Museur UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 359 T83 3 9015 06346 4500 1837 SCIENTIA ARTES LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUEBOR SI QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM AMENAM CIRCUMSPICE LOCO010/09 P LATES IN ILLUSTRATION OF A HAND-BOOK TO THE FLORA OF CEYLON. BY HENRY TRIMEN, M.B. (Lond.), F.R.S. CONTINUED BY SIR J. D. HOOKER, G.C.S.I., C.B., F.R.S. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON. PLATES LXXVI.-C. LONDON: DULAU AND CO., 37 SOHO SQUARE. 1898. Leanyelijk 10-18-27 15510 HAND-BOOK to the FLORA of CEYLON. EXPLANATION OF OF THE PLATES. 2 "W WH 3G-&-to (The sign x indicates that the figure is more or less enlarged.) PLATE LXXVI. PODOSTEMON (MAVÆLIA) METZGERIOIDES, Trim. I, a plant in flower. 2, stem and rootlets. x 3, branch with leaves and flowers. x 4, bracts, spathes, and flowers. 5, bract. x 6, flowers. x (Vol. iii. p. 419.) PLATE LXXVII. PIPER THWAITESII, Cas. DC. I, flowering branch. 2, portion of flowering spike. X 3, vertical section of ditto. x 4, stamens. X 5, fruiting branch. 6, ovaries. x 8, seed. x 9, portion of stem. 10, leaf. (Vol. iii. 7, fruit. p. 426.) PLATE LXXVIII. HORTONIA ANGUSTIFOLIA, Thw. I, flowering branch. 2, dorsal, and 3, front view of flower. x 4, vertical section of flower. x 5, stamen and inner petals. x 6, anther. x 7, vertical section of carpel. x (Vol. iii. p. 437.) PLATE LXXIX. HELICIA ZEYLANICA, Gardn. 1, flowering branch. 2, flower. x 3, petal and stamen. x 4, back and front views of stamen. x 5, top of pedicel disk and base of ovary. x 6, ovary. x 7, transverse section of ovary. x 8, ripe fruit, (Vol. iii. p. 457.) PLATE LXXX. 2, leaf and flower. 3, seed. (Vol. iii. p. 473.) NOTOTHIXOS FLOCCOSUS, Oliv. 1, flowering branch. PLATE LXXXI. BALANOPHORA THWAITESII, Eichl. I, male plant. 2, upper bracts and heads of flowers of young male plant, with section of portion of ditto. 3, male flower. x 4, fem. plant. plant. 5, superficial portion of fem. plant with spadicels and fem. flowers. x (Vol. iii. p. 477.) PLATE LXXXII. HEMICYCLIA GARDNERI, Thw. I, flowering branch of male plant. 2, bud of same. x 3, open flowers. x 4, whorl of stamens. X 5, portion of branch with fem. flowers. 6, pedicel, disk, and ovary. X 7, 8, 9, three sections of ovary, vertical transverse, vertical median, and transverse. x II, dorsal, and 12, ventral views of putamen, x 13, transverse section of ditto. x 14, transverse section of embryo. (Vol. iv. p. 37.) Io, fruits. PLATE LXXXIII. TRIGONOSTEMON DIPLOPETALUS, Thw. 1, flowering branch. 2, back view of male flower. x 3, corolla. x 4, petal. x 5, fem. flower. x 6, (?). 7, pedicel and ovary. X 8, vertical, and 9, transverse sections of ditto. x 10, immature , fruit. (Vol. iv. p. 51.) PLATE LXXXIV. DIMORPHOCALYX GLABELLUS, Thw. 1, flowering branch of fem. plant. 2, male flower. x 3, the same, with part of calyx and petals removed. 4, fem. flower. x 5, the same, with portion of calyx removed. * 6, vertical section of ovary and disk. X 7, transverse section of ovary. x 8, fruits. 9, vertical section of ripe carpel and seed. * IO, embryo. x (Vol. iv. p. 54.) PLATE LXXXV. ADENOCHLÆNA ZEYLANICA. I, branch with male flowers. 