BAGBOGBOGBOGGEBOGDEBUG 200.000 OGRODDERUNG DE BOGO OG BORDE TE HE-LOUIS.C:C:KRIEGER. MYCOLOGICAL LIBRARY AND COLLECTIONS.GIFT OF W HOWARD:A.KELLY.M.D. tro yuw .. -Untu 13 2KG Bunun Lv Now kutim 14 pobles minninn uecall aucun KIUM « Uby umiecie Juuluu Wanns TO THE UNIVERSITY HER- BARIUM OF THE UNIVERSI- TY OF MICHIGAN: 1928• 2.C.C.K. fec. baut Museum Qk 94 SGs 1826 A GRAMMAR OF BOTANY, ILLUSTRATIVE OF ARTIFICIAL, AS WELL AS NATURAL, CLASSIFICATION, WITH AN EXPLANATION OF JUSSIEU’S SYSTEM. BY SIR JAMES EDWARD SMITH, M.D. F.R.S. &c. &c. PRESIDENT OF THE LINNÆAN SOCIETY Natural Orders instruct us in the nature of plants; artificial ones teach us to know one plant from another. Linn. Gen. Pl. ad Ord. Nat. SECOND EDITION. London: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1826. LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE. ALERE FLAMMAM. ΤΟ Mrs. CORRIE, OF WOODVILLE LODGE, NEAR BIRMINGHAM, THE AUTHOR DEDICATES THIS WORK; AS A SINCERE TESTIMONY OF ESTEEM AND RESPECT, FOR THOSE EMINENT, THOUGH UNOBTRUSIVE, VIRTUES AND TALENTS, WITH WHICH, BUT FOR THE SCIENCE OF BOTANY, HE MIGHT NEVER HAVE HAD THE HAPPINESS OF BECOMING ACQUAINTED. Norwich, Sept. 27, 1820. a 2 muerum 82 -18.37 P R E F A C E. The intention of the present volume is not only to supply some deficiencies, in a work of the same author, entitled An Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany; but also to follow up its design, by additional in- formation ; especially on the subject of the natural classification, or affinities, of plants. The reception of that elementary treatise has been such, as to make it incumbent on the author to neglect no opportunity of being further useful. Yet he has not, hitherto, thought proper to add any new matter to the successive editions of his book, which the possessors of the original might not obtain in a separate form. The fourth edition, and the American one, have therefore merely re- ceived such emendations and corrections as might prevent mistakes. To the fifth, lately published, some recent observations or dis- coveries, as well as some hypotheses and changes made by eminent French writers, have rendered a few additions necessary. vi PREFACE. The popularity and success of the former work have, as usual, called forth many la- bourers into the same field. Some of these, though borrowing from it with unsparing hands, have thought proper to vary the form of their instructions; partly perhaps to con- ceal that want of originality, which generally enfeebles all compilations; and partly to tempt weak or sickly appetites, which have no pre- vious taste for the invigorating food of real knowledge. It is a commendable intention to lure such triflers, by tales or dialogues, to more solid reading, and more efficient instruction. I mean not to discommend or undervalue any of these humble attempts; but the subject must not be reduced to their level. The only radical fault in compilers, especially of ele- mentary scientific instruction, is their inabi- lity to appreciate what is most important to teach or to enforce. Hence they encumber themselves, and alarm beginners, with loads of unmeaning names, and of useless, or dis- carded, terms. Let such be found in their proper places, but not obtruded on the stu- dent where they can render him no service. The elements of every science are necessarily dry enough ; but when they are correct and PREFACE. vii clear, they charm by their precision; a taste for which quality is one of the great advantages to be derived by the youthful mind, from the study of nature. With these considerations in view, I have commenced the present volume with what may be termed a Botanical Grammar. In the first five chapters the parts of the vege- table body, and their uses, are defined in a concise and methodical manner, with none but important technical terms. Perhaps the contents of these chapters might, with advan- tage, be learned by heart; the young scholar being directed to seek out examples, of each particular part, or character, as he proceeds, from the garden or fields. The more ample Introduction to Botany would furnish his tu- tor with references to every example in books, that could possibly be wanted; and the pupil might gradually be led on to a wider circle of terminology,(especially with regard to leaves,) necessary to be known before the species of plants can be investigated in detail. If the contents of these five chapters be well stored up in the mind, and the meaning of all the terms, therein explained, clearly and distinctly impressed upon the memory, the student will viii PREFACE. a be competent to read any book, or to exa- mine any flower, with great advantage. He will find himself so well grounded, that every thing will subsequently be of very easy attain- ment, and he will soon be conscious of a great superiority over those who read, or observe, in a desultory way; possibly over many who write, or attempt to teach, without such a foundation. Nor will it be difficult for any attentive scholar, even without a master, to acquire these necessary principles. The pa- ragraphs are numbered, and refer to each other where mutual illustration is requisite. The figures also are occasionally cited, and may be consulted throughout; though prin- cipally intended to explain the systematic part of the work, hereafter mentioned. The theory of Systematic Arrangement, in the sixth chapter, should likewise be well fixed in the mind. This subject is here treated in the same compendious way as the former; with all that is essential, as a foundation for any degree of further inquiry. The student being thus furnished with a knowledge of the materials with which he has to work, and the relative importance of those materials for each particular purpose, will PREFACE. ix easily comprehend the principles of the Lin- næan Artificial System, which claims his at- tention in the seventh chapter. This, he will soon perceive, is to be understood merely as a dictionary, to enable him to make out any plant that may fall in his way. He will learn to reduce such plant to it's proper class and order, in some systematic work, where he will trace out in progression it's genus and species, with every thing that any author has record- ed of its history or use. A complete set of original figures, explanatory of this artificial system, is here subjoined, the want of such, in the above-mentioned Introduction to Bo- tany, having been complained of. The chap- ter in question, after a few remarks on no- menclature and generic characters, closes with a detailed exposition of the principles and intention of the Linnæan definitions of species. Some of these rules have hitherto been applied to Latin composition only; but it does not appear that they may not be kept in view, though less strictly, in any language; and the laws of discrimination and definition are absolute in themselves. Thus far only have the pupils of Linnæus х PREFACE. a been accustomed to go. But it is the object of the present publication to enable them to proceed a little further. The English reader is here, for the first time, presented with a full ex- planation of the System of Jussieu. The sub- ject of the natural affinities of Plants, and the question of classing them according to cha- racters derived from thence, have, within a short time, excited the attention of British Botanists, after being still more canvassed and taught on the continent. This subject was originally called into notice by Linnæus himself, he having first pointed out the dif- ference between a natural and an artificial ar- rangement. Natural affinities cannot now be overlooked, by those who contemplate the Vegetable Kingdom with any degree of phi- losophical attention. As Professor de Jussieu and his pupils take the lead in the department of natural classification; the botanists of En- gland, who have never been behind their neighbours, in real science, may well desire to know something of the principles or advan- tages of a system, which deservedly claims so a much notice. I have the more readily un- dertaken this task of explanation, as I have PREFACE. xi always proposed to advert more fully, than had hitherto been attempted, to the subject of natural affinities, in my English Flora, so long promised to the British reader, in his own language, and of which 3 volumes are now in his hands. A work of this kind, founded on actual observation, is indeed requisite, instead of the various compilations of com- pilations, with which those who cannot read Latin have hitherto been obliged to rest sa- tisfied. Some exposition of this kind must have accompanied that work, to render it in- telligible ; and it will be still more commo- dious for the student to become previously initiated by the present compendious volume, and to take a general view of the subject, be- fore his attention can be directed to particu- lars. The eighth chapter begins with an index, or key, to Jussieu's Classes, and an enume- ration of his Orders. In the sequel each Or- der is given in it's place, with the full cha- racter, translated from the Genera Plantarum of Jussieu. His descriptions and observations are every where marked by inverted commas, occasional corrections or remarks, intermixed xii PREFACE. a with his text, being inclosed between brack- ets. The characters of some Orders in the 1st Class, better understood since he wrote, as the Musci and Filices, are totally reformed. To his definitions of a few others, given in his own words, are subjoined more complete and correct accounts, founded on more recent inquiries, as is particularly the case with the 20th, 21st, 26th, and 47th Orders. The esta- blishment of new Orders, either by himself or other botanists of eminence, since his book came out, is indicated under the original Order from which each new one has been se- parated. The aim of the present work how- ever is not, by any means, to give a full view of these. As nothing is more easy than sub- division in such studies, it is no wonder that the followers of Jussieu should often carry that principle too far; just as young botanists are prone to multiply genera. The talents for judicious combination are infinitely more We must wait therefore till some of these innovations shall receive confirmation from superior authorities, as well as from long experience. My present design is rather to exemplify the original System of Jussieu; a rare. PREFACE. xiii to point out it's merits and defects; to mark the genuine, as well as doubtful, Genera of most Orders, and to give examples of all, with such observations, sparingly introduced, as may serve to throw light upon the subject. Many of the genera for which Jussieu could not find a place in his System, being now bet- ter known, are here referred to their proper Orders. After all, the reader must not con- sider this publication as any thing like a com- plete view of a Natural System, but rather, to use a French idea, as Memoirs towards a System. Much still remains to be done by future observers, and still more by future systematic writers. It is evident that no such mode of classification can, at present, serve the purposes of analytical investigation, to make out an unknown plant. That is the exclusive object of the Artificial System of Linnæus, which, of all the schemes hitherto contrived, is alone, perhaps, universally applicable to the end in question. A tacit conviction of this truth seems to be the source of great enmity, in many of the disciples of Jussieu, towards that System, which aims no hostility or rival- ship against them. A dictionary quarrels not xiv PREFACE. a with a grammar, nor a history with a chrono- logical table. It is pernicious, as well as fool- ish, to set them at variance. The plates, composed in the first instance to explain the Artificial System of Linnæus, have been extended much further, in order to afford representations of one or more Genera in each of Jussieu's Orders, or subdivisions of Orders. The figures, numbered in regular succession throughout, are cited in the text, and a full explanation of the whole is sepa- rately given. The volume ends with a com- parison between the Linnæan Natural Orders, and those of Jussieu, by which it will be seen how nearly the conceptions of these great men, though not derived from the same principles, agree together. A few speculative remarks close the whole. They may teach the reader to think on the subject, and to judge for him- self hereafter, how far the conjectures or con- clusions, interspersed through the preceding review of Jussieu's Orders, are well founded. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. - Tab. 1. fig. 1. Globba racemosa. a. Calyx. 6. Tube of the Co- rolla. C, C, c. Outer limb. d, d. Two segments of the inner limb. e. Third segment of the same, or lip. f. Filament. 8 Anther. h. Style. i. Germen. k. Stigma.—2. Veronica spicata.--3. Glyceria fluitans, magnified. 4. A floret more magnified. -5,6,7. Scabiosa arvensis.—8, 9. Epacris obtusifolia.-10, 11. Galanthus nivalis. a, Spatha.-12. Aesculus Hippocastanum.-13.Daphne collina.- 14. Butomus umbellatus.-15, 16. Dianthus cæsius.-17. Reseda lutea. a. Two upper petals, magnified. 6,6. Two middle ones. c. Two lowermost. d. Nectary.-18, 19. Mespilus grandiflora, Exot. Bot. t. 18. - - -- - Tab. 2. fig. 20. Cappuris spinosa, a. Germen, on a long stalk.- 21. Corolla, stamens and style of Lamium album. 22. Calyx and seeds of the same.--23. Stamens, pistil, and 1 petal, of Thlaspi Bursa-pastoris. 24. Calyx-leaf and pouch.-25. Teesdalia nudi- caulis, Compend. Fl. Br. 110. 26. Stamens and pistil magnified. 27. A stamen, with it's scale.—28. Calyx and 1 petal of Car- damine amara. 29. Stamens and pistil. 30. Ripe pod and seeds. -31. Stamens of Geranium sylvaticum. 32. Calyx. 33. A Petal. 34. Pistil. 35. Capsule and it's beak.-36. Calyx of Althea officinalis. 37. Petals, stamens, &c. a. Pistil.-38. Fumaria so- lida 39. Stamens, in two sets, with the pistil.-40. Spartium scoparium stripped of it's petals. Tab. 3. fig. 41. Stamens and pistil of Ulex europæus.-42. Stamens and style of Pisum maritimum. 43. Calyx of the same. 44. Standard. 45. A Wing. 46. One petal of the keel. 47. Pis- til._-48. Stamens and pistil of Hypericum elodes. 49. Calyx mag- xvi EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. nified. 50. Back of the whole flower.-51. Stuartia pentagyna. 52. A petal separate, with part of the stamens. a. Pistils.-53. Melaleuca thymifolia. 54. Bundles of stamens. 55. Calyx and pistil. 56. Separate petal. Tab. 4. fig. 57. Picris echioides. 58. Calyx and receptacle of the same. 59. Floret. 60. Seed and it's down.-61. Carduus nutans. 62. Section of the receptacle, with the young seeds, down, &c. 63. Floret.-64. Floret of the radius of Centaurea Cyanus. 65. Floret of the disk of the same.-66. Inula dysen- terica. 67. One of it's radiant florets. 68. One of those of the disk, with (a) the anthers and stigma separate. 69. Receptacle. a. A portion magnified.—70. Ophrys apifera. a, a, a. Calyx-leaves. 6, 6. Petals. c. Lip of the nectary. 71.d. A stalked mass of pollen, projecting from one of the cells of the anther. e. f. Base of the column, in front of which is the stigma. 72. Mass of pollen se- parate, g. It's glandular, or viscid, base.—73. Stylidium gramini- folium, Br. Prodr.568. 74. Germen, calyx, and column, magni- fied. 75, 76. Anthers, with the stigma between them.-77. Dendrobium linguiforme. a. Lid of the Anther. 78. The same stripped of it's calyx and petals. a. Lid. 6. Column. c, c. Stigma. d. Germen. e. Anther stripped of it's lid. -- - Tab. 5. fig. 79. Barren and fertile flowers of Carex pulicaris. a. Germen and style separate. b. Ripe fruit.-80. Quercus Robur. 81. Barren flowers magnified, a. Stamen and it's corresponding scale. 82. Fertile flowers magnified. 83. One of them after im- pregnation. 84. Acorn and it's cup.—85. Salix herbacea, barren plant. 86. One of it's flowers magnified. 87. Fertile plant of the same. a. A flower magnified. b. Nectary. Tab.6. fig. 88. Populus alba, catkin of barren flowers. 89. A flower, with it's scale, magnified. 90. Fertile flowers. 91. One of them magnified.-92. Ficus Carica. 93. Section of the same, showing the flowers. 94. Perfect flower. 95. Fertile one. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. xvii - Tab. 7. fig. 96. Equisetum sylvaticum. 97. One of it's peltate scales. 98. Germen, and four supposed stamens.—99. Aspidium Filix mas. 100. A lobe magnified. 101. Capsule burst.—102 Scolopendrium vulgare. 103. A portion magnified. 104. Cap- sules.—105. Dicranum purpureum. 106. It's scaly sheath. 107. Ripe capsule and lid. 108. The same deprived of it's lid, show- ing the fringe.-109. Hookeria lucens. 110. Scaly sheaths. 111. Capsule entire. 112. Portions of the outer and inner fringe, greatly magnified. 113. Veil.--14. Jungermannia multifida. 115. Capsule in various states. Tab. 8. fig. 116. Opegrapha scripta. 117. Fructification en- larged.—118, 119. Parmelia murorum, Ach. Syn. 181. 120. A fragment magnified.—121. Peltidea canina, Ach. Syn. 239. 122. A powdery-edged portion.-123. Fucus natans. 124. Fructifi- cation, and swimming bladder, magnified. 125. Section of a seed-vessel, more enlarged, a. Seed with it's mucus. 126. Cavity in the frond, bearing tufts of fibres, a. - - Tab. 9. fig. 127. Conferva corallina. 128. Magnified portions of the same. - 129. Agaricus muscarius diminished. a. Volva. 6. Fleshy Volva.—130. Peziza coccinea.—131.Peziza stercoraria. 132. Sheaths or cells greatly magnified, lodging the seeds --133. Aecidium fuscum. a, a. The same greatly magnified.—134. Apo- nogeton monostachyon. a. Flower magnified. b. One of the ger- mens more enlarged. Tab. 10. fig. 135. Potamogeton crispum. a. Flower magnified. b. One of the pistils.-136. Lemna trisulca. a. Flower.---137. Acorus gramineus. a. Flower.—138. Typha latifolia. a. Stamens. b. Styles.—139. Carex depauperata. a. Barren flower. b. Fruit. c. Scale. d. Seed.-140. Scirpus fluitans, a. Scale. 6. Stamens and pistil.-141. Coix Lachryma. a. Barren flowers. 6. Fertile ones. - - Tab.11. fig. 142. Phoenix farinifera, Roxb. Corom. v. 1. t. 74. a. Barren flower. 6, 6. Fertile ones.---143. Paris quadrifolia. b xviii EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. - . a. Calyx. b. Petal. – 141. Convallaria majalis. a. Corolla expand- ed, to show the stamens, 6. Pistil.c. Half-ripe berry.-145. Luciola Forsteri, Engl. Fl. a. Flower magnified. b. Ripe capsule bursting. c. Seed.-146. Tulipa sylvestris. a. Pistil.—147. Agave lurida. a. Germen, style, and stigma. TAB. 12. fig. 148. Blandfordia nobilis, Sm. Exot. Bot. 5. t. 4. a. Flower split open. b. Capsule also laid open. c. Seed. - 149. Sowerbæa juncea, a. Stamens and pistil. 6. Pistil alone. c. Capsule cut across. d. Seed.--150. Narcissus biflorus. a. Pistil. b. Spatha, or Sheath.-151. Sisyrinchium striatum. a. Stamens and Pistil, ---152. Iris foetidissima. a. Stamens and Stigmas.-143. Dilatris corymbosa. - Tab. 13. fig. 154. Strelitzia reginæ. a. Spatha. b. Petals. c, c. Nectary cut open to show the stamens and style.-155. Seed of Urania, Schreb. Gen. with it's blue tunic.-156. Hydrocharis Morsus-rana, a. Stamens. b. Calyx.—157. Asarum europæum. a. Section of the flower. b. a stamen. c. Stigma. d. Seed.--158. Thesium linophyllum. a. Flower somewhat magnified. b. Fruit.-- 159. Protea rosacea.-160. Embothrium buxifolium. a, a. Stigma. b. Anthers.--161. Laurus nobilis. d. Drupa.--162. Polygonum Bistorta. a. Back of the flower. b. Pistil.—163. Atriplex portu- lacoides. a. Barren flower. b. Perfect flower. c. Its pistil.--164. Achyranthes argentea. a. Fringed segments of the Nectary.---165. Amaranthus Blitum, a. Barren flower. 6. Fertile one.--166. Plan- tago lanceolata, a. Pistil. . TAB. 14. fig. 167. Mirabilis longiflora. a. Perianth. b. Longi- tudinal section of the seed.-168, Statice reticulata, a. Petal and stamen enlarged. 6. Pistil. c. Calyx of the fruit.—169. Anagallis tenella. a. Ripe capsule bursting, with the seeds.-170. Utricu- laria vulgaris. a. Calyx and pistil, 6. Corolla separate, the letter marking it's base, or point of attachment. c. Stamens --171. Bart- sia viscosa. a. Calyx and style. b. Corolla and stamens.—172. - Justicia coccinea. a. Pistil.--173, Olea europea, a. Calyx and EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. xix - pistil enlarged. 6. Drupa.--174. Verbena officinalis. a. Corolla. b. Stamens.--175. Antirrhinum Cymbalaria. a. Corolla forced open to show the stamens. 6. Pistil.c. Ripe capsule burst. d. Seed. --176. Sibthorpia europæa, magnified. a. Calyx and pistil.- . 177. Solanum stelligerum. a. Lids of the anther. 6. Berry, and permanent calyx.-178. Lithospermum purpuro-cæruleum, a. Co- rolla split open, bearing the stamens.--179. Convolvulus arvensis. a. Calyx and pistil.--180. Ipomopsis elegans. a. Calyx and pistil. Tab. 15. fig. 181. Bignonia undulata, Exot. Bot.t, 19, showing it's fifth filament, which has no anther.—182. Gentiana verna. a. Pistil.—183. Exacum filiforme. a. Corolla laid open, with the stamens. b. Pistil.--184. Menyanthes nymphæoides ; Villarsia of Ventenat. a. Calyx and pistil.—185. Pergularia odoratissima. a. Calyx.b. Corolla laid open.c. One of the five leaves of the crown, , with it's internal appendage. d,d. A stamen seen externally, and internally, with the anther, and double masses of pollen. e. Pistil, with the masses of pollen deposited upon it.f. Double ger- men, surrounded by nectariferous glands of the receptacle -186. Vinca major. a. Tube of the corolla, bearing the stamens. b. A stamen magnified. c. Pistil, of the natural size. d. Follicle and seeds. - Tab. 16. fig. 187. Bassia latifolia, Roxb. Corom. v. 1. t. 19. a. Corolla laid open, bearing the stamens. 6. Pistil. c. Germen swelling, and calyx. d. Fruit.—188. Myrsine retusa. a. Flower magnified. 6. Pistil.-189. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. Corom. t. 49. a. Stamens and pistil. b. Fruit, -190. Rhododendrum arbo- reum, Sm. Exot. Bot. t. 6. d. Stamen. 6. Pistil.-191. Erica a. Tetralix. a. Stamens and pistil. 6. Stamen enlarged. c. Pistil.--- 192. Vaccinium Oxycoccus, a. Stamen enlarged. b. Germen half ripe, with the style. c. Transverse section of the same.-193. Campanula Trachelium.-194. Scavola hispida, Brown Prodr. 586. a. Stamen. b. Anther magnified. c. Style and stigma.--195. Lobelia Dortmanna. a. Corolla. b. Stamens, with combined - . b2 XX EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. anthers. c. Calyx and pistil.-196. Sherardia arvensis, thrice the natural size.—197. Cinchona officinalis, a. Corolla laid open, show- ing the stamens... Pistil.–198. Coffea arabica. a. Perianth crown- ing the germen. b. Berry unripe. c. Section of the same, showing the tunic of the seed. d. Embryo separate.—199. Hamellia patens. a. Stipulas. 6. Corolla laid open, showing the stamens. c. Calyx and pistil.—200. Linnæa borealis. a. Corolla laid open, bearing thestamens. b. Double calyx, and pistil.201. Viburnum Opulus. a. Corolla and stamens. 6. Calyx and pistil, magnified.c. Berry. --202. Panax quinquefolium. a. Germen, calyx and styles. - Tab. 17. fig. 203. Peucedanum officinale. a. Seeds, each sup- ported by it's proper capillary stalk.–204. Artedia squamata. a. Flower of the circumference. b. Seed.--205. Eriocalia minor, Exot. Bot. t. 79; see f. 209.-206. Astrantia minor, magnified. a. Barren Flower, with a leaf of the involucrum.b. Perfect Flower, c. Fruit.--207.Smyrnium Olusatrum. a. Pistil.6.Germen cut across. c. Fruit.—208. Caucalis latifolia. a. Flower of the circumference. b. Pistil and calyx.--209. Eriocalia minor, magnified, Exot. Bot. t. 79. a. Germen much enlarged, cut across.—210. Scandix Pec- ten-Veneris. a. Seeds nearly ripe.—211. Sison Amomum. a. Half- ripe fruit.-—212. Eryngium campestre. a. Petal. b. Styles.--213. Clematis Vitalba. a. Stamen. b, b. Pistils. c. Ripe seed, with its feathery tail.—214. Ranunculus parviflorus. a. Seed.--215. Hel- leborus viridis. a. Capsules half-ripe.--216. Caltha radicans. a. Petal. 6. Stamen.—217. Actæa spicata. a. Calyx-leaf. b. Petal. c. Stamen. d. Pistil.–218. Papaver Argemone. a. Petal. 6. Stamen. c. Pistil.--219. Nuphar minima. a. Petal. 6. Stigma.- 220. Sapin- dus rubiginosa, Roxb. Corom, v. 1. t. 62. a. Pistil. 6. Fruit cut across. Tab. 18. fig. 221. Acer campestre. a. Perfect flower. b. Fertile flower. c. Fruit.——222. Malpighia glandulosa. a. Flower. b. Fruit. -223. Xanthochymus pictorius, Roxb., showing the five sets of sta- mens, with five intermediate nectaries.--224. Citrus Aurantium. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. xxi - a. Young berry.--225. Turræa virens. a. Pistil.6. Capsule.c.Seed. -226.Vitis vinifera. a. Combined petals, elevated by the stamens. --227. Pelargonium crithmifolium. a. Pistil.–228. Tropæolum peregrinum. a. Stamen. b. Pistil.--229. Magnolia fuscata.—230. Dillenia aurea, Exot. Bot. t. 29, the pistil and stamens. 231. Portion of the ripe fruit of the same, being an assemblage of suc- culent-coated capsules.-232. Uvaria suberosa, Roxb. Corom.r.l. t. 34. a. Calyx and petals. 6. Receptacle, c. Germen cut across. — 223. Menispermum cordifolium, Willd. a. Barren flower in front. b. Back of the same, c. Ripe drupa. d. Section of the same.—234. Epimedium alpinum. a. Stamen. b. The same, with the anther burst. c. Pistil. d. Calyx. e. Nectary. Tab. 19. fig. 235. Tilia europea. a. Capsule.—236. Cistus Helianthemum. a. Calyx. b. Stamen. c. Pistil.—237. Boronia ser- rulata. 238. Dissection of the same Boronia, a. Flower stripped of it's petals. b, b. Pistil. c. Stamen, showing the crested appendage of the anther. d. Ripe capsule, after the seeds are gone. e. Elastic tunic. f. Seed.—239. Holosteum umbellatum. a. Calyx and ripe capsule. 6. Receptacle of the seeds.—240. Stellaria holostea.-- 241. Frankenia lævis. a. Stamens and pistil. b. Pistil magnified. -242. Sempervivum tectorum.—243. Saxifraga granulata.—244. Ceratopetalum gummiferum. a. Petal and stamen. 6. Stamen mag- nified. c. Capsule and seed.-245. Ribes nigrum. a. Calyx laid open, bearing the petals and stamens. b. Pistil. c. Ripe berry.- 246. Cactus Tuna, showing the germen, and under side of the flower.--247. Montia fontana, a. Pistil. b. Capsule. c. Seed.- 248. Mesembryanthemum tenuifolium.a. Calyx and pistil. 6. Petals in three rows, with some of the stamens.—249. Epilobium tetragonum. a. Calyx, with stamens, style, and stigma, all magnified. 6. Capsule and seeds.-250. Fuchsia coccinea, a. Berry. -251. Myriophyllum spicatum.a. Barren flower, with it's bractea. b. Calyx and stamens of the same.c. Fertile flower and it's bractea. —252. Hippuris vulgaris. a. Flower in an early state, magnified. b. The same after the pollen is discharged.—253. Eucalyptus robusta. a. Calyx and pistil, 6. A stamen enlarged. c. Lid lifted off. c. - xxii EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES, Tab. 20.fig. 254. Blakea trinervis. a. Stamens. 6, 6. Some of the same separate. c. Outer and inner calyx, with the pistil - 255. Lythrum Salicaria.a. Calyx and style. 6. Petals and stamens, showing their insertion into the calyx. c. Pistil separate.-256. Rosa spinosissima. 257. Fruit of the same, a. Seed.-258. Sibbal- dia procumbens. a. Back of the calyx. b. Petal. c. Stamen.d. One of the Pistils.—259. Fragaria vesca. a. Ripe fruit.--260. Spiræa Filipendula. a. Petal. b. Stamen.c. One of the pistils.--261. Pru- nus Cerasus. a. Drupa.--262. Viminaria denudata. a. Stamens, all distinct. 6. Pistil. c. Legume, and permanent calyx.-263. Astra- galus hypoglottis. a. Stamens and pistil. 6. Legume.c. Seed.-264. Semecarpus Anacardium. a. Barren flower. b. Perfect one. - . Tab. 21. fig. 265. Euonymus europæus. d. Ripe capsule. 6. Tu- nic cut across to show the seed. c. Seed naked.–266. Rhamnus catharticus. a. Segment of the limb of the calyx. b. Petal and abortive stamen. c. Pistil of a fertile flower. d. Rudiment of pistil in a barren one. e. Berry.-267. Lasiopetalum ferrugineum. a. Pistil enlarged, with the petals. b. Stamen.—268. Euphorbia hiberna, magnified, showing the joints of the stamens, where, according to Mr. Brown, those parts unite with their partial stalks. -269. Pistil of Buxus sempervirens. a. Transverse section of the germen.-270. Bryonia dioica. a. Barren flower. b. Berry.-.271 Passiflora suberosa. a. Ripe berry, with the permanent calyx and styles. b. Seed.-272. Dorstenia cordifoliu. a. Part of the recepta- cle magnified, with barren and fertile flowers.—273. Urtica urens. a. Barren flower, with it's central nectary. 6. Calyx in fruit.c. Seed. -274. Humulus Lupulus. a. Barren flower. 6. Stamen magnified. c. Fertile flower. d. Pistil with the tunic, magnified.—275. Taxus baccata. a. Barren flower. b. Fertile flower. c. Ripe fruit. -- 276. Pinus sylvestris. a. Anther magnified. b. Scale of an unripe cone, the natural size. c. Ripe seed.—277. Dacrydium cupressinum, from Lambert's Pinus, tab. 41. a. Tip of a branch, with the soli. tary fertile flower. b. Scale of a barren flower, with the double anther, magnified. - a GRAMMAR OF Β Ο Τ Α Ν Υ. от А N CHAPTER I. SUBJECT. 1. Botany teaches the knowledge of Plants, ei- ther, I, with respect to their characters and dis- tinctions; 2, their structure and the uses of their several parts; or 3, their various qualities with regard to mankind, and the brute creation. 2. The 1st is called Systematical, the 2d Physiolo- gical, and the 3d Economical Botany. 3. Systematical Botany is founded on a knowledge of the external structure of plants, and the different forms under which their various parts and organs appear. By this we are enabled to distinguish one species of plant from another, as well as to assem- ble or arrange them in families, orders or classes. B 2 SUBJECT. a 4. Physiological Botany, besides a knowledge of the external forms of the vegetable body, requires an acquaintance with its internal structure, and the different substances therein produced and contain- ed, termed Secretions, with the purposes which such secretions answer. 5. Economical Botany is either empirical or philo- sophical. The former originates in the experience and practical observation of mankind, from one age to another: the latter is deduced from a con- sideration of certain characters in vegetables; ei- ther indicating peculiar properties; or pointing out affinities, more or less remote, by which certain known qualities in some plants, are presumed to exist in others. 6. Before any knowledge of Systematical Botany (3), or the Classification of Plants, can be understood, it is necessary to be acquainted with the various parts of which the Vegetable body consists. These are the Root, Stem, Stalks, Buds, Leaves, Appen- dages, Flower and Fruit. 3 CHAPTER II. DESCENDING PART OF A PLANT. ROOT. 7. RADIX, the Root, serves to fix the plant, and to imbibe nourishment for its support. It usually consists of a Caudex, or Body, the top of which is called the Crown; and Radicula, Fibres; the latter being always present, and constituting the real, or efficient, root. Radicula, the Radicle, or Primary Fibre, is the point of the Embryo (62 : 1) first pro- truded in incipient germination. 8. Roots are distinguished into 7 kinds. 1. Radix fibrosa, a Fibrous Root, composed of fibres only, as in many annual plants, and most grasses. 2. R. repens, a Creeping Root, as in Mint and Couch-grass. 3. R. fusiformis, a Tap Root, like the Carrot and Radish. 4. R. præmorsa, an Abrupt Root, as Scabiosa suc- cisa. 5. R. tuberosa, a Tuberous or Knobbed Root, as the Potatoe, Pæony, and Orchis. 6. R. bulbosa, a Bulbous Root, either solid, like that of the Crocus ; lamellated, like Onions; or scaly, like the White Lily. 니 ​B 2 4 DESCENDING PART OF A PLANT. . a ROOT. 7. R. articulata or granulata, a Jointed or Gra- nulated Root, like Wood Sorrel, and White Saxifrage. 9. Roots differ in duration, being either annual, bien- nial, or perennial. Fibrous and Tap Roots are frequently annual; some Tap Roots are biennial; Creeping, Abrupt, Tuberous, Bulbous, and Jointed Roots are always perennial, as are some Fibrous and a few Tap Roots. 10. Annual Roots produce the herbage, flowers, and seeds within the compass of one season, after which they entirely die; Biennial ones produce herbage only the first summer, flowers and seeds the next, after which they also die; Perennial Roots bear herbage and flowers through several successive years, to an indeterminate extent, and , moreover increase, or form offsets, either sponta- neously, or with the assistance of art. 11. The Root is the first part produced by the Seed, when beginning to vegetate in the earth. It is na- turally directed downwards, extending itself at the extremity, and forming fresh fibres every year, such (7) being an essential part of every kind of root, the vegetation of which, and of the plant it bears, going on only while the fibres continue to grow, and to imbibe nourishment. 5 CHAPTER III. ASCENDING PART. HERBAGE. 12. Caulis, the Stem, properly so called, serves to elevate the leaves and flowers above the ground, as in trees, shrubs, and many herbaceous plants, but is not essential to all. 13. The Stem is either annual, or perennial ; simple, or branched ; leafy, scaly, or naked ; solid, or hol- low; upright, twining, climbing, procumbent, or creeping; straight, spreading, or zigzag; round, angular, winged, or compressed; smooth, downy, hairy, bristly, or prickly; even, striated, furrowed, or warty 14. A branched Stem (13) is either irregularly sub- divided, or 1. Caulis dichotomus, a forked Stem, having a flower at each fork or subdivision. alternè ramosus, alternately branched, the branches being solitary, and variously directed. 3. — oppositè ramosus, oppositely branched, when two branches stand together, spreading in opposite directions. verticillatus, whorled, many branches spreading in every direction from one point. - determinatè ramosus, abruptly branched, 2. 4. - 5. 6 HERBAGE. ASCENDING PART. 7. 8. when each branch, after terminating in flowers, sends out numerous shoots from near its extre- mity. 6. Caulis articulatus, jointed, as in Samphire, and Cactus. - distichus, two-ranked, the branches spread- ing in two opposite directions. — brachiatus, four-ranked, when they spread in four directions. 9. —-volubilis, twining, turns spirally; to the right in some plants, to the left in others, inva- riably. 15. Plants without a stem are termed acaules, stem- less, and the leaves are then necessarily radical, springing directly from the root. 16. Culmus, a Culm or Straw, the peculiar stem of Grasses, is leafy, cylindrical, well known, though not easily defined, nor is this term very necessary. See fig. 139, 141. 1. Culmus enodis, simple, or without joints, as in Juncus effusus, &c. - articulatus, jointed, as in Oats, and most Grasses. -geniculatus, bent, at one or more joints, like the knee or elbow. The surface is either smooth, rough, downy or hairy, never prickly; often striated or furrowed. 17. Scapus, a Stalk, springs from the root, and bears the flowers and fruit, but no leaves. 2. 3. ASCENDING PART. HERBAGE. 7 18. The Scapus is either simple or branched; single- or many-flowered; erect or procumbent; straight, or wavy; or spiral, as in Cyclamen and Valisneria after flowering 19. Pedunculus, a Flower-stalk, springs from some part of the stem, and bears the flowers and fruit; if radical, it is a Scapus. 20. A Flower-stalk is either terminal or lateral: if lateral, it is either axillary, or oppositifolius (oppo- site to each solitary leaf), or interpetiolaris (between the bases of two footstalks, laterally), or internodis (from the part of a branch between 2 joints, or leaves). It is termed gemmaceus, when proceeding from the same bud with the leaves. It is simple or compound; solitary or aggregate; erect, spreading, drooping or pendulous. 21. Flowers destitute of a stalk are termed sessiles, sessile. 22. Pedicellus, a partial Flower-stalk, is the ultimate division of a Pedunculus (19). It is also used for the Fruit-stalk, elevating the Germen and Fruit in Mosses, and some other plants. 23. Petiolus, a Footstalk, is the stalk of a Leaf, very rarely connected with, or bearing, theflower-stalks. This part, usually channelled along the upper side, is either simple, as in all simple, and some com- pound leaves; or compound, either once, twice, or more, and sometimes, as in the Pea and Vetch tribe, ends in tendrils (47: 5). a 8 ASCENDING PART. HERBAGE. a 24. Frons, a Frond, is a stem and leaf in one, bearing the fructification, as in Ferns,where the flowers and seeds grow mostly on the back; or the Lichen and Sea-weed tribes, where they are more or less im- bedded in the leafy or crusty substance of the plant. This term is only used in the class Cryptogamia, whose flowers are anomalous, or ill understood. In spiked Ferns the frond is partially transformed into fructification. 25. Stipes, a Stipe, is the Stem of a Frond (24), as in Ferns, where it is commonly scaly; or the stalk of a Fungus (Mushroom), fig. 129. 26. Gemma, a Bud, contains the rudiments of a plant, or part of a plant, latent, and wrapt up in scales, till the season is fit for their expansion. Vernatio is used by Linnæus to express the dis- position or folding of the scales. 27. Buds chiefly belong to trees of cold or temperate climates, and powerfully resist cold till they begin to open. a 28. The Buds of herbaceous plants (10) are radical Bulbs are the buds of a certain tribe of herbs (8), their scales being no other than subterraneous leaves, as is evident in Lilium. 29. Some buds contain only leaves, others only flowers (20), others both. 30. Folium, a Leaf, a very general, but not universal organ, is of an expanded form, usually green, pre- senting its upper surface to the light; the under ASCENDING PART. HERBAGE. 9 commonly differing in hue, and in kind or degree of roughness. The inside is pulpy and vascular. 31. Leaves receive the sap from the wood by one set of vessels, and expose it to the action of air, light and heat by their upper surface, while what is su- perfluous passes off by the under. The Sap thus changed assumes peculiar flavours, odours, and other qualities, and is sent by another set of vessels into the bark, to which it adds a new layer every year internally, and another layer to the external part of the wood. Hence the concentric circles in trees, the number of which shows their age, and the breadth of each circle, the abundance and vigour of the foliage which formed it. 32. Leaves are wanting in some tribes of plants, whose stems are usually very succulent; such as Salicornia, Cuscuta, Stapelia. 33. The situation of Leaves (30) is either at the root, or on the stem or branches ; alternate, scattered, opposite, crowded, whorled (3, 4, or more in a whorl), or tufted. 34. Their position is either close-pressed to the stem, imbricated, erect, spreading, horizontal, reclinate, recurved, or inflexed; oblique (or twisted), or re- versed (the upper surface turned downward); de- pressed, floating, orimmersed; two-ranked (spread- ing two ways 14: 7); decussated (crossing each other in pairs); or unilateral (leaning all to one side). 10 HERBAGE. ASCENDING PART. 35. Their insertion is either sessile or stalked ; pel- tate, clasping, connate, perfoliate, sheathing, equi- tant, or decurrent. 36. Their form is simple, or compound in various de- grees; undivided, or lobed; their outline very va- rious in different plants; sometimes different on the same individual. The lower leaves of water plants, the upper of mountain ones, have commonly the greatest tendency to be much divided. For their particular forms see Introduction to Botany. 37. Foliola, Leaflets, are the partial leaves, which, connected by one common, simple or branched, footstalk (23), make a compound leaf. 38. The margin of Leaves or Leaflets is either entire, wavy, serrated, jagged, toothed or notched, in a simple or compound manner; naked, fringed, spinous, cartilaginous, glandular; flat, revolute (rolled backward), or involute (the reverse). 39. Their surface is smooth, naked, glaucous, downy, hairy, woolly, warty, glandular, or prickly; even, rugged, or blistery ; veiny, ribbed, or veinless; co- loured, variegated, opaque, or polished. Their ribs and veins contain the principal sap-vessels. 40. Some Leaves are' fleshy, cylindrical, semicylin- drical, awl-shaped, tumid, channelled, keeled, two-edged, hatchet-shaped, solid, or hollow. 41. Others are membranous, leathery, rigid, or al- most woody. 42. The termination of Leaves is either obtuse, acute, ASCENDING PART. HERBAGE. 11 pointed, obtuse with a point, spinous-pointed, or cirrhose as in Gloriosa ; abrupt, jagged-pointed, retuse, or emarginate. 43. With respect to division (36), Simple Leaves are either cloven, lobed, sinuated, deeply divided, la- ciniated, or cut; palmate, pinnatifid, pectinate, unequal (as in Begonia), lyrate, runcinate, fiddle- shaped, hastate, arrow-shaped. 44. Compound Leaves are either jointed, fingered, binate, (or conjugate,) ternate, quinate, pinnate with or without an odd leaflet, whorled, or au- ricled ; they are simply, doubly, thrice, or more, compound; pedate, twice paired, twice ternate, or doubly pinnate, &c. 45. In duration, Leaves are either deciduous or ever- green; the former lasting but one summer; the latter two or more, though a fresh crop is pro- duced every year, so that the tree or shrub is never stripped. 46. Some Leaves or Leaflets are continuous, never separable from the stem or footstalk, as in Ruscus, the natural order of Musci (Mosses), and the genus Jungermannia. 47. Fulcra, Appendages, belong to the herbage of a plant, and are of 7 kinds. 1. Stipula, the Stipula, a leafy appendage to the proper Leaves (30), or their Footstalks (23); usually in pairs, at the base of the latter, either united thereto, or distinct; sometimes simple 12 HERBAGE. ASCENDING PART. and intrafoliaceous (withinside of the leaf), as in Grasses, fig. 141, and Polygonum, as well as the tribe called Rubiacea, fig. 198, 199. In some of the latter they are divided, or compound. Some Stipulas are soon deciduous, others per- manent as long as the Leaves. This organ is by no means universal, even in the same genus, as Cistus; nor constant in the same species, as Salix. 2. Bractea, the Floral Leaf, a leafy appendage to the Flower, or its Stalk (17, 19), is often co- loured ; either deciduous, or as permanent as the Flower-stalk, to which it is sometimes firmly attached, fig. 235. 3. Spina, a Thorn, originates in the wood itself, and by culture in rich soil, disappears, becoming a branch. Footstalks (23) sometimes harden into spines; as do Stipulas (47:1) in Xanthium; and Flower-stalks (19) in Pisonia. 4. Aculeus, a Prickle, arises from the bark only, as in Roses, and does not disappear by culture. 5. Cirrus, a Tendril, a true fulcrum or support, is either axillary, or terminates a Leaf (42) or a Footstalk (23) or even a Flower-stalk (19), serv- ing to sustain weak stems upon others. Tendrils, at first straight, soon turn spirally, and in some instances turn again, in the contrary direction. They are simple or branched ; their extremities often dilated and adhesive. The fibrous sup- a ASCENDING PART. 13 . HERBAGE. ports of Ivy are peculiar Tendrils, not Roots. Footstalks (23) sometimes perform the office of Tendrils, as in Clematis cirrosa. 6. Glandula, a Gland, a small tumour, discharging a fluid, either resinous, oily, or saccharine. 7. Pilus, a Hair, including all the various hairy, woolly, bristly, or even tubercular, clothing (or pubescence) of plants. Such hairs are either simple, hooked, forked, starry, or branched, generally jointed and tubular ; either harmless, pungent, or stinging; erect, close-pressed, or deflexed; flexible, rigid, or brittle and decidu- ous. They protect plants against heat and cold, or the attacks of animals. They are very often excretory ducts, discharging more or less of an oily, glutinous, odoriferous, or colouring fluid. 14 CHAPTER IV. INFLORESCENCE. 48. INFLORESCENTIA, the Inflorescence or Mode of Flowering, expresses the manner in which Flowers are situated upon a plant. It is essential, though of temporary duration, and comes under the following denominations. 1. Verticillus, a Whorl, when the Flowers form a ring round the stem, though perhaps inserted on two of its opposite sides, or even on one only. 2. Račemus, a Cluster, consists of scattered Flow- ers, each on its own proper stalk (22), connected by one common stalk (20), all nearly in perfec- tion together. A Cluster is sometimes com- pound; or aggregate like Actæa racemosa. 3. Spica, a Spike, is composed of many Flowers, sessile, or nearly so (21), on one common stalk, sometimes branched, generally very erect; the flowers opening in succession; sometimes unila- teral (34). Spicula, a Spikelet, is the inflores- cence of such Grasses, as have many florets in one calyx. 4. Corymbus, a Corymb, a kind of Cluster (48:2), whose partial stalks are gradually longer down- wards, so that the flowers they bear are nearly INFLORESCENCE. 15 a on a level. After flowering this usually be- comes a perfect Racemus. 5. Fasciculus, a Tuft, is composed of numerous level Flowers, on little stalks, variously con- nected and subdivided. 