Museums QK 163 ,R 653 O DEO<<><><* FLORULA LUDOVICIANA. FLORA OF LOUISIANA. BY ROBIN AND RAFINESQUE. WITH A SUPPLEMENT AND APPENDIX. BY C. S. RAFINESQUE. NEW-YORK: * PUBLISHED BY C. WILEY & co. NO. 3 WALL-STREET. 1817. * * 1817 VIL SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TERARIOUS UN TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM AMCNAM CIRCUMSPICE FLORULA LUDOVICIANA. FLORULA LUDOVICIANA; OR, A FLORA OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. -*** TRANSLATED, REVISED, AND IMPROVED, FROM THE FRENCH OF C. C. ROBIN, BY C. S. RAFINESQUE, Of the Royal Institute of Naples, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, the Literary and Philosophical Society of New- York, the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, &c. &c. &c. Author of the Analysis of Nature, &c. &c. &c. -***- Quand les matériaux sont imparfails, l'édifice ne peut pas être complet: NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY C. WILEY & CO. NO. 3 WALL-STREET. 1817. Price One Dollar. Nestlus 163 R653 C. S. VAN WINKLE, PRINTER, No. 101 Greenwich-street. 73-210158 THIS FLORA IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED TO DEWITT CLINTON, LL. D. GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, PRESIDENT OF THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK, AND PRESIDENT OF MANY OTHER LEARNED AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES, &c. &c. BY C. S. RAF INESQUE. FLORULA LUDOVICIANA; OR, FLORA OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. ->0*0€- PREAMBLE. Mr. C. C. Robin published in Paris, in 1807, in 3 vols. 8vo. and in French, his Travels in Louisiana, West Florida, and the West Indies, performed be- tween 1802 and 1806. At the end of the third and last volume, from page 311 to 525, he has inserted his Flore Louisianaise, or Descriptions of the Plants observed in Louisiana, classed according to the me- thod of Jussieu. In perusing this Flora, I was as- tonished to find, among many blunders in nomenclature and classification, several accurate descriptions and valuable additions to the knowledge of plants, their geography, utility, and natural history. Having, therefore, compared with attention all his descriptions with the Floras of North America of Michaux and Pursh, I became convinced that a great number of new genera and species, unknown to those authors, were described by Robin. Pursh, having published his Flora in 1814, might have availed himself of this 8 valuable work ; but had he even had a knowledge of it, it is probable that the circumstances of its being written in French, classed naturally, and often destitute of accurate botanical names, would have been con- sidered by him as sufficient grounds for his neglect, since he has been pleased to neglect other descrip- tions of plants wrote in English and well named. Considering, therefore, that a revisal and translation of Robin's Flora, might be a desirable addition to Pursh's Flora, and our knowledge of North American Botany, I have undertaken this task, which has, in many instances, proved an arduous one, owing to the numerous misnames and errors of the author, who does not appear to have been a professed Botanist, but a mere observer and collector; his observations and descriptions are, however, generally accurate, which is proved by his descriptions of well known plants. I have preserved, throughout, the classifica- tion of Jussieu, adopted by Robin, and the order in which he has enumerated his plants, adding merely numbers to each ; this conformity has appeared to me desirable, in order to facilitate a comparison of our different labours, and to show at once many of Robin's mistakes: I was, however, inclined to change the whole classification of this Flora, and adopt my improved natural arrangement, but as this would have overset altogether the plan of Robin, I was induced to prefer the actual order. The nomenclature of the whole Flora has been new modelled and accurately fixed, so far as Robin's descriptions would allow ; for in some instances he has not described the plants he mentions, and in some 9 others his descriptions are too short, or not charac- teristic ; it was then merely by presumption, and with i doubt, that the real names could be stated. The names of Robin are always added in synonimy, and with re- ference to the page in his Flora, or third volume of his travels. To each specie, all the interesting particulars men- tioned by Robin are added ; likewise, such parts of his descriptions as are not found in Michaux and Pursh. When the species are new, a botanical name is given to each, which is followed by a Latin specific defini- tion or diagnosis, and a translation of the whole of Robin's observations, on the plan of Pursh's Flora. New genera have been properly named and charac- terized by generic denominations and definitions, to which appropriate observations on their natural affini- ties are added, together with the etymology of their It may not be amiss to observe, that although Robin has, in a few instances, mentioned that the plants he describes appeared to be new genera or species, he has in no instance given them proper Botanical names. The result of this labour consists in the enumera- tion of more than 400 species, whereof 196 are new, and in the introduction of 30 new genera, besides se- veral, such as Aretia, Peucedanum, Acanthus, Lantana, Chrysophyllum, fc. which had not yet been introduced in the North-American Flora. Among the 196 new species, are to be reckoned 15 new trees of the ge- nera Celtis, Laurus, Tilia, Fraxinus, Ulmus, Gledits- # chia, Hicorius, Chimanthus, &c. and 18 shrubs, prin- cipally of the genera Arbutus, Chrysophyllum, Prunus, name. 10 Frangula, Ptelea, Cassine, &c. The useful plants mentioned by Robin, are 46, most of which are new, and may be added to the Materia Medica of the United States; some others have alimentary or economical qualities; among those useful plants, the following deserve particular notice : Asclepias serpentaria, Gleditschia heterophylla, Dolichos lacteus, Celtis alba, Verbesina Virginica, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Gynema balsamica, Psedetalon glandulosum, &c. Besides those valuable plants, a great number among the new species of this Flora will claim our notice, as ornamental and worth cultivation in gardens; the elegant Pancratium liriosme, unites to beauty the fragrant smell of the lily ; several, such as Monarda citrodora, Pycnanthemum rosmarinoides, Pleurandra alba, &c. deserve cultivation for their sweet scent; and the following for the elegance of their forms, or the beauty of their flowers : Nelumbium codophyllum, Polymnia macrophylla, Cleome speciosa Eupatorium violaceum, Sarracenia leucophylla Diplonyx elegans, Ananthopus clandestinus, Bradburya scandens, Mentha farinosa, Darwinia exaltata, fc. All the plants of this Flora, have been observed by Robin in the southern parts of Louisiana, which now forms the state of that name, and particularly near New-Orleans, and the county of Atakapas, except a few which are from the neighbourhood of Pensacola. 11 Considering how rich the State of Louisiana must be in plants, this labour will only be considered as a mere specimen of its Botany, whence I have named it Flo- gula Ludoviciana; but this specimen, where so many new and interesting objects are introduced and des- cribed, will, I hope, claim the attention of our Bota- nists, and particularly of those who may reside or travel in Louisiana : it is to their future exertions that the correction and complement of the Flora of Louisiana must be entrusted. Let me suggest to them, that as Louisiana must produce at least as many species of plants as Georgia, say about 2000, a vast field is open to their researches, since only one fifth of that number is here described or enumerated ; should new genera and species exist yet, in the same proportion as in this Florula, more than 100 new genera and 700 new species will reward their exertions, many of which may be common to Mexico, since Louisiana, lying on the borders of that empire, must of course possess a Botany partly Mexican, and consequently highly in- teresting. I wish and hope, that these hints may in- duce some Botanists to dig again into that rich mine, and I look forward with confidence to the period, when the vegetable productions of the south-west corner of the Union, will be equally known with those of the opposite quarter. C. S. R. FLORULA LUDOVICIANA. DIVISION 1.-CLASS I.-ACOTYLEDONES. ORDER 1.-Fungi. p. 327. 1. Mucor-Several species not described. Rob. p. 326. 2. Agaricus campestris L. Champignon comestible. Rob. 3. Agaricus odorus ? L. Mousseron. Rob. p. 327. perfumed. 4. Boletus cinnabarinus ? L. Agaric rouge du Li- quidambar. Rob. p. 328. 5. Morchella odorata Raf. N. Sp. ? Conica, plicata, exarata, fulva, odorata, magna, Raf. Morille Rob. p. 327. 6. Lycoperdon bovista? L. Rob. p. 327. . . 7. pratense ? L. Vesse de Loup globuleuse pediculée. Rob. p. 327. ORDER V.–Filices. -. 8. Adianthum pedatum L. Rob. p. 329. 9. Osmunda Spectabilis Wild.--Osmonde Rob. 329. P. 13 10. Asplenium ebeneum Ait. Rob. p. 329 11. Equisetum prealtum Raf. N. Sp. ? Caulibus sim. plicibus erectis scabris fistulosis : vaginis nigre- scens, crenulatis, corona emulans-Prele. Rob. P. 330. A large specie akin to E. hyemale, grows on the banks of the Mississippi, in large bushes ris- ing about six feet; the stems are as thick as the finger : the cattle are fond of it in winter, and the joiners employ it to polish wood. : ORDER yi.-NAYADES. - 12. Hippuris polyphylla Raf. Caulibus erectis, emer- sis foliis 10-12 nis, linearibus; floribus sessili- bus axillaris Raf.-Pesse commune Rob. 330. Common in smooth waters : stem rising nearly a foot above the surface. 13. Chara, 14. Myriophyllum, 15. Potamogeton, Several species. Rob p. 330. 16. Lemna, a DIVISION II.-MONOCOTYLEDONES. CLASS II.-M. HYPOGYNES. . ORDER I.-AROIDES. 17. Sarracenia leucophylla Raf. Foliis tubulosis, stric- tis, elongatis, teretis, albo coloratis, rubro vena- tis, intus retrorsum hirsutis, fauce undulata, appendice fimbriata dilatata opercularis Ratpathe velu ! Rob. p. 332. and V. II. p. 48. Grows In swamps near Pensacola ; leaves smelling like ho- ney, and decoying insects, who seeking for the honey, are entrapped within the leaves, and pre- vented to come out by the rigid thick hairs. Ro- bin took the leaves for a flower or spatha. 18. Arum virginicum L. Gouet à racine tubéreuse blanche, feuilles échancrées en lobes ovales et à fruit rouge. Rob. p. 332. 19. Arum atrovirens Wild. Rob. p. 332. 20. Podophyllum callicarpumn Raf. Caule furcato bifolio unifloro, foliis peltatis sexlobatis, lobis obovatis fissis inequaliter dentatis, floribus pedun- culatis nutantibus hexapetalis subdecandris Raf a 15 Gouet odorant et comestible ! Rob. p. 332. Stem petiols and leaves about five inches long; the flower grows at the bifurcation of the stem, and smells like orange flowers ; the petals are white, large and concave : fruit oblong, size of a large filbert, white coloured of rose, sweet, good to eat, and of which good preserves are made. Very different from Arum. ORDER 11.-TYPHE. - 21. Typha angustifolia L. Rob. p. 332. ORDER 11.-CYPEROIDÆ. 29. Scirpus, 23. Cyperus, Many species. Rob. p. 332, not de- scribed : a species of Scirpus, which might be called S. Bicolor, rises five feet, and has the flowers yellow and red. ORDRR IV.-GRAMINE. - 24. Phalaris arundinacea L. Rob. p. 335. 25. Paspalum compressum. Caule compresso scabro, spiculis secundis, spicis alternis sessilibus hori- zontalis. Raf.-Panic 1. Rob. p. 335. Stem rising six feet, rough above ; about nine or ten purplish spikes, with unilateral spicules, leaves rough. 26. Paspalum geniculatum. Raf. Caule gracile geni- culato glabro, foliis margine scabro, spicis op- 16 positis pedunculatis, spiculis elongatis. Raf.---- Panic 2. Rob. p. 335. Rises about two feet, the spikes are brown, the spicules longer than those of the foregoing, the leaves only rough on the edges. 27. Triticum estivum L ? s. Elymus Sp. on the Ri- ver Vermillon. Rob. p. 335. 28. Miegia macrosperma Pers.-Cannes. Rob. p. 336. It rises fifteen to twenty feet; the cattle feed on their leaves in winter, and the Indians employ their seeds for food : their creeping roots are spungy and knobby ; walking canes are made with them: they indicate by their size and number the quality of the ground, and that it is no longer overflowed. www. CLASS III.-M. PERIGYNES, . ORDER 1.-PALMÆ. -: nier. Rob. p. 337. Spadix ensiform elastic, ris- ing seven feet, stem like, branched, flowers trifid white sessile odorate, blossoming in June : berries like a pea, black and sweet. The fi- brous netting of the short candex are used as canvass to clear and scour : the leaves are used to make hats and thatch houses, &c. 29. Sabal adansoni. Pers.- Palmier nain ou Lata- 17 30. Sabal ? adiantinum. Raf, Acaule, foliis inermis bipartitis, flabellatis, plicatis. Raf.-2. Latanier. Rob. p. 338. ORDER II.-ASPARAGI. - 31. Asparagus officinalis L. naturalized spontaneous. Rob. p. 338. 32. Smilax hastata Wild.-Smilace 1. Rob. p. 339. 33. walteri. Pursh. Salseparrille. Rob. p. 339. 34. bonanox. Wild. Smilace 3. Rob. p. 339. . 35. ovata. Pursh ? Smilace 4 Rob. p. 339. 36. Dioscorea ? ....... Igname du pays à bulbes co- lorés de rouge farieneux dont les Indiens font usage. Rob. p. 339. ORDER 11.-JUNCI. 37. Juncus ......... Several species, not described. 38. albus. Raf. Jonc de la Riviere Vermil- lon à bractées blanches. Rob. p. 340. not de• scribed, probably new. 39. Alisma odorata. Raf. Foliis cordatis parvis, le- vis, tenuis, scapo striato ramoso flexuoso, flo- ribus subspicatis. Raf.--Herbe à malo. Rob. p. 340. Grows in shady swamps ; flowers white odorate : stem two feet high, white : the whole plant has a faint smell, which keeps by drying : it is employed for wounds and many other dis- orders. B* 18 40. Sagittaria ? ceruled. Raf. (vel Unisema sagitata. Raf.) Fléchiere à feuilles en flêche, à fleurs en épi. Rob. p. 340. ORDER IV.-LILIA. 41. Lilium superbum L. Rob. P. 341. 42. canadensis L. Rob. p. 341. 43. philadelphicum L. Rob. p. 341. 44. catesbei. Mx. Rob. p. 341. . 45. Yucca filamentosa L. Rob. p. 341. ORDER V.-BROMELIÆ. 46. Tillandsia usneoides L.-Barbe espagnole Mousse. Rob. p. 342. Blossoms in April ; grows on all the trees except the willow ; much liked by the Herbivores in winter; by dipping it in foul water during a fortnight, it loses its bark, and a strong elastic fibre, similar to horse hair, remains, which is employed for mattrasses, pack- ages and slime. 47 Agave virginiana L.-The Indians use its fi- brous leaves to make baskets, &c. Rob. p. 344. - ORDER VI.-ASPHODELI. 48 Aletris farinosa L. Rob. p. 345. The Indians eat its bulbs. 49 Allium canadense L.-In Atakapas. Rob. P 345. -50 porrum L. var. bulbiferum, cultivated. 19 ORDER VII.-NARCISSI. - 51 Allium hyemale. Raf. Caule tereti umbellifero, foliis linearibus basi vaginatis, umbella pauciflora, floribus erectis campanulatis, filamentis pyrami- dalis equalibus stylo brevioribus. Raf.—Ano- nyme! Rob. p. 346. Blossoms in January and February ; grows in the meadows; umbel with six to ten white flowers. 52. Pancratium Liriosme Raf. Scapo ancipiti, um- bella pauciflora, laciniis perigonalis angustis ca- naliculatis, nectarium campanulatum dentibus 18. sex staminiferis, staminibus longe exertis. Raf.- Pancrais. Rob. p. 346. Beautiful plant, grow- ing in moist grounds and round the small lakes its bulb is about an inch in diameter, black out- side and white within ; radical leaves deep green, shining, similar to those of the Narcissus. Stem compressed, nearly winged ; two feet high : ombel of about six white large flowers (8 inches diameter) each with a spatha, and having a fragrant smell, nearly similar to that of the com- mon lily: the anthers are long and yellow : it blossoms in March. It has some affinity with the P. Rotatum of Ker and Pursh. i ORDER VIII.-IRIDES. 53 Sisyrinchium mucronatum. Pers.-S. bermudiane Rob. p. 347. Blossoms in February. 20 - a 54. Iris virginica L.-Iris violet pourpre. Rob. p. 348. 55. Iris brevicaulis. Raf. Imberbis, caule , angu- lato paucifloro foliis brevioribus, floribus latera- libus solitaris, terminalibus geminatis, stigmatibus angustatis antheris longioribus, capsulis hexagonis. Raf.-Iris blanche. Rob. p. 349. Stem only rising one foot and a half at utmost, while the large flowers are half a foot in diameter, they are white, washed and striped of violet, with their base yellow. 56. Iris rubescens. Raf. Imberbis, caule foliis longi- oribus paucifloro, floribus lateralibus solitaris, ter- minalibus geminatis, stigmatibus antheris brevio- ribus. Raf.-Iris à fleurs rouge de brique. Rob. p. 349. It has some affinity with Iris cuprea, Pursh; stems two or three feet high, flowers entirely of a brick-red, blossoms in March and April, as well as the foregoing species. IV. CLASS. M. EPIGYNES. . 11. ORDER.-CANNE. 57. Canna flaccida Rosc. Pursh. Canna glauca. Rob p. 350. III. ORDER.ORCHIDEA. I. N. G. ANANTHOPUS. Raf. Spatha gelatinosa, pedun- 21 culo abortivo floribusque involvens ; perigonus 6 partitus, sepalis 3 exterioribus scariosis, binis interioribus majoribus, inferiora labelliforme con- vexa, stamina 6 inequalia, antheris diversis una lanceolata stylo adnata. Ovarium ovale superum ? Stylo reflexo, stigma unicum. Fructus..... Obs. This extraordinary new genus is but imperfectly described by Robin, who deems it an Ophrys, while it does not even belong to the order of Orchideæ ; but, is rather more akin to the genus Tradescantia, unless indeed the ovary should be inferior, when it would range itself in the order Muse, of Jussieu. I have derived the name from three greek words, meaning a pedicle without flower. The general habit of this genus. is perfectly natural, and may be stated thus : Ra- dices repentes, caulibus ramosis cylindricis geni- culatis, pubescentibus ; foliis alternis, uninervis, retrorsum ciliatis, petiolis vaginatis : floribus spa- tha intus gelatinosa, pedicellis floriferis flexuosis, pedunculo abortivo stricto rigido. Raf. 58. Ananthopus clandestinus. Raf. Foliis lanceolatis, retrorsum scabris, subtus glaucis ; floribus ter- minalibus, spatha saccata mucronata, demum plana basi reniforme. Raf.—Ophrys premiere. Rob. . p. 351. Stems rising two or three feet, leaves eight or nine inches long; the three exterior se- pals of the perigone whitish, the interior ones blue ; the spatha is first oval compressed, hollow, with a bill on the exterior side, and full of a ge- latinous matter : after the blossom is over, the i 22 peduncles recurve themselves and hide the ova- ries in that jelly ; but, when the fruit is ripe, the jelly dries, the spatha splits interiorly, and as- sumes a flat shape reniform at the base, and double in breadth than in length : grows in shady and swampy soils. 59. Ananthopus cordatus. Raf. Caulibus virgatis, foliis lanceolatis supra basi echinatis ; floribus axillaribus terminalibusque, spatha cordata. Raf. -Ophrys seconde. Rob. p. 352. This species is more common, grows in open fields, it has longer and thinner stems, smaller leaves and flowers. A variety of it found near the woods, is taller and with larger flowers. 60. Cypripedium spectabile Sal. Pursh. Found near Ouachita or Washita. Rob. p. 353. p ORDER IV.-HYDROCHARIDES. 61. Nuphar lutea. Smith. Nymphea lutea. Rob. p. 354. 62. Nymphea odorata. Ait. Rob. p. 354. 63. Nelumbium luteum, Wild. Rob. p. 354. 64. codophyllum. Raf. Petiolis scapisque muricatis, foliis emersis, peltatis, campanulatis, in- tegris, subtus tomentosis, nervosis; calice tetra- phyllo, petalis numerosis elongatis inequalibus, ovarium sulcatum, apice marginatum. Raf.-Na- poleone! Rob. p. 355. and Vol. II. p. 322 and 441. This wonderful plant grows in the lakes of Lou- isiana. It has long and thick creeping roots, 23 which are acrimonious when fresh ; but are easily deprived of their dangerous juice by washings, as those of the Jatropha, and of which the Indians are very fond. The petiols are cylindrical with a furrow inside, they rise from six to nine feet, are thick in proportion, and grow thicker towards the top. The leaves reach over six feet in circumference, and two feet in diameter, they are shining inside, nearly fring- ed on the edge by the down of the outside, which is longer than the edge, the nerves are radiated and ramified. Scape cylindrical, covered with acute and rough tubercles, like the petiols of the leaves, flowers yellow, larger than those of the Nelumbium luteum. The fruit contains about 20 nuts good to eat; it is obconical, flat above with a raised margin, and above three inches in diameter. DIVISION III.