the viſual Ray A B. Through the Center G draw the Diameters AH and BL, and BI parallel to ES, and join AL, BH. Then is the Angle DBA = BLA (665) = A HB (645) — A BI (659) = BFD (631); that is, DBA BF D, and therefore B D = DF. Then in the Triangles CDF, and CD B, fince the Angles DBC and DFC are ſubtended at the fame Diſtance by the fame Line DC, they muſt be equal. But the Angle D B C = SBR on the Globe; which therefore is equal to its Projection D F C on the Plane ES continued. 1933. Any Circle BC (Fig. 9.) placed oblique to the Plane of the Circle E G is projected into a Circle upon that Plane by an Eye placed at A in the Pole of the Primitive E G. parallel to EG, then becauſe the Arch D A = For draw DC CA, the Angle ABC ACD (643) and the Angle A is common; there- fore the Triangles A B C, and A Cb or Ace, are fimilar (621). Therefore the viſual Cone A CB is cut by the Planes CD and EG fubcontrarily, and confequently the Projection of its Baſe BC will be a Circle at b C, or ec (1510). N. B. BC is a small Circle, but had it paffed through the Center F it would have been a great Circle, and the Demonftra- tion the fame. * 1934. Hence as e F is the Tangent of half the Arch BH, and Fc Tangent of half HC; the Points e and c are given ; there- Of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 263 therefore the Line ec bifected, gives (n) the Center of the Circle ec in the Projection. 1935. A fmall Circle BI, perpendicular to the Plane of Pro- jection EG, will be projected by the Eye at A into the Circle Ke, whoſe Center N is in the Line EG, produced, Diſtant from the Center F of the Primitive, by the Secant of the Arch BE, (or the Diſtance of the Circle BI from its Pole E) and the Ra- dius thereof will be equal to the Tangent of the fame Arch. For draw A B cutting the Line GE in e; and through I draw A K interfecting the Line GE (produced) in K; then the Line Ke bifected, gives the Center N, on which let the Circle K BI be defcribed. Draw NB, KBH, and FB; the two Triangles ABH and KH F being right-angled at B and F, and having one Angle at H common, have alſo the Angle B AH=FKH. But BAH BFH (642) and FKH FNB; there- == // 44 fore BFHFNB; and becauſe FNB + BFN = BNF + BFN to a right Angle; therefore N B F is a right An- gle; and confequently N B is perpendicular to F B, and is the Tangent of the Arch EB; and NF is the Secant of the fame. 2. E. D. 1936. From theſe Theorems, it is evident, we have certain Rules for defcribing any Circles great or ſmall, on a given Plane; and therefore the Sphere may be projected on the Plane of any one of its Circles at Pleaſure. We have already given a Speci- men of three of theſe Projections in Plate VI. of our Inftitutions of Perspective, in Fig. 2, 5, and 6. with their Rationale, as de- rived from the Principles of that Science. But the Praxis or Me- thod of drawing the Circles in each, are more immediately de- duced from the Theorems we have juft now premifed. 1937. Thus the PROJECTION on the Plane of the EQUATOR (in Fig. 2. of that Plate) confifts wholly of right Lines, and con- centric Circles. The firft of which are the great Circles, or Me- ridians, at right Angles to the Plane of Projection, and whofe Planes all paſs through the Eye; they are therefore all projected into right Lines. The Circles are the Parallels of Latitude, whoſe common Center is the Pole C, or Center of the Primitive, and their Diſtance from the faid Center is equal to the Tangent of half their Diſtance from the Pole, and are therefore eaſily drawn by (1934). 1938. 264 INSTITUTIONS 1938. The PROJECTION of the SPHERE on the Plane of a MERIDIAN, is that of Fig. 5. where all the Meridians are great Circles oblique to the Plane of Projection, and drawn by finding their Centers as directed in (1927) in the fame Manner as the oblique Circles OHP, OYP, and O M P, were drawn (1928); and all the Parallels of Latitude, being fmall Circles, perpendi- cular to the Plane of Projection, are drawn by finding their Cen- ters as directed (in 1934 or 1935). 1939. A PROJECTION on the Plane of the HORIZON, is that of Fig. 6. of Plate VI. and the great Circles or Meridians are drawn by the fame Rules in this as in the former Projection; for let TQFR (Fig. 7.) reprefent the Plane of the Horizon where the Elevation of the Pole O is TGTQO, then it is evident, the Center of the Six o'Clock Hour-circle QOR is at B, the Center of the Primitive A OEP, on which, if the Meridians or Hour-circles are drawn, as above directed (1938) they will, if continued beyond the Pole O, be the proper Meri- dians or Hour-circles for the horizontal Projection TQFR, Thus for Inftance, the Hour-circle of XII is OP in one, and TF in the other; that of Six o'Clock is AOEP in one, and QOR in the other; the Hour-circle of II. is OZP in one, and ZON in the other; and fo of the Reft; therefore they are the fame in both Projections, and are drawn for both at the ſame Time, all which is evident by Inſpection. 1940. The Parallels of Latitude are all oblique to the Horizon or Primitive, but are all Circles in the Projection (1933) and are drawn by ſetting off the Tangent of half their leaft and great- eſt Diſtances from the Pole of the Primitive, (1934, or 1935) or Zenith of the Sphere; and bifecting that Interval, you will have the Center of every Parallel in the Line F T continued out beyond T. The Equator is drawn by the fame Rule; and the prime Vertical is a right Line QCR, as its Plane paffes through the Eye in the Nadir or lower Pole of the Horizon. 1941. Hence it appears how great the Affinity is between Projections of the Sphere of different Denominations, or rather that they are all but the fame Thing in different Views, and all per- formed by the fame Rules. It is hoped the Reader will, from the Method we have here taken, have a clear Idea of the Ratio- nale and Praxis of this moſt uſeful Branch of Science. INSTI P KIH M Fig. Fig. H K I M R C ૨ Y M CBAE d w bf K し ​Fig:4 Ee G g H Ι Η Fig|6 A Nu ૩. Da FJ B w W P Fig:12. a Z E Kk Fig: 5. Mm Р H I 2 Ꮮ / B E Edips H K G C N Fig: n. B D ရာ H Z Fig: 8. 10 20 P 10 20 + 30 j 40 The THEORY of NAVIGATION. ( 265 ) INSTITUTIONS O F LOXODROMICS; O R, The THEORY of NAVIGATION on a RHUMB LINE demonftrated. And from thence each particular SPECIES of SAILING is deduced. CHAP. I. The THEORY of NAVIGATION on a RHUMB LINE demonftrated, from its Genuine PRINCIPLES; with the Nature and Conftruction of MERCATOR'S Chart. 1942. Tof a GLOBE; and therefore the shortest Way from HE WAY or COURSE of a Ship, is on the Surface one Place to another, is in the Arch of a great Circle; and when a Ship is conducted on fuch an Aich, it is called ORTHODRO- MICS, or GREAT CIRCLE SAILING. 1943. This Method of Sailing, were it eafy and convenicut, would certainly be the beſt of all others; but fince a great Circle makes different Angles with the Meridians it paffes over, there fore the Line of the Ship's Courfe will be perpetually varying; and there will be no conſtant Rule for, her Conduct. But for eve- VOL. II M m ry 266 INSTITUTIONS ry fmall Diſtance fhe fails, a new Calculation for the Angle of the Courſe muſt be made, and this would render Navigation ex- tremely difficult and perplexed. 1944. The eafieft Method, therefore, of Sailing, is to fteer her Courſe in fuch a Manner, that it thall every where make the fame Angle with the Meridians fhe paffes over; and then there will be a conftant Guide to direct her Progrefs, viz. the Coм- PASS Box and NEEDLE. 1945. For fince by the Property of Magnetism, the Needle does in every Place make a given Angle with the Meridian, if a Ship be fteered upon a given Point of the Compaſs, the Courſe will always make a given Angle with the Meridian alſo; that is, it will croſs every Meridian under equal Angles, while the Needle continues in the fame Pofition with regard to the Meri- dian. 1946. But if in different Places, the Needle makes different Angles with the Meridian, that is eaſily diſcovered by the Man- ner, and the Quantity of its l'ariation obferved, and then the Navigator can readily keep the Ship's Courfe ftill upon the ſame Point of the Compafs. And this is the moſt effential Part of the Art of Sailing. 1947. Therefore it will be neceſſary to enquire into the Na- ture of that Line which a Ship deſcribes in her Courſe, or which interfects all Meridians under equal Angles, and is uſually call- ed the RHUME, or Rhumb-Line. It cannot be a Right-line, as being on the Surface of a Globe; it cannot be a Circle, as we have fhewn (2.) it must therefore be a particular Curve which conftantly approaches the Pole, and by cutting each Meridian under the fame Angle, it must make perpetual Gyrations about the Pole, but can never terminate in it. The RHUMB, there- fore, or Ship's Courſe, is of that Species of Curves called SPI- RALS. 1948. Of SPIRALS, there are many different Sorts, one of which is called the Equiangular or Logarithmic SPIRAL; and this is the Nautical SPIRAL, or RHUMB-LINE, as we fhall here demonftrate. Let EQ be the Quadrant of a Circle, P the Center, and PE, PA, PB, PC, feveral Radii drawn very near to each other, and equidiftant; that is, let E A = ABBC. Then let the equiangular Spiral E W X be drawn, making Of NAVIGATION. 267 making equal Angles with the Radii every where; viz. ADE = B F D = CGF, &c. Then fince the Triangles DPE, FPD, GPF are equiangular, and therefore fimilar; we ſhall have EPDP:: DP: FP::FP: GP, &c. therefore EP, DP, FP, GP, are in geometrical Proportion, while their correfpond- ing Arches EA, E B, EC, are in arithmetical Proportion; wherefore the latter are Logarithms of the former, (140) that is, A E is the Logarithm of the Ratio of DP to EP; and BE is the Logarithm of the Ratio of FP to EP; and CE, the Lo- garithm of the Ratio of G P to EP, and fo on. Therefore the Curve E W X is the Logarithmic SPIRAL. 1949. Let a Tangent LV be drawn to the Curve at L, and draw the Radii PLH, PMI, PNK very near to each other, and from the Points M, N, let fall the Perpendiculars M O, NR; and upon PH erect the Perpendicular PV to interfect the Tangent in V. Then becauſe the final Triangles LMO, MNR, are fimilar, we have LO:LM:: MR: MN::LO + MR: LM + MN:: LP: LWX:: LP: LV. There- fore the whole Length of the infinite Spiral L W X is equal to the finite Line LV. 1950. From P take any Distance PW, and defcribe the Arch of a Circle W SZ, and at S erect the Perpendicular ST, cutting the Tangent in T, then in the fame Manner it is fhewn that the intercepted Part of the Spiral L W is equal to the right Line LT, and of Courſe the remaining Part W X is equal to TV. 1951. Now let the fame Figure repreſent the common fterco- graphic Projection of the Surface of the terraqueous Globe on the Plane of the Equator, of which E Q is a Quadrant; P the Pole of the World; HP, IP, KP, feyeral Meridians; and L W X, the Rhumb-Line, or Ship's Courſe, making equal Angles with them all. Then let H L be a given Latitude, and L P will be equal to the Tangent of half the Complement of that Latitude (1698, 1926); and a Ship paffing from L to M makes her Difference of Longitude IH, Departure MO; and Difference of Latitude LO. 1952. Then it is evident, that the Differences of Longitude A E, BE, CE, are Logarithms of DP, F P, GP, the Tangents of half the Complements of the Latitudes AD, BF, CG; and HE, IE, KE, are Logarithms of LP, MP, NP, the Tangents of balf M m 2 268 INSTITUTIONS half the Co- Latitudes of the Places L, M, and N, in respect to the Radius PE. 1953. Then, fuppofe a Ship fails from the Latitude L on the Rhumb ELMW to the Latitude M in the Parallel MO (Fig. 2.) the Logarithm of the Ratio of MP to EP is the Arch IE; but if ſhe fails on any other Rhumb L w, fhe will come to the fame Parallel in the Point (m,) and then the Logarithm of the fame Ratio m P (— M P) to E P, will be the Arch i E. Confe- quently as there may be an Infinity of Rhumbs fuppoſed to be drawn through the Point L, there will be an infinite Variety of Scales of Logarithms to be found in the Arches of the Equator for expreffing the fame Ratios. 1954. In failing on the fame Rhumb L W, (Fig. 1.) it is, as Radius to the Secant of the Angle of the Course OLM, fois LO : LM:: MR: MN: LO MRL M+MN:: LP: LO+MR:LM+MN LWX; fo is the Arch of the Meridian equal to the Go-Latitude, to the Length of the whole Spiral or Rhumb from the Latitude or Point L. For the Triangles L M O, MNR, are equiangular and fimilar. 1955. Hence if LO MR, then L M MN; therefore the Length of the Rhumb between any two equidiftant Parallels is the fame; or the Length of the Rhumb LM is always proportioned to the Difference of Latitude LO. For LO: LS:: LM: LW. (1950.) 1956. Again, as Radius to the Tangent of the Courſe OLM, ſo LO:MO:: MR: NR:: LO + MR: MO + NR:: LP or Co- Latitude, to the Sum of all the indefinitely ſmall Arches of the Parallels, or whole Departure made in fail- ing obliquely from one Meridian to another. 1957. Hence in very fhort Courſes, where the Diſtance fail- ed LM, and the Difference of Latitude L O may be eſteemed rectilineal; we have Radius to the Tangent of the Courfe, fois Dif- ference of Latitude LO to the Departure M O. 1958. In failing on different Rhumbs L M and Lm to the fame Parallel m O, (Fig. 2.) it will be as the Tangent of the Courfe MLO to the Tangent of the Courfe mLO, fo is the Departure MO to the Departure m O, and fo is the Difference of Lon- gitude HI to the Difference of Longitude Hi. 1959. Of NAVIGATION. 269 1959. And hence it appears, that the Differences of Longitude made in Sailing upon two different Rhumbs LW, and Lw, are as the Tangents of the Angles, which they make with the Meridians; and therefore the Differences of Logarithms (I H, iH), of the fame Ratio (viz. of MP or m P to EP) in the two different Scales appropriate to the two Rhumbs, will be likewife as thoſe Tangents reſpectively. 1960. In very fhort Voyages, the fmall Triangle L M O may be eſteemed Right-lined, and ufed as fuch without fenfible Error, becauſe a ſmall Portion of the Surface of a Globe, near 8000 Miles in Diameter, will differ infenfibly from a Plane. Hence all Cafes of Sailing (except that for the Longitude) are ſolv- ed by a fimple plain Triangle, this is therefore called PLAIN SAIL- ING, whofe Principles we have now premiſed. 1961. But when the Length of Voyages makes it neceflary to confider the faid Triangle really as it is, viz. a curvilineal One throughout; and that every Part confifts of a Curve of differing Species, viz. LO the Arch of a great Circle; MO, the Arch of a fmall Circle; and LM the Arch of a Spiral, it will cafily appear, that under ſuch Circumſtances it will be no eaſy Mat- ter to refolve Cafes of Sailing on the Surface of the GLOBE it- felf, or by the Globular Chart. 1962. Therefore to facilitate the Praxis of fo excellent and neceffary an Art, Methods have been contrived to delineate the Surface of the Globe on a Plane, in fuch Manner, that all the Calculations relative to NAVIGATION, ſhould ſtill be ſubject to plain Trigonometry, and yet productive of Accuracy and Truth beyond all neceffary Degrees. } 1963. To illuſtrate this Affair, let C (Fig. 3.) be the Center of the Globe; P, the Pole; A P, BP, two Meridians ftand- ing on the Arch of the Equator QR. Let ED, ST, be Ar- ches of Parallels whofe Radii are DO, TV. At the Points. A, B, are erected the two Perpendiculars or Tangents A M, BN; and through the Points E and D, are drawn the Sccants GC, FC. Then is the Arch of the Parallel E D thereby pro- jected into the Right-line GF on the Plane between the two Tangents. Therefore GFA B, in the fame Manner the Arch ST is projected into MNA B, all which is evident from the Doctrine of Gnomonical Projection (1738, St.) 1964. 270 INSTITUTIONS - 1964. But theſe Arches ED, ST, are when compared with the correfponding Arch AB of the Equator, as their respective Radii DO, TV to the Radius A C of the Globe. Or A B is to ED, as Radius to Co-Sine of the Latitude; for DO is the Sine of DP the Complement of the Latitude BD or A E. 1965. Again, the Arches ED, ST, are to their Projections GF or MN, as EC or SC, to OC and MC; or they are en- larged in Proportion of the Secant of the Latitude to the Radius. 1966. Suppoſe a Ship fails on the Rhumb A DL from A to D; then is AE the Difference of the Latitude, AB the Diffe- rence of Longitude; the Angle EAD the Courſe; AD the Distance failed; and D E the Arch of the Parallel at D. Now it is required to delineate this mixtilineal Triangle A ED on a Plane in fuch Sort, that all the Parts may have the fame Ratio of Magnitude and Pofition as they now have on the Surface of the Globe. 1967. In order to this, it muſt be confidered, that in what- ever Proportion any one Part is altered by projecting the Trian- gle EAD on the Plane AMNB, the other Parts must be al- tered in the fame Ratio, to produce Similarity, and thereby to keep the given Pofitions of all the Parts to each other. But by the Projection, the Part or Perpendicular ED is enlarged to GF, in the Ratio of EC to GC (1965.) and therefore the Side or Bafe A E must be enlarged in the fame Proportion on the Line A M. 1968. Now it is evident, the Arch A E defcribed with the Radius AC is to the Arch G K defcribed with the Radius GC, as Radius to the Secant of the Arch A E, or Angle A CE; if therefore in the Right-line AM, we take AH equal to the Arch GK, and draw HI parallel to AB for Chord of the Arch A B) and draw the diagonal AI; we fhall have the right- lined Triangle on the Plane, every Way fimilar and proportional to the Triangle EAD on the Globe: For it is HI (= GF) :ED:: GC:EC:: AH(≈ GK): AE :: AI: AD. (= 1969. Hence the Angle of the Courſe H AI is the very fame as the Angle EAD on the Globe; and therefore the Pofition of the Point I with regard to the Point A in the Plane, is the very fame as that of the Port D in refpect of the fame Point A on the Globe; ſo that the Eafting or Wefting on a Rhumb A D mak- L ing Of NAVIGATION. 271 ing any Angle EAD with the Meridians, is truly preſerved and repreſented in the Triangle HAI in Plano; and confequent- ly the whole Affair of Navigation is by ſuch a Projection reduced to the Solution of a plain right-angled Triangle, and thereby be- comes a very eafy Tafk as far as Calculations are concerned. And this Projection of the Surface of the Globe on a Plane, is called MERCATOR'S PROJECTION, or CHART. i CHA P. II. The THEORY of NAVIGATION by a TABLE of Logarithmic TANGENTS demonftrated. 1970. L ET Radius of the Equator PE = r (Fig 1.); the Latitude of the Place H L z; the Radius of the Parallel at L = x; and the Longitude or Arch of the Equator EHy; then will HI; and LO= 2; and we have PH: PL::r:x::: -Lm, the Fluxion of the Parallet at L. t xj And putting = Tangent of the Angle LMO or x y Whence = LM m, we have Lm: m M :: : £: 1. x; ; and fo t 1 x X rtż j; and rj. X 1971. To conftruct this Equation, let the quadrantal Arch- of the Meridian be extended into a Right-line A B (Fig.4.); at A erect a Perpendicular AC = t; and make A D=z, the Lati- tude of the Place; upon Derect the Perpendicular DE, which is to AC t, as r to x, fo that it may be every where DE = tr x ; and thus by conceiving Perpendiculars to be raiſed on every Point of the Meridian A B, we fhall have the Curve CEH produced, and of fuch a Nature that the curvilineal Space ADEC, divided by Radius, will be equal to the Arch of the Equator expreffing the Longitude E H made in failing from the Equator E to the Latitude Z on the given Rhumb ELW (Fig. 1.) Y 1972. + 272 INSTITUTIONS 1972. For let de be drawn infinitely near, and parallel to DE; then AD = 2, and D d = 2, and DE x D d = trz tr 30. =ry (1970.) But the Fluent of is the Space ADEC, and that of ry is ry; therefore rỳ upon the Courſe EL. x ADEC y the Longitude r AFGC 1973. After the fame Manner we have r = the Lon- gitude anſwering to the Latitude AF upon the fame Courſe. the Difference of Longitude corref Confequently DFGE r ponding to the Difference of Latitude DF upon the fame Rhumb. 1974. It is eafy to conceive the Space A DE C, and its Fluxion Deed may be transformed into equal rectangular Spa- ces or Parallelograms, as AIK C, and IK ki, and becauſe in this Cafe IK = AC=t, therefore Ii = * នំ 7* X which is to Dd =, as to x, that is, as Radius to the Go-Sine of the Latitude, or as the Secant to the Radius. But this is the Proportion of the protracted Arch to the Length of the natural Arch of the Meri- dian (1967, 1968.) And fince A D is the Length of the latter, AI will reprefent the former, viz. the enlarged meridional Arch, ufed in Mercator's Chart. (1969.) 1975. Hence fince the Rectangle AIKCAIXA Ċ = ry, or, (putting AIZ) Ztry, therefore rt:: Z: y, or Radius is to the Tangent of the Courfe, as the protracted Arch or Degrees of Latitude is to the Arch of the Equator expreffing the Longi- tude. 1976. Hence when the Rhumb or Spiral ELW interfects the Meridians at an Angle of 45 Degrees, we have rt; and, then zy; the Degrees of Latitude, therefore, in the protracted Meridian of Mercator's Chart, are a SCALE of LONGITUDES in failing upon a Courſe or Rhumb of 45°. 1977. Becaufer:x:: Sr (putting S for Secant of the Lati- tude) therefore J S trz and fo ४ t S ż =rj(1970); and r when 1 Of NAVIGATION. 273 tr, as in Cafe of the Rhumb of 45°, then Szry; and if r 1, as in the Canon of natural Sines, Tangents, and Se- cants; then Sj; whence it appears, that the Fluxion of the Longitude (ỳ) is equal to the Fluxion of a Space or Aren conſiſting of Se- cants fucceffively erected on the fluxionary Points of the Meri- dian. = 1978. Becauſe z is conftant in the Equation Sj, we have Sy, or the Fluxion of the Longitude () will be as the variable Secant S; and fo the Sum of all the Fluxions or the Longitude itſelf, will be as the Sum of all the Secants to any given Latitude. And hence the Reaſon why Mr. Wright took this Me- thod to conftruct his Line of ineridional Parts, viz. by the con- ftant Addition of the Secants, as they are found in the Canon. See his vulgar Errors in Navigation corrected; where the nautical meridian Line firft made its Appearance. 1979. It has been fhewn, that the Fluxion of the Logarithm of any Number is equal to the Fluxion of the Number divided by the Number itfelf (849). But the Longitudes are Logarithms of the Tangents LP, MP, &c. to the Radius EP (1952) ſuch a Tangent therefore is a Number, which put = n; then, when r = 1, we have t S & == (1977) which gives ny =n, : and therefore in :: j; (Fig. 1.) 72 n or PH (PE): PL::IH: Lin 1980. And alfo, whent I, as upon a Rhumb of 45°, we = ", whence it appears, that the Fluent of S&, which have S, n- is an Arch of the nautical Meridian, (1978) is equal to the Fluent of, or the Logarithm of the Tangent of half the Co- Latitude of that n Arch. Therefore the whole nautical meridian Line is a Scale of Logarithmic Tangents of the half Complements of the Latitudes, upon that Rhumb which makes an Angle of 45° with the Meridian. There- fore this we ſhall call the nautical Scale of Logarithmic Tangents. ADEC 1981. But it is evident from the original Equation да Longitude EH, or Logarithm of the Ratio of PL to PE (1972.) that the Logarithm of the fame Ratio will be vari- VOL. II. N n 1 able 274 INSTITUTIONS 1 able according to the different Values of r, or the Radius of the Globe PE. For HI is the Logarithm of the Ratio of the Tan- gent PL to Radius PH or PE, when r = PE = 1, and the Angle MLO 45°. But if r or PE be expounded by = any Number leſs or greater than Unity, it follows, that the Length of H1 y will be encreaſed or diminiſhed in the fame Proportion; for the Area ADEC being confidered as con- ftant, the Logarithm (y) will be always as Radius. trz I r or inversely as the 1982. From the fluxionary Equation =rj (1970), it x appears that near the Beginning of the Rhumb Line in the Equa- tor, where x =r, that Equation becomes tż ry, and then r:t :::. And therefore upon the Rhumb of 45°, where t=r, we have ży. Therefore the Fluxion (3) of the Logarithm of the Ratio of the first mean proportional Tangent to the Radius is equal to the infinitely fmall Difference (≈) between that proportional and Radius. 1983. Hence if Radius PE = 1 (Fig. 1.) portional be PD = 1-2, the fecond PF 3 and the firſt Pro- 1−Ż 22, the third PG=1—2³, &c. then will the Logarithms be AE, = BE=2*, CE 3, &c. therefore I tional I-z, and its Logarithm is nż. # I-, it is I Z = I 2 = I =ż. I n is any Propor- But fince I- • Z 12 Z whence 1-1 — Z I . But by the Newtonian Theorem for extracting the Roots of Binomials (306) we get 1- N I I Z3 371 4n I I I I 2" = 1 Z 11 2n z¹ + }z³, &c. 24, &c. or -x z + ½ ≈² + 1 ≈³ + A 2 I 2 3 I z"; whence z + 2 + 3 ≈³ + = 24 + 2³, &c.nz Logarithm of the Number I z. Z. I 1984. This Series is the fame with that derived from the Hy- perbola (829), and when computed in Numbers gives 2302585 for the Logarithm of the Ratio of 10 to 1, or of 1 to 0,1. Con- fequently Of NAVIGATION. 275 fequently 2302585 = n; or fo many mean Proportionals there are in the Ratio of 10 to 1 in this Scale of Logarithms which are thoſe firft invented by L. Neper. 1985. But in Practice it was found much more convenient to put the Logarithm of the Ratio of 10 to 1 = 1000000 = nż, as in the common logarithmic Canon. Hence we have n: n: 2302585 1000000 :: :: 0,43429448. I Thefe Numbers, therefore expreſs the Ratio of the Logarithms in each Syftem refpectively. 1986. From what foregoes, it appears, that the infinite Series juft now found, anfwers to the Space ADEC = y (1972) when r = 1; and nży the Length of the nautical Meri- y=the dian for the Latitude z. Then putting R for the Logarithm of the Tangent of 45° or Radius, and T for the tabular Tangent of any other Arch, as that which denotes the half Co-Latitude of HL; we have, as EP: LP:: 1:1 I I z = t = natural Tangent of LP. Therefore the Ratio of but the Logarithm of I t lefs the Logarithm of t. I t R-T. Z I EP LP I- Z I is equal to the Logarithm of Radius 1 = That is, the tabular Logarithm of 1987. But the tabular Logarithm of any Ratio is to Neper's Logarithm of the fame, as I to 2,302585 (1985); therefore R—T X 2,302585 the Length of the protracted meridi- onal Arch HL = z, in the Scale of Neper's Logarithms. Put N=2,302585, and T = Logarithm Tangent of any other Arch, as that of NP. Then becaufe NR-NT is the Length of the Arch HL, and NR-NT is the Length of the Arch KN, we have NT-NT=T-Tx N, the Difference of the Latitude L and N expreſſed in Parts, of which the Radius EP is 1. 1 2 1988. If the Radius be expreffed in Minutes of a Degree, then the protracted meridian Arch will be had in Minutes likewife. Now the Circumference of a Circle is to Radius as 6,28318 to But in that Circumference there are 360° or 21600′; there- fore fay, as 6,28318 : 1 :: 21600′: 3437′,747, which is the Nn 2 Num- I. 276 INSTITUTIONS Number of Minutes in the Radius. Put this Number 3437′,747 =m; then mN × T-7 will expreſs the Length of the Dif ference of Latitude in Minutes of the protracted Meridian; and thus a Table of meridional Parts or Minutes, may be computed from the common Table of logarithmic Tangents. 1989. For Example, let it be required to find the meridional Parts in the Arch of the Meridian contained between the Tropic of Cancer and the arctic Circle. Then the Latitude of the Tropic is 23° 30', its Complement is 66° 30', and the Half thereof is 33° 15', whofe logarithmic Tangent is 9,816658 T; the Latitude of the arctic Circle is 66° 30', its Complement 23° : 30, and the Half of that 11° : 45', whofe logarithmic Tan- gent is 9,318064; then T-T 0,498594; and mN = 7915,704; therefore mNx T-T= 0,498594 × 7915,704 3946,722, the meridional Parts or Minutes in that protracted Difference of Latitude. = 1990. As in all Circles, the Radii P A, PE, PI, (Fig. 6.) are proportioned to fimilar Arches in their Peripheries A B, EF, IK; and as thoſe Arches are Logarithms of the Ratios of DP to AP, GP to EP, LP to IP, in failing on the Rhumbs A N, EQ, İQ, making the fame Angle with the Meridians in all, there- fore it follows that the Radii are the Modules or conſtant Expref- fions of the Ratio of the Logarithms pertaining to their feveral Peripheries or Syftems refpectively. Thus if IP be Radius or the Module for the Logarithms of Neper's Sort, and be expref- fed by Unity, then the Module or Radius for the Logarithins of the common Tables will be 0,43429448 = EP (1985) and then if the Arch IK be Neper's Logarithm of that Ratio of 10 to 1, EF will be the Logarithm of the fame Ratio in the tabular Syftem. So that if I K = 2,302585, we have EF = 1. 1991. Again, if AN be the Rhumb which makes an Angle of 45° with the Meridians, and AB an Arch of one Minute then making A C A B, we have A BDC a Square, and DC = A C AC — AB; and fince the Radius AP is in this Cafe to be confidered as divided into Minutes and equal to 3437′,747,(1988) which is but a Part of PI; the faid Radius PI, if it be divided throughout into the fame equal Parts or Minutes, will contain juſt 10000. For IP: AP :: I: 0,3437747, which therefore is Of NAVIGATION. 277 is the Module for the Syftem of Logarithms pertaining to the Rhumb of 45°, or the nautical meridian Line. 1992. The Modules, therefore, or Ratios of the three Sy- fems of Logarithms are theſe, viz. for Neper's Logarithms PI= 1,000000; for the Tabular or Brigg's Logarithms PE 0,434294; and for the nautical Logarithms we have PA 0,343775. Therefore if E O and IQ be the fame Rhumb of 45°, then by making EH EF; and IM=IK; the Triangles A CD, EHG, and I M L will be fimilar; and we have AC DC:: EH: GH::IM: LM. = 1 — 1993. Hence becauſe A C A B = 1 Minute, we have as 0,343775: I (:: PA: PI::AB: IK) :: 1: 2,90888IK. And this is the Meaſure of the natural Sine and Tangent of 1 Mi- nute in the Tables. Again, AP: EP:: 0,343775:0,434294 :: (AB: EF::) 1 : 1,2633114 = EF, the Logarithm of the fame Ratio in Brigg's Syftem. 1: 1994. Since then the Logarithms of the fame Ratio pertaining to the fame Rhumb, are expreffed by the different Numbers 1, 1,263, 2,909, in the three different Syſtems above-mentioned. It is eaſy to conceive, that upon different Rhumbs in the ſame Syſtem, the fame Numbers will exprefs or be the Logarithms of the fame Ratio. For let PI be Radius = 1; and take Ic = AC, and Ig = EH, and draw the Parallels ce and gi; and the Squares Icab = ACBD, and IGbf= EHGF; then it is Ic ca: Ig: gb:: IM: ML ce; whence Ic: IM ::ca: ce I: 2,909: Tangent of a Ic = 45°: Tangent of elc 71° 1' 42". And therefore if a Ship fails on the Rhumb Iel making that Angle with the Meridians, Neper's Logarithms will be a Scale of logarithmic Tangents of the half Co-Latitudes every where. = • 1995. In the fame Manner we have Ic: Ig :: ca:gh = cd, that is 1: 1,2633:: Tangent of alc = 45°: Tangent of dIg =51° 38′ 9″. Confequently, if a Ship fails on a Rhumb Idk making that Angle with the Meridians, then (becauſe c d — EF) the logarithmic Tangents, in the common Canon, are thoſe which every where express the Ratio of the Tangents of half the Co-Latitudes to Radius; and therefore the Difference of the logarithmic Tan- gents of the half Co-Latitudes will be as the Difference of Longitude CO3* 278 INSTITUTIONS correfponding to the given Difference of Latitudes on the Rhumb of 51° 38′ 9″. 1996. But this Difference of logarithmic Tangents or Lon- gitudes, is an Arch of the Equator, whofe Radius, or natural Tangent in the Tables, is 1. Therefore, putting T-T for this Difference of logarithmic Tangents (1987) we muft fay, as 0,434294 : 1 : 4342′,94 : 10000′ — Minutes of a Degree in I (1990). Then ſay, as the Arch 1 : 10000 :: T—T: T-T × 10000 = Minutes of a Degree in an Arch of the Equator expreffed by T—Ï. the Radius or Arch 1997. Hence the principal Cafes of Mercator's Sailing are fol- vable by the common Tables of logarithmic Tangents; for if the Difference of Latitude be given, the Quantity T-T x 10000, or Difference of Longitude correfponding thereto on the given Rhumb of 51° 38′ 9″ will be known alio; and then, if the Difference of Longitude be given on any other Rhumb or Courſe, the Tangent thereof will be known likewife. For, as the Difference of Longitude T-Tx 10000 is to the conftant Tan- gent of 51° 38′ 9″", fo is the given Difference of Longitudes to the Tangent of the Courſe on which the Ship jails (1958, 1959). rtż X 1998. From the fluxionary Equation =rj (1970) it appears, that upon the Rhumb of 45°, when tr, the Equa- tion rz x j, will then exprefs the Fluxion of the nautical meridian Line, which in its nafcent State, or very beginning (where x = r} will become, or the Fluxion of the natural Meridian it- felf. 1999. Now the nautical meridian Line begins from the Radius with the natural Meridian; but the artificial Line of Tan- gents begins from the Tangent of 45°. But the Fluxion is equal to, or half the Fluxion of the Tangent of 45°, as is thus fhewn. On the Center C defcribe the Cir- C cle DB E, and draw the Tangent DP, T E P D the N. B. Fig. 7. was forgot to be put in the Plate, and is here added. Of NAVIGATION. 279 the Secant CP, and infinitely near it CT; and deſcribe the Then put Radius CD fmall Arch PQ. r, DP = t, DR = 2, TP = ¿, Bb ż; and by fimilar Triangles we have TP:QP::CP:CD; and PQ: Bb: CP: CB = CD. Therefore TP : Bb :: CP² : CD. That is, rr + tt: rr :;:ż; and when t=r, then 2 : 1 ::¡: ŵ, or ¿ — 2 ¿. 2000. Becauſe z is the Fluxion of the nautical Meridian (1998) it is the Fluxion of the logarithm Tangents proper to the Rhumb of 45° (1980). And fince the Fluxion of the Loga- rithm of any Tangent is i therefore when fuch a Tangent be- comes equal to Radius, or tr, then the Fluxion of its Loga- rithm is barely; but we have fhewn that in fuch a Cafe i = 2. Therefore the Fluxion of our artificial Line of logarithm Tangents is double the Fluxion of the nautical meridian Line of logarithm Tan- gents. And, fo the Fluents or Degrees of logarithm Tangents in one will be double to thoſe of the other every where. 2001. Hence it appears, that any Line of artificial Tangents is the fame with the nautical meridian Line, if we take every half Degree for a whole one, and number them accordingly. Hence any fuch Line of logarithm Tangents may be uſed or fubſtituted for a Line or Table of meridional Parts, and all the Problems of Merca- tor's Sailing are folved thereby. The Identity or Coincidence of theſe two Lines is repreſented in the double Scale (Fig. 8.) where AB is the common Line of artificial Tangents, and CD the nautical Meridian; one to 25 Degrees, the other to 50. CHA P. III. The different SPECIES of Loxodromic SAILING, deduced from the preceeding THEORY, and illu- Arated by proper DIAGRAMS. 2002. FR ROM a particular Confideration of the Nature of what is called Departure will refult another Species of Navi- gation called MIDDLE LATITUDE SAILING. It is evident, by In- 280 INSTITUTIONS Inſpection (Fig. 1.) that which is called Departure is only the Arch of a Parallel contained between two Meridians, as P H, PI, paffing through the two Latitudes L and M; and is al- 'ways to be reckoned in that Parallel to which the Ship arrives. Thus if fhe fails from L to M, the Departure is the Arch MO, paffing thro' the Latitude M. But if the Ship fails from M to L, then the Departure is the Arch L m, fo that there is in Re- ality, two different Departures belonging to the fame Courſe, Diſtance, or Difference of Latitude. 2003. Therefore to avoid all Ambiguity and Falacy in Sail- ing, it is neceſſary to make conſtant Computations of the De- parture upon Parallels fo near together, that the Arches MO and L m may differ but by an infinitely ſmall Quantity, or that the Triangle L O M may be eſteemed rectilineal; and then we ſhall have the ſeveral Departures M O, NR, &c. computed as they riſe in paffing over the ſeveral Meridians, as from L to M, from M to N, &c. till at laft the Ship arrives at ſome Diſtant Port W in Latitude QW, and the Sum of all theſe Departures will be the whole Departure made in the Voyage from L to W. 2004. But fince the particular Departures M O, NR, &c. proceed continual decreafing from L to W, 'tis evident their Sum will be greater than W S, which is the Sum of the fame Num- ber of Departures each of them equal to the leaſt of thoſe made in the Voyage. And on the other Hand if the Ship fails from Latitude W to Latitude L, the Sum of all the particular De- partures will be the fame as before, but lefs than the Arch Y L, which is the Sum of the fame Number of Departures, each equal to mL, the largeſt of thoſe made in the Voyage. 2005. Confequently, the Departure made in the Voyage from L to W, or from W to L, being the fame; and confifting eve- ry where of Quantities equidifferent, the greateſt and leaſt of which are as LY to WS; the Sum of all the Departures will LY+WS be a Mean between the two, or as 2 = de, de, the cor- refponding Parallel, or mean Arch of the middle Latitude He (136), which therefore will nearly reprefent the whole De- parture of the Voyage either Way between the two Ports L and W. (318.) 2006. Hence Of NAVIGATION. 281 I 2006. Hence we deduce this fundamental Theorem, The Co- Sine of Middle Latitude P e is to Radius PH as the Departure de is to the Difference of Longitude HQ. Note, If the Sum of the Co-Sines of the Latitudes L and S be taken, it will be nearer the Truth than the Co-fine of Middle Latitude. 2007. Put Radius = R; Middle Lat. D; Diff. of Lat. L; Diff. of Long. = Courſe C; and Diſtance run S. = 2 M; Departure = G; the Angle of the Then by the laſt, we have cs M: R :: D: G; and by (1957) it is R: tC :: L: D. Therefore R x D cs Mx GtCx L, which gives this Theorem, the Co-Sine of Middle Latitude is to the Tangent of the Courfe as the Difference of Latitude is to the Difference of Longitude. 2008. Then becauſe the Diſtance failed LM is to the De- parture MO, as Radius to the Sine of the Courſe; that is, as S: D::R: SC; we have R x DSC XS = cs M x G; which gives this Theorem, as Co-Sine of Middle Latitude is to the Sine of the Courſe, ſo is the Diſtance run to the Difference of Lon- gitude. 2009. Having thus premiſed the Principles of each Species of Sailing, we fhall illuftrate the fame by Figures adapted to them feparately. And firft, as to PLAIN SAILING, we have ſhewn (1957, &c.) that it confifts only in the fix Cafes of a plain right- lined Triangle; which therefore let be denoted by ABC (Fig. 9.) in which AC is the Difference of Latitude; AB, the Departure; BC, the Diſtance failed; and AC B, the Angle of the Course; any two of which being known, the reft are found by plain Tri- gonometry (711 to 716.) 2010. MERCATOR'S SAILING has all its Cafes expreffed in two fimilar Triangles in one Figure, viz. ACB and DCE (Fig. 10.) in which AC is the Length of the Arch of the Meri- dian in proper or natural Degrees of the Latitude, or Difference of Latitude between two Ports. CD is the fame enlarged ac- cording to (1968) and is called the meridional Difference of Lati- tude. AB is the Departure. DE the Difference of Longi- tude. CB, the natural, and CE the enlarged Diſtance run, and C the Angle of the Courfe. Here are allo fix Varieties or different Cafes of Sailing from two Data, as before. 2011. In MIDDLE-LATITUDE SAILING, two plain right- angled Triangles are alfo ufcd, but not fimilar ones, viz. ACB VOL. II. O o and 282 INSTITUTIONS 1 and DFE (Fig. 11.) in which ACFD is the Difference of Latitude. AB the Departure, DE the Difference of Longitude, CB is the Distance failed; and the Angle of the Courſe. Two of theſe being given, the others are found by the Theorems above (2006, f.) 2012. But that the Reaſon of this complex Figure of Triangles may appear, it is to be obſerved, that if GH be drawn parallel to A B or DE, it will be the Tangent of the Courfe C, and GF the Co-Sine of the Middle Latitude to the Radius CG. For on the Center G defcribe the Semicircle CLN; and from L fet- ting off the Middle Latitude to M, we have MK the Sine, and KG = FG the Co-Sine thereof; and therefore by fimilar Tri- angles GFH, DFE, we have GF GH::FD: DE; that is, the Co-Sine of Middle-Latitude is to the Tangent of the Courfe, as the Difference of Latitude to the Difference of Longitude; as before in (2007). J 2013. Again; we have CG: GH;: CA: AB; and GF : GH:: DF (= AC): DE: confequently it is GF CG ::AB: DE, or Co-Sine of Middle Latitude to Radius, as the Departure to the Difference of Longitude, agreeable to (2006). And fo of the other Theorems. 2014. Another Species of Navigation, is called, PARALLEL SAILING; which confifts in conducting the Ship due EAST or WEST upon a PARALLEL to the Equator. The Diagram by which this is reprefented, is that of Fig. 12. Where P is the Pole of the World; PC, PD, two Meridians; GH an Arch of the Equator, and EF a fimilar Arch of a Parallel of Latitude. Then we have PC:CD:: PA: AB, or Radius to the Diffe- rence of Longitude as Co-Sine of the Latitude to the Distance failed in the Parallel (1964). 2015. This Sort of Sailing therefore admits of three Cafes only, viz. (1.) When AB and AP are given to find CD. (2.) When AB and CD are given to find PA. And (3.) When AP and C D are given to find AB. All which is evi- dent by Inspection. CHAP. Of NAVIGATION. 2,83 CHA P. IV. The THEORY of NAVIGATION by Logarithmic TANGENTS exemplified in a Solution of the feveral Cafes of SAILING by that Method: S all the above Methods of computing the Way and 2010. Courfe of a Ship confift in the Solution of a plain As right-angled Triangle, they require no Example; but the Man- ner of folving the Propofitions of Sailing by the Tables of Loga- rithmic Tangents is not quite fo common, nor fo clear, in what we have had hitherto publiſhed on that Subject. It may be proper therefore to illuſtrate the Theory we have given by a Solution of fuch Cafes in which the Longitude is concerned, eſpecially as it will from thence appear that this Invention fuperfedes the Ne- ceffity of a Table of meridional Parts, and is when joined with plain Sailing, a compleat Compendium of practical Navigation. 2017. If we retain the Notation in 1987, &c. and, more- over, put L for the Difference of Longitude, C for the Ship's Courſe, and G for the conftant natural Tangent of 51°: 38: 9"; then we have this Analogy T-T × 10000 : G :: L: ¿C (by 1997) which admits of three Cafes, befides thoſe of plain Sailing, viz. 2018. CASE I. Given the Difference of Latitude, and Difference of Longitude, GX L to find the Ship's Courfe; the Theorem is t C. 2019. CASE II. T--TX 10000 Given the Difference of Latitude and Courfe, to find the Diffe- rence of Longitude; the Theorem is = L. 2020. CASE III. T-TX 10000 × ✰C G Given the Courſe, and Difference of Longitude, to find the Diffe A rence of Latitude; the Theorem is о © 2 GX L tC x 10000 =T-T 20218 284 INSTITUTIONS 2021. For an Example of the firft Cafe, fuppofe a Ship fails from the Lizard in Latitude 49° 55′ North to Barbadoes in Lat. 13° 10' North; the Difference of Longitude being 53° 00', re- quired the Rhumb on which the Ship was ſteered? The Solution of this Cafe is as follows: Lat. Comp. Halves Barbadoes 13 10 76 50 38 25 Lizard 49 55 40 05 20 21 — Log.Tang. 9,8993082 = T. 9,5620477 = T. The Difference is T—T = 0,3372605 Multiply by 10000 The Product is T-TX 10000 =3372,605 Then the Tang. of 51° 38′ 09" = G =? = 10,1015104 12633210 Mult. Diff. of Long. L= 53° 00′ 3180-3,5024271 The Product is G x L Which divide by T-T x 10000 = 3372,605 The Quotient is the 13,6039375 弓 ​} 3,5279654 Tangent of the tC = 49° 59′ 10″ 10,0759721 Courſe required 2022. Then to find the Diſtance failed, ufe this Proportion of plain Sailing, viz. As Co-Sine of the Course is to Radius, (or as Radius to the Secant of the Course) fo is the Difference of Latitude AC to the Diſtance run CB 3429,38 nautical Miles or Mi- nutes of a Degree. (See Fig. 9.) 2023. Example to CASE II. Suppoſe a Ship fails from Latitude 49° 55′ to Latitude 13° 10′, on a Rhumb or Courſe of 49° 59′ 10″; to find the Difference of Lon- gitude. The Solution will ſtand thus. (See Theorem 2019). Multiply T-T× 1000 = 3372,605 3,5279654 By Tang, of the Courfet C 49° 59′ 10″- 10,0759721 = 13,6039375 Divide by conftant Tang. G 51° 38′ 9″ = 10,1015104 The Quotientis Diff, of Long. E53°00 - = 3,5024271 Thus, Of NAVIGATION. 285 " Thus, by two good Obfervations of the Latitude and the Courſe fteered, the Reckoning of a Ship's Way is beſt aſcer- tained, eſpecially if you fail near the North or South. 2024. Example to CASE III. Admit a Ship fails from Latitude 49° 55′ on a Courſe of 49° 59′ 10″ foutherly, till her Difference of Longitude be 53° 00′, or 3180 Miles; to find the Latitude fhe is then in. The Solution of this Cafe is thus (by Theorem 2020). To the Log. of the conftant Tang. G Add the Log. of the Diff. of Long, L = 3180 The Sum is the Log. of G x L Then to the Tang. of Courſe = 49° 59′ 10,0759721 IO" 10,1015104 L= }} 3,5024271 13,6039375 } 4,0000000 14,0759721 G x L — T—T =}- 9,5279654 Add the Logarithm of 10000 = The Logarithm of tC × 10000 Then ✰ C x 10000 0,3372605 Now one Latitude being given 49° 55', the Logarithm Tang, of half its Complement is To which add 9,5620477 = T. 0,3372605=T-T The Sum is the Log. Tang. 38° 25′- 9,8993082 — T. The Double of which is 76° 50', which is the Complement of 13° 10′, the Latitude of the Ship required. (See 2021). 2025. From hence it is evident, that theſe three Cafes, add- ed to thoſe of plain Sailing, are fufficient for all practical Compu- tations of a Ship's Ways, or for keeping a Reckoning at Sea, which are all performed by a Table of Logarithmic Tangents, or by the common Gunter properly made, as we fhall hereafter fhew, when we come to give the Theory and Conftruction of mathemati- cal Inftruments. 2026. 286 INSTITUTIONS 2026. What has been hitherto delivered is upon the com- mon Hypothefis, that the terraqueous Globe is of a fpherical Figures but that it is not fuch is well known; and not only fo, but the Difference therefrom is fo confiderable, as not to be without its fenfible Effects in Aftronomy, Geography, and Navigation, as I have at large fhewn in my NEW PRINCIPLES of GEOGRA- PHY and NAVIGATION, and have there conftructed large Charts to 70 Degrees Latitude, and new Table of meridional Parts adapted to the true fpheroidical Figure of the Earth; by which the Solutions of all Cafes of Sailing are rendered juſt as eafy as by the falſe Charts and erroneous Tables in preſent Uſe, which are no ſmall Diminution of the Glory of naval Sci- ence in ENGLAND. What farther relates to this Subject we propoſe to deliver in the Theory and Conſtruction of Inftruments uſed in Navigation (in which there is great Room for Improve- ment) but this we muſt defer to a future Part of this Work, and proceed with our Inftitutions relative to the Theory of the Sciences, which ought to precede the mechanical and inftrumen- tal Part. PHY (287) PHYSICO-BALLISTICS: O R, INSTITUTIONS of GUNNERY. CONTAINING The philofophical and mathematical ELE- MENTS of that Art, connected with, and illuſtrated by the Experiments pub- liſhed by the late Mr. ROBINS. CHAP. I. The THEORY of RESISTANCE to BODIES moving in a refifting Medium.* AVING in the preceding Part delivered the true 2027 Principles of the Art of navigating a Ship, which is HA to be confidered as a Part of Military Science, we think it may be very properly connected with its Sifter Science, BALLISTICS, or It appears, (fays Mr. ROBINS) that the modern Writers on the Art of Gunnery have been very much deceived, in fuppofing the Re- fiſtance of the Air to be inconfiderable, and thence afferting, that the Track of Shot and Shells of all Kinds is nearly in the Curve of a Pa- rabola. That by this Means it has happened, that all their Determina- tions about the Flight of Shot diſcharged with confiderable Degrees of Celerity are extreamly erroneous, and confequently that the preſent Theory of Gunnery in this its most important Branch is uſeleſs and fallacious. Preface to principles of Gunnery. 288 INSTITUTIONS 1 or the Doctrine of Projectiles (not in Vacuo, but) in a refifting Me- dium, eſpecially as nothing confiderable has been wrote directly on this Subject in our Language to explain the true PRINCIPLES or THEORY of GUNNERY, nor any Thing of a practical Na- ture, but a Treatife of Gunnery confirmed by Experiments by Mr. ROBINS, an excellent Performance it is true, but unleſs the phyfical PRINCIPLES or THEORY on which the greateſt Part de- pends, be explained and connected with the Experiments, the Art of GUNNERY will, after all, be deficient in the moſt effen- tial Part, as we prefume will be fufficiently evident from the en- fuing Diſcourſes. 2028. Since the Path of Projection is through a refifting Me- dium, the firft Thing neceffary is to eſtabliſh the THEORY of RESISTANCE to Bodies moving in a fluid Medium, where the Particles, both in the Body and the Medium, are fuppoſed to be abfolutely void of any elaſtic Force, and to act upon each other only by Virtue of the Vis infita. We ſhall here alſo ſuppoſe the Fluid to be quite perfect, or free from all Tenacity of Parts, and that the Friction is of Courſe nothing at all. 2029. Therefore let AM B be any Curve moving in a Fluid in the Di- rection of the Axis CA; then to any Point M let be drawn a Tangent, in which take Mm ¿ Fluxion of the Curve; and let LMP be drawn per- pendicular to the Bafe B C, and draw the Perpendiculars Lm and mr; and put CB4, CP = x, PM = y; then Mrj, and r m = x; and be- B cauſe of fimilar Triangles CMP and L M in A D P C Mrm, we have CM (≈ a) : PM (= y) : : M m (= ±) : r m (*); whence =2, and 2 ax y a² x² ** == yy a direct Stroke of a Particle 2030. Let the abfolute Force of of the Fluid be repreſented by L M, and fince the Stroke at M is oblique to the Curve, it muſt be refolved into two, viz. M m, and Lm; the first of which does not affect the Curve, but the latter acts perpendicular to it. And therefore the whole Force is to the oblique Force as L M to Lm, or as Radius to the Sine of In- Of GUNNERY. 289 Incidence (1033). Wherefore the whole Force being = 1, that by which the Point M is ftruck will be as x Z ; for becauſe of fimilar Trian. Lm M, Mmr, we have Mm (2) : m r ( = x) ; : LM ( = 1) : Lm = 1; . Z mr (=) 2031. But this Force Lm must be reduced to another acting againſt the Point M in the Direction in which it moves, that is, it muſt be reſolved into the two Forces Lr and mr; of which the latter being perpendicular to PL does no Ways hinder its progreffive Motion; but the former Lr acts wholly againſt it. But Mm (= *) : mr (=*): Lm (= 2) Lr= Z which therefore expreffes the Refiftance to the Particle M moving in the Direction M L. 2032. But as this Force acts perpendicularly (not to the Curve, but) to the ordinate M D, it muſt be multiplied by the Fluxion thereof, and the Product, viz. will be the x x = 3 Expreffion for the Flux. of the Refiftance of the Arch A M. Then px ä fince a p::x: = Circumference of a Circle whofe Radius a is; if we multiply this Circumference by the Fluxion of Refi- ftance, the Product px x³ will be the Fluxion of Refiftance to the Surface of the Solid generated by the Revolution of the Curve AM about its Axis A.C. 2033. In order to find the Fluent or Reſiſtance for the Sur- face of a Globe, we have x ż = a² x² وو (2029) therefore 23 x pyy, but yyaa-xx (828) whence Py² xx 3 aaxx-xx, whofe Fluent is Q3 63 X x = a²x 4*, for the Reſiſtance; and fo when xa, we ſhall have 4 + ap for the Ex- preffion of the Refiftance to the Surface of the Hemifphere, or Globe moving in the Fluid, VOL. II. PP 2034. 4 } ! 1 1 290. INSTITUTIONS 2034. If a Cylinder were to move in the faid Fluid in the Direction of the Axis, fince the Stroke of every Particle would be direct, and the whole proportional to the Area of the Bafe; it is evident (fuppofing the Diameter of the Cylinder and Globe equal) that the whole Reſiſtance to the Cylinder will be (as the Area of its Baſe) ap (fee 830) whence it appears, the Refiftance to the Globe is to that of a Cylinder (of equal Diameter) as 1 to 2. 2 2035. A Cylinder falling upon fuch a Fluid, will in the Time of paffing through its whole Length, communicate a Motion to the Particles, as will be to the whole Motion of the Cylinder, as the Denfity of the Medium to the Denſity of the Cylinder. For let Q, M, V, B, D, be the Expreffions for the Quantity of Motion, Matter, Velocity, Bulk, and Denſity of the Cylinder; and 4, m, v, b, d, dénote the fame Things in the Fluid. Then the Motion of the Cylinder will be Q= MV, and that communicated to the Fluid will be q = vm (970); but it is MBD, and m bd (973). Whence Q= VBD, and qvbd; and fo Q::: VBD: vbd; but V B vb, therefore 9 Q::d: D. q: I 2 = 2036. If the Axis and Diameter of the Cylinder be equal to the fame in a Globe; it is evident, fince the Refiftance to the Globe is but that of the Cylinder, the Globe, that it may communicate the fame Motion to the Fluid, muft move through twice the Length of its Diameter. If the Velocity and Denfity of the Cylinder and Globe be equal, (and Q, M, V, B, D, ſtand for the fame Things in the Globe) then, fince V = V, it is 2: Q:: (M : M :: B : B) :: 2:3 (837). Alfo the Mo- tion of the Cylinder is to that communicated by the Globe in - paffing through two Diameters, as the Denfity of the Cylinder (or Globe) to that of the Medium, viz. Q: 4 :: D: d (2035)• Laftly, let q be the Motion communicated to the Medium by the Globe in paffing through of it's Diameter; then q:q: 2 :::32. And by compounding thefe Ratios, we fhall have 2:q: Dd; that is, the whole Motion in the Globe is to that communicated to the Medium (equal to the Refflance of the Medium to the Globe) in paffing through of its Diameter, as the Density of the Globe to the Denfity of the Medium. t 2037. Of GUNNERY. 291 ▸ 2037. If the Particles of the Cylinder, Globe, and Medium be ſuppoſed perfectly elaſtic, then the Velocity of the Parts, af- ter Percuffion, will be double to what it is in the Medium be- fore mentioned (1015) and therefore the fame Effect will be produced in half the Time, or in paffing through half the Space. Confequently, in a perfectly elaftic Fluid, a Globe, in the Time of paffing through Parts of its Diameter, will communicate a Motion to the Particles that will be to the whole Motion of the Globe, as the Dènfity of the Fluid to the Denſity of the Globe. 2038. There is no fuch Thing in Nature as a perfect Fluid, or fuch whofe Parts are abfolutely free, and unaffected by any external Force; for all Fluids are heavy Bodies, that is, their Parts gravitate towards the Center of the Earth, and confe- quently on one another. Therefore the lower Parts will be compreffed by the Weight of thofe above them; and therefore, when a Body is confidered as moving through fuch a compreffed Fluid, the Motion or Velocity of the Body will be lefs than that with which the Particles will rufh into the Space relinquished by the Body, by Virtue of the Compreffion, I fay, in this Cafe we are to conceive the Force of Re-action on the fore Part of the Body, in fome Degree abated by the Particles circulating round to fill up the relinquished Space, in order to reſtore the Equilibrium (that would otherwiſe be deſtroyed) by the conftant Influx of the Fluid behind the Body. 2039. This complexed Cafe of real Fluids makes the Com- putation of their Refiftance to Bodies very difficult and tedious, but Sir Isaac Newton has fully confidered the Thing, and found that the Refiftance to a Cylinder moving in fuch a compreffed Fluid, is but a fourth Part of what we have fhewed it would be in a perfectly non-elaftic Fluid (2035.) fuppofing the Veloci- ty of the Body and Denfity of the Fluid the fame in both Cafes ; that is, the Motion imparted to fuch a Fluid in the Time it paſſes through four Times its Length, is to the whole Motion of the Cylinder, as the Denfity of the Fluid to that of the Cylinder. 2040. In fuch a compreffed Fluid, Bodies of every Form (if their tranfverfe Sections are equal) will be equally refifted; for „úf a Cylinder, Globe, Cone, circular Plane, &c. of equal Diame- Pp 2 * See his Principia, Lib. II. Prop. 37, &c. ters 1 292 INSTITUTIONS ters were placed in a Canal of fuch a current Fluid, it is evident the Fluid would be equally obftructed by them all, or the in- creaſed Velocity of the Fluid paffing by each will be the fame; they therefore equally refift the Fluid, and, were they to move in the Fluid, would be equally refifted by it. Confequently, fince the Motion of a Globe is but of that of the Cylinder cir- cumfcribing it, the Force that will generate or deſtroy the whole Motion of the Cylinder while it moves through 4 Times its Length, will generate or deſtroy the whole Motion of the Globe while it moves uniformly through of 4 Diameters, or Parts of its Diameter, that is, through 2 3 Diameters. 2 2041. It will be neceffary here to obferve, that the Theory of Reſiſtance in a rare elaftic Medium is, by the Newtonian Mathefis, arrived to its Perfection, fince thereby it is determined what the Figure or Form of a Body muſt be, which, moving in ſuch a Medium, fhall meet with the leaft Refiftance poffible. And as this Part of mathematical Philoſophy is of primary Confideration in Naval Architecture, and Military Science, we fhall here ex- plain the Principles of the Calculus, as follows. 2042. On the Right-line BC, ſuppoſe the Pa- rallelograms B D n N n Gg b, MN nm, of the leaft Breadth, to be C erected, whofe m. M 6 B R Heights BG, MN, their Diſtance M b, and half the Sum of their Bafes M m + ½ Bb = 2 rence of the Baſes 1 M m Points in the Curve GND; and n, (fo that gg=nn be in the fame Curve. a, are given: Let half the Diffe- Bb be called x: Let G and N be and producing bg, and mn to g b,) the Points g and ʼn may alſo 2043. Now if the Figure CDNG B, revolving about the Axis BC, generates a Solid, and that Solid moves forwards in a rare and elaſtic Medium from C towards B, (the Poſition of the Right-line BC remaining the fame;) then will the Sum of the Refiftances againſt the Surfaces generated by the Lineola Gg, Of GUNNERY. 293 Gg, Nn, be the leaft poffible, when Gg is to Nn as BG x Bb to MN x Mm. 2044. For the Force of a Particle on G g and N n, to move I I. them in the Direction B C, is as and (2031); and Gg N n the Number of Particles that ftrike in the fame Time on the Sur- faces generated by Gg and Nn, are as (the Annuli defcribed by gg and nn, that is, as BG x gg and MN Xn, or as) BG and MN; therefore the Refiftances againft thofe Surfaces BG are as G g BG as y to MN MN 2 Nz² to ———. - Z Nn > 2 that is (putting y for G g, and % for N n²,) 2045. But the Sum of thefe Refiftances ર BG + MN) is is a MN X ZZ لولو -BG x L: But : But y = yy Therefore - BG X 1 Minimum. or MN x ZZ gg (Gg² = Bb =) aa— ·2ax + xx + bb; and z = (Nn nn² =) aa + 2 axxx bb; therefore MN and ¿ = 2a x + 2 xx: Confequently ZZ 2 Bb + = Mm² + 2xx — 2 ax, X 2 * × a + x BG × 2 x X a x; or (MN × a + x = ) MN yy ZZ xMm= (BG ха ) BG yy × Bb. (2042.) There- fore (yy) Gg* : (zz) Nn* :: BG × Bb : MN × Mm. 2046. Confequently, that the Sum of the Refiftances againſt the Surfaces generated by the Lineola Gg and Nn, may be the leaft poffible, Gg muſt be to Nn as BG x Bb to N M × Mm. = 2047. Wherefore, if gg be made equal to gG, fo that the. Angle gGg may be 45°, and the Angle BGg 135°; alſo Gg² = 2gg', and Gg 4gg; then 4 gg: Nn :: GB хвъ 294 INSTITUTIONS × Bb: NM x Mm; and fince GR is parallel to Nn, and BG, BR parallel to nn, Ñn; alſo n n = gg = gG; it follows, that (nn gG) Bb: (Nn) Mm :: BG: BR; = BG x M m BR t ; alfo (nn) gG: Nn:: BG: therefore Bb 4 GR. Confequently, 488 N 22+ == 4 B G + BG x Bb 4 GR MNx Mm =) BG2 MN X BR MN. Therefore 4 BG X BR is to GR3 as GR to 2048. How this Curve DNG is to be conftructed by Means of the Logarithmic Curve, and from thence a practical Method of forming the SOLID of leaft RESISTANCE, we may hereafter. fhew, in its proper Place, when we ſhall have premiſed and ex- plained the general Doctrine of Curves. CHA P. II. The DOCTRINE of abfolute, fpecific, and relative WEIGHT in BODIES, explained on the ftatical PRINCIPLES of refifting FLUIDS, as WATER, AIR, &C. 2049⋅ B EFORE we proceed any farther, it will be neceffa- ry (in the THEORY of BALLISTICS) to premiſe a few Things relating to the various Diſtinctions of GRAVITY, or Weight in Bodies, viz. abfolute, relative, and ſpecific Gravity. Abfolute Weight is the whole Weight of a Body in Vacuo. Relative Weight is that which a Body has when weighed in a reſiſting Medium. Specific Gravity is the comparative Weight of Bodies of equal Bulk. Thus if the Weight of a Cubic Inch of Water be to that of a Cubic Inch of Copper, as I to 9, we fay the Specific Gra- vity of Copper is 9, or its Weight is 9 Times greater than that of Water. 2050. Of GUNNERY…… 295 any 2050. But to illuftrate this Affair, let A B be a Ballance, and from the Scale D let Body F be ſuſpended by a fine Horfe Hair E, and equiponde- rated in the Air with Weights А Ay B put into the other Scale C. C G After this, immerſe it in the Fluid I H, contained in the Jar GH, and the Equilibri- um will be deſtroyed. For the Body F will now appear lighter, and afcend, while the Scale C defcends. 2051. That the Weight of the Body F fhould be diminiſhed in the Fluid, is hence evident, that it cannot defcend therein. without raiſing at the fame Time an equal Bulk of the Fluid, which Quantity of the Fluid, thus raifed, will refift the Body F with all its Force (equal to its Weight) and therefore will de- ftroy juſt as much Motion (or Weight) in the Body F (965). And therefore, by putting Weights in the Scale D, till the E- quilibrium is again reftored, we fhall have the Compariſon of Weight between the Body F, and the Fluid, in equal Bulks: For the Weight of the Solid is in the Scale C, and that of an equal Bulk of the Fluid in the Scale D; and hence the ſpecific Gravity of the Solid and Fluid becomes known; for which Reaſon this In- ftrument is called the HYDROSTATIC BALANCE. 2052. If from the Weight of the Solid, in Air, we deduct the Weight of an equal Bulk of the Fluid, the Remainder is the relative Gravity of the Body; and is all that Force by which the Body finks or defcends in the Fluid. But if the Weight of the Solid be less than that of an equal Bulk of the Fluid, it is evident fuch a Solid cannot be totally immerfed by its Weight, but will fwim with a Part extant above the Fluid. If the fpecific Gravity of the Solid and Fluid be equal, the Solid will retain any Poſition in the Fluid, and neither fink nor fwim. Hence the Rationale of SINKING and SWIMMING is evident. 