6. Capitulum, a Head, consists of sessile Flowers, crowded together into a globular figure, the cen- tral, or terminal ones generally opening first. 7. Umbella, an Umbel, is formed of several Stalks, radiating from a centre, and nearly equal in length, so as to compose a level, or convex, rarely concave, surface of flowers. It is, in true Umbelliferous plants, rarely simple, generally compound, each Stalk, or Ray, bearing a Par- tial Umbel, Umbellula. The Umbel in such plants is termed flosculous, when the flowers are all nearly equal and uniform; radiant, when the marginal ones are more or less irregular and un- equal. In other orders of plants the Umbel, if present, is generally simple, but less perfect as to the insertion of its stalks; witness the orders of Apocineæ and Asclepiadee. In Euphorbia, the General Umbel consists of stalks repeatedly forked, not umbellate. 8. Cyma, a Cyme, consists of several Stalks, springing from one common centre, like an Umbel, but subdivided in an irregular, some- what alternate, mode, and forming a nearly level, or mostly convex, surface of flowers. 16 INFLORESCENCE. 9. Panicula, a Panicle, is a loose, irregularly sub- divided, Cluster (48:2); either diffusa, lax ; or coarctata, dense; the Flowers are generally drooping ; sometimes unilateral. 10. Thyrsus, a Bunch, is only a very dense or close Panicle, assuming an ovate form. Such is a Bunch of Grapes. 17 CHAPTER V. a FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 49. Flos, the Flower, is a temporary part of a plant, destined to form, and to perfect, the Fruit and Seed, which it always precedes, and is therefore essential. 50. Fructus, the Fruit, and especially Semen, the Seed, is the ultimate object of all the other parts of fructification, destined to reproduce and continue the species, terminating the old individual, and beginning the new. 51. Annual or Biennial Plants (10) literally finish their existence in producing one crop of Seeds. Perennial ones renew their life, as it were, every season, either in the Root, or Root and Stem, ac- quiring a new layer of Wood and of Bark (31), as well as a new set of Leaves (45), and of Flowers (49), affording an annual supply of Fruit and Seed. 52. The parts of Fructification are seven ; four of them, Calyx, Corolla, Stamina, and Pistilla, be- longing to the Flower; two, Pericarpium and Se- men, to the Fruit; and one, Receptaculum, is com- mon to both. 53. Calyx, the Calyx, or outer integumentof a Flower, not universal in all Flowers, resembles the Leaves in texture and colour (30), and perhaps performs their functions (31) as far as the Flower-or Fruit- с 18 FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. stalk is concerned. It also frequently shelters and protects the more delicate internal parts; is either general or partial ; permanent or deciduous; sim- ple or double ; of one leaf or of several ; undivided, cloven, or manycleft. There are 7 kinds of Calyx. 1. Perianthium, Perianth, or Calyx commonly so called, the most general, is that which is con- tiguous to, or actually makes a part of, the Flower, but is not always present. This is sometimes double. It differs in situation with regard to the Germen (59), being either superior or inferior to that organ; sometimes intermediate, or surround- ing it about the middle. Its forms are extremely various, of one leaf or of several ; regular or ir- regular; simple, or with an external, generally smaller, calyx, Calyculus ; or other appendages, as in Pultenaa. It is either round, or angular; compressed, tumid, or inflated; leafy, coriace- ous, or membranous; sometimes finally pulpy; smooth, hairy, or prickly. In Compound Flowers generally composed of imbricated scales, which close over the Seeds. 2. Involucrum, an Involucrum, is remote from the rest of the Flower, partaking of the nature of a Bractea (47:2), and chiefly noticed in the Lin- næan characters of proper Umbelliferous Plants (48:7). This is either general, or partial ; the latter being denominated Involucellum. The Involucrum of Ferns is membranous, covering FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 19 the masses of fructification, termed Sori, fig. 100, 103, but not invariably present. 3. Amentum, a Catkin, consists of a cylindrical common Receptacle (63), beset with numerous firmly inserted Scales, each scale accompanied by one or more Stamens (58) or Pistils (59); rarely both. The pistil-bearing Catkin only is permanent after flowering, as it becomes the Fruit. See fig. 85-91. 4. Spatha, a Sheath, more or less remote from the Flower, bursts longitudinally, and finally be- comes, for the most part, membranous. The elongated common Receptacle, in some in- stances contained within the Spatha, is termed Spadix, as in Arum and Calla. ny 5. Gluma, a Husk, or Glume, the chaffy Calyx pe- culiar to Grasses. The Arista, or Awn, a spi- ral hygrometrical bristle, is its occasional ap- pendage, though more generally belonging to the chaffy Corolla (56) of the same plants. 6. Perichætium, a Scaly Sheath, investing the fruit-bearing Flowers of some Mosses, fig. 106, 110; and remaining at the base of their Fruit- stalk (22). 7. Volva, a Wrapper, the membranous covering of the tender fructification in some of the Fun- gus tribe, as the Gills of Mushrooms, which are finally exposed, by the Volva forming a ring round the Stalk (25). The same term is used, C 2 20 FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. in the same tribe, for the fleshy external coat, or case, of several kinds of Puff-ball, and those Agarics which constitute Persoon's genus of Amanita. See fig. 129, a. and b. 54. Corolla, the Corolla, or inner integument of a Flower, generally more dilated, delicate, and co- loured, than the Calyx, is not always present. This organ is supposed to perform some function with respect to air and light, analogous to that of the Leaves; but limited to the use of the more essential internal organs. It consists frequently of two distinct parts, the Petal and the Nectary. 55. Petalum, the Petal, is either one or more, regu- lar or irregular; equal or unequal; transient and deciduous, or withering and permanent; variously coloured; often fragrant; frequently bearing honey, without any pa any particular apparatus, or Nectary (57). 56. A Corolla of one Petal, or piece, is called mo- nopetalous; one of several, polypetalous. The base of the former is named Tubus, the Tube; the spreading part, variously divided, the Limbus, or Limb. The base of each Petal, in a polypetalous Corolla, is the Unguis, Claw; the expanded part the Lamina, Border. The more or less hollow, or dilated, part, within the mouth, (or eye as it is sometimes called,) in both, is denominated Faux, the Throat, and is either open and pervious, or closed with hairs, scales, or valves. 57. Nectarium, the Nectary, secretes or contains ho- FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 21 ney, a nearly universal fluid in Flowers, but not always lodged in any organ, distinct or separate from the Petals (55). When it is so, the Nectary is either an assemblage of Glands (47:6), or a tu- bular elongation of the Petal, or of the Calyx, or a sort of Crown, or variously-formed appendage, to the former. Honey brings insects about flowers, to assist in the dispersion of the Pollen (58). 58. Stamina, the Stamens, internal with respect to the Corolla (54), are essential to every species of plant, in some form or other. Each Stamen consists of an Anthera, Anther, usually membranous, of two cells, bursting lengthwise, or sometimes opening by terminal pores, rarely by a lid or valve: and of a Filamentum, Filament, various in length and pro- portion, supporting the Anther, but not invariably present. The Pollen, or Dust, contained in the An- ther, consists mostly of fine grains, bursting with moisture, and discharging an elastic vapour. In some of the Orchis tribe, the Asclepiadeæ (48:7), fig. 185, Mirabilis, 167, and a few others, the Pollen is glutinous, waxy, or elastic and very tenacious. 59. Pistilla, the Pistils, central, essential, not al- ways in the same Flower with the Stamens, but in another of the same species. Each consists of a Germen* or Seed-bud, which is essential ; Stylus, * Gærtner, who is followed by the French and some others, prefers the term Ovarium to Germen. But Ovarium is used by anatomists for a peculiar animal organ, unknown in vegetables, and can only lead to error, if applied to them. This has been shown long ago. 22 FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. the Style, one or more, not always present; and Stigma, the Stigma, which is essential. The Stig- ma is moist or glutinous, to retain the Pollen, which bursts there, and serves to perfect the Seed in the Germen. 60. Aestivatio, which may be englished by Aestiva- tion, or by Flower-budding, expresses the mode in which the divisions of any Corolla (54-56) are dis- posed in the bud. It is either imbricata, folded, from left to right, as in Cistus, or from right to left, as in Hypericum: or valvata, valvular, the divisions meeting side by side, as in Protea. 61. Pericarpium, the Seed-vessel, formed of the en- larged germen, is extremely various, but not inva- -o riably present. It serves to protect the Seeds till ripe, and then, by one means or other, to promote - their dispersion. When dry, it often bursts elas- tically; when pulpy, it is usually the food of animals, who thus convey its contents to a di- stance. The principal forms of the Seed-vessel are the following 1. Capsula, a Capsule, finally dry, membranous or woody, rarely externally pulpy, opening by valves, or by pores, or by the swelling of the seed; internally of one cell or several, separated by dissepimenta, partitions, and bearing the Seeds either on the margins of its valves, or partitions, or on the Central Column, Columella. The partitions originate either from the margins or centre of each valve, or from the central FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 23 column, except when single or solitary. Utri- culus is a thin bladdery, dry, single-seeded Cap- sule without valves. Achenium of Richard is . the same thing, whether membranous, or cori- aceous, or even woody. Samara a compressed, dry Capsule, of 2 cells, without valves, often winged. Folliculus a leathery or woody Cap- sule, of one valve, bursting lengthwise, with marginal Seeds. Coccum, one portion of an I aggregate, dry, elastic, bivalve Capsule, as in Euphorbia, and the Rutaceous order. An un- necessary term. 2. Siliqua, a Pod, a long, dry, solitary Seed-vessel of two valves, with an intermediate parallel sin- gle partition, whose edges bear the numerous Seeds. Silicula, a Pouch, is only a shorter or rounder Siliqua, with fewer Seeds. 3. Legumen, a Legume, a solitary Seed-vessel, of two valves, without any separate longitudinal partition, and bearing the Seeds along one of its margins only. 4. Drupa, a Stone-fruit, is fleshy, sometimes dry, containing one hard or bony Nut, of one or more cells, and as many kernels. 5. Pomum, an Apple, is fleshy, containing a Cap- sule, with several Seeds. 6. Bacca, a Berry, is fleshy, sometimes dry, con- taining one or more Seeds, enveloped with pulp. B. composita, a Compound Berry, is composed of several single-seeded grains. B. corticata, a 24 FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. a a : Thick-skinned Berry, has a firm rind, like the Orange, the Gourd, &c. B. spuria, a Spurious Berry, originates either in the Calyx becoming pulpy, like the Mulberry, and perhaps the Fig; the Corolla, as in Commelina Zanonia ; the scales of a Catkin (53:3), as in Juniperus; or the Receptacle (63), as in the Strawberry, and perhaps the Yew. A pulpy fruit , less like a real w Pericarp, is formed of a branched common-flower- 10 stalk, in Hovenia, Thunb. Jap. 101. Kæmpf. t. 809; and of the same part perhaps, rather than the scales of a receptacle, in Pollichia, Sm. Spicil. t. 1, one of the Illecebrea, p. 93. -7. Strobilus, a Cone, a Catkin (53:3) enlarged and hardened, lodging the Seeds ; either naked between its scales; or in a sort of Capsule, con- nected with the base of each, more rarely stalked and distinct, as in Willows. 62. Semina, the Seeds, to the perfecting of which all the other organs are subservient. Each Seed consists of several parts. 1. Embryo, the Embryo or Germ (called Corcu- lum by Linnæus) is the most essential of all, no seed being capable of vegetating if this part be defective, as happens chiefly for want of the as- besistance of the Pollen (58), if the latter be spoiled by wet, or otherwise hindered; though the Seed may outwardly appear sound. This part sends out the Root (7) downwards, and the Plumula, or bud of the Stem or Herbage (12), upwards. FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 25 a 2. Cotyledones, Cotyledons or Seed-lobes, closely attached to the Embryo, commonly two, rarely more, in some tribes altogether wanting. They to either ascend out of the ground, and perform for a while the office of Leaves (31), or remain buried, till they gradually decay. 3. Albumen, the White, a farinaceous, fleshy, horny, or almost stony, substance, destined to nourish the Embryo during the first stage of ve- getation, till the Root can perform its office (7). The Albumen forms a separate body in Grasses, Palms, the Liliaceous tribe, and other mono- cotyledonous Plants, properly so called, though this substance itself, which makes up the chief bulk of such Seeds, is erroneously taken for their Cotyledon. Becoming fluid, it is soon absorbed by the sprouting Embryo of these plants. In many dicotyledonous Plants the Albumen is likewise distinct from the Cotyle- dons, as the Nutmeg, where it is large and curi- ously eroded or sinuated; Mirabilis, Polygonum, ar and Rumex, where it is mealy and shapeless, inclosing the Embryo and Cotyledons; and some few Leguminous Plants (61:3), though in most of this last tribe it does not constitute a separate part, any more than in the Gourd family, the Walnut, and many others. In such, the albuminous matter is lodged in the sub- stance of their Cotyledons: for it must be pre- sent in some mode or other, to supply the first 26 FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. food of the germinating Embryo. Gärtner distinguishes an organ by the name of Vitellus, or Yolk, in Seeds, which appears to me always either a pair of subterraneous Cotyledons, or a part of the Embryo; see Trans. of Linn. Soc. v. ix. 204. 4. Testa, the Skin, either simple, or lined with a finer film, Membrana, contains, and gives a shape to, the foregoing parts, and in vegetation bursts irregularly. A pulpy Seed, Semen bac- catum, is furnished with pulp between the Mem- brana and the outer Skin, as in Jasminum* 5. Hilum, the Scar, or point of attachment, at the base of every Seed, where all the internal parts meet, and through which they are nourished while growing Accessory, not essential, parts of a Seed are : 6. Strophiolum, the Crest, an occasional appen- dage to the Scar, of a glandular appearance, as in Chelidonium, and some Leguminous genera, Ulex, Spartium, &c. 7. Pellicula, the Pellicle, a thin close membrane; a downy covering; or a glutinous substance, * M. Richard, who unnecessarily, I think, invents the term Epi- for the Testa of Gærtner, asserts this covering to be always sim- ple, though he allows it to be formed of two membranes, with an in- termediate vascular parenchyma, or pulp. Any person who examines the kernel of an Apple will surely, in every stage of its growth, find a double Testa, the outermost firmly coriaceous, the innermost mem- branous; nor are numerous instances, of the same kind, wanting, where the external Testa can by no means be taken for any thing else. sperm FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 27 not perceptible till the Seed is moistened, as in Salvia verbenaca. 8. Arillus, the Tunic, a complete or partial cover- ing, attached to the base only, more or less loose, or inflated, as in Urania, fig. 155, Euony- mus, and the Mace of the Nutmeg. In Oxalis this part is elastic; yet perhaps a more genuine Arillus than in the true Rutacea, or the Eu- phorbia. See Jussieu's 81st and 96th orders. 9. Pappus, the Seed-down, a feathery, hairy, bristly, or membranous tuft, or crown, at the summit of a Seed, rarely at its base, most im- portant in the Compound Flowers. 10. Cauda, a Tail, a terminal, often feathery or au hairy, appendage, formed of the permanent Style (59). 3:11. Rostrum, a Beak, an elongation of a Seed- vessel, as in the Geranium tribe, or of a Seed, as in Scandix, fig. 210. 12. Ala, a Wing, a dilated membranous or coria- ceous expansion, terminating or surrounding a Seed, or Seed-vessel, fig. 221, c. 63. Receptaculum, the Receptacle, the common base, or point of connexion, where all the parts of a Flower meet: as also the place of insertion of the Seeds (62) more particularly. The Receptacle of a Flower is the disk, or space between the Sta- mens (58) and Pistil (59); especially if the Ger- men be inferior. In Compound Flowers (68) the 28 FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. Common Receptacle, being either naked, hairy, scaly, or cellular, affords generic distinctions. 64. Flos completus, a Complete Flower, is furnished with both Calyx (53) and Corolla (54); without the former, it is nudus, naked; without the latter, apetalus, apetalous. 65. With respect to the essential organs of fructi- fication; Flos perfectus, a Perfect, or United, Flower, bears Stamens (58) and Pistils (59) in the same individual. Flores separati, Separated Flow- ers, have Stamens in one, Pistils in another. This separation is absolute in Monoecious Flowers, where both kinds grow on the same plant, and in Dioecious ones, where they grow on two distinct plants, of the same species; but in Polygamous ones there are some Perfect Flowers, as well as Separated ones, on the same plant, or on different Neuter or Abortive Flowers have both organs defective. 66. Flos sterilis, a Barren Flower, has Stamens only (65), and can consequently produce no Fruit or Seed. 67. Flos fertilis, a Fertile Flower, has Pistils only (65), but produces no Seed without the assistance of the Barren one (66). 68. Flos compositus, a Compound Flower, consists of numerous Flosculi, Florets, or partial flowers, in a Common Calyx, the Anthers (58) of each of such florets being united into a cylinder. The ones. FRUCTIFICATION, OR FLOWER AND FRUIT. 29 Corolla (54) of each floret is monopetalous (56), and either tubulosa, tubular, or ligulata, strap- shaped, flat. 69. Flos aggregatus, an Aggregate Flower, consists of several Flowers, or Florets (68), with distinct Anthers, collected into one Common Calyx, as in Scabiosa, and all Amentaceous Flowers (53:3), as also most Grasses, and according to Linnæus, um- bellate and even cymose flowers (48), which two last we do not now admit, they being rather modes of Inflorescence. 70. Compound Flowers (68), as well as Aggregate ones (69), are either flosculosi, flosculous, or radi- ati, radiant, as already explained under Umbella (48:7). 71. Cryptogamic Plants, are those whose Flowers are either totally unknown, like Ferns (77); or not constructed according to the analogy of Plants in general, as above described, like Mosses (77): so that they cannot be referred to Classes and Orders by their Stamens and Pistils, as hereafter to be explained. Phænogamic Plants, on the contrary, have evident Flowers, constructed ac- cording to the above-described principles. 30 CHAPTER VI. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 72. Ever since Botany has assumed the form of a Science, Botanists have agreed that every prin- ciple of Classification must be deduced from the parts of fructification (52). 73. All botanists are also agreed, in distinguish- ing the Vegetable Kingdom into Classes, Orders, Genera, and Species. 74. Species are generally acknowledged to be per- manently distinct, though liable to Varieties, and occasionally to the production of intermediate Species, by the access of the Pollen (58) of one, to the Stigma (59) of another; but such appear to have only a transient duration. 75. Genera, as far as they are rightly determined, are considered by Linnæus, and his scholars, as no less natural than Species (73); but this opinion is rejected by many botanists, especially of the French school, even while they contend for the existence of natural Orders. 76. Classes and Orders, which are assemblages of Genera (75), are either natural or artificial. 77. Natural Classes and Orders (76) are such as ap- PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 31 pear indicated by Nature herself. Some are very evident, as Grasses, Umbelliferous Plants, Com- pound Flowers, the Orchis tribe, Palms, Ferns, and Mosses. Others are more obscure, and many plants cannot yet be referred to any such Orders or Classes. 78. Artificial ones (76) are contrived for human con- venience, to assist the memory, and to promote the determination and discrimination of plants. Such constitute the Linnæan system, founded on the Starnens and Pistils (58,59); those of Tournefort and Rivinus upon the Corolla (54); and those of Ray, and several other authors, upon the Fruit (61) and Seed (62). 79. Linnæus first pointed out the distinction betwixt a Natural and an Artificial System; but Bernard de Jussieu and his nephew Antoine Laurent de Jussieu, first formed and published a Natural Sys- tem, reduced to a regular form upon scientific principles. 80. Linnæus contended that human science was not yet competent to give definitions, or technical cha- racters, of Natural Classifications. 81. Adanson however undertook this, and A. L. de Jussieu has founded his System, published at Paris in 1789, upon such characters; which though incomplete, and liable to various excep- tions, is of great use as a key to a Natural Ar- rangement (79). In proportion, however, as it serves this purpose, and is dependent on defini- а. 32 PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. tions, it becomes in many instances artificial, breaking natural affinities, or producing unnatural ones; defects inevitable in all such undertakings, from our imperfect acquaintance with the Vege- table productions of the whole globe. 82. In the Systematic arrangement of Plants, whe- ther artificial or natural, some botanists consider one part of the fructification (49), others another part, more important than the rest. 83. As far as Artificial Classification (78) is con- cerned, this is little more than a matter of opinion; but the Linnean System, as being founded on the number, situation, and proportion, of the Sta- mens and Pistils (58, 59, organs which must exist in some shape or other, has been found the most commodious, and has put aside every other. 84. Such a mode of arrangement answers the pur- pose of a dictionary, to find out plants by their characters, as words by their orthography, 85. There is scarcely a principle which can be as- sumed as universal, or without exception, in Natu- ral Classification (77). Number, in the parts or divisions of each organ, proves often fallacious; Insertion, or the mode of connexion of the several organs, and their comparative situation, with re- gard to each other, is found far less exceptionable; Structure, or the different forms of the same organ, in different instances, is of very great moment. 86. Linnæus and Jussieu concur in considering as of primary importance the Structure (85) of the Em- . a PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 33 bryo (62: 1), and the Cotyledons (62:2); and the former has declared that the number of the Cotyledons appeared to him to afford a sure basis, or primary source of discrimination, for a Natural System. He soon found what he thought an exception in Nymphæa, but was deceived in that instance. The above principle, doubtless, is good, but some correction of the commonly received ideas and terms is become necessary, since the structure and economy of Seeds have been more closely investigated. 87. Gærtner and Jussieu have shown that the Al- bumen (62: 3) advantageously serves in the na- tural arrangement and discrimination of Plants. This, however, is liable to as many exceptions, in the detail, as almost any other source of characters. 88. Plants with a simple undivided Embryo (62:1) are termed Monocotyledones, or monocotyledonous; the upper end of that organ being presumed to perform the necessary functions of a Cotyledon, with respect to air, in the earliest stage of germi- nation. Hence the term in question may properly be retained, though originally meant to apply to the separate, and usually copious, Albumen, of such plants, visible in Corn, Palms, &c. 89. Plants whose Embryo divides at the top into two parts or lobes, which are the Cotyledons (62: 2), are named Dicotyledones, or dicotyledonous. In some few instances, as the Fir tribe, there are numerous Cotyledons; but such plants differ in D 34 PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. no particular of their economy from those which have only two, and are therefore comprehended under the same denomination. 90. Some Plants, especially those with anomalous or obscure fructification, have been judged Acotyle- dones, or destitute of a Cotyledon. The idea and the term are partly founded in error. Of some which have been thus considered, nothing is cor- rectly known of the structure or germination of their Seeds, as Fungi, and Submersed Alga (Fuci, Conferva, &c.), nor has much been ascertained relative to the Hepatica, or the Lichenes. We know that their Embryo is of the most simple kind, without appearance of Cotyledons or Albumen, so that they appear to differ from the Monocotyle- dones (88) chiefly in the want of a separate Albu- men, that nutritious matter being probably lodged in the substance of the Embryo, as it is in the Cotyledons of many of the Dicotyledones (62:3). But this is conjectural. Musci, Mosses, (77) properly considered, appear to agree with Hepa- tica, to which they are otherwise very closely allied, in having a simple Embryo, without either separate Cotyledons or Albumen. But they sub- sequently produce a peculiar accessory organ, consisting of several branched and jointed fibres, springing upwards or laterally, from the crown of the Root (7), and very distinct from its radicles. These fibres are taken by Hedwig for Cotyledons, which from their late formation they can scarcely PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. . 35 be; and we may rather consider their nature and use as undetermined. They perhaps differ little from the woolliness so common on the Stem of these plants in an advanced state. Tilices, Ferns, (77) differ somewhat from Mosses in having a membranous and flat expansion of the Embryo, sometimes fixed by the centre. Still this part may be considered as simple, and what are sub- sequently produced, however shapeless, are doubt- less of the nature of Leaves, or Fronds (24), which in these plants are of a more Proteus-like, or mutable, figure than in any others. Ferns want the above-mentioned jointed fibres of Mosses in germination 91. From what has been said (90) it appears that the old appellation of Acotyledones may commo- diously remain with Cryptogamic vegetables in general (71), though the form of their Embryo, and mode of germination, are, in some of this tribe, only presumed from analogy. Those with which we are acquainted are certainly destitute of any Cotyledon, and of any separate Albumen. 92. Jussieu, however, ranks under this denomination an Order termed Naiades, consisting of aquatic plants, with perfect, not cryptogamic, fructifica- tion. Of many of these his knowledge, respect- ing the point in question, was incomplete, and he has candidly owned his difficulties. Most of the plants, on being better understood, prove either di- D2 36 PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. cotyledonous, or monocotyledonous, and naturally range with their allies in other parts of the System. 93. Mr. Robert Brown, who has greatly illustrated the System of Jussieu, and the Natural Orders of Plants, has shown that in the Monocotyledones the number three, and its compounds, prevail in the several parts of fructification, insomuch that in Orders furnished with only one evident and per- fect Stamen, there are rudiments of 2 others. So in the Orchis tribe, as I understand it at least, while there are 3 Calyx-leaves, the 2 Petals (55) and the solitary Nectary (57) make up the same number in the Corolla, fig. 70, 77. 94. In Dicotyledones the number five no less remark- ably prevails, throughout the great bulk of the Vegetable kingdom, as is evident on the slight- est inspection 95. Jussieu and his followers attribute a Calyx only, no Corolla, to Monocotyledonous plants, however conspicuous, coloured, elaborate, or compound the integuments of the Flower (53, 54) may be. This proves most flagrantly paradoxical in the natural Order of Scitaminea, fig. 1; and it is evidently absurd that we must wait to name the obvious parts of a flower, till we have investigated the structure or germination of its seed. We allow indeed that the difficulty is lessened, though not infallibly removed, by Mr. Brown's rule respect- ing numbers (93, 94). PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 37 96. The insertion of the parts of a Flower, or in other words, the situation of the Germen (59) whether inferior or superior, with regard to the rest, next takes the lead in importance in Jussieu's system; and in the Dicotyledones the absence or presence, the number or divisions, of the Petals (55) afford even more leading, if not important, distinctions. 97. The terms used by Jussieu to indicate the above different insertions apply to the Stamens (58). Thus, Stamina hypogyna are inferior, inserted beneath the Germen, fig. 14 and 16. Stamina epigyna are inserted above it, fig. 11. Stamina perigyna are inserted into the integu- ments of the Flower, which, if simple, is always denominated a Calyx (95) by this author, fig. 13; if otherwise, the Stamens are borne either by the Calyx, fig. 19, or the Corolla, fig. 8, 9, But such insertion never takes a lead in his system, unless it be into, what he at least con- siders as, a Calyx. The above terms apply likewise to the Corolla. 98. Characters derived from proportion, do not enter at all into the principles of Jussieu's Classifica- tion, nor scarcely those founded on number, except so far as whether that of the Stamens or Pistils be definite or indefinite. 99. This System is confessedly incomplete, as there are numerous, even well-known, Genera (73, 75) 1 38 PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. . which cannot well be referred to any of his natu- ral orders. 100. The same imperfection occurs in the Fragments of a Natural Method, left by Linnæus, and it is re- remarkable that the comparative number of such doubtful Genera is very similar in both these ar- rangements. 101. The foregoing observations concerning Classi- fication, are also applicable to the Generic distinc- tions of plants; but in their latter application they are deduced from all, or any, of the seven parts of Fructification (52), according as each may af- ford the most clear and essential difference. 102. Generic Characters are of two kinds, the natu- ral and the essential. 103. Natural Generic Characters are a concise, tech- nical, but full description of the seven parts of Fructification of each Genus, in their natural or- der, as in sect. 52, so as to apply, as nearly as possible, to every known Species. Such are con- -- tained in the Genera Plantarum of Linnæus. 104. Essential Generic Characters consist of the striking and essential differences, between one Genus and another, in any one or more of those seven parts, with respect to insertion, structure, division, or any other permanent mark; such parts being disposed in each, according to their relative importance, for such discrimination, in the Natu- ral Order to which the Genus in question belongs. Characters of this kind are given in the Systema PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION. 39 Natura, and Systema Vegetabilium of Linnæus, as well as in our Flora Britannica and English Flora, and the Genera Plantarum of Jussieu. In the latter are subjoined, in a different type, va- rious accessory or explanatory characters, of great value, respecting the herbage, or general habit, of every Genus. 105. These principles of Generic discrimination are equally stable and important, whether Genera be considered, with Linnæus, as natural assemblages ; or with some other botanists, as commodious arti- ficial contrivances. 106. It seems to me that the soundest most irrefra- gable Genera, have been established by those bo- tanists who believed them to be founded in nature; those who think otherwise, being prone to recur to minute distinctions, of whose relative importance they have no principle by which they can judge. 107. While Rosa, Rubus, Quercus, Salix, Ficus, Cypripedium, Epimedium, and Begonia exist, it will be vain to deny that Generic distinctions are founded in nature, though botanists may, as yet, be very far indeed from having discovered them all correctly. 40 CHAPTER VII. EXPOSITION OF THE LINNÆAN ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM, SOMEWHAT REFORMED. The Classes are 24, distinguished by the number, situation, proportion, or connexion of the Stamens (58). The Orders, subdivisions of the Classes (76), are founded on the number of the Pistils (59) or rather of the Styles, or Sessile Stigmas; or on the Fruit (61); or on the nature of the different Florets (68); or on some character of the preceding Classes; or lastly, in the 24th Class, on Natural Families. The first eleven Classes are known solely by the number of Stamens, in each Perfect Flower (65). 1. MONANDRIA. Stamen 1. fig. 1. Globba marantina. 2. DIANDRIA. Stamens 2. 2. Veronica spicata. 3. TRIANDRIA. 3. 3, 4. Gly- ceria fluitans, Engl. Fl. v. 1. 116. 4. TETRANDRIA. 4. · 5,6,7. Sca- biosa arvensis. 5. PENTANDRIA. 5. - 8,9. Epa- cris obtusifolia. 6. HEXANDRIA. 6. – 10,11. Ga- lanthus nivalis. - - - EXPOSITION OF THE LINNAAN SYSTEM, &c. 41 - 7. HEPTANDRIA. Stamens 7. fig. 12. Aescu- lus Hippocastanum. 8. OCTANDRIA. 8. – 13. Daphne collina. 9. ENNEANDRIA. - 9. - 14. Buto- mus umbellatus. 10. DECANDRIA. - 10.-- 15, 16. Di- anthus cæsius. 11. DODECANDRIA. 12 to 15 or 19. fig. 17. Reseda lutea. The two next depend on the situation, or insertion, of the Stamens. 12. ICOSANDRIA. Stamens 20 or more, inserted into the Calyx (53). fig. 18, 19. Mespilus gran- diflora. 13. POLYANDRIA. Stamens numerous, inserted into the Receptacle (63). fig. 20. Capparis spinosa. The two following depend on the proportion of the Stamens. 14. DIDYNAMIA. Stamens 4, 2 uppermost long- est. fig. 21, 22. Lamium album. 15. TETRADYNAMIA. Stamens 6, 2 opposite ones shortest. fig. 23, 24. Thlaspi Bursa-pasto- ris. 25-27. Teesdalia nudicaulis. 28-30. Car- damine amara. The five following are distinguished by some union of the Stamens to each other, or to the Pistil. 42 EXPOSITION OF THE LINNÆAN 16. MONADELPHIA. Stamens combined by their Filaments (58) into one tube, or common base. fig. 31-35. Geranium sylvaticum. 36, 37. Al- thæa officinalis. 17. DIADELPHIA. Stamens combined by their Filaments into two parcels or sets, mostly in un- equal numbers; those parcels sometimes com- bined at their base. fig. 38, 39. Fumaria solida. 40. Spartium scoparium. 41. Ulex europæus. 42-47. Pisum maritimum. 18. POLYADELPHIA. Stamens united into more than two parcels, by their Filaments. fig. 48-50. Hypericum elodes. 51, 52. Stuartia pentagyna. 53-56. Melaleuca thymifolia. 223. Xanthochy- mus pictorius. 19. SYNGENESIA. Stamens united by their An- 20thers into a tube. The Flowers moreover are compound (68). fig. 57-60. Picris echioides. 61-63. Carduus nutans. 64, 65. Centaurea Cyanus. 66-69. Inula dysenterica. 20. GYNANDRIA. Stamens inserted into the Ger- men or Style (59). fig. 70-72. Ophrys apifera. 73-76. Stylidium graminifolium. 77, 78. Den- drobium linguiforme. The three next are known by a disunion of the Sta- mens and Pistils, the former being in one Flower, the latter in another, of the same species, such being denominated Separated Flowers (65). ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM, SOMEWHAT REFORMED. 43 21. MONOECIA. Stamens and Pistils in different Flowers, on the same individual plant. fig. 79. Carex pulicaris. 80-84. Quercus Robur. 22. DIOECIA. Stamens and Pistils in different Flowers, on two separate plants. fig. 85-87. Salix herbacea. 88-91. Populus alba. 23. POLYGAMIA. Stamens and Pistils separate in some Flowers, united in others, either on the same plant, or on-two or three different ones; such different Flowers being, moreover, dissi- milar in their structure in some other respect. fig. 92-95. Ficus Carica. 24. CRYPTOGAMIA. Stamens and Pistils either imperfectly, or not at all, known, or not capa- ble of being numbered with any precision. See tab. 7-9. The Palma originally constituted an appendix to this system, because their Flowers were too little known to admit of arrangement by the Stamens and Pistils. But that difficulty is now almost entirely removed, and the Genera of this tribe are mostly found reducible to the 6th, 21st, or 22d Classes. The Orders of the first 13 Classes, Monandria to Polyandria inclusive, are characterized solely by the number of the Styles, or sessile Stigmas, in each Perfect Flower (65). These Orders are more or less numerous in the several Classes, and are dis- tinguished as follows. 44 EXPOSITION OF THE LINNÆAN ever occur. MonogyNIA. Style, or Sessile Stigma, 1. fig. 1, 2, 13, 20. DIGYNIA. Styles, or Sessile Stigmas, 2. fig. 16. TRIGYNIA. - 3. fig. 19, 48. TETRAGYNIA. 4. fig. 135. PENTAGYNIA. 5. fig. 34, 51. HEXAGYNIA. 6. fig. 14. HEPTAGYNIA. -7. Septas capensis. Andr. Repos. t. 90. OCTAGYNIA. 8.) scarcely ENNEAGYNIA. -- 9. 9. S DECAGYNIA. 10. Neu- rada and Phytolacca. DODECAGYNIA.— about 12. fig. 242 POLYGYNIA. fig. 229, 230. These parts are seldom so numerous in any Flower as the Stamens, very rarely more so. There is usually an analogy between their respective numbers in the same flower. The two Orders of the 14th Class are distinguish- ed by the nature of the Fruit. 1. GYMNOSPERMIA. Seeds naked, usually 4, never more. fig. 22. 2. ANGIOSPERMIA. Seeds in a Pericarp (61), mostly very numerous. fig. 175. numerous. ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM, SOMEWHAT REFORMED. 45 The two Orders of the 15th Class are distin- guished by the shape of their Pericarp. 1. SilicuLOSA. Fruit a Silicula, or Pouch (61:2). fig. 24. 2. SILIQUOSA. Fruit a Siliqua, or elongated Pod. (61: 2). fig. 30. The various Orders of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Classes are characterized by the number of the Sta- mens, the Classes themselves being marked by their various modes of union. These Orders therefore bear the same appellations as the first 13 Classes. The Orders of the 19th, or Compound-flowered, Class are marked by the Perfect, Separated, Barren, Fertile, or Abortive nature (65) of the Florets (68). 1. POLYGAMIA-AQUALIS. Florets all perfect, each having efficient Stamens and Pistil, and pro- ducing one Seed. fig. 57-63. 2. POLYGAMIA-SUPERFLUA. Florets of the disk perfect; those of the circumference, or radius, having a Pistil only: but both kinds forming perfect Seed. fig. 66-69. 3. POLYGAMIA-FRUSTRANEA. Florets of the disk perfect; those of the circumference with, an abortive Pistil, or none at all. fig. 64, 65. 4. POLYGAMIA-NECESSARIA. Florets of the disk with Stamens only; those of the circumference with each a Pistil only. 5. POLYGAMIA-SEGREGATA. Several Flowers, either simple or compound, but with united An- а 46 EXPOSITION OF THE LINNÆAN thers, and a Proper Calyx, all included in one Common Calyx. The 6th Linnæan Order, Monogamia, consisting of Simple Flowers, with united Anthers, is abolished, as being unnatural, and extremely uncertain. fig. 195 b. The Orders of the 20th Class are distinguished by the number of their Stamens. Gynandria Monan- dria, fig. 70-72, 77,78. Tetrandria, 73-76. Those of the 21st and 22d are marked by the same circumstance, or by any other character of the pre- ceding Classes founded on the union of the Filaments. The Orders of the 23d are, 1. MONOECIA. The two or three different descrip- (tions of Flowers all on the same plant. 2. DIOECIA. The different descriptions of Flow- crers on two separate plants. 3. TRIOECIA. The same on three separate plants. The Orders of the 24th Class are natural orders or families. 1. FILICES. Ferns. fig. 96-98. Equisetum sylva- ticum. 99-101. Aspidium Filix-mas. 102-104. Scolopendrium vulgare. 2. Musci. Mosses. fig. 105-108. Dicranum pur- pureum. 109-113. Hookeria lucens. 3. HEPATICÆ. Liverworts. fig. 114, 115. Jun- germannia multifida. 4. LICHENES. Lichens. fig. 116, 117. Opegrapha scripta. 118-120. Lecanora murorum. 121, 122. Peltidea canina. ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM, SOMEWHAT REFORMED. 47 5. ALGÆ. Flags. fig. 123-126. Fucus natans. 6. Fungi. Mushrooms. fig. 129-133. The 3d and 4th of these Orders are added since the time of Linnæus. The whole will be explained hereafter. The difficulties, or exceptions, to which the above System is liable, are the following. Number in the parts of Fructification proves not always uniform in one Genus or Species, nor even in the same individual plant. In the latter case Lin- næus teaches that the central, or terminal, Flower must be our guide, as in Euonymus, Monotropa, Chrysosplenium, and Adoxa. When a species is va- riable in the number of Stamens or Pistils, or if one or more species of any genus differ from the rest in those respects, such irregular species are to be named in a synoptical or analytical table at the head of the particular Class or Order to which they techni- cally belong; though placed in due course, likewise, in the proper Class and Order of the Genus of which, independent of such artificial characters, they naturally form a part. The same plan is, of course, to be pursued with regard to any species, anoma- lous in other respects, as the dioecious ones of Va- leriana, Lychnis, &c. That this System sometimes puts widely asunder some genera naturally allied to each other (as a few with Ringent Flowers, that by their natural affinity belong to the 14th Class, placed in the 2d because 48 EXPOSITION OF THE LINNÆAN they have only two Stamens), is no objection to it on the score of facility or convenience. It does not pro- fess to be a natural arrangement; and if in many parts it proves so, more is performed than had been promised, or than could reasonably be expected. The 15th and 19th Classes are perfectly natural (except Cleome, badly placed in the former); as are, more or less, several Orders, or Sections of Orders, in other Classes. Greater technical inaccuracy occurs relative to some characters, founded on connexion of parts. The Stamens, or Filaments, of several Papilionaceous ge- nera, referred, with their strictly natural allies, to Diadelphia Decandria, are perfectly monadelphous. fig. 40. We do not mean merely that their two sets of Stamens are united into one at the base; but there is really no distinction of two sets, in any part of their structure. Indeed if the ten Filaments are any way combined, in a Papilionaceous Flower, such is referred by Linnæus to the Class and Order just mentioned. If they are altogether distinct, in which case their whole configuration is totally dissimilar from the flat and membranous Filaments of the true Diadelphia, they belong, though Papilionaceous, to the 10th Class. Culture, and other accidents, produce changes against which no principles of arrangement can pro- vide. Such causes peculiarly affect number in the parts of a Flower; the Stamens, and Pistils, as well ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM. 49 as the divisions of the Calyx and Corolla, being fre- quently multiplied by luxuriance of soil, to the great delight of florists, but much to the inconvenience of botanists. So also the Stamens and Pistils are often transformed to Petals, which constitutes a double Flower. In the Classes with separated Flowers, accidents occur with regard to the situation of the Stamens or Pistils. If the structure of the other parts of the Flower be alike, in every individual, both these or- gans are liable to meet in the same Flower; just as, on the other hand, they occasionally are met with separate, in Classes, or in some Species of Genera, to which united Flowers naturally belong (65). Hence so great a proportion of trees in hot climates, as well as of grasses in all climates, are polygamous; having the characters of the 23d Class, as defined by its author Linnæus. But if respect be always had to the accessory parts of a Flower (53, 54), as well as the essential ones (58, 59), and those are found dif- ferent in structure, number, or otherwise, such Flow- ers must remain permanently distinct. Such only would I admit into the Class Polygamia, by which measure botanists in tropical countries are relieved from one of the greatest of inconveniences. I have even ventured to suggest, Introd. to Bo- tany, ed. 3. 