- DICOTYLEDONES. -O<*OK- CLASS V. D. APETALES EPIGYNES. ORDER 1.-ARISTOLOCHIÆ. - - 65. Aristolochia tripteris. Raf. Sarmentosa, foliis cor- datis levis, floribus axillaribus spicatis bracteatis, perigonis tubulosis tripteris. Raf.–Aristoloche de la Louisiane. Rob. p. 356. Stems running 10 to 20 feet, covering the shrubs and bushes with their branches, nearly herbaceous, smooth, strong, leaves yellow green, two inches long, one and a quarter wide ; flowers very small ; and white, the three wings of the perigone grow broader near the top, six or eight stamina, stigma nearly sessile and lobated. reddish green; CLASS VI. D. APETALES PERIGYNES. ORDER 1.-ELEAGNI. 66. Nyssa denticulata, Wild. Rob. p. 358. 25 ORDER 11.—THYMELEA. - 67. Dirca palustris L. Rob. p. 358. ORDER 111.-PROTEÆ. - 168. Celtis alba. Raf. Ramulis tomentosis, foliis disti- chis obliquis, lanceolatis, integris, petiolatis ; flo- ribus axillaribus, pedunculatis, solitaris ternisque. Raf.-L'Inconu! Rob. p. 359. This tree does not certainly belong to the Proteæ, but is a real Celtis, by Robin's whole description; he, howe- ver, mentions two characters, the anthers opening from bottom to top, as in Laurus, and the hairy stigma, which might lead to believe it a peculiar sub-genus, to which the name of Dastima might be given. It is a fine shady tree, forty feet high, bark whitish and scaly, wood white, compact and fine; the young branches are slender, and by bear- ing distichal leaves, assume the appearance of a pinnate 'leaf; leaves alterne, two inches long ; flowers small, green, berries red, sweet, size of a grain of pepper. The leaves fall in winter; it blossoms in March ; the bark is often used in de- coction as cooling and anodyne. a ORDER IV.-LAURI. 69. Laurus Sassafras L. Rob. p. 361. This tree rises over 30 feet high in Louisiana, it blossoms С 26 in February and March ; it grows any where in woods, fields, roads, sands, &c. The leaves are dried at the end of summer, and ground, in order to be boiled with meat ; they communicate to the broth a glutinous consistence, much relished. This dish is called Gombo Sassafras. II. N. G. CHIMANTHUS. Raf. Floribus diclinis, Fl. M. Calyx urceolaris quinquefidis coloratus, laciniis spatulatis reflexis, petaloideis, stamina perigyna 12 -15, filamentis conicis divaricatis, antheris ob- longis longitudinaliter dehiscens. Fl. F........... Fructus Drupa carnosa, ovalis, monosperma, nu- cleus acutus vix reniformibus. Raf.—Obs. This new genus, whose name means winter-flower, belongs to the natural family of Amygdalia, and has no sort of likeness with the Lauri, except by its ever-green leaves. It appears to differ materially from the genera Prunus Amygdalus and , Chrysobalanus, by the dicline flowers, shape of calyx, and stamina, want of petals, &c. Raf. 70. Chimanthus amygdalina Raf. Foliis alternis subdis- tichis, petiolatis, supra lucidis, subtus pallidis, pe- rennantibus, oblongis, integris, utrinque acutis, uninervis; floribus axillaribus, racemosis, bracteo- latis. Raf.-Laurier Amande. Rob. p. 362. A tree about 30 feet high, and one foot in diameter; branches long, slender, bending, with a brown bark; leaves thickly set, three inches long, one inch broad ; flowers small, white, yellow inside at the bottom; berries black. The leaves have the taste 27 of almonds, and they are used to give that taste to milk, &c. as in Europe with the Prunus lauro- cerasus. It loves the shade, and blossoms in win- ter, even when it freezes. 71. Laurus ? Ludoviciana. Raf. Arboreus, foliis pe- tiolatis, perennantibus oblongis, integris, uniner- vis, supra lucidis subtus glaucis ; floribus termi- nalibus, racemulosis, quinquefidis, baccis nigris, Raf.-Laurier. Rob. p. 363. A tree 30 or 40 feet high, with a grey bark, and numerous di- verging slender branches ; leaves alternate, three inches long, one wide, petiols red. Flowers small, white, in small lateral and terminal bunches at the extremity of the branches, with only five sepals! The leaves are used instead of those of Laurus nobilis, although their smell is less agree- able. - ORDER V.-POLYGONÆ. III. N. G. STYLURUS. Raf. Calyx 0, Petala 4, Sta- 4 mina 4–6, divaricata, receptaculum plumosum, ovariis multiplicis divaricatis, stylis longis plu- mosis deciduis. Semina nuda. Raf. This new Raf. genus, which does not belong to this order, (nor has any affinity with Atraphaxis,) is connected with the genera Clematis and Thalictrum, and be- longs to the natural order of Ranunculacea as well as they ; it differs from Clematis by the naked seeds, from Thalictrum by the hairy styles, and from both by the hairy receptacle and few sta- 28 mens. The generic name means Styles tail-shaped? Raf. 72. Stylurus fistulosus. Raf. Caule erecto fistuloso striato; foliis amplexicaulis impari tripinnatis, foliolis oppositis petiolatis cordatis tridentatis glabris ; floribus umbellatis involucratis invol. monophyllum, petalis acuminatis. Raf.—Atra- phace fistuleux. Rob. p. 364. Stem two feet high, leaves alternate, the middle tooth of the fo- lioles and the middle folioles the longest, petiols and peduncles slender, flowers small and whitish. IV. N. G. ANTENORON. Raf. Calyx quadrifidus, Co- rolla 0, Stamina 4, Ovarium unicum liberum, Stylis 2 persistentibus. Achenus monospermus, 2 ovatus striatus stylis coronatus. Raf. This new genus belongs to this order, differing from the genera Tovara, Adans, and Atraphaxis, L. by the shape of the calyx and fruit. The name was an ancient one for some Atriplex or Atraphaxis. 73. Antenoron racemosum. Raf. Hirsutum, foliis pe. tiolatis oblongis acutis ; racemo longissimo, flo- ribus remotis bracteatis, bracteis scariosis vagi- natis. Raf.—Atraphace renouée. Rob. p. 364. Branches cylindrical, leaves with short vaginated petiols; flowers small and white, on short pedun- cles. 74. Ceanothus Americanus L.-Polygonum frutescens, Rob. p. 365! Found on the banks of the Teiche, blossoms in April, this plant does not belong to this order. ch 29 ing, grow 75. Polygonum bicorne. Raf. Caulibus ramosis, ra- mis geniculatis, patulis teretibus intus crenulatis; foliis petiolatis, lanceolatis, glabris ; floribus spi- catis confertis octandris, distylis, staminis inclusis, stylis exertis elongatis. Raf.—Renouée 1. Rob. p. 366. Large plant, four or five feet high, branches purplish, every one of which bears a fine, thick spike, about three inches long, of rose co- loured flowers. This species, and all the follow- in swamps, moist grounds, and along the rivers; they are called vulgarly Curages, in Lou- isiana ; all their flowers smell like honey, and afford it in plenty to the bees. Blossoms from August to December. 76. Polygonum maculatum. Raf. Caulibus ramosis; foliis petiolatis, oblongis, glabris, maculis fuscis adspersis ; floribus spicatis confertis, octandris dis- tylis, staminibus exertis, stylis inclusis. Raf. Renouée 2. Rob. p. 367. Smaller than the fore- going ; flowers rose coloured ; it blossoms also from August to December. 77. Polygonum pachistachyum. Raf. Caulibus ramo- sis ; foliis petiolatis, lanceolatis, scabriusculis ; floribus spicatis, spicis densis abbreviatis ; flori- bus octandris tristylis, stylis stamina brevioribus. Raf.-Renouée 3. Rob. p. 367. Stems of a light green, ffowers white, in short thick spikes, about one inch and a half long, blossoming in Septem- ber. 78. Polygonum hydropiperoides Mx. Pursh.-Re- nouée 4. Rob. 30 79. Polygonum vernum. Raf. Caulibus ramosis ; foliis ; subsessilibus ovato-lanceolatis, nervis margi- neque revoluto scabris ; spicis paniculatis gra- cilis brevibus, floribus octandris distylis. Raf.- Renouèe 5. Rob. p. 367. This species blossoms in April and May ; it has low stems, short leaves, and its small spikes are short, slender and thick- ly paniculated : the flowers are of a rufous white. This species, as well as the P. bicorne and P. maculatum, above, belong to the sub- genus Dioctus, distinguished by having eight stamina, a compressed ovary and seed, two styles or stigmas, &c. 80. Rumex Ludovicianus. Raf. Hermaphroditus, caule striato ; foliis lanceolatis acutis integris pe- tiolatis crassis sub-undulatis ; floribus race- mosis paniculatis verticillaris, perigonis sepalis interioribus latioribus graniferis. Raf.-Patience. Rob. p. 368. It grows in shady, moist and swampy grounds ; has a pleasant bitter acidi- ty, and is good in soups ; stems strong, reddish, rising two or three feet ; leaves six inches long, one and a half wide ; flowers in long branched spikes, on loose peduncles and greenish ; the inside sepals are yellowish, the stamina are yel- low and as long as the projecting branched stig- mas. 81. Rumex acetosa L. cultivated a 31 ORDER VI.-ATRIPLICES. 82. Phytolaca decandra L. Rob. p. 369. Vulgar name in Louisiana Chou-gras (Fat cabbage), its roots are purgative ; boiled with urine it dyes of a fixed blue : the leaves are eaten boiled, in soup, &c. They are particularly employed in the Creole dish called Gombo. 83. Spinacia oleracea L. cultivated. Rob. p. 370. 84. Beta vulgaris L. cult. Rob. p. 370. 85. Chenopodium bonus-henricus L. ?-Anserine Sagittée. Rob. p. 370. Leaves farinaceous, flow- ers in terminal racemes, rising two or three feet, and forming a large bush. 86. Chenopodium anthelminthicum L. Rob. p. 370. Rising two or three feet, branches strong, stria- ted and pubescent; leaves oval, rather rough, sinuated by deep unequal teeth. Used against worms in Louisiana. 87. Brunnichia cirrhosa Mx. Pursh.Anserine liane. Rob. p. 371. His description is pretty good : This vine appears to be frutescent in Louisiana ; it rises to the summit of the highest trees ; its bark is rusty; young branches are green and striated ; flowers aggregated four or five toge- ther, and bracteated on short axillar panicles ; the calyx is white inside and campanulated, not with reflexed sepals, as in some authors : the ovary and capsul is oblong and striated. 88. Amaranthus diacanthus. Raf. Caulibus striatis glaucis, foliis longe petiolatis, ovalis, utrinque 32 acutis, crenatis, scabris ; floribus pentandris ax- illaribus glomeratis spicatisque, terminalibus, glomerulis bispinosis, spinis opatulis. Raf.- Arroche ou Epinard du Tropique. Rob. P. 372. This plant is not an Atriplex but a real Amaran- thus, very akin to A. spinosus L. Stems two or three feet thick, branched ; male flowers mix- ed with the female, calyx scarious, three stig- The leaves are good to eat as spinage. mas. CLASS VII.-D. APETALES HYPOGYNES. ORDER I. —AMARANTHI. 89. Amaranthus leucanthus. Raf. Caule paniculato; foliis oblongis emarginatis ; floribus axillaribus glomeratis bracteolatis, coloratis, masculis tri- andris. Raf.-A. albus. Rob. p. 374. 374. The real A. albus differs from this species, by its stem sim- ple and quadrangular ; leaves obovate, &c. This species has whitish stems, rising two or three feet; small leaves and small white flowers. 90. Amaranthus grecizans. Wild.— Amaranthe 2. Rob. p. 374. 91. Amaranthus sanguineus L.-Amar. 3. L.-Amar. 3. Rob. p. 374. 92. Iresine celosioides L. Rob. p. 374. Stem branched, three feet high, thin, geniculated ; 33 leaves small, oval, entire and smooth ; flowers yellowish. ORDER II.-PLANTÀGINES. - 93 Plantago cordata? Lam. Pursh.--Grand Plantain à 7 nervures. Rob. p. 374. 94 Plantago Ludoviciana Raf. Foliis lanceolatis po- bescentibus denticulatis ; scapo tereti Raf.- P. virginica Rob. p. 375 ; but that species differs by angular stems and ovate lanceolate leaves. 95. Plantago elongata. Bradb. Pursh.—Plaintain 3. Rob. p. 375. 96. Plantago accedens Raf. Foliis ovatis obovatisque subdenticulatis, trinervis, glabriusculis ; scapo tereti, spica cylindrica Raf.—Plantain 4. Rob. p. 375. This species is found also in the Atlantic states, where it is taken for the Pl. media of Europe ; it has small leaves, and resembles Pl. Virginica CLASS VIII.-D. MONOPETALES HYPOGYNES. ORDER 1.-LYSIMACHIAE. 97. Hydrophyllum ? trilobum Raf. Caulibus diffusis compressis, foliis petiolatis trilobis, crenatis : calyx sinubus appendiculatis. Raf.---Mouron 1. Rob. p. 376. This plant cannot be an Anagallis, 34 having alterne leaves, a bipartite style, &c. It may perhaps be a Phacelia, or ought rather to form a new genus or section, with Hydr. appen- diculatum, wbich affords the same singular cha- racter in the calyx, to which I shall give the name of Decemium. This species has fleshy stems and white flowers. 98. Anagallis arvensis L. var. Al. albis.--Mouron 2 Rob. p. 377. 99. Aretia alba Raf. Villosa, foliis patulis sessilibus cuneato-spathulatis, obtusis, integris ; floribus pedunculatis, sub-racemosis ; calyx ventricosus, ; corolla tubo inflato, lacinis emarginatis. Raf. Aretia Rob. p. 377. Not unlike the Androsace occidentalis of Nuttal and Pursh, in the leaves; but differs in the flowers and inflorescence. The whole plant is thickly covered with hairs ; the leaves are all radical, two inches long and half an inch wide; flowers small, white, calyx quin- quifid persistent, capsul five seeded. The genus Aretia was not known to be found in America. 100. Amsonia latifolia. Michx.—Menyanthe 1. Rob. p. 377. Stem strong, round, smooth ; leaves nu- merous, alternate, smooth, glaucous underneath, oval and on short petiols : flowers pale lilac ; calyx urceolated, five toothed, partitious of the corolla linear acute, tube hairy inside, stigma glo- bular with a circular flat edge underneath. Com- mon in the meadows above the river Vermillon : blossoms in April. 101. Dichondra carolinensis. Michx.-Menyanthe 2. 35 Rob. p. 378. Leaves round cordate petiolate, five or six lines in diameter, flowers two lines in dia- meter, white, anthers bilobe and red. ORDER 11.-PEDICULARES. V. N. G. ENSLENIA. Raf. Calyx 5 partitus, sepalis 3 majoribus ; Corolla limbo rotato 5 lobo, lobis inequalis, Stamina 5 equalia tubo inserta, antheris transversis. Ovarium superum, stylus stamina longior, stigmata bina uncinata. Capsula bilocu- laris bivalva, polysperma, elastice dehiscens, dis- pimento valvulis contraris. Raf. It is by a most egregious mistake, that Robin has called this plant Polygala : it must form a new genus, which has some faint similarities with Verbascum, but the stigma, fruit and habit are totally different, and . agree with the order Pediculares of Jussieu, while all the other characters would appear to render it a stranger thereto : it will probably be the type of a new family next to the family Vero- nicia in my natural order Plasyrgia, class Meso- gynia. I have dedicated it to Enslen, a German botanist and traveller, who has visited Louisiana, and some of whose discoveries are recorded in Pursh's Flora. 102. Enslenia bibracteata. Raf. Villosa, foliis oppo- sitis, petiolatis, ovato lanceolatis, integris, ner- vosis; floribus axillaribus subsessilibus bibrac- teatis. Raf.—Polygala! Rob. p. 378. Stem a foot high, quadrangular, grooved, calix hairy, di- 36 visions lanceolate acute, corolla violet, stamina and anthers white, ovary and fruit oval oblong : in blossom from October to February ; Robin mentions two varieties of this plant, one with white flowers, another very hairy all over. 103. Phlox amplexicaulis. Raf. Caulibus gracilis pu- bescentibus, teretibus assurgertibus, foliis am- plexicaulis lineari subulatis rigidis ; panicula con- fertiflora, calyx striatus pilosus, dentibus ova- tis acuminatis, corolla tubo filiformi, laciniis spa- tulatis. Raf.-Manulea! Rob. 379. Another mis- take of Robin ; this plant is a real Phlox, akin to P. pilosa. Stems a foot high, flowers lilac on short peduncles, blossoming in April. a ORDER 111.-ACANTHI. 104. Acanthus ? rubens. Raf. Foliis inermis mollis bus, latis sinuatis, amplexicaulis. Raf.-Ac. mol- lis. Rob. P: 380. This plant is certainly not the A. mollis of Europe, I even suspect it is not an Acanthus, no species of this genus being known to grow in America; it is perhaps a Podicularis ; but as Robin does not describe it at length, I am un- able to decide. The stem rises three or four feet, and the flowers are pale red: it grows plentifully on the banks of the Mississippi near New-Orleans. There is a smaller variety, with the leaves still more sinuated, and the flowers more distant. VI. N. G. NIBORA. Raf. Calyx 4 partitus persistens. Corolla tubo curvo intus pilosus, limbo 4 fido 37 lacinia superiora latiora. Stamina 2 infra tubum corolla, antheris subsessillis, Ovarium superum, stylus 1, stigma simplex. Capsula globosa sulcata quadrivalvis, unilocularis, polysperma, semina ob- longa tenuis, axis centrale globosum affixa. Obs. This new genus, which I have dedicated to Robin, by a transposition of the letters of his name, (there being already a genus Robinia,) does not belong to this order ; but to the family Gratiolina, in the natural order Chasmanthia : it differs from Gratiola by the calyx and the capsul, which is similar to those of Calceolaria, Pederota, &c. but the Nibora has not a ringent corolla. Raf. 105. Nibora aquatica. Raf. Glaberrima, foliis oppo- sitis, sessilibus, ovalis, acutiusculis subserratis ; floribus axillaribus, solitaris, pedunculatis, brac- teatis. Raf.-- Acanthe des Marais. Rob. p. 381. . Grows in swamps and in waters; the stems are thick, fleshy, a little branched, about a foot high : sepals of the calyx linear, corolla white : blossoms in March. a ORDER IV. -JASMINEA. 106. Fraxinus discolor. Raf. Foliis plerumque 7 phyl- 17 lis, rachis tereti, petiolis sulcatis, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, denticulatis, subtus tomentosis. Raf. Frene gras. Rob. p. 382. Perhaps one of the . supposed varieties of F. pubescens or nigra. A large tree, over 60 feet ; its wood is brittle and ; difficult to split, the folioles are very large, about D 38 - eight inches long and three broad, the upper side is dark green, and contrasts with the woolly under side. 107. Fraxinus undulata. Raf. Foliis plerunque 7 phyllis, foliolis ovatis acuminatis, integris, undu- latis, lucidis, subtus glabris. Raf.–Frene 2. Rob. p. 382. Nearly as large as the foregoing ; its wood is better, more dry and elastic; it is employ- ed for carts: the folioles are only four inches long and nearly two broad. The Frene 3. Rob. p. 382, is a variety only, of this species, differing by larger folioles, broader and less acuminated. I shall call it var. latifolia. 108. Fraxinus lacera. Raf. Foliis 3—5 phyllis, ra- chis filiformibus, foliolis glabris, ovatis, acutis, in- equaliter dentato-laceris, lateralibus extus laceris, terminalibus subtrilobis. Raf.-Frene 4. Rob. About 40 feet high, foliage more shady ; bark white, smooth, wood very compact, very fit to make screws : leaves and branches opposite as in all the other species, branches slender, folioles light green, thin and small. 109. Olea Americana. L. Rob. p. 383. Fine tree of a conical shape, growing in swamps, leaves petio- lated, thick, shining above, flowers polygamous, fruit ovate, nut wrinkled. Robin mentions a va- riety with smaller leaves. p. 383. ORDER V.–Vitices. 110. Callicarpa Americana. L. Rob. p. 384. Bushy shrub reaching over 12 feet, branches slender, 39 black grey, young branches brownish green, hairy and rough. It grows in the sands of the sea-shore near Pensacola, on the banks of the Mississippi, along the woods of Atakapas, on the red soil of the Red river, in the pine barrens, and on the high hills of Mobile. 111. Lantana annua. L? Rob. p. 385. Blossoms in summer; vulgar name Caille eau in Louisiana, from a belief that it coagulates water. A common plant, many creeping stems quadrangular, hairy ; leaves opposite, ovate, acuminate, toothed, undulated, sinuated, the umbels become gradually thick spikes with bracteas, the calyx is hairy and striat- ed, stamina sessile. Is it really this specie ? or even a Lantana ? a variety is odoriferous, 112. Verbena urticifolia. L. Rob. P. 385. ORDER VI.-LABIATA. 113. Justicia ? Chelionida. Raf. Foliis oppositis ses- silibus, lanceolatis, acutis, levis, subtus pallidis ; floribus axillaribus pedunculatis subgeminatis la- bium superiore corolla dentatum. Raf.