2053. Not only the fpecific Gravity of Solids, but alſo of Fluids become known by the fame Balance; for if the Solid F be weighed in two different Fluids, the Weights put into the Scale D to restore the Equilibrium, each Time will exprefs the Gravities of equal Bulks of thofe Fluids; and hence a Table of 296 INSTITUTIONS of ſpecific Gravities for Solids and Fluids may be made, a Speci- men of which here follows, where the Compariſon is made, with the Gravity of Rain-water, put = 1,000. 2054. Rain-water 1,000 Ebony 1,177 Sea-water Aqua-fortis 1,030 Cork 0,240 1,300 Good Wheat 0,757 Oil of Vitriol Spirit of Wine rectified Burgundy Wine 1,700 White Peafe 0,807 0,840 Bone 1,656 Spirit of Nitre rectified 1,610 Ivory 1,826 0,953 Horn 1,840 Canary 1,033 Adamant 3,400 Red Wine 0,993 Glafs 2,666 Diftilled Vinegar 1,030 Flint 2,542 Cow's Milk 1,030 Marble 2,700 Urine 1,030 Mundick 4,430 Mercury Crude 13,593 Chalk 2,379 Amber 1,040 Magnet 1,840 Sulphur 1,800 Newcastle Coal 1,272 Borax 1,720 Oil-ftone 2,380 Red Coral 2,689 Slate 2,740 Cinnabar natural 7,300 Alabafter 1,875 Tartar common Camphire 1,849 Copperas Stone 4,300 0,995 Copper Ore 3,775 Vitriol of Dantzick 1,715 Lead Ore 6,800 Sal Gemma 2,143 Bismuth 9,700 Allum 1,714 Speltar 7,065 Nitre 1,900 Tin 7,550 Gum Arabic 1,375 Iron 7,645 Verdigreaſe 1,714 Brafs, wrought 8,000 Bees Wax 0,960 Copper 9,000 Pitch 1,190 Lead 10,131 Rofin 1,100 Silver, Sterling 1 Honey 1,450 Pure 10,000 11,091 Dry Box Wood Dry Fir 0,950 Gold, Sterling 0,546 Pure 17,150 19,640 Lignum Vita 1,327 2055. Becauſe it is found by Experiment, a Cubic Foot of Rain- water weighs very exactly 1000 Ounces Averdupois, therefore the Of GUNNERY. 297 the Numbers in the Table will exprefs the Ounces contained in a Cubic Foot of any of the other Subſtances. An Ounce Aver- dupois 437 480 51 56, nearly. 437, and an Ounce Troy : :: : Troy Pound, as 437 x 16 that is, as 17 to 14 nearly. 480 Grains. But The Averdupois Pound is to the 7000 to 480 X 125760; Therefore a Cubic Foot of Water weighs 62 lb. Averdupois, and 76 lb. Troy nearly. 2 2056. What relates to the abfolute and ſpecific Gravities, the Magnitudes, Density, &c. of Bodies, will beft be underſtood by fymbolical Computation; in order to which let A and B be two Bodies of equal Bulk, but different Quantities of Matter; and let B and C be two other Bodies with equal Quantities of Matter, but of different Bulks: D= Denſity Bulk And let B M Alfo Quantity of Matter D = B = Bulk Denſity M Matter d = Denfity And b - Bulk ? >in the Body A. >in the Body B. S in the Body C. m = Matter 2057. Then, becaufe the Denfity of any Body is proportional to the Quantity of Matter under equal Bulks, we fhall have D :D :: M: M; and, becauſe when the Quantities of Mat- ter are equal, the Bulks must be reciprocally as the Denfities, D M therefore we have D:d :: b: B. Whence D = M B M=mj ; confequently DMB = db M. But B = B, and M = m; therefore D Bm = db M. Whence we have D: d::bM: m B; and B: b::dM: Dm; and M: m ::DB: db, 2058. The Specific Gravity of Bodies being as the Weights, that is, as the Quantities of Matter, in equal Bulks, will be as the Denfity: Therefore D: d:: S: s; and by Subftitution of Ratios, we have the general Theorem above become S B ” — sb M. And fince the abfolute Weights (A, a,) of any two Bo- VOL. II. dies Qq 772 298 INSTITUTIONS dies are as the Quantities of Matter, we have SB a As b. Wherefore Ss:: Ab: aB; that is, the fpecific Gravities will be as the abfolute Weights directly, and the Bulks inverſely, or as the abfolute Weights divided by the Bulks. 2059. Alfo A:a:: SB: sb; that is, the abfolute Weights of Bodies are in the compound Ratio of their ſpecific Gravities and Bulks. Or the abfolute Weight of any Body is had by mut- tiplying its Bulk and ſpecific Gravity together. 2060. Again; becauſe B: b:: As a S, it appears that the Bulk or Magnitudes of Bodies will be as the abfolute Weights directly, and ſpecific Gravities inverſely. Or the Magnitude of any Body is had by dividing its abfolute Weight by its ſpecific Gravity. 2061. From what we have faid, it is evident we have not the abfolute Weight of Bodies in the Air, but only the Relative. Let Aabfolute Weight, and B relative Weight; then A B B the Weight of an equal Bulk of Air, (2051) and the fame may be faid for any other Fluid. Wherefore let the Motion of a Globe moving in a Fluid be ſuch as will be generated by the Force of its relative Weight falling in Vacuo through a Space (S) that fhall be to of its Diameters (D) as the Denſity of the Globe (D) to the Denfity of the Fluid (d), then will the Velocity it will acquire by the Fall be the greatest it can poſſibly acquire by de- fcending in the Fluid; and the relative Weight of the Globe will be equal to the Refiftance, arifing from the Medium to the Globe, as mentioned in (2039, 2040). 2062. For let R Refiftance, F Force that will generate or deſtroy the Motion of the Globe while it defcribes & Parts of RD d its Diameter; then F: R:: D: d (2039) and ſo F = - And fince S Space defcribed in the Fall, the Globe by an uniform Motion with the Velocity acquired by the Fall, will de- ſcribe a Space = 2S in the fame Time (993) and ſo, becauſe S: 4 D :: (2 S: D) D: d. But the Times T, t, in which 3 8 the Spaces 2 S and 3 D are uniformly deſcribed are as thoſe Spa- 8 ces, viz. Tt: 2S: D, hence Tt:: D: d. 3 2063. Again, fince in the Times T and t equal Quantities of Motion are produced (for F produces the whole Motion of the Globe in the Timet, and the relative Weight (B) of the Globe pro- Of GUNNER Y. 299 produces the fame in the Time T, (2061). And fince the lefs the Time is, the greater muſt be the Force to produce a given Effect; therefore F: B:: T:t:: D: d. Confequently F = BD d RD d ز whence RB, and the Refiftance being equal to the relative Weight, the Body can be no longer accelerated, but muſt deſcend with an uniform Motion in the Medium, with a Velocity equal to that acquired by the Fall through S in Vacuo. 2064. Hence if the Denfity of the Globe and of the refifting Medium be given, as alſo the Velocity of the Globe in the Be- ginning of its Motion; then the Refiftance it meets with may be computed as follows. Let A abfolute Weight of the Globe in Vacuo, and B Weight of an equal Bulk of the Me- dium; then A - B B the relative Weight of the Globe. BB = in the Medium, (2061). 2065. And fince the Spaces defcribed in the fame Time in Va- cuo are as their accelerating Forces (999), therefore as the Space deſcribed in Vacuo by the Weight A is 16,2 Feet in one Second, the Space defcribed in Vacuo by the Weight B in one Second will be known, for as A: B:: 16,2: Space. 16,2 B A to the ſaid 2066. Moreover, the Time of defcribing the Space S in Vacuo by the Weight B is thus found; as 16,2 B A AS :S:: 1/2 : 16,2 B the Square of the Time required; or AS 16,2 B = T the Time. But S- 4 D D (2061) whence T = 4 ADD 48,6 B ď 3d 2067. The Velocity of the Fall will carry the Globe with a uniform Motion over a Space = 2 S in the Time of the Fall T and the Velocity of uniform Motion is always as the Space divid- ed by the Time (991); therefore 2 S T =V = the Velocity ac- quired by the Fall. 2068. The Globe moving in the refifting Medium meets with a Reſiſtance = B (2063); if any other Velocity (1) be given Qq 2 the } 300 INSTITUTIONS the Reſiſtance agreeing to that Velocity will be thus found. As V² : V² : : B : 1/2 B V2 Reſiſtance to the Velocity V. For that the Reſiſtance is as the Square of the Velocity in general, is hence evident; becauſe the Refiftance will be greater in Propor- tion to the Number of Particles which ftrike againſt the Globe in a given Time, and alfo to the Intenſity of the Stroke of each Particle; and each of theſe will be as the Velocity, and therefore both together as the Square of the Velocity. 2069. But, as I faid, this Ratio of the Refiftance to the Velo- city is only general, and agreeing to flow Motions; becauſe in very ſwift Motions the Circumftances will be altered, on which the Reſiſtance depends, both in regard to the Medium, and to the Figure of the Body moving in it. For with refpect to the Medium, though compreffed, yet if the Velocity of the Body be fo much greater than that of the Particles rufhing in behind the Body, that a Vacuum is left, the Cafe of this compreffed Fluid will be nearly the fame with one that is free (2028); and confequently the Refiftance to a Cylinder moving fo very fwift. as to leave a vacuous Space behind, will be near 4 Times as great as when it moves flowly through the fame compreffed Fluid (2039). a 2070. Again, the Refiftance will vary in fwift Motions ac- cording to the Figure of the Body. In fuch a Cafe the vacuous Space will be more or lefs, and the compreſſed Fluid approaches to the Nature of one that is free, wherein the Reſiſtance to à Globe has been fhewn to be but half what it is to a Cylinder (2034); therefore the Refiftance to a Globe moving very ſwiftly, even in a compreffed Fluid, (becauſe of the Vacuum behind) may meet with little more than half the Refiftance of the Cylinder moving with the fame Velocity. 2071. But we cannot fuppofe the Compreffion of the Medium not at all to affect the Body, for even to a Globe, the Particles which ſtrike it obliquely, will be in fome Degree confined by the compreffing Force, and therefore give more Refiftance than when they are free to move. Alſo if the Medium be Elaſtic, this Reſiſtance will be thereby farther increaſed (2037), fo that upon the Whole we may conclude that the Reſiſtance to a Globę moving ſwiftly in a compreffed claftic Medium (fuch as our Air) will Of GUNNERY. 301 will be between that of a Globe and of a Cylinder in a free and per- fect Fluid, and that arifing to either in a flow Motion from a comprcffed Medium; that is, it is more than twice and less than 4 Times the Refiftance the fame Globe would meet with moving flowly in a compreffed Medium. 2072. Hence then we may take it for granted, that in very fwift Motions, a Globe is refifted about three Times more, in Proportion to its Velocity, than when its Motion is floweft; and that the Refiſtance will decreaſe as the Velocity decreaſes, and as the Circumftances of the Medium return to their natural State.. Let this fuffice at prefent, for the Theory of the Refiftance of Fluids, which is a fundamental Doctrine in the Science of BAL- LISTICS.* C H.A P. III. Of the NATURE and PROPERTIES of AIR; its ELASTICITY, DENSITY, abfolute and ſpecific ĠRAVITY explained by COMPUTATION and Ex- PERIMENTS. 2073. Thas been already, in general, fhewn (975–980). THE HE Nature of ELASTICITY, and whence it arifes We now propoſe to confider the Phyfico-mathematical Theory thereof; and apply it to the Air, and other elaſtic Fluids, par- ticularly that which is generated by firing GUNPOWDER, that the ENGINEER may be fully acquainted with the Philoſophy of this important Subject. 2074. In order to this, let there be placed any Number of Particles in the right-lined Diſtance AB at an equal A C. C...... . B ..D Distance *It is neceffary here to correct an Error in the Table of ſpecific Gravities, Pape 296, where that of a Magnet is faid to be 1,840, whereas it fhould be 4,840, as I have found by Experiment. This Error alfo paffed unobſerved in the larger Table of the PHILOSOPHIA BRITANNICA, 2d Edition. 302 INSTITUTIONS Distance from each other; and in any other equal Diftance CD let there be placed twice as many Particles, at equal In- tervals alfo, then it is plain the Intervals between the Particles in CD will be but half fo great as thofe between the Particles in the Line A B. Hence the Number (N) of Particles in the Lines A B, CD, will be inverſely as the Interval (L) between each, I that is N will be always as I' 2075. In a Superficies, fuppofing the Intervals of all the Par- ticles equal, we ſhall have Nas (670); alſo in a Solid it 3 I I L2 will be N³ as (675). But N, and N3 is as the Denſity 3 (D) of the Surface, and of the Solid (973); therefore D is as in a Solid. L3 I I L in a Surface, and as 13 2076. Let us now fuppofe each Particle repels the Particles next to it (and thoſe only) with a Force as (F) which is as any I 12 LA Power (n) of the Interval inverſely; that is, let F be as Now the Sum or whole Force in the Superficies will be as the Denfity D, and as the centrifugal Force F; or as DXF = I I X Ln of the Fluid. I L+7. Which therefore will expreſs the elaſtic Force 2077. But in the Body of the Fluid the Denſity being as I I 3 (2075), (2075), we haveD L³ as 1, L³ 3 as and L as D' 임금 ​which D I 1 x + 2 gives fubftituted in the Expreffion of the elaftic Force 7 of 2 D 3 ; therefore the elaftic Force of the Medium is as the Cube Root of that Power of the Denfity whofe Index is n + 2. 2078. Hence if the elaftic Force (E) in any Fluid be as the Denſity (D) then the Expreffion D fo n + 2 3 x + 2 3 71 + 2 =E =E; and 3 =1, whence n + 2 = 3, and therefore n = i; where- Of GUNNERY. 303 I wherefore in fuch a Fluid F will be as L (2076); that is, the Particles repel each other with Forces that are inverfely as the Diſtances of their Centers. 2079. And this is the Property of our Air A whoſe Denſity is always as the compreffing Force, as is proved by the following Experi- ment. Let Mercury be poured into an inflec- ted Tube A BCD, open at both Ends, to a fmall Height BC; then ſtopping the Orifice D very cloſe, meaſure the Length of the con- fined Air DC very nicely; this done, pour Mercury into the other Leg A B till its Height above the Surface of that in CD be equal to the Height at which it ſtands in the Barometer. Then it is plain the Air in the ſhorter Leg will be compreffed with a Force twice as great as at firft; for then it was preffed only with the Weight of the Atmofphere, but now it is. preffed with that Weight, and an additional equal Weight of Mercury. With this double Force the Air in DC is now compreffed into the Space DE by meaſuring it. B O H. E C DC, as appears 2080. Hence it appears, that the Spaces S = DC, and s = DE, which the fame Quantity of Air poffeffes under different Preffures p and P, are as thofe Preffures inverſely, viz. S:s:: P: p. And becauſe the Denfities d and D (where the Quantity of Matter is given) are inverſely as the Bulks (973); therefore d: D::s: S ::p: P; that is, the Denfity of the Air is directly as its compreffing Force, or as the Elaflicity, which is equal thereto (982). 2081, * 394 INSTITUTIONS 1 2081. The ſpecific Gravity of Air, and thence its abfolute Weight may be diſcovered by the following Experi- ment. Let A B be a Glafs Tube, open at both Ends, and the End B immerfed in the Water ED of the Phial CD, and let the Mouth of the Phial С be fealed cloſe. Then let a little Air be blown through the Tube A B, and it will condenſe the Air CE in the Phial, and thereby encreaſe its Elafticity, which will raiſe a Column of Water B F in the Tube, whofe Weight together, with that of the Air, preffing on the Surface F, will be equal to the encreaſed Spring of the Air CE. If now this Phial be carried to the C Height of 72 Feet, or 864 Inches above the Earth's Surface, the Water will rife from F to G, through a Space F G 1 Inch; whence it appears, that I Inch of Water is equivalent in Weight to 864 Inches 1 A G F E D of Air, of the Denfity it has at the Earth's Surface; and fo I Inch of Air is equivolent, or of the fame Weight with Part of an Inch of Water. Whence the Weight of Air is to the Weight of Water (in equal Bulks) as to I, or as 1 to 864. Sir Iſaac Newton has ſtated it as 1 to 860. 804 I 864 2082. Now becaufe it is found by Experiment, a Cubic Inch of Water weighs 253,3 Grains; therefore fay, as 864: 1 :: 253,30,293 = 1 of a Grain nearly, for the Weight of a cubic Inch of Air; and becauſe a Cube is to its infcribed Sphere as I: 0,524 (847); therefore fay, as I: 0,524 :: 0,293 : 0,1535 = 10% of Grain, the Weight of a Globe of Air 1 Inch in Diameter.* I 2083. The fame Inftrument (viz. the Phial with the Tube. of Water (2081) being held near the Fire, the Water will afcend to the Height of feveral Inches in the Tube, which fhews the Expansion of the Air, or its increafed Elafticity by HEAT. On the other Hand, if the Phial be immerfed in cold Water, the Water in the Tube will defcend fome Inches below F, which will demonftrate the Contraction of the Air, or the Diminution of its Elafticity, by COLD. 1 I 2084. *The Weight of a Pint of Air, Wine Meafure, or 231 cubic In- ches, I have conftantly found by the Ballance to be 8 Grains, which is at the Rate of of a Grain, per cubic Inch, as above. TO Of GUNNERY. 305 CHA P. IV. Of the NATURE and PRODUCTION of artificial ÁIR ; and a COMPUTATION of the explofive FORCE of GUNPOWDER thence deduced. HE Properties of common Air hitherto conlidered 2084 are not fo much the Subject of our prefent Specu- T lation, as the fame Properties in another Subject which the mo- dern Philoſophy has diſcovered, and which from its perfect Si- milarity to common Air, is ufually called artificial or factitious AIR. This Subſtance, in its natural State, is no other than the common Subſtance of all Sorts of Bodies, and which being by chymical Operations, or otherwife, fet at Liberty, acquires the Form of Air in every Refpe&t, becoming a fine, tranſparent, inviſible, elaftic, ponderous Fluid. A C 2085. One eafy Method of obtaining this elaftic Fluid is thus; let A B be a tall cylindric Glafs, with a very fmall Hole E at the Bottom; in the Glaſs put any alkalinous Subftance D as a Piece of Chalk, Tartar, &c. then fill the Glafs to the Top with common Water (ftopping the Hole E with the Finger) and to the Water put a little Aqua Fortis, and then flop the Orifice A clofe with the Cork C; this done, you will fee the Acid act upon the Alkali, and pro- duce a Fermentation which confifts in the violent Eruption and Ebullition of this new generated Fluid, which will keep conftantly afcending to the Top of the Veffel, in Form of fmall Bubbles of Air; and by its Elafticity, it will, by Degrees, force all the Water out of the Tube through the Hole E. E B 2086. By this Experiment the Elafticity of this new genera. ted Air is fhewn to be greater than that of the Atmoſphere; and by many other Experiments, it appears to be extremely great, and to produce Effects thereby fuperic. to thofe of any other Force we know of in Nature; but in order to make Efti- mations of this Kind, we muft firft know what Quantities and VOL. II. Weights Rr 6 306 INSTITUTIONS Proport. Part Weights of this Fluid are produced from Bodies of feveral Sorts; and as theſe have been determined by Experiments, by feveral eminent Philofophers, I fhall here fubjoin a Specimen thereof from the late Dr. Hale's Vegetable Statics. Several Sorts of Matter. 유 ​2087. Dear's Horn Øyſter Shell Heart of Oak बाल बाल बाली 117 24-I 33 7 162 266 46. I ☎ 108 135 30 Indian Wheat 270 388 77 Peaſe I 396 318 113 3 Muftard Seed 270 437 77 Amber 14 135 135 38 I O Dry Tobacco 35 I 153 142 44 3 Honey with Calx of Bones I 144 359 4I Yellow Wax I 54 243 15 T6 Coarfe Sugar I 126 373 36 I TO Newcaſtle Coal I 180 ༣ 158 I 51 3 Nitre with Bone Calx I 2 90 211 26 Rhenifh Tarter I 504 443 144 Calculus Humanus 31 + 515 230 147 2088. By this Table it appears how greatly this Fluid is con denſed in its natural State in Bodies; thus 3 of an Inch of Cal- Culus Humanus, produced 650 Times its own Bulk of Air, which made nearly one Half of its fixed Subftance. When this Air, therefore, comes to be fet at Liberty, no wonder we fee fuch violent Expanfions, Exploſions, Incalefcences, &c. as happen in firing the Pulvis fulminans, GUNPOWDER, and in the Mixtures of various Sorts of Fluids. For fince it has been found by many Experiments, that the Elafticity and Weight of this Air is the fame with that of the common Air; therefore its Elafticity being as its Denſity (2078, 2079) will be as much greater in its fixed State in Bodies than that of the common Air, as its Bulk Of GUNNERY. 307 Bulk when fet at Liberty (or in a State of Expanfion) exceeds. the Bulk of the Body which produced it (973). 2089. But to apply this to GUNPOWDER (with which we are here more immediately concerned) we muſt firſt confider its .conftituent Parts which are Nitre, or Salt-petre, Sulphur, and Charcoal Powder. As to Charcoal, it appears, by Experiment, to afford none of this Auid elaftic Air; and as to Sulphur, it is fo far from yielding any of this Fluid, that on the contrary, it abſorbs or attracts, and fixes the common Air in which it is fired, and thereby diminiſhes its Quantity and Elafticity, as is well known by Experiment. The elaftic Fluid, therefore, that is produced, by firing Gunpowder, muſt be derived chiefly from the Salt-petre; and this is known to be a Subſtance imbibed from the Air by the Earth, becauſe thoſe who make it, extract it from the fame Parcel of Earth many Times one after another, after it has been duly prepared, and expoſed to the Air for a proper Time. 2090. But becauſe Nitre produces only 180 Times its Bulk of Air (2087) and Mr. Haukfbee, by Experiment, found Gun- powder produced 232 Times its Bulk; and by moft accurate Experiments, Mr. Robins has found it to produce 244 Times its Bulk; therefore it ſeems, that fome additional Quantity of Air is produced by compounding theſe different Subſtances to- gether in this Sort of Powder. This Quantity of Air, from Gunpowder, was determined in the following Manner: Mr. Robins fired of an Ounce, Averdupois, in a Receiver of about 520 cubic Inches Capacity; this funk the Mercury in the Gage 2 Inches; and as the Height of the Mercury was then near 30 Inches, therefore 18 of an Ounce would have produced fo much Air as would have preffed all the Mercury out of the Gage; that is, 1 of an Ounce would produce 520 cubic Inches of Air of the fame Elafticity of common Air. But 1: 520 :: 1: 575, the cubic Inches that one Ounce of Powder would produce. I ठ 5 2091. But as Heat augments the Elafticity of Air, and this Powder was fired upon a red-hot Iron; Part of the Expanfion was owing to that Heat. But this Heat was lefs than that of boiling Water which encreaſes the Expanfion of Air to more than a Part of the Whole; if, therefore, the Number 575 be leffened by Part, it may be nearly the fame as would be 4 I Rr 2 pro- 308 INSTITUTIONS P 3 produced in the Receiver not heated, viz. 460 cubic Inches; but 17 Drams of Powder will fill 2 cubic Inches, therefore 16: 17: 460: 488 cubic Inches of Air from 2 cabic Inches of Powder; therefore I cubic Inch of Powder will produce 244 of Air. Ι 2092. Mr. Robins, to try how much this Elafticity or Expan- fion of Air would be augmented by the Flame of the fired Pow- der, fuppofes the Heat of this Flame nearly the fame with that of the extreme (or white) Heat of red-hot Iron; and this he found to augment the Elafticity of common Air in Proportion of 194 to 796. If then we fay, 194 796: 244 999; this laft Number will fhew how much the Elafticity of the Air produced from Powder, when inflamed, is greater than that of the Air in its natural State. मु 3 2093. Since I cubic Inch of Mercury weighs very nicely 348,1 Ounce Averdupois Weight, a Pillar of Mercury, whofe Bafe is one Square Inch, and Height 29, will weigh 14 Pound 15 Ounces; therefore as the Air fuftains by its Preffure or na- tural Elafticity, a Weight of 15 Pound (at a Medium) upon a Square Inch; the Elafticity of the inflamed elaftic Air of Gun- powder, which is 1000 Times as great, will act upon every Square Inch (at its firft Accenfion) with a Force which is 15000 lb. or fomewhat above 6 Ton Weight. CHA P. V. From the given DIMENSIONS of any PIECE of AR- TILLERY, the DENSITY of its BALL, and the QUANTITY of its CHARGE, are determined the VELOCITY which the Ball will acquire from the Explofion; and alfo the Length of the Charge pro- ducing the greateſt Velocity poffible. 2094 N the preceeding Article we have fhewn what the Force 2094 - NO of the Powder is at the Inftant of its Accenfion or taking Fire, but fince this Action of the Powder is not inſtanta- neous Of GUNNERY. 309 neous, but continues to urge the Bullet all the Time it is in the Barrel; and fince this Force is not uniformly the fame, but de- creaſes from firſt to laft, and is every where inverſely as the Space which the elaftic Fluid fills, that is, as its Bulk, (2080) it will be neceffary in order to make a Computation of the Mo- tion or Velocity of the Bullet, to premife the following Lem- mata. 2095. Let AC be the Space thro' which a Body is propel- led by any Force whoſe Action is continued and determined, G F B A and which may be reprefented E by the Ordinate GE moving C D & on the Abfcifs A C, and let B G be the Curve defcribed by the Point G; draw D F indefinitely near to EG, and put AE= x, EG = y; the Velocity of the Body in Ev, the Time in which A E is deſcribed = t; then will (ED) & and ¿ (the Fluxions of the Space, Time, and Velocity) be as the naf- cent or evanefcent Increments of thoſe Quantities x, v, and ↑ (788). 2096. Now though the Velocity upon the Whole is not uni- form yet for a Moment, or while the Lineola ED is deſcribed, it may be eſteemed ſo (992) and therefore we ſhall have v x i (by 991). Alſo we have the moving Force y = (998); wherefore it is i = வ் V وتو whence y xvi = EG × ED = the Fluxion of the Space ABGE; therefore v² = ABGE (804), and ſo we have v = √✓2 ABGE; that is (fince 2 is a conſtant Quantity) the Velocity will be every where in the ſubduplicate Ratio of the Area ABGE. 2097. Since the Quantity of Motion Qis always proportional to the moving Force GE, or y; therefore Q== vm (970) whence t = I ข ; alfo, becauſe when Q=1, a given Quantity; then, alfo v = m I I 2 and tas v; therefore = 1 x v = v¹; 732 M con- 310 INSTITUTIONS confequently v > m that is, the Velocity of any Body urged through a given Space by a given Power acting with a determinate Force in every Part of that Space will be reciprocally in the fubdupli- cate Ratio of the Quantity of Matter. J S K HI L R P о IB M 2098. Theſe Things premifed, let A B reprefent the Axis of any Piece of Artillery, A the Breech, and B the Muzzle; DC the Diameter of the Bore, and DE GC a Part of its Cavity filled with Powder; O the Ball that is to be impelled thereby, lying with its hinder Surface at the Line GE. Then, becauſe the Force (F) of the Powder againſt an Inch Square is known (2092, 2093) the Force (F) exerted on the Area of a Circle, one Inch in Diameter, will be known alfo; for it will be F: F:: 1:0,7854, whence F = 0,7854 F (269). Now let D 1 Inch, and d = Diameter of any other Circle as that of the Ball O, that is, let d EG, and (f) the Force of the Powder exerted on this laſt Circle; then F:ƒ:: D² : d² (840) therefore ƒ = F d³ = J 0,7854 F d² the Force of the Powder acting at the first Inftant of its Accenfion on the Ball O in the Direction of the Axis A B. } 2099: Of GUNNERY. 311 2099. Let this Force then be repreſented by any Line F H, perpendicular to A B in the Point F. Then, becauſe the Den- fity of the elaftic Fluid confined in the Space EDCG is to the Denfity thereof when expanded into any other Space a DC b, as thoſe cylindric Spaces inverfely (2072) or as the Lengths A M, A F; and fince the elaftic Force is in the fame Ratio with the Denſity; therefore by making MN: FH::AF: AM; and BQ:FH::AF: AB; then fhall M N and BQ be as the Force of the Powder upon the Ball at M and at B, and the Curve which connects the Points H, N, Q, will be an Hyper- bola (by 778). 3000. To the Point A draw the Right-line A I parallel to FH, and SH parallel to AB; then will AI, A B be the Afymptotes of the Hyperbola, and the Rectangles AFX FHAM × MN = AB × BQ = 1, the Power of the Hyperbola (779); and from what has been faid, it is eaſy to underſtand that the whole Force of the Powder exerted on the Ball while it moves from F to B, is as the hyperbolical Space HFBQ, and therefore as the A B AF hyperbolical Logarithm of the Ratio (829, 850). 3001. Since the Force impelling the Ball at F is known (2098) and the Weight of the Ball is fuppofed given, the Ratio between the faid Force and the Weight of the Ball is known, which let be as F H to FL; then if the Ball were to be impelled to the Diſtance FB by a Force equal to its Gravity, becauſe the Force of Gravity through fo fmall a Space is uniform, or acts in every Point with the fame Tenour, therefore in any Point. M or B the Force will be as M R FL, and BPFL, and confequently the Line which joins the Points L, R, P, is a Right-line, and parallel to the Axis A B, and the whole Ac- tion or Force of Gravity impelling the Ball through A B will be as the Rectangle FLPB FB x FL. 3002. But the Velocities acquired by the Ball when propelled by the Force of Gravity, and by the Force of the Powder, thro' the Space FB, are as FLBP, and FHQB (2096). And fince F B is a given Length, the Velocity acquired in falling through that Space is known. Thus fuppofe the Length of the Bore AB = 45 Inches, and the Length of the Charge AF = 2 // 312 INSTITUTIONS 2 = 3 ठ 2 & Inches; then AB-AF FB 42 Inches (as in Mr. Robins's Example). Then 16,2 Feet: 42 (=3,53 Feet):: 32,4: V² (by 996). Whence 64,8 x 3,53 = V = 15,07 Feet per Second, the Velocity acquired by the Body falling thro' the Space F B. ΤΖ 3 3003. Again, to find the Ratio of F L to FH, fuppofe the Ball O be of Lead, whofe Diameter d of an Inch; then will its Weight be of a Pound Averdupois. Therefore the Gravity of the Ball is to the Force of the Powder at F, as to 0,7854 F d² (by 2098), that is, as 1 to 79521,6; and ſuch is the Ratio of F L to FH, fuppofing the Preſſure of Air on a ſquare Inch juſt equal to 15 lb. 1 I 3004. But the Number 79521,6 is fomewhat too large, fince a Column of Mercury, whoſe Baſe is 1 fquare Inch, and Alti- tude 29, weighs but 14 lb. 15 Ounces; and I find Mr. Robins has taken for a mean Altitude 28,2 Inches of Mercury, or 33 Feet of Water, whofe Weight is but about 14lb. 4 Ounces, and he alſo makes the ſpecific Gravity of Lead to that of Water, as 11,345 to 1, conſequently a Column of Lead, 34,9 Inches Al- titude, will have the fame Weight or Preffure; and multiplying this by 1000 (2093) the Product 34900 Inches, will be the Height of a Column of Lead, whofe Preflure is equal to that exerted on the Bullet at the Moment of Accenfion. 3005. Now the Bullet being of an Inch in Diameter, is equal to a Cylinder on the fame Baſe, and 1 Inch in Height; for the Solidity of the Sphere is 3 4 pd² 6, I ठ 2 and that of a Cylinder is pdb 4 (by 836, 831). Wherefore if pd2 = pdh, then 4 d = 6b; whence hd of = 4, the Height of the Cylinder, equal to the Ball in Weight and Magnitude. Therefore 34900 × 2 = 69800; whence the Ratio of the Force of Pow- der is to the Weight of the Bullet, as 69800 to 1. And ſo F L : FH:: 1:69800. I 3006. But we have FB: FA : 42:23: 339: 21. Hence the Rectangle FL BP is to the Rectangle AFSH, as IX 339: 21 × 69800: 1: 4324. And fince the Rectangle AFSH is equal to the Power of the Hyperbola (853) it is to any hyperbolic Logarithm FHQB, as 0,43429, &c. to the tabu- ! Fig 2. E F R H U I N M B W K A C Fig 1 2. D Of GUNNERY. 313 tabular Logarithm of the fame Ratio AB 360 AF 21 > which is 1,2340579 (by 854). Therefore the Rectangle FLBP 1 : Space FHQB:: I x 0,43429 ::1:12263. Confequently v: V :: = 4324 X 1,2340579 FLBP:/FHQB (2096): ✔✅I : √12263 :: 1 : 110,7 :: 15,07 Feet: 1668 Feet V Velocity of the Ball required; that is, the Velo- city communicated to the Ball by the whole Force or Action of the Powder will be that of 1668 Feet per Second, of uniformi Motion. CHAP. VI. The THEORY for determining the VELOCITY of the BULLET at the MUZZEL of the GUN arising from the QUANTITY of the CHARGE, the LENGTH of the PIECE, and DIAMETER of its Bore; alſo the CHARGE producing the GREATEST VELOCI TY in a Piece of given Dimenſions. 3007: As S the THEORY of military PHILOSOPHY confifts chiefly in two great Points, viz. (1.) To fhew how far the Velocity of the Bullet or Cannon-ball is affected, whilſt in the Piece, by the Force of the Powder, the Diameter of the Bore, and the Quantity of the Charge, under any given Varia- tions; or (2.) after it is out of the Piece, by the Refiflance of the Air; and having premiſed the neceffary geometrical Princi- ples, we ſhall now proceed directly to an Illuftration of them Both. 3008. Let a = A B, the LENGTH of the PIECE under Con- fideration, and b Length of any other Piece of Artillery. Then if the Length of the Charge A F and the Bore be the fame in each, we fhall have the Area FH QB, or L VOL. II. s f a Vi AF b. L AF 314 INSTITUTIONS L b AF : V² (3006). But the three firſt Quantities are known, and therefore V = Velocity of the Bullet through the Length of the Bore denoted by (b) will alſo be known. Hence it appears, that the longer the Barrel is, the greater will be the Velocity of the Bullet. 3009. If the BORE of the GUN be varied, all other Things remaining the fame; then, putting D Diameter of the Bore in the preſent Inftance, and D = Diameter of any other Bore; it is evident the Quantity, and, conſequently, the Force of the Powder in each will be in the Ratio of D2 to D, and the Force of the Powder in the Bore, whofe Diameter is D, will be refift- ed in the Ratio of the Weight of the Ball or of its Magnitude, that is as D³ (by 841). Wherefore the Area F HQB will be D2 I varied in the Ratio of D3 or that is, D :D :: V² : V²; Di Ꭰ : = and foD:D :: VV the Velocity of the Bullet fought. Hence the fmaller the Bore is, the greater will be the Velo- city of the Bullet. 3010. If A F, or the QUANTITY of the CHARGE be varied, other Things remaining the fame; then the Rectangle A FSH, and, conſequently, the Area FHQ B will alſo vary, but not in the fame Proportion; for there is a certain Quantity of Powder or Length of A F, which with Refpect to the Length of the Piece A B, will give a greater Velocity to the Bullet than any other. Then will 3011. Therefore let A B = a, and AF = x. the Velocity be as the Force of the Powder at the firſt Inſtant of Accenfion, viz. as AH, or AF = x; and alſo as the whole AF-x Action of the Powder upon the Ball while in the Barrel, or as a the Area F HQB = L; confequently, the Velocity will be as a * L²/ x X > or is x LaxLx. Letz any other Length of the, a Charge, then we ſhall have x L:zL :: V² : V². a 2 3012. Hence the Velocity of the Bullet at the Muzzle of Guns of a different Length, Bore, and Charge, will be as in the following Analogies, viz. Va Of GUNNERY. 375 V²: V2 :: L²: L², for Lengths as a to b. 2 x x V² : V² :: D: D, for Diameters of Bore as D to D. V: a a V : V :: xL²:zL2, for Lengths of Charge as x to z. x Confequently, V : V :: 5 a 5 DxL2 S/DEL ། ཁྱ Q L X X 3013. But fince it is evident from the Expreffion of the Velo- city x L a — xLa—xLx, there will be one determinate Va- lue of x which will make it a Maximum, therefore by putting its Fluxion=0, we have La — x L x x- o (becauſe the Fluxion of L ≈ = -, Lx ~~ (849); wherefore La-1- Lx. Now x X I let a = 10; then, becauſe, the hyperbolical Logarithm of 10 is 2,302585; therefore Lx = 1,302585; but as I: 0,4342448 :: 1,302585 : 0,565710 = tabular Logarithm of x (853). Therefore 3,679 A F, when the Velocity is a Maxi- x = mum. 3014. And becauſe in this Caſe L a a X 1 =I (for La-Lx= L2) the Velocity x L when a Maximum, will be as I = L = x X * or 3,679. Alfo when or AF a 1 of AB, then becauſe * = 1, we have the Velocity * L = La=2,302585, which x X is not quite of the Maximum Velocity. And thus the Velocity acquired from any other Charge of Powder may be compared with the greatest Velocity. 3015. It is obfervable, that when the Velocity is greateſt, then AF:AB:: (3,679 : 10 ::) 1: 2,71828; which Ratio is called the modular Ratio, becauſe its Meaſure (L) is 1 = the Module of the Syſtem, or Power of the Hyperbola (779). I I 3016. This Maximum Charge is to that in common Uſe, (in Art. 3003) as to, that is near 7 Times as large. The Reaſons why we do not, or rather care not to uſe 2.7 Sf 2 this 816 INSTITUTIONS 1 this Charge for the greateſt Velocity, are many; for first, it would make too great a Confumption of Powder, viz. 6 or 7 Times more than what we now ufe. Secondly, the Force of the Powder in the Gun, would in that Cafe, be fo great, that the Barrels must be 5 or 6 Times as thick as they now are to avoid bursting; by which Means they would be rendered too expen- five and unweildy. Thirdly, the Velocity of the Bullet, from common Charges, is fufficient in long Guns; and the greatest Velocity would be much too great. Lastly, in fhort Guns, as Piftols, &c. we may ufe this Maximum Charge very well on many Occafions, for I 2,7 27 Inches, the Length of § : the Barrel, whofe Charge AF2 Inches. 3017. If instead of one Bullet, there be 2, 3, or 4, laid be- fore the Charge, then will the Velocities of the Bullets, in each reſpective Cafe, be as fince I √ √ 39 (574). Therefore, , the Velocity of a Bullet when there is 4, will be but that of a ſingle one. Hence alſo the Velocity of a leaden Bullet is to that of an Iron one, as or √3 to 2. 11,345 to ✔✅✔✅7,645, 3018. In this Theory, Mr. Robins has ſuppoſed two Things, viz. (1.) That the Action of the Powder upon the Bullet ceaſes as foon as it is got out of the Piece; and (2.) That all the Pow- der of the Charge is fired before the Bullet is fenfibly moved out of its Place. The firft of thefe Poftulates is felf evident; and the Second is very nearly true, that the few Grains uſually thrown out unfired, can but little affect the Theory; and he found it fo by many Experiments upon Guns of different Lengths, and diſcharging a different Number of Bullets from the fame Gun. But this was more particularly confirmed afterwards by many Experiments made by Appointment of the Royal Society. The general Refult of which proved, that not above Part of the whole Charge was collected in Grains unfired; and this, in Reality, could be reckoned no more than a Part. For theſe Experiments were made with common Powder, which produ- ced a larger Quantity unfired, than the fineft grained Powder will do (fuch as Mr. Robins uſed) in the Proportion of 5 to 3, as was found by Experience. And again, the Saltpetre extracted from the Powder, thrown out unfired, compared with that of 1 the Of GUNNERY. 317 IZ I ठ the Charge, was found to be nearly the Ratio of 7 to 9; and, therefore, though 2 Penny-weight of unfired Grains were col- lected from a Charge of 12 Penny-weight, which was ½ Part, yet this reduced in the Proportion of 5 to 3, will be but; and this again reduced in the Ratio of 9 to 7, is nearly of the Whole. In fome Trials, the Deficiency was but the I Part of the whole Charge, from whence it will appear, how inftan- taneuofly the whole Body of the Charge is fired, and how little the Velocity of the Bullet muſt be affected by the ſmall Part un- fired, as will be evident from the enfuing Experiments in Chap. VIII. 18 CHAP. VII. The THEORY of the MACHINE contrived by Mr. ROBINS, for determining the VELOCITY which any BALL moves with at any Distance from the Piece it is diſcharged from. 3019. HAVING afcertained by the THEORY what the Ve- locity of a Bullet ſhould be under any given Quan- tities of Charge, Length of Barrel, and Diameter of Bore; it re- mains in the next Place to confirm this excellent Theory by Experiments. For this Purpoſe, Mr. Robins invented a Me- thod, which by Means of a compound PENDULUM, and its Ap- paratus, gives the Velocity of any Bullet iffuing either from the Muzzle of the Gun, or at any Diſtance from it. The Ratio nale of which Machine, and the Manner of applying it for fuch Ules, are now to explained. 3020. To this End the Machine must be first of all defcribed, of which the Body confiits of three ftrong Poles or Legs B, C, D, fpreading at Bottom, and joining at Top in the Head-piece A. On two of thefe Legs, towards the Top, are fcrewed on two Sockets R, S, in which a Pendulum EFHI is hung, by Means of the Cross-piece EF, which is the Axis of Sufpenfion on which the 3 18 INSTITUTIONS the Pendulum vibrates very freely. The lower Part of the Pendulum is a thick fquare Piece of Wood G HIK, faftened to the Back-part (which is of Iron) by Screws. A little below the Bottom of the Pendulum, there is a Brace OP fixed to the Legs B, C; and to the Brace is fixed a Part M N U made with two Edges of Steel, bearing on each other in the Line U N, fomewhat in the Manner of a Drawing-Pen; the Strength with which they prefs on each other being diminiſhed or encreafed at Pleaſure by a Screw Z going through the upper Piece. At the Bottom of the Pendulum is faftened a narrow Ribbon L N W, which paffes between the Steel-Edges, and paffing thro' a Hole in the lower Piece of Steel hangs looſely down as at W. 3021. The Artifice of this Contrivance, tho' fimple, is ad- mirable; the Bullet diſcharged from the Gun againſt this Pen- dulum puts it into Motion; and both the Bullet and Pendulum are to be confidered as Non-Elaflic Bodies; the Bullet being of Lead, is evidently fo; and the Wood tho' to flow Motions it may be confidered as fomewhat elaftic, yet with refpect to very fwift Motions it cannot be conceived in the leaft Degree fo; fince there is no Time for the Parts to act by their natural Refort. 3022. The Bullet and Pendulum, therefore, will in their Motions and Action on each other, obferve the Laws of Percuf- fion laid down for Non-elaftic Bodies (from Art. 1003, 1012.) But before we can come to apply them in the preſent Cafe, we muſt firft ſhow how the Momentum or Quantity of Motion is to be ef- timated in the Pendulum when put into Motion by the Bullet, and alfo with what Velocity it moves after the Stroke. 3023. In Order to this we muſt know that the Weight of the Pendulum (Mr. Robins made Uſe of ) was 56lb. 3oz. The Center of Gravity was diſtant from the Axis of Suſpenſion 52 Inches. And 200 of its ſmall Vibrations were performed in the Time of 253 Seconds; wherefore the Time of one Vibration is 23 Parts of a Second; and therefore fince the Length of a Pendulum which vibrates in one Second is 39,2 Inches (1125) and the Lengths of Pendulums are as the Squares of their Time of Vibration (1116.) Therefore fay, as 12: 253″2 200 200 39.2 Inches: 62,73 Inches, the Diſtance of the Center of Oſcillation from the Axis of Vibra- tion. Of GUNNERY. 319 tion. Laftly the Center of the Piece of Wood GHIK (on which the Bullet is fuppofed to impinge) is diftant from the faid Axis 66 Inches. 3024. Now if all the Matter of the Pendulum were concen- tered in the Center of that Piece or Wood, it would refift the Bul- let with all its Force, viz. of 561b. 3oz. becauſe that would then be the Center of both Gravity, and Ofcillation; but fince the Cen- ter of Gravity is fhort of this Point, the Refiftance will be dimi- nifhed in Proportion, viz. in the Ratio of 66 to 52. And again, another Diminution of the Force will arife on Account of the Velocity of the Motion, becauſe alfo the Center of Oſcillation (by which that is eftimated) is fhort of the Center of the Wood where the Stroke is made in the Ratio of 66 to 62 . Therefore the Force or Refiftance will be diminiſhed in the Ratio of 66 X 66 to 62 × 52; that is, it will be 662: 62 X 52::564. 30z.: 42 lb. Loz. T 3025. What has been hitherto faid, is rather by Illuftration deduced from the Confideration of a compound Pendulum of the moft fimple Form, but fuch was not the Pendulum which Mr. Robins uſed in his Machine, the Theory of which we fhall there- fore give with its Demonftration, as follows: 3026. Let FC be the Shaft, and ABED the Weight of the Pendulum, both Parallelopipeds, and HI the Axis of Motion; then is FG (FC), the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity of the Shaft, and FN (FC), the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation, and put the whole Length FC a. And let the End C be the Center of the fquare Parallelopiped ABDE, whoſe Weight let us call W, and the Weight of the Shaft w. 3027. The two Centers of Gravity, G and C, will have a common Center at g; and it will be w: W:: Cg: Gg. Put Cg = d; then is Gg = 다 ​H I A 闆 ​G N B n C D W d ՂԱ 320 INSTITUTIONS + wd a w, whence d = W d W d; therefore W d = ½ a w a w 二 ​2 x W + w ลบ - wd; and W d Confequently, a w Fg=a-d=a — 2 a W + aw 2 W + 2 w 8 = the 2 x W + w Diſtance of the compound Center of Gravity from the Axis of Me- tion. 1 3 3028. By the Addition of the Weight AD, the Center of Ofcillation will be drawn down from N to fome other Point n; to determine which, we proceed thus. Since FNa (1097) and the Momenta of the Weights in the Shaft is aw; there- forea × wa = a aw = Momenta, or Sum of all the Forces in the Shaft. Alfo the whole Force of the Body A D (confidered alone, vibrating at the Diſtance F C a) is a a W, and the Momenta of its Weight will be a W. If therefore the Sum of the Forces of the Shaft and Body AD, be divided by the Sum of the Moments, we fhall have a aw + a² W Zaw + a W त्रु Law + a W ½ w + W = n = Fn, the Diſtance of the Center of Of- 2 cillation from the Axis HI (1094). 3029. From what we have fhewn, it appears that a:g:: W+w: W + w (3023). 2 a: n :: W + w: W + 3w (3024). 2 + = Wherefore by Compofition of Ratios, we have a a: gn :: W+w W + ;w; and therefore gn × W + w = aa× W + w. 3030. But gn x Ww F, the Force of the Pendu- lum expreffed in a general Way (1095) and therefore with Re- But were gard to the Point C, the Force is a a x W + w. 3 the Body AD a fimple Pendulum of the fame Weight, its Force at the faid Point would be a ax W+w, which is to the Force in its preſent State, as W+w to W+w; and which, therefore, is the Ratio of Diminution. 3031, Of GUNNERY. 321 3 3031. To apply theſe Theorems to the Machine here uſed, we have a 66, g = 52, n = = 52, n = ½ 62,73, (or 62 to uſe Mr. Robins's Number) and the Weight of the whole W + w 56lb. 30%. = 899 Ounces. Then we have 66² (≈ 4356) : 623 × 52 (= 32583): 56 lb. 3oz. (= 899 oz.): 671 — = Ounces, or 42 lb. nearly (3025). As 899 671 228 oz. =w; therefore w 342 oz. and W = 557 oz. ΤΖ lb. as 504 to 1. I 3032. This compound Pendulum, then, is reduced to the Cafe of a fimple Pendulum whofe Length is 66 Inches, and Weight = 42 lb. oz. which is to the Weight of the Bullet = Let this equivalent. fimple Pendulum then be repreſented by AC 66; and on the Center C and Diameter DE defcribe the Semi- circle D A E. Let Aa E be the Arch deſcribed by the Pendulum impelled by the Bullet; and A E the Chord of that Arch. Then we have fhewn (1113) that the Velocity of the Pendulum by which it fhall defcribe the Arch E A is the fame as would be acquired by an heavy Body falling through the fame perpendicular Height GE; which Ve- locity is the next Thing to be deter- mined. In order to this, it is eafy to وح a E underſtand, that when the Pendulum is in its perpendicular Po- fition in a State of Reft, and the Ribbon drawn ftrait, with a Pin put through that Part which is contiguous to the Edges UN, that when the Bullet impinges on the Pendulum, the Rib- bon will be drawn out in fuch Manner as to meafure the Chord of the Arch deſcribed by the Point L; for it will be equal to the Interval between the Pin, and the Edges U N. T2 3033. Now by an Experiment made with a Gun 45 Inches in Length, 2 Inches Charge of Powder (weighing 12 Penny- weight) the Bullet Inch-diameter, and lb. Weight; and the Muzzel of the Gun at the Diſtance of about 16 or 18 Feet; it was found that the Ribbon was drawn out 17 1 Inches. Now the Diſtance of the Point L is 71 Inches from the Axis, and therefore if we fay, as 71: 174 :: 66: 16 Inches nearly; it VOL. II. I Tt 7 will 322 INSTITUTIONS will appear, that the Chord of a fimilar Arch defcribed by the Center of the Piece GHIK was 16 Inches nearly. 4 3034. Wherefore (in the Fig. 3026) A E≈ 16, and DE = (2 AC =) 132. And drawing AD, we have DE: AE :: AE: GE, that is 132: 16 :: 16: 1,939 = GE. If then we fay, as 193† : 32 :: ✔ 1,939: 3 Number of Feet ✓ per Second, that a Body would deſcribe by an uniform Motion with the Velocity acquired in falling through GE. The Velo- city therefore with which the Pendulum moved after the firſt Moment of Impact was that of 3 Feet per Second. 4 3035. The Cafe of the Bullet and Pendulum is therefore re- duced to that of the two Bodies B and A (in Ic03); and fince m: M:: 1½ lb.: 42 16. 1/2 oz.:: 0,083: 42,031 : 1 : 504,6; and becauſe the Pendulum was at Reft, we have (1009) the Ve- 12 I locity of the Bullet = v = M + m m (= 505,6) × V = 505,6 × 31643 Feet per Second. That is, by Experiment, the Bullet moved at the Rate of 1643 Feet per Second, and by the Theory it was determined 1668 Feet (in 3006); and as this was at the Muzzel of the Gun, and the other at the Diſtance of 16 or 18 Feet from it, the fmall Difference of 15 Feet is no more than the Allowance which ought to be made for the Refiſtance of the Air to the ſwift Motion of the Bullet paffing through that Space. Whence appears the wonderful Degree of Exactnefs be- tween the Theory and Experiments made quite independent of it. 3036. Having thus determined the Velocity for the Length of one Chord; the Velocity of the Pendulum for any other Length of a Chord (or Ribbon drawn out) will be known; becauſe the Velocities have the fame Ratio with thoſe Chords, for fince DE × GE = A E², and DE is a ſtanding Quantity; it will al- ways be GE as A E², and confequently AE as GE, that is, as the Velocity acquired in falling through GE (by 991). And hence, becauſe the Velocity of the Bullet v=VX 505,6; and this Number 505,6 (for the fame Bullet and Pendulum) is conftant, we have the Velocity (v) of the Bullet always propor- tional to (V) the Velocity of the Pendulum, and conſequently to the Chord of the Arch in any Vibration. CHAP. Of GUNNER Y. 323 С НА Р. VIII. An Account of the EXPERIMENTS made for com- paring the actual VELOCITIES with which BUL- LETS of different Kinds are diſcharged from their respective PIECES, with their VELOCITIES COM- puted from the THEORY. 3037. THE THEORY for determining the Velocities of Bul- lets difcharged from given Pieces of Artillery having been fully deſcribed; and in the laft Chapter it has been fhewn how the actual Velocities of Bullets are meaſured and afcertained by Means of a Machine; it now remains to compare the Reſult of the Theory with Experience, and thereby to evince how ac- curately this Theory agrees with the real Motions of Bullets though founded on Principles no ways connected with thofe Ex- periments. Some of theſe we fhall felect for illuftrating the Theory by a particular Application; and then give a general View of the Experiments as we find them tabulated by Mr. Ro- bins himſelf. 3038. By Experiments made on a Barrel only 12,375 Inches, the Theory was farther confirmed. For (cæteris paribus) we have by the Theory (3008) the L 45 2,625 2 : 17,25 : L 12,375 2,625 : 162,37 Square of the Chord whofe Length is fought in the prefent Cafe, which therefore would have been 12,74 In- ches, had the Weight of the Pendulum been the fame, but as it was fome finall Matter lighter, than that in (3020), the Chord. was by the Theory a little larger, viz. 12,8 Inches; and by Experiment it was 12,7, 12,6, 12,4; on three different Trials. Here the very ſmall Differences are little more than what muſt refult from the Bullets lodging in the Pendulum and making it thereby heavier each Time. 3039. By Experiments made with a Barrel 24,312 Inches in Length, all other Things the fame; the Length of Chord, by the Theory, agreed exactly with the Length of the Ribbon drawn Tt 2 out 324 INSTITUTIONS I I out being both 14,4 Inches. Whence the Velocity of the Bullet from the prefent Gun was to that from the Gun of 45 Inches, as 14,4 to 17,1; that is, as 17,1 14,4: 1643":1544" nearly. And for the Velocity of the Bullet from the Gun of 12,375, we have by Theory 17,1 : 12,8 :: 1643″: 1432″. Whence it appears, the Velocity in a fhort Gun is much greater (cæteris aribus) than in a long one. 3040. Again, by varying the Quantity of Powder in the fame Space or Cavity DEG C the Theory is ftill farther con- firmed; for if inſtead of 12 dwt. you put only half that Quan- tity, viz. 6 dwt. Then by the Theory (2996) the Velocity by 6 dwt. is to that of 12 dwt. in the fubduplicate Ratio of 6 to 12 (becauſe thofe Numbers are as the Forces or Elafticities impel- ling the Ball) that is, as ✅/12: ✅/6 :: 17,1:12; the Chord or Length of Ribbon therefore ſhould be nearly 12 Inches when the Bullet was difcharged with 6 dwt. of Powder, and by two Experiments the Length of the Ribbon drawn out was 11,2; 12,2; and the Deficiency was owing to this, that the Heat in firing fmall Quantities of Powder is not proportionally ſo great as in firing larger Quantities; and therefore the Impulſe is not to be expected quite fo great as by the Theory. Thus I dut. of Powder by the Theory gives a Velocity of 482 Feet per Se- cond, but by repeated Trials with that Quantity, the Velocity was not quite 400 Feet per 1". } 3041. The lefs Space the Fire or inflamed Powder has to act in the more Denſe it is, and confequently the ſtronger its Action; therefore when the 6 dwt. of Powder was rammed into but half the Space DEG C, it was found in two Experiments to produce Lengths of Ribbon which meaſured 13,2 and 13,9 Inches, whereas by the Theory it ſhould be 13,6 Inches. 3042. Let us now apply the Theory to determine the Velo- city of a Ball of 24 lb. fhot from a Cannot of 10 Feet 3 120 In- ches Length, with of its Weight (viz. 16 lb.) of Powder. The Diameter of an Iron Globe of that Weight (and confe- quently of the Bore of the Piece) will be found to be 5,325 In- ches, allowing the (pecial Gravity of Iron to be as in (2054). Alfo 16 lb. of Powder will fill a Cylinder of that Diameter to the Height of 21,63 Inches, allowing 8 Drams to a Cubic Inch. Of GUNNERY, 325 Inch. Hence (in the Fig. of Art. 2098.) we have A B 120; AF = 21,63; and F B 98,37. Whence (computing as in 3002, 3003,) we fhall find F L: FH::: 14732,4. 3043. Therefore FP: FS:: IX 98,37: 21,63 × 14732,4 • = AB ::: 4978,1. Alſo, we have ES: FQ:: 0,43429: L AF = 0,744125. Confequently it is FP: FQ:: 1 × 0,43429: 4078 x 0,744125 I 6987,4. The fubduplicate of this I: Ratio is that of 1 to 83,58. And the Velocity acquired in fall- ing through the Height F B 98,37 Inches is 23,05 Feet per 1". Whence 83,59 × 23,05 = 1926,6 Feet per 1" which the faid Bullet acquires at its Exit from the Muzzel of the Can- And ſince the ſpecific Gravity of Iron and Lead are (as the Quantities of Matter under equal Bulks) as 2 to 3 nearly ;* therefore fay (by 2097) as √3:√///2 √3:2::1926,6": 1573", the Feet per 1″ fuch a Bullet would move through if made with Lead. non. 3044. In theſe great Guns it will be neceffary to underſtand what Space the Piece will recoil through in firing it, or rather what Space the Gun will move through Backwards, while the Ball is carried forwards to the Muzzel thereof. In order to this, we must confider, that it is one and the fame Power (viz. the Elafticity of the Powder) that acts both on the Gun and Ball; and therefore in the Theorem QV GSM (1001) G is a given Quantity; and fo in the prefent Cafe, we have QV =SM, but Q V M in every Cafe (970) therefore S V²; that is, the Spaces defcribed in a given Time, by given Forces, will be as the Squares of the Velocity. 3045. Let S (FB) Space defcribed by the Ball, and V its Velocity; and let s Space through which the Gun recoils. with the Velocity v; M Quantity of Matter in the Gun, and m the fame in the Ball. Then we have S : s :: V² : // ² : : = I I (by 2097). Whence S:s:: M: m. Now the Weight 771 M lb. of the Gun is about 47 Cwt. or 5264 lb. and that of the Ball 24 lb.alſo S=98,37 (3042). Therefore we have 5264 lb. : 241 :: 98,37 *The Reader is defired to correct an Error in the Table of ſpeci fic Gravities (2054) where that of Lead is 10,131 inftead of 11.131. 326 INSTITUTIONS 2 :: 98,37 : 0,448 = Space of the Recoil, which is not quite an Inch, when the Ball is juſt out of the Gun. 3046. Hence we ſee the uſual Methods of conftructing Plat- forms for Cannon with fo much Strength and Firmness, and conſequently with ſo great an Expence, are not at all neceffary; fince if it be but fufficiently ſteady at the Beginning of the Re- coil, the remaining Part may be much flighter (as Mr. Robins obferves) fince its Unfteadinefs or Shaking beyond the first Inch can have no Influence on the Ball, (which is then out of the Gun) nor any how alter the Direction of the Shot. 3047. Having thus finiſhed a particular Application of theſe Experiments to elucidate the THEORY of GUNNERY according to the new Principles of Mr. Robins; we fhall now give a gene- ral View of the many valuable Experiments he made, and di- gefted into proper Tables, by which it will appear how furpriz- ingly the Theory agrees with and is corroborated and confirmed by thoſe Experiments. In thefe Trials it became neceffary fometimes to change the Board of the Pendulum (when too much battered and over-charged with Bullets) but when its Weight varied any Thing confiderable, Mr. Robins has taken Care to acquaint us with it. The following Account we ſhall give in his own Words. 3048. The firft Table contains three Experiments only, made with a Barrel 45 Inches in Length, and the Board on the Pen- dulum was 4 lb. lighter than that deſcribed (3023). Quantity of Powder. Chord of afcending Arch meaſured on the Ribbon. The fame by the Theory. Error of Theory. No. Dw. I 12 2 12 18,7 19,6 3 6 13,6 19,0 +3 19,0 -,6 13,4 -,2 3049. The next Experiments were made with the fame Bar- rel, but the Board on the Pendulum was now of little more Weight than that in the Example of (3023). 1 N°. Of GUNNER Y. 327 Length of the Cavity A F. Quan- tity of Powder. Chord of afcend- ing Arch mea- The fame by Theory. Error of Theory. fured on the Ribbon. Dw. Inch. Inch. Inch. 6 11,9 12,1 +,2 6 12,2 12,1 —, I 6 13,2 13,6 +24 6 13,9 13,6 3 12 16,7 17,2 +›5 12 17,5 17,2 3 12 16,9 16,8 ,I 12 17,0 16,8 ,2 6 11,7 11,5 -,2 6 II. I , 11.5 +4 12 16,7 16,3 4 No. Inches. 4 ठ in/00 in 100 = 1+ Huponpompom pom pom poms/as 221 I I 1 2 2 2 2 2 22 56 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 The laſt five Numbers refulting from the Theory are correct- ed from the Quantity of Bullets lodged in the Board, which, as many other Experiments of a different Kind were tried in the Interval, amounted at laſt to above two Pounds; whence the Weight of the Pendulum being increaſed, its Vibration with the fame Blow muſt be proportionably diminiſhed. 3050. The next Experiments were made with a Barrel of the fame Bore with the laft, but only 12,375 Inches in Length : To diftinguish them, we fhall for the future denominate the firſt Barrel by the Letter A, and this ſhort one by C. The Board on the Pendulum was at firft rather lighter than in (3023). Extent of the Cavity contain- ing the Quan tity of Chord of af- cending Arch The fame by Theory. Error of Theory. Powder. meaſured on the Ribbon. Powder. Nº. Barrel Inch. Dw. Inch. Inch. 15 C 16 C 2 5 17 C 18 A 19 A 2 2 20 A 21 A 22 A 2 in 100 in 100 in 100 in too in po info in 100 in 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 N 12 8 12,7 12,8 12 12,6 12,8 +, Z 12 12,4 12,8 +24 12 17,0 17,3 +,3 12 17,2 17,2 I 2 17,I 17,2 +, I 12 17,2 17,2 12,4 12,2 ,2 3051. 328 INSTITUTIONS 3051. In fome of the following Experiments a third Barrel was uſed of the fame Bore with the other two, but 24,312 In- ches in Length: This Barrel 1 denominate B; the Board fixed on the Pendulum was at firft but little heavier than that in (3023); and when in the Courſe of the Experiments it is fen- fibly increaſed in the Weight, I diminiſh the Numbers arifing from the Theory by a correfponding Part. Extent of the Cavity contain- Quantity of Pow- der. Chord of af- cending Arch meaſured on The fame by Theory. Error of Theory. the Ribbon. ing the Powder. No. Barrel Inch. 23 A 24 A 2222 25 A 26 C 27 28 29 C BABA 30 31 В 32 В 33 Α 34 A 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - inpompoenp000 in poi po un po info in 100 in 100 m/+ Dw. 12 Inch. Inch. 17,1 I 17,2 9 15,2 15,0 11 + + , t ›2 9 15,4 15,0 ,4 12 11,5 12,8 +1,3 12 11,5 12,8 +1,3 6 8,7 9, +3 12 12,3 12,5 +,2 12 14,4 14,4 0,0 I 2 14,4 14,4 0,Q 6 10,3 10,5 +,2 8 14,7 14,5 ,2 12 15,7 15,3 ›4 The Error in the 26th and 27th Experiments being much greater than what has occurred to me in any other Trials, I fuf pect, that fome Miſtake was made in the Weight of the Powder, or that the Barrel (which had indeed lain by in a moift Place) was very damp; which Circumftance, I know by Experience, will confiderably diminiſh the Action of the Powder. 3052. The following Experiments were made with a Pen- dulum much heavier, it weighing in the whole 97 lb. its Center of Gravity was 55,625 Inches diftant from its Axis of Sufpen- fion, and 200 of its fmall Swings were performed in the Space of 255", whence its Center of Ofcillation is 63,9 Inches diftant from the Axis of Sufpenfion. Alfo fometimes another Barrel was uſed 7,06 Inches in Length, and ,83 in Diameter, its Ball was exactly fitted to the Bore without any Windage, ſo that it went in with Difficulty, the Weight of this Ball was 33% dw. This Barrel we fhall denominate D. N°. Of GUNNERY. 329 Extent of the Cavity contain- ing the Powder. Quantity of Pow- der. Chord of af- The fame cending Arch meaſured on the Ribbon. by Theory, Error of Theory. ردرد N°. 35 36 37 38 39 40 4. I 42 43 44 45 46 47 >>>>WWOO>>>>>>] Barrel Inch. Dw. Inch. Inch. Inch. 5 48 49 50 2 2 555 56 57 58 59 51 52 53 54 D 55 D D 60 AAAA 70 22572 56 7∞ 1 2 2 2 2~ ~~~~ 2 2~~~~~~~ 12 9,2 9,2 I 2 9-5 9,2 4 24 36 I +6 20 2 23 11,7 11,3 13,2 12,6 ,6 12 9,3 9,1 2 8 7,6 8,1 +,5 12 6,1 6.6 +,5 12 6,5 6.6 +, I 12 8,0 8,2 +,? I 2 8,3 8,2 ; I 12 9,5 9, I 34 2 12 9,1 9, I 2. 6 7,2 6 6,7 8 5 I 2 6,8 2 70 6,5 6,5 6,7 7 2 , I 12 7,5 6,7 8 6 4,7 4,8 +, I 6 5,0 4,8 ,2 I 2 7,0 7,2 +,2 I 2 7, I 6,8 3 6 427 4,8 +, I 6 4,8 4,8 ,0 I 2. 