complete with a coloured plates 1837 SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TLEBOR A. SI QURRIS-PENINSULAM-AMEENAM CIRCUMSPICE POPULO NEC SED REGE 1 TROQUIO NEC Mark Rolled W HEFTIR & Sons LTD. Booksellers (New de Second hand) CAMBRIDGE, England Huseums QK 495 .P5 L222 1842 Atlas OF そして ​パン ​ 的 ​至 ​ А DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS P IN US, WITH DIRECTIONS RELATIVE TO THE CULTIVATION, AND Reinarks on the Uses of the several species : ALSO DESCRIPTIONS OF MANY OTHER NEW SPECIES OF THE FAMILY OF CONIFERÆ. Plates. BY AYLMER BOURKE LAMBERT, ESQ., F.R.S., VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE LINNÆAN SOCIETY, ETC. ETC. 1 LONDON: JAMES BOHN, 12, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. MDCCCXLII. transfer to Museums 3-5-65 Coen.libi) Heffer 1 - 22-25 11059 与之 ​Pinus sylvestre ۔ UNIE OF ICH NIP OF lecce 2 a E B B А D h Pinus sylvestris 1 GHIL OF BICH A B K D D g h PBawer dels a f Warner sculpt Pinus Pamilco . UNIE OF OH L B C a g h i Pinus Banksiana Fer & Bauer del. Wamer soul d UN THE OF ㅋ ​l 7 1 Pinus Caricio. . 0 20 010 h a CL Perus. Pilnsand با اور OF Pic d G a b b o E f Pinda Bummer delin Pinus maritima. . SHIV UN ICH 2 d B C a B. A Pinus halepensis. Fer Bauer det. 2 Queiróz sculp. UN or rich ca 2 Prus Mafsomana OF 09 А 2 19 D Prius Pinaster O er delin Tarner sculp SMID OF CH 95 ice а. a o D a O f b b a Ferd.d Bauer' detin. Pinus Pineal Warner sculp UNIL OF Bic & f 6 f Do B D a Ponus Pinea Find Bamor delin Warner sculp UNIL OF D OS a b. d e f G a Find Bauer dehin Pinus Pinea Warner sculp Pirms nopis Drawn from a live growing in the Royal Garden at hiw . HO 03 19 a B B a A С D f 60 h Pinus inops. Pero a Bauer delini Mackenzie sculp OF КК K a B. h B A E d. g D f Pinus resinosa , Tarner som UND OF Pic ll B a a d d Warner sculp Ferd. Bauer delin. Pinus variabili C ol a 7 b d Pinus Tada 7 846ee. Warn ( * / 2 В B Pinus Pada B le B A a h I Warme culp ) Pinus rigida Ferda Baur delin. OF HO Sport d 6 Pirms pungens UNIL Ho b 12 Pinus serotina. UNU ToH Pinus patula a OF CH 1 % Penus Teocote براون UN OF ICH CE a 6 Ponus leiophylla HO 1 B Pinus Montezuma OF ICH c al Brus occidentals. SM OF 10H AT d Pinus palustris T a B da f Arianes bonos ار را از اون OF وم B ef Pinus longifolia OF my ICH IN а B MA b d f f. F T Pond Bauer del Pinus canadensis Mackenzie se UN OF ICH OU GO006 ce codCODE 2 Pin Senasis. JN OF . ro 1 а b Pinus Cembra Mackenzie sculp Ferd,d Bauer delin UN Piet a M d. f h g k B K Pinus Cembra Wir soul Α. B B А а m D 0 E 1 k h F G Pinus Probud. Bauer delin Tarner Sc. UNIE PICH) OF A B E Pinus Excelsa, OF TOH f en Lambert aud SN OF B A ya a d 19 G Mackenzie soup Onda OF B А H 2 h dd f H Pinus alba. Mackenzin senin. terd-Barrer de JNE OF WICH A B H 0. f a d f 60 1 Pinus nigra . Mackenzie sculp UNIL BICH OF d. d B b Pinus rubra Varner wah Tra" Benvet detin UNIV OF liv 0. 772 0 k 00 g h 9 f Pius Orientalis UNIL OF M a WN f B. Pinus Piceal Fer Bauer del. Mackenzis cute UNIE OF Bich 0::0) h B d А g d I 1 Pinus Balsamea Buletin Mackenzie sculp 12 VICH OF G Pinus Frasera . UNU OF CH Prus religiosa MORE so B A F 2029 C. F Pinus Spectabilis. Semron Delin UNIL la 7 Pinus Canariensis 방 ​ a · Pinus dumosa 多 ​ICH } M W 3 B d Dinus tarrpolia IFarner Julp. OF CHI NO Ponus Denglasa UNIL OF ICH 22 C B B d E D 6 H h Pinus Sand Mackenzie sculp. UNIL OF ICH & h K 00 k С B B B D E h Pinus pendale Mackenzie sculp Baner delin BICH * 2, 4 s B A D 4m f I Pinreis microcarpa Hry Burreletin Mackenzie sculp ONIL OF CH 09:25 Pinus Cedrus SIC 1 th ca Pinus Deodara ON OF Pict f Pinus Deodaral SHIN OF 70 CCC 세 ​石 ​H M Araucaua. Cunninghamu ( TO d h E E b Dam Orientalis Warner h. h a w 2 2 Dammars Iustralis . UN TO A Araucania Imbriata. Drawn from a Tree growing rear the City of Concophon. South America OF *c) Araucaria Imbricata Tra em bandens. Tot kik vers. old 1832 SHIP OF lon H K J A ņ B Araucaria Imbricata a . Weddell, Sculp A 30 02 Come of the Araucanta Imbriata . M Amania. Brasiliana. AINS , في OF SCHE (ANGOLA 18% B. A braucaria Brasiliana OF ICH Cone of the Araucaria Brasiliana. Weddel. sc. A Manr Pet CV a o Asramaria Enelsa 6 KO, y h S Aram ان کا کردار UNIV 3 О. се; this mm Farodum distichum. n 2. 7см 2 Surodium Sempervirens . THI Bich WE Que F B h Copropues lusitanica y del ملا کر PICH 3 EA 2 Cupressus pendula. ONIL OF ICH + Skapa pendula UNIE OF ICH 0 然 ​TW . min 二 ​C. A. Iluja dolabrata Weddel so OF ICH ܗܐܐܐܐܐ 6 D Dacrydiom carefsinum SNIE 30 TCH ܀ Tonus radiata). OF RICH Pinus Muricata. OF ICH SVI a M o 3 a b Pinus Gerardiana ITHart del ESWeds HO 30 12.12 he 2/11 *** sh d. Pinus UNIL ICH OF ( Perus Montieda UNIL FICH OF 축 ​Pinus grandes. UNIL OF ICH اس امر کا Wine کار ارز الرابط KAN M کے ارکا این کار را باور نیز در رامسر کو زیر بحریک اکا کارکر Marry MAN ار م / 1 Pinus nobilis UN OF VICH N N Pinus Menziesi). OF Pinue Tuberculata JHIU UN im 7 B O Pinus Coulter UNIV CH Pinus bracteata. UN GHIL SICH OF b a a @ Pous lanceolata Jert & Bauer arlin 1 UNIL OF IGH . C Pinus Biulie OF tic Pinus Pindrow GAL OF Pinus Smithiana) Os