— Ame- thystea, Rob. p. 386. This plant cannot be an Amethystea since the description of the corolla does not agree; it is probably a Justicia. The roots are creeping, stems less than a foot, angular and geniculated : the flowers are only three lines in diameter, the calyx is five parted, with long narrow divisions; the corolla is white; but the inside of the lower lip is violet, with white veins a 40 p. 287. imitating a tree, this corolla is campanulated, the upper lip is narrow, upright, toothed and reflex- ed at the top, the lower lip is three times broad- er, horizontal, with three lobes nearly equal; a little reflexed at the top, the middle løbe a little larger. It grows in shady places. 114. Monarda punctata, L. Rob. 115. . citrodora Raf. Foliis subsessilis, cor dato-ovatis, villosis ; capitulis pedunculatis, multi- floris, involucris hexaphyllis. Raf.--Monarde vulg. Citronelle. Rob. p. 387. Stems three feet high, with few branches, hairy ; flowers white very numerous in each capitulum, seeds very small; the whole plant has an agreeable smell of citron; the leaves are used frequently as tea in Louisi- ana ; they are stomachical, the dried flowers are strongly errhine ; vulgar name Citronelle. 116. Pycnanthemum ? alatum Raf. Foliis oblongis, acutis, dentatis, subtus tomentosis, longe petio- latis, petiolis alatis, capitulis longe pedunculatis, involucris 13 phyllis, alternis longioribus. Raf. -Monarde bouton Rob. p. 388. Stems four feet high, four angular, grooved and branched, leaves green above, flowers white, unfolding gradually. Faintly aromatic and bitter ; vulgar name Herbe à bouton ; Robin owns it has four stamina ; but says, it has all the other characters of Monarda : it is perhaps a Hyptis. 117. Pycnanthemum rosmarinoides Raf. Caule suffru- ticoso, foliis sessilibus, linearibus, integris, acutis, glabris, capitulis pedunculatis globosis involu- 41 cratis. Raf.-Romarin! nain Rob. p. 388. Its shrubby stems rise only one foot and a half, they are upright and branched ; the flowers are white, and unfold gradually; the upper lip of the corolla is slightly bifid, the lower trilobe, the middle lobe longer; the stamina and styles are projecting. It has the smell of Rosmarinus officinalis, but sweet- er and weaker ; this and its shrubby stem are the enly similarity with that genus. 118. Salvia ciliata Raf. Caule obtusangulo pubes- cens, foliis petiolatis, oblongis, integris, ciliatis : floribus racemosis verticillatis, calyx pubescens, ciliatus, corolla extus pubescens. Raf. Stems four feet high and grooved, calyx bilabiated, upper lip broader, corolla of a fine blue, upper lip concave upright, lower lip larger trilobe, re- flexed, middle lobe notched and veined of white at the base, tube of the corolla compressed. It has much affinity with S. azurea Lam. Pursh. 119. Collinsonia verticillaris Raf. Caule villoso, fo. liis ovalis subintegris, floribus tetrandris panicu- latis verticillatis. Raf.-C. Scabriuscula Rob. p. p 390. Grows near woods, stem scarcely two feet, flowers yellowish. The variety of C. Scabra found by Mr. Lyons with four stamens and larger flowers (see the Flora of Pursh) belongs perhaps to this species, which together with C. Anisata might properly form a sub-genus (or a new ge- nus) having four fertile stamina, to which the game of Hypogon might be given. 42 - 120. Teucrium undulatum. Raf. Repens, caulibus erec- tis, velutinis ; foliis omnibus petiolatis, oblongis, ; serratis, acutis, undulatis, supra velutinis, subtus cano tomentosis ; floribus spicatis, verticillatis. Raf.—Germandrée. Rob. p. 300. Many stems, two or three feet high, angular ; leaves three inches long, approximated. Grows near woods ; flowers white diluted with red. 121. Mentha ? farinosa Raf. Foliis sessilibus ovatis, acutis, interdum subdentatis, imis subtus canis, summis utrinque canis, verticillis multifloris, staminibus exertis remotis. Raf.—Menthe pana- chée Rob. p. 380. Stems bushy, brown, three or four feet high, leaves soft ; the middle ones are partly white above, which give the whole plant a singular appearance of being sprinkled with flour ; flowers nearly all terminal, calyx five-toothed, neally labiated; the three upper di- visions approximated and concave : corolla large, white, slightly dotted of purple. Blossoms in August and September. The whole plant is very odoriferous, and it has a taste nearly similar to M. piperita ; however, the habit of the plant and the flowers, make me doubtful of its being a real Mentha'; it might be a Stachys ? It has much likeness with Stachys feniculum of Pursh. 122. Lamium amplexicaule L.-L. purpureum Rob. p. 391. 123. Stachys crenata Raf. Caulibus assurgens, angu- losis, cano tomentosis : foliis oblongis, crenatis tomentosis, floribus verticillatis, dentibus caly- 43 cinis spinulosis. Raf.–Stachide laineuse et à -à feuilles oblongues. Rob. p. 392. Stems two fee high ; flowers purplish. 124. Marrubium vulgare ? L. Rob. p. 392. Stems flexuous, square, two or three feet high ; leaves petiolated, wide, undulated and unequally cre- nated ; flowers white, calyx with ten furrows. Common on the banks of the Mississippi. Is it a N. Sp. ? In that case, the name of M. flexu- osum might be given to it. 125. Dracocephalum nervosum. Raf. Caule ramoso, fistuloso, foliis cordato-lanceolatis, acutis, den- tatis, scabris, nervosis, floribus verticillatis spi- catis, dentibus calycinis aristatis. Raf.—Draco- cephale 1. and 2. Rob. p. 393. Stem two or three feet square; the second species of Robin differs only by the upper lip of the corolla being notched. 126. Dracocephalum denticulatum ? Wild.-Dracoce- phale 3. Rob. p. 393. Stem a foot and one half, square, furrowed, angles spinescent, leaves near- ly sessile, lanceolate, denticulated, flowers ses- sile, verticillated and lilac, blossoming in April, calyx with five long mucronated teeth. 127. Scutellaria deltoidea Raf. Caulibus simplicius- culis, pubescentibus ; foliis petiolatis, cordato- deltoides, crenatis, undulatis, tomentosis, subtus canis. Raf.- Toque 1. Rob. p. 393. Blossoms in April, has large flowers : stems one or two feet, upright, square, striated, large leaves. a 44 128. Scutellaria hastata Raf. Pubescens, foliis peti- olatis, imis hastatis, dentatis, summis ovalis in- tegris; floribus axillaribus solitaris, pedunculatis. Raf.—Toque 2. Rob. p. 894. Blossoms in April and May; stem rising only a foot, corolla light violet, lower lip white at the base. - ORDER VII.-SCROPHULARIÆ. 129. Scrophularia hastata Raf. Foliis oppositis longe petiolatis, oblongis, hastatis, serratis, canescens, subtus canis, floribus paniculatis, laxis. Raf.- Scr. marilandica ? Rob. p. 395. Stem five or six feet, square, striated. 130. Antirrhinum canadense ? L.-Linaire Rob. p. 396. Stems round, smooth, leaves filiform, ses- sile, thick, the lower ones ternated, flowers in raceme, distant. 131. Mimulus pteropus Raf. Caule ramoso, foliis semi- amplexicaulis, solitaris, rigidis, alatis Raf. M. alatus Rob. p. 396. This plant is not the M. alatus which has winged stems and sessile flowers. Stem smooth, purplish, two or three- feet high ORDER VIII.-SOLANEÆ. 132. Verbascum thapsus L. Rob. p. 397. Common. 133. Nicotiana tabacum L. cultivated. 134. Datura stramonium L. Rob. p. 397. Common, . especially near New Orleans. 45 135. Physalis pensylvanica L. Rob. p. 398. Stem branched, one foot, leaves petiolated with small teeth, berries small, red. 136. Physalis obscura Michx-Phys. 2. Rob. p. 397. Stems procumbent, flowers with brown spots ; berries oblong violet. 137. Solanum ludovicianum Raf. Ramis diffusis, fo- liis longe petiolatis, ovatis, acuminatis, integris, subtus tomentosis, baccis racemosis, pisiformis, nigris. Raf.—Morelle 1. Rob. p. 398. Large plant three or four feet high. 138. Solanum mammosum L. Rob. p. 398. Common along the Mississippi ; blossoms from April to September. Stem two or three feet high, with few round branches ; flowers white or bluish; fruit yellow, reckoned a poison, interior gluti- - nous. ORDER IX.-BORRAGINES. - 139. Heliotropium indicum L.-Heliotrope des ma- rais Rob. p. 399. Two feet high, branches thick furrowed, leaves large, oval, on long petiols : spike blue; blossoms in summer. ORDER X.-ConvolvulI. 140. Calystegia villosa Raf. Volubilis, villosa, foliis hastatis, acuminatis, floribus axillaribus solitaris, stamina corolla longitudine. Raf.-Liseron à fleurs blanches Rob. p. 400. Flowers white. 46 - 141. Calystegia mutabilis Raf. Volubilis hirsutissima ; bracteis acuminatis, sepalis calycinis filiformis hirsutissimis Raf.-Liseron blanc à limbe bleu Rob. p. 401. Corolla white below, blue above, becoming lilac after the anthesis. Robin does not describe the leaves, nor the inflorescence. 142. Convolvulus nervosus Raf. Rigidus, procumbens, petiolatis, cordatis; pedunculis axillaribus biflo- ris, sepalis calycinis carnosis, nervosis. Raf.- Liseron blanc à fond pourpre Rob. p. 400. Stem red, flowers white with a violet purple bottom, filaments inserted at the base of the corolla. Perhaps an Ipomea. 143. Convolvulus capitatus Raf. Caule volubile, ra- moso scabro; foliis cordatis, mollibus ; floribus ; pedunculatis, capitatis, bracteatis, bracteis ine- qualibus calycibusque acuminatis pilosis. Raf.- Liseron ombellifere à fleurs bleus Rob. p. 401. Branches brownish, pubescent, numerous, pe- duncles of the flowers cirrhiform ; flowers small blue, white with five bents, looking like a star ; they unfold themselves gradually. It is a real Convolvulus with five unequal stamina, white anthers, stigma bipartile wbite setting across, capsul round with two cells, and four seeds an- gular on one side. The hairy bracteas and calyx take after maturity the appearance of a tuft. This specie has much likeness with the C. cauariense L. 144. Echites tomentosa Raf. Fruticosa, volubilis, fo- liis oppositis, ovatis, integris, subtus tomentosis ; 47 floribus racemosis, calyx angulatus, dentibus acuminatis Raf.-Liseron ligneux Rob. p. 402. Shrubby vine ; bark yellow brown ; leaves deep green above ; corolla yellow, swelled above the calyx. The whole pant affords a glutinous milk; it blossoms in April. It is a real Echites, and not a Convolvulus. 145. Ipomea avicularis Raf. Volubilis, cordatis, tri- lobis, longe petiolatis, lobis acutis ; floribus sol- itaris ? sepalis calicinalis, capsulis monolocularis trispermis Raf.—Ip. hederifolia Rob. p. 402. Stems slender, round, forming a shady vine; flowers white, rather small, stamina inserted at the base of the corolla, stigma elliptic entire, capsul round, seeds black angular interiorly, white and mealy inside ; they float in winter on the rivers, and are greedily eaten by water fowls, who fatten on this food. This useful vine grows on the banks of rivers, and blossoms in September and October. It does not appear to be the I. hederifolia of South America, as Robin thinks : it may form a section in the genus Ipomea by its capsul one celled, which may be called Ornithosperma. ORDER XI.-POLEMONIÆ. - - 146. Phlox carolina L. Rob. p. 404. 147. - uniflora Raf. Foliis ovatis acutis scabris, floribus solitaris. Raf.-Phlox 2, Rob. p. 404. Stems only one foot high, flowers light red. - 48 ORDER XII.-BIGNONIE. VII. N. G. DvsOsmon Raf. Calyx urceolatus 5 den- tatus, basi biglandulosus bibracteatus, corolla tubo apice inflato, limbus patens plicatus unilabiatus, labio inferiore ; stamina 4 didynama, stylo stig- matoque simplex. Capsula tetragona, quadrilocu- laris, bivalvis, polysperma.–Obs. This genus be- longs to the natural family Sesamia, along with the genera Sesamum, Martynia, Craniolaria, &c. it has also some affinity with Acanthus, but none with Chelone, to which Robin joins it. The name is derived from an old Greek name, for some spe- cies of Teucrium. Raf. 148. Dysosmon amænum Raf. Pubescens, foliis op- positis, petiolatis, oblongis, acuminatis, undulatis, inequaliter dentatis, subtus tomentosis, imis trifo- liatis, floribus axillaribus subsessilibus, calyx co- rollisque extus pubescens. Raf.-Grande Gallane ou Chelone Rob. p. 405. Fine plant, rising six or seven feet on strong grooved stems, leaves with round petiols, lateral folioles of the lower leaves smaller; great many flowers, with two yellow glands at the base of the calyx, as in Sesa- mum, covered by a bractea : corolla an inch long, first greenish, next white. The whole plant has an unpleasant smell. VIII. N. G. PAGESIA Raf. Calyx 5 pastitus, inequali- bus; corolla tubo apice inflato, limbo patens bi- labiatus, labium superius reflexum planum emar- 5 49 ginatum, inferius trilobo. Stamina 4 didynama; stylo stigmatoque simplex : capsula bilocularis bivalvis polysperma.—Obs. This genus differs from the Gerardia by its irregular and deep cleft calyx, labiated corolla, &c. and by the first and last characters from Seymeria of Pursh and Da- santhera Raf. (Gerardia fruticosa Pursh.) The Gerardia cuneifolia of Pursh, may belong to this genus, or to Dasanthera, I have dedicated it to Pages, a traveller round the world, and to both polar regions, who visited Louisiana, and who has noticed many natural objects. Raf. 149. Pagesia leucantha Raf. Caulibus debilis quad- rangulis ramosis; foliis oppositis, sessiïibus, ovali oblongis, serrulatis, glabris, axillis foliosis ; floribus racemosis, longe pedunculatis, lacinis cali- cinis striatis, superiora majora. Raf.—Chelone 2. Rob. p. 406. Many weak stems, bent and rising over one foot, two small leaves on each side of the axilla of the leaves, corolla white, capsul oval. 150. Tecoma radicans Juss.--Bignone vulg. herbe a puce Rob. p. 409. p. 409. A vine rising over 40 and 50 feet, covering whole trees; bark whitish and scaly, young branches smooth and green, flowers dark aurora, calyx thick and coloured, five toothed. 151. Bignonia capreolata L.--Bignone toujours verte Rob. p. 407. A very large vine, bark grey, leaves firm and shining, with purplish nerves un- derneath ; flowers blossoming in February, axillar pedunculated, as many as four together, calyx E - 50 round entire, corolla scarlet, orange inside on the edge. 152. Bignonia crucigera L.-Petite Bignone Rob. p. 408. A small vine 10 or 12 feet, leaves glaucous underneath, flowers bracteated. 153. Gerardia leucanthera Raf. Caule ramoso vir- gato quadrangulo, foliis oppositis sessilibus, linea- ribus integris, uninervis ; pedunculis axillaribus filiformis rigidis foliis brevioribus, staminibus binis brevissimis. Raf.—Bignone cocarde Rob. p. 409. Stems three feet; calyx small five toothed, corolla light purple, two long hairy stamina of the length of the style, bearing white bilobed anthers, form- ing a cockade with the oblong stigma on the upper lip of the corolla. It is not a Bignonia. 154. Ipomea quamoclit L.–Tombekbe Rob. p. 409. Found on the river Tombekbe in Florida, an ele- gant vine rising 15 to 20 feet, leaves pinnated pectinated, flowers scarlet, calyx fleshy with five unequal and scarious lacinias, corolla with flat starry limbus, stigma globular white; as well as the anthers and exerted. ORDER XIII.-GENTIANEA. 155. Sabbatia angularis Pursh. Chironia angularis Wild.–Centaurelle Rose Rob. p. 410. Used also in Louisiana against fevers. Zv 51 ORDER XIV.-APOCINEA. 156. Hydrolia verticillata Raf. Caule fruticoso spi- noso canescens ; foliis verticillatis subsessilis, ovali oblongis, acutis, integris nervosis ; floribus subcorymbosis. Raf.- Apocinée épineuse Rob. p. 411. Small shrub growing in swamps, stem crooked, spines axillar, becoming branches to- wards the top of the plant; flowers lateral and terminal, of a fine violet blue, pedunculated, about an inch diameter, smelling like Cyanus : calyx hairy with five subulated teeth, divisions of the corolla ovate acute, stamina violet, anthers bi- lobed striped of yellow, the two styles are horn- shaped, white and hairy at the base, smooth and violet at the top, stigmas simple; capsul round bivalve, bilocular, partition parallel with the valves, and bearing on each side a large recep- tacle. 157. Asclepias revoluta Raf. Pilosa, foliis oppositis, subsessilis, linearibus, acutis, undulatis, margine revoluto ciliato; umbellis bracteatis, corolla re- flexa, corniculis exertis incurvis Raf.--Ascle- piade 1. Rob. p. 413. Stem three or four feet, leaves with the ramifications of the nerves flex- uose, a few ombels of orange flowers. . 158. Asclepias ? procumbeus Raf. Caule procumbens, foliis crassis..........floribus quinque-glandulosis, auriculis corniculisque nullis Raf.- Asclepias 2. Rob. p. 413. Herbe à la Houatte vulgarly, pro- 52 ducing a silky down, flowers reddish. This specie, (unless it is an Apocynum,) must form along with A. pedicellata and A. viridis of Walter, a sub-genus (or new genus) to which I propose to give the name of Anthanotis. 159. Asclepias parviflora Wild. Asclepias 3. Rob. p. 414. Grows near the waters, stem slender, fru- tescent round, reddish at the knobs, leaves three or four inches long; flowers white, each ombel of about 20, faintly coloured of rose, similar but smaller than those of A. revoluta. 160. Asclepias verticillata A.-L. à fenilles de Romarin Rob. p. 414. Every whorl of four or six leaves . petiolated with the margin revolute. 161. Asclepias serpentaria Raf. Caule erecto simplex, foliis lanceolatis acutis glabris, umbellis laterali- bus, corollis reflexis, auriculis discolor Raf.- Asclepiade à cornets pourpres Rob. p. 415. A fine species, growing near waters, stem low, flowers with orange corolla and purple nectaries. The Indians have communicated to the creoles of Lou- isiana the knowledge of employing it against the bite of venomous snakes. 162. Spigelia marilandica L.-Ophioxylon Rob. p. 415. Leaves ciliated, corolla scarlet outside, yellow inside. Blossoms from May to September : vulgarly Serpentine. 163. Gelsemium sempervirens Juss. Rob. p. 415. . . 53 ORDER XV.-SAPOTÆ. - 164. Bumelia chrysophylloides? Pers. Wild.-Side- roxylum tenax. Rob. p. 416. Shrub 20 feet high with flexible branches and short spines, leaves fasciculated ovate lanceolate, silky and silvery underneath afterwards gilt; flowers small. By the shape of the leaf it should be B. lanuginosa Pers. 165. Chrysophyllum ludovicianum Raf. Spinosum, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis, subtus sericeis, floribus fasciculatis axillaribus. Raf.—Chryso- phyllum glabrum Rob. p. 416. It is not that species, which has smooth leaves underneath and grows in the West-Indies. This genus had not yet been found in North-America. A shrub eight or ten feet high, flowers small greenish, calyx five parted, a sessile stigma, berry globular, seeds compressed. CLASS IX.-D. MONOPETALES PERIGYNES. ORDER I.-GUIACANÆ. 166. Diospiros virginiana L.-D. guiacana Rob. p. 417. In shady and even in sandy soils, in Loui- siana and Florida. 167. Styrax glabrum. Cavan. Pursh. St. levigatum E* 54 Wild.-St. americanum Rob. p. 419. A shrub twelve or fifteen feet high, grows near water, leaves petiolate ovate ; flowers white, calyx five toothed, tube of the corolla short. 168. Hopea tinctoria L. Rob. p. 419. ORDER II.-RHODODENDRA. 169. Kalmia latifolia L. Rob. p. 419. 170. angustifolia L.-Rob. p. 420. ORDER IH.-ERICÆ. IX. N. G, DUPRATZIA. Raf. Calix tubulatus striatus 6 dentatus persistens, Corolla infundibuliformis, tubus calice longitudine, limbus 6 fidus, laci- niis ovatis : Stamina 6 ? Stylus 1 ? Capsula..... ........ Obs. Robin describes only the calyx and corolla of this plant, and by omitting the remain- der, leaves me doubtful as to its natural order; but by the habit it appears to have little affinity with the American genera of this order : I there- fore suspect it to belong to the Gentiane, and it has a real affinity with some species of Sabbattia; but appears to be a distinct genus by the diffe- rent shape of the calyx. It might also be akin to Phlox. I have named it after Dupratz, who has wrote on the natural history of Louisiana Raf. 171. Dupratzia scoparia Raf. Ramis fastigiatis vir- gatis quadrangulis, angulis alatis, foliis sessilibus a a 55 linearibus glabris pdpressis, floribus spicatis ver- ticillatis. Raf.-Balayeuse Rob. p. 420. An an- nual plant, rising three or four feet, the branches are long slender, forming a thick brush, yel- lowish; flowers terminal; numerous, sessile forming a handsome violet spike : the corolla is light violet, each division with a red line. 172. Arbutus obtusifolius Raf. Arborescens, foliis petiolatis ellipticis, obtusis, integris, lucidis margine revolutis ; racemis terminalibus, secun- dis, paucifloris Raf.--Arbutus Rob. p. 421. Shrub about twelve feet high, leaves at the end of the branches, racemes of ten or twelve flow- ers, calyx urceolated five-toothed, corolla white ovate angular, anthers hairy laying on the style, stigma elliptic. Grows in shady woods. It has some affinity with A. laurifolius by the inflores- cence and with A. menziesiï by the leaves ; how- ; ever, as Robin does not say that the fruit is a berry, it might be an Andromeda instead of an Arbutus, but yet a new species. ORDER IV.