2, male flower. x 3, transverse section of male flower-bud. x 4, stamens. X 5, branch with female flowers. 6, male and female flowers and buds. x 7, transverse section of ovary. * 8, ripe fruit. x x (Vol. iv. p. 60.) CELTIS CINNAMOMEA, Lindl. section of ovary. X PLATE LXXXVI. 1, flowering branch. 2, male flower. x 3 and 4, stamens. x 7 immature fruit. (Vol. iv. p. 81.) 5, bisexual flower. x 6, vertical PLATE LXXXVII. 2, vertical section of flower. x 3, stamens. X 4, transverse section of BURMANNIA CHAMPIONII, Thw. I, three plants. ovary. X (Vol. iv. p. 131.) PLATE LXXXVIII. BULBOPHYLLUM ELEGANS, Gærtn. I, flowering plant. 2, flower. x 3, front, and 4, side views of flowers with the sepals removed. x 5, anthers and pollinia. x 6, transverse section of ovary. x 7, fruiting plant. (Vol. iv. p. 156.) CELOGYNE ODORATISSIMA, Lindl. (Vol. iv. p. 160.) PLATE LXXXIX. I, plant in flower and fruit. 2, sepals and petals. 3, lip. 4, ovary and column. 5, pollinia. 5, fruit. PLATE XC. CYMBIDIUM ENSIFOLIUM, Siv., var. HÆMATODES, Trim. 1, flowering plant. 2, lip. x 3, column. x 4, pollinia. x 6 (?). (Vol. iv. p. 180.) PLATE XCI. . VANILLA MOONII, Thw. 1, flowering branch. 2, flower with petals removed and longitudinal section of lip (Vol. iv. p. 221.) PLATE XCII. CURCUMA OLIGANTHA, Trim. 1, two flowering plants. 2, a leafing plant. 3, lip. x stigma. 5, anthers, style, and stigma. x (Vol. iv. p. 242.) x 4, base of staminode, anther, style, and PLATE XCIII. DIOSCOREA SPICATA, Roth. 1, flowering branch of male plant. 2, male flower. x 3, stamens and pistillode. x 5, flowering branch of fem. plant. 6, fem. flower. x 6 7, fem. perianth, staminodes, and ovary. x section of ovary. X II, portion of root. (Vol. iv. p. 277.) 4, stamens. X 8, transverse 9, fruit. Io, leaf. PLATE XCIV. CYANOTIS OBTUSA, Trim. 1, portion of plant flowering. 2, floral spike. 3, flower. x 4, calyx. x 5, petal. 6, stamen. x x 7, ovary, style, and stigma. x 8, capsule. 9, dehiscent capsule. x Io, seeds. x (Vol. iv. p. 312.) 4, bud PLATE XCV. PHENIX ZEYLANICA, Trim. I, base of petiole and spines. 2, middle part of leaf with panicles. 3, male spadix. of male flower. x 5, opened male flower. x 6, petals and stamens. x 7, fem. spathe and spadix. 8, branch of fem. spadix. 9, fem. flower. x 10, fem. flower viewed from above. x II, calyx. x 12, petal. x ovaries. x 14, carpel. x 15, fruiting branch of spadix. 16, immature, and 17, mature fruits. 18, seeds, front, back, and side views. 19, transverse section of seed. (Vol. iv. p. 326.) 13, three PLATE XCVI. 1, entire plants. 2, spike. * 3 (?). 4, vertical section of bulbil. x CYPERUS BULBOSUS, Vahl, (Vol. v.) 4 PLATE XCVII. SCIRPODENDRON COSTATUM, Kurz. I, rootstock and bases of leaves. 2, male inflorescence. 3, fem. infructescence. side view of nut. 5, nut with epicarp removed. 6, vertical section of nut. 7, transverse section of nut. 8, seed. (Vol. v.) PLATE XCVIII. OryzA GRANULATA, Nees & Arn. 1, flowering plant. 2, spikelets and pedicel. x 3, tip of palea. X 4, top of sheath and base of leaf. x 5, transverse section of sheath and stem. (Vol. v.) PLATE XCIX. GARNOTIA STRICTA, Thw. non Brongn., G. TECTORUM, Hook. f. I, whole plant. . 