216 215 6 6,4 6,5 18 I 6 6,4 625 +,I +, I 6 6,6 ठ 6,5 I 216 6 6,7 6,5 ,2 61 A 273 12 9,0 I, I +, I The Error in the 50th Experiment, the greateſt in this Set, was doubtlefs owing to the Wind; for the 49, which was made immediately before it in the fame Manner, and with the fame. Quantity of Powder, differs but little from the Theory. The Excefs of the 38th Experiment above the Theory was in Part occafioned by the Impulfe of the Flame on the Pendulum, which in this large Quantity of Powder was plainly to be difcerned. VOL. II. U u CHAP. 339 INSTITUTIONS * CHA P. IX. > The foregoing PRINCIPLES applied to investigate the VELOCITY which the FLAME of GUNPOWDER acquires by expanding itself, fuppofing it be fired in a given PIECE of ARTILLERY without either Bullet or any other Body before it, IN 3053. N order to experiment the Velocity with which the Par- ticles of Gunpowder expand themſelves (in the Ex- plofion) at the Muzzle of the Gun, Mr. Robins charged the Barrel of 45 Inches (Art. 3033) with 12 pwt. of Powder, and a finall Wad of Tow only; and then placing the Muzzle 19 In- ches from the Center of the Pendulum (mentioned Art. 3023) it was fired, and the Impulfe of the Flame on the Pendulum made it afcend through an Arch, whofe Chord was 13,7 Inches. Now fince a Chord of 17 Inches agrees to the Velocity of 34 Feet per 1, (fee 3034) therefore fay, as 17 Feet: 3 Feet 13,7 Feet: 2,6 Feet; that is, the Velocity of the Pendulum 4-44 was at the Rate of 2,6 Feet per 1". · 1 1 I 3054. Now the Weight of the Powder and Wad was about 13 pwt. and that of the Pendulum 42 lb. oz. (when reduced to the Center 3024). Whence m: M: 1 2 I 3 320 42,031 :: 1: 1034,6; therefore the Velocity of the Powder v M + m 77 4 x × V = 1035,6 × 2,6 = 2692,56; (fee 1009 and 3034). Hence the Velocity of the Particles of Powder, (ſup- pofing the Whole of it (together with the Wad) impinged upon the Pendulum,) was at the Rate of 2692 1 Feet per 1" of uni- form Motion. ΤΟ 3055. And this is the leaft Velocity the Particles of Powder can be ſuppoſed to acquire in the Expanfion. For firft we may ob- ferve, that not more than of the Whole is converted into this claftic Fluid. Since I oz. 437 grs. produced 460 Cubic Inches (2086) and each Cubic Inch weighs 0,29313% of a Grain (2082). Whence 460 x 0,393 = 134,78 Grains of [ 1 × elastic 1 Of GUNNERY. 331 laftic Air. But 13 437 7 ΤΟ 3 TO of the whole Powder, nearly. Therefore the other muft, in mixing with the elaftic Part, greatly impede the Action, and retard the Motion or Velocity thereof in Exploſion; eſpecially if it be confidered that this inert Part is in fome Meaſure of an unctuous Nature, and will not be thrown out, but ftick or adhere to the Infide of the Barrel an Impediment to the Reft. 3056. Again, fome Part of the Flame must be loft in Expans fion Sideways through 19 Inches of Air; for an elaſtic Fluid ex- pands itſelf equally every Way, and confequently only a Part thereof can impinge upon the Pendulum. And even that Part will meet with a great Reſiſtance from the Air, and fo will have 'its Velocity diminiſhed on that Account. The Quantity there- fore of the Powder, and its Velocity, eftimated this Way, is fhort of what it is in the Barrel, and at the Exit from the Muzzle thereof. Now to difcover what that is very accurately, Mr. Robins contrived the Experiment in a different Manner, which I fhall here explain, with a Variation of fome Circumftance to render it eaſier to be underſtood and practifed.* 3057. The Method of proceeding is this; let the Barrel be fixed to the Center of the Pendulum, and let the Weight of the Pendulum, Barrel and all, be 56 lb. (or 42 lb. reduced to the Center, as per Art: 596); in this Situation let it be charged with 12 pwt. of Powder only, put cloſe together with the Rammer, and then upon diſcharging the Piece, the Pendulum will afcend through an Arch, whofe Chord, at a Medium, will be 14 In- Now fince in this Cafe the Powder (or rather its elaftic Air) acts equally on its felf and on the Pendulum, therefore the Quantity of Motion or Momentum of the Powder (viz. q vm) will be equal to that of the Pendulum (QVM) that is, VM vm (970). Alſo, fince to 14 Inch Chord there cor- = refponds the Velocity of 2 therefore fay, as m= 32: M = 42 :: V2 3082, nearly; fo that the 3 4. Feet per 1"; : V Velocity is by this Means determined for the whole Mafs of Powder to be at the Rate of 3082 Feet pér Second. U u 2 3058. * This Pendulum with the Barrel fixed upon it in the Manner re- prefented by Fig. 2. of the preceding Plate, we apprehend is the moft facile and fimple of any > 1 t ! 332 INSTITUTIONS 3058. If now fo light a Body as 1 pwt. of Tow be placed be- fore the Powder contiguous to it, it will preſently acquire the Velocity with which the elaſtic Part of the Powder will expand itſelf when uncompreffed, and by this Means we may be able to meaſure that Degree of Velocity pretty nearly. Thus if the Barrel be charged with 12 pwt. of Powder, and I of Wadding, and thoſe fired, the Pendulum will afcend through an Arch, whofe Chord is 17,3; from which, if we fubduct 14,5 for the Powder, the Remainder 2,8 will be owing to the Wad; and therefore fince 2,8 Inches of Chord gives the Velocity 0,53 of a Foot per 1"; therefore fay, as ¸½: 42:: 0,53: 7128 Feet, the Velocity of the Wad, or that which the fwifteft Part of the Flame moved with per 1". IT I 3059. In this Way alfo the Velocity of the Bullet may be de- termined to a greater Exactneſs than by the former Method where the Barrel was fired, and at a Diſtance from the Pendu- lum. Thus let the Barrel be charged with 12 pwt. of Powder, and Bullet lb. (as at 3033); then upon diſcharging it, the Pendulum will afcend through an Arch, whofe Chord will be 32,3 Inches. Now 14,5.of this Chord is owing to the Impulfe of the Powder (as above 3057); therefore 17,8 is occafioned by the Motion of the Bullet, and is fomewhat greater than that determined (in 3033). Now to a Chord of 17,8 Inches, there anſwers the Velocity 3,45 Feet (as per 3034); whence the Ve- M + 72 locity of the Bullet o= 772 XV=505,6×3,45 1734 Feet, nearly. Whence we find the Velocity of the Bullet, at the Muzzle of the Gun, is at the Rate of (at leaft) 1700 Feet. per I". 3060. From this Experiment it appears, that the Action of the Powder on the Gun is the fame, whether it impels a Bullet before it, or whether it be fired alone; and it is therefore a con- vincing Proof, that the whole Quantity of Powder is fired in the latter Cafe, as well as in the former. In all the Experiments. hitherto mentioned, the Bullet has been fuppofed contiguous to -the Powder; and Mr. Robins found that it was laid at a finall Diſtance from it (as an Inch, or two, at moft) the Theory will agree very nearly with the Experiments. But when the Bullet is Of GUNNER Y. 333 is laid at a confiderable Diſtance from the Powder, as 12, 18, or 24 Inches, the Cafe will be very much altered, and the Bul- let will be impelled or acted upon in a Manner very different from what it was before. 3061. For now we are to confider the Powder, by the Time it reaches the Bullet, as acting with two Forces, viz. one by Pulfion or Percuffion, which it receives from the great Velocity with which it's parts expand, and ftrike against the Bullet, as fhewn above (615), and the other Force is by Preffure; for when the inflamed Powder has expanded itself into all the Ca- vity behind the Bullet, it will, after the firft Impact, continue to prefs on the Bullet with all the Force of its Elafticity, till the Bullet be out of the Barrel; and hence it will be eaſy to under- ſtand that the Velocity of the Bullet will be in this Cafe greater than if it were impelled by its elaftic Preffure of the Powder on- ly; and it is demonftrably fo by Experiment. + be 3062. For Mr. ROBINS charged the Barrel of 45 Inches with 12 put. of Powder as ufual, and then placed the Bullet at the Diftance of 11 from the Breech (or 8 from the Powder) and upon diſcharging it againſt the Pendulum, he found that it had acquired a Velocity of about 14co Feet per ". Whereas if it had been acted upon by the Preffure of the Flame only, it would not have acquired a Velocity of 1200 Feet per 1", as may eafily made appear by the Theory, thus; let M be the Place of the Bullet (fee Fig. to 2097) then will M N reprefent the Force of Preffure on the Ball the firft Inftant; but it is AM = 11,25: AF = 2 { :: HF 69800: MN = 16131, (2099). Then we find (by the Methods in 3006 and 3002) the Rectangle MRPB Space MNQB:: MR x MB x 0,43429: A M X MN X L A B АМ = AM; which Quantities are all known; the Sub- duplicate of this Ratio is that of 1 to 86,338; now the Velocity acquired in falling through the Space MB, is 13,51 Feet per 1". Therefore fay, as 1 : 86,338 :: 13,51: 1166 Feet, the Velocity acquired by the Force of Preffure only (by 2096). = 3063. And to this the Experiment agrees; for the fame Gen- tleman (with his ufual Sagacity) in order to feparate the two dif ferent Actions of Powder upon the Bullet, and to retain that only which arofe from the continued Preffure of the Flame, con- trived 334 INSTITUTIONS II dife trived the following Method. He no longer placed the Powder at the Breech from whence it would have full Scope for its Ex- panfion, but fcattered it as uniformly as might be through the whole Cavity of 11 Inches left behind the Buliet, conceiving that by this Means the progreffive Motion or Velocity of the Flame in each Part would be prevented by the Expanſion of the neighbouring Parts. And he found upon difcharging the Bar- rel, the Velocity of the Ball was (inftead of 1400 Feet per 1") no more than I 100 Feet per 1". Which was 66 Feet ſhort of what it ſhould be by the Theory. 3064. This Deficiency he ſuppoſes was owing to ſome inte- ftine Motion of the Flame; for the Powder being kindled in a Space much larger that it could fill, muft have produced many Reverberations, and Pulfations of the Flame; and from thefe internal Agitations of the Fluid, its Preffure on the containing Surface, he fuppofes, muſt be confiderably diminished; and from hence he judges it neceflary, to avoid any fuch Irregulari- ty, to take particular Care to have the Powder confined cloſely in as ſmall a Space as poffible, even when the Bullet lies at fome little Diſtance from it. 3065. From what has been ſaid, it will be apparent, that when the Ball lies at a great Diſtance from the Charge, the Action of the Powder will be fo greatly augmented in the Space behind, and will be fo accumulated and condenfed by the Velo- city each Part has acquired by the Time it comes to the Ball, that if the Barrel be not of an extraordinary Firmneſs in that Part, it must by this reinforced Elafticity of the Power infallibly burit. And the Truth of this Reafoning he experienced in an exceeding good Tower Mufquet, forged of very tough Iron; for charging it with 12 put. of Powder, and placing the Ball at 16 Inches from the Breech, on firing it, the Part of the Barrel juſt behind the Bullet was fwoln out to double its Diameter, like a blown Bladder, and two large Pieces of two Inches long, were burst out of it. 3056. From what has been faid, we fee the Reaſon of all the extraordinary and enormous Effects of warlike Engines in which Gunpowder is ufed; as in Grenades, Bombs, Petards, Mines, &c. For as we have fhewn the Force of this Powder upon every fquare Inch is 15000 lb. (2093), and that it expands itſelf with 2 Of GUNNER Y. 335 a Velocity more than 3000 Feet per 1" (3057) it is no Wonder it fhould burft the Shells of Bombs and Grenades with fuch Force and Violence, and rend the Planks and Parts of Gates, Bridges, Walls, &c. in Petards, with fuch fudden infupera- ble Power and Impetuofity. For the Powder in the Petard weighing 5 lb. will have an Effort equal to that of a Cannon- Ball of 10. moving with half the Velocity, viz. at the Rate of 1500 Feet per ". For the Momentum is the fame in both Cafes (970). CHA P. X. The QUANTITY of the AIR'S RESISTANCE to PRO- JECTILES, and BULLETS in particular, deter- mined by EXPERIMENTS on the Balliftic PENDU- LUM. IVE 3067. E have demonftrated the Principles on which the Computation of the Velocity and Refiftance of Bullets depends; and have confined the Theory by Experiments in reſpect of the former: We now proceed to do the fame Thing for the latter, that is, we ſhall fhew how the Quantity of the Air's Refiftance to Bullets is to be computed from the The- ory joined with the Experiments made by Mr. ROBINS for that Purpoſe. 3068. We have already fhewn, that when two Bodies im- pinge on, or ſtrike each other, the Magnitude of the Stroke is proportional to the Lofs of Motion in the percutient Body (1008). Now in the Cafe of a Shot made with a Gun, Bow, &c. the two impinging or percutient Bodies are the Bullet and the Air; which, indeed, are very different in their Natures; the leaden Ball being a continuous and unelaftic Subftance; but the Air a difcontinued elaftic Body. The former in Motion, the latter at Reft. Yet this, notwithstanding their Actions on each other, may be eaſily eftimated both by Theory and Experiment as fol- lows. 3069. 336 INSTITUTIONS ! 3069. Mr. ROBINS charged the Mufket-barrel of 45 Inches with the Bullet and Powder as uſual, and fired it againſt the Pendulum at the Diſtance of 25, 75, and 125 Feet from the Muzzle of the Piece at three feveral Times refpectively; and he found that it impinged against the Pendulum in the firft Cafe, with a Velocity of 1670 Feet per 1"; in the fecond Cafe, with a Velocity of 1550 Feet per 1"; and in the third Cafe, with a Velocity of 1425 Feet per 1". Therefore in ftriking againſt 50 Feet of Air, it loft a Velocity of about 120 Feet per 1". Now fince the whole Motion of the Bullet in the firft Cafe was 1670 X 1/2 (by 970, 3003) and in the fecond Cafe it was 1550 therefore the Difference 120 × 1/2 I 120 ΤΣ X 12; = 10 lb. will be the Lofs of Motion in the Bullet which it fuftained in paffing through the 50 Feet of Air; but this Lofs of Motion was the Effect of the equal Reaction or Refiftance of the Air; confe- quently the Refiftance of the Air to a Bullet moving with the mean Velocity of 1610 ( = 1670 +1550) Feet per 1" is a- bout 120 Times its Weight. 2 3070. To find the Time which was ſpent in paffing through this 50 Feet of Air; fay, as the mean Velocity 1610 Feet: 1 60" 50 Feet: 1,87"". And therefore to find the Refiftance :: of the Air to the Bullet paffing through the fame Space with any given Velocity, and Time will be eafy as follows. In a fecond Experiment made with all poffible Care, the Mean of three Dif- charges againſt the Pendulum placed at 25 Feet Diſtance was the Velocity of 1690 Feet per 1", and of 5 Shot against the Pendulum at the Diſtance of 175 Feet, the Mean was a Velo- city of 1300 Feet per 1". The Velocity loft in this Cafe in paffing through 150 Feet, was that of 390 Feet per 1", or 130 Feet per 1" for 50 Feet of Air. 3071. Now the Mean Velocity 1690 + 1300 24 ) in this Cafe was 1490 Feet per 1". And fince the Refi- ſtance is at leaſt as the Square of the Velocity (2068): There- fore fay, as 1490² : 1610² :: 130 Feet: 152 Feet, nearly; fo that the Lofs of Motion would be 152 Feet per 1", with the Velocity 1610 Feet per 1". But the Time ſpent in paffing this 50 Feet of Air is about 2""; and fo this Lofs of 152. Feet in Of GUNNERY. 337 in 2″ will be but 142 in 1,87″, the Time of paffing through 50 Feet with the Velocity of 1610 per 1". Confequently the Lofs of Motion or (its Cauſe) the Refiftance of the Air in this Cafe was 142 X ilb. lb. = 11,83 lb. or almoſt 12 lb. viz. 142 Times the Weight of the Bullet. ΤΣ 3072. Let us next ſee what Reſiſtance a lefs Degree of Velo- city met with from the following Experiment made by the fame Gentleman with great Accuracy; he charged the fame Gun with the fame Bullets, but with a lefs Quantity of Powder; and the Mean of 5 Shot made againſt the Pendulum, at the Di- ſtance of 25 Feet, was a Velocity of 1180 Feet per 1"; and then of 5 others againſt the Pendulum removed to the Diſtance of 250 Feet, the mean Velocity was that of 950 Feet in 1". Whence the Ball in paffing through 225 Feet of Air loft a Ve- locity of 230 Feet per 1", or 51 Feet in ſtriking againſt 50 Feet of Air. Now the mean Velocity is that of 1065 Feet per 1"; whence the Time of defcribing that Space 225 Feet was about 14″; and that of defcribing 50 Feet, about 3,1"; conſe- quently in 1,87" the Lofs of Motion will be about 31 Feet per i"; wherefore 31 × = 26. 10 oz. nearly, which is the Refiftance of the Air to this Velocity. I 3073. Having thus determined by Experiment what Refi- ſtance the Bullet meets from the Air with two different Degrees of great Velocity; let us next fee what will refult from a Com- putation made from the Theory eſtabliſhed by Sir I. Newton for flow Motions, the Principles of which we have already explained in Chap. V. and fhall now apply them. Since the Weight of a Globe of Air, equal to the Bullet, is incon- fiderable in Comparifon of the Weight of the Bullet itfelf, we have (2061) A = B. And conſequently S J 16,2 = T, (2066). Alſo becauſe it is D, we have 4 D = 1; and ſo S = D d ; but Lead is 11,345 Times heavier than Water, and Water is 860 Times heavier than Air; whence D:d:: 9756,7: 1. Confequently S = 9756,7 Inches = 813 Feet; VOL. II. Xx whence 338 INSTITUTIONS S whence = 7" =T, the Time of the Fall through S. 16,2 Then the Velocity V = 25 = 229,5 Feet per 1". I 2 T = 3974. Now this is the greateft Velocity the Bullet can ac- quire by falling in the Air (2061) and the Refiftance it then meets with is equal to B A. Weight of the Bullet; if we would have the Refiftance, therefore, to any other Ve- locity, as that of 1600 Feet per I', we muft fay, as 229,52 : 1½ : 16002 lb. 4 lb. nearly. But we have before found by undeniable Experiment, that a Velocity of about 1500 Feet per 1" (3072) meets with a Refiftance of 12 lb. nearly; therefore the Refiſtance to ſwift Motions is greater than that to flow Motions (which is as the Squares of the Velocity) in the Ratio of 12 to 4, or 3 to I; according to what was delivered in the The- ory (2072). 3075. If we enquire by the Theory what Refiftance a Velo- city of 950 Feet per 1" will meet with, we fhall find it to be about 1,427 lb. but by Experiment it was found to be in Reality 2 lb. 10 oz. which is nearly as 1 to 2. We fhall fee that this Refiftance is very fenfibly encreaſed, even in fo finall a Velocity as that of 400 Feet per 1". For by Experiment, a Bullet dif- charged with that Velocity ranged but 319 Yards, or 957 Feet, on the Surface of Water. Whereas by the Theory for flow Mo- tions, it ſhould have ranged to the Diſtance of 1109 Feet, as I fhall now demonftrate. · 3076. The Reſiſtance to a Velocity of 400 Feet by the Theo- ry is 0,253 lb. (found as above); then fay, as 10,083 lb. : 0,253 lb. 16,2 Feet: 49,4 Feet, the Space a Body would defcend through in one Second if urged by a conftant uniform Force equal to the Refiftance 0,253 lb. (999). Whence 49,4 X 2 = 98,8 Feet is the uniform Velocity acquired in 1". And fince the Times are as the Velocities (1000) when the Force is given; therefore fay, as 98,8 Feet: 400 Feet: 1": 4″,049 the Time in which the Velocity of 400 Feet per 1" will be generated by the Force 0,253 lb. 3077. Of GUNNERY. 339 3077. Now let ICF be an Hyper- 1) bola, whofe Afymptotes are A E, AD. Let A B be the Time juft now found =4",049; and BC the given Velo- city of 400 Feet per 1", generated in that Time by the Force 0,253 lb. Alfo let BE 4", draw CG parallel to A A E, and EG to BC, then will the I H C G B Rectangle BCGE be as the Space defcribed by the conftant uniform Velocity BC in the Time BE; and the hyperbolic Space BCFE will be as the Space defcribed with the fame Ve- locity BC decreaſing by the Refiſtance (2096). 3078. Now AB × BC = 1 = Power of the Hyperbola, (779) whence BC = ; therefore the Rectangle BCGE I A B = (BCX BE =) BE X = ; and the Area BCFE I BE AB AB is the hyperbolic Logarithm of the Ratio AE AB' which is equal to the tabular Logarithm of the fame Ratio multiplied by 2,302585 BE (854). But AB of A E AB (3) А В 4 4,049 =1, nearly; and the Logarithm =0,301030; therefore 0,301030 x 2,302585 × X = 0,6931, &c. Therefore fay, as I : 0,6931 :: (BC × BE =) 1600 Feet: 1108,96 1109 Feet nearly, as before affer- ted (3075). The Refiftance therefore by this Theory is much leſs than what it really is, in as much as it gives a Velo- city of 152 Feet in 1109 more than the Truth, in this ſo flow a Motion. : 3079. Where this Theory can take Place, we have FE- Velocity at the End of the Time BE; and is eafily had thus, as AE (2) AB(1): BC (= 400 Feet): FE( 200 Feet). Alfo, by drawing A F, it will cut BC in H; and BH will be as the Refiftance at the End of the Time BE, in the Hypothefis of the Refiſtances being fimply as the Squares of the Velocity, which is very erroneous as we have fhewn in all the X x 2 above 340 INSTITUTIONS above Inftances, and therefore cannot be applied to any actua Cafes of Gunnery. 3080. As in all the foregoing Cafes of fmall Shot, the greateſt Velocity has not exceeded that of 1700 Feet per ; and as it has been fhewn that the Re- fiftance to fuch a Velocity is three Times more in Proportion than what it is in flow Motions (3074) it will be ſtill neceflary to fhew what Proportion of this increaſed Refiftance belongs to all other leffer Degrees of Velocity in order to compleat the Theory, and render it of general Ufe. For this Purpoſe let A B be a Right-line divided into 100 equal Parts, and let CDAD, be divided into 1700 equal Parts; then ſince DB:AB:1:3:: Refiſtance to a Velo- city of 1700 Feet per 1": Refiftance given to the floweſt Motion; it is evident, that to a Velocity of any given Number of Feet in the Line C D, there will correſpond a Number in the Line A B, which in refpect of the whole Line, will fhew what Ratio of the encreaſed Refiftance belongs to that given Velo- city; thus for Inſtance, to the Velocity of 1500 Feet per 1" correſponds the Ratio of 4%, nearly; to the Velocity of 1000 Feet per 1", the Refiftance is nearly in the Ratio of or; and that of 500 Feet per 1" has the Ratio, nearly. And fo for any other Velocity propoſed. 60 100 3081. Hence then if the Refiftance for any propo- fed Degree of Velocity be calculated by the Theory, the Error of the Theory in fwift Motions may be hereby corrected, and brought pretty near the Truth. Thus, fuppoſe I find by the Theory that to a Velocity of 1000 Feet per 1", there is a Refi- ftance of 1,5 lb. to a Ball of lb. wt. if this be en- I 12 B 70 310 700 D وا 018 06 い​た ​2007 creaſed in the Ratio of 3, by faying, as 35: 1,5 lb.: 2,5 lb. this 4th Number 2,5 = 2 lb. 8 oz. will be nearly the fame as was found by Experiment (3072) to be the true Quantity of Re- fiftance. So that by this Contrivance the Theory for flow Mo- tion may fill be applied to very good Purpoſe. 3082. Of GUNNERY. 341 2 3c82. We have fhewn that when a Cannon Ball of 24 lb. is impelled by a full Charge of Powder, it acquires a Velocity of 1900 Feet per 1″; but if it were impelled with only a common Charge (viz. 12 lb. of Powder = the Weight of the Ball) its Velocity will then be about 1700 Feet per 1". With this Ve- locity we have ſeen a Bullet of 3 of Inch Diameter will meet with a Reſiſtance of 10 lb. (3096). And fince the Reſiſtance is (cæteris paribus) in the duplicate Ratio of the Diameter, or as the Surfaces; and the Square of 5,325 Diameter of the Can- + non Ball, is equal to about 50 Times the Square of 3, the Dia- meter of the Bullet; therefore the faid Cannon Ball will meet with about 50 Times the Refiftance of the Bullet, or 500 lb. wt. or about 20 Times its own Weight. I 3083. That the Refiftance is in the duplicate Ratio of the Diameter in Globes or Balls of different Size, is deducible from (2033) where it was fhewn to be asap, which is half the Area of a great Circle (830) and of the Superficies of the Sphere. (839); therefore the Refiftance is in the Ratio of the Superfi- cies of Globes, or in the duplicate Ratio of their Diameters (842). CHA P. XI. The THEORY of RESISTANCE, VELOCITIES, TIMES and SPACES defcribed by PROJEC- TILES in their perpendicular Ascent and De- SCENT in refifting Mediums. 3084. BEFORE EFORE we can proceed further, it will be neceffary to raiſe Theorems for afcertaining the Spaces, Times, and Velocities in the perpendicular Aſcent and Deſcent of Projectiles, in a Medium refifting in any multiplied Ratio, of the Velocity. In order to this, let s Space, t Time, v = Velocity, r = Refiſtance. Then (by 971) we have vts; and fince this holds in every Cafe of t and s, therefore v i = i, 3085. 342 INSTITUTIONS 3085. The Refiftance being the Reaction of the Medium, will be proportional to the Decrement of Motion it caufes in the moving Body; that is, r =—=— — i m (970); and when mis given, it is r = , or the Refiftance is as the Decre- ment of Velocity. The Refiftance (r) will alſo be inverſely as the Time (t) in which it produces a given Effect (—), there- I forer ==; wherefore in general r = Hence i = J ข orri- (3084) therefore r ; —— vi. = ல். 3086. If the Body afcends, it will be retarded by two Forces, the Refiftance (r) of the Medium, and the centripetal Force, or Gravity (g); and this Retardation will produce a Decrement of Velocity (—) which will be as the Moment of Time (i), and the Sum of the retarding Forces r+g, (as is evident from the Nature of the Thing); therefore in general ri÷gi =— i. And for a deſcending Body, if the Reſiſtance be leſs than Gra- vity, it will be gi-riv. But if Gravity be leſs than the Refiftance, then rigi v. 3087. We have fhewn that vis, whence v = there- fore for the afcending Body, we have rigi x , t xv=rs + gi. But for a defcending Body, if Gravity be greater than the Refiftance, the Theorem will begi-r;= v v ;r ; —g ;=vi, when the Reſtſtance exceeds Gravity. 3088. If the Body afcends in an unrefifting Medium (or in Vacuo) then r = 0; o; and gi and gi= vė; but if the Body defcends, it will be gi = v, and g¿ = vv. When the Refiftance becomes equal to Gravity, then rg, and gi— ri=&=0; that is, the Velocity will then become conftant or uniform. And fince till then the Velocity is continually in- creafing (for there will be gr, in any given Time,) it is evident, the Velocity is in that Cafe a Maximum, as we have before fhewn (2063). v 3089. Suppoſe the Refiftance (r) be as any multiplied Ratio V" of the Velocity 11 > - I that is, let r = a a" I where (a) is Of GUNNERY. 343 is a given Quantity. a" 72 cauſe i = น v' 71 за $ Then for a defcending Body it will be gi = v(644) and fo;= we have; - an I Q" Alfo, be- gan 1 ல் And for the afcend- 2013 ing Body, ;= an and i = t & a" + &n & Gr 3090. If we fuppofe the Reſiſtance to be as the Square of the 7 Velocity, then » = 2, and r = (3089) let V = greateſt a Velocity acquired in the Defcent, and becauſe in that Cafe r = g V2 (3087) and v becomes V, we have g=—, and ſo ag = V³. a Letz Space which a Body falls through in Vacuo, to ac- quire the greateſt Velocity V; then g = VV (3088), and (taking the Fluents) gz V²; therefore 2 g z= V² = ag⋅ Whence a = 22. = 2 i 3091. Therefore in the defcending Body, it will be s a v i บบ 2 Z v i V V — v v ; let V² — v² = x², and taking the ยข a g Fluxions, we ſhall have v = xx; and fos = 2 z x x · 2 z * * Xx And taking the Fluents, s=Q — 2 z L x. (Here Qis fome conftant Quantity, and L. x is the Fluent of x * by (849). But Q — 2 L. × × ≈ = Q — z L. x² = Q — x z L. V² — v = ‹ v². Now when so, and then the Cele- rity with which the Body begins to defcend, we ſhall have Qin that Cafe z L. V² — c². And confequently sz L. V² 2 Va 3092. LetL.d= 1; and it will be s L. d = z L and V2 223 V₁ - L.d = Ld == L 2; and therefore dz = V2 Z V² V² whence 344 INSTITUTIONS S whence we get v² = V² dx + c² V2 And for the Time dz Z 7 + R= L V - V V + c L V C (t) of the Deſcent, we have ; = V i V V + v V - V Fractions to a common Denominator.) Therefore taking the Z 2 Fluents, we have t =Q+ — L.V + v − Z L. V —v = ет Z V + v ; let to, then ve; and we fhall have a i 22 (3089)= ад V² 22 (as will appear by reducing the two laft Z Confequently, we have t = L. V V + v x V V + c x V — v 3093. If the Body falls from a State of Reft, then the incep- tive Velocity c = 0; and the above Equations will become for ; for the Velocity at the End of the V2 the Spacesz L V² Ꮩ V₁ dz V² Fall v² = 2 and for the Time of the Fall t = dz V + v I L If we put dễ = m, then v = V I 772 V V ข 3094. In the fame Manner, we find the Theorems for an afcending Body are s≈ L and i= a i V² + V² + c² ༣ V² + c² - V dž dz 2zi V V + v v (3089, 3090). Now this a g + v v Auxionary Equation is analogous to that which is found for the Fluxion of an Arch of a Circle, by Means of the Radius and Tangent of that Arch; and therefore the Fluent of the Time may Of GUNNERY. 345 may be found in the Meaſure of the Arch of a Circle, as fol- lows. 3095. On the Center D, with the Radius ADV, defcribe the Quadrant ATE; let the initial Velocity c be expounded by the gi- ven Tangent AP, the refidual Ve- locity v by a Part of that Tangent AM; and draw Dm infinitely near to DM; and then M m m; A M m P N • ma T E draw D P ; and from the Point M let fall the Perpendicular M R upon Dm; then are the Triangles DN n, and DMR fimi- lar; and ſo DM: DN (or D A) :: MR: Nn.. Alſo the Triangles m RM and M AD are fimilar; and fo DM: DA mM: MR. The reſpective Terms of theſe two Analogies being multiplied together, give D M²: DA2 :: Mm: Nn; V V ¿ vv: MA i: that is, VV + v v : V V : : & : N n Fluxion of the Arch AN. 2 the V V + v v 3096. If this laft Equation be multiplied in each Part by 2 Z 2Z X N n it will become V V V V 2 z ż V V + VV ; therefore 2 z X N n V V 2 x X AN V V (3094); and taking the Fluents, it is tQ- Letto, then will A MAP, and AN= AT, and in that Cafe, therefore, Q 2.Z XAT There- V V AN 22 × TN TN = V V . V V 2 Z XAT fore it will be t = becauſe 2 g. V", by (3090). 3097. To apply thefe Theorems to the Motion of a Bullet fhot from a Gun in a perpendicular Direction upwards, on Sup- pofition that the Refiftance is always in the duplicate Ratio of the Velocity. Let us take the Example of (3059) where the Bullet is projected with a Velocity c AP 1700 Feet per 1". To determine the Height or Space of that Projection, we have s = VOL. II. Y y ≈ L 1 346 INSTITUTIONS z L V² + c² V2 = (by 3094) becauſe in this Cafe v = o. Now fincec 1700, V = 229,5 (3073); and z = 813 (ib.) we fhall have s 1420 Feet, for the perpendicular Altitude of the Projection in a refifting Medium. Now this is confiderably greater than the real Altitude, becauſe we have fhewn (2072) the Reſiſtance to the initial Velocities is three Times more than what we have here fuppofed. 3098. But let us fee what Height the Bullet will afcend to in Valuo, projected with the fame Velocity of 1700 Feet per i". This is found by the Theorem 1700, and n n m² 4 n 16,11, and t=1". =a (1154) where m = Whence m22890000, and 4 × = 64,44; and ſo a = 45675 Feet, which is about 32 Times higher than before; and very likely 40 Times higher than it does really afcend in Air with the given Velocity. 3099. The Time in which this perpendicular Altitude in Va- cus is deſcribed, is found by Theorem (1152) st m n T, for in this Cafe sr1, and t=1"; therefore the Time of m Afcent and Deſcent is 2n 1700 32,22 = 53″ nearly. 3100. Now the Time in which the Bullet afcends perpendi- cularly to the Height of 1420 Feet in the Air is equal to ΤΑ g (by 3096), becauſe in this Caſe TN becomes TA (ſee Fig. to 3095). To find the Arch AT we have the Radius A D = V = 229,5, and AP c = 1700; wherefore fay, As AD Is to A P So is Radius 2.360783 3.230447 229,5 1700 90°00′ - 10.000000 To the Tangent of the Angle PDA — 82° 18′ —— 10.869664 3101. The Diameter is 2 AD = 459; therefore fay, As 1: 3,14159:: 459: 1442, the Circumference of the Circle. Then fay, As the Circumference 360° is to the Arch 82° 18′ fo is 1442 to the Length of the Arch A T : 329,8. Now Gra- Of GUNNERY. 347 Gravity produces an uniform Velocity g = 32,22 Feet per 1″. Whence 329,8 32,2.2 に ​AT =10″ nearly, the Time of the g Afcent in the Medium of Air, refifting according to the dupli- cate Ratio of the Velocity. The Time therefore in this Cafe is not more than of that which is fpent in the Afcent in Vacuo (3099). 5 3102. The Time of the Defcent through the Air from the Z faid Altitude of 1420 Feet, is L V V + v V. - V = (by 3093). E But in order to determine this, we muft firft find the Velocity 772 (v) acquired in the Defcent from the Theorem v = V I (in Art. 3093) where V = 229,5; d= 10, (becauſe its Lo- garithm=1 = 1 (by 3092), s=1420,5; 2=813; =55,86. Whence we find the Velocity v per 1". Therefore Vv = 56,94; and V and L V + v V V Z and m = d≈ 227,44 Feet v = 2,06; =2,345992; alſo = 3,543; therefore r = 8,"31. Whence it appears that the Times of the Afcent and Defcent are in the Ratio of 10 to 8,3; or nearly as 5 to 4, and both together make but 18″,3 which is 35″ leſs than the Time in Vacuo (3099). 3103. Hence it appears they are widely miſtaken who affert, that if an heavy Body be projected upwards with a Velocity greater than that which can be acquired in falling, the Time of the Defcent will be greater than that of the Afcent; fince it is demonſtrated, that a longer Time is required to deſtroy a great Velocity in afcending, than in generating a much ſmaller one in defcending through the fame Space. 3104. From this Theory alfo it is manifeft, that if a Ball or Shot be projected downward with a Velocity equal to the great- eft that can be acquired in falling, the Motion will be uniform; but if it be projected with a Velocity greater than that, the Motion will be retarded; if with a lefs Velocity, it will be ac- celerated, but never will become equal to that greatest Veloci- ty, all which is evident from the Theorem in Art. 3092. Y y 2 3105. 348 INSTITUTIONS 3105. Hence alſo we fee the Reafon why the Force acquired by a Bullet in falling is ſo much less than that with which it is projected; for fince the Mafs of Matter continues the fame, the Forces will be as the Velocities, that is, in the foregoing Ex- ample (Art. 3097, 3102). The Force of the Bullet, when pro- jected, from the Muzzle of the Gun, is to the Force it acquires in falling, as 1700 to 227,5; or nearly as 8 to 1. 3106. Indeed, with refpect to very light Bodies, the Cafe may be a little different; and the Times of Defcent of an Arrow, a Ball of Wood, &c. may be greater than that of the Afcent, fince they are refifted by the Air in a much greater Proportion to their Quantity of Matter, on Account of their larger Quan- tity of Surface; what this may be, as nothing of Conſequence depends upon it, I have not here calculated; but it may be cafily done by any one who underftands the foregoing Theory, and has Curiofity and Leifure for fuch Amufements. 3107. In all that has been hitherto faid of the perpendicular Projection in a refifting Medium, we may obferve what an egre- gious Difference there is between ſuch a Shot and one made in Vacuo in regard of the Height, the Time, and the Velocity and Force of the PROJECTILE; and how widely the latter is different from the Truth. CHA P. XII. The common practical RULES of GUNNERY, de- rived from the parabolical HYPOTHESIS, Com- pared with EXPERIMENTS, and thereby fhewn to be extremely fallacious, and of no Ufe in PRAC- TICE. 3108. Uſe E next proceed to fhew how very fallacious all the Rules and Cafes of practical GUNNERY are, as they are derived from the Principles of the parabolical Hypotheſis, which we have explained (in 1141, &c.) and fhall here apply, in or- der to confute them by Experiments. After this we ſhall confi- der the Nature of the Motion of a Body projected obliquely in a re- Of GUNNER Y. 349 1 T refifting Medium, and the Form of the Path it defcribes, and fhew it to be no PARABOLA (as is always fuppofed) nor any other regular or geometrical Curve. 3109. It was fhewn (1155) that the greateſt Amplitude or Random of a Shot (in Vacuo) was that which was made upon an Elevati- on of 45°. And it ap- pears, that AD is equal to half A L; ----, H E E K 1 * and there- F fore fince H E AD = I 4 E B A M, we fhall have AM = M Ат 2AĻ the greatest Random poffible. But we have fhewn (in our common Example (3098) that AL 45675 Feet; and therefore 2 AL 91350 Feet= AM, the Random on 45°. Now this is about 17,3 Miles; but all experienced Gunners, and practical Writers affure us that this Range is actually not quite a Mile; and fo Merfennus found the horizontal Range of an Arquebuſe of 4 Feet to be leſs than 800 Yards, which is not quite a Mile. The Range therefore by this falfe Theory is about 35 Times greater than the Truth. I 2 3110. The Cafe is the fame with respect to large Shot as in fmall ones; for St. Remy (as quoted by Mr. Robins) tells of fome Experiments made by Mr. Du Metz, in which the Range at 45°, of a Piece 10 Feet in Length, carrying a Ball of 24/6, and charged with 16lb. of Powder, was 2250 French Fathom, which is not quite 3 Miles. But fuch a Ball was projected with a Ve- locity of about 1900 Feet: per 1", (Art. 3043.) and therefore 772 2 per Theorem (1154.) =AL=56021 Feet; and fo 2 AL 4 n =AM = 112042 Feet — 21 Miles, which is more than Times the real Random, in the refifting Medium of Air. 3111. The fame Difference between this Hypothefis, and the Truth, will be found in Proportion to obtain in fmaller De- grees of Velocity, and on any other Elevations, as is evident fron Mr. 1 211 ་ 350 INSTITUTIONS Mr. Robins's Experiments compared with this erroneous Theory. For a leaden Bullet, of an Inch Diameter, diſcharged with a Velocity of 400 Feet per 1", and in an Angle of 19°: 05′, of Elevation ranged on the horizontal Plane no more than 448 Yards, whereas by the Theory it ought to have ranged 1023 Yards. 3112. For in this Cafe AL ( (m² 4 n =2483 Feet; and 2 A L =AM=4966 Feet 1655 Yards the greateſt horizon- tal Random. But all Randoms, in Vacuo, are as the Sines of double the Angles of Elevation; as is thus fhewn. Draw CH,* then is the Angle of Elevation HAM ALH (665) = ½ x 2 HCA (642) therefore F H is the Sine of double the Angle of Ele- vation; but FH ADAM, the Random. Confe- quently the Randoms are as the Sines of double the Angles of Elevation. Therefore fay, As the Sine of double 45° 90° T To the Sine of double 19° : 5′ = 38° 10′ So is the greateſt Random 1655 Yards = 10. 9.790954 3.218798 3.009752 31 To the Random on 19° : 5′ 1023 Yards So that the Range made in the refifting Air is but about of what it would be in the parabolic Hypothefis." 3113. Again, a Ball was diſcharged with the fame Velocity as in the laſt Experiment, but on an Elevation of 9° : 45′ ; and its Range on the Horizon was at a Medium 990 Feet, or 330 Yards. Now if this were to be deduced directly from the The- orem (in 1152) c s mn² 2 12 =AM, we ſhould find A M = 1655 Feet, or 552 Yards nearly, as in the following Operation. Sine of 9° 45′ Add the Logarithms of Cofine, 80° 15' 9.228784 9 993681 And of m² = 160000 5.204120 From that Sum 4.426585 Subduct the Value of n = 16,11 1.207095 The Remainder is the Range A M = 1665,6 3.219490 3114. The Reader is defired to draw this Line in the preceding Figure, as it is there (by Accident) omitted. Of GUNNERY. 351 3114. But if this Random were to be computed from the Random on an Elevation of 19° 30′ found in (Art. 3112.) it would come out a very different Number from either of the foregoing; for fay As the Sine of double 19° : 5′ = : 38° : 10′ — 9.790954 } Is to the Sine of double 9° : 45′ = 19:30 So is the Random on 19°: 5′ To the Random required **** 448 212 1 1 9.523495 2.651278 2.383819 proves Now this is as much too little as the other was to big, and the Theory falfe on every Account. 3115. Again, for greater Variety, a Ball was fired at an Ele- vation of 8°, and with a Velocity of 700 Feet in 1", and the horizontal Range at a Medium was 690 Yards; but if this Range be computed from the common Theory, we ſhall have AM 15208 Feet, and then by (Art. 1154.) 2 AL 772 น 4 77 = we ſhall find the Random at an Elevation of 8° to be 4192 Feet, or 1400 Yards nearly, which is more than double the real Diſtance. 3116. Laftly, a Ball being fired at an Elevation of 4° with the fame Velocity as in the laſt Experiment ranged 600 Yards on the Horizon. Now this Range if deduced from the laſt Ex- periment, and the Theorem (in Art. 1154.) fhould not have been more than 350 Yards. From all, which Inſtances of the Inconſiſtency of this vulgar Theory, with Facts and Experi- ments, we obſerve the Falfity of the Hypothefis on which it is founded, and may justly wonder to fee every Day Books pub- lifhed relating to GUNNERY, and the Doctrine of Projectiles, with as ftrong a Prefumption of theſe falſe Principles, as though Philofophy were not in the leaft understood, and the Nature of thefe Things had never been enquired into by any one. CHAP. → 352 INSTITUTIONS i CHA P. XIII. Sir ISAAC NEWTON's Method of investigating the PATH of a PROJECTILE in a refifting Medium illuftrated, applied to practical GUNNERY, and exemplified by EXPERIMENTS. 3117. B UT now that the ENGINEER may be affured from a genuine Phyfico-mathematical THEORY, that the Path which a Projectile defcribes, when thrown from the Gun in any oblique Direction, even when the Refiſtance of the Me- dium is no more than proportional to the Square of the Velocity, cannot poffibly be a PARABOLA, nor any regular geometrical Curve, he is to confider in the firft Place, that fince the Body is prevented going on in the Right-lined Direction A B by the perpendicular Action of Gravity by which it is brought down from any Point C to the Point D in the Curve of the Parabola ADF in Vacuo, ſo if we fuppofe the Projection to be made in a refifting Me- dium, the Refiftance will • D IH E F leffen the Velocity of the Ball, and prolong the A Time of its arriving to the Diſtance of D, and therefore as Gravity acts all the Time uni- formly, it will producé in the Projectile a greater perpendicular Deſcent from the Point C, and carry it from C to fome Point E below D; and fince this is the Cafe every where, it follows. that the Curve A E G defcribed by the Projectile, cannot be the Parabola ADF, but fome other Curve contained within it. 3118. Again, fince the Velocity of the Projectile in the de- ſcending Part of the Curve HG will be always much less than that in the afcending Part A H, as we have above demonftrated (3102). Of GUNNERY. 353 养 ​(3102) therefore Gravity will in this Part carry the Ball through much greater perpendicular Spaces (in the fame Time) from the parabolic Curve; and fo the Curve in the Part HG will have a lefs Degree of Curvature, and therefore the Point G, where it falls on the Horizon, will be much nearer to the Line HI of the greateſt perpendicular Altitude, than the Point A from whence it was projected, different from what happens in the Parabola. V а X H I B T MA E D k K KN C h * 3119. And Sir ISAAC NEWTON has fhewn, that the Curve AHG approaches nearer to the Form of an Hyperbola than that of a Parabola; for an Hyperbola will be truly defcribed in a refift- ing Medium, whofe Denfity is every where inverfely as the Tangent to the faid Curve, as he has proved in Prop. X. Lib. II. of the Principia. And therefore if AGK be the hyperbolic Trajectory of the Ball, projected from the Point A in the, Direction AH, (in a Medium of a variable Denfity) whofe Afymptotes are MX, XN, cutting the horizontal Line M N in the Points M and N; and of which the latter XN is perpendicular thereto; then fince in this Cafe the Denfity in any Points A and G is inverſely as the Tangents A H and VOL. II. ZZ GT, 354 INSTITUTIONS 1 GT, it is manifeft if the Medium be now fuppofed of an uniform Denfity, fuch as is equal to the mean Denfity of the Medium in Queſtion, then in ſuch an one, on Account of the greater Denſity at A, the Velocity of the Projectile will be more diminiſhed than in the other Cafe, and confequent- ly the Trajectory will be continued within the Hyperbola AGK (by 3117) in the aſcending Part AG. But in the de- fcending Part G K it will approach nearer to the Afymptote X N than the Hyperbola, (which can never meet it, by 776); con- fequently in the uniform Medium, the horizontal Motion of the Projectile (fetting afide Gravity) will be infinite; and therefore after a determinate Time, the Projectile will arrive at the ſaid Line XN (3097). 3120. But notwithſtanding the real Trajectory is not truly an Hyperbola, yet it approaches fo nearly thereto in the fmall Part of it above the Horizon, that in practical Affairs the Conic- Hyperbola may be uſed without any fenfible Error, for eſtimating the Motion of a Projectile in an uniform refifting Medium. Now fuppofing AGK fuch an Hyperbola, and drawing A I and HC parallel to NX and MX, then Sir Ifaac Newton has proved (in the above cited Propofition) that the Velocity of the Projec- tile will be as I ΑΙ I or V² = that is, the Velocity at ΑΡ A is to the Velocity at any other Point G, as √ ΑΙ to I Alſo, that the Refiftance of the Medium is to the GV 3 KN; and AI Force of Gravity (in any Point A) as A H to A I. More- over, from, the Nature of the Curve, AM = AC; and by Construction IC (2 AI =) HX. 3121. Thefe Things premifed, it is evident that if the Lines A1 and AH be given in Magnitude and Pofition, the Hyper- bola A G K may be defcribed, becauſe in this Cafe we have gi- ven H X --- 2 A I, and therefore the Center of the Hyperbo- la X. Hence alfo the Afymptote XN, and fince the Point I is given, we have also the other Afymptote X M cutting the hori- zontal Line in M. Hence, laftly, we have given the Point K, by taking Of GUNNERY. 355 taking KNAM (776 to 780). It remains now to fhew how the Lines AI and AH may be determined in the prefent Caſe of the Problem by Experiments, and thence an expeditious Method of defcribing the Hyperbola A G K, or Trajectory of the Projectile; and thence a Solution of all the Cafes of the Problem. 3122. In order to this, let two equal Balls be diſcharged with the fame Velocity on two different Angles of Elevation HAK, and h Ak; and let the Points K and k where they fall on the Horizon be obferved, and the Proportion of their Diſtances A K and Ak be found by Meaſuration. And let A K : Ak::d: e. Then having erected the Perpendicular AI of any affumed Length, take A H or Ah alfo of any Length what- foever, and then by Scale and Compaffes find the Lengths A K, and A k, as directed in the laſt Article; and if they are found to be in the fame Ratio as d toe (by Experiment) then was the Length AH rightly affumed, and the Hyperbola AGK every Way fimilar to that deſcribed by the Ball in the Air. 3123. But if not, take in the indefinite Right-line S M, the Length SM equal to the affumed Length AH; and erect the perpendicular M N equal to the Difference of the Ratios of A K to Ak, and of d to e; that is, let MN= AK A k d e And in like Manner, affuming feveral Lengths of A H, find ſeveral o- ther Points N, thro' all which draw a regular Curve N N X N, cutting the Line S M M M in X. Laſtly affume AHSX, and thence again find the Lengths A K and Ak; thefe fhall have the fame Ratio with d and e, or the fame Lengths found by Experiment; and AI, and this laft found S N N X M M M N AH, fhall be fimilar to, or have the fame Proportion with thoſe which belong to the Hyperbola deſcribed by the Ball in the Air. For fince AK Ak d Zz2 356 INSTITUTIONS d MN, where SM SX there MN = 0, and confe- quently there AK Ak d and fo AK: Ak:: d: e. e 3124. To illuftrate this by an Example; let it be required to find AI and AH for the two Shots made upon the two Eleva- tions of 19° 5′ and 9° 45′ (in Art. 3112, 3113) where the ho- rizontal Ranges were 448 Yards d, and 330e. There- d = fore = 448 1,36. Then affuming AI 45 e 10, and A H 70, you find A K = 45, and Ak= 37,8, and fo = 37,8 1,19 (by 3122). And then AK A k AK d A k 1,36 — 1,19 e =0,17 MN. In like Manner, if you affume other Lengths AH 60, 50, 45, 40, refpectively you will find other Values of MN = 1,23. 1,28. 1,39. 1,50. Then drawing a Curve through the extreme Points of all the Ordinates MN, and it will interfect the Line S M in X, fo as to give the Abfciffa S X =46 AH fought; and in this Cafe A K will be to Ak as 2/20 448 to 330; or meaſured upon the Scale by which AI and A H were laid down, they will be A K = 25,7 and A k = 18,8. I 3125. Having thus obtained the Proportion or Values of the Lines AI and AH in this one Cafe, they remain unalterably the fame for all other Angles of Elevation, for Difcharges of the fame Velocity. And indeed in all Caſes whatſoever, the Value of A H will remain as being reciprocally as the Denfity of the Medium, which is ſuppoſed to be uniform; but if the Velocity of the Projection be varied, then will alſo the Value of AI. For fince it is V = will be always in the inverfe duplicate Ratio of the Velocity greater or lefs. And therefore in any Cafe of a given Velocity you have the Lines AI and AH, and ſo the Trajectory may deſcribed for any Angle of Elevation HAN, according to this Theory. I ΑΙ I (3120) it will be AI = √₂, or AI be 3126. Of GUNNER Y. 357 4 3126. Hence likewife the Ratio of the Refiftance (R) in the Point A to Gravity (G) is given. For R: G:: AH: AI (3120): +65 = 1,333 (3124). Therefore if the Weight 4,65: + 3 I IZ of the Bullet were. then : 4,65 :: 1½ : 1395 48 0,288 lb. the fame nearly as found by the common Method to the fame Velocity (in 3076). = b, and 3127. Having now found the Values of A I and A H for any propoſed Velocity of Projection, we may proceed to find the Random A K generally for any given Velocity and Angle of Elevation HAN; in order to this let A Ha, A I = b, then H X = 2 AI 2 b. Alfo let AK, AN z, and NHy; and we fhall have z x = KNAMA E, and AC AI b. Alfo EN AKx. Then by the fimilar Triangles EAC, EN H, we have this Analogy A E (≈ — x): EN (x) :: AC (b): HN (y). And thence com- = pounding, zxb+yy; whence x = b x x + xy y x x ; and z z = × × × ZY b + y and z = b + y y y But becauſe of the right 2 b + y And fo yy a² y² 2 Angle ANH, it is aayyzz=xxx a² yz b + y 2 14 xx; and therefore x AK = b + y 2 3128. Hence alfo if the Amplitude A K be given, then may the Sine HN of the Elevation neceffary for ftriking any Object K at the given Diſtance AK be found by the fame Theorem. - 2+2 X 32 For we ſhall thereby get b²x² a² X 12 — 14 — 2 b x² y; from which Equation by a few eafy Trials, the Value of y = NH may be found. Or in a Method eaſy for Practice thus. On the Center A with the Radius AH defcribe a Circle, as (ab); and on the given Point K erect the Perpendicular K F; then apply a Ruler to the Point C in ſuch Manner that the Part FH intercepted between KF, and the Circle ab may be equal to CE. Then through the Point H, draw the Right-line A H, and it fhall be the Direction or Elevation required. For fup- pofing the Angle given, we have always CE FH, becaufe (by 358 INSTITUTIONS (by Construction 3120) the Angles ACE and HEN are fini- Jar, and therefore CE: AE:: EH:EN:: FH: KN; hence fince AE (= MA) KN, we have CEFH. And the Point H muit be in the Chicle & b, becauſe of the given Length A H. 3129. By putting the above Equation (3127) into Fluxions, and making the Fluxin of x AK equal to nothing, we fhall get an Equation for the Sine NH of the Angle or Elevation which of all others will produce the greateſt honzontal Random AK; for then we fhall get 2 a² ÿ ÿ- 4 y³ j = 2 b x² j + y; and dividing by 2y, we have ay 2 x¹yj; x² 9 = x² × b + y. y 3 3 2 y³ = bx² + a² x² 2 2 34 But xx= ; wherefore a²y—— b + y az y z 34 a² y² 34 Whence by Re- 2 y³ = b + y × b + y b + y I 2 2 duction, and by dividing by y, we get a ab 2 byy + y³. 3130. Here it is plain the Quantity 2 byy is lefs than a ab, and therefore y y less than aa, or HN lefs than A H²; and confequently the Angle HAN is leſs than half a Right-angle, which it would be in an unrefifting Medium, (fee 1155) and in that Cafe, we have yyaa, and ya, which Valuc of y, if it be fubftituted in the above Equation, in order to re- duce it, it becomes a ab 2 byy yya ; whence yy = +yya; a a b 26 + a √ a a b 26 + a √ 1 and fo y 3131. Let us now fee what the Quantity of this Angle is for the Values of AI and A H as determined above (3124) where, if we put A I= b = 1, then A Ha= 4,65, and the Equa- tionisaa=2yy+y³ = 21,6225. Nowy 21,6225 5,255 = = 21,6225 2 + 4,65 √ 2,03. But it is plain this Value of y is too fmall, for it makes 2 y y + y³ little more than 16, whereas it must be 21,6255; this was occafioned by making ya =3,25 according to the cuftomary Method, which makes one of the Roots too large, and confequently the whole Quantity 2 yx + y³ too ſmall. The beſt Way, then, to approximate to the Value of y is (Tentando) by Trial, for by this Means we fhall eafily find that y 2,26 nearly. Therefore fay, as AH = 4,65: HN = 2,26:: Radius: Sine of 29° nearly; where- as in Vacuo we have fhewn this Angle is precifely 45 Degrees (1155). = 3132. Of GUNNER Y. 359 3132. If it be required to find what this Maximum of Am- plitude is for the above found Values of AI and AH, you have it determined by the Theorem in (3127) (and alſo for any other Degree of Velocity, as fhewn in 3125). So according to the prefent Cafe (3124) we fhall find the greateft Value of AK = 2 a² y² b y 2 Jut 2,83 nearly; and therefore fay, as A K 2,57 (by Experiment) : A K = 2,83 (a Maximum) :: 448 Yards: 490 Yards nearly, the greateft Amplitude. 3133. If the greateſt Ordinate or Height of the Projection be required, let the Line DN be taken in the horizontal Line A N, a Mean proportional between AM and AN, and through the Point D, draw the Ordinate G D, and it will be the Maximum required. This Ordinate GD is equal to the Difference be- tween the vertical Line N X, and a 4th Proportional to the Lines DN, AN, and 2 AI = IC; or GD = NX- 2 AI × AN. DN The Demonſtration hereof may be eaſily dedu- ced from the abovementioned Propofition of Sir Ifaac's Principia (3119). But it is too prolix and intricate to be here inferted. 3134. To exemplify this in the laft Cafe of the greateſt Am- plitude AK; we have AK = x 2,83, and y=HN= b x + x y = 4,1 = 2,26 (3131). Alfo we have z AN= = y nearly (3127); then ANAK KN = 1,27 = A M¸ Therefore DN = √✅AN × AM = 2,28. Now NX= NH + HX = 2,26 + 2 = 4,26; and 2 X 4,I 2,28 2 AI × AN X DN = 3,6. Therefore GD = 4,26 — 3,6 = 0,66; = which gives about 110 Yards for the greateſt Height of the Pro- jection. It is obfervable alfo, that DK (DN KN =) 1,01 and AD (AK—DK) 1,82; and fo the Point D is nearly of the whole Random from the Point A ; whereas in Vacuo it is always the Middle Point between A and K. 3135. From a bare Inſpection of the Trajectory ABGK, it is evident, the Path of the Projectile will nearly coincide with the Tangent AH for a confiderable Diftance A B, which in a Shot of 24 lb. will be about 500 Yards (as the Angle there will not exceed a Degree;) and hence we fee the Reafon why Mr. Anderſon, the moft eminent of all practical Au- thors on Gunnery, found himfelf obliged to fuppofe that the Track of Shells and Cannon Balls was much lefs incur vated, 360 INSTITUTIONS vated, than what it ought to be on the parabolical Hypothefis and in order to reconcile this Circumftance with the faid Theo- ry, he imagined that every Shot was impelled to a certain Di- ftance A B in a ftrait Line, or that in ſuch a Diſtance it was not affected by the Power of Gravity. But fo ftrange and abfurd a Suppofition, as the Sufpenfion of the Power of Gravity for a Moment, plainly evinced how ignorant he was of the great Di- munition of the Velocity of the Shot in its Flight from the Refi- ftance of the Air. The Notion, therefore, of a Point-blank Shot, as they call the Diſtance A B, is entirely groundleſs, and owing to the vulgar Error of the Air's Refiftance being inconfi- derable. 3136. We have now delivered all we can think neceſſary relat- ing the Theory and Practice of Gunnery; and it is with fome Regret we are obliged to conclude, that from a true and genuine Theory, the practical Part of this moſt neceffary Science ap- pears very perplext and difficult; it is for this Reafon we defift from purſuing it any further. The celebrated Mr. J. Bernoulli has given a moſt exquifite Theory of the Path of a Projectile in a refifting Medium, but as the Practice reſulting thence depends upon the Quadrature of mechanical Curves, it can by no Means be rendered uſeful. 3137. The late learned Mr. Simpson has alfo given us an ad- mirable Theory, but the practical Rules that might be from thence deduced would prove io difficult, that few of our ENGI- NEERS, I fear, will care to be at the Trouble either to under- ftand, or reduce them to uſe. Mr. Muller has fupplied us with converging Series for the various Cafes of Projectiles in a refifting Medium; but then he has given no Demonſtration of them, and they are upon Suppofition that the Refiftance is as the Square of the Velocity only, which is far from the Truth, as we have fhewn; befides infinite Series feem but little adapted to Caſes of practicable Gunnery. 3138. In the laſt Place, Mr. ROBINS himſelf, in a poſthu- mous Tract, has left us fome of the beſt Methods of reducing the Genuine (though complicated) Theory of military Projectiles to practice, but even theſe will be attended with Trouble and Difficulty enough; and beſides, being publiſhed without any In- veſtigation, or Rationale, which he propofed doing if he had lived, they will be found as little fatisfactory as ready in Practice. And I think we may conclude, Sir Ifaac Newton would not have given us the above Method for deducing the practical Rules of Gunnery if he had known of any other that was better. INSTI- ( 361 ) INSTITUTIONES HOROLOGICÆ, OR, A PHYSICO-MATHEMATICAL THEORY O F CLOCK-WORK. CHAP. I. Of the Nature and Defign of CLOCK-WORK in general; and the PRINCIPLES on which it de- pends. 3139. A THEORY OF CLOCK-WORK, I am inclined to think will be looked upon as a Novelty by the English Mechanic; as I have feen nothing of that Kind publiſhed in our own Language. Indeed I have met with but one Treatife on the Subject of Clock-work in English, viz. The artificial Clock- maker; but this is altogether practical and refers in every Parti- cular, almoft, for the Rationale, to a Treatife in Latin, entituled Horologium Ofcillatorium, by Mr. HUGENS. 3140. But this Treatife of Mr. HUGENS is upon the Theory of one Sort of Clock only, viz. that which moves with a Weight, and is regulated by a ſingle Pendulum. This great Author being the firſt that applied a PENDULUM to a Clock for this Purpoſe; though Pendulums were long before in Ufe as CHRONOMETERS, to meaſure Time by their equable Vibrations in aftronomical Obfervations, and on many other Occafions. But more of this VOL. II. A a a here- 362 INSTITUTIONS hereafter, when we come to treat directly of Nature, Ufe, and various Forms of the Pendulum. 3141. The Defign of Clock-work is twofold, viz. (1.) To meaſure Time exactly, or to divide a given Portion of Time in- to very ſmall equal Parts; for Inftance, to divide the Time of a Day into Hours, Minutes, Seconds, &c. (2.) To produce Mo- tions, or periodical Revolutions fimilar to any given ones, as thofe of the heavenly Bodies, together with their Phaſes, Aſpects, Pofitions, &c. at a determinate Time. But Clock-work of this Sort is uſually called a Planetarium, Orrery, &c. 3142. A CLOCK is the principal Machine, or Capital of all mechanical Contrivances, for measuring TIME. Its Principle. of Motion is derived from a two-fold Power or Force, viz. that of a Weight, or a Spring. For either of theſe Forces are fufficient to actuate, or put into Motion, the Syftem of Wheels and Pinions which compoſe the intermediate Parts or Body of the Machine; the Indexes fixed on the Axles of the Wheel point out the pro- per Divifions of the integral Portion of Time on appropriated Circles upon the Face of the Clock, and a Pendulum or Balance is added, to regulate the Motion communicated to the Ma- chine, or render it uniform. 3143. The two phyfical Principles of all Automata, viz. the WEIGHT and the SPRING are now to be confidered. With Reſpect to the firft, as its Force is derived from the Power of Gravity only, and this Power being always the fame in a given Quantity of Matter (968) it follows that the Force of a given Weight is a conftant Quantity, or always remains the fame in the fame Medium, and therefore in fuch Cafe, this becomes abfo- lutely a uniform Power or Principle of Motion; fuch as is ne- ceffary in perfect Clock-work. 3144. The ELASTICITY of a well-tempered Steel Spring is a fit Power or Principle of Motion in a Clock, for when it is bent or coiled to any given Degree, the Intenfity of its Force conti- nues the fame; but as it is coiled more or lefs about its Axis, the Force becomes increaſed or diminiſhed; and fince the Action of a Spring in Clock-work is by unbending itſelf by Means of its renitent Force, the Force it exerts on the Wheels would gradually decreaſe; and therefore if it was at firft fufficient to keep the Clock in Motion, it could not long continue fo, but the Of CLOCK-WORK, 363 A the Pendulum would at Length ceafe to move, and the Clock ſtand ſtill. 3145. When a SPRING, therefore, is applied to Clock-work, it becomes neceffary to contrive a Method by which its variable Force may be rendered equable or uniformly the fame on the Wheels of the Clock from its firſt or greateſt to its laſt or leaſt Degree of intenfive Force. And this is done by giving a requi- fite Form to the Barrel on the Axis of the firft Wheel, which it is connected with by a proper Chain, or String. 3146. The Force, therefore, of the Weight or Spring is the Primum Mobile, or firft Mover, in Clock-work; and it may be proper here to obſerve that the Force they communicate to the Machine is continually diminiſhed by the Wheel-work, till at Length upon the ferrated Teeth of the Crown-wheel it is but juft fufficient to keep the Pendulum in Motion; that is, the Force is there required to be equal to the Reſiſtance the Pendu- Jum meets with from the Air and the Axis of its Motion, for then its Motion will be continued in the Arch of Vibration pro- pofed. 3147. But if the Force of the faid Crown-wheel on the Pal- lets of the Verge of the Pendulum be fuperior to the Refiftance, it will only cauſe the Pendulum to vibrate farther, or in a fome- what larger Arch than the given one. But if the Force be lefs than the Reſiſtance of the Pendulum, then the Arches of Vibra- tion will decreaſe gradually to nothing, or the Pendulum and Clock will ceaſe to move. 3148. The more perfectly the component Parts of the mov- ing Syſtem are wrought and finiſhed, the leſs Force of a Weight or Spring will be required to keep it going. But when the Work is coarſe, and clogged with Duft, infpiffated Oil, &c. the Force of the Weight or Spring will be fo much diminiſhed thro' the Train of the Work, that unleſs it be in Proportion encreaſed it will not keep the Clock in Motion. But whatever be the Condition of the Clock, while it does move, it will meaſure Time equally; for on Suppofition the Pendulum continues of the fame Length, it makes all its Vibrations, in larger or ſmall- er Arches, in the fame Time, as we have formerly fhewn 1122, 1126); and, therefore, if once a Clock be ſet right, or Aaa 2 has 364 INSTITUTIONS has its Pendulum duly adjufted, it muft (as Hugens fays,) always meaſure Time truly, or not meaſure it at all. 3149. Upon the Whole we may conclude, that fince a Weight is, in its own Nature, a conftant Principle and muft neceffarily act with an uniform Tenour; and on the other Hand, the Ac- tion or Force of a Spring is in itſelf alway variable, and can only be rendered of an equable Tenour by an Artifice, it muft fol- low that the former is more eligible in Clock-Movements than the latter; and that a Spring is preferable to a Weight only on a fingle Account, viz. of its bringing the Clock into a more compendious or portable Form than can be admitted where a Weight is made ufe of for giving it Motion. * CHA P. II. The NATURE, FORM, and ACTION of the FUSEE, explained from Mechanical and Mathematical PRINCIPLES, 3150. WE E are now to explain the Theory of that Invention by which the SPRING is made to act with an equa- ble Force on the Syftem of Wheel-work by the Mediation of a Part called the FUSEE, which for that Purpofe is required to have a peculiar Form; every one knows how a Weight acts upon the Cylinder, and thereby communicates an equal Force and Movement to the Machine. But the Manner in which the Spring and Fuſee do the fame Thing conjointly, is not ſo ob- vious, but yet will be eaſy to conceive by attending to the fol- lowing Particulars. 