--CAMPANULACÆ. 173. Campanula angulata Raf. Villosa, Caule pro- cumbens angulatus ramosus ; foliis radicalibus elongatis oblongis crenatis-ciliatis, caulinis semi- amplexicaulis ovatis remotis ; floribus axillaribus sessilibus. Raf.--Campanula. Rob. p. 422. Leaves with all the nerves beginning at the base, calyx and corolla three to five cleft, three to 56 five stamina inserted on the corolla, filaments broad at the base, upper part divergent, stigma trilobed; capsul three to five celled, lengthened, probably belonging to the sub-genus Legouzia along with C. amplexicaulis. X. N. G. ADNARIA Raf. Calyx adhereus, urceolatus 5 fidus, corolla tubo brevi, limbus 5 partitus reflexus ; stamina 10, disco glanduloso inserta, filamentis conniventis, anthera intus adnatæ mu- ticæ ; stylo stigmatoque simplex : Bacca 5 locu- laris ?-Obs. This new genus does not belong to this order, but to the order Vaccinia, being intermediary between the genera Oxycoccus and Vaccinium. Its name is derived from the remarka- ble insertion of the anthers. 174. Adnaria odorata Raf. Fruticosum, foliis petiola- tis oblongis glabris, sub-dentatis, floribus 2-3, breviter pedunculatis, lacinis corollinis lanceolatis acuminatis. Raf.--Campanula 2. Rob. p. 422. A shrub rising about nine feet and growing in swamps, blossoming in April; bark brown, branches slender, leaves alternate with a few teeth, flowers white, two or three together, with a faint smell, anthers yellow. 57 GLASS X.-D. MONOPETALES EPIGYNES SYNANTHERES. ORDER I.-CICHORACÆ 175. Krigia? oppositifolia Raf. Caulibus cespitosis, foliis oppositis integris, angustis, radicalibus sinuatis, foliolis perianthus patulis. Raf.—Ano- nyme Rob. p. 324. 324. A small smooth plant of a light green, only four inches high, perianth with nine equal divisions, after the anthesis they be- come connivent, and include the oblong seeds ; without down! By the opposite stem leaves, this plant differs in habit from Krigia, and indeed from the whole order. If the seeds are naked it may form a new genus under the name of Serinia. Raf. 176. Prenanthes ? glauca Raf. Caule ramoso, striato glauco, foliis sinuato-pinnatifidis, obtuse dentatis, glaucis supra scabris, foliolis calicularis filifor- mis Raf.-Chicorée usuelle Rob. A species akin to P. serpentaria of Pursh ; stem three feet high, flowers yellow, perianth poly- phyllous : down feathery according to Robin, which might determine the formation of a new genus under the name of Esopon. Raf. This species is used in Louisiana in decoction instead of Chicory. 177. Troximon bulbosum Raf. Caule ramoso, foliis sinuatis dentatis, perianthus simplex, radicibus p. 424. 58 fibrosis bulbiferis Raf.-Leontodon bulbosum Rob. p. 425. Robin says it resembles the pre- ceding, but differs by the perianth without cali- cule and the simple down : bulbs white, small, hard and bitter. 178. Lactuca elongata Wild. Pursh.-Laitue à feuilles de Chene Rob. p. 426. Stem over seven feet high. 179. Lactuca fistulosa Raf. Foliis sessilis, runcinatis, glabris, glaucis crassis, caule pedunculisque fis- tulosis Raf.-Laitue 2. Rob. p. 425. Two feet high, flowers large, numerous ; the hogs are very fond of it ; it is possessed of a medium quality between Lettice and Chicory. Grows at Atakapas. 180. Troximon odoratum Raf. Hispidum, ramis fas- tigiatis, foliis sessilibus ovato-oblongis acutis integris ciliatis scabris, floribus racemosis nudis, perianthis pilosis 8 partitis, sub 12 floris Raf. -Chicoracée fenouillette Rob. p. 425. Stems four feet high, round milky; leaves a little thick. flowers pale yellow, sweet-scented, ligules five- toothed, anthers and stigmas very projecting, deep yellow ; seeds oblong compressed striated with a thick and long down. This species toge- ther with Tr. virginieum, Tr. pallidum and Tr. bulbosum will form the genus Troxiinon ; the other species which are acaules and with an embricated calyx, must form a peculiar genus which I shall call Agoseris. Raf. Found in woods. 181. Sonchus macrophyllus Wild ?-Laitron Rob. p. - 59 426. Stem six or seven feet high, hollow, striated glabrous large leaves unequally runcinated, flowers large blue on large peduncles, down ses- sile. This is perhaps a new species, it grows in woods. 182. Troximon pallidum Raf. Hispidum, foliis sessi- libus ovato-oblongis acutis integris ciliatis crassis, floribus axillaribus pedunculatis adpressis, peri- anthis pilosis 8 partitis sub 12 floris. Raf. Helmintia echioides Rob. p. 426. This species scarcely differs from Tr. odoratum ; but it grows in meadows, has inodorous whitish yellow flow- ers not forming a naked raceme. Every thing else similar, Order II.-CYNAROCEPHALES. This genus - XI. G. ONOPIX Raf. Perianthus ventricosus imbri. catus caliculatus, caliculus parvus squamosus, squamis perianthis apice carinatis mucronatis plerumque spinosis. Phoranthus carnosus pilo- sus. Flosculis, tubulosis inequalibus quinquefidis, laciniis linearibus, interiora magis incisa, stigma simplex : pappus pilosus.—Obs. which belongs to the family Cynaridia having a division of the corolla more deeply cut, differs from Cynara and Pternix by the caliculate peri- anthe and simple down : some species of Cnicus or Cirsium may perhaps be found to belong to it; their habit is similar. The name was an ancient one for some species of Carduus. Raf. 60 - 183. Onopix sericeus. Raf. Caule ramoso striato, foliis angustis remote-pinnatifidis, subtus cano- sericeis, pinnulis oblongis apice spinosis ; flori- bus solitaris, caliculis paucis filiformis, mucronis perianthi spinosis Raf.—Atractylis Rob. p. 427. Stem four feet high, white at the top, leafy; blossoms in September and October, flowers of a rose violet, the phoranthe of this plant tastes like that of Artichoke. There is a variety or akin species which blossoms in April and rises only two feet. 184. Onopix intyboceus Raf. Caule ramoso sulcato, foliis pinnatifidis spinosis utrinque glabris, floribus solitaris, caliculis imbricatis, mucronis perianthi aristatis reflexis Raf.—Chardon à feuilles de chi- corée Rob. p. 428. 428. It rises over six feet, with many furrowed branches, the leaves are larger, broader, and thicker than in the foregoing spe- cies, which it resembles entirely in the fructifica- tion. 185. Eryngium tuberosum Raf. Radice tuberosa, fo- liis. angustis indivisis serrato spinosis enervis, caulinis amplexicaulibus ; floribus corymbosis, perianthus spinosus octophyllus Raf.-Chardon tubéreux Rob. p. 429. This plant is a real Eryngium, stem round, a little knobby, one or two feet high, the radical leaves are thick, striated and elongated. Perianthe plane, phoranthe globu- lar, with acute and concave scales, calyx with five acuminated divisions ; seeds compressed winged. - 61 A variety rises four feet, has radical leaves a foot long, and only four flowers. 176. Liatris linaria Raf. Caule simplici sulcato pu- bescens, foliis adpresis lineari-lanceolatis imbri- catis, spica densa, perianthis oblongis quinques floris, squamis ciliatis acutis squarrosis Raf. Cynarocephale élégante sans épines Rob. P. 429. Stem two or three feet high, blossoms in August, spike thick, six or eight inches long, flowers pur- ple, two stigmas, seeds striated, acute, compress- ed; akin to L. pycnostachya. 177. Marshallia bulbosa R. Bulbosa scabra, cauli- bus simplicibus striatis, foliis lanceolatis acumi- natis ciliatis, perianthus oblongus, squamis acutis, externis coloratis Raf.-Sarrette bulbeuse Rob. p. 430. Many stems rising two or three feet (uniflore ?) bulb scarious hairy, corollas purple, swelled above, two stigmas, seeds oblong, tipped with scales, which makes it a real Marshallia, ORDER III.-CORYMBIFERA. 178. Cacalia pubescens Raf. Caule pubescens, foliis oppositis, longe petiolatis hastatis puberulis den- tatis, dentibus elongatis, perianthis sub 12 floris Raf.-Cacalia 1. Rob. p. 432. This is perhaps a variety of C. suaveolens, which however is a smooth plant, or an Eupatorium. Stems four or five feet high, round, bushy, the leaves are co- vered with a fine down, flowers white, sweet scented. F 62 - 189. Eupatorium perfoliatum L.-Cacalia 2. Rob. p. 432. 190. Eupatorium violaceum Raf. Foliis oppositis petiolatis cordatis dentatis undulatis hirsutis, floribus pedunculatis, pedunculis squamosis Raf. -Cacalia violette à feuilles d'Ortie Rob. p. 432. Many small round and weak stems, branches fastigiated, flowers small, violet, the stigmas of the same colour. A fine plant, growing in shady and weedy places, blossoms in October. 191. Mikania angulosa Raf. Caule scandente, ramis angulosis sulcatis, foliis oppositis petiolatis del- toide-reniformis obtusis tenuis, obtuse-dentatis, corymbis axillaribus, perianthis tetraphyllis cali- culatis quadrifloris Raf.—Cacalia 4. Rob. p. 433. Very similar to Mikania scandens, rising 15 to 20 feet, leaves thin and feeling soft, about 20 flowers in each corymb of a yellowish white, two small folioles for calicule, anthers brown. The species of Mikania with caliculate perianthe and simple down, like this, scarcely differ from Cacalia. This blossoms in September and October. 192. Eupatorium crassifolium Raf. Caule ramoso pu- bescens, foliis oppositis sessilibus linearibus cras- sis, perianthis quinquefloris Raf.—Eupat. 1. Rob. p. 433. Is it a variety of E. linearifolium Wild ? Stem two or three feet high, round, flowers white, very small, blossoming in August ; vulgar name Herbe à chevreuil, reckoned good for wounds. 193. Eupatorium altissimum L. Var. longifolium.--Rob. p. 433. Smaller, with longer leaves, perianthe ve angular, five leaved, five flowered. - 63 XII. G. Gynema Raf. Perianthus cylindricus imbri- catus, foliolis scariosis coloratis. Flosculis femi- neis numerosis filiformis 2–3 dentatis, herma- phroditis centralis tubulosis quinquefidis. Pho- ranthus nudum, pappus pilosus.—Obs. This ge- nus is intermediary between Conyza, Disynanthus Raf. and Argyrocome, it has the perianthe of the latter, the shape of flowers of the second, and they are nearly disposed as in the first. The name means filiform female flowers. Many species of Conyza may belong to it, particularly among the sweet scented ones. Raf. 194. Gynema balsamica Raf. Caule pubescens, foliis petiolatis decurrentibus, ovato oblongis, integris, viscosis; floribus coarctatis, squamis perianthi subrotundis Raf.-Gnafale lilas ou Baume des Sauvages Rob. p. 433. Akin to Conyza campho- rata : a fine plant, stem rising three or four feet, round, leaves alternate, deep green, large ; flowers large, of a fine lilac colour, female floscules very numerous, surrounding seven or eight hermaphrodite central floscules. It blos- soms in September and October : the whole has a strong aromatic smell, which becomes sweet sometimes after touching it, it is stomachic and sudorific, the Indians deem it a powerful remedy. 195. Gynema? argentea Raf. Foliis sericeo-argen- teis floribus albis Raf.-Gnafale 2. Rob. p. 434. Robin does not describe this elegant plant; he merely says, that the stem rises three or four feet, the leaves are silvery, the flowers small and white, 64 the whole plant has a fragrant smell, and it is em- ployed in infusion like tea. It may be a real Conyza or an Argyrocome. 196. Gynema ? parviflora Raf. Caule procumbens, foliis canis, floribus minutissimis Raf.-Gnafale 3. Rob. p. 434. Robin only says of this species that it has small trailing stems, leaves and flowers white, these exceedingly small, growing in fields and open wild grounds. 197. Chrysocoma purpurea Raf. Herbacea, foliis ses- silibus oblongis acutis denticulatis glabris, floribus pedunculatis, corymbis laxis. Raf.-Grande Chry- socome Rob. p. 434. Stem six or seven feet high, leaves thickly scattered, of a dark green, flowers purplish, floscules five cleft. As Robin does not describe the fructification, it may be an Eupatorium instead of a Chrysocoma. 198. Chrysocoma heterophylla Raf. Fruticosa, foliis petiolatis uninervis coriaceis crassis lucidis acutis imis oblongo-rhomboidalis apice remote dentatis, summis oblongo-linearibus integris. Raf.-Chry- socome 2. Rob. p. 435. A shrub 15 feet bigh, wood brittle knobby, bark tawny, young branches green, flowers straw colour, perianthe with about 20 flowers, short styles and seeds. Perhaps a species of Baccharis? XIII. N.G. ARNOGLOSSUM Raf. Perianthus periphyl- lus oblongus denudatus coloratus pentagonus 5. florus, flosculis hermaphroditis, limbus infiatus 5 fidus reflexus, staminibus styloque bifidus exertis; semina oblonga, pappus sessilis pilosus.---This 65 genus differs from Mikania by the shape of the perianthe and corolla. Robin himself declares it ought to be a new genus. The name was an ancient one for some species of Plantago. Raf. 199. Arnoglossum plantagineum Raf. Caule glabro canescens sulcato, foliis radicalibus ovatis ob- tusis nervosis, caulinis remotis, corymbis graci- lis Raf.-Chrysocome à feuilles de Plaintain Rob. P. 435. Stem three or four feet high, smooth white, anthers brown, styles yellow : pe- rennial, growing along the woods, blossoming in March. XIV. N. G. ERECHTITES Raf. Perianthus carnosug periphyllus (vel polyphyllus foliolis conniventis) denudatus, sulcatus, multidentatus multiflorus: flosculis hermaphroditis 5 dentatis, pappus ses- silis pilosus.-Obs. Differing from Senecio by the perianthe neither caliculate nor sphacelate. The name was one of those given by Dioscorides to the Senecio. Raf. 200 Erechtites prealta Raf. Caule stricto sulcato pu- bescens, foliis alternis sessilibus basi attenuatis, oblongis, inequaliter dentatis, acuminatis gla- bris, subtus nervis pubescentibus ; floribus co- rymbosis pedunculatis Raf.—Anonyme Rob. p. 435. Fine plant, stem rising over seven feet, strong, upright, large leaves over a foot long, flowers large white ; it grows near woods and blossoms in September. It has some similarity of habit, &c. with Senecio hieracifolius L. 201. Erigeron hyemale Raf.-Hirsutum, caule striato, ܪ - ** 66 foliis oblongis inequaliter remote dentato-sinuatis, radicalibus sessilibus patulis, caulinis semiamplex- icaulibus ; perianthis hemisphericis, foliolis apice scariosis albis, ligulis disco brevioribus Raf.- Vergerolle I. Rob. p. 436. Very similar to E, , philadelphicum, but differing in the perianthe, which is similar to that of Chrysanthemum, and the flowers, which have a yellow disk and white linear rays ; they blossom in February : Stem only one foot high and corymbose, floscules five-toothed. 202. Erigeron ramosum Raf. Pubescens, caule pani- culato-ramoso, tereti, foliis sessilibus linearibus : floribus paniculatis. Raf.–Vergerolle 2. à rayon blanc, disque grisatre Rob. p. 437. Similar to E. divaricatum Mx. ; stem three or four feet high, branches numerous, leaves alternate short, flowers with white rays and grey disk, half an inch in diameter, perianthe with unequal subu- late folioles ; it blossoms in October, and bears a multitude of flowers. 203. Aster paniculatus Wild ?-Aster 1 Rob. P. 437. Stem pubescent round, branches slender and weak, disk yellow or brown : grows among bushes. 204. Aster............A. 2. Rob. p. 447. Habit of the foregoing, leaves sessile, narrow, rough, flowers larger. This species and the two following not being described by Robin, cannot be ascertained they may be known or new : observers will de- side. ܪ ; 67 205. Aster...............A. 3. Rob. 437. This differs by smaller smooth leaves, and a pyramidal disk. 206. Aster..............A. 4. Rob. p. 437. Small, pu- bescent leaves, flowers of a lilac colour. 207. Aster pratense Raf. Caule frutescens paniculatus foliolatus, foliis semiamplexicaulibus oblongis integris uninervis Raf.-A. 5. à grandes fleurs Rob. p. 437. Stem round stiff, flowers over one inch in diameter, terminal, with violet rays and yellow disk; it blossoms in October and grows in meadows. 208. Solidago canadensis L ? Solid. 1. Rob. p. 438. A fine plant growing in meadows and rising over six feet, leaves trinervated rough, panicle hand- some conical, racemes spreading and with uni- lateral flowers : it blossoms in October. 209. Solidago........., S. 2. Rob. p. 438. This second species is not described by Robin, he only says it is lower and not so handsome as the foregoing, blossoming together. 210. Jacobea opuntifolia Raf. Caule fistuloso, foliis obovatis carnosis integris, floribus corymbosis. radiatis Raf.-Senecon radié à feuilles de ra- quette Rob. p. 438. A fine plant growing along the Mississippi, under trees, and blossoming in winter; stem three feet high ; flowers large yellow. It belongs to the genus Jacobea, differ- ing by its radiated flowers from Senecio. XV. G. MnesiteOn Raf. Perianthus periphyllus tur- binatus quadrifidus, laciniis radiatis foliaceis ra- dio longior : phoranthus nudum : synanthus radi- 68 a - atus, flosculis hermaphroditis quadrifidis tetran- dris. Semina compressa alata membranacea, apice margine crasso coronata.–Obs. A singular genus, having a striking similarity with Eclipta L. Cenia Jussieu and Buphthalmum L. but different from either, and also from Calendula, to which Robin joins it. The name was an ancient one for some species of Buphthalmum. Raf. 211. Mnesiteon Album Raf. Scabrum, ramis diffusis, foliis alternis ?) linearibus integris, floribus gemi- natis. Raf.—Calendula 1. Rob. p. 439. Stem three or four feet high, leaves narrow with only one nerve : flowers small lateral and terminal, half an inch in diameter, entirely white both rays and disk, anthers grey, stigmas yellow ; seeds oblong blackish, the upper margin deep green. It blossoms in June, the branches are juicy, and the juice becomes black as soon as it comes in con- tact with the air? This species has some analogy with Buphthalmum angustifolium of Pursh, which perhaps belongs here, and also with Eclipta erecta Wild. which is Verbesina alba L. 212. Mnesiteon album var. pumilum Raf.-Calendula 2. Rob. p. 439. Only four or five inches high, blossoming in April; probably a distinct species to which the name of M. pumilum may be given. 213. Mnesiteon luteum Raf. Pubescens, ramis divari- catis teretis, foliis oppositis serratis, floribus longe pedunculatis, discus conicus Raf.-Calen- dula 3. Rob. p. 439. This rises two or three feet and the flowers are entirely yellow. Strik- ingly different from M, album. - 69 - 214. Eclipta ciliata Raf. Caule erecto tereti levis, foliis alternis sessilibus remotis linearibus glabris ciliatis crassis, perianthus conicus. Raf.-Radiée anonyme Rob. p. 449. Stem two or three feet . high. Flowers terminal, less than one inch in diameter, rays white, disk yellow, perianthe with many rows of folioles. Seeds compressed notched, with a few small aristas. This plant blossoms in September ; it has the smell of Cicuta and a very acrid taste, therefore must be dele- terious. 215 Artemisia dracunculus L. Rob. p. 440. 216. - amorpha Raf. Foliis linearibus, peri- anthis oblongis, paucifloris, ligulis flosculis in- termixtis.-A. 2. Rob. p. 440. Similar to the foregoing, having the same smeil and an acrid taste, perianthe oblong instead of globular, and containing four or five small mixed flowers, some of which are five-toothed floscules, and some ligular floscules! This being so imperfectly de- scribed by Robin, might be the A. cana of Pursh, or the A. integrifolia of Wildenow, but it differs from either by the flowers which are not ovate, and the singular character of some floscules be- coming ligular, makes it very remarkable. , 217. Galardia amara Raf. Caule apice paniculato, ramis unifloris, foliis linearibus reflexis glabris, ligulis apice dilatatis tridentatis Raf.–Anthemis Rob. p. 440. This plant has not the habit of Anthemis, but rather of a Galardia ; as Robin de- a scribes it imperfectly, it may, however, be either, 70 or even an Helenium. Stem rising one foot and an half, round and smooth, with many long leaves of a deep green. Perianthe small embri- cated with unequal leafy folioles, rays much lon- ger, phoranthe spherical (seeds perhaps naked). The whole plant is odoriferous and intensely bitter, it gives an abominable bitter taste to the milk of the cows that feed upon it in summer, when the plant thrives and keeps green notwith- standing the greatest drought. It grows at Atakapas near roads and houses, but was brought there accidentally. 218. Verbesina Sieg esbeckia Wild ?