2, geminate spikelets. x 3, spikelet. x 4, glume I. x 5, glume Il. x 6, flowering glume. x 5, palea. X 6, upper part of sheath with base of leaf and ligule. X (Vol. v.) PLATE C. ARUNDINARIA DENSIFOLIA, Munro. 1, inflorescence. 2, base of stem and rootstock. 2, portion of panicle. 3, spikelet. . 4, glumes I. and II. x 5, glume III. * 6-9, front and side views of palea, with prolongation of the rhachilla. x 12, small leaf of young shoots, and base of old leaf with top of sheath an ligule. (Vol. v.) PLATE XLIX. 7 OO 8 4 5 6 1 2 9 10 3 H& Alwis del. R. Morgan lith West, Newman imp HEDYOTIS LESSERTIANA, Arn. NIN OF 110 UNIL OF CH PLATE L. 1 6 5 7 4 A une co 2 3 10 8 G.De Alwis del R. Morgan lith. West, Newman imp DIPLOSPORA DAL ZELLII, Hk.f. GUIN ov M NA OF です ​ PLATE LI. 2 3 7 8 00 5 1 4 9 6 Alwis del R Morgan lith. West, Nevian imp KNOXIA PLATYCARPA, Arn. اله Bio treet PLATE LII Со CO 6 1 5 4 I 3 2 7. G.De Alwis del R Morgan lith West Newman imp. IXORA JUCUNDA, Thw. View UNIE By OS "CH PLATE LIIT 1 2. 3 CO. ca C9 0 0 8 7 Сл 5 10 6 Alwis del R. Morgan lith West, Newman imp COFFEA TRAVANCORENSIS, W & A. Al OF 10 UNIE MICH OF Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume PLATE LVII. மேன் 3 4 6 5 7. 2 1 Almas del R. Morgan Lath. West, Nowman imp ANAPHALIS PELLICULATA,Trim. UNI OF JOH QE PLATE IVII. n 3 1- 5 2. West, Newman irup Alwis del R. Morgan lith GYNURA ZEYLANICA, Trim. POH UNEL OF PLATE LIX. 4 17 1 CO 5. 2 3 West, Newman imp. HDe Alwis dal. R Morgan lith, BASSIA NERIIFOLIA Moon. . UNIG Bay UNIRE not PLATE LX, 12 11 9 10 69 7 6 5 2 1 3 00 . 4 4 H.De Alwis del R Morgan lith West, Newman imp OCHRO SIA BORBONICA, Gmel. NIN POH UNIRE not PLATE LXI. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 CO Alwis del. R.Morgan lith West, Newana nan imp WRIGHTIA FLAVIDO-ROSEA, Trim. UNIL OF RICH PLATE LXII. 5 1 2 3 4 Alwis del R. Morgan lith West, Newinan imp. TYLOPHORA FLAVA,Irim. UNIL OF IW PLATE LXIIT 5 Сл M 2 1 3 4 W.De Alwis del. R. Morgan lith West Newman imp CEROPEGIA PARVIFLORA Trim. UNIL OF PIONE PLATE LXIV. 4 O C 7. 8 8 9 2 1 3 5 6 Alwis del R. Morgan lith West, Newman imp GÆRTNERA TERNIFOLIA, Thw. INIL MICH OF PLATE LXV. 2 TY QQ 0 0 0 0 3 1 5 6 8. Al-vis del R Morgan bith. West, Newman map CRAWFURDIA JAPONICA, S & Z. Var. CHAMPIONII, Gard. UNIL OF NICK PLATE LXVI 3 4 2 6 1 5 Wo De Alwis del. R Morgan lith West Newman imp. IPOMOA JUCUNDA Thu. UNIL OF Mic PLATE LXVII. 1 2 3 We Alwis del R Morgan lith. West Newman imp SOLANUM LEVE, Dun. UND OF PLATE LXVIII. 4 2 3 1 W. de Alwis del R. Morgen lith West, Newman ir CENTRANTHERA PROCUMBENS, Benth. UNIL OF Niche PLATE LXIX. Jest 3 4 1 63 B 2 5 H. de Alwis R. Morgan lith West, Newman imp. CHRIS TISONIA THWAITESII, Trim. UNIV MICH OF PLATE LXX TUT 3 4 2 5 W De Alwis del R. Morganlith West, Newman mp STROBIL ANTHES (ENDOPOCON) NO CKII, Irim. با اهد OF MICH PLATE LXYI. 1 8 CO 3 5 c 4 ie Gde lwis del. R Morgan Lith West, Newmar imp BARLERIA ARNOTTIANA, Nees, VAR GLABRA, Trim. UNIJ OF RICH PLATE LXXII. 5 GO 6 O 17 8 7 De Alwis del R Morgan lith. West Newman imp. PREMNA PURPURASCENS The . ! AIN PLATE LXXIII. 0. A 3 V 8 a 2 3 4 0 5 6 7 W.De Alwis del. R.Morgan lith. West Newman imp. GLOSSOCARYA SCANDENS, Trim. UNIL Mic OF PLATE LXXIV, 2 3 nimmt 4 Her 6 5 Shay 7 ब 1 West, Newman imp W De Alwis del R Morgan lith. COLEUS ELONGATUS, Trim. UNIL MICH OF PLATE LXXV 1 3 2 W.De Alwis del. R Morgan lith West Newman imp. ANIS OCHILUS PANICULATUS, Benth. UNTE OF . PLATE LXXVI. 1 5 6 velhos 3 2 G.De Alwis del. R. Morgan lith West Newman imp. PODOSTEMON (MAVLIA) METZGERIOIDES Trim, UNE OF SCH PLATE LXXVII, 5 * 7 8 4 6 میل 2 2 3 9 9 10 W.De Alwis del R.Morgan lith West Newman iran, PIPER THWAITESII, Cas. D.C. UNIL OF MIC PLATE LXXVIII. 2. 6 5 1 7. 3 4 H.De Alwis del R Morgan lith West, Newman imp HORTONIA AUGUSTIFOLIA Thw: UNIL OF Net PLATE LXXIX. 7 6 3 9 1 5 4 8 2 West Newman imp G De Alwis del R Morgan lith. HELICIA ZEYLANICA, Gardn. UNID HICHO OF PLATE LXXX. 1 3 2 G.De Alwis del R Morgan lith, West Newman imp. NOTOTHIXOS FLOCCO SUS Oliv. UNITED OF WICH M PLATE LXXXI. 2 3 5 4 O+ 오 ​1 H.&W. De Alwis del R. Margan lith. West,Newman, imp. BALANOPHORA THWAITESII, Eicht. UNIL OF MICH PLATE LXXXII 5 3 2 o 4 13 14 11 12 IG 1 10 7 6 8 9 HDe Alwis del. PMorgan lith. West, Newman imp HEMICYCLIA GARDNERI, Thw. UNIL OF M1 PLATE LXXXIII 2 4 3 9 1 8 5 10 G.De Alwis del R Morgan lith West Newman imp TRIGONOS TEMON DIPLOPE TALUS, Thw. UNIL OF PLATE LXXXIV 4 . 6 5 5 3 1 10 CO 7. 9 8 2 3. West, Newman imp H.De Alwis del. R. Morgan lith DIMORPHO CALYX GLABELLUS, Thu. UNIA OS MICH PLATE LXXXV. 5 6 1 7 00 8 2 0 4 3 H.De Alwis del. R.Morgan lith West, Newman imp ADENOCHLÆNA ZEYLANICA; Thw. UNIL OF Mion PLATE LXXXVI. 1 3 4 2 7 5 G De Alwis del R Morgan lith West, Newman imp CELTIS CINNAMOMEA, Lindi. UNIL OF MICH PLATE LXXXVII. 4 Sma 3 1 2 G. & W. De Alwis del R.Morgan lith West Newman imp. BURMANNIA CHAMPIONII Thu . INA OF MON PLATE LXXXVIII. 2 3 0 0 5 za 3 6 1 7 H&W.De Alwis del R. Morgan lith West Newman imp. BOLBOPHYLLUM ELEGANS, Gardn. INA OF MON PLATE LXXXIX. 1 4 5 2 3 W De Alwis del R. Morgan lith. West, Newman imp. COLOGYNE ODORATISSIMA Lindi. UNIL nicht OF PLATE XC.. 6 1 3 07 4 2 W.De Alwis del R.Morgan lith. West, Newman imp CYMBIDIUM ENSIFOLIUM, sw, var HEMATODES Trim. . UNIL OF MICH PLATE XCI. 1 2 West Newman imp. W.De Alwis del. R. Morgan lith. VANILLA MOONII Thw. 1 SN OF FLATE XCII. Cu 2 . 5 waty 4 1 3. W.De Alwis del R.Morgan lith West, Newman imp CURCUMA OLIGAN THA, Trim. UNI OF PLATE XCIIL. 2 3 192 4 6 co 5 om 7 1 8 m 10 9 11 G. & W.De Alwis del R Morgan lith DIOSCOREA SPICATA Roth, West Newman imp. OF "CH PLATE XCIV. 3 6 7 4 4 5 2 و 8 9 1 10 کے کی WDe Alme del. R.Morgan lith West Newman imp. CYANO TIS OBTUSA, Trim. UNIL OF MICHO PLATE XCV. M l--- e 5 5 8 12 9 10 11 d 13 14 16 17 3 18 19 7 སཝས་ ནད་མེད་པ་མི་ 15 2 West, Newman imp W.De Alwis del. R Morgan lith PHOENIX ZEYLANICA, Trim. \ 7 ད་ Af ICH PLATEXOVI. 4 1 3 2 W.De Alwis del R Morgan lith West Newman imo CYPERUS BULBOSUS, Vahi. Asic SMVD OF Apick PLATE XCVII. 3 5 6 8. 7 1 2 W.De Alwis del R Morgan lith West Newman imp. SCIRPODENDRON COS TATUM. Kurz, OF leicht PLATE XCVIII. 5 2 4 1 3 W.De Alwis del R Morgan litla West Newman imp ORYZA GRANULATA, Nees & Arn. 1 UNIL OF PLATE XCIX. 2. 1 3 8 דיון לוד 77777777777 4. on 5 7 W. De. Alwis del. R. Morgan lith. GARNOTIA STRIC TA, Brongn. West, Newman imp ONID OF MICH PLATE C. 2 3 4 6 7 --12---- 5 8. 10 9 11 1 W.De Alwis del. R. Morgan lith West, Newman imp ARUNDINARIA DENSIFOLIA, Munro. UNIL OF MICH