368, ed. 5. 394, that the 21st, 22nd, and 23d Classes of the Linnæan system might possibly be well reduced to one, under the name of Diclinia E 50 EXPOSITION OF THE LINNAAN a (already used by Jussieu and some other writers), which might contain all genera with separated Flow- ers, whose accessory organs differ in any respect. This alteration has been adopted by an able practi- cal botanist, whose experience taught him to approve it, Mr. Frederick Pursh, in his Flora America Sep- tentrionalis, published in 1814. He has divided the Class Diclinia into the three following Orders. 1. SEGREGATÆ. Flowers not Amentaceous (53:3). 2. AMENTACEÆ. Barren Flowers, at least, in Cat- kins (53:3); the Fertile ones not always so. Fruit distinct from the Calyx. fig. 80, 87. 3. CONIFERÆ. Barren and Fertile Flowers in Cat- kins. Fruit a Strobilus or Cone, (61:7) fig. 276. Under each Order of the Linnæan System, are dis- posed the Genera which belong to it, in a regular se- ries, as nearly as possible according to their natural affinity to each other, with the Essential Character (104) of each. The Species are, in like manner, ranged, according to their affinities, under each Ge- nus, with their Specific Characters. Synonyms are subjoined, with mention of the native country of each Species; after which follow occasionally compen- dious descriptions, with any useful remarks. Some large Genera are commodiously divided into Natu- ral Sections, by leading characteristics of certain Species taken collectively. At the head of every Class, all its Orders are enu- merated; and under each Order its appropriate Ge- ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM. 51 nera are arranged, in a Synoptical or Analytical man- ner, according to their shortest, most technical, cha- racters. In these, whatever part of the Fructification affords the most decisive or striking characters in each artificial Order or subdivision, takes the lead, the others following according to their importance. But in the above-mentioned Essential Characters (104), at the head of each Genus, the parts of Fructification, whence those characters are derived, should be dis- posed, as has already been observed, according to their relative importance in the particular Natural Order, or Series, to which such Genera belong. These are the principles of arrangement which Linnæus appears to have laid down for himself, and upon which he gradually improved. But in the de- tail of his System he has not always kept them strictly in view; nor have his pupils, followers, or editors, paid the requisite attention to them, especially with regard to those intricate or recondite natural relation- ships, which few of these writers perhaps were com- petent to observe, and to which, it must be confessed, botanists of the old Linnæan school have generally paid too little attention. Respecting Nomenclature, it is only necessary to remark, that every Genus should be distinguished by a name, either of Greek or Latin derivation, or formed out of the proper name of some botanist, worthy of such commemoration. Names of barbarous origin have, however, crept in, by the means of Linnæus E 2 52 NOMENCLATURE. himself, contrary to his own wise laws. Genera have also been dedicated to abundance of persons, who have no claim to this honour. Corrupt names, composed of other generic appellations, already es- tablished, though strictly and judiciously prohibited by all classical botanists, have here and there been introduced. Of these the worst of all are made up of two such established names; as Calamagrostis. Future general writers on Botany, of competent au- thority, must reform these abuses. No authority can sanction their continuance. If any indulgence be allowed, it may perhaps be in favour of a few well- sounding generic names of barbarous origin; for there can be no question that Pliny, and even purer Latin writers, would have adopted such names, pro- perly modified, had they treated of the new plants of foreign countries. The generic name being fixed, each Species must also be designated by an appropriate concise appel- lation, of a single word if possible. This should be either a characteristic adjective, expressive of the character, aspect, colour, quality, or use of the Spe- cies; or of some substantive, not necessarily agreeing in gender with the generic name, and therefore al- ways beginning with a capital letter, by which some circumstance in the history of the plant, or some synonym, may be recorded. Important or permanent Varieties (74) may, with propriety, be noticed. These are conveniently SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. . 53 marked with the Greek letters, numbers being re- served for Genera and Species. It would be well for every person who undertakes to write a systematic work on Botany to consider these leading principles of Linnæus, and to study with care those more particular ones, laid down in his Fundamenta Botanica, as well as in his Philosophia and Critica. If his rules be faulty or unnecessary, they should be expunged; but no good writer will transgress them through ignorance or neglect. His principles for the distinction of Species should be studied and contemplated over and over again, by every person ambitious of permanent botanical fame, beyond the reach of the fashions of System. This department of Botany Linnæus justly terms artis robur, the strength, or sinews of the science. Species are perhaps the only distinctions which are indubitably natural; and to stamp them clearly, as well as concisely, is the most important, perhaps the most difficult, office of the philosophical botanist. No one yet has equalled Linnæus; nor has any one swerved from his rules, in theory or in practice, but for the worse. No intended improvement in this department has come under my inspection, that does not appear to me worse than indifferent. I speak with the greatest respect and deference for the au- thors of such projects, which it would be invidious to particularize, and which have, doubtless, been well intended. The more common faults in these com- positions arise from negligence or inability, from a 54 IMPORTANCE OF want of deep study of the subject, a confusion or in- accuracy of ideas, a feebleness of style or expression, or a want of command of language. I have chosen to conclude this chapter with the subject of specific characters, because it is of the most fundamental importance, and the most difficult in practice. It is the only sure ground of what Lín- næus justly declares as the test of a good botanist, the knowledge of the greatest number of Species. (Phil. Bot. sect. 256.) Now this knowledge, if merely empirical, can be but of little value or cer- tainty. Its dignity and solidity must consist in an intimate acquaintance with the comparative or re- spective importance of different characters, in dif- ferent orders, tribes, or genera of plants. Several ge- neral rules indeed may be given, but scarcely one of those is without exception; and particular rules apply to almost every natural assemblage throughout the vegetable kingdom. The latter are only to be attained by acute observation and great experience. Yet the meanest compiler often presumes to judge and correct the most learned botanists. The 8th. chapter of the Philosophia Botanica of Linnæus, entitled Differentia, contains a full display of the ideas of that great writer, the first who ever undertook to consider this matter in a philosophical light, or to lay down any rules for the guidance of others. I shall give an epitome of his principles, recommending his reasons and illustrations, in the chapter just cited, to the attentive consideration of SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. . 55 the student, who, before he attempts to apply them to practice, should give his days and nights to the subject. A Differentia Specifica, Specific Character, or, as Linnæus usually called it, Nomen Specificum, should comprehend such characters only as are requisite, or sufficient, to distinguish a plant from every other species of the same Genus. Such therefore is not a description, but a difference, and where only one Spe- cies exists, a Differentia Specifica is an absurdity. If it attempts to contrast the Plant with the Species of any other Genus, it is fallacious and erroneous. A Specific Character therefore is the essential pe- culiarity of the full description, or complete idea, of every plant, whether drawn out in detail, or existing in the mind of the author. All accidental circumstances are necessarily to be excluded, such as Country, Situation, Duration, Eco- nomical uses, the Name of the Discoverer, &c. All marks universally variable are also to be omit- ted, among which are Colour, Smell, Taste, Size, Hairiness in general, Curling of Leaves, Doubling of Flowers, or any kind of Monstrosity, The direction of the hairs of Plants, as on the Calyx and Flower-stalk in Mentha and Myosotis, the stem of Papaver, and some other instances, not no- ticed by Linnæus, forms one exception to the above rule; and perhaps the presence or absence of a glau- cous hue in the herbage is another. Characters which presuppose any knowledge of 56 RULES FOR other plants, even of the same Genus, in the reader, as well as any allusions to the rarity or frequency of a plant, are manifestly faulty. The Root (7) often affords solid specific distinc- tions, but is not infallible; nor can it always, in cul- tivated plants, or in dried specimens, be examined, or preserved. Stems (12) frequently afford clear and certain di- stinctions, in their forms, postures, angles, wings, or other particulars. Leaves (30) abound in the most elegant and un- exceptionable characters for specific discrimination, in their situation, form, division, surface, margin, veins, and even pubescence. But scarcely any one mark concerning them is absolute, throughout all plants whatever, and experience only can teach, in every case, what is most to be relied on. Appendages (47) are usually very serviceable in specific characters, especially the Stipulas, as to their presence or absence, situation, form, or even duration. Inflorescence (48) is declared by Linnæus to yield the best of all specific differences. Phil. Bot. sect. 279. The importance of the distinctions to be de- rived from hence is so great, that some botanists, especially of the French school, do not scruple to found some of their Generic Characters upon it. Even Linnæus is justly charged with having had re- course to the inflorescence, in arranging the Genera of the Umbelliferous tribe (48:7), though the prin- ciple is disguised under the idea of an Aggregate SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. 57 а Flower (69). Our great leader is the more censu- rable, as the Flowers and Seeds of those Plants, properly studied, afford all-sufficient Generic Cha- racters. See Engl. Fl. v. 2. The parts of Fructification themselves, so far as their differences do not enter into the Generic Cha- racters, often display most excellent Specific marks. Such now and then serve to divide a genus into Sec- tions; as the Petals in Iris, and the Styles in Hype- ricum. The more concise a Specific Character, the better it is. As in philosophy, it is not allowed to recur to two causes for the explanation of any phænomenon, when one is sufficient, so if one idea will serve to di- stinguish a Species, no more should be admitted. If more be necessary, as is generally the case in large Genera, they should be so disposed and contrasted, in the several Specific definitions, as to strike the mind at once forcibly and distinctly. This cannot be done if characters be much extended. Linnæus has therefore limited each definition to twelve words. There is no magic in this number, but I believe it is seldom exceeded with any good effect. Much will depend, after all, on the wording and construction of the sentence. A weak character of half a dozen words may be puzzling and insufficient; while a much longer may be clear, and readily conceived as well as compared, at one view. All the terms and definitions should be precise, . 58 PUNCTUATION OF literal, and unambiguous. They are not allowed to be expressed in the comparative degree, though some- times admitted, of late, in the superlative. They must be positive, not negative; devoid of obscure compa- risons; contain no adjective but what follows its sub- stantive; no article, connecting particle, or paren- thesis. Linnæus has adopted an arbitrary mode of punctu- ation in Specific Characters, in which the usual power of the different signs is reversed. He uses a Comma (, ) to separate the different parts of the plant which come into the Specific Character. This is most fre- quently wanted, as between the Stem and Leaves and Infloresence, if they all happen to occur. A Semi- colon (;) separates two descriptions of the same or- gan, as Radical Leaves from the rest. A Colon (:) is introduced between the several parts or divisions of any one organ, as the segments, margin, or veins of a Leaf. A period (.) of course, as usual, closes the sentence. The intention of this method seems to be, to lead the mind to a longer pause, in proportion as the parts under consideration are most nearly related. To practise it quite correctly requires more attention than is usually bestowed ; and even Linnæus, or his printer, makes frequent, though not very serious mis- takes. The following examples are correct :- Biscutella siliculis glabris, foliis lanceolatis serratis. Dentaria foliis inferioribus pinnatis ; summis sim- plicibus. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. 59 . Cardamine foliis pinnatis : foliolis quinis incisis. Melochia floribus umbellatis axillaribus, capsulis pyramidatis pentagonis : angulis mucronatis, fo- liis tomentosis. Those who describe new plants would do well, in general, to keep in view the laws of Specific distinc- tion in their names likewise, though with less strict- ness; avoiding always what is trifling, incorrect, or erroneous; and selecting what may best impress the imagination, or assist the memory. No name what- ever should be considered as of any authority, unless printed by some author who gives at the same time a specific character; though a judicious writer will always adopt what has, by any means, been received by the publick, if it be not materially objectionable. 60 CHAPTER VIII. EXPOSITION OF THE NATURAL SYSTEM OF JUSSIEU. . The Classes are 15, not distinguished by any par- ticular appellations. One of them is Acotyledonous (90, 91); three are Monocotyledonous (88); the re- maining eleven Dicotyledonous (89). The Orders are 100, distributed in natural series under every Class, and each defined by rather full definitions, taken, in the first place, from the parts of Fructification (52), and illustrated by secondary cha- racters, founded on any other circumstance. The Genera stand, in one or more sections, accord- ing to their respective affinities, and with their Essential Characters (104) under each Order, at the end of which are usually many valuable critical remarks. There is at the end a very large assemblage of Planta incerta sedis ; Genera not reducible to any of these Orders. These are for convenience, artifi- cially arranged, by the Corolla (whether monopeta- lous, polypetalous, or wanting), the situation of the Germen, and the number of Styles and Stamens. Many of the Genera have subsequently been reduced to their proper Orders. 61 INDEX TO JUSSIEU'S CLASSES. ACOTYLEDONES (90) MONOCOTYLEDONES (83). Class 1. Stamens hypogynous (97) . 2. perigynous 3. epigynous 4. apetalous (64) Stamens epigynous perigynous hypogynous. 5. . 6. 7. . . monopetalous (56) DICOTYLEDONES (89) Corolla hypogynous (97) · 8. perigynous 9. anthers combined 10. epigynous anthers distinct 11. Stamens epigynous .. polypetalous (56) hypogynous perigynous . 12. 13. 14. | diclines (see p. 49) irregular 15. SERIES OF THE ORDERS. CLASS 1. 1. Fungi. 2. Alga. 3. Hepatica. 4. Musci. 5. Filices. 6. Naiades. CLASS 2. 12. Asparagi. 7. Aroideæ. 13. Junci. 8. Typhæ. 14. Lilia. 9. Cyperoidea. 15. Bromelia. 10. Graminea. 16. Asphodeli. CLASS 3. 17. Narcissi. 11. Palma, 18. Irides. 62 SERIES OF THE ORDERS. CLASS 4. 46. Gentiana. 73. Gerania, 19. Musa. 47. Apocineæ. 74. Malvacea. 20. Canna. 48. Sapota. 75. Magnolia. 21. Orchidea. CLASS 9. 76. Anona. 22. Hydrocharides.49. Guaiacana. 77. Menisperma. CLASS 5. 50. Rhododendra. 78. Berberides. 23. Aristolochia. 51. Ericæ. 79. Tiliacea. CLASS 6. 52. Campanulacea. 80. Cisti. 24. Elæagni. CLASS 10. 81. Rutacea. 25. Thymelaa. 53. Cichoracea. 82. Caryophyllea. 26. Protea. 54. Cinarocephala. CLASS 14. 27. Lauri. 55. Corymbifera. 83. Sempervive. 28. Polygonca. CLASS 11. 84. Saxifrage. 29. Atriplices. 56. Dipsacea. 85. Cacti. CLASS 7. 57. Rubiacea. 86. Portulacea. SO. Amaranthi. 58. Caprifolia. 87. Ficoidea. 31. Plantagines. CLASS 12. 88. Onagra. 32. Nyctagines. 59. Aralia. 89. Myrti. 33. Plumbagines. 60. Umbellifera. 90. Melastomæ. CLASS 8. CLASS 13. 91. Salicaria. 34. Lysimachia. 61. Ranunculacea. 92. Rosacea. . 35. Pediculares. 62. Papaveracea, 93. Leguminosa. 36. Acanthi. 63. Crucifera. 94. Terebintacea. 37. Jasminea. 64. Capparides. 95. Rhamni. 38. Vitices. 65. Sapindi. CLASS 15. 39. Labiata. 66. Acera. 96. Euphorbia. 40. Scrophularia. 67. Malpighia. 97. Cucurbitacea. 41. Solanea. 68. Hyperica. 98. Urtica. 42. Boraginea. 69. Guttifera. 99. Amentacea. 43. Convolvuli. 70. Aurantia. 100. Conifera. 44. Polemonia. 71. Melia, 45. Bignonia. 72. Vites. Cl. 1.] 63 FUNGI, ALGÆ. Class 1. ACOTYLEDONES. Embryo destitute of Cotyledons, as well as of a separate Albumen. a Ord. 1. Fungi. Tab. 9. fig. 129-133. “Either parasitical, or springing from the ground naked, or inclosed in a splitting Volva (53:7). Substance in some corky, or toughly coated; in others softer, fleshy, or mucilaginous. Some are simple, others branched; some spherical; several have a Head, Pi- leus, either stalked or sessile, sometimes orbicular and peltate; sometimes semi-orbicular, and laterally at- tached. Leaves and Flowers are wanting; but there is in the place of Anthers (58) a scattered, external or internal, powder. The place of Pistils (59) is sup- plied by organs variously constructed, resembling thin plates, wrinkles, furrows, pores, tubes, scales, fibres, &c.; in which, in some manner or other, are lodged bodies, that germinate in the earth like Seeds (62), or take root like creeping shoots, and repro- duce the plant. The corky Fungi are perennial, and often parasitical; the rest either parasitical or ter- restrial, short-lived, prone to putrefaction.” Such is the substance of Jussieu's character of this Order. I have no doubt that Fungi are propa- gated by real Seeds, though increased also, like other plants, by their fibrous Radicles (7). Ord. 2. ALGÆ. Tab. 8, 9. fig. 116-128. “Various in habit, texture, substance, and organs of propa- 64 HEPATICÆ, MUSCI. [Cl. 1. a gation. Some are filamentous, some gelatinous like Fungi; some coriaceous or crustaceous; some her- baceous, in a manner leafy, and more akin to other plants. Organs analogous to Stamens and Pistils are in some altogether unknown, in some more con- spicuous, and in others well known, differing greatly among themselves as to structure and situation.” This Order consists chiefly of Submersed Alga, fig. 123-128, and Lichenes (90), fig. 116-122, with which a few Fungi are confounded. The “ well- known” fructification is attributed to the Lichenes, in which however scarcely more than the Seeds have been ascertained. These generally are 8 together, in separate tubular parallel vertical cells, sunk in a horizontal or convex disk, exactly as in some Fungi, particularly the genus Peziza; a coincidence too little noticed. Ord. 3. HEPATICÆ. fig. 114, 115. Herbaceous, creeping, many-rooted plants inhabiting damp places, whose Fructification is monoecious or dioecious, ap- parently of a various and complex nature, but not perfectly understood. The Seeds are often attached to elastic fibres, and send out Radicles from underneath. Jungermannia, Marchantia, &c. are examples. Ord. 4. Muscl. fig. 105-113. True Mosses (90), whose Fructification, as now well understood from the investigations of Hedwig, is generally mono- ecious. The Barren Flowers (66) consist of an indefinite number of jointed tubular bodies, dis- charging a volatile Pollen (58); the Fertile ones a Cl. 1.] FILICES. 65 a (67) are generally several together, though scarcely more than one produces Fruit. Their Germen (59), at first sessile, is covered with a membranous Calyp- tra, or Veil, in the place of a Corolla, whose summit admits the Pollen. The ripening Pericarp (61) is ge- nerally elevated on a Pedicellus (22), and carries up the Veil, torn from the base, along with it. The Fruit is a Capsule (61:1), opening by a Lid; its margin either naked, or variously fringed with a determinate number of hygrometrical teeth, in a single or double row, affording good Generic distinctions (101). The Seeds are minute and innumerable, but have been proved such by germination. Musci are herbaceous, leafy, mostly branched; their Leaves continuous (46), pellucid and often reticulated. Roots abundantly fibrous; annual or perennial. Few plants are more te- nacious of life, or revive more readily after drying. Examples of genera without a Fringe (Peristo- mium) are Sphagnum and Gymnostomum; with a single Fringe, Grimmia and Dicranum, fig. 108; with a double one, fig. 112, Bryum, Hypnum, &c. Ord. 5. Filices. Ferns (90) fig. 96-104. Nothing is known of their Fructification but the Capsules, fig. 101, 104; situated either on the back of the Frond (24) and composing Sori, fig. 100, 102, 103, (53:2), with, or rarely without, a membranous In- volucrum, fig. 100, 103; or in Spikes, fig. 96, (48:3) which seem transformations of the Frond or its seg- ments (90). The most usual form of their Pericarp (61) is a stalked globular Capsule, fig. 103, 104, of F 66 NAIADES. [Cl. 1. a two valves, either naked, or bound by a transverse elastic ring. Seeds very minute, readily germina- ting, and so abundant, that many a species, if its possible increase were uninterrupted for 20 years, might cover the whole earth. The forms and situ- ations of the Sori, and the direction in which the Involucrum separates, afford generic characters, un- known when Jussieu published. Polypodium has no Involucrum; Aspidium a round- ed one; Pteris a continuous marginal one, separating inward; Lindsæa the reverse. Ord.6. NAIADES. “Calyx either entire or divided, superioror inferior, rarely wanting. Stamens definite, perhaps perigynous (97). Germen superior or infe- rior, solitary or four-fold. Style 1, rarely 2, to each Germen, or wanting. Stigma one or several. Seeds solitary or several, either naked and superior, or in- closed in a Pericarp which is either superior or infe- rior. Leaves mostly opposite or whorled. Flowers in some perfect (65), in others monoecious or dioe- cious. Plants all herbaceous, and, except Saururus, aquatic.” The uncertainty of this Order has been al- ready noticed, (92), and the characters, above given, have so many ambiguities as to amount scarcely to any thing. The Genera are, Hippuris, fig. 252, Chara, Ceratophyllum, Myriophyllum, fig. 251, Naias, Saururus, Aponogeton, fig. 134, Potamoge- ton, fig. 135, Ruppia, Zannichellia, Callitriche, and Lemna, fig. 136. Naias, Lemna, and Chara, are judged by Mr. Brown to be akin to his Hydro- Cl. 2.) AROIDEÆ, TYPHÆ. 67 charidea, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 345. See some of the rest in Ord. 88. CLASS 2. MONOCOTYLEDONES, WITH INFERIOR STAMENS (97). Calyx necessarily inferior, if present. Corolla none. Stamens often definite, rarely indefinite. Germen simple. Style 1, or many, or wanting. Stigma sim- ple or divided. Seed 1, naked or covered, or Fruit of 1 cell, with 1 or many Seeds. Leaves mostly alternate and sheathing. Flowers occasionally be- coming separated (65), by the imperfection of one or other organ.” Ord. 7. AROIDEÆ. “ Spadix simple, many-flow- ered, either encompassed with a Spatha (53:4), or naked. Proper Calyx none, or simple. Stamens and Germens inserted, either separately or intermixed, into the Spadix. Style 1 to each germen, or want- ing. Stigmas simple. Fruit of 1 cell, with 1 or many Seeds. Embryo in the centre of a fleshy Al- bumen. Leaves sheathing, alternate, generally all radical. Plants rarely caulescent; some of them very irregular in the arrangement of their Stamens and Pistils. Their germination is not well known.” The Genera are Ambrosinia, Zostera, Arum, Calla, Pothos, Acorus, fig. 137, and others. Ord. 8. TYPHÆ. “ Flowers monoecious; barren ones aggregate, triandrous, with a 3-leaved Calyx; fertile ones also aggregate, with a 3-leaved Calyx, a superior Germen, simple Style, and I Seed. Leaves all alternate, sheathing. Aquatic herbs.” a F 2 68 CYPEROIDEÆ, GRAMINEÆ. [Cl. 2. a Typha, fig. 138, and Sparganium. Mr. Brown unites this Order and the Aroidea. Ord. 9. CYPEROIDEÆ. “ Fl. united, or monoe- cious; each with a Scale in the place of a Calyx, nor is there generally any other. Stamens 3. Germen 1. Style 1. Stigmas 3, rarely but 2. Seed 1, either naked, or tunicated (62:8); sometimes surrounded at the base, with bristles, or soft hairs. Embryo and germination as in the next Order. The single-flow- ered Scales are crowded into Spikes, or Tufts (48:5), variously disposed, some of them empty, the flowers being abortive. Stems or Culms (16) round or tri- angular, seldom jointed. Floral Leaves sessile; the rest sheathing, with an entire Sheath.” Carex, fig. 139, 79, Eriophorum, Scirpus, fig. 140, Cyperus, &c. a tribe much increased by Mr. Brown in Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1. 212. Ord. 10. GRAMINEÆ. Grasses, fig. 3, 4, 141. “ Glume (53:5) (Calyx of Linnæus) of 2 valves, rarely of 1, or of many, or wanting, either single- flowered, or containing 2, or more, Flowers, or Florets, in a two-ranked Spikelet (48:3). Each Flower has a Calyx (Corolla of Linnæus) resem- bling the Glume, mostly of 2 valves, rarely of 1, or wanting, the outermost either awned or not (53:5). Stamens generally 3, rarely 2, 6, or 1, in Pariana of Aublet 40. Anthers oblong, cloven at each end. Germen l, with 2 little scales at the base, not always obvious. Styles mostly 2, each with a feathery Stigma; in some the Style is solitary, with a simple . Cl. 2.) 69 GRAMINEÆ. or divided Stigma. Seed in both instances solitary, either naked, or frequently covered with the per- manent hardened inner valve of the Calyx (Corolla of Linnæus). Embryo small, attached laterally to the base of a much larger farinaceous Albumen. The lobe of the Embryo, in germination, remains with the annexed Albumen, sessile, connected at one side with the primary sheath which surrounds the Plumula (62:1). Roots fibrous, capillary. Culms cylindrical, either hollow or pithy, knotty or jointed; generally herbaceous, and unbranched. Leaves al- ternate, simple and undivided, springing solitary from each knot, sheathing; the Sheath split down to the knot. Flowers either tufted, or spiked along a linear Receptacle, or Rachis, or panicled; concealed while young in the sheath of the uppermost Leaf. Some species become, by abortion, monoecious.” A great and well-known family, distributed into 13 sections, by the number of the Styles, Stamens, and Florets. Examples are, Anthoxanthum; Alope- curus, Panicum, Agrostis; Holcus; Cenchrus, Rott- bollia; Aira, Melica; Dactylis; Sesleria, Elymus, Triticum; Bromus, Poa, Glyceria, fig. 3, 4, Briza, Arundo; Oryza, Ehrharta ; Nardus, Apluda, Zea; Pharus, Cornucopia, Coix, fig. 141; Nastus; Pari- “ The habit, chaffy flower, single seed, mealy albumen, situation of the embryo, and mode of ger- mination, render this Order peculiarly distinct.”- Jussieu. ana. - 70 [Cl. 3. PALMA. CLASS 3. MONOCOTYLEDONES, WITH PERIGYNOUS STAMENS (97). 64 Calyx of 1 leaf, tubular, or deeply divided, superior or inferior, sometimes naked, but mostly subtended by a single-or muny-flowered Spatha (53:4,) rarely with an Involucrum resembling an outer Calyx. Corolla none, (what Tournefort, Linnæus, and others call so, being Jussieu's Calyx). Stamens mostly definite, inserted into the base or the top of the Calyx (Corolla), opposite to its segments; their Fila- ments distinct, rarely combined ; Anthers distinct, of 2 cells. In a few the Germens are several, su- perior, with as many Styles or Stigmas. Capsules as many, either of 1 cell, with 1 Seed, or internally of 2 valves, with numerous Seeds inserted into their margins. Most have a single, superior or infe- rior, Germen; with 1, rarely 3, Styles or sometimes none ; and a simple or divided. Stigma. Fruit pulpy, or capsular, of 3 cells, with 3 or many Seeds ; some- times only 1 cell, or 1 Seed, coming to perfection. In the Berried fruits (61:6) the Seeds are inserted into the inner angle of each cell ; in the Capsules, usually of 3 valves, they stand on the edge of an elevated Receptacle (63), constituting the partition, from the middle of each valve, and separating therewith. Embryo small, in a rather large horny Albumen." Ord. 11. PALMÆ. The Palm tribe, fig. 142. “Ca- Cl.3.] ASPARAGI. 71 a lyx (Corolla Linn.) in 6 deep segments, often per- manent; 3 outermost often smallest. Stamens 6, rarely more or fewer, inserted into the base of its seg- ments, or rather perhaps into a glandular body under the Germen,” (this last opinion is confirmed by Rox- burgh and Salisbury,)“their Filaments often united at the base. Germen superior, mostly simple. Style 1 or 3. Stigma simple or 3-cleft. Fruit a Berry, or fibrous Drupa, of 1 or 3 cells, and l or 3 bony 3 Seeds. Embryo very small, in a dorsal or lateral cavity, rarely in the base, of a large Albumen, which is at first tender and eatable, finally horny. Stem simple, usually lofty, round, formed without con- centric circles (31), and scaly or fibrous from the remains of Footstalks (23). Leaves in a terminal tuft, alternate, sheathing, folded when young; (their Bud (26) perennial, but never renewable). Flower- stalks generally much branched, invested with one large common Sheath, and many partial ones, or Bracteas, in pairs. Flowers mostly Hexandrous, sometimes Monoecious, Dioecious, but more fre- quently Polygamous (65).” Palms are very long- lived, generally tropical, some of them affording va- luable food for man in a state of nature. The Leaves are pinnate in Phænix, Areca, Cocos, Caryota, &c.; palmate in Corypha, Borassus, Cha- mærops, &c. Ord. 12. ASPARAGI. “Calyx (Corolla Linn.) re- gular, in 6 segments, mostly inferior. Stamens 6 72 JUNCI. [Cl. 3. inserted therein. Germen simple; Styles 1 or 3; Stigma simple or three-cleft. Fruit pulpy, rarely cap- sular, of 3 cells, Seeds few, or solitary. Embryo at the scar of a horny Albumen. Stem often herbace- ous. Leaves alternate, (simple, undivided); seldom opposite or whorled. Flowers each with a scaly Bractea, occasionally dioecious, sometimes deprived of a third, or gaining a fourth, in the number of their parts.” Sect. 1. Fl. united. Germen superior. Dracana, Asparagus, Medeola, Paris, fig. 143, Convallaria, fig. 144, &c. Sect. 2. Fl. dioecious. Germ. sup. Ruscus, Smilax, Dioscorea. Sect. 3. Fl. dioecious. Gerin. inferior. Tamus, Rajania. Mr. Brown removes Asparagus and Dracana, with some of their allies, to Asphodelea or Asphodeli, Ord. 16. Ord. 13. Junci. “Calyx inferior, in 6 deep seg- ments, the 3 inner ones sometimes larger and petal- like, sometimes all 6 are glumaceous (53:5). Stamens usually 6. Germen in some simple, with one Style, and a Capsule of 3 valves with central partitions, bearing the Seeds: or several, 3 or 6, rarely many, each with 1 Style and Stigma; becoming so many Capsules, with 1 or many Seeds. Embryo, in some at least, at the scar of a horny Albumen. Herbs, with (simple,) alternate, sheathing Leaves; the upper CI. 3.] 73 LILIA, BROMELIÆ. and floral ones sessile. Flowers with sheath-like Bracteas.” Eriocaulon, Restio, Xyris, Aphyllanthes, Juncus, Luciola, fig. 145, Commelina, and Tradescantia ex- emplify the Genera with a simple germen ; Butomus, fig. 14, Alisma, Sagittaria, Scheuchzeriu, Triglochin, Narthecium, Veratrum and Colchicum those with a compound one. This is a paradoxical Order to a beginner, and has been much altered by Mr. Brown, who has separated from hence his Restiacea, Com- melinea, and Melanthacea, certainly with great ad- vantage. Alisma and Triglochin, with Potamogeton, see Ord. 6. enter his Alismacea, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 342. Ord. 14. Lilia.“ Calyx (Corolla Linn.) inferior, coloured, in 6 deep divisions, mostly equal and re- gular, bearing the Stamens from their lower part. Germen simple. Style ). Stigma 3-cleft. Capsule of 3 cells and 3 valves, containing numerous, gene- rally flat, Seeds, in 2 rows in each cell. Stem her- baceous, rarely shrubby. Leaves (simple and undi- vided), sheathing or sessile, alternate, or incorrectly whorled. Flowers often drooping, the Style longer than the Stamens (Linn.), either naked, or subtended by a Leaf or Sheath ; generally splendid in aspect and colour.” Tulipa, fig. 146, Erythronium, Gloriosa (Metho- nica, Juss.) Uvularia, Fritillaria, Lilium, and Yucca. Ord. 15. BROMELIÆ. “Calyx in six divisions, (6 74 [Cl. 3. ASPHODELI. 3 alternate segments often largest, superior or infe- rior. Stamens 6, inserted into its middle, or base, or into glands proceeding therefrom and lying on the Germen, which is simple, with 1 Style, and a three- cleft Stigma. Fruit of 3 cells, either pulpy and not bursting, or capsular, of 3 valves, with 1 or several Seeds in each cell. Leaves sheathing, usually all radical. Flowers spiked, panicled, or corymbose, each accompanied by a Sheath or Bractea.” Sect. 1. Germen superior. Burmannia and Til- landsia, (the former thought more allied to Junci by Mr. Brown), also Puya of Molina. Sect. 2. Germen inferior. Xerophyta, Bromelia, and Agave, fig. 147. Jussieu himself seems dissa- tisfied with this Order, whose germination is not thoroughly known. Ord. 16. ASPHODELI. “Calyx (Corolla Linn.) inferior, coloured, most frequently in 6 deep equal divisions; sometimes tubular and undivided below. Stamens 6, inserted into its middle or base. Germen simple. Style 1. Stigma simple or 3-cleft. Capsule of 3 cells and 3 valves, with many Seeds. Root in most instances bulbous, bearing a Scapus (17); if fibrous, it often produces an herbaceous Stem. Leaves sheathing, alternate, often all radical. Spike, or Cluster, simple or branched, with a Sheath, or mem- branous Bractea, under each branch and flower. Flowers terminal, rarely axillary; in Allium umbel- late," as well as in the new genus Sowerbæa, fig. 149, Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 4.218. a Cl. 3.] 75 NARCISSI. 6 base; Aletris, Aloe ; Anthericum, Asphodelus; Eucomis, Hyacinthus, Lachenalia, Massonia ; Albuca, Scilla, Ornithogulum ; Allium and Sowerbæa, fig. 149, ex- emplify this Order, which is much enlarged by the discoveries of Mr. Brown and others in New Hol- land; especially as the learned botanist last named refers hither some of the Asparagi, Ord. 12; even Asparagus itself, with Dianella of Lamarck, &c. Ord. 17. NARCISSI. “Calyx (Corolla Linn.) su- perior, in some inferior, coloured ; tubular at the limb in 6 deep, mostly equal, segments. Sta- mens inserted into the tube, their filaments rarely combined at the bottom. Germen simple. Style 1. Stigma 3-lobed or simple. Capsule of 3 cells, and 3 valves, with many Seeds; Hæmanthus only having a Berry, with but 3 Seeds. Root in general bulbous. Leaves radical, sheathing. Flowers terminating a Scapus (17), solitary or umbellate, with a common membranous Sheath, Spatha (53:4), either simple or divided.” Sect. 1. Germen superior. Gethyllis, Bulbocodium, Hemerocallis, Agapanthus, Crinum, and Tulbaghia. These, except the first, constitute the Hemerocalli- deæ of Brown, along with Blandfordia, fig. 148, Sm. Exot. Bot. 5. t. 4, and some of Jussieu's Asphodeli with a tubular flower; but Mr. Brown himself is dis- posed to consider this new assemblage rather as a section of the Lilia, Ord. 14. Sect. 2. Germen inferior. Hamanthus, Amaryllis, a 76 IRIDES. [Cl. 3. Pancratium, Narcissus, fig. 150, Leucoium and Ga- lanthus, fig. 10, 11. These are Mr. Brown's Ama- ryllidea, Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1. 296. Sect. 3. The following are mentioned by Jussieu, as not perfectly answering to either section. Hypoxis, Pontederia, Polianthes, Alstroemeria, Tucca. The last, a singular tropical East Indian genus, is consi- dered by Mr. Brown as intermediate between the Aroidea, Ord. 7, and Aristolochia, Ord. 23. Ord. 18. IRIDES. “Calyx (Corolla Linn.) supe- rior, coloured, tubular at the base, the limb in 6, more or less deep, equal or unequal, regular or irregu- lar, segments. Stamens inserted into the tube, oppo- site to 3 alternate segments of the limb, their filaments rarely united into a cylinder round the Style, which is always solitary, with a three-fold, often subdivided, Stigma. Capsule of 3 cells and 3 valves, with many, generally roundish, Seeds. Root fibrous, or tube- rous, or a solid bulb. Stem herbaceous, leafy, rarely almost wanting. Leaves alternate, sheathing, ene- rally sword-shaped, ensiformia. Flowers attended by membranous Sheaths, often of 2 valves, 1 or more Flowers in each Sheath." Sect. 1. Stamens monadelphous. Galaxia, Sisy- rinchium, fig. 151, Tigridia, and Ferraria. Sect. 2. Stamens distinct. Iris, fig. 152, Moraa, Ixia, Watsonia, Gladiolus, Antholyza, Witsenia, Crocus. Sect. 3. The following, “ akin to the Irides,” Xi- a 9. Cl. 4.] 77 MUSÆ. phidium, Wachendorfia, Dilatris, fig. 153, and Argo- lasia, (Schreber's Lanaria, Gen. Pl. 799,) most of them enter Mr. Brown's well-founded Order, entitled Hæmodoracea, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 299. The true Irides (Ensata of Linn.), a most natural Order, are very ably illustrated, and their genera better distin- guished than before, by Mr. Ker Bellenden, in Sims and Kon. Ann. of Bot. v. 1. 219, whose ideas are adopted by Mr. Dryander, in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. Class 4. MonocOTYLEDONES, WITH EPIGYNOUS STAMENS (97). 66 Calyx of one leaf, superior, tubular, or deeply di- vided. Corolla none, as in Cl. 3;” (unless, like Linnæus, and all but Jussieuan botanists, we con- sider as such those internal coloured dilated inte- guments, manifestly analogous to the Petals of all other plants.) “ Stamens definite. Style either so- litary, or wanting, rarely (if ever) multiplied. Stigma simple or divided. Fruit of 1 or several 1 cells, pulpy or capsular.” Ord. 19. MUSÆ. Calyx (Corolla Linn.) supe- rior, in 2 deep, simple, or lobed, segments. Stamens 6, upon the Germen; some of them occasionally im- perfect. Style simple. Stigma sometimes divided. Fruit of 3 cells, with one or many Seeds in each. Embryo in the hollow of a farinaceous Albumen. Stem herbaceous, though in size often arborescent, 66 78 CANNA. [Cl. 4. mostly clothed with the sheathing Footstalks. Leaves alternate, sheathing, convolute when young; their simple mid-rib sending off at each side innumerable, transverse, or obliquely parallel, ribs. Flowers on a common stalk, from the central leaves, in alternate Clusters, each Flower and Cluster attended by a Sheath." Musa, Heliconia, and Ravenala, fig. 155, (Schre- ber's Urania, Gen. Pl. 212.) compose this Order, to which belongs Strelitzia, fig. 154, Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. 54. Ord. 20. CANNÆ. “Calyx superior, coloured, . divided into many, generally 6, petal-like segments, mostly unequal and irregular, the 3 outermost some- times smallest, resembling an outer Calyx. Stamen 1, its filament inserted at the base of the Style, often flat and petal-like, with a linear adhering Anther, simple, or rarely double. Germen with a simple, often thread-shaped Style, and a simple or divided Stigma. Capsule of 3 cells, mostly with 3 valves, and many Seeds. Root often tuberous and creeping, (perennial). Stem herbaceous, clothed with sheath- ing Footstalks. Leaves alternate, sheathing, convo- lute when young; either many-ribbed; or with a single mid-rib, sending off parallel ribs at each side. Flowers accompanied by Sheaths, generally disposed on a terminal or radical Spadix” (rather a common Flower-stalk). Jussieu's Genera are his own Catimbium, (which Cl. 4.] 79 CANNÆ, SCITAMINEÆ. is Renealmia of Linn. Suppl. 7, but really belongs to Alpinia,) Canna, Globba, fig. 1, Myrosma, Amomum, Costus, Alpinia, Maranta, Thalia, Curcuma, Kæmp- feria, and Hedychium, append. 448. Mr. Roscoe, Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 8. 330, has first correctly defined the genera of this Order, by the shape of the Stamen, or Filament, which affords ex- cellent essential characters, concurring with other differences in habit and inflorescence, and all to- gether establishing the most natural genera possible. The Order is well divided by him and Mr. Brown, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 307, into real CanNEÆ, com- prising Canna, Maranta*, Thalia, Phrynium, with (certainly) Myrosma ; and SCITAMINEÆ, as Linnæus terms the whole, embracing all the rest. The Can- nea have a simple Anther, and are scarcely fragrant in any part; their Style is petal-like, or tumid, with a nearly simple, naked Stigma. The Scitaminea, fig. 1., have an Anther of two distant lobes, meeting around their thread-shaped Style, whose Stigma is dilated, cup-shaped, and fringed. The plants are in some part or other, if not all over, powerfully aromatic or pungent. The character of this last Order may, ac- cording to our judgment, be thus more correctly given. Calyx, fig. 1, a, superior, tubular, undivided, or unequally 3-lobed. Corolla, b, more or less tubular * Dr. Meyer, Fl. Essequeb. 6, has separated M. Casupo, Jacq. Fragm. 51. t. 63. f. 4, as a genus, by the name of Calathea. CrOR 80 [CI. 4. SCITAMINEJE. at the base : Limb double; outer, c, c, c, in 3 deep segments, sometimes ringent; inner of 2 equal seg- ments, d, d, occasionally abortive, as in Amomum and Alpinia, and a third larger, different in shape and colour, constituting an ornamental Lip, e, often lobed. Stamen 1, inserted into the tube of the Corolla op- posite to the lip, its Filament, f, more or less dilated and petal-like, often lobed and elongated beyond the Anther, g, which consists of 2 lateral, parallel, dis stant, oblong lobes, clasping the Style, h. Mr. Brown has found 2 glandular bodies, rarely deficient, at the base of the Style, which he considers as rudiments of Stamens, making up, with the perfect one, the num- ber 3, and confirming his theory (93). Germen, i, of 3, more or less complete, cells; Style, h, thread- shaped ; Stigma, k, dilated, hollow, fringed. Cap- sule of 3 cells and 3 valves, in some instances pulpy, with many roundish, sometimes tunicated, Seeds. Albumen farinaceous. Embryo in the centre of the Albumen, somewhat turbinate, sheathing the simple Plumula (62:1) which arises from its base. Gærtner and Brown consider the tubular part of the Embryo, in these plants, as a peculiar organ, termed Vitellus (62:3), whose office is conceived by the former to be the nourishment of the Embryo, though the Albumen is acknowledged to serve no other purpose. The part in question seems to me nearly analogous in form to the undisputed peltate Embryo of Musa, Gærtn, t. 11, in whose centre the Cl. 4.] ORCHIDEÆ. 81 point of the Plumula, in like manner, appears, nor is that of some of the Palms very different from the last. The known genera of these true Scitamineæ are Hedychium, Alpinia, Hellenia of Willdenow and Brown, Zingiber, Costus, Kæmpferia, Roscoea Sm. Exot. Bot. t. 108, Amomum, Curcuma, Globba, fiy. 1. and Elettaria Maton Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 10. 254. These are hardly found without the tropics. The puzzling genus Philydrum, Curt. Mag. t. 783, once referred to the Scitaminea, is better placed by Mr. Brown in the Junci, with Burmannia. Ord. 21. ORCHIDEÆ, fig. 70-72, 77,78. “Calyx superior, often coloured, in 6 deep segments, 5 of which are directed upwards, the 6th downwards, Nectary of Linnæus, mostly larger and dissimilar. Style 1, ascending, often connected with the upper lip at its base, sometimes very short, or scarcely any. Stigma dilated, not entirely terminal, but clapped as it were to the front of the Style. Anther 1, proceed- ing from the top of the Style under the Stigma, of two separate cells, often remote from each other; some- times sessile and closely adhering to the two sides of the Style, sometimes supported by their own short filaments; each of 2 valves, and containing a mass of adhesive Pollen. Capsule of one cell, with 3 keeled angles, and 3 valves, bursting between the usually permanent keels. Seeds numerous, in general chaffy, ranged upon receptacles attached to the middle of each valve. Root fibrous, usually with 2 knobs, each G 82 [Cl. 4. ORCHIDEÆ. of which is either undivided or lobed. Stem fre- quently little more than a Scapus, rarely climbing. Leaves alternate, entire; the radical ones sheathing and ribbed; those of the Stem sessile, and scale-like. Flowers with sheath-like Bracteas, terminal, mostly spiked, rarely solitary.” Jussieu's genera, chiefly Linnæan, are Orchis, Sa- tyrium, Ophrys, fig. 70, Serapias, Limodorum, The- lymitra Forst., Disa, Cypripedium, Bipinnula Com- merson, Arethusa, Pogonia Juss., Epidendrum, and Vanilla. Dr. Swartz and Mr. Brown have greatly improved the history of this Order, and augmented its genera, of which New Holland affords many new ones. From the remarks of these writers I would reform Jussieu's description, though by no means adopting their ideas of the integuments of the Flower, which I under- stand as follows. Calyx superior, of 3 leaves, fig. 70, a, a, a, either spreading or converging; the solitary upper one often vaulted, rarely spurred at the base; the 2 lateral ones equal, sometimes combined at the bottom. Petals 2, b, b, ascending between the lateral and the upper- most calyx-leaves, and less than either, sometimes converging. Nectary, c, a lip, undivided or lobed, projecting, or dependent, between the 2 lateral calyx- leaves in front, often with one concave spur, rarely 2, from its base behind, in which, or occasionally in a chink on the, sometimes crested, disk of the lip, the honey is lodged; "the lip now and then bears a Cl. 4.) 