-Anthemis vel Verbesina Rob. p. 441. Not described, common along the Mississippi, stem winged branched, two or three feet high, flowers yellow, odoriferous. It is errhinous. 219. Helianthus procumbens Raf. Scaber, caulibus procumbentibus subrepens, foliis oppositis peti, olatis ovalis dentatis ; floribus axillaribus solitaris. Raf.—Buphthalmum Rob. p. 441. But certain- ly not of that genus, although the habit is a little different from Helianthus. Stems round with a rough pubescence, flowers yellow, blossoming all summer, perianthe oval embricated with une- qual folioles, phoranthe conical, with coloured paleas, membranaceous and toothed This is per- haps the H. prostratus of Wildenow. 220. Polyonnia macrophylla Raf. Caule sulcato, foliis oppositis petiolatis, petiolis alatis amplexicaulis, sinuato-angulosis acutis supra scabris ; radiis a 경 ​abreviatis oblongis tridentatis Raf.--Polymnia Rob. p. 441. 441. Stem over nine feet high, spotted of purple, leaves two feet long and nearly as broad, with five or seven large sinuated angles ; ; flowers yellow pedunculated, exterior perianthe 4 phylle, interior 10 phylle, crown with 10 rays, 10 seeds oval, angular, size of a pea, covered by the folioles of the interior perianthe : 20 male central floscules, anthers brown. It grows among trees and blossoms in August. 221. Bidens frondosa L.-B. 1. Rob. p. 442. Stem brown angular branched, three or four feet high, interior perianthe scariose and coloured ; seeds compressed with two hooked arols. It blossoms in October. 222. Bidens bipinnata L. Rob. p. 443. Stem black- ish, rising four or five feet, branches slender and long, three or four neutral rays short and toothed, seeds forming a globular head with hooked awls, they are disseminated by the her- bivorous animals to whose skin they cling ; grows in woods. 223. Verbesina virginica L.-V. alata Rob. p. 443. Stem about seven feet high, round canescent rough, leaves rough above, tomentose underneath oblong acuminated ; perianthe tomentose striated, folioles squarrose, four small white laciniated rays, , anthers grey, (phoranthe hairy !) Vulgar name, Herbe à trois quarts. The roots of this plant are a valuable sudorific and depurative, they are 72 used in decoction; the Indians were those who discovered those properties. 224. Verbesina coreopsis, Mich ?-Verbes. 2. Rob. p. 444. Also winged, with yellow flowers, two or three feet high ; it possesses the qualities of the foregoing, but in a less degree. 225. Coreopsis aurea Wild ?-Coreopsis 1. Rob. p. 444. 226. Coreopsis angustifolia Wild ?-C. 2. Rob. p. 444. 227. Coreopsis scabra Raf. Ramis remotis elongatis subulatis, foliisque imis oppositis, summis alternis, foliis integris (lanceolatis ?) scaberrimis : semini- bus oblongis angulatis Raf.-Coreopsis 3. Rob. About six feet high, leaves five inches long, flowers yellow, over two inches diameter, 12 to 15 rays; perhaps C. acuta of Pursh. -228. Silphium perfoliatum L. Rob. p. 445. A beau- tiful plant of which Robin gives an elegant des- cription, and which he thinks may suggest the idea of a new order, or at least new ornaments, of architecture. Stem simple, rising over nine feet, angular-rhomboidal, leaves undulated acuminate. 229. Helianthus giganteus Wild ?--Soleil vivace Rob. - P. 444. P. 447. 230. Helianthus pubescens Wild ?-H. doronicoide Rob. p. 447. 231. Helianthus multiflorus Wild? Hel. 3. Rob. p. 447. XVI. N. G. HELIOPHTHALMUM Raf Perianthus pla- niusculus, laxus polyphyllus, foliolis inequalibus, externis elongatis angustatis ; phoranthus planus 73 Sun's eye. paleaceus, paleis scariosis coloratis duplice ordini dispositis, externe radiis circondans, interne disco. Radio ligulis 8 ovatis neutris, pappus marginatus dentatus.--Obs. This genus differs from Rudbeckia by the shape of the perianthe, disposition of the chaffs, flat phoranthe, &c. The name means It is, however no wonder, that Robin united it with Rudbeckia since so many heteroge- neous species have been united to it. All the species with naked seeds as R. pinnata fc. must *form my genus Obelisteca, and those with a sim- ple perianthe, such as R. columnaris Pursh, my genus Ratibida. Raf. 232. Heliophthalmum cicutefolium Raf. Caule ramoso, sulcato tetragono, angulis obtusis; ramis unifloris, foliis oppositis bipinnatis, foliolis lanceolatis laci- niatis Raf.-Rudbeckia à feuilles de cigue Rob. p. 447. A fine plant, with pretty leaves, and Jarge flowers. Stem three or four feet, branches opposite, numerous, slender but stiff: flowers two inches in diameter, yellow, anthers brown. 233. Galardia bicolor Wild ?-Galardia Rob. p. 447. Stem two or three feet high, branched diffuse, leaves oblong crenulated rough, disk brown, co- nical, seeds with eight chaffy scales, common on the delta of the Mississippi, in open fields. Per- haps a different species; but the colour of the flowers agree. 234. Elephantopus flexuosus Raf. Caule ramoso flex- uoso, foliis radicalibus caulinisque sessilibus ova- iis denticulatis acutis, subtus tomentosis, mar- G 74 gine revoluto Raf.-Fausse Radiée Rob. p. 448. Stem round, branches distant alternate flexu- ose, radical leaves over half a foot long, stem leaves smaller ; glomerule triangular, with three 2 branches, containing eight or nine flowers, peri- anthe quadrifid and quadriflore, corollas of a pale lilac colour, tubulate filiform five cleft, the five di- visions all on one side, forming a sort of radiated flower with 20 rays, seeds striated downy. It blossoms in August. CLASS XI.-D. MONOPETALES EPIGYNES ELTRANDRES. ORDER I.-DIPSACEA. XVII. N. G. DIOTOTHECA Raf. Perianthus poly- phyllus, foliolis imbricatis scariosis : phoranthus globosus paleaceus, paleis scariosis coloratis. Calyx adherens bifidus, corolla irregularis qua- drifida, lacinia superiora breviora emarginata, in- feriora longiora. Staminibus 2 brevis, tubo co- rolla insertis. Stylo stigmatoque simplex. Se- minibus achenis ovatis monospermis.-Obs. This new genus is perfectly distinct, it has some affi- nity with Allionia and still more with Morina from which it only differs by the shape of the Peri- anthe, besides the whole habit. The name of 75 Diototheca, was given by Vaillant to the Morina of Tournefort and Linnæus. Raf. 235. Diototheca repens Raf. Caulibus repentibus pu- bescentibus tetragonis, foliis oppositis petiolatis ovalis dentatis scabris, floribus axillaribus. Raf. -Scabiosa Rob. p. 449. A small plant only eight inches long, folioles of the perianthe large, chaffs violet, the divisions of the calyx broad at the base. It grows along the banks of the Mis- sissippi in open grounds. 236. Cephalanthus occidentalis L.-Bois de Marais Rob. P. 450. Shrub 12 to 16 feet high, growing in swamps and near the waters, bark grey, wood brittle, leaves balf a foot long, oval opposite pe- tiolate shining above, whitish underneath, flowers sweet scented, white, corolla hairy inside. The leaves, flowers, and principally the bark of its roots, are frequently employed as a febrifuge, a cathartic, and incisive. a ORDER II.-RUBIACEA. 237. Galium uniflorum Michaux ?-G. 1. Rob. p. 452. A small species seven or eight inches high, whirls four or five leaved, leaves nearly linear, smooth, one nerved, stem angular only rough at the base, seeds smooth, blossoms in March and April. Perhaps a new species ; but Robin does not de- scribe the inflorescence. Flowers white. 238. Galium longicaule Raf. Caulibus longissimis an- gulatis, foliisque aculeatis, verticillis 6—8 phyllis, 76 foliis obovatis acuminatis ; floribus axillaribus ter- minalibusque, seminibus hispidis Raf.-Galium. 2. Rob. p. 452. Flowers white, blossoming in March and April. Perhaps the G. brachiatum of Pursh? -239. Galium trifidum Wild.-G. 3. Rob. p. 452. 240. Diodia oblongo Raf. Caulibus procumbentibus tetragoris geniculatis pubescentibus, foliis subses- silibus oblongis integris acutis glabris, floribus solitaris geminatisque, corollis intus barbatis Raf.-Crucianella 1. Rob. p. 452. Stem two or three feet long, flowers white, stamina projecting, style bifid, anthers oblong and transversal : corol- la infundibuliform. 241. Spermacoce lasiantha Raf. Caule debilis, ramis diffusis, foliis sessilibus oblongis acutis integris nervosis, nervis scabris, floribus verticillatis, co- rolla intus lanata. Raf.-Crucianella. 2. Rob. p. 453. Stem about two feet long, leaves two or three inches long, flowers small white sessile glo- merated, calyx with four teeth ; stamina sessile hidden in the wool of the corolla. It blossoms in August. 242. Rubia techensis Raf. Caule debilis diffuso qua- drangulo, angulis aculeatis, foliis quaternis sub- sessilis ovalis lucidis, margine piloso scabro. Raf. -Rubia Rob. p. 453. Found on the eastern side of the river Teche, root red and yellow ; stem scarcely two feet high, leaves one inch long. Robin did not see the flowers, it might be a spe; cies of Galium? ܪ ܐ 77 243. Hedyotis crassifolia Raf. Ramis tenuis divari- catis sulcatis unifloris, foliis sessilibus oblongis acutis glabris integris carnosis, floribus longe pe- dunculatis. Raf.—Anonyme 1. Rob. p. 454. This plant although resembling very much the Hous- tonia, is a real Hedyotis having a capsul two celled - and polysperme. It blossoms in February, it varies with white, deep violet and pale violet flowers, stem only two inches high, tube of the corolla filiform, four stamina in the tube nearly sessile, style short, stigma oblong, capsul heart shaped, with many minute seeds. 244. Hedyotis ? rosea Raf, Repens, floribus roseis.. Anonyme 2. Rob. p. 454. This may be the Houstonia tenella of Lyon and Pursh ; Robin does not describe it, but he merely says it is still smaller than the foregoing, creeping, and with flowers of a pale rose colour. 245. Cornus florida L.--Cephalanthus Rob. p. 454. Vulgar names Bois-bouton and Bois-de-flêche. It rises 30 feet, blossoms in February. Robin gives a long description of this common tree, which evidently proves his mistake in taking it for the Cephalanthus ; he says that the calyx is angular 4 toothed, the corolla 4 parted reflexed, the sta- mina opposed to its divisions! the stigma sessile ; but these two last characters are erroneous. 246. Viburnum prunifolium Wild. Pursh ?-Cor- nouiller monopétale Rob. p. 455. It blossoms in March, is very common, rises often over 30 feet, it likes the shady grounds, fruit bluish black, G* 78 good to eat, stamina projecting, one sessile stig- ma! Many American species of this genus have only one stigma; they must form a sub-genus, which I shall call Lentago. 247. Cornus polygamus Raf. Ramis strictis levis ru- bris, foliis oppositis sessilibus oblongis integris, oblique acuminatis, subtus canis, floribus femineo- polygamis. Raf.-Cornus 2. Rob. p. 456. A shrub about 15 feet high, branches slender, red, opposite, smooth, leaves deep green above, om- bels small, terminal, calyx entire! petals acute and white, anthers grey, style shorter than the stamina, stigma globular ; many flowers, and even whole ombels, have no stamina. Fruit black, very good to eat. It blossoms in April. ORDER III.-CAPRIFOLIA. - 248. Caprifolium rubrum Raf. Foliis deciduis cartila- gineis subtus glaucis, floribus verticillatis pallide rubris. Raf.—Caprif. 1. Rob. p. 437. 437. Not de- scribed by Robin, therefore a doubtful species ; but yet differing from all the American species. 249. Caprifolium sempervivens Pursh. Lonicera do. L. Wild.Caprif. 2. Rob. p. 457. XVIII. N.G. KARPATON Raf. Calyx adherens 4 den- tatus, corolla tubulosa quadrifida bilabiata ; sta- mina 2, antheris bilobis, lobis remotis ; ovarium inferum, stylo sub labio superiore corollæ, stigma simplex: capsula calice coronata (monolocularis ?) 4 spermjs.Obs. A remarkable new genus of this 79 order, differing by the stamina and fruit from all the other genera : it will, however, come next to Diervilla. The name was an ancient one for some species of Caprifolium. Raf. 250. Karpaton hastatum Raf. Caule anguloso, ramis fastigiatis, foliis oppositis sessilibus oblongis has- tatis basi inequaliter dentatis, acuminatis glabris ; floribus verticillatis sessilibus. Raf.—Anonyme Rob. p. 457. Rising three feet, flowers small, glomerated at the axillas. 251. Viscum leucarpum Raf. (V. album Walter. V. flavescens Pursh.) Caule articulato ramosissimum foliis oppositis sessilibus oblongis obtusis, floribus axillaribus sessilibus glomeratis, glomerulis 3-4 floris, baccis albis. Raf.–Viscum Rob. Very different from the V. album of Europe, and the V. flavescens of South America, by its axillar few flowered glomerules. P. 458. CLASS XII.-D. POLYPETALES EPIGYNES. ORDER I. -ARALIÆ. XIX. N.G. TRICLINIUM Raf. Monoicum triclinatum, Fl. hermaphrod. Calyx adherens 5-dentatus, Petala 5 inflexa ; Stamina 5 incurvis ; Ovarium adherens globosum echinatus ; Stylis 2 longissi- mis recurvis : Fructus achena bilocularis disper- ma, calice coronata, extus echinata, setuliş 80 - incurvis. Fl. Fem. Similis sed stamina carens. Fl. Masc. Similis sed ovarium carens, calyx ur- ceolatus 5 fidus.-Umbellis simplicibus involu- cratis.-Obs. This genus is certainly not a Panax, as Robin says ; but it has the greatest analogy with Sanicula, from which it differs by the divided calyx, crowned fruit, and double polygamy. The name means three beds. The Sanicula marilandica must belong to the same genus. 252. Triclinium odoratum Raf. Ramis divaricatis an- gulatis ; foliis longe petiolatis trifoliatis glabris, foliolis oblongatis inequaliter dentatis apice loba- tis, radicalibus subpalmatis, foliolis lateralibus bipartitis ; flosculis omnibus pedunculatis, herma- phroditis paucis. Raf.-Panax Rob. p. 469. It grows in the woods, stem 12 to 18 inches high, smooth, angular, purplish at the base, with few distant branches, petiols vaginated, ombels small, lateral, and terminal, flowers greenish, having the sweet scent of Reseda odorata. Stamina with bent filament, and yellow anthers, ovary with many rows of stiff curved filaments, styles curved and reaching the base of it. Blossoms in March and April. ORDER II.—OMBELLIFERÆ. 253. Sison trifoliatum Michx. ?-Ægopodium Rob. p. 460. Roots fasciculated, yellow, similar to Parsnip, stem round, smooth, geniculated, 2 feet 81 high, leaves trifoliated on long petals, smooth, lateral folioles bilobe, terminal trilobe, flowers white. 254. Cherophyllum............Not described ; grows in ; swamps. 255. Daucus ? fetidus Raf. Robin, p. 461. only says of this species, that it has white roots, a strong disa- greeable smell, and that it grows in meadows. 256. Peucedanum verticillatum Raf. Foliis decompo- positis, foliolis filiformibus, inferioribus subverti- cillatis. Raf.-Peuced. Rob. p. 461. It grows in moist ground. 257. Hydrocotyle incrassatam Raf. Caulibus submer- sis strictis fistulosis, foliis peltatis orbiculatis lucidis natantibus petiolis, basim ad apicem incras- satis. Raf.-Hydroc. Rob. p. 461. On the lakes and quiet rivers, growing in immense and thick groups, calyx entire, petals spreading. CLASS XIII.-D. POLYPETALES HYPOGYNES. ORDER I.-RANUNCULACEA. 258. Clematis flavescens Raf. Caule scandens tereti geniculato, foliis ternatis, foliolis ovatis subtri- fidis glabris, foliola lacinioque media majoribus, floribus dioicis axillaribus glomeratis. Raf..-- Clematis 1. Rob. p. 462. Similar to Cl. virgin 82 nica, stem slender, 8 to 10 feet high, leaves opposite, petiolate, flowers yellowish. 259. Clematis striata Raf. Caulibus procumbentibus striatis, foliis oppositis, petiolis vaginatis, imis simpliciusculis, summis remote bijugis ; floribus hermaphrodits, corymbis terminalibus pauci- floris, petalis coriaceis crassis striatis revolu- tis. Raf.—Clematis 2. Rob. p. 462. Stem weak slender, four or five feet long, bark yellow brown, four or five pedunculated flowers, violet or whitish, seeds bearded. Grows in the woods and meadows. 260. Anemone virginiana L ?--Anemone 1. Rob. p. 463. Stem branched hairy, two or three feet high, leaves with three large folioles and two smaller ones, flowers small yellowish on long peduncles, fruit long. 261. Anemone anomala Raf. Foliis ternis sessilibus incisis, floribus pentapetalis, petalis inequalibus Raf.-Anemone 2. Rob. p. 463. Stem about a foot high. 262. Ranunculus robini Raf. Pubescens, foliis radi- calibus ternatis, caulinis lanceolatis, floribus 5–6 petalis, petalis patulis oblongis Raf-R. flammu- la Rob. p. 463. Stem only four or five inches high coloured of violet: a doubtful species not well described. 263. Ranunculus meganthus Raf. Caulibus erectis pubescentibus unifloris, foliis radicalibus ternatis trilobisque, caulinis tenuis subfiliformibus, petalis patulis oblongis, nectaris lamellosis Raf.—Ran. - a 83 a 2. Rob. p. 463. Stems only half a foot high vio- let, calyx coloured, a large yellow flower about two inches in diameter, five petals thrice longer than broad. 264. Ranunculus polypetalus Raf. Caulibus erectis glabris bifloris, foliis ternatis trilobisque, floribus 6-8 petalis, petalis patulis oblongis, nectaris lamellosis. Raf.—Ran. 3. Rob. p. 463. Same size as the foregoing, flowers one inch in diameter, calyx coloured, anthers oblong and crenulated ! 265. Ranunculus leptopetalus Raf. Caule erecto pu- bescens multiflorus, foliis trilobis obtusis crassis, petalis minutissimis stamina brevioribus, stylis recurvis. Raf.-Ranunc. 4. Rob. p. 464. 464. Stem six to eight inches high, flowers exceedingly small, and petals scarcely visible, receptacle glo- bular, much larger than the stamina. It blossoms in March. - ORDER II.-PAPAVERACEA. 266. Argemone alba Raf. Caule foliisque spinosis, foliis runcinatis, capsulis oblongis pentagonis spi- nosis semi-5-valvis Raf.--Argemone Rob. P. 464. A beautiful plant introduced in the gardens of Louisiana from Mexico, with snow-white petals, yellow stamina and violet stigma, stems three feet high. The variety of A. mexicana with white flowers mentioned by Pursh, is perhaps this species. 84 267. Papaver ........... A species with red flowers is found along the woods, undescribed by Robin, probably new, unless it be the P. rheas naturalized. ORDER III.-CRUCIFERÆ. - 268. Sisymbrium leptopetalon Raf. Foliis pinnatis, foliolis lobatis glabris, impari majoribus, racemis laxis, petalis calice staminibusque brevioribus, calyx oblongus clausus Raf.-Cardamine 1. Rob. p. 466. This species belong to the section, (or peculiar genus ?) of this genus, with closed calyx and cylindrical siliques, which I call Descuria, stem eight to ten inches high, with very small yellowish flowers, petals and anthers yellow, stigma sessile flat, silique long. It grows near waters and blossoms in February. -269. Cardamine reflexa Raf. Foliis pinnatis glabris, foliolis apice dentatis, racemo elongato, petalis calice longioribus reflexis, siliquis compressis Raf. -Cardam. 2. Rob: p. 466. Not well described by Robin, perhaps it is the C. Pensylvanica. It grows near waters and blossoms in February, stem over a foot high, flowers white. 270. Cardamine angustifolia Raf. Foliis pinnatis gla- bris, foliolis lineari-filiformibus, siliquis teretis Raf.--Card. 3. Rob. p. 466. A small species, grows and blossoms as the foregoing. 271. Nasturtium tuberosum Raf. Radice tuberosa caule erecto ramoso glabro, foliis radicalibus pin- natis, foliolis dentatis, impari majore hastata, 85 caulinis sessilibus lineari-lanceolatis dentatis, ra- cemis laxis, petalis calice longioribus Raf.-Coch- learia 1. Rob. p. 466. The genus Nasturtium of Tournefort, Ventenat, &c. to which this plant belongs, differs from Lepidium by having a notch- ed silicule, the stigma sessile in the notch; stem about a foot high, flowers white, calyx open with four concave folioles, silicule compressed, round- ed, notched. The root is wbite, juicy, elongated, of a sweeter taste than the leaves, it might be- come comestible. Blossoms in February. XX. N. G. Dileptium Raf. Calyx 4 phyllus, foliolis concavis clausis, corolla 4 petala, petalis lineari- bus integris. Staminibus 2. angulis ovarium alter- nis: ovarium compressum emarginatum, stigma sessile emargina insertum. Siliculis subrotundis compressis emarginatis bilocularis dispermis, val- vis carinatis.-Obs. This genus differs from Nas- turtium by the number of stamina, small petals, &c. The name means two minute stamina. The Lepidium Virginicum L. belongs to this genus. 272. Dileptium diffusum Raf. Caulibus procumben- tibus diffusis ramosissimis, foliis pinnatifidis, pin- nulis dentatis, racemis laxis axillaribus termina- libusque, petalis minutissimis calice brevioribus Raf.