3151. The Chain being fixed at one End to the Fufee, and at the other to the Barrel, when the Machine is winding up, the Fufee is turned round, and of Courſe the Barrel; on the Inſide of the Barrel is fixed one End of the Spring, the other End being fixed to an immoveable Axis in the Center. As the Barrel moves round, it coils the Spring feveral Times about the Axis, thereby increaſing its elaftic Force to a proper Degree; all Of CLOCK-WORK. 365 all this while the Chain is drawn off the Barrel upon the Fufee and then when the Inftrument is wound up, the Spring by its elaftic Force, endeavouring conftantly to unbend itfelf, acts up- on the Barrel, by carrying it round; by which Means the Chain is drawn off from the Fufee, and thus turns it about, and con- ſequently the whole Machinery is put in Motion. 3152. Now as the Spring unbends by Degrees, its elaſtic Force, by which it affects the Fufee, will gradually decreaſe; and therefore unleſs there were fome mechanical Contrivance in the Figure of the Superficies of the Fuſee to cauſe, that as the Spring is weaker, the Chain fhall be removed farther from the Centre of the Fufee, fo that what is loft in the Spring's Elafti- city is gained in the Length of the Lever; Ifay, unleſs it were for this Contrivance, the Spring's Force would always be une- qual upon the Machine, and fo would produce an unequable Motion of the Parts thereof. 3153. The Figure of the Curve, which fhall form the Super- ficies of the Fufee by a Revolution about its Axis, may be in- veftigated as follows. (Fig. 1.) Let BCD be the Curve, AL the Axis of the Fufee produced; let D be the Point where the End of the Chain is fixed on the Fuſee when the Watch is down, or the Spring uncoiled, and B the Point where it touches it when the Spring or Machine is wound up. From the Points B and D let fall the Perpendiculars to the Axis B A and DH; in which produced, let there be taken A E and HI proportional to the Force or Strength of the Spring, when the Chain is at B and D. Through E, I, draw the Right-line EIK interfecting the Axis fomewhere in K; and from any Point C in the Curve, draw CF perpendicular to the Axis in G ; then will F G be as the Strength of the Spring when the Chain is at G. 3154. Now fince the Force acting on the firſt Wheel ought always to be uniformly the fame; and this Force being always as the Strength of the Spring expreffed by FG, and the Diſtance at which the Chain acts from the Axis of the Fulee conjointly: Therefore the Force at any Point C will be as the Rectangle F G × GC, and fince this is a given Quantity it may be made F G a b × GC ab, and fo we have F G = GC = 3¹55. 366 INSTITUTIONS 3155. Therefore to determine the Equation of the Curve BCD, let KH='a, HI = b, HG = x, and GC = y. Then becauſe of the fimilar Triangle HKI and G K F, we ab have HK HI:: GK: FG-; that is, a: ba+x: a b y y ; whence we have aaay + xy, which is the Equation of the Curve, and ſhews it to be that of the Hyperbola with Re- ſpect to the Space between the Curve and its Afymptotes, as is evident from (779). 3156. Hence when xo, then ay, or HK = HD; alſo when the Point G arrives at A, then y = AB. And be- cauſe EA XABIH×HD, we have EA:IH::HD: ABay fo is the greateſt Force of the Spring to its leaft Force, on the Fuſce (3154). 3157. Becauſe the Ordinates HD, AB, &c. are at Right- angles to AL, (3153) the Curve BCD is that called an equi- lateral Hyperbola (fee 780). By the Revolution of which about its Axis or common Afymptote A K the true Form of the Solid or Fuſee is generated, as in Fig. 2. √2 3158. In that Figure A DE, FG H, and I KL, MNO, are oppofite equilateral Hyperbolas deſcribed about the Afymp- totes PQ, R S, interfecting at Right-angles in the common Cen- ter C. Put CT (TD) = 1, then CD= ✓2 = Radius of the Circle D KGN touching the four equal Hyperbolas in their reſpective Vertices, And CF (=CY = √✓✓CQ² + QY¹) -2, is the Diſtance of the Focus of each Hyperbola from the Center. Laftly, the Parameter ab KN, the Diameter of the Circle. All which is evident from what we have heretofore demonftrated of the Properties of the Hyperbola in general (765, &c.) 3159. It is therefore demonftrated that the Section of any gi- ven Fufee BDK X through its Axis Z T is determined by two equal Arches B D and K X of two equal and adjacent Hyperbo- las beginning from their Vertices D and K. 3160. It is alfo evident, that fince TD and ZB do repre- fent the Force of the Spring, when it is wound up, and when quite down, therefore in every Fufee truly made the Diameters DK Of CLOCK-WORK. 367 DK and BX of the greatest and leaft Ends thereof must be cxactly proportionate to the greatest and leaft Force of the Spring. 3161. Alfo it follows, that when the Proportion of the great- eft and leaft Force of the Spring is known, or the Ratio of TD to Z B is given, then alſo the Length of the Fufee T Z is a gi- ven Quantity; or there can be but one determinate Length for the Fufee, to answer to the two given Forces of the Spring. 3162. Laſtly, it is evident, that when the Length of the Fu- fee, and one of the Forces, TD or Z B are given, then the other Force is given or determined, and not to be affumed at Pleaſure. 3163. Having thus determined the geometrical Form of the Fuſee, we next proceed to illuftrate the Theory of the ſeveral Cafes by Examples. Therefore put TD a, ZBy, and TZ = x; and then the Equation aaay.+ yx (3155) will appear in its uſual Form. Whence (1.) If a and y are given, to find x; we have aa y a = x. (2.) When x is given, or x = I, we have given the Ratio of a to y; for then a a = ay † ją confequently ay::a +1:a. (3.) When a and x are given, then a² a + y = y. (4.) Laftly, when x and y are given; we have a² ayy, and (compleating the Square) a = √xy + + y² + y.. * 3164. The proper Numbers for expreffing the Forces (a) and (y) of the Spring will be in Ounces and Drams Averdupois Wt. which Ounces may be made Tenths of an Inch, in the Meaſures of the Fufee TD, TZ, and Z B. Thefe Forces are thus de- termined. In Fig. 3. let A B C D be the Barrel containing the Spring, and let FBX be the Pofition of the Chain or Cord upon the Barrel and Fufee when the Spring is wound up; then ſup- poſe the Chain difengaged from the Fufee, and carried under the Barrel in the Direction EH to the Pulley at H, over which it is to be hung with ſuch a Weight W appended, as will juſt counter- act or balance the Force of the Spring coiled up. After the fame Manner, if CDK be the Chain when the Clock is down, then if this be taken from the Fuſee, and paffed under the Bar- rel to the Pulley K, and a Weight L hung on to the End, fuch as 368 INSTITUTIONS as fhall juſt keep the Barrel in the fame Poſition; then this Weight L will be equal to the Force of the Spring fo far uncoiled.- Therefore TD=a:ZB=y : : W : L. 3165. CASE I. Suppoſe the Weight W be 63 Ounces, and the Weight I be 21; then a= 63 and y = 21; =21; or becauſe 63: 21:: 3 : 1, we have a = 3, and y = 1; and then we find x = aa y a 6 = 2 a, that is when the Forces are as 3 to 1, the Height or Length of the Fufee TZ is equal to the Diameter of its Baſe or End DK. If W:L::2:1::TD: ZB; then x = a, or TZ =TD. When W: L:: 3:2; then x= a; and univer- fally if W: L:: m : n :: a ¦ y ¦ ¦ a + x: a, then it will be a = x. = 3166. CASE II. m 72 n Given the Length of the Fufee TZ = 6, to determine the Ratio of the Forces of the Spring, or the Weights W, L, which will give the Diameters DK, and X B of the Ends of the Fuſee. Since a² ay + 6y (3163) we have a: y:: a +6: a; then by affuming the Value of a you have that of y. Thus ſuppoſe a = 3, then ay::3 +6:3:3: 1. And in this Cafe the Diame- tér DK = 3X B. And becauſe a:y :: m:n, (3165) there- XB. fore for any affumed Ratio, we have n m - n xa: thus if m :n::2:1, then xa, or if m:n:: a, or if m:n:: 3:2, then 2x = a. Confequently if x 6, we have a 12, and y = 8. 3167. CASE III. Given the Length of the Fufee, and the greateſt Force of the Spring to find what the leaft Force muft be. Suppoſe x=TZ= 6, and a=TD=3; then y = a² ૦૨ a + x 21. 63 Ounces, we have L21. or DK = 2 X B. == 1; fo that if W If x = a, then y = 1ª, 3168. Of CLOCK-WORK. 36g 3168. CASE IV. Given the Length of the Fufee, and the leaft Force of the Spring, to find the greatest. Let x = 6, and y = 1; then √ xy + + y² + 1 y = √6,25 + 0,5 = 3 = a (3163) ſo 3=a that if y = 21 Ounces, the greateſt Force of the Spring will be 63. Therefore in every Cafe the Form and Dimenſions of the Fuſee are geometrically determined. 3169. It only remains now to fhew the Method by which the Hyperbola ADE (Fig. 2.) is to be deſcribed in Plano in or der to be made a Gauge for giving the true Form of the Fufee re- quired in any particular Cafe. Thus fuppofe it be found by Experiment (3164) that the greateſt and leaſt Force of the Spring to be uſed is 63 and 21 Ounces. Then having drawn two Lines PQ and RS at Right-angles in C for Afymptotes, let the An- gles PCS and R CQ be bifected by a Right-line G D continu- ed each Way indefinitely. 3170. Then having determined the Diameter of the Baſe DK of the Fufee, take that Extent in your Compaſſes and ſet it off each Way from the Center C in the Line DG to F and C (in Fig. 4.) then will thoſe two Points be the Focuffes of two op- pofite Hyperbolas ADE and F G H (774). i 3171. Having provided a Ruler A B C of the Form (in Fig. 4.) you fix one End of a String A B F on the End A, and the other End in the focal Point F of the intended Hyperbola. This Chord ABF muſt be juſt fo much leſs in Length than the Ru- ler ABC, as is equal to the Diameter G D of the Circle that is, ABC-GD=ABE. Then if with a ſteady Hand you move the Ruler about a Pin fixed in the oppofite Focus C, and at the fame Time keep the Chord nicely to the Edge of the Ruler, as at B, with a proper Pencil or drawing Point, that Point B will defcribe the required Hyperbola ADE (Fig. 2.) 3172. For the Ellipfis in the Figure to (768) becomes a Circle in the prefent Cafe, and the tranfverfe Axis T V there becomes the Diameter DG here; but in every Cafe the Difference of two Lines CB, FB, drawn from any Point B in the Curve of the Hyperbola will be equal to the tranfverfe Axis, as is fhewn (769) and therefore univerfally CB-BF GD; or the VOL. II. Bbb Point 370 INSTITUTIONS Point B is conſtantly in, and therefore deſcribes the Hyperbolic Curve required. ; 3173. When the Curve is thus drawn on Paper or Paſt- board, it will be eaſy to transfer it to a Plate of Brafs, or Steel and thereby form a Gauge, for giving a true Figure to the Fu- fee propoſed. In fuch Fufees of the larger Sort, where the Di- ameter of the Chord or Chain is large enough to be confidered, it muſt be added to the Diameters DK and XB of the greateft and leaft Helix of the Fufee. 3174. In order to draw the Fufee by Scale and Compaſſes, it has been fhewn that there is a ftated Proportion between the Di- ameters, and Length of the Fufee; and therefore in whatever Numbers one is expreffed, the other may be expreſſed in the fame. Thus for Inftance; if TD be to Z B, as 63 to 21, then, becauſe, in this Cafe, 2a, or TZ 2 TD (3165); * = therefore TZ = 126, of the fame equal Parts. So that if TZ= 1,26 Inches, or 12,6 Tenths of an Inch, then TD- 0,63, or 6,3 Tenths; and ZB = 0,21, or 2,1 Tenths of an Inch, which are laid down from any decimal Scale, or other Scale of equal Parts. 3175. Theſe Things are, I think, all that belong effentially to the Theory of the Fufee in Clock-work; and could the Artiſt in Practice execute this Part to the Perfection of Theory, it would then communicate a Motion to the Machine as equable as that produced by a Weight itself. And by this geometrical Conftruc- tion of the Fuſee, thoſe which are uſually made by Trial with the Lever, may be compared and corrected in regard to their Figure and Dimenfions. CHAP. Of CLOCK-WORK. 371 CHA P. III. The Rationale of CALCULATION in CLOCK- WORK; the fame applied and illuſtrated in a DESCRIPTION of the original AUTOMATON invented by HUGENIUS. 317 being, as the Origin or Principles of Motion in this 3176. THE Nature of the Weight, and the Spring with its Fufee, Kind of Machinery, explained; it remains to fhew the Conftruc- tion and Difpofition of the Syftem of Wheel-work to anſwer the general Purpoſe of a Clock. But as little of a mathematical Theo- ry is here required, or employed, it will the fooner be diſpatched. 3177. The Communication of Motion being by Wheels and Pinions, it is in the firſt Place neceffary to take Care, that the Diameters of the Wheel and Pinion it drives, have the exact Proportion of their Numbers of Teeth refpectively, that the Teeth of one may exactly correfpond to the Cavities or Interfti- ces of the other; thus if a Wheel of 80 Teeth be propoſed to drive a Pinion of 8 Teeth, then the Diameter of the Wheel muſt be to that of the Pinion exactly as 80 to 8, or as 10 to I. If this be done throughout the Syſtem, the Movements will be every where natural and exact. 3178. In the next Place, from the Nature of the Lever and Axis in Peritrochio, it appears that the Power or Force on the Pinion is to that on the Circumference of the Wheel on the fame Axis, as the Diameter of the Wheel is to that of the Pinion; confequently by this Means, and by the Friction of the Parts, the Force at firft impreffed by the Weight or Spring is conſtantly diminiſhing through the whole Compages, till at laſt it is but very ſmall on the Pendulum, viz. juft enough to conti- nue it in Motion. 3179. The Revolutions of two immediate Axis in a given Time are inverſely as the Number of Teeth in the Wheel of one to that Number of Teeth in the Pinion of the other, which it drives, thus if the Number of Teeth in the Wheel and Pinion B b b 2 be 372 INSTITUTIONS be 80 and 8, then the Axis of the Pinion will be turned round Io Times to I Turn of the Axis of the Wheel; therefore the Quotient of the Wheel, divided by the Pinion it drives, is the Ratio of Turns to Unity. Thus 8) 80 (10, as before. 3180. Hence if there be any Number of Wheels A, B, C, D, &e. acting upon fo many contiguous Pinions a, b, c, d, &c. and let the Quotients of each Wheel, by the Pinion it drives, be m, e, f, g, &c. then A a m; ora: A:; 1 : m. Again, B is the Wheel on the fame Axis with the Pinion a, and drives the Pinion b on the next Axle; then B b e, is the Number of Re- volutions in this third Axis to one on the Axis of the Pinion b; and therefore me m B в n the Number of Turns in this third Axle to one of the first Axle, or that of the Wheel A, ſɑ that b : B :: m :n, Let the Wheel on the Axis of the Pinion b C drive another Pinion c, then =f with Refpect to the Turns C of the preceding Axis which are expreffed by n; therefore n C C =nfo; and fo we have c: C::n:; and for the next Axle, we have d: D::o: p, and fo on for as many Axes as are requined in the Train of the Work. ABCD a b c d 3181. Then placing thefe Analogies one un-a: A :: 1 : m der another, and multiplying all the Antece-b: B::m: n dents and Confequents together, we have abc: C:: no cd: ABCD::mno:mnop:: 1 :p. Where- d: D::0: R fore =p; whence we have this Rule. Divide the Product of the Number of Teeth in the Wheels by the Product of the Teeth in the Pinions, the Quotient will be the Number of Turns of the Axle of the laft Pinion d in one Turn of the first Axle of the Wheel A. A B C 3182. Since the Expreffions a b' c of the Numbers of the Teeth in the Wheels and Pinions, it is evident, any Numbers having the fame Ratio will answer the fame Purpoſe, or give the fame Number of Revolutions to an &c. are but Ratios ! Axis な ​.. Of CLOCK-WORK. 373 } Axis at a given Diſtance from the Firft. 60 Thus A ~^ a¨ ย may be go or, or 50, &c. (as they all give the fame Quouent, viz 10) and therefore ſuch Numbers are to be chofen by the ſkilliul Ar- tift as will beft fuit the general Defign and Circumftances of the Machine. A B 1 3183. If the Number n = X ㄜ​ˊ be given, it is not ne- a fhould be whole Numbers; but either. A B ceffary that and a b A one or both may be Fractions; thus may be 33 5 = 6,6, and a B A B b 40 = 5; and fo a 6 = n = 6,6 × 5 = 33. Or A if = = 45 = 7,5, and B B a b I 8 5 J 3,6; then X b A a 7,5 × 3,6 = 27, the Turns in the third Axle, or that on which is the Pinion b, to one Turn of the firſt Wheel. 3184. Becauſe we may put A R S X n, it is evident a b S one Wheel SAB will, by driving a Pinion sab, pro- duce the fame Number (n) of Turns in the next Axle to the Wheel A. Thus let A B = 45 x 18 = 45 × 18 = 810, and ab - 6 × 5 = 30 then $10 =27=n, as before. But fuch large Numbers can be admitted only in very large Works; therefore the equal Ratios 1, 162, 243, &c. may be taken as Occafion requires (3182). 30 3185. We have now confidered how Wheels and Pinions are to be conſtructed as far as the Pendulum or Balance which regu- lates the Motion; the Conftruction for Application of the Pendu- lum is now fomewhat different from what it was in the original Invention of the Pendulum Clock by Mr. Chriftian HUGENIUS of Zulichem in Holland, which he first defcribed and publiſhed in a Diagram cut in Wood, in the Year 1657. And as this And as this may be justly eſteemed one of the greateſt Curiofities of Art, and was never (that we know of) exhibited to the Reader, we fhall here preſent him with it, from the Original. View of an English cut in Wood exactly 3186. .1 ! Y 374 INSTITUTIONS Y A N L P + о T L M • P J 4 K Z 15° } T 24 H G • S (R 18 48 દ દ 72 30 m • E C V 6.39 Y (OLEREINDSINTAR... 80 C B V Of CLOCK-WORK. 375 3186. The View is a Section through the Axles of the feve- ral Wheels, which, in this firft Automaton, were all placed in a perpendicular Line through the Middle of the Clock, as here repreſented. The parallel Plates of the Frame are A A and B B, and the first or great Wheel CC is placed on the Arbor of the Bar- rel DD, to which is the Chord applied with the Weight append- ed. This Wheel has 80 Teeth, and drives a Pinion E with 8 Teeth, (or Leaves as they are ufually called) placed on the 2d Axle, which therefore moves ten Times round in one Turn of the firſt Wheel. 3187. The Second Wheel F has 48 Teeth, and drives a Pinion G of 8; therefore turns round fix Times in one Turn of the Wheel F; and 6 x 10 = 60 Turns in one of the first Wheel. 3188. The third Wheel H (on the Axle of the Pinion G) has alfo 48 Teeth; but the Form of this Wheel is different from the other, being like a Hoop, and the Teeth cut on one Edge. gives it fome Refemblance to a Crown, and is therefore ufually called the Crown Wheel. This Wheel drives a Pinion I of 24 Leaves placed horizontally on an Axis, of Courſe, perpendicu- lar to the Horizon. And as it turns but twice in one Turn of the Wheel G, it will have 120 Turns to one of the firſt Wheel C. 3189. The fourth Wheel K on this Axis has an horizontal Po- fition, and is, like the laft, in Form of a Hoop on the upper Edge of which 5 Teeth are cut like thofe of a Saw, except that the upper or oblique Part is a Curve of a peculiar Form, neceffa- ry on Account of giving the moft natural Motion to the Pendu- lum by Means of two Parts (called Pallets) L, L, which alter- nately play in the Teeth of the Wheel, at the oppofite Sides K, L. This is commonly called the Swing-wheel. 3190. For theſe Pallets L, L, being fixed to an Axis move- able on its extreme Parts in a firm Piece of Braſs N, P, will by the gentle and alternate Impulſes they receive from the Wheel K, keep the faid Axle L M in a conftant vibratory Motion, which being communicated to a flender Rod MS, fixed to it at M, and having a Fork V to receive the Rod VV of the Pen- dulum TV, it is plain, that vibrating Motion will be at laſt impreſſed on the Pendulum itſelf. 3191. 376 INSTITUTIONS ' 1) 3191. But this Motion thus communicated to the Pendulum, muſt be fuch as nicely quadrates or coincides with the proper Motion of the Pendulum itſelf, which depends on its Length. Now as the Wheel K has 15 Teeth, and each Tooth ftrikes each Pallet 15 Times in one Turn, both the Pallets together muft receive 30 Impulfes, and confequently the Pendulum muft have 30 Swings or Vibrations in one Turn of the Wheel K; and therefore it must vibrate 30 × 120 3600 Times in one Turn of the great Wheel C. 3192. Now 3600 is the Number of Seconds in one Hour; therefore a Pendulum vibrating Seconds, whofe Length is 39,2 Inches (1125) was applied to the Clock; and then the Axis of the firft or great Wheel C turned round once in an Hour. 3193. As the Axis of this Wheel paffed through the Platé A A, then an Index put on the End was carried round once in an Hour, and over a large Circle (on the Face of the Clock) divided into 60 equal Parts, thereby indicating the Mi- nutes at its extreme Part. 22 This Pini- 3194. On the fame Axis (near the Plate A A) was fixed a Wheel BB of 30 Teeth which drove another Wheel of the fame Number of Teeth, and a Pinion of 6 Leaves. on drove the Wheel of 72 Teeth; and therefore it moved but once round in 12 Turns of the Pinion or Axle of the Wheel C. Confequently an Index placed on the Socket 0 of the Wheel (moveable about the common Axis) will fhew the HOURS as it paffes over a Circle divided into 12 equal Parts, on the Face of the Clock Y Y. it has 60 Turns in The Axis of this A A had a Plate 3195. Laftly; the Axis of the Crown-wheel H has 60 Turns to one of the great Wheel C, (3187) that is, an Hour, or it turns once round in a Minute. Wheel, therefore, paffing through the Plate λ a fixed upon its End with a Circle divided into. 60 equal Parts denoted by their proper Numbers, which fhewed the SECONDS of Time as they paffed by a Hole z made in the exterior Plate or Face of the Clock Y Y. י 11. 3196. This original Pendulum clock, conftructed with fuch Simplicity as to have no more than four Wheels and Pinions in the Body of the Clock, fhewed HOURS MINUTES, and SECONDS of Time, with all the Exactnels and Equability that a mecha- 1 や ​nical Of CLOCK-WORK. 377 nichal Exegefis can admit of. And I think we may conclude that it is not only the first but the moſt perfect Pattern of a CHRONOMETER that has been or can be propoſed; for though it be poffible with three Wheels and Pinions only to produce this threefold Divifion of Time; yet the great Difproportion, and inconvenient Difpofition of the Parts, would render fuch a Con- ſtruction inelegant and immechanical, and therefore not to be admitted as a Work of Art. They who would ſee a great deal wrote on this Subject to very little Purpoſe, may confult the voluminous Tracts of Cafp. Scottus, and others of the like Ge- nius. CHA P. IV. Hugenius's INVENTION for applying a WEIGHT to a CLOCK, that ſhall act upon it inceſſantly, and render its MOTION conftant, explained and illuf- trated; with its Improvement in ROYAL PENDU- LUMS. 3197. HE celebrated Author of the foregoing Invention, ſo uſeful in public and private Life, did afterwards improve it by another, which no lefs demonftrated his fingular Genius and Sagacity for automatical Machinery. This fecond Invention was to render the Motion of the Clock, or rather of the Pendulum, more equal than before; but to underſtand the Reaſon of it, the Manner in which he ſuſpended the Weight for keeping the Clock in an unintermitting Motion, is firſt to be ex- plained. 3198. It is eaſy to underſtand that a Weight fufpended upon a Clock in the Manner it is upon a Jack, will keep the Clock going till it wants winding up; but during the Time of winding it up, the Action of the Weight is taken off from the great Wheel of the Clock, as it is all that while difengaged from the Barrel on which the Weight hangs; and therefore the Clock not being impelled by the Weight, will, during that Time, ftand ftill, and confequently fo much Time will be loft. Ccc VOL. II, 3199. 378 INSTITUTIONS 3199. Our Author therefore tells us, that he invented the Method which follows, of a perpetual or endleſs Line for that Purpoſe, which being of a proper Length, the two Ends were nicely fpliced and con- nected together; it was then ap- plied in the Clock as reprefented in the Figure adjoined, by the Letters ABCDĄ. Where A repreſents the fulcated Wheel DD (in the Figure of the Clock) with feveral Spicule or ſmall pointed Pins fixed in the Sur- face of the evacuated Part, as is there fhewn. 3200. The Pulley C is fixed to a Rachet-wheel G, but both moveable on a fixed Axis, from the Left-hand towards the Right only; for all Mo- tion the contrary Way is prevented M K A H G กา 15 FO من التاني D L by the Trigger or Catch at H falling conſtantly into the ferrated Teeth of the Wheel G. The Surface alfo of this Pulley C is fpiculated, like that of the Wheel DD on the Arbor of the firſt Wheel of the Clock, 3201. The endleſs Line or Cord, being put over the Barrel A, and Pulleys B and C, will, by Reafon of the Spiculæ or poin- ted Pins, hang firmly on A and C, fufpending the large Weight E affixed to the Pulley B. Now it is evident from the Nature of the Pulley (1050) that the Weight E equally stretches the Parts of the Chord I and K; and therefore acts with an equal Force, viz. half its Weight, on the Wheel A, and Pulley C. 3202. But fince this Force upon the Pulley C tends to move it from Right to Left, and all Motion that Way is ſtopped (3200) it follows, that the Line I is to be confidered as fixed all the Time the Clock is going; but the Parts K and M, by Vertue of the Weight E, will be conftantly moving over the Surface of the Wheel A, and thereby communicating Motion to it, and, of Courſe, to all the Machinery of the Clock. · 3203, Of CLOCK-WORK. 379 2203. As to the Pulley D, and the fmall Weight F, it is plain they are defigned only to give free Motion to the Parts of the Chord L, M; and keep them in a perpendicular Pofi- tion. 3204. Thus it appears, that as long as the Weight E can deſcend, fo long the Clock will keep going; and therefore as many Times as the Circumference of the Wheel or Barrel A is contained in the Diſtance through which the Weight can de- ſcend, ſo many Hours will the Clock go without drawing up, becauſe the ſaid Wheel A goes once round in an Hour (3192). In this original Clock, the Wheel DD is one Inch Diameter, or bout 3 Inches in Circumference, and went 30 Hours without drawing up; therefore 90 Inches, or 7 Feet was the perpen- dicular Defcent of the Weight, or Height of the Clock. 2 3205. When the Weight was down, it was eaſily drawn up again by applying the Hand to the Part of the Line at L, and drawing downwards it will move the Pulley C, till the Weight E afcends to the Top, during which Aſcent it conftantly acts or gravitates on the Wheel A, by Means of the Rope K, with the fame Force as when at Reft, and therefore the Clock goes con- ftantly by this Contrivance without ever loofing a Moment of Time, if it be not neglected. 3206. Hugenius informs us that in thoſe of his Clocks which were eſteemed the beſt, the Weight E was fix Pounds; the Power therefore by which the Clock was animated, was that of 3 Pounds. The Weight of the Pendulum was alfo 3 Pounds; and of the Length, to fwing Seconds. 3207. By an Addition of Pulleys, it would be eaſy to make the Weight defcend more flowly, and, of Courſe, to make the Clock go longer before it wants to be drawn up. In the Mo- dern Conſtruction of Clocks, a different Method of applying the Weight is uſed, and it is wound up upon a Barrel with a Handle or Winch; by this Means, the ufual Time the Clock will go, is 8 Days in thofe called Royal Pendulums, in which the Swing- wheel K has a Pofition (not parallel, as here, but) perpendicular to the Horizon, or the fame with all the other Wheels. Every Thing of this Sort is evident by Inſpection of any 8 Day Clock, and needs no other Inſtruction. Ccc 2 3208. 380 INSTITUTIONS 3208. I fhall only here obferve, that the Form of the Teeth in this Wheel ſhould be exactly circular on that Side or Part by which acts on the Pads or two Arms of the Clock of the Pendu- lum ; in the extreme Parts of thoſe Arms there fhould be a ſmall cylindric Pin fixed, always touching and moving in the circu- lar Surface of the Teeth of the Wheel; the Radius of the Circle for the Teeth is the neareſt Diſtance of the Pin in the End of the Pad to the Axis or Arbor of the Pendulum on which it is fixed. 3209. Moreover it is farther neceffary, that the Teeth on this Wheel be of fuch a Number and Length, that the Pins up- on the Ends of the Pads, may very nicely take and eſcape them alternately, or without the leaft Intermiffion of Action. Such a Conftruction is both natural and mathematical, but it is not in Ufe, that I have feen; I know of no Method that can be ſubſti- tuted that is eaſier, or that will produce a more fteady or equable Motion of the Second-hand fixed on the End of this Arbor, or (in the Clock-maker's Language) fo accurately cauſe the Pen- dulum to beat dead Seconds. CHA P. V. The Rationale of HUGENIUS's Invention for con · tinuing and regulating the MOTION of the PEN- DULUM by a fingle Wheel only; thereby render- ing it most EQUABLE for USE at SEA. 3210. HUGENIUS having confidered (and probably found by Experience) that the Action of a Weight being propagated through a Multiplicity of Wheels and Pinions to the Pendulum, could not be fo conftant, and agitate the Pendulum with a Force fo equable, as it would do if the Number of Wheels were lefs; and of Courfe concluded, that if the Weight could be applied to the Arbor of that Wheel only which actuated the Pen- Of CLOCK-WORK. 381 Pendulum, it would then communicate a Motion to it that would be the moſt ſimple and conftant that the Nature of Things admits of in this Kind of Machinery. - 3211. At Length he invented the Method of fuch an Appli- cation, which was as follows. An endless Line with its proper Weights and Pulleys, (every Way fimilar to that defcribed in Fig. to Art. 3199, only as much leſs in Proportion as the Force of the Weight was lefs,) was applied to the Arbor of the Swing-wheel in a fmail. pinnulated Grove of a Bar- rel, (which we now fuppofe to be A) on one Part, and to a Ratchet-wheel C on the other, fupporting the fmall Wheel E, with the other much ſmaller at F. 3212. It is manifeft that the Weight E depending on the Line IBA, confidered as fixed on the Pulley C, does now fole- ly act on the Arbor of the Swing-wheel by the Part AB, and therefore the Motion communicated to the Pendulum, must be the moſt Uniform poffible, as we cannot conceive any Thing incident to the Weight E that can make any Alteration in its gravitating Force, and as there can be no Caufe for any Irregu- larity in the Motion of the Pendulum. 3213. As the Body of the Machinery in the Clock is in this Conftruction difingaged from the Swing-wheel and Pendulum, fo none of its Anomalies can affect either; the proper Office of all this Part being now only to raiſe up the Weight E as often as it is down, which the Author tells us, was every Half-minute, or 30 Seconds. For fince in every Revolution of the Wheel A, the Weight E muft defcend through a Space equal to the Cir- cumference of that Wheel; therefore it muſt want very frequent- ly to be drawn up, which could not be done but by Means of the Machinery of the Clock, which by its Nature becomes a con-- ſtant Agent for that Purpoſe. 3214. Where it not for the Frequency of drawing the Weight up, the Pendulum, with one Wheel to continue its Motion, would be the most perfect Chronometer that could be made; but as it is thus connected with the Clock-part, it becomes juft as uſeful as if it wanted no Attendance to draw it up at all. 3215. By this Invention, therefore the Clock with all its Wheels, is, in Effect, reduced to one fingle Wheel; and the Mo- 382 INSTITUTIONS Motion juſt as equable and perfect as if it confifted of no more; and the Author affures us, that the Equability of Motion in Clocks of this Sort was apparently greater than in Clocks of the common Conſtruction. ; 3216. As a Proof of this, he mentions a very extraordinary Circumſtance, which he diſcovered by Accident; it was this as two of thoſe Clocks ftood together on a Shelf, he obferved the contrary Vibrations of each of them did fo exactly agree and coincide, that they never in the leaft receded from it. And if this Concordance of their Motions was on Purpoſe difturbed, yet in a very little Time it would of it's one Accord return, and continue, in fuch perfect Coincidence, that only one Sound could be heard of both their Vibrations. 3217. Having wondered fome Time at fo unuſual a Phæno- menon, he refolves to enquire into its Caufe with the utmoſt Diligence, and at Length found that it proceeded from a Mò- tion of the Shelf or Plank on which they ftood, though in itſelf altogether infenfible. For the Reciprocations of the Pendulums communicated fome Degree of Motion to the Clocks, firmly placed as they were; and this Motion being impreſſed on the Board, did neceffarily cauſe that, if the Pendulums vibrated otherwiſe than by contrary Strokes very exactly, they must at Length do fo, and then the Motion of the Shelf would entirely ceaſe. 3218. For whatever Motion be communicated to the Shelf by the contrary Motion or Vibrations of the Pendulums as thofe Motions are impreffed in contrary Directions, they will, if equal, deſtroy each other ( ) and if they are not impreffed equally, and at the fame Inftant on the Board, yet as the Difference equal- ly affects the Board and the Clock, it will, by this Alternation, conſtantly tend to an Equibrium both in the Clocks and the Shelf, till at Length that being affected, the Pendulums muſt move bý contrary Strokes very nicely. 3219. But our Author concludes, that notwithſtanding the Fact is evident, yet a Cauſe of fuch a tender and delicate Na→ ture could never have Efficacy enough to produce fuch an Effect, unleſs the Motions of the Clocks had been previouſly, and by other Means rendered moft equable and confentient between thern- Of CLOCK-WORK. 383 themſelves; and which therefore is by this Experiment fully af- certained and demonftrated. 3220. It is above 100 Years fince this Difcovery was made and publiſhed to the World, and was intended, by the Inventor, to render his Clock more immediately uſeful at Sea; for this Purpoſe he contrived it in a particular Form with a triangular Pendulum, and a Conſtruction which gave it always an upright and fteady Pofition on Ship-board; and thus many of them were made and ufed at Sea for the better difcovering of the Lon- gitude; and with confiderable Succeſs, as we find by an Account thereof (in feveral Voyages) by the Author in his Horoing Ocil- lator. Pag. 17, &c. where alfo you have Iconiſms of the Pen- ` dulum, the Clock, and its Frame in which it was fufpended in the Ship. 3221. But after all, we find the Uſe of this moſt promifing Invention diſcontinued at Sea, which would never have been, were it poffible for any Thing of this Nature to fucceed there; and if this be the Fate of a CLOCK actuated and regulated by the conftant Power of a WEIGHT, it may tend to moderate our Expectations of the Longitude by Means of Watches, wherein the fame Artifice has been attempted by Means of Springs. But how much Inferior all Automata by Springs are to thoſe which move by Weights, common Experience can fufficient teſtify, and will be farther evident by confidering their Nature and Con- ftruction, explained in the next Chapters. 3222. I fhall conclude this with a Query to the ingenious Artificer, viz. whether it is not practicable to move a Pen- dulum by a ſingle Wheel, and a Weight that ſhall not need wind- ing up at all, by the Addition of another equal Pendulum to the Clock? I fee nothing to contradict it in the Theory; if this were done, the utmoft Equability of Motion from Clock- work would thence be derived to the Pendulum, and fuch a double Pendulum Clock would become the moſt perfect Automaton in Nature. CHAP. 384 INSTITUTIONS 1 CH A P. VI. СНАР. Concerning the Invention of portable AUTOMATA, or WATCHES; of the BALANCE, and REGU- LATOR; and the THEORY of Ifochronal VIBRA- TIONS in SPRINGS. 3223. IN N the Invention and Application of Pendulums to Ho- rological Automata, Mr. Hugens ftands unrivaled; but with regard to the Invention of Clocks in Miniature, or of a por- table and pocket Form, which we generally call WATCHES, there is (at least, there has been) great Difpute. Of theſe Watches there is not the leaft Mention or Intimation in the Horologium Ofcillatorium by Hugenius, though printed in 1673, from whence it ſeems probable, that at that Time he knew of no fuch Thing. 3224. It is alſo certain, that many Years before, our cele- brated Countryman, Dr. HOOKE, exhibited feveral of thoſe Watches as his own Contrivance and Invention, and a Patent was offered him for the fame in 1663, but not liking the Con- ditions, he refuſed it. Dr. Derham (in his Artif. Clock-maker) tells us, he ſaw a Watch prefented to King Charles II. on which was this Inſcription, viz. Robert Hook, inven. 1658. T. Tompion, fecit, 1675. Mr. Ward, in the Life of Dr. Hooke, fays, he faw the fame Infcription on a round Braſs-plate, which former- ly had been a Cover to the Balance of one of Mr. Hooke's Wat- ches; and he farther adds, that Mr. G. Graham, informed him, he heard Mr. Tompion fay, he was employed three Months that Year by Mr. Hooke, in making fome Parts of thoſe Watches before he let him know for what Ule they were defigned; and that Mr. Tompion ufc to fay, he thought Mr. Hooke was the In- ventor of them. 3225. From hence it appears, that thefe Watches were in- vented by Dr. Hooke, within one Year after the Clock itſelf, which (as before obferved, 3185) was not made public till the Year 1657. Notwithſtanding this, in the Year 1674, Mr. Hu- The THEORY of SPRINGS & PENDULUMS. A l Fig. 7. α Fig. 2. E α d Fig. 6. F C D B Tig. 1. C B ທ rrrrr! i C F rrrrr B a A A G E C Fig. 11. Fig. 10. N G D Fig. 3. K K K K K A I い ​I M л M www Fig. 4. d B f F C C C C Fig.5. I Fig. 9. R F Philosophical FOOT The Philofophical YARD or STANDARD. Paris FOOT English FOOT Fig. 8. E M 75 N T GV P K Ꮐ C H e g B : 385 Of CLOCK-WORK. Hugens publiſhed a Pocket Watch of his own Invention, as he aſ- ferts, but it was in feveral Reſpects different from Dr. Hooke's. And as it is inconfiftent with the great Character of Hugenius, for Learning and Probity, to fuppofe him capable of Plagiariſm, therefore it muſt be allowed, that the Reduction of Clock-work, to the Size of a Pocket-watch, was feparately the Invention of each of theſe ingenious Competitors. 3226. This Invention confifts in applying a Balance-wheel, to beat the Time inftead of a Pendulum; for though they are called Pendulum-watches, it is only becauſe of the alternative Motion of the Balance being fomewhat like that of a Pendu- lum. 3227. This Balance has its Motion regulated by a Spiral-fpring properly applied, an Idea of the Balance and Spring is eaſy to be formed from the View of any Watch-work. As alſo the Man- ner in which they are actuated by the Machinery of the Watch; for this being the fame as in a Spring-clock, only in ſmall, there is nothing new till we come to the Regulation by a Wheel and Spring instead of a Pendulum. 3228. From barely confidering the Size of a Watch, it is plain no Pendulum can be admitted into its Conftruction; for in the firſt Place, a Pendulum cannot be made of fo fhort a Length as is requifite, with any Degree of Exactneſs; and ſe- condly, the Pendulum always muft have a perpendicular Pofi- tion, which cannot be allowed in the Ufe of a Watch, which is incident to all Kinds of Pofitions. 3229. As the Balance-wheel has in itſelf no Principle of, or Difpofition to Motion, but is actuated folely by the Machinery of the Watch, it is to be confidered alone as no other Thing than a Check upon the Motion of that Syftem, or a Reſervoir in which it is ultimate received and abforbed, like the Fly of a Jack in a great Meafure, only the Fly has a circular Motion, whereas that of the Balance is an Ofcillatory one. 3230. The Motion of the Balance and the Fly is therefore e- qually fubject to the Inequalities of the Motion of the Wheel- work of the Watch; but this can be regulated in the Vibrations of the Balance by Means of a Spring, whereas a circular Mo- tion of a Wheel admits of no fuch Regulation or Correc- VOL. II. Ddd tion, 386 INSTITUTIONS tion, and therefore can have no Place in this Sort of Mecha niſm. 3231. Hence then it is evident, that the whole Artifice of a Watch confiſts in giving Motion by the firſt Spring and Fufee to the Balance, or ofcillating Wheel, as nearly equable as poffi- ble; and then to correct the Irregularities of thofe Ofcillations, and render them ifochonal as far as may be, by a fine Spring properly applied to the faid Balance, though not by its vibrating Property, as many have fuppofed. 3232. But as this Doctrine of the isochronal Vibrations of a Spring is a curious Point, I fhall be a little more particular and explicit in deriving it from its firſt Principles, and then illuſtrat- ing it by a Figure. Therefore let G be any Force (whether Gravity, Elafticity, &c.) which conftantly acts on a Body and produces an accelerated Velocity; and let S, T, V, be the Space, Time, and Velocity of fuch Motion; then we have fhewn (991) that it is S: TV, univerfally; and alſo, that it is GTV (ib.) therefore we have S x V: GT2 V, or S: G x T²; and conſequently we have S: G:: T2: 1; therefore when the Ratio of S to G is given, the Time T will be a given Quantity or always the fame. So that if G be the Force of E- lafticity, and S the Space through which it vibrates by that Force, then, however thoſe Quantities vary in Magnitude if they keep the fame Proportion, the Vibrations of the Spring will all be ifochronal, or performed in equal Times. 2 3233. For a farther Illuſtration of the Similarity of Motion in a Pendulum and Spring; let Aa (Fig. 1.) be a Spring, or a ftrait elaſtic Wire fixed at the End A, and at the other End fup- pofe it drawn out of its natural or perpendicular Situation, by a Line paffing over a Pulley B, with a Scale Cat the End, and Weights put into it for trying the Experiments. Then admit we put a Dram into the Scale C which draws the Wire or Spring from A a to the Site Ab; and then we add another Dram, and it draws it into the Pofition A c; and a third Dram being put into the Scale, draws the Wire into the Situation A d; and fo on, as long as the Wire or Spring can retain its rectilineal Form; then will the Spaces a A b, a A c, a A d, be as 1, 2, 3; that is, as the Weights applied which retain the Spring in thofe Pofitions refpectively; therefore the elaftic Force of the Spring at 1 Of CLOCK-WORK. 387 at a, b, c, being alſo as thoſe Weights, and confequently as the Spaces defcribed by the Wire, viz. the fmall right-lined Triangles a A b, a Ac, a Ad, it follows, that the Wire will defcribe each of them in the fame Time; and therefore all its Vibrations, as long as it continues rectilineal, will be performed in equal Time. 1 If 3 3234. But if upon adding 3 Drams more, we obferve the Wire drawn into the Pofition Ae, and there appears incurvated, it is evident then, becaufe the Space a A e is not equal to twice the Space a A d, the Time in which it moves from e to a can- not be equal to the Time in which it moves from d to a. more Drams be added, fuppofe all the Nine draw the Spring to the Pofition Af, which is there more curved than before; and therefore a A ƒ is ftill more deficient from 3 Times the Space a A d, and conſequently the Time of defcribing it will differ ſtill more from the Time of defcribing the Space dA a. Upon the Whole, then, it appears, that after the ftrait Spring begins to be bent into a Curve, the Times of Ofcillation are no longer ifachro- nal. 3235. In like Manner, with regard to a Pendulum Aa (Fig. 2.) we have formerly demonftrated (1105) that the Times of Defcent through any Number of Chords (ad, ae, aƒ,) of a Circle are all equal. Therefore if we take very finall Arches ab, ac, ad, they will, as to Senfe, coincide with their Chords, and ſo of Courſe the Time of defcribing each of them will be e- qual; but if the Arch be fo large that it can no longer be efteem- ed rectilineal, as a e, or af, then the Times of defcribing them ceafe to be ifochronal. So that very ſmall Diftances only on each Side the Perpendicular a A, both in the Spring and Pendulum, will admit of ifochronal Vibrations. 3236. But what has been hitherto faid of the Spring and its Vibrations has been with a View rather to fhew its Nature and Congruity with the Pendulum, than its Application to Uſe in automatical Machinery on that Account; for though the Pen- dulum by Means of its ofcillatory Property, becomes fuch an ex- cellent Regulator in all Kinds of Time-pieces, yet the Spring poffeffed of the fame Property, will anſwer no fuch Purpoſe on that Account; becauſe the Time of a Vibration is fo exceeding fmall. Now the Vibrations of a Spring (fuch as we have confider- D dd 2 edł 388 INSTITUTIONS I ed) ought to coincide with thofe of the Balance, if its Regula- tion were to be produced by them; but the Vibrations of the Ba- lance, or Beats of a Watch, are not more than about 16000 in an Hour, that is, about 4 per Second; whereas a ftrait Spring, of the Length adapted to a Watch, will vibrate many hundred Times in a Second; and, indeed, a Spring of any Size, or Kind, can have no Ufe in that Refpect, all its Effect, as a Regulator, being derived from its elaſtic re-active Force, by Way of conftant Preſſure (and not Ofcillation) which therefore must be more parti- cularly explained, and is the Subftance of the following Chapter, CHA P. VII. The THEORY of SPRINGS confidered as REGULA TORS of the BALANCE of CLOCKS and WAT¬ CHES. 3237. A 3 Sa ftrait Spring, in Length, cannot be more than about of the Diameter of the Watch-plate, it will be found too ſhort to admit of a proper Tenour of Action as a Regulator of Motion in fuch fmall Balances; for the Ac- tion of a Spring ought to be very free and eaſy, but yet at the fame Time ftrong enough to govern the Motion of the Balance, and controul the Irregularities of its Vibrations derived from the Syftem of Machinery. Therefore a Spring of a Spiral, undula- ted, or fome other Form, wherein there is a confiderable or fufficient Length in a concife Space for anfwering its Purpoſe in a WATCH, muſt be choſen. 3238. As the Action of the Spring under all thoſe different Forms will be the fame, Ifhall chufe that of (Fig. 3.) to explain it by. Thus let CL be the Spring in its natural Situation, or fuch as it has when left to its itſelf; at the End L ſuppoſe it to reft againft, or be fixed to, an immoveable Support K, then by its elaſtic Force it will make Refiftance to any Power or Weight by which it is preffed inwards, or drawn outwards. Thus let P be A 389 Of CLOCK-WORK. M be a Force applied which bends it through any Space or Length "CI; then from the Nature of the Spring (3233) 2 p will bend it through a Space equal to 2 s, and 3p will bend it thro' 3s; and ſo on. So that So that will be every where proportional to p. $ 3239. Then if P denote the Power by which the Spring is wholly compreffed, and S Space of total Compreffion; then it will be SP: p; and the fame Analogy will refult from a partial and total Extenfion. This Principle is not only deduced from a phyfical Theory as before-mentioned, but is confirmed moft accurately by Experiments on Springs on every Form. * 3240. And here I may obſerve, that uſeful Inftrument called the Spring (or Cylindric) BALANCE for weighing Bodies, is no- thing more than the Practice of this Principle; for the Number of pound Weights in the Body appended is indicated by the Number of equal Divifions on the Bar, which is the Space thro' which the Spring is compreffed by the Weight of the body, as each fingle Divifion correfponds to that of a pound Weight. 1 3241. This is the Effect of a Spring in regard to Preffure; we fhall next inftitute a Compariſon between this claftic Force and a percuſſive Force, or that of a ſtriking Body moving with'a certain Degree of Velocity. For if a Body whofe Weight or Mafs of Matter is M, and moving with an uniform Velocity V, ftrike upon the End C of the Spring, it will bende fame through a Part or the whole Space S; and the Quanuty of Motion by which it affects the Spring at first will be MV (970); but by the Reaction of the Spring, the Velocity V will be gradually diminifhed; fo that when the Spring is bent through any Space s, the original Velocity V will be reduced to v, and the Quantity of Motion or Momentum of the Body will there be only Mv, fo that the Lofs of Motion in bending the Spring through the Space s, will be MV — M v. 3242. Let A = Space through which a Body defcends in Va- cuo in one Second, by the Power of Gravity; and C = Celerity acquired in that Defcent. Then we have C² : A ¦ ¦ V² : a Space of the Body M muft defcend thro' by Gravity to acquire the Velocity V. (991) Alſo ✅Ã: 1 :: √a: T = Time of the Defcent through a } 1 + J 3243. 390 INSTITUTIONS 3243. Suppoſe, then, by the Stroke of the Body M moving with the Velocity V, the Spring be bent through a Space s in the Time t. In this Cafe we have S: s:: P: p = s P S elaftic Force of the Spring at 1, or at the End of the Space s. to the 3244. Now let the momentary Decrement of Velocity in the percutient Body be, then will the inftantaneous or fluxionary Momentum produced by the elaftic Force of the Spring be- M in the Moment of Time ;; and we have ſhewn (1000) that in Caſe of Forces (M and acting uniformly, the Quan- tities of Motion (MV, M,) generated are proportional to the generating Forces, and the Times (T, i,) conjointly; • s P SP M & M x T: x ; ; which gives and therefore MV : — M÷ ல்= VPsi MST S 3245. Again, in the fame Cafe of Forces acting uniformly, the Spaces are as the Velocities and Times conjointly (971) ᎢᏙ ; therefore 2 a: VT :: ; : vi; whence i- 3246. Therefore S 2 av VPS TV; ல் X MST ; which gives 200 V2 Psi 2 v i = 2 ບ ຕໍ່ - ; MS a V2 Ps2 the Fluents of which are v² and ; but when the former of thefe was V2, the latter was 2 M Sa V2 P s² = 0, becauſe of so;. therefore v² V² 2 MSa Conftruction, let 3247. To reduce this Equation to more fimple Terms by ą 2 a MS Va sa R², then will v² V² P R²' 2 R2 or v² = V² X Now if R Radius CG of a Cir- R2 cle, (Fig. 4.) and sCBg F, the right Sine of the Arch GF; then by the Property of the Circle, it is R2-♪² — BF²; therefore v² = V² ¨× BF2 R² ز BF and ſo v = VXR, = that is, the Ve- Of CLOCK-WORK. 39* Velocity v is to the original Velocity V, as the Cofine BF to the Ra- Aus CG. TV; 3248. Becauſe = > and V × v X 24บ /R² R TV; R T R; therefore i X X 2 a R 2 2 a V × √ R² But drawing bf indefinitely near to B F, and fd perpendiculat to the fame, we have from the fimilar Triangles BCF and R dfF, as BF: df:: CF:ƒF = CF x df = BF √ R2- T Therefore i t = 2a. T 2 a 2 a xfF; and the Fluents of this Equation are x GF; which gives this Analogy : T :: GF: 3249. Thus the Times, Velocities, and Spaces, reſpecting the Motion of Springs, are eaſily affignable by a trigonometrical Cal- culus in the Parts of a Circle. But in most practical Cafes, par- ticularly Watch-work, the Space through which the Spring is bent by the Stroke is but a Part of the whole Length, and therefore the Quantity of Motion MV, or Force of the Stroke being confumed in bending the Spring, through the Space s in the Time t, the Velocity will there ceaſe, or vo; in which Cafe the Time may be expreffed independent of any particular Arch of a Circle, as follows. 1 3250. It is evident from the Theorem in (2247) that R2- s², when vo; therefore s being now equal to Radius CH CB (Fig. 4.) and alfo the Sine of the Arch GF, that Arch now becomes the Quadrant of a Circle HB. Then if m Peri- phery of a Circle whofe Diameter is I, we have I : m :: 2 s: 2 sm, Quadrant HB. Wherefore in this Cafe, t- 2 sm T therefore 4 T X IxGF = 1 T 2 5777 T But 24 20 24 ; allo Ꭲ . 1" ; whence t ณ A A: 4 X:T:: √Ā: ✔a; therefore √ax 2√√a I * 392 INSTITUTIONS I 4 X 2 Va 2 s m X VA S we have m a But it beings R= 2 MS P. Confequently t = Р in Seconds of Time. SMa /25 M4 (3247) 812 X P MS 2 PA Ms || 2 2 p A BF2 3251. Becauſe v² V2 x R2 (3247) we have V² ² บ BFZ R² - BF² - V² - V² x V₁ - V² x R2 R² CB2 R2 V² s² 2 2 MS a ; then becauſe R² = R² (2247) we have V22 P P = √² s² X 2 M S a Vz 3. C2 C² Psz 3252. But (2242) therefore V — ¿² — a 2 MSA And therefore M V2 M &² = C² P s2 2 SA Ce ps This The- 2 A orem may be of Ufe in that Part of Mechanics concerned in the Doctrine of the Vires Viva & Mortuæ. C 3253. Hence when vo, we have the initial Velocity V J J P ps m = C And becauſe t = 2 MSA 2 MA 2 MS 2 PA SIN ; therefore the Product of the Velocity and Time will m Cs be V t = MSP m Cs X 4 A MSP 4 A 3254. And becauſe m C 4 A is a conftant Quantity, we have Vts; or the Space through which the Spring is bent always as the Velocity and Time conjointly, the fame as in the Cafe of Bodies defcending by Gravity (971). 3255. Wherefore in the fame, or different Springs, the Spaces through which they are bent in a given Time will be as the Velocities; and with a given Velocity, they will be as the Times employed in bending them. 3256. Of CLOCK-WORK. 393 m 3256. Becauſe in the Expreffion of the Time, t = 2 MS 2 PA the Quantities m and 2 A are conftant; therefore it will always be t S MS P ; or t² P: MS. But we had alſo t : Confequently MSV: ts P. MS S ✩ i (2254) therefore { : tP V Hence we obtain a Compariſon between theſe fix principal Quantities in a Spring, and a Body bending it with a percuſſwe Force. 3257. Thus if the Length S and Force P of a Spring be given we have MV:ts; but in this Caſe ť² : M (2256); therefore tV:s, or the Space is as the Rectangle of the Time and Velocity, as in Falling-bodies (991). 3258. Likewife in the fame Spring, ſince 2: M, therefore when M, or the Body is given, the Time (1) of bending the Spring will be the fame, whatever be the Degree of Velocity V, or the Spaces through which it is bent. 3259. But in a given Spring S, P, and Body M, fince t will be conftant, we have Vs; that is, the Space through which the Spring is bent, will always be proportional to the Velocity of the Body 3 which is another Cafe fimilar to defcending Bodies urged by dif- ferent accelerating Forces. 3260. It was proper on fome Accounts to give the foregoing Theorems expreffing the Velocity, Time, &c. in the Form they there have; but in the particular Cafe of the Space deſcribed, or Deſcent in one Second, we have 2 AC; thofe Theorems, therefore, will be expreffèd more fimply for Calculation, thus 772 (putting = 3,1416) t == X MS M S = 1,57 2 2 AP CP =1,57 ✓ MS ; and V CX xd Ср ps 2 AM ps =0 Сх CM m Cs Cps; and MV² = Cps; and lafſtly, Vi= M VOL. II. E e c 4 A ===== 1,575 3 394 INSTITUTIONS } S = 1,57 s; or t = 1,57, in Seconds. And in all theſe Cafes, C = 32 Feet, or 386 Inches. CHA P. VIII. The foregoing THEORY of SPRINGS farther confi- dered, and exemplified by CALCULATIONS in their various APPLICATION to WATCH-WORK. a 3261. T has been already fhewn, that an Automaton put into I I Motion by a Weight, and having that Motion regula- ted by a Pendulum, is the moſt perfect that can be in Nature; and that in the next Degree of Perfection is the Spring-clock ; but when we confider the Structure of a WATCH, left wholly to the Power and Action of Springs, we fhall find it naturally deftitute of any abfolute Principle of equable Motion. 3262. The Action of a Weight is conſtant, and the Oſcillations of a Pendulum are equable, from an innate Principle; but we cannot conſider the Action of a Spring either as a Fir-mover or Regulator of Motion, as conftant and equable in its artificial Application in Watches; this we have alfo fhewn in regard to the Firſt, in the Theory of the Spring and its Fufee; and in reſpect to the Second, the Office of the Spring as a Regulator, is not de- rived from the Natural, but what we may properly call, the ar- tificial Vibrations thereof. The natural Vibrations of all Springs are in themſelves as perfectly ifochronal as thoſe of Pendulums (3232); but the Cafe is quite otherwiſe with reſpect to the arti- ficial Vibrations, whofe Equability of Motion, being the Reſult of the compound Action of two Strings together, cannot be fup- pofed fo perfectly conftant, and regular, as no mechanical Combi- nation of Caufes can act with the Simplicity and Uniformity of Nature itself. 3263. Of CLOCK-WORK. 395 3263. If the Watch be required to beat Quarter-feconds, or to oſcillate 14400 Times in an Hour, theſe Ofcillations by a Pendulum are rendered equable without any Trouble; but to effect this by a Spring, or Number of Springs, will require much more mechanical Skill and Contrivance, and at laſt be attended with fome Degree of Inconftancy or Irregularity. 3264. Indeed, the fine Spring connected with the Balance is to be confidered as fomewhat more than a Regulator; for it does, as it were, form or modulate thoſe Ofcillations, as well as regu- late them; without fuch a Spring the Balance would ofcillate, it is true, but fince the Motion produced by the Action of the Crown-wheel, on one Pallet, must be in a Moment ſtopped, deitroyed, and generated anew in a contrary Direction by its Action on the other Pallet, and this in fo quick and conftant an Alternation, the Effect would be too violent and fhocking to be fufferable, and too irregular to be of any Uſe. 3265. But by the Application and Co-operation of the Spring, the faid contrary Motions are gradually generated and deſtroyed s and the Times of the Oſcillations of the Balance-wheel render- ed as equable and uniform as the niceft Mechaniſm can admit of. To effect this, many different Methods have been invented, principally by Dr. Hooke, Mr. Hugens, Mr. Leibnitz, &c. Some of theſe were by ſingle Balances, others by double Ones; fome had only one regulating Spring; others had two, or more. The Attempt to regulate a Watch by a Loadſtone inſtead of a Spring, is not worth mentioning. 3266. There were two Ways in which the double Balance was applied; in one of them each fingle Balance had a Verge with one Pallet only, placed on each Side of the Crown- wheel diametrically oppofite to each other, for that Wheel had the fame Poſition with the contrate IVheel, or as it now has in the prefent horizontal Watches. On the Verge of each Balance was fixed a ſmall Wheel; thefe Wheels were proportioned to the Diameter of the Crown-wheel; having the fame Number of fine Teeth, they played in each other, and fo gave an equal Motion to the larger Balance-wheels juſt above them. 3267. The other Way, with two Balances, had the two fmall Wheels, by which they moved each other, and more- E ẹ ẹ 2 over 396 INSTITUTIONS over to each Balance-verge, there was added a ſpiral Spring as a Regulator. In this Method, one Balance only had a Verge on which both the Pallets were, and it was moved by the Crown- wheel, placed in the fame perpendicular Poſition it now has in common Watches. With refpect to theſe two Inventions, Dr. Derham fuppofes the firft was never profécuted fo far as it deferves; and the Second has this Excellency, that no Jerk or the moſt confufed Shake can in the leaft alter its Vibrations, And that the Reafon why this Method of conftructing Watches came into Difufe, he judges was the great Trouble and vaft Nicenefs required in it. If this was the Cafe, it reflects no great Honour on the Reputation of Artifts in this Way. 3268. The Spring, as a Regulator, is applied in Watches, with one End fixed to the Verge of the Balance, and being coil- ed feveral Times round, to give it a fufficient Length, it has its other End faftened to a Part towards the Extremity of the Watch-plate, which has lateral Teeth, and is moved by a ſmall Pinion on an Axis in the Center of a fmall filvered Plate on one Side of the Cock or Balance, divided into 30 fmall equal Parts. This Plate is alfo fixed on the faid Axis, and by the Key is moved againſt an Index to the Right or Left, thereby increafing or re- mitting the Force of the Spring when the Watch goes too flow or too faſt; and this Apparatus for correcting the Regulator, and thereby the Time of the Watch, we find by common Ex- perience, is but too frequently neceffary in the moſt excellent Pieces of this Sort of Machinery. 3269. Mr. De la HIRE, in a Memoir of the Academy of Scien- ces, objects very much to the common fpiral Form of the Regu- lator, and eſpecially to the fixing one End thereof to, or near the Verge or Axis of the Balance. He thinks, if the End of the common fpiral Regulator were faftened to a Part of the Radius of the Balance inftead of the Axis, it would have more Force to govern the unequal Movements thereof, and at the fame Time. be lefs fubject to its Irregularities; and farther adds, that the Spring bent into an undulatory or wave-like Form (as in Fig. 5.) is much better than the Spiral, in that a greater Length may be had in a lefs Space, and the Spring thereby fuftain itſelf with greater Eafe, and act without that Compound and diſtorted Mo Of CLOCK-WORK. 397 Motion which the Spires of the common Regulator are ſubject to, in their lengthening and fhortening. And what he has afferted, he tells us, he has fully evinced by Experiments with Watches of this new Conftruction. 3270. But I have conftantly obferved, that theſe Inventions, Alterations, and Innovations concerning the Balance and its Regulator, have all proceeded (rudi Minerva) from the natural Force of mechanical Genius, with very little, if any, Rationale from Principles of a philofophical or mathematical THEORY of the Nature and Action of SPRINGS; which certainly muſt reflect very great Light on a Subject that has always been looked upon as overwhelmed in Difficulty and Obfcurity. For, (if I judge right in theſe Matters) there feems to be a much better and more natural Method of governing and regulating Watch-work poin- ted out by the foregoing Theory, than that of the Balance-wheel and its ufual Regulator. 