83 ORCHIDEA. far as stalked appendage, whose stalk is occasionally irrita- ble at it's joint.” Brown. The Stamens, according to this able observer, consist of 3 Filaments, com- bined together, as well as more or less united to the Style, within the upper Calyx-leaf, opposite to the Lip; the 2 lateral ones almost always abortive, and generally short, or obsolete, the intermediate one only bearing an Anther. In Cypripedium alone, as hitherto observed, the latter only is abortive, both the side ones being antheriferous. Anther of 2 cells, which are either separate, and fixed to the sides of the Column (or Style), often extending beyond them; or brought together into a simple Anther, either parallel to the Stigma, immoveable and permanent, fig. 71, e, or terminating the Column in the form of a generally moveable, deciduous lid, fig. 77 and 78, a; each cellbeing divided internally by one, seldom three, longitudinal partitions. The Pollen consists either of simple grains, or frequently of fourfold globules, col- lected into masses fitting the cells; these in the fixed divided Anther, fig. 71, e, rarely in the terminal move- able one, fig. 77, 78, a, consist of many angular por- tions, cohering by elastic gluten; in the parallel An- ther, rarely in the terminal one, the masses are rather powdery, in plates, of easily separable granulations; in the terminal lid, fig. 78, a, they are usually waxy, homogeneous and smooth : after the cells open, the masses of Pollen, fig. 71, d, and fig. 72, stick by a ta- per base, or elastic thread, to the Stigma, or any thing else. Germen, fig. 78, d, roundish, obovate, or ob- G 2 84 ORCHIDEÆ, HYDROCHARIDES. [Cl. 4. . long, with 3 principal ribs, or angles, each opposite to a Calyx-leaf; Style, fig. 78, b, united, more or less, with the Stamen, sometimes very short; Stigma, fig. 78, c, c, oblique, facing the Lip, concave, moist, accompanied at the summit or sides with one or two glands, fig. 72, g, either naked or in a membranous pouch or pouches, serving to attach the discharged Pollen. Capsule shaped like the Germen, of three valves, splitting for the most part at their sides only, between the ribs. Seeds very numerous and minute, mostly tunicated with a loose membrane; which is wanting in Vanilla, where they are imbedded in pulp. “ Albumen the shape of the Seed.” Gærtn. Embryo minute, simple, central, near the Scar.—“The Flow- ers of the Orchideæ have their lower part, or Lip, naturally placed inwards, but by a twist in their Stalk, or base of the Germen, they are mostly turned half round.” Brown. They all, as far as hitherto known, belong properly to Gynandria Monandria of Linnæus, Cypripedium only being referable to Gynandria Diandria. They are well distributed into sections, by the three different forms of the Anther, as above described ; the texture of the Pollen being used by Mr. Brown for further distinctions. The Genera are distinguished accord- ing to these improved principles, in Comp. Fl. Brit. ed. 2, 3 and 4, Engl. Fl. v. 4, and by Brown in Ait. H. Kew. ed. 2, where they are greatly increased in number. Ord. 22. HYDROCHARIDES. “Calyx of 1 leaf, , Cl. 5.] ARISTOLOCHIÆ. 85 superior, either entire or divided, the segments in a simple or double row, the inner ones (Corolla Linn.) petal-like. Stamens definite or indefinite, inserted upon the Pistil,” (that is above the germen). “Ger- men simple. Style either simple, or definitely mul- tiplied, or wanting. Stigma simple or divided. Fruit of one or many cells. Plants herbaceous and aquatic." Jussieu's genera are Valisneria, Stratiotes, Hydro- charis, fig. 156, Nymphæa, Nelumbium, Trapa, Proserpinaca and Pistia. The author confesses his dissatisfaction respecting the last five genera, and not without reason. Mr. Salisbury, in Sims and Konig's Annals of Bot. v. 2. 69, first I believe showed Nym- phæa and it's allies, amongst which are my Nuphar and Cyamus, (the latter Jussieu's Nelumbium,) to be dicotyledonous, and therefore they can have no place here; see Ord. 62. Trapa is well explained by Gærtner, as having two, though very unequal, Co- tyledons. Proserpinaca has two very distinct equal ones. CLASS 5. DicotyLEDONES, WITHOUT PETALS, AND WITH EPIGYNOUS STAMENS (97). Calyx superior, of one leaf. Corolla none. Stamens definite. Styles either wanting, or single, or defi- nitely numerous.” Ord. 23. ARISTOLOCHIÆ. The only Order. Stigma divided. Fruit of many cells, with nume- rous Seeds.” 60 86 ELÆAGNI. [CI. 6. Aristolochia, Asarum, fig. 157, and Cytinus. Mr. Brown considers this Order as monocotyle- donous, and akin to Tacca ; see Ord. 17. Class 6. DICOTYLEDONES, WITHOUT PETALS. STAMENS PERIGYNOUS (97.) Calyx of 1 leaf, superior or inferior, entire or di- vided. Corolla none, except occasional scales, resem- bling petals, inserted into the upper part of the Ca- lyx. Stamens inserted into the Calyx, definite or indefinite. Filaments as well as Anthers distinct. Germen, Style, and Stigma simple, rarely definitely multiplied. Seed either naked and superior; or Pe- ricarp superior or inferior, mostly with one Seed, rarely many. Situation of the Embryo various. Flowers in some instances separated." ORD. 24. ELÆAGNI. “Calyx tubular, superior. Stamens definite, inserted into the top of the tube. Style 1. Stigma generally simple. Fruit mostly pulpy, with 1 Seed, destitute of Albumen. Stem shrubby or arboreous. Leaves mostly alternate. Flowers sometimes separated.” Sect. 1. Thesium, fig. 158, Hippophäe, and Elæag- nus, are examples with 5 Stamens or fewer. Sect. 2. Bucida and Terminalia have usually 10. These last belong to Mr. Brown's Combretacea, see Ord. 88. This is one of Jussieu's least solid Orders, and has been divided subsequently by himself. Out of it, Cl. 6.] THYMELÆÆ. 87 with some of the Onagre, Ord. 88, Mr. Brown has formed his Santalacea, Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1. 350, to the Seed of which he attributes a fleshy Albumen. Their Calyx is superior, partly coloured, it's Aestiva- tion valvular (60); Stamens opposite to it's seg- ments. Germen of 1 cell, with 2 to 4 rudiments of Seeds, pendulous from the upper part of a central Re- ceptacle, 1 of them only coming to perfection. To this belong Thesium, Santalum, and some new ge- nera, as also perhaps Osyris and Olax. Eleagnus has really, according to Mr. Brown, an inferior Calyx, the lower part of the tube being unconnected with the Germen, though enfolding it so closely as to have de- ceived most botanists. Gärtner found the same in Hippophäe, and these 2 genera make a small family by themselves. Ord. 25. THYMELÆÆ. “Calyx inferior,” (coloured, at least internally). “ Corolla none, but in some there are 4, 8 or 10 fleshy scales, in the throat of the Calyx. Stamens definite, inserted into the tube, and generally twice as many as the segments of the limb, in 2 series. Germen, Style, and generally Stigma, simple. Seed 1, naked, or pulpy, or invested with the Calyx. Albumen none. Radicle superior. Stem shrubby. Leaves mostly alternate.” A most natural Order, consisting of Daphne, fig. 13, Passerina, Struthiola, Dais, Gnidia, &c., to which is added the extensive New Holland diandrous genus Pimelæa, remarkable for its long Stamens. a 88 [Cl. 6. PROTEÆ. a 66 Mr. Brown remarks, that the Aestivation (60) is imbricated, and that there is sometimes a thin fleshy Albumen. This is therefore one of the instances in which the absence or presence of that substance af- fords no absolute distinction, scarcely any Order be- ing more natural than the present. The splendid silky tenacious fibres, of the bark when broken, mark the Thymelae. A burning acrimony pervades the whole of the plants. The flowers are generally fra- grant. Leaves simple, undivided, and entire. Ord. 26. PROTEÆ. Calyx in 4 or 5 very deep segments, or tubular, with more shallow ones, it's base occasionally subtended by minute hairs or scales; segments each bearing 1 Stamen about the middle. Germen 1, superior. Style simple, as is usually the Stigma. Seed 1, either naked, or in a Pericarp, or the latter is a Capsule with several Seeds. Albumen none. Radicle inferior. Stem shrubby. Leaves al- ternate, or crowded into imperfect whorls. Flowers either distinct, or variously aggregate in an imbricated common Calyx, with a common Receptacle. Sta- mens and Pistil sometimes separated.” Protea, fig. 159, Banksia, Roupala of Aublet, Brabeium, and Embothrium, fig. 160, are all the Jussieuan genera. But this Order, of which Lin- næus had conceived no idea, has risen to great impor- tance in the hands of Mr. Brown, Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 10. and Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1. 363, under the name of Proteacea. Several of it's new genera in- Cl. 6.] PROTEÆ, OR PROTEACEÆ. 89 a deed were first defined by the writer of this, in Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 4; but New Holland afforded so many new ones, and those of Southern Africa were so ill understood, that the subject required entire revision. The Aestivation of the Flower in this Order is valyu- lar. What Jussieu and Brown term Calyx, I rather, with Dryander in Ait. Hort. Kew. and Linnæus, take for a Corolla. The Stigma is different in different genera, as well as the Pericarp, and the composition of the Flower, which calls up the puzzling question respecting Inflorescence (48) and Aggregate Flowers (69). The presence of a Common scaly or cellular Receptacle (63) in some Proteacea, I think, proves the latter; while in others the Flowers are certainly distinct, usually racemose. This difference is not at all incompatible with the integrity of the Natural Order, nor is the same terminology necessarily to be applied to both. The genera, 38 in Mr. Brown's essay above cited, I presume to think rather too much multiplied. They are principally arranged by the Fruit, which in some is closed (not bursting), the An- thers being either distinct or connected; in others bursting, bivalve, of 1 or 2 cells, whose partition is moveable. There is not the most remote affinity between this Order and the preceding. The Proteacea have scarcely any flavour or scent in any part. Their fi- bres are coarse and rigid. Leaves various, entire, or toothed, simple or repeatedly subdivided. 90 [Cl. 6. LAURI, POLYGONEÆ. Ord. 27. LAURI. "Calyx in 6 divisions, perma- nent, bearing 6 Stamens from the base of it's seg- ments, in some instances accompanied by an inner row of the same number. Anthers adhering to each filament, and bursting from the base upwards. Ger- men superior. Style 1. Drupa or Berry of 1 cell, with 1 seed. Albumen none. Albumen none. Stem arboreous or shrubby. Leaves generally alternate.” Laurus, fig. 161, is the type of this Order, to which Mr. Brown adds Tetranthera of Jacquin, and Cassytha Linn., with some new genera. Myristica and Hernandia are considered as bordering upon it. . There is always something peculiar in the struc- ture of the Stamens in Lauri; they are remarkably compound, as it were, or aggregate, in a manner scarcely observable elsewhere. Ord. 28. POLYGONEÆ. “Calyx of 1 leaf, divided, (coloured,) bearing the Stamens from it's base. Ger- men simple, superior. Stigmas several, often sessile. Seed 1, naked, or enveloped in the permanent Calyx. Embryoimmersed in a farinaceous Albumen. Leaves alternate, each inserted into an annular, or sheathing, intrafoliaceous Stipula, or sheathing Footstalk; young ones revolute. Stem generally herbaceous.” Polygonum, fig. 162, Rumex', Rheum, are the chief genera. Com In the first the Stamens can hardly be called, with Jussieu, definite. They are 5, 6, 8, or 9, bearing no analogy to the Calyx, which is 5-cleft. Styles or Cl. 6.] ATRIPLICES. 91 Stigmas 2 or 3, sometimes separated from the Sta- mens. Mr. Brown observes the farinaceous Albumen to be sometimes deficient, that substance being fleshy and in very small quantity, in Eriogonum of Michaux; Pursh N. Amer. 277; a genus which cannot be re- moved from this very natural Order. Ord. 29. ATRIPLICES. “Calyx of 1 leaf, deeply divided, bearing the definite Stamens from it's base. Germen 1, superior. Style 1, or wanting, or many, each with 1, rarely 2, Stigmas. Seed 1, many in Phy- tolacca, 2 in Galenia, either naked, or enveloped in the Calyx, or inclosed in a pulpy or capsular Peri- carp. Embryo curved round the farinaceous Albu- men. Stem herbaceous, in some shrubby. Flowers sometimes separated. Leaves mostly alternate, un- divided, entire, more or less fleshy, without Sti- pulas." A very natural and numerous Order, especially where the Seed is invested with the Calyx, as in Ba- sella, Salsola, Spinachia, Chenopodium, Atriplex, fig. 163, Blitum, Salicornia. In the two latter the Stamens, being occasionally 1, 2, or 3, and bearing no fixed analogy to the Calyx, are scarcely to be call- ed definite. Mr. Brown denominates this Order Chenopodea, with DeCandolle, and remarks that it has no character to distinguish it from the Amaranthi, Ord. 30, though there is a difference in habit. In fact, the insertion of the Stamens is not, in either tribe, so fixed, as to be depended on, though the di- 92 AMARANTHI. [Cl. 7. stinction between Jussieu's 6th and 7th Classes de- pends hereon. Class 7. DICOTYLEDONES, without PETALS*. STAMENS HYPOGYNOUS (97). Calyx inferior, of 1 or many leaves. Corolla scarcely any, though some have petal-like scales, or bristles, , bearing the Stamens, or alternate with them, and others even a tube, either bearing the Stamens or not. Stamens definite, usually distinct, and, pro- perly, inserted beneath the simple Germen, without any attachment to the Calyr, but this is not con- stant. Style 1, or many, or wanting. Stigma 1, or several. Seed 1, or Capsule of 1 or 2 cells, with l or many Seeds." Ord. 30. AMARANTHI. Calyx deeply 5-cleft, often surrounded by scales. Stamens sometimes com- bined, occasionally having intermediate scales, or a common tubular base. Styles or Stigmas 1, 2, or 3. Capsule of 1 cell, with an unconnected Receptacle, and either bursting at the top, or all round. Seed 1 or many. Embryo rolled about a farinaceous Albu- men. Flowers capitate, or spiked; sometimes sepa- rated. Leaves usually undivided and pointed; some- times with Stipulas. Stem in the greater part her- baceous." Amaranthus, Celosia, Achyranthes, fig. 164, Gom- a Except Ord. 31, 32, and 33. Cl. 7.] PLANTAGINES, NYCTAGINES. 93 a phrena, are genuine examples, and Mr. Brown has several new ones. He separates those with Stipulas into an Order termed Illecebrea, of which Herniaria, Paronychia of Tournefort, and Pollichia of Aiton, are specimens. Ord. 31. PLANTAGINES. “Calyx generally deeply four-cleft, with a thin narrow-mouthed tube, like a Corolla, but fading, not deciduous, often splitting. Stamens 4, long, prominent, connected with the bot- tom of the tube. Germen, Style, and Stigma simple. Capsule bursting circularly, of 1 or 2 cells, with 1 or more Seeds in each, destitute of Albumen. Herbs, with sometimes separated Flowers.” Psyllium of Tournefort, with Plantago, fig. 166, and Littorella, are all the genera. The two former are united by Linnæus, DeCandolle and Brown; the last is monoecious. Much doubt attends this singular and unconnected Order. Mr. Brown, like Linnæus, gives the evident Corolla its proper appellation, there being a distinct Perianth, in 4 deep segments, besides. Ord. 32. NYCTAGINES. “Calyx tubular, like a , a Corolla, either naked, or surrounded by an outer Calyx. Germen, Style and Stigma simple. Stamens definite, inserted into a glandular ring, proceeding from the Receptacle, round the base of the Germen. Seed 1, covered by the ring, as well as by the base of the tube, both permanent. Embryo surrounding a farinaceous Albumen. Stem shrubby or herba- ceous. Leaves opposite or alternate, simple and un- divided. Flowers axillary and terminal.” 94 PLUMBAGINES. [CI. 7. OTE Mirabilis, fig. 167, (Nyctago Juss.) Boerhaavia, and Pisonia, with Abronia of Jussieu (Tricratus L'Herit.) and Buganvillea of Commerson, compose this Order, to which Oxybaphus of L'Heritier, Curt. Mag. t. 434, must be added. The Calyx of Jussieu is the evident Corolla of other botanists, nor do we perceive what is gained by his paradoxical appellation. Still less does the apetalous character of his 7th Class suit the fol- lowing Order. Ord. 33. PLUMBAGINES. Calyx tubular. Co- rolla of 1 or many Petals, beneath the Germen. Sta- mens definite, inserted either beneath the Germen, or into the Corolla. Germen solitary, superior. Style 1 or many. Stigmas many. Capsule sepa- rating into several valves at the base only. Seed so- litary, pendulous from a thread-shaped stalk, origi- nating from the Receptacle of the Germen. Embryo oblong, flat, surrounded by a farinaceous Albumen. Stem herbaceous, or somewhat shrubby. Leaves al- ternate," (undivided). Plumbago, and Statice, fig. 168, (the latter subdi- vided by Brown) are the only genera. This Order and the 31st are arranged by Mr. Brown amongst his Monopetale. Soos We cannot but remark a great inaccuracy in this part of the Jussieuan System, as to technical cha- racters respecting Calyx and Corolla; but without any reflection upon it's illustrious author. Such are incidental to every attempt of the kind, nor can art а. Cl. 8.] LYSIMACHIÆ. 95 keep pace with nature. It seems proper nevertheless that these three last Orders should be removed to some of the following Classes. 106 CLASS 8. DICOTYLEDONES. COROLLA MONOPE- TALOUS, HYPOGYNOUS. 66 Calyx of one leaf. Corolla regular or irregular, bearing the Stamens, which are definite, and gene- rally alternate with its segments when of equal number. Germen superior, in general simple, with one Style ; but in some Apocinei, Ord. 47, the Germen is double, without any Style. Stigma sim- ple or divided. Seeds either naked, or more fre- quently in a Pericarp, either pulpy or capsular, of 1 or many cells." A great and important Class; whose 15 Orders follow one another in a tolerably natural series. Some are generally furnished with Albumen, others not; but this difference bears no analogy to the other characters of affinity, or of distinction, between the Orders. Ord. 34. LYSIMACHIÆ. “Calyx divided. Corolla mostly regular, five-cleft, bearing as many Stamens opposite to the lobes. Style 1. Stigma rarely cloven. Fruit of 1 cell, with many Seeds, often capsular, with a central unconnected Receptacle. Stem herbaceous. Leaves opposite, or alternate.” Some have a Stem, as Anagallis, fig. 169, Lysi- machia, Hottonia, Limosella, &c.; others radical 96 PEDICULARES, ACANTHI. [Cl. 8. 66 Flower-stalks, mostly umbellate, as Androsace, Pri- mula, Dodecatheon, Cyclamen; and there is an ap- pendix of nearly allied genera, comprising the very doubtful Globularia, with Conobea of Aublet, Tozzia, Samolus, Utricularia, fig. 170, Pinguicula and Me- nyanthes, fig. 184. Mr. Brown, following Ventenat, calls this Order Primulacea, and has separated from it some of the appendix, by the name of Lentibularia, given by Richard. Their Corolla is irregular, with a spur. Stamens 2. Albumen none. Embryo sometimes undivided—that is, to speak plainly, monocotyle- donous! Ord. 35. PEDICULARES. Calyx divided, per- manent, often tubular. Corolla usually irregular. Stamens definite. Style 1. Stigma rarely cloven. Capsule of 2 cells and 2 valves, each having a central partition, bearing the numerous Seeds. Stem gene- rally herbaceous. Leaves, as well as Flowers, oppo- site or alternate, with 1 Bractea to each Flower.” Erinus, Castilleia, Euphrasia, Bartsia, fig. 171, Pedicularis, Rhinanthus, Melampyrum, are genuine examples of this Order, all turning more or less black in drying, and well distinguished by their Anthers and Seeds. Their Stamens are 4, 2 longer than the rest. Hyobanche, Orobanche, Lathræa, &c. are less strictly akin to these; and Polygala, with Veronica, fig. 2, and Sibthorpia, fig. 176, are but slightly re- lated to them or to each other. Ord. 36. ACANTHI, “Calyx divided, permanent, Cl. 8.] 97 JASMINEA. often bracteated. Corolla generally irregular. Sta- mens 2; or 4, 2 of which are longer. Style 1. Stig- ma 2-lobed, rarely simple. Capsule of 2 strong elastic valves, with central partitions, bearing the few and large Seeds. Stem herbaceous or shrubby. Leaves, as well as Flowers, mostly opposite.” Acanthus, Barleria, Ruellia, Justicia, fig. 172, with some others, constitute this very natural Order, which Mr. Brown has deeply studied, and happily il- lustrated, Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1.472. He notices the various, equal or unequal, simple or double, forms of the Anthers, and the awlshaped support of each Seed, which is very peculiar, though not invariably present. The Seeds have no Albumen. There is often a rudiment of a fifth Stamen. Ord. 37. JASMINEÆ. “Calyx tubular. Corolla regular, tubular, rarely deeply four-cleft, occasionally wanting. Stamens 2. Style 1. Stigma 2-lobed. Fruit either capsular, somewhat like the Acanthi ; or pulpy, with 1 or 2 cells. Seeds few. Embryo straight and flat, mostly surrounded by a fleshy Albumen. Stem shrubby, or arborescent, with opposite Branches and Leaves. Flowers oppositely panicled, or corym- bose.” Syringa (Lilac Juss.) and Fraxinus, with Chio- nanthus, Olea, fig. 173, Jasminum and Ligustrum are examples of this Order, which abounds with elegant Shrubs, whose fragrant Flowers are highly valued. It's relationship to the last is extremely a a H 98 VITICES. [C1.8. slight, and scarcely discernible in any one point, except the valves and fixed partitions of the Capsule in Syringa, obscurely resembling Justicia &c., but not, like them, elastic, nor is there any resemblance in the number, form or disposition, of the Seeds or their supports. Mr. Brown separates the true Jasminea, whose Seeds are erect, with hardly any Albumen, and their Corolla salver-shaped, in from 5 to 8 segments, with an imbricated twisted Aestivation; from the Oleina of Hoffmansegg and Link, whose Seeds are pendu- lous, with a copious, dense, fleshy Albumen, and a deeply four-cleft Corolla, sometimes wanting. Ord. 38. Vitices. “Calyx tubular, often per- manent. Corolla tubular, for the most part irregular in the limb. Stamens generally 4, didynamous, rare- ly 2, or 6. Style 1. Stigma variously shaped. Seeds definite, either naked, or more frequently in a pulpy, sometimes capsular, pericarp. Stem shrubby (or ar- boreous), in a few herbaceous. Leaves opposite for the most part; as are the Flowers when corymbose; but when spiked they are alternate.” These different forms of inflorescence mark the 2 Sections. In the 1st, are Clerodendrum, Vitex, Callicarpa, Cornutia, Tectona (Theka Juss.) &c.; in the 2d, Pe- træa, Citharexylum, Duranta, Verbena, fig. 174, and others. Eranthemum, Selago, and Hebenstretia stand as "akin to Vitices.” Jussieu has uselessly changed the name of this a CI. 8.] 99 LABIATÆ. Order to Verbenacea, in Annal. du Mus. v. 7. Br. Prodr. v. 1. 510. Ord. 39. LABIATÆ. “Calyx tubular, either 2- lipped, or rather unequally 5-cleft. Corolla tubular, irregular, mostly 2-lipped. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted under the upper lip; 2 of them sometimes imperfect, or wanting. Germen 4-lobed. Style 1, central, from the base of the lobes. Stigma cloven. Seeds 4, naked, erect, inserted by their base into a Receptacle at the bottom of the permanent Calyx. Albumen none. Stem quadrangular, oppositely branched, mostly herbaceous. Leaves opposite, scarcely ever compound. Flowers opposite, with leafy or bristly Bracteas; solitary, or whorled; co- rymbose, or spiked ; terminal, or axillary.” ; A most natural Order, the Verticillata of Ray and Linnæus. Herbage usually aromatic, often bitter, al- ways harmless. Jussieu makes 4 Sections. Sect. 1. Two Stamens only perfect. Lycopus, Monarda, Rosmarinus, Salvia, &c. Sect. 2. Four perfect Stamens. Upper lip scarce- ly any. Ajuga (Bugula Juss.) and Teucrium. Sect. 3. Stam. 4. Cor. 2-lipped. Calyx 5-cleft. Satureia, Nepeta, Lavandula, Mentha Lamium, fig. 21, 22, Stachys, Marrubium, Phlomis, &c. Sect. 4. Stam. 4. Cor. 2-lipped. Calyx 2-lipped. Origanum, Thymus, Dracocephalum, Melittis, Pru- nella, Scutellaria, &c. H 2 100 SCROPHULARIÆ. [Cl. 8. a Westringia Sm., which turns out to be a conside- rable New Holland genus, belongs to Sect. 3d. Ord. 40. SCROPHULARIÆ. Calyx divided, often permanent. Corolla often irregular, with a divided limb. Stamens 4, didynamous, rarely but 2. Style 1. Stigma simple or cloven. Fruit capsular, of 2 cells, and 2, more or less deeply separated, valves, (which are now and then cloven,) naked and concave within; the Receptacle central, bordered, bearing Seeds, ge- nerally numerous and minute, on both sides, and serving as a partition, meeting the inflexed edges of the valves. Stem herbaceous, rarely shrubby. Leaves opposite or alternate, seldom compound. Flowers bracteated.” Buddleia, Scoparia, Scrophularia, Gerardia, An- tirrhinum, fig. 175, Hemimeris, Digitalis, and some others, give the true idea of this Order. Calceolaria, Wulfenia, and Commerson's Bæa, are the diandrous genera. There are two Sections of numerous genera, one with opposite, the other alternate, Leaves, marked as “akin to Scrophularia.” Among the first are Colum- nea, Besleria, Gratiola, Lindernia, Mimulus ; those with alternate Leaves being Schwalbea, Schwenkia, and Browallia. Mr. Brown brings hither some of the 35th Order, as Veronica, fig. 2, (certainly with great propriety,) including Jussieu's Hebe. He reckons Gratiola one of the true Scrophularia, as well as Euphrasia, part CI. 8.] SOLANEÆ. 101 of Buchnera, with Mimulus, and Limosella, to which New Holland has furnished several new additions. Respecting Limosella, as being much better placed here than in the 34th Order, there can surely be no doubt. Sibthorpia and Disandra belong, without question, to the Scrophularia, not to the Pedicu- lares. Except in the Stamens, and perhaps Corolla, there is little affinity between this Order and the Labiata. Their qualities are almost totally different; nor is there any analogy between the Fruit of each. The bulk of the 39th makes the 1st Order in Linnæus's Didyna- mia, that of the 40th the 2d Order of that Class, Ord. 41. SOLANEÆ. “Calyx more or less deeply 5-cleft, often permanent. Corolla 5-cleft, and most generally regular, bearing the 5 Stamens from it's base. Style simple, as is generally the Stigma. Fruit of 2 cells, with many Seeds; either capsular, and agreeing with the Scrophularia; or more frequently pulpy, with central Receptacles, from the middle of the partition, subdividing the cells, and covered with the Seeds. Embryo surrounding a farinaceous Albu- men. (See next page.) Stem herbaceous or shrubby. Leaves alternate; sometimes 2, accompanying the inflorescence, from the same point. Flowers vari- ously disposed, often extra-axillary, from the sides of the branch, next to the Leaves.” The Fruit is capsular in Sect. 1. Celsia, Verbascum, Hyoscyamus, Nicotiana, and Datura ; pulpy in Sect. 2. 102 [Cl. 8. BORAGINEÆ. Atropa, Physalis, Solanum, fig. 177, Witheringia, Capsicum, Lycium, Cestrum, &c. The Flowers are rarely 4-cleft; often irregular, as occasionally in Solanum, which genus cannot safely be divided on that account. The Albumen is more correctly described, by Gærtner and Brown, as fleshy, inclosing the curved Embryo. This curvature, and the plaited Aestivation of the Corolla, which is not ringent, or 2-lipped, Mr. Brown reckons the most essential differences between this Order and the Scrophularia. Bontia, Brunfelsia, and Crescentia are subjoined as akin to Solanea. The genuine plants of this Order are narcotic, fetid, often very dangerous, termed by Linnæus Luride, or Gloomy. Verbascum however, abounding with mucilage, is only mildly sedative, and perfectly safe for internal use, though intoxicating to fish. Ord. 42. BORAGINEA. “Calyx 5-cleft, perma- nent. Corolla almost universally regular, and Sta- mens 5. Germen either simple or 4-lobed. Style 1. Stigma divided, or furrowed, or simple. Seeds mostly 4; sometimes in a capsular or pulpy pericarp; some- times naked, attached obliquely to the base of the Style, and encompassed with the (often greatly en- larged) Calyx. Albumen none. Stem in most cases herbaceous; rarely shrubby or arboreous. Leaves alternate, often harsh.” (Stipulas wanting:) These, the Asperifolia of Ray and Linnæus, com- pose on the whole a very natural a ssemblage ; of CI. 8.] CONVOLVULI. 103 а which Heliotropium, Echium, Lithospermum, fig. 178, Pulmonaria, Onosma, and perhaps Coldenia, all which have a naked-mouthed, or pervious, Corolla ; with Symphytum, Lycopsis, Myosotis, Anchusa, Borago, Asperugo, Cynoglossum, and Trichodesma of Brown, whose tube is closed with valves, constitute indubi- table examples. Tournefortia, Ehretia, and Cordia, (the latter comprehending Varronia,) are also retained here; but Mr. Brown proposes to separate Hydro- phyllum, Ellisia, and Jussieu's Phacelia, as having a copious cartilaginous Albumen, compound, or at least deeply lobed, Leaves, and a capsular Fruit. The true Boraginea are allied by their Seeds to Labiata, Ord. 39; but differ in their pungent or warty, not hairy, pubescence; mucilaginous, not aro- matic, qualities; alternate, not opposite, Leaves; and blue, rather than crimson or purple, Flowers, ex- cept in the bud. Messerschmidia and Cerinthe differ from the rest in having a kind of two-celled twin Capsule, or Nut; and Cerinthe has a glaucous, smoother, though warty, habit, with reddish or yellow Flowers. Onosma too is always yellow-flowered. The change in the Corolla of the Boraginea in general, from bright red, to a vivid blue, as the Flower ex- pands, apparently caused by the sudden loss of some acid principle, is a very curious phænomenon. Ord. 43. ConvoLVULT. “Calyx deeply 5-cleft, often permanent. Corolla regular, with a generally 5-lobed limb. Stamens as many as the segments, al- 104 [Cl. 8. POLEMONIA. a a ternate with them, inserted into the lower part of the tube. Style 1, or definitely divided into several. In the latter case the Stigmas are simple ; in the former the solitary Stigma is sometimes divided. Capsule of 3, rarely 2 or 4, cells, with 1 or many Seeds, which are rather bony, marked with a Scar, Hilum, in the lower part, and attached to the base of the central partition, whose angles meet, but are not connected with, the margins of the valves. Embryo curved, the radicle inferior. Plants shrubby, or often herba- ceous, twining in several instances, sometimes milky. Leaves alternate, very seldom imperfectly opposite.” Mr. Brown notes the want of Stipulas, and the pre- sence of a small mucilaginous Albumen, as well as the corrugated Cotyledons (always attendant on Seeds whose number is definite). He differs from Jussieu with regard to some genera, but the follow- ing are indubitable specimens of the Order. Sect. 1. with 1 Style. Convolvulus, fig. 179, and Ipomaa. Sect. 2. with several Styles. Evolvulus and Cressa, as well as Breweria, Polymeria, and probably Wil- sonia, of Brown. Dichondra enters a Section with from 2 to 4 single-seeded Germens; and Cuscuta forms another, destitute of Cotyledons ! Ord. 44. POLEMONIA. “Calyx divided. Corolla regular, 5-lobed, with 5 Stamens inserted into the middle of its tube. Style 1, with 3 Stigmas. Cap- sule surrounded by the permanent Calyx, of 3 cells 2 Cl. 8.] 105 BIGNONIÆ. and 3 valves, with many Seeds, each valve bearing a central partition, meeting an angle of the triangular central column, or Receptacle of the Seeds. Stem herbaceous or shrubby. Leaves alternate or opposite. Flowers terminal or axillary.” Phlox and Polemonium, with Jussieu's Cantua and Hoitzia, make up this Order. The first is somewhat allied to the Caryophyllea, Ord. 82, but, being mono- petalous, cannot be referred thither. Indeed their af- finity is but slight. Jussieu confounds with his Can- tua, the very distinct Ipomopsis of Michaux, fig. 180; see Exot. Bot. t. 13, 14. Ord. 45. BIGNONIÆ. “Calyx divided. Corolla mostly irregular, with 4 or 5 lobes. Stamens gene- rally 5, one of them imperfect. Style 1. Stigma simple, or 2-lobed. Fruit of 2 cells; in some cap- sular, of 2 distinct valves, the partition, bearing the numerous Seeds, either opposite or parallel to the valves, and separable therefrom; in others coriaceous or woody, bursting at the top only, with few seeds, on a partition inseparable from the valves, which is often extended at each side into a ridge, or wing, partially subdividing the cells. Albumen none. Stem herbaceous, shrubby, or arboreous. Leaves mostly opposite." Sect. 1. Capsule of 2 valves. Stem herbaceous. Chelone, Sesamum, and Jussieu's Incarvillea, La- marck Ill. t. 527. The latter is named after Father d'Incarville, to whom Jussieu attributes the impor- 106 GENTIANÆ. [Cl. 8. tation of the Aster chinensis in 1743. But Sherard cultivated that plant before 1732. Sect. 2. Capsule of 2 valves. Stem arboreous or shrubby. Millingtonia, Jacaranda Juss., Catalpa, Tecoma Juss. and Bignonia, fig. 181, with Spathodea of Palisot and Brown, and Cobæa of Cavanilles, Curt. Mag. t. 851, whose capsule has from 3 to 5 valves and cells, make up this Section, to which Mr. Brown confines his idea of Bignoniacea, Prodr. Nov. Holl. v. 1. 470; perhaps admitting also the above-men- tioned Incarvillea. Sect. 3. Fruit between coriaceous and woody, bursting at the top. Stem herbaceous. Tourretia (Dombeya L'Herit.), Martynia, Craniolaria, and Pe- dalium. We know not whether Mr. Brown admits all these, as well as Ventenat's Josephinia, Jard. de la Malmais. t. 67, into his Pedalina, Prodr. N. Holl. v. l. 519. Ord. 46. GENTIANÆ. “Calyx of 1 leaf, divided, permanent. Corolla regular, often withering, it's limb in as many equal, sometimes oblique, lobes, as there are segments in the Calyx, usually 5. Stamens as many, inserted into the middle or top of the tube. Anthers incumbent (sometimes combined). Style 1, rarely splitting into 2. Stigma simple or lobed. Cap- sule simple or twin, many-seeded, of 2 valves, and 1 or 2 cells, the edges of the valves inflexed, forming the partition when there are 2 cells, rolled inward when there is only 1. Seeds minute, their Recepta- 6 CI. 8.] 107 GENTIANÆ. a cle marginal. Stem herbaceous, rarely somewhat shrubby. Leaves opposite, mostly undivided and sessile ; floral ones occasionally diminished into a pair of Bracteas." A very natural Order, distinguished by it's general, often very intense, bitterness. Mr. Brown observes, that the segments of the Corolla are imbricated be- fore expansion, and vary from 4 to 8; we may say to 12 or 13. The Fruit is sometimes pulpy. The Em- bryo is straight, in the axis of a soft fleshy Albumen; the Radicle pointing towards the Scar. Plants mostly smooth. Leaves undivided and entire, without Sti- pulas. Sect. 1. Capsule of 1 cell. Gentiana, fig. 182, whose Corolla is very differently shaped in the diffe- rent species, Lita Schreb. Gen.795. (Vohiria Aubl.), Picrium Schreb. 791. (Coutoubea Aubl.), Swertia and Chlora; to which may be added Sabbatia of Adanson and Salisbury, Pursh N. Amer. 137, Ortho- stemon Br. and Erythræa of Renealm and Brown, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 451, composed of several Chi- roniæ of other authors. Sect. 2. Caps, simple, of 2 cells. Exacum, fig. 183, Lisianthus, Myrmecia Schreb. Gen. 74 (Tachia of Aubl.), Chironia and Nigrina; as well as Sebæa of Solander and Brown, with Mitrasacme, Labill. a large New Holland genus. Sect. 3. Caps. of 2 separable cells. Spigelia and Ophiorrhiza, excluding 0. Mungos which is a distinct genus of the Rubiacere, Ord. 57. Here also is to be 108 APOCINEÆ. [Cl. 8. introduced Mr. Brown's Logania (Euosma Andr. Repos. t. 520), curious as a connecting link between this Order and the next. Sect. 4. contains only Nicandra Schreb. Gen. 283, (Potalia Aubl.) as being akin to Gentiana. So also Mr. Brown subjoins Villarsia, fig. 184, Ventenat Choix, t. 9, (extracted from the Linnæan Menyanthes,) and Anopterus of Labill. Nov. Holl. t. 112; plants differing from true Gentiana in having mostly alter- nate, partly toothed, Leaves, and on the whole very ambiguous. Ord. 47. APOCINEÆ. “Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla regu- lar, with 5,often oblique, lobes, sometimes naked, some- times accompanied by 5 internal, variously shaped appendages. Stamens 5, inserted into the lower part of the Corolla, alternate with it's lobes; the fila- ments often short, either distinct, or more rarely united into a tube closely embracing the Germen. Anthers of 2 cells, the summit extended into a mem- brane, or thread. Germen single, or double, stand- ing on a frequently glandular Receptacle. Styles 1 or 2, sometimes extremely short, attached, as it were by a joint, to the single or double Germen. Stigma one, capitate, obsolete. Fruit, in those with a single Germen, pulpy, or rarely a solitary Capsule, usually of 2 cells, with many Seeds; in those with 2 Ger- mens, 2 combined, oblong, coriaceous Follicles (61:1), rarely shortened and slightly pulpy, bursting length- wise at the inner edge, each of 1 cell. Seeds nume- Cl. 8.] 109 APOCINEÆ. rous, either naked or feathery, imbricated, in many rows, over one side of a lateral, unconnected, flat Receptacle, lying along the inside of the Follicle, near it's suture. Embryo flat, in a thin fleshy Al- bumen. Plants herbaceous, shrubby, or arboreous, generally milky. Leaves opposite or alternate, with fringed axillary glands, not always evident.” Sect. 1. Germens 2. Follicles 2. Seeds not fea- thery. Vinca, fig. 186, Matelea, Aubl., Ochrosia Juss., Tabernæmontana, Cameraria and Plumieria. Sect. 2. Germ. and Follic. 2. Seeds feathery. Ne- rium, Echites, Ceropegia, Pergularia, fig. 185, Sta- pelia, Periploca, Apocynum, Cynanchum and Ascle- pias. Sect. 3. Germen simple. Fruit pulpy, rarely cap- sular. Willughbeja Schreb. Gen. 162, (comprising Ambelania and Pacouria of Aubl.) Alamanda, Me- lodinus, Gynopogon, Rauwolfia, Ophioxylon, Cerbera and Carissa. Sect. 4. Genera akin to Apocinea, not milky. Strychnos, including Ignatia of Linn., Theophrasta, Anasser Juss., Fagræa Thunb. and Gelsemium Juss. This Order, very natural, except the last Section, is what Linnæus termed Contorta, from the frequent obliquity, or flexure, of the Corolla. Mr. Brown has most happily divided it, see Tr. of the Wern. Soc. v. 1. 12, and Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1.465, separating from the rest such as have the Pollen of each Anther co- alescing into two distinct, stalked masses, like the 110 [CI. 8. SA POTÆ. a Orchidea, Ord. 21, and deposited by the Anther upon 5 appropriate prominences of the pentagonal Stigma, which is common to the 2 Styles. These Plants con- stitute a new Order, named Asclepiadea, of which Ceropegia, Stapelia, Pergularia, Asclepias, Cynan- chum and Periploca are examples. Mr. Brown has 38 genera in all, the original Stapelia being greatly, perhaps too much, subdivided. Of the remaining Apocinea, whose Pollen is granular and conveyed in the usual way to the Stigma, Mr. Brown has 15 ge- nera with feathery Seeds, among which are Echites, Apocynum and Nerium. Of those whose Seeds, though sometimes winged with a membrane, are not feathery, such as Vinca, Plumieria, and Cameraria, he has not yet published any particular illustration. The leaves in both Orders are simple and entire. Inflorescence of Asclepiadeæ aggregate, lateral, be- tween the Footstalks. Ord. 48. SAPOTÆ. “Calyx divided, permanent. . Corolla regular, it's segments either equal in number to those of the Calyx, with alternate interior appen- dages; or twice as many, without such appendages. Stamens opposite to the segments of the Corolla, and agreeing with them in number; or else twice as many, the appendages bearing Anthers. Germen, Style, and generally Stigma, simple. Fruit a berry, or dru- pa, of one or many single-seeded cells. Seeds bony, polished, with a lateral scar. Embryo flat, encom- passed with a fleshy Albumen. Stem woody. Leaves а. a Cl. 9.] DICOT. COR. MONOP. PERIG. 111 alternate, mostly undivided and entire. Flowers axillary, many together on single-flowered stalks. Plants milky." Jacquinia, Sideroxylum, Bassia, fig. 187, Mimusops (including Imbricaria of Jussieu, which is perhaps M. Kauki Linn.), Chrysophyllum and Achras, with one or two others, less certain, make up this Order. Myrsine, fig. 188, (to which I have long ago referred Jussieu's Manglilla, Bumelia Manglilla Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 1. 1087.) enters a new Order, Myrsineæ of Brown, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 532, with Aegiceras of Gærtner, and of Konig. Ann. of Bot. v. 1. 129. t. 3, and I presume Inocarpus Forst. Olax is judged by Mr. Brown as rather akin to his Santalacea, see Ord. 24; and Leea, the same genus with Aquilicia, is undoubtedly one of the Melia, Ord. 71. Class 9. DICOTYLEDONES, COROLLA MONOPETA- LOUS, PERIGYNOUS. Calyx of one leaf, sometimes deeply divided, bearing the Corolla, which is monopetalous, though occa- sionally so deeply divided as to become polypetalous*; regular, rarely irregular. Stamens inserted either into the Corolla or Calyx, definite, seldom indefinite. Germen simple, superior or inferior. Style gene- rally single. Stigma rarely divided. Fruit pulpy or capsular, of one or many cells.” Even in one and the same species, as Andromeda calyculata. 112 [Cl. 9. GUAIACANÆ. The insertion of the Corolla, characteristic of this Class, is not very apparent, and I observe that Mr. Brown does not allude to such insertion, but, even in the character of the Ebenacea, contradicts it. In fact, nature and art accord very ill in this part of the Sy- stem. The first Order might, in the main, be re- moved to the foregoing Class, with whose character it agrees: while the fourth goes most readily and natu- rally to the eleventh Class, having some relationship to the tenth. But the great difficulty consists in the se- cond and third Orders of this ninth Class, in which there is really no such insertion of the Corolla as above mentioned*; and the inferior Germen of Vaccinium is an insurmountable stumbling-block. Nothing could justify, in a professedly natural system, the removing this last genus from the neighbourhood of Erica and Azalea; and it were better to have met the difficulty by an open avowal, with some contrivance of an ar- tificial nature, making Vaccinium an exception. The true Rhododendra and Ericæ would go very well into the eighth Class. It must be observed that their Sta- mens are often hypogynous, really inserted into the Receptacle under the Germen. Ord. 49. GUAIACANÆ. Calyx of one leaf, di- vided in the upper part. Corolla lobed, or deeply di- vided. Stamens inserted therein; sometimes definite, as many, or twice as many, as its segments; some- * Mr. Salisbury has long ago anticipated this remark. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 8, 12. n 66 CI. 9.) 113 GUAIACANÆ. a times indefinite, monadelphous or polyadelphous at the base. Germen mostly superior, in a few inferior, or half-inferior. Style 1. Stigma simple or divided. Fruit capsular, or more frequently pulpy, of many single-seeded cells. Embryo flat, in a fleshy Albu- men. Stem shrubby or arboreous. Leaves alter- nate. Flowers axillary.” Sect. 1. Stamens definite. Diospyros, fig. 189, Royena, Labatia, Schreb. Gen. 790 (Pouteria Aubl.), Styrax and Halesia. This Section constitutes an Order subsequently established by Jussieu, underthe name of EBENACEÆ, and adopted by Mr. Brown, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 524. The latter considers Diospyros, Royena, Embryo- pteris Gærtn., Paralea Aubl., Maba Forst. (Fer- reola Koen. and Roxb.), and his own Cargilla, Prodr. 