—Cochlearia 3. Rob. p. 467. It forms thick turfs of a foot or two in diameter, many smail leaves. It blossoms at the end of March, and grows like grass, covering often large spaces of ground; it is eaten as cresses. ; H - 86 273. Dileptium precox Raf. Caulibus erectis ramo- sis; foliis radicalibus pinnatis, caulinis pinnatifidis, petalis calice equalibus Raf.—Cochlearia 2. Rob. p. 467. This resembles the Nasturtium tubero- sum, and blossoms in February ; flowers white. 274. Nasturtium rotundifolium Raf. Caule erecto ra- moso, foliis subrotundis sinuato-lobatis crassis, petalis elongatis calice longioribus Raf.-Coch- learia 4. Rob. p. 467. A large plant with thick juicy leaves, good to eat, but tasteless. It re- sembles Arabis rhomboidea. - ORDER IV.-CAPPARIDES. 275. Cleome edulis Raf. Caule inermi ramoso albo punctato, foliis imis quinatis, summis ternatis, fo- liolis ovalis acutis, media majore, floribus verti- cillatis terminalibus pedunculatis, petala 4, ungui- culata deflexa Raf.—Mozambe comestible Rob. p. 468. Stem one or two feet high, round, red- dish, juicy, leaves alternate petiolate, calyx with four narrow sepals, petals white, inserted on a glandular disk with long filiform nails and spatu- lated limb, all deflexed on one side ; on the oppo- site side a long red gynophore with 6 stamina, stigma sessile, pod long acute. It grows on open grounds and blossoms in June. It has much affi- nity with Cl. pentaphylla L. 276. Cleome speciosa Raf. Caule inermi ramoso, fo- liis digitatis, foliolis oblongis acuminatis ciliatis transverse nervosis ; floribus racemosis bracteatis 87 Raf.--Grand Mozambe lilas Rob. p. 469. This beautiful plant has been introduced from Mexico into the gardens of Louisiana. Stem four or five feet high, bushy, leafy, folioles of the leaves re- gularly smaller laterally, racemes one or two feet long and six inches in diameter, peduncles red, as well as the petals when young, and becoming gra- dually white, which affords a beautiful appear- ance, flowers very large, probably with the same structure as in the foregoing. ORDER V.-SAPINDI. 277. Cardiospermum haliccacabum L. ORDER VI.-Acera. 278. Paviana flava Raf. Æsculus flava, Wild. L. Pursh — Pavia à fleurs jaunes Rob. p. 470. Shrub à 15 to 20 feet high, bushy, irregular, grows near Pensacola, blossoms in April. 279. Paviana coccinea Raf. Æsculus pavia L.-Pa- via à fleurs rouges Rob. p. 470. A smaller shrub. 280. Acer rubrum L. Rob. p. 471. It rises over 60 feet, blossoms in March, it is dioical and mo, noical. ORDER VIII.--HYPERICA. 281. Ascyrum grandiflorum Raf. Caule frutescens, ramis teretis gracilis, foliis sessilibus oblongis 38 - obtusis, floribus axillaris terminalibusque, sepalis calicinis binis minutissimis, stigmatibus binis sub- sessilibus Raf.- Ascyrum Rob. p. 472. Pretty shrub, three feet high, bark yellowish, scaling off, flowers large, four yellow petals, capsuls oblong with many minute seeds inserted on the central receptacle. 282. Hypericum rostratum Raf. Caule frutescens an- cipite, foliis sessilibus ovalis, utrinque acutis, margine revolutis, punctatis, corymbis axillaris terminalibusque, calyx bibracteatus, ovarium rostratum pentastylum Raf.—Hypericum galio- ides afline Rob. p. 473. Small shrub one or two feet high, branches straight and slender round with two opposite angles, bark reddish; flowers large and yellow, stamina very numerous, capsul five angular. This species belongs to the sub-genus Centeria, which contains ail the species with five styles, and ought perhaps to be made a peculiar genus. 283. Hypericum fulgidum Raf. Caule frutescens te- tragono, ramis gracilis, foliis sessilibus linearibus patulis ; floribus subsessilibus axillaribus termi- nalibusque Raf.-Millepertuis doré Rob. P. 473. A small shrub, less than two feet high, branches few, slender and quadrangular, flowers of the brightest yellow. Robin does not say if this spe- cies has five or three styles. - 89 Order X.-AURANTIA. 284. Citrus aurantium L. var. acida-spinosa Rob. p. 474. Common in hedges, the fruit left on the tree in winter, becomes juiceless and soft; but gets again its size and juice in the spring ! 285. Citrus chinensis Persoon–Orange myrthe Rob. p. 474. A small tree cultivated in Louisiana, the branches are bent by the great number of small fruits. Order XII.–Vites. -. - 286. Vitis integrifolia Raf. Foliis subrotundis inte- gerrimis. Raf.-Rob. P. 476. 287. Vitis rotundifolia. Mich. 288. cordifolia. Mich. 289. estivalis. Mich. 290. Ampelopsis bipinnata. Mich. Vitis arborea L, Rob. p. 476. Cissus stans Pursh. Very common. . ORDER XIII.-GERANIA. 291. Geranium Ludovicianum Raf. Caule tortuoso, geniculato villoso, foliis orbiculatis quinquelobis, floribus umbellatis Raf.-Geranium Rob. p. 477. p Stem redish, flowers white, a little rose coloured, anthers yellow, beak over an inch long. 292. Oxalis sanguinolaria Raf. Caule cespitoso erec- to, foliis ternatis, foliolis obcordatis pubescens, a * 90 umbellis 3-4 floris involucratis, petalis apice re- flexis intus maculatis Raf.-Surelle 1. Rob. p. 477. Rising from three to ten inches, leaves pe- tiolate, flowers with yellow petals having bloody spots inside, connected at the base, sepals of the calyx oblong, filaments flat, capsul oblong. Used as sorrel : blossoms nearly all the year. 293. Oxalis violacea L. ? Rob. p. 477. Found in blossom in March in the meadows of the river Momentao, the leaves are thick, and violet colour- ed also. ORDER XIV.-MALVACEA. – 294. Malva caroliniana L. Rob. p. 478. Stem creep- ing, leaves heart-shaped, lobed, incised, hairy; corolla brick red. This species is very mucilagi- nous, and is employed instead of common mallow. 295. Hibiscus grandiflorus Mich.-Guimauve des Marais Rob. p. 479. Stem three or four feet high, leaves on long petioles, heart-shaped, une- qually toothed, velveted, flowers solitary, termi- nal, over half a foot in diameter, exterior calyx with 10 linear sepals, petals white, red at the base, stamina white, capsuls tomentose rough, seeds round. Grows in swamps. 296. Hibiscus hastatus Mich H. militaris Wild. Pursh.-Guimauve 2. Rob. p. 479. Found in dry grounds. 297. Sida cardanisea Raf. Ramis pubescens rigidis gracilis, foliis remotis lineari-lanceolatis serratis, 91 floribus terminalibus subsessilibus glomeratis, pe- talis patulis oblique obcordatis. Raf.—Sida 1. Rob. p. 480. Stem about three feet, branches alternate, round, slender, distant, leaves alternate two inches long, three or four flowers together, large, yellow, nearly two inches diameter, petals unequally obcordated, assuming the appearance of an irregular cross. 298. Sida bicallosa Raf. Caule frutescens ramosissi- mo, foliis oblongis dentatis, axillis bicallosis, flo- ribus solitaris axillaris terminalibusque, longe pedunculatis Raf.—Sida 2. Rob. p. 480. The flowers are yellow and small, the two acute emi- nences assimilate this species with S. spinosa, although it resembles more S. rhombifolia. 299. Sida spinosa L. Rob. p. 480. Rises three of four feet. ORDER XV.-MAGNOLIA. P. 265. 300. Magnolia grandiflora L. Rob. p. 481 and 301. Magnolia fragrans Raf. Arborea, foliis peren- nantibus petiolatis oblongis utrinque acutis, subtus pallidis, ramis unifloris Raf.—M. glauca Rob. p. 481. A small tree 20 to 30 feet high, bark grey, branches many, green, buds silky, flowers white, sweet scented, over four inches in diameter : grows on the margins of water. This is the M. glauca var. longifolia of Pursh. 92 ORDER XVI. -ANNONÆ. 302. Porcelia triloba Pers. Pursh. Annona triloba L.-Assiminier Rob. p. 482. It rises about 20 feet, grows always in shady woods, branches brown and smooth, leaves odoriferous, flowers brown red lateral pedunculated. The fruit is ex- cellent odoriferous; it never hurts and is a se- dative. ORDER XVIII.-BERBERIDES 303. Rhexia ludoviciana Raf. Hispida, caule ramoso striato, ramis incurvis, foliis sessilibus oblongis acutis integris rigidis trinervis, nervis ciliatis ; flo- ribus terminalibus pedunculatis nutantibus. Raf. -Anonyme Rob. p. 483. Perhaps a variety of R. mariana? It does not belong to this order. Scarcely a foot high, forming a small bush, branches nearly horizontal, but uprighted at the top, and bearing each four or five flowers, petals rose, filaments long flat, anthers yellow. ORDER XIX.-TILIACEA. 304. Tilia stenopetola Raf. Foliis base obliquis den- ticulatis glabris, petalis oblongis acutis integris. Raf.-Tilleul de la Louisiane Rob. p. 484 Large tree over 60 feet high, and two feet dia- meter, bark thin and rough, wood soft and light, 93 peduncles long and slender on a bractea, flowers small, very fragrant. ORDER XX.-CISTI. 305. Viola pedata L.---Rob. p. 485. 306. lanceolata L.--Rob. P. 485. 307. sagittata L.--Rob. P. 485. - ORDER XXII.-CARYOPHYLLE. 308. Alsine media L.–Alsine Rob. p. 486. Blos- soms in February. 309. Spergula pumila Raf. Glabra, caule diffuso ge- niculato, foliis oppositis sessilibus filiformis acutis, floribus pedunculatis, petalis obovatis concavis. Raf.-Spergula Rob. p. 486. A very small plant scarcely one inch bigh, flowers white, blossom- ing in February, 10 stamina, 5 styles, capsul glo- bular. 310. Saponaria villosa Raf. Caule stricto gracile te- reti villoso, foliis lanceolatis, calycibus cylindricis, petalis dentatis Raf.—Saponaria Rob. P. 486. Stem a foot high, flowers white. - 91 CLASS XIV.-D. POLYPETALES PERIGYNES. . ORDER IV.-PORTULACEA. 311. Portulaca oleracea L. Rob. p. 486. A variety with red, slender stems, and leaves, grows in the streets of New Orleans, the common sort grows in gardens and fields. XXI. N. G. HYDROPYXIS. Calyx persistens 5 parti- tus, extus bibracteatus, laciniis binis interioribus minoribus. Corolla peripetala crateriformis, lim- bus inequaliter 5 lobus. Stamina 4. didynamis epicorollis, antheris hastatis. Ovarium superum stylo simplex, stigma capitatum trilobum. Cap- sula unilocularis polysperma triangularis circum- scissa, receptaculum centrale liberum.-Obs. This genus does not at all belong to this order nor class; but it has some slight affinity with Mi- cranthemum, Gratiola, Pinguicula, &c. in the or- der Chasmanthia. The name means water pyxi- dium, which last name has been given to the circumscissed capsuls. Raf. 312. Hydropyxis palustris Raf. Caulibus repentibus prostratis, foliis ....... floribus axillaribus solitaris pedunculatis Raf.-Pourpier des marais Rob. p. 488. Common in the swamps and ditches near New Orleans; Robin does not describe the leaves, but they are probably similar to those of Portu- laca, corolla white shaded with violet, stigma large and green. 95 ORDER VI.--OENOTHERA. 313. Oenothera alata Raf. Ramis alatis, foliis sessi- libus ovali-lanceolatis integris glabris, floribus ses- silibus, petalis unguiculatis, stigma globosum, cap- sulis tetrapteris Raf.-Oenothera 1. Rob. p. 489. Stem four feet high, branched, fleshy, leaves thin, of a fine green, large, flowers yellow, calyx four partite, stigma globular entire. The flowers only last from noon to 4 o'clock. XXII. N. G. PLEURANDRA. Calyx adherens tubulosus apice bifidus, laciniis reflexis caducis. Corolla petalis 4 spathulatis unilateralis erectis. Stami- nib. 8 pistilloque declinatis horisontalis petalis oppositis, stigma 4 lobum. Capsula 4 loculare polysperma. -Obs. This genus appears to differ from the Chamerium (which contains all the spe- cies of Epilobium with irregular flowers) by the bifid calyx, lobed stigma, and probably by the naked seeds. The name means lateral stamina. Raf. 314. Pleurandra alba Raf. Suffruticosa, ramis tere- tibus virgatis fragilis, foliis sessilibus angustis integris acutis ; floribus axillaribus terminalibus. que, brevi pedunculatis, genitalibus elongatis, capsulis ovalis canaliculatis. Raf.-Enothera 2. Rob. p. 490. 490. Stem 7 feet high, bark rusty, tube of the calyx very long, petals white; the flowers have a fragrant smell in the morning. XXIII. N.G. Onosuris. Calyx adherens tubulosus 96 apice bifidus, laciniis reflexis caducis. Corolla 4 petala plana. Staminibus 8 erectis, flamentis crassis, antheris longis, stylo unico, stigmata 4. Capsula 4 locularis polysperma.--Obs. This dif- fers from the foregoing by the regular petals, stamina, &c 4 stigmas, and from Enothera by this last character, and the bifid calyx. The name was an ancient one for some species of Oeno- thera or Epilobium, and means Ass's tail. Raf. 315. Onosuris acuminata Raf. Caule hirsuto, foliis confertis sessilibus lanceolatis acuminatis subden- tatis, dentibus remotis obtusis, floribus axillaribus, calicibus angulatis petalis obcordatis. Raf.--Oeno- thera 3. Rob. p. 490. Stem thick seven feet high, flowers yellow. 316. Oenothera viscosa Raf. Caule ramoso decumbens tereti villoso viscoso, foliis sessilibus lanceolatis nervosis dentato-sinuatis; floribus axillaribus, ses- silibus petalis obcordatis, stigma 4-lobuin, cap- sulis cylindricis canaliculatis. Raf.—Onagre vis- queuse Rob. p. 491. Stem three or four feet long, flowers pale yellow, opening in the evening, and folding in the morning, blossoming in March and April, calyx with a long tube and four divi- sions. 317. Jussieva grandiflora Mich.—Onagre des marais Rob. p. 419. Stem round, thick, nearly procum- bent, roots creeping, leaves petiolate ovate; flowers axillary on long peduncles, five yellow petals cuneiform, two bracteas under the ovary, capsul round and curved. Blossoms in May. 97 ORDER VII.-MYRTI. . 318. Decumaria sarmentosa Wild.—Rob. p. 492. 319. Philadelphus inodorus L.-Rob. p. 492. ORDER IX.-SALICARIA. - 320. Frangula fragilis Raf. Foliis alternis petiolatis oblongis cuneatis acutis integris, floribus fascicu- latis pedunculatis Raf.–Salicaire Rob. p. 493. Shrub reaching 15 feet, stem and branches slen- der and brittle, bark brown, leaves terminal with regular nerves. Flowers 12 to 15 in each bundle, peduncles short and stiff: calyx urceolated with five white stiff teeth, five petals short, but longer than the calyx, five stamina of the length of the petals, opposed and laying on them. One ovary, one style, one furrowed stigma. Blossoms in April. Of course it does not belong to this order, but to the Rhamnoides; the genus Frangula con- tains all the species of Rhamnus with only one style and stigma. ORDER X.-ROSACEA. 321. Crategus coccineus L ?--Aubepine Rob. p. 494. The leaves are used as a tea against indigestion. 322. Agrimonia parviflora L ?-Aubepine Rob. p. 494. . 323. Potentilla strigosa Pallas.-P. Pensylvanica, var. strigosa, Pursh. P. Pensylvanica Rob. p. 494. . 324. Fragaria ......... Rob. p. 494. A species com- I 98 - mon in the meadows of Washita, has leaves simi- lar to the Chili strawberry, but the fruit small and unpleasant. 325. Geum agrimonioides Pursh ?-Rob. p. 494, dif- fering from G. virginianum by longer petals. 326. Rubus nitidus Raf. ?—Ronce 1. Rob. p. 495. I I have found this species in the Atlantic states, it resembles much the R. flagellaris Wild. Robin only says that it has round stems, with number- less unequal prickles, the leaves quinate and ter- nate, smooth, shining above, deeply toothed, fruit oblong. 327. Rubus angulatus Raf. ? Caule angulato, foliis quinato ternatisque, foliolis latis ovatis dentatis glabris Raf.-Ronce 2. Rob. p. 495. A doubt- ful species, leaves larger and broader than in the foregoing. 328. Prunus virginianus L. Rob. p. 495 and 318. Fine upright tree, rising over 60 feet. 329. Prunus stenophyllus Raf. Fruticosus, erectus, foliis lanceolatis, pedunculis geminis ternatisque, drupis globosis nigris dulcis. Raf.–Cerasus cana- densis Rob. p. 495. A shrub eight or ten feet high, leaves narrow, flowers white, berries sweet and black. Grows near Washita. 330. Prunus .......... Rob. p. 495. He says there are several species of plumb trees in the woods of Louisiana, some of which are large trees with a thick foliage, the fruits are of several colours, some are good to eat, but some are intolerably astringent. As he does not describe them, it is 99 impossible to ascertain the species, but they are probably new. Order XI.-LEGUMINOSA. 331. Mimosa eburnea L.? Rob. p. 496. Common in the southern parts of Louisiana and Florida ; it grows in fields and sands, forming a large bush, it blossoms all the year round, and is at the same time covered with flowers and fruits. The bran- ches are slender, brown, and covered with gemi- nated straight thorns, one or two inches long, di- verging and of a shining white; the flowers are yellow, in a globular head, of the size of a filbert, the calyx and corolla are irregular, there are many stamina and one style, the pods are round, clammy, longer than a finger, with transverse par- titions and oblong seeds The M. eburnea being a native of the East-Indies, this is probably a dif- ferent species, to which the name of M. chiona- cantha might be given ; but Robin omitting to de- scribe the leaves, the following imperfect defi- nition could only be framed, which I have to re- gret, is not sufficiently comparative. M. chio- nacantha Raf. Fruticosa cespitosa aculeata, aculeis geminatis stipularis divergentibus patulis strictis niveis lucidis, (foliis bipinnatis, foliolis 6 jugis,) capitulis globosis, floribus irregularis po- lyandris, lomentis strictis teretis glutinosis. Raf. 332. Gleditschia heterophylla Raf. Ramis patulis strictis, aculeis ramosis basi fasciculatis, foliis pinnatis bi- 100 - pinnatisque, floribus spicatis, lomentis longissimis compressis. Raf.-Fevier Rob. p. 497. Large tree 70 feet high, bark smooth and blackish, stem straight and round, branches beginning very low, the longest 20 feet long, quite straight; the thorns are six to eight inches long, surrounded with shorter ones at the base. In winter this tree has an unpleasant aspect with its long naked and thorny branches, the buds come out from the bark in March, the first leaves are only pinnated with about 17 pairs of folioles, those coming out in April, are bipinnate : the flowers open in April, they are male and hermaphrodite on some individuals, female only on some others : the spikes are catkin-like, three or four inches long, M. Fl. calyx four parted hairy at the bottom, four petals seven stamens double in length. Herm. Fl. five parted, six petals opening like a cup, six stamina equal to the petals, pistil longer than the corolla and hairy, stigma peltated. Pods 12 to 15 inches long, one broad, pulp sweet, next acrid. The cattle like the pods, and a good beverage is made with the pulp. 333. Gleditschia triacanthos, var. inermis, Pursh. Per- haps a variety of the foregoing, not described by Robin, p. 498. 334. Cassia ciliata Raf. Caule ramoso, foliis 6 jugis, petiolis uniglandulosis, foliolis oblongis acutis gla- bris ciliatis, pedunculis axillaribus trifloris R2f. -Anonyme Rob. p. 499. Stem five or six feet high, smooth, folioles about three inches long, pe- 101 tiols geniculated at their insertion, and with a red elliptic gland, flowers yellow, the upper division of the calyx broader, shorter, and concave ; five petals nearly equal, the upper a little larger, ten unequal stamina, two longer and curved along with the ovary, pods long with many seeds, which the countrymen use instead of coffee. This plant has only become common of late. 335. Cercis canadensis L. Rob. p. 499. It rises 20 to 25 feet; the flowers are small and rose co- loured. XXIV. N. G. Diplonyx Raf. Calyx urceolatus bila- biatus, labium sup. fissum, labium inf. tridentatum. Corolla papilionacea, vexillum reflexum, ungui- culus glandulosus, alæ biunguiculatæ emarginata calcarata, carina biunguiculata. Stamina 10 (di- adelpha ?) Leguminibus teretibus polyspermis.- Obs. This new genus, whose name means double nails, is strikingly different from all papilionaceous plants; it has merely some slight analogies of characters and habit with Apios and Indigofera, but none with Cytisus. Raf. 336. Diplonix elegans Raf. Fruticosum volubile, foliis impari pinnatis, foliolis oppositis hastatis, margine revolutis, subtus tomentosis, racemis teretibus, elongatis, calycibus villosis, leguminibus arcua- tis. Raf.–Cytise vulg. liane blanche Rob. P. 500. An elegant vine, rising 30 to 40 feet over trees, and with numerous suspended branches ; found in the islands between the Mississippi and Ataka- The leaves have 13 folioles, the flowers - pas. 1* 102 - are of a light violet, and form beautiful long, large, and thick bunches, the vexillum is white in the middle, the seeds are oval. It blossoms at the end of April. 337. Lupinus perennis L. Rob. p. 500. 338. Psoralea melilotoides Michx.