3271. For by this Theory, it is evident, that with Reſpect to the Power of the Spring, the Momentum of a Body which ſtrikes it, the Space through which it is bent, and the Time of bending it, if any of theſe Quantities are known or given, the reſt may be found; becauſe their Relations are all determined by the Theo- remst 1,57 Ms Cps and V = T P (2250) as alfo the M real Quantities of each reſpectively.. 3272. Therefore fuppofe the Train of a Watch be 14400, or 4 Beats per Second; then let A be a Body fufpended by a Thread AC from the Center C, (Fig. 6.) and being raiſed to the Point D let it defcend through the Arch DA and ftrike the Spring BF with the Velocity acquired in that Deſcent; and then A a is the verfed Sine, or perpendicular Defcent of the Bo- dy to acquire the fame Velocity. Laftly, the Momentum of the Body A will by its Impulfe on the Spring bend it through a certain Space B H. Now for the given Length and Strength of the Spring, and the given Space and Time of bending it, the other Quantities may be found by Calculation, as follows. 3273. Confidering this Spring BF as a Regulator, it must be very fine and tender; and therefore we will fuppofe it ſuch that a fingle Scruple only, or 20 Grains, fhall be juft equal to its whole 398 INSTITUTIONS whole Force, or be able to keep it bent through its whole Length, which may be one Inch, and let the Time of bending it through half its Length be of a Second; then there is given BF=S = 1, P = 20, s = 0,5 AH, p 10, and to",25; to find M, the Weight of the Body A; V, the uniform Velo- city of its Motion; and a = Aa, the Height it muſt deſcend perpendicularly to acquire that Velocity. = 3274. To find the Weight of the Body A, we have from the Theorem (3260) t = 1,57 MS 386p , this Equation 386 p t² = 2,4649 Ms; and therefore this Analogy, p: M::s: 156,6 ť²; 156,6 t² p 2 which will give M = 196 Grains, in the prefent S Cafe; fo that the ſtriking Body A is near 20 Times the Weight of p. 3275. The uniform Velocity of its Motion is V = ps M 3,138 Inches per Second, this is equal to the Circumference of a Circle A E F whofe Diameter is just one Inch. A V2 V2 3276. Laftly, we find A a = a = C² (3242) = 4 A V2 =0,0127, or about 1 3 ΤΟ of an Inch; and therefore the 772 Arch AD fo exceeding ſmall as to be altogether inconſider- able. 3277. If therefore the Pallets of the Verge be fo proportioned to the Teeth of the Crown-wheel as to move the Body A thro' of an Inch each Stroke without the Spring; it will, when the Spring is added, be moved through only half an Inch, or bend the Spring from B to H in of a Second as required. 3278. If the Mafs of Matter in the Body or Globe A were difpofed into the Form of a Circle A EF, or fo as to make the Perimeter of a fine Wheel, it would then become the Balance- wheel of a common Watch; and being connected with the End of the Spring BF, that Spring would alſo become the Re- gulator; and the Watch thus conſtructed, would beat Quarter- feconds. 3279. Of CLOCK-WORK. 399 3279. Hence in Watches of a large Size, and efpecially Table-clocks, where more Springs than one may conveniently be applied, this Regulation of Time might be moſt commodi oufly performed by a fingle Balance-lever with two Springs, or a double One with four; the Reaſon of which will appear from (Fig. 7.) where AI and PQ are two Levers, whoſe Weights A, I, P, Q, are equal to each other, and to the Weight A in Fig. 6th. Alfo the Springs B F, IE, PH, GQ, are all feverally equal to BH in that Figure. Theſe Levers croſs each other in the common Center of Gravity C, where they are fixed at Right-angles-to the Verge. 3280. As the Weights and Springs are increaſed in the Ba- lance, it is neceffary the Force of the Spring at the Fufee ſhould be encreaſed in Proportion. And it is further to be obſerved, that in the quiefcent State of the Levers, the four Springs are in a State of Compreffion; the two Springs fixed at F and H being compreffed on each Side from (a) and the other two from the Point (b). If a B be one Half of the Arch through which the Levers ofcillate, then it is plain, that in each Ofcillation, while two Springs are compreffed by one Lever, the other two Antagoniſt Springs are. relaxing; and therefore as one Pair re- tards, the other equally accelerates the Motion of the Levers ; and ſo no Inequality of Motion can arife from the joint Action of Springs; but on the contrary, as perfect a Correction of the Irregularities of the Watch-work is obtained, as can be produced by the Agency of Springs. CHAP. 400 INSTITUTIONS CHA P. IX. The METHOD of finding the CENTER of OSCILLA TION in all Kinds of PENDULUMS, deduced from a New THEORY. Alſo the NATURE of a uni- verfal MEASURE of LENGTH, or philofophical FOOT, explained and exemplified. 3281. W thing valuable with regard to the Equation and now quit the Subject of Watch-work, where no- Regulation of Time can be hoped for, or expected; and return again to the farther Confideration of thoſe Automata which are regulated more by Nature than Art, viz. by the Power of Gra- vity governing the Ofcillations of Pendulums. But here the Artiſt muſt follow pretty clofely the Dictates of the omniscient. Mechanic, and work, if he propoſes to merit Applauſe, by the Rules of divine Geometry. 3282. Now as the PENDULUM is the Principle of Truth and Perfection in Clock-work, all Circumftances relative to it fhould be confidered with the greateft Attention, and principally that which concerns the Center of Ofcillation; and here will arife the following Queſtions, viz. what this Center of Ofcillation is in the BALL OF BOB of a common Pendulum? What is the Diſtance thereof from the Point of Sufpenfion? And how that Diſtance is to be preſerved unaltered? 3283. I believe very few Mechanics in this Way know fo little of Art or Nature, as to fuppofe that the Center of the Bob, is the Center of Ofcillation. But fewer ftill know where it is, or how to find it in the Pendulum. Yet the Knowledge there- of is of the laft Confequence in very large Balls, and fome Mr. GRAHAM had which exceeded 60 Pounds; alfo in fhort Pen- dulums in Table Clocks, this Center of Ofcillation fhould be nicely aſcertained. Mr. Hugens lays the greateſt Strefs on this Point; and all his Folio-treatife is wrote profeffedly on this important Subject. 1 3284. Of CLOCK-WORK. 401 3284. But the Method he pursued to diſcover it, will give us too much Trouble and Fatigue; a nearer and eaſier Way has, fince his Time, been found out; and which we ſhall now elucidate in that Cafe firft, where the Weight of the Ball or Bob is fo great, that the Weight of the Rod by which it is fufpended is inconfiderable in Compariſon of it. In order to this, a Retroſpect to a few Things already demonftrated in theſe Inſtitutions will be neceffary, and tend greatly to ſhorten the Operation. 3285. Let A B be a Line ofcillating about a Point or Center A; the Diftance of the Center of Gravity A G =g, and of the Center of Oſcillation ANn; x = a fmall Particle or Weight; x = its Diſtance from A ; and let the Sum of all the Particles or Weight of the whole Line be S. Then x is the Moment, and xxx the Force of the Weight; and the Sum of all the x2 is *3 and when 3 S3 S, we have for the Force F of the S, we have ✰ 3 whole Line. All which is evident from (1086 to 1098). S3 A 939 3286. But S × 15 × 3 S = Sgn=F, agreeable to 3 what was fhewn in (1095). Alfo when x3 S3 x = S3 S, then the Sum of all the xx will be ; and twice that 3 3 × 8 24 = I 2 Sum will be 2 S3 S3; which therefore will be as the Sum 24 of the Products of all the Particles (*) each multiplied by the Square of its Diſtance from the Center of Gravity G. 3287. Therefore put S39; and we fhall have Sgn= q+z; and Sgn — q = I 2 = S2 z = 1 S³ SxSg². There Sg 4 fore Sgn — Sg² = 9 = $g X-g. And confequently n 9 Sg n gGN; which gives this general Rule for finding the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation N from the Center of Gravity G, viz. divide the Sum of the Products of the Particles or Weights, feverally multiplied by the Squares of their Diſtances from the Center of Gravity, by the Solidity or Maßs multiplied by the Dif- tance of the Center of Gravity from the Axis of Ofcillation, and the VOL. II, Fff Qua- لية الان 402 INSTITUTIONS 唇 ​Quotient will be the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation from the Cen- ter of Gravity. 9 d 3288. If we put GN= d; then becauſe q = Sg d it will be F 72 Sg= (2286) therefore qn Fd, and we have F: q ::n:d::AN: GN. The reaſoning is the fame in regard to Planes and Solids, and confequently the Rule is the fame in all; but I have chofen the eafieft and moft fimple Method by which it may be demonftrated. As a Proof of its Univerſality I ſhall ap- ply it to find the Center of Ofcillation in a Globe, and fhew it to be the fame as Hugenius found it with fo much Labour and Prolixity. y, GP 3289. Let DE d be the Section of a Globe through its Axis; Dd the Diameter perpendicular to the Axis K L of Oſcillation; GE the Radius at Right-angles to Dd; G the Center of Gra- vity, and V the Center of Ofcillation in the Line of Suſpenſion OG; and let PFp be any concentric Circle. Let the Ordi- nate PM x, and n: I: Circumference of a Circle to Radius; and draw N M parallel G D. Then fup- pofe a cylindric Surface to ftand on the Circumference PF p perpendicular to the Plane D E d, and terminated by the Sur- face of the Sphere, then becauſe b: 1 :: p:x, we have nx = P Circumference PNpP, and therefore 2ynx to the faid cylindric Surface (832). 3290. Now GP = x, is the Diſtance of the Particles in each Section of this Surface (perpendicular to the Axis of Ofcil- lation) from the Center of Gravity of the Section; therefore 2 nyx × x² = 2 nyx x, is the Fluxion of the Surface or Weight, which multiplied by (the Square of the Distance from the Center of Gravity) GP² — x², gives the Fluxion 2 ny x3 x, whoſe Fluent is nyx+. 2 3291. The Sine and Có-Sine of an Arch are inverſely as their Fluxions; for (in Fig. 4.) the Triangles fd F and F Cg are fimilar, therefore fd: dF :: Cg: gF; that is, whence we have x = X ::: y : x ; ; and putting the Radius of the Globe GD 2 =a, we have xay; therefore 2 nyx³ = 2 ny × Va yi شرو x- x × ×³ = 2 nj²j × a² — y² = 2n a² y² j—2nyªj, · whoſe Of CLOCK-WORK. 403 3 whofe Fluent is na² y³ — 2 nys; and when ya, this Fluent 4 3 5 is nas, analogous to the Quantity (q) in the general Expref- fion (2287). 6 3292. Again, the Solidity of the Sphere is pd² (836) but p = na, and d = 2 a, therefore S = 1/3 × na × 4 a² Zna³, and putting OG = z, we have na³× z analogous to Sg in उ 2 (2287); therefore na³ z) nas (= }} 3 4 I5 Z GV, the Dif- tance of the Center of Ofcillation from the Center of the Sphere, as required. And is the very fame with that found by Hugenius, Bernouilli, Varignion, Mac Laurin, Simpfon, Emerfon, &c. by tedious and obfcure Methods. 3293. If Odd, then O Gd+az; and then alfo 2a2 5% - 2a2 5d+5a ; and when do, or the Sphere ofcillates 2 a² about a Point d in its Surface, we have dV = = 2a, or 5 a 7% of the Diameter dD, and not, as it has been determined by Mr. Carrè, Hayes, Stone, and others. 3294. Put 2a2 5% (GV =) v, then 2 a² = 5 zv, and aª vz; therefore z: a::a: 5 v. Now the Length of a Pendulum vibrating Seconds is 392 Tenths ſuppoſe the Diameter of the Globe or Ball a = 20, and z + v=OV = 20 OV = 392. of an Inch. Then 4 Inches, we have And then 392 + v: 20 I, very nearly; fov = 1, or 5 v = 2, and v = 3 of the Tenth of an Inch, or of an Inch. I 25 3295. In a whole Day, or 24 Hours, there are (24 x 60 =) 1440′; and if we put OV = 1440, it will be eaſy to find the Length of a Pendulum that ſhall gain juſt one Minute per Day. For fince the Times of a Vibration in the two Pendulums will be inverfely as the Number of Vibrations performed in a given Time (or one Day,) thofe Times will be as the Numbers 1440 and 1439. Again, the Lengths of Pendulums are as the Squares of the Times of their Vibrations, or as 1440² to 14392; but 1440²: 1439²:: 1440: 1438, very nearly; then 1440: 1438: 392 391,46, then 392 391,460,54, or a lit- tle more than of an Inch; therefore 25: 20: 20 25:: 20 - Fff 2 60" 404 INSTITUTIONS 60" 48". Whence it appears, that the Diſtance GV, ſmall as it is, in a Second Pendulum, is enough to make the Clock er 48 Seconds per Day, if not regarded. I 3296. A Cubic Inch of Braſs weighs 4,4 Oz. Troy, and the Cube being to its infcribed Sphere nearly as 2 to 1 (846). A Sphere or folid Braſs Globe of one Inch Diameter, will weigh 2,2 Oz. Troy; therefore as 13:4³:: 1: 64 :: 2,2: 141 Oz. or 11 lb. Troy, (841) the Weight of the Ball of the above- mentioned Pendulum. But if it were 5 Times heavier, the Quantity G V would ſtill be greater in the Ratio of the Squares of the Diameters of the Globes; and hence it appears, of how great Conſequence it is, in the Science of meaſuring Time, to be able to aſcertain this Point or Genter of Ofcillation in fimple Pen- dulums. 3297. Before we quit this Theory, it will be very material to obferve, that the Doctrine of a perpetual and univerfal MEASURE is founded in it; and that what is called a phyfical or philofophical Y YARD, is nothing more than the Length of a fimple Pendulum vibrating in a Second of Time. That is, the univerſal YARD is equal to 392 English Lines, or Tenths of an Inch. And the uni- verfal Foor is a third Part of that Number, or 130 of ſuch Lines. But this Notion of a HORARY YARD, and FooT, and the Manner of aſcertaining it by the Pendulum of a Clock well adjuſted to equal Time by the Revolution of the Stars, as defcribed by HUGENIUS, is to tedious here to infiſt on. 3 3298. I fhall offer the following Method as the moſt conciſe and eaſy for this Purpoſe. Let any Meaſure propoſed be confi- dered as a uniform folid Body, whoſe Length is the general Stan- dard. If fuch a Meaſure or Solid were fufpended on an Axis to vibrate freely on one End (paffing through the central Line of the Axis) it has been fhewn, that the Center of Oſcillation in fuch a Body will be juſt of its Length from the Axis of Sufpen- fion (1097). And therefore any fuch Body equal in Length to 392 + 196 = 588 Tenths of an Inch, will vibrate exactly in one Second of Time; and is of Courfe, the univerfal or philofophical YARD. मु 3299. This YARD muſt be divided into 10000 equal Parts, in which the Length of other Standard Meaſures are to be ex- preffed Of CLOCK-WORK. 405 preffed by comparing the Times of their Vibrations with that of the univerfal Yard. For this Purpofe, let its Length be L= 10000, and N 3600, the Number of Vibrations in an Hour; and let / and n denote the fame Quantities in any other Meaſure propoſed; then we have T : t :: √✓L : ✅/l ::n: N, the Times of a fingle Vibration T, t, being inverſely as the Numbers N and » performed in a given Time. Whence this Theorem VLX N n = n 3300. Then as the English Standard Foot is 120, fay, as 588: 10000 :: 120: 2040; ſo that the English Foot is 204 of the fame Parts of which the univerfal YARD contains 1000. Now this is diſcoverable from its Number of Vibrations in an Hour, which ſuppoſe were found, by a well adjuſted Clock to be ✓10000 × 3600 7969; for by the Theorem 1=2040, as before. 7969 =✓ whence 3301. After the fame Manner the Paris Royal Foot would be found 2179,6 Parts of the univerſal YARD; and therefore as 2040: 2179,6 :: 1000: 1668 :: 12 Inches: 12,8 Inches; or more accurately the Paris Foot is 12 16 Inches. The Philofo- phical, Engliſh, and Paris Feet are therefore as 333,3, 204, 218; and after this Manner, by counting the Vibrations made in a Minute or an Hour by any other Standard Meaſure, may its Length be ascertained, and Ratio expreffed, in Parts of the uni- verfal YARD. 3302. And as a farther Illuſtration of this Matter, I have re- prefented thefe Meaſures feparately in the Copper plate (Fig. 9.) where A B is the philofophical YARD; CD the philofophical Foot; EF the English Foot; and GH the Parifian Foot; all in their due Proportion of Length. From what has been faid, it is evi- dent of how much Importance the Theory of a fimple Pendulum is, not only as the moſt perfect CHRONOMETER, but as a STAN- DARD for Meaſures of LENGTH of every Kind, and to all Ages. CHAP. 406 INSTITUTIONS CHA P. X. The THEORY of a Compound PENDULUM explain- ed, and its CENTER of OSCILLATION invefti- gated. • 3303. T next in Courfe, nor is the Theory thereof lefs cu- HE Confideration of a Compound Pendulum comes rious or neceſſary than that of a fimple One, fince in the com- mon Conftruction of Clocks, the Weight of the Rod or Wire is too confiderable to be neglected; and then the Rod and Ball to- gether are to be eſteemed as a Pendulum confifting of two diffe- rent Weights, whoſe compound Center of Gravity, and Center of Ofcillation are to be determined. 3304. Again, after all the Efforts of human Art or Skill, the Pendulum can never be perfectly equable in its Motion, but will, from the very Condition of Nature itſelf, be liable to have the Times of its Vibration altered, by an infenfible Acceleration or Retardation from the variable State of natural Caufes. There- fore, for common Ufe, HUGENIUS recommended a moveable Ball, or Weight for correcting the Irregularities of Vibration, as by its different Pofition on the Rod, it will cauſe a ſmall Alte- ration of the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation, by which Means the Clock may be adjuſted to true Time. 3305. In a Pendulum of this Sort there are three different Weights to be confidered, viz. that of the large Ball or Bob, that of the Rod, and that of the Corrector, moveable upon it. The Center of Ofcillation of all which muft be found, which will not be difficult after we have found that for two Weights. Therefore let AC (Fig. 10.) be a Pendulum, Bifect its Length in G; and put AG g, and A Ca. Alfo call the Weight of the Bob (c) and that of the Rod or Wire (b). 3306, Of CLOCK-WORK. 407 I 3306. Now the Momentum and Force of each Part are ſe- parately to be eſtimated. The Momentum of the Rod is uni- verfally ab (1072); the Moment of the Ball C is (a c), being as the Weight multiplied by its Diftance (1089). The Force of the Rod is b × 1 a × 3 a (1095) = ½ ba²; and the Force of the Ball C is ca² (1089); therefore the Sum of the Forces di- vided by the Sum of the Moments, gives the Diſtance (2) of the } ba² + ca² 2 Center of Oscillation, that is, as in (1094). And from AC a ༢་ b n + n c 3/3 b + c उ 3 3 ½ ba + ca -n= 3 ba+ca = b + c hence the Length of the Pendulum which is therefore determined for a Second-pendulum, by putting n 39,2 Inches; or for Half-fe- conds, if n = 9,8 Inches. Note, in all thefe Cafes, the Length A C is the Diftance between the central Line in the Axis of Suf- penfion, and the Center C of the Bob. 3307. Now let AC (Fig. 11.) be the Pendulum with the Addition of the Corrector D, or ſmall moveable Weight = d. And let its Diſtance be AD = f. Then will its Momentum be fd, and its Force dff; and now the Sum of the Forces of each Part divided by the Sum of the Moments will be a²bca²+df² Lab + ac + df the Distance of the Center of Ofcillation or Length of an ifochronal Pendulum, which for the Future we will call p. 3308. Then if it be required to find (f) or the Pofition of the Corrector D, we have ན this Equation² = ƒp + ½ ab + ac + df a² b + ca² + dƒ³ =p, which gives 2 1 abp + cap — — a² b — a²c then ď 2 by compleating the Square, and extracting the Root, we have f ƒ = { p ± √ √ = p² + ÷ abp + cap — 2 — 3 d a² b a² c 3309. Hence it is obvious, there will always be two real Roots or Values of (f) while abp + cap is less than a ab + aac, or while the Length p is leſs than 3 {{ a² b + a² c which ÷ ab + ca is 408 INSTITUTIONS 7 is the Length of the ifochronal Pendulum (~) confifting of the Rod AC, and the Weight C only (3306). 3310. When, therefore, we would accelerate the Motion of the Pendulum by the Application of the Weight D, we have the Choice of two Places for it between A and C, viz. D or E, which Places are equally diſtant from N, the Point which Bifects the ifochronal Pendulum p. For for the radical Quantity as above (3308). 3311. Therefore, when fpAN, it will accelerate the Motion of the Pendulum the moſt of all; in which Cafe we 1 p² + ½ abp + cap — — a² b. — a² c have 1 - 3 d @, which ½ abp + cap — a² b + a²c उ d d will give the Equation 1 p² + from which, by Reduction, compleating the Square, &c. we hall find p = ab z d 2 ac a zd 2 d 4 bd + 4 cd + b b + 4 b c + 4 cc- ; and from hence the Value of fip, is known when its Effect is a Maximum. 3312. For accommodating this Theorem to practice it will be moſt convenient to affume b dI; then we fhall have the Equation for AD = ƒ=ip±√ 1 p² + 1 ap + acp - f }; a² — a² c; and when ƒ =p; then p = a x I- 2c. ax 2 4 a 2 √2+ 8c + 4 6 6 3313. To give an Example of the Ufe of thefe Theorems; let the Pendulum of the Clock be required to beat Seconds pre- ciſely, and ſuppoſe the Weight C = 50lb. and b = d Ilb. Then we have n≈ 1440 (2295), c=50, and the Theo- rem in (2306) will become ½ n + nc 3/31/3 + c =a= 1444,8. And by ſubſtituting theſe Values of a, b, and d, in the Equation for (ƒ), we get ƒ = p±√ p² + 72962 p — 105061210. f 2 = 3314. Therefore when the Accelleration is greateſt of all, we have fp; and p²+72962 p 105061210, or p² + 291848 p 420244840; whence we find p≈ 1436, nearly; but Of CLOCK-WORK. 409 but 144014364', or the greatest Acceleration is 4 Mi- nutes per Day, by placing the Weight D at N, or makingƒ: AN = 718 = 1, when a Minimum. 3315. Since by fhortening the ifochronal Pendulum (p) only 4 Parts of the 1440, the Length of ƒ AD, or the Space through which the Weight D moved upwards is 718; it is evi- dent that a ſmall Alteration in the Length of A C, will allow of a very large Scale of Correction on the Rod of the Pendulum both in regard to retarding as well as accelerating its Motion. 3316. For, to accelerate the Motion of the Pendulum one Minute per Day, the Center of Ofcillation moves through but 2 Parts of the 1440, or the Length of the Pendulum is then p 1438 as we have fhewed (3295). Therefore putting n 1438, we ſhall have by Theorem (3306) 1 b n + n c 2 3 b + + c 2 酆 ​5/5 - a 1441,8 which is juſt 3 leſs than 1444,8, the Length for fwing- ing in a Second precifely (3313). Hence the Motion of the Center of the Weight C is to that of the Center of Ofcillation as 3 to 2. And it is univerfally an:: b + c : } b + c ; or, in the preſent Cafe, an:: 50,5 50,3: 1444,8: 1438. 392 391,46, as we have before obferved (3295). 3317. From all which it appears, that the Center of Oſcilla- tion is but 5 Parts of 1440 diſtant from C the Center of the Ball, and alſo, that when the Corrector D has its Pofition, ſuch as to produce no Acceleration, it muſt be either upon the Center of Ofcillation, or at the Axis of Sufpenfion A; or ƒ pa =AC, very nearly. But in the common Conftruction of the Pendulum this Difpofition of the Corrector D can have no Place, becauſe it cannot be brought nearer to the Center of the Weight C than the Length of its Semidiameter, which, in a Ball or Globe of 12lb. only, is 2 Inches (3296); but in a Globe of 50lb. it is more than 3 Inches. Now this is more than the Diſtance to which the Weight D muſt be removed to accelerate VOL. II. Ggg 7 the N. B. The Reader is defired to correct the Expreffion of the Radical Symbols in Institutions 3308 and 3311, thus ; 1 2 + p² + ½ a b ; + ca p I Jazb # INSTITUTIONS 410 | = the Motion I Minute per Day; for by the Theorem (3313) if we put p 1438, we fhall get f= 1331,5; if then we fay, as 1440 1331,5: 392: 362,5, we have the Diſtance of the Weight D from the Center C, but 29,5, or not quite 3 Inches. 3318. Therefore in order to have a Scale of a fufficient Vari- ation for the Pofition of the Weight D, we must give to the Rod AC a greater Length in Compariſon of the Length (p) of a Pendulum vibrating Seconds, and confider the Weight C or Bob of the Pendulum as moveable upon it in the fame Manner as the Weight D is. Thus let AB = a, be the Length of the Rod or Wire; and A Ce, the new Diſtance of the Weight C upon it; then will the Theorem (3306) become 87 p; and therefore a² b + e² c = 1 abp + I 8² c + ecp = ½ pab-a2b; and e²ep- ž - Q Z I 2 ङ्कु a²b+ e² 6 ½ ab + ec ecp, whence ½ pab — — a² b 2. 3 pa —², by putting b = 1, as before. Then com- C pleating the Square and extracting the Root, we get e = = p² + ½ pa — — a² 3 C And the Theorem in (3312) for A D will now become ƒ = ? p± √ = p² + { pa + pec = {a² — — e²c. Theſe Theorems for AD and A C afford a new Conſtruction of the Pendulum whofe Nature and extenſive Ufe will be fully declared in the enfuing Chapter. (See the Plate of the Univer- fal Pendulum, Fig. 1, 2.) 1 CHAP. ! Of CLOCK-WORK, 411 i ' CHAP. XI. The THEORY and CONSTRUCTION of an Univerfal PENDULUM for measuring the Time of Solar, Lunar, and Planetary DAYS very correctly. IN order to fhew the Univerfality of the new Structure 3319. Norte Pendulum premifed in the foregoing Chapter, it will be neceffary to confider that the Defign of a Clock - is to meaſure conftantly, that equal Portion of Time which is called a Mean Day, and is divided into 24 equal Parts or Hours. As Time in itſelf flows equally, the Clock, if it could be kept. to an equable Motion, would be an adequate Meaſure of it; and this would be the greateſt Excellency and Uſe of ſuch a Machine. 3320. But this, however, has, in my Opinion, been very indifferently provided for in the governing Principle of a Clock's Motion, viz. a Pendulum of ifochronal Vibrations; and it muſt be obferved, that after all the Precautions and Inventions for ren- dering this Ifochroniſm of Vibration permanent, yet fuch a Dif- covery ſtill remains too obviouſly the great Defideratum of Clock- work, and therefore Artifts are obliged to have recourfe to the beft Methods of remedying fuch Irregularities, and of checking them even in their Nafcent State. 3321. How grofs and indirect the Methods of rectifying the Pendulum in general are, if compared with that of the fecondary or moveable Weight D, invented by Hugonias, will be very evi- dent on mature Confideration. And as it is here improved, I flatter myſelf it will be allowed the moit eafy and extenſive that can be defired, when it is confidered, that the Scale of Variation for the Corrector D is by this Means made fo large as to render any Clock capable of meafuring not only the Mean Time or Day, but alſo that meaſured by the Motion of any of the cele- Ggg 2 ftial 412 INSTITUTIONS ftial Bodies, whether Moon, Planet, or Star; as we now pro- ceed to fhew. ! 3322. The Time that intervenes the departing of any cele- ftial Body from the Meridian and its Appulfe to it again, is call- ed the Day peculiar to that Luminary; but fince none of the Planets defcribe, circular Orbits, but Ellipfes, their Motions. will be variable, and the Times of their meridional Revolutions, or Days, will be unequal; therefore the Mean Revolution, in all, muſt be taken for the Mean Planetary Day; and theſe col- from the aftronomical Tables are for the feveral heavenly Bodies, as in the Table here fubjoined. le H. 3323. A fixed STAR 23 56 3 28 1436 SATURN 23 56 11 00 О 8 О 1436 / JUPITER 23:56 23 00 O 20 О 1436/-/3 MARS 23 58 08 58 2 5 30 1438 SUN 24 00 00 00 3 56 32 1440 VENUS 24 02 28 00 6 24 32 14421 MERCURY 24 12 25 28 16 22 O 14523 Leaſt (Leaſt 24 43 08 28 47 5 0 14833 3/30 52 40 0 1488,7% Greateſt 24 57 07 28 61 4 4 0 1497/1 } MOON Meán 24 48 43 28 3324. The firft Column in this Table fhews the Hours, Mi- nutes, Seconds, and Thirds in each planetary Day, the Mean So- lar Day of 24 Hours being the Standard. In the ſecond Column are contained the Minutes, Seconds, and Thirds, by which each following Day exceeds the first or Sidereal Day; thus the Mer- curial Day is longer by 16 Minutes, and 22 Seconds; and the greateſt Lunar Day by 61 Minutes, and 4". In the third Co- Jumn, the Quantity of each Day is expreſs in the Minutes of a Mean Solar Day. 3325. If therefore the Length of the ifochronal Pendulum (p)· in the foregoing Equations be found for the Numbers in the 3d Column refpectively, then will the Distances A D, and A C, or the Pofitions of the Weights D and C be found by the The- orems in (2318), fo that the Clock fhall keep Time with the 2 Pla- > Of CLOCK-WORK. 413 # Planet, and Hour-hand point to the Hours when the Planet fhall be on the correfpondent Hour-circles. So that by this the Time of any Planetary Day, or the Pofition of the Planet in any Part of its Revolution. manada * Means any Clock may readily be adjuſted to thew 3326. But for this Purpoſe the Length of the Rod A B must be fufficient to allow of a Scale of Pofition to the Corrector D, while the ifochronal Pendulum (p) encreaſes from its leaft Length for the Sidereal Day of 1436′ to its greateſt Length for the longeft Lunar Day of 1505', in which Cafe the Weight or Bob C will poffefs the Extremity of the Rod, or A Ce will become AB = a. And becauſe as the Days encreaſe, the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds increaſe in the fame Proportion (as there is a conſtant Diviſion of each Day into the fame Number, viz. 24 Parts), therefore, alfo, the Time of the Pendulum's Vibration will encreaſe with the Length of the Day. And con- fequently the Numbers in the 3d Column of the Table will be as the Times of Vibration in the Pendulums appropriated to the Clocks for fhewing the Time of the Days refpectively. = 3327. Therefore it will be neceffary in the firft Place to de- termine the Length of P the ifochronal Pendulum whofe Time of Vibration is as 1500, by faying, as 14402: 1500²:: 1440: 1562 P. And becauſe the larger the Weight C is, the lefs will be the Scale of Acceleration, therefore we must take the faid Weight, fuch as will allow this Scale to be fufficiently large to comprehend all the Variation of the Moon's Motion; and by Trial, it will be found that 10lb. will be the greateſt Weight that can be allowed to the Bob; therefore c = 10; b and d be- ing, as before. d: 3328. Hence we determine A B, the Length of the Rod, by the Theorem P + ¿P 3 + c a=1587,8 as in (3306). Alfo by the Theorem in (2311) we find the Length of an ifochronal Pendulum, when a Minimum, to be p 1526,2; therefore 1562,5 — 1526,2 1526,236,3; and half this Number, viz. 18 fubducted from 1500 leaves 1482 for the Expreffion of the Time of a Vibration of the Pendulum () compared to the Time 1500 of the Pendulum P. 3329. می } 1 *} 414 INSTITUTIONS 3329. That the Reafon of this Affertion may appear, we fhall demonftrate this Lemma, viz. when Numbers are very large, and their Differences very small, then any three or four of them that are in geometrical Proportion are alſo in arithmetical Proportion. Thus let a, and ad, be two large Numbers, for Inftance 1440, and 1439, then d Part of a; and let it be a: ad : adiz; then སང *** E i 1440 a² 2 á d + d d a 2 d, becauſe a 7 1 1 4 ! (dd) vanishes in Compariſon of the reft; therefore a, ad, a2d, are in geometrical Proportion; they are allo evident- ly in arithmetical Proportion; and hence 1440, 1439, 1438 are Numbers that have the fame Property; for fince 14402; 14392: 1440 : 1438, therefore : 14392 1440 1438, and confe- quently 1440 1439: 1439: 1438, and fo they. are geome- trical and arithmetical Proportionals at the fame Time. 3330. Since the Number 1483 anſwers to the fhorteft Lunar Day in the Table (3323) and the Difference between that and the longeſt Day is but about 14 Minutes; it is evident, this Scale of 18 will ferve for all Lunar Days. And the Values of P and f may be found for every Number betwixt 1483 and 1497 by the Theorems in (3307, 3308). And the Scale on the Röd of the Pendulum may be graduated for Ufe and the adjuſting Weight D put to its proper Place for the due Rectification of the Clock to the Length of the refpective Lunar Day propofed, which is always known from an Ephemeris. 3331. From the Table (3323) it appears, that the ſhorteſt Lunar Day 1483 exceeds the longeft Planetary Day 1452; and confequently the Lunar Scale on the Pendulum will be of no Ufe for the Planets. A planetary Scale therefore muft be conftruc- ted that fhall have an Extent fufficient for the Movement of the Corrector D from the Sidereal Day of 1436', to that of the Pla- net Mercury of 1452; whofe Difference is 16 Minutes. And fince the Mercurial Day of 1452 exceeds the Solar Day 1440 by 12′, if we allow 4 more for the Diameter of the Weight C, we fhall have 1456′ for the longeſt Day in the Planetary Scale, for which (having the Length of the Rod A Ba 1587,8) we can t find P and e, by the Theorems already premifed. 1 1 3332. Of CLOCK-WORK. 415 y 3332. Thus per Theorem (3329) we have 1440 1456:: 1456 : 1472 = P, the Length of the fimple Pendulum proper for that Length of Day. 3333. Again, having given AB = 1587,8 and P — 1472, p a I 3 we have P+P + 2,14 — a² e➡ P✈ C 1494—AE, by the Theorem (3318). Therefore, ABAE — EB — 94, which is a little more than an Inch, through which the Weight C is to be raiſed on the Rod of the Pendulum AB, from C to E. I : 2 ½ 3334. We are next to enquire the Length of an ifochronal Pendulum p correfponding to the greateft Acceleration, when fp. In this Cafe we fhall have p² + pa + ecp = a² + e² c, by the Theorem ſo often quoted in (3318). If we put = a² + e² cs, and a + e c = 1 t, we fhall have p = 2 √s + tt2t1433, and of Courſe AN 1p716,7k to ma 1 =t, AD=ƒ= 3335. But the Time of Vibration of this Pendulum being a Mean proportional between 1440 and 1433,5 by the Lem- ma in (3329), that is, 1440 *::*:1433,5, whence 1440 X 1433,51436,75, which fubducted from. 1456 the floweſt Vibration (3331) will leave 19′,3 which will be juſt large enough to take in the Planetary Days as far as they are fen- fibly different from each other: For the Sidereal, Saturnian, and Fovian Day differ fo little, as not to be difcernable in the Scale, as is evident from the Numbers in the third Column of the Table (3323).'~~ } 3336. In this Scale the Length of the ifochronal Pendulum for the Mean Day of the SUN being 1440, we fhall find d + ƒ = AD = ¦ ¿±√ p° I 7 tps 929, wherefore the Place of the Corrector D is given for regulating the Clock for Ule, or to fhew Mean Time: common 2 3337. In like Manner, by having the Numbers un 1438 for Mars, you find p1436. 1442 for Venus 1452 for Mercury →p = 1445. } 1465: 1 * 嘴 ​* 7 + 1 And 416 INSTITUTIONS And from thence, by the above Theorem, the Pofition of D, or AD=f, will be found for each Planet reſpectively. And thus the Lunar and Planetary Scales of Acceleration are compleated; and the Clock fitted to fhew Time univerfally. N.B. For the better Illuftration of what we have delivered concerning this new constructed Pendulum, we have (in Fig. 2. of the following Plate) added fo much of the lower Part of the Half-fecond Pendulum, as contains both the Lunar and Planetary Scales; but thefe Scales will be four Times as long in a Pendu- lum that beats Seconds. CHA P. XII. Concerning the BOB or WEIGHT of the PENDULUM; and the THEORY of fuch a FORM or SHAPE there- of, as ſhall meet with very small RESISTANCE from the AIR. I 3338. N a Treatife on the Rationale of CLOCK-WORK, 1 judge it will be expected that fomething ſhould be faid concerning the FORM of the BOB, or WEIGHT of the Pendu- lum, with regard to the Refiftance of the Air in which it moves, and the confequent Irregularity in its Motion, which will be thereby unavoidably produced; and the rather, becauſe fo great a Judge in theſe Matters as HUGENIUS, has afferted it to be a very interefting Point, nam plurimum refert, are his Words. 3339. But as we have fhewn, the only Defign of the Con- trivance and Mechaniſm of a Clock is to annihilate the Refi- ftance which the Pendulum meets with from the Air, and every other Caufe, it is plain, if it were poffible to conftruct a Clock with ſo much Accuracy as to do that, the Motion of the Pen- dulum would be as equable as if it moved without any Refi- ſtance at all; for the THEORY of Clock-work would be a very imperfect Thing, if it could not provide against the Effects of Re- The Universal PENDULUM. T Fig. 3. D Ꮐ H C Sidereal Gay Fig. 2. S I M I B Fig. + I G K G -I D E D E Fig. 5. I B N C Fig. 6. D I I E : 1 } I T B Solar Day Shortest Gay PLANETARY SCALE גי S Mercurial Day SCALE Hean Day LUNAR a N F E Longest Day H I D A Of CLOCK-WORK. 417 Refiftance of every Kind, and caufe the Clock to go with an equable Motion, whether the Pendulum moved in Vacuo, in Air, or in Water, and even in Quickfilver itself. 3340. But it may nevertheleſs be uſeful in fome Cafes of a Pendulum, to know what Form of the Ball will be moſt conve- nient and leaft refifted in its Motion through the Air, which though infenfible in a few Vibrations, or in a fhort Time, may yet, by a conftant Accumulation, produce Effects too fenfible and molefting in long Run, maugre all the Ingenuity and Diligence of the Artift. This Subject therefore we fhall now proceed to confider more particularly. 3341. It is well known that the Refiftance of a Body in Mo- tion regards the Quantity and Figure of its Surface, and not the Quantity of Matter moved; for a CUBIC INCH of Matter may be difpofed into the Form of a SPHERE, whofe Diameter will then be 1,247; and its Superficies = 4,836 Cubic Inthes (836) whereas the fame Matter in the Form of a CUBE had a Quantity of Surface 6 Cubic Inches. And the SPHERE has the leaft Quantity of Surface that it can poffibly be contained under ; and therefore has leſs Reſiſtance in Proportion to its Weight, than any other Body, and confequently is the beft Form, for the Ball of a Pendulum in general. And becauſe the Surfaces of Spheres are proportioned to the Squares of their Diameters (842), larger Spheres will have much lefs Surface than fmall Ones, in Propor- tion to their Weight, and will therefore meet with lefs Refiftance. 3342. The SOLID of leaft RESISTANCE (whofe Theory you will find in (2042, &c.) would undoubtedly merit the firſt Conti- deration, were it not, that its Conſtruction will be much too diffi- cult for Practice; and this Solid is in itfelf but little preferable to the Fruftum of a Cone of leaſt Reſiſtance, which is not only made with the utmoſt Eafe, but is at the fame Time belt fitted for the Purpoſes of the planetary Pendulum and Clock before deſcribed. The Theory of which we fhall, therefore, here deliver. 3343. Let ABC (Fig. 3.) be the ifofceles Triangle genera- ting by its Revolution a Cone, whofe Fruftum CGFB has the leaſt Reſiſtance for a given Bafe CB, and Altitude DE. Let the Fruftum be fuppofed to imove in the Medium in a Direction la parallel to its Axis; let SV be drawn parallel to A E, to repre- ſent the Direction in which the Particles of the Fluid ftrike the Hhh VOL. II, Cone. 418 INSTITUTIONS Cone. Then V I being perpendicular to the Bafe CB will re- prefent the Particles ftriking the Bafe with their whole Force, fuppofing the Fruftum moved from D toward E; but in moving from E towards D, the Particles S F will come obliquely on the Side A B, and therefore cannot ftrike any Particle F with their full Force. 3344. Let any Line LF reprefent the whole Force of the Stroke againſt the Bafe BC, and through the Point F draw MH perpendicular to the Side AB; let MF FH; and compleat the Parallellogram ALFM; then the whole Force. LF will be refolved into two Forces LM and MF, of which one, viz. LM being parallel to the Side AB of the Cone, cannot affect its Motion; the other Part M F is, there- fore, all the Force of the Fluid on that Point, that can cauſe any Refiftance. 3345. We are next to enquire what the Effect of this Force MF or FH is, in the Direction DE; to this End let FH be refolved into two Forces FD and DH, of which the former FD is equal to, and its Effect wholly deſtroyed by the antagoniſt Force G D, arifing from the Action of the Fluid TG on the other Side; the Force DH, being all exerted in the Direction. DE, is therefore all the Force of the oblique Stroke that directly oppoſes the Motion of the Body, and conſequently that can cauſe Refiftance to the Point F in the Side A B. any 3346. Therefore the Effect or Reſiſtance of a Particle of the Medium at the Point F in the Surface, is to that at the Point Iin the Bafe, by a direct Stroke, as DH to L For A H, and therefore as A H x D H to A H². But by fimilar Triangles HFD, HAF, it is HD: HF:: HF: HA, whence AH x DH= FH2, therefore A H is to F H, as the Refiftance at I to that at F: But AH: FH::AB: BF; therefore the Refiftance at I is to that of F, as A B²: BE³. And fince what has been faid of the Points F and I hold equally true of all other Points in the Surface and Baſe of the Cone, therefore the Refftance to the Baſe will be to that upon the Surface of the Cone as AB² to B E². 3347. Hence then the Refiftance to the Surface FAG of the Cone cut off, is to that against its Bafe F G, as FD2 to A F²; therefore B E - FD2 is as the Reſiſtance to the Surface of the Fruftum; and by adding A F², (which is as the Reſiſtance upon the Of CLOCK-WORK. 419 the Bafe or End F G) we have B E² + A F² — F D² for the Expreffion of the Refiftance to the whole Fruftum, when moving in the Direction E A. But A FFD A D'A E' -FDA D² E² E² - 2 AEX ED + ED² (637). Therefore the Refiftance of the Fruftum will be B E + AE-2 AE x ED + ED² AB² 2 AE x ED+ED². 3348. But fince A B expreffes the Refiftance to the Baſe BC (3346) and is a conftant Quantity, it may be repreſented by Unity, or A B² = 1; and as any Quantity may be confidered as divided by Unity, the Refiftance of the Fruftum may be alfo 2 AE x ED + ED², or thus, I+ thus expreffed A B² DE² - 2 AEX DE A B÷ A B² 3349. Therefore putting DE = a, BE = b, and AE = x, we have the laſt Expreffion for the Refiſtance in Symbols thus I+ 02 2 - 2 ax b² + x² whoſe Fluxion (when a Maximum or Mini- 2 ax² x mum) is 202 x x xx + bb² 2 ab² x = 0; whence we have x² — ax — bb = 0; and by compleating the Square and ex- tracting the Root, we have x = ÷ a± √ 4 + b². But x being the Height of the whole Cone muft be greater than a, which is but a Part of that Height, therefore x = a + 4 + + bb. 3350. Hence we have the following eafy Conftruction; biſect DE in K, draw KC; and produce ED to A, ſo that KA may be equal to K C. Then will ABC be a Cone, whofe Fruftum BFGC fhall meet with leſs Reſiſtance, in an uniform Fluid, than any other of the fame Bafe and Altitude. For becauſe AK = KC = -4, and KE = 4, and EC=b, we have KC² = a² + b b = x² — ax + 1 a², which gives x² —ax — bb = 0, as required in the Property of fuch a Fruſ- tum (3349). 4a² * Hhh 2 335I. 420 INSTITUTIONS 3351. In order to be certain that this Refiftance is a Minimum, and not a Maximum, we are to confider this Principle, that while a Quantity is increaſing, its Fluxion will be pofitive; but negative while it is decreafing. Now the Quantity xxax bbo, is analogous to the Fluxion from whence it proceeds, and there- fore when xa, this Quantity becomes-bb, which is plain- ly negative. 3352. Since then the Refiftance decreaſes from the Va- +bb, where it is a Mini- lue of x = a, to x = ½ a + 2 4 mum, it is plain that the Fruftum BCGF is lefs refifted than a Cone of equal Bafe and Height, or than any other Fruftum of a larger Cone, whofe Baſe and Height are the fame with theſe, viz. CB and D E. 3353. The above Demonftrations will hold for any Propor- tion of CE to DE; and the lefs CE is in regard to DE, the lefs will A D be in refpect of A E; fo that at Length the Fruftum of a Cone, of leaft Refiftance, will come near to the Form of the Solid of leaft Refiftance, and ferve almoft equally as well for the Purpoſe of the Bob of a Pendulum, and is excellently well fitted for that of the planetary Pendulum defcribed in the preceed- ing Chapter, which confifts of two fuch Fruftums, whofe Cen- ter is that of their common Bafe. And further, as ſuch a double Fruftum of a Cone is lefs refifted than a Globe of the fame Weight, fo the middle Segment or Proportion of fuch a Fruſtum cut longitudinally, will be better and more artificial, than a Bob of the common lenticular Form. It is fomewhat remark- able, that the French and Spanish ACADEMICIANS in the De- partment to PERU, for meaſuring the Length of a Degree of the Meridian at the Equator, had in their Clock a Pendulum of two truncated Cones, but placed juſt in a contrary Direction to that which the Theory above requires, and is here fhewn in Fig. 2. CHAP. of CLOCK-WORK. 421 R ** CHAP. XIII. أزو ? 7 The THEORY for finding the TIME of a leaft OSCIL- LATION of a given PENDULUM fwinging in the ARCH of a CIRCLE and alfo the Time of any other: with proper CANONS for CALCULATION. 3354. 13 W E have formerly fhewn (1119) that the Time of the leaft Vibration of a given Pendulum is equal to the Time fuch a Pendulum would take to vibrate in the Arch of a Cycloid. Alfo, that when the Arch of a Circle, in which fuch a Pendulum vibrates, is fo fmall, that it differs not fenfibly from the Cycloid, the Time of a Vibration will not be affected there- by; and this Confideration makes cycloidal Cheeks unneceflary in long Pendulums, or fuch as fwing Seconds, where the Arch of Vi- bration is not more than 3 or 4 Degrees of a Circle. 3355. But in Table-clocks, whofe Pendulum is not more than about 6 or 8 Inches long, the Cafe is different; for here the Space can be but fmall, in which there can be any fenfible Coin- cidence of the Circle and Cycloid, and yet the Arch of Vibration in theſe fhort Pendulums is generally much longer in Proportion to their Lengths than in the long Ones; whereas they ought to be proportionably fhorter. Thefe Clocks muft therefore be fub- ject to an Error that cannot be avoided but by cycloidal Plates, fuch as Hugenius invented and prefcribes for this Purpose; the Nature of which fee already largely explained (1120), (or by any of the new Species of Pendulums hereafter to be defcribed) for the common Method of moving the Bob up and down upon the Rod, by a Screw at the Bottom, is very fallacious and inartificial, and can never procure an equable Motion to the Cock, unless the Arch of Vibration be very fmall indeed. 3356. When the circular Arch defcribed by the Pendulum begins to deviate from the Cycloid, the Times of Vibration will begin to encreaſe or exceed the Time of a leaft Vibration, and therefore it will be neceflary to thew how this Error arifes, and in what Proportion it encreaſes, that the ingenious Tyro, in Clock- work, y 422 INSTITUTIONS work, may not be left in the Dark in that Part of the Theory which is moſt effential to his Art, or conducive to the Truth of his Work. And this we fhall be able to do in the plaineft Man- ner, by following the Footfteps of the late learned Profeffor SAUNDERSON. 3357. The general Problem is, to find (independent of the Cy- cloid) the Time precifely of a leaſt Ofcillation of a Pendulum of a given Length fwinging in an Arch of a Circle; and alſo to find, without any fenfible Error, the Time of any other. Let the Curve A DC be the Arch of a Circle, whofe Diameter is DI, and in which the Pendulum N D is fuppofed to vibrate. Then in deſcending from C to any Point E, it will acquire a Velocity which will be as EM= √BF (having drawn the Chords A C, EE in- terfecting the Diameter ID in B and F). Now✔✅FD is as the Velocity acquired in defcending through ID, and by that Velocity it would defcribe uniformly a Space equal to ID in the Time of the faid Defcent through ID (993). Then I the Space ID divided by the Velocity Time 2 ID of the Defcent through the Length of the Pendulum (971.) I 2 ID will give the ID, i.e. through half 3358. Draw ee very near to EE; then may Ee be confider- E e ed as the Fluxion of the Arch DE; and will be the Time ✔BF wherein the ſmall Arch Ee is deſcribed by the Pendulum, or the Fluxion of the Time of a Vibration. But Ee= 2 ID × Ff IFXFD VID VIF × VID × 1/ Fƒ VFD ; therefore we have the E e Fluxion of the Time √BF VID VIF × VID ID X 1/1/0 Ff ✓ BF XF D 3359. Bifect BD in K, and KD in L; and when the Arch ADC is finall, the Quantity IF cannot differ fenfibly from IK, Of CLOCK-WORK. 423 IK, nor VID IL from VIF IK I L IF (becauſe, ID IL :: IL: 2 IK or IF, therefore ID: IF: IL²: IK² (by 672). There- E e fore ✔BF Ff ✔BF × FD IL is very nearly equal to X VID X ΙΚ 3360. Upon the Diameter BD defcribe a Circle cutting the Chords EE and ee in G and g reſpectively, then will the Fluxion of the Arch DG be G = 2 BD x Fƒ (875) confequently √F B × F D and therefore the Fluxion of the Gg BD 2 Ff ; ✔F B × F D Ee IL Time of Vibration through DE will be X. ✔BF IK VIDX G g BD' IL 3361. But the Fluent of this laft Fluxion is × VIDX IK DGB Ᏼ Ꭰ 2 tion of the Pendulum from D to C. The Time of a whole which is therefore the Time of half a Vibration or Mo- Vibration therefore through ADC will be IL IK × VID X BGDG B BD I L IK become T-VID × 3362. Let the Arch ADC be indefinitely ſmall, then the Quantity = 1, and the Time (T) of a leaſt Vibration will BGDG B Ᏼ Ꭰ And therefore BD: BGDGB::VID: T; that is, as the Diameter is to the Cir- cumference of a Circle, fo is the Time (VID) of the Defcent through half the Length of the Pendulum to the Time of a leaſt Oſcillation of that Pendulum which is the very fame Analogy as we found from the 424 INSTITUTIONS the Cycloid (1124). Wherefore the Time of Ofcillation in a Cycloid, and in an indefinitely finall Arch of a Circle is the fame; viz. T=1 Second, when the Length of the Pendulum is Inches. 39,2 3363. Therefore the Time of an Ofcillation or Vibration in a circular Arch in general, is TX IL IK' , or becauſe ILIK + KL, therefore the general Expreffion of the Time of Vibra- tion through any Arch A D C will be T + Tx KL ΙΚ KL IK 3364. But the Exceſs Tx of the Time of Vibration in a circular Arch above the Time in the Arch of a Cycloid, or the leaft of all, is next to be transformed and fitted for Computa- tion. In order to this put the verſed Sine of the Arch of Vibra- tion BD; then will KL (3359) 2 L = IK (LND, being the Length of the Pendulum). And TX KL HM Tx == IK 2 L 2 Tx * 2 * 8 L-2 the Exceſs or Error above T, the Time of Ofcillation in the Cycloid. 3365, Let the Time be expreffed in Seconds; and let S 3600" the Seconds in an Hour, or 86400" the Seconds in a Day TS x 8 L — 2 x =r, the Seconds loft in an or 24 Hours. Then Hour of a Day, by the Pendulum vibrating in a circular Arch of Tx a given verfed Sine x. For it is plain, that as is the 8 L Q X TS x Increaſe of T the Time of Vibration in a Cycloid, fo 8 L 2x will repreſent the Dimunition of the Number of Seconds S in a Day or an Hour; or S TSX 8 L 2x in the fame Time in the Arch of a Circle. Number of Vibrations 3366. If the Quantity (») be given, we have the verfed Sine of the Arch of Vibration x = 8 L r TS-27 But in all thefe The- orems, the Value of is found in Parts of L; and fo muft be reduced to the tabular verfed Sine by this Analogy as L:x:: R: } > The THE ORY of the Circulating PENDULUM, Oscillating ROTULA &c K B D Fig: 2. Fig: 1. E Fig: 7 B B P E H R Fig: 4. T B E 1. M D Fig: 6. Ω N B I Fig: 3. T M C E B d B t N LA 72 H OF Fig D 10. K от Z ADB Fig: 9. ▲ Fig: 5. T D M F E 772 H P Fig: 8. E B A HO I G F Of CLOCK-WORK. 325 Rx TS-r Rx R: L R; therefore putting B = 1, we have 45 tabular verfed Sine of the Angle required. L 3367. That the young Automatift may fee the Use of this Doc- trine, I ſhall illuftrate this Theorem by an Example There- fore let it be required to find how many Vibrations are made in a circular Arch of 120 Degrees, by a Pendulum whoſe Length L= 39,2, and which vibrates 86400 Times in one Day, in the Arch of a Cycloid. Here L = 39,2, T = 1″, S = 86400", 19,6, being the verfed Sine of 60 Degrees, then and x = 2 TS x 8 L 2 x L = 6278", which deducted from 86400, leaves 8c122, the Number of Swings required. Whence fuch a Clock will loofe daily 6278" 1 Hour: 44: 24". = 3368. Again let it be required to find in what Arch of a Cir- cle a fecond Pendulum muft vibrate to loole one Minue, or 60" per Day. Then r = 60″, T = 1″, and ½ TS≈ 43200. And therefore 4 " 1 TS-7 γ 2 = 2 0,0028367, the tabular verfed Sine of 4° : 19′; the Arch of Vibration therefore is 8° 38′ required. In like Manner it is found, that the verfed Sine of half the Arch in which ſuch a Pendulum will loofe but one Second per Day, or in 24 Hours, is 0,0000896, correfponding to 46′ of a Degree, the Arch therefore is 1° : 32′ ; which is equal to one Inch in Length. 3369. Hence it appears, that in Second-pendulum Clocks, if the Arch of Vibration does not exceed two or three inches, the Error will be very fmall, and may be eafily corrected, either in the fimple or compound Form, by the common Methods. But it is otherwiſe with Table-clocks, whofe Pendulums are fhort, and the Arch of Vibration long. Thus for Example, let the Pendulum of fuch a Clock be 9,8 Inches, to fwing Half- feconds. And let z = 2 4 r TS then / T S ≈ 4 + z =r, the Er- ror of the Clock in Seconds per Day. Therefore T = 1, S = 172800, and z = 0,060307, the tabular verfed Sine of 20 De- grees; and VOL. II. 1TS Z 2 44 4+2 =1283 Half-feconds, or 10: 40″ is the Iii Error 326 INSTITUTIONS Error of fuch a Clock per Day; which is ftill much greater when the Pendulum is but 6 or 7 Inches long, as in moſt of thoſe Clocks, and therefore no great Exactnefs in them can be ex- pected. N. B. The Arch of Vibration in Table-clocks is confiderably more than 20 Degrees, and of Courfe the Error greater on that Account. CHA P. XIV. The phyfical THEORY of the FIGURE of the EARTH; the fame demonftrated to be a SPHEROID; and from thence a SOURCE of ERROR in the MOTION of PENDULUMS. 3370. B Efides the Ofcillation of Pendulums in circular Arches inſtead of cycloidal Ones, there are other Sources of Error, which are unavoidable, as they are founded in the very Conftitution of the Earth itfelf, and its Appendages. That which arifes from the Earth itſelf is the different Force of Gravity on different Parts of the Earth's Surface. For fince the Velocity in a given Time is always as the accelerating Force (998); therefore, in fuch Latitudes, where the Power of Gravity is ftrongeft, there the Velocity of the Pendulum will be quickeſt, and vice verfa; confequently the fame Length of a Pendulum will not perform its Vibrations in the fame Time in different Regions of the Earth. 3371. This variable Power of Gravity arifes from two Cauſes: (1.) The fpheroidical Form of the Earth, by which Means a Body on different Parts of the Surface is not equidiftant from the Center. (2.) The centrifugal Force arifing from the Rotation of the Earth upon it Axis, by which the Force of Gravity is very unequally diminiſhed from the Equator to the Poles. A Pendu- lum, therefore, upon different Parts of the Earth will be vari- oufly Of CLOCK-WORK. 327 oufly influenced by this Power, and confequently can never vi- brate equally but in the fame Place. 3372. We fhall lay open theſe Sources of Error in the Motion of Pendulums by tracing them from their first Principles, and thereby convince the young Automatiſt that they neceſſarily ariſe from the natural Conftitution and Difpofition of the Earth, tak- ing it for granted, that the Earth in its firft Formation, and at the Commencement of its Motion, was in a fluid State, or at leaft fo far, that its Parts could yield to the Force impreffed upon them by that Motion, according to the Laws of Nature (964, &c.) 3373. Therefore let NS (Fig. 5.) be the Earth's Axis, and EQ the Diameter of the Equator, in the Earth conſidered as an Ellipfoid. And let B C be a Column of fluid or yielding Particles gravitating to the Center C, which (becauſe of an Equilibrium between all the Parts) muft be of equal Weight with any other Column of Particles CN or CE. Put CE a, CN b, = CN=b, CB, and ABs Sine of the Angle BCN; and laftly, let the Power of Gravity (g) be every where as the (2) Power of the Diſtance from the Center C. 3374. Therefore the Gravity at E will be to that at B, as CE" to CB"; and therefore Gravity at B. & X C B n C En & x a' the Power of 3375. Again, the centrifugal Force (f) at E is to that at B, as CE to AB (1177). But AB: CB::s: 1 S: I = Radius, whence AB = s × C B = s x; therefore CE:AB::a:sx :: f: fsx ::f: a the centrifugal Force at B. 3376. But fince this Force acts in the Direction AD, let its abfolute Quantity at B be denoted by BD = fsx; this is re- a folvable into two other Forces FD and F B, of which the latter is all that Part which oppofes Gravity in the Direction BC; whence, fince BD: BF:: 1 :::*: fsx the centri- fsx a a = fugal Force at B, by which Gravity is there diminiſhed. Iii 2 3377. 328 INSTITUTIONS (*) at B will be a Q" a 3377. Hence the Power of Gravity on a Particle of Matter fx, impelling it towards the Center C; therefore its Momentum or Weight will be 8. x f s² x x a (1072); but this is the Fluxion of the Weight of the whole Co- lumn of Particles BC, and therefore the Fluent 2 2 fs²x² f. 24 8x" + = n + I × an will be the Weight of the faid Column of Particles BC. 3378. But this is likewife the Weight of every other Column of Particles (3373), and therefore of the Column CE; and be- cauſe in this Cafe the Angle NCE is a right One, we have x = a, and s = 1; wherefore the Weight of the Column CE will be nf. f. fa 23 8x" + 1 ха Xa= 12 + 1 X an 2 2 × 12 + I n + I X an f s² x² 2 a ; this Equation by proper Reduction, and putting s = 0, will give 2 g — nƒ — ƒ × a" + ¹ = 2 g *" +¹; and thence T we get a:x:: 2g": 28-nff::CE: CN :: is the DIAMETER of the EQUATOR to the Earth's Axis. 3379. If Gravity be fuppofed uniform, then no, and then 28:28f:: CE CN. ƒ::CE: But gƒ:: 294:1, (1198); therefore CE: CN:: 588:587, in fuch a Cafe. 3380. If Gravity were proportional to the Distance from the Cen- Ι 2 ter C, then n = 1, and we ſhould have g: g-ƒ³:: CE: CN. 3381. But in the prefent Conftitution of Nature, it is well : : 28 + f 28+ ƒ=1 known that n = 2 (1230); therefore 2 g :: 28+ f2g: 589: 588: CE:CN. g 3382. What has been hitherto faid, fhews the Figure of the Earth is not spherical, but must be that of a SPHEROID, flatted at the Poles. And when it is faid, Gravity is inverſely as the Square of the Diſtance from the Center (or as x-2) it is to be underſtood that (x) is the Diſtance from the Center of Curvature, which is the true Center of Attraction to a Particle on the Surface of Of CLOCK-WORK. 329 of the Spheriod, and not the Center of the Spheriod itself, as is the Cafe of a Globe or Sphere. 3383. Now the Radius of Curvature at the Equator E is 2 CN CE2 and at the Pole N is 2 CE CN2 (933,935) but the inverfe Ratio of the Squares of theſe Quantities is CN to CE; and therefore Gravity at E and N is not inverſely as the Square, as the fixth Power of CE and CN. 3384. Let D Length of a Degree at the Pole, and d = a Degree at the Equator; now it is plain thofe Degrees will be as the Radii (R, r,) of Curvature in thofe Places, viz. D: d:: R:r:: 2 CE CN= 2. CN CE² :: CE CN³. Confequently VD: /d::CE:CN. 3385. Therefore if a Degree could be accurately meaſured at the Equator E, and at the Pole N, the Ratio of the Diameter of the Earth at the Equator to that of its Axis would be known. Indeed, if two Degrees be meaſured in any two diſtant Parts, that Ratio is equally known from them. But a Degree has been meaſured at the Equator, and found to contain 56767 Toifes or French Fathoms.* Alfo, a Degree has been meaſured under the arctic Circle, and was found to be 57438; laftly, a Degree in Latitude 45 was meaſured, and found 57050 Toifes. From any two of theſe, the Ratio of CE to CN, may be found; and from a Mean of them all, it appears that CE: CN :: 266 : 2640. 7 3386. From a View of this Theory, it is plain, that there is a Diminution of Gravity arifing from two Caufes, viz. the cen- trifugal Force, and the Spheroidical Figure of the Earth. Let CB be produced to G, fo that BG may reprefent the centrifugal Force at the Equator, and B D that in the Latitude B. And draw G D parallel to C N, then it is GB: BD::CE: A B. And BD BF :: (CB: AB ::) r: s. Whence BD GBX AB CE ABX BF xr S ; whence GB: BF: да × CE: fo is the whole Diminution of Gravity under the Equa- tor at E to the Diminution at the Latitude B. * See my new PRINCIPLES of GEOGRAPHY and NAVIGATION. 3387. 330 INSTITUTIONS 3387. As the Diminution of Gravity decreaſes from the Équa- tor to the Pole, fo there must be an Increment of Gravity conftant- ly attending the fame, which will be reprefented by BG- BFGF, becaufe G B is the whole Diminution of Gravity at the Equator E. But becauſe BG: GD :: GD: GF (660) we have BG GF BG²: GD (672) :: BC²: A C²; that is, the Decrement of Gravity at the Equator is to the Increment thereof at the Latitude B, as the Square of Radius to the Square of the Sine of the Latitude. : 3388. And therefore, becauſe BG and BC, are conftant Quantities, the Increment of Gravity will ever be proportioned to the Square of the Sine of the Latitude in the Sphere; and in the Spheroid of the Earth, it will be very nearly the fame, as AC will differ infenfibly from the Sine of the Latitude. Therefore fince by Menfuration, it appears that CE is to C N, as 266 to 264,7 (3385) which is very near the Ratio of 230 to 229, as determined by Sir ISAAC NEWTON; it will follow, that the Ratio of the centrifugal Force at the Equator is to Gravity as I to 230, or that the Decrement of Gravity at the Equator is 230 Part of the Whole. 3389. Therefore if we put this Diminution of Gravity = 10000; then will the Gravities at the Equator E, London B, and the Pole N, be as 2290000, 2296124, and 2300000. And confequently the Lengths of Pendulums, vibrating in equal Times at thofe Places, will be reſpectively proportional to thoſe Numbers. For the Times of Vibration in Pendulums are in a given Ratio to the Times of Defcent through half their Length (1124) and, of Courſe, to the Times of Defcent through their whole Length. But if a Body defcends through different Spaces in the fame Time, the Forces. impelling it will be as thoſe Spa- ces (999); conſequently, the Lengths of Pendulums will increaſe with the accelerating Forces of Gravity from the Equator to the Pole, for the Times of Ofcillation to be equal. 3390. For Example; it will be 2296124: 2290000 :: 39,2 :: 39,1 = the Length of a Pendulum vibrating Seconds at the Equator; again, 2290000: 2300000 :: 39,1 : 39,27 = the Length of a fecond Pendulum at the Poles. And this Propor- tion in the increafing Lengths of Pendulums has been verified by Experiments made in all Parts from the Equator to the polar Circle. 