526, as perhaps the only certain genera of this new Order; whose Corolla is really hypogynous, leathery, generally downy on the outside. Flowers more or less separated. Anthers lanceolate, attached by the base, bursting lengthwise. Berry with few perfect Seeds. Sect. 2. Stam. indefinite. Alstonia, Symplocos, Ciponima Aubl., Paralea Aubl., and Hopea Linn., all now considered as one genus under the oldest name Symplocos. Styrax and Halesia certainly answer best, even to the technical character of this Section, and perhaps ought to be placed here; unless more I 141 [Cl. 9. RHODODENDRA. akin, as Jussieu hints of the former, to his Melia, Ord. 71. Ord. 50. RHODODENDRA. “Calyx divided, per- manent. Corolla attached to it's base” (scarcely so), “either monopetalous and lobed, or so deeply divided as to become almost polypetalous. Stamens definite, distinct, inserted into the Corolla if monopetalous” (very slightly, if at all); “if it be polypetalous, into “ the bottom of the calyx” (rather into the receptacle). Germen superior. Style 1. Stigma single, often ca- pitate. Capsule superior, with many cells and many valves, whose inflexed edges constitute the partitions, uniting with the central column. Seeds numerous, minute. Stem shrubby. Leaves alternate, rarely op- posite, mostly revolute when young. Sect. 1. Corolla monopetalous. Kalmia, Rhododen- drum, fig. 190, Azalea; to which is to be added Men- ziesia, Sm. Pl. Ic. t. 56. Comp. Fl. Brit. ed. 4. 70. Sect. 2. Cor.nearly polypetalous. Rhodora, Ledum, Bejaria (erroneously printed by Linnæus Befaria), and Itea. It is singular that the able author should have re- marked in Rhodora only, what is the striking mark of his true Rhododendra, the bursting of the Anthers by 2 oval pores near the top, without any crest or appendage. Itea wants this character. This Order appears to have scarcely any affinity, except perhaps in hardness of wood, to the preceding. Cl. 9.] ERICÆ 115 46 Mr. Salisbury has remarked a coloured glandular tip to the Leaves, as characteristic of the Rhododendra. Ord. 51. ERICÆ. Calyx of 1 leaf, permanent, sometimes superior, more frequently inferior, deeply divided. Corolla monopetalous, in some instances deeply divided, inserted into the bottom of the Calyx, or glands belonging to it,” (Jussieu says also into the top,)“ often withering and permanent. Stamens de- finite, distinct, inserted similarly, or rarely proceeding from the base of the Corolla. Anthers often with 2 horns at the base” (always I believe opening by 2 pores). “Germen superior, or rarely inferior. Style 1. Stigma generally single. Fruit of many cells, pulpy, or more frequently capsular, with many valves, the partitions”(not constantly)" from the middle of each, joining the central column. Seeds numerous, and ge- nerally minute. Stem mostly shrubby. Leaves alter- nate, opposite, or whorled." Sect. 1. Germen superior. Cyrilla Linn. (not distinct in genus from Itea, see last Order), Blaria, Erica, fig. 191, Andromeda, Arbutus, Clethra, Py- rola, Epigæa, Epacris, fig. 8, 9, Gaultheria, and Brossaa. Sect. 2. Germen inferior, or half-inferior. Argo- phyllum Forst., Masa Forsk., and Vaccinium, fig. 192. Empetrum and Hudsonia are subjoined as allied to Ericæ. Mr. Brown has happily separated from hence Epa- cris, fig. 8, 9, and it's very numerous allies, which I 2 116 ERICÆ. [Cl. 9. a compose a beautiful and distinct Order, termed EPA- CRIDEÆ, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 535. They occu- py the same place at New Holland, that the vast genus Erica does at the Cape of Good Hope, and are distinguished by the simple structure of their An- thers, first noticed by Mr. Brown. Each Anther bursts longitudinally in front, opposite to it's dorsal point of insertion, and then becomes a single flat valve, the rather large Pollen being borne by a narrow recep- tacle, or partition, which originally divided the An- ther into 2 cells. The Germen has usually five scales, sometimes a notched ring, at the base. Stigma capi- tate, sometimes notched or toothed. Fruit either a Drupa, Berry, or Capsule, rarely of only I cell. Stem shrubby, with rigid, alternate, mostly entire, Leaves, and elegant white or crimson, rarely blue, Flowers, variously disposed, often drooping. Itea, including Cyrilla, has Anthers of 2 cells, bursting from top to bottom, at 2 opposite sides, so that, to say nothing of the great difference of habit, it cannot be brought hither. The partitions of the Capsule are in some of the ge- nus Erica formed from the inflexed edges of the valves, as in the Rhododendra, Ord. 50; in others proceeding from the centre of each valve. This difference exists in species otherwise so nearly akin, that no person has ventured to divide the genus by it, any more than by various appendages to the Anthers, which, however remarkable, afford no sound generic distinctions. CI. 9.] CAMPANULACEÆ. 117 Ord. 52. CAMPANULACEÆ. “Calyx superior, it's limb deeply divided; rarely half-inferior. Corolla (inserted into the top of the Calyx Juss.) mostly re- gular, with a divided limb, generally withering. Sta- mens inserted into the same part under the Corolla, alternate with it's segments, and equal to them in number, generally 5, with distinct, occasionally com- bined, Anthers. Germen glandular at the top. Style 1. Stigma single or divided. Capsule usually of 3 cells, sometimes of 2, 5, 6, or 8, bursting laterally. Seeds numerous, attached to the inner angle of each cell. Herbs with a milky juice, rarely shrubby. Leaves mostly alternate. Flowers distinct, or (in Jasione) aggregate.” It is not easy to divine what is meant by Jussieu's expression of the Corolla being “summo calyci in- serta.” Both those parts and the Stamens are really epigynous. We cannot trace the slightest relationship between this Order and the Ericæ or Rhododendra. But their milky, often bitter, quality, and in some New Holland species a very strong resemblance of habit, approaches them to the great natural class of Compound Syngenesious Flowers, from which their generally 3-celled, many-seeded, Capsule forms as wide an aberration, as the same sort of fruit in Bego- nia does from the natural Order of Polygonea, n. 28, to which that singular genus is otherwise so much akin. Phytolacca exhibits a somewhat similar ano- maly in the Atriplices, n. 29. 3 118 CAMPANULACEÆ. [Cl. 9. Jussieu's Sections of Campanulacea are, 1. Anthers distinct. Ceratostema Juss. a Peruvian plant little known, Forgesia Commerson, Mindium Juss. (Michauxia L'Herit. Schreb. Gen. 840), Cana- rina, Campanula, fig. 193, Trachelium, Roella, Gesne- ria, Cyphia Berg., Scavola, fig. 194, and Phyteuma. 2. Anthers combined. Lobelia, fig. 195, and Jasione. New Holland has greatly enriched this Order, and, under Mr. Brown's auspices, thrown much light upon it. He separates from hence, by the name of Goode- novie, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 573, Scavola, fig. 194, along with the new genera of Goodenia, Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 2. 346, Velleia, Sm. ib. y. 4. 217, and several more, first discovered by bimself; amongst which not the least interesting is Brunonia, Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 10. 365, whose affinity is among the most puzzling, approaching both the 55th and 56th of Jussieu's Orders. The Goodenovia are not milky. Their Pericarp is of 2, rarely 4, cells, with 1 or more Seeds in each cell. Their essential character is a cup- like membranous integument, entire or divided, em- bracing the thick abrupt Stigma. Between them and the real Campanulacea, Mr. Brown interposes another new Order, Stylidea, fig. 73-76, whose 2 Stamens are Gynandrous, like the Orchidea, with twin Anthers; their Style, or Column, generally bent, and highly irritable. Capsule of 2 cells and 2 valves, with many Seeds. If the 9th Class of the Jussieuan System, to which Cl. 10.] DICOT. COR..MON. EPIG. ANTH. COMB. 119 so many objections have just been started, were re- moved, it would unquestionably leave a great and ab- solute separation between the 8th and the 10th, as to natural affinity; while much is gained in that respect by its preservation, however faulty the characters. Class 10. DICOTYLEDONES. COROLLA MONOPE- TALOUS, EPIGYNOUS. ANTHERS COMBINED. “ Flowers tubular, aggregate in a Common Calyx, whence they are termed compound (68), upon a Common Receptacle (63), which is either naked, scaly, or hairy. Proper Calyx none, except the cu- ticle of the Seed, and the Seed-down which is often a continuation thereof. Corolla of 1 tubular Petal, standing on the Pistil (Germen); in some instances flosculous, having a regular limb, almost invariably 5-cleft; in others ligulate, the limb being extended into a lateral flat expansion, entire or toothed at it's extremity. Stamens definite, almost always 5 with distinct Filaments, inserted into the Corolla. Anthers united into a tube, very rarely approximated only. Germen inferior (with respect to the Corolla and Proper Calyx) simple, standing on the Common Receptacle. Style 1, passing through the tube formed by the Anthers. Stigma generally deeply divided, rarely single. Seed 1, either naked, or crowned with a border, wing or down. Albumen none. Ra- dicle inferior. Flower's sometimes all flosculous, or all ligulate, in the same Calyx; or those of a 120 [Cl. 10. CICHORACEÆ. ; the centre are flosculous, those of the margin ligu- late.” Exceptions to the above characters, of this most natural and very extensive Class, occur in the two last sections of the 55th Order, hereafter to be explained; as also in Tussilago, several of whose species are in- completely dioecious, and have disunited Anthers; in Eclipta, the Flowers, or Florets, of whose disk are 4-cleft and tetrandrous; in Siegesbeckia flosculosa, where they are 3-cleft and triandrous; and in Seri- phium, as also in Stahelina uniflosculosa, Prodr. Fl. Græc. v. 2. 162, which have only 1 Floret in each Calyx. The occasionally undivided or club-shaped Stigma is always, I believe, inefficient. Ord. 53. CICHORACEÆ, fig. 57-60. • Florets all ligulate and perfect, fig. 59. Common Calyx various. Each Floret, entire or toothed at the apex, has a twin Stigma. Seed either naked, or feathery, fig. 60. Re- ceptacle either naked, fig. 58, or covered with hairs or scales. Plants milky, herbaceous, often caulescent. Leaves alternate. Flowers usually yellow.” Schkuhr has remarked that their Pollen is angular; in the tubular Florets it is spherical or oval. Br. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 12. 88. This Order is equivalent to the first Section of the Syngenesia Polygamia-æqualis of Linnæus, of which Sonchus, Hieracium, Picris, fig. 57-60, Leontodon, Tragopogon, and Cichorium are examples, nor can any thing be more natural, Cl. 10.] CINAROCEPHALA, CORYMBIFERÆ. 121 Ord. 54. CINAROCEPHALÆ, fig. 61-65. “Florets all flosculous, sometimes all perfect; sometimes partly neuter, fig. 64, or partly fertile, mixed with the perfect ones. Common Calyx of many rows of im- bricated scales, either spinous or unarmed. Common Receptacle hairy, fig. 62, or more usually scaly. Neuter Florets, fig. 64, often irregular ; the rest, fig. 65, regular, 5-cleft and pentandrous, with a simple or divided Stigma, often continuous, not jointed, with the Style. Seed with a hairy, fig. 62, or feathery Down. Stem herbaceous, rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate, often spinous. Flowers various in colour, terminal, rarely axillary.” These make the 2d, or capitate, Section of the same Class and Order of Linnæus, of which Carlina, Cni- cus, Carduus, fig. 61, 62, and Serratula are examples: part of his 3d Order, Polygamia-frustranea, is like- wise included, and part of his 5th, Polygamia-segre- gata, certainly with very great advantage. Ord. 55. CORYMBIFERÆ, fig. 66-69. “ Flowers either altogether flosculous, or radiated, fig. 66; the Florets of the Disk, in the latter case, being flosculous, fig. 68, those of the Margin ligulate, fig. 67. The flosculous ones are either all perfect, or the marginal ones are fertile or neuter; more rarely the centralones have Stamens only, the marginal ones only Pistils. The radiant Flowers never consist entirely of united Florets, but for the most part those of the disk are such, the rays being either furnished with perfect or 122 CORYMBIFERÆ. [Cl. 10. : imperfect Pistils, or sometimes without rudiments of any. Common Calyx of 1 leaf, or of many ; either sim- ple, or surrounded by a smaller exterior Calyx, or im- bricated throughout: containing in general numerous Florets, sometimes but a few, or only one; the Com- mon Receptacle being either naked, or clothed with hairs or scales, fig. 69, separating the Florets. The Florets are almost universally 5-cleft, rarely 3- or 4-cleft; the number of Stamens corresponding there- with : ligulate ones either entire or toothed at the end. Anthers very rarely unconnected. Stigmas a continua- tion of the Style ; 2 in the perfect and fertile Florets; single, or wanting, in the barren and neuter ones. Seed either naked, or crowned with scales or down. Plants herbaceous, sometimes shrubby. Leaves more frequently alternáte than opposite. Disk of the Flowers mostly yellow; rays often of the same, not unfrequently of a different, colour.” The 2d, 3d, and 4th Orders of Linnæus's Synge- nesia (Polygamia-superflua, P. frustranea and P. ne- cessaria,) compose this Order; as well as what Jus- sieu terms Corymbifera anomalæ, having perfectly separated Florets, either in the same Common Calyx, or in 2 different ones, on different plants, their An- thers being convergent, but not united. These last, wanting the Syngenesious character, Linnæus has placed, with much violence to nature, in his Monoecia, Class 21. Iva, Clibadium, Parthenium, Ambrosia, Xanthium, and Nephelium are the genera. They make а. Cl. 10.] CORYMBIFERÆ. 123 the 8th and 9th Sections of Jussieu's Corymbifera, the other seven being marked by a naked or scaly Receptacle, winged or naked Seeds, and flosculous or radiated Flowers. The last character is not always well defined, nor free from variation. The change of flosculous, or regular, Florets, into ligulate, or radiant, or tubular and neuter, ones, is, in this tribe, analogous to the change of Stamens or Pistils into Petals, in the generality of double Flowers. Exam- ples of these seven Sections are- Sect. 1. Receptacle naked. Seed with down, or crown. Flowers flosculous. Kuhnia, referred by Lin- næus to his Pentandria Monogynia, because of the separate Anthers; Cacalia, Eupatorium, Xeranthe- mum, Gnaphalium, Filago, and several others. Mu- tisia and Barnadesia, being evidently radiant, seem misplaced here. In Gnaphalium indeed the marginal Florets are more or less ligulate, though too minute to form a visible Radius. Seriphium, whose Calyx is single-flowered, is well brought hither from the now abolished Linnæan Order, Syngenesia Monogamia, and Stoebe from Syng. Polyg.-segregata. Sect. 2. Recept. and Seed as above. Flowers ra- diant. Erigeron, Aster, Inula, fig. 66-69, Tussilago, (whose Radius is very minute,) Senecio, Tagetes, Doronicum, &c. Sect. 3. Recept. and Seed naked. Fl. radiant. Ca- lendula, Chrysanthemum, Matricaria, Bellis, &c. Sect. 4. Recept. and Seed naked. Fl. flosculous. a 124 CORYMBIFERÆ. [Cl. 10. Cotula, Ethulia, Hippia, Tanacetum, Artemisia, &c. some of which have minute ligulate Florets in the Radius, and others approach towards the nature of double Flowers, by acquiring evident Rays. Sect. 5. Recept. chaffy. Seed naked. Fl. usually radiant. Tarchonanthus, Micropus, Anthemis, Achil- lea, Buphthalmum, Siegesbeckia, &c. Sect. 6. Recept. chaffy. Seed toothed or scaly at the crown. Fl. generally radiant. Spilanthus without, and Verbesina with rays, scarcely differ otherwise; Bidens and Coreopsis are in the same predicament, and often vary into each other; Silphium, Helianthus, Rudbeckia, &c. Sect. 7. Recept. chaffy. Seed with a feathery, hairy, or bristly crown. Fl. mostly radiant. Arctotis, Tridax, Amellus, &c. Sect. 8 and 9 have already been explained. The former is said to be monoecious, the latter dioecious, which is not uniformly correct. In fact this circum- stance varies. Mr.Brown, in a learned paper on this natural family of Composita, Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 12. 76, lays much stress on the situation of the nerves, or principal ves- sels, of the Corolla of the tubular Florets, which is always alternate with their segments, not, as in all other plants, central, or running along the middle of each segment, though such do also, less universally, occur. The same writer notices that the Aestivation of the Florets is valvular, which is not indeed peculiar to Cl. 11.] 125 DIPSACEÆ. 1 them. This paper abounds with copious and most valuable critical remarks on the differences or affini- ties of particular genera. Class 11. DICOTYLEDONES. COROLLA MONOPE- TALOUS, EPIGYNOUS. ANTHERS DISTINCT. Proper Calyx” (Perianth, 53:1) “of I leaf, su- perior. Corolla of 1 petal, rarely of several united by their broad bases, superior, often regular. Sta- mens definite, inserted into the Corolla, with distinct” (distant or divaricated) “anthers. Germen simple. Style usually one, sometimes several, or wanting. Stigma simple or divided. Seed, or generally Pe- ricarp, either capsular or pulpy, inferior, of 1 or many cells, with one or many Seeds." Jussieu makes the separate Anthers the difference between this Class and the last, speaking of the pre- sent (so far, we must presume, as it consists of aggre- gate Flowers,) as rather superfluous. But the disposi- tion of the vessels of the Corolla, noticed by Mr. Brown in the former Class, affords a decisive distinction. Ord. 56. DIPSACEÆ. “Calyx single or double. Corolla tubular, with a divided limb. Stamens defi- nite. Style and Stigma simple. Capsule generally single-seeded, not bursting, but resembling a naked Seed; very rarely composed of 2 or 3 single-seeded cells. Albumen none. Radicle superior. Stem usually herbaceous. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled. Flow- ers in a few instances distinct; in most aggregate, on (6 126 RUBIACEA. [CI. 11. a chaffy Common Receptacle, surrounded by a Com- mon Calyx of many leaves.” Morina, Dipsacus, Scabiosa, fig. 5-7, Knautia, Al- lionia, and Valeriana are the genera, all except the last having aggregate Flowers. Ord. 57. RUBIACEÆ. Calyx simple, it's limb almost always divided. Corolla regular, mostly tu- bular, with a divided limb. Stamens definite, 4 or 5, seldom more, inserted into the tube of the Corolla, alternate with it's segments, and agreeing with them in number. Germen inferior. Style 1, very rarely 2. Stigmas generally 2. Fruit either of 2 single-seeded lobes or grains, not bursting, and resembling naked seeds; or a capsular or pulpy Pericarp, often of 2 cells, with 1 or many Seeds in each ; sometimes of only I cell, or of many: it is either crowned with the permanent Calyx, or naked" (having a scar where the Calyx has been). “Embryo oblong, slender, in a large, horny, lateral Albumen. Stem herbaceous, shrubby or arboreous. Leaves (simple) in a few instances whorled, in most opposite, their Footstalks combined at the base either by a simple sheathing intrafolia- ceous Stipula, or a fringed membranous lax one." A vast and important Order, which Jussieu has all the merit of having brought into due notice. The pecu- liar stipulation is, in the shrubby genera, a ready mark of distinction. There are eleven Sections, of which the first two might well constitute an Order by them- selves; the rest are mostly tropical,with woody Stems. Cl. 11.] 127 RUBIACEX. Mr. Brown observes, Bot. of Terra Australis, 31, that it is scarcely possible to distinguish the Rubiacea, as now constituted, from the Apocinea, Ord. 47, by cha- racters taken from the fructification alone. This is but one confirmation amongst many, which the nu- merous exceptions throughout the Jussieuan classifi- cation afford, of the opinion of Linnæus, that natural orders are, as yet, not possibly to be defined by tech- nical marks. Nevertheless, every attempt of the kind is useful, as tending to dissipate some obscurity, or to point out some truth ; nor does the fact just mentioned at all invalidate the propriety, or neces- sity, of recurring to the fructification, for every prin- ciple of classical arrangement, as well as of generic distinction, though our incomplete knowledge of plants renders exceptions, to all our rules, inevitable. Sect. 1. Fruit of 2 single-seeded grains. Stamens mostly four. Leaves mostly whorled, and Stem her- baceous. Sherardia, fig.196, Asperula, Galium, Cru- cianella, Valantia, Rubia, and Anthospermum, the last not well characterized by Linnæus. Sect. 2. Fruit the same. Stamens 4, rarely 5 or 6. Leaves generally opposite, connected by a fringed sheath. Stem usually herbaceous. Houstonia, Knoxia, Spermacoce, Diodia, Galopina Thunb. Richardia, and Phyllis. Sect. 3. Pericarp simple, of 2 cells, with many Seeds. Stamens 4. Leaves opposite. Stem herba- ceous or shrubby. Hedyotis and Oldenlandia, two 128 RUBIACEA. [CI. 11. the genera which, as usually understood, are not distinct. But 0. pentandra, digyna, and depressa 'of authors constitute a good genus, now bearing that name, Sm. in Rees's Cycl. v. 25, and belonging to Jussieu's Saxifraga, Ord. 84. Carphalea Juss., Lamarck Illustr. t. 59, with Gomozia, Petesia, and Catesbæa of Linnæus, and a few Aubletian genera, compose the rest of this Section. Sect. 4. Fruit the same. Stamens 5. Leaves op- posite, as in all the following. Stem often shrubby. Bellonia, very little known, with Virecta, the beau- tiful Mussænda, the valuable Cinchona, fig. 197, fragrant Gardenia, and magnificent Portlandia, are here the principal genera. Genipa and Randia are Gardenia. Sect. 5. Fruit the same. Stam. 6 or more. Stem in some arboreous. Coutarea Aubl. t. 122, which is Portlandia hexandra Linn., Hillia, and Duroia, are all the genera mentioned. Sect. 6. Fruit the same, with 2 Seeds. Stamens 4. Stem for the most part shrubby. Chomelia Jacq., Pavetta, Ixora, &c. Sect. 7. Pericarp and Seeds the same. Stamens 5. Stem shrubby or arboreous. Chiococca, Psychotria, and Coffea, fig. 198, are the chief examples. Sect. 8. Pericarp simple, of many single-seeded cells. Stam. 4, 5, or more. Stem often shrubby. Erithalis, Laugeria, Guettarda, &c., with a few of Commerson’s, not very certain, genera. Matthiola of a Cl. 11.] CAPRIFOLIA. 129 a Plumier and Linn. is a Guettarda. The former, as the oldest name, should have been retained. Sect.9. Peric. the same, with several Seeds in each cell. Stam. 5 or more. Stem shrubby or herbaceous. Hamelia, fig. 199, with Patima and Sabicea of Au- blet. Sect. 10. Flowers aggregate on a Common Recep- tacle, or rarely confluent. Stem woody, rarely herba- ceous. Mitchella, the curious Canephora of Juss. Lamarck Illustr. t. 151, Callicocca, Morinda, Nau- clea, Cephalanthus. Sect. 11. Genera akin to Rubiucer, whose Fruit was not well known to Jussieu. Serissa, now found to belong to Sect. 7; Pagamea, and Faramea of Aublet, perhaps near Callicocca; and Hydrophylax, which should go to the 6th Section. . Ord. 58. CaprIFOLIA. “Calyx superior, often with 2 Bracteas, or an outward Calyx, at its base" (or rather at the base of the Germen). “Corolla usually monopetalous, either regular, or irregular; in a few polypetalous, the Petals combined by their broad bases. Stamens definite, mostly 5; inserted into the tube of the monopetalous genera, alternate with the segments; in the others either standing on the Germen, alternate with the Petals, or attached to the middle of each Petal. Style 1, or wanting. Stigma 1, rarely 3. Fruit inferior, pulpy, or some- times capsular, of 1 or many cells, with 1 or many Seeds in each. Embryo in a cavity in the upper part K 130 CAPRIFOLIA. [Cl. 11. of the large solid Albumen. Stem woody, rarely herbaceous. Leaves generally opposite, seldom al- ternate; without any intermediate Stipulas.” There is a fallacy in the character of this Order, as stated by Jussieu, and the acknowledged diversity of insertion of the Stamens indicates, what it really is, a very heterogeneous Order. The outer Calyx, or rather pair of Bracteas, is not at the base of the proper Perianth, which is superior, but at the base of the Germen, which is inferior. The 1st Section exemplifies the true Caprifolia, having a Style, and a monopetalous Corolla. These are Linnea, fig. 200, Triosteum, and Lonicera, the latter divided by Jussieu into Symphoricarpos, Diervilla, Xylosteum, and Caprifolium. Lonicera corymbosa, gathered by Mr. Menzies in Chili, proves not an Ixora, but a Loranthus. Ovieda is properly removed to the Vitices. Loranthus, Viscum*, and Rhizophora, which con- stitute the 2d Section, have surely but little relation- ship to the foregoing, or perhaps to each other. Mr. Brown makes an Order of Rhizophorea, Bot. of Terra Austr. 17, akin to his Cunoniacea, see Ord. 84; and considers Loranthus as much allied to Proteacea. The 3d Section consists of Viburnum, fig. 201, and * Seeds of Viscum are now germinating under my observation, some of which send out two radicles, as Duhamel remarks, Arb. v. 2. 355, though Gartner never saw more than one. Such Seeds have in the centre a double Plumula, like an egg with two yolks. CI. 12.] DICOT. COR. POLYP. ST. EPIG. . 131 Sambucus; for Jussieu's Hortensia is, according to all appearance, a Hydrangea, and, however near to these two genera in habit, very different in structure. This Section is characterized by 3 sessile Stigmas, though the Seed is solitary in Viburnum. The 4th Section is formed of Cornus and Hedera, which have a polypetalous Corolla, and no external Calyx, except what is common to numerous Flowers. They are slightly akin. Hedera naturally belongs to the Aralia, Ord. 59. Jussieu himself candidly ex- presses his dissatisfaction with the Order in question. Class 12. DICOTYLEDONES. COROLLA POLYPETA- LOUS. STAMENS EPIGYNOUS. . . “Calyx of one leaf, superior. Petals of a definite num- ber, standing on the Pistil, that is, on the margin of a gland crowning the Germen. Stamens definite, distinct, inserted into the same part, as many as the Petals, and alternate with them. Germen single” (scarcely so in the 60th Order). “Styles se- veral, definite. Stigmas as many. Seeds as many, naked, or rarely in a Pericarp, the number of whose cells answers to the Styles. Embryo minute, oblong, in the upper part of a hard Albumen. Flowers um- bellate (48:7), with or without a general or partial Involucrum, or both.” a The Germen is considered single, because the Sta- mens are epigynous; and in fact the Receptacle of K 2 132 [CI. 12. ARALIÆ, UMBELLIFERÆ. (6 the Flower is simple, though the Seeds are often di- stinctly separated in many of the Umbellifera. Ord. 59. ARALIÆ. “Calyx entire or toothed. Styles several. Fruit pulpy, or more rarely capsular, of many single-seeded cells. Stem woody or herba- ceous. Leaves alternate, often compound; their Foot- stalk sheathing at the lower part. Umbel generally accompanied by an Involucrum.” Gastonia of Commerson, and Polyscias of Forster, with Aralia, Cussonia and Panax, fig. 202, compose this Order. Sciodaphyllum of Browne's Jamaica, like Aralia capitata of Jacquin, seems to me a species of Hedera. See the end of Ord. 58. Ord. 60. UMBELLIFERÆ. “Calyx entire, or 5- toothed. Petals 5. Stamens 5. Styles and Stigmas 2. Fruit separable perpendicularly into 2 Seeds, vari- ously shaped, pendulous from the top of a central, thread-shaped, often cloven, Receptacle. Flowers disposed in Umbels, and those generally divided into partial Umbels, Umbellule, each either with an Invo- lucrum, or without, and in most instances regular, though in some anomalous. Stem herbaceous, rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate, for the most part-repeat- edly compound, rarely simple. Footstalks sheathing, Flowers white, or purplish, sometimes yellow.” One of the most natural of all Orders. “Lagoecia only has a solitary Style and Seed." They are distri- buted by Jussieu, as well as by Linnæus, according to the presence or absence of their general or partial In- a a Cl. 12.] 133 UMBELLIFERÆ. volucrum. Artedi, the early friend of Linnæus, who devoted himself to the study of the Umbellifera, sug- gested, or adopted, this plan. But those parts are often variable in the same species. The regularity or irre- gularity of the Petals also, and the perfection or par- tial imperfection of the Stamensor Pistils, often afford good marks. The simple or divided form of the Petals is very material. But the figure, margin, ribs, angles, and surface of the Seeds yield most excellent cha- racters *. The earlier systematic botanists, and more recently Crantz and Cusson, have had this object in view. Hoffmann and Sprengel are now intent upon it. The Prodromus of the latter, published at Halle in 1813, does honour to it's author, though his Species Umbelliferarum minùs cognita, published five years later, may serve to show that his ideas of genera are not yet settled. It would be superfluous to give the detail of Jussieu's 4 Sections. Sprengel's are as follows: 1. Fruit compressed, flat. Hasselquistia, Tordylium, Heracleum, Peucedanum, fig. 203, Ferula and Pasti- naca are good examples. Hydrocotyle appears mis- placed here. 2. Fr. solid, winged at the margin. Drusa, De- Cand. Ann. du Mus. v. 10, Mulinum Persoon, Se- By such characters, and others derived from the Receptacle of the Flower (63), the Calyx, &c, the British Umbellifere are, I hope, better defined than heretofore, in Engl. Fl. v. 2. 134 UMBELLIFERÆ. [Cl. 12. . linum, Angelica, Imperatoria, Thapsia, Laserpitium, and Artedia, fig. 204. or osovo 3. Fr. with a bladdery skin. Hermas, Cicuta, Phy- sospermum Cusson (long thought Ligusticum cor- nubiense Linn.), and Astrantia, fig. 206. b 4. Fr. with a thick coat. Cachrys, Coriandrum, Dondia Spreng. (Astrantia Epipactis Linn.), Smyr- niúm, fig. 207, Aethusa, and Agasyllis Spr. (Bubon Galbanum and Sison salsum Linn., &c.). 15. Fr. armed. Daucus, Caucalis, fig. 208, Torilis Adanson, Sanicula, Bowlesia Ruiz. and Pavon, Cu- minum, Oliveria Ventenat, Athamanta, Bubon, Tra- gium Spr., Eriocalia, fig. 205 and 209, Anthriscus Pers., Fischera Spr. (Azorella Cavan, and Labill.), and 6. Fr. solid, naked; either linear-lanceolate, as Myrrhis Morison, Scandix, fig. 210, Chærophyllum, Schulzia Spr., Sium, Carum, Tenoria Spr. (chiefly ex- tracted from Bupleurum), and Meum Tourn.-or ob- long-ovate, as Echinophora, Exoucantha Labill. Odon- tites Spr. Bolax Commerson, Spananthe Jacq., Apium, Pimpinella, Sison, fig. 211, Seseli, Oenanthe, Conium, Bupleurum, Cnidium Cusson, Ligusticum, Ammi, and Siler Gærtn. (Laserpitium aquilegifolium Jacq.). The following Linnæan genera are excluded from this system. Crithmum, which is referred to Cachrys; Aegopodium to Sison ; Anethum to Meum; and Phel- landrium to Oenanthe. ر Cl. 13.] DICOT. COR. . POLYP. ST. HYPOG. 135 a Eryngium, fig. 212, is either excluded or over- looked, by Prof. Sprengel, though unquestionably of this natural order. It's simple Umbel is merely condensed into a Capitulum (48:6), resembling the Dipsacea, Ord. 56, and Cinarocephala, Ord. 54, to which last the rigid spinous habit of the herbage ap- proaches. Class 13. DICOTYLEDONES. COROLLA POLYPETA- LOUS. STAMENS HYPOGYNOUS. Calyx of one or many leaves ; very rarely wanting. Petals hypogynous, that is, inserted under the Pi- stil, definite ; very rarely indefinite; mostly distinct, sometimes united at the base into a kind of mono- petalous Corolla ; rarely entirely wanting. Sta- mens hypogynous, definite or indefinite, their Fila- ments usually distinct, but sometimes united into a tube, or more rarely collected into several bundles. Anthers distinct, except in” (some species of )“ Viola and Balsamina (Impatiens Linn.). Germen supe- rior, in numerous instances single, in some multi- plied. Style one, or several, or wanting. Stigma 1, or several. Fruit superior, either single, with 1 or many cells, or more rarely multiplied, each separate Pericarp being of 1 cell.” No trace of connexion or affinity is discernible between this Class and the preceding, either in cha- racters, habit, or qualities. The present is a great polypetalous hypogynous assemblage, of various discordant tribes and genera, as the 8th Class is 136 RANUNCULACEÆ. [CI. 13. a monopetalous one. The series of Orders is made as natural as circumstances will allow, in this, as in the former, case. Ord. 61. RANUNCULACEÆ. “Calyx of many leaves, sometimes wanting. Petals usually 5. Sta- mens indefinite, except in Myosurus” (where how- ever they are variable). “Anthers continuous with the Filaments. Germens several, indefinite or defi- nite, rarely but one. Style one to each, rarely want- ing, with a solitary Stigma. Capsules, rarely Berries, as many; in some instances single-seeded, and not bursting ; in others many-seeded, splitting at the inneredge, half way down, into 2 valves, whose edges bear the Seeds. Embryo minute, in a cavity at the upper part of a large horny Albumen. Stem mostly herbaceous. Leaves alternate, or rarely, in Clematis and Atragene, opposite; some half sheathing; others compound, either pinnate or digitate; others again simple, and in that case either palmate, or otherwise lobed, their sinuses frequently pale.” Sect. 1. Capsules single-seeded, not bursting. (These are reckoned naked Seeds by Linnæus.) In Hydrastis they are Berries. Clematis, fig. 213, Atra- gene, Thalictrum, Hydrastis, Anemone, Hamadryas Commers. Adonis, Ranunculus, fig. 214, Ficaria and Myosurus. Sect. 2. Caps. many-seeded, bursting internally. Petals irregular. (What Jussieu here terms Petals, are Nectaries according to Linnæus, the coloured Calyx of the former being Linnæus's Petals.) Trol- Cl. 13.] 137 PAPAVERACEÆ. lius, Helleborus, fig. 215, Isopyrum, Nigella, Gari- della, Aquilegia, Delphinium and Aconitum. Sect. 3. Caps. the same. Petals regular. Caltha, fig. 216, Peonia, Xanthorrhiza and Cimicifuga. Sect. 4. Germen single. Berry of 1 cell, with many Seeds, on a single lateral Receptacle. Actæa, fig. 217, and Podophyllum. Perhaps these, especially the last, might be removed to the next The Ranunculacea have lately been admirably illustrated by Prof. DeCandolle, in his Regni Vege- tabilis Systema Naturale, v. 1. 127, both with respect to genera, species and synonyms. This learned writer observes, that the genuine plants of the Order in ques- tion have external or dorsal Anthers; the spurious ones, Actæa (which includes Cimicifuga), Xanthor- rhiza and Peonia, have interior Anthers, that is, turned towards the Pistils. He reduces Atragene to Clematis; except A. zeylanica, which constitutes a genus, called by him Naravelia, a name of barbarous origin, and it seems better that Atragene should re- main to designate this genus. Ord. 62. PAPAVERACEÆ. Calyx mostly of 2 deciduous leaves. Petals generally 4. Stamens de- finite or indefinite. Germen l. Style seldom present. Stigma divided. Fruit either a capsule or pod, mostly of 1 cell, with numerous Seeds, attached to lateral Receptacles. Stem herbaceous, very rarely shrubby. Leaves alternate. Juice in some species coloured.” bo Sect. 1. Stamens indefinite. Sanguinaria, Arge- CC > 138 CRUCIFERÆ. [Cl. 13. mone, Papaver, fig. 218, Glaucium, Chelidonium and Bocconia. Sect. 2. Stam. definite. Hypecoum and Fumaria, fig. 38, 39; the latter an anomalous genus, much sub- divided by some authors, on account of it's diversity of Pericarps. The Order of Nymphæd established by Mr. Sa- lisbury, see Ord. 22, should be here introduced. An example of it is Nuphar, fig. 219. Ord. 63. CrucifiRÆ, fig. 23-30. “Calyx of 4 CRUCIFERÆ leaves, generally deciduous. Petals 4, disposed like a cross, whence the name of the Order, alternate with the Calyx-leaves, often furnished with Claws, and inserted into a disk, or glandular Receptacle, under the Germen. Stamens 6, likewise there inserted, te- tradynamous, that is, 4 of them larger, in pairs, and 2 smaller solitary and opposite to each other, each in- dividual, or each pair, opposite to a Calyx-leaf. Ger- men simple, standing on the above-mentioned disk, which sometimes swells into glands withinside of the Stamens. Style simple, or wanting. Stigma gene- rally simple. Fruit a long Pod (61:2), or short Pouch (61:2), mostly of 2 cells, and 2 distinct valves, separating lengthwise, parallel to a membranous, thick-edged partition, which sometimes extends like a beak beyond the valves; and bears on both it's edges several, rarely solitary, Seeds. Albumen none. Plants herbaceous, seldom shrubby. Leaves alter- nate, in Lunaria partly opposite. Flowers seldom Cl. 13.] 139 CRUCIFERÆ. axillary, mostly terminal, racemose, or corymbose, sometimes panicled.". anon Vrou This Order, constituting Linnæus's 15th Class, is so natural in itself, that we can scarely say whether any real affinity exists between it and any other. Hypecoum, in the last, betrays a slight resemblance, rather than a relationship, to this; as Cleome does in the following; but this last genus is incorrectly referred by Linnæus to his Tetradynamia, according to any rule that I can discover.. tot vinosport The Genera of Crucifera, in which Jussieu follows Linnæus, are among the least satisfactory in either of their systems. Mr. Brown, in Ait. Hort. Kew., ed. 2. v. 4, has greatly improved them, taking into account the position and direction of their Cotyledons, whether spiral, doubled, or flat; incumbent, folded together upon the Embryo, or accumbent, folded con- trariwise, their edges meeting the Embryo. The num- ber of Seeds also lends occasional assistance, in the Siliculosa at least. His principles are adopted by DeCandolle, and in Engl. Fl. v. 3. In some few instances, 2, or even 4, of the Sta- mens are wanting. sundsds of todos Crambe, Coronopus*, Peltaria, whose Pouch does not burst, Isatis, Vella, Teesdalia Br., fig. 25-27, Iberis, Thlaspi, fig. 23, 24, Lepidium, Farsetia, and Lunaria, are among the best genera in Tetradynamia Siliculosa; as are odtis 9 901 bmw Arabis, Brassica, Sinapis, and Raphanus, in T. Si- * Senebiera. DeCand. Syst. v. 2.621. Engl. Fl. v. 3. 178. et mo 140 CAPPARIDES, SAPINDI. [Cl. 13. a liquosa. Mr. Brown's Malcomia appears more satis- factory than his Matthiola, as separated from Cheir- anthus. Ord. 64. CAPPARIDES. 'Calyx either of many leaves, or of one leaf in many segments. Petals 4 or 5, mostly alternate therewith. Stamens definite, or more frequently indefinite. Germen simple, often stalked, the stalk sometimes bearing the Stamens, it's base oc- casionally glandular at one side. Style 1, or more frequently wanting. Stigma solitary. Fruit many seeded, either a Pod or Berry, of 1 cell, scarcely more. Seeds kidney-shaped, attached to parietal Recepta- cles. Albumen none. Embryo incurved, the Radi- cle lying above the Cotyledons. Stem herbaceous, shrubby, or arboreous. Leaves alternate, simple, rarely ternate, or digitate, sometimes furnished at the base with a pair of Stipulas, Prickles, or Glands. Cleome, Cadaba Forsk., Capparis, fig. 20, Sodada Forsk., Cratava, Morisonia and Durio are Jussieu's genera, to which Boscia, Lamarck Illustr. t. 395, is to be added. The following very miscellaneous assemblage is subjoined, as akin to the true Capparides; Marc- gravia, Norantea Aubl. (Ascium Schreb. Gen. 358), Reseda, fig. 17, Drosera and Parnassia. Ord. 65. SAPINDI. “Calyx of many leaves, or of 1 leaf, mostly divided. Petals 4 or 5, inserted into a disk, under the Germen; either simple and naked, or bearing hairs or glands, sometimes an inner petal, on their claws at the inside. Stamens generally 8, with Cl. 13.] 141 ACERA. distinct Filaments, inserted into the same disk. Ger- men simple. Styles 1 or 3. Stigmas 1, 2, or 3. Fruit fleshy, or capsular, of 1, 2, or 3, cells, or as many prominent lobes, each cell or lobe containing one Seed, attached to it's inner angle. Albumen none. Radicle incurved, upon the, often incurved, Cotyle- dons. Stem arboreous, or shrubby, rarely herbaceous. Leaves alternate.” Sect. 1. Petals double. Cardiospermum, Paullinia, Sapindus, Talisia Aubl. and Aporetica Forst. Sect. 2. Petals simple. Schmidelia and Ornitrophe Commers, both perhaps one genus with Aporetica; Euphoria (Dimocarpus Willden. Sp. Pl. v. 2. 346), Melicocca, Toulicia Aubl. (Ponæa Schreb. Gen. 266), Trigonis Jacq.with Molinæa and Cossignia Commers. compose this section. Many of them require exami- nation, and some are perhaps not distinct from Cu- pania, which not being hitherto well understood, is placed, with Matayba, Enourea and Pekea of Aublet, very different from it and from each other, in a doubt- ful Section at the end. Ord. 66. ACERA. “Calyx of 1 leaf. Petals de- . finite, rarely wanting, inserted around a hypogynous disk. Stamens inserted into the middle of the same disk, definite, but often not agreeing with the Petals in number. Germen simple, standing on the disk. Style and Stigma single, rarely 2. Pericarp of 2 or 3 cells or capsules. Seeds either solitary, or at most 3, in each, attached to the inner angle, some of them a 142 [CI. 13 MALPIGHIÆ. perfect." UudIA often abortive. Albumen none. Radicle lying on the Cotyledons. Stem arboreous or shrubby. Leaves opposite, without Stipulas. Flowers racemose or co- rynbose, their Stamens or Pistils often partially im- . A olgas Aesculus, fig. 12, and Acer, fig. 221, are the only genera; with Hippocratea, and the obscure Thryallis of Linnæus, judged intermediate between this Order and the next. Aesculus is, as Jussieu indeed hints, full as much intermediate between the present and the last. slietta Ord. 67. MALPIGHIÆ." Calyx in 5 deep seg- ments, permanent. Petals 5, alternate with the Calyx, inserted into a hypogynous disk, by their claws. Sta- mens 10, inserted into the same part, 5 of them op- posite to the Petals, 5 intermediate ones to the Calyx, their Filaments sometimes connected at the base. Anthers roundish, Germen either simple, or 3-lobed. Styles 3. Stigmas 3 or 6. Fruit either of 3 Capsules, or simple with 3 cells. Seeds solitary in each cap- sule or cell. Albumen none. Embryo with a straight radicle, the Cotyledons reflexed at their base. Stem shrubby. Leaves opposite, simple, with some traces of Stipulas. Flowerstalks terminal, or more generally axillary, either aggregate and single-flowered, or soli- tary and many-flowered, either umbellate, spiked, or panicled, each Stalk usually with a joint and 2 small scales about the middle." Bannisteria and Triopteris have a tricapsular Cl. 13.] 143 HYPERICA. a winged Fruit; Malpighia, fig. 222, a simple berry, or Drupa, with 3 bony Nuts. Trigonia Aubl. and Erythroxylum are considered doubtful, as having each a simple Style, and the former a long Capsule of 3 valves, with numerous woolly Seeds; the latter alternate Leaves, double Petals like the Sapindi, and a Drupa with 1 Seed, whose Cotyledons are not folded or reflexed at the base. These ambiguous genera however form no link with the following Order, nor do we perceive a real ap- proach towards that Order, in any characters of the Malpighia, though the learned author is commen- dably solicitous to indicate such, in the opposite Leaves, 3 Styles, and 3-celled Fruit. Indiana Ord. 68. HYPERICA. “Calyx in 4 or 5 deep seg. ments. Petals as many. Stamens numerous, united at the base into several sets. Anthers roundish. Ger- men simple. Styles several, with as many Stigmas. Fruit generally capsular, the number of it's cells and valves corresponding with the Styles, the partitions formed of the inflexed edges of the valves. Seeds very minute, attached to a Receptacle in the centre of the Fruit, either simple, or split into as many parts as there are valves. Embryo straight. Albumen none? Stem herbaceous, or more or less woody. Leaves op- posite. Flowers oppositely corymbose, often ter- minal." Ascyrum, Brathys, and Hypericum, fig. 48-50, are 144 [CI. 13. CUTTIFERÆ. . a all the genera. The latter has often been attempted to be divided, but hitherto not successfully. Brathys is reduced to Hypericum in Sm. Plant. Ic. t. 41. It is scarcely polyadelphous. Ord. 69. GUTTIFERÆ. “Calyx either of a definite number of leaves, or of segments, very rarely wanting. Petals definite, frequently 4. Stamens mostly inde- finite, their Filaments rarely monadelphous, or poly- adelphous. Anthers continuous with the Filaments. Germen simple. Style 1, or none. Stigma simple, or divided. Fruit generally of 1 cell, pulpy or cap- sular, in some closed, in others opening by valves, and containing 1 or many Seeds, inserted either into the central Receptacle, or into the sides of the Peri- carp. Albumen none. Embryo straight, with spongy or callous Cotyledons. Trees or Shrubs, mostly turgid with a resinous juice. Leaves generally opposite, co- riaceous, smooth, undivided and entire, with 1 central rib, and many transverse veins. Flowers axillary or terminal, with one or other organ of impregnation sometimes imperfect, so as to become Monoecious or Dioecious." Sect. 1. Style none. Gambogia, Clusia, Garcinia, Tovomita Aubl., Xanthe Schreb. Gen. 710 (Qua- poya Aubl.), and Grias. To which is to be added Xanthochymus, fig 223, Roxb. Coromand. t. 196. Sect. 2. Style one. Symphonia Schreb. Gen. 452 (Moronobæa Aubl.), Macoubeu Aubl., Mammea, Ma- CI. 13.) 145 AURANTIA. 