-Psoralea Rob. p. 500. Rising 15 to 18 inches, stem striated, leaves rather rough, flowers purplish, spikes an inch long, on very long and stiff peduncles ; calyx turbinated, with five acuminated and ciliated teeth, vexillum reflexed, keel divided into two petals, pod compressed, round, wrinkled, one seeded. It blossoms in March and April. 339. Trifolium ludovicianum Raf. Caulibus ramosis prostratis striatis pubescentibus, foliolis obcorda- tis denticulatis, capitulis globosis longe peduncu- latis, leguminibus pedunculatis ovatis inflatis te- traspermis. Raf.-Trefle 1. Rob. p. 501. A small species, very common in meadows, flowers of a dirty white. 340. Trifolium repens L. Rob. p. 501. Very use- ful; introduced from the northern states ; it in- creases with rapidity, and destroys the weeds ; it keeps green in the greatest heats, and even in winter. 341. Trifolium pensylvanicum Wild.-Trefle 3. Rob. p. 501. Rare, in the meadows. 342. Melilotus robini Raf. Caule tereti levi, foliolis oblongis emarginatis denticulatis, spicis axillari- bus, vexillum erectum, leguminibus inflatis levis 2-3 spermis. Raf.-Melilot des Indes Rob. p. 103 a 502. Stem two or three feet high, many spikes of yellow flowers ; it blossoms in April. 343. Dolichos lacteus Raf. Caule erecto tereti glabro, apice ramoso, ramis horizontalis ; foliolis oblongis, mollibus : racemis elongatis, leguminibus calicu- latis oblongis turgidis. Raf.-Josephine, Rob. p. 502, and 267. Fine perennial plant, sending every year a shoot similar to that of asparagus and glaucous ; the folioles are ternated and sti- pulated, the flower of a milk white, seeds yellow and small; grows in meadows. It is said that it possesses the property of mitigating acute pain, and purifying the blood ; the seeds may be eaten. 344. Dolichos tomentosus Raf. Caule gracile volubile, foliolis cordatis subtus cano-tomentosis, floribus brevi pedunculatis, calycibus bracteatis coloratis villosis. Raf.-Dolic tomenteux Rob. p. 502. Flowers white, bracteas scaly, calyx white, urce- olated, four toothed, the lower tooth the longest. XXV. N. G. XYPHANTHUS. Raf. Calyx 5 dentatus co- loratus crassus ; Corolla papilionacea, vexillum acinaciforme plicatum, alæ carinaque amplectens ; Stamina 10 monadelpha ? Legumen elongatum torulosum.-Obs. This genus differs from Ery- thrina by the shape of the calyx, which is not bilobated ; the E. herbacea belongs perhaps to it. The name means Sword-flower. 345. Xyphanthus hederifolius Raf. Radice tuberosa, caule herbaceo spinoso tereti fistuloso levi san- guineo ; foliolis subtrilobis acuminatis : racemo - 104 - spicato terminali elongato, floribus brevi pedun- culatis, verticillatis fasciculatis, fasciculis trifloris. Raf.-Erythrina Rob. p. 503. A remarkable plant, having much affinity with Erythrina herba- cea; the stem is thick, four feet high, the thorns axillary, the folioles similar to the leaves of the ivy; the calyx, corolla and fruit are scarlet, the spike is very long, the corolla is an inch long, si- milar to a sabre, of which the calyx appears to be the handle; the vexillum alone is visible. XXVI. N. G. BRADBURYA. Calyx campanulatus ine- qualiter 5 fidus, Corolla papilionacea resupinata, Vexillum magnum subrotundum emarginatum planum unguiculatum basi callosus, Alæ angustæ intus reflexæ carina conniventes, Carina brevis erecta emarginata. Staminibus 10 diadelphis apice uncinatis : Stylo stigmatoque planis depres- sis. Leguminibus angusto linearibus polysper- mis. Foliis ternatis, pedunculis axillaris gemina- tis vel bifloris, vexillis maculatis.-Obs. I dedicate this new genus to Mr. Bradbury, who in his tra- vels up the Missouri discovered so many new plants. It is perfectly distinct from Glycine, to which Robin unites it. Raf. 346. Bradburya scandens Raf. Scandens, foliolis ob- longis ; floribus geminatis ternisque, calycibus bibracteatis, alæ carinaque hirsutis. Raf.—Gly. cine 1. Rob. p. 503. Stem rising 12 feet upon trees, blossoming in August and September, with fine large flowers, vexillom white outside, viola- ceous inside, with a white spot in the centre. - 105 - P. 504. Two divisions of the calyx under the keel longer and sickle shaped, pods three or four inches long, only two lines broad, flowers one inch and a half in diameter. 347. Bradburya erecta Raf. Caule erecto fruticuloso, fo- liolis petiolatis ovatis, pedunculis bifloris, floribus glabris ebracteatis. Raf - Glycine 2. Rob. Stem less than two feet high, smooth and slender, flowers of a pale violet, the vexillum striped of a deep violet and with an oblong white spot; the two upper divisions of the calyx smaller, one inferior, longer and narrower. Blossoms in May. 348. Amorpha ? lutea Raf. Caule herbaceo ramoso, ramis teretis levis, foliis pari-pionatis stipulatis, foliolis oblongis mucronatis, spicis pedunculatis paucifloris bracteatis. Raf.—Amorpha 1. Rob. p. 504. Stem four or five feet high, flowers yel- low, four or five on slender peduncles ; vulgar name, Indigo sauvage; used as an astringent to- pic. Perhaps not an Amorpha ; Robin does not to describe the flowers, but says that the corollas have the aspect of a Rosaceous ! Unsimilar to any North American leguminous by its abrupt leaves and yellow flowers, except the following genus and Sesbania. 349. Amorpha tomentosa ? Raf.---Amorpha 2. Rob. p. 505. A doubtful species, of which Robin only mentions its being tomentose: probably similar to the foregoing in other characters. - 12 106 XXVII. N. G. DARWINIA. Calyx 5 dentatus, corolla papilionacea, carina unicalcarata, calcar subula- tum, staminib. 10 diadelphis, leguminibus longis- simis linearis angustis planis polyspermis, semi- nibus oblongis.—Obs. This genus differs from Indigofera by not having a double spur, nor a round pod. I dedicate it to the celebrated Dar- win, who ought to have already received such an honour from his countrymen ; but should any genus have lately and previously been named after him, unknown to me, then I propose to substitute thereto the name of Monoplectra. 350. Darwinia exaltata Raf. Caule exaltato stricto tereti pulverulento, apice ramoso, foliolis pari- pinnatis, foliolis numerosissimis petiolatis subtus glaucis, pedunculis bifloris. Raf.—Indigotier de la Louisiane Rob. p. 505. Beautiful plant, from eight to ten feet high, stem smooth, without branches, except at the summit; leaves very long, having upwards of 50 pair of folioles, green, smooth and soft above, on round petiols, articu- lated at their insertion. Flowers of a dirty yel- low outside, and of a gold yellow inside, pods eight inches long, two lines broad, seeds brown and small. A variety has the vexillum variega- ted outside (mordoré.) 351. Robinia pseudacacia L. Rob. p. 505. 352. Crotalaria ovalis Pursh.-Bagnodier herbacé, Rob. p. 505. Leaves oval, thick, nearly sessile, calyx with five unequal teeth, and two appen- dages or auricles. - - 107 353. Hedysarum ....... several species not described. ORDER XII.-TEREBINTHACEA. - XXVIII. N. G. PhilosteMON. Calyx urceolatus 5 dentatus, corolla 5 petala, petalis perigynis linea- ribus reflexis. Stamina 5, filamentis conniventi- bus perigynis, antheris oblongis. Ovarium libe- rum, stylo stigmatoque simplex. (Fructus Drupa monosperma ?)–Obs. This genus differs from Rhus by the connection of the stamina, and the simple stigma, Robin does not describe the fruit : the name means Friend to Stems. Raf. 354. Philostemon radicans Raf. Caule scandens radi- cans, foliis ternatis, foliolis ovatis villosis, binis sessilibus, media petiolata ; floribus pedunculatis Raf.—Terebinthacée liane Rob. p. 506. This plant is so much like the Rhus radicans of Lin. that I had at first an idea of their identity ; but besides the generic characters, the Rhus radicans differs by being poisonous and having dioical flowers in compound racemes. This vine rises 20 to 30 feet, is very woody, the wood has white and close fibres, the bark is marbled of grey and brown, the leaves are pale underneath, the flowers are green and blossom in March. 355. Rhus typhinum L. Rising to 30 feet. 356. copallinum L. XXIX. N. G. PSEUDOPETALON. Dioicum. Fl. Masc. Calyx minutus 5 partitus, Parapetalis 5, longiore, sepalis calycinis oppositis, intus inflexis, stamina 5, . 109 sepalis calycinis alterna, filamertis basi incrassatis, antheris didymis. Ovarium rudimenta abortivum Fl. Fem. ut masculis, parapetalis angustior, stami- na 0. Ovarium difforme sepe didymus, stylis sepe 2, interdum unicum, brevis, stigmata capi- tata. (Fructus capsul. 2—1. monosp ?)—Obs. Very near to Zanthoxylum, differing by the re- markable parapetals, situation of stamina and few pistils. The name means false petals. Belong- ing probably to the family of Rhamnoides Raf. 357. Pseudopetalon glandulosum Raf. Arboreum, foliis alternis impari pinnatis, petiolis inermis, foliolis 11–13 oppositis dentatis, dentibus glandulosis ; floribus terminalibus cymosis. Raf.--Zanthoxy- lum Rob. p. 507. It has some analogy with Z. fraxineum, but is yet very different: It is a tree from 30 to 40 feet high, with a large round head, the stem is straight, the branches are nearly ver- ticillated, the thorns are short and straight, fixed on a thick pyramidal knob, the bark is wbitish. The flowers are small and green. This tree has a strong smell in all its parts, and a burning taste, even in the bark and wood; it is employed for the aromatic baths, but delicate persons are apt to feel indisposed by its use. The roots have been employed successfully as a vermifuge for horses. 358. Ptelea? tomentosa Raf. Arborescens, ramulis tomentosis, foliis ternatis, foliolis lanceolatis inte- gris subtus cano-tomentosis, media majore ; flo- ribus terminalibus paniculatis, stigma unicum! 109 - Raf.-Ptelea Rob. p. 509. A large shrub 20 feet high, branches long with few leaves, bark grey- ish white, leaves on long petiols : flowers green- ish, petals linear patent, longer than the calyx, a short style and only one stigma! Samare white. The leaves have a strong and disagreeable smell, from which it is called vulgarly Bois puant (Stink- ing wood ;) but the flowers have a most fragrant smell. Perhaps a new genus ? 359. Juglans nigra L. Rob. p 509. Rising to 80 feet, diameter three to four feet, blossoms in April. 360. Hicorius amara Raf. ? Juglans amara Mich.- Juglans alba ovata Rob. p. 510. Robin describes with accuracy the fructification of this tree; but scarcely notices the leaves. It rises to 100 feet, the bark is grey, the leaves have nine to eleven small folioles, male flowers trifid tetrandrous, fe- male with a longer division in the calyx, blossoms in April. My genus Hicorius, long ago proposed, contains all the species of Juglans which have tri- fid male flowers (instead of six cleft) generally tetrandrous, and fruits with angular and quadrifid shells. 361. Hicorius integrifolia Raf. Foliolis 9–11 lan- ceolatis acuminatis integris glabriusculis, ramulis petiolisque tomentosis ; floribus 6—8 andris, 'la- cinia media lepigonalis elongata acuminata, sepa- lo femineo-elongato acuminato, nucibus 4-gonis Raf.—Noyer pacanier amer Rob. p. 511. It is very different from the real Pacanier or Hicorius oliveformis. It is a very tall tree, with a brown K 110 bark, wood white heavy close, and employed by wheelwrights and joiners; it blossoms in April. 362. Celastrus bullatus L.-C. scandens Rob. p. 512. . . This vine is the real C. bullatus which Pursh thinks a doubtful species, therefore it will be well to translate Robin's whole description, which will fix the species. A large woody vine, stems two or three inches in diameter, wood compact tough and elastic, bark smooth black, on young branches yellowish green shining, branches horizontal, leaves alternate petiolated oval acute scarcely toothed, smooth, nerved, shining above : flowers small greenish in terminal panicles, calyx with five open lobes, five petals (opposed to the calyx, says Robin !) with inflexed margin, each holding a stamina with straight oblong filaments and very small anthers; ovary small dipt in a large glan- dular flat disk, style very short; berry red, next becoming black, fleshy with many seeds! 363. Cassine ramulosa Raf. Fruticosa ramulosa sem- pervirens, foliis alternis lanceolatis crassis lu- cidis sub-serratis ; floribus axillaribus fasciculatis Raf.-Cassine Rob. p. 513. This shrub is a real Cassine ; that genus had been blotted out of the North-American flora, but must now be restored thereto. It rises about 12 feet, it bears branches from the base to the top: the flowers are white, the calyx is small, five-parted, persistent, five pe- tals longer than the calyx, five stamina subulated, with simple anthers, three sessile and reflexed stigmas; berry red, three locular, with three om- - a 111 - bilics and three ovoid seeds. It grows on the sea shore near Pensacola, and at Opelousas. The Indians use it as the Ilex vomitoria. 364. Ilex opaca Aiton.-Ilex Rob. p. 514. Fine tree - . 50 feet high, stem straight, bark smooth, whitish, foliage pyramidal and thick, flowers dioical, co- rolla white, rotate, four stamina opposed to its divisions ! filaments subulated, anthers oblong: in the female flowers corolla deeply four parted, four sterile stamina, one sessile stigma ; berry red round four seeded. The species of Ilex with only one stigma, ought to form at least a sub- genus, and the genera Pultoria and Maurocenia” ought to be re-established. CLASS XV.-DICOTYLES APETALES IDIOGYNES. ORDER 1.- EUPHORBIÆ. Rob. P. 365. Euphorbia corollata L. Tithymale Rob. 515. It is the Ipecacuana of Louisiana, the In- dians who use it as such call it Pe-eca. 366. Euphorbia ludoviciana Raf. Glabra, caule di- chotomo diffuso prostrato, ramis divaricatis, foliis sessilibus carnosis denticulatis , floribus solitaris, perianthus oblongus turbinatus quadrifidus, lacinis integris intus coloratis, capsulis longe pedicellatis, nutantibus. Raf.--Euphorbe couchée ou tithy- 112 male dichotome Rob. p. 515. Stems four feet long, similar to those of Portulaca, flowers small white, blossoming in July and August. 367. Euphorbia helioscopia. L. 368. Acalypha fruticulosa Raf. Fruticulosa, ramis di- varicatis rufo-tomentosis, foliis petiolatis ovatis dentatis, flore femineo unico in pediculum spica mascula, involucris involutis inequaliter dentatis Raf.-Acalyphe monoique Rob. p. 516. Small shrub less than two feet high, with many slender branches, flowers solitary axillar, a single female flower setting on the male pedicel. 369. Acalypha digyneia Raf. Caule herbaceo ramoso tomentoso, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis den- tatis villosis, floribus femineis binis in pediculum spica mascula, involucris planis ciliatis. Raf. Acalyphe 2. Rob. p. 516. . Stem two feet high, flowers solitary axillar, anthers forming a long spike, involucels bent at the edge with thick up- right hairs, two opposite female flowers on the male pedicel. ORDER II.-CUCURBITACEA. 270. Cucumis melo L. 371. Cucurbita pepo L. 372. potiro Pers. 373. melopepo L. 374. — citrullus L. 375. lagenaria L. Cultivated in Gardens. 113 376. Passiflora lutea ? Grenadille Rob. p. 518. Peren- . nial, not described, grows on bushes. 377. Sicyos acuta Raf. ? Scandens, foliis lobatis, fruc- tibus glomeratis ovatis acutis setosis, setis echina- tis intertextis. Raf.-Cucurbitacée Rob. p. 518. A doubtful species, perhaps only a variety of S. angulata. Its herbaceous stem rises 30 to 40 feet upon trees! the fruits are of the size of fil- . berts, united eight or ten together, they contain one white seed. ORDER III._URTICA. 378. Morus rubra L. Rob. p. 518. 379. Morus tomentosa Raf. Foliis lato cordatis acumi- natis dentatis, supra lucidis scabris, subtus tomen- tosis; floribus monoicis, amentis plerumque an- drogynis, apice femineis. Raf.--Murier à fruit blanc. Rob. p. 518. Perhaps only a variety of the foregoing, but with white fruit; a large tree, upright and handsome, bark whitish and smooth ; it blossoms in March ; the male catkins are cy- lindrical and loose, the female catkins are shorter and thicker, but they are generally united. 380. Urtica rubra Raf. Caule stimuloso, foliis ovatis subtus atro purpureis, floribus monoicis verticil- Jatis glomeratis, femineis basillaris, masculis api- cularis. Raf.-Ortie rouge Rob. p. 519. Two feet high, vulgar name red-nettle, K* 114 .381. Urtica alba Raf.-Ortie blanche Rob. p. 519. Not described ; size of the foregoing ; perhaps it is the U. dioica? 382. Urtica leucotrys Raf. Foliis cordatis, paniculis axillaribus albis horizontalis planis lanceolatis. Raf.-Ortie 3. Rob. p. 519. A rare species, taller and with broader leaves than the foregoing, scarcely described. 383. Humulus lupulus L. naturalized. 384. Cannabis sativa L. Near New-Orleans. 385. Mylocarium ligustrinum Wild. ?-Anonyme, Rob. p. 519. Not described ; Robin only says, that it is a shrub seven or eight feet high, of the family of Pepper! with leaves faintly scented, and small white sweet scented flowers. XXX. N. G. LASCADIUM. Monoicum, Fl. Masc. plu- rimis umbellatis flore femineo circondans, Calyx lanatum integrum, corolla 0, staminib. circiter 12, filamentis brevis, antheris crassis. Fl. Fem. uni- cum centrale, calyx ut mascul. ovarium trilobum, stylis 3 partitis. Capsula trisperma ovata levis.- Obs. This is a remarkable new genus, having merely some faint analogy with Stillingia ; the name was an ancient one for some hairy plant with monoical flowers. It does not belong to this order, but to the order of Euphorbiæ. Raf. 386. Lascadium lanatum Raf. Totum lanatum, caule erecto tereti ramoso, foliis alternis petiolatis has- tato-cordatis ; floribus glomeratis pedunculatis terminalibug. Raf.--Atakapаce Rob. p. 519. Found only in Atakapas ; the whole plant has a 115 strong smell, the stem rises about four feet, the leaves set on long petiols, they are five inches long and two broad, the fruit is of the size of a pea and the shape of an egg, greenish marbled and smooth. ORDER VI.-AMENTACEA. a 387. Ulmus alba Raf. Arboreus, ramis pendulis levie bus albidis, foliis oblongis, basi acutis inequali. bus, duplicate dentatis, supra lucidis scabriusculis, subtus villosis. Raf.-Orme 1. Rob. p. 520. А common tree about 60 feet high, with long flexible branches, wood white, used by wheelwrights. Robin thinks that it is nearly similar to what he calls Ulmus Americana alba, or the American rough leaved elm, and I strongly suspect it is the U. americana, var. pendula, of Aiton and Pursh, but at y rate it ought to form a distinct species. 388. Ulmus pinguis Raf.-Orme 2. Rob. p. 521. Not described ; perhaps it is the U. fulva of Michaux, but I strongly suspect it to be a peculiar species. Robin that it is less common than the fore- going, of a smaller size, and with smaller leaves, the branches more slender and more pendulous ; it grows in shady woods. The boiled bark af- fords a yellow and transparent mucilage, very thick and abundant, similar to glve, whence its vulgar name of Orme gras, (Fat Elm ;) this mu- cilage is used in the manufacture of indigo. says - 116 - 389. Salix denudata Raf. Arboreus, ramis sub apice denudatis, foliis ..... (oblongis ?) amentis mas- culi elongatis floribus hexandris triglandulosis. Raf.-Saule 1. Rob. p. 321. Rising to 60 feet, branches thick, covered with small branches, and leaves only at the top, where the foliage is thick ; leaves not described. 390. Salix ludoviciana ? Raf.-Saule 2. Rob. p. 521. . not described, Robin only says it has narrower leaves than the foregoing ! 391. Populus angulata Wild. ?-Peuplier Liard Rob. p. 521. One of the largest and handsomest trees of Louisiana ; pirogues more than 40 feet long and six wide, are made from a single trunk. 392. Populus trepida Wild. ? Peuplier 2. Rob. p. 522. A rare and small tree. 393. Myrica cerifera L. Rob. p. 522. Above 15 feet high. 394. Myrica caroliniensis Wild. ? Both species com- mon near waters in maritime regions, some inha- bitants spend some months in collecting the ber- ries and making the wax. 395. Liquidambar styraciflua L. Rob. P. 520. Vul- gar name Copal, the most majestic tree of Louisi- ana, rising nearly 100 feet, foliage very thick, it blossoms in February. It produces an aromatic rosin, which was burnt as incense by the Mexican priests. The wood is compact, tough, and takes a fine polish. They employ its buds and the Tillandsia usneoides growing on it, in the sudori- fic baths. These stately trees are often cut 117 down and wasted for the mere purpose of getting that parisitical plant. 396. Quercus virens Mich. Wild.-Grand Chene vert Rob. p. 264. Large lumps cover this tree, and spoil its shape, its branches grow also very irre- gularly. 