3391. Of CLOCK-WORK. 331 3391. Mr. MAUPERTUIS (in his TREATISE of the FI- GURE of the EARTH) has given us a Table of the Length of an ifochronal Pendulum for every 5th Degree of Latitude, as deduced from their Meaſures of a Degree in different Latitudes, and from a great Number of Experiments on Pendulums in all Parts from the Equator to the polar Circle; theſe I have reduced to English Meaſure for the Benefit of fuch who do not underſtand thofe of the French. If the Pendulum, which, at the Equator, is exactly adjuſted by the Motion of a fixed Star, be carried to any other Latitude, it will be accelerated, or gain upon the mean Time (3389). And the Quantity of this Acceleration upon one Revolution of the Stars, is here alfo fhewn to every 5th Degree of Latitude. 3392. TABLE Of the ACCELERATIONS of a CLOCK, and of the Lengthenings of a PENDULUM from the Equator to the Pole. ACCELERATION LATITUDE of in one Revolution the Place. of the fixed Stars. Length of the PENDULUM. O" 39,0754 5 1,6 39,0768 IO 6,4 39,0811 15 14,3 39,0873 20 24,9 39,0980 25 38.1 39,1097 30 53.3 39,1236 35 70,2 39,1389 40 98,1 39,1551 45 106,6 39,1718 50 125,1 39,1903 51:30 39,2 55 143, I 39,2049 60 159,9 39,2202 65 175,1 39.2338 70 188,3 39,2459 75 198,9 39,2554 80 206,8 39,2626 85 211,6 39.2669 90 213,2 39,2684 332 INSTITUTIONS -1 1 וי } CHA P. XV. The EFFECTS of HEAT and COLD in varying the DIMENSIONS of BODIES; and thereby proving another natural SOURCE of Error in PENDU„ LUMS. 3393. THE other natural Source or Caufe of Error in the Time of a Pendulum's Vibration, is the different Temperature of the Air or Climate; for it is found by Experience that all Bodies are fubject to be expanded by Heat, and contrac- ted by Cold, in all their Dimenfions. And therefore if the Pen- dulum by theſe natural Caufes be conftantly varying its Length, the Time of Vibration' will be always inconftant; and fo, on this Account, can never (without a proper Rectification) be an equable Meaſure of Time. I 700 3394. For fince the Lengths of Pendulums are inverſely as the Squares of the Numbers of Vibrations in a given Time, (a Day, for Inftance), if we exprefs the Length of a Second-pen- dulum in 100ths of an Inch, it will be 3920; and then fuppofe it contracted by Cold of an Inch, its Length will be 3919; and fince in one Day there are 86400"; we fhall have, as 3919 3920 :: 8640c": 86411". Whence it appears, that a Clock will gain or lofe every Day 11 Seconds for every 100th of an Inch it is contracted or lenthened by Cold and Heat. (See Table 3392). 3919: 3395. This is by far the most general Cauſe of Error in Time- pieces; for the different Power of Gravity affects the Pendulum in this Reſpect only in different Latitudes or Climates, but this Effect of Heat and Cold equally affects it in every Region, and in any particular Place. And as fuch minute Variations in the Length of Pendulums are productive of fuch fenfible Errors in the Account of Time, they ought to be at all Times accurately known that the Clock might be properly rectified to every varia- ble Degree of Heat and Cold. វ '' 3396. Of CLOCK-WORK. 433 3396. Hence it appears, that a proper Regulation of Time- Pieces with Pendulums is clofely connected with the Nature of THERMOMETERS, whofe fole Ufe is to indicate, at all Times, the comparative Degrees of Heat and Cold by a proper Scale of Variation. And if by Experiments we can find how much a given Rod of Iron or Braſs extends or contracts with given Dif- ferences of Heat and Cold, denoted by the Thermometer, then ſuch an Inftrument being fixed by the Clock, will always fhew what Degree of Correction is neceffary at all Times of the Year for keeping the Clock to true Time. ΤΖ I an 3397. Now by many Experiments made on purpoſe to de- termine this Affair,* it appears, that a flat Rod of Braſs Inch wide, and of an Inch thick, and in Length 384 Inches, will expand or extend in Length juſt of an Inch with ſuch a Difference of Heat as will caufe the Mercury in Farenheit's Thermometer to move through 224 Divifions; therefore — of an Inch will correſpond to 114 Divifions; but the Extenfion of of an Inch will occafion the Clock to lofe 11" per Day. (3394.) Confequently each Divifion of Farenheit's Termome- ter correſponds to an Extenfion of Part of an Inch, in the Rod of the Pendulum, and to one Second of Time which the Clock, by that Means, lofes per Day. I 1000 For Inftance; 3398. Therefore, if the Clock be adjuſted to equal Time, when the Mercury ftands at 55, (the Temperate Degree) in the Thermometer ; it will be ſeen in the faid Inftru- ment for any other Time, how much the Clock has loft or gained upon the equal Time, by the Height of the Mer- cury at that Time. fuppofe the Mercury ſtands in a warm Summer's Day at 70, that is 15 Diviſions above Temperate; therefore the Pendulum is lengthened of an Inch, and confequently the Clock will lofe 15" per Day, if not properly rectified. On the other Hand, if the Mer- cury ſtands at 40, (as far below Temperate) then it will fhew the Pendulum is contracted as much, and the Clock now gains. 15" per Day. I S TCOO 3399. Hence it appears that as the greatest Summer Heat in England never raifes the Mercury higher than abour 80 De- VOL. II. Kkk grees, *See a Treatife entituled, OBSERVATIONS Aftronomiques & Phy- fiques par G. JUAN & ANT, de ULLOA. Page 86. 434 INSTITUTIONS grees, our Second Pendulum Clocks, of brass Rods, can loofe at `moſt but 25″ per Day by Extenfion from Heat. But they may gain 30″ or 40″ in a Day by extreme Cold, contracting the fame. 3400. If the Rod of a Second-pendulum be made of Iron, it will vary lefs in Length by Heat, and Cold, for by the fame Ex- periments it was found, that (cæteris paribus) the Extenfion of Brass was to that of Iron as 20 to 131, which is extremely near the Proportion of 3 to 2. And the Extenfion of Iron to that of Steel was found to be as 13 to 12. It was alfo found that the Expanſion of Brass to that of Copper was as 20 to 194. 3401. From what has been faid it appears, there is no fuch Thing in Nature as an equable Time-piece; that a Pendulum- Clock is the only Machine which, by Art, can be made to ap- proach near it; and laftly, that fuch a Clock will ſtand in conftant Need of a proper Adjuftment or Rectification by the fixed Stars, or other aftronomical Means. To contrive to correct thefe Er- rors, as faft as they arife, by fome artificial Conftruction of the Pendulum has been the Endeavour of many Artiſts, and with fome Degree of Succefs; but none have come to my Knowlege that appears to anſwer this Purpoſe fo well as the following Me- thod, which I am informed is put in Practice by an ingenious Artiſt in the North of England; and is as follows. 3402. A Bar of the fame Metal with the Rod of the Pendu- lum, and of the fame Thickness and Length, is placed againſt the Back-part of the Clock-cafe; from the Top of this a Part projects to which the upper Part of the Pendulum is connected by two fine pliable Chains, or filken Strings, (as in the Cut at Fage 374) which just below pafs between two Plates of Brafs, whofe lower Edges will always terminate the Length of the Pendulum at the upper End. Thefe Plates are fupported on a Foot fixed to the Back of the Cafe. This Bar refts upon an immoveable Bafe on the lower Part of the Cafe, and is braced into a proper Groove, which admits of no Motion any Ways but that of Entenfion and Contraction in Length by Heat and Cold. 3403. Now 'tis evident, that the Extenfion or Contraction of this Bar and the Rod of the Pendulum, will be equal, and in contrary Directions; and therefore, fuppofe by Heat the Pen- dulum is increaſed of an Inch in Length, below the Edge of the brafs Plates or Cheeks, then becauſe the Bar is lengthened I 700 just of CLOCK-WORK. 435 juft fo much upwards it will raiſe or draw up the Pendulum juſt 1 of an Inch, and thereby make its Length below the Plates I 시이이 ​ſtill the fame as before. The cafe is the fame in regard to Con- traction by Cold; for as the Pendulum is thereby fhortened gra- dually, it is as gradually lengthened by being let down between the Plates, by the equal Contraction of the Bar behind. Whence it ſhould ſeem that this is a conftant and adequate Rectification of the Pendulum by which it will always keep true Time.* 3404. If the Clock be of the common Conftruction, viz. with a Pendulum confifting only of a Rod and Bob; then we muſt be content with a Method of correcting it as foon as its Quan- tity is diſcovered. Thus, if the Bob be made to reft or depend on a Nutt and Screw upon the loweft Part of the Rod; then if there be 25 Threads to an Inch, and the Nutt be of a cir- cular Form, and its Perimeter divided into 45 equal Parts, it is evident from (3397,) that each of thofe Parts will correfpond to a fecond of Time in the Clock, and to a fingle Divifion of the Scale of Farenheit's Thermometer; and therefore by moving the Nutt one Way or the other, and fo many Diviſions, as the Thermometer directs, we fhall be able to correct the Error fhewn thereby to a great Degree of Exactnefs. 3405. If the Pendulum be of the compound Sort, viz. with a Ball and a Corrector, and conftructed as directed (in 2334, 2335, 2336,) then it will be eafy for the Artift to divide the Rod of the Pendulum into Minutes and Seconds by the Theorems there given, and confequently, if by the Revolution of a Star, he finds how much his Clock loofes or gains upon the Mean Time in a Day or ſeveral Days; or if by equal Altitudes of the Sun, he knows at any Time how much the Clock is too faſt or too flow, he can very readily adjuſt it to the Mean or true Time. It is not worth while here to take Notice of the Ufe of the BA- ROMETER in eftimating the Errors of the Pendulum arifing from the different Weight or Denfity of the Air, becaufe the Dif- ference of Refiftance to the Bob is on that Account fo exceed- ing ſmall as ſcarcely to come under the niceft Obfervation, and which we have before provided againſt, (3342, &c.) Kkk 2 CHAP. *The Reader may meet with a larger Account of this Invention in a French Treatise on Clock-work by Mr. THIOUT, with a Print thereof; but as I have had no Opportunity of perufing that Book, I do not know who was the Author of this Contrivance. 436 INSTITUTIONS CHA P. XVI. The THEORY of the CIRCULAR PENDULUM demon- ftrated, with its peculiar ADVANTAGES in CLOCK- WORK. 3406. WE E have now delivered all we think neceſſary con- cerning the Structure of Clocks and Watches of the ordinary Sort, whofe Motions are governed and regulated by Springs and Pendulums in the ufual Way. But here we are debarred from the Ufe of a Second-pendulum Clock of a portable Form; though from what we have faid, it appears, no other Sort of Automata can be regarded as equable Time-keepers, in any tolerable Degree. But Nature has fupplied a Method, and Art has difcovered it, by which a Pendulum may be made very eafily to circulate Seconds in the fame Length that a com- mon Pendulum vibrates Half-feconds; which is as follows. 3407. We have formerly fhewn, that a Weight at the End of a String might be made to move in fuch a Manner, that the String fhould defcribe the Surface of a Cone, while the Weight moved through the Circumference of its Bafe, the Vertex of the Cone being the Point to which the String is fixed [See Fig. to 1193.] Or thus, let D [Fig. 6.] be a Weight at the End of a String DE fixed to the Point E; then if the faid Weight be moved in the Circle DbFa D, the String will defcribe the Surface of the Cone DEF; and this Motion being continued would conftitute a Circular, or rather Conical Pendulum. 3408. Now a Pendulum of this Form that fhall perform its Circulations in a Second of Time is required to be but of the Length of a common Pendulum to vibrate in a Second, as we fhall bye-and-bye demonftrate. The Invention of this Form of a Pendulum the celebrated HUGENIUS claims alfo as his own, and tells us he found it nearly at the fame Time he in- vented the common long Pendulum. His Words are, " Unde aliud quoque horologii commentum deduximus, eodem fere tempore quo prius illud. 3409. I Of CLOCK-WORK. 437 3409. I have been the more particular in mentioning this Gentleman's Claim to this Invention, becaufe I find it is alfo claimed by Dr. Hook, who we have before obſerved was his Competitor for the Invention of Watches. (3324.) Dr. Hooke has not, I think, a very clear Title to the Invention, nor has faid any Thing relative to the Theory thereof. Mr. Hugens has only given the Theorems on which it depends, but without any Demonftration. So that the Rationale of a Clock with a Circu- lar Pendulum is yet a Novelty in our Tongue; nor has any fo- reign Author wrote expressly on this Subject, that I know of. I fhall therefore proceed to explain the Rationale of fuch a Clock in as plain and conciſe a Manner as I can. 3410. Let NAM [Fig. 6.] be a Parabola inverted, its Ver- tex A, and Axis AO. Then ſuppoſe a Veffel or Bowl was excavated to the Figure of fuch a Parabola, ſo that its concave Surface might be that of a Paraboloid; if fuch a Bowl were pro- perly agitated, a heavy globular Body within it might be made to circulate round it in any Part of the Surface as at D or G, and there to defcribe the Circles Da Fb, or GcHd, whofe Diameters are DF and GH. 3411. The Ball D is fupported or ſuſtained in the Circle by an Equilibrium of three different Forces, viz. (1.) The Force of Gravity, or that of its own Weight. (2.) A Centrifugal Force which is always a neceflary Confequence of circular Mo- tion: And, (3.) The Re-action of the Side of the Veffel in any Point D, which is always equal to the Force of its Preffure againſt it, in a perpendicular Direction, arifing from the other two Forces. 3412. The Circle which the Ball deſcribes being ſuppoſed parallel to the Horizon, OC will be perpendicular to its Plane in the Center C; and let DE be drawn perpendicular to the Side of the Veffel in D. Then becauſe Gravity acts per- pendicularly to the Hooizon, let it be reprefented by the right Line E C. Again, fince the Centrifugal Force is in a horizon- tal Direction always from the Center C, it will be properly re- preſented by the right Line CD; then, laftly, becauſe the Bo- dy D is fuftained in Equilibrio at D, its Preffure or Re-action di- rectly against the Side at D will be denoted by the right Line DE. 438 INSTITUTIONS 1 DE. All this is very evident from the Mechanical Doctrine of Compound Forces. (1027, &c.) 3413. In like Manner, if the Body circulates in any other Part of the paraboloid Veffel, as at G, the three Powers will there alſo be repreſented by the three Sides of the Triangle IGB; that is, Gravity by the Side IB; the Centrifugal Force by the Side BG; and the Refiftance of the Veffel by the Line GI, perpendicular to the Tangent at G. 3414. As by theſe three Forces the Body is kept in a conſtant Equilibrium in every Point of the Circumference it defcribes, it will be ſuſceptible of any Degree of projectile Force impreffed upon it by an horizontal Agitation of the Veffel, and thereby be put into Circular Motion, every Way fimilar to that by a cen- tral Attraction (1170,) or to that of a Body annexed to the End of a String, (1192,) and will therefore be fubject to all the fame Laws of Motion. 3415. Confequently, fince the Body in deſcribing the Cir- cles DaF b, and GcHd, has Centrifugal Forces proportional to the Radii CD, and B G, it will deſcribe thoſe Circles in equat Times, (1177.) Therefore, all circular Revolutions in every Part of fuch a Veffel are ifochronal, or made in equal Times. 3416. If a Plane be freely moveable about a Center, and a heavy Body lies upon it, connected by a String to the Center, then as the Weight of the Body is fuftained by the Plane it may be confidered as without Weight, and in Equilibrio. Therefore if the Plane be moved horizontally, it will imprefs a projectile Force on the Body, and it will begin and continue to move round the Center, with a circular Motion. Now this projectile Force being in the Direction of a Tangent, the Body will endeavour to proceed in fuch a Line, but it is conſtantly checked and drawn therefrom into the Periphery of a Circle bý the String, which String will therefore be ſtretched with a cer- tain Force by which the Body endeavours to receed directly from the Center; and which is therefore the Centrifugal Force generated by the Motion of the Plane. 3417. As the Velocity of the Plane or circular Motion is greater, the Centrifugal Force will encreaſe and that in Propor- tion to the Square of the Velocity, (1175.) So that the Centrifu- gal Force will begin from Nothing and encreaſe to any Degree; and Of CLOCK-WORK. 439 and confequently will, in one Degree of Velocity, be equal to the Weight of the Body, or the String will, in that Cafe, be ſtretched juſt as much as it would be by the Weight of the Body hanging freely to it at reft. 3418. If, therefore, in this particular Cafe, a Power of At- traction to the Center, equal to the Weight of the Body, was fubſtituted inſtead of the String, it would make no Alteration in the Motion of the Body; and hence it appears, that when a Body is moved in a circular Orbit by a projectile and gravitating Force, there will be a Centrifugal Force produced juft equal to the Power of Gravity. 3419. But, in fuch a Cafe, the Velocity of Motion is ſuch as the Body would acquire by defcending through half the Radius of the Circle (1187.) Therefore in the Time of that Defcent, the Body (with the faid Velocity uniformly continued) would defcribe twice that Space, or a Space equal to the Ra- dius, (993.) Therefore the Time (t) of Defcent through of the Radius (R) is to the periodical Time (T) in the Circle, as Radius (R) is to the Periphery (P) of the Circle, or as the Dia- meter (D) is to twice the Periphery (2 P). That is, t:T::D : 2 P. 3420. Now in the paraboloid Veffel, fince CE, or BI, is a conſtant Quantity, being ever equal to half the Latus Rectum of the Parabola (747,) there will be one Part where the Cen- trifugal Force or Radius of the Circle BG will be equal to Gravity BI. And it is evident this muſt be when the Diame- ter of the Circle GH paffes through the Focus B of the Pa- rabola, becauſe then BG BIGH, the Latus Rectum. 3421. By the Nature of the Parabola we have A B equal BIBG (742.) Therefore, the Time of defcribing the Circle GcHd (or any other) will be to the Time of De- ſcent through BI≈ A B, as 2 P is to D. (3419.) N4 3422. Bifect BI in Q, then AB = BQ; and let A B be the Diameter of the generating Circle of the Cycloid KAI. Now we have fhewn that the Time (T) in which a Pendulum QA vibrates through the Cycloid K L is to the Time (t) of Defcent through half its Length A B as the Periphery of a Circle (P) to its Diameter (D,) (1124.) Whence we have t 7D P = TD 2 P which gives 2P TTP, or T: T:: 2P: P:: 2:1; 440 INSTITUTIONS I 2:1; confequently, the Time of revolving in any Circle in the Paraboloid is double the Time of Vibration in the Cycloid, in a Pen- dulum whofe Length AQ is the Latus Rectum of the Parabola. * 2 3423. It remains now to fhew how a Pendulum may be conftructed fo that it may always defcribe a Conical Surface, and its Ball perform its Gyrations in a parabolical Superficies. To this End let K H✶ be a Verge or Axis perpendicular to the Ho- rizon with a Pinion at K moved by the laſt Wheel in the Train of the Clock; at H it has a hardened fteel Point in a Pivot of Agate, to render the Motion as free as poffible. 3424. Let it be propofed that the Pendulum fhall perform each Revolution in a Second of Time; then it is plain, the Pa- raboloid Superficies it moves in, must be fuch whofe Latus Rectum is double the Length of a Pendulum vibrating Half-Seconds in a Cycloid, (3422.) Let O be the Focus of the Parabola MEC, and MC the Latus Rectum; and make AE=MO= 2 MC the Length of a common Half-fecond Pendulum. 3425. At the Point A of the Verge, let a thin Plate A B be fixed at one End, and at the other End B let it be faftened to a Bar or Arm DB, ftanding out from the Verge at right Angles and to which it is fixed at D. This Lamina or Plate A B is the Semi-cubical Parabola or Evolute of the given Parabola MEC, fuch as deſcribed (921 to 926.) 3426. The Equation of this Cubical Parabola AB was Let P, then Pxxy3 and in the 23 27 22 P that Cafe, 2 x x = y² = 4 P²; therefore 27 px x = y³. Focus, P2y; in 27 }} {√ the Diftance of 16 8 By affuming the Value of x you will find all the corref *²={P², and x = P√//} = the Focus from the Vertex A. (or putting of an Inch) pondent y's or Ordinates of the Curve A B, by which it may very eafily be drawn. x ΤΟ 1 2 3427. If the Pendulum is to make its Gyrations in Se- conds, then the Parameter is MC = 4,9 Inches, or 49 • 27 Tenths. P 82,7 Tenths, and by affuming x- IE P = = to the Number in the firft Column of the following Table, we fhall have y to thoſe in the ſecond refpectively. Abfciffe Fig. 1. in the PLATE of the THEORY of Circulating PENDULUMS, c. Of CLOCK-WORK. 441 Abfeffa Ordinates, Abfciffe Ordinates. 0,05 0,274 1,4 2,531 O, I 0,435 I,7 2,880 0,2 0,692 2,0 3,213 0,3 0,906 2,3 3,526 0,4 1,098 2,6 3,823 0,5 1,274 2,9 4,113 0,6 1,438 3,2 4,392 6,8 1,743 3,6 4,748 1,0 2,023 4,0 5,096 1,2 2,284 3428. The String of the Pendulum muſt be of fuch a Length that when one End is fixed at B it may lie over the Plate AB, and then from A hang perpendicular with the Center of its Bob in the Point E (or Vertex of the Parabola MEC) when at reft. Then the Verge KH being put into Motion, the Ball of the Pendulum will begin to gyrate, and thereby conceive a Centri- fugal Force which will carry it out from the Axis to fome Point F, where it will circulate Seconds or Half-Seconds, according as the Line A E is 9,8 Inches, or 2 only; and A B anſwerable to it. 3429. HUGENIUS tells us, many Clocks of this Conftruc- tion were made, and with Succefs; but that they prevailed not fo much as the common Sort, on Account of their not being ſo eaſily and expeditiously made ciple of EQUABLE MOTION, Circle has not perfectly lum. That they depend on a Prin- which the long Pendulum in a That the Index fhewing Se- conds moves with a moft regular and uniform Motion, and not (Subfultim) by Jerks and Stops as in common Clocks That this Pendulum is entirely filent, or without that conftant and me- lancholy Click Clack, which neceffarily attends the long Pendu- Moreover, it may be obferved that the Pendulum to circulate Seconds is but a fourth Part of the Length to vibrate Seconds, or but juft the Length of a common Half-Second Pen- dulum. -And, laftly, a Contrivance may be added to ftop the Pendulum in any Part of the Circumference, and thereby render it capable of fhewing Thirds. 3430. This Conſtruction of a conical Pendulum is undoubtedly the beſt Form for a Temporary CHRONOMETER, for meaſuring VOL. II. LII The 1 ול ร ! } 442 INSTITUTIONS the ſmalleſt Parts of Time occafionally. A But the Part A B ſhould be divided into two from the Point A, and proceed diva- ricating to the End B, where the Ends of two fine Chains (ufed. in Watches) or filken Strings are to be fixed, which Strings ſhould alſo unite after they pass the Point A in the Verge or a little before they come to the Bob F. By this Means its Mo- tion will be rendered more fteady and certain than by a ſingle Chain or String. The Arm DB fhould alſo be nicely balanced by a Counterpoife on the other Side. And an endleſs Screw at K will do better than a Pinion with Teeth; but this is fubmit- ted to the Experience and Ingenuity of the Artificer. CHA P. XVII. The THEORY of Mr. SULLY'S INVENTION of a Ho- rological ROTULA, instead of a PENDULUM, for regulating CLOCK-WORK; with an IMPROVES MENT thereof. 3431. A S this INVENTION of Mr. SULLY is upon an en- tire new Principle, found out by Trial and Expe- riments directed by a natural Sagacity, without any Affiftance from a Phyfico-mathematical THEORY, I have Reafon to think it may prove a Novelty equally acceptable, as fingular, to the Eng- lifh Automatift; not only fo, but the Omiffion of fa curious an Improvement in Clock-work, muft certainly be thought a Defect in a Treatile wrote profefledly on the THEORY thereof. 3432. Mr. HENRY SULLY was an English Watch maker, and lived many Years at PARIS; he wrote, in the French Language, à Treatife on Clock-work, which he entitled Regle artificielle de Temps, printed at Paris, A. D. 1717. I never. heard that this Artificial Rule of Time, was ever tranflated into English, nor have I feen the Original; it fhould feem by the Title as if it was a Deſcription of his new Clock; but we are told by Profeſſor EULER (in the Petropol. Comment, for the Year 1727,) that Mr. Sully had publifhed an Account of his new Clock but a little moré 1 Of CLOCK-WORK. 443 more than a Year before, viz. in the Year 1725. But leaving the Date of its firft Publication, this learned Profeffor thought it an Invention worthy of an Explication, which he has accord- ingly given us under the Title of A Differtation on a certain new Kind of Tautochronal Curves; and which I ſhall here tranf- late and abridge for the Uſe of the English Artiſts. 3433. SULLY'S Invention confifted in a Kind of Rotula or ſmall Wheel* A B made to ofcillate about its Center C (Fig. 2.) by Means of a String with a ſmall Weight CP, playing between two curved Plates CE, CF, fixed to the Surface of the Rotula. But what Degree of Curvature was neceſſary for thoſe Plates, that the Oſcillations might be all isochronal among themſelves, and to the Vibrations of a Pendulum of a given Length, was what Sully wanted to know, and could only find by frequent Trials, and that very imperfectly. 3434. But to fhew what this particular Species of Curvature is from Phyfico Mathematical Principles, the Procefs is as follows. Let CM (Fig. 3.) denote one of the Plates in a Situation not na- tural, or when the Rotula is turned on one Side; and let C B be a vertical Line, parallel to the Direction of the Thread MP touch- ing the Curve in M; then from the Point of Contact M draw MT perpendicular to CB, which will alſo be perpendicular to the Curve in M. Draw the Right Line C O containing the Angle BCO by which the Rotula is carried out of its natural Pofition. On the Center C with any Radius CB deſcribe the Arch BO, meaſuring the Angle BCO. 3435. Then it is evident the Weight or Power P at the End of the String will endeavour to reſtore the Rotula to its natural Situation by a Force which will be as P × TM (1049.) But as the Application of this Force is continually altering with reſpect to the Fulcrum C, we must find one equal to it to be applied to the Radius CO, and acting normally at the Point. O. Produce PM to N in a Right Line drawn horizontally through the Center C. Then becaufe CN TM, the Ef- fect of the Power P to turn the Rotula will be the fame as if it was applied to the Radius CN in N, and acting normally thereto. LII 2 3436. But * See Plate entituled "The THEORY of the Circulating PENDU- ■UM, Ofcillating ROTULA, &c.", 44.4 INSTITUTIONS 3436. But from the Nature of the Lever (1051) we have CO: CN:: P:p the Weight to be applied at O, whofe Force fhall be equal to that of P applied at N. But CNTM, therefore CO: TM:: P:p, and fo p = PxTM CO ; therefore becauſe P and CO are conftant, we have p every where proportional to T M. 3437. We are next to confider that the Power (p) acting normally at O, will make CO a Pendulum; and farther, that if the faid Power (p) (which is the accelerating Force,) be pro- portional to the Space paffed over, the Ofcillations of the Pen- dulum will be isochronal (999.) But the Space to be run over is the Arch OB, or the Angle OCB; therefore in order to produce this fochronism in the Pendulum (and confequently in the Rotula) the Affair is reduced to this Problem, viz. To find a Curve CME of fuch a Property, that having a Right Line CO given in Pofition, and in it, from a given Point C, another Right Line CT be drawn perpendicular to the Radius of Curvature in any Point M, the Part TM fhall be always proportional to the Angle TCO. are proportional, their Therefore let M and m indefinitely near to each 3438. Now when any Quantities Fluxions have the fame Ratio (789.) (Fig. 4.) be two Points in the Curve other; and draw CM, Cm, and the two Normals MT and mt, occuring in R the Center of Curvature at the Part M. Alfo let fall the Perpendiculars CT, Ct, on the faid Normals. Then is 1 TCp the Fluxion of the Angle TCO; and Tp, the Fluxion of the Normal TM. Now it is plain, that in Regard to the Auxionary Angle TCp, the Side T C is Radius, and Tp, the Tangent. Therefore the Fluxion of the Arch O B, which is Bb will conftantly be as Tp, the Fluxionary Tangent of the fame. 3439. Let CB be equal to CT Radius, and as the Ra- dius of a Circle is conftant, the Fluxion thereof is nothing, that is pto; therefore CT is perpendicular to T M in the Point R, or Center of the Circle of Ofculation in the Point M. 3440. In this Cafe, the Angle OCT has its Fluction B not only proportional but equal to the Fluxionary Tangent Tp. For the Fluxion (2) of any Arch z and the Fluxion of the Tangent (i) thereof, are expreffed by this Equa- Of CLOCK-WORK. 445 Equation = a² i a² + t² (823.) and therefore when tơ, or the Tangent is in its nafcent or fluxionary State, that Equation becomes = a² i a² -i. 3441. But the Fluxions of contemporaneous Fluents being equal, hew thoſe Fluents are alfo equal, or that TM the Radius of Curvature is ever equal to the Arch of the Circle TO de- ſcribed in the fame Time. 3442. Hence the Nature of the Curve CM is manifeft, it being no other than the EVOLUTE of a Circular Arch OT (Fig. 5.), whoſe Beginning is at the Point of the Circle O, and is deſcribed by the Evolution of that Circle whofe common Ra- dii are CTCO.~ In this Proceſs, we have uſed a dif- ferent Method of Demonftration from that of Profeffor EULER, which we think is more natural, clear, and concife. 3443. Hence then it appears that the Lamina or Plates OF, OE, [Fig. 5.] are formed by the Evolution of the Circle ADO equal to the Periphery of the propoſed Rotula, and to begin from the Point O in the Circumference, and not from the Center C, as in Sully's Conftruction. In the fame Point O likewife the String OP is to be fixed, which by its Weight P will move between the Plates O E, OF, (like a Pendulum between the Cycloidal Cheeks) and thereby continue the Motion of the Rotula, once begun; and render the Ofcillations ifochronal, by a Force ever proportional to the angular Space deſcribed in each Ofcillation. 3444. The next thing to be determined, is, the abfolute Time of an Oscillation in a given Rotula; this is done by finding the Length of a Pendulum vibrating in a Cycloid, ifochronal to the Ro- tula. The Method for doing this our celebrated Profeffor has rather pointed out, than demonftrated; we ſhall therefore here ſupply the Principles which he affumes as known, and on which this Part of the Theory depends. 3445. To this End we muſt confider that as in reſpect to the Endeavour or innate Force of Bodies to defcend, it is all one whether we confider the Quantity of Matter as diffuſed through any Space or all collected into a Point, this Effort to deſcend being conſtantly proportioned to the Mafs of Matter into the 446 INSTITUTIONS the Force of Gravity (1000.) So with Regard to an Oscillatory or Angular Motion of Bodies about a Center or Axis, it matters not how the Maſs of Matter is diſpoſed, whether we conſider it in the Form of a Circular Area, or in that of a Right Line but this latter is moſt natural, as it is that by which the ſaid An- gular Motion is deſcribed. 3446. If therefore the Radius of the Rotula be confidered as charged with its whole Weight (Q) we ſhall find its Force of Refiſtance to fuch Angular Motion will be expreffed by Qgn, (2286,) where g== Diſtance of the Center of Gravity, and n Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation, the Length = 3 of Radius being = 1. The whole innate Force, therefore, of the Radius or Rotula to reſiſt to a Circular Motion is as Q. उ 3447. But if we confider the Rotula in Motion its active Force then (called the Vis viva) will be as the innate Force mul- tiplied by the Velocity of the Center of Force. But this Center of Force, in the Sector of a Circle is diftant from the Center of the Circle, of the Radius (1098,) it is therefore the fame in the Cir- cular Area, or Rotula; therefore if the Velocity of a Point in the Circumference be fuch as is acquired by the Deſcent of a heavy Body through the Space S, which will be equal to 2 S (993;) then the Velocity of the Center of Force will be S (for 1 2S::: S), confequently the whole Force of the moving Rotula will be Q× SQS, and therefore the Fluxion of its Motion will be us. Z 3 4 3448. But this Fluxion of Motion in the Rotula is the Ef- fect of the Action of the Weight P by Means of the String PO upon the Plate O E. Let v = Velocity, (or Space de- ſcribed) in an infinitely ſmall Particle of Time by the Weight P; then its momentary Force is Pv; and as this produces the momentary Motion Qs in the Rotula, it must be equal to it, that is, PXvQs, and fo v = 14 Q s 2P' 3449. This is the Cafe of the Rotula and its Weight P, at the Commencement of an Ofcillation, when the Pofition of the Whole is as fhewn in Fig. 6. Where BDT is the Rotula, T A one of the Plates, when the Radius of Curvature BA is in a Horizontal Pofition, A P is the perpendicular Direction of the Weight P; and let fall CB perpendicular to A B. Then let Of CLOCK-WORK. 447 let the Rotula by the Action of the Power P move in the firſt Moment with the angular Motion T Ct, and then will ta be the Part of the Plate on which the Power acts, and Ba the horizontal Radius of Curvature; the Line of Direction is now ap, and the Power P has moved from P top, through the Per- pendicular Space P q 9 = v. 3450. On the Center C with the Radius Ca deſcribe the fmall Arch a d, and draw Ca, Cd; then is Ad Pq; and the right-angled Triangles Aad and B a C are fimilar; there- fore Ad: A a:: Ba: BC; hence Adv But A a Tt, whence Bax Tt BC = 2 = therefore 2 Px BaxTt=BCxQx s = е s Bax Aa B C Q$ (3448 ;) 2 P (becauſe of Ba Ba= ŝ 2 PX BT BT) 2 PXBT x Tt. Therefore = Tt Q× BC • 3451. But Tt is the Space deſcribed by the Point T in the firft Particle of Time, and is therefore as the inceptive Velo- city v; confequently s Ś is as Tt but =T, the Fluxion of the Time of an Ofcillation, fince in all Cafes of defcending Bodies, we have S V = T (991.) 3452. Having thus determined the Fluxion of the Time of Ofcillation in the Rotula, we ſhall readily diſcover the Fluent, or Time itſelf, by comparing fuch an Ofcillation with a Syn- chronal Vibration in the Cycloid. Thus (Fig. 7.) let AN be the Semi-cycloid juft equal to the Semi- arch of Ofcillation BT, and therein take Nn Tt and through N, n, draw PN, pn, perpendicular to the Axis of the Cycloid, and let AO be the Length of the Pendulum defcribing the fame by Evolution. from the Cycloidal Cheeks, as taught (1120.) 3453. Then from (n) draw nt perpendicular to PN, and the Fluxion of the Time of a Vibration will be as in N(3451,) which n therefore muſt be equal to the Fluxion of the Time of the Ofcil- t n lation, viz. N n S 2 P x BT. Tt QxBC' But from the Nature of 448 INSTITUTIONS ¡ of the Cycloid (1117 to 1125,) we have fore becauſe AN=BT, it is I AO nt ΑΝ there N n AO 2 P Qx BC (3450) which gives Q× BC = 2P × AO, and therefore this Analo- gy Q: 2P :: AO: BC; that is, The Weight of the Rotula is to twice the Weight P, as the Length of a Pendulum vibrating in a given Time, is to the Diameter of the Rotula, which shall ofcillate in the fame time. 3454. For Example, fuppofe it be required to find the Radius BC of the Rotula that fhall ofcillate precifely in a Second of Time. Then A O = 392 Tenths of an Inch; and ſuppoſe 2 P x AO Q: P:: 100: 1, then BC = 7,84 Q Tenths of an Inch. Or the Diameter 2 B C = 1,568 or a lit- tle more than 1 Inch. 784 100 3455. It was neceffary to fuppofe the Weight P very ſmall in Compariſon of the Weight Q of the Wheel or Rotula, that its own Vis Inertia might be inconfiderable; for where that to be taken into the Account, it muſt be deducted from the Force which we have all along appropriated to move the Rotula; and this would embarraſs the Theory, or leave the practical Ex- ecution of it imperfect. 3456. Another Caution neceffary in a Regulator of this Na- ture, is, that the Direction of the String below the Cheeks be al- ways perpendicular, or that the Weight P has not the leaſt ofcillatory Motion in itſelf, as it would make a Difference in its Force upon the Rotula, and induce an Irregularity in its Mo- tion, and Time of its Ofcillations. A principal Thing to pre- vent this is to have the String of a confiderable Length below the Plates that the Radius BC of the Wheel may bear but a ſmall Proportion to it. 3457. But as a long String will be inconfiftent with the Defign of a Clock in a portable Form, there is another Remedy for both the forementioned Evils, and which will at the fame Time be a great Improvement upon SULLY's Invention. This confiſts in adding a very large Wheel or Rotula ADG [Fig. 8.] to Sully's fmall Rotula BHI; and then as a much greater Force will be required to move the compound Retula, fo there will be a greater Of CLOCK-WORK. 449 a greater Diſparity between. its Weight and that of P, and a much leſs Motion of the String BP becauſe of the very flow Mo- tion of the Rotula thus altered. 3458. That the Reafon of this may better appear, let TCT (Fig. 5.) be the fluxionary Sector of the Rotula, and Tỉ = ż the Fluxion of the Periphery, then the Area of the faid Sector will be CT × 2, the Diſtance of the Center of Gravity CT, and that of Oſcillation CT; then (putting CT=r) we have its Force to refift eircular Motion (3287,) thus ex- preffed, Qgn=rz × 3r × 3r (1098) 3. Hence the x x = 4 Force of the whole Ratula will be 1r3z. But it is 1:C::r 4 Z. ::: Radius: Circumference; therefore z the Force of any Wheel or Rotula, will be 4th Power of the Radius. 3459. Therefore if R Cr, and fo C, or as the Radius of the large additional Ro- tula, the Force of the Whole will be increafed in Proportion to R, that is, the Length of the Synchronal Pendulum will be as Qx BC x R 10= 2 P AO × R+. (3453) - I 2, R 3460. Since the Time of a Vibration of the Pendulum A O is I, we fhall have the Time T of a Vibration in the Pendu- lum AO x R4, thus 12 T:: AO: AO x R4 :: 1: R4, therefore T_R✨, and T = R. So that if T = 2, =√2, if T = 3, R√3; if T4, R = 2; and fo on. Whence it appears how very flow the Rotula will move when thus enlarged, and how little the Spring BP will on that Account be liable to be put out of a vertical Pofition. 3461. Such is the THEORY and CONSTRUCTION of the Automaton Sullianum with its improved Rotula; and befides, this Kind of Regulation, which is entirely new and peculiar to this Piece of Clock- work, there is one Property of it which no other Time-Piece has, and that is, the flow Motion of the Rotula, by which the Time of the Ofcillations become very long, and confequently by that Means more equable; which induced Mr. EULER* to think a Time- Piece conftructed in this Manner VOL. II. might M m m *For referring to this Improvement of an additional large Rotula, he fays, Et tandem alium evolvam Cafum, qui non contemnendum in RE NAUTICA ufùm mihi præftare videtur. 450 INSTITUTIONS might be of Service at Sea in finding the Difference of Time or Longitude, beyond any other Sort of Clock-work yet attempted. CHA P. XVIII. The CONSTRUCTION of an ANGULAR PENDULUM, of a general NATURE, and adapted to a Planetary TIME-PIECE, which, in the fame LENGTH, ſhall vibrate in any given TIME. 3452. Τ' HERE has been, as yet, no other Sort of Pen- dulum in Uſe, but fuch whofe Time of Vibration depends upon its Length only; for this is the Cafe of the Circular, as well as the Cycloidal Pendulum. However the Phyfical Theory leaves us not deftitute of a Method of regulating Clock-work, by a Pendulum, which fhall in any given Length vibrate in any Time required. X 3 3463. To demonftrate this we need only confider the Nature. of a common Pendulum of the moft fimple Form, viz. that of an uniform Rod or Parallelogram whofe Length fuppoſe = a, and Weight = w; then the Force of the Rod is =w; a²w.w × 1a × 3a. (3286.) Now if the Pendulum be transformed, or divided into two equal Parts, and both theſe Parts move or oſcil- late about the fame Center as before, then if thoſe Parts be ſe- parated from each other to an equal Diſtance from the Vertical Line, the Center of Gravity (which we will now called x) will approach nearer to the Point of Sufpenfion, and the Center of Ofcillation (n) will recede farther from it in the fame Propor- 풀요​? tion, for it will always be 3 a², a given Quantity. as (x). I a² w x w X fox = n; and fo x n = Therefore (n) will be inverſely 3464. Therefore alfo the Time of a Vibration will be greater, in the fame Pendulum of two Parts, as thofe Parts contain a greater Angle with each other; or ftrictly speaking, the Time of of Ciock-WORK. 451 of a Vibration will be in the inverse duplicate Ratio of the Co- Sine of half that Angle. 3465. To illuftrate this by an Example; let ACB (Fig. 9) be a common Joint-Rule, whofe two Parts ACD and BCD are cloſe together; through the Center C of the Joint, let a fmall Hole be drilled, and the Rule fufpended thereby on a po- liſhed Pin or Wire, to vibrate freely Let AC = a, the Dif tance of the Center of Gravity CG 。 a; and that of the Center of Ofcillation CN a. Alfo let the Weight of the whole Ruler bew. Then (as was faid) the Length of an ifochronal fimple Pendulum will be 3 // a² a n = a. (1095) 3466. But now let the Ruler be opened, or the two Legs A C and B C removed from the Perpendicular C D to an equal Diſtance on each Side, viz. to HC and IC; and let CK = CL (= AC) = CG; and on the Center C deſcribe the Arch KGL; and draw KL cutting the vertical CD in O. Then is the Point O the new Center of Gravity in the Rule thus opened; and CO = { ter of Ofcillation will be 13 x; and the new Diſtance of the Cen- 1 a² w 3 = 11. x X 20 3467. Examples will make this Doctrine plain; fuppofe it required to open the Legs of the Ruler to fuch an Angle that the Time of a Vibration fhall be juſt equal to that of a fimple Pendulum whofe Length is equal to that of the Rule CD; in this Cafe we have na, therefore x = a = CO; which will give this Analogy, as CO: CK (:: ¦α : ¦ a) :: 10:15 :: Radius: Secant of 48° 12′ = HCD, half the Angle HCI, as required. 3 a 3468. For a fecond Example, fuppofe CN 9,8 Inches or CD = 14,7; then will the Ruler clofed vibrate Half-Seconds preciſely; let it now be required to find what Angle it muſt be opened to, that each Vibration may be performed in One Second? In this Cafe it is evident = 39,2 Inches. Confequently 117,6x, confequently 117,6 Then CO: CK:: 1,837 a² = 39,2 x ; therefore a : :: = x = 14,7 14,71,837 CO. : = :: 7,35 Radius Sccant of 75° 32′ HCD, half the Angle required. Mmm 2 3469. When 452 INSTITUTIONS 0, 3469. When xa, the Diſtance of the Point N becomes infinite, and the Time of Vibration alſo; that is, the two Legs CH and CI are then in a Right Line, and at Reft. But this Form of a Parallelogram angular Pendulum will meet with too much Refiftance from the Air; and befides, is a third Part longer than neceflary; therefore that fuch a Pendulum may have all Advantages it must be in the common Form of a Rod and Ball at the End. 3470. The Rod and Bob of this new Pendulum muſt there- fore be double. The Bob may coufift of two Hemiſpheres or two Plano convex Lenfes, put together by their plain Sides, ſo as to make a compleat Sphere, or elfe a double and equally Convex Lens. Let A B, A C, (Fig. 10.) be the two Parts of fuch an angular Pendulum fufpended on the Point A, and open- ed to the Angle BA C, exactly bifected by the vertical Line AD. But when the two Parts are cloſed, they make the fim- ple Pendulum A E. And here let the Weight of the Rod A E (= Weight of AB + AC) = b, and the Weight of the Bob = c. 3471. Then when the Pendulum is opened to the Angle BAC, the Center of Gravity is raiſed from a Point near E to O, in the vertical A D, as appears by drawing the Line BC; then the Center of Ofcillation (n) is removed to a greater Dif- tance in Proportion; for putting A E (AB) = a, and AO = x; we have a² b x a²c xa a = x n. кай X } { x xb+c = n (1094,) whence = 3 b + c b+c 3472. Put BO=y, then a (A B² =) x² + y², and fo 3 b + c b + c x² + y² as xn; confequently y=xnx which is an Equa- tion to a Circle (819,) and fhews the Locus of the Bob B is the Periphery of a Circle whofe Diameter is n = AD the Length of a Pendulum ifochronal to the angular Pendulum BAC. × x² + y² = x n; therefore it will be every where 3473. Hence alfo it appears that the whole Circle ABDC, (ſuppoſed heavy) or any Fart BAC (the Points B, C, being equidiftant from A), will vibrate in the fame Time with a Pen- dulum equal to the Diameter AD. All which Hugenius has demon- Of CLOCK-WORK. 453 demonftrated from far different Principles, which he himſelf un- derſtood very well. 3474. Now it is manifeft the Time of Vibration in this an- gular Pendulum may be altered at Pleaſure, and be made greater or lefs as occafion requires; and confequently, that it is capable of being adapted to meaſure Time univerfally in a Clock from the Sidereal (or ſhorteſt) Day, to the longeſt Lunar One, and thereby to answer the fame Purpoſes as the univerſal Pendulum before deſcribed in Chap. X. and XI. 3475. In order to this, we are to confider the Value of x, when the Pendulum is cloſed in A E, is 2ac+ab 2 Xc+b =$, (3027) Xaa (3471,) therefore I b + c but it is always equal to n x b + - c उ 3 b + c 2actab X x a² = > nx b + c 2 xc+6 which will give this Analogy a: n :: c + ½ b : c+b. Alfo by the fift Equation it is a: 8 :: c + b:c+b; the fame Analogies as before in (3029.) 2 3476. Let t Time of the Pendulum's Vibration when accommodated to the Sidereal Day of 1436'; and T Time of its Vibration when adapted to the Solar Day of 1440′ (3313) T₂ t Then it is : T² :: t : = N, chronal Pendulum for the Solar Day. c + ÷ b 3477. Let p = c+ b T2 =N === the Length of the ifo- pa² ; then pa² = Nx; therfore Pa Z ; therefore t paTx; but we have g:x:: Radius : Co-Sine of the Angle BAO: rc; hence & C :: t pa² p; therefore gCT² = rtpa²; confequently 1 pa² = C, & T the Radius (r) being Unity. Hence fince t, þ, a, g, are given Quantities, we have C as I T , or the Co-Sine of the An- gle BAO as the Square of the Time of Vibration inverfely. 3478. If 454 INSTITUTIONS 3478. If we make b: c :: 1 : 10 then we ſhall have c + b : c+bta :: 1436: 1463,4a (3313) = Length of the Rod A E, when the Pendulum is cloſed; and the Length as well as Time of Vibration of an ifochronal Pendulum are both reprefented by (t) for the Cafe of the Sidereal Day; and T is = 1440. 3479. Again, fince in that Cafe, c + b c + 1 b :: a : 8 ≤ p a² = C (2475): 1463,4 1397 g. Whence we have : = 8 T² 83° 58′ ABO, whofe Complement BAO = 6° 02′; therefore BAC = 12° 04′, the Angle to which the Sidereal Pendulum muſt be opened to vibrate Solar Time, for Uſe in com- mon Clocks. 3480. Let the Time of Vibration of the Pendulum for the longeft Lunar Day be T 1500; then the Angle to which the Pendulum muſt be opened will be C T2 C - = 66° 25′, T2 whofe Complement is 23° 35′; the double of which is 47° 10′ BAC, the Angle to which the Pendulum muſt be opened for the longest Lunar Day. 3481. By the fame Theorem, putting T to any Number of Minutes in the Day propofed for a given Planet (3323,) you find the Angle to which the Pendulum muſt be opened to vibrate true Time for that Planetary Day. But to fave the Reader Trouble, I have here ſubjoined a Table by which the Planetary and Lunar Scales may be added to a Pendulum of this new Form. • 1436 143611 O O 1455 13 5 I 31 1460 14 40 1436/1/2 2 8 1465 16 5 1436 3/ 2 37 1470 17 24 1437 3 3 1475 18 36 1438 4 17 1480 19 42 1439 5 14 1485 20 45 1440 6 2 1490 21 45 1445 9 2 1495 22 41 1450 11 15 1500 23 35 3482. Ac- Of CLOCK-WORK. 455 be 3482. According to this Table the Arch of a Circle may divided into Degrees on one Part, to 23° 35′ on each Side the Vertical Line; and then into 64′ of Time on another Part, contiguous to the Degrees; by which a proper Scale will be conftructed for the Pendulum which may thereby be adjuſted to the Time or Length of any given Planetary Day. 3483. It muſt be left to the Ingenuity of the Clock-maker, to contrive its Application in the beft Manner, and to deter- mine the Length of the Pendulum, which is done by taking the Length in Tenths of an Inch proportional to the Numbers before made uſe of for the Lengths of fimple and compound Pendu- lums. Thus the Length of Second Pendulums being 98, you fay, as 1444: 1463,4:: 98: 99,32 = a AB, in Tenths of an Inch; the Length A B is therefore 9,23 Inches. I 2 3484. Hence it appears how well adapted this Angular Pen- dulum is for meaſuring Planetary Days; and perhaps it may be found in fome Refpects more uſeful for that Purpoſe, than that we have formerly deſcribed (Chap. XI.) However, this has a Property which that had not, viz. of having the Time of a Vi- bration protracted or augmented to what Degree you pleaſe. For Example; ſuppoſe the above Pendulum A B were required to vi- brate Seconds exactly. Then T:T:: 1:2; and T² : T² :: T2 C I: 4; therefore = C (3480,) the Co-fine of the Angle 72 BAO 76° 54' in this Cafe; in that of the uniform Rod or Ruler it was 75° 32′. (3468.) CHA P. XIX. The THEORY of feveral new Eliptical and Horizontal" PENDULUMS of different FORMS, which ſhall vi- brate in any given TIME. 3485. BE ESIDES the Methods laid down for conſtructing a Univerfal or Planetary Pendulum, there is yet ano- ther, which as it contains fome other Properties very fingular and 456 INSTITUTIONS and curious, I imagine the ſpeculative as well as the practical Horologist will be pleaſed with the following Account of it. 3486. Suppoſe A B an inflexible Line (without Weight;)* and in any Point taken therein, as L, let it be propofed to af- fix thereto at right Angles, a heavy Rod or Bar FLG, bi- fected in L, which being moved (in latus) fideways, fhall of- cillate in the fame Time with the fimple Pendulum A B, the Point A being the Point of Sufpenfion to both. Let m be the generating Point by which the Rod is deſcribed; and join Am. Put A L = x, Lmy, Am= y, Amd, and A B = n. 3487. Then dd = x² + y²; and dj j + y²y the x² ÿ Fluxion of the Particles in the Rod FG multiplied by the Square of its Diſtance; the Fluent whereof is ² y + — y³ which therefore is as the Sum of all the Particles, each multi- plied by the Square of its Diſtance from the Point of Suſpen- fion A; the Weight of the Rod is as its Length, or half its Length, viz. as (y;) therefore = A B. (1094.) x²y + 1 3 xy درو -n- 3 x² + = y² 3 x I 3 3488. Hence we have 2 + 2 =nx; and therefore yy x² J =x-x². Now this Equation is evidently that of an EL- LIPSIS (767,) as that of the Angular Pendulum was an Equa- tion to a Circle (3472.) Whence it appears the two Extremes F and G of the Rod are in the Perimeter of an Ellipfis. 3489. To determine the Species of this Ellipfis, in the Equation y²=3nx-3x², let x = AC = Conjugate Diameter, and then y = CE 2 n, the Semi- 2 a, the Semi- Parame- Tranfverfe, which Values fubftituted for x and y in the Equa- tion give 3n² = a², whence a²: n² :: 3 : 1 :: a : p ter of the Ellipfis (764) Therefore p = 1; a= 3 1 ; a = 3 = DE and n = √3 = A B; by which the Ellipfis is truly limited or ſpecified. 3490. It may be proper here to obferve to the young Reader that there is a Diſtinction made (by Mathematicians) of Analytic Problems, viz. into Plane and folid Problems They call that a Plane Problem when the Quantities in the Equation are but of two Dimenfions (as a Plane has only Length and Breadth ;) thus the *See Fig. 1. in the Plate entituled, New PENDULUMS of different KINDS. New PENDULUMS of different KINDS. P Fig * B Q 2. R D C D P B Q M HI E A C D H Fio: 4 • 1 > 1 I C E M A F m L H Fig: 3. R K E O P B D H B C K Fig:5 Fig. 1. N Ꮐ N D S A E T K I D a FRIISIDIEMATTUMUTHBUMS C Ꮮ F E Fig 7 03 M d H *** ། P Ꮐ E I P B Fig:6 H N A A B C N Fig: 8. Ꮐ B Fig: 9. F Of CLOCK-WORK. 457 the Equation 2 xnx², is a Plane one, becauſe y² + ² y² = nx= Rectangle of two Dimenfions, n and x. But the Equation we have juft now found yy = 3nx 3xx (or y²+ 3x² = 3nx) (2488,) has three Dimenſions, (viz. 3, n, x;) and is therefore a folid Problem, as a Solid has Length, Breadth, and Thickneſs. 3491. The Plane Problem, we obſerved (3473) makes the whole Circle, or any two Points or Parts of it equidistant from A (Fig. 11.) ifochronal Pendulums. But the prefent folid Pro- blem, fhews that any Line terminated by the Ellipfes at Right Angles to the Conjugate A B, and confequently that the Plane of the Ellipfis itſelf, or any Part of it between one or two right Lines, (normal to the conjugate Axis A B) will all perform their Oſcillations in equal Time. 3492. Now this Form of a Pendulum is very well fuited for ſhort Vibrations, and may therefore be applied to Clocks of a portable or Table Form, and in a Size as ſmall as you pleaſe. For there are three different Sorts of Pendulums that you may make out of this Elliptic Plane. 3493. The First is a Pendulum AMN with horizontal Length only, ofcillating on the Point A; and which therefore has this peculiar Excellence, that its Vibrations are not liable to be diſturbed by either the different Force of Gravity in different Regions of the Earth, or by different Degrees of Heat and Cold, as thofe of all long Pendulums are. Confequently this Pendu- lum does not ftand in Need of that conftant Correction neceffary in all that have vertical Length. It is alfo on this Account bet- ter adapted to Sea-ufe; and is much leſs liable to be agitated or put out of Order than long Pendulums by the Motion and Tof- fings of the Ship. 3494. The Second Pendulum which this elliptic Plane affords, has the Length of the Conjugate A B, and a Bob OPB, which is a Segment of the Plane on its loweft Part. This Bob has two Peculiarities, viz. (1) it has properly no Center of Magnitude or Ofcillation which the Clock-maker has any Need to concern himſelf about, as in common Bobs (3292 to 3296.) Then (2) it has a Form extremely well fuited to avoid the Reſiſtance of the Air, as is evident by Infpection. On both thefe Accounts VOL. II. Nnn this 458 INSTITUTIONS L { ! 1 this Pendulum (which is both vertical and horizontal) may claim Preference of all fimple Pendulums of the fame Length A B. 2 * } continues = 3495. The Third Pendulum derived from the Ellipfis is one of the univerfal Kind, or that may be adapted to a Clock for fhew- ing Planetary Time. For this Purpoſe we are to take the longeſt Line or Tranfverfe Diameter DE of the Ellipfis. For it is evi- dent from the Equation (2487,) that while AC the fame, the Length of an itochronal Pendulum (n) will en- creaſe with an Increaſe of CEy; for Example, if AB 98 Tenths of an Inch, (to fwing Seconds,) then CE = 84,7; and AC 49. for Solar Time; but if it be required to fhew the Time for the longeſt Lunar Day, the Time of Vibration muſt be increaſed in the Ratio of 1440 to 1500 (3323,) and confequently the Lengths of the ifochronal Pendulums in the duplicate Ratio thereof, or as 14402 to 15002, as fhewn (1116,) this will give A B≈ 106 = n, for the faid Lunar Day when we get y = CQ = 91; then CQ-CE=EQ = 6,3= the Length of the Part to be added at each End to accommodate the Pendulum for the Extent of the Lunar Scale. And thus may the Increaſe of Length be found for Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sc. 3496. I have already obferved, that a Fourth Sort of Pendulum refulting from this Elliptic Equation is the Plane AE BD of the Ellipfis itſelf; nicely fufpended on the Point A; for then vibrating Sideways from C towards D and E, it will be perfect- ly ifochronal to the fimple Pendulum, whofe Length is AB. And thus much, at prefent, may fuffice for the Theory of Ellipti- cal and Horizontal Pendulums, of which we fhall make fome fur- ther Uſe hereafter. } } 1 CHAP. N. B. The Reader is defired to correst an Error in Inflitution 3384, by writing CE2 ; for CN 2 CN CE2 and > ing an Over-fight. NC CE 2 CE for N CZ' Also to crafe Inflit. 3383 entirely, as be- } } Of CLOCK-WORK. 459 CHA P. XX. The THEORY and CONSTRUCTION of different Sorts of UNIFORM PENDULUMS, which, in a given LENGTH, ſhall vibrate in any given TIME; with feveral curious Particulars relative to CLOCK- WORK, regulated by fuch Pendulums. 3497. MR. R. GRAHAM (ever memorable for his fingular Skill and Execution in Clock and Watch Work) hav- ing tried many Experiments with different Sorts of Metals combined in the Rod of a Pendulum to correct their Irregula- rities by their different Expanfion or Contraction with Heat and Cold, found them all to little or no Purpoſe; he thought of another Method of effecting the fame, which was by Means of a Pendulum confifting of one Part folid and the other Fluid, viz. a Glaſs Tube filled with Quickfilver. 3498. This Mercurial Pendulum, 'tis easy to underſtand, would have its Dimenfions encreaſed or contracted each Way from the Center of Ofcillation by Heat and Cold; for the Tube, as a Solid, would encreafe a little downwards, and the Mercury, being a Fluid, would have its Column encreafed upwards from the fame Cauſe; and therefore the Center of Gravity in one being carried down, and in the other raifed upwards, 'tis plain, if theſe Increments different Ways of the folid and fluid Parts could be nicely proportioned as they ought, the Center of Of- cillation, would not be in the leaft affected thereby, but would conſtantly be at the fame Diſtance from the Point of Suſpenſion, and the Pendulum vibrate, of courſe, in equal Time. 3499. Accordingly he conftructed a Pendulum of this Sort, and after many Trials, fucceeded fo well, that when he com- pared one with a Clock which he kept for a Standard or Regulator (whofe Weight of Pendulum was 60tb) and which he obferved altered Nnn 2 460 INSTITUTIONS altered not more than 12 or 14" in 24 Hours between Winter and Summer, he found by 3 Years and 4 Months conftant Ob- fervation, that the Irregularity of the Clock with the Quickfilver Pendulum, did not, when greateft, exceed a 6th Part of that of the other Clock, and for the moft Part of the Time it did not exceed an 8th or 9th Part. In this Clock, the Tube was Braſs and varniſhed on the Infide. 3500. But as a Pendulum of this Form, to beat Seconds, must be near 5 Feet long, it will be worth while here to fhew how any uniform Solid Pendulum may be conftructed, that, in a given Length, fhall vibrate in a given Time; especially as many curious Particulars will refult from the Demonftration of the Theory, and fuch as we think not a little interefting in a Trea- tife of Clock-work. 3501. Let CDEH (Fig. 2.) be a Rectangle fufpended on the Point B by a Thread A B, in its middle Point A; produce BA to F; and drawing OL M parallel to CD; put A Ba, AL, LM = y, and B Md. Then, ſuppoſing the Rectangle DH to vibrate (in latus, or) Sideways about the Axis PQ, the Force of all the Particles in the Line LM will be a + x² × y + y³ (3487) = which multiplied by x gives a² y whofe Fluent ay x + a x²y + the Rectangle CM, or of the Rectangle CE, when x or A L becomes A F. 1 3 3 2 I 3 a²y + 2 a xy + x² y + {y³, + 2 axxy + xx² y + } y³ x‚ x³y+y³x is the Force of .3 I ,3 3 3502. Then let G be the Center of Gravity in the Rectangle, and becauſe the Fluxion of the Weight xy multiplied by the Diſtance a +x is a xy + yxx, the fluxionary Moment of the Rectangle, therefore the Moment itfelf will be the Fluent axy + Lyx². Confequently 2 3 a²y x + ay x² + I 3 { x³ y + — y³ x 3 ay x + 2y x² a² + a x + x² + { y² I I 3 a + 1/2 x Bn, the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation from the Point of Sufpenfion B, when x = AF. 3503. Let a = 0, or let the Rectangle be fufpended in its Vertex Of CLOCK-WORK. 461 Vertex A, then will the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation 22 ΑΝ 3 1 x ² + 1 / 1 ² 1 x 3 x² + y² 2 = 3/4-x =+, and when x x the Breadth of the Rectangle is infinitely ſmall, or yo, it X X 3 becomes a Right Line A F, and then =}=} AF, as before fhewn (1129.) 3504. If the Point of Suſpenſion B be within the Rectangle, then A B = a, will be negative, but a² will be poſitive; and the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation will be a² 2 ax + 3x² + 3y² a उ 3505. If 2y=x, then the Rectangle becomes a Square; and the Equation for the Center of Ofcillation becomes 5 a²±ax + 3/3/2² I 2 1 x ± a + and if a 0, or the Square be fufpended in the vertical Point A, the Theorem is 5+2 I 2 * 2 X Diſtance of the Center of Of cillation in the Line A F, from the Point A. 3506. If we fuppofe x lefs than 2y, then is the Rectangle to be confidered as a Horizontal one; but the fame Equation (3504) gives the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation in the Line A F, continued out, if required. 3507. If x = 0, this Rectangle then becomes an horizontal a² + = y ² Line CD = 2y; and the Equation (3502) becomes a the fame Expreffion as was found for the Center of Ofcillation in fuch a Line before. (3488.) 3508. Let us now ſuppoſe the Plane CDEH (Fig. 3.) to move parallel to itſelf in the Direction of the Line 1 K, and thereby generate the Solid or Parallelopiped C S in flowing from A to K, or the Solid CT in moving from A to I. Put A I, or AK, z; then the Force of the Rectangle or Plane CE, which is a² yx + ax²y+}x³y + 3x (3501) being multiplied by ż, will be the Fluxion of the Force of the Solid, viz. a²yxż + a²x² y z + 3 x³y ż + ¦ µ³ x ż. And axy + ½ x² y ż is the Fluxion of the Momentum thereof; therefore the Fluent of the former divided by that the latter, is उ 3 2 462 INSTITUTIONS a² x y z + a x²yz + {x³yz + + y³ xz a² + a x + = x² + y² a x y z + = x² y z == a + 1/2 x 3 the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation from the Point B, and is the very fame as was found for the Rectangle or Plane CE (3502.) 3509. From all which it is evident that the Center of Ofcilla- tion is not affected by the Thickness of the Parallellopiped, but only by its Length AF, and Breadth CD = 2y; alſo, that the Increaſe of its Diſtance from the Point of Sufpenfion is always as 32, or 3 of a Third Proportional to its Length and half x Breadth (2503.) Therefore in an horizontal Plane, when yx, we have its Diſtance + 3/4 x 3/3/ = x, or 1x below the x Plane in the Line A F continued out. उ 3510. If z = 0, and y = 0, the Solid degenerates into a Line or Rod A F, fufpended by a String (without Weight) A B a; and then the Diſtance of the Center of Ofcillation will a² + a x + be a + ½ x 3 x² (3502.) 