66 canea Juss. Aub). t. 371, Sterbeckia Schreb. Gen. 360 (Singana Aubl.), Mesua, Rheedia and Calo- phyllum. Sect. 3. Genera with alternate Leaves, allied on one hand to this Order, on the other to the following: Vateria, Vatica, Elaocarpus, and Allophyllus. A noble and very natural Order, not detected by Linnæus, connecting the Hyperica with the Aurantia. Ord. 70. AURANTÍA. Calyx of 1 leaf, often deeply divided. Petals definite, broad at the base, inserted around a hypogynous disk. Stamens inserted into the same disk, mostly definite, either distinct, monadelphous, or polyadelphous. Germen and Style simple. Stigma rarely divided. Fruit mostly pulpy, in some instances capsular, of 1 or many cells, with 1 or 2 Seeds in each. Albumen none. Embryo straight, upright. Stem arboreous or shrubby. Leaves alternate, simple, or rarely compound.” Sect. 1. Fruit single-seeded. Leaves without pel- lucid dots. These are spurious Aurantia. Ximenia, Heisteria, and Fissilia Commerson. The last is well referred to Olax by Vahl, Enum. v. 2. 33. Sect. 2. Fruit many-seeded, pulpy. Leaves full of resinous pellucid dots. True Aurantia. Bergera, Murraa (which is also Chalcas), Cookia Sonnerat., Citrus, fig. 224, and Limonia ; a most natural tribe. Sect. 3. Fr. many-seeded, capsular. Leaves dotted. Genera akin to Aurantia, and to the follow- ing Order (in our opinion rather nearer to the latter). L 146 MELIÆ. [Cl. 13. - Ternstromia (Tonabea Juss. being the same genus), Thea and Camellia. These serve to connect the Au- rantia and Melia, without much real affinity perhaps to either. They have some points of relationship to the Malvacea, Ord. 74; at least to Gordonia and Stuartia. Ord. 71. MELIA. “Calyx of 1 leaf, more or less deeply divided. Petals 4 or 5, with broad claws, generally connected at the base. Stamens definite, as many, or more frequently twice as many; their Filaments united into a tube, or cup, toothed at the summit, each tooth either bearing, or overshadowing, a close-pressed internal Anther. Germen and Style single. Stigma rarely divided. Fruit pulpy, or more frequently capsular, of many cells, with 1 or 2 Seeds in each, the valves as many as the cells, each with a central partition. Stem shrubby or arboreous, with alternate branches. Leaves simple or compound, alternate, without Stipulas.” Sect. 1. Leaves simple. Canella (Winterania Juss.), Symphonia, Tinus, excluding the “Peruvian shrub,” which is Strigilia of Cavanilles, Monad. t. 201., Ge- ruma Forsk., Aitonia, Quivisia Commers. Lam. Il- lustr. t. 302, and Turræa, fig. 225, see Sm. Plant. Ic. t. 10-12. Sect. 2. Leaves compound. Ozophyllum Schreb. (Ticorea Aubl.), Sandoricum Rumph., Portesia Juss. Lam. Illustr. t. 302, Trichilia, Elcaja Forsk., Guarea, Ekebergia, Melia and Aquilicia (which is Leea). 2 Cl. 13.] 147 VITES, GERANIA. Sect. 3. Allied to Melia.----Swietenia and Cedrela. Leea makes a connecting link with the following Order. Wo sth doia w mo Ord. 72. VITES. “Calyx of 1 leaf, short, nearly entire. Petals definite, 4, 5, or 6, broad at the base. Stamens as many, opposite to the Petals, with sepa- rate Filaments, inserted into a hypogynous disk. Germen, Style if present, and Stigma, single. Berry of one or many cells, with one, or a definite number of bony Seeds, whose surface is unequal, and which are attached to the bottom of the fruit. Albumen none. Embryo descending, with straight Cotyledons. Stem shrubby, trailing or climbing, knotty. Leaves alter- nate, with Stipulas. Tendrils or Flower-stalks oppo- site to the Leaves.” Cissus and Vitis, fig. 226, are the only genera. Jussieu ingeniously points out an affinity to these in some of the shrubby Gerania, Ord. 73, confirmed by the acidity of the Leaves in some instances. This af- finity serves well to introduce the Ord. 73. GERANIA. “Calyx simple, of 5 leaves, or in 5 deep segments, permanent. Petals 5" (re- gular or irregular). “Stamens definite, their fila- ments connected at the base; some of the Anthers often wanting. Germen single. Style 1. Stigmas 5, oblong. Fruit of 5 cells, or 5 Capsules, each con- taining 1 or 2 Seeds. Albumen none. Stem slightly shrubby, or herbaceous. Leaves opposite or alternate, L2 148 MALVACEA. [Cl. 13. with Stipulas. Flowers opposite to the alternate Leaves, axillary at the opposite ones.” Geranium, fig. 31-35, from which are now so satis- factorily separated Erodium and Pelargonium, fig. 227, composes, with Monsonia, the whole of this Order. Tropæolum, fig. 228, Impatiens (Balsamina Juss.) and Oxalis are subjoined as related to those genera. In the first I confess myself unable to discern any affinity whatever with them, or to form any idea to what tribe it belongs. Impatiens is surely, as Jussieu hints, p. 237, more akin to his Papaveracea, Ord. 62. Oxalis I have long ago, Engl. Bot. t. 762, proposed removing to the Rutacea, see Ord. 81. Ord. 74. MALVACEA. “Calyx in 5 segments, 5 more or less deep, either simple, or accompanied by an external Calyx, of 1 or many leaves. Petals 5, equal, either distinct and hypogynous, or connected at the base, and united to the lower part of the tube of the Stamens, which are hypogynous, and either definite or indefinite. Their Filaments are either united, almost all the way up, into a tube, closely em- bracing the Style, and nearly as long, which bears the Petals at it's base, and is laden, at or about the top, with Anthers, each supported by it's own Filament, rarely sessile: or the Filaments are merely combined into a sort of cup, whose segments either all bear one or more Anthers, or some of them are without any. Germen one, in some instances stalked. Style mostly Cl. 13.) 149 MALVACEÆ. solitary, rarely several. Stigmas usually numerous, very rarely indeed solitary. Fruit either of many cells, and many valves, with partitions from the centre of each, or of many Capsules, generally bursting, rarely closed, crowded into an aggregate Fruit, either whorled round the base of the Style, or more rarely forming a head above the Receptacle. Seeds either 1 or more in each cell or Capsule, either inserted into the inner angle, or into the central columnar Recep- tacle, which connects all the cells or Capsules toge- ther. Albumen none. Cotyledons folded, bent over the Radicle. Stem arboreous, or shrubby, or herbaceous.” (Bark with tough fibres.)“ Leaves with Stipulas, alternate, mostly simple, occasionally digi- tate. Flowers axillary or terminal, very rarely with imperfectly separated organs." Sect. 1. Stamens united into a tube bearing the Corolla, indefinite. Fruit of many capitate Capsules. Palava Cavan. and Malope. Sect. 2. Stam. and Cor. as above. Capsules whorl- ed, or crowded into one orbicular figure. Malva, Al- thæa, fig. 36, 37, Lavatera, Malachra, Pavonia Cav., Urena, Napæa and Sida. Sect. 3. Stam. and Cor. the same. Fruit simple, of many cells. Anoda Cav., Lagunaa Schreb. Gen. 463, which comprehends Laguna and Solandra of Juss., Hibiscus, Achania Schreb. Gen. 469 (Malva- viscus Juss.), and Gossypium. All these Sections compose a very natural assem- 150 MALVACEÆ. [Cl. 13. а blage of true Malvacea, or Linnæan Columnife- re. The following are more miscellaneous, or uncer- tain. Sect. 4. Stam. united into a tube bearing the Co- rolla, definite. Fruit of many cells. Senra Cav., Fugosa Juss. (Cienfuegosia Cav.), genuine Malvacea, as likewise appears to be Plagianthus Forst. t. 43. Myrodia Schr. Gen. 472 (Quararibea Aubl.) is sus- pected to be rather akin to the Meliæ, especially to Turraa. It has the smell of Melilot when dry. Sect. 5. Stam. all fertile, definite or indefinite, united at the base into a small sessile cup. Melochia, Ruizia Cav., Stuartia, fig. 51, 52 (including Mala- chodendrum, as well as Stuartia, Juss. 292), Gor- donia, Hugonia, Bombax, and Adansonia. To these the 3d Section of the Aurantia, Ord. 70, might per- haps be transferred. boni energia The Sect. 6. Stam. united as in the last, partly imper- fect; definite, rarely indefinite. Pentapetes, Ptero- spermum Schr. Gen. 461., Theobroma, Abroma, Bu- broma, Schreb. (Guazuma Juss.), Melhania Forsk., Assonia Schreb. 460. (including Dombeya Cav.) and Büttneria. Sect. 7. Stam. united into a cup, closely surround- ing the Germen, and elevated with it on a stalk ; ge- nerally definite, and all fertile. Ayenia, Kleinhovia, Helicteres and Sterculia. Sect. 8. Akin to Malvacea. Carolinea (Pachira Aubl.). Todo o te Cl. 13.] 151 MAGNOLIÆ. There is not the slightest relationship between this 74th Order and the four following: Ord. 75. MAGNOLIÆ. “Calyx of a definite num- ber of leaves, sometimes with external scales. Petals mostly definite, truly hypogynous,” (inserted into the Receptacle of the Flower, which supports the Ger- mens). “Stamens numerous, distinct, inserted into the same part. Anthers continuous with the Fila- ments. Germens several, definite, or indefinite, on a Common Receptacle. Styles as many, or wanting- Stigmas as many. Capsules or Berries as many, each of 1 cell, with 1 or many Seeds; sometimes coalescing into one fruit. Albumen none.” (DeCandolle rightly says fleshy.) “Embryo straight. Stem shrubby or arboreous. Leaves alternate, mostly undivided and entire; each embraced while young by a Stipula sheathing the branch, and rolled up, as in Ficus, into a sort of horn, making a terminal bud. Each such Stipula soon falls off, leaving an annular scar. Flowers terminal or axillary.” (The Stipulas of Lirio- dendrum are in pairs, and rather more durable.) True Magnolia are, Wintera Schreb. Gen. 368 (Drimys Forst.), Illicium, Michelia, Magnolia, fig. 229, Talauma Juss. (Plumier's original Magnolia), Liriodendrum, and Mayna Aubl., to which Prof. De- Candolle, who has illustrated this Order, in his Syst. v. 1. 439, adds Tasmannia, a New Holland genus of Mr. Brown. DeCandolle, in the same work, 395, establishes 1 152 [Cl. 13. ANONA. a new Order, by the name of Dilleniacea, composed of Dillenia, fig. 230, 231, and Curatella, put, with Ochna and Quassia, at the end of the Magnolia by Jussieu. This new Order, more approaching the Ranunculacea in character, though very wide of them in habit, is thus defined. “Calyx of 5 permanent leaves. Petals 5, deci- duous. Stamens indefinite. Anthers continuous, in- ternal or lateral. Germens indefinite, sometimes by abortion or coalition solitary, each with 1 Style or Stigma. Albumen fleshy. Shrubs or trees, with sim- ple, usually alternate, leaves.” Hither are referred, besides the two genera above named, Tetracera (in- cluding Forster's Euryandra, Tigarea of Aubl. and Wahlbomia of Thunb.), Delima, Candollea Labill., Pleurandra Labill., Hibbertia, Wormia, and several others, whose limits may by some botanists be dis- puted. Ord. 76. ANONÆ. “Calyx short, 3-lobed, per- manent. Petals 6; the 3 outermost resembling an inner Calyx. Stamens numerous, consisting of nearly sessile Anthers, covering a hemispherical Receptacle, each of them nearly quadrangular, broadest at the top. Germens numerous, occupying the centre of the Receptacle, much crowded, hardly to be distinguish- ed from the Anthers, and in a manner covered by them. Styles as many, short, or wanting. Stigmas 1 to each. Berries or Capsules as many, with 1 or more Seeds, and either distinct, with or without a partial Cl. 13.) 153 MENISPERMA. stalk to each from the Common Receptacle, or con- fluent into a single pulpy Fruit, under whose bark are numerous cells, one for each Seed. Outer Skin of the Seed (62:4) coriaceous; inner membranous, with many inward folds, introduced between the transverse lobes of the large solid Albumen, in which, at the Scar, is lodged the minute Embryo. Stem arboreous or shrubby, alternately branched; the Bark mostly reticulated. Leaves alternate, simple, undivided and entire, without Stipulas. Flowers axillary.” Anona, Unona, Uvaria, Cananga Aubl., and Xy- lopia, are Jussieu's genera. DeCandolle has added several new genera, as well as a multitude of species, with many illustrations. He invents the term Car- pella, Partial Fruits, for the aggregate Pericarps of this tribe. Ord. 77. MENISPERMA. “Calyx of a definite number of leaves. Petals definite, opposite thereto, sometimes with each a, likewise opposite, internal scale. Stamens definite, as many as the Petals, and opposite to them. Germens several, definite, with each a Style and Stigma. Fruits as many, pulpy or capsular, kidney-shaped, each with 1 Seed of the same shape, several of them, sometimes all but one, abor- tive. Embryo flat, small, with thin Cotyledons, in the top of a large incurved Albumen. (See below.) Stem shrubby, usually trailing. Leaves alternate," (generally)“simple, without Stipulas. Flowers axil- lary or terminal, often in spiked or racemose tufts, 154 [Cl. 13. BERBERIDES. with a Bractea to each tuft. Stamens and Pistils generally separated, more or less completely.” Cissampelos, Menispermum, Leaba Forsk., Epiba- terium Forst., and Abuta Aubl. Prof. DeCandolle has treated of this Order, by the name of Menispermea, Syst. v. 1. 509, with the fol- lowing principal characters. “Flowers separated. Calyx-leaves and Petals definite, deciduous. Barren Fl. with usually monadelphous Stamens, opposite to the Petals, and agreeing with them in number, or else numerous, in several rows. Fertile Fl. with a few distinct, rarely combined, Germens. Seeds com- pressed, generally crescent-shaped. Cotyledons re- markable, in some instances, for being distant, and lodged in 2 different cells of the Seed. Albumen none, , or very small.” (This agrees with Gærtner's figures and descriptions, better than Jussieu's account, yet they are not irreconcilable.) “Leaves in some genera, once, twice or thrice ternate.” Sect. 1. Leaves compound. Lardizabala Fl. Pe- ruv., Stauntonia DeCand. and Bursaia Petit-Thuars. Sect. 2. Leaves simple. Spirospermum Petit-Th., Cocculus DeCand. a genus of 46 species, P selium Lour., Cissampelos, Menispermum, fig. 233, Abuta, and Agdestis of Moç and Sessé Fl. Mex. Schizandra of Michaux stands alone, as of spurious affinity, be- cause of a disagreement in number between the Anthers and integuments of the Flower. Ord. 78. BERBERIDES. “Calyx of a definite num- Cl. 13.) TILIACEÆ. 155 ber of leaves or segments. Petals definite, as many as the Calyx-leaves, and often opposite to them, some- times simple, sometimes furnished with an internal Petal at the base. Stamens definite, as many as the Petals, and opposite thereto. Anthers united with the Filaments, bursting from the bottom upwards, by a valve at each side. Germen simple. Style 1 or none. Stigma often single. Berry or Capsule of 1 cell, frequently with several Seeds, inserted into the bottom of the cell. Embryo descending, flat, sur- rounded by a fleshy Albumen. Stem shrubby or her- baceous. Leaves simple or compound, mostly alter- nate, with, or more often without, Stipulas.” Berberis, Leontice, Epimedium, fig. 234, Rinorea Aubl. and Conoria of the same author, compose this singular Order. Riana Aubl., Corynocarpus Forst., Barreria Schreb. 598 (Poraqueiba Aubl.), Hama- melis, Othera Thunb., and Rapanea Aubl. are sub- joined, as more or less allied, though in some in- stances slightly, to the above. Ord. 79. TILIACEÆ. “Calyx of several leaves or segments. Petals definite, distinct, in Sloanea want- ing, alternate with the divisions of the Calyx, and generally as many. Stamens mostly indefinite, and distinct. Germen simple. Style 1, rarely many, or none at all. Stigma simple or divided. Fruit pulpy or capsular, generally of many cells, and as many valves with central partitions. Seeds 1 or more in each cell. Embryo Aat, in a fleshy Albumen. Stem 156 CISTI. [Cl. 13. arboreous or shrubby, seldom herbaceous. Leaves alternate, simple, with Stipulas.” Sect. 1. Stamens definite, more or less monadel- phous. Doubtful Tiliacea. Waltheria, Hermannia, and Mahernia. These would surely be better placed with the Malvacea. The Cotyledons of the two lat- ter agree full as well with them as with Tilia. Sect. 2. Stam. distinct, mostly indefinite. Fruit of several cells. True Tiliacea. Antichorus, Corchorus, Heliocarpus, Triumfetta, Sparmannia, Sloanea, Au- bletia Schreb. 353 (Apeiba Aubl.), Muntingia, Fla- courtia Commers., Oncoba Forsk. Lam. Illustr. t. 471., Grewia and Tilia, fig. 235. Stuartia is to be excluded; see Ord. 74. Sect. 3. Akin to Tiliacea. Fruit of 1 cell. Bixa, Laetia and Aublet's and Schreber's Banara. The first seems a genuine Tiliacea. Ord. 80. Cisti. “Calyx in 5 deep segments. Pe- tals 5. Stamens numerous. Germen simple. Style 1. Stigma 1. Capsule either of 1 cell, with 3 valves, or of many cells with many valves, the numerous small Seeds attached to the centre of each, which either projects so as to form a partition, or is merely a lon- gitudinal line. Embryo inclosed in a thin Albumen, it's Radicle incurved upon the Cotyledons. Stem woody or herbaceous. Leaves mostly opposite, with or without Stipulas. Flowers either spiked, or soli- tary, or corymbose, somewhat umbellate.” Cistus and Helianthemum, fig. 236, constitute the a Cl. 13.) 157 RUTA CEE. genuine plants of this Order, the latter being sepa- rated as a genus from Cistus, by Jussieu and others, because the Capsule is supposed to have only 3 valves, and I cell, instead of 5 or 10 cells and valves. But H. thymifolium has really 3 cells, and the habit of the plants scarcely warrants such a separation. Helianthemum is inadmissible as a name, being the same in meaning as Helianthus. The following genera are supposed related to the Cisti, as having a Capsule of 3 valves, into which the Seeds are inserted; but the number of their Stamens is definite. Viola, whose affinity is one of the most puzzling; Piriqueta Aubl., now referred by Schreber, Gen. 827, to Turnera; Piparea Aubl., of which too little is known to afford matter for much conjecture; and Tachibota of the same author (Salmasia Schreb. 201.) scarcely less obscure. Viola is perhaps, like Turnera, more akin to Jussieu's Ficoidea, Ord. 87, than to the Cisti. Ord. 81. RUTACEÆ. “Calyx of 1 leaf, often in 5 deep segments. Petals mostly 5, alternate there- with. Stamens definite, distinct, mostly ten, alter- nately opposite to the Petals and Calyx. Germen simple. Style 1. Stigma single, rarely divided. Fruit of many cells, or many Capsules, usually 5, with one or more Seeds attached to the inner angle. Embryo flat, in a fleshy Albumen. Stem herbaceous, or shrubby, rarely arboreous. Leaves in some alternate, 158 [Cl. 13. RUTA CE . naked; in others mostly opposite, with Stipulas. Flowers axillary or terminal.” Sect. 1. Leaves with Stipulas, generally opposite. Tribulus, Fagonia, Zygophyllum, and Guaiacum. Sect. 2. Leaves alternate, without Stipulas. Ruta, Peganum and Dictamnus. Sect. 3. Genera akin to Rutacea, Melianthus, Diosma, Empleurum, and Aruba Aubl. Such is Jussieu's view of this Order, which re- quires great emendation, and respecting which Mr. Brown has made very important remarks in his Bot. of Terra Australis, 13. Five New Holland genera had indeed previously been added to it, Boronia, fig. 237, 238, Correa, Eriostemon, Crowea and Zieria, by the writer of this, who first also referred Melicope of Forster to this family, see Rees's Cyclop. v. 23. Phebalium of Ventenat also belongs to it. To these Mr. Brown adds Fagara, Xanthoxylon, Iambolifera, Calodendrum, Euodia, Pilocarpus, Empleurum, Dic- tamnus, Cusparia Humb. and Bonpl., Ticorea and Galipea of Aublet, and perhaps the little-known Monnieria, as well as Diosma, from which last he would name the Order in question Diosmea ; Ruta and Peganum, though admissible into it, not being calculated to give a clear idea of this very natural assemblage. The same learned writer speaks of two other New Holland genera, as belonging to his Dios- mea, though paradoxical in character. One of them, Cl. 13.] 159 CARYOPHYLLEÆ. not yet named, has a Calyx in 10 divisions, 10 Petals, and an indefinite number of perigynous Stamens ! Another, Diplolæna, found originally by Dampier, and figured in his Voyage, v. 3. 110. t. 3. f. 3, bears a double Involucrum, containing many decandrous flowers, with Stamens and Pistils proper to the Order, but only a few irregularly-placed scales in the place of Perianth and Petals ! Jussieu's first Section undoubtedly constitutes adi- stinct Order, which Mr. Brown names Zygophyllea. Melianthus, to whatever it may belong, (surely not, as Jussieu hints, to Tropæolum,) has little affinity to Diosmea, or Zygophyllea. Whether Oxalis may be admitted into the former, as being, in the occasionally lobed Filaments, elastic Arillus, acid flavour, and number of parts, allied to Boronia and Eriostemon, I merely beg leave to sug- gest, till it can be more decisively placed elsewhere. What has commonly been taken for an elastic Aril- lus in the Diosmea or true Rutacea may, as in Eu- phorbie, be only the inner coat of the Capsule, ac- cording to the opinion of Jussieu and Richard. Ord. 82. CARYOPHYLLEÆ. “Calyx of 1 leaf, mostly permanent, either tubular, or deeply divided. Petals definite, seldom wanting, alternate with the segments of the Calyx, and equal to them in number, generally with Claws. Stamens definite, sometimes fewer than the Petals, but more frequently the same in number, and alternate therewith, or twice as many, 160 CARYOPHYLLEA. [CI. 13. and alternately inserted upon them or under the Ger- men, which is always simple. Styles several, rarely solitary, with the same number of Stigmas. Fruit capsular, of 1 or several cells, with numerous Seeds, on a central Receptacle. Embryo incurved, surround- ing a farinaceous Albumen. Stem mostly herbaceous. Leaves opposite, combined at the base, or rarely whorled; in a few instances accompanied by Sti- pulas, but more usually without. Flowers either axillary, or more commonly terminal.” A large and very natural Order, much more akin, except in having Petals, to some of Jussieu's earlier Orders, as the Amaranthi, both in habit, nature of the Albumen, and even insertion of Stamens, rightly considered. But the laws of system, with regard to the Corolla, have almost obliged this learned author to place these two families widely apart, which necessity is rendered somewhat less unfortunate, by an agreement, as to the Albumen, with the 1st Order of the next Class. The Caryophyllea are chiefly of European growth, and their genera have scarcely undergone any controversy, or received any addition or alteration, except Cucubalus, since their establish- ment by Linnæus, who first reduced them to any thing like scientific order. Jussieu's Sections are the following. Number, it must be observed, is often variable in these plants. Sect. 1. Calyx deeply divided. Stamens 3. Style 1, or more frequently 3. Ortegia, Loeflingia, Holo- Cl. 14.] Dicot. COR. POLYP. ST. PERIG. 161 steum, fig. 239, Polycarpon, Donatia Forst., Mollugo, Minuartia and Queria. Sect. 2. Cal. the same. Stam. 4. Styles 2 or 4. Buffonia and Saginu. Sect. 3. Cal. the same. Stam. 5 to 8. Styles 2, 3, or 4. Alsine (A. media is a Stellaria. Fl. Brit. 473), Pharnaceum, Moehringia and Elatine. Sect. 4. Cal. the same. Stam. 10. Styles 3 or 5. Bergia, Spergula, Cerastium, Cherleria, Arenaria and Stellaria, fig. 240. (Arenaria, Alsine and Ho- losteum vary into each other, except the last may be determined, as I believe, by it's jagged Petals.) I Sect. 5. Cal. tubular. Stam. 10, 5 alternate ones generally attached to the Petals. Styles 2, 3, or 5. . Gypsophila, Saponaria, Dianthus, fig. 15, 16, Silene, Cucubalus, Lychnis and Agrostemma. Sect. 6. Cal. the same. Stam. fewer than 10. Styles 2 or 3. Velezia, Drypis, and Sarothra. Sect. 7. Genera akin to Caryophyllea. Rotala, Frankenia, fig. 241, Linum and Lechea. The latter may be referred to Sect. 1. Rotala belongs, as Jus- sieu suspected, to his Salicaria, Ord. 91. Linum is very ambiguous, and it's affinity has not been satis- factorily determined by any botanist. Frankenia bears some relationship to the Ficoidea, Ord. 87. Class 14. DICOTYLEDONES. COROLLA POLYPE- TALOUS. STAMENS PERIGYNOUS. “ Calyx of one leaf, superior or inferior, more or less M 162 SEMPERVIVÆ. [Cl. 14. deeply divided. Corolla perigynous, that is, inserted into some part of the Calyx, of several Petals, sometimes wanting, more rarely monopetalous, from an union of the Petals into one. Stamens inserted into the Calyx or Corolla, definite or indefinite, for the most part distinct, though sometimes with com- bined Filaments. Germen superior, single or mul- tiplied, or rarely inferior and simple. Each Ger- men has one or more Styles, or none at all. Stigma undivided or divided. Fruit sometimes single, whe- ther superior or inferior, of one or many cells; more rarely aggregate, superior, each Pericarp of one cell. Flowers sometimes, by imperfection of organs, separated." Ord. 83. SEMPERVIVÆ. “Calyx inferior, in a de- finite number of deep segments. Petals definite, as many as the segments of the Calyx, and inserted into it's base alternately with them; or more rarely the Corolla is monopetalous, either tubular, or deeply divided. Stamens either as many as the Petals, and alternate with them, or twice as many, inserted alter- nately into their claws, and into the base of the Calyx. Anthers roundish. Germens several, equal to the Petals in number, united at their base or the inner side, glandular at the outer, the glands sometimes assuming the form of scales. Styles and Stigmas 1 to each Germen. Capsules as many, each of 1 cell, dividing at the inner edge into 2 valves, whose mar- gins bear the numerous Seeds. Embryo incurved, a Cl. 14.] 163 SAXIFRAGE. surrounding a farinaceous Albumen. Stem herbace- ous, or somewhat shrubby. Leaves opposite or alter- nate, succulent.” Tillæa, Crassula, Cotyledon, Rhodiola, Sedum, Sem- pervivum, fig. 242, and the variable genus Septas, per- haps not distinct from Crassula, are all Jussieu's cer- tain genera; Penthorum being placed at the end, as their ally. This last however is as genuine a specimen of the Order as any of them, the Capsules being only more united into one, opening at the inner margin of each cell, as in the rest, and by no means circumscisse, or bursting all round, as the author, by some accident, has been led to suppose. The Petals are often partly or entirely wanting, in which case the segments of the Calyx become multiplied. Ord. 84. SaxifrAGA. “ Calyx either superior, or more frequently inferior, in 4 or 5 segments. Petals 4 or 5, rarely wanting, inserted into the upper part of the Calyx, alternate with it's segments. Stamens as many, or rather twice as many, inserted into the same part. Germen simple. Styles and Stigmas 2. Fruit often capsular, many-seeded, of 1 or 2 cells, opening at the top with 2 valves, whose inflexion forms the partitions. Embryo incurved, surrounding a farinaceous, or somewhat solid, Albumen. Stem usually herbaceous. Leaves alternate, rarely oppo- site, occasionally rather succulent.” Sect. 1. Fruit superior, capsular, with 2 beaks at the top. Heuchera, Saxifraga, fig. 243, Tiarella and M 2 164 CACTI, PORTULACEÆ. [Cl. 14. a Mitelia. The late Mr. Dryander removed Galax hither, from Jussieu's undetermined genera, 420. Sect. 2. Fruit inferior, capsular or pulpy. Chry- sosplenium and Adoxa. Sect. 3. Genera allied to Saxifraga. Weinmannia, Cunonia, and Hydrangea. Mr. Brown proposes a new Order, Bot. of Terra Austr. 16, by the name of Cunoniacea, to receive Weinmannia, Cunonia, Ceratopetalum, fig. 244, Ca- lycomis, and Codia, to which Bauera Sm. (Curt. Mag. t. 715) may be referred, but in a separate section. Ord. 85. Cacti. “Calyx superior, divided at the summit. Petals either definite or indefinite, inserted into the upper part of the Calyx. Stamens definite or indefinite, inserted into the same part. Germen inferior, simple. Style one. Stigma divided. Berry of 1 cell, with many seeds inserted into it's sides. Stem shrubby or arborescent. Leaves alternate, often wanting." Sect. 1. Petals and Stamens definite. Ribes. Sect. 2. Pet. and Stam. indefinite. Cactus. This Order serves as a connecting link between Saxifraga and Portulacea, but the affinity between it's two Sections we must acknowledge to be rather slight. Ord. 86. PORTULACEÆ. “Calyx inferior, divided at the summit. Corolla of a definite number of Petals, rarely monopetalous or wanting, inserted into the base or middle of the Calyx, mostly alternate with Cl. 14.] FICOIDEÆ. 165 2 it's segments, when the number of it's divisions agrees therewith. Stamens definite, or rarely indefinite, in- serted into the same part. Germen simple. Styles 1, 2, or 3, rarely wanting. Stigmas often numerous. Cap- sule of 1 or many cells, each containing 1 or many Seeds. Embryo incurved, surrounding a farinaceous, or somewhat fleshy, Albumen. Herbs or Shrubs of a succulent habit, rarely arboreous. Leaves opposite or alternate, often juicy.” Sect. 1. Fruit of 1 cell. Portulaca, Talinum, Tur- nera, Bacopa Aubl., Montia, fig. 247, Rokejeka Forsk., Tamarix, Telephium, Corrigiola, Scleranthus, and Gymnocarpus Forsk., which last is certainly a Trian- thema. Sect. 2. Fruit of many cells. Trianthema, Limeum, Claytonia, and Gisekia. This Order, in having petals, differs from the Pa lygonea, 28, much as the Caryophyllea, 82, do from the Amaranthi, 30. Ord. 87. FICOIDEÆ. “ Calyx inferior or superior, of 1 leaf, in a definite number of segments. Petals mostly indefinite, inserted into the upper part of the Calyx, sometimes wanting, in which case the inside of the latter is coloured. Stamens more than 12, often very numerous, inserted into the same part. Anthers oblong, incumbent. Germen simple. Styles several. Stigmas as many. Capsule or Berry superior or in- ferior, of as many cells as there are Styles, with nu- merous Seeds in each, attached to the inner angle of a 166 [Cl. 14. ONAGRÆ. the cell. Embryo incurved, surrounding a farinaceous Albumen. Stem herbaceous, or slightly shrubby. Leaves opposite or alternate, mostly succulent, very various in shape.” Sect. 1. Germen superior. Reaumuria, Nitraria, Sesuvium, Aizoon, Glinus, and Orygia Forsk. Sect. 2. Germen inferior. Mesembryanthemum, fig. 248, and Tetragonia. Ord. 88. ONAGRÆ. “ Calyx superior, of 1 leaf, tubular; it's limb divided, either permanent or deci- duous. Petals definite, inserted into the upper part of the Calyx, alternate with it's segments. Stamens definite, inserted into the same part, either as many, or twice as many, as the Petals, rarely still more Germen simple. Style mostly solitary. Stigma either deeply divided, or undivided. Fruit capsular or pulpy, inferior, or rarely half-inferior, usually of many cells, with many Seeds in each, rarely of only I cell ; sometimes crowned with the limb of the Calyx, sometimes naked at the top. Embryo destitute of Albumen. Stem herbaceous or shrubby. Leaves alternate or opposite.” Sect. 1. Styles several. Intermediate genera, be- tween the Ficoidea and Onagra. Mocanera Juss. (Visnea Linn. Suppl.), Vahlia, and Haloragis Schreb. 267 (Cercodea Soland. and Juss.) Sect. 2. Style 1. Fruit capsular. Stamens as many as the Petals. Montinia, Serpicula, Circæa and Lud- wigia. numerous. Cl. 14.] 167 ONAGRÆ. Sect. 3. Style and Fr. the same. Stamens twice as many as the Petals. Jussiæa, Oenothera, Epilobium, fig. 249, Gaura, Cacoucia Aubl., Combretum, and Guiera Juss. Lam. Illustr. t. 360. Sect. 4. Style 1. Fr. pulpy. Akin to Myrti, but differing in their definite Stamens. Fuchsia, fig. 250, Petaloma Schreb. 802 (Mouriria Aubl.), Ophira, Beckea, Memecylon, Jambolifera, Escallonia, Sirium and Santalum. Sect. 5. Polyandrous genera, akin to the Onagræ, Mentzelia and Loasa. Mr. Brown has established an Order, entitled Ha- loragea, Bot. of Terra Austr. 17, out of Haloragis, Meionectes, a New Holl. genus, Proserpinaca, My- riophyllum, fig. 251, Serpicula, Gonocarpus, Hippu- ris, fig. 252, and Callitriche. See Ord. 6, to which several of these, as being supposed monocotyledonous, because they are aquatics, were referred. Petaloma Beckea, Memecylon and Jambolifera are indubitably Myrti. Combretacea, Brown Terra Austr. 16, another new Order, contains Nyssa, Combretum, Bucida, Ter- minalia, Cacoucia Aubl., Quisqualis, Getonia Roxb., Conocarpus, and a new decandrous genus with a winged fruit, found by the last-named botanist in the East Indies. These are, in many instances, furnished with Petals, and therefore must, in Jussieu's system, stand near the Onagre, though allied to his Elæagni, and to the Santalaceæ of Brown. See Ord. 24. The 168 MYRTI. [CI. 14. Germen of the Combretaceæ is of one cell, containing from 1 to 4 rudiments of Seeds, pendulous from the top of the cell, only one of which is perfected. Albu- men none. Cotyledons leafy, generally involute. Ra- dicle superior. Plumula inconspicuous. Stamens twice as many as the segments of the Calyx, or, if only the same number, alternate therewith. Ord. 89. MYRTI. “Calyx of 1 leaf, pitcher-shaped, or tubular, superior, or rarely only half-superior, either naked or with 2 scales at the base. Petals definite, inserted into the upper part of the Calyx, alternate with it's segments, and equal to them in number. Stamens indefinite” (in some definite),“ inserted into the same part under the Petals. Anthers small, roundish, curved, bordering the dilated summit of each Filament. Germen simple, inferior, or occasion- ally half-inferior. Style 1. Stigma single, rarely divided. Fruit a Berry, Drupa, or sometimes a Cap- sule, of 1 or many cells, with 1 or many Seeds. Em- bryo straightorincurved, destitute of Albumen. Stem arboreous or shrubby, with usually opposite branches. Leaves mostly opposite and simple, rarely alternate, very often marked with pellucid dots.” Sect. 1. Flowers axillary, either solitary, or on op- posite many-flowered stalks. Leaves generally oppo- site, and dotted. Alangium Lamarck, Dodecas, Me- laleuca, fig. 53-56, Metrosideros, Sm. Tr. of L. Soc. v. 3. 266, Leptospermum, Guapurium Juss., Psidium, Myrtus, Lugenia, Caryophyllus (which is an Eugenia), Cl. 14.) MELASTOMÆ. 169 Decumaria, Punica, Philadelphus, Sonneratia, Fæ- tidia Commers. Lamarck Illustr. t. 419, Catinga Aubl. and Eucalyptus, L'Herit., fig. 253. To these are to be added Calyptranthes Swartz Ind. Occ. 917, Backea, to which Mr. Brown refers Jungia of Gærtn. t. 35 (Imbricaria Sm. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 3. 257), Fabricia Gærtn., Memecylon and Jambolifera, as well as Mr. Brown's new genera from Australasia, Tristania, Ca- lothamnus, Beaufortia Ait. H. Kew, v. 4.418, Callis- temon, Eudesmia Bot. Terr. Austr. t. 3. . Sect. 2. Flowers clustered, alternate. Leaves ge- nerally alternate, and not dotted. Barringtonia, (Bu- tonica Juss.), Stravadium Juss., Gustavia, Couroupita Aubl., and Lecythis. The first Section constitutes, for the most part, a very natural family of aromatic and elegant trees or shrubs, in which New Holland is remarkably rich, Mr. Brown having found there considerably above 200 species, nearly 100 of which compose the genus Eucalyptus. Alangium belongs rather to the 2d Sec- tion, and Dodecas, as Jussieu suspected, to the Sali- caria, Ord. 91. Ord. 90. MELASTOMÆ. “Calyx of 1 leaf, tubular, superior or inferior, sometimes surrounded by scales at the base. Petals definite, inserted into the top of the Calyx, alternate with it's segments, and equal to them in number. Stamens inserted into the same part, definite, twice as many as the Petals; the apex of each Filament, under the Anther, generally fur- 170 [Cl. 14. SALICARIÆ. nished with a pair of bristles, or auricles. Anthers long, beaked at the point, attached by the base to the very top of each Filament, and in an early stage drooping, from the incurvation of the Filament, but afterwards erect” (large and conspicuous). “Germen either superior, closely covered by the Calyx, or in- ferior. Style 1. Stigma single. Fruit pulpy, or capsular; if superior, concealed by the narrow-mouthed Calyx; if inferior, becoming confluent with the enlarged or pulpy Calyx; of many cells, with many Seeds in each. Albumen wanting? Stem somewhat arboreous or shrubby, more rarely herbaceous. Leaves opposite, simple, with 3 or more longitudinal ribs. Flowers op- posite, axillary or terminal, one or many on a Stalk.” Sect. 1. Germen inferior. Blakea, fig. 254, Mela- stoma, and Tristemma Juss. Sect. 2. Germen superior. Topobea, Tibouchina, Mayeta, and Tococa, all genera of Aublet's, with Osbeckia and Rhexia. A very handsome Order, mostly remarkable for the size and beauty of the Anthers. Osbeckia has been much increased by the discoveries of Dr. A. Af- zelius at Sierra Leone; see Sm. in Rees's Cyclop. v. 25. The 4 or 5 deciduous teeth of the Calyx, ac- companied by intermediate scales, best distinguish this genus from Rhexia, whose teeth are permanent and simple. Ord. 91. SALICARIÆ. “Calyx tubular, or pitcher- shaped. Petals definite, inserted into the top of the Cl. 14.] 171 ROSACEAE. Calyx, alternate with it's segments, sometimes want- ing. Stamens definite, except in Lagerstromia and Munchausia, as many, or twice as many, as the Pe- tals, inserted into the middle part of the Calyx. An- thers small. Germen simple, superior. Style 1. Stigma often capitate. Capsule surrounded by the Calyx, of 1 or many cells, with many Seeds, inserted into a central Receptacle. Albumen none. Stem shrubby or herbaceous. Leaves opposite or alternate. Flowers axillary or terminal.” Sect. 1. Flowers with several Petals. Lagerstromia, Munchausia, Pemphis, Ginoria, Grislæa, Lawsonia, Crenea Aubl. and Lythrum, fig. 255, with Acisan- thera, Parsonsia and Cuphea of Browne's Jamaica. Sect. 2. Flowers often without Petals. Isnardia, Ammannia, Glaux, and Peplis, to which Rotala is to be added. Ord. 92. ROSACEÆ. “Calyx either superior and tubular, or inferior, pitcher-shaped, or wheel-shaped, usually permanent; it's limb generally divided. Pe- tals definite, mostly 5, inserted into the top of the Calyx, alternate with its segments, sometimes want- ing. Stamens indefinite, rarely definite, inserted into the same part under the Petals. Anthers often round- ish. Germen either simple and inferior, with, for the most part, numerous Styles and Stigmas; or superior, either simple, with 1 Style, or several with as many Styles; the Styles always originating from the side of each Germen. Structure of the Fruit various : in some 172 [Cl. 14. ROSACEÆ. a an Apple, Pomum (61:5), inferior, and of many cells; or the urn-shaped inferior body of the Calyx is con- tracted at it's mouth over the numerous Seeds; in some the Seeds, or Pericarps of one cell generally single-seeded, whether indefinite or definite, are su- perior, being placed on a Common Receptacle; in others the Capsule is solitary, superior, of 1 cell, or the Nut, likewise superior, contains 1 or 2 Seeds, and is either naked, or clothed with a" (more or less) 'fleshy coat. Scar of the Seed beneath the summit at one side, connected with a cord arising from the base of the Pericarp. Embryo straight, without any Albumen. Stem herbaceous, shrubby, or arboreous. Leaves alternate, simple, or compound, with Sti- pulas.” Sect. 1. Pomacea. Germen single, inferior. Styles several. Apple of several cells, umbilicated with the border of the Calyx. Trees or Shrubs. Malus, Pyrus, and Cydonia of Tournefort and Jussieu, all included most naturally under Pyrus by Linnæus; Mespilus, fig. 18, 19, Cratægus, and Sorbus. Sect. 2. Rosa. Germens indefinite, in the pitcher- shaped body of the Calyx, each with 1 Style. Seeds as many. Shrubs. Rosa, fig. 256, 257. Sect. 3. Sanguisorba. Germens definite, rarely sin- gle, in the pitcher-shaped body of the Calyx, each with 1 Style. Seeds as many. Stem herbaceous in general; some without Petals, some with definite Sta- mens, some with separated Flowers. Poterium, San- Cl. 14.] ROSACEÆ. 173 guisorba, Ancistrum Forst., which is the same genus with Acana, Agrimonia, Neurada, probably more akin, as Jussieu thinks, to the Ficoidea, Ord. 87, Clif- fortia, Aphanes, Alchemilla and Sibbaldia, fig. 258. Sect. 4. Potentilla. Germens indefinite, truly su- perior, on a Common Receptacle, each with 1 Style. Seeds as many, naked, or rarely pulpy. Herbs, rarely shrubby. Tormentilla, Potentilla, Fragaria, fig. 259, Comarum, Geum, Dryas and Rubus. Sect. 5. Spiræa. Germens several, definite, supe- rior, each with 1 Style. Capsules as many, with I or more Seeds. Shrubs, rarely Herbs. Spiræa, fig. 260, Suriana and Tetracera (see next Section). Sect. 6. Prockia. Germen 1, superior, with 1 Style. Fruit of 1 cell, with 1 or many Seeds. Trees or Shrubs, sometimes wanting Petals. Tigarea Aubl., and Delima (these with Tetracera, of which Tigarea is a species, belong to DeCandolle's Dilleniacea, see Ord. 75), Prockia and Hirtella. Sect. 7. Amygdalea. Germen 1, superior, with 1 Style. Nut with 1 or 2 Seeds, naked, or more fre- quently drupaceous. Trees and Shrubs. Hedycrea Schreb. 160 (Licania Aubl.), Grangeria Commers. Lamarck Illustr. t. 427, Chrysobalanus, Prunus, fig. 261 (from which Jussieu, like Tournefort, divides Cerasus and Armeniaca), Amygdalus, Moquilea Aubl., Couepia Aubl., Acia Schreb. 458. (Acioa Aubl.), and Petrocarya Schreb. 245 (Parinarium Aubl.). Sect. 8. Genera allied to Rosacea. Plinia, Ca- 174 LEGUMINOSÆ. [Cl. 14. lycanthus, Ludia, Commers. Lamarck Illustr. t. 466, Blackwellia Commers. Lam. t. 412, Homalium, and Napimoga Aubl. (The three last are probably one ge- nus, to which the name of Homalium must belong.) To the 5th Section of Rosacea are to be added Prof. DeCandolle's Kerria and Purshia, Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 12. 152. The former is that elegant Japanese shrub, commonly called Corchorus japonicus ; which is also Rubus japonicus of Linnæus. The latter is Tigarea tridentata, Pursh N. Amer. 333. t. 15, very distinct from the real Tigarea, which is, as above said, a Tetracera. A new Section must, it seems, be made to admit the Cephalotus of Labillardiere, Nov. Holl. v. 2. 7. t. 145, so admirably illustrated by Mr. Brown and Mr. Bauer, Bot. of Terra Austr. 68. t. 4. This has a coloured Calyx, in 6 segments, whose æstivation is valvular; no Petals. Twelve Stamens, inserted into the Calyx. Anthers glandular at the back. Six di- stinct Germens, with terminal Styles, and solitary erect Seeds. The great peculiarity of the herb consists in it's large radical water-pitchers, interspersed among the Leaves, each closed by a lid, as in Nepenthes. Ord. 93. LEGUMINOSÆ, fig. 40-47, and 262, 263. Calyx of 1 leaf, fig. 43, variously divided. Corolla polypetalous, very rarely monopetalous, or wanting, inserted into the upper part of the Calyx, below it's segments. Petals 5, sometimes fewer, either regular and nearly equal; or more commonly 4, irregular, Cl. 14.] 175 LEGUMINOSÆ. butterfly-shaped, whence the flower in question is termed papilionaceous; the uppermost and exterior Petal being termed the Standard (Vexillum, fig. 44), which half embraces the rest, and is in general the largest of all; the 2 lateral ones are called wings (Ala, fig. 45); the lowermost the Keel (Carina, fig. 46), which is sometimes divided, or composed of 2 equal Petals. Stamens 10, fig. 40-42, rarely fewer or more, inserted into the Calyx beneath the Petals, their Fila- ments either quite distinct, fig. 262, or combined slightly at the very base only, or more frequently di- adelphous, fig. 263, 9 of them being united into a tube, cloven lengthwise under the Standard, to whose fissure the tenth is closely applied; or sometimes the 10 are all united into 1 undivided tube, so as to be really monadelphous, fig. 41. Anthers distinct, generally roundish and small; sometimes oblong and incumbent. Germen, fig. 47, simple, superior” (often stalked). “Style 1. Stigma 1. Fruit in a few instances capsular, of l cell, and generally 1 Seed, either of 2 valves, or none at all; in the greater number legumin- ous, whence the name of the Order, elongated, of 2 valves, of 3 in Moringa, and of 4 in a few of the Mimosa tribe” (Schrankia, Wild. Sp. Pl. v. 4. 1041); “sometimes of 1 cell, with 1 or more Seeds; sometimes of many cells, divided by transverse partitions, the single-seeded cells being occasionally pulpy. The Seeds are inserted into one of the lateral sutures. In those with polypetalous irregular Flowers, the Radi- . 176 [Cl. 14. LEGUMINOSÆ. cle is bent over the Cotyledons, without any separate Albumen; in those with regular ones, the Embryo is enfolded in a thickish membranous Albumen, and the Radicle is straight. The Cotyledons usually rise in the form of seminal leaves, like the generality of dicotyledonous plants; sometimes they remain below, distinct from the first Leaves. Stem herbaceous, shrubby, or arboreous, for the most part alternately branched. Leaves with Stipulas, alternate, in a very few imperfectly opposite, sometimes simple, more generally ternate, or digitate, or once or repeatedly pinnate. Inflorescence various." Such are the marks of this great natural Order, which has no relationship at all to the last, in cha- racters or properties, as far as I can perceive, though Jussieu hints at an affinity between those with regular Flowers, and some of the monogynous Rosacea. The difficulties attending the papilionaceous tribe, with respect to their being referred to the Linnæan class Diadelphia, have already been explained, p. 48. Jus- sieu's Sections labour under the very same exceptions. Sect. 1. Corolla regular. Legume generally bivalve, of many single-seeded cells, with transverse partitions. Stamens distinct. Trees or Shrubs, with abruptly- pinnate Leaves. Mimosa (now subdivided by Willde- now), Gleditsia, Gymnocladus Lamarck, Schreb. 