397. Quercus phellos L. 398. laurifolia Michaux. 399. pigra L. 400. macrocarpa Michaux. Many other spe- cies of oaks grow in Louisiana. 401. Platanus occidentalis L. Rob. p. 524. ORDER V.-CONIFERÆ. 402. Cupressus disticha L.-Cyprés de la Louisiane Rob. p. 525, and vol. 2. p. 274. . 403. Pinus toda L. palustris Lambert. Rob. p. 525, says there are several species of pines in Louisiana, and he mentions one with four leaves, which may be distinct. 404. - THE END. INDEX OF LOUISIANIAN VULGAR NAMES. . Arroche, sp. 88 sp. 46 194 Barbe espagnole, Baume des sauvages, Bois bouton, Bois de flêche, Bois de marais, Bois puant, 245 236 358 Caille eau, sp. 111 Cannes, 28 Chou gras, 82 115 Citronelle, Copal, Curages, . 395 75. 79 Epinard du tropique, 88 Frène gras, 106 Gouet odorant, 20 120 sp. 116 192 Herbe à bouton, Herbe à chevreuil, Herbe à la houatte, Herbe à malo, Herbe à puce, Herbe à trois quarts, 158 39 150 223 sp. 36 Igname, Indigo sauvage. Ipecacuana, 348 363 29, 30 71 Latanier, Laurier, Laurier amande, Liane blanche, 70 336 sp. 5 Morille, Mousse d'arbre, Mozambé, 46 275 sp. 388 Orme gras, Ortie blanche, Ortie rouge, 381 380 sp. 29 Palmier nain, Pe-eca, Prêle, 365 11 Romarin, . 8p. 117 Serpentine, sp. 162 . INDEX OF NEW GENERA AND SUB-GENERA. Those marked thus * are sub-genera, Adnaria, * Agoseris, Ananthopus, Antenoron, * Anthanotis, Arnoglossum, g. 10. sp. 174 sp. 180 g. 1. sp. 58, 59 1 g. 4. sp. 73 4 sp. 158 . g. 13. sp. 199 Bradburya, g. 26. sp. 346-7 *Centeria, Chimanthus, sp. 282. g. 2. sp. 70 g. 27. sp. 230 Darwinia, *Dastima, *Decemium, * Descuria, Dileptium, *Dioctus, sp. 68. sp. 97 sp. 268 g. 20. sp. 272–3 sp. 79 L 122 Diototheca, Diplonix, Dupratzia, Dysosmon, g. 17. sp. 235 g. 24. sp. 336 g. 9. sp. 171 9 g. 7. sp. 148 Enslenia, Erechtites, *Esopon, g. 5. sp. 102 g. 14. sp. 200 sp. 176 Gynema, g. 12. sp. 194-6 g. 16. sp. 232 Heliophthalmum, *Hypogon, Hydropyxis, sp. 119 g. 21. sp. 312 Karpaton, g. 18. sp. 250 Lascadium, *Lentago g. 30. sp. 386 sp. 246 Mnesiteon, g. 15. sp. 211-13 Nibora, g. 6. sp. 105 Onopix, Onosuris, *Ornithosperma, g. 11. sp. 183-4 g. 23. sp. 315 sp. 145 Pagesia, Philostemon, g. 8. sp. 149 g. 28. sp. 354 123 Pleurandra, Pseudopetalon, g. 22. sp. 314 g. 29. sp. 357 *Serinia, Stylurus, sp. 175 g. 3.sp. 73 Triclinium, g. 19. sp. 252 Xyphanthus g. 25. sp. 345. mo*m INDEX OF OLD GENERA. The lines marked thus * are new species. sp. 84 *Acalypha, *Acanthus Acer, Adianthum, Agaricus, Agave, Agrimonia, Aletris, * Alisma, * Allium, Alsine, * Amaranthus, * Amorpha, Ampelopsis, Amsonia, Anagallis, * Anemone, Antirrhinum * Aretia, *Argem one, *Aristol ochia, * Arbutus, * Artem isia, Arum! sp. 368–9 *Asclepias, 157-61 104. *Ascyrum, 281 280 Asparagus, 31 8 Asplenium 10 2-3 "Aster, 203-7 47 322 Beta, 48 Bidens, 221-2 39 Bignonia, 151-2 49-51 Boletus, 4 308 Brunnichia, 87 88-91 Bumelia, 164 348-9 290 *Cacalia, 100 Callicarpa, 110 98 *Calystegia, 140 260-1 *Campanula, 130 Canna! 99 Cannabis 266 *Caprifolium, 65 *Cardamine 269-70 172 *Cardiospermum, 214-15 *Cassia ! 18-19 *Cassine, sp. 188 173 57 384 248-9 277 334 363 126 * Sp. 324 sp. 217–233 Ceanothus, 74 *Elephantopus 234 *Celtis, 68 *Equisetum * 11 Cercis, 335 *Erigeron, 201-2 Celastrus, 362 *Eryngium, 185 Cephalanthus, 236 *Eupatorium, 189-93 Chara, 13 *Euphorbia, 365-7 Chenopodium, 85-86 Cherophyllum, 254 Fragaria, *Chrysocoma, 197-8 *Frangula, 320 *Chrysophyllum 165 *Fraxinus, 106-108 *Clematis, 238-9 *Cleome, 275-6 *Galardia, Citrus, 284-5 Galium, 237-9 *Collinsonia, 119 Gelsemium 163 *Convolvulus, 142–3 *Gerardia, 155 *Cornus, 245–7 *Geranium, 291 *Coreopsis, 925–7 Geura, 325 Crategus, 321 *Gleditchia, 332-3 Crotalaria, 252 Cucumis, 370 *Hedyotis, Cucurbita, 371-5 Hedysarum, 335 Cupressus, 402 *Helianthus 219.229-31 Cyperus, 22 Heliotropium, 189 Cypripedium 60 Hibiscus, 295-6 *Hicorius, 360-1 Datura, sp. 134 *Hippuris, 12 255 Hopea, 168 Decumaria, 388 Humulus, 383 Dichondra, 101 *Hydrocotyle, 257 *Diodia, 240 *Hydrolea, 155 36 *Hydrophyllum, 97 Diospyros, 165 *Hypericum, 282-3 Dirca, 67 * Dolichos, 343–4 Ilex, *Dracocephalum, 125–6 *Ipomea, * 145-154 Iresine, 90 *Echites, sp. 144 *Iris, 54-6 *Eclipta, 214 sp. 243-4 *Daucus, Dioscorea, sp. 364 127 sp. 169, 170 sp. 52 * Jacobea, sp. 210 * Nasturtium, sp 271-4 Juglans, 359 *Nelumbium, 63-64 *Juncus, 37–8 Nicotiana, 133 Jussieva, 317 Nuphar, 61 *Justicia, 113 Nymphea, 62 Nyssa, 66 Kalmia, *Krigia, 175 *Oenothera, sp. 313-16 Olea, 109 Lactuca, sp. 178–9 Osmunda, 9 Lamium, 122 Oxalis, 292-3 Lantana, 111 *Laurus, 69-71 *Pancratium, Lenticula 16 Papaver, 267 Liatris, 186 *Paspalum, 25-26 Lilium, 41-44 Passiflora, 376 Liquidambar, 395 Paviana, 278-9 Lupinus, 337 *Peucedanum, 256 Lycoperdon, 6-7 Phalaris, 24 Philadelphus, 319 *Magnolia, sp. 300-1 *Phlox, 103. 146-7 Malva, 294 Physalis, 135-6 Mariupium, 124 Phytolaca, 182 *Marshallia, 187 Pinus, 403-4 * Melilotus, 342 *Plantago, 93-6 *Mentha, 121 Platanus, 401 Miegia, 28 *Prenanthes 176 Mikania, 191 *Prunus, 328-30 *Mimosa, 331 Psoralea, 338 *Mimulus, 131 *Ptelea, 358 *Monarda, 114-115 *Podophyllum, 20 *Morchella, 5 *Polygonum, 75-79 378-9 *Polymnia, 220 Mucor, 1 Populus, 390-91 Mylocarium, 385 Porcelia, 302 Myrica, 393-4 Portulaca, 311 Myriophyllum, 14 Potamogeton, 15 *Morus, 128 sp. 150 Potentilla, 323 *Solidago, 208-9 *Pycnanthemum, 116–17 *Sonchus, 181 *Spergula, 309 Quercus, sp. 396–400 *Spermacoce, 240 Spigelia, 162 *Ranunculus sp. 262–3 Spinacia, 85 *Rhexia, 303 *Stachys, 123 Rhus, 353 Styrax, 167 Robinia, 351 *Rubia, 242 Tecoma, *Rubus, 326–7 *Teucrium, 120 *Rumex, 80–81 *Tilia, 304 Tillandsia, 46 *Sabalum, sp. 29-80 *Trifolium, 339-41 Sabbattia, 155 Triticum, 27 *Sagittaria, 40 *Troximon, 177.180.182 389-90 Typha, 21 *Salvia, 118 *Saponaria, 310 *Ulmus, *Sarracenia, 17 *Urtica, 380-2 Scirpus, 22 *Scrophularia, 129 Verbascum, *Scutellaria, 127–8 Verbena, 112 *Sicyos, 377 Verbesina, 218.223-4 *Sida, 296-8 Viburnum, 246 Silphium, 228 Viola, 305-7 Sison, 253 *Viscum, 251 Sisyrinchium, 43 *Vitis, 286 9 *Sisymbrium, 268 Smilax, 32-35 Yucca, 45 *Solanum, 137-38 *Salix, sp. 387–8 sp. 132 SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLOᎡUL ILUDOPICTᎯᎳᎪ. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF LOUISIANA, BY C. S. RAFINESQUE. Whoever shall have the opportunity of comparing my labour with the fragments of Robin, will soon per- ceive the wide difference between our works. The numberless defects of his Flora were of such a nature as effectually precluded the possibility of ever being practically employed by the botanist. I have endea- voured to collect, name, and describe the objects which he had merely pointed out, and to select among ma- terials, generally drowned in useless and superfluous details, those that appeared new, important, or char- acteristic. My work is, therefore, quite different from Robin's, and very far from a mere translation or com- pilation : having, however, derived the materials from him, it is just to give him credit for them, so far as he deserves. In order to render this Florula less incomplete, I mean to add in this Supplement, the enumeration of all the plants already mentioned by authors às natives of the State of Louisiana, and omitted by Robin : those authors are principally Bartram, Michaux, Pursh, Mublenberg, &c. Bartram visited the shores of the Mississippi, and has noticed some of the plants found there, in his tra- yels to Florida, &c. 132 Michaux never visited Louisiana, and has very few plants from the shores of the Mississippi. Pursh never went there ; but received some com- munications from Enslen, who had visited that State. Muhlenberg has enumerated in his Catalogue of the plants of North America, many sent him from the shores of the Mississippi and Washita, by Dunbar, Moore, &c. some of which are even new ; but he has not de- scribed them. This addition will not be very considerable, yet it may be considered as another step towards the know- ledge of the vegetation west of the Mississippi. About 120 species, whereof several appear to be new, are here added, making a total of 525 species, hitherto known as natives of the State of Louisiana. This Supplement shall be classed according to the improved natural method, already published in my Ana- lysis of Nature, in 1815. The Flora of Robin was the first work ever published on American plants, according to the natural method of Jussieu, though with all its defects and without corrections. This shall be the first attempt on its improved plan : the natural classes only will be given here, since the small number of plants to be enumerated requires no further extension of the method. Its full application and the characters of the natural orders and families, will soon appear in my Flora Missurica, or Flora of the regions west of the Mississippi, and in the natural classifica- tion of all European and American genera, two works which may speedily follow this. 133 CLASS I.-ELTROGYNIA. Stem or caudex vascular and fibrous, vessels and fibres in concentrical layers, surrounding a central pith or hollow. Flowers with one or many ovaries unconnected with the perigone. Stamina never inserted on a peripetal corolla. (monopetal ! L.) Bodies with a root and caudex, commonly a stem, often a woody one, stem branched, always with leaves or scales, • and conspicuous flowers, fruits and seeds; germination generally isocotyle dicotyle and opposite, seldom polico- tyle or heterocotyle. 405. Rubus flagellaris Wild. On the Mississippi, ac- cording to Muhlenberg's catalogue. 406. Delphinium azureum Mich. 407. Magnolia acuminata L. On the Mississippi, Mg. 408. - macrophylla Mich. On the Mississippi, Mx. Mg. Bartr. 409. Nicium floridanum L. On the Mississippi, Mx. Mg. Bartr. 410. Liriodendron tulipiferum L. Near Natchez and Manchac, Bartram, and on the Red-River, &c. 411. Planera gmelini Mich. P. aquatica Mg. 412. Carpinum americana Wild. On the Mississippi, Bartram. 413. Acer negundo L. On Lake Maurepas, Bartram. M 131 414. Acer dasycarpum Wild.—A. glaucum Bartram, On Lake Maurepas. 415. Acer nigrum Mich. On the Red-River, where it is called sugar-tree: it produces sugar as the A. Saccharinum. 416. Castanea americana Raf.-Cast. vesca americana Wild. Pursh. On the Mississippi and the Red- River. 417. Fagus alba Raf. F. Sylvatica Pursh. On the Pearl-River and the Mississippi, Bartram. 418. Laurus persea L. In Louisiana, Mg. 419. -- carolinensis Mich.-L. Borbonia Bartr. On the Mississippi Mg. 420. Hamamelis virginica L. On the Mississippi, Mg. 421. Illecebrum polygonioides Wild. On the Missis- sippi, Mg. 422. Agrimonia pumila Mg. Cat. On the Mississippi, not described. 423. Euphorbia cyathophora Wild. On the Mississip- pi, Parsh. 424. Euphorbia thymifolia Wild. On the Mississippi, Pursh, and My. 425. Papaver rhoeas L. On the Washita, Mg. 426 somniferum L. On the Washita, Mg. 427 Pachysandra procumbens Mich. On the Missis- sippi, Mg. 428. Hibiscus manihot L. On the banks of the Mis- sissippi, Mg. Pursh. Mich. 129. Jatropha manihot L. Cultivated in Louisiana. 430. Croton glandulosum Wild. 431. Stillingia sylvatica L? Found by Bartram. 135 432. Ficus carica L. Caltivated. 433. Juniperus barbadensis ? L.-J. Americana! Bar- tram. 434. Rhampus R. frangula! Bartram. 435. Zanthoxylum clavaherculis L. Bartram. 436. Cleome pentaphylla ? L.-Cl. lupinifolia Bar- tram, p. 425. perhaps it is the Cl. edulis. Fl. sp. 275. Bartram found it on the Taensapaoa, and merely says, that it has a strong scent somewhat similar to Assafætida, notwithstanding which, the inbabitants give it a place in soups and sauces, 437. Azedara speciosa Raf.-Melia azedarach L. 438. Rivina levis L. On the Washita, Mg. 439. Fraxinus juglandifolia Wild ?-F. excelsior ? Bartram. 440. Prunus coccinea Raf. Arborescens spinosus, fo- . liis lato-ovatis serratis nervosis mucronatis ; dru- pis oblongis coccinies. Raf.—Plumb. Bartram, travels, p. 424. Grows on Pearl Island, and pro- bably on the other Islands of Louisiana. It rises about 12 feet high, with a spreading top and spiny branches, the leaves are broad and terminated by a subulated point. It produces abundance of large crimson fruits, of a very enticing appear- ance; they are rather tart, yet are an agree- able eating, at sultry noon; and they afford a most delicious marinelade, when preserved in sugar; they make also excellent tarts. 441. Vitis riparia Mich. 442. Sida rhombifolia L. 443. alceoides Mich. ܪ --- 136 444. Acacia glandulosa ? Wild.—Mimosa glandulosa Mich. Mimosa virgata Bartr. trav. p. 421. On the banks of the Mississippi. Bartram found his M. virgata on the Sea Islands, and his imperfect description does not agree altogether with that of A. glandulosa : I shall therefore copy it, as it may happen that bis species shall prove different. Pe- rennial plant, sending up many nearly erect stems, dividing in many ascending slender branches, with double pinnated leaves, of a most delicate forma- tion. The flowers are of a pale greenish yellow forming small oblong heads, upon a long slender peduncle : the legumes are large lunated and flat, placed in a spiral or contorted manner, each containing several hard compressed little beans. If different from A. glandulosa it may be charac- terised as follows : Acacia virgata Raf. Cauli- bus erectis ramosis, ramis virgatis, foliis bipinna- tis ; capitulis oblongis, longe pedunculatis, legumi- nibus lunatis latis depressis contortis. Raf. 445. Schrankia intsia Wild ?-Mimosa horridula Mich. -Mimosa pudica Bartr. trav. p. 430. Found by Bartram, near Manchac on the Mississippi. This species is not described by Bartram; he merely says, that it grows five or six feet high, rambling like briar vines over the fences and shrubs in gardens ; the inhabitants say it is indigenous, but is not found in forests and fields, and resembles entirely the M. pudica of the hot houses. It is considered as a weed, for wherever it gets foot- ing, it spreads itself by its seeds, in so great abun- 137 dance as to oppress and even extirpate more use. ful vegetables. 446. Erythrina herbacea L. On the Mississippi, Mg. 447. Lathyrus pusillus Mg. N. Sp. (not described.) On the Mississippi, flowers purple, blossoming in June. 448. Sesbania platycarpa Mg. Flowers red! On the Mississippi, Mg. 449. Sesbania macrocarpa Mg.-S. platycarpa Pers. (and Phaca floridana.)—S. disperma Pursh.—Es- chynomene platycarpa Michaux.-Robinia vesi- caria Jacquin. On the Mississippi, flowers yellow, Mg. These two species are merely distinguished by Mg. in his catalogue, by the colour of the flowers and shape of the pods. 450. Polygonum aviculare L. 451. - coccineum Raf. Foliis ovato-oblongis acuminatis, ochreis truncatis glabris ; spica cylin- drica, floribus pentandris digynis Raf.-P. bistor- ta, Walter.-P. coccineum, var. terrestre Pursh, Very different from the P. amphibium Michaux, which Wildenow has called also P. coccineum, and has obtuse leaves. 452. Brassica washitana Mg. Cat. not described, found on the Washita, by Dunbar, flowers red. 453. Tilia heterophylla Ventenat. On the Mississip- pi, Pursh. 454. Podalyria alba Wild.-Sophora and Crotalaria alba L. 455. Ricinus communis L. On the Washita,, Mg as* 138 - 456. Wendlandia populifolia Wild.-- Androphylax scan- dens Wendland. ---Menispermum carolinianum Walter. (Cissampelos smilacina Wild. :) On the Mississippi. 457. Menispermum dubium Mg. Cat. perhaps the M. lyoni of Pursh. On the Mississippi. 458. Salix Washitana Mg. Cat. On the Washita. 459. Bivonea stimulosa Raf. In Mirror of Sciences.- Jatropha stimulosa Mich. Pursh. Sea-shore of Louisiana. CLASS II.—MESOGYNIA. .- Stem or caudex vascular and fibrous, vessels and fibres in concentrical layers, surrounding a central pith or hollow. Flowers, with one or many ovaries, unconnected with the perigone. Stamina constantly inserted on a peripetal corolla, (monopetal!) Bodies with a root and caudex, commonly a stem, seldom woody, often branched, always with leaves or scales, and conspicuous flowers, fruits, and seeds : ger- mination commonly isocotyle, dicotyle, and opposite. 460. Lithospermum apulum! L.-Pursh. On the Mis- sissippi. 461. Hydrophyllum pusillum Mg. Cat. In Louisiana, undescribed, perhaps the H. tribolum Fl. sp. 97 ? 462. Scutellaria cordifolia Mg. Cat. Undescribed, on 139 the Mississippi, perhaps the same with S.deltoides, Fl. sp. 127. 463. Martynia proboscidea L. On the Mississippi, Mg. 464. Dianthera pedunculata L. On the Mississippi, Mich. 465. Lamium hispidulum Mich. On the Mississippi. 466. Catalpium amena Raf.—Bignonia catalpa. L.- Catalpa syringefolium Pursh. On the Mississippi, Mich. 467. Verbena aubletia Wild?-Buchnera canadensis L. -Glandularia carolinensis Gmelin, &c.—Verbena anonyma Bartr. trav. p. 136. Found by Bartram near Pointe Coupée : he says, that it is a beautiful species, with decumbent branches and lacerated deep green leaves, the branches bear corymbs of violet blue flowers. It grows in fields, in good soil, and blossoms in Autumn. 468. Lycium carolinianum Mich.-L. Salsum Bartr. 469. Gentiana puberula Mich. 470. Bumelia lycioides Mich. Sideroxylon Bartram. 471. Convolvulus jalappa L. In Louisiana Mg. 472. Ipomea tamnifolia Wild ? On the Mississippi, Mg, 473. Ipomea coccinea Mich. In Louisiana, Pursh. 474. Cantua aggregata Pursh. On the Mississippi. 475. Gonolobus leve Mich. On the Mississippi, Mg. 476. Apocynum hypericifolium ? Aiton. 477. Diospyros pubescens Pursh.-D. caroliniana Mg. On the Mississippi near Natchez - 140 CLASS III.-ENDOGYGIA. Stem or caudex vascular and fibrous, vessels and fibres in concentrical layers, surrounding a central pith or hollow. Flowers with a single ovary, connected with the calyx or exterior perigone. Stamina constantly in- serted on the interior perigone, which is a peripetal corolla. Bodies with a root and caudex, commonly a stem, seldom woody, often branched, always with leaves or scales, and conspicuous flowers, fruits and seeds: germination commonly dicotyle, isotyle, and opposite. 478. Sambucus canadensis L. On Lake Maurepas and on the Taensa, Bartram. 479. Viburnum molle Mich. 480. Spermacoce glabra Mich. On the Mississippi. 481. Halesia tetraptera L. On Lake Maurepas and at Pointe Coupée, Bartram. 482. Triosteum angustifolium L. 483. Carthamus tinctorius L. Cultivated. 484. Taraxacum densleonis, Decandolle.—Leontodon taraxacum L. On the Washita, Mg. 485. Jacobea balsamita Raf-Senecio lyratus, Mich. -S.lobatus, Pers. Mg.-S.balsamita Wild. Pursh. --S. glabellus, Lam. On the Mississippi, Mg. 486. Eupatorium altissimum Wild. On the Missis- sippi, Pursh. 487. Rudbeckia amplexifolia Wild. In Louisiana, on the banks of the Mississippi, Mg. Pursh, - - - - 141 - 438. Zinnia multiflora L. On the Mississippi, Pursh. 489. Bæbera chrysanthemoides Wild -Tagetes pap- posa Mich. On the overflowed banks of the Mississippi, Mich. and Pursh. 490. Helenium canaliculatum Lam. In Louisiana. 491. Mesodetra alata Raf.--Rudbeckia alata Jaq.—He- lenium quadridentatum Wild. Pursh. On the banks of the Mississippi, Pursh. It must form a new genus, which differs by the perianthe, sta- mina and flowers from Rudbeckia and Helenium. Stamina 4. 492. Silphium laciniatum L. On the Mississippi, Pursh. 493. Silphium terebinthaceum L. On the Mississippi, Pursh. Mich. 494. Scorzonera pinnatifida Mich. On the Missis- sippi, Mg. CLASS IV._SYMPHOGYNIA. Stem or caudex vascular and fibrous, vessels and fibres in concentrical layers, surrounding a central pith or hollow. Flowers with a single ovary, connected with the calyx or the perigone ; stamina never inserted on a peripetal corolla, or interior peripetal perigone. Bodies with a root and caudex, commonly a stem, sometimes a woody one, often branched, always with leaves or scales, and conspicuous flowers, fruits and 142 seeds ; germination generally dicotyle, isocotyle, and op- posite. 495. Lobelia fulgens Pursh. Pursh. On the Mississippi. 496. Momordica echinata Wild. Pursh. Sicyos lo- bata Mich. On the Mississippi, Pursh. 437. Eryngium fetidum L. In Louisiana, Mich. 498. Cactus opuntia ? L. 499. Enothera glauca Mich. 500. Nyssa villosa Wild. Pursh.-N. multiflora, Wal- ter and Bartram. 501. Nyssa biflora Wild. Pursh.—N. aquatica, L. Bartr.-N. integrifolia Aiton. Both species were found by Bartram on the banks of the lake Mau- repas. 502. Punica granatum L. Cultivated, Mg. 503. Malus coronarius Dec.—Pyrus coronarius L. Near White Plains and Pointe-Coupée, Bar- tram. 504. Quercus hemispherica Bartr. Wild. Pursh. Near lake Maurepas, Bartr. 505. Hicorius ..... Juglans exaltata Bartr. Found near Pointe-Coupée ; p