3511. When the Rod AF is fufpended at one End A, then the Diſtances of this Point A and the Center of Ofcillation N from the Center of Gravity G, we called g and d (3288.) And if the faid Rod be fufpended from the Point B by the inflexible Line A B, put the Diſtance B G = G and the Diſtance Gn = a² + a x + 3* D; then will GD = gd, in all Cafes. For = B n = N. 3 a + /= x Therefore, a² + a x + ÷ x² = GN; and 호 ​a² + a x + — x² — a + 1/1 + a + = x = GN-G G =D; whence 12 GN-G² GD, but G N— G² = ‚½*² = 1/2 × × / x = gd; therefore G D = gd; and confequently G: g:: d: D. 3512. After the fame Manner it is proved for the Parallello- CE; and all other vibrating Bodies, that the Diſtances of gram the Points of Sufpenfion and of the Centers of Ofcillation from the Cen- ter of Gravity are in an inverfe Ratio, and are therefore, mutually interchangeable, or convertible into each other. Thus for Example, if Of CLOCK-WORK. 463 if the Rectangle CE was to be ſuſpended upon the Point N (which is the Center of Ofcillation when fufpended at A) then the Plane will be inverted, and the Center of Ofcillation will be in the End or loweſt Point A of the middle vertical Line. 3 उ 3513. Or thus; Let O be the Center of Ofcillation in the Plane or uniform Pendulum CE; then AOA F, when the Point of Suſpenſion is in the Vertex A. Then let the Pen- dulum be fufpended on the Point B, fo that AB AF (Fig. 4) then will the Center of Ofcillation be removed from O to the End or Point F in N, and the Diſtance BN being equal to AO, the Time of Vibration on the Centers A and B will be the fame. 3514. If the Point of Sufpenfion be taken nearer to the Cen- ter of Gravity G, the Center of Ofcillation will go out of the Plane to fome diftant Point in the Right Line A F produced. Thus if (b) be the Point of Sufpenfion, B will be the Center of Ofcillation. And if Gb Gn (in Fig. 2.) then will GB here be equal to GB there (according to 3511, 3512.) As it will ever be AG x GNBG x Gn Ghx GB, and ſo on. × − 3515. Hence it is evident, fince in the Fraction AG × GN Gb GB, the Numerator is conftant, we fhall have G B as I Gb and therefore G B will be infinite, when Gbo, or when the Plane is fufpended on the Center of Gravity G. Confequently, in any given uniform Pendulum CE a Point of Sufpenfion (h) may be found or affigned between B and G, fuch that the Time of Vibra- tion fhall be equal to that of a common Pendulum of any given Length not less than the Minimum of this Sort. 3516. As the Time of a Vibration in a Pendulum of this Form, is, when a Maximum, infinite; it may be proper to de- termine its Quantity when a Minimum or the leaft it can be. To this End put BG = x, and Gny (Fig. 2.) and x+y=p, an ifochronal Pendulum; this, when a Minimum gives y = 0; and therefore y = -; yj; but fince xya conftant Quantity, (3514,) we have xy += 0; and hence xÿÿÿ aji =0, and fo we find xy or BG =Gn, when the Vibra- tion is of the leaft Time poffible. 3517. But 404 INSTITUTIONS I 3517. But it is always xy dg (3511,) and therefore in this Cafe x = y = ✔gd = √125² (3287,) therefore x + y = Þ = 2x = 2√2 putting S AF = 1; that is, the whole Length AF is to the Length of the ſhorteſt Pendulum (p) as I to 0,577. = 3518. That this Form of a Pendulum may be adapted to ge- geral Ufe, or to meafure any Time from the Sidereal to the Lu- a²—a S + } S² + {W² nar Day, in a given Length thereof S, Let 2 S a =p, the Length of an ifochronous Pendulum proper for the Time of the given Day (3504.) and W = y = CD, half the lum.) Then a² — a § + } S² a² — a S + ap=pSS2 as+ap 2 S 3 3 S² (Here SxAF the Length, Breadth of the given Pendu- + W² pS - ap; and W² = s; and putting p 3 1 = 1 / 3/3/ 2 S=t, we have a² ta = s; and a² ta + = t² = s + 1 tt; 2 and therefore a √ √ + = 1² - ÷t; = √s 1/1/ 4 and thus the Diſtance of the Point of Sufpenfion from A is found for any Value of (p) from that of a Pendulum of 1436' for a Sidereal, to 1500 Jor the longeſt Lunar Day (3323.) 3519. Hence then it appears, (1) That an uniform Pendulum entirely folid, may be made to vibrate in a given Time. (2) That it may be of any given Length and Width. (3) That it may be adapted to regulate Clocks for meaſuring different Lengths of Days. (4) And that the Errors they are fubject to from Heat and Cold, or Difference of Gravity in different Regions of the Earth, are very fmall, if not altogether inconfiderable; ast the Point of Sufpenfion is here at fo fmall a Diſtance from the Center of Gravity; and the Length of the Pendulum itſelf fo much leſs than an ifochronal One of the common Sort of 58,8 Inches (3298.) CHAP. The Principles of CELESTIAL MECHANIC´S. S P P E NKURUELVE ARTSUENA ALQUIMIGRESEN G F Fig. 1. S R 1 A P S : Fig. 2. C I G 意 ​F C D 味 ​E H I M K K S I M i K T Fig. 4. W C I C R B G B E E H P E D Fig. 3. K I A X T D A Pla Z H M N P е B D Fig. 5. E F Of CLOCK-WORK. 465 CHA P. XXI. The THEORY of Rotulary PENDULUMS, conftructed in a new METHOD, which, in very ſhort LENGTHS, fhall vibrate in any given TIME. WE 3520. is rendered more compleat by a few Theorems JE cannot difiifs the Subject of Pendulums, till it and Obfervations which yet remain to be demonftrated, as up- on them, fome confiderable Improvements in the Doctrine of Pendulums will appear to depend. The great Lengths of a Second Pendulum requiring fo large and cumberſome a Clock-cafe has long been an Objection, which the Rotulary Pendulum of Mr. SULLY was defigned to remove; but this may be done by Methods more facile and natural, as we ſhall now proceed to fhew. 3521. Though our Methods of ſhortening the Second Pendu- lum will require the Uſe of the Rotula, yet its Application will be to the natural, and not to an artificial Pendulum, as Sully's was. And theſe Methods will admit of as much eafier Con- ftructions as they are in themſelves more natural and better adapted to Uſe, eſpecially at SEA, where Sully's Pendulum will be much more affected by the Motion of the Ship, than any of thefe, which we have now to propoſe. 3522. The THEORY on which thefe Methods of reducing the Size of Second-pendulum Clocks are founded, are as follow. Let it be required to find the Center of Ofcillation of the Periphery ADHC of a Circle fufpended at B by an inflexible Line BH and vibrating (in latus) about an Axis PQ Suppoſe C and D two Particles or Weights in the Periphery, and draw the Lines CB, D B, and the Diameter CD, which continue out to E, and let fall the Perpendicular B E upon it; laftly, through the Center G draw the Vertical BHA. = 3523. Then (putting CG GDr, GB = a, and DE e,) we have CBCG² + BG² + 2CG x GE (639) = p² + a² + 2 ″ × r + e. Alio we have B D² = VOL. II. BG= 466 INSTITUTIONS BG - G D² 2GDX DE BG² + GD² — 2 GD × GE = a² + r² — 2 r x r +e; therefore C B² + BD² = 2 a² + 2,²; or the Sum of the Forces of the two Particles C 2 and D is a² + y² x 2. Therefore putting P = Periphery of the Circle, the Force of the whole Periphery will be a² + r² × P. 3524. In a Circle whofe Diameter is 1, the Periphery is 3,14159; then Ip: 2r: 2rp P, which fubftituted :: for P in the foregoing Expreffion, gives 2r pa² + 2 pr³, for the Force of the Periphery to refift to angular Motion from the Diſtance B G. When ar, or the Sufpenfion is at the Vertex H, the Force is, as r³ × 2p, or as 2rr x P. But when a = o, or the Circle is fufpended on its Center G, the Force thereof is r3 x 2p, or 2 x P. 3525. The Momentum of the Periphery is a P; therefore a² + r² x P a P BNC, the Diſtance of the a² + y² = a When ar, then 2r Center of Ofcillation. HA = C, as we before fhewed from other Principles. When a = 0, then at reſt. a² + y² о 2 =C, infinite; or the Circle will in that Cafe be 3526. If we confider the Radius A G as a variable Quan- tity then fince the Force of the Periphery is 2pra² + 2pr³, or a² P + Pr²; therefore Pa²; + Pr²;, or 2 pria² + 2p 3 will be the Fluxion of the Force of the circular Area ACHD (Fig. 6.) The Force then of that Area will be Pra² + Pr³, or pr² a² + ½ pr^. Wherefore when ao, or the Circular Area or Rotula A DHC moves on the Center of Gravity G, the Force is pr as we formerly found by ano- ther Method. (3458.) 3 I 2 2 3527. Then becauſe the Area ACED = {r P=rrp, therefore apr² will be the Momentum thereof; confequently a² pr² + ½ pr+ -BN- ΕΝ C, the Diſtance of the ap 7.2 9.2 =a+ 20 Center of Ofcillation from the Point of Sufpenfion B. 3528. What we have hitherto faid is upon Suppofition that the Rod BG, by which the Circle is fufpended is without Weight; Of CLOCK-WORK. 467 Weight; but if its Weight be confiderable, call it (b); then a² b (3306.) And the Diſtance of the Cen- its Force will be 3 I ter of Oſcillation will, in this Cafe, be 3 a² b + 2 a² + y² = C. And, ifro, then 3 — a² b + 2 a² 26+2a² ab + 2 a Zab + 2 a = C. Which Ex- preffion is analogous to that for the Pendulum formerly de- fcribed (3306.) 3529. We may now proceed to the Application of the Wheel or Rotula to the natural Pendulum for reducing Clocks to a concife and portable Form, and at the fame Time to have the Advantage of a flow Vibration, and, of Courſe, a much greater Equability of Motion, than common fhort Pendulums can be expected to have. Firſt, Let a WHEEL be made uſe of for this End (as in Fig. 7;) then if the Thickneſs of its Peri- meter be inconfiderable, let the Weight thereof be called P, and the Radius R, and we fhall have its Force as RP (3524.) 3530. Again, the Force of any heavy uniform Rod S fufpended on its Middle Point or Center of Gravity will be as Alfo the Weight of the Rod is as S, and S 3 I 2 S³ (3286.) R, therefore the Force of fuch a Rod or double Radius to refift angular Motion will be RRS; therefore, if the Weight of all the Radii A, D, E, F, &c. be called W; then their Force will be RRW. is 3 3531. The central circular Part of the Wheel (abcd) may be confidered as a ſmall Rotula whofe Radius is r, and its Force wr² (3529) putting w = to its Weight: For the Weight is as the Area, which is rP (3458 ) = pr² = W There- fore the Sum of the Forces of all the Parts of the Wheel will be R² P + R² W + ½ w r². 43 Ι 2 3532. And becauſe the Weight of the Pendulum muft, in this Cafe be confidered in every Part, and particularly expreffed, we will put the Weight of the circular Area MNO = P = pr² (3527.) Whence the Center of Ofcillation of the whole Pendulum will be 3a² b + a² p + ½ pr² 2 Lab ap 2 3533. Therefore by connecting the Wheel and Pendulum 0002 together, 468 INSTITUTIONS R² R² 1 R2 P+R2 W + I together, the Center of Ofcillation refulting from both will be wr² + — a² b + a² p + 1/2 pr² Lab + ap I 2 3 = C. 3534. We may hereafter fee more of the Ufe of the forego- ing Theorem in other Parts of Mechanics; but in the Bufinefs of Pendulums the Rotula is much preferable to the Wheel and the Theorem is more fimple; for putting the Weight of the Rotula W, and its Radius R, then its whole Force of Inertia will be WR2 (3530,) and when the Pendulum is con- 44 nected with it in the beſt Manner, its Weight will be inconfide- rable, therefore b =0; and the Theorem for the Center of Ofcillation is 2 1 WR² + a² p I 2 + ½ pr² = C. a p 14 3535. If we put a² +½r 2 r²=n, we have WR2 + np ар 2 = C; and therefore W Rap C-n p; whence this Analogy, p: WR2: a C-12. 2 3536. If we put WR +pr2 S, we have 4 S+ a² p a p =C, therefore S + a² pap C, therefore ap℃ — a² p = S p; $, and a C — Q² a² = and by compleating the Square, and extracting the Root, we have a C- S P + C². 3537. In the fame Manner may the Angular Pendulum (de- fcribed Chap. XVIII.) be connected with the Rotula, and its Time of Vibration thereby prolonged, or its Length very much fhortned for a given Time of Vibration. For ± WR² + ½ a ab + a² c 2 उ x b + x c =n(3471,) or putting b+c= उ s, and c + b =v; we have ¹WR² + sa² 2 บท 11 T₂ 2 t (3477.) Whence WR² + sa² xt = T² vx = T² v Cg; there- 14 ! WR² + sa² x't fore T² v v z C=Cofine of the Angle to which the Pendulum must be opened, that its Vibration may be as the given Time T (3478, 3479.) This Conftruction of the Pendulum and Rotula is fhewn Fig. 8. 3538. Laftly, Of CLOCK-WORK. 469 3538. Laſtly, the uniform Pendulum, defcribed in the laſt Chapter, may with Eaſe be adapted to the Rotula (as in Fig. 9.) and the Theorem (3504) may be accomodated thereto; for 2yx is as the Area or Weight of the Pendulum itſelf, whence, putting 2yx=w, we have y²x²× w², and putting 1 + I IV R² + a² — ax + sx² 2 3 w²s, we ſhall have the Theorem =C, the Length of an ifochronal Pendulum. * a x T 3539. And thus it appears how eaſy it is for the expert Clock- Maker to chufe what Lengths and Forms of Pendulums he pleaſes, to vibrate in a given Time; and by this Means to ren~ der his Clocks portable and concife in any Degree. And fur- ther, that by fuch compendious Conftructions they are in the beft Manner fitted for Uſe at SEA. CHA P. XXI. The PRINCIPLES of Celeſtial MECHANICS explained, and applied to the Conftruction of a New HE- LIOSTATA, or Planetary CLOCK for fixing the RAYS of LIGHT proceeding from the SUN, MOON, and PLANETS, by which thofe Objects are ren- dered apparently at REST for Aſtronomical ОB- SERVATIONS. 3540. HAVING fhewn the Conftruction of a Variety of Planetary Pendulums, we now proceed to confider the Nature, Form, and Difpofition of a PLANETARY CLOCK, that is of a much more general Nature than the Helioftata of S'Gravefand, which I have at large explained in my Philofophica Britannica; for that is wholly confined to the Sun, as its Title implies; and is of a much coarſer, and more cumberſome Con- ftruction, than that we have here to propoſe. 3541. It muſt be confeffed the Helioftata has been greatly improved by the learned C. G. KRATZENSTEIN in what he calls Mechanicæ Cæleftis Specimen Primum, or Firft Specimen of Celeſtiai 470 INSTITUTIONS Celestial MECHANICS, in which he has in fome Meaſure pro- vided for viewing the Moon, and Planets as well as the Sun; but we can by no Means think the Mechaniſm of his Clock, or the Manner of applying it, ſo concife and delicate as the Nature of the Subject both require and will admit of; this we preſume will be readily granted by any one who will pleaſe to compare the Account we here give of the Clock of our own Conftruc- tion with that you find of his in the Petropolitan COMENTA- RIES, for the Years 1747 and 1748. 3542. The Rationale he has given of this new Kind of Celef- tial Mechanifm (as he very properly calls it) is exceeding good; and as it only wants to be a little foftened and dilated, to fuit it to an English Genius, we fhall here undertake that Office, and, we hope, to the Satisfaction of the curious Reader. 1 3543. The Deſign of ſuch a Celeſtial MACHINE being to ren- der the SUN, MOON, and PLANETS, apparently quiefcent, or at Reft to the View, it cannot but be eſteemed the moſt uſeful Invention in Mechanics, and best adapted for aftonomical Ob- fervations; where the conftant Motion of the celeftial Bodies and the difficult and irkfome Application of long Teleſcopes create perpetual Moleftation to the ingenious Student; and ge- rally, not only difcourage, but very often entirely defeat the Enterprizes of induſtrious Obfervers. 3544. The first Principle of this new Theory of Celeſtial MECHANICS is that of Catoptrics, where it is fhewn, that the Angles contained by the incident and reflected Ray with the Perpendi- cular Plane are always equal to each other (1282.) Hence it will follow, that if the incident Ray be confidered as fixed, and the reflecting Plane be moveable, then the reflected Ray will alfo be moveable and its angular Motion will be juſt double to that of the Plane. 3545. For fuppofe the Radiant Object at S, and SD a Ray of Light, incident perpendicularly upon a reflecting Plane A B; with any Radius CD defcribe the Circle DIKG to touch the Plane in the Point of Incidence D; and let DK be the vertical Diameter, and IG the horizontal one. Then it is evident that SD will reprefent not only the incident Ray, but alfo the reflected Ray as well as the Perpendicular to the Plane, for in this Cafe they all coincide. 3546. Then t 471 Of CLOCK-WORK. K 1 (2.) The (3.) That 3546. Then ſuppoſe the reflecting Plane A B moveable about the fixed Point D by an inflexible ftrait Wire DL, and that it was thus moved about, till it came into the Pofition EF making an Angle ADE with its firft Pofition, of 45°; laftly, ſuppoſe this Motion was produced by an Arm CK moveable on the Center C, and having a Fork at the End K to receive the Wire DL; then it is plain, (1.) That while the Plane is moved from the Situation AB into EF, the Wire DL is moved into the Pofition DM interfecting the Circle in the Point I, or End of the horizontal Diameter. Arm CK has moved into the .Pofition CI. becauſe in the Triangle DCI, the Sides DC and CI are always equal, therefore the Angles at D and I will be ever equal; and conſequently (4.) The Angle KCI will ever be equal to 2 CD M, or the angular Motion of the Arm C K is twice that of the Wire DL or of the Plane A B. (5.) That the incident Ray SD, the Perpendicular PD, and the reflected Ray DO, will ever be reſpectively parallel to the three Sides CD, DI, and IC of the Triangle CDI. And that there- fore (6.) The angular Motion of the reflected Ray O D will be double that of the Plane or Glafs A B. } - 3547. And (vice versa) the fame Things are equally evident with regard to the incident Ray being confidered as moveable; and then, if its Motion be juft twice as much as that of the Plane A B, the Pofition of the reflected Ray will be conftant, or always the fame. Thus for Example, if E F be the Pofition of the reflecting Plane, and O the Radiant be ſuppoſed to move through a Quadrant from O to S, then in that Time the Wire DM will move into the Pofition DL and the Plane into the Pofition A B, which angular Motion MD or ED A being but half ſo great as the angular Motion of the Radiant ODS (or ICK) it is evident, the reflected Ray DS will be always in the fame Pofition, and fo may be confidered as fixed or immoveable.* 3548. This is the fundamental Principle on which the The- ory of the Machina Cæleftis, as alfo that of the Newtonian SEA- OCTANT (uſually called Hadley's Quadrant) do entirely depend. i ' This, *See Fig. 1 and 2 of the Plate entituled The PRINCIPLES of Celestial MECHANICS. 472 INSTITUTIONS This, with Regard to the faid OCTANT, has been already ſhewn in a ſmall Treatise on that Subject; † and with respect to this CELESTIAL CLOCK, we fhall now a little expatiate in its Il- luftration. 3549. If the SUN or PLANET were to move or circulate about us in the Horizon, it is evident, fince the Wire or Ray DM is, in this Cafe, always in the Plane of the Horizon; and perpendicular to the reflecting Plane, therefore the reflecting Plane will always be Vertical to the Plane of the Horizon; and its Perpendicular DP will defcribe a Quadrant while the Sun or Planet defcribes a Semi-circle in the Horizon, at the fame Time that it appears quiefcent or fixed, when viewed in the Reflecter EF, in the Direction SD (3547.) 3550. But if we fuppofe the Sun or Planet to move in a Circle parallel to the Horizon, and at a given Altitude above it, while the Eye continues in the horizontal Plane; then the Motion of the Radiant and Reflecting Plane will be in the fame Ratio as be- fore, but the Poſition of the ſaid reflecting Plane will now be oblique to the Plane of the Horizon, in order that the reflected Ray may be parallel to it, and continue fixed and immoveable as before. 3551. Thus if HO be the Horizon, (Fig. 3.) and the Angle SRO be that of the Sun's Altitude above it, then if we take any Diſtance R Q for Radius, and on the Point Q erect the Perpendi- cular QD, interfecting the Ray SR in D, it will be the Tan- gent of the Sun's Altitude to the Radius QR. Through the Point D draw GC parallel to OH; and laſtly, draw PDH to biſect the Angle of Altitude SDG. Then it is evident, if a Plane Speculum EF be placed with its Center on the Point D, and in a Pofition perpendicular to the Line PH, it will be that which is required for reflecting every incident Ray SD from every Part of the diurnal Circle of the Sun into one con- ſtant Direction DG parallel to the Horizon OH. 3552. For continue GD to K, and take DC = DR = Secant of the Altitude, and then C will be the Center of a Cir- cle parallel to that of the Sun's Motion; and drawing CH (CD) it will reprefent the Arm, which by its Fork at the End will always keep the Wire DH conftantly bifecting the + The THEORY of HADLEY'S QUADRANT demonſtrated. Angle Of CLOCK-WORK. 473 Angle SDG, and thereby render the reflected Ray DG per- manently fixed. The above Phænomena belong to the Pa- rallel Sphere, or to a Perfon under either Pole. 3553. But to the Inhabitants of an oblique Sphere the Equator itſelf and all its Parallels, make an Angle with the Horizon; and thereby caufe that every Day, and every Part of every Day, the Altitude of the Sun above the Horizon will be variable; and conſequently there muft, in this Cafe, be another Figure for the Conftruction or Difpofition of the Speculum for fixing the reflected Ray in the Plane of the Meridian, and parallel to the Horizon. 3554. Thus let AV (Fig. 4.) be an horizontal Line, and the Angle E A V be the Elevation of the Plane of the EQUATOR EA above the fame. Alfo let the Angle E AG be the North Declination of the SUN or PLANET, and the Angle EAC the Declination, South. Then, of Courfe, EXA is the Latitude of the Place. Now A E being Radius, E B is the Tangent and A B the Secant of the North Declination or Elevation of the Planet above the Equator EA; therefore by drawing BR parallel to A V, and therein taking BIA B, it will give the Point I for the Place of the Center of the Speculum (3551,) by which the Sun-beam SI will be reflected into IR parallel to the Ho- rizon by a Wire I A perpendicular thereto, and which continued to (i) bifects the Angle of the Sun's Altitude SIR = BAV = 2 BAI. 3555. In like Manner, if through the Point C, a Line CT be drawn parallel to the Horizon AV, and in that we take CK = AC, then K will be the Place of the Speculum to reflect the Sun-beam SK parallel to CA, (in South Declination) into the Direction KT, by the Wire KA, bifecting the Angle CAV SKT. 3556. From whence it is evident, the Center of the Circle parallel to the Sun or Planet's diurnal Motion, and in which the Speculum is placed, will always be in the Line BX parallel to the Axis of the World; and therefore if the faid Line be continu- ed each Way to G and Z indefinitely, it may repreſent the Axis ZH of a Clock LM NO, continued out; which Clock, being placed in a Pofition parallel to the Equator A E, if it be furniſh- ed with an Arm HP moving on the Center H, and carrying on VOL. II. Ppp its 1 " J 474 INSTITUTIONS its Extremity P an upright Wire or Stem P A with a Fork at A to receive the Wire IA of the Speculum, then by the Mécha- nifm of the Clock the Index or Arm HP will be carried with a Motion fimilar to that of the Sun or Planet whofe Beam, SI, will thereby be always rendered permanent in the fame horizon- tal Direction, from the rifing to the fetting of the fame; all which is evident from the preceding Articles. 3557. It is manifeft alfo from the Conftruction of the Figure that the Pofition of the Speculum being conftantly variable, the Diſtance thereof from the Point A in the horizontal Line A V, and its Altitude above the faid Line, will be variable likewife, with the different and variable Altitude of the Luminary above the Horizon of the Place; and therefore it is neceffary to cal- culate the horizontal Diſtances and Altitudes of the Speculum. from the greateſt to the leaft Quantities thereof for any parti- cular Latitude, that it may be readily adapted to any given De- clination of the Sun or Planet for the Day it is uſed. 3558. With Refpect to the Firft of thefe, viz. the Diſtance of the Foot of the Speculum I from the Point A in the horizon- tal Line AV, it is eafily computed, thus; from the Center or Point B let fall the Perpendicular BD; then in the Triangle ABD, the Angle B A D is known, being the Sum of the Co- Latitude (E A D) and the Declination (EAB); and the Side AB (BI) being the Secant of the given Declination to the. Radius A E, from whence AD (the Bafe) is found; which added to BI, gives (BI+DA) the horizontal Diſtance re- quired, fuppofe for the greatest Declination propoſed E A B. Thus in the Triangle CAF we find AF; and then AF + CK, is the horizontal Diſtance for any other Declination EA C on the other Part, or below the Equator. 시 ​3559. The Altitude of the Speculum above the horizontal Line AV is the Perpendicular BD, for the Declination E A B; and CF for the Declination EAC; which are Parts of the given Triangles; and therefore are readily found for all Declina- And thus the Speculum is adjusted for ready and con- ftant Ufe at all Times. tions. 3560. If it be required to conftruct this Celestial CLOCK uni- verfally, or fo as to adapt it for all Latitudes, it is only making it to move on a ftrong and well wrought Hing on the Fore-part * 1 at Of CLOCK-WORK. 475 at N, and then it may be elevated to any Degree of Latitude on a graduated Arch on the back Part at O, to which it may be faf- tened by a Screw. 3561. But then it muſt be confidered, that as the Perpendicu- lar Height A P, of the Fork A, above the Arm HP, is the Tangent of the Co- Latitude, or Elevation of the Equator, viz. ALP LPW to the conftant Radius LP; therefore that Height (AP) will be conftantly variable with the Latitude in an inverſe Ratio, or is greater as the Latitude is lefs; and vice verfa. And this muſt be provided for by Calculation alſo, and conſtantly adjuſted to the Latitude by a graduated Șcale. All which is eaſily done by the Triangle ALP, wherein LP is of a given Length, and PA is found for any given Latitude LAPAPQ So that for every particular Latitude, the three Quantities AD, BD, and AP muft be calculated, and the Clock and Speculum thereby adjuſted. 3562. According to the Luminary you propofe to view or obferve, the Pendulum of the Clock muft be peculiarly adapt- ed; the Methods of doing which, for the various Sorts of Pla- netary Pendulums, we have already defcribed in their feveral Con- ftructions, and muſt leave the Artiſt to chufe out of them all that which he thinks beft; for by this Time we prefume he muſt be very fenfible the SUN, the MOON, a STAR, and each particular PLANET must have a Pendulum properly qualified to render it quiefcent to the View. 3563. In this Celestial CLOCK it will morcover be very ex- pedient to have the Hour-circle upon the Face of the Clock moveable, and divided into 24 Hours, or twice XII; for by this Means the Hour and Minute of the Luminary's Culminating, or being on the Meridian, may be brought into the Vertical Line or Meridian of the Clock; and then the Hands being placed to the preſent Hour and Minute in that moveable Circle, will conftantly fhew the Time and Motion of that Luminary; for the Hour-hand will always keep Pace with it in the Heavens, and fhew its Right Afcenfion, or Difference from Solar Time, which will be ſtill more evident if the moveable Hour-Circle be added to that which is fixed, and both divided into twice XII Hours. (See 3325, &c.) Ppp 2 3564. Be- 476 INSTITUTIONS 3564. Before any Obfervation is begun, the Clock muſt be very nicely placed in the Meridian Line, or fo as that the Meri- dian Line of the Clock may coincide with the Meridian of the Place; to which End this Clock muſt be furniſhed with a very good Magnetical Compafs and Needle, and the VARIATION thereof muſt be accurately found by Experiment for the Latitude where it is uſed. And by that the Clock may be readily adjuſted to the Meridian. Alfo two Spirit Levels must be placed in a pro- per Part of the Machine at right Angles to each other, by which it may be always reduced to a truly horizontal Pofition. 3565. By Means of this Machine duly adjufted to the SUN, if the Room be darkened and a Hole made in the Window- Shutter to let in a Beam of the Sun's Rays upon the Speculum, it will continue to be reflected in one conſtant Direction all the Time it can fall on the Speculum, which may be fo contrived as to be long enough for moft Optical Experiments, either with PRISMS, or the SOLAR MICROSCOPE, &c. Befides it will be no difficult Matter to follow the incident Beam with the Speculum, by having Caſtors at the Bottom, or Foot of the Frame, fup- porting the Clock, and thereby moving and adjuſting it, as required, with the greateſt Eaſe. 3566. But the nobleft Purpoſe to be anſwered by this Celestial MACHINE is fixing the heavenly Bodies, or rendering them Stationary or quiefcept in the Field of the Teleſcope for aftrono- mical Obfervation; an Advantage hitherto wanted (and unat- tainable by any other Means,) for advancing the Science of Aftronomy to its true Summit of Perfection. The Teleſcope for this Purpoſe ſhould be of the reflecting Sort, and furniſhed with a Micrometer of different Forms, viz. the Lattice, the parallel Wires, the divided Object-glass, the fine Screw, &c. for meaſuring and delineating the Surfaces of the SUN, Moon, and PLANETS. 3567. I need not add, that the Foot and Stem of the Telef- cope fhould be to contrived, that it may be always placed truly horizontal, exactly in the Meridian of the Clock, and juft of the fame Height of the Center of the Speculum, by this Means the Obferver will fit at Eafe, and, without the leaft Diſturbance, furvey the various and wonderful Phænomena of each celeſtial Body. Of CLOCK-WORK. 477 Body. And thus we have finiſhed the Theory, or general Principles, of the fublimeſt Piece of Machinery, that the In- vention of Man has yet been able to produce.* 3568. It may alſo be obferved, that if the Speculum at I or K be placed in the Direction perpendicular to the former, or parallel to that of the Wire AI or AK then will the Ray SI, SK be reflected the contrary Way, or in the Direction I B, or K C, in the fame Right Line R B, or TC as before; and in many Cafes fuch a Reflection or Pofition of the Ray will be more convenient than the other on the Part towards the Sun. 3569. Laftly; The Speculum C to be uſed in all Obferva- tions of the heavenly Bodies muſt be a plain One, and as per- fectly true as Art can make it; and indeed unleſs it be extreme- ly true and well polifhed, it cannot answer any fuch Purpoſe. No Concave or Convex Speculum can in fuch a Caſe be uſed, for Reaſons mentioned in the Theory of Catoptrics; though in many Experiments which require the Convergency of Rays for illumination only, a Concave Reflector may be applied to an- ſwer many uſeful Defigns, which the Ingenuity of Artiſts will naturally fuggeft. CHA P. XXII. The PRINCIPLES of Celeſtial MECHANICS applied to the Conftruction of a MICROCOSM, confifting of a PLANETARIUM, TELLURIAN, and LUNARIUM for exhibiting the Celeftial MOTIONS. 3570. The properly, eftcemed the Second Part of CELES HERE is another Branch of Clock- Work, which may be ȚIAL MECHANICS; for by this we exhibit the MOTIONS of the Heavenly Bodies, as well as the TIME thereof, by the Clock *See a further Account of the practical Uſe of this new Helioftata, or Planetary Clock in another Part of this Work, viz. The Young GENTLEMAN and LADY'S PHILOSOPHY, Page 302, &c. 478 INSTITUTIONS Clock, and proper Mechaniſm for that Purpoſe, to be added thereto. 3571. The Celestial Bodies whofe Motions are fhewn by Clock-Work are the PLANETS, the EARTH and the MOON; the Motions of the Secondary Planets, or Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, are fometimes fhewn in fuch a Syftem of Mechanifin as is ufually called an ORRERY; but the common Methods of conftructing thefe large Inftruments render them very ex- penfive, and confequently they are but rarely made. But we fhall endeavour to remove this Difficulty by propofing other Conſtructions and Forms of Orreries that will be lefs coftly, and perhaps more elegant and natural, as well as much more con- cife. 3572. The Calculations of the Celestial Motions depend on confidering the Times of the Revolutions of the heavenly Bodies about their proper Centers, and taking the Ratios of thofe Pe- riods in fuch Numbers as will beft anfwer for toothing the Wheels and Pinions of the Work by which thofe artificial Mo- tions or Revolutions are to be produced; and then how or in what Manner they are to be connected with the Movement of the Clock for their Continuation. 3573. We shall firſt begin with the Motions of the Primary PLANETS about the SUN; and by the beft aftronomical Obfer- vations, their mean Revolutions or periodical Times are as fol- low, viz. SATURN revolves in 10759,3 Days. JUPITER MARS EARTH VENUS MERCURY 4332,5 686,9 365,25 224,7 88. 3574. Now the Ratio of the Earth's Period to thoſe of the Reft of the Planets is hereby given, and therefore may be ex- preffed in leffer Numbers which may be at the fame Time In- tegers, and conveniently adapted for the Teeth of the Wheel- Work for the intended Movement. And upon Trial thofe "N which Of CLOCK-WÓRK. 479 which are found to anſwer beft are as in the following Table, Viz. As 365,25: 88 :: 83 : 20 for MERCURY. 365,25 224,7 :: 52: 32 VENUS. 365,25 686,9 :: 40: 75 MARS. 365,25 4332,5:: 7 83 83 - JUPITER. 365,25: 10759,3 :: 5: 148 SATURN. And according to thefe Numbers, the Wheel appropriated to the EARTH muft have 50 Teeth. 3575. Then if on one Arbor you fix fix Wheels with the fol- lowing Number of Teeth, 83, 52, 50, 40, 7, 5, to drive another fet of Wheels each moveable upon another Arbor, and with the Number of Teeth in the other Column refpec- tively, 20, 32, 50, 75, 83, 148; and laftly, if on the feveral moveable Wheels proper Sockets are fixed (moving within, and independent of each other,) then will round ivory Balls, at the End of flender Wires fixed to thofe Sockets, be carried about the Arbor in the fame Periods of Time, refpectively to each other, with thofe of the real Planets in the Heavens. 3576. If this Syftem of Movements be properly difpofed in a Box; and on the Top or Cover be drawn or engraved the Ca- lendar and Ecliptic, and a brafs or lacquered Ball be placed on the Top of the Arbor of moveable Wheels, then, by a Handle or Winch, the Whole may be put into Motion; and it will then become a Planetarium or manual ORRERY of a moft uſeful Form, and exhibit all the Phænomena of the SOLAR SYSTEM, or that according to Copernicus. 3577. If instead of the lacquered Ball, you put a three-inch terreftrial GLOBE on the faid Arbor, and a fmall brafs Ball upon the Arm carrying the ivory Ball, reprefenting the Earth among the Planets, then will the Machine be changed into the Ptolomaic Syſtem of the World; by which all the Abfurdities of that ſenſe- lels Hypotheſis may be eaſily exhibited and refuted. 3578. Such a Syftem of Planetary Movements may cafily be applied to a Piece of Clock Work by which it may be made to go any required Time, as an Hour or two; in which the Earth may revolve two or three Tunes about the Sun (or the Sun about 480 INSTITUTIONS ! about the Earth,) which is a fufficient Interval for exhibiting all the confiderable Appearances in either Syftem, relative to the Primary Planets. But if it be required that the Motions of this artificial Syftem fhould be the fame with thoſe in the real Syftem of the World, then we muſt proceed as follows. 3579. Let it be required to conftruct a Movement for a Mọ- tion to be performed in the Space of one Year, or 365 Days; for we muſt not pretend to the Accuracy of an Hour or two in a Year. In 365 Days there are 730 Half-days of 12 Hours. This Number is produced by the Factors 181, 8, and 5; for 5 × 8 × 181 = 730. Therefore any Number of Wheels and Pinions which will produce thefe Quotients, will produce the Motion defired. 2 For Example, 4) 73 (181 4) 73 (18. I 8) 146 (18/1/ 4) 40 (10 4) 32 (8 8) 64 (8 5) 20 (4 4) 20 (5 12) 60 (5 3580. Thus fuppoſe a Wheel (A) with a Pinion of 5 Teeth drives a Wheel (B) of 20; and this Wheel carrying a Pinion of 4 Teeth drives a Wheel (C) with 40; and this with a Pi- nion of 4 drives the laft and largeft Wheel (D) with 73 Teeth. Then it is evident (3180.) that in one Turn of B there will be 4 Turns of A; and 40 Turns of A in one Turn of C; and 730 Turns of A in one of the laft Wheel D. And there- fore this Wheel D moves round once in a Year, and confe- quently if the firft Wheel A be connected with another equal Wheel fixed on the Arbor of the Great Wheel (or Fufee) of an 8 Day Clock, then by Circles on its extreme Parts the Day of the Month, or Sun's Place in the Ecliptic will be very exact- ly fhewn, through the whole Year. 3581. Now this little Syftem of Wheels may be very eafily connected with the Movement of a Clock on one Part, and with that of the Planetarium on the other; fo that the Clock (with a proper additional Weight,) fhall conftantly keep the Pla- nets moving about the artificial Sun juft with the fame angular Velocities as the real Planets themſelves move with in the Heavens; and if in the Beginning of the Year the Places of the 15 10 کی ot 29 25 2 XI m II ΤΑ V P H } 496 ! INSTITUTIONS muft drive a Wheel IK of 78 Teeth; and then a brafs Socket fixed about the Center of this laft Wheel, will carry about an Ellipfis, reprefenting the Moon's Orbit, in the Time required. 3629. Again, the Orbit of the Moon is not parallel to the Ecliptic or Earth's Orbit, but makes an Angle therewith of 5° 18′ at a Mean; now from different Forces of the Sun and Earth in different Situations, the Moon will in each Revolu tion be various attracted, and her Orbit agitated; being fome- times drawn down, at other Times elevated; fometimes it is moved forwards, and at others, backward; and thus there will be a variable Motion generated in the Line of the Nodes, but upon the whole the Retrograde Motion is greateft, and confe- quently the Nodes will move backwards in the Ecliptic, and make one Revolution in, nearly, 19 Years. 1 3630. For the Place of the afcending Node & in 1 S the Year $1746 was 11: 27: { I : 4 21765 is II: 19: 30: 32.1 Years, 191 1 11: 22: 38: 28352 Degrees. 好不 ​19 × 360 Therefore fay, as 352°,5:19:: 360°: Time of 352,5 19 × 360 × 365 7082,5 352,5 one Revolution in Years, or Days. 3631. Then 59)7082,5(= 120, very nearly; this 120 muſt be broke into three Quotients, that the laft Wheel may have a retrograde Motion. Thefe Quotients may be 3, 5, 8; and then a Pinion A (Fig. 3.) fixed on the Axle of the Wheel CD (Fig. 2.) having 6 Teeth may drive a Wheel B of 18; this with another Pinion C of 6, drives a Wheel D of 30; and this alfo with a Pinion of 6 moves a Wheel E of 48 Teeth; and in a retrograde Direction; and therefore a Socket fixed in this Wheel will carry a Line pointing to the Place of the Nodes through all the Signs of the Ecliptic in Antecedentia, in the Space of 70821 Days as required. 11 کے 3632. In the laft Place, upon the upper Part of the Axis of the firſt Mover CD (Fig. 2.) let a Pinion of 10 Leaves be fixed to drive a Wheel of 62; then. a Socket (including all } the } ! t The THEORY of the EQUATION of TIME. Fig. 3. α A Fig. 7. D N Р B Fig. F Ꮐ R A EFNG O C B A H D I I M H S P C E B P Dd e XII A XI Ꮓ F H Ꮐ . I N K E I T I 府 ​A Fig. 5. G Fig. 8. к N B III D IX I C I G tm M T F S W MKVII B C D S P F E A C d B Fig. 2. ; P VI N K me A Fig. 4. F D B Fig. 6. H E ·B C I F H S V P 12 K Of CLOCK-WORK. 497 the reft) being fixed in this Wheel will carry an Ecliptic Circle upon the Plate of the Lunarium, which may at any Time be placed in a Pofition fimilar to the Ecliptic on the Plate of the Orrery, and then it will always continue fo by Virtue of its conftant Paralleliſm produced by this Mechaniſm. (3611.) 3633. If a Circle be placed about the Line of Nodes (3629,) and moveable upon it as an Axle, it may be occafionally placed horizontally, or inclined to the Horizon in an Angle of 5° 18′; and then if the Moon M (Fig. 4.) be fixed to the End of a fine fteel Wire, paffing freely though a flender Socket on the End of Radius Vector E M, fo that it may be over the Middle Part of the laſt mentioned Circle and conftantly move upon it; it will be easy to underſtand how the Moon may be made to move either horizontally or in her proper Orbit; in order more par- ticularly to fhew whatever relates to the Nature, Caufe, and various Phænomena of ECLIPSES. 3634. Alfo, being now furnished with a Solar and Terrestrial Ecliptic it will be very eaſy to underſtand the Rationale of the general Deceptic Vifus, or Illufions of Sight in regard to the Mo- tions, Places, Magnitudes and other Affections of the heavenly Bodies, and to refolve them all confiftently with Truth. Alfo from hence the Heliocentric and Geocentric Places of the Moon and Planets will readily, at any Time, appear. And thus all the Great Points and Pofitions in the Solar and Lunar Aftronomy become eafily explicable by fuch a Conſtruction of an ORRERY, TELLURIAN and LUNARIUM, as has been defcribed. 3635. After the fame Manner a Jovian LUNARIUM may be conſtructed with Eafe, by knowing the Periods and Diſtances of each of Jupiter's Moons, which are as in the following Ta- ble. Satellite. Diſtance. Days. H. Ratio to I Day. I 5% 1: 18: 27724: 42 234 9 14,3 3 13: 13 20: 71 12: 86 25,3 7: 3 3420 16: 16: 32 6: 100 3636. The Numbers in the Ratio of thefe Periods to one Day will fhew the Diameters and Number of Teeth in a fixed and a moveable Set of Wheels for thefe Satellites in the fame Manner VOL. II. Sss as 498 INSTITUTIONS as before in the primary Planets (3574.) That is, upon one Ar- bor there must be fixed four ſmall Wheels, or Pinions, with the Numbers of Teeth 24, 20, 12, and 6, to drive four moveable Wheels of 42, 71, 86, 100 Teeth refpectively. Upon thefe, Sockets are placed to carry the Secondaries round their Primary Jove, in Distances meaſured in Semi-diameters of his Globe ex- preffed by the Numbers in the fecond Column. 3637. But now to adapt thefe to the dentated Edge of the Orrery, and from thence derive a proper Motion we need only confider, that if a Pinion of 8 be fitted to the Teeth of the Or- rery below, and fixed to a Wheel of 64 Teeth above, playing in another Pinion of 8 fixed on the Arbor of the fixed Set of Wheels, then will that Arbor, and all its Wheels, be turned. once round in every natural Day of 24 Hours; and confe- quently, all the Satellites will move about their Primary in fuch a Number of Days as they really do in the Heaven, and at proportionable Diſtances. 3638. If now a wax Candle be placed in the Center of the Orrery, and a Piece of white Paper on the Radius Vector be- yond the Satellites perpendicularly; then the Motions of the Shadows of the Moons will naturally repreſent the apparent Motions of thefe Moons as feen in the Field of a Teleſcope, viz. a Rectilineal Motion through the Diameter of the View; as alſo their direct, retrograde, and flationary Phænomena, and laſtly, thoſe of their Immerfions and Emerfions in Eclipfes; their Occul- tations, and Diſapparition on the illumined Difk of their Primary; all which are of fuch Confequence in finding the Difference of Meridians, or Longitude of Places; and many other Points of Aftronomy, Navigation, &c. 3639. A Saturnian LUNARIUM may be conftructed in the very fame Manner for 5 Moons; whole periodical Times are as follow, from Dr. Halley's Tables. Days. H. The Firft revolves in I : 21 : 18 Semid. of Ring. 2,097 The Second 2: 17 17 41 I 2,686 The Third 4 12 25 39752 The Fourth 15: 22: 41 8,698 The Fifth 79: 7:48 25,348 i 3640. The Of CLOCK-WORK. 499 3640. The four inmoft Satellites defcribe their Orbits very nearly in the Plane of the Ring produced; which Plane makes an Angle of about 31 Degrees with the Plane of the Ecliptic; and the Nodes are in 19° 45′ of Virgo and Pifces. The Orbit of the fifth Satellite is a little wide of the Reft. Which Parti- culars being obferved in the Conftruction of this Lunarium, it will very naturally exhibit the various Phænomena of this Satur- nian Syſtem of Moons and Ring, for every Year of Saturn's Pe- riod. Note, in this Lunarium, the Line of the Nodes muſt be kept always parallel to itſelf, as was fhewn for the Line of the Earth's Nodes (3611.) And then, as Saturn paíles from the Node in Virgo to the oppofite one, the Sun will enlighten the northern Plane of the Ring; as it will the fouthern Plane in paffing through the other fix Signs. CHA P. XXV. The Aftronomical DOCTRINE of the EQUATION of TIME explained. A CALCULATION of that Part arifing from the OBLIQUITY of the ECLIPTIC to the PLANE of the EQUATOR; with a TABLE of this EQUATION for every DEGREE of the ECLIPTIC. IF 3641. TF a Clock or Watch could be constructed with Me- chanifm abfolutely perfect, it would always fhew or keep equal Time, or go truly; but as this is not the Cafe it will often want rectifying, or being fet right. Now as we have no direct or immediate Standard or Index of equal Time, by which the Error of a Time-Piece can be pointed out and inſtantly corrected, we muſt be content, or rather, we ought to felici- tate ourſelves that we have it in our Power to do this by any Means at all. For this Purpoſe we have recourfe to two Me- Sss 2 thods 500 INSTITUTIONS thods generally; one is the Sun-Dial and an Equation Table; the other is by aſtronomical Obſervation and Calculation. 3642. The first Method is very eaſy, and therefore adapted to common Uſe, which is now to be explained; as we have before given the Theory of the 2d Method largely from Inft. 1915 to 1920 inclufive. The Equation of Time is a Doctrine refulting from two Principles, viz. (1.) The Sun's apparent diurnal Motion not being in the Equator, the only great Circle of equal Motion with respect to the Meridian; and (2.) The annual apparent Motion of the Sun not being in a Circle, but an Ellipfis which cannot admit of Equal Motion; as we have abun- dantly fhewn (1236.) 3643. We fhall confider each Part of the Equation of Time feparately, and then both together. Therefore, firſt with reſpect to the Motion of the Sun being in the Ecliptic and not in the Equator; it is evident from the View of any Globe re- volving upon its Axis under the Meridian, that the Motion, or rather the Velocity of the Motion, by which the feveral Points of the Ecliptic and Equator pafs the Meridian will be very different; and that, that of the Equator will be conſtant and equable, and that of the Ecliptic always variable and un- equal. But this Matter will be eafily elucidated by a Figure. 3644. Therefore let EI (Fig. 1.) be the firſt Quadrant of the Equator, and E H the firſt of the Ecliptic; the Angle IEH being 23° 29′. Alſo, let P be the Pole of the Equator PHI, a Quadrant of the Solftitial Colure and PFG a Poſition of the Meridian very near to it; let PA B be the Meridian very nigh to the Equinoctial Point E, and PE the Meridian paffing thro' that Point; then it is evident, that upon the first momentary Motion of the Globe, the very fmall Arches EB and EA will pafs under the Meridian in the fame Inftant, and therefore thofe Arches will adequately repreſent the Fluxions or Ratio of the inceptive Velocities of Motion in the Equator and Eclip- tic at the Equinox E. 3645. Again, as PHI is the Solftitial Colure and PFG a Meridian exceeding near it, the Arches GI and FH, will be as the Fluxions or ultimate Velocities with which the two Arches EG and EF become equal in the Solstice H. But the infinitely ſmall Arches E B and EA may be confidered { as 譬 ​Of CLOCK-WORK. 501 as right Lines, or the Angle AEB as rectilineal; and there- fore EB EA :: Co-fine of AEB: Radius :: j. And GI FH Radius: Co-fine of IH (AEB): : . v. Therefore, we have ỷ:: ¿: x, or ÿ¿x², a conftant Quantity; therefore the Velocity of Motion in the Beginning of the Ecliptic E exceeds the conflant Velocity of the Equator just as much as it falls fhort of it at the End of the Quadrant in H. ✯:ÿ 3646. There is, therefore, fome intermediate Point C where the Velocity in the Ecliptic is equal to that in Right Afcenfion in the Equator, which is now to be inveſtigated; make the Arch Ed EC, and D d will be the Difference of the two Arches EC and ED, which, in that Cafe, muſt be a Maximum ; for let the Arch EC≈≈, and E D = x; then will D d = z -x, whofe Fluxion, when a Maximum, iso, (818,) or =; that is the Fluxions or Velocities of the Arches EC and ED will be equal, when their Difference D d be- comes the greatest of all. ż 3647. Now to determine the Quantity of the Arch EC, when Dd is a Maximum, we have (by Fluxionary Spherics 1818,) the Fluxion of E C (ż) to the Fluxion of ED (*) as the Co-fine of CD to the Sine of C. Alſo by common Sphe- to the Co-fine of E as Or thus in ſhort, *:*:: rics (1799,) we have, the Sine of C Radius to the Co-fine of CD. : cs CD: SC; and sC cs D: ResCD; therefore * x c s CD ż = sc = CSEX R CS CD ; which will give this Analo- gy, csCD²: cs Ex R:::; and therefore when Cc = Dd, or x, or when D d is a Maximum (3646,) we have cs Ċ D² = csEx R; and fo csCD = √esE × R. Whence E C, ED, and Dd, are all known. 3648. The fame Arch E C may be found without Fluxions by premiſing the following Lemma, viz. The Sum of the Tan- gents of any two Angles BAC, BAD, is to their Difference, as the Sine of the Sum of thofe Angles is to the Sine of their Difference. Let BC and BD (Fig. 2.) be the two propofed Tangents to the Radius A B; and take B d = BD, join Ad, and draw DE and F perpendicular to A C. Then it is manifeft, be- caufe Bd BD, that AD Ad, and dAB DAB, and confequently, that CAd is the Difference of the two Angles 1 BAC '. 502 INSTITUTIONS BAC and BAD. Then are the Triangles CDE and CdF fimilar, and fo we have C D (= CB + BD): Cd (= C B · BD) :: DE: dF; but DE and dF are Sines of DAE and d AF to the equal Radii AD and Ad, whence the Truth of the Lemma is evident. 3649. Then (per Spherics, 1789) Radius: Co-fine E :: Tangent EC: Tangent ED (Fig. 1.) and by Compofition and Divifion (648) we have Radius +cs E: Radius-cs E :: Tangent EC + Tangent ED: Tangent E C-Tangent ED::sEC + ED : sEC — ED (per Lemma.) But the Ratio of the firſt two Terms of thofe Analogys is conftant be- cauſe the Angle E is fo, therefore that of the two laft Terms will be fo likewife; and confequently, s.ECED will be a Maximum, when the s. EC + ED is fo, that is, when EC + ED = 90° for then the Sine thereof will be Radius. Whence we have Radius + csE: Radius CSE: Radius : s.EC — ED; whence becauſe the three firſt Terms are known the fourth s.ECED = s.D d, is known alſo. 3650. But there is yet a more direct and fimple Method of coming at this Equation, becaufe when a Maximum it is known to be a Third Proportional to Radius and Tangent of half the Angle E; as will thus appear. The Radius is the Sine of 90°, and therefore is the Co-fine of o°. Therefore Radius + Co-fine E Co-fine o + Co-fine E: Co-fine o E : Radius Co-fine E E ↓ 0 Co-fine E Co-tangent Tangent 2 — (1829) :: О 2 Co-tangent E: Tangent E. But it is tr::r:ct (1831), therefore r²ct X t, therefore r² X t = c t x t x t; whence ct:t::r² : t², that is Co-tangent 2 : Tangent El. Therefore Rad²: 2 2 ct Xt; E: Tangent E :: Rad.² .E:: Radius: Sine of EC —ED=sDd, and dividing by Radius, we have Rad. Tang. E Tang. E: Sine of D d, as was to be demon- ftrated. 3651. The Quantity of this Equation computed is D d = 2° 28′ 34″, which converted into Time, is 9 Minutes 54 Se- conds; and this is the greateſt Difference of Time that would ever be found between the Sun-Dial and a Clock if the Ob- liquity Of CLOCK-WORK. 503 liquity of the Ecliptic or Sun's Path were the only Cauſe there- of. Now fince EC + ED 90, and D d = (EC — ED =) 2° 28′ 34″, therefore E C = 46° 14′, therefore the Equation begins from nothing in Aries or in the Point E, and increaſes to its Maximum in 8 decreaſes till the Sun arrives at again becomes nothing. 16° 14′ and from thence in the Point H, where it 3652. In this firft Quarter of the Ecliptic, it is evident, that had the Sun moved in the Equator it would have been in d at the Moment it is in the Ecliptic at C, and confequently the Sun at C is in the Meridian P D, which is before the Time the Equinoctial Sun arrives to it, at (d), as being then Eaſtward of it by the Difference in Time every corresponding to the Mo- tion in Right Afcenfion of the fmall Arch Dd. Whence it appears that the apparent Time of the Ecliptic Sun, or that fhewn by a Dial, is in this firft Quadrant always before the Mean or Equal Time in the Equator by the Difference belonging to the Equation D d, which, therefore, when found, muſt be fub- ducted from the Solar Time to have the mean Time for the Watch or Clock. 3653. By making the fame Conftruction in the fecond Qua- drant of the Ecliptic, it will appear, that the Point (d) is Weſt- ward of the Point C, and therefore comes first to the Meridian Arch. Whence the mean Time is now before the apparent or So- lar Time, and confequently the Equation Dd now becomes Addititious, or muſt be added to the Solar Time to have the Mean, which now precedes it. Thus when the Sun is in 43° 46′ (= C H,) if we add 9′ the Dial it will give the Mean Time for the Watch; for ſo much does the true Noon of that Day exceed the apparent Noon on Account of the Sun's oblique Motion. 54″ to the Time ſhewn by 3654. It is evident the fame Equation will be produced in the 3d and 4th Quadrants of the Ecliptic, and will accordingly be Ablatitious and Addititious, as is fhewn in the following Table, where the Quantity of that Equation is computed for the Sun's Place in every Degree of the Ecliptic. Subtract 504 INSTITUTIONS Subtract from the Apparent Time. The true Place of the Sun. 8 m II I Signs | r Deg. / // "/ // 1°1 O 8 23 CO 45 30 I О 20 8 2 О 40 ∞ ∞ ∞ 34 8 44 3 I O 8 53 4 I 19 9 2 5 I 39 9 10 ~∞∞ co co 8 3529 8 24/28 8 1327 8 I26 7 48 25 6 I 589 17 7 34124 7 2 18 9 24 7 2023 8 2 37 9 30 7 6/22 9 2 569 35 6 5021 10 3 15 9 40 5 35 20 I I 3 34 9 44 6 18 19 12 3 52 9 486 218 13 4 I I 9 50 5 44117 141 4 29 9 52 5 2716 15 4 46 9 54 16 5 41.9 17 18 19 534 54 9 51 20 6 21 22 23 5 21 9 54 4 5 37 9 5 6 6 10 9 49 251 9 46 40 9 42 9 38 6 55 24 7 9 9 33 25 7 23 9 26 50 14 3113 II 12 52 II 3210 I l 51 98 76 30 7 9 сара I 48 26 7 369 19 I 26 27 7 48 9 12 I 5 288 I 9 4 O 43 29 8 12 8 55 O 22 20 823 8 45 О 432 O I // // // Deg. X MAN Signs 54 4 5+++ 3 3 3 2 2 2 - သ 15 Add to the apparent Time. Of CLOCK-WORK. 505 CHA P. XXVI. ACALCULATION of that Part of the EQUATION of TIME which arifes from the Elliptic FORM of the EARTH'S ORBIT; with a proper TABLE thereof for every DEGREE of the EARTH'S ANOMALY. 3655. T “HE ſecond Cauſe of the Inequality of Time fhewn by a DIAL and a CLOCK, was faid to be owing to the Elliptic Form of the Earth's annual Orbit (3642), and this is known to be Fact from common Obfervation; for through every Year the Diameter of the Sun is found to fubtend a varia- ble Angle, being fenfibly greater at one Time than at another; for a few Days after the Winter Solstice it meaſures, by the Mi- crometer, about 32′ 43″, but the fame Diſtance after the Sum- mer Solftice it is no more than 31′ 38″. 3656. Now were the Orbit of the Earth truly circular it would be always at an equal Diſtance from the Sun, which would therefore always appear of an equal Bignefs; confequent- ly, as it does not ſo appear, it muſt be at unequal Diſtances from us to caufe thofe unequal apparent Magnitudes (1451.) And becauſe the greateſt and leaft folar Diameters are as 32′ 42″ = 1963″, and 31′ 38″≈ 1898; the greateſt and leaſt Diſ- tances of the Earth from the Sun will be inverſely as the fame Numbers 1963 and 1898. 3657. Let this Ellipfe Orbit of the Earth be denoted by ABPD, (Fig. 3.) in whofe Focus S is the Sun; and let the other Focus be F. Upon the Center S defcribe a Circle GIKL, whoſe Diameter G K is a Mean Proportional between the two Axis AP and BD of the Ellipfis; then will the Area of that Circle be equal to the Area of the Ellipfis (894.) And we may now compare the Motions in the Ellipfis and Circle as they would each be deſcribed in the fame Time; and thus inveftigate an Equation by which the unequal Motion of the Earth in the former, and the equal Motion of a Point in the latter, may be always equated, or adjufted to each other. Ttt VOL. II. 3658. 506 INSTITUTIONS 3658. Suppofe now the Earth begins its Motion from the Aphelion A of the Ellipfe, at the fame Time that the imaginary Point fets out with an equable Motion in the Circle from G; then becauſe the Diſtance AS exceeds the Diſtance SG, the Velo- city of the Earth will be less than that of the Point (1213) and therefore in the Time that the Earth deſcribes the Arch A a, the Point will have defcribed Gg, making the Area G Sg equal to the Area A Sa, purſuant to the general Law of Nature. (1212 • 3659. Becauſe the Area AS a GSg, fuduct from each Side the common Part or Area GS d, and there will remain the Area AG da equal to that of the Triangle dSg; there- fore the faid Area AGda will be ever proportional to the Equation of the Orbit, or the Arch (gd). Confequently when this Area becomes a Maximum, there the Equation will be greateſt alſo, which is in the Point L where the Circle inter- fects the Ellipfe, for then the faid Area becomes ALG. 3660. As in the Point L, the Earth in its Orbit, and the ima- ginary Point in the Circle have both the faine Diſtance from the Sun, LS; they have there the fame Velocity of Motion; and after they have paffed that Point L, the Earth approaching con- ftantly nearer the Sun, will have a Velocity greater and con- ftantly gaining upon that of the Point in the Circle, but ftill the Point in N will be before the Earth at H, till at laft the Angle HSN or Equation of the Orbit will vaniſh in the Line SPK, where the Earth arrives to its Peribilion P, and the Point in the Circle to K. 3661. The Area A SH being fill equal to the Area GSN, we have at length, the Semi-Ellipfis ALP = the Semi-circle GLK; and fubducting the common Area GL P, there will remain the Area ALG the Area PLK. And as the Equa- tion aroſe from nothing in the Point A to its greateſt Magnitude at L by continual Increments; fo after paffing the Point L, it muft leffen by decreafing Quantities, which conftitute the Area PLK; fo that what was gained in the firft Part, is loft in the latter, and the Equation becomes nothing in the Line SK. 3662. Or thus; continue the Ray SH to M; then the Elip- tic Sector ASH GSN, as being defcribed in the fame. Time; Of CLOCK-WORK. 507 = = Time; from each, take the common Part GLHS, and there will remain A LG NLO + OSH MHL + MSN; therefore A LG-MHL KMHP MSN, the Mea- fure of which Angle is the Equation MN; and is therefore nothing when M H L becomes equal to A L G or P LK. 3663. In the firſt half of the Ellipfis, or while the Earth de- ſcends from the higher Apfis or Aphelion A to the lower P, the Mean Anomaly will ever be greater than the true, or the Place of the imaginary Point (g) will be to the Eaſt of the Point (d). And therefore if we fuppofe the Earth at reft in the Center at S, and the Circle GLKI to be the Primum Mobile, then (d) will be the Place of the Sun in the Ecliptic, and (g) that of the Point of Mean Motion; alfo ASP will be the Meridian, to which when d arrives, it will be NooN by the Sun Dial, but when g comes to it it will be XII by the Watch. And fince thefe apparent Motions of the Heavens are from Eaſt to Weft, it is evident, the Time of Noon by the Dial, will precced that by the Clock; and confequently the Equation or Arch g d (turned in- to Time) muſt be fubtracted from the Time by the Dial, to have the Mean Time by the Clock or Watch, as that is now fiswer than the Dial. 3664. But all the Time the Earth afcends from the lower Apfis or Perihelion P, to the Point of Interfection I, it will be nearer to the Sun at S than the Ecliptic or Circle, and confequent- ly its Motion will be fwifter than that of the imaginary Point; therefore its Place p at any Time will be before that of the ſaid Point at k, and confequently will come after it to the Meridian at P, in the apparent Motions; therefore the Mean Time will be be- fore the folar Time, or the Clock will now be fafter than the Dial; and the Equation ep muſt be added to the Time by the Dial to have the mean Time by the Watch. 3665. This will alfo continue to be the Cafe till the Earth arrives at the Aphelian A; for though in paffing from the mean Diſtance at I to the greateft at A, the Velocity of the Earth at Qis lefs than that of the Point R in the Ecliptic, and is con- ſtantly decreaſing, yet it will always be before the ſaid Point; and therefore, with Refpect to the apparent Motion, it must come later to the Meridian than the Point of equal Motion R, and fo Ttt 2 the 508 · INSTITUTIONS the Equation R q is ftill to be added to the folar or apparent Time by the Dial, to have the mean Time by the Clock. 3666. Here Rq is the Equation; and the Area or Sector KSR - PSQ, from which take the common Area PSRI and there will remain PKI=QIq+ RS q, and therefore P KI- Q!q RS q, is proportional to the Equation R 4, (ſee 3662;) therefore when QI becomes AIG (=PKI), the Equation of the Orbit vaniſhes again. 9 3667. Let GN be any given mean Motion (Fig. 4.) and AH the correſponding true Anomaly; draw Sh, Sn, indefinitely near to S H and SN; and put Nny, and H h = ż; then becauſe the fluxionary Triangle HSNS n, we have the Angle HSb: NSn:: NS2: HS (1270):::j. Therefore NS² x j =2, Fluxion of the true Anomaly A H., HS² 3668. When the Fluxions of Quantities are equal, their Difference will be a Maximum (3646;) therefore in L, where SHSN SL we have ; and confequently the Equation of the Orbit GNAH, will there be the greateft poffible, as we before ſhewed, (3659.) j; 3669. We have found Areas, Angles, and Arches, pro- portional to the Equation of the Orbit; but to compute the real Quantity of this Equation, we muſt firſt folve the fo much famed Problem of KEPLER, viz. To cut off a Sector A Sa by the Right Line Sa (Fig. 3.) that ſhall be to the whole Area of the Ellipfe, as the Time of defcribing the Arch A a, to the Time of a whole Revolution in the Elliptic Orbit. But as the moft geometrical Way of doing this, is by infinite Series; and there is a much eaſier and very exact Method of computing the Equation invented by the late Biſhop Ward we ſhall here explain that, with Bullia/dus's Correction thereof. 3670. This Method depends on an Hypotheſis, that a Ray F L (Fig.5.) drawn from the upper Focus F to the Planet at L, defcribes an Angle A F L proportional to the Time of the Planet's paſſing through the Arch AL. Therefore let ABP be the Ellipfe the Planet defcribes; AP the Line of the Apfides; S the Focus in which is the Sun, F the other Focus or Center of equal Motion. The Angle AFL being as the Time, the Place of the Planet will be Of CLOCK-Work. 509 be at L, and the Angle ASL is the true or coequate Anomaly. 3671. Produce FL towards E, and make FE AP, and join ES. Then is LELS (769,) and the Triangle ELS being ifofcles, the Angle LES=LSE, and both to- gether equal to the Angle FLS (632.) Therefore in the Triangle EFS, having the Sides FE and F S, and the Angle of mean Anomaly A FE, or EFS, we find the Angle E, and 2 EFL S, which is the Difference between the mean Anomaly AFL, and the True ASL, and is therefore the Value of the Equation fought; for this taken from the mean Anomaly AFL leaves the True one ASL. 3672. Alfo in the Triangle FLS, having all the Angles and the Side FS, the Side SL is known, which is the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun, in its Orbit at L. And thus the Equation of the Orbit, and Diſtance from the Sun, is found in this Hypothefis very exactly for the Earth; but for the other Planets, eſpecially Mars and Mercury, it requires fome Correc- tion, which it received from the celebrated Aftronomer Ifmael Bullialdus, as follows. 3673. Upon the tranfverfe Axis AP defcribe the Circle ADP, and let AFL be the mean Anomaly, as before. Thro' L draw the Line QLG perpendicular to the Axis, meeting the Circle in Q; join FQ, cutting the Ellipfe in M, and M will be the Place of the Planet in its Orbit for the mean Ano- maly AF L. Let BC be the Semi-conjugate, which continued to D, we have CB: CD:: GL: GQ, which is therefore known; join S M, and then the Angle ASM will be found in the fame Manner as before the Angle A S L was found, (3671.) 3674. This Correction of Bullialdus accelerates the Motion of the Planets in the first and third Quarter; and in the Second and Fourth retards them a very little Matter, in Refpect of Ward's Hypothefis, which makes their Places by this Theory agree much better with Obfervations. But the late Mr. SIMPSON has given us a Conſtruction which finds the Planet's Place ftill much nearer the Truth than either of the foregoing.* 3675. The general Reaſon of this Hypothefis is this, that the Velocity in the Orbit being every where inverſely as a Per- pendicular N See his Mathematical Effays, p. 41. 510 INSTITUTIONS pendicular on the Center of Force S upon a Tangent to the Orbit in a given Point or Place of the Planet (1213), it will follow that Aa, Bb, Pp be Spaces paffed through in equal Times; then drawing the Lines Fa, Fb, Fp, the Angles A Fa, BF b, PFp, will in the Earth's Orbit, be extremely near equal. For at A and P we have Aa: Pp:: PS: SA :: AF: FP; therefore A Fa PFp. Again, Aa: Bb :: BS:SA:: FB: FP; but in the Earth's Ellipfe F is very near to C, and we fhall have FB: FP:: AF: FB, very nearly; confequently the Angle BFb AFb, extremely near. Therefore the angular Motion about the upper Focus F is very near equable.* = 3676. When the Planet is in B, the middle Point of its Semi-Ellipfe, then F E becomes FN, and FB BN AC =SB; and FSN is a Right Angle, and fince the Point B very nearly coincides with the Point 1 (Fig. 3.) where the Equation of the Orbit is a Maximum, therefore the Angle FBC will infenfibly differ from the Half of that Equation. And becaufe (3656) AS is as 1963, and SP as 1898, there- fore AC FB, will be as 1930,5, and AS-AC=CS = CF, will be as 32,5; therefore fay As FB · = : FC: Radius: Sine of FBC 1930,5 58' 9", which doubled, 1° 56′ 19″, = F BS, the greateſt Equation of the Earth's Or- bit; and fuch you find it in the Aftronomical Tables of Dr. HALLEY. This Equation turned into Time for every Degree of the Earth's Anomaly, is as in the following Table. * Thro' Inadvertence, the Lines, Fa, Fb, Fp, were forgot to be drawn in Fig. 5. but they can be eafily fupplied by the Reader, and it is therefore hoped will occafion no Obftruction to his under- ftanding this material Point. Subtract Of CLOCK-WORK. 511 Subtract from the Apparent Time. The Mean Anomaly of the Sun. 2 3 4 5 Signs о I Deg. // // "/ / // // // 0 о 03 486 39 7 456 47 3 5730 I О 8 3 556 43 7 45 6 43 3 5029 2 410 о 40 4 16 4 2 6 47 7 45 6 39 3 4328. 24 4 9 6 5 7 45 6 35 3 35 27. 32 4 16 6 54 7 45 6 30 3 2826 226 587 446 26 3 2025 о 48 4 29 7 ཟ 1 7 446 21 3 1324 О 56 4 35 7 5 7 431 6 16 3 5123 I 3 4 42 7 87 42 6 I I 2 5822 9 I II 4 4 48 7 I I II; 7 411 6 61 2 5021 ΙΟ I 19 4 54 7 147 40 6 I 2 42/20 II I 271 5 O 7 17 7 39 5 56 2 34 19 12 I 35 5 7 7 19 7 37 5 51 2 27/18 13 I 12 5 12 7 22 7 36 5 45 2 19/17 14 I 50 5 18 7 25 7 34 5 40 2 1116 15 I 58 5 24 7 27 7 32 5 341 2 315 16 17 18 2 19 2 20 21 22 23 2 24 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 5 307 29 7 30 5 28 I 55 14 135 35 7 3 7 28 5 22 I 4713 21 5 4 7 331 7 251 5 16 I 3912 28 5 46 7 7 35 7 23 5 ΙΟ I 3III 36 5 517 36 7 36 7 205 4 I 2210 43 5 511 6 57 7 38 7 184 58 58 I 149 21 7 391 7 15 4 51 I 68 58 6 77 7 41 41 7 12 4 4510 5817 66 12 7 421 7 94 38 38 0 506 25 3 13 6 17 7 43 7 5 4 32 41 5 26 3 2016 21 7 43 7 214 25 27 3 27 6 267 44 6 59 4 I 18 500 о 33 4 O 253 28 3 34 6 30 7 44 6 55 4 I I о 17 2 29 3 41 6 35 7 45 6 5 4 41 8 I 2013 3 48 6 816 39 7 45 6 47 3 571 0 о // ་ # // // Deg⋅ I I 10 9 8 Add to the apparent Time. 7 6 Signs 512 INSTITUTIONS CHA P. XXVII. The THEORY of the Compound EQUATION of TIME, F and the CONSTRUCTION of one General TABLE thereof depending on the SUN's PLACE in the ECLIPTIC. 3678. THE two Equations of Time we have now confider- ed muſt be both applied to obtain a general or ab- folute Equation, confifting of the Sum or Difference of theſe particular Ones, according to their affirmative or negative Qua- lity; but becauſe One requires the Knowledge of the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic, and the other, the Sign and Degree of the Earth's or Sun's mean Anomaly; therefore to render this Matter lefs troubleſome or difficult, Aftronomers have compof- ed one general Table out of the two, making it depend en- tirely on the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic. 3679. But this general Table can be only a temporary One, as ferving with any Exactneſs only a certain Time, becauſe the Line of the Apfides A P, from which the Numbers in the fe- cond Table begin, is not fixed with refpect to Signs of the Ecliptic, but has a direct flow Motion through the fame at the Rate of one Degree in 59 Years, or 1° 41′ 7″ per Century. Con- fequently in about 30 or 40 Years this general Table will re- quire to be renewed where any Computations of Accuracy are concerned, but for barely fetting common Clocks by a Dial, it may ſerve much longer. 3680. By Dr. Halley's Tables, the Pofition of this Line AP is in 8° 42′ 52" of Cancer and Capricorn at the Begin- ning of the Year 1764. But as the Theory of this compound Equation is not quite fo fimple and evident as every young Ho- rologiſt might wish, I ſhall endeavour to render it plain by an algebraic Calculus, and to illuftrate the fame by a proper Di- agram; both which have been hitherto wanting in Books treating of this Subject. But to facilitate thefe Demonftations the two following Lemmata are to be premiſed. 3681. In Of CLOCK-WORK. 513 " 3681. In any Triangle FHS (Fig. 6.) we have FH+SH × FH-SH = FS x 2CV; fuppofing HV perpendicular ¿o FS, and FC CS. For with HF as a Radius, on the Point Has a Center, defcribe the Circle A BF and continue the Side S H each Way to the Circle, and the Bafe FS to the Circle in B. Then is AH = HF, and AS FH + SH, = and SE - FH - SH; and becauſe it is ES × SA = FSX. SB (658,) and SB FV + VSFS + 2 VS; there- fore SBFS+ VS CV, confequently 2CV = S B. 2 CV. Therefore FH + SH x FH SHFS X 3682. The Rectangle of the Sines of two Arches added to the Rect- angle of their Co-fines, make a Sum equal to the Rectangle under the Radius and Co-fine of their Difference. (Fig. 7.) Let the two Arches be A C, and CD (=CB); their Sum AD, and Difference A B; let CF and O F be the Sine and Co-fine of the greater Arch A C; and let m D (= m B) and Om be thoſe of the leffer Arch CD, or C B. Alfo let BE and OE be thoſe of the Difference AB. Draw mn parallel to CF; and mv pa- rallel to A O; then it is plain the Triangles OCF, Omn, and Dmv are fimilar; therefore we have OC: OF:: Om : On, whence OC x On OF x Om. Again, OC : CF :: Dm mv, therefore OC × mv = CF × Dm. Confequently OC × On + mv × + CF × Dm. QE. D. OCXOE=OFXOm 3683. Theſe Lemmas premiſed, if we look back on Fig. 4- we fhall there find the fame Triangle FHS (as in Fig. 6.) by drawing the Line FH, and letting fall the Perpendicular HV. Put ACCP = a, C B = b, CS = CF = c, SH=v, and the Co-fine of the Angle HSP = x, to the Radius SK SN=1. Then I : * :: v :v x = SV, alſo FH = AP — SH (769) = 2 a and FS= 20; wherefore FH + SH × FH - SHFS x 2CV; that v, is, 2 a × 2a ---- 2 v = 2c × 2 × C + x v; from whence we have v Q2 b2 = SH, the Diſtance of the a + c x a+ cx Uuu 3684. And Earth from the Sun. VOL. II. 514 INSTITUTIONS 3684. And becauſe SN² SK² = ab (3657), we fhall have SN 2 SH2 × j = a x a + c x 623 xy, the Fluxion of the true Longitude AH, or Distance from the Aphelion A. Having thus obtained an Expreffion of the Increment of the Longitude for the Elliptic Anomaly, and having before found it for the Ob- liquity of the Ecliptic (3647), we can find how far both thefe Caufes together will affect the Motion of the Earth in Right Afcenfion, fince in that alone confifts the whole Ground and Reafon of the Equation of Time; and if we thus unite both their Effects we ſhall have the whole or abfolute Equation in one The- orem, for any Value of x, or Longitude of the Earth from either Apfis A or P. 3685 For the Fluxion of the Longitude or true Anomaly being to that of the Equator or Motion in Right Afcenfion al- ways as esCD: csEx R :::*, (3647.) Therefore 2 fay, As csCD: csEx R:: ХХ C SEX R es CD² ахатся 63 2 xj: ax a + c x 63 the Fluxion of the Motion in the Equa- tor, arifing from both the Caufes of Irregularity united. 3686. Now this being compared with the equable Motion in Right Afcenfion of the imaginary Point in the Circle G L PI, it will eafily appear when their Difference is the greateft or a Maximum, becauſe in that Caſe their Fluxions will be equal ax a + c x² (3646,) viz. 63 Хух c s E X R j; and con- c s C D ² 2 fequently in that Cafe ax a + c x b3 cs D C CSEX R 3687. But as this latter Part of the Equation is not of the fame Form with the firft, it muſt be reduced to algebraic Terms; therefore put m = Sine of K S Sine of KS, the Diflance of the Perihelion P from the Solftice; its Co-finen; then the Co-fine of the Angle PSH being, its Sine will be xx; and by the Lemma (3682) we have nx + m√ I — x x = Co-fine of HS, or CS Sine of C or Longitude of the Earth at H reduced to the Ecliptic GLĶI. 3688. Let - Of CLOCK-WORK. 515 3688. Let EN M (Fig. 8.) be the Projection of that half of the Equator which is above the Plane of the Ecliptic, and EQM of that half which is below it; and CD a Perpendicu- lar thereto; then is the Right-angled Triangle CED the fame with that in Fig. 1. Put p= Sine of the conftant Angle E, Co-fine, and we have (by Spherics,) Radius (1) : s.EC (nx + m√T — x²) :: p : p n x + pm√x² = Sine of CD, whofe Square Co-fine is therefore 1-pnx+p m √ I — x x = cs.CD; and the csEq; thefe Values fubftituted in the a x a + c x 1 − p n x + pm vi—xx 63 and q Equation above, give 2 I 9 This Equation reduced, gives the Value of x, or Quantity of the Angle HSP. 3689. While the Angle HSP is acute, x will be affirmative, or + x; but when obtufe it will be negative, or X. Alfo while His in the Semi-ellipfis ALP, m will be affirmative or +m; but when H is in the other Half P1A it is negative, or m; and the Equation there becomes a x a + c x² 63 p n x pm Vi I xx 9 3690. From all which it is evident, that this Compound Equa- tion of Time, as it arifes from the Sums and Differences of the two fingle Equations must be of a different Value in different Parts of the Orbit; and that there will be four of thoſe Maxima in all, viz. two arifing from the Sums, while x is pofitive; and two from the Differences of the fingle Equations, when x is negative, or -x. X. 3691. But to make this Matter yet plainer, let Athe Equation for the Earth's Elliptic Orbit, and B≈ that for the Obliquity of the Eclipic; then all the Time the Earth H is defcend- ing from A to P, the former is negative, or A (3663.) And in afcending from P to A, it will be affirmative or + A. Alfo in the 1ft and 3d Quarters of the Ecliptic we have — B; but in the 2d and 4th it is + B (3653, 3657.) 3692. Now 'tis evident, in the Diagram (Fig. 8.) that the firſt Quadrant of the Ecliptic wholly coincides with the Sewi- Uuu 2 516 INSTITUTIONS Semi-Ellipfe ALP, and therefore the Maximum Equation will here arife from A+ B, which, as they are both Negative, thews this Equation is fo too, or that it must be taken from the Time by the Dial, to have the mean Time by the Watch or Clock, which is then too flow. This Equation is 16′ 13″ and is when the Earth is in 8 : 10°, or the Sun in m: 10°, on November 28. 3693. Again, almoſt the whole of the 2d Quadrant of the Ecliptic is in the other Semi- Ellipfe PIA; confequently the two fimple Equations here being both pofitive their Sum A + B will be ſo too, or muſt be added to the Solar Time to get the Mean by the Watch, which is here too faft. This Maximum amounts to 14′ 49″ on February 10th. PAN When the Earth is in N: 21° 35′, or the Sum in ≈ 21° : 35′• NA 3694. The third Quadrant of the Ecliptic is wholly on the fame Side with the Semi-Ellipfe AIP, and the Earth will enter it before the third Maximum Equation; therefore B will be Negative and that Equation will be A-B4' 5", to be fubducted from the folar Time-by the Dial, becauſe now B is greater than A, and the Clocks are too flow, again. This hap- pens on May 15th, when the Earth is in m: 24° 18′ or the Sun in 8 24° 18′. 3695. Laftly, the laft Quadrant of the Ecliptic is nearly the whole of it on the fame Side of the Line of the Apfides A P with the Semi-ellipfe A LP; here B will be pofitive, or + B, and A negative, or greatest, will be A, and therefore, the Equation, when BA 5' 55"; and becauſe B is here = alfo greater than A, therefore the Equation is to be added to the apparent Time by the Dial to have the true or equal Time by the Clock or Watch which is now too fast, or before the Dial. This Maximum happens on July 26, the Earth being in 3° of, and the Sun in 3° of 2. 3696. If the Reader attentively confiders the feveral particu- lar Circumftances and Relations of thefe two fimple Equations he will fee how this Compound Equation will gradually arife by Addition and Subtraction, and increaſe to its various Maxima, and then alternately decreafe to nothing, according as the Numbers appear in the following Table, which is here adjuſted for ready Ufe to the Signs and Degrees of the Ecliptic. Of CLOCK-WORK. 517 A Table of the Compound Equation of Time depending on the Sun's Place. Signs ရာ ŏ II Add. Sub. Sub. Add. Add. Add. Deg. "/ // // 97 7 40 I 93 56 I 6 5 49 2 14 17 21 27 1 2 I 233 52 I 19 5 51 I 58 I 36 3 47 I 33 5 52 I 41 36 43 I 49 3 43 I 47 5 53 I 24 46 24 2 I 3 38 2 0 $ 53 I 7 56 5 2 13 3 32 2 13 5 521 0 50 6 5 46 2 2313 25 2 26 5 51 O 32 75 27 2 34 3 18 2 38 5 491 0 13 8 5 812 44 3 II 2 5 5 47 5 94 49 2 53 3 3 3 45 440 24 10 4 30 303 2 2 54 3 16 5 40 40 O 44 II 4 II 11 3 IO о 2 441 3 27 5 35 I 4 12 3 53 3 17 2 35 3 385 30 1 24 133 34 3 25 2 24 3 50 50 5 24 I 44 14 3 16 3 32 2 15 4 1 5 17 2 4 1612 15 2 57 3 39 2 ·39 3 45 I 41 4 I I 5 IC 2 24 534 2115 21 2 45 17 2 21 3 3 50 1 41 4 30 30 4 54 3 6 18 2 3 3 54 I 29 4 39 4 45 3 45 3 27 19 I 45 3 57 I IS 4 48 4 36 3 20 I 27 4 C I 64 57 4 26 21 I 10 4 2 о 53 5 5i 4 15 4 3++ 48 4 9 30 22 O 53 4 40 41 5 12 4 44 51 23 Q 37 4 6 о 28 5 18 3 52 5 I 2 24 O 25 0 201 4 о 15 5 5 24 3 39 5 34 4 4 25 31 3 27 5 55 26 I I 4 12 5 36 3131 6 17 27 0 264 40 25 5 402 * 59-6 39 28 0 41; 4 2 о 39 5 43 2 29 O 56 3 3 59 0.53 5 462 46 2 301 I 9 3 56 I 65 49 2 14 7 42 The Equations following the Sign + to be added, and the Sign- to be fubducted from the apparent Time, to get the Mean Time. 45 7 307 21 518 INSTITUTIONS A Table of the Compound Equation of Time depend- ing on the Sun's Place. दा m ↑ Ꮴ * Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Add. Add. // " 7 42 15 3213 29 I ET // // 411 38 14 26 8 315 4013 13 0 35 II 55 14 20 8 24 15 4712 47 12 56 0 512 1214 13 8 4415 44 15 53 12 38+ 25/12 27 14 6 9 415 5812 191 0 5412 4113 59 9 2416 2II 59 I 23/12 5413 50 9.4316 511 38 I 5313 713 41 ΙΟ 3/16 811 17 2 22/13 2013 30 IO 2216 ΙΟ ΙΟ 55 2 5113 3213 20 10 4116 IIIO 33 3 1913 4313 9 II 016 IIIO 10 3 48 13 5312 57 I I 1816 I I 9 46 4 1614 212 45 I I 3616 10 9 221 4 4314 1112 33 I I 53/16 88 58 5 1114 1912 20 12 1016 5 12 27/16 1 ∞ ∞ 8 34 5 38 14 38 14 25 12 6 8 816 414 3111 52 I 2 43115 57 7 42 6 3014 30 14 36 11 37 12 5915 52 7 15 I 6 55 14 40II 22 13 14 15 1415 466 48 7 2114 4311 7 13 29 15 29 15 39 6 21 7 4514 4610 52 13 43 15 321 5 321 5 53 .00 8 10 14 48 10 36 12 5715 24 5 251 8 834/14 34/14 49/10 19 14 1015 144 58 8 8 14 22/15 34 39 14 34 14 54 19 4114 14 46 4614 391 3 32/10 14 5514 55 14 27 3 210 57 14 50 10 5714 1914 50 9 50 9 45 4114 49 9 499 214 47 9 23 14 45 8 50: 2 28 I I 53 15 6/14 15 1514 10141 2 012 33/10 4214 41 8 35 35 3/II 114 37 8 17 15 24|13|45| I 3311 2014 32 7 327 59 15 32′13: 29! I 4 38'14 271 7 40 The Equations following the Sign + to be added, and the Sign to be fubducted from the apparent Time, to get the Mean Time. Of CLOCK-WORK. 519 } CHA P. XXVIII. Of the best METHODS of drawing a MERIDIAN LINE by Concentric CIRCLES, by the HYPERBOLA, &C. The Theory of a New EQUAL ALTITUDE IN- STRUMENT for that Purpofe. 3698. AS S CLOCKS and DIALS are of a like Nature and Ufe, fo they are mutually fubfervient to each other, and ferve to correct one another, when either fhall chance to be at Fault; but to this End it muſt be ſuppoſed that they are originally each of them properly conftructed, and the Dial, particularly, fixed in a true Pofition. And as this is fo important a Point, we here propofe to give fuch Directions and Precau- tions as are neceffary to be obſerved in that Affair. 3699. The first Thing to be obſerved in fixing a Horizontal Dial is, that the Surface of the Pedaftal be truly level or hori- zontal, and this must be examined and thoroughly rectified by a Plumb-line, or Spirit Level. The Reafon of this Injunction is becauſe the Gnomon of the Dial cannot be parallel to the Axis of the Earth without fuch an horizontal Pofition; as we have fhewn when we treated of Dialling. 3700. The fecond Thing neceffary is to place the Meridian of the Dial truly North and South, or exactly in the Meridian of the Place; for this Purpoſe it will not be ſufficient to ſet it by a Mag- netical Needle in a Rectangular Box, neither by a Clock, Watch, or any other Dial; but quite independently of any other Time- Piece, by a true MERIDIAN LINE. This is upon Suppofition the Dial is a very good one, and intended to go very correctly. 3701. As a MERIDIAN LINE is of the moſt extenfive Uſe, we ſhall here give ſome of the principal Methods for drawing The moſt fimple and practical of theſe is the following. Upon a Point A (properly chofen) as a Center, defcribe feveral concentric Circles as NH E, OID, PKC; and in the faid Center A fix a ſtrong Wire, as truly upright or perpendicular to the Horizon as poffible, the Height of it fix or eight Inches; one. then 520 INSTITUTIONS then obferving, in the Forenoon, very nicely where the End of the Shadow touches each Circle, and there make fine Marks, as fuppofe in the Points C, D, E ; and do the fame for the After- noon Shadows, as at H, I, K. Then bifect the Arch EH in F, and the Arch CK in G; and through the Points A, F, G, draw the Right Line A FG, and it fhall be the Meridian-Line required. 3702. It has been formerly fhewn (1766,) that the Curve LR M defcribed by the End of the Shadow is an Hyperbola (in any Latitude leſs than 66 Degrees,) whofe Vertex is R and its Axis the Meridian Line PR G. Further, it is eafy to con-. ceive, that the Sun in the Horizon, projects the Shadow to an infinite Diſtance, and there the Curve of the Hyberbola coin- cides with the Afymtote; and that this is at a Point in the Ho- rizon juft oppoſite to the Sun; confequently the infinite Line joining theſe two oppofite Points will be an Afymptote to the hy- perbolic Curve of the Shadow defcribed on the given Horizon- tal Plane, and will contain with the Meridian of the Place an Angle equal to the Co-Amplitude for that Day. { 3703. Therefore from the given LATITUDE of the Place, and the DECLINATION and AMPLITUDE of the Sun, the Hy- perbola for the given Day may be defcribed, and the Meridian Line thereby found by a fingle Obfervation of the Shadow; and verified by any Number of them you pleaſe. In order to this Practice, it is to be confidered, that on any Day in the Summer or Winter when the Sun's Declination is the fame, there will be the fame or equal Hyperbolas defcribed by the Shadow, whofe Vertices will be determined by the Shadow of the Me- ridian Altitude on each Day. AD a 3704. Thus, for Example: Let A B be a Gnomon of given Height, and let A CB be the Meridian Altitude of the Sun, equal to the Sum of the Co-Latitude and Declination, whence the Diſtance AC is known. Again, the Angle A D B, on the Winter Day, is the Meridian Altitude, equal to the Diffe- rence of the Co- Latitude and Declination; and therefore A D is known; from which take A C, and the Remainder CD is the Tranfverfe Axis of the Hyperbola's. 蹁 ​3705. Bifect CD in E, and that will be the Center of the Hyperbola's; thro' which draw two Right Lines GP and L M making Of Cioek-WORK. 521 making with the Line A D Angles GEA and MED equal to the Co-Amplitude and they will be the Afymptotes to the Hyperbolas. 3706. On the Vertical Point C erect the Perpendicular C K meeting the Afymptote EG in K, and CK will be the Semi- Conjugate of thefe Hyperbolas; therefore make EF and EQ equal to EK, and the Points F and Q will be the Foci of the Hyperbolas, (768.) 3707. Thus having the Diameters and Faci, the Curves HCI and NDO may be readily defcribed, either by the Inftrument in the Plate of the Fufee, or by finding a Number of Points S in the Curve which is very eafy to do, becauſe it will be every where QSFS CD (769;) and fo for every Point S you have QS CD + FS, or FS QS = CD, by which any Number of thoſe Points are found, and the Curve of the Hyperbola drawn through them as required. 3708. Having thus conftructed the Hyperbola HCI for the given Day, let the Paper on which it is drawn, be fo placed on the Plane, that the Point A may exactly coincide with the fmall Hole in which the Wire. or Pin was fixed, and then fa moved or adjuſted, that the Length of any obſerved Shadow A R taken in a Pair of fine Compaffes may be applied therein, that is, when one Point of the Compaffes is in A the other may fall! precifely in the Curve of the Hyperbola at R; then will the Axis of the Hyperbolas F E Q be in the true Meridian of the. Place. And by obferving a Number of thefe Shadows, its Po- fition may be verified to great Exactneſs. 3709. The Time moſt proper for this Procefs is at or near the Solftices, and the Meridian determined at or about the Summer Solftice, will be moft exact, as the Shadows A R are then fhort- eft and beft defined at the Ends. The Reafon of chufing thefe Times of the Year, is becauſe the Hyperbolas have now the greateſt Degree of Curvature, from which they degenerate gra- dually till, in the Equinoctial Day, they become a Right Line, (1764.) 3710. But when the Meridian Ling is to be determined of a confiderable Length, other Methods may be more readily ap- plied; that by an Equal- Altitude-Teleſcope is certainly a very good one, but the Expence of fuch an Inftrument, the Skill of the Perſon, VOL. II. Xxx 522 INSTITUTIONS } 1 ! Perfon, and Difficulty of the Performance, will confine this Method to very few Hands. 1. 3711. The Method of Tycho Brahe was much efteemed by himſelf and others in his Time; it confifted in having an In- ftrument fo placed on a Plane that he could eaſily thereby obferve the greatest Elongation of any circumpolar Star towards the Eaft and Weft; confequently the End of this Inftrument would de- fcribe an Arch, the Half whereof would meafure thefe equal Elongations from the Meridian, which therefore became known or determined; viz. by bifecting that Arch, and drawing a Line through that Bifection and the Center on which the Inftrument moved. But this Method is more fuited to Aftronomers than for common Ufe. { · 3712. Dr. DERHAM's Meridian Inftrument is well known as a very ufeful One for drawing a Meridian Line with tolerable Exactnefs. But I no not think any Method fo good, (that is, fo exact,) as thofe which have their Points and Centers upon (and not above) the Plane on which the faid Line is to be drawn, and which alſo are entirely independent of Shadotus, becauſe in great Lengths Shadows always become penumbral, or ill defined, and therefore not fit for an Affair of fuch Precifion. age 3713. I fhall therefore propofe a new Method of conſtruct- ing an equal Altitude Inftrument that moves immediately on the Flane,, or Floor, or Pavement where the Meridian Line is re- quired to be drawn, and which will give as little Trouble, and as great Accuracy, as can be expected in fuch an Operation. This Inftrument confifts of a Ruler ABC made of Mahogony, or other Wood, not fubject to warp; At Alisa fmall Hole in a Piece of Brafs in which the Ruler is moveable about-a- flender fteel Pin. The central Line AC is fuppofed to be drawn with great Care and very ftrait; the Part B C is a fidu² cial Edge of Ivory, exactly coinciding with the faid Line AC; and at D is a fall, black Line, which, upon the Motion of the Ruler, will defcribe any Arch of a Circle, as DEF 10 am-1 3714. Upon this Piece of Wood for Metal) there is placed an Inftrument for taking equal Altitudes of the Sun, con- ftructed in the following Manner. GH is the Bafis of it, and from the Center N move the two Indices, NP and NL," upon two Arches of a Circle, viz. I K fixed to the immoveable 1 A 1 Bafe ' Of CLOCK-WORK. 523 Baſe GH; and the Arch MON, fixed to the Alidade or Index LN; and confequently moveable with it. Upon the Index NP, is a Sight-Vane at R, with Croſs-Hairs in its Perforation, and a Shadow-Vane NQ is fixed at the Center N, exactly pa- rallel to the former. 3715. The peculiar_Artifice of this Conftruction is, that in a Small Form, it performs the Office of a large Quadrant. For the Arch MO is divided into every 10 Degrees only, and therefore is not required to be large; the Index PN is placed to that Di-¯ vifion which is next lefs than the Sun's Altitude; and then it is evident, the Remainder in Degrees and Minutes is meaſured by the Index L N, and its Vernier Plate at L, upon the Arch IK, which is divided into 15 or 20 Degrees at moft, and therefore but of a ſhort Length. 3716. This Inftrument properly fixed upon the large Alidade AC (as in Fig. 3.) it is plain, that if in the Forenoon it has that Situation AC when the Indices are fo adjuſted that the Sha- dows of the Crofs-Hairs, in the Vane R, fall precifely on the black Lines croffing in the Center of the Vane QN, and a fine Point or Mark be made at D; and then, in the Afternoon, the faid Alidade AC be brought to fuch a Situation, that the central Line AC be that of AF, when the Shadows of the Crols Hairs exactly coincide again with the Lines on the Vane Q, I ſay then, it follows, that if the Arch DE be bifected in E, and the Line A E be drawn, it fhall be the Meridian Line required. 3717. This is all fo plain as to want no farther Explication ; and I find it fo eafy in Practice to take any Altitudes, and to meaſure any Angles in general with this compendious Inftru- ment, that I can venture to recommend it to the ingenious practi- cal Geometrician, as worthy of his Notice. It may be furniſh- ed with a Spirit Level to place it horizontally, and if a Lens of a proper focal Diſtance be placed in the Vane R, it will not only fhew the Height of the Sun at any Time to a Minute, but allo that of any other Object by its Picture, on the Vane NQ, properly darkened. As HADLEY's Quadrants are capable of the fame Improvement and concife Form, I fhall give a fur- ther Account of them at another Time; only observing, they may be applied in the above Method alfo for drawing a Meridian Line. X X X 2 CHA P. 524 INSTITUTIONS $ 1 ار CHA P. XXIX. The THEORY and CONSTRUCTION of an ELLIPTI- CAL, CIRCULAR, and DIAMETRAL DIAL, which by Means of a common HORIZONTAL DIAL, will find the true MERIDIAN. 3718. WE ¿ ६ ม 7E have fhewn the beft Methods of drawing a Meri- dian Line, by which a Dial may be fet truly upon a horizontal Plane. We fhall next fhew how Dials may be conftructed in fuch a Manner as to fet themfelves, or to find their own Meridian by Means of a common Horizontal Dial only. One of this Sort is called an ELLIPTIC DIAL, the other a CIR- CULAR DIAL, becaufe in the firft the Hours are the unequal Divifions of an Ellipfis, and in the latter they are the equal Di- vifions of a Circle; in both which Refpects they differ from com- mon horizontal Dials, where the Hours are the unequal Divifion of a Circle, as we have fhewn (1772). 3719. The Theory of the Elliptic DIAL we fhall here deliver with all the Perfpicuity we can from a New, and (we preſume) moft natural Projection of the Sphere orthographically, in what is ufually called the Analemma, explained form 1703 to 1720. Therefore (in Fig. 1.*) let HZOY be the general Meridian ; EQ, the Equator; PX, the Hour Circle of Six; ZY, the prime Vertical; and HO, the Horizon. AF, LK, two Pa- rallels of Declination. 3720. Then in our INSTITUTES of Gnomonical Perspective, it has been fhewn (1738, &c.) that the Sun having any Declina tion EG, will, by its Ray GC, defcribe that Day a Cone ACF, whofe Bafe is the Parallel AF upon the Surface of the Sphere, whole Axis is that of the Sphere PC, its Vertex C, and Height CB. This Cone we fball (for Diftinction's Sake) call the Ra- dial Coned sign • 1 3721. Then if the Axis ZCY of the prime Vertical be con- fidered as an opake Line, it is plain, that Point of it at C, will to intercept the Ray GC, and thereby produce a lineal Shadow CK in the fame Direction, which Shadow will therefore de- fcribe *In the Plate entituled the Theory of Elliptical, Circular, and Dia- netral Dials. : of CLOCK-WORK. 525 1 fcribe an equal and oppofite Cone LCK, whofe Bafe in the Surface of the Sphere will be the oppofite equal Parallel LK. This therefore we fhall call the umbral Cone. JOTA 3722. Then as the 24 Hour-circles divide the Equa- for EQ, and all its Parallels AF, LK, into fo many equal Parts, it is evident the Ray GC in applying to thofe Circles fe- verally, will affign the Pofitions of 24. Lines dividing the Sur- face of the Radial Cone into 24 equal Parts. And alfo, of Neceffity, the Shadow CK will at the fame Time give the Pofition of 24 correfponding Lines on the Surface of the umbral Cone; which therefore may be confidered as Hour Lines on the Surfaces of theſe Cones, interfecting each other in the common Vertex C. 1 } 3723. As the Sun's Declination EA decreafes, the circular Bafes AF and LK of theſe Cones will encreaſe, till at Length the Sun being the Equator at E, both thofe Bafes coincide, and the Cones degenerate into the Plane of the Equator EQ; where thofe 24 Hour-Lines alfo feverally unite and form the polar Dial, defcribed (1759) whofe Gnomon is P C the Axis of the Sphere. 3724. It is farther evident, that, in the Cafe of the Sun's be- ing in the Equator, the Hours will be indicated by twr Shadows united into one, projected from the two opake Gnomons PC and ZC, on the Plane and graduated Perimeter of the Equator. For whatever Hour-Circle the Sun may be upon, the Shadow of the Stile CP (as being its Axis) will be in the Plane of that Circle (1751). For the fame Reaſon, the vertical Circle paffing through the Sun at the fame Time, will have the Shadow of its Axis ZC projected in its own Plane; therefore, becauſe the Planes of both of thofe Circles interfect each other, and alfo the Plane of the Equator, in one common Line the Shadows of both thofe Gnomons will, of Courfe, I be projected into that Line, which will be the Shadow pointing out the preſent Mo- ment on the Dial. Indeed, propelly speakingjathe Shadow in the Cafe now ſpecified, is'only that of the Point Gin the Inter- fection of the two Gnomons. ~ zixA oni li agdÏ‚10: 3725. Again, ſuppoſe the Sun has any Degree of Declina- tion EA, the Paralle AF will be its Path forthat Day; now ſuppoſe it in any Hour-Circle, as that of Six PCX, in the Point B; and let Z BY be the Vertical paffing through the Center of the s j } 526 INSTITUTIONS the Sun: Then it is eafy to underſtand, that the Ray proceeding from the Sun's Center at B, will defcribe the Line BC on the Side of the radial Cone ACF, becauſe that is the common In- terfection of the two Planes on the Side of that Cone. Here the faid Ray is obftructed by the opake Particle C in the Interfection. of the two Gnomons or Wires, ZY and P X, and by that Means the Shadow of that Point will be a Line on the Umbral Cone LCK, exactly in the fame Direction C R, and therefore on the contrary Side. 3726. Hence then, if the Bafe LRK of the Umbral Cone were a Circle divided into 24 Hours, and the Cone itſelf were away; then it is plain, the Point R will be the Hour of Six on the Weſtern Side of that Circle, if B be the Hour of Six in the Morning, upon that Point will the Shadow of the Interfection Cprecifely fall. If we ſuppoſe not only the Perimeter, but alſo the Plane of the Bafe (or Parallel) LK to be there placed, then would the two Axes P X and ZY pafs through it in the Points. R and V, of which the former is the Center. And on that Plane would be projected two Shadows, one of the Part RC, and the other of the Part CV, of the faid two Axes. 3727. And in this Manner the Plane of any particular Paral- lel LK may be confidered as a Dial-plane, having two Stiles or Gnomons RC, V C, whofe two Shadows conftantly interfect each other on the Hour-circle in its graduated Circumference, and thereby fhew, the Hour for that particular Day. 3728. But as the Periphery of a Parallel is a variable Quanti- ty, increafing or decreafing daily, it can by no Means anſwer the Intention of an Hour-circle, which ought to be a fixed or de- terminate Thing; and therefore if inftead of the Parallel of De- clination, we fubftitute a moveable Equator, it will answer the Purpoſe of an univerſal Dial for finding the Meridian in any Latitude, and confequently, independent of the Magnetic Needle, will fet itſelf, "or fhew the true Hour of the Day; as will thus eafily appear." 3729. Let the given Parallel of Declination be A F, and draw IG and M N Tangents to the Equator EQ; and then ſuppoſe a moveable Circle, juft equal to the Equator, and divided into 24 Hours, Minutes, &c. were to flide up and down upon thefe Tangent Lines of the Sphere, fo as readily to be placed in a Situ- Of CLOCK-WÓR K. 527 Situation fimilar to that of the Parallel LK in the Umbral Cone, correfponding to the Parallel AF of the Radial Cone. Such a moveable Equator will be reprefented by the dotted Line or Circle I W N; for the Lines CL, CA, CK, CF, conti- nued out, will cut the Tangents in I, G, and N, M; there- fore EI CW = QN, confequently the Plane of the moveable Equator IN, is parallel to the Plane of the Parallel LK, and the Peripheries of each are parallel Circles of the fame Cone ICN; therefore they are divided fimilarly by the Shadows of the two Gnomons WC, and UC, or it will be every where RV: VK:: WU: UN. And thus the Hour will be fhewn truly, and alike in each. 3730. If therefore a Dial be conftructed according to this Ana lemma, it will be the Plane of this moveable Equator; and fhew both the Hour, and the Meridian-Line at the fame Time: For the equational Hour-circle being rectified to the Tangent of the Sun's Declination (for any given Day) on the Lines GI, MN, the Hour fhewn by the Gnomon W C (as being Part of the Axis of the Sphere) can never be true, but when HZO is in the Plane of the Meridian; but the Hour fhewn by the Gnomon UC, muft alfo in that Cafe be true; therefore, when the In- terfection of the Shadows of thefe two Gnomons fall precifely on the Hour-circle, then both the Hour and Pofition of the Meri- dian-Line will be given by the Dial. 3731. The fame Thing will be effected by a fixed Equator EQ, and a moveable Gnomon Z C; for while the Equator is carried from EQ to IN, the Index or Axis ZI, is moved through the Plane of the Equator from W to U; and therefore, if we take CS = WU, and from the Point S draw Sa parallek to CZ, and alfo drawing Gb M, we have the two Gnomons Cb, and Sb exactly equal to the former two, WC and UC, and alike fituated to the Plane of the fixed Equator EQ, as they were to the moveable One IN. And therefore the Hour will be fhewn in this Cafe, the fame as in the other. 3732. Lastly, the fame Purpoſe will be anſwered by a Gno- mon Db, moveable upon a horizontal Line HO, through the Space CD, fince the Point (b) in the Interfection, gives the Hour, and is the fame in both Cafes. 3733. 528 INSTITUTIONS 3733. If therefore upon the Plane of the Horizon HO in any Latitude EZ PO, the Equator EQ be projected into an Ellipfis, and it be properly divided in every 15th Degree by a Table of Sines as directed (1718) thefe Divifions will be the Hours, and then an upright Stile Da, moveable in the Hour Line of XII, or Meridian HO, will conftantly fhew the true Hour on this Elliptic Equator, as before it did on the Circular One. Becaufe in the Projection there is a perfect Similarity of all the Parts in One, to all the correfponding Parts of the other, as we have fhewed (1715). 3734. In this Cafe, the Shadows of the two Gnomons Db, and Cb, require two different Hour-circles, and fo will be no longer one Dial, but two of a diftin&t Nature. Thus let Fig. 2. be the orthog. Projection on the Plane of the Horizon FOM; and let A QB be the Ellipfis into which the Equator is project- ed, and divided into its proper Hours; alfo let P be the project- ed North-pole, Z the Zenith, and D the Foot of the perpen- dicular Stile Sb, for any Declination of the Sun EG in Fig. 1. Then fuppofe the Shadow of that Stile falls upon the Hour XI, it will be projected into the Line DXI, and this must be the Hour-Line of XI on the horizontal Plane, as is evident from the Nature of the Projection; for the Space ZD here, is equal to CD there; and D is the Projection of the Foot S of the faid Stile in the Plane of the Equator. - 3735. But with Refpect to the Stile Cb (in Fig. 1.) its Sha- dow here cannot pass through the Point (or Hour of) XI in the Ellipfis A QB; for the Foot C being in the Center Z of the horizontal Plane, and the Hour-circle of XI cutting the Hori- zon in E, making EO= 11° : 51′ (1772) it is plain, ZE will be the Hour Line of XI on the horizontal Plane, or the Shadow of the Stile Cb. And drawing the Line Z XI, there is formed the fpherical right-angled Triangle XI Z Q, wherein ZQ= the Latitude, and XI Q the Hour, being given, the Angle at Z will be found = 18° : 55′, which is 7° : 4′ greater than the Angle EZO. Confequently the two Gnomons will, in this Projection, require two different Curves for the Hours, viz. the Ellipfis A QB, and the Circle FO M, which therefore conſtitute two different Dials. 3736. Of CLOCK-WORK. 529 } 3736. When EG (EI) is the Tangent of the Sun's greater Declination EA, then AF and LK are the two Tro- pics; and CD = ZD (Fig. 2.) is the greateſt Space through which the perpendicular Index Da is to be moved in the hori- zontal or meridian Line HO, which is to be graduated into 23° : 30', to correſpond to the Sun's Declination in this Man- ner. In the Triangle & CD, we have Cb Tangent of 23° : 30′, and the Angle at b ZCP Co Latitude. And as Radius: s. C ¿D :: C¿: CD; therefore fince C b is the Tan- Cb gent of 23° 30′ to the Radius CP, CD will be the Tangent of the fame Arch to the Sine of ZP made Radius, or applied in the Sector from 45 to 45, upon the Lines of Tangents. Thus ZD and ZH is graduated for the Summer and Winter Half- Year, by which, to fet the Index or Gnomon for the Declina- tion of the Sun, proper to the given Day. + : Cb 3737. Therefore it is evident, that when the fame Minute, is fhewn by the Elliptic and Horizontal Dial, the Hour Line of XII, viz. HO, will be in the Plane of the Meridian of the Place, and confequently a Right Line drawn parallel to it will be a true Meridian-Line. And thus fuch a double Dial will at all Times fet itself without any Affiſtance of the Magneti- cal Needle, or any other Meridian Line than its own. 靠 ​1 CHAP. XXX. The THEORY and CONSTRUCTION of CIRCULAR A and DIAMETRAL DIALS, which, with a Horizontal DIAL, find a true MERIDIAN LINE. 3738. BEfides the foregoing Elliptic Dial, there is yet another Sort which by Means of a common Harizonal Dial, will fet itſelf, or fhew the Poſition of the Meridian Line without the help of the Needle; and by which, of Courſe, the Variation VOL. II. YYY of 530 INSTITUTIONS of the Needle is alſo eaſily diſcovered in the given Place. But this Dial is of a circular Form, and what may ſeem a little ſtrange, is, that the Hours on this Circle are all equidiftant, as in the Equator itſelf. The whole Artifice or Conſtruction of this Dial depends upon a due Confideration of the Properties and different Sections of a Scalenous Cylinder which will be eafy to underfland after what we have premiſed of the Scalenous Cone (1508,) and its Subcontrary Sections (1510, &c.) 3739. First then let it be confidered that if Tangent-lines were drawn through the feveral Points of the Equator, (or any Circle) and at right Angles to its Plane, they would conftitute a right Cylinder, whofe Section by a Plane perpendicular to its Axis will be a Circle, but in all other Cafes an Ellipfis, as we have fhewn (1715.) 3740. Secondly; if thefe Tangent Lines are now fuppofed gradually to incline or lean towards the Plane of the Equator, then they form what we call a Scalenous Cylinder, being com- preffed by this Inclination of the Lines into a flattiſh Form; and whofe Section by a Plane perpendicular to its Axis will be an Ellipfis, one Diameter of the right Cylinder being contracted gradually into a lefs Length, while the other continues the fame; alfo all other Sections will be Ellipfes, except two, viz. one Parallel to the Equator (or original Circle) and the other by a Plane in a Subcontrary Pofition. كم 3741. Thirdly; theſe Tangent Lines conftantly inclining to the Plane of the Equator will at laft perfectly coincide with it, or the Scalene Cylinder now degenerates into a Plane coincident with that of the Equator, which, in this Cafe, is projected by theſe Lines or Rays into a frait Line, viz. one of its Diameters. And this Confideration lays the Foundation of another Species of Dialling, viz. Rectilineal, which we fhall enlarge upon by- and-by. 3742. But to come directly to the Point, and for Illuſtration of what has been faid, let ABFD be the Scalenous Cylinder whofe Axis is IG, perpendicular to which let the Line RS be drawn; this will be the ſhorteſt Diameter of the Elliptic Section and ſuppoſe the longeſt Diameter be HO, which alfo is conceiv- ed to pass through the common Interfection C of the Axis, and the other Diameter RS (See Fig. 3.) Upon the Point C, with Of CLOCK-WORK. 531 with the Radius CH defcribe the Circle H ZOY, cutting the flatted Sides of the Cylinder in the Points E, H, and O, Q; and draw the Line ECQ. 3742, Then it is evident, that fince HỌ is equal to the longeſt Diameter of the Elliptic Section by a Plane through R S, it is therefore equal to the Diameter of the original Circle or Baſe of the inclined Cylinder A BF D, and alfo parallel to the Diameter through whofe Extremities the Lines A B, F D paſs. Confequently, the Section of the Cylinder by a Plane (through HO) parallel to the Baſe will be alſo a Circle, equal to the Cir- cular Bafe. 3743. And becauſe the Angles REC and SQC are equal, as alſo R HC = SOC, (by reafon of parallel Lines AB, DF interfecting the equal Lines HO and EQ) therefore the Section of the Cylinder through E Q will be fubcontrary to that through HO, (1509,) and confequently alſo a Circle, agreeable to (1510.) 3744. Now. if FPQX be confidered as a Meridian of the Sphere, which is orthographically projected thereon, and EQ the Equator; we may then look upon HO as the Horizon of fome Place Z, whofe Latitude is EZ, and whofe Co-latitude ZP is biſected by the Axis of the Cylinder IG, becauſe the Section through RS is ſuppoſed to be perpendicular thereto, and con- fequently equally divides the Angle ECH in the Point K, or OCQ in the Point L. 3745. Then (from what we demonftrated in the laſt Chap- ter) it is plain, that if KL be confidered as a Plane having a Perpendicular Stile or Gnomon CN, the Projection of the Equator E Q thereon by Rays A B, FD, parallel to CN, will be an Ellipfes, whofe ſhorteſt Diameter is R S, and longeft KL. And that as the Sun advances to the Parallel T V, the perpendicular Stile being parallelly removed from C to (a) will fhew the Hour on that Ellipfis; and if TV be confidered as the Tropic of Cancer, then Ca will be the Length of the Summer Half of the Zodiac on the Dial-plate. 3 fo 3746. Suppoſe now the Plane KL were taken away, but the Gnomon NC to remain; then it is evident the Rays A B, GI, DF, will project the Equator EQ into a Circle on the horizontal Plane HO (1510.) And the faid Rays will divide the Horizontal Circle in the fame Manner or Ratio, as they do Y y y 2 the 532 INSTITUTIONS the Equator itſelf. For let (eh) be any one of thofe Rays, which paffing through the Point (g) of the Equator, projects it into the Point (k) in the horizontal Circle HO; then becauſe eh is parallel to A B, we have CE Cg :: CH: Ck. Wherefore the Horizontal Circle will be divided into 24 equal Parts by the Rays which paſs through every 15th Degree of the Equator. : 3747. Therefore 'tis evident, that if upon the Horizon HO, a Circle be drawn, and divided into 24 equal Parts; thofe Di- viſions will be the Hours truly marked out by the Shadow of a Stile or Gnomon CN elevated above the Plane thereof in the Angle NCO PO+PN the Sum of the Latitude, and half the Co-Latitude of the Place Z. So that at London, for Ex- ample, the Angle NCO 51° 30′ + 19° 15′ = 70° 45°. 3748. 'Tis farther evident, that this Stile CN is a moveable One, as it originally and properly belongs to the Elliptic Dial on the Plane K L (3745;) where its parallel Motion, Northward, is Ca; but this is now to be eſtimated in the Plane of the Hori- zon from C towards O, where it will be expreffed by the Line Cc whofe Value is thus found. In the Triangle b Ca (right- angled at a) we have Rad. (CP) Sine of Cba (= OCL) :: Cb: Ca. Again, in the fimilar right angled Triangles Ca, OCS, and fCL, we have Ca: Cc:: CL (Rad.) Ccx Rad. : Cf; therefore Ca= O S x C b Rad. Cb: C: Rad.: OS x Cf:: Rad. : ; therefore Cf OS × Cf =Tan- Rad. gent of LCf. Whence the Value of Ce is known. 3749. But becauſe it will be moft convenient to ſet the Index CN by the Sun's Declination, therefore the Semi-zodiac C c muſt be confidered as a Tangent of 23° 30 to fome Radius, which from the Analogy above is evidently the Line Lf, viz. the natural Tangent of the Half Co-Latitude of the Place z. There- fore by applying the Line Lf from 45 to 45 in Lines of Tan- gents on the Sector for Radius; you may then take the paral- lel Diſtance from 23° 30′ to 23° 30′, and that will give the Length of Ce from the Center C each Way in the Meridian Line for the Summer and Winter half Year. And thus your Circular Dial will be compleated, as in Fig-4. * 3750. There Of CLOCK-WORK. 533 3750. There are many other Particulars obfervable in this Sort of Dials, but we muſt pafs them by at prefent as not ne- ceffary to our Purpoſe, which is only to fhew hoto by two Dials of a different Conſtruction, and placed upon one Right Line, a true Meridian Line may be drawn, and the Hour heron, without any other Affiftance. This we have fhewn may be done by a com- mon horizontal Dial combined with the Elliptic, and Circular Ones; we ſhall next fhew the Nature and Conftruction of a Rectilineal or DIAMETRAL DIAL for the fame Purpoſe. บ 3751. Suppoſe (Fig. 3.) that the Tangent Rays AB, GI, DF, were (in the firſt Place) all at right Angles to the Plane of the Equator EQ; an infinite Number of them would, in this Cafe, conſtitute a perfect Cylinder whoſe Section, perpendi- cular to the Axis would every where be a Circle, as being paral- lel to the circular Plane of the Equator. 3752. Let the Rays now gradually deviate from that rectan- gular Pofitition to one more and more inclined to the faid Plane of the Equator in a Direction from P towards E. Then it is evident, all that Time the Radial Cylinder will become more and more flatted or ſcalenous; and every perpendicular Section RS will become of a leſs and leſs Diameter; and, of Courfe, the Hour-Circle in the Equator degenerates into an Ellipfis, and becomes more and more fo; 'till at length, the Rays all ar- rive at the Plane of the Equator, and thence the fcalenous Cylin- der itſelf becomes a Plane, and coincides with that of the Equa- tor; alſo the horary Ellipfis now Collapſes, and both Sides unite in a Right Line which is the Diameter of a greater Circle PX paffing through the Poles. 3753 During this fuppofed Motion of the Tangent Rays the Dial Plane KL has defcribed the Quadrant EX, and its Gnomon or Index CN the Quadrant PE, and its Hour- Circle has paffed thro' every Degree of Elliptic Curvature from a Cir- cle to that of a Right Line; and the Pofition of its Gnomon, which at firſt was in the Axis of the World CP, is now CE in the Plane of the Equator. 3754. This Pofition of the Dial-Plane PX and its Gnomon CE fits it for An univerſal Right-lined DIAL in every Latitude ; for from the Nature of the Analemma, it is evident, that the 24 Hour-Points of the Equator are now projected into the El- liptic 534 INSTITUTIONS liptic Line (as it may be called) or the Eaſt and Weft Diameter of the Plane DX. Which Line is equally a Diameter in the Plane of any great Circle, as that, for Inftance, of the Horizon HO, becauſe it is the Common Section of them all, and fo is ⚫qually as much in one as in another. 3755. Therefore fince the Rays which paſs through the Be- ginning of each 15th Degree of the Equator, will project thoſe Points into the faid Common Section or Hour-line of the Dial, this Line will be thereby divided in the Manner of a Line of Sines each Way from the Center, as repreſented in Fig. 5. 3756. The Stile of this we have fhewn (3753) must be pre- cifely elevated to the Plane of the Equator, viz. the Angle ECH (Fig. 3.) for any propofed Horizon HO; and as this Dial is of the Elliptic Kind, its Stile or Gnomon CE is a move- able One. And therefore if TV be the Parallel of the Sun's greateſt Declination, it will alſo repreſent the Pofition of the faid Gnomon for the tropical Day, as being parallel to CE, and interfecting the Axis CP in the Point (b) making Cb Tangent of 23° 30′. Therefore, fince in the Trian- gle CbV, it is Cb: CV:: Radius: Secant of the Angle PCO, the Diſtance CV is known for any Latitude PO or EZ. 3757. And fince Cb is the Tangent of 23° 30′ to the Radius CP; therefore C V will be the Tangent of 23° 30′ to a Radius equal to the Secant of the Latitude, and hence CV the Semi-Zo- diac for this Dial, is eafily graduated for the duly adjuſting the Index to the Sun's Declination, as directed (3736,) and as fhewn in Fig. 5. 3758. But this Rectilineal Dial is not fo conveniently combined with the common horizontal Dial for finding the true Hour or Meridian Line as the Elliptical Dial is, becauſe in this the Hours at the extreme Parts of the Line run fo near toge- ther, as not to admit of fufficient Accuracy in obferving and comparing the Time in each. Nor is the circular Dial (Fig. 4.) fo fit for this Purpoſe as the Elliptic One, becauſe of the ſmall Length of the Zodiac for fetting the Stile CN (Fig. 3.) not al- lowing a fufficient Eftimation of the Sun's Declination. 3759. 'Tis very obfervable that both the circular and right- lined Dials are univerfal Ones, or will ferve for all Latitudes, be- cauſe Of CLOCK-Work. 535 cauſe the horary Divifions of each always remain the fame, and the Indices or Stiles only require to be properly rectified, viz. that of the Circular Dial as directed (3749,) and that of the Rectilineal One to the Co-Latitude HE, be it what it will. 3760. Laſtly, in the Right-lined Dial (Fig. 5.) the Reader will obferve that the Shadow of the Stile muft go backward and forward twice a Day in the Summer Half-year, viz. Morning and Evening, as is evident by Inſpection. What remains on this Subject of DIALLING will be delivered in the Third Vo- lume; wherein it is propofed to give the THEORY and CON- STRUCTION of all the uſeful Mathematical and Philoſophical INSTRUMENTS, as alſo all the neceffary TABLES uſed in thoſe Sciences, with the Rationale and particular Uſes of each. END of the SECOND VOLUME. INDEX To the MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTIONS. A A. IR, Nature and Properties of > 301 Elafticity, Denfity, and Gravity ibid. & feq. artificial, Nature and Pro- duction of tiles, 305 its Reſiſtance to Projec- ble when as great as poffi- ibid. & feq. Bodies, Defcent down inclined Planes 53 the Doctrine of abfolute, fpecific, and relative Weight C. 294 Illuftrated by Expo Atoptrics, Elements of 105 335 Experi- ments on the Ballittic Pendu- CA Doctrine of ΠΟ Illuftrated by Plate I. ex- ibid. plain'd 112 167 lum Anamorphofis, Nature and Prin- ciples of Appearance, Perfpective, of Ob- jects on inclin'd Planes Illuftrated by Figures Application of fluxionary Spherics Areas, Proportionality of ~ 191 ibid. 253 81 201 Architecture, Rules of Perfpec- tive applied to it Automata, portable, or Watches, the Invention, &c 384 Automaton, invented by Hugenius 371 A Diagram for Illuftration } adapted to Lenfes, &c. Catoptric Perfpective, confider'd with regard to Views Central Force confider'd Center of Gravity in Bodies of Percuffion 114 186 73 41 48 15 85 of Ofcillation Centripetal Force, conſtant Law of it illuſtrated Centripetal and centrifugal Forces confider'd in regard to a Planet 99 Centrifugal Force, compaired with the Centripetal IOT exemplified by Figures ibid. Clock-work, Nature and Defign 374 B. of BA Aliftics, or Projectiles, Doc- trines of 301 , Rationale of, Calcula- 8.1 ibid. applied to Gunnery Ball, Cannon, Velocity of, from its Denſity, and Quantity of its Charge, how determined. 308 tion of it Illuftrated by a Diagram Cohefion, Power of Colours, Doctrine of -, explain'd by the Priim ibid. Co. 371 374 II 140 4 N INDE X. Colours, applied to refracting Te- leſcopes ibid. explained from mechanical and mathematical Principles D. G. 365 DIacauftic Curve, explained T22 Dial, the Theory and Conftruc- tion of an elliptical, circular and diametral, and their Ufe524 Dialling Principles of Perfpec- tive) applied to it 221 Dioptric Perfpective, confider'd, with regard to Views, &c. 186 E. Lements of Catoptrics Viſion 105 134 Illuftrated and explained by G Nomonics, or Perfpective, I applied to Dialling Gravitation, Principles of , Laws of -, Power of Illuftrated Gunnery Inftitutions of 221 7 .00 8 17 18 63 287 Sir Ifaac Newton's Me thod of inveftigating the Path of a Projectile in a refifting Medi- um applied to it 352 Gunpowder, the Velocity which a Flame of it acquires by ex- panding itſelf 330 Mr. Robins's Machine for Experiments of, explained 317 a Print of Ditto ibid. E Figures ibid. Equation of Time 499 Table of 5.04 Plate for illuftrating ibid. tic Orbit of the Earth calculated for the ellip- Table for every Degree H. 595 HEL Elioftatic, or Planetary Clock 469 of the Earth's Anomaly 511 Compound Ditto 512 chanics ibid. ཀ = - a general Table thereof, depending on the Sun's Place Principles of celeftial Me- I. Experiments, Account of, 517 Mages, the Proportion, Mag- for compairing the Velocity of Bul- lets 323 Illuftrated by Tables 327 F. 128 nitude, Pofition of, &c. form- ed by the Lens Inflitutions of the mechanical Ma- thefis I Inftitutions of univerfal Optics F 404 TOOT, Philofophical explained by a Plate ibid Force, exploſive of, Gunpowder 305 Forces, centripetal, their Compo- fition, c ·, · Projective Central fugal, compared 105 of Perſpective 145 of Loxodromics 265 of Gunnery 287 Horologica 361 L.. 19 IGHT, different Refrangibi- 73 L ibid. Centripetal and Centri- 140 Loxodromic Sailing, Spècies of 279 101 364 Lunarium, Conftruction and Me- chanifm of, for fhewing the Phafes of the Moon, &r. 492 ME- Fufee, Nature, Form, and Action ofic INDE X. cofm 469 applied to the Micro- 477 to Matter and Motion, 7 to mechanical Powers M. Echanics, Principles of ce- Mleftial, explained by the planetary Clock jectile in a refifting Medium applied to practical Gunnery Motion, Principles of Quantity of 2 352 7 9 of Bodies Elaftic, or Non-elaftic 24 Principles of, applied to Machines 31 3x to the Lever 35 Menfuration of Superficies I to the Steelyard ·34 a Square ibid. Pulley ibil Parallelogram 2.. Wheel and Axle 35 Triangle ibid: Inclin'd Plane ibid. Rhombus ibid. Rhomboides ibid. Wedge Screw 36 37 Trapizium 3 Circle ibid. chines ibid. of Solids 5 a Cube ibid. Parallelopipedon ib. ――― applied to common Ma- Compound Machines ibid. N. Prifm ibid. Nga Rhumb-line, demon- TAvigation, the Theory of, Pyramid Cylinder Cone on ibid. ftrated ibid. Illuftrated by Figures Sphere or Globe ibid. Mercator's Chart, Nature and Conftruction of 265 Method of eftimating elliptical, paracentric, and angular Velo- cities Focus 9 of finding a geometrical 122 265 270 by a Table of Loga- rithmic Tangents 271 Navigation exemplified by Solu- tion of Cafes of Sailing by that Method O.. 283 of drawing the Perfpective Bjects, their Appearance on of Objects 157 of drawing Figures of three Dimenfions in Perspective practical of, Scenographic Perſpective Objects his a 165 Oblique fpherical Triangles, Cafes of, and Theorems for explain- 237 the fix Cafes folv'd ing 172 176 Method of deter- mining the Fluxions and Sides of determining the Fluxi- ons of the Sides and Angles of = 240 243 a fpherical right-angled Trian- Optical Elements of Lineal Per- gle 233 fpective 1 148 of determining the Fluxi Ofcillation of Pendulums 400, ous and Sides of oblique fpheri- cal Triangles 243 of determining the Area of a spherical Triangle 247 Sir Ijaar Newton's, for in- veftigating the Path of a Pro- PE 421 explained by a Plate ibid. P.. PEndulum, angular, explained 4 N z 450 Pen- INDE X. Pendulum, compound, explained 4c6 circular, explained, and its peculiar Advantages 436 Pendulums, Dodrine of 53 Hugenius's Invention for regulating the Motion of 380 Method of finding the Center of Ofcillation 1 400 Univerfal Theory, and Conftruction of, for mealuring Solar, Lunar, and Planetary Days 411 Of the Bob, or Weight 4:6 Errors arifing from the Spheroidical Figure of the Earth 326 > Heat and Cold another Source of Errors in Pendulums Rotula, horological, for regulating Clock Work, by Mr. Sully 442 Rotalary Pendulums, Theory and Conſtruction of 465 128 Rules for finding the focal Diſtance of all Sorts of Lenfes of Perspective 181 for exhibiting Objects in any Proportion thereto 186 Applied to Views, Landscapes, ib. & feq. Pictures, &c. of Perſpective applied to The- atrical Scenery 194 of Perſpective applied to Ar- chitecture 201 of Perfpective, to the Geogra- phical Projection of the Sphere 207 applied to the Conftruction of Maps, Charts, &c. 207 332 jections 455 Eliptical and Horizontal Uniform Pendulums, their 4:9 Conſtruction and Uſe Percutient Bodies, Theory of 19 Perspective, lineal, Elements of 148 Of Circles and circular Areas 161 172 Scenographic Appearance of Objects on 191 Inclined Planes Theatrical, explained 194 Deception, explained 199 Sciagraphic, or Art of Shadows 203 Principles of catoptric and diop- tric Perfpective, in regard to Views 186 Applied to the Art of 221 of Celeſtial Mechanics applied to Aſtronomical Pro- 212 of practical Gunnery, derived from Parabolical Hypothefis, proved to be falſe S. 348 Ailing, Loxodromic, Species SA of 279 Sphere, Stereographic Projection of, in Plano. Theorems for 260 Spherical Triangles, Nature of 229 Solution of their Cafes ibid. & feq. Spherical Right-angled Triangles, Method of determining the Fluxions of the Sides 233 Spherical Trigonometry, applied to the Solution of Problems in Astronomy, Geography, Na- vigation and Dialling Dialling 469: Projectile Forces 73 249 Proportionality of Arcas 81 R. Spherics, Fluxionary, Application of, to Parallaxes, Refractions, Altitudes, &c. 253 Springs in Watches, Theory of R Ationale of Calculation in Clock Work 371 388 TABLE INDE X. T. ABLE of the Specific Gra- vities for Solids and Fluids TA 296 of the Accelerations of a 331 Clock, &c. Tellurian, Conftruction of, and Ufe Illuftrated by a Plate ilid. of Rotulary Pendulums. 465 and Conftruction of an elliptical, circular, and diame- tral Dial, and their Ufe Time, Equation of 524 499 504 4S4, Table of Theorems for the Solution of Cafes of oblique fpherical Tri- angles for the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere in Plano Theory of Catoptrics cles of Optics 237 -, Plate for illuftrating the Theory of ibid. calculated for the elliptic Form of the Earth's Orbit 505. Triangles, Spherical, Nature of 260 105 128 Cafes of Perſpective Lineal 152 of the Perſpective of Cir- 161 of Catoptric Perspective 165 of Inverfe Perſpective 167 of Scenographic Perſpec· tive 172 of perspective Meaſures of Scenographic Perspective 176 of Theatrical Perspective 194 of Perfpective Deception 199 tive of Sciagraphic Perfpec- 203 265 of Navigation Exemplified in a Solution of Cafes of Gunnery > 229 Solution of all their ibid. & feq. Oblique, Spherical Cafes of, and Theorems for ex- plaining 237 a Table for every De- gree of the Earth's Anomaly 511 Compound Ditto 512 general Table thereof, depending on the Sun's Place > 517 Trigonometry, Spherical, Doc- trine of İlluftrated by 2 Plates. V. Velocity, circular 233 $6 ——, elliptical, paracen- tric, and angular ibid. & feq. Method of determin- 283 287 ing that of a Bullet 313 Mr. Robins's Machine for determining it Vibrations, Tochronal, of the Spring of a Watch, defcribed 317 W. of the Refiftance of Bo- dies moving in a refifting Me- dium 26 & feq. for determining the Ve locity of a Bullet 313 of Mr. Robins's Machine for determining the Velocity of a Ball 386 317 WEIGHT, in Bodies, abfo- hute, fpecific, and relative of Refiftance, Velocities, Times and Spaces defcribed by Projectiles 341 of the Springs in Clocks and Watches 204 explained on the Princi- ples of refilling Fluids, as Wa- . ibid. & feq. 388 ter, Air, BOOKS printed for W. 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