696, Macrolobium Schreb. 30 (Outea Aubl.), Ceratonia, Tamarindus, Parkinsonia, Schotia Jacq., and Cassia. Sect. 2. Cor. regular. Legume of 1 cell and 2 Cl. 14.] 177 LEGUMINOSA. - valyes. Stam. 10, distinct. Trees or Shrubs, with abruptly pinnate Leaves, except the first genus. Mo- ringa Schreb. 741, Prosopis, Hæmatoxylum, Di- morpha Schreb. 493 (Eperua Aubl.), Cubæa Schreb. 278 (Tachigalia Aubl.), Adenanthera, Poinciana, Casalpinia and Guilandina. Sect. 3. Cor. slightly irregular. Stamens distinct, or only connected at the bottom. Legume of 1 cell and 2 valves. Trees or Shrubs, with abruptly-pinnate Leaves, sometimes only either conjugate, or simple. Dipteryx Schreb. 485 (Taralea Aubl.), Dimorpha Schreb. 493 (Parivoa Aubl.), Vouapa Aubl. (united with Outea by Schreber, under his Macrolobium, see Sect. 1.), Cynometra, Hymenæa, Bauhinia, and Gi- nannia Schreb. 271 (Palovea Aubl.). Sect. 4. Cor. irregular, papilionaceous (sometimes incomplete). Stam. distinct, or rarely combined at the base. Legume of 1 cell and 2 valves. Trees or Shrubs. Leaves simple, or ternate, or pinnate with an odd leaflet. Cercis, Rittera Schreb. 364 (Possira Aubl.), Anagyris, Sophora, Mullera, and Coublandia Aubl. This Section has received a great addition of new genera, not only by the unavoidable subdivision of Sophora, from which Edwardsia, Ormosia, Thermopsis Br., Virgilia Lamarck, Cyclopia and Baptisia Ven- tenat, and Podalyria Lamarck, have been taken ; but still more by the discovery of many, previously entirely undescribed, in New Holland. Of these Pul- tenaa, Aotus, Gompholobium, Chorizema Labill., Da- N 178 [Cl. 14. LEGUMINOS Æ. viesia, Viminaria, fig. 262, Sphærolobium, Dillwynia, and Mirbelia (the last having a Legume divided lengthwise, by the inflexion of it's valves), were first defined, by the writer of this, in Sims and Kon. Ann. of Bot. v. 1. Mr. Brown has added the following, in Ait. H. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. Podolobium, Oxylobium, Brachysema, Burtonia, Jacksonia, Eutaxia, Sclero- thamnus, Gastrolobium, and Euchilus. Sect. 5. Cor. papilionaceous. Stam. 10, diadelphous (more or less correctly, as already mentioned). Le- gume of 1 cell and 2 valves. Shrubs or Herbs. With simple or ternate, rarely digitate, sometimes pinnate, Leaves. Stipulas more or less evident, united or not to each Footstalk. Ulex, fig. 41, Aspalathus, Bor- bonia, Liparia, Genista (including Spartium, fig. 40), Cytisus, Crotalaria, Lupinus, Ononis, Arachis, An- thyllis, Dalea, Psoralea, Trifolium, Melilotus Tourn., Medicago, Trigonella, Lotus, Dolichos, Phaseolus, Erythrina, Clitoria, and Glycine. This Section has also received additions from New Holland, Platylo- bium, Bossiæa, Hovea Br., Callistachya Venten., Scot- tia Br., Templetonia Br., Kennedia Venten., Goodia Salisb., and Loddigesia Sims; as well as from the Cape of Good Hope, Lebeckia, Wiborgia, Oedman- nia, Rafnia, Hypocalyptus, Sarcophyllus, and Hallia Thunb.; also from the East Indies Butea and Fle- mingia of Roxburgh. Sect. 6. Cor. Stam. and Legume as the last. Herbs, Shrubs, or Trees. Leaves pinnate with an odd one. Cl. 14.] 179 LEGUMINOSA. - (Astragulus and Biserrula have a Legume of 2 cells.) --Abrus, Amorpha, Piscidia, Robinia, Caragana Van Royen, Astragalus, fig. 263, Biserrula, Phaca, Co- lutea, Glycyrrhiza, Galega, and Indigofera.-To these Swainsonia Salisb., Sutherlandia Br., and Les- sertia DeCand. may be added. Sect. 7. Cor. Stam. and Legume as the last. Herbs, Leaves pinnate, or conjugate, rarely obliterated; their common Footstalk ending in a Tendril or Bristle. Stipulas distinct from that Stalk. Lathyrus, Pisum, fig. 42-47, Orobus, Vicia, Faba Tourn., Ervum and Cicer. Sect. 8. Cor. and Stam. the same. Legume of single-seeded joints. Herbs or Shrubs, rarely Trees. Leaves simple or ternate, or more frequently pinnate with an odd one. Stipulas distinct from the Foot- stalk. Scorpiurus, Ornithopus, Hippocrepis, Coronilla, Hedysarum, Aeschynomene, with Diphysa Jacq., to which may be added Smithia, Dryand. in Ait. Hort. Kew. Sect. 9. Cor. the same. Stam. mostly 10, diadel- phous. Legume capsular, often not bursting, of 1 cell, and usually ] Seed. Trees or Shrubs. Leaves generally pinnate with an odd leaflet, Stipulas di- stinct from the Footstalk, soon deciduous. Dalbergia, Amerimnon Browne, Galedupa Lamarck (Pungamia Lam. Illustr. t. 603), Andira Lam., Geoffroea, De- guelia Aubl., Nissolia, Dipteryx Schreb. 485 (Cou- marouna Aubl.), Acouroa Aubl., and Pterocarpus. N 2 180 [Cl. 14. TEREBINTACEÆ. Sect. 10. Cor. irregular, sometimes wanting. Stam. 10, distinct. Legume capsular, generally not burst- ing, of 1 cell, and mostly 1 Seed. Trees or Shrubs. Leaves either pinnate with an odd one, or simple. Stipulas like the last. Crudia Schreb. 282 (Apalatoa Aubl.), Detarium Juss., Copaifera and Myroxylum (Myrospermum Jacq.). Sect. 11. Four Genera akin to Leguminosa. Securi- daca, which might be removed to the 9th, and Brow- nea to the 2nd Section. Zygia Browne, an obscure plant of the Mimosa family, and Aruna Schreb. 26 (Arouna Aubl.). Mr. Brown has well divided the Leguminosa into 3 Orders, Mimosea, Lomentacea, and Papilionacea. Bot. of Terra Austr. 19. Ord. 94. TEREBINTACEÆ. “Calyx of 1 leaf, in- ferior, in a definite number of segments. Petals defi- nite, rarely wanting, inserted into the bottom of the Calyx, as many as it's segments, and alternate there- with. Stamens as many, alternate with the Petals, or twice as many, inserted into the same spot. Ger- mens either single, or of a determinate number: in the former case there is either 1 Style, rarely want- ing, with a simple or divided Stigma; or many Styles with as many Stigmas; and a capsular, sometimes pulpy, or drupaceous, Fruit, of one or many single- seeded cells: in those with several Germens, there are as many single Styles and Stigmas; with the same number of distinct single-seeded Capsules. а. Cl. 14.] 181 TEREBINTACEÆ. Seeds generally lodged in a bony Nut. Albumen none. Radicle lateral, reflexed upon the Cotyledons. Stem arboreous or shrubby. Leaves alternate, with- out Stipulas, either simple, or ternate, or pinnate with an odd leaflet.” Sect. 1. Germen 1. Fruit of 1 cell, with 1 Seed. Anacardium (Cassuvium Rumph. and Juss.), Semecar- pus, fig. 264 (Anacardium Juss.), Mangifera, Conna- rus, Rhus, and Robergia Schreb. 309 (Rourea Aubl.), Sect. 2. Germen 1. Fruit of many cells, some of which are sometimes abortive. Cneorum, Rumphia, Comocladia, Canarium, Icica Aubl., Amyris, Scopolia Sm., Schinus, Spathelia, Pistacia (Terebinthus Tourn. and Juss.), Bursera, Toluifera, Jonquetia Schreb. (Tapiria Aubl.), Poupartia Commers. (Mangifera pinnata Linn. Suppl. 156.), and Spondias. Sect. 3. Germens several. Fruit of several sin- gle-seeded Capsules. Zwingera Schreb. 802 (Sima- ba Aubl.), Aylanthus Desfont., and Brucea. Sect. 4. Genera akin to Terebintacea, differing in having a fleshy Albumen, which approaches them to the Rhamni. Cnestis Juss. Lam. Illustr. t. 387.; Fagara and Xanthoxylum (genuine Rutacea, see Ord. 81.); and Ptelea. Sect. 5. Genera akin to Terebintacea, destitute of a fleshy Albumen. Dodonæa, Averrhoa, Juglans (all surely very remotely allied to this order, or to each other!). 182 RHAMNI. [Cl. 14, Ord. 95. RHAMNI. “Calyx inferior, of 1 leaf, definitely divided at the border. Petals 5, rarely 4 or 6, very rarely wanting, inserted either into the up- per part of the Calyx, or into it's disk, alternate with the segments and equal to them in number, some- times resembling scales, and furnished with claws, sometimes dilated and joined at the base. Stamens as many, inserted into the same part, either alternate with, or opposite to, the Petals. Germen superior, encompassed with the glandular disk of the Calyx. Style 1, or several. Stigma 1, or more. Fruit either pulpy, of many cells, or with many Nuts, each cell or Nut containing 1 Seed; or capsular, of many cells and many valves, with central partitions, each cell having 1 or 2 Seeds. Embryo flat and straight, lodg- ed in a fleshy Albumen. Stem arboreous or shrubby. Leaves alternate or opposite, with, often very minute, Stipulas." Sect. 1. Stamens alternate with the Petals. Fruit capsular. Staphylea, Euonymus, fig. 265, Polycardia Juss. Lam. Illustr. t. 132, and Celastrus. Sect. 2. Stam. as above. Fruit pulpy. Myginda, Glossopetalum Schr. 205 (Goupia Aubl.), Rubentia Commers., Cassine, Ilex and Prinos. (Schrebera of Linnæus, placed here is an error, the plant described being a Cuscuta on a Myrica!) The greater part of these 2 Sections composes Mr. Brown's new Order of Celastrina, Bot. of Terra Cl. 14.] 183 RHAMNI. Austr. 22. The Aestivation of their Calyx is imbri- cated. Seeds tunicated. Sect. 3. Stam. opposite to the Petals. Fruit dru- paceous. Mayepea Aubl., Samara, Rhamnus, fig. 266, Ziziphus, and Paliurus. Sect. 4. Stam. the same. Fruit 3-lobed. Colletia Commers. Lam. Illustr. t. 129, Ceanothus, Hovenia Thunb., and Phylica. These 2 last Sections chiefly contain Mr. Brown's true Rhamnea, the Aestivation of whose Calyxis val- vular, and it's tube coheres more or less with the Ger- men. He admits here Rhamnus, Ziziphus, Paliurus, Ceanothus, (from which last, as he justly says, Poma- derris is hardly distinct,) Colletia, Cryptandra Sm., Phylica, Gouania, Ventilago Gærtn., and probably Hopemia. Another Order of Mr. Brown's, named Buttne- riacea, Bot. of Terra Austr. 8, is allied on one hand to Rhamnen, on the other to Malvacea, To this be- long Abroma, Commersonia, Lasiopetalum, fig. 267, and several unpublished genera. Sect. 5. Akinto Rhamni, generally with a superior Germen. Brunia, and Thunberg's Bumalda. Sect. 6. Akin to Rhamni, but differing in their in- ferior Germen. Gouania, see Sect. 4, Plectronia, Carpodetus Forst., Aucuba Thunb., Glossoma Schreb. 792 (Votomita Aubl.). - -- 184 EUPHORBIÆ. [Cl. 15. Class 15. DICOTYLEDONES, WITHOUT PETALS. STAMENS SEPARATED; that is, in a different Flower from the Pistils. 1 “ Flowers either monoecious (65) or dioecious, or very rarely united. Calyx in each of 1 leaf, or a scale in it's stead. Corolla none, but sometimes there are scales, or inner segments of the Calyx, assuming the appearance of Petals. The Barren Flowers have Stamens inserted into some part of the Calyx, or of the Scale supplying it's place, definite, or more rarely indefinite, their Filaments either distinct, or sometimes united into a stalk proceeding from the centre of the Calyx. Germen of the Fertile ones simple, or sometimes several, superior, or rarely in- ferior. Style 1, or more, or occasionally wanting. Stigma simple or divided. Fruit various in struc- ture, as well as in the number of it's cells.” Ord. 96. EUPHORBIÆ. Flowers monoecious or dioecious, rarely united. Calyx of each tubular, or deeply divided, single or double, the inner segments sometimes assuming the aspectof Petals, nor are there any other. Barren Flowers with Stamens definite or indefinite, their Filaments inserted into the centre of the Calyx, separate or combined, sometimes branch- ed, sometimes jointed. In some instances there are chaffy scales interspersed between the Stamens. Fer- tile Flowers with 1 Germen, which is superior, either 2 Cl. 15.] 185 EUPHORBIA. sessile or stalked. Some have several Styles, often 3, and a Capsule with as many cells, with 1 or 2 Seeds in each: others have only 1 Style, with 3 or more Stigmas, and a Fruit of a corresponding number of cells, each containing 1 or 2 Seeds. The cells are each lined with 2 elastic valves; the Seeds half-tuni- cated, attached to the upper part of a permanent cen- tral column. Embryo flat, inclosed in a fleshy Al- bumen. Plants herbaceous, shrubby, or arboreous; some milky. Leaves alternate or opposite, rarely wanting, either with or without Stipulas.” Sect. 1. Styles several, definite, usually 3. Mercu- rialis, Euphorbia, fig. 268, Argythamnia Browne, Cicca, Phyllanthus, Xylophylla, Kirganelia Juss., Kiggelaria, Cluytia, Andrachne, Agyneia, Burus, fig. 269, Securinega Commers., Adelia, Mabea Aubl., Ricinus, Jatropha, Siphonia Schreb. 656 (Hevea Aubl.), Aleurites (including Dryandra of Thunberg), Croton, Acalypha, Caturus, and Excoecaria. Sect. 2. Style solitary. Tragia, Stillingia, Sapium Browne, Hippomane, Aegopricon (Maprounea Aubl.), Sechium Browne, Hura, Omphalea, Plukenetia (which has certainly Stipulas), and Dalechampia. Jussieu has hinted an ingenious idea respecting the genus Euphorbia, which Mr. Brown, Bot. of Terra Austr. 24, has fully developed, that the Flowers, even in this instance, are monoecious. The Calyx and Petals of Linnæus are considered by these writers as an Involucrum, containing several Barren Flowers, 186 [Cl. 15. CUCURBITACEÆ. around a solitary fertile one. But Mr. Brown alone has asserted each of the former to consist of a mere Stamen, articulated with the partial Stalk of this sim- plest of all Flowers, there being no Corolla nor Pe- rianth, the Scales at the base being rather of the na- ture of Bracteas. The Fertile Flower in the centre is, in like manner, a naked Pistil, whose Germen is sessile on a similar Stalk. If conviction were wanting, this opinion is proved by an unpublished genus, whose several Flowers have each a lobed Perianth at the articulation above mentioned. Ord. 97. CUCURBITACEÆ. “Flowers monoecious, . “ , rarely dioecious, or still more rarely, in Gronovia and Melothria, united. Calyx (Corolla Tourn. and Linn.) superior, contracted just above the Germen, then di- lated, five-cleft, often coloured, withering, slow in falling, furnished externally at the base with 5 green appendages (Calyx Tourn. and Linn.) resembling outer segments of the Calyx, and falling with it. Co- rolla” (according to Jussieu)“ none. Barren Flow- ers with usually five, sometimes distinct, and some- times variously combined, Filaments and Anthers; the former inserted into the contracted part of the Calyx; the latter of l cell, oblong, attached to the tops of the Filaments, and often forming a doubly curved line, 4 of them being combined in pairs, the fifth solitary. There is an imperfect or abortive Ger- Fertile Flowers with imperfect Stamens, or none at all. Germen inferior. Style 1, rarely more. men. Cl. 15.] 187 CUCURBITACEÆ. Stigmas generally several. Fruita Berry, with usually a solid coat, of 1 cell, with 1 or numerous Seeds, or of several many-seeded cells. Seeds cartilaginous or crustaceous, inserted into lateral, or cortical, Recep- tacles. Embryo flat, without Albumen. Root mostly tuberous. Stem herbaceous, trailing, or climbing. Leaves alternate, simple, heartshaped or palmate, rarely digitate” (or very deeply lobed), “ often harsh with callous points. Tendrils axillary. Flowerstalks axillary, simple or many-flowered.” Sect. 1. Style 1. Fruit of 1 cell, single-seeded. Gronovia and Sicyos. Sect. 2. Style 1. Fr. of 1 cell, with many Seeds. Bryonia, fig. 270, and Elaterium. Sect. 3. Style 1. Fr. of many cells, with many Seeds. Melothria, Anguria, Momordica, Cucumis, Cucurbita, Trichosanthes, and Ceratosanthes Burm. Sect. 4. Styles several. Doubtful Cucurbitacea. Feuillea and Zanonia. Sect. 5. Genera akin to Cucurbitacea, but espe- cially different in having a superior Germen. Passi- flora, fig. 271, from which Jussieu separates, surely without sufficient grounds, Murucuia and Tacsonia, (the latter distinguished by it's tubular Calyx, which serves at least to show that this Order has a real Ca- lyx and Corolla,) and Carica (Papaya Juss.) The Modecca (a barbarous name) of Rheede Hort. Malab. v. 8. t. 20-23, mentioned by Jussieu under a 188 [Cl. 15. URTICÆ. Passiflora, is doubtless a very distinct genus, with a coloured, bell-shaped Calyx, and fringed, deeply 5-cleft, Corolla. I would call it Blepharanthes, to pre- serve an analogy with Trichosanthes. A species of this genus, brought by Dr. Afzelius from Sierra Leone, flowered, many years since, in Sir Abraham Hume's stove, and I believe is still growing there. Zucca of Commerson likewise appears to be a distinct genus, which cannot be settled for want of the Fruit. Ord. 98. URTICÆ. “ Flowers monoecious or dioe- cious, rarely united. Calyx, in every instance, of 1 leaf, divided. Corolla none. Barren Flowers with definite Stamens, inserted into the lower part of the Calyx, opposite to it's segments. Fertile Flowers with a single superior Germen. Style either wanting, or 1 or 2, often lateral. Stigmas often 2. Seed 1, inclosed either in a brittle crust, or a tunic, either naked, or covered with the sometimes pulpy Calyx. Embryo straight or incurved, destitute of Albumen. Trees, Shrubs, or Herbs, sometimes milky. Leaves alternate or opposite, generally with Stipulas. Flow- ers either solitary, racemose, or assembled many to- gether on a catkin-like Receptacle, or concealed more or less in a single-leaved common Involucrum. Fruit sometimes many-seeded, from the assemblage of nu- merous Seeds in one aggregate, or confluent, Involu- crum or Receptacle.” Sect. 1. Flowers concealed in a Common Involu- a a Cl. 15.] AMENTACEÆ. 189 crum, of 1 leaf. Ficus, fig. 92-95, Mithridatea Schreb. 783 (Ambora Juss.), Dorstenia, fig. 272, Hedycaria Forst. and Perebea Aubl. Sect. 2. Flowers either on a many-flowered com- mon Receptacle, or capitate and accompanied by in- volucral scales, or distinct and scattered. Cecropia, Artocarpus, Morus, Elatostema Forst., Boehmeria Jacq. (Caturus Linn.), Procris Commers. Lam. Il- lustr. t. 763, Urtica, fig. 273, Forskalea, Parietaria, Pteranthus Forsk.(Louichea Schreb. 840.), Humulus, fig. 274, Cannabis, and Thelygonum. To these are to be added Brosimum, Swartz Ind. Occ. 15. t. 1, An- tiaris, Br. Bot. of Terra Austr. 70. t. 5, and Olme- dia, Fl. Peruv. 118. Sect. 3. Genera allied to Urtica. Gunnera, Mi- sandra Commers. perhaps the same genus, Piper, Gnetum (including Thoa, see Sm. in Rees's Cycl. v. 16), Bagassa Aubl., Coussapoa Aubl., and Pourou- ma Aubl., the 3 last very imperfectly known. Ord. 99. AMENTACEÆ.“ Flowers monoecious or dioecious, rarely united, all destitute of Petals. Bar- ren ones disposed in a Catkin, furnished with scales, which, if there be no other Calyx, bear the Stamens; or, otherwise, are each accompanied by a single-leaved Calyx, fig. 89, into which the Stamens are inserted. Stamens definite or indefinite, with distinct Filaments. Fertile Flowers either in Catkins, or fasciculated, or solitary, each furnished either with a single-leaved Calyx, fig. 82-84, or only with a scale. Germen su- a a 190 [CI, 15. CONIFERÆ. perior, fig. 83, 84, 91, either single, or more rarely several, in a definite number. Style 1, fig. 83, or more. Stigmas often several, fig. 91. Seeds either naked, or inclosed in as many Capsules as there are Germens, each mostly of 1 cell, sometimes coriaceous, sometimes bony. Embryo without Albumen; the Radicle straight. Stem arboreous, or shrubby, seldom of humble stature, fig. 84-87. Leaves, fig. 80, 85, 87, alternate, with Stipulas, mostly simple.” Sect. 1. Flowers (imperfectly) united. Fothergilla, Ulmus, and Celtis. Sect. 2. Fl. dioecious. Salix, fig. 85-87, Populus, fig. 88-91, and Myrica. Sect. 3. Fl. monoecious. Betula, Alnus, Comp. Fl. Brit. ed. 4. 155, Carpinus, Tagus, Quercus, fig. 80-84, Corylus, Liquidambar, Comptonia Schreb. 811, and Platanus. Between this Order and the following may be in- troduced the Casuarinea, founded by Mirbel, and adopted by Mr. Brown, Bot. of Terra Austr. 39, solely for the New Holland genus Casuarina. Ord. 100. CONIFERÆ. “ Flowers monoecious or dioecious. Barren ones mostly amentaceous, or col- lected into a Catkin, each furnished with a Scale, and sometimes also a Calyx, either the Calyx or the Scale bearing the Stamens, which are either definite or indefinite; their Filaments either distinct, or united into a simple or branched stalk. Fertile Flowers either solitary, or capitate, or disposed in a Cone, Strobilus Cl. 15.) 191 CONIFERÆ. 1 (61:7), formed of densely imbricated scales separating the Flowers, and each performing the office of a Ca- lyx. Germen superior, conical, sometimes 2 or more, with as many Styles and Stigmas. Seeds, or single- seeded Capsules, as many as the Germens. Embryo cylindrical, in the centre of a fleshy Albumen, the 2 Cotyledons either undivided, or sometimes cloven, as if palmate, into numerous segments, appearing, in Pinus, as if there were many distinct Cotyledons (89). Stem arboreous or shrubby.” Sect. 1. Calyx bearing the Stamens. Ephedra, Casuarina (see above), and Taxus, fig. 275. Sect. 2. Calyx wanting. Scales bearing the Sta- mens. True Conifera. Juniperus, Cupressus, Thuya, Dombeya Schreb. 704 (Araucaria Juss.), Pinus, fig. 276, and Abies (the last including Abies and Larix of Tournefort). To these are to be added Agathis, Salisb. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 8. 311, Podocarpus L'Herit., Dacry- dium Soland. fig. 277, and Callitris Venten. Dec. Gen. Nov. 10. The structure of the Pistil of Conifera, long mis- understood, has been explained by Mirbel, Schou- bert, and Brown. These writers describe a covering, termed by them Cupula, but which Linnæus would probably have called Nectarium, closely investing the Germen, and, in most cases, the Stigma also. This becoming pulpy, forms the red half drupa of Taxus; and is double in Podocarpus and Dacrydium, 192 CONIFERÆ. [Cl. 15. according to Mr. Brown, as well as remarkably in- verted, having the aperture near the base. The outer- most of these coverings is probably a real Calyx, as appears by the figure of Dacrydium in Lambert's Pinus, t. 41. The above general view of this celebrated System will be sufficient for any attentive student to enable him to apply it to practice, and even to correct it, or to make additions, by means of new discoveries. The Planta incertæ sedis, or Genera which the author could not, at the time he published his work, reduce to any of his Orders, are artificially classed, at the end, by their Petals, situation of the Germen, and number of the Styles and Stamens. These genera amount to 137; but many of them have since been better understood by the author himself, or have been elucidated by others; and several will be found, in the foregoing exposition, either referred to other ge- nera, previously known, or classed with some of their allies. The observations of the distinguished Gært- ner on Fruits and Seeds, in his well-known work on that subject, have conduced greatly to the improve- ment of Jussieu's system, both in principle and de- tail ; and it's illustrious author has profited by those observations, in several treatises upon different Orders or families, in the Annales du Museum d'Hist. Nat., some of which have been translated by Mr. Konig, in EMENDATIONS OF JUSSIEU. 193 the Annals of Botany. To have undertaken to digest all these improvements, and to have attempted to elucidate them by all that has been done by others, as Ventenat, Salisbury, Link, and especially by Mr. Brown and Prof. DeCandolle, would have been quite beyond the scope of the present publication. Such a task indeed could be undertaken by Jussieu himself alone, who has now for thirty years bent all his attention to the subject, with a view to a new edition of his immortal work, but has not been able to com- plete his scheme. Meanwhile DeCandolle, in his Théorie Elémen- taire de la Botanique, published in 1813, p. 213, has proposed a sketch of Jussieu's System, with many of the above additions, insomuch that the original 100 Orders are here augmented to 145. The series in which they are disposed by their Cotyledons is given, as avowedly artificial. The terminations of the names of the Orders, which are French, are according to the more recent plan of Jussieu and his followers. For instance, Convolvulacées, Convolvulacea, and Cistinées, Cistinea, instead of Convolvuli and Cisti. But as this scheme of nomenclature is scarcely yet settled, and may again be altered, I have rather chosen to retain the original terminations, till Jussieu, by a new edition, has established one or the other, according to an uniform plan. The question of the natural or artificial character of Jussieu's System has been ably discussed by the 0 194 EMENDATIONS . celebrated Mr. Roscoe, in Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 11.65, who, in showing that this method involves several as unnatural assemblages as the professedly artifi- cial system of Linnæus, contends, that little is to be gained by it's adoption, with respect to a confor- mity to nature. Every one must also perceive, that no use can be made of any such system, in the prac- tical or analytical examination of plants. Natural Orders indeed must, in future, be studied by all who deeply contemplate the Vegetable Kingdom, and some links of connexion, or points of discrimination, can- not but be kept in view between them. We require a cabinet, as it were, with cells or drawers, where we may find each Order as we want it; and Jussieu's classification, with all it's unavoidable imperfections, goes much beyond any system previously invented, in the natural assemblages which it produces. Never- theless, Linnæus has truly observed that Natural Or- ders are related to each other by so many points, that they rather resemble a geographical map, than a con- tinued series; which he has attempted to illustrate by example, in his Prælectiones published by Giseke. There remains therefore, in the study of natural clas- sification, only a choice of difficulties; and while we labour to bring plants together, as naturally as pos- sible, in groups or families, for their mutual illustra- tion, we must perpetually relax or vary those general ties, of which we can, as yet, obtain but very con- fined and imperfect views. Hence therefore I am a OF JUSSIEU. 195 almost inclined to revert to the idea of Linnæus, that we are not competent to define technically any na- tural orders, without so many, and such paradoxical, exceptions, as to destroy all consistency. The labours of his successors too often illustrate and confirm this opinion, by their failure in the details of the subject. The learned and candid DeCandolle, (who first has claimed, from the botanists of his own school, the honours due to Linnæus, relative to the principles of natural arrangement, Théorie Elém. p. 60 &c.,) though he has successfully defined several Orders, is obliged to have recourse to an artificial distribution of them, which I have mentioned above, and to which the fol. lowing is the key obo in Class 1. Dicotyledonous. Corolla polypetalous, hypogynous. SI perigynous. bali Corolla monopetalous, perigynous. hypogynous. 5. Flowers apetalous, or with one in- tegument only. 6. Monocotyledonous. Flowers phænogamous. 7. cryptogamous. 8. Acotyledonous. Leafy, and with Organs of impreg- nation. 9. Without leaves, or any known Or- gans of impregnation. The able author proposes this method, as less at variance, than any other, with natural affinities, but still as serving merely for convenience, nor does he attach to it any further importance. W to 2. 94 3. 4. 02 196 VENTENAT. The Genera Plantarum of Jussieu, with all his characters and remarks, have been translated into French by Ventenat, who has interspersed several additional observations. His work makes four octavo volumes, the first containing a dictionary of Botany. The last, besides a general analytical table, is enriched with plates of the fructification of every one of Jussieu's Orders, drawn by the masterly hand of Redouté. For such a purpose, however, the figures are hardly sufficient. Nothing is so instruc- tive as Nature herself; and the student who has made sufficient progress in Botany to understand the foregoing explanations of Jussieu's System, will be at no loss to procure examples, of the greater part of his Orders at least, by the dissection and comparison of whose structure he will gradually become fami- liarized with the subject, though it's details are inexhaustible. very best 197 CHAPTER IX. COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS OF LIN- NÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. The present publication would be incomplete with- out some account of the Fragments of a Natural Me- thod, as Linnæus terms his performance, subjoined by this great botanist to the 6th edition of his Genera Plantarum, an ample commentary upon which, col- lected partly from his lectures on this particular sub- ject, was published at Hamburgh in 1792, by Prof. Giseke, under the title of Prælectiones in Ordines Naturales Plantarum. An exposition of these Linnæan Orders, which amount to 58, is before the publick in the 2d volume of the Supplement to the Encyclopædia Britannica, published at Edinburgh, in which I have extracted what appeared to me most valuable in the above Pre- lectiones, interspersing some very curious particulars, from unpublished notes of Linnæus, in my possession, with a few original remarks: I have also taken a brief comparative view of Jussieu's system at the end. Having in the present volume more fully explained the latter, I shall here reverse the mode of comparison, and place some of the remarks and illustrations in a different light, with a few additional matters. The name of each Linnæan Order is, in the fol. a 198 COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS OF lowing table, placed first, and where no particular ex- planation is necessary, or there is no very material disagreement, the generally corresponding one of Jussieu is merely named; with it's appropriate number, to enable the reader to turn to each Order in it's proper place. 1. PALMÆ- Palma Juss. Ord. 11. Linnæus proposed latterly to remove from hence Cycas and Zamia, which he, like Jussieu, considered as Filices, but which Persoon, and Brown, Prodr. N. Holl. v. 1. 346, have more properly disposed in a new Order, called Cycadea. Linnæus also meant to take away the section B, in which the Fruit is in- ferior and many-seeded, and which consists of Stra- tiotes, Hydrocharis and Vallisneria. See Jussieu's Hydrocharides, Ord. 22. 2. PIPERITÆ— Aroidea 7. Piper only is referred by Jussieu to his Urtica 98; and Saururus to Naïades 6. 3. CALAMARIÆ—Cyperoidea 9.) Sparganium and Typha, subsequently removed from hence to his Piperita by Linnæus, as akin to Zostera, make by themselves Jussieu's Typha 8. 4. GRAMINA—Graminea 10. About the plants of this Order, the true Grasses, only one opinion can exist. 5. TRIPETALOIDEÆ—Junci 13. Calamus is properly considered by Jussieu as one of the Palma, Ord. 1. LINNÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. . 199 6. ENSATÆ–Irides 18, with some of the Junci 13, and their allies. 7. ORCHIDEÆ-Orchidea 21. Linnæus's manuscript indicates Kæmpferia as be- traying an affinity to this Order in the next, but it is chiefly in general aspect. 8. SCITAMINEÆ—Canna 20. 9. SPATHACEÆ-Narcissi 17, except Allium, re- ferred by Jussieu to his 16th Order, and Colchicum, to his 13th. 10. CORONARIÆ—Asphodeli 16, some Lilia 14, Bromelia 15, with some of the Narcissi 17, and of the Junci 13. 11. SARMENTACEÆ—A few of the Lilia, 14, be- gin this Order, but it chiefly consists of the Aspa- ragi 12, with the Menisperma 77, and Aristolochia 23. Centella is to be erased, as not distinct from Hydrocotyle. Linnæus, in his manuscript notes, justly observes, that part of this Order is monocotyledonous, part di- cotyledonous. He adverts also to Nymphæa, as hav- ing, in like manner, even some species with one, others with two, Cotyledons. This is a mistake into which Gärtner and Jussieu have likewise fallen. See the foregoing exposition of Jussieu's system, Ord. 22 and 62. It appears from Giseke’s publication, pref. 20, that Linnæus kept from his pupils his ideas re- specting Nymphæa, not having, perhaps, satisfied his own mind. He seems to have thought the exist- 200 COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS а - ence of such a difference in the Cotyledons of one genus, might well justify him in not dividing an Order on that account, and possibly cherished this idea, as an irrefragable proof of his position, that no character whatever was free from exception in natural orders. Neither the deduction, nor the fact as to Nymphæa, is now admitted, and yet the Lentibularia of Brown, see (Ord. 34) p. 96, and Cuscuta, see Con- volvuli, are strong exceptions. 12. HOLERACEÆ--A large Order, of which the 1st section is composed of many of Jussieu's Atri- plices 29 ; the 2d of more of the same, with Calligo- num, one of his Polygonea 28; the 3d of Axyris only, one of his Atriplices; the 4th of some Ama- ranthi 30, and some Atriplices; the 5th of Poly- gonea 28, with Begonia their ally in habit, see a re- mark on Jussieu's 52d Order; the 6th of Nyssa, Mi- musops, Rhizophora and Bucida ; the 7th of Anacar- dium (removed by a manuscript note from the 6th section), Laurus, Tinus, Winterania and Heisteria. There is no analogy between these two latter sections and any of Jussieu's Orders. His Lauri 27, a good Order, was not perceived by Linnæus. 13. SUCCULENTÆ-Cactus, one of Jussieu's 85th Order, with some of his Portulacea 86, and Ficoi- dea 87, make the 1st section; Semperviva 83 are the 2d; some more Portulacea chiefly compose the 3d; and Saxifraga 84 are the 4th section of this Order, in which Linnæus was guided by habit, and - OF LINNÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. 201 Jussieu, tracing nearly the same affinities, was much embarrassed for technical characters. 14. GRUINALES-Gerania 73, and some of the first section of Rutacea 81, with Oxalis, Linum, and a few ambiguous genera, as Aldrovanda, Drosera, and Averrhoa, make up this Order. Linnæus has added several, more or less happily, in manuscript. 15. INUNDATÆ—are analogous to Naïades 6, and require as much correction. 16. CALYCIFLORÆ-part of Eleagni 24. 17. CALYCANTHEMÆ—contain many Onagre 88, with the Melastoma 90, and Salicariæ 91. 18. BICORNES—Rhododendra 50, and Ericæ 51. 19. HESPERIDEÆ—Myrti 89. 20. ROTACEÆ— Lysimachia 34, chiefly sect. 1, 1, and Gentiana 46. A separate section comprises Hyperica 68, and Cisti 80; at least the genuine Cisti, sect. 1. 21. PreciÆ-Lysimachia 34, chiefly sect. 2, and part of 3. 22. CARYOPHYLLEÆ—Caryophylleæ 82. 23. TRIHILATÆ— Meliæ 71, make the 1st section; Sapindi 65, Acera 66, and Malpighia 67, chiefly compose the 2d and 3d sections. Tropæolum is cer- tainly better placed here by Linnæus than in Jussieu's Gerania 73 24. CORYDALES-- These have no analogy to any particular Order of Jussieu. The Linnæan genera 202 COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS are Melianthus and Monnieria, for both which see remarks on Jussieu's Rutaceæ 81; Epimedium, see Berberides 78; Hypecoum, and Fumaria, see Papa- veracea 62; Leontice, see Berberides 78; Impatiens, see Gerania 73; Utricularia and Pinguicula, see the end of Lysimachia 34. Jussieu's Order of Ber- berides 78 entirely escaped Linnæus. 25. PUTAMINEÆ-Capparides 64, except Cres- centia. Linnæus has noted that this Order and the 24th should stand next to the 27th Rhoeadea. 26. MULTISILIQUÆ-Ranunculacea 61. Seeds inserted into 1 suture only. Linn. MS. 27. RHOEADEÆ,Papaveracea 62. Linnæus has brought hither Nymphæa ; see obs. on Jussieu's Ord. 62. 28. LURIDÆ—chiefly Solanea 41. Aestivatio plicata. (Corolla plaited in the bud.) Linn. MS. 29. CAMPANACEÆ-Campanulucea 52; as also Convolvuli 43, and Polemonia 44, both well sepa- rated from the first by Jussieu. Linnæus has referred Viola to this Order, and has mentioned in manuscript Parnassia, with an exception on account of it's not being milky. 30. CONTORTÆ-Apocinea 47. Aestivatio contorta. (Corolla twisted, or it's seg- ments oblique.) Linn. MS. This author, as well as Jussieu, has committed some errors with regard to - OF LINNÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. 203 - particular genera. Genipa and Gardenia, both one genus, and Macrocnemum, belong to Jussieu's Ru- biacea 57. Stelios 31. VEPRECULÆ-Thymelae 25. Thesium and Santalum, the latter added in manu- script, do not belong to it, but to Mr. Brown's Santa- laceæmentioned under Jussieu's Elæagni 24. Scleran- thus, also added in manuscript, is referred by Jussieu to his Portulacea 86, not without a suspicion of it's relationship to his Thymelæa 25, or to Thesium. 32. PAPILIONACEÆ—such of the Leguminosa 93, as have a papilionaceous corolla. 33. LOMENTACEÆ—the rest of the Leguminosa 93. 34. CUCURBITACEÆ—Cucurbitaceæ 35. SENTICOSA—consist of the 2d, 3d and 4th sections of Jussieu's Rosacea 92; Poterium and San- guisorba being properly brought hither from Ord. 54. 36. POMACEÆ—Sect. 1, with part of the 3d and 7th sections of Rosacea 92. Ribesis introduced here; see Jussieu's Cacti 85. Punica, one of the Linnæan Pomacea, is referred to Myrti 89, by Jussieu, per- haps less correctly. d) of bal sust oor die 37. COLUMNIFERÆMalvaceæ 74. Camellia and Thea are included. See Aurantia 70, sect. 3. 38. TRICOCCÆ- Euphorbia 96. 39. SILIQUOSÆ--Crucifera 63. 40. PERSONATÆ— Pediculares 35, Acanthi 36, Vitices 38, Scrophularia 40, and a few of the Sola- nea 41. These very distinct Jussieuan Orders were a 204 COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS - probably not discriminated by Linnæus, in conse- quence of the habit he had acquired of considering his Didynamia Angiospermia as completely a natural assemblage. 41. ASPERIFOLIÆ— Borraginea 42. 42. VERTICILLATÆ—Labiata 39. 43. DUMOSÆ-Rhamni 95 constitute the bulk of this Order ; with one or two Rutaceæ 81, more of which latter are added in manuscript. Viburnum, Sambucus and Rhus are also placed here, with some marks of doubt, and Linnæus ingenuously confesses that he was dissatisfied with the whole. 44. SEPIARIÆ—Jasminea 37. 45. UMBELLATÆ— Umbellifera 60. 46. HEDERACEÆ—Araliæ 59, at least so far as concerns the first two genera, Panax and Aralia. Xanthoxylon is one of the Rutacea 81. The remain- der, Hedera, Vitis, and Cissus, are proposed in the ma- nuscript of Linnæus to be transferred to his 34th Or- der, Cucurbitacea, but he remarks that their fruit is not tricapsular, or trilocular. The tendrils and fo- liage may possibly have led to this idea of their affi- nity, which is certainly not tenable on other grounds. 47. STELLATÆ— Rubiacea 57, sect. 1 and 2, the remaining sections of Jussieu being faintly indicated by Linnæus in his sect. ß and y. The latter had not detected those characters, even of habit, which unite the shrubby Rubiaceæ into a very distinct and natural assemblage. OF LINNÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. 205 48. AGGREGATÆ-The two systems do not here ac- cord, and it is necessary to explain some manuscript alterations of Linnæus. This Order is divided, in the Gen. Pl., into four sections. a consists of Statice only: ß of Hartogia, Brunia, Protea, Globularia, Leuca- dendron, Hebenstretia, Selago, Cephalanthus, Dipsa- cus, Scabiosa, Knautia and Allionia : y of Valeriana, Morina, Boerhaavia and Circæa, to which Mirabilis is added in manuscript: and d of Lonicera, Chiococca, Triosteum, Mitchella, Lisianthus in manuscript, Lin- naa, Morinda, Conocarpus, Hillia in manuscript, Lo- ranthus and Viscum. The letter B is removed in the ß manuscript to Cephalanthus; so that the 1st section ex- tends from Statice to Selago, inclusive; and is marked “alternifoliæ infera,”leaves alternate, flowers inferior (or germen superior). The other three sections, from Cephalanthus to Viscum, are marked “ oppositifolia supera," leaves opposite, flowers superior. The first section thus extended abounds with errors. Statice and Brunia indeed, thought near akin by Linnæus, are puzzling genera, about which various opinions may be formed. Jussieu refers the former to his Plumbagines 33, the latter to his doubtful Rhamni 95. Hartogia is the same genus as Diosma, a true Rutacea 81, which Linnæus subsequently discovered. Protea and Leucadendron form the basis of Jussieu's and Brown's great Order of Proteacea 26, not detected by Lin- næus, to which Jussieu was inclined to refer Globu- laria ; but he left the latter at the end of his Lysima- 206 COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS chia, where surely it is much misplaced. Hebenstre- tia and Selago are related to Verbena, see Vitices 38. With respect to the opposite-leaved sections, ß, y and ò; Cephalanthus, Chiococca, Mitchella, Morinda and Hillia are well considered by Jussieu as Rubia- cea 57. From Dipsacus to Morina, inclusive, are his Dipsacea 56. Boerhaavia and Mirabilis are Nyctagines 32. Circaa is one of the Onagra 88. Lonicera, Triosteum, Linnæa, Loranthus and Viscum are Caprifolia 58. Lisianthus belongs undoubtedly to the Gentiana 46.1,200 From the above detail it appears, that there can hardly be a greater discordance of opinion than ex- ists between Linnæus and Jussieu, concerning the plants of this Order ; nor can the latter be denied the honour of having best, if not perfectly, understood their affinities. bac STS Bo 49. COMPOSITÆ, Sect. «–Cinarocephala 54.2 sect. B-Cichoracea 53. noita 1992 -secty, Corymbifera 55. , 50. AMENTACEÆ-Amentacea 99, with an excep- tion or two, such as Sloanea, marked with a doubt by Linnæus, and referred by Jussieu to his Tiliaceæ 79; and Pistacia, one of the Terebintaceæ 94. Cynomo- rium is placed by Jussieu, with Balanophora of For- ster, t. 50, among the planta incertæ sedis. 51. CONIFERÆ-Conifera 100, except Equisetum, one of the Filices 5. res potent bid BURE 52. COADUNATÆ-Anonæ 76, and Magnoliæ 75. - OF LINNÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. 207 53. SCABRIDÆ- Urtica 98. Linnæus includes Trophis, which Jussieu did not determine; as also Ulmús with Celtis, both referred by the latter, less correctly perhaps, to his Amentacea 50. Bosea and Acnida are, with more justice, placed among his Atriplices 29. 54. MISCELLANEÆ—An Order composed of 8, truly miscellaneous, sections, most of them abrogated by the pen of Linnæus himself. Sect. a, consisting of Reseda and Datisca, has not undergone any correction. Reseda is referred by Jus- sieu, somewhat paradoxically, to his Capparides 64; and Datisca, though allowed by him to be, in some points, akin to the former, stands among the unclassed genera. ß Poterium and Sanguisorba, are removed to the 35th Order, before Agrimonia, as they stand in Jus- sieu's Rosacea 92, sect. 3. y Pistia and Lemna are referred to the 15th Inun- data. Jussieu has the former among his Hydrocha- rides 22, with a hint of it's probable affinity to Aroi- deæ 7, or Aristolochia 23; and Lemna, one of his Naïades 6, is, according to Mr. Brown, one of the Hydrocharides. à Coriaria, and Empetrum with a mark of doubt. The first is not thought referable to any Order by Jussieu ; the latter is supposed akin to Erica 51. € Achyranthes, Celosia, Amaranthus, Iresine, Gom- phrena and Phytolacca are all removed to the 5th a 208 COMPARISON OF THE NATURAL ORDERS a section of the 12th Order, Holeracea. Jussieu has them all amongst his Amaranthi 30, except Phyto- lacca, which is one of the Atriplices 29. & Nymphæa and Sarracenia are both transferred to the 27th Order, with a query whether the latter especially may not be akin to Asarum, and therefore to the Sarmentacea, Ord. 11. We find that Linnæus once placed both these genera, as well as Aristolochia, and it's allies Asarum and Cytinus, in his 11th Order. He had a fanciful idea of an affinity between Nym- phæa and Sarracenia, founded on the singular eco- nomy of the leaves in the latter. These he supposed to be contrived for the purpose of affording the plant a continual supply of water, which, like it's aquatic relation, it might require. Jussieu but faintly hints at the affinity in question, placing Sarracenia among the plantæ incerta sedis. n Cedrela and Swietenia are both removed to the 23d Order, along with Turræa Linn. Mant. 150. They all undoubtedly belong to the 1st section of that Order, being among the Melia, 71, of Juss. 9 Telephium, Limeum and Corrigiola are trans- ferred to the 5th section of the Holeracea, Ord. 12. Jussieu has them all in his Portulacea 86, on account of their being furnished with petals ; which circum- stance here, as in the instance of his 82d Order com- pared with the 30th, breaks the natural chain of his system. 55. FILICES—Filices 5. Linnæus seems to have OF LINNÆUS WITH THOSE OF JUSSIEU. 209 had an idea of bringing hither Lemna and Pistia, for which it is difficult to suggest a motive, except he had any reason to doubt the accuracy of those who had described Lemna, and whom he had previously followed. 56. MusCi-Musci 4. 57. ALGÆ—Alga 2, and Hepaticæ 3. Chara is removed from hence, in the manuscript, to the 15th Order, Inundata. 58. FUNGI—Fungi 1. A catalogue of 116 Genera, which Linnæus could not reduce to any of the foregoing Orders, is sub- joined. Concerning 20 of these he afterwards satis- fied himself; and at least half the rest are now suffi- ciently well understood to be referred to their proper places. The following manuscript sketch, of an arrange- ment of the Dicotyledones, left by this great author at the end of his Genera Plantarum, may be thought worthy of preservation. It has undergone many changes and corrections, as might be expected. The meditations of such a mind cannot but furnish some ideas to others, however incomplete in themselves. OPPOSITIFOLIÆ. A line is drawn through this word, as if the author was dissatisfied with it. Calyciflora 16 Calycanthema 17 ALTERNIFOLIE. Cucurbitacea 34 Hederaceæ 46 Umbellate 45 Compositæ 49 Amentacece 50 P 210 MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS OPPOSITIFOLIÆ. ALTERNIFOLIÆ. Caryophyllea 22 Coniferæ 51 Coadunata 52 Aggregate 48 Stellata 47 Sepiaria 44 Dumosa 43 Papilionacea 32 Lomentacea 33 Corydales 24 Multisiliqua 26 Rhoeadea 27 Putaminea 25 Siliquose 39 Succulenta 13 Gruinales 14 Contorta 30 Rotacea 20 Asperifolia 41 Verticillata 42 Hesperidea 19 Campanacea 29 Lurida 28 Personata 40 Inundata 15 Holeracea 12 Scabrida 53 Veprecula 31 Senticosa 35 Pomacea 36 Precia 21 Columnifera 37 Tricocca 38 Trihilata 23 Bicornes 18 The first idea of Linnæus, in the above scheme, appears to have been to throw the dicotyledonous Orders into two great Sections, characterized, in a ge- neral way, by their opposite or alternate leaves, with ON NATURAL ORDERS. 211 subdivisions indicating the Orders most allied to each other. But in the execution of this plan, difficulties immediately arose, especially respecting the Verti- cillatæ 42, whose leaves are invariably opposite, and the Asperifolia 41, as regularly furnished with al- ternate leaves. Yet these two Orders could not, in any natural arrangement, be placed asunder. So the Per- sonata 40, chiefly opposite-leaved, were necessarily to be classed near the Lurida 28, and others, with alternate leaves. It is needless to point out exceptions amongst other Orders, or tribes of Genera. No discriminating character of his Orders, or Fragments," was ever formed by Linnæus. On the contrary, he adverts under almost every one of them, in the Prælectiones published by Giseke, to the ano- malies or exceptions which militate against such an attempt. His judgment, as I have already hinted, is confirmed by the result of the labours of those who have undertaken this arduous task; though the world is extremely indebted to them for having, in the face of such obstacles, entered upon it. The difficulties, apparent contradictions, and various exceptions, which embarrass them in the detail of their perform- ance, are inherent in the organization of the vegetable body, in which there is throughout no positive or mathematical certainty. A few practical observa- tions, illustrative of this truth, may, not altogether unprofitably, here close the subject. Philosophers have attributed to Nature a plastic P 2 212 VARIABLENESS power, by which form and organization are given to substances apparently homogeneous, and destitute of any particular configuration. Thus the fluid of the egg changes to an organized animal body; and thus the blood and lymph, in the stump of an amputated limb, become occupied with muscles, blood-vessels and nerves, like the corresponding parts of the ani- mal frame. Analogous facts, though less evidently perceptible, are to be traced, without any uncertainty, in the vegetable body. In the latter we may per- haps, even more positively than in animals, satisfy ourselves of the influence of particular circumstances, in causing a different organization. Many a plant may be extensively increased by cuttings or by roots, for a succession of years, without producing any seeds, or even the least rudiments of flowers. But if one or more of these cuttings or roots should be treated dif- ferently from the rest, with respect to their allotted portion of water, heat, or nourishment, such may very probably bear flowers and seeds, as happened by chance to the Solandra at Kew; see Introd. to Botany, chap. 14. In other words, the same organic matter which, under the influence of certain causes, assumes the form of branches and leaves, in different cir- cumstances becomes flowers and seeds. If we trace this indefinite power of organization a step further, we perceive that the materials of a perfect flower, destined to form seed, are sometimes transformed into a mutilated or an over-luxuriant one, consisting of OF ORGANIZATION. 213 multiplied petals only, in the place of the organs es sential to the propagation of the species; and in certain circumstances, the whole flower itself is re- placed by a gemma or bud (26), when the plant which bears it is termed viviparous. So with respect to the appropriate organization of particular plants. Each species is naturally furnished with flowers, of a determinate structure, having a cer- tain number of stamens and pistils, as well as of divi- sions or parts in their integuments, all which are con- nected together, in an appropriate mode, in every flower. But circumstances sometimes cause an alter- ation, frequently in the comparative number of such parts or divisions, though very rarely in their mode of connexion. Such are accidental variations, which a competent degree of attention and caution in the observer will enable him to guard against. Their study, cautiously pursued, may often throw light on those more perma- nent diversities of structure, which occupy the studies of the profound botanist, and of which I would now attempt somewhat of a comparative view. In general, the aberrations of Nature in plants bear a considerable analogy to her accidental variations, but are, of course, much more diversified and exten- sive. Thus, in tribes very nearly akin, a correspond- ing number in the parts of fructification is found liable to many more exceptions than a similarity of connexion or insertion. In the Caryophyllea, Juss. 82 214 VARIABLENESS Linn. 22, some have 10, others 5, stamens; some have 5, others 3 or 2, styles; in the Bicornes of Linn. 18 (the Rhodvdendra 50, and Erica 51, of Jussieu) the differences between 4 and 5, 8 and 10, or 5 and 10, are so frequent, as to cause great trouble in classing these plants, after the Linnæan artificial system. But the instance of an inferior germen in Vaccinium, is a wide and remarkable difference, of extremely rare occurrence, between that genus and it's near relations Menziesia, Erica, Arbutus, &c. In general, variations or diversities of structure have been thought to take place most in the parts of the flower, and especially in those accessory, rather than essential, organs, the calyx and corolla. The production of the fruit and seed, especially of the latter, being the main object of all the rest, many botanists have, reasonably enough, concluded, that the peculiar organization, and even the number of parts, in the seed-vessel, and, above all, the form and number of the seeds, were likely to furnish indications of the most important and invariable principles of affinity or distinction. Even the diversities in the in- ternal parts, or materials, of a seed, have of late been laid under contribution, for the purposes of methodical arrangement; as appears from the foregoing explana- tions of different botanical systems. As far as regards the comparative number of seeds, the slightest observation will teach any person, that Nature has not always made this circumstance of OF ORGANIZATION. 215 importance, in the indication of natural affinities. The thing itself is often indeterminate, several ru- diments of seeds being frequently provided, though only one regularly comes to perfection. More fre- quently are observable plants with numerous seeds in a cell, or capsule, which are nearly, or very closely, allied to others with only 1 or 2. See the Onagra 88, of Jussieu, the Cruciferæ 63, the genus Juncus com- pared with Luciola, Engl. Fl. v. 2. 177. and many besides. The provision of seed to each vegetable is indeed of the greatest importance; but the quantity is, comparatively, immaterial, variable, or precarious. It seems therefore that number, as a principle of arrangement, may well be expected to prove more treacherous here than in other cases. The nourishment of a seed, in the first stages of germination, depending generally on the albumen, in whatever form or state that substance may exist, is variously conducted, according to circumstances, in plants otherwise nearly allied; witness the papiliona- ceous family, where the albuminous matter is lodged in cotyledons, that in some species rise into seminal leaves, in others decay speedily under ground. In some plants, as we have seen, the albumen is evident in a distinct and separate form; while in others, nearly akin, no such substance exists, except, as must be presumed, in the body of each cotyledon. Here again therefore, however essential the part in question, the mode of it's existence appears to be of very sub- a 216 . AFFINITY OF BEGONIA. ordinate consideration, and should not be allowed, in the details of systematic arrangement, to overrule characters which are judged, by experience or ana- logy, to be more important. The able writers whose labours we have been contemplating, the chief sys- tematic botanists who have adverted at all to the albumen, have been well aware of this. What has just been remarked, of the inconstancy of number in the seeds of particular plants, and of it's great diversity in species or genera nearly akin, may possibly diminish the apparent absurdity of con- sidering the great differences between the fruit of Be- gonia and Polygonum or Rumex, and between that of some Campanulacea, see p. 117, and the Composita, as a matter of but secondary importance, and may reconcile us to the opinion that such differences should give way, in both cases, to strong points of agreement. Even the great distinction between the inferior germen of Begonia, and the superior one of the Order of Polygonea, Juss. 28, is invalidated by the above instance of Vaccinium ; and the coincidence of habit is so remarkable, that I cannot but confess myself very anxious to ascertain a decisive affinity, or analogy, in the fructification, lest the great funda- mental principle of all sound botanical classification should, in any degree, be undermined. con a I 6 ku h d d a. i 9 a 12 27 10 13 14 a PPS 17 18 15 26 19 512 I a 20 27 25 3 23 26 BOCCOLE 28 22 29 27 24 30 1999 38 32 34 33 37 35 39 32 36 40 1 OF PICHA III 41 50 44 44 46 45 47 49 42 43 57 ๆ 8 53 52 ขา1 54 56 55 UCS 60 58 59 63 62 61 67 65 69 66 W 64 68 ON 76 b 75 72- 70 73 72 74 B a la 78 77 WICH V b 79 80 87 a 83 82 84 87 85 86 UNIU VICHY OF ИІ 88 90 92 89 92 95 94 93 UNIL OF MICHY 97 200 96 98 99 107 103 104 108 102 107 106 105 பாயா பாற் AINA 709 113 112 TIL 10 14 5 ॐ OF Mc VIII *** х х хот, пб 117 720 19 па 122 121 123 124 125 126 OF IX 128 127 a 229 130 b 137 40067 132 134 133 a 3 UNIU OF Miche X b 137 135 Da 138 136 “。 LO b a b 141 d 139 。 《第一 ​ XT b b 142 b 143 a 144 145 a 747 a 1446 X2 Іь 198 149 prometern 157 b 750 152 253 OF mich 154 XTI 155 b 157 d b 6 156 159 160 162 165 262 b 163 164 a 166 H 168 XIV 169 b 770 172 5 173 b 167 a b 172 23) 175 276 3b a 174 d a 177 778 6 W 180 a 6LT い ​OF NP IN 181 184 WA 183 282 чела OS 3 d d 185 2000 d 186 با UN OF MICK 1 No AQDAAQOBADA CA AGROPOOOAA 187 b 10 190 6 189 MODOM WW 188 b cu b 2 6 192 192 3. 193 Ny 196 194 a d a 195 b. 198 197 a d 6 202 202 b 200 199 OF RICH 205 XVIT 203 204 a 206 b a b a 208 207 a 210 2009 aff 272 212 a 213 214 a 215 d b b a Do 218 216 277 6 220 Na 219 ONDE OF anc 227 222 XVII b b 224 No 223 225 227 226 a 230 3 229 228 b 232 233 231 d a c. d o 234 3 UNIL CH 235 236 3 237 d 238 b 3 b 239 240 242 a 243 242 244 a 245 247 246 248 V. b 249 b 257 a 252 253 b 250 Malw 30 HING XX 254 a 0010 256 Q 257 a da 258 b a ba 262 6 260 . 263 6 Pa Saans 262 264 6 a 266 XXZ 265 267 a b 268 269 a b 270 277 272 3 2746 273 3 275 6 Women 276 277 a SNIL OF MICH 1 IN DE X. stolet A BIES, 191 Abortive flowers, 28 Abroma, 150, 183 Abronia, 94 Abrus, 179 Abuta, 154 Acana, 173 Acalypha, 185 Acanthi, 96, 203 Acanthus, 97 Acaules, 6 Accumbent cotyledons, 139 Acer, 142 Acera, 141, 201 Achania, 149 Achenium, 23 Achillea, 124 Achras, 111 Achyranthes, 92, 207 Acia, 173 Acioa, 173 Acisanthera, 171 Acnida, 207 Aconitum, 137 Acorus, 67 Acotyledones, 34, 35, 61, 63 Acouroa, 179 Actæa, 137 Aculeus, 12 Adanson, 31 Adamsonia, 150 Adelia, 185 Adenanthera, 177 Adonis, 136 Adoxa, 164 Aegiceras, 111 Aegopodium, 134 Aegopricon, 195 Aeschynomene, 179 Aesculus, 41, 142 Aestivatio, 22 Aethusa, 134 Agapanthus, 75 Agasyllis, 134 Agathis, 191 Agave, 74 Agdestis, 154 Aggregata, 205 Aggregate flowers, 29 Agrimonia, 173, 207 Agrostemma, 161 Agrostis, 69 Agyneia, 185 Aira, 69 Aitonia, 146 Aizoon, 166 Ajuga, 99 Alu, 27 Ale, 175 Alamanda, 109 Alangium, 168, 169 Albuca, 75 Albumen, 25, 33 Alchemilla, 173 Aldrovanda, 201 Aletris, 75 Aleurites, 185 Alga, 34, 47, 63, 209 Alisma, 73 Alismacea, 73 Allionia, 126, 205 Allium, 74, 75, 199 Allophyllus, 145 Alnus, 190 Aloe, 75 Alopecurus, 69 Alpinia, 79, 81 Alsine, 161 218 INDEX Alstonia, 113 Anthospermum, 127 Alstroemeria, 76 Anthoxanthum, 69 Altermifolic, 209 Anthriscus, 134 Althæa, 42, 149 [200, 208 Anthyllis, 178 Amaranthi, 91, 92, 160, 165, Antiaris, 189 Amaranthus, 92, 207 Antichorus, 156 Amaryllidea, 76 Antirrhinum, 100 Amaryllis, 75 Aotus, 177 Ambelania, 109 Apalatoa, 180 Ambora, 189 Apeiba, 156 Ambrosia, 122 Apetalous flower, 28, 61 Amellus, 124 Aphanes, 173 Amentacere, 50, 189, 206, 207 Aphyllanthes, 73 Amentáceous flowers, 19, 29 Apium, 134 Amentum, 19 Apluda, 69 [202 Amerimnon, 179 Apocinea, 15, 108, 110, 126, Ammannia, 171 Apocyanum, 109, 110 Ammi, 134 Aponogeton, 66 Amomum, 79, 81 Aporetica, 141 Amorpha, 179 Appendages, 11, 12, 56 Amygdalea, 173 Apple, 23, 172 Amygdalus, 173 Aquilegia, 137 Amyris, 181 Aquilicia, 111, 146 Anacardium, 181, 200 Arabis, 139 Anagallis, 95 Arachis, 178 Anagyris, 177 Aralia, 132, 204 Anasser, 109 Araliæ, 131, 132, 204 Anchusa, 103 Araucaria, 191 Ancistrum, 173 Arbutus, 115, 211 Andira, 179 Arctotis, 124 Andrachne, 185 Areča, 71 Andromeda, 115 Arenaria, 161 Androsace, 96 Arethusa, 82 Anemone, 136 Argemone, 137 Anethum, 134 Argolasia, 77 Angelica, 134 Argophyllum, 115 Angiospermia, 44, 204 Argythamnia, 185 Anguria, 187 Arillus, 27 Annual roots, 4, 17 Arista, 19 Anoda, 149 Aristolochia, 86, 208 Anona, 153 Aristolochiæ, 76,85, 199, 207 Anone, 152, 206 Armeniuca, 173 Anopterus, 108 Aroideæ, 67, 68, 76,199, 207 Anthemis, 124 Arouna, 180 Anthera, 21 Artedia, 134 Anthericum, 75 Artemisia, 124 Antholyza, 76 Artificial classes, 31 INDEX 219 Artocarpus, 189 Banara, 156 Aruba, 158 Banksia, 88 Arum, 67 Bannisteria, 142 Aruna, 180 Baptisia, 177 Arundo, 69 Barleria, 97 Asarum, 86, 208 Barnadesia, 123 Ascium, 140 Barren flower, 28 Asclepiadeæ, 15, 21, 110 Barreria, 155 Asclepias, 109, 110 Barringtonia, 169 Ascyrum, 143 Bartsia, 96 Aspalathus, 178 Basella, 91 Asparagi, 71, 75, 199 Bassia, 111 Asparagus, 72, 75 Bauera, 164 Asperifolia, 102, 204, 211 Bauhinia, 177 Asperugo, 103 Beak, 27 Asperula, 127 Beaufortia, 169 Asphodeleæ, 72 Begonia, 117, 200, 216 Asphodeli, 72, 74, 75, 199 Bejaria, 114 Asphodelus, 75 Bellis, 123 Aspidium, 46, 66 Bellonia, 128 Assonia, 150 Berberides, 154, 202 Aster, 106, 123 Berberis, 155 Astragalus, 179 Bergera, 145 Astrantia, 134 Bergia, 161 Athamanta, 134 Berry, 23, 24 Atragene, 136 Besleria, 100 Atripler, 91 [208 Betula, 190 Atriplices, 91, 117, 200, 207, Bicornes, 201, 211 Atropa, 102 Bidens, 124 Aubletia, 156 Biennial roots, 4, 17 Aucuba, 183 Bignonia, 106 Aurantia, 145, 150, 203 Bignoniacea, 106 Averrhoa, 181, 201 Bignonia, 105 Awn, 19 Bipinnula, 82 Axyris, 200 Biserrula, 179 Ayenia, 150 Bixa, 156 Aylanthus, 181 Blackwellia, 174 Azalea, 112, 114 , Blæria, 115 Azorella, 134 Blakea, 170 Blandfordia, 75 Bacca, 23, 26 Blepharanthes, 188 Bacopa, 165 Blitum, 91 Bæa, 100 Bocconia, 138 Backea, 167, 169 Boehmeria, 189 Bagassa, 189 Boerhaavia, 94, 205, 206 Balanophora, 206 Bolaa, 134 Balsamina, 135, 148 Bombar, 150 220 INDEX. Buphthalmum, 124 Bupleurum, 134 Burmannia, 74, 81 Bursaia, 154 Bursera, 181 Burtonia, 178 Butea, 178 Butomus, 41, 73 Butonica, 169 Büttneria, 150 Büttneriaceæ, 183 Buxus, 185 Bontia, 102 Boraginea, 102, 204 Borago, 103 Borassus, 71 Borbonia, 178 Border, 20 Boronia, 158, 159 Boscia, 140 Bosea, 207 Bossiæa, 178 Botany, economical, 2 physiological, 2 systematical, 1 Bowlesia, 134 Brabeium, 88 Brachysema, 178 Bractea, 12, 18 Brassica, 139 Brathys, 143, 144 Breweria, 104 Briza, 69 Bromelia, 74 Bromelia, 73, 199 Bromus, 69 Brosimum, 189 Brossea, 115 Browallia, 100 Brownea, 180 Brunfelsia, 102 Bruniu, 183, 205 Brunonia, 118 Bryonia, 187 Bryum, 65 Bubon, 134 Bubroma, 150 Buchnera, 101 Bucida, 86, 167, 200 Buddleia, 100 Buds, 8 Buffonia, 161 Buganvillaa, 94 Bugula, 99 Bulbocodium, 75 Bumalda, 183 Bumelia, 111 Bunch, 16 Bunium, 134 Cacalia, 123 Cachrys, 134 Cacoucia, 167 Cacti, 164, 203 Cactus, 164, 200 Cadaba, 140 Cæsalpinia, 177 Calamariæ, 198 Calamus, 198 Calathea, 79 Calceolaria, 100 Calchas, 145 Calendula, 123 Calla, 67 Callicarpa, 98 Callicocca, 129 Calligonum, 200 Callistachya, 178 Callistemon, 169 Callitriche, 66, 167 Callitris, 191 Calodendrum, 158 Calophyllum, 145 Calothamnus, 169 Caltha, 137 Calycanthema, 201 Calycanthus, 173 Calyciflorw, 201 Calycomis, 164 Calyculus, 18 Calyptra, 65 Calyptranthes, 169 Calyx, 17-19 Camellia, 146,203 INDEX. 221 Cameraria, 109, 110 Campanacea, 202 Campanula, 118 Campanulacea, 117, 202,216 Cananga, 153 Canarina, 218 Camarium, 181 Candollea, 152 Canella, 146 Canephora, 129 Canna, 79 Cannabis, 189 Саппӕ, 78, 199 Canneæ, 79 Cantua, 105 Capitulum, 15, 135 Capparides, 140, 202, 207 Capparis, 41, 140 Caprifolia, 129, 206 Caprifolium, 130 Capsicum, 122 Capsula, 22 Caragana, 179 Cardamine, 41 Cardiospermum, 141 Carduus, 42, 121 Carex, 68 Cargilla, 113 Carica, 43, 187 Carina, 175 Carissa, 109 Carlina, 121 Carolinea, 1500 Carpella, 153 Carphalea, 128 Carpinus, 190 Carpodetus, 183 Carum, 134 Caryophylleæ, 105, 159, 165, 201, 213 Caryophyllus, 168 Caryota 71 Cassia, 176 Cassine, 182 Cassuvium, 181 Cassytha, 90 Castilleia, 96 Casuarina, 190, 191 Casuarinea, 190 Catalpa, 106 Catesbæa, 128 Catimbium, 78 Catinga, 169 Catkin, 19, 24 Caturus, 185, 189 Caucalis, 134 Cauda, 27 Caudex, 3 Caulis, 5 Ceanothus, 183 Cecropia, 189 Cedrela, 147, 208 Celastrine, 182 Celastrus, 182 Celosia, 92, 207 Celsia, 101 Celtis, 190, 207 Cenchrus, 69 Centaurea, 42 Centella, 199 Central column, 22 Cephalanthus, 129, 205, 206 Cephalotus, 174 Cerastium, 161 Cerasus, 173 Ceratonia, 176 Ceratopetalum, 164 Ceratophyllum, 66 Ceratosanthes, 187 Ceratostema, 118 Cerbera, 109 Cercis, 177 Cercodea, 166 Cerinthe, 103 Ceropegia, 109, 110 Cestrum, 102 Chærophyllum, 134 Chamærops, 71 Chara, 66, 209 Cheiranthus, 140 Chelidonium, 138 Chelone, 105 Chenopodeæ, 91 Chenopodium, 91 91 222 INDEX. Cherleria, 161 Chiococca, 128, 205, 206 Chionanthus, 97 Chironia, 107 Chlora, 107 Chomelia, 128 Chorizema, 177 Chrysanthemum, 123 Chrysobalanus, 173 Chrysophyllum, 111 Chrysosplenium, 164 Cicca, 185 Cicer, 179 Cichoraceæ, 120, 206 Cichorium, 120 Cicuta, 134 Cienfuegosia, 150 Cimicifuga, 137 Cinarocephalæ, 121, 135, 206 Cinchona, 128 Ciponima, 113 Circæa, 166, 205, 206 Cirrus, 12 Cissampelos, 154 Cissus, 147, 204 Cisti, 156, 193, 201 Cistineæ, 193 Cistus, 156 Citharexylum, 98 Citrus, 145 Classes, 30, 40, 61 Classification, 2, 30 Claw, 20 Claytonia, 165 Clematis, 136 Cleome, 139, 140 Clerodendrum, 98 Clethra, 115 Clibadium, 122 Cliffortia, 173 Clitoria, 178 Clusia, 144 Cluster, 14 Cluytia, 185 Cneorum, 181 Cnestis, 181 Cnicus, 121 Cnidium, 134 Coadunatæ, 206 Cobæa, 106 Cocculus, 154 Coccum, 23 Cocos, 71 Codia, 164 Coffea, 128 Coix, 69 Colchicum, 73, 199 Coldenia, 103 Colletia, 183 Columella, 22 Columnea, 100 Columnifera, 150, 203 Colutea, 179 Comarum, 173 Combretacea, 86, 167 Combretum, 167 Commelina, 73 Commelineæ, 73 Commersonia, 183 Comocladia, 181 Complete flower, 28 Composita, 124, 206, 216 Compositus flos, 28 [29 Compound flowers, 18, 27– Comptonia, 190 Cone, 24 Coniferæ, 50, 190, 206 , Conium, 134 Connarus, 181 Conobea, 96 Conocarpus, 167, 205 Conoria, 155 Contorta, 109, 202 Convallaria, 72 Convolvuli, 103, 193, 200, 202 Convolvulus, 104 Cookia, 145 Copaifera, 180 Corchorus, 156, 174 Corculum, 24 Cordia, 103 Coreopsis, 124 Coriandrum, 134 Coriaria, 207 INDEX. 223 Cornucopia, 69 Cornus, 131 Cornutia, 98 Corolla, 20 Coronaria, 199 Coronilla, 179 Coronopus, 139 Correa, 158 Corrigiala, 165, 208 Corydales, 201 Corylus, 190 Corymb, 14 Corymbifera, 121, 206 Corymbus 14 Corynocarpus, 155 Corypha, 71 Cossignia, 141 Costus, 79, 81 Cotula, 124 Cotyledon, 163 Cotyledones, 24, 139 Coublandia, 177 Couepia, 173 Coumarouna, 179 Couroupita, 169 Coussapoa, 189 Coutarea, 128 Coutoubea, 107 Crambe, 139 Craniolaria, 106 Crassula, 163 Cratægus, 172 Cratæva, 140 Crenea, 171 Crescentia, 102, 202 Cressa, 104 Crest, 26 Crimum, 25 Crithmum, 134 Crocus, 76 Crotalaria, 178 Croton, 185 Crowea, 158 Crown of the root, 3 Crucianella, 127 Crucifera, 138, 203, 215 Crudia, 180 Cryptandra, 183 Cryptogamia, 8, 29, 43 Cubæa, 177 Cucubalus, 160, 161 Cucumis, 187 Cucurbita, 187 Cucurbitacea, 186, 203, 204 Culmus, 6 Cuminum, 134 Cunonia, 164 Cunoniaceæ, 130, 164 Cupania, 141 Cuphea, 171 Cupressus, 191 Cupula, 191 Curatella, 152 Curcuma, 79, 81 Cuscuta, 104, 182, 200 Cusparia, 158 Cussonia, 132 Cyamus, 85 Cyanus, 42 Cycadea, 198 Cycas, 198 Cyclamen, 96 Cyclopia, 177 Cydonia, 172 Cyma, 15 Cyme, 15 Cynanchum, 109, 110 Cynoglossum, 103 Cynometra, 177 Cumomorium, 206 Cyperoidea, 68, 198 Cyperus, 68 Cyphia, 118 Cypripedium, 82—84 Cyrilla, 115, 116 Cytinus, 86, 208 Cytisus, 178 Dacrydium, 191, 192 Dactylis, 69 Dais, 87 Dalbergia, 179 Dalea, 178 Dalechampia, 185 224 INDEX. Daphne, 41, 87 Datisca, 207 Datura, 101 Daucus, 134 Daviesia, 177 Decagynia, 44 DeCandolle's method, 195 Decandria, 41 Decumaria, 168 Deguelia, 179 Delima, 152, 173 Delphinium, 137 Dendrobium, 42 Detarium, 180 Diadelphia, 42, 48, 176 Diandria, 40 Dianella, 75 Dianthus, 41, 161 Dichondra, 104 Diclines, 61 Diclinia, 49 [-192 Dicotyledones, 33, 36, 61,85 Dicranum, 46, 65 Dictamnus, 158 Didynamia, 41, 101, 204 Diervilla, 130 Differentiæ, 54, 55 Digitalis, 100 Digynia, 44 Dilatris, 77 Dillenia, 152 Dilleniacea, 152, 173 Dillwynia, 178 Dimocarpus, 141 Dimorpha, 177 Diodia, 127 Dioecia, 43, 46 Dioecious flowers, 28 Dioscorea, 72 Diosma, 158, 205 Diosmeæ, 158, 159 Diospyros, 113 Diphysa, 179 Diplolæna, 159 Dipsacea, 125, 135, 206 Dipsacus, 126, 205, 206 Dipteryx, 177, 179 Disa, 82 Disandra, 101 Dissepimenta, 22 Dodecagynia, 44 Dodecandria, 41 Dodecas, 168, 169 Dodecatheon, 96 Dodon@a, 181 Dolichos, 178 Dombeya, 106, 191 Donatia, 161 Dondia, 134 Doronicum, 123 Dorstenia, 189 Dracena, 72 Dracocephalum, 99 Drosera, 140, 201 Drupa, 23 Drusa, 133 Dryandra, 185 Dryas, 173 Drypis, 161 Dumosæ, 204 Duranta, 98 Durio, 140 Duroia, 128 Dust, 21 Ebenacea, 112, 113 Echinophora, 134 Echites, 109, 110 Echium, 103 Eclipta, 120 Edwardsia, 177 Ehretia, 103 Ehrharta, 69 Ekebergia, 146 Elæagni, 86, 167, 201 Elæagnus, 86, 87 Elæocarpus, 145 Elaterium, 187 Elatine, 161 Elatostema, 189 Elcaja, 146 Elettaria, 81 Ellisia, 103 Elymus, 69 INDEX. 225 Euodia, 158 Euonymus, 182 Euosma, 108 Eupatorium, 123 Euphorbia, 185 Euphorbia, 159, 184, 203 Euphoria, 141 Euphrasia, 96, 100 Euryandra, 152 Eutaxia, 178 Evolvulus, 104 Exacum, 107 Excoecaria, 185 Exoacantha, 134 Embothrium, 88 Embryo, 24, 33 Embryopteris, 113 Empetrum, 115, 207 Empleurum, 158 Enneagynia, 44 Enneandria, 41 Enourea, 141 Ensate, 97, 199 Fpacrideæ, 116 Epacris, 40, 115 Eperua, 177 Ephedra, 191 Epibaterium, 154 Epidendrum, 82 Epigæa, 115 Epigynous insertion, 37, 61 Epilobium, 167 Epimedium, 155, 202 Episperm, 26 Equisetum, 46, 206 Eranthemum, 98 Erica, 112, 115, 116, 211 Ericæ, 115, 117, 201, 207, 21) Erigeron, 123 Erinus, 96 Eriocalia, 134 Eriocaulon, 73 Eriogonum, 91 Eriophorum, 68 Eriostemon, 158, 159 Erithalis, 128 Erodium, 148 Ervum, 179 Eryngium, 135 Erythræa, 107 Erythrina, 178 Erythronium, 73 Erythroxylum, 143 Escallonia, 167 Essential characters, 38, 50, 51 Ethulia, 124 Eucalyptus, 169 Euchilus, 198 Eucomis, 75 Eudesmia, 169 Eugenia, 168 Faba, 179 Fabricia, 169 Fagara, 158, 181 Fagonia, 158 Fagræa, 109 Fagus, 190 Faramea, 129 Farsetia, 139 Fasciculus, 15 Faux, 20 Ferns, 18, 35 Ferraria, 76 Ferreola, 113 Fertile flower, 28 Fertilis, flos, 28 Ferula, 133 Feuillea, 187 Fibres, 3 Ficaria, 136 [173, 200 Ficoidee, 157, 161, 165, 166, Ficus, 43 Filago, 123 Filamentum, 21 [208 Filices, 18, 35, 46, 198, 206, Fischera, 134 Fissilia, 145 Flacourtia, 156 Flemingia, 178 Floral leaf, 12 Florets, 28 Flos, 17 Flosculi, 28 226 INDEX. . Flosculosi, flores, 15, 29 Flower, 17 Flower-budding, 22 Flower-stalks, 7 Foetidia, 169 Foliola, 10 Folium, 8 Folliculus, 23 Footstalks, 7 Forgesia, 118 Forskalea, 189 Fothergilla, 190 Fragaria, 173 Frankenia, 161 Fraxinus, 97 Fringe of Mosses, 65 Fritillaria, 73 Frond, 8 8 Frons, 7 Fructification, 17,57 Fructus, 17 Fruit, 17 Fuchsia, 167 Fucus, 47 Fugosia, 150 Fulcra, 11 Fumaria, 42, 138, 202 Fungi, 8, 34, 47, 63, 209 Gemma, 8 Genera, 30, 51 Generic characters, 38 Genipa, 128, 203 Genista, 178 Gentiana, 107 Gentiana, 106, 201, 206 Geoffræa, 179 Gerania, 147, 201, 202 Geranium, 42, 148 Gerardia, 100 Germ, 24 Germen, 21 Geruma, 146 Gesneria, 118 Gethyllis, 75 Getonia, 167 Geum, 173 Gills, 19 Ginannia, 177 Ginoria, 171 Gisekia, 165 Gladiolus, 76 Glands, 13, 21 Glandula, 13 Glaucium, 138 Glaux, 171 Gleditsia, 176 Glinus, 166 Globba, 40, 79, 81 Globularia, 96, 205 Gloriosa, 73 Glossoma, 183 Glossopetalum, 182 Gluma, 19 Glycine, 178 Glay currhiza, 179 Gnaphalium, 123 Gnetum, 189 Gnidia, 87 Gomozia, 128 Gompholobium, 177 Gomphrena, 92, 207 Gonocarpus, 167 Goodenia, 118 Goodenovia, 118 Goodia, 178 Galanthus, 40, 76 Galax, 164 Galaxia, 76 Galedupa, 179 Galega, 179 Galenia, 91 Galipea, 158 Galium, 127 Galopina, 127 Gambogia, 144 Garcinia, 144 Gardenia, 128, 203 Garidella, 137 Gastonia, 132 Gastrolobiuin, 178 Gaultheria, 115 Gaura, 167 Gelsemium, 109 INDEX. 227 Head, 15 Hebe, 100 Hebenstretia, 98, 205, 206 Hedera, 131, 132, 204 Hederacec, 204 Hedycaria, 189 Hedychium, 79, 81 Hedycrea, 173 Hedyotis, 127 Hedysarum, 179 Heisteria, 145, 200 Helianthemum, 156 Helianthus, 124, 157 Heliconia, 78 Helicteres, 150 Heliocarpus, 156 Heliotropium, 103 Helleborus, 137 Hellenia, 81 Hemerocallideæ, 75 Hemerocallis, 75 Hemimeris, 100 Hepaticæ, 34, 46, 64, 209 Heptagynia, 44 Heptandria, 41 Heracleum, 133 Hermannia, 156 Hermas, 134 Hernandia, 90 Herniaria, 93, 242 Hesperideæ, 201 Heuchera, 163 Hevea, 185 Hexagynia, 44 Hexandria, 40 Hibbertia, 152 Hibiscus, 149 Hieracium, 120 Hillia, 128, 205, 206 Hilum, 26 Hippia, 124 Hippocratea, 142 Hippocrepis, 179 Hippomane, 185 Hippophäe, 86, 87 Hippuris, 66, 167 Hirtella, 173 Q2 Gordonia, 146, 150 Gossypium, 149 Gouania, 183 Goupia, 182 Gramina, 198 Gramineæ, 68 Grangeria, 173 Grasses, 6, 68, 198 Gratiola, 100 Grewia, 156 Grias, 144 Grimmia, 65 Grislæa, 171 Gronovia, 186, 187 Gruinales, 201 Guaiacana, 112 Guaiacum, 158 Guapurium, 168 Guarea, 146 Guazuma, 150 Guettarda, 128 Guiera, 167 Guilandina, 177 Gunnera, 189 Gustavia, 169 Guttifera, 144 Gymnocarpus, 165 Gymnocladus, 176 Gymnospermia, 44 Gymnostomum, 65 Gynandria, 42, 84 Gynopogon, 109 Gypsophila, 161 Hemanthus, 75 Hæmatoxylum, 177 Hemodoracea, 77 Hair, 13 Halesia, 113 Hallia, 178 Haloragee, 167 Haloragis, 166, 167 Hamadryas, 136 Hamamelis, 155 Hamelia, 129 Hartogia, 205 Hasselquistia, 133 228 INDEX Hoitzia, 105 Holcus, 69 Holeracea, 200, 208 Holosteum, 160 Homalium, 174 Honey, 21 Hookeria, 46 Hopea, 113 Hortensia, 131 Hottonia, 95 Houstonia, 127 Hovea, 178 Hovenia, 24, 183 Hudsonia, 115 Hugonia, 150 Humulus, 189 Hura, 185 Husk, 19 Hyacinthus, 75 Hydrangea, 131, 164 Hydrastis, 136 Hydrocharidea, 67 Hydrocharides, 84, 198, 207 Hydrocharis, 85 Hydrocotyle, 133, 199 Hydrophylax, 129 Hydrophyllum, 103 Hymenæa, 177 Hyobanche, 96 Hyoscyamus, 101 Hypecoum, 138, 139, 202 Hyperica, 143, 145, 201 Hypericum, 42, 143, 144 Hypnum, 65 Hypocalyptus, 178 Hypogynous insertion, 37,61 Hypoxis, 76 Iberis, 139 Icica, 181 lcosandria, 41 Ignatia, 109 Ilex, 182 Illecebreæ, 24, 93 Illicium, 151 Imbricaria, 111, 169 Impatiens, 135, 148, 262 Imperatoria, 134 Incarvillea, 105, 106 Incertæ sedis planta, 192 Incumbent cotyledons, 139 Indigofera, 179 Inflorescence, 14-16, 56 Inflorescentia, 14-16 Inocarpus, 111 Insertion, 32, 41 Inundata, 201, 207, 209 Inula, 42, 123 Involucellum, 18 Involucrum, 18 Ipomea, 104 Ipomopsis, 105 Iresine, 207 Irides, 76, 77, 199 Iris, 76 Isatis, 139 Isnardia, 171 Isopyrum, 137 Itea, 114-116 Iva, 122 Ixia, 76 Ixora, 128, 130 Jacaranda, 106 Jacksonia, 178 Jacquinia 111 Jambolifera, 158 Jasione, 118 Jasminea, 97, 204 Jasminum, 97 Jatropha, 185 Jonquetia, 181 Josephinia, 106 Juglans, 181 Junci, 72, 74, 198, 199 Juncus, 73, 215 Jungermannia, 46, 64 Jungia, 169 Juniperus, 191 Jussiæd, 167 Jussieu, 31, 37,60 Justicia, 97 Kæmpferia, 79, 81, 199 INDEX. 229 Kalmiu, 114 Keel, 175 Kennedia, 178 Kerria, 174 Kiggelaria, 185 Kirganelia, 185 Kleinhovia, 150 Knuutia, 126, 205 Knoxia, 127 Kuhnia, 123 Labatia, 113 Labiata, 99, 101, 204 Lachenalia, 75 Laetia, 156 Lagerstromia, 171 Lagoecia, 132 Laguna, 149 Lagunaa, 149 Lamina, 20 Lamium, 41, 99 Lanaria, 77 Lardizabala, 154 Larir, 191 Laserpitium, 134 Lasiopetalum, 183 Lathræa, 96 Lathyrus, 179 Laugeria, 128 Lauri, 90, 200 Laurus, 90, 200 Lavandula, 99 Lavatera, 149 Lawsonia, 171 Leaflets, 10 Leaves, 8-11, 56 Lebeckia, 178 Lecanora, 46 Lechea, 161 Lecythis, 169 Ledum, 114 Leea, 111, 146, 147 Legume, 23 Legumen, 23 Leguminose, 174, 203 Lemna, 66, 207, 208 Lentibularia, 96, 200 Leontice, 155, 202 Leontodon, 120 Lepidium, 139 Leptospermum, 168 Lessertia, 179 Leucadendron, 205 Leucoium, 76 Licania, 173 Lichenes, 34, 46,64 Ligulate florets, 28 Ligusticum, 134 Ligustrum, 97 Lilac, 97 Lilia, 73, 199 Lilium, 73 Limbus, 20 Limeum, 165, 208 Limodorum, 82 Limonia, 145 Limosella, 95, 101 Lindernia, 100 Lindsæa, 66 Linnæa, 130, 206 Linnæan System, 40–51 Linum, 161, 201 Liquidambar, 190 Liriodendrum, 151 Lisianthus, 107, 205, 206 Lita, 107 Lithospermum, 103 Littorella, 93 Liverworts, 47 Loasa, 167 Lobelia, 118 Loddigesia, 178 Loeflingia, 160 Logania, 108 Lomentaceæ, 180, 203 Lonicera, 130, 205, 206 Loranthus, 130, 205, 206 Lotus, 178 Louichea, 189 Luciola, 73, 215 Ludia, 174 Ludwigia, 166 Lunaria, 139 Lupinus, 178 230 INDEX. Luridæ, 102, 202, 211 Meionectes, 167 Lychnis, 161 Melaleuca, 42, 168 Lycium, 102 Melampyrum, 96 Lycopsis, 103 Melanthaceæ, 73 Lycopus, 99 Melastoma, 170 Lysimachia, 95 Melastoniæ, 169, 201 Lysimachiæ, 95, 201, 202, 205 Melhania, 150 Lythrum, 171 Melia, 146 [201, 208 Melie, 111, 114, 146, 150, Maba, 113 Melianthus, 158, 159, 202 Mabea, 185 Melica, 69 Macanea, 144 Melicocca, 141 Macrocnemum, 203 Melicope, 158 Macrolobium, 176, 177 Melilotus, 178 Mesa, 115 Melittis, 99 Magnolia, 151 Melochia, 150 Magnolia, 151, 206 Melodinus, 109 Mahernia, 156 Melothria, 186, 187 Malachodendrum, 150 Membrana, 26 Malachra, 149, Memecylon, 167, 169 , Malcomia, 139 Menisperma, 153, 199 Malope, 149 Menispermeæ, 154 Malpighia, 143 Menispermum, 154 Malpighia, 142, 201 Mentha, 99 Malus, 172 Mentzelia, 167 Malva, 149 [203 Menyanthes, 96, 108 Malvacea, 146, 148, 156, 183, Menziesia, 114, 211 Malvaviscus, 149 Mercurialis, 185 Mammea, 144 Mesembryanthemum, 166 Mangifera, 181 Mespilus, 41, 172 Manglilla, 11 Messerschmidia, 103 Maprounea, 185 Mesua, 145 Maranta, 79 Methonica, 73 Marchantia, 64 Metrosideros, 168 Marcgravia, 140 Meum, 134 Marrubium, 99 Michauxia, 118 Martynia, 106 Michelia, 151 Massonia, 75 Micropus, 124 Matayba, 141 Millingtonia, 106 Matelea, 109 Mimosa, 175, 176, 180 , Matthiola, 128, 140 Mimoseæ, 180 Matricaria, 123 Mimulus, 100, 101 Mayepea, 183 Mimusops, 111, 200 Mayeta, 170 Mindium, 118 Mayna, 151 Minuartia, 161 Medeola, 72 Mirabilis, 94, 205, 206 Medicago, 178 Mirbelia, 178 INDEX. 231 Misandra, 189 Mussænda, 128 Miscellaneæ, 207 Mutisia, 123 Mitchella, 129, 205, 206 Myginda, 182 Mitella, 164 Myosotis, 103 Mithridatea, 189 Myosurus, 136 Mitrasacme, 107 Myrica, 182, 190 Mocanera, 166 Myriophyllum, 66, 167 Modecca, 187 Myristica, 90 Moehringia, 161 Myrmecia, 107 Molinea, 141 Myrodia, 150 Mollugo, 161 Myrospermum, 180 Momordica, 187 Myroxylum, 180 Monadelphia, 42 Myrrhis, 134 Monandria, 40 Myrsine, 111 Monarda, 99 Myrsineæ, 111 Monnieria, 158, 202 Myrti, 167, 168, 201, 203 Monocotyledones, 33, 36, 61-85 Myrtus, 168 Monoecia, 43, 46, 122 Monæcious flowers, 28 Naïades, 35, 66, 198, 201, 207 Monogamia, 46, 123 Nažas, 66 Monogynia, 44 Naked flower, 28 Monopetalous flowers, 20, 61 Napæa, 149 Monsonia, 148 Napimoga, 174 Montia, 165 Naravelia, 137 Montinia, 166 Narcissi, 75, 199 Moquilea, 173 Narcissus, 76 Moræa, 76 Nardus, 69 Morina, 126, 205, 206 Narthecium, 73 Morinda, 129, 205, 206 Nastus, 69 Moringa, 175, 177 Natural characters, 38 Morisonia, 140 Natural classes, 30 Moronobea, 144 Nauclea, 129 Morus, 189 Nectarium, 20 Mosses, 46, 64 Nectary, 20 Mouriria, 167 Nelumbium, 85 Mulinum, 133 Nepenthes, 174 Mullera, 177 Nepeta, 99 Multisiliquæ, 202 Nephelium, 122 Munchausia, 171 Nerium, 109, 110 Mungos, 107 Neurada, 44, 173 Muntingia, 156 Neuter flowers, 28 Murræa, 145 Nicandra, 108 Murucuia, 187 Nicotiana, 101 Musa, 78, 80 Nigella, 137 , Musæ, 77 Nigrina, 107 Musci, 34, 46, 64, 209 Nitraria, 166 Mushrooms, 47 Nomen specificum, 55 232 INDEX. Nomenclature, 51, 52, 59 Norantea, 140 Number, 32, 40, 47, 214 Nuphar, 85, 138 Nut, 23 Nyctagines, 93, 206 Nyctago, 94 [202, 208 Nymphæa, 33, 85, 199, 200, Nymphæa, 138 Nyssa, 167,200 Orthostemon, 107 Orygia, 166 Oryza, 69 Osbeckia, 170 Osyris, 87 Othera, 155 Outea, 176, 177 Ovarium, 21 Ovieda, 130 Oxalis, 148, 159, 201 Oxybaphus, 94 Oxylobium, 178 Ozophyllum, 146 Ochna, 152 Ochrosia, 109 Octagynia, 44 Octandria, 41 Odontites, 134 Oedmannid, 178 Oenanihe, 134 Oenothera, 167 Olax, 87,111, 145 Oldenlandia, 127 Olea, 97 Oleina, 98 Oliveria, 134 Olmedia, 189 Omphalea, 185 [215 Onagra, 87, 166, 201, 206, Oncoba, 156 Ononis, 178 Onosma, 103 Opegrapha, 46 Ophiorrhiza, 107 Ophioxylon, 109 Ophira, 167 Ophrys, 42, 82 Oppositifolia, 209 Orchidea, 81, 110, 118, 199 Orchis, 21, 36, 82 Orders, 30, 40, 43, 61 Origanum, 99 Ormosia, 177 Ornithogalum, 75 Ornithopus, 179 Ornitrophe, 141 Orobanche, 96 Orobus, 179 Ortegia, 160 Pachira, 150 Pacouria, 109 Peonia, 137 Pagamea, 129 Palava, 149 Paliurus, 183 Palmæ, 43, 70, 198 Palovea, 177 Panax, 132, 204 Pancratium, 76 Panicle, 16 Panicula, 16 Panicum, 69 Papaver, 138 Papaveraceæ, 137, 148, 202 Papaya, 187 Papilionacea, 180, 203 Papilionaceous flowers, 48 Pappus, 27 Paralea, 113 Pariana, 68, 69 Parietaria, 189 Parinarium, 173 Parivoa, 177 , Parkinsonia, 176 Parnassia, 140, 202 Paronychia, 93 Parsonsia, 171 Parthenium, 122 Partitions, 22 Passerina, 87 Passiflora, 187, 188 Pastinaca, 133 INDEX. 233 Patima, 129 Paullinia, 141 Pavetta, 128 Pavonia, 149 Pedalina, 106 Pedalium, 106 Pedicellus, 7 Pediculares, 96, 101, 203 Pedicularis, 96 Pedunculus, 7 Peganum, 158 Pekea, 141 Pelargonium, 148 Pellicula, 26 Peltaria, 139 Peltidea, 46 Pemphis, 171 Pentagynia, 44 Pentandria, 40 Pentapetes, 150 Penthorum, 163 Peplis, 171 Perebea, 189 Perennial roots, 4, 17 Perfect flower, 28 Pergularia, 109, 110 Perianthium, 18 Pericarpium, 22 Perichætium, 19 Perigynous insertion, 37, 61 Periploca, 109, 110 Peristomium, 65 Personate, 203, 211 Petaloma, 167 Petals, 20 Petalum, 20 Petesia, 128 Petiolus, 7 Petræa, 98 Petrocarya, 173 Peucedanum, 133 Phaca, 179 Phacelia, 103 Pharnaceum, 161 Pharus, 69 Phaseolus, 178 Phebalium, 158 Phellandrium, 134 Philadelphus, 168 Philydrum, 81 Phlomis, 99 Phlox, 105 Phanic, 71 Phrynium, 79 Phylica, 183 Phyllanthus, 185 Phyllis, 127 Physalis, 102 Physospermum, 134 Phyteuma, 118 [208 Phytolacca, 44, 91, 117, 207, Picris, 42, 120 Picrium, 107 Pilocarpus, 158 Pilus, 13 Pimelæa, 87 Pimpinella, 134 Pinguicula, 96, 202 Pinus, 191 Piparea, 157 Piper, 189, 198 Piperita, 198 Piriqueta, 157 Piscidia, 179 Pisonia, 94 Pistacia, 181, 206 Pistia, 85, 207, 209 Pistilla, 21 Pistils, 21 Pisum, 42, 179 Plagianthus, 150 Plantagines, 93 Plantago, 93 Platanus, 190 Platylobium, 178 Plectronia, 183 Pleurandra, 152 Plinia, 173 Plukenetia, 185 Plumbagines, 94, 205 Plumbago, 94 Plumeria, 109, 110 Plumulu, 24, 69, 80 Poa, 40, 69 234 INDEX. Pod, 23 Podalyria, 177 Podocarpus, 191 Podolobium, 178 Podophyllum, 137 Pogonia, 82 Poinciana, 177 Polemonia, 104, 202 Polemonium, 105 Polianthes, 76 Pollen, 21 Pollichia, 24 Polyadelphia, 42 Polyandria, 41 Polycardia, 182 Polycarpon, 161 Polygala, 96 Polygamia, 43, 49 æqualis, 45, 120, 121 frustranea, 45, 121, 122 necessaria, 45, 122 segregata, 45, 121, 123 superflua, 45, 122 Polygamous flowers, 28 [216 Polygonea, 90, 117, 165, 200, Polygonum, 90, 216 Polygynia, 44 Polymeria, 104 Polypetalous flowers, 20, 61 Polypodium, 66 Polyscias, 132 Pomacea, 172, 203 Pomaderris, 183 Pomum, 23, 172 Ponæa, 141 Pontederia, 76 Populus, 43, 190 Poraqueiba, 155 Portesia, 146 Portlandia, 128 Portulaca, 165 Portulaceæ, 164, 200, 208 Possira, 177 Potalia, 108 Potamogeton, 66, 73 Potentilla, 173 Potentille, 173 Poterium, 172, 203, 207 Pothos, 67 Pouch, 23 Poupartia, 181 Pourouma, 189 Pouteria, 113 Preciæ, 201 Prickle, 12 Primula, 96 Primulaceæ, 96 Prinos, 182 Prockia, 173 Prockiæ, 173 Procris, 189 Proportion, 41 Proserpinaca, 85, 167 Prosopis, 177 Protea, 88, 205 Proteacea, 88, 89, 130, 205 Proteæ, 88 Prunella, 99 Prunus, 173 Pselium, 154 Psidium, 168 Psoralea, 178 Psychotria, 128 Psyllium, 93 Ptelea, 181 Pteranthus, 189 Pteris, 66 Pterocarpus, 179 .Pterospermum, 150 Pubescence, 13,55 Pulmonaria, 103 Pulienæa, 177 Punctuation, 58 Pungamia, 179 Punica, 168, 203 Purshia, 174 Putamineæ, 202 Puya, 74 Pyrola, 115 Pyrus, 172 Quapoya, 144 INDEX. 235 Quararibea, 150 Quassin, 152 Quercus, 43, 190 Queria, 161 Quisqualis, 167 Quivisia, 146 Racemus, 14 Rachis, 69 Radiant umbel, 15 Radiati, flores, 29 Radicle, 3 Radicula, 3 Radix, 3,4 Rafnia, 178 Rajaniu, 72 Randia, 128 Ranunculuceæ, 136, 152, 202 , Ranunculus, 136 Rapanea, 155 Raphanus, 139 Rauwolfia, 109 Ravenala, 78 Reaumuria, 166 Receptacle, 27 Receptaculum, 27 Renealmia, 79 Reseda, 41, 140, 207 Restiaceæ, 73 Restio, 73 Rhamneæ, 183 Rhamni, 181, 182, 204, 205 Rhamnus, 183 Rheedia, 145 Rheum, 90 Rhexia, 170 Rhinanthus, 96 Rhizophora, 130, 200 Rhizophorea, 130 Rhodiola, 163 [117, 201, 211 Rhododendra, 112, 114, 116, Rhododendrum, 114 Rhodora, 114 Rhoeadeæ, 202 Rhus, 181, 204 Riana, 155 Ribes, 164, 203 Richardia, 127 Ricinus, 185 Ringent flowers, 48 Rinorea, 155 Rittera, 177 Robergia, 181 Robinia, 179 Reella, 118 Rokejeka, 165 Root, 3, 4, 56 Rosa, 172 Rosacea, 171, 176, 203, 207 Rose, 172 Roscoea, 81 Rosmarinus, 99 Rostrum, 27 Rotaceæ, 201 Rotala, 161, 171 Rottbollia, 69 Roupala, 88 Rourea, 181 Royena, 113 Rubentia, 182 Rubia, 127 [206 Rubiaceæ, 107, 126, 203, 204, Rudbeckia, 124 Ruellia, 97 Ruizia, 150 Rumer, 96, 216 Rumphia, 181 Ruppia, 66 Ruscus, 72 Ruta, 158 [202, 204, 205 Rutacea, 148, 157, 181, 201, Sabbatia, 107 Sabicea, 129 Sagina, 161 Sagittaria, 73 Salicariæ, 161, 169, 170, 201 Salicornia, 91 Salix, 43, 190 Salmasia, 157 Salsola, 91 Salvia, 99 Samara, 23, 183 Sambucus, 131, 204 236 INDEX. -- Samolus, 96 Sandoricum, 146 Sanguinaria, 137 Sanguisorba, 172, 203, 207 Sanguisorbæ, 172 Sanicula, 134 Santalaceæ, 87, 111, 167 Santalum, 87, 167 Sapindi, 140, 143, 201 Sapindus, 141 Sapium, 185 Saponaria, 161 Sapota, 110 Sarcophyllus, 178 Sarmentacee, 199, 208 Sarothra, 161 Sarrucenia, 208 Satureia, 99 Satyrium, 82 Saururus, 66, 198 Saxifraga, 163 Saxifraga, 128, 163, 165, 200 Scabiosa, 40, 126, 205 Scabridæ, 207 Scævola, 118 Scandir, 134 Scapus, 6 Scar, 26 Scheuchzeria, 73 Schinus, 181 Schizandra, 154 Schmidelia, 141 Schotia, 176 Schrankiu, 175 Schrebera, 182 Schulzia, 134 Schwalbea, 100 Schwenkia, 100 , Scilla, 75 Sciodaphyllum, 132 Scirpus, 68 Scitamineæ, 36, 79, 199 Scleranthus, 165 Sclerothamnus, 178 Scolopendrium, 46 Scoparia, 100 Scopolia, 181 Scorpiurus, 179 Scottia, 178 Scrophularia, 100 Scrophularia, 100-102, 203 Scutellaria, 99 Sebæa, 107 Sechium, 185 Securidaca, 180 Securinega, 185 Sedum, 163 Seed-bud, 22 down, 27 lobes, 24 vessels, 22 Seeds, 24 Segregata, 50 Selago, 98, 205, 206 Selinum, 133 Semecarpus, 181 Semina, 24 Sempervivæ, 162, 200 Sempervivum, 163 Senebiera, 139 Senecio, 123 Senra, 150 Senticose, 203 Separated flowers, 28, 42, 49 Sepiariæ, 204 Septas, 44, 163 Serapias, 82 Seriphium, 123 Serissa, 129 Serpicula, 166, 167 Serratula, 121 Sesamum, 105 Seseli, 134 Sesleria, 69 Sessiles, flores, &c. 7 Sesuvium, 166 Sheath, 19 Sherardia, 127 Sibbaldia, 173 Sibthorpia, 96, 101 Sicyos, 187 Sida, 149 Sideroxylum, 111 Siegesbeckia, 120, 124 INDEX. 237 Silene, 161 Siler, 134 Silicula, 23 Siliculosa, 45, 139 Siliqua, 22 Siliquosa, 45, 139 Siliquose, 203 Silphium, 124 Simaba, 181 Sinapis, 139 Singana, J45 Siphonia, 185 Sirium, 167 Sison, 134 Sisyrinchium, 76 Sium, 134 Sloanea, 156, 206 Smilar, 72 Smithia, 179 Smyrnium, 134 Sodada, 140 Solandra, 149, 212 Solanea, 101, 202, 203 Solanum, 102 Sonchus, 120 Sonneratia, 168 Sophora, 177 Sorbus, 172 Sori, 19, 65 Sowerbæa74, 75 Spananthe, 134 Sparganium, 68, 198 Sparmannia, 156 Spartium, 42, 178 Spatha, 19 Spathacea, 199 Spathelia, 181 Spathodea, 106 Species, 30,52 Specific characters, 53-59 Spergula, 161 Spermacoce, 127 Sphærolobium, 178 Sphagnum, 65 Spica, 14 Spicula, 14 Spigelia, 107 Spike, 14 Spikelet, 14 Spilanthus, 124 Spina, 12 Spinachia, 91 Spiræa, 173 Spiræa, 173 Spirospermum, 154 Spondias, 181 Stachys, 99 Stæhelina, 120 Stalks, 6,7 Stamens, 21 Stamina, 21 Standard, 175 Stapelia, 109, 110 Staphylea, 182 Statice, 94, 205 Stauntonia, 154 Stellaria, 161 Stellatæ, 204 Stems, 5, 6,56 Sterbeckia, 145 Sterculia, 150 Sterilis, flos, 28 Stigma, 22 Stillingia, 185 Stipes, 8 Stipula, 11 Stoebe, 123 Stone fruit, 23 Stratiotes, 85, 198 Stravadium, 169 Straw, 6, Strelitzia, 78 Strigilia, 146 Strobilus, 24, 190 Strophiolum, 26 Structure, 32 Struthiola, 87 Strucnos, 109 Stuartia, 42, 146, 150, 156 Stylideæ, 118 Stylidium, 42 Stylus, 22 Styrax, 113 Succulente, 200 238 INDEX. Suriana, 173 Sutherlandia, 179 Swainsonia, 179 Swertia, 107 Swietenia, 147, 208 Symphonia, 144, 146 Symphoricarpos, 130 Symphytum, 103 Symplocos, 113 Syngenesia, 42, 120-124 Syringa, 97 Tabernæmontana, 109 Tacca, 76, 86 Tachia, 107 Tachibota, 157 Tachigalia, 177 Tacsonia, 187 Tagetes, 123 Tail, 27 Talauma, 151 Talinum, 165 Talisia, 141 Tamarindus, 176 Tamarix, 165 Tamus, 72 , Tanacetum, 124 Tapiria, 181 Taralea, 177 Tarchonanthus, 124 Tasmannia, 151 Taxus, 191 Tecoma, 106 Tectona, 98 Teesdalia, 41, 139 Telephium, 165, 208 Templetonia, 178 Tendril, 12 Tenoria, 134 Terebintacea, 180, 206 Terebinthus, 181 Terminalia, 86, 167 Ternstromia, 146 Testa, 26 Tetracera, 152, 173, 174 Tetradynamia, 41, 139 Tetragonia, 166 Tetragynia44 Tetrandria, 40 Tetranthera, 90 Teucrium, 99 Thalia, 79 Thalictrum, 136 Thapsia, 134 Thea, 146, 203 Theka, 98 Thelygonum, 189 Thelymitra, 82 Theobroma, 150 Theophrasta, 109 Thermopsis, 177 Thesium, 86, 87 Thlaspi, 41, 139 Thoa, 189 Thorn, 12 Throat of a flower, 20 Thryallis, 142 Thuya, 191 Thymelae, 87, 203 Thymus, 99 Thyrsus, 16 Tiarella, 163 Tibouchina, 170 Ticorea, 146, 158 Tigarea, 152, 173, 174 Tigridiu, 76 Tilia, 156 Tiliaceæ, 155, 206 Tillæa, 163 Tillandsia, 74 Tinus, 146, 200 Tococa, 170 Toluifera, 181 Tonabea, 146 Topobea, 170 Tordylium, 133 Torilis, 134 Tormentilla, 173 Toulicia, 141 Tournefortia, 103 Tourretia, 106 Tocomita, 144 Tozzia, 96 Trachelium, 118 INDEX. 239 Umbella, 15 Umbellatæ, 204 [204 Umbelliferæ, 15, 18, 56, 132, Umbellula, 15, 132 Unguis, 20 United flower, 28 Unona, 153 Urania, 78 Urena, 149 Urtica, 189 Urticæ, 188, 198, 207 Utricularia, 96, 202 Utriculus, 23 Uvaria, 153 Uvularia, 73 Tradescantia, 73 Tragia, 185 Tragium, 134 Tragopogon, 120 Trapa, 85 Triandria, 40 Trianthema, 165 Tribulus, 158 Trichilia, 146 Trichodesma, 103 Trichosanthes, 187, 189 Tricoccæ, 203 Tricratus, 94 Tridax, 124 Trifolium, 178 Triglochin, 73 Trigonella, 178 Trigonia, 143 Trigonis, 141 Trigynia, 44 Trihilate, 201 Trioecia, 46 Triopteris, 142 Triosteum, 130, 205, 206 Tripetaloidea, 198 Tristania, 169 Tristemma, 170 Triticum, 69 Triumfetta, 156 Trollius, 136 Tropæolum, 148, 159, 201 Trophis, 207 Tubular florets, 28 Tubus, 20 Tuft, 15 Tulbaghia, 75 Tulipa, 73 Tunic, 27 Turnera, 157, 165 Turræa, 146, 150, 208 Tussilago, 120, 123 Typha, 68, 198 Typhæ, 67 Vaccinium 112, 115, 211, 216 Vahlia, 166 Valantia, 127 Valeriana, 126, 205 Valisneria, 85, 198 Vanilla, 82, 84 Varieties, 30, 52 Varronia, 103 Vateria, 145 Vatica, 145 Vegetation, 4, 24 Veil, 65 Velezia, 161 Vella, 139 Velleia, 118 Ventilago, 183 Veprecula, 203 Veratrum, 73 Verbascum, 101, 102 Verbena, 98, 206 Verbenacea, 99 Verbesina, 124 Veronica, 40, 96, 100 Verticillata, 99, 204, 211 Verticillus, 14 Vexillum, 175 Viburnum, 130, 131, 204 Vicia, 179 Villarsia, 108 Viminaria, 178 Vinca, 109, 110 Ulex, 42, 178 Ulmus, 190, 207 Umbel, 15, 132 240 INDEX Wrapper, 19 Wulfenia, 100 Xanthe, 144 Xanthium, 122 Xanthorrhiza, 137 Xanthoxylon, 158, 181, 204 Xeranthemum, 123 Xerophyta, 74 Ximenia, 145 Xiphidium, 76 Xylophylla, 185 Xylopia, 153 Xylosteum, 130 Xyris, 73 Yolk, 25 Yucca, 73 Zamia, 198 Zannichellia, 66 Zanonia, 187 Zea, 69 Zieriu, 158 Zingiber, 81 Ziziphus, 183 Zostera, 67, 198 Zucca, 188 Zwingera, 181 Zygia, 180 Zygophyllea, 159 Zygophyllum, 158 THE END Viola, 135, 157, 202 Virecta, 123 Virgilia, 177 Viscum, 130, 205, 206 Visnea, 166 Vitellus, 25, 80 Vites, 147 Vitex, 98 Vitices, 98, 130, 203, 206 147, 204 Vohiria, 107 Volva, 19, 63 Votomita, 183 Vouapa, 177 Vitis, Wachendorfia, 77 Wahlbomia, 152 Waltheria, 156 Watsonia, 76 Weinmannia, 164 Westringia, 100 White of a seed, 25 Whorl, 14 Wiborgia, 178 Willughbeja, 109 Wilsonia, 104 Wing, 27 Wings, 175 Wintera, 151 Winterania, 146 Witheringia, 102 Witsenia, 76 Wormia, 152 Printed by